
Sample records for totally amazing careers


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isar, Nicoletta

    VICTOR HAGEA's "Amazing!" includes 28 amazing artworks of Victor Hagea (lives and works in Munchen /Germany) and 14 critical essays and work reviews by Nicoletta Isar ((lives and works in Copenhagen /Denmark).  Size 12¼ x 10 in / 31,5 x 25 cm,  66 color pages, hardcover and  Busines Replay Card......, quality printed in Europe. Marketing and distribution through large book wholesalers and ecommerce channels in US bookstores and eCommerce internationally including Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon in USA, Amazon Canada, Amazon France, Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon Australia and others. The book...... is created by Petru A. RUSSU, editor and publisher of World of Art (WOA), fine artist (lives and works in London and Stockholm)....

  2. Measurement of Social Media Marketing Performance on Klik-Amazing's Product at Marketing Division, Klik-Amazing


    Alim, Ihwanul; Iskandar, Budi Permadi


    Internet in Indonesia grew fast. Indonesian do socialize in online social media, also. Klik-Amazing was small company run in media industry and used online social media to do the marketing communication.Customer's media habit consumption also shifting from offline media (without internet) into offline and online (by internet) media, including the online social media. The most used online social media were facebook and twitter. Klik-Amazing prepares their low cost-marketing strategy by these o...

  3. Ainda a Amazônia

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    Mario B. Aragão


    Full Text Available No momento há grande preocupação com tentativas de internacionalizar a Amazônia. Entretanto, um exame rápido da história da região mostra que a reação, provocada por tentativas semelhantes, sempre deu resultados benéficos. O problema mais sério que o desmatamento da Amazônia provocará, é a mudança no total e, possivelmente, no regime das chuvas, tanto na região como nas áreas vizinhas. Os 6,5 trilhões de metros cúbicos de água que são evaporados, anualmente, pela floresta, em sua quase totalidade deixarão de entrar na circulação atmosférica. Essa quantidade de vapor d'água é que fornece 50% da chuva que cai na bacia. A questão do "pulmão do mundo" já foi suficientemente explicada, pois, uma floresta em estado "climax" não pode ter saldo de oxigênio. Além disso, o grande lançador de gás carbônico na atmosfera é o consumismo dos países ricos. Entretanto, resultados recentes parecem mostrar que esse gás carbônico não está provocando efeito estufa e aumentando a tempertura da terra. A experiência internacional e também a nacional têm mostrado que a melhor maneira de proteger uma floresta é dar a ela uma utilidade, logicamente, do ponto de vista do homem. A melhor proposta surgida até hoje foi a da criação das florestas regionais de rendimento, onde empresas madeireiras receberiam concessão para explorá-las, sem se tornarem proprietárias nem da terra nem da vegetação. Não é de hoje a vinculação entre floresta amazônica e dívida externa. Desde os projetos pecuários até os grandes empreendimentos industriais e de mineração, todos têm sido incentivados na ilusão de obter divisas para o pagamento da dívida externa. O problema das represas precisa ser repensado; está sendo inutilizada muita terra para a produção de pouca energia que, além do mais, pouco beneficiará a população brasileira. Os garimpos, tradicionalmente, têm sustentado o contrabando, principalmente de ouro e as

  4. Exploring the epididymis: a personal perspective on careers in science

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    Terry T Turner


    Full Text Available Science is a profession of inquiry. We ask ourselves what is it we see and why our observations happen the way they do. Answering those two question puts us in the company of those early explorers, who from Europe found the New World, and from Asia reached west to encounter Europe. Vasco Núñez de Balboa of Spain was such an explorer. He was the first European to see or "discover" the Pacific Ocean. One can imagine his amazement, his excitement when he first saw from a mountain top that vast ocean previously unknown to his culture. A career in science sends each of us seeking our own "Balboa Moments," those observations or results that surprise or even amaze us, those discoveries that open our eyes to new views of nature and medicine. Scientists aim to do what those early explorers did: discover what has previously been unknown, see what has previously been unseen, and reveal what has previously been hidden. Science requires the scientist to discover the facts from among many fictions and to separate the important facts from the trivial so that knowledge can be properly developed. It is only with knowledge that old dogmas can be challenged and corrected. Careers in science produce specific sets of knowledge. When pooled with other knowledge sets they eventually contribute to wisdom and it is wisdom, we hope, that will improve the human condition.

  5. IWiN’s “My Amazing Future” Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marshall, F.; Bingham, M.; Phillip, A. M.


    In 2007, the Idaho Women in Nuclear (IWiN) chapter was asked to host a junior high school group of girls for “Girls in Technology,” a programme to introduce eighth grade girls to science and technology career opportunities. The following year, the programme was renamed “My Amazing Future,” and it has grown steadily from a very modest beginning, hosting only 35 girls and four workshops, to a much more diverse program, sponsored by over ten southeast Idaho organizations, and offering 15 different workshops to over 120 girls, from ten different junior high schools in southeast Idaho. The objective of the programme has not wavered from its initial aim of encouraging girls to explore their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and to consider STEM careers. Initially, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), a US Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory, was asked to be the single sponsor of this program, and all the workshops were presented by INL scientists, engineers, and technicians, most of them women. This aligned well with one of the laboratory missions to support K–12 educational programmes. As other organizations in southeast Idaho heard about the program, they asked to participate and the variety of the technical workshops expanded. Workshops topics are radiation science (“You are Radioactive!”), volcanoes, physics of carnival games, robotics, chemistry (solving crimes using chemistry), cyber security (how easy it is for someone to spy on you using your cell phone), hydrology of the Snake River Aquifer, and many others. Additionally, IWiN has sought sponsors from the private sector, state government, and from several professional engineering organizations. This presentation will provide more details of the program, and some suggestions on how similar organizations can create programmes that are suited to their specific organizational aims meeting the needs in their individual communities. (author)

  6. Amazing variational approach to chemical reactions


    Fernández, Francisco M.


    In this letter we analyse an amazing variational approach to chemical reactions. Our results clearly show that the variational expressions are unsuitable for the analysis of empirical data obtained from chemical reactions.

  7. Amazônia: a vision that emerges from the waters

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    Ricardo José Nogueira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do texto é fazer emergir do pesado manto do discurso acadêmico uma outra visáo da Amazonia, não a dos holofotes dos grandes eventos que incandescem o observador, impedindo-o de ver além de sua luz, mas de urna Amazonia de acontecimentos quase imperceptíveis que lhe dão vida. Uma Amazônia que acontece nos vales fluviais, a Amazônia das várzeas, e ainda preserva um modo de vida peculiar, extremamente dinâmico e com rede própria de relações. Uma Amazônia que permanece na sombra. Ou na água, esquecida ou negada com a máscara do atraso para ser superada. Que contudo teima em existir, e não se constitui, para o discurso hegemônico, como foco ou vítima da ação dos atores dominantes. É dessa Amazônia que o texto fala, dando-lhe uma visáo de dentro, do seu âmago. Uma visão que emerge das águas...

  8. Octavio Ianni, ditadura militar e a Amazônia


    Chagas, Rodrigo P.; Universidade Federal de Roraima. Curso de Ciências Sociais


    Neste artigo visamos apresentar algumas categorias fundamentais para compreendermos as análises do sociólogo Octávio Ianni sobre a Ditadura Militar e o processo de “desenvolvimento capitalista” na região amazônica. Tal esforço se realiza por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica que explicite as problemáticas centrais que o autor estabelece para deflagrar as articulações históricas entre o projeto de Brasil da Ditadura Militar e a região amazônica.

  9. Aragón, Luis E. (2013), Amazônia: conhecer para desenvolver e conservar. Cinco temas para um debate


    Corbin, Hisakhana Pahoona


    Neste livro discutem-se cinco questões, cada uma num capítulo, com o propósito de incitar debates sobre os grandes desafios ambientais, sociais e econômicos que envolvem o desenvolvimento da Amazônia: 1. Amazônia, conceito polissêmico?; 2. Amazônia vazio demográfico?; 3. Amazônia, terra incógnita?; 4. Migração internacional, nova descoberta da Amazônia?; 5. Há futuro para o desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia? Esses questionamentos, argumenta o autor, “alicerçam-se na premissa de que o co...

  10. Principais políticas de fomento do turismo na Amazônia: análise dos primeiros planos de turismo da Amazônia (PTA I e II e do PROECOTUR

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    Kassia Suelen da Silva Farias


    Full Text Available Verifica-se que o turismo tem passado por inúmeras transformações no que concerne ao planejamento e gestão da atividade. Observa-se que desde a década de 1970 tem-se pensado em diferentes modelos de desenvolvimento de turismo para a Amazônia, almejando o progresso econômico e social. Neste processo, na década de 1970, a Superintendência de Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (SUDAM, deu inicio a discursão de criação do primeiro Plano de Turismo da Amazônia (PTA que deu inicio na década de 1980 até 1985. A partir da década de 1990 as estratégias de turismo para a região foram desenvolvidas em conformidade com a preocupação mundial em torno da natureza e do homem. Produto deste contexto, o II PTA foi lançado com o objetivo principal de desenvolver medidas que conciliassem o desenvolvimento econômico às questões ambientais e sociais. Outra ação também importante para esse período foi a promoção do desenvolvimento regional por meio de polos de turismo integrados, conforme determinava o PROECOTUR. O objetivo deste artigo, portanto, consiste em destacar as primeiras políticas públicas de turismo para o desenvolvimento dos estados e municípios da Amazônia que deram inicio a partir de 1970. Para isso, a estruturação conceitual do trabalho fundamentou-se em políticas públicas e planejamento de turismo na Amazônia. Utiliza-se como metodologia a pesquisa documental, por meio de diagnóstico que enfatiza os principais resultados obtidos pelos I e II Planos de Turismo da Amazônia, a partir da interpretação e análise documental; O artigo também adota a pesquisa bibliográfica, pois analisa as principais estratégias de desenvolvimento do turismo na Amazônia. A partir de tal análise, conclui-se que as mudanças políticas de turismo ocorridas na Amazônia entre a década de 1970 e 1990 - apesar de estarem acompanhadas por ações de planejamento do governo nacional e até mesmo pelas tendências mundiais - n

  11. YALSA 2011 Fabulous Films & Amazing Audiobooks (United States)

    School Library Journal, 2011


    The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), announced its 2011 annual lists of Fabulous Films for Young Adults and Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults ages 12 to 18. This article presents the titles which were released in January 2011 during the ALA Midwinter meeting in San Diego,…

  12. Amazônia: uma fronteira volátil

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    Antônio Cláudio Rabello


    Full Text Available O artigo procura construir uma abordagem teórica para se pensar a fronteira amazônica e suas atuais perspectivas, quando a discussão sobre desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade ambiental a colocam na ordem do dia. Partindo da análise de outras formulações acerca da fronteira amazônica e do processo de expansão sobre a mesma no final dos anos 1960, procuramos identificar as contribuições e os limites do conceito de fronteira adotado pelos autores. Mais do que identificar as ações sobre uma região de fronteira, buscamos teorizar sobre a construção do conceito, demonstrando que o mecanismo que constrói a fronteira e denomina uma região enquanto tal é um mecanismo de poder.

  13. Reciclagem de Precipitação na Bacia Amazônica: O Papel do Transporte de Umidade e da Evapotranspiração da Superfície

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    Vinícius Machado Rocha

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar a distribuição dos componentes do balanço de água e da reciclagem de precipitação na bacia amazônica, abordando os mecanismos físicos associados ao processo de reciclagem. De forma geral, a bacia amazônica se comporta como um sumidouro de umidade da atmosfera, recebendo vapor d'água tanto do transporte de origem oceânica quanto da evaportranspiração da floresta por meio do processo de reciclagem de precipitação. Em escala regional, a Amazônia representa uma importante fonte de umidade para outras regiões da América do Sul, contribuindo para o regime da precipitação em outras áreas do continente. Na média, a reciclagem de precipitação é da ordem de 20% na bacia amazônica, com valores variando entre 15% na porção norte e 40% na porção sul. Dessa forma, do total da precipitação na bacia, aproximadamente, 20% é decorrente do processo de evapotranspiração local; indicando que, a contribuição local para a precipitação total representa um percentual significativo no balanço de água regional e desempenha um importante papel no ciclo hidrológico amazônico. Entretanto, as variabilidades e mudanças no sistema climático devido tanto às variações naturais quanto antropogênicas (aumento na emissão de gases estufa e desflorestamento podem afetar a reciclagem e o ciclo hdrológico regional.

  14. C-orgânico, N-total e substâncias húmicas sob influência da introdução de pastagens (Brachiaria sp. em áreas de cerrado e floresta amazônica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. M. Longo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da intervenção humana na remoção da cobertura original e seu posterior uso agrícola, pela introdução de pastagem (Brachiaria sp na região do cerrado (Senador Canedo-GO, junto à Empresa Goiana de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMGOPA, e da floresta amazônica (Porto Velho-RO, junto à Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA, tendo como atributos principais de análises modificações nos teores de nitrogênio total, carbono orgânico, relação C/N e frações de ácidos fúlvicos, ácidos húmicos e humina. As amostras foram coletadas em setembro de 1995, em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo argiloso, ao longo de uma transeção que continha 24 pontos: 12 sob vegetação natural e 12 sob pastagem plantada, em duas profundidades, em ambos os ecossistemas. Os resultados permitiram observar uma diminuição nas concentrações de ácido fúlvico e humina e nos teores de N-total e C-orgânico na mudança da condição de vegetação natural para pastagem; os maiores valores foram encontrados no horizonte Ao, principalmente no solo sob floresta amazônica, revelando uma queda brusca deste para o subjacente, evidenciando o efeito do tipo da cobertura vegetal sobre o teor e sobre a distribuição dos componentes orgânicos em solos tropicais.

  15. Marketing Career Speed Networking: A Classroom Event to Foster Career Awareness (United States)

    Buff, Cheryl L.; O'Connor, Suzanne


    This paper describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of a marketing career speed networking event held during class time in two sections of the consumer behavior class. The event was coordinated through a partnering effort with marketing faculty and the college's Career Center. A total of 57 students participated in the event, providing…

  16. Variação sazonal dos valores de bioquímica sérica de jiboias amazônicas (Boa constrictor constrictor mantidas em cativeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis José da Silva Lima


    Full Text Available   Na região Norte do Brasil, as estações do ano não são bem definidas como acontece nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, devido ao clima equatorial quente e úmido, com um período mais chuvoso, conhecido como inverno amazônico, e um período menos chuvoso, conhecido como verão amazônico. Com esta pesquisa, objetivou-se avaliar a variação dos valores bioquímicos séricos de jiboias amazônicas correlacionadas com a sazonalidade da região. Foram realizadas análises bioquímicas séricas (AST, ALT, DHL, FA, cálcio, ácido úrico, fósforo, proteína total, albumina e globulina de 31 serpentes da espécie Boa constrictor constrictor, mantidas em cativeiro. Levando em consideração a variável sazonalidade, observou-se que oito dos dez parâmetros são maiores no inverno em comparação ao verão (proteína total, albumina, globulina, ALT, AST, FA, DHL e cálcio sendo que os valores de ALT, AST e cálcio mostraram ter diferenças estatísticas significantes no verão e inverno amazônicos, enquanto que os demais parâmetros parecem não ser influenciados pela sazonalidade. Esta foi a primeira pesquisa, em cativeiro, analisando o perfil bioquímico sérico serpentes Boa constrictor constrictor no Estado do Pará.

  17. International career motives, repatriation and career success of Indian women in science & technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Valk, Reimira; van der Velde, E.G.; van Engen, Marloes; Godbole, R.


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into international career motives, repatriation and career success of Indian women in Science and Technology. Design/methodology/approach In total, 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted with (upper) middle-class Indian women in Science and

  18. Card Sort Technique in Vocational Guidance/Career Counseling: Pilot Study about Career Values

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    Tülin ACAR


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to develop and to pilot a not-test technique for assessing career and work values. This instrument was developed during a Career Counseling course taught by one of the authors of this paper. The first stage of development was the generation of a master list of career and work values, as reflected in the current literature related to theories and vocational research. From this master list 38 career values were selected resulting in the final deck that was used in testing. This deck of cards was given the name Career Values Cards (MEDEK and administered to a total of 75 high school students. Following administration each of the subjects was asked to complete a MEDEK evaluation form designed to assess reactions to the MEDEK experience. Results of the survey indicated that the MEDEK was an easy-to-use, understandable, and enjoyable technique to increase self-awareness and enhance insight, and a source of important information for students engaged in career counseling and career development by enhancing personal identification of personal career and work values.

  19. Caulins amazônicos: possíveis materiais de referência

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    S. C. A. dos Santos


    Full Text Available Caulim é um produto originado pela ação do intemperismo de silicatos de alumínio como os feldspatos, que na região amazônica é favorecida pelo clima quente e úmido. Usado na fabricação de materiais refratários, cimentos, fármacos, catalisadores, cobertura e enchimentos de papel e outras diversas finalidades. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização e a comparação de caulins de coberturas e in natura de diferentes regiões do Pará (Rio Capim, Jarí e Vila do Conde de origens sedimentares com caulins utilizados como materiais de referência (IPT-28, IPT-32, IPT-42, KGa-1b e KGa-2. Nas caracterizações foram utilizados métodos de análise química, física e mineralógica como: Análise de tamanho de partícula, Difração de raios X, Fluorescência de raios X, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Análise Térmica Diferencial. Os resultados mostraram como principal fase mineral em todos os caulins estudados a caulinita, com diferentes graus de "cristalinidade". Os caulins amazônicos apresentaram-se com alto e baixo grau de ordem estrutural, assim como os materiais de referências. No que se referem às propriedades de composição química, ambos os materiais apresentaram teores de SiO2 + Al2O3 acima de 90%, teores de Na2O e TiO2 muito baixos, em média 0,6% e 1,92%, respectivamente para os materiais de referência, e para os amazônicos foram de Na2O 0,3% e 1,62% para TiO2. Quanto à análise de tamanho de partícula, observaram-se variações de D50 = 0,7 a 9 µm para os da Amazônia e D50 = 1,7 a 6 µm para os de referência. Os caulins amazônicos sedimentares por mostrarem baixos teores de impurezas e por serem encontrados em grandes quantidades, sugerem um forte potencial para utilização como caulins de referência.

  20. Career conversations in vocational schools

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mittendorff, K.M.; Brok, den P.J.; Beijaard, D.


    The purpose of this study was to examine career conversations between teachers and students in competence-based vocational education in the Netherlands. A total of 32 career conversations were observed and analysed with respect to four elements: content, teacher activities, student activities and

  1. "Amazing Grace": Literature as a Window on Colonial Slavery. (United States)

    Basker, James G.


    Describes the book, "Amazing Grace: An Anthology of Poems about Slavery 1660-1810." Presents poems, written by 250 writers, that focus on slavery during the 150 year period. Provides examples of materials included in this book and how it can enable students to increase their understanding of slavery. (CMK)

  2. AMAZE-08 Aerosol Characterization and Meteorological Data, Central Amazon Basin: 2008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set provides measurements from the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08) carried out during the wet season from February 4 to March 21,...

  3. O experimento de grande escala da biosfera-atmosfera na Amazônia (LBA); plano experimental conciso

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    LBAScience Planning Group (Cachoeira Paulista),


    O experimento de grande escala da biosfera atmosfera na Amazónia (LBA) tem como objectivo aperfeiçoar o conhecimento do funcionamento climatológico, ecológico, biogeoquímico e hidrológico da Amazónia. Isto chamará a atençao para os efeitos das alteraçoes da ocupaçao do solo e clima, nestas funçoes,

  4. The Impact of Career Boundarylessness on Subjective Career Success: The Role of Career Competencies, Career Autonomy, and Career Insecurity (United States)

    Colakoglu, Sidika N.


    Based on the theoretical frameworks of the career enactment and the stress perspectives, this study develops and tests a model in which career boundarylessness affects subjective career success through its effect on three career competencies--knowing-why, knowing-how, and knowing-whom--and career autonomy and career insecurity. The results…

  5. 2009 YALSA Fabulous Films & Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults (United States)

    School Library Journal, 2009


    The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), announced its 2009 annual lists of Fabulous Films for Young Adults and Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults ages 12 to 18. This article presents the titles that were released in January 2009 during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Denver,…

  6. Career Transitions and Career Success in the "New" Career Era (United States)

    Chudzikowski, Katharina


    The "new" career, most notably the boundaryless career, is associated with high career mobility, which is in turn associated with employability and career success of individuals. The current study examined how frequency, form (organisational, horizontal or vertical) and impact (objective career success) of career transitions have changed…

  7. Um aspecto da diversidade cultural do caboclo amazônico: a religião


    Maués, Raymundo Heraldo


    ESTE TRABALHO trata de um aspecto da diversidade cultural do caboclo amazônico, isto é, a religião. Esta se constitui numa espécie de catolicismo popular, que mantém relações com o xamanismo nativo - a pajelança cabocla -, e que se originou de antigas práticas e crenças dos índios Tupinambás, que habitaram parte da região amazônica no período colonial, bem como de influências portuguesas e africanas.HIS PAPER deals with a particular aspect of the Amazon caboclo's cultural diversity, namely, r...

  8. Competitividade da cadeia produtiva do Arapaima gigas, o pirarucu da Amazônia brasileira


    Gleriani Torres Carbone Ferreira


    Com um quinto da água doce do planeta, o sistema fluvial da Amazônia apresenta um enorme potencial para piscicultura. De acordo com a FAO, em função das suas condições geográficas, o Brasil é um dos poucos países que tem condições de atender à crescente demanda mundial, podendo tornar-se um dos maiores produtores de peixes do mundo. A observação desse potencial amazônico motivou o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa que se debruça sobre a questão da competitividade da cadeia produtiva de Arapaima ...

  9. Marital Contracts of One- Versus Two-Career Couples. (United States)

    Wachowiak, Dale G.; Barret, Robert L.

    One- and two-career married couples, though existing on comparable total family incomes, may be experiencing very different marital situations. The marital agreements of one- and two-career couples were compared to examine the relationship between marital adjustment and the one- versus two-career situation. Married college students and their…

  10. Career Awareness, Career Planning, and Career Transition Needs among Sports Coaches (United States)

    Lavallee, David


    This study is conducted with 56 recently retired full-time sports coaches to examine the importance of career awareness, postsport career planning, and career transition needs. Results indicate that the individuals do not have a high level of career awareness, have done relatively little postsport career planning during their coaching careers, and…

  11. Sociedade cabocla: participação e diversidade na Amazônia

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    Raquel Caribé Grando


    Full Text Available ADAMS, Cristina; MURRIETA, Rui; NEVES, Walter (Eds.. Sociedades caboclas amazônicas: modernidade e invisibilidade. São Paulo: Annablume, 2006. 364 p.; 16 X 23 cm. ISBN 85-7419-644-4.

  12. Revolution in Military Manpower: The Citizen-Warrior Total Career Continuum Construct (United States)


    stressed career-fields, professional military education, and other situations to provide additional 12 incentives for desired behaviors and force...authorized telecommuting workload. 33 An example of an accrued service obligation would be required active service for a specified period of time after

  13. Amazing Space: Explanations, Investigations, & 3D Visualizations (United States)

    Summers, Frank


    The Amazing Space website is STScI's online resource for communicating Hubble discoveries and other astronomical wonders to students and teachers everywhere. Our team has developed a broad suite of materials, readings, activities, and visuals that are not only engaging and exciting, but also standards-based and fully supported so that they can be easily used within state and national curricula. These products include stunning imagery, grade-level readings, trading card games, online interactives, and scientific visualizations. We are currently exploring the potential use of stereo 3D in astronomy education.

  14. Career commitment and job performance of Jordanian nurses. (United States)

    Mrayyan, Majd T; Al-Faouri, Ibrahim


    Career commitment and job performance are complex phenomena that have received little attention in nursing research. A survey was used to assess nurses' career commitment and job performance, and the relationship between the two concepts. Predictors of nurses' career commitment and job performance were also studied. A convenience sample of 640 Jordanian registered nurses was recruited from 24 teaching, governmental, and private hospitals. Nurses "agreed" on the majority of statements about career commitment, and they reported performing "well" their jobs. Using total scores, nurses were equal in their career commitment but they were different in their job performance; the highest mean was scored for nurses in private hospitals. Using the individual items of subscales, nurses were willing to be involved, on their own time, in projects that would benefit patient care. The correlation of the total scores of nurses' career commitment and job performance revealed the presence of a significant and positive relationship (r = .457). Nurses' job performance, gender, and marital status were the best predictors of nurses' career commitment: they explained 21.8% of variance of nurses' career commitment. Nurses' career commitment, time commitment, marital status, and years of experience in nursing were the best predictors of nurses' job performance: they explained 25.6% of variance of nurses' job performance. The lowest reported means of nurses' job performance require managerial interventions.

  15. Career adaptability and career entrenchment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zacher, Hannes; Ambiel, Rodolfo A.M.; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto


    Career adaptability constitutes a resource that can help employees to effectively manage career changes and challenges. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between the two higher-order constructs of career adaptability and career entrenchment (i.e., the perceived inability

  16. Origens pluriétnicas no cotidiano da pesca na Amazônia: contribuições para projeto de estudo pluridisciplinar

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    Lourdes Gonçalves Furtado

    Full Text Available O presente texto é versão de uma conferência proferida no Departamento de Genética da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA, no marco do tema Populações amazônicas ontem, hoje e perspectivas para o futuro. Essa conferência enfatizava a relevância das contribuições dos primeiros formadores da sociedade amazônica para a sociedade de hoje e vem agora compor o cenário deste volume temático do Boletim do Museu Goeldi. Os dados apresentados são frutos de trabalhos de campo anteriores da autora em diferentes momentos e lugares da região e associados à pesquisa bibliográfica e à experiência pessoal da autora em diversos 'lugares de pescadores' do litoral, médio Amazonas, estuário amazônico e ilha do Marajó. Este conjunto serviu de base e instrumento para estas reflexões propositivas para novas pesquisas mutidisciplinares, tendo em vista preencher lacunas sobre a história da pesca na Amazônia. Assim, propõese a evocar as origens pluriétnicas da sociedade e cultura que se formaram na Amazônia visando à maior clareza sobre as relações entre os primeiros contingentes formadores da sociedade amazônica e os segmentos sociais contemporâneos. Com isso imagina-se trazer à reflexão o valor das contribuições socioculturais e ambientais daqueles diferentes contigentes sociais e chamar atenção para o legado sociocultural deixado pela ancestralidade indígena que permeia a ocupação humana na região.

  17. 2010 YALSA Fabulous Films and Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults (United States)

    School Library Journal, 2010


    The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), announced its 2010 annual lists of Fabulous Films for Young Adults and Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults ages 12 to 18. This article presents the list of titles that were released in January 2010 during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston,…

  18. Effects of Discipline-based Career Course on Nursing Students' Career Search Self-efficacy, Career Preparation Behavior, and Perceptions of Career Barriers. (United States)

    Park, Soonjoo


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a discipline-based career course on perceptions of career barriers, career search self-efficacy, and career preparation behavior of nursing students. Differences in career search self-efficacy and career preparation behavior by the students' levels of career barriers were also examined. The study used a modified one-group, pretest-posttest design. The convenience sample consisted of 154 undergraduate nursing students in a university. The discipline-based career course consisted of eight sessions, and was implemented for 2 hours per session over 8 weeks. The data were collected from May to June in 2012 and 2013 using the following instruments: the Korean Career Indecision Inventory, the Career Search Efficacy Scale, and the Career Preparation Behavior Scale. Descriptive statistics, paired t test, and analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. Upon the completion of the discipline-based career course, students' perceptions of career barriers decreased and career search self-efficacy and career preparation behavior increased. Career search self-efficacy and career preparation behavior increased in students with both low and high levels of career barriers. The difference between the low and high groups was significant for career search self-efficacy but not for career preparation behavior. The discipline-based career course was effective in decreasing perceptions of career barriers and increasing career search self-efficacy and career preparation behavior among nursing students. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Geotecnologias aplicadas ao estudo de precipita??o e desmatamento na por??o Sul da Amaz?nia


    Seixas, Ian Marins


    Na Amaz?nia, os impactos das diversas atividades (extra??o de madeira, minera??o e agropecu?ria) sobre a floresta geram a destrui??o da biodiversidade, a degrada??o dos solos e poss?veis altera??es clim?ticas. A floresta possui uma intensa intera??o com a atmosfera ao fornecer uma grande quantidade de calor e vapor d ?gua contribuindo para a umidade local. Considerando o atual cen?rio de desmatamento no sul da Amaz?nia (Arco do Desmatamento), tem-se como hip?tese que a transforma??o do uso da...

  20. Career success in a boundaryless career world

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arthur, Michael B.; Khapova, S.N.; Wilderom, Celeste P.M.


    This paper compares contemporary career theory with the theory applied in recent career success research. The research makes inconsistent use of career theory, and in particular neglects the interdependence of the objective and subjective careers, and boundaryless career issues of

  1. Factors Affecting Career Progress of MBA Students

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    Vivien T. Supangco


    Full Text Available This paper explored the factors that affect career progress of students in the MBA program of the University of the Philippines.To understand career progression, four measures of career progress were used in this study, namely: number of promotions, number of years in between promotions, total cash compensation, and number of administrative levels from the company president. On the other hand, the factors used to explain career progess included human capital, organizational, interpersonal and demographic variables.The results showed that the different measures of career progress had distinct determinants implying different dynamics. It appeared that measures of career progress that are sensitive to the value employers attach to the individual (Whitely, Dougherty, & Dreher, 1991 such as total compensation, total number of promotion and years per promotion were related with human capital factors such as work experience and number of companies worked for. On the other hand, measures that relate to centrality if the position, in which market forces have less impact, were associated with organizational variables such as organization size and the demographic variable gender.While gender did not explain variation in total compensation, number of promotions and number of uears between promotions, these null results are important for two reasons. First, it implies that the female MBA students were at par with their male counterparts as fas as these measures of career progress are concerned. Second, it challenges the generalizability of the finding of gender segregation at the organizational level-where men receive significantly higher wages that women-which is a common finding among studies done in the United States. The results using the MBA students as sample show that income and promotion parity may indeed be achievable and this brings hope to women in general.However, the statistical significance of gender in explaining career progress as centrality

  2. AEL Career Decision-Making Program. Worker Trait Group File Content Notebook. (United States)

    Appalachia Educational Lab., Charleston, WV.

    The Career Information System File is utilized in the organization and management procedures of the Career Information System (CIS) component of the Career Decision-Making (CDM) Program developed by Appalachia Educational Laboratory. (See CE 019 229 for an overview of the total CDM Program.) The twelve career areas and worker trait groups used to…

  3. A factor analytic study of adult career concerns, career status and career resilience



    D. Litt. et Phil. Factor analytic techniques were used to investigate the psychometric properties of three measuring instruments, namely the Adult Career Concerns Inventory (Super, Thompson & Lindeman, 1988), the Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (Holland & Gottfredson, 1994), and the Career Resilience Questionnaire (Fourie & Van Vuuren, 1998). The analyses served the purpose of elucidating the conceptual meanings of the constructs of career concerns, career status and career resil...

  4. Job and career influences on the career commitment of health care executives: the mediating effect of job satisfaction. (United States)

    Myrtle, Robert; Chen, Duan-Rung; Liu, Caroline; Fahey, Daniel


    While there is considerable evidence supporting the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment, the relationship between the antecedents of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and career commitment are not clearly understood. This study seeks to clarify whether these antecedents have an effect independent of job satisfaction on career commitment or whether these antecedents are mediated by job satisfaction. In total, 2,799 questionnaires were mailed out to members of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). The responses received were 643 (22.9 percent) and after eliminating retirees or students, a sample of 456 respondents currently employed in the health care industry was obtained. Path analysis was conducted to test the hypothetical relationships between work situation, career experiences and career commitment. It was found that job satisfaction mediated the influences of job tenure and career pattern on career commitment. Job satisfaction partially mediated the influences of perceived job security and one's satisfaction with career on career commitment. Both of these measures had a direct influence on career commitment. Career experience such as sector change was also positively associated with career commitment. While the research offers some insights into the factors affecting the career commitment of health care executives, the sample was limited to respondents who were members of the American College of Healthcare Executives, and thus may not represent the views of all managers in the health care sector. To retain high-valued health care workers it is important that an organization has a work environment that enhances their commitment to their occupation as well as their careers. This study clarifies the influence of job satisfaction on the career commitment of health care managers during a very dynamic period.

  5. Parceiros no crime: o regatão e a resistência cabocla na Amazônia tradicional


    MCGRATH, David Gibbs


    O texto resgata a história do "regatão" que é um comerciante ambulante que viaja entre centros regionais e comunidades amazônicas, comercializando mercadorias para pequenos produtores caboclos e comerciantes do interior em troca de "produtos regionais" agrícolas e extrativistas. É examinado neste trabalho o papel do regatão no desenvolvimento da economia regional amazônica, concentrando-se na relação entre o regatão e o caboclo, especialmente na ação do regatão na resistência cabocla. O traba...

  6. Cenários de desmatamento para a Amazônia

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    Britaldo Silveira Soares-Filho


    Full Text Available A AMAZÔNIA está entrando em uma era de rápidas mudanças impulsionadas pela previsão de asfaltamento de rodovias que estimularão a expansão da fronteira agrícola e de exploração madeireira. O declínio do custo de transporte tem importantes implicações para a biodiversidade, emissão de gases que contribuem para o efeito estufa e prosperidade da sociedade da Amazônia a longo prazo. Para analisar esse contexto, foi desenvolvido um modelo de simulação de desmatamento na bacia Amazônica, sensível a diferentes cenários de políticas públicas frente à expansão da infra-estrutura de transporte pela região. Resultados do modelo indicam que, dentro de um cenário pessimista, o desmatamento projetado pode eliminar, até meados deste século, 40% dos atuais 5,4 milhões de km² de florestas da Amazônia, liberando o equivalente a 32 Pg (10(9 toneladas de carbono para atmosfera. A modelagem de cenários alternativos aponta que a expansão de uma rede de áreas protegidas, efetivamente implementadas, poderia reduzir em até 1/3 as perdas florestais projetadas. Contudo, outras medidas de conservação são ainda necessárias para se manter a integridade funcional das paisagens e bacias hidrográficas amazônicas. Atuais experimentos em conservação florestal em propriedades privadas, mercados de serviços ambientais e zoneamento agro-ecológico devem ser refinados e multiplicados a fim de se buscar uma conservação extensiva.THE AMAZON is entering an era of rapid changes as new transportation corridors traverse the region, stimulating the expansion of logging and agricultural frontiers. The declining cost of transportation has important implications for biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions, and the long-term prosperity of the Amazon society. To analyze this context, we have developed an empirically based, policy-sensitive model of deforestation for the Amazon basin. Model output for the worst-case scenario shows that, by 2050

  7. Bringing Reality T.V. into the Classroom: A Semester-Long Amazing Race (United States)

    Weddell, Melissa S.


    In developing a more student centered and engaging approach to teaching an introductory tourism course, the reality television show "The Amazing Race" was incorporated into the curriculum. Students integrate book chapters and class lectures into researching how locations create tourism destinations through a series of ten weekly assignments. The…

  8. Avaliação de cinco métodos de captura de lagartos em diferentes ambientes na Amazônia


    RIBEIRO JÚNIOR, Marco Antônio


    O presente trabalho compreende dois capítulos. O primeiro capítulo está intitulado “Comparação entre métodos de captura de lagartos em diferentes ambientes na Amazônia” e o segundo capítulo “A influência da localização das armadilhas de cola no sucesso de captura de lagartos na Amazônia”.

  9. A narrativa comunicando espacialidades: mídias sociais e as mudanças no discurso sobre o território amazônico


    Santos, Renata Nazaré Machado Tárrio dos


    Os discursos midiáticos sobre a Amazônia seguiram, na história brasileira, um mesmo padrão baseado no estereótipo primitivo e bucólico construído desde o descobrimento do país, alicerçado na literatura e mantido pelas mídias tradicionais. No entanto, o espaço amazônico sofreu transformações, recaindo numa Amazônia urbana e desenvolvida, embora ainda não reconhecida como tal. Isso ocorre justamente pela força que a narrativa estereotipada construiu durante a história. Sucede que...

  10. Desmatamento e a contribuição econômica da floresta na Amazônia

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    Terciane Sabadini Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa, do ponto de vista econômico, a contribuição da floresta desmatada para a economia da Amazônia Legal entre 2006 e 2011, assim como os efeitos de uma política de controle do desmatamento entre 2012 e 2020. Para isso, utilizou-se um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável (EGC inter-regional, construído para capturar as especificidades e heterogeneidade de 103 microrregiões da Amazônia Legal. As simulações da contribuição econômica do desmatamento para essas regiões permitiriam avaliar o custo relativo de políticas de controle, estimando o valor implícito do desmatamento na dinâmica econômica. Os resultados apontam uma contribuição positiva, embora pequena, do desmatamento para o crescimento econômico da Amazônia de 2006 a 2011. Este resultado é reforçado pelos impactos econômicos de uma política hipotética de controle do desmatamento, que sugerem uma perda apenas marginal sobre o crescimento econômico dessas regiões.

  11. Effects of Discipline-based Career Course on Nursing Students' Career Search Self-efficacy, Career Preparation Behavior, and Perceptions of Career Barriers

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    Soonjoo Park, RN, PhD


    Conclusions: The discipline-based career course was effective in decreasing perceptions of career barriers and increasing career search self-efficacy and career preparation behavior among nursing students.

  12. Career anchors and career resilience: Supplementary constructs?

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    L. J. Van Vuuren


    Full Text Available Previously the authors reported on a study in which an attempt was made at defining and measuring the construct career resilience (Fourie & Van Vuuren, 1998. The present article continues this investigation by reporting on the relationship between career resilience and career anchors, as defined in Scheins (1975; 1978; 1990; 1992 career anchor model. The aim of the study was to determine whether career anchor patterning could potentially inhibit or facilitate individuals' levels of career resilience. The "Career Resilience Questionnaire" (CRQ (Fourie & Van Vuuren, 1998 together with Scheins (1990 "Career Orientations Inventory" (COI were administered to 352 skilled employees. The findings regarding the statistical relationship between the two constructs are discussed. Opsomming Loopbaanankers en loopbaangehardheid: supplementere konstrukte? In n vorige publikasie van Fourie en Van Vuuren (1998 is die bevindinge aangaande die afbakening en meting van die konstruk, loopbaangehardheid, gerapporteer. In die huidige artikel word die ondersoek voortgesit met 'n beskrywing van die verwantskap tussen loopbaangehardheid en loopbaanankers, soos gedefinieer in die loopbaanankermodel van Schein (1975; 1978; 1990; 1992. Die doel met die studie was om te bepaal of die mate van loopbaanankerontplooiing individuele vlakke van loopbaangehardheid potensieel fasiliteer ofinhibeer. Die "Career Resilience Questionnaire" (CRQ (Fourie & Van Vuuren, 1998 is tesame met die "Career Orientation Inventory" (COI (Schein, 1990 op 352 geskoolde werknemers geadministreer. Die bevindinge betreffende die statistiese verwantskap tussen die twee konstrukte word bespreek.

  13. Factors enhancing career satisfaction among female emergency physicians. (United States)

    Clem, Kathleen J; Promes, Susan B; Glickman, Seth W; Shah, Anand; Finkel, Michelle A; Pietrobon, Ricardo; Cairns, Charles B


    Attrition rates in emergency medicine have been reported as high as 25% in 10 years. The number of women entering emergency medicine has been increasing, as has the number of female medical school graduates. No studies have identified factors that increase female emergency physician career satisfaction. We assess career satisfaction in women emergency physicians in the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and identify factors associated with career satisfaction. The survey questionnaire was developed by querying 3 groups: (1) ACEP women in the American Association of Women Emergency Physicians, the (2) Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Mentoring Women Interest Group, and (3) nonaffiliated female emergency physicians. Their responses were categorized into 6 main areas: schedule, relationships with colleagues, administrative support and mentoring, patient/work-related issues, career advancement opportunities, and financial. The study cohort for the survey included all female members of ACEP with a known e-mail address. All contact with survey recipients was exclusively through the e-mail that contained a uniform resource locator link to the survey itself. Two thousand five hundred two ACEP female members were sent the uniform resource locator link. The Web survey was accessed a total of 1,851 times, with a total of 1,380 surveys completed, an overall response rate of 56%. Most women were satisfied with their career as an emergency physician, 492 (35.5%) very satisfied, 610 (44.0%) satisfied, 154 (11.1%) neutral, 99 (7.1%) not satisfied, and 31 (2.3%) very unsatisfied. Significant factors for career satisfaction included amount of recognition at work, career advancement, schedule flexibility, and the fairness of financial compensation. Workplace factors associated with high satisfaction included academic practice setting and sex-equal opportunity for advancement and sex-equal financial compensation. Most of the ACEP female physicians surveyed were

  14. Synthesizing and Playing with Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Comprehensive Approach to Amazing Magnetic Materials (United States)

    Dalverny, Anne-Laure; Leyral, Géraldine; Rouessac, Florence; Bernaud, Laurent; Filhol, Jean-Sébastien


    Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized and stabilized using ammonium cations or poly(vinyl alcohol) to produce amazing materials such as safer aqueous ferrofluids, ferrogels, ferromagnetic inks, plastics, and nanopowders illustrating how versatile materials can be produced just by simple modifications. The synthesis is fast, reliable,…

  15. Career Choice And College Students: Parental Influence on Career Choice Traditionalism among College Students in Selected Cities in Ethiopia

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    Sella Kumar


    Full Text Available The study explored the influence of parents on choosing career among college students in selected private colleges situated around Bahirdar City, Ethiopia. Choosing a suitable career is a vital part in every student’s life. Further, it ignites a person’s future life for his/her own job preference and life style. In this context, influence of social members is inevitable; generally the influence of family members and most particularly parents play a major role as an influencer and determiner on choosing a career option. Students in Ethiopia are not exceptional to this phenomenon of selecting right and suitable career. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted and multi stage sampling technique was employed to identify the participants. Totally, 175 participants (Male=99 and (Female =76 responded to Holland Personality Inventory (Holland, 1997 and Career Choice Traditionalism Scale (Hensely, 2003. The collected data were statistically processed using SPSS version 16. Descriptive and inferential statistics was employed to analyze the data. The results revealed that there is a significant influence of parents on career choice among students. Specifically, father’s influence is found to be more significant on career choice decision making among students than their mothers.

  16. Career competencies for the modern career

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuijpers, Marinka; Scheerens, Jaap


    Career development gains new meaning in the context of employability demands in a knowledge economy. In this context, increased mobility, a dynamic work environment, and an increased level of career support from employers are seen as characteristics of a modern career. All of these characteristics

  17. The Ballet Dancing Profession: A Career Transition Model (United States)

    Roncaglia, Irina


    What type of emotional transition is experienced by professional dancers who face the end of their career? What does this journey imply? This article discusses the transition experiences of two case studies out of a total sample of fourteen (N = 14) international professional ballet dancers who left their careers between the ages of 21 and 49…

  18. The Roles of Negative Career Thinking and Career Problem-Solving Self-Efficacy in Career Exploratory Behavior (United States)

    Bullock-Yowell, Emily; Katz, Sheba P.; Reardon, Robert C.; Peterson, Gary W.


    The respective roles of social cognitive career theory and cognitive information processing in career exploratory behavior were analyzed. A verified path model shows cognitive information processing theory's negative career thoughts inversely predict social cognitive career theory's career problem-solving self-efficacy, which predicts career…

  19. Violence against Amazon women Violencia contra mujeres amazónicas Violência contra mulheres amazônicas

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    Vera Lúcia de Azevedo Lima


    Full Text Available This quantitative and exploratory study analyzed violence against Amazon women presented in print media according to type and severity, and whether aggressors fell under the Maria da Penha law. A total of 181 issues of a regional newspaper were consulted. Based on content analysis, 164 items addressing violence against women were selected and 46 were included in the corpus of analysis. Results were gathered in three thematic groups: women killed with cruelty, sexual violence against women regardless of age, and violence against women and the limitations of the Maria da Penha law. Violence against these women varied in terms of form and severity, including up to homicide. Women are submitted to sexual violence from childhood through adulthood. The enforcement of this law shows the community it has a means to cope with this social phenomenon.Este es un estudio exploratorio de naturaleza cualitativa, que se realizó con el objetivo de analizar la violencia contra mujeres amazónicas, presentada en los periódicos, según el tipo y su gravedad, y citación de encuadramiento del agresor en la Ley Maria de la Penha. Fueron consultados 181 ejemplares de un periódico regional. A partir del análisis de contenido, fueron seleccionadas 164 notas sobre violencias contra mujeres, de ellas 46 fueron incluidas como corpus de análisis. Los resultados fueron reunidos en tres grupos temáticos: mujeres asesinadas con crueldad, la violencia sexual contra mujeres no tiene edad y la violencia contra mujeres y el límite de la Ley Maria de la Penha. La violencia contra esas mujeres presentó variación en cuanto a la forma y a la gravedad, ocurriendo inclusive homicidios. Las mujeres son sometidas a violencia sexual desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta. El encuadramiento legal del agresor demuestra a la comunidad un medio para enfrentamiento de ese fenómeno social.Este é um estudo exploratório de natureza qualitativa, com o objetivo de analisar a viol

  20. Airline Careers. Aviation Careers Series. Revised. (United States)

    Zaharevitz, Walter

    This booklet, one in a series on aviation careers, outlines the variety of careers available in airlines. The first part of the booklet provides general information about careers in the airline industry, including salaries, working conditions, job requirements, and projected job opportunities. In the main part of the booklet, the following 22 job…

  1. Satisfaction among early and mid-career dentists in a metropolitan dental hospital in China

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    Cui X


    Full Text Available Xiaoxi Cui,1 David G Dunning,2 Na An3 1College of Dentistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lincoln, NE, USA; 2Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lincoln, NE, USA; 3School of Stomatology, Department of General Dentistry II, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, People’s Republic of China Abstract: A growing body of research has examined career satisfaction among dentists using a standardized instrument, dentist satisfaction survey (DSS. This project examined career satisfaction of early to mid-career dentists in China, a population whose career satisfaction, heretofore, has not been studied. This is an especially critical time to examine career satisfaction because of health care reform measures being implemented in China. A culturally sensitive Chinese-language version of the DSS (CDSS was developed and electronically administered to 367 early and mid-career dentists in a tertiary dental hospital in Beijing, China. One hundred and seventy respondents completed the survey. The average total career score was 123, with a range of 82–157. Data analysis showed some significant differences in total career score and several subscales based on gender, working hours per week, and years in practice. A stepwise regression model revealed that two variables predicted total career score: working hours per week and gender. Stepwise regression also demonstrated that four subscales significantly predicted the overall professional satisfaction subscale score: respect, delivery of care, income and patient relations. Implications of these results are discussed in light of the health care delivery system and dentist career paths in China. Keywords: job satisfaction, career satisfaction, early and mid-career dentists, Chinese health care reform

  2. Defining and managing career challenges for mid-career and senior stage pediatric hematologist/oncologists. (United States)

    Frugé, Ernest; Margolin, Judith; Horton, Terzah; Venkateswaran, Lakshmi; Lee, Dean; Yee, Donald L; Mahoney, Donald


    A workshop at the 2008 ASPHO Annual Meeting functioned as the first step in a systematic needs assessment of the particular challenges to satisfaction and success in the middle and senior phases of career development for pediatric hematologist/oncologists (PHOs). The 61 ASPHO members who attended were randomly distributed to small discussion groups based on self-identified career stage. Groups completed challenge forms for each issue identified as pertinent to their own stage of professional development. A total of 71 forms with useable data were generated by the groups. The largest number of challenges described (26) clustered around themes of Work-Life Balance followed by Transition and Succession (18), Management and Finances (15), and Keeping up to Date (13). Mid-career groups were more likely to identify Work-Life Balance challenges while senior stage groups were more likely to articulate Succession and Management challenges. The article describes the demographics of the workshop participants, summarizes the content of challenge themes and the associated suggestions for management. It is hoped that this effort will assist educational and career planning efforts by individuals, institutions, and ASPHO as a professional society.

