
Sample records for traed av al

  1. Jane Austen: tra brand e desiderio

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    Donata Meneghelli


    Full Text Available Che Jane Austen, dopo essere giunta a una incontrastata canonizzazione nel pantheon della letteratura occidentale, abbia recentemente intrapreso una   trionfante ascesa nell’ambito della cultura popolare è ormai “una verità universalmente riconosciuta”.   Il saggio analizza i modi, le forme, i supporti e i canali attraverso cui Jane Austen e i suoi testi narrativi (con particolare riferimento a Pride and Prejudice sono usciti dal cerchio tutto sommato ristretto dell’accademia, dei curricola universitari e dei lettori di professione, per entrare in uno spazio che è quello di YouTube, delle fan communities, della musica pop, dei blog, del romanzo rosa o dell’horror; i percorsi grazie ai quali sono diventati parte delle mitologie popolari del XXI secolo e al tempo stesso un brand di successo intorno al quale ruota una fitta rete di interessi economici (industria cinematografica e televisiva, turismo, editoria…, capace di catalizzare (e sfruttare desideri, proiezioni, aspettative di nuove tipologie di lettori; le inedite modalità di ricezione che caratterizzano questo fenomeno, e soprattutto la fan fiction, situata al punto di convergenza o di frizione tra diversi media (letteratura, cinema, televisione, web e media digitali in genere, tra produttori e consumatori, tra lettura e scrittura, tra strategie commerciali delle corporation e autarchia dei fan, tra “alto” e “basso”. Si tratta di un insieme di trasformazioni che scuote alle fondamenta le nostre consuetudini e le nostre credenze in quanto studiosi di letteratura: da una parte, emerge una nuova configurazione della testualità, euforica, rizomatica, molteplice, che si fa beffe di qualunque metafisica dell’originale e realizza in modo perverso alcune celebri utopie critiche; dall’altra, il caso Austen porta alla luce in maniera emblematica le contraddizioni latenti in qualunque processo di democratizzazione della cultura.





    La presente tesi ha avuto l’obiettivo di illustrare i rapporti tra l’Albania e la Gran Bretagna nel decennio tra il 1940 al 1950. Il lavoro viene svolto basandosi su tre momenti; a) l’ingresso dell’Albania nell’ottica della politica estera della Gran Bretagna e l’invio delle missioni militari britanniche in Albania. b) La fine della Guerra collocò l’Albania dall’altra parte della cortina di ferro rispetto ai britannici causando il peggioramento dei rapporti tra i due governi dopo gli...

  3. AV e attività di eccellenza. Nuove opportunità localizzative nel sistema Roma-Napoli

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    Adriana Galderisi


    , al fine di identificare le localizzazioni ottimali per disporre di un mercato di riferimento il più possibile esteso. Più specificamente, l’indicatore di accessibilità è stato definito in riferimento alla realizzazione della rete AV che collegherà Roma e Napoli in un tempo di 55 minuti. Pertanto, il sistema di aree per la localizzazione delle attività di eccellenza in ciascuna delle due polarità urbane considerate viene individuato ipotizzando un tempo massimo di percorrenza tra i due sistemi urbani pari a 90 minuti. Tale intervallo temporale si ritiene accettabile per il tipo di spostamenti connessi alle attività in esame: non si tratta, infatti, di spostamenti pendolari quanto, piuttosto, di una mobilità connessa alla fornitura di servizi altamente specializzati. Come ben evidenziato in una recente rassegna sul termine accessibilità, il tempo che si è disposti ad impiegare per raggiungere una data destinazione è, infatti, funzione del tipo di utenza e del tipo di attività o, più in generale, della convenienza per un dato individuo o per una data impresa (Litman, 2007. L’indicatore proposto tiene conto, oltre che del tempo di spostamento calcolato sulla rete su ferro sia nella tratta AV di connessione tra i due centri che nella tratta urbana della qualità del viaggio, considerando il numero e il tipo di scambi che è possibile effettuare sulla rete urbana, nell’arco temporale definito. L’applicazione dell’indicatore al sistema urbano integrato Roma-Napoli ha consentito l’individuazione, nelle due polarità urbane, di aree a diverso grado di “accessibilità” a partire dai due punti focali posti nelle stazioni AV e nell’arco temporale individuato e, conseguentemente, delle aree che, in ragione del solo parametro di accessibilità, risultano le più idonee per la localizzazione delle attività in esame.



    Mauro, Giovanni


    È ben nota l'importanza dell'apparato iconografico proprio della cartografia storica, il cui limite generalmente lamentato è relativo all'accuratezza geometrica. Nel presente contributo, mediante l'utilizzo di un software dedicato, disponibile gratuitamente in rete (Mapanalyst), si punta ad analizzare la precisione geometrica di alcune cartografie storiche (carte realizzate tra l'inizio del 1500 e la fine del 1700) relative al Golfo di Trieste. Utilizzando una serie di punti do...

  5. Emozionanti mostri femminili tra storia e cinema

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    Angela Giallongo


    Full Text Available Ricorrendo al concetto chiave di paura, usato come categoria storica, il presente contributo esamina l’antico mito gorgonico in sette film e in alcuni esempi di Teen Movies. L’analisi critica focalizza l’attenzione sull’interdipendenza tra le emozioni negative, gli usi attuali di questa immagine archetipica e la ricerca storica sull’immaginario di genere.

  6. Enhanced Biological Response of AVS-Functionalized Ti-6Al-4V Alloy through Covalent Immobilization of Collagen. (United States)

    Rezvanian, Parsa; Daza, Rafael; López, Patricia A; Ramos, Milagros; González-Nieto, Daniel; Elices, Manuel; Guinea, Gustavo V; Pérez-Rigueiro, José


    This study presents the development of an efficient procedure for covalently immobilizing collagen molecules on AVS-functionalized Ti-6Al-4V samples, and the assessment of the survival and proliferation of cells cultured on these substrates. Activated Vapor Silanization (AVS) is a versatile functionalization technique that allows obtaining a high density of active amine groups on the surface. A procedure is presented to covalently bind collagen to the functional layer using EDC/NHS as cross-linker. The covalently bound collagen proteins are characterized by fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy and their stability is tested. The effect of the cross-linker concentration on the process is assessed. The concentration of the cross-linker is optimized and a reliable cleaning protocol is developed for the removal of the excess of carbodiimide from the samples. The results demonstrate that the covalent immobilization of collagen type I on Ti-6Al-4V substrates, using the optimized protocol, increases the number of viable cells present on the material. Consequently, AVS in combination with the carbodiimide chemistry appears as a robust method for the immobilization of proteins and, for the first time, it is shown that it can be used to enhance the biological response to the material.

  7. Work life balance tra limiti istituzionali e pratiche innovative

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    Giovanna Campanella


    Full Text Available Come rispondono le politiche di conciliazione cura-lavoro alle esigenze delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori di nuova generazione: sempre più precari, poveri e instabili dal punto di vista reddituale e/o professionale? Con un sostanziale immobilismo politico.  Questo è il quadro che viene fuori da una rassegna delle principali politiche sociali italiane volte a supporto della genitorialità e alla garanzia dell’occupazione femminile. Il contributo mette in luce i limiti di tali politiche e coglie gli aspetti innovativi di pratiche che si sviluppano dal basso.  Al contempo, una riflessione al margine lascia aperta una importante questione sul rapporto tra flessibilità e conciliazione, ovvero tra organizzazione del lavoro e tempi di cura per la famiglia. Nell’era della rivoluzione digitale,  individuamo forti resistenze al cambiamento, sia da parte delle istituzioni, ma anche e soprattutto dal mondo produttivo, che vanta si modelli “agili” di forme di lavoro da un punto di vista formale (vedi il lavoro agile/ smart working ma che dal punto di vista sostanziale rimane radicato a modelli di contrattazione standar che non agevola né la condizioine lavorativa da un punto di vista di tutele né la conciliaizone cura lavoro e quindi l’occupazione femminile.

  8. Analysis list: tra-1 [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available tra-1 Adult,Larvae + ce10,, ...

  9. Tra cinema e fumetto: due usi del montaggio

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    Giuseppe Saitta


    Full Text Available Entrambi linguaggi visivi, ove la narrazione si dipana grazie al rapporto di interdipendenza cheogni singola immagine intrattiene con l'immagine che la precede e quella che le succede. Pur dovendo ricorrere dunque a un montaggio di immagini, fumetto e cinema presentano tra di loro grandi differenze, ma anche grandi similitudini. Cercheremo di scoprire quali sono affidandoci all'analisi della duplice trasposizione di "300" da parte di Frank Miller e Zack Snyder.

  10. Legionella dumoffii Tex-KL Mutated in an Operon Homologous to traC-traD is Defective in Epithelial Cell Invasion. (United States)

    Qin, Tian; Ken-Ichiro, Iida; Ren, Hong Yu; Zhou, Hai Jian; Yoshida, Shin-Ichi


    To understand the mechanism of invasion by Legionella dumoffii. The L. dumoffii strain Tex-KL was mutated using the Tn903 derivative, Tn903dIIlacZ. After screening 799 transposon insertion mutants, we isolated one defective mutant. We then constructed the gene-disrupted mutant, KL16, and studied its invasion of and intracellular growth in HeLa and A549 cells, and in A/J mice survival experiments. The structure of traC-traD operon was analyzed by RT-PCR. The transposon insertion was in a gene homologous to Salmonella typhi traC, which is required for the assembly of F pilin into the mature F pilus structure and for conjugal DNA transmission. Results from RT-PCR suggested that the traC-traD region formed an operon. We found that when the traC gene was disrupted, invasion and intracellular growth of L. dumoffii Tex-KL were impaired in human epithelial cells. When mice were infected by intranasal inoculation with a traC deficient mutant, their survival significantly increased when compared to mice infected with the wild-type strain.. Our results indicated that the traC-traD operon is required for the invasion and intracellular growth abilities of L. dumoffii Tex-KL in epithelial cells. Copyright © 2016 The Editorial Board of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. Published by China CDC. All rights reserved.

  11. AA.VV., La Giustizia nella Letteratura e nello Spettacolo Siciliani tra ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ruolo e i significati attribuiti al concetto di Giustizia nella. Letteratura e nello Spettacolo Siciliani tra '800 e '900. Da Verga a Sciascia costituisce il volume che raccoglie, a cura di Angelo. Zappulla, gli Atti del convegno su questo fondamentale tema. La centralità del tema Giustizia, nelle più diverse forme del fervore culturale ...

  12. L’università italiana tra continuità e discontinuità. Intervista a Mauro Moretti

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    Alessandro Breccia


    Full Text Available L’intervista a Mauro Moretti inquadra il tema del dossier a partire dalle fonti per la storia delle università italiane nel secondo Novecento. Passa poi ad indicare alcuni tra i principali aspetti da indagare anche per definire al meglio una possibile cronologia

  13. Quorum-dependent transfer of the opine-catabolic plasmid pAoF64/95 is regulated by a novel mechanism involving inhibition of the TraR antiactivator TraM. (United States)

    Wetzel, Margaret E; Asenstorfer, Robert E; Tate, Max E; Farrand, Stephen K


    We previously described a plasmid of Agrobacterium spp., pAoF64/95, in which the quorum-sensing system that controls conjugative transfer is induced by the opine mannopine. We also showed that the quorum-sensing regulators TraR, TraM, and TraI function similarly to their counterparts in other repABC plasmids. However, traR, unlike its counterpart on Ti plasmids, is monocistronic and not located in an operon that is inducible by the conjugative opine. Here, we report that both traR and traM are expressed constitutively and not regulated by growth with mannopine. We report two additional regulatory genes, mrtR and tmsP, that are involved in a novel mechanism of control of TraR activity. Both genes are located in the distantly linked region of pAoF64/95 encoding mannopine utilization. MrtR, in the absence of mannopine, represses the four-gene mocC operon as well as tmsP, which is the distal gene of the eight-gene motA operon. As judged by a bacterial two-hybrid analysis, TmsP, which shows amino acid sequence relatedness with the TraM-binding domain of TraR, interacts with the antiactivator. We propose a model in which mannopine, acting through the repressor MrtR, induces expression of TmsP which then titrates the levels of TraM thereby freeing TraR to activate the tra regulon. © 2018 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Generalizzazione cartografica tra ricerca e applicazione La Cartografia Tecnica Regionale delle Marche

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    Stefano Bellesi


    Full Text Available Il problema della generalizzazione cartografica è uno dei temi principe nel dibattito cartografico tra gli addetti ai lavori. La cartografia multiscala rappresenta infatti una delle chimere dell’era digitale e, man mano che i DB cartografici si sono popolati di informazioni, ha dimostrato la sua realtà. L’orientamento è quello di automatizzare al massimo tutte le procedure prendendo in considerazione quelle che sono le esigenze della rappresentazione.

  15. La portata etica della tragedia tra Bernard Williams e Martha Nussbaum

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    Francesco Testini


    Full Text Available Questo breve scritto si propone di ripercorrere sinteticamente alcuni nodi fondamentali del dibattito filosofico tra Bernard Williams e Martha Nussbaum sul significato e sul valore etico della rappresentazione tragica non tanto all’interno del mondo greco quanto per la contemporaneità. Il campo su cui questa analisi intende muoversi è delimitato principalmente da due testi fondamentali come Vergogna e Necessità e l’introduzione alla nuova edizione del 2001, insieme alla prima parte, de La fragilità del bene. Si cercherà di mostrare lo scarto tra queste due diverse concezioni riconducendo ad ognuna il particolare atteggiamento etico che sostiene; di questi diversi punti di vista si cercherà di ricostruire il nesso con le differenti interpretazioni che i due autori forniscono dell’Agamennone di Eschilo e con le diverse reazioni che motivano nei confronti del protagonista e della sua vicenda. Gli obiettivi delle argomentazioni che seguono sono principalmente due: innanzitutto evidenziare come in alcune delle critiche mosse dalla filosofa americana al collega britannico siano rinvenibili spunti fondamentali per quella che si ritiene una più completa comprensione della tragedia come caso limite del conflitto tra soggetto etico e mondo e, in secondo luogo, produrre una giustificazione filosofica ulteriore della reazione motivata da Nussbaum davanti alla condotta di Agamennone che sia compatibile con l’approccio di Williams attraverso una riproposizione del conflitto di valori in termini di conflitto di ruoli.

  16. Le disuguaglianze sociali nell'abitudine al fumo in Italia, 1980- 2000

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    B. Federico


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: misurare la direzione e l’entità delle disuguaglianze socio-economiche nell’abitudine al fumo in Italia durante gli ultimi due decenni, con attenzione sia al livello nazionale che macro-regionale.

    Metodi: sono stati utilizzati dati provenienti da sei indagini ISTAT sullo stato di salute dal 1980 al 2000. Abbiamo usato il livello di istruzione come indicatore dello stato socio-economico. Per ogni indagine e livello di analisi (nazionale e macroregionale, è stata calcolata la prevalenza, standardizzata per età, del consumo di tabacco in diversi gruppi sociali.

    Per ottenere una misura di sintesi delle disuguaglianze, abbiamo stimato l’Odds Ratio (OR ed il Relative Index of Inequality (con intervallo di confidenza al 95% attraverso un’analisi di regressione logistica.

    Risultati: negli uomini di età compresa tra 25 e 49 anni, l’Odds Ratio del consumo di tabacco di una persona con un basso livello di istruzione confrontata con una di un alto livello è risultato pari a 1,26 (IC 95%: 1,16 - 1,37 nel 1980 ed a 1,71 (IC 95%: 1,62 - 1,80 nel 2000. Nelle donne della stessa fascia di età, l’associazione tra stato sociale ed abitudine al fumo si è trasformata da positiva (OR=0,43 in negativa (OR=1,12. Nelle donne più anziane, la prevalenza di fumatrici è risultata maggiore tra quelle più istruite, con un gap tra classi sociali che si restringe nel tempo. Nel periodo considerato le stime degli OR sono risultate costantemente inferiori nel Sud rispetto al Centro ed al Nord Italia, nonostante la somiglianza nei trend temporali nelle differenti macro-regioni.

    Conclusioni: le disuguaglianze tra gruppi sociali sono aumentate, specialmente nelle giovani generazioni. Le regioni meridionali seguono quelle del centro e nord Italia nel diffondersi dell’epidemia dell’abitudine al fumo.

  17. Experimental Study of the Effect of Si/Al Composition on the Aluminum Distribution in (Al)MCM-41

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dědeček, Jiří; Žilková, Naděžda; Čejka, Jiří

    44-45, 1/3 (2001), s. 259-266 ISSN 1387-1811 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4040001; GA AV ČR IBS4040017 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901 Keywords : (Al)MCM-41 * Al distribution * VIS spectroscopy Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 2.497, year: 2001

  18. Tra il mediterraneo e il fonte battesimale: Musulmani a Napoli nel XVI secolo


    Varriale, Gennaro


    Il saggio analizza la presenza di musulmani a Napoli durante il Cinquecento, quando la capitale vive una profonda trasformazione urbanistica, che è vincolata alla immigrazione di comunità esogene e al conflitto contro il Turco. Le ostilità tra la Casa d’Austria e la Sublime Porta condizionano inevitabilmente la vita dei maomettani, che appartengono a tre grandi categorie: schiavi, franchi o esuli. Secondo la propria condizione gli islamici occupano diversi spazi cittadini. I musulmani di Napo...

  19. ‘Tarasca’. Tra Napoli, Venezia e l’Europa

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    Piermario Vescovo


    Full Text Available This paper reconsiders some important episodes of the history of drama and theater of the imagination spread between Naples and Madrid or more generally between Italy and Spain with reference to the Tarasca (procession of Corpus Domini, ideally through six ‘stations’. In this Spanish procession we find on a female dragon the effigies of Gennaro and Gaetano Sacchi, uncle and father of the more famous Antonio, whose stories and travels are one of the matters of this paper. The other matters are focused on the relationship between Carlo Goldoni and the Neapolitans Domenico Barone and Domenico Lalli, and on the Venetian reinvention of Pulcinella’s mask by Giandomenico Tiepolo, passing through Madrid.Col riferimento a una processione legata prevalentemente al Corpus Domini, attraverso sei ‘stazioni’ ideali, il contributo riconsidera alcuni rilevanti episodi di storia dello spettacolo e di diffusione dell’immaginazione teatrale tra Napoli e Madrid, o più in generale tra l’Italia e la Spagna. Nella processione madrilena – sopra un drago femmina semovente (la Tarasca, appunto – si ritrovano le effigi di Gennaro e Gaetano Sacchi, zio e padre del più celebre Antonio, le cui vicende e le cui peregrinazioni costituiscono il filo principale del racconto; gli altri sono costituiti dai rapporti di Carlo Goldoni coi napoletani Domenico Barone e Domenico Lalli e dalla reinvenzione veneziana – passando per Madrid – della maschera di Pulcinella da parte di Giandomenico Tiepolo.

  20. Undersøkelse av forekomst av elvemusling i Grense Jakobselv


    Aspholm, Paul Eric; Brodersen, Christopher; Nilsen, Even; Terentjev, Nikolai; Kashulin, Nikolai; Polykarpova, Natalia


    Sensommeren 2014 ble det midtre partiet av Grense Jakobselv fra Elvheim til sørenden av Lasaruskulpen undersøkt for forekomst av elvemusling. De nedre delene av Grense Jakobselv og sideelver har vært undersøkt tidligere (2003 og 2005). I disse tidligere undersøkelsene har det ikke blitt påvist elvemusling eller skall av døde muslinger. Under undersøkelsen i 22. – 23. juli 2014 ble de første elvemuslingene funnet like oppstrøms Sandvasselva. Denne undersøkelsen omfattet i alt 12 forhåndsutvalg...

  1. I varchi della letteratura: tra scienza, follia e spiritualità

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    Stefano Redaelli


    Full Text Available Nel novecento italiano spiccano scrittori nella cui opera la letteratura si è aperta ad altre discipline, come la scienza, la psichiatria, la teologia. In questo articolo si descrive lo scambio tra saperi attraverso l’immagine dei varchi, portando l’esempio di Primo Levi (nel varco tra letteratura e scienza e Alda Merini (nel varco tra letteratura, follia, spiritualità. Se da una parte nella vita degli scrittori il varco è vissuto come spaccatura, dall’altra troviamo nella loro opera una fusione di saperi e linguaggi diversi, che concorrono a una rappresentazione più ampia della natura e dell’uomo.

  2. The Transit Monitoring in the South (TraMoS project

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    López-Morales Mercedes


    Full Text Available We present the Transit Monitoring in the South (TraMoS project. TraMoS has monitored transits of 30 exoplanets with telescopes located in Chile since 2008, whit the following goals: (1 to refine the physical and/or orbital parameters of those exoplanet system, and (2 to search for variations in the mid-times of the transits and in other parameters such as orbital inclination or transit's depth, that could indicate the presence of additional bodies in the system. We highlight here the first results of TraMoS in three selected exoplanets.

  3. Cytotoxicity and radiosensitization effect of TRA-8 on radioresistant human larynx squamous carcinoma cells. (United States)

    Wu, F; Hu, Y; Long, J; Zhou, Y J; Zhong, Y H; Liao, Z K; Liu, S Q; Zhou, F X; Zhou, Y F; Xie, C H


    TRAIL induces apoptosis in a variety of tumorigenic and transformed cell lines, but not in many normal cells. Recent studies have demonstrated that death receptor 5 (DR5), one of the two death receptors bound by TRAIL, showed expression in most malignantly transformed cells. This study evaluated effects of a monoclonal antibody (TRA-8) to human death receptor 5, combined with ionizing radiation, on radioresistant human larynx squamous carcinoma cell line (Hep-2R). Cells were treated with TRA-8 alone or in combination with radiation, cell viability inhibition was measured by MTT assay, and the induction of apoptosis was determined by Annexin V staining. Radionsensitivity of Hep-2R cells treated with TRA-8 were investigated with long-term clonogenic assays. Regulation of DR5 expression in cells after radiation was analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence using murine TRA-8 in combination with flow cytometry. The results suggested that TRA-8 enhanced radionsensitivity of Hep-2R cells, and that TRA-8 regulated Hep-2R cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase. Irradiation up-regulated the expression of DR5, and when combined with TRA-8 yielded optimal survival benefit. Therefore, TRA-8 can be used in combination with irradiation in radioresistant human larynx squamous carcinoma cells. Monoclonal antibodies such as TRA-8 may play an important role in the development of an effective treatment strategy for patients with radioresistant cancers.

  4. Mödrars upplevelser av att drabbas av postpartumdepression


    Wallin, Rebecca; Pitkämäki, Kia


    Bakgrund: Postpartumdepression (PPD) drabbar mellan 8-15% av alla kvinnor som föder barn och innebär stora påfrestningar för både modern, partnern och spädbarnet. Utvecklandet av PPD har multifaktoriella orsaker som tidigare psykiatrisk sjukdom, dåligt parförhållande och brist på socialt stöd. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av postpartumdepression. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt där vetenskapliga artiklar motsvarande studiens syfte granskades. Samtliga a...

  5. Diseño de un modelo administrativo contable para la gestión de la industria avícola, Empresa Granja Avícola Gaby


    Espinoza Rico, Christian Javier


    El presente trabajo ha sido desarrollado para proponer un sistema AdministrativoContable ordenado y básico para la gestión eficiente y eficaz de la Industria Avícola, en un caso particular la empresa Granja Avícola Gabi ubicada en el cantón Cevallos, provincia del Tungurahua. Esta investigación es de tipo Bibliográfica y de Campo, porque se remitió a muchos libros y folletos dedicados al tema, además de visitas de campo para conocer los procesos y funcionamiento de la empresa antes menci...

  6. Læring av erfaring?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramvi, Ellen

    Hva skal til for å lære av erfaring? Denne avhandlingen er en empirisk baseret undersøkelse av ungdosmskolelæreres muligheter og betingelser for å "lære av erfaring" i den særlige betydning av begrepet  W. Bion gir i sin psykoanalytiske teori. Undersøgelsen baserer seg på et feltarbeid som strekker...... seg over ett skoleår. Datamaterialet ble samlet inn via observerasjoner og mer eller mindre strukturerte samtaler med lærere ved to forskellige norske ungdsomsskoler. Analysen av materialet foregår i to trinn: først en fenomenologisk analyse, tett på lærernes egne beskrivelser og refleksjoner av...... lærerarbeidet, dets udfordringer og vanskeligheter, og deretter en psykoanalytisk perspektivering av de fenomenologiske analyseresultatene. Analysen viser en almindelig lærerhverdag og en skoleorganisation, hvor lærernes "læring av erfaring" i stor utstrekning blokkeres i et vekselspill mellem lærernes flukt...

  7. ICT: interfacce tra persone e luoghi

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    Corinna Morandi


    Full Text Available Nonostante la diffusione del paradigma della smart city sia stata esponenziale, con l’effetto di confonderne il significato, il concetto di “città intelligente” indica comunque un tema di ricerca importante, in particolare quando venga esteso a contesti territoriali più ampi. In questo senso, la ricerca La smart region tra Torino e Milano. I servizi mobili come driver di innovazione territoriale in vista di Expo 2015 (Politecnico di Milano-Telecom Italia si propone di sperimentare l’uso delle ICT per un sistema integrato di servizi nel territorio tra Torino e Milano, anche in prospettiva di Expo 2015: una regione metropolitana valorizzata da un sistema di relazioni già attive e inserita nel contesto più ampio della city-region del Nord Italia, il cui sviluppo va legato ad una strategia di scala vasta, declinabile nella definizione di “smart city-region” o, più semplicemente, di “smart region”. In tale contesto, il ruolo delle università nei processi di sviluppo territoriale, il miglioramento dei servizi materiali e immateriali erogati dai campus, su cui la ricerca (in corso ha scelto di concentrarsi, può contribuire ad aumentare la sostenibilità e competitività del territorio. Una prima sperimentazione è stata condotta sull’area di Città Studi a Milano, testando una metodologia utile a comprenderne le esigenze e individuando soluzioni e servizi funzionanti su  terminali di comunicazione mobile, interfaccia tra persone e luoghi nel campus e nel contesto urbano circostante.

  8. Introducing the ARL X'Tra x-ray diffraction system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, L.


    Full text: The ARL X'Tra is a state-of-the-art solution for powder X-ray diffraction in a large range of applications such as pharmaceuticals and biosciences, chemicals, earth sciences, semi-conductors, metallurgy and ceramics. The X'Tra offers the latest technology in key diffraction components to produce a high performance instrument at an affordable price. This presentation examines some of the hardware and performance features of this instrument. Copyright (2002) Australian X-ray Analytical Association Inc

  9. Implementering av BIM i bærekraftig oppgradering av bygninger: Mulighetsstudie for utføring av tilstandsanalyser med nettbrett


    Vik, Vidar Samson


    Vi opplever i dag en økt hyppighet av klimakatastrofer som flom og tørke som følge av økt konsentrasjon av klimagasser i atmosfæren. Dette har ført til et behov for å redusere klimagassutslippene fra industrien på jorden. Byggebransjen, ofte kalt 40 % -bransjen, står for om lag 40 % av klimagassutslippene, og har dermed et stort potensial for reduksjon. BIM er en prosess som søker å redusere ressursbruken, og er dermed en bærekraftig prosess som har blitt tatt i bruk i stor skala i nybygg. Re...

  10. Analyse av overvannsnettet i Ås sentrum ved bruk av simuleringsprogrammet SWMM


    Dvergsnes, Eirunn


    Jorden står ovenfor klimaendringer med økende temperaturer og en hyppigere forekomst av intense nedbørshendelser. For overvannssystemer i urbane strøk er den økte nedbørintensiteten en stor utfordring. Urbanisering har medført en stor andel tette flater, og lukking av naturlige bekkesystemer. Dette krever en raskere bortledning av regnvannet gjennom rør i bakken. Store deler av det norske overvannssystemet er ikke dimensjonert etter dagens norske standard. Denne ble revidert se...

  11. Giocare, tra violenza ed ecologia della mente.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrico Euli


    Full Text Available L'articolo riflette sulle relazioni tra comunicazione, violenza e gioco, nel tentativo di rintracciare tra loro convergenze, affinità e contrasti. Le nostre relazioni, infatti, ci immettono inerzialmente in dilemmi e paradossi di così alta complessità da rendere spesso inadeguati gli strumenti 'logici' ed 'analitici': dal che può derivare un senso di impotenza, rabbia, paralisi, ma anche un desiderio potente di controllo e di soluzione degli eventi. Entrambe queste strade ci conducono dentro le false alternative della violenza. La cultura del gioco, invece, ci propone (attraverso le sue pratiche, ma anche negli scritti teorici di Freud, Winnicott, Bateson, qui riassunti e rivisitati una modalità più creativa e nonviolenta, più prossima ad un' ecologia della mente e ad un'estetica delle emozioni.

  12. Validation of the dermal exposure model in ECETOC TRA. (United States)

    Marquart, Hans; Franken, Remy; Goede, Henk; Fransman, Wouter; Schinkel, Jody


    The ECETOC TRA model (presently version 3.1) is often used to estimate worker inhalation and dermal exposure in regulatory risk assessment. The dermal model in ECETOC TRA has not yet been validated by comparison with independent measured exposure levels. This was the goal of the present study. Measured exposure levels and relevant contextual information were gathered via literature search, websites of relevant occupational health institutes and direct requests for data to industry. Exposure data were clustered in so-called exposure cases, which are sets of data from one data source that are expected to have the same values for input parameters in the ECETOC TRA dermal exposure model. For each exposure case, the 75th percentile of measured values was calculated, because the model intends to estimate these values. The input values for the parameters in ECETOC TRA were assigned by an expert elicitation and consensus building process, based on descriptions of relevant contextual information.From more than 35 data sources, 106 useful exposure cases were derived, that were used for direct comparison with the model estimates. The exposure cases covered a large part of the ECETOC TRA dermal exposure model. The model explained 37% of the variance in the 75th percentiles of measured values. In around 80% of the exposure cases, the model estimate was higher than the 75th percentile of measured values. In the remaining exposure cases, the model estimate may not be sufficiently conservative.The model was shown to have a clear bias towards (severe) overestimation of dermal exposure at low measured exposure values, while all cases of apparent underestimation by the ECETOC TRA dermal exposure model occurred at high measured exposure values. This can be partly explained by a built-in bias in the effect of concentration of substance in product used, duration of exposure and the use of protective gloves in the model. The effect of protective gloves was calculated to be on average a

  13. Expression of Tra2β in Cancer Cells as a Potential Contributory Factor to Neoplasia and Metastasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew Best


    Full Text Available The splicing regulator proteins SRSF1 (also known as ASF/SF2 and SRSF3 (also known as SRP20 belong to the SR family of proteins and can be upregulated in cancer. The SRSF1 gene itself is amplified in some cancer cells, and cancer-associated changes in the expression of MYC also increase SRSF1 gene expression. Increased concentrations of SRSF1 protein promote prooncogenic splicing patterns of a number of key regulators of cell growth. Here, we review the evidence that upregulation of the SR-related Tra2β protein might have a similar role in cancer cells. The TRA2B gene encoding Tra2β is amplified in particular tumours including those of the lung, ovary, cervix, stomach, head, and neck. Both TRA2B RNA and Tra2β protein levels are upregulated in breast, cervical, ovarian, and colon cancer, and Tra2β expression is associated with cancer cell survival. The TRA2B gene is a transcriptional target of the protooncogene ETS-1 which might cause higher levels of expression in some cancer cells which express this transcription factor. Known Tra2β splicing targets have important roles in cancer cells, where they affect metastasis, proliferation, and cell survival. Tra2β protein is also known to interact directly with the RBMY protein which is implicated in liver cancer.

  14. Accademie teatrali fiorentine nel quartiere di Santa Croce tra Sei e Settecento: tra attori dilettanti, gioco d’azzardo e primi tentativi impresariali

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesca Fantappiè


    Full Text Available Il saggio approfondisce il funzionamento delle accademie teatrali fiorentine a cavallo tra XvII e XvIII secolo sotto più punti di vista: localizzazione dei teatri, repertorio e circolazione degli interpreti, aspetti di amministrazione economica, rapporti con il potere e, nella fattispecie, con la dinastia medicea. Emerge la concentrazione nel quartiere di Santa Croce di Firenze di una buona parte delle accademie di dilettanti, che per alcuni decenni offrono una produzione drammaturgica alternativa a quella del teatro degli attori professionisti, esclusi dal mercato fiorentino nell’ultima fase medicea. Sulle motivazioni di questo fenomeno sono qui proposte ipotesi alternative alla vulgata storiografica che vede in questi anni il nadir culturale nella storia del Granducato e della famiglia al potere. Ci si sofferma, inoltre, sul problema di una possibile definizione di sistema teatrale fiorentino, con particolare attenzione alla disanima dei primi tentativi di adozione di un modello impresariale nel teatro in musica.

  15. Final Report of the NASA Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Study Team (United States)

    Hirshorn, Steven; Jefferies, Sharon


    The material in this report covers the results on the NASA-wide TRA team, who are responsible for ascertaining the full extent of issues and ambiguities pertaining to TRATRL and to provide recommendations for mitigation. The team worked for approximately 6 months to become knowledgeable on the current TRATRL process and guidance and to derive recommendations for improvement.The team reviewed the TRA processes of other government agencies (OGA), including international agencies, and found that while the high-level processes are similar, the NASA process has a greater level of detail. Finally, NASA’s HQ OCT continues to monitor the GAO’s efforts to produce a TRA Best Practices Guide, a draft of which was received in February 2016. This Guide could impact the recommendations of this report.

  16. Crystal structures of the F and pSLT plasmid TraJ N-terminal regions reveal similar homodimeric PAS folds with functional interchangeability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Jun; Wu, Ruiying; Adkins, Joshua N.; Joachimiak, Andrzej; Glover, Mark


    In the F-family of conjugative plasmids, TraJ is an essential transcriptional activator of the tra operon that encodes most of the proteins required for conjugation. Here we report for the first time the X-ray crystal structures of the TraJ N-terminal regions from the prototypic F plasmid (TraJF11-130) and from the Salmonella virulence plasmid pSLT (TraJpSLT 1-128). Both proteins form similar homodimeric Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) fold structures. Mutational analysis reveals that the observed dimeric interface is critical for TraJF transcriptional activation, indicating that dimerization of TraJ is required for its in vivo function. An artificial ligand (oxidized dithiothreitol) occupies a cavity in the TraJF dimer interface, while a smaller cavity in corresponding region of the TraJpSLT structure lacks a ligand. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-electron ionization analysis of dithiothreitol-free TraJF suggests indole may be the natural TraJ ligand; however, disruption of the indole biosynthetic pathway does not affect TraJF function. Heterologous PAS domains from pSLT and R100 TraJ can functionally replace the TraJF PAS domain, suggesting that TraJ allelic specificity is mediated by the region C-terminal to the PAS domain.



    Taboada Vargas, Marco Antonio


    Detta examensarbete handlar om automatisering och assistans att CE-märka en maskin. Arbetet innefattade automationsplanering, tillverkning av elskåp, montering på maskin och igångkörning. Automationsplaneringen bestod av elritningar och programmering. Elsystemet bestod av elskåp med bl.a. programmerbar logik, touch-panel och säkerhetskomponenter. CE-märkning utfördes enligt de direktiv, standarder och säkerhetsföreskrifter som bör följas. Nu med det nya automatiserade systemet är samm...

  18. Identification of evolutionarily conserved exons as regulated targets for the splicing activator tra2β in development.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sushma Grellscheid


    Full Text Available Alternative splicing amplifies the information content of the genome, creating multiple mRNA isoforms from single genes. The evolutionarily conserved splicing activator Tra2β (Sfrs10 is essential for mouse embryogenesis and implicated in spermatogenesis. Here we find that Tra2β is up-regulated as the mitotic stem cell containing population of male germ cells differentiate into meiotic and post-meiotic cells. Using CLIP coupled to deep sequencing, we found that Tra2β binds a high frequency of exons and identified specific G/A rich motifs as frequent targets. Significantly, for the first time we have analysed the splicing effect of Sfrs10 depletion in vivo by generating a conditional neuronal-specific Sfrs10 knock-out mouse (Sfrs10(fl/fl; Nestin-Cre(tg/+. This mouse has defects in brain development and allowed correlation of genuine physiologically Tra2β regulated exons. These belonged to a novel class which were longer than average size and importantly needed multiple cooperative Tra2β binding sites for efficient splicing activation, thus explaining the observed splicing defects in the knockout mice. Regulated exons included a cassette exon which produces a meiotic isoform of the Nasp histone chaperone that helps monitor DNA double-strand breaks. We also found a previously uncharacterised poison exon identifying a new pathway of feedback control between vertebrate Tra2 proteins. Both Nasp-T and the Tra2a poison exon are evolutionarily conserved, suggesting they might control fundamental developmental processes. Tra2β protein isoforms lacking the RRM were able to activate specific target exons indicating an additional functional role as a splicing co-activator. Significantly the N-terminal RS1 domain conserved between flies and humans was essential for the splicing activator function of Tra2β. Versions of Tra2β lacking this N-terminal RS1 domain potently repressed the same target exons activated by full-length Tra2β protein.

  19. Development of the SyncTraX FX4 version real-time tumor tracking system for radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishiyama, Tomoharu; Torigoe, Yui; Nagae, Koudai; Kajiki, Shunsuke; Sano, Takayuki


    Based on the current SyncTraX that was developed jointly with Hokkaido University, we have developed the SyncTraX FX4 version, which features not only tumor tracking but also patient positioning. The SyncTraX FX4 version is configured with four fixed x-ray tubes an detectors and eliminated the rail that is used to move the x-ray tube and detector as in the current SyncTraX. This development simplifies limitations on facility construction. We also adopted a distortion free flat panel detector instead of a color I.I., and the additional patient positioning feature will enable the SyncTraX FX4 version to become more widely applied in clinical cases. (author)

  20. Outcomes of AV Fistulas and AV Grafts after Interventional Stent-Graft Deployment in Haemodialysis Patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmelter, Christopher, E-mail:; Raab, Udo, E-mail: [Klinikum Ingolstadt, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Germany); Lazarus, Friedrich, E-mail: [Klinikum Ingolstadt, Department of Nephrology (Germany); Ruppert, Volker, E-mail: [Klinikum Ingolstadt, Department of Vascular Surgery (Germany); Vorwerk, Dierk, E-mail: [Klinikum Ingolstadt, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Germany)


    PurposeThe study was designed to assess outcomes of arteriovenous (AV) accesses after interventional stent-graft deployment in haemodialysis patients.Materials and Methods63 haemodialysis patients with 66 AV fistulas and AV grafts were treated by interventional stent-graft deployment from 2006 to 2012 at our hospital. Data of these patients were retrospectively analysed for location of deployed stent-grafts, occurrence and location of (re-)stenosis and (re-)thrombosis. Complex stenosis was the most frequent indication for stent-graft deployment (45.5 %), followed by complications of angioplasty with vessel rupture or dissection (31.8 %).ResultsA high rate of procedural success was achieved (98.5 %). The most frequent location of the deployed stent-graft was the draining vein (66.7 %). Stent-graft deployment was more frequent in AV grafts than in AV fistulas. Primary patency was 45.5 % at 6 month, 31.3 % at 12 month and 19.2 % at 24 month. Primary patency was significantly better for AV fistulas than for AV grafts with deployed stent-grafts. Patency of the deployed stent-graft was much better than overall AV access primary patency with deployed stent-graft. Re-stenosis with thrombosis was the most frequent indication for re-intervention. Most frequent location of re-stenosis was the draining vein (37.1 %), followed by stenosis at the AV access (29.5 %) and the deployed stent-graft (23.5 %).ConclusionRe-stenosis and re-thrombosis remain frequent in AV fistulas and AV grafts in haemodialysis patients despite stent-graft deployment. Re-stenosis of the deployed stent-graft is, only in the minority of the cases, responsible for AV access dysfunction.

  1. Foderstater för ökad konsumtion av vallfoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hetta, M.; Lund, Peter; Tahir, M.N.


    nedbrytningen från våmmen till tunntarmen. Nedbrytning av stärkelse i tunntarmen leder till högre energieffektivitet i ämnesomsättningen. Stärkelse hos korn (Hordeum Vulgare, L) anses i litteraturen ha en snabb omsättning i våmmen och stärkelse hos majs (Zea Mays, L) anses ha en långsam nedbrytning (Mills et al...

  2. Tilsetningsstoff og tekniske hjelpestoff ved produksjon av filet av hvitfisk. Faglig sluttrapport


    Lorentzen, Grete Elisabeth


    Målsettingen med dette prosjektet har vært å øke den generelle kunnskapen om bruk av tilsetningsstoffer og tekniske hjelpestoffer ved produksjon av hvitfiskfilet. I prosjektet er det gjennomført et litteraturstudium på hvilken effekt ulike tilsetningsstoffer har på fiskefilet. Deretter er det laget en veileder hvor målet har vært å gi en lettfattet og oversiktlig informasjon om hvilke tilsetningsstoffer det er lov å bruke, hvilken effekt de har, og eksempler på praktisk bruk av tilsetningssto...

  3. Medición de Satisfacción y Niveles de Calidad de Servicio para la Atención al Cliente en Puntos de Venta Avícolas Retail, Arequipa 2017


    Rodríguez Jaén, Catherine Danitza


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo medir la satisfacción y niveles de calidad de servicio para la atención al cliente en los puntos de venta avícolas retail, dicho estudio se realizó en nueve puntos de la ciudad de Arequipa con una segmentación por edad, demográfica y geográfica, esta área fue evaluada con una profunda observación estructurada al momento de realizar la compra, a través de entrevistas a modalidad de focus group y encuesta cerrada, es un procedimiento que permitió co...

  4. Konsum av risiko-matvarer - Beskrivelse av en undersøkelse som skal kartlegge konsum av matvarer med betydning for inntaket av miljøgifter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helle Margrete Meltzer


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGI perioden 1999-2001 vil det bli gjennomført tre kostholdsundersøkelser som til sammen skal kartlegge konsum avmatvarer med betydning for inntaket av miljøgifter i Norge, fortrinnsvis kadmium, kvikksølv, PCB og dioksiner.Disse giftene finnes hovedsakelig i krabbe, flatfisk, skjell, gjedde og abbor, lever eller nyre fra vilt og viltvoksendesopp. Fordi gjennomsnittskonsumet er lavt, spørres det ikke spesifikt om disse matvarene i landsdekkende kostholdsundersøkelsersom 'Norkost'. Hensikten med studien er å kunne gi en bedre beskrivelse av eksponeringsfordelingeni befolkningen med tanke på miljøgifter. Fordelingen er antakelig skjev, dvs. et stort antall personerventes å ha et lavt inntak og noen få personer ventes å ha et relativt høyt inntak av de undersøkte stoffene. Eventuelleukjente risikogrupper vil kunne avdekkes, og det er av stor interesse å undersøke hvor stor eksponeringen i deutsatte gruppene er.Del A av undersøkelsen er landsdekkende og omfatter en postal frekvensundersøkelse til 10 000 tilfeldig valgtepersoner mellom 18 og 79 år. Del B omfatter en postal frekvensundersøkelse til 6000 tilfeldig valgte personer i sekskommuner, der tre er kystkommuner og tre er innlandskommuner. Kommunene blir valgt ut fra kjennskap til godtilgang på de aktuelle matvarene. Vi antar at der tilgangen på matvarene er god, er konsumet høyere. Del C avundersøkelsen vil omfatte høykonsumenter av aktuelle matvarer, valgt fra del B av undersøkelsen. Dette vil være endybdestudie der analyser av miljøgifter i blod, hår og urin også skal inngå.Undersøkelsen er den første i sitt slag her til lands og vi kjenner ikke til at tilsvarende studier er gjort i andreland. Hensikten med artikkelen er å gi en beskrivelse av undersøkelsen i en tidlig fase av gjennomføringen.Meltzer HM, Bergsten C, Stene LC, Stigum H, Wiborg ML, Lund-Larsen K, Alexander J. Consumption ofcontaminated foods – Description of a dietary survey

  5. Utveckling av examination av examensarbeten på kandidatnivå


    Trofast, Tobias; Haugum, Dag; Lundberg, Jonas; Nygren, Victoria; Nyström, Tommie; Svensson, Gary; Thunborg, Maria; Törnqvist, Tomas


    Detta paper beskriver arbetet med att utveckla en modell för utveckling av examination av examensarbeten på kandidatnivå (UEX) vid Institutionen för Teknik och Naturvetenskap, Linköpings Universitet under läsåret 2010-2011. Modellen har utvecklats och testats vid utbildningsprogrammet Grafisk Design och Kommunikation (GDK), men med syfte att kunna appliceras även på andra kandidatprograms examensarbete. Det projektet prövat är om man kan höja kvaliteten på examensarbeten och effektiviteten i ...

  6. Plasma spraying of Fe-Cr-Al alloy powder

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Voleník, Karel; Leitner, J.; Kolman, Blahoslav Jan; Písačka, Jan; Schneeweiss, Oldřich


    Roč. 46, č. 1 (2008), s. 17-25 ISSN 0023-432X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1041404 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20430508; CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : Fe-Cr-Al alloy powder * plasma spraying * oxidation * vaporization * composition changes Subject RIV: JK - Corrosion ; Surface Treatment of Materials Impact factor: 1.345, year: 2007

  7. Geografia e sport: per una definizione del rapporto tra spazio e società

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosario De Iulio


    Full Text Available Le finalità del presente saggio si possono sintetizzare in due differenti punti, ma strettamente legati tra di loro. Il primo è quello di illustrare, seppur brevemente, l’insieme delle teorie che hanno portato all’origine e alla affermazione della geografia dello sport, mentre il secondo cercherà di tracciare seppur a grandi linee, le emergenti linee di ricerca nell’ottica del complesso rapporto tra spazio e società. In tal modo si offriranno alcuni spunti di riflessione e nuove chiavi di lettura sul poliedrica relazione tra attività sportiva, intesa come fenomeno socio-culturale, e spazio/territorio, ormai sempre più centrale nelle più recenti politiche di pianificazione territoriale, considerando anche dell’attuale fase di deindustrializzazione che investe i nostri centri urbani.

  8. Systematic genetic array analysis links the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAGA/SLIK and NuA4 component Tra1 to multiple cellular processes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrews Brenda


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Tra1 is an essential 437-kDa component of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAGA/SLIK and NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes. It is a member of a group of key signaling molecules that share a carboxyl-terminal domain related to phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase but unlike many family members, it lacks kinase activity. To identify genetic interactions for TRA1 and provide insight into its function we have performed a systematic genetic array analysis (SGA on tra1SRR3413, an allele that is defective in transcriptional regulation. Results The SGA analysis revealed 114 synthetic slow growth/lethal (SSL interactions for tra1SRR3413. The interacting genes are involved in a range of cellular processes including gene expression, mitochondrial function, and membrane sorting/protein trafficking. In addition many of the genes have roles in the cellular response to stress. A hierarchal cluster analysis revealed that the pattern of SSL interactions for tra1SRR3413 most closely resembles deletions of a group of regulatory GTPases required for membrane sorting/protein trafficking. Consistent with a role for Tra1 in cellular stress, the tra1SRR3413 strain was sensitive to rapamycin. In addition, calcofluor white sensitivity of the strain was enhanced by the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine, a phenotype shared with the Ada components of the SAGA/SLIK complex. Through analysis of a GFP-Tra1 fusion we show that Tra1 is principally localized to the nucleus. Conclusion We have demonstrated a genetic association of Tra1 with nuclear, mitochondrial and membrane processes. The identity of the SSL genes also connects Tra1 with cellular stress, a result confirmed by the sensitivity of the tra1SRR3413 strain to a variety of stress conditions. Based upon the nuclear localization of GFP-Tra1 and the finding that deletion of the Ada components of the SAGA complex result in similar phenotypes as tra1SRR3413, we suggest that the effects of tra1SRR3413

  9. Slutrapport - utökad samordning av landskapsövervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000


    Ståhl, Göran; Gardfjell, Hans; Glimskär, Anders; Hagner, Åsa; Holm, Sören; Walheim, Mats


    I denna kortversion av 2006 års slutrapport från projektet ”utökad samordning av landskaps- övervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000” redovisas de viktigaste resultaten på ett sätt som gör dem enklare tillgängliga för inriktningsbeslut om ambitionsnivå för uppföljnings- arbetet. Nuvarande målsättning är att Naturamoment införlivas i Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS) och Riksinventeringen av Skog (RIS) från och med 2008; under 2009 beräknas kompletteran...

  10. Utholdenhetstrening i fotball: En analyse av smålagsspill brukt som utholdenhetstrening


    Lorvik, Knut


    Utholdenhet er en fysisk egenskap som har betydning for fotballprestasjonen. Det viser flere studier. Helgerud (et al. 2001) fant signifikante forbedringer i forhold til flere fysiske mål som ble testet. Impellizzeri (et al. 2008) fant i sin studie at en forbedring i VO2max påvirket kortpasningsferdighetene positivt. I denne oppgaven har jeg fokusert på utholdenhetstrening i fotball og har to problemstillinger. Den første problemstillingen handler om hvilke studier som er gjort av utholde...

  11. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies specific to pangasius catfish, basa, and tra. (United States)

    Gajewski, K G; Chen, Y-T; Hsieh, Y-H P


    Four IgG (subclass IgG1) class monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) strongly reactive to Asian farm-raised Pangasius catfish, tra (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and basa (Pangasius bocourti), have been developed. These MAbs were raised by immunizing an animal with thermal-stable crude sarcoplasmic protein extract of cooked tra. The MAbs were selected by screening hybridoma clones against more than 70 common fish and meat protein extracts. Two MAbs, T7E10 and T1G11, were found to be specific to the Asian Pangasius catfish, tra, and basa, with no cross-reactions with any of the common fish and meat species or with the food additive proteins (bovine serum albumin, soy proteins, milk proteins, egg proteins, and gelatin) tested. MAb T7E10 recognized 2 antigenic proteins (molecular weight approximately 36 and 75 kDa) in raw and cooked tra and basa extracts, while T1G11 bound to several proteins (molecular weight between 13 and 18 kDa) in tra and basa extracts. Two other MAbs, F7B8 and F1G11, recognized a common protein (36 KDa) and cross-reacted with all the fish extracts tested and with several mammalian species. These MAbs can be employed individually or in combination in various formats of immunoassays for rapid identification of Pangasius catfish, either raw or cooked. They can also be used to study the biological, biochemical, and physiological aspects of thermal-stable antigenic proteins. This is the first study identifying these thermal-stable antigenic proteins present in Pangasius catfish as species-specific biomarkers.

  12. Maria Rizzarelli, Una terra che è solo visione. La poesia di Pasolini tra cinema e pittura

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    Paolo Lago


    Full Text Available La contaminazione tra scrittura e visione, la «natura anfibologica» tra parola e immagine, secondo una definizione dello stesso autore, risulta fondamentale nell’intera opera letteraria di Pier Paolo Pasolini.

  13. Zaustavljanje broda koji nije u vlasništvu osobe odgovorne za pomorsku tražbinu : [prikaz presude

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasenko Marin


    Full Text Available Načelno, privremeno zaustavljen može biti samo brod čiji je vlasnik protivnik osiguranja, odnosno osoba odgovorna za pomorsku tražbinu čije se osiguranje traži. U skladu s tim nije dopušteno zaustavljanje broda u vlasništvu trgovačkog društva čiji je jedini član osoba odgovorna za pomorsku tražbinu.

  14. Motorsystem : Roderstyrning av autonom segelrobot


    Frank, Morgan


    Examensarbetet har gjorts på begäran av ÅSR (Åland Sailing Robots) genom Anna Friebe. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa energisnålt motorsystem för styrning av vindflöjeln och roder till 4 meter lång segelrobot som ägs av ÅSR. Ett exemplar av den styranordningen som jag anser kommer att fungera bäst för en robotsegelbåt har konstruerats och kopplats upp på testbänk där jag sedan har lämnat över arbetet för programmering. I detta arbete har jag undersökt motorer, givare, motorstyrni...

  15. Effektivisering av arbetet med rumsbeskrivningar


    Enström, Magnus


    För att ta byggbranschen till nästa steg i utvecklingen är BIM det naturliga steget. Iteorin tycks många av lösningarna som medföljer implementationen av BIM varaenkla att förstå och skapa, i praktiken ligger dock de tekniska lösningarna långt ifrånen full implementation i branschen. I arbetet med olika typer av beskrivningar inomett byggprojekt har utvecklingen med hjälp av BIM stått still länge. Då det inte finnsnågot vedertaget sätt att utnyttja en BIM-modells information för att fylla oli...

  16. The Evolution of NR TrA (Nova TrA 2008) from 2008 through 2017 (United States)

    Walter, Frederick M.; Burwitz, Vadim; Kafka, Stella


    The classical nova NR TrA was discovered as an O-type optically-thick classical nova. There is no evidence that it formed dust. Within four years the envelope became sufficiently thin to reveal an eclipsing accretion disk-dominated system with orbitally-modulated permitted lines of C IV, N V, and O VI. XMM observations reveal a non-eclipsing soft X-ray source and a deeply-eclipsing UV continuum. We will present the first ten years of optical spectral evolution of this system accompanied by ten years of BVRIJHK photometry, with an eye to deciphering the current nature of the system.

  17. Spa-typing av stammer av Staphylococcus aureus fra blodkulturer analysert ved UNN Tromsø 2007-2008


    Midtgard, Anette


    Bakgrunn: Staphylococcus aureus er et av de vanligste patogenene som kan skape sykdom hos mennesket. Mange av oss er bærere av bakterien i nese eller hals, og det er vist at persisterende bærere har høyere risiko for å utvikle S. aureus-infeksjoner enn andre. De fleste S. aureus-infeksjonene blant bærere er forårsaket av pasientens egen bakteriestamme. Materiale og metode: 140 blodkulturisolater fra pasienter med S. aureus bakteriemi analysert ved Avdeling for mikrobiologi og smitte...

  18. HWMA/RCRA Closure Plan for the TRA Fluorinel Dissolution Process Mockup and Gamma Facilities Waste System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    K. Winterholler


    This Hazardous Waste Management Act/Resource Conservation and Recovery Act closure plan was developed for the Test Reactor Area Fluorinel Dissolution Process Mockup and Gamma Facilities Waste System, located in Building TRA-641 at the Reactor Technology Complex (RTC), Idaho National Laboratory Site, to meet a further milestone established under the Voluntary Consent Order SITE-TANK-005 Action Plan for Tank System TRA-009. The tank system to be closed is identified as VCO-SITE-TANK-005 Tank System TRA-009. This closure plan presents the closure performance standards and methods for achieving those standards

  19. Design av oppbevaringsprodukt: Utvikling av et entrémøbel for IKEA


    Bosvik, Helene


    Et av IKEAs store satsingsområder er oppbevaring. IKEA ønsker å nå ut til så mange mennesker som mulig med sine produkter. Deres visjon om å skape en bedre hverdag for de mange menneskene er et bevis på dette. Temaet for dette masterprosjektet har vært oppbevaring. En del av oppgaven har også vært å finne fokusområde innenfor temaet oppbevaring. Valget falt på entreen og utviklingen av entrémøbelet RÅDE. Oppgaven er gjort i samarbeid med IKEA Leangen i Trondheim. RÅDE er utviklet blant an...

  20. The MRCI studies of low-lying electronic states of Al.sub.3./sub. and Al.sup.-./sup.3

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Czernek, Jiří; Živný, Oldřich


    Roč. 512, 1-3 (2011), s. 40-43 ISSN 0009-2614 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP205/11/2070 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505; CEZ:AV0Z20430508 Keywords : Al3 * excitations * MRCI Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics Impact factor: 2.337, year: 2011

  1. Different foods in larvicultura of traíra (Hoplias malabaricus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Louzada Pereira


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Pereira S.L., Mendonça P.P., Pellanda A.S., Matielo M.D. & Gon- çalves Junior L.P. [Different foods in larvicultura of traíra (Hoplias malabaricus.] Utilização de diferentes alimentos na larvicultura de traíra (Hoplias malabaricus. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(3:233-238, 2015. Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida Alberto Lamego, 2000, Parque Califórnia, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, Brasil. E-mail: The feeding in the larviculture of species carnivorous view point for closing of the technological packages of rearing culture. Developed in the sector of Aquicultura of the IFES - Campus of Alegre, this work it aimed at to compare the performance with four diet feed as first exogenous feeding for traíra (Hoplias malabaricus, parameters evaluated: Survival, length final (CF, final weight (PF, tax of specific growth (TCE, development tax specifies (TDE, being put in container with fifteen liters of water, with constant aeration, have five larva of traíra/container. The delineation entire was aleatory with four treatments and five repetitions. Being the diet feeds represented for T1: Nauplios de Artemia sp.; T2: microworm of oats (Pannagrelos redivivus; T3: Wild Zooplâncton; e the inert food represented by T4: Commercial ration in dust with 55% of crude protein and 4,200 Kcal de ED/kg of ration. The water exchange was of 80% daily, the average temperature was of 27.5±1°C. The indices of survival in the T1, T2, T3 and T4, had been 84%, 72%, 100% and 92%, respectively. The date had been submitted analyze it statistics ANOVA and test of Tukey (P<0.01. Wild Zooplâncton was biggest CTF, PF, GP, TCE and TDE. Did not have difference statistics between the Artemia sp. the ration for TCE and TDE. The microworm of oats was minor CF, PF, TCE and TDE. The treatment Wild zooplankton (T3 showed optimum diet food among the other diet feeds tested for the development and

  2. Effekt av melkesyrebakteriers metabolisme på utviklingen av Escherichia coli O157:H7 i melk


    Westblad, Anne Margrethe


    Dagens regelverk sier at all melk som omsettes skal være varmebehandlet, men åpner samtidig for salg av melkeprodukter basert på upasteurisert melk, forutsatt overholdelse av visse krav. Dermed kan småskalavirksomheter framstille melkeprodukter av upasteurisert melk hvis de skulle ønske det. Et slikt ønske er ofte begrunnet i tradisjoner og praktiske forhold. I tillegg er det flere som påstår at råmelk er sunnere enn pasteurisert melk og at råmelkas mikroflora hemmer vekst av uønskede bakteri...

