
Sample records for tomografia computadorizada tc

  1. Tomografia computadorizada no diagnóstico da otosclerose fenestral

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    Vicente Andy de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os principais achados tomográficos da otosclerose fenestral e avaliar a utilidade da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR, como método diagnóstico dessa osteodistrofia. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo prospectivo multicêntrico com tomografia computadorizada (TC de ossos temporais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 54 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e cirúrgico de otosclerose. Foi realizada uma análise tomográfica, em que foi avaliada a sensibilidade da TC no diagnóstico radiológico da otosclerose fenestral, sendo verificados os principais sítios de lesões dessa doença, como também a sua bilateralidade e simetria. Foram incluídos neste estudo 22 pacientes submetidos à TC de ossos temporais para investigação de outras afecções otológicas, que constituíram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: A TC foi positiva em 87% dos pacientes (77% das orelhas. Os achados tomográficos foram bilaterais na maioria dos casos (78,7%, e o foco fenestral mais prevalente foi o foco anterior à janela oval (FAJO. CONCLUSÕES: A TC apresentou um alto índice de positividade e o FAJO foi o foco mais prevalente nessa população, podendo ser considerado um achado tomográfico altamente sugestivo de otosclerose.

  2. Tomografia computadorizada das patologias acometendo o compartimento iliopsoas

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    Montandon Cristiano


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo revisar as patologias que acometem o compartimento iliopsoas. Foi realizada análise retrospectiva de casos com acometimento do compartimento iliopsoas avaliados por tomografia computadorizada (TC, no Departamento de Radiologia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, nos últimos dez anos, confirmados por biópsia cirúrgica ou percutânea. Os principais diagnósticos encontrados foram neoplasias, abscessos e hematomas. Os achados tomográficos baseiam-se na extensão do acometimento iliopsoas, no grau de atenuação, margens da lesão, presença de gás e/ou calcificações, destruição óssea, infiltração da gordura e acometimento de estruturas abdominais adjacentes. A TC é o método de escolha na avaliação do compartimento iliopsoas, podendo ser utilizada para orientar biópsias percutâneas, cirúrgicas ou drenagem. Porém, os achados isolados do estudo por TC, sem o conhecimento da história clínica, não são específicos para permitir a diferenciação das diversas patologias que acometem o compartimento iliopsoas.

  3. Criptococose pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Silva Ana Carina Gamboa da


    Full Text Available A criptococose pulmonar é uma doença causada pelo Criptococcus neoformans, um fungo unimórfico que possui distribuição mundial, existindo na mesma forma tanto no seu habitat natural quanto em animais e humanos. A doença possui apresentações clínica e patológica variáveis e pode manifestar-se tanto em pacientes com a imunidade normal como em imunocomprometidos, que representam a maioria dos casos. Neste trabalho são analisados os aspectos encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas do tórax de 14 pacientes com criptococose pulmonar confirmada. Os achados mais freqüentes na tomografia do tórax foram as massas e os nódulos pulmonares. Outros aspectos observados foram as áreas de escavação, as consolidações, o espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular e o reticulado difuso. Massa pulmonar foi o achado isolado mais comum (64,2%, seguido dos nódulos isolados ou múltiplos (35,7%. Doença pulmonar difusa foi vista em apenas 14,2% dos casos. Os lobos superiores foram os mais comprometidos, sendo a doença mais comum nas regiões anteriores. A tomografia do tórax permitiu avaliar com precisão o grau de comprometimento do parênquima pulmonar.

  4. Avaliação da reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada no estadiamento da pancreatite aguda Reproducibility in the assessment of acute pancreatitis with computed tomography

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    Edison de Oliveira Freire Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Medir a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada sem e com contraste na avaliação da gravidade da pancreatite aguda. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e um exames de tomografia computadorizada abdominal sem e com contraste de pacientes com pancreatite aguda foram analisados por dois radiologistas (observadores 1 e 2. Calculamos o índice morfológico pela tomografia computadorizada sem e com contraste, separadamente, e o índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada para pancreatite aguda. Medimos a reprodutibilidade intra- e interobservador da tomografia computadorizada através do índice kappa (kapa. RESULTADOS: Para a concordância interobservador obtivemos kapa de 0,666, 0,705, 0,648, 0,547 e 0,631 para índice morfológico sem e com contraste, presença de necrose pancreática, extensão da necrose pancreática e índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada, respectivamente. Para a concordância intra-observador dos observadores 1 e 2 obtivemos, respectivamente, kapa de 0,796 e 0,732 para o índice morfológico sem contraste; 0,725 e 0,802 para o índice morfológico com contraste; 0,674 e 0,849 para a presença de necrose pancreática; 0,606 e 0,770 para a extensão da necrose pancreática; e 0,801 e 0,687 para o índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada. CONCLUSÃO: O estadiamento da pancreatite aguda pela tomografia computadorizada por meio do índice morfológico e do índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada é um método bastante reprodutível. O não-uso do contraste não afeta a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada para o cálculo do índice morfológico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reproducibility of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced computed tomography in the assessment of patients with acute pancreatitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-one unenhanced and contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography studies of patients with acute pancreatitis were blindly reviewed by two

  5. Tomografia computadorizada no seguimento de pacientes com tumores intracranianos

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    Gilberto Machado de Almeida


    Full Text Available A tomografia computadorizada tem grande valor no controle dos pacientes com tumores cerebrais. Imediatamente após o ato cirúrgico pode ser útil para avaliar a retirada do processo expansivo ou para comprovar a área atingida. Nos primeiros dias após a intervenção tem sido indicada principalmente quando há piora do quadro neurológico. Nestas condições, o exame permite verificar a existência de ar, edema, hematoma, desvios ventriculares e hidrocéfalo. Os dados fornecidos são mais precisos que os obtidos com outros exames neuror-radiológicos ou com a medida contínua da pressão intracraniana, métodos menos inócuos. A longo prazo a tomografia permite o diagnóstico precoce de recidivas, a avaliação da eficácia de tratamentos radio ou quimioterápicos e o controle do hidrocéfalo. Ainda não é possível fazer o diagnóstico diferencial entre radio-necrose e recidiva tumoral.

  6. Histiocitoma fibroso benigno profundo: achados na tomografia computadorizada e histologia Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma: computed tomography and histology findings

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    Luciano Farage


    Full Text Available Apresentamos imagens de tomografia computadorizada de um paciente de 83 anos de idade com histiocitoma fibroso benigno profundo, na face lateral da perna esquerda, com evolução de longa data. À tomografia computadorizada observamos massa bem delimitada, ovalada, e que apresentava intenso realce periférico com uso do meio de contraste iodado. Este é um tumor de partes moles pouco freqüente e com raros relatos dos seus aspectos de imagem.We present the computed tomography images of an 83-year-old male patient with a deep benign fibrous histiocytoma at the lateral aspect of the left leg. Computed tomography images showed a well-defined mass with marked peripheral enhancement by iodinated contrast medium. Only few reports of this rare soft tissue tumor can be found in the literature.

  7. Tomografia Computadorizada de crânio em perícias criminais: uma grande aliada

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    Márcio Gleidson Ribeiro Dias


    Full Text Available O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão descritiva da literatura sobre as principais vantagens da Tomografia Computadorizada (TC de crânio na área de Criminologia. Para a revisão literária foram utilizados artigos e dissertações recentes publicados entre 2007 e 2016, livros de imagenologia e medicina legal. A partir dos dados obtidos na revisão literária, nós realizamos uma descrição sobre a TC e sua evolução ao longo dos anos, suas vantagens e aplicações em perícias criminais. Destacamos a importância do laudo pericial, a responsabilidade do perito criminal, a fisiopatologia do trauma cranioencefálico e a sua relação com a violência urbana.Entre as vantagens da virtópsia em relação aos métodos tradicionais destacam-se a preservação do corpo, o arquivamento das imagens e a capacidade de identificação de vítimas através de imagens comparativas ante mortem e post mortem. Assim, a TC tem se tornado cada vez mais presente nas investigações criminais como uma tecnologia de baixo custo que é capaz de localizar, quantificar e evidenciar o trajeto de projéteis, auxiliando na identificação de cadáveres e causas da morte.

  8. Mudanças na estrutura do solo avaliada com uso de tomografia computadorizada.


    PIRES, L. F.; BACCHI, O. O. S.


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em escala milimétrica, a modificação da densidade e da porosidade de amostras deformadas de solo submetidas a ciclos de umedecimento e secamento (U-S), por meio da tomografia computadorizada de raios gama. Amostras com 98,1 cm³ foram preparadas procedendo ao peneiramento do solo em malha de 2 mm e acondicionamento de forma homogênea em tubos de PVC. As amostras de solo foram submetidas a um, dois e três ciclos de U-S. As amostras controle não foram subme...

  9. Alterações no planejamento em implantodontia utilizando a tomografia computadorizada volumétrica


    Pedroso, Ludmila Assunção de Mello


    O sucesso da reabilitação sobre implantes depende de um planejamento bem executado. Nesta fase, as características do sítio e as estruturas anatômicas adjacentes são avaliadas por meio do exame clínico e dos exames por imagem. A radiografia panorâmica é amplamente utilizada, mas recomenda-se que uma imagem seccional seja realizada. A tomografia computadorizada volumétrica (TCV) está entre os exames com maior indicação para essa avaliação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verifi...

  10. Tomografia computadorizada em pacientes portadores de neurocisticercose com hipertensão intracraniana por hidrocefalia obstrutiva: comparação com ventriculografia com Dimer-X

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    Benedicto Oscar Colli


    Full Text Available Estudo das alterações observadas nas tomografias computadorizadas (TCs de 16 casos de neurocisticercose, com hipertensão intracraniana por hidrocefalia. Todos os casos foram submetidos a radiografias simples do crânio e 12, à ventriculografia com Dimer-X. Nas radiografias simples foram observados sinais de hipertensão intracraniana em 7, calcificações em um, e d foram normais. A TC mostrou parênquima cerebral normal em 9 casos e nos 7 restantes áreas hipodensas arredondadas de tamanho variado, com ou sem retenção de contraste na periferia, e/ou calcificações esparsas no parenquima. Hidrocefalia foi a única alteração observada no sistema ventricular nos casos em que o exame foi realizado previamente à derivação do LCR. As ventriculografias foram analisadas em trabalho anterior e permitiram localizar e determinar as características da obstrução e a presença de massas ocupando espaço dentro dos ventrículos. A comparação das ventriculografias e TCs realizadas na mesma época evidenciou que a primeira fornece melhores informações sobre o sistema ventricular mas, por outro lado, a tomografia fornece informações adicionais sobre o parênquima cerebral. A TC e a ventriculografia são exames que se completam na avaliação e no diagnóstico destes pacientes.

  11. Computerized tomography findings in Fahr's syndrome Achados da tomografia computadorizada na síndrome de Fahr

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    Andréia V. Faria


    Full Text Available We analyzed computerized tomography (CT findings in six patients with Fahr's syndrome. They presented calcifications in basal ganglia, dentate nucleus, subcortical region and semioval center, due to alteration in calcium metabolism or due to senile relative hypoxemic state. The image pattern was not strictly related with etiology, although some differences in dystrophic senile calcifications (the only one present in semioval center and absent in subcortical region. CT is an easy exam, has maximum sensitivity and allows diagnosis, contributing to early treatment of many etiologies of Fahr's syndrome.Analisamos os achados de tomografia computadorizada (TC de seis pacientes com síndrome de Fahr. Eles apresentaram calcificações nos gânglios da base, núcleo denteado, região subcortical e centro semi-oval, devidas a distúrbios no metabolismo do cálcio ou a estado de hipóxia relativa, por senilidade. O padrão de imagem não apresenta relação clara com a etiologia, apesar de algumas diferenças no caso das calcificações distróficas senis (as únicas presentes nos centros semi-ovais e ausentes na região subcortical. TC é um exame de fácil realização, máxima sensibilidade e permite o diagnóstico, contribuindo para o tratamento precoce de muitas das etiologias da síndrome de Fahr.

  12. Tomografia computadorizada do cranio no diagnostico dos meningiomas: registro de 16 casos

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    James Pitagoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available Os autores se referem à importância do emprego da tomografia computadorizada do crânio para o preciso diagnóstico dos meningiomas. Constam da experiência 16 casos, comprovados cirúrgica e histologicamente. A média de idade foi de 52,1 anos, sendo 10 pacientes do sexo feminino e 6 do masculino. Quanto à localização, 5 eram da cavidade orbitrária e/ou asa do esfenóide, 3 parasagitais, 3 da foice, 2 supra-selares, 2 de convexidade e 1 do tentório. Concluem tratar-se de exame de grande positividade (95-98%, praticamente inócuo e que permite, na atualidade, o diagnóstico precoce conduzindo, consequentemente, a melhores resultados terapêuticos.

  13. Tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética nos oligodendrogliomas: correlação clínica e patológica

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    Simão Marcelo Novelino


    Full Text Available Oligodendrogliomas são neoplasias do tecido neuroepitelial glial originárias de oligodendrócitos. São tumores infreqüentes, responsáveis por cerca de 4% a 7% das neoplasias primárias do cérebro, predominantemente supratentoriais. O presente trabalho consistiu na avaliação dos achados de imagem pré-operatória em tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética e correlação clínica e patológica, levando-se em consideração a presença de tumores puros ou mistos, com componente astrocitário e o seu grau de anaplasia. O aspecto mais freqüente foi o de lesão hipodensa na tomografia computadorizada ou com hipossinal em T1 e hipersinal em T2 na ressonância magnética, podendo ter componente cístico, com pouco edema ao redor, apresentando calcificações, quase sempre grosseiras, em dois terços dos casos. Reforço após contraste ocorre em 80% dos casos, na maioria discreto.

  14. Malária pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução - relato de caso

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    Rodrigues Rosana


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é relatado o caso de paciente do sexo masculino, de 38 anos de idade, que desenvolveu quadro de malária com comprometimento pulmonar. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciou espessamento de septos interlobulares e de bainhas peribroncovasculares, com áreas esparsas de atenuação em vidro fosco e de consolidações, além de derrame pleural bilateral, aspectos compatíveis com edema pulmonar. O paciente recebeu tratamento específico, evoluindo bem e tendo alta 11 dias após a internação.