  3. O Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos Na Amazônia Legal Brasileira

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    Alessandro Antônio Cavallari


    Full Text Available A presente revisão bibliográfica possibilita uma análise da evolução do Programa Aquisição de Alimentos nos primeiros sete anos de sua instituição na região da Amazônia legal brasileira, a partir da quantidade de municípios atendidos por Unidade Federativa que compõe essa região, através de dados obtidos pela CONAB. No primeiro ano de implantação do programa, apenas os estados do Acre, Rondônia, Amazonas e Maranhão possuíam municípios atendidos por essa política de incentivo a agricultura familiar. Com o decorrer dos anos, algumas mudanças foram constatadas, principalmente com a adesão de novos municípios ao programa, aumentando a abrangência de atendimento do PAA na região. No ano de 2009 foi verificada uma situação atípica, onde foi observada a redução na quantidade de municípios vinculados ao programa, a partir de então houve um crescimento generalizado no atendimento em todos os Estados que compõe a Amazônia legal brasileira.O programa se encontra em fase de consolidação, o que possibilita o crescimento e abrangência no atendimento a agricultura familiar da região Amazônica.

  4. O desflorestamento na amazônia brasileira.

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    Humberto Ângelo


    Full Text Available O processo de ocupação da Amazônia desencadeou uma série de fatores indutores do desflorestamento, dos quais pode-se citar a expansão da pecuária e fronteira agrícola, a indústria madeireira, os projetos de colonização, a abertura de novas estradas e outras infra-estruturas, o sistema de concessão de direito de posse, o aumento populacional, a especulação por terras, o crescimento econômico regional, entre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diversos fatores socioeconômicos no processo de desflorestamento da floresta amazônica, utilizando-se uma série temporal de 1980 a 1999. As variáveis analisadas foram: o desflorestamento bruto na região Norte, o preço do boi gordo, o efetivo do rebanho bovino, a produção de madeira em tora de floresta nativa, a produção da indústria madeireira, a extensão da malha viária, o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB, o Índice Geral de Preços (IGP, a população da região, o crédito rural, o preço médio da terra, o preço médio da terra para uso agrícola e o preço médio da terra para uso pecuário. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística utilizando-se os métodos de análise de correlação, análise multivariada em componentes principais e análise de regressão simples. Os resultados mostraram que o desflorestamento é influenciado pela produção de madeira em toras, o aumento da população na região Norte, a produção de madeira serrada, a extensão da malha viária e o efetivo do rebanho bovino regional.

  5. Varia??es morfol?gicas e geogr?ficas no sincr?nio do peixe-boi da Amaz?nia Trichechus inunguis (Natterer, 1883)


    Valdevino, Gisele de Castro Maciel


    peixe-boi-da-Amaz?nia (Trichechus inunguis) ? end?mico da bacia Amaz?nica e exclusivo de ?gua doce. Apresenta apomorfias em rela??o aos outros triquequ?deos, derivadas de sua adapta??o ao ambiente dulc?cola e distribui-se desde as cabeceiras de rios no Equador, Peru e Col?mbia at? o estu?rio do Rio Amazonas, no Brasil. Apesar dos estudos sobre a morfologia desta esp?cie, nenhum estudo ontogen?tico sincraniano foi desenvolvido ao longo de sua distribui??o. Estudos morfol?gicos e...

  6. Um aspecto da diversidade cultural do caboclo amazônico: a religião

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    Raymundo Heraldo Maués


    Full Text Available ESTE TRABALHO trata de um aspecto da diversidade cultural do caboclo amazônico, isto é, a religião. Esta se constitui numa espécie de catolicismo popular, que mantém relações com o xamanismo nativo - a pajelança cabocla -, e que se originou de antigas práticas e crenças dos índios Tupinambás, que habitaram parte da região amazônica no período colonial, bem como de influências portuguesas e africanas.HIS PAPER deals with a particular aspect of the Amazon caboclo's cultural diversity, namely, religion. Caboclo religion represents a form of folk Catholicism, witch is related to native shamanism - pajelança cabocla -, originating from practices and beliefs of the Tupinambá Indians, who inhabited part of the Amazon Region in colonial times, and cultural influences from Portuguese colonialists and African slaves.

  7. A COZINHA DE FUSÃO ENCONTRA O RIO: peixes nativos amazônicos como alternativa para a culinária japonesa

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    Hellen Christina de Almeida Kato


    Full Text Available A culinária japonesa, desde a década de 80, se expande no Brasil, conservando técnicas e ingredientes de sua origem combinadas a inovações relacionadas à culinária americana, sendo assim, bastante dependente de ingredientes importados. Através da cozinha de fusão, esse trabalho sugere o uso de espécies de peixes nativos cultivados na Amazônia como alternativa gastronômica para esse mercado. Foi realizado um experimento envolvendo chefs de cozinha amazônica e japonesa desenvolvendo seis preparações a base de pirarucu e tambaqui. Estas foram avaliadas por um painel treinado de 24 profissionais da aqüicultura e gastronomia japonesa. Avaliou-se a aceitação e seus atributos utilizando uma escala hedônica com aplicação de questionário estruturado de intenção de compra. Todos os pratos obtiveram ampla aceitação, tendo destaque o Teppan de pirarucu. Conclui-se que o uso dos peixes nativos de cultivo da Amazônia, tambaqui e pirarucu, é uma alternativa viável para a inovação da gastronomia japonesa no Brasil, através da culinária de fusão. Palavras-chave: Amazônia; Cozinha fusion; Peixes de água doce.

  8. La importancia de palmas en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Las palmas forman un elemento conspicuo y dominante en muchos bosques tropicales en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica. Existen alrededor de 100 especies de palmas en la zona, y tienen densidades de hasta 8000 individuos por hectárea. Además de su importancia ecológica, las palmas son de gran...

  9. The Influence of Teachers' Career Guidance Profiles on Students' Career Competencies (United States)

    Mittendorff, Kariene; Beijaard, Douwe; den Brok, Perry; Koopman, Maaike


    In this article, we examine the relationship between different career guidance styles of vocational education teachers and vocational education students' career competencies (i.e. career reflection, career exploration and networking). Questionnaires on students' perceptions of the career guidance of their teachers during career conversations, and…

  10. Five-Factor Personality Traits as Predictor of Career Maturity (United States)

    Atli, Abdullah


    Purpose: This study aims to determine the predictive strength of personality traits based on the five-factor theory on the level of career maturity Research Methods: The sample of the study included a total of 429 high school students, 248 females (57.8%) and 181 males (42.2%). The study utilized the "Career Maturity Scale" to determine…

  11. Career anchors and values from different career management perspectives

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    Rodrigo Cunha da Silva


    Full Text Available Purpose – To analyze the relationships between career anchors and young Generation Y professionals’ values, from the career concept perspective. Design/methodology/approach – Research concerning the proposed objective was carried out through quantitative research involving 189 Business Administration majors from a Catholic university in São Paulo, Brazil. We used two instruments to identify the career anchors and values of respondents: Schein (1990 and Schwartz (1994, respectively. We used statistical techniques to explore the relationships between career anchors and values. Findings – Among the results, mention should be made to the statistical relationships found between analyzed career anchors and values. It is also important to stress that, although the Lifestyle career anchor was predominantly present in the conglomerate division, this anchor was the predominant characteristic in the differentiation of the smaller group of respondents, the new career group. The General Management Career Anchor, which presents a lower incidence, is the predominant characteristic of the larger group, referring to organizational careers. As well as the Lifestyle career anchor, the Hedonism value was predominant among respondents. Originality/value – The need to consider the following was found: Generation Y presents generational characteristics that drive people management to propose work structures that offer activities to generate learning, pleasure, self-fulfillment and conciliation between work and personal life.

  12. Dual career and job sharing - two careers or half a career? (United States)

    Heilbronner, Renée; Stünitz, Holger


    One option for a dual career that is often considered is job sharing. After 20 years of job sharing during the most competitive years of our careers we would like to share a few thoughts on some of the problems we came across. The typical job sharing situation is one of a young couple about to found a family. However, this need not be the case, many alternative models are thinkable, few are actually liveable. The list of problems we came across includes: 1 - The hiring age for professors keeps dropping. This adds extra stress to the competitive post doc time 2 - Postdoc positions are not designed for dual career. ... and much less for job sharing. 3 - The higher the academic position the less likely it is offered for job sharing. - because it is claimed that leadership and responsibility cannot be shared. - because two half positions do indeed cost more than one whole (what hiring institutions fail to see is that they get two instead of one fully qualified scientists in return) - because they are difficult to plan: what happens if one partner leaves the department? 4 - Age difference of dual career partners Partners of different age have different qualifications and experiences. Usually the career of the more advanced partners is promoted more, the career of the second partner falls behind.

  13. Degradação ambiental e Ongs na Amazônia Continental

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    Argemiro Procópio Filho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como foco a crescente degradação ambiental a qual sofre a região Amazônica.  Nesse sentido, buscar-se-á expor o papel das ONGs no que se refere à essa preocupante questão, além de expor as posições oficiais dos países que possuem parcelas dessa grande região.

  14. Traditional career versus self-directed or protean career: a comparative study of satisfaction with career, profession and work

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    Guilherme Assunção de Andrade


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.5007/2175-8077.2011v13n31p58 This research has analyzed if the attitudes and values of news professionals are more adherent to the traditional idea of career or self-directed/protean careers. The objectives were to identify the anchors of respondents’ careers, the degree of satisfaction towards their careers, professions and work and the relationship between these variables and their career profiles. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire and a sample consisted of 113 graduate and undergraduate students in the area of Administration. As a result, we have found the “Lifestyle” career anchor with the highest average, indicating a tendency to pursue a career that allows integrating personal, family and work lives. We have detected a trend of the subjects to track the protean career. And no correlation was found between career anchors and career satisfaction, indicating that there is not a specific anchor that could provide greater work satisfaction than others. The study contributes to the proposition questions about the career profile that has been used, with the identification of the level of professional satisfaction. Besides it has indicated there should be a revision of the scale of Career Anchors, in order to increase its reliability.

  15. Career portfolio” as a Tool to Renew Career Capital


    Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka


    In this article, the Author stressed the subject of the career phenomenon. The discourse presented here related to the career that requires taking into account multicontextual changes in the area of work and changes that make employees face new challenges, emphasizes the importance of constructing one’s own career “portfolio”, as a tool to renew one’s career. The most important changes include the increase in the role of the career and the ability to plan, manage and monitor one’s career in a...

  16. Introdução ao estudo da migração internacional na Amazônia Introduction to the study of international migration in the Amazon

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    Luis E Aragón


    Full Text Available Apesar da importância que a migração internacional alcançou na mídia e na academia no mundo inteiro, existem somente uns poucos estudos esparsos sobre a migração internacional na Amazônia. Como se apresenta o processo de migração internacional na Amazônia e qual é a sua importância nos destinos da região? Este artigo busca se aproximar da resposta a essa pergunta. O texto sintetiza resultados de investigações recentes realizadas pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Meio Ambiente, População e Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (MAPAZ, do Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos (NAEA da Universidade Federal do Pará. Primeiramente, destaca-se a dificuldade de se definir a Amazônia; posteriormente, são apresentadas algumas considerações sobre a migração internacional em nível da Grande Região, agregando os migrantes acumulados nas respectivas Amazônias nacionais, conforme os censos de população de cada país; e, finalmente, trata-se essa problemática no caso da Amazônia brasileira, destacando os países de nascimento e a distribuição espacial dos migrantes na Amazônia Legal. Na Amazônia, os padrões e as tendências discutidas aqui se tornarão mais dinâmicos e complexos em função do andamento de políticas de desenvolvimento na busca da integração regional e econômica.Despite the importance that international migration has attained in the media and academia worldwide, there are only a few scattered studies on international migration in the Amazon. How is the process of international migration presented in the Amazon and what is its importance in the destiny of the region? This article is an initial approach to that question. The text summarizes results of recent research conducted by the Research Group on Environment, Population and Development in the Amazon (MAPAZ of the Center for Advanced Amazonian Studies (NAEA of the Federal University of Pará. First, it discusses the difficulty of defining the Amazon, then some

  17. Modelo de desenvolvimento local na Amazônia Pré-Colonial: complexidade cultural e modernidade em sociedades pré-coloniais da Amazônia

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    Edinaldo Pinheiro Nunes Filho


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Este artigo retrata a cultura material das sociedades complexas pré-coloniais que existiram nos estados do Pará e Amapá e destaca a importância do trabalho interdisciplinar como meio para que as evidências arqueológicas colaborem a se repensar a relação entre as populações humanas e o meio ambiente na Amazônia pré-colonial.  Assim, o artigo trabalha a complexidade cultural como conseqüência de desenvolvimento sustentável.

  18. Botânica econômica, uma ciência importante para a região amazônica

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    Ghillean T Prance


    Full Text Available A botânica econômica é uma ciência atualmente muito importante na região amazônica e deve ser adaptada às necessidades regionais. Neste trabalho, são fornecidos dados sobre o banco genético da floresta amazônica, espécies e dados econômicos da floresta de extração, sistemas agroflorestais, aproveitamento de monoculturas, naturais e cultivo das várzeas. É necessário um forte programa de botânica econômica para criar sistemas de uso racionais da floresta amazônica.The important contribution to be made by the science of Economic Botany in today's Amazonia environment is emphasized. Economy Botany must be tailored to the current situation where and uneccesary destruction is taking place. Studies are needed of the gene pool os useful plants and their wild relatives that occur in the forest; of products suitable for extraction from the forest; of agroforest, systems; os natural monospecific stands of such species as Orbignya phalerata and Mauritia flexuosa; and of plants suitable for cultivation on the várzea. The need for a strong programme in Amazonian Economic Bot any is stressed.

  19. Career Orientations and Career Route Preferences in R&D Organisations. (United States)

    Petroni, Alberto


    A survey of 151 Italian scientists and engineers and case studies of a career development system for technical professionals revealed that career orientation (as measured by Schein's career anchors) is a useful predictor of career route preferences. (Author/JOW)

  20. Voos Xamânicos: imagética da biodiversidade e cultura Amazônica

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    Ruth Albernaz Silveira


    Full Text Available “Para encontrar o azul eu uso pássaros...” é uma chave ofertada pelo poeta Manoel de Barros para transver o mundo das materialidades e dos pensamentos. Num sobrevoo na paisagem amazônica rica em formas, cores e pensamentos míticos, podemos nos afetar numa vasta diversidade cultural e biológica. Essa paisagem é manejada pelos povos indígenas desde tempos imemoriais provando que é possível estabelecer relações com a floresta baseadas em práticas de baixo impacto e convivência com os outros seres que ali habitam. A Amazônia é o bioma com maior concentração de vidas co-habitando a mesma região, resultando em sistemas ecológicos e biogeográficos de alta complexidade. Atualmente, sofre grande pressão pelos modelos atuais de ocupação pautados pelo agronegócio que prioriza o capital econômico. É nesse cenário que a artista-bióloga Ruth Albernaz cria sua imagética para propor uma arte sensível que dialogue com a biodiversidade e com o contexto mitológico amazônico. Aqui apresentaremos imagens da série intitulada Voos Xamânicos, que esteve em exposição na Galeria do Sesc Arsenal, em Cuiabá, MT no período de 07 de novembro a 19 de dezembro de 2014, com curadoria da arte-educadora Imara Pizzato Quadros. O tema escolhido foi a palavra-alma “Xamã” por se tratar de um assunto que foi fonte e substrato dessa mostra que apresentou obras inéditas baseadas em pesquisas e experimentações realizadas desde 1996, no campo da Etnoecologia.

  1. Comparison of Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers with Respect to Personality Traits and Career Adaptability

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    Ali Eryılmaz


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to compare teachers and pre-service teachers in terms of personality traits and career adaptability. The relationships between personality traits and career adaptability are also investigated. A total of 176 pre-service teachers took part in the study, including 90 men and 76 women, and a total of 204 teachers took part in the study, including 98 men and 106 women. The data collected included items from the Big Five Inventory and the Scale of Career Adaptability. The relationship between variables was examined by using independent t-tests for gender differences and multiple regression analysis techniques. According to the results, the level of career adaptability is higher in teachers than in pre-service teachers. Additionally, career exploration and plans were related to certain personality traits. The results of the present study might be used in career counselling, and also teacher profession development.

  2. Career-success scale - a new instrument to assess young physicians' academic career steps. (United States)

    Buddeberg-Fischer, Barbara; Stamm, Martina; Buddeberg, Claus; Klaghofer, Richard


    Within the framework of a prospective cohort study of Swiss medical school graduates, a Career-Success Scale (CSS) was constructed in a sample of young physicians choosing different career paths in medicine. Furthermore the influence of personality factors, the participants' personal situation, and career related factors on their career success was investigated. 406 residents were assessed in terms of career aspired to, and their career progress. The Career-Success Scale, consisting of 7 items, was developed and validated, addressing objective criteria of academic career advancement. The influence of gender and career aspiration was investigated by a two-factorial analysis of variance, the relationships between personality factors, personal situation, career related factors and the Career-Success Scale by a multivariate linear regression analysis. The unidimensional Career-Success Scale has an internal consistency of 0.76. It is significantly correlated at the bivariate level with gender, instrumentality, and all career related factors, particularly with academic career and received mentoring. In multiple regression, only gender, academic career, surgery as chosen specialty, and received mentoring are significant predictors. The highest values were observed in participants aspiring to an academic career, followed by those pursuing a hospital career and those wanting to run a private practice. Independent of the career aspired to, female residents have lower scores than their male colleagues. The Career-Success Scale proved to be a short, reliable and valid instrument to measure career achievements. As mentoring is an independent predictor of career success, mentoring programs could be an important instrument to specifically enhance careers of female physicians in academia.

  3. Social Cognitive Career Theory and Middle School Student Career Exploration (United States)

    Sickinger, Pamela H.


    Within the framework of social cognitive career theory, social cognitive career variables, demographic variables, and the contextual variable, parent support, were examined to determine their predictive value for eighth-grade students' career exploration behavior. Results suggest that the social cognitive career variable, intentions/goals,…

  4. Gender differences in the association of depression with career indecisiveness, career-decision status, and career-preference crystallization. (United States)

    Gadassi, Reuma; Waser, Ayelet; Gati, Itamar


    Depression has detrimental effects on broad areas of functioning. However, its association with career decision-making factors has been largely unexplored. In the present study, we focused on the association between career decision-making difficulties, career-decision status, and career-preference crystallization, on the one hand, and depression, on the other. The hypothesis that high levels of career decision-making difficulties, less advanced decision status, and low levels of preference crystallization are associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms was tested with a sample of 222 college seniors. In addition, since it has been found that work-related stressors are more often associated with depression among men than women, it was hypothesized that the associations between vocational factors and depression would be stronger for men than for women. The participants filled out online self-report questionnaires assessing depressive symptoms, emotional and personality-related career decision-making difficulties, career-decision status, and career preferences. The results indicated that self-concept and identity-related career decision-making difficulties were associated with depressive symptoms for both men and women. In addition, for men, but not for women, less crystallization of career preferences also predicted higher levels of depressive symptoms. These results show how important it is for counseling psychologists to understand the role of the individual's vocational situation in depression. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  5. [Structure and career advancement in cardiology in Italy]. (United States)

    Modena, M G; Molinari, R; Lalla, M


    Women are less present on the labor market and many studies have demonstrated the existence of gender differences regarding participation rate and career advancement of women. The process through which job-, career- and research-related choices are structured within the realm of Italian cardiology, is described in this study emphasizing the effects of productivity, gender and family commitments. In June 1996, a questionnaire was mailed to all members of the Italian societies of cardiology. It included mainly (pre-coded) set-choice questions concerning individual characteristics, career-related data, and information pertaining to teaching, scientific and research activity. Returned questionnaires numbered 1715 (21.4% of the total mailed), 83% were completed by males and 17% by females. For both hospital and academic careers, advancement in rank was influenced by variables denoting productivity, family and individual characteristics. Promotion to the upper ranks of the hierarchy was highly dependent upon time (once the effects of the covariates were eliminated). This is a situation that is typical of the internal labor market, that is, of an institution in which staff members are ranked on a hierarchical scale according to formal criteria that are "rigid" and institutionalized, partially and totally sheltered from competition. Therefore, once a member has gained access to the first level of the hierarchy, his/her professional career is to a certain extent pre-determined and the seniority ends up taking on importance in promotion decisions to an appreciable extent; in this field, the weight of seniority on promotion ranges between 30 and 50%.

  6. Career Directions--Photonics Technician (United States)

    Moore, Pam


    Many of the advances in telecommunications and medicine are due to laser and fiber-optic technology. This technology has led to devices that provide faster and richer communication, advanced surgeries, and faster healing times, as well as amazing robotics for manufacturing. But, as with all equipment, someone has to install and maintain it. That…

  7. Estratégias para evitar a perda de biodiversidade na Amazônia

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    Ima Célia Guimarães Vieira


    Full Text Available A SOCIEDADE brasileira recebe, anualmente, a estimativa de perda de floresta na Amazônia por meio da taxa de desflorestamento divulgada pelo Inpe, a qual, em 2004, foi de aproximadamente 26.130 km² . O que não se conhece é o quanto de recursos naturais se perde a cada quilômetro quadrado de floresta destruída. Neste trabalho, apresentamos números concretos desta perda, baseados em estudos recentes sobre a densidade de plantas e de alguns grupos de animais na Amazônia. Com base nisso, defendemos a idéia de que não há necessidade de se ampliar o desflorestamento na região e que, portanto, qualquer licença de desmatamento deveria ser proibida na Amazônia. Sugerimos também que o sistema de ciência e tecnologia regional deve ser descentralizado através do desenvolvimento de programas de pesquisa integrados, focalizados no desenho e no teste de modelos de territórios sustentáveis para os diferentes setores da região.BRAZILIAN society receives yearly an estimate of the Amazonian rainforest loss by means of a deforestation rate announced by Inpe, which in 2004 was of approximatly 26,130 km². What we do not know is how much of the natural resources is lost in each square kilometer of forest destruction. In this work, we present concrete numbers of forest loss, based on recent studies of plant densities and some animal species in the Amazon region. Our findings support the idea that it is not necessary to extend further deforestation in the region and, therefore, that deforestation licenses should be forbidden. Moreover, we propose that regional science and technology system must be gradually descentralized and enhanced through the integration and development of research programs focused in drawing and testing models of sustainable territories for the different social segments of the region.

  8. Retratos próprios e desconhecidos: experiências de fronteiras (? E diálogos artísticos nas Amazônias Ocidental e Oriental

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    John Fletcher


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta uma interpretação crí- tica e social de dois projetos artísticos apresentados na cidade de Popayán, Colômbia, localizada na Amazônia Ocidental, em diálogo com outro projeto visual realizado na cidade de Belém, Pará, Brasil, território pertencente à Amazônia Oriental. Em termos conceituais, o mesmo será amparado por alguns eixos de pensamentos críticos como os de Clifford Geertz, Raymond Williams, Pierre Bordieu, Chantal Mouffe, Ernesto Laclau, Mikhail Bakhtin e Nestor García Canclini, bem como buscará destacar uma metodologia polifônica, em muito articulada com alguns dos pressupostos da participação de distintos sujeitos para um agenciamento liminar do pensamento Latino Americano. É sob estes marcadores contextuais, portanto, que a pesquisa se alia a uma operação interpretativa para se rascunhar e debater aproximações e distanciamentos alocados no interior destas Amazônias, cujas visibilidades dão sustentação para horizontes dinâmicos, talvez mais inclusivos e menos autoritários. Palavras-chave: Arte Contemporânea, Interpretação, Amazônia, Colômbia.

  9. Aplicação do método Fuzzy na classificação da zona de convergência do Atlântico Sul no sul da Amazônia

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    Samuel Oliveira Vieira


    Full Text Available A Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS influencia a variabilidade da precipitação no sul da bacia Amazônica. Nesse sentido, foi aplicado o Método da Lógica Fuzzy de modo a ter um mecanismo de alerta para as chuvas acima da média climatológica devido à ZCAS (classificada como oceânica, costeira ou Amazônica sobre o Sul da Amazônia, nos meses de novembro a março no período 1999 a 2010. Um algoritmo objetivo na identificação da ocorrência de ZCAS foi esquematizado e a classificação em termos linguísticos permitiu categorizar em diferentes tipos. Durante os períodos de ZCAS, a possibilidade de ocorrer chuvas fortes diárias (> 20mm é mais de duas vezes maior do que a climatologia. ZCAS Amazônicas e costeiras produzem aproximadamente 71,4% da precipitação, referentes aos meses de janeiro a março representando 64% dos episódios atuantes no Sul da Amazônia.

  10. Career boundarylessness and career success : a review, integration and guide to future research.


    Guan, Y.; Arthur, M. B.; Khapova, S. N.; Hall, R.; Lord, R.


    The concept of boundaryless careers characterizes emerging career patterns that are less dependent on traditional organizational career management. Based on an evidence-based review of literature on the relationship between career boundarylessness and career success published from 1994 to 2018, we found that boundaryless careers have mixed effects on the various indictors of career success, and these effects depend on the operationalization of career boundarylessness, the motives (voluntary v...

  11. As redes para além dos rios: urbanização e desequilíbrios na Amazônia brasileira


    Sathler, Douglas; Monte-Mór, Roberto L.; Carvalho, José Alberto Magno de


    Nas últimas décadas, as redes urbanas que se estendem sobre a Amazônia Legal têm evoluído com o surgimento de cidades médias e com a multiplicação de pequenas aglomerações urbanas, que seguem os traçados das principais rodovias e rios da região. Apesar disso, as redes da Amazônia Legal apresentam diversos aspectos que devem ser estudados sem "euforia", diante de uma série de peculiaridades que merecem ser exploradas com maior profundidade. Mesmo que tenha sido estruturada uma hierarquia urban...

  12. Career Self-Efficacy Expectations and Perceived Range of Career Options in Community College Students. (United States)

    Rotberg, Heidi L.; And Others


    Explored the relation of socioeconomic status (SES), race, gender, career self-efficacy, career interests, and sex role orientation to career-choice range in female-male and non-gender-dominated careers and career self-efficacy. Career interest and career self-efficacy expectations significantly predicted range of perceived career options. Career…

  13. Relationships among Career and Life Stress, Negative Career thoughts, and Career Decision State: A Cognitive Information Processing Perspective (United States)

    Bullock-Yowell, Emily; Peterson, Gary W.; Reardon, Robert C.; Leierer, Stephen J.; Reed, Corey A.


    According to cognitive information processing theory, career thoughts mediate the relationship between career and life stress and the ensuing career decision state. Using a sample of 232 college students and structural equation modeling, this study found that an increase in career and life stress was associated with an increase in negative career…

  14. Psychological career resources as predictors of working adults’ career anchors: An exploratory study

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    Melinde Coetzee


    Full Text Available This study explored the relationship between the psychological career resources and career anchors of a sample of 2 997 working adults at predominantly managerial and supervisory levels in the service industry. The Psychological Career Resources Inventory and the Career Orientations Inventory were applied. Stepwise regression analyses indicated dimensions of psychological career resources as significant predictors of  participants’ career anchors. The findings add valuable new knowledge that can be used to inform organisational career development support practices as well as career counselling and guidance services concerned with promoting individuals’ employability and experiences of intrinsic career success.

  15. Career Practitioners' Conceptions of Social Media in Career Services (United States)

    Kettunen, Jaana; Vuorinen, Raimo; Sampson, James P., Jr.


    This article reports the outcomes of a study, undertaken from a phenomenographic perspective, of career practitioners' conceptions of social media usage in career services. Fifteen Finnish career practitioners--representing comprehensive, secondary and higher education as well as public employment services--were interviewed in focus groups. The…

  16. Profiling the careers of Thoroughbred horses racing in Australia between 2000 and 2010. (United States)

    Velie, B D; Wade, C M; Hamilton, N A


    Research investigating trends in racehorse careers require a benchmark for accurate comparison. Currently little whole population data exists for horses racing in Australia. To determine the range and variation in career length and number of career starts for horses racing in Australia. To document and provide evidence regarding the current differences between the sexes for career length and careers starts. Racing data were collected for Thoroughbreds over a 10-year period. Career length, number of career starts and spells per year were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package R. A total of 2,782,774 performance records yielded career information for 164,046 horses. Median career length and number of career starts for the population were 14.7 months and 10 starts, respectively. Significant differences (PThoroughbreds racing in Australia with careers longer than 12, 24, 36 and 48 months was 56.65, 32.35, 16.66 and 7.74, respectively. Clear differences in career outcomes exist between intact males, females and geldings racing in Australia. Future research should be conscious of these differences when analysing population data. © 2012 EVJ Ltd.

  17. [A Model for Predicting Career Satisfaction of Nurses Experiencing Rotation]. (United States)

    Shin, Sook; Yu, Mi


    This study aimed to present and test a structural model for describing and predicting the factors affecting subjective career satisfaction of nurses experiencing rotation and to develop human resources management strategies for promoting their career satisfaction related to rotation. In this cross-sectional study, we recruited 233 nurses by convenience sampling who had over 1 year of career experience and who had experienced rotation at least once at G university hospital. Data were collected from August to September in 2016 using self-reported questionnaires. The exogenous variables consisted of rotation perception and rotation stress. Endogenous variables consisted of career growth opportunity, work engagement, and subjective career satisfaction. A hypothetical model was tested by asymptotically distribution-free estimates, and model goodness of fit was examined using absolute fit, incremental fit measures. The final model was approved and had suitable fit. We found that subjective career satisfaction was directly affected by rotation stress (β=.20, p=.019) and work engagement (β=.58, pcareer growth opportunity and work engagement. However, there was no total effect of rotation stress on subjective career satisfaction (β=-.09, p=.270). Career growth opportunity directly and indirectly affected subjective career satisfaction (β=.29, pcareer satisfaction. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to establish systematic and planned criteria for rotation so that nurses can grow and develop through sustained work and become satisfied with their career. © 2017 Korean Society of Nursing Science

  18. Career satisfaction and retention risk among Wisconsin internists. (United States)

    Giriyappa, Pradeep; Sullivan, Kandis K


    Physician career satisfaction has been studied extensively, but career satisfaction as it relates to retention is less well studied. The objective was to assess the relationship between career satisfaction and retention in primary care internal medicine physicians in Wisconsin. In this descriptive quantitative study, survey data was assessed for correlations between career satisfaction, risk to retention, and demographics. The survey included 1231 primary care internal medicine physicians in the Wisconsin Medical Directory (2007). Responses were measured by career satisfaction variables, and demographics and retention variables for the purpose of correlations and regression analysis. Survey responses included 573 physicians. An additional 85 physicians were disqualified. The final survey group included 1146 physicians for a response rate of 50%. A total of 116 physicians (20.2%) reported anticipating leaving their current position, 84 (14.7%) physicians reported anticipating leaving the career of medicine. Identified at risk for retention were 144 (25.1%) physicians. The lowest career satisfaction scores were reported in the areas of compensation (3.19) and practice (3.42) on a scale of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). The highest correlations to retention were associated with practice, followed by compensation satisfaction. The level of significance for this study was identified as 0.05, and the P-value was 0.000. The study findings reveal a significant risk to the stability of continuity of care for patients, and may cost Wisconsin health care organizations more than $35 million in recruitment costs to replace departing physicians.

  19. The amazing world of life science

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    a successful career as a contractor and financed the independence movement. ... I took music as optional subject in high school, and opted for science in ... tension in cleaveage, the complete division of egg and rearrange- ment of cells and ...

  20. Career-Success Scale – A new instrument to assess young physicians' academic career steps (United States)

    Buddeberg-Fischer, Barbara; Stamm, Martina; Buddeberg, Claus; Klaghofer, Richard


    Background Within the framework of a prospective cohort study of Swiss medical school graduates, a Career-Success Scale (CSS) was constructed in a sample of young physicians choosing different career paths in medicine. Furthermore the influence of personality factors, the participants' personal situation, and career related factors on their career success was investigated. Methods 406 residents were assessed in terms of career aspired to, and their career progress. The Career-Success Scale, consisting of 7 items, was developed and validated, addressing objective criteria of academic career advancement. The influence of gender and career aspiration was investigated by a two-factorial analysis of variance, the relationships between personality factors, personal situation, career related factors and the Career-Success Scale by a multivariate linear regression analysis. Results The unidimensional Career-Success Scale has an internal consistency of 0.76. It is significantly correlated at the bivariate level with gender, instrumentality, and all career related factors, particularly with academic career and received mentoring. In multiple regression, only gender, academic career, surgery as chosen specialty, and received mentoring are significant predictors. The highest values were observed in participants aspiring to an academic career, followed by those pursuing a hospital career and those wanting to run a private practice. Independent of the career aspired to, female residents have lower scores than their male colleagues. Conclusion The Career-Success Scale proved to be a short, reliable and valid instrument to measure career achievements. As mentoring is an independent predictor of career success, mentoring programs could be an important instrument to specifically enhance careers of female physicians in academia. PMID:18518972

  1. Career-Success Scale – A new instrument to assess young physicians' academic career steps

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    Buddeberg Claus


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Within the framework of a prospective cohort study of Swiss medical school graduates, a Career-Success Scale (CSS was constructed in a sample of young physicians choosing different career paths in medicine. Furthermore the influence of personality factors, the participants' personal situation, and career related factors on their career success was investigated. Methods 406 residents were assessed in terms of career aspired to, and their career progress. The Career-Success Scale, consisting of 7 items, was developed and validated, addressing objective criteria of academic career advancement. The influence of gender and career aspiration was investigated by a two-factorial analysis of variance, the relationships between personality factors, personal situation, career related factors and the Career-Success Scale by a multivariate linear regression analysis. Results The unidimensional Career-Success Scale has an internal consistency of 0.76. It is significantly correlated at the bivariate level with gender, instrumentality, and all career related factors, particularly with academic career and received mentoring. In multiple regression, only gender, academic career, surgery as chosen specialty, and received mentoring are significant predictors. The highest values were observed in participants aspiring to an academic career, followed by those pursuing a hospital career and those wanting to run a private practice. Independent of the career aspired to, female residents have lower scores than their male colleagues. Conclusion The Career-Success Scale proved to be a short, reliable and valid instrument to measure career achievements. As mentoring is an independent predictor of career success, mentoring programs could be an important instrument to specifically enhance careers of female physicians in academia.

  2. A cultura amazônica e sua aplicação nas práticas de educação em saúde e enfermagem

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    Fabianne De Jesus De Sousa


    Full Text Available Introdução: A ordem é viver mais, melhor com mais saúde. Apesar do aumento e acesso às informações, o usuário dos serviços de saúde continua ainda muito impotente na relação que estabelece com os profissionais da área. Objetivou-se relatar a experiência de enfermeiras em identificar como se dá aplicação da cultura amazônica nas práticas educativas com idosos da Unidade de Saúde da Família no Município de Benevides-PA e o conhecimento destas práticas na cultura amazônica. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um relato de experiência, de natureza descritiva vivenciado pelas enfermeiras com um grupo de idosos em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Resultados: Os profissionais respeitam sua cultura amazônica através de conversas, oralidade dos mais antigos, espaços comunitários e religiosos para a transmissão dos saberes. Discussão e Conclusões: A Cultura amazônica e as práticas educativas estão presentes nas vidas dos idosos em seus ambientes familiares e comunitários, sendo levado em consideração pelos enfermeiros. Cómo citar este artículo: Sousa F, Andrade F, Silva M. A cultura amazônica e sua aplicação nas práticas de educação em saúde e enfermagem. Rev Cuid. 2015; 6(2: 1103-7.

  3. Reflexões sobre hidrelétricas na Amazônia: água, energia e desenvolvimento

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    Bertha Koiffmann Becker

    Full Text Available O ensaio discute a implantação de hidrelétricas na Amazônia a partir das relações entre consumo de água e hidroeletricidade em diferentes escalas de análise, pois, se todos os lugares do planeta são afetados por processos globais, eles não o são de modo homogêneo. À escala global, domina o discurso apocalíptico de escassez crescente da água e do aquecimento global, exigindo a redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa mediante o uso de energias renováveis e novas tecnologias. Na escala nacional, os problemas do Brasil são, pelo contrário, como gerir a abundância de água com justiça social e territorial, e como sustar a perda de 20% da energia elétrica produzida. Finalmente, é na escala regional - na Amazônia - que emergem os maiores problemas: i o maior paradoxo entre abundância de água e inacessibilidade social ao recurso; ii grande parte das hidrelétricas planejadas para o país será ali construída, com risco dos graves impactos conhecidos; iii a cogitada obrigatoriedade da construção de eclusas em todas as hidrelétricas, proposta pelo setor industrial em benefício da navegabilidade dos rios, deverá propiciar, na verdade, o escoamento de commodities produzidas na região Centro-Oeste. Coloca-se, assim, para a sociedade e para o governo, a questão ética se realmente são necessárias tantas hidrelétricas na Amazônia.

  4. The Impact of Organisational Support for Career Development on Career Satisfaction (United States)

    Barnett, Belinda Renee; Bradley, Lisa


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organisational support for career development (OSCD) and employees' career satisfaction. Based on an extended model of social cognitive career theory (SCCT) and an integrative model of proactive behaviours, the study proposed that career management behaviours would mediate…

  5. Career Development Theory and Its Application. Career Knowledge Series (United States)

    National Career Development Association, 2015


    Covers career development theory, models, and techniques and how to apply them; understand the steps in the career development process and why career choice and development theory is important as well as limitations. Presents the assumptions that underlie four different types of theories; trait and factor, learning, developmental, and transition…

  6. Measuring Change in Career Counseling: Validation of the "Career Futures Inventory-Revised" (United States)

    Rottinghaus, Patrick J.; Eshelman, Alec; Gore, Jonathan S.; Keller, Kari J.; Schneider, Madalyn; Harris, Kristine L.


    This retrospective chart review study examined the factor structure of the "Career Futures Inventory-Revised" (CFI-R; Rottinghaus et al. in "J Career Assess" 20:123-139, 2012) and its utility as a career counseling outcome measure using a sample of 332 clients from a university career center. The CFI-R examines career agency…

  7. Research on the evaluation indicators of skilled employees’ career success based on grounded theory

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    Fulei Chu


    Full Text Available Purpose: summarized and sorted career success evaluation indicators of skilled employees Design/methodology/approach: Based on Grounded Theory, through interviews and questionnaires to railway skilled employees Findings and Originality/value: the study shows that “subjective career success”, including work-family balance, life satisfaction, career satisfaction, perception of career success, “objective career success”, including level of total revenue venue, growth rate of wage and times of promotion, “knowledge and skills career success” including upgrade of knowledge and skills, classification of skills, external competitiveness and job autonomy, are three important career success evaluation indicators of skilled employees. Originality/value: The results show that different age groups, different titles and different positions of skilled employees, there is a significant difference in the choice of career success evaluation indicators. It provides a useful reference to establish a career development system for the skilled employees.

  8. Mediating Role of Career Coaching on Job-Search Behavior of Older Generations. (United States)

    Lim, Doo Hun; Oh, Eunjung; Ju, Boreum; Kim, Hae Na


    This study focuses on career development processes and options for older workers in South Korea and explores how career coaching enhances their career development efforts and transition needs. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between older employees' goal-setting, self-efficacy, and job-search behavior mediated by career coaching. A total of 249 participants were recruited in a metropolitan city in South Korea. Based on the literature review, hypotheses were developed and tested on the structural model and the following findings were revealed. First, the findings indicate a positive effect of self-efficacy on older workers' job-search behavior. Second, the value of career coaching was found to affect older workers' job-search behavior in the South Korean context. Third, career-goal commitment alone did not have a positive significant effect on job-search behavior, but it was influential through the mediating process of the perceived quality of the career coaching program provided by an employment center in South Korea.

  9. Career cartography: a conceptualization of career development to advance health and policy. (United States)

    Feetham, Suzanne; Doering, Jennifer J


    The purpose of this article is to propose a conceptualization of career development that emphasizes the interdependence between research, practice, and policy. Career cartography applies three decades of career development experience to lay out a systematic, comprehensive, and iterative approach for planning and communicating the outcomes of science at any career stage. To inform practice and policy, nurse researchers must be clear on the intended destination and trajectory of the science, and be skilled in communicating that science and vision to diverse stakeholders. Career cartography builds on the science of cartography, is developed within the context of public and health policy, and is composed of several components, including a destination statement, career mapping, a supportive career cartography team, and use of communication and dissemination strategies. The successful utilization of career cartography may accelerate advancement of individual careers, scientific impact, and the discipline as a whole by guiding nurse researchers to be deliberative in career planning and to communicate successfully the outcomes of research across a wide variety of stakeholders. Career cartography provides a framework for planning a nurse researcher's program of research and scholarship to advance science, policy, and health of the public. Career cartography guides nurse researchers to realize their full potential to advance the health of the public and inform public and health policy in academic and practice environments. © 2014 Sigma Theta Tau International.

  10. Alterações ocorridas pelo manejo em Latossolo, Rondônia, Amazônia Brasileira

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    Gustavo Souza Valladares


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar atributos de fertilidade, frações da matéria orgânica, incluindo ácido fúlvico, ácido húmico, humina e matéria orgânica leve, densidade e volume total de poros, em um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico, sob cultura perene, pastagem e floresta amazônica em área de assentamento rural conhecida como Gleba Machadinho (RO. As coletas das amostras de solo ocorreram em 2004; foram amostradas as camadas superficiais do solo na profundidade de 0-0,1 m. Verificou-se melhoria na fertilidade dos solos sob culturas perenes, com diminuição da acidez e aumento dos teores de nutrientes. Não foi verificada diferença nos teores totais de carbono orgânico dos solos, porém variações nas frações orgânicas, ocorrendo menores teores de matéria orgânica leve e maior relação das substâncias húmicas alcalino solúveis em comparação à humina nos solos com culturas perenes. Nas áreas de pastagem, o pisoteio animal causou aumento da densidade do solo e redução do volume total de poros.