  3. Effekt av ulike kjemiske- og biologiske preparater på forekomsten av Fusarium og mykotoksiner i havre


    Shakery, Bita


    Aksfusariose er en vanlig sykdom på korn forårsaket av flere ulike Fusarium-arter. En Fusarium-infeksjon på akset gir tap av avling i tillegg til en reduksjon i kvaliteten på kornet. Reduksjonen i kvalitet skjer i hovedsak gjennom produksjon av en rekke toksiske metabolitter (mykotoksiner) som kan være en helserisiko for både dyr og mennesker. I de senere årene har det vært økt fokus på Fusarium og mykotoksiner i korn både i Norge og i store deler av verden. En årsak til det...

  4. Ageing effects in a Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Daříček, Tomáš; Lašek, Jiří; Zárubová, Niva; Novák, Václav; Bartuška, Pavel


    Roč. 11, - (2001), s. Pr8-179-Pr8-184 ISSN 1155-4339 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1010909; GA AV ČR IAA1010817 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : Cu-Al-Ni alloy * shape memory * martensitic transformation * resistometry Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.401, year: 2001

  5. Il problema dei debiti internazionali nel periodo tra le due guerre mondiali. (The international debt problem in the interwar period

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Grande attenzione è stata recentemente dedicata al problema attuale del debito del terzo mondo e le sue implicazioni per il sistema bancario internazionale . Una rassegna di eventi simili a volte precedenti in passato dimostra che gli operatori dei mercati finanziari internazionali hanno la memoria corta , poiché la maggior parte degli aspetti della crisi si sono verificati in passato. Questo è confermato dal considerare il problema del debito internazionale tra la prima e la seconda guerra mondiale . La principale differenza tra allora e adesso è che il periodo tra le due guerre fu un periodo di transizione da un sistema di commercio dominato daòòa sterlina ad uno dominato  dal dollaro statunitense . Molti dei problemi di oggi derivano da questa continua dominazione dollaroConsiderable attention has recently been paid to the current problem of third world debt and its implications for the international banking system. A review of similar events at previous times in the past shows that operators in international financial markets have very short memories, since most of the aspects of the current crisis have occurred in the past. This is borne out by considering the international debt problem between the first and second world wars. The major difference between then and now is that the interwar period was a time of transition from a sterling-dominated trading system to one dominated by the US dollar. Many of today's problems stem from this continuing dollar domination.JEL: N24

  6. Integrated approach for disease management and growth enhancement of Sesamum indicum L. utilizing Azotobacter chroococcum TRA2 and chemical fertilizer. (United States)

    Maheshwari, D K; Dubey, R C; Aeron, Abhinav; Kumar, Bhavesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Tewari, Sakshi; Arora, Naveen Kumar


    Azotobacter chroococcum TRA2, an isolate of wheat rhizosphere displayed plant growth promoting attributes including indole acetic acid, HCN, siderophore production, solubilization of inorganic phosphate and fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. In addition, it showed strong antagonistic effect against Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum. It also caused degradation and digestion of cell wall components, resulting in hyphal perforations, empty cell (halo) formation, shrinking and lysis of fungal mycelia along with significant degeneration of conidia. Fertilizer adaptive variant strain of A. chroococcum TRA2 was studied with Tn5 induced streptomycin resistant transconjugants of wild type tetracycline-resistant TRA2 (designated TRA2(tetra+strep+)) after different durations. The strain was significantly competent in rhizosphere, as its population increased by 15.29 % in rhizosphere of Sesamum indicum. Seed bacterization with the strain TRA2 resulted in significant increase in vegetative growth parameters and yield of sesame over the non-bacterized seeds. However, application of TRA2 with half dose of fertilizers showed sesame yield almost similar to that obtained by full dose treatment. Moreover, the oil yield increased by 24.20 %, while protein yield increased by 35.92 % in treatment receiving half dose of fertilizer along with TRA2 bacterized seeds, as compared to untreated control.

  7. Lokalisering av arbeidsplasser og boliger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Næss, Petter


    En miljømessig effektiv lokalisering av arbeidsplasser og boliger sikter mot å begrense - og helst redusere - biltrafikk og miljøproblemer knyttet til bytransport, sammenliknet med alternative lokaliseringer. En effektiv transportmessig lokalisering kan også bidra til å redusere tap av verdifulle...... arealer (f eks jordbruksareal eller natur- og friluftsområder) utenfor dagens tettstedsgrense. Tiltaket må samtidig utformes slik at en kan bevare viktige bomiljøkvaliteter og så mye som mulig av de grønne arealene innenfor tettbebyggelsen....

  8. En undersökning av Norwegians kriskommunikation under flygstrejken 2015. : En textanalys av Facebookinlägg och pressmeddelanden.


    Emma, Mickelsson


    Numera lever vi i ett krissamhälle där vi nästan varje dag nås av budskap från olika typer av kriser. När en organisation drabbas av en kris är det viktigt att tänka på vilken kommunikation man använder för att nå ut med sitt budskap. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur en organisation använder sig av olika försvarsstrategier och retoriska appeller i sin kriskommunikation. Organisationen som valdes ut var flygbolaget Norwegian och deras hantering av den 11 dagar långa flygs...

  9. Pollen transmission of asparagus virus 2 (AV-2) may facilitate mixed infection by two AV-2 isolates in asparagus plants. (United States)

    Kawamura, Ryusuke; Shimura, Hanako; Mochizuki, Tomofumi; Ohki, Satoshi T; Masuta, Chikara


    Asparagus virus 2 (AV-2) is a member of the genus Ilarvirus and thought to induce the asparagus decline syndrome. AV-2 is known to be transmitted by seed, and the possibility of pollen transmission was proposed 25 years ago but not verified. In AV-2 sequence analyses, we have unexpectedly found mixed infection by two distinct AV-2 isolates in two asparagus plants. Because mixed infections by two related viruses are normally prevented by cross protection, we suspected that pollen transmission of AV-2 is involved in mixed infection. Immunohistochemical analyses and in situ hybridization using AV-2-infected tobacco plants revealed that AV-2 was localized in the meristem and associated with pollen grains. To experimentally produce a mixed infection via pollen transmission, two Nicotiana benthamiana plants that were infected with each of two AV-2 isolates were crossed. Derived cleaved-amplified polymorphic sequence analysis identified each AV-2 isolate in the progeny seedlings, suggesting that pollen transmission could indeed result in a mixed infection, at least in N. benthamiana.

  10. Verdsettelse av Bremnes Seashore AS


    Selle, Simon Flatebø


    Siden etablering i 1946 har Bremnes Seashore AS ønsket å levere verdens beste lakseprodukt. Det startet i det små med pigghå og regnbueørret før det i 1970 ble satset på det vi i dag kjenner som kommersiell lakseoppdrett. Bremnes beskrives av Innovasjon Norge som bransjerevolusjonær. Spesielt viktig var deres utvikling og implementering av pre-rigor foredling som i dag utgjør standarden for ethvert moderne fiskeslakteri. I nyere tid ønsker de å gjøre det igjen med utvikling av ...

  11. Summer Student Report - AV Workflow

    CERN Document Server

    Abramson, Jessie


    The AV Workflow is web application which allows cern users to publish, update and delete videos from cds. During my summer internship I implemented the backend of the new version of the AV Worklow in python using the django framework.

  12. Avveckling av aktiebolag : Case: Likvidation av Företag X Ab


    Kallio, Josefine


    Syftet med detta lärdomsprov är att ta reda på hur man idag i Finland kan avveckla ett aktiebolag. De fyra olika avvecklingssätten likvidation, konkurs, fusion och delning av aktiebolag är de sätt som används i Finland för att upplösa aktiebolag. I lärdomsprovet har fokus mest lagts på likvidation av aktiebolag. Lärdomsprovet ger svar på bl.a. hur en likvidation går till, vem som kan vara likvidator, vad som är skillnaden mellan en frivillig likvidation och en tvångsmässig likvidation m.m. Lä...

  13. Förändring av förpackning som utökning av marknadsmixen : En studie av fem snabbrörliga konsumentvaror inom livsmedelsbranschen


    Sandström, Carolina; Eriksson, Sofie


    Denna uppsats behandlar förändring av förpackning som en möjlig utökning av produktkategorin i Kotler & Kellers utvidgade marknadsmix. I marknadsmixen behandlas förpackningen som statisk under en varas livstid och studiens syfte var att se om förpackningsförändringar istället bör ske vid flertalet tillfällen. Genom existerande litteratur identifierades tre centrala begrepp som ansågs betydelsefulla för studien; förpackning, förändring av förpackning och differentiering. Fem olika företag ...

  14. Clinical use of serum TRA-1-60 as tumor marker in patients with germ cell cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lajer, Henrik; Daugaard, Gedske; Andersson, Anna-Maria


    TRA-1-60 antigen has been related to the presence of embryonal germ cell carcinoma (EC) and carcinoma in situ. Our study further investigated the clinical efficacy of TRA-1-60 as a serum tumor marker for germ cell cancer in the testis. Three groups of patients with germ cell tumors were included:...

  15. Redesign av Escola forlag sine skoleordbøker


    Heggen, Inger Helene


    Rapporten består av en litteraturstudie (med begrepsavklaringer og en gjennomgang av ordboktypografiens historie – med hovedvekt på engelsk ordboktypografi), en analyse av ettspråklige ordbøker i dag (både norske og engelske), og en analyse av Escola Forlags ordbøker (bokmål og nynorsk utgave). Til slutt – en demononstrasjon av min resulterende redesign av ordbøkene (omslag og innmat). Her har det vært særlig viktig å tydeliggjøre oppslagsordene og oppslagsordenes underelementer s...

  16. Cofactor requirement of HpyAV restriction endonuclease.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siu-Hong Chan

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is the etiologic agent of common gastritis and a risk factor for gastric cancer. It is also one of the richest sources of Type II restriction-modification (R-M systems in microorganisms. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have cloned, expressed and purified a new restriction endonuclease HpyAV from H. pylori strain 26695. We determined the HpyAV DNA recognition sequence and cleavage site as CCTTC 6/5. In addition, we found that HpyAV has a unique metal ion requirement: its cleavage activity is higher with transition metal ions than in Mg(++. The special metal ion requirement of HpyAV can be attributed to the presence of a HNH catalytic site similar to ColE9 nuclease instead of the canonical PD-X-D/EXK catalytic site found in many other REases. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out to verify the catalytic residues of HpyAV. Mutation of the conserved metal-binding Asn311 and His320 to alanine eliminated cleavage activity. HpyAV variant H295A displayed approximately 1% of wt activity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Some HNH-type endonucleases have unique metal ion cofactor requirement for optimal activities. Homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that HpyAV is a member of the HNH nuclease family. The identification of catalytic residues in HpyAV paved the way for further engineering of the metal binding site. A survey of sequenced microbial genomes uncovered 10 putative R-M systems that show high sequence similarity to the HpyAV system, suggesting lateral transfer of a prototypic HpyAV-like R-M system among these microorganisms.

  17. Skyggedom av enkepensjonsdommen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rognlien, Ida Gundersby


    Masteroppgaven undersøker om bortfall av ektefellepensjon ved lovendring med tilbakevirkende kraft er i strid med retten til eiendom etter EMK TP 1 art 1. Skyggedommetoden/ Feminist Judgments -metoden brukes for å gjenskrive enkepensjonsdommen Rt.2006.262 i et feministisk perspektiv. Da mannen døde.......1975.220. I spørsmålet om inngrepet er proporsjonalt ble vektlagt at det ikke foreligger en transparent avveining av de relevante interessene. Videre er hensynene bak og behovene for den opprinnelige ektefellepensjonen fortsatt tilstede, og de er ikke tilstrekkelig avveid mot formålene med inngrepet...

  18. Simultaneous spectral and photometric observations of the beat Cepheid U TrA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niva, G.D.; Schmidt, E.G.


    It was suggested that U TrA was a Cepheid with a modulated light curve. Further photometric and radial-velocity observations have confirmed this behaviour. Unfortunately, the radial velocities are too few in number and too scattered to allow a detailed analysis. This paper presents further photometric and spectroscopic observations of U TrA. The original intent was to obtain enough simultaneous observations to perform a Wesselink analysis similar to the one made for another beat Cepheid, TU Cas. Unfortunately, this has not been possible. However, the data obtained are of high quality and are clearly useful in studies of the modal content and period stability of the star. (author)

  19. Surhetsvariasjoner som følge av nedtapping av et regulert vann.


    Selmer-Olsen, A. R.


    Det har vært utført analyser og lagringsforsøk med prøver av tørrlagt bunnmateriale fra Trevatn tatt våren 1976. Prøver tatt ute i terrenget om høsten etter en lang tørr sommer viste stort sett samme bilde som prøvene fra våren etter lagring i laboratoriet under aerobe betingelser. Tabell 2 viser hvordan pH og SO4-S varierer med Iagringsbetingelsene. Oksydasjonsprosessene som slikt materiale blir utsatt for ved lufttilgang over et lengre tidsrom kan resultere i utvasking av meget sure forbind...

  20. Assessment of exposure to traffic pollution using the ExTra index: study of validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reungoat, Patrice; Chiron, Mireille; Gauvin, Stephanie; Le Moullec, Y.; Momas, Isabelle


    The ExTra index, produced by the French Scientific Center for Building Physics, evaluates ambient concentrations of transport-related pollutants in front of the work and living places of urban dwellers. This study contributes to the validation of the ExTra index by carrying out measurements in four French cities. It compares nitrogen oxide concentrations (NO x ) measured over 6 weeks with passive samplers, and NO x calculated concentrations using the ExTra index. The study takes into account traffic density, topographical parameters (building height, road, and pavement width), weather conditions (wind direction and strength), and background pollution levels. The model was tested at 100 street canyons sites. There were highly significant correlations (0.90 in Grenoble, 0.95 in Nice, 0.89 in Paris, and 0.89 in Toulouse) and good intraclass correlation coefficients (0.75 in Grenoble, 0.91 in Nice, 0.89 in Paris, and 0.86 in Toulouse) between the two series of values. These results suggest that if the ExTra index were to be applied to all the different residences and workplaces of a subject throughout his (her) life, it could be a useful epidemiological tool for studying the long-term health effects of transport-related emissions and for reconstructing individual exposure to such pollution in order to avoid misclassification

  1. Effekt av ulike desinfeksjonsstrategier mot Listeria monocytogenes


    Fossmo, Sabine


    Kontroll med bakterier som Listeria utgjør en stor utfordring for mange matprodusenter. Listeria monocytogenes er hovedsakelig et produksjonshygienisk problem, forbedret hygiene kan derfor være tiltak for å redusere overlevelse og smitteoverføring av bakterien i produksjonsmiljø. Hensikten med forsøkene i oppgaven var å undersøke effekten av ulike desinfeksjonsstrategier på drap av L. monocytogenes, både når bakteriene var i biofilm og i suspensjon. Dette inkluderte bruk av tradisjonelle desi...

  2. Mediamorfosi del romanzo popolare: dal 'feuilleton' al serial TV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuela Piga


    Full Text Available Nel 1964, in Apocalittici e integrati Umberto Eco affermava che se l’errore degli apologeti della cultura di massa era di ritenere che la moltiplicazione dei prodotti dell’industria fosse di per sé buona, al contrario, “l’errore degli apocalittici-aristocratici” era di pensare che la cultura di massa fosse radicalmente cattiva proprio per la sua natura di “fatto industriale”, come se si potesse dare cultura al di fuori del condizionamento industriale. In una prospettiva che guarda all’evoluzione storica dei supporti mediali che accolgono e formano l’espressione dell’immaginazione, l’intento qui è di soffermarsi su un’analogia, da più parti riscontrata, tra le forme narrative del romanzo ottocentesco e alcune contemporanee serie televisive. Senza mirare a definire integralmente il rapporto tra le diverse sfere del letterario e del televisivo, lo scopo di questo contributo è  di riflettere sulle trasformazioni del romanzo popolare attraverso epoche e media, a partire dal romanzo ottocentesco Les Mystères de Paris (Eugène Sue e dal contemporaneo Serial TV Lost (J.J. Abrams, D. Lindelof, J. Lieber, C. Cuse.

  3. Cartografar é traçar um plano comum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgínia Kastrup


    Full Text Available A pesquisa de campo sobre produção da subjetividade enfrenta o problema de construir conhecimento envolvendo pesquisadores e pesquisados, com territórios e semióticas singulares. Surgem questões relativas ao protagonismo dos participantes e a como traçar com eles um plano comum, garantindo o caráter participativo da pesquisa. No contexto do método da cartografia, o artigo tem como objetivo tratar do tema do comum num duplo aspecto. Num primeiro, discute o acesso ao plano comum. Com base em Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, tal plano não é dito homogêneo nem reúne atores que manteriam entre si relações de identidade, mas opera comunicação entre singularidades, sendo pré-individual e coletivo. Num segundo aspecto, aponta que, enquanto pesquisa-intervenção, a cartografia se compromete com a criação de um mundo comum e heterogêneo. O artigo mostra que o traçado do comum tem como diretriz metodológica a tranversalidade e examina os procedimentos de participação, inclusão e tradução.

  4. L’ambientalista nucleare Alternative al cambiamento climatico

    CERN Document Server

    Gómez Cadenas, Juan José


    Che cosa emette più radioattività nell'atmosfera: una centrale nucleare o una centrale termica? Una centrale termica. Che cosa comporta maggior rischio: vivere nei pressi di una centrale nucleare o fumare una sigaretta? Fumare una sola sigaretta equivale al rischio di vivere due anni vicino a una centrale nucleare. Che cosa si fa in un'ora di punta di richiesta energetica se non soffia il vento? Si ricorre a impianti di pompaggio o centrali a gas di riserva. L'energia elettrica non può essere immagazzinata. Quanti aerogeneratori servono per sostituire una centrale nucleare? Circa duemila, dell'ultima generazione. Separati tra di loro dei cinquecento metri necessari perché siano efficienti, la fila dei mulini si estenderebbe da Barcellona a Ginevra, attraversando l'intera Francia. È un errore contrapporre tra loro le energie alternative, sarebbe molto più sensato considerarle alleate nella grande battaglia contro un Signore Oscuro ogni giorno più potente: il cambiamento climatico, che potrebbe benissimo...

  5. Linear thermal expansion coefficient of MgAl2O4(s)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dash, A.; Samui, P.; Naik, Y.P.; Chaudhary, Z.S.


    The coefficient of linear thermal expansion (α av ) of MgAl 2 O 4 (s) has been determined using a Netzsch 402 PC dilatometer with Al 2 O 3 (s) as the push-rod. The change in length per unit length was recorded as a function of temperature between room temperature to 1273 K at a heating rate of 8 K.min /1 , in argon flowing atmosphere. The average of three measurements was quoted as the α av for MgAl 2 O 4 (s). The linear thermal expansion was measured to an accuracy of ±3%. (author)

  6. En kartlegging av forekomsten av forskjellige rusmidler blant norske motorvognførere pågrepet av politiet, med mistanke om påvirket kjøring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari-Mette Beylich m. fl Beylich m. fl


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGSjåfører som mistenkes for påvirket kjøring blir i første omgang vurdert av politiet med henblikk på om det kunskal rekvireres alkoholanalyse eller om det også skal tas prøve med hensyn på andre rusmidler (narkotika,medikamenter med ruspotensial ved Statens rettstoksikologiske institutt (SRI. Rutinemessig vil SRI undersøkedet politiet rekvirerer, men prøvene lagres inntil to år etter at de er analysert. Ved supplerende analyse i ettertidkan man således få et mer fullstendig bilde av hva mistenkte, påvirkede bilførere hadde i kroppen da de avgaprøve. I den foreliggende undersøkelsen ble 1197 prøver fra februar og september 1993 analysert på et bredtspekter av andre rusmidler foruten alkohol, uavhengig av hva politiets mistanke hadde vært. Vi fant da at alkoholalene var til stede i 55 % av prøvene, andre rusmidler alene i 16%, både alkohol og andre rusmidler i 14%, mensverken alkohol eller andre rusmidler ble påvist i 15% av prøvene. Politiets mistanke med hensyn til alkoholpåvirkningble bekreftet av analyseresultatene i 71% av tilfellene, og mistanke om forekomst av andre rusmidler i58% av tilfellene. Tidligere studier og denne undersøkelsen viste at bilførere som mistenkes for påvirket kjøringsynes å representere en gruppe med storbruk av alkohol og misbruk av andre stoff.Beylich K-M, Christophersen AS, Skurtveit S, Bjørneboe A, Mørland J. Frequency of different drugs in  ENGLISH SUMMARYDrivers apprehended under the suspicion of drunken or drugged driving are primarily evaluated by the police withregard to whether alcohol or drugs should be looked for in the blood samples taken shortly after apprehension.Until March 1996 all blood samples were sent to the National Institute of Forensic Toxicology (NIFT, for analysis.NIFT routinely perform only those analyses requested, but the samples are stored for up to two years afteranalysis. By later additional analyses of this material one could obtain a more

  7. Torque nos rodados motrizes de um trator agrícola submetido a ensaios de tração

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego A. Fiorese


    Full Text Available RESUMOA determinação do torque nos rodados motrizes dos tratores agrícolas complementa os ensaios de tração e permite o cálculo da distribuição dos esforços tratórios entre os eixos. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi determinar a demanda de torque nos rodados motrizes de um trator com potência do motor de 89 kW, buscando avaliar o torque demandado em função da utilização da tração dianteira assistida (TDA, para distintas marchas e conforme aumento da força de tração. Foram realizados ensaios de tração sobre pista de concreto utilizando-se um torciômetro instalado no eixo traseiro do trator, um carro dinamométrico e instrumentação eletrônica para aquisição de dados. Avaliaram-se a TDA ligada e desligada, quatro marchas (5, 7, 8 e 9 km h-1 e oito cargas na barra de tração (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30 kN. Os resultados analisados estatisticamente através de equações de regressão indicaram comportamento similar para todas as marchas sendo que, conforme o aumento da força de tração ocorreu crescimento linear da demanda de torque nos eixos motrizes. Com a TDA ligada nas cargas mais baixas o torque é maior no eixo dianteiro e nas cargas mais altas é maior no eixo traseiro.

  8. Bruk av urtemedisiner blant gravide i Mali : Intervju av 72 healere i Bamako, Siby og Dioila


    Al-Zayadi, Waled


    WHO’s rapport fra 2001 viser til at hele 75 % av Mali sin populasjon bruker tradisjonell medisin. Det er beregnet til å være 1 medisinmann pr 500 innbyggere. Hovedmålet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke tradisjonelle medisinmenns behandling av sykdom og plager i svangerskapet i Mali. Det er lite som vites om bruk av urtemedisiner blant gravide i Mali. Det er heller ingen studier gjort fra healerens side. Studien var med på å kartlegge hvilke urter som brukes til den enkelte plagen. I ette...

  9. Kartlegging av PCB i sedimenter fra Indre Sørfjord


    Skei, J.; Klungsøyr, J.


    Som følge av forhøyede nivåer av PCB i fiskelever innerst i Sørfjorden er det gjennomført en sedimentundersøkelse for om mulig å finne kilden til PCB. Det ble ikke registrert høye nivåer av PCB i sedimentene. Høyeste konsentrasjoner ble målt i munningen av Eitrheimsvågen. Analyser av trafooljer brukt i Tyssedalsområdet viste spor av PCB. Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT)

  10. La «speciale provvidenza» nella caduta di una falena: ibridismi woolfiani tra saggio e short story

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Bugliani


    Full Text Available Il contributo intende mettere in luce le dinamiche di ibridazione tra i generi saggio e novella nella prosa breve di Virginia Woolf, in particolare in quegli esemplari di saggi che presentano delle caratteristiche smaccatamente immaginifiche e narrative che li distanziano nettamente dall’ideale di saggio quale «breve testo nonfinzionale in prosa». Nota al grande pubblico proprio per la sua programmatica ricerca di codici espressivi sempre nuovi e per le sperimentazioni con i generi più disparati, nel caso della prosa breve Woolf riesce con successo a infrangere i confini tra argomentativo e narrativo per giungere a una forma mediana che trae la sua identità sia dalla fiction che dalla nonfiction. Tramite un’analisi di alcune tra le short stories e i saggi più significativi, il contributo vuole essere uno spunto per una più ampia riflessione su quanto la mescolanza di stilemi diversi sia non solo un tratto letterario tipico della letteratura modernista, quanto piuttosto la risposta a una necessità di trovare una via altra nel panorama letterario, quasi una pulsione creativa primigenia che, nel caso delle contaminazioni tra saggio e narrativa breve, può essere affiancata al concetto di saggismo proposto da Robert Musil. The Death of the Moth, Street Haunting e molti altri saggi woolfiani permettono quindi di ricalibrare le demarcazioni fra generi, e di ripensare gli idealtipi che nella mentalità comune sono assurti a modelli e per l’uno e per l’altro dei due generi brevi in prosa, che in questa sede rappresentano i limiti estremi dello spettro di analisi. My paper aims at evaluating the hybridizing techniques that V. Woolf deployed in her shorter prose to blur the edges between the essay and the short story, in particular in those essayistic specimens that present some markedly imaginative features which undermine the ideal of the essay as a «brief, nonfictional prose piece». Woolf is justly renowned for her programmatic and

  11. Giorgio Perlasca, 'Giusto tra le nazioni' e 'eroe italiano'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, M.M.


    Giorgio Perlasca che, fingendosi console spagnolo, nel 1944 salvò più di cinquemila ebrei ungheresi a Budapest, è stato proclamato “Giusto tra le Nazioni” a Yad Vashem nel 1989, dopo di che è seguito il suo riconoscimento all’estero ed in Italia come “uomo giusto” e come “eroe italiano”. Dopo il

  12. Idag lever Kjell med Britt-Marie : En kritisk diskursanalys av framställningen av homosexualitet i TV-reklam


    Kristensson, Sophia; Olsson, Emma


    Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur homosexualitet skildras i svensk TV-reklam. Detta med anledning av mediers möjligheter till att påverka publiken samt utifrån heteronormen i samhället. För att uppfylla målet med studien har ett par frågeställningar formulerats: “Vilka diskursiva teman framkommer i resultatet och vad säger de om framställningen av homosexualitet i TV-reklam?” och “Skiljer sig framställningen av homosexualitet från framställningen av heterosexualitet och i så fall hur?”. Sex...

  13. AVS-1357 inhibits melanogenesis via prolonged ERK activation. (United States)

    Kim, Dong-Seok; Lee, Hyun-Kyung; Park, Seo-Hyoung; Chae, Chong Hak; Park, Kyoung-Chan


    In this study, we demonstrated that a derivative of imidazole, AVS-1357, is a novel skin-whitening compound. AVS-1357 was found to significantly inhibit melanin production in a dose-dependent manner; however, it did not directly inhibit tyrosinase. Furthermore, we found that AVS-1357 induced prolonged activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and Akt, while it downregulated microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) and tyrosinase. It has been reported that the activation of ERK and/or Akt is involved in melanogenesis. Therefore, we examined the effects of AVS-1357 on melanogenesis in the absence or presence of PD98059 (a specific inhibitor of the ERK pathway) and/or LY294002 (a specific inhibitor of the Akt pathway). PD98059 dramatically increased melanogenesis, whereas LY294002 had no effect. Furthermore, PD98059 attenuated AVS-1357 induced ERK activation, as well as the downregulation of MITF and tyrosinase. These findings suggest that the effects of AVS-1357 occur via downregulation of MITF and tyrosinase, which is caused by AVS-1357-induced prolonged ERK activation. Taken together, our results indicate that AVS-1357 has the potential as a new skin whitening agent.

  14. Jinekomasti tedavisinde ‘liposuction’ – artroskopik kıkırdak traşlayıcı kombinasyonu


    Ersoy, Burak; Aköz, Tayfun


    Giriş: Uzun süredir mevcut jinekomasti tanısı konulan erişkin erkeklerde tek etkin tedavi seçeneği cerrahidir. Jinekomastinin düzeltilmesine ilişkin birçok farklı cerrahi teknik tarif edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, ameliyat izini en az düzeyde tutmak amacıyla artroskopik traşlayıcı cihazın konvansiyonel LPS uygulamasına kombine edildiği jinekomasti düzeltici cerrahi yöntemin tanıtılması ve sunulan cerrahi teknikle elde edilen sonuçların değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2012 ve 2...

  15. Upplevelser av "Employer Branding" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av anställda hos BA


    Hermansson, Otto; Elisabeth, Mackenhauer


    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur medarbetarna på BA (fiktivt namn) upplever organisationens interna Employer Branding-arbete samt att belysa de aspekter som eventuellt skiljer strategi mot upplevelse. Det gjordes ett målinriktat urval av organisation medan valet av deltagare var ett slumpmässigt urval vilket resulterade i åtta respondenter (n= 8). Studien var en kvalitativ fallstudie med ett psykologiskt angreppssätt och innehöll en ostrukturerad intervju som tillsammans m...

  16. Efficient Software HEVC to AVS2 Transcoding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yucong Chen


    Full Text Available The second generation of Audio and Video coding Standard (AVS is developed by the IEEE 1857 Working Group under project 1857.4 and was standardized in 2016 by the AVS Working Group of China as the new broadcasting standard AVS2. High Efficient Video Coding (HEVC is the newest global video coding standard announced in 2013. More and more codings are migrating from H.264/AVC to HEVC because of its higher compression performance. In this paper, we propose an efficient HEVC to AVS2 transcoding algorithm, which applies a multi-stage decoding information utilization framework to maximize the usage of the decoding information in the transcoding process. The proposed algorithm achieves 11×–17× speed gains over the AVS2 reference software RD 14.0 with a modest BD-rate loss of 9.6%–16.6%.

  17. Exact Tandem Repeats Analyzer (E-TRA): A new program for DNA ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Advanced user defined parameters/options let the researchers use different minimum motif repeats ... E-TRA, we used 5,465,605 human EST sequences derived from 18,814,550 ..... repeat rates of T-cells, embryo and testis were higher.

  18. AVS user's guide on the basis of practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masuko, Kenji; Kato, Katsumi; Kume, Etsuo; Fujii, Minoru.


    The special guides for the use of visualization software AVS have been developed at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The purpose of these guides is to help the AVS users understand easily the use of the one, due to the fact that it is so difficult for beginners to understand the original manuals. In this report, 'Transportation Evacuation Simulation' is taken up as an object of visualization, and the procedure of visualization and images recording by using the AVS are described. By using the AVS according to this report, a series of the procedure which are necessary for use of the AVS can be acquired. (author)

  19. Abbreviated sampling and analysis plan for planning decontamination and decommissioning at Test Reactor Area (TRA) facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objective is to sample and analyze for the presence of gamma emitting isotopes and hazardous constituents within certain areas of the Test Reactor Area (TRA), prior to D and D activities. The TRA is composed of three major reactor facilities and three smaller reactors built in support of programs studying the performance of reactor materials and components under high neutron flux conditions. The Materials Testing Reactor (MTR) and Engineering Test Reactor (ETR) facilities are currently pending D/D. Work consists of pre-D and D sampling of designated TRA (primarily ETR) process areas. This report addresses only a limited subset of the samples which will eventually be required to characterize MTR and ETR and plan their D and D. Sampling which is addressed in this document is intended to support planned D and D work which is funded at the present time. Biased samples, based on process knowledge and plant configuration, are to be performed. The multiple process areas which may be potentially sampled will be initially characterized by obtaining data for upstream source areas which, based on facility configuration, would affect downstream and as yet unsampled, process areas. Sampling and analysis will be conducted to determine the level of gamma emitting isotopes and hazardous constituents present in designated areas within buildings TRA-612, 642, 643, 644, 645, 647, 648, 663; and in the soils surrounding Facility TRA-611. These data will be used to plan the D and D and help determine disposition of material by D and D personnel. Both MTR and ETR facilities will eventually be decommissioned by total dismantlement so that the area can be restored to its original condition

  20. …med andre ord. ”10 stadier i oversettelse av sangtekst”. Oversettelse av Stevie Wonder og Stephen Sondheim til norsk


    Iveland, Kari


    Norges musikkhøgskole. Masteroppgave. Utøving med fordypningsemne SAMMENDRAG AV OPPGAVEN --- Denne masteroppgaven er en del av en utøvende master og inneholder en analytisk og en praktisk del. Formålet er å finne en metode, et verktøy, for oversettelse av sangtekst, og å identifisere faktorer i språket som må tas hensyn til i oversettelse. Samlet viser den ulike språklige egenskaper som er med på å prege arbeidet med oversettelser av sangtekster. Med utgangspunkt i teorier om tolknin...

  1. Veileder for kravspesifikasjon for leie av kontorarealer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Førland-Larsen, Arne

    Investorer og leietakere blir stadig mer interessert i helse- og miljøkvaliteter. Men kunnskapen er lav hos de fleste om hva de skal etterspørre og hvordan slike kvaliteter kan dokumenteres. Meglere har en viktig rolle som formidler av kvaliteter. Grønn Byggallianse har i samarbeid med blant annet...... Norsk Eiendom, Enova og NGBC utarbeidet en mal for standard kravspesifikasjon for leie av kontorlokaler. Målet med malen er å bidra til at leietager får det produktet han trenger til riktig pris og at man unngår unødig miljøbelastning. Målet er videre at å bidra og stimulere til, at innleie....../utleie prosesser startes med en dialogbasert prosess. Standarden er tenkt som et hjelpemiddel til en systematisk gjennomgang av, og diskusjon av hvilke kvaliteter som har prioritet, høy, middel eller lav prioritet for leietaker. Resultatet av dialog og diskusjon fastlegger endelige krav til kvalitet og...

  2. Astrometry VLBI in Space (AVS (United States)

    Altunin, V.; Alekseev, V.; Akim, E.; Eubanks, M.; Kingham, K.; Treuhaft, R.; Sukhanov, K.


    A proposed new space radio astronomy mission for astrometry is described. The Astrometry VLBI (very long baseline) in Space (AVS) nominal mission includes two identical spacecraft, each with a 4-m antenna sending data to a 70-m ground station. The goals of AVS are improving astrometry accuracy to the microarcsecond level and improving the accuracy of the transformation between the inertial radio and optical coordinate reference frames.

  3. Vindkraftverk av UHPC 2.2 : En undersökning av högpresterande betong med syntetfiberarmeringen STRUX


    Rydén, Michaéla; Nilsson, Thina


    Användandet av betong som ersättare för stål vid produktionen av vindkraftverkstorn har ökat den senaste tiden. Betongtorn är betydligt billigare än ståltorn men problem som sprickbildningar, frostsprängningar och följaktligen armeringskorrosion har uppstått bl a på grund av vibrationer från rotorn. I fundamentet i vindkraftverk kan ovan nämnda problem också uppstå och det uppfyller således inte alltid funktionskraven. Det här examensarbetet undersöker möjligheten att eliminera dessa problem ...

  4. A melancolia em Al Berto


    Camila Emanuele Martins de Souza


    Este trabalho objetiva estudar, sob a perspectiva da melancolia, os livros Salsugem (1984) e Horto de Incêndio (1997), de Al Berto. O autor português produz escritos em que a temática da melancolia atravessa a palavra, o que justifica o debruçar-se sobre as construções textuais da poética albertiana, a fim de traçar-lhe novas possibilidades de leitura por esse ângulo. Para isso, com o intuito de compreender o discurso melancólico segue-se o embasamento teórico: de Klibansky, Panosfsky e Saxl ...

  5. Når kontakter betyr alt : En studie av bruken av nettverksmediet LinkedIn


    Blaalid, Maren Hyvang


    LinkedIn er et av de mest populære sosiale mediene i Norge og tiltrekker seg stadig flere medlemmer. I denne masteroppgaven studerer jeg bruken av LinkedIn for å undersøke hva som er det særegne ved dette nettverksmediet. Jeg har utført en spørreundersøkelse blant 280 brukere for å få innsikt i hvem de er, hvorfor de bruker LinkedIn og hvordan de gjør det. Funnene fra analysen viser at brukerne kjennetegnes ved at de er selvstendige og formålsrasjonelle, som bruker LinkedIn strategisk for å n...

  6. ART, Stoffenmanager, and TRA: A Systematic Comparison of Exposure Estimates Using the TREXMO Translation System. (United States)

    Savic, Nenad; Gasic, Bojan; Vernez, David


    Several occupational exposure models are recommended under the EU's REACH legislation. Due to limited availability of high-quality exposure data, their validation is an ongoing process. It was shown, however, that different models may calculate significantly different estimates and thus lead to potentially dangerous conclusions about chemical risk. In this paper, the between-model translation rules defined in TREXMO were used to generate 319000 different in silico exposure situations in ART, Stoffenmanager, and ECETOC TRA v3. The three models' estimates were computed and the correlation and consistency between them were investigated. The best correlated pair was Stoffenmanager-ART (R, 0.52-0.90), whereas the ART-TRA and Stoffenmanager-TRA correlations were either lower (R, 0.36-0.69) or no correlation was found. Consistency varied significantly according to different exposure types (e.g. vapour versus dust) or settings (near-field versus far-field and indoors versus outdoors). The percentages of generated situations for which estimates differed by more than a factor of 100 ranged from 14 to 97%, 37 to 99%, and 1 to 68% for Stoffenmanager-ART, TRA-ART, and TRA-Stoffenmanager, respectively. Overall, the models were more consistent for vapours than for dusts and solids, near-fields than for far-fields, and indoor than for outdoor exposure. Multiple linear regression analyses evidenced the relationship between the models' parameters and the relative differences between the models' predictions. The relative difference can be used to estimate the consistency between the models. Furthermore, the study showed that the tiered approach is not generally applicable to all exposure situations. These findings emphasize the need for a multiple-model approach to assessing critical exposure scenarios under REACH. Moreover, in combination with occupational exposure measurements, they might also be used for future studies to improve prediction accuracy. © The Author(s) 2017

  7. Determinação das propriedades termomecânicas de ligas Cu-Al-Ni e Cu-Al-Be com efeito memória de forma para utilização como atuadores mecânicos


    Oliveira, Danniel Ferreira de


    Ligas Cu-Al-Ni e Cu-Al-Be forma elaboradas sob atmosfera ambiente e caracterizadas por microscopia, difração de R-X e Calorimetria Diferencial de varredura. Foram realizados nestas ligas ensaios de tração, recuperação de forma e superelasticidade. As propriedades termomecânicas destas ligas realizadas em diferentes temperaturas permitiu concluir que as ligas Cu-Al-Ni podem ser utilizadas como atuadores mecânicos para temperaturas acima de 90°C e que estas ligas não devem ser empregadas em tem...

  8. Austenite-martensite interfaces in strained foils of CuAlNi alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ostapovets, Andrej; Paidar, Václav; Zárubová, Niva


    Roč. 100, č. 3 (2009), 342-344 ISSN 1862-5282 R&D Projects: GA MŠk OC 149; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA200100627 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : martensitic transformation * CuAlNi * habit planes Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.862, year: 2009

  9. Astrometry VLBI in Space (AVS) (United States)

    Cheng, Li-Jen; Reyes, George


    This paper describes a proposal for a new space radio astronomy mission for astrometry using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) called Astrometry VLBI in Space (AVS). The ultimate goals of AVS are improving the accuracy of radio astrometry measurements to the microarcsecond level in one epoch of measurements and improving the accuracy of the transformation between the inertial radio and optical coordinate reference frames. This study will also assess the impact of this mission on astrophysics astrometry and geophysics.

  10. Estudo comparativo entre traços de argamassa de revestimento utilizadas em Porto Alegre


    Eduardo Dubaj


    Existe hoje na construção civil uma grande variedade de traços de argamassa para revestimento. Estes traços são, muitas vezes, utilizados de maneira inadequada, não levando-se em consideração as solicitações a que estes revestimentos serão submetidos. Este uso inadequado é muitas vezes o responsável pelo surgimento de manifestações patológicas que conduzem a diminuição da vida útil de um componente ou de uma edificação como um todo, conduzindo a gastos com sua recuperação e até a total insati...

  11. TraLaLa Blip: Community Music for the Electronically Abled (United States)

    Reimann, Randolf


    This article presents a personal reflection on the use of electronic music as a vehicle for community music in a disability setting. In order to do this, I draw on my experiences as the founder, facilitator, producer, tutor, sound artist and musician of TraLaLa Blip. I established the group in 2008, after having worked with people with…

  12. Elevers oppfatning av lærers tilbakemeldingspraksis: om sammenheng mellom graden av VfL-praksis og elevenes opplevde nytte av lærers skriftlige tilbakemeldinger i skriftlig norsk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harald Eriksen


    Full Text Available Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke elevers oppfatninger av norsklærerens tilbakemeldingspraksis i skriftlig norsk. På bakgrunn av omfattende internasjonal forskning innen feltet ‘Vurdering for læring’ (VfL er det i denne studien utviklet teoridrevne hypoteser som testes ved å analysere et datasett fra to videregående skoler. Hypotesene er at elevene oppfatter lærers tilbakemelding som mer nyttig hvis den 1 retter seg mot målet med opplæringen, 2 gir elevene informasjon via en forklaring eller instruks om hvordan de skal komme nærmere målet og 3 at lærer legger til rette for bruk av tilbakemeldingen. Strukturell likningsmodellering (SEM av resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse blant elever (N = 213 er brukt som metode til å estimere forholdet mellom de fire latente variablene kriterier, forklaring, bruk og nytte (avhengig variabel. SEM er brukt fordi metoden egner seg til å undersøke sammenhenger i komplekse datasett. Funn er at elevene oppfatter at hvis lærer forklarer hvordan de kan forbedre seg, er dette positivt statistisk assosiert med opplevd nytte. Et mer overraskende funn er at lærerens tilrettelegging for bruk av tilbakemeldinger ikke er signifikant assosiert med opplevd nytte. Resultatene blir diskutert i artikkelen.

  13. BI TRA, Doubi. Banque, finance & bourse. Lexique des termes usuels. París: L’harmattan, 2011. 367 p.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Alcalde Peñalver


    Full Text Available Esta obra lexicográfica monolingüe en francés constituye una forma de hacer llegar al público de forma transparente el conocimiento de un campo tan importante y de gran actualidad como es el de la banca, las finanzas y la bolsa. Contar con las últimas novedades en el léxico de este campo es de gran importancia por su continuo dinamismo y grado de innovación. Esto se observa a diario en los diferentes medios de comunicación, que en muchos casos deben ofrecer una explicación que acompañe al término financiero por su alto nivel de especialidad. En este sentido, consideramos de gran utilidad contar con obras como el léxico del profesor Tra, que ofrece explicaciones claras y concisas sobre un gran número de términos del ámbito financiero que aparecen de forma recurrente en los diferentes medios de comunicación

  14. Alén Diviš. Proklaté ticho

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lahoda, Vojtěch

    -, březen (2005), s. 40-45 ISSN 1213-8398 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : Czech painting * expressionism * existencialism Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Cergna


    Full Text Available Il lavoro presenta un’analisi comparata tra due poemetti d’occasione in dialetto istroveneto dell’Istria sud-occidentale. I componimenti, scritti nel 1826 dal dignanese Martino Fioranti e dal canonico di Barbana Pietro Stancovich, rappresentano un’importante attestazione della presenza di un’attività poetica in quella che rappresentava all’epoca la koiné del territorio istriano, cioè l’idioma di diretta derivazione veneziana. I poemetti rivestono scarsa importanza a livello letterario. Più interessanti si rivelano, invece, se osservati da una prospettiva storica e documentaristica, attraverso la quale ci si svela l’ambiente, il costume dell’epoca, e soprattutto il rapporto di cordiale amicizia che univa i due poeti. In chiusura del lavoro si dà un breve confronto tra il poemetto e i tre sonetti di Martino Fioranti, rinvenuti nell’archivio della Biblioteca universitaria di Pola.

  16. Å speide etter spiritualitet. En analyse av spiritualitetsbegrepet i speiderbevegelsen


    Holmefjord, Aina


    Denne masteroppgaven inneholder analyser av speiderbevegelsens bruk av begrepet "spiritualitet" i to bøker skrevet av bevegelsens grunnlegger; "Scouting for Boys" og "Rovering to Succes" og to dokumenter av The World Organization of he Scoutmovement . Robert Baden-Powell grunnlag speiderbevegelsen i 1908 og hans litteratur og bøker publisert på tidlig 1900-tallet setter rammeverk for mye av dagens speiderbevegelses ideologi og visjon. Speiderbevegelsen har et r...

  17. Kokken lagar mat! Utøving og utvikling av yrkeskunnskap på kjøkenet sett i lys av 2300 år gamle kunnskapsformer.


    Gascogne, Marit


    Master i yrkespedagogikk Tema for masteroppgåva er utøving og utvikling av yrkeskunnskap i kokkfaget. Bakgrunnen for arbeidet er resultat frå andre forskingsprosjekt i masterstudiet og innføringa av den nye reforma, kunnskapsløftet, i den vidaregåande skulen. Analyse av litteratur, observasjon og intervju av yrkesutøvarar er metodane som er brukt for å finne svar på problemstillinga: Korleis kan Aristoteles sine gnosis-former brukast til å skildre yrkeskunnskap og utvikling av yrkesk...

  18. EST Table: AV398539 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV398539 NV021929 11/12/09 GO hit GO:0005622(intracellular)|GO:0008270(zinc ion bin...0769|gb|EEZ97216.1| hypothetical protein TcasGA2_TC011009 [Tribolium castaneum] AV398539 NV02 ...

  19. An Overview of the HomePlug AV2 Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larry Yonge


    Full Text Available HomePlug AV2 is the solution identified by the HomePlug Alliance to achieve the improved data rate performance required by the new generation of multimedia applications without the need to install extra wires. Developed by industry-leading participants in the HomePlug AV Technical Working Group, the HomePlug AV2 technology provides Gigabit-class connection speeds over the existing AC wires within home. It is designed to meet the market demands for the full set of future in-home networking connectivity. Moreover, HomePlug AV2 guarantees backward interoperability with other HomePlug systems. In this paper, the HomePlug AV2 system architecture is introduced and the technical details of the key features at both the PHY and MAC layers are described. The HomePlug AV2 performance is assessed, through simulations reproducing real home scenarios.

  20. Unique Helicase Determinants in the Essential Conjugative TraI Factor from Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Plasmid pCU1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McLaughlin, Krystle J.; Nash, Rebekah P.; Redinbo, Mathew R. (UNC)


    The widespread development of multidrug-resistant bacteria is a major health emergency. Conjugative DNA plasmids, which harbor a wide range of antibiotic resistance genes, also encode the protein factors necessary to orchestrate the propagation of plasmid DNA between bacterial cells through conjugative transfer. Successful conjugative DNA transfer depends on key catalytic components to nick one strand of the duplex DNA plasmid and separate the DNA strands while cell-to-cell transfer occurs. The TraI protein from the conjugative Salmonella plasmid pCU1 fulfills these key catalytic roles, as it contains both single-stranded DNA-nicking relaxase and ATP-dependent helicase domains within a single, 1,078-residue polypeptide. In this work, we unraveled the helicase determinants of Salmonella pCU1 TraI through DNA binding, ATPase, and DNA strand separation assays. TraI binds DNA substrates with high affinity in a manner influenced by nucleic acid length and the presence of a DNA hairpin structure adjacent to the nick site. TraI selectively hydrolyzes ATP, and mutations in conserved helicase motifs eliminate ATPase activity. Surprisingly, the absence of a relatively short (144-residue) domain at the extreme C terminus of the protein severely diminishes ATP-dependent strand separation. Collectively, these data define the helicase motifs of the conjugative factor TraI from Salmonella pCU1 and reveal a previously uncharacterized C-terminal functional domain that uncouples ATP hydrolysis from strand separation activity.

  1. Prevalence of E/A wave fusion and A wave truncation in DDD pacemaker patients with complete AV block under nominal AV intervals.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfram C Poller

    Full Text Available Optimization of the AV-interval (AVI in DDD pacemakers improves cardiac hemodynamics and reduces pacemaker syndromes. Manual optimization is typically not performed in clinical routine. In the present study we analyze the prevalence of E/A wave fusion and A wave truncation under resting conditions in 160 patients with complete AV block (AVB under the pre-programmed AVI. We manually optimized sub-optimal AVI.We analyzed 160 pacemaker patients with complete AVB, both in sinus rhythm (AV-sense; n = 129 and under atrial pacing (AV-pace; n = 31. Using Doppler analyses of the transmitral inflow we classified the nominal AVI as: a normal, b too long (E/A wave fusion or c too short (A wave truncation. In patients with a sub-optimal AVI, we performed manual optimization according to the recommendations of the American Society of Echocardiography.All AVB patients with atrial pacing exhibited a normal transmitral inflow under the nominal AV-pace intervals (100%. In contrast, 25 AVB patients in sinus rhythm showed E/A wave fusion under the pre-programmed AV-sense intervals (19.4%; 95% confidence interval (CI: 12.6-26.2%. A wave truncations were not observed in any patient. All patients with a complete E/A wave fusion achieved a normal transmitral inflow after AV-sense interval reduction (mean optimized AVI: 79.4 ± 13.6 ms.Given the rate of 19.4% (CI 12.6-26.2% of patients with a too long nominal AV-sense interval, automatic algorithms may prove useful in improving cardiac hemodynamics, especially in the subgroup of atrially triggered pacemaker patients with AV node diseases.

  2. Johann Barvitius als Mäzen im rudolfinischen Prag

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šroněk, Michal

    -, č. 8 (2008), s. 49-57 ISSN 1213-5372 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : Rudolfine art * Hans von Aachen * Johann Barvitius Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  3. [AVS concentrations in Xinan Creek and the influencing factors]. (United States)

    Liu, Xiao-Bing; Wen, Yan-Mao; Li, Feng; Wu, Chang-Hua; Duan, Zhi-Peng


    Sediment and overlying water samples were collected at 10 sampling stations at Xinan Creek, a tidal river in Pearl River Delta, and analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics as well as microbial incicators, in order to reveal the main factors dominating the spatial distribution of acid volatile sulfide (AVS). The effects of Eh, SRB OC and TS on the spatial distribution of AVS were investigated and the impact of AVS on the toxicity of heavy metals in the studied area was evaluated. The results showed that the range of AVS was 0.207-41.453 micromol x g(-1), with an average of 6.684 micromol x g(-1), which is relatively high compared to the results in other studies. The AVS value of the surface layer was higher than the bottom layer in 5 stations. The AVS values in both the surface layer and the bottom layer were highly variable, the coefficients of variation being 93.61% and 153.09% , respectively. The analytical results revealed that TS was the factor with the greatest impact on the spatial distribution of AVS, and the order was TS > OC > Eh > SRB. Potential ecological risk of heavy metals existed in 60% of the smpling stations based on the value of Sigma (SEM5-AVS), however, with the criterion of [Sigma(SEM5-AVS)]/foc, none of them had inacceptable ecological risk. Furthermore, in terms of single species of heavy metals, there was certain risk of toxic effect for all the five heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb). The above mentioned results will provide valuable data for the in-depth study of the formation mechanism of AVS and helpful reference for environmental impact assessment and scientific rehabilitation of heavy metals in polluted rivers.

  4. Candidate Essential Genes in Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 Identified by Genome-Wide TraDIS

    KAUST Repository

    Wong, Yee-Chin


    Burkholderia cenocepacia infection often leads to fatal cepacia syndrome in cystic fibrosis patients. However, antibiotic therapy rarely results in complete eradication of the pathogen due to its intrinsic resistance to many clinically available antibiotics. Recent attention has turned to the identification of essential genes as the proteins encoded by these genes may serve as potential targets for development of novel antimicrobials. In this study, we utilized TraDIS (Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing) as a genome-wide screening tool to facilitate the identification of B. cenocepacia genes essential for its growth and viability. A transposon mutant pool consisting of approximately 500,000 mutants was successfully constructed, with more than 400,000 unique transposon insertion sites identified by computational analysis of TraDIS datasets. The saturated library allowed for the identification of 383 genes that were predicted to be essential in B. cenocepacia. We extended the application of TraDIS to identify conditionally essential genes required for in vitro growth and revealed an additional repertoire of 439 genes to be crucial for B. cenocepacia growth under nutrient-depleted conditions. The library of B. cenocepacia mutants can subsequently be subjected to various biologically related conditions to facilitate the discovery of genes involved in niche adaptation as well as pathogenicity and virulence.

  5. Candidate Essential Genes in Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 Identified by Genome-Wide TraDIS

    KAUST Repository

    Wong, Yee-Chin; Abd El Ghany, Moataz; Naeem, Raeece; Lee, Kok-Wei; Tan, Yung-Chie; Pain, Arnab; Nathan, Sheila


    Burkholderia cenocepacia infection often leads to fatal cepacia syndrome in cystic fibrosis patients. However, antibiotic therapy rarely results in complete eradication of the pathogen due to its intrinsic resistance to many clinically available antibiotics. Recent attention has turned to the identification of essential genes as the proteins encoded by these genes may serve as potential targets for development of novel antimicrobials. In this study, we utilized TraDIS (Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing) as a genome-wide screening tool to facilitate the identification of B. cenocepacia genes essential for its growth and viability. A transposon mutant pool consisting of approximately 500,000 mutants was successfully constructed, with more than 400,000 unique transposon insertion sites identified by computational analysis of TraDIS datasets. The saturated library allowed for the identification of 383 genes that were predicted to be essential in B. cenocepacia. We extended the application of TraDIS to identify conditionally essential genes required for in vitro growth and revealed an additional repertoire of 439 genes to be crucial for B. cenocepacia growth under nutrient-depleted conditions. The library of B. cenocepacia mutants can subsequently be subjected to various biologically related conditions to facilitate the discovery of genes involved in niche adaptation as well as pathogenicity and virulence.

  6. Vestite alla turchesca. Travestimenti orientali nella drammaturgia italiana e francese tra Sei e Settecento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Agostino Moretti


    Full Text Available Da secoli il Mar Mediterraneo rappresenta un confine tra due mondi. Gli orientalisti li chiamavano e continuano a chiamarli mondo “arabo” e mondo “cristiano”. Questo contributo vuole mostrare come, in tempi non sospetti, l’Italia rappresentasse un ponte tra queste due culture. Grazie agli strumenti della storiografia contemporanea, attenta alla vita quotidiana e agli “archivi del corpo”, scopriamo che durante il XVI e il XVII secolo gli incontri tra musulmani e cristiani fossero molto frequenti e spesso felici. Il teatro comico italiano fu il genere letterario che, prima e meglio di ogni altro, riuscì a cogliere e a descrivere tale fenomeno con tutte le implicazioni politiche, religiose e identitarie, restituendone in pieno uno degli elementi sovente sottaciuti e censurati, ovvero la perturbante carica erotica del “diverso”. Uno degli espedienti che riassumono con maggiore efficacia questo  rapporto identitario e culturale è rappresentato dall’uso del travestimento. Paragonando alcune commedie italiane della prima metà del Seicento con il teatro “orientalista” di Bonarelli, Molière e Goldoni, possiamo osservare la nascita e la crescita di una visione stereotipata e libresca dell’altro, là dove i “panni turcheschi” generavano negli spettatori paura e desiderio.

  7. Candidate essential genes in Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 identified by genome-wide TraDIS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yee-Chin Wong


    Full Text Available Burkholderia cenocepacia infection often leads to fatal cepacia syndrome in cystic fibrosis patients. However, antibiotic therapy rarely results in complete eradication of the pathogen due to its intrinsic resistance to many clinically available antibiotics. Recent attention has turned to the identification of essential genes as the proteins encoded by these genes may serve as potential targets for development of novel antimicrobials. In this study, we utilized TraDIS (Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing as a genome-wide screening tool to facilitate the identification of B. cenocepacia genes essential for its growth and viability. A transposon mutant pool consisting of approximately 500,000 mutants was successfully constructed, with more than 400,000 unique transposon insertion sites identified by computational analysis of TraDIS datasets. The saturated library allowed for the identification of 383 genes that were predicted to be essential in B. cenocepacia. We extended the application of TraDIS to identify conditionally essential genes required for in vitro growth and revealed an additional repertoire of 439 genes to be crucial for B. cenocepacia growth under nutrient-depleted conditions. The library of B. cenocepacia mutants can subsequently be subjected to various biologically related conditions to facilitate the discovery of genes involved in niche adaptation as well as pathogenicity and virulence.

  8. Le Kāmasūtra et la « pulsion shastrique » en Inde


    Naudou, Elizabeth


    Le mot « shastrique » fait référence au traité (śāstra) d’où sont issus les Kāmasūtra, (plus généralement appelé le Kāmasūtra), « aphorismes sur l’amour » : le Kāmaśāstra, « traité sur l’amour ». Qui dit śāstra, dit, en Inde, exposé religieux ou scientifique, d’où l’expression « pulsion shastrique » que l’on pourrait rendre par « pulsion encyclopédique énumérative et classificatoire ». Le but de cet exposé est de replacer le texte dans cette structure mentale typiquement indienne, qui reflète...

  9. Simulering av muskelaktivitet vid pedalbromsning


    Ejdepalm, Erik; Westerdahl, Walter


    En muskeloskeletal kroppsmodell har undersökts med avseende på maximal muskelbelastning genom biomekanisk simulering i programmet AnyBody. En kroppsmodell har låtits interagera med ett reglage i form av en bromspedal från en Saab 9-3 och muskelbelastningen till följd av att pedalen trampas ned har minimerats. De parametrar hos pedalen som har varierats är initialvinkeln och returfjäderns fjäderkonstant. Den sits på vilken kroppsmodellen sitter har flyttats vertikalt och horisontellt i förhåll...

  10. Klubbhusverksamheten - Betydelse av dagligt arbete


    Niskanen, Karolina


    Syftet med undersökningen är att beskriva klubbhusmedlemmarnas uppfattning om det dagliga arbetet och dess betydelse för välmående i vardagen. Undersökningen utfördes i form av kvalitativa intervjuer med fem medlemmar av klubbhuset Pelaren i Mariehamn. Forskningsfrågorna som skulle besvaras var hur klubbhusmedlemmarna uppfattar arbete, vad arbete har för betydelse för deras hälsa, vilka aktiviteter de upplever som betydelsefulla i klubbhusverksamheten samt vad i klubbhusmiljön som stöder dem ...