  15. Tomografia computadorizada no diagnóstico da otosclerose retrofenestral Computed tomography in the diagnosis of retrofenestral otosclerosis

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    Andy de Oliveira Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os principais achados tomográficos da otosclerose retrofenestral. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo multicêntrico com tomografia computadorizada (TC de ossos temporais em 54 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e cirúrgico de otosclerose. Foi realizada uma análise tomográfica, em que foi avaliada a utilidade da TC no diagnóstico radiológico da otosclerose retrofenestral, sendo verificados os principais sítios de lesões dessa doença. Foram incluídos neste estudo 22 pacientes submetidos à TC de ossos temporais para investigação de outras afecções otológicas, que constituíram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: Os achados tomográficos foram bilaterais na maioria dos casos e o foco retrofenestral mais prevalente foi o foco pericoclear. CONCLUSÕES: A TC monstrou-se útil na identificação dos focos retrofenestrais. A evidência tomográfica desses focos juntamente com o envolvimento endosteal da cóclea podem sugerir uma maior atividade da doença.AIM: To identify the main tomographic findings of retrofenestral otosclerosis. METHODS: A prospective and multicentric study using computed tomography (CT of the temporal bone in 54 patients with a clinical and surgical diagnosis of otosclerosis. A tomographic analysis has been performed to evaluate the utility of CT scans in diagnosing retrofenestral otosclerosis, verifying the sites of predilection for otosclerotic lesions. In this study, 22 patients undergone CT scans of temporal bones have been included in order to investigate other otologic diseases and have constituted the control group. RESULTS: The tomographic findings were mostly bilateral and the retrofenestral focus more prevalent was the pericochlear focus. CONCLUSIONS: The CT scan was useful in the identification of the retrofenestral focuses. The evidence of this focuses and the presence of the endosteal involvement of the cochlea can suggest a higher activity of the disease.

  16. Tomografia computadorizada sem contraste intravenoso no abdome agudo: quando e por que usar When and why use unenhanced computed tomography in patients with acute abdomen

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    Edison de Oliveira Freire Filho


    Full Text Available A tomografia computadorizada sem contraste intravenoso tem sido freqüentemente proposta na avaliação inicial de pacientes com suspeita de abdome agudo, ocupando o espaço de outros métodos diagnósticos. Os autores apresentam uma revisão bibliográfica dos principais aspectos e eficácia da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste intravenoso no diagnóstico de apendicite aguda, cólica nefrética, diverticulite, pancreatite aguda, apendicite epiplóica, pneumoperitônio e obstrução intestinal. Discutem quais as vantagens e limitações desta técnica de exame, bem como seus aspectos práticos.The use of unenhanced computed tomography has been frequently recommended for the initial assessment of patients with clinical suspicion of acute abdomen instead of other diagnostic methods. The authors present a review of the literature on the main aspects, advantages, limitations and efficacy of unenhanced computed tomography for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, renal colic, diverticulitis, acute pancreatitis, primary epiploic appendicitis, pneumoperitoneum and small bowel obstruction. The advantages and limitations of this technique are also discussed.

  17. Trauma dos ossos temporais e suas complicações: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Ana Maria Doffémond Costa


    Full Text Available A maioria das fraturas dos ossos temporais resulta de traumas cranianos bruscos, de alta energia, estando muitas vezes relacionadas a outras fraturas cranianas ou a politraumatismo. As fraturas e os deslocamentos da cadeia ossicular, na orelha média, representam umas das principais complicações das injúrias nos ossos temporais e, por isso, serão abordadas de maneira mais profunda neste artigo. Os outros tipos de injúrias englobam as fraturas labirínticas, fístula dural, paralisia facial e extensão da linha de fratura ao canal carotídeo. A tomografia computadorizada tem papel fundamental na avaliação inicial dos pacientes politraumatizados, pois é capaz de identificar injúrias em importantes estruturas que podem causar graves complicações, como perda auditiva de condução ou neurossensorial, tonturas e disfunções do equilíbrio, fístulas perilinfáticas, paralisia do nervo facial, lesões vasculares, entre outras.

  18. Radiograma de tórax e tomografia computadorizada na avaliação do enfisema pulmonar Chest X-ray and computed tomography in the evaluation of pulmonary emphysema

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    Klaus Loureiro Irion


    Full Text Available O enfisema é uma condição do pulmão, caracterizada pelo aumento acima do normal no tamanho dos espaços aéreos distais ao bronquíolo terminal. Atualmente, o enfisema é a quarta causa de morte nos EUA, afetando 14 milhões de pessoas. O presente artigo descreve as principais ferramentas no diagnóstico por imagem do enfisema, desde o início até os dias de hoje. Relata as técnicas tradicionais, como radiograma de tórax, e as evoluções no campo da tomografia computadorizada (TC, como a TC de alta resolução e a densitovolumetria pulmonar por TC tridimensional.Emphysema is a condition of the lung, characterized by the abnormal increase in the size of the airspace distal to the terminal bronchioles. Currently, emphysema is the fourth leading cause of death in the USA, affecting 14 million people. The present article describes the principal tools in the imaging diagnosis of emphysema, from the early days until the present. We describe traditional techniques, such as chest X-ray, together with the evolution of computed tomography (CT to more advanced forms, such as high resolution CT, as well as three-dimensional CT densitometry and volumetric assessment.

  19. Apendicite aguda: achados na tomografia computadorizada - ensaio iconográfico Acute appendicitis: computed tomography findings - an iconographic essay

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    Marcelo Eustáquio Montandon Júnior


    Full Text Available A apendicite aguda é a causa mais comum de dor abdominal aguda que requer intervenção cirúrgica no mundo ocidental. O diagnóstico precoce é essencial para minimizar a morbidade da doença. O uso dos métodos de imagem significou grande avanço no diagnóstico desta entidade, até então avaliada apenas com base na história clínica, exame físico e dados laboratoriais, haja vista que 20% a 33% dos pacientes apresentam sintomas atípicos. O diagnóstico é mais difícil nas crianças, nos idosos e nas mulheres em idade fértil. Os principais métodos de imagem para sua avaliação são a ultra-sonografia e a tomografia computadorizada. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: descrever a fisiopatologia da doença, comentar os principais aspectos técnicos da tomografia computadorizada, demonstrar e ilustrar os achados tomográficos e citar os principais diagnósticos diferenciais.Acute appendicitis is the most important cause of abdominal pain requiring surgical intervention in the Western world. The early diagnosis of this disease is of paramount relevance for minimizing its morbidity. Imaging methods have represented a huge progress in the diagnosis of this entity, which used to be based essentially on clinical history, physical examination and laboratory tests results, considering that 20% to 33% of patients present with atypical symptoms. Diagnostic difficulty is higher in children, the elderly, and women in childbearing age. The main imaging methods for evaluation of acute appendicitis are ultrasound and computed tomography. The present study is aimed at describing the disease physiopathology, commenting main computed tomography technical aspects, demonstrating and illustrating tomographic findings, and describing main differential diagnoses.

  20. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução na avaliação da toxicidade pulmonar por amiodarona High-resolution computed tomography of amiodarone pulmonary toxicity

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    Daniela Peixoto Consídera


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as principais alterações identificadas na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax em pacientes com toxicidade pulmonar pela amiodarona. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas dez tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução de tórax de pacientes com pneumonite pela amiodarona, seis desses pacientes do sexo masculino e quatro do sexo feminino, com idade média de 73,5 anos. RESULTADOS: Os achados tomográficos mais relevantes foram opacidades lineares ou reticulares em seis casos (60%, pequenos nódulos com densidade elevada em seis casos (60%, consolidações densas em três casos (30% e aumento da densidade do parênquima hepático em cinco de oito casos em que havia estudo tomográfico do abdome superior (62,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução é um exame importante na avaliação de pacientes com toxicidade pulmonar pela amiodarona, devendo ser realizada sempre que houver suspeita deste diagnóstico. O achado de espessamento de septos interlobulares associado a lesões com aumento de densidade é altamente sugestivo deste diagnóstico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the main findings of chest high-resolution computed tomography in patients with amiodarone pulmonary toxicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients - six male and four female, average age of 73.5 years - with amiodarone-induced pneumonitis have undergone chest high-resolution computed tomography. RESULTS: The most relevant tomographic findings were linear or reticular opacities in six cases (60%, small high density nodules in six cases (60%, dense consolidations in three cases (30% and increased density in the hepatic parenchyma in five of eight cases in which there was a superior abdomen CT scan (62.5%. CONCLUSION: The high-resolution computed tomography is a valuable non-invasive test for evaluating patients with amiodarone pulmonary toxicity and should always be performed when one suspects of the presence of this

  1. Estimativa dos valores de MSAD em procedimentos de tomografia computadorizada utilizando filmes radiocrômicos

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    Bruno Beraldo Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a viabilidade de filmes radiocrômicos como um dosímetro alternativo para estimativa da dose média em cortes múltiplos a partir dos perfis de kerma. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os filmes foram distribuídos em cilindros posicionados no centro e nas regiões periféricas de um objeto simulador padrão de abdome utilizado para dosimetria em tomografia computadorizada. RESULTADOS: Os valores de dose média em cortes múltiplos calculados foram 13,6 ± 0,7, 13,5 ± 0,7 e 18,7 ± 1,0 mGy para os valores de passo (pitch de 0,75, 1,00 e 1,50, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de os resultados mostrarem valores menores que o nível de referência de radiodiagnóstico de 25 mGy estabelecido pela legislação brasileira para exames de abdome, eles sugerem que há espaço para otimização dos procedimentos e uma revisão do valor para o nível de referência de radiodiagnóstico brasileiro.

  2. Tomografia computadorizada aplicada a estudos de um Planossolo

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    Pedrotti Alceu


    Full Text Available Na busca de técnicas mais apuradas para a determinação e avaliação de parâmetros físicos do solo com aplicabilidade em várzeas, vem se destacando a tomografia computadorizada, por medir a densidade e a umidade com boa sensibilidade e alta resolução espacial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever aspectos e procedimentos da calibração de um minitomógrafo de raios-X e gama para estudo da densidade e umidade de um Planossolo no Rio Grande do Sul, bem como estabelecer parâmetros estatísticos para sua adequada utilização. A calibração do minitomógrafo foi obtida pela regressão linear entre as unidades tomográficas (UT, apresentadas pelo programa de reconstrução de imagem, e os coeficientes de atenuação linear (µl, cm-1, medidos por transmissão direta de raios gama, em amostras dos horizontes A e B do Planossolo, água destilada, benzina e alumínio. Para as medidas de transmissão direta de radiação utilizaram-se recipientes com água destilada, benzina, solo e Al, obtendo-se as seguintes fórmulas para o cálculo da densidade do solo no horizonte A: Ds = [(UT/986,16-(0,200xteta]/0,267; e no horizonte B: Ds = [(UT/986,16-(0,200xteta]/0,297, em que UT é o valor médio de UT em cada linha e teta é a umidade volumétrica da amostra de solo, em m³ m-3. Com as configurações obtidas, verificou-se variabilidade média de 2,74% e 0,73%, respectivamente, em termos de homogeneidade e repetibilidade. Os erros atribuídos ao equipamento são de 0,051 e 0,046 Mg m-3, respectivamente, nos horizontes A e B, revelando precisão e adaptabilidade no emprego da técnica em estudos do Planossolo.

  3. Biópsia percutânea de lesões ósseas guiada por tomografia computadorizada: taxas de definição diagnóstica e complicações

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    Macello Jose Sampaio Maciel


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar taxas de definição diagnóstica e complicações da biópsia percutânea guiada por tomografia computadorizada (TC de lesões ósseas suspeitas de malignidade. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 186 casos de biópsia percutânea guiada por TC de lesões ósseas no período de janeiro de 2010 a dezembro de 2012. Todas as amostras foram obtidas usando agulhas de 8 a 10 gauge. Foram coletados dados demográficos, história de neoplasia maligna prévia, dados relacionados à lesão, ao procedimento e ao resultado histológico. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino (57% e a idade média foi 53,0 ± 16,4 anos. Em 139 casos (74,6% a suspeita diagnóstica era metástase e os tumores primários mais comuns foram de mama (32,1% e próstata (11,8%. Os ossos mais envolvidos foram coluna vertebral (36,0%, bacia (32,8% e ossos longos (18,3%. Houve complicações em apenas três pacientes (1,6%, incluindo uma fratura, um caso de parestesia com comprometimento funcional e uma quebra da agulha necessitando remoção cirúrgica. Amostras de 183 lesões (98,4% foram consideradas adequadas para diagnóstico. Resultados malignos foram mais frequentes nos pacientes com suspeita de lesão secundária e história de neoplasia maligna conhecida (p < 0,001 e nos procedimentos orientados pela PET/CT (p = 0,011. Conclusão: A biópsia percutânea guiada por TC é segura e eficaz no diagnóstico de lesões ósseas suspeitas.

  4. Proposta para padronização do relatório de tomografia computadorizada nos aneurismas da aorta abdominal A proposal for standardizing computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Fabiola Goda Torlai


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um modelo de padronização de relatório para aneurisma da aorta abdominal na tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas, no período de abril a outubro de 2004, entrevistas com integrantes da Disciplina de Cirurgia Vascular da nossa instituição, para elaboração de um modelo de padronização de relatório de tomografia computadorizada para o estudo do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. A partir deste modelo foi elaborado um questionário, enviado a nove outros cirurgiões, todos com experiência em cirurgia da aorta abdominal. O índice de resposta aos questionários foi de 55,5% (5/9. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros de interesse citados mais freqüentemente para a avaliação dos aneurismas de aorta abdominal foram: diâmetro máximo do colo proximal, extensão do colo proximal até a artéria renal mais baixa, forma do colo proximal, diâmetro máximo do aneurisma e diâmetro das artérias ilíacas comuns. Estes dados permitiram elaborar uma proposta de modelo para padronização de relatório na tomografia computadorizada. CONCLUSÃO: Um modelo para a análise tomográfica padronizada do aneurisma de aorta abdominal permite atender às necessidades dos cirurgiões vasculares para acompanhar a evolução e planejar o tratamento destes pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To propose a model to standardize computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Interviews were carried out with members of Vascular Surgery Division of our institution, in the period between April and October 2004, aiming at developing a standardized model of computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. Based on this model, a questionnaire was elaborated and sent to other nine surgeons, all of them experienced in the field of abdominal aortic surgery. The questionnaires response rate was 55.5% (5/9. RESULTS: The most frequently mentioned parameters of interest for evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysms

  5. Achados de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução em pneumonia pelo vírus parainfluenza pós-transplante de medula óssea: relato de caso

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    Emerson L. Gasparetto


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Paciente feminina, de 19 anos, transplantada de medula óssea devido a leucemia mielóide crónica, apresentando tosse seca e coriza no 67.º dia após o procedimento. A radiografia de tórax não evidenciou alterações. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax revelou consolidação subsegmentar na periferia do lobo inferior esquerdo e áreas de redução da atenuação nos terços superior e médio dos pulmões. O lavado broncoalveolar demonstrou pesquisa positiva por imunoflorescência direta para anticorpos anti-vírus parainfluenza. Foi instituído tratamento com ribavirina aerolizada durante 10 dias, havendo melhoria clínico-radiológica do quadro infeccioso.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (6: 485-489 ABSTRACT: Nineteen year-old female patient, who underwent bone marrow transplantation because of chronic myelogenous leukemia, presented with dry cough and coriza sixty-seven days after the procedure. The chest radiograph was normal. The high resolution computed tomography showed a subsegmental air-space consolidation at the periphery of the left inferior lobe and areas of low attenuation at the superior and middle lung zones. The bronchoalveolar lavage demonstrated positive direct fluorescence antibody testing against parainfluenza virus. Treatment with aerolizated ribavirin was instituted during 10 days and the patient showed clinical-radiological improvement.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (6: 485-489 Palavras-chave: Vírus parainfluenza, tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução, transplante de medula óssea, Key-words: Parainfluenza virus, high resolution computed tomography, bone marrow transplantation

  6. Detecção de fraturas radiculares em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico utilizando diferentes parâmetros de exposição e materiais intracanais


    Pinto, Martina Gerlane de Oliveira


    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a detecção de fraturas radiculares (FRs) em imagens de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) utilizando diferentes parâmetros de exposição e analisar a influência da guta- percha, do núcleo metálico fundido e do pino de fibra de vidro no diagnóstico das FRs, assim como a formação de artefatos em TCFC. Cento e sessenta dentes foram selecionados e divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o material de preenchimento (sem guta-percha, com guta-perch...