  11. Career Preferences and Perceptions of Cardiology Among US Internal Medicine Trainees: Factors Influencing Cardiology Career Choice. (United States)

    Douglas, Pamela S; Rzeszut, Anne K; Bairey Merz, C Noel; Duvernoy, Claire S; Lewis, Sandra J; Walsh, Mary Norine; Gillam, Linda


    Few data exist on internal medicine trainees' selection of cardiology training, although this is important for meeting future cardiology workforce needs. To discover trainees' professional development preferences and perceptions of cardiology, and their relationship to trainees' career choice. We surveyed trainees to discover their professional development preferences and perceptions of cardiology and the influence of those perceptions and preferences on the trainees' career choices. Participants rated 38 professional development needs and 19 perceptions of cardiology. Data collection took place from February 2009, through January 2010. Data analysis was conducted from May 2017 to December 2017. Multivariable models were used to determine the association of demographics and survey responses with prospective career choice. A total of 4850 trainees were contacted, and 1123 trainees (of whom 625 [55.7%] were men) in 198 residency programs completed surveys (23.1% response; mean [SD] age, 29.4 [3.5] years). Principal component analysis of survey responses resulted in 8-factor and 6-factor models. Professional development preferences in descending order of significance were stable hours, family friendliness, female friendliness, the availability of positive role models, financial benefits, professional challenges, patient focus, and the opportunity to have a stimulating career. The top perceptions of cardiology in descending order of significance were adverse job conditions, interference with family life, and a lack of diversity. Women and future noncardiologists valued work-life balance more highly and had more negative perceptions of cardiology than men or future cardiologists, who emphasized the professional advantages available in cardiology. Professional development factors and cardiology perceptions were strongly associated with a decision to pursue or avoid a career in cardiology in both men and women. Alignment of cardiology culture with trainees' preferences

  12. Comparison of Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers with Respect to Personality Traits and Career Adaptability (United States)

    Eryilmaz, Ali; Kara, Ahmet


    The aim of the study is to compare teachers and pre-service teachers in terms of personality traits and career adaptability. The relationships between personality traits and career adaptability are also investigated. A total of 176 pre-service teachers took part in the study, including 90 men and 76 women, and a total of 204 teachers took part in…

  13. Status of Early-Career Academic Cardiology: A Global Perspective. (United States)

    Tong, Carl W; Madhur, Meena S; Rzeszut, Anne K; Abdalla, Marwah; Abudayyeh, Islam; Alexanderson, Erick; Buber, Jonathan; Feldman, Dmitriy N; Gopinathannair, Rakesh; Hira, Ravi S; Kates, Andrew M; Kessler, Thorsten; Leung, Steve; Raj, Satish R; Spatz, Erica S; Turner, Melanie B; Valente, Anne Marie; West, Kristin; Sivaram, Chittur A; Hill, Joseph A; Mann, Douglas L; Freeman, Andrew M


    Early-career academic cardiologists, who many believe are an important component of the future of cardiovascular care, face myriad challenges. The Early Career Section Academic Working Group of the American College of Cardiology, with senior leadership support, assessed the progress of this cohort from 2013 to 2016 with a global perspective. Data consisted of accessing National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute public information, data from the American Heart Association and international organizations, and a membership-wide survey. Although the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute increased funding of career development grants, only a small number of early-career American College of Cardiology members have benefited as funding of the entire cohort has decreased. Personal motivation, institutional support, and collaborators continued to be positive influential factors. Surprisingly, mentoring ceased to correlate positively with obtaining external grants. The totality of findings suggests that the status of early-career academic cardiologists remains challenging; therefore, the authors recommend a set of attainable solutions. Copyright © 2017 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Mediating Role of Career Commitment in the Relationship of Promotional Opportunities, Rewards and Career Success

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    Ahmad Tisman Pasha


    Full Text Available The objective of the study is to investigate the mediating role of career commitment between career development practices and career success of employee in insurance sector of Pakistan. Survey method was adopted to collect the data form 374 employees working in insurance sector systematic sampling. PLS-SEM technique was used using Smart PLS 2.0 to analyze the data. Findings of the study suggests that employees’ career development practices have positive relationship with career commitment and career success. Career commitment also have a positive relation with career success. Finally, career commitment mediates the positive role between career development practices and career of insurance sector employees. The effect of career development practices on career commitment and effect of career development practices on career success has been checked in past studies but the mediating role of career commitment particularly for the employees of insurance sector has not been checked before.

  15. As redes para além dos rios: urbanização e desequilíbrios na Amazônia Brasileira


    Douglas Sathler dos Reis


    Nas últimas décadas, as redes urbanas que se estendem sobre a Amazônia Legal têm evoluído com o surgimento de cidades de médio porte e com a multiplicação de pequenas aglomerações urbanas, que seguem os traçados das principais rodovias e rios da região. Em um contexto de transformações globais, com aparecimento das Redes Móveis em meio às novas formas de flexibilidade e interatividade, as redes da Amazônia Legal apresentam diversos aspectos que devem ser estudados sem euforia, diante de uma s...


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    Stanislava Stoyanova


    Full Text Available A review of several studies of teachers’ career motivation since Bulgarian Renaissance till nowadays is presented in this paper. 203 Bulgarian teachers in public schools were studied by means of a questionnaire created by Slavchov & Stoyanova (2007 measuring career motivational types, according to Moses’ typology (2003. The career motivational type of Authenticity seekers was the most preferred by the studied Bulgarian teachers, followed by Personal developers and Stability seekers. Career builders as a career motivational type was minor career motivator, the least preferred one by Bulgarian teachers. A lot of significant positive correlations existed between teachers’ career motivational types. Some social-demographic factors (such as gender, specialty, work experience, and age differentiated teachers’ career motivators. The type of Autonomy seekers was more preferred career motivator by male teachers than by female teachers in correspondence to the traditional stereotypes for men. Longer teachers’ work experience and teachers’ advance in age were related to more frequency of Stability seekers, but less frequency of Novelty seekers career motivator. Preschool and elementary school teachers preferred more strongly Authenticity seekers as a career motivator than teachers in natural sciences and mathematics. Establishing major career motivators for teachers may be related to opportunities for improvement of performance and work satisfaction.

  17. Predictors of career commitment and job performance of Jordanian nurses. (United States)

    Mrayyan, Majd T; Al-Faouri, Ibrahim


    Few studies focused on nurses' career commitment and nurses' job performance. This research aimed at studying variables of nurses' career commitment and job performance, and assessing the relationship between the two concepts as well as their predictors. A survey was used to collect data from a convenient sample of 640 Registered Nurses employed in 24 hospitals. Nurses 'agreed' to be committed to their careers and they were performing their jobs 'well'. As a part of career commitment, nurses were willing to be involved, in their own time, in projects that would benefit patient care. The highest and lowest means of nurses' job performance were reported for the following aspects: leadership, critical care, teaching/collaboration, planning/evaluation, interpersonal relations/communications and professional development. Correlating of total scores of nurses' career commitment and job performance revealed the presence of a significant and positive relationship between the two concepts. Stepwise regression models revealed that the explained variance in nurses' career commitment was 23.9% and that in nurses' job performance was 29.9%. Nurse managers should promote nursing as a career and they should develop and implement various strategies to increase nurses' career commitment and nurses' job performance. These strategies should focus on nurse retention, staff development and quality of care. Nurses' career commitment and job performance are inter-related complex concepts that require further studies to understand, promote and maintain these positive factors in work environments.

  18. Telejornalismo na Amaz?nia: o FTP como instrumento de integra??o regional


    Batista, Lu?s Augusto Pires


    Esta disserta??o investiga o efeito do sistema FTP (File Transfer Protocol ou Protocolo de Transfer?ncia de Arquivo) no processo de produ??o do telejornalismo das emissoras da Rede Amaz?nica (TV Amazonas, TV Rond?nia, TV Acre, TV Roraima e TV Amap?), a partir da Central de Jornalismo sediada na capital do estado no Amazonas e seus efeitos no cotidiano da comunidade do munic?pio de Manacapuru, que passou a ser n?o apenas consumidora de informa??o, mas tamb?m produtora dela. C...

  19. O desmatamento na Amazônia e a importância das áreas protegidas

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    Leandro Valle Ferreira


    Full Text Available O MODELO da ocupação demográfica da Amazônia legalnos últimos cinqueta anos tem levado a níveis significativos de desmatamento, resultante de múltiplos fatores, tais como a abertura de estradas pioneiras, o crescimento das cidades, a ampliação de pecuária extensiva, a acelerada exploração madeireira e a crescente agricultura intensiva de monoculturas. A área cumulativa desmatada na Amazônia legal brasileira chegou a cerca de 653.000 km² em 2003, correspondendo a 16,3% da região. Este estudo visou a determinar o desmatamento dentro e fora dos atuais Unidades de Conservação (UC e Terras Indígenas (TI na Amazônia legal, nos estados de Mato Grosso, Rondônia e Pará, que, juntos, corresponderam por mais de 90% do desmatamento observado entre 2001 e 2003. Os resultados mostraram que o desmatamento foi cerca de dez a vinte vezes menor dentro das Unidades de Conservação e Terras Indígenas do que em áreas contíguas fora delas. Isto demonstra a importância dessas áreas protegidas para diminuir o processo do desmatamento nos três estados. Isto refuta a hipótese generalizada de que estas áreas não cumprissem a sua função principal na conservação e uso racional dos recursos na Amazônia legal.DEMOGRAPHIC occupation of the Brazilian Legal Amazon within the past 50 years has lead to significant levels of deforestation as the result of several factors such as new road construction, urban growth, expansion of extensive cattle ranching, increasing timber extraction, and rising intensive agriculture of monocultures. The cumulative deforested area in Brazil's Legal Amazonia was approximately 653,000 km² in 2003, correspondingto 16,3% of the region. This study sought to assess deforestation within or near to protected areas (conservation units and indigenous reserves in Legal Amazonia in the states of Mato Grosso, Rondônia, and Pará that jointly were responsible for more than 90% of regional deforestation from 2001 to 2003

  20. A questão amazônica e a política de defesa nacional

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    Octavio Penna Pieranti

    Full Text Available A preservação da Amazônia é uma questão crucial para a integridade territorial do país que se torna ainda mais relevante num cenário marcado pela agressão ao meio ambiente e pela escassez global de recursos naturais no raiar do século XXI. A politica de meio ambiente, a estrutura para sua efetiva implementação e o modelo de preservação que o governo brasileiro vem adotando para a região têm recebido críticas em todos os países desenvolvidos, vindas de autoridades governamentais e da sociedade civil. O que se questiona é a inexistência de estrutura apropriada para a proteção da Amazônia como um bem natural, e essas críticas são preocupantes não apenas por sua origem e alvo, mas também pelo seu conteúdo, pois sugerem modificações que ferem a soberania e a integridade territorial do país. Com base numa pesquisa bibliográfica, este artigo procura discutir a forma de inserção da questão amazônica - e conseqüentemente a política ambiental - no debate sobre a política de defesa nacional. Uma vez que os problemas dessa região envolvem aspectos pertinentes tanto à política de meio ambiente quanto à de defesa, o que se pretende aqui é discutir a necessidade de adoção de um modelo de preservação do ecossistema da Amazônia que conte com maior apoio das Forças Armadas. Reformulada a partir da década de 1990, a política de defesa nacional tem procurado se adequar a uma drástica redução de custos, sem que isso prejudique o desempenho de suas funções essenciais. Essa política se baseia, ainda, numa sistemática de defesa mantida mesmo em tempos de paz - principalmente, em relação á garantia da soberania nacional - e dessa forma, está vinculada á proteção do território e dos recursos naturais brasileiros. Ao se discutir as implicações que a política ambiental traz para a política de defesa nacional, o objetivo é abordar a defesa do meio ambiente no Brasil como uma forma de resguardar a pr

  1. Career learning and career learning environment in Dutch higher education

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marinka Kuijpers; dr. Frans Meijers


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of career development and guidance among students (age 17-23) enrolled in higher education in The Netherlands. First the paper explores whether the development of career competencies contribute to career identity, learning motivation,

  2. Career competences and importance of their development in planning of career perspective


    Adomaitienė, Jūratė; Zubrickienė, Ilona


    Attempts are made in this article to reveal the essence of the process, related to the planning of career perspective, to highlight the aspect of dynamism in modern career competence, demonstrating importance and significance of its continuous development for planning of career perspective. Analysis is developed, introducing attitude of teachers and lecturers towards competence of their own career, its development and significance, planning perspective of one’s own career; towards reflection ...

  3. Subordinating careers to market forces? A critical analysis of European career guidance policy

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    Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic


    Full Text Available This study explores language regarding career and career development in European policy documents on career guidance in order to disclose underlying view(s of these phenomena conveyed in the texts. Qualitative content analysis was used to approach the subject in the texts, followed by a sender-oriented interpretation. Sources for interpretation include several sociological and pedagogical approaches based upon social constructionism. These provide a framework for understanding how different views of career phenomena arise. The characterization of career phenomena in the documents falls into four categories: contextual change, environment-person correspondence, competence mobility, and empowerment. An economic perspective on career dominates, followed by learning and political science perspectives. Policy formulations convey contradictory messages and a form of career 'contract' that appears to subordinate individuals' careers to global capitalism, while attributing sole responsibility for career to individuals.

  4. Personal and situational variables, and career concerns: predicting career adaptability in young adults. (United States)

    Yousefi, Zahra; Abedi, Mohammadreza; Baghban, Iran; Eatemadi, Ozra; Abedi, Ahmade


    This study examined relationships among career adaptability and career concerns, social support and goal orientation. We surveyed 304 university students using measures of career concerns, adaptability (career planning, career exploration, self-exploration, decision-making, self-regulation), goal-orientation (learning, performance-prove, performance-avoid) and social support (family, friends, significant others). Multiple regression analysis revealed career concerns, learning and performance-prove goal orientations emerged relatively as the most important contributors. Other variables did not contribute significantly.

  5. Career learning and career learning environment in Dutch higher education

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijers, Frans; Kuijpers, Marinka


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of career development and guidance among students (age 17-23) enrolled in higher education in The Netherlands. First the paper explores whether the development of career competencies contribute to career identity, learning motivation,

  6. Career-success scale – a new instrument to assess young physicians' academic career steps


    Buddeberg-Fischer, B; Stamm, M; Buddeberg, C; Klaghofer, R


    Abstract Background Within the framework of a prospective cohort study of Swiss medical school graduates, a Career-Success Scale (CSS) was constructed in a sample of young physicians choosing different career paths in medicine. Furthermore the influence of personality factors, the participants' personal situation, and career related factors on their career success was investigated. Methods 406 residents were assessed in terms of career aspired to, and their career progress. The Career-Success...

  7. Cross Functional Career Navigation: The Way to Broaden Your Career Options (United States)

    Greenhalgh, Todd


    In today's rapid paced global environment, broadening career options for career development depends on successful cross-functional career navigation. For scientists and engineers, this means developing a diversity of skills in addition to a strong technical foundation. Fortunately, companies use cross-functional teams as one of the key tools for rapidly developing and commercializing products and services. Participation on these teams carries with it the additional benefit of allowing an individual to develop new skills, and to gain valuable expertise in areas that are critical to the growth of their company, their industry and, most importantly, their career. This talk will outline some of the important cross functional skills that can propel your career ahead and ways in which you can take charge of your career mapping and enhance your value and employability.

  8. Shiftwork: A Chaos Theory of Careers Agenda for Change in Career Counseling (United States)

    Bright, Jim E. H.; Pryor, Robert G. L.


    This paper presents the implications of the Chaos Theory of Careers for career counselling in the form of Shiftwork. Shiftwork represents an expanded paradigm of career counselling based on complexity, change and uncertainty. Eleven paradigm shifts for careers counselling are outlined to incorporate into contemporary practice pattern making, an…

  9. Pueblos amazónicos: estéticas y cosmovisiones (L. Abad, A. Alonso Sagaseta)


    Juan Antonio Flores


    Acaba de ser publicado un raro libro, especialmente dirigido a los amazonistas y en particular a los estudiosos y curiosos de la cultura material amazónica –la que condensa esa mixtura de cotidianeidad, arte y espiritualidad-, pero que pueden celebrar al mismo tiempo los antropólogos involucrados en la defensa de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y originarios de este área cultural.

  10. Boundaryless career and career success: the impact of emotional and social competencies. (United States)

    Gerli, Fabrizio; Bonesso, Sara; Pizzi, Claudio


    Even though, over the last two decades, the boundaryless career concept has stimulated a wide theoretical debate, scholars have recently claimed that research on the competencies that are necessary for managing a cross-boundary career is still incomplete. Similarly, the literature on emotional and social competencies has demonstrated how they predict work performance across industries and jobs but has neglected their influence in explaining the individual's mobility across boundaries and their impact on career success. This study aims to fill these gaps by examining the effects of emotional and social competencies on boundaryless career and on objective career success. By analyzing a sample of 142 managers over a period of 8 years, we found evidence that emotional competencies positively influence the propensity of an individual to undertake physical career mobility and that career advancements are related to the possession of social competencies and depend on the adoption of boundaryless career paths. This study also provides a contribution in terms of the evaluation of the emotional and social competencies demonstrated by an individual and of the operationalization of the measurement of boundaryless career paths, considering three facets of the physical mobility construct (organizational, industrial, and geographical boundaries).

  11. Physical attractiveness, attitudes toward career, and mate preferences among young Chinese women. (United States)

    Zhang, Hong; Teng, Fei; Chan, Darius K-S; Zhang, Denghao


    We examined young Chinese women's mate preferences as a function of their self-perceived attractiveness and career attitudes. A total of 264 young Chinese women rated their own attractiveness, reported their attitudes toward career, and rated the importance of 20 mate characteristics. The characteristics encompassed four facets that individuals typically consider when seeking a long-term mate: good-genes indicators, good investment ability indicators, good parenting indicators, and good partner indicators. We found that both self-perceived attractiveness and attitudes toward career were positively associated with the importance attached to several of the characteristics. Moreover, women who had high career focus but low self-perceived attractiveness attached more value to intelligence, ambition, and industriousness than women who had low career focus but high self-perceived attractiveness; women with low career focus but high self-perceived attractiveness attached more value to physical attractiveness in a mate than women with high career focus but low self-perceived attractiveness. We discussed the limitations of our research and directions for future research.

  12. Physical Attractiveness, Attitudes toward Career, and Mate Preferences among Young Chinese Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong Zhang


    Full Text Available We examined young Chinese women's mate preferences as a function of their self-perceived attractiveness and career attitudes. A total of 264 young Chinese women rated their own attractiveness, reported their attitudes toward career, and rated the importance of 20 mate characteristics. The characteristics encompassed four facets that individuals typically consider when seeking a long-term mate: good-genes indicators, good investment ability indicators, good parenting indicators, and good partner indicators. We found that both self-perceived attractiveness and attitudes toward career were positively associated with the importance attached to several of the characteristics. Moreover, women who had high career focus but low self-perceived attractiveness attached more value to intelligence, ambition, and industriousness than women who had low career focus but high self-perceived attractiveness; women with low career focus but high self-perceived attractiveness attached more value to physical attractiveness in a mate than women with high career focus but low self-perceived attractiveness. We discussed the limitations of our research and directions for future research.

  13. Amazing structure of respirasome: unveiling the secrets of cell respiration. (United States)

    Guo, Runyu; Gu, Jinke; Wu, Meng; Yang, Maojun


    Respirasome, a huge molecular machine that carries out cellular respiration, has gained growing attention since its discovery, because respiration is the most indispensable biological process in almost all living creatures. The concept of respirasome has renewed our understanding of the respiratory chain organization, and most recently, the structure of respirasome solved by Yang's group from Tsinghua University (Gu et al. Nature 237(7622):639-643, 2016) firstly presented the detailed interactions within this huge molecular machine, and provided important information for drug design and screening. However, the study of cellular respiration went through a long history. Here, we briefly showed the detoured history of respiratory chain investigation, and then described the amazing structure of respirasome.

  14. Barcarena: trabalho e mobilidade numa fronteira amazônica globalizada.


    Hazeu, Marcel


    A globalização da fronteira tem levado a transformações sociais em municípios amazônicos que passaram por processos de industrialização e exportação, aliado à marginalização das formas de produção e reprodução locais e à precarização das relações do trabalho. As transformações sociais no município de Barcarena são discutidas no contexto de quatro sistemas migratórios: as desapropriações e permanentes deslocamentos forçados; a precarização e mobilidade do trabalho; o transporte rodoviário e m...

  15. Psychological Intervention in Portuguese College Students: Effects of Two Career Self-Management Seminars (United States)

    Pinto, Joana Carneiro; Loureiro, Nazaré; Taveira, Maria do Céu


    This article describes the evaluation of a psychological intervention--the Career Self-Management Seminar, Version A, for undergraduate students, and Version B for postgraduate students--developed to support Portuguese college students in career exploration, goal setting, design and implementation of action plans, and decision-making. A total of…

  16. Trapecio amazónico: turismo e imaginarios sociales sobre un territorio exotizado


    Vélez Rivas, Martha Lucía


    Resumen El objetivo del artículo es comprender los imaginarios sociales construidos sobre el Trapecio Amazónico colombiano y su influencia en la experiencia turística. De manera creciente, se observa un aumento en el flujo de turistas atraídos por ofertas hacia este territorio selvático, el cual está habitado principalmente por comunidades indígenas que son, al mismo tiempo, objeto y sujetos del turismo. La experiencia turística está permeada por imaginarios construidos a través de relatos, n...

  17. Effects of Career Choice Intervention on Components of Career Preparation (United States)

    Koivisto, Petri; Vinokur, Amiram D.; Vuori, Jukka


    This randomized experimental study (N = 1,034) examines both the direct and the indirect effects of the Towards Working Life intervention on 2 components of adolescents' career preparation: preparedness for career choice and attitude toward career planning. The intervention comprised a 1-week workshop program, the proximal goals of which were to…

  18. Protean career: perspectives of study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Litvinova Ye.Yu.


    Full Text Available The article analyzes different approaches to study of models of constructing the employment career in current environment. The changes having taken place in interrelationsbetween employees and organizations over recent 15 years led to changes in their mutual expectations including the ones concerning the career development. Boundaryless career based on career mobility and protean career based on subjective understanding of career success are regarded as alternatives to traditional careers. The main attributes of “new careers” are: an increased independence in employee-organization dyads, low level of mutual obligations, freedom of choice, self-actualization, priority of career loyalty and self-management in contrast to organization loyalty. Changes in career conceptualizing inevitably led to revision of career competences. Traditional professional competences give way to career meta-competences like adaptiveness, capacity for education, self-management, taking responsibility. At the same time empirical studies displaya prematurity of statements about the expressed loss of interest to traditional careers.

  19. Effect of Career Education Module on Career Development of Community College Students (United States)

    Talib, Jasmi A.; Salleh, Amla; Amat, Salleh; Ghavifekr, Simin; Ariff, Azlinda M.


    Using a pre-post and control group design, we examined the effect of a career education module on career development among a group of 122 community college students in Malaysia. The effect of gender and the interaction effect of gender and career education module on career development were also investigated. MANOVA analyses showed significant…

  20. DURAMAZ, um Sistema de Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável na Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martine Droulers


    Full Text Available A análise do processo de sustentabilidade representa um grande desafio científico enquanto a Amazônia constitui um verdadeiro laboratório onde estão sendo testadas inúmeras concepções desse conceito. Haveria pontos ou mecanismos comuns entre estas? Esse é o ponto que pesquisou o programa DURAMAZ, que teve como objetivo de desvendar fatores chaves, ou “determinantes” do desenvolvimento sustentável (DS na Amazônia brasileira através da identificação dos impactos geográficos, demográficos e socioeconômicos de 13 projetos de DS. Apresentamos os pontos-chaves da metodologia, assim como algumas visões de síntese sobre a aplicação do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Entender as dinâmicas internas de cada uma dessas experiências foi a meta principal, assim como entender as razões de um bom desempenho. O resultado final do programa de pesquisa reside na construção de um sistema de indicadores a partir de bancos de dados sistematizados (socioeconômico, demográfico/biográfico e geográfico e na análise de seus resultados.

  1. CareerConnector (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — CareerConnector is USAID's premiere recruiting tool. It is powered by Monster and integrated with CareerConnector tracks the progression of a...

  2. Motivation and career development


    Flemr, Marcel


    The main objective of this diploma thesis is to outline various theories of work motivation, career growth and their practical application in sales team management within a sales organization. In the theoretical part the paper deals with the definition of essential terms including but not limited to motivation, work motivation, career and work career. Moreover, it focuses on selected motivational theories, basic criteria and current principles of managing the work career, career growth and de...

  3. Career Competencies And Career Success Of Thai Employees In Tourism And Hospitality Sector


    Aurathai Lertwannawit; Sirivan Serirat; Siroj Pholpantin


    This research assesses the relationship between career competencies and career success of Thai employees in the tourism and hospitality sector. The authors distinguished and operationalized four career competencies, i.e. computer and language skills, work spirits and ethics, team working and leadership, and tourism and hospitality knowledge and skills, and two career successes, i.e. objective and subjective career successes. A quantitative study was performed using 800 employees in four indus...

  4. The "new normal": Adapting doctoral trainee career preparation for broad career paths in science.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rebekah St Clair

    Full Text Available Doctoral recipients in the biomedical sciences and STEM fields are showing increased interest in career opportunities beyond academic positions. While recent research has addressed the interests and preferences of doctoral trainees for non-academic careers, the strategies and resources that trainees use to prepare for a broad job market (non-academic are poorly understood. The recent adaptation of the Social Cognitive Career Theory to explicitly highlight the interplay of contextual support mechanisms, individual career search efficacy, and self-adaptation of job search processes underscores the value of attention to this explicit career phase. Our research addresses the factors that affect the career search confidence and job search strategies of doctoral trainees with non-academic career interests and is based on nearly 900 respondents from an NIH-funded survey of doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in the biomedical sciences at two U.S. universities. Using structural equation modeling, we find that trainees pursuing non-academic careers, and/or with low perceived program support for career goals, have lower career development and search process efficacy (CDSE, and receive different levels of support from their advisors/supervisors. We also find evidence of trainee adaptation driven by their career search efficacy, and not by career interests.

  5. Career Issues in HRD. (United States)


    This document contains four symposium papers on career issues in human resource development (HRD). "Are Careers What They Used To Be: A Factor Analysis of Schein's Career Orientations Inventory" (Gerri Mukri, Sharon Confessore) is a statistical analysis of Schein's Career Orientations Inventory that finds the inventory to be a…

  6. [Career consciousness among Japanese female students: relationships between vocational motivation and career exploration]. (United States)

    Adachi, Tomoko


    This questionnaire study investigated career consciousness among 348 Japanese female freshman and sophomore college students. Variables included career consciousness (belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation, passivity, and giving priority to personal interests), vocational motives (self-improvement, interpersonal, status), as well as career decision-making self-efficacy (self-appraisal, gathering occupational information) and career exploration (self and environmental exploration). The results of causal analyses showed that the belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation and passivity had effects on all three vocational motives, but giving priority to personal interests had an effect only on motivation for self-improvement. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were constructed with career exploration as dependent variables, career consciousness as fixed factors, and career decision-making self-efficacy as covariates. The results of the analyses showed that students who had high career decision-making self-efficacy engaged in both self exploration and environmental exploration activities with a higher frequency. Students with a greater passive tendency toward their career engaged in both self and environmental exploration with a lower frequency. Belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation was associated only with differences in frequency of self exploration. Giving priority to personal interests did not produce differences in career exploration activities.

  7. International careers and career success of Indian women in science & technology : The importance of career capital and organizational capital

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Valk, R.; van der Velde, E.G.; van Engen, Marloes


    This article presents a study on international careers and career success of Indian women in Science & Technology (S&T). We conducted interviews with 30 (upper) middle class Indian women in New Delhi and Bangalore (India) who pursued careers abroad as self-initiated expatriates (SIEs). Important

  8. Differences in caregiver daily impression by sex, education and career length. (United States)

    Ae, Ryusuke; Kojo, Takao; Kotani, Kazuhiko; Okayama, Masanobu; Kuwabara, Masanari; Makino, Nobuko; Aoyama, Yasuko; Sano, Takashi; Nakamura, Yosikazu


    We previously proposed the concept of caregiver daily impression (CDI) as a practical tool for emergency triage. We herein assessed how CDI varies by sex, education and career length by determining CDI scores as quantitative outcome measures. We carried out a cross-sectional study using a self-reported questionnaire among caregivers in 20 long-term care facilities in Hyogo, Japan. A total of 10 CDI variables measured participants' previous experience of emergency transfers using a scale from 0-10. The resulting total was defined as the CDI score. We hypothetically considered that higher scores indicated greater caregiver focus. The CDI scores were compared by sex, education and career length using analysis of covariance. A total of 601 personal caregivers were evaluated (mean age 36.7 years; 36% men). The mean career length was 6.9 years, with the following groupings: 1-4 years (38%), 5-9 years (37%) and >10 years (24%). After adjustment for sex and education, the CDI scores for the variable, "poor eye contact," significantly differed between caregivers with ≥10 and Sex-related differences in CDI might also exist. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2016; 17: 410-415. © 2016 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  9. Tales of the unexpected: Integrating career shocks in the contemporary careers literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jos Akkermans


    Full Text Available Orientation: This article addresses the interplay between individual agency and contextual factors in contemporary career development processes. In light of the prominence of the former in the contemporary scholarly debate, we present a case for a more comprehensive approach by heeding the latter as well.   Research purpose: The main aim of this article was to provide a definition and conceptualisation of career shocks, as well as an agenda for future research on this topic.   Motivation for the study: Most of the contemporary careers literature has overemphasised the role of individual agency in career development. While certainly important, we argue that we also need to address the role of context – in this case, career shocks – in order to gain a fuller appreciation of career development processes.   Main conclusions and implications: We provide a definition of career shocks based on the existing literature related to chance events and turnover. In addition, we provide an overview of attributes of career shocks, potentially valuable theoretical perspectives and key issues for future research.   Contribution: This article brings together several existing streams of literature related to career shocks and provides an integrative definition and conceptualisation. We hope that this will ignite future research on an important but often overlooked topic.

  10. When people don't realize their career decisions : towards a theory of career inaction


    Verbruggen, Marijke; Vos, de, Ans


    Abstract: Career decisions are at the core of the career literature. Most theories on career decisions - and accordingly, most empirical studies - have focused on the decision-making process and on factors influencing it. Some theoretical work has been done on the phase afterwards, i.e. after the career decision is made. However, these theories generally focus on the career transition process, implicitly assuming that people always go through with the objective changes they desired. Career in...

  11. Career patterns of healthcare executives. (United States)

    Fahey, D F; Myrtle, R C


    This research examines the job and career changes of healthcare executives and managers working in different segments of the healthcare industry in the western United States. The results suggest that the job and career patterns in the healthcare delivery sector are undergoing significant transformation. One third of the respondents reports that at least one of their last four job changes was involuntary or unplanned. One half of those attempted to make a career change. This study identifies four different executive and management career patterns. The most common was one of multiple career changes. The second pattern was that of a single career change, followed by a 'traditional' career in which one did not seek a career change. The final pattern was characterized as a movement back and forth between two different segments of the healthcare industry. Age, gender, marital status and education were not associated with any specific career pattern. The need to achieve results early in the respondent's career had a strong influence on career patterns. This study confirms the fluidity of career movement and the changing permeability between the various segments of the healthcare industry. It also suggests that career success increasingly will require broad management experience in those different segments.


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    Full Text Available Over the past few years, large multinational companies originating from Russia have shown outstanding performances alongside their road from regional dominance to global leaders. Taking stock of recent approaches in the literature and statistical data released by well-known international organizations, our papers aims to provide some new insights from the amazing universe of Russian multinationals, following the 2008-2009 global economic crisis. The list of the largest multinationals from Russia shows that corporations from oil & gas and metallurgical sector are prevailing, as a consequence of the resource – based character of the Russian economy. Although Russian giants represents a quite heterogeneous class of companies, they do share several common features such as their propel mechanism of expansion on the global business stage (leveraged by the resource-based nature of their home economy, their tendency to invest in the neighboring countries (like Commonwealth of Independent States or East European countries, their modes of entry (through brownfield projects etc.

  13. Ministerial Careers and 'The Missing Piece': Introducing and operationalising the ministerial careers framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bright, Jonathan; Döring, Holger; Little, Conor


    The literature on ministerial careers has recently been reinvigorated by individual contributions and collaborative projects. However, few studies of ministerial careers have been able to take into account the varying importance of ministerial positions. Fewer still have taken ministerial careers...... as their unit of analysis. As a result, they have been unable to account for crucial aspects of these careers. This paper seeks to fill these gaps, linking a crossnational data set on ministerial appointments and terminations with country-specific expert survey data that estimate the importance of ministerial...... portfolios. Among the new possibilities opened up by this data set of 977 ministerial careers is the systematic description of the structure of ministerial careers incorporating measures of ministerial importance. The paper contributes to the study of ministerial careers by introducing several innovations...

  14. Unlocking Hospitality Managers Career Transitions through Applying Schein's Career Anchors Theory (United States)

    McGuire, David; Polla, Giovana; Heidl, Britta


    Purpose: This paper seeks to unlock the career transitions of hospitality managers through applying Schein's career anchors theory. It seeks to understand how Schein's Career Anchors help explain the career transitions of managers in the Scottish hospitality industry. Design/methodology/approach: The paper adopts a non-sequential multi-method…

  15. The History of Interest Inventories and Career Assessments in Career Counseling (United States)

    Harrington, Thomas; Long, Jennifer


    Interest inventories and career assessments continue to be used to support practitioners as they work to uncover client interests, abilities, skills, motivations, values, and other personal factors that help individuals self-define and construct their career. The skilled use of career inventories and assessments remains a minimum competency of…

  16. Gender Differences in Career Self-Efficacy: Combining a Career with Home and Family. (United States)

    Stickel, Sue A.; Bonett, Rhonda M.


    Piloted Career Attitude Scale, measure of career self-efficacy, with college students (n=130) and examined gender differences in career self-efficacy. Compared to men, women reported greater efficacy in terms of combining traditional career with family and home activities. Women also revealed greater confidence that they could competently handle…

  17. 100 years of applied psychology research on individual careers: From career management to retirement. (United States)

    Wang, Mo; Wanberg, Connie R


    This article surveys 100 years of research on career management and retirement, with a primary focus on work published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Research on career management took off in the 1920s, with most attention devoted to the development and validation of career interest inventories. Over time, research expanded to attend to broader issues such as the predictors and outcomes of career interests and choice; the nature of career success and who achieves it; career transitions and adaptability to change; retirement decision making and adjustment; and bridge employment. In this article, we provide a timeline for the evolution of the career management and retirement literature, review major theoretical perspectives and findings on career management and retirement, and discuss important future research directions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  18. A comprehensive medical student career development program improves medical student satisfaction with career planning. (United States)

    Zink, Brian J; Hammoud, Maya M; Middleton, Eric; Moroney, Donney; Schigelone, Amy


    In 1999, the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) initiated a new career development program (CDP). The CDP incorporates the 4-phase career development model described by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Careers in Medicine (CiM). The CDP offers self-assessment exercises with guidance from trained counselors for 1st- and 2nd-year medical students. Career exploration experiences include Career Seminar Series luncheons, shadow experiences with faculty, and a shadow program with second-year (M2) and fourth-year (M4) medical students. During the decision-making phase, students work with trained faculty career advisors (FCA). Mandatory sessions are held on career selection, preparing the residency application, interviewing, and program evaluation. During the implementation phase, students meet with deans or counselors to discuss residency application and matching. An "at-risk plan" assists students who may have difficulty matching. The CiM Web site is extensively used during the 4 stages. Data from the AAMC and UMMS Graduation Questionnaires (GQ) show significant improvements for UMMS students in overall satisfaction with career planning services and with faculty mentoring, career assessment activities, career information, and personnel availability. By 2003, UMMS students had significantly higher satisfaction in all measured areas of career planning services when compared with all other U.S. medical students.

  19. Ohio Career Resource. (United States)

    Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus. Div. of Career-Technical and Adult Education.

    This resource is designed to provide Ohio labor market information for use with advisory committees to stimulate and inform dialogue about the current evaluation and future planning of programs. It provides reports for 23 career fields in 6 career clusters. Each report highlights careers and occupations in the field and answers these questions:…

  20. Determinants of career satisfaction among pediatric hospitalists: a qualitative exploration. (United States)

    Leyenaar, JoAnna K; Capra, Lisa A; O'Brien, Emily R; Leslie, Laurel K; Mackie, Thomas I


    To characterize determinants of career satisfaction among pediatric hospitalists working in diverse practice settings; to develop a framework to conceptualize factors influencing career satisfaction. Semistructured interviews were conducted with community and tertiary care hospitalists, using purposeful sampling to attain maximum response diversity. We used closed- and open-ended questions to assess levels of career satisfaction and its determinants. Interviews were conducted by telephone, recorded, and transcribed verbatim. Emergent themes were identified and analyzed using an inductive approach to qualitative analysis. A total of 30 interviews were conducted with community and tertiary care hospitalists, representing 20 hospital medicine programs and 7 Northeastern states. Qualitative analysis yielded 657 excerpts, which were coded and categorized into 4 domains and associated determinants of career satisfaction: 1) professional responsibilities; 2) hospital medicine program administration; 3) hospital and health care systems; and 4) career development. Although community and tertiary care hospitalists reported similar levels of career satisfaction, they expressed variation in perspectives across these 4 domains. Although the role of hospital medicine program administration was consistently emphasized by all hospitalists, community hospitalists prioritized resource availability, work schedule, and clinical responsibilities, while tertiary care hospitalists prioritized diversity in nonclinical responsibilities and career development. We illustrate how hospitalists in different organizational settings prioritize both consistent and unique determinants of career satisfaction. Given associations between physician satisfaction and health care quality, efforts to optimize modifiable factors within this framework, at both community and tertiary care hospitals, may have broad impacts. Copyright © 2014 Academic Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights

  1. Work-Life Balance, Burnout, and Satisfaction of Early Career Pediatricians. (United States)

    Starmer, Amy J; Frintner, Mary Pat; Freed, Gary L


    Data describing factors associated with work-life balance, burnout, and career and life satisfaction for early career pediatricians are limited. We sought to identify personal and work factors related to these outcomes. We analyzed 2013 survey data of pediatricians who graduated residency between 2002 and 2004. Dependent variables included: (1) balance between personal and professional commitments, (2) current burnout in work, (3) career satisfaction, and (4) life satisfaction. Multivariable logistic regression examined associations of personal and work characteristics with each of the 4 dependent variables. A total of 93% of participants completed the survey (n = 840). A majority reported career (83%) and life (71%) satisfaction. Fewer reported current appropriate work-life balance (43%) or burnout (30%). In multivariable modeling, excellent/very good health, having support from physician colleagues, and adequate resources for patient care were all found to be associated with a lower prevalence of burnout and a higher likelihood of work-life balance and career and life satisfaction. Having children, race, and clinical specialty were not found to be significantly associated with any of the 4 outcome measures. Female gender was associated with a lower likelihood of balance and career satisfaction but did not have an association with burnout or life satisfaction. Burnout and struggles with work-life balance are common; dissatisfaction with life and career are a concern for some early career pediatricians. Efforts to minimize these outcomes should focus on encouragement of modifiable factors, including health supervision, peer support, and ensuring sufficient patient care resources. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  2. Career Locus of Control and Career Success among Chinese Employees: A Multidimensional Approach (United States)

    Guan, Yanjun; Wang, Zhen; Dong, Zhilin; Liu, Yukun; Yue, Yumeng; Liu, Haiyang; Zhang, Yuqing; Zhou, Wenxia; Liu, Haihua


    The current research aimed to develop a multidimensional measure of career locus of control (LOC) and examine its predictive validity on objective and subjective career success among Chinese employees. Items of career LOC were generated based on literature review of the significant predictors of career success, as well as the open-ended responses…

  3. In-training factors predictive of choosing and sustaining a productive academic career path in neurological surgery. (United States)

    Crowley, R Webster; Asthagiri, Ashok R; Starke, Robert M; Zusman, Edie E; Chiocca, E Antonio; Lonser, Russell R


    Factors during neurosurgical residency that are predictive of an academic career path and promotion have not been defined. To determine factors associated with selecting and sustaining an academic career in neurosurgery by analyzing in-training factors for all graduates of American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited programs between 1985 and 1990. Neurological surgery residency graduates (between 1985 and 1990) from ACGME-approved training programs were analyzed to determine factors associated with choosing an academic career path and having academic success. Information was available for 717 of the 720 (99%) neurological surgery resident training graduates (678 male, 39 female). One hundred thirty-eight graduates (19.3%) held full-time academic positions. One hundred seven (14.9%) were professors and 35 (4.9%) were department chairs/chiefs. An academic career path/success was associated with more total (5.1 vs 1.9; P female trainees (2.6 vs 0.9 publications; P career but not predictive of becoming professor or chair/chief (P > .05). Defined in-training factors including number of total publications, number of first-author publications, and program size are predictive of residents choosing and succeeding in an academic career path.

  4. Career Engagement: Bridging Career Counseling and Employee Engagement (United States)

    Neault, Roberta A.; Pickerell, Deirdre A.


    In this article, the authors present a model of career engagement that helps bridge the gap between career counselors' focus on supporting individuals to find meaningful work and employers' desire for an engaged, productive, and committed workforce. They briefly review highlights of the employee engagement literature, introduce the Career…

  5. High School Students' Career Decision-Making Difficulties According to Locus of Control (United States)

    Kirdök, Oguzhan; Harman, Esranur


    This study intends to elaborate upon difficulties in career decisions of high school students with different locus of control. 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students aged 14-19, 282 (%55.4) females, 227 (%44.6) males totaling 509 participants involved in research located in the south of Turkey. Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire…

  6. Career-related instruction promoting students’ career awareness and interest towards science learning


    Salonen, Anssi; Kärkkäinen, Sirpa; Keinonen, Tuula


    The aim of this study was to investigate how the career-related instruction implemented in secondary school chemistry education concerning water issues influence students’ career awareness and interest towards science learning. This case study is part of a larger design-based research of the EU-MultiCO project that focuses on promoting students’ scientific career awareness and attractiveness by introducing them career-based scenarios at the beginning of the instruction unit. The participants ...

  7. The utilisation of a career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magda Bezuidenhout


    Full Text Available Orientation: This  study  constituted  and  reported  on  the  outcomes  of  a  structured  career conversation  framework  based  on  Schein’s  eight  career  anchors  in  an  open  distance  and e-learning (ODeL university in South Africa. Research purpose: The purpose of the research was to report on the utilisation of a structured career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors model. Motivation for the study: The rationale for the study was the paucity of studies investigating career anchors in South Africa’s multicultural organisational context. Research design, approach and method: A quantitative approach was adopted in the study. The population consisted of 4200 employees at a university in South Africa. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA as well as a Scheffe post hoc test. Main  findings: The  findings  of  this  study  suggest  that  career  conversation  has  a  dynamic nature (i.e. it changes over a period of time. Consequently, career development interventions in the workplace need to approach the workforce holistically. Practical/managerial implications: The findings and results will assist managers, practitioners and  career  development  specialists  in  the  practical  implementation  of  the  career  anchor concept. Contribution/value-add: The career conversation framework based on Schein’s career anchors has expanded the existing theory to find the right balance between career conversations and career anchors to keep people motivated to perform optimally in an organisation.

  8. Organizational Careers: A forward theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D., Hon. Ph.D.


    Full Text Available In general, organizations obtain work from people by offering them some kind of career within their structures. The operation of organizations, therefore, depends on people’s assuming a career orientation toward them. To generate this orientation, organizations distribute rewards, working conditions, and prestige to their members according to career level; thus these benefits are properties of the organizational career. To advance in this career is to receive more or better of all or some of these benefits. Generally speaking, therefore, people work to advance their organizational careers. But also, generally speaking, people do not like to talk about their careers or to be asked about them in everyday conversations with many or unknown people. In this sense, a person’s own organizational career is a sensitive or “taboo topic.” Discussions with others about one’s career occur only under the most private, discreet conditions. As a result, while people may talk abstractly and generally about careers, these discussions are typically based on a combination of the little they know of their own career and much speculation. They often have very little particular or general knowledge based on actual careers. These observations apply also to a large sector or the sociological community, as indicated by a brief perusal of the table of contents of sociological monographs and readers on organizations. The topic of careers is seldom discussed and almost never concertedly focused upon.

  9. Merits and challenges of career adaptability as a tool towards sustainable careers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buyken, M.B.W.; Klehe, U.-C.; Zikic, J.; van Vianen, A.E.M.; de Vos, A.; van der Heijden, B.I.J.M.


    The chapter discusses how career adaptability can be valuable in constructing sustainable careers. Still, the concept faces a number of challenges and unresolved issues. First, we address the conceptualization of career adaptability as a composite construct and argue in particular that the component

  10. Psychological career resources, career adaptability and work engagement of generational cohorts in the media industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melinde Coetzee


    Full Text Available Orientation: The global skills crisis coupled with the aging workforce, rapid technological advances and changing nature of work have infringed various challenges upon organisations and employees. Media organisations in particular are affected by these trends, with retention further at risk because of the specialised and scarce skills sought and the versatility and ambiguity inherent in the nature of careers within the media industry, therefore resulting in engagement and skills retention being high on the agenda. Research purpose: The aim of the study was to explore whether employees’ age, psychological career resources and career adaptability significantly predict their work engagement and whether generational cohorts differ significantly regarding these variables. Motivation for the study: Within a retention context, it is important to gain insight into the employees’ personal career-related capabilities and dispositions as these are deemed important for driving career development and engagement levels, which, in turn, impact on the retention of talent. Research design, approach and method: A stratified random sample (N = 248 of predominantly female (63.3% and black African people (54% within their early career stages (80% < 45 years was used. A cross-sectional, quantitative research design approach was followed. Stepwise regression analyses and tests for significant mean differences were performed. Main findings: The results indicated generational cohort (age, career confidence (career adaptability and career harmonisers (psychological career resources as significant predictors of work engagement. The Generation Y individuals had higher levels of psychological career resources (career preferences, career values and career drivers, while the Generation X individuals had higher career curiosity. The Baby Boomers showed higher levels of work engagement. Practical and managerial implications: Psycho-social career meta-capacities positively

  11. Factors Affecting Career Decision-Making: Further Validation of the O'Neil Career-Sex Role Model and the Career Factor Checklist. (United States)

    Meinecke, Christine; O'Neil, James M.

    Many correlates of vocational choice have been suggested by career development theorists. A career decision-making model developed by O'Neil, Meeker, and Borgers suggests six factors (individual, societal, familial, socioeconomic, situational, psychosocial-emotional) that affect both sex role socialization and career decision-making. The validity…

  12. A Nordic perspective on career competences and guidance:Career choices and career learning. NVL & ELGPN concept note


    Thomsen, Rie


    This concept note reflects an initiative within the Nordic ELPGN group, in partnership with the Nordic network for adult learning (NVL), to investigate the possibilities for collaboration between the Nordic countries in developing a number of joint documents on career competences and/or a competence framework for career learning in the Nordic countries.The objective for this concept note is to contribute to a shared Nordic frame of understanding for career competences which can be used in the...