  11. Fractional order absolute vibration suppression (AVS) controllers (United States)

    Halevi, Yoram


    Absolute vibration suppression (AVS) is a control method for flexible structures. The first step is an accurate, infinite dimension, transfer function (TF), from actuation to measurement. This leads to the collocated, rate feedback AVS controller that in some cases completely eliminates the vibration. In case of the 1D wave equation, the TF consists of pure time delays and low order rational terms, and the AVS controller is rational. In all other cases, the TF and consequently the controller are fractional order in both the delays and the "rational parts". The paper considers stability, performance and actual implementation in such cases.

  12. Uso de inseticidas para o controle da traça-do-tomateiro e traça-das-crucíferas: um estudo de caso Use of insecticides for controlling the South American Tomato Pinworm and the Diamondback Moth: a case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Castelo Branco


    Full Text Available Em agosto de 1999, produtores de tomate e brássicas do Núcleo Rural da Taquara tiveram seus cultivos seriamente comprometidos devido à impossibilidade de controle da traça-do-tomateiro e da traça-das-crucíferas. Diversos inseticidas, alguns com o mesmo princípio ativo ou pertencentes ao mesmo grupo químico, eram aplicados de uma a sete vezes por semana sem qualquer eficiência no controle das pragas. Lavouras foram abandonadas em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento. A fim de definir uma estratégia de controle que viabilizasse a produção de tomate e brássicas na região, foi avaliado em laboratório a eficiência da dose comercial de alguns inseticidas usados no controle das duas pragas. Para isso, foram coletadas duas populações de traça-do-tomateiro e uma população de traça-das-crucíferas. Para traça-do-tomateiro, cartap, abamectin, lufenuron, acefate e deltametrina causaram respectivamente 100, 90, 67, 2 e 0% de mortalidade das larvas. Para traça-das-crucíferas, B. thuringiensis, abamectin, cartap, acefate and deltametrina causaram 100; 96; 86; 79 e 5% de mortalidade respectivamente. De acordo com estes resultados foi recomendada a suspensão imediata do uso de piretróides e organofosforados para o controle das duas pragas. Abamectin e cartap foram recomendados para o controle da traça-do-tomateiro e B. thuringiensis para o controle de traça-das-crucíferas.In August 1999, at the "Núcleo Rural da Taquara", Federal District, Brazil, tomato and brassica crops were severely damaged by the South American Tomato Pinworm (Tuta absoluta and the Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella. During that time growers related that they had been spraying insecticides one to seven times per week without controlling the pests. In the fields it was observed that there were crops with different ages and levels of chemical residues which allowed the pests to multiplicate continuously. Then it was decided that the first step to solve the

  13. Open Source AV solution supporting In Situ Simulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh, Kristian; Pociunas, Gintas; Dahl, Mads Ronald

    the software to meet our expectations for a portable AV system for VAD. The system would make use of “off the shelf” hardware components which are widely available and easily replaced or expanded. The developed AV software and coding is contracted to be available as Copyleft Open Source to ensure low cost...... a stable AV software that has be developed and implemented for an in situ simulation initiative. This version (1.3) is the first on released as Open Source (Copyleft) software (see QR tag). We have found that it is possible to deliver multi-camera video assisted debriefing in a mobile, in situ simulation...... environment using an AV system constructed from “off the shelf” components and Open Source software....

  14. La producción familiar en el complejo avícola entrerriano: trayectoria, estrategias y transformaciones


    García , Ana Laura


    El presente trabajo aborda el análisis de las estrategias desplegadas por los productores familiares integrados contractualmente al complejo avícola entrerriano a lo largo de sus cursos de vida. En particular, interesa profundizar tres ejes: los cambios y continuidades en sus estrategias, sus implicancias en términos de la permanencia de la agricultura familiar y su reconfiguración interna.

  15. Helseeffekter av byluftpartikler

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    Magne Refsnes


    Full Text Available Svevestøv i byluft består av forbrenningspartikler og mineralpartikler med svært forskjellige størrelser og kjemiske egenskaper. Svevestøvet kan deles inn i størrelsesfraksjoner som PMAmbient particulate matter (PM comprises particles from different combustion processes and a variety of mineral particles. The particles vary widely in size distribution and chemical/physical characteristics. PM is often divided into size fractions with different aerodynamic diameters: PM10 (PM ! 10 mm, PM2.5 (PM ! 2.5 mm and PM0.1 (PM ! 0.1 mm. Recent population studies have found an association between an increase in mortality and morbidity due to lung and/or cardiovascular disease and short-term increases in PM. The relative risk (RR was approximately 1.005 for an increase in 10 mg/m3 PM10, without an observed threshold even at concentrations below 10 mg/m3. Chronic exposure has been investigated to a lesser extent, but longterm exposure to PM2.5 has been found to be associated with an approximately 10-fold greater increase in RR than short-term exposures. Experimental studies with volunteers in chamber and field studies show mild lung or cardiovascular responses at concentrations of ambient particles (PM2.5/PM10: 100-200 mg/m3 that may occur during episodes of air pollution. Animal studies at higher concentrations have shown stronger responses. The experimental studies support the epidemiological evidence for an adverse health effect of PM. Both population- and experimental studies indicate the existence of vulnerable individuals. At low to average ambient concentrations there seems to exist a discrepancy between the results of population- and experimental studies that might be due to the absence of the most vulnerable individuals in the experimental studies. Together with cell culture experiments, human and animal studies indicate the importance of physical and chemical properties of the particles (size, content of metals, organics, endotoxins, etc. for

  16. Indigenous Engagement in Tropical River Research in Australia: The TRaCK Program

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    Sue E. Jackson


    Full Text Available The literature on scientific-Indigenous ecological knowledge collaborations rarely analyses programmatic efforts undertaken by multi-disciplinary research groups over very large geographic scales. The TRaCK (Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge research program was established to provide the science and knowledge needed by governments, industries, and communities to sustainably manage northern Australia’s rivers and estuaries. A number of policies and procedures were developed to ensure that the needs of Indigenous people of the multi-jurisdictional region were addressed and to enhance the benefits they might derive from participating in the research. An overarching Indigenous Engagement Strategy undergirded the program’s engagement activities, providing guidance on matters relating to the protection of intellectual property, negotiation of research agreements, remuneration for Indigenous expertise, and communications standards. This article reviews the achievements and shortcomings of the TRaCK experience of Indigenous engagement and highlights lessons for researchers and research organisations contemplating applied environmental science initiatives of this scale and scope.

  17. Relação cinemática em um trator 4x2 com tração dianteira auxiliar equipado com pneus radiais na eficiência de tração Kinematic relation on radial tires in a front wheel assist tractor on traction efficience

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    Mauro Fernando Ferreira


    Full Text Available Diferentes combinações de pressões internas dos pneus do trator pode afetar a interferência entre eixos motrizes dos tratores agrícolas, principalmente com pneus do tipo radial. Um trator 4x2 com tração dianteira auxiliar foi analisado quanto a seu desempenho em tração. Pneus de carcaça radial com diferentes pressões internas foram utilizados, com o objetivo de variar as relações cinemá ticas entre os eixos. Mediram-se o patinamento das rodas dianteiras e traseiras, a resistência ao rolamento e a força de tração, em duas condições de solo (firme e solto. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que a eficiência de tração não foi significativamente influenciada pela variação das relações cinemáticas de 0,962 a 1,102. As máximas eficiências de tração ocorreram com relaçõ es cinemáticas variáveis dentro da faixa estudada e de acordo com as cargas impostas à barra de tração.Different combinations of tractor tire inflating pressure may affect interference between tractor axles, mainly with radial tires type. A front wheel assist tractor was studied in its traction performance. Radial tires with different inflation pressure were used, changing kinematic relations between axles. The measured parameters were: front and rear slip, rolling resistence and drawbar pull in two soil conditions (firm and loose. The results indicate that traction efficience was not significantly influenced by kinematic relations variation between 0.962 to 1.102. The maximum traction efficiency ocurred within the range studied and according to drawbar pull.

  18. EST Table: AV399390 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV399390 NV120162 11/12/09 n.h 10/09/28 100 %/181 aa ref|YP_002884244.1| Ac13-like ...yhedrovirus] 10/08/28 n.h 10/08/27 n.h 10/09/10 n.h 10/09/10 n.h 10/09/10 n.h AV399390 NV12 ...

  19. Rehabilitering efter dekompression och diskoperation - framställandet av en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning : Ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus


    Nyberg, Jasmina


    Examensarbetet är ett praktiskt inriktat examensarbete med fokus på rehabiliteringen efter en dekompressions- och diskoperation. Det är ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus med syftet att framställa en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning. Önskemål från uppdragsgivare var att utforma en tydlig patientanvisning för ryggopererade bestående av skriftliga instruktioner angående postoperativ rehabilitering i form av vardagliga aktiviteter, fysisk aktivitet, ryggens viloställningar, vi...

  20. Rommet som den tredje pedagog - En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning - med fokus på estetisk virksomhet


    Krokstad, Inger Elisabeth


    Masteroppgaven «Rommet som den tredje pedagog i tre Reggio Emilia-inspirerte barnehager. En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning –med fokus på estetisk virksomhet» har til hensikt å bidra til økt kunnskap om estetisk virksomhet som er forbundet med Reggio Emilias tanke om rommet som den tredje pedagog. Avhandlingens problemstilling er: Hvilke mønster kan identifiseres i barnehagepedagogens forståelse av rommet som den tredje pedagog-med fokus på estetisk virksomhet? ...

  1. Tra ufficialità e Samizdat: Viktor Sosnora

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    Noemi Albanese


    Full Text Available La figura di Viktor Sosnora si presenta come una delle più particolari nel panorama letterario della Leningrado della seconda metà del Novecento. A metà tra mondo ufficiale e quello dell'underground, fu anche uno dei pochissimi autori ai quali, in epoca sovietica, fu concesso di viaggiare in Europa ed entrare in contatto con il mondo intellettuale coevo. La sua ricerca estetica e stilistica parte dalle tematiche antico russe per innovarle dall'interno grazie ad un gusto per la lingua estremamente contemporaneo;ciò si tradusse in sperimentazioni poetiche sempre più ardite che resero impossibile la pubblicazione ufficiale dei suoi testi, divenuti invece oggetto di culto negli ambienti del Samizdat.

  2. Forbuden frukt smaker best en studie av nordmenns spise- og drikkemønster av sjokolade, søtsaker, salt snacks, sukkerholdige leskedrikker og lignende


    Bugge, Annechen Bahr


    Denne studien er en del av forskningsprosjektene Young Food og HealthMeal. Begge prosjektene er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd. Temaet i rapporten er nordmenns spise- og drikkemønster av en type mat og drikke som helsemyndighetene ønsker at befolkningen skal redusere forbruket sitt av – slik som sjokolade, søtsaker, søte bakervarer, salt snacks og sukkerholdige drikker. Selv om forbruksutviklingen de seneste par årene har vist positive tendenser, har altså nordmenn fremdeles et langt høye...

  3. Topological model of austenite-martensite interfaces in Cu-Al-Ni alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ostapovets, Andriy; Zárubová, Niva; Paidar, Václav


    Roč. 122, č. 3 (2012), s. 493-496 ISSN 0587-4246. [International Symposium on Physics of Materials, ISPMA /12./. Praha, 04.09.2011-08.09.2011] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100100920 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : CuAlNi * alloy * experimental data * in-situ * topological models * transmission electron microscopy Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.531, year: 2012

  4. En av gutta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Neumann, Cecilie Basberg; Rysst, Mari; Bjerck, Mari


    Hvilken betydning har kjønn og klær for kvinner som arbeider i mannsdominerte arbeiderklasseyrker? Forfatterne av denne artikkelen finner at kvinnene må nedtone sitt kjønn og sin seksualitet gjennom å dekke til kroppen, i klær laget for menn, for å signalisere at de er på jobb for å arbeide. Hvor...

  5. Pratiche di cura fra relazione e conoscenza: l’approccio montessoriano e l’osservazione del bambino al nido

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    Manuela Gallerani


    Full Text Available Il contributo affronta una possibile analisi inerente al rapporto tra infanzia, famiglia ed istituzione educativa a partire da un’indagine osservativa condotta nella realtà di un nido ad indirizzo montessoriano. Attraverso la rappresentazione della vita quotidiana dei bambini - inseriti al nido aziendale “La Casa del Cedro”, organizzato dal Centro Nascita Montessori (CNM di Roma - viene restituita la valenza euristica dell’approccio montessoriano e il suo inconfondibile contributo all’educazione globale ed estetica, per l’infanzia del tempo presente.

  6. Adherencia al tratamiento nutricional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asisten a un programa educativo


    Mariela A. Carvajal


    El objetivo de este estudió fue evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional por medio de la hemoglobina glicosilada en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asistieron a un programa educativo en diabetes en la ciudad de Guatemala, así como evaluar los principales factores que influyen en ella. Se realizó un estudio de tipo prospectivo, longitudinal, experimental, pareado de intervención no medicamentosa. Se utilizó la prueba de Morinsky-Green Levine para evaluar la adherencia al tra...

  7. The equation of state of n-pentane in the atomistic model TraPPE-EH (United States)

    Valeev, B. U.; Pisarev, V. V.


    In this work, we study the vapor-liquid equilibrium in n-pentane. We use the TraPPE-EH (transferable potentials for phase equilibria-explicit hydrogen) forcefield, where each hydrogen and carbon atom is considered as independent center of force. The fluid behavior was investigated with different values of density and temperature by molecular dynamics method. The n-pentane evaporation curve was calculated in the temperature range of 290 to 390 K. The densities of the coexisting phases are also calculated. The compression curve at 370 K was calculated and isothermal bulk modulus was found. The simulated properties of n-pentane are in good agreement with data from a database of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, so the TraPPE-EH model can be recommended for simulations of hydrocarbons.

  8. Genua als ein Paradigma und eine Parallele zur Wallensteins Architektur

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Muchka, Ivan

    -, č. 10 (2010), s. 161-166 ISSN 1213-5372 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : Albrecht of Wallenstein * architecture * gardens Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  9. Mineralogical Mapping of Quadrangle Av-2 (belicia) and Av-3 (caparronia) on 4 Vesta. (United States)

    Stephan, K.; Frigeri, A.; Barucci, M. A.; Sunshine, J.; Jaumann, R.; Palomba, E.; Blewett, D. T.; Yingst, A.; Marchi, S.; De Sanctis, C. M.; Matz, K.-D.; Roatsch, Th.; Preusker, F.; Le Corre, L.; Reddy, V.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C. A.


    Since the arrival of the Dawn spacecraft at 4 Vesta on July 16, 2011 the Visible and InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (VIR) has acquired hyperspectral images of Vesta's surface, which enable to characterize Vesta's mineralogical composition in the wavelength range from 0.25 to 5.1µm. As part of the analysis of Vesta's surface composition the science team is preparing a series of 15 quadrangle maps showing the results derived from the spectroscopic analysis of the VIR and FC color data. We present preliminary results of the spectroscopic analysis achieved for the quadrangles Av-2 (Belicia) and Av-3 (Caparronia), which show Vesta's surface between 21°N - 66° N°, 0° - 90°E and 90° - 180° E, respectively. These results are based on the analysis of the combination of the visible albedo, spectral parameters including the position, depth of the pyroxene absorptions, as well as color ratio composites using the VIR channels centering at 749nm/438nm (Red), 749nm/917nm (Green) and 438nm/749nm (Blue). Vesta's rotation axis, however, is tilted ~29° with respect to its orbital plane. Since Dawn arrived during northern winter, portions of Vesta north of ~45° N are dominated by extended shadows or have not yet been imaged due to permanent night. Thus, limited FC color or VIR hyperspectral data have been available for the quadrangles Av-2 and Av-3. The illuminated parts are dominated by a heavily-cratered northern terrain with ancient troughs and grooves and named after the prominent relatively large impact craters Belicia (~37°N/48°E) and Caparronia (~36°N/167°E). Numerous impact craters of different size, morphology, and state of surface degradation are apparent. Most spectral variations are strongly affected by the extreme illumination conditions, making the analysis of albedo variations and spectral signatures rather difficult. Their interpretation thus remains. Nevertheless, VIR spectra show clear evidence of Vesta's surface composition similar to those of HED

  10. Correlation induced paramagnetic ground state in FeAl

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mohn, P.; Persson, C.; Blaha, P.; Schwarz, K.; Novák, Pavel; Eschrig, H.


    Roč. 87, č. 19 (2001), s. 196401-1-196401-4 ISSN 0031-9007 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : FeAl * paramagnetic ground state Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 6.668, year: 2001


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taufik Luthfi


    Full Text Available The researcher attempts to identify the thoughts of Tamman Hassan concerning Tadhafur Al-Qarain and Amil theories in Arabic language grammar. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The data of this reseach based on Tamman Hassan’s legacy concerning the subject of tadhafur al-qarain. This study is based upon two main subjects, namely analysis of the content of the book and compares with the thoughts of other scholars. The study concluded that the new concept devised by Tammam Hassan called tadhafur al-qarain theory. This theory rejects the concept of ‘amil from classic grammar experts in grammatical analysis and understanding of Arabic texts. Tammam Hassan then replaces the concept of ‘amil, by analysis of the link between ma’na and mabna.DOI : 10.15408/a.v3i1.2911

  12. Progettazione e disciplina dell’esoscheletro : l'inestricabile co-evoluzione tra umani e robot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fosch Villaronga, Eduard; Özcan, Beste; Pirni, A.


    Quest’articolo descrive come sia stretto il legame tra esseri umani e l’evoluzione degli esoscheletri in termini di design, di regolamentazione e di necessità umane. Mentre gli attuali esoscheletri sono ingombranti e pesanti, i progressi nei materiali e nel design concettuale cambieranno

  13. Ultralydfremstilling av fostervekst

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    Synnøve Lian Johnsen


    Full Text Available Ultralyd billeddanning er i dag den beste undersøkelsesmetoden vi har til å overvåke fosterets utvikling og vekst. Ultralydmåling av fosterets størrelse og biometriske referansetabeller for svangerskapet brukes til å fastsette svangerskapets alder, beregne termin og vurdere fosterets vekst. Optimal studiedesign er ulik for hvert av disse formålene. Det er stor variasjon i fysiologisk vekst og en utfordring å identifisere fostre som har dårlig tilvekst. En enkeltmåling av fosteret kan fortelle oss om det er lite eller stort i forhold til andre fostre, men ikke om størrelsen er passelig i forhold til forventet fysiologisk vekst for dette fosteret. Tilpassede referansemodeller ("customised" justerer forventet størrelse i relasjon til føtale og maternelle faktorer og har vist seg å bedre identifisere sanne veksthemmede fostre enn bare å klassifisere i henhold til 2,5, 5 eller 10 persentilen. Men et foster som i utgangspunktet er stort for alderen, men etter hvert vokser langsomt vil ikke nødvendigvis bli fanget opp ved en slik enkeltmåling. Serielle målinger vil hjelpe, men en slik longitudinell metode blir ikke fullt ut utnyttet før det appliseres betinget ("conditional" vekstberegning. Betingelsesleddene for variasjon i vekst og målemetode kalkuleres ut fra longitudinelle data og kan så anvendes for det enkelte foster. En første måling brukes til å beregne forventet vekst og variasjon for en neste måling. Denne metoden forventes å skjerpe diagnostikken for vekst-avvik i alle vektklasser og kan sammen med tilpasningen av andre faktorer bedre overvåkningen av risikosvangerskapUltrasonographic imaging is today the best method for assessing fetal size and monitoring fetal growth. Ultrasound measurements of fetal size are used for age, size and growth assessment, but the statistical design and analysis are different for each of these purposes. Physiological ranges for fetal growth are wide and the identification of fetal

  14. La tradizione nella scienza il progresso scientifico come equilibrio dialettico tra idee innovatrici e tradizione in una raccolta di saggi inediti

    CERN Document Server

    Heisenberg, Werner


    In questa raccolta di saggi (inediti per l'Italia), da lui stesso selezionati poco prima della morte, Heisenberg analizza da varie angolazioni i rapporti tra progresso scientifico e tradizione : la storia della scienza è soprattutto una storia di idee, e da un giusto equilibrio dialettico tra i nuovi concetti e la tradizione, che costituisce la base ideale per discuterli, scaturisce il progress scientifico.

  15. En obekväm sanning eller en stor bluff? : En analys av den visuella gestaltningen av fenomenet "global uppvärmning" i filmmediet


    Eriksson, Anton; Oretoft, Mikael


    En uppsats som kritiskt granskar och analyserar den visuella gestaltningen i två dokumentärfilmer. Huvudtemat i filmerna är global uppvärmning och konsekvenserna av detta. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den visuella gestaltningen av den miljödebatt som filmerna är en del i och genom detta belysa frågor som berör visuell kultur och popularisering av vetenskap.

  16. Raccontare la storia al tempo delle crisi


    La Valle, Paolo


    La ricerca analizza il tema della relazione tra storia e narrazione nella letteratura degli ultimi quindici anni in tre contesti nazionali: Italia, Spagna e Portogalo. Per indagare un campo così vasto si sono identificate tre direttrici principali connesse tra loro, coincidenti con tre "crisi": la crisi del rapporto tra letteratura e mercato, la crisi del concetto di verità e la crisi dello stato nazione. Attraverso le riflessioni sul postmoderno (Lyotard, Jameson Hutcheon) e l’analisi di...

  17. "Un'artefice cristiano" : Studien zu Lavinia Fontana als Historienmalerin


    Schmidt, Sandra


    Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614) war die erste Frau, die den Beruf der Malerin professionell ausübte und sich bereits zu Lebzeiten eine beeindruckende Reputation erarbeitete. In den Quellen wird sie als „Pittora singolare tra le donne” bezeichnet und in der Tat konnte sie aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen Aufträge und Erfolge von der Kunst leben und ihre Familie ernähren, was im 16. Jahrhundert außergewöhnlich war. Auch ihr Œuvre ist ungewöhnlich umfangreich. Lavinia Fontana hinterließ ein Gesamtwerk ...

  18. Evaluering av KS’ ulike ledelsesutviklingstilbud for kommunesektoren


    Haave, Hanne; Hafting, Tore; Haugstveit, Yngve; Odden, Sigrun


    Norsk: Denne rapporten presenterer en evaluering av ledelsesutviklingstilbud i KS. De ledelsesutviklingsprogrammene som omfattes av evalueringen er i første rekke: Rådmentor, Krefter i bevegelse, Jazz endringsledelse, Medarbeiderskap, B-link og Skreddersydde program. Evalueringens hovedproblemstilling er å undersøke om og i hvilken grad KS’ ledelsesutviklingstilbud samsvarer med dominerende perspektiver og mål i KS’ arbeidsgiverstrategi «Stolt og unik, arbeidsgiverstrateg...

  19. Overvåking av jordboende sopp i Røsskleiva NR, Bamble 2016


    Brandrud, Tor Erik; Dima, Bàlint


    Brandrud, T.E. & Dima, B. 2017. Overvåking av jordboende sopp i Røsskleiva NR, Bamble 2016. – NINA Kortrapport 80. 15 s. Kartlegging (start av overvåking) av habitat-spesifikke, jordboende kalksopper i nordre del av Røsskleiva NR ble gjennomført i 2016, før oppstart av skjøtselstiltak med storfébeiting. Tilsammen 27 habitat-spesifikke arter, inkludert 18 rødlistede arter ble registrert i løpet av to registreringsrunder i 2016. Funnene fordelte seg på 10 kalkbarskogsopper, 5 kalklinde-skogs...

  20. Traços de resistência na obra de Augusto Roa Bastos

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    Carlos Henrique Lopes Almeida


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como proposta a análise de alguns traços de resistência presentes em algumas das produções literárias do autor paraguaio Augusto Roa Bastos. As obras escolhidas são Vigilia del Almirante (2008 e a trilogia Yo, el supremo (2003, El fiscal (2008 e El hijo del hombre (2003. O primeiro romance trata da volta ao período do descobrimento e desenvolve uma confrontação entre Colombo, os cronistas e o narrador. A trilogia se ocupa do cenários belicosos da história paraguaia e de alguns ditadores e suas relações com o poder. O tratamento dado a essa matéria histórica nas narrativas supracitadas pode ser entendida como traços de resistência, bem como alguns artifícios narrativos aplicados pelo autor. A análise será realizada a partir das discussões sobre Resistência e descobrimento propostos por Galeano (1989, Bitterli (2012 e Grützmacher (2009.

  1. Forskere i norske avisers dekning av skole

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    Emilia Andersson-Bakken


    Full Text Available Skolen er stadig i medienes søkelys, og i denne artikkelen ser vi nærmere på hvordan forskere bidrar med sine fagkunnskaper i skoledebatten i mediene. Den problemstillingen vi ønsker å besvare, er: Hvilken rolle har forskere i norske avisers dekning av skole? For å svare på dette har vi gjort en analyse av samtlige artikler om skole i VG, Bergens Tidende og Aftenposten i 2013. Resultatene viser at det forekommer en navngitt forsker i ca. 12 % av avisenes artikler om skole (209 av 1712 artikler. Det er imidlertid forskjell mellom avisene, og i VG opptrer det forskere i ca. 24 % av artiklene om skole, mens andelen både i Aftenposten og BT er ca. 11 %. Undersøkelsen viser videre at det er mange forskere som får mulighet til å uttale seg om skole i disse tre avisene, men det store flertallet av disse uttaler seg kun én gang. Vi fant også at forskere ofte uttaler seg om rammene for skolens undervisningsvirksomhet, og sjelden om det som foregår i klasserommene. Resultatene av vår empiriske undersøkelse stemmer i stor grad overens med hovedtendensene i tidligere studier av forskere i media, noe som indikerer at forskernes rolle i norske avisers skoledekning ikke skiller seg markant ut fra den rollen forskere har i media generelt. Våre resultater peker imidlertid på én viktig forskjell: Forskere ser ut til å være uvanlig godt synlige i norske avisers dekning av skole.Nøkkelord: skoleforskning, media, forskningsformidlingAbstractSchool is a frequently debated topic in the media, and this article investigates how researchers contribute with their knowledge in this media debate. The research question is: What characterizes researcher participation in Norwegian newspaper coverage of school? To answer this question we have analyzed all articles about school in the Norwegian newspapers VG, Bergens Tidende and Aftenposten during 2013. The results show that there is a named researcher in about 12 % of the newspaper articles about school

  2. Forenkling av tekniske systemer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Førland-Larsen, Arne; Bramslev, Katharina; Halderaker, Ingrid

    De fleste moderne kontorbygg har omfattende tekniske installasjoner. Mange byggeiere opplever at dagens kompliserte tekniske anlegg ikke fungerer som de skal. De ender med å få reklamasjoner, høyt energiforbruk og klager på inneklima. Kan en kraftig forenkling av ventilasjons-, oppvarmings- og...

  3. Incerta glòria di Joan Sales tra filologia, storia e traduzione

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    Patrizio Rigobon


    Full Text Available In questo saggio si fa una riflessione sull’opera di Joan Sales Incerta glòria e particolarmente si vede le conessione tra filologia, storia e traduzione. This article makes a reflection on the work of Joan Sales, Incerta glòria, and it particularly affects the connection between philology, history and translation.

  4. Lesing av delvis motstridende tekster i syvende klasse

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    Wenke Mork Rogne


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen ser vi på hvilken type informasjon elever i 7. klasse vektlegger for å konstruere en sammenhengende oppsummering av fire til dels motstridende tekster. Elever møter ofte flere tekster om samme tema – multiple tekster – og vi trenger økt kunnskap om hvordan de leser slike tekster. Elevene leste fire ulike tekster om en sykkelulykke. Tekstene presenterte informasjon som var delvis sammenfallende på tvers av alle tekstene, og delvis motstridende informasjon som innebar at enkelte tekster ga ulike beskrivelser av hendelsesforløpet. Vi testet elevenes ordavkodingsferdigheter, fikk dem til å fylle ut et spørreskjema om lesevaner og vi innhentet elevenes resultater på Nasjonal leseprøve. Etter lesing ba vi elevene gi en oppsummering av sykkelulykken. Elevene gjenga relativt mer sammenfallende informasjon enn motstridende informasjon. Gode resultater på Nasjonal leseprøve ser ut til å ha en sammenheng med elevenes ferdigheter i å konstruere en sammenhengende forståelse av de fire tekstene. Elever som oppga å lese mye på Internett hadde imidlertid fått med mindre av informasjonen som var felles for de fire tekstene i sine oppsummeringer. Vi fant også en negativ sammenheng mellom fritidslesing på Internett og resultatene fra Nasjonal leseprøve. Samlet sett indikerer resultatene at når elevene skal skape sammenheng mellom flere delvis motstridende tekster, så blir sammenfallende informasjon vektlagt mer enn motstridende informasjon. Dessuten ser det ut til at de elevene som bruker mest fritid til å lese på Internett, sliter mer med å sammenfatte innholdet i de fire tekstene enn de andre elevene.

  5. O tornar-se avó no processo de individuação

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    Caroline Dal Ri Kipper

    Full Text Available O tornar-se avó assinala um período de transição no ciclo de vida familiar, marcado por transformações psíquicas significativas para os avós, caracterizando a quarta individuação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a experiência de tornar-se avó e sua importância no processo de individuação. Foi utilizado delineamento de estudo de caso coletivo. Onze avós maternas, com idades entre 49 e 66 anos, cujas filhas tiveram seu primeiro filho, responderam a uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Todas as avós tinham tido seus primeiros netos e a entrevista referia-se a sua experiência como avós desses netos. Os dados mostraram que o ser avó é uma fonte de renovação e renascimento. O estudo propiciou que as participantes refletissem sobre seus diferentes papéis familiares: avó, mãe, neta e filha. Os dados sugerem que tornar-se avó possibilita que antigos conflitos sejam repensados, renovando antigos vínculos e desejos, o que permite que a avó dê mais um passo rumo à sua individuação.

  6. EST Table: AV398396 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV398396 NV021762 11/12/09 GO hit GO:0005622(intracellular)|GO:0008270(zinc ion bin...ding) 10/09/28 n.h 10/08/28 n.h 10/08/27 n.h 10/09/10 30 %/120 aa AGAP003111-PA Protein|2R:32505726:32508690:1|gene:AGAP003111 10/09/10 n.h 10/09/10 n.h AV398396 NV02 ...

  7. AVS (Application Visualization System) user`s guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masuko, Kenji; Kato, Katsumi [Research Organization for Information Science Technology, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); Gorai, Kazuo; Yamazaki, Kazuhiko


    Computer and network environment for image processing has been developed and maintained under the course of establishing a distributed processing environment by the information system operating division. We introduced a server for image processing, AVS for image processing software and an animation processing system (video, frame scan converter). This report summarizes the information to use AVS and to develop and maintain computer and network environment for image processing. (author).

  8. Ungdommers opplevelser med overdreven bruk av online-rollespillet World of Warcraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flaaten, Øivind; Torp, Steffen; Aarseth, Espen


    Ungdommers bruk av online-rollespill blir ofte problematisert (Falkner 2007). På bakgrunn av kvalitative intervjuer med ti ungdommer og fem pårørendekontakter beskrives i denne artikkelen ungdommenes opplevelser av online-spillet World of Warcraft (WoW). Denne pilotstudien gir en nyansert...... for konflikt og hjelpeløshet. Helsefremmende arbeid basert på dialog og tidlig intervensjon kan forhindre at online-spilladferd kommer ut av kontroll....

  9. Magnetic, magnetoelastic and other electronic properties of a UIrAl single crystal

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Andreev, Alexander V.; Mushnikov, N. V.; Honda, F.; Sechovyský, V.; Javorský, P.; Goto, T.

    272-276, - (2004), e337-e339 ISSN 0304-8853 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA106/02/0943 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : uranium intermetallics * UIrAl * UPtAl * ferromagnetism * pressure effects Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.031, year: 2004

  10. Industrias Bachoco: estrategias de localización y competitividad ante el nuevo escenario avícola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen Hernández Moreno


    Full Text Available Los cambios sustantivos en el sistema agroalimentario mexicano han impulsado a las empresas a aplicar estrategias que les permitan funcionar en un contexto cada vez más competitivo, complejo e incierto. En el ramo avícola, Industrias Bachoco ha logrado posicionarse como líder nacional, a pesar de las presiones de la apertura comercial y de la competencia interna de dos de los mayores consorcios avícolas transnacionales. El presente artículo destaca los resultados obtenidos por esta empresa a partir de su estrategia de desplazamiento por la república mexicana. Desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la localización y de la nueva geografía económica, se plantea la hipótesis de que tal estrategia le ha permitido a Bachoco sumar ventajas comparativas regionales y le ha conferido la capacidad de suministrar una oferta adaptada a las costumbres y tradiciones de cada mercado regional, que no ha sido igualada por ninguna de sus competidoras. Se concluye que la apertura total inminente del mercado avícola mexicano inducirá al consorcio a acelerar su actualización, para estar a tono y competir con las empresas internacionales.

  11. Twinning processes in Cu-Al-Ni martensite single crystals investigated by neutron single crystal diffraction method

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Molnar, P.; Šittner, P.; Novák, V.; Lukáš, Petr


    Roč. 481, Sp.Iss.SI (2008), s. 513-517 ISSN 0921-5093 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100480704 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : Cu-Al-Ni * single crystals * neutron diffraction Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 1.806, year: 2008

  12. A auto-percepção do envelhecimento e os traços de personalidade em idosos


    Yassine, Ismael Macedo Correia


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2011 O presente estudo foca a auto-percepção do envelhecimento e os traços de personalidade, assumindo como principais objectivos: (1) a exploração da relação entre auto-percepção do processo de envelhecimento por parte dos idosos (com mais de 60 anos de idade) e os traços de personalidade e, (2) a compreensão das dimensõe...

  13. Anisotropy of the magnetocaloric effect in DyNiAl

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kaštil, J.; Javorský, P.; Andreev, Alexander V.


    Roč. 321, č. 15 (2009), s. 2318-2321 ISSN 0304-8853 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : magnetocaloric effec * DyNiAl * magnetism * anisotropy Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.204, year: 2009

  14. An Examination of Factors Influencing Students Selection of Business Majors Using TRA Framework (United States)

    Kumar, Anil; Kumar, Poonam


    Making decisions regarding the selection of a business major is both very important and challenging for students. An understanding of this decision-making process can be valuable for students, parents, and university programs. The current study applies the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) consumer decision-making model to examine factors that…

  15. IAS 40 i ljuset av ägarförhållanden : Värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter i börsnoterade respektive statliga bolag


    Klarin, Olof; Sandell, Johan


    Sammanfattning: Redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter enligt IAS 40 har tidigare beskrivits i ett stort antal olika vetenskapliga alster. Merparten av dessa har dock tittat på börsnoterade bolag men det finns även andra företag som tillämpar IAS-reglerna. En grupp företag som gör det är de bolag som ägs av svenska staten. Ett av målen med IFRS är att skapa jämförbarhet och då bör inte ägarformen ha någon betydelse för redovisning och värdering. Denna studies syfte är därför att skapa insik...

  16. InTraCert. Inception report. The role of an integrated tradable green certificate system in a liberalising market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boots, M.G.; Schaeffer, G.J.; De Zoeten, C.; Mitchell, C.; Anderson, T.; Morthorst, P.E.; Nielsen, L.; Gual, M.; Del Rio, P.; Cadenas, A.; Hernandez, F.; Kuehn, I.; Braeur, W.; Stronzik, M.


    The InTraCert project aims to explore the possibility of integrating the existing and planned Tradable Green Certificate (TGC) schemes in the European Union and, therefore, creating a plausible unified market for TGCs. Particular attention will be paid to the possibilities of integrating TGCs for green electricity, heat and gas. Furthermore, it intents to examine the possible interactions arising from such a system with more direct GHG abatement measures, i.e. Carbon Emissions Trading (CET). The scope of the InTraCert project requires specific information for EU-15 countries regarding, on the one hand, Renewable Energy Sources (RES) used for electricity, gas and heat generation and. on the other, GHG emission levels and national strategies. In order to account for this information need. specific country inventories have been designed and carried out by InTraCert members in this first phase of the project. The inventory shows that Belgium, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and the UK seriously want to implement a TGC system. The systems will indeed be nationally oriented; hardly any provisions for international trade in the different TGCs will be put in place. An essential prerequisite for efficient cross border trade is agreement on the carbon credit that comes with RE production. What is the size of the carbon credit and will this credit be attached to the TGC while traded? These will be the main questions to be answered in the next phase of the InTraCert project. 8 refs

  17. An Overview of the HomePlug AV2 Technology


    Yonge, Larry; Abad, Jose; Afkhamie, Kaywan; Guerrieri, Lorenzo; Katar, Srinivas; Lioe, Hidayat; Pagani, Pascal; Riva, Raffaele; Schneider, Daniel M.; Schwager, Andreas


    HomePlug AV2 is the solution identified by the HomePlug Alliance to achieve the improved data rate performance required by the new generation of multimedia applications without the need to install extra wires. Developed by industry-leading participants in the HomePlug AV Technical Working Group, the HomePlug AV2 technology provides Gigabit-class connection speeds over the existing AC wires within home. It is designed to meet the market demands for the full set of future in-home networking co...

  18. First tier modeling of consumer dermal exposure to substances in consumer articles under REACH: a quantitative evaluation of the ECETOC TRA for consumers tool. (United States)

    Delmaar, J E; Bokkers, B G H; ter Burg, W; van Engelen, J G M


    The demonstration of safe use of chemicals in consumer products, as required under REACH, is proposed to follow a tiered process. In the first tier, simple conservative methods and assumptions should be made to quickly verify whether risks for a particular use are expected. The ECETOC TRA Consumer Exposure Tool was developed to assist in first tier risk assessments for substances in consumer products. The ECETOC TRA is not a prioritization tool, but is meant as a first screening. Therefore, the exposure assessment needs to cover all products/articles in a specific category. For the assessment of the dermal exposure for substances in articles, ECETOC TRA uses the concept of a 'contact layer', a hypothetical layer that limits the exposure to a substance contained in the product. For each product/article category, ECETOC TRA proposes default values for the thickness of this contact layer. As relevant experimental exposure data is currently lacking, default values are based on expert judgment alone. In this paper it is verified whether this concept meets the requirement of being a conservative exposure evaluation method. This is done by confronting the ECETOC TRA expert judgment based predictions with a mechanistic emission model, based on the well established theory of diffusion of substances in materials. Diffusion models have been applied and tested in many applications of emission modeling. Experimentally determined input data for a number of material and substance combinations are available. The estimated emissions provide information on the range of emissions that could occur in reality. First tier tools such as ECETOC TRA tool are required to cover all products/articles in a category and to provide estimates that are at least as high as is expected on the basis of current scientific knowledge. Since this was not the case, it is concluded that the ECETOC TRA does not provide a proper conservative estimation method for the dermal exposure to articles. An

  19. Vurdering av andrespråksinnlærere - en utfordring i skolen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kirsten Palm


    Full Text Available Vurdering av andrespråkselevers språkkompetanse og språkutvikling er en sentral del av læreres arbeid, og forskning har vist at dette er en utfordring for skolene. Det er stor variasjon i vurderingsformer, og skolene mangler ofte vurderingskompetanse. På bakgrunn av dette utarbeidet Utdanningsdirektoratet i 2007 vurderingsverktøyet Kartleggingsmateriell. Språkkompetanse i grunnleggende norsk for språklige minoriteter. Materiellet er utarbeidet blant annet med referanse til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR. I artikkelen redegjør vi for en undersøkelse der målet var å finne ut hvorvidt dette kartleggingsmateriellet er hensiktsmessig for å vurdere andrespråkselevers språkkompetanse. Hoveddataene er innhentet gjennom kasusstudier ved tre grunnskoler, der vi intervjuet skoleledelse og lærere samt observerte kartleggingssituasjoner og klasseromsundervisning. Kasusstudiene ble senere fulgt opp av to spørreundersøkelser, én til de samme skolene, og én til et større antall skoler for å få bredere innsikt i kartleggingspraksis og skolers oppfatninger av denne formen for vurdering. Undersøkelsen viser at flere av informantene mener verktøyet kan bidra til mer tilpasset og systematisk andrespråkopplæring og bedre vurdering av andrespråkselevenes språkkompetanse. Samtidig er det utfordringer knyttet til å bruke vurderingsverktøyet, dette skyldes blant annet mangelfull kompetanse i skolen når det gjelder andrespråkstilegnelse og vurdering av elevenes språkkompetanse. Det er ikke tidligere forsket på bruk av et slikt konkret kartleggingsverktøy i norsk grunnskole. Undersøkelsen kan gi et bidrag til økt kunnskap om vurdering av andrespråkskompetanse og tilpasset undervisning for andrespråksinnlærere.

  20. Nová vysokorychlostní železniční trať

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Frýba, Ladislav


    Roč. 49, č. 3 (2007), s. 6-7 +příloha F ISSN 0012-5520 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/05/2066; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA200710505 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20710524 Keywords : high-speed railway track * speed parameters * time schedule Subject RIV: JM - Building Engineering

  1. Field Sampling Plan for the HWMA/RCRA Closure Certification of the TRA-731 Caustic and Acid Storage Tank System - 1997 Notice of Violation Consent Order

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, S.K.


    This Field Sampling Plan for the HWMA/RCRA Closure Certification of the TRA-731 Caustic and Acid Storage Tank System is one of two documents that comprise the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the HWMA/RCRA closure certification of the TRA-731 caustic and acid storage tank system at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. This plan, which provides information about sampling design, required analyses, and sample collection and handling procedures, is to be used in conjunction with the Quality Assurance Project Plan for the HWMA/RCRA Closure Certification of the TRA-731 Caustic and Acid Storage Tank System

  2. Inventering av Suldalslågen. Produksjonspotensial for sjøvandrende laksefisk


    Foldvik, Anders; Pettersen, Oskar


    Foldvik, A. & Pettersen, O. 2017. Inventering av Suldalslågen. Produksjonspotensial for sjøvandrende laksefisk. - NINA Kortrapport 75, 18 s. Reguleringen av Suldalslågen til kraftproduksjon har hatt negative effekter for habitat for laksefisk, blant annet i form av sedimentering og begroing av substratet. Disse prosessene har blitt forsøkt motvirket ved å ha en serie med spyleflommer på over 200 m3/s om høsten. På oppdrag fra Statkraft inverterte NINA oppvekst- og gyteforhold for laks i Su...

  3. Hvilken rolle spiller hybrid shopping i kundereisen ved kjøp av kosmetikk?


    Varem, Andrea; Nervik, Lene


    Temaet for denne bacheloroppgaven er hybrid shopping i kundereisen ved kjøp av kosmetikk. Etter en omfattende gjennomgang av eksisterende teori rundt kundereisen fikk vi et inntrykk av at det er et gap i forskningen knyttet til kundereisen ved kjøp av kosmetikk, på tross av størrelsen på dette markedet. Det vi fant av teori på feltet var i stor grad basert på kvantitative undersøkelser, og vi ønsker derfor å belyse kundereisen i denne konteksten gjennom et kvalitativt forskningsdesign. Med ut...

  4. High Temperature Creep of an Al-8,5Fe-1,3V-1,7Si Alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kuchařová, Květa; Zhu, S. J.; Čadek, Josef


    Roč. 40, č. 2 (2002), s. 69-84 ISSN 0023-432X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IBS2041001 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : Al-8,5Fe 1,3V 1,7Si alloy * creep behavior , true threshold stress Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials Impact factor: 0.493, year: 2002

  5. EST Table: AV403981 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available terminase large subunit (DNA packaging protein A) from bacteriophage origin [Escherichia coli UMN026] 10/08/28 n.h 10/08/27 n.h 10/09/10 n.h 10/09/10 n.h 10/09/10 n.h AV403981 pg-- ... ...AV403981 pg--0297 11/12/09 n.h 10/09/28 100 %/265 aa ref|YP_002411376.1| terminase large subunit (DNA protein A) from bacteriophage origin [Escherichia coli UMN026] emb|CAR11828.1|

  6. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the HWMA/RCRA Closure Certification of the TRA-731 Caustic and Acid Storage Tank System - 1997 Notice of Violation Consent Order; TOPICAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, S.K.


    This Quality Assurance Project Plan for the HWMA/RCRA Closure Certification of the TRA- 731 Caustic and Acid Storage Tank System is one of two documents that comprise the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the HWMA/RCRA closure certification of the TRA-731 caustic and acid storage tank system at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. This plan, which provides information about the project description, project organization, and quality assurance and quality control procedures, is to be used in conjunction with the Field Sampling Plan for the HWMA/RCRA Closure Certification of the TRA-731 Caustic and Acid Storage Tank System. This Quality Assurance Project Plan specifies the procedures for obtaining the data of known quality required by the closure activities for the TRA-731 caustic and acid storage tank system

  7. pTRA - A reporter system for monitoring the intracellular dynamics of gene expression. (United States)

    Wagner, Sabine G; Ziegler, Martin; Löwe, Hannes; Kremling, Andreas; Pflüger-Grau, Katharina


    The presence of standardised tools and methods to measure and represent accurately biological parts and functions is a prerequisite for successful metabolic engineering and crucial to understand and predict the behaviour of synthetic genetic circuits. Many synthetic gene networks are based on transcriptional circuits, thus information on transcriptional and translational activity is important for understanding and fine-tuning the synthetic function. To this end, we have developed a toolkit to analyse systematically the transcriptional and translational activity of a specific synthetic part in vivo. It is based on the plasmid pTRA and allows the assignment of specific transcriptional and translational outputs to the gene(s) of interest (GOI) and to compare different genetic setups. By this, the optimal combination of transcriptional strength and translational activity can be identified. The design is tested in a case study using the gene encoding the fluorescent mCherry protein as GOI. We show the intracellular dynamics of mRNA and protein formation and discuss the potential and shortcomings of the pTRA plasmid.

  8. Reduktion av slöseri inom den spanska ölindustrin : – en studie av åtgärder och metoder i spåren av krisen


    Carlström, Carl


    Den rådande eurokrisen har påverkat det spanska samhället och den spanska ölindustrin negativt. Industrin står inför utmaningar vad gäller minskad försäljning och förändrade kundpreferenser. I tider då intäkterna och försäljningen minskar finns det många sätt att öka sina marginaler. Ett av detta sätt är att börja arbeta med resurseffektivitet och att se till att slöseriet av de resurser man har minskar. De frågor studien besvarar är hur bryggeriindustrin i Spanien har arbetat för att minska ...

  9. Vannmagasinet er ikke fullt før det renner over : en analyse av effekten av redusert etterspørsel i et vannkraftsystem, eksemplifisert med energieffektivisering i bygninger


    Siljan, Marte


    Energieffektivisering i bygninger regnes som et av de mest kostnadseffektive tiltakene for å redusere forbruk av energi, samt bidra til reduksjon i klimagassutslipp. I følge rapporter fra blant annet Lavenergiutvalget (2009) og Klimakur 2020 (2010), vil det være mulig å frigjøre rundt 10 TWh elektrisitet fra norske bygninger i løpet av de neste ti årene. Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg følgene av en tilsvarende etterspørselsreduksjon i det norske kraftsystemet. Norge har et kraftsystem med n...

  10. InterProScan Result: AV399408 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV399408 AV399408_2_ORF1 5D6D9219C673BB29 PFAM PF05274 Baculo_E25 1.3e-78 T IPR007938 unintegrated Cellular... Component: viral envelope (GO:0019031)|Cellular Component: host cell nucleus (GO:0042025) ...

  11. Magnetism in UPtAl under high pressure

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Honda, F.; Eto, T.; Oomi, G.; Sechovský, V.; Andreev, Alexander V.; Takeshita, N.; Môri, N.


    Roč. 52, č. 2 (2002), s. 263-266 ISSN 0011-4626. [Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism /11./. Košice, 20.08.2001-23.08.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : UPtAl * high pressure * electrical resistivity Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.311, year: 2002

  12. Are acid volatile sulfides (AVS) important trace metals sinks in semi-arid mangroves? (United States)

    Queiroz, Hermano Melo; Nóbrega, Gabriel Nuto; Otero, Xose L; Ferreira, Tiago Osório


    Acid-volatile sulfides (AVS) formation and its role on trace metals bioavailability were studied in semi-arid mangroves. The semi-arid climatic conditions at the studied sites, marked by low rainfall and high evapotranspiration rates, clearly limited the AVS formation (AVS contents varied from 0.10 to 2.34μmolg -1 ) by favoring oxic conditions (Eh>+350mV). The AVS contents were strongly correlated with reactive iron and organic carbon (r=0.84; r=0.83 respectively), evidencing their dominant role for AVS formation under semi-arid conditions. On the other hand, the recorded ΣSEM/AVS values remained >1 evidencing a little control of AVS over the bioavailability of trace metals and, thus, its minor role as a sink for toxic metals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Påliteligheten av selvrapportert alkoholkonsum. Svalbardstudien 1988-89

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georg Høyer m. fl


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGSvalbard er spesielt godt egnet til å vurdere påliteligheten av selvrapportert alkoholkonsum. På grunn av detlave prisnivået for alkohol er ulovlig import eller hjemmeproduksjon av alkohol ukjent på Svalbard. Dessutener samfunnet lite og oversiktlig, slik at det er praktisk mulig å undersøke hele befolkningen. I den aktuellestudien registrerte vi alt salg av alkohol til fastboende nordmenn på Svalbard i oktober og november 1988. Isamme tidsperiode ble alle nordmenn 18 år eller eldre invitert til å ta del i en helseundersøkelse der det inngikkspørsmål om alkoholbruk. Vi fant at selvrapportert alkoholkonsum utgjorde rundt 40% av salgsvolumet.På grunn av de spesielle forhold når det gjelder alkoholomsetning på Svalbard er det grunn til å anta atestimatet i denne studien er mer pålitelig sammenlignet med tilsvarende studier fra andre områder.Høyer G, Nilssen O, Brenn T, Schirmer H. The reliability of self-reported alcohol consumption.The Svalbard study 1988-89. Nor J Epidemiol 1996; 6 (1: 109-113.ENGLISH SUMMARYThe Norwegian island of Spitzbergen, Svalbard offers a unique setting for validation studies on self-reportedalcohol consumption. No counterfeit production or illegal import exists, thus making a complete registrationof all sources of alcohol possible. In this study we recorded sales from all agencies selling alcohol onSvalbard over a two month period in 1988. During the same period all adults living permanently on Svalbardwere invited to take part in a health screening. As part of the screening a self-administered questionnaire onalcohol consumption was introduced to the participants. We found that the self-reported volume accounted forapproximately 40 percent of the sales volume. Because of the unique situation applying to Svalbard, theestimate made in this study is believed to be more reliable compared to other studies using sales volume tovalidate self-reports.

  14. Open-Loop Audio-Visual Stimulation (AVS): A Useful Tool for Management of Insomnia? (United States)

    Tang, Hsin-Yi Jean; Riegel, Barbara; McCurry, Susan M; Vitiello, Michael V


    Audio Visual Stimulation (AVS), a form of neurofeedback, is a non-pharmacological intervention that has been used for both performance enhancement and symptom management. We review the history of AVS, its two sub-types (close- and open-loop), and discuss its clinical implications. We also describe a promising new application of AVS to improve sleep, and potentially decrease pain. AVS research can be traced back to the late 1800s. AVS's efficacy has been demonstrated for both performance enhancement and symptom management. Although AVS is commonly used in clinical settings, there is limited literature evaluating clinical outcomes and mechanisms of action. One of the challenges to AVS research is the lack of standardized terms, which makes systematic review and literature consolidation difficult. Future studies using AVS as an intervention should; (1) use operational definitions that are consistent with the existing literature, such as AVS, Audio-visual Entrainment, or Light and Sound Stimulation, (2) provide a clear rationale for the chosen training frequency modality, (3) use a randomized controlled design, and (4) follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials and/or related guidelines when disseminating results.

  15. In situ TEM observation of stress-induced martensitictransformations and twinning processes in CuAlNi single crystals

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zárubová, Niva; Gemperlová, Juliana; Gemperle, Antonín; Dlabáček, Zdeněk; Šittner, Petr; Novák, Václav


    Roč. 58, č. 15 (2010), s. 5109-5119 ISSN 1359-6454 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA200100627 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : CuAlNi shape memory alloy * martensitic transformation * in situ TEM straining Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 3.781, year: 2010

  16. InterProScan Result: AV399409 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 429 Baculovirus LEF-11 Biological Process: viral infectious cycle (GO:0019058)|Biological Process: regulation of transcription (GO:0045449) ... ...AV399409 AV399409_1_ORF2 07DC81A7C7B2FA42 PFAM PF06385 Baculo_LEF-11 3e-33 T IPR009

  17. Considerazioni sul problema dei rigassificatori tra aggregazione del consenso e conflitto ambientale


    Lodoli, Flavio


    2009/2010 Considerazioni sul problema dei Rigassificatori tra Aggregazione del Consenso e Conflitto Ambientale 1. Il nostro Paese, per scelta politica e per una sostanziale limitata capacità di innovazione del mondo industriale, ha una quota attuale di produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili poco significativa nonostante gli investimenti, i contributi e le agevolazioni fiscali che dovrebbero incentivare opportunamente ad esempio, l’utilizzo dell’energia solare che rappresenta una...

  18. Microstructure evolution of an Al-Pd-Co alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kahalová, Ĺ.; Kusý, M.; Buršík, Jiří; Svoboda, Milan; Illeková, E.; Švec, P.; Dolinšek, J.; Janovec, J.


    Roč. 46, č. 4 (2008), s. 221-227 ISSN 0023-432X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/07/1259 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : complex metallic alloys * Al-Pd-Co system * differential thermal analysis Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy Impact factor: 1.345, year: 2007

  19. Karel VI. & Alžběta Kristýna

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vácha, Štěpán; Veselá, I.; Vlnas, V.; Vokáčová, P.


    Roč. 2, č. 3 (2010), s. 85-90 ISSN 1803-6988 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : coronation * emperor Charles VI * empress Elisabeth Christine of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel * baroque * festivities Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  20. Electron Emission by Doppler-Mediated Formation of Doubly Excited H -** in Grazing Incidence of Protons on Clean Al(111)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lörinčík, Jan; Šroubek, Zdeněk; Aumayr, H.; Winter, H. P.


    Roč. 54, č. 5 (2001), s. 633-639 ISSN 0295-5075 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1067801 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901 Keywords : ion scattering from surfaces * Doppler-mediated formation * Al(111) Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 2.304, year: 2001

  1. Phase stability of CuAlMn shape memory alloys

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zárubová, Niva; Novák, Václav


    Roč. 378, - (2004), s. 216-221 ISSN 0921-5093 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : CuAlMn * shape memory alloys * martensitic transformation * - stress -strain tests * tension-compression cycling * history dependent phenomena Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.445, year: 2004

  2. Plan de mejoramiento integral de la Granja Avícola Avicamp ubicada en la población de Puéllaro, provincia de Pichincha


    Campaña Auz, Daniel Mauricio


    El Ecuador al ser un país con buenas condiciones climáticas, es lógico que exista un interés por el desarrollo del sector avícola, tal es el caso que a partir de los años ochenta se siente una fuerte inversión en proyectos y en la ejecución de los mismos a través de la producción y comercialización de productos derivados de las gallinas como son: carne, huevos y estiércol. La industria avícola ha venido avanzando poco a poco hasta llegar a convertirse en uno de los sectores ...

  3. The Thrombin Receptor Antagonist for Clinical Event Reduction in Acute Coronary Syndrome (TRA*CER) trial: study design and rationale. (United States)


    The protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1), the main platelet receptor for thrombin, represents a novel target for treatment of arterial thrombosis, and SCH 530348 is an orally active, selective, competitive PAR-1 antagonist. We designed TRA*CER to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SCH 530348 compared with placebo in addition to standard of care in patients with non-ST-segment elevation (NSTE) acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and high-risk features. TRA*CER is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, phase III trial with an original estimated sample size of 10,000 subjects. Our primary objective is to demonstrate that SCH 530348 in addition to standard of care will reduce the incidence of the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, recurrent ischemia with rehospitalization, and urgent coronary revascularization compared with standard of care alone. Our key secondary objective is to determine whether SCH 530348 will reduce the composite of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke compared with standard of care alone. Secondary objectives related to safety are the composite of moderate and severe GUSTO bleeding and clinically significant TIMI bleeding. The trial will continue until a predetermined minimum number of centrally adjudicated primary and key secondary end point events have occurred and all subjects have participated in the study for at least 1 year. The TRA*CER trial is part of the large phase III SCH 530348 development program that includes a concomitant evaluation in secondary prevention. TRA*CER will define efficacy and safety of the novel platelet PAR-1 inhibitor SCH 530348 in the treatment of high-risk patients with NSTE ACS in the setting of current treatment strategies.

  4. Il popolo tra realtà politica e finzione ideologica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Gatti


    Full Text Available Ci si può chiedere quale sia il motivo che spinge ad affrontare la non facile prova consistente nel delineare un percorso di riflessione in chiave filosofica intorno al concetto di “popolo” prendendo in esame il periodo che va dalla prima alla tarda modernità, sino a sfiorare (almeno l’epoca della quale noi, uomini e donne del presente, siamo protagonisti, il più delle volte molto perplessi e parecchio disorientati.Il perché sta nel tentativo di mostrare che, per quanto questo lungo periodo sia, a proposito del nostro argomento, parecchio complesso e contraddistinto da un esteso pluralismo di punti di vista, presenta però, a mio avviso, almeno una caratteristica unitaria. Si tratta della difficoltà di articolare teoreticamente un concetto di “popolo” sul quale non gravino quei limiti sui quali vorrei concentrare l’attenzione: limiti ovviamente non secondari, ma tali da compromettere gravemente il concetto in questione.In tutto il tragitto che proverò a tracciare, non vorrei semplicemente procedere prendendo nota dei punti oscuri rinvenibili in questa o quella concezione di “popolo”, e così mettere in atto una sorta d’incolore e, tutto sommato, ridondante elenco che collochi uno dopo l’altro gli autori come in una galleria dei nobili fallimenti della filosofia politica dal ‘500 a oggi. La posta in gioco è ben diversa. La presento, per ora molto concisamente, come segue.Nel De republica di Cicerone – importante sintesi di una già consolidata tradizione – è evidente la corrispondenza concettuale tra “res publica” e “populus”: la società politica si dà solo in presenza di un’associazione tenuta insieme “per accordo nell’osservare la giustizia” e “per comunanza di interessi”. Il popolo, che si forma a causa della “naturale inclinazione a vivere bene” presente in ogni essere umano, esprime, nella sua unità etico-giuridica, il senso propriamente politico insito nel condurre un

  5. Kvantifisering av overvann: Case Brøset


    Huurnink, Jon Egenberg


    Oppgaven forsøker å vise den systemresponsen som er særegen for konvensjonelle tiltak og blå-grønne tiltak. Dette er aktuelt på Brøset bydel som en del av Fremtiden byer prosjektet og skal bygges om til boligområde. MIKE URBAN og MIKE 21 er benyttet til å lage en konseptuell modell.Ved å sammenligne sommer- og vinterforhold, i tillegg til ulike gjentaksintervaller (1, 20 og 100år), vil kurver for videreført vannmengde gi et inntrykk av tiltakenes effekt. Dette gir beslutningsstøtte for Komm...

