
Sample records for torque relativo da

  1. Caracterização da variabilidade espacial do índice relativo de clorofila na cultura do trigo


    Pias,Osmar Henrique de Castro; Santi,Antônio Luis; Cherubin,Maurício Roberto; Berghetti,Juliano; Oliveira,Thiago Campos de


    A aplicação localizada de nitrogênio, baseada no índice relativo de clorofila das folhas, pode proporcionar inúmeros benefícios econômicos e ambientais, no entanto, o conhecimento sobre a metodologia de amostragem ainda é incipiente. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou avaliar o uso de diferentes malhas amostrais na caracterização da variabilidade espacial do índice relativo de clorofila das folhas da cultura do trigo e na confecção de mapas temáticos para a aplicação localizada de nitrogêni...

  2. Elasticidade-preço da demanda por etanol no Brasil: como renda e preços relativos explicam diferenças entre estados

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    Veronica Fernandez Orellano


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda a demanda por etanol no Brasil no período 2001-2009, considerando as características regionais de renda e de preços relativos. Essas características explicam variação relevante na elasticidade-preço da demanda, aspecto até então desconsiderado em estudos anteriores. Foi estimado um modelo econométrico a partir de um painel de dados estaduais mensais, no qual variáveis instrumentais foram usadas para controlar a endogeneidade na análise da demanda. Conclui-se que a demanda é mais elástica em estados mais pobres e em que o preço relativo está próximo a 70%, a taxa técnica de substituição entre etanol e gasolina, parâmetro relevante para as decisões de consumo de proprietários de veículos flex-fuel. Essas regiões apresentam maiores elasticidades-preço da demanda, em última análise, por conta de diferenças logísticas e tributárias, as quais definem o preço relativo. Esses resultados diferem daqueles obtidos por Salvo e Huse (2013, pois identificam diferenças regionais que independem da heterogeneidade das preferências dos consumidores, mas decorrem da configuração logística e de renda. Os resultados sugerem implicações para as políticas tributária e de infraestrutura logística, as quais, ao afetarem o nível de preços relativos de etanol e gasolina, afetam a sensibilidade da demanda com relação às variações de preço.

  3. Evolucao dos precos relativos de grupos alimentares entre 1939 e 2010, em Sao Paulo, SP

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    Tania Yuka Yuba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a evolução dos preços relativos dos grupos de produtos alimentares e sua influência nas políticas públicas para uma alimentação saudável. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados do município de São Paulo de 1939 a 2010, a partir da aplicação de métodos de cálculo de números-índices. Foram utilizados dados do banco de preços e estruturas de ponderação da Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (1939 a 1988 e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (1989 a 2010. O banco de preços foi organizado, sua consistência foi testada e os preços foram deflacionados pelo Índice de Preços ao Consumidor. Os dados relativos a preços deflacionados foram calculados e agregados por categorias e grupos alimentares da pirâmide alimentar adaptada. Os índices de preços de cada grupo foram construídos aplicando a fórmula de Laspeyres modificada. O índice geral de preços da alimentação foi comparado com índices de cada grupo alimentar e respectiva categoria: alimentos in natura; alimentos industrializados; bebidas; carnes, leguminosas, leite e ovos; cereais e tubérculos; e refeições fora do domicílio. RESULTADOS: Os grupos alimentares de gorduras, óleos, condimentos, açúcares e alimentos processados (alimentos industrializados apresentaram tendência de redução de preços em termos relativos. O índice dos alimentos in natura, como frutas e verduras, apresentaram tendência de elevação de preços. Outros grupos alimentares, como cereais, farinhas e massas, carnes, leite e ovos, apresentaram estabilidade de preços relativos ao longo do tempo. CONCLUSÕES: A evolução dos preços relativos dos alimentos no município de São Paulo mostra tendência desfavorável à manutenção da alimentação saudável em nível domiciliar em longo prazo.

  4. Efeito da posição da articulação do cotovelo no controle de torque de supinação do antebraço em jovens adultos Effects of elbow joint position on forearm supination torque control among young adults

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    C Krás Borges


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Inúmeros casos de patologias em antebraço e cotovelo reportados na literatura estão associados com tarefas que envolvem esforço e movimentos repetitivos do braço e mão. A posição do cotovelo é conhecida por afetar a produção de torque máximo de supinação do antebraço, assim como é um fator crítico na determinação de exercícios terapêuticos apropriados. No entanto, baseado no que se conhece, não existem evidências sobre os efeitos da posição do cotovelo em tarefas que requerem controle de níveis submáximos de torque. OBJETIVO: Este estudo investigou o efeito da posição do cotovelo na produção de torque isométrico máximo de supinação do antebraço e no controle constante e contínuo de torque em diferentes níveis submáximos de torque. MÉTODOS: Dezesseis jovens adultos (24,7 ± 2,2 anos de idade foram solicitados a realizar duas tarefas: produção de torque máximo em pinça lateral (polegar e indicador e controle constante de torque em pinça lateral. Ambas as tarefas foram avaliadas em quatro posições do cotovelo (livre, 0º, 45º e 90º de flexão e três níveis submáximos de produção de torque em pinça lateral (20%, 40% e 60%. Torque máximo, variabilidade, irregularidade e precisão da resposta motora foram usados como variáveis dependentes. RESULTADOS: Maiores valores de torque foram encontrados quando a articulação do cotovelo não foi restringida. O controle de torque não foi influenciado pela posição da articulação do cotovelo. Maior variabilidade, irregularidade e menor precisão na resposta de torque foram registradas com o aumento progressivo dos níveis submáximos de torque. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a posição do cotovelo não é um fator determinante para exercícios de reabilitação que incluam torque em supinação do antebraço.BACKGROUND: Large numbers of cases of pathological conditions in the forearm and elbow that have been reported in the

  5. Escala de valores relativos ao trabalho : EVT

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    Porto Juliana Barreiros


    Full Text Available Na literatura internacional são encontradas várias escalas para medir valores relativos ao trabalho, porém a maioria apresenta problemas com relação à definição do conceito ou a falta de integração com os modelos teóricos sobre valores pessoais. No Brasil foram encontrados dois instrumentos, um não foi validado para a população brasileira e o outro foi validado para uma população de baixa escolaridade. Foi objetivo do presente estudo desenvolver e validar uma Escala de Valores relativos ao Trabalho. Para o desenvolvimento da EVT foi realizado um levantamento de instrumentos anteriores e foram entrevistados trabalhadores. Após a análise de juízes e validação semântica, o instrumento foi respondido por 394 pessoas. A análise fatorial apontou para quatro fatores: Realização no trabalho, Relações sociais, Prestígio e Estabilidade. O instrumento após validação é composto por 45 itens. Os resultados corroboraram o modelo teórico previsto e conclui-se que a escala foi devidamente estabelecida e pode ser utilizada para pesquisa e diagnóstico.

  6. Influência da velocidade no torque de remoção de tampas plásticas rosqueáveis para produtos farmacêuticos

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    Sandra Balan Mendoza Jaime


    Full Text Available O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da velocidade empregada durante a determinação do torque de aplicação e remoção de tampas plásticas rosqueáveis de polipropileno (PP, com vedante interno, aplicadas em frascos de vidro e de poli(tereftalato de etileno (PET para produtos farmacêuticos, com diâmetros de terminação de 24 e 28 mm. Foi verificada também a influência do material de embalagem (vidro ou PET e do diâmetro da terminação no torque de retenção estático e dinâmico (após simulação de transporte em intervalos de tempo após 24 e 48 horas e após 7, 14 e 28 dias da aplicação dos respectivos sistemas de fechamento. Verificou-se que a velocidade não apresenta influência no torque de aplicação desde que o valor máximo seja controlado durante o processo de fechamento da tampa. No torque de remoção imediato, entretanto, a velocidade influencia significativamente nos resultados, sendo recomendado, sempre que possível, a utilização de uma velocidade constante. Foi estabelecido para o estudo a velocidade de 5 rpm para evitar a influência desse parâmetro nos resultados de torque obtidos. O material de embalagem e o diâmetro da terminação evidenciaram influência significativa nos resultados de torque de retenção estático e dinâmico, sendo observados valores superiores para os frascos de vidro comparativamente aos frascos de PET. Esse desempenho pode estar associado às diferenças nas propriedades viscoelásticas e na força de fricção ou atrito entre os materiais da tampa com vedante e a embalagem.



    Moreno, José Eduardo; Marcaccio, Antonela


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la relación existente entre los valores relativos al trabajo y algunos perfiles profesionales (contabilidad y administración, marketing y ventas, y recepción). El instrumento utilizado es la Escala Argentina de Valores Relativos al Trabajo (Moreno & Marcaccio, 2012) que contiene cuatro subescalas de cinco ítems cada una, a saber: Realización Personal, Reconocimiento Social, Altruismo y Aspiraciones Económicas. La muestra incluye a 425 sujetos (40% v...


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    Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a estrutura de valores relativos ao trabalho em uma instituição pública de ensino superior. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de caráter quantitativo, cujos resultados demonstraram que os valores encontram-se hierarquizados segundo a seguinte estrutura: Estabilidade e Realização no Trabalho, Relações Sociais e Prestígio. As mulheres diferiram dos homens em relação à ênfase na busca por realização e estabilidade. Indivíduos com idade superior à idade média buscam sucesso profissional e poder de influência, concomitantemente com a manutenção de relações sociais positivas no trabalho. Servidores com mais tempo de cargo buscam a realização no trabalho. Por fim, a realização desta pesquisa forneceu importantes contribuições à gestão considerando que, a partir da compreensão dos valores relativos ao trabalho as organizações podem direcionar seus esforços e práticas à manutenção de um ambiente de trabalho voltado à realização das metas dos seus funcionários.

  9. Aspectos procesales relativos al daño ambiental en el Ecuador

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    René Bedón Garzón


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad determinar, mediante un análisis profundo de diferentes doctrinas, la definición de daño ambiental; se procura también, determinar la diferencia entre daño a la naturaleza y el daño civil ambiental, que es el daño producido a intereses individuales o colectivos con ocasión del evento ambiental. Para tal efecto, se pretende estudiar las normas procesales y cierta jurisprudencia ecuatoriana referente a la gestión ambiental; asimismo, considerar dentro del Derecho comparado en qué forma países como Chile, España y Argentina regulan la indemnización y la reparación del ambiente.  

  10. Torque nos rodados motrizes de um trator agrícola submetido a ensaios de tração

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    Diego A. Fiorese


    Full Text Available RESUMOA determinação do torque nos rodados motrizes dos tratores agrícolas complementa os ensaios de tração e permite o cálculo da distribuição dos esforços tratórios entre os eixos. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi determinar a demanda de torque nos rodados motrizes de um trator com potência do motor de 89 kW, buscando avaliar o torque demandado em função da utilização da tração dianteira assistida (TDA, para distintas marchas e conforme aumento da força de tração. Foram realizados ensaios de tração sobre pista de concreto utilizando-se um torciômetro instalado no eixo traseiro do trator, um carro dinamométrico e instrumentação eletrônica para aquisição de dados. Avaliaram-se a TDA ligada e desligada, quatro marchas (5, 7, 8 e 9 km h-1 e oito cargas na barra de tração (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30 kN. Os resultados analisados estatisticamente através de equações de regressão indicaram comportamento similar para todas as marchas sendo que, conforme o aumento da força de tração ocorreu crescimento linear da demanda de torque nos eixos motrizes. Com a TDA ligada nas cargas mais baixas o torque é maior no eixo dianteiro e nas cargas mais altas é maior no eixo traseiro.

  11. Aumento gradual da variabilidade de prática: efeito na aprendizagem da estrutura e na parametrização da habilidade

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    Marcelo Silva Januário

    Full Text Available Resumo Tradicionalmente, na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras a prática tem sido estruturada de forma constante, em blocos, seriada ou aleatória. Tem sido proposta a superioridade da prática variada sobre a prática constante bem como da prática aleatória e seriada sobre a prática em blocos. Atualmente tem sido observada uma especificidade do tipo de prática: a prática constante auxilia na formação de uma estrutura de movimento, especialmente no inicio da aprendizagem e a prática variada na melhora da parametrização. O presente estudo investigou diferentes regimes de prática e a sua combinaçao numa sequência que fornece um aumento gradual de variabilidade (constante, blocos e aleatório na aquisição de habilidades motoras. A amostra foi distribuida em quatro grupos (n = 10: CCC (constante, BBB (blocos, AAA (aleatório e CBA (constante-blocos-aleatório. O experimenta foi dividido em fase de aquisição e teste de transferência. Na fase de aquisição a tarefa foi pressionar teclas numéricas do teclado de um computador em uma sequência (2, 8, 6, 4 com o dedo indicador, com tempo relativo entre os componentes especificado (22,2%, 44,4% e 33,3% e com os seguintes tempos totais (700, 900 e 1100 ms estabelecidos conforme o delineamento experimental. Os resultados do teste demonstraram superioridade dos grupos CBA e AAA na medida de erro absoluta, dos grupos CCC e BBB na medida de erro relativo e dos grupos CCC, BBB e CBA na medida de variabilidade de erro relativo. Tais resultados demonstram que os regimes de prática que forneceram menor variabilidade conduziram ao aprendizado de uma estrutura de movimento, enquanto que as que forneceram maior variabilidade resultaram na melhora da capacidade de parametrização.

  12. Estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de crianças que frequentam creches do estado da Paraíba Zinc nutritional status in children attending public daycare centers in the state of Paraíba, Brazil

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    Dixis Figueroa Pedraza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de crianças assistidas em creches do Estado da Paraíba. MÉTODOS: O estado nutricional relativo ao zinco de 235 crianças pré-escolares foi avaliado através de sua concentração no soro, da ingestão dietética de zinco e da estatura para idade, como recomendado pelo International Zinc Consultative Group. As concentrações séricas de zinco foram determinadas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica de chama, considerando deficiência de zinco valores OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the zinc levels of children attending public daycare centers in the state of Paraíba. Brazil. METHODS: The zinc levels of 235 preschool children were evaluated through serum zinc concentration, dietary zinc intake and height-for-age, as recommended by the International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group. Baseline zinc levels in the serum were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, considering values <65µmol/L indicative of zinc deficiency. The 24-hour recall method was used to record food consumption, considering the food consumption of the child the day before and in the daycare center. Zinc inadequacy was analyzed according to the estimated average zinc requirement by life stage and diet type recommended by the International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group. The World Health Organization Growth Reference was used as the reference for the height-for-age indices. Children with indices two z-scores below the median value of the reference population were considered stunted. Statistical analysis was performed by the t-test or analysis of variance by the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences -16.0. RESULTS: The prevalence of inadequate serum zinc concentration, inadequate zinc intakes and stunting were 16.2%, 16.6% and 7.7%, respectively. Mean serum zinc was lower in children of underweight mothers than in children of normal weight mothers. CONCLUSION: The studied children

  13. O cinema como objeto de saber/poder no currículo da educação básica da rede pública de ensino da cidade do recife


    SILVA, Maria Do Rozário Azevedo Da


    A presente pesquisa teve como foco de análise o cinema como objeto de saber/poder no currículo da Educação básica da Rede Pública de Ensino da cidade do Recife nos anos 2006-2008. Nossa questão de pesquisa foi orientada para responder sobre quais discursos epistemológicos e pedagógicos engendraram o cinema como um problema relativo ao currículo escolar da Rede Municipal do Recife nos anos recentes, assim como, de que forma foram estabelecidos esses discursos e como se estatuíram enquanto sabe...



    塚本, 祐介


    Abstract— In this paper, the estimation of the grasping torque of robotic forceps without the use of a force/torque sensor is discussed. To estimate the grasping torque when the robotic forceps driven by a rotary motor with a reduction gear grasps an object, a novel robust reaction torque observer is proposed. In the case where a conventional reaction force/torque observer is applied, the estimated torque includes not only the grasping torque, namely the reaction torque, but also t...

  15. Comparison Between a Reference Torque Standard Machine and a Deadweight Torque Standard Machine to BE Used in Torque Calibration (United States)

    Meng, Feng; Zhang, Zhimin; Lin, Jing

    The paper describes the reference torque standard machine with high accuracy and multifunction, developed by our institute, and introduces the structure and working principle of this machine. It has three main functions. The first function is the hydraulic torque wrench calibration function. The second function is torque multiply calibration function. The third function is reference torque standard machine function. We can calibrate the torque multipliers, hydraulic wrenches and transducers by this machine. A comparison experiment has been done between this machine and a deadweight torque standard machine. The consistency between the 30 kNm reference torque machine and the 2000 Nm dead-weight torque standard machine under the claimed uncertainties was verified.

  16. Cultivo de camarões marinhos em sistema de bioflocos: análise da reutilização da água.


    Krummenauer, Dariano; Seifert Junior, Carlos Alberto; Poersch, Luís Henrique da Silva; Foes, Geraldo Kipper; Lara, Gabriele Rodrigues de; Wasielesky Junior, Wilson


    A necessidade de redução dos impactos ambientais gerados pelo descarte de efluentes ricos em nutrientes e matéria orgânica é fundamental para a aquacultura. O sistema BFT (Biofloc Tecnology System) surge como uma alternativa aos sistemas convencionais, para minimizar a emissão de efluentes. Da mesma forma, fazem-se necessários estudos relativos ao reaproveitamento da água e da comunidade microbiana do cultivo em cultivos subsequentes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o uso de dif...

  17. Preference and torque asymmetry for elbow joint Preferência e assimetria de torque na articulação do cotovelo

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    Felipe Pivetta Carpes


    Full Text Available Extensively unilateral recruitment for daily activities may determine performance asymmetries in favor of the preferred side eliciting functional adaptation. Our study evaluated asymmetries in elbow torque output between preferred and non-preferred limbs. Eighteen subjects performed maximal elbow flexor and extensor isometric contractions at five different elbow joint angles (0º, 30º, 60º, 90º, 120º and five different angular velocities (60, 120, 180, 240, 300º.s-1 on an isokinetic dynamometer. Higher flexor torque in favor of preferred arm was observed at 90º of flexion (pO frequente recrutamento unilateral de membros superiores pode determinar assimetrias de desempenho em favor do lado preferido, resultando em adaptação funcional. Assimetrias no torque gerado pelos músculos do cotovelo entre o membro preferido e não-preferido foram avaliadas. Dezoito sujeitos realizaram contrações máximas de flexo-extensão do cotovelo em cinco ângulos articulares (0º, 30º, 60º, 90º, 120º e cinco velocidades angulares (60, 120, 180, 240, 300º.s-1 em um dinamômetro isocinético. Torque flexor mais elevado em favor do lado preferido foi encontrado no ângulo de 90º (p<0,05, que também correspondeu ao ângulo de maior torque (p<0,05. O fato de o ângulo articular determinar assimetrias no torque (enquanto a velocidade angular não sugere que o recrutamento preferencial dos flexores do cotovelo em um ângulo de 90º nas tarefas da vida diária que requerem força elevada é responsável pela assimetria. Adaptação funcional a estímulos frequentes nesse ângulo articular pode explicar esses resultados em sujeitos saudáveis.

  18. Magnetic Field and Torque Output of Packaged Hydraulic Torque Motor

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    Liang Yan


    Full Text Available Hydraulic torque motors are one key component in electro-hydraulic servo valves that convert the electrical signal into mechanical motions. The systematic characteristics analysis of the hydraulic torque motor has not been found in the previous research, including the distribution of the electromagnetic field and torque output, and particularly the relationship between them. In addition, conventional studies of hydraulic torque motors generally assume an evenly distributed magnetic flux field and ignore the influence of special mechanical geometry in the air gaps, which may compromise the accuracy of analyzing the result and the high-precision motion control performance. Therefore, the objective of this study is to conduct a detailed analysis of the distribution of the magnetic field and torque output; the influence of limiting holes in the air gaps is considered to improve the accuracy of both numerical computation and analytical modeling. The structure and working principle of the torque motor are presented first. The magnetic field distribution in the air gaps and the magnetic saturation in the iron blocks are analyzed by using a numerical approach. Subsequently, the torque generation with respect to the current input and assembly errors is analyzed in detail. This shows that the influence of limiting holes on the magnetic field is consistent with that on torque generation. Following this, a novel modified equivalent magnetic circuit is proposed to formulate the torque output of the hydraulic torque motor analytically. The comparison among the modified equivalent magnetic circuit, the conventional modeling approach and the numerical computation is conducted, and it is found that the proposed method helps to improve the modeling accuracy by taking into account the effect of special geometry inside the air gaps.

  19. A magneto-rheological fluid-based torque sensor for smart torque wrench application (United States)

    Ahmadkhanlou, Farzad; Washington, Gregory N.


    In this paper, the authors have developed a new application where MR fluid is being used as a sensor. An MR-fluid based torque wrench has been developed with a rotary MR fluid-based damper. The desired set torque ranges from 1 to 6 N.m. Having continuously controllable yield strength, the MR fluid-based torque wrench presents a great advantage over the regular available torque wrenches in the market. This design is capable of providing continuous set toque from the lower limit to the upper limit while regular torque wrenches provide discrete set torques only at some limited points. This feature will be especially important in high fidelity systems where tightening torque is very critical and the tolerances are low.

  20. Spin-orbit torque opposing the Oersted torque in ultrathin Co/Pt bilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skinner, T. D., E-mail:; Irvine, A. C.; Heiss, D.; Kurebayashi, H.; Ferguson, A. J., E-mail: [Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Wang, M.; Hindmarch, A. T.; Rushforth, A. W. [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD (United Kingdom)


    Current-induced torques in ultrathin Co/Pt bilayers were investigated using an electrically driven ferromagnetic resonance technique. The angle dependence of the resonances, detected by a rectification effect as a voltage, was analysed to determine the symmetries and relative magnitudes of the spin-orbit torques. Both anti-damping (Slonczewski) and field-like torques were observed. As the ferromagnet thickness was reduced from 3 to 1 nm, the sign of the sum of the field-like torque and Oersted torque reversed. This observation is consistent with the emergence of a Rashba spin orbit torque in ultra-thin bilayers.

  1. Limited Angle Torque Motors Having High Torque Density, Used in Accurate Drive Systems

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    R. Obreja


    Full Text Available A torque motor is a special electric motor that is able to develop the highest possible torque in a certain volume. A torque motor usually has a pancake configuration, and is directly jointed to a drive system (without a gear box. A limited angle torque motor is a torque motor that has no rotary electromagnetic field — in certain papers it is referred to as a linear electromagnet. The main intention of the authors for this paper is to present a means for analyzing and designing a limited angle torque motor only through the finite element method. Users nowadays require very high-performance limited angle torque motors with high density torque. It is therefore necessary to develop the highest possible torque in a relatively small volume. A way to design such motors is by using numerical methods based on the finite element method.

  2. Os Avanços e os Limites da Queda Recente da Desigualdade no Brasil.

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    Patrícia Andrade de Oliveira e Silva


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar os avanços e os limites na análise da queda recente verificada na desigualdade no Brasil. É sabido que durante os anos 2000, a alteração verificada no Índice de Gini teve como efeitos a redução expressiva da pobreza extrema, com um crescimento de quase 20% na renda desses indivíduos. No entanto, apesar da melhora nos rendimentos - derivado da conjugação entre o aquecimento da economia nacional (com expansão do consumo, melhora dos preços relativos e maior atuação das políticas sociais e internacional - alguns trabalhos argumentam que a desigualdade deve ser vista por um prisma multidimensional. Nesse sentido, pretende-se sintetizar e analisar a literatura acerca do tema, demonstrando as suas limitações e propondo novos enfoques para o estudo da realidade brasileira.

  3. Self-oscillation in spin torque oscillator stabilized by field-like torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taniguchi, Tomohiro; Tsunegi, Sumito; Kubota, Hitoshi; Imamura, Hiroshi


    The effect of the field-like torque on the self-oscillation of the magnetization in spin torque oscillator with a perpendicularly magnetized free layer was studied theoretically. A stable self-oscillation at zero field is excited for negative β while the magnetization dynamics stops for β = 0 or β > 0, where β is the ratio between the spin torque and the field-like torque. The reason why only the negative β induces the self-oscillation was explained from the view point of the energy balance between the spin torque and the damping. The oscillation power and frequency for various β were also studied by numerical simulation

  4. Accuracy of dental torque wrenches. (United States)

    Wood, James S; Marlow, Nicole M; Cayouette, Monica J


    The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the actual torque of 2 manual wrench systems to their stated (target) torque. New spring- (Nobel Biocare USA, LLC) and friction-style (Zimmer Dental, Inc.) manual dental torque wrenches, as well as spring torque wrenches that had undergone sterilization and clinical use, were tested. A calibrated torque gauge was used to compare actual torque to target torque values of 15 and 35 N/cm. Data were statistically analyzed via mixed-effects regression model with Bonferroni correction. At a target torque of 15 N/cm, the mean torque of new spring wrenches (13.97 N/cm; SE, 0.07 N/cm) was significantly different from that of used spring wrenches (14.94 N/cm; SE, 0.06 N/cm; P torques of new spring and new friction wrenches (14.10 N/cm; SE, 0.07 N/cm; P = 0.21) were not significantly different. For torque measurements calibrated at 35 N/cm, the mean torque of new spring wrenches (35.29 N/cm; SE, 0.10 N/cm) was significantly different (P torque could impact the clinical success of screw-retained dental implants. It is recommended that torque wrenches be checked regularly to ensure that they are performing to target values.


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    Júlia Moreira de Deus


    Full Text Available Está sendo realizado um projeto de pesquisa com a finalidade de elaborar um dicionário trilíngue (PortuguêsInglês-Espanhol com termos relacionados ao turismo. O dicionário visa contribuir com a comunicação no campo do turismo e disponibilizar uma fonte de consulta para profissionais e estudantes. A esta pesquisa coube levantar, selecionar e sistematizar os termos relativos aos meios de hospedagem. Para isso, foi feito um levantamento em cinco dicionários especializados e três obras que tratavam do assunto; foram selecionados os termos que designam meios de hospedagem;as definições e contextos foram inseridos em fichas e foram identificadas as principais características dos termos; foi organizado um mapa conceitual dos meios de hospedagem. Por fim, um especialista foi consultado para validar os termos. Os dados coletados nessa primeira etapa da pesquisa foram usados na redação das definições dos termos selecionados. Palavras-chave: Dicionário. Meios de Hospedagem. Terminologia.

  6. Um caso de organização limite da personalidade: Um estudo comparativo da projeção no Rorschach e no TAT


    Fernandez, Isabel Bernardo


    Apresenta-se um estudo comparativo dos protocolos do Rorschach e do TAT de uma jovem de quase 20 anos, diagnosticada como organização limite da personalidade, procurando mostrar como ambos se elucidam entre o Rorschach e o TAT.e completam num esclarecimento relativo aos «como» e

  7. O clássico e o emergente: desafios da produção, da divulgação e da utilização do conhecimento da Enfermagem

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    Márcia de Assunção Ferreira


    Full Text Available Reflexão sobre os paradigmas da ciência e os desafios contemporâneos da produção, divulgação e utilização do conhecimento. Abordam-se os desafios relativos à pesquisa do cuidado de enfermagem, os recursos e as estratégias políticas da área para superá-los. Os argumentos se amparam na Enfermagem como disciplina prática e na tríade ensinar-cuidar-pesquisar voltada às demandas dos usuários, com vistas à promoção da saúde e bem-estar, dentro de um paradigma de cuidado. Articular os modelos de ciência, ampliar os recursos humanos, materiais e financeiros, investir nos mestrados profissionais, na ampliação dos programas de pós-graduação acadêmicos e na formação de redes de cooperação são alguns dos desafios e estratégias apontados para que a área enfrente as lutas do campo hegemônico da saúde, da ciência e da tecnologia para se manter no sistema.

  8. Rinoplastia do nariz negróide por via intra-oral sem ressecções externas: avaliação da eficácia da técnica

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    Castilho Helton Traber de


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da técnica de redução da largura da base nasal do nariz negróide, modificando a inclinação dos eixos das narinas pela mobilização de tecidos internos, por abordagem intra-oral, evitando cicatrizes externas. MÉTODOS: Foram operadas 11 pacientes adulta do sexo feminino, com idade variando entre 19 a 45 anos, distribuindo-se em 2 da raça caucasóide e 9 da raça negróide, sendo desta 5 de cor parda e 4 de cor negra. O método de fotografia foi padronizado, e as imagens em papel foram digitalizadas. Por meio de software foram mensurados nas fotografias pré-operatórias e com 3 meses após a rinoplastia, 8 índices relativos à base nasal baseados em pontos antropométricos. Os valores obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em 7 índices relativos a redução da largura da base nasal e à inclinação dos eixos das narinas. Apenas houve alteração significante no aumento do Ângulo Nasolabial (p=0,001. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica de rinoplastia de nariz negróide por via intra-oral sem ressecções externas, apenas com mobilização dos tecidos internos, não é eficaz para a reduzir a largura da base nasal.



    Almeida, Eduardo Simões de; Teixeira, Rudolph Fabiano Alves Pedroza; Fernandes, Henrique Silva; Oliveira Junior, Lourival Batista De


    Nos últimos anos a agricultura familiar passou a usufruir de maior atenção e destaque por parte dos programas governamentais, mormente pelo Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf), e mais atualmente pelo Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB). Contudo os gargalos relativos à infra-estrutura logística e os demais custos relativos à cadeia de biodiesel podem tornar vantajoso economicamente para as indústrias produzir seus próprios insumos, ou mesmo ...

  10. Development of high torque belt CVT with torque converter; Torque converter tsuki daiyoryogata belt CVT no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurosawa, M; Fujikawa, T; Yoshida, K; Kobayahi, M [Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Nissan has successfully developed a new belt CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) with torque converter and has installed it 2L-class vehicle for the first time in the world. This paper describes about the technology of high torque transmission, the need of torque converter, the importance of electronic control and the introduce of driving mode. As the result the CVT has improved driving performance and fuel economy for current CVT and 4 speed automatic transmission. 13 figs., 2 tabs.

  11. Using torque switch settings and spring pack characteristics to determine actuator output torques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Black, B.R.


    Actuator output torque of motor operated valves is often a performance parameter of interest. It is not always possible to directly measure this torque. Torque spring pack deflection directly reflects actuator output torque and can be directly measured on most actuators. The torque spring pack may be removed from the actuator and tested to determine its unique force-deflection relationship. Or, a representative force-deflection relationship for the particular spring pack model may be available. With either relationship, measurements of torque spring pack deflection may then be correlated to corresponding forces. If the effective length of the moment arm within the actuator is known, actuator output torque can then be determined. The output torque is simply the product of the effective moment arm length and the spring pack force. This paper presents the reliability of this technique as indicated by testing. TU Electric is evaluating this technique for potential use in the future. Results presented in this paper should be considered preliminary. Applicability of these results may be limited to actuators and their components in a condition similar to those for which test data have been examined

  12. Efficient micromagnetic modelling of spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque (United States)

    Abert, Claas; Bruckner, Florian; Vogler, Christoph; Suess, Dieter


    While the spin-diffusion model is considered one of the most complete and accurate tools for the description of spin transport and spin torque, its solution in the context of dynamical micromagnetic simulations is numerically expensive. We propose a procedure to retrieve the free parameters of a simple macro-spin like spin-torque model through the spin-diffusion model. In case of spin-transfer torque the simplified model complies with the model of Slonczewski. A similar model can be established for the description of spin-orbit torque. In both cases the spin-diffusion model enables the retrieval of free model parameters from the geometry and the material parameters of the system. Since these parameters usually have to be determined phenomenologically through experiments, the proposed method combines the strength of the diffusion model to resolve material parameters and geometry with the high performance of simple torque models.

  13. Optical Torque Wrench: Angular Trapping, Rotation, and Torque Detection of Quartz Microparticles (United States)

    La Porta, Arthur; Wang, Michelle D.


    We describe an apparatus that can measure the instantaneous angular displacement and torque applied to a quartz particle which is angularly trapped. Torque is measured by detecting the change in angular momentum of the transmitted trap beam. The rotational Brownian motion of the trapped particle and its power spectral density are used to determine the angular trap stiffness. The apparatus features a feedback control that clamps torque or other rotational quantities. The torque sensitivity demonstrated is ideal for the study of known biological molecular motors.

  14. Butterfly valve torque prediction methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eldiwany, B.H.; Sharma, V.; Kalsi, M.S.; Wolfe, K.


    As part of the Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Performance Prediction Program, the Electric Power Research Institute has sponsored the development of methodologies for predicting thrust and torque requirements of gate, globe, and butterfly MOVs. This paper presents the methodology that will be used by utilities to calculate the dynamic torque requirements for butterfly valves. The total dynamic torque at any disc position is the sum of the hydrodynamic torque, bearing torque (which is induced by the hydrodynamic force), as well as other small torque components (such as packing torque). The hydrodynamic torque on the valve disc, caused by the fluid flow through the valve, depends on the disc angle, flow velocity, upstream flow disturbances, disc shape, and the disc aspect ratio. The butterfly valve model provides sets of nondimensional flow and torque coefficients that can be used to predict flow rate and hydrodynamic torque throughout the disc stroke and to calculate the required actuation torque and the maximum transmitted torque throughout the opening and closing stroke. The scope of the model includes symmetric and nonsymmetric discs of different shapes and aspects ratios in compressible and incompressible fluid applications under both choked and nonchoked flow conditions. The model features were validated against test data from a comprehensive flowloop and in situ test program. These tests were designed to systematically address the effect of the following parameters on the required torque: valve size, disc shapes and disc aspect ratios, upstream elbow orientation and its proximity, and flow conditions. The applicability of the nondimensional coefficients to valves of different sizes was validated by performing tests on 42-in. valve and a precisely scaled 6-in. model. The butterfly valve model torque predictions were found to bound test data from the flow-loop and in situ testing, as shown in the examples provided in this paper

  15. SATISFAÇÃO E VALORES RELATIVOS AO TRABALHO: estudo realizado com os colaboradores Beltrame Comércio de Materiais de Construção

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    Aline Mortari Machado


    Full Text Available Desde as últimas décadas, no contexto organizacional, os colaboradores passaram a receber maior atenção de pesquisadores com o intuito de conhecer mais sobre os aspectos peculiares dos indivíduos e sobre o comportamento humano.  Assim, tendo em vista a importância da temática, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi analisar a satisfação no trabalho e os valores relativos ao trabalho dos colaboradores da empresa Beltrame Comércio de Materiais de Construção. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa através da aplicação de um questionário na força de trabalho contendo a Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho (EST, proposta por Siqueira (1995 e a Escala de Valores do Trabalho Revisada (EVT-R, de Porto e Pilati (2010, juntamente com questões para caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico dos colaboradores. Como principais resultados, obteve-se que os colaboradores sentem-se, no geral, satisfeitos com a empresa e o principal valor orientador no trabalho é Segurança.

  16. Peak torque and rate of torque development in elderly with and without fall history. (United States)

    Bento, Paulo Cesar Barauce; Pereira, Gleber; Ugrinowitsch, Carlos; Rodacki, André Luiz Felix


    Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly. A number of studies have described peak torque as one of the best fall-related predictor. No studies have comprehensively focused on the rate of torque development of the lower limb muscles among elderly fallers. Then, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between muscle peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower limb joints in elderly with and without fall history. It was also aimed to determine whether these parameters of muscle performance (i.e., peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to the number of falls. Thirty-one women volunteered to participate in the study and were assigned in one of the groups according to the number of falls over the 12 months that preceded the present. Then, participants with no fall history (GI; n=13; 67.6[7.5] years-old), one fall (GII; n=8; 66.0[4.9] years-old) and two or more falls (GIII; n=10; 67.8[8.8] years-old) performed a number of lower limb maximal isometric voluntary contractions from which peak torque and rate of torque development were quantified. Primary outcomes indicated no peak torque differences between experimental groups in any lower limb joint. The rate of torque development of the knee flexor muscles observed in the non-fallers (GI) was greater than that observed in the fallers (Pfalls (Pelderly to rapidly reorganise the arrangement of the lower limb may play a significant role in allowing the elderly to recover balance after a trip. Thus, training stimulus aimed to improve the rate of torque development may be more beneficial to prevent falls among the elderly than other training stimulus, which are not specifically designed to improve the ability to rapidly produce large amounts of torque. Copyright (c) 2010. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  17. Mudanças no padrão de alimentação da população urbana brasileira (1962-1988

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    Lenise Mondini


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento do padrão alimentar da população urbana brasileira ao longo das três últimas décadas. As fontes de dados foram duas pesquisas nacionais de orçamentos familiares realizadas no início da década de 60 (1961-63 e no final da década de 80 (1987-88 e um inquérito nacional sobre consumo alimentar realizado em meados da década de 70 (1974-75, restringindo-se a análise a sete áreas metropolitanas estudadas em comum pelas três pesquisas. O padrão alimentar foi caracterizado a partir da participação relativa de diferentes alimentos na dieta e do consumo relativo de nutrientes específicos. As mudanças principais mostraram-se semelhantes nas regiões Nordeste e Sudeste e envolveram: 1 redução no consumo relativo de cereais, feijão, raízes e tubérculos; 2 substituição de banha, toucinho e manteiga por óleos e margarinas; e 3 aumento no consumo relativo de leite e derivados e ovos. Essas mudanças deterninaram diminuição na participação relativa de carboidratos na dieta e aumento na participação de lipídios. A proporção total de proteínas manteve-se estável entre as pesquisas (ao redor de 12%, crescendo, entretanto, a participação específica de proteínas de origem animal na dieta. Situação inversa foi observada com os lipídios, registrando-se aumento da fração correspondente aos lipídios de origem vegetal, o que levou ao predomínio dos ácidos graxos poli-insaturados sobre os saturados e à redução do consumo relativo de colesterol. As implicações das mudanças no padrão alimentar da população urbana do país são discutidas à luz de recomendações dietéticas enunciadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde.

  18. Decoupled Speed and Torque Control of IPMSM Drives Using a Novel Load Torque Estimator

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    ZAKY, M.


    Full Text Available This paper proposes decoupled speed and torque control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM drives using a novel load torque estimator (LTE. The proposed LTE is applied for computing a load torque and yielding a feed-forward value in the speed controller to separate the torque control from the speed control. Indirect flux weakening using direct current component is obtained for high speed operation of the IPMSM drive, and its value for maximum torque per ampere (MTPA control in constant torque region is also used. LTE uses values of direct and quadrature currents to improve the behavior of the speed controller under the reference tracking and torque disturbances. The complete IPMSM drive by Matlab/Simulink is built. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme using an experimental setup of the complete drive system implemented on a DSP-DS1102 control board is confirmed. Extensive results over a wide speed range are verified. The efficacy of the proposed method is confirmed in comparison to a conventional PI controller under both the reference speed tracking and load torque disturbance.

  19. A Trade Promotion Authority e as políticas de emprego da Trade Adjustment Assistance no limiar entre o asseguramento da economia interna e o protecionismo velado


    Blenda Lara Fonseca do Nascimento


    Este artigo analisa os programas dereajuste comercial relativo a trabalhadores inseridono texto da Autoridade de PromoçãoComercial (Trade Promotion Authority –TPA) de 2002. A autora questiona a licitudedestes programas norte-americanos ante anormativa da Organização Mundial do Comércio(OMC), assinalando que estes podem constituiruma forma de protecionismo velado.This article analyses the TradeAdjustment Assistance for Workers (TAAW)of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) 2002.The author questi...

  20. Game programmer's guide to Torque under the hood of the Torque game engine

    CERN Document Server

    Maurina , Edward F


    game programmer working with the Torque game engine must have ""The Game Programmer's Guide To Torque"": it teaches everything needed to design your own game, using experiences of game makers and industry veterans well versed in Torque technology. A Torque Game engine demo is included on an accompanying cd while step-by-step examples tell how to use it. Its focus on all the basics makes for an exceptional coverage for all levels of game programmer. -Bookwatch, August 2006

  1. Torque sensor (United States)

    Fgeppert, E.


    Mechanical means for sensing turning torque generated by the load forces in a rotary drive system is described. The sensing means is designed to operate with minimal effect on normal operation of the drive system. The invention can be employed in various drive systems, e.g., automotive engine-transmission power plants, electric motor-operated tools, and metal cutting machines. In such drive systems, the torque-sensing feature may be useful for actuation of various control devices, such as electric switches, mechanical clutches, brake actuators, fluid control valves, or audible alarms. The torque-sensing function can be used for safety overload relief, motor de-energization, engine fuel control transmission clutch actuation, remote alarm signal, tool breakage signal, etc.


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    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de irrigação, baseados em frações da evaporação do Tanque Classe A (ECA (0,25; 0,50; 0,75 e 1,00 sobre o comportamento produtivo da cultura da alface, variedade "Mesa 659" (tipo americana, cultivada em uma estufa plástica e irrigada por gotejamento, foi conduzido um experimento durante o período de julho a setembro de 1993. O comportamento produtivo foi avaliado através da determinação da matéria fresca (MFP, produtividade (PROD e eficiência do uso de água (EUA. Os resultados de MFP e PROD mostraram resposta quadrática, indicando acréscimo em ambos à medida que aumentaram as lâminas de irrigação aplicadas até o nível 0,75 da ECA, apresentando valores máximos de 818,72 g e 90,97 t.ha-1, respectivamente. Os dados relativos à EUA revelaram resposta linear decrescente, significando que à medida que os níveis de irrigação aumentam ocorre uma diminuição na EUA.

  3. Momentum confinement at low torque

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solomon, W M [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States); Burrell, K H [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); De Grassie, J S [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Budny, R [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States); Groebner, R J [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Kinsey, J E [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Kramer, G J [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States); Luce, T C [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Makowski, M A [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Mikkelsen, D [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States); Nazikian, R [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States); Petty, C C [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Politzer, P A [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Scott, S D [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States); Zeeland, M A Van [General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States); Zarnstorff, M C [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543 (United States)


    Momentum confinement was investigated on DIII-D as a function of applied neutral beam torque at constant normalized beta {beta}{sub N}, by varying the mix of co (parallel to the plasma current) and counter neutral beams. Under balanced neutral beam injection (i.e. zero total torque to the plasma), the plasma maintains a significant rotation in the co-direction. This 'intrinsic' rotation can be modeled as being due to an offset in the applied torque (i.e. an 'anomalous torque'). This anomalous torque appears to have a magnitude comparable to one co neutral beam source. The presence of such an anomalous torque source must be taken into account to obtain meaningful quantities describing momentum transport, such as the global momentum confinement time and local diffusivities. Studies of the mechanical angular momentum in ELMing H-mode plasmas with elevated q{sub min} show that the momentum confinement time improves as the torque is reduced. In hybrid plasmas, the opposite effect is observed, namely that momentum confinement improves at high torque/rotation. GLF23 modeling suggests that the role of E x B shearing is quite different between the two plasmas, which may help to explain the different dependence of the momentum confinement on torque.

  4. Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones - I. Static migration torque (United States)

    McNally, Colin P.; Nelson, Richard P.; Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan; Gressel, Oliver; Lyra, Wladimir


    Motivated by models suggesting that the inner planet forming regions of protoplanetary discs are predominantly lacking in viscosity-inducing turbulence, and are possibly threaded by Hall-effect generated large-scale horizontal magnetic fields, we examine the dynamics of the corotation region of a low-mass planet in such an environment. The corotation torque in an inviscid, isothermal, dead zone ought to saturate, with the libration region becoming both symmetrical and of a uniform vortensity, leading to fast inward migration driven by the Lindblad torques alone. However, in such a low viscosity situation, the material on librating streamlines essentially preserves its vortensity. If there is relative radial motion between the disc gas and the planet, the librating streamlines will no longer be symmetrical. Hence, if the gas is torqued by a large-scale magnetic field so that it undergoes a net inflow or outflow past the planet, driving evolution of the vortensity and inducing asymmetry of the corotation region, the corotation torque can grow, leading to a positive torque. In this paper, we treat this effect by applying a symmetry argument to the previously studied case of a migrating planet in an inviscid disc. Our results show that the corotation torque due to a laminar Hall-induced magnetic field in a dead zone behaves quite differently from that studied previously for a viscous disc. Furthermore, the magnetic field induced corotation torque and the dynamical corotation torque in a low viscosity disc can be regarded as one unified effect.

  5. A method to accurately estimate the muscular torques of human wearing exoskeletons by torque sensors. (United States)

    Hwang, Beomsoo; Jeon, Doyoung


    In exoskeletal robots, the quantification of the user's muscular effort is important to recognize the user's motion intentions and evaluate motor abilities. In this paper, we attempt to estimate users' muscular efforts accurately using joint torque sensor which contains the measurements of dynamic effect of human body such as the inertial, Coriolis, and gravitational torques as well as torque by active muscular effort. It is important to extract the dynamic effects of the user's limb accurately from the measured torque. The user's limb dynamics are formulated and a convenient method of identifying user-specific parameters is suggested for estimating the user's muscular torque in robotic exoskeletons. Experiments were carried out on a wheelchair-integrated lower limb exoskeleton, EXOwheel, which was equipped with torque sensors in the hip and knee joints. The proposed methods were evaluated by 10 healthy participants during body weight-supported gait training. The experimental results show that the torque sensors are to estimate the muscular torque accurately in cases of relaxed and activated muscle conditions.

  6. A Method to Accurately Estimate the Muscular Torques of Human Wearing Exoskeletons by Torque Sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beomsoo Hwang


    Full Text Available In exoskeletal robots, the quantification of the user’s muscular effort is important to recognize the user’s motion intentions and evaluate motor abilities. In this paper, we attempt to estimate users’ muscular efforts accurately using joint torque sensor which contains the measurements of dynamic effect of human body such as the inertial, Coriolis, and gravitational torques as well as torque by active muscular effort. It is important to extract the dynamic effects of the user’s limb accurately from the measured torque. The user’s limb dynamics are formulated and a convenient method of identifying user-specific parameters is suggested for estimating the user’s muscular torque in robotic exoskeletons. Experiments were carried out on a wheelchair-integrated lower limb exoskeleton, EXOwheel, which was equipped with torque sensors in the hip and knee joints. The proposed methods were evaluated by 10 healthy participants during body weight-supported gait training. The experimental results show that the torque sensors are to estimate the muscular torque accurately in cases of relaxed and activated muscle conditions.


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    Taís de Andrade

    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influência dos Valores Relativos ao Trabalho sobre as Âncoras de Carreira, a partir da perspectiva de discentes de instituições de ensino superior. Para o alcance deste objetivo, partiu-se de duas perspectivas teóricas: a abordagem de Valores do Trabalho proposta por Ros, Schwartz e Surkis (1999 e Porto e Pilati (2010 e as Âncoras de Carreira propostas por Schein (1993. Visando atingir o objetivo do estudo, realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa, de caráter descritivo do tipo survey. O instrumento preenchido por 958 discentes foi baseado na Escala Revisada de Valores Relativos ao Trabalho (EVT-R, de Porto e Pilati (2010, e no Inventário de Âncoras de Carreira, desenvolvido por Schein (1993. Considerando o modelo proposto, optou-se por trabalhar com modelagem de equações estruturais. Os principais resultados encontrados expõem que os valores prioritários entre os discentes investigados, foram Segurança e Realização. Em relação à carreira, houve o predomínio das âncoras Segurança/estabilidade e Desafio Puro. Ainda, a análise do modelo estrutural permitiu identificar que o construto Valores do Trabalho explica 30,5% (R2 da variância do construto Âncoras de Carreira. De maneira geral, tal achado sustenta a importância das demandas internas, representadas pelos valores que os indivíduos atribuem ao trabalho, sobre as decisões de carreira, pressuposto esse com poucas evidências empíricas, até então.

  8. Design of a new torque standard machine based on a torque generation method using electromagnetic force

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishino, Atsuhiro; Ueda, Kazunaga; Fujii, Kenichi


    To allow the application of torque standards in various industries, we have been developing torque standard machines based on a lever deadweight system, i.e. a torque generation method using gravity. However, this method is not suitable for expanding the low end of the torque range, because of the limitations to the sizes of the weights and moment arms. In this study, the working principle of the torque generation method using an electromagnetic force was investigated by referring to watt balance experiments used for the redefinition of the kilogram. Applying this principle to a rotating coordinate system, an electromagnetic force type torque standard machine was designed and prototyped. It was experimentally demonstrated that SI-traceable torque could be generated by converting electrical power to mechanical power. Thus, for the first time, SI-traceable torque was successfully realized using a method other than that based on the force of gravity. (paper)

  9. Momentum Confinement at Low Torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solomon, W.M.; Burrell, K.H.; deGrassie, J.S.; Budny, R.; Groebner, R.J.; Heidbrink, W.W.; Kinsey, J.E.; Kramer, G.J.; Makowski, M.A.; Mikkelsen, D.; Nazikian, R.; Petty, C.C.; Politzer, P.A.; Scott, S.D.; Van Zeeland, M.A.; Zarnstorff, M.C.


    Momentum confinement was investigated on DIII-D as a function of applied neutral beam torque at constant normalized β N , by varying the mix of co (parallel to the plasma current) and counter neutral beams. Under balanced neutral beam injection (i.e. zero total torque to the plasma), the plasma maintains a significant rotation in the co-direction. This 'intrinsic' rotation can be modeled as being due to an offset in the applied torque (i.e. an 'anomalous torque'). This anomalous torque appears to have a magnitude comparable to one co-neutral beam source. The presence of such an anomalous torque source must be taken into account to obtain meaningful quantities describing momentum transport, such as the global momentum confinement time and local diffusivities. Studies of the mechanical angular momentum in ELMing H-mode plasmas with elevated q min show that the momentum confinement time improves as the torque is reduced. In hybrid plasmas, the opposite effect is observed, namely that momentum confinement improves at high torque/rotation. The relative importance of E x B shearing between the two is modeled using GLF23 and may suggest a possible explanation.

  10. Electromagnetic torque on the toroidal plasma and the error-field induced torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pustovitov, V. D.


    The electromagnetic torque on the toroidal plasma is calculated assuming a linear plasma response to the applied perturbation, which may be the error field or the field created by the correction coils, or both. The result is compared with recently published expressions for the error field induced torque (Zheng et al 2006 Nucl. Fusion 46 L9, Zheng and Kotschenreuther 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 165001), and the conclusions of these papers are revised. We resolve the problem of the torque resonance raised there. It is shown that the strong increase in the torque due to the static error field must occur at the resistive wall mode stability limit and not at the no-wall stability limit

  11. Thermomagnetic torque in hydrogen isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cramer, J.A.


    The thermomagnetic torque has been measured in parahydrogen and ortho and normal deuterium for pressures from 0.10 to 2.0 torr and temperatures from 100 to 370 K. Since the torque depends on the precession of the molecular rotational magnetic moment around the field direction, coupling of the molecular nuclear spin to the rotational moment can affect the torque. Evidence of spin coupling effects is found for the torque in both deuterium modifications. In para hydrogen the torque at all temperatures and pressures exhibits behavior expected of a gas of zero nuclear spin molecules. Additionally, earlier data for hydrogen deuteride and for normal hydrogen from 105 to 374 K are evaluated and discussed. The high pressure limiting values of torque peak heights and positions for all these gases are compared with theory

  12. Influence of Joint Angle on EMG-Torque Model During Constant-Posture, Torque-Varying Contractions. (United States)

    Liu, Pu; Liu, Lukai; Clancy, Edward A


    Relating the electromyogram (EMG) to joint torque is useful in various application areas, including prosthesis control, ergonomics and clinical biomechanics. Limited study has related EMG to torque across varied joint angles, particularly when subjects performed force-varying contractions or when optimized modeling methods were utilized. We related the biceps-triceps surface EMG of 22 subjects to elbow torque at six joint angles (spanning 60° to 135°) during constant-posture, torque-varying contractions. Three nonlinear EMG σ -torque models, advanced EMG amplitude (EMG σ ) estimation processors (i.e., whitened, multiple-channel) and the duration of data used to train models were investigated. When EMG-torque models were formed separately for each of the six distinct joint angles, a minimum "gold standard" error of 4.01±1.2% MVC(F90) resulted (i.e., error relative to maximum voluntary contraction at 90° flexion). This model structure, however, did not directly facilitate interpolation across angles. The best model which did so achieved a statistically equivalent error of 4.06±1.2% MVC(F90). Results demonstrated that advanced EMG σ processors lead to improved joint torque estimation as do longer model training durations.

  13. Electron spin torque in atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hara, Takaaki; Senami, Masato; Tachibana, Akitomo


    The spin torque and zeta force, which govern spin dynamics, are studied by using monoatoms in their steady states. We find nonzero local spin torque in transition metal atoms, which is in balance with the counter torque, the zeta force. We show that d-orbital electrons have a crucial effect on these torques. Nonzero local chirality density in transition metal atoms is also found, though the electron mass has the effect to wash out nonzero chirality density. Distribution patterns of the chirality density are the same for Sc–Ni atoms, though the electron density distributions are different. -- Highlights: ► Nonzero local spin torque is found in the steady states of transition metal atoms. ► The spin steady state is realized by the existence of a counter torque, zeta force. ► D-orbital electrons have a crucial effect on the spin torque and zeta force. ► Nonzero local chiral density is found in spite of the washout by the electron mass. ► Chiral density distribution have the same pattern for Sc–Ni atoms.

  14. Adaptive Engine Torque Compensation with Driveline Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Park Jinrak


    Full Text Available Engine net torque is the total torque generated by the engine side, and includes the fuel combustion torque, the friction torque, and additionally the starter motor torque in case of hybrid vehicles. The engine net torque is utilized to control powertrain items such as the engine itself, the transmission clutch, also the engine clutch, and it must be accurate for the precise powertrain control. However, this net torque can vary with the engine operating conditions like the engine wear, the changes of the atmospheric pressure and the friction torque. Thus, this paper proposes the adaptive engine net torque compensator using driveline model which can cope with the net torque change according to engine operating conditions. The adaptive compensator was applied on the parallel hybrid vehicle and investigated via MATLAB Simcape Driveline simulation.

  15. 40 CFR 1065.310 - Torque calibration. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Torque calibration. 1065.310 Section... Conditions § 1065.310 Torque calibration. (a) Scope and frequency. Calibrate all torque-measurement systems including dynamometer torque measurement transducers and systems upon initial installation and after major...

  16. Installation Torque Tables for Noncritical Applications (United States)

    Rivera-Rosario, Hazel T.; Powell, Joseph S.


    The objective of this project is to define torque values for bolts and screws when loading is not a concern. Fasteners require a certain torque to fulfill its function and prevent failure. NASA Glenn Research Center did not have a set of fastener torque tables for non-critical applications without loads, usually referring to hand-tight or wrench-tight torqueing. The project is based on two formulas, torque and pullout load. Torque values are calculated giving way to preliminary data tables. Testing is done to various bolts and metal plates, torqueing them until the point of failure. Around 640 torque tables were developed for UNC, UNF, and M fasteners. Different lengths of thread engagement were analyzed for the 5 most common materials used at GRC. The tables were put together in an Excel spreadsheet and then formatted into a Word document. The plan is to later convert this to an official technical publication or memorandum.

  17. Torque de inserção e resistência ao arrancamento dos parafusos vertebrais com alma cilíndrica e cônica Insertion torque and pullout strength of vertebral screws with cylindrical and conic core

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    Ariane Zamarioli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o torque de inserção e a força de arrancamento de três diferentes parafusos utilizados para a fixação anterior da coluna vertebral, considerando a influência do diâmetro do orifício-piloto (DOP, a densidade dos corpos de prova (CDP e o desenho da rosca dos parafusos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados CDP de poliuretana com duas densidades: 0,16 e 0,32g/cm³, e três tipos de parafusos (USS I, USS II posterior e USS II anterior. Na primeira etapa o orifício-piloto foi feito com sonda de 3,8mm para todos os parafusos; na segunda etapa, com sonda menor do que o diâmetro interno dos parafusos (3,5mm para os parafusos USS I; 3,4mm para os parafusos USS II posterior e 3,0mm para os parafusos USS II anterior. Foram formados 12 grupos experimentais com dez corpos de prova em cada grupo, de acordo com a densidade da poliuretana, DOP e tipo de parafuso utilizado. O torque foi mensurado durante a inserção dos parafusos e a força de arrancamento por meio de ensaio mecânico em máquina universal de teste. RESULTADOS: O torque máximo de inserção apresentou valores decrescentes nos corpos de prova de 0,16g/cm³ e 0,32g/cm³ e em todos os diâmetros do orifício-piloto. A força máxima de arrancamento, nos corpos de prova de 0,16g/cm³ e diâmetro da perfuração de 3,8mm, foi maior nos parafusos USS II posterior que nos parafusos USS I. Com o diâmetro da perfuração menor do que o diâmetro interno do parafuso, os parafusos USS II posterior e anterior apresentaram valores maiores que o parafuso USS I. Nos corpos de prova com 0,32g/cm³ de densidade e diâmetro de perfuração de 3,8mm, a força de arrancamento do parafuso USS II posterior e a do USS I foram maiores que a do parafuso USS II anterior. Com o diâmetro da perfuração menor que o diâmetro interno, os valores foram decrescentes entre o USS II posterior, USS II anterior e USS I. CONCLUSÕES: O torque de inserção e a força de arrancamento dos parafusos utilizados

  18. 14 CFR 27.361 - Engine torque. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Engine torque. 27.361 Section 27.361... STANDARDS: NORMAL CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Strength Requirements Flight Loads § 27.361 Engine torque. (a) For turbine engines, the limit torque may not be less than the highest of— (1) The mean torque for maximum...

  19. Da qualidade à degradação do ambiente construído as duas faces no desafio da gestão condominial em conjuntos habitacionais : o estudo de caso do Conjunto Residencial Ignêz Andreazza


    de Oliveira Buanafina, Marcio


    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal, identificar e compreender, a partir do desempenho e postura da gestão condominial, os aspectos relativos ao processo de degradação do ambiente construído, considerando os espaços edificados e os não-edificados de uso coletivos de um conjunto habitacional privado. O estudo de caso é representado pelo Conjunto Residencial Ignêz Andreazza que está inserido na malha urbana e localizado na Avenida Recife, bairro da Estância, zona leste da C...

  20. Charge-induced spin torque in Weyl semimetals (United States)

    Kurebayashi, Daichi; Nomura, Kentaro

    In this work, we present phenomenological and microscopic derivations of spin torques in magnetically doped Weyl semimetals. As a result, we obtain the analytical expression of the spin torque generated, without a flowing current, when the chemical potential is modulated. We also find that this spin torque is a direct consequence of the chiral anomaly. Therefore, observing this spin torque in magnetic Weyl semimetals might be an experimental evidence of the chiral anomaly. This spin torque has also a great advantage in application. In contrast to conventional current-induced spin torques such as the spin-transfer torques, this spin torque does not accompany a constant current flow. Thus, devices using this operating principle is free from the Joule heating and possibly have higher efficiency than devices using conventional current-induced spin torques. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15H05854 and JP26400308.


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    Rodrigo Vicente dos Prazeres


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o de descrever quais os fatores determinantes do processo decisório relativo às alternativas entre produzir ou terceirizar. Assim, a presente pesquisa buscou avançar no sentido de contribuir sobre a consideração da informação contábil como um dos fatores norteadores na avaliação das alternativas entre produzir ou terceirizar, sendo o processo decisório analisado à luz da Escolha Racional na tentativa de compreender quais aspectos são direcionadores deste processo, bem como se as informações contábeis são levadas em consideração no momento de tomada de decisão. A metodologia utilizada foi a de estudo de caso único, de caráter descritivo. Os dados foram coletados através de relatórios gerenciais e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas face a face com os envolvidos no processo decisório analisado. Como resultados constatou-se que a decisão pela produção da matéria prima contribuiu para aumentos na margem de contribuição da linha de produção analisada, no entanto esta decisão apesar de resultar em uma maior criação de riqueza para a empresa, não foi tomada de forma racional, por ter sido direcionada por aspectos sociais e políticos, relativos ao relacionamento com clientes e fornecedores.