  13. El reto de la contribución de la organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica – OTCA– para el bienestar de las poblaciones locales y fronterizas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Franco Hernández


    Full Text Available El documento aborda la descripción de las dinámicas sociales, económicas y políticas de las poblaciones fronterizas asentadas en la Amazonia, que discurren en medio de situaciones de conflicto y con formas diferenciadas de presencia de los Estados nacionales y sus instituciones. El escrito expone las políticas de organismos multilaterales como la OTCA (Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica, que tienen como objetivo formular planes y agendas estratégicas en torno al desarrollo sostenible y al uso y conservación de los sistemas naturales amazónicos y sus recursos. El argumento central es que tales políticas, planes y programas tienen un impacto mínimo en la resolución de los problemas y conflictos que enfrentan los pueblos amazónicos, dada la ausencia de instrumentos que articulen las formulaciones de carácter general con propuestas y proyectos que conduzcan al desarrollo sostenible y a un mejor vivir de las poblaciones amazónicas a escala regional.

  14. Arqueoturismo no cerrado e na amazônia: Dois pedaços de um mesmo pote

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata de Godoy


    Full Text Available Este artigo compara o Turismo Arqueológico, ou Arqueoturismo, em duas situações distintas no Brasil: um conjunto de sítios paleolíticos no Distrito Federal e um sítio colonial, onde o turismo tem sido explorado na Amazônia Brasileira, no Pará. Em Brasília, fruto de uma pesquisa de doutorado, o turismo foi analisado como uma opção de uso e de gestão do patrimônio com baixíssima visibilidade e consequente baixo potencial turístico. E na Amazônia, fruto de uma pesquisa em andamento de pós-doutoramento, o turismo tem sido avaliado enquanto ferramenta de preservação e de inclusão do público. Nas duas pesquisas, constata-se uma grande expectativa dos públicos em relação ao aproveitamento turístico, e o baixo aproveitamento da atividade nos sítios analisados até o momento. Nos dois estudos, notam-se benefícios de natureza coletiva, elencados como capitais simbólicos.

  15. Modeling dynamics in career construction : reciprocal relationship between future work self and career exploration.


    Guan, Y.; Zhuang, M.; Cai, Z.; Ding, Y.; Wang, Y.; Huang, Z.; Lai, X.


    In extant research, scholars have treated proactive career behavior (e.g., career exploration) primarily as a consequence of future work self. Yet, emerging evidence provides support for a relationship in the opposite direction, suggesting that career exploration may also be an antecedent. Using a cross-lagged panel design, we empirically tested the reciprocal relationship between future work self and career exploration. In Study 1, we measured both future work self and career exploration at ...

  16. It's all about CareerSKILLS: Effectiveness of a Career Development Intervention for Young Employees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akkermans, J.; Brenninkmeijer, V.; Schaufeli, W.B.; Blonk, R.W.B.


    The aim of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of the CareerSKILLS program, a career development intervention based on career competencies and the JOBS methodology, which aims to stimulate career self-management and well-being of young employees. In a quasi-randomized control trial, the

  17. It's all about career skills: Effectiveness of a career development intervention for young employees.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akkermans, T.J.; Brenninkmeijer, V.; Schaufeli, W.B.; Blonk, R.W.B.


    The aim of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of the CareerSKILLS program, a career development intervention based on career competencies and the JOBS methodology, which aims to stimulate career self-management and well-being of young employees. In a quasi-randomized control trial, the

  18. Effective career ladders. (United States)

    Bryant, B; Rabbitts, D; Shover, J; Torres, M; VanDerHeyden, B; Violand-Jones, S


    Motivation, quality improvement, productivity enhancement. These are just some of the benefits of an effective career ladder program. The key term here is effective. It is easy for laboratory personnel to stagnate professionally if they do not have a career ladder program, but it is even easier for them to become frustrated--even cynical--over a program that fails to live up to its expectations to encourage, support, and reward professional advancement. If you have been looking form some ideas to get your own career ladder program off the ground, the following responses from your colleagues may help as CLMR asks: What makes your career ladder program effective?

  19. A surgical career for New Zealand junior doctors? Factors influencing this choice. (United States)

    Du, Jason; Sathanathan, Janarthanan; Naden, Gill; Child, Stephen


    To discover the level of interest in a surgical career amongst junior doctors and trainee interns in the Auckland region. Secondary aims are to identify the factors that influence career choice as well as the timing of career choice. An anonymous and structured questionnaire was distributed to all trainee interns and junior doctors in their first to fifth postgraduate years in the Auckland region. Questions were based on basic demographics, level of training, career preference and factors from previous experiences in surgery that may have influenced their career choice. Total of 87 replies with 36% expressed interest in surgery whereas 64% were interested in non-surgical specialties. Top three factors influencing career choice were similar in both groups: Lifestyle, career ambitions and family. Personal interest, practical hands-on and positive previous experiences were the top reasons why junior doctors chose surgery. Poor lifestyle, lacking of interest, limited future part-time work and previous negative experiences were the top reasons why junior doctors did not choose surgery. A significantly (pcareers earlier. Career aspirations of New Zealand junior doctors were similar to findings reported overseas. To promote surgery amongst junior doctors and medical students, attention should be paid to the key factors which may influence career choice. By improving working conditions and have better surgical education with good mentoring, team atmosphere and opportunities for early exposure will hopefully allow better recruitment and training of future surgeons.

  20. Marital Status, Career and Income as Indicators of Life Satisfaction Among Middle-aged Career Women in Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Marziah Zakaria


    Full Text Available Life satisfaction is a subjective construct that varies according to gender, education level, age, income, marital status, and other demographic factors. Life satisfaction is an important issue among middle-aged women. They face various responsibilities, roles and expectation at this age. The objective of this article is to identify the differences in life satisfaction among middle-aged Malay women from different educational level, marital status, career and income. This study applied a survey technique, which is a set of questionnaire which consisted of socio-demographic scale and life satisfaction scale (based on Life Satisfaction Index - Short Form by Barrette and Murk, 2006. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling have been used to obtain the responses. A total of 410 middle-aged career women in Hulu Langat, Selangor have participated in this study. The finding showed that life satisfactions among middle-aged women are different depending on their marital status, career and income. This was based on the result of ANOVA. Single women and widower who are working in private sector and of low-income level reported to have the lowest life satisfaction. This finding may provide input to the planning of programs to enhance the well-being and life satisfaction among middle aged career women.

  1. Toward Integrated Career Assessment: Using Story to Appraise Career Dispositions and Adaptability (United States)

    Hartung, Paul J.; Borges, Nicole J.


    This study examined the validity of using stories to appraise career dispositions and problems associated with career adaptability. Premedical students (63 women, 37 men) wrote narratives about Thematic Apperception Test cards (TAT) and responded to the Strong Interest Inventory (SII). Independent raters identified identical career adaptability…

  2. The Role of Work-Related Skills and Career Role Models in Adolescent Career Maturity. (United States)

    Flouri, Eirini; Buchanan, Ann


    Using data for 2,722 British adolescents explores whether work-related skills and career role models are associated with career maturity when sociodemographic characteristics, family support, and personal characteristics are controlled. Having work-related skills and having a career role model were positively associated with career maturity.…

  3. As espécies de Coccoloba P. Browne (Polygonaceae) da Amazônia brasileira


    Melo,Efigênia de


    O gênero Coccoloba está representado na Amazônia brasileira por 23 espécies: Coccoloba acuminata Kunth, C. arborescens (Vell.) R. A. Howard, C. ascendens Duss ex Lindau, C. brasiliensis Nees & Mart., C. charitostachya Standl., C. conduplicata Maguire, C. coronata Jacq., C. declinata (Vell.) Mart., C. densifrons Mart. ex Meisn., C. excelsa Benth., C. gentryi R. A. Howard, C. latifolia Lam., C. lehmannii Lindau, C. lucidula Benth., C. marginata Benth., C. mollis Casar., C. ovata Benth., C. ...

  4. Career Resources (United States)

    Verification of Employment Life at the Lab Career Stories Dual Careers Inclusion & Diversity Work-Life ) Make yourself at home Life at the Lab Life at the Lab Inclusion & Diversity Inclusion & © & Cover Letter Tips Social Media Tips Learn More Watch Videos Employee Spotlight Student Successes

  5. Extrativismo do Ouro no Século XXI. Exemplos no Sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira

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    Maria Célia Nunes Coelho


    Full Text Available Esse artigo discute o fato de que as atividades do extrativismo tradicional do ouro (informal ou ilegal tendem à extinção no tempo. Nos casos de garimpos do sudoeste da Amazônia, as políticas públicas adotadas, que incluem o estímulo ao cooperativismo, não contribuíram para a solução dos problemas da informalidade e ilegalidade dos garimpos

  6. Academic career in medicine: requirements and conditions for successful advancement in Switzerland. (United States)

    Buddeberg-Fischer, Barbara; Stamm, Martina; Buddeberg, Claus


    Within the framework of a prospective cohort study of Swiss medical school graduates a sample of young physicians aspiring to an academic career were surveyed on their career support and barriers experienced up to their sixth year of postgraduate training. Thirty-one junior academics took part in semi-structured telephone interviews in 2007. The interview guideline focused on career paths to date, career support and barriers experienced, and recommendations for junior and senior academics. The qualitatively assessed data were evaluated according to Mayring's content analysis. Furthermore, quantitatively gained data from the total cohort sample on person- and career-related characteristics were analyzed in regard to differences between the junior academics and cohort doctors who aspire to another career in medicine. Junior academics differ in terms of instrumentality as a person-related factor, and in terms of intrinsic career motivation and mentoring as career-related factors from cohort doctors who follow other career paths in medicine; they also show higher scores in the Career-Success Scale. Four types of career path could be identified in junior academics: (1) focus on basic sciences, (2) strong focus on research (PhD programs) followed by clinical training, (3) one to two years in research followed by clinical training, (4) clinical training and research in parallel. The interview material revealed the following categories of career-supporting experience: making oneself out as a proactive junior physician, research resources provided by superior staff, and social network; statements concerning career barriers encompassed interference between clinical training and research activities, insufficient research coaching, and personality related barriers. Recommendations for junior academics focused on mentoring and professional networking, for senior academics on interest in human resource development and being role models. The conditions for an academic career in

  7. Career guidance in communities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Rie

    for the development of a critically reflexive career guidance practice. The considerations are organised around seven elements. 1. Creating opportunity, structure and access 2. Entering a community and increasing visibility 3. Providing guidance in communities 4. Exploring potentials in guidance situations 5...... in career guidance practices as well as in the lives of the people in the communities. This paper falls into two parts: The first part considers the collective as the starting point for the development of meaningful career guidance activities. Based on previous research on career guidance in communities......The aim of this paper is to inspire practitioners and professionals to leave their offices to bring career guidance into communities that might not identify with career guidance in the first instance. By making the effort to engage with communities, practitioners may bring about a critical change...

  8. Snowmass 2013 Young Physicists Science and Career Survey Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, J. [Fermilab; Asaadi, J. [Syracuse U.; Carls, B. [Fermilab; Cotta, R. [UC, Irvine; Guenette, R. [Yale U.; Kiburg, B. [Fermilab; Kobach, A. [Northwestern U.; Lippincott, H. [Fermilab; Littlejohn, B. [Cincinnati U.; Love, J. [Argonne; Penning, B. [Fermilab; Santos, M. Soares [Fermilab; Strauss, T. [; Szelc, A. [Yale U.; Worcester, E. [Brookhaven; Yu, F. [Fermilab


    From April to July 2013 the Snowmass Young Physicists (SYP) administered an online survey collecting the opinions and concerns of the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. The aim of this survey is to provide input into the long term planning meeting known as the Community Summer Study (CSS), or Snowmass on the Mississippi. In total, 1112 respondents took part in the survey including 74 people who had received their training within HEP and have since left for non-academic jobs. This paper presents a summary of the survey results including demographic, career outlook, planned experiments and non-academic career path information collected.

  9. An Inner Barrier to Career Development: Preconditions of the Impostor Phenomenon and Consequences for Career Development. (United States)

    Neureiter, Mirjam; Traut-Mattausch, Eva


    The impostor phenomenon (IP) is increasingly recognized as an important psychological construct for career development, yet empirical research on how it functions in this domain is sparse. We investigated in what way impostor feelings are related to the fear of failure, fear of success, self-esteem, and the career-development aspects career planning, career striving, and the motivation to lead. We conducted two studies with independent samples of university students (N = 212) in a laboratory study and working professionals (N = 110) in an online study. In both samples, impostor feelings were fostered by fear of failure, fear of success, and low self-esteem and they decreased career planning, career striving, and the motivation to lead. A path analysis showed that impostor feelings had the most negative effects on career planning and career striving in students and on the motivation to lead in working professionals. The results suggest that the IP is relevant to career development in different ways at different career stages. Practical implications and interventions to reduce the negative effects of impostor feelings on career development are discussed.

  10. An inner barrier to career development: Preconditions of the impostor phenomenon and consequences for career development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirjam eNeureiter


    Full Text Available The impostor phenomenon is increasingly recognized as an important psychological construct for career development, yet empirical research on how it functions in this domain is sparse. We investigated in what way impostor feelings are related to the fear of failure, fear of success, self-esteem, and the career-development aspects career planning, career striving, and the motivation to lead. We conducted two studies with independent samples of university students (N = 212 in a laboratory study and working professionals (N = 110 in an online study. In both samples, impostor feelings were fostered by fear of failure, fear of success, and self-esteem and they decreased career planning, career striving, and motivation to lead. A path analysis showed that impostor feelings had the most negative effects on career planning and career striving in students and on the motivation to lead in working professionals. The results suggest that the impostor phenomenon is relevant to career development in different ways at different career stages. Practical implications and interventions to reduce the negative effects of impostor feelings on career development are discussed.

  11. Career development learning in higher education: how authentic work experiences and opportunities for career exploration canincrease self-efficacy and inform career identity


    Benton, Paula


    A recent study suggests that enhancing career development is a key motivator for students entering university (Kandiko & Mawer, 2013). This article discusses the place of career development learning within the ‘employability’ agenda. It draws upon on social learning and constructivist theories of career development in a qualitative case study exploring undergraduate students’ experiences of placements in relation to their career development learning and employability. Findings suggest signifi...

  12. Influence of career self-efficacy beliefs on career exploration ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The career self-efficacy has positive and strong statistically significant association with past performances accomplishment of the students (r= .752, P< .01). However, it was statistically significant and has weak relationship with career exploration behaviour (r= .214, P<.05).Verbal persuasion is more significant association (r ...

  13. Choosing Teaching as a Career: Importance of the Type of Motivation in Career Choices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Tomšik


    Full Text Available This research looks into what are Extrinsic, Intrinsic and Altruistic motives and their importance when students are choosing their career. The study involved 324 teacher trainees in their first year of bachelor studies. The types of motivation when choosing teaching career were studied by SMVUP2-S (Teaching Career Choice Scale. The model of motivation types was supplemented by subscales: Influence by other, Career growth and Alternative choice. Objective of the study was to show the relationship between these variables. Results from the research showed that influence by other and alternative choice of teaching career were in a negative relation with interest and skills/experience that this career requires and students should have.

  14. Career development from the organizational perspective


    Miková, Barbora


    The bachelor thesis introduces a topic of career development in organizational context. The aim of this work was to present the concept of career development from organizational perspective and to outline the contrast between the traditional career and the contemporary career concepts with the new psychological contract taken into consideration. The contemporary view of career also changes the organizational approach towards the career planning and career management of its employees. The majo...

  15. What Is Career Success for Academic Hospitalists? A Qualitative Analysis of Early-Career Faculty Perspectives. (United States)

    Cumbler, Ethan; Yirdaw, Essey; Kneeland, Patrick; Pierce, Read; Rendon, Patrick; Herzke, Carrie; Jones, Christine D


    Understanding the concept of career success is critical for hospital medicine groups seeking to create sustainably rewarding faculty positions. Conceptual models of career success describe both extrinsic (compensation and advancement) and intrinsic (career satisfaction and job satisfaction) domains. How hospitalists define career success for themselves is not well understood. In this study, we qualitatively explore perspectives on how early-career clinician-educators define career success. We developed a semistructured interview tool of open-ended questions validated by using cognitive interviewing. Transcribed interviews were conducted with 17 early-career academic hospitalists from 3 medical centers to thematic saturation. A mixed deductiveinductive, qualitative, analytic approach was used to code and map themes to the theoretical framework. The single most dominant theme participants described was "excitement about daily work," which mapped to the job satisfaction organizing theme. Participants frequently expressed the importance of "being respected and recognized" and "dissemination of work," which were within the career satisfaction organizing theme. The extrinsic organizing themes of advancement and compensation were described as less important contributors to an individual's sense of career success. Ambivalence toward the "academic value of clinical work," "scholarship," and especially "promotion" represented unexpected themes. The future of academic hospital medicine is predicated upon faculty finding career success. Clinician-educator hospitalists view some traditional markers of career advancement as relevant to success. However, early-career faculty question the importance of some traditional external markers to their personal definitions of success. This work suggests that the selfconcept of career success is complex and may not be captured by traditional academic metrics and milestones. © 2018 Society of Hospital Medicine

  16. Senior Faculty Careers and Personal Development: A Survey. (United States)

    Armour, Robert; And Others

    A total of 1,135 senior faculty from 6 institutions of higher education responded to a questionnaire designed to determine the relationships between personal and career development for senior college faculty and the similarities and differences in satisfaction among faculty from various disciplines. Responses from the questionnaire showed that…

  17. A Descriptive Study of Professional Staff, and Their Careers, in Australian and UK Universities (United States)

    Gander, Michelle


    Professional staff total approximately 23% of staff in universities in the UK, which in 2014/15 was the equivalent of 95,870 individuals ( With their increasing span of responsibility, it is surprising that there has been little research into the careers of these staff. This study, part of a larger careers study, highlights some key…

  18. Amazing 7-day, super-simple, scripted guide to teaching or learning decimals

    CERN Document Server

    Kolby, Jeff


    Welcome to The Amazing 7-Day Super-Simple, Scripted Guide to Teaching or Learning Decimals. I have attempted to do just what the title says: make learning decimals super simple. I have also attempted to make it fun and even ear-catching. The reason for this is not that I am a frustrated stand-up comic, but because in my fourteen years of teaching the subject, I have come to realize that my jokes, even the bad ones, have a crazy way of sticking in my students' heads. And should I use a joke (even a bad one) repetitively, the associations become embedded in their brains, many times to their chag

  19. Amazing 7-day, super-simple, scripted guide to teaching or learning percents

    CERN Document Server

    Hernandez, Lisa


    Welcome to The Amazing 7-Day, Super-Simple, Scripted Guide to Teaching or Learning Percents. I have attempted to do just what the title says: make learning percents super simple. I have also attempted to make it fun and even ear-catching. The reason for this is not that I am a frustrated stand-up comic, but because in my fourteen years of teaching the subject, I have come to realize that my jokes, even the bad ones, have a crazy way of sticking in my students' heads. And should I use a joke (even a bad one) repetitively, the associations become embedded in their brains, many times to their cha

  20. 76 FR 47495 - Excepted Service, Career and Career-Conditional Employment; and Pathways Programs (United States)


    ... provide meaningful training, mentoring, and career-development opportunities. Further, exposing students... eligibility). Successful applicants will be placed in a 2-year career development program. Agencies may... compare available Federal career opportunities, E.O. 13562 requires the use of standard naming conventions...

  1. Individuation in relation to parents as a predictor of career goals and career optimism in emerging adults. (United States)

    Puklek Levpušček, Melita; Rauch, Victoria; Komidar, Luka


    The aim of this study was to examine the associations of Slovenian emerging adults' individuation characteristics (in relation to mother and father) with career goals and career optimism. We were interested in contributions of age, gender, certainty of study choice, and individuation dimensions when predicting intrinsic/extrinsic career goals and career optimism. The participants provided self-reports on the Individuation Test for Emerging Adults, the Career Goals Scale and the Career Futures Inventory. The results showed that age did not relate to emerging adults' career goals; however, older students reported lower career optimism than their younger counterparts. Furthermore, certainty of study choice was the most important predictor of career optimism, and, along with gender, of intrinsic career goals. Emerging adults who reported higher connectedness with both parents and self-reliance in relation to mother had higher intrinsic career goals, while self-reliance in relation to mother was positively associated with stronger optimism about an individual's future career. Fear of disappointing both parents significantly contributed to the prediction of extrinsic career goals and optimism, while parental intrusiveness did not add significantly to the prediction of the two measured career outcomes. The study confirmed the correlational effects of positive and negative aspects of individuation on career outcomes in emerging adulthood. © 2017 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Career Trajectories of Older Women: Implications for Career Guidance (United States)

    Bimrose, Jenny; McMahon, Mary; Watson, Mark


    As work and employment transitions become more frequent and difficult, the demand for formal career guidance increases. Women are likely to experience structural labour market disadvantage and may benefit from formal support that is sympathetic to their particular needs. Yet the traditional psychological paradigms that dominate career guidance…

  3. The Relationship between Career Adaptability, Person and Situation Variables, and Career Concerns in Young Adults (United States)

    Creed, Peter A.; Fallon, Tracy; Hood, Michelle


    We surveyed 245 first-year university students using measures of career concerns, career adaptability (career planning, career exploration, self-exploration, decision-making, self-regulation), goal-orientation (learning, performance-prove, performance-avoid) and social support (family, friends, significant others), and tested: (a) whether the…

  4. Career Adaptability as a Strategic Competence for Career Development: An Exploratory Study of Its Key Predictors (United States)

    Bocciardi, Federica; Caputo, Andrea; Fregonese, Chiara; Langher, Viviana; Sartori, Riccardo


    Purpose: In the current labour market, the competence to adapt is becoming significantly relevant for career development and career success. The construct of career adaptability, i.e. the capability to adapt to changing career-related circumstances and predict advancement in career development, seems to provide a fruitful scientific base for…

  5. Career Exploration among College Students (United States)

    Fouad, Nadya A.; Ghosh, Arpita; Chang, Wen-hsin; Figueiredo, Catia; Bachhuber, Thomas


    College is a significant time for undergraduates to declare majors and choose career paths. For many undergraduates, choosing both a major and a career path is challenging. Research shows that many universities deliver career interventions through dedicated career decision-making courses (Mead & Korschgen, 1994). However, there has been…

  6. Role Induction in Career Counseling (United States)

    Fouad, Nadya A.; Kantamneni, Neeta; Chen, Yung-Lung; Novakovic, Alexandra; Guillen, Amy; Priester, Paul E.; Henry, Caroline; Terry, Sarah


    Many vocational psychologists advocate addressing career as well as personal concerns in career counseling. However, some clients may have inappropriate expectations toward career counseling and may not be prepared or want to discuss personal issues. This study examined whether perceptions of the career counseling process could be modified with…

  7. Role of transformational and transactional leadership on job satisfaction and career satisfaction


    Mubarak Hussain Haider; Adnan Riaz


    Effective leadership always plays an important role in the growth and better performance of the organization. This research has been conducted to determine the impact of transformational and transactional leadership style on job success and career satisfaction. A total of 240 responses (n = 240) from various private organizations working in the capital city of Pakistan were collected using various measures of TLI Questionnaire along with items of job success and career satisfaction. Results s...

  8. O que significa tornar-se outro? Xamanismo e contato interétnico na Amazônia

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    Vilaça Aparecida


    Full Text Available A partir da análise da etnografia wari' (Amazônia Meridional, justaposta a outros materiais etnográficos das terras baixas sul-americanas, o artigo pretende mostrar que o idioma da corporalidade, central para o entendimento da capacidade do xamã de mudar de identidade, transformando-se em animal, é essencial para se pensar, no contexto ameríndio, a experiência do mundo dos Brancos.

  9. Emilia Snethlage (1868-1929: uma naturalista alemã na Amazônia Emília Snethlage (1868-1929: a german naturalist in the Amazon

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    Miriam Junghans


    Full Text Available A ornitóloga alemã Emilia Snethlage (1868-1929 desenvolveu sua carreira científica no Brasil, trabalhando no Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi e no Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Um dos pontos altos da sua obra científica foi o "Catálogo das aves amazônicas", publicado em 1914. Outro foi a travessia que realizou a pé, acompanhada apenas por guias índios, entre os rios Xingu e Tapajós, em 1909, percorrendo um território até então desconhecido. A historiografia das ciências no Brasil apresenta, até agora, poucos exemplos da atuação feminina no campo das ciências naturais antes da fundação das universidades na década de 1930. A análise da trajetória de Emilia Snethlage, articulando questões de história das mulheres e o estudo das formas de inserção da cientista em redes institucionais e sociais, poderá contribuir para o melhor entendimento de campos historiográficos pouco percorridos.The German ornithologist Emilia Snethlage (1868-1929 spent her scientific career in Brazil, working at the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi in the state of Pará and at the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro. One of the highlights of her scientific work was her catalog of Amazonian birds, published in 1914. Another was her travels by foot through the unknown regions between the Xingu and Tapajós rivers in 1909, accompanied solely by Indian guides. To date, the historiography of the sciences in Brazil has provided few examples of female engagement in the field of the natural sciences prior to establishment of universities in the 1930s. Conjoining issues in women's history with the study of the roles played by this female scientist in institutional and social networks, this analysis of Emília Snethlage's career can help us better understand little explored fields of historiography.

  10. Integrating a Career Planning and Development Program into the Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum: Part III. Impact on Faculty's Career Satisfaction and Confidence in Providing Student Career Coaching. (United States)

    Waddell, Janice; Spalding, Karen; Navarro, Justine; Gaitana, Gianina


    As career satisfaction has been identified as a predictor of retention of nurses across all sectors, it is important that career satisfaction of both new and experienced nursing faculty is recognized in academic settings. A study of a curriculum-based career planning and development (CPD) program was conducted to determine the program's effects on participating students, new graduate nurses, and faculty. This third in a series of three papers reports on how the CPD intervention affected faculty participants' sense of career satisfaction and confidence in their role as career educators and coaches. Faculty who participated in the intervention CPD intervention group reported an increase in confidence in their ability to provide career coaching and education to students. They further indicated that their own career development served to enhance career satisfaction; an outcome identified as a predictor of faculty career satisfaction. Study results suggest that interventions such as the one described in this paper can have a potentially positive impact in other settings as well.

  11. The Mediation Effects of Career Exploration on the Relationship between Trait Anxiety and Career Indecision (United States)

    Park, Kira; Woo, Sungbum; Park, Kibok; Kyea, Jina; Yang, Eunjoo


    This study investigated trait anxiety, career exploration behaviors, and career indecision. Using longitudinal data, career exploration behavior was examined as a mediator in the relationship between trait anxiety and career indecision. Five hundred and one Korean college students completed online questionnaires at three different time points with…

  12. It’s all about CareerSKILLS: Effectiveness of a Career Development Intervention for Young Employees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akkermans, J.; Brenninkmeijer, V.; Schaufeli, W.B.; Blonk, R.W.B.


    The aim of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of the CareerSKILLS program, a career development intervention based on career competencies and the JOBS methodology, which aims to stimulate career self-management and well-being of young employees. In a quasi-randomized control trial, the

  13. The Roles of Negative Career Thoughts and Sense of Coherence in Predicting Career Decision Status (United States)

    Austin, R. Kirk; Dahl, A. Dennis; Wagner, Bruce D.


    The relationship between sense of coherence and negative career thoughts was investigated in a non-college-based population to determine the relationship and predictive value of these factors toward career decision status. Participants completed the Orientation to Life Questionnaire, Career Thoughts Inventory, and Career Decision Profile's…

  14. 22 CFR 11.30 - Senior Foreign Service officer career candidate and limited non-career appointments. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Senior Foreign Service officer career candidate... PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS § 11.30 Senior Foreign Service officer career candidate and limited non-career appointments. (a) General considerations. (1) Career officers at the Senior...

  15. Dimensionality of Women's Career Orientation. (United States)

    Marshall, Sandra J.; Wijting, Jan P.


    Factor analysis of data from two samples identified nine indices of women's career orientation. Two factors accounted for significant variance common to the indices: career centeredness, which reflects the importance attached to a career relative to other life activities, and career commitment, which implies a commitment to lifetime employment.…

  16. 77 FR 28193 - Excepted Service, Career and Career-Conditional Employment; and Pathways Programs (United States)


    ... training, mentoring, and career-development opportunities. Further, exposing students and recent graduates... agencies in the training, mentoring, and career development of the individuals who are brought into these... permanent job. Based on our experience with the civil service, training and career development are among the...

  17. Career exploration behavior of Korean medical students

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    Hyejin An


    Full Text Available Purpose This study is to analyze the effects of medical students’ social support and career barriers on career exploration behavior mediated by career decision-making self-efficacy. Methods We applied the t-test to investigate the difference among the variables based on gender and admission types. Also, we performed path analysis to verify the effect of perceived career barriers and social support on career exploration behavior with career decision efficacy as a mediator. Results First, we noted statistically significant gender and admission type difference in social support, career barriers and career exploration behaviors. Second, social support and career barriers were found to influence career exploration behavior as a mediating variable for career decision-making self-efficacy. Conclusion Social support and career barriers as perceived by medical students influenced their career exploration behavior, with their decision-making self-efficacy serving as a full mediator. Therefore, this study has educational implications for career program development and educational training for career decision-making self-efficacy.

  18. Career exploration behavior of Korean medical students. (United States)

    An, Hyejin; Lee, Seung-Hee


    This study is to analyze the effects of medical students' social support and career barriers on career exploration behavior mediated by career decision-making self-efficacy. We applied the t-test to investigate the difference among the variables based on gender and admission types. Also, we performed path analysis to verify the effect of perceived career barriers and social support on career exploration behavior with career decision efficacy as a mediator. First, we noted statistically significant gender and admission type difference in social support, career barriers and career exploration behaviors. Second, social support and career barriers were found to influence career exploration behavior as a mediating variable for career decision-making self-efficacy. Social support and career barriers as perceived by medical students influenced their career exploration behavior, with their decision-making self-efficacy serving as a full mediator. Therefore, this study has educational implications for career program development and educational training for career decision-making self-efficacy.

  19. Career Preparation: A Longitudinal, Process-Oriented Examination


    Stringer, Kate; Kerpelman, Jennifer; Skorikov, Vladimir


    Preparing for an adult career through careful planning, choosing a career, and gaining confidence to achieve career goals is a primary task during adolescence and early adulthood. The current study bridged identity process literature and career construction theory (Savickas, 2005) by examining the commitment component of career adaptability, career preparation (i.e., career planning, career decision-making, and career confidence), from an identity process perspective (Luyckx, Goossens, & Soen...

  20. Evaluation of a Career Counselling Program Focused on Greek Elementary School Children's Career Interests

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    Polyxeni Antonellou


    Full Text Available Although childhood is the most significant period in one's career development process, little research attention has been paid to the evaluation of career counselling intervention programs in elementary-aged children. An intervention study was carried out in order to evaluate a career counselling program implemented in one Greek elementary school which focused on the enrichment of the children's career interests. The research methodology used was the quasi experimental research design. Children (N = 84 aged 8-11 years were distributed in experimental and control groups. Τhe impact of the intervention focused on the enrichment of their career interests, which was assessed via semi-structured interviews and use of drawings. The results showed a statistical significant difference between groups concerning children's career interests after intervention, while the analysis of drawings revealed more differences in self-confidence, self- esteem and extraversion in favour of the children that participated in the experimental group. Gender and age differences were also explored and revealed. The results are discussed in relation to various aspects of children's career development, as well as to the significance of career counselling intervention programs.

  1. Interpreting Early Career Trajectories (United States)

    Barnatt, Joan; Gahlsdorf Terrell, Dianna; D'Souza, Lisa Andries; Jong, Cindy; Cochran-Smith, Marilyn; Viesca, Kara Mitchell; Gleeson, Ann Marie; McQuillan, Patrick; Shakman, Karen


    Career decisions of four teachers are explored through the concept of figured worlds in this qualitative, longitudinal case study. Participants were purposefully chosen for similarity at entry, with a range of career trajectories over time. Teacher career paths included remaining in one school, repeated changes in schools, attrition after…

  2. Career Cruiser: A Career and Education Planning Guide (United States)

    Florida Department of Education, 2015


    Life is a journey filled with many twists and turns. While the journey can be exciting, it is a good idea to know where you are going so you can decide how to get there. Career development is all about getting the knowledge and skills you need to make more informed career decisions. Right now is an excellent time to develop skills that will help…

  3. A gestão do planejamento da Educação Superior Pública na Amazônia - da Ditadura Militar ao governo Lula: continuidades e rupturas


    Melo, Maria Lúcia Gomes Figueira de


    Tese de Doutoramento em Gestão Tese que analisa criticamente o processo de gestão do planejamento na Amazônia no que concerne as políticas públicas de Educação Superior do Governo Federal para esta região brasileira, a partir da Ditadura Militar até a gestão do Presidente Lula. Neste estudo se investiga o planejamento como instrumento de gestão pública regional através da coordenação de tais políticas pela Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia – SUDAM, analisando-s...

  4. Amazônia: como aproveitar os benefícios da destruição?

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    Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma


    Full Text Available A SOLUÇÃO dos problemas na Amazônia deve estar conectada com outras partes do País e do mundo. A redução dos desmatamentos e queimadas nessa região depende do desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas adequadas nas áreas já desmatadas e que tenham mercado, em vez do uso "sustentável" da floresta e de direitos difusos. Nesse sentido, uma política agrícola teria efeitos mais positivos do que uma política ambiental que não pode ser efetuada de maneira isolada das demais regiões do País, sob risco de transferir contingentes populacionais de outras localidades. Há necessidade de elevar a produtividade das atividades agrícolas na Amazônia, reduzir a pressão sobre os recursos naturais com risco de esgotamento, incentivar plantios racionais de recursos extrativos potenciais, substituir as importações de produtos tropicais (seringueira, dendê, cacau etc., melhorar as relações de troca dos produtos amazônicos versus produtos importados da Zona Franca de Manaus, efetuar a recuperação das áreas que não deveriam ter sido desmatadas e plena utilização potencial das áreas já desmatadas, entre outras.THE SOLUTION of the problems in the Amazon is not independent, but connected with other parts of Brazil and the world. The reduction of deforestation and fire in the Amazon depends on the development of appropriate agricultural activities in areas already deforested and that they have market, instead of the "sustainable" use of the forest and of diffuse rights. In that sense, an agricultural policy would have more positive effects than an environmental policy, which cannot be made in an isolated way of the other areas of the country, under the risk of transferring population contingents from other places. There is the need to elevate the productivity of the agricultural activities in the Amazon, to reduce the pressure over the natural resources under exhaustion risk, to motivate rational plantings of potential extractive resources

  5. Mediating Role of Career Commitment in the Relationship of Promotional Opportunities, Rewards and Career Success


    Ahmad Tisman Pasha; Kamal Ab Hamid; Arfan Shahzad


    The objective of the study is to investigate the mediating role of career commitment between career development practices and career success of employee in insurance sector of Pakistan. Survey method was adopted to collect the data form 374 employees working in insurance sector systematic sampling. PLS-SEM technique was used using Smart PLS 2.0 to analyze the data. Findings of the study suggests that employees’ career development practices have positive relationship with career commitment and...

  6. The amazing world of smashed protons and lead ions

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso


    When a single proton (p) is smashed against a lead ion (Pb), unexpected events may occur: in the most violent p-Pb collisions, correlations of particles exhibit similar features as in lead-lead collisions where quark-gluon plasma is formed. This and other amazing results were presented by the ALICE experiment at the SQM2013 conference held in Birmingham from 21 to 27 July.   Event display from the proton-lead run, in January 2013. This event was generated by the High Level Trigger (HLT) of the ALICE experiment. “Jet quenching” is one of the most powerful signatures of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formed in high-energy lead-lead collisions. QGP is expected to exist only in specific conditions involving extremely hot temperatures and a very high particle concentration. These conditions are not expected to apply in the case of less “dense” particle collisions such as proton-lead collisions. “When we observe the results of these collisions in ALICE, ...

  7. Amenazas fluviales en el piedemonte amazónico colombiano

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    Castiblanco Miguel A.


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre las amenazas ambientales de origen fluvio-volcánico y fluvio-torrencial que podrían afectar a la población del piedemonte amazónico colombiano. Esta región comprende una amplia zona sur-central del país sobre la cual se posee una cartografía deficiente y escasa información secundaria sobre geología, geomorfología, hidrología y climatología. Por lo tanto se llevó a cabo un análisis geomorfológico regional de imágenes satelitales (Landsat y de aerofotografías locales que permitieron identificar las geoformas principales y los procesos morfo-dinámicos asociados a eventos ambientales extremos. Finalmente, se identificaron tres factores ambientales capaces de generar graves impactos en la región: las erupciones volcánicas, los terremotos fuertes y las lluvias torrenciales.

  8. The reciprocal dynamic model of career decision ambiguity tolerance with career indecision: A longitudinal three-wave investigation. (United States)

    Xu, Hui; Tracey, Terence J G


    The current study investigated the dynamic interplay of career decision ambiguity tolerance and career indecision over 3 assessment times in a sample of college students (n = 583). While the previous research has repeatedly shown an association of career decision ambiguity tolerance with career indecision, the direction of this association has not been adequately assessed with longitudinal investigation. It was hypothesized in this study that there is a reciprocal pattern of career decision ambiguity tolerance leading to subsequent career indecision and career indecision leading to subsequent career decision ambiguity tolerance. Using a cross-lagged panel design, this study found support for the reciprocal pattern that aversion to ambiguity led to increased negative affect and choice anxiety in career decision making, while negative affect and choice anxiety led to increased aversion to ambiguity. Additionally, this study revealed that aversion led to decreased readiness for career decision making and readiness for career decision making led to increased interests in new information. The key findings were discussed with respect to the theoretical and clinical implications for career counseling along with limitations and suggestions for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. A Amazônia imaginada nos memoriais enviados ao Consejo de Indias no século XVII

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    Francismar Alex Lopes de Carvalho

    Full Text Available Resumo: Por todo o século XVII, colonos e missionários exploraram assiduamente as terras baixas amazônicas, localizadas a leste do vice-reinado do Peru. Nos memoriais que enviaram ao Consejo de Indias, em que solicitavam mercês, apresentaram diversas imagens dos índios, relacionando-os com ricos territórios que imaginavam existir na Amazônia, como o El Dorado e o Paititi. Este artigo propõe uma análise mais aprofundada dessas imagens, entendidas não tanto como a permanência de uma predisposição mítica, mas como uma estratégia discursiva na dura negociação por mercês, honras e privilégios que os referidos atores estabeleciam com a Coroa espanhola. Embora os memoriais permitissem ao Consejo de Indias ter notícia de regiões distantes e de como colonos e missionários atuavam nelas, a própria função política do documento influía poderosamente no tipo de imagens que apresentavam dos indígenas e das paisagens fronteiriças.

  10. Card Sort Technique in Vocational Guidance/Career Counseling: Pilot Study about Career Values


    Tülin ACAR; Yalçın DEMİR; Fidan KORKUT; Özlem HASKAN; Tuğba KABALCI; Dilşad KUTSAL; İlker Mustafa PEKİN; Esra TURHAN


    The purpose of this study was to develop and to pilot a not-test technique for assessing career and work values. This instrument was developed during a Career Counseling course taught by one of the authors of this paper. The first stage of development was the generation of a master list of career and work values, as reflected in the current literature related to theories and vocational research. From this master list 38 career values were selected resulting in the final deck that was used i...

  11. Career Commitment in Nursing. (United States)

    Gardner, Diane L.


    A longitudinal, repeated-measures descriptive survey used to measure career commitment and its relationship to turnover and work performance in 320 newly employed registered nurses at one hospital found that career commitment is not a stable phenomenon. The direct association between career commitment and turnover and with job performance is weak.…

  12. Academic career in medicine – requirements and conditions for successful advancement in Switzerland

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    Stamm Martina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Within the framework of a prospective cohort study of Swiss medical school graduates a sample of young physicians aspiring to an academic career were surveyed on their career support and barriers experienced up to their sixth year of postgraduate training. Methods Thirty-one junior academics took part in semi-structured telephone interviews in 2007. The interview guideline focused on career paths to date, career support and barriers experienced, and recommendations for junior and senior academics. The qualitatively assessed data were evaluated according to Mayring's content analysis. Furthermore, quantitatively gained data from the total cohort sample on person- and career-related characteristics were analyzed in regard to differences between the junior academics and cohort doctors who aspire to another career in medicine. Results Junior academics differ in terms of instrumentality as a person-related factor, and in terms of intrinsic career motivation and mentoring as career-related factors from cohort doctors who follow other career paths in medicine; they also show higher scores in the Career-Success Scale. Four types of career path could be identified in junior academics: (1 focus on basic sciences, (2 strong focus on research (PhD programs followed by clinical training, (3 one to two years in research followed by clinical training, (4 clinical training and research in parallel. The interview material revealed the following categories of career-supporting experience: making oneself out as a proactive junior physician, research resources provided by superior staff, and social network; statements concerning career barriers encompassed interference between clinical training and research activities, insufficient research coaching, and personality related barriers. Recommendations for junior academics focused on mentoring and professional networking, for senior academics on interest in human resource development and being role

  13. Career Planning Trends in Japanese Companies


    Firkola, Peter


    This paper provides an overview of career planning trends in Japanese companies. Research on career development in Japan is first reviewed. Career planning practices in Japanese companies are examined. Factors influencing career planning choice are then discussed. It was found that there appears to be a change occurring in the career planning practices, specifically the shifting of responsibility for an employees' career from the employer to the employee. (JEL Classifi-cation: M12, M54

  14. Resident career planning needs in internal medicine: a qualitative assessment. (United States)

    Garcia, Rina L; Windish, Donna M; Rosenbaum, Julie R


    Few residency programs have centralized resources for career planning. As a consequence, little is known about residents' informational needs regarding career planning. To examine career preparation stressors, practical needs, and information that residents wished they were privy to when applying. In 2007 and 2008, we surveyed 163 recent graduates or graduating residents from 10 Yale-based and Yale-affiliated hospitals' internal medicine programs regarding their experiences with applying for positions after residency. We included questions about demographics, mentorship, stress of finding a job or fellowship, and open-ended questions to assess barriers and frustrations. Qualitative data were coded independently and a classification scheme was negotiated by consensus. A total of 89 residents or recent graduates responded, and 75% of them found career planning during residency training at least somewhat stressful. Themes regarding the application process included (1) knowledge about the process, (2) knowledge about career paths and opportunities, (3) time factors, (4) importance of adequate personal guidance and mentorship, and (5) self-knowledge regarding priorities and the desired outcome. Residents identified the following advice as most important: (1) start the process as early as possible and with a clear knowledge of the process timeline, (2) be clear about personal goals and priorities, and (3) be well-informed about a prospective employer and what that employer is looking for. Most residents felt career planning should be structured into the curriculum and should occur in the first year or throughout residency. This study highlights residents' desire for structured dissemination of information and counseling with regard to career planning during residency. Our data suggest that exposure to such resources may be beneficial as early as the first year of training.

  15. Quartet cards as the media of career exploration for lower-grade primary school students

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    Yulia Ayriza


    Full Text Available A career developed through the optimization of one’s potentials will irrevocably play a role in the development of self-identity as well as the psychological well-being of the individual. When children are introduced and allowed to explore as many career options as possible during their developmental stage, they are more likely to have a fruitful career development in the future. The preceding study showed that the career interests and knowledge of lower-grade primary students fit the Holland Career Categories: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (RIASEC. It was also found that the students’ career interest and knowledge levels varied, with most in the low level. This second-year study aims to expand the results of the previous study by developing the use of Quartet cards as the media of career exploration for lower-grade primary students. By using the research and development method, this study develops Quartet Career Cards into three difficulty levels: low, medium, and high. The Quartet cards media have undergone feasibility tests conducted by experts in theory and media, as well as a series of field testing consisting of preliminary, main, and operational stages among a total of 266 primary students of grades 1, 2, and 3. A revision was made on several components including the images, information, colors, font sizes, illustration styles, and card sizes. The findings show that Quartet Career Cards meet the feasibility standards for the media of career exploration

  16. Choosing the right career: What approach? Implications for career ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The presentation made here accepts the thesis that the choice of career is not a simple matter. In fact, it asserts that more than ever before, the choice of a career on a training programme now requires a lot of thinking as well as taking into consideration several factors before choosing, planning and entering into a particular ...

  17. Jumpstarting Academic Careers: A Workshop and Tools for Career Development in Anesthesiology. (United States)

    Yanofsky, Samuel D; Voytko, Mary Lou; Tobin, Joseph R; Nyquist, Julie G


    Career development is essential and has the potential to assist in building a sustained faculty within academic departments of Anesthesiology. Career development is essential for growth in academic medicine. Close attention to the details involved in career management, goal setting as part of career planning, and professional networking are key elements. This article examines the specific educational strategies involved in a 120 minute workshop divided into four 25 minute segments with 20 minutes at the end for discussion for training junior faculty in career development. The teaching methods include 1) brief didactic presentations, 2) pre-workshop completion of two professional development tools, 3) facilitated small group discussion using trained facilitators and 4) use of a commitment to change format. Three major learning tools were utilized in conjunction with the above methods: a professional network survey, a career planning and development form and a commitment to change form. Forty one participants from 2009 reported 80 projected changes in their practice behaviors in relation to career management: Build or enhance professional network and professional mentoring (36.3%); Set career goals, make a plan, follow though, collaborate, publish (35.1%); Increase visibility locally or nationally (10.0%); Building core skills, such as clinical, teaching, leading (36.3%); Identify the criteria for promotion in own institution (5.0%); Improved methods of documentation (2.5%). Over the past two years, the workshop has been very well received by junior faculty, with over 95% marking each of the following items as excellent or good (presentation, content, audiovisuals and objectives met). The challenge for continuing development and promotion of academic anesthesiologists lies in the explicit training of faculty for career advancement. Designing workshops using educational tools to promote a reflective process of the faculty member is the one method to meet this

  18. A televisão na Amazônia e sua contribuição ao desenvolvimento regional

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    Berno, Geovani


    Full Text Available Este artigo procede de análise e observação da história da televisão na Amazônia brasileira, a acuidade dessa mídia para a miscigenação cultural, a construção de novos sentidos e a interferência na cultura local e sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento regional

  19. Carolinas Energy Career Center

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Classens, Anver; Hooper, Dick; Johnson, Bruce


    Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC), located in Charlotte, North Carolina, established the Carolinas Energy Career Center (Center) - a comprehensive training entity to meet the dynamic needs of the Charlotte region's energy workforce. The Center provides training for high-demand careers in both conventional energy (fossil) and renewable energy (nuclear and solar technologies/energy efficiency). CPCC completed four tasks that will position the Center as a leading resource for energy career training in the Southeast: • Development and Pilot of a New Advanced Welding Curriculum, • Program Enhancement of Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Technology, • Student Support through implementation of a model targeted toward Energy and STEM Careers to support student learning, • Project Management and Reporting. As a result of DOE funding support, CPCC achieved the following outcomes: • Increased capacity to serve and train students in emerging energy industry careers; • Developed new courses and curricula to support emerging energy industry careers; • Established new training/laboratory resources; • Generated a pool of highly qualified, technically skilled workers to support the growing energy industry sector.