  6. A photometric analysis of the neglected EW-type binary V336 TrA (United States)

    Kriwattanawong, W.; Sarotsakulchai, T.; Maungkorn, S.; Reichart, D. E.; Haislip, J. B.; Kouprianov, V. V.; LaCluyze, A. P.; Moore, J. P.


    This study presents an analysis of photometric light curves and absolute parameters for the EW-type binary V336 TrA. VRI imaging observations were taken in 2013 by using the robotic telescopes PROMPT 4 and PROMPT 5 at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), Chile. The observed light curves were fitted by using the Wilson-Devinney method. The results showed that V336 TrA is a W-type contact binary with a mass ratio of q = 1.396. The binary is a weak contact system with a fill-out factor of f = 15.69%. The system contains components with masses of 0.653 M⊙ and 0.912 M⊙ for the hotter and the cooler, respectively. The location of the secondary (less massive) component on the log M - log L diagram was found to be near the TAMS. The component has evolved to be oversize and overluminous. The orbital angular momentum of the binary was found to be log Jo = 51.61 cgs, less than all detached systems for same mass. The system has undergone angular momentum and/or mass loss, during the binary evolution from the detached to contact system.

  7. CDC 1604-A translator from the SLANG autocode for the TRA computer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belyaev, A.V.


    A SLANG - TRA translator has been devised for faster, easier programing. The program is realized on a SDS-1604A computer, input data are read from 80 column punch cards and translated into the standard Hollerith 026 code. Programs are processed in batches. A SDS-1604A teletype enables the operator to control the translation. The translator makes it possible to evaluate program processing time. The translator's high speed simplifies program editing and saves manpower

  8. Bruk av kartleggingsresultater i forbedringsarbeid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordahl, Thomas; Hansen, Line Skov

    . Barnehagen har gjerne tilgang på informasjon fra kartlegginger, men det er ikke alltid denne informasjonen blir systematisk analysert og aktivt brukt i forbedringsarbeid. Forfatterne viser hvordan slike analyser kan gjennomføres på forskjellige nivåer i den enkelte barnehage, og vektlegger viktigheten av...

  9. Pawedness Trait Test (PaTRaT—A New Paradigm to Evaluate Paw Preference and Dexterity in Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M. Cunha


    Full Text Available In rodents, dexterity is commonly analyzed in preference paradigms in which animals are given the chance to use either the left or the right front paws to manipulate food. However, paw preference and dexterity at population and individual levels are controversial as results are incongruent across paradigms. We have therefore developed a semi-quantitative method—the pawdeness trait test (PaTRaT—to evaluate paw preference degree in rats. The PaTRaT consists in a classification system, ranging from +4 to −4 where increasingly positive and negative values reflect the bias for left or right paw use, respectively. Sprague-Dawley male rats were confined into a metal rectangular mesh cylinder, from which they can see, smell and reach sugared rewards with their paws. Due to its size, the reward could only cross the mesh if aligned with its diagonal, imposing additional coordination. Animals were allowed to retrieve 10 rewards per session in a total of four sessions while their behavior was recorded. PaTRaT was repeated 4 and 8 weeks after the first evaluation. To exclude potential bias, rats were also tested for paw fine movement and general locomotion in other behavioral paradigms as well as impulsivity (variable delay-to-signal, VDS, memory and cognitive flexibility (water maze. At the population level 54% of the animals presented a rightward bias. Individually, all animals presented marked side-preferences, >2 and <−2 for left- and right-sided bias, respectively, and this preference was stable across the three evaluations. Inter-rater consistency was very high between two experienced raters and substantial when two additional inexperienced raters were included. Left- and right-biased animals presented no differences in the ability to perform fine movements with any of the forelimbs (staircase and general locomotor performance. Additionally, these groups performed similarly in executive function and memory tasks. In conclusion, PaTRaT is able

  10. Magnetic hard disks for audio-visual use; AV yo jiki disk baitai

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tei, Y.; Sakaguchi, S.; Uwazumi, H. [Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Computers, consumer, and communications are converging and fusing. The key device in homes in the near future will be an audiovisual hard disk drive (AV-HDD). The reason is that there is no other AV cash memory with high capacity, high speed, and a low price than the HDD. Fuji Electric has early started developing an AV magnetic hard disk, a core-functional element of the AV-HDD, to take the initiative in the market. This paper describes the state of plastic medium development, which is regarded as a next-generation strategic commodity. (author)

  11. Plan de Prevención de Riesgos en Granja de Producción Avícola


    Caraballo-Fernández, Esther


    La granja de producción avícola objeto de estudio no tiene actualmente un plan de prevención riguroso, aunque si se aplican algunas medidas básicas de seguridad como el uso de ciertos equipos de protección individual (por ejemplo botas de seguridad y guantes), al igual que se dispone de equipos de protección colectiva como extintores. Sin embargo, el responsable de la empresa, el técnico encargado de la granja, es consciente de que la instalación es deficiente en aspectos de segurida...

  12. Una community emergente tra progettazione territorio e infrastrutture La prima conferenza Autodesk degli utenti italiani

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    Redazione Redazione


    Full Text Available La prima edizione dell’Autodesk User Conference dedicata aiSistemi Informativi Territoriali ed alla progettazione delle infrastrutture, tenutasi a Roma il 29 settembre 2005, diventerà l’appuntamento fisso sulla convergenza tra tecnologie CAD e GISche molti reclamavano da tempo.

  13. La narrazione orale tra bambini ed adulti: da flusso continuo a vena carsica?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena Bernardi


    Full Text Available Con il segmento di ricerca che viene presentato nella sua prima fase si prende in esame l’ipotesi di un processo, in atto da tempo, di trasformazione e/o di declino della narrazione orale nel rapporto quotidiano tra adulti e bambini, inteso, in questo specifico contesto, come “spia” dei mutamenti degli stili educativi e degli interscambi tra famiglie ed operatori dei servizi in relazione all’alleanza educativa. La complessità dei filoni di studio che rimandano alla voce “narrazione” negli ambiti delle scienze umane esige la precisazione della curvatura “narrativa” scelta per la ricerca in corso: curvatura che appartiene all’epistemologia della letteratura per l’infanzia e della pedagogia della narrazione in quanto permette di imboccare la strada della ricerca pedagogica rivolta innanzi tutto ai significati che il narrare assume nella relazione educativa e poi ai modi ed alle forme della narrazione che coinvolgono l’infanzia. In un’epoca di grande vitalità e visibilità delle narrazioni, tra cui abbondano le produzioni scritte, illustrate, filmate per l’infanzia, sembra esserci una zona marginale e quasi sommersa della comunicazione narrante che rischia di sfumare in una sorta di oblio. E’ la zona della narrazione orale esperita in praesentia da bambini ed adulti insieme, tessuta con fili di parole che restituiscono senso all’intero arco delle esperienze, tentando di riordinare il disordine che spesso connota la realtà, interpretando, stabilendo connessioni, impregnando di quel senso i vissuti, i fatti, le relazioni, le cose e le parole stesse, ancora, nelle voci. Del rischio e delle conseguenze che possono derivare dalla sua mancanza si occupa questo contributo di ricerca che, dal punto di vista metodologico, si è avvalso e si avvale sia di analisi condotte sul corpus dei testi sia della raccolta di dati e informazioni tramite incontri condotti con la modalità del focus group, con educatrici e genitori.

  14. Insamling av geografisk information med UAV över området Stomsjö i Värnamo kommun : En effektiv arbetsmetod för kartering i 2D och 3D samt dokumentation av arbetsgång och kvalitetssäkring av geografisk information


    Bauner, Mikael


    I detta examensarbetesprojekt genomfördes en flygkartering över deponiområdet Stomsjö i Värnamo kommun, mha. en drönare, eller den i detta sammanhang mer använda benämningen UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Värnamo kommuns tekniska avdelning var i behov av beräkning av massor vid deponin, ett område på ca 15 hektar samt modellering av densamma. Den låga kostnaden för inköp av UAV och programvara motiverade kommunen att driva egen verksamhet jämfört med att köpa tjänsterna från konsulter. Projek...

  15. AVS/Express (application visualization system) user's guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kato, Katsumi [Research Organization for Information Science Technology, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); Kume, Etsuo [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    Computer and network environment for image processing has been developed and maintained under the course of establishing a distributed processing environment by the information system operating division. We introduced a server for image processing, AVS/Express for image processing software and Stereo viewing system. This report summarizes the information to use AVS/Express efficiently in the computer environment for image processing. (author)

  16. InterProScan Result: AV399740 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV399740 AV399740_3_ORF2 7A42A41D4F3F6388 PFAM PF00067 p450 1.2e-19 T IPR001128 Cytochrome P450 Molecular... Function: monooxygenase activity (GO:0004497)|Molecular Function: iron ion binding (GO:0005506)|Molecular... Function: electron carrier activity (GO:0009055)|Molecular Function: heme binding (GO:0020037) ...

  17. Valorizzazione di un patrimonio culturale periferico: il progetto "Cuore Verde tra i due Laghi" / The enhancement of the peripherial cultural heritage: the project “Cuore Verde tra i due laghi” (Green Heart between the two Lakes

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    Antonella Capriello


    Full Text Available Lo studio è indirizzato a esplorare le potenzialità dei metodi partecipativi per la valorizzazione di patrimoni culturali periferici. In rapporto al descritto obiettivo, è stato sviluppato un caso-studio concernente le Comunità rurali tra il Lago Maggiore e il Lago d’Orta. L’area rurale è caratterizzata dalla presenza di un patrimonio culturale periferico rispetto al circuito delle attività turistico-culturali in Piemonte, ma il piano di valorizzazione ha attivato iniziative per vivacizzare il territorio e superare la condizione di marginalità. Il caso-studio si basa sull’applicazione della metodologia Participatory Action Research (PAR per favorire il coinvolgimento di stakeholders locali in posizione marginale. Lo studio individua linee guida per la generalizzazione della metodologia nei processi di valorizzazione di un patrimonio culturale periferico.  The article aims to explore the potential of participative methods to enhance the value of peripheral cultural wealth. Consistent with the described aims, a case study was developed with a focus on the rural communities between Lago Maggiore (Maggiore Lake and Lago d’Orta (Orta Lake. The rural area is characterised by the presence of peripheral cultural heritage comparing tourist and cultural proposals in Piedmont, but a cultural plan has been developed to animate the local context and to overcome the condition of isolation. The case study is based on Participatory Action Research (PAR, involving stakeholders in marginal positions. The results identify best practices to generalize the methodology in order to enhance the value of peripheral cultural wealth.

  18. Å LESE MEDIETEKSTER PÅ IPADEN. Observasjoner av en medievant fireårings bruk av iPad i hjemmet

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    Henriette Jæger


    Full Text Available Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i tre observasjoner av en gutt på fire år som bruker iPad på fritiden. Den søker å synliggjøre de strategiene dette barnet velger for å skaffe seg tilgang til ulike medietekster, hvordan han leser og tolker dem, og den undersøker eventuelle spor av kritisk refleksjon hos barnet over disse tekstene. Teoretisk sett hviler den på en forståelse av mediekompetanse som en parallell prosess til utvikling av lese- og skrivekyndighet (literacy, og medieopplevelsene omtales som viktige møter med tekst. Artikkelen undersøker hvordan å lese medietekster kan legge et grunnlag for å utvikle en utvidet tekstkompetanse eller mediekompetanse. Konklusjonen legger vekt på motivasjon og lekenhet som barns primære inngang til medietekstene og som et grunnlag for å utvikle mediekompetanse (media literacy. The article is based on three observations of a four-year-old boy who uses the iPad in his spare time. It demonstrates the strategies that this boy applies to gain access to various media texts, and how he reads and interprets them. It also seeks to examine traces of critical reflection that he may demonstrate in relation to these texts. Theoretically, it rests on an understanding of media literacy as a parallel process to the development of literacy, and it seeks to demonstrate how reading media texts can create an important starting point for the development of media literacy. The Kindergarten practitioner’s role and opportunities to develop children's media literacy within a kindergarten context is a focus towards the end of the article. In conclusion, I argue that motivation and playfulness are important approaches to media texts and create an important foundation for the development of media literacy

  19. Metronomic chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant setting: results of two parallel feasibility trials (TraQme and TAME) in patients with HER2+ and HER2− locally advanced breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petry, V.; Gagliato, D.M.; Leal, A.I.C.; Arai, R.J.; Longo, E.; Andrade, F.; Ricci, M.D.; Piato, J.R.; Barroso-Sousa, R.; Hoff, P.M.; Mano, M.S.


    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has practical and theoretical advantages over adjuvant chemotherapy strategy in breast cancer (BC) management. Moreover, metronomic delivery has a more favorable toxicity profile. The present study examined the feasibility of neoadjuvant metronomic chemotherapy in two cohorts [HER2+ (TraQme) and HER2− (TAME)] of locally advanced BC. Twenty patients were prospectively enrolled (TraQme, n=9; TAME, n=11). Both cohorts received weekly paclitaxel at 100 mg/m 2 during 8 weeks followed by weekly doxorubicin at 24 mg/m 2 for 9 weeks in combination with oral cyclophosphamide at 100 mg/day (fixed dose). The HER2+ cohort received weekly trastuzumab. The study was interrupted because of safety issues. Thirty-six percent of patients in the TAME cohort and all patients from the TraQme cohort had stage III BC. Of note, 33% from the TraQme cohort and 66% from the TAME cohort displayed hormone receptor positivity in tumor tissue. The pathological complete response rates were 55% and 18% among patients enrolled in the TraQme and TAME cohorts, respectively. Patients in the TraQme cohort had more advanced BC stages at diagnosis, higher-grade pathological classification, and more tumors lacking hormone receptor expression, compared to the TAME cohort. The toxicity profile was also different. Two patients in the TraQme cohort developed pneumonitis, and in the TAME cohort we observed more hematological toxicity and hand-foot syndrome. The neoadjuvant metronomic chemotherapy regimen evaluated in this trial was highly effective in achieving a tumor response, especially in the HER2+ cohort. Pneumonitis was a serious, unexpected adverse event observed in this group. Further larger and randomized trials are warranted to evaluate the association between metronomic chemotherapy and trastuzumab treatment

  20. Metronomic chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant setting: results of two parallel feasibility trials (TraQme and TAME) in patients with HER2+ and HER2− locally advanced breast cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petry, V.; Gagliato, D.M.; Leal, A.I.C.; Arai, R.J.; Longo, E. [Divisão de Oncologia Médica, Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Andrade, F. [Núcleo de Mastologia, Hospital Sírio Libanês, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ricci, M.D.; Piato, J.R.; Barroso-Sousa, R.; Hoff, P.M.; Mano, M.S. [Divisão de Oncologia Médica, Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has practical and theoretical advantages over adjuvant chemotherapy strategy in breast cancer (BC) management. Moreover, metronomic delivery has a more favorable toxicity profile. The present study examined the feasibility of neoadjuvant metronomic chemotherapy in two cohorts [HER2+ (TraQme) and HER2− (TAME)] of locally advanced BC. Twenty patients were prospectively enrolled (TraQme, n=9; TAME, n=11). Both cohorts received weekly paclitaxel at 100 mg/m{sup 2} during 8 weeks followed by weekly doxorubicin at 24 mg/m{sup 2} for 9 weeks in combination with oral cyclophosphamide at 100 mg/day (fixed dose). The HER2+ cohort received weekly trastuzumab. The study was interrupted because of safety issues. Thirty-six percent of patients in the TAME cohort and all patients from the TraQme cohort had stage III BC. Of note, 33% from the TraQme cohort and 66% from the TAME cohort displayed hormone receptor positivity in tumor tissue. The pathological complete response rates were 55% and 18% among patients enrolled in the TraQme and TAME cohorts, respectively. Patients in the TraQme cohort had more advanced BC stages at diagnosis, higher-grade pathological classification, and more tumors lacking hormone receptor expression, compared to the TAME cohort. The toxicity profile was also different. Two patients in the TraQme cohort developed pneumonitis, and in the TAME cohort we observed more hematological toxicity and hand-foot syndrome. The neoadjuvant metronomic chemotherapy regimen evaluated in this trial was highly effective in achieving a tumor response, especially in the HER2+ cohort. Pneumonitis was a serious, unexpected adverse event observed in this group. Further larger and randomized trials are warranted to evaluate the association between metronomic chemotherapy and trastuzumab treatment.

  1. Dialogmøte om teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd


    Henriksen, Kristian; Sunde, Leif Magne; Digre, Hanne; Svendsen, Erik; Rundtop, Per; Erikson, Ulf Gøran


    SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk arrangerte den 19. mars 2013, i samarbeid med Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond (FHF), et dialogmøte med fokus på teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd. Under møtet ble status for gjeldene teknologi og operasjoner for trenging av fisk i merd, samt resultater fra forskningsprosjekter tilknyttet trengeprosessen, presentert. Videre ble det samlet innspill om utfordringer tilknyttet trenging av fisk i produksjons- og ventemerd fra oppdrettsbedrifter, leverandø...

  2. Transport og akkumulering av jern i profiler av et dyrket myrareal


    Ødelien, M.; Selmer-Olsen, A. R.; Lie, Ole


    En mindre del av et stort dyrket myrareal på eiendommen Vivang, Våler i Solør, har uvanlig jernrik torv. Her har havre hatt god vegetativ vekst, men meget dårlig kjerneutvikling (5,10). Det siste har vist seg å skyldes molybdenmangel, som særlig må antas å ha årsakssammenheng med det store jerninnholdet i torva. I denne artikkelen er arealet med molybdenmangel kalt A og et tilgrensende areal uten synlige tegn til slik mangel B. Tabellene 1-3 viser kjemiske analyseresultater for torv fra 3 pro...

  3. Modellering av urbane pluviale flommer ved bruk av værradar


    Kjølseth, Tora Marie Hveem; Vatne, Ingrid


    Ekstreme nedbørhendelser med påfølgende pluviale flommer forårsaker store skader på infrastruktur og bebyggelse. Skadene fører til betydelige samfunnskostnader, og problemet er økende. Avrenningsmodeller kan benyttes for å simulere flomforløpet til en nedbørhendelse, og er et mye brukt verktøy i planlegging, prosjektering, dimensjonering og drift av overvann-systemer. Som inngangsdata i avrenningsmodeller er det vanlig å bruke konstruert nedbør, der det tas utgangspunkt i målinger og statisti...

  4. User guide of AVS/ITBL for numerical environmental system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Yoshio; Matsumoto, Nobuko; Yamagishi, Nobuhiro; Arakawa, Takuya; Kuraishi, Hideaki


    The Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has carried out the ITBL (Information-Technology Based Laboratory) project which is one of e-Japan priority policy programs. The goal of the ITBL project is to create the vertical research environment in which intellectual resources such as remote computers, programs and data can be shared in Japanese research institutions and cooperative studies among researchers can be supported. AVS/ITBL is the visualization tool which has been developed aiming at realizing the efficient visualization in the ITBL environment. This visualization tool is one of the tools of ITBL infrastructure software and operates in cooperation with AVS/Express. Main functions of AVS/ITBL are as follows: it can directly read data files located on remote computers, it can display and control an image on the web browser, it can collaboratively display an image among remote researchers, and it can perform visualization process as a batch. In this paper, utilization of AVS/ITBL to the numerical environmental system, which is one of the applications in ITBL project, is presented. And the outline of the operation in this utilization is indicated. (author)

  5. Mineralogical Mapping of the Av-5 Floronia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta (United States)

    Combe, J.-Ph.; Fulchinioni, M.; McCord, T. B.; Ammannito, E.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Nathues, A.; Capaccioni, F.; Frigeri, A.; Jaumann, R.; Le Corre, L.; Palomba, E.; Preusker, F.; Reddy, V.; Stephan, K.; Tosi, F.; Zambon, F.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C. T.


    Asteroid 4 Vesta is currently under investigation by NASA's Dawn orbiter. The Dawn Science Team is conducting mineralogical mapping of Vesta's surface in the form of 15 quadrangle maps, and here we report results from the mapping of Floronia quadrangle Av-5. The maps are based on the data acquired by the Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR-MS) and the Framing Camera (FC) (De Sanctis et al., this meeting). This abstract is focused on the analysis of band ratios, as well as the depth and position of the 2-µm absorption band of pyroxenes, but additional information will be presented. Absorption band depth is sensitive to abundance, texture and multiple scattering effects. Absorption band position is controlled by composition, shorter wavelength positions indicate less Calcium (and more Magnesium) in pyroxenes. The inferred composition is compared with that of Howardite, Eucite and Diogenite meteorites (HEDs). Diogenites are Mg-rich with large orthopyroxene crystals suggesting formation in depth; Eucrites are Ca-poor pyroxene, with smaller crystals. Av-5 Floronia Quadrangle is located between ~20-66˚N and 270˚-360˚E. It covers a portion of the heavily-cratered northern hemisphere of Vesta, and part of it is in permanent night, until August 2012. Long shadows make the visualization of albedo variations difficult, because of limited effectiveness of photometric corrections. Most of the variations of the band depth at 2 µm are partly affected by illumination geometry in this area. Only regional tendencies are meaningful at this time of the analysis. The 2-µm absorption band depth seems to be deeper towards the south of the quadrangle, in particular to the south of Floronia crater. It is not possible to interpret the value of the band depth in the floor the craters because of the absence of direct sunlight. However, the illuminated rims seem to have a deeper 2-µm absorption band, as does the ejecta from an unnamed crater located further south, within

  6. Utforming av stålrammer til ridehall


    Halvorsrud, Roar


    NORSK: Oppgaven går ut på å dimensjonere forskjellige bærerammer til en ridehall på kobberud gård i Lier kommune i Buskerud. Kriterier i oppgaven er at alle forbindelser mellom søyler og bjelker skal kunne utføres som en boltet forbindelse for en så praktisk oppreising av bygget som mulig. Det gir også mulighet for og montere selve bæresystemet på egenhånd om man har nødvendig utstyr. Det er dermed viktig at man bruker så lite stål som mulig for å redusere vekt av søyler og bjelker. Bearbe...

  7. Examination of office visit patient preferences for the after-visit summary (AVS). (United States)

    Neuberger, Marolee; Dontje, Katherine; Holzman, Greg; Corser, Bill; Keskimaki, Abigail; Chant, Ericka


    The federal government advocates the practice of routinely providing an after-visit summary (AVS) to patients after each office-based visit as an element of stage 1 meaningful use. A significant potential benefit of the AVS is improved patient engagement achieved by enabling patients and family members to better understand and retain key health information. The methodology for this study was a mixed-methods pilot study to examine, through the perspectives of adult primary care patients, how relevant and actionable data can be better formatted in the AVS. Results of this study suggest that the goal of the AVS to serve as a communication tool to engage and support patients is frequently not being met. Further study is needed to understand, from the viewpoints of patients and providers, what barriers are keeping them from optimally providing and using the information on the AVS.

  8. L’impegno al tempo della globalizzazione

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cecchini, Leonardo

    enigma e profezia" (Pasolini); "quello che si chiamava l' 'engagement', l'impegno, può saltar fuori a tutti i livelli; qui vuole innanzitutto essere immagini e parola, scatto, piglio, stile, sprezzatura, sfida" (Calvino); " Identificarmi con il punto di vista altrui, forse è questa la mia maniera di......Il concetto di impegno, un tratto persistente della cultura italiana, sembra sfuggire a definizioni precise. Vedi per es. le seguenti prese di posizione: "L'impegno [. . .] è la mediazione tra contestazione (naturale) e rivoluzionarietà cosciente, tra ambiguità assoluta e ambiguità relativa, tra...... impegnarmi” (Tabucchi). Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione degli studiosi si è concentrata su quello che Pierpaolo Antonello e altri hanno definito Postmodern Impegno. Un impegno “debole”, etico e anti ideologico. La pubblicazione del memorandum dei Wu Ming New Italian Epic nel 2009 ha aggiunto un altro tassello...

  9. The Influence of the Asymmetric Arb Process on the Properties of Al-Mg-Al Multi-Layer Sheets / Wpływ Asymetrii W Procesie Arb Na Właściwości Wielowarstwowych Blach Al-Mg-Al

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wierzba A.


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the experimental study of the three-layer Al-Mg-Al sheets rolling process by the ARB method. The tests carried out were limited to single-pass symmetric and asymmetric rolling processes. An Al-Mg-Al package with an initial thickness of 4 mm (1-2-1 mm was subjected to the process of rolling with a relative reduction of 50%. To activate the shear band in the strip being deformed, an asymmetry factor of av=2 was applied. From the test results, an increase in the tensile strength of the multi-layer Al-Mg-Al sheets obtained from the asymmetric process was observed. Microhardness tests did not show any significant differences in aluminium layer between respective layers of sheets obtained from the symmetric and the asymmetric process. By contrast, for the magnesium layer, an increase in microhardness from 72 HV to 79 HV could be observed for the asymmetric rolling. The analysis of the produced Al-Mg-Al sheets shows that the good bond between individual layers and grain refinement in the magnesium layer contributed to the obtaining of higher mechanical properties in the multi-layer sheets produced in the asymmetric process compared to the sheets obtained from the symmetric process.

  10. The role of AV and VV optimization for CRT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William W. Brabham, M.D.


    Full Text Available Cardiac resynchronization therapy is an effective therapy for patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and a ventricular conduction delay; however, approximately 30% of patients do not experience significant clinical improvement with this treatment. Modern devices allow individualized programming of the AV delay and VV offset, which offer the possibility of improving clinical response rates with optimized programming. AV and VV delay optimization techniques have included echocardiography, device-based algorithms, and several other novel noninvasive techniques. While an acute improvement in hemodynamic function has been clearly demonstrated with optimized device settings, long-term clinical benefit is limited. In the majority of cases, an empiric AV delay with simultaneous biventricular or left ventricular pacing is adequate. The value of optimization of these intervals in “non-responders” still requires further investigation.

  11. Embolization of AV intra-hepatic fistulas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mallarini, G; Saitta, S; Cariati, M; Nicorelli, M; de Caro, G


    The use of therapeutic embolization in a case of hepatic AV fistula with portal flow inversion and portal hypertension is described. Indications, technique and an illustrative case followed up for one year after the intervention are presented.

  12. Quale sapere religioso nella scuola pubblica? Dall’orizzonte europeo al caso Italia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavio Pajer


    Full Text Available Il trattamento della materia religiosa nei curricoli scolastici si diversifica secondo una vasta gamma di variabili. Da un punto di vista epistemologico, si possono inventariare 4 modelli di sapere religioso: un insegnamento a base teologica, uno a base mista tra scienze teologiche e scienze della religione, un terzo a base di scienze religiose non teologiche, e infine un approccio al fatto religioso operato all’interno dei saperi profani. Questi modelli sono contestuali a situazioni socio-religiose in evoluzione. Il sistema educativo italiano, dipendente dal concordato, è sollecitato oggi da molti fattori extrascolastici a evolvere verso un profilo di istruzione religiosa meno legato alla tradizione confessionale e più attento al confronto con diversità religiosa, con la società della conoscenza, con la metodologia della didattica interculturale.

  13. A case of pancreatic AV malformation in an elderly man. (United States)

    Gupta, Vipin; Kedia, Saurabh; Sonika, Ujjwal; Madhusudhan, Kumble Seetharama; Pal, Sujoy; Garg, Pramod


    A 60-year-old man presented with recurrent abdominal pain and weight loss for 6 months. Abdominal imaging showed a large vascular lesion in the head and neck of pancreas suggestive of arteriovenous malformation (AV malformation). Endoscopic ultrasound was done which showed features of AV malformation with no evidence of pancreatic malignancy. Surgery was planned for definitive treatment of malformation. Digital subtraction angiography with angioembolization was done prior to surgery to reduce vascularity of the lesion. He recovered after a pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. Histopathology of the resected specimen confirmed the pancreatic AV malformation. There has been no recurrence at 2 years of follow-up.

  14. Nyutdannede allmennlærere og deres opplevelse av faglig kompetanse i leseopplæring generelt og av elever med lesevansker spesielt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerd Grimsæth


    Full Text Available Teoretisk og praktisk kunnskap fungerer etter ulik logikk, ingen teori kan helt omsettes til praksis. Det er derfor av interesse å undersøke nærmere hvordan nyutdannede lærere opplever både sin fagkunnskap og nyervervede kompetanse i yrket. Undersøkelsen som her blir presentert har følgende problemstilling: Hvordan opplever nyutdannede lærere sin kompetanse i leseopplæring generelt og leseopplæring av elever med lesevansker spesielt? Denne pilotundersøkelsen tar utgangspunkt i Q- metoden; nyutdannede lærere plasserer subjektive utsagn trykt på individuelle kort i en matrise. Pilotundersøkelsen baserer seg på 10 respondenter, vi valgte derfor en kvalitativ analyse av resultatene av Q-sorteringen. Resultatene viser at nyutdannede lærere opplever at de mangler kunnskap og kompetanse både i praktisk leseopplæring generelt og om lesevansker spesielt. Kartleggingsmateriell blir i liten grad brukt som grunnlag for informantenes tilrettelegging av arbeidsmåter i leseopplæring. Inkludering og sammenholdte klasser står sterkt hos informantene, men de savner informasjon om elever med lesevansker og om tilgjengelig hjelpemateriell. Resultatene understreker betydningen av veiledning av nyutdannede lærere og ikke minst deres behov for fora for faglig utvikling, faglig utveksling og refleksive diskusjoner.Nøkkelord: Nyutdannede allmennlærere; opplevd fagkunnskap og kompetanse; leseopplæring, lesevansker, Q-metodologi, læring i praksis.AbstractTheory and practice are based on different logics; this means that no theory can be fully implemented in practice. For this reason, it is interesting to investigate newly qualified teachers’ perceptions of their expertise and competence. In order to study this phenomena, the following research question was formulated: How do newly qualified teachers perceive their competence in the field of reading education in general and reading difficulties in particular? This pilot study is based on Q

  15. Konstruktionen av stress : En kvalitativ studie om hur stress upplevs i banksektorn


    Blohm, Martin; Konradsson, Axel


    Bakgrund: Arbetslivet förändras ständigt till följd av digitaliseringen och tillgången till information ökar kraftigt. Banksektorn är en av de sektorer som påverkats mest av dessa förändringar och studier har visat att arbetsrelaterad stress ökar till följd av detta. Det är lätt att utifrån studier och fackliga undersökningar förknippa stress i banksektorn med arbetsmiljöproblem eftersom fokus ligger på ohälsa och sjukskrivning. Samtidigt vill många människor arbeta i banksektorn och i andra ...

  16. Estudo da aderência de arames da armadura de tração em conectores de dutos flexíveis


    Marcelo Badini Daflon


    Este projeto tem o objetivo de apresentar o estudo dos arames da armadura de tração que são empregados no transporte de óleo, gás e umbilicais hidráulicos na indústria petrolífera. Este estudo foi desenvolvido sob a necessidade de melhor ancoragem dos arames da armadura de tração de modo a garantir que, mesmo após a ruptura do arame dentro do conector não haverá o escorregamento do mesmo provocando a queda do duto flexível. Assim sendo, foi estabelecido o estudo de aderência da interface dos ...


    Huang, Xiaosheng; Biederman, M.; Herger, B.; Aldering, G. S.


    TIME VARIATION OF AV AND RV FOR TYPE Ia SUPERNOVAE BEHIND NON-UNIFORM INTERSTELLAR DUST ABSTRACT We investigate the time variation of the visual extinction, AV, and the total-to-selective extinction ratio, RV, resulting from interstellar dust in front of an expanding photospheric disk of a type Ia supernova (SN Ia). We simulate interstellar dust clouds according to a power law power spectrum and produce extinction maps that either follow a pseudo-Gaussian distribution or a lognormal distribution. The RV maps are produced through a correlation between AV and RV. With maps of AV and RV generated in each case (pseudo-Gaussian and lognormal), we then compute the effective AV and RV for a SN as its photospheric disk expands behind the dust screen. We find for a small percentage of SNe the AV and RV values can vary by a large factor from day to day in the first 40 days after explosion.


    CERN Multimedia

    Social Service


    The 500 or so participants in the fifth Preparation for Retirement seminar held at the end of March were unfortunately deprived of the planned session on the AVS due to the unavailability of the Director of the Caisse Cantonale Genevoise de Compensation (CCGC). We have since had formal confirmation that because of an extra workload due to important changes in the Swiss tax and social legislation and the implementation this summer of the maternity insurance in Geneva, the CCGC has suspended its participation in preparation for retirement seminars in the international organisations for the time being. Conscious of the necessity of offering a session dedicated to the AVS, it is with pleasure that we can inform you that one of our legal advisers, Mr Lorenz Stampfli, has accepted to lead this session. In order to allow for adequate preparation we have reserved the following date: Wednesday 26 September from 14.00 to 16.00 in the Main Amphitheatre The session will be open to all people already registered and any o...

  19. "Dem vil at barna skal ha noe å gjøre" : En casestudie av


    Kvaale, Torkel


    Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ casestudie av, en virtuell verden der hovedgruppen av brukere er barn og unge. Det kvalitative forskningsintervju representerer metodeverktøyet som er brukt for innsamlingen av data, og datamaterialet består av 10 intervjuer med tilsammen 13 brukere av, i alderen 10-12 år. Habbo ble skapt av det finske selskapet Sulake i 2000 som hevder at denne er verdens største virtuelle verden for tenåringer. er kun én av til sammen 35 unike H...

  20. Electrical resistance and magnetoresistance of UCoAl under high pressure

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Honda, F.; Oomi, G.; Andreev, Alexander V.; Sechovský, V.; Shiokawa, Y.

    --, - (2002), s. 126-128 ISSN 0022-3131 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP202/01/D045 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : UCoAl * non-Fermi liquid * itinerant metamagnetism * electrical resistance * high pressure Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.572, year: 2002

  1. Effekt av å benytte sosiale medier i kampanjer for å fremme sunne levevaner


    Strømme, Hilde


    Hensikten med denne systematiske oversikten er å svare på spørsmålet: Hva er effekten av å benytte sosiale medier i kampanjer for å påvirke holdninger, kunnskap og atferd knyttet til sunne levevaner? Metode: Systematiske søk ble gjort i 11 bibliografiske baser. Tilleggssøk ble gjort i Google Scholar. Utvelgelse og vurdering av publikasjoner ble gjort av to personer uavhengig av hverandre. Risiko for systematiske feil ble vurdert med sjekklisten til Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation...

  2. Analysis of AVS-penogram in 3000 impotent patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minn, Young Guy; Choi, Hyung Ki [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Audio visual simulation penogram(AVS-penogram) is used as a screening method for evaluation of erectile dysfunction. In this study, 3000 patients were evaluated from Dec. 1986 to Dec. 1992 and finally diagnosed by comprehensive diagnostic methods. The patients were classified according to AVS-penogram curves into 4 types and correlated with the patient`s final diagnosis. For 800 patients who were evaluated with combined AVS-penogram and NPT monitoring, compatibility ratios between psychogenic and organic group were compared. After correlating each of the curve type with the patients and comparing erotic and nocturnal erection, following results were obtained. 1. The mean age of the patients was 41.25 years. 2. The overall rate of final diagnosis were 57.5%, 14.3%, 8.9% in psychogenic, arteriogenic and veogenic impotence. 3. Type I group was proved as psychogenic impotence in 87% of the patients. 4. Type IIA group was proved as organic impotence in 79% of the patients and most of them had neurogenic and arteriogenic impotence. 5. Type IIB group was proved as psychogenic impotence in 51%, organic impotence in 49% of the patients. Among the organic impotence group, most of them had arteriogenic, venogenic and neurogenic impotence. The difference of both group was statically insignificant. 6. Type IIC group was proved as psychogenic impotence in 39%, organic impotence in 61% of the patients. Further studies are needed for sub-classification of both groups. 7. The compatibility ratio of the AVS-penogram and NPTM was 85.9% in psychogenic group with normal finding in both tests and 44.7% in organic group with abnormal finding in both tests. In conclusion, AVS-penogram is a primary diagnostic method in screening impotent patients and type I is regarded as psychogenic impotence. In Type IIB and IIC, sub-classification of curve type is needed for differential diagnosis between psychogenic and organic impotence. (Abstract Truncated)

  3. Leaning av arbetspunkt för urindiagnostik


    Romar, Arne Johannes


    Lean är en metod som ämnar förbättra arbetsprocesser, öka kvalitén och förhindra slöseri av resurser. Fler och fler företag och institutioner i västvärlden har den senaste tiden börjat implementera läran och verktygen som ursprungligen kom från Toyota och deras produktionssystem. Sjukhus och sjukhuslaboratorier är inget undantag, patienterna och provmängderna blir större samtidigt som krav på inbesparningar sker. Därför behövs alternativa lösningar i form av lean för att få tillstånd en effek...

  4. Migrering av en webbsida från Joomla! till WordPress.


    Konu, Tommi


    Denna rapport bygger på examensarbetet för Högskoleexamen i Medieteknik vid Umeå Universitet.Examensarbetet har utförts med VK Effekt på uppdrag av Västerbottens-Kuriren. Denna rapport kommer att behandla en migrering mellan systemen Joomla! och WordPress.Rapportens syfte är att kortfattat berätta om vilka valmöjligheter som finns vid en migrering, samtdemonstrera och visa en av vägarna som kan tas vid en migrering av en hemsida mellan olika CMS. This report is based on the thesis for the...

  5. Al clamor de les vuvuzeles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Olivera Betrán


    Full Text Available El Mundial de Futbol de Sud-àfrica ha situat l’Àfrica al mapa mundial i ha mostrat al món el triomf de l’estil de futbol d’Espanya basat en la col·lectivitat, l’esperit d’equip, la humilitat, la cohesió interna i el joc bonic. L’organització africana, seriosa i eficaç, ha sabut mobilitzar i il·lusionar la població del país que ha participat en el mundial des de l’orgull de ser africà, amb l’esperit alegre, festiu i també reivindicatiu de la gent de l’Àfrica. Aquest esdeveniment suposa el llançament de la marca “Sud-àfrica” al món amb un avís clar d’optar a l’organització d’uns primers Jocs Olímpics a Àfrica (potser els de 2020. S’obre una finestra d’esperança al segle xxi per al continent perdut de la mà de l’esport espectacle tan universal, massiu, emocional i mercantil que també es juga a la canxa de la política i de l’economia.

  6. Föräldrars upplevelse av insatsen föräldrakoordinator.


    Aspén-Franzén, Annika


    Föräldrakoordination är en barnfokuserad alternativ konfliktlösningsmetod som praktiserats i Sverige sedan 2009. Denna intervjustudie har undersökt separerade föräldrars upplevelse av att få stöd i sitt föräldrasamarbete av en föräldrakoordinator. Intervjuer har genomförts med sju föräldrar som haft insatsen föräldrakoordinator under minst sex månader. Samtliga deltagande föräldrar har flera års erfarenhet av svårlösta konflikter med den andra föräldern och har tidigare provat andra former av...

  7. Pathways of topological rank analysis (PoTRA): a novel method to detect pathways involved in hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Li, Chaoxing; Liu, Li; Dinu, Valentin


    Complex diseases such as cancer are usually the result of a combination of environmental factors and one or several biological pathways consisting of sets of genes. Each biological pathway exerts its function by delivering signaling through the gene network. Theoretically, a pathway is supposed to have a robust topological structure under normal physiological conditions. However, the pathway's topological structure could be altered under some pathological condition. It is well known that a normal biological network includes a small number of well-connected hub nodes and a large number of nodes that are non-hubs. In addition, it is reported that the loss of connectivity is a common topological trait of cancer networks, which is an assumption of our method. Hence, from normal to cancer, the process of the network losing connectivity might be the process of disrupting the structure of the network, namely, the number of hub genes might be altered in cancer compared to that in normal or the distribution of topological ranks of genes might be altered. Based on this, we propose a new PageRank-based method called Pathways of Topological Rank Analysis (PoTRA) to detect pathways involved in cancer. We use PageRank to measure the relative topological ranks of genes in each biological pathway, then select hub genes for each pathway, and use Fisher's exact test to test if the number of hub genes in each pathway is altered from normal to cancer. Alternatively, if the distribution of topological ranks of gene in a pathway is altered between normal and cancer, this pathway might also be involved in cancer. Hence, we use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to detect pathways that have an altered distribution of topological ranks of genes between two phenotypes. We apply PoTRA to study hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and several subtypes of HCC. Very interestingly, we discover that all significant pathways in HCC are cancer-associated generally, while several significant pathways in subtypes

  8. Bruk av rusmidler blant norske 15-16 åringer. Resultater fra den norske delen av de europeiske skoleundersøkelsene - ESPAD 1995, 1999 og 2003


    Bye, Elin Kristin; Skretting, Astrid


    - Tobakk Omkring 60 prosent av 15 - 16 åringene oppga i 2003 at de noen gang har røykt tobakk, omkring 30 prosent hadde røykt i løpet av de siste 30 dager. En andel på 18 prosent hadde røykt daglig i løpet av siste måned. Det er flere jenter enn gutter som oppgir at de røyker. Mens det var en økning fra 1995 til 1999 i andelen 15 - 16 åringer som røyker tobakk, var det en nedgang fra 1999 til 2003. En andel på fire prosent oppga i 2003 at de hadde røykt ...

  9. Emanuele KANCEFF, "L’immagine della Sicilia nei resoconti di viaggio del Settecento. Tra classicità ed emozione romantica", 2015

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pino Menzio


    Full Text Available Emanuele KANCEFF, "L’immagine della Sicilia nei resoconti di viaggio del Settecento. Tra classicità ed emozione romantica", Scicli, Edizioni di storia e studi sociali, 2015 [Book Review

  10. Influence of cooling rate and cerium addition on rapidly solidified Al-TM alloys

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Michalcová, A.; Vojtěch, D.; Schumacher, G.; Novák, P.; Klementová, Mariana; Šerák, J.; Mudrová, M.; Valdaufová, J.


    Roč. 48, č. 1 (2010), s. 1-7 ISSN 0023-432X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40320502 Keywords : rapid solidification * Al-TM * microstructure * aluminium Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.471, year: 2010

  11. Acid volatile sulfide (AVS)- a comment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meysman, F.J.R.; Middelburg, J.J.


    The review by Rickard and Morse (this volume) adequately summarizes our current understanding with respect to acid-volatile sulfides (AVS). At the same time, this review addresses some of the misunderstandings with regard to measurements and dynamics of this important sedimentary sulfur pool. In

  12. Validering av Evolution 220


    Krakeli, Tor-Arne


    - Det har blitt kjøpt inn et nytt spektrofotometer (Evolution 220, Thermo Scientific) til BioLab Nofima. I den forbindelsen har det blitt utført en validering som involverer kalibreringsstandarder fra produsenten og en test på normal distribusjon (t-test) på to metoder (Total fosfor, Tryptofan). Denne valideringen fant Evolution 220 til å være et akseptabelt alternativ til det allerede benyttede spektrofotometeret (Helios Beta). På bakgrunn av noen instrumentbegrensninger må de aktuelle an...

  13. Analyse av LOD-tiltak


    Kunduraci, Meltem


    Endrede klimatiske forhold og større urbanisering medfører økte oversvømmelsesskader i urbane områder. Ekstreme nedbørhendelser opptrer oftere og kraftigere. Utbygging med tette flater hindrer infiltrasjon til grunnen. Den naturlige utjevningen av overvann reduseres. Dette resulterer i økende belastninger på det eksisterende avløpssystemet. Kapasiteten på avløpsnettet er mange steder overbelastet og er ikke i stand til å håndtere overvannsmengder under styrtregn. Lokal overvannsdisponering el...

  14. La mimesis al servizio della giustizia nel film di Angelopoulos Anaparastassi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Fallerini


    Full Text Available Un uomo viene ucciso dalla moglie e dal suo amante in uno sperduto villaggio dell’Epiro. L’episodio, ispirato ad un fatto di cronaca, è l’espediente narrativo del primo lungometraggio di Theo Angelopoulos, Anaparastassi (Ricostruzione di un delitto, 1970, nel quale la ricostruzione delle dinamiche del delitto si traduce in una critica al sistema giudiziario che, concentrato soprattutto nella ricerca dei colpevoli, non tiene conto di situazioni di degrado economico sociale e morale. Il film di Angelopoulos è stato girato durante la dittatura dei Colonnelli: in un clima di sopraffazione e censura il regista riesce a inserire all’interno della trama apparentemente innocua di un giallo-poliziesco una forte denuncia nei confronti del sistema sociale e politico. La mimesis è qui intesa come ricostruzione del reale e come interpretazione, dove il traguardo della verità assoluta diventa una utopia che mette in discussione il sistema giudiziario stesso. Si parte dall’assunto che il diritto e la legge hanno bisogno di una rappresentazione per poter esercitare la propria funzione: operano su una scena che non è mai la realtà, anche se reali sono gli effetti della funzione giudicatrice. Questo corto circuito tra realtà e rappresentazione nel sistema giudiziario viene analizzato da Angelopoulos ricorrendo anche ai temi del mito, del ritorno e dell’esilio, e affidandosi alla struttura narrativa del giallo, pur tradendone sistematicamente le regole: non c’è mistero dietro a questo delitto, lo spettatore viene accompagnato alla scoperta di meccanismi e leggi di portata universale, dove non sono le risposte che contano piuttosto la scoperta di nuovi interrogativi probabilmente senza soluzione. In questo film sono già presenti gli elementi stilistici che caratterizzeranno le opere successive del regista greco, primo tra tutti l’effetto di straniamento attraverso il quale è possibile risolvere la dicotomia tra realtà e rappresentazione.

  15. Stress-induced martensitic transformations in a Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy studied by in situ transmission electron microscopy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zárubová, Niva; Gemperlová, Juliana; Gärtnerová, Viera; Gemperle, Antonín

    481-482, č. 5 (2008), s. 457-461 ISSN 0921-5093 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/04/2016; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA200100627 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : in situ TEM straining * CuAlNi shape memory alloy * stress -induced formation of martensite Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.806, year: 2008

  16. Adaptationer av Esaias Tegnérs Frithiofs saga

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordenfors, Ola


    Tegnérs versepos över urnordiska myter hade länge ett starkt om den nordiska läsande allmänheten - därtill starkt understött av Bernhard Crusells omtyckta tonsättningar av dikterna. Men också i Tyskland har Frithiofs saga haft en påfallande genomslagskraft. I uppsatsen granskas särskilt tonsättar...

  17. Helhetsorienterad utvärdering av kollektivtrafikåtgärder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hiselius, Lena Winslott; Barfod, Michael Bruhn; Leleur, Steen

    Under hösten 2008 och våren 2009 har forskare vid Avd. Trafik och väg vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola, DTU Transport vid Danmarks Tekniska Universitet samt National-ekonomiska institutionen vid Lunds Universitet genomfört ett forskningsprojekt med syfte att studera tillämpningen av en sammansatt...... (helhetsorienterad) analys av kollektiv-trafikåtgärder....

  18. Pianeti tra le note appunti di un astronomo divulgatore

    CERN Document Server

    Adamo, Angelo


    Una stella, otto pianeti, un centinaio di lune e una miriade di corpi minori tra plutini, asteroidi, comete, satelliti artificiali. E per ognuno di questi oggetti, spiegazioni scientifiche che condividono la scena con narrazioni dettate dal mito, con visioni della fanstascienza e con suggestioni sonore scaturite dalla penna di grandi compositori. L'autore prova a districarsi nella babele di idiomi più o meno precisi che da sempre vengono usati dagli uomini per descrivere il Sistema Solare nell'intento di spiegarlo e di rendere il freddo spazio interplanetario un posto più accogliente. La letteratura, la fisica, il fumetto, l'illustrazione, la musica finalmente cooperano per delineare un possibile percorso, una traiettoria fra le tante, che condurrà il lettore dalle origini del linguaggio fino alla nube di Oort.

  19. Konstruktion av vertikaltransportör för materialhantering


    Furu, Micke


    Rotab Rostfria Transportörer AB tillverkar och utvecklar material- och godshanteringsutrustning. Företaget levererar även kompletta materialhanteringslösningar i form av godshanteringsanläggningar som ofta består av transportband och paketeringsutrustning. Examensarbetets mål är att utveckla en vertikaltransportör som ska transportera gods mellan två transportband belägna på olika höjder, transporten ska kunna varieras mellan 1000 - 3000 mm. Transportören ska undvika de två stora nackdelarna ...

  20. Creep of cast Fe-36Al-2Ti alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dobeš, Ferdinand; Kratochvíl, P.; Milička, Karel


    Roč. 14, 10-11 (2006), s. 1199-1203 ISSN 0966-9795. [EUROMAT 2005. Praha, 05.09.2005-08.09.2005] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/05/0409 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : iron aluminides, based on FeAl * creep * mechanical testing Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy Impact factor: 1.943, year: 2006

  1. [Comparison of echocardiographic findings in AVS patients with and without high IgG, IgM, IgA titers against Chlamydia pneumoniae during 12 months' observation of AVS natural course]. (United States)

    Swierszcz, Jolanta; Dubiel, Jacek S; Krzysiek, Józef; Sztefko, Krystyna; Galicka-Latała, Danuta; Roman, Pfitzner; Podolec, Piotr; Wodniecki, Jan


    Comparison of echocardiographic findings in AVS patients with and without high IgG, IgM, IgA titers against Chlamydia pneumoniae during 12 months' observation of AVS natural course. 60 AVS patients who did not agree for operational treatment were divided into group A (30 patients with high IgG titer) group B (30 patients with low IgG titer), group C (22 patients with high IgA titer) group D (38 patients with low IgA titer), group E (7 patients with high IgM titer), group F (53 patients with low IgA titer) Antibodies titers and echocardiographic scans were carried out every 12 months. There were more (p AVS deterioration in group A compared to group B. Group A patients had lower left ventricle posteriori wall systolic diameter compared to group B. There were no differences in echocardiographic parameters between group C and D. Mean ejection fraction was lower and mean right atrium diameter was higher in group E compared to group F. The results may suggest link between Chlamydia pneumoniae and deterioration of AVS.

  2. Tra utopia e rivoluzione: le visioni di Diego Rivera al Rockefeller Center di New York

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amalda Cuka


    Full Text Available I murales eseguiti da Diego Rivera (1886–1957 al Rockefeller Center di New York nel 1933 sono fra le più note opere d’arte scomparse. Ad aver reso celebre il dipinto non è stato il successo di pubblico, data la rimozione del lavoro ancora in corso d’opera, ma il ricchissimo dibattito alimentato dalla stampa intorno alla concezione dell’immagine, considerata negli Stati Uniti totalmente rivoluzionaria per la particolare tecnica dell’affresco utilizzata da Rivera, per i riferimenti all’arte precolombiana e per le idee politiche esposte. Un’occasione di riflessione è offerta in questa sede dall’attenzione che uno dei principali organi di stampa americani, il New York Times, ha dedicato all’argomento: dalla lettura dei numerosi interventi emerge, da una parte, la capacità di Rivera di entrare in comunicazione con un vasto pubblico, e dall’altra il ruolo avuto dalla stampa nella diffusione - quasi involontaria - del suo messaggio. Rivera è riuscito a raggiungere in tal modo, almeno parzialmente, il suo scopo: l’opera non è stata accessibile al grande pubblico, ma la conoscenza dei principi che voleva celebrare si è diffusa in maniera ancor più capillare.

  3. First application of the meteorological Mini-UAV 'M{sup 2}AV'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spiess, T.; Bange, J.; Buschmann, M.; Voersmann, P. [Braunschweig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik


    The limitations of manned airborne meteorological measurements led to a new unmanned system, the Meteorological Mini-UAV (M{sup 2}AV), recently developed by the Institute of Aerospace Systems, Technical University of Braunschweig. The task was to develop, test and verify a meteorological sensor package as payload for an already available carrier aircraft, the UAV 'Carolo T200'. Thereby the limitations in size and mass had to be respected. The M{sup 2}AV is capable of performing turbulence and wind vector measurements within the atmospheric boundary layer and permits very short measurement cycles as an economic supplement during meteorological campaigns. The article gives details on the technical items. Results from meteorological data sets measured by the M{sup 2}AV are used for data quality assessment. In October 2005 the M{sup 2}AV participated in the meteorological field experiment 'LAUNCH 2005' in Lindenberg near Berlin. The M{sup 2}AV data were compared with lidar and sodar/RASS measurements. Furthermore, an in situ comparison of temperature, humidity and wind vector data with the helicopter-borne turbulence probe Helipod was analysed and gave information about the M{sup 2}AV data quality. (orig.)

  4. Inkludering av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn i NIF-organisert idrett

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    Mari Kristin Sisjord


    Full Text Available Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske og Paralympiske Komité (NIF har en uttalt målsetting om en åpen og inkluderende idrett. Hvordan kommer dette til uttrykk i den praktiske virksomheten? Denne artikkelen, som bygger på data fra en undersøkelse om likestilling og mangfold i den organiserte idretten (NIF, retter søkelyset mot arbeid med inklusjon av ungdom med minoritetsbakgrunn på ulike organisasjonsnivå i NIF: særforbund, idrettskretser og idrettslag. Datamaterialet er kvalitative intervju med representanter fra ulike organisasjonsnivå. Resultatene viser at NIFs overordnede politikk i varierende grad nedfelles i særforbundenes virksomhet, i idrettskretsene og i idrettslagene. Av særforbundene skiller Fotballforbundet og Klatreforbundet seg ut som aktive pådrivere i arbeidet med inkludering. Mange idrettslag oppfattet slike spørsmål som lite aktuelle i sitt rekrutteringsområde. Representanter for lag som hadde erfaring med inkludering og rekruttering av minoritetsungdom, tilkjennega varierte erfaringer og synspunkter.

  5. Overvåking av norsk kosthold - metoder og resultater

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    Lars Johansson


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGKunnskap om endringer i matvarenes sammensetning og befolkningens kosthold er grunnleggende for utformingog oppfølging av en helsefremmende mat- og ernæringspolitikk. Dagens system for overvåking avkostholdet bygger først og fremst på en matvaredatabase og opplysninger om forbruket av matvarer fra tretyper datasett; matforsyningsstatistikk, forbruksundersøkelser og kostholdsundersøkelser. Det avgis årlig envurdering av utviklingen i norsk kosthold i forhold til mat- og ernæringspolitiske målsettinger. Det norskesystemet for overvåking av kostholdet er blitt betydelig styrket i løpet av 1990-årene ved innføringen avregelmessige kostholdsundersøkelser blant landsrepresentative utvalg av befolkningen i ulike aldersgrupperog økte ressurser til analyse av næringsinnholdet i matvarer. Det er imidlertid beskjedent sammenlignet meddatainnsamlingen i land som USA og Storbritannia. Det norske overvåkingssystemet er forsatt i enutviklingsfase, og det må justeres og kompletteres etter hvert. Dessuten vil det arbeides med å kvalitetssikredatainnsamlingen.Johansson L. Surveillance of the diet in Norway – methods and results.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYKnowledge about changes in composition and intake of foods, as well as changes in the prevalence of dietrelatedhealth problems is fundamental for an effective food and nutrition policy. The National Council onNutrition and Physical Activity is responsible for evaluating changes in the diet. Annually the Council publishesreports about trends in the Norwegian diet, and suggests measures to improve the diet. The Council, incooperation with the National Food Authority and the Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo,has established a national food and dietary surveillance system. This system is mainly based on a fooddatabase and food consumption data. The food consumption data include three principally different datasets: food supplies, household consumption surveys

  6. Strčess-induced martensitic transformation in Cu-Al-Zn-Mn polycrystal investigated by two in -situ neutron diffraction techniques

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šittner, Petr; Lukáš, Petr; Neov, Dimitar; Daymond, M. R.; Novák, Václav; Swallowe, G. M.


    Roč. 324, - (2002), s. 225-234 ISSN 0921-5093 R&D Projects: GA MŠk ME 186; GA ČR GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR IAA1010909 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : Stress-induced martensitic transformation * Cu-Al-Zn-Mn polycrystal * neutron diffraction technique Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.107, year: 2002

  7. Tailoring of Fe-ferrierite for N2O decomposition: On the decisive role of framework Al distribution for catalytic activity of Fe species in Fe-ferrierite

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sobalík, Zdeněk; Nováková, Jana; Dědeček, Jiří; Sathu, Naveen Kumar; Tabor, Edyta; Sazama, Petr; Štastný, P.; Wichterlová, Blanka


    Roč. 146, 1-3 (2011), s. 172-183 ISSN 1387-1811 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP106/11/0624; GA ČR GA203/09/1627; GA AV ČR IAA400400904; GA AV ČR KAN100400702 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40400503 Keywords : N2O decomposition * Fe-ferrierite * Al distribution in zeolites Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 3.285, year: 2011

  8. EST Table: AV399507 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV399507 NV120319 10/09/28 70 %/144 aa ref|YP_803401.1| baculovirus repeated ORF-b [Anticars...ia gemmatalis nucleopolyhedrovirus] gb|ABI13791.1| baculovirus repeated ORF-b [Anticarsia gemmatali

  9. IceBridge POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The IceBridge POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude (IPAPP1B) data set contains georeferencing data from the Applanix 510 POS AV system flown with the Digital...