  2. Avaliação do torque para inserção, remoção e fratura de diferentes mini-implantes ortodônticos Evaluation of insertion, removal and fracture torques of different orthodontic mini-implants in bovine tibia cortex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fernanda Prates da Nova


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar, em mini-implantes de diferentes dimensões, os seguintes fatores: (a torque de inserção, (b torque de remoção, (c torque de fratura, (d tensão cisalhante, (e tensão normal e (f tipo de fratura. METODOLOGIA: foram utilizados 20 mini-implantes autoperfurantes, 10 da marca SIN e 10 da Neodent com, respectivamente, 8 e 7mm de comprimento, todos com 1,6mm de diâmetro. Dos 10 mini-implantes de cada marca, 5 não possuíam perfil transmucoso e 5 tinham perfil de 2mm, formando 4 grupos: SIN sem perfil (SSP, SIN com perfil (SCP, Neodent sem perfil (NSP e Neodent com perfil (NCP. Todos os mini-implantes foram inseridos em cortical óssea e removidos com micromotor acoplado a um torquímetro. Os mini-implantes foram, também, submetidos ao ensaio de fratura. Os torques de inserção, remoção e fratura, assim como a tensão cisalhante e normal calculadas, foram comparados entre todos os grupos pela ANOVA. O tipo de fratura foi avaliado em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que o grupo NCP apresentou torque de inserção significativamente maior que os demais grupos, porém todos fraturaram durante a inserção (n = 2 ou remoção (n = 3. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para o torque de remoção. Para o grupo NSP, o torque de fratura foi significativamente menor do que todos os outros grupos. Todos os mini-implantes sofreram fratura do tipo dúctil. CONCLUSÃO: uma vez que não houve diferença na resistência mecânica de ambas as marcas, variando apenas a forma, conclui-se que a resistência à fratura pode ser afetada por esta variável.AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mini-implants with different dimensions for the following factors: (a insertion torque, (b removal torque, (c fracture torque, (d shear tension, (e normal tension and (f type of fracture. METHODS: Twenty self-drilling mini-implants were used, 10 from SIN and 10 from Neodent, with 1.6mm in diameter and with 8 and 7

  3. Spin Orbit Torque in Ferromagnetic Semiconductors

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang


    Electrons not only have charges but also have spin. By utilizing the electron spin, the energy consumption of electronic devices can be reduced, their size can be scaled down and the efficiency of `read\\' and `write\\' in memory devices can be significantly improved. Hence, the manipulation of electron spin in electronic devices becomes more and more appealing for the advancement of microelectronics. In spin-based devices, the manipulation of ferromagnetic order parameter using electrical currents is a very useful means for current-driven operation. Nowadays, most of magnetic memory devices are based on the so-called spin transfer torque, which stems from the spin angular momentum transfer between a spin-polarized current and the magnetic order parameter. Recently, a novel spin torque effect, exploiting spin-orbit coupling in non-centrosymmetric magnets, has attracted a massive amount of attention. This thesis addresses the nature of spin-orbit coupled transport and torques in non-centrosymmetric magnetic semiconductors. We start with the theoretical study of spin orbit torque in three dimensional ferromagnetic GaMnAs. Using the Kubo formula, we calculate both the current-driven field-like torque and anti-damping-like torque. We compare the numerical results with the analytical expressions in the model case of a magnetic Rashba two-dimensional electron gas. Parametric dependencies of the different torque components and similarities to the analytical results of the Rashba two-dimensional electron gas in the weak disorder limit are described. Subsequently we study spin-orbit torques in two dimensional hexagonal crystals such as graphene, silicene, germanene and stanene. In the presence of staggered potential and exchange field, the valley degeneracy can be lifted and we obtain a valley-dependent Berry curvature, leading to a tunable antidamping torque by controlling the valley degree of freedom. This thesis then addresses the influence of the quantum spin Hall

  4. Relação entre a lesão condral e o pico de torque após reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho: estudo de casos


    Traete,RF; Pinto,KNZ; Mattiello-Rosa,SM


    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A associação entre lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) e desenvolvimento de osteoartrite (OA) secundária tem sido objeto de vários estudos. A lesão ligamentar predispõe a lesões da cartilagem articular, influenciando, assim, o controle motor e o pico de torque. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do grau de lesão condral no pico de torque da musculatura anterior e posterior da coxa após lesão e reconstrução do LCA. MÉTODO: Seis sujeitos do sexo masculino com lesão total e u...

  5. Measuring the uncertainty of tapping torque

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Belluco, Walter; De Chiffre, Leonardo

    An uncertainty budget is carried out for torque measurements performed at the Institut for Procesteknik for the evaluation of cutting fluids. Thirty test blanks were machined with one tool and one fluid, torque diagrams were recorded and the repeatability of single torque measurements was estimat...

  6. A Trade Promotion Authority e as políticas de emprego da Trade Adjustment Assistance no limiar entre o asseguramento da economia interna e o protecionismo velado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blenda Lara Fonseca do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa os programas dereajuste comercial relativo a trabalhadores inseridono texto da Autoridade de PromoçãoComercial (Trade Promotion Authority –TPA de 2002. A autora questiona a licitudedestes programas norte-americanos ante anormativa da Organização Mundial do Comércio(OMC, assinalando que estes podem constituiruma forma de protecionismo velado.This article analyses the TradeAdjustment Assistance for Workers (TAAWof the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA 2002.The author questions this North-Americanprogram legality towards the World TradeOrganisation (WTO rules and, thus, proposesthat the program may constitute a disguisedform of protectionism.

  7. Experimental evaluation of the drag force and drag torque acting on a rotating spherical particle moving in fluid

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lukerchenko, Nikolay; Kvurt, Y.; Kharlamov, Alexander; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel


    Roč. 56, č. 2 (2008), s. 88-94 ISSN 0042-790X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA200600603 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20600510 Keywords : drag force * drag torque * spherical particle * rotational movement * translational movement Subject RIV: DA - Hydrology ; Limnology

  8. Real time implementation of viable torque and flux controllers and torque ripple minimization algorithm for induction motor drive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasudevan, M.; Arumugam, R.; Paramasivam, S.


    Field oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) are becoming the industrial standards for induction motors torque and flux control. This paper aims to give a contribution for a detailed comparison between these two control techniques, emphasizing their advantages and disadvantages. The performance of these two control schemes is evaluated in terms of torque and flux ripple and their transient response to step variations of the torque command. Moreover, a new torque and flux ripple minimization technique is also proposed to improve the performance of the DTC drive. Based on the experimental results, the analysis has been presented

  9. Development of a Portable Torque Wrench Tester (United States)

    Wang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Gou, C.; Su, D.


    A portable torque wrench tester (PTWT) with calibration range from 0.5 Nm to 60 Nm has been developed and evaluated for periodic or on-site calibration of setting type torque wrenches, indicating type torque wrenches and hand torque screwdrivers. The PTWT is easy to carry with weight about 10 kg, simple and efficient operation and energy saving with an automatic loading and calibrating system. The relative expanded uncertainty of torque realized by the PTWT was estimated to be 0.8%, with the coverage factor k=2. A comparison experiment has been done between the PTWT and a reference torque standard at our laboratory. The consistency between these two devices under the claimed uncertainties was verified.

  10. Relação entre a lesão condral e o pico de torque após reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho: estudo de casos Relationship between chondral lesion and peak torque following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction of the knee: case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    RF Traete


    Full Text Available CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A associação entre lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA e desenvolvimento de osteoartrite (OA secundária tem sido objeto de vários estudos. A lesão ligamentar predispõe a lesões da cartilagem articular, influenciando, assim, o controle motor e o pico de torque. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do grau de lesão condral no pico de torque da musculatura anterior e posterior da coxa após lesão e reconstrução do LCA. MÉTODO: Seis sujeitos do sexo masculino com lesão total e unilateral do LCA foram avaliados pré-cirurgia (24 horas antes da cirurgia e pós-cirurgia em dois momentos distintos, 4,66 ± 1,03 e 15,83 ± 2,63 meses, respectivamente. As avaliações isocinéticas foram realizadas no modo concêntrico de flexão e extensão do joelho, nas velocidades de 60º/s e 180º/s, em que foram a analisadas as variáveis PT dos isquiotibiais (PTI, PT do quadríceps (PTQ e a relação entre eles (I/Q. A escala histológica de Mankin modificada foi utilizada para avaliar o grau macroscópico de lesão condral. O teste estatístico ANOVA (pCONTEXT: The association between anterior cruciate ligament (ACL injury and the development of secondary osteoarthritis has been the subject of several studies. Ligament injury predisposes joint cartilage lesions, thus influencing motor control and peak torque. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of the degree of chondral lesion on peak torque of the anterior and posterior musculature of the thigh following ACL injury and reconstruction. METHOD: Six male subjects with total unilateral ACL injury were evaluated 24 hours before surgery and at two times after surgery (4.66 ± 1.03 and 15.83 ± 2.63 months, respectively. Isokinetic evaluations of knee flexion and extension were made in concentric mode, at velocities of 60º/s and 180º/s, and the variables of hamstring peak torque (HPT and quadriceps peak torque (QPT and hamstring/quadriceps ratio (H/Q were analyzed. The modified

  11. 14 CFR 23.361 - Engine torque. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Engine torque. 23.361 Section 23.361... Engine torque. (a) Each engine mount and its supporting structure must be designed for the effects of— (1) A limit engine torque corresponding to takeoff power and propeller speed acting simultaneously with...

  12. 14 CFR 25.361 - Engine torque. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Engine torque. 25.361 Section 25.361... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Structure Supplementary Conditions § 25.361 Engine torque. (a) Each engine mount and its supporting structure must be designed for the effects of— (1) A limit engine torque...

  13. Torque limit of PM motors for field-weakening region operation (United States)

    Royak, Semyon [Beachwood, OH; Harbaugh, Mark M [Richfield, OH


    The invention includes a motor controller and technique for controlling a permanent magnet motor. In accordance with one aspect of the present technique, a permanent magnet motor is controlled by receiving a torque command, determining a physical torque limit based on a stator frequency, determining a theoretical torque limit based on a maximum available voltage and motor inductance ratio, and limiting the torque command to the smaller of the physical torque limit and the theoretical torque limit. Receiving the torque command may include normalizing the torque command to obtain a normalized torque command, determining the physical torque limit may include determining a normalized physical torque limit, determining a theoretical torque limit may include determining a normalized theoretical torque limit, and limiting the torque command may include limiting the normalized torque command to the smaller of the normalized physical torque limit and the normalized theoretical torque limit.

  14. 14 CFR 29.361 - Engine torque. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Engine torque. 29.361 Section 29.361... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Strength Requirements Flight Loads § 29.361 Engine torque. The limit engine torque may not be less than the following: (a) For turbine engines, the highest of— (1) The...


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    Krzysztof Buśko


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to detect changes in the maximal muscle torques in male basketball players during a two-year training cycle. We verified the hypothesis that different workloads applied during the preparation and competition periods would result in changes in the maximal muscle torques of the athletes (increase during the former and decrease or no change during the latter period accompanied by no alteration of the percent muscle topography of all the muscle groups tested. The examinations were conducted on nine senior male basketball players from the Polish national team. Estimations of the muscle torques in static conditions were performed at the end of the preparation (measurements I and III and competition (measurements II and IV periods of a two-year training cycle. Eleven muscle groups were studied including flexors and extensors of the trunk and flexors and extensors of the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, the knee, and the ankle. Muscle torques of the shoulder and the elbow insignificantly decreased except for the muscle torque of the flexors of the shoulder. Muscle torques of the flexors and extensors of the trunk as well as of the flexors and extensors of the hip, the knee, and the ankle increased between measurements I and III and between measurements I and IV with the only exception being the muscle torque of the flexors of the knee (which significantly decreased by 7.4% In the case of the flexors and extensors of the trunk and the flexors and extensors of the hip, the changes appeared to be significant. The sum of the muscle torques of the upper limbs markedly decreased between the preparation (measurement I and competition (measurement IV periods. The sum of the muscle torques of the trunk and the lower limbs and the sum of the muscle torques of the eleven muscle groups significantly increased between measurements I and IV. Percent muscle topography significantly decreased for the flexors and extensors of the shoulder and the

  16. The Spin Torque Lego - from spin torque nano-devices to advanced computing architectures (United States)

    Grollier, Julie


    Spin transfer torque (STT), predicted in 1996, and first observed around 2000, brought spintronic devices to the realm of active elements. A whole class of new devices, based on the combined effects of STT for writing and Giant Magneto-Resistance or Tunnel Magneto-Resistance for reading has emerged. The second generation of MRAMs, based on spin torque writing : the STT-RAM, is under industrial development and should be out on the market in three years. But spin torque devices are not limited to binary memories. We will rapidly present how the spin torque effect also allows to implement non-linear nano-oscillators, spin-wave emitters, controlled stochastic devices and microwave nano-detectors. What is extremely interesting is that all these functionalities can be obtained using the same materials, the exact same stack, simply by changing the device geometry and its bias conditions. So these different devices can be seen as Lego bricks, each brick with its own functionality. During this talk, I will show how spin torque can be engineered to build new bricks, such as the Spintronic Memristor, an artificial magnetic nano-synapse. I will then give hints on how to assemble these bricks in order to build novel types of computing architectures, with a special focus on neuromorphic circuits. Financial support by the European Research Council Starting Grant NanoBrain (ERC 2010 Stg 259068) is acknowledged.

  17. O teatro da Graça na segunda metade do século XVIII


    Gomes, Francisco Luís Rosa Ferreira


    Tese de mestrado, Estudos de Teatro, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012 Teatro de história breve, o Teatro da Graça, sobre o qual escasseia informação, é o objecto de estudo deste trabalho, que visa reconstruir, na medida do possível, aspectos relacionados com a sua existência no decurso da segunda metade do século XVIII. Procurámos, ao longo do trabalho realizado, clarificar detalhes e pormenores relativos a esta casa de teatro. A saber, características relativa...

  18. Angular Acceleration without Torque? (United States)

    Kaufman, Richard D.


    Hardly. Just as Robert Johns qualitatively describes angular acceleration by an internal force in his article "Acceleration Without Force?" here we will extend the discussion to consider angular acceleration by an internal torque. As we will see, this internal torque is due to an internal force acting at a distance from an instantaneous center.

  19. EMG-Torque Dynamics Change With Contraction Bandwidth. (United States)

    Golkar, Mahsa A; Jalaleddini, Kian; Kearney, Robert E


    An accurate model for ElectroMyoGram (EMG)-torque dynamics has many uses. One of its applications which has gained high attention among researchers is its use, in estimating the muscle contraction level for the efficient control of prosthesis. In this paper, the dynamic relationship between the surface EMG and torque during isometric contractions at the human ankle was studied using system identification techniques. Subjects voluntarily modulated their ankle torque in dorsiflexion direction, by activating their tibialis anterior muscle, while tracking a pseudo-random binary sequence in a torque matching task. The effects of contraction bandwidth, described by torque spectrum, on EMG-torque dynamics were evaluated by varying the visual command switching time. Nonparametric impulse response functions (IRF) were estimated between the processed surface EMG and torque. It was demonstrated that: 1) at low contraction bandwidths, the identified IRFs had unphysiological anticipatory (i.e., non-causal) components, whose amplitude decreased as the contraction bandwidth increased. We hypothesized that this non-causal behavior arose, because the EMG input contained a component due to feedback from the output torque, i.e., it was recorded from within a closed-loop. Vision was not the feedback source since the non-causal behavior persisted when visual feedback was removed. Repeating the identification using a nonparametric closed-loop identification algorithm yielded causal IRFs at all bandwidths, supporting this hypothesis. 2) EMG-torque dynamics became faster and the bandwidth of system increased as contraction modulation rate increased. Thus, accurate prediction of torque from EMG signals must take into account the contraction bandwidth sensitivity of this system.



    Rossato, Ivete Fatima; Sens Neto, Valdemar Norberto


    O objetivo deste artigo foi trabalhar com a educação ambiental para conscientizar sobre da importância da reciclagem para preservação do meio ambiente. O projeto contou com a participação de 650 estudantes do Ensino fundamental de seis escolas no município de Palhoça/SC. Foram realizadas visitas na Associação do Centro de Triagem da Pró-CREP, localizada na Praia da Pinheira SC, onde aconteciam as palestras de educação ambiental com a finalidade de discutir os pontos relativos a coleta seletiv...

  1. A dimensão da pobreza, da desnutrição e da fome no Brasil

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    Carlos Augusto Monteiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende contribuir para um melhor entendimento da dimensão e possíveis soluções para a fome e a desnutrição no Brasil. Inicialmente, procuramos esclarecer a natureza distinta de cada um desses problemas e o que os distingue conceitualmente da pobreza. A seguir, examinamos as alternativas disponíveis para operacionalizar os conceitos de pobreza, desnutrição e fome em estudos empíricos que buscam aferir a freqüência desses problemas na população. Finalmente, apresentamos e comparamos resultados relativos à freqüência, distribuição geográfica e tendência secular da pobreza, da desnutrição e da fome no Brasil e destacamos suas principais implicações para o delineamento de políticas públicas que busquem o controle desses problemas em nosso meio.This paper intends to contribute to a better understanding of the dimension and possible solutions for hunger and malnutrition in Brazil. We start by clarifying conceptual distinctions between hunger and malnutrition and what distinguishes these two problems from poverty. Then we examine available alternatives to implement the concepts of poverty, malnutrition and hunger in field studies aiming to assess the magnitude of these problems in the population. Finally, we present and compare results on the frequency, distribution and secular trends of poverty, malnutrition and hunger in Brazil and we also discuss its main implications to the design of public policies aiming the control of these problems.

  2. Muscle response to pneumatic hand tool torque reaction forces. (United States)

    Radwin, R G; VanBergeijk, E; Armstrong, T J


    Surface electromyography was used for studying the effects of torque reaction force acting against the hand, on forearm muscle activity and grip force for five subjects operating right angle, air shut-off nutrunners. Four tools having increasing spindle torque were operated using short and long torque reaction times. Nutrunner spindle torque ranged between 30 Nm and 100 Nm. Short torque reaction time was considered 0.5 s while long torque reaction time was 2 s. Peak horizontal force was the greatest component of the reaction force acting against the hand and accounted for more than 97% of the peak resultant hand force. Peak hand force increased from 89 N for the smallest tool to 202 N for the largest tool. Forearm muscle rms EMG, scaled for grip force, indicated average flexor activity during the Torque-reaction phase was more than four times greater than the Pre-start and Post Shut-off phases, and two times greater than the Run-down phase. Flexor EMG activity during the Torque-reaction phase increased for increasing tool peak spindle torque. Average flexor rms EMG activity, scaled for grip force, during the Torque-reaction phase increased from 372 N for the 30 Nm nutrunner to 449 N for the 100 Nm nutrunner. Flexor rms EMG activity averaged during the Torque-reaction phase and scaled for grip force was 390 N for long torque reaction times and increased to 440 N for short torque reaction times. Flexor rms EMG integrated over the torque reaction phase was 839 Ns for long torque reaction times and decreased to 312 Ns for short torque reaction times. The average latency between tool spindle torque onset and peak initial flexor rms EMG for long torque reaction times was 294 ms which decreased to 161 ms for short torque reaction times. The average latency between peak tool spindle torque, just prior to tool shut-off, and peak final rms EMG for long torque reaction times was 97 ms for flexors and 188 ms for extensors, which decreased for short torque reaction times to 47

  3. Dureza knoop de resinas compostas em função do número relativo de radicais livres Relative number of free radicals and knoop hardness of composites

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    Marco Aurélio de MENEZES


    Full Text Available A pesquisa teve a finalidade de determinar o número relativo de radicais livres e a dureza Knoop de três resinas compostas (Z100, Silux Plus e Heliomolar RO. Para o ensaio dos radicais livres, as irradiações foram: 110, 180, 300, 580 mW/cm2, pelos tempos de 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 e 90 segundos. As durezas foram determinadas com as cores claras com irradiação de 110 e 300 mW/cm2, por 20, 40, 60 e 80 segundos, nas faces da frente e do fundo, nas idades de 5 minutos, 1 hora, 1 dia, 1 semana e 1 mês. As conclusões foram: a resina Z100 apresentou cerca de 3 vezes mais radicais livres do que as outras; o número relativo de radicais livres aumenta com a intensidade e tempo de exposição; maior intensidade de luz aumentou a dureza; maior tempo de exposição aumentou as durezas das resinas Silux Plus e Heliomolar, mas não da Z100; a dureza aumentou com a idade até 1 mês; o lado da irradiação apresentou maior dureza do que o do fundo; a resina Z100 foi bem mais dura e sofreu menos a influência da irradiação.The present study had the purpose of determining the relative number of free radicals of three composites with clear and dark colors. Intensities of irradiation were: 110, 180, 300, and 580 mW/cm2, for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 90 seconds. Hardness was determined for the clear colors of the composites, using 110 and 300 mW/cm2 irradiation intensities, for 20, 40, 60, and 80 seconds, on front and deep surfaces, at the ages of 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month. The conclusions were that: depending on the resin, clear colors present more free radicals; the number of free radicals increases with higher intensity and longer irradiation time; composite Z100 is much richer in free radicals than Silux Plus and Heliomolar RO; higher intensity of irradiation leads to increasing hardness; longer irradiation time increases hardness of Silux Plus and Heliomolar RO, but not that of Z100; hardness increases with age; in depth

  4. A non-unity torque sharing function for torque ripple minimization of switched reluctance generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Park, Kiwoo; Liu, Xiao; Chen, Zhe


    This paper presents a new torque ripple minimization technique for a Switched Reluctance Generator (SRG). Although the SRG has many advantageous characteristics as a generator, it has not been widely employed in the industry. One of the most notorious disadvantages of the SRG is its high torque...


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    Valéria Paula Rodrigues Minim


    Full Text Available O comportamento do consumidor é influenciado por fatores intrínsecos (características sensoriais e extrínsecos (não sensoriais ao produto. Entre os fatores não sensoriais, destacamse a tecnologia de produção, conveniência, marca, preço, aspectos sócio-culturais, entre outros. A importância destes fatores vem sendo estudada por diversas áreas do conhecimento e sua força canalizada pelas empresas de maneira a seduzir o consumidor no momento da compra. Nas últimas décadas, muitos métodos estatísticos têm sido empregados no intuito de se estudar essa importante influência no comportamento do consumidor, tanto na área de marketing como em análise sensorial. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o impacto da marca sobre a aceitação de requeijão utilizando a técnica estatística de risco relativo. Para tanto, o teste sensorial foi realizado em duas sessões, sendo que na primeira, as amostras foram apresentadas codificadas (teste cego e na segunda, apresentadas com as respectivas marcas. Comparando-se os resultados obtidos para as duas sessões, verificou-se que não houve alteração da aceitação dos requeijões para todas as marcas e a técnica estatística de análise de risco relativo se mostrou de fácil aplicação, interpretação e eficiente em estudos de características não sensoriais de alimentos.

  6. Não-linearidades: da dinâmica do simples à dinâmica do complexo

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    José Roberto Castilho Piqueira


    Full Text Available Foram apresentados alguns conceitos relativos à utilização da Teoria dos Sistemas Dinâmicos em problemas de sistemas complexos. A apresentação destes conceitos centra-se no estabelecimento de duas dinâmicas: uma de curto termo e outra de longo termo, relacionando-as com os processos de organização dos sistemas.

  7. Mudanças no Regime de ICMS: Uma Estimativa da Perda Fiscal Decorrente da Desoneração das Exportações do Soja em Grão: Mato Grosso

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    Benedito Dias Pereira


    Full Text Available Com dados relativos ao período compreendido entre 1989 e 1998, tendo o Estado de Mato Grosso como ambiente de estudo, se estima uma função oferta de exportação de soja em grão. Através dessa equação avalia-se a importância relativa da influência do preço internacional de soja e da Lei Kandir sobre a quantidade exportada dessa commodity, além de se estimar a perda de receita fiscal do Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso decorrente da desoneração das exportações de soja instituída pela Lei Complementar n°. 87/96. Os resultados mostram que as duas variáveis independentes desempenharam efeitos estatisticamente significantes e a estimativa da perda de receita fiscal do Governo Estadual decorrente da Lei Kandir, no triênio 1996-98, gira em tomo de RS30 milhões.

  8. Enhanced precision of ankle torque measure with an open-unit dynamometer mounted with a 3D force-torque sensor. (United States)

    Toumi, A; Leteneur, S; Gillet, C; Debril, J-F; Decoufour, N; Barbier, F; Jakobi, J M; Simoneau-Buessinger, Emilie


    Many studies have focused on maximum torque exerted by ankle joint muscles during plantar flexion. While strength parameters are typically measured with isokinetic or isolated ankle dynamometers, these devices often present substantial limitations for the measurement of torque because they account for force in only 1 dimension (1D), and the device often constrains the body in a position that augments torque through counter movements. The purposes of this study were to determine the contribution of body position to ankle plantar-flexion torque and to assess the use of 1D and 3D torque sensors. A custom designed 'Booted, Open-Unit, Three dimension, Transportable, Ergometer' (B.O.T.T.E.) was used to quantify plantar flexion in two conditions: (1) when the participant was restrained within the unit (locked-unit) and (2) when the participant's position was independent of the ankle dynamometer (open-unit). Ten young males performed maximal voluntary isometric plantar-flexion contractions using the B.O.T.T.E. in open and locked-unit mechanical configurations. The B.O.T.T.E. was reliable with ICC higher than 0.90, and CV lower than 7 %. The plantar-flexion maximal resultant torque was significantly higher in the locked-unit compared with open-unit configuration (P torque sensor significantly underestimated the proper capacity of plantar-flexion torque production (P torque should be performed with an open-unit dynamometer mounted with a 3D sensor that is exclusive of accessory muscles but inclusive of all ankle joint movements.

  9. Technology on precision measurement of torque and force

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book gives a descriptions on force standards system about movement of object, direction and structure. Next, it deals with torque standards, torque measuring instrument and torque wrench with how to use, explanations, unit and test. This book written by Korea Association of standards and testing organizations is for exact measurement and test of force and torque.

  10. Loss of knee extensor torque complexity during fatiguing isometric muscle contractions occurs exclusively above the critical torque. (United States)

    Pethick, Jamie; Winter, Samantha L; Burnley, Mark


    The complexity of knee extensor torque time series decreases during fatiguing isometric muscle contractions. We hypothesized that because of peripheral fatigue, this loss of torque complexity would occur exclusively during contractions above the critical torque (CT). Nine healthy participants performed isometric knee extension exercise (6 s of contraction, 4 s of rest) on six occasions for 30 min or to task failure, whichever occurred sooner. Four trials were performed above CT (trials S1-S4, S1 being the lowest intensity), and two were performed below CT (at 50% and 90% of CT). Global, central, and peripheral fatigue were quantified using maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) with femoral nerve stimulation. The complexity of torque output was determined using approximate entropy (ApEn) and the detrended fluctuation analysis-α scaling exponent (DFA-α). The MVC torque was reduced in trials below CT [by 19 ± 4% (means ± SE) in 90%CT], but complexity did not decrease [ApEn for 90%CT: from 0.82 ± 0.03 to 0.75 ± 0.06, 95% paired-samples confidence intervals (CIs), 95% CI = -0.23, 0.10; DFA-α from 1.36 ± 0.01 to 1.32 ± 0.03, 95% CI -0.12, 0.04]. Above CT, substantial reductions in MVC torque occurred (of 49 ± 8% in S1), and torque complexity was reduced (ApEn for S1: from 0.67 ± 0.06 to 0.14 ± 0.01, 95% CI = -0.72, -0.33; DFA-α from 1.38 ± 0.03 to 1.58 ± 0.01, 95% CI 0.12, 0.29). Thus, in these experiments, the fatigue-induced loss of torque complexity occurred exclusively during contractions performed above the CT. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  11. Computerized Torque Control for Large dc Motors (United States)

    Willett, Richard M.; Carroll, Michael J.; Geiger, Ronald V.


    Speed and torque ranges in generator mode extended. System of shunt resistors, electronic switches, and pulse-width modulation controls torque exerted by large, three-phase, electronically commutated dc motor. Particularly useful for motor operating in generator mode because it extends operating range to low torque and high speed.

  12. Hybrid synchronous motor electromagnetic torque research

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    Suvorkova Elena E.


    Full Text Available Electromagnetic field distribution models in reluctance and permanent magnet parts were made by means of Elcut. Dependences of electromagnetic torque on torque angle were obtained.

  13. Special-Purpose High-Torque Permanent-Magnet Motors (United States)

    Doane, George B., III


    Permanent-magnet brushless motors that must provide high commanded torques and satisfy unusual heat-removal requirement are developed. Intended for use as thrust-vector-control actuators in large rocket engines. Techniques and concepts used to design improved motors for special terrestrial applications. Conceptual motor design calls for use of rotor containing latest high-energy-product rare-earth permanent magnets so that motor produces required torque while drawing smallest possible currents from power supply. Torque generated by electromagnetic interaction between stator and permanent magnets in rotor when associated electronic circuits applied appropriately temporally and spatially phased currents to stator windings. Phase relationships needed to produce commanded torque computed in response to torque command and to electronically sensed angular position of rotor relative to stator.

  14. Heat-driven spin torques in antiferromagnets (United States)

    Białek, Marcin; Bréchet, Sylvain; Ansermet, Jean-Philippe


    Heat-driven magnetization damping, which is a linear function of a temperature gradient, is predicted in antiferromagnets by considering the sublattice dynamics subjected to a heat-driven spin torque. This points to the possibility of achieving spin torque oscillator behavior. The model is based on the magnetic Seebeck effect acting on sublattices which are exchange coupled. The heat-driven spin torque is estimated and the feasibility of detecting this effect is discussed.


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    César Augusto Guimarães Finger


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foi estudada a forma do tronco de Pinus elliottii Engelm, para formação de sortimentos e confecção de tabelas para uso na região da Serra do Sudeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A forma do tronco foi ajustada com boa precisão estatística por um polinômio de 5º grau, tendo como variáveis dependentes os diâmetros relativos (di/d e como variáveis independentes as alturas relativas (hi/h. A integração do polinômio permitiu estimar os volumes absolutos e relativos dos sortimentos, sendo estes classificados e expressos em percentagem do volume e em número de toras correspondentes. Para isso, foi considerado, para quantificar o volume total aproveitável da árvore, o diâmetro mínimo de 7 cm com casca e para o volume de toras para a serraria, o diâmetro de 14 cm com casca, ambos tomados na ponta fina da tora. Esses resultados deram origem a tabelas de sortimentos otimizadas para árvores individuais.

  16. Tailoring spin-orbit torque in diluted magnetic semiconductors

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang; Wang, Xuhui; Doǧan, Fatih; Manchon, Aurelien


    We study the spin orbit torque arising from an intrinsic linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in a single layer III-V diluted magnetic semiconductor. We investigate the transport properties and spin torque using the linear response theory, and we report here: (1) a strong correlation exists between the angular dependence of the torque and the anisotropy of the Fermi surface; (2) the spin orbit torque depends nonlinearly on the exchange coupling. Our findings suggest the possibility to tailor the spin orbit torque magnitude and angular dependence by structural design.

  17. Tailoring spin-orbit torque in diluted magnetic semiconductors

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang


    We study the spin orbit torque arising from an intrinsic linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in a single layer III-V diluted magnetic semiconductor. We investigate the transport properties and spin torque using the linear response theory, and we report here: (1) a strong correlation exists between the angular dependence of the torque and the anisotropy of the Fermi surface; (2) the spin orbit torque depends nonlinearly on the exchange coupling. Our findings suggest the possibility to tailor the spin orbit torque magnitude and angular dependence by structural design.

  18. Influence of Closed Stator Slots on Cogging Torque

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ion, Trifu; Leban, Krisztina Monika; Ritchie, Ewen


    Cogging torque results due interaction of magnetic field of magnets and stator slots, and have negative effects on permanent magnet machines such as vibrations, noise, torque ripples and problems during turbine start-up and cut-in. In order to reduce cogging torque this paper presents a study...... of influence of closed stator slots on cogging torque using magnetic slot wedges....

  19. Sobre arquitetura da informação

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    Jaime Robredo


    Full Text Available As origens da expressão 'arquitetura da informação', mostram a contribuição de Wurman (ele mesmo arquiteto, que comprovadamente cunhou a expressão em 1979, como uma afortunada metáfora que desenvolveu posteriormente com uma abrangente visão sistêmica em suas obras Information Anxiety e Information Anxiety 2, publicadas respectivamente em 1989 e 2001, e traduzidas e publicadas no Brasil em 2001 e 2005. Destaca-se, finalmente, a apropriação da expressão 'arquitetura da informação' para aspectos relativos à interface usuário-sistema, nos sistemas de informação computadorizados e na Internet, por outros autores, com destaque para Morville e Rosenfeld, com sua obra de grande sucesso "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web" (3ª ed., 2000, os quais reconhecem que muito tem contribuído para o sucesso de suas idéias a própria experiência anterior no campo da ciência da informação. Cabe esperar que a interação e mútuo enriquecimento dessas diversas abordagens teóricas e práticas continuem e aumentem, provocando mudanças e aprimoramentos nos programas de pós-graduação em ciência da informação.

  20. Electrostatic sensor modeling for torque measurements (United States)

    Mika, Michał; Dannert, Mirjam; Mett, Felix; Weber, Harry; Mathis, Wolfgang; Nackenhorst, Udo


    Torque load measurements play an important part in various engineering applications, as for automotive industry, in which the drive torque of a motor has to be determined. A widely used measuring method are strain gauges. A thin flexible foil, which supports a metallic pattern, is glued to the surface of the object the torque is being applied to. In case of a deformation due to the torque load, the change in the electrical resistance is measured. With the combination of constitutive equations the applied torque load is determined by the change of electrical resistance. The creep of the glue and the foil material, together with the temperature and humidity dependence, may become an obstacle for some applications Kapralov and Fesenko (1984). Thus, there have been optical and magnetical, as well as capacitive sensors introduced). This paper discusses the general idea behind an electrostatic capacitive sensor based on a simple draft of an exemplary measurement setup. For better understanding an own electrostatical, geometrical and mechanical model of this setup has been developed.

  1. Electrostatic sensor modeling for torque measurements

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    M. Mika


    Full Text Available Torque load measurements play an important part in various engineering applications, as for automotive industry, in which the drive torque of a motor has to be determined. A widely used measuring method are strain gauges. A thin flexible foil, which supports a metallic pattern, is glued to the surface of the object the torque is being applied to. In case of a deformation due to the torque load, the change in the electrical resistance is measured. With the combination of constitutive equations the applied torque load is determined by the change of electrical resistance. The creep of the glue and the foil material, together with the temperature and humidity dependence, may become an obstacle for some applications Kapralov and Fesenko(1984. Thus, there have been optical and magnetical, as well as capacitive sensors introduced . This paper discusses the general idea behind an electrostatic capacitive sensor based on a simple draft of an exemplary measurement setup. For better understanding an own electrostatical, geometrical and mechanical model of this setup has been developed.

  2. Estudo da correlação hla em uma população e miastenia gravis brasileira

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    Elza Dias-Tosta


    Full Text Available Sabendo-se da miscigenação da população brasileira, o que a diferencia de caucasianos, amarelos ou negros americanos, os autores estudaram a correlação HLA e miastenia gravis em 37 pacientes e os compararam com o grupo controle estudado no mesmo laboratório, composto de 69 indivíduos normais. Foi encontrado um risco relativo (RR estatisticamente significante para HLA B8 em pacientes jovens do sexo feminino. Também alto foi o RR para B8 no grupo com hyperplasia tímica e de Al e B8, para o grupo da raça negra.

  3. Accuracy of mechanical torque-limiting devices for dental implants. (United States)

    L'Homme-Langlois, Emilie; Yilmaz, Burak; Chien, Hua-Hong; McGlumphy, Edwin


    A common complication in implant dentistry is unintentional implant screw loosening. The critical factor in the prevention of screw loosening is the delivery of the appropriate target torque value. Mechanical torque-limiting devices (MTLDs) are the most frequently recommended devices by the implant manufacturers to deliver the target torque value to the screw. Two types of MTLDs are available: friction-style and spring-style. Limited information is available regarding the influence of device type on the accuracy of MTLDs. The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the accuracy of spring-style and friction-style MTLDs. Five MTLDs from 6 different dental implant manufacturers (Astra Tech/Dentsply, Zimmer Dental, Biohorizons, Biomet 3i, Straumann [ITI], and Nobel Biocare) (n=5 per manufacturer) were selected to determine their accuracy in delivering target torque values preset by their manufacturers. All torque-limiting devices were new and there were 3 manufacturers for the friction-style and 3 manufacturers for the spring-style. The procedure of target torque measurement was performed 10 times for each device and a digital torque gauge (Chatillon Model DFS2-R-ND; Ametek) was used to record the measurements. Statistical analysis used nonparametric tests to determine the accuracy of the MTLDs in delivering target torque values and Bonferroni post hoc tests were used to assess pairwise comparisons. Median absolute difference between delivered torque values and target torque values of friction-style and spring-style MTLDs were not significantly different (P>.05). Accuracy of Astra Tech and Zimmer Dental friction-style torque-limiting devices were significantly different than Biohorizons torque-limiting devices (Ptorque value. Astra Tech and Zimmer Dental friction-style torque-limiting devices were significantly more accurate than Biohorizons (C) torque-limiting devices (Ptorque-limiting devices fell within ±10% of the target torque value preset by the

  4. Integral torque balance in tokamaks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pustovitov, V.D.


    The study is aimed at clarifying the balance between the sinks and sources in the problem of intrinsic plasma rotation in tokamaks reviewed recently by deGrassie (2009 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51 124047). The integral torque on the toroidal plasma is calculated analytically using the most general magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma model taking account of plasma anisotropy and viscosity. The contributions due to several mechanisms are separated and compared. It is shown that some of them, though, possibly, important in establishing the rotation velocity profile in the plasma, may give small input into the integral torque, but an important contribution can come from the magnetic field breaking the axial symmetry of the configuration. In tokamaks, this can be the error field, the toroidal field ripple or the magnetic perturbation created by the correction coils in the dedicated experiments. The estimates for the error-field-induced electromagnetic torque show that the amplitude of this torque is comparable to the typical values of torques introduced into the plasma by neutral beam injection. The obtained relations allow us to quantify the effect that can be produced by the existing correction coils in tokamaks on the plasma rotation, which can be used in experiments to study the origin and physics of intrinsic rotation in tokamaks. Several problems are proposed for theoretical studies and experimental tests.

  5. Sortimentos de Pinus elliottii Engelm para a região da Serra do Sudeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

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    Ronaldo Drescher


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foi estudada a forma do tronco de Pinus elliottii Engelm, para formação de sortimentos e confecção de tabelas para uso na região da Serra do Sudeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A forma do tronco foi ajustada com boa precisão estatística por um polinômio de 5º grau, tendo como variáveis dependentes os diâmetros relativos (di/d e como variáveis independentes as alturas relativas (hi/h. A integração do polinômio permitiu estimar os volumes absolutos e relativos dos sortimentos, sendo estes classificados e expressos em percentagem do volume e em número de toras correspondentes. Para isso, foi considerado, para quantificar o volume total aproveitável da árvore, o diâmetro mínimo de 7 cm com casca e para o volume de toras para a serraria, o diâmetro de 14 cm com casca, ambos tomados na ponta fina da tora. Esses resultados deram origem a tabelas de sortimentos otimizadas para árvores individuais.


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    Marian DUDZIAK


    Full Text Available The paper presents the operating characteristics of the worm agglomeration machine. The paper indicates the need for continuous monitoring of the value of the torque due to the efficiency of the machine. An original structure of torque meter which is built in the standard drive system of briquetting machine was presented. A number of benefits arising from the application of the proposed solution were presented. Exemplary measurement results obtained by means of this torque meter were presented.

  7. Improvements in remote equipment torquing and fastening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garin, J.


    Remote torquing and fastening is a requirement of generic interest for application in an environment not readily accessible to man. The developments over the last 30 years in torque-controlled equipment above 200 nm (150 ft/lb) have not been emphasized. The development of specialized subassemblies to torque and fasten equipment in a remotely controlled environment is an integral part of the Advanced Fuel Recycle Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Commercially available subassemblies have been adapted into a system that would provide remote torquing and fastening in the range of 200 to 750 nm (150 to 550 ft/lb). 9 figures

  8. Temperature dependence of spin-orbit torques in Cu-Au alloys

    KAUST Repository

    Wen, Yan; Wu, Jun; Li, Peng; Zhang, Qiang; Zhao, Yuelei; Manchon, Aurelien; Xiao, John Q.; Zhang, Xixiang


    We investigated current driven spin-orbit torques in Cu40Au60/Ni80Fe20/Ti layered structures with in-plane magnetization. We have demonstrated a reliable and convenient method to separate dampinglike torque and fieldlike torque by using the second harmonic technique. It is found that the dampinglike torque and fieldlike torque depend on temperature very differently. Dampinglike torque increases with temperature, while fieldlike torque decreases with temperature, which are different from results obtained previously in other material systems. We observed a nearly linear dependence between the spin Hall angle and longitudinal resistivity, suggesting that skew scattering may be the dominant mechanism of spin-orbit torques.

  9. Temperature dependence of spin-orbit torques in Cu-Au alloys

    KAUST Repository

    Wen, Yan


    We investigated current driven spin-orbit torques in Cu40Au60/Ni80Fe20/Ti layered structures with in-plane magnetization. We have demonstrated a reliable and convenient method to separate dampinglike torque and fieldlike torque by using the second harmonic technique. It is found that the dampinglike torque and fieldlike torque depend on temperature very differently. Dampinglike torque increases with temperature, while fieldlike torque decreases with temperature, which are different from results obtained previously in other material systems. We observed a nearly linear dependence between the spin Hall angle and longitudinal resistivity, suggesting that skew scattering may be the dominant mechanism of spin-orbit torques.

  10. Spin-torque generation in topological insulator based heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Fischer, Mark H.


    Heterostructures utilizing topological insulators exhibit a remarkable spin-torque efficiency. However, the exact origin of the strong torque, in particular whether it stems from the spin-momentum locking of the topological surface states or rather from spin-Hall physics of the topological-insulator bulk, remains unclear. Here, we explore a mechanism of spin-torque generation purely based on the topological surface states. We consider topological-insulator-based bilayers involving ferromagnetic metal (TI/FM) and magnetically doped topological insulators (TI/mdTI), respectively. By ascribing the key theoretical differences between the two setups to location and number of active surface states, we describe both setups within the same framework of spin diffusion of the nonequilibrium spin density of the topological surface states. For the TI/FM bilayer, we find large spin-torque efficiencies of roughly equal magnitude for both in-plane and out-of-plane spin torques. For the TI/mdTI bilayer, we elucidate the dominance of the spin-transfer-like torque. However, we cannot explain the orders of magnitude enhancement reported. Nevertheless, our model gives an intuitive picture of spin-torque generation in topological-insulator-based bilayers and provides theoretical constraints on spin-torque generation due to topological surface states.

  11. Current-induced torques and interfacial spin-orbit coupling

    KAUST Repository

    Haney, Paul M.; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Lee, Kyung-Jin; Manchon, Aurelien; Stiles, M. D.


    In bilayer systems consisting of an ultrathin ferromagnetic layer adjacent to a metal with strong spin-orbit coupling, an applied in-plane current induces torques on the magnetization. The torques that arise from spin-orbit coupling are of particular interest. Here we use first-principles methods to calculate the current-induced torque in a Pt-Co bilayer to help determine the underlying mechanism. We focus exclusively on the analog to the Rashba torque, and do not consider the spin Hall effect. The details of the torque depend strongly on the layer thicknesses and the interface structure, providing an explanation for the wide variation in results found by different groups. The torque depends on the magnetization direction in a way similar to that found for a simple Rashba model. Artificially turning off the exchange spin splitting and separately the spin-orbit coupling potential in the Pt shows that the primary source of the “fieldlike” torque is a proximate spin-orbit effect on the Co layer induced by the strong spin-orbit coupling in the Pt.

  12. Detecting Casimir torque with an optically levitated nanorod (United States)

    Xu, Zhujing; Li, Tongcang


    The linear momentum and angular momentum of virtual photons of quantum vacuum fluctuations can induce the Casimir force and the Casimir torque, respectively. While the Casimir force has been measured extensively, the Casimir torque has not been observed experimentally though it was predicted over 40 years ago. Here we propose to detect the Casimir torque with an optically levitated nanorod near a birefringent plate in vacuum. The axis of the nanorod tends to align with the polarization direction of the linearly polarized optical tweezer. When its axis is not parallel or perpendicular to the optical axis of the birefringent crystal, it will experience a Casimir torque that shifts its orientation slightly. We calculate the Casimir torque and Casimir force acting on a levitated nanorod near a birefringent crystal. We also investigate the effects of thermal noise and photon recoils on the torque and force detection. We prove that a levitated nanorod in vacuum will be capable of detecting the Casimir torque under realistic conditions, and will be an important tool in precision measurements.

  13. Reducing torque ripples in permanent magnet synchronous motor

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    Rihab Abdelmoula


    Full Text Available Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs are exceptionally promising thanks to their many advantages compared with other types of electrical machines. Indeed, PMSMs are characterized by their important torque density, light weight, high air gap flux density, high acceleration, high efficiency and strong power-to-weight ratio. A surface-mounted PMSM (SPMSM is used in this work. The SPMSM is built using a 2D finite element method (FEM. Cogging torque, torque ripples and back-EMF are examined during the design process in order to obtain sinusoidal back-EMF and to minimise torque ripples which are one of the major problems with PMSMs. Two procedures are used to reduce the cogging torque of SPMSM: the effect of slot opening and the influence of skewing the stator laminations. Cogging torque factor tc and the torque ripples factor tr have been calculated to compare the two configurations (open slots and closed slots. Then, the configuration with closed slots is utilised with skewing the stator laminations for different angle 0°, 10° and 15°.

  14. Current-induced torques and interfacial spin-orbit coupling

    KAUST Repository

    Haney, Paul M.


    In bilayer systems consisting of an ultrathin ferromagnetic layer adjacent to a metal with strong spin-orbit coupling, an applied in-plane current induces torques on the magnetization. The torques that arise from spin-orbit coupling are of particular interest. Here we use first-principles methods to calculate the current-induced torque in a Pt-Co bilayer to help determine the underlying mechanism. We focus exclusively on the analog to the Rashba torque, and do not consider the spin Hall effect. The details of the torque depend strongly on the layer thicknesses and the interface structure, providing an explanation for the wide variation in results found by different groups. The torque depends on the magnetization direction in a way similar to that found for a simple Rashba model. Artificially turning off the exchange spin splitting and separately the spin-orbit coupling potential in the Pt shows that the primary source of the “fieldlike” torque is a proximate spin-orbit effect on the Co layer induced by the strong spin-orbit coupling in the Pt.

  15. Estimating Torque Imparted on Spacecraft Using Telemetry (United States)

    Lee, Allan Y.; Wang, Eric K.; Macala, Glenn A.


    There have been a number of missions with spacecraft flying by planetary moons with atmospheres; there will be future missions with similar flybys. When a spacecraft such as Cassini flies by a moon with an atmosphere, the spacecraft will experience an atmospheric torque. This torque could be used to determine the density of the atmosphere. This is because the relation between the atmospheric torque vector and the atmosphere density could be established analytically using the mass properties of the spacecraft, known drag coefficient of objects in free-molecular flow, and the spacecraft velocity relative to the moon. The density estimated in this way could be used to check results measured by science instruments. Since the proposed methodology could estimate disturbance torque as small as 0.02 N-m, it could also be used to estimate disturbance torque imparted on the spacecraft during high-altitude flybys.

  16. Bertrand Russell: pacifismo político relativo

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    Francisco A. Laca-Arocena


    Full Text Available Siguiendo la biografía de Bertrand Russell (1872-1970, lógico matemático, filósofo, premio Nobel de Literatura 1950 y militante pacifista a lo largo de gran parte del conflictivo siglo XX, se analiza el doble conflicto que afronta un pacifista: de desobediencia civil a un gobierno que ha declarado una guerra y de relativa marginación social con una opinión pública cuando ésta es mayoritariamente favorable a esa guerra. Tras un breve análisis del pacifismo contrastándolo con una doble tradición en el pensamiento político anglosajón, el utilitarismo y la teoría del contrato social, se incide en la distinción personal de Russell entre guerras ¿de prestigio¿ y ¿de valores¿. Fue pacifista en la Primera Guerra Mundial considerándola una guerra de prestigio, pero fue partidario de oponerse al nazismo en la Segunda Guerra entendiendo que se trataba de un combate de valores. Volvería a un activismo pacifista en su oposición a la guerra de Vietnam. Estas diferentes posiciones ante la guerra en relación con lo que en cada caso esté en juego, se conoce como ¿pacifismo político relativo¿, cuyo representante más genuino fue el propio Russell.

  17. Robust spin transfer torque in antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Saidaoui, Hamed Ben Mohamed


    We theoretically study the current-induced spin torque in antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions, composed of two semi-infinite antiferromagnetic layers separated by a tunnel barrier, in both clean and disordered regimes. We find that the torque enabling electrical manipulation of the Néel antiferromagnetic order parameter is out of plane, ∼n×p, while the torque competing with the antiferromagnetic exchange is in plane, ∼n×(p×n). Here, p and n are the Néel order parameter direction of the reference and free layers, respectively. Their bias dependence shows behavior similar to that in ferromagnetic tunnel junctions, the in-plane torque being mostly linear in bias, while the out-of-plane torque is quadratic. Most importantly, we find that the spin transfer torque in antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions is much more robust against disorder than that in antiferromagnetic metallic spin valves due to the tunneling nature of spin transport.

  18. Torque control for electric motors (United States)

    Bernard, C. A.


    Method for adjusting electric-motor torque output to accomodate various loads utilizes phase-lock loop to control relay connected to starting circuit. As load is imposed, motor slows down, and phase lock is lost. Phase-lock signal triggers relay to power starting coil and generate additional torque. Once phase lock is recoverd, relay restores starting circuit to its normal operating mode.

  19. Bevel gear driver and method having torque limit selection (United States)

    Cook, Joseph S., Jr.


    This invention comprises a torque drive mechanism utilizing axially translatable, mutually engageable transmission members having mating crown gears, driven and driving members with a three-element drive train being biased together by resilient means or by a fluid actuator system, the apparatus being operable to transmit a precisely controlled degree of torque to a driven member. The apparatus is applicable for use in hand tools and as a replacement for impact torque drivers, torque wrenches, motorized screw drivers, or the like, wherein the applied torque must be precisely controlled or limited. The bevel torque drive includes a drive gear which is axially displaceable and rotatable within cylindrical driver housing, a rotatable intermediate gear, and an output gear. Key rotationally secures displaceable gear with respect to input shaft but permits axial movement therebetween. A thrust bearing is preferably connected to the lower end of shaft for support to reduce play and friction between shaft and a transmission joint disc during rotation of the gear train. Coaxially mounted coiled spring is footed against displaceable gear for biasing the displaceable gear toward and into engagement with the intermediate gear for driving intermediate gear and output gear. Torque control is achieved by the use of straight or spiral beveled gears which are of configurations adapted to withdraw from mutual engagement upon the torque exceeding a predetermined limit. The novel, advantageous features of the invention include the configuration of the mating, crown gear sets and the axially translatable, slidable drive gear. The mechanism is capable of transmitting a high degree of torque within a narrow, compact transmission housing. The compact size and narrow, elongated configuration of the housing is particularly applicable for use in hand tools and in multiple torque driver mechanisms in which it is necessary to drive multiple fasteners which are located in close proximity. Prior

  20. Torque Measurement at the Single Molecule Level (United States)

    Forth, Scott; Sheinin, Maxim Y.; Inman, James; Wang, Michelle D.


    Methods for exerting and measuring forces on single molecules have revolutionized the study of the physics of biology. However, it is often the case that biological processes involve rotation or torque generation, and these parameters have been more difficult to access experimentally. Recent advances in the single molecule field have led to the development of techniques which add the capability of torque measurement. By combining force, displacement, torque, and rotational data, a more comprehensive description of the mechanics of a biomolecule can be achieved. In this review, we highlight a number of biological processes for which torque plays a key mechanical role. We describe the various techniques that have been developed to directly probe the torque experienced by a single molecule, and detail a variety of measurements made to date using these new technologies. We conclude by discussing a number of open questions and propose systems of study which would be well suited for analysis with torsional measurement techniques. PMID:23541162

  1. Angular dependence of spin-orbit spin-transfer torques

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Ki-Seung


    In ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, an in-plane current gives rise to spin-orbit spin-transfer torque, which is usually decomposed into fieldlike and dampinglike torques. For two-dimensional free-electron and tight-binding models with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the fieldlike torque acquires nontrivial dependence on the magnetization direction when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling becomes comparable to the exchange interaction. This nontrivial angular dependence of the fieldlike torque is related to the Fermi surface distortion, determined by the ratio of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling to the exchange interaction. On the other hand, the dampinglike torque acquires nontrivial angular dependence when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling is comparable to or stronger than the exchange interaction. It is related to the combined effects of the Fermi surface distortion and the Fermi sea contribution. The angular dependence is consistent with experimental observations and can be important to understand magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit spin-transfer torques.

  2. Angular dependence of spin-orbit spin-transfer torques

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, Ki-Seung; Go, Dongwook; Manchon, Aurelien; Haney, Paul M.; Stiles, M. D.; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Lee, Kyung-Jin


    In ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, an in-plane current gives rise to spin-orbit spin-transfer torque, which is usually decomposed into fieldlike and dampinglike torques. For two-dimensional free-electron and tight-binding models with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the fieldlike torque acquires nontrivial dependence on the magnetization direction when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling becomes comparable to the exchange interaction. This nontrivial angular dependence of the fieldlike torque is related to the Fermi surface distortion, determined by the ratio of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling to the exchange interaction. On the other hand, the dampinglike torque acquires nontrivial angular dependence when the Rashba spin-orbit coupling is comparable to or stronger than the exchange interaction. It is related to the combined effects of the Fermi surface distortion and the Fermi sea contribution. The angular dependence is consistent with experimental observations and can be important to understand magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit spin-transfer torques.

  3. Arquivos Públicos Brasileiros: Análise da evolução da transferência da informação arquivística na internet

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    Anna Carla Almeida Mariz


    Full Text Available Estudo da evolução da inserção das Instituições Arquivísticas Públicas Brasileiras na internet e dos processos de transferência da informação arquivística nessa rede. A primeira etapa da pesquisa, em 2004, teve como marco empírico o universo existente dos sites de Instituições Arquivísticas Públicas Brasileiras. Na segunda fase, em 2009, foi atualizado o universo para análise e investigados os sites, tendo como parâmetros os mesmos critérios da etapa anterior: serviços que disponibilizam, nível de relacionamento com o usuário, que tipo de consulta pode ser feita ao acervo e elementos relativos aos conteúdos, desenho e estrutura dos sites. A importância deste estudo comparativo está em verificar as mudanças que ocorreram neste intervalo, se houve crescimento, avanços e quais foram. O site de uma instituição arquivística oferece serviços já existentes no local, total ou parcialmente, além de sugerir novas possibilidades às instituições arquivísticas. Este espaço informacional exige ações voltadas para atender às demandas produzidas pelos usuários da rede. A inserção dos acervos arquivísticos na Internet implica em novos desafios na gestão desta informação.

  4. Parâmetros quantitativos da anatomia da madeira de eucalípto que cresceu em diferentes locais

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    José Geraldo Lima de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Sabe-se da existência de influência do local de crescimento nas propriedades da madeira e que estas são influenciadas principalmente pela sua estrutura anatômica. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros quantitativos da estrutura anatômica da madeira de eucalipto de um clone de híbrido natural de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex-Maiden, ocorrentes na localidade de Rio Claro-SP, com 64 meses de idade. As 138 árvores foram cultivadas nos os municípios de Aracruz, Domingos Martins, Alto Rio Novo e São Mateus - ES e Mutum e Aimorés - MG. Os parâmetros anatômicos mensurados foram o diâmetro e a frequência vascular, o comprimento, a largura, o diâmetro do lume e a espessura da parede das fibras e ainda a altura, largura e frequência de raios. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que relativo aos vasos houve diferenças significativas entre as regiões. Quanto aos raios, também foram verificadas diferenças significativas relativas à altura, largura e frequência diversas regiões. As madeiras produzidas na região de Aracruz possuem fibras de comprimento e espessura de paredes muito inferiores às produzidas nas demais regiões estudadas.

  5. A New Circuit Model for Spin-Torque Oscillator Including Perpendicular Torque of Magnetic Tunnel Junction

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    Hyein Lim


    Full Text Available Spin-torque oscillator (STO is a promising new technology for the future RF oscillators, which is based on the spin-transfer torque (STT effect in magnetic multilayered nanostructure. It is expected to provide a larger tunability, smaller size, lower power consumption, and higher level of integration than the semiconductor-based oscillators. In our previous work, a circuit-level model of the giant magnetoresistance (GMR STO was proposed. In this paper, we present a physics-based circuit-level model of the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ-based STO. MTJ-STO model includes the effect of perpendicular torque that has been ignored in the GMR-STO model. The variations of three major characteristics, generation frequency, mean oscillation power, and generation linewidth of an MTJ-STO with respect to the amount of perpendicular torque, are investigated, and the results are applied to our model. The operation of the model was verified by HSPICE simulation, and the results show an excellent agreement with the experimental data. The results also prove that a full circuit-level simulation with MJT-STO devices can be made with our proposed model.

  6. 40 CFR 91.306 - Dynamometer torque cell calibration. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Dynamometer torque cell calibration... Provisions § 91.306 Dynamometer torque cell calibration. (a)(1) Any lever arm used to convert a weight or a force through a distance into a torque must be used in a horizontal position for horizontal shaft...

  7. 40 CFR 90.306 - Dynamometer torque cell calibration. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Dynamometer torque cell calibration... Emission Test Equipment Provisions § 90.306 Dynamometer torque cell calibration. (a)(1) Any lever arm used to convert a weight or a force through a distance into a torque must be used in a horizontal position...

  8. A caracterização do risco sanitário nos processos administrativos da vigilância sanitária

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    Max Rogério Alves


    Full Text Available Estudo da caracterização do risco sanitário (avaliação e gerenciamento de risco nos processos administrativos da vigilância sanitária, a partir de um estudo de caso relativo ao controle sanitário de portos, aeroportos e fronteiras. A análise de decisões tomadas no âmbito de processos sanitários permitiu evidenciar que o grau de risco é superficialmente tratado neles, inferindo-se que a caracterização do risco nos referidos processos aproxima-se mais da aplicação do senso comum do que de uma abordagem científica.

  9. Analysis of a non-contact magnetoelastic torque transducer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreescu, R.; Spellman, B.; Furlani, E.P.


    Results are presented for the performance of a magnetoelastic torque transducer that converts a torque-induced strain in a non-magnetic shaft into changes in a measurable magnetic field. The magnetic field is generated by a thin magnetostrictive layer that is coated onto the circumference of the shaft. The layer is magnetized and has an initial residual strain. The magnetization within the layer rotates in response to changes in the strain which occur when the shaft is torqued. The magnetic field produced by the layer changes with the magnetization and this can be sensed by a magnetometer to monitor the torque on the shaft. In this paper, a phenomenological theory is developed for predicting the performance of the transducer. The theory can be used to predict the magnetic field distribution of the transducer as a function of the physical properties of the magnetic coating, its residual strain, and the applied torque. It enables rapid parametric analysis of transducer performance, which is useful for the development and optimization of novel non-contact torque sensors

  10. Improvement of the Torque-Speed Performance and Drive Efficiency in an SRM Using an Optimal Torque Sharing Function

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    Wei Ye


    Full Text Available In this paper, by evaluating the extreme value of the qth-power current, a torque sharing function (TSF family for reducing the torque ripples in the switched reluctance motor (SRM is proposed. The optimization criteria of the TSF has two secondary objectives, including the maximization of the torque-speed range and the minimization of copper loss. The evaluation indices in terms of the peak phase current, the rms (root mean square phase current, and the torque ripple factor are compared between the proposed TSF family and four conventional TSFs including linear, sinusoidal, exponential, and cubic TSFs. An optimization objective function that combines the maximum absolute value of the rate-of-change of the flux linkage (MAV-RCFL and the qth-power of current is proposed and a weighting factor is used to balance the influence of the two optimization objectives. An optimal TSF can be easily obtained by solving the optimization problem from the TSF family. The proposed TSF is validated by using simulations and experiments with a three-phase 6/4 SRM with 7.5 kW, 3000 rpm, and 270 V DC-link voltage. The dynamic simulation model is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. The results demonstrate the validity and superiority of the proposed control method; the optimal TSF provides better torque-speed performance, and a better reduction in copper loss and torque ripples at high speed, as compared to conventional TSFs.

  11. Multi-digit maximum voluntary torque production on a circular object (United States)



    Individual digit-tip forces and moments during torque production on a mechanically fixed circular object were studied. During the experiments, subjects positioned each digit on a 6-dimensional force/moment sensor attached to a circular handle and produced a maximum voluntary torque on the handle. The torque direction and the orientation of the torque axis were varied. From this study, it is concluded that: (1) the maximum torque in the closing (clockwise) direction was larger than in the opening (counter clockwise) direction; (2) the thumb and little finger had the largest and the smallest share of both total normal force and total moment, respectively; (3) the sharing of total moment between individual digits was not affected by the orientation of the torque axis or by the torque direction, while the sharing of total normal force between the individual digit varied with torque direction; (4) the normal force safety margins were largest and smallest in the thumb and little finger, respectively. PMID:17454086

  12. Comparison of different passive knee extension torque-angle assessments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freitas, Sandro R; Vaz, João R; Bruno, Paula M; Valamatos, Maria J; Mil-Homens, Pedro


    Previous studies have used isokinetic dynamometry to assess joint torques and angles during passive extension of the knee, often without reporting upon methodological errors and reliability outcomes. In addition, the reliability of the techniques used to measure passive knee extension torque-angle and the extent to which reliability may be affected by the position of the subjects is also unclear. Therefore, we conducted an analysis of the intra- and inter-session reliability of two methods of assessing passive knee extension: (A) a 2D kinematic analysis coupled to a custom-made device that enabled the direct measurement of resistance to stretch and (B) an isokinetic dynamometer used in two testing positions (with the non-tested thigh either flexed at 45° or in the neutral position). The intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) of torque, the slope of the torque-angle curve, and the parameters of the mathematical model that were fit to the torque-angle data for the above conditions were measured in sixteen healthy male subjects (age: 21.4 ± 2.1 yr; BMI: 22.6 ± 3.3 kg m −2 ; tibial length: 37.4 ± 3.4 cm). The results found were: (1) methods A and B led to distinctly different torque-angle responses; (2) passive torque-angle relationship and stretch tolerance were influenced by the position of the non-tested thigh; and (3) ICCs obtained for torque were higher than for the slope and for the mathematical parameters that were fit to the torque-angle curve. In conclusion, the measurement method that is used and the positioning of subjects can influence the passive knee extension torque-angle outcome. (paper)

  13. Spin-Stabilized Spacecrafts: Analytical Attitude Propagation Using Magnetic Torques

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    Roberta Veloso Garcia


    Full Text Available An analytical approach for spin-stabilized satellites attitude propagation is presented, considering the influence of the residual magnetic torque and eddy currents torque. It is assumed two approaches to examine the influence of external torques acting during the motion of the satellite, with the Earth's magnetic field described by the quadripole model. In the first approach is included only the residual magnetic torque in the motion equations, with the satellites in circular or elliptical orbit. In the second approach only the eddy currents torque is analyzed, with the satellite in circular orbit. The inclusion of these torques on the dynamic equations of spin stabilized satellites yields the conditions to derive an analytical solution. The solutions show that residual torque does not affect the spin velocity magnitude, contributing only for the precession and the drift of the spacecraft's spin axis and the eddy currents torque causes an exponential decay of the angular velocity magnitude. Numerical simulations performed with data of the Brazilian Satellites (SCD1 and SCD2 show the period that analytical solution can be used to the attitude propagation, within the dispersion range of the attitude determination system performance of Satellite Control Center of Brazil National Research Institute.