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    Marchiori Edson


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são descritos os aspectos tomográficos de alta resolução dos linfomas pulmonares e feita correlação com os achados anatomopatológicos. Com este objetivo, foram revisados as tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução do tórax e os dados histopatológicos de dez pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de linfoma não-Hodgkin ou de doença de Hodgkin. Os resultados obtidos foram confrontados com os descritos na literatura. Os achados radiológicos mais comumente vistos neste estudo foram as consolidações parenquimatosas, localizadas, com broncogramas aéreos de permeio (n = 8. Em menor freqüência, foram encontrados múltiplos nódulos parenquimatosos (n = 4, espessamento peribroncovascular (n = 3 e opacidades em vidro fosco (n = 2. Na correlação com a anatomia patológica, as consolidações corresponderam a preenchimento alveolar por células neoplásicas, o espessamento peribroncovascular se deveu a infiltração das bainhas peribroncovasculares por células linfomatosas e a atenuação em vidro fosco se associou com infiltração dos septos alveolares por tais células.

  8. Tomografia computadorizada das células etmoidais intra e extramurais: ensaio iconográfico

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    Fabrício Guimarães Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento dos seios paranasais é um processo intricado que se inicia na vida intrauterina e termina na idade adulta. Dos seios da face, as células etmoidais são provavelmente as estruturas mais complexas e as que estão associadas com o maior número de variantes da normalidade. Variações no padrão de pneumatização das células etmoidais podem ser divididas em intra ou extramurais. Intramurais são aquelas que ao se desenvolverem mantêm contato com o labirinto etmoidal, e extramurais as que se desenvolvem isoladamente. A tomografia computadorizada é a ferramenta mais útil na avaliação de processos inflamatórios dos seios paranasais. De igual modo, ela é importante para o planejamento pré-operatório e controle pós-operatório, pois possibilita grande detalhe anatômico das estruturas normais e detecção precisa de suas variantes. Neste ensaio iconográfico os autores descrevem as principais variantes da normalidade do labirinto etmoidal e suas relações com estruturas adjacentes. Cirurgias endoscópicas para o tratamento de afecções dos seios paranasais têm-se tornado cada vez menos invasivas, o que certamente aumentará a demanda por relatórios de imagem cada vez mais ricos em detalhes desta região.

  9. Nasoangiofibroma juvenil: concordância interobservadores no estadiamento por tomografia computadorizada Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: interobserver agreement in cancer staging using computed tomography

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    Jefferson Luiz Gusso


    Full Text Available Com o advento da tomografia computadorizada, a avaliação dos locais de acometimento e extensão do nasoangiofibroma juvenil tornou-se mais precisa, o que facilitou o correto estadiamento pré-operatório. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a concordância interobservadores, por meio da análise por tomografia computadorizada, de 15 casos de nasoangiofibroma juvenil em relação à extensão para locais relacionados com altos índices de recidivas. Todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 15,8 anos. A análise da concordância entre os observadores quanto à extensão e envolvimento da fossa infratemporal, seios esfenóide e cavernoso e fossa craniana média foi excelente, em relação à fissura orbitária superior foi boa e em relação à base do processo pterigóide e fossa craniana anterior foi ruim. Concluiu-se que a análise apresenta alta concordância entre os observadores para os locais estabelecidos, com exceção da base do processo pterigóide e da fossa craniana anterior.The advent of computed tomography permitted a much more precise evaluation of tumor localization, thus facilitating presurgical staging. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interobserver agreement on the analysis of computed tomography scans of 15 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, regarding assessment of tumor extension to sites of high recurrence rate. All patients were male and had a mean age of 15.8 years. The results of the interobserver agreement analysis regarding tumor invasion and extension to the infratemporal fossa, cavernous sinus, sphenoid sinus and medium cranial fossa were excellent. Identification of involvement of the superior orbital fissure was considered good. Interobserver agreement regarding tumor extension to the base of pterigoid process and anterior cranial fossa was considered poor. We concluded that there is a very good interobserver agreement on the evaluation of the established

  10. Esclerose sistêmica progressiva: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Progressive systemic sclerosis: high-resolution computed tomography findings

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    Emerson L. Gasparetto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de pacientes com esclerose sistêmica pulmonar, independentemente dos sintomas respiratórios. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados 73 exames de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de 44 pacientes com diagnóstico de esclerodermia estabelecido através de critérios clínicos e laboratoriais. Os exames foram revisados por dois radiologistas, que estabeleceram os achados por consenso. RESULTADOS: Em 91,8% (n = 67 dos exames observaram-se alterações. Os principais achados foram lesões de padrão reticular (90,4%, opacidades em vidro-fosco (63%, bronquiectasias e bronquiolectasias de tração (56,2%, dilatação esofagiana (46,6%, faveolamento (28,8% e sinais de hipertensão pulmonar (15,6%. Na maioria dos casos as lesões eram bilaterais (89% e simétricas (58,5%. Quanto à localização, houve predomínio de lesões basais (91,2% e periféricas (92,2%. CONCLUSÃO: A esclerose sistêmica progressiva acarreta fibrose pulmonar na maioria dos pacientes, caracterizada principalmente por lesão reticular basal e periférica.OBJECTIVE: To describe the high-resolution computed tomography findings in the lung of patients with systemic sclerosis, independently of the respiratory symptoms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-three high-resolution computed tomography scans of 44 patients with clinical diagnosis of systemic sclerosis were reviewed and defined by the consensus of two radiologists. RESULTS: Abnormalities were seen in 91.8% (n = 67 of the scans. The most frequent findings were reticular pattern (90.4%, ground-glass opacities (63%, traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis (56.2%, esophageal dilatation (46.6%, honeycombing pattern (28.8% and signs of pulmonary hypertension (15.6%. In most cases the lesions were bilateral (89% and symmetrical (58.5%. The lesions were predominantly located in the basal (91.2% and peripheral (92.2% regions. CONCLUSION: In

  11. Lesões traumáticas do parênquima pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada Traumatic lung lesions: computed tomography findings

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    Alessandro Severo Alves de Melo


    Full Text Available As lesões pulmonares são achados freqüentes no trauma torácico, sendo cada vez mais diagnosticadas pela tomografia computadorizada, em especial pelo rápido tempo de aquisição decorrente da técnica helicoidal, que permite a avaliação de pacientes em estado grave, possibilitando a adoção de conduta terapêutica eficiente. Os autores estudaram 150 pacientes vítimas de trauma torácico submetidos a tomografia computadorizada, que apresentaram lesões pulmonares, representadas por contusões, atelectasias, lacerações e hematomas pulmonares. As contusões pulmonares se caracterizaram por consolidações e atenuação em vidro fosco, sendo as lesões pulmonares mais comuns. As atelectasias foram observadas com os padrões subsegmentar e compressiva, e foram a segunda lesão mais comum. As lacerações se apresentaram como consolidações com ar ou nível líquido no interior. Os hematomas pulmonares representaram a lesão pulmonar mais rara, presentes em apenas cinco casos, caracterizados por opacidades arredondadas. Neste trabalho o trauma torácico fechado predominou, com 120 casos, enquanto o trauma aberto ocorreu em 30 casos. As causas de trauma fechado, em ordem decrescente de freqüência, foram: colisão automobilística, atropelamento, queda de altura, acidente de motocicleta e espancamento. A forma penetrante de traumatismo torácico decorreu de duas causas de agressão: lesão por arma de fogo e lesão por arma branca.Traumatic lesions of the lung are common findings in patients with thoracic trauma. These lesions are increasingly diagnosed using computed tomography, mostly due to the fast acquisition time helical techniques that allow evaluation of critically ill patients and an efficient therapeutic management. The authors studied 150 patients with thoracic trauma submitted to computed tomography that demonstrated lung contusions, atelectasies, lacerations and hematomas. Lung contusions were the most frequent lesions

  12. Avaliação da concordância interobservadores na análise da polipose nasossinusal por meio da tomografia computadorizada Evaluation of the concordance between observers in sinunasal polyposis through computed tomographic analysis

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    Elaine A. Mendes


    Full Text Available Polipose nasossinusal (PNS é uma entidade de etiologia controversa, caracterizada por uma condição inflamatória da superfície mucosa das fossas nasais e seios paranasais, bilateralmente. A queixa principal do paciente consiste na obstrução nasal e, ao exame físico, observam-se freqüentemente massas polipóides ocupando as cavidades nasais em extensões variáveis. Além da rinoscopia anterior e da endoscopia nasal, o uso da tomografia computadorizada (TC torna-se necessário para avaliação das fossas nasais e da presença ou não do acometimento dos seios paranasais por essas massas, bem como a sua extensão. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a concordância interobservadores, por meio da análise da tomografia computadorizada, de 32 casos de PNS. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 32 TC de pacientes portadores PNS por dois observadores experientes, separadamente, em relação à presença ou não de 3 sinais tomográficos sugestivos dessa doença: (1 alargamento infundibular do complexo ostiomeatal, (2 abaulamento lateral da lâmina papirácea e (3 apagamento do trabeculado ósseo etmoidal. RESULTADOS: Observou-se Qui-quadrado não significante para o primeiro e segundo sinais (p=0,7055 e p=0,2057 e significante para o terceiro (p=0,0040. Contudo, o coeficiente de correlação de Kendall entre os dois observadores foi significante para os três sinais tomográficos acima citados (pSinonasal polyposis (SNP is a condition with a controversial aethiology, known by bilaterally inflammatory mucous membranes of nasal and paranasal sinuses. The major patient's complaint is nasal obstruction, and polypoid masses in different sizes can be found during nasal cavity examination. Beyond anterior rhinoscophy and nasal endoscopy, screening sinus computed tomography (SSCT is necessary to measure the size and the extent of the polyps into nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses. The purpose of this

  13. Tomografia computadorizada como método auxiliar no diagnóstico e tratamento de lesões intra-ósseas: caso clínico de odontoma composto = Computed tomography as auxiliary method in the diagnostic and treatment of intra-osseos lesions: a case of compound odontoma

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    Paiano, Grasiela Antunes


    Full Text Available O advento da tomografia computadorizada (TC possibilita de visualização tridimensional, favorece o diagnóstico e proporcionando um tratamento mais preciso em virtude da localização exata da lesão e análise da proximidade com as estruturas anatômicas vitais relacionadas. Contudo o tratamento de lesões ósseas se torna mais segura, reduzindo o risco de lesão a dentes adjacentes e nervos. O Odontoma é considerado o tumor odontogênico que mais comumente acomete os ossos maxilares. A variante composta deste tumor apresenta a característica de muitas estruturas semelhantes a dentes envolvidas por um halo radiolúcido e grande freqüência na região anterior da maxila, porém o diagnóstico deste tumor nas demais localizações dos maxilares é pouco freqüente. Apresenta normalmente crescimento limitado e expande as corticais ósseas, porém sem tendência à recidiva. O tratamento do odontoma consiste na sua excisão cirúrgica. Os autores pretendem relatar a utilização da TC como método auxiliar no diagnóstico e tratamento de um caso de exérese de um odontoma composto na região anterior da mandíbula

  14. Avaliação da concordância interobservador na análise da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste no diagnóstico da urolitíase em pacientes com cólica renal aguda Interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation for diagnosis of urolithiasis in patients with acute flank pain

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    Luís Ronan Marquez Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste na avaliação da litíase ureteral e os sinais secundários de obstrução do sistema coletor em pacientes com cólica renal aguda. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 52 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de cólica renal aguda submetidos a exame de tomografia computadorizada de abdome sem contraste. Os exames foram realizados com técnica helicoidal e posteriormente analisados por três observadores independentes, com a concordância interobservador avaliada pelo método estatístico kappa (kapa. Foram analisados os parâmetros: a presença, localização e mensuração dos cálculos ureterais; b dilatação do sistema coletor intra-renal; c heterogeneidade da gordura perirrenal; d dilatação ureteral; e edema da parede ureteral (sinal do halo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 40 cálculos ureterais na tomografia computadorizada (77%. A concordância interobservador para a identificação do cálculo ureteral e da dilatação ureteral foi quase perfeita (kapa = 0,89 e kapa = 0,87, respectivamente, substancial para dilatação do sistema coletor intra-renal (kapa = 0,77 e moderada para heterogeneidade da gordura perirrenal e para edema da parede ureteral (kapa = 0,55 e kapa = 0,56, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada de abdome sem contraste apresenta elevada reprodutibilidade na avaliação da litíase ureteral e dos sinais secundários de obstrução do sistema coletor.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation by a group of experienced abdominal radiologists, for the study of urolithiasis in patients presenting acute flank pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study of 52 patients submitted to non-contrast enhanced helical computed tomography. The images were subsequently analyzed by three independent observers, with the interobserver agreement assessed by means of the

  15. Complicações pulmonares após uso de crack: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax Pulmonary complications of crack cocaine use: high-resolution computed tomography of the chest

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    Alexandre Mançano


    Full Text Available Relatamos os achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de um paciente que, após uso de cocaína fumada (crack, desenvolveu quadro de hemoptise, dispnéia e dor torácica súbitas. As radiografias de tórax mostravam consolidações predominando em lobos superiores. A tomografia de alta resolução evidenciava opacidades em vidro fosco, consolidações e nódulos do espaço aéreo. Nova tomografia de controle, após suspensão da droga e uso de corticóides, mostrou regressão parcial das lesões e aparecimento de escavações. A correlação entre os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e de imagem permitiu o diagnóstico de "pulmão de crack".Here, we report high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings in a patient who developed sudden hemoptysis, dyspnea and chest pain after smoking crack cocaine. Chest X-rays showed consolidations, primarily in the upper lobes, and HRCT scans showed ground glass attenuation opacities, consolidations and air-space nodules. A follow-up CT, after drug use discontinuation and administration of corticosteroids, showed partial resolution of pulmonary lesions and the appearance of cavitations. Clinical, imaging and laboratory findings led to a diagnosis of 'crack lung'.