  20. The Meaning of Career Success among Job-Hopper in The Boundaryless Career (Phenomenological Research

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    Marcham Darokah


    Full Text Available Abstract This phenomenology qualitative research was conducted in order to examine the dynamics of career success among job hopper and how did job hoppers interpret the meaning career success in boundaryless career. This research used in-depth interview for collecting the data and supported by the data from the documents. The respondents involved in this research were fours job hoppers in the level of manager, five significant others, such as family, workmate, and a steady career. The findings revealed that: the job-hoppers individuals who frequently movement of job from one place to another place because of intrinsic factors (financial, interpersonal conflict, alternative employment opportunities, etc., extrinsic factors (challenges, willing to learn, personal characteristics, family, etc., proponent factors (networking, family support, and media. The meanings of career success among job-hopper in the boundaryless career namely; self-fulfillment (job satisfaction, life satisfaction, meeting personal goals, adding value to others, and work/life balance (family satisfaction and quality time with family. This study showed that being a job-hopper was a tool for pursuing the meaning of career success

  1. Influence of Career Exploration Process Behaviors on Agriculture Students' Level of Career Certainty (United States)

    Esters, Levon T.


    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which career exploration process behaviors influence the level of career certainty of agriculture students. Data were gathered from 181 freshmen and 131 senior students enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University. Career certainty was assessed using…

  2. Review of Literature on the Career Transitions of Performing Artists Pursuing Career Development (United States)

    Middleton, Jerry C.; Middleton, Jason A.


    Few studies in the existent empirical literature explore the career transitions of performing artists. First, we provide working definitions of career transition and of a performing artist. Thereafter, we peruse empirical studies, from the 1980s onward, that delineate the career transition process in terms of three main types of transition:…

  3. Competencies for the Contemporary Career: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Career Competencies Questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akkermans, J.; Brenninkmeijer, V.; Huibers, M.; Blonk, R.W.B.


    A new and promising area of research has recently emerged in the field of career development: career competencies. The present article provides a framework of career competencies that integrates several perspectives from the literature. The framework distinguishes between reflective, communicative,

  4. Competencies for the contemporary career: Development and preliminary validation of the Career Competencies Questionnaire.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Akkermans, J.; Brenninkmeijer, V.; Huibers, M.; Blonk, R.W.B.


    A new and promising area of research has recently emerged in the field of career development: career competencies. The present article provides a framework of career competencies that integrates several perspectives from the literature. The framework distinguishes between reflective, communicative,

  5. Factors influencing career choice after initial training in surgery.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McHugh, Seamus


    INTRODUCTION: Irish general surgery faces a recruitment crisis with only 87 of 145 (60%) basic surgical training (BST) places filled in 2009. We assessed basic surgical trainees to identify objective, and potentially modifiable, factors that influence ultimate recruitment into a general surgical career. METHODS: Candidates commencing BST training during a 5-year period between 2004 and 2008 were included in a quantitative study. In addition a total of 2,536 candidates, representing all those who commenced surgical training in Ireland since 1960 were identified through the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) database and invited to complete an online survey. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 15, with p < 0.05 considered significant. RESULTS: During the 5-year quantitative study period there were 381 BST trainees. Gender was a significant predictor of career choice with women more likely to ultimately choose a nonsurgical career after initial surgical training (p = 0.049). Passing surgical membership examinations (MRCS) also was predictive of remaining in surgery (p = 0.005). Training region was not a significant predictor of ultimate career choice. There were 418 survey respondents. The influence of role models was most commonly cited as influencing candidates in choosing to commence surgical training. Candidates who rated "academic opportunity" (p = 0.023) and "intellectual challenge" (p = 0.047) as factors that influenced their decision to commence surgical training were more likely to ultimately continue their careers in a surgical speciality. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the career pathway of surgical trainees and confirms the importance of academic achievement in discriminating between candidates applying for surgical training schemes.

  6. Inked Careers: Tattooing Professional Paths

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    Gabriela DeLuca


    Full Text Available The concept of career has an interdisciplinary and historical constitution, which includes persons, groups, organizations and society. Given that, we aim to deepen the interactionist notion of career from the understanding of a deviant path, supported by a theory and a method appropriated to the cited call for interdisciplinary approaches. Dilemmas (Hughes, 1958 and conflicts (Hughes, 1937 emerged as important analytical categories. Although necessary, these two concepts were not sufficient to contemplate analyses in their entirety. For this reason we conceptualized a third possibility of controversy during a career: the inquiries. The study followed the Narrative method to analyze objective and subjective changes during a tattoo artist’s career through interviews and informal conversations carried out over 22 months. The discussion presents three main contributions. Theoretically, a new understanding of the concept of careers, linking past, present and future and the idea of non-linearity of experienced and envisioned careers. Methodologically, suggesting orientations for future career studies such as the use of turning points as a methodological tool and the investigation of deviant fields. Finally, our defense of the interactionist perspective as suitable for career studies, since it allows the investigation of deviant elements.

  7. Does gender affect career satisfaction and advancement in gastroenterology? Results of an AGA institute-sponsored survey. (United States)

    Gerson, Lauren B; Twomey, Kay; Hecht, Gail; Lee, Linda; McQuaid, Ken; Pizarro, Theresa T; Street, Sarah; Yoshida, Cynthia; Early, Dayna


    Women comprise 19% of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) membership. We performed a prospective study to determine whether female gastroenterologists were less likely to achieve career advancement and satisfaction. We administered an online survey to AGA members from 2004-2006. The survey contained questions regarding effects of gender on career advancement, satisfaction with career, promotional policies, and integration of family and career. A total of 457 individuals (response rate 9% after 2 major invitations) completed the survey, including 262 (57%) women (20% in private practice, 53% in academic careers, and 27% trainees) and 195 men (23% in private practice, 58% in academic careers, and 19% trainees). The male gastroenterologists were significantly older (P careers for significantly more years (P = .002). There were no significant differences with respect to marital status, number of children, or number of hours worked between the genders. Men were more likely to achieve the rank of full professor (P = .035), and significantly more women reported that gender affected their career advancement (47% vs 9%; P careers reported less satisfaction with their careers (P = .01) and perceived more difficulty in achieving promotion and tenure. Women were more likely to choose private practice careers because of part-time options (P = .025). Equal numbers of men and women in practice reported difficulty balancing work and family life. Significantly more female than male gastroenterologists perceive that gender has affected their career advancement. Female academic gastroenterologists reported less overall career satisfaction and promotion than male academic gastroenterologists.

  8. Career/Life Planning for Divorced Women: An Overview. (United States)

    Kitabchi, Gloria; And Others


    Several programs designed to meet the needs of mature women could be adapted to meet the special needs of the mature divorced woman. Career counseling for the divorced client must address the specific emotional factors involved in divorce, and aim toward total life planning, not simple adjustment to a life crisis and job placement. (Author)

  9. Amazônia virtual no game Brasil Ragnarök online: representações, construção e circulação de sentidos sobre a região

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Miranda Costa


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar representações amazônicas presentes em Brasil Ragnarök Online (BRO, um jogo digital on-line para milhares de participantes simultâneos. Em 2009 foi lançado um conteúdo adicional ao jogo, uma cidade virtual intitulada Brasilis. Trata-se de uma representação do Brasil contendo inúmeros elementos lúdicos, audiovisuais e narrativos que referenciam aspectos culturais, naturais e históricos do país, sobretudo da região amazônica, foco desta pesquisa. Para a análise, foram utilizadas as propostas metodológicas relativas aos games: retórica processual (BOGOST, 2007; 2008; modelo de jogo digital (PINHEIRO, 2007; e hermenêutica dinâmica (TEIXEIRA, 2007. A partir da análise, verificou-se que os sentidos construídos em BRO reforçam estereótipos sobre a Amazônia, de modo a apresentar circularidades com sentidos já existentes e vigentes na sociedade, sobretudo relacionados à exploração e colonização da região. Apesar disso, entende-se que os jogos digitais configuram-se como uma mídia potencial para valorização, resistência e debate acerca da Amazônia.

  10. Security careers skills, compensation, and career paths

    CERN Document Server

    Walker, Stephen W


    The third edition of Security Careers is the authoritative reference for current job descriptions and pay practices of security, compliance, ethics, environmental, health and safety occupations. The job descriptions and compensation ranges in this report are drawn from research from the Foushée Group, which has been conducting this research since 1980. Security Careers includes more than 75 job descriptions for security-related positions, which range from the entry-level security guard to the top global corporate executive. It also provides four years of compensation trend data to give a th

  11. Contribuição ao estudo do problema alimentar da Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João de Barros Barreto


    Full Text Available Salientando os diversos aspectos a atender, para a solução racional do problema da alimentação na Amazônia, aliás já fixados em 1941 pela Comissão que traçou as linhas gerais de um plano de saneamento dessa vasta região, aludem os A.A. às realizações já empreendidas dentro do programa traçado, e que versaram apenas sôbre os hábitos alimentares de um grande núcleo de população e sôbre o valor nutritivo de alguns elementos pouco conhecidos da fauna e da flora locais. Abordam, à guisa de ensaio, neste trabalho, o ponto concernente ao planejamento de regimes adequados, que se adaptem tanto às exigências, como as possibilidades regionais. Frisam, então, de início, as bases racionais a que devem eles obedecer respeito não só à redução do total de calorias, fornecidas, nos seus 2/3, por hidratos de carbono e ao qual se subordinam as cotas das três principais vitaminas do complexo B,* como também a restrição, igualmente indicada, da taxa de proteínas; respeito, ainda, as cotas recomendáveis das vitaminas A e C e de cálcio, dando aí especial atenção ao detalhe da sua aproveitabilidade. Referem, de passagem, à conveniência de não se descurar do problema do ferro alimentar, em face das endemias reinantes na região e das dificuldades para fazer, artificialmente, o enriquecimento marcial dos regimes, já que, para instituí-los, partem do principio de ser vantajoso lançar mão de recursos de produção local, sem ficar em marcada dependência de grandes centres distribuidores regionais. Mostrando as dificuldades para a utilização, na escala desejada, da carne e leite de vaca, como artigos básicos de regime — e apontam, entre os percalços, os inerentes ao transporte e conservação desses alimentos — apresentam uma tabela básica, para o adulto em trabalho moderado, a qual lhe fornece 2.600 calorias diárias e obedece aos pontos fundamentais já aludidos. Nela figuram: os peixes, cujas variedades de

  12. The relationship between career competencies, career identity, motivation and quality of choice


    Meijers, Frans; Kuijpers, Marinka; Gundy, Chad


    In this article we focus on the effects of career education and guidance among students (ages 12–19) enrolled in prevocational and secondary vocational education in The Netherlands. Our study included 3,499 students and 166 teachers in 226 classes in 34 schools. The results showed that career competencies positively contributed to learning motivation, experienced quality of study choice, experienced fit of choice with learning tasks, and experienced fit of internship. Career identity positive...

  13. Medical students' career expectations and interest in opting for a surgical career. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Henry; Dell-Kuster, Salome; Rosenthal, Rachel


    Whilst surgery will face an imminent workforce shortage, an increasing majority of students decide against a surgical career. This study evaluated the current career expectations of medical students and tested a hands-on virtual reality (VR) intervention as a tool to increase their interest in surgery. Randomly selected medical students of the University of Basel received a short questionnaire to rank their interest in five different postgraduate working environments prior to a lecture. After the lecture they participated in a hands-on VR demonstration. Thereafter an online questionnaire regarding workplace expectations, surgery and VR was sent to the students. The online questionnaire response rate was 87% (225/258). Before using the VR intervention, a nonsurgical career was preferred by the majority of students, followed by a surgical career, cross-disciplinary specialties, research and, finally, nonclinical work. Surgery (n = 99, 44%) and emergency medicine (n = 111, 49%) were rated as incompatible with a good work-life balance. Further drawbacks to surgery were apprehension of competitive mentality, unclear career perspectives and longer working hours. The VR intervention had limited impact on re-ranking the five working sectors and slightly increased the students' interest in surgery. Students' work environment expectations, their declining interest in a surgical career and the increasing need for surgeons represent challenges for surgical societies to address, in order to improve the attractiveness of surgery amongst students. VR sessions may be integrated as part of the actions required to improve students' interest in a surgical career and should be further evaluated within controlled study designs.

  14. Perioperative careers. (United States)

    Wicker, Paul


    When I look back at how my career started, I think to myself, what if I had undertaken the BA in Business Studies which I had been accepted for, instead of the BSc in Nursing for which I was still waiting to hear the results of my interview? Well, probably I would have spent four years studying business, followed by 40 years sitting in an office somewhere; Tesco, Sainsbury's or Marks and Spencer probably. I was lucky though, my father phoned up every couple of weeks (I was only 17 and didn't really have a clue what I wanted to do) and eventually they said 'yes' and I started my nursing career. Perhaps this is the first bit of advice for anybody thinking of a career in health:

  15. Mobilidades geográfico-profissionais de duas gerações de agricultores familiares assentados na Amazônia oriental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xavier Arnauld de Sartre

    Full Text Available Resumo A mobilidade social de agricultores familiares em áreas de frentes pioneiras da Amazônia, durante muitos anos, esteve associada à migração geográfica, em busca de uma terra para trabalhar. O afastamento cada vez mais importante das terras, a modernização do comportamento dos jovens e o aumento do nível médio de estudo implicaram mudanças importantes nestas estratégias, uma vez que os agricultores preferem atingir a mobilidade social por meio dos estudos escolares e da migração para a cidade. Se esses dados são conhecidos, a quantificação do fenômeno (em particular, com questionários biográficos no caso de três assentamentos da Amazônia oriental e a diferenciação interna ao grupo dos agricultores (segundo o tipo de família e o lugar de moradia constituem as principais inovações deste artigo.

  16. A Longitudinal Examination of Adolescent Career Planning and Exploration Using a Social Cognitive Career Theory Framework (United States)

    Rogers, Mary E.; Creed, Peter A.


    This study used social cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994), as a framework to investigate predictors of career choice actions, operationalised as career planning and career exploration. The model was tested cross-sectionally and longitudinally with 631 high school students enrolled in Grades 10-12. Students completed measures of…

  17. Sandia National Laboratories: Careers: Special Programs (United States)

    Program Master's Fellowship Program Wounded Warrior Career Development Program Careers Special Programs Special career opportunities for select individuals Join Sandia's workforce while receiving support and Laboratories' Affirmative Action Plan. Learn more about MFP. Wounded Warrior Career Development Program U.S

  18. Attitudes, motivators, and barriers to a career in surgery: a national study of U.K. undergraduate medical students. (United States)

    Sutton, Paul A; Mason, John; Vimalachandran, Dale; McNally, Scarlett


    Numerous factors influence the career choices of undergraduate medical students, although little work has focused specifically on the surgical specialties. We aimed to investigate medical students' early experiences of surgery along with the motivators and barriers to selecting a surgical career. All final-year medical students were invited to participate in an online survey. A range of quantitative data (expressed as a proportion of total respondents) and qualitative data (grouped and thematically analyzed) were collected to evaluate students' attitudes to careers in surgery and potential influences on these. A total of 482 students from 20 medical schools throughout England and Wales completed the survey. Overall, 91% of respondents had work experience before medical school, in which the greatest satisfaction was reported in the 21% who undertook placements in surgery. In addition, 58% expressed a desire to spend time working abroad and 59% to undertake a period of research; the primary motivator for both was career/professional development. Surgery was the most popular career choice amongst respondents. The 2 most important factors in decisions pertaining to their career were reported as interest in the specialty and work-life balance. Students draw career advice from numerous sources, most commonly mentors (49%) and student surgical societies (46%). Only 1% wanted more website information, with personal contact being paramount. It is vital for the continuing strength of the profession and the quality of surgery for the public that we continue to attract the best undergraduates into careers in surgery. Surgeons of all grades must be aware that how they are perceived by students affects future career choices. Early experiences of surgery are fundamental in assisting medical students to make informed career choices. Copyright © 2014 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Key Decision Points in the Careers of Geoscientists: The Role of the YES Network in Facilitating Successful Career Transitions for Early Career Geoscientists (Invited) (United States)

    Venus, J. H.; Gonzales, L. M.; Yes Network


    The external influences on the decisions that geoscientists make pertaining to their careers are often assumed but not quantified. The YES Network is conducting an international study to determine the Key Decision points in the career pathways of early career geoscientists. The study aims to identify factors contributing to individual career decisions and to monitor these over a ten year period. The Initial phase of the study is now underway enabling preliminary conclusions to be drawn and will identify a group of individuals that will be tracked over the 10 year programme. The Survey will highlight reoccurring areas where Early Career Geoscientists are experiencing progression difficulties and, importantly, provide respondents with an opportunity to suggest solutions whilst also allowing general resource needs to be identified from the results as a whole. Early results show an overwhelming majority expressing job satisfaction most or all of the time (only 2 candidates reporting none). Respondents rate job satisfaction and respect highly, returning more responses than good salaries. A general frustration with administration, paper work and bureaucracy is particularly evident in those employed by government organisations. Early Career geoscientists express a frustration concerning a lack of involvement in decision making processes; interestingly several later career respondents also acknowledge a need to properly train, nurture and encourage new recruits to retain good graduates who may otherwise become disillusioned and leave the profession. The role of family in career choices has been highlighted both in survey and general feedback responses particularly by female geoscientists and those working in jobs with high levels of fieldwork; we aim to determine, to some extent, to what point these decisions are controlled by family as opposed to normal career progression. Flexible working conditions and agreed time away from field duty have been independently suggested

  20. Socio-demographic characteristics and career choices amongst Chilean dental students.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karla Gambetta


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the socio-demographic and career choice characteristics of dental students in two publicly funded universities in Chile. A total of 601 dental students participated in the study with a 53% response rate.The written survey covered age, gender, type of school attended, place of residence, parental occupation, level of education, tuition fees payment methods, along with motivations and preferences towards dentistry as a career. The respondents had an average age of 22 years old. Sixty one percent of respondents were female, and the majority had completed secondary education in private and subsidized schools with only 21.5% having finished in public schools. Most of the students covered their tuition fees with parental money (37.1%, followed by any type of loan (27.9%. The majority of students (63.8% had placed dentistry as their first career choice with self-motivation being the most important reason for their decision. This study provides a description of the socio-demographic and economic profile of Chilean dental students and provides insights about career decision issues. It also purposes areas for further research and management by academics for future program development.

  1. General medicine vs subspecialty career plans among internal medicine residents. (United States)

    West, Colin P; Dupras, Denise M


    Current medical training models in the United States are unlikely to produce sufficient numbers of general internists and primary care physicians. Differences in general internal medicine (GIM) career plans between internal medicine residency program types and across resident demographics are not well understood. To evaluate the general medicine career plans of internal medicine residents and how career plans evolve during training. A study of US internal medicine residents using an annual survey linked to the Internal Medicine In-Training Examination taken in October of 2009-2011 to evaluate career plans by training program, sex, and medical school location. Of 67,207 US eligible categorical and primary care internal medicine residents, 57,087 (84.9%) completed and returned the survey. Demographic data provided by the National Board of Medical Examiners were available for 52,035 (77.4%) of these residents, of whom 51,390 (76.5%) responded to all survey items and an additional 645 (1.0%) responded to at least 1 survey item. Data were analyzed from the 16,781 third-year residents (32.2%) in this sample. Self-reported ultimate career plans of internal medicine residents. A GIM career plan was reported by 3605 graduating residents (21.5%). A total of 562 primary care program (39.6%) and 3043 categorical (19.9%) residents reported GIM as their ultimate career plan (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 2.76; 99% CI, 2.35-3.23; P international medical graduates (22.0% vs 21.1%, respectively; AOR, 1.76; 99% CI, 1.50-2.06; P international medical graduates (57.3% vs 27.3%, respectively; AOR, 3.48; 99% CI, 2.58-4.70; P internal medicine residents, including those in primary care training programs, and differed according to resident sex, medical school location, and program type.

  2. The Impact of Career Exploration on Career Development among Hong Kong Chinese University Students (United States)

    Cheung, Raysen; Arnold, John


    Career exploration is widely believed to produce positive career development outcomes among college and university students. Some research has supported this belief, but there is little information about exactly which outcomes it affects and whether any benefits of career exploration can be observed beyond individualistic western cultures. We…

  3. The Changing Career Strategies of Managers. (United States)

    Wilson, Tony; Davies, Goronwy


    Faced with reduced employment security, managers are redefining careers to include work/personal life balance. Changes in any area can cause revision of career strategies. Depending on how they define careers, managers recognize career development as an individual, not an organizational, responsibility. (SK)

  4. Utilizing a Web-Based Career Development Workshop to Address Career Decision-Making Difficulty among Community College Distance Learners (United States)

    Brown, Johanna Michele


    Career decision making difficulty, as it relates to undecided college students and career indecision, has been a concern for counselors and academic advisors for decades (Gordon, 2006; Mau, 2004). Individuals struggling with career indecision often seek assistance via career counseling, self-help tools, and/or computer-assisted career guidance…

  5. The relationship between cognitive ability, emotional intelligence and negative career thoughts: A study of career-exploring adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis Dahl


    Full Text Available Orientation: Career exploration can be a stressful experience, often manifested by negative career thoughts. In this article, the factors which influence the ability to cope with negative thinking are investigated.Research purpose: This study investigated the relationship between cognitive ability, emotional intelligence and negative thoughts pertaining to career in a sample of unemployed, non-student adults.Motivation for study: There is a need for research which investigates the psychological factors that contribute to successful career exploration and decision-making. Cognitive ability is one such factor, whilst emotional intelligence is another whose validity is not yet well established.Research design, approach and method: A survey design and quantitative procedures were used in gathering and analysing data gathered from 193 non-student, middle-aged adults attending a community-based career exploration programme in British Columbia, Canada. Cognitive ability, emotional intelligence and negative career thoughts before and after a career exploration programme were measured.Main findings: Neither cognitive ability nor any aspect of emotional intelligence predicted negative career thinking change. Cognitive ability predicted overall negative career thoughts as well as decision-making confusion, but only after the programme. The ability to manage emotions, however, predicted negative career thoughts both before and after the career decision-making programme.Practical/managerial implications: The managing emotions component of emotional intelligence is significantly associated with negative career thoughts. These findings suggest that career counselling requires that the role of emotions and their influence on behaviours must be given more consideration. Industrial and organisational (IO psychologists would benefit from engaging in programmes that train them to assist clients in becoming more aware of, and increasing, their own emotional

  6. Career interest, self-efficacy, and perception in undecided and nursing undergraduate students: a quantitative study. (United States)

    Fillman, Valentina M


    Career choice variables of career interest, self-efficacy, and perception were chosen based upon Social Cognitive Career Theory concepts for study between nursing and undecided undergraduate student groups. Components of the Career Search Questionnaire and Perceptions of Professional Nursing instruments were combined and adapted to form the Career Choice Survey for use in this research. This web-based survey totaling 40 questions was sent to 577 undergraduate students with a 12% response rate (N=68). Due to the need to increase nursing recruitment and retention, hypotheses were developed that distinguish if any relationship existed between groups. Findings of this quantitative study resulted in statistically significant results on two of the three variable hypotheses (p=.006 for career interest, p=.002 for self-efficacy, p=.395 for perception), aligning with previous research and provide insight into the change in nursing perception. Overall, scores for each subscale were encouraging to current nurses and expected from undecided students. Implications for practice include increases in accurate nursing portrayal in the media and early career counseling to younger populations. Nurse educators can further research in career choice with focus on continuing education for current nurses and recruitment of young nursing hopefuls. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Career Interests, Self-Efficacy, and Personality as Antecedents of Career Exploration (United States)

    Nauta, Margaret M.


    Career interests and self-efficacy (using J. L. Holland's realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional types for both) and the big five personality dimensions (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) were used to predict college students' career exploration behaviors approximately 18…

  8. Career Management Skills Among Vocational Students (United States)

    Zakaria, Normah; Yamin, Azlin; Maarof, Rosmawati


    Career management skills are important elements that should be present in each individual, because career selection process is crucial for school leavers. The phenomenon of students who are less knowledgeable about career at the end of school is among the main reasons they choose a career that does not fit. The situation is very worrying and poses various negative implications such as work stress and frequent swapping of jobs. In fact, research has found that most vocational students have a low level of career management. Therefore, this study is aimed to identify career management skills that students possess. The research design was a survey using a quantitative approach with a number of samples, n = 480. Data was analysed using statistical software, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results show that students’ overall career management skills are moderate. To develop human capital with the right competence, career management skills are critical requirements that can fill the gaps in industry.

  9. Attachment, Career-Choice Pessimism, and Intrinsic Motivation as Predictors of College Students' Career Adaptability (United States)

    Shin, Yun-Jeong; Lee, Ji-Yeon


    The purpose of this study was to examine the cross-cultural validity of the effects of attachment, career-choice pessimism, and intrinsic motivation on career adaptability (CA) in American (n = 198) and Korean (n = 294) college students. We hypothesized that the association between attachment and CA is sequentially mediated by career-choice…

  10. Insights on STEM Careers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wendelberger, Joanne Roth [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This presentation will provide career advice for individuals seeking to go beyond just having a job to building a successful career in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Careful planning can be used to turn a job into a springboard for professional advancement and personal satisfaction. Topics to be addressed include setting priorities, understanding career ladders, making tough choices, overcoming stereotypes and assumptions by others, networking, developing a professional identify, and balancing a career with family and other personal responsibilities. Insights on the transition from individual technical work to leadership will also be provided. The author will draw upon experiences gained in academic, industrial, and government laboratory settings, as well as extensive professional service and community involvement.

  11. Análise da abordagem territorial rural no Território Portal da Amazônia: exemplo de Terra Nova do Norte, Mato Grosso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deonice Maria Castanha Lovato


    Full Text Available O artigo discorre sobre os Territórios da Cidadania, destacando o Território Portal da Amazônia, e busca estabelecer a relação do enfoque territorial com a abordagem do desenvolvimento rural. Os objetivos são a análise do enfoque territorial rural, a caracterização do Território Portal da Amazônia, a compreensão do Projeto Terranova e a contextualização do município de Terra Nova do Norte no Território Portal da Amazônia. A metodologia contou com revisão bibliográfica de autores que abordam o tema e entrevistas semiestruturadas com a comunidade pesquisada. Na etapa final, os dados teóricos e empíricos foram sistematizados. A presente pesquisa, a partir do movimento do singular e do universal na sociedade capitalista, permite afirmar que a ressignificação do espaço rural mediante a criação de Territórios da Cidadania é um meio para descentralizar as ações do Governo Federal e minimizar a questão da exclusão social de pequenos proprietários rurais, em que o meio rural desempenha funções que respondem às necessidades atuais colocadas pelo capital.

  12. Fordlândia e Belterra: as cidades de Henry Ford na Amazônia


    Duarte Jr., Antonio Marcos; UERJ & Ibmec/RJ


    Ao final de 1945, a Ford Motor Company apresenta sérios problemas de gestão. Nesse contexto, Henry Ford II precisa decidir o que fazer com Fordlândia e Belterra, as duas problemáticas cidades construídas por seu avô na Amazônia brasileira.O caso foi elaborado para utilização em disciplinas na área de finanças corporativas, abordando temas relacionados a análise econômica e de riscos presentes em projetos de investimento.  Pode ser interessante também em diferentes disciplinas que tratem de te...

  13. Career management: understanding the process. (United States)

    Mackowiak, J; Eckel, F M


    This article is the first of a three-part series on career management for hospital pharmacists. Work attitudes, life cycles, needs, and career trends are discussed. Three basic work attitudes exist. Some see work as punishment. Others believe work in itself is good, i.e., they have a strong work ethic. Some view work as a means to satisfy, at least partially, a range of needs. Attitudinal transition points are likely to occur at specific times in the adult life cycle. The stages of the life cycle can be labeled as leaving, reaching out, questioning, midlife crisis, settling down, and mellowing. A progression through each of these stages is required for normal adult psychological development. Every individual exhibits a blend of needs that changes throughout life. Jobs can fulfill existence, relatedness, and growth needs. Relatedness needs include the need for love, affiliation, social esteem, and power, and growth needs include the need for self-esteem, competence, achievement, and autonomy. Three important career trends are the changing opportunities for advancement, women in careers, and dual-career couples. The number of women pharmacists is increasing as is the number of two-career couples. Tips for managing two-career relationships are presented. Pharmacists can manage their careers more effectively by understanding their needs, identifying their basic attitude toward work, and being aware of the trends occurring in pharmacy.

  14. Career choice and perceptions of nursing among healthcare students in higher educational institutions. (United States)

    Liaw, Sok Ying; Wu, Ling Ting; Chow, Yeow Leng; Lim, Siriwan; Tan, Khoon Kiat


    Due to the ageing population and competition from other healthcare courses, a greater demand in the healthcare workforce has made it challenging for educational institutions to attract school leavers to enter nursing courses. Understanding the considerations of students who have chosen non-nursing healthcare courses and their perceptions of nursing can help identify specific strategies to enhance the attractiveness of nursing course. This study aims to examine the differences between healthcare career choices and perceptions of nursing as a career choice among first-year non-nursing healthcare students. A descriptive survey design was conducted at the beginning of the healthcare courses of seven healthcare groups and from four higher educational institutions in Singapore. A total of 451 students responded, yielding an overall response rate of 52.7%. The online survey was administered using a valid and reliable 35-item parallel scale, known as the Healthcare Career Choice and Nursing Career Choice. The participants perceived prior healthcare exposure as the most influential factor and self-efficacy as the least influential factor when choosing nursing as a career. In comparison to their own healthcare career choices, nursing was perceived to have greater gender stigma and, as nurses, they would be less likely to achieve higher qualifications and career advancements, and they would be less likely to enjoy fulfilling careers. They also perceived that they would be less likely to gain their parents' support to pursue nursing and to make their parents proud. This study provides educators and policy-makers with vital information to develop key strategies to improve nursing enrolment in educational institutions. These strategies include early exposure to nursing as a rewarding career during school years, addressing the issue of gender stigma, and promoting information on the career and educational advancement of a registered nurse to parents of school leavers. Copyright

  15. The relationship between cognitive ability, emotional intelligence and negative career thoughts: A study of career-exploring adults

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    Dennis Dahl


    Research purpose: This study investigated the relationship between cognitive ability, emotional intelligence and negative thoughts pertaining to career in a sample of unemployed, non-student adults. Motivation for study: There is a need for research which investigates the psychological factors that contribute to successful career exploration and decision-making. Cognitive ability is one such factor, whilst emotional intelligence is another whose validity is not yet well established. Research design, approach and method: A survey design and quantitative procedures were used in gathering and analysing data gathered from 193 non-student, middle-aged adults attending a community-based career exploration programme in British Columbia, Canada. Cognitive ability, emotional intelligence and negative career thoughts before and after a career exploration programme were measured. Main findings: Neither cognitive ability nor any aspect of emotional intelligence predicted negative career thinking change. Cognitive ability predicted overall negative career thoughts as well as decision-making confusion, but only after the programme. The ability to manage emotions, however, predicted negative career thoughts both before and after the career decision-making programme. Practical/managerial implications: The managing emotions component of emotional intelligence is significantly associated with negative career thoughts. These findings suggest that career counselling requires that the role of emotions and their influence on behaviours must be given more consideration. Industrial and organisational (IO psychologists would benefit from engaging in programmes that train them to assist clients in becoming more aware of, and increasing, their own emotional intelligence. Contribution/value-add: The study added insights to the field of career psychology regarding the ability of emotional intelligence to predict important outcomes regarding the dimensions of emotional intelligence (EI as

  16. Career development from the employee perspective


    Beranová, Michaela


    1 Abstract The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis focuses on the definition of career from its traditional concept to the present and on the issue of career development. Attention is paid to the developmental aspects of career and the theories of career stages. An important part of the thesis is formed by the presentation of factors influencing the career development, including the personality traits and other individual factors, for example gender and age perspective, intercultural cont...


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    Marcham Darokah Danita Irianti Malute


    Full Text Available Abstract This  phenomenology  qualitative  research  was  conducted  in  order  to  know  the dynamics of career success among job hopper and how did job hoppers interpret the  meaning  career  success  in  boundaryless  career. This  research  used  in-depth interview  for  collecting  the  data  and  supported  by the  data  from  the  documents. The  respondents  involved in  this  research  were  fours job  hoppers in  the level  of manager,  five  significant  others,  such  as  family,  workmate,  and  a  steady  career. The findings revealed that: the job-hoppers individuals who frequently movement of  job  from  one  place  to  another  place  because  of  intrinsic  factors  (financial, interpersonal  conflict,  alternative  employment  opportunities,  etc.,  extrinsic factors  (challenges,  willing  to  learn,  personal  characteristics,  family,  etc., proponent  factors  (networking,  family  support,  and media.  The  meanings  of career  success  among  job-hopper  in  the  boundaryless  career  namely;  self-fulfillment (job satisfaction, life satisfaction, meeting personal goals, adding value to  others,  and  work/life  balance  (family  satisfaction  and  quality  time  with family.  This  study  showed  that  being  a  job-hopper was  a  tool  for  pursuing  the meaning of career success. Keywords: Job-hopper, career success, boundaryless career, qualitative.

  18. Early Career Investigator Opportunities in Geophysics with IRIS (United States)

    Colella, H.; Sumy, D. F.; Schutt, D.


    on a range of research and career topics, which can be attended in real-time or viewed on YouTube, with over 6,000 total views to date. Moving forward, an additional focus will be on intentional mentorship opportunities as we continue to build a productive, supportive, and successful early career community.

  19. A systems theory approach to career development: Exploring factors that affect science as a career choice (United States)

    Liskey, Brian K.

    This research project was designed to examine the factors that affect students' choice in a career. Specifically, the factors of (a) achievement, (b) interest, (c) self-efficacy, (d) perceived preparation for a career, and (e) being informed about a career will be under investigation. Of key importance to the study is how these factors can affect a student's perception about choosing a science career. A quantitative analysis of secondary data from the 2006 and 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) international assessment and attitudinal questionnaire provided data on student perceptions and aptitude in science. The sample from PISA included over 400,000 15 year-old students from 57 countries. From the 57 countries, 30 countries, comprised by Organization for Economic and Cooperative Development (OECD), were isolated for analysis. Within this group of 30, 11 were selected for comparison based on their questionnaire response to expectations for a career in science at age 30. The Institute for Educational Science's, International Data Explorer was utilized to acquire and analyze data from the 2006 and 2009 PISA international tests and questionnaires to determine significance between scaled scores and PISA indices. Variables were chosen as factors affecting student's perception on various systems outlined by the Systems Theory of Career Development (Patton & McMahon, 1997) and the Systems Theory of Career Development Framework (Patton & McMahon, 1999). Four country groups were established based on student responses to question 30a from the 2006 PISA attitudinal questionnaire, which asks what career students expected to have at age 30. The results from comparing country groups showed that countries in Group A, which showed the highest values for students expecting a career in science, also had the highest average values for achievement on the PISA science literacy assessment. Likewise, countries that had the lowest values for expecting a career in

  20. Curriculum Integration: Helping Career and Technical Education Students Truly Develop College and Career Readiness (United States)

    Park, Travis; Pearson, Donna; Richardson, George B.


    All students need to learn how to read, write, solve mathematics problems, and understand and apply scientific principles to succeed in college and/or careers. The challenges posed by entry-level career fields are no less daunting than those posed by college-level study. Thus, career and technical education students must learn effective math,…

  1. Career adaptability predicts subjective career success above and beyond personality traits and core self-evaluations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zacher, Hannes

    The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) measures career adaptability, as a higher-order construct that integrates four psychosocial resources of employees for managing their career development: concern, control, curiosity, and confidence. The goal of the present study was to investigate the validity

  2. Borders of the "Boundaryless Career"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sommerlund, Julie; Boutaiba, Sami


    : a theoretical argument, and a qualitative ethnographic study, involving observations and interviews. Findings - The theoretical argument questions the underlying premise and promise of the notion of the boundaryless career, namely that modern careers amount to a higher level of personal freedom. This empirical...... of careers makes both "new" and "old" types of careers possible. Design/methodology/approach - The approach is twofold: a theoretical argument, and a qualitative ethnographic study, involving observations and interviews. Findings - The theoretical argument questions the underlying premise and promise...

  3. Second Careers in Retirement. (United States)

    Carter, Kellye


    Describes career changes and retirement choices made by outgoing "career" superintendents. Choices ranged from teaching and consulting to administering philanthropic organizations and launching a charter-boat business. (MLH)

  4. Algoritmo para monitoramento da incidência da malária na Amazônia brasileira, 2003 a 2010

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    Rui Moreira Braz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar um algoritmo para detecção da variação da incidência da malária nos municípios da Amazônia brasileira. MÉTODOS: Avaliou-se um sistema de monitoramento automatizado, baseado em um algoritmo desenvolvido anteriormente pelos autores. O algoritmo utiliza o diagrama de controle por quartis para classificação dos municípios em quatro grupos, conforme a variação da incidência da malária: grupo 1 (redução da incidência-aqueles com incidência abaixo dos valores esperados; grupo 2 (incidência esperada-aqueles com incidência dentro dos valores esperados; grupo 3 (epidemia-aqueles com incidência acima dos valores esperados; grupo 4 (caso esporádico-aqueles com apenas um caso durante o ano. O período de análise foi de 2003 a 2010. Foram estudados todos os municípios existentes nos nove estados que compõem a Amazônia brasileira (805 municípios em 2003 e 807 a partir de 2004. RESULTADOS: Com base nessa metodologia, os municípios da região foram assim classificados: grupo 1, 152 municípios (18,8% da região em 2003 e 109 (13,5% em 2010; grupo 2, 206 (25,6% em 2003 e 331 (41,0% em 2010; grupo 3, 391 (48,6% em 2003 e 308 (38,2% em 2010; e grupo 4, 56 (7,0% em 2003 e 59 (7,3% em 2010. CONCLUSÕES: O algoritmo possibilitou verificar que, na Amazônia brasileira, o número de municípios com epidemias de malária em 2010 diminuiu em relação a 2003, enquanto o número de municípios com incidência esperada aumentou. No mesmo período, houve pouca variação no número de municípios com redução da incidência e daqueles com casos esporádicos.

  5. Sense of coherence, career adaptability and burnout of early-career Black staff in the call centre environment

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    Nisha Harry


    Research purpose: This study explored whether call centre agents’ sense of coherence significantly influences their career adaptability and whether their burnout levels significantly moderate the sense of coherence–career adaptability relationship. The research also investigated whether age, gender and years of service (as control variables, along with sense of coherence, predicted career adaptability. Motivation for the study: The positive psychological construct of career adaptability and its association with call centre agents’ sense of coherence, burnout, age, gender and years of service have not yet been investigated in the call centre environment. Research design, approach and method: A cross-sectional quantitative survey design was used. The Orientation to Life, Career Adapt-Abilities Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory General Scale were administered to a non-probability purposive sample of 409 early-career Black staff employed in three of the largest outsourced financial call centres in Africa. Main findings: Multiple regression analyses revealed that age, gender and meaningfulness significantly predicted call centre agents’ career adaptability, but that their burnout levels do not significantly moderate the sense of coherence–career adaptability relationship. Practical/managerial implications: Enhancing call centre agents’ sense of meaningfulness will increase their levels of career adaptability and career wellbeing. Contribution/value-add: This research is the first to investigate the construct of career adaptability in the call centre environment and adds new knowledge and insights to the existing wellness and positive psychology literature.

  6. Maternity and paternity leave and career progression of black African women in dual-career couples

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    Lucky L. Motaung


    Full Text Available Orientation: The study focused on examining the perceptions of dual-career couples at a stateowned company about the influence of taking maternity and paternity leave on the career progression of black African women in middle management and leadership occupations. Research purpose: The primary purpose of the study was to identify core barriers in relation to maternity and paternity leave that contribute negatively in the career progression of black African women in dual-career couples. Motivation for the study: To obtain insight into the underrepresentation and progression of black African women within dual-career couples, in middle management and leadership occupations. Research design, approach and method: This study was qualitative, comprising a sample of 10 black African women and 10 black African men, with data collected through in-depth semistructured interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to analyse the interview dialogues. Main findings: The findings established that taking maternity leave has a negative influence on the career progression of black African women in dual-career couples at the state-owned company. The participants further confirmed that involuntary time off work and productiveness were principal influencing barriers of taking maternity leave, leading to other undesirable consequences, such as unproductiveness and reliability. Practical and managerial implications: The state-owned company should review its current talent management and recruitment and selection policies, in order to positively contribute to increasing the representation and facilitating career progression of black African women within dual-career couples, in middle management and leadership occupations. Contributions or value-add: Insights were provided on the influences of taking maternity and paternity leave in the underrepresentation and progression of black African women within dual-career couples, in middle management and leadership occupations.

  7. Borders of "the boundarlyless career"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boutaiba, Sami Stephan; Sommerlund, Julie


    , the methodology can inspire scholars to explore the findings observed in this paper. Practical implications – The idealization of the boundaryless career is problematic, as it poses problems to those concerned with the career. A more flexible ideal of careers would be preferable to researchers and organisational...

  8. Fisiologia de espécies florestais da Amazônia: fotossíntese, respiração e relações hídricas

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    Ricardo Antonio Marenco


    Full Text Available A bacia amazônica tem mais de seis milhões de quilômetros quadrados e abriga a maior floresta tropical do mundo, sendo particularmente importante pela sua biodiversidade e pelo seu papel na ciclagem de água e carbono. Fotossíntese, condutância estomática e fluxo de seiva de espécies florestais da Amazônia apresentam variação ao longo do dia seguindo a variação diurna observada na irradiância, temperatura e o déficit de pressão de vapor. Em decorrência da fotorrespiração, cerca de 25% do carbono fixado é retornado para a atmosfera. Os aumentos na concentração de CO2 na atmosfera previstos para as próximas décadas poderão apresentar efeito positivo na assimilação de carbono deste ecossistema florestal. Em comparação à época chuvosa, redução da umidade do solo e aumento no déficit de pressão de vapor (associado à baixa umidade do ar e alta temperatura favorecem o fechamento dos estômatos em detrimento da fotossíntese. Desse modo, em comparação com a estação chuvosa, a fotossíntese líquida é menor no período seco. No geral, na Amazônia as árvores que atingem o dossel da floresta crescem a taxas maiores na época chuvosa. Exceto em anos de menor precipitação, o ecossistema florestal atua como sumidouro de carbono na época chuvosa. Mais estudos são necessários para determinar como e de que forma fatores específicos do ambiente físico influenciam a assimilação de carbono e o crescimento de árvores nos diversos grupos funcionais na Amazônia.

  9. Socio-chronological Starting Points for career Development

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    Danijela Brečko


    Full Text Available The author points out that, regarding efficient planning of a career, individuals as well as organisations have to take into account the laws of a bio-social life cycle and the features of a career cycle which can generally be applied to any profession. She describes the traits of a biosocial cycle based on Erikson's evolutionary theory of a personality, and the traits of a career cycle with the definitions of nine career stages. Summing up the characteristics of a career cycle at early stages of career development is less demanding; later on, such an attempt is rather risky, since specific problems and life tasks at later stages of a career strongly depend on coordinating and managing former career decisions and the career path as a whole. The author also points out that it is necessary to create materials for planning a personal career within regular curriculum from primary school to university.

  10. A Study of Career Planning Assessments


    Firkola, Peter


    This paper provides an overview of career planning assessments. Background on key career concepts is first introduced. A number of career planning assessments are then examined. These assessments included reviewing ones personal history, interest inventories, values assessments, personality assessments, and aptitude tests. The importance and limitations of these career assessments is then discussed.