  14. PREFACE: The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2014 (TORQUE 2014) (United States)

    Mann, Jakob; Bak, Christian; Bechmann, Andreas; Bingöl, Ferhat; Dellwik, Ebba; Dimitrov, Nikolay; Giebel, Gregor; Hansen, Martin O. L.; Jensen, Dorte Juul; Larsen, Gunner; Aagaard Madsen, Helge; Natarajan, Anand; Rathmann, Ole; Sathe, Ameya; Nørkær Sørensen, Jens; Nørkær Sørensen, Niels


    The 186 papers in this volume constitute the proceedings of the fifth Science of Making Torque from Wind conference, which is organized by the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE, The conference, also called Torque 2014, is held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 17-20 June 2014. The EAWE conference series started in 2004 in Delft, the Netherlands. In 2007 it was held in Copenhagen, in 2010 in Heraklion, Greece, and then in 2012 in Oldenburg, Germany. The global yearly production of electrical energy by wind turbines has grown approximately by 25% annually over the last couple of decades and covers now 2-3% of the global electrical power consumption. In order to make a significant impact on one of the large challenges of our time, namely global warming, the growth has to continue for a decade or two yet. This in turn requires research and education in wind turbine aerodynamics and wind resources, the two topics which are the main subjects of this conference. Similar to the growth in electrical power production by wind is the growth in scientific papers about wind energy. Over the last decade the number of papers has also grown by about 25% annually, and many research based companies all over the world are founded. Hence, the wind energy research community is rapidly expanding and the Torque conference series offers a good opportunity to meet and exchange ideas. We hope that the Torque 2014 will heighten the quality of the wind energy research, while the participants will enjoy each others company in Copenhagen. Many people have been involved in producing the Torque 2014 proceedings. The work by more than two hundred reviewers ensuring the quality of the papers is greatly appreciated. The timely evaluation and coordination of the reviews would not have been possible without the work of sixteen ''section editors'' all from DTU Wind Energy: Christian Bak, Andreas Bechmann, Ferhat Bingöl, Ebba Dellwik, Nikolay Dimitrov, Gregor Giebel, Martin

  15. Study on Monitoring Rock Burst through Drill Pipe Torque

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    Zhonghua Li


    Full Text Available This paper presents a new method to identify the danger of rock burst from the response of drill pipe torque during drilling process to overcome many defects of the conventional volume of drilled coal rubble method. It is based on the relationship of rock burst with coal stress and coal strength. Through theoretic analysis, the change mechanism of drill pipe torque and the relationship of drill pipe torque with coal stress, coal strength, and drilling speed are investigated. In light of the analysis, a new device for testing drill pipe torque is developed and a series of experiments is performed under different conditions; the results show that drill pipe torque linearly increases with the increase of coal stress and coal strength; the faster the drilling speed, the larger the drill pipe torque, and vice versa. When monitoring rock burst by drill pipe torque method, the index of rock burst is regarded as a function in which coal stress index and coal strength index are principal variables. The results are important for the forecast of rock burst in coal mine.


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    Full Text Available Summary. Problem statement. Until now slide bearings are used widely in engineering. But the calculation is made on obsolete method that is based on undetermined parameters such as wear of the bearing shell. It is accepted in the literature that if the shaft and liner material are homogeneous, the workpiece surface are cylindrical as they wear and contact between them occurs at all points contact arc. Research objective. The purpose of this study is determine a friction torque in the slide bearings of power-basis parameters. Conclusions. Since the friction is primarily responsible for wear of cinematic pairs “pin – liner” and “pivot – liner” slide bearings. It is shown that the friction torquesof angles wrap, that are obtained by the formulas and given in literature, are not only qualitatively but also quantitatively, namely, the calculation by literature to the formulas the friction torques are proportional to the angle wrap and the calculation by improved formulas the friction torques are inversely proportional to the angle wrap due to the reduction the normal pressure. Underreporting friction torque at large angle wrap is between 40 and 15 %. The difference in the magnitude of friction torque in the run-in and run-out cinematic pairs with real method of machining is 2...3 %, which it is possible to declare of reducing the finish of contacting surface of slide bearings.

  17. Magnon-mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya torque in homogeneous ferromagnets

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    In thin magnetic layers with structural inversion asymmetry and spin-orbit coupling, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction arises at the interface. When a spin-wave current jm flows in a system with a homogeneous magnetization m, this interaction produces an effective fieldlike torque of the form TFLm×(z×jm) as well as a dampinglike torque, TDLm×[(z×jm)×m], the latter only in the presence of spin-wave relaxation (z is normal to the interface). These torques mediated by the magnon flow can reorient the time-averaged magnetization direction and display a number of similarities with the torques arising from the electron flow in a magnetic two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. This magnon-mediated spin-orbit torque can be efficient in the case of magnons driven by a thermal gradient.

  18. Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem ao idoso, portador de insuficiência renal crônica, hospitalizado


    Santos, Reginaldo Passoni dos; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-SP). Departamento de Enfermagem.; Rocha, Daniele Lais Brandalize; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-SP). Departamento de Enfermagem.


    O presente artigo relata a experiência de acadêmicos de enfermagem no processo de elaboração do plano de cuidados à saúde do idoso, portador de Insuficiência Renal Crônica, hospitalizado. A elaboração do planejamento da assistência buscou abarcar o cuidado ao sujeito na sua integralidade. A vivência acadêmica, junto à realidade profissional, fortalecem a habilidade para a aplicação prática do aprendizado teórico relativo às metodologias da assistência de enfermagem. This paper reports the ...

  19. O modelo assistencial em saúde mental no Brasil: a trajetória da construção política de 1990 a 2004


    Borges,Camila Furlanetti; Baptista,Tatiana Wargas de Faria


    O artigo analisa as condições da construção da política nacional de saúde mental no Brasil no período de 1990 a 2004 com o objetivo de identificar as linhas de atuação priorizadas em cada momento da política. Realiza revisão e análise dos documentos normativos (Portarias) e outros documentos oficiais expedidos pelo Ministério da Saúde relativos à política de saúde mental, formulados a partir de 1990. O estudo pressupõe que esses documentos oferecem subsídios para a compreensão do modelo assis...

  20. Interaction torque contributes to planar reaching at slow speed

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    Hoshi Fumihiko


    Full Text Available Abstract Background How the central nervous system (CNS organizes the joint dynamics for multi-joint movement is a complex problem, because of the passive interaction among segmental movements. Previous studies have demonstrated that the CNS predictively compensates for interaction torque (INT which is arising from the movement of the adjacent joints. However, most of these studies have mainly examined quick movements, presumably because the current belief is that the effects of INT are not significant at slow speeds. The functional contribution of INT for multijoint movements performed in various speeds is still unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of INT to a planer reaching in a wide range of motion speeds for healthy subjects. Methods Subjects performed reaching movements toward five targets under three different speed conditions. Joint position data were recorded using a 3-D motion analysis device (50 Hz. Torque components, muscle torque (MUS, interaction torque (INT, gravity torque (G, and net torque (NET were calculated by solving the dynamic equations for the shoulder and elbow. NET at a joint which produces the joint kinematics will be an algebraic sum of torque components; NET = MUS - G - INT. Dynamic muscle torque (DMUS = MUS-G was also calculated. Contributions of INT impulse and DMUS impulse to NET impulse were examined. Results The relative contribution of INT to NET was not dependent on speed for both joints at every target. INT was additive (same direction to DMUS at the shoulder joint, while in the elbow DMUS counteracted (opposed to INT. The trajectory of reach was linear and two-joint movements were coordinated with a specific combination at each target, regardless of motion speed. However, DMUS at the elbow was opposed to the direction of elbow movement, and its magnitude varied from trial to trial in order to compensate for the variability of INT. Conclusion Interaction torque was important at

  1. Aquisição da linguagem e habilidades cognitivas superiores: o papel da língua no desenvolvimento da cognição numérica

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    Mercedes Marcilese


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar o possível papel da posse de uma língua natural na configuração de uma cognição numérica sofisticada, distintiva da espécie humana. O trabalho fornece uma introdução a uma das principais perspectivas teóricas da atualidade no que tange à conformação da cognição humana, a chamada hipótese dos sistemas nucleares (SPELKE et al., 1992; SPELKE; Kinzler, 2007, assim como também um panorama completo e atualizado de estudos relativos à cognição numérica, incluindo resultados de uma pesquisa recente conduzida no Brasil. Assume-se aqui que a língua seria responsável pela combinação das representações fornecidas por dois sistemas básicos para o processamento da numerosidade. Um desses sistemas representaria quantidades aproximadas, enquanto o outro seria responsável pela representação de numerosidades pequenas, processadas a partir da identificação em paralelo dos indivíduos. É defendida a ideia de que - no que se refere ao desenvolvimento do conceito de número, mas também de uma forma mais geral - a língua teria uma especial relevância na integração de informações, colaborando na expansão do alcance dos conceitos da criança ao possibilitar a combinação de itens do léxico associados a diferentes tipos de representações não verbais.

  2. Current-induced Rashba spin orbit torque in silicene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Ji, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Peng, Yingzi [Department of Physics, School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Center for Integrated Spintronic Devices, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China); Zhou, Jie [Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 (China)


    Highlights: • The spin dynamics of a ferromagnetic layer coupled to a silicene is investigated. • The Rashba spin orbit torque is obtained and the well-known LLG equation is modified. • The explicit forms of spin orbit torques in Domain Wall and vortex is also obtained. - Abstract: We study theoretically the spin torque of a ferromagnetic layer coupled to a silicene in the presence of the intrinsic Rashba spin orbit coupling (RSOC) effect. By using gauge field method, we find that under the applied current, the RSOC can induce an effective field which will result in the spin precession of conduction electron without applying any magnetic field. We also derive the spin torques due to the RSOC, which generalize the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. The spin torques are related to the applied current, the carrier density and Rashba strength of the system.

  3. Algumas características morfológicas segmentares da parede da aorta de galo doméstico (Gallus domesticus

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    Josiane Medeiros de Mello


    Full Text Available A estrutura segmentar da parede aórtica foi estudada em galo doméstico, em níveis torácico e abdominal, nas dimensões de microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Secções histológicas selecionadas foram submetidas a estudos histomorfométricos usando métodos de análises de imagens. As variáveis analisadas foram as espessuras das túnicas da parede aórtica em três segmentos investigados, compreendendo as porções ascendente torácica; descendente torácica e abdominal, bem como os diâmetros tubulares, em cada porção, e o número médio de lamelas elásticas na túnica média de cada segmento analisado. A parede aórtica do galo doméstico apresenta estrutura predominantemente elástica nas porções torácicas, cujo número relativo de lamelas elásticas decresce gradualmente para a parte abdominal da aorta, onde células musculares lisas predominam. Os diâmetros aórticos decrescem também gradualmente, e progressivamente, da porção torácica ascendente para a porção torácica descendente, e desta para a porção abdominal da aorta.

  4. Manipulating the voltage dependence of tunneling spin torques

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    Voltage-driven spin transfer torques in magnetic tunnel junctions provide an outstanding tool to design advanced spin-based devices for memory and reprogrammable logic applications. The non-linear voltage dependence of the torque has a direct impact on current-driven magnetization dynamics and on devices performances. After a brief overview of the progress made to date in the theoretical description of the spin torque in tunnel junctions, I present different ways to alter and control the bias dependence of both components of the spin torque. Engineering the junction (barrier and electrodes) structural asymmetries or controlling the spin accumulation profile in the free layer offer promising tools to design effcient spin devices.

  5. Maximum Torque and Momentum Envelopes for Reaction Wheel Arrays (United States)

    Markley, F. Landis; Reynolds, Reid G.; Liu, Frank X.; Lebsock, Kenneth L.


    Spacecraft reaction wheel maneuvers are limited by the maximum torque and/or angular momentum that the wheels can provide. For an n-wheel configuration, the torque or momentum envelope can be obtained by projecting the n-dimensional hypercube, representing the domain boundary of individual wheel torques or momenta, into three dimensional space via the 3xn matrix of wheel axes. In this paper, the properties of the projected hypercube are discussed, and algorithms are proposed for determining this maximal torque or momentum envelope for general wheel configurations. Practical strategies for distributing a prescribed torque or momentum among the n wheels are presented, with special emphasis on configurations of four, five, and six wheels.

  6. "Paladinos da liberdade": A experiência do Clube Negro de Cultura Social em São Paulo (1932-1938

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    Petrônio Domingues


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse artigo é romper com o relativo silêncio historiográfico que envolve a luta organizada do negro no combate ao racismo neste país, em particular, nas primeiras décadas do período republicano. Por isso, resolvemos oferecer subsídios para se fazer, pioneiramente, um resgate histórico da entidade Clube Negro de Cultura Social (1932-1938 e, centralmente, analisar seus dois veículos informativos oficiais: a revista Cultura, na primeira fase, e o jornal O Clarim, na segunda fase da organização.

  7. Analysis of thrust/torque signature of MOV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Ho Geun; Park, Seong Keun; Kim, Dae Woong


    For the evaluation of operability of MOV(Motor Operated Valve), the precision prediction of thrust/torque acting on the valve is important. In this paper, the analytical prediction method of thrust/torque was proposed. The design basis stem thrust calculation typically considers the followings: packing thrust, stem rejection load, design basis differential pressure load. In general, test results show that temperature, pressure, fluid type, and differential pressure, independently and combination, all have an effect on the friction factor. The prediction results of thrust/torque are well agreement with dynamic test results

  8. Corotation torques in the solar nebula - the cutoff function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ward, W.R.


    The behavior of high-order corotation resonances in a disk of finite thickness is examined. The torque exerted at an mth-order resonance is determined by employing a vertically averaged disturbing function, and the ratio of this torque to that exerted on a cold, two-dimensional disk is identified as the so-called torque cutoff function. This function is then used to calculate contributions from the corotation torques to eccentricity variations of a perturber's orbit assumed orbiting in the disk. 11 references

  9. Towards Scalable Strain Gauge-Based Joint Torque Sensors (United States)

    D’Imperio, Mariapaola; Cannella, Ferdinando; Caldwell, Darwin G.; Cuschieri, Alfred


    During recent decades, strain gauge-based joint torque sensors have been commonly used to provide high-fidelity torque measurements in robotics. Although measurement of joint torque/force is often required in engineering research and development, the gluing and wiring of strain gauges used as torque sensors pose difficulties during integration within the restricted space available in small joints. The problem is compounded by the need for a scalable geometric design to measure joint torque. In this communication, we describe a novel design of a strain gauge-based mono-axial torque sensor referred to as square-cut torque sensor (SCTS), the significant features of which are high degree of linearity, symmetry, and high scalability in terms of both size and measuring range. Most importantly, SCTS provides easy access for gluing and wiring of the strain gauges on sensor surface despite the limited available space. We demonstrated that the SCTS was better in terms of symmetry (clockwise and counterclockwise rotation) and more linear. These capabilities have been shown through finite element modeling (ANSYS) confirmed by observed data obtained by load testing experiments. The high performance of SCTS was confirmed by studies involving changes in size, material and/or wings width and thickness. Finally, we demonstrated that the SCTS can be successfully implementation inside the hip joints of miniaturized hydraulically actuated quadruped robot-MiniHyQ. This communication is based on work presented at the 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR). PMID:28820446

  10. Crescimento absoluto e relativo de mudas de maracujazeiro sob biofertilizante e águas salinas Absolute and relative growth of yellow passion seedlings over salines waters and bovine biofertilizer

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    Francisco de Oliveira Mesquita


    Full Text Available Um experimento foi conduzido em abrigo telado no DSER/CCA/UFPB, no período de Maio/Julho de 2008, para avaliar os efeitos da salinidade da água de irrigação e do biofertilizante bovino no crescimento das mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos no DIC e 12 plantas por parcela, com três repetições, usando o arranjo fatorial 5 x 2 x 2, referente aos níveis de salinidade da água de irrigação: 0.5; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0 e 4,0 dS m-1, no solo sem e com biofertilizante bovino, avaliando aos 25 e 65 dias após emergência das plântulas. Determinando a altura de plantas, diâmetro do caule, massa seca da parte aérea, raiz e total. O aumento da salinidade das águas inibiu o crescimento absoluto e relativo das plantas avaliado pela altura, diâmetro do caule, matéria seca da parte aérea, raízes e total, mas, em qualquer situação, com menor intensidade nos tratamentos com o biofertilizante.An experiment was carried out under greenhouse in DSER/CCA/UFPB, in period May-July 2008, Paraiba state, Brazil, in order to evaluate the effects of salinity water irrigation and bovine biofertilizer on inittial growth of passion fruit Passiflora edulis Sims seedlings. The treatments were distributed competed randomized design, with three repetitions, in factorial arrangement 5 x 2 x 2, refering at levels of irrigation water salinity: 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 dS m-1, in soil without and with bovine biofertilizer and evaluations made at ages of 25 and 65 days after seedling emergence. For assessing growth the plants’s height, stem diameter, dry matter of the part aerea, roots and dry matter total of the yellow passion fruit plants, but in every condition with low intensity in treatment with bovine biofertilizer.

  11. Consilium muliebre ac deterius (Tac. Ann., XV, 54, 4): As personagens femininas e a construção da imagem imperial no principado de Nero


    Azevedo, Sarah Fernandes Lino de


    A presente dissertação trata da relação estabelecida entre as personagens femininas dos Anais, de Tácito, e a construção da imagem de Nero como um mau imperador. A partir da identificação de dispositivos retóricos relativos às mulheres, principalmente nos livros XIII ao XVI dos Anais, parte do relato referente aos acontecimentos do principado de Nero (54-68 d.C.), buscamos compreender como Tácito utilizou-se das personagens femininas como recurso retórico na elaboração de críticas a este impe...

  12. Technical Errors May Affect Accuracy of Torque Limiter in Locking Plate Osteosynthesis. (United States)

    Savin, David D; Lee, Simon; Bohnenkamp, Frank C; Pastor, Andrew; Garapati, Rajeev; Goldberg, Benjamin A


    In locking plate osteosynthesis, proper surgical technique is crucial in reducing potential pitfalls, and use of a torque limiter makes it possible to control insertion torque. We conducted a study of the ways in which different techniques can alter the accuracy of torque limiters. We tested 22 torque limiters (1.5 Nm) for accuracy using hand and power tools under different rotational scenarios: hand power at low and high velocity and drill power at low and high velocity. We recorded the maximum torque reached after each torque-limiting event. Use of torque limiters under hand power at low velocity and high velocity resulted in significantly (P torque and subsequent complications. For torque limiters, the most reliable technique involves hand power at slow velocity or drill power with careful control of insertion speed until 1 torque-limiting event occurs.

  13. Calculation of Cogging Torque in Hybrid Stepping Motors | Agber ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    When the windings of a hybrid stepping motor are unexcited the permanent magnet's flux produces cogging torque. This torque has both desirable and undesirable features depending on the application that the motor is put into. This paper formulates an analytical method for predicting cogging torque using measured ...

  14. Elevada densidade de semeadura aumenta a produtividade da soja? Respostas da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa

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    Fabiano André Petter


    Full Text Available Resumo Estudos recentes têm abordado o uso da prática da elevada densidade de semeadura na cultura da soja. Entretanto, os resultados práticos dessa técnica são divergentes. Assim, pesquisas nesse campo são importantes para elucidar os efeitos diretos dessa prática de manejo, como, por exemplo, a interferência no uso da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA. Portanto, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a dinâmica da RFA em diferentes densidades de cultivo na cultura da soja. Para tanto, conduziu-se um experimento a campo com delineamento em blocos casualizados com os tratamentos distribuídos em arranjo fatorial 3 × 5: três cultivares de soja RR® (P98Y12, TMG 132 e M-Soy 9056 e cinco densidades de semeadura (20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 plantas∙m–2 com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados massa seca da parte aérea, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa no dossel inferior (RFA-I e superior (RFA-S, intercepção da RFA, taxa de crescimento da cultura (TCC, taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR, taxa de assimilação líquida (TAL, eficiência de uso da radiação (EUR, coeficiente de extinção luminosa (k, índice de colheita de grãos (ICG, peso de 1.000 grãos e produtividade. Independentemente do cultivar, as densidades de 20 e 30 plantas∙m–2 proporcionaram os maiores valores de TAL, TCR, k, ICG e produtividade. Apenas o uso dos parâmetros EUR, TCC e RFA interceptada não fornece informações sólidas para predizer a eficiência do cultivo adensado na cultura da soja. As densidades de cultivo tradicionalmente utilizadas se sobrepõem às demais quanto à qualidade da RFA no dossel e produtividade da soja.

  15. Remote calibration of torque wrenches in a hostile environment (United States)

    Griffin, D. M.


    A relatively simple device is described which provides the capability for remote comparison of torque wrenches over a limited range. The device, properly used, provides calibration capability for most inch pound and foot pound range torque wrenches. For purposes of this discussion, the device itself was developed specifically for adapting an existing torque measuring system with torque wrenches in hostile environment. A gloved access port is utilized to manipulate the fixture while a viewing window and mirror are used to make visual comparisons. Click type wrenches do not require use of the mirror.

  16. Advanced single tooth torquing plier with high precision: A clinical innovation

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    Jitendra Raghuwanshi


    Full Text Available Torque is the force which gives the operator control over the movements of roots of teeth in bilateral direction. There are various pliers available to apply torque in individual tooth, but none of the pliers are capable of measuring accurately the degrees of torque incorporated, so we have attempted to make a modified torquing plier to incorporate and measure the degrees of incorporated torque precisely.

  17. Torque-onset determination: Unintended consequences of the threshold method. (United States)

    Dotan, Raffy; Jenkins, Glenn; O'Brien, Thomas D; Hansen, Steve; Falk, Bareket


    Compared with visual torque-onset-detection (TOD), threshold-based TOD produces onset bias, which increases with lower torques or rates of torque development (RTD). To compare the effects of differential TOD-bias on common contractile parameters in two torque-disparate groups. Fifteen boys and 12 men performed maximal, explosive, isometric knee-extensions. Torque and EMG were recorded for each contraction. Best contractions were selected by peak torque (MVC) and peak RTD. Visual-TOD-based torque-time traces, electromechanical delays (EMD), and times to peak RTD (tRTD) were compared with corresponding data derived from fixed 4-Nm- and relative 5%MVC-thresholds. The 5%MVC TOD-biases were similar for boys and men, but the corresponding 4-Nm-based biases were markedly different (40.3±14.1 vs. 18.4±7.1ms, respectively; ptorque kinetics tended to be faster than the boys' (NS), but the 4-Nm-based kinetics erroneously depicted the boys as being much faster to any given %MVC (p<0.001). When comparing contractile properties of dissimilar groups, e.g., children vs. adults, threshold-based TOD methods can misrepresent reality and lead to erroneous conclusions. Relative-thresholds (e.g., 5% MVC) still introduce error, but group-comparisons are not confounded. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Prevalenza di Campylobacter termotolleranti nel pollo da ingrasso in Italia

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    Giacomo Migliorati


    Full Text Available In Italia, nel periodo 5 febbraio-15 dicembre 2008, in applicazione della Decisione 516/2007/CE, sono state eseguite le attività di campionamento e analisi previste dal relativo Piano di sorveglianza. Tra gli obiettivi, la rilevazione dell’entità di contaminazione da Campylobacter termotolleranti nel pollo da ingrasso allevato in Italia. Sono stati selezionati 48 mattatoi avicoli, distribuiti in undici regioni italiane, in cui sono stati prelevati intestini ciechi e carcasse di pollo da ingrasso appartenenti a 393 lotti di macellazione. In 284 lotti (72,3% è stato isolato Campylobacter spp.: il 52,1% è risultato contaminato da C. jejuni, il 55,6% da C. coli e l’1,1% da C. lari. Nel 13,0% di quelli positivi (37 lotti sono stati rilevati contemporaneamente C. jejuni e C. coli. Dall’esame degli intestini ciechi, Campylobacter spp. è risultato presente in 251 lotti di macellazione (63,9%, in particolare, C. jejuni nel 48,2%, C. coli nel 50,6% e C. lari nell’1,2%. Le carcasse appartenenti a 182 lotti (46,3% sono risultate contaminate da C. jejuni nel 40,7% e C. coli nel 57,7% dei lotti positivi, C. lari non è stato isolato. I livelli di contaminazione riscontrati nelle carcasse sono risultati compresi tra 10 e 1,6 × 107 UFC/g.

  19. A importância do médico pediatra na promoção da saúde bucal

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    Mariângela M. S. Schalka


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se realizar avaliação da conduta preventiva em relação à saúde bucal exercida por médicos pediatras da cidade de São José dos Campos-SP, Brasil. A análise foi feita através das respostas a um questionário descritivo entregue a 85 pediatras da cidade. Obteve-se um retorno de 48 (56,4%. O questionário abordou aspectos relativos a amamentação, dieta, higiene bucal, uso da chupeta e do flúor e encaminhamento ao dentista. A análise dos resultados mostrou que a freqüência das orientações a respeito dessas condutas preventivas aos pacientes foi baixa. Concluiu-se ser necessário um esforço maior dos profissionais, médicos e dentistas, de promover a melhoria da saúde bucal dos pacientes infantis.

  20. Direct Torque Control of Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive

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    JAGADEESAN Karpagam


    Full Text Available This paper presents the Direct TorqueControl (DTC of induction motor drive using matrixconverters. DTC is a high performance motor controlscheme with fast torque and flux responses. However,the main disadvantage of conventional DTC iselectromagnetic torque ripple. In this paper, directtorque control for Induction Motors using MatrixConverters is analysed and points out the problem ofthe electromagnetic torque ripple which is one of themost important drawbacks of the Direct TorqueControl. Besides, the matrix converter is a single-stageac-ac power conversion device without dc-link energystorage elements. Matrix converter (MC may becomea good alternative to voltage-source inverter (VSI.This work combines the advantages of the matrixconverter with those of the DTC technique, generatingthe required voltage vectors under unity input powerfactor operation. Simulation results demonstrates theeffectiveness of the torque control.

  1. Diffusion of torqued active particles (United States)

    Sandoval, Mario; Lauga, Eric


    Motivated by swimming microorganisms whose trajectories are affected by the presence of an external torque, we calculate the diffusivity of an active particle subject to an external torque and in a fluctuating environment. The analytical results are compared with Brownian dynamics simulations showing excellent agreement between theory and numerical experiments. This work was funded in part by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia of Mexico (Conacyt postdoctoral fellowship to M. S.) and the US National Science Foundation (Grant CBET-0746285 to E.L.).

  2. Application of Space Vector Modulation in Direct Torque Control of PMSM

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    Michal Malek


    Full Text Available The paper deals with an improvement of direct torque control method for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives. Electrical torque distortion of the machine under original direct torque control is relatively high and if proper measures are taken it can be substantially decreased. The proposed solution here is to combine direct torque control with the space vector modulation technique. Such approach can eliminate torque distortion while preserving the simplicity of the original method.


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    Mariana Alves Gonçalves

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este texto apresenta debates relativos ao campo da Psicologia Social Comunitária (PSC tomando como base suas produções textuais nas últimas duas décadas (1990-2010. O mapeamento do conjunto de artigos, teses, dissertações e livros produzidos sob o signo PSC foi o procedimento utilizado para problematizar o que tem sido realizado por este movimento que se constitui como uma das versões contemporâneas da Psicologia Social. Contextualizamos as produções a partir das mudanças de rumo da profissão e da reivindicação por uma nova direção para a Psicologia Social produzida em território latino-americano. A exposição está centrada em dois pontos principais: as vinculações teórico-epistemológicas da PSC e a caracterização do trabalho do psicólogo comunitário. Concluímos o artigo indicando que as reflexões em torno da diversidade das vinculações teórico-epistemológicas e da tentativa de unificação da PSC nublaram a análise do problema central dos efeitos de sua prática e de seus compromissos éticos e políticos.

  4. Tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação: a garantia dos direitos civis relativo à propriedade do software

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    Américo Augusto Nogueira Vieira

    Full Text Available O que se denominam "direitos civis" nos Estados Unidos da América, tem, no Brasil, sua referência dada pelo artigo 5º da Constituição brasileira e tal conjunto de direitos é denominado como: "Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais". O trabalho problematiza sobre o seguinte fato: apesar de haver a garantia constitucional da propriedade, se existe, de fato, nas leis federais brasileiras específicas (Lei de Software e Lei de Direitos Autorais, uma tolerância ou autorização a uma forma de "plágio de software". A pesquisa baseou-se na Constituição, na Convenção de Berna, nas leis federais e doutrinas jurídicas de propriedade intelectual, além de uma ampla bibliografia. Ao final, demonstra-se que há, sim, possibilidade de violação do direito de propriedade e, portanto, dos direitos civis, seja pela violação da própria Carta Política brasileira, seja pela interpretação equivocada da legislação federal específica.

  5. Intrinsic magnetic torque at low magnetic induction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doria, M.M.; Oliveira, I.G. de.


    Using anisotropic London theory the intrinsic magnetic torque for extreme type II uniaxial superconductors for any value of the magnetic induction is obtained. It is considered the vortex lines straight and take into account the contribution of the supercurrents flowing inside the vortex core within the London theory. It is shown that the interline and intra line free energies give opposite torque contributions, the first drives the magnetic induction parallel to the superconductor's axis of symmetry and the second orthogonal to it. At high magnetic induction torque expression obtained generalizes V. Kogan's formula since it has no free parameters other than the anisotropy γ = m 1 /m 3 and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ. At low magnetic induction it is proposed a way to observe vortex chains effects in the total torque based on the fact that London theory is linear and the energy to make a single vortex line in space is independent of the magnetic induction. (author)

  6. Excitable particles in an optical torque wrench (United States)

    Pedaci, Francesco; Huang, Zhuangxiong; van Oene, Maarten; Barland, Stephane; Dekker, Nynke H.


    The optical torque wrench is a laser trapping technique capable of applying and directly measuring torque on microscopic birefringent particles using spin momentum transfer, and has found application in the measurement of static torsional properties of biological molecules such as single DNAs. Motivated by the potential of the optical torque wrench to access the fast rotational dynamics of biological systems, a result of its all-optical manipulation and detection, we focus on the angular dynamics of the trapped birefringent particle, demonstrating its excitability in the vicinity of a critical point. This links the optical torque wrench to nonlinear dynamical systems such as neuronal and cardiovascular tissues, nonlinear optics and chemical reactions, all of which display an excitable binary (`all-or-none') response to input perturbations. On the basis of this dynamical feature, we devise and implement a conceptually new sensing technique capable of detecting single perturbation events with high signal-to-noise ratio and continuously adjustable sensitivity.

  7. Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones - II. Flow-locked and runaway migration, and a torque prescription (United States)

    McNally, Colin P.; Nelson, Richard P.; Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan


    We examine the migration of low mass planets in laminar protoplanetary discs, threaded by large scale magnetic fields in the dead zone that drive radial gas flows. As shown in Paper I, a dynamical corotation torque arises due to the flow-induced asymmetric distortion of the corotation region and the evolving vortensity contrast between the librating horseshoe material and background disc flow. Using simulations of laminar torqued discs containing migrating planets, we demonstrate the existence of the four distinct migration regimes predicted in Paper I. In two regimes, the migration is approximately locked to the inward or outward radial gas flow, and in the other regimes the planet undergoes outward runaway migration that eventually settles to fast steady migration. In addition, we demonstrate torque and migration reversals induced by midplane magnetic stresses, with a bifurcation dependent on the disc surface density. We develop a model for fast migration, and show why the outward runaway saturates to a steady speed, and examine phenomenologically its termination due to changing local disc conditions. We also develop an analytical model for the corotation torque at late times that includes viscosity, for application to discs that sustain modest turbulence. Finally, we use the simulation results to develop torque prescriptions for inclusion in population synthesis models of planet formation.

  8. Modified Direct Torque Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives with Low Ripple in Flux and Torque

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    Vinay KUMAR


    Full Text Available This paper proposes an algorithm for direct flux and torque controlled three phase induction motor drive systems. This method is based on control of slip speed and decoupled between amplitude and angle of reference stator flux for determining required stator voltage vector. In this proposes model, integrator unit is not required to generate the reference stator flux angle for calculating required stator voltage vector, hence it eliminates the initial values problems in real time. Within the given sampling time, flux as well as torque errors are controlled by stator voltage vector which is evaluated from reference stator flux. The direct torque control is achieved by reference stator flux angle which is generates from instantaneous slip speed angular frequency and stator flux angular frequency. The amplitude of the reference stator flux is kept constant at rated value. This technique gives better performance in three-phase induction motor than conventional technique. Simulation results for 3hp induction motor drive, for both proposed and conventional techniques, are presented and compared. From the results it is found that the stator current, flux linkage and torque ripples are decreased with proposed technique.

  9. Spin-transfer torque in spin filter tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Ortiz Pauyac, Christian


    Spin-transfer torque in a class of magnetic tunnel junctions with noncollinear magnetizations, referred to as spin filter tunnel junctions, is studied within the tight-binding model using the nonequilibrium Green\\'s function technique within Keldysh formalism. These junctions consist of one ferromagnet (FM) adjacent to a magnetic insulator (MI) or two FM separated by a MI. We find that the presence of the magnetic insulator dramatically enhances the magnitude of the spin-torque components compared to conventional magnetic tunnel junctions. The fieldlike torque is driven by the spin-dependent reflection at the MI/FM interface, which results in a small reduction of its amplitude when an insulating spacer (S) is inserted to decouple MI and FM layers. Meanwhile, the dampinglike torque is dominated by the tunneling electrons that experience the lowest barrier height. We propose a device of the form FM/(S)/MI/(S)/FM that takes advantage of these characteristics and allows for tuning the spin-torque magnitudes over a wide range just by rotation of the magnetization of the insulating layer.

  10. Eddy Current Sensing of Torque in Rotating Shafts (United States)

    Varonis, Orestes J.; Ida, Nathan


    The noncontact torque sensing in machine shafts is addressed based on the stress induced in a press-fitted magnetoelastic sleeve on the shaft and eddy current sensing of the changes of electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability due to the presence of stress. The eddy current probe uses dual drive, dual sensing coils whose purpose is increased sensitivity to torque and decreased sensitivity to variations in distance between probe and shaft (liftoff). A mechanism of keeping the distance constant is also employed. Both the probe and the magnetoelastic sleeve are evaluated for performance using a standard eddy current instrument. An eddy current instrument is also used to drive the coils and analyze the torque data. The method and sensor described are general and adaptable to a variety of applications. The sensor is suitable for static and rotating shafts, is independent of shaft diameter and operational over a large range of torques. The torque sensor uses a differential eddy current measurement resulting in cancellation of common mode effects including temperature and vibrations.

  11. Spin-transfer torque in spin filter tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Ortiz Pauyac, Christian; Kalitsov, Alan; Manchon, Aurelien; Chshiev, Mairbek


    Spin-transfer torque in a class of magnetic tunnel junctions with noncollinear magnetizations, referred to as spin filter tunnel junctions, is studied within the tight-binding model using the nonequilibrium Green's function technique within Keldysh formalism. These junctions consist of one ferromagnet (FM) adjacent to a magnetic insulator (MI) or two FM separated by a MI. We find that the presence of the magnetic insulator dramatically enhances the magnitude of the spin-torque components compared to conventional magnetic tunnel junctions. The fieldlike torque is driven by the spin-dependent reflection at the MI/FM interface, which results in a small reduction of its amplitude when an insulating spacer (S) is inserted to decouple MI and FM layers. Meanwhile, the dampinglike torque is dominated by the tunneling electrons that experience the lowest barrier height. We propose a device of the form FM/(S)/MI/(S)/FM that takes advantage of these characteristics and allows for tuning the spin-torque magnitudes over a wide range just by rotation of the magnetization of the insulating layer.

  12. Cogging Torque Reduction Techniques for Spoke-type IPMSM (United States)

    Bahrim, F. S.; Sulaiman, E.; Kumar, R.; Jusoh, L. I.


    A spoke-type interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) is extending its tentacles in industrial arena due to good flux-weakening capability and high power density. In many of the application, high strength of permanent magnet causes the undesirable effects of high cogging torque that can aggravate performance of the motor. High cogging torque is significantly produced by IPMSM due to the similar length and the effectiveness of the magnetic air-gap. The address of this study is to analyze and compare the cogging torque effect and performance of four common techniques for cogging torque reduction such as skewing, notching, pole pairing and rotor pole pairing. With the aid of 3-D finite element analysis (FEA) by JMAG software, a 6S-4P Spoke-type IPMSM with various rotor-PM configurations has been designed. As a result, the cogging torque effect reduced up to 69.5% for skewing technique, followed by 31.96%, 29.6%, and 17.53% by pole pairing, axial pole pairing and notching techniques respectively.

  13. Standard practice for torque calibration of testing machines and devices

    CERN Document Server

    American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia


    1.1 This practice covers procedures and requirements for the calibration of torque for static and quasi-static torque capable testing machines or devices. These may, or may not, have torque indicating systems and include those devices used for the calibration of hand torque tools. Testing machines may be calibrated by one of the three following methods or combination thereof: 1.1.1 Use of standard weights and lever arms. 1.1.2 Use of elastic torque measuring devices. 1.1.3 Use of elastic force measuring devices and lever arms. 1.1.4 Any of the methods require a specific uncertainty of measurement and a traceability derived from national standards of mass and length. 1.2 The procedures of 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3 apply to the calibration of the torque-indicating systems associated with the testing machine, such as a scale, dial, marked or unmarked recorder chart, digital display, etc. In all cases the buyer/owner/user must designate the torque-indicating system(s) to be calibrated and included in the repor...

  14. Dynamics of domain wall driven by spin-transfer torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chureemart, P.; Evans, R. F. L.; Chantrell, R. W.


    Spin-torque switching of magnetic devices offers new technological possibilities for data storage and integrated circuits. We have investigated domain-wall motion in a ferromagnetic thin film driven by a spin-polarized current using an atomistic spin model with a modified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation including the effect of the spin-transfer torque. The presence of the spin-transfer torque is shown to create an out-of-plane domain wall, in contrast to the external-field-driven case where an in-plane wall is found. We have investigated the effect of the spin torque on domain-wall displacement, domain-wall velocity, and domain-wall width, as well as the equilibration time in the presence of the spin-transfer torque. We have shown that the minimum spin-current density, regarded as the critical value for domain-wall motion, decreases with increasing temperature.

  15. Drag and Torque on Locked Screw Propeller

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    Tomasz Tabaczek


    Full Text Available Few data on drag and torque on locked propeller towed in water are available in literature. Those data refer to propellers of specific geometry (number of blades, blade area, pitch and skew of blades. The estimation of drag and torque of an arbitrary propeller considered in analysis of ship resistance or propulsion is laborious. The authors collected and reviewed test data available in the literature. Based on collected data there were developed the empirical formulae for estimation of hydrodynamic drag and torque acting on locked screw propeller. Supplementary CFD computations were carried out in order to prove the applicability of the formulae to modern moderately skewed screw propellers.

  16. Spin-Orbit Torques in Co/Pd Multilayer Nanowires

    KAUST Repository

    Jamali, Mahdi; Narayanapillai, Kulothungasagaran; Qiu, Xuepeng; Loong, Li Ming; Manchon, Aurelien; Yang, Hyunsoo


    Current induced spin-orbit torques have been studied in ferromagnetic nanowires made of 20 nm thick Co/Pd multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Using Hall voltage and lock-in measurements, it is found that upon injection of an electric current both in-plane (Slonczewski-like) and perpendicular (fieldlike) torques build up in the nanowire. The torque efficiencies are found to be as large as 1.17 and 5 kOe at 108  A/cm2 for the in-plane and perpendicular components, respectively, which is surprisingly comparable to previous studies in ultrathin (∼1  nm) magnetic bilayers. We show that this result cannot be explained solely by spin Hall effect induced torque at the outer interfaces, indicating a probable contribution of the bulk of the Co/Pd multilayer.

  17. Spin-Orbit Torques in Co/Pd Multilayer Nanowires

    KAUST Repository

    Jamali, Mahdi


    Current induced spin-orbit torques have been studied in ferromagnetic nanowires made of 20 nm thick Co/Pd multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Using Hall voltage and lock-in measurements, it is found that upon injection of an electric current both in-plane (Slonczewski-like) and perpendicular (fieldlike) torques build up in the nanowire. The torque efficiencies are found to be as large as 1.17 and 5 kOe at 108  A/cm2 for the in-plane and perpendicular components, respectively, which is surprisingly comparable to previous studies in ultrathin (∼1  nm) magnetic bilayers. We show that this result cannot be explained solely by spin Hall effect induced torque at the outer interfaces, indicating a probable contribution of the bulk of the Co/Pd multilayer.

  18. Construção de um software educativo sobre transtornos da personalidade

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    Nadja Cristiane Lappann Botti


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou relatar a experiência da construção de um software educativo na área da saúde mental. O software foi desenvolvido visando capacitar o estudante de enfermagem a identificar os principais transtornos da personalidade. Nesse processo, aplicou-se o referencial pedagógico de Vygotsky e o referencial teórico dos critérios diagnósticos definidos pelo DSM-IV. A partir destes referenciais identificaram-se transtornos da personalidade em personagens de histórias e/ou filmes infantis. Para desenvolvimento do software construiu-se banco de multimídias com dados gráficos, sonoros e explicativos. O software desenvolvido foi um jogo educativo do tipo quiz composto por perguntas com níveis crescentes de dificuldade. O software foi desenvolvido no programa Microsoft PowerPoint Office 2007. Este programa com seus mecanismos de botões de ação e hiperlink possibilitam configurar ações. Acredita-se na validade desta estratégia para o ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdos relativos à área da Enfermagem em Saúde Mental.

  19. Current induced torques and interfacial spin-orbit coupling: Semiclassical modeling

    KAUST Repository

    Haney, Paul M.


    In bilayer nanowires consisting of a ferromagnetic layer and a nonmagnetic layer with strong spin-orbit coupling, currents create torques on the magnetization beyond those found in simple ferromagnetic nanowires. The resulting magnetic dynamics appear to require torques that can be separated into two terms, dampinglike and fieldlike. The dampinglike torque is typically derived from models describing the bulk spin Hall effect and the spin transfer torque, and the fieldlike torque is typically derived from a Rashba model describing interfacial spin-orbit coupling. We derive a model based on the Boltzmann equation that unifies these approaches. We also consider an approximation to the Boltzmann equation, the drift-diffusion model, that qualitatively reproduces the behavior, but quantitatively differs in some regimes. We show that the Boltzmann equation with physically reasonable parameters can match the torques for any particular sample, but in some cases, it fails to describe the experimentally observed thickness dependencies.

  20. Spin-torque generation in topological insulator based heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Fischer, Mark H.; Vaezi, Abolhassan; Manchon, Aurelien; Kim, Eun-Ah


    Heterostructures utilizing topological insulators exhibit a remarkable spin-torque efficiency. However, the exact origin of the strong torque, in particular whether it stems from the spin-momentum locking of the topological surface states or rather

  1. Robust spin transfer torque in antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Saidaoui, Hamed Ben Mohamed; Waintal, Xavier; Manchon, Aurelien


    We theoretically study the current-induced spin torque in antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions, composed of two semi-infinite antiferromagnetic layers separated by a tunnel barrier, in both clean and disordered regimes. We find that the torque

  2. How joint torques affect hamstring injury risk in sprinting swing-stance transition. (United States)

    Sun, Yuliang; Wei, Shutao; Zhong, Yunjian; Fu, Weijie; Li, Li; Liu, Yu


    The potential mechanisms of hamstring strain injuries in athletes are not well understood. The study, therefore, was aimed at understanding hamstring mechanics by studying loading conditions during maximum-effort overground sprinting. Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction force data were collected from eight elite male sprinters sprinting at their maximum effort. Maximal isometric torques of the hip and knee were also collected. Data from the sprinting gait cycle were analyzed via an intersegmental dynamics approach, and the different joint torque components were calculated. During the initial stance phase, the ground reaction force passed anteriorly to the knee and hip, producing an extension torque at the knee and a flexion torque at the hip joint. Thus, the active muscle torque functioned to produce flexion torque at the knee and extension torque at the hip. The maximal muscle torque at the knee joint was 1.4 times the maximal isometric knee flexion torque. During the late swing phase, the muscle torque counterbalanced the motion-dependent torque and acted to flex the knee joint and extend the hip joint. The loading conditions on the hamstring muscles were similar to those of the initial stance phase. During both the initial stance and late swing phases, the large passive torques at both the knee and hip joints acted to lengthen the hamstring muscles. The active muscle torques generated mainly by the hamstrings functioned to counteract those passive effects. As a result, during sprinting or high-speed locomotion, the hamstring muscles may be more susceptible to high risk of strain injury during these two phases.

  3. Valley-dependent spin-orbit torques in two-dimensional hexagonal crystals

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang; Wang, Xuhui; Manchon, Aurelien


    We study spin-orbit torques in two-dimensional hexagonal crystals such as graphene, silicene, germanene, and stanene. The torque possesses two components, a fieldlike term due to inverse spin galvanic effect and an antidamping torque originating from Berry curvature in mixed spin-k space. In the presence of staggered potential and exchange field, the valley degeneracy can be lifted and we obtain a valley-dependent Berry curvature, leading to a tunable antidamping torque by controlling the valley degree of freedom. The valley imbalance can be as high as 100% by tuning the bias voltage or magnetization angle. These findings open new venues for the development of current-driven spin-orbit torques by structural design.

  4. Valley-dependent spin-orbit torques in two-dimensional hexagonal crystals

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang


    We study spin-orbit torques in two-dimensional hexagonal crystals such as graphene, silicene, germanene, and stanene. The torque possesses two components, a fieldlike term due to inverse spin galvanic effect and an antidamping torque originating from Berry curvature in mixed spin-k space. In the presence of staggered potential and exchange field, the valley degeneracy can be lifted and we obtain a valley-dependent Berry curvature, leading to a tunable antidamping torque by controlling the valley degree of freedom. The valley imbalance can be as high as 100% by tuning the bias voltage or magnetization angle. These findings open new venues for the development of current-driven spin-orbit torques by structural design.

  5. MARCA BRASIL - FICÇÃO OU REALIDADE?: uma análise das iniciativas da APEX-Brasil para a construção da marca Brasil

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    Full Text Available Vivemos em uma economia global e é urgente que o Brasil, por meio de seus governantes e empresariado, busque a inserção nessa economia de forma mais efetiva. A marca-país pode ajudar na criação de uma forte identidade para o país, o que tende a colaborar com a venda de produtos oriundos desse país. O presente estudo se propõe a analisar como a marca Brasil foi construída e como ela tem sido explorada pelo governo brasileiro para ajudar na inserção de produtos nacionais no comércio internacional. Para tal, foi feita uma revisão da literatura, abordando conceitos relevantes e relativos ao marketing global, a produtos e marcas globais e à marca-país. Em seguida, explicitou-se o método do estudo e fez-se a análise da construção da marca Brasil e das iniciativas do governo brasileiro, mais especificamente da Agência de Promoção de Exportações do Brasil (Apex-Brasil, à construção da marca Brasil. A iniciativa da criação da marca Brasil, embora tardia, parece muito louvável, mas, por sua tímida utilização, a marca Brasil ainda parece mais ficção do que realidade.

  6. Prevailing Torque Locking Feature in Threaded Fasteners Using Anaerobic Adhesive (United States)

    Hernandez, Alan; Hess, Daniel P.


    This paper presents results from tests to assess the use of anaerobic adhesive for providing a prevailing torque locking feature in threaded fasteners. Test procedures are developed and tests are performed on three fastener materials, four anaerobic adhesives, and both unseated assembly conditions. Five to ten samples are tested for each combination. Tests for initial use, reuse without additional adhesive, and reuse with additional adhesive are performed for all samples. A 48-hour cure time was used for all initial use and reuse tests. Test data are presented as removal torque versus removal angle with the specification required prevailing torque range added for performance assessment. Percent specification pass rates for the all combinations of fastener material, adhesive, and assembly condition are tabulated and reveal use of anaerobic adhesive as a prevailing torque locking feature is viable. Although not every possible fastener material and anaerobic adhesive combination provides prevailing torque values within specification, any combination can be assessed using the test procedures presented. Reuse without additional anaerobic adhesive generally provides some prevailing torque, and in some cases within specification. Reuse with additional adhesive often provides comparable removal torque data as in initial use.

  7. Manipulating the voltage dependence of tunneling spin torques

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    Voltage-driven spin transfer torques in magnetic tunnel junctions provide an outstanding tool to design advanced spin-based devices for memory and reprogrammable logic applications. The non-linear voltage dependence of the torque has a direct impact

  8. Arquivos Públicos Brasileiros: Análise da evolução da transferência da informação arquivística na internet 10.5007/1518-2924.2011v16nesp1p106

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    Anna Carla Almeida Mariz


    Full Text Available Estudo da evolução da inserção das Instituições Arquivísticas Públicas Brasileiras na internet e dos processos de transferência da informação arquivística nessa rede. A primeira etapa da pesquisa, em 2004, teve como marco empírico o universo existente dos sites de Instituições Arquivísticas Públicas Brasileiras. Na segunda fase, em 2009, foi atualizado o universo para análise e investigados os sites, tendo como parâmetros os mesmos critérios da etapa anterior: serviços que disponibilizam, nível de relacionamento com o usuário, que tipo de consulta pode ser feita ao acervo e elementos relativos aos conteúdos, desenho e estrutura dos sites. A importância deste estudo comparativo está em verificar as mudanças que ocorreram neste intervalo, se houve crescimento, avanços e quais foram. O site de uma instituição arquivística oferece serviços já existentes no local, total ou parcialmente, além de sugerir novas possibilidades às instituições arquivísticas. Este espaço informacional exige ações voltadas para atender às demandas produzidas pelos usuários da rede. A inserção dos acervos arquivísticos na Internet implica em novos desafios na gestão desta informação.

  9. Magnon-mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya torque in homogeneous ferromagnets

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien; Ndiaye, Papa Birame; Moon, Jung-Hwan; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Lee, Kyung-Jin


    the time-averaged magnetization direction and display a number of similarities with the torques arising from the electron flow in a magnetic two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. This magnon-mediated spin-orbit torque can

  10. Reconstruction of Twist Torque in Main Parachute Risers (United States)

    Day, Joshua D.


    The reconstruction of twist torque in the Main Parachute Risers of the Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) has been successfully used to validate CPAS Model Memo conservative twist torque equations. Reconstruction of basic, one degree of freedom drop tests was used to create a functional process for the evaluation of more complex, rigid body simulation. The roll, pitch, and yaw of the body, the fly-out angles of the parachutes, and the relative location of the parachutes to the body are inputs to the torque simulation. The data collected by the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) was used to calculate the true torque. The simulation then used photogrammetric and IMU data as inputs into the Model Memo equations. The results were then compared to the true torque results to validate the Model Memo equations. The Model Memo parameters were based off of steel risers and the parameters will need to be re-evaluated for different materials. Photogrammetric data was found to be more accurate than the inertial data in accounting for the relative rotation between payload and cluster. The Model Memo equations were generally a good match and when not matching were generally conservative.

  11. Hydrodynamic Torques and Rotations of Superparamagnetic Bead Dimers (United States)

    Pease, Christopher; Etheridge, J.; Wijesinghe, H. S.; Pierce, C. J.; Prikockis, M. V.; Sooryakumar, R.

    Chains of micro-magnetic particles are often rotated with external magnetic fields for many lab-on-a-chip technologies such as transporting beads or mixing fluids. These applications benefit from faster responses of the actuated particles. In a rotating magnetic field, the magnetization of superparamagnetic beads, created from embedded magnetic nano-particles within a polymer matrix, is largely characterized by induced dipoles mip along the direction of the field. In addition there is often a weak dipole mop that orients out-of-phase with the external rotating field. On a two-bead dimer, the simplest chain of beads, mop contributes a torque Γm in addition to the torque from mip. For dimers with beads unbound to each other, mop rotates individual beads which generate an additional hydrodynamic torque on the dimer. Whereas, mop directly torques bound dimers. Our results show that Γm significantly alters the average frequency-dependent dimer rotation rate for both bound and unbound monomers and, when mop exceeds a critical value, increases the maximum dimer rotation frequency. Models that include magnetic and hydrodynamics torques provide good agreement with the experimental findings over a range of field frequencies.

  12. Torque control of underactuated tendon-driven fingers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. E. Abdallah


    Full Text Available Given an underactuated tendon-driven finger, the finger posture is underdetermined and can move freely ("flop" in a region of slack tendons. This work shows that such an underactuated finger can be operated in tendon force control (rather than position control with effective performance. The force control eliminates the indeterminate slack while commanding a parameterized space of desired torques. The torque will either push the finger to the joint limits or wrap around an external object with variable torque – behavior that is sufficient for primarily gripping fingers. In addition, introducing asymmetric joint radii to the design allows the finger to command an expanded range of joint torques and to scan an expanded set of external surfaces. This study is motivated by the design and control of the secondary fingers of the NASA-GM R2 humanoid hand.

    This paper was presented at the IFToMM/ASME International Workshop on Underactuated Grasping (UG2010, 19 August 2010, Montréal, Canada.

  13. A Jurisprudência Brasileira da Transexualidade: uma reflexão à luz de Dworkin

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    Maria Eugenia Bunchaft


    Full Text Available transexualidade é um dos temas mais controversos da bioética. A temática é encoberta por autocompreensões assimétricas de mundo vinculadas a concepções religiosas, que terminam por minimizar os aspectos jurídicos fundamentais relativos ao direito à identidade sexual. Por meio da análise de diferentes projetos de lei, que tratam da temática da transexualidade, objetiva-se provar que a insuficiência da atuação do processo político majoritário na satisfação de demandas sociais específicas de transexuais tem sido suprida pelo papel pedagógico da atuação de alguns tribunais e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça na interpretação do direito de mudança do prenome e do sexo. Propugna-se investigar a relevância da estratégia de conciliação de valores em uma rede harmoniosa para a análise dos princípios jurídicos envolvidos na temática da mudança de prenome e sexo por transexuais.

  14. How Joint Torques Affect Hamstring Injury Risk in Sprinting Swing–Stance Transition (United States)



    ABSTRACT Purpose The potential mechanisms of hamstring strain injuries in athletes are not well understood. The study, therefore, was aimed at understanding hamstring mechanics by studying loading conditions during maximum-effort overground sprinting. Methods Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction force data were collected from eight elite male sprinters sprinting at their maximum effort. Maximal isometric torques of the hip and knee were also collected. Data from the sprinting gait cycle were analyzed via an intersegmental dynamics approach, and the different joint torque components were calculated. Results During the initial stance phase, the ground reaction force passed anteriorly to the knee and hip, producing an extension torque at the knee and a flexion torque at the hip joint. Thus, the active muscle torque functioned to produce flexion torque at the knee and extension torque at the hip. The maximal muscle torque at the knee joint was 1.4 times the maximal isometric knee flexion torque. During the late swing phase, the muscle torque counterbalanced the motion-dependent torque and acted to flex the knee joint and extend the hip joint. The loading conditions on the hamstring muscles were similar to those of the initial stance phase. Conclusions During both the initial stance and late swing phases, the large passive torques at both the knee and hip joints acted to lengthen the hamstring muscles. The active muscle torques generated mainly by the hamstrings functioned to counteract those passive effects. As a result, during sprinting or high-speed locomotion, the hamstring muscles may be more susceptible to high risk of strain injury during these two phases. PMID:24911288

  15. Influência do alongamento dos músculos isquiostibial e retofemoral no pico de torque e potência máxima do joelho Influence of stretching hamstring and quadriceps femoral muscles on knee peak torque and maximum power

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Peixoto Leão Almeida


    Full Text Available O alongamento muscular é utilizado nas práticas desportivas para aumentar a flexibilidade muscular e amplitude articular, mas estudos mostram que pode produzir efeitos deletérios na produção de força muscular. A proposta deste estudo foi verificar a influência imediata e tardia do alongamento dos músculos isquiostibiais e retofemoral, por meio da facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva (FNP, no pico de torque e potência máxima do joelho. Quinze jovens sedentárias foram distribuídas em três grupos: GA, submetidas a 12 sessões de alongamento durante quatro semanas; GB, a apenas uma sessão de alongamento imediatamente antes da avaliação final; e GC, à mobilização articular passiva do joelho, de forma a não alongar. Todas as participantes foram avaliadas quanto à amplitude de movimento (ADM de flexão e extensão do joelho, e à dinamometria isocinética, antes e após a intervenção, mensurando-se ADM, pico de torque (PT e potência máxima (PM do joelho. Observou-se diferença entre as médias dos três grupos na ADM após a intervenção (p0,05. Os grupos GA e GB apresentaram melhoras na ADM e apenas o grupo GC apresentou melhora significativa em todas as variáveis isocinéticas (pMuscle stretching is often used in sports practice in order to increase muscle flexibility and joint range of motion. However, many studies have shown that muscle torque production may be reduced after stretching. The purpose of this work was to assess immediate and late effects of stretching, by proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF techniques, on knee peak torque and maximum power. Fifteen young sedentary female subjects were evenly distributed into three groups: AG, submitted to 12 PNF stretching sessions along four weeks; BG, submitted to only one stretching session just before the final evaluation; and GC, submitted to passive knee mobilization so as not to produce muscle stretching. All of them were assessed, before and after

  16. O Mapeamento da inclusão no acervo nas bibliotecas da universidade federal da Paraíba

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    Maria das Graças Vieira


    Full Text Available A pesquisa tem por objetivo mapear a produção científica sobre o tema “inclusão” no acervo das bibliotecas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB e com este fim opta por uma revisão bibliográfica do fenômeno, analisando-o a partir de uma perspectiva dialética, e, ainda realiza um levantamento de obras disponíveis no sistema de bibliotecas. Assim, por meio de dois sistemas de filtragens: por título e por assunto, construímos uma lista de obras organizadas em: livros, monografias, dissertações e teses. A partir desta lista montou-se um quadro demonstrativo do acervo sobre inclusão e passou-se a análise do mesmo, dentro da perspectiva qualitativa e quantitativa. Na análise quantitativa buscou-se correlacionar à quantidade de obras disponíveis na área e sua representação dentro do acervo geral das bibliotecas da UFPB, enquanto na análise qualitativa, elas foram categorizadas a partir da especificidade apresentada, pautada exclusivamente no que se anuncia no título ou em caso de dúvida, procedeu-se investigação do assunto tratado nas obras. Os resultados demonstraram que o acervo sobre inclusão na UFPB ainda é bastante incipiente, e que por se referirem a grupos ou áreas específicas são ainda mais escassos quando categorizados por área: social, educacional, digital, por exemplo. Ressalta-se, ainda, o fato do maior número de obras disponíveis se referirem à questão educacional e, mais especificamente às pessoas com deficiência, o que demonstra que se tem restringido as aquisições de títulos sobre inclusão a uma só área, deixando de considerar outros debates relativos à inclusão étnica, do idoso, na saúde etc.

  17. High torque DC motor fabrication and test program (United States)

    Makus, P.


    The testing of a standard iron and standard alnico permanent magnet two-phase, brushless dc spin motor for potential application to the space telescope has been concluded. The purpose of this study was to determine spin motor power losses, magnetic drag, efficiency and torque speed characteristics of a high torque dc motor. The motor was designed and built to fit an existing reaction wheel as a test vehicle and to use existing brass-board commutation and torque command electronics. The results of the tests are included in this report.

  18. Predictive torque and flux control of an induction machine drive ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Finite-state model predictive control; fuzzy decision making; multi-objective optimization; predictive torque control. Abstract. Among the numerous direct torque control techniques, the finite-state predictive torque control (FS-PTC) has emerged as a powerful alternative as it offers the fast dynamic response and the flexibility to ...

  19. Electrode position markedly affects knee torque in tetanic, stimulated contractions. (United States)

    Vieira, Taian M; Potenza, Paolo; Gastaldi, Laura; Botter, Alberto


    The purpose of this study was to investigate how much the distance between stimulation electrodes affects the knee extension torque in tetanic, electrically elicited contractions. Current pulses of progressively larger amplitude, from 0 mA to maximally tolerated intensities, were delivered at 20 pps to the vastus medialis, rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles of ten, healthy male subjects. Four inter-electrode distances were tested: 32.5% (L1), 45.0% (L2), 57.5% (L3) and 70% (L4) of the distance between the patella apex and the anterior superior iliac spine. The maximal knee extension torque and the current leading to the maximal torque were measured and compared between electrode configurations. The maximal current tolerated by each participant ranged from 60 to 100 mA and did not depend on the inter-electrode distance. The maximal knee extension torque elicited did not differ between L3 and L4 (P = 0.15) but, for both conditions, knee torque was significantly greater than for L1 and L2 (P torque elicited for L3 and L4 was two to three times greater than that obtained for L1 and L2. The current leading to maximal torque was not as sensitive to inter-electrode distance. Except for L1 current intensity did not change with electrode configuration (P > 0.16). Key results presented here revealed that for a given stimulation intensity, knee extension torque increased dramatically with the distance between electrodes. The distance between electrodes seems therefore to critically affect knee torque, with potential implication for optimising exercise protocols based on electrical stimulation.