  16. Applicability of 3D-CT facial reconstruction for forensic individual identification Aplicabilidade da reconstrução facial em 3D-TC para identificação individual forense

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    Sara dos Santos Rocha


    Full Text Available Computed tomography (CT is used in several clinical dentistry applications even by axial slices and two and three-dimensional reconstructed images (2D-CT and 3D-CT. The purpose of the current study is to assess the precision of linear measurements made in 3D-CT using craniometric patterns for individual identification in Forensic Dentistry. Five cadaver heads were submitted to a spiral computed tomography using axial slices, and 3D-CT reconstructions were obtained by volume rendering technique with computer graphics tools. Ten (10 craniometric measurements were determined in 3D-CT images by two examiners independently, twice each, and the standard error of intra- and inter-examiner measurements was assessed. The results demonstrated a low standard error of those measurements, from 0.85% to 3.09%. In conclusion, the linear measurements obtained in osseous and soft tissue structures were considered to be precise in 3D-CT with high imaging quality and resolution.A tomografia computadorizada (TC tem sido utilizada em diversas áreas clínicas da Odontologia; utilizam-se tanto seus cortes originais quanto as reconstruções em duas e três dimensões (2D-TC e 3D-TC. O presente estudo propõe avaliar a precisão das medidas lineares realizadas na 3D-TC, utilizando a craniometria, para fins de identificação individual na Odontologia Forense. Cinco cabeças de cadáveres foram submetidas a tomografia computadorizada em espiral por meio de cortes axiais e reconstruções em 3D-TC foram obtidas por meio da técnica de volume, utilizando recursos da computação gráfica. Medidas craniométricas (n = 10 foram determinadas nas imagens em 3D-TC por dois examinadores independentemente, duas vezes cada um, e uma análise de erro padrão percentual das medidas intra- e inter-examinadores foi realizada. Os resultados demonstraram um erro padrão percentual baixo apresentado por essas medidas, variando entre 0,85% e 3,09%. Em conclusão, as medidas lineares

  17. Análise de carcinomas epidermóides por meio de radiografia panorâmica e tomografia computadorizada Analysis of squamous cell carcinomas by means of panoramic radiography and computed tomography

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    Amanda Cáceres PEREIRA


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo correlacionar aspectos radiográficos como, localização e extensão do tumor, infiltração óssea e de tecidos moles e destruição das corticais, obtidos nas radiografias panorâmicas com os encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas (TCs. Os aspectos radiográficos de 48 pacientes com diagnóstico histopatológico de carcinomas epidermóides, localizados em várias regiões do complexo buco-maxilo-facial, foram analisados por 4 radiologistas. As radiografias panorâmicas e as tomografias computadorizadas foram realizadas nos hospitais e clínicas da Universidade de Iowa (EUA, FUNDECTO - USP e Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil. Como resultados, obtivemos a grande limitação da radiografia panorâmica em determinar a localização e extensão do tumor, com delimitações bastante imprecisas da lesão. Já as TCs ofereceram resultados mais direcionados como: invasão do tumor em direção a estruturas moles adjacentes, extensão da destruição óssea, bem como a profundidade da lesão, que foram confirmados com os achados cirúrgicos. Concluímos que a tomografia computadorizada demonstrou ser uma técnica bastante sensível na detecção do comprometimento ósseo e do envolvimento de tecidos moles, proporcionando, assim, o auxílio no diagnóstico e no planejamento do tratamento. No entanto, a radiografia panorâmica foi muito pouco sensível e eficaz, por mostrar apenas margens imprecisas e pouco nítidas da lesão, não avaliando o envolvimento de tecidos moles.The purpose of this work was to compare radiographic findings, such as localization and extension of tumors toward the bone and soft tissues, in panoramic radiography and computed tomography (CT. Four radiologists assessed the radiographic findings of 48 patients with the histopathological diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in different sites of the maxillofacial region. Panoramic radiographs and computed

  18. Calcificação nos núcleos da base na tomografia computadorizada: correlação clínica em 25 pacientes consecutivos Basal ganglia calcification on computed tomography: clinical characteristics in 25 patients

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    Glória Maria A.S. Tedrus


    Full Text Available Analisamos os aspectos clínicos de 25 pacientes consecutivos que apresentaram calcificação nos núcleos da base na tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio. Esta ocorreu em 0,68% de todos os exames realizados no período. Vinte e três pacientes apresentavam condições clínicas diversas, a saber: cefaléia em 7 casos, acidente vascular cerebral em 5, síndrome extrapiramidal em 2, processo expansivo cerebral em 2, epilepsia, retardo do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, demência e trauma de crânio em um caso cada ou outras condições neurológicas em 3. Não havia sintomas neurológicos em 2 casos. Em 15 pacientes (60,0% havia, além da calcificação dos núcleos da base, outras alterações na TC. Correlação clínica foi observada apenas com as outras alterações da TC e não com a calcificação dos núcleos da base, corroborando a hipótese de que esta possa ser um achado incidental.Twenty-five patients presenting basal ganglia calcification were assessed. This finding comprised 0.68% of all skull CT scan carried out during the period. Two patients were neurologically asymptomatic and 23 presented a variety neurological disorders - headache (7 patients, stroke (5 patients, extrapyramidal syndromes (2 patients, tumor (2 patients, epilepsy (1 patient, mental retardation (1 patient, dementia (1 patient, cranial trauma (1 patient, other neurological conditions (3 patients - or were asymptomatic from the neurological point of view (2 patients. Findings in the CT scan other than the basal ganglia calcification were observed in 15 (60% patients. There was a clinical-CT scan correlation in these cases but not in those in which the basal ganglia calcification was an isolated finding. This study highlights the fact that basal ganglia calcification is often a nonspecific finding on CT scan and that it may not be possible to establish a clinical-pathological correlation between them.

  19. Tuberculose pulmonar: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax em pacientes com doença em atividade comprovada bacteriologicamente Pulmonary tuberculosis: findings on high resolution computerized tomography of active disease on patients with bacteriological confirmation

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever os achados em pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar em atividade na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução e o padrão de distribuição das lesões pelo parênquima pulmonar. Casuística e método: Foram analisadas retrospectivamente as tomografias de alta resolução de 42 pacientes com diagnóstico bacteriológico de tuberculose pulmonar ou forte suspeita clínica, com posterior confirmação bacteriológica. Resultados: Os principais sinais sugestivos de atividade encontrados foram nódulos do espaço aéreo (83%, nódulos centrolobulares (74%, aspecto de árvore em brotamento (67%, cavitações (67%, espessamento das paredes brônquicas (55%, consolidações (48%, opacidade em vidro fosco (21%, e espessamento do interstício pulmonar (9%. Conclusão: A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax pode sugerir fortemente atividade da doença, sendo particularmente útil nos pacientes com baciloscopias negativas e/ou radiografias indeterminadas, permitindo a instituição de tratamento adequado, antes mesmo do crescimento da micobactéria em meio de cultura.Background: The aim of this study was to describe the signs of active tuberculosis in patients submitted to high resolution computerized tomography and the distribution of lesions along the pulmonary parenchyma. Material and methods: The high resolution CTs performed on 42 patients with tuberculosis either bacteriologically diagnosed or clinical suspected and later confirmed by bacteriological tests were studied. Results: The signs of disease activity observed were airspace nodule (83%, centrilobular nodule (74%, tree-in-bud pattern (67%, cavitations (67%, bronchial thickening (55%, parenchymal consolidations (48%, ground glass opacity (21% and thickening of the inter and intralobular septa (9%. Conclusion: High resolution computed tomography can be strongly suggestive of disease activity, is particularly helpful in patients with negative smear and

  20. Lesões traumáticas do tórax. Aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Alessandro Severo Alves de Melo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O trauma representa, no mundo actual, uma das principais causas de morte, e o acometimento torácico significa um importante agravamento nas vítimas de trauma multi-sistémico. Neste trabalho foram estudados os aspectos tomográficos de 200 pacientes com trauma torácico. As lesões pulmonares predominaram, tendo sido observadas em 192 casos (96%, manifestadas sob a forma de contusões em 178 casos (89%, atelectasias em 41 casos (20,5%, lacerações em 15 casos (7,5% e hematomas em 6 casos (3%. Lesões pleurais foram demonstradas em 140 casos (70%, dos quais em 121 casos (60,5% havia hemotórax e em 84 casos (42% pneumotórax. As lesões mediastínicas estiveram presentes em 28 casos (14%, com pneumomediastino em 18 (9%, hematoma mediastínico em 7 casos (3,5%, hemopericárdio em 4 (2% e lesões da aorta em 3 (1,5%. As lesões diafragmáticas foram observadas em 8 pacientes (4%. O enfisema de partes moles foi demonstrado em 36 casos (18%.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 393-403 ABSTRACT: Trauma is nowadays one of the most common causes of death and traumatic thoracic lesions are important agravant to trauma patients. In this work the aspects of computed tomography from 200 cases of thoracic trauma were studied. Lung lesions predominated, found in 192 cases (96%, manifested as contusions in 178 cases (89%, atelectasis in 41 cases (20,5%, lacerations in 15 cases (7,5% and hematomas in 6 cases (3%. Pleural lesions were showed in 140 cases (70%, among them in 121 cases (60,5% there were hemothorax and in 84 cases (42%, pneumothorax. Mediastinal lesions were observed in 28 cases (14%, with pneumomediastinum in 18 cases (9%, mediastinal hematoma in 7 cases (3,5%, hemopericardium in 4 cases (2% and aortic lesions in 3 cases (1,5%. Diaphragmatic rupture was seen in 8 pacients (4%. Soft tissue emphysema was demonstrated in 36 cases (18%.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 393-403 Palavras-chave: Tórax, tomografia computadorizada, trauma torácico, Key

  1. Prevalence of soft tissue calcifications in cone beam computed tomography images of the mandible = Prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular avaliadas por dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico


    Nunes, Leiliane Ferreira da Silva


    Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular por meio de análise de imagens axiais provenientes de dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC), NewTom 3G® e Classic i-Cat® Método: Foram avaliadas 246 imagens da região mandibular. Destas, 163 foram adquiridas no aparelho NewTom 3G® e 83 no aparelho Classic i-Cat®. A análise estatística foi baseada no teste exato de Fisher e no teste Qui-quadrado para comparação das proporçõe...

  2. Fibrose maciça progressiva em trabalhadores expostos à sílica: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Progressive massive fibrosis in silica-exposed workers: high-resolution computed tomography findings

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    Ângela Santos Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características radiológicas das massas conglomeradas pela tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de tórax. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 75 pacientes silicóticos, a maioria jateadores de areia, portadores de fibrose maciça progressiva, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro entre 1986 e 2004. Os pacientes foram submetidos a avaliação clínica, radiografia simples de tórax e tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução. RESULTADOS: Mais da metade dos pacientes com silicose complicada mostrou na radiografia de tórax grandes opacidades dos tipos B e C, denotando a gravidade da doença nesses pacientes. Dos 75 casos, apenas um apresentou massa unilateral simulando câncer de pulmão. Quarenta e quatro pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax. As massas predominaram nos terços superiores e posteriores (88,6%. Broncograma aéreo e calcificações no interior das massas foram observados em 70,4% e 63,8% dos casos, respectivamente. História de tuberculose foi relatada em 52% dos pacientes estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Na grande maioria dos casos as massas eram bilaterais, predominando nas regiões póstero-superiores dos pulmões, com broncogramas aéreos e calcificações de permeio. Associação com calcificações linfonodais foi um achado freqüente. A exposição a elevadas concentrações de poeira e a tuberculose foram consideradas fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da fibrose maciça progressiva.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radiological characteristics of conglomerate masses using high-resolution computed tomography of the chest. METHODS: From among the patients treated between 1986 and 2004 at the Antonio Pedro University Hospital, 75 patients with silicosis and massive fibrosis, most working in the field of sandblasting, were selected for study. These patients were submitted to a clinical evaluation, chest X-ray and high-resolution computed tomography of

  3. Análise das variações morfológicas da ATM em pacientes com artrite reumatóide através de tomografia computadorizada = Analysis of the morphologyc variations in the TMJ the patients with rheumatoid arthritis through the computer tomography

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    Vasconcelos, Belmiro Cavalcanti do Egito


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo e quantitativo enfocando as alterações morfométricas da articulação temporomandibular (ATM, em pacientes com o diagnóstico de artrite reumatóide (AR por meio de tomografia computadorizada. Foram analisados 6 casos onde são descritas as alterações estruturais dos componentes ósseos de 12 ATMs. Os resultados indicaram que todas as ATMs apresentaram alterações, sendo as alterações mais freqüentes a esclerose óssea subcondral, seguida do aplainamento da eminência articular. Todos os pacientes apresentaram distúrbio de mobilidade

  4. Comparação morfométrica da orelha interna entre ovinos e humanos através da tomografia computadorizada CT-Scan sheep and human inner ear morphometric comparison

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    Valter Ayres Seibel


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: trabalhos sobre o uso de ovelhas em cirurgias experimentais e treinamento em cirurgia otológica são raros. Este estudo pretende contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento nessa área. OBJETIVO: Estudar a orelha interna da ovelha por meio de tomografia computadorizada e cortes sucessivos com o intuito de apresentar dados morfométricos mais precisos relacionados à comparação entre a orelha de ovelhas e a de humanos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo sem seguimento no qual foram comparadas as estruturas da orelha interna da ovelha com as dos humanos. As medidas foram obtidas através de tomografias computadorizadas e avaliadas por meio de um programa de análise de imagens médicas (Osíris 4.16. RESULTADOS: O estudo morfológico da orelha da ovelha, em média, e da orelha humana, em média, revelaram grande similaridade de anatomia. A maior parte das estruturas (10 de 15 preservou a relação proposta de 2/3 da dimensão humana em relação à dimensão ovina. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados contribuem para uso da orelha da ovelha como modelo em cirurgia experimental e treinamento em cirurgia otológica.INTRODUCTION: Studies about the use of sheep in surgical training and experimental otologic surgery are rare. This study intends to contribute to the knowledge on this field. AIM: To study sheep inner ear structures using computerized tomography and serial cross-sections to collect more accurate morphometric data to compare sheep and human ears. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This descriptive study compared the inner structures of sheep and human ears. Measurements were made using computerized tomography, and they were stored in a DICOM compact disc for later analysis and manipulation, with a program used for medical image analysis (Osíris 4.16. RESULTS: Mean measures for sheep and human ears were found to be similar in this morphological study. Most structures (10 out of 15 maintained the 2/3 ratio of sheep to human ear

  5. Estudo do metabolismo da glicose na tuberculose pulmonar ativa utilizando a tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (18F-FDG PET Evaluation of glucose metabolism in active lung tuberculosis by positron-emission tomography (18F-FDG PET

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    Full Text Available Os métodos de imagem utilizados na avaliação da tuberculose pulmonar incluem a radiografia e a tomografia computadorizada do tórax. As imagens obtidas pelos métodos de medicina nuclear permitem estudos funcionais e metabólicos dos órgãos de interesse, através do uso de radiofármacos específicos. Alterações do metabolismo da glicose podem ser detectadas pela tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET utilizando-se o 18F-fluorodesoxiglicose (18F-FDG. Essas alterações estão presentes nas doenças neoplásicas, inflamatórias e infecciosas. A tuberculose é uma doença granulomatosa causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, que se utiliza de glicose como fonte de energia. Objetivo: O estudo do metabolismo da glicose na tuberculose pulmonar através da PET e sua comparação com a tomografia computadorizada de tórax. Material e métodos: Foram avaliados 20 pacientes portadores de tuberculose pulmonar. Todos foram submetidos à PET e à tomografia computadorizada de tórax, em até 30 dias após o início do tratamento. Resultados: Todos os pacientes apresentaram captação positiva do 18F-FDG na PET. Na tomografia computadorizada do tórax, todos os pacientes apresentaram sinais compatíveis com atividade de tuberculose. A sensibilidade dos dois métodos foi de 100%. Houve concordância entre os achados do 18F-FDG PET e da tomografia computadorizada (K = 0,27 e p Current methods to evaluate lung tuberculosis include chest radiography and computed tomography. Nuclear medicine imaging techniques are performed after administration of specific radiopharmaceuticals that accumulate in the organs of interest. Alterations of glucose metabolism can be observed by positron-emission tomography, using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG PET. These findings are present in the neoplasms, but also in inflammatory and infectious diseases. Tuberculosis is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis , that uses glucose as an energy source

  6. Quando a fase de equilíbrio pode ser suprimida nos exames de tomografia computadorizada de abdome? What is the real role of the equilibrium phase in abdominal computed tomography?