  10. Estudo de resistência à tração de três sistemas adesivos associados a resina composta em superfícies dentinárias

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    MATOS Adriana Bona


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a resistência à tração de três sistemas adesivos associados a resina composta aderidos à superfície dentinária. Quarenta e cinco superfícies de dentina foram obtidas a partir de molares humanos extraídos, sobre elas foi preparado "smear layer" e foram divididas em 3 grupos: G1 adesivo autocondicionante + resina micro-híbrida; G2 adesivo de componente único + ácido e resina micro-híbrida e G3 adesivo convencional (ácido + "primer" + bond + resina micro-híbrida, aplicados de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes. Os corpos-de-prova foram preparados para teste de tração, imersos em água destilada por 24 horas a 37ºC. Findo este tempo, o teste de tração foi realizado em máquina de ensaio Inströn com velocidade constante de 0,5 mm/min. Os resultados foram expressos em MPa e submetidos a análise de variância (p < 0,05. Os autores concluíram que: o tipo de sistema adesivo influenciou na resistência à tração das resinas compostas testadas; o sistema adesivo de componente único apresentou os melhores resultados de resistência adesiva.

  11. Cube-phase in excess Hg-type Al-Mg-Si alloy studied by EFTEM

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Matsuda, K.; Ishida, Y.; Müllerová, Ilona; Frank, Luděk; Ikeno, S.


    Roč. 41, č. 9 (2006), s. 2605-2610 ISSN 0022-2461 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20650511 Keywords : Al-Mg-Si alloy * beta-phase * cube-phase * EFTEM * EDS Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering Impact factor: 0.999, year: 2006

  12. EST Table: AV400897 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV400897 br--1948 10/09/28 47 %/180 aa ref|XP_967144.2| PREDICTED: similar to corneal wound healing...TED: similar to corneal wound healing-related protein [Tribolium castaneum] CK493011 br-- ...

  13. Det afghanska valet i svensk media : En diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om parlamentsvalet 2010


    Arvidsson, Jonathan


    Den här uppsatsen analyserar svensk medias rapportering om valet i Afghanistan 2010. Med hjälp av metoder framtagna av Van Dijk har en analys av artiklar som berör valet 2010 gjorts. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är postkolonialism och orientalism. Med hjälp av de perspektiven och Van Dijks medieanalys analyseras materialet för att tydliggöra strukturer i media.

  14. KS-LAB Kontroll av hydrometer ASTM 152H : (prosess 14-433 i hb014 og NS8005)


    Nouri, El Hadj


    I forbindelse med kvalitetssikring av slemmeanalyser ved bruk av hydrometer har det vist seg å være behov for systematisk kontroll ved innkjøp og bruk av hydrometre. Rapporten beskriver registrerte avvik ved sammenligning av hydrometre og angir hvorledes kontroll av hydrometer skal foregå for å sikre at anvendt utstyr tilfredsstiller gjeldende krav.

  15. Percepções e sentimentos de adolescentes criados por avós


    Paixão, Flávia Juliana Dourado


    Este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as percepções e os sentimentos de adolescentes criados por avós. Busca-se, especificamente: 1) descrever a percepção dos adolescentes sobre seus avós, seus sentimentos por eles e as relações estabelecidas com os mesmos; 2) descrever como percebem as figuras parentais biológicas, seus sentimentos por eles e suas relações com os mesmos; 3) compreender a experiência dos adolescentes acerca do fato de serem criados pelos avós; e 4) descrever a...

  16. Conjugative Plasmid Transfer in Xylella fastidiosa Is Dependent on tra and trb Operon Functions


    Burbank, Lindsey P.; Van Horn, Christopher R.


    The insect-transmitted plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa is capable of efficient horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and recombination. Natural transformation occurs at high rates in X. fastidiosa, but there also is evidence that certain strains of X. fastidiosa carry native plasmids equipped with transfer and mobilization genes, suggesting conjugation as an additional mechanism of HGT in some instances. Two operons, tra and trb, putatively encoding a conjugative type IV secretion system, are foun...

  17. EST Table: AV403922 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV403922 pg--0214 10/09/28 91 %/142 aa ref|ZP_06118881.2| DNA packaging protein FI ...[Clostridium hathewayi DSM 13479] gb|EFC94454.1| DNA packaging protein FI [Clostridium hathewayi DSM 13479

  18. EST Table: AV404246 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV404246 pg--0747 10/09/28 91 %/130 aa ref|ZP_06118881.2| DNA packaging protein FI ...[Clostridium hathewayi DSM 13479] gb|EFC94454.1| DNA packaging protein FI [Clostridium hathewayi DSM 13479

  19. Sampling method, storage and pretreatment of sediment affect AVS concentrations with consequences for bioassay responses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lange, H.J. de [Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen University and Research Centre, P.O. Box 8080, 6700 DD, Wageningen (Netherlands); Centre for Ecosystem Studies, Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA, Wageningen (Netherlands)], E-mail:; Griethuysen, C. van; Koelmans, A.A. [Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen University and Research Centre, P.O. Box 8080, 6700 DD, Wageningen (Netherlands)


    Sediment treatment and sediment storage may alter sediment toxicity, and consequently biotic response. Purpose of our study was to combine these three aspects (treatment-toxicity-biotic response) in one integrated approach. We used Acid Volatile Sulfide (AVS) concentrations as a proxy of the disturbance of the sediment. AVS and Simultaneously Extracted Metal (SEM) concentrations were compared to bioassay responses with the freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate Asellus aquaticus. Storage conditions and sediment treatment affected AVS but not SEM levels. AVS can be used as a proxy for sediment disturbance. The best way to pretreat the sediment for use in a bioassay in order to maintain initial AVS conditions was to sample the sediment with an Ekman grab, immediately store it in a jar without headspace, and freeze it as soon as possible. In a survey using seven different sediments, bioassay responses of A. aquaticus were correlated with SEM and AVS characteristics. - Change in AVS is a good proxy for sediment disturbance and combined with SEM it can be used as a suitable predictor for biotic effects of sediment contamination.

  20. The Unusual Resistance of Avian Defensin AvBD7 to Proteolytic Enzymes Preserves Its Antibacterial Activity. (United States)

    Bailleul, Geoffrey; Kravtzoff, Amanda; Joulin-Giet, Alix; Lecaille, Fabien; Labas, Valérie; Meudal, Hervé; Loth, Karine; Teixeira-Gomes, Ana-Paula; Gilbert, Florence B; Coquet, Laurent; Jouenne, Thierry; Brömme, Dieter; Schouler, Catherine; Landon, Céline; Lalmanach, Gilles; Lalmanach, Anne-Christine


    Defensins are frontline peptides of mucosal immunity in the animal kingdom, including birds. Their resistance to proteolysis and their ensuing ability to maintain antimicrobial potential remains questionable and was therefore investigated. We have shown by bottom-up mass spectrometry analysis of protein extracts that both avian beta-defensins AvBD2 and AvBD7 were ubiquitously distributed along the chicken gut. Cathepsin B was found by immunoblotting in jejunum, ileum, caecum, and caecal tonsils, while cathepsins K, L, and S were merely identified in caecal tonsils. Hydrolysis product of AvBD2 and AvBD7 incubated with a panel of proteases was analysed by RP-HPLC, mass spectrometry and antimicrobial assays. AvBD2 and AvBD7 were resistant to serine proteases and to cathepsins D and H. Conversely cysteine cathepsins B, K, L, and S degraded AvBD2 and abolished its antibacterial activity. Only cathepsin K cleaved AvBD7 and released Ile4-AvBD7, a N-terminal truncated natural peptidoform of AvBD7 that displayed antibacterial activity. Besides the 3-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet typical of beta-defensins, structural analysis of AvBD7 by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy highlighted the restricted accessibility of the C-terminus embedded by the N-terminal region and gave a formal evidence of a salt bridge (Asp9-Arg12) that could account for proteolysis resistance. The differential susceptibility of avian defensins to proteolysis opens intriguing questions about a distinctive role in the mucosal immunity against pathogen invasion.

  1. Pathways of topological rank analysis (PoTRA: a novel method to detect pathways involved in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Chaoxing Li


    Full Text Available Complex diseases such as cancer are usually the result of a combination of environmental factors and one or several biological pathways consisting of sets of genes. Each biological pathway exerts its function by delivering signaling through the gene network. Theoretically, a pathway is supposed to have a robust topological structure under normal physiological conditions. However, the pathway’s topological structure could be altered under some pathological condition. It is well known that a normal biological network includes a small number of well-connected hub nodes and a large number of nodes that are non-hubs. In addition, it is reported that the loss of connectivity is a common topological trait of cancer networks, which is an assumption of our method. Hence, from normal to cancer, the process of the network losing connectivity might be the process of disrupting the structure of the network, namely, the number of hub genes might be altered in cancer compared to that in normal or the distribution of topological ranks of genes might be altered. Based on this, we propose a new PageRank-based method called Pathways of Topological Rank Analysis (PoTRA to detect pathways involved in cancer. We use PageRank to measure the relative topological ranks of genes in each biological pathway, then select hub genes for each pathway, and use Fisher’s exact test to test if the number of hub genes in each pathway is altered from normal to cancer. Alternatively, if the distribution of topological ranks of gene in a pathway is altered between normal and cancer, this pathway might also be involved in cancer. Hence, we use the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to detect pathways that have an altered distribution of topological ranks of genes between two phenotypes. We apply PoTRA to study hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC and several subtypes of HCC. Very interestingly, we discover that all significant pathways in HCC are cancer-associated generally, while several

  2. Association of temporary complete AV block and junctional ectopic tachycardia after surgery for congenital heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paech, Christian; Dähnert, Ingo; Kostelka, Martin; Mende, Meinhardt; Gebauer, Roman


    Junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET) is a postoperative complication with a mortality rate of up to 14% after surgery for congenital heart disease. This study evaluated the risk factors of JET and explored the association of postoperative temporary third degree atrioventricular (AV) block and the occurrence of JET. Data were collected retrospectively from 1158 patients who underwent surgery for congenital heart disease. The overall incidence of JET was 2.8%. Temporary third degree AV block occurred in 1.6% of cases. Permanent third degree AV block requiring pacemaker implantation occurred in 1% of cases. In all, 56% of patients with JET had temporary AV block (P < 0.001), whereas no case of postoperative JET was reported in patients with permanent AV block (P = 0.56). temporary third degree AV block did not suffer from JET. A correlation between temporary third degree AV block and postoperative JET could be observed. The risk factors identified for JET include younger age groups at the time of surgery, longer aortic cross clamping time and surgical procedures in proximity to the AV node

  3. Surface Circulation in the Iroise Sea (W. Brittany) from High Resolution HF Radar Mapping (United States)


    oceanographic conditions in many coastal regions (e.g. Bassin et al., 2005; Breivik and Sætra, 2001; Haus et al., 2000; Kaplan et al., 2005; Kovacevic et...Oceanol. Acta 22–2, 153–166. Breivik , O., Sætra, O., 2001. Real time assimilation of HF radar currents into a coastal ocean model. J. Mar. Syst. 28

  4. EST Table: AV400204 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV400204 br--0896 10/09/28 36 %/111 aa ref|XP_967620.1| PREDICTED: similar to anopheles stephen...093471|ref|XP_967620.1| PREDICTED: similar to anopheles stephensi ubiquitin, putative [Tribolium castaneum] FS914988 br-- ...

  5. EST Table: AV401629 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV401629 e96h0968 10/09/28 70 %/161 aa ref|XP_002431431.1| Karyogamy protein KAR4, ...putative [Pediculus humanus corporis] gb|EEB18693.1| Karyogamy protein KAR4, putative [Pediculus humanus cor

  6. Lyden av de mørke sjeler - Lyd og musikk i videospillet Dark Souls


    Burdal, Kristin Johnsrud


    Dark Souls er et videospill som skiller seg fra måten de fleste moderne videospill er bygget opp. Lyd og musikk er en viktig del av dette, og i denne oppgava har vi sett på hvordan lyd og musikk brukes i videospillet. Målet var å finne ut hva lyd og musikk har å si for spillopplevelsen. Dette har vi kommet fram til ved analyse av lyden, og analyse av et utvalg av musikkstykker. For å peke på hvordan lydbruken i Dark Souls skiller seg ut, har vi i tillegg sammenligna det med lydbruken andre vi...

  7. Sampling method, storage and pretreatment of sediment affect AVS concentrations with consequences for bioassay responses. (United States)

    De Lange, H J; Van Griethuysen, C; Koelmans, A A


    Sediment treatment and sediment storage may alter sediment toxicity, and consequently biotic response. Purpose of our study was to combine these three aspects (treatment-toxicity-biotic response) in one integrated approach. We used Acid Volatile Sulfide (AVS) concentrations as a proxy of the disturbance of the sediment. AVS and Simultaneously Extracted Metal (SEM) concentrations were compared to bioassay responses with the freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate Asellus aquaticus. Storage conditions and sediment treatment affected AVS but not SEM levels. AVS can be used as a proxy for sediment disturbance. The best way to pretreat the sediment for use in a bioassay in order to maintain initial AVS conditions was to sample the sediment with an Ekman grab, immediately store it in a jar without headspace, and freeze it as soon as possible. In a survey using seven different sediments, bioassay responses of A. aquaticus were correlated with SEM and AVS characteristics.

  8. The parsec-scale relationship between ICO and AV in local molecular clouds (United States)

    Lee, Cheoljong; Leroy, Adam K.; Bolatto, Alberto D.; Glover, Simon C. O.; Indebetouw, Remy; Sandstrom, Karin; Schruba, Andreas


    We measure the parsec-scale relationship between integrated CO intensity (ICO) and visual extinction (AV) in 24 local molecular clouds using maps of CO emission and dust optical depth from Planck. This relationship informs our understanding of CO emission across environments, but clean Milky Way measurements remain scarce. We find uniform ICO for a given AV, with the results bracketed by previous studies of the Pipe and Perseus clouds. Our measured ICO-AV relation broadly agrees with the standard Galactic CO-to-H2 conversion factor, the relation found for the Magellanic clouds at coarser resolution, and numerical simulations by Glover & Clark (2016). This supports the idea that CO emission primarily depends on shielding, which protects molecules from dissociating radiation. Evidence for CO saturation at high AV and a threshold for CO emission at low AV varies remains uncertain due to insufficient resolution and ambiguities in background subtraction. Resolution of order 0.1 pc may be required to measure these features. We use this ICO-AV relation to predict how the CO-to-H2 conversion factor (XCO) would change if the Solar Neighbourhood clouds had different dust-to-gas ratio (metallicity). The calculations highlight the need for improved observations of the CO emission threshold and H I shielding layer depth. They are also sensitive to the shape of the column density distribution. Because local clouds collectively show a self-similar distribution, we predict a shallow metallicity dependence for XCO down to a few tenths of solar metallicity. However, our calculations also imply dramatic variations in cloud-to-cloud XCO at subsolar metallicity.

  9. EST Table: AV403752 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV403752 pg--0009 10/09/28 100 %/257 aa ref|YP_002411376.1| terminase large subunit (DNA packaging... protein A) from bacteriophage origin [Escherichia coli UMN026] emb|CAR11828.1| terminase large subunit (DNA packaging

  10. Boye och "jag" : En grammatisk analys av en litterär persona


    Lindström, Elina


    I denna uppsats använder jag den interpersonella metafunktionen inom systemisk-funktionell grammatik för att undersöka sex av Karin Boyes dikter, detta med syfte att se huruvida en sådan här analys kan säga något av intresse om diktjaget. Analysen genomfördes enligt Holmberg och Karlssons modell i Grammatik med betydelse, där subjekt och finit tagits ut varpå språkhandlingar markerats och modalitet kommenterats. Dikterna är hämtade ur Boyes Samlade dikter. Av min analys framgår att jaget beha...

  11. Vorticity-divergence semi-Lagrangian global atmospheric model SL-AV20: dynamical core (United States)

    Tolstykh, Mikhail; Shashkin, Vladimir; Fadeev, Rostislav; Goyman, Gordey


    SL-AV (semi-Lagrangian, based on the absolute vorticity equation) is a global hydrostatic atmospheric model. Its latest version, SL-AV20, provides global operational medium-range weather forecast with 20 km resolution over Russia. The lower-resolution configurations of SL-AV20 are being tested for seasonal prediction and climate modeling. The article presents the model dynamical core. Its main features are a vorticity-divergence formulation at the unstaggered grid, high-order finite-difference approximations, semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit discretization and the reduced latitude-longitude grid with variable resolution in latitude. The accuracy of SL-AV20 numerical solutions using a reduced lat-lon grid and the variable resolution in latitude is tested with two idealized test cases. Accuracy and stability of SL-AV20 in the presence of the orography forcing are tested using the mountain-induced Rossby wave test case. The results of all three tests are in good agreement with other published model solutions. It is shown that the use of the reduced grid does not significantly affect the accuracy up to the 25 % reduction in the number of grid points with respect to the regular grid. Variable resolution in latitude allows us to improve the accuracy of a solution in the region of interest.

  12. Musei post-etnografici: Le trasformazioni dei rapporti tra antropologia e museo in Francia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benoît de L'Estoile


    Full Text Available L’articolo riflette sulle trasformazioni contemporanee dei rapporti tra antropologia e museo in Francia alla luce dell’apertura negli ultimi anni del Musée du quai Branly, del Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (MUCEM, e del rinnovamento del Musée de l'Homme. La relazione tra musei e antropologia, storicamente più stretta in Francia che in altri contesti nazionali, spiega l’intensità delle reazioni suscitate da queste trasformazioni. La ricostruzione della successione dei progetti di musei etnografici, e in particolare l’ideale del ‘museo-laboratorio’, dimostra il ruolo duraturo del paradigma enciclopedico-naturalista. L’esaurimento del paradigma naturalista, tanto negli stessi musei di storia naturale come il Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle di Parigi quanto nei musei etnografici, ha prodotto una trasformazione del ruolo dei musei, sancito dal passaggio da un discorso museografico centrato sulla scienza e il razionalismo ad un approccio estetizzante fondato sulle emozioni. Allo stesso tempo, il paradigma naturalista ed evoluzionista rinasce nel nuovo Musée de l'Homme, inaugurato nel 2015. Questi nuovi musei, che possono essere definiti come ‘post-etnografici’, non sono ancora riusciti a fare i conti con la storia e con il loro passato coloniale. Nel contempo, l’antropologia francese si trova di fronte alla sfida di reinventarsi come ‘antropologia post-museo’.

  13. Patients' and procedural characteristics of AV-block during slow pathway modulation for AVNRT-single center 10year experience. (United States)

    Wasmer, Kristina; Dechering, Dirk G; Köbe, Julia; Leitz, Patrick; Frommeyer, Gerrit; Lange, Phillip S; Kochhäuser, Simon; Reinke, Florian; Pott, Christian; Mönnig, Gerold; Breithardt, Günter; Eckardt, Lars


    Permanent AV-block is a recognized and feared complication of slow pathway modulation for AVNRT. We aimed to assess incidence of transient and permanent AV-block as well as consequences of transient AV-block in a large contemporary AVNRT ablation cohort. We searched our single center prospective ablation database for occurrence of transient and permanent AV-block during slow pathway modulation between January 2004 and October 2015. We analyzed patients' and procedural characteristics as well as outcome of patients in whom transient or permanent AV-block occurred. Of 9170 patients who underwent a catheter ablation at our institution between January 2004 and October 2015, 2101 patients (64% women, mean age 50±18years) underwent slow pathway modulation. In three patients, permanent AV-block occurred during RF application. Additional two patients had transient AV-block that recovered (after a few minutes and 25min), but recurred within two days of the procedure. All five patients underwent dual chamber pacemaker implantation (0.2%). Transient AV-block related to RF delivery occurred in 44 patients (2%). Transient mechanical AV-block occurred in additional 17 patients (0.8%). In 12 patients, ablation was continued despite transient AV-block. One of these patients developed permanent AV-block. Permanent AV-block following slow pathway modulation is a rare event, occurring in 0.2% of patients in a large contemporary single center cohort. Transient AV-block is more frequent (2%). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Preparation of Al-SBA-15 Pellets with Low Amount of Additives: Effect of Binder Content on Texture and Mechanical Properties. Application to Friedel-Crafts Alkylation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Topka, Pavel; Karban, Jindřich; Soukup, Karel; Jirátová, Květa; Šolcová, Olga


    Roč. 168, č. 1 (2011), s. 433-440 ISSN 1385-8947 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA104/09/0694; GA AV ČR KAN400720701 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504 Keywords : mesoporous aluminosilicates * pellets * Al-SBA-15 Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Impact factor: 3.461, year: 2011

  15. Et studium av samfunnsansvar (CSR) for norske utenlandsetablerte akvakulturselskaper; Marine Harvest og Cermaq Mainstream i Chile


    Sæther, Malin


    Oppgaven er et studium av samfunnsansvar for norsk utenlandsetablert akvakulturnæring. Valg av tema er motivert av interessen for den eksisterende samfunnsdebatten omkring næringen og internasjonale næringsstrukturer med fotfeste i utviklingsland. Norsk tilstedeværelse i Chile eksemplifisert ved Marine Harvest og Cermaq Mainstream er anvendt som case studium. Presentasjon og drøfting av Corporate social responsibility (CSR), oversatt til norsk som Selskapers samfunnsansvar, ...

  16. EST Table: AV403894 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ref|XP_001605691.1| PREDICTED: similar to xaa-pro dipeptidase app(e.coli) [Nasonia vitripennis] 10/08/28 52...%/206 aa gi|189241712|ref|XP_968082.2| PREDICTED: similar to xaa-pro dipeptidase app(e.coli) [Tribolium castaneum] AV403894 pg-- ...

  17. Skladování energie – téma v hledáčku AV ČR

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bendová, Magdalena; Hrubý, Jan; Chomát, Miroslav; Zima, Patrik

    -, č. 2 (2016), s. 7-9 ISSN 1210-9525. [Technology Perspectives for Energy Storage. Praha, 30.11.2015] Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/3 Program:StrategieAV Institutional support: RVO:61388998 ; RVO:67985858 Keywords : energy storage * renewable energy sources * strategy AV21 initiative Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry

  18. Photoluminescence and scintillation of LGS (La.sub.3./sub.Ga.sub.5./sub.SiO.sub.14./sub.), LNGA (La.sub.3./sub.Nb.sub.0.5./sub.Ga.sub.5.3./sub.Al.sub.0.2./sub.O.sub.14./sub.) and LTGA (La.sub.3./sub.Tb.sub.0.5./sub.Ga.sub.5.3./sub.Al.sub.0.2./sub.O.sub.14./sub.) single crystals

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Futami, Y.; Yanagida, T.; Fujimoto, Y.; Jarý, Vítězslav; Pejchal, Jan; Yokota, Y.; Kikuchi, M.; Nikl, Martin; Yoshikawa, A.


    Roč. 34, č. 9 (2012), s. 1513-1516 ISSN 0925-3467 Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) M100100910 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : La 3 Ga 5 SiO 14 * La 3 Nb 0.5 Ga 5.3 Al 0.2 O 14 * La 3 Tb 0.5 Ga 5.3 Al 0.2 O 14 * α-ray * photoluminescence * scintillation Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.918, year: 2012

  19. Implementeringsforskning: vitenskap for forbedring av praksis

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    Signe Flottorp


    Full Text Available Medisinsk forskning har ført til store framskritt de siste tiårene. Det er investert mye mer ressurser på basalforskning og klinisk forskning enn på å utvikle og evaluere metoder for å sikre at pasientene får nytte av forskningen. Formålet med implementeringsforskning er å redusere gapet mellom forskning og praksis, ved å utvikle og evaluere tiltak som kan sikre at behandlingen som pasientene mottar er kunnskapsbasert, at den er omsorgsfull og av god kvalitet.I denne artikkelen gjør vi rede for hva implementering og implementeringsforskning er. Vi belyser historikken til denne unge vitenskapen, og illustrerer mangfoldet i de faglige tilnærmingene og begrepene som brukes om det å få forskning brukt i praksis. Det finnes en rekke teorier om endring av atferd, både på individnivå og på organisatorisk nivå. Teoriene er imidlertid i liten grad testet empirisk, særlig når det gjelder å endre atferd i helsetjenesten.Systematiske oversikter over metodisk gode studier er den beste kilden til informasjon om effekt av implementeringstiltak. The Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group (EPOC er en viktig kilde for slike oversikter. De systematiske oversiktene som er utarbeidet på dette feltet viser at passive dissemineringstiltak har begrenset effekt, mens mer aktive tiltak kan ha liten til moderat effekt. Det er ofte betydelig variasjon i effekt på tvers av studiene. Det er derfor viktig å få bedre kunnskap om hvilke faktorer som kan forklare slike forskjeller i effekt.Vi gir eksempler på norske implementeringsstudier, og refererer bidrag fra forskere ved Kunnskapssenteret. Implementeringsforskningen kan, hvis den lykkes, sikre pasientene bedre behandling.Flottorp S, Aakhus E. Implementation research: science for improving practice. Nor J Epidemiol 201 3; 23 (2: 187-196.ENGLISH SUMMARY Medical research has led to major advances in recent decades. More resources have been invested in basic and clinical research

  20. Development of a versatile procedure for the biofunctionalization of Ti-6Al-4V implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rezvanian, Parsa; Arroyo-Hernández, María; Ramos, Milagros; Daza, Rafael; Elices, Manuel; Guinea, Gustavo V.; Pérez-Rigueiro, José


    Highlights: • Surface of Ti-6Al-4V was functionalized by Activated Vapor Silanization (AVS). • AVS is proven to be a reliable procedure for functionalizing Ti-6Al-4V samples. • The functional layer was characterized by AFM and fluorescence microscopy. • The cytocompatibility of the functionalized samples was assessed by cell cultures. • The stability of the functional layer under physiological conditions was confirmed. - Abstract: Titanium (Ti) and titanium alloys are among the most-commonly used metallic materials for implantation in the human body for the purpose of replacing hard tissue. Although Ti and its alloys are widely used for such an aim, in implants of a long duration they exhibit some shortcomings due to the loosening of the very implant. This phenomenon is highly dependent on the interaction between the organic tissues and the surface of the implant. In this study, the authors introduce a surface treatment technique for functionalization of the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with amino groups that could help to control this interaction. The functionalized layer was deposited by activated vapor silanization (AVS), which has been proven as a reliable and robust technique with other materials. The resulting biofunctional layers were characterized by atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, with the optimal conditions for the deposition of a homogeneous film with a high density of amino groups being determined. Additionally, the non-toxic nature and stability of the biofunctional layer were confirmed by cell culturing. The results show the formation of a homogeneous biofunctional amine layer on Ti-6Al-4V alloy that may be used as a platform for the subsequent covalent immobilization of proteins or other biomolecules.

  1. Development of a versatile procedure for the biofunctionalization of Ti-6Al-4V implants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rezvanian, Parsa; Arroyo-Hernández, María [Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain); Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Ramos, Milagros [Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain); Daza, Rafael; Elices, Manuel; Guinea, Gustavo V. [Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain); Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Pérez-Rigueiro, José, E-mail: [Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain); Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain)


    Highlights: • Surface of Ti-6Al-4V was functionalized by Activated Vapor Silanization (AVS). • AVS is proven to be a reliable procedure for functionalizing Ti-6Al-4V samples. • The functional layer was characterized by AFM and fluorescence microscopy. • The cytocompatibility of the functionalized samples was assessed by cell cultures. • The stability of the functional layer under physiological conditions was confirmed. - Abstract: Titanium (Ti) and titanium alloys are among the most-commonly used metallic materials for implantation in the human body for the purpose of replacing hard tissue. Although Ti and its alloys are widely used for such an aim, in implants of a long duration they exhibit some shortcomings due to the loosening of the very implant. This phenomenon is highly dependent on the interaction between the organic tissues and the surface of the implant. In this study, the authors introduce a surface treatment technique for functionalization of the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with amino groups that could help to control this interaction. The functionalized layer was deposited by activated vapor silanization (AVS), which has been proven as a reliable and robust technique with other materials. The resulting biofunctional layers were characterized by atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, with the optimal conditions for the deposition of a homogeneous film with a high density of amino groups being determined. Additionally, the non-toxic nature and stability of the biofunctional layer were confirmed by cell culturing. The results show the formation of a homogeneous biofunctional amine layer on Ti-6Al-4V alloy that may be used as a platform for the subsequent covalent immobilization of proteins or other biomolecules.

  2. Efeitos do ruído de tráfego na saúde: para além das "moléstias"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Díaz Jiménez


    Full Text Available Os transtornos auditivos têm sido tradicionalmente associados ao ruído laboral das pessoas expostas. Recentemente, o ruído produzido nas proximidades de aeroportos foi relacionado com diferentes patologias, sobretudo as cardiovasculares. Nos últimos anos, o ruído ambiental das grandes cidades, principalmente devido ao tráfego, foi relacionado com diversas patologias, tanto de natureza cardiovascular, como respiratória e inclusivamente com diabetes. Neste trabalho, para além se fazer uma breve descrição dos estudos que relacionam o ruído ambiental com a morbilidade e os diferentes mecanismos biológicos implicados, possíveis de explicar nessas associações; apresentam-se os resultados de um conjunto de investigações que, mediante a Análise de Séries Temporais, relacionam o ruído de tráfego na cidade de Madrid com a mortalidade diária por causas circulatórias, respiratórias e diabetes na faixa etária de maiores de 65 anos. Assim como a mortalidade anual atribuída ao ruído de tráfego em Madrid e a sua comparação com a atribuição às PM2,5.

  3. Diffusjon av influensa i Norge under spanskesyken 1918-19

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    Svenn-Erik Mamelund


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGSpanskesyken var en verdensomspennende influensaepidemi som tok livet av minst 30 millioner mennesker,de fleste i løpet av noen få høstmåneder i 1918, men den strakk seg også inn i 1919. En siste svakbølge fant sted vinteren 1920. De første sporadiske tilfellene av spanskesyken i Norge oppsto i militærleirei begynnelsen av april 1918. Over tre måneder senere kom de første spredte tilfellene av det som skullevise seg å være starten på en ny stor influensapandemi. De første av disse oppsto i Kristiania, mest sannsynligetter smitteimport fra Skottland over Nordsjøen. Sommeren 1918 spredte spanskesyken seg raskt frasør til nord, fra kysten til innlandet innover fjordene, og fra de største byene og industrisentra via mindrebyer og andre tettsteder til landsbygda langs de viktigste ferdselsveiene. Da spanskesyken blusset opp igjenhøsten 1918 spredte den seg langsommere og trolig fra nord til sør, fortsatt fra kysten innover fjordene,men spredning fra byene langs kommunikasjonsveiene var mindre fremtredende. Vinteren 1918/19opptrådte influensaen spredt og sporadisk, tilsynelatende uten bestemt spredningsmønster og rekkefølge.Jernbanen, hurtigruten og automobilrutene spilte trolig en viktig rolle i spredningsprosessen, spesielt andrehalvår 1918. Ulik sosial interaksjon, for eksempel et marked som samlet store folkemengder, kan bidra til åforklare eksplosive utbrudd av influensa og diffusjon på lavt geografisk nivå.Mamelund S-E. The diffusion of influenza in Norway during the 1918-19 Pandemic.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYIn 1918-1919, a world-wide pandemic, the Spanish Influenza, swept over the entire globe, killing at least30 million people, most of them during the fall of 1918. A last, but small and less defined wave occurred inthe winter of 1920. The first sporadic cases of Spanish Influenza in Norway are known from army campsin the early days of April 1918. More than three months later, the first scattered

  4. IceBridge LVIS POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The IceBridge LVIS POS/AV L1B Corrected Position and Attitude Data (IPPLV1B) data set contains georeferencing data from the Applanix 510 and 610 POS AV systems flown...

  5. Preparation, quality control and physico-chemical properties of 99mTc-BAT-AV-45

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiankang Zhang; Xingqin Zhou; Xiaofeng Qin


    One novel styrylpyridine derivatives(AV-45) coupled with 99m Tc complex was synthesized. 99m Tc-BAT-AV-45 was prepared by a ligand exchange reaction employing sodium glucoheptonate, and effects of the amount of ligand, stannous chloride, sodium glucoheptonate and pH value of reaction mixture on the radiolabeling yield were studied in details. Quality control was performed by thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. Besides the stability, partition coefficient and electrophoresis of 99m Tc-BAT-AV-45 were also investigated. The results showed that the average radiolabeling yield was (95 ± 1%) and 99m Tc-BAT-AV-45 with suitable lipophilicity was stable and uncharged at physiological pH. (author)

  6. Erosão na cultura do milho em sucessão à aveia preta e pousio descoberto, em preparo convencional e plantio direto, com tração animal e tratorizada

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    R. Levien


    Full Text Available Empregando chuva simulada em Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico, com declividade média de 0,12 m m-1, avaliou-se a erosão na cultura do milho (Zea mays L. em preparo convencional e plantio direto, utilizando tração animal e tratorizada, antecedida de pousio descoberto e aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schieb no inverno, no período compreendido entre 1994 e 1995. Chuvas simuladas na intensidade de 64 mm h-1 e duração de 60 a 105 min foram aplicadas em quatro épocas: logo após a semeadura, 30 e 60 dias após a emergência e logo após a colheita do milho. A cobertura do solo propiciada pela cultura de inverno foi reduzida em 90% após o preparo convencional, independentemente da forma de tração. As perdas de solo e água medidas durante o desenvolvimento do milho foram sempre maiores sob preparo convencional do que sob plantio direto, independentemente da forma de tração, exceto logo após a colheita, quando a resteva estava uniformemente distribuída na superfície do solo. No preparo convencional, a erosão na cultura do milho foi, na média das formas de tração, 45% menor, quando antecedida de aveia preta no inverno do que quando antecedida de pousio descoberto. Por sua vez, a cultura do milho, por si só, reduziu a erosão em 60%, na média das formas de tração, comparada à do solo descoberto. A forma de tração influenciou a erosão somente no preparo convencional, com a animal apresentando perdas totais de solo 55 e 15% inferiores à tratorizada, respectivamente na cultura do milho e em solo descoberto. A perda de água por enxurrada foi mais afetada pela forma de tração no preparo convencional, totalizando, em média, 44% na animal e 57% na tratorizada, em relação ao volume total de chuva aplicado.

  7. Correlation of early-phase 18F-florbetapir (AV-45/Amyvid) PET images to FDG images: preliminary studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsiao, Ing-Tsung; Hsieh, Chia-Ju; Wey, Shiaw-Pyng; Lin, Kun-Ju; Huang, Chin-Chang; Hsu, Wen-Chun; Yen, Tzu-Chen; Kung, Mei-Ping


    18 F-Florbetapir (AV-45/Amyvid) is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for imaging plaque pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD), while PET images of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) for cerebral glucose metabolism can provide complementary information to amyloid plaque images for diagnosis of AD. The goal of this preliminary study was to investigate the perfusion-like property of relative cerebral blood flow estimates (R 1 ) and summed early-phase AV-45 images [perfusion AV-45 (pAV-45)] and optimize the early time frame for pAV-45. Dynamic AV-45 PET scans (0-180 min) were performed in seven subjects. pAV-45, late-phase AV-45, and FDG images were spatially normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute template aided by individual MRI images, and the corresponding standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) was computed. The R 1 images were derived from a simplified reference tissue model. Correlations between regional and voxelwise R 1 and the corresponding FDG images were calculated. An optimization of time frames of pAV-45 was conducted in terms of correlation to FDG images. The optimal early time frame was validated in a separate cohort. The regional distribution in the R 1 images correlated well (R = 0.91) to that of the FDG within subjects. Consistently high correlation was noted across a long range of time frames. The maximal correlation of pAV-45 to FDG SUVR of R = 0.95 was observed at the time frame of 1-6 min, while the peak correlation of R = 0.99 happened at 0-2 min between pAV-45 and R 1 . A similar result was achieved in the validation cohort. Preliminary results showed that the distribution patterns of R 1 and pAV-45 images are highly correlated with normalized FDG images, and the initial 5-min early time frame of 1-6 min is potentially useful in providing complementary FDG-like information to the amyloid plaque density by late-phase AV-45 images. (orig.)

  8. Adherencia al tratamiento en mujeres con diagnóstico de fibromialgia y los factores asociados


    Betancourt Santamaria, Belsy Yohana; Gallego Gómez, María Elena


    La Fibromialgia (FM) es una enfermedad que en los últimos años ha aumentado su prevalencia en la población mundial (2%). En Colombia, no se encuentra registro de prevalencia oficial por parte del sistema de Salud, a pesar de ser una enfermedad crónica que cada vez es más común sobre todo en mujeres. En el caso de la FM por ser una enfermedad crónica, la adherencia a los tratamientos juega un papel muy importante para el control de síntomas Objetivo. Determinar el nivel de adherencia al tra...

  9. Ressenya a Delle Donne, Fulvio & Torró, Jaume (eds. L’immagine di Alfonso il Magnanimo tra letteratura e storia, tra Corona d’Aragona e Italia - La imatge d’Algons el Magnànim en la literatura i la Historiografia entre la Corona d’Aragó i Itàlia, Florència, SISMEL -Edizioni del Galluzzo , 2016, XII + 300 p. ISBN: 978-88-8450-691-7

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Marfany Simó


    Full Text Available Review to Delle Donne, Fulvio & Torró, Jaume (eds. L’immagine di Alfonso il Magnanimo tra letteratura e storia, tra Corona d’Aragona e Italia - La imatge d’Algons el Magnànim en la literatura i la Historiografia entre la Corona d’Aragó i Itàlia, Firenze, SISMEL -Edizioni del Galluzzo , 2016, XII + 300 p. ISBN: 978-88-8450-691-7

  10. Validation of a Real-time AVS Encoder on FPGA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qun Fang Yuan


    Full Text Available A whole I frame AVS real-time video encoder is designed and implemented on FPGA platform in this paper. The system uses the structure of the flow calculation, coupled with a dual-port RAM memory between/among the various functional modules. Reusable design and pipeline design are used to optimize various encoding module and to ensure the efficient operation of the pipeline. Through the simulation of ISE software and the verification of Xilinx Vritex-4 pro platform, it can be seen that the highest working frequency can be up to 110 MHz, meeting the requirements of the whole I frame real- time encoding of AVS in CIF resolution.

  11. Nyttan av franchising i den svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschen


    Herke, Marie; Olivers, Marielle


    Franchising är det mest vanliga kedjekonceptet i fastighetsmäklarbranschen och flera av de största fastighetsmäklarkedjorna är franchisekedjor. De fristående mäklarbyråerna får allt svårare att klara sig i den ökade konkurrensen. Det är främst fristående mäklarbyråer på mindre orter med ett etablerat varumärke samt nischade mäklarbyråer som klarar sig i konkurrensen med de stora kedjorna. På senare år har antalet kedjeanslutna fastighetsmäklare ökat betydligt och flertalet av mäklarkedjorna ä...

  12. Reduction of opioid withdrawal and potentiation of acute opioid analgesia by systemic AV411 (ibudilast). (United States)

    Hutchinson, Mark R; Lewis, Susannah S; Coats, Benjamen D; Skyba, David A; Crysdale, Nicole Y; Berkelhammer, Debra L; Brzeski, Anita; Northcutt, Alexis; Vietz, Christine M; Judd, Charles M; Maier, Steven F; Watkins, Linda R; Johnson, Kirk W


    Morphine-induced glial proinflammatory responses have been documented to contribute to tolerance to opioid analgesia. Here, we examined whether drugs previously shown to suppress glial proinflammatory responses can alter other clinically relevant opioid effects; namely, withdrawal or acute analgesia. AV411 (ibudilast) and minocycline, drugs with distinct mechanisms of action that result in attenuation of glial proinflammatory responses, each reduced naloxone-precipitated withdrawal. Analysis of brain nuclei associated with opioid withdrawal revealed that morphine altered expression of glial activation markers, cytokines, chemokines, and a neurotrophic factor. AV411 attenuated many of these morphine-induced effects. AV411 also protected against spontaneous withdrawal-induced hyperactivity and weight loss recorded across a 12-day timecourse. Notably, in the spontaneous withdrawal study, AV411 treatment was delayed relative to the start of the morphine regimen so to also test whether AV411 could still be effective in the face of established morphine dependence, which it was. AV411 did not simply attenuate all opioid effects, as co-administering AV411 with morphine or oxycodone caused three-to-five-fold increases in acute analgesic potency, as revealed by leftward shifts in the analgesic dose response curves. Timecourse analyses revealed that plasma morphine levels were not altered by AV411, suggestive that potentiated analgesia was not simply due to prolongation of morphine exposure or increased plasma concentrations. These data support and extend similar potentiation of acute opioid analgesia by minocycline, again providing converging lines of evidence of glial involvement. Hence, suppression of glial proinflammatory responses can significantly reduce opioid withdrawal, while improving analgesia.

  13. AV3V lesions reduce the pressor response to L-glutamate into the RVLM. (United States)

    Vieira, Alexandre Antonio; Colombari, Eduardo; De Luca, Laurival A; Colombari, Débora Simões de Almeida; Menani, José V


    Neurons from the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) directly activate sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons in the spinal cord. Hypertensive responses and sympathetic activation produced by different stimuli are strongly affected by lesions of the preoptic periventricular tissue surrounding the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V region). Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the effects of acute (1 day) and chronic (15 days) electrolytic lesions of the AV3V region on the pressor responses produced by injections of the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate into the RVLM of unanesthetized rats. Male Holtzman rats with sham or electrolytic AV3V lesions and a stainless steel cannula implanted into the RVLM were used. The pressor responses produced by injections of L-glutamate (1, 5 and 10 nmol/100 nl) into the RVLM were reduced 1 day (9 +/- 4, 39 +/- 6 and 37 +/- 4 mm Hg, respectively) and 15 days after AV3V lesions (13 +/- 6, 39 +/- 4 and 43 +/- 4 mm Hg, respectively, vs. sham lesions: 29 +/- 3, 50 +/- 2 and 58 +/- 3 mm Hg, respectively). Injections of L-glutamate into the RVLM in sham or AV3V-lesioned rats produced no significant change in the heart rate (HR). Baroreflex bradycardia and tachycardia produced by iv phenylephrine or sodium nitroprusside, respectively, and the pressor and bradycardic responses to chemoreflex activation with iv potassium cyanide were not modified by AV3V lesions. The results suggest that signals from the AV3V region are important for sympathetic activation induced by L-glutamate into the RVLM.

  14. En socialpsykologisk analys av samkönat partnervåld ur ett makt- och normativitetsperspektiv


    von Braun, Thérèse


    Uppsatsens syfte var att nå en större teoretisk förståelse av samkönat partnervåld, genom att analysera olika forskningsartiklars narrativa konstruktioner av våldet. De två frågeställningarna var: 1. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen samkönat partnervåld med fokus på temana relationsdynamik, karaktär hos parterna, kön, genus och sexualitet samt betydelsen av social kontext? 2. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen det professionella bemötandet av samkönat partnervåld? De 21 valda primärdo...

  15. Tumor-specific detection of an optically targeted antibody combined with a quencher-conjugated neutravidin "quencher-chaser": a dual "quench and chase" strategy to improve target to nontarget ratios for molecular imaging of cancer. (United States)

    Ogawa, Mikako; Kosaka, Nobuyuki; Choyke, Peter L; Kobayashi, Hisataka


    In vivo molecular cancer imaging with monoclonal antibodies has great potential not only for cancer detection, but also for cancer characterization. However, the prolonged retention of intravenously injected antibody in the blood causes low target tumor-to-background ratio (TBR). Avidin has been used as a "chase" to clear the unbound, circulating biotinylated antibody and decrease the background signal. Here, we utilize a combined approach of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) quenched antibody with an "avidin chase" to increase TBR. Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2), was biotinylated and conjugated with the near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore Alexa680 to synthesize Tra-Alexa680-biotin. Next, the FRET quencher, QSY-21, was conjugated to avidin, neutravidin (nAv), or streptavidin (sAv), thus creating Av-QSY21, nAv-QSY21, or sAv-QSY21 as "chasers". The fluorescence was quenched in vitro by binding Tra-Alexa680-biotin to Av-QSY21, nAv-QSY21, or sAv-QSY21. To evaluate if the injection of quencher-conjugated avidin derivatives can improve target TBR by using a dual "quench and chase" strategy, both target (3T3/HER2+) and nontarget (Balb3T3/ZsGreen) tumor-bearing mice were employed. The "FRET quench" effect induced by all the QSY21 avidin-based conjugates reduced but did not totally eliminate background signal from the blood pool. The addition of nAv-QSY21 administration increased target TBR mainly because of the "chase" effect where unbound conjugated antibody was preferentially cleared to the liver. The relatively slow clearance of unbound nAv-QSY21 leads to further reductions in background signal by leaking out of the vascular space and binding to unbound antibodies in the extravascular space of tumors, resulting in decreased nontarget tumor-to-background ratios but increased target TBR due to the "FRET quench" effect, because target-bound antibodies were internalized and could not bind

  16. Alternative Constructions of Treason in the Angevin Political World: Traïson in the History of William Marshal

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    Stephen D. WHITE


    Full Text Available After some nobles and other fighting men surrendered Rochester castle to King John in 1215, John wanted to hang the nobles but refrained from doing so on the advice of one of his military captains. Would hanging the nobles for making war on the king have been lawful? This question about the law of treason has provoked inconclusive debate among historians who have sought to determine whether, in this period, making war against the English king was legally classified as lèse-majesté (crimen laesae majestatis, proditio or infidelitas. This article, however, asks whether the nobles whom John wanted to hang were guilty of traïson, as this vernacular term was used in the History of William Marshal (c. 1230. On this basis, the paper concludes that in all probability, the nobles who held Rochester against the king would not have been condemned as traitors, at least by their aristocratic peers.Cuando en 1215 ciertos nobles y otros combatientes se rindieron y entregaron el castillo de Rochester al rey Juan éste quiso colgarles, pero el consejo de uno de sus nobles le hizo absternerse. ¿Habría sido legítimo condenar a la horca a los que habían guerreado contra el rey? Cuestiones relativas al derecho de traición al intentar determinar si la guerra contra el rey de Inglaterra fue considerada en la época un crimen laesae majestatis, proditio, o infidelitas, según la definición que dan a estos términos las fuentes latinas, han suscitado debates interminables entre los historiadores. Este artículo, por el contrario, se pregunta si los nobles que el rey Juan deseaba colgar eran o no culpables de traición, en el sentido vernáculo del término que es usado en L’histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal (hacia 1230. Sobre esta base, la conclusión del artículo es que los nobles que ocuparon el castillo de Rochester, casi con total seguridad, no habrían sido condenados como traidores, al menos por sus pares.

  17. Knihovna Sociologického ústavu AV ČR

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hesová, Nela


    Roč. 7, č. 3 (2017) E-ISSN 1805-2800 Institutional support: RVO:68378025 Keywords : library Subject RIV: AF - Documentation, Librarianship, Information Studies

  18. Kjøring med mistanke om påvirkning av andre rusmidler enn alkohol

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    Asbjørg S. Christophersen


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGStatens rettstoksikologiske institutt har i løpet av de siste år registrert en stor økning av prøver fra bilføreremistenkt for kjøring under påvirkning av andre rusmidler enn alkohol. Antall positive saker økte 42% fra1994 til 1995. De hyppigste påviste stoffer er tetrahydrocannabinol, amfetamin, benzodiazepiner og opiater(morfin/kodein. Bruk av tyngre narkotiske stoffer har blitt mer vanlig i trafikksammenheng og antall positivetilfeller har økt betydelig mer enn totalt antall saker. Fra 1994 til 1995 økte antall positive amfetaminprøvermed 75% (fra 533 til 937 og antall positive prøver som følge av heroininntak økte med 87% (fra 92 til 172.Bruk av flere stoffer samtidig er vanlig, over 60 % av sakene i 1995 var positive på mer enn ett stoff, alkoholikke medregnet. De fleste tilfeller var representert av menn i alderen 25-32 år (37%. Kvinner var representerti ca. 11% av sakene.Christophersen AS, Skurtveit S, Mørland J. Drivers suspected to drive under the influence of drugs otherthan alcohol. Nor J Epidemiol 1996; 6 (1: 45-48.ENGLISH SUMMARYThe National Institute of Forensic Toxicology has registered a large increase in the number of samples fromdrivers suspected to drive under influence of drugs other than alcohol. The number of drug positive casesincreased 42% from 1994 to 1995. The most frequent drugs detected are tetrahydrocannabinol, amphetamine,benzodiazepines and opiates (morphine/codeine. The frequency of hard narcotic drug use has increased morethan the total number of cases. From 1994 to 1995, the number of amphetamine positive samples increased75% (from 533 to 937 and the number of samples positive due to heroin use (detection of the metabolite 6-monoacetylmorphine in urine increased 87%. Multi-drug use is common and more than one drug wasdetected in more than 60% of the cases from 1995, alcohol not included. Most of the cases were representedby men 25-32 years old (37%. Women were represented in about

  19. "Konsesjon til radikalere" : Norges anerkjennelse av Nord-Vietnam i 1971


    Sørensen, Cristian H.


    Emnet for oppgaven er Norges anerkjennelse av Nord-Vietnam som en selvstendig stat. Dette skjedde i 1971 mens Nord-Vietnam var i krig med Sør-Vietnam og USA. Norge var det første NATO-landet som fattet prinsippvedtak om dette, og Danmark fulgte etter. Det hele provoserte USA i så stor grad at Nixon-administrasjonen var nær ved å kalle ambassadørene sine i Oslo og København hjem. Det var regjeringen Bratteli som stod for utførelsen av anerkjennelsen etter at Arbeiderpartiet kom tilbake til reg...

  20. Influência da auto-percepção do envelhecimento e dos traços de personalidade na satisfação com a reforma


    Fragoso, Nuno Miguel do Rosário Mendes


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2013 O presente trabalho foca-se no estudo da influência da auto-perceção do envelhecimento e dos traços de personalidade na satisfação com a reforma, numa amostra de idosos oriundos da comunidade e sem psicopatologia diagnosticada. Tem como objetivos: (1) analisar a auto-perceção do envelhecimento, os traços de personalidade e a s...

  1. Changes in stature during and after spinal traction in young male subjects Alterações na estatura antes e após a tração vertebral em homens jovens

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    ALF Rodacki


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Spinal traction is a relatively popular procedure for increasing the intervertebral space by applying separating forces. The parameters of time and magnitude of the traction forces may influence the outcomes from this procedure and need to be investigated. The duration of the benefits derived from traction is unknown and needs to be determined so that physiotherapists can provide better and more effective treatments. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the relationship between load magnitude and time during spinal traction in relation to stature variations. Traction effect duration was also analyzed. METHOD: Fifteen healthy male subjects (23.1 ± 5.77 years; 1.80 ± 0.17 m and 87.0 ± 9.6 kg were assessed under three traction conditions (0, 30 and 60% of body weight, BW of 42 minutes. Stature variation was used to determine intervertebral disc height variation. Stature was assessed every 7 minutes during traction of 42 minutes and every 5 minutes for 45 minutes after traction ceased. RESULTS: 0 and 30% BW traction produced similar gains (6.09 ± 1.89 mm, 5.70 ± 1.88 mm, respectively; p>0.05, while these were smaller (pCONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A tração sobre a coluna vertebral é um procedimento relativamente popular para aumentar o espaço inter-vertebral pela aplicação de forças de separação. Os parâmetros de tempo e magnitude da força aplicada podem influenciar os resultados desse procedimento e ainda precisam ser investigados. A duração dos benefícios derivados da tração não é conhecida e precisa ser determinada para que fisioterapeutas possam prover tratamentos melhores e mais eficientes. OBJETIVO: Este estudo analisou a relação entre a magnitude de carga e de tempo durante a tração vertebral sobre as variações de estatura, bem como a duração deste efeito. MÉTODOS: Quinze sujeitos saudáveis do sexo masculino (23,1 ± 5,77 anos; 1,80 ± 0,17 m e 87,0 ± 9,6 Kg foram mensurados sob três condições (0, 30 e 60% PC

  2. Temporal dynamics of AVS and SEM in sediment of shallow freshwater floodplain lakes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Griethuysen, van C.; Lange, de H.J.; Heuij, van der M.; Bies, S.C.; Gillissen, F.; Koelmans, A.A.


    Acid volatile sulfide (AVS) is an operationally defined sulfide fraction, which is considered important for trace metal fate in reduced sediments. Understanding AVS formation rates is important for the management of metal polluted sediment. However, little lis known about the fate and dynamics of

  3. Evaluering av medisinsk behandling: Hva vet vi, og hvordan bør kunnskapen håndteres?

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    Jan Magnus Bjordal


    Full Text Available Kunnskap om effekten av medisinsk behandling fremskaffes i kliniske studier. Godt planlagte og gjennomførte randomiserte, placebokontrollerte studier tillegges størst vekt når data skal vurderes. De datamengdene vi besitter når det gjelder forskjellige behandlinger kan oppsummeres i oversikter eller terapianbefalinger som ofte blir normative for klinisk praksis. Dette stiller store krav til evalueringsprosedyrene. I denne oversiktsartikkelen diskuteres i innledningen noen eksempler på at kunnskapsgrunnlaget er blitt feiltolket. Deretter omtales kvalitetskriterier som legges til grunn i vurderingen av data, og den metodologiske basis for meta-analyser. Usikkerhetsmomenter og potensielle fallgruver ved bruk av meta-analyser omtales. Meta-analysens fortrinn eksemplifiseres ved bruk av data om behandling av korsryggsmerter, hvor det nylig er utarbeidet kliniske retningslinjer som etter vår oppfatning er beheftet med feil eller mangler. Meta-analysen har vesentlige fortrinn fremfor mindre formaliserte metoder for oppsummering av kunnskap om terapi ved sykdom

  4. EST Table: AV400925 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV400925 br--1989 10/09/28 35 %/122 aa ref|XP_967620.1| PREDICTED: similar to anopheles|Amel|GB19565-PA 10/09/10 35 %/122 aa gi|91093471|ref|XP_967620.1| PREDICTED: similar to anopheles stephensi ubiquitin, putative [Tribolium castaneum] FS914988 br-- ...

  5. What are the keys to successful adrenal venous sampling (AVS) in patients with primary aldosteronism? (United States)

    Young, William F; Stanson, Anthony W


    Adrenal venous sampling (AVS) is the criterion standard to distinguish between unilateral and bilateral adrenal disease in patients with primary aldosteronism. The keys to successful AVS include appropriate patient selection, careful patient preparation, focused technical expertise, defined protocol, and accurate data interpretation. The use of AVS should be based on patient preferences, patient age, clinical comorbidities, and the clinical probability of finding an aldosterone-producing adenoma. AVS is optimally performed in the fasting state in the morning. AVS is an intricate procedure because the right adrenal vein is small and may be difficult to locate - the success rate depends on the proficiency of the angiographer. The key factors that determine the successful catheterization of both adrenal veins are experience, dedication and repetition. With experience, and focusing the expertise to 1 or 2 radiologists at a referral centre, the AVS success rate can be as high as 96%. A centre-specific, written protocol is mandatory. The protocol should be developed by an interested group of endocrinologists, radiologists and laboratory personnel. Safeguards should be in place to prevent mislabelling of the blood tubes in the radiology suite and to prevent sample mix-up in the laboratory.

  6. Acid Volatile Sulfides (avs) and the Bioavailability of Trace Metals in the Channel of the SÃO Francisco River, Sepetiba Bay - de Janeiro-Brazil (United States)

    Monte, Christiane; Rodrigues, Ana Paula; Marinho, Matheus; Quaresma, Tássia; Machado, Wilson


    Sepetiba Bay has 430 Km2 of internal and 2,500 Km2 area of the drainage basin (Lacerda et al., 2007), located 60 km west of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Sepetiba Bay has 430 Km2 of internal and 2,500 Km2 area of the drainage basin (Lacerda et al., 2007), located 60 km west of the city of Rio de Janeiro.The San Francisco channel comes from the Guandu River and empties into Sepetiba Bay and is the main contributor of freshwater to the estuarine system. The Guandu River system/channel of San Francisco receives contribution of domestic and industrial effluents, which go largely to Sepetiba Bay. This work aimed to evaluate the .This work aimed to evaluate the ratio SEM/AVS as a way of predicting bioavailability trace metals from industrial sewage, mainly, in the estuarine system of Sepetiba. This model is based on the property of some Divalent metal cations (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn), by presenting a low solubility constant, are removed from the soluble fraction by precipitation, forming secondary metal sulfides. Were held four transects, made up of three points each, the coast line to the center of the Bay. The surface sediment was collected with a van Veen sampler type ,packed in glass jars and kept frozen until analysis.The determination of SEM/AVS followed the methodology described by Allen et al. (1991). The variation between sulfide 159.88 ± 0.05 µmol/g on 12 points. The metals that entered the sum of simultaneous extraction were: Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn ranging from: 6.47 ± 0.11 µmol/g on sum.The means (± standard deviation) ratio SEM/AVS per transect were: 1.04 ± 1.20 (transect 1); 0.48 ± 0.53 (transect 2); 1.26 ± 1.32 (transect 3) and 0.18 ± 0.14 (transect 4). Only transects 1 and 3 had higher results than 1 , meaning that there are more divalent metal sulfides in the environment. This means that only the sulfides would not be capable of complex and may reflect the potential bioavailability of these in the aquatic environment. There is no statistical

  7. Condutas desviantes e traços de personalidade: testagem de um modelo causal


    Vasconcelos,Tatiana Cristina; Gouveia,Valdiney Veloso; Pimentel,Carlos Eduardo; Pessoa,Viviany Silva


    A meta principal deste estudo foi comprovar a adequação de um modelo causal à explicação de comportamentos socialmente desviantes (condutas anti-sociais e delitivas), considerando a contribuição dos traços de personalidade (neuroticismo, extroversão e busca de sensações). Para tanto, participaram 755 estudantes do Ensino Médio e Superior, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (50,3%), de escolas privadas (53,0%) e com idades variando de 16 a 26 anos (média=20,1; desvio-padrão=3,12). Estes responde...