  20. Towards measuring quantum electrodynamic torque with a levitated nanorod (United States)

    Xu, Zhujing; Bang, Jaehoon; Ahn, Jonghoon; Hoang, Thai M.; Li, Tongcang


    According to quantum electrodynamics, quantum fluctuations of electromagnetic fields give rise to a zero-point energy that never vanishes, even in the absence of electromagnetic sources. The interaction energy will not only lead to the well-known Casimir force but will also contribute to the Casimir torque for anisotropic materials. We propose to use an optically levitated nanorod in vacuum and a birefringent substrate to experimentally investigate the QED torque. We have previously observed the libration of an optically levitated non-spherical nanoparticle in vacuum and found it to be an ultrasensitive torque sensor. A nanorod with a long axis of 300nm and a diameter of 60nm levitated in vacuum at 10 (- 8) torr will have a remarkable torque detection sensitivity on the order of 10 (- 28) Nm/ √Hz, which will be sufficient to detect the Casimir torque. This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1555035-PHY.

  1. Impactos da implantação das normas internacionais de contabilidade na controladoria: um estudo à luz da teoria da estruturação em uma empresa têxtil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available Estudos relativos às atividades da Controladoria que se inter-relacionam com outras ciências, como Psicologia e Sociologia, favorecem conhecimentos mais holísticos sobre essa área organizacional. Assim, neste estudo objetiva-se verificar os impactos da implantação das normas internacionais de contabilidade na controladoria à luz da Teoria da Estruturação. O pressuposto é que o processo de implantação das normas internacionais vem contribuir para a produção e a reprodução da ordem social da área organizacional controladoria. A Teoria da Estruturação de Giddens (1979; 1996; 2003 sustenta esta pesquisa exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, realizada por meio de um estudo de caso em uma indústria têxtil. Nela, analisaram-se impactos da implantação das normas internacionais de contabilidade na controladoria, no período de 2008 a 2010, que abrange a fase de implantação dos CPCs na empresa, emitidos pelo Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio de observação, análise documental, entrevistas individuais e grupo focal. A análise das entrevistas individuais e do grupo focal foi realizada com o auxílio do software Atlas.ti. Os resultados apontaram que o processo de implantação das normas internacionais de contabilidade impactou a estrutura da área organizacional controladoria, por meio de novas atividades, discussões e mudanças nos processos e controles, além da interação dos agentes, por meio de comunicação e capacidades, permitindo a produção e a reprodução dessa área. Conclui-se que a dualidade da estrutura preconizada por Giddens (1979; 1996; 2003 ocorreu na empresa no período analisado, pois a estrutura impactou a interação e vice-versa.

  2. Direct shaft torque measurements in a transient turbine facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beard, Paul F; Povey, Thomas


    This paper describes the development and implementation of a shaft torque measurement system for the Oxford Turbine Research Facility (formerly the Turbine Test Facility (TTF) at QinetiQ, Farnborough), or OTRF. As part of the recent EU TATEF II programme, the facility was upgraded to allow turbine efficiency measurements to be performed. A shaft torque measurement system was developed as part of this upgrade. The system is unique in that, to the authors' knowledge, it provided the first direct measurement of shaft torque in a transient turbine facility although the system has wider applicability to rotating test facilities in which power measurement is a requirement. The adopted approach removes the requirement to quantify bearing friction, which can be difficult to accurately calibrate under representative operating conditions. The OTRF is a short duration (approximately 0.4 s run time) isentropic light-piston facility capable of matching all of the non-dimensional parameters important for aerodynamic and heat studies, namely Mach number, Reynolds number, non-dimensional speed, stage pressure ratio and gas-to-wall temperature ratio. The single-stage MT1 turbine used for this study is a highly loaded unshrouded design, and as such is relevant to modern military, or future civil aero-engine design. Shaft torque was measured directly using a custom-built strain gauge-based torque measurement system in the rotating frame of reference. This paper describes the development of this measurement system. The system was calibrated, including the effects of temperature, to a traceable primary standard using a purpose-built facility. The bias and precision uncertainties of the measured torque were ±0.117% and ±0.183%, respectively. To accurately determine the shaft torque developed by a turbine in the OTRF, small corrections due to inertial torque (associated with changes in the rotational speed) and aerodynamic drag (windage) are required. The methods for performing these

  3. Heat Control via Torque Control in Friction Stir Welding (United States)

    Venable, Richard; Colligan, Kevin; Knapp, Alan


    In a proposed advance in friction stir welding, the torque exerted on the workpiece by the friction stir pin would be measured and controlled in an effort to measure and control the total heat input to the workpiece. The total heat input to the workpiece is an important parameter of any welding process (fusion or friction stir welding). In fusion welding, measurement and control of heat input is a difficult problem. However, in friction stir welding, the basic principle of operation affords the potential of a straightforward solution: Neglecting thermal losses through the pin and the spindle that supports it, the rate of heat input to the workpiece is the product of the torque and the speed of rotation of the friction stir weld pin and, hence, of the spindle. Therefore, if one acquires and suitably processes data on torque and rotation and controls the torque, the rotation, or both, one should be able to control the heat input into the workpiece. In conventional practice in friction stir welding, one uses feedback control of the spindle motor to maintain a constant speed of rotation. According to the proposal, one would not maintain a constant speed of rotation: Instead, one would use feedback control to maintain a constant torque and would measure the speed of rotation while allowing it to vary. The torque exerted on the workpiece would be estimated as the product of (1) the torque-multiplication ratio of the spindle belt and/or gear drive, (2) the force measured by a load cell mechanically coupled to the spindle motor, and (3) the moment arm of the load cell. Hence, the output of the load cell would be used as a feedback signal for controlling the torque (see figure).

  4. Anomalous magnetic torque in the heavy-fermion superconductor UBe13

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmiedeshoff, G.M.; Fisk, Z.; Smith, J.L.


    Measurements of the magnetic torque acting upon a single crystal of the heavy-fermion superconductor UBe 13 have been made at temperatures from 0.5 K to 30.0 K and in magnetic fields to 23 T using a capacitive magnetometer. We find that a large, anomalous contribution to the magnetic torque appears in at low temperatures and in high fields. The anomalous torque coexists with the superconducting state at low temperature. We propose that the anomalous torque reflects the existence of a field-induced magnetic phase transition. (orig.)

  5. In vino veritas: vinho e aguardente no cotidiano dos sodomitas lusobrasileiros à época da Inquisição

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    Luiz Mott

    Full Text Available Com base nos processos e sumários inquisitoriais da Torre do Tombo, relativos ao nefando pecado de sodomia, interpretamos as informações relativas aos diferentes aspectos dos padrões de consumo de vinho e aguardente pelos sodomitas e fanchonos do mundo luso-brasileiro: ocasiões e situações em que se dava o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas; quantidade, medidas e utensílios ligados ao produto consumido; a utilização destas bebidas como ingrediente visando a socialização, sedução ou dirimente da culpa criminal dos amantes do mesmo sexo.

  6. Racismo e violação aos direitos humanos pela internet: estudo da Lei nº 7.716/89


    Celso Eduardo Santos de Melo


    Este trabalho tem como objeto específico o estudo da Lei nº 7.716/89, sobretudo o artigo 20, relativo às condutas tipificadas como crime de racismo quando praticadas utilizando-se como meio de publicação a Internet. Diante desse desafio, foi preciso verificar o histórico da questão das relações raciais no Brasil, bem como as previsões atuais de proteção do Estado contra as formas de discriminação racial. Em vista do meio utilizado na prática de condutas delituosas, a internet, foi necessário ...

  7. Smooth torque speed characteristic of switched reluctance motors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeng, Hui; Chen, Zhe; Chen, Hao


    The torque ripple of switched reluctance motors (SRMs) is the main disadvantage that limits the industrial application of these motors. Although several methods for smooth-toque operation (STO) have been proposed, STO works well only within a certain torque and speed range because...

  8. Spin-transfer torque in tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic layer of finite thickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilczynski, M.


    Two components of the spin torque exerted on a free ferromagnetic layer of finite thickness and a half-infinite ferromagnetic electrode in single tunnel junctions have been calculated in the spin-polarized free-electron-like one-band model. It has been found that the torque oscillates with the thickness of ferromagnetic layer and can be enhanced in the junction with the special layer thickness. The bias dependence of torque components also significantly changes with layer thickness. It is non-symmetric for the normal torque, in contrast to the symmetric junctions with two identical half-infinite ferromagnetic electrodes. The asymmetry of the bias dependence of the normal component of the torque can be also observed in the junctions with different spin splitting of the electron bands in the ferromagnetic electrodes. - Research highlights: → The torque oscillates with the thickness of ferromagnetic layer. → Bias dependence of the torque changes with the layer thickness. → Bias dependence of the normal torque can be asymmetric.

  9. Spin transfer torque in antiferromagnetic spin valves: From clean to disordered regimes

    KAUST Repository

    Saidaoui, Hamed Ben Mohamed; Manchon, Aurelien; Waintal, Xavier


    Current-driven spin torques in metallic spin valves composed of antiferromagnets are theoretically studied using the nonequilibrium Green's function method implemented on a tight-binding model. We focus our attention on G-type and L-type antiferromagnets in both clean and disordered regimes. In such structures, spin torques can either rotate the magnetic order parameter coherently (coherent torque) or compete with the internal antiferromagnetic exchange (exchange torque). We show that, depending on the symmetry of the spin valve, the coherent and exchange torques can either be in the plane, ∝n×(q×n) or out of the plane ∝n×q, where q and n are the directions of the order parameter of the polarizer and the free antiferromagnetic layers, respectively. Although disorder conserves the symmetry of the torques, it strongly reduces the torque magnitude, pointing out the need for momentum conservation to ensure strong spin torque in antiferromagnetic spin valves.

  10. Spin transfer torque in antiferromagnetic spin valves: From clean to disordered regimes

    KAUST Repository

    Saidaoui, Hamed Ben Mohamed


    Current-driven spin torques in metallic spin valves composed of antiferromagnets are theoretically studied using the nonequilibrium Green\\'s function method implemented on a tight-binding model. We focus our attention on G-type and L-type antiferromagnets in both clean and disordered regimes. In such structures, spin torques can either rotate the magnetic order parameter coherently (coherent torque) or compete with the internal antiferromagnetic exchange (exchange torque). We show that, depending on the symmetry of the spin valve, the coherent and exchange torques can either be in the plane, ∝n×(q×n) or out of the plane ∝n×q, where q and n are the directions of the order parameter of the polarizer and the free antiferromagnetic layers, respectively. Although disorder conserves the symmetry of the torques, it strongly reduces the torque magnitude, pointing out the need for momentum conservation to ensure strong spin torque in antiferromagnetic spin valves.

  11. Design of digital load torque observer in hybrid electric vehicle (United States)

    Sun, Yukun; Zhang, Haoming; Wang, Yinghai


    In hybrid electric vehicle, engine begain to work only when motor was in high speed in order to decrease tail gas emission. However, permanent magnet motor was sensitive to its load, adding engine to the system always made its speed drop sharply, which caused engine to work in low efficiency again and produced much more environment pollution. Dynamic load torque model of permanent magnet synchronous motor is established on the basic of motor mechanical equation and permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control theory, Full- digital load torque observer and compensation control system is made based on TMS320F2407A. Experiment results prove load torque observer and compensation control system can detect and compensate torque disturbing effectively, which can solve load torque disturbing and decrease gas pollution of hybrid electric vehicle.

  12. Four-bar linkage-based automatic tool changer: Dynamic modeling and torque optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sangho; Seo, TaeWon; Kim, Jong-Won; Kim, Jongwon


    An Automatic tool changer (ATC) is a device used in a tapping machine to reduce process time. This paper presents the optimization of a Peak torque reduction mechanism (PTRM) for an ATC. It is necessary to reduce the fatigue load and energy consumed, which is related to the peak torque. The PTRM uses a torsion spring to reduce the peak torque and was applied to a novel ATC mechanism, which was modeled using inverse dynamics. Optimization of the PTRM is required to minimize the peak torque. The design parameters are the initial angle and stiffness of the torsion spring, and the objective function is the peak torque of the input link. The torque was simulated, and the peak torque was decreased by 10 %. The energy consumed was reduced by the optimization.

  13. Four-bar linkage-based automatic tool changer: Dynamic modeling and torque optimization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Sangho; Seo, TaeWon [Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jong-Won; Kim, Jongwon [Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    An Automatic tool changer (ATC) is a device used in a tapping machine to reduce process time. This paper presents the optimization of a Peak torque reduction mechanism (PTRM) for an ATC. It is necessary to reduce the fatigue load and energy consumed, which is related to the peak torque. The PTRM uses a torsion spring to reduce the peak torque and was applied to a novel ATC mechanism, which was modeled using inverse dynamics. Optimization of the PTRM is required to minimize the peak torque. The design parameters are the initial angle and stiffness of the torsion spring, and the objective function is the peak torque of the input link. The torque was simulated, and the peak torque was decreased by 10 %. The energy consumed was reduced by the optimization.


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    Ana Carolina de Mello Alves Rodrigues

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Introduction: The specificity of sports training can lead to muscle specialization with a possible change in the natural hamstring/quadriceps torque ratio (HQ ratio, constituting a risk factor for muscle injury at the joint angles in which muscle imbalance may impair dynamic stability. Objective: The aim was to evaluate the torque distribution of the hamstrings and quadriceps and the HQ ratio throughout the range of motion in order to identify possible muscle imbalances at the knee of female futsal athletes. Methods: Nineteen amateur female futsal athletes had their dominant limb HQ ratio evaluated in a series of five maximum repetitions of flexion/extension of the knee at 180°/second in the total joint range of motion (30° to 80°. The peak flexor and extensor torque and the HQ ratio (% were compared each 5° of knee motion using one-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test (p<0.05 to determine the joint angles that present muscular imbalance. Results: Quadriceps torque was higher than 50° to 60° of knee flexion, while hamstrings torque was higher than 55° to 65°. The HQ ratio presented lower values than 30° to 45° of knee flexion and four athletes presented values lower than 60%, which may represent a risk of injury. However, the HQ ratio calculated by the peak torque showed only one athlete with less than 60%. Conclusion: The HQ ratio analyzed throughout the knee range of motion allowed identifying muscle imbalance at specific joint angles in female futsal players.

  15. Voo AF 447: nos radares da mídia

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    Norberto Kuhn Júnior


    Full Text Available Este texto apresenta um relato de aspectos da cobertura jornalística do acidente aéreo com o Airbus AF 447 da Air France, ocorrido no dia 1º de junho de 2009. Matérias publicadas na Folha de S.Paulo (impressa e no Le Monde (on-line serão apresentadas sob a perspectiva teórica do acontecimento, tomando-se como critérios de análise aspectos relativos à condição de emergência do fenômeno como ocorrência, a descrição das fontes que serviram de suporte para a narrativa jornalística e a observação do tratamento dado pelos dois veículos às questões ligadas à vida privada das vítimas. Para este texto serão consideradas as reflexões de José Rebelo e Louis Quéré.

  16. Analyzing the installation angle error of a SAW torque sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan, Yanping; Ji, Xiaojun; Cai, Ping


    When a torque is applied to a shaft, normal strain oriented at ±45° direction to the shaft axis is at its maximum, which requires two one-port SAW resonators to be bonded to the shaft at ±45° to the shaft axis. In order to make the SAW torque sensitivity high enough, the installation angle error of two SAW resonators must be confined within ±5° according to our design requirement. However, there are few studies devoted to the installation angle analysis of a SAW torque sensor presently and the angle error was usually obtained by a manual method. Hence, we propose an approximation method to analyze the angle error. First, according to the sensitive mechanism of the SAW device to torque, the SAW torque sensitivity is deduced based on the linear piezoelectric constitutive equation and the perturbation theory. Then, when a torque is applied to the tested shaft, the stress condition of two SAW resonators mounted with an angle deviating from ±45° to the shaft axis, is analyzed. The angle error is obtained by means of the torque sensitivities of two orthogonal SAW resonators. Finally, the torque measurement system is constructed and the loading and unloading experiments are performed twice. The torque sensitivities of two SAW resonators are obtained by applying average and least square method to the experimental results. Based on the derived angle error estimation function, the angle error is estimated about 3.447°, which is close to the actual angle error 2.915°. The difference between the estimated angle and the actual angle is discussed. The validity of the proposed angle error analysis method is testified to by the experimental results. (technical design note)


    Human Engineering Inst., Cleveland, OH.


  18. A family of nonlinear PID-like regulators for a class of torque-driven robot manipulators equipped with torque-constrained actuators

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    Adriana Salinas


    Full Text Available This article addresses the joint position control of torque-driven robot manipulators under actuators subject to torque saturation. Robots having viscous friction, but without gravity vector, are considered. By assuming a static model for the torque actuator (specifically, a model of nonlinear and non-differentiable hard saturation function, a family of nonlinear proportional–integral–derivative-like controllers is proposed. Lyapunov stability theory is used to establish conditions for local asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. A notable feature of the proposed controller is that stability conditions do not depend on the saturation levels of the actuators. In addition, an experimental study complements the proposed theory.

  19. Evaluation Method for Fieldlike-Torque Efficiency by Modulation of the Resonance Field (United States)

    Kim, Changsoo; Kim, Dongseuk; Chun, Byong Sun; Moon, Kyoung-Woong; Hwang, Chanyong


    The spin Hall effect has attracted a lot of interest in spintronics because it offers the possibility of a faster switching route with an electric current than with a spin-transfer-torque device. Recently, fieldlike spin-orbit torque has been shown to play an important role in the magnetization switching mechanism. However, there is no simple method for observing the fieldlike spin-orbit torque efficiency. We suggest a method for measuring fieldlike spin-orbit torque using a linear change in the resonance field in spectra of direct-current (dc)-tuned spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance. The fieldlike spin-orbit torque efficiency can be obtained in both a macrospin simulation and in experiments by simply subtracting the Oersted field from the shifted amount of resonance field. This method analyzes the effect of fieldlike torque using dc in a normal metal; therefore, only the dc resistivity and the dimensions of each layer are considered in estimating the fieldlike spin-torque efficiency. The evaluation of fieldlike-torque efficiency of a newly emerging material by modulation of the resonance field provides a shortcut in the development of an alternative magnetization switching device.

  20. Creative accomplishment of continuous TIP motor torque monitoring system in BWR plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, C.H.; Li, I.N.; Liu, C.S.


    The Traveling In-core Probe (TIP) system is designed so delicate that the routine preventive maintenance - torque measurement is required to keep system operating properly. Normally, the torque measurement is performed by manually rotating torque wrench on the local TIP drive mechanism or using wattmeter during automatic operation. Whenever, either torque wrench or wattmeter measurement is performed, the high radiation exposure to maintenance personnel and mass manpower is expected. Because of this reason Taipower has developed a continuous TIP motor torque monitoring system to save manpower and minimize radiation exposure to maintenance personnel. This methods of TIP motor torque measurement will also predict TIP guide tube deterioration. (author)

  1. Induction machine Direct Torque Control system based on fuzzy adaptive control (United States)

    Li, Shi-ping; Yu, Yan; Jiao, Zhen-gang; Gu, Shu-sheng


    Direct Torque Control technology is a high-performance communication control method, it uses the space voltage vector method, and then to the inverter switch state control, to obtain high torque dynamic performance. But none of the switching states is able to generate the exact voltage vector to produce the desired changes in torque and flux in most of the switching instances. This causes a high ripple in torque. To solve this problem, a fuzzy implementation of Direct Torque Control of Induction machine is presented here. Error of stator flux, error of motor electromagnetic torque and position of angle of flux are taken as fuzzy variables. In order to further solve nonlinear problem of variation parameters in direct torque control system, the paper proposes a fuzzy parameter PID adaptive control method which is suitable for the direct torque control of an asynchronous motor. The generation of its fuzzy control is obtained by analyzing and optimizing PID control step response and combining expert's experience. For this reason, it carries out fuzzy work to PID regulator of motor speed to achieve to regulate PID parameters. Therefore the control system gets swifter response velocity, stronger robustness and higher precision of velocity control. The computer simulated results verify the validity of this novel method.

  2. Validity of trunk extensor and flexor torque measurements using isokinetic dynamometry. (United States)

    Guilhem, Gaël; Giroux, Caroline; Couturier, Antoine; Maffiuletti, Nicola A


    This study aimed to evaluate the validity and test-retest reliability of trunk muscle strength testing performed with a latest-generation isokinetic dynamometer. Eccentric, isometric, and concentric peak torque of the trunk flexor and extensor muscles was measured in 15 healthy subjects. Muscle cross sectional area (CSA) and surface electromyographic (EMG) activity were respectively correlated to peak torque and submaximal isometric torque for erector spinae and rectus abdominis muscles. Reliability of peak torque measurements was determined during test and retest sessions. Significant correlations were consistently observed between muscle CSA and peak torque for all contraction types (r=0.74-0.85; Ptorque (r ⩾ 0.99; Ptorque between test and retest ranged from -3.7% to 3.7% with no significant mean directional bias. Overall, our findings establish the validity of torque measurements using the tested trunk module. Also considering the excellent test-retest reliability of peak torque measurements, we conclude that this latest-generation isokinetic dynamometer could be used with confidence to evaluate trunk muscle function for clinical or athletic purposes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Spin Transfer Torque in Graphene (United States)

    Lin, Chia-Ching; Chen, Zhihong


    Graphene is an idea channel material for spin transport due to its long spin diffusion length. To develop graphene based spin logic, it is important to demonstrate spin transfer torque in graphene. Here, we report the experimental measurement of spin transfer torque in graphene nonlocal spin valve devices. Assisted by a small external in-plane magnetic field, the magnetization reversal of the receiving magnet is induced by pure spin diffusion currents from the injector magnet. The magnetization switching is reversible between parallel and antiparallel configurations by controlling the polarity of the applied charged currents. Current induced heating and Oersted field from the nonlocal charge flow have also been excluded in this study. Next, we further enhance the spin angular momentum absorption at the interface of the receiving magnet and graphene channel by removing the tunneling barrier in the receiving magnet. The device with a tunneling barrier only at the injector magnet shows a comparable nonlocal spin valve signal but lower electrical noise. Moreover, in the same preset condition, the critical charge current density for spin torque in the single tunneling barrier device shows a substantial reduction if compared to the double tunneling barrier device.

  4. Comparison of design and torque measurements of various manual wrenches. (United States)

    Neugebauer, Jörg; Petermöller, Simone; Scheer, Martin; Happe, Arndt; Faber, Franz-Josef; Zoeller, Joachim E


    Accurate torque application and determination of the applied torque during surgical and prosthetic treatment is important to reduce complications. A study was performed to determine and compare the accuracy of manual wrenches, which are available in different designs with a large range of preset torques. Thirteen different wrench systems with a variety of preset torques ranging from 10 to 75 Ncm were evaluated. Three different designs were available, with a spring-in-coil or toggle design as an active mechanism or a beam as a passive mechanism, to select the preset torque. To provide a clinically relevant analysis, a total of 1,170 torque measurements in the range of 10 to 45 Ncm were made in vitro using an electronic torque measurement device. The absolute deviations in Ncm and percent deviations across all wrenches were small, with a mean of -0.24 ± 2.15 Ncm and -0.84% ± 11.72% as a shortfall relative to the preset value. The greatest overage was 8.2 Ncm (82.5%), and the greatest shortfall was 8.47 Ncm (46%). However, extreme values were rare, with 95th-percentile values of -1.5% (lower value) and -0.16% (upper value). A comparison with respect to wrench design revealed significantly higher deviations for coil and toggle-style wrenches than for beam wrenches. Beam wrenches were associated with a lower risk of rare extreme values thanks to their passive mechanism of achieving the selected preset torque, which minimizes the risk of harming screw connections.

  5. Deliberate utilization of interaction torques brakes elbow extension in a fast throwing motion. (United States)

    Hore, Jon; Debicki, Derek B; Gribble, Paul L; Watts, Sherry


    We tested the hypothesis that in fast arm movements the CNS deliberately utilizes interaction torques to decelerate (brake) joint rotations. Twelve subjects performed fast 2-D overarm throws in which large elbow extension velocities occurred. Joint motions were computed from recordings made with search coils; joint torques were calculated using inverse dynamics. After ball release, a large follow-through shoulder extension acceleration occurred that was initiated by shoulder extensor muscle torque. This shoulder acceleration produced a flexor interaction torque at the elbow that initiated elbow deceleration (braking). An instantaneous mechanical interaction of passive torques then occurred between elbow and shoulder, i.e., elbow extension deceleration produced a large shoulder extensor interaction torque that contributed to the shoulder extension acceleration which, simultaneously, produced a large elbow flexor interaction torque that contributed to elbow extension deceleration, and so on. Late elbow flexor muscle torque also contributed to elbow deceleration. The interaction of passive torques between shoulder and elbow was braked by shoulder flexor muscle torque. In this mechanism, shoulder musculature contributed to braking elbow extension in two ways: shoulder extensors initiated the mechanical interaction of passive torques between shoulder and elbow and shoulder flexors dissipated kinetic energy from elbow braking. It is concluded that, in fast 2-D throws, the CNS deliberately utilizes powerful interaction torques between shoulder and elbow to brake motion at the elbow.

  6. Spin-transfer torque generated by a topological insulator

    KAUST Repository

    Mellnik, A. R.; Lee, Joonsue; Richardella, Anthony R.; Grab, J. L.; Mintun, P. J.; Fischer, Mark H.; Vaezi, Abolhassan; Manchon, Aurelien; Kim, Eunah; Samarth, Nitin S.; Ralph, Daniel C.


    permalloy (Ni81Fe19) thin film, with a direction consistent with that expected from the topological surface state. We find that the strength of the torque per unit charge current density in Bi 2Se3 is greater than for any source of spin-transfer torque

  7. Torque magnetometry by use of capacitance type transducer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braught, M.C.; Pechan, M.J.


    Interfacial anisotropy in magnetic multilayered samples comprised of nanometer thick magnetic layers alternating with non-magnetic layers is investigated by torque magnetometry in the temperature regime of 4 to 300K. The design, construction and use of a capacitance type transducer wherein the sample is mounted directly on with the plate of the capacitor, will be described. As a result the sample and transducer spatially coexist at the sample temperature in an applied external field, eliminating mechanical coupling from the cryogenic region to a remote room temperature transducer. The capacitor measuring the torque of the sample is paired with a reference capacitor. The difference between torque influenced capacitance and the reference is then determined by a differential transimpedance amplifier. Since both capacitors are physically identical variables such as temperature, vibration, orientation and external devices are minimized. Torques up to 300 dyne-cm can be measured with a sensitivity of 0.010 dyne-cm

  8. Análise do torque de resistência e da força muscular resultante durante exercício de extensão de quadril no Pilates e suas implicações na prescrição e progressão Assessment of resistance torque and resultant muscular force during Pilates hip extension exercise and its implications to prescription and progression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica O. Melo


    Full Text Available CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A análise da mecânica externa dos exercícios de Pilates e da biomecânica das articulações pode subsidiar a prescrição de exercícios na reabilitação. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o comportamento do torque de resistência (ΓR do exercício de extensão de quadril (EQ realizado no Cadillac; realizar uma análise biomecânica a partir do comportamento do ΓR e das distâncias perpendiculares médias ponderadas (DPMPs para estimar a força muscular resultante (FM R dos extensores e flexores e propor critérios mecânicos para progressão do exercício de EQ realizado no Cadillac. MÉTODOS: Catorze praticantes de Pilates realizaram EQ no aparelho Cadillac em quatro situações em ordem aleatorizada - usando duas molas (vermelha e azul fixadas em duas posições (alta e baixa. As posições angulares foram coletadas por meio de eletrogoniometria. Para o cálculo do ΓR, torque muscular (ΓM e da FM R foram usados diagramas de corpo livre e equações de movimento. Os valores de DPMP dos músculos flexores e extensores do quadril foram quantificados usando dados da literatura. RESULTADOS: O ΓR e a FM R apresentaram comportamentos semelhantes em todas as situações, entretanto os valores máximos de ΓR não ocorrem na mesma posição articular que a FM R máxima. A DPMP dos flexores de quadril apresentou um comportamento crescente-decrescente, com máximo próximo aos 55º de flexão, enquanto os extensores de quadril apresentaram comportamento semelhante, com máximo próximo aos 25º de flexão. CONCLUSÃO: A análise biomecânica do exercício e a avaliação das características mecânicas associadas à articulação do quadril podem ser usadas como critérios objetivos de prescrição e progressão do exercício de EQ no Pilates.BACKGROUND: The understanding of the external mechanics of Pilates exercises and the biomechanics of the joints may guide the prescription of rehabilitation exercises. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the

  9. Torque Generation of Enterococcus hirae V-ATPase* (United States)

    Ueno, Hiroshi; Minagawa, Yoshihiro; Hara, Mayu; Rahman, Suhaila; Yamato, Ichiro; Muneyuki, Eiro; Noji, Hiroyuki; Murata, Takeshi; Iino, Ryota


    V-ATPase (VoV1) converts the chemical free energy of ATP into an ion-motive force across the cell membrane via mechanical rotation. This energy conversion requires proper interactions between the rotor and stator in VoV1 for tight coupling among chemical reaction, torque generation, and ion transport. We developed an Escherichia coli expression system for Enterococcus hirae VoV1 (EhVoV1) and established a single-molecule rotation assay to measure the torque generated. Recombinant and native EhVoV1 exhibited almost identical dependence of ATP hydrolysis activity on sodium ion and ATP concentrations, indicating their functional equivalence. In a single-molecule rotation assay with a low load probe at high ATP concentration, EhVoV1 only showed the “clear” state without apparent backward steps, whereas EhV1 showed two states, “clear” and “unclear.” Furthermore, EhVoV1 showed slower rotation than EhV1 without the three distinct pauses separated by 120° that were observed in EhV1. When using a large probe, EhVoV1 showed faster rotation than EhV1, and the torque of EhVoV1 estimated from the continuous rotation was nearly double that of EhV1. On the other hand, stepping torque of EhV1 in the clear state was comparable with that of EhVoV1. These results indicate that rotor-stator interactions of the Vo moiety and/or sodium ion transport limit the rotation driven by the V1 moiety, and the rotor-stator interactions in EhVoV1 are stabilized by two peripheral stalks to generate a larger torque than that of isolated EhV1. However, the torque value was substantially lower than that of other rotary ATPases, implying the low energy conversion efficiency of EhVoV1. PMID:25258315

  10. [Influence of slot size on torque control]. (United States)

    Tian, Jun; Liu, Zhong-Hao; Zhang, Ding; Wu, Chuan-Jun


    To study the influence of two slot size brackets on torque control when teeth interacted in the same arch. After the upper arch was aligned and leveled in Typodont study, the inclinations of upper teeth 5 +/- 5 were measured when 0.457 2 mm x 0.635 0 mm OPA-K brackets and 0.558 8 mmx0.711 2 mm OPA-K brackets were filled with 0.431 8 mm x 0.635 0 mm stainless steel wire. This experiment was duplicated 10 times. The inclin of each tooth were transformed to the absolute values of the torque play angle psi by computing program, and paired-t test was used. The two kinds of slot size brackets were different with statistical significance on torque control. When the brackets were filled with 0.431 8 mm x 0.635 0 mm stainless steel wire, the absolute values of the angle psi in 0.558 8 mm x 0.711 2 mm and 0.457 2 mm x 0.635 0 mm slot size brackets were 6.140 degrees +/- 3.758 degrees and 2.608 degrees +/- 1.479 degrees respectively, and the average difference of that between the two slot size brackets was 3.532 degrees. The absolute values of the angle psi in the upper left and right canine brackets were 2.560 degrees +/- 2.605 degrees, 4.230 degrees +/- 2.817 degrees, 1.260 degrees +/- 0.747 degrees and 2.070 degrees +/- 0.663 degrees respectively, and average differences between them were smaller than that in the other teeth. There was difference between the two kinds of slot size brackets on torque control, and 0.457 2 mm x 0.635 0 mm slot size bracket controls torque better when filled with the same size wire. In this study, the teeth interaction in the same arch probably caused the result that the difference of two slot size brackets on torque control was less than the study results of the theory calculations and material studys before.

  11. Condition monitoring of a motor-operated valve using estimated motor torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chai, Jangbom; Kang, Shinchul; Park, Sungkeun; Hong, Sungyull; Lim, Chanwoo


    This paper is concerned with the development of data analysis methods to be used in on-line monitoring and diagnosis of Motor-Operated Valves (MOVs) effectively and accurately. The technique to be utilized includes the electrical measurements and signal processing to estimate electric torque of induction motors, which are attached to most of MOV systems. The estimated torque of an induction motor is compared with the directly measured torque using a torque cell in various loading conditions including the degraded voltage conditions to validate the estimating scheme. The accuracy of the estimating scheme is presented. The advantages of the estimated torque signatures are reviewed over the currently used ones such as the current signature and the power signature in several respects: accuracy, sensitivity, resolution and so on. Additionally, the estimated torque methods are suggested as a good way to monitor the conditions of MOVs with higher accuracy. (author)

  12. Study on Monitoring Rock Burst through Drill Pipe Torque


    Zhonghua Li; Liyuan Zhu; Wanlei Yin; Yanfang Song


    This paper presents a new method to identify the danger of rock burst from the response of drill pipe torque during drilling process to overcome many defects of the conventional volume of drilled coal rubble method. It is based on the relationship of rock burst with coal stress and coal strength. Through theoretic analysis, the change mechanism of drill pipe torque and the relationship of drill pipe torque with coal stress, coal strength, and drilling speed are investigated. In light of the a...

  13. Development of a New Small-Rated Reference Torque Wrench (United States)

    Nishino, Atsuhiro; Ogushi, Koji; Ueda, Kazunaga

    It is imperative that torque standard of small rated capacity is established and disseminated throughout Japanese industry. A 10 N·m dead weight torque standard machine (10-N·m-DWTSM) has been developed and evaluated at the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), part of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). By 2012, the relative expanded uncertainty of torque realized by the 10-N·m-DWTSM was estimated to be 6.6 × 10-5, with the coverage factor k begin equal to 2, in a range from 0.1 N·m to 10 N·m for calibrations of the torque measuring devices (TMDs). Calibration service for small-rated-capacity TMDs was started to disseminate the torque standard throughout Japanese industry. Here, there are two routes in the torque traceability system in Japan. One is the route for TMDs and the other one is the route for reference torque wrenches (RTWs). The torque standard in the form of RTWs has been disseminated in the range from 5 N·m to 5 kN·m by using the TSMs owned by NMIJ. There remains a strong demand to expand the calibration range of RTWs. To expand the range, we should develop the new high-accuracy small-rated-capacity RTW and evaluate its calibration method. In this study, a high-accuracy RTW (TP-5N-1109), which had a rated capacity of 5 N·m, was newly developed and calibrated with the 10-N·m-DWTSM to evaluate its characteristics. The ordinary calibration procedures adopted at NMIJ was investigated whether it was applicable to the small-rated-capacity RTWs. As a result, the TP-5N-1109 showed good performance in the creep testing, and its characteristic curves were draw for all cases of the calibration procedures. The repeatability in the calibration results was good. We clarified the problem with the calibration conditions of the small-rated-capacity RTW to calibrate it by three cases.

  14. Pelvic rotation torque during fast-pitch softball hitting under three ball height conditions. (United States)

    Iino, Yoichi; Fukushima, Atsushi; Kojima, Takeji


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relevance of hip joint angles to the production of the pelvic rotation torque in fast-pitch softball hitting and to examine the effect of ball height on this production. Thirteen advanced female softball players hit stationary balls at three different heights: high, middle, and low. The pelvic rotation torque, defined as the torque acting on the pelvis through the hip joints about the pelvic superior-inferior axis, was determined from the kinematic and force plate data using inverse dynamics. Irrespective of the ball heights, the rear hip extension, rear hip external rotation, front hip adduction, and front hip flexion torques contributed to the production of pelvic rotation torque. Although the contributions of the adduction and external rotation torques at each hip joint were significantly different among the ball heights, the contributions of the front and rear hip joint torques were similar among the three ball heights owing to cancelation of the two torque components. The timings of the peaks of the hip joint torque components were significantly different, suggesting that softball hitters may need to adjust the timings of the torque exertions fairly precisely to rotate the upper body effectively.




    Introduction Whereas deficits in muscle function, particularly power production, develop in old age and are risk factors for mobility impairment, a complete understanding of muscle fatigue during dynamic contractions is lacking. We tested hypotheses related to torque-producing capacity, fatigue resistance, and variability of torque production during repeated maximal contractions in healthy older, mobility-impaired older, and young women. Methods Knee extensor fatigue (decline in torque) was measured during 4 min of dynamic contractions. Torque variability was characterized using a novel 4-component logistic regression model. Results Young women produced more torque at baseline and during the protocol than older women (P torque variability differed by group (P = 0.022) and was greater in older impaired compared with young women (P = 0.010). Conclusions These results suggest that increased torque variability may combine with baseline muscle weakness to limit function, particularly in older adults with mobility impairments. PMID:23674266

  16. Fatigue affects peak joint torque angle in hamstrings but not in quadriceps. (United States)

    Coratella, Giuseppe; Bellin, Giuseppe; Beato, Marco; Schena, Federico


    Primary aim of this study was to investigate peak joint torque angle (i.e. the angle of peak torque) changes recorded during an isokinetic test before and after a fatiguing soccer match simulation. Secondarily we want to investigate functional Hecc:Qconc and conventional Hconc:Qconc ratio changes due to fatigue. Before and after a standardised soccer match simulation, twenty-two healthy male amateur soccer players performed maximal isokinetic strength tests both for hamstrings and for quadriceps muscles at 1.05 rad · s(‒1), 3.14 rad · s(‒1) and 5.24 rad · s(‒1). Peak joint torque angle, peak torque and both functional Hecc:Qconc and conventional Hconc:Qconc ratios were examined. Both dominant and non-dominant limbs were tested. Peak joint torque angle significantly increased only in knee flexors. Both eccentric and concentric contractions resulted in such increment, which occurred in both limbs. No changes were found in quadriceps peak joint torque angle. Participants experienced a significant decrease in torque both in hamstrings and in quadriceps. Functional Hecc:Qconc ratio was lower only in dominant limb at higher velocities, while Hconc:Qconc did not change. This study showed after specific fatiguing task changes in hamstrings only torque/angle relationship. Hamstrings injury risk could depend on altered torque when knee is close to extension, coupled with a greater peak torque decrement compared to quadriceps. These results suggest the use eccentric based training to prevent hamstrings shift towards shorter length.

  17. Teores de pigmentos, fluorescência da clorofila a e índice SPAD em cultivares de girassol sob regimes hídricos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastião de Oliveira Maia Júnior


    Full Text Available O girassol (Helianthus annuus L. é uma espécie vegetal que apresenta inúmeras aplicações na atualidade, sendo considerada uma das plantas que apresenta um potencial máximo de sua produção. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar aspectos fotossintéticos de cultivares de girassol, submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação, nas instalações pertencentes ao Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola da UFCG, conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (três cultivares e quatro níveis de irrigação com quatro repetições. Foram utilizados vasos com capacidade para 100 L, tendo-se o conteúdo de água do solo  monitorado diariamente por meio de uma sonda de capacitância, modelo DIVINER 2000®, segmentada nos tratamentos com 100% da capacidade de campo (CC. Foram avaliadas as características: fluorescência da clorofila a, teores de clorofila a, b e total, e índice relativo SPAD. Houve diferença estatística entre as cultivares para o índice relativo de clorofila e o teor de carotenoides, e entre os regimes hídricos para os teores de clorofila b e clorofila total. Houve correlação entre o índice de clorofila (SPAD e o teor de clorofila total. Os regimes hídricos não alteraram a fluorescência e o teor da clorofila a, entretanto, alteraram os teores de clorofila b e total em plantas de girassol.

  18. Experimental and theoretical study of friction torque from radial ball bearings (United States)

    Geonea, Ionut; Dumitru, Nicolae; Dumitru, Ilie


    In this paper it is presented a numerical simulation and an experimental study of total friction torque from radial ball bearings. For this purpose it is conceived a virtual CAD model of the experimental test bench for bearing friction torque measurement. The virtual model it is used for numerical simulation in Adams software, that allows dynamic study of multi-body systems and in particularly with facility Adams Machinery of dynamic behavior of machine parts. It is manufactured an experimental prototype of the test bench for radial ball bearings friction torque measurement. In order to measure the friction torque of the tested bearings it is used an equal resistance elastic beam element, with strain gauge transducer to measure bending deformations. The actuation electric motor of the bench has the shaft mounted on two bearings and the motor housing is fixed to the free side of the elastic beam, which is bended by a force proportional with the total friction torque. The beam elastic element with strain gauge transducer is calibrated in order to measure the force occurred. Experimental determination of the friction torque is made for several progressive radial loads. It is established the correlation from the friction torque and bearing radial load. The bench allows testing of several types and dimensions of radial bearings, in order to establish the bearing durability and of total friction torque.

  19. New Cogging Torque Reduction Methods for Permanent Magnet Machine (United States)

    Bahrim, F. S.; Sulaiman, E.; Kumar, R.; Jusoh, L. I.


    Permanent magnet type motors (PMs) especially permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) are expanding its limbs in industrial application system and widely used in various applications. The key features of this machine include high power and torque density, extending speed range, high efficiency, better dynamic performance and good flux-weakening capability. Nevertheless, high in cogging torque, which may cause noise and vibration, is one of the threat of the machine performance. Therefore, with the aid of 3-D finite element analysis (FEA) and simulation using JMAG Designer, this paper proposed new method for cogging torque reduction. Based on the simulation, methods of combining the skewing with radial pole pairing method and skewing with axial pole pairing method reduces the cogging torque effect up to 71.86% and 65.69% simultaneously.

  20. Disponibilidade de água no solo e crescimento de artemísia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carvalho Luciana M. de


    Full Text Available Plantas de artemísia (Tanacetum parthenium L. Schultz-Bip., cultivadas em vasos com substrato mantido na capacidade de campo, a 90%, a 70% e a 50% da capacidade de campo foram comparadas quanto à altura, acúmulo de massa fresca na parte aérea, teor relativo de clorofila e teor de prolina. O teor relativo de clorofila foi estimado por meio do clorofilômetro SPAD-502, enquanto o teor de prolina foi determinado por colorimetria. Verificou-se reduções de 16% na altura e de 22,5% no acúmulo de massa fresca nas plantas crescidas a 50% da capacidade de campo, em relação àquelas crescidas a 90% da capacidade de campo. O teor relativo de clorofila nas folhas, em quaisquer dos níveis hídricos, decresceu com o tempo, indicando tendência à senescência. Apesar da redução contínua nos níveis de clorofila, as plantas mantidas a 50% da capacidade de campo tiveram, durante todo o tempo acompanhado, teor relativo de clorofila cerca de 30% mais alto comparado às plantas mantidas a 90% da capacidade de campo. O teor de prolina também foi maior nessas plantas, indicando ocorrência de estresse por deficiência hídrica e ajuste osmótico. O maior teor relativo de clorofila e de prolina nas folhas expandidas das plantas sob deficiência hídrica pode ser utilizado como indicativo de estresse.

  1. Self-consistent perturbed equilibrium with neoclassical toroidal torque in tokamaks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jong-Kyu; Logan, Nikolas C.


    Toroidal torque is one of the most important consequences of non-axisymmetric fields in tokamaks. The well-known neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) is due to the second-order toroidal force from anisotropic pressure tensor in the presence of these asymmetries. This work shows that the first-order toroidal force originating from the same anisotropic pressure tensor, despite having no flux surface average, can significantly modify the local perturbed force balance and thus must be included in perturbed equilibrium self-consistent with NTV. The force operator with an anisotropic pressure tensor is not self-adjoint when the NTV torque is finite and thus is solved directly for each component. This approach yields a modified, non-self-adjoint Euler-Lagrange equation that can be solved using a variety of common drift-kinetic models in generalized tokamak geometry. The resulting energy and torque integral provides a unique way to construct a torque response matrix, which contains all the information of self-consistent NTV torque profiles obtainable by applying non-axisymmetric fields to the plasma. This torque response matrix can then be used to systematically optimize non-axisymmetric field distributions for desired NTV profiles. Published by AIP Publishing.

  2. A theoretical model of speed-dependent steering torque for rolling tyres (United States)

    Wei, Yintao; Oertel, Christian; Liu, Yahui; Li, Xuebing


    It is well known that the tyre steering torque is highly dependent on the tyre rolling speed. In limited cases, i.e. parking manoeuvre, the steering torque approaches the maximum. With the increasing tyre speed, the steering torque decreased rapidly. Accurate modelling of the speed-dependent behaviour for the tyre steering torque is a key factor to calibrate the electric power steering (EPS) system and tune the handling performance of vehicles. However, no satisfactory theoretical model can be found in the existing literature to explain this phenomenon. This paper proposes a new theoretical framework to model this important tyre behaviour, which includes three key factors: (1) tyre three-dimensional transient rolling kinematics with turn-slip; (2) dynamical force and moment generation; and (3) the mixed Lagrange-Euler method for contact deformation solving. A nonlinear finite-element code has been developed to implement the proposed approach. It can be found that the main mechanism for the speed-dependent steering torque is due to turn-slip-related kinematics. This paper provides a theory to explain the complex mechanism of the tyre steering torque generation, which helps to understand the speed-dependent tyre steering torque, tyre road feeling and EPS calibration.

  3. Fatores determinantes da capacidade funcional entre idosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tereza Etsuko da Costa Rosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO; Investigar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos relativos à saúde, bem como os fatores ligados às atividades sociais e à avaliação subjetiva da saúde sobre a capacidade funcional dos idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante de estudo multicêntrico, em amostra representativa do município de São Paulo, realizado em 1989. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada através da escala de atividades da vida diária pessoal e instrumental e investigada como variável dicotômica: ausência de dependência - incapacidade/dificuldade em nenhuma das atividades versus presença de dependência moderada/grave - incapacidade/dificuldade em 4 ou mais atividades. Análise de regressão logística múltipla foi aplicada aos fatores hierarquicamente agrupados. RESULTADOS: As características que se associaram com a dependência moderada/grave foram analfabetismo, ser aposentado, ser pensionista, ser dona de casa, não ser proprietário da moradia, ter mais de 65 anos, ter composição familiar multigeracional, ter sido internado nos últimos 6 meses, ser "caso" no rastreamento de saúde mental, não visitar amigos, ter problemas de visão, ter história de derrame, não visitar parentes e ter avaliação pessimista da saúde ao se comparar com seus pares. CONCLUSÕES: As características identificadas que se associaram à dependência moderada/grave sugerem uma complexa rede causal do declínio da capacidade funcional. Pode-se supor, entretanto, que ações preventivas especificamente voltadas para certos fatores podem propiciar benefícios para o prolongamento do bem estar da população idosa.

  4. Fatores determinantes da capacidade funcional entre idosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Tereza Etsuko da Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO; Investigar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos relativos à saúde, bem como os fatores ligados às atividades sociais e à avaliação subjetiva da saúde sobre a capacidade funcional dos idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante de estudo multicêntrico, em amostra representativa do município de São Paulo, realizado em 1989. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada através da escala de atividades da vida diária pessoal e instrumental e investigada como variável dicotômica: ausência de dependência - incapacidade/dificuldade em nenhuma das atividades versus presença de dependência moderada/grave - incapacidade/dificuldade em 4 ou mais atividades. Análise de regressão logística múltipla foi aplicada aos fatores hierarquicamente agrupados. RESULTADOS: As características que se associaram com a dependência moderada/grave foram analfabetismo, ser aposentado, ser pensionista, ser dona de casa, não ser proprietário da moradia, ter mais de 65 anos, ter composição familiar multigeracional, ter sido internado nos últimos 6 meses, ser "caso" no rastreamento de saúde mental, não visitar amigos, ter problemas de visão, ter história de derrame, não visitar parentes e ter avaliação pessimista da saúde ao se comparar com seus pares. CONCLUSÕES: As características identificadas que se associaram à dependência moderada/grave sugerem uma complexa rede causal do declínio da capacidade funcional. Pode-se supor, entretanto, que ações preventivas especificamente voltadas para certos fatores podem propiciar benefícios para o prolongamento do bem estar da população idosa.

  5. Rotational and peak torque stiffness of rugby shoes. (United States)

    Ballal, Moez S; Usuelli, Federico Giuseppe; Montrasio, Umberto Alfieri; Molloy, Andy; La Barbera, Luigi; Villa, Tomaso; Banfi, Giuseppe


    Sports people always strive to avoid injury. Sports shoe designs in many sports have been shown to affect traction and injury rates. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the differing stiffness and torque in rugby boots that are designed for the same effect. Five different types of rugby shoes commonly worn by scrum forwards were laboratory tested for rotational stiffness and peak torque on a natural playing surface generating force patterns that would be consistent with a rugby scrum. The overall internal rotation peak torque was 57.75±6.26 Nm while that of external rotation was 56.55±4.36 Nm. The Peak internal and external rotational stiffness were 0.696±0.1 and 0.708±0.06 Nm/deg respectively. Our results, when compared to rotational stiffness and peak torques of football shoes published in the literature, show that shoes worn by rugby players exert higher rotational and peak torque stiffness compared to football shoes when tested on the same natural surfaces. There was significant difference between the tested rugby shoes brands. In our opinion, to maximize potential performance and lower the potential of non-contact injury, care should be taken in choosing boots with stiffness appropriate to the players main playing role. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Magnetic moment of inertia within the torque-torque correlation model. (United States)

    Thonig, Danny; Eriksson, Olle; Pereiro, Manuel


    An essential property of magnetic devices is the relaxation rate in magnetic switching which strongly depends on the energy dissipation. This is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and the well known damping parameter, which has been shown to be reproduced from quantum mechanical calculations. Recently the importance of inertia phenomena have been discussed for magnetisation dynamics. This magnetic counterpart to the well-known inertia of Newtonian mechanics, represents a research field that so far has received only limited attention. We present and elaborate here on a theoretical model for calculating the magnetic moment of inertia based on the torque-torque correlation model. Particularly, the method has been applied to bulk itinerant magnets and we show that numerical values are comparable with recent experimental measurements. The theoretical analysis shows that even though the moment of inertia and damping are produced by the spin-orbit coupling, and the expression for them have common features, they are caused by very different electronic structure mechanisms. We propose ways to utilise this in order to tune the inertia experimentally, and to find materials with significant inertia dynamics.

  7. A Computational Study on Hydrodynamic Torque Coefficients of a Butterfly Valve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Do-Hwan; Park, Sung-Keun; Kang, Shin-Chul; Kim, Dae-Woong; Park, Ju-Yeop


    Butterfly valves have been widely used for on-off or control purposes in the process industry, since they provide quick opening and closing operation and good flow control characteristics. For the evaluation of the adequacy of valve operability and the actuator sizing, the required torque estimation is necessary. Since the principal contributing component of the require torque in the mid-stroke position is hydrodynamic torque, it is necessary to predict the torque properly under the actual flow conditions. The research on the prediction of the valve performance was led by EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) in early 1990s. A performance prediction model was developed based on the experimental results and the free-streamline analysis by Sarpkaya. Recently, Kalsi Engineering carried out extended tests and developed the improved model. Variation of disk geometries and upstream flow conditions were tried to obtain accurate hydrodynamic torque coefficients. However, since the model is only commercially available, a general method to obtain hydrodynamic torque for butterfly valves is called for

  8. Proposed torque optimized behavior for digital speed control of induction motors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metwally, H.M.B.; El-Shewy, H.M.; El-Kholy, M.M. [Zagazig Univ., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Zagazig (Egypt); Abdel-Kader, F.E. [Menoufyia Univ., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Menoufyia (Egypt)


    In this paper, a control strategy for speed control of induction motors with field orientation is proposed. The proposed method adjusts the output voltage and frequency of the converter to operate the motor at the desired speed with maximum torque per ampere at all load torques keeping the torque angle equal to 90 deg. A comparison between the performance characteristics of a 2 hp induction motor using three methods of speed control is presented. These methods are the proposed method, the direct torque control method and the constant V/f method. The comparison showed that better performance characteristics are obtained using the proposed speed control strategy. A computer program, based on this method, is developed. Starting from the motor parameters, the program calculates a data set for the stator voltage and frequency required to obtain maximum torque per ampere at any motor speed and load torque. This data set can be used by the digital speed control system of induction motors. (Author)

  9. Minimization of torque ripple in ferrite-assisted synchronous reluctance motors by using asymmetric stator (United States)

    Xu, Meimei; Liu, Guohai; Zhao, Wenxiang; Aamir, Nazir


    Torque ripple is one of the important issues for ferrite assisted synchronous reluctance motors (FASRMs). In this paper, an asymmetrical stator is proposed for the FASRM to reduce its torque ripple. In the proposed FASRM, an asymmetrical stator is designed by appropriately choosing the angle of the slot-opening shift. Meanwhile, its analytical torque expressions are derived. The results show that the proposed FASRM has an effective reduction in the cogging torque, reluctance torque ripple and total torque ripple. Moreover, it is easy to implement while the average torque is not sacrificed.

  10. Torque converter transient characteristics prediction using computational fluid dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi, T; Tanaka, K


    The objective of this research is to investigate the transient torque converter performance used in an automobile. A new technique in computational fluid dynamics is introduced, which includes the inertia of the turbine in a three dimensional simulation of the torque converter during a launch condition. The simulation results are compared to experimental test data with good agreement across the range of data. In addition, the simulated flow structure inside the torque converter is visualized and compared to results from a steady-state calculation.

  11. Torque characteristics of a 122-centimeter butterfly valve with a hydro/pneumatic actuator (United States)

    Lin, F. N.; Moore, W. I.; Lundy, F. E.


    Actuating torque data from field testing of a 122-centimeter (48 in.) butterfly valve with a hydro/pneumatic actuator is presented. The hydraulic cylinder functions as either a forward or a reverse brake. Its resistance torque increases when the valve speeds up and decreases when the valve slows down. A reduction of flow resistance in the hydraulic flow path from one end of the hydraulic cylinder to the other will effectively reduce the hydraulic resistance torque and hence increase the actuating torque. The sum of hydrodynamic and friction torques (combined resistance torque) of a butterfly valve is a function of valve opening time. An increase in the pneumatic actuating pressure will result in a decrease in both the combined resistance torque and the actuator opening torque; however, it does shorten the valve opening time. As the pneumatic pressure increases, the valve opening time for a given configuration approaches an asymptotical value.

  12. Torque Control of a Rehabilitation Teaching Robot Using Magneto-Rheological Fluid Clutches (United States)

    Hakogi, Hokuto; Ohaba, Motoyoshi; Kuramochi, Naimu; Yano, Hidenori

    A new robot that makes use of MR-fluid clutches for simulating torque is proposed to provide an appropriate device for training physical therapy students in knee-joint rehabilitation. The feeling of torque provided by the robot is expected to correspond to the torque performance obtained by physical therapy experts in a clinical setting. The torque required for knee-joint rehabilitation, which is a function of the rotational angle and the rotational angular velocity of a knee movement, is modeled using a mechanical system composed of typical spring-mass-damper elements. The robot consists of two MR-fluid clutches, two induction motors, and a feedback control system. In the torque experiments, output torque is controlled using the spring and damper coefficients separately. The values of these coefficients are determined experimentally. The experimental results show that the robot would be suitable for training physical therapy students to experience similar torque feelings as needed in a clinical situation.

  13. Prediction of a required dynamic torque for motor-operated butterfly valves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, J. H.; Lee, K. N.; Jeong, W. K.


    This study describes the methodology for predicting a required dynamic torque in motor-operated butterfly valves. The results of this methodology have been compared with test data for motor-operated butterfly valves in nuclear power plant. With the close review of test data and torque prediction, it is concluded that the prediction methodology is conservative to predict a required dynamic torque of motor-operated butterfly valves. In addition, the information of correct differential pressure is vital to predict a required dynamic torque of motor-operated butterfly valves

  14. Reflex and Non-Reflex Torque Responses to Stretch of the Human Knee Extensors

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Mrachacz-Kersting, N


    .... The quadriceps muscles were stretched at various background torques, produced either voluntarily or electrically and thus the purely reflex-mediated torque could be calculated. The contribution of the reflex mediated stiffness initially low, increased with increasing background torques for the range of torques investigated.

  15. Instantaneous flywheel torque of IC engine grey-box identification (United States)

    Milašinović, A.; Knežević, D.; Milovanović, Z.; Škundrić, J.


    In this paper a mathematical model developed for the identification of excitation torque acting on the IC engine flywheel is presented. The excitation torque gained through internal combustion of the fuel in the IC engine is transmitted from the flywheel to the transmission. The torque is not constant but variable and is a function of the crank angle. The verification of the mathematical model was done on a 4-cylinder 4-stroke diesel engine for which the in-cylinder pressure was measured in one cylinder and the instantaneous angular speed of the crankshaft at its free end. The research was conducted on a hydraulic engine brake. Inertial forces of all rotational parts, from flywheel to the turbine wheel of the engine brake, are acting on the flywheel due to the nonuniform motion of the flywheel. It is known from the theory of turbomachinery that the torque on the hydraulic brake is a quadratic function of angular speed. Due to that and the variable angular speed of the turbine wheel of the engine brake, the torque during one engine cycle is also variable. The motivation for this research was the idea (intention) to determine the instantaneous torque acting on the flywheel as a function of the crank angle with a mathematical model without any measuring and based on this to determine the quality of work of specific cylinders of the multi-cylinder engine. The crankshaft was considered elastic and also its torsional vibrations were taken into account.

  16. Mechanics of torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor. (United States)

    Mandadapu, Kranthi K; Nirody, Jasmine A; Berry, Richard M; Oster, George


    The bacterial flagellar motor (BFM) is responsible for driving bacterial locomotion and chemotaxis, fundamental processes in pathogenesis and biofilm formation. In the BFM, torque is generated at the interface between transmembrane proteins (stators) and a rotor. It is well established that the passage of ions down a transmembrane gradient through the stator complex provides the energy for torque generation. However, the physics involved in this energy conversion remain poorly understood. Here we propose a mechanically specific model for torque generation in the BFM. In particular, we identify roles for two fundamental forces involved in torque generation: electrostatic and steric. We propose that electrostatic forces serve to position the stator, whereas steric forces comprise the actual "power stroke." Specifically, we propose that ion-induced conformational changes about a proline "hinge" residue in a stator α-helix are directly responsible for generating the power stroke. Our model predictions fit well with recent experiments on a single-stator motor. The proposed model provides a mechanical explanation for several fundamental properties of the flagellar motor, including torque-speed and speed-ion motive force relationships, backstepping, variation in step sizes, and the effects of key mutations in the stator.

  17. Planetary Torque in 3D Isentropic Disks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fung, Jeffrey; Masset, Frédéric; Velasco, David; Lega, Elena


    Planetary migration is inherently a three-dimensional (3D) problem, because Earth-size planetary cores are deeply embedded in protoplanetary disks. Simulations of these 3D disks remain challenging due to the steep resolution requirements. Using two different hydrodynamics codes, FARGO3D and PEnGUIn, we simulate disk–planet interaction for a one to five Earth-mass planet embedded in an isentropic disk. We measure the torque on the planet and ensure that the measurements are converged both in resolution and between the two codes. We find that the torque is independent of the smoothing length of the planet’s potential ( r s ), and that it has a weak dependence on the adiabatic index of the gaseous disk ( γ ). The torque values correspond to an inward migration rate qualitatively similar to previous linear calculations. We perform additional simulations with explicit radiative transfer using FARGOCA, and again find agreement between 3D simulations and existing torque formulae. We also present the flow pattern around the planets that show active flow is present within the planet’s Hill sphere, and meridional vortices are shed downstream. The vertical flow speed near the planet is faster for a smaller r s or γ , up to supersonic speeds for the smallest r s and γ in our study.

  18. Are torque values of preadjusted brackets precise?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Motta Streva

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to verify the torque precision of metallic brackets with MBT prescription using the canine brackets as the representative sample of six commercial brands. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty maxillary and 20 mandibular canine brackets of one of the following commercial brands were selected: 3M Unitek, Abzil, American Orthodontics, TP Orthodontics, Morelli and Ortho Organizers. The torque angle, established by reference points and lines, was measured by an operator using an optical microscope coupled to a computer. The values were compared to those established by the MBT prescription. RESULTS: The results showed that for the maxillary canine brackets, only the Morelli torque (-3.33º presented statistically significant difference from the proposed values (-7º. For the mandibular canines, American Orthodontics (-6.34º and Ortho Organizers (-6.25º presented statistically significant differences from the standards (-6º. Comparing the brands, Morelli presented statistically significant differences in comparison with all the other brands for maxillary canine brackets. For the mandibular canine brackets, there was no statistically significant difference between the brands. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant variations in torque values of some of the brackets assessed, which would clinically compromise the buccolingual positioning of the tooth at the end of orthodontic treatment.

  19. Space Suit Joint Torque Testing (United States)

    Valish, Dana J.