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    Priscila Silveira Salvadori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a necessidade de realização da fase de equilíbrio nos exames de tomografia computadorizada de abdome. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo, transversal e observacional, avaliando 219 exames consecutivos de tomografia computadorizada de abdome com contraste intravenoso, realizados num período de três meses, com diversas indicações clínicas. Para cada exame foram emitidos dois pareceres, um avaliando o exame sem a fase de equilíbrio (primeira análise e o outro avaliando todas as fases em conjunto (segunda análise. Ao final de cada avaliação, foi estabelecido se houve mudança nos diagnósticos principais e secundários, entre a primeira e a segunda análise. Foi utilizada a extensão do teste exato de Fisher para avaliar a modificação dos diagnósticos principais (p 0,999. Com relação aos diagnósticos secundários, cinco exames (2,3% foram modificados. CONCLUSÃO: Para indicações clínicas como estadiamento tumoral, abdome agudo e pesquisa de coleção abdominal, a fase de equilíbrio não acrescenta contribuição diagnóstica expressiva, podendo ser suprimida dos protocolos de exame.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of the equilibrium phase in abdominal computed tomography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study reviewed 219 consecutive contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography images acquired in a three-month period, for different clinical indications. For each study, two reports were issued - one based on the initial analysis of non-contrast-enhanced, arterial and portal phases only (first analysis, and a second reading of these phases added to the equilibrium phase (second analysis. At the end of both readings, differences between primary and secondary diagnoses were pointed out and recorded, in order to measure the impact of suppressing the equilibrium phase on the clinical outcome for each of the patients. The extension of the exact Fisher

  7. Computed tomography scan of the head in patients with migraine or tension-type headache Tomografia computadorizada do crânio em pacientes com migrânea ou cefaléia tensional

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    Marcelo Moraes Valença


    Full Text Available A retrospective study was performed in order to evaluate the frequency of abnormalities found by computed tomography (CT scan of the head in 78 patients with migraine or tension-type headache. In the present study CT scan was normal in 61.5% of the patients with migraine or tension-type headache. A number of abnormalities were encountered in more than one third of the patients studied, including inflammatory sinus disease (19.2%, cysticercosis (3.9%, unruptuted cerebral aneurysm (2.6%, basilar impression (2.6%, intracranial lipoma (2.6%, arachnoid cyst (2.6%, empty sella (2.6%, intracranial neoplasm (2.6%, and others (2.6%. None of these lesions were symptomatic or responsible by the headache picture, therefore, considered incidental findings. In conclusion, the fortuitous encounter of some abnormalities on CT scan of the head is often higher than what we could predict in patients suffering migraine or tension-type headache. We briefly discuss clinical, epidemiologic, and practical management of some of the abnormalities detected by CT scan as well as the indication to request a neuroimaging investigation.Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado visando avaliar a frequência de anormalidades encontradas durante a realização de estudo por tomografia computadorizada (TC em 78 pacientes com migrânea ou cefaléia do tipo tensional. A TC foi normal em 61,5% dos pacientes examinados. Em um terço dos pacientes estudados foram detectadas anormalidades, como doença inflamatória dos seios paranasais (19,2%, cisticercose (3,9%, aneurisma cerebral não-roto (2,6%, impressão basilar (2,6%, lipoma intracraniano (2,6%, cisto aracnoideo (2,6%, sela vazia (2,6%, neoplasia intracraniana (2,6% e outras afecções (2,6%. Nenhuma destas lesões era sintomática (achado incidental. Concluindo, o encontro fortuito de algumas anormalidades na TC é frequentemente mais elevado do que se prediz em pacientes com cefaléia primária. Nós discutimos brevemente alguns

  8. O valor da fase sem contraste na tomografia computadorizada do abdome The role of the unenhanced phase in the routine abdominal computed tomography

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    Ana Paula Klautau Leite


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar o valor agregado da fase sem meio de contraste da tomografia computadorizada do abdome em pacientes sem diagnóstico determinado ou em estadiamento tumoral. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e transversal em 100 pacientes consecutivos submetidos a tomografia computadorizada abdominal sem e com meio de contraste intravenoso. Dois examinadores avaliaram todos os exames, procurando estabelecer, através da fase com meio de contraste intravenoso (primeira análise e posteriormente através da fase sem contraste (segunda análise, o diagnóstico principal e os secundários em função da indicação clínica do exame. Mediu-se a freqüência de mudança diagnóstica decorrente da análise combinada das fases pré- e pós-contraste intravenoso. Casos que tiveram mudança diagnóstica foram avaliados por especialistas clínicos para determinar se implicaria mudanças de conduta. RESULTADOS: Diagnósticos principal e secundário foram modificados em 1 e 18 casos, respectivamente (p = 1,000; p = 0,143. Os diagnósticos modificados foram: esteatose, definição de nódulo em adrenal, nefrolitíase, classificação de cistos renais e calcificação hepática. Nos casos em que a fase sem contraste modificou o diagnóstico, os especialistas mudaram sua conduta em 14/19 (73% dos pacientes (p = 0,038. CONCLUSÃO: A fase sem contraste não modificou significativamente o diagnóstico principal ou secundário. Porém, as mudanças nos diagnósticos secundários influenciaram na conduta adotada pelos especialistas.OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of the unenhanced phase of abdominal computed tomography in patients without a definite diagnosis or undergoing tumor staging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective and transversal study was developed with 100 consecutive patients submitted to unenhanced and contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography. Two observers evaluated all the computed tomography images in the contrast-enhanced phase

  9. Edema pulmonar hidrostático: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Hydrostatic pulmonary edema: high-resolution computed tomography aspects

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    Cláudia Maria Cunha Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A proposta deste estudo foi caracterizar por meio de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax as principais alterações pulmonares do edema pulmonar hidrostático. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas, retrospectivamente, as tomografias de quinze pacientes com quadro clínico de edema pulmonar hidrostático, divididos em cinco principais grupos etiológicos: insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, valvulopatia mitral aguda, infarto agudo do miocárdio, miocardite e mediastinite fibrosante, tendo sido sete pacientes classificados no primeiro grupo e dois em cada um dos demais. RESULTADOS: Os principais achados do edema hidrostático foram opacidades em vidro fosco (100%, espessamento dos septos interlobulares (100%, derrame pleural (87% e espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular (80%. Outros achados menos comuns foram aumento do calibre dos vasos, consolidações e nódulos do espaço aéreo. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão predominante encontrado nos pacientes estudados foi o de opacidades em vidro fosco associadas a espessamento dos septos interlobulares (padrão de pavimentação em mosaico, com derrame pleural bilateral, predominante à direita.OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to use high-resolution computed tomography scans of the chest to characterize the principal alterations occurring in cases of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made of the tomography scans of 15 patients presenting clinical profiles of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. The cases were divided into five groups by etiology: congestive heart failure (n = 7; acute mitral valve disease (n = 2; acute myocardial infarction (n = 2; myocarditis (n = 2; and fibrosing mediastinitis (n = 2. RESULTS: The principal findings in the cases of hydrostatic pulmonary edema were ground-glass opacities (in 100%, interlobular septal thickening (in 100%, pleural effusion (in 87% and peribronchovascular interstitial thickening (in 80%. Other, less common

  10. Características da demanda por tomografia computadorizada crânio-encefálica motivos e custos dos exames

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    Ana Tereza Ramos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Foram levantadas as 2860 tomografias computadorizadas crânio-encefálicas (TCCE feitas em um dos três serviços da cidade do Salvador, Brasil, sendo: caracterizados o perfil do usuário e a procedência da demanda; analisados os motivos dos exames e os custos com TCCE normais e anormais. Foram constatadas frequências altas de exames normais: (a para o sexo feminino (66,0% e até os 54 anos (73,0%, neste sexo (variação de exames normais entre 65 e 80%; (b para o sexo masculino nos grupos <15, 25-34 e 35-44 anos (64,7%; (c para solicitações efetuadas pelos convênios (65,3%; (d pelos seguintes motivos, para homens e mulheres respectivamente: cefaléias (81,3 e 87,5%; desmaios/tonturas (79,3 e 78,6%; convulsões (67,3 e 70%; retardo do desenvolvimento psicomotor (72,0 e 67,7%; «distúrbios endócrinos» (75,0% em cada sexo. Proporções altas de exames anormais foram observadas pelos seguintes motivos e para homens e mulheres, respectivamente: síndrome demencial (91,7 e 83,3%; acidentes vasculares encefálicos (85,1 e 73,7%; doenças infecciosas (76,5 e 78,6%; suspeitas de tumor (65,8 e 55,4%; e traumatismo crâ-nioencefálico, 63,6% no sexo masculino. No total, os custos com as TCC normais corresponderam a US$ 565,255 e com as anormais, US$ 381,247; para os convênios, os custos com TCC normais foram 2,2 vezes superiores ao INAMPS e 2,8 vezes superiores àqueles da medicina privada.

  11. Aspectos da tomografia computadorizada no linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade Computed tomography findings in patients less than 20 years old with lymphoma

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    Adriana Moreira Viana Borba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados gerais do linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade e por subtipo histológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo do arquivo digital de tomografia computadorizada do Centro de Controle do Câncer do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março de 2003 a julho de 2005. Dos 22 casos - 16 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 11,5 anos -, 12 eram do subtipo Hodgkin e 10 eram não-Hodgkin. RESULTADOS: Dos achados gerais, verificamos as linfonodomegalias mediastinais como o mais freqüente (59%, com predomínio no grupo Hodgkin (75%, seguido por hepatoesplenomegalia (50% e linfonodomegalias cervicais e retroperitoneais (27,3%. No subtipo Hodgkin houve predomínio do acometimento linfonodal, em sucessivas cadeias, seguido pela hepatoesplenomegalia (50%. Verificamos um caso de massa tonsilar unilateral, opacidade pulmonar em "vidro-fosco" e nódulos renais. No subtipo não-Hodgkin houve predomínio extranodal caracterizado por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%, espessamento de alça intestinal (40%, derrame pleural (30%, nódulo pulmonar (20%, ascite (10%, derrame pericárdico (10% e lesões ósseas mistas (10%. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada é de grande valia no diagnóstico, estadiamento e seguimento do linfoma, com achados de alerta como massa linfonodal, notadamente mediastinal, hepatoesplenomegalia, massa unilateral na tonsila e espessamento parietal de alça intestinal.OBJECTIVE: To describe the general findings of lymphoma and their histological patterns in patients less than 20 years old. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two cases (16 male and 6 female, mean age 11.5 years from the digital archive of computed tomography at the Cancer Control Center of "Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro", Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, were retrospectively analyzed in the period between

  12. Densitometria da vértebra dorsal, osso pleural e osso neural em tartarugas verdes hígidas por tomografia computadorizada quantitativa Densitometry of dorsal vertebrae, pleural bone and neural bone in healthy green sea turtles by quantitative computed tomography

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    Jannine Forattini de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A tomografia computadorizada quantitativa (TCQ é uma técnica com alta sensibilidade, aplicabilidade e precisão no diagnóstico de perda de massa óssea, entretanto a falta de valores de normalidade para animais silvestres limita a sua aplicação clínica. O presente estudo objetiva estabelecer valores médios de radiodensidade do osso trabecular das vértebras dorsais, osso pleural e osso neural de tartarugas marinhas juvenis hígidas utilizando a TCQ. Para isso, utilizou-se um grupo experimental de cinco animais que foram submetidos a exames de tomografia computadorizada helicoidal, sendo as mensurações da radiodensidade óssea realizadas ao nível da terceira, quarta e quinta vértebras dorsais. Os valores médios de radiodensidade do osso trabecular das vértebras dorsais, osso pleural e osso neural foram, respectivamente, de 287,4±39,1, 1093,74±100,4 e 1089,6±86,5 unidades Hounsfield (HU. Estudos complementares devem ser realizados em diferentes espécies e faixas etárias de quelônios para favorecer a aplicação clínica desta técnica.Quantitative computed tomography (QCT is a technique with high sensitivity, applicability and accuracy in the diagnosis of bone loss; however the lack of normal values for wild animals limits their clinical application. This study aims to establish medium values radiodensity trabecular bone of the dorsal vertebrae, bone pleural and neural bone in healthy juvenile sea turtles using the QTC. For this we used an experimental group of five animals that underwent helical computed tomography, and measurements of bone radiodensity conducted at the level of the third, fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae. The medium values of radiodensity trabecular bone of the dorsal vertebrae, pleural bone, and neural bone were respectively 287.4±39.1, 1093.74±100.4, and 1089.6±86.5 Hounsfield units (HU. Further studies should be performed in different species and ages of turtles to encourage the clinical application of

  13. Trauma dos ossos temporais e suas complicações: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada Temporal bone trauma and complications: computed tomography findings

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    Ana Maria Doffémond Costa


    Full Text Available A maioria das fraturas dos ossos temporais resulta de traumas cranianos bruscos, de alta energia, estando muitas vezes relacionadas a outras fraturas cranianas ou a politraumatismo. As fraturas e os deslocamentos da cadeia ossicular, na orelha média, representam umas das principais complicações das injúrias nos ossos temporais e, por isso, serão abordadas de maneira mais profunda neste artigo. Os outros tipos de injúrias englobam as fraturas labirínticas, fístula dural, paralisia facial e extensão da linha de fratura ao canal carotídeo. A tomografia computadorizada tem papel fundamental na avaliação inicial dos pacientes politraumatizados, pois é capaz de identificar injúrias em importantes estruturas que podem causar graves complicações, como perda auditiva de condução ou neurossensorial, tonturas e disfunções do equilíbrio, fístulas perilinfáticas, paralisia do nervo facial, lesões vasculares, entre outras.Most temporal bone fractures result from high-energy blunt head trauma, and are frequently related to other skull fractures or to polytrauma. Fractures and displacements of ossicular chain in the middle ear represent some of the main complications of temporal bone injury, and hence they will be more deeply approached in the present article. Other types of injuries include labyrinthine fractures, dural fistula, facial nerve paralysis and extension into the carotid canal. Computed tomography plays a fundamental role in the initial evaluation of polytrauma patients, as it can help to identify important structural injuries that may lead to severe complications such as sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, dizziness and balance dysfunction, perilymphatic fistulas, facial nerve paralysis, vascular injury and others.