  8. Betydningen av drektige reinsimlers ernæring for kalvers vekst, klimatiske toleranse og overlevelse

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    Arne Rognmo


    Full Text Available Forsøkene (viste at tilleggsforing av underernærte simler i siste del av drektighetsperioden kun synes å ha effekt på fødselsvekten for kalvene forutsatt at simlene får høyverdig ernæring etter kalving. Den forskjellige ernæringsbakgrunn før kalving synes således ikke å innvirke på melkeproduksjon/kvalitet, da vektutviklingen for alle grupper av kalver i dette forsøket gikk parallelt i de tre første ukene etter kalving. Det ble heller ikke på noe punkt funnet signifikante forskjeller gruppene imellom når det gjelder kalvenes klimatiske toleranse. Det er dog bemerkelsesverdig at det var stor dødelighet blant de små kalvene etter unge små simler i GRUPPE L. Dette funn er interessant sett i sammenheng med resultatene fra Røros (se bidrag fra Dag Lenvik, side som viser at avkastningen fra en flokk kan økes markant om man konsentrerte slakteuttaket på små kalver og forhindrer bedekning av små, unge simler gjennom fjerning av eldre, store bukker. Med det forbehold at våre forsøk er utført på dyr i innhegning med et lavt aktivitetsnivå, kan man fra våreforsøk foreløpig konkludere med at tillegsfor ing av simler i siste halvdel av drektighetsperioden har effekt på kalvenes fødselsvekt, men at vektutviklingen for kalven er uavhengig av simlenes ernæringshistorie, om sistnevnte tilbys høyverdig ernæring etter kalving. Da små kalver etter underernærte simler viste høy dødelighet like etter fødselen, vil imidlertid tilleggsforing kunne øke avkastningen om det er mange unge simler i flokken. Resultatene fra Røros tyder imidlertid på at dette resultat normalt kan oppnås uten ekstra omkostninger gjennom et selektivt slakteuttak.

  9. Har forhold under svangerskapet betydning for utviklingen av otitis media?

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    Kari J. Kværner


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGMed utgangspunkt i data fra et populasjonsbasert utvalg av 7 992 norske tvillinger ble sammenhengenmellom gjentatte ørebetennelser og forhold under svangerskapet studert. Som parametre på intrauterinevekstforhold ble informasjon om fødselsvekt og gestasjonsalder fra Medisinsk Fødselsregister benyttet.Informasjon om rapporterte øreinfeksjoner ble basert på spørreskjemaer som ble besvart av tvillingene ialderen 18–25 år. Først studerte vi individuelle effekter av fødselsvekt og gestasjonsalder på forekomsten avotitis media (OM. Rapportert fødselsvekt hos individer med OM var signifikant lavere enn hos kontrollene,med en gjennomsnittsforskjell på 86 gram. Hos de som rapporterte OM var gjennomsnittlig gestasjonsalder3 dager kortere enn i kontrollmaterialet. Deretter beregnet vi effekten av fødselsvekt ved bruk av co-twinkontroll metoden. Blant monozygote (MZ tvillingpar gjenspeiler fødselsvektforskjeller innenfor tvillingparetintra-uterine miljøforskjeller. Blant dizygote (DZ par kan vektforskjellen være både genetiske ogmiljøbetinget. Ved sammenligning av fødselsvektforskjeller innenfor tvillingparene er tvillingen som ikkehar gjentatte øreinfeksjoner en matchet kontroll blant OM diskordante par. Resultatene antyder at lavfødselsvekt er en risikofaktor for otitis media. Gjennomsnittlig vektforskjell blant par diskordante for OMvar 48 gram, og den av tvillingen som ikke rapporterte OM hadde signifikant høyere fødselsvekt.Kværner KJ, Tambs K, Harris J, Magnus P. Do pregnancy-related factors influence the development ofotitis media? Nor J Epidemiol 1997; 7 (1: 55-58.  ENGLISH SUMMARYThe association between intrauterine growth, as measured by weight and gestational age, and the occurrenceof recurrent ear infections was studied using data from a population based sample of 7992 Norwegian twins.Perinatal measures were collected from the Medical Birth Registry, and reports of recurrent ear infectionswere based on

  10. Identification of the human ApoAV gene as a novel RORα target gene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lind, Ulrika; Nilsson, Tina; McPheat, Jane; Stroemstedt, Per-Erik; Bamberg, Krister; Balendran, Clare; Kang, Daiwu


    Retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor-α (RORα) (NR1F1) is an orphan nuclear receptor with a potential role in metabolism. Previous studies have shown that RORα regulates transcription of the murine Apolipoprotein AI gene and human Apolipoprotein CIII genes. In the present study, we present evidence that RORα also induces transcription of the human Apolipoprotein AV gene, a recently identified apolipoprotein associated with triglyceride levels. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of RORα increased the endogenous expression of ApoAV in HepG2 cells and RORα also enhanced the activity of an ApoAV promoter construct in transiently transfected HepG2 cells. Deletion and mutation studies identified three AGGTCA motifs in the ApoAV promoter that mediate RORα transactivation, one of which overlaps with a previously identified binding site for PPARα. Together, these results suggest a novel mechanism whereby RORα modulates lipid metabolism and implies RORα as a potential target for the treatment of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis

  11. Management of rare, low anal anterior fistula exception to Goodsall′s rule with Kṣārasūtra

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    Pradeep S Shindhe


    Full Text Available Anal fistula (bhagandara is a chronic inflammatory condition, a tubular structure opening in the ano-rectal canal at one end and surface of perineum/peri-anal skin on the other end. Typically, fistula has two openings, one internal and other external associated with chronic on/off pus discharge on/off pain, pruritis and sometimes passing of stool from external opening. This affects predominantly male patients due to various etiologies viz., repeated peri-anal infections, Crohn′s disease, HIV infection, etc., Complex and atypical variety is encountered in very few patients, which require special treatment for cure. The condition poses difficulty for a surgeon in treating due to issues like patient hesitation, trouble in preparing kṣārasūtra, natural and routine infection with urine, stool etc., and dearth of surgical experts and technique. We would like to report a complex and atypical, single case of anterior, low anal fistula with tract reaching to median raphe of scrotum, which was managed successfully by limited application of kṣārasūtra.

  12. Escolha do (a parceiro (a ideal por heterossexuais: são seus valores e traços de personalidade uma explicação? Choice of ideal partner by heterosexuals: are their values and personality traits an explanation?

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    Ana Isabel A. S. de Brito Gomes


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou conhecer em que medida os valores humanos e os traços de personalidade se correlacionam com atributos desejáveis do (a parceiro (a ideal entre heterossexuais. Participaram 205 pessoas (100 mulheres e 105 homens da população geral de João Pessoa (PB. Estes responderam aos seguintes instrumentos: Questionário dos Valores Básicos, Inventário dos Cinco Grandes Fatores e Escala de Atributos do Parceiro Ideal, além de perguntas sociodemográficas. Os valores se correlacionaram de forma teoricamente esperada com os atributos, sendo mais preponderantes do que os traços de personalidade. Quando comparados, homens e mulheres diferiram na importância dada a tais atributos. Finalmente, mostrou-se adequado o modelo hierárquico traços de personalidade → valores → atributos. Estes resultados foram discutidos tomando como referência a perspectiva evolucionista da escolha de parceiro e a teoria funcionalista dos valores humanos.This study aimed to know to which extent human values and personality traits are correlated with desirable attributes of an ideal partner among heterosexuals. Participants were 205 people (100 women and 105 men from the general population of João Pessoa-PB, Brazil. They answered the following instruments: Basic Values Survey, Big Five Inventory, Attributes of Ideal Partner Scale as well as socio-demographic questions. The values were correlated in a theoretically expected way with the attributes of an ideal partner, being more relevant than the personality traits. When they were compared, men and women differed in the importance given to these attributes. Finally, the hierarchical model of personality traits → values → attributes showed to be adequate. The findings were discussed based on the evolutionary perspective on mate choices and the functionalist theory of human values.

  13. Book review. Un veterinario a spasso per il mondo tra guerre, colonialismo e apartheid. Attilio Pini

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    Manuel Graziani


    fascista, del fratello maggiore Tebaldo come il padre militare di carriera e poi veterinario. E ancora, le prime docce con l'acqua di mare, la "festa delle bastonate" (una vera battaglia tra somali con finalità propiziatorie di fertilità, fino al viaggio in nave con Filippo Tommaso Marinetti che pare si fosse invaghito della madre Anna. Quello del dott. Pini è un libro ben scritto, dallo stile lineare, fatto di parole pesate col misurino, a volte anche musicali ("Non c'era più il fascio, ma si assisteva all'inizio dello sfascio" e argute (si legga pag. 35 sugli italiani "popolo plaudente" che rendono la lettura assai godibile. Nonostante l'autore si schernisca dicendo di non aver ereditato nessuna delle doti paterne, evidentemente ha ereditato eccome la verve narrativa dal padre Ugo autore, tra l'altro, del libro di memorie Sotto le ceneri dell'impero. Dalle rive del Giuba alle falde del monte Kenya, edito nel 1967 e ancora oggi nel catalogo dell'Editore Mursia.

  14. EST Table: AV399990 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV399990 br--0239 10/09/28 100 %/110 aa ref|NP_001037364.1| cellular retinoic acid .../09/10 57 %/107 aa gnl|Amel|GB15299-PA 10/09/10 59 %/107 aa gi|282165782|ref|NP_001164130.1| cellular FABP-like protein isoform 1 [Tribolium castaneum] NM_001043899 br-- ...

  15. Resistência à tração entre amálgama e resina composta em diferentes condições de oxidação - estudo in vitro

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    YOUSSEF Michel Nicolau


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda in vitro a resistência à tração de corpos-de-prova de amálgama-resina composta unidos pelo adesivo dental Scotchbond Multi-Uso Plus. Os corpos-de-prova foram divididos em três grupos de dez, sendo que cada corpo era o resultado da união de dois discos, um de amálgama e outro de resina composta. Esses discos foram obtidos dentro de cilindros de baquelite e sofreram acabamento superficial com lixa de grana 600. Pretendeu-se simular a técnica do amalcomp e verificar a resistência à tração entre o amálgama e a resina composta em diferentes condições de oxidação do amálgama. Dos resultados obtidos e mediante análise de variância e teste de Tukey a 5%, pôde-se concluir que: o Grupo 3, que ficou na saliva artificial por trinta dias e portanto sofreu maior oxidação, apresenta resistência à tração superior e estatisticamente significante em relação aos grupos 1 e 2; o Grupo 2, que ficou na saliva por sete dias e sofreu menor oxidação, não apresenta resistência à tração estatisticamente superior ao Grupo 1 de amálgama recém-condensado.

  16. Improved insecticidal toxicity by fusing Cry1Ac of Bacillus thuringiensis with Av3 of Anemonia viridis. (United States)

    Yan, Fu; Cheng, Xing; Ding, Xuezhi; Yao, Ting; Chen, Hanna; Li, Wenping; Hu, Shengbiao; Yu, Ziquan; Sun, Yunjun; Zhang, Youming; Xia, Liqiu


    Av3, a neurotoxin of Anemonia viridis, is toxic to crustaceans and cockroaches but inactive in mammals. In the present study, Av3 was expressed in Escherichia coli Origami B (DE3) and purified by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The purified Av3 was injected into the hemocoel of Helicoverpa armigera, rendering the worm paralyzed. Then, Av3 was expressed alone or fusion expressed with the Cry1Ac in acrystalliferous strain Cry(-)B of Bacillus thuringiensis. The shape of Cry1Ac was changed by fusion with Av3. The expressed fusion protein, Cry1AcAv3, formed irregular rhombus- or crescent-shaped crystalline inclusions, which is quite different from the shape of original Cry1Ac crystals. The toxicity of Cry1Ac was improved by fused expression. Compared with original Cry1Ac expressed in Cry(-)B, the oral toxicity of Cry1AcAv3 to H. armigera was elevated about 2.6-fold. No toxicity was detected when Av3 was expressed in Cry(-)B alone. The present study confirmed that marine toxins could be used in bio-control and implied that fused expression with other insecticidal proteins could be an efficient way for their application.

  17. AFM observation of Fe-Al single crystals under in situ deformation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Veselý, J.; Cieslar, M.; Kopeček, Jaromír


    Roč. 122, č. 3 (2012), s. 618-621 ISSN 0587-4246. [International Symposium on Physics of Materials, ISPMA /12./. Praha, 04.09.2011-08.09.2011] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP107/10/0438 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : atomic force microscopy * Fe 3 Al * TEM Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy Impact factor: 0.531, year: 2012

  18. Correlation of early-phase {sup 18}F-florbetapir (AV-45/Amyvid) PET images to FDG images: preliminary studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hsiao, Ing-Tsung; Hsieh, Chia-Ju; Wey, Shiaw-Pyng; Lin, Kun-Ju [Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Center, Taipei (China); Chang Gung University, Healthy Aging Research Center and Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taipei (China); Huang, Chin-Chang; Hsu, Wen-Chun [Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Department of Neurology, Taipei (China); Yen, Tzu-Chen [Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Center, Taipei (China); Kung, Mei-Ping [Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Center, Taipei (China); Chang Gung University, Healthy Aging Research Center and Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Taipei (China); University of Pennsylvania, Department of Radiology, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    {sup 18}F-Florbetapir (AV-45/Amyvid) is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for imaging plaque pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD), while PET images of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) for cerebral glucose metabolism can provide complementary information to amyloid plaque images for diagnosis of AD. The goal of this preliminary study was to investigate the perfusion-like property of relative cerebral blood flow estimates (R{sub 1}) and summed early-phase AV-45 images [perfusion AV-45 (pAV-45)] and optimize the early time frame for pAV-45. Dynamic AV-45 PET scans (0-180 min) were performed in seven subjects. pAV-45, late-phase AV-45, and FDG images were spatially normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute template aided by individual MRI images, and the corresponding standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) was computed. The R{sub 1} images were derived from a simplified reference tissue model. Correlations between regional and voxelwise R{sub 1} and the corresponding FDG images were calculated. An optimization of time frames of pAV-45 was conducted in terms of correlation to FDG images. The optimal early time frame was validated in a separate cohort. The regional distribution in the R{sub 1} images correlated well (R = 0.91) to that of the FDG within subjects. Consistently high correlation was noted across a long range of time frames. The maximal correlation of pAV-45 to FDG SUVR of R = 0.95 was observed at the time frame of 1-6 min, while the peak correlation of R = 0.99 happened at 0-2 min between pAV-45 and R{sub 1}. A similar result was achieved in the validation cohort. Preliminary results showed that the distribution patterns of R{sub 1} and pAV-45 images are highly correlated with normalized FDG images, and the initial 5-min early time frame of 1-6 min is potentially useful in providing complementary FDG-like information to the amyloid plaque density by late-phase AV-45 images. (orig.)

  19. Estimativa do risco de traça-verde Palpita vitrealis (Rossi) amplificada por contaminante?


    Mateus, Helena; Pereira, Cândido; Cardoso, Miguel; Manteigas, Ana; Sequeira, Manuel; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Luz, J.P.; Mexia, António


    A monitorização da população de traça-verde foi efectuada, em olivais da Cova da Beira, em armadilhas com três formulações comerciais de feromona sexual: Russell (em armadilha funil tricolor) e SEDQ e Suterra (ambas em armadilha delta). As contagens, semanais, decorreram: nas armadilhas iscadas com feromona SEDQ, entre Março e Novembro de 2010; nas armadilhas com feromona Russell e Suterra, de Setembro a Novembro. As capturas variaram de 0 a 4 indivíduos/armadilha/semana. Nas armadilhas com S...

  20. Estimativa do risco de Traça-Verde, Palpita vitrealis (Rossi) amplificada por contaminate?


    Mateus, Helena; Pereira, Cândido; Cardoso, Miguel; Manteigas, Ana; Sequeira, Manuel; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Luz, João Pedro; Mexia, António


    A monitorização da população de traça-verde foi efectuada, em olivais da Cova da Beira, em armadilhas com três formulações comerciais de feromona sexual: Russell (em armadilha funil tricolor) e SEDQ e Suterra (ambas em armadilha delta). As contagens, semanais, decorreram: nas armadilhas iscadas com feromona SEDQ, entre Março e Novembro de 2010; nas armadilhas com feromona Russell e Suterra, de Setembro a Novembro. As capturas variaram de 0 a 4 indivíduos/armadilha/semana. Nas armadilhas com S...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurul Shifaah Binti Abdullah


    Full Text Available The concept of teaching Arabic for specific purposes (ASP is the new concept in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. This study was intended to look at the Trustees of the global library Dar al-Hikma Islamic University in Malaysia where a class of employees imposed working conditions need to learn Arabic; to make them easier to deal with their clients from the Arabic-speaking countries.  Therefore, it was a need for the employees to learn Arabic in specific purpose. The study was conducted through descriptive and analytical approach and the data were obtained through personal interview and made up the sample of nine members. The paper concluded the results of the most important: the desire of Trustees of the Dar al-Hikma library to learn Arabic for the purposes of office, and they see the need to focus on speaking and writing skills.DOI: 10.15408/a.v3i2.4591

  2. Practically perfect: learning by doing at AVS congress. (United States)


    It has been some time since Cambridge vet school last hosted the annual AVS congress, which meant that this year's congress committee faced a steep learning curve. However, as Gill Harris reports, it rose to the occasion. British Veterinary Association.

  3. Periodic Sorption of Tungstate Ions on Anionite AV-17-8

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D’yachenko Aleksandr


    Full Text Available The multiple sorption of sodium tungstate resulting from the autoclave-soda digestion of a tungsten-bearing concentrate was studied using anion-exchange resin AV-17-8. The choice of ion exchange resin was carried out under static conditions using highly basic anionites. The sorption and desorption plots for tungstate and carbonate ions were demonstrated under dynamic conditions. The total dynamic capacity of the resin was estimated for each species of the ions in three sorption cycles. The applicability of the AV-17-8 resin as a sorbent in the autoclave-soda process flowsheet was determined.

  4. EST Table: AV401797 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV401797 heS00172 10/09/28 94 %/235 aa ref|NP_001036831.1| saposin-related [Bombyx ...9/10 low homology 10/09/10 low homology 10/09/10 41 %/191 aa gi|91077504|ref|XP_966852.1| PREDICTED: similar to saposin isoform 1 [Tribolium castaneum] FS791050 heS0 ...

  5. Seasonal AVS-SEM relationship in sediments and potential bioavailability of metals in industrialized estuary, southeastern Brazil. (United States)

    Nizoli, Erico Casare; Luiz-Silva, Wanilson


    In anoxic sediments, as those found in estuaries, the mobility of metals can be controlled by the formation of stable sulfide complexes. The potential bioavailability of a metal can then be predicted on the basis of the acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) criterion. Distributions of AVS and SEM (Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, and Ni) along the sediment profiles were determined seasonally for three rivers that constitute the Santos-Cubatão estuarine system (SE Brazil), which is located in one of the most industrialized areas of Latin America. AVS and SEM concentrations varied significantly, from 0.04 to 31.9 μmol g(-1) and 0.086-6.659 μmol g(-1), respectively. The highest AVS levels in sediments were detected in the winter, whereas high SEM values predominated in the summer. Considering SEM-AVS molar differences as a parameter to evaluate potential bioavailability, sediments nearest to the industrial area represent higher risk to biota, especially during the summer. It is due to relatively low AVS values and not necessarily high concentrations of metals.

  6. Specific heat and magnetism of LuFe.sub.6./sub.Al.sub.6./sub..

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Svoboda, P.; Andreev, Alexander V.; Šantavá, Eva; Šebek, Josef


    Roč. 113, č. 1 (2008), s. 307-310 ISSN 0587-4246. [CSMAG'07. Košice, 09.07.2007-12.07.2007] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : specific heat * LuFe 6 Al 6 Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.321, year: 2008

  7. Vegetasjonskartlegging av Muddvær, Vegaøyan verdensarv, Vega kommune


    Bär, Annette; Carlsen, Thomas


    Muddværet ble vegetasjonskartlagt for å få oversikt over de botaniske verdiene. Vegetasjonstyper etter Fremstad (1997) er framstilt på kart og rapporten inneholder i tillegg en artsliste over registrerte planter. Kartleggingen skal brukes som grunnlag for en senere utarbeiding av en skjøtselsplan for området og ses i sammenheng med tidligere kartlegginger og utarbeiding av skjøtselsplaner for Vegaøyan verdensarvområde (bl.a. Hatten m.fl. 2007; Hatten & Carlsen 2007a,b).

  8. Numerical Calculation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects Using TraFiC4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kabel, Andreas C.


    Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) occurs when short bunches travel on strongly bent trajectories. Its effects on high-quality beams can be severe and are well understood qualitatively. For quantitative results, however, one has to rely on numerical methods. There exist several simulation codes utilizing different approaches. The authors describe in some detail the code TraFiC 4 developed at DESY for design and analysis purposes, which approaches the problem from first principles and solves the equations of motion either perturbatively or self-consistently. They present some calculational results and comparison with experimental data. Also, they give examples of how the code can be used to design beamlines with minimal emittance growth due to CSR

  9. Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Analysis and Epigenetic Variations Associated with Congenital Aortic Valve Stenosis (AVS.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uppala Radhakrishna

    Full Text Available Congenital heart defect (CHD is the most common cause of death from congenital anomaly. Among several candidate epigenetic mechanisms, DNA methylation may play an important role in the etiology of CHDs. We conducted a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using an Illumina Infinium 450k human methylation assay in a cohort of 24 newborns who had aortic valve stenosis (AVS, with gestational-age matched controls. The study identified significantly-altered CpG methylation at 59 sites in 52 genes in AVS subjects as compared to controls (either hypermethylated or demethylated. Gene Ontology analysis identified biological processes and functions for these genes including positive regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis. Consistent with prior clinical data, the molecular function categories as determined using DAVID identified low-density lipoprotein receptor binding, lipoprotein receptor binding and identical protein binding to be over-represented in the AVS group. A significant epigenetic change in the APOA5 and PCSK9 genes known to be involved in AVS was also observed. A large number CpG methylation sites individually demonstrated good to excellent diagnostic accuracy for the prediction of AVS status, thus raising possibility of molecular screening markers for this disorder. Using epigenetic analysis we were able to identify genes significantly involved in the pathogenesis of AVS.

  10. Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Analysis and Epigenetic Variations Associated with Congenital Aortic Valve Stenosis (AVS). (United States)

    Radhakrishna, Uppala; Albayrak, Samet; Alpay-Savasan, Zeynep; Zeb, Amna; Turkoglu, Onur; Sobolewski, Paul; Bahado-Singh, Ray O


    Congenital heart defect (CHD) is the most common cause of death from congenital anomaly. Among several candidate epigenetic mechanisms, DNA methylation may play an important role in the etiology of CHDs. We conducted a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using an Illumina Infinium 450k human methylation assay in a cohort of 24 newborns who had aortic valve stenosis (AVS), with gestational-age matched controls. The study identified significantly-altered CpG methylation at 59 sites in 52 genes in AVS subjects as compared to controls (either hypermethylated or demethylated). Gene Ontology analysis identified biological processes and functions for these genes including positive regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis. Consistent with prior clinical data, the molecular function categories as determined using DAVID identified low-density lipoprotein receptor binding, lipoprotein receptor binding and identical protein binding to be over-represented in the AVS group. A significant epigenetic change in the APOA5 and PCSK9 genes known to be involved in AVS was also observed. A large number CpG methylation sites individually demonstrated good to excellent diagnostic accuracy for the prediction of AVS status, thus raising possibility of molecular screening markers for this disorder. Using epigenetic analysis we were able to identify genes significantly involved in the pathogenesis of AVS.

  11. Handelsbankens användande av CRM -Är det lönsamt?


    Salman Kanbar, Ahmad


    Frågeställning: På vilket sätt används CRM av Handelsbanken och hur påverkar det bankens lönsamhet? Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att kunna öka kunskapen om hur Handelsbanken tillämpar CRM och för att undersöka om användandet av CRM i bankens verksamhet är lönsamt eller inte. Metod: För att svara på studiens syfte blev en intervju utförd med Handelsbanken. Ännu en anledning till varför en intervju gjordes var på grund av att det var nödvändigt för att få det primärdata som behövdes och fö...

  12. Atorvastatin and fenofibrate increase apolipoprotein AV and decrease triglycerides by up-regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (United States)

    Huang, Xian-sheng; Zhao, Shui-ping; Bai, Lin; Hu, Min; Zhao, Wang; Zhang, Qian


    Background and purpose: Combining statin and fibrate in clinical practice provides a greater reduction of triglycerides than either drug given alone, but the mechanism for this effect is poorly understood. Apolipoprotein AV (apoAV) has been implicated in triglyceride metabolism. This study was designed to investigate the effect of the combination of statin and fibrate on apoAV and the underlying mechanism(s). Experimental approach: Hypertriglyceridaemia was induced in rats by giving them 10% fructose in drinking water for 2 weeks. They were then treated with atorvastatin, fenofibrate or the two agents combined for 4 weeks, and plasma triglyceride and apoAV measured. We also tested the effects of these two agents on triglycerides and apoAV in HepG2 cells in culture. Western blot and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to measure apoAV and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) expression. Key results: The combination of atorvastatin and fenofibrate resulted in a greater decrease in plasma triglycerides and a greater increase in plasma and hepatic apoAV than either agent given alone. Hepatic expression of the PPARα was also more extensively up-regulated in rats treated with the combination. A similar, greater increase in apoAV and a greater decrease in triglycerides were observed following treatment of HepG2 cells pre-exposed to fructose), with the combination. Adding an inhibitor of PPARα (MK886) abolished the effects of atorvastatin on HepG2 cells. Conclusions and implications: A combination of atorvastatin and fenofibrate increased apoAV and decreased triglycerides through up-regulation of PPARα. PMID:19694729

  13. Wirevagn : Utvecklingen av en utrullare för hisslinor


    Rehnsfeldt, Patrik


    Kandidatexamensarbetet som utgick från en förfrågan från företaget Irongrip AB hade som mål att utveckla ett produktförslag på en utlindare av stålvajer för hissmontörer. Irongrip AB som tillverkar och säljer verktyg för hantering av stålvajer hade uppmärksammat att en efterfrågan på en sådan produkt fanns på marknaden då befintliga lösningar var bristfälliga och inte hade alla de funktioner som är önskvärda hos en sådan produkt.Arbetet inleddes med en förstudie där studiebesök vid lindragnin...

  14. Jämnt Lärande : Ett illustrerat hjälpmedel till normkritisk granskning av läromedel


    Denninger, Johan


    I detta examensarbete undersöks normbildande och reproducering av normer i samband med bilder i läromedel som används av modersmålslärare i Eskilstuna Kommun. Arbetet bygger på problematiken att stereotyper och reproducering av normer är vanligt förkommande i läromedlen samt att lärarnas brist på tid och möjlighet att granska läromedlen normkritiskt. Syftet med arbetet är att formge ett gestaltningsförslag till ett illustrerat hjälpmedel för normkritisk granskning av läromed...

  15. Synergism between Ni and W in the NiW/gama-Al2O3 Hydrotreating Catalysts

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Spojakina, A.A.; Palcheva, R.; Jirátová, Květa; Tyuliev, G.; Petrov, L.


    Roč. 104, 1-2 (2005), s. 45-52 ISSN 1011-372X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504 Keywords : NiW/gama-Al2O3 * Thiophene hydrodesulfurization * TPR, XPS Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Impact factor: 2.088, year: 2005

  16. Selvbestemmelse og oppdragelse : en teoretisk analyse av oppdragelsens påvirkning på utviklingen av selvbestemmelse


    Hagen, Marit Svennevig; Haugstvedt, Merete Lehne Rugdal


    1) Problemstilling Hensikten med oppgaven er å rette fokus mot oppdragelse som en påvirkningsfaktor på utviklingen av selvbestemmelsen, og hvilken betydning behovstilfredsstillelse har for individets subjektive velvære. Oppdragelse er et populært tema som stadig blir debattert i mediene. Det diskuteres blant annet hvorfor oppdragelse er viktig, hvordan det er mulig å oppdra barn på best mulig måte og hvem som er viktige oppdragere i dagens samfunn. Vår oppgave handler om individets selvbes...

  17. L’indisponibilità del diritto all’integrità fisica della persona umana in ambito sportivo e i limiti al rischio consentito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cimmino


    Full Text Available Lo sport, espressione di valori come la lealtà e la correttezza, il rispetto delle regole, l’integrazione, la democrazia, è una forma di manifestazione della personalità umana, finalizzata, anche attraverso il tempo libero, al miglioramento del benessere psicofisico del singolo e della collettività. Tuttavia e paradossalmente talvolta esso può risolversi nell’uso della violenza e/o in un contrasto fisico tra gli atleti, contemplato in alcuni casi dai regolamenti sportivi. Come si giunge a valutare meritevoli le attività sportive nel quadro dei diritti fondamentali della persona costituzionalmente garantiti? Il lavoro si propone di analizzare i rapporti tra diritto allo sport e diritto all’integrità fisica attraverso una rilettura della teoria giurisprudenziale del rischio consentito, giungendo alla conclusione che nel bilanciamento di interessi di pari rango costituzionale, l’organizzatore di competizioni sportive rivesta una fondamentale posizione di garanzia e che occorre modulare l’applicazione della clausola del rischio consentito in ragione delle circostanze del caso concreto e della qualità del soggetto e del carattere amatoriale od agonistico dell’attività.

  18. An atlas of classification. Signage between open shelves, the Web and the catalogue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Fabbrizzi


    Questa segnaletica è fondata sulla comunicazione cross-mediale, e integra le modalità comunicative della biblioteca a vari livelli, sia nel contesto dello stesso medium, sia tra media diversi: tra i cartelli sulle testate degli scaffali, tra questi cartelli e il sito web della biblioteca, tra il sito web e il catalogo. Per questo sistema integrato sono particolarmente adatti i dispositivi mobili come i tablet e gli smartphone, perché danno la possibilità di accedere al Web mentre ci si muove tra gli scaffali. Il collegamento diretto tra gli scaffali aperti classificati e il catalogo è reso possibile dai codici QR stampati sui cartelli.

  19. Análise radiográfica da coluna cervical em indivíduos assintomáticos submetidos a tração manual Radiographic analysis of the cervical spine in healthy individuals submitted to manual traction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Burgo de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, radiograficamente, o efeito da tração manual sobre o comprimento da coluna cervical. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e cinco participantes de ambos os gêneros - 12 masculinos (22% e 43 femininos (78% - sem história de distúrbios cervicais contituíram a amostra deste estudo. Eles foram submetidos a dois procedimentos radiológicos, um antes e outro durante a tração manual sustentada por 120 segundos. As distâncias entre as bordas anteriores e posteriores da segunda à sétima vértebras cervicais foram mensuradas e comparadas antes e durante a tração manual. RESULTADOS: A mediana da distância anterior antes da tração foi de 8,40 cm e durante a tração aumentou para 8,50 cm (p=0,002. A mediana da distância posterior antes da tração foi de 8,35 cm e durante a tração aumentou para 8,50 cm (pOBJECTIVE: To evaluate radiographically the effect of manual traction on the length of the cervical spine in healthy individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample of the present study included 55 individuals - 12 men (22% and 43 women (78% - with no previous history of cervical disorders, submitted to two radiological procedures previously and during manual traction sustained for 120 seconds. Distances between the anterior and posterior edges from the second to the seventh cervical vertebrae were measured and compared before and during manual traction. RESULTS: The median of pre-traction anterior length was 8.40 cm, increasing to 8.50 cm during the traction (p=0.002; and the median of pre-traction posterior length was 8.35 cm, increasing to 8.50 cm during traction (p<0.001. CONCLUSION: Application of manual traction resulted in a statistically significant increase in the length the cervical spine in healthy individuals.

  20. Modellering och analys av grundvattenflödet i en byggnads grundläggning


    Hargelius, Malcolm


    På en fastighet i Luthagen i Uppsala uppfördes en byggnad grundlagd på träpålar år 1936. Under 60-talet uppstod läckage på en spillvattenledning vilket ledde till en kontaminering av sprickvattenakviferen där träpålar är särskilt utsatta för påverkan av bakterie, svamp- och virusangrepp till följd av torrläggning. För att spola bort kontaminerat sprickvatten och för att hålla en jämn sprickvattennivå i akviferen installerades påfyllningsbrunnar på två platser i källaren under huset. Brunnarna...

  1. A Heart too Drunk to Drive; AV Block following Acute Alcohol Intoxication. (United States)

    van Stigt, Arthur H; Overduin, Ruben J; Staats, Liza C; Loen, Vera; van der Heyden, Marcel A G


    Acute excessive alcohol consumption is associated with heart rhythm disorders like atrial fibrillation but also premature ventricular contractions, collectively known as the "holiday heart syndrome". More rarely but clinically significant are reports of atrioventricular (AV) conduction disturbances in binge drinkers with no underlying heart disease or chronic alcohol consumption. To obtain better insights into common denominators and the potential underlying mechanisms we collected and compared individual case reports of AV block following acute alcohol intoxication in otherwise healthy people. By screening PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus and JSTOR, fifteen cases were found of which eight were sufficiently documented for full analysis. Blood alcohol levels ranged from 90 to 958 mg/dl (19 to 205 mM). Second and third degree AV block was observed most (6/8) albeit that in two of these patients a vagal stimulus led to deterioration from first into higher order AV block. In all cases, patients reverted to normal sinus rhythm upon becoming sober again. Mildly lowered body temperature (35.9 ± 0.5°C) was observed but can be excluded as a major cause of conduction blockade. We hypothesize that ethanol induced partial inhibition of calcium and potentially also sodium currents in conductive tissue structures may be one of the mechanisms of conduction slowing and block that may become exaggerated upon increased vagal tone. An impairment of gap junction function cannot be excluded as a contributing factor. In conclusion, cases of documented alcohol induced AV block are very rare but events can occur at relatively low serum alcohol levels which should prompt to awareness of this phenomenon in alcohol intoxicated patients.

  2. Co2+ Ions as Probes of Al Distribution in the Framework of Zeolites. ZSM-5 Study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dědeček, Jiří; Kaucký, Dalibor; Wichterlová, Blanka; Gonsiorová, O.


    Roč. 4, - (2002), s. 5406-5413 ISSN 1463-9076 R&D Projects: GA MŠk OC D15.20 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901 Keywords : Al distribution in zeolites * ZSM-5 * Vis spectroscopy Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 1.838, year: 2002

  3. Arctic Visiting Speakers Series (AVS) (United States)

    Fox, S. E.; Griswold, J.


    The Arctic Visiting Speakers (AVS) Series funds researchers and other arctic experts to travel and share their knowledge in communities where they might not otherwise connect. Speakers cover a wide range of arctic research topics and can address a variety of audiences including K-12 students, graduate and undergraduate students, and the general public. Host applications are accepted on an on-going basis, depending on funding availability. Applications need to be submitted at least 1 month prior to the expected tour dates. Interested hosts can choose speakers from an online Speakers Bureau or invite a speaker of their choice. Preference is given to individuals and organizations to host speakers that reach a broad audience and the general public. AVS tours are encouraged to span several days, allowing ample time for interactions with faculty, students, local media, and community members. Applications for both domestic and international visits will be considered. Applications for international visits should involve participation of more than one host organization and must include either a US-based speaker or a US-based organization. This is a small but important program that educates the public about Arctic issues. There have been 27 tours since 2007 that have impacted communities across the globe including: Gatineau, Quebec Canada; St. Petersburg, Russia; Piscataway, New Jersey; Cordova, Alaska; Nuuk, Greenland; Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania; Oslo, Norway; Inari, Finland; Borgarnes, Iceland; San Francisco, California and Wolcott, Vermont to name a few. Tours have included lectures to K-12 schools, college and university students, tribal organizations, Boy Scout troops, science center and museum patrons, and the general public. There are approximately 300 attendees enjoying each AVS tour, roughly 4100 people have been reached since 2007. The expectations for each tour are extremely manageable. Hosts must submit a schedule of events and a tour summary to be posted online

  4. HPCMP CREATE (trademark)-AV Quality Assurance: Best Practices for Validating and Supporting Computation-Based Engineering Software (United States)


    30/2015 Oct 2008-Sep 2015 HPCMP CREATE™- AV Quality Assurance: Best Practices for Validating and Supporting Computation-Based Engineering Software...2) “Does this tool adequately perform any and all advertised capabilities?” This paper will describe how the HPCMP CREATE Air Vehicles ( AV ...discussed and their strengths and weaknesses within the CREATE- AV framework addressed. Work toward the HPCMP CREATE, Quality Assurance, Aviation

  5. Risikovurdering av miljøgifter i sediment utenfor tidligere Hurum fabrikker


    Håvardstun, J.; Berge, J.


    I forbindelse med et pålegg fra Klima og forurensningsdirektoratet er det gjennomført en vurdering av hvilken miljørisiko som sedimentene utenfor tidligere Hurum fabrikker representerer. Vurderingen er gjennomført på basis undersøkelser av sedimentene gjennomført i 2007. Risikovurderingen er gjennomført etter direktoratets veileder (TA-2230/2007). Hovedkonklusjonen er at sedimentforurensningen i grunnområdene nær land (< 10 m dyp) utenfor fabrikkområdet utgjør en risiko for skade på økosystem...

  6. Dynamisk Ledarutveckling : En ny metod för personlig utveckling av ledare skapad genom integration av två etablerade metoder för personlig utveckling


    Rudbäck, Marie-Christine


    Syftet med denna studie är att teoretiskt pröva att integrera en etablerad metod för personlig utveckling, The Skilled Helper, med metoden Dynamisk Pedagogik och skapa en ny metod för en specifik tillämpning, personlig utveckling av ledare. Integrationen görs med hjälp av en etablerad metametod för metodutveckling. De bägge ingående metoderna värderas enligt fastställda kriterier. Samma kriterier används sedan för att värdera den nya metod som designas. Med detta har studien uppnått en jämför...

  7. Preparation of Mo/Al2O3 Sulfide Catalysts Modified by Ir Nanoparticles

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cinibulk, Josef; Vít, Zdeněk


    Roč. 143, - (2002), s. 443-451 ISSN 0167-2991. [International Symposium Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts /8./. Louvain-la-Neuve, 09.09.2002-12.09.2002] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4072103 Keywords : catalysts modified * sulfide catalysts * Mo/Al2O3 Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 3.468, year: 2002

  8. Traços estereotípicos associados a pessoas jovens e idosas em Portugal


    Marques, Sibila; Lima, Maria Luísa; Novo, Rosa


    O objectivo geral deste trabalho foi o de recolher os atributos estereotípicos do grupo das pessoas jovens e idosas em Portugal. Foi conduzido um estudo em que se procedeu ao controlo do sexo dos alvos e da pertença etária dos participantes. Na primeira fase do estudo, 67 pessoas jovens e 85 pessoas idosas realizaram uma tarefa de geração espontânea de traços culturalmente associados a pessoas jovens e idosas de ambos os sexos. No segunda fase do estudo, 62 pessoas jovens e 62 pes...

  9. Numerical modelling of the V-J combinations of the T cell receptor TRA/TRD locus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florence Thuderoz


    Full Text Available T-Cell antigen Receptor (TR repertoire is generated through rearrangements of V and J genes encoding alpha and beta chains. The quantification and frequency for every V-J combination during ontogeny and development of the immune system remain to be precisely established. We have addressed this issue by building a model able to account for Valpha-Jalpha gene rearrangements during thymus development of mice. So we developed a numerical model on the whole TRA/TRD locus, based on experimental data, to estimate how Valpha and Jalpha genes become accessible to rearrangements. The progressive opening of the locus to V-J gene recombinations is modeled through windows of accessibility of different sizes and with different speeds of progression. Furthermore, the possibility of successive secondary V-J rearrangements was included in the modelling. The model points out some unbalanced V-J associations resulting from a preferential access to gene rearrangements and from a non-uniform partition of the accessibility of the J genes, depending on their location in the locus. The model shows that 3 to 4 successive rearrangements are sufficient to explain the use of all the V and J genes of the locus. Finally, the model provides information on both the kinetics of rearrangements and frequencies of each V-J associations. The model accounts for the essential features of the observed rearrangements on the TRA/TRD locus and may provide a reference for the repertoire of the V-J combinatorial diversity.

  10. Numerical Modelling Of The V-J Combinations Of The T Cell Receptor TRA/TRD Locus (United States)

    Dariz, Aurélie; Baum, Thierry Pascal; Hierle, Vivien; Demongeot, Jacques; Marche, Patrice Noël; Jouvin-Marche, Evelyne


    T-Cell antigen Receptor (TR) repertoire is generated through rearrangements of V and J genes encoding α and β chains. The quantification and frequency for every V-J combination during ontogeny and development of the immune system remain to be precisely established. We have addressed this issue by building a model able to account for Vα-Jα gene rearrangements during thymus development of mice. So we developed a numerical model on the whole TRA/TRD locus, based on experimental data, to estimate how Vα and Jα genes become accessible to rearrangements. The progressive opening of the locus to V-J gene recombinations is modeled through windows of accessibility of different sizes and with different speeds of progression. Furthermore, the possibility of successive secondary V-J rearrangements was included in the modelling. The model points out some unbalanced V-J associations resulting from a preferential access to gene rearrangements and from a non-uniform partition of the accessibility of the J genes, depending on their location in the locus. The model shows that 3 to 4 successive rearrangements are sufficient to explain the use of all the V and J genes of the locus. Finally, the model provides information on both the kinetics of rearrangements and frequencies of each V-J associations. The model accounts for the essential features of the observed rearrangements on the TRA/TRD locus and may provide a reference for the repertoire of the V-J combinatorial diversity. PMID:20174554

  11. Educational Program Status of Premarital Counseling Centers in Hamadan Province Based on Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA

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    Mohamad Mahdi Hazavehei


    Full Text Available Background & Objective: Divorce, unwanted pregnancies, and unsuccessful marriages create mental, emotional, physical, and financial problems for individuals, families, and ultimately the community. Premarital education and counseling is one of the most effective ways for the prevention of such problems. The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate the effectiveness of a premarital educational program by using the TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action. Materials and Methods: Four hundred couples who attended premarital education and counseling classes voluntarily participated in this descriptive and analytical study. Variables such as attitude, subjective norms, and intention, were collected by using a validated questionnaire based on the TRA components. The questionnaire was filled out before and after the educational classes. Results: The mean age of the couples was 23.16 ± 5.64 years old. Statistically significant differences were found in knowledge, attitude, and subjective norms before and after participation in the classes (p value 0.05. Conclusion: Although the mean knowledge and attitude of the couples under study increased after the classes, the increase was not high and only 20% of the couples gained acceptable knowledge. The effectiveness of such classes in the current manner is very low. Application of appropriate educational methods and media-based models and theories is highly recommended.

  12. Comportamentos de risco para os transtornos alimentares e traços perfeccionistas em atletas de atletismo

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    Leonardo de Sousa Fortes

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a influência do perfeccionismo nos comportamentos de risco para os transtornos alimentares de atletas adolescentes do sexo feminino da modalidade atletismo. Fizeram parte do estudo 52 atletas da modalidade de atletismo de clubes da cidade de São Paulo/SP com idade entre 12 e 17 anos. Utilizaram-se as subescalas do Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26 e a Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS para avaliar os comportamentos de risco para os transtornos alimentares e os traços perfeccionistas, respectivamente. Conduziu-se a regressão linear múltipla stepwise para analisar a influência dos perfeccionismo nos comportamentos de risco para os transtornos alimentares. Os resultados indicaram influência da MPS nos escores das subescalas Dieta (F(1, 44 = 5,74; p = 0,05 e Autocontrole Oral (F(1, 44 = 6,13; p = 0,04 do EAT-26. No entanto, não foi evidenciado impacto da MPS nos escores da subescala Bulimia e Preocupação com 0 Alimenta (F(1, 44 = 1,26; p = 0,22. Assim, em razão da investigação apresentar delineamento transversal, pressupõe-se que as atletas de atletismo com traços perfeccionistas podem estar mais susceptíveis para a restrição alimentar e a influência ambiental para a ingesta alimentar.

  13. Reconhecer e traduzir traços de Sêneca em Shakespeare

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    Renata Cazarini de Freitas


      O filósofo Sêneca (c.4 a.C.-65 d.C. é autor de oito tragédias latinas às quais se atribui, regra geral, elevado grau de “influência” na literatura dramática produzida na Inglaterra da virada do século XVI para o XVII. Sem recorrer ao usual método de localizar citações ou equivalências textuais, propõe-se aqui reconhecer os traços da elocução senequiana em Shakespeare a partir da identificação de dispositivos da retórica antiga e de suas correspondências em cenas específicas de Richard III, Hamlet e The Tempest. A tradução dessas peças a partir do latim ou do inglês deve refletir o domínio e a intenção dos autores no uso de tais expedientes retóricos.

  14. Studier av radioaktivt cesium i svenska renar. Oversikt over pågående undersokningar 1986

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    Gustaf Åhman


    Full Text Available I samband med den forskning och forsöksverksamhet som bedrivits vid renforsöksavdelningen har vi arbetat med metodik och teknik som kan tillämpas vid studier av radioaktivt cesium i renbetesväxter och i renar. På betessidan har vi bl.a. arbetat med kontaminering av tungmetaller från gruvindustrin och nitrat efter kvävegödsling. Omfattande studier har utförts av renens mineralstatus och mineralämnesomsättning. Erfarenheter och kunskaper från dessa områden har utnyttjats for planering och genomförande av de studier som nu pågår beträffande radioaktivt cesium i renbetesväxter och renar.

  15. Uso de traçadores fluorescentes para determinar características de transporte e dispersão no Rio Piabanha (RJ para a modelagem quali-quantitativa pelo HEC-RAS

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    Paulo Vitor Ribeiro Marques da Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO Um estudo de campo foi realizado em um trecho de aproximadamente 70 km do rio Piabanha, localizado entre Petrópolis e Areal, na região serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, para estimar as características de transporte e dispersão de contaminantes usando técnicas de traçadores fluorescentes. A análise dos resultados de dois trabalhos de campo, realizados no outono de 2012, permitiu determinar os valores de tempo de trânsito, vazão líquida, velocidade média e coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal. Utilizou-se os dados de vazão e velocidade média obtidos nos ensaios com traçadores para calibrar o modelo hidrodinâmico unidimensional Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS. Considerando que parâmetros hidráulicos obtidos por métodos clássicos em rios com geometria muito irregular, como a do rio Piabanha, não são adequados para representar as características médias de um trecho, os ensaios com traçadores representaram uma boa alternativa para obtenção de parâmetros necessários a modelos hidrodinâmicos. Os resultados obtidos pelo modelo HEC-RAS apresentaram ótima concordância com os dados obtidos por meio dos ensaios com traçadores fluorescentes.

  16. Coding efficiency of AVS 2.0 for CBAC and CABAC engines (United States)

    Cui, Jing; Choi, Youngkyu; Chae, Soo-Ik


    In this paper we compare the coding efficiency of AVS 2.0[1] for engines of the Context-based Binary Arithmetic Coding (CBAC)[2] in the AVS 2.0 and the Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder (CABAC)[3] in the HEVC[4]. For fair comparison, the CABAC is embedded in the reference code RD10.1 because the CBAC is in the HEVC in our previous work[5]. The rate estimation table is employed only for RDOQ in the RD code. To reduce the computation complexity of the video encoder, therefore we modified the RD code so that the rate estimation table is employed for all RDO decision. Furthermore, we also simplify the complexity of rate estimation table by reducing the bit depth of its fractional part to 2 from 8. The simulation result shows that the CABAC has the BD-rate loss of about 0.7% compared to the CBAC. It seems that the CBAC is a little more efficient than that the CABAC in the AVS 2.0.

  17. Forholdet mellom stat og kommune i styring av norsk utdanningspolitikk 1970 - 2008

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    Øystein Engeland


    Full Text Available Denne artikkelen er skrevet ut fra en antakelse om at norsk utdanningsforvaltning etter 1990 illustrerer forsøk på å styrke den statlige forvaltning innen et desentralisert system. Ikke minst er dette tydelig ved at nasjonal styring av utdanning særlig etter århundreskiftet har økt på bekostning av det lokale selvstyret. I forhold til maktfordelingen mellom staten og kommunene er vi nå nærmest tilbake til situasjonen før den politiske desentraliseringsbølgen startet mot slutten av 1970-tallet. Det nasjonale nivået er i ferd med å etablere et styringsgrep på skolesiden som er så omfattende at det mangler sidestykke i moderne tid. Det nye er at dette skjer innen et system hvor inntektssystemet (1986 gir kommunene ansvar for undervisningen, og hvor statens mulighet til å bruke økonomiske styringsmidler er redusert.

  18. Geologic Mapping of the Av-11 Pinaria Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta (United States)

    Schenk, P.; Hoogenboom, T.; Williams, D.; Yingst, R. A.; Jaumann, R.; Gaskell, R.; Preusker, F.; Nathues, A.; Roatsch, T.


    As part of the Dawn's orbital mapping investigation of Vesta, the Science Team is conducting geologic mapping of the surface in the form of 15 quadrangle maps, including quadrangle Av-11 (Pinaria). The base map is a monochrome Framing Camera (FC) mosaic at ~70 m/pixel, supplemented by Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and FC color ratio images, both at ~250 m/pixel, slope and contour maps, and Visible and Infrared (VIR) hyperspectral images. Av-11 straddles the 45-degree longitude in the South Polar Region, and is dominated by the rim of the ~505 km south polar topographic feature, Rheasilvia. Sparsely cratered (relatively), Av-11 is dominated by a 20 km high rim scarp (Matronalia Rupes) and by arcuate ridges and troughs forming a radial to spiral pattern across the basin floor. Primary geologic features of Av-11 include the following. Ridge-and-groove terrain radiating arcuately from the central mound unit, interpreted to be structural disruption of the basin floor associated with basin formation. The largest crater in Av-11 is Pinaria (37 km). Mass wasting deposits are observed on its floor. Secondary crater chains and fields are also evident. Mass wasting observed along Rheasilvia rim scarp and in the largest craters indicates scarp failure is a significant process. Parallel fault scarps mark this deposit of slumped debris at the base of 20 km high Matronalia Rupes, which may have formed during or shortly after basin excavation. We interpret most of these deposits as slump material emplaced as a result of the effects of basin formation and collapse. Lobate materials are characterized by lineations and lobate scarps and interpreted as Rheasilvia ejecta deposit outside Rheasilvia rim (the smoothest terrain on Vesta), and are consistent with formation by ejecta. Partial burial of older craters near the edge of these deposits are also observed.

  19. Microstructure, optical, and scintillation characteristics of Pr.sup.3+./sup. doped Lu.sub.3./sub.Al.sub.5./sub.O.sub.12./sub. optical ceramics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Shi, Y.; Nikl, Martin; Feng, X.; Mareš, Jiří A.; Shen, Y.; Beitlerová, Alena; Kučerková, Romana; Pan, Y.; Liu, Q.


    Roč. 109, č. 1 (2011), "013522-1"-"013522-7" ISSN 0021-8979 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KAN300100802; GA MŠk(CZ) ME10084 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : Pr 3+ doped Lu 3 Al 5 O 12 , * optical ceramics * microstructure * radio-luminescence * scintillation Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 2.168, year: 2011

  20. Multimodal correlation of dynamic [18F]-AV-1451 perfusion PET and neuronal hypometabolism in [18F]-FDG PET. (United States)

    Hammes, Jochen; Leuwer, Isabel; Bischof, Gérard N; Drzezga, Alexander; van Eimeren, Thilo


    Cerebral glucose metabolism measured with [18F]-FDG PET is a well established marker of neuronal dysfunction in neurodegeneration. The tau-protein tracer [18F]-AV-1451 PET is currently under evaluation and shows promising results. Here, we assess the feasibility of early perfusion imaging with AV-1451 as a substite for FDG PET in assessing neuronal injury. Twenty patients with suspected neurodegeneration underwent FDG and early phase AV-1451 PET imaging. Ten one-minute timeframes were acquired after application of 200 MBq AV-1451. FDG images were acquired on a different date according to clinical protocol. Early AV-1451 timeframes were coregistered to individual FDG-scans and spatially normalized. Voxel-wise intermodal correlations were calculated on within-subject level for every possible time window. The window with highest pooled correlation was considered optimal. Z-transformed deviation maps (ZMs) were created from both FDG and early AV-1451 images, comparing against FDG images of healthy controls. Regional patterns and extent of perfusion deficits were highly comparable to metabolic deficits. Best results were observed in a time window from 60 to 360 s (r = 0.86). Correlation strength ranged from r = 0.96 (subcortical gray matter) to 0.83 (frontal lobe) in regional analysis. ZMs of early AV-1451 and FDG images were highly similar. Perfusion imaging with AV-1451 is a valid biomarker for assessment of neuronal dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Radiation exposure and complexity of the diagnostic workup could be reduced significantly by routine acquisition of early AV-1451 images, sparing additional FDG PET.

  1. Multimodal correlation of dynamic [18F]-AV-1451 perfusion PET and neuronal hypometabolism in [18F]-FDG PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hammes, Jochen; Leuwer, Isabel; Bischof, Gerard N.; Drzezga, Alexander; Eimeren, Thilo van


    Cerebral glucose metabolism measured with [18F]-FDG PET is a well established marker of neuronal dysfunction in neurodegeneration. The tau-protein tracer [18F]-AV-1451 PET is currently under evaluation and shows promising results. Here, we assess the feasibility of early perfusion imaging with AV-1451 as a substite for FDG PET in assessing neuronal injury. Twenty patients with suspected neurodegeneration underwent FDG and early phase AV-1451 PET imaging. Ten one-minute timeframes were acquired after application of 200 MBq AV-1451. FDG images were acquired on a different date according to clinical protocol. Early AV-1451 timeframes were coregistered to individual FDG-scans and spatially normalized. Voxel-wise intermodal correlations were calculated on within-subject level for every possible time window. The window with highest pooled correlation was considered optimal. Z-transformed deviation maps (ZMs) were created from both FDG and early AV-1451 images, comparing against FDG images of healthy controls. Regional patterns and extent of perfusion deficits were highly comparable to metabolic deficits. Best results were observed in a time window from 60 to 360 s (r = 0.86). Correlation strength ranged from r = 0.96 (subcortical gray matter) to 0.83 (frontal lobe) in regional analysis. ZMs of early AV-1451 and FDG images were highly similar. Perfusion imaging with AV-1451 is a valid biomarker for assessment of neuronal dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Radiation exposure and complexity of the diagnostic workup could be reduced significantly by routine acquisition of early AV-1451 images, sparing additional FDG PET. (orig.)

  2. Stereotyper: en omedveten kategorisering. : En jämlikhetsanalys av Intryck- Värmlands landstings personaltidning


    Åhlander, Karolina; Jost, Anna


    Jämlikhet är något som ligger i tiden. Hur jämlikhetsmedvetna är egentligen dagens medier? Vi har på uppdrag av Värmlandslandsting gjort en jämlikhetanalys av deras personaltidning, Intryck. En tidning som når samtliga anställda inom organisationen. Vi har gjort en text- och bildanalys med utgångspunkt från ett analysverktyg vi kallar för jämlikhetstrappan. Vårt syfte har varit att urskilja stereotyper och om tidningen använder sig av sitt befintliga underlag för att göra tidningen så jämlik ...

  3. Brain uptake of a non-radioactive pseudo-carrier and its effect on the biodistribution of [18 F]AV-133 in mouse brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Xianying; Zhou, Xue; Zhang, Shuxian; Zhang, Yan; Deng, Aifang; Han, Jie; Zhu, Lin; Kung, Hank F.; Qiao, Jinping


    Introduction: 9-[ 18 F]Fluoropropyl-(+)-dihydrotetrabenazine ([ 18 F]AV-133) is a new PET imaging agent targeting vesicular monoamine transporter type II (VMAT2). To shorten the preparation of [ 18 F]AV-133 and to make it more widely available, a simple and rapid purification method using solid-phase extraction (SPE) instead of high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed. The SPE method produced doses containing the non-radioactive pseudo-carrier 9-hydroxypropyl-(+)-dihydrotetrabenazine (AV-149). The objectives of this study were to evaluate the brain uptake of AV-149 by UPLC-MS/MS and its effect on the biodistribution of [ 18 F]AV-133 in the brains of mice. Methods: The mice were injected with a bolus including [ 18 F]AV-133 and different doses of AV-149. Brain tissue and blood samples were harvested. The effect of different amounts of AV-149 on [ 18 F]AV-133 was evaluated by quantifying the brain distribution of radiolabelled tracer [ 18 F]AV-133. The concentrations of AV-149 in the brain and plasma were analyzed using a UPLC-MS/MS method. Results: The concentrations of AV-149 in the brain and plasma exhibited a good linear relationship with the doses. The receptor occupancy curve was fit, and the calculated ED 50 value was 8.165 mg/kg. The brain biodistribution and regional selectivity of [ 18 F]AV-133 had no obvious differences at AV-149 doses lower than 0.1 mg/kg. With increasing doses of AV-149, the brain biodistribution of [ 18 F]AV-133 changed significantly. Conclusion: The results are important to further support that the improved radiolabelling procedure of [ 18 F]AV-133 using an SPE method may be suitable for routine clinical application

  4. Kjønnsforskjeller i forekomst av legemiddelrelaterte bivirkninger

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    Hedvig Nordeng


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGKvinnelig kjønn er blitt identifisert som risikofaktor for legemiddelrelaterte bivirkninger både i primærhelsetjenestenog under sykehusopphold. Hyppigere forekomst av bivirkninger kan forklares delvis,men ikke fullstendig, av at kvinner som gruppe konsumerer oftere og flere legemidler. Videre har legemiddelbrukhos kvinner i mange tilfeller tilknytning til biologiske tilstander som menstruasjon, graviditetog menopause, og den øker med alderen. Det er viktig å ta i betraktning kulturelle forskjeller hoskvinner og menn som kan være med på å overestimere kjønnsforskjellene i bivirkningsforekomsten.Kvinner bruker helsevesenet hyppigere og rapporterer oftere bivirkninger. Høyere bivirkningsfrekvenshos kvinner kan også være resultat av at kvinner generelt får høyere dose per kg enn menn fordikvinner veier mindre. Kjønnsforskjeller i bivirkninger kan i tillegg være knyttet til forskjellig aktivitet ileverenzymene cytochrom P450, som metaboliserer de fleste legemidler. Strukturelle og funksjonellekjønnsforskjeller finnes også i nyrer, lunger, hjerte/kar- og mage/tarmsystemet, og påvirker i varierendegrad effekt og sikkerhet av legemidler.Nordeng H. Gender differences in the occurrence of adverse drug events.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYBoth pharmacoepidemiological and clinical studies have identified female gender as a risk factor foradverse events of drugs, both in primary care and in a hospital setting. Frequent occurrence of adverseevents can partly, but not totally, be explained by the fact that women as a group consume more drugsthan men. Women’s drug consumption can to a certain degree be related to menstruation, pregnancyand menopause, and increases with age. It is essential to take into account cultural differences that cancontribute to an overestimation of the gender effect of adverse drug events. Women use the health caresystem more frequently and report more often and more willingly adverse events. Higher

  5. Lingots et couteaux en fer d'Alésia. Études archéométriques de pièces inédites

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pleiner, Radomír; Fluzin, P.; Mangin, M.; Billon, M.; Dillmann, P.; Vega, E.; Rabeisen, E.