    In 2009 and early 2010, a test was performed to quantify the torque required to manipulate joints in several existing operational and prototype space suits in an effort to develop joint torque requirements appropriate for a new Constellation Program space suit system. The same test method was levied on the Constellation space suit contractors to verify that their suit design meets the requirements. However, because the original test was set up and conducted by a single test operator there was some question as to whether this method was repeatable enough to be considered a standard verification method for Constellation or other future space suits. In order to validate the method itself, a representative subset of the previous test was repeated, using the same information that would be available to space suit contractors, but set up and conducted by someone not familiar with the previous test. The resultant data was compared using graphical and statistical analysis and a variance in torque values for some of the tested joints was apparent. Potential variables that could have affected the data were identified and re-testing was conducted in an attempt to eliminate these variables. The results of the retest will be used to determine if further testing and modification is necessary before the method can be validated.

  20. Production Experiences with the Cray-Enabled TORQUE Resource Manager

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ezell, Matthew A [ORNL; Maxwell, Don E [ORNL; Beer, David [Adaptive Computing


    High performance computing resources utilize batch systems to manage the user workload. Cray systems are uniquely different from typical clusters due to Cray s Application Level Placement Scheduler (ALPS). ALPS manages binary transfer, job launch and monitoring, and error handling. Batch systems require special support to integrate with ALPS using an XML protocol called BASIL. Previous versions of Adaptive Computing s TORQUE and Moab batch suite integrated with ALPS from within Moab, using PERL scripts to interface with BASIL. This would occasionally lead to problems when all the components would become unsynchronized. Version 4.1 of the TORQUE Resource Manager introduced new features that allow it to directly integrate with ALPS using BASIL. This paper describes production experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory using the new TORQUE software versions, as well as ongoing and future work to improve TORQUE.

  1. Torque Modeling and Control of a Variable Compression Engine


    Bergström, Andreas


    The SAAB variable compression engine is a new engine concept that enables the fuel consumption to be radically cut by varying the compression ratio. A challenge with this new engine concept is that the compression ratio has a direct influence on the output torque, which means that a change in compression ratio also leads to a change in the torque. A torque change may be felt as a jerk in the movement of the car, and this is an undesirable effect since the driver has no control over the compre...

  2. Intrinsic nonadiabatic topological torque in magnetic skyrmions and vortices

    KAUST Repository

    Akosa, Collins Ashu; Ndiaye, Papa Birame; Manchon, Aurelien


    We propose that topological spin currents flowing in topologically nontrivial magnetic textures, such as magnetic skyrmions and vortices, produce an intrinsic nonadiabatic torque of the form Tt∼[(∂xm×∂ym)·m]∂ym. We show that this torque, which is absent in one-dimensional domain walls and/or nontopological textures, is responsible for the enhanced nonadiabaticity parameter observed in magnetic vortices compared to one-dimensional textures. The impact of this torque on the motion of magnetic skyrmions is expected to be crucial, especially to determine their robustness against defects and pinning centers.

  3. Intrinsic nonadiabatic topological torque in magnetic skyrmions and vortices

    KAUST Repository

    Akosa, Collins Ashu


    We propose that topological spin currents flowing in topologically nontrivial magnetic textures, such as magnetic skyrmions and vortices, produce an intrinsic nonadiabatic torque of the form Tt∼[(∂xm×∂ym)·m]∂ym. We show that this torque, which is absent in one-dimensional domain walls and/or nontopological textures, is responsible for the enhanced nonadiabaticity parameter observed in magnetic vortices compared to one-dimensional textures. The impact of this torque on the motion of magnetic skyrmions is expected to be crucial, especially to determine their robustness against defects and pinning centers.

  4. Optimal Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Aerodynamic Torques (United States)


    His design resembles a badminton shuttlecock and “uses passive aerodynamic drag torques to stabilize pitch and yaw” and active magnetic torque...Ravindran’s and Hughes’ ‘arrow-like’ design. Psiaki notes that “this arrow concept has been modified to become a badminton shuttlecock-type design...panels were placed to the rear of the center-of-mass, similar to a badminton shuttlecock, to provide passive stability about the pitch and yaw axes

  5. Peak torque and rate of torque development influence on repeated maximal exercise performance: contractile and neural contributions. (United States)

    Morel, Baptiste; Rouffet, David M; Saboul, Damien; Rota, Samuel; Clémençon, Michel; Hautier, Christophe A


    Rapid force production is critical to improve performance and prevent injuries. However, changes in rate of force/torque development caused by the repetition of maximal contractions have received little attention. The aim of this study was to determine the relative influence of rate of torque development (RTD) and peak torque (T(peak)) on the overall performance (i.e. mean torque, T(mean)) decrease during repeated maximal contractions and to investigate the contribution of contractile and neural mechanisms to the alteration of the various mechanical variables. Eleven well-trained men performed 20 sets of 6-s isokinetic maximal knee extensions at 240° · s(-1), beginning every 30 seconds. RTD, T(peak) and T(mean) as well as the Rate of EMG Rise (RER), peak EMG (EMG(peak)) and mean EMG (EMG(mean)) of the vastus lateralis were monitored for each contraction. A wavelet transform was also performed on raw EMG signal for instant mean frequency (if(mean)) calculation. A neuromuscular testing procedure was carried out before and immediately after the fatiguing protocol including evoked RTD (eRTD) and maximal evoked torque (eT(peak)) induced by high frequency doublet (100 Hz). T(mean) decrease was correlated to RTD and T(peak) decrease (R(²) = 0.62; p<0.001; respectively β=0.62 and β=0.19). RER, eRTD and initial if(mean) (0-225 ms) decreased after 20 sets (respectively -21.1 ± 14.1, -25 ± 13%, and ~20%). RTD decrease was correlated to RER decrease (R(²) = 0.36; p<0.05). The eT(peak) decreased significantly after 20 sets (24 ± 5%; p<0.05) contrary to EMG(peak) (-3.2 ± 19.5 %; p=0.71). Our results show that reductions of RTD explained part of the alterations of the overall performance during repeated moderate velocity maximal exercise. The reductions of RTD were associated to an impairment of the ability of the central nervous system to maximally activate the muscle in the first milliseconds of the contraction.

  6. Spin Torque Oscillator for High Performance Magnetic Memory

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    Rachid Sbiaa


    Full Text Available A study on spin transfer torque switching in a magnetic tunnel junction with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is presented. The switching current can be strongly reduced under a spin torque oscillator (STO, and its use in addition to the conventional transport in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ should be considered. The reduction of the switching current from the parallel state to the antiparallel state is greater than in  the opposite direction, thus minimizing the asymmetry of the resistance versus current in the hysteresis loop. This reduction of both switching current and asymmetry under a spin torque oscillator occurs only during the writing process and does not affect the thermal stability of the free layer.

  7. O turismo no espaço – o espaço do turismo: reflexões acerca da participação do turismo na produção do espaço urbano brasileiro


    CRUZ, Rita de Cássia Ariza da


    Este artigo pode ser dividido em duas partes. Na primeira são abordadas questões teóricas que permeiam o estudo do turismo sob a ótica da ciência geográfica, bem como aspectos relativos à análise da participação do turismo na (re)organização de territórios. A partir dessa construção teórica são feitas na segunda parte do texto considerações acerca da participação do turismo na (re)organização de espaços urbanos brasileiros.

  8. Biomechanical evaluation of macro and micro designed screw-type implants: an insertion torque and removal torque study in rabbits. (United States)

    Chowdhary, Ramesh; Jimbo, Ryo; Thomsen, Christian; Carlsson, Lennart; Wennerberg, Ann


    To investigate the combined effect of macro and pitch shortened threads on primary and secondary stability during healing, but before dynamic loading. Two sets of turned implants with different macro geometry were prepared. The test group possessed pitch shortened threads in between the large threads and the control group did not have thread alterations. The two implant groups were placed in both femur and tibiae of 10 lop-eared rabbits, and at the time of implant insertion, insertion torques were recorded. After 4 weeks, all implants were subjected to removal torque tests. The insertion torque values for the control and test groups for the tibia were 15.7 and 20.6 Ncm, respectively, and for the femur, 11.8, and 12.8 Ncm respectively. The removal torque values for the control and test groups in the tibia were 7.9 and 9.1 Ncm, respectively, and for the femur, 7.9 and 7.7 Ncm respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the control and test groups. Under limited dynamic load, the addition of pitch shortened threads did not significantly improve either the primary or the secondary stability of the implants in bone. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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    Ana Reis


    Full Text Available Existem em Portugal alguns estudos sobre o ensino da ética na área dos profissionais de saúde. As teorias a divulgar no curriculum relativo à Ética, Deontologia e Bioética em Enfermagem deverão estar diretamente articuladas com os filósofos, ou outros especialistas, nos quais se inspiraram. Sendo uma das principais finalidades do ensino, em Enfermagem, a preparação dos estudantes para um mundo marcado por complexos dilemas éticos, suscitados pela atividade científica e tecnológica, propomos, por um lado, um ensino em ética que siga as orientações preconizadas no documento Recomendações Relativas ao Ensino da Ética e Deontologia no Curso de Enfermagem (editado pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros e, por outro lado, o desenvolvimento da ética associado à moral, de modo a proporcionar um equilíbrio entre princípios éticos e as regras institucionais, remetendo diretamente para a deontologia.

  10. The overuse of the implant motor: effect on the output torque in overloading condition. (United States)

    Lee, Du-Hyeong; Cho, Sung-Am; Lee, Cheong-Hee; Lee, Kyu-Bok


    The overloading of the motor affects its performance. The output torque of the implant motor under overloading condition has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and the tendency of the output torque when an implant motor is consecutively used. Three implant motors were evaluated: SurgicXT/X-SG20L (NSK), INTRAsurg300/CL3-09 (KaVo), and XIP10/CRB26LX (Saeshin). The output torque was measured using an electronic torque gauge fixed with jigs. For the 40 and 50 Ncm torque settings, 300 measurements were taken at 30 rpm. Repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and one-way ANOVA were used to compare the torque values within each group and between the groups. As repeating measures, the output torque values decreased gradually compared with the baseline. In within-group analysis, the different torque value from the first measurement appeared earliest in NSK motor, followed in order by Saeshin and KaVo motors. NSK motor showed a different torque decrease between 40 and 50 Ncm settings (p torque at the 6, 8, 9, and 10 repeat counts (p torque decreases when the surgical motor is continuously used. The NSK motor showed more significant decreases in torque than KaVo and Saeshin motors in overloading condition. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Spin Torques in Systems with Spin Filtering and Spin Orbit Interaction

    KAUST Repository

    Ortiz Pauyac, Christian


    In the present thesis we introduce the reader to the field of spintronics and explore new phenomena, such as spin transfer torques, spin filtering, and three types of spin-orbit torques, Rashba, spin Hall, and spin swapping, which have emerged very recently and are promising candidates for a new generation of memory devices in computer technology. A general overview of these phenomena is presented in Chap. 1. In Chap. 2 we study spin transfer torques in tunnel junctions in the presence of spin filtering. In Chap. 3 we discuss the Rashba torque in ferromagnetic films, and in Chap. 4 we study spin Hall effect and spin swapping in ferromagnetic films, exploring the nature of spin-orbit torques based on these mechanisms. Conclusions and perspectives are summarized in Chap. 5.

  12. Torque expression of 0.018 and 0.022 inch conventional brackets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sifakakis, I.; Pandis, N.; Makou, M.; Eliades, T.; Katsaros, C.; Bourauel, C.


    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the moments generated with low- and high-torque brackets. Four different bracket prescription-slot combinations of the same bracket type (Mini Diamond(R) Twin) were evaluated: high-torque 0.018 and 0.022 inch and low-torque 0.018 and 0.022 inch.

  13. Apply of torque method at rationalization of work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bandurová Miriam


    Full Text Available Aim of the study was to analyse consumption of time for profession - cylinder grinder, by torque method.Method of torque following is used for detection of sorts and size of time slope, on detection of portion of individual sorts of time consumption and cause of time slope. By this way it is possible to find out coefficient of employment and recovery of workers in organizational unit. Advantage of torque survey is low costs on informations acquirement, non-fastidiousness per worker and observer, which is easy trained. It is mentally acceptable method for objects of survey.Finding and detection of reserves in activity of cylinders grinder result of torque was surveys. Loss of time presents till 8% of working time. In 5 - shift service and average occupiying of shift by 4,4 grinder ( from statistic information of service , loss at grinder of cylinders are for whole centre 1,48 worker.According presented information it was recommended to cancel one job place - grinder of cylinders - and reduce state about one grinder. Next job place isn't possible cancel, because grindery of cylinders must to adapt to the grind line by number of polished cylinders in shift and semi - finishing of polished cylinders can not be high for often changes in area of grinding and sortiment changes.By this contribution we confirmed convenience of exploitation of torque method as one of the methods using during the job rationalization.

  14. Magnetic torque transferring study for bulk High-Tc superconductors and permanent magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wongsatanawarid, A; Suzuki, A; Seki, H; Murakami, M


    The torque transferring mechanism taking place in a superconducting mixer design has been studied. Several coupling magnetic arrangements were investigated for more details in the engineering design. A bulk superconductor sample was used to study the torque forces for various cooling gaps, and the twist angle dependence was also monitored for the rotational stiffness in stability. The experimental data with four permanent magnet configurations have been studied in the present work. The maximum torque forces are summarized for usage of engineering design with various gaps. The torque/gap characteristics for four configurations were also measured for the optimisation of the torque at a designed operating gap.

  15. Intraband and interband spin-orbit torques in noncentrosymmetric ferromagnets

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang; Gao, H.; Zâ rbo, Liviu P.; Vý borný , K.; Wang, Xuhui; Garate, Ion; Dogan, Fatih; Čejchan, A.; Sinova, Jairo; Jungwirth, T.; Manchon, Aurelien


    Intraband and interband contributions to the current-driven spin-orbit torque in magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry are theoretically studied using the Kubo formula. In addition to the current-driven fieldlike torque TFL=τFLm×uso (uso being a unit vector determined by the symmetry of the spin-orbit coupling), we explore the intrinsic contribution arising from impurity-independent interband transitions and producing an anti-damping-like torque of the form TDL=τDLm×(uso×m). Analytical expressions are obtained in the model case of a magnetic Rashba two-dimensional electron gas, while numerical calculations have been performed on a dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As modeled by the Kohn-Luttinger Hamiltonian exchange coupled to the Mn moments. Parametric dependencies of the different torque components and similarities to the analytical results of the Rashba two-dimensional electron gas in the weak disorder limit are described.

  16. Knudsen torque: A rotational mechanism driven by thermal force (United States)

    Li, Qi; Liang, Tengfei; Ye, Wenjing


    Thermally induced mechanical loading has been shown to have significant effects on micro- and nano-objects immersed in a gas with a nonuniform temperature field. While the majority of existing studies and related applications focus on forces, we investigate the torque, and thus the rotational motion, produced by such a mechanism. Our study has found that a torque can be induced if the configuration of the system is asymmetric. In addition, both the magnitude and the direction of the torque depend highly on the system configuration, indicating the possibility of manipulating the rotational motion via geometrical design. Based on this feature, two types of rotational micromotor that are of practical importance, namely pendulum motor and unidirectional motor, are designed. The magnitude of the torque at Kn =0.5 can reach to around 2nN×μm for a rectangular microbeam with a length of 100μm.

  17. Intraband and interband spin-orbit torques in noncentrosymmetric ferromagnets

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Hang


    Intraband and interband contributions to the current-driven spin-orbit torque in magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry are theoretically studied using the Kubo formula. In addition to the current-driven fieldlike torque TFL=τFLm×uso (uso being a unit vector determined by the symmetry of the spin-orbit coupling), we explore the intrinsic contribution arising from impurity-independent interband transitions and producing an anti-damping-like torque of the form TDL=τDLm×(uso×m). Analytical expressions are obtained in the model case of a magnetic Rashba two-dimensional electron gas, while numerical calculations have been performed on a dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As modeled by the Kohn-Luttinger Hamiltonian exchange coupled to the Mn moments. Parametric dependencies of the different torque components and similarities to the analytical results of the Rashba two-dimensional electron gas in the weak disorder limit are described.

  18. Torque fluctuations caused by upstream mean flow and turbulence (United States)

    Farr, T. D.; Hancock, P. E.


    A series of studies are in progress investigating the effects of turbine-array-wake interactions for a range of atmospheric boundary layer states by means of the EnFlo meteorological wind tunnel. The small, three-blade model wind turbines drive 4-quadrant motor-generators. Only a single turbine in neutral flow is considered here. The motor-generator current can be measured with adequate sensitivity by means of a current sensor allowing the mean and fluctuating torque to be inferred. Spectra of torque fluctuations and streamwise velocity fluctuations ahead of the rotor, between 0.1 and 2 diameters, show that only the large-scale turbulent motions contribute significantly to the torque fluctuations. Time-lagged cross-correlation between upstream velocity and torque fluctuations are largest over the inner part of the blade. They also show the turbulence to be frozen in behaviour over the 2 diameters upstream of the turbine.

  19. Hip joint torques during the golf swing of young and senior healthy males. (United States)

    Foxworth, Judy L; Millar, Audrey L; Long, Benjamin L; Way, Michael; Vellucci, Matthew W; Vogler, Joshua D


    Descriptive, laboratory study. To compare the 3-D hip torques during a golf swing between young and senior healthy male amateur golfers. The secondary purpose was to compare the 3-D hip joint torques between the trail leg and lead leg. The generation of hip torques from the hip musculature is an important aspect of the golf swing. Golf is a very popular activity, and estimates of hip torques during the golf swing have not been reported. Twenty healthy male golfers were divided into a young group (mean ± SD age, 25.1 ± 3.1 years) and a senior group (age, 56.9 ± 4.7 years). All subjects completed 10 golf swings using their personal driver. A motion capture system and force plates were used to obtain kinematic and kinetic data. Inverse dynamic analyses were used to calculate 3-D hip joint torques of the trail and lead limbs. Two-way analyses of covariance (group by leg), with club-head velocity as a covariate, were used to compare peak hip torques between groups and limbs. Trail-limb hip external rotator torque was significantly greater in the younger group compared to the senior group, and greater in the trail leg versus the lead leg. When adjusting for club-head velocity, young and senior healthy male amateur golfers generated comparable hip torques during a golf swing, with the exception of the trail-limb hip external rotator torque. The largest hip torque found was the trail-limb hip extensor torque.

  20. Torque loss of different abutment sizes before and after cyclic loading. (United States)

    Moris, Izabela Cristina; Faria, Adriana Cláudia; Ribeiro, Ricardo Faria; Rodrigues, Renata Cristina


    The aim of this study was to compare 3.8- and 4.8-mm abutments submitted to simulations of masticatory cycles to examine whether abutment diameter and cemented vs screw-retained crowns affect torque loss of the abutments and crowns. Forty implant/abutment sets were divided into the following groups (n = 10 in each group): (1) G4.8S included 4.8-mm abutment with screw-retained crown; (2) G4.8C included 4.8-mm abutment with cemented crown; (3) G3.8S included 3.8-mm abutment with screw-retained crown; and (4) G3.8C included 3.8-mm abutment with cemented crown. All abutments were tightened with torque values of 20 Ncm, and 10 Ncm for screw-retained crowns. Torque loss was measured before and after cycling loading (300,000 cycles). Torque loss of screw-retained crowns significantly increased after cycling in abutments of groups G3.8S (P ≤ .05) and G4.8S (P = .001). No difference was noted between the abutments before cycling (P = .735), but G3.8S abutments presented greater torque loss than the other groups after cycling (P = .008). Significant differences were noted in the abutment torque loss before and after cycling loading only for the G3.8C group (P ≤ .05). The abutment diameter affects torque loss of screw-retained crowns and leads to failure during the test; mechanical cycling increases torque loss of abutment screw and screw-retained crowns.

  1. Integração produtiva e acordos comerciais: o caso dos países da Aladi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karla Sarmento Gonçalves de Souza

    Full Text Available Resumo O processo de fragmentação da produção tem imprimido novas formas de organização da produção e de comércio entre os países. Dentre os diversos fatores explicativos dessa reorganização das atividades produtivas, aqueles relativos aos custos de comércio são de particular importância. Nesse sentido, os acordos comerciais podem ter uma influência relevante na formação de redes produtivas regionais e, mesmo, globais. Este artigo busca investigar se os acordos firmados no âmbito da Aladi contribuíram para aprofundar a integração produtiva na região, por meio da análise do perfil do comércio regional e da estimação de um modelo gravitacional. O grau de integração dos países da região nas redes produtivas internacionais e regionais é bem inferior aquele observado na Ásia, na América do Norte e na Europa. No entanto, as estimações sugerem que os acordos da Aladi exerceram uma influência fraca, porém, positiva sobre os fluxos regionais de partes, componentes e bens de capital.

  2. Músicas em movimento. Dos contextos, tempos e geografias da performance musical em Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Abreu


    Full Text Available O texto propõe-se desenvolver uma reflexão acerca das dinâmicas territoriais dos mercados culturais, discutindo a forma como essas dinâmicas reflectem tensões inerentes à lógica própria da produção/criação cultural, às prioridades impostas pelo crescimento dos mercados da cultura (concorrência e disputa de públicos escassos e a exigências de legitimação social e política das actividades culturais. A discussão far-se-á a partir da análise do caso particular do mercado do espectáculo musical no nosso país, recorrendo a dados produzidos no âmbito de um projecto de investigação realizado no CES/FEUC e recentemente finalizado. Os resultados produzidos possibilitam a identificação de traços marcantes relativos à geografia, aos tempos e aos contextos da produção de espectáculos musicais, permitindo a sua discussão no âmbito das principais linhas de estruturação das actuais políticas culturais (centrais e locais e da esfera cultural no nosso país.

  3. Analytical calculation of the torque exerted between two perpendicularly magnetized magnets (United States)

    Allag, H.; Yonnet, J.-P.; Latreche, M. E. H.


    Analytical expressions of the torque on cuboidal permanent magnets are given. The only hypothesis is that the magnetizations are rigid, uniform, and perpendicularly oriented. The analytical calculation is made by replacing magnetizations by distributions of magnetic charges on the magnet poles. The torque expressions are obtained using the Lorentz force method. The results are valid for any relative magnet position, and the torque can be obtained with respect to any reference point. Although these expressions seem rather complicated, they enable an extremely fast and accurate torque calculation on a permanent magnet in the presence of a magnetic field of another permanent magnet.

  4. A flight simulator control system using electric torque motors (United States)

    Musick, R. O.; Wagner, C. A.


    Control systems are required in flight simulators to provide representative stick and rudder pedal characteristics. A system has been developed that uses electric dc torque motors instead of the more common hydraulic actuators. The torque motor system overcomes certain disadvantages of hydraulic systems, such as high cost, high power consumption, noise, oil leaks, and safety problems. A description of the torque motor system is presented, including both electrical and mechanical design as well as performance characteristics. The system develops forces sufficiently high for most simulations, and is physically small and light enough to be used in most motion-base cockpits.

  5. Assistência de enfermagem em saúde coletiva: entendendo o processo para a aplicação de um instrumento transformador da prática e da teoria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emiko Yoshikawa Egry


    Full Text Available As autoras discutem a operacionalização do Método de Assistência de Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva (MAESC, orientada pelo materialismo histórico e dialético. Abordam os temas relativos à perspectiva epistemológica; aos pressupostos para a operacionalização; à totalidade e suas dimensões; às etapas; e finalmente, à condução praxiológica. Concluem, instigando os pesquisadores a se utilizarem deste instrumento, abrindo, para tanto, decodificadores mais refinados que se aproximem da real prática assistencial de enfermagem no nível local de atenção à saúde.

  6. Shielding of External Magnetic Perturbations By Torque In Rotating Tokamak Plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jong-Kyu; Boozer, Allen H.; Menard, Jonathan E.; Gerhardt, Stefan P.; Sabbagh, Steve A.


    The imposition of a nonaxisymmetric magnetic perturbation on a rotating tokamak plasma requires energy and toroidal torque. Fundamental electrodynamics implies that the torque is essentially limited and must be consistent with the external response of a plasma equilibrium (rvec f) = (rvec j) x (rvec B). Here magnetic measurements on National Spherical Torus eXperiment (NSTX) device are used to derive the energy and the torque, and these empirical evaluations are compared with theoretical calculations based on perturbed scalar pressure equilibria (rvec f) = (rvec (del))p coupled with the theory of nonambipolar transport. The measurement and the theory are consistent within acceptable uncertainties, but can be largely inconsistent when the torque is comparable to the energy. This is expected since the currents associated with the torque are ignored in scalar pressure equilibria, but these currents tend to shield the perturbation.

  7. Comparison of Stretch Reflex Torques in Ankle Dorsiflexors and Plantarflexors

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Tung, J


    ...) ankle muscles, Pulse, step, and a combination of random perturbation and step inputs were used to identify the reflex and intrinsic contributions to the measured torque, TA reflex torques were very...

  8. Planetary Torque in 3D Isentropic Disks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fung, Jeffrey [Department of Astronomy, University of California at Berkeley, Campbell Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3411 (United States); Masset, Frédéric; Velasco, David [Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Av. Universidad s/n, 62210 Cuernavaca, Mor. (Mexico); Lega, Elena, E-mail: [Université de la Côte d’Azur, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Laboratoire Lagrange UMR 7293, Nice (France)


    Planetary migration is inherently a three-dimensional (3D) problem, because Earth-size planetary cores are deeply embedded in protoplanetary disks. Simulations of these 3D disks remain challenging due to the steep resolution requirements. Using two different hydrodynamics codes, FARGO3D and PEnGUIn, we simulate disk–planet interaction for a one to five Earth-mass planet embedded in an isentropic disk. We measure the torque on the planet and ensure that the measurements are converged both in resolution and between the two codes. We find that the torque is independent of the smoothing length of the planet’s potential ( r {sub s}), and that it has a weak dependence on the adiabatic index of the gaseous disk ( γ ). The torque values correspond to an inward migration rate qualitatively similar to previous linear calculations. We perform additional simulations with explicit radiative transfer using FARGOCA, and again find agreement between 3D simulations and existing torque formulae. We also present the flow pattern around the planets that show active flow is present within the planet’s Hill sphere, and meridional vortices are shed downstream. The vertical flow speed near the planet is faster for a smaller r {sub s} or γ , up to supersonic speeds for the smallest r {sub s} and γ in our study.

  9. Manual Torque Data Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mundt, Mark Osroe [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Martinez, Matthew Ronald [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Varela, Jeanette Judith [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Anderson-Cook, Christine Michaela [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Gilmore, Walter E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Williams, Allie [Pantex Plant (PTX), Amarillo, TX (United States)


    At the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX, Production Technicians (PTs) build and disassemble nuclear weapon systems. The weapons are held in an integrated work stand for stability and to increase the safety environment for the workers and for the materials being processed. There are many occasions in which a knob must be turned to tighten an assembly part. This can help to secure or manipulate pieces of the system. As there are so many knobs to turn, the instructions given to the PTs are to twist the knob to a hand-tight setting, without the aid of a torque wrench. There are inherent risks in this procedure as the knobs can be tightened too loosely such that the apparatus falls apart or too tightly such that the force can crush or pinch components in the system that contain energetic materials. We want to study these operations at Pantex. Our goal is to collect torque data to assess the safety and reliability of humantooling interfaces.

  10. Effects of cavitation on performance of automotive torque converter

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    Jaewon Ju


    Full Text Available Cavitation is a phenomenon whereby vapor bubbles of a flowing liquid are formed in a local region where the pressure of the liquid is below its vapor pressure. It is well known that cavitation in torque converters occurs frequently when a car with an automatic transmission makes an abrupt start. Cavitation is closely related to a performance drop and noise generation at a specific operating condition in a car and a torque converter itself. This study addressed the relation between cavitation and performance in an automotive torque converter in a quantitative and qualitative manner using numerical simulations. The cavitation was calculated at various operating conditions using a commercial flow solver with the homogeneous cavitation model, and the torque converter performance was compared with the experimental data. Numerical results well match to the data and indicate that the cavitation causes significant performance drop, as the pump speed increases or both speed ratio and reference pressure decrease.

  11. Torque characteristics of double-stator permanent magnet synchronous machines

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    Awah Chukwuemeka Chijioke


    Full Text Available The torque profile of a double-stator permanent magnet (PM synchronous machine of 90 mm stator diameter having different rotor pole numbers as well as dual excitation is investigated in this paper. The analysis includes a comparative study of the machine’s torque and power-speed curves, static torque and inductance characteristics, losses and unbalanced magnetic force. The most promising flux-weakening potential is revealed in 13- and 7-rotor pole machines. Moreover, the machines having different rotor/stator (Nr/Ns pole combinations of the form Nr = Ns ± 1 have balanced and symmetric static torque waveforms variation with the rotor position in contrast to the machines having Nr = Ns ± 2. Further, the inductance results of the analyzed machines reveal that the machines with odd rotor pole numbers have better fault-tolerant capability than their even rotor pole equivalents. A prototype of the developed double-stator machine having a 13-pole rotor is manufactured and tested for verification.

  12. Stabilization of Rigid Body Dynamics by Internal and External Torques

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bloch, A. M; Krishnaprasad, P. S; Marsden, J. E; Sanchez de Alvarez, G


    ...] with quadratic feedback torques for internal rotors. We show that with such torques, the equations for the rigid body with momentum wheels are Hamiltonian with respect to a Lie-Poisson bracket structure. Further...

  13. Crescimento populacional, ocupação e desemprego dos jovens: a experiência recente da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre Population growth, labor by youth and unemployment: the recent experience of the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raul Luís Assumpção Bastos


    Full Text Available Este artigo investiga o quanto o tamanho relativo da população juvenil na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA afetou a ocupação e o desemprego desse segmento no período 1993-2004. Esta questão ganha relevância no presente tanto pelo fato de que diversos estudos têm apontado a ocorrência do fenômeno de uma onda jovem nas principais regiões metropolitanas do país, nos anos 90, quanto pela correlata observação de uma tendência à elevação do desemprego entre os jovens no período. Assim, primeiramente, é feita uma síntese dos argumentos a respeito dos efeitos do tamanho relativo da coorte juvenil sobre a situação deste grupo populacional no mercado de trabalho. Em seguida, identificam-se as principais tendências da população e da força de trabalho juvenil no mercado de trabalho da RMPA, bem como se estimam os efeitos do tamanho relativo da coorte juvenil sobre a ocupação e o desemprego desse grupo populacional.This article studies to what extent the relative size of the young population in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre (RMPA affected employment and unemployment of this group between 1993 and 2004. This question has taken on considerable importance, based on two different factors. The first is the fact that a number of studies have indicated the occurrence of the phenomenon of a wave of youth in the largest metropolitan areas in the country during the 1990s. Secondly, the concomitant trend toward higher unemployment among youth during this same period. The article is organized in the following way: after the Introduction, Section 2 presents a synthesis of the arguments regarding the effects of the relative size of the cohort of youth on the situation of this group in the labor market. Section 3 identifies the main trends of the younger population within the labor market in the RMPA and estimates the effects of the relative size of this cohort on the employment and unemployment of this population group

  14. Torque Measurement of 3-DOF Haptic Master Operated by Controllable Electrorheological Fluid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oh Jong-Seok


    Full Text Available This work presents a torque measurement method of 3-degree-of-freedom (3-DOF haptic master featuring controllable electrorheological (ER fluid. In order to reflect the sense of an organ for a surgeon, the ER haptic master which can generate the repulsive torque of an organ is utilized as a remote controller for a surgery robot. Since accurate representation of organ feeling is essential for the success of the robot-assisted surgery, it is indispensable to develop a proper torque measurement method of 3-DOF ER haptic master. After describing the structural configuration of the haptic master, the torque models of ER spherical joint are mathematically derived based on the Bingham model of ER fluid. A new type of haptic device which has pitching, rolling, and yawing motions is then designed and manufactured using a spherical joint mechanism. Subsequently, the field-dependent parameters of the Bingham model are identified and generating repulsive torque according to applied electric field is measured. In addition, in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed torque model, a comparative work between simulated and measured torques is undertaken.

  15. As apresentações do eu no espaço da internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano Viana de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objeto de pesquisa a Sociabilidade de Grupos dentro do Espaço da Internet comparando o estudo de Erving Goffman que descreve como as pessoas negociam e validam identidades em interações face-a-face e como as mesmas estabelecem “frames” (quadros ou cenas nos quais avaliam o significado dessas interações. Esta temática busca relacionar a Comunicação Eletrônica - uma das novas formas de interação pessoal existente no mundo moderno, em relação aos novos padrões de comportamentos e convenções relativos ao Eu (Self.

  16. O Não-dito da AIDS The Hidden Face of AIDS in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Inácio Bastos


    Full Text Available Os autores historiam a evolução da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil do ponto de vista da construção de representações sociais acerca dos segmentos envolvidos na transmissão da doença. Enfatizam a necessidade de desmistificar a correlação simplista AIDS- transmissão homossexual. Procuram retirar do relativo esquecimento o papel dos usuários de drogas injetáveis e da transmissão heterossexual na disseminação da doença, "segmentos" cuja relevância epidemiológica, crescente em nosso meio, não se tem feito acompanhar da devida atenção, seja por parte dos meios de comunicação, seja pelos órgãos formuladores de políticas de saúde.The authors report on the evolution of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil from the point of view of the construction of social representations about "risk groups" involved in the spread of the disease. They emphasize the need to demystify the immediate correlation between AIDS and homosexual transmission. They highlight the role of intravenous drug users and of heterosexual transmission in new AIDS cases in Brazil - groups and behaviours that are not included in the priorities of local health authorities.

  17. RFID Torque Sensing Tag System for Fasteners (United States)

    Fink, Patrick W. (Inventor); Lin, Gregory Y. (Inventor); Ngo, Phong H. (Inventor); Kennedy, Timothy F. (Inventor)


    The present invention provides an RFID-based torque sensor that can be used to quickly monitor off the shelf fasteners including fasteners that are used in expensive satellites or other uses where fastener failure can be very costly. In one embodiment, an antenna, RFID ring and spring comprise a sensor tag that can be interrogated with an interrogation signal produced by an interrogator device. When sufficient torque is applied to the fastener, an RFID circuit is connected, and produces a radio frequency (RF) signal that can be read by the interrogator. In one embodiment, the RFID circuit does not transmit when the spring member is not compressed, thereby indicating insufficient tensioning of the fastener. The present invention offers the ability to remotely, quickly, and inexpensively verify that any number of fasteners are torqued properly upon initial installation. Where applicable, the present invention allows low cost monitoring over the life of the fastener.

  18. Desmatamento e a contribuição econômica da floresta na Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Terciane Sabadini Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa, do ponto de vista econômico, a contribuição da floresta desmatada para a economia da Amazônia Legal entre 2006 e 2011, assim como os efeitos de uma política de controle do desmatamento entre 2012 e 2020. Para isso, utilizou-se um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável (EGC inter-regional, construído para capturar as especificidades e heterogeneidade de 103 microrregiões da Amazônia Legal. As simulações da contribuição econômica do desmatamento para essas regiões permitiriam avaliar o custo relativo de políticas de controle, estimando o valor implícito do desmatamento na dinâmica econômica. Os resultados apontam uma contribuição positiva, embora pequena, do desmatamento para o crescimento econômico da Amazônia de 2006 a 2011. Este resultado é reforçado pelos impactos econômicos de uma política hipotética de controle do desmatamento, que sugerem uma perda apenas marginal sobre o crescimento econômico dessas regiões.

  19. Compensation of an attitude disturbance torque caused by magnetic substances in LEO satellites (United States)

    Inamori, Takaya; Wang, Jihe; Saisutjarit, Phongsatorn; Ohsaki, Hiroyuki

    This research considers an attitude disturbance torque caused by ferromagnetic substances in a LEO satellite. In most LEO satellite missions, a gravity gradient torque, solar pressure torque, aerodynamic torque, and magnetic dipole moment torque are considered for their attitude control systems, however, the effect of the ferromagnetic substances causing a disturbance torque in the geomagnetic field is not considered in previous satellite missions. The ferromagnetic substances such as iron cores of MTQs and a magnetic hysteresis damper for a passive attitude control system are used in various small satellites. These substances cause a disturbance torque which is almost the same magnitude of the dipole magnetic disturbance and the dominant disturbance in the worst cases. This research proposes a method to estimate and compensate for the effect of the ferromagnetic substances using an extended Kalman filter. From simulation results, the research concludes that the proposed method is useful and attractive for precise attitude control for LEO satellite missions.

  20. Mode coupling in spin torque oscillators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Steven S.-L.; Zhou, Yan; Li, Dong; Heinonen, Olle


    A number of recent experimental works have shown that the dynamics of a single spin torque oscillator can exhibit complex behavior that stems from interactions between two or more modes of the oscillator, such as observed mode-hopping or mode coexistence. There has been some initial work indicating how the theory for a single-mode (macro-spin) spin torque oscillator should be generalized to include several modes and the interactions between them. In the present work, we rigorously derive such a theory starting with the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation for magnetization dynamics by expanding up to third-order terms in deviation from equilibrium. Our results show how a linear mode coupling, which is necessary for observed mode-hopping to occur, arises through coupling to a magnon bath. The acquired temperature dependence of this coupling implies that the manifold of orbits and fixed points may shift with temperature. - Highlights: • Deriving equations for coupled modes in spin torque oscillators. • Including Hamiltonian formalism and elimination of three–magnon processes. • Thermal bath of magnons central to mode coupling. • Numerical examples of circular and elliptical devices.

  1. Mode coupling in spin torque oscillators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Steven S.-L., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 (United States); Zhou, Yan, E-mail: [Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Li, Dong, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Centre for Nonlinear Studies, and Beijing-Hong Kong-Singapore Joint Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong (China); Heinonen, Olle, E-mail: [Material Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL 60439 (United States); Northwestern-Argonne Institute of Science and Technology, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 (United States); Computation Institute, The Unversity of Chicago, 5735 S Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States)


    A number of recent experimental works have shown that the dynamics of a single spin torque oscillator can exhibit complex behavior that stems from interactions between two or more modes of the oscillator, such as observed mode-hopping or mode coexistence. There has been some initial work indicating how the theory for a single-mode (macro-spin) spin torque oscillator should be generalized to include several modes and the interactions between them. In the present work, we rigorously derive such a theory starting with the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation for magnetization dynamics by expanding up to third-order terms in deviation from equilibrium. Our results show how a linear mode coupling, which is necessary for observed mode-hopping to occur, arises through coupling to a magnon bath. The acquired temperature dependence of this coupling implies that the manifold of orbits and fixed points may shift with temperature. - Highlights: • Deriving equations for coupled modes in spin torque oscillators. • Including Hamiltonian formalism and elimination of three–magnon processes. • Thermal bath of magnons central to mode coupling. • Numerical examples of circular and elliptical devices.

  2. Two-Finger Tightness: What Is It? Measuring Torque and Reproducibility in a Simulated Model. (United States)

    Acker, William B; Tai, Bruce L; Belmont, Barry; Shih, Albert J; Irwin, Todd A; Holmes, James R


    Residents in training are often directed to insert screws using "two-finger tightness" to impart adequate torque but minimize the chance of a screw stripping in bone. This study seeks to quantify and describe two-finger tightness and to assess the variability of its application by residents in training. Cortical bone was simulated using a polyurethane foam block (30-pcf density) that was prepared with predrilled holes for tightening 3.5 × 14-mm long cortical screws and mounted to a custom-built apparatus on a load cell to capture torque data. Thirty-three residents in training, ranging from the first through fifth years of residency, along with 8 staff members, were directed to tighten 6 screws to two-finger tightness in the test block, and peak torque values were recorded. The participants were blinded to their torque values. Stripping torque (2.73 ± 0.56 N·m) was determined from 36 trials and served as a threshold for failed screw placement. The average torques varied substantially with regard to absolute torque values, thus poorly defining two-finger tightness. Junior residents less consistently reproduced torque compared with other groups (0.29 and 0.32, respectively). These data quantify absolute values of two-finger tightness but demonstrate considerable variability in absolute torque values, percentage of stripping torque, and ability to consistently reproduce given torque levels. Increased years in training are weakly correlated with reproducibility, but experience does not seem to affect absolute torque levels. These results question the usefulness of two-finger tightness as a teaching tool and highlight the need for improvement in resident motor skill training and development within a teaching curriculum. Torque measuring devices may be a useful simulation tools for this purpose.

  3. Spin-orbit torque in two-dimensional antiferromagnetic topological insulators

    KAUST Repository

    Ghosh, Sumit; Manchon, Aurelien


    We investigate spin transport in two-dimensional ferromagnetic (FTI) and antiferromagnetic (AFTI) topological insulators. In the presence of an in-plane magnetization AFTI supports zero energy modes, which enables topologically protected edge conduction at low energy. We address the nature of current-driven spin torque in these structures and study the impact of spin-independent disorder. Interestingly, upon strong disorder the spin torque develops an antidamping component (i.e., even upon magnetization reversal) along the edges, which could enable current-driven manipulation of the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This antidamping torque decreases when increasing the system size and when the system enters the trivial insulator regime.

  4. Spin-orbit torque in two-dimensional antiferromagnetic topological insulators

    KAUST Repository

    Ghosh, Sumit


    We investigate spin transport in two-dimensional ferromagnetic (FTI) and antiferromagnetic (AFTI) topological insulators. In the presence of an in-plane magnetization AFTI supports zero energy modes, which enables topologically protected edge conduction at low energy. We address the nature of current-driven spin torque in these structures and study the impact of spin-independent disorder. Interestingly, upon strong disorder the spin torque develops an antidamping component (i.e., even upon magnetization reversal) along the edges, which could enable current-driven manipulation of the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This antidamping torque decreases when increasing the system size and when the system enters the trivial insulator regime.

  5. Spin transfer torque with spin diffusion in magnetic tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    Spin transport in magnetic tunnel junctions in the presence of spin diffusion is considered theoretically. Combining ballistic tunneling across the barrier and diffusive transport in the electrodes, we solve the spin dynamics equation in the metallic layers. We show that spin diffusion mixes the transverse spin current components and dramatically modifies the bias dependence of the effective spin transfer torque. This leads to a significant linear bias dependence of the out-of-plane torque, as well as a nonconventional thickness dependence of both spin torque components.

  6. Effect of Different Torque Settings on Crack Formation in Root Dentin. (United States)

    Dane, Asım; Capar, Ismail Davut; Arslan, Hakan; Akçay, Merve; Uysal, Banu


    The aim of the present study was to observe the incidence of cracks in root canal dentin using the ProTaper Universal system (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) at low- and high-torque settings. Sixty-nine mandibular premolar teeth that had been extracted for different reasons were selected. The teeth were divided into 3 groups: an unprepared control group, a low-torque settings group (SX = 3, S1 = 2, S2 = 1, F1 = 1.5, F2 = 2, F3 = 2, F4 = 2 N/cm), and a high-torque settings group (SX = 4, S1 = 4, S2 = 1.5, F1 = 2, F2 = 3, F3 = 3, F4 = 3 N/cm). After a root canal procedure, all the teeth were horizontally sectioned at 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm from the apex. Then, under a stereomicroscope, all the slices were examined to determine the presence of cracks. A chi-square test was used for data analysis. The significance level was set at P = .05. There were no cracks in the unprepared control group. Vertical root fractures were not observed in any of the groups. There were significantly fewer cracks (17.4% of the sections) in the low-torque group than in the high-torque group (29.4% of the sections) (P torque than at low-torque settings. Copyright © 2016 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Harmonic Analysis on Torque Ripple of Brushless DC Motor Based on Advanced Commutation Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanpeng Ji


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the relationship between current, back electromotive force (back-EMF, and torque for permanent-magnet brushless DC (PM BLDC motors under advanced commutation control from the perspective of harmonics. Considering that the phase current is the influencing factor of both torque and torque ripple, this paper firstly analyzes the effects of advanced commutation on phase current and current harmonics. And then, based on the harmonics of the phase current and back-EMF, the torque harmonic expressions are deduced. The expressions reveal the relationship of harmonic order between the torque, phase current, and back-EMF and highlight the different contribution of individual torque harmonic to the total torque ripple. Finally, the proposed harmonic analysis method is verified by the experiments with different speed and load conditions.

  8. Age-related reduction of trunk muscle torque and prevalence of trunk sarcopenia in community-dwelling elderly: Validity of a portable trunk muscle torque measurement instrument and its application to a large sample cohort study. (United States)

    Sasaki, Eiji; Sasaki, Shizuka; Chiba, Daisuke; Yamamoto, Yuji; Nawata, Atsushi; Tsuda, Eiichi; Nakaji, Shigeyuki; Ishibashi, Yasuyuki


    Trunk muscle weakness and imbalance are risk factors for postural instability, low back pain, and poor postoperative outcomes. The association between trunk muscle strength and aging is poorly understood, and establishing normal reference values is difficult. We aimed to establish the validity of a novel portable trunk muscle torque measurement instrument (PTMI). We then estimated reference data for healthy young adults and elucidated age-related weakness in trunk muscle strength. Twenty-four university students were enrolled to validate values for PTMI, and 816 volunteers from the general population who were recruited to the Iwaki Health Promotion Project were included to estimate reference data for trunk muscle strength. Trunk flexion and extension torque were measured with PTMI and KinCom, and interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were estimated to evaluate the reliability of PTMI values. Furthermore, from the young adult reference, the age-related reduction in trunk muscle torque and the prevalence of sarcopenia among age-sex groups were estimated. The ICC in flexion and extension torque were 0.807 (psarcopenia increased with age, and the prevalence due to flexion torque was double that of extension torque. Flexion torque decreased significantly after 60 years of age, and extension torque decreased after 70 years of age. In males over age 80, trunk muscle torque decreased to 49.1% in flexion and 63.5% in extension. In females over age 80, trunk muscle torque decreased to 60.7% in flexion and 68.4% in extension. The validity of PTMI was confirmed by correlation with KinCom. PTMI produced reference data for healthy young adults, and demonstrated age-related reduction in trunk muscle torque. Trunk sarcopenia progressed with aging, and the loss of flexion torque began earlier than extension torque. At age 80, trunk muscle torque had decreased 60% compared with healthy young adults.

  9. Steady flow torques in a servo motor operated rotary directional control valve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, He; Gong, Guofang; Zhou, Hongbin; Wang, Wei


    Highlights: • A novel servo motor operated rotary directional control valve is proposed. • Steady flow torque is a crucial issue that affects rotary valve performance. • Steady flow torque is analyzed on the aspects of theory, simulation and experiment. • Change law of the steady flow torque with spool rotation angle is explored. • Effect of pressure drop and flow rate on the steady flow torque is studied. - Abstract: In this paper, a servo motor operated rotary directional control valve is proposed, and a systematic analysis of steady flow torques in this valve is provided by theoretical calculation, CFD simulation and experimental test. In the analysis, spool rotation angle corresponding to the maximum orifice opening is tagged as 0°. Over a complete change cycle of the orifice, the range of spool rotation angle is symmetric about 0°. The results show that the direction of steady flow torques in this valve is always the direction of orifice closing. The steady flow torques serve as resistances to the spool rotation when the orifice opening increases, while impetuses to the spool rotation when the orifice opening decreases. At a certain pressure drop or flow rate, steady flow torques are approximately equal and opposite when at spool rotation angles which are symmetric about 0°. When the spool rotates from 0°, at a certain pressure drop, their values increase first then decrease with the spool rotation and reach their maximum values at an angle corresponding to about 1/2 of the maximum orifice opening, and at a certain flow rate, their values increase with the spool rotation. The steady flow torques in this valve are the sums of those in the meter-in and meter-out valve chambers. At a certain spool rotation angle, steady flow torques in the meter-in and meter-out valve chambers are approximately proportional to the pressure drop and the second power of the flow rate through the orifice. Theoretical calculation and CFD simulation can be validated by


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Angelo, Gennaro; Lubow, Stephen H.


    We determine an expression for the Type I planet migration torque involving a locally isothermal disk, with moderate turbulent viscosity (5 x 10 -4 ∼< α ∼< 0.05), based on three-dimensional nonlinear hydrodynamical simulations. The radial gradients (in a dimensionless logarithmic form) of density and temperature are assumed to be constant near the planet. We find that the torque is roughly equally sensitive to the surface density and temperature radial gradients. Both gradients contribute to inward migration when they are negative. Our results indicate that two-dimensional calculations with a smoothed planet potential, used to account for the effects of the third dimension, do not accurately determine the effects of density and temperature gradients on the three-dimensional torque. The results suggest that substantially slowing or stopping planet migration by means of changes in disk opacity or shadowing is difficult and appears unlikely for a disk that is locally isothermal. The scalings of the torque and torque density with planet mass and gas sound speed follow the expectations of linear theory. We also determine an improved formula for the torque density distribution that can be used in one-dimensional long-term evolution studies of planets embedded in locally isothermal disks. This formula can be also applied in the presence of mildly varying radial gradients and of planets that open gaps. We illustrate its use in the case of migrating super-Earths and determine some conditions sufficient for survival.

  11. Universal adaptive torque control for PM motors for field-weakening region operation (United States)

    Royak, Semyon [Beachwood, OH; Harbaugh, Mark M [Richfield, OH; Breitzmann, Robert J [South Russel, OH; Nondahl, Thomas A [Wauwatosa, WI; Schmidt, Peter B [Franklin, WI; Liu, Jingbo [Milwaukee, WI


    The invention includes a motor controller and method for controlling a permanent magnet motor. In accordance with one aspect of the present technique, a permanent magnet motor is controlled by, among other things, receiving a torque command, determining a normalized torque command by normalizing the torque command to a characteristic current of the motor, determining a normalized maximum available voltage, determining an inductance ratio of the motor, and determining a direct-axis current based upon the normalized torque command, the normalized maximum available voltage, and the inductance ratio of the motor.

  12. On the monoaxial stabilization of a rigid body under vanishing restoring torque (United States)

    Aleksandrov, A. Yu.; Aleksandrova, E. B.; Tikhonov, A. A.


    The problem of monoaxial stabilization of a rigid body is studied. It is assumed that a linear time-invariant dissipative torque and a time-varying restoring torque vanishing as time increases act on the body. Both the case of linear restoring torque and that of essentially nonlinear one are considered. With the aid of the decomposition method, conditions are obtained under which we can guarantee the asymptotic stability of an equilibrium position of the body despite the vanishing of the restoring torque. A numerical simulation is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our theoretical results.

  13. Spin-orbit torques in locally and globally noncentrosymmetric crystals: Antiferromagnets and ferromagnets

    KAUST Repository

    Železný , J.; Gao, H.; Manchon, Aurelien; Freimuth, Frank; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Zemen, J.; Mašek, J.; Sinova, Jairo; Jungwirth, T.


    One of the main obstacles that prevents practical applications of antiferromagnets is the difficulty of manipulating the magnetic order parameter. Recently, following the theoretical prediction [J. Železný, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 157201 (2014)]PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.113.157201, the electrical switching of magnetic moments in an antiferromagnet was demonstrated [P. Wadley, Science 351, 587 (2016)]SCIEAS0036-807510.1126/science.aab1031. The switching is due to the so-called spin-orbit torque, which has been extensively studied in ferromagnets. In this phenomena a nonequilibrium spin-polarization exchange coupled to the ordered local moments is induced by current, hence exerting a torque on the order parameter. Here we give a general systematic analysis of the symmetry of the spin-orbit torque in locally and globally noncentrosymmetric crystals. We study when the symmetry allows for a nonzero torque, when is the torque effective, and its dependence on the applied current direction and orientation of magnetic moments. For comparison, we consider both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic orders. In two representative model crystals we perform microscopic calculations of the spin-orbit torque to illustrate its symmetry properties and to highlight conditions under which the spin-orbit torque can be efficient for manipulating antiferromagnetic moments.

  14. Spin-orbit torques in locally and globally noncentrosymmetric crystals: Antiferromagnets and ferromagnets

    KAUST Repository

    Železný, J.


    One of the main obstacles that prevents practical applications of antiferromagnets is the difficulty of manipulating the magnetic order parameter. Recently, following the theoretical prediction [J. Železný, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 157201 (2014)]PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.113.157201, the electrical switching of magnetic moments in an antiferromagnet was demonstrated [P. Wadley, Science 351, 587 (2016)]SCIEAS0036-807510.1126/science.aab1031. The switching is due to the so-called spin-orbit torque, which has been extensively studied in ferromagnets. In this phenomena a nonequilibrium spin-polarization exchange coupled to the ordered local moments is induced by current, hence exerting a torque on the order parameter. Here we give a general systematic analysis of the symmetry of the spin-orbit torque in locally and globally noncentrosymmetric crystals. We study when the symmetry allows for a nonzero torque, when is the torque effective, and its dependence on the applied current direction and orientation of magnetic moments. For comparison, we consider both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic orders. In two representative model crystals we perform microscopic calculations of the spin-orbit torque to illustrate its symmetry properties and to highlight conditions under which the spin-orbit torque can be efficient for manipulating antiferromagnetic moments.

  15. Índices de aptidão funcional em jogadores de futebol da Seleção Nacional da Jamaica

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    Paulo Roberto Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O principal objetivo deste estudo foi mostrar alguns índices de aptidão funcional em 24 jogadores de futebol da Seleção Nacional da Jamaica, com média de idade de 23,9 ± 3,7 anos, equipe pré-classificada para a Copa do Mundo da França. Todos os atletas foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes que constou de: 1 avaliação da potência, resistência muscular e o índice de fadiga no teste de Wingate, realizado numa bicicleta computadorizada da marca Cybex, modelo Bike; 2 teste isocinético computadorizado de membros inferiores no equipamento da marca Cybex, modelo 1200; 3 avaliação da flexibilidade pelo teste de Wells e Dillon; 4 exames laboratoriais; e 5 avaliação odontológica, realizada através de exames clínicos num consultório da marca Funk modelo MLX Plus. Os seguintes parâmetros e os resultados encontrados foram: Wingate: potência pico corrigida pelo peso = 11,8 ± 1,; potência média = 9,1 ± 1,; índice de fadiga = 46,2 ± 15,2%; Flexibilidade = 19,8 ± 4,6cm; Exames laboratoriais: urina tipo I; fezes; hemoglobina = 14,3 ± 1,0g%; ferro = 104 ± 29ng/dl; ferritina = 81,8 ± 41,7ng/dl; transferrina = 502,5 ± 113,5ug/dl; hematócrito = 43,5 ± 2,9%; eritrócitos = 4,95 ± 0,40 milhões/m³; glicose = 91,0 ± 8,5mg/dl; Avaliação odontológica: tártaro em 5 (21%; cáries em 24 (100%; gengivites em 10 (42%; endodontia em 3 (12,5%; pulpites em 1 (4%; diastema em 2 (8%; heterotópicos em 13 (54%; extrações realizadas em 14 (58%; extrações não realizadas em 4 (17%; obturações em 4 (17%; próteses em 16 (67%; a profilaxia estava sendo feita em 17 (71% dos atletas examinados; Desempenho isocinético: torque de MMII direito a 60°S-1 na extensão = 290,4 ± 95,6Nm; na flexão = 216,1 ± 31,4Nm; torque de MMII esquerdo a 60°S-1 na extensão = 291,6 ± 62,5Nm; na flexão = 205,8 ± 35,8Nm. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da falta de estrutura tecnológica do futebol jamaicano, os resultados demonstraram que os

  16. Computations of Torque-Balanced Coaxial Rotor Flows (United States)

    Yoon, Seokkwan; Chan, William M.; Pulliam, Thomas H.


    Interactional aerodynamics has been studied for counter-rotating coaxial rotors in hover. The effects of torque balancing on the performance of coaxial-rotor systems have been investigated. The three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations are solved on overset grids using high-order accurate schemes, dual-time stepping, and a hybrid turbulence model. Computational results for an experimental model are compared to available data. The results for a coaxial quadcopter vehicle with and without torque balancing are discussed. Understanding interactions in coaxial-rotor flows would help improve the design of next-generation autonomous drones.

  17. Torque Split Strategy for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles with an Integrated Starter Generator

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    Zhumu Fu


    Full Text Available This paper presents a torque split strategy for parallel hybrid electric vehicles with an integrated starter generator (ISG-PHEV by using fuzzy logic control. By combining the efficiency map and the optimum torque curve of the internal combustion engine (ICE with the state of charge (SOC of the batteries, the torque split strategy is designed, which manages the ICE within its peak efficiency region. Taking the quantified ICE torque, the quantified SOC of the batteries, and the quantified ICE speed as inputs, and regarding the output torque demanded on the ICE as an output, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC with relevant fuzzy rules has been developed to determine the optimal torque distribution among the ICE, the ISG, and the electric motor/generator (EMG effectively. The simulation results reveal that, compared with the conventional torque control strategy which uses rule-based controller (RBC in different driving cycles, the proposed FLC improves the fuel economy of the ISG-PHEV, increases the efficiency of the ICE, and maintains batteries SOC within its operation range more availably.

  18. Fracionamento dos carboidratos e cinética de degradação in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro da extrusa de bovinos a pasto

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    Vieira Ricardo Augusto Mendonça


    Full Text Available Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram a caracterização e a determinação das estimativas dos parâmetros relativos à cinética de degradação ruminal dos carboidratos, em amostras de extrusa de animais mantidos em pastagem natural da Zona da Mata (MG, nas estações chuvosa e seca do ano. Para obtenção de amostras representativas, foram usados quatro animais fistulados no esôfago durante dois períodos experimentais na estação chuvosa, e três destes animais por dois períodos experimentais na estação seca, do ano de 1996. Foi efetuado o fracionamento dos carboidratos de acordo com o sistema Cornell e determinadas as taxas de degradação da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, a partir dos perfis de degradação in vitro deste componente. Foram determinadas as frações potencialmente degradável (B2 e indegradável (C da FDN, corrigida para proteína e cinzas, e as taxas de latência dinâmica, degradação e crescimento específico dos microrganismos, a partir da fração B2, além dos coeficientes de degradabilidade e do efeito de repleção ruminal da FDN. Observou-se que os carboidratos não-estruturais compreenderam pequena fração dos carboidratos totais nas amostras do pasto, em ambas as estações. Os carboidratos estruturais foram responsáveis pelo aumento no teor de carboidratos totais da extrusa, com a mudança da estação chuvosa para a estação seca; contudo, por causa do aumento da fração C e da menor taxa de crescimento específico dos microrganismos durante a estação seca, foi possível notar redução da degradabilidade e aumento do efeito de repleção ruminal da FDN da extrusa.

  19. Shot noise of spin current and spin transfer torque (United States)

    Yu, Yunjin; Zhan, Hongxin; Wan, Langhui; Wang, Bin; Wei, Yadong; Sun, Qingfeng; Wang, Jian


    We report the theoretical investigation of the shot noise of the spin current (Sσ) and the spin transfer torque (Sτ) for non-collinear spin polarized transport in a spin-valve device which consists of a normal scattering region connected by two ferromagnetic electrodes (MNM system). Our theory was developed using the non-equilibrium Green’s function method, and general nonlinear Sσ - V and Sτ - V relations were derived as a function of the angle θ between the magnetizations of two leads. We have applied our theory to a quantum dot system with a resonant level coupled with two ferromagnetic electrodes. It was found that, for the MNM system, the auto-correlation of the spin current is enough to characterize the fluctuation of the spin current. For a system with three ferromagnetic layers, however, both auto-correlation and cross-correlation of the spin current are needed to characterize the noise of the spin current. For a quantum dot with a resonant level, the derivative of spin torque with respect to bias voltage is proportional to sinθ when the system is far away from resonance. When the system is near resonance, the spin transfer torque becomes a non-sinusoidal function of θ. The derivative of the noise of the spin transfer torque with respect to the bias voltage Nτ behaves differently when the system is near or far away from resonance. Specifically, the differential shot noise of the spin transfer torque Nτ is a concave function of θ near resonance while it becomes a convex function of θ far away from resonance. For certain bias voltages, the period Nτ(θ) becomes π instead of 2π. For small θ, it was found that the differential shot noise of the spin transfer torque is very sensitive to the bias voltage and the other system parameters.

  20. Current control of PMSM based on maximum torque control reference frame (United States)

    Ohnuma, Takumi


    This study presents a new method of current controls of PMSMs (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors) based on a maximum torque control reference frame, which is suitable for high-performance controls of the PMSMs. As the issues of environment and energy increase seriously, PMSMs, one of the AC motors, are becoming popular because of their high-efficiency and high-torque density in various applications, such as electric vehicles, trains, industrial machines, and home appliances. To use the PMSMs efficiently, a proper current control of the PMSMs is necessary. In general, a rotational coordinate system synchronizing with the rotor is used for the current control of PMSMs. In the rotating reference frame, the current control is easier because the currents on the rotating reference frame can be expressed as a direct current in the controller. On the other hand, the torque characteristics of PMSMs are non-linear and complex; the PMSMs are efficient and high-density though. Therefore, a complicated control system is required to involve the relation between the torque and the current, even though the rotating reference frame is adopted. The maximum torque control reference frame provides a simpler way to control efficiently the currents taking the torque characteristics of the PMSMs into consideration.

  1. Salmo 127, versículo 1: ativismo religioso e ordenamentos da segurança em uma periferia de São Paulo

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    Ana Paula Galdeano


    Full Text Available Este artigo explora algumas relações entre ativismo evangélico e "violência". Mais especificamente, discute o protagonismo político-religioso de um fiel da IURD, e da própria igreja, nos conflitos relativos à "violência". Seguindo a trajetória de José, argumento que o diagrama religião - empreendedorismo - segurança - política partidária e assistência contribui para sua atuação como ordenador da segurança no gerenciamento das tensões e conflitos nas periferias. As redes de José e uma etnografia de um culto da IURD são mobilizadas para indicar as performances miméticas do poder do Estado, as relações entre o secular e o religioso e a maneira como a "guerra justa" está no enfeixamento entre a "Guerra de combate ao crime" e a "Guerra entre Deus e o Diabo".