  14. Colonografia por tomografia computadorizada na visão do médico encaminhador: qual o seu valor segundo a visão de especialistas?

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    Marcelo Longo Kierszenbaum


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Mapear a visão dos cirurgiões sobre o papel da colonografia por tomografia computadorizada (CTC. Materiais e Métodos: Envio de questionário eletrônico aos membros do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões. O questionário constou de 16 questões de múltipla escolha que abordaram dados demográficos e conhecimentos gerais sobre a CTC. Resultados: Foram obtidas 144 respostas; 90,3% dos especialistas eram homens, 60% com menos de 30 anos de formado, 77,1% eram gastrocirurgiões, 22,9% eram cirurgiões gerais, 53,5% encontravam-se na vida acadêmica e 59,7% exerciam sua atividade profissional em cidades com mais de 500.000 habitantes. Em relação ao conhecimento da CTC, 84,7% conheciam o método, 70,8% sabiam como é realizado, 56,9% relataram conhecer o preparo intestinal utilizado, 31,3% utilizavam o método e 53,5% conheciam algum serviço de CTC na cidade em que atuam. Cerca de metade dos profissionais não conhecia a precisa indicação do método. Profissionais que atuam em cidades com mais de 500.000 habitantes conhecem e utilizam mais o método (p < 0,005. Houve uma tendência de os profissionais com carreira acadêmica utilizarem mais o método. Conclusão: A CTC, embora ainda pouco utilizada em nosso meio, é bastante conhecida, principalmente em grandes centros urbanos e no ambiente acadêmico.

  15. Microlitíase alveolar pulmonar: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax em 10 pacientes Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis: high-resolution computed tomography findings in 10 patients

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    Edson Marchiori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR do tórax da microlitíase alveolar pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, retrospectivamente, as tomografias de dez pacientes adultos, sete mulheres e três homens, com idade média de 38,7 anos. Os exames foram analisados por dois radiologistas, de forma independente, e as decisões finais foram obtidas por consenso. RESULTADOS: Os achados mais freqüentes foram as opacidades em vidro fosco e as calcificações subpleurais, ambas presentes em 90% dos pacientes estudados. Os outros achados de maior relevância foram pequenos nódulos parenquimatosos, calcificação ao longo dos septos interlobulares, cissuras nodulares, nódulos subpleurais, cistos subpleurais, consolidações densas e padrão de pavimentação em mosaico. CONCLUSÕES: A microlitíase alveolar pulmonar apresenta aspectos na TCAR que são altamente sugestivos da doença, na maior parte dos casos dispensando a realização de biópsias pulmonares.OBJECTIVE: To present the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. METHODS: The HRCT scans of 10 adult patients (seven females and three males; mean age, 38.7 years were retrospectively analyzed. The films were studied independently by two radiologists. RESULTS: The most common tomographic findings were ground-glass attenuation and linear subpleural calcifications, which were seen in 90% of the patients. Other relevant findings were small parenchymal nodules, calcification along the interlobular septa, nodular cissures, subpleural nodules, subpleural cysts, dense consolidations, and a mosaic pattern of attenuation. CONCLUSIONS: The HRCT findings presented by individuals with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis are distinct. In most cases, such findings can form the basis of the diagnosis, eliminating the need to perform a lung biopsy.

  16. New molecular targets for PET and SPECT imaging in neurodegenerative diseases Novos alvos moleculares para tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET e tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT em doenças neurodegenerativas

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    Marcel Benadiba


    Full Text Available The pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases (ND such as Alzheimer's disease (AD and Parkinson's disease (PD has not yet been completely elucidated. However, in the past few years, there have been great knowledge advances about intra-and extracellular proteins that may display impaired function or expression in AD, PD and other ND, such as amyloid beta (Aβ, α-synuclein, tau protein and neuroinflammatory markers. Recent developments in the imaging techniques of positron emission tomography (PET and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT now allow the non-invasive tracking of such molecular targets of known relevance to ND in vivo. This article summarizes recent findings of PET and SPECT studies using these novel methods, and discusses their potential role in the field of drug development for ND as well as future clinical applications in regard to differential diagnosis of ND and monitoring of disease progression.A fisiopatologia das doenças neurodegenerativas (DN, tais como a doença de Alzheimer (DA e a doença de Parkinson (DP, ainda não é completamente compreendida. No entanto, nos últimos anos, houve grandes avanços em termos do conhecimento sobre proteínas intra e extracelulares, tais como beta-amiloide (Aβ, α-sinucleína, proteína tau e marcadores neuroinflamatórios, que podem ter sua função ou expressão prejudicada na DA, DP ou em outras DN. Progressos recentes nas técnicas de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET e tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT permitem hoje em dia a identificação não invasiva de tais alvos moleculares in vivo. Este artigo resume descobertas recentes de estudos de PET e SPECT cerebral usando esses alvos moleculares inovadores e discute o papel potencial dessas técnicas no campo do desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos para as DN, bem como futuras aplicações clínicas em relação ao diagnóstico diferencial e monitoramento da progressão dessas

  17. Espessura do tecido subcutaneo como preditor independente de ruido em imagem de TC cardiaca

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    Henrique Lane Staniak


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Há poucos dados sobre a definição de parâmetros simples e robustos para predizer artefato de imagem em tomografia computadorizada (TC cardíaca. Objetivos: Avaliar o valor da simples medida da espessura do tecido subcutâneo (espessura pele-esterno como preditor de artefato de imagem em TC cardíaca. Métodos: O estudo avaliou 86 pacientes submetidos a angiotomografia computadorizada cardíaca (ATCC com sincronização prospectiva com ECG e avaliação de escore de cálcio coronário com 120 kV e 150 mA. A qualidade da imagem foi medida objetivamente pelo artefato de imagem na aorta em ATCC, sendo 'artefato baixo' definido como aquele < 30 UH. Os diâmetros torácicos anteroposterior e laterolateral, o artefato de imagem na aorta e a espessura pele-esterno foram medidos como preditores de artefato em ATCC. A associação de preditores e artefato de imagem foi avaliada usando-se correlação de Pearson. Resultados: A dose média de radiação foi 3,5 ± 1,5 mSv. O artefato de imagem médio na ATCC foi de 36,3 ± 8,5 UH, sendo o artefato de imagem médiona fase sem contraste do exame de 17,7 ± 4,4 UH. Todos os preditores foram independentemente associados com artefato em ATCC. Os melhores preditores foram espessura pele-esterno, com correlação de 0,70 (p < 0,001, e artefato de imagem na fases em contraste,com correlação de 0,73 (p < 0,001. Ao avaliar a habilidade de predizer artefato de imagem baixo, as áreas sob a curva ROC para o artefato de imagem na fases em contraste e para a espessura pele-esterno foram 0,837e 0,864, respectivamente. Conclusão: Tanto espessura pele-esterno quanto artefato de escore de cálcio são preditores simples e precisos de artefato de imagem em ATCC. Tais parâmetros podem ser incorporados aos protocolos de TC padrão para ajustar adequadamente a exposição à radiação.

  18. Densidade de um planossolo sob sistemas de cultivo avaliada por meio da tomografia computadorizada de raios gama Bulk density of an alfisol under cultivation systems in a long-term experiment evaluated with gamma ray computed tomography

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    Adilson Luís Bamberg


    Full Text Available A sustentabilidade do arroz (Oryza sativa L. irrigado em solos de várzea está alicerçada na utilização da rotação e sucessão de culturas, fundamentais para o controle do arroz-vermelho e preto. Os reflexos sobre os atributos dos solos de várzea merecem estudos em especial sobre a compactação do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar camadas compactadas em Planossolo submetido a diferentes sistemas de cultivo e preparo, avaliando-se a densidade do solo (Ds pela Tomografia Computadorizada de Raios Gama (TC. A análise foi realizada em um experimento de longa duração, conduzido de 1985 a 2004, na Estação Experimental da Embrapa Clima Temperado, Capão do Leão, RS, num delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos, cada um com quatro repetições (T1 - um ano de arroz com preparo convencional do solo seguido de dois anos de pousio; T2 - cultivo contínuo de arroz com preparo convencional do solo; T4 - rotação de arroz e soja (Glycine max L. com preparo convencional do solo; T5 - rotação de arroz, soja e milho (Zea maiz L. em preparo convencional do solo; T6 - plantio direto de arroz no verão em sucessão do azevém (Lolium multiflorum L. no inverno; T7 - rotação de arroz sob plantio direto e soja sob preparo convencional do solo; T8 - testemunha: solo sem cultivo. A Tomografia Computadorizada de Raios Gama permitiu detectar que o plantio direto de arroz no verão em sucessão do azevém no inverno não resultou na formação de camadas compactadas; a utilização de dois anos de pousio, no sistema de produção de arroz irrigado, não foi suficiente para evitar a formação de uma camada superficial compactada; e a rotação de arroz, soja e milho com preparo convencional do solo apresentou duas camadas compactadas (0,0 a 1,5 cm e 11 a 14 cm, indicando que essas podem limitar a produção agrícola nesse sistema de produção em Planossolos.The sustainability of irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L. in

  19. Complicações respiratórias em pacientes com paralisia cerebral submetidos à anestesia geral


    Mello, Sérgio Silva de; Marques, Ronaldo Soares; Saraiva, Renato Ângelo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anestesia em pacientes com paralisia cerebral (PC) pode representar um desafio para o anestesiologista. Este estudo prospectivo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência e o risco de complicações respiratórias em crianças com PC submetidas à anestesia geral inalatória (AGI) para tomografia computadorizada (TC). MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo pacientes com idades entre 1 e 17 anos, estado físico ASA I a III, submetidos a AGI com sevoflurano e máscara laríngea para ...

  20. Anatomic considerations for C2 pedicle screw placement: the use of computerized tomography measurements Consideraciones anatómicas de la cocalización de los tornillos pediculares en C2: uitlización de las medidas de la tomografia computadorizada Considerações anatômicas sobre a localização dos parafusos pediculares em C2: utilização das medidas da tomografia computadorizada

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    Adebukoa Onibokun


    eje del pedículo y el ángulo transverso del pedículo (ángulo entre el eje del pedículo y la línea media del cuerpo vertebral. RESULTADOS: el valor promedio del ancho pedicular fue de 5.8 1.2mm. En el sexo masculino el valor promedio del ancho del pedículo (6.0 1.3mm fue mayor comparado con el sexo femenino (5.6 1.1mm, sin embargo no fue observada una diferencia estadística. El valor promedio del ángulo transverso del pedículo fue de 43.9 3.9 grados, siendo de 43.2 3.8 grados en el sexo masculino y 44.7 3.7 grados en el sexo femenino. CONCLUSIÓN: la proyección y determinación en el periodo preoperatorio de las dimensiones anatómicas del pedículo C2 son importantes para la determinación de la trayectoria y dimensiones del local donde el implante será colocado.OBJETIVO: o conhecimento detalhado das características anatômicas do pedículo de C2 é necessário para minimizar os riscos relacionados com a colocação dos parafusos. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as medidas lineares e angulares do eixo axial verdadeiro do pedículo de C2 utilizando tomografia computadorizada. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas tomografias computadorizadas axiais de 93 pacientes (47 do sexo masculino e 46 do sexo feminino com média de idade de 48 anos. As imagens axiais do pedículo de C2 foram selecionadas para o estudo e os parâmetros estudados foram: largura do pedículo (diâmetro mediolateral do istmo do pedículo perpendicular ao eixo do pedículo e o ângulo tranverso do pedículo (ângulo entre o eixo do pedículo e a linha média do corpo vertebral. RESULTADOS: o valor médio da largura do pedículo foi 5,81,2mm. Nos pacientes de sexo masculino o valor médio da largura do pedículo (6,01,3mm foi maior que nos pacientes de sexo feminino (5,61,1mm. No entanto, não foi observada diferença estatística. O valor médio do ângulo transverso do pedículo foi de 43,93,9 graus, sendo de 43,23,8 graus no sexo masculino e 44,73,7 graus no sexo feminino. CONCLUSÃO: o

  1. Correlação entre hipótese diagnóstica e laudo de tomografia axial computadorizada craniana Correlation between diagnostic hypothesis and result of cranial computed axial tomography

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    Edison Matos Nóvak


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a utilização da tomografia axial computadorizada craniana (TC em nosso meio, analisamos as solicitações de 367 exames consecutivos no período compreendido entre 07/1995 e 07/1996. Houve ampla variação da faixa etária, com média de 31,7 ± 22,9 anos. As especialidades que mais solicitaram o exame foram: Neurologia (36,2%, Pronto Atendimento (17,4%, Neuropediatria (16,9% e Clínica Médica (5,9%. As indicações mais frequentes para o exame foram: convulsão (30%, cefaléia (26,2%, déficit motor (20,2% e redução do nível de consciência (16,9%. As "hipóteses" aventadas com maior frequência foram: afastar lesão estrutural (9,0%, acidente vascular não discriminado (8,2% e neurocisticercose (8,2%. O laudo da TC foi normal em 50,4% dos exames. Os laudos anormais mais frequentes foram: hidrocefalia (5,4%, acidente vascular isquêmico (5,4% e neoplasia (3,5%. As maiores taxas de achados normais foram encontradas nas "hipóteses" de cefaléia (94,4%, convulsão (71,4% e afastar lesão estrutural (66,7%. Os maiores índices de acerto entre hipótese e laudo foram encontrados nas situações de "afastar lesões estruturais" (66,7%, hidrocefalia (50%, acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (50% e hematoma (50%. Concluimos que a utilização de um recurso auxiliar de diagnóstico como a TC cumpre melhor ainda a sua função se o requisitante do exame preencher com clareza e detalhamento o pedido do exame.The use of computed axial tomography (CT in the investigation of neurologic disorders is attractive for his disponibility in the health services. However, the indications of the exam and the correlation with the clinical features has not been frequently studied. We study correlation between the requests of CT and the findings reported by the radiologist, in 367 exams performed from 07/1995 to 07/ 1996. The mean age was 31.7 ± 22.9 years. The CT were requested in decrescent order of frequency by the Services of Neurology (36