  11. Banking, Technology Workers and Their Career Development. (United States)

    Armstrong, Lesley; West, Jim


    An Australian bank developed a four-stage career development strategy for information technology workers: (1) career coaching sessions with executives; (2) career coaching seminars for line managers and team leaders; (3) staff career planning workshops; and (4) online career development support. The program resulted in increased satisfaction,…

  12. Career Preparation: A Longitudinal, Process-Oriented Examination (United States)

    Stringer, Kate; Jennifer Kerpelman; Vladimir Skorikov


    Preparing for an adult career through careful planning, choosing a career, and gaining confidence to achieve career goals is a primary task during adolescence and early adulthood. The current study bridged identity process literature and career construction theory (Savickas, 2005) by examining the commitment component of career adaptability,…

  13. Career Readiness: Has Its Time Finally Come? (United States)

    DeWitt, Stephen


    In 2010, the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) released a "What Is Career Ready?" definition. As the career-readiness definition explains, there is much overlap between "college readiness" and "career readiness," but academic preparedness for college alone is not enough to be truly career-ready.…

  14. O ativismo transnacional pela Amazônia: entre a ecologia política e o ambientalismo de resultados

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    Andréa Zhouri


    Full Text Available A Amazônia tem constituído um dos mais relevantes temas para o ativismo transnacional desde a década de 1970. Nos anos 1980, partindo do princípio de que o consumo de madeira pelos países do Norte seria a principal causa do desflorestamento amazônico, as campanhas centraram foco primordialmente no comércio madeireiro, com ênfase especial no boicote à madeira tropical por parte de consumidores europeus e norte-americanos. Os anos 1990, contudo, registraram uma mudança paradigmática, a qual vem orientando, desde então, as políticas florestais. Influenciados por determinado discurso hegemônico sobre "desenvolvimento sustentável", ambientalistas treinados no campo da engenharia florestal e em áreas correlatas foram guiados pela crença de que poderiam influenciar o comércio madeireiro em direção a práticas menos predatórias. Com isso, as ONGs associaram-se ao setor madeireiro para o desenvolvimento de um esquema de certificação florestal conhecido como Forest Stewardship Council - FSC, ou Conselho de Manejo Florestal, destinado a melhorar as práticas florestais em todo o mundo. Influente junto ao Banco Mundial, o foco na chamada "vocação florestal" da Amazônia tem, no entanto, apresentado resultados questionáveis no que diz respeito à sustentabilidade das sociedades e ecossistemas locais. Este artigo discute algumas das dimensões dessa nova política para a Amazônia que, orientada por uma perspectiva de mercado, torna invisível a diversidade de culturas e ecossistemas locais, distanciando-se, nesse sentido, de uma racionalidade ambiental que se pauta na justiça ambiental como vetor da sustentabilidade.The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important topics of transnational activism. Based on the assumption that the consumption of timber in the Northern hemisphere is largely responsible for deforestation, campaigners have focused on the global timber trade. From a strategy of boycotting tropical timber in the 1980s

  15. Advancing in the Career Decision-Making Process: The Role of Coping Strategies and Career Decision-Making Profiles (United States)

    Perez, Maya; Gati, Itamar


    We tested the associations among the career decision-making difficulties, the career decision status, and either (a) the career decision-making profiles of 575 young adults, or (b) the coping strategies of 379 young adults. As hypothesized, a more advanced decision status was negatively associated with both career decision-making difficulties…

  16. An interactive approach for new careers: The role of learning opportunities and learning behavior


    van der Sluis, E.C.; Peiperl, M.A.


    This study examined the learning process at work from an individual perspective. Different kinds of learning opportunities and learning behavior were examined as (a) predictors of career development and (b) moderators of the development process on the job. Survey data from early-career MBAs were analyzed by performing hierarchical regressions and difference-of-means tests. Results indicated that the total amount of developmental job opportunities has a positive influence on individual percept...

  17. Differences in medical students' academic interest and performance across career choice motivations. (United States)

    Kim, Kyong-Jee; Hwang, Jee Y; Kwon, Bum S


    To investigate medical students' career choice motivation and its relationship with their academic interest and performance. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a sample (n=207) of medical students at a private medical school in Korea, stratified by year of medical course. Data about participant demographics, career choice motivation and academic interest were collected using a self-report questionnaire. The item on career choice motivation enquired about the respondents' main reason for applying for medical school among 8 possible response options, which comprised two components of career choice motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. The participants' levels of academic interest were measured in a Likert-type question. Participants' academic interest and Grade Point Averages (GPAs) were compared across the groups of different career motivations along with analyses of their admission scores for baseline comparisons. A total of 195 students completed the questionnaire (94%response rate). Seventy-four percent, (n=145; the intrinsic group) of the participants chose reasons related to intrinsic motivation, 22% (n=42; the extrinsic group) chose reasons pertaining to extrinsic motivation, and 4% (n = 8) chose other reasons for applying to medical school. The intrinsic group outperformed the extrinsic group in their GPAs, although their prior academic achievements did not differ significantly. The intrinsic group showed significantly higher levels of academic interest and also performed better in the admission interviews. Our study illustrates differences in medical students' academic interest and performance across career choice motivations. Further research is warranted to establish the predictive power of medical students' career choice motivation and academic interest on their academic performance.

  18. Facilitating Engagement in New Career Goals: The Moderating Effects of Personal Resources and Career Actions (United States)

    Praskova, Anna; Creed, Peter A.; Hood, Michelle


    Goal engagement in young adults is variable. We recruited university students to test whether general personal characteristics (educational ability, core self-evaluations, and well-being; study 1, N = 195) and career adaptive variables (career confidence, exploration, and planning; study 2, N = 152) facilitated career goal engagement. Goal…

  19. Health Careers Planning Guide--Illinois. Second Edition. (United States)

    Illinois Univ., Champaign.

    This notebook of career counseling materials is a compilation of career information on nursing and the allied health fields. The first section provides general information useful in choosing a health career on such topics as career planning, career mobility, employment prospects, financial aid, terminology in health job titles, and an annotated…

  20. The Career Development of 10 Year Olds. (United States)

    Seligman, Linda; And Others


    Examined career development of 24 preadolescents and assessed how career development was related to their perceptions of their family, self-image, career awareness, interests, and work/family aspirations. Findings suggest that, by age 10, children have thought about their future and can articulate their career and family aspirations. Career goals…

  1. Integrating parts of the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program for pharmacy professionals into a career development lab. (United States)

    Linn, Brooke A; Burton, Samantha J; Shepler, Brian M

    To use parts of the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program for Pharmacy Professionals in a career development laboratory designed to provide students with relevant information that will help them prepare for successful careers across the profession of pharmacy. Students enrolled in the second professional year of pharmacy school participated in an interactive three-hour career development laboratory. Students completed the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program for Pharmacy Professionals Online Assessment Tool prior to the laboratory. In class, the students were randomized into eight groups. Two career profiles were assigned to each group for discussion during a thirty-minute brainstorming session. The groups reported their knowledge for each career profile to the entire class, and the instructors supplemented the discussion with details and more specific information about each profile. Two years of data were collected (n=300 students). One hundred and twenty four (41.3%) students responded to the voluntary post-laboratory survey questions. Overall, students rated the career pathway activities favorably with an average score of 8.13 out of 10. After participation in the discussion, 74 (59.7%) respondents indicated their career interests had been impacted. This career development laboratory is one example of how the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program for Pharmacy Professionals can be effectively incorporated into the PharmD curriculum in order to help students explore the various career options they might not have otherwise discovered on their own. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. The Relationships of Self-Esteem, Future Time Perspective, Positive Affect, Social Support, and Career Decision: A Longitudinal Multilevel Study (United States)

    Park, In-Jo; Kim, Minhee; Kwon, Seungwoo; Lee, Hae-Gyoung


    This study aimed, first, to determine whether the intra-individual variability in positive affect was related to the intra-individual variability in career decision-making self-efficacy, and career choice anxiety. The second objective was to examine whether social support moderates the relationship between affect and these outcome variables. The third objective was to find out how career decision-making self-efficacy and career choice anxiety change according to self-esteem and future time perspective. We conducted a study using the daily diary method in which participants were asked to rate their affect or attitudes for 21 consecutive days. In total, 128 university students participated in this study. The main results were as follows. First, positive affect was associated positively with career decision-making self-efficacy and negatively with career choice anxiety. Second, social support had a synergy effect with positive affect to influence career choice anxiety. Third, self-esteem was related positively to career decision-making self-efficacy and negatively to career choice anxiety. We discuss theoretical and practical implications. PMID:29755381

  3. The Relationships of Self-Esteem, Future Time Perspective, Positive Affect, Social Support, and Career Decision: A Longitudinal Multilevel Study. (United States)

    Park, In-Jo; Kim, Minhee; Kwon, Seungwoo; Lee, Hae-Gyoung


    This study aimed, first, to determine whether the intra-individual variability in positive affect was related to the intra-individual variability in career decision-making self-efficacy, and career choice anxiety. The second objective was to examine whether social support moderates the relationship between affect and these outcome variables. The third objective was to find out how career decision-making self-efficacy and career choice anxiety change according to self-esteem and future time perspective. We conducted a study using the daily diary method in which participants were asked to rate their affect or attitudes for 21 consecutive days. In total, 128 university students participated in this study. The main results were as follows. First, positive affect was associated positively with career decision-making self-efficacy and negatively with career choice anxiety. Second, social support had a synergy effect with positive affect to influence career choice anxiety. Third, self-esteem was related positively to career decision-making self-efficacy and negatively to career choice anxiety. We discuss theoretical and practical implications.

  4. The Relationships of Self-Esteem, Future Time Perspective, Positive Affect, Social Support, and Career Decision: A Longitudinal Multilevel Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    In-Jo Park


    Full Text Available This study aimed, first, to determine whether the intra-individual variability in positive affect was related to the intra-individual variability in career decision-making self-efficacy, and career choice anxiety. The second objective was to examine whether social support moderates the relationship between affect and these outcome variables. The third objective was to find out how career decision-making self-efficacy and career choice anxiety change according to self-esteem and future time perspective. We conducted a study using the daily diary method in which participants were asked to rate their affect or attitudes for 21 consecutive days. In total, 128 university students participated in this study. The main results were as follows. First, positive affect was associated positively with career decision-making self-efficacy and negatively with career choice anxiety. Second, social support had a synergy effect with positive affect to influence career choice anxiety. Third, self-esteem was related positively to career decision-making self-efficacy and negatively to career choice anxiety. We discuss theoretical and practical implications.

  5. Career anchors and learning plan (part one

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    Daniela Brečko


    Full Text Available The article is divided into three parts. The first part concentrates on how important career is for an individual, organization and society. The author establishes that understanding of career has changed dramatically and does not only refer to climbing up the career ladder, but also moving off or even down the career ladder. The notion of career, as a lifelong and professional path, encompasses all aspects of human personality and their roles acquired through one's life. On basis of vast and longitudinal research, where the author has studied career anchors of individuals, it is the objective of the author to find out on basis of what grounds do the individuals decide to take certain directions in their careers and how learning contributes to such decisions. As a source the author has used Shein's theory of career anchors. Part one describes in greater detail 8 different career anchors and introduces their main features with the findings of the research, which refer to the analysis of professions (work positions and established career anchors. The author thus verifies the hypothesis that career anchors do exist in our area.

  6. Utah Delivers Opportunities for Career Exploration (United States)

    Dobson, Kristine; Fischio, Shannon


    Providing information and resources to support career exploration is key to the mission of career and technical education (CTE) in Utah. Utah CTE has responded in a variety of ways to meet the career exploration needs of students of all ages. This article discusses how the career and technical education in Utah delivers opportunities for career…

  7. Political careers in Belgium: an example of the integrated career model

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    Ine Vanlangenakker


    Full Text Available Several countries have undergone a regionalization in recent years followed by a professionalization of regional politics. This led to research on career patterns in multi-level states, with attention for the relationship between the regional and national level. Stolz (2005 found evidence for four types of career patterns. In this article it is argued that the Belgian regions of Flanders and Wallonia are both examples of the ‘integrated careers’ ideal type since the introduction of directly elected regional parliaments in 1995. Level-hopping data (1995-2010 show that there is one integrated career arena and that there is no dominant direction towards the national level.

  8. Career and Employer Change in the Age of the "Boundaryless" Career (United States)

    Hess, Narelle; Jepsen, Denise M.; Dries, Nicky


    This study examined the direct effect of individual career concerns on career and employer change intention, as well as the buffering influence of organisational commitment on this relationship, based on the AMO model of behavioural change intention. Survey data, collected from 341 employees across industry sectors in Australia, showed that…

  9. Swiss Adolescents' Career Aspirations: Influence of Context, Age, and Career Adaptability (United States)

    Hirschi, Andreas


    This study investigated the content, realism, stability, and coherence of the career aspirations of 262 students in seventh grade in Switzerland (ages 13-15 years). The content analysis revealed that 82% of the participants named at least one realistic career aspiration, and aspirations showed clear resemblance to existing opportunities in the…

  10. Application of Total Innovation Management to Chinese Small and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Application of Total Innovation Management to Chinese Small and Medium Enterprises. Innovation is ... Country(s). China, Far East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia ... Call for new OWSD Fellowships for Early Career Women Scientists now open.

  11. Acculturation orientations and Chinese student Sojourners’ career adaptability : the roles of career exploration and cultural distance.


    Guan, Y.; Liu, S.; Guo, M.J.; Li, M.; Wu, M.; Chen, S.X.; Xu, S.X.; Tian, L.


    Drawing on career construction theory and Berry's acculturation model, this study examined how student sojourners' acculturation orientations predicted their career exploration and career adaptability. We conducted a survey study among Chinese student sojourners (N = 222) and the results showed that after the effects of big-five personality and approach/avoidance traits were controlled, both host culture orientation and home culture orientation had positive indirect effects on career adaptabi...

  12. Career exploration behavior of Korean medical students


    Hyejin An; Seung-Hee Lee


    Purpose This study is to analyze the effects of medical students? social support and career barriers on career exploration behavior mediated by career decision-making self-efficacy. Methods We applied the t-test to investigate the difference among the variables based on gender and admission types. Also, we performed path analysis to verify the effect of perceived career barriers and social support on career exploration behavior with career decision efficacy as a mediator. Results First, we no...

  13. The Role of Career Stress in the Relationship between Maladaptive Perfectionism and Career Attitude Maturity in South Korean Undergraduates (United States)

    Park, Heerak; Choi, Bo Young; Nam, Suk Kyung; Lee, Sang Min


    Given the central role of career stress in college students' lives, this research examined whether career stress mediated the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and career attitude maturity in a sample of 185 undergraduate students in South Korea. The results indicated that career ambiguity stress, as measured by a career stress…

  14. Goodbye Career, Hello Success. (United States)

    Komisar, Randy


    Success in today's economy means throwing out the old career rules. The "noncareer" career is driven by passion for the work and has the fluidity and flexibility needed in the contemporary workplace. (JOW)

  15. Dentistry: Careers in Dentistry (United States)

    ... in Dentistry e-mail Print Share Careers in Dentistry A dental education opens up a world of ... accredited training programs in your area . Careers in Dentistry Be a Dentist General Dentistry Dental Specialties Dental ...

  16. A study of the factors influencing school-going students considering medical careers.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McHugh, S M


    INTRODUCTION: Obtaining a place in an Irish medical school is extremely competitive, a situation mirrored in many other countries. We aimed to determine the factors influencing school students in deciding to study medicine in university. We further determined what level of interest exists in pursuing a surgical career after completion of medical school. METHODS: The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland hosts an annual "Introduction to Medicine" programme for senior school children. Attendees were surveyed using a Likert scale to examine the factors influencing the group in choosing to study medicine, and pursue surgery as their ultimate career choice. RESULTS: A total of 128 completed the survey, giving a response rate of 100%. The opportunity to help others was most the most influential factors cited by students (97%). Males were significantly more likely to have an interest in a career in surgery rather than medicine (p = 0.003), and ranked "financial reward" (p = 0.036) as a more significant factors in influencing career choice than did females. CONCLUSIONS: A clear understanding of these factors influencing our students in their career choices and a strategy of recruitment based on these is imperative in order to optimize recruitment of students most suited to working as doctors.

  17. Athletes’ careers across cultures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ryba, Tatiana; Stambulova, Natalia

    This symposium will introduce a project developed under the auspices of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) in an effort to inspire and support the development of culturally sensitive theoretical frameworks and research methodologies in career studies and career assistance services...... around the world. The cultural approach to the theory and practice of sport psychological research has been recently articulated in two edited books, Cultural Sport Psychology (Schinke & Hanrahan, 2009) and The Cultural Turn in Sport Psychology (Ryba, Schinke, & Tenenbaum, 2010). The presenters...... in this symposium continue the initiated dialogue of the relevance of culture and cultural issues in their analyses of how social and cultural discourses shape career development and career transitions of athletes in different countries. Opening the foundations of sport psychological knowledge to culturally diverse...



    Codaro, Rosana Silvina; Tomei, Patricia Amelia; Serra, Bernardo Paraiso de Campos


    This study explores the relationship between job satisfaction and alignment between the individual´s current occupation and his/her talents, needs and values, namely as career anchors. A quantitative survey using Schein e Van Maanen´s Career Anchor model (2013) and Siqueira´s Job Satisfaction survey (2008) was performed for a non-probabilistic sample students at the Business School of a private University in Rio de Janeiro. The most frequent career anchor found for both genders was Lifestyle,...

  19. The effect of career planning education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Turnšek Mikačič


    Full Text Available Research Question (RQ: We employed a qualitative approach to study the effects of career planning education, perceiving it as an effective way to gain a deeper understanding of introductorily-organised career education. Purpose: We researched important areas to formulate a questionnaire for quantitative analysis. Method: We used a qualitative research approach in order to develop a theoretical framework for the exploration, interpretation and identification of the impact of education on career plans, on the changing attitudes towards careers, the raising of self-esteem and perception of personal growth. We used Neuro-linguistic programming as a tool to develop and achieve personal excellence within the career planning. Results: We constructed a paradigmatic model and developed the final theory. By means of qualitative analysis, we identified the elements of design criteria for the construction of the questionnaire; we measured the effects of education on career plans. Organization: The findings of the research will prove useful in personal management and career management in the process of planning and organizing the promotion of individuals within the organizations in accordance with the needs of those organizations. Originality: A career plan as a building block of personal growth, based on the model of career education with the in-built elements and tools of NLP, has been confirmed by the most recent studies in neuroscience. This represents a novelty, and, therefore, this study offers a genuine contribution, and is an indicator of contemporary knowledge, based on the results of the research. Limitations/Future Research: The model of career education and the results of this study open new directions for further research of the influence of career planning on the organisation of companies and their success, which is the phase of the study which was not carried out.

  20. Emerging Adulthood among Palestinian Minority in Israel: The Relation between Perceived Career Barriers, Future Orientation and Career Decisions (United States)

    Mahajna, Sami


    This study examines the relation between perceived career barriers, future orientation and career decisions among young Palestinian-Israeli youth. The study employs a theoretical model that links perceived career barriers and career decisions via variables of future orientation. Three hundred eighty-eight young Palestinian-Israeli women (73.20%)…

  1. Human capital and career success

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Anders; Kato, Takao

    capital formally through schooling for career success, as well as the gender gap in career success rates. Second, broadening the scope of human capital by experiencing various occupations (becoming a generalist) is found to be advantageous for career success. Third, initial human capital earned through......Denmark’s registry data provide accurate and complete career history data along with detailed personal characteristics (e.g., education, gender, work experience, tenure and others) for the population of Danish workers longitudinally. By using such data from 1992 to 2002, we provide rigorous...... formal schooling and subsequent human capital obtained informally on the job are found to be complements in the production of career success. Fourth, though there is a large body of the literature on the relationship between firm-specific human capital and wages, the relative value of firm-specific human...

  2. The impact of a total reward system of work engagement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Crystal Hoole


    Research purpose: The overall purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between total rewards and work engagement in a South African context and to determine which reward categories predict work engagement. The study further endeavoured to determine whether gender and age had a moderating effect on the relationship between total rewards and engagement. Motivation for the study: Statistics report that less than 30% of all working people are optimally engaged in their work. Considering that individuals spend more than a third of their lives at work committing themselves emotionally, physically and psychologically – research indicates that employees are no longer satisfied with traditional reward systems and want to feel valued and appreciated. Research approach, design and method: In this quantitative, cross-sectional research design using a non-probability convenience and purposive sampling strategy, 318 questionnaires were collected and analysed from financial institutions in Gauteng in which opinions were sought on the importance of different types of rewards structures and preferences, and how engaged they are in their workplace. The 17-item UWES and Nienaber total reward preference model were the chosen measuring instruments. Main findings: A small statistically significant correlation (r = 0.25; p < 0.05; small effect was found between total rewards and work engagement, and 12% of the variance of work engagement was explained. Only performance and career management significantly predicted work engagement. Practical/Managerial implications: Although small, the significant correlation between total rewards and work engagement implies that total rewards are important motivators for employees in the workplace. Of the total rewards scales tested, only performance and career management significantly predicted work engagement, suggesting that more research is needed. Organisations seeking to implement total reward strategies should pay specific

  3. A Career in Statistics Beyond the Numbers

    CERN Document Server

    Hahn, Gerald J


    A valuable guide to a successful career as a statistician A Career in Statistics: Beyond the Numbers prepares readers for careers in statistics by emphasizing essential concepts and practices beyond the technical tools provided in standard courses and texts. This insider's guide from internationally recognized applied statisticians helps readers decide whether a career in statistics is right for them, provides hands-on guidance on how to prepare for such a career, and shows how to succeed on the job. The book provides non-technical guidance for a successful career. The authors' extensive indu

  4. Career Decision-making of Women's Junior College Students and Career Guidance : An Examination of Self-growth Motivation and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy


    泉水, 清志; Sensui, Kiyoshi


    The purpose of this study was to examine effects of career decision-making by measuring self-growth motivation and career decision-making self-efficacy of women's junior college students, and to examine career guidance in junior college. A questionnaire was administered to 397, including 286 qualification major and 111 general education major, with women's junior college students. Results showed that self-growth motivation was higher with second-year and general education major students, that...

  5. Perfil refracional dos présbitas na Amazônia brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Maria Osório Chaves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar o perfil refracional dos présbitas na Amazônia ocidental brasileira, estabelecendo-se como piloto a cidade de Manaus e nove das sessenta e uma cidades do interior do estado do Amazonas. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários de 8.225 pacientes. Foram examinadas pessoas maiores de 40 anos, em 10 cidades do estado do Amazonas (Manaus e 09 municípios da hinterlândia, no período de setembro/2008 a dezembro/2011. Os dados foram classificados por faixa etária, sexo, atividade econômica (aposentados ou não, tipo de ametropia e acuidade visual para longe e perto com e sem correção. O método consistiu no exame oftalmológico de rotina que incluiu o exame de refração. A análise estatística dos dados utilizou estudos quantitativos. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes atendidos, 53,0% eram do sexo feminino; a faixa etária mais prevalente era de 51 a 60 anos; 66,0% não são aposentados e ainda desenvolvem alguma atividade laborativa; a maior prevalência das ametropias registrada foi de astigmatismos diversos (43,0% e a acuidade visual para longe, sem correção, foi de 15,0% com 20/200 e, com correção, foi de 45,0% com 20/30 ou mais; em relação à visão para perto, a acuidade visual foi de 40,0% para J6, sem correção e, de 82,0% para J2 e J1, com correção; as adições utilizadas em 75,0% foram de +2,50 dioptrias ou mais; e 52,0% dos atendimentos foram realizados em Manaus. CONCLUSÃO: Esta pesquisa, ao examinar populações pobres da Amazônia brasileira, corrobora que a falta de óculos para corrigir a visão para perto constitui-se em importante problema de saúde pública nas pessoas acima dos 40 anos, principalmente naquelas que têm dificuldade de acesso a serviços de Oftalmologia.

  6. Political Science Careers at Comprehensive Universities: Building Balanced Careers at "Greedy" Institutions (United States)

    Hendrickson, Ryan C.; Mueller, Melinda A.; Strand, Jonathan R.


    A considerable amount of research exists about political science careers at community colleges and liberal arts institutions, as well as about training and hiring practices across different types of institutions. However, there is virtually no commentary available on political science careers at comprehensive institutions, where a significant…

  7. Career development in cross-cultural environment


    Balčiūnaitienė, Asta; Barvydienė, Violeta; Petkevičiūtė, Nijolė


    The aim of this paper is to discuss the peculiarities of career development and cultural competence in crosscultural environment. The idea of career development in a cross-cultural environment is usually linked to personal, communication skills, social and cultural issues. Understanding of the concept of peculiarities of career development and cross-cultural communication competence is of crucial significance in a multicultural environment. The main factors of career development in cross-cult...

  8. Núcleos coloniais e agricultura na Amazônia Imperial: uso e ocupação da terra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francivaldo Alves Nunes


    Full Text Available Fomento a produção, reforma das técnicas agrícolas, intensificação dos sistemas produtivos e aumento da produtividade são algumas diretrizes recorrentes nos projetos de reformulação da agricultura desenvolvidos no Brasil no período Imperial. Na Amazônia a criação dos Núcleos Coloniais, na segunda metade do século XIX, constituem ações governamentais que buscam atender essas demandas. Analisar os elementos que estimulam a formação das Colônias Agrícolas e que nos ajuda a pensar a constituição de paisagens agrárias e os processos de apropriação da terra é a tarefa que nos ocupamos nesta comunicação; entendendo que, além de uma questão de consumo e produção, os Núcleos Coloniais na Amazônia se evidenciaram como espaços de experimentação de novas técnicas produtivas, melhor aproveitamento da terra, do exercício de domínio das matas, promoção do povoamento e disciplinarização dos sujeitos sociais envolvidos na construção deste espaço.

  9. Career Development at Nova Southeastern University (United States)

    . Continuing Education Financial Aid Career Development Regional Campuses International Affairs Veterans Development Skip secondary navigation Menu Overview About Us Our Staff Peer Advisor Program Career Ambassadors Handshake Internships Student Testimonials Veterans Alumni Career Services Volunteer Opportunities Handshake

  10. Publication Productivity of Early-Career Orthopedic Trauma Surgeons. (United States)

    Hake, Mark E; Lee, John J; Goulet, James A


    The goals of this study were to: (1) define the publication productivity of early-career orthopedic trauma surgeons over time; (2) compare the early-career publication productivity of recent orthopedic trauma fellowship graduates vs their more senior colleagues; and (3) determine the proportion of fellowship graduates who meet the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) publication criteria for active membership early in their careers. Orthopedic trauma fellowship graduates from 1982 to 2007 were analyzed. A literature search was performed for each fellow's publications for the 6-year period beginning the year of fellowship graduation. Publication productivity was compared between early and recent groups of graduates, 1987 to 1991 and 2003 to 2007, respectively. Fulfillment of OTA publication criteria was determined. Seventy-nine percent of graduates contributed to 1 or more publications. The recent group produced more total publications per graduate (4.06 vs 3.29, P=.01) and more coauthor publications (2.60 vs 2.04, P=.019) than the early group. The number of first-author publications did not differ between groups (1.46 vs 1.25, P=.26). A greater percentage of the recent group met current OTA publication criteria compared with the early group (51% vs 35%, P=.04). The findings showed that recent orthopedic trauma graduates had increased publication productivity compared with their more senior colleagues, although a proportion had not qualified for active OTA membership 6 years into their career. Overall, these data are encouraging and suggest that young orthopedic trauma surgeons remain committed to sustaining a high level of academic excellence. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

  11. Canonical correlation analysis of the career attitudes and strategies inventory and the adult career concerns inventory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charlene C Lew


    Full Text Available This study investigated the relationships between the scales of the Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI and those of the Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (CASI. The scores of 202 South African adults for the two inventories were subjected to a canonical correlation analysis. Two canonical variates made statistically significant contributions to the explanation of the relationships between the two sets of variables. Inspection of the correlations of the original variables with the first canonical variate suggested that a high level of career concerns in general, as measured by the ACCI, is associated with high levels of career worries, more geographical barriers, a low risk-taking style and a non-dominant interpersonal style, as measured by the CASI. The second canonical variate suggested that concerns with career exploration and advancement of one’s career is associated with low job satisfaction, low family commitment, high work involvement, and a dominant style at work.


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    UROŠEVIĆ Snežana


    Full Text Available Textile industry is a very important industrial branch because it produces clothes for nearly seven billion people and textile materials for technical usage. It employs a huge number of competitive and qualified, mostly female work force. It is also technologically and technically challenging. Thus, it is vital to employ qualified and well trained employees with certain competences, knowledge and skills in order to respond to rapid technological and market changes. Here, we will consider the influence of the career development on doing business in the textile industry while acquiring the competitive advantage. Career development is a lifelong process and it is includes knowledge management. The term career has several meanings while nowadays it can mean advancement. The career usually reflects the professional development path of an individual during his or her working career. The career is that concept which connects and unifies most strongly and explicitly individual and organizational interests and needs. The theoretical part explains terms such as career development, importance and improvement of employees for an organization, the possibility for career development within the textile industry. The second part of the paper deals with research conducted among the employees of the textile sector in Leskovac, the town in Serbia with a long-lasting textile tradition.

  13. Career Patterns of Supply Chain Executives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flöthmann, Christoph; Hoberg, Kai


    career patterns for SCEs. They differ in terms of the individuals' previous professional experience, educational background, and the time they needed to arrive in an executive position. By characterizing the backgrounds and career paths of SCEs, we show that supply chain management (SCM) is truly a cross......This exploratory study analyzes the careers of 307 supply chain executives (SCEs). Motivated by career theory, our findings create new knowledge about the educational backgrounds and career paths that lead to SCE positions. Based on an optimal matching analysis, we are able to distinguish among six......-functional profession. Our findings suggest that previous staff responsibility appears to be a more important hiring criterion than extensive SCM experience. While 56% of the executives had prior staff responsibility, only 12% of the cumulated careers were actually spent inside the SCM function....

  14. The relationship between career competencies, career identity, motivation and quality of choice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijers, Frans; Kuijpers, Marinka; Gundy, Chad


    In this article we focus on the effects of career education and guidance among students (ages 12–19) enrolled in prevocational and secondary vocational education in The Netherlands. Our study included 3,499 students and 166 teachers in 226 classes in 34 schools. The results showed that career

  15. Career Opportunities for Theatre Practitioners. (United States)

    Cadman, Victoria


    'What's the point in doing that?' This is often the response given to those saying they are undertaking education outside of work hours. Many do not see their role in theatre as just a job, but now want a career which means extra studying. Ideally this needs to be in advance so they are one step ahead for when an opportunity arises. Career opportunities and education go hand in hand together, and so it is difficult to discuss one without mentioning the other to some degree. We need education to access career opportunities, but we also need career routes to help drive education forward.

  16. A CIDADANIA EM QUESTÃO: organizações regionais indígenas e TICs na Pan-Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James León Parra Monsalve


    Full Text Available As passadas mobilizações que tiveram amplo suporte na internet como as da Primavera Árabe, no Egito, ou as de Junho de 2013, no Brasil, apontam novas configurações do ato conetivo nas redes digitais. Mas, deve-se dizer que um outro espaço-tempo é experimentado nas ações organizacionais indígenas, pois elas estão inseridas numa luta secular perante a subvaloração histórica dos seus fundamentos não-modernos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se alguns dos principais resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida entre 2011 e 2014 com a Associação Inter-étnica de Desenvolvimento da Selva Peruana (AIDESEP, a Confederação de Povos Indígenas do Oriente, Chaco e Amazônia da Bolívia (CIDOB e a Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Organizações Indígenas Amazônicas; TICs; Cidadania.     ABSTRACT Past mobilizations that had broad support on the Internet as the Arab Spring in Egypt or June 2013 in Brazil suggest new configurations of connective act on digital networks. But it must be said that another space-time is experienced in indigenous organizational actions because they are embedded in a secular struggle against the historical undervaluation of its non-modern foundations. This paper presents some of the main results of a research conducted between 2011 and 2014 with the Inter-ethnic Association of Peruvian Rainforest Development (AIDESEP, the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of the East, Chaco and Amazon of Bolivia (CIDOB and the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB.   KEYWORDS: Amazon Indigenous Organizations; ICT; Citizenship.     RESUMEN Las pasadas movilizaciones que tuvieron amplio soporte en internet como las de la Primavera Árabe, en Egipto, o las de Junio de 2013, en Brasil, apuntan nuevas configuraciones del acto conectivo en las redes digitales. Pero, se debe decir que otro espacio-tiempo experimentan las acciones

  17. Career Cartography: From Stories to Science and Scholarship. (United States)

    Wilson, Deleise S; Rosemberg, Marie-Anne S; Visovatti, Moira; Munro-Kramer, Michelle L; Feetham, Suzanne


    To present four case scenarios reflecting the process of research career development using career cartography. Career cartography is a novel approach that enables nurses, from all clinical and academic settings, to actively engage in a process that maximizes their clinical, teaching, research, and policy contributions that can improve patient outcomes and the health of the public. Four early-career nurse researchers applied the career cartography framework to describe their iterative process of research career development. They report the development process of each of the components of career cartography, including destination statement, career map, and policy statement. Despite diverse research interests and career mapping approaches, common experiences emerged from the four nurse researchers. Common lessons learned throughout the career cartography process include: (a) have a supportive mentorship team, (b) start early and reflect regularly, (c) be brief and to the point, (d) keep it simple and avoid jargon, (e) be open to change, (f) make time, and (g) focus on the overall career destination. These four case scenarios support the need for nurse researchers to develop their individual career cartography. Regardless of their background, career cartography can help nurse researchers articulate their meaningful contributions to science, policy, and health of the public. © 2017 Sigma Theta Tau International.

  18. Game as a Career Metaphor: A Chaos Theory Career Counselling Application (United States)

    Pryor, Robert George Leslie; Bright, Jim E. H.


    The potential of game as a career metaphor for use in counselling is explored and it is argued that it has been largely overlooked in the literature to date. This metaphor is then explicitly linked with the Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC), by showing how the notion of attractors within the CTC can be illustrated effectively using games metaphors.…

  19. A Study of the Correlation between STEM Career Knowledge, Mathematics Self-Efficacy, Career Interests, and Career Activities on the Likelihood of Pursuing a STEM Career among Middle School Students (United States)

    Blotnicky, Karen A.; Franz-Odendaal, Tamara; French, Frederick; Joy, Phillip


    Background: A sample of 1448 students in grades 7 and 9 was drawn from public schools in Atlantic Canada to explore students' knowledge of science and mathematics requirements for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Also explored were their mathematics self-efficacy (MSE), their future career interests, their…

  20. Career Development of Diverse Populations. ERIC Digest. (United States)

    Kerka, Sandra

    Career development theories and approaches have been criticized for lack of applicability to diverse populations. Traditional career development theories and models assume that: everyone has a free choice among careers; career development is a linear, progressive, rational process; and individualism, autonomy and centrality of work are universal…

  1. Effects of learning styles on career preferences of senior secondary ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The research investigated the effects of learning styles on career preferences of senior secondary school students in Jigawa State, Nigeria. A total of six hundred students, three hundred and sixty male, and two hundred and forty female were randomly selected from ten senior secondary schools across the state for the study ...

  2. Career drop outs of young elite athletes

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    Petra Fišer


    Full Text Available The main problem of the study was to examine the characteristics of sports career drop outs of young elite sportswomen and their adaptation to the post-sport life. The sample included 20 ex-young elite sportswomen, who had brought their successful sport careers to an end before the age of 19. We used a modified interview about sports career termination (Cecić Erpič, 1998 for the investigation of the characteristics of their sports careers. To examine the caracteristics of sport careers we used frequency analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that the participants mostly stated more than one reason for the termination of their career. The most common reasons for career termination were: lack of motivation, bad relations with trainers or co-competitors and dedication to school or education. After the end of a sports career most of the young sportswomen stayed actively in touch with sport, either as trainers, judges, or they remained engaged in sports for recreation.

  3. Career fields for inspection and enforcement personnel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartley, H.J.; Harrison, O.J.; Kraas, I.W.; Hagerup, J.E.; Heyer, F.H.K.; Schwartz, E.G.


    This document is a report on the development of career fields for Headquarters and regional positions of NRC/IE. Data on the development of qualifications requirements were examined for commonality of knowledge and performance; career fields were postulated as a result of that examination, and then those career fields were tested and revised by more extensive examination. Proposed as a result of this work are four career fields: Construction--Vendor, Health Physics, Reactor Operations, and Safeguards; and two ''career ladders'': Fuel Facilities and Investigation. (The term ''career ladder'' was chosen to describe the relatively narrow patterns of positions open to its members.) All career fields include subfields, which are described in full in the report. In addition to recommending acceptance of these career fields, this document proposes the combination of certain subfields, the retitling of some positions, and the adoption of a standard nomenclature for all NRC/IE positions. 56 figures, 2 tables

  4. Promoting Protean Career through Employability Culture and Mentoring: Career Strategies as Moderator (United States)

    Wong, Siew Chin; Mohd Rasdi, Roziah; Abu Samah, Bahaman; Abdul Wahat, Nor Wahiza


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of organizational-related variables and the moderating role of career strategies on protean career among employees. Design/methodology/approach: Research data are gathered from a sample of 306 employees in 18 electrical and electronics multinational corporations (MNCs) in Malaysia.…

  5. Career Development with Transgender College Students: Implications for Career and Employment Counselors (United States)

    Scott, David A.; Belke, Stephanie L.; Barfield, Hannah G.


    The number of transgender college students continues to increase every year. These students face unique challenges that many college and university career centers are not prepared to handle. This article describes some of the challenges facing transgender students and college career centers. A professional development design is proposed to assist…

  6. Linking Affective Commitment, Career Self-Efficacy, and Outcome Expectations: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory (United States)

    Conklin, Amanda M.; Dahling, Jason J.; Garcia, Pablo A.


    The authors tested a model based on the satisfaction model of social cognitive career theory (SCCT) that links college students' affective commitment to their major (the emotional identification that students feel toward their area of study) with career decision self-efficacy (CDSE) and career outcome expectations. Results indicate that CDSE…

  7. Burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being among US neurologists in 2016. (United States)

    Busis, Neil A; Shanafelt, Tait D; Keran, Christopher M; Levin, Kerry H; Schwarz, Heidi B; Molano, Jennifer R; Vidic, Thomas R; Kass, Joseph S; Miyasaki, Janis M; Sloan, Jeff A; Cascino, Terrence L


    To study prevalence of and factors that contribute to burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being in US neurologists. A total of 4,127 US American Academy of Neurology member neurologists who had finished training were surveyed using validated measures of burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being from January 19 to March 21, 2016. Response rate was 40.5% (1,671 of 4,127). Average age of participants was 51 years, with 65.3% male and nearly equal representation across US geographic regions. Approximately 60% of respondents had at least one symptom of burnout. Hours worked/week, nights on call/week, number of outpatients seen/week, and amount of clerical work were associated with greater burnout risk. Effective support staff, job autonomy, meaningful work, age, and subspecializing in epilepsy were associated with lower risk. Academic practice (AP) neurologists had a lower burnout rate and higher rates of career satisfaction and quality of life than clinical practice (CP) neurologists. Some factors contributing to burnout were shared between AP and CP, but some risks were unique to practice setting. Factors independently associated with profession satisfaction included meaningfulness of work, job autonomy, effectiveness of support staff, age, practicing sleep medicine (inverse relationship), and percent time in clinical practice (inverse relationship). Burnout was strongly associated with decreased career satisfaction. Burnout is common in all neurology practice settings and subspecialties. The largest driver of career satisfaction is the meaning neurologists find in their work. The results from this survey will inform approaches needed to reduce burnout and promote career satisfaction and well-being in US neurologists. © 2017 American Academy of Neurology.

  8. The Relationship between Management, Career Planning and Career Development of Medical and Non-medical Faculty Members of Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province, Iran

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    G Sajjadikhah


    Full Text Available Abstract Background & aim: There are many mechanisms for the development of human resources, which career development is one of its central components. The aim of this study was to determine the factors related to career development faculty members (Medical and Non-medical of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province, Iran. Methods: The present paper was a cross-sectional, descriptive correlation method study.  The study population consisted of 535 faculty members (medical, government, NGOs in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer province, Iran, of which 400 participants were randomly selected for the present study. Data were collected through standard questionnaires as a research tool, of career development, career planning and career management for data analysis and statistical tests including linear regression, t-test, regression, and correlation coefficient was used. Results: Career development status and its related factors (Career management and career planning scientific faculty members was desirable. The findings show that between career planning and career management, career development, a significant positive correlation was observed (P

  1. Career Focus: Culinary Arts--Education for a Taste of Success (United States)

    Reese, Susan


    Career and technical education is serving up great opportunities for students in culinary arts programs across the country. According to the National Restaurant Association (NRA), it is estimated that a total of 13.5 million workers will be needed for the rapidly growing restaurant and food-service industry by the year 2014. This article provides…

  2. Influence of a nontraditional master's degree on graduates' career paths. (United States)

    Wilson, J P; Wen, L K


    Graduates' assessments of the University of Texas at Austin's nontraditional M.S. degree program in pharmacy administration were studied. A survey was constructed to assess the impact of the master's program on career advancement, to examine why pharmacists enrolled in the program, and to determine if the curriculum provided knowledge or developed skills that were practical or beneficial. The survey was mailed in April 1999 to all persons who had completed the program between 1990 and 1998. A total of 56 graduates responded, for a response rate of 90.3%. The three reasons for entering the program most frequently cited as most important were career advancement, personal development, and the desire to change job responsibilities. Thirty-four respondents (60.7%) reported receiving a promotion or changing jobs for a higher position while they were enrolled in the program or after completing it. Of these 34 respondents, 29 (85.3%) attributed their promotion or new job to the master's degree. On average, graduates reported that the knowledge and skills obtained through the program had been useful in their practice. The benefits of the program that were cited most frequently were management skills, competencies in areas of pharmacy business, opportunity to advance career, job satisfaction, and competitive advantage when applying for a job. A nontraditional master's degree program in pharmacy administration had a positive impact on the career paths of graduates.

  3. Health Inequality and Careers (United States)

    Robertson, Peter J.


    Structural explanations of career choice and development are well established. Socioeconomic inequality represents a powerful factor shaping career trajectories and economic outcomes achieved by individuals. However, a robust and growing body of evidence demonstrates a strong link between socioeconomic inequality and health outcomes. Work is a key…

  4. Theories of Career Development. Fourth Edition. (United States)

    Osipow, Samuel H.; Fitzgerald, Louise F.

    This book describes and assesses the major theories of career choice and related research. The following are among the topics examined: history of vocational and career psychology (historical foundations; psychoanalytic conceptions of career choice; the Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma theory; Tiedeman's developmental theory; recent history…

  5. Outcomes of Career Counseling with Women. (United States)

    Seligman, Linda


    Describes a career counseling program for adult females. Reports questionnaire results used to assess the effectiveness of that program. Male as well as female clients seemed to derive both attitudinal and occupational benefits from career counseling and expressed positive views of the career counseling process. (Author)

  6. Opportunities in Marine and Maritime Careers. (United States)

    Heitzmann, Wm. Ray

    This book describes careers related to the sea. The following chapters are included: (1) "The World of Water"; (2) "Cruise Ship Careers"; (3) "Oceanography and the Marine Sciences"; (4) "Fishing"; (5) "Commerical Diving"; (6) "Maritime Transportation"; (7) "Shipbuilding"; (8) "Military Careers Afloat"; (9) "Miscellaneous Marine and Maritime…

  7. Balancing Family and Career (United States)

    Andam, Aba Bentil; Dawson, Silvina Ponce; Horton, K. Renee; Sandow, Barbara


    In essentially all countries, responsibilities for child care, cooking, cleaning, and other homemaking tasks fall predominantly on the wife and mother. In addition, the childbearing years come during the period when a physicist must study hard, work long hours on research, and take temporary positions, often abroad. Thus, balancing family and career has long been one of the major barriers to women's participation in science and engineering fields, including physics. While many young women believe that they must choose between having children and having a science career, the fact is that the majority of women physicists in both developing and developed countries have successfully done both. This paper summarizes some ideas and recommendations raised in discussions, especially focused on easing the challenges of having children while in temporary jobs, returning to physics after a career break, the need for "family-friendly" working conditions, and the dual-career problem facing couples where both are scientists.

  8. Are career mature students more committed to the career choice process?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. B. Watson


    Full Text Available The present study examines the relationship between commitment to the career choice process and the career maturity of 123 White first year psychology students. The results indicate a statistically highly significant relationship (�? Opsomming Die huidige studie ondersoek die verhouding tussen die toegewydheid aan die proses van loopbaankeuse en die loopbaanvolwassenheid van 123 Blanke eerstejaar sielkunde-studente. Die resultate dui op 'n hoogs beduidende statistiese verhouding (�? < 0,01 tussen loopbaanvolwassenheid en die "Vocational Exploration and Commitment" sub-skaal van Blustein et al.'s (1989 se "Commitment to Career Choices Scale". Verder dui die resultate ook op 'n statisties beduidende verhouding (�? < 0,05 tussen loopbaanvolwassenheid en die sub-skaal genaamd "Tendency to Foreclose". Geslag is nie beduidend in verband tot enige van die bevindings gestel nie.

  9. Baking Industry. Grade 2. One in a Series of Career Development Curriculum Units for the Elementary Classroom. (Second Edition). (United States)

    Barret, Jennifer; And Others

    Focusing on the occupational clusters of natural resources and manufacturing, this unit entitled "Baking Industry" is one of four grade 2 units which are part of a total set of twenty-seven career development curriculum units for grades K-6. This unit is organized into four sections. Section 1 identifies one career development-centered…

  10. Infusing Systems Thinking into Career Counseling (United States)

    Ryan, Charles W.; Tomlin, James H.


    This study examined the role of career counselors in infusing systems thinking into occupational advising. The authors conducted a qualitative review and analysis of selected literature on systems thinking and analyzed trends for adaptation to career counseling practice. This analysis suggests that career counselors need to infuse systems…

  11. Procurement Career Management Handbook. (United States)

    Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.

    This handbook is the result of the Treasury Department's efforts to increase professionalism among its procurement employees nationwide through its Procurement Career Management Program. First, the scope and objectives of the Procurement Career Management Program are discussed. The remaining sections of the handbook deal with the following program…

  12. Career Change and Motivation: A Matter of Balance (United States)

    Green, Liz; Hemmings, Brian; Green, Annette


    The study was designed to consider the motivations of career changers and the perceived outcomes of their career change. Data were collected from a sample of career changers (N = 81), approximately half of whom had used the services of a career coach. The analysis showed: firstly, that the reported outcomes associated with career change appeared…

  13. The Gender-Mediated Impact of a Career Development Intervention (United States)

    Cassie, Diana V. W.; Chen, Charles P.