  2. Improvement of Torque Production in Single-Phase Induction Motors

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    PID controller. Simulation results show the starting torque of the motor increased by 75% under the developed drive scheme. In addition, torque pulsations reduced from 1.4 Nm peak-peak to 0.14 Nm peak-peak at steady state. It was observed that the accelerating time reduced by 30% compared to the accelerating time ...

  3. Role of external torque in the formation of ion thermal internal transport barriers (United States)

    Jhang, Hogun; Kim, S. S.; Diamond, P. H.


    We present an analytic study of the impact of external torque on the formation of ion internal transport barriers (ITBs). A simple analytic relation representing the effect of low external torque on transport bifurcations is derived based on a two field transport model of pressure and toroidal momentum density. It is found that the application of an external torque can either facilitate or hamper bifurcation in heat flux driven plasmas depending on its sign relative to the direction of intrinsic torque. The ratio between radially integrated momentum (i.e., external torque) density to power input is shown to be a key macroscopic control parameter governing the characteristics of bifurcation.

  4. Spin transfer torque with spin diffusion in magnetic tunnel junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien; Matsumoto, R.; Jaffres, H.; Grollier, J.


    in the metallic layers. We show that spin diffusion mixes the transverse spin current components and dramatically modifies the bias dependence of the effective spin transfer torque. This leads to a significant linear bias dependence of the out-of-plane torque

  5. Spin Hall effect-driven spin torque in magnetic textures

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien; Lee, K.-J.


    Current-induced spin torque and magnetization dynamics in the presence of spin Hall effect in magnetic textures is studied theoretically. The local deviation of the charge current gives rise to a current-induced spin torque of the form (1 - ΒM) × [(u 0 + αH u 0 M) ∇] M, where u0 is the direction of the injected current, H is the Hall angle and is the non-adiabaticity parameter due to spin relaxation. Since αH and ×can have a comparable order of magnitude, we show that this torque can significantly modify the current-induced dynamics of both transverse and vortex walls. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

  6. Spin Hall effect-driven spin torque in magnetic textures

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    Current-induced spin torque and magnetization dynamics in the presence of spin Hall effect in magnetic textures is studied theoretically. The local deviation of the charge current gives rise to a current-induced spin torque of the form (1 - ΒM) × [(u 0 + αH u 0 M) ∇] M, where u0 is the direction of the injected current, H is the Hall angle and is the non-adiabaticity parameter due to spin relaxation. Since αH and ×can have a comparable order of magnitude, we show that this torque can significantly modify the current-induced dynamics of both transverse and vortex walls. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

  7. O suicídio assistido e o exercício da enfermagem

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    Renata Rabello de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo traz como tema central a discussão da prática do suicídio assistido. É um tema relativamente recente, porém, complexo e controverso. O suicídio assistido ocorre quando uma pessoa, que não consegue realizar sozinha sua intenção de morrer, solicita auxílio de uma outra pessoa para concretizá-lo. Esta prática vem senda aceita por alguns países e realizada por alguns profissionais em clínicas especializadas. O direito de decidir sobre o fim da vida e o valor que é atribuído ao sofrimento vivido são os principais questionamentos relativos a este tema. Paralelo a esta discussão, faz-se uma reflexão sobre a atuação do profissional enfermeiro nesta prática. Hoje, o profissional convive com este problema ético trazendo grande conflito com seus valores morais pessoais.

  8. Engine Torque Control of Spark Ignition Engine using Fuzzy Gain Scheduling


    Aris Triwiyatno


    In the spark ignition engine system, driver convenience is very dependent on satisfying engine torque appropriate with the throttle position given by the driver. Unfortunately, sometimes the fulfillment of engine torque is not in line with fuel saving efforts. This requires the development of high performance and robust power train controllers. One way to potentially meet these performance requirements is to introduce a method of controlling engine torque using fuzzy gain scheduling. By using...

  9. Estimation of Electrically-Evoked Knee Torque from Mechanomyography Using Support Vector Regression

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    Morufu Olusola Ibitoye


    Full Text Available The difficulty of real-time muscle force or joint torque estimation during neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES in physical therapy and exercise science has motivated recent research interest in torque estimation from other muscle characteristics. This study investigated the accuracy of a computational intelligence technique for estimating NMES-evoked knee extension torque based on the Mechanomyographic signals (MMG of contracting muscles that were recorded from eight healthy males. Simulation of the knee torque was modelled via Support Vector Regression (SVR due to its good generalization ability in related fields. Inputs to the proposed model were MMG amplitude characteristics, the level of electrical stimulation or contraction intensity, and knee angle. Gaussian kernel function, as well as its optimal parameters were identified with the best performance measure and were applied as the SVR kernel function to build an effective knee torque estimation model. To train and test the model, the data were partitioned into training (70% and testing (30% subsets, respectively. The SVR estimation accuracy, based on the coefficient of determination (R2 between the actual and the estimated torque values was up to 94% and 89% during the training and testing cases, with root mean square errors (RMSE of 9.48 and 12.95, respectively. The knee torque estimations obtained using SVR modelling agreed well with the experimental data from an isokinetic dynamometer. These findings support the realization of a closed-loop NMES system for functional tasks using MMG as the feedback signal source and an SVR algorithm for joint torque estimation.

  10. Determination of Ultimate Torque for Multiply Connected Cross Section Rod

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    V. L. Danilov


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to determine load-carrying capability of the multiply cross-section rod. This calculation is based on the model of the ideal plasticity of the material, so that the desired ultimate torque is a torque at which the entire cross section goes into a plastic state.The article discusses the cylindrical multiply cross-section rod. To satisfy the equilibrium equation and the condition of plasticity simultaneously, two stress function Ф and φ are introduced. By mathematical transformations it has been proved that Ф is constant along the path, and a formula to find its values on the contours has been obtained. The paper also presents the rationale of the line of stress discontinuity and obtained relationships, which allow us to derive the equations break lines for simple interaction of neighboring circuits, such as two lines, straight lines and circles, circles and a different sign of the curvature.After substitution into the boundary condition at the end of the stress function Ф and mathematical transformations a formula is obtained to determine the ultimate torque for the multiply cross-section rod.Using the doubly connected cross-section and three-connected cross-section rods as an example the application of the formula of ultimate torque is studied.For doubly connected cross-section rod, the paper offers a formula of the torque versus the radius of the rod, the aperture radius and the distance between their centers. It also clearly demonstrates the torque dependence both on the ratio of the radii and on the displacement of hole. It is shown that the value of the torque is more influenced by the displacement of hole, rather than by the ratio of the radii.For the three-connected cross-section rod the paper shows the integration feature that consists in selection of a coordinate system. As an example, the ultimate torque is found by two methods: analytical one and 3D modeling. The method of 3D modeling is based on the Nadai

  11. Thermomagnetic torques in polyatomic gases (United States)

    Hildebrandt, A. F.; Wood, C. T.


    The application of the Scott effect to the dynamics of galactic and stellar rotation is investigated. Efforts were also made to improve the sensitivity and stability of torque measurements and understand the microscopic mechanism that causes the Scott effect.

  12. Optimum geometry for torque ripple minimization of switched reluctance motors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sahin, F.; Ertan, H.B.; Leblebicioglu, K.


    For switched reluctance motors, one of the major problems is torque ripple which causes increased undesirable acoustic noise and possibly speed ripple. This paper describes an approach to determine optimum magnetic circuit parameters to minimize low speed torque ripple for such motors. The

  13. Emissão de CO2 do transporte da madeira nativa da Amazônia

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    Érica Ferraz Campos

    Full Text Available A madeira aplicada à construção é considerada um estoque de carbono. O transporte na cadeia produtiva da madeira implica em emissão de CO2, reduzindo seu estoque líquido. Com base nos dados de 2007 do IBAMA sobre origem, destino e volume de madeira serrada amazônica transportada nacionalmente, a distância média percorrida foi estimada em 1.956km. Fatores de consumo de diesel entre 0,005L/ e 0,017L/, equivalentes a fatores de emissão de 12,8gCO2/ a 50,6gCO2/, foram identificados em literatura e levantamentos realizados neste estudo. Para quantificar a emissão de CO2, foram analisados quatro modelos de veículos, com diferentes capacidades de carga. A influência da densidade da madeira determinou uma variabilidade de até 210% no resultado final; o peso próprio do veículo, de 30 a 43%. Deslocamentos de 1.000km, com madeira serrada de diferentes densidades, representam entre 1,3 e 6,1% de redução do estoque de carbono da madeira; dados do GHG Protocol indicam valores entre 20,1% e 24,4%. Em 2007, o transporte legal de madeira serrada amazônica teria determinado consumo nacional de diesel estimado entre 0,16% e 0,56%; em termos de emissão nacional, assumindo o ano base de 2005, o resultado teria sido de 0,12% a 0,46%. O estoque líquido potencial, relativo à madeira serrada contabilizada na base DOF 2007 do IBAMA, considerando apenas a redução por transporte, teria potencialmente estocado entre 4,77 e 5,19 x106 tCO2.

  14. Age-related reduction of trunk muscle torque and prevalence of trunk sarcopenia in community-dwelling elderly: Validity of a portable trunk muscle torque measurement instrument and its application to a large sample cohort study.

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    Eiji Sasaki

    Full Text Available Trunk muscle weakness and imbalance are risk factors for postural instability, low back pain, and poor postoperative outcomes. The association between trunk muscle strength and aging is poorly understood, and establishing normal reference values is difficult. We aimed to establish the validity of a novel portable trunk muscle torque measurement instrument (PTMI. We then estimated reference data for healthy young adults and elucidated age-related weakness in trunk muscle strength. Twenty-four university students were enrolled to validate values for PTMI, and 816 volunteers from the general population who were recruited to the Iwaki Health Promotion Project were included to estimate reference data for trunk muscle strength. Trunk flexion and extension torque were measured with PTMI and KinCom, and interclass correlation coefficients (ICC were estimated to evaluate the reliability of PTMI values. Furthermore, from the young adult reference, the age-related reduction in trunk muscle torque and the prevalence of sarcopenia among age-sex groups were estimated. The ICC in flexion and extension torque were 0.807 (p<0.001 and 0.789 (p<0.001, respectively. The prevalence of sarcopenia increased with age, and the prevalence due to flexion torque was double that of extension torque. Flexion torque decreased significantly after 60 years of age, and extension torque decreased after 70 years of age. In males over age 80, trunk muscle torque decreased to 49.1% in flexion and 63.5% in extension. In females over age 80, trunk muscle torque decreased to 60.7% in flexion and 68.4% in extension. The validity of PTMI was confirmed by correlation with KinCom. PTMI produced reference data for healthy young adults, and demonstrated age-related reduction in trunk muscle torque. Trunk sarcopenia progressed with aging, and the loss of flexion torque began earlier than extension torque. At age 80, trunk muscle torque had decreased 60% compared with healthy young adults.

  15. Model analysis and experimental investigation of the friction torque during the CMP process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Dongming; Xu Chi; Kang Renke; Jin Zhuji


    A model for calculating friction torque during the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process is presented, and the friction force and torque detection experiments during the CMP process are carried out to verify the model. The results show that the model can well describe the feature of friction torque during CMP processing. The research results provide a theoretical foundation for the CMP endpoint detection method based on the change of the torque of the polishing head rotational spindle. (semiconductor technology)

  16. Torque Split Strategy for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles with an Integrated Starter Generator


    Fu, Zhumu; Gao, Aiyun; Wang, Xiaohong; Song, Xiaona


    This paper presents a torque split strategy for parallel hybrid electric vehicles with an integrated starter generator (ISG-PHEV) by using fuzzy logic control. By combining the efficiency map and the optimum torque curve of the internal combustion engine (ICE) with the state of charge (SOC) of the batteries, the torque split strategy is designed, which manages the ICE within its peak efficiency region. Taking the quantified ICE torque, the quantified SOC of the batteries, and the quantified I...

  17. Torques Induced by Scattered Pebble-flow in Protoplanetary Disks (United States)

    Benítez-Llambay, Pablo; Pessah, Martin E.


    Fast inward migration of planetary cores is a common problem in the current planet formation paradigm. Even though dust is ubiquitous in protoplanetary disks, its dynamical role in the migration history of planetary embryos has not been assessed. In this Letter, we show that the scattered pebble-flow induced by a low-mass planetary embryo leads to an asymmetric dust-density distribution that is able to exert a net torque. By analyzing a large suite of multifluid hydrodynamical simulations addressing the interaction between the disk and a low-mass planet on a fixed circular orbit, and neglecting dust feedback onto the gas, we identify two different regimes, gas- and gravity-dominated, where the scattered pebble-flow results in almost all cases in positive torques. We collect our measurements in a first torque map for dusty disks, which will enable the incorporation of the effect of dust dynamics on migration into population synthesis models. Depending on the dust drift speed, the dust-to-gas mass ratio/distribution, and the embryo mass, the dust-induced torque has the potential to halt inward migration or even induce fast outward migration of planetary cores. We thus anticipate that dust-driven migration could play a dominant role during the formation history of planets. Because dust torques scale with disk metallicity, we propose that dust-driven outward migration may enhance the occurrence of distant giant planets in higher-metallicity systems.

  18. Intraoperative insertion torque of lumbar pedicle screw and postoperative radiographic evaluation. Short-term observation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizuno, Koichi; Shinomiya, Kenichi; Otani, Kazuyuki


    The correlation between the insertion torque of a lumbar pedicle screw and the mechanical stability of the screw in the bone has been mentioned in in vitro studies. The purpose of this study was to confirm the factors affecting the insertion torque of such screws in vivo. Also, the contribution of insertion torque to the initial stability of the fusion area was to be analyzed in vivo. A series of 23 cases representing 50 lumbar vertebrae were included in this study, in which we examined bone mineral density using quantitative computed tomography (CT) prior to operation. Two screw shapes were utilized, with the insertion torque for each screw measured at two points in time. The correlation between insertion torque and mineral density was investigated. Screw positions were confirmed on postoperative CT scans, and the effect of the screw thread cutting into the cortex bone was investigated. Radiographic changes at three points during a period of 3 months were also measured, and we then evaluated the interrelations between these changes and insertion torque. Furthermore, the relation between insertion torque and instability at 3 months was investigated. Correlations of insertion torque and bone mineral density depended on screw shape. There was no correlation found with mineral density in the case of cylindrical screws. Insertion torque was not affected by the screw thread cutting into the cortex of bone. As for postoperative alignment changes, no definitive trends could be ascertained, and no interrelations with torque and alignment changes were observed. There is a possibility that insertion torque was related to early-stage stability, but no statistical relation could be determined. (author)

  19. Spin-orbit-coupled transport and spin torque in a ferromagnetic heterostructure

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Xuhui; Ortiz Pauyac, Christian; Manchon, Aurelien


    Ferromagnetic heterostructures provide an ideal platform to explore the nature of spin-orbit torques arising from the interplay mediated by itinerant electrons between a Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling and a ferromagnetic exchange interaction. For such a prototypic system, we develop a set of coupled diffusion equations to describe the diffusive spin dynamics and spin-orbit torques. We characterize the spin torque and its two prominent—out-of-plane and in-plane—components for a wide range of relative strength between the Rashba coupling and ferromagnetic exchange. The symmetry and angular dependence of the spin torque emerging from our simple Rashba model is in an agreement with experiments. The spin diffusion equation can be generalized to incorporate dynamic effects such as spin pumping and magnetic damping.

  20. Spin-orbit-coupled transport and spin torque in a ferromagnetic heterostructure

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Xuhui


    Ferromagnetic heterostructures provide an ideal platform to explore the nature of spin-orbit torques arising from the interplay mediated by itinerant electrons between a Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling and a ferromagnetic exchange interaction. For such a prototypic system, we develop a set of coupled diffusion equations to describe the diffusive spin dynamics and spin-orbit torques. We characterize the spin torque and its two prominent—out-of-plane and in-plane—components for a wide range of relative strength between the Rashba coupling and ferromagnetic exchange. The symmetry and angular dependence of the spin torque emerging from our simple Rashba model is in an agreement with experiments. The spin diffusion equation can be generalized to incorporate dynamic effects such as spin pumping and magnetic damping.

  1. Desafios da Comunicação Popular e Comunitária na Cibercultur@: Aproximação à proposta de Comunidade Emergente de Conhecimento Local

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    Cicilia M Krohling Peruzzo


    Full Text Available

    Estudo sobre a concepção da cibercultur@ que indaga se  ela ajudaria os movimentos comunitários na redefinição de práticas comunicativas incluindo o empoderamento coletivo das TICCs. Os objetivos são  identificar os principais pressupostos teóricos da cibercultur@ no marco das dinâmicas de reestruturação comunicacional da sociedade contemporânea, situar o tema da presença da comunicação popular, comunitária e alternativa no ciberespaço e analisar se há pertinência em se relacionar os conceitos de cibercultur@ e sua aplicabilidade aos estudos e práticas dessa modalidade comunicacional no Brasil. A abordagem se fundamenta nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético. Os procedimentos relativos à parte ora apresentada são os de pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa documental.

  2. As repercussões do desemprego no funcionamento familiar e na saúde mental da díade conjugal


    Pires, Maria Manuel Pereira


    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário O desemprego é uma consequência da atual situação económica e social, o qual tem impacto no funcionamento familiar. Dada a escassez de estudos relativos às consequências do desemprego, pretendemos aprofundar esta temática e averiguar se, num casal, quando um dos cônjuges está empregado e o outro desempregado, esta situação interfere no funcionamento familiar e na saúde mental, nomeadamente com repercussões a ...

  3. Current-induced spin transfer torque in ferromagnet-marginal Fermi liquid double tunnel junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mu Haifeng; Zheng Qingrong; Jin Biao; Su Gang


    Current-induced spin transfer torque through a marginal Fermi liquid (MFL) which is connected to two noncollinearly aligned ferromagnets via tunnel junctions is discussed in terms of the nonequilibrium Green function method. It is found that in the absence of the spin-flip scattering, the magnitude of the torque increases with the polarization and the coupling constant λ of the MFL, whose maximum increases with λ linearly, showing that the interactions between electrons tend to enhance the spin torque. When the spin-flip scattering is included, an additional spin torque is induced. It is found that the spin-flip scattering enhances the spin torque and gives rise to a nonlinear angular shift

  4. Torque for electron spin induced by electron permanent electric dipole moment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Senami, Masato, E-mail:, E-mail:; Fukuda, Masahiro, E-mail:, E-mail:; Ogiso, Yoji, E-mail:, E-mail:; Tachibana, Akitomo, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Micro Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8540 (Japan)


    The spin torque of the electron is studied in relation to the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron. The spin dynamics is known to be given by the spin torque and the zeta force in quantum field theory. The effect of the EDM on the torque of the spin brings a new term in the equation of motion of the spin. We study this effect for a solution of the Dirac equation with electromagnetic field.

  5. Relações entre identidade, linguagem e cultura: o léxico da culinária em A casa das sete mulheres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giselle Olivia Mantovani Dal Corno


    Full Text Available Em um universo cultural, há regras de convivência social permeando todo o cotidiano. Uma das funções da cultura é permitir a adaptação do indivíduo à sociedade, já que é pela herança cultural que a comunicação se instaura. Não apenas pela linguagem, mas também por seu comportamento, os indivíduos assumem determinada identidade, construída a partir da cultura. Esta, por sua vez, expressa-se por referenciais linguísticos. Dessa perspectiva, o presente artigo tem como objetivo proceder a uma análise das relações existentes entre identidade, linguagem e cultura pelo estudo do léxico relativo à culinária no romance A casa das sete mulheres, de Leticia Wierzchowski, a partir do qual se busca observar como a construção da identidade regional gaúcha é retratada na obra.


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    Fabiana de Arruda Resende Reis


    Full Text Available Com o processo industrial e de modernização do Brasil, surgiu o en- sino profissional, inclusive o feminino, que muitas vezes preparava as mulhe- res para serem melhores donas do lar e para ajudarem no orçamento famili- ar, qualificando-as para trabalharem fora de casa como professoras de arte ou até mesmo confeccionarem produtos para serem vendidos. Neste contex- to visamos apresentar os primeiros resultados relativos ao estudo explorató- rio do ensino profissional feminino no estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo como referência e objeto de estudo a Escola Profissional Feminina Nilo Peçanha, fundada em 1922 na cidade de Campos. Para tal, optamos pelo recorte tem- poral de 1922 a 1930, correspondente ao período entre o ano de criação da escola até o final da gestão da primeira diretora da instituição.

  7. Desenvolvimento inicial da pupunheira em monocultivo e intercalado com culturas anuais

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    Yuyama Kaoru


    Full Text Available O cultivo da pupunheira para produção de palmito vem ganhando espaço como atividade agrícola amazônica, por seu potencial econômico e por ser adaptado às condições edafoclimáticas da região. O custo de implantação da cultura da pupunheira é elevado e o uso de culturas intercalares pode proporcionar redução no custo. Porém, torna-se necessário conhecer o efeito da intercalação sobre o desenvolvimento da pupunheira. Estudou-se o crescimento da pupunheira durante o período de fevereiro a outubro de 1996, intercalado com amendoim, arroz, sorgo e macaxeira, em contraste com o sistema de monocultivo (com e sem capina, avaliando-se o rendimento das espécies intercaladas e o crescimento vegetativo da pupunheira no período. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. A melhor combinação foi a pupunha com amendoim, que proporcionou crescimento satisfatório nestes 11 meses, com melhor taxa de crescimento relativo e sem sintoma de deficiência. O amendoim produziu 2,1 t ha-1, o arroz 2,5 t ha-1, o sorgo 2,1 t ha-1 de grãos e a macaxeira 7,2 t ha-1 de raízes. Recomenda-se fazer estudos de adubação para diminuir a competição e favorecer o desenvolvimento da pupunheira em cultivos intercalados. É vantajoso intercalar pupunheira com espécies anuais no estádio de estabelecimento, com a finalidade de diminuir o custo de implantação.

  8. Improvement in torque and power transmission system of Savonius wind turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghosh, K.; Kumar, A.; Gupta, S. [Indian Inst. of Technology, Kanpur (India). Aerospace Engineering Dept.


    The Savonius vertical axis wind turbine has a simple geometry and is inexpensive to build due to its high power coefficient. However, because its torque coefficient varies widely with wind angles and even becomes negative twice in a revolution, it has not been widely commercialized. A Savonius rotor is conventionally built in 2 or 3 tiers, with 90-degree or 60-degree stagger between tiers for smoother torque. The torque coefficient versus wind angle data for multi-tier rotors can be generated by overlapping single-tier data with requisite stagger. This process ignores aerodynamic interference between tiers. The torque coefficient versus wind angle was measured in static mode and the power coefficient was measured in rotating mode of a 2-tier Savonius using a wind tunnel technique involving the brake-dynamometer principle and wind tunnel balance. A significant aerodynamic interference and lower power coefficient were observed. Static and dynamic testing procedures were described and smoke flow models and visualization were also presented. Subsequently, a discussion of the results of the testing were presented. It was concluded that there is significant aerodynamic interference between the tiers of a 2-tier model leading to reduced values of torque and power. Modification of the Savonius wind turbine by adding 20 per cent thick symmetrical airfoils results in improved torque, without significantly increasing average wake width. 3 refs., 1 tab., 13 refs.

  9. Mechanics of Re-Torquing in Bolted Flange Connections (United States)

    Gordon, Ali P.; Drilling Brian; Weichman, Kyle; Kammerer, Catherine; Baldwin, Frank


    It has been widely accepted that the phenomenon of time-dependent loosening of flange connections is a strong consequence of the viscous nature of the compression seal material. Characterizing the coupled interaction between gasket creep and elastic bolt stiffness has been useful in predicting conditions that facilitate leakage. Prior advances on this sub-class of bolted joints has lead to the development of (1) constitutive models for elastomerics, (2) initial tightening strategies, (3) etc. The effect of re-torque, which is a major consideration for typical bolted flange seals used on the Space Shuttle fleet, has not been fully characterized, however. The current study presents a systematic approach to characterizing bolted joint behavior as the consequence of sequentially applied torques. Based on exprimenta1 and numerical results, the optimal re-torquing parameters have been identified that allow for the negligible load loss after pre-load application

  10. Vision system for dial gage torque wrench calibration (United States)

    Aggarwal, Neelam; Doiron, Theodore D.; Sanghera, Paramjeet S.


    In this paper, we present the development of a fast and robust vision system which, in conjunction with the Dial Gage Calibration system developed by AKO Inc., will be used by the U.S. Army in calibrating dial gage torque wrenches. The vision system detects the change in the angular position of the dial pointer in a dial gage. The angular change is proportional to the applied torque. The input to the system is a sequence of images of the torque wrench dial gage taken at different dial pointer positions. The system then reports the angular difference between the different positions. The primary components of this vision system include modules for image acquisition, linear feature extraction and angle measurements. For each of these modules, several techniques were evaluated and the most applicable one was selected. This system has numerous other applications like vision systems to read and calibrate analog instruments.

  11. Desamparo aprendido e incontrolabilidade: relevância para uma abordagem analítico-comportamental da depressão

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    Darlene Cardoso Ferreira

    Full Text Available Este artigo oferece uma análise dos diferentes usos do conceito de incontrolabilidade vinculados ao modelo do desamparo aprendido, apontado como um modelo animal de depressão, indicando como a mesma topografia verbal é emitida sob controle de eventos distintos. Discute-se a generalidade do conceito de desamparo aprendido a partir de dados obtidos com humanos, abordando-se também aspectos relativos à participação de contingências verbais na ocorrência do efeito. Variáveis relevantes para a generalidade do desamparo aprendido - enquanto modelo experimental e equivalente animal da depressão na análise do comportamento - são discutidas, justificando-se a necessidade de maior investigação da correspondência entre o conceito de incontrolabilidade e a condição experimentalmente estabelecida em laboratório e da produção de desamparo aprendido em humanos com participação de processos verbais.

  12. Spin-transfer torque generated by a topological insulator

    KAUST Repository

    Mellnik, A. R.


    Magnetic devices are a leading contender for the implementation of memory and logic technologies that are non-volatile, that can scale to high density and high speed, and that do not wear out. However, widespread application of magnetic memory and logic devices will require the development of efficient mechanisms for reorienting their magnetization using the least possible current and power. There has been considerable recent progress in this effort; in particular, it has been discovered that spin-orbit interactions in heavy-metal/ferromagnet bilayers can produce strong current-driven torques on the magnetic layer, via the spin Hall effect in the heavy metal or the Rashba-Edelstein effect in the ferromagnet. In the search for materials to provide even more efficient spin-orbit-induced torques, some proposals have suggested topological insulators, which possess a surface state in which the effects of spin-orbit coupling are maximal in the sense that an electron\\' s spin orientation is fixed relative to its propagation direction. Here we report experiments showing that charge current flowing in-plane in a thin film of the topological insulator bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3) at room temperature can indeed exert a strong spin-transfer torque on an adjacent ferromagnetic permalloy (Ni81Fe19) thin film, with a direction consistent with that expected from the topological surface state. We find that the strength of the torque per unit charge current density in Bi 2Se3 is greater than for any source of spin-transfer torque measured so far, even for non-ideal topological insulator films in which the surface states coexist with bulk conduction. Our data suggest that topological insulators could enable very efficient electrical manipulation of magnetic materials at room temperature, for memory and logic applications. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

  13. Profilaxia da peste

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    Renato dos Santos Araújo


    Full Text Available O autor parte da premissa de que a profilaxia da doença infecciosa decorre do encadeamento epidemiológico: fonte de infecção-veículo transmissor - receptivel, para explicar a da peste, baseada no mesmo princípio. Depois de citar os 4 principais complexos epidemiológicos da peste e afirmar que tôda a profilaxia da doença consiste em atingir os dois primeiros elos dessas cadeias e proteger o último, passa a classificar os vários métodos profiláticos empregados em 2 grandes grupos: o das medidas destrutivas ou provisórias e o das medidas supressivas ou definitivas. Entre as primeiras arrola a desratização e a despulização, às quais acrescenta o tratamento e isolamento do doente e do portaãor, e entre as segundas inclui a anti-ratização e a imunização. A seguir, passa a explicar em que consistem essas várias medidas profiláticas e quais os agentes de que se tem lançado mão para executá-las, expendendo ao curso dessa exposição o conceito que formula a respeito de cada uma delas, à guisa de apreciação do seu valor relativo. Enaltece sobretudo as medidas supressivas ou definitivas, às quais empresta a maior significação na luta antipestosa, chamando a atenção, em especial, para a necessidade de estudos imunológicos para aperfeiçoamento do poder imunitário das vacinas de germes vivos avirulentos, que considera um grande recurso para a profilaxia da doença, sobretudo para a proteção do rurícola, cujo labor e modo de vida o expõem inevitavelmente a se infectar, por ocasião da ocorrência de epizootias de origem silvestre. Concluída essa primeira parte, passa a fazer o histórico de como se desenvolveu a campanha contra a peste, no Brasil, desde a época da sua invasão em 1899 pelo pôrto de Santos até os nossos dias. Nesse histórico, detem-se um pouco para expôr a atuação do extinto Serviço Nacional de Peste, o qual, criado em 1941, após a reorganização do Departamento Nacional de Saúde, passou

  14. Intramuscular Pressure of Tibialis Anterior Reflects Ankle Torque but Does Not Follow Joint Angle-Torque Relationship

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    Filiz Ateş


    Full Text Available Intramuscular pressure (IMP is the hydrostatic fluid pressure that is directly related to muscle force production. Electromechanical delay (EMD provides a link between mechanical and electrophysiological quantities and IMP has potential to detect local electromechanical changes. The goal of this study was to assess the relationship of IMP with the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the tibialis anterior muscle (TA activity at different ankle positions. We hypothesized that (1 the TA IMP and the surface EMG (sEMG and fine-wire EMG (fwEMG correlate to ankle joint torque, (2 the isometric force of TA increases at increased muscle lengths, which were imposed by a change in ankle angle and IMP follows the length-tension relationship characteristics, and (3 the electromechanical delay (EMD is greater than the EMD of IMP during isometric contractions. Fourteen healthy adults [7 female; mean (SD age = 26.9 (4.2 years old with 25.9 (5.5 kg/m2 body mass index] performed (i three isometric dorsiflexion (DF maximum voluntary contraction (MVC and (ii three isometric DF ramp contractions from 0 to 80% MVC at rate of 15% MVC/second at DF, Neutral, and plantarflexion (PF positions. Ankle torque, IMP, TA fwEMG, and TA sEMG were measured simultaneously. The IMP, fwEMG, and sEMG were significantly correlated to the ankle torque during ramp contractions at each ankle position tested. This suggests that IMP captures in vivo mechanical properties of active muscles. The ankle torque changed significantly at different ankle positions however, the IMP did not reflect the change. This is explained with the opposing effects of higher compartmental pressure at DF in contrast to the increased force at PF position. Additionally, the onset of IMP activity is found to be significantly earlier than the onset of force which indicates that IMP can be designed to detect muscular changes in the course of neuromuscular diseases impairing electromechanical transmission.

  15. Perfil dos discentes ingressos do Centro de Ciências da Saúde UFPE

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    Ludmila Galindo França Gurgel

    Full Text Available A busca pelo conhecimento das características e da opinião dos estudantes do nível superior fornece importantes subsídios para o planejamento e reorganização do desenvolvimento acadêmico. Com o objetivo de traçar o perfil do aluno do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE, foram distribuídos formulários aos acadêmicos do 2º período, contendo perguntas referentes aos seus aspectos socioeconômicos e pessoais. O perfil dos estudantes (n = 210 caracterizou-se por um predomínio feminino, com idades entre 19 e 21 anos, provenientes de escolas privadas e classes sociais economicamente mais favorecidas, que receberam grande influência do núcleo familiar na escolha da profissão. A maioria dos estudantes não estava matriculada nos cursos de primeira opção, porém possuía alta expectativa com relação ao curso, considerando-o correspondente às suas expectativas. Após formados pretendem realizar algum curso de pós-graduação e trabalhar no serviço público. No entanto, persiste um problema relativo à escolha da profissão, regulada pela condição socioeconômica e influência familiar.

  16. Inertial torque during reaching directly impacts grip-force adaptation to weightless objects. (United States)

    Giard, T; Crevecoeur, F; McIntyre, J; Thonnard, J-L; Lefèvre, P


    A hallmark of movement control expressed by healthy humans is the ability to gradually improve motor performance through learning. In the context of object manipulation, previous work has shown that the presence of a torque load has a direct impact on grip-force control, characterized by a significantly slower grip-force adjustment across lifting movements. The origin of this slower adaptation rate remains unclear. On the one hand, information about tangential constraints during stationary holding may be difficult to extract in the presence of a torque. On the other hand, inertial torque experienced during movement may also potentially disrupt the grip-force adjustments, as the dynamical constraints clearly differ from the situation when no torque load is present. To address the influence of inertial torque loads, we instructed healthy adults to perform visually guided reaching movements in weightlessness while holding an unbalanced object relative to the grip axis. Weightlessness offered the possibility to remove gravitational constraints and isolate the effect of movement-related feedback on grip force adjustments. Grip-force adaptation rates were compared with a control group who manipulated a balanced object without any torque load and also in weightlessness. Our results clearly show that grip-force adaptation in the presence of a torque load is significantly slower, which suggests that the presence of torque loads experienced during movement may alter our internal estimates of how much force is required to hold an unbalanced object stable. This observation may explain why grasping objects around the expected location of the center of mass is such an important component of planning and control of manipulation tasks.

  17. Controlling torque and cutting costs: steerable drill bits deliver in Latin America

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barton, Steve; Garcia, Alexis; Amorim, Dalmo [ReedHycalog, Stonehouse (United Kingdom); Iramina, Wilson [University of Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil); Herrera, Gabriel


    Tool face Control is widely regarded as one of the greatest directional drilling challenges with a Fixed Cutter (FC) drill bit on a Steerable Motor assembly. Tool face offset is proportional to the torque generated by the bit, and by nature, FC bits are capable of generating high levels of torque. If large changes in downhole torque are produced while drilling, this will cause rotation of the drill string, and loss of tool face orientation. This results in inefficient drilling and increases risk of bit and downhole tool damage. This paper examines the effect of various FC drill bit components to determine the key design requirements to deliver a smooth torque response and an improved directional performance. Included is a review of the results from comprehensive laboratory testing to determine the effectiveness of a number of different configurations of removable Torque Controlling Components (TCC). These, in combination with specific cutting structure layouts, combine to provide predictable torque response while optimized for high rates of penetration. In addition, unique gauge geometry is disclosed that was engineered to reduce drag and deliver improved borehole quality. This gauge design produces less torque when sliding and beneficial gauge pad interaction with the borehole when in rotating mode. Field performance studies from within Latin America clearly demonstrate that matching TCC, an optimized cutting structure, and gauge geometry to a steerable assembly delivers smooth torque response and improved directional control. Benefits with regard to improved stability are also discussed. Successful application has resulted in significant time and cost savings for the operator, demonstrating that Stability and Steerability improvements can be achieved with an increase in penetration rate. (author)

  18. Balancing of a power-transmission shaft with the application of axial torque (United States)

    Zorzi, E. S.; Flemming, D.


    Evaluation of power transmission shafting for high-speed balancing has shown that when axial torque is applied, the imbalance response is altered. An increase in synchronous excitation always occurs if the axial torque level is altered from the value used during balancing; this was the case even when the shaft was balanced with torque applied. The twisting of the long slender shaft produces a change in the imbalance distribution sufficient to disrupt the balanced state. This paper presents a review of the analytic development of a weighted least squares approach to influence coefficient balancing and a review of experimental results. The analytic approach takes advantage of the fact that the past testing has shown that the influence coefficients are not significantly affected by the application of axial torque. The 3.60-m (12-ft) long aluminum shaft, 7.62 cm (3 in.) in diameter was run through the first flexural critical speed at torque levels ranging from zero-torque to 903.8 N-M (8000 lb-in.) in 112.9 N-M (1000 lb-in.) increments. Good comparison was achieved between predicted and experimental results.

  19. Immediate effects of whole body vibration on patellar tendon properties and knee extension torque. (United States)

    Rieder, F; Wiesinger, H-P; Kösters, A; Müller, E; Seynnes, O R


    Reports about the immediate effects of whole body vibration (WBV) exposure upon torque production capacity are inconsistent. However, the changes in the torque-angle relationship observed by some authors after WBV may hinder the measurement of torque changes at a given angle. Acute changes in tendon mechanical properties do occur after certain types of exercise but this hypothesis has never been tested after a bout of WBV. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether tendon compliance is altered immediately after WBV, effectively shifting the optimal angle of peak torque towards longer muscle length. Twenty-eight subjects were randomly assigned to either a WBV (n = 14) or a squatting control group (n = 14). Patellar tendon CSA, stiffness and Young's modulus and knee extension torque-angle relationship were measured using ultrasonography and dynamometry 1 day before and directly after the intervention. Tendon CSA was additionally measured 24 h after the intervention to check for possible delayed onset of swelling. The vibration intervention had no effects on patellar tendon CSA, stiffness and Young's modulus or the torque-angle relationship. Peak torque was produced at ~70° knee angle in both groups at pre- and post-test. Additionally, the knee extension torque globally remained unaffected with the exception of a small (-6%) reduction in isometric torque at a joint angle of 60°. The present results indicate that a single bout of vibration exposure does not substantially alter patellar tendon properties or the torque-angle relationship of knee extensors.

  20. Accretion torques due to three-dimensional channelled flows in magnetic cataclysmic variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, C.G.


    Angular momentum transfer due to three-dimensional magnetically channelled accretion flows in cataclysmic binaries is considered. The white dwarf experiences a torque due to the twist in that part of its magnetic field which interacts with the accretion stream. The channelling process can also enhance angular momentum exchange between the stream and the orbit by increasing the gravitational torques. The components of the accretion torque are calculated for an arbitrary static magnetic orientation of the white dwarf, and their variation with orientation is presented. For high inclinations of the accreting pole to the orbital plane the component of the accretion torque parallel to this plane can be comparable to its perpendicular component. It is shown that the parallel component of the torque is still significant relative to the perpendicular component if material links to the white dwarf's magnetic field well away from the L 1 region. (author)

  1. Confiabilidade dos dados relativos ao cumprimento da Emenda Constitucional nº. 29 declarados ao Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde pelos municípios de Pernambuco, Brasil Reliability of data on compliance with Constitutional Amendment 29 reported to the Public Healthcare Budget Information System by municipalities in Pernambuco State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério Fabiano Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O estudo analisa a confiabilidade dos dados relativos ao cumprimento da Emenda Constitucional nº. 29 (EC29 declarados ao Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS pelos municípios de Pernambuco, Brasil. Configura-se como um estudo quantitativo, do tipo transversal e de caráter analítico, tendo como referência o período de 2000 a 2005. Os demonstrativos contábeis auditados pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado (TCE foram tomados como parâmetro para verificar a confiabilidade dos percentuais de aplicação da EC29 declarados ao SIOPS, sendo utilizado o coeficiente de correlação intraclasses (CCI como prova estatística na medição da concordância dos dados. Os resultados demonstram a dissonância existente entre as bases consultadas, sugerindo um nível de concordância discreto a moderado entre os dados do SIOPS e do TCE. A baixa concordância identificada pode ser decorrente da falta de consenso pelos municípios acerca da composição das receitas e despesas vinculadas à saúde ou da existência de critérios diferentes no cálculo da EC29 entre o SIOPS e a auditoria do TCE.The present study analyzes the reliability of data on compliance with Constitutional Amendment 29 (CA29 reported to the Public Healthcare Budget Information System (known as SIOPS by municipalities in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. A quantitative, analytical cross-sectional study was conducted using the years 2000 to 2005 as the reference. Invoices audited by the State Accounts Court were used as the parameter for determining reliability of the percentage of compliance with CA29 as reported to SIOPS, using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC to measure data agreement. The results show a mismatch between the databases, suggesting slight to moderate agreement between the SIOPS data and those from the State Accounts Court. The low degree of agreement may result from lack of consensus among municipalities regarding definition of

  2. Explosive sport training and torque kinetics in children. (United States)

    Dotan, Raffy; Mitchell, Cameron J; Cohen, Rotem; Gabriel, David; Klentrou, Panagiota; Falk, Bareket


    A high rate of force development (RFD) is often more important than maximal force in daily and sports activities. In children, resistance training has been shown to increase maximal force. It is unclear whether, or to what extent, can children improve RFD and force kinetics. For this study, we compared strength and force kinetics of boy gymnasts with those of untrained boys and untrained men. Eight boy gymnasts (age, 9.5 ± 1.2 y), 20 untrained boys (age, 10.1 ± 1.3 y), and 20 untrained men (age, 22.9 ± 4.4 y) performed maximal, explosive, isometric elbow flexions (EF) and knee flexions (KF). Peak torque (maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)), elapsed times to 10%-100% MVC, peak rate of torque development (RTDpk), and other kinetics parameters were determined. When gymnasts were compared with untrained boys, size-normalized EF MVC was 11%-20% higher, RTDpk was 32% higher, and times to 30% and 80% MVC were 16% and 55% shorter, respectively (p kinetics parameters were similar. These findings highlight the specificity of gymnastics training, which markedly elevated the torque kinetics of young, prepubertal boys to adult levels, but only moderately affected peak torque. It is suggested that neurologic adaptations, such as enhanced firing and activation rates or increased type II motor-unit recruitment, as well as changes in musculotendinous stiffness, could explain these findings.

  3. Angular dependence and symmetry of Rashba spin torque in ferromagnetic heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Ortiz Pauyac, Christian


    In a ferromagnetic heterostructure, the interplay between Rashba spin-orbit coupling and exchange splitting gives rise to a current-driven spin torque. In a realistic device setup, we investigate the Rashba spin torque in the diffusive regime and report two major findings: (i) a nonvanishing torque exists at the edges of the device even when the magnetization and effective Rashba field are aligned; (ii) anisotropic spin relaxation rates driven by the Rashba spin-orbit coupling assign the spin torque a general expression T = T y (θ) m × (y × m) + T y (θ) y × m + T z (θ) m × (z × m) + T z (θ) z × m, where the coefficients T, y, z depend on the magnetization direction. Our results agree with recent experiments. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

  4. Angular dependence and symmetry of Rashba spin torque in ferromagnetic heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Ortiz Pauyac, Christian; Wang, Xuhui; Chshiev, Mairbek; Manchon, Aurelien


    In a ferromagnetic heterostructure, the interplay between Rashba spin-orbit coupling and exchange splitting gives rise to a current-driven spin torque. In a realistic device setup, we investigate the Rashba spin torque in the diffusive regime and report two major findings: (i) a nonvanishing torque exists at the edges of the device even when the magnetization and effective Rashba field are aligned; (ii) anisotropic spin relaxation rates driven by the Rashba spin-orbit coupling assign the spin torque a general expression T = T y (θ) m × (y × m) + T y (θ) y × m + T z (θ) m × (z × m) + T z (θ) z × m, where the coefficients T, y, z depend on the magnetization direction. Our results agree with recent experiments. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

  5. Skinfold thickness affects the isometric knee extension torque evoked by Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation. (United States)

    Medeiros, Flávia V A; Vieira, Amilton; Carregaro, Rodrigo L; Bottaro, Martim; Maffiuletti, Nicola A; Durigan, João L Q


    Subcutaneous adipose tissue may influence the transmission of electrical stimuli through to the skin, thus affecting both evoked torque and comfort perception associated with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). This could seriously affect the effectiveness of NMES for either rehabilitation or sports purposes. To investigate the effects of skinfold thickness (SFT) on maximal NMES current intensity, NMES-evoked torque, and NMES-induced discomfort. First, we compared NMES current intensity, NMES-induced discomfort, and NMES-evoked torque between two subgroups of subjects with thicker (n=10; 20.7 mm) vs. thinner (n=10; 29.4 mm) SFT. Second, we correlated SFT to NMES current intensity, NMES-induced discomfort, and NMES-evoked knee extension torque in 20 healthy women. The NMES-evoked torque was normalized to the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. The discomfort induced by NMES was assessed with a visual analog scale (VAS). NMES-evoked torque was 27.5% lower in subjects with thicker SFT (p=0.01) while maximal current intensity was 24.2% lower in subjects with thinner SFT (p=0.01). A positive correlation was found between current intensity and SFT (r=0.540, p=0.017). A negative correlation was found between NMES-evoked torque and SFT (r=-0.563, p=0.012). No significant correlation was observed between discomfort scores and SFT (rs=0.15, p=0.53). These results suggest that the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue (as reflected by skinfold thickness) affected NMES current intensity and NMES-evoked torque, but had no effect on discomfort perception. Our findings may help physical therapists to better understand the impact of SFT on NMES and to design more rational stimulation strategies.

  6. Effect of Filament Fineness on Composite Yarn Residual Torque

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    Sarıoğlu Esin


    Full Text Available Yarn residual torque or twist liveliness occurs when the twist is imparted to spin the fibers during yarn formation. It causes yarn snarling, which is an undesirable property and can lead the problems for further processes such as weaving and knitting. It affects the spirality of knitted fabrics and skewness of woven fabrics. Generally, yarn residual torque depends on yarn twist, yarn linear density, and fiber properties used. Composite yarns are widely produced to exploit two yarns with different properties such on optimum way at the same time and these yarns can be produced by wrapping sheath fibers around filament core fiber with a certain twist. In this study, the effect of filament fineness used as core component of composite yarn on residual torque was analyzed. Thus, the false twist textured polyester filament yarns with different filament fineness were used to produce composite yarns with different yarn count. The variance analysis was performed to determine the significance of twist liveliness of filament yarns and yarn count on yarn twist liveliness. Results showed that there is a statistically significant differences at significance level of α=0.05 between filament fineness and yarn residual torque of composite yarns.

  7. Knee extension torque variability after exercise in ACL reconstructed knees. (United States)

    Goetschius, John; Kuenze, Christopher M; Hart, Joseph M


    The purpose of this study was to compare knee extension torque variability in patients with ACL reconstructed knees before and after exercise. Thirty two patients with an ACL reconstructed knee (ACL-R group) and 32 healthy controls (control group) completed measures of maximal isometric knee extension torque (90° flexion) at baseline and following a 30-min exercise protocol (post-exercise). Exercise included 30-min of repeated cycles of inclined treadmill walking and hopping tasks. Dependent variables were the coefficient of variation (CV) and raw-change in CV (ΔCV): CV = (torque standard deviation/torque mean x 100), ΔCV = (post-exercise - baseline). There was a group-by-time interaction (p = 0.03) on CV. The ACL-R group demonstrated greater CV than the control group at baseline (ACL-R = 1.07 ± 0.55, control = 0.79 ± 0.42, p = 0.03) and post-exercise (ACL-R = 1.60 ± 0.91, control = 0.94 ± 0.41, p = 0.001). ΔCV was greater (p = 0.03) in the ACL-R group (0.52 ± 0.82) than control group (0.15 ± 0.46). CV significantly increased from baseline to post-exercise (p = 0.001) in the ACL-R group, while the control group did not (p = 0.06). The ACL-R group demonstrated greater knee extension torque variability than the control group. Exercise increased torque variability more in the ACL-R group than control group. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Resistive wall tearing mode generated finite net electromagnetic torque in a static plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao, G. Z.; Wang, A. K.; Xu, M.; Qu, H. P.; Peng, X. D.; Wang, Z. H.; Xu, J. Q.; Qiu, X. M.; Liu, Y. Q.


    The MARS-F code [Y. Q. Liu et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 3681 (2000)] is applied to numerically investigate the effect of the plasma pressure on the tearing mode stability as well as the tearing mode-induced electromagnetic torque, in the presence of a resistive wall. The tearing mode with a complex eigenvalue, resulted from the favorable averaged curvature effect [A. H. Glasser et al., Phys. Fluids 18, 875 (1975)], leads to a re-distribution of the electromagnetic torque with multiple peaking in the immediate vicinity of the resistive layer. The multiple peaking is often caused by the sound wave resonances. In the presence of a resistive wall surrounding the plasma, a rotating tearing mode can generate a finite net electromagnetic torque acting on the static plasma column. Meanwhile, an equal but opposite torque is generated in the resistive wall, thus conserving the total momentum of the whole plasma-wall system. The direction of the net torque on the plasma is always opposite to the real frequency of the mode, agreeing with the analytic result by Pustovitov [Nucl. Fusion 47, 1583 (2007)]. When the wall time is close to the oscillating time of the tearing mode, the finite net torque reaches its maximum. Without wall or with an ideal wall, no net torque on the static plasma is generated by the tearing mode. However, re-distribution of the torque density in the resistive layer still occurs

  9. Orion - Super Koropon(Registered Trademark) Torque/Tension Report (United States)

    Hemminger, Edgar G.; McLeod, Christopher; Peil, John


    The primary objective of this testing was to obtain torque tension data for the use of Super Koropon Primer Base which was proposed for use on the Orion project. This compound is a corrosion inhibitor/sealer used on threaded fasteners and inserts as specified per NASA/JSC PRC-4004, Sealing of Joints and Faying Surfaces. Some secondary objectives of this testing, were to identify the effect on torque coefficient of several variables. This document contains the outcome of the testing.

  10. Licitações Diferenciadas para Microempresas e Empresas de Pequeno Porte – O Advendo da Lei Nº 13.706/2011 - Rio Grande do Sul

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    Clayton Rebello da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de auxiliar na análise e discussão acerca da Lei no 13.706, de 06 de abril de 2011. Trata-se de legislação que tem por escopo os preceitos constantes na Lei Complementar no 123/2006, o denominado Estatuto Geral da Micro e da Pequena Empresa, decorrentes da Constituição da República, artigos 170 e 179. A analise ira se deter aos ditames relativos ao tratamento diferenciado e simplificado para as microempresas e para as pequenas empresas nas licitações públicas, incluindo-se também as cooperativas, a elas equiparadas por lei, no âmbito da Administração Pública Estadual. Nesse desiderato, percorremos, paralelamente, o instrumento normativo federal, Decreto no 6.204/2007, que regulamentou, naquele ente, o tratamento exigido pelo Estatuto Geral. Não nos furtaremos em apontar eventuais incongruências na novel normativa, ate mesmo porque se avizinha a implementação da sua regulamentação no âmbito estadual, conforme prevê artigo da própria lei.

  11. Torque Tension Testing of Fasteners used for NASA Flight Hardware Applications (United States)

    Hemminger, Edgar G.; Posey, Alan J.; Dube, Michael J.


    The effect of various lubricants and other compounds on fastener torque-tension relationships is evaluated. Testing was performed using a unique test apparatus developed by Posey at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. A description of the test methodology, including associated data collection and analysis will be presented. Test results for 300 series CRES and A286 heat resistant fasteners, torqued into various types of inserts will be presented. The primary objective of this testing was to obtain torque-tension data for use on NASA flight projects.

  12. Electromagnetic forces and torques in nanoparticles irradiated by plane waves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia de Abajo, F.J.


    Optical tweezers and optical lattices are making it possible to control small particles by means of electromagnetic forces and torques. In this context, a method is presented in this work to calculate electromagnetic forces and torques for arbitrarily-shaped objects in the presence of other objects illuminated by a plane wave. The method is based upon an expansion of the electromagnetic field in terms of multipoles around each object, which are in turn used to derive forces and torques analytically. The calculation of multipole coefficients are obtained numerically by means of the boundary element method. Results are presented for both spherical and non-spherical objects

  13. Shot noise of spin current and spin transfer torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Yunjin; Zhan Hongxin; Wan Langhui; Wang Bin; Wei Yadong; Sun Qingfeng; Wang Jian


    We report the theoretical investigation of the shot noise of the spin current (S σ ) and the spin transfer torque (S τ ) for non-collinear spin polarized transport in a spin-valve device which consists of a normal scattering region connected by two ferromagnetic electrodes (MNM system). Our theory was developed using the non-equilibrium Green’s function method, and general nonlinear S σ − V and S τ − V relations were derived as a function of the angle θ between the magnetizations of two leads. We have applied our theory to a quantum dot system with a resonant level coupled with two ferromagnetic electrodes. It was found that, for the MNM system, the auto-correlation of the spin current is enough to characterize the fluctuation of the spin current. For a system with three ferromagnetic layers, however, both auto-correlation and cross-correlation of the spin current are needed to characterize the noise of the spin current. For a quantum dot with a resonant level, the derivative of spin torque with respect to bias voltage is proportional to sinθ when the system is far away from resonance. When the system is near resonance, the spin transfer torque becomes a non-sinusoidal function of θ. The derivative of the noise of the spin transfer torque with respect to the bias voltage N τ behaves differently when the system is near or far away from resonance. Specifically, the differential shot noise of the spin transfer torque N τ is a concave function of θ near resonance while it becomes a convex function of θ far away from resonance. For certain bias voltages, the period N τ (θ) becomes π instead of 2π. For small θ, it was found that the differential shot noise of the spin transfer torque is very sensitive to the bias voltage and the other system parameters. (paper)

  14. Sensorless Speed/Torque Control of DC Machine Using Artificial Neural Network Technique

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    Rakan Kh. Antar


    Full Text Available In this paper, Artificial Neural Network (ANN technique is implemented to improve speed and torque control of a separately excited DC machine drive. The speed and torque sensorless scheme based on ANN is estimated adaptively. The proposed controller is designed to estimate rotor speed and mechanical load torque as a Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS method for DC machine. The DC drive system consists of four quadrant DC/DC chopper with MOSFET transistors, ANN, logic gates and routing circuits. The DC drive circuit is designed, evaluated and modeled by Matlab/Simulink in the forward and reverse operation modes as a motor and generator, respectively. The DC drive system is simulated at different speed values (±1200 rpm and mechanical torque (±7 N.m in steady state and dynamic conditions. The simulation results illustratethe effectiveness of the proposed controller without speed or torque sensors.

  15. Torque expression in self-ligating orthodontic brackets and conventionally ligated brackets: A systematic review. (United States)

    Al-Thomali, Yousef; Mohamed, Roshan-Noor; Basha, Sakeenabi


    To evaluate the torque expression of self ligating (SL) orthodontic brackets and conventionally ligated brackets and the torque expression in active and passive SL brackets. Our systematic search included MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, Scopus, and key journals and review articles; the date of the last search was April 4th 2016. We graded the methodological quality of the studies by means of the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies, developed for the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP). In total, 87 studies were identified for screening, and 9 studies were eligible. The quality assessment rated one of the study as being of strong quality, 7 (77.78%) of these studies as being of moderate quality. Three out of 7 studies which compared SL and conventionally ligated brackets showed, conventionally ligated brackets with highest torque expression compared to SL brackets. Badawi showed active SL brackets with highest torque expression compared to passive SL brackets. Major and Brauchli showed no significant differences in torque expression of active and passive SL brackets. Conventionally ligated brackets presented with highest torque expression compared to SL brackets. Minor difference was recorded in a torque expression of active and passive SL brackets. Key words: Systematic review, self ligation, torque expression, conventional ligation.

  16. Torque vectoring for improving stability of small electric vehicles (United States)

    Grzegożek, W.; Weigel-Milleret, K.


    The electric vehicles solutions based on the individually controlled electric motors propel a single wheel allow to improve the dynamic properties of the vehicle by varying the distribution of the driving torque. Most of the literature refer to the vehicles with a track typical for passenger cars. This paper examines whether the narrow vehicle (with a very small track) torque vectoring bring a noticeable change of the understeer characteristics and whether torque vectoring is possible to use in securing a narrow vehicle from roll over (roll mitigation). The paper contains road tests of the steering characteristics (steady state understeer characteristic quasi-static acceleration with a fixed steering wheel (SH = const) and on the constant radius track (R = const)) of the narrow vehicle. The vehicle understeer characteristic as a function of a power distribution is presented.

  17. Speed sensorless direct torque control of IMs with rotor resistance estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barut, Murat; Bogosyan, Seta; Gokasan, Metin


    Direct torque control (DTC) of induction motors (IMs) requires an accurate knowledge on the amplitude and angular position of the controlled flux in addition to the information related to angular velocity for velocity control applications. However, unknown load torque and uncertainties related to stator/rotor resistances due to operating conditions constitute major challenges for the performance of such systems. The determination of stator resistance can be performed by measurements, but methods must be developed for estimation and identification of rotor resistance and load torque. In this study, an EKF based solution is sought for determination of the rotor resistance and load torque as well as the above mentioned states required for DTC. The EKF algorithm used in conjunction with the speed sensorless DTC is tested under eleven scenarios comprised of various changes made in the velocity reference beside the load torque and rotor resistance values assigned in the model. With no a priori information in the estimated states and parameters, it has been demonstrated that the EKF estimation and sensorless DTC perform quite well in spite of the uncertainties and variations imposed on the system

  18. Research Update: Spin transfer torques in permalloy on monolayer MoS2

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    Wei Zhang


    Full Text Available We observe current induced spin transfer torque resonance in permalloy (Py grown on monolayer MoS2. By passing rf current through the Py/MoS2 bilayer, field-like and damping-like torques are induced which excite the ferromagnetic resonance of Py. The signals are detected via a homodyne voltage from anisotropic magnetoresistance of Py. In comparison to other bilayer systems with strong spin-orbit torques, the monolayer MoS2 cannot provide bulk spin Hall effects and thus indicates the purely interfacial nature of the spin transfer torques. Therefore our results indicate the potential of two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide for the use of interfacial spin-orbitronics applications.

  19. Analysis of the torque capacity of a completely customized lingual appliance of the next generation (United States)


    Introduction In lingual orthodontic therapy, effective torque control of the incisors is crucial due to the biomechanical particularities associated with the point of force application and the tight link between third order deviations and vertical tooth position. Aim The aim of the present in vitro investigation was to analyze the torque capacity of a completely customized lingual appliance of the next generation (WIN) in combination with different finishing archwire dimensions. Methods Using a typodont of the upper arch carrying the WIN appliance, slot filling and undersized individualized β-titanium archwires were engaged. Horizontal forces ranging from 0 to 100 cN were applied at the central incisor by means of spring gauges. The resulting angular deviations were recorded and the corresponding torque moments were calculated. Results For fullsize archwires (0.018”×0.018” β-titanium and 0.018”×0.025” β-titanium), an initial torque play of 0-2° had to be overcome prior to the development of an effective torque moment. Thereafter, a linear correlation between torque angle and torque moment developed for both archwire dimensions with steeper slopes calculated for the specimens with the larger dimension. A torque moment of 2 Nmm required for effective torque correction was noted after a minimum of 2-3° of twist for the 0.018”×0.018” β-titanium wires as compared to 2-4° for the 0.018”×0.025” β-titanium study sample. When undersized archwires were analyzed (0.0175”×0.0175” β-titanium), the measured torque play ranged from 5-7°. After 8-12° of torque angle, the threshold of 2 Nmm was reached. A linear relationship between twist angle and torque moment in which the steepness of the slopes was generally flatter than the ones calculated for the slot filling archwires was noted. Conclusions Given the high precision of the bracket slot-archwire-combination provided with the WIN appliance, an effective torque control can be clinically

  20. A Novel Cogging Torque Simulation Method for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines

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    Chun-Yu Hsiao


    Full Text Available Cogging torque exists between rotor mounted permanent magnets and stator teeth due to magnetic attraction and this is an undesired phenomenon which produces output ripple, vibration and noise in machines. The purpose of this paper is to study the existence and effects of cogging torque, and to present a novel, rapid, half magnet pole pair technique for forecasting and evaluating cogging torque. The technique uses the finite element method as well as Matlab research and development oriented software tools to reduce numerous computing jobs and simulation time. An example of a rotor-skewed structure used to reduce cogging torque of permanent magnet synchronous machines is evaluated and compared with a conventional analysis method for the same motor to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The novel method is proved valuable and suitable for large-capacity machine design.

  1. Quiescent H-mode operation using torque from non-axisymmetric, non-resonant magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burrell, K.H.; Garofalo, A.M.; Osborne, T.H.; Snyder, P.B.; Solomon, W.M.; Park, J.-K.; Fenstermacher, M.E.; Orlov, D.M.


    Quiescent H-mode (QH-mode) sustained by magnetic torque from non-axisymmetric magnetic fields is a promising operating mode for future burning plasmas including ITER. Using magnetic torque from n = 3 fields to replace counter-I p torque from neutral beam injection, we have achieved long duration, counter-rotating QH-mode operation with neutral beam injection (NBI) torque ranging continuously from counter-I p up to co-I p values of about 1 N m. This co-I p torque is about 3 times the scaled torque that ITER will have. This range also includes operation at zero net NBI torque, applicable to rf wave heated plasmas. These n = 3 fields have been created using coils either inside or, most recently, outside the toroidal coils. Experiments utilized an ITER-relevant lower single-null plasma shape and were done with ITER-relevant values ν ped * ∼0.08, β T ped ∼ 1%$ and β N = 2. Discharges have confinement quality H 98y2 = 1.3, exceeding the value required for ITER. Initial work with low q 95 = 3.4 QH-mode plasmas transiently reached fusion gain values of G = β N H 89 /q 95 2 =0.4, which is the desired value for ITER; the limits on G have not yet been established. This paper also includes the most recent results on QH-mode plasmas run without n = 3 fields and with co-I p NBI; these shots exhibit co-I p plasma rotation and require NBI torque ⩾2 N m. The QH-mode work to date has made significant contact with theory. The importance of edge rotational shear is consistent with peeling–ballooning mode theory. We have seen qualitative and quantitative agreement with the predicted torque from neoclassical toroidal viscosity. (paper)

  2. Influência da intensidade luminosa no desenvolvimento de mudas de Jatropha curcas L.

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    Fabio Santos Matos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar, por meio de parâmetros fisiológicos, o adequado ambiente luminoso para produção de mudas de Jatropha curcas L, avaliando a plasticidade da planta às variações da disponibilidade de luz. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos (plantas cultivadas a pleno sol interceptando 100 % da radiação solar “T1”, plantas em sombrite interceptando 50 % da radiação solar “T2” e plantas cultivadas em sombrite interceptando 25 % da radiação solar “T3” e cinco repetições. Aos 50 dias após emergência foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: biomassa total, razão de massa radicular, razão de massa caulinar, razão de massa foliar, razão massa seca da folha/sistema radicular, razão parte aérea/sistema radicular, área foliar específica, teor relativo de água, altura da planta, número de folhas, diâmetro do caule, concentrações de clorofilas e carotenóides, razão clorofila/carotenóide e índice de plasticidade fenotípica para todas as variáveis. As mudas desenvolvidas a pleno sol apresentaram-se mais vigorosas e com maior número de folhas, sistema radicular robusto e elevada biomassa total. As plantas produzidas nesta condição são as mais indicadas para plantio a campo.