  2. 3D-CT imaging processing for qualitative and quantitative analysis of maxillofacial cysts and tumors Processamento de imagens em 3D-TC para análise qualitativa e quantitativa de cistos e tumores maxilo-faciais

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    Marcelo de Gusmão Paraiso Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate spiral-computed tomography (3D-CT images of 20 patients presenting with cysts and tumors in the maxillofacial complex, in order to compare the surface and volume techniques of image rendering. The qualitative and quantitative appraisal indicated that the volume technique allowed a more precise and accurate observation than the surface method. On the average, the measurements obtained by means of the 3D volume-rendering technique were 6.28% higher than those obtained by means of the surface method. The sensitivity of the 3D surface technique was lower than that of the 3D volume technique for all conditions stipulated in the diagnosis and evaluation of lesions. We concluded that the 3D-CT volume rendering technique was more reproducible and sensitive than the 3D-CT surface method, in the diagnosis, treatment planning and evaluation of maxillofacial lesions, especially those with intra-osseous involvement.O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo associativo e comparativo entre as técnicas de superfície e volume para a reconstrução de imagens em três dimensões (3D utilizando tomografia computadorizada (TC. Foram realizadas tomografias computadorizadas em espiral de 20 pacientes com cistos e tumores do complexo maxilo-facial para análise qualitativa e quantitativa, utilizando métodos de superfície e de volume em 3D. A comparação interexaminadores apresentou erro padrão percentual menos elevado para a técnica de volume (1,94% que para a técnica de superfície (4,38%, indicando a maior reprodutibilidade do primeiro método. As medidas obtidas pela técnica de volume foram em média 6,28% mais elevadas que as medidas obtidas pela técnica de superfície. A técnica de volume apresentou sensibilidade mais elevada que a técnica de superfície na identificação das lesões do complexo maxilo-facial. A técnica de volume em 3D-TC, utilizando a metodologia da computação gráfica, apresentou maior

  3. Estudo radiográfico e por tomografia computadorizada das formações orais em cães


    Carolina de Oliveira Ghirelli


    As neoplasias orais representam a quarta neoplasia mais comum em cães. O diagnóstico por imagem das neoplasias orais é necessário para determinar a extensão do tumor e dos tecidos locais acometidos, auxiliando no prognóstico e planejamento cirúrgico. Atualmente o exame radiográfico é o método diagnóstico mais utilizado por ser mais acessível e menos oneroso, porém o grande número de estruturas no crânio e suas sobreposições dificultam adequada avaliação desta região. A tomografia computadoriz...

  4. Sarcoma de Kaposi relacionado à síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida: características do comprometimento hepático na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética Kaposi sarcoma related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: hepatic findings on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Daniel Nobrega da Costa


    Full Text Available Sarcoma de Kaposi é uma neoplasia associada a condições de imunossupressão que acomete os vasos linfáticos e sanguíneos. É a neoplasia intra-hepática mais comum na síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética revelam múltiplos pequenos nódulos, proeminência e realce dos planos periportais, devido à presença de tecido neoplásico. Os autores descrevem um caso de paciente masculino, de 47 anos de idade, com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida e sarcoma de Kaposi disseminado.Kaposi sarcoma is a neoplasm associated with immunosuppressive conditions, and involving blood and lymphatic vessels. It is the most frequent intrahepatic neoplasm in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrate multiple small nodules, prominence and contrast-enhancement of periportal branches due to the presence of the neoplastic tissue. The authors report a case of a 47-year-old male patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presenting disseminated Kaposi sarcoma.

  5. Avaliação da expansão rápida da maxila por meio da tomografia computadorizada: relato de um caso Computed tomography evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion: a case report

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    Daniela Gamba Garib


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve os efeitos dentoesqueléticos e periodontais da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM, avaliados por meio da tomografia computadorizada (TC, em uma jovem de 11,6 anos de idade com má oclusão de Classe I e mordida cruzada posterior unilateral funcional. Durante a fase ativa da ERM, o expansor dentossuportado com parafuso Hyrax foi ativado 7mm. A paciente submeteu-se ao exame de TC helicoidal, antes da expansão e após a remoção do aparelho expansor, findo o período de três meses de contenção. Realizaram-se cortes axiais, de um milímetro de espessura, paralelamente ao plano palatino, englobando as regiões dentoalveolar e basal da maxila, até o terço inferior da cavidade nasal. Utilizando-se o recurso de reconstruções multiplanares, mensuraram-se pelo método computadorizado: as dimensões transversas maxilares, a inclinação dos dentes posteriores, a espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual, e o nível da crista óssea alveolar vestibular. A expansão rápida da maaxila ocasionou um significante aumento transverso em todas as regiões aferidas, com magnitude decrescente do arco dentário para a base óssea. Os dentes posteriores foram movimentados para vestibular, com um componente de inclinação e translação associados. Tal efeito ortodôntico ocasionou uma redução na espessura da tábua óssea vestibular, e um concomitante aumento na espessura da tábua óssea lingual. Após a expansão, observou-se o desenvolvimento de deiscências ósseas por vestibular dos dentes de ancoragem.This paper presents a computed tomography (CT evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion dentoskeletal and periodontal effects, in a 11.6 year-old girl presenting Class I malocclusion with posterior unilateral crossbite. The tooth-borne expander with Hyrax screw was activated 7-mm. The patient was submitted to helicoidal CT scan before expansion and after the three-month retention period when the expander was removed. Axial

  6. Validation of computed tomography protocols for simulated mandibular lesions: a comparison study Validação de protocolos de tomografia computadorizada para lesões simuladas em mandíbula: estudo comparativo

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    Andréia Perrella


    Full Text Available Computed tomography is the choice technique to assess oral and maxillofacial osseous lesions because it provides hard and soft tissues visualization in one examination without superimposition of surrounding structures. This examination offers a significant advance in maxillofacial lesions detection with an excellent anatomic resolution. The aim of this research was to evaluate the validity of two protocols, in axial sections, in simulated mandibular lesions. Two CT protocols were obtained in dry mandibles in which perforations were done simulating lesions. Two observers, previously calibrated, evaluated the images according to different parameters. The results indicated that the sensitivity and specificity in lesion detection were 100% for both protocols, but the detection of loci number of multilocular lesions and the location and detection of medullar invasion obtained reduced validity values, which were influenced by the acquisition protocol. We concluded that thinner axial slices and reconstructions were more effective in detecting early medullar invasion and loci number. Thicker protocols were not considered appropriate to detect multilocular lesions and early stages of medullar invasion.A tomografia Computadorizada é a técnica de escolha no exame de lesões ósseas orais e maxilo-faciais porque proporciona a visualização de tecidos duros e moles em aquisição única e sem sobreposição de estruturas adjacentes. Este exame oferece um avanço significativo na detecção de lesões maxilo-faciais, com excelente resolução anatômica. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a validade de dois protocolos, em secções axiais, em lesões simuladas de mandíbula. Dois protocolos de TC foram obtidos em mandíbulas secas em que foram feitas perfurações, simulando lesões. Dois observadores previamente calibrados avaliaram as imagens seguindo parâmetros diversos. Como resultados pudemos observar que a sensibilidade e a especificidade foram

  7. Avaliação da simetria craniana através de imagens de TC cone beam = Cranial symmetry assessment through cone-beam CT images


    Vilella, Oswaldo de Vasconcellos; Rothier, Eduardo Kant Colunga; Vilella, Beatriz de Souza


    Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os lados direito e esquerdo de indivíduos que apresentavam simetria craniana através de 2 imagens geradas pela tomografia computadorizada cone beam (TCCB). Métodos: A amostra consistiu de 35 imagens obtidas pelo tomógrafo 3D-i-CAT (Imaging Sciences International Inc. , Hatfield, USA), sendo 13 de indivíduos do gênero masculino e 22 do gênero feminino, com idades variando de 8 a 64 anos, que apresentavam simetria facial aceitável. As imagens...

  8. Detection of beetle damage in forests by X-ray CT image processing Detecção de danos causados por besouro em florestas com processamento de imagens de tomografia computadorizada de raios X

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    Paulo Estevão Cruvinel


    Full Text Available Some beetle species can have devastating economic impacts on forest and nursery industries. A recent example is Anophophora glabripennis, a species of beetle known in the United States as the ''Asian Longhorrned beetle'', which has damaged many American forests, and is a threat which can unintentionally reach south American countries, including Brazil. This work presents a new method based on X-ray computerized tomography (CT and image processing for beetle injury detection in forests. Its results show a set of images with correct identification of the location of beetles in living trees as well as damage evaluation with time.Algumas espécies de besouros têm elevado impacto econômico em florestas e indústrias de móveis. Exemplo recente é aquele produzido pelo besouro Anophophora glabripennis, uma espécie conhecida nos Estados Unidos como Asian Longhorn, que tem produzido danos significativos em várias florestas americanas, representando uma ameaça que poderá encontrar transporte não-intencional para países da América do Sul, inclusive para o Brasil. Neste trabalho é apresentado um novo método com base no uso de tomografia de raios X computadorizada (CT e processamento de imagens digitais para detecção de injúrias causadas por besouros em florestas. Os resultados mostram a correta identificação da localização de besouros em árvores vivas, como também fornecem uma avaliação do estrago temporal causado.

  9. Síndrome de Kartagener: relato de caso

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    Swensson Rubem C.


    Full Text Available A Síndrome de Kartagener é causada por uma doença autossômica recessiva rara, que apresenta uma tríade composta por pansinusite crônica, bronquiectasia e situs inversus com dextrocardia. A incidência desta desordem genética é estimada em 1/25.000. Nosso objetivo é, neste trabalho, aduzir dados novos àqueles que pesquisam o assunto, para que estejam atentos, acompanhando os pacientes e esperando o aparecimento eventual desta malformação. Foram realizadas tomografias computadorizadas do tórax, abdome e crânio, além da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax, audiometria, imitanciometria e vídeo-naso-fibroscopia.

  10. Padronização de um método para mensuração das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos maxilares na Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (Cone Beam Methodology standardization for measuring buccal and lingual alveolar bone plates using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    Marcos Cezar Ferreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a espessura das tábuas ósseas que recobrem os dentes por vestibular e lingual constitui um dos fatores limitantes da movimentação dentária. O avanço tecnológico em Imaginologia permitiu avaliar detalhadamente essas regiões anatômicas por meio da utilização da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC. OBJETIVO: descrever e padronizar, pormenorizadamente, um método para mensuração das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos maxilares nas imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. METODOLOGIA: a padronização digital da posição da imagem da face deve constituir o primeiro passo antes da seleção dos cortes de TCFC. Dois cortes axiais de cada maxilar foram empregados para a mensuração da espessura do osso alveolar vestibular e lingual. Utilizou-se como referência a junção cemento-esmalte dos primeiros molares permanentes, tanto na arcada superior quanto na inferior. RESULTADOS: cortes axiais paralelos ao plano palatino foram indicados para avaliação quantitativa do osso alveolar na maxila. Na arcada inferior, os cortes axiais devem ser paralelos ao plano oclusal funcional. CONCLUSÃO: o método descrito apresenta reprodutibilidade para utilização em pesquisas, assim como para a avaliação clínica das repercussões periodontais da movimentação dentária, ao permitir a comparação de imagens pré e pós-tratamento.INTRODUCTION: The thickness of the buccal and lingual bone plates constitutes one of the limiting factors of the orthodontic movement. The imaging technology has permitted the evaluation of this anatomical region, by means of cone beam computed tomography. PURPOSE: To describe and standardize, in details, a method for measuring the buccal and lingual bone plate thickness in CBCT images. METHODOLOGY: Digital standardization of face image should constitute the first step before the selection of CBCT slices. Two axial sections of each jaw were used for measuring the thickness

  11. Central nervous system abnormalities on midline facial defects with hypertelorism detected by magnetic resonance image and computed tomography Anomalias de sistema nervoso central em defeitos de linha média facial com hipertelorismo detectados por ressonância magnética e tomografia computadorizada

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    Vera Lúcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes


    Full Text Available The aim of this study were to describe and to compare structural central nervous system (CNS anomalies detected by magnetic resonance image (MRI and computed tomography (CT in individuals affected by midline facial defects with hypertelorism (MFDH isolated or associated with multiple congenital anomalies (MCA. The investigation protocol included dysmorphological examination, skull and facial X-rays, brain CT and/or MRI. We studied 24 individuals, 12 of them had an isolated form (Group I and the others, MCA with unknown etiology (Group II. There was no significative difference between Group I and II and the results are presented in set. In addition to the several CNS anomalies previously described, MRI (n=18 was useful for detection of neuronal migration errors. These data suggested that structural CNS anomalies and MFDH seem to have an intrinsic embryological relationship, which should be taken in account during the clinical follow-up.Este estudo objetivou descrever e comparar as anomalias estruturais do sistema nervoso central (SNC detectadas por meio de ressonância magnética (RM e tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio em indivíduos com defeitos de linha média facial com hipertelorismo (DLMFH isolados ou associados a anomalias congênitas múltiplas (ACM. O protocolo de investigação incluiu exame dismorfológico, RX de crânio e face, CT e RM de crânio. Foram estudados 24 indivíduos, sendo que 12 apresentavam a forma isolada (Grupo I e os demais, DLMFH com ACM de etiologia não esclarecida (Grupo II. Não houve diferença entre os dois grupos e os resultados foram agrupados. Além de várias anomalias de SNC já descritas, a RM foi útil para detecção de erros de migração neuronal. Os dados sugerem que as alterações estruturais de SNC e os DLMFH têm relação embriológica, o que deve ser levado em conta durante o seguimento clínico.

  12. Volumetria hepática computadorizada como método de avaliação e acompanhamento da regeneração hepática após hepatectomia parcial em suínos

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    Fábio Augusto de Carvalho

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O estudo analisou a volumetria hepática por tomografia axial computadorizada, através de um programa informatizado semi-automático de aquisição e processamento de imagens digitalizadas, como parâmetro de acompanhamento da regeneração hepática em suínos, após hepatectomia parcial. MÉTODO: Doze suínos fêmeas, da raça Landrace, jovens, foram distribuídos em 3 grupos, conforme tempo de observação após o procedimento cirúrgico: 5(G5, 10(10 ou 15(G15 dias. Todos foram submetidos à hepatectomia parcial e, posteriormente, após acompanhamento, sacrificados, procedendo-se a retirada do fígado regenerado. A peça da hepatectomia e o fígado regenerado foram pesados e submetidos à realização da tomografia e aferição do volume através do software HEPATO®. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes não-paramétricos de Kruskal-Wallis e Wilcoxon. Valores de p<0,05 indicaram significância estatística. RESULTADOS: O peso do fígado regenerado foi de: G5=434,5g, G10=449,25g e G15=486,5 g, p=0,592. A regeneração hepática a partir do peso do fígado foi de 83,58% (G5, 94,95% (G10 e 101,63% (G15, p=0,197. O volume do fígado regenerado foi de 403,58 cm² (G5, 450,88 cm² (G10 e 458,93 cm² (G15, p=0,941. A regeneração hepática a partir do volume do fígado foi de 74,25% (G5, 88% (G10 e 100% (G15, p=0,326. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os parâmetros. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação volumétrica por tomografia computadorizada, utilizando um programa informatizado semi-automático de aquisição e processamento de imagens digitalizadas, é método fidedigno para avaliação e acompanhamento da regeneração hepática em suínos, após hepatectomia parcial.