    This study examined the differential impact of an educational intervention on high school students' career maturity based on gender. Dimensions of career maturity investigated include congruence, career certainty, career indecision, career decision-making self-efficacy and career exploration. Females were found to increase significantly in…

  14. Early career choices and successful career progression in surgery in the UK: prospective cohort studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richards Jennifer MJ


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Changes to the structure of medical training worldwide require doctors to decide on their career specialty at an increasingly early stage after graduation. We studied trends in career choices for surgery, and the eventual career destinations, of UK graduates who declared an early preference for surgery. Methods Postal questionnaires were sent, at regular time intervals after qualification, to all medical qualifiers from all UK medical schools in selected qualification years between 1974 and 2005. They were sent in the first year after qualification, at year three and five years after qualification, and at longer time intervals thereafter. Results Responses were received from 27 749 of 38 280 doctors (73% at year one, 23 468 of 33151 (71% at year three, and 17 689 of 24 870 (71% at year five. Early career preferences showed that surgery has become more popular over the past two decades. Looking forward from early career choice, 60% of respondents (64% of men, 48% of women with a first preference for a surgical specialty at year one eventually worked in surgery (p Conclusions Surgery is a popular specialty choice in the UK. The great majority of doctors who progressed in a surgical career made an early and definitive decision to do so.

  15. Career Development Strivings: Assessing Goals and Motivation in Career Decision-Making and Planning (United States)

    Dik, Bryan J.; Sargent, Adam M.; Steger, Michael F.


    This article describes and demonstrates a novel approach to assessing goals and motives among individuals engaged in the career decision-making and planning process. Participants generated five career development strivings, rated each striving along several dimensions (self-efficacy, outcome expectations, sense of calling, spiritual significance,…

  16. Social Justice and Career Development: Views and Experiences of Australian Career Development Practitioners (United States)

    McMahon, Mary; Arthur, Nancy; Collins, Sandra


    Career development practice had its origins in social justice reform over 100 years ago. A social justice perspective requires practitioners to examine the environmental context of their work, including the social, economic and political systems that influence people's career development. Achieving socially just outcomes for clients may…

  17. Social cognitive model of career self-management: toward a unifying view of adaptive career behavior across the life span. (United States)

    Lent, Robert W; Brown, Steven D


    Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) currently consists of 4 overlapping, segmental models aimed at understanding educational and occupational interest development, choice-making, performance and persistence, and satisfaction/well-being. To this point, the theory has emphasized content aspects of career behavior, for instance, prediction of the types of activities, school subjects, or career fields that form the basis for people's educational/vocational interests and choice paths. However, SCCT may also lend itself to study of many process aspects of career behavior, including such issues as how people manage normative tasks and cope with the myriad challenges involved in career preparation, entry, adjustment, and change, regardless of the specific educational and occupational fields they inhabit. Such a process focus can augment and considerably expand the range of the dependent variables for which SCCT was initially designed. Building on SCCT's existing models, we present a social cognitive model of career self-management and offer examples of the adaptive, process behaviors to which it can be applied (e.g., career decision making/exploration, job searching, career advancement, negotiation of work transitions and multiple roles).

  18. Internships in SMEs and Career Intentions (United States)

    Walmsley, Andreas; Thomas, Rhodri; Jameson, Stephanie


    The literature on internships (also placements) emphasises their importance in career development, even seeing them as a launch pad for graduate careers. Indeed, universities use internships to enable students to develop a range of skills and to help clarify and refine employment intentions and career goals. Traditionally, most internships have…

  19. Estimation Issues and Generational Changes in Modeling Criminal Career Length (United States)

    Francis, Brian; Soothill, Keith; Piquero, Alex R.


    This article seeks to model criminal career length using data from six different birth cohorts born between 1953 and 1978, totaling more than 58,000 males and females from England and Wales. A secondary aim of this article is to consider whether information available at the first court appearance leading to a conviction is associated with the…

  20. Agribusiness Firms in Alabama: Profiles and Perceptions of Skills and Experiences Needed for Careers in Agribusiness


    Onianwa, Okwudili O.; Wheelock, Gerald; Mojica, Maribel N.; Singh, Surendra P.


    This study examines the profiles of agribusiness firms and the skills and experiences required for a career in Agribusiness field. Data for this study was generated through a mail survey administered to a total of 300 Agribusiness companies in Alabama. Results are generally consistent with previous studies and show that interpersonal skills, communication skills, ability to use general computer software, and business and economic skills are the most important skills for a successful career in...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Turnsek Mikacic


    Full Text Available This paper is an overview of the current research in the field of career education and career planning. Presented results constitute a model based on the insight into different theories and empirical studies about career planning as a building block of personal excellence. We defined credibility, transferability and reliability of the research by means of triangulation. As sources of data of triangulation we included essays of participants of education and questionnaires. Qualitative analysis represented the framework for the construction of the paradigmatic model and the formulation of the final theory. We formulated a questionnaire on the basis of our own experiences in the area of the education of individuals. The quantitative analysis, based on the results of the interviews, confirms the following three hypotheses: The individuals who elaborated a personal career plan and acted accordingly, changed their attitudes towards their careers and took control over their lives; in addition, they achieved a high level of self-esteem and self-confidence, in tandem with the perception of personal excellence, in contrast to the individuals who did not participate in career education and did not elaborate a career plan. We used the tools of NLP (neurolinguistic programming as an additional technique at learning.

  2. Exploring Dance Careers. A Student Guidebook. (United States)

    Cornell, Richard; Hansen, Mary Lewis

    One of six student guidebooks in a series of 11 arts and humanities career exploration guides for grade 7-12 teachers, counselors, and students, this student book on exploration of dance careers presents information on specific occupations in both performance careers and dance education. An introductory section describes the four different dance…

  3. The choice of surgery as a future career specialty among medical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: To determine the factors affecting the choice of surgery as a future career specialty among medical interns in a regional hospital in Nigeria. Method: A total of 74 junior doctors who completed internship training at the university of Benin teaching Hospital in 2012 were interviewed in this cross sectional study.

  4. Motivations Underlying Career Decision-Making Activities: The Career Decision-Making Autonomy Scale (CDMAS) (United States)

    Guay, Frederic


    The purpose of the present research was to develop and validate a measure of motivation toward career decision-making activities, the Career Decision-Making Autonomy Scale (CDMAS). The CDMAS is designed to assess the constructs of intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation. A longitudinal study was…

  5. Guidance theory and practice : the status of career exploration


    Taveira, Maria do Céu; Rodríguez Moreno, Maria Luísa


    Career intervention can be designed to enhance constructive attitudes, emotions and behaviours that will improve clients’ career attainment. In this sense, mobilisation of career exploration constitutes one of the most important tasks of career counsellors, particularly with emphasis in developmental career guidance models, first developed in the 1950s. The authors present a brief review of career exploration conceptualisation and empirical research lines. The implications for career guidance...

  6. Career Development of Women. (United States)

    Gorman, Anna M., Ed.; Vetter, Louise, Ed.

    The five major papers whose full texts are included address themselves to various topics that can influence the lives of women in their career choices and advancement. Federal Legislation: Impact on Women's Careers, Mary Allen Jolley, discusses sex discrimination, legal gains made over the past 10 years, sex role stereotyping, and vocational…

  7. Career Education Instructional Guide. (United States)

    State Univ. of New York, Oswego. Coll. at Oswego. Dept. of Industrial Arts and Technology.

    The guide is designed primarily for industrial arts teachers at the middle school level who wish to integrate career education into their curricula. The lessons and activities attempt to establish a balance among career information, technical information, and hands-on experience. The guide contains six lesson plans which cover the topics: the…

  8. Precipitação na bacia amazônica e sua associação à variabilidade da temperatura da superfície dos oceanos Pacífico e Atlântico: uma revisão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Limberger


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre variabilidade climática caracterizam-se como de grande importância para os estudos geográficos já que os extremos climáticos afetam diretamente as condições socioambientais. O presente estudo visa apresentar pesquisas já desenvolvidas sobre a variabilidade climática da chuva na bacia amazônica brasileira, dos oceanos adjacentes e sobre a inter-relação entre eles, com o objetivo de apresentar o estado da arte acerca do tema e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estudos da área na ciência geográfica. O principal fenômeno que afeta a variabilidade da chuva na bacia amazônica é o ENOS, contribuindo para períodos mais secos quando da sua fase quente e períodos mais úmidos quando de sua fase fria. Também o Atlântico desempenha papel importante na variabilidade da precipitação, especialmente por modular o posicionamento da ZCIT e o transporte de umidade para a bacia amazônica. Artigos apresentados destacam também a importância de se compreender a retroalimentação entre os fenômenos que se desenvolvem no Pacífico e Atlântico, demonstrando que se trata de processos altamente acoplados e de grande complexidade, tanto no seu funcionamento quanto nos efeitos que causam na hidrologia da bacia amazônica. Pode-se concluir que as teleconexões entre a temperatura da superfície do mar e a variabilidade das chuvas na bacia amazônica constituem um tema de grande pertinência e que várias lacunas do conhecimento ainda precisam ser preenchidas.

  9. Applying Visual Metaphors to Career Transitions (United States)

    Barner, Robert William


    This article makes use of a case study involving two career professionals to show how visual metaphors can be used as an important part of a constructivist approach to career counseling. It discusses how visual metaphors can serve as an effective methodology for encouraging adults to engage in the self-review of career transitions, discusses…

  10. Career management in the healthcare system


    Pusa Tania Tapliga; Roxana Nicoleta Matei


    Career management is a specialized activity that provides the relation between HRM and the individual and organizational career planning. The health system is changing, more than any other field. Career Management in the health care system involves a complex process of analysis and human resource planning at both the organizational and the individual level.

  11. Perfectionism in students and positive career planning attitudes


    Stoeber, Joachim; Mutinelli, Sofia; Corr, Philip J.


    In today's uncertain job market, university students who show positive attitudes in their career planning have an advantage. Yet, we know little what personality characteristics are associated with individual differences in career planning attitudes. The present study examined 177 university students to investigate whether perfectionism (self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed) predicted students' positive career planning attitudes (career adaptability, career optimism, and per...

  12. NASA Procurement Career Development Program (United States)


    The NASA Procurement Career Development Program establishes an agency-wide framework for the management of career development activity in the procurement field. Within this framework, installations are encouraged to modify the various components to meet installation-specific mission and organization requirements. This program provides a systematic process for the assessment of and planning for the development, training, and education required to increase the employees' competence in the procurement work functions. It includes the agency-wide basic knowledge and skills by career field and level upon which individual and organizational development plans are developed. Also, it provides a system that is compatible with other human resource management and development systems, processes, and activities. The compatibility and linkage are important in fostering the dual responsibility of the individual and the organization in the career development process.

  13. Widening opportunities for career guidance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Bo Klindt; Skovhus, Randi Boelskifte; Thomsen, Rie


    This chapter discusses research circles as a way of organising collaboration between career guidance researchers and practitioners. Such collaboration, it is argued, helps resist neoliberal governance mechanisms and supports social justice perspectives among teachers involved in the provision...... of career education in Danish schools. Based on a research and development project on career education, case analysis is used to explore research circles as a means for collaboration between researchers and practitioners. This analysis shows that research circles provide teachers with a space to reflect...... both in and on action. Career education is the key focus of the case presented in this chapter and it is argued that, in order to increase social mobility through education, there is a need to widen opportunities through experience-based activities among pupils in Danish schools. The chapter contends...

  14. Widening opportunities for career guidance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Bo Klindt; Skovhus, Randi Boelskifte; Thomsen, Rie


    This chapter discusses research circles as a way of organising collaboration between career guidance researchers and practitioners. Such collaboration, it is argued, helps resist neoliberal governance mechanisms and supports social justice perspectives among teachers involved in the provision...... of career education in Danish schools. Based on a research and development project on career education, case analysis is used to explore research circles as a means for collaboration between researchers and practitioners. This analysis shows that research circles provide teachers with a space to reflect...... both in and on action. Career education is the key focus of the case presented in this chapter and it is argued that, in order to increase social mobility through education, there is a need to widen opportunities through experience-based activities among pupils in Danish schools. The chapter contends...

  15. Navigating the Path to a Biomedical Science Career (United States)

    Zimmerman, Andrea McNeely

    The number of biomedical PhD scientists being trained and graduated far exceeds the number of academic faculty positions and academic research jobs. If this trend is compelling biomedical PhD scientists to increasingly seek career paths outside of academia, then more should be known about their intentions, desires, training experiences, and career path navigation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the process through which biomedical PhD scientists are trained and supported for navigating future career paths. In addition, the study sought to determine whether career development support efforts and opportunities should be redesigned to account for the proportion of PhD scientists following non-academic career pathways. Guided by the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) framework this study sought to answer the following central research question: How does a southeastern tier 1 research university train and support its biomedical PhD scientists for navigating their career paths? Key findings are: Many factors influence PhD scientists' career sector preference and job search process, but the most influential were relationships with faculty, particularly the mentor advisor; Planned activities are a significant aspect of the training process and provide skills for career success; and Planned activities provided skills necessary for a career, but influential factors directed the career path navigated. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.

  16. Making It Happen: How Career Academies Can Build College and Career Exploration Programs (United States)

    Visher, Mary G.; Altuna, Jacklyn N.; Safran, Stephanie


    The phrase "preparing students for college and career" has become so ubiquitous that it has become almost a mantra in educators' discourse in recent years. Whether mentioned in the Common Core State Standards, in the mission statements of high schools, or in political campaigns, improving the college and career readiness of young people…

  17. The Interdependent Family-Centric Career: Career Perspective of the Overseas Chinese in Indonesia (United States)

    Pekerti, Andre A.


    This theoretical article presents an interdisciplinary approach to extend the scope of current career theories and their application to the overseas Chinese (OC) in Indonesia. Using an ecological model to analyze culture and an emic perspective, the article discusses several factors that affect careers of OC Indonesians. Factors such as culture,…

  18. Career-Related Instruction Promoting Students' Career Awareness and Interest towards Science Learning (United States)

    Salonen, Anssi; Kärkkäinen, Sirpa; Keinonen, Tuula


    The aim of this study was to investigate how career-related instruction implemented in secondary school chemistry education concerning water issues influences students' career awareness and their interest towards science learning. This case study is part of a larger design-based research study for the EU-MultiCO project, which focuses on promoting…

  19. Education and Career Development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Brečko


    Full Text Available The author has been represented four basic domains, which we should include in the career development of new employers; individual, people/employees, organisation and work task. Each of these domains includes three subordinate or learning tasks, which are very important for balancing the educational plan of new employees. The author warns about the most important role of the work organisation. Twelve learning tasks, suggested in the system of the new employee career development bring new challenges for educational organisations but also limits. The author is also quite sure career development programs must become part of the regular school curriculum especially at the end of schooling and before entry into the work organisation.

  20. AGU Panel meets on career topics (United States)

    Hollister, Charles

    Graduate students and their career opportunities in ocean and earth sciences were the focus of the Education and Human Resources (E & HR) Committee meeting held at the 1982 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. A standing committee of AGU, the E & HR committee is responsible for matters concerning education in earth, ocean, and planetary sciences from precollege through graduate programs, including career guidance, academic preparation, student recruitment, and manpower supply and demand.At the meeting a draft of the AGU-sponsored Careers in Oceanography booklet by committee chairman C. Hollister was thoroughly discussed and a new draft will emerge soon for final approval. The booklet is designed to complement the Careers in Geophysics booklet recently published by AGU; the booklets contain information about planning a career, job opportunities, educational requirements, and a synopsis of where the prospective student might apply.

  1. Exploring the ideas and expectations of German medical students towards career choices and the speciality of psychiatry. (United States)

    Baller, Frauke A E; Ludwig, Karin V; Kinas-Gnadt Olivares, Clara L; Graef-Calliess, Iris-Tatjana


    The aim of this study was to explore the ideas and expectations of medical students toward their career choices and the speciality of psychiatry. A total of 323 students of the Hannover Medical School filled in a questionnaire about their career choices, preferred medical specialization, factors of influence on career choices and attitude towards psychiatry. The three most important factors of influence appeared to be: (1) work-life balance, (2) flexible working hours, (3) career prospects. Although expectations towards the professional life of psychiatrists were quite positive among the students, there was only a small number of students (n = 53 of 318 respondents, 17%) interested in specializing in psychiatry. Important reasons for choosing psychiatry included personal experience with somatic or mental health issues and practical experience in psychiatry. Most of the students experienced clinical exposure to psychiatry but at a much later period in the curriculum. For a career choice of psychiatry as a speciality it seems to be important to start psychiatric education in medical school early. The positive aspects of the professional life in psychiatry, such as flexible working hours, career prospects and good work-life balance should be more emphasized.

  2. Graduates beliefs about career management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Babić Lepa


    Full Text Available Career management is increasingly becoming an individuals' matter, despite the various activities organized by the different institutions to support career development and planning. An exploratory survey was conducted to determine what kind of beliefs graduates have about career management. Results indicate that graduates are aware of the importance of university knowledge for getting a job, the importance of knowledge and investment in education for positioning in the labor market, so they give priority to development opportunities that business brings opposed to the material rewards.

  3. Stages of Teachers' Careers: Implications for Professional Development. (United States)

    Christensen, Judith; And Others

    This monograph on the development of teachers' careers synthesizes researchers' prescriptions for early-, mid-, and late-career professional development; and describes successful programs that demonstrate sensitivity to the stages of teachers' growth. The first chapter, "Teachers' Career Development," reviews current adult- and career-stage…

  4. Motivation and Career Perceptions of Dental Students at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia. (United States)

    Kobale, Mihaela; Klaić, Marija; Bavrka, Gabriela; Vodanović, Marin


    Health care studies are usually considered to be complex, demanding and time consuming. The right motivation toward choosing a career in the health field is of utmost importance for the successful completion of studies. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the factors motivating students at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia and, also, to examine their career perceptions. Based on specific questions from available literature, a questionnaire was designed and a total of 270 questionnaires were distributed to the first year students during 2013, 2014 and 2015. A total of 206 students responded, for a response rate of 76.3%. 26.9% of students enrolled in dental studies because it was their first career choice; 16.4% of them believed that it is easy to find a regular job in dentistry. 9.9% of students thought that salaries are high in the field of dental medicine. 45.4% of the first year students were interested in a career in private practice after graduation. These results provide interesting clues to motivation and give additional insights into the expectations of students regarding their studies and profession. The obtained data can be used for the further improvements in the quality of dental study curricula and teaching process.

  5. Promoting Careers in Gerontology to Students: What Are Undergraduates Seeking in a Career? (United States)

    Eshbaugh, Elaine; Gross, Patricia E.; Hillebrand, Kelsey; Davie, Josie; Henninger, William R.


    The graying of the Baby Boomers has created a shortage of professionals in aging-related careers. However, colleges and universities with gerontology and aging programs face a challenge of recruiting students. The purpose of this study was to determine what students are looking for in a career and whether these attributes are congruent with…

  6. Preparing Graduate Students for Non-Academic Careers (United States)

    Woolf, Lawrence


    One of the primary topics discussed at the conference concerned career development, since most graduate students will not have the academic careers of their advisors. Goals included reviewing the primary functions of physicists in industry, evaluating how students are currently prepared for these careers, and identifying how to fill gaps in preparation. A number of non-academic physicists provided insight into meeting these goals. Most physics graduate programs in general do not purposely prepare students for a non-academic career. Strategies for overcoming this shortcoming include advising students about these careers and providing training on broadly valued professional skills such as written and verbal communication, time and project management, leadership, working in teams, innovation, product development, and proposal writing. Alumni and others from industry could provide guidance on careers and skills and should be invited to talk to students. Academic training could also better prepare students for non-academic careers by including engineering and cross disciplinary problem solving as well as incorporating software and toolsets common in industry.

  7. Career Education--A Humanistic View (Part 3 of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education Project on Career Education). (United States)

    Nash, Robert J.; Agne, Russell M.

    This monograph examines the career education concept. Four interrelated premises discussed include specialism, sequentialism, fundamentalism, and credentialism. Each premise is presented in light of its functional and dysfunctional role in career education. Suggestions are included which would a) enable career education to enhance the principle of…

  8. Enriching Careers and Lives: Introducing a Positive, Holistic, and Narrative Career Counseling Method that Bridges Theory and Practice (United States)

    Zikic, Jelena; Franklin, Mark


    CareerCycles (CC) career counseling framework and method of practice integrates and builds on aspects of positive psychology. Through its holistic and narrative approach, the CC method seeks to collaboratively identify and understand clients' career and life stories. It focuses on their strengths, desires, preferences, assets, future…

  9. Residents' Perspectives on Careers in Academic Medicine: Obstacles and Opportunities. (United States)

    Lin, Steven; Nguyen, Cathina; Walters, Emily; Gordon, Paul


    Worsening faculty shortages in medical schools and residency programs are threatening the US medical education infrastructure. Little is known about the factors that influence the decision of family medicine residents to choose or not choose academic careers. Our study objective was to answer the following question among family medicine residents: "What is your greatest concern or fear about pursuing a career in academic family medicine?" Participants were family medicine residents who attended the Faculty for Tomorrow Workshop at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference in 2016 and 2017. Free responses to the aforementioned prompt were analyzed using a constant comparative method and grounded theory approach. A total of 156 participants registered for the workshops and 95 (61%) answered the free response question. Eight distinct themes emerged from the analysis. The most frequently recurring theme was "lack of readiness or mentorship," which accounted for nearly one-third (31%) of the codes. Other themes included work-life balance and burnout (17%), job availability and logistics (15%), lack of autonomy or flexibility (11%), competing pressures/roles (10%), lower financial rewards (4%), politics and bureaucracy (4%), and research (3%). To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify barriers and disincentives to pursuing a career in academic medicine from the perspective of family medicine residents. There may be at least eight major obstacles, for which we summarize and consider potential interventions. More research is needed to understand why residents choose, or don't choose, academic careers.

  10. Capitalizing on Social Media for Career Development. (United States)

    Escoffery, Cam; Kenzig, Melissa; Hyden, Christel; Hernandez, Kristen


    Social media is powerful and has effective tools for career advancement. Health promotion professionals at all stages of their career can employ social media to develop their profile, network with a range of colleagues, and learn about jobs and other career-enhancing opportunities. This article focuses on several social media resources, describes their key functions for career development, and offers strategies for effective use. Steps in using social media include creating a personal profile, sharing products such as newsletters or publications, and locating volunteer and job opportunities. Learning skills to use social media effectively is important to advancing careers and to the expansion of the public health workforce.

  11. College and Career Readiness in the Middle Grades (United States)

    Schaefer, Mary Beth; Rivera, Lourdes M.


    The development and implementation of a comprehensive and systemic career development program, The Career Institute, provided the mechanism through which one school community addressed students' career development and college readiness needs while also attending to their academic and personal-social development. The Career Institute consisted of a…

  12. Competence and Career. A Double Career Structure and Reduced Recognition in Aging Institutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvia Kade


    Full Text Available The occupation is a relationship of appropriation, which is only realized in relationships of recognition between organization and work. The organization includes its members by a mutual exchange of benefits, which is referred to as a relationship of recognition. The basic rule of the mutuality of relationships of recognition is called into question in knowledge-based organizations of "aging institutions." The limited reciprocity of the "closed opportunity structure" is the result of an institutional reduplication of a career policy under the pressure of innovations. A response to this is a change of individual career strategies. The article focuses on the consequences for the development of careers and competencies. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0801592

  13. Vocational teacher career planning : needs and problems


    Sajienė, Laima


    The article analyses a contradiction between vocational teacher ability to plan his/her career and requirements for the teacher professional development set by the system of education. It aims at providing theoretical and empirical justification for vocational teacher need to develop career planning skills and identify problems. The concept and objectives of vocational teacher career planning as well as career planning skills that vocational teachers should develop are defined in the article.

  14. The influence of rural clinical school experiences on medical students' levels of interest in rural careers. (United States)

    Isaac, Vivian; Watts, Lisa; Forster, Lesley; McLachlan, Craig S


    Australian Rural Clinical School (RCS) programmes have been designed to create experiences that positively influence graduates to choose rural medical careers. Rural career intent is a categorical evaluation measure and has been used to assess the Australian RCS model. Predictors for rural medical career intent have been associated with extrinsic values such as students with a rural background. Intrinsic values such as personal interest have not been assessed with respect to rural career intent. In psychology, a predictor of the motivation or emotion for a specific career or career location is the level of interest. Our primary aims are to model over one year of Australian RCS training, change in self-reported interest for future rural career intent. Secondary aims are to model student factors associated with rural career intent while attending an RCS. The study participants were medical students enrolled in a RCS in the year 2013 at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and who completed the newly developed self-administered UNSW Undergraduate Destinations Study (UDS) questionnaire. Data were collected at baseline and after one year of RCS training on preferred location for internship, work and intended specialty. Interest for graduate practice location (career intent) was assessed on a five-variable Likert scale at both baseline and at follow-up. A total of 165 students completed the UDS at baseline and 150 students after 1 year of follow-up. Factors associated with intent to practise in a rural location were rural background (χ2 = 28.4, P influence practice intent (toward rural practice) and interest levels (toward greater interest in rural practice).

  15. Burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being among US neurology residents and fellows in 2016. (United States)

    Levin, Kerry H; Shanafelt, Tait D; Keran, Christopher M; Busis, Neil A; Foster, Laura A; Molano, Jennifer Rose V; O'Donovan, Cormac A; Ratliff, Jeffrey B; Schwarz, Heidi B; Sloan, Jeff A; Cascino, Terrence L


    To study prevalence of and factors contributing to burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being in US neurology residents and fellows. A total of 938 US American Academy of Neurology member neurology residents and fellows were surveyed using standardized measures of burnout, career satisfaction, and well-being from January 19 to March 21, 2016. Response rate was 37.7% (354/938); about 2/3 of responders were residents and 1/3 were fellows. Median age of participants was 32 years and 51.1% were female. Seventy-three percent of residents and 55% of fellows had at least one symptom of burnout, the difference largely related to higher scores for depersonalization among residents. For residents, greater satisfaction with work-life balance, meaning in work, and older age were associated with lower risk of burnout; for fellows, greater satisfaction with work-life balance and effective support staff were associated with lower risk of burnout. Trainees experiencing burnout were less likely to report career satisfaction. Career satisfaction was more likely among those reporting meaning in work and more likely for those working in the Midwest compared with the Northeast region. Burnout is common in neurology residents and fellows. Lack of work-life balance and lack of meaning in work were associated with reduced career satisfaction and increased risk of burnout. These results should inform approaches to reduce burnout and promote career satisfaction and well-being in US neurology trainees. © 2017 American Academy of Neurology.

  16. Making clinical academic careers more attractive: views from questionnaire surveys of senior UK doctors. (United States)

    Lambert, Trevor W; Smith, Fay; Goldacre, Michael J


    To report on doctors' reasons, as expressed to our research group, for choosing academic careers and on factors that would make a career in clinical academic medicine more attractive to them. Postal, email and web questionnaires. UK. A total of 6936 UK-trained doctors who graduated in 1996, 1999 and 2000. Open-ended comments about a career in clinical academic medicine. Of doctors who provided reasons for pursuing a long-term career in clinical academic medicine, the main reasons were enjoyment of academic work and personal satisfaction, whether expressed directly in those terms, or in terms of intellectual stimulation, enjoyment of research, teaching and the advancement of medicine, and the job being more varied than and preferable to clinical work alone. Doctors' suggestions for making clinical academic medicine more attractive included improved pay and job security, better funding of research, greater availability of academic posts, more dedicated time for research (and less service work) and more support and mentoring. Women were more likely than men to prioritise flexible working hours and part-time posts. Medical schools could provide more information, as part of student teaching, about the opportunities for and realities of a career in clinical academic medicine. Women, in particular, commented that they lacked the role models and information which would encourage them to consider seriously an academic career. Employers could increase academic opportunities by allowing more time for teaching, research and study and should assess whether job plans make adequate allowance for academic work.

  17. The labyrinth as a symbol of life: A journey with God and chronic pain

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 23, 2017 ... Camp 2012). Walking a labyrinth can create a heightened awareness of one's own condition: ... Greek roots in the New Testament means to “go beyond the mind that you have”'. According ...... when you are a career woman'. For the .... on yelling. This experience was the most amazing thing that has ever.

  18. Changes in population and land use over time in the Ecuadorian Amazon Mudanças populacionais e de uso da terra na Amazônia Ecuatoriana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard E. Bilsborrow


    Full Text Available This paper draws upon a detailed longitudinal survey of households living on agricultural plots in the northern three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the principal region of colonization by migrants in Ecuador since the 1970s. Following the discovery of petroleum in 1967 near what has subsequently come to be the provincial capital and largest Amazonian city of Lago Agrio, oil companies built roads to lay pipelines to extract and pump oil across the Andes for export. As a result, for the past 30 years over half of both Ecuador's export earnings and government revenues have come from petroleum extracted from this region. But the roads also facilitated massive spontaneous in-migration of families from origin areas in the Ecuadorian Sierra, characterized by minifundia and rural poverty. This paper is about those migrants and their effects on the Amazonian landscape. We discuss the data collection methodology and summarize key results on settler characteristics and changes in population, land use, land ownership, technology, labor allocation, and living conditions, as well as the relationships between changes in population and changes in land use over time. The population in the study region has been growing rapidly due to both natural population growth (high fertility and in-migration. This has led to a dramatic process of subdivision and fragmentation of plots in the 1990's, which contrasts with the consolidation of plots that has occurred in most of the mature frontier areas of the Brazilian Amazon. This fragmentation has led to important changes in land tenure and land use, deforestation, cattle raising, labor allocation, and settler welfare.Este artigo baseia-se em uma pesquisa longitudinal sobre assentamentos agrícolas em três províncias no norte da Amazônia equatoriana, a principal região de colonização agrícola no país desde 1970. A partir da descoberta de reservas de petróleo em áreas próximas a Lago Agrio, capital provincial

  19. Initial Career and Work Meanings in Seven European Countries. (United States)

    Claes, Rita; Quintanilla, S. Antonio R.


    Explores initial careers of two target groups of young adults in seven European countries. Career patterns were constructed through cluster analysis on data gathered via self-report. Six career patterns were identified. Offers suggestions for further research and implications for career counseling, career education, and organizational career…

  20. The Relationship between Spirituality, Religiousness, and Career Adaptability (United States)

    Duffy, Ryan D.; Blustein, David L.


    The present study examined the relationship between spirituality, religiousness, and career adaptability using a sample of undergraduate students (N=144). We proposed that higher levels of religiousness and spirituality would predict higher levels of career adaptability, defined in this study by career decision self-efficacy and career choice…

  1. Long term impact of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies and GMAT on career and life satisfaction and career success. (United States)

    Amdurer, Emily; Boyatzis, Richard E; Saatcioglu, Argun; Smith, Melvin L; Taylor, Scott N


    Career scholars have called for a broader definition of career success by inviting greater exploration of its antecedents. While success in various jobs has been predicted by intelligence and in other studies by competencies, especially in management, long term impact of having intelligence and using competencies has not been examined. Even in collegiate outcome studies, few have examined the longer term impact on graduates' careers or lives. This study assesses the impact of demonstrated emotional, social, and cognitive intelligence competencies assessed at graduation and g measured through GMAT at entry from an MBA program on career and life satisfaction, and career success assessed 5 to 19 years after graduation. Using behavioral measures of competencies (i.e., as assessed by others), we found that emotional intelligence competencies predict career satisfaction and success. Adaptability had a positive impact, but influence had the opposite effect on these career measures and life satisfaction. Life satisfaction was negatively affected by achievement orientation and positively affected by teamwork. Current salary, length of marriage, and being younger at time of graduation positively affect all three measures of life and career satisfaction and career success. GMAT (as a measure of g) predicted life satisfaction and career success to a slight but significant degree in the final model analyzed. Meanwhile, being female and number of children positively affected life satisfaction but cognitive intelligence competencies negatively affected it, and in particular demonstrated systems thinking was negative.

  2. Long term impact of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies and GMAT on career and life satisfaction and career success (United States)

    Amdurer, Emily; Boyatzis, Richard E.; Saatcioglu, Argun; Smith, Melvin L.; Taylor, Scott N.


    Career scholars have called for a broader definition of career success by inviting greater exploration of its antecedents. While success in various jobs has been predicted by intelligence and in other studies by competencies, especially in management, long term impact of having intelligence and using competencies has not been examined. Even in collegiate outcome studies, few have examined the longer term impact on graduates' careers or lives. This study assesses the impact of demonstrated emotional, social, and cognitive intelligence competencies assessed at graduation and g measured through GMAT at entry from an MBA program on career and life satisfaction, and career success assessed 5 to 19 years after graduation. Using behavioral measures of competencies (i.e., as assessed by others), we found that emotional intelligence competencies predict career satisfaction and success. Adaptability had a positive impact, but influence had the opposite effect on these career measures and life satisfaction. Life satisfaction was negatively affected by achievement orientation and positively affected by teamwork. Current salary, length of marriage, and being younger at time of graduation positively affect all three measures of life and career satisfaction and career success. GMAT (as a measure of g) predicted life satisfaction and career success to a slight but significant degree in the final model analyzed. Meanwhile, being female and number of children positively affected life satisfaction but cognitive intelligence competencies negatively affected it, and in particular demonstrated systems thinking was negative. PMID:25566128

  3. Physician satisfaction and burnout at different career stages. (United States)

    Dyrbye, Liselotte N; Varkey, Prathibha; Boone, Sonja L; Satele, Daniel V; Sloan, Jeff A; Shanafelt, Tait D


    To explore the work lives, professional satisfaction, and burnout of US physicians by career stage and differences across sexes, specialties, and practice setting. We conducted a cross-sectional study that involved a large sample of US physicians from all specialty disciplines in June 2011. The survey included the Maslach Burnout Inventory and items that explored professional life and career satisfaction. Physicians who had been in practice 10 years or less, 11 to 20 years, and 21 years or more were considered to be in early, middle, and late career, respectively. Early career physicians had the lowest satisfaction with overall career choice (being a physician), the highest frequency of work-home conflicts, and the highest rates of depersonalization (all Pcareer worked more hours, took more overnight calls, had the lowest satisfaction with their specialty choice and their work-life balance, and had the highest rates of emotional exhaustion and burnout (all Pcareer physicians were most likely to plan to leave the practice of medicine for reasons other than retirement in the next 24 months (4.8%, 12.5%, and 5.2% for early, middle, and late career, respectively). The challenges of middle career were observed in both men and women and across specialties and practice types. Burnout, satisfaction, and other professional challenges for physicians vary by career stage. Middle career appears to be a particularly challenging time for physicians. Efforts to promote career satisfaction, reduce burnout, and facilitate retention need to be expanded beyond early career interventions and may need to be tailored by career stage. Copyright © 2013 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Career Education: A Brief Overview. (United States)

    Kokaska, Charles J.


    Career education, which is designed to promote cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills at all educational levels, is especially important for exceptional children. A comprehensive approach to career development is needed by school districts, along with feedback from former students. (SEW)

  5. A Diagnostic Taxonomy of Adult Career Problems. (United States)

    Campbell, Robert E.; Cellini, James V.


    Developed a taxonomy for the differential diagnosis of adult career development problems. Problem categories identified were: (1) problems in career decision making; (2) problems in implementing career plans; (3) problems in organizational/institutional performance; and (4) problems in organizational/institutional adaption. (Author)

  6. Specific and Diversive Career Exploration during Late Adolescence (United States)

    Porfeli, Erik J.; Skorikov, Vladimir B.


    The exploration literature suggests that career exploration may be separated into two distinct forms. Diversive career exploration involves learning broadly about the world of work and the self, whereas specific career exploration involves an in-depth investigation focused on aligning one's perceptions of self and career prospects. The goal of the…

  7. Making the GeoConnection: Web 2.0-based support for early-career geoscientists (Invited) (United States)

    Martinez, C. M.; Gonzales, L. M.; Keane, C. M.


    The US Bureau of Labor estimates that there will be an 18% increase in geoscience jobs between 2008 and 2018 in the United States, and demand for geoscientists is expected to rise worldwide as scientists tackle global challenges related to resources, hazards and climate. At the same time, the geoscience workforce is aging, with approximately half of the current workforce reaching retirement age within the next 10-15 years. A new generation of geoscientists must be ready to take the reins. To support this new generation, AGI’s geoscience workforce outreach programs were designed to help retain geoscience students through their degree programs and into careers in the field. These resources include support for early-career professional development and career planning. AGI’s GeoConnection Network for the Geosciences provides a venue for informal dissemination of career information and professional resources. The network links Web 2.0 platforms, including a Facebook page, YouTube Channel and Twitter feed, to build a robust geoscience community of geoscientists at all stages of their careers. Early-career geoscientists can participate in GeoConnection to network with other scientists, and to receive information about professional development and job opportunities. Through GeoConnection packets, students can join professional societies which will assist their transition from school to the workplace. AGI’s member societies provide professional development course work, field trips, career services, interviewing opportunities, and community meetings. As part of the GeoConnection Network, AGI hosts informational webinars to highlight new workforce data, discuss current affairs in the geosciences, and to provide information about geoscience careers. Between December 2009 and August 2010, AGI hosted 10 webinars, with more than 300 total participants for all the webinars, and 5 additional webinars are planned for the remainder of the year. The webinars offer early-career

  8. Folclore e medicina popular na Amazônia Folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio Couto Henrique


    Full Text Available Discute as relações entre folclore e medicina popular na Amazônia, tendo como referencial de análise o conto "Filhos do boto", de Canuto Azevedo. Aponta que os contos folclóricos estão saturados de elementos da realidade cultural e podem ser utilizados como testemunhos históricos que expressam embates entre diferentes tradições. Os registros folclóricos são fruto do diálogo muitas vezes conflituoso entre folcloristas, cientistas sociais, médicos, pajés e seus seguidores, e sua análise deve ser acompanhada de reflexão sobre as condições de sua produção. Neste caso específico, trata-se de refletir, com base no imaginário de sedução e cura em torno do boto, sobre a possibilidade de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a medicina popular praticada na Amazônia, região de forte presença da pajelança cabocla.This discussion of the relations between folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon takes Canuto Azevedo's story "Filhos do boto" (Children of the porpoise as an analytical reference point. Replete with elements of cultural reality, folk tales can serve as historical testimonies expressing clashes between different traditions. Folk records are fruit of what is often a quarrelsome dialogue between folklorists, social scientists, physicians, and pajés and their followers, and their analysis should take into account the conditions under which they were produced. Based on the imaginary attached to the figure of the porpoise - a seductive creature with healing powers - the article explores how we might expand knowledge of popular medicine as practiced in the Amazon, where the shamanistic rite known as pajelança cabocla has a strong presence.

  9. Emissão de CO2 do transporte da madeira nativa da Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Érica Ferraz Campos

    Full Text Available A madeira aplicada à construção é considerada um estoque de carbono. O transporte na cadeia produtiva da madeira implica em emissão de CO2, reduzindo seu estoque líquido. Com base nos dados de 2007 do IBAMA sobre origem, destino e volume de madeira serrada amazônica transportada nacionalmente, a distância média percorrida foi estimada em 1.956km. Fatores de consumo de diesel entre 0,005L/ e 0,017L/, equivalentes a fatores de emissão de 12,8gCO2/ a 50,6gCO2/, foram identificados em literatura e levantamentos realizados neste estudo. Para quantificar a emissão de CO2, foram analisados quatro modelos de veículos, com diferentes capacidades de carga. A influência da densidade da madeira determinou uma variabilidade de até 210% no resultado final; o peso próprio do veículo, de 30 a 43%. Deslocamentos de 1.000km, com madeira serrada de diferentes densidades, representam entre 1,3 e 6,1% de redução do estoque de carbono da madeira; dados do GHG Protocol indicam valores entre 20,1% e 24,4%. Em 2007, o transporte legal de madeira serrada amazônica teria determinado consumo nacional de diesel estimado entre 0,16% e 0,56%; em termos de emissão nacional, assumindo o ano base de 2005, o resultado teria sido de 0,12% a 0,46%. O estoque líquido potencial, relativo à madeira serrada contabilizada na base DOF 2007 do IBAMA, considerando apenas a redução por transporte, teria potencialmente estocado entre 4,77 e 5,19 x106 tCO2.

  10. Emotional and Personality-Related Aspects of Career Decision-Making Difficulties: Facets of Career Indecisiveness (United States)

    Gati, Itamar; Gadassi, Reuma; Saka, Noa; Hadadi, Yael; Ansenberg, Neta; Friedmann, Ronit; Asulin-Peretz, Lisa


    The current study investigated the Emotional and Personality-related Career decision-making Difficulties model and questionnaire (EPCD) by studying its associations with various personality measures in three samples: (a) 691 deliberating individuals who entered a career self-help website, (b) 197 students in a university preparatory program, and…

  11. A Cultural Formulation Approach to Career Assessment and Career Counseling with Asian American Clients (United States)

    Leong, Frederick T. L.; Hardin, Erin E.; Gupta, Arpana


    Using the cultural formulations approach to career assessment and career counseling, the current article applies it specifically to Asian American clients. The approach is illustrated by using the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" fourth edition ("DSM-IV") Outline for Cultural Formulations that consists of the following five…

  12. Development of competences from the viewpoint of career planning


    Adomaitienė, Jūratė; Zubrickienė, Ilona


    The paper attempts to reveal the essence of the process of career perspective planning, highlight the aspect of dynamism of modern career competence by showing the importance of its continuous development and the significance for career perspective planning. The analysis reveals the approach of teachers and lecturers towards own career competence, its development and importance for planning of own career perspective; towards reflection as the basic quality of own career development, while pla...

  13. Why not nursing? A systematic review of factors influencing career choice among healthcare students. (United States)

    Wu, L T; Low, M M J; Tan, K K; Lopez, V; Liaw, S Y


    A global shortage of healthcare professionals calls for effective recruitment and retention strategies. The nursing profession faces greater staffing shortages compared with other healthcare professions. Identifying these factors for choosing a career in health care is an important step in structuring future nursing recruitment strategies. This systematic review examined the motivations for choosing a career in health care, then compared them to factors that influence the choice to pursue a career in nursing. A literature search of the CINAHL, PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases for articles published between 2002 and 2013 was conducted. The search included studies that focused on factors influencing career choice among undergraduate medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing students. A total of 29 papers were included in the review. The themes and subthemes that emerged from this review included: (1) intrinsic factors, including a desire to help others and a personal interest in health care, (2) extrinsic factors, such as financial remuneration, job security, professional prestige and job autonomy, (3) socio-demographic factors such as gender and socio-economic status, and (4) interpersonal factors, encompassing the influence of family and other professional individuals. Healthcare professionals were generally motivated by intrinsic factors. However, public perceptions of nursing as a low-paying and low-status job have significantly hindered the participants' choice to pursue it as a career. Nursing institutions could provide more platforms to help school leavers better understand the nursing career. In turn, hospital administrators could invite parents to nursing career fairs, increase financial remuneration for nurses, and provide decision-making avenues aimed at recruiting and retaining more nurses. © 2015 International Council of Nurses.

  14. Arranjos produtivos locais e biodiversidade na Amazônia: perspectivas do APL de Fitoterápicos e Fitocosméticos e resultados das iniciativas de apoio nos municípios de Manaquiri e Barreirinha - AM


    Marcos Roberto dos Santos


    A importância de refletir sobre os temas amazônicos relativos ao meio ambiente, ao desenvolvimento regional e sua sustentabilidade, motivou este estudo que insere-se no debate sobre as estratégias territoriais recentes de uso e aproveitamento do patrimônio natural da biodiversidade na Amazônia. O foco da análise está dirigido ao processo de desenvolvimento do APL dos fitoterápicos e fitocosméticos localizado em Manaus, Barreirinha e Manaquiri, no estado do Amazonas. O trabalho identificou e a...

  15. An International Discussion about Cross-Cultural Career Assessment (United States)

    Osborn, Debra S.


    Career assessments are a common resource used by career practitioners internationally to help inform individuals' career decision-making. Research on the topic of cross-cultural career assessment has been mostly limited to the applicability of an established inventory to a different culture. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the existing…

  16. Exploring Careers in Public and Civil Service Occupations. (United States)

    Cincinnati Public Schools, OH.

    The career exploration program for grades 9 through 10, as part of a comprehensive K through 10 career development program, attempts to develop an awareness of and appreciation for work, extend knowledge of the variety of career opportunities, and provide experiences in career areas of individual interest. The document, a collection of materials…

  17. Importance of Career Development for Individuals and Organizations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa Serbes


    Full Text Available Career development and planning is very significant to carry the organizations from current to the higher levels as well as professional and personal developments of the individuals. In terms of career, it can be said that the individuals and the organizations who invest in the career development can keep up with the others in the market. This paper tries to shed a light upon the importance of career development and shows basic traits of the career development.

  18. Careers research in Europe: Identity and contribution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khapova, S.N.; Vinkenburg, C.J.; Arnold, J.M.


    This guest editorial introduces the special section of the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 'Careers research in Europe'. Contributing to the aim of the special section to highlight the value of the European careers research for the benefit of the global community of career

  19. Chaotic Careers: A Narrative Analysis of Career Transition Themes and Outcomes Using Chaos Theory as a Guiding Metaphor (United States)

    Peake, Sharon; McDowall, Almuth


    In a rapidly changing world of work, little research exists on mid-career transitions. We investigated these using the open-systems approach of chaos theory as a guiding metaphor and conducted interviews with seven mid-career individuals chosen for their experience of a significant mid-career transition. Four common themes were identified through…

  20. Success and Women's Career Adjustment. (United States)

    Russell, Joyce E. A.; Burgess, Jennifer R. D.