  3. Measurements of Inertial Torques on Sedimenting Fibers (United States)

    Hamati, Rami; Roy, Anubhab; Koch, Don; Voth, Greg


    Stokes flow solutions predict that ellipsoids sedimenting in quiescent fluid keep their initial orientation. However, preferential alignment in low Reynolds number sedimentation is easily observed. For example, sun dogs form from alignment of sedimenting ice crystals. The cause of this preferential alignment is a torque due to non-zero fluid inertia that aligns particles with a long axis in the horizontal direction. These torques are predicted analytically for slender fibers with low Reynolds number based on the fiber diameter (ReD) by Khayat and Cox (JFM 209:435, 1989). Despite increasingly widespread use of these expressions, we did not find experimental measurements of these inertial torques at parameters where the theory was valid, so we performed a set of sedimentation experiments using fore-aft symmetric cylinders and asymmetric cylinders with their center of mass offset from their center of drag. Measured rotation rates as a function of orientation using carefully prepared glass capillaries in silicon oil show good agreement with the theory. We quantify the effect of finite tank size and compare with other experiments in water where the low ReD condition is not met. Supported by Army Research Office Grant W911NF1510205.

  4. Asynchronous machines. Direct torque control; Machines asynchrones. Commande par controle direct de couple

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fornel, B. de [Institut National Polytechnique, 31 - Toulouse (France)


    The asynchronous machine, with its low cost and robustness, is today the most widely used motor to make speed variators. However, its main drawback is that the same current generates both the magnetic flux and the torque, and thus any torque variation creates a flux variation. Such a coupling gives to the asynchronous machine a nonlinear behaviour which makes its control much more complex. The direct self control (DSC) method has been developed to improve the low efficiency of the scalar control method and for the specific railway drive application. The direct torque control (DTC) method is derived from the DSC method but corresponds to other type of applications. The DSC and DTC algorithms for asynchronous motors are presented in this article: 1 - direct control of the stator flux (DSC): principle, flux control, torque control, switching frequency of the inverter, speed estimation; 2 - direct torque control (DTC): principle, electromagnetic torque derivative, signals shape and switching frequency, some results, DTC speed variator without speed sensor, DTC application to multi-machine multi-converter systems; 3 - conclusion. (J.S.)

  5. Aspects Concerning the Torque Ripple Control of the Brushless DC Motor

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    BALUTA, G.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with two advanced numerical structures to control the electromagnetic torque ripple of Brushless Direct Current Motors (BLDCM, indirectly achieved by phase currents control and directly by the Direct Torque Control (DTC technique. In DTC there was implemented an observer to increase the rudimentary transducer resolution, containing three Hall Effect sensors. The experimental results describe the evolution of torque in both situations of control and are obtained by applying a control strategy for an electric drive system with BLDCM with trapezoidal Back-EMF in Two-Phase Mode.

  6. A Computational Model of Torque Generation: Neural, Contractile, Metabolic and Musculoskeletal Components (United States)

    Callahan, Damien M.; Umberger, Brian R.; Kent-Braun, Jane A.


    The pathway of voluntary joint torque production includes motor neuron recruitment and rate-coding, sarcolemmal depolarization and calcium release by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, force generation by motor proteins within skeletal muscle, and force transmission by tendon across the joint. The direct source of energetic support for this process is ATP hydrolysis. It is possible to examine portions of this physiologic pathway using various in vivo and in vitro techniques, but an integrated view of the multiple processes that ultimately impact joint torque remains elusive. To address this gap, we present a comprehensive computational model of the combined neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems that includes novel components related to intracellular bioenergetics function. Components representing excitatory drive, muscle activation, force generation, metabolic perturbations, and torque production during voluntary human ankle dorsiflexion were constructed, using a combination of experimentally-derived data and literature values. Simulation results were validated by comparison with torque and metabolic data obtained in vivo. The model successfully predicted peak and submaximal voluntary and electrically-elicited torque output, and accurately simulated the metabolic perturbations associated with voluntary contractions. This novel, comprehensive model could be used to better understand impact of global effectors such as age and disease on various components of the neuromuscular system, and ultimately, voluntary torque output. PMID:23405245

  7. Skyrmionic spin Seebeck effect via dissipative thermomagnonic torques (United States)

    Kovalev, Alexey A.


    We derive thermomagnonic torque and its "β-type" dissipative correction from the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The β-type dissipative correction describes viscous coupling between magnetic dynamics and magnonic current and it stems from spin mistracking of the magnetic order. We show that thermomagnonic torque is important for describing temperature gradient induced motion of skyrmions in helical magnets while dissipative correction plays an essential role in generating transverse Magnus force. We propose to detect such skyrmionic motion by employing the transverse spin Seebeck effect geometry.

  8. Multilevel Models for the Analysis of Angle-Specific Torque Curves with Application to Master Athletes

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    Carvalho Humberto M.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper was to outline a multilevel modeling approach to fit individual angle-specific torque curves describing concentric knee extension and flexion isokinetic muscular actions in Master athletes. The potential of the analytical approach to examine between individual differences across the angle-specific torque curves was illustrated including between-individuals variation due to gender differences at a higher level. Torques in concentric muscular actions of knee extension and knee extension at 60°·s-1 were considered within a range of motion between 5°and 85° (only torques “truly” isokinetic. Multilevel time series models with autoregressive covariance structures with standard multilevel models were superior fits compared with standard multilevel models for repeated measures to fit anglespecific torque curves. Third and fourth order polynomial models were the best fits to describe angle-specific torque curves of isokinetic knee flexion and extension concentric actions, respectively. The fixed exponents allow interpretations for initial acceleration, the angle at peak torque and the decrement of torque after peak torque. Also, the multilevel models were flexible to illustrate the influence of gender differences on the shape of torque throughout the range of motion and in the shape of the curves. The presented multilevel regression models may afford a general framework to examine angle-specific moment curves by isokinetic dynamometry, and add to the understanding mechanisms of strength development, particularly the force-length relationship, both related to performance and injury prevention.

  9. Torque Analysis With Saturation Effects for Non-Salient Single-Phase Permanent-Magnet Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lu, Kaiyuan; Ritchie, Ewen


    The effects of saturation on torque production for non-salient, single-phase, permanent-magnet machines are studied in this paper. An analytical torque equation is proposed to predict the instantaneous torque with saturation effects. Compared to the existing methods, it is computationally faster......-element results, and experimental results obtained on a prototype single-phase permanent-magnet machine....

  10. Eccentric Torque-Producing Capacity is Influenced by Muscle Length in Older Healthy Adults. (United States)

    Melo, Ruth C; Takahashi, Anielle C M; Quitério, Robison J; Salvini, Tânia F; Catai, Aparecida M


    Considering the importance of muscle strength to functional capacity in the elderly, the study investigated the effects of age on isokinetic performance and torque production as a function of muscle length. Eleven younger (24.2 ± 2.9 years) and 16 older men (62.7 ± 2.5 years) were subjected to concentric and eccentric isokinetic knee extension/flexion at 60 and 120° · s(-1) through a functional range of motion. The older group presented lower peak torque (in newton-meters) than the young group for both isokinetic contraction types (age effect, p torque deficits in the older group were near 30 and 29% for concentric and eccentric contraction, respectively. Concentric peak torque was lower at 120° · s(-1) than at 60° · s(-1) for both groups (angular velocity effect, p torque was the only exercise tested that showed an interaction effect between age and muscle length (p torque responses to the muscle length between groups. Compared with the young group, the eccentric knee extension torque was 22-56% lower in the older group, with the deficits being lower in the shortened muscle length (22-27%) and higher (33-56%) in the stretched muscle length. In older men, the production of eccentric knee strength seems to be dependent on the muscle length. At more stretched positions, older subjects lose the capacity to generate eccentric knee extension torque. More studies are needed to assess the mechanisms involved in eccentric strength preservation with aging and its relationship with muscle length.

  11. O relativismo cultural é válido nas ciências da saúde? Exame de suas bases filosóficas Is the cultural relativism valid in health science? Discussion of the validity of health sciences in cultural relativism

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    Erna Bastian


    Full Text Available Examina-se o conceito do relativismo cultural sob bases filosóficas e sua validade nas ciências da saúde. Analisam-se os têrmos absoluto, relativo e universal, chegando-se a um modêlo operacional do relativismo cultural nas ciências da saúde.The concept of cultural relativism on a philosophical basis and its validity in health sciences, is examined. The concepts of the absolute, the relative and the universal are analysed and a working model for cultural relativism in the health sciences is attained.

  12. A novel PM motor with hybrid PM excitation and asymmetric rotor structure for high torque performance

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    Gaohong Xu


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a novel permanent magnet (PM motor for high torque performance, in which hybrid PM material and asymmetric rotor design are applied. The hybrid PM material is adopted to reduce the consumption of rare-earth PM because ferrite PM is assisted to enhance the torque production. Meanwhile, the rotor structure is designed to be asymmetric by shifting the surface-insert PM (SPM, which is used to improve the torque performance, including average torque and torque ripple. Moreover, the reasons for improvement of the torque performance are explained by evaluation and analysis of the performances of the proposed motor. Compared with SPM motor and V-type motor, the merit of high utilization ratio of rare-earth PM is also confirmed, showing that the proposed motor can offer higher torque density and lower torque ripple simultaneously with less consumption of rare-earth PM.

  13. Evoked EMG-based torque prediction under muscle fatigue in implanted neural stimulation (United States)

    Hayashibe, Mitsuhiro; Zhang, Qin; Guiraud, David; Fattal, Charles


    In patients with complete spinal cord injury, fatigue occurs rapidly and there is no proprioceptive feedback regarding the current muscle condition. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the muscle state and assess the expected muscle response to improve the current FES system toward adaptive force/torque control in the presence of muscle fatigue. Our team implanted neural and epimysial electrodes in a complete paraplegic patient in 1999. We carried out a case study, in the specific case of implanted stimulation, in order to verify the corresponding torque prediction based on stimulus evoked EMG (eEMG) when muscle fatigue is occurring during electrical stimulation. Indeed, in implanted stimulation, the relationship between stimulation parameters and output torques is more stable than external stimulation in which the electrode location strongly affects the quality of the recruitment. Thus, the assumption that changes in the stimulation-torque relationship would be mainly due to muscle fatigue can be made reasonably. The eEMG was proved to be correlated to the generated torque during the continuous stimulation while the frequency of eEMG also decreased during fatigue. The median frequency showed a similar variation trend to the mean absolute value of eEMG. Torque prediction during fatigue-inducing tests was performed based on eEMG in model cross-validation where the model was identified using recruitment test data. The torque prediction, apart from the potentiation period, showed acceptable tracking performances that would enable us to perform adaptive closed-loop control through implanted neural stimulation in the future.

  14. Geografia social da AIDS no Brasil The social geography of AIDS in Brazil

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    Francisco Inácio Bastos


    Full Text Available São divulgados os primeiros resultados da avaliação da dinâmica da epidemia da AIDS no Brasil através de técnicas de análise da distribuição espacial. São revisadas questões metodológicas, apontando as dificuldades de estabelecer regiões geográficas homogêneas no Brasil. Descrevem-se tendências recentes da dinâmica da epidemia da AIDS no Brasil - pauperização, interiorização e alteração na participação proporcional das categorias de exposição. Avalia-se a distribuição de casos de AIDS por Unidades da Federação (UFs, confeccionando-se mapas relativos à disseminação da epidemia no período 1987-1993 nas diversas UFs, estabelecendo-se os Centros Gravimétricos (CGs relativos a esses anos. A análise do posicionamento e deslocamento pluri-anual desses CGs indica a força atrativa do Estado de São Paulo como pólo de difusão da epidemia e uma expansão simultânea da epidemia em direção às fronteiras de ocupação. Essas tendências colocam dificuldades adicionais às atividades de prevenção ao acrescentarem novos segmentos populacionais e regiões geográficas ao quadro observado inicialmente nas principais regiões metropolitanas e segmentos mais afetados.The first of a series of papers concerning the evaluation of the dynamics of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil employing techniques of geographical analysis, is here presented. Results of research undertaken in the US (especially in New York City are compared with those of a recent investigation carried out in the city of S.Paulo, Brazil (Grangeiro, 1994. In both, geographical patterns of socio-demographic variables correlate with different patterns of the spread of the AIDS epidemic through the transmission groups. Recent trends of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil: the displacement toward medium sized cities and expansion frontiers, increasing report of AIDS cases among the poor and underprivileged, changes in the pattern of transmission with proportional

  15. Irrigação do timo de fetos caprinos da raça Saanen: estudo comparativo

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    Pedro Primo Bombonato


    Full Text Available Os objetivos foram contribuir com dados sistemáticos relativos à posição do timo em relação ao esqueleto, sua respectiva topografia, morfometria e organização, além do número, origem e tipos dos vasos arteriais associados à vascularização do órgão. Para tanto, foram utilizados 26 fetos caprinos da raça Saanen para o estudo macroscópico, cujos vasos arteriais foram injetados com solução marcadora de Neoprene látex 450, e 4 fetos para o estudo microscópico da estrutura da parede vascular das artérias tímicas. As partes torácica e cervical do timo mostraram uma vascularização própria, através de ramos diretos e indiretos, sendo que as artérias tímicas apresentaram estrutura predominante de fibras elásticas na camada média, sem amostragem de diferenças entre os tipos.

  16. Torque Analysis of a Triple Acid-Etched Titanium Implant Surface

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    Ana Emília Farias Pontes


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to evaluate the removal torque of titanium implants treated with triple acid etching. Twenty-one rats were used in this study. For all animals, the tibia was prepared with a 2 mm drill, and a titanium implant (2 × 4 mm was inserted after treatment using the subtraction method of triple acid etching. The flaps were sutured. Seven animals were killed 14, 28, and 63 days after implant installation, and the load necessary for removing the implant from the bone was evaluated by using a torque meter. The torque values were as follows: 3.3 ± 1.7 Ncm (14 days, 2.2 ± 1.3 Ncm (28 days, and 6.7 ± 1.4 Ncm (63 days. The torque value at the final healing period (63 days was statistically significantly different from that at other time points tested (ANOVA, p=0.0002. This preliminary study revealed that treatment with triple acid etching can create a promising and efficient surface for the process of osseointegration.

  17. Low-Torque Seal Development (United States)

    Lattime, Scott B.; Borowski, Richard


    The EcoTurn Class K production prototypes have passed all AAR qualification tests and received conditional approval. The accelerated life test on the second set of seals is in progress. Due to the performance of the first set, no problems are expected.The seal has demonstrated superior performance over the HDL seal in the test lab with virtually zero torque and excellent contamination exclusion and grease retention.


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    Daniela Meirelles Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste ensaio teórico é identificar elementos culturais que dificultam o processo de aprendizagem organizacional, voltado para o constructo teórico da gestão social. Para tanto, o texto foi divido em quatro partes. Na primeira, são abordados aspectos relativos ao conceito de gestão social diferenciando-a de outros modelos de gestão. Na segunda parte são apresentadas noções de aprendizagem organizacional, focalizando a importância do capital social e da formação de redes sociais. Na terceira parte são identificados os entraves culturais vivenciados pela aprendizagem organizacional, os quais limitam o desenvolvimento da gestão social. Na última parte sinaliza-se para possíveis iniciativas de superação dos entraves identificados. Entre eles: a realização de pesquisas etnográficas e a promoção de trabalhos de pesquisa com equipes multidisciplinares. Acredita-se que a associação de estudos focando a abordagem cognitivista e a socioprática seria uma alternativa, pois é possível trabalhar em um sentido complementar, englobando aspectos sociais, históricos e cognitivos.

  19. Direct torque control with feedback linearization for induction motor drives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lascu, Cristian; Jafarzadeh, Saeed; Fadali, Sami M.


    This paper describes a Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) Induction Machine (IM) drive that employs feedback linearization and sliding-mode control. A feedback linearization approach is investigated, which yields a decoupled linear IM model with two state variables: torque and stator flux magnitude....... This intuitive linear model is used to implement a DTC type controller that preserves all DTC advantages and eliminates its main drawback, the flux and torque ripple. Robust, fast, and ripple-free control is achieved by using Variable Structure Control (VSC) with proportional control in the vicinity...... robust stability analysis are presented. The sliding controller is compared with a linear DTC scheme, and experimental results for a sensorless IM drive validate the proposed solution....

  20. Control of spin-orbit torques through crystal symmetry in WTe2/ferromagnet bilayers (United States)

    MacNeill, D.; Stiehl, G. M.; Guimaraes, M. H. D.; Buhrman, R. A.; Park, J.; Ralph, D. C.


    Recent discoveries regarding current-induced spin-orbit torques produced by heavy-metal/ferromagnet and topological-insulator/ferromagnet bilayers provide the potential for dramatically improved efficiency in the manipulation of magnetic devices. However, in experiments performed to date, spin-orbit torques have an important limitation--the component of torque that can compensate magnetic damping is required by symmetry to lie within the device plane. This means that spin-orbit torques can drive the most current-efficient type of magnetic reversal (antidamping switching) only for magnetic devices with in-plane anisotropy, not the devices with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy that are needed for high-density applications. Here we show experimentally that this state of affairs is not fundamental, but rather one can change the allowed symmetries of spin-orbit torques in spin-source/ferromagnet bilayer devices by using a spin-source material with low crystalline symmetry. We use WTe2, a transition-metal dichalcogenide whose surface crystal structure has only one mirror plane and no two-fold rotational invariance. Consistent with these symmetries, we generate an out-of-plane antidamping torque when current is applied along a low-symmetry axis of WTe2/Permalloy bilayers, but not when current is applied along a high-symmetry axis. Controlling spin-orbit torques by crystal symmetries in multilayer samples provides a new strategy for optimizing future magnetic technologies.

  1. Correlation between Initial BIC and the Insertion Torque/Depth Integral Recorded with an Instantaneous Torque-Measuring Implant Motor: An in vivo Study. (United States)

    Capparé, Paolo; Vinci, Raffaele; Di Stefano, Danilo Alessio; Traini, Tonino; Pantaleo, Giuseppe; Gherlone, Enrico Felice; Gastaldi, Giorgio


    Quantitative intraoperative evaluation of bone quality at implant placement site and postinsertion implant primary stability assessment are two key parameters to perform implant-supported rehabilitation properly. A novel micromotor has been recently introduced allowing to measure bone density at implant placement site and to record implant insertion-related parameters, such as the instantaneous, average and peak insertion torque values, and the insertion torque/depth integral. The aim of this study was to investigate in vivo if any correlation existed between initial bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone density and integral values recorded with the instrument. Twenty-five patients seeking for implant-supported rehabilitation of edentulous areas were consecutively treated. Before implant placement, bone density at the insertion site was measured. For each patient, an undersized 3.3 × 8-mm implant was placed, recording the insertion torque/depth integral values. After 15 minutes, the undersized implant was retrieved with a 0.5 mm-thick layer of bone surrounding it. Standard implants were consequently placed. Retrieved implants were analyzed for initial BIC quantification after fixation, dehydration, acrylic resin embedment, sections cutting and grinding, and toluidine-blue and acid fuchsine staining. Correlation between initial BIC values, bone density at the insertion site, and the torque/depth integral values was investigated by linear regression analysis. A significant linear correlation was found to exist between initial BIC and (a) bone density at the insertion site (R = 0.96, explained variance R(2)  = 0.92) and (b) torque/depth integral at placement (R = 0.81, explained variance R(2)  = 0.66). The system provided quantitative, reliable data correlating significantly with immediate postinsertion initial BIC, and could therefore represent a valuable tool both for clinical research and for the oral implantologist in his/her daily clinical

  2. Torques on quadrupoles


    Torres del Castillo, G.F; Méndez Garrido, A


    Making use of the fact that a 2l-pole can be represented by means of l vectors of the same magnitude, the torque on a quadrupole in an inhomogeneous external field is expressed in terms of the vectors that represent the quadrupole and the gradient of the external field. The conditions for rotational equilibrium are also expressed in terms of these vectors. Haciendo uso de que un multipolo de orden 2l puede representarse mediante l vectores de la misma magnitud, la torca sobre un cuadripolo...


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    Camila de Bona


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, procuramos demonstrar como os principais pesquisadores da área da aquisição da linguagem têm encarado o assunto da aquisição de uma segunda língua e sua relação com a idade de aquisição, além da possível existência de um período crítico para a aprendizagem de línguas. Para tanto, revisitamos, primeiramente, as noções de competência linguística e gramática universal veiculadas por Noam Chomsky e sua crítica aos pressupostos behavioristas. Abordamos, também, as pesquisas de dois importantes estudiosos da área de aquisição de segunda língua (L2, quais sejam David Birdsong e James Flege, e suas hipóteses acerca dos fatores relevantes e influentes no processo de aprendizado de uma língua adicional. Por fim, abordamos alguns estudos relativos aos mecanismos neurais subjacentes à produção e à compreensão de uma língua adicional, tanto por aprendizes precoces quanto por aprendizes tardios.

  4. A inserção da fonoaudiologia em serviço de atendimento domiciliar vinculado ao Sistema Único de Saúde

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    Claudia Gomes Ligocki


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar a demanda para atuação fonoaudiológica no programa de atendimento domiciliar da Fundação Hospitalar do Estado de Minas Gerais (FHEMIG, a fim verificar a necessidade da inclusão do fonoaudiólogo na equipe. Método: Foi realizado um levantamento de dados dos prontuários de pacientes do HPSJXXIII, atendidos pela FHEMIG domiciliar entre os meses de janeiro a setembro do ano de 2006, por meio de um protocolo de busca de dados semi-estruturado. Resultados: Dos 17 prontuários analisados, 7 (41,17% continham dados relativos a alterações da comunicação, especificamente da deglutição que justificam a intervenção fonoaudiológica, determinando a necessidade da atuação deste profissional na equipe domiciliar. Conclusão: Os dados coletados demonstraram haver demanda que justifique a inserção do fonoaudiólogo na equipe de assistência domiciliar do HPSJXXIII, corroborando com a literatura que refere a importância da Fonoaudiologia nos programas de assistência domiciliar.

  5. Signatures of asymmetric and inelastic tunneling on the spin torque bias dependence

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien; Zhang, S.; Lee, K.-J.


    The influence of structural asymmetries (barrier height and exchange splitting), as well as inelastic scattering (magnons and phonons) on the bias dependence of the spin transfer torque in a magnetic tunnel junction is studied theoretically using the free-electron model. We show that they modify the “conventional” bias dependence of the spin transfer torque, together with the bias dependence of the conductance. In particular, both structural asymmetries and bulk (inelastic) scattering add antisymmetric terms to the perpendicular torque (∝V and ∝je|V|) while the interfacial inelastic scattering conserves the junction symmetry and only produces symmetric terms (∝|V|n, n∊N). The analysis of spin torque and conductance measurements displays a signature revealing the origin (asymmetry or inelastic scattering) of the discrepancy.

  6. Signatures of asymmetric and inelastic tunneling on the spin torque bias dependence

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    The influence of structural asymmetries (barrier height and exchange splitting), as well as inelastic scattering (magnons and phonons) on the bias dependence of the spin transfer torque in a magnetic tunnel junction is studied theoretically using the free-electron model. We show that they modify the “conventional” bias dependence of the spin transfer torque, together with the bias dependence of the conductance. In particular, both structural asymmetries and bulk (inelastic) scattering add antisymmetric terms to the perpendicular torque (∝V and ∝je|V|) while the interfacial inelastic scattering conserves the junction symmetry and only produces symmetric terms (∝|V|n, n∊N). The analysis of spin torque and conductance measurements displays a signature revealing the origin (asymmetry or inelastic scattering) of the discrepancy.

  7. Effect of resistance feedback on spin torque-induced switching of nanomagnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garzon, Samir; Webb, Richard A.; Covington, Mark; Kaka, Shehzaad; Crawford, Thomas M.


    In large magnetoresistance devices spin torque-induced changes in resistance can produce GHz current and voltage oscillations which can affect magnetization reversal. In addition, capacitive shunting in large resistance devices can further reduce the current, adversely affecting spin torque switching. Here, we simultaneously solve the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with spin torque and the transmission line telegrapher's equations to study the effects of resistance feedback and capacitance on magnetization reversal of both spin valves and magnetic tunnel junctions. While for spin valves parallel (P) to anti-parallel (AP) switching is adversely affected by the resistance feedback due to saturation of the spin torque, in low resistance magnetic tunnel junctions P-AP switching is enhanced. We study the effect of resistance feedback on the switching time of magnetic tunnel junctions, and show that magnetization switching is only affected by capacitive shunting in the pF range.

  8. Torque Characteristic Analysis of a Transverse Flux Motor Using a Combined-Type Stator Core

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    Xiaobao Yang


    Full Text Available An external rotor transverse flux motor using a combined-type stator core is proposed for a direct drive application in this paper. The stator core is combined by two kinds of components that can both be manufactured conveniently by generic laminated silicon steel used in traditional motors. The motor benefits from the predominance of low manufacturing cost and low iron loss by using a silicon-steel sheet. Firstly, the basic structure and operation principles of the proposed motor are introduced. Secondly, the expressions of the electromagnetic torque and the cogging torque are deduced by theoretical analysis. Thirdly, the basic characteristics such as permanent magnet flux linkage, no-load back electromotive force, cogging torque and electromagnetic torque are analyzed by a three-dimensional finite element method (3D FEM. Then, the influence of structure parameters on the torque density is investigated, which provides a useful foundation for optimum design of the novel motor. Finally, the torque density of the proposed motor is calculated and discussed, and the result shows that the proposed motor in this paper can provide considerable torque density by using few permanent magnets.

  9. System and method for determining the net output torque from a waste heat recovery system (United States)

    Tricaud, Christophe; Ernst, Timothy C.; Zigan, James A.


    The disclosure provides a waste heat recovery system with a system and method for calculation of the net output torque from the waste heat recovery system. The calculation uses inputs from existing pressure and speed sensors to create a virtual pump torque sensor and a virtual expander torque sensor, and uses these sensors to provide an accurate net torque output from the WHR system.

  10. The relationship between the applied torque and stresses in post-tension structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liew, F.K.; Hamdan, S.; Osman, M.S.


    This paper presents the nondestructive testing (NDT) method to determine the resultant stresses in mild steel bar usually employed in structures. The technique utilized ultrasonic pulse-echo that determined the wave velocity change due to torque applied between bolt and nut. Mild steel bar with nominal diameter of 19 and 25mm were used. The specimen was loaded by means of a torque wrench that gave the required amount of moment (∼300Nm). This was carefully achieved manually. In order to measure the strain, strain gauges were employed. The direct strain gauge method gives the strain values. This strain is used to calculate the stress due to the applied load. The experiment had been carried out in a control environment with constant temperature. The relationship between torque-velocity, torque-strain and stress-strain is obtained and compared. The test results indicate that ultrasonic wave velocity decrease with the applied torque. This is due to degradation or loss of strength of the material. The potential of this NDT method to obtain structure quality and strength determination is discussed. (author)

  11. The relationship between the applied torque and stresses in post-tension structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liew, F.K.; Hamdan, S.; Osman, M.S. [Univ. Malaysia Sarawak, Faculty of Engineering, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak (Malaysia)


    This paper presents the nondestructive testing (NDT) method to determine the resultant stresses in mild steel bar usually employed in structures. The technique utilized ultrasonic pulse-echo that determined the wave velocity change due to torque applied between bolt and nut. Mild steel bar with nominal diameter of 19 and 25mm were used. The specimen was loaded by means of a torque wrench that gave the required amount of moment (∼300Nm). This was carefully achieved manually. In order to measure the strain, strain gauges were employed. The direct strain gauge method gives the strain values. This strain is used to calculate the stress due to the applied load. The experiment had been carried out in a control environment with constant temperature. The relationship between torque-velocity, torque-strain and stress-strain is obtained and compared. The test results indicate that ultrasonic wave velocity decrease with the applied torque. This is due to degradation or loss of strength of the material. The potential of this NDT method to obtain structure quality and strength determination is discussed. (author)

  12. Spin Torques in Systems with Spin Filtering and Spin Orbit Interaction

    KAUST Repository

    Ortiz Pauyac, Christian


    filtering. In Chap. 3 we discuss the Rashba torque in ferromagnetic films, and in Chap. 4 we study spin Hall effect and spin swapping in ferromagnetic films, exploring the nature of spin-orbit torques based on these mechanisms. Conclusions and perspectives

  13. Model of the multipolar engine with decreased cogging torque by asymmetrical distribution of the magnets (United States)

    Goryca, Zbigniew; Paduszyński, Kamil; Pakosz, Artur


    This paper presents the results of field calculations of cogging torque for a 12-pole torque motor with an 18-slot stator. A constant angular velocity magnet and the same size gap between n-1 magnets were assumed. In these conditions, the effect of change of the n-th gap between magnets on the cogging torque was tested. Due to considerable length of the machine the calculations were performed using a 2D model. The n-th gap for which the cogging torque assumed the lowest value was evaluated. The cogging torque of the machine with symmetrical magnetic circuit (the same size of gap between magnets) was compared to the one of the asymmetrical machine. With proper choice of asymmetry, the cogging torque for the machine decreased by four times.

  14. Speed and Torque Control Strategies for Loss Reduction of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (United States)

    Argent, Michael; McDonald, Alasdair; Leithead, Bill; Giles, Alexander


    This paper builds on the work into modelling the generator losses for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines from their intrinsic torque cycling to investigate the effects of aerodynamic inefficiencies caused by the varying rotational speed resulting from different torque control strategies to the cyclic torque. This is achieved by modelling the wake that builds up from the rotation of the VAWT rotor to investigate how the wake responds to a changing rotor speed and how this in turn affects the torque produced by the blades as well as the corresponding change in generator losses and any changes to the energy extracted by the wind turbine rotor.

  15. Dirac spin-orbit torques and charge pumping at the surface of topological insulators

    KAUST Repository

    Ndiaye, Papa Birame


    We address the nature of spin-orbit torques at the magnetic surfaces of topological insulators using the linear-response theory. We find that the so-called Dirac torques in such systems possess a different symmetry compared to their Rashba counterpart, as well as a high anisotropy as a function of the magnetization direction. In particular, the damping torque vanishes when the magnetization lies in the plane of the topological-insulator surface. We also show that the Onsager reciprocal of the spin-orbit torque, the charge pumping, induces an enhanced anisotropic damping. Via a macrospin model, we numerically demonstrate that these features have important consequences in terms of magnetization switching.

  16. Dirac spin-orbit torques and charge pumping at the surface of topological insulators (United States)

    Ndiaye, Papa B.; Akosa, C. A.; Fischer, M. H.; Vaezi, A.; Kim, E.-A.; Manchon, A.


    We address the nature of spin-orbit torques at the magnetic surfaces of topological insulators using the linear-response theory. We find that the so-called Dirac torques in such systems possess a different symmetry compared to their Rashba counterpart, as well as a high anisotropy as a function of the magnetization direction. In particular, the damping torque vanishes when the magnetization lies in the plane of the topological-insulator surface. We also show that the Onsager reciprocal of the spin-orbit torque, the charge pumping, induces an enhanced anisotropic damping. Via a macrospin model, we numerically demonstrate that these features have important consequences in terms of magnetization switching.

  17. Dirac spin-orbit torques and charge pumping at the surface of topological insulators

    KAUST Repository

    Ndiaye, Papa Birame; Akosa, Collins Ashu; Fischer, M. H.; Vaezi, A.; Kim, E.-A.; Manchon, Aurelien


    We address the nature of spin-orbit torques at the magnetic surfaces of topological insulators using the linear-response theory. We find that the so-called Dirac torques in such systems possess a different symmetry compared to their Rashba counterpart, as well as a high anisotropy as a function of the magnetization direction. In particular, the damping torque vanishes when the magnetization lies in the plane of the topological-insulator surface. We also show that the Onsager reciprocal of the spin-orbit torque, the charge pumping, induces an enhanced anisotropic damping. Via a macrospin model, we numerically demonstrate that these features have important consequences in terms of magnetization switching.

  18. A dynamic method for magnetic torque measurement (United States)

    Lin, C. E.; Jou, H. L.


    In a magnetic suspension system, accurate force measurement will result in better control performance in the test section, especially when a wider range of operation is required. Although many useful methods were developed to obtain the desired model, however, significant error is inevitable since the magnetic field distribution of the large-gap magnetic suspension system is extremely nonlinear. This paper proposed an easy approach to measure the magnetic torque of a magnetic suspension system using an angular photo encoder. Through the measurement of the velocity change data, the magnetic torque is converted. The proposed idea is described and implemented to obtain the desired data. It is useful to the calculation of a magnetic force in the magnetic suspension system.

  19. Distribuição da população e cobertura da terra: o lugar das Áreas Protegidas no Pará, Brasil em 2010

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    Álvaro de Oliveira D’Antona


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a distribuição da população do Pará, a partir de dados do Censo Demográfico 2010 associados a dados de uso e cobertura da terra do TerraClass, dispostos em uma grade estatística. Verifica-se o papel de 113 Áreas Protegidas (AP - 46 Terras Indígenas, 51 Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável e 16 Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral - no gradiente rural-urbano do ponto de vista populacional e em relação aos usos-coberturas da terra nelas existentes. Utilizando um Sistema de Informações Geográficas, os dados relativos às APs, ao uso e cobertura da terra e os censitários foram incorporados à grade estatística. O relacionamento espacial dos planos de informação nas células indica que a população do estado é bastante concentrada, uma tendência que se reproduz nas Áreas Protegidas (o coeficiente de Gini para a distribuição dos domicílios é superior a 0,9. As APs configuram-se como áreas menos populosas e mais florestadas em comparação ao restante do estado. Apesar da presença de extensas porções sem domicílios ocupados e da maior extensão de florestas do Pará (57%, identificam-se nestas áreas usos urbanos associados a outros usos e coberturas da terra. Os resultados indicam que as dinâmicas populacionais e as mudanças nos usos e cobertura da terra estão relacionadas de forma mais ampla, estimulando a reflexão sobre a urbanização e as mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra de forma mais integrada.

  20. Spin-orbit torques from interfacial spin-orbit coupling for various interfaces (United States)

    Kim, Kyoung-Whan; Lee, Kyung-Jin; Sinova, Jairo; Lee, Hyun-Woo; Stiles, M. D.


    We use a perturbative approach to study the effects of interfacial spin-orbit coupling in magnetic multilayers by treating the two-dimensional Rashba model in a fully three-dimensional description of electron transport near an interface. This formalism provides a compact analytic expression for current-induced spin-orbit torques in terms of unperturbed scattering coefficients, allowing computation of spin-orbit torques for various contexts, by simply substituting scattering coefficients into the formulas. It applies to calculations of spin-orbit torques for magnetic bilayers with bulk magnetism, those with interface magnetism, a normal-metal/ferromagnetic insulator junction, and a topological insulator/ferromagnet junction. It predicts a dampinglike component of spin-orbit torque that is distinct from any intrinsic contribution or those that arise from particular spin relaxation mechanisms. We discuss the effects of proximity-induced magnetism and insertion of an additional layer and provide formulas for in-plane current, which is induced by a perpendicular bias, anisotropic magnetoresistance, and spin memory loss in the same formalism.

  1. Torque Removal Evaluation of Screw in One-Piece and Two-Piece Abutments Tightened with a Handheld screwdriver

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jalil Ghanbarzadeh


    Full Text Available Introduction: Some clinicians use a handheld screw driver instead of a torque wrench to definitively tighten abutment screws. The aim of this study was to compare the removal torque of one-piece and two-piece abutments tightened with a handheld driver and a torque control ratchet. Methods: 40 ITI implants were placed in acrylic blocks and divided into 4 groups. In groups one and two, 10 ITI one-piece abutments (Solid® and in groups three and four, 10 ITI two-piece abutments (Synocta® were placed on the implants. In groups one and three abutments were tightened by 5 experienced males and 5 experienced females using a handheld driver. In groups two and four abutments were tightened using a torque wrench with torque values of 10, 20 and 35 Insertion torque and removal torque values of the abutments were measured with a digital torque meter. Results: The insertion torque values (ITVs of males in both abutments were significantly higher than those of females. ITVs in both Solid® and Synocta® abutments tightened with a handheld screwdriver were similar to the torque of 20 in the torque wrench. Removal torque values (RTVs of solid® abutments were higher than those of synocta® abutments. Conclusion: The one- piece abutments (solid® showed higher RTVs than the two-piece abutments (synocta®. Hand driver does not produce sufficient preload force for the final tightening of the abutment

  2. Measurement of the torque on diluted ferrofluid samples in rotating magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Storozhenko, A.M.; Stannarius, R.; Tantsyura, A.O.; Shabanova, I.A.


    We study magnetic suspensions with different concentrations of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in a spherical container under the action of a rotating magnetic field. Experimental data on the concentration dependence of the rotational effect, viz. the torque exerted by the magnetic field, are presented. We explain the observed torque characteristics using a model that takes into account field-driven aggregation of the magnetic nanoparticles in stationary or slowly rotating fields. At sufficiently high rotation rates, the rotating magnetic field obviously destroys these aggregates, which results in a decreasing torque with increasing rotation frequency of the field. - Highlights: • The experimental study of the rotational effect in the magnetic fluids is presented. • The torque density non-monotonously depends on the magnetic field frequency. • Experimental data can be explained assuming aggregation of magnetic nanoparticles.

  3. Measurement of the torque on diluted ferrofluid samples in rotating magnetic fields

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Storozhenko, A.M. [Southwest State University, Kursk, 305040 (Russian Federation); Stannarius, R. [Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, 39016 Germany (Germany); Tantsyura, A.O.; Shabanova, I.A. [Southwest State University, Kursk, 305040 (Russian Federation)


    We study magnetic suspensions with different concentrations of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in a spherical container under the action of a rotating magnetic field. Experimental data on the concentration dependence of the rotational effect, viz. the torque exerted by the magnetic field, are presented. We explain the observed torque characteristics using a model that takes into account field-driven aggregation of the magnetic nanoparticles in stationary or slowly rotating fields. At sufficiently high rotation rates, the rotating magnetic field obviously destroys these aggregates, which results in a decreasing torque with increasing rotation frequency of the field. - Highlights: • The experimental study of the rotational effect in the magnetic fluids is presented. • The torque density non-monotonously depends on the magnetic field frequency. • Experimental data can be explained assuming aggregation of magnetic nanoparticles.

  4. Direct Torque Control With Feedback Linearization for Induction Motor Drives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lascu, Cristian; Jafarzadeh, Saeed; Fadali, Sami M.


    This paper describes a direct-torque-controlled (DTC) induction motor (IM) drive that employs feedback linearization and sliding-mode control (SMC). A new feedback linearization approach is proposed, which yields a decoupled linear IM model with two state variables: torque and stator flux magnitude....... This intuitive linear model is used to implement a DTC-type controller that preserves all DTC advantages and eliminates its main drawback, the flux and torque ripple. Robust, fast, and ripple-free control is achieved by using SMC with proportional control in the vicinity of the sliding surface. SMC assures...... in simulations. The sliding controller is compared with a linear DTC scheme with and without feedback linearization. Extensive experimental results for a sensorless IM drive validate the proposed solution....

  5. Experimental determination of optimal clamping torque for AB-PEM Fuel cell

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noor Ul Hassan


    Full Text Available Polymer electrolyte Membrane (PEM fuel cell is an electrochemical device producing electricity by the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen without combustion. PEM fuel cell stack is provided with an appropriate clamping torque to prevent leakage of reactant gases and to minimize the contact resistance between gas diffusion media (GDL and bipolar plates. GDL porous structure and gas permeability is directly affected by the compaction pressure which, consequently, drastically change the fuel cell performance. Various efforts were made to determine the optimal compaction pressure and pressure distributions through simulations and experimentation. Lower compaction pressure results in increase of contact resistance and also chances of leakage. On the other hand, higher compaction pressure decreases the contact resistance but also narrows down the diffusion path for mass transfer from gas channels to the catalyst layers, consequently, lowering cell performance. The optimal cell performance is related to the gasket thickness and compression pressure on GDL. Every stack has a unique assembly pressure due to differences in fuel cell components material and stack design. Therefore, there is still need to determine the optimal torque value for getting the optimal cell performance. This study has been carried out in continuation of deve­lopment of Air breathing PEM fuel cell for small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV application. Compaction pressure at minimum contact resistance was determined and clamping torque value was calcu­la­ted accordingly. Single cell performance tests were performed at five different clamping torque values i.e 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 N m, for achieving optimal cell per­formance. Clamping pressure distribution tests were also performed at these torque values to verify uniform pressure distribution at optimal torque value. Experimental and theoretical results were compared for making inferences about optimal cell perfor­man­ce. A

  6. Avaliação da adequação nutricional dos alimentos consumidos em um Centro Integrado de Educação Pública (CIEP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina V. da Silva


    Full Text Available O trabalho tem como objetivo geral avaliar a adequação nutricional dos alimentos consumidos em um Centro Integrado de Educação Pública da cidade de Americana, São Paulo. Os dados relativos ao consumo alimentar de 442 crianças de sete a 15 anos foram obtidos através da aplicação de inquérito recordatório, relativo ao consumo de 24 horas. Para a transformação dos alimentos ingeridos em energia e nutrientes, utilizou-se Tabela de Composição de Alimentos. O estabelecimento das recomendações nutricionais foi baseado no padrão definido para a população brasileira. Verificou-se que o consumo alimentar a partir dos oito anos é insuficiente para atender às necessidades energéticas das crianças. O aporte de proteína revelou-se muito acima das quantidades recomendadas para o consumo desse nutriente. Para todas as idades, a contribuição do ferro atinge valores satisfatórios. Com relação às vitaminas, destaca-se a contribuição média das refeições quanto à vitamina C, em, torno de 72%. Enfatiza-se a necessidade de que o programa seja baseado em diagnósticos prévios do estado nutricional da população alvo e de consumo alimentar doméstico, bem como recomenda-se o desenvolvimento de estudos visando a conhecer os reais motivos que condicionam o baixo consumo de alimentos, principalmente entre as crianças mais velhas.

  7. Results and Analysis from Space Suit Joint Torque Testing (United States)

    Matty, Jennifer


    This joint mobility KC lecture included information from two papers, "A Method for and Issues Associated with the Determination of Space Suit Joint Requirements" and "Results and Analysis from Space Suit Joint Torque Testing," as presented for the International Conference on Environmental Systems in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The first paper discusses historical joint torque testing methodologies and approaches that were tested in 2008 and 2009. The second paper discusses the testing that was completed in 2009 and 2010.

  8. Direct Torque Control System for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Fuzzy Speed Pi Regulator (United States)

    Nabti, K.; Abed, K.; Benalla, H.


    The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) speed regulation with a conventional PI regulator reduces the speed control precision, increase the torque fluctuation, and consequentially low performances of the whole system. With utilisation of fuzzy logic method, this paper presents the self adaptation of conventional PI regulator parameters Kp and Ki (proportional and integral coefficients respectively), using to regulate the speed in Direct Torque Control strategy (DTC). The ripples of both torque and flux are reduced remarkable, small overshooting and good dynamic of the speed and torque. Simulation results verify the proposed method validity.

  9. A Practical Torque Estimation Method for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine in Electric Vehicles. (United States)

    Wu, Zhihong; Lu, Ke; Zhu, Yuan


    The torque output accuracy of the IPMSM in electric vehicles using a state of the art MTPA strategy highly depends on the accuracy of machine parameters, thus, a torque estimation method is necessary for the safety of the vehicle. In this paper, a torque estimation method based on flux estimator with a modified low pass filter is presented. Moreover, by taking into account the non-ideal characteristic of the inverter, the torque estimation accuracy is improved significantly. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through MATLAB/Simulink simulation and experiment.

  10. Barbell deadlift training increases the rate of torque development and vertical jump performance in novices. (United States)

    Thompson, Brennan J; Stock, Matt S; Shields, JoCarol E; Luera, Micheal J; Munayer, Ibrahim K; Mota, Jacob A; Carrillo, Elias C; Olinghouse, Kendra D


    The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 10 weeks of barbell deadlift training on rapid torque characteristics of the knee extensors and flexors. A secondary aim was to analyze the relationships between training-induced changes in rapid torque and vertical jump performance. Fifty-four subjects (age, mean ± SD = 23 ± 3 years) were randomly assigned to a control (n = 20) or training group (n = 34). Subjects in the training group performed supervised deadlift training twice per week for 10 weeks. All subjects performed isometric strength testing of the knee extensors and flexors and vertical jumps before and after the intervention. Torque-time curves were used to calculate rate of torque development (RTD) values at peak and at 50 and 200 milliseconds from torque onset. Barbell deadlift training induced significant pre- to post-increases of 18.8-49.0% for all rapid torque variables (p torque capacities in both the knee extensors and flexors. Changes in rapid torque were associated with improvements in vertical jump height, suggesting a transfer of adaptations from deadlift training to an explosive, performance-based task. Professionals may use these findings when attempting to design effective, time-efficient resistance training programs to improve explosive strength capacities in novices.

  11. Predicting the Onset of Cavitation in Automotive Torque Converters—Part I: Designs with Geometric Similitude

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. L. Robinette


    Full Text Available Dimensional analysis has been applied to automotive torque converters to understand the response of performance to changes in torque, size, working fluid, or operating temperature. The objective of this investigation was to develop a suitable dimensional analysis for estimating the effect of exact geometric scaling of a particular torque converter design on the onset of cavitation. Torque converter operating thresholds for cavitation were determined experimentally with a dynamometer test cell at the stall operating condition using nearfield acoustical measurements. Dimensionless quantities based upon either speed or torque at the onset of cavitation and flow properties (e.g., pressures and temperature dependent fluid properties were developed and compared. The proposed dimensionless stator torque quantity was found to be the most appropriate scaling law for extrapolating cavitation thresholds to multiple diameters. A power product model was fit on dimensionless stator torque data to create a model capable of predicting cavitation thresholds. Comparison of the model to test data taken over a range of operating points showed an error of 3.7%. This is the first paper of a two-part paper. In Part II, application of dimensional analysis will be expanded from torque converters with exact geometric similitude to those of more general design.

  12. Modelling dental implant extraction by pullout and torque procedures. (United States)

    Rittel, D; Dorogoy, A; Shemtov-Yona, K


    Dental implants extraction, achieved either by applying torque or pullout force, is used to estimate the bone-implant interfacial strength. A detailed description of the mechanical and physical aspects of the extraction process in the literature is still missing. This paper presents 3D nonlinear dynamic finite element simulations of a commercial implant extraction process from the mandible bone. Emphasis is put on the typical load-displacement and torque-angle relationships for various types of cortical and trabecular bone strengths. The simulations also study of the influence of the osseointegration level on those relationships. This is done by simulating implant extraction right after insertion when interfacial frictional contact exists between the implant and bone, and long after insertion, assuming that the implant is fully bonded to the bone. The model does not include a separate representation and model of the interfacial layer for which available data is limited. The obtained relationships show that the higher the strength of the trabecular bone the higher the peak extraction force, while for application of torque, it is the cortical bone which might dictate the peak torque value. Information on the relative strength contrast of the cortical and trabecular components, as well as the progressive nature of the damage evolution, can be revealed from the obtained relations. It is shown that full osseointegration might multiply the peak and average load values by a factor 3-12 although the calculated work of extraction varies only by a factor of 1.5. From a quantitative point of view, it is suggested that, as an alternative to reporting peak load or torque values, an average value derived from the extraction work be used to better characterize the bone-implant interfacial strength. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. PREFACE: The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2012 (United States)


    The European Academy of Wind Energy (eawe) was pleased to announce its 4th scientific conference The Science of Making Torque from Wind. Predecessors have successfully been arranged in Delft, The Netherlands (2004), Lyngby, Denmark (2007) and Heraklion, Greece (2010). During the years the Torque Conference has established itself as Europe's leading scientific wind energy conference. The 2012 edition had been organized in the same tradition. More than 300 experts from academia and industry discussed the latest results and developments in fundamental and applied wind energy research, making this Science of Making Torque from Wind conference the largest one to that date. The seven keynote lectures provided the delegates with a unique overview on the state-of-the-art of science and technology. In over twenty sessions the participants discussed the most recent results in wind energy research. From numerical models to sophisticated experiments, from flow optimizations to structural designs, the numerous presentations covered a huge spectrum of ongoing scientific activities. The proceedings of the Torque 2012 combine the 110 papers that have passed the review process. We would like to thank all those who have been involved in organizing the conference and putting together these proceedings, including keynote speakers, session chairs and the enormous amount of reviewers involved. We are especially grateful to Gijs van Kuik for his untiring support. We also deeply appreciate the logistical support and technical services of the University of Oldenburg and the financial support of the State of Lower Saxony. At IOP we would like to thank Anete Ashton for her continuous encouraging support. We are looking forward to all future Torque Conferences, offering an excellent platform for the exchange of the latest and greatest scientific developments in the field of wind energy. Oldenburg, Germany, October 2014 Elke Seidel, Detlev Heinemann, Martin Kühn, Joachim Peinke and Stephan

  14. Torque-Matched Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of HAWT Rotor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Abadi, Ali; Ertunç, Özgür; Beyer, Florian; Delgado, Antonio


    Schmitz and Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theories are integrated to a gradient based optimization algorithm to optimize the blade shape of a horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT). The Schmitz theory is used to generate an initial blade design. BEM theory is used to calculate the forces, torque and power extracted by the turbine. The airfoil shape (NREL S809) is kept the same, so that the shape optimization comprises only the chord and the pitch angle distribution. The gradient based optimization of the blade shape is constrained to the torque-rotational speed characteristic of the generator, which is going to be a part of the experimental set-up used to validate the results of the optimization study. Hence, the objective of the optimization is the maximization of the turbines power coefficient C p while keeping the torque matched to that of the generator. The wind velocities and the rotational speeds are limited to those achievable in the wind tunnel and by the generator, respectively. After finding the optimum blade shape with the maximum C p within the given range of parameters, the C p of the turbine is evaluated at wind-speeds deviating from the optimum operating condition. For this purpose, a second optimization algorithm is used to find out the correct rotational speed for a given wind-speed, which is again constrained to the generator's torque rotational speed characteristic. The design and optimization procedures are later validated by high-fidelity numerical simulations. The agreement between the design and the numerical simulations is very satisfactory

  15. Acurácia dos indicadores de risco do Programa de Defesa da Vida dos Lactentes em região do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Davi Rumel


    Full Text Available O Programa de Desfesa da Vida dos Lactentes da Secretaria de Higiene e Saúde do Munícipio de Bauru tem um critério diagnóstico para a inclusão de recém-nascidos dentro do programa. Este critério é formado pela combinação de 11 indicadores clínicos e sociais de risco à mortalidade infantil de fácil obtenção no momento do parto. Decidiu-se propor um critério diagnóstico alternativo, a partir dos mesmos indicadores clínicos e sociais, com maior sensibilidade para a mesma proporção de crianças matriculadas no Programa. Os dados hospitalares foram coletados no período de 11 de maio de 1986 a 10 de novembro de 1987. A mortalidade compreende o período entre 7 dias e 6 meses, que é o período de seguimento das crianças pelo Programa. Calculou-se para cada indicador o risco relativo bruto numa análise univariada e o risco relativo ajustado pela técnica de regressão logística. Criou-se um sistema de pontuação baseado na somatória dos excessos de risco de cada indicador.

  16. Cogging Torque Reduction by Slot-Opening Shift for Permanent Magnet Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Ting; Huang, Shoudao; Gao, Jian


    In this paper, an effective cogging torque reduction method based on shifting the slot-openings is presented. Stator teeth are divided into groups and proper slot-opening shift is applied for each group. The cogging torque can then be greatly reduced while the back-EMF waveforms remain symmetrical...

  17. Loosening torque of Universal Abutment screws after cyclic loading: influence of tightening technique and screw coating. (United States)

    Bacchi, Atais; Regalin, Alexandre; Bhering, Claudia Lopes Brilhante; Alessandretti, Rodrigo; Spazzin, Aloisio Oro


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of tightening technique and the screw coating on the loosening torque of screws used for Universal Abutment fixation after cyclic loading. Forty implants (Titamax Ti Cortical, HE, Neodent) (n=10) were submerged in acrylic resin and four tightening techniques for Universal Abutment fixation were evaluated: A - torque with 32 Ncm (control); B - torque with 32 Ncm holding the torque meter for 20 seconds; C - torque with 32 Ncm and retorque after 10 minutes; D - torque (32 Ncm) holding the torque meter for 20 seconds and retorque after 10 minutes as initially. Samples were divided into subgroups according to the screw used: conventional titanium screw or diamond like carbon-coated (DLC) screw. Metallic crowns were fabricated for each abutment. Samples were submitted to cyclic loading at 10(6) cycles and 130 N of force. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The tightening technique did not show significant influence on the loosening torque of screws (P=.509). Conventional titanium screws showed significant higher loosening torque values than DLC (P=.000). The use of conventional titanium screw is more important than the tightening techniques employed in this study to provide long-term stability to Universal Abutment screws.

  18. Relative growth and morphological sexual maturity of Chasmagnathus granulatus (Crustacea, Varunidae from a mangrove area in southeastern Brazilian coast Crescimento relativo e maturidade sexual morfológica de Chasmagnathus granulatus (Crustacea, Varunidae de uma área de manguezal no sudeste do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Augusto Gregati

    Full Text Available The relative growth and morphological sexual maturity of Chasmagnathus granulatus Dana, 1851 are presented for the first time to a mangrove population. The crabs were obtained during low tide periods, in the mangrove of Jabaquara Beach, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All crabs in intermolt stage were sexed and had their body parts measured as follows: body height (BH, carapace length (CL and width (CW, major cheliped propodus height (PH and length (PL for each sex, gonopod length (GL and abdomen width (AW for males and females, respectively. The relative growth was described using the allometric equation y=ax b and the size at onset sexual maturity was achieved using the software Mature I. The size of specimens ranged from 4.1 mm to 39.5 mm CW. The growth pattern was different between sexes in the cheliped relationships; the relationships BH vs. CW evidenced positive allometry for juveniles; PL vs. CW and PH vs. CW positive allometry for most crabs except juvenile females; AW vs. CW and GL vs. CW evidenced positive allometry for juveniles and isometry for adults. The relationships that best indicated the change from the juvenile to the adult phase were PH vs. CW for males and AW vs. CW for females. The size in which 50% of males from this population are mature is at 19.7 mm of CW (F=144.14; pO crescimento relativo e a maturidade sexual morfológica de Chasmagnathus granulatus Dana, 1851 são apresentados pela primeira vez para uma população de manguezal. Os caranguejos foram obtidos durante os períodos de maré baixa, no manguezal da praia do Jabaquara, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Todos os caranguejos em estágio de intermuda foram classificados quanto ao sexo e as seguintes medidas lineares foram tomadas: altura do corpo (AC, altura do própodo do quelípodo maior (APQ, comprimento da carapaça (CC, comprimento do própodo do quelípodo maior (CPQ, largura da carapaça (LC, comprimento do gonopódio (CG e largura do abdome (LA para

  19. Peak torque and knee kinematics during gait after eccentric isokinetic training of quadriceps in healthy subjects O pico de torque e a cinemática do joelho durante a marcha após treino isocinético excêntrico do quadríceps em sujeitos saudáveis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    PR Poletto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of eccentric isokinetic training on knee range of motion (ROM of healthy subjects. METHODS: The knee extensor and flexor isokinetic peak torques and ROM of flexion/extension and varus/valgus knee movements during gait of 18 healthy men (21.7±2.2 years; 1.73±0.10m; 68.7±9.4kg; body mass index: 22.6±2kg/m² were analyzed, before and after six weeks of bilateral eccentric isokinetic training of the knee extensors at 30º/s. RESULTS: The knee extensor torque increased in both limbs (right, from 229±54 to 304±53Nm; pOBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do treino isocinético excêntrico sobre a amplitude de movimento (ADM do joelho em sujeitos saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os picos de torque isocinético dos extensores e flexores do joelho e a ADM de flexo/extensão e valgo/varo, durante a marcha, de 18 homens saudáveis (21,7±2,2 anos; 1,73±0,10m; 68,7±9,4kg; índice de massa corpórea: 22,6±2kg/m² antes e após seis semanas de treino isocinético excêntrico bilateral dos extensores do joelho a 30º/s. RESULTADOS: O torque extensor do joelho aumentou em ambos os membros, direito (de 229±54 para 304±53Nm; p<0,01 e esquerdo (de 228±59 para 311±63Nm; p<0,01 sem diferença de ganho de torque entre eles. O pico de torque flexor aumentou (de 114±30 para 123±22Nm; p<0,05, mas a razão isquiotibiais/quadríceps (I/Q diminuiu (de 0,5±0,08 para 0,39±0,07; p<0,01 após o treino. Não houve diferença para os movimentos de flexo/extensão e valgo/varo após o treino, exceto uma pequena mudança (4° no valgo para o joelho esquerdo. CONCLUSÕES: O treino isocinético excêntrico dos extensores do joelho aumentou o torque extensor e diminuiu a razão I/Q, entretanto o efeito sobre o padrão da marcha parece desprezível em sujeitos saudáveis. Um treino associado dos flexores, complementar ao treino dos extensores parece ser necessário para o equilíbrio entre agonistas e antagonistas do joelho.

  20. Voltage-driven versus current-driven spin torque in anisotropic tunneling junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    Nonequilibrium spin transport in a magnetic tunnel junction comprising a single magnetic layer in the presence of interfacial spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is studied theoretically. The interfacial SOI generates a spin torque of the form T=T∥ M×(z× M)+T⊥ z× M, even in the absence of an external spin polarizer. For thick and large tunnel barriers, the torque reduces to the perpendicular component T⊥, which can be electrically tuned by applying a voltage across the insulator. In the limit of thin and low tunnel barriers, the in-plane torque T∥ emerges, proportional to the tunneling current density. Experimental implications on magnetic devices are discussed. © 2011 IEEE.

  1. Voltage-driven versus current-driven spin torque in anisotropic tunneling junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Manchon, Aurelien


    Nonequilibrium spin transport in a magnetic tunnel junction comprising a single magnetic layer in the presence of interfacial spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is studied theoretically. The interfacial SOI generates a spin torque of the form T=T∥ M×(z× M)+T⊥ z× M, even in the absence of an external spin polarizer. For thick and large tunnel barriers, the torque reduces to the perpendicular component T⊥, which can be electrically tuned by applying a voltage across the insulator. In the limit of thin and low tunnel barriers, the in-plane torque T∥ emerges, proportional to the tunneling current density. Experimental implications on magnetic devices are discussed. © 2011 IEEE.

  2. Access to high beta advanced inductive plasmas at low injected torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solomon, W.M.; Grierson, B.A.; Okabayashi, M.; Politzer, P.A.; Buttery, R.J.; Ferron, J.R.; Garofalo, A.M.; Jackson, G.L.; Kinsey, J.E.; La Haye, R.J.; Luce, T.C.; Petty, C.C.; Welander, A.S.; Holcomb, C.T.; Lanctot, M.J.; Hanson, J.M.; Turco, F.; In, Y.


    Recent experiments on DIII-D demonstrate that advanced inductive (AI) discharges with high equivalent normalized fusion gain can be accessed and sustained with very low amounts (∼1 N m) of externally injected torque, a level of torque that is anticipated to drive a similar amount of rotation as the beams on ITER, via simple consideration of the scaling of the moment of inertia and confinement time. The AI regime is typically characterized by high confinement, and high β N , allowing the possibility for high performance, high gain operation at reduced plasma current. Discharges achieved β N ∼ 3.1 with H 98(y,2) ∼ 1 at q 95 ∼ 4, and are sustained for the maximum duration of the counter neutral beams (NBs). In addition, plasmas using zero net NB torque from the startup all the way through to the high β N phase have been created. AI discharges are found to become increasingly susceptible to m/n = 2/1 neoclassical tearing modes as the torque is decreased, which if left unmitigated, generally slow and lock, terminating the high performance phase of the discharge. Access is not notably different whether one ramps the torque down at high β N , or ramps β N up at low torque. The use of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive proved to be an effective method of avoiding such modes, enabling stable operation at high beta and low torque, a portion of phase space that has otherwise been inaccessible. Thermal confinement is significantly reduced at low rotation, a result that is reproduced using the TGLF transport model. Although it is thought that stiffness is increased in regions of low magnetic shear, in these AI plasmas, the reduced confinement occurs at radii outside the low shear, and in fact, higher temperature gradients can be found in the low shear region at low rotation. Momentum transport is also larger at low rotation, but a significant intrinsic torque is measured that is consistent with a previous scaling considering the role of the

  3. Access to high beta advanced inductive plasmas at low injected torque (United States)

    Solomon, W. M.; Politzer, P. A.; Buttery, R. J.; Holcomb, C. T.; Ferron, J. R.; Garofalo, A. M.; Grierson, B. A.; Hanson, J. M.; In, Y.; Jackson, G. L.; Kinsey, J. E.; La Haye, R. J.; Lanctot, M. J.; Luce, T. C.; Okabayashi, M.; Petty, C. C.; Turco, F.; Welander, A. S.