    Roč. 52, - (2003), s. 91-130 ISSN 1266-7706 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z8002910 Keywords : lingots * knives * metallography * oppidum * Alésia Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  6. Bruk av amniocenteser og chorionbiopsier i Norge

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    Guttorm Haugen


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGInvasiv prenatal diagnostikk i form av amniocentese (fostervannsprøve og chorionbiopsi (morkakeprøveutføres i ca. 2% av alle svangerskap i Norge per år. Dette er betydelig færre undersøkelser ennhva som utføres i de andre nordiske land. De fleste får utført amniocentese pga. høy maternell alder(aldersindikasjon som her i landet er ≥ 38 år ved fødselstermin. Chorionbiopsi er forbeholdt kvinnermed kjente arvelige lidelser i familien, dvs. kvinner med høy risiko for å få et affisert foster. De undersøkelsersom foreligger over svangerskapsutfall samt forekomst av komplikasjoner etter amniocenteseog chorionbiopsi er hovedsakelig utført i andre land på kvinner med generelt lavere risiko ( ≥ 35 år ennfor dem som får utført invasiv prenatal diagnostikk i Norge. Pga. vår restriktive praksis kan ikke disseresultatene uten videre overføres til Norge. Vi mangler eksakte data over svangerskapsutfall og evt.komplikasjoner etter disse undersøkelsene i en norsk populasjon.Haugen G, van der Hagen CB. The use of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling in Norway.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYAmniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling are performed in about 2% of all pregnancies in Norwaywhich is far less than in the other Nordic countries. Most of the amniocenteses are performed due toadvanced maternal age. In Norway this is defined as maternal age ≥ 38 years at term. Couples withknown chromosomal aberrations or genetic diseases in their families, i.e. women at a high risk of havingan affected fetus, are offered chorionic villus sampling. Earlier studies on complications and pregnancyoutcome following amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling have been performed in other countriesmainly on women at a lower risk ( ≥ 35 years than for the women having such tests in Norway. We donot have data on pregnancy outcome and possible complications following amniocentesis and chorionicvillus sampling in a Norwegian

  7. A valoração de traços de concordância dentro do DP Concord features valuing within DP

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    Telma M.V. Magalhães


    Full Text Available Este trabalho argumenta em favor da valoração dos traços de concordância dentro do DP em termos da operação Agree (Chomsky, 1999 sem a necessidade de estipular nenhum outro mecanismo para tanto. Mostro que Agree dá conta da valoração de traços tanto no nível da sentença quanto no nível do DP, contra a sugestão de Chomsky (1999 de que concordância no DP envolveria algum outro mecanismo de checagem.This paper argues in favor of a concord features valuing within the DP in terms of the Agree operation (Chomsky, 1999, with no recourse to any other mechanism. I show that Agree accounts for feature valuing both in the sentence level as well as in the DP, contrary to Chomsky's (1999 suggestion that concord in DP should involve some other checking mechanism.

  8. Medicinsk cannabis : En litteraturstudie om användningen av medicinsk cannabis inom cancervården


    Nygård, Sofia


    Detta examensarbete handlar om användningen av medicinsk cannabis inom cancervården. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilken roll cannabis kan ha i cancervården. Frågeställningarna var: Hur upplever patienten användning av medicinsk cannabis? Vilken hjälp kan patienten väntas få av medicinsk cannabis? vilka attityder har vårdpersonal mot medicinsk cannabis? Som utgångsteorier i denna studie användes Ruland och Moors teori om ett fridfullt slut på livet samt Erikssons teori om ...

  9. Sulla cortesia linguistica: un’analisi sociopragmatica di un’intervista tra Fabio Fazio e Antonio Di Pietro

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    Edoardo Natale


    Full Text Available O presente artigo esboça uma análise do ato linguístico da discordância, segundo uma perspectiva sociopragmática, com o objetivo de estabelecer as diferenças conversacionais e culturais. Privilegiou-se a discordância como traço saliente porque ela permite analisar a qualidade da cortesia linguística presente numa interação ocorrida no programa televisivo “Che tempo che fa”, entre Fabio F

  10. sugE: A gene involved in tributyltin (TBT) resistance of Aeromonas molluscorum Av27. (United States)

    Cruz, Andreia; Micaelo, Nuno; Félix, Vitor; Song, Jun-Young; Kitamura, Shin-Ichi; Suzuki, Satoru; Mendo, Sónia


    The mechanism of bacterial resistance to tributyltin (TBT) is still unclear. The results herein presented contribute to clarify that mechanism in the TBT-resistant bacterium Aeromonas molluscorum Av27. We have identified and cloned a new gene that is involved in TBT resistance in this strain. The gene is highly homologous (84%) to the Aeromonas hydrophila-sugE gene belonging to the small multidrug resistance gene family (SMR), which includes genes involved in the transport of lipophilic drugs. In Av27, expression of the Av27-sugE was observed at the early logarithmic growth phase in the presence of a high TBT concentration (500 μM), thus suggesting the contribution of this gene for TBT resistance. E. coli cells transformed with Av27-sugE become resistant to ethidium bromide (EtBr), chloramphenicol (CP) and tetracycline (TE), besides TBT. According to the Moriguchi logP (miLogP) values, EtBr, CP and TE have similar properties and are substrates for the sugE-efflux system. Despite the different miLogP of TBT, E. coli cells transformed with Av27-sugE become resistant to this compound. So it seems that TBT is also a substrate for the SugE protein. The modelling studies performed also support this hypothesis. The data herein presented clearly indicate that sugE is involved in TBT resistance of this bacterium.

  11. Tumor Specific Detection of an Optically Targeted Antibody Combined with a Quencher-conjugated Neutravidin “Quencher-Chaser”: A Dual “Quench and Chase” Strategy to Improve Target to Non-target Ratios for Molecular Imaging of Cancer (United States)

    Ogawa, Mikako; Kosaka, Nobuyuki; Choyke, Peter L; Kobayashi, Hisataka


    In vivo molecular cancer imaging with monoclonal antibodies has great potential not only for cancer detection but also for cancer characterization. However, the prolonged retention of intravenously injected antibody in the blood causes low target tumor-to-background ratio (TBR). Avidin has been used as a “chase” to clear the unbound, circulating biotinylated antibody and decrease the background signal. Here, we utilize a combined approach of a Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) quenched antibody with an “avidin chase” to increase TBR. Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2), was biotinylated and conjugated with the near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore Alexa680 to synthesize Tra-Alexa680-biotin. Next, the FRET quencher, QSY-21, was conjugated to avidin, neutravidin (nAv) or streptavidin (sAv), thus creating Av-QSY21, nAv-QSY21 or sAv-QSY21 as “chasers”. The fluorescence was quenched in vitro by binding Tra-Alexa680-biotin to Av-QSY21, nAv-QSY21 or sAv-QSY21. To evaluate if the injection of quencher-conjugated avidin-derivatives can improve target TBR by using a dual “quench and chase” strategy, both target (3T3/HER2+) and non-target (Balb3T3/ZsGreen) tumor bearing mice were employed. The “FRET quench” effect induced by all the QSY21 avidin-based conjugates reduced but did not totally eliminate background signal from the blood pool. The addition of nAv-QSY21 administration increased target TBR mainly due to the “chase” effect where unbound conjugated antibody was preferentially cleared to the liver. The relatively slow clearance of unbound nAv-QSY21 leads to further reductions in background signal by leaking out of the vascular space and binding to unbound antibodies in the extravascular space of tumors resulting in decreased non-target tumor-to-background ratios but increased target TBR due to the “FRET quench” effect because target-bound antibodies were internalized

  12. Offshore vindenergianlegg - sjøfugl, havørn, hubro og vadere. En screening av potensielle konfliktområde


    Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Dahl, Espen Lie; Follestad, Arne; Hanssen, Frank Ole; Systad, Geir Helge


    Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Lorentsen, S.-H., Dahl, E. L., Follestad, A., Hanssen, F. & Systad, G. H. 2010. Offshore vindenergianlegg - sjøfugl, havørn, hubro og vadere. En screening av potensielle konfliktområder - NINA Rapport 557. 100 s. Målet for foreliggende studie var å utarbeide en beslutningsrelevant, storskala screening av områder som kan være aktuelle for etablering av offshore vindenergianlegg med lavest mulig konfliktrisiko i forhold til forekomster av sjøfugl, vader...

  13. Fabrication of extruded wire of MgB2/Al composite material and its superconducting property and microstructure

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Matsuda, K.; Nishimura, K.; Ikeno, S.; Mori, K.; Aoyama, S.; Yabumoto, Y.; Hishinuma, Y.; Müllerová, Ilona; Frank, Luděk; Yurchenko, V. V.; Johansen, T. H.


    Roč. 97, - (2008), 012230:1-6 E-ISSN 1742-6596. [European Conference on Applied Superconductivity /8./ - EUCAS 2007. Brussels, 16.09.2007-20.09.2007] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20650511 Keywords : MgB2/Al composite * superconductors * electron microscopy Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials

  14. VISUALISERINGSTAVLA : Visualisering av Kanban boards


    Y. F. Sam, Adam


    Hos många företag används whiteboards för att visualisera arbetsprocessen. En vanlig metodik för detta är så kallade Kanban boards, ett system av tabeller och lappar för att indikera olika avvikelser eller moment i projekt med datum och annan relevant information. Företag kan även välja att använda en mjukvara som simulerar samma metodik, ett exempel på detta är så kallade Elektroniska kanban boards. I detta arbete har båda dessa metoder (whiteboard samt en digital lösning) observerats hos tr...

  15. Kysttorsk og miljø. Dataserier og verktøy for studier av miljøets betydning for bestandssituasjonen


    Bjerknes, V.; Christie, H.; Hylland, K.; Kristensen, T.; Lunde, T.M.; Pedersen, A.; Rinde, E.; Sandberg, J.H.


    Årsliste 2005 Bestanden av kysttorsk har gått sammenhengende tilbake fra 1994. Overbeskatning anses som en hovedårsak. Kysttorsk består trolig av en mosaikk av ulike delbestander, og trusselfaktorene kan tenkes å variere mellom ulike områder. Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet oversikt over miljømessige trusselfaktorer for norsk kysttorsk, og peker på noen viktige oppgaver for å kartlegge årsaker, omfang av trusler mot kysttorskens habitat. Lange dataserier fra Kystovervåkingen kan danne gr...

  16. "Kven er det som skriv?" Skriveren i romanen Naustet av Jon Fosse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natascha Reinhoff


    Full Text Available Når det gjelder romanen Naustet av Jon Fosse er det ikke tvil om at det blant annet – og kanskje hovedsaklig – er „dette noko / skrifta berettar om“. Det er derfor denne romanen også kan kalles for en metaroman. Tematiseringen av skriveren og skriveprosessen i romanen tar ikke bare mye plass på historienivå: Den gjennomsyrer romanen. Nært forbundet med denne tematikken er et fenomen jeg ville kalle for „dobbeltperspektivet i romanen“, og det er dette jeg vil se litt nærmere på her. Selv om romanen Naustet – i god postmoderne tradisjon – i siste – og kanskje allerede i første – instans unndrar seg en fast og entydig tilskrivning av betydning – og slik bevarer sin magi – skal jeg prøve å nærme meg skriveren og dobbeltperspektivet „eit stykke på veg“. Men først et par ord om begrepet skriver.

  17. The tau positron-emission tomography tracer AV-1451 binds with similar affinities to tau fibrils and monoamine oxidases. (United States)

    Vermeiren, Céline; Motte, Philippe; Viot, Delphine; Mairet-Coello, Georges; Courade, Jean-Philippe; Citron, Martin; Mercier, Joël; Hannestad, Jonas; Gillard, Michel


    Lilly/Avid's AV-1451 is one of the most advanced tau PET tracers in the clinic. Although results obtained in Alzheimer's disease patients are compelling, discrimination of tracer uptake in healthy individuals and patients with supranuclear palsy (PSP) is less clear as there is substantial overlap of signal in multiple brain regions. Moreover, accurate quantification of [ 18 F]AV-1451 uptake in Alzheimer's disease may not be possible. The aim of the present study was to characterize the in vitro binding of AV-1451 to understand and identify potential off-target binding that could explain the poor discrimination observed in PSP patients. [ 3 H]AV-1451 and AV-1451 were characterized in in vitro binding assays using recombinant and native proteins/tissues from postmortem samples of controls and Alzheimer's disease and PSP patients. [ 3 H]AV-1451 binds to multiple sites with nanomolar affinities in brain homogenates and to tau fibrils isolated from Alzheimer's disease or PSP patients. [ 3 H]AV-1451 also binds with similarly high affinities in brain homogenates devoid of tau pathology. This unexpected binding was demonstrated to be because of nanomolar affinities of [ 3 H]AV-1451 for monoamine oxidase A and B enzymes. High affinity of AV-1451 for monoamine oxidase proteins may limit its utility as a tau PET tracer in PSP and Alzheimer's disease because of high levels of monoamine oxidase expression in brain regions also affected by tau deposition, especially if monoamine oxidase levels change over time or with a treatment intervention. © 2017 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. © 2017 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.

  18. Influence of commercial (Fluka) naphthenic acids on acid volatile sulfide (AVS) production and divalent metal precipitation. (United States)

    McQueen, Andrew D; Kinley, Ciera M; Rodgers, John H; Friesen, Vanessa; Bergsveinson, Jordyn; Haakensen, Monique C


    Energy-derived waters containing naphthenic acids (NAs) are complex mixtures often comprising a suite of potentially problematic constituents (e.g. organics, metals, and metalloids) that need treatment prior to beneficial use, including release to receiving aquatic systems. It has previously been suggested that NAs can have biostatic or biocidal properties that could inhibit microbially driven processes (e.g. dissimilatory sulfate reduction) used to transfer or transform metals in passive treatment systems (i.e. constructed wetlands). The overall objective of this study was to measure the effects of a commercially available (Fluka) NA on sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), production of sulfides (as acid-volatile sulfides [AVS]), and precipitation of divalent metals (i.e. Cu, Ni, Zn). These endpoints were assessed following 21-d aqueous exposures of NAs using bench-scale reactors. After 21-days, AVS molar concentrations were not statistically different (pAVS production was sufficient in all NA treatments to achieve ∑SEM:AVS AVS) could be used to treat metals occurring in NAs affected waters. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Identification of a potential toxic hot spot associated with AVS spatial and seasonal variation. (United States)

    Campana, O; Rodríguez, A; Blasco, J


    In risk assessment of aquatic sediments, much attention is paid to the difference between acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEMs) as indicators of metal availability. Ten representative sampling sites were selected along the estuary of the Guadalete River. Surficial sediments were sampled in winter and summer to better understand SEM and AVS spatial and seasonal distributions and to establish priority risk areas. Total SEM concentration (SigmaSEM) ranged from 0.3 to 4.7 micromol g(-1). It was not significantly different between seasons, however, it showed a significant difference between sampling stations. AVS concentrations were much more variable, showing significant spatial and temporal variations. The values ranged from 0.8 to 22.4 micromol g(-1). The SEM/AVS ratio was found to be <1 at all except one station located near the mouth of the estuary. The results provided information on a potential pollution source near the mouth of the estuary, probably associated with vessel-related activities carried out in a local harbor area located near the station.

  20. Identification of the human ApoAV gene as a novel ROR{alpha} target gene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lind, Ulrika [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden); Nilsson, Tina [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden); McPheat, Jane [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden); Stroemstedt, Per-Erik [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden); Bamberg, Krister [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden); Balendran, Clare [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden); Kang, Daiwu [Department of Molecular Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R and D Moelndal (Sweden)


    Retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor-{alpha} (ROR{alpha}) (NR1F1) is an orphan nuclear receptor with a potential role in metabolism. Previous studies have shown that ROR{alpha} regulates transcription of the murine Apolipoprotein AI gene and human Apolipoprotein CIII genes. In the present study, we present evidence that ROR{alpha} also induces transcription of the human Apolipoprotein AV gene, a recently identified apolipoprotein associated with triglyceride levels. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of ROR{alpha} increased the endogenous expression of ApoAV in HepG2 cells and ROR{alpha} also enhanced the activity of an ApoAV promoter construct in transiently transfected HepG2 cells. Deletion and mutation studies identified three AGGTCA motifs in the ApoAV promoter that mediate ROR{alpha} transactivation, one of which overlaps with a previously identified binding site for PPAR{alpha}. Together, these results suggest a novel mechanism whereby ROR{alpha} modulates lipid metabolism and implies ROR{alpha} as a potential target for the treatment of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis.

  1. Distributed Trust Management and Rogue AV Software (United States)


    Integrate with QTM – Particularly important in federated systems (e.g., dynamically composable SOAs) • Investigate the use of reactive mechanisms – Global...of demonstrators surfaced on Capitol Hill in opposition to the Democrats’ health care legislation. MAGAZINE PREVIEW Making Health Care Better will be sent on saving green forests in Amazonia . Have more questions? You can contact us easy via Online Supoort. Green AV an award-winning

  2. La dinamica tra appartenere e differenziarsi: elementi della trasformazione nella terapia ‘a geometria variabile’ con adolescenti migranti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graziana Mangiacavallo


    Full Text Available In questo lavoro sarà affrontata la dinamica tra processo di appartenenza e differenziazione in età adolescenziale, attraverso l’esemplificazione di un caso clinico. Tale dinamica è resa complessa dal fatto che il caso in oggetto, rimanda a trame culturali della migrazione. Tale lavoro prende in esame la possibilità dell’utilizzo di strategie integrate, come la consultazione culturale, alla luce del modello a ‘geometria variabile.



    Graarud, Vibeke


    SAMMENDRAG Sykehus generelt og intensivavdelinger spesielt er under økende press for å kunne drive god og riktig ressursforvaltning. Dermed øker også behov for å kunne dokumentere intensiv-avdelingenes aktivitet og ressursbehov. Nursing Activities Score (NAS) blir ved flere av landets intensivavdelinger brukt som scoringsverktøy for arbeidsbelastning. Det er et verktøy som har til hensikt å kartlegge behovet for antall sykepleiere per pasient. Det er i Norge flere sykepleiere per intensivpasi...

  4. Simulation of a small computer of the TRA-1001 type on the BESM computer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galaktionov, V.V.


    Considered are the purpose and probable simulation ways of one computer by the other. The emulator (simulation program) is given for a small computer of TRA-1001 type on BESM-6 computer. The simulated computer basic elements are the following: memory (8 K words), central processor, input-output program channel, interruption circuit, computer panel. The work with the input-output devices, teletypes ASP-33, FS-1500 is also simulated. Under actual operation the emulator has been used for translating the programs prepared on punched cards with the aid of translator SLANG-1 by BESM-6 computer. The translator alignment from language COPLAN has been realized with the aid of the emulator

  5. Diphenylhydantoin and lidocaine modification of A-V conduction in halothane-anesthetized dogs. (United States)

    Atlee, J L; Homer, L D; Tobey, R E


    The effect of halothane on A-V conduction was evaluated in gods during atrial pacing using the technique of His-bundle electrocardiography. In addition, the effects of lidocaine and diphenylkydantoin (DPH) on A-V conuction were examined during halothane anesthesia. Effects of these drugs on three subintervals of A-V conduction were compared. These included the -H (stimulus atifact of His-bundle deflection-atrioventricular conduction), H-Q (His-budnle deflection onset of QRS complex-His-Purkinje conduction), and H-S intervals(His-bundle delfection to end of QRS COmplex-total intraventricular conduction). Linear regression best described the relationship between duration of interval (P-H, H-V,and H-S) and heart rate during incremental increases in the atrial paced rate. Data from these experiments were fitted to a multiple lenear regression model that predicted the effect of increasing concentrations of halothan, lidocaine, and DPH on slope and intercept coefficients. In creasing concentrations of halothan ( 30 and 45 mg/100 ml arterial). Both lidocaine and DPH further depressed conduction at all levels of halothan anesthesia. The P-H interval was particularly sensitive todrug effefts. This may represent potentiation of the normal slowing of conduction through the AVnode in response to incremental increases in heart rate (fatigue response.) We conclude thatboth lidocaine and DPH fail to reverse the depressant effect of halothane on A-V conduction. This may explain their ineffectiveness in treating certain types of arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia.

  6. Progetto EURAMET: HLT03 DUTy - Dosimetria per terapie ultrasonore. Confronto tra metodi di misura - EURAMET: HLT03 DUTy - Dosimetry for ultrasound therapy. Intercomparison of methods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Durando


    Full Text Available La mancanza di una definizione della dose ultrasonora rende di fatto impossibile la valutazione della più appropriata “quantità” energia ceduta ai tessuti dal fascio ultrasonoro emesso da un trasduttore durante una terapia. Il progetto di ricerca “Dosimetry for Ultrasound Therapy - DUTy”, finanziato dal programma di ricerca EURAMET EMRP, aveva tra i suoi principali obiettivi, oltre al confronto interlaboratorio che validasse le capacità metrologiche dei laboratori partecipanti, la ricerca della definizione di dose ultrasonora che consentisse la definizione di un piano terapeutico specifico per ogni paziente. ------ Standardized and traceable dose has not yet been developed for medical ultrasound applications. This means that the ‘amount’ of ultrasound required for a particular therapy cannot be calculated and that the ‘amount’ actually delivered quantified. The aim of EURAMET EMRP project “Dosimetry for Ultrasound Therapy - DUTy” project was developing the metrological infrastructure (definitions, validated measurement and modelling methods which underpins the specification of dose for therapeutic ultrasound applications allowing appropriate treatment planning and risk assessment.

  7. Rektorers forståelse av mobbing i skolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Helle Rabøl


    PÅ opfordring fra redaktionen gives en kommentar med dansk vinkel til den norske artikel 'Rektorers forståelse av mobbning i skolen'.Den omtalte artikel er at betragte som første trin i indførelse af en nordisk mobbeforståelse med undgangspunkt i Dan Olweus begrebsafgrænsning.Der savnes også en i...

  8. Optimering av nanocellulosa för tillämpning som papperstyrkeadditiv


    Englöf, Johan


    Syftet med projektet var att undersöka hur homogeniserings förhållanden (tryck antal passager och därmed energiinsatsen) vid framställning av MFC (mikrofibrillär cellulosa), från enzymatiskt förbehandlade pappersmassafibrer påverkar hållfastheten av papper förstärkt med MFC. Arbetsgivaren för projektet var Innventia och det laborativa arbetet har utförts i deras lokaler. Fördelen med att använda MFC som tillsats i papper är att arket blir starkare [1]. Detta medför att en mindre mängd materia...

  9. Sjuksköterskors upplevelse vid vård av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom


    Hanna, Johansson; Frida, Zetterman


    Bakgrund Tidigare forskning visar att sjuksköterskor har förutfattade meningar om patienter med en stigmatiserande diagnos. Sjuksköterskor stigmatiserar och har negativa attityder som påverkar deras vård av dessa patienter. Individer med substansbrukssyndrom är en grupp som är särskilt utsatt för stigmatisering i samhället. Dessa individer påträffas inom samtliga specialiteter inom vården. Denna studie fokuserar därför på sjuksköterskors upplevelse av patienter med substansbrukssyndrom. Syfte...

  10. EST Table: AV404130 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available n (Reed-Steinberg cell-expressed intermediate filament-associated protein) [Tribolium castaneum] 10/08/28 53...78 aa gnl|Amel|GB30360-PB 10/09/10 54 %/199 aa gi|189241063|ref|XP_967018.2| PREDICTED: similar to restin (Reed-Steinberg cell-expres...sed intermediate filament-associated protein) [Tribolium castaneum] FS906662 pg-- ... ...AV404130 pg--0509 10/09/28 54 %/199 aa ref|XP_967018.2| PREDICTED: similar to resti

  11. Et sosiologisk blikk på mobbing. En teoretisk studie av paradigmet og fenomenet mobbing


    Stemland, Linn


    Mobbing er et tema som har fått stadig mer oppmerksomhet i samfunnsdebatten. Det er gjort lite sosiologisk forskning omkring fenomenet mobbing. Forskningsfeltet mobbing er i dag konstruert og dominert av psykologiens begreper og forståelse. I denne oppgaven prøver jeg å nærme meg en sosiologisk forståelse av begrepet og fenomenet mobbing.

  12. Strindberg på färöiska : En analys av Ett halvt ark papper


    Qureshi, Karl


    Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en insikt i hur den färöiska översättningen av Strindbergs novell Ett halvt ark papper förhåller sig till originalet i fråga om syntax och ordbildning ur ett såväl grammatiskt som semantiskt perspektiv. Metoden som tillämpas är en kvalitativ-komparativ metod som har sitt ursprung i en kombination av kopplingsanalys och komponentanalys. Resultatet av materialet visar att måltextens syntax överlag överensstämmer med syntaxen i källtexten med ett fåtal konsekve...

  13. If You Live in a Nuclear Submarine : En diskursanalys av Xbox One i Time & Forbes


    Sjöberg, Magnus; Stabell Jebsen, Carl Axel


    Xbox One är en spelkonsol från företaget Microsoft och en uppföljare till Xbox 360. Konsolen presenterades officiellt vid en presskonferens den 21 maj 2013 och före presentationen så fanns det ett av många rykten om ett krav på att vara ständigt uppkopplad mot internet som rapporterades i media. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att i utifrån efterförloppet av Microsofts premiärlansering av spelkonsolen Xbox One undersöka den diskursiva bild som nyhetsmedierna Forbes och Time använder för att sk...

  14. Allegory of the East: The pact with the Devil in Tawfiq al-Hakim

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Tanzi


    Full Text Available 1. Scopo L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di indagare le modalità e la fenomenologia della penetrazione di un mito profondamente occidentale — come quello di Faust — nella produzione di uno tra i più noti scrittori e drammaturghi arabi del Novecento: Tawfiq al-Hakim, concentrandosi in particolare su una sua novella del 1938, Ahd al-Shaytān (Il patto col diavolo. 2. Metodologia La novella, scelta in quanto exemplum rappresentativo di una pratica corrente nella produzione dell’autore, ovvero la rifunzionalizzazione di argomenti e personaggi mitologici di varia derivazione, viene analizzata nella prospettiva di una rivisitazione della leggenda di Faust e del suo patrimonio tematico e iconografico. La sua analisi permette di rilevare le tappe di un percorso assai interessante: quello della penetrazione e integrazione di un mito dell’Occidente moderno nella tradizione araba, considerato alla luce degli effetti che l’interazione con gli elementi tradizionali e autoctoni di quel patrimonio producono sul processo di assimilazione. 3. Risultati In quest’ottica, il corpus di Tawfiq al-Hakim appare fondante, non solo in virtù della sua familiarità con la trattazione di temi mitici provenienti anche dalla tradizione occidentale, ma per gli elementi di novità ed esclusività che da quella trattazione emergono.

  15. Cerebral av angiomas: 3-dimensional demonstration by spiral CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rieger, J.; Hosten, N.; Neumann, K.; Lemke, A.J.; Langer, R.; Lanksch, W.R.; Pfeifer, K.J.; Felix, R.


    In 20 patients with known or suspected supratentorial arteriovenous malformations, an attempt was made to see how far CT angiography with 3-dimensional reconstructions is able to make a diagnosis and to differentiate the various components of the angioma. Spiral CT was performed following an intravenous bolus injection of 60-80 ml of iodine containing contrast medium. In all patients the diagnosis was confirmed by intra-arterial DSA of the vertebral vessels. In 13 patients, av malformations could be diagnosed following multiplanar 3-D reconstructions which agreed with the findings on DSA. The large supplying vessels, the nidus and the large draining veins could be defined with certainty. In 6 patients follow-up examination after embolisation was performed. The results could be demonstrated in three dimensions and the success of treatment could be documented unequivocally. CT angiography with 3-D reconstruction is able to supply important information in the majority of intracranial av malformations, both during initial investigation and following treatment. (orig.) [de

  16. Barns opplevelse av postoperativ smerte og smertebehandling


    Næss, Torgun


    Master i intensivsykepleie Bakgrunn: Postoperativ smerte hos barn er underbehandlet til tross for mye smerteforskning. Ulike studier har vist at barn opplever moderat til sterk smerte postoperativt. Ubehandlet smerte kan skape unødvendig lidelse for barn og øker risiko for komplikasjoner. Hensikt: Det finnes ingen forskning på norske barns opplevelse av postoperativ smerte og smertebehandling. Studiens hensikt er å få en større forståelse for hvordan barn opplever postoperativ smerte og sm...

  17. Tillverkningsmetod för tillverkning av däcksluckor med glas


    Gripenberg, Lars


    Arbetet går ut på att hitta ett system för att tillverka däcksluckor med glas internt på Nautor. Detta är idag en produkt som vi köper utifrån av en extern leverantör till höga priser därför att vi inte själva har ett fungerande koncept för dylika produkter. Arbetet består av att kartlägga vilka olika tillverkningsmetoder som finns som är lämpade för detta ändamål, (Handlaminat, Injecering, Prepreg, mm). En eller två tillverkningsmetoder väljs ut och därefter tillverkas ett provexemp...

  18. Conjugative Plasmid Transfer in Xylella fastidiosa Is Dependent on tra and trb Operon Functions. (United States)

    Burbank, Lindsey P; Van Horn, Christopher R


    The insect-transmitted plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa is capable of efficient horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and recombination. Natural transformation occurs at high rates in X. fastidiosa , but there also is evidence that certain strains of X. fastidiosa carry native plasmids equipped with transfer and mobilization genes, suggesting conjugation as an additional mechanism of HGT in some instances. Two operons, tra and trb , putatively encoding a conjugative type IV secretion system, are found in some but not all X. fastidiosa isolates, often on native plasmids. X. fastidiosa strains that carry the conjugative transfer genes can belong to different subspecies and frequently differ in host ranges. Using X. fastidiosa strain M23 ( X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa ) or Dixon ( X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex ) as the donor strain and Temecula ( X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa ) as the recipient strain, plasmid transfer was characterized using the mobilizable broad-host-range vector pBBR5pemIK. Transfer of plasmid pBBR5pemIK was observed under in vitro conditions with both donor strains and was dependent on both tra and trb operon functions. A conjugative mechanism likely contributes to gene transfer between diverse strains of X. fastidiosa , possibly facilitating adaptation to new environments or different hosts. IMPORTANCE Xylella fastidiosa is an important plant pathogen worldwide, infecting a wide range of different plant species. The emergence of new diseases caused by X. fastidiosa , or host switching of existing strains, is thought to be primarily due to the high frequency of HGT and recombination in this pathogen. Transfer of plasmids by a conjugative mechanism enables movement of larger amounts of genetic material at one time, compared with other routes of gene transfer such as natural transformation. Establishing the prevalence and functionality of this mechanism in X. fastidiosa contributes to a better understanding of HGT, adaptation, and disease emergence

  19. Transformaciones del territorio Avá Guarani a partir de la construccion de la Usina Hidroelectrica Itaipu y por la actual expansion de la agricultura capitalista


    Portillo Guillen, Rafael


    Trabajo de conclusión de curso presentado al Instituto Latinoamericano de Economía, Sociedad y Política de la Universidad Federal De la Integración Latinoamericana como requisito parcial para la obtención del título de Bacharel en Ciencia Política y Sociología. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. SenildeAlcantara Guanaes Las comunidades Avá Guaraní, situada en el departamento de Alto Paraná (Paraguay) y del Oeste de Paraná (Brasil) han pasado por un proceso de desplazamiento sobre su territorio...

  20. Analys av nickel med ICP-MS


    Wallman, Karin; Löfgren, Stefan; Sonesten, Lars; Demandt, Christian


    Vid en granskning av nickelhalter för perioden 1985-2007 upptäcktes ett nivåskifte i tidsserierna på flera stationer mellan 2001 och 2002. Skiftet visade sig bero på att prover innan 2002 inte korrigerades för kalciuminterferens, medan prover under åren 2002-2007 korrigerades. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda om resultaten före 2002 i efterhand kan korrigeras för kalciuminterferensen. Från 2002 finns ett antal prover (N=347) med resultat som både är kalciumkorrigerade och som inte är de...

  1. UNIPASS for AvSP? A Broader View (United States)

    Wu, N. Eva


    UNIPASS is a general-purpose probabilistic computer program consisting of three major modules, including preprocessor, solver and postprocessor. UNIPASS contains a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), numerous state-of-the-art probabilistic analysis techniques, a large library of statistical distributions and a function module with a large library of support functions that can easily define any complex limit-state function in a scripting FORTRAN-like syntax format. Its inverse probability analysis and sensitivities analysis capabilities make it a powerful design aid in any product cycle. Its precise numerical analysis engine is accurate enough to push the failure probabilities of a design to well below 10 (exp -50). UNIPASS is equipped with advanced artificial intelligence that is designed to handle systems with an essentially unlimited number of random variables with ease and efficiency. Its modular arrangement allows you to tailor an analysis to the desired level of accuracy and efficiency. The depth and comprehensiveness of UNIPASS are built upon the decades of experience and expertise of industry leaders including Boeing Aircraft, NASA and the DoD. Its rich content also makes UNIPASS a valuable instructional tool for random processes and probabilistic mechanics. The topics include: 1) Reliability in AvSP; 2) Role of UNIPASS in AvSP; and 3) Examples. This paper is in viewgraph form.

  2. Utveckling av bestrykning för papper avsedda för bläckstråleskrivare


    Mattsson, Ylva


    Detta examensarbete har utförts på papperstillverkaren Arjo Wiggins’ forskningscenter i Beaconsfield,England. Företaget har planer på att börja tillverka en ny papperskvalitet för bläckstråleskrivare, varförsyftet med arbetet har varit att testa och utvärdera olika sammansättningar av kemikalier som lämparsig för bestrykning av bläckstrålepapper.Ett stort antal bestrykningar har testats med varierande resultat. Det svåraste har visat sig vara attnå en tillräckligt hög grad av vattenhållfasthe...

  3. Multimodal correlation of dynamic [{sup 18}F]-AV-1451 perfusion PET and neuronal hypometabolism in [{sup 18}F]-FDG PET

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammes, Jochen; Leuwer, Isabel [University Hospital Cologne, Multimodal Neuroimaging Group, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cologne (Germany); Bischof, Gerard N. [University Hospital Cologne, Multimodal Neuroimaging Group, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cologne (Germany); INM-3, Research Center Juelich, Juelich (Germany); Drzezga, Alexander [University Hospital Cologne, Multimodal Neuroimaging Group, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cologne (Germany); German Center for Neurodegeneration (DZNE), Berlin (Germany); Eimeren, Thilo van [University Hospital Cologne, Multimodal Neuroimaging Group, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cologne (Germany); INM-3, Research Center Juelich, Juelich (Germany); German Center for Neurodegeneration (DZNE), Berlin (Germany)


    Cerebral glucose metabolism measured with [18F]-FDG PET is a well established marker of neuronal dysfunction in neurodegeneration. The tau-protein tracer [18F]-AV-1451 PET is currently under evaluation and shows promising results. Here, we assess the feasibility of early perfusion imaging with AV-1451 as a substite for FDG PET in assessing neuronal injury. Twenty patients with suspected neurodegeneration underwent FDG and early phase AV-1451 PET imaging. Ten one-minute timeframes were acquired after application of 200 MBq AV-1451. FDG images were acquired on a different date according to clinical protocol. Early AV-1451 timeframes were coregistered to individual FDG-scans and spatially normalized. Voxel-wise intermodal correlations were calculated on within-subject level for every possible time window. The window with highest pooled correlation was considered optimal. Z-transformed deviation maps (ZMs) were created from both FDG and early AV-1451 images, comparing against FDG images of healthy controls. Regional patterns and extent of perfusion deficits were highly comparable to metabolic deficits. Best results were observed in a time window from 60 to 360 s (r = 0.86). Correlation strength ranged from r = 0.96 (subcortical gray matter) to 0.83 (frontal lobe) in regional analysis. ZMs of early AV-1451 and FDG images were highly similar. Perfusion imaging with AV-1451 is a valid biomarker for assessment of neuronal dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Radiation exposure and complexity of the diagnostic workup could be reduced significantly by routine acquisition of early AV-1451 images, sparing additional FDG PET. (orig.)


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    Mariangela Monaca


    Full Text Available The life of the Mediterranean in the Hellenistic-Roman period was characterized by the presence of several "polis", with the political and national boundaries but not cultural and religious boundaries. It is for this reason that spread a culture of "cosmopolitan", that maintained the "local" culture, but allowed the various "identities" to mingle, without deleting own specificity. Wanting to apply to the ancient world modern categories, we could say that this averted the risk of an unhealthy globalization, that would transform "the" culture to a "mass culture". That was why, for example, a greek citizen - while keeping intact its Greekness - could believe in a foreign god, from Egypt or the Near East, which had a proposal soteriology suits him. He could attend the school of rhetoric of Alexandria, Antioch or Athens without fear of "bribe" the identity of greek, guardian of its Greekness. And so that, particularly since the II BC and for the whole empire, merchants and intellectuals did their "goods" (material and cultural together an object of exchange, which led the destruction of local boundaries, as happened for example in the case of the cult of a new Hellenized Isis, from Egypt to Athens, from Sicily in Ancient Greece and Rome, and then from there throughout the oikoumene.

  5. Fromleik i Black Supper, Piss Christ og Crucifixion, tre fotografi av Andres Serrano


    Vinje, Lilly


    Oppgåva skal omhandla tre utvalgte foto av fotografen Andres Serrano, ein amerikanar født i 1950. Enkeltbileta det er snakk om er Black Supper (1990), Piss Christ og Crucifixion (begge 1987). Dei er laga ved at kitschfigurar er nedsenka i gjennomsiktige behaldarar fyllte av kroppsvæsker og vatn; vatn i Black Supper, urin i Piss Christ og blod i Crucifixion. Henholdsvis framstiller dei Nattverden, Jesus på krossen og Krossfestinga (tre figurar). Serrano befinn seg med desse innanfor religiøs k...

  6. La vocazione territoriale tra approccio sistemico e situazionista: analisi di una collaborazione culture driven tra aziende del made in Italy attraverso il caso del Contratto di Rete Polo Alta Moda Area Vestina / The territorial vocation between the “systemic” approach and the “situationist” approach: analysis of a culture-driven collaboration between Made-in-Italy firms. The case of the network contract of “Polo Alta Moda Area Vestina

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    Elena Cedrola


    Full Text Available Il presente lavoro si propone di mostrare come una collaborazione culture driven tra aziende del made in Italy possa innescare un processo virtuoso capace di alimentare la competitività d’impresa. Nello specifico, intende verificare la validità di una nuova chiave di lettura dei processi di governance del territorio, detta situazionista, che affianca la concezione prevalente in letteratura, definita unitaria o sistemica. Il punto di discrepanza principale tra le due visioni sembra essere quello della vocazione territoriale. Pur riconoscendo entrambe la presenza di interessi condivisi tra gli attori, la visione situazionista non riconosce alla vocazione la funzione “razionalizzante” riscontrabile nell’approccio sistemico. A seguito di una sintetica review della letteratura sui temi del territorio come cultura condivisa, sulla dimensione reticolare territoriale ed extraterritoriale e sul contratto di rete, verrà introdotto lo studio di un contratto di rete stipulato l’8 giugno 2010 tra le aziende che costituiscono il Polo Alta Moda Area Vestina. Attraverso le evidenze emerse da alcune interviste in profondità, sarà indagato il ruolo dell’azienda Brioni nella duplice veste di key player del territorio e di impresa capofila del contratto di rete analizzato e saranno esaminati gli altri attori che compongono il Polo Alta Moda. Le interviste realizzate hanno coinvolto i manager dell’impresa capofila del contratto di rete, il vice presidente Confindustria Pescara e presidente della Sezione Unificata Sistema Moda Chieti Pescara e il direttore delle fondazioni partecipanti al contratto.   This case study aims to validate how a culture-driven collaboration between firms could trigger the competitiveness of a Country, starting from a specific territorial culture. Specifically, it intends to investigate the validity of a new interpretation of the territorial governance processes, named “situationist”, that supports the prevailing

  7. Införandet av IAS 41 : Hur har kapitalfördelningen mellan intressenter i den norska laxodlingsbranschen utvecklats?


    Dahlén, Jonas; Josefsson, Carl


    Införandet av IAS 41 medförde att redovisningsprinciperna för värderingen av ett företags biologiska tillgångar förändrades. Det finns forskning på hur införandet av IAS 41 påverkat olika aktörer inom skogsindustrin men lite är skrivet om dess påverkan på laxodlingsindustrin. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur kapitalfördelningen till intressenter utvecklats sedan införandet av IAS 41. Studien fokuserar på intressenterna ägare och anställda. Vi har tillämpat en kvantitativ metod där vår empiri...

  8. Valg av metode for en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse av kostholdet blant sped- og småbarn i Norge - Spedkost og Småbarnskost

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    Britt Lande


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGI 1998-99 er den første landsrepresentative kostholdsundersøkelsen blant spedbarn og småbarn gjennomført i Norgefor å beskrive kostholdet blant barn opp til 2 års alder og relatere kostvanene til de kostanbefalingene som gis.Inntaket av både næringsstoffer og fremmedstoffer skal beregnes. Undersøkelsen inngår i Statens råd for ernæringog fysisk aktivitet (SEF sitt system for kartlegging av kostholdet i den norske befolkningen, og er et samarbeidmellom SEF, Statens næringsmiddeltilsyn, Institutt for ernæringsforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo og Statistisksentralbyrå. Hovedmålet er å øke kunnskapen om kostholdet til spedbarn og småbarn i Norge, for å få et bedregrunnlag for å fremme et godt kosthold og forebygge kostholdsrelaterte helseproblemer i denne aldersgruppen.Semikvantitative matvarefrekvensskjema ble vurdert å være den beste metoden å benytte. Det ble utviklet 3 forskjelligeselvadministrerte matvarefrekvensskjema (optisk lesbare for å kartlegge kostholdet blant 6, 12 og 24 månedergamle barn. Bilder av matporsjoner ble inkludert som hjelp til å bestemme mengder. Frekvensskjemaene ble sendtpr. post til mødrene av et landsrepresentativt utvalg av 3000 6 måneder gamle barn. De samme barna ble fulgt oppved 12 måneders alder ved at barnas mødre da mottok et nytt frekvensskjema (Spedkost. Videre ble et frekvensskjemasendt mødrene til et landsrepresentativt utvalg av 3000 24 måneder gamle barn (Småbarnskost. Data forbarnas vekt og lengde ble samlet inn i samarbeid med landets helsestasjoner. Det er gjennomført en pilotundersøkelsefor å prøve ut frekvensskjemaene og undersøkelsesopplegg. Videre blir frekvensskjemaene validert mot veidregistrering over 7 dager. Datainnsamlingen ble avsluttet i juli 1999, og rapporter fra undersøkelsen er ventet i år2000. Hensikten med artikkelen er å beskrive metoden og begrunne valg av metode for Spedkost og Småbarnskost.Lande B, Frost Andersen L, Bærug A

  9. Elektronová mikroskopie, mikroanalýza a difrakce na ÚMCH AV ČR

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šlouf, Miroslav; Pavlova, Ewa; Králová, Daniela; Hromádková, Jiřina; Vlková, Helena; Lapčíková, Monika


    Roč. 17, 2a (2010), k46-k49 ISSN 1211-5894. [Struktura 2010. Soláň, 14.06.2010-17.06.2010] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KAN200520704; GA ČR GAP205/10/0348 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505 Keywords : introduction to electron microscopy * electron spectroscopy * electron diffraction Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology http:// xray .cz/ms/bul2010-2a/slouf.pdf

  10. Os avós na perspectiva de jovens universitários Grandparents: from a college students` perspective

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    Cristina Maria de Souza Brito Dias


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a percepção dos jovens adultos acerca dos seus avós. Dela participaram 100 universitários (50 de cada sexo, com média de idade de 21,63 anos, respondendo a um questionário com questões de múltipla escolha. Os principais resultados são: Os significados mais importantes representados pelos avós foram os de "respeito" e "sabedoria e experiência de vida. O(a avô(a preferido pelos netos foi a "avó materna". O motivo da preferência foi a convivência maior. Quanto à contribuição dada pelos avós à família destacaram-se "a educação dada aos pais" e "ajudam na criação dos netos". A diferença entre os pais e os avós, na opinião dos jovens, foi "a diferença de cultura, valores". Em relação às características de um avô(avó ideal, verificou-se que, para os universitários, eles devem ter "amor/carinho" e "abertura/diálogo/comunicação". Conclui-se que os avós se constituem como pessoas importantes na vida dos netos, embora já crescidos.This research aimed to verify the perception young college students have concerning their grandparents. Participated on the survey 100 college students (50 male and 50 female, 21,63 year-old average, answering a questionnaire with of multiple choice questions. The main results are: The most meaningful representation grandparents bring were the ones of "respect" and "wisdom and life experience". The favorite grandparent figure for them was the grandmother from the mother´s side. The reason for the preference was they see each other more often. Regarding the contribution given by the grandparents to the family prevailed "the education given to the parents" and "their help with grandchildren". The difference between the parents and the grandparents, according to the subjects, was a difference of culture and values. For the surveyed college students, the characteristics of an ideal grandparent was, they should have "love and care" and "be open to

  11. Las enfermedades infecciosas y su importancia en el sector avícola

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    Javier Andrés Jaimes Olaya


    Full Text Available Dentro del contexto de un país cuyas mejores capacidades se encuentran en el sector agropecuario, la industria avícola se ha convertido en uno de los sectores más promisorios y de mayor crecimiento en Colombia. Por esta razón, actualmente se vienen implementando programas para el mejoramiento de la calidad de los productos avícolas, con el objetivo no solo de mantener el crecimiento de la industria,sino de poder expandir las fronteras de exportación. Sin embargo, la avicultura enfrenta un gran reto encuanto a su producción, debido a que las enfermedades infecciosas que afectan a las aves continúan siendo una problemática importante del sector, aun por encima de la alimentación y la genética. En este artículo se presentan elementos de relevancia referentes a la industria avícola, así como en relación con las enfermedades de control oficial y algunas de las enfermedades infecciosas que más la aquejan, enfatizando en la importancia de la intervención en el manejo y control de dichas enfermedades.

  12. Millennials och baby boomers attityder till fake news : Generationernas upplevelser av nyhetsmediers sanningshalt


    Adolfsson, Claes; Strömberg, Markus; Stenberg, John


    Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på generationerna millennials och baby boomers inställning till mediernas sanningshalt och politiska neutralitet. Detta gjordes med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Vilka attityder och vilken inställning har millennials och baby boomers till nyhetsmediernas sanningshalt? Finns skillnader och likheter kvar när vi väger in variablerna kön och politiskt ställningstagande?   För att definiera generationerna använde vi oss av Cliff Zukins generationsteor...

  13. Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av affärssystem : beaktas de i e-handelsföretag?


    Choudhury, Nafiz


    Syfte: Analysera och diskutera huruvida teori om kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av affärssystem för fysiska företag beaktas i e-handelsföretag. Identifiera framgångsfaktorer för implementeringen av affärssystem i e-handelsföretag. Forskningsfråga: Beaktas samma kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av ett affärssystem i stora fysiska företag som små e-handelsföretag? Metod: En kvalitativ metod antogs vilket innebar att en fallstudie genomförts som omfattat två responden...

  14. Thermal stability of alumina thin films containing γ-Al.sub.2./sub.O.sub.3./sub. phase prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Musil, Jindřich; Blažek, J.; Zeman, P.; Prokšová, Š.; Šašek, M.; Čerstvý, R.


    Roč. 257, č. 3 (2010), s. 1058-1062 ISSN 0169-4332 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : Al 2 O 3 (alumina) * annealing * thermal stability * nanocrystalline material * sputtering Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.795, year: 2010

  15. Bristande samsyn i lärares definition av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie om förekomst av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor.


    Eklund, Anton; Johansson, Tommy


    Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att studera förekomsten av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor, hur man på de undersökta skolorna arbetar med att minimera förekomsten av hot och våld samt hur lärare definierar sin syn på vad som kan vara hot och våld från föräldrar och elever. Studien är baserad på ett riktat bekvämlighetsurval där skyddsombud på högstadieskolor i den undersökta kommunen valdes ut. I samband med analysen av studiens resultat har Lintons rollteori använts för att s...

  16. Artificial vision support system (AVS(2)) for improved prosthetic vision. (United States)

    Fink, Wolfgang; Tarbell, Mark A


    State-of-the-art and upcoming camera-driven, implanted artificial vision systems provide only tens to hundreds of electrodes, affording only limited visual perception for blind subjects. Therefore, real time image processing is crucial to enhance and optimize this limited perception. Since tens or hundreds of pixels/electrodes allow only for a very crude approximation of the typically megapixel optical resolution of the external camera image feed, the preservation and enhancement of contrast differences and transitions, such as edges, are especially important compared to picture details such as object texture. An Artificial Vision Support System (AVS(2)) is devised that displays the captured video stream in a pixelation conforming to the dimension of the epi-retinal implant electrode array. AVS(2), using efficient image processing modules, modifies the captured video stream in real time, enhancing 'present but hidden' objects to overcome inadequacies or extremes in the camera imagery. As a result, visual prosthesis carriers may now be able to discern such objects in their 'field-of-view', thus enabling mobility in environments that would otherwise be too hazardous to navigate. The image processing modules can be engaged repeatedly in a user-defined order, which is a unique capability. AVS(2) is directly applicable to any artificial vision system that is based on an imaging modality (video, infrared, sound, ultrasound, microwave, radar, etc.) as the first step in the stimulation/processing cascade, such as: retinal implants (i.e. epi-retinal, sub-retinal, suprachoroidal), optic nerve implants, cortical implants, electric tongue stimulators, or tactile stimulators.

  17. Analyse av en konfliktfylt planprosess. Medvirkning og makt – i spenningsforholdet mellom ulike stedsidentiteter


    Ihle, Hilde Nygaard


    Oppgaven beskriver reguleringsplanprosessen i 2015, og leter etter spor av Sætres stedsidentitet i historiske planer og debatt. Jeg ser etter identitetsuttrykk forstått som stedsfølelse (sence of place), den sosiale konteksten der stedet skapes og gjenskapes gjennom sosiale praksiser (locale) og den fysiske beskrivelsen av stedet (location). I oppgaven ser jeg på hvordan innbyggerne påvirket prosessen gjennom dialog på to Facebook-sider, avisinnlegg og høringsinnspill. Jeg analyserer akti...

  18. Dolphin Sky, del A : utvikling av integrert design- og helhetskonsept for sveveløsning


    Rummelhoff, Kristoffer Ødegaard


    Det er store utfordringer knyttet til veiutvikling, kø og situasjoner hvor biler ikke strekker til, spesielt i et land som Norge hvor fjell og fjord skaper naturlige hindringer. Dette er en av flere motivasjoner for å utvikle en miljøvennlig flyvende bil. Masteroppgaven er en fremtidsrettet konseptutvikling- og designoppgave for et nytt konsept hvor det integreres en sveveløsning på en lettvekts trehjulsbil. Tidligere arbeid har blitt benyttet i gjennomførelsen av konseptutvikling; inter...

  19. Geografia elettorale dell’Emilia Romagna: una cartografia interattiva delle elezioni politiche dal 1976 al 1992

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    Marianna Pino


    Full Text Available La rappresentazione cartografica del comportamento elettorale dell’Emilia Romagna può essere un utile strumento di analisi delle traiettorie dei partiti nel cruciale passaggio tra la prima e la seconda Repubblica. La mappatura interattiva, infatti, permette di leggere e comparare su scala comunale i risultati dei maggiori partiti che hanno partecipato alle cinque elezioni politiche tenutesi tra il 1976 e il 1992.

  20. Chemometric formulation of bacterial consortium-AVS for improved decolorization of resonance-stabilized and heteropolyaromatic dyes. (United States)

    Kumar, Madhava Anil; Kumar, Vaidyanathan Vinoth; Premkumar, Manickam Periyaraman; Baskaralingam, Palanichamy; Thiruvengadaravi, Kadathur Varathachary; Dhanasekaran, Anuradha; Sivanesan, Subramanian


    A bacterial consortium-AVS, consisting of Pseudomonas desmolyticum NCIM 2112, Kocuria rosea MTCC 1532 and Micrococcus glutamicus NCIM 2168 was formulated chemometrically, using the mixture design matrix based on the design of experiments methodology. The formulated consortium-AVS decolorized acid blue 15 and methylene blue with a higher average decolorization rate, which is more rapid than that of the pure cultures. The UV-vis spectrophotometric, Fourier transform infra red spectrophotometric and high performance liquid chromatographic analysis confirm that the decolorization was due to biodegradation by oxido-reductive enzymes, produced by the consortium-AVS. The toxicological assessment of plant growth parameters and the chlorophyll pigment concentrations of Phaseolus mungo and Triticum aestivum seedlings revealed the reduced toxic nature of the biodegraded products. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Uso do verbo PEGAR na perífrase [PEGAR (E V2]: traços semântico-pragmáticos

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    Dayane da Silva Grilo


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, com fundamentação nos pressupostos teóricos do funcionalismo norte-americano, abordamos o uso do verbo PEGAR na perífrase [PEGAR (E V2], em que PEGAR é o verbo auxiliar gramatical V1 e V2 é o verbo nuclear lexical. Temos como objetivo analisar traços semântico-pragmáticos vinculados à perífrase [PEGAR (E V2] no português brasileiro contemporâneo, buscando indícios que contribuam para a descrição da função desempenhada por PEGAR nessa perífrase. Para tanto, fazemos uso de dados de fala extraídos dos corpora Discurso & Gramática referentes a Natal (RN e ao Rio de Janeiro (RJ. Os resultados, obtidos através de análise quantitativa, revelam que PEGAR desempenha, na maioria das ocorrências, a função de indicar aspecto global, salientando um conjunto de traços semântico-pragmáticos como pontualidade, subtaneidade e/ou uma tomada de iniciativa do agente (no papel sintático de sujeito da perífrase.

  2. Hållbarhetsredovisning : Identifiering och prioritering av hållbarhetsfrågor i en verksamhet som Sweco Environment


    Söderström, Anna-Karin


    I en hållbarhetsredovisning redovisar en organisation information om sin påverkan inom ekonomisk, miljömässig och social hållbar utveckling. Några av de inledande stegen i en redovisningsprocess är att identifiera organisationens hållbarhetsfrågor, och att bestämma frågornas prioriteringsordning för att på så sätt kunna bestämma ett väsentligt innehåll till redovisningen. De här stegen av redovisningsprocessen har varit i fokus under arbetet. En identifiering och prioritering av konsultbolage...

  3. Abdominal adipose tissue distribution in obese children. US versus CT measurements; Valutazione della distribuzione del tessuto adiposo addominale nei bambini obesi. Confronto tra ecografia e Tomografia Computerizzata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrozzi, F.; Zuccoli, G.; Tognini, G.; Castriota-Scanderbeg, A.; Bacchini, E. [Parma Univ., Parma (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Bernasconi, S. [Modena Univ., Modena (Italy). Clinica Pediatrica; Campani, R. [Pavia Univ., Pavia (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    Computed Tomography (CT) and, more recently, ultrasound (US), have proved excellent tools for quantifying adipose tissue distribution. Body fat distribution is an important factor in the treatment of obesity and its complications. In this work it is investigated the correlation between CT and US measurements in pediatric obesity. Forty obese children and adolescents aged 4.1-14.8 years were submitted to CT and US. Intra-abdominal, subcutaneous and total body fat were calculated (in cm{sup 2}), with the CT image analysis software. The rectus muscle-spine and rectus muscle-aorta distances, as indicative of visceral fat thickness, were measured on US images with(out) compression. The distance between skin fat and fat-rectus muscle interfaces was measured as subcutaneous fat thickness. US-CT findings have been compared with other morphometric variables-i.e., patient's (ideal) body weight and skin fold measures. A statistically significant correlation was found between the CT measurement of visceral fat and the aorta-rectus muscle and rectus muscle-spine distances (r=0.80 and 0.74, respectively). The US measurements of subcutaneous fat were correlated with CT subcutaneous fat area (r=0.82). No correlation was found between overweight, as calculated by body mass index, and CT or US fat. In conclusions, the findings indicate that US is as useful as CT in evaluating body fat distribution in pediatric obesity. [Italian] La TC e piu' recentemente l'ecografia si sono dimostrate eccellenti tecniche di valutazione della quantita' e della distribuzione del tessuto adiposo corporeo. La compartimentazione del grasso corporeo ha, infatti, importanti implicazioni per il trattamento dell'obesita' e delle sue complicanze. Scopo dello studio e' stato quello di correlare i risultati ottenuti con la TC con quelli ecografici nella valutazione dell'obesita' del paziente pediatrico. Quaranta bambini obesi con eta' compresa tra 4,1 e 14

  4. Finns det nån här? – Förmedling av paranormala fenomen i TV-serien Chasing the Dead


    Heinänen, Thomas


    Genom denna kvalitativa innehållsanalys av TV-serien Chasing the Dead, undersöks på vilket sätt dokumenterade "bevis" på paranormala audiovisuella fenomen har presenterats av seriemakarna. Materialet analyseras med hjälp av forskningsresultat från, för denna TV-genre relevanta, studier av fenomen som Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Electro Magnetic Field, Orber. Biologiska fenomen som Apophenia och Pareidolia har tagits i beaktande då materialet har analyserats. Syftet med denna underso...