    Women still face barriers to career success and satisfaction: stereotypes, assumptions, organizational culture, human resource practices, and lack of opportunities. Despite individual and organizational strategies, many women leave to become entrepreneurs. There is a need to investigate how women define career success. (SK)

  1. Practice and Research in Career Counseling and Development--2010 (United States)

    Creager, Marie F. Shoffner


    This review of the 2010 career counseling and development research presents the breadth and depth of topics published in the field ranging from children's conceptions of career to employee burnout. The review covers topics in the career literature on professional issues, career theory and concepts, career development, the world of work, career…

  2. Predicting Chinese human resource managers' strategic competence : roles of identity, career variety, organizational support and career adaptability.


    Guan, Y.; Yang, W.; Zhou, X.; Tian, Z.; Eves, A.


    Based on career construction theory, the predictors of human resource managers' strategic competence in the Chinese context were examined. Results from a survey administered to Chinese HR managers (N = 220) showed that professional identification, career variety and organizational support for strategic human resource management positively predicted Chinese human resource managers' strategic competence. In addition, career adaptability served as a significant mediator for the above relations. ...

  3. The Chaos Theory of Careers: A User's Guide (United States)

    Bright, Jim E. H.; Pryor, Robert G. L.


    The purpose of this article is to set out the key elements of the Chaos Theory of Careers. The complexity of influences on career development presents a significant challenge to traditional predictive models of career counseling. Chaos theory can provide a more appropriate description of career behavior, and the theory can be applied with clients…

  4. Implications of career break from personal and company perspectives


    Vuorinen, Niina


    The objective of this study is to show the implications that career breaks have on individuals and employers. The intensions are to identify personal motivations for career breaks, and if the breaks change the careers of the people taking them. Furthermore, this study intends to understand how career breaks are viewed by employers, and if career breaks are becoming more acceptable internationally. The theoretical framework was based on description of work and careers both from employee an...

  5. Development of a career coaching model for medical students. (United States)

    Hur, Yera


    Deciding on a future career path or choosing a career specialty is an important academic decision for medical students. The purpose of this study is to develop a career coaching model for medical students. This research was carried out in three steps. The first step was systematic review of previous studies. The second step was a need assessment of medical students. The third step was a career coaching model using the results acquired from the researched literature and the survey. The career coaching stages were defined as three big phases: The career coaching stages were defined as the "crystallization" period (Pre-medical year 1 and 2), "specification" period (medical year 1 and 2), and "implementation" period (medical year 3 and 4). The career coaching model for medical students can be used in programming career coaching contents and also in identifying the outcomes of career coaching programs at an institutional level.

  6. Careers Education: Evolving, Adapting and Building Resilience through Chaos (United States)

    Loader, Trent


    Career educators' ultimate goal, given the new career management paradigm, should be to ensure that students are career resilient when they leave their studies (from whatever year level). This article outlines the chaos theory of careers and resilience. It then goes on to describe a four-lesson unit of careers education work that attempts to…

  7. Career development: graduate nurse views. (United States)

    Cleary, Michelle; Horsfall, Jan; Muthulakshmi, Paulpandi; Happell, Brenda; Hunt, Glenn E


    To explore recent Singapore nursing graduates' experience of and views about their career development and progress. The recruitment and retention of an adequate number of registered nurses is a continuing workforce issue in Singapore and other major cities. Survey of recent nursing graduates. Recent nursing graduates from the Bachelor programme (n = 147) were sent an individual survey; a response rate of 54% was achieved. Findings show that nurses rated their self-concept in a positive manner and were most satisfied (moderately to very) with helping patients and providing effective care, and the level of patient involvement. They were least satisfied (moderately to only a little) with prestige among the general medical community and the general public, hours of work, lifestyle factors and research opportunities. The following four factors were identified as significant impediments to career development; lack of support in the work place; perceived insufficient clinical career development opportunities; excessive work hours; and limited access to merit-based places in further education. Suggestions made to overcome perceived career development barriers are as follows: broad multifactorial healthcare system changes; decreased and more flexible working hours; and fairer access to further clinical and higher education. Results highlight the value clinical nurses place on having access to career development opportunities, merit-based further education and work place supports. These factors also have the potential to influence patient care and impact on the retention of nurses in their present job and satisfaction with their nursing career. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. 5 CFR 214.402 - Career reserved positions. (United States)


    ... collection of taxes and the preparation or review of interpretative opinions. (2) Career reserved positions... review agency designations of general and career reserved positions. If the Office finds that an agency... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Career reserved positions. 214.402...

  9. Chaos in Practice: Techniques for Career Counsellors (United States)

    Pryor, Robert G. L.; Bright, Jim


    The chaos theory of careers emphasises continual change, the centrality and importance of chance events, the potential of minor events to have disproportionately large impacts on subsequent events, and the capacity for dramatic phase shifts in career behaviour. This approach challenges traditional approaches to career counselling, assumptions…

  10. Making Career Decisions--A Sequential Elimination Approach. (United States)

    Gati, Itamar


    Presents a model for career decision making based on the sequential elimination of occupational alternatives, an adaptation for career decisions of Tversky's (1972) elimination-by-aspects theory of choice. The expected utility approach is reviewed as a representative compensatory model for career decisions. Advantages, disadvantages, and…

  11. Preparing Residents for Teaching Careers: The Faculty for Tomorrow Resident Workshop. (United States)

    Lin, Steven; Gordon, Paul


    Progress toward growing the primary care workforce is at risk of being derailed by an emerging crisis: a critical shortage of family medicine faculty. In response to the faculty shortage, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) launched a 2-year initiative called "Faculty for Tomorrow" (F4T). The F4T Task Force created a workshop designed to increase residents' interest in, and prepare them for, careers in academic family medicine. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this workshop. Participants were family medicine residents who preregistered for and attended the F4T Resident Workshop at the 2016 STFM Annual Spring Conference. The intervention was a full-day, 9-hour preconference workshop delivered by a multi-institutional faculty team. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire before and immediately after the workshop. Data collected included demographics, residency program characteristics, future career plans, self-reported confidence in skills, and general knowledge relevant to becoming faculty. A total of 75 participants attended the workshop. The proportion of those who were "extremely likely" to pursue a career in academic family medicine increased from 58% to 72%. Participants reported statistically significant improvements in their confidence in clinical teaching, providing feedback to learners, writing an effective CV, knowledge about the structure of academic family medicine, and knowledge about applying for a faculty position. The STFM F4T Resident Workshop was effective at increasing participants' interest in academic careers, as well as self-reported confidence in skills and knowledge relevant to becoming faculty. The data collected from participants regarding their career plans may inform future interventions.

  12. Even the Best Laid Plans Sometimes Go Askew: Career Self-Management Processes, Career Shocks, and the Decision to Pursue Graduate Education (United States)

    Seibert, Scott E.; Kraimer, Maria L.; Holtom, Brooks C.; Pierotti, Abigail J.


    Drawing on career self-management frameworks as well as image theory and the unfolding model of turnover, we developed a model predicting early career employees' decisions to pursue graduate education. Using a sample of 337 alumni from 2 universities, we found that early career individuals with intrinsic career goals, who engaged in career…

  13. “Los embrujos secretos del trópico”. Frontera amazónica y producción del espacio estatal en la obra cinematográfica de Jorge Ruiz

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    Roberto Pareja


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la obra cinematográfica de Jorge Ruiz utilizando la teoría socio-espacial de Henri Lefebvre. Argumenta que sus documentales, películas etnográficas y noticieros para el cine constituyen una totalidad discursiva que presenta estéticamente la producción del espacio estatal boliviano durante el siglo XX. A partir de una retórica audiovisual que juega con nociones de verticalidad, horizontalidad y centralidad, la obra de Ruiz posiciona el espacio andino como el eje de la modernización estatal y sitúa  a la cuenca amazónica en los márgenes del estado. Concluye que hacer visible la región amazónica en el discurso de la nación tuvo como efecto el desplazamiento de los antagonismos de clase en favor del conflicto entre centro y regiones.This article studies the cinematography of Jorge Ruiz making use of the socio-spatial theory of Henri Lefebvre. It argues that his documentaries, ethnographic films and newsreels for the cinema constitute a discursive totality that presents aesthetically the production of the Bolivian state space during the twentieth century. From an audiovisual rhetoric that plays with notions of verticality, horizontality and centrality, Ruiz’s work locates Andean space as the focal point of state modernization and situates the Amazon basin at the margins of the state. It concludes that in making the Amazon region visible in the nation’s discourse this had the effect of displacing class antagonisms in favor of the conflict between center and regions.

  14. Organizational Downsizing and Career Development. (United States)

    Bozionelos, Nikos


    A study of 123 "survivors" of corporate downsizing and 13 senior managers indicated that the organization lacked a coherent career development plan and the performance management/appraisal process was inadequate. Managers perceived lateral transfers as effective; some employees felt they undermined career progression. Employees thought…

  15. Deconstructing career myths and cultural stereotypes in a context of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Deconstructing career myths and cultural stereotypes in a context of low resourced ... in low socio-economic communities and negatively influence career opportunities. ... Keywords: career beliefs; career decision-making; career development; ...

  16. Career information processing strategies of secondary school ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study examined the strategies commonly adopted by Osun state secondary school students in processing career information. It specifically examined the sources of career information available to the students, the uses to which the students put the information collected and how their career decision making skills can be ...

  17. Group Process in a Women's Career Intervention. (United States)

    Mawson, Diana L.; Kahn, Sharon E.


    Explored women's experiences of group process in career planning interventions and relationship of those experiences to vocational maturity. Results from 99 career-undecided women revealed that female clients, similar to other counseling clients, highly valued both cognitive and affective components of group process in career counseling groups.…

  18. Predicting Change over Time in Career Planning and Career Exploration for High School Students (United States)

    Creed, Peter A.; Patton, Wendy; Prideaux, Lee-Ann


    This study assessed 166 high school students in Grade 8 and again in Grade 10. Four models were tested: (a) whether the T1 predictor variables (career knowledge, indecision, decision-making selfefficacy, self-esteem, demographics) predicted the outcome variable (career planning/exploration) at T1; (b) whether the T1 predictor variables predicted…

  19. Development of a career coaching model for medical students

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    Yera Hur


    Full Text Available Purpose: Deciding on a future career path or choosing a career specialty is an important academic decision for medical students. The purpose of this study is to develop a career coaching model for medical students. Methods: This research was carried out in three steps. The first step was systematic review of previous studies. The second step was a need assessment of medical students. The third step was a career coaching model using the results acquired from the researched literature and the survey. Results: The career coaching stages were defined as three big phases: The career coaching stages were defined as the “crystallization” period (Pre-medical year 1 and 2, “specification” period (medical year 1 and 2, and “implementation” period (medical year 3 and 4. Conclusion: The career coaching model for medical students can be used in programming career coaching contents and also in identifying the outcomes of career coaching programs at an institutional level.

  20. Educação para a Arte na Amazônia: Caminhos como Vias de Escolhas


    Machado, Vânia Leal


    ResumoEste trabalho se propõe a fazer um estudo que envolvem professores e alunos e incitam para a construção de interações entre museus, instituição Cultural e Escola. Investiga a mediação cultural entre arte e público nas suas múltiplas relações integrada aos segmentos do projeto curatorial do Arte Pará. Investiga o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da escola com foco nas práticas de experiências externas como caminhos de construção sobre um discurso de educação para arte na Amazônia.Abstract...

  1. Female surgeons' mentoring experiences and success in an academic career in Switzerland. (United States)

    Kaderli, Reto; Muff, Brigitte; Stefenelli, Ulrich; Businger, Adrian


    An increasing proportion of women are working in medicine, although only very few choose surgical specialties and the interest in an academic pursuit is generally smaller among women compared to their male colleagues. The aim of the present study was to analyse factors critical for a successful academic career for female surgeons in Switzerland and to assess the value of mentor-mentee relationships in this context. An anonymous national survey among board-certified female surgeons and female residents was conducted in Switzerland during spring 2008. The support in career advancement was investigated with five scales: networking, career planning, coaching, role model and emotional support scale. Career development was assessed based on the following criteria: number of talks at scientific conferences, number of peer-reviewed publications, participation in research projects, months of research as a fulltime activity, amount of awarded scholarships, amount of obtained third-party funds and number of research awards obtained. In total, 189/318 (59.4%) questionnaires were returned. Mentor-mentee relationships were reported by 109/189 (58%) respondents. The bivariate analysis showed a positive influence on the sum score regarding the respondents who were in a mentor-mentee relationship or who had support in doing household work (p = 0.09). A supporting network, especially in terms of a mentor, is crucial so that female physicians interested in an academic career get the opportunity to accomplish their purpose. There is considerable potential for improvement as almost half of the respondents did not have a mentor in this survey.

  2. Association of preresidency peer-reviewed publications with radiation oncology resident choice of academic versus private practice career. (United States)

    McClelland, Shearwood; Thomas, Charles R; Wilson, Lynn D; Holliday, Emma B; Jaboin, Jerry J

    The decision of radiation oncology residents to pursue academic versus private practice careers plays a central role in shaping the present and future of the field, but factors that are potentially predictive of this decision are lacking. This study was performed to examine the role of several factors publicly available before residency on postresidency career choice, including preresidency peer-reviewed publications (PRPs), which have been associated with resident career choice in comparably competitive subspecialties such as neurosurgery. Using a combination of Internet searches, telephone interviews, and the 2015 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology directory, a list of 2016 radiation oncology resident graduates was compiled, along with their postresidency career choice. PRP was defined as the number of PubMed publications encompassing the end of the calendar year (2010) in which residency applications were due; this number was then correlated with career choice. A total of 163 residents from 76 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-certified programs were examined: 78% were male, 22% were MDs/PhDs, and 79 graduates (48%) chose academic careers. Fifty-two percent of graduates had at least 1 PRP at the time of application to radiation oncology residency; 35% had more than 1 PRP. Regarding career choice, the difference between 0 and 1+ PRP was statistically significant (odds ratio, 3.3; P 1 PRP. Sex, PhD, or non-PhD dual degree status were not associated with career choice. Radiation oncology residency graduates with 1 or more PRPs at the time of residency application were roughly 2 times more likely to choose an academic career as their initial career choice than graduates with no preresidency PRPs. This information may prove useful to medical students, medical school advisors, and residency program directors and deserves further prospective investigation. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Radiation Oncology. Published by Elsevier

  3. 101 amazing sights of the night sky a guided tour for beginners

    CERN Document Server

    Moromisato, George


    Is there anything more wondrous and alluring than the night sky? You've seen the stars, and you know about the constellations--but there's so much more to discover! George Moromisato's magnificent full-color guide introduces you to 101 amazing sights, from Saturn's famous rings to the Andromeda Galaxy. Learn what to look for and when and where to find it! This astronomy book is perfect for beginners, so many objects can be seen with the unaided eye or binoculars, while others simply require a small telescope. Book Features: Guide to 101 phenomena and objects of the night sky, ranked by beauty, accessibility and historical importance Information about equipment needed, from binoculars to small telescopes Full-color photographs, including many from NASA Astrophotography tips on taking pictures of the night sky, such as snapping shots with a phone through a telescope Charts to know when to look for solar eclipses, meteor showers and other notable events.

  4. The Salience of a Career Calling among College Students: Exploring Group Differences and Links to Religiousness, Life Meaning, and Life Satisfaction (United States)

    Duffy, Ryan D.; Sedlacek, William E.


    The authors examined the degree to which 1st-year college students endorse a career calling and how levels of calling differ across demographic variables and religiousness, life meaning, and life satisfaction. Forty-four percent of students believed that having a career calling was mostly or totally true of them, and 28% responded to searching for…

  5. Career destinations, views and future plans of the UK medical qualifiers of 1988. (United States)

    Taylor, Kathryn; Lambert, Trevor; Goldacre, Michael


    To report the career destinations, views and future plans of a cohort of senior doctors who qualified in the 1980s. Postal questionnaire survey of all doctors who qualified from all UK medical schools in 1988. The response rate was 69%. We estimated that 81% of the total cohort was working in the NHS, 16 years after qualification; and that at least 94% of graduates who, when students, were from UK homes, were working in medicine. Of NHS doctors, 30% worked part-time. NHS doctors rated their job satisfaction highly (median score 19.9, scale 5-25) but were less satisfied with the amount of leisure time available to them (median score 5.4, scale 1-10). NHS doctors were very positive about their careers, but were less positive about working hours and some other aspects of the NHS. Women were more positive than men about working conditions; general practitioners were more positive than hospital doctors. Twenty-five percent reported unmet needs for further training or career-related advice, particularly about career development. Twenty-nine percent intended to reduce their hours in future, while 6%, mainly part-time women, planned to increase their hours. Overall, 10% of NHS doctors planned to do more service work in future and 24% planned to do less; among part-time women, 18% planned to do more and only 14% less. These NHS doctors, now in their 40s, had a high level of satisfaction with their jobs and their careers but were less satisfied with some other aspects of their working environment. A substantial percentage had expectations about future career development and change.

  6. Career Education Models. Trends and Issues Alert. (United States)

    Brown, Bettina Lankard

    The evolution of the workplace has required changes in the guidance and counseling practices of career education (CE). Basic elements of CE strategies for enhancing students' career awareness, exploration, and planning are still in place, but contemporary issues such as life-work balance, involuntary career transitions, and mentoring have led to…

  7. A Framework for Chaos Theory Career Counselling (United States)

    Pryor, Robert G. L.


    Theory in career development counselling provides a map that counsellors can use to understand and structure the career counselling process. It also provides a means to communicate this understanding and structuring to their clients as part of the counselling intervention. The chaos theory of careers draws attention to the complexity,…

  8. Trends in Career and Technical Education Research (United States)

    Rojewski, Jay W.; Asunda, Paul; Kim, Soo Jung


    The purpose of this literature review was to identify current trends and issues in research focusing on career and technical education (CTE). The primary sources of literature for this review included all research articles published in three refereed scholarly journals--"Career and Technical Education Research," "Journal of Career and Technical…

  9. Career Management Issues of Female Business Expatriates. (United States)

    Selmer, Jan; Leung, Alicia S. M.


    Responses to a career management survey from 309 male and 79 female business expatriates revealed that, controlling for demographic differences, females could less often meet their career goals with the corporation. They were less likely to regard expatriation as a useful career move. Explanations were derived from relevant research literature.…

  10. Asian American Career Development: A Qualitative Analysis (United States)

    Fouad, Nadya A.; Kantamneni, Neeta; Smothers, Melissa K.; Chen, Yung-Lung; Fitzpatrick, Mary; Terry, Sarah


    This study used a modified version of consensual qualitative research design to examine how contextual, cultural, and personal variables influence the career choices of a diverse group of 12 Asian Americans. Seven domains of influences on career choices emerged including family, culture, external factors, career goals, role models, work values,…

  11. Hospitalist career decisions among internal medicine residents. (United States)

    Ratelle, John T; Dupras, Denise M; Alguire, Patrick; Masters, Philip; Weissman, Arlene; West, Colin P


    Hospital medicine is a rapidly growing field of internal medicine. However, little is known about internal medicine residents' decisions to pursue careers in hospital medicine (HM). To identify which internal medicine residents choose a career in HM, and describe changes in this career choice over the course of their residency education. Observational cohort using data collected from the annual Internal Medicine In-Training Examination (IM-ITE) survey. 16,781 postgraduate year 3 (PGY-3) North American internal medicine residents who completed the annual IM-ITE survey in 2009-2011, 9,501 of whom completed the survey in all 3 years of residency. Self-reported career plans for individual residents during their postgraduate year 1 (PGY-1), postgraduate year 2 (PGY-2) and PGY-3. Of the 16,781 graduating PGY-3 residents, 1,552 (9.3 %) reported HM as their ultimate career choice. Of the 951 PGY-3 residents planning a HM career among the 9,501 residents responding in all 3 years, 128 (13.5 %) originally made this decision in PGY-1, 192 (20.2 %) in PGY-2, and 631 (66.4 %) in PGY-3. Only 87 (9.1 %) of these 951 residents maintained a career decision of HM during all three years of residency education. Hospital medicine is a reported career choice for an important proportion of graduating internal medicine residents. However, the majority of residents do not finalize this decision until their final year.

  12. Career Construction Materials: The Story of a Career Development Curriculum in a Turkish School (United States)

    Briddick, William C.; Sensoy-Briddick, Hande; Savickas, Suzanne


    The arrival of life design and in its advance challenged the field to refocus toward a more useful understanding of the lifelong process of career development including neglected areas within the field such as career development during childhood. Reviews of the literature reflect an ongoing neglect of the stage of childhood in this lifelong…

  13. Long Term Impact of Emotional, Social and Cognitive Intelligence Competencies and GMAT on Career and Life Satisfaction and Career Success

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    Emily eAmdurer


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTCareer scholars have called for a broader definition of career success by inviting greater exploration of its antecedents. While success in various jobs has been predicted by intelligence and in other studies by competencies, especially in management, long term impact of having intelligence and using competencies has not been examined. Even in collegiate outcome studies, few have examined the longer term impact on graduates’ careers or lives. This study assesses the impact of demonstrated emotional, social, and cognitive intelligence competencies assessed at graduation and g measured through GMAT at entry from an MBA program on career and life satisfaction, and career success assessed 5 to 19 years after graduation. Using behavioral measures of competencies (i.e., as assessed by others, we found that emotional intelligence competencies predict career satisfaction and success. Adaptability had a positive impact, but influence had the opposite effect on these career measures and life satisfaction. Life satisfaction was negatively affected by achievement orientation and positively affected by teamwork. Current salary, length of marriage, and being younger at time of graduation positively affect all three measures of life and career satisfaction and career success. GMAT (as a measure of g predicted life satisfaction and career success to a slight but significant degree in the final model analyzed. Meanwhile, being female and number of children positively affected life satisfaction but cognitive intelligence competencies negatively affected it, and in particular demonstrated systems thinking was negative.

  14. Efetividade de rizóbios e caracterização fenotípica dos isolados que nodulam feijão-caupi em solos da Amazônia Central Effectiveness and phenotypic characterization of cowpea rhizobia isolated from central Amazonian soils

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    Aloísio Freitas Chagas Junior


    Full Text Available O feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata é uma cultura importante na Amazônia Central, mas os rizóbios associados a essa leguminosa são poucos estudados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade e caracterizar fenotipicamente os isolados de rizóbio que nodulam feijão-caupi na região. As populações de rizóbio de Novo Ayrão proporcionaram as maiores produções de matéria seca da parte aérea e total, raiz, número de nódulos e peso dos nódulos secos nas plantas de feijão-caupi; porém, não diferiram do tratamento testemunha com N. Com base nos critérios fenotípicos avaliados, foi possível identificar uma ampla diversidade de populações de rizóbios contidos nos solos da Amazônia.Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata is an important legume cultivated in central Amazonia, but its rhizobia have been little studied. The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and to characterize phenotypically the population of indigenous rhizobia that infect cowpea in the region. The rhizobia population from Novo Ayrão soils provided the highest shoot, root and total dry matter yields, number of nodules and nodule dry weights in cowpea plants; however, they were not different from those found for the control treatment with N. Based on phenotypic criteria, it was possible to identify a wide diversity of populations of rhizobia contained in Amazonian soils.

  15. Career Choices and Career Progression of Junior Doctors in Dermatology: Surveys of UK Medical Graduates. (United States)

    Barat, Atena; Goldacre, Michael J; Lambert, Trevor W


    To report UK-trained doctors' career choices for dermatology, career destinations, and factors influencing career pathways. Multicohort multipurpose longitudinal surveys of UK-trained doctors who graduated between 1974 and 2015. In all, 40,412 doctors (58% of graduates) responded in year 1, 31,466 (64%) in year 3, and 24,970 (67%) in year 5. One year after graduation, 1.7% of women and 0.6% of men made dermatology their first choice but by five years after graduation the respective figures were 1.0% and 0.7%. Compared to their predecessors, its popularity fell more substantially from years 1 to 5 among recent graduates (2005-15), particularly for women (from 2.1% in year 1 to 0.8% in year 5) compared with a fall from 0.8% to 0.5% among men. The most important factor influencing dermatology choice was "hours/working conditions": in year one, 69% regarded this as important compared with 31% of those choosing other hospital physician specialties. Only 18% of respondents who chose dermatology at year 1 eventually worked in it; however, almost all practising dermatologists (94%), 10 years after qualifying, had made their future career decision by year 5. Dermatology is popular among female UK graduates. Most dermatologists made their career decision late but decisively.

  16. Public Librarians with the Highest Retention Rate are More Likely to Choose their Entire Career Path in Public Libraries. A Review of: Noh, Y. (2010. A study analyzing the career path of librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(4, 329–346.

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    Nazi Torabi


    Full Text Available Objectives – The main objectives of this study were the following:• to analyze the career path and career movement of librarians in Korea• to identify and compare factors influencing the career movement path of chief librarians in public libraries and other librarians• to determine library positions’ turnover rates, average career retention, career reinstatement, proximity between careers, and proximity between different librariesDesign – Survey questionnaire.Setting – One survey conducted in college libraries, public libraries, special libraries, school libraries, and library-related service providers in Korea, and another in public libraries in Korea, targeting chief librarians only.Subjects – Librarians were identified from the 2008 Korean Library Yearbook published by the Korean Library Association. Also, more survey recipients in the ‘other category’ were identified through Internet search, directory search, and library ads. A total of 816 librarians participated in the survey. The breakdowns of participants based on the type of library they were working at are the following:First survey:• 282 Public librarians• 268 University librarians• 24 Special librarians• 25 School librarians• 15 Other librariansSecond survey:• 202 Chief librarians at public librariesMethods – A total of 2179 questionnaires were distributed twice in May 2009 via mail to different libraries. Postage paid envelopes were provided. A phone call reminder was made to increase the response rate. 614 copies were returned. The total response rate for the survey was 28.18%. The highest response rate was from academic libraries with a total of 37.17% (Table 2 in the article. Six hundred and forty three copies of the questionnaire were sent out to chief librarians and the response rate was 31.42%. The SAS statistical package was used for conducting statistical analysis of the data. The content areas covered in the two questionnaires are listed

  17. Career Management Dan Subjective Career Success: Dapatkah Meningkatkan Kepuasan Kerja Wanita Karir?


    Purba, Sylvia Diana


    . This study aims to examine the effects of work-life balance and subjectivecareer success in career management influence on job satisfaction in female workers.Data were collected with convinience sampling technique in 91 women employees insome of the Bank in Jakarta. Using the data have proven the validity and realibilty,Hypotheses test by using SPSS V.22 software and macros inderect Hayes 2013. Thetest results prove work-life balance and subjective career success significant asintervening v...

  18. The Experience of Dual Career through Slovak Athletes’ Eyes

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    Geraniosova Kristina


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine how Slovak athletes experience dual career (the combination of an athletic career with education and/or work. The study strived to gain an understanding of the athletes’ attitudes towards education as well as perceived difficulties and supporting elements in pursuing dual career. Five athletes were interviewed once for approx. 105 min. The interviews and data analysis were based on Intepretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA and the interviews were focused on their experience in combining an athletic career with education or work. The athletes experienced dual career as manageable as long as they were assisted by at least simple supportive structures and provided flexible arrangements. Peers had played an important role in athletes’ decision-making concerning dual career and in providing social support when facing challenges within dual career. The teachers’ prejudice against the athletes based on their athletic role and the lack of dual career structures appeared to be significant deficiencies in dual career support. Finally, the analysis revealed the negative perception of athletes and sport science students by educational representatives. This perception may be a hurdle to be overcome in future dual career development.

  19. Future Careers in Geoscience (United States)

    van der Vink, G. E.; van der Vink, G. E.


    A new generation of Geoscientists are abandoning the traditional pathways of oil exploration and academic research to pursue careers in public policy, international affairs, business, education and diplomacy. They are using their backgrounds in Geoscience to address challenging, multi-disciplinary problems of societal concern. To prepare for such careers, students are developing a broad understanding of science and a basic literacy in economics, international affairs, and policy-making.

  20. Career development of SA professional women who take career breaks

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    H. M. Geber


    Full Text Available This article reports the findings of a study of career development and return to work of a group of professional South African women with children who work in a wide range of traditional and non traditional careers. The patterns of their career breaks and return to work are investigated alongside their activities during the break. There is a significant tendency to continue academic and professional qualifications and to embark on second careers when they return to work. The implications for Human Resource professionals are noted and factors such as mother tongue, self-employment and age at the birth of the first child that help or hinder the return to work are discussed. Opsomming In hierdie artikel word die bevindinge van'n studie gerapporteer wat gehandel het oor n groep professionele Suid-Afrikaanse vroue se loopbaanontwikkeling en hulle terugkeer na die beroepswereld na n werksonderbreking weens die geboortes van hulle kinders. Die vroue se beroepe het oor n wye reeks tradisionele en nie-tradisionele werke gestrek. Die studie het spesifiek gekonsentreer op die patroon van loopbaanonderbreking, die aktiwiteite tydens die onderbreking, asook die terugkeer na die werkplek. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat professionele vroue daartoe geneig is om hulle akademiese en professionele kwalifikasies tydens hulle werksonderbreking te verbeter en dat hulle eintlik met n tweede loopbaan begin na die hervatting van hulle werks aktiwiteite. Faktore soos huistaal, ouderdom ten tye van die geboorte van die eerste kind en self-geemplojeerdheid, is van die belangrikste determinante in die bepaling of professionele vroue weer na die beroepswereld sal terugkeer. Die menslike hulpbronbestuursimplikasies van die bevindinge word ook in die artikel uitgewys.

  1. Making clinical academic careers more attractive: views from questionnaire surveys of senior UK doctors (United States)

    Lambert, Trevor W; Goldacre, Michael J


    Summary Objectives To report on doctors’ reasons, as expressed to our research group, for choosing academic careers and on factors that would make a career in clinical academic medicine more attractive to them. Design Postal, email and web questionnaires. Setting UK. Participants A total of 6936 UK-trained doctors who graduated in 1996, 1999 and 2000. Main outcome measures Open-ended comments about a career in clinical academic medicine. Results Of doctors who provided reasons for pursuing a long-term career in clinical academic medicine, the main reasons were enjoyment of academic work and personal satisfaction, whether expressed directly in those terms, or in terms of intellectual stimulation, enjoyment of research, teaching and the advancement of medicine, and the job being more varied than and preferable to clinical work alone. Doctors’ suggestions for making clinical academic medicine more attractive included improved pay and job security, better funding of research, greater availability of academic posts, more dedicated time for research (and less service work) and more support and mentoring. Women were more likely than men to prioritise flexible working hours and part-time posts. Conclusions Medical schools could provide more information, as part of student teaching, about the opportunities for and realities of a career in clinical academic medicine. Women, in particular, commented that they lacked the role models and information which would encourage them to consider seriously an academic career. Employers could increase academic opportunities by allowing more time for teaching, research and study and should assess whether job plans make adequate allowance for academic work. PMID:26380103

  2. Integrating Career Development into the Accounting Curriculum (United States)

    Wessels, Susan B.; Sumner, Dana F.


    This paper describes a series of integrated career development activities offered in several required courses which are designed to help accounting majors gain a competitive edge in the job market. Supported by a partnership between the School of Business and the Academic and Career Planning Office, the Career Tool Kit program consists of…

  3. Social Justice Competencies and Career Development Practices (United States)

    Arthur, Nancy; Collins, Sandra; Marshall, Catherine; McMahon, Mary


    The recent focus on social justice issues in career development is primarily conceptual in nature and few resources account for the challenges or successes experienced by career development practitioners. The purpose of this article is to report the results of a research study of career practitioners in Canada regarding the competencies they use…

  4. Motherhood after 28: Career Women Who Waited. (United States)

    Barber, Betty L.

    Trends in fertility patterns show an increase in births among 30- to 40-year-old college educated career women. To investigate the attitudes, characteristics, role stresses, and satisfactions of married career women who have delayed childbearing until after age 28, and the attitudes of their husbands toward their careers and roles, 35 married…




  6. Career Mobility: Does Gender Matter? (United States)

    Bell, Rose R.


    A study examined attitudes of 95 women biomedical researchers in dual-career relationships toward mobility for enhancing occupational advancement. The women and spouses were surveyed concerning use of time, income, job satisfaction, willingness to move, and general career and marital satisfaction. Results indicate changes in gender effects on…

  7. Career development needs of vice chairs for education in departments of surgery. (United States)

    Sanfey, Hilary; Boehler, Margaret; Darosa, Debra; Dunnington, Gary L


    To identify the career development needs Vice Chair for Education in Surgery Departments (VCESDs). In all, 33 VCESDs were invited to complete an online survey to identify the scope of duties, scholarly activity, job satisfaction, and career development needs. A total of 29/33 (88%) VCESDs responded. Time constraints were the most frequent impediment for MDs vs. PhDs (p teacher programs (1 ± 0), and program performance evaluation systems (1.33 ± 0.76) for PhDs. The skills deemed to be of greatest importance were ability to communicate effectively (1.27 ± 0.55), resolve personnel conflicts (1.32 ± 0.57), and introduce change (1.41 ± 0.59). PhDs revealed a greater need to learn strategies for dealing with disruptive faculty (1.0 ± 0 vs 2.15 ± 0.87). This information will inform the future career development of VCESDs and will assist Department Chairs who wish to recruit and retain VCESDs. Copyright © 2012 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Are NCAA Division I Athletes Prepared for End-of-Athletic-Career Transition? A Literature Review. (United States)

    Miller, Lauren; Buttell, Frederick P


    This review focuses on research that specifically highlights the constructs, paradigms, and factors that impact the end-of-athletic-career transition. However, the majority of the research conducted around this topic is established outside of the United States and regarding professional athletes. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is one of the most dominant athletic institutions in the world, and arguably transitions the most end-of-athletic-career athletes per year, and minimal research exists on this specific collegiate athletic population. The purpose of this review is to review the existent literature on this topic and highlight the leading research and components impacting athletes during the end-of-athletic-career transition in order to inform future research and practices with the college athletics population. This review utilizes a Client Oriented Practical Evidence Search question as an Evidence Based Practice approach to guide the literature search and literature review process while identifying the leading research contributing to end-of-athletic-career transition. Following rigorous search criteria, a total of 14 articles were included in the literature review. The selected articles identified central constructs impacting the athletic career transition process, including retirement planning, identity loss, coping skills, and support systems. Additional research is warranted in the United States, particularly with the NCAA collegiate athletes in order to better understand the end-of-athletic-career transition process, as well as instituting interventions to increase resilience in college senior NCAA athletes transitioning out of sport.

  9. Pharmacy career deciding: making choice a "good fit". (United States)

    Willis, Sarah Caroline; Shann, Phillip; Hassell, Karen


    The purpose of this article is to explore factors influencing career deciding amongst pharmacy students and graduates in the U.K. Group interviews were used to devise a topic guide for five subsequent focus groups with pharmacy students and graduates. Focus groups were tape-recorded, recordings transcribed, and transcripts analysed. Key themes and interlinking factors relating to pharmacy career deciding were identified in the transcripts, following a constructivist approach. Participants' described making a "good fit" between themselves, their experiences, social networks etc. and pharmacy. Central to a coherent career deciding narrative were: having a job on graduation; and the instrumental advantage of studying a vocational course. Focusing on career deciding of UK pharmacy students and graduates may limit the study's generalisability to other countries. However, our findings are relevant to those interested in understanding students' motivations for healthcare careers, since our results suggest that making a "good fit" describes a general process of matching between a healthcare career and personal experience. As we have found that pharmacy career deciding was not, usually, a planned activity, career advisors and those involved in higher education recruitment should take into account the roles played by personal preferences and values in choosing a degree course. A qualitative study like this can illustrate how career deciding occurs and provide insight into the process from a student's perspective. This can help inform guidance processes, selection to healthcare professions courses within the higher education sector, and stimulate debate amongst those involved with recruitment of healthcare workers about desirable motivators for healthcare careers.

  10. Linking Career Counseling to Personality Disorders. (United States)

    Kjos, Diane


    Relates personality disorders to career development issues and counseling interventions. Case examples suggesting career-focused treatment interventions for dependent, borderline, obsessive-compulsive, and passive-aggressive personality disorders are presented. (Author/JBJ)

  11. Career Education and the Lifestyle Concept (United States)

    Stoddard, Lucille T.


    According to the author, business educators should help students make career choices by developing "life style" and "work style" concepts which would blend personal values and careers into a congruent state. (MF)

  12. R&D Personnel Career Routes: An Exploratory Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Bigliardi


    Full Text Available This study, aiming at investigate the alternative modes of career development for personnel belonging to R&D staff, addresses the extent to which career anchors are applicable to R&D staff and to examine the relationship among career anchors, gender and age, with the final purpose to add elements of discussion to the long-lasting debate about this matter. With this purpose in mind, we developed a questionnaire survey among 309 R&D personnel employed at firms belonging to the food machinery industry in a Northern Italy district. The results obtained from the statistical analysis indicate that the R&D personnel’s career orientations is a predictor of their career routes preferences, confirming three possible career routes in R&D labs that were highlighted in previous studies.

  13. The Moon's Moment in the Sun - Extending Public Engagement after the Total Solar Eclipse with International Observe the Moon Night (United States)

    Bleacher, L.; Jones, A. P.; Wasser, M. L.; Petro, N. E.; Wright, E. T.; Ladd, D.; Keller, J. W.


    2017 presented an amazing opportunity to engage the public in learning about lunar and space science, the motions of the Earth-Moon-Sun system, and NASA's fleet of space missions, beginning with the 2017 total solar eclipse on 21 August and continuing with International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) on 28 October. On 21 August 2017, everyone in the continental United States had the opportunity to witness a solar eclipse, weather permitting, in total or partial form. The path of totality, in which the Sun was completely obscured from view by the Moon, stretched from Oregon to South Carolina. The Education and Communication Team of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) worked to highlight the Moon, the "central player" in the total solar eclipse, in a variety of ways for the public. Efforts included collaborating with Minor League Baseball teams to host eclipse-viewing events along the path of totality, communicating the Moon's role in the eclipse through public engagement products, communicating about InOMN as an experiential opportunity beyond the eclipse, and more. InOMN is an annual event, during which everyone on Earth is invited to observe and learn about the Moon and its connection to planetary science, and to share personal and community connections we all have to the Moon [2, 3, 4 and references therein]. For viewers across the United States, the total solar eclipse of 21 August provided an exciting opportunity to watch a New Moon cross in front of the Sun, casting the viewer in shadow and providing amazing views of the solar corona. The public observed the Moon in a different part of its orbit, when reflected sunlight revealed a fascinating lunar landscape - and extended their excitement for space science - by participating in InOMN on 28 October. With InOMN taking place barely two months after the total solar eclipse, it offered an opportunity to sustain and grow public interest in lunar and space science generated by the eclipse. We will report on

  14. Managerial Career Patterns: A Review of the Empirical Evidence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vinkenburg, C.J.; Weber, T.


    Despite the ubiquitous presence of the term "career patterns" in the discourse about careers, the existing empirical evidence on (managerial) career patterns is rather limited. From this literature review of 33 published empirical studies of managerial and similar professional career patterns found

  15. A 10-Year Analysis of American Society for Radiation Oncology Junior Faculty Career Development Awards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimple, Randall J., E-mail: [Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (United States); Kao, Gary D. [Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)


    Purpose: Between 2000 and 2010, the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) awarded 22 Junior Faculty Career Development Awards (JFA) totaling $4.4 million. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of these awards on the grantees' career development, including current position, publications, and subsequent independent grant funding. Methods: Each awardee was requested via email and telephone to provide an updated curriculum vitae, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) biosketch, and information regarding current position of employment. Twenty-one of the 22 JFA recipients complied. Reported grant funding was extracted from each candidate's CV, and the amounts of NIH grants obtained were confirmed via NIH REPORTER. Reported publications were confirmed via PubMed. Results: All survey respondents (21 of 21) have remained in academic positions. Subsequent aggregate grant funding totaled more than $25 million (range, $0-$4.1 million), 5.9 times the initial investment. NIH grant funding totaled almost $15 million, 3 times the initial investment. Awardees have published an average of 34.6 publications (range, 0-123) for an overall rate of 4.5 papers/year (range, 1-11). Conclusions: ASTRO JFAs over the past decade have been strongly associated with grantees remaining in academic positions, success in attracting private and NIH grants, and publication productivity. In an era of dwindling federal research funding, the support provided by the ASTRO JFA may be especially helpful to support the research careers of promising junior faculty members.

  16. A 10-year analysis of American Society For Radiation Oncology Junior Faculty Career Development Awards. (United States)

    Kimple, Randall J; Kao, Gary D


    Between 2000 and 2010, the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) awarded 22 Junior Faculty Career Development Awards (JFA) totaling $4.4 million. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of these awards on the grantees' career development, including current position, publications, and subsequent independent grant funding. Each awardee was requested via email and telephone to provide an updated curriculum vitae, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) biosketch, and information regarding current position of employment. Twenty-one of the 22 JFA recipients complied. Reported grant funding was extracted from each candidate's CV, and the amounts of NIH grants obtained were confirmed via NIH REPORTER. Reported publications were confirmed via PubMed. All survey respondents (21 of 21) have remained in academic positions. Subsequent aggregate grant funding totaled more than $25 million (range, $0-$4.1 million), 5.9 times the initial investment. NIH grant funding totaled almost $15 million, 3 times the initial investment. Awardees have published an average of 34.6 publications (range, 0-123) for an overall rate of 4.5 papers/year (range, 1-11). ASTRO JFAs over the past decade have been strongly associated with grantees remaining in academic positions, success in attracting private and NIH grants, and publication productivity. In an era of dwindling federal research funding, the support provided by the ASTRO JFA may be especially helpful to support the research careers of promising junior faculty members. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. A 10-Year Analysis of American Society for Radiation Oncology Junior Faculty Career Development Awards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimple, Randall J.; Kao, Gary D.


    Purpose: Between 2000 and 2010, the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) awarded 22 Junior Faculty Career Development Awards (JFA) totaling $4.4 million. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of these awards on the grantees' career development, including current position, publications, and subsequent independent grant funding. Methods: Each awardee was requested via email and telephone to provide an updated curriculum vitae, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) biosketch, and information regarding current position of employment. Twenty-one of the 22 JFA recipients complied. Reported grant funding was extracted from each candidate's CV, and the amounts of NIH grants obtained were confirmed via NIH REPORTER. Reported publications were confirmed via PubMed. Results: All survey respondents (21 of 21) have remained in academic positions. Subsequent aggregate grant funding totaled more than $25 million (range, $0-$4.1 million), 5.9 times the initial investment. NIH grant funding totaled almost $15 million, 3 times the initial investment. Awardees have published an average of 34.6 publications (range, 0-123) for an overall rate of 4.5 papers/year (range, 1-11). Conclusions: ASTRO JFAs over the past decade have been strongly associated with grantees remaining in academic positions, success in attracting private and NIH grants, and publication productivity. In an era of dwindling federal research funding, the support provided by the ASTRO JFA may be especially helpful to support the research careers of promising junior faculty members

  18. Teachers' Careers: The Objective Dimension. (United States)

    Evetts, Julia


    Analyzes the objective dimension of teachers' careers showing how 530 British male/female teachers are distributed throughout the pay scale and promotions making up the formal structure of teaching. Indicates length of experience is the rewarding but not the sole factor in bureaucratic structure and differential male/female career achievements.…

  19. Career mentoring needs of youths in foster care: voices for change. (United States)

    Hudson, Angela L


    Adolescents with a history of foster care placement are more likely to become homeless, have mental illness, become parents too early in life, or become incarcerated within the juvenile justice/prison system. In addition, a low percentage of young adults, who formerly were in foster care, complete vocational training or higher education. This was a qualitative study, using focus group methodology. Four focus group sessions were conducted with youth living in foster care. The purpose was to obtain their perceptions about mentoring. Focus groups comprised six to eight youths per group and were guided by a semi-structured interview guide. A total of 27 youth in foster care participated in focus group interviews. Mean age was 16.4 (SD = 0.68) years. Youth participants were very knowledgeable about mentoring programs for at-risk youth, along with negative psychosocial outcomes experienced by former foster youth. However, they remarked that they are given few opportunities for career mentoring. The overall themes that emerged from narrative data were needing and finding authority figures, hooking up with a career mentor, and deserving the good life. Career mentoring is an affordable and feasible intervention for child welfare agencies. This could lead to more motivated and prepared youth living in foster care for vocational training or higher education. Learning opportunities from a career mentor may be a lifeline for preventing negative psychosocial outcomes for foster youth, reward achievement goals, and improve overall quality of life in emerging adulthood. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Early Career Experiences of Pediatricians Pursuing or Not Pursuing Fellowship Training. (United States)

    Byrne, Bobbi J; Katakam, Shesha K; Frintner, Mary Pat; Cull, William L


    Choosing career paths can be difficult decisions for residents contemplating fellowship training. This study compares the experiences of early career pediatricians who did and did not pursue fellowships. We analyzed national, weighted data from pediatricians 8 to 10 years after residency (n = 842). Work environment, work-life balance, and satisfaction were compared for pediatricians who had pursued fellowship training (fellowship trained) and those who did not pursue fellowship training (generalist trained). Logistic and linear regression examined the independent effects of fellowship training while controlling for demographic differences. A total of 39% of the pediatricians (328/842) pursued fellowship training. The fellowship-trained group was less likely than the generalist-trained group to spend time in direct patient care and more likely to report learning opportunities in their work environment. This group was also more likely to report an income of ≥$150,000, although no difference was found when only full-time pediatricians were examined. Generalist-trained pediatricians were more likely to work hours per week, have flexibility with their schedules, and be satisfied with time spent with their own children. Pediatricians in both the fellowship-trained and generalist-trained groups generally found their work to be rewarding and were satisfied with their lives. Although residents need to consider important life and career differences when contemplating fellowship training and general care, pediatricians in both groups can achieve overall life and career satisfaction. Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.