    Recent experiments on DIII-D demonstrate that advanced inductive (AI) discharges with high equivalent normalized fusion gain can be accessed and sustained with very low amounts (∼1 N m) of externally injected torque, a level of torque that is anticipated to drive a similar amount of rotation as the beams on ITER, via simple consideration of the scaling of the moment of inertia and confinement time. The AI regime is typically characterized by high confinement, and high βN, allowing the possibility for high performance, high gain operation at reduced plasma current. Discharges achieved βN ∼ 3.1 with H98(y,2) ∼ 1 at q95 ∼ 4, and are sustained for the maximum duration of the counter neutral beams (NBs). In addition, plasmas using zero net NB torque from the startup all the way through to the high βN phase have been created. AI discharges are found to become increasingly susceptible to m/n = 2/1 neoclassical tearing modes as the torque is decreased, which if left unmitigated, generally slow and lock, terminating the high performance phase of the discharge. Access is not notably different whether one ramps the torque down at high βN, or ramps βN up at low torque. The use of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive proved to be an effective method of avoiding such modes, enabling stable operation at high beta and low torque, a portion of phase space that has otherwise been inaccessible. Thermal confinement is significantly reduced at low rotation, a result that is reproduced using the TGLF transport model. Although it is thought that stiffness is increased in regions of low magnetic shear, in these AI plasmas, the reduced confinement occurs at radii outside the low shear, and in fact, higher temperature gradients can be found in the low shear region at low rotation. Momentum transport is also larger at low rotation, but a significant intrinsic torque is measured that is consistent with a previous scaling considering the role of the turbulent

  4. Muscle torque of healthy individuals and individuals with spastic hemiparesis after passive static streching. (United States)

    Tatsukawa DE Freitas, Sérgio Takeshi; DE Carvalho Abreu, Elizângela Márcia; Dos Reis, Mariane Cecilia; DE Souza Cunha, Bruna; Souza Moreira Prianti, Tamires; Pupio Silva Lima, Fernanda; Oliveira Lima, Mário


    Spasticity is one of the main causes of contracture, muscle weakness and subsequent functional incapacity. The passive static stretching can be included as having the purpose of increasing musculoskeletal flexibility, however, it also can influence the muscle torque. The objective is to verify the immediate effect of passive static stretching in the muscle strength of healthy and those who present spastic hemiparesis. There were assessed 20 subjects, 10 spastic hemiparetic (EG) and 10 healthy individuals (CG), including both sexes, aged between 22 and 78 years. The torque of extensor muscles of the knee was analyzed using isokinetic dynamometer. Results have shown that EG has less muscle torque compared to CG ( p torque after stretching ( p torque of CG after performing the program that was prescribed. Immediately after the passive stretch, a significant torque decrease can be seen in hypertonic muscle; it is believed that this reduction may be associated with the physiological overlap between actin and myosin filaments and so preventing the muscle to develop a maximum contraction.

  5. A novel high-torque magnetorheological brake with a water cooling method for heat dissipation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, D M; Hou, Y F; Tian, Z Z


    The extremely severe heating of magnetorheological (MR) brakes restricts their application in high-power situations. This study aims to develop a novel MR brake with a high-torque capacity. To achieve this goal, a water cooling method is adopted to assist in heat dissipation. In the study, a structural model design of the high-torque MR brake is first developed according to the transmission properties of the MR fluid between the rotating plates. Then, the operating principle of the MR brake is illustrated, which is followed by a detailed design of the water channel. Moreover, theoretical analysis, including the transmitted torque, magnetic field and thermal analysis, is performed as well. After this, an experimental prototype of the proposed MR brake is fabricated and assembled. Then the torque transmission and heat dissipation of the prototype are experimentally investigated to evaluate the torque transmission properties and water cooling efficiency. Results indicate that the proposed MR brake is capable of producing a highly controllable brake torque, and the water cooling method can effectively assist in heat dissipation from the MR brake. (paper)

  6. Coulomb torque - a general theory for electrostatic forces in many-body systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khachatourian, Armik V M; Wistrom, Anders O


    In static experiments that comprise three conducting spheres suspended by torsion wires and held at constant electric potential, a net angular displacement about their centres has been observed. We demonstrate that the observed rotation is consistent with Coulomb's law of electrical forces complemented by Gauss' surface integrals for electrical potential. Analysis demonstrates that electrostatic torque is the result of electrostatic forces acting on an asymmetric distribution of charges residing on the surfaces of the spheres. The asymptotic value for electrostatic torque is proportional to the inverse of the fourth power of separation distance with the rotation direction, up or down taken perpendicular to a plane passing through sphere centres, given explicitly by the equation for torque. The identification of electrostatic torque prompts further analysis of models of matter at all size scales where electrostatic forces are the dominant operative force

  7. Coulomb torque - a general theory for electrostatic forces in many-body systems

    CERN Document Server

    Khachaturian, A V M


    In static experiments that comprise three conducting spheres suspended by torsion wires and held at constant electric potential, a net angular displacement about their centres has been observed. We demonstrate that the observed rotation is consistent with Coulomb's law of electrical forces complemented by Gauss' surface integrals for electrical potential. Analysis demonstrates that electrostatic torque is the result of electrostatic forces acting on an asymmetric distribution of charges residing on the surfaces of the spheres. The asymptotic value for electrostatic torque is proportional to the inverse of the fourth power of separation distance with the rotation direction, up or down taken perpendicular to a plane passing through sphere centres, given explicitly by the equation for torque. The identification of electrostatic torque prompts further analysis of models of matter at all size scales where electrostatic forces are the dominant operative force.

  8. Modulation of spin transfer torque amplitude in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions (United States)

    Clément, P.-Y.; Baraduc, C.; Ducruet, C.; Vila, L.; Chshiev, M.; Diény, B.


    Magnetization switching induced by spin transfer torque is used to write magnetic memories (Magnetic Random Access Memory, MRAM) but can be detrimental to the reading process. It would be quite convenient therefore to modulate the efficiency of spin transfer torque. A solution is adding an extra degree of freedom by using double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with two spin-polarizers, with controllable relative magnetic alignment. We demonstrate, for these structures, that the amplitude of in-plane spin transfer torque on the middle free layer can be efficiently tuned via the magnetic configuration of the electrodes. Using the proposed design could thus pave the way towards more reliable read/write schemes for MRAM. Moreover, our results suggest an intriguing effect associated with the out-of-plane (field-like) spin transfer torque, which has to be further investigated.

  9. Modulation of spin transfer torque amplitude in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clément, P.-Y.; Baraduc, C.; Chshiev, M.; Diény, B.; Ducruet, C.; Vila, L.


    Magnetization switching induced by spin transfer torque is used to write magnetic memories (Magnetic Random Access Memory, MRAM) but can be detrimental to the reading process. It would be quite convenient therefore to modulate the efficiency of spin transfer torque. A solution is adding an extra degree of freedom by using double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with two spin-polarizers, with controllable relative magnetic alignment. We demonstrate, for these structures, that the amplitude of in-plane spin transfer torque on the middle free layer can be efficiently tuned via the magnetic configuration of the electrodes. Using the proposed design could thus pave the way towards more reliable read/write schemes for MRAM. Moreover, our results suggest an intriguing effect associated with the out-of-plane (field-like) spin transfer torque, which has to be further investigated

  10. Magnification of starting torques of dc motors by maximum power point trackers in photovoltaic systems (United States)

    Appelbaum, Joseph; Singer, S.


    Direct current (dc) motors are used in terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) systems such as in water-pumping systems for irrigation and water supply. Direct current motors may also be used for space applications. Simple and low weight systems including dc motors may be of special interest in space where the motors are directly coupled to the solar cell array (with no storage). The system will operate only during times when sufficient insolation is available. An important performance characteristic of electric motors is the starting to rated torque ratio. Different types of dc motors have different starting torque ratios. These ratios are dictated by the size of solar cell array, and the developed motor torque may not be sufficient to overcome the load starting torque. By including a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) in the PV system, the starting to rated torque ratio will increase, the amount of which depends on the motor type. The starting torque ratio is calculated for the permanent magnet, series and shunt excited dc motors when powered by solar cell arrays for two cases: with and without MPPT's. Defining a motor torque magnification by the ratio of the motor torque with an MPPT to the motor torque without an MPPT, a magnification of 3 was obtained for the permanent magnet motor and a magnification of 7 for both the series and shunt motors. The effect of the variation of solar insolation on the motor starting torque was covered. All motor types are less sensitive to insolation variation in systems including MPPT's as compared to systems with MPPT's. The analysis of this paper will assist the PV system designed to determine whether or not to include an MPPT in the system for a specific motor type.

  11. Six-axis force–torque sensor with a large range for biomechanical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >Brookhuis, R A; + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >Droogendijk, H; + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >De Boer, M J; + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >Sanders, R G P; + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >Lammerink, T S J; + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >Wiegerink, R J; + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" data-affiliation=" (MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands))" >Krijnen, G J M


    A silicon six-axis force–torque sensor is designed and realized to be used for measurement of the power transfer between the human body and the environment. Capacitive read-out is used to detect all axial force components and all torque components simultaneously. Small electrode gaps in combination with mechanical amplification by the sensor structure result in a high sensitivity. The miniature sensor has a wide force range of up to 50 N in normal direction, 10 N in shear direction and 25 N mm of maximum torque around each axis. (paper)

  12. Mitos e Lendas como contributo para a diferenciação da Experiência Turística – o caso dos Túneis do Palácio Nacional de Mafra, Portugal

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    Andreia Sofia Costa Morgado


    Full Text Available Desmitificar os Túneis do Palácio Nacional de Mafra, Portugal, perspetivando novas formas de diferenciação de uma oferta turística associada a um imaginário de exotismo e mistério, foi o principal propósito do presente trabalho. Os mitos relativos ao Palácio Nacional de Mafra integram a cultura popular mafrense, pelo que se coloca a possibilidade de envolver a comunidade local com base na apropriação simbólica da sua realidade. O pressuposto do envolvimento comunitário local foi equacionado nos inquéritos realizados junto da comunidade local e, assim, as ofertas turísticas alternativas assumem-se como uma oportunidade de diferenciação da Experiência Turística em Mafra.

  13. Reactor-relevant quiescent H-mode operation using torque from non-axisymmetric, non-resonant magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burrell, K. H.; Garofalo, A. M; Osborne, T. H.; Schaffer, M. J.; Snyder, P. B.; Solomon, W. M.; Park, J.-K.; Fenstermacher, M. E.


    Results from recent experiments demonstrate that quiescent H-mode (QH-mode) sustained by magnetic torque from non-axisymmetric magnetic fields is a promising operating mode for future burning plasmas. Using magnetic torque from n=3 fields to replace counter-I p torque from neutral beam injection (NBI), we have achieved long duration, counter-rotating QH-mode operation with NBI torque ranging from counter-I p to up to co-I p values of 1-1.3 Nm. This co-I p torque is 3 to 4 times the scaled torque that ITER will have. These experiments utilized an ITER-relevant lower single-null plasma shape and were done with ITER-relevant values of ν ped * and β N ped . These discharges exhibited confinement quality H 98y2 =1.3, in the range required for ITER. In preliminary experiments using n=3 fields only from a coil outside the toroidal coil, QH-mode plasmas with low q 95 =3.4 have reached fusion gain values of G=β N H 89 /q 95 2 =0.4, which is the desired value for ITER. Shots with the same coil configuration also operated with net zero NBI torque. The limits on G and co-I p torque have not yet been established for this coil configuration. QH-mode work to has made significant contact with theory. The importance of edge rotational shear is consistent with peeling-ballooning mode theory. Qualitative and quantitative agreements with the predicted neoclassical toroidal viscosity torque is seen.

  14. Resposta espectral de solos em razão do ângulo de visada, da umidade e da rugosidade superficial

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    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as variações do fator de refletância bidirecional (FRB de três séries de solo (McAllister, Stronghold e Epitaph da microbacia experimental de Walnut Gulch (Arizona, EUA em razão do ângulo de visada, da rugosidade superficial e do teor de umidade. Foram consideradas as faixas espectrais do visível e do infravermelho próximo e médio presentes no sensor TM, e os resultados foram expressos em termos de FRB em relação à resposta no Nadir (FRB relativo. O anisotropismo variou de solo para solo e foi maior nas menores faixas espectrais, nos ângulos de visada maiores localizados na direção do retroespalhamento, nos ângulos solar-zenitais maiores, e na condição de solo seco. No solo Epitaph (único solo submetido ao estudo de rugosidade o anisotropismo foi também maior na superfície mais rugosa. Entretanto, uma melhor diferenciação entre as superfícies lisa e rugosa do solo Epitaph foi obtida na direção do espalhamento da energia refletida. Diferenças na escala e nos métodos de obtenção dos dados são apontadas como causas do realce do comportamento anisotrópico dos dados obtidos em condições de laboratório, em comparação com os dados de campo.

  15. Review of an emerging research field 'spin-orbit torques'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurebayashi, Hidekazu


    This Review will provide a landscape of the recent development of one of spintronics sub-fields, so-called 'spin orbit torques'. This new class of spin torques, arising from the relativistic spin-orbit interaction in solid states, has gained a great deal of academic interest from relevant scientists and technologists. (author)

  16. A comparison of maximal torque levels of the different planes of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It is often assumed that because different sports require specific skills, the torque levels differ from sport to sport. The purpose of this study was to establish whether there were significant differences in the maximal torque levels of the different planes of movement of the shoulder-girdle complex for different types of sport.

  17. Gravitational torque frequency analysis for the Einstein elevator experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ashenberg, Joshua [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), Cambridge, MA (United States); Lorenzini, Enrico C [University of Padova, Padua (Italy)


    Testing the principle of equivalence with a differential acceleration detector that spins while free falling requires a reliable extraction of a very small violation signal from the noise in the output signal frequency spectrum. The experiment is designed such that the violation signal is modulated by the spin of the test bodies. The possible violation signal is mixed with the intrinsic white noise of the detector and the colored noise associated with the modulation of gravitational perturbations, through the spin, and inertial-motion-related noise. In order to avoid false alarms the frequencies of the gravitational disturbances and the violation signal must be separate. This paper presents a model for the perturbative gravitational torque that affects the measurement. The torque is expanded in an asymptotic series to the fourth order and then expressed as a frequency spectrum. A spectral analysis shows the design conditions for frequency separation between the perturbing torque and the violation signal.

  18. Questões éticas da pesquisa em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento

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    Patrícia Alvarenga

    Full Text Available A pesquisa em Psicologia do desenvolvimento impõe aos pesquisadores desafios e dilemas éticos peculiares, especialmente em se tratando de investigações que envolvem crianças e adolescentes. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de apresentar e discutir algumas dessas questões éticas, como a obtenção do Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, o encaminhamento dos participantes para tratamento e a devolução de avaliações, o uso de instrumentos que não foram validados, os dilemas relativos à sexualidade e saúde de adolescentes e as questões éticas referentes à realização de estudos de caso. Os questionamentos e as reflexões propostos basearam-se, essencialmente, na prática de pesquisa dos próprios autores, em grande parte respaldada pela legislação brasileira e pela literatura sobre ética da pesquisa com seres humanos e da pesquisa em Psicologia. Contudo, constatou-se a existência de várias lacunas na literatura sobre o tema, que indicam a necessidade de aprofundamento do debate sobre a ética na pesquisa em Psicologia do desenvolvimento.

  19. Genetic Analysis of Relative Cell Injury Percentage and Some Yield Contributing Traits in Wheat Under Nomral and Heat Stress Conditions Análisis Genético del Porcentaje Relativo de Daño celular y algún Rasgo que Contribuye al Rendimiento en Trigo bajo Condiciones Normales y de Estrés Térmico

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    Jehanzeb Farooq


    Full Text Available Several wheat genotypes were screened against heat stress. Seven wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cultivars obtained after screening against heat classified as tolerant, moderately tolerant, and susceptible to heat stress, were mated in a complete diallel mating system to study the inheritance pattern of relative cell injury percentage (cell injury % and some yield contributing parameters under normal and heat stress conditions. Significant genotypic differences were found (P Varios genotipos de trigo se discriminaron para estrés térmico. De ellos siete cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. incluyendo tolerantes, moderadamente tolerantes, y susceptibles a estrés térmico obtenidos después de discriminar con calor se aparearon en un sistema de apareamiento de dialelo completo para estudiar el patrón de heredabilidad del porcentaje de daño celular relativo (daño celular % y algunos parámetros que contribuyen al rendimiento bajo condiciones normales o de estrés térmico. Se encontraron diferencias genotípicas significativas (P < 0.01 para todos los rasgos estudiados bajo ambas condiciones. Pruebas de ajuste revelaron adecuación parcial para rasgos como días a espigadura y días a madurez en ambas condiciones pero mostraron suficiencia completa para área hoja bandera y daño celular % en ambas condiciones. El modelo para producción de grano por planta y biomasa por planta fue completamente suficiente bajo condiciones normales y completamente adecuado en estrés. El componente aditivo de variación genotípica (D fue significativo para todos los rasgos estudiados y más que los componentes de dominancia H1 y H2. Los valores de la proporción de genes con efectos positivos y negativos en los progenitores (H2/4H1 demostraron distribución desigual de genes dominantes en los progenitores para casi todos los rasgos excepto área de hoja bandera, producción de grano, y daño celular % en ambas condiciones. Se encontraron estimaciones

  20. Validação de um Sistema Robotizado Recém Desenvolvido para a Soldagem pelo Processo Friction Stir Welding por meio da União e Caracterização de Juntas da Liga de Alumínio 5052 H34

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    Bruno Silva Cota


    Full Text Available Resumo Este projeto trata da validação de um sistema recém desenvolvido para a soldagem pelo processo friction stir welding, que foi adaptado a um robô antropomórfico com capacidade de 500 kg e seis graus de liberdade. Para garantir que o sistema projetado é capaz de soldar materiais pelo processo FSW, ou seja, garantir que possui rigidez, resistência e torque suficientes para realizar a operação de soldagem, faz-se necessário realizar a validação do mesmo. Para tanto, foi necessário soldar um material conhecido, com parâmetros já estabelecidos, e utilizar uma ferramenta apropriadamente dimensionada. Dessa forma, escolheu-se a liga 5052 H43 de 3 mm de espessura, usada na produção de navios, embarcações e estruturas automotivas. Para a soldagem das juntas finais foi usada uma ferramenta fabricada em AISI H13, com pino cônico liso e diâmetro do ombro de 18 mm. A velocidade rotacional da ferramenta foi mantida constante em 378 rpm, e a velocidade de avanço em 7,5 mm/min, sendo a inclinação da ferramenta de 2°. Verificou-se após os ensaios que o sistema de soldagem projetado se mostrou eficaz em aplicações de soldagem FSW, apresentando torque e resistência mecânica suficientes para a união de materiais com baixo ponto de fusão. Por meio dos parâmetros utilizados, bem como da geometria da ferramenta, foi possível obter juntas da liga de alumínio 5052 H34 soldadas com: bom aspecto superficial, baixos valores de rebarba, ausência de sulcos ou vazios ao longo da linha de soldagem e com penetração total.

  1. O GPS e a velocidade constante da luz

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    Paul Marmet


    Full Text Available As transformações de Lorentz e a relatividade especial são incapazes de fornecer uma explicação física realística do comportamento da matéria e da luz. Mostraremos aqui que todos esses fenômenos podem ser explicados usando-se a física de Newton e a conservação da massa-energia, sem apelar para a contração espacial ou a dilatação do tempo. Sabemos que o princípio de conservação da massa-energia requer que os relógios funcionem mais devagar em um referencial móvel, e que os corpos físicos tornam-se maiores devido ao acréscimo do raio de Bohr. Estes resultados nos permitem levantar a seguinte questão: A luz viaja com respeito a quê? Por exemplo, quando nos distanciamos a uma velocidade v de uma fonte emissora de luz, que, por sua vez, se desloca com velocidade c, o movimento relativo da radiação é dado por um deslocamento Doppler. Como podemos explicar logicamente que estes fótons parecem chegar até nós a uma velocidade c e não a uma velocidade (c – v? A explicação convencional remete à relatividade especial, mas isto implica em uma esotérica distorção espaço-temporal, que não é compatível com a lógica. Este artigo fornece uma explicação física de como a velocidade da luz é realmente (c – v com respeito ao observador, mesmo se as ferramentas do observador sempre meçam a velocidade representada pelo número c. Explicamos como este problema é crucial no Global Positioning System (GPS – Sistema de Posicionamento Global e na sincronização dos relógios. As transformações de Lorentz tornam-se desnecessárias. Esta aparente constância da velocidade da luz com respeito a um referencial móvel é a mais fascinante ilusão na ciência.

  2. Quadriceps rate of torque development and disability in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. (United States)

    Davis, Hope C; Troy Blackburn, J; Ryan, Eric D; Luc-Harkey, Brittney A; Harkey, Matthew S; Padua, Darin A; Pietrosimone, Brian


    The purpose of this study was to determine associations between self-reported function (International Knee Documentation Committee Index), isometric quadriceps strength and rate of torque development in individuals with a unilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Forty-one individuals [31% male, BMI mean 25 (SD 4) kg/m 2 , months post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction mean 49 (SD 40)] completed the self-reported function and isometric quadriceps function testing. Rate of torque development was assessed at 0-100ms (early), 100-200ms (late) ms, and peak following the onset of contraction. Associations were examined between rate of torque development, strength, and self-reported function. Linear regression was used to determine the unique amount of variance explained by the combination of rate of torque development and strength. Higher rate of torque development 100-200ms is weakly associated with higher self-reported function in individuals with a unilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (r=0.274, p=0.091); however, rate of torque development 100-200ms does not predict a significant amount of variance in self-reported function after accounting for strength (ΔR 2 =0.003, P=0.721). Quadriceps strength has a greater influence on self-reported function compared to rate of torque development in individuals with an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with time from surgery. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Paul Worsfold


    Full Text Available The aim was to determine the rotational torque occurring at the shoe-natural grass interface during golf swing performance with different clubs, and to determine the influence of handicap and golf shoe design. Twenty-four golfers (8 low 0-7; 8 medium 8-14; and 8 high 15+ performed 5 shots with a driver, 3-iron and 7-iron when 3 shoes were worn: a modern 8 mm metal 7-spike shoe, an alternative 7-spike shoe and a flat soled shoe. Torque was measured at the front and back foot by grass covered force platforms in an outdoor field. Torque at the shoe- natural turf interface was similar at the front foot when using a driver, 3-iron and 7-iron with maximum mean torque (Tzmax 17-19 Nm and torque generation in the entire backswing and downswing approximately 40 Nm. At the back foot, torque was less than at the front foot when using the driver, 3-iron and 7-iron. At the back foot Tzmax was 6-7 Nm, and torque generation was 10-16 Nm, with a trend for greater torque generation when using the driver rather than the irons. The metal spike shoe allowed significantly more back foot torque generation when using a driver than a flat- soled shoe (p 0.05, although back foot mean torques generated tended to be greater for the metal spike shoe. The golf shot outcomes were similar for low, medium and high handicappers in both metal and alternative spike shoes (metal: 87%; 76%; 54%; alternative: 85%; 74%; 54% respectively. The better, low handicap golfers generated significantly more back foot torque (metal spike: 18.2 Nm; alternative: 15.8 Nm; p < 0.05 when using a driver. Further research should consider back foot shoe-grass interface demands during driver usage by low handicap and lighter body-weight golfers

  4. Autopercepcao da saude bucal entre adultos na regiao Nordeste do Brasil

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    Edivania Barbosa do Vale


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a autopercepção da saúde bucal por adultos e variáveis associadas. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado com os dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal SBBrasil 2010 relativos a 2.456 adultos de 35 a 44 anos da região Nordeste. A variável dependente foi a autopercepção da saúde bucal. As variáveis independentes foram agrupadas em: demográficas, predisposição/facilitação, condição de saúde bucal e relacionadas à autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento. O teste de Rao e Scott foi utilizado para avaliar a associação entre essas variáveis. O efeito das variáveis independentes sobre o desfecho foi avaliado pelo modelo de regressão logística multinominal segundo modelo hierarquizado, em duas etapas: análise simples e análise múltipla hierarquizada. RESULTADOS: A autopercepção positiva da saúde bucal foi observada em 37% dos participantes. No modelo final, as características diretamente associadas a essa autopercepção foram: ser branco, ter renda familiar superior a R$ 500,00, possuir número de bens acima da mediana, ter maior número de dentes hígidos, não apresentar sangramento, não necessitar de prótese, Oral Impacts on Daily Performances = 0, não necessitar de tratamento e ter ido ao dentista há menos de três anos. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram que a autopercepção da saúde bucal dos adultos residentes no Nordeste brasileiro está diretamente associada a uma estrutura multidimensional de fatores. As baixas condições econômicas associadas às condições clínicas deficientes dessa população causam grande impacto na sua autopercepção da saúde bucal.

  5. Mudanças no padrão de alimentação da população urbana brasileira (1962-1988 Changing diet patterns in Brazil (1962-1988

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    Lenise Mondini


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento do padrão alimentar da população urbana brasileira ao longo das três últimas décadas. As fontes de dados foram duas pesquisas nacionais de orçamentos familiares realizadas no início da década de 60 (1961-63 e no final da década de 80 (1987-88 e um inquérito nacional sobre consumo alimentar realizado em meados da década de 70 (1974-75, restringindo-se a análise a sete áreas metropolitanas estudadas em comum pelas três pesquisas. O padrão alimentar foi caracterizado a partir da participação relativa de diferentes alimentos na dieta e do consumo relativo de nutrientes específicos. As mudanças principais mostraram-se semelhantes nas regiões Nordeste e Sudeste e envolveram: 1 redução no consumo relativo de cereais, feijão, raízes e tubérculos; 2 substituição de banha, toucinho e manteiga por óleos e margarinas; e 3 aumento no consumo relativo de leite e derivados e ovos. Essas mudanças deterninaram diminuição na participação relativa de carboidratos na dieta e aumento na participação de lipídios. A proporção total de proteínas manteve-se estável entre as pesquisas (ao redor de 12%, crescendo, entretanto, a participação específica de proteínas de origem animal na dieta. Situação inversa foi observada com os lipídios, registrando-se aumento da fração correspondente aos lipídios de origem vegetal, o que levou ao predomínio dos ácidos graxos poli-insaturados sobre os saturados e à redução do consumo relativo de colesterol. As implicações das mudanças no padrão alimentar da população urbana do país são discutidas à luz de recomendações dietéticas enunciadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde.Contemporary changes in food consumption patterns in urban areas of Brazil are described. The main data sources are two national food expenditure surveys undertaken in the early 60's and late 80's (1961-62 and 1987-88 and one national food intake survey

  6. Spin–transfer torque oscillator in magnetic tunneling junction with short–wavelength magnon excitation

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    Shizhu Qiao


    Full Text Available Bloch–Bloembergen–Slonczewski (BBS equation is established by extending Bloch–Bloembergen equation, and it is used to study magnetization oscillation in the free magnetic layer of a magnetic tunneling junction. Since both short–wavelength magnon excitation and spin–transfer torque are taken into account in the BBS equation, it is distinguished from Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert–Slonczewski equation. The macro–spin BBS model predicts that the transverse relaxation time in free magnetic layer should be long enough, as compared with the longitudinal relaxation time, to achieve stable magnetization oscillation for spin–transfer torque oscillator application. Moreover, field–like torque favors the tolerance of fast transverse relaxation, which makes magnetic tunneling junction a better choice than spin valve for the spin–transfer torque oscillator application.

  7. Torque teno virus: an improved indicator for viral pathogens in drinking waters. (United States)

    Griffin, Jennifer S; Plummer, Jeanine D; Long, Sharon C


    Currently applied indicator organism systems, such as coliforms, are not fully protective of public health from enteric viruses in water sources. Waterborne disease outbreaks have occurred in systems that tested negative for coliforms, and positive coliform results do not necessarily correlate with viral risk. It is widely recognized that bacterial indicators do not co-occur exclusively with infectious viruses, nor do they respond in the same manner to environmental or engineered stressors. Thus, a more appropriate indicator of health risks from infectious enteric viruses is needed. Torque teno virus is a small, non-enveloped DNA virus that likely exhibits similar transport characteristics to pathogenic enteric viruses. Torque teno virus is unique among enteric viral pathogens in that it appears to be ubiquitous in humans, elicits seemingly innocuous infections, and does not exhibit seasonal fluctuations or epidemic spikes. Torque teno virus is transmitted primarily via the fecal-oral route and can be assayed using rapid molecular techniques. We hypothesize that Torque teno virus is a more appropriate indicator of viral pathogens in drinking waters than currently used indicator systems based solely on bacteria. To test the hypothesis, a multi-phased research approach is needed. First, a reliable Torque teno virus assay must be developed. A rapid, sensitive, and specific PCR method using established nested primer sets would be most appropriate for routine monitoring of waters. Because PCR detects both infectious and inactivated virus, an in vitro method to assess infectivity also is needed. The density and occurrence of Torque teno virus in feces, wastewater, and source waters must be established to define spatial and temporal stability of this potential indicator. Finally, Torque teno virus behavior through drinking water treatment plants must be determined with co-assessment of traditional indicators and enteric viral pathogens to assess whether correlations exist

  8. Air brake-dynamometer accurately measures torque (United States)


    Air brake-dynamometer assembly combines the principles of the air turbine and the air pump to apply braking torque. The assembly absorbs and measures power outputs of rotating machinery over a wide range of shaft speeds. It can also be used as an air turbine.

  9. O estudo da prova calórica em pacientes idoso The study of caloric testing in senior patients

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    Débora Cristina de Oliveira Bezerra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: realizar o estudo da prova calórica em pacientes idosos com queixa de tontura, acompanhada ou não de zumbido com finalidade de traçar um perfil dos idosos quanto os sintomas vestibulares. MÉTODOS: fizeram parte da amostra 143 pacientes, com faixa etária variando de 60 a 90 anos de idade; todos realizaram o exame otoneurológico. Foram excluídos pacientes idosos com queixa de desequilíbrio e aqueles que apresentaram a queixa de zumbido desacompanhado da tontura. RESULTADOS: o estudo demonstrou que a normorreflexia, em valores absolutos, encontra-se entre 82,3% a 91,2% e os valores relativos são de 93%. Referente aos dados colhidos na anamnese, o que chamou a atenção, foi que do total de pacientes analisados, encontrou-se a tontura acompanhada de zumbido em 69% dos casos e o elevado uso de medicação em pacientes nesta faixa etária. CONCLUSÃO: na população estudada houve um predomínio da tontura acompanhada de zumbido. Em relação à prova calórica, o trabalho demonstrou a alta prevalência de pacientes com valores absolutos e relativos normais.PURPOSE: to accomplish the study of caloric testing in senior patients with dizziness, accompanied or not of with buzzing. METHODS: 143 patients were analyzed with age varying from 60 to 90 years; all of them did an otoneurologic evaluation. Senior patients with unbalance complaints and with buzzing unaccompanied with dizziness were excluded from this study. RESULTS: 82.3% to 91.2% of the patients obtained normoreflexia in absolute values and over 93% obtained normal results in relative values. Referring to the data obtained in the anamnesis, what got attention was 69% of dizziness accompanied with buzzing. And the high medication of the patients in this age group. CONCLUSION: there was a prevalence of dizziness accompanied with buzzing in the studied population. Concerning the caloric testing, the study demonstrated the high prevalence of patients with normal absolute and

  10. Stability analysis of perpendicular magnetic trilayers with a field-like spin torque

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Ri-Xing; Zhao, Jing-Li; He, Peng-Bin; Gu, Guan-Nan; Li, Zai-Dong; Pan, An-Lian; Liu, Quan-Hui


    We have analytically studied the magnetization dynamics in magnetic trilayers with perpendicular anisotropy for both free and pinned layers. By linear stability analysis, we obtain the phase diagram parameterized by the current, magnetic field and relative strength of the field-like spin torque to Slonczewski torque. Under the control of the current and external magnetic field, several magnetic states, such as quasi-parallel and quasi-antiparallel stable states, out-of-plane precession, and bistable states can be realized. The precession frequency can be expressed as a function of the current and external magnetic field. In addition, the presence of field-like spin torque can change the switching current and precession frequency. - Highlights: ► The phase diagram is obtained by linear stability analysis. ► The precession frequency can be controlled by the current and magnetic field. ► Field-like spin torque can change instability current and precession frequency.

  11. Estudo Sobre a Decomposição dos Determinantes da Variação da Pobreza nos Estados Brasileiros no Período 2001 a 2012

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    Janaina Cabral da Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo: Fundamentando-se nas teorias que procuram relacionar pobreza, desigualdade, crescimento econômico e bem-estar, o objetivo central deste estudo é decompor a variação da pobreza, baseando-se nos seguintes fatores: efeito tendência, efeito crescimento, efeito desigualdade e efeito residual em relação aos estados brasileiros, entre 2001 e 2012. Para tanto, parte-se da estimação de um modelo estatístico com dados em painel, com utilização das seguintes variáveis: pobreza, renda familiar per capita e o índice de Gini, extraídas da PNAD. Em relação ao modelo adotado, é válido destacar que o efeito tendência é uma distinção, uma vez que não foi ainda utilizada em decomposições para área rural, mas apenas para zona urbana. Quanto ao aspecto relativo à redução de pobreza, os resultados encontrados indicam que, na maior parte dos estados, o efeito crescimento se sobressaiu em relação aos demais no período analisado. Não obstante, o efeito distribuição também teve sua importância nesse processo, seguido do efeito tendência. Porém, o efeito residual foi de pouca relevância.

  12. A deformação espacial para uma conceção do lugar: a memória como uma narrativa de movimento


    Martins, Ricardo Nogueira


    Dissertação de mestrado em Geografia Partindo da noção de “deformação espacial” este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um projecto de investigação que assenta num quadro teórico cuja problemática se organiza em torno da memória como narrativa de movimento com base num corpo traumatizado que opera uma geografia particular. A discussão constrói-se assente em três eixos estratégicos: um primeiro relativo à locação da emoção por via do corpo e do lugar; um segundo relativo à r...

  13. Torque Ripple Minimization and Performance Investigation of an In-Wheel Permanent Magnet Motor

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    A. Mansouri


    Full Text Available Recently, electric vehicle motoring has become a topic of interest, due to the several problems caused by thermal engines such as pollution and high oil prices. Thus, electric motors are increasingly applied in vehicle’ applications and relevant research about these motors and their applications has been performed. Of particular interest are the improvements regarding torque production capability, the minimization of torque ripple and iron losses. The present work deals with the optimum design and the performance investigation of an outer rotor permanent magnet motor for in-wheel electric vehicle application. At first, and in order to find the optimum motor design, a new based particle-swarm multi-objective optimization procedure is applied. Three objective functions are used: efficiency maximization, weight and ripple torque minimization. Secondly, the effects of the permanent magnets segmentation, the stator slots opening, and the separation of adjacent magnets by air are outlined. The aim of the paper is the design of a topology with smooth output torque, low ripple torque, low iron losses and mechanical robustness.

  14. Large Metal Heads and Vitamin E Polyethylene Increase Frictional Torque in Total Hip Arthroplasty. (United States)

    Meneghini, R Michael; Lovro, Luke R; Wallace, Joseph M; Ziemba-Davis, Mary


    Trunnionosis has reemerged in modern total hip arthroplasty for reasons that remain unclear. Bearing frictional torque transmits forces to the modular head-neck interface, which may contribute to taper corrosion. The purpose of this study is to compare frictional torque of modern bearing couples in total hip arthroplasty. Mechanical testing based on in vivo loading conditions was used to measure frictional torque. All bearing couples were lubricated and tested at 1 Hz for more than 2000 cycles. The bearing couples tested included conventional, highly crosslinked (XLPE) and vitamin E polyethylene, CoCr, and ceramic femoral heads and dual-mobility bearings. Statistical analysis was performed using Student t test for single-variable and analysis of variance for multivariant analysis. P ≤ .05 was considered statistically significant. Large CoCr metal heads (≥36 mm) substantially increased frictional torque against XLPE liners (P = .01), a finding not observed in ceramic heads. Vitamin E polyethylene substantially increased frictional torque compared with XLPE in CoCr and ceramic heads (P = .001), whereas a difference between conventional and XLPE was not observed (P = .69) with the numbers available. Dual-mobility bearing with ceramic inner head demonstrated the lowest mean frictional torque of all bearing couples. In this simulated in vivo model, large-diameter CoCr femoral heads and vitamin E polyethylene liners are associated with increased frictional torque compared with smaller metal heads and XLPE, respectively. The increased frictional torque of vitamin E polyethylene and larger-diameter femoral heads should be considered and further studied, along with reported benefits of these modern bearing couples. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Magnetic Circuit & Torque Analysis Of Brushless DC Motor

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    Arif J. Abbas


    Full Text Available       This work is concerned with magnetic and torque analysis of BLDCM and with development of a method of designing BLDCM that have symmetric winding on the rotor .make significant contribution to the rotor inductance position difficult. It is also show that the prediction detent torque can be extremely sensitive to the permanent magnet by altering magnet arc width. Finally, simple lumped models that allow one to predict motor performance and characteristics as a function of main dimension, magnet residual flux density and phase current are developed. These models are used as a basis for an approach to designing BLDCM

  16. Leveraging Disturbance Observer Based Torque Control for Improved Impedance Rendering with Series Elastic Actuators (United States)

    Mehling, Joshua S.; Holley, James; O'Malley, Marcia K.


    The fidelity with which series elastic actuators (SEAs) render desired impedances is important. Numerous approaches to SEA impedance control have been developed under the premise that high-precision actuator torque control is a prerequisite. Indeed, the design of an inner torque compensator has a significant impact on actuator impedance rendering. The disturbance observer (DOB) based torque control implemented in NASA's Valkyrie robot is considered here and a mathematical model of this torque control, cascaded with an outer impedance compensator, is constructed. While previous work has examined the impact a disturbance observer has on torque control performance, little has been done regarding DOBs and impedance rendering accuracy. Both simulation and a series of experiments are used to demonstrate the significant improvements possible in an SEA's ability to render desired dynamic behaviors when utilizing a DOB. Actuator transparency at low impedances is improved, closed loop hysteresis is reduced, and the actuator's dynamic response to both commands and interaction torques more faithfully matches that of the desired model. All of this is achieved by leveraging DOB based control rather than increasing compensator gains, thus making improved SEA impedance control easier to achieve in practice.

  17. Torta de mamona no controle da broca-do-rizoma (Cosmopolites sordidus em bananeira-Terra

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    Leila Cristina Rosa de Lins


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da torta de mamona sobre a infestação por Cosmopolites sordidus e o desenvolvimento de mudas de bananeira cultivar Terra. Avaliaram-se diferentes dosagens da torta de mamona (0 g, 12 g, 15 g, 18 g e 24 g aplicadas a cada dois meses, a partir do plantio em mudas de bananeira dispostas num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições. Avaliou-se a evolução vegetativa das mudas pela altura da planta, pelo diâmetro do pseudocaule e pelo número de folhas verdes. Efetuou-se a infestação das plantas com 25 adultos de C. sordidus em cada muda. Os danos causados foram avaliados por meio da percentagem de galerias no rizoma, número de adultos vivos e mortos, número de larvas e número de pupas. Determinou-se também o efeito dos tratamentos sobre o valor de absorbância relativo ao teor de clorofila nas folhas por meio do uso de um clorofilômetro. Observou-se baixa infestação da broca-do-rizoma nas mudas tratadas com a torta de mamona. O crescimento e a absorbância foram afetados positivamente pela aplicação da torta de mamona. Assim, a torta de mamona reduz a população de C. sordidus nos rizomas de bananeira cv. Terra, favorece o crescimento das plantas e aumenta o valor de absorbância.

  18. Dimensão da malha amostral para caracterização da variabilidade espacial de fósforo e potássio em Latossolo Vermelho

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    Maurício Roberto Cherubin


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a acurácia na caracterização da variabilidade espacial de fósforo e potássio disponíveis no solo, pelo uso de diferentes dimensões de malhas amostrais, bem como a similaridade dos mapas temáticos gerados. O estudo foi conduzido em área de Latossolo Vermelho de 41,96 ha, em Boa Vista das Missões, RS. A amostragem de solo foi realizada na camada de 0,00-0,10 m, tendo-se utilizado sete dimensões de malha amostral: 50x50, 75x75, 100x100, 125x125, 150x150, 175x175 e 200x200 m. Os dados de P e K foram submetidos às análises de estatística descritiva e de geoestatística, e a similaridade dos mapas temáticos gerados foi analisada pelo coeficiente de desvio relativo e pela matriz de correlação de Pearson. A redução da dimensão da malha amostral aumenta a acurácia na caracterização da variabilidade espacial de P e K e, consequentemente, a qualidade das informações geradas por meio dos mapas temáticos. Malhas amostrais ≤100x100 m são recomendadas para planos de amostragem de solo adotados nas áreas de agricultura de precisão no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

  19. Theory comparison and numerical benchmarking on neoclassical toroidal viscosity torque

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Zhirui; Park, Jong-Kyu; Logan, Nikolas; Kim, Kimin; Menard, Jonathan E. [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey 08543 (United States); Liu, Yueqiang [Euratom/CCFE Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom)


    Systematic comparison and numerical benchmarking have been successfully carried out among three different approaches of neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) theory and the corresponding codes: IPEC-PENT is developed based on the combined NTV theory but without geometric simplifications [Park et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 065002 (2009)]; MARS-Q includes smoothly connected NTV formula [Shaing et al., Nucl. Fusion 50, 025022 (2010)] based on Shaing's analytic formulation in various collisionality regimes; MARS-K, originally computing the drift kinetic energy, is upgraded to compute the NTV torque based on the equivalence between drift kinetic energy and NTV torque [J.-K. Park, Phys. Plasma 18, 110702 (2011)]. The derivation and numerical results both indicate that the imaginary part of drift kinetic energy computed by MARS-K is equivalent to the NTV torque in IPEC-PENT. In the benchmark of precession resonance between MARS-Q and MARS-K/IPEC-PENT, the agreement and correlation between the connected NTV formula and the combined NTV theory in different collisionality regimes are shown for the first time. Additionally, both IPEC-PENT and MARS-K indicate the importance of the bounce harmonic resonance which can greatly enhance the NTV torque when E×B drift frequency reaches the bounce resonance condition.

  20. Conhecimentos e práticas de trabalhadoras de creches universitárias relativos às infecções respiratórias agudas na infância Conocimientos y prácticas de trabajadoras de guarderías universitarias relativos a las infecciones respiratorias agudas en la infancia Knowledge and practices of university day care center workers relative to acute respiratory infections in childhood

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    Roberta Cristiane P. Alves


    Full Text Available Dada a elevada freqüência de infecções respiratórias agudas em creches, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar conhecimentos e práticas de trabalhadoras de creches relativos à prevenção, detecção precoce e manejo desses agravos. Mediante quatorze entrevistas estruturadas em duas creches universitárias da cidade de São Paulo, verificou-se que as trabalhadoras: demonstram familiaridade com diversos agravos; apontam febre e respiração ruidosa como sinais de gravidade; consideram poluição e transmissão como principais causas; referem o cuidado com o ambiente como melhor forma de controle; cuidam mantendo observação contínua da criança e intervenções de higiene e conforto e maior cuidado emocional; consideram educação e cuidado interligados no atendimento infantil, manifestando necessidade de maior preparo para cuidar; têm na prática diária a fonte de seus conhecimentos.Dada la elevada frecuencia de infecciones respiratorias agudas en guarderías, el objetivo en este trabajo fue identificar conocimientos y prácticas de trabajadoras de guarderías relativos a la prevención, detección precoz y manejo de esas afecciones. Mediante catorce entrevistas estructuradas en dos guarderías universitarias de la ciudad de São Paulo, se verificó que las trabajadoras: demuestran familiaridad con las diversas afecciones; señalan fiebre y respiración ruidosa como signos de gravedad; consideran a la polución y transmisión como sus principales causas; refieren al cuidado del ambiente como la mejor forma de control; se preocupan con la observación continua del niño y con acciones de higiene, confort y cuidado emocional; consideran que la educación y el cuidado son necesarios para atender a los niños y desean mayor preparación para cuidar; tienen en la práctica diaria la fuente de sus conocimientos.Given the increasing frequency of acute respiratory infections in day care centers, the objective of this work was to identify

  1. Temperature Dependences of Torque Generation and Membrane Voltage in the Bacterial Flagellar Motor (United States)

    Inoue, Yuichi; Baker, Matthew A.B.; Fukuoka, Hajime; Takahashi, Hiroto; Berry, Richard M.; Ishijima, Akihiko


    In their natural habitats bacteria are frequently exposed to sudden changes in temperature that have been shown to affect their swimming. With our believed to be new methods of rapid temperature control for single-molecule microscopy, we measured here the thermal response of the Na+-driven chimeric motor expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Motor torque at low load (0.35 μm bead) increased linearly with temperature, twofold between 15°C and 40°C, and torque at high load (1.0 μm bead) was independent of temperature, as reported for the H+-driven motor. Single cell membrane voltages were measured by fluorescence imaging and these were almost constant (∼120 mV) over the same temperature range. When the motor was heated above 40°C for 1–2 min the torque at high load dropped reversibly, recovering upon cooling below 40°C. This response was repeatable over as many as 10 heating cycles. Both increases and decreases in torque showed stepwise torque changes with unitary size ∼150 pN nm, close to the torque of a single stator at room temperature (∼180 pN nm), indicating that dynamic stator dissociation occurs at high temperature, with rebinding upon cooling. Our results suggest that the temperature-dependent assembly of stators is a general feature of flagellar motors. PMID:24359752

  2. Using GMDH Neural Networks to Model the Power and Torque of a Stirling Engine

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    Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi


    Full Text Available Different variables affect the performance of the Stirling engine and are considered in optimization and designing activities. Among these factors, torque and power have the greatest effect on the robustness of the Stirling engine, so they need to be determined with low uncertainty and high precision. In this article, the distribution of torque and power are determined using experimental data. Specifically, a novel polynomial approach is proposed to specify torque and power, on the basis of previous experimental work. This research addresses the question of whether GMDH (group method of data handling-type neural networks can be utilized to predict the torque and power based on determined parameters.

  3. Comparing of cogging torque reduction methods in permanent magnet machines with fractional slot windings (United States)

    Pristup, A. G.; Toporkov, D. M.


    The results of the investigation of the cogging torque in permanent magnet synchronous machines, which is caused by the stator slotting and the rotor eccentricity, are presented in the paper. A new design of the machine has been developed in the course of the investigation, and the value of the cogging torque in this construction is less considerably compared to other constructions. In contrast to the available methods of the cogging torque reduction, the solution suggested not only decreases the level of the cogging torque but also has negligibly small influence on characteristics of the machine with the rotor eccentricity which is typical of the mass production and long-term usage.

  4. Torque- and Speed Control of a Pitch Regulated Wind Turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rasila, Mika


    Variable speed operated wind turbines has the potential to reduce fatigue loads, compared to fixed speed wind turbines. With pitch controllable rotor blades limitation of the power at high wind speeds is obtained. The thesis describes different controlling aspects concerning wind turbines and how these together can be used to optimize the system's performance. Torque control is used in order to achieve reduction on the mechanical loads on the drive-train for low wind speeds and limitation of power output for high wind speeds. In the high wind speed interval torque control is effective in order to limit the output power if a sufficiently fast pitch actuator is used. In the middle wind speed interval filter utilization can be used to give a reference signal to the controller in order to reduce speed and torque variations.

  5. 42 CFR 84.146 - Method of measuring the power and torque required to operate blowers. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Method of measuring the power and torque required... RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE DEVICES Supplied-Air Respirators § 84.146 Method of measuring the power and torque.... These are used to facilitate timing. To determine the torque or horsepower required to operate the...

  6. A simple overlap angle control strategy for reducing commutation torque ripple in a brushless DC motor drive

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    Chetan K. Lad


    Full Text Available A commutation torque ripple is generated in a brushless DC motor due to a finite time taken for current transfer between outgoing phase and incoming phase due to the phase inductance. The effect of commutation ripple will be more severe for low voltage high current BLDC drives used for automotive applications. Direct Torque Control (DTC techniques are used to reduce the torque ripple. Two phase conduction with six voltage space vectors and three phase conduction with twelve voltage space vectors with DTC are used to reduce the torque ripple. Twelve Step DTC (TSDTC is capable of reducing torque ripple considerably but at the cost of increased inverter and winding losses. In Six Step DTC (SSDTC the torque ripple is higher than that of TSDTC but with reduced winding and inverter losses. In this paper an attempt has been made to strike a balance between torque ripple and losses. A novel Direct Torque Control with twelve voltage space vector with overlap angle control has been proposed. The proposed method is validated through simulation and experimental results.

  7. Equilibria of a charged artificial satellite subject to gravitational and Lorentz torques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Aziz, Yehia A.; Shoaib, Muhammad


    The attitude dynamics of a rigid artificial satellite subject to a gravity gradient and Lorentz torques in a circular orbit are considered. Lorentz torque is developed on the basis of the electrodynamic effects of the Lorentz force acting on the charged satellite's surface. We assume that the satellite is moving in a Low Earth Orbit in the geomagnetic field, which is considered to be a dipole. Our model of torque due to the Lorentz force is developed for an artificial satellite with a general shape, and the nonlinear differential equations of Euler are used to describe its attitude orientation. All equilibrium positions are determined and conditions for their existence are obtained. The numerical results show that the charge q and radius ρ 0 of the center of charge for the satellite provide a certain type of semi-passive control for the attitude of the satellite. The technique for this kind of control would be to increase or decrease the electrostatic screening on the satellite. The results obtained confirm that the change in charge can affect the magnitude of the Lorentz torque, which can also affect control of the satellite. Moreover, the relationship between magnitude of the Lorentz torque and inclination of the orbit is investigated. (research papers)

  8. Equilibria of a charged artificial satellite subject to gravitational and Lorentz torques (United States)

    Abdel-Aziz, Yehia A.; Shoaib, Muhammad


    The attitude dynamics of a rigid artificial satellite subject to a gravity gradient and Lorentz torques in a circular orbit are considered. Lorentz torque is developed on the basis of the electrodynamic effects of the Lorentz force acting on the charged satellite's surface. We assume that the satellite is moving in a Low Earth Orbit in the geomagnetic field, which is considered to be a dipole. Our model of torque due to the Lorentz force is developed for an artificial satellite with a general shape, and the nonlinear differential equations of Euler are used to describe its attitude orientation. All equilibrium positions are determined and conditions for their existence are obtained. The numerical results show that the charge q and radius ρ0 of the center of charge for the satellite provide a certain type of semi-passive control for the attitude of the satellite. The technique for this kind of control would be to increase or decrease the electrostatic screening on the satellite. The results obtained confirm that the change in charge can affect the magnitude of the Lorentz torque, which can also affect control of the satellite. Moreover, the relationship between magnitude of the Lorentz torque and inclination of the orbit is investigated.

  9. Cutting the L3 torque tube

    CERN Multimedia

    Laurent Guiraud


    Workers cut the torque tube, with a plasma-cutting device on the L3 experiment, which closed with the LEP accelerator in 2000. L3 was housed in a huge red solenoid, which will be taken over by the ALICE detector when the new LHC is completed.

  10. Fluxos informacionais para o monitoramento da Convenção dos Direitos da Criança: a atuação da rede NGO Group for CRCInformation follow and the monitoring process of the convention on the rights of child by NGO Group for CRC network

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    Maria Guiomar da Cunha Frota


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que investiga uma rede social internacional denominada NGO Group for CRC. A rede é composta por cerca de noventa organizações não governamentais e foi criada para monitorar a implementação da Convenção dos Direitos da Criança (CRC. A CRC é o principal documento jurídico relativo aos direitos da criança, tendo sido aprovada pela totalidade dos países pertencentes à ONU, com exceção dos EUA. Pretende-se especificamente analisar o fluxo informacional que se estabelece em meio à rede, seus membros e as organizações que a ela se associam. As questões investigadas são as seguintes: 1 Em que medida o fluxo informacional torna-se parte intrínseca da estrutura em rede? 2 Como os fluxos informacionais se configuram e de que modo são apropriados e veiculados pela rede NGO Group for CRC no curso do monitoramento da implementação da Convenção dos Direitos da Criança?This paper presents the research results about the social network NGO Group for CRC which is an articulation of non governmental organizations related to children's rights. This paper analyzes the information flow inside the network, among its members and among the network organizations. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC was approved in 1989 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, being ratified in its totality by the countries members, with the exception of the United States of America. The investigated questions are: 1 How is the role of the information flow in the network structure? 2 How is the information flow configured to support the implementation monitoring process of the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

  11. Muscle Torque and its Relation to Technique, Tactics, Sports Level and Age Group in Judo Contestants (United States)

    Lech, Grzegorz; Chwała, Wiesław; Ambroży, Tadeusz; Sterkowicz, Stanisław


    The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of maximal muscle torques at individual stages of development of athletes and to determine the relationship between muscle torques, fighting methods and the level of sports performance. The activity of 25 judo contestants during judo combats and the effectiveness of actions were evaluated. Maximum muscle torques in flexors/extensors of the body trunk, shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints were measured. The level of significance was set at p≤0.05; for multiple comparisons the Mann-Whitney U test, p≤0.016, was used. Intergroup differences in relative torques in five muscle groups studied (elbow extensors, shoulder flexors, knee flexors, knee extensors, hip flexors) were not significant. In cadets, relative maximum muscle torques in hip extensors correlated with the activity index (Spearman’s r=0.756). In juniors, maximum relative torques in elbow flexors and knee flexors correlated with the activity index (r=0.73 and r=0.76, respectively). The effectiveness of actions correlated with relative maximum torque in elbow extensors (r=0.67). In seniors, the relative maximum muscle torque in shoulder flexors correlated with the activity index during the second part of the combat (r=0.821). PMID:25964820

  12. Muscle torque and its relation to technique, tactics, sports level and age group in judo contestants. (United States)

    Lech, Grzegorz; Chwała, Wiesław; Ambroży, Tadeusz; Sterkowicz, Stanisław


    The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of maximal muscle torques at individual stages of development of athletes and to determine the relationship between muscle torques, fighting methods and the level of sports performance. The activity of 25 judo contestants during judo combats and the effectiveness of actions were evaluated. Maximum muscle torques in flexors/extensors of the body trunk, shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints were measured. The level of significance was set at p≤0.05; for multiple comparisons the Mann-Whitney U test, p≤0.016, was used. Intergroup differences in relative torques in five muscle groups studied (elbow extensors, shoulder flexors, knee flexors, knee extensors, hip flexors) were not significant. In cadets, relative maximum muscle torques in hip extensors correlated with the activity index (Spearman's r=0.756). In juniors, maximum relative torques in elbow flexors and knee flexors correlated with the activity index (r=0.73 and r=0.76, respectively). The effectiveness of actions correlated with relative maximum torque in elbow extensors (r=0.67). In seniors, the relative maximum muscle torque in shoulder flexors correlated with the activity index during the second part of the combat (r=0.821).

  13. Synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through dipolar interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Hao-Hsuan; Wu, Jong-Ching; Horng, Lance; Lee, Ching-Ming; Chang, Ching-Ray; Chang, Jui-Hang


    In an array of spin-torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) that combine a perpendicular polarized fixed layer with strong in-plane anisotropy in the free layers, magnetic dipolar interactions can effectively phase-lock the array, thus further enhancing the power of the output microwave signals. We perform a qualitative analysis of the synchronization of an array based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, with a spin-transfer torque that assumes strong in-plane anisotropy. Finally, we present the numerical results for four coupled STNOs to provide further evidence for the proposed theory

  14. Synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through dipolar interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Hao-Hsuan, E-mail:; Wu, Jong-Ching, E-mail:; Horng, Lance [Department of Physics, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 500, Taiwan (China); Lee, Ching-Ming [Graduate School of Materials Science, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliou, 64002, Taiwan (China); Chang, Ching-Ray, E-mail:; Chang, Jui-Hang [Department of Physics and Center for Quantum Sciences and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan (China)


    In an array of spin-torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) that combine a perpendicular polarized fixed layer with strong in-plane anisotropy in the free layers, magnetic dipolar interactions can effectively phase-lock the array, thus further enhancing the power of the output microwave signals. We perform a qualitative analysis of the synchronization of an array based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, with a spin-transfer torque that assumes strong in-plane anisotropy. Finally, we present the numerical results for four coupled STNOs to provide further evidence for the proposed theory.

  15. Assisted Writing in Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (United States)

    Ganguly, Samiran; Ahmed, Zeeshan; Datta, Supriyo; Marinero, Ernesto E.


    Spin transfer torque driven MRAM devices are now in an advanced state of development, and the importance of reducing the current requirement for writing information is well recognized. Different approaches to assist the writing process have been proposed such as spin orbit torque, spin Hall effect, voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy and thermal excitation. In this work,we report on our comparative study using the Spin-Circuit Approach regarding the total energy, the switching speed and energy-delay products for different assisted writing approaches in STT-MTJ devices using PMA magnets.

  16. A General and Intuitive Approach to Understand and Compare the Torque Production Capability of AC Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Dong; Lu, Kaiyuan; Rasmussen, Peter Omand


    Electromagnetic torque analysis is one of the key issues in the analysis of electric machines. It plays an important role in machine design and control. The common method described in most of the textbooks is to calculate the torque in the machine variables and then transform them to the dq......-frame, through complicated mathematical manipulations. This is a more mathematical approach rather than explaining the physics behind torque production, which even brings a lot of difficulties to specialist. This paper introduces a general and intuitive approach to obtain the dq-frame torque equation of various...... AC machines. In this method, torque equation can be obtained based on the intuitive physical understanding of the mechanism behind torque production. It is then approved to be applicable for general case, including rotor saliency and various types of magnetomotive force sources. As an application...

  17. On-Ground Attitude and Torque Reconstruction tor the Gaia Mission


    Samaan, Malak; Theil, Stephan


    The work presented in this paper concerns the accurate On-Ground Attitude (OGA) reconstruction for the astrometry spacecraft Gaia in the presence of disturbance and control torques acting on the spacecraft. The reconstruction of the expected environmental torques which influence the spacecraft dynamics will be also investigated. The telemetry data from the spacecraft will include the on-board real time attitude which is of order of several arcsec. This raw attitude is the starting point...

  18. Load Torque Compensator for Model Predictive Direct Current Control in High Power PMSM Drive Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Preindl, Matthias; Schaltz, Erik


    The widely used cascade speed and torque controllers have a limited control performance in most high power applications due to the low switching frequency of power electronic converters and the convenience to avoid speed overshoots and oscillations for lifetime considerations. Model Predictive...... Direct Current Control (MPDCC) leads to an increase of torque control performance taking into account the discrete nature of inverters but temporary offsets and poor responses to load torque variations are still issues in speed control. A load torque estimator is proposed in this paper in order...

  19. Análise da prestação de contas de Governo da Administração Pública Municipal sob a ótica da LRF: um estudo do município de Fortaleza de 1998 a 2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rômulo Bernardino Lopes da Costa


    Full Text Available A Prestação de Contas é um ato de grande relevância que o administrador público realiza. É através desse ato que o governante demonstra sua capacidade de governar com ética, responsabilidade e eficiência. O presente artigo aborda os aspectos relativos à Prestação de Contas de Governo realizadas diretamente pelo chefe do Poder Executivo, com o objetivo específico de verificar os impactos que a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal causou na forma como as mesmas são prestadas. Antes da promulgação da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, o principal problema existente consistia-se no fato de que o processo de prestação de contas era baseado em uma série de leis, decretos e instruções normativas que dificultavam uma melhor análise dessas contas. Com relação a metodologia, foi utilizada pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e Estudo de Caso, tendo como principais fontes: livros, documentos obtidos junto ao Tribunal de Contas dos Municípios do Estado do Ceará, bem como diversas outras publicações. Assim, concluiu-se que a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal trouxe uma série de benefícios para a forma como são prestadas as contas de governo, tornando mais exigentes e transparentes os atos e fatos da Administração Pública.

  20. A rationale method for evaluating unscrewing torque values of prosthetic screws in dental implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Miguel Saliba


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Previous studies that evaluated the torque needed for removing dental implant screws have not considered the manner of transfer of the occlusal loads in clinical settings. Instead, the torque used for removal was applied directly to the screw, and most of them omitted the possibility that the hexagon could limit the action of the occlusal load in the loosening of the screws. The present study proposes a method for evaluating the screw removal torque in an anti-rotational device independent way, creating an unscrewing load transfer to the entire assembly, not only to the screw. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty hexagonal abutments without the hexagon in their bases were fixed with a screw to 20 dental implants. They were divided into two groups: Group 1 used titanium screws and Group 2 used titanium screws covered with a solid lubricant. A torque of 32 Ncm was applied to the screw and then a custom-made wrench was used for rotating the abutment counterclockwise, to loosen the screw. A digital torque meter recorded the torque required to loosen the abutment. RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the means of Group 1 (38.62±6.43 Ncm and Group 2 (48.47±5.04 Ncm, with p=0.001. CONCLUSION: This methodology was effective in comparing unscrewing torque values of the implant-abutment junction even with a limited sample size. It confirmed a previously shown significant difference between two types of screws.