  5. Tillståndslös kommunikation: En studie av JavaScript-ramverk


    Hansson, Christian


    Undersökningens syfte är att ta reda på hur JavaScript‐ramverk presterar i jämförelse med  ren JavaScript i en kommunikation med en webbservice. Kommunikationen med en  webbservice är tillståndslös. Detta innebär att en webbapplikations förfrågan mot en  webbservice alltid är en ny förfrågan. En webbservice kommer inte ihåg klientens tidigare  frågor.   Det finns idag en rad olika JavaScript‐ramverk som klarar av en kommunikation av sådan  karaktär. Denna undersökning kommer att utvärdera pre...

  6. Cardiovascular responses to microinjection of L-glutamate into the NTS in AV3V-lesioned rats. (United States)

    Vieira, Alexandre Antonio; Colombari, Eduardo; De Luca, Laurival A; de Almeida Colombari, Débora Simões; Menani, José V


    The excitatory amino acid L-glutamate injected into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in unanesthetized rats similar to peripheral chemoreceptor activation increases mean arterial pressure (MAP) and reduces heart rate. In this study, we investigated the effects of acute (1 day) and chronic (15 days) electrolytic lesions of the preoptic-periventricular tissue surrounding the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V region) on the pressor and bradycardic responses induced by injections of L-glutamate into the NTS or peripheral chemoreceptor activation in unanesthetized rats. Male Holtzman rats with sham or electrolytic AV3V lesions and a stainless steel cannula implanted into the NTS were used. Differently from the pressor responses (28+/-3 mm Hg) produced by injections into the NTS of sham-lesioned rats, L-glutamate (5 nmol/100 nl) injected into the NTS reduced MAP (-26+/-8 mm Hg) or produced no effect (2+/-7 mm Hg) in acute and chronic AV3V-lesioned rats, respectively. The bradycardia to l-glutamate into the NTS and the cardiovascular responses to chemoreflex activation with intravenous potassium cyanide or to baroreflex activation with intravenous phenylephrine or sodium nitroprusside were not modified by AV3V lesions. The results show that the integrity of the AV3V region is essential for the pressor responses to L-glutamate into the NTS but not for the pressor responses to chemoreflex activation, suggesting dissociation between the central mechanisms involved in these responses.

  7. Avaliação de traços de personalidade em pacientes com fobia social Evaluation of personality traits in social phobia patients

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    Mariângela Gentil Savoia


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Os sintomas de transtornos de personalidade (Eixo II comumente encontrados em pacientes com fobia social se sobrepõem com os sintomas que descrevem o transtorno pelo Eixo I. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar traços de personalidade em pacientes com diagnóstico de fobia social. MÉTODO: Cento e oito sujeitos com idade entre 18 e 65 anos foram avaliados pelo Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter de Cloninger. RESULTADO: Os pacientes com fobia social diferiram dos dados normativos nos seguintes traços de personalidade: Busca à Novidade, Fuga de Danos, Persistência, Autodirecionamento e Autotranscendência. CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados apontam para uma sobreposição entre a descrição dos traços de personalidade citados por Cloninger e a descrição dos sintomas de fobia social do DSM-IV, Eixo I.BACKGROUND: The symptoms of personality disorders (Axis II commonly found in social phobia patients overlap highly with the symptoms that typify the Axis I disorder and are thus linked to diagnostic process in symptomatic patients. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate personality traits of social phobia patients. METHOD: One hundred and eight subjects were selected, from 18 to 65 years of age, who fulfilled the criteria of social phobia. The Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI was applied. RESULTS: Social phobia patients differed in normalized data in the following personality traits: Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Persistence, Self Directedness, and Self-Transcendence. DISCUSSION: These findings point to a high overlap between Cloninger's description of the observed predominant personality traits and DSM-IV Axis I symptoms description for social phobia.

  8. Effect of Al/Si Substitutions and Silanol Nests on the Local Geometry of Si and Al Framework Sites in Silicone-Rich Zeolites: A Combined High Resolution Al-27 and Si-29 NMR and Density Functional Theory/Molecular Mechanics Study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dědeček, Jiří; Sklenák, Štěpán; Li, Chengbin; Gao, Fei; Brus, Jiří; Zhu, Q.; Tatsumi, T.


    Roč. 113, č. 32 (2009), s. 14454-14466 ISSN 1932-7447 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA400400812; GA AV ČR IAA400400908; GA AV ČR IAA400400904; GA ČR GA203/09/1627; GA AV ČR KAN100400702 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40400503; CEZ:AV0Z40500505 Keywords : ab-initio calculation * NMR spectroscopy * DFT/MM Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 4.224, year: 2009

  9. Rettferdige minutter: Fordeling av spilletid i fotballkamper for aldersbestemte klasser

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trine Anker


    Full Text Available På et fotballag i overgangen mellom barne- og ungdomsfotballen er spilletid på fotballbanen under kamp både en knapp ressurs og en kilde til diskusjoner om fordeling. Spørsmålet som er utgangspunkt for denne artikkelen, er hvilke hensyn som bør tas når trener og lagleder skal fordele samlet spilletid på enkeltspillere. Er det viktigst å vinne fotballkampen, eller har det størst betydning å fordele spilletiden mest mulig likt mellom spillerne? Skal det tas hensyn til guttenes evner, motivasjon og preferanser? Er deres familiebakgrunn og personlighet av betydning? Diskusjonen baserer seg på en gjennomgang av ulike politiske rettferdighetsteorier for fordeling av knappe goder.Nøkkelord: rettferdighet, practice, fordelingsrettferdighet, diskursetikk, idrettsetikkEnglish summary: Minutes of justice: Distribution of time during football matches in a boys' teamDuring a football match, time for playing can be considered as a limited good. In this article the point of departure is the redistribution of time in a boys' football team in the transition phase between children and youth football. The questions are how and under which conditions time for playing should be distributed among the players. Is winning the game more important than trying to let every player play for an equal amount of time? Should the boys' talents, motivation, and preferences be considered while distributing time, or are family background and personality of importance? Different theories of political justice for the distribution of limited goods underpin the discussion of how to distribute the minutes of playing time during a football match.

  10. A Caenorhabditis elegans wild type defies the temperature-size rule owing to a single nucleotide polymorphism in tra-3.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan E Kammenga


    Full Text Available Ectotherms rely for their body heat on surrounding temperatures. A key question in biology is why most ectotherms mature at a larger size at lower temperatures, a phenomenon known as the temperature-size rule. Since temperature affects virtually all processes in a living organism, current theories to explain this phenomenon are diverse and complex and assert often from opposing assumptions. Although widely studied, the molecular genetic control of the temperature-size rule is unknown. We found that the Caenorhabditis elegans wild-type N2 complied with the temperature-size rule, whereas wild-type CB4856 defied it. Using a candidate gene approach based on an N2 x CB4856 recombinant inbred panel in combination with mutant analysis, complementation, and transgenic studies, we show that a single nucleotide polymorphism in tra-3 leads to mutation F96L in the encoded calpain-like protease. This mutation attenuates the ability of CB4856 to grow larger at low temperature. Homology modelling predicts that F96L reduces TRA-3 activity by destabilizing the DII-A domain. The data show that size adaptation of ectotherms to temperature changes may be less complex than previously thought because a subtle wild-type polymorphism modulates the temperature responsiveness of body size. These findings provide a novel step toward the molecular understanding of the temperature-size rule, which has puzzled biologists for decades.

  11. Magnetoelasticity of UPtAl

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Andreev, Alexander V.; Kamarád, Jiří; Honda, F.; Oomi, G.; Sechovský, V.; Shiokawa, Y.


    Roč. 314, - (2001), s. 51-55 ISSN 0925-8388 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/99/0184; GA AV ČR IAA1010018 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914 Keywords : actinide compounds * magnetically ordered materials * magnetostriction Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.953, year: 2001

  12. [AV-reentrant tachycardia and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome : Diagnosis and treatment]. (United States)

    Voss, Frederik; Eckardt, Lars; Busch, Sonia; Estner, Heidi L; Steven, Daniel; Sommer, Philipp; von Bary, Christian; Neuberger, Hans-Ruprecht


    The AV-reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) is a supraventricular tachycardia with an incidence of 1-3/1000. The pathophysiological basis is an accessory atrioventricular pathway (AP). Patients with AVRT typically present with palpitations, an on-off characteristic, anxiety, dyspnea, and polyuria. This type of tachycardia may often be terminated by vagal maneuvers. Although the clinical presentation of AVRT is quite similar to AV-nodal reentrant tachycardias, the correct diagnosis is often facilitated by analyzing a standard 12-lead ECG at normal heart rate showing ventricular preexcitation. Curative catheter ablation of the AP represents the therapy of choice in symptomatic patients. This article is the fourth part of a series written to improve the professional education of young electrophysiologists. It explains pathophysiology, symptoms, and electrophysiological findings of an invasive EP study. It focusses on mapping and ablation of accessory pathways.

  13. Incontri musicologici 2005 „Il dramma per musica al tempo del Farinelli. Nel 300° anniversario della nascita di Carlo Broschi detto il Farinelli“, Bologna 10.-11. 11. 2005

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jonášová, Milada


    Roč. 43, č. 1 (2006), s. 102-1003 ISSN 0018-7003. [Il dramma per musica al tempo del Farinelli. Nel 300° anniversario della nascita di Carlo Broschi detto il Farinelli. Bologna, 10.11.2005-11.11.2005] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90580513 Keywords : dramma per musica * Farinelli * conference * Bologna Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  14. Vad vill kvinnor ha? : En undersökning av en lokaltidnings bilaga i form av ett livsstilsmagasin.


    Heurling, Åsa; Lovisa, Lesse


    Folkbladet är en dagstidning i Norrköping med en stark lokal prägel vars prenumeranter till största delen är sportintresserade män. För att försöka bredda sin läsekrets har man sedan 2009 gett ut en tidning kallad Trend, som vänder sig till kvinnor i åldern 20 - 50 år. Denna tidning med lokal prägel, i form av ett livsstilsmagasin för kvinnor, handlar om mode, skönhet, heminredning och resor. Maga- sinet ges ut i fyra nummer per år och delas ut gratis till alla hushåll i Norrköping med omnejd...

  15. Ecological-floristic analysis of soil algae and cyanobacteria on the Tra-Tau and Yurak-Tau Mounts, Bashkiria (United States)

    Bakieva, G. R.; Khaibullina, L. S.; Gaisina, L. A.; Kabirov, R. R.


    The species composition of the soil algae and cyanobacteria in the Tra-Tau and Yurak-Tau mountains is represented by 136 species belonging to five phyla: Cyanobacteria (56 species), Chlorophyta (52 species), Xanthophyta (13 species), Bacillariophyta (12 species), and Eustigmatophyta (3 species). Hantzschia amphioxys var. amphioxys, Hantzschia amphioxys var. constricta, Klebsormidium flaccidum, Leptolyngbya foveolarum, Luticola mutica, Navicula minima var. minima, Nostoc punctiforme, Phormidium jadinianum, Phormidium autumnale, and Pinnularia borealis were identified more often than other species. The composition of the algal flora depended on the soil properties; the higher plants also had a significant influence on the species composition of the soil algae.

  16. Phase 1 Trial of Subcutaneous rAvPAL-PEG in Subjects with Phenylketonuria (United States)

    Longo, Nicola; Harding, Cary O.; Burton, Barbara K.; Grange, Dorothy K.; Vockley, Jerry; Wasserstein, Melissa; Rice, Gregory M.; Musson, Donald G.; Gu, Zhonghua; Sile, Saba


    Objective Phenylketonuria is an inherited disease caused by impaired activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase, the enzyme that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine, leading to accumulation of phenylalanine and subsequent neurocognitive dysfunction. A phenylalanine-restricted diet initiated early in life can ameliorate the toxic effects of phenylalanine. However, the diet is onerous and compliance is extremely difficult. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) is a prokaryotic enzyme that converts phenylalanine to ammonia and trans-cinnamic acid. This Phase 1, multicenter clinical trial evaluated the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of rAvPAL-PEG (recombinant Anabaena variabilis PAL produced in E. coli conjugated with polyethylene glycol [PEG] to reduce immunogenicity) in reducing phenylalanine levels in subjects with phenylketonuria. Methods Single subcutaneous injections of rAvPAL-PEG in escalating doses (0·001, 0·003, 0·01, 0·03, and 0·1 mg/kg) were administered to 25 adults with phenylketonuria recruited from those attending metabolic clinics in North America whose blood phenylalanine concentrations were ≥600 μmol/L. Results The most frequently reported adverse events were injection-site reactions and dizziness. Reactions were self-limited without sequelae. During the trial, two subjects had adverse reactions to intramuscular (IM) medroxyprogesterone acetate, a drug containing polyethylene glycol as an excipient. Three subjects developed a generalized skin rash at the highest rAvPAL-PEG dose (0·1 mg/kg). Drug levels peaked ∼5 days after the injection. Treatment was effective in reducing blood phenylalanine in all five subjects receiving the highest dose (0·1 mg/kg, mean percent change of -58 from baseline), with a nadir ∼6 days after injection and inverse correlation between drug and phenylalanine concentrations in plasma. Phenylalanine concentrations returned to near-baseline levels ∼20 days after the single injection. Conclusions

  17. The relation between Acid Volatile Sulfides (AVS) and metal accumulation in aquatic invertebrates: Implications of feeding behavior and ecology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Jonge, Maarten; Blust, Ronny; Bervoets, Lieven


    The present study evaluates the relationship between Acid Volatile Sulfides (AVS) and metal accumulation in invertebrates with different feeding behavior and ecological preferences. Natural sediments, pore water and surface water, together with benthic and epibenthic invertebrates were sampled at 28 Flemish lowland rivers. Different metals as well as metal binding sediment characteristics including AVS were measured and multiple regression was used to study their relationship with accumulated metals in the invertebrates taxa. Bioaccumulation in the benthic taxa was primarily influenced by total metal concentrations in the sediment. Regarding the epibenthic taxa metal accumulation was mostly explained by the more bioavailable metal fractions in both the sediment and the water. AVS concentrations were generally better correlated with metal accumulation in the epibenthic invertebrates, rather than with the benthic taxa. Our results indicated that the relation between AVS and metal accumulation in aquatic invertebrates is highly dependent on feeding behavior and ecology. - The relation between AVS and metal accumulation in aquatic invertebrates is highly dependent on feeding behavior and ecology.

  18. Traço e estado de ansiedade de nutrizes com indicadores de hipogalactia e nutrizes com galactia normal


    Aragaki, Ilva Marico Mizumoto; Silva, Isília Aparecida; Santos, Jair Lício Ferreira dos


    Este estudo objetivou identificar e comparar o traço e estado de ansiedade, no 10º dia pós-parto e estado de ansiedade no 30º dia puerperal, das nutrizes primíparas e multíparas que apresentaram indicadores de hipogalactia e nutrizes com galactia normal; verificar possíveis relações entre o estado de ansiedade das nutrizes nesses dois momentos com a presença dos indicadores de hipogalactia. É um estudo exploratório/descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos com 168 nutrizes e seus filhos, por meio...

  19. Kunnskapsgrunnlag for forslaget om et forbud mot synlig oppstilling av tobakksvarer. Evaluering av det offentlige tobakksforebyggende arbeid i Norge 2003-2007


    Lund, Karl Erik; Rise, Jostein


    - I nasjonal strategiplan for det tobakksforebyggende arbeidet 2006-2010 ønsket Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet å få utredet forslaget om forbud mot synlig oppstilling av tobakksvarer. Departementet har allerede hatt forslaget på høring, og represen tanter fra tobakksindustrien og handelsnæringen hevdet i sine svar at tiltaket bl.a. var i strid med EØS- reglene og at det ikke kunne dokumenteres effekt. Før departementet eventuelt skal arbeide videre med et lo vfor...

  20. Genomic and expression analyses of Tursiops truncatus T cell receptor gamma (TRG) and alpha/delta (TRA/TRD) loci reveal a similar basic public γδ repertoire in dolphin and human. (United States)

    Linguiti, Giovanna; Antonacci, Rachele; Tasco, Gianluca; Grande, Francesco; Casadio, Rita; Massari, Serafina; Castelli, Vito; Consiglio, Arianna; Lefranc, Marie-Paule; Ciccarese, Salvatrice


    The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is a mammal that belongs to the Cetartiodactyla and have lived in marine ecosystems for nearly 60 millions years. Despite its popularity, our knowledge about its adaptive immunity and evolution is very limited. Furthermore, nothing is known about the genomics and evolution of dolphin antigen receptor immunity. Here we report a evolutionary and expression study of Tursiops truncatus T cell receptor gamma (TRG) and alpha/delta (TRA/TRD) genes. We have identified in silico the TRG and TRA/TRD genes and analyzed the relevant mature transcripts in blood and in skin from four subjects. The dolphin TRG locus is the smallest and simplest of all mammalian loci as yet studied. It shows a genomic organization comprising two variable (V1 and V2), three joining (J1, J2 and J3) and a single constant (C), genes. Despite the fragmented nature of the genome assemblies, we deduced the TRA/TRD locus organization, with the recent TRDV1 subgroup genes duplications, as it is expected in artiodactyls. Expression analysis from blood of a subject allowed us to assign unambiguously eight TRAV genes to those annotated in the genomic sequence and to twelve new genes, belonging to five different subgroups. All transcripts were productive and no relevant biases towards TRAV-J rearrangements are observed. Blood and skin from four unrelated subjects expression data provide evidence for an unusual ratio of productive/unproductive transcripts which arise from the TRG V-J gene rearrangement and for a "public" gamma delta TR repertoire. The productive cDNA sequences, shared both in the same and in different individuals, include biases of the TRGV1 and TRGJ2 genes. The high frequency of TRGV1-J2/TRDV1- D1-J4 productive rearrangements in dolphins may represent an interesting oligo-clonal population comparable to that found in human with the TRGV9- JP/TRDV2-D-J T cells and in primates. Although the features of the TRG and TRA/TRD loci organization reflect

  1. Kvalitetsutvärdering av biomedicin och närliggande huvudområden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leffler, Hakon; Fex Svenningsen, Åsa; Emgård, Mia


    UKÄ:s utvärdering av biomedicinutbildningar visar på en mycket varierad kvalitet. Nio av 21 utbildningar håller toppklass medan mer än hälften bedöms vara bristande. 21 utbildningar inom biomedicin har satts under lupp. Kvaliteten bedöms som vanligt efter en tregradig skala: mycket hög kvalitet...... biomedicinstudenternas förmåga att göra etiska bedömningar. Flera utbildningar har inte kunnat visa att studenterna kan göra etiska bedömningar. De har heller inte kunnat visa att studenterna känner till vilka regelverk som gäller vid etikprövning. Detta är särskilt allvarligt eftersom man inom biomedicin genomför...

  2. Physiologic AV valvular insufficiency in cine MR imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Yoon Hyung; Kang, Eun Joo; Baik, Seung Kug; Ahn, Woo Hyun; Choi, Han Yong; Kim, Bong Gi [Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    To give a help in the interpretation of cardiac cine-MR examination, the extent, shape, and timing of appearance of signal void regions near atrioventricular(A-V) valve prospectively evaluate in the healthy population. Using an axial gradient-echo technique with small flip angle, repetition time(TR) of 36 msec and echo time(TE) of 22 msec, 20 volunteers without known valvular abnormalities undertook cardiac cine-MR imaging including atrioventricular valve areas. Transient signal void was observed within the near the tricuspid(13/20 = 65%) and mitral valves(9/20 = 45%), respectively, which is so called {sup p}hysioloic atrioventricular valvular insufficiency{sup .} Eight subjects revealed the signal void areas near both tricuspid and mitral valves but, 5 subjects did not show any evidence of physiologic insufficiency. This physiologic condition does not extend more than 1 cm proximal to A-V valve plane and is generally observed only during early systole. Its morphology is semilunar or triangular configuration with the base to the valve plane in most cases of normal tricuspid insufficiency and small globular appearance in most cases of normal mitral insufficiency. Awareness of normal signal void areas near the A-V valve and their characteristics is critical in the interpretation of cardiac cine MR examinations and maybe helpful in the study of the normal cardiac physiology.

  3. Physiologic AV valvular insufficiency in cine MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Yoon Hyung; Kang, Eun Joo; Baik, Seung Kug; Ahn, Woo Hyun; Choi, Han Yong; Kim, Bong Gi


    To give a help in the interpretation of cardiac cine-MR examination, the extent, shape, and timing of appearance of signal void regions near atrioventricular(A-V) valve prospectively evaluate in the healthy population. Using an axial gradient-echo technique with small flip angle, repetition time(TR) of 36 msec and echo time(TE) of 22 msec, 20 volunteers without known valvular abnormalities undertook cardiac cine-MR imaging including atrioventricular valve areas. Transient signal void was observed within the near the tricuspid(13/20 = 65%) and mitral valves(9/20 = 45%), respectively, which is so called p hysioloic atrioventricular valvular insufficiency . Eight subjects revealed the signal void areas near both tricuspid and mitral valves but, 5 subjects did not show any evidence of physiologic insufficiency. This physiologic condition does not extend more than 1 cm proximal to A-V valve plane and is generally observed only during early systole. Its morphology is semilunar or triangular configuration with the base to the valve plane in most cases of normal tricuspid insufficiency and small globular appearance in most cases of normal mitral insufficiency. Awareness of normal signal void areas near the A-V valve and their characteristics is critical in the interpretation of cardiac cine MR examinations and maybe helpful in the study of the normal cardiac physiology

  4. Associations between [18F]AV1451 tau PET and CSF measures of tau pathology in a clinical sample. (United States)

    La Joie, Renaud; Bejanin, Alexandre; Fagan, Anne M; Ayakta, Nagehan; Baker, Suzanne L; Bourakova, Viktoriya; Boxer, Adam L; Cha, Jungho; Karydas, Anna; Jerome, Gina; Maass, Anne; Mensing, Ashley; Miller, Zachary A; O'Neil, James P; Pham, Julie; Rosen, Howard J; Tsai, Richard; Visani, Adrienne V; Miller, Bruce L; Jagust, William J; Rabinovici, Gil D


    To assess the relationships between fluid and imaging biomarkers of tau pathology and compare their diagnostic utility in a clinically heterogeneous sample. Fifty-three patients (28 with clinical Alzheimer disease [AD] and 25 with non-AD clinical neurodegenerative diagnoses) underwent β-amyloid (Aβ) and tau ([ 18 F]AV1451) PET and lumbar puncture. CSF biomarkers (Aβ 42 , total tau [t-tau], and phosphorylated tau [p-tau]) were measured by multianalyte immunoassay (AlzBio3). Receiver operator characteristic analyses were performed to compare discrimination of Aβ-positive AD from non-AD conditions across biomarkers. Correlations between CSF biomarkers and PET standardized uptake value ratios (SUVR) were assessed using skipped Pearson correlation coefficients. Voxelwise analyses were run to assess regional CSF-PET associations. [ 18 F]AV1451-PET cortical SUVR and p-tau showed excellent discrimination between Aβ-positive AD and non-AD conditions (area under the curve 0.92-0.94; ≤0.83 for other CSF measures), and reached 83% classification agreement. In the full sample, cortical [ 18 F]AV1451 was associated with all CSF biomarkers, most strongly with p-tau ( r = 0.75 vs 0.57 for t-tau and -0.49 for Aβ 42 ). When restricted to Aβ-positive patients with AD, [ 18 F]AV1451 SUVR correlated modestly with p-tau and t-tau (both r = 0.46) but not Aβ 42 ( r = 0.02). On voxelwise analysis, [ 18 F]AV1451 correlated with CSF p-tau in temporoparietal cortices and with t-tau in medial prefrontal regions. Within AD, Mini-Mental State Examination scores were associated with [ 18 F]AV1451-PET, but not CSF biomarkers. [ 18 F]AV1451-PET and CSF p-tau had comparable value for differential diagnosis. Correlations were robust in a heterogeneous clinical group but attenuated (although significant) in AD, suggesting that fluid and imaging biomarkers capture different aspects of tau pathology. This study provides Class III evidence that, in a clinical sample of patients with a variety

  5. Bebês: o irresistível poder da graciosidade. Um estudo sobre o significado evolutivo dos traços infantis Babies: the irresistible power of cuteness. A study concerning the evolutionary function of infantile traits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monique Leitão


    Full Text Available Os bebês, em geral, despertam ternura e comportamentos de cuidado nas pessoas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi discutir a atração provocada pelos traços infantis, tendo como referencial teórico os quatro níveis de explicação de Tinbergen. Do ponto de vista dos mecanismos que desencadeiam essa atração neonatal, avaliamos a importância da aparência do infante para eliciar as respostas de cuidado parental. Considerando a função adaptativa desta característica, discutimos os processos evolutivos que moldaram as preferências pelos atributos infantis, além da história filogenética do favoritismo pelos sinais morfológicos de filhotes. Apresentamos, ainda, dados sobre o desenvolvimento deste traço comportamental ao longo da vida. Tomadas em conjunto, estas informações provêem uma análise de por que achamos os bebês tão irresistíveis.Babies generally elicit tenderness and caretaking behaviors on people. The aim of this study is to discuss the attraction towards babyish features, taking Tinbergen's four questions as a theoretical benchmark. Concerning the mechanisms implicated in this neonatal attraction, we evaluated the importance of children´s morphology on eliciting parental responses. Considering the adaptive function of this characteristic, we discuss the evolutionary process that shaped the preferences towards infantile traits as well as the phylogeny of the preference towards infant´s morphological traits. It was also presented data about the development of this behavioral trait across life span. The information provided here suggests a reason why we find babies such irresistible creatures.

  6. EST Table: AV399395 [KAIKOcDNA[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AV399395 NV120168 10/09/28 100 %/139 aa ref|NP_001037386.1| glyceraldehyde-3-phosph...ate dehydrogenase [Bombyx mori] gb|ABA43638.2| glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [Bombyx mori] 10/08/28 81 %/ 10/09/10 89 %/142 aa AGAP009623-PA Protein|3R:37154051:37155049:1|gene:AGAP009623 10/09/10 79 %/139... aa gnl|Amel|GB14798-PA 10/09/10 84 %/139 aa gi|91088023|ref|XP_974181.1| PREDICTED: similar to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase [Tribolium castaneum] DN237090 NV12 ...



    Åkerblom, Jacob


    Denna jämförelsestudie ämnar att undersöka marknadens leverantörer av nätverksutrustning de- finierade som Software Defined Wide Area Networks(SD-WAN). SD-WAN är en innovativ teknik som applicerar virtualisering och Software defined networking koncept i Wide Area Networks (WAN) för att skapa kostnadseffektiva nätverk. Studien har utförts på företaget Curitiba som idag arbetar med konsulttjänster inom utvalda WAN-optimering och SD-WAN-produkter. Arbetets syfte är att utvärdera SD-WAN-lösningar...

  8. Sediment nickel bioavailability and toxicity to estuarine crustaceans of contrasting bioturbative behaviors--an evaluation of the SEM-AVS paradigm. (United States)

    Chandler, G Thomas; Schlekat, Christian E; Garman, Emily R; He, Lijian; Washburn, Katherine M; Stewart, Emily R; Ferry, John L


    Robust sediment quality criteria require chemistry and toxicity data predictive of concentrations where population/community response should occur under known geochemical conditions. Understanding kinetic and geochemical effects on toxicant bioavailability is key, and these are influenced by infaunal sediment bioturbation. This study used fine-scale sediment and porewater measurement of contrasting infaunal effects on carbon-normalized SEM-AVS to evaluate safe or potentially toxic nickel concentrations in a high-binding Spartina saltmarsh sediment (4%TOC; 35-45 μmol-S2-·g(-1)). Two crustaceans producing sharply contrasting bioturbation--the copepod Amphiascus tenuiremis and amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus--were cultured in oxic to anoxic sediments with SEM[Ni]-AVS, TOC, porewater [Ni], and porewater DOC measured weekly. From 180 to 750 μg-Ni·g(-1) sediment, amphipod bioturbation reduced [AVS] and enhanced porewater [Ni]. Significant amphipod uptake, mortality, and growth-depression occurred at the higher sediment [Ni] even when [SEM-AVS]/foc suggested acceptable risk. Less bioturbative copepods produced higher AVS and porewater DOC but exhibited net population growth despite porewater [Ni] 1.3-1.7× their aqueous [Ni] LOEC. Copepod aqueous tests with/without dissolved organic matter showed significant aqueous DOC protection, which suggests porewater DOC attenuates sediment Ni toxicity. The SEM[Ni]-AVS relationship was predictive of acceptable risk for copepods at the important population-growth level.

  9. 78 FR 52872 - Airworthiness Directives; 328 Support Services GmbH (Type Certificate Previously Held by AvCraft... (United States)


    ... Services GmbH (Type Certificate Previously Held by AvCraft Aerospace GmbH; Fairchild Dornier GmbH; Dornier... certain 328 Support Services GmbH (Type Certificate Previously Held by AvCraft Aerospace GmbH; Fairchild... send any written relevant data, views, or arguments about this proposed AD. Send your comments to an...

  10. Microstructure of precipitates and magnetic domain structure in an annealed Co.sub.38./sub.Ni.sub.33./sub.Al.sub.29./sub. shape memory alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bártová, Barbora; Wiese, N.; Schryvers, D.; Chapman, J. N.; Ignacová, Silvia


    Roč. 56, č. 16 (2008), 4470-4476 ISSN 1359-6454 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : CoNiAl shape memory alloys * microstructure * precipitates * magnetic domains * Lorentz microscopy Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 3.729, year: 2008

  11. Odlévání turbínových kol turbodmychadel ze slitin TiAl technologií přesného lití

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zemčík, L.; Dlouhý, Antonín; Umshaus, J.


    Roč. 56, č. 9-10 (2008), s. 417-421 ISSN 0037-6825 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA106/07/0762 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : TiAl alloys * investment casting * turbocharger Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  12. Lessons learned about [F-18]-AV-1451 off-target binding from an autopsy-confirmed Parkinson's case. (United States)

    Marquié, Marta; Verwer, Eline E; Meltzer, Avery C; Kim, Sally Ji Who; Agüero, Cinthya; Gonzalez, Jose; Makaretz, Sara J; Siao Tick Chong, Michael; Ramanan, Prianca; Amaral, Ana C; Normandin, Marc D; Vanderburg, Charles R; Gomperts, Stephen N; Johnson, Keith A; Frosch, Matthew P; Gómez-Isla, Teresa


    [F-18]-AV-1451 is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) tracer with high affinity to neurofibrillary tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD). PET studies have shown increased tracer retention in patients clinically diagnosed with dementia of AD type and mild cognitive impairment in regions that are known to contain tau lesions. In vivo uptake has also consistently been observed in midbrain, basal ganglia and choroid plexus in elderly individuals regardless of their clinical diagnosis, including clinically normal whose brains are not expected to harbor tau pathology in those areas. We and others have shown that [F-18]-AV-1451 exhibits off-target binding to neuromelanin, melanin and blood products on postmortem material; and this is important for the correct interpretation of PET images. In the present study, we further investigated [F-18]-AV-1451 off-target binding in the first autopsy-confirmed Parkinson's disease (PD) subject who underwent antemortem PET imaging. The PET scan showed elevated [F-18]-AV-1451 retention predominantly in inferior temporal cortex, basal ganglia, midbrain and choroid plexus. Neuropathologic examination confirmed the PD diagnosis. Phosphor screen and high resolution autoradiography failed to show detectable [F-18]-AV-1451 binding in multiple brain regions examined with the exception of neuromelanin-containing neurons in the substantia nigra, leptomeningeal melanocytes adjacent to ventricles and midbrain, and microhemorrhages in the occipital cortex (all reflecting off-target binding), in addition to incidental age-related neurofibrillary tangles in the entorhinal cortex. Additional legacy postmortem brain samples containing basal ganglia, choroid plexus, and parenchymal hemorrhages from 20 subjects with various neuropathologic diagnoses were also included in the autoradiography experiments to better understand what [F-18]-AV-1451 in vivo positivity in those regions means. No detectable [F-18]-AV-1451 autoradiographic binding was

  13. A Comparison of the AVS-9 and the Panoramic Night Vision Goggles During Rotorcraft Hover and Landing (United States)

    Szoboszlay, Zoltan; Haworth, Loran; Simpson, Carol


    A flight test was conducted to assess any differences in pilot-vehicle performance and pilot opinion between the use of a current generation night vision goggle (the AVS-9) and one variant of the prototype panoramic night vision goggle (the PNVGII). The panoramic goggle has more than double the horizontal field-of-view of the AVS-9, but reduced image quality. Overall the panoramic goggles compared well to the AVS-9 goggles. However, pilot comment and data are consistent with the assertion that some of the benefits of additional field-of-view with the panoramic goggles were negated by the reduced image quality of the particular variant of the panoramic goggles tested.

  14. Performance comparison of AV1, HEVC, and JVET video codecs on 360 (spherical) video (United States)

    Topiwala, Pankaj; Dai, Wei; Krishnan, Madhu; Abbas, Adeel; Doshi, Sandeep; Newman, David


    This paper compares the coding efficiency performance on 360 videos, of three software codecs: (a) AV1 video codec from the Alliance for Open Media (AOM); (b) the HEVC Reference Software HM; and (c) the JVET JEM Reference SW. Note that 360 video is especially challenging content, in that one codes full res globally, but typically looks locally (in a viewport), which magnifies errors. These are tested in two different projection formats ERP and RSP, to check consistency. Performance is tabulated for 1-pass encoding on two fronts: (1) objective performance based on end-to-end (E2E) metrics such as SPSNR-NN, and WS-PSNR, currently developed in the JVET committee; and (2) informal subjective assessment of static viewports. Constant quality encoding is performed with all the three codecs for an unbiased comparison of the core coding tools. Our general conclusion is that under constant quality coding, AV1 underperforms HEVC, which underperforms JVET. We also test with rate control, where AV1 currently underperforms the open source X265 HEVC codec. Objective and visual evidence is provided.

  15. The Pattern of Brain Amyloid Load in Posterior Cortical Atrophy Using 18F-AV45: Is Amyloid the Principal Actor in the Disease

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    Emilie Beaufils


    Full Text Available Background: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA is characterized by progressive higher-order visuoperceptual dysfunction and praxis declines. This syndrome is related to a number of underlying diseases, including, in most cases, Alzheimer's disease (AD. The aim of this study was to compare the amyloid load with 18F-AV45 positron emission tomography (PET between PCA and AD subjects. Methods: We performed 18F-AV45 PET, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF biomarker analysis and a neuropsychological assessment in 11 PCA patients and 12 AD patients. Results: The global and regional 18F-AV45 uptake was similar in the PCA and AD groups. No significant correlation was observed between global 18F-AV45 uptake and CSF biomarkers or between regional 18F-AV45 uptake and cognitive and affective symptoms. Conclusion: This 18F-AV45 PET amyloid imaging study showed no specific regional pattern of cortical 18F-AV45 binding in PCA patients. These results confirm that a distinct clinical phenotype in amnestic AD and PCA is not related to amyloid distribution.

  16. The Pattern of Brain Amyloid Load in Posterior Cortical Atrophy Using 18F-AV45: Is Amyloid the Principal Actor in the Disease? (United States)

    Beaufils, Emilie; Ribeiro, Maria Joao; Vierron, Emilie; Vercouillie, Johnny; Dufour-Rainfray, Diane; Cottier, Jean-Philippe; Camus, Vincent; Mondon, Karl; Guilloteau, Denis; Hommet, Caroline


    Background Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is characterized by progressive higher-order visuoperceptual dysfunction and praxis declines. This syndrome is related to a number of underlying diseases, including, in most cases, Alzheimer's disease (AD). The aim of this study was to compare the amyloid load with 18F-AV45 positron emission tomography (PET) between PCA and AD subjects. Methods We performed 18F-AV45 PET, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarker analysis and a neuropsychological assessment in 11 PCA patients and 12 AD patients. Results The global and regional 18F-AV45 uptake was similar in the PCA and AD groups. No significant correlation was observed between global 18F-AV45 uptake and CSF biomarkers or between regional 18F-AV45 uptake and cognitive and affective symptoms. Conclusion This 18F-AV45 PET amyloid imaging study showed no specific regional pattern of cortical 18F-AV45 binding in PCA patients. These results confirm that a distinct clinical phenotype in amnestic AD and PCA is not related to amyloid distribution. PMID:25538727

  17. Calidad del aire en galpón avícola con ventilación natural durante la fase de pollitos

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    Robinson Osorio H.

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Los pollos de engorde durante la primera fase deben estar protegidos del estrés por frio, especialmente en el inverno, noches y madrugadas frías. Para proteger a los animales, los avicultores han utilizado diferentes estrategias, entre ellas está el uso de varias capas de cortinas para aumentar el nivel de aislamiento térmico y disminuir las pérdidas de calor, disminuyendo también la permeabilidad con el aire externo. En este contexto, es importante dar especial atención a la calidad del aire interno de los galpones avícolas como parte de una producción bajo parámetros de bienestar animal. El presente estudio fue realizado en el municipio de Barbacena, MG, en Brasil, y tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad del aire al nivel de los pollos y los trabajadores, específicamente de las concentraciones de amoniaco, dióxido de carbono y monóxido de carbono, en un galpón avícola naturalmente ventilado durante la primera fase de vida de pollos de engorde en el período de inverno, y la influencia del nivel de aislamiento con cortinas laterales sobre las concentraciones de amoniaco. Durante la primera semana experimental, los niveles de amoniaco sobrepasaron los valores aceptables, y se encontró diferencia estadística entre las concentraciones de amoniaco para los diferentes niveles de aislamiento con cortinas laterales.

  18. E-Læring som pedagogisk virkemiddel for innlæring av anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi i sykepleierutdanningen

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    Mona Elisabeth Meyer


    Full Text Available Utgangspunktet for studien er at naturvitenskaplige fag, særlig anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi (AFB, oppleves som vanskelig for sykepleierstudentene. Hensikten var å undersøke om læringsverktøyet e-læring, i form av nettester, kan være et effektivt virkemiddel til innlæring av og påvirke læringsutbyttet i AFB.Førsteårsstudentene i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Akershus fikk et spørreskjema med 23 spørsmål som ble besvart anonymt.Resultatet av studentundersøkelsen viste at nettoppgavene ble mye brukt, og at studentene mente de ga et godt læringsutbytte. Nettoppgaver med umiddelbar feedback gir stor studentaktivitet og «time-on-task». Testene kan tette hullet mellom det studentene forventes å kunne og det de faktisk kan, og egner seg til faktafag som m å pugges og forstås. E-læring kan gi god hjelp til studenters strukturering av tid, læringsstrategier og selvregulering.Læringsutbyttet av nettester diskuteres i lys av nytten av umiddelbar feedback i et pedagogisk perspektiv.AbstractThe starting point of the study is that the natural sciences, particularly anatomy, physiology and biochemistry (collectively known as APB, are often difficult subjects for nursing students. The aim was to investigate whether e-learning tools, in terms of web services, can be an effective educational tool and affect learning outcomes in APB.First year students in the Bachelor's degree program in nursing at Akershus University College of Applied Sciences received a questionnaire with 23 questions, which were answered anonymously.The results of the student survey showed that online tasks were widely used, and that students felt they resulted in good learning outcomes. Online training with immediate feedback shows great student activity and “time-on-task.” These tests can close the gap between what the students are expected to know and what they actually do, and is suitable for factual subjects requiring both memorization and

  19. Lovligheten av utleie på Airbnb - Kan utleie på Airbnb medføre tvangssalg?


    Isaksen, Marie


    Emnet for oppgaven er lovligheten av utleie av eierseksjonsleiligheter på Airbnb. Oppgaven skal belyse om utleie gjennom Airbnb kan medføre vesentlig mislighold, og dermed gi grunnlag for tvangssalg. Det fokusere på fire forhold som kan føre til at utleie på Airbnb kan medføre vesentlig mislighold; bruk i strid med vedtekter, bruk i strid med husordensregler, formålsstridig bruk, og bruk til unødvendig eller urimelig ulemper eller skader for naboene.

  20. Che cos'è la conoscenza? un universo in espansione

    CERN Document Server

    Franceschini, Guiliano


    Il testo propone un viaggio nell'universo della conoscenza, tra le galassie di conoscenza (religione, scienza, arte), nel cervello (percezione, apprendimento, memoria) e nell'etica (dalla conoscenza all'educazione). Le argomentazioni si espandono attraverso un registro comunicativo intuitivo, tra divulgazione e speculazione, attraverso esempi e riferimenti concreti, rivolgendosi in alcuni casi direttamente al lettore.

  1. Development of an Advanced Aidman Vision Screener (AVS) for selective assessment of outer and inner laser induced retinal injury (United States)

    Boye, Michael W.; Zwick, Harry; Stuck, Bruce E.; Edsall, Peter R.; Akers, Andre


    The need for tools that can assist in evaluating visual function is an essential and a growing requirement as lasers on the modern battlefield mature and proliferate. The requirement for rapid and sensitive vision assessment under field conditions produced the USAMRD Aidman Vision Screener (AVS), designed to be used as a field diagnostic tool for assessing laser induced retinal damage. In this paper, we describe additions to the AVS designed to provide a more sensitive assessment of laser induced retinal dysfunction. The AVS incorporates spectral LogMar Acuity targets without and with neural opponent chromatic backgrounds. Thus, it provides the capability of detecting selective photoreceptor damage and its functional consequences at the level of both the outer and inner retina. Modifications to the original achromatic AVS have been implemented to detect selective cone system dysfunction by providing LogMar acuity Landolt rings associated with the peak spectral absorption regions of the S (short), M (middle), and L (long) wavelength cone photoreceptor systems. Evaluation of inner retinal dysfunction associated with selective outer cone damage employs LogMar spectral acuity charts with backgrounds that are neurally opponent. Thus, the AVS provides the capability to assess the effect of selective cone dysfunction on the normal neural balance at the level of the inner retinal interactions. Test and opponent background spectra have been optimized by using color space metrics. A minimal number of three AVS evaluations will be utilized to provide an estimate of false alarm level.

  2. Hva er dine venner verdt? : om ledernes bruk av sosial kapital hos håndverkerbedrifter i Lillestrøm.


    Stornes, Stein Marius


    I denne oppgaven har jeg valgt Sosial Kapital som tema. Jeg har undersøkt hvordan ledere av håndverksbedrifter i Lillestrøm stiller seg til bruk av sitt sosiale nettverk. Her var det viktig for meg å finne ut hvordan de bruker nettverket, hva de kan hente gjennom nettverket og hvilken betydning det har for bedriften. Sosial kapital er et begrep som har ulike definisjoner, men jeg har fokusert på sosial kapital som verdien av sosiale nettverk og relasjoner. Sosial kapital er et begrep som...

  3. The effects of small metal additions (Co, Cu, Ga, Mn, Al, Bi, Sn) on the magnetocaloric properties of the Gd5Ge2Si2 alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Shull, R. D.; Provenzano, V.; Shapiro, A. J.; Fu, A.; Lufaso, M. W.; Karapetrova, J.; Kletetschka, Günther; Mikula, V.


    Roč. 99, č. 8 (2006), s. 8-8 ISSN 0021-8979 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : magnetocaloric * (Co, Cu, Ga, Mn, Al, Bi, Sn) additions * Cryogenic properties Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 2.316, year: 2006

  4. L’alienazione della donna tra esibizione e occultamento del corpo: dall’oscenità alla costruzione tecnica

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    Ines Testoni


    Full Text Available L’articolo discute della contrapposizione tra la modalità italiana di considerare il corpo della donna, quale mero oggetto di desiderio sessuale, attraverso la sua esibizione e ildenudamento mediatici versus quella musulmana che, invece, lo nasconde sotto khimar,jilbab o burqa. L'analisi fa perno sui diritti umani fondamentali che nel loro percorsostorico, promuovono il primato dell’individuo e della sua autodeterminazione, per arri-vare a considerare i concetti di alienazione e di oscenità e verificare come le due posi-zioni siano in continuità. Si discute, quindi, delle possibili cause che, anche nell’attualesocietà occidentale, potrebbero ripristinare forme di tradizionalismo, a partire dalla stessa volontà delle donne.

  5. Desenvolvimento e exigências térmicas de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, criados em duas traças do tomateiro

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    Full Text Available Estudou-se a biologia de Trichogramma pretiosum em ovos de Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller e Tuta absoluta (Meyrick em diferentes temperaturas (18, 20, 22, 25, 30 e 32ºC, 70±10% de umidade relativa e fotofase de 14 horas, com o objetivo de se determinarem as exigências térmicas, bem como o número de gerações durante o ano. Houve correlação inversa entre a duração do ciclo e o aumento de temperatura na faixa térmica estudada. A razão sexual, no entanto, não foi afetada pela temperatura quando o hospedeiro foi T. absoluta. A viabilidade de T. pretiosum, criado em P. operculella foi mais afetada que em T. absoluta. A exigência térmica, calculada pelo método da hipérbole, foi maior no tocante a T. absoluta (131,3 graus dia em relação a P. operculella (120,9 graus dia, e o limiar térmico inferior, respectivamente, 12,98 e 13,53°C. No que tange a ambas as espécies de traças, a longevidade do parasitóide sempre obedeceu à distribuição de Weibull. O potencial de aumento foi avaliado, em ambas as espécies de traças, com base no número de gerações anuais.

  6. I betraktarens ögon – Betydelsen av kön och ålder för studenters läraromdömen

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    Martin Karlsson


    Full Text Available Under senare år har studenters läraromdömen allt mer hamnat i fokus inom skola såväl som högre utbildning. Parallellt med dessa utvecklingar har olika typer av internettjänster genom vilka studenter kan betygsätta sina lärare dykt upp i flera länder. I Sverige lanserades 2008 tjänsten ”Studenter tycker till” (STT där studenter kan registrera sig och fylla i bedömningar av lärare enligt kriterierna utlärningsförmåga, kunskap, engagemang och lärandestöd. I denna studie undersöks betydelsen av lärarens kön och ålder för studenters läraromdömen genom en kvantitativ analys av omdömen av 98 högskole- och universitetslärare som givits på hemsidan STT. Syftet är att synliggöra hur sociala markörer, i detta fall om läraren är man eller kvinna, ung eller gammal, spelar en stor roll för hur en lärare utvärderas. Resultaten visar att kvinnor och unga lärare systematiskt ges lägre betyg av studenter, än män och äldre lärare. Studenter är således inte könsblinda eller oberoende av föreställningar om förhållandet mellan ålder och kompetens i sina bedömningar. Studien aktualiserar betydelsen av sociala markörer så som kön och ålder måste synliggöras och tas i beaktning när studenters utvärderingar av lärare och kurser behandlas inom högre utbildning.

  7. Overvåking av vannkvaliteten i Mesna-vassdraget 1992-94. Årsrapport for undersøkelsen i 1993


    Rognerud, S.; Løvik, J.; Kjellberg, G.; Romstad, R.


    Reinsvatn, Mellsjøen, Kroksjøen og Sjusjøen er alle det vi kan kalle middels næringsrike innsjøer (mesotrofe). De har imidlertid en vannkvalitet som gjør at de ligger nær overgangssonen til forhold som er typisk næringsrike (eutrofe) innsjøer. Alle disse innsjøene har påslag av næringssalter som er forårsaket av menneskelig aktivitet i området. Dette er vurdert ut fra algemengdene i Sør Mesna, Lyngen og Hornsjøen som betraktes som referanselokalitet for innsjøer med innslag av skifer i nærned...

  8. Anpassning av ett avgassystem för en motkolvstvåtaktsmotor med HCCI-förbränning




    Målet för detta examensarbete har varit att förbättra driften av en motkolvs tvåtaktsmotormed HCCI-förbränning. Huvudfokus för arbetet har varit på gasväxlingsprocessen, dåfrämst avgasprocessen.Motorn har studerats med utgångspunkt från hur en tvåtakts Otto-cykel fungerar.Gasväxlingsprocessen i tvåtaktsmotorer kännetecknas av behovet av att snabbt få ut denförbrända gasen och införa ny blandning vid varje expansionstakt, samt avsaknaden avventiler. Behovet att kunna kontrollera gasflödet geno...

  9. Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin


    de Campos Pereira, Hugo


    Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin Hugo de Campos Pereira Syftet med detta arbete har varit att kartlägga vilka mekanismer som styr lösligheten av sällsynta jordartsmetaller (eng. rare earth elements, REE) i sulfidhaltig anrikningssand vid den föredetta gruvan Källfallsfältet i Västmanland. För syftet har markvatten- och grundvattenprovtagning utförts, tillsammans med laktester och geokemisk modellering med Visual MINTEQ ver. 3.0. Resulta...

  10. Förbättring av IKEAs Kvalitetstester och Hantering av Kundklagomål : - Köksluckor och Bänkskivor


    Assbring, Lisa; Halilović, Elma


    IKEA grundades 1943 av Ingvar Kamprad och återförsäljs idag i 44 länder runt om i världen. Med den 25-års garanti på kök som IKEA erbjuder har det blivit allt viktigare för dem att bekräfta kvaliteten på kökssortimentet och hur tillfredsställd kunden är. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att identifiera de mest kritiska faktorerna för köksfronter och bänkskivor baserat på nuvarande kundklagomål och vilka testmetoder som kan användas för att testa dessa faktorer i produktutvecklingsproc...

  11. Responsabilità giuridica e scienze sperimentali sul vivente

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    Patrick Nerhot


    Full Text Available SOMMARIO: 1. Il "vivente": inoperosità dei concetti della filosofia profana dei Lumi - 2. La ricerca-costruzione di una infinita-fine - 3. Le scienze "sperimentali" come la non distinzione tra "causa" e "effetto" - 4. La nuova questione di metodo posta al "vivente" - 5. La sfida di una etica come adeguazione tra etica e metodo.

  12. Lion walking freely in the Louvre


    Dimitrijević, Braco


    Nel 1996 Braco Dimitrijević, intervistato da Jean-Hubert Martin per “Flash Art” ha affermato: Se si guarda la terra dalla luna non c’è praticamente alcuna distanza tra il Louvre e lo zoo. Ci sono gabbie allo zoo così come ci sono al Louvre. Il mio ultimo obiettivo è rimuovere le porte e vedere i leoni liberi al Louvre. Questo progetto utopico, donato a MoRE, si inserisce all’interno di quella linea di ricerca basata appunto sull’accostamento tra importanti collezioni espositive ed animali viv...

  13. Pittsburgh Compound B and AV-1451 positron emission tomography assessment of molecular pathologies of Alzheimer's disease in progressive supranuclear palsy. (United States)

    Whitwell, Jennifer L; Ahlskog, J Eric; Tosakulwong, Nirubol; Senjem, Matthew L; Spychalla, Anthony J; Petersen, Ronald C; Jack, Clifford R; Lowe, Val J; Josephs, Keith A


    Little is known about Alzheimer's disease molecular proteins, beta-amyloid and paired helical filament (PHF) tau, in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Recent techniques have been developed to allow for investigations of these proteins in PSP. We determined the frequency of beta-amyloid deposition in PSP, and whether beta-amyloid deposition in PSP is associated with PHF-tau deposition pattern, or clinical features. Thirty probable PSP participants underwent MRI, [ 18 F]AV-1451 PET and Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) PET. Apolipoprotein (APOE) genotyping was also performed. A global PiB standard-uptake value ratio (SUVR) was calculated. AV-1451 SUVRs were calculated for a set of Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related regions and a set of PSP-related regions. Voxel-level analyses were conducted to assess for differences in AV-1451 uptake patterns and MRI atrophy between PiB(+) and PiB(-) cases compared to 60 normal PiB(-) controls. Statistical testing for correlations and associations between variables of interest were also performed. Twelve subjects (40%) showed beta-amyloid deposition. Higher PiB SUVR correlated with older age but not with AV-1451 SUVR in the AD- or PSP-related regions. Higher AV-1451 SUVR in AD-related regions was associated with higher AV-1451 SUVR in PSP-related regions. We found little evidence for beta-amyloid related differences in clinical metrics, proportion of APOE e4 carriers, pattern of AV-1451 uptake, or pattern of atrophy. Beta-amyloid deposition occurs in a relatively high proportion of PSP subjects. Unlike in Alzheimer's disease, however, there is little evidence that beta-amyloid, and PHF-tau, play a significant role in neurodegeneration in PSP. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Quam maximis potest itineribus: andata e ritorno della costruzione tra immagine e modello nello spazio grafico della geometria descrittiva

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    Matteo Ballarin


    Full Text Available Il contributo testimonia una strategia d'insegnamento congiunto del rilievo architettonico, della geometria descrittiva e del disegno digitale concepita come un viaggio di andata e ritorno tra immagine e modello. Iniziando dalla fotogrammetria elementare e dalle tecniche di foto-modellazione offerte da software (gratuiti e dotati di un'interfaccia sufficientemente  intuitiva si possono poi introdurre – col metodo di Monge – le tecniche del rilievo topografico, giungendo alla costruzione interdefinita di un unico modello digitale degli oggetti del rilievo. Il circolo didattico si chiude poi costruendo rappresentazioni tabulari tradizionali dei modelli.

  15. 30 CFR 773.8 - General provisions for review of permit application information and entry of information into AVS. (United States)


    ... application information and entry of information into AVS. 773.8 Section 773.8 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF... into AVS. (a) Based on an administratively complete application, we, the regulatory authority, must undertake the reviews required under §§ 773.9 through 773.11 of this part. (b) We will enter into AVS— (1...

  16. Djur som stöd i demensvården : Hur personer med demenssjukdom påverkas av djur i omvårdnaden


    Olménius, Fanny; Boström, Anna


    Bakgrund: Varje år insjuknar uppskattningsvis 25 000 personer i Sverige i någon form av demenssjukdom. Behovet av anpassad vård för denna specifika grupp kräver nya och även utvecklade omvårdnadsmetoder. I nuläget finns ingen botande behandling för de olika demenssjukdomarna, utan fokus ligger vid att mildra besvären av sjukdomsbundna symtom. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) och Animal-assisted activity (AAA) har blivit allt mer populärt inom olika områden av omvårdnadsarbete. Djur kan inverka p...

  17. Screening av PFAS og Dekloran forbindelser i utvalgte arktiske toppredatorer


    Schlabach, Martin; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Herzke, Dorte; Hanssen, Linda; Routti, Heli; Borgen, Anders


    This report summarizes the findings of a screening study into the occurrence of selected perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and dechloranes in Arctic top predators. The emerging PFCs F53 F53B, and PFBS were not detected neither in bird eggs nor in mammals. However, different dechloranes were detected in all samples. Screening av PFAS og Dekloran forbindelser i utvalgte arktiske toppredatorer

  18. 15-åringers opplevelser av overvekt hos jevnaldrende, en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk studie

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    Reidun Rognsaa


    Full Text Available Hensikten med denne studien er å studere hvordan 15-åringer opplever overvekt hos jevnaldrende. Datamaterialet består av dybdeintervju med syv ungdommer. Det er benyttet fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk analyse. Ungdommene opplever å stå i en posisjon mellom makt og avmakt. I denne mellomposisjonen framkommer det at ungdommene distanserer seg ved hjelp av relasjonell makt, men samtidig setter de seg selv i en avmaktssituasjon i forhold til ungdomskulturens spilleregler. Ungdommene moraliserer ved å skape en situasjon hvor de underkjenner overvektige, samtidig mangler de ytterligere sanksjoneringsmuligheter. Rangordninger skapes gjennom at ungdommene degraderer overvektige, men de må selv også innordne seg i egen kultur. Ungdommene fratar overvektige sitt menneskeverd gjennom å redusere menneskelige egenskaper og gjør dem til objekt. Gjennom denne objektiviseringen setter de seg selv utenfor det å få tak i overvektiges refleksjons- og erfaringsgrunnlag.

  19. Språkkartlegging av flerspråklige barn i barnehagen - fra kontrovers til kompromiss?

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    Nassira Essahli Vik


    Full Text Available Språkkartlegging i barnehagen er et konfliktfylt felt som preges av enten/eller tenkning. På den ene siden ser kartleggingstilhengerne ut til å ha en positivistisk tro på at kartlegging kan bidra til løsninger på alt fra enkeltbarns behov for hjelp, til tilrettelegging for livslang læring og sosial utjevning. På den andre siden ser kartleggingsskeptikerne ut til å befinne seg innenfor den nordiske barnehagemodellen, som tradisjonelt bygger på et helhetlig syn på læring og på en sterk vektlegging av barndommens egenverdi. Spenningen kan ha store konsekvenser for praksisfeltet. I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg språkkartleggingsdiskursen i lys av teori om vitenskapelige kontroverser og konkluderer med at det er åpning for kompromisser, men også at det er tendenser i diskursen som snarere kan forsterke enn redusere uenigheten om språkkartlegging av flerspråklige barn i barnehagen. Mapping of language skills in early childhood education and care (ECEC institutions is controversial. On the one hand, there are those who support language mapping based on a belief that mapping and measuring can help language acquisition and facilitate lifelong learning and social integration. On the other hand, there are skeptics who oppose mapping and emphasize the values of childhood. This article discusses the discourses on language mapping in light of theories on scientific controversies. Based on the analysis I find that although there are openings for compromises, it seems that tendencies in the discourse may amplify rather than reduce the controversy on the language mapping of multilingual children in Norwegian ECEC institutions.

  20. Dubbel ABC-analys av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar för en blombutik


    Ruokolainen, Daniela


    Kirkkonummen Kukkapiste är en blombutik i Kyrkslätt centrum, som år 2012 utvidgade sitt sortiment av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. Konkurrensen är hög och en ABC-analys kan hjälpa företagare att identifiera vilka faktorer i ett företag som det lönar sig att lägga tid och resurser på, vilket i sin tur effektiverar verksamheten. Syftet med detta arbete är att med hjälp av en dubbel ABC-analys för Kirkkonummen Kukkapiste ta reda på vilka inrednings- och gåvoartiklar som binder mest kapital och v...