  13. Disgenesia do corpo caloso e más-formações associadas: achados de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and associated malformations: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings

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    Cristiano Montandon


    Full Text Available O termo disgenesia do corpo caloso refere-se a uma má-formação deste com origem na embriogênese do telencéfalo. O relato analisa os achados de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em 11 pacientes com disgenesia calosa e em um caso de corpo caloso normal com lipoma associado. Esta pode ser distinguida em três grupos: agenesia total (três casos, agenesia parcial (seis casos e hipoplasia (dois casos. Anomalias associadas foram observadas em nove casos, incluindo má-formação de Chiari tipo II (um caso, esquizencefalia (um caso, cisto inter-hemisférico (dois casos, heterotopia nodular (um caso, cisto de Dandy-Walker (um caso e lipoma do corpo caloso (quatro casos. Este artigo demonstra um espectro destes distúrbios, auxiliando na sua interpretação diagnóstica.Callosal dysgenesis is a malformation of the corpus callosum with origins in the embryogenesis of the telencephalon. We reviewed the computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of 11 patients with callosal dysgenesis and one patient with normal corpus callosum associated with a lipoma. The patients were divided into three distinct groups: total agenesis (three patients, partial agenesis (six patients and hypoplasia (two patients. Associated abnormalities were observed in nine patients, including Chiari II malformation (one patient, schizencephaly (one patient, interhemispheric cyst (two patients, Dandy-Walker cyst (one patient, nodular heterotopy (one patient and lipoma of the corpus callosum (four patients. This paper presents a review that may contribute to the diagnosis of these disorders.

  14. Carcinoma espinocelular do conduto auditivo externo: estudo por tomografia computadorizada de seis casos Squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal: computed tomography findings in six cases

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    Fábio Mota Gonzalez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a importância da avaliação tomográfica da extensão profunda dos carcinomas espinocelulares do conduto auditivo externo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames tomográficos com cortes axiais e coronais com janelas para partes moles e óssea em seis pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular do conduto auditivo externo, com idade variando entre 55 e 71 anos, internados no Hospital Heliópolis, no período entre maio de 1995 e dezembro de 2003. RESULTADOS: Dos seis pacientes, todos apresentavam aumento de partes moles no conduto auditivo externo, cinco (83,3% tinham erosão óssea e invasão da orelha média, quatro (66,7% possuíam comprometimento da mastóide e da glândula parótida, três (50% apresentavam invasão da articulação temporomandibular, dois (33,3% tinham invasão da fossa média, do canal carotídeo e linfonodomegalia júgulo-carotídea alta ipisilateral. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação da extensão tumoral profunda fornecida pela tomografia computadorizada é importante no estadiamento clínico, possibilitando um planejamento terapêutico mais eficaz.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of computed tomography in the assessment of deep extension of squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the period between May 1995 and December 2003 six patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal were submitted to computed tomography scan at "Hospital Heliópolis", São Paulo, SP, Brazil, including axial and coronal slices with soft tissue and bone algorithms. RESULTS: Thickening of the soft tissue of the external auditory canal was seen in all patients, bone erosion and invasion of the middle ear in five (83.3%, invasion of the mastoid and parotid gland in four (66.7%, invasion of the temporomandibular joint in three (50%, and invasion of the middle cranial fossa, carotid canal and cervical lymph node enlargement in two (33.3% patients. CONCLUSION: Assessment of

  15. Dissecção da artéria basilar: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Relato de um caso de dissecção da artéria basilar, documentado com neuroimagem (tomografia computadorizada do crânio, ressonância magnética e angiografia digital com subtração de imagem.

  16. Aparência tomográfica dos discos intervertebrais mineralizados em cães da raça Dachshund Miniatura

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    D. Baraúna Júnior

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivou-se com este trabalho descrever os aspectos de tomografia computadorizada de discos intervertebrais de cães da raça Dachshund com um ano de idade, assim como quantificar, qualificar e localizar a mineralização nos componentes do DIV e no espaço intervertebral da coluna vertebral. Dez cães dessa raça, com um ano de idade, foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada (TC. Nas imagens de reconstrução sagital dos animais, procedeu-se à identificação de sete DIV em cada animal, entre as vértebras T9 e L3, totalizando a análise de 70 DIV. Entre os DIV mineralizados, a presença da alteração foi determinada quanto à localização no núcleo pulposo (NP, no anel fibroso (AF e em AF/NP. Dos 70 DIV avaliados, 45 foram considerados como mineralizados. Entre os classificados como mineralizados, 20% (9/45, 17,8% (8/45 e 62,2% (28/45 estavam localizados nas regiões do NP, AF e AF/NP, respectivamente. A mineralização encontrada neste estudo esteve caracterizada por aumento de atenuação radiográfica com densidade mineral na topografia do DIV, havendo variações da localização e da radiodensidade de área calcificada entre animais e DIV no mesmo indivíduo. As alterações relativas à mineralização dos DIV podem ser classificadas tomograficamente quanto à localização da alteração no disco em AF, NP e AF/NP.

  17. Análise de dentição mista: tomografia versus predição e medida radiográfica Mixed-dentition analysis: tomography versus radiographic prediction and measurement

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    Letícia Guilherme Felício


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o objetivo dos autores desse estudo foi comparar o método de análise de dentição mista que utiliza tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico para avaliar os diâmetros dos dentes intraósseos com os métodos de Moyers, Tanaka-Johnston e radiografias oblíquas em 45º. MÉTODOS: foram realizadas medidas, na arcada inferior, dos diâmetros mesiodistais dos incisivos permanentes irrompidos, nos modelos de gesso com auxílio de paquímetro digital e estimativa do tamanho de pré-molares e caninos permanentes ainda não irrompidos utilizando-se a tabela de Moyers e a fórmula de predição de Tanaka-Johnston. Nas radiografias oblíquas em 45º, caninos e pré-molares foram medidos utilizando-se o mesmo instrumento. Nas tomografias, as mesmas unidades dentárias foram aferidas por meio de ferramentas do programa Dolphin. RESULTADOS: a análise estatística revelou elevada concordância entre o método tomográfico e o radiográfico, e baixa concordância entre o tomográfico e os demais avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: a tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico mostrou-se confiável para análise da dentição mista e apresenta algumas vantagens em relação aos métodos comparados: a observação e mensuração dos dentes intraósseos individualmente, com a possibilidade, contudo, de visualizá-los sob diferentes perspectivas e sem superposição de estruturas anatômicas.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the method for mixed-dentition analysis using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for assessing the diameter of intra-osseous teeth and compare the results with those obtained by Moyers, Tanaka-Johnston, and 45-degree oblique radiographs. METHODS: Measurements of mesial-distal diameters of erupted lower permanent incisors were made on plaster cast models by using a digital calliper, whereas assessment of the size of non-erupted permanent pre-molars and canines was performed by using Moyer's table and Tanaka-Johnston's prediction

  18. Immediate adverse reactions to intravenous iodinated contrast media in computed tomography Reacciones adversas inmediatas al contraste yodado intravenoso en tomografía computarizada Reações adversas imediatas ao contraste iodado intravenoso em tomografia computadorizada

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    Beatriz Cavalcanti Juchem


    ório-descritiva, de caráter não experimental, com o objetivo de conhecer as reações adversas imediatas ao contraste iodado intravenoso em pacientes hospitalizados, submetidos a tomografia computadorizada num hospital-escola no Sul do Brasil. Durante o período de estudo, todas as reações adversas manifestaram-se na intensidade leve, com freqüência de 12,5% com o uso de contraste iodado iônico e 1% com contraste não iônico. Extravasamento do meio radiopaco ocorreu em 2,2% das injeções em veia periférica, não havendo complicações em nenhum dos casos. Os resultados encontram-se dentro dos limites citados na literatura internacional e sugere-se que os serviços de tomografia conheçam as próprias taxas de reações adversas ao contraste iodado e as condições em que elas ocorrem, a fim de obter evidências para a avaliação dos respectivos processos assistenciais.


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    Adriana Furtado de Macedo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um caso de calcificação distrófica intensa no interior do seio maxilar em uma criança com transplante hepático e órgãos dentais pigmentados por hiperbilirrubinemia. Descrição do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 12 anos de idade, com transplante hepático efetuado aos 7 anos de vida devido à atresia de vias biliares extra-hepática, uso de tacrolimus imunossupressor (2 mg diários. No exame clínico intrabucal, observou-se a presença de pigmentação esverdeada no órgão dental por bilirrubina. Efetuou-se um exame de tomografia computadorizada volumétrica de feixe cônico para análise da densidade radiográfica dos elementos dentais pigmentados. Mediante interpretação da imagem pela escala de Hounsfield, não foi constatada nenhuma alteração na densidade radiográfica das estruturas do órgão dental. No entanto, a tomografia computadorizada evidenciou a presença de calcificação distrófica intensa em região de seio maxilar. Comentários: A alteração de imagem observada no exame de tomografia computadorizada demonstrou achado radiográfico relevante, com presença de radiopacidades no interior do seio maxilar decorrentes de sinusites fúngicas ou não fúngicas. O relato desse caso é relevante por apresentar alteração de imagem radiográfica exacerbada associada a quadros infecciosos agudos que podem comprometer o estado sistêmico do paciente imunossuprimido.

  20. Implementação de um sistema de localização espacial de regiões cerebrais em tempo real para aplicação de TMS por co-registro com fMRI


    André Salles Cunha Peres


    Nos últimos 20 anos tivemos um grande avanço na neurociência e nas técnicas de avaliação do sistema nervoso em humanos em uma tentativa inicial de compreensão de seu funcionamento. Colaboram com esse avanço técnicas como a eletroencefalografia (EEG), tomografia com-putadorizada (CT), tomografia por emissão de pósitron (PET), ressonância magnética funcional (fMRI), que geram mapas estatísticos de atividade cerebral, e a estimulação magnética transcrania-na (TMS), que se utiliza de pulsos de...

  1. Análise por tomografia computadorizada do enxerto autógeno na cirurgia de "sinus lift" Computed tomography evaluation of autogenous graft in sinus lift surgery

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    Sérgio Aron Ajzen


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Quantificar a formação óssea nos enxertos com e sem plasma rico em plaquetas, obtido pelos métodos de centrifugação e aférese, comparando os três tipos de enxertos realizados por meio de análise tomográfica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo, duplo cego, utilizou uma amostra composta de 34 pacientes adultos, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 48 anos e 8 meses, portadores de pneumatização unilateral ou bilateral dos seios maxilares, que necessitavam de enxertos ósseos, com a finalidade de melhorar as condições locais para a colocação dos implantes dentários. Todos os pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada antes da cirurgia. Foram operados 53 seios maxilares, divididos em três grupos: enxerto de plasma rico em plaquetas obtido pelos métodos de aférese, centrifugação e enxerto apenas de osso autógeno. Após seis meses do procedimento cirúrgico foram realizados novos exames de imagem. RESULTADOS: Pela avaliação tomográfica, houve crescimento em altura e em largura nos três grupos quando foram comparados os momentos inicial e final, entretanto, não houve diferença estatística para a altura e para a largura. CONCLUSÃO: Evidências clínicas demonstram a eficácia dos enxertos autógenos, principalmente os associados a fatores indutores de crescimento ósseo, como o plasma rico em plaquetas, recuperando o arcabouço maxilofacial, necessário para a reconstrução protética e funcional por meio de implantes dentários.OBJECTIVE: To quantify bone formation within autogenous bone grafts and autogenous bone grafts in combination with platelet-rich plasma obtained either from aphaeresis or centrifugation using computed tomography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, double-blind study was conducted in 34 male and female adult patients (mean age of 28 years and 8 months, with either unilateral or bilateral pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses, requiring bone graft for dental

  2. É hora de investirmos em intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas no Brasil?

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    Henrique Pinto Gomide


    Full Text Available Intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas apresentam evidências de eficácia para diversas condições de saúde, como transtornos de ansiedade ou de humor e abuso do uso de álcool e tabagismo. Embora apresentem efeitos relativamente pequenos, elas podem atingir um grande número de usuários simultaneamente e funcionar de forma ininterrupta. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: 1 analisar criticamente as evidências de eficácia presentes na literatura sobre intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas; 2 avaliar o potencial de utilização no país; 3 descrever a regulamentação existente; e 4 apresentar ferramentas para desenvolvimento destas intervenções através de uma revisão narrativa da literatura. As intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas se configuram como uma potencial ferramenta para a saúde pública, devido ao crescimento do uso de computadores e internet no Brasil e ao baixo custo de seu desenvolvimento.

  3. Considerações sobre eficiência administrativa relacionado aos exames de ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética nas afecções orbitárias Reasons for the administrative efficiency related to ultrassonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging tests in orbital diseases

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    Magno Watanabe


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Enfocar os exames de ultra-sonografia (US, tomografia computadorizada (TC e ressonância magnética (RM, levantando, revisando e discutindo as seguintes medidas na melhoria da eficiência destes procedimentos na órbita: 1- Defasagem dos honorários médicos; 2- Vantagens e desvantagens dos exames; 3- Diretrizes clínicas. MÉTODOS: No período de julho de 2002 a março de 2003, realizou-se um levantamento dos valores dos exames orbitários de US, TC e RM pagos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, operadoras de planos e seguros de saúde e particulares cobrados em três clínicas oftalmológicas e três clínicas radiológicas referenciadas. Pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão na literatura dos referidos exames e suas diretrizes clínicas nas afecções orbitárias. RESULTADOS: 1- Valores dos exames em reais (R$: US: 9,05 - SUS / 81,77 - AMB 90 / 57,01 - AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 102,00 - AMB/LPM 99 / 158,33 - particular. TC: 86,76 - SUS / 193,70 - AMB 90 / 196,30 - AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 204,12 - AMB/LPM 99 / 255,33 - particular. RM: 268,75 - SUS / 475,80 - AMB 90 e AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 472,50 - AMB/LPM 99 / 563,33 - particular; 2- Vantagens e desvantagens dos exames descritos de acordo com a revisão da literatura; 3- As doenças da órbita não têm ainda listadas suas diretrizes. CONCLUSÃO: Estes exames são os mais utilizados e consagrados pela sua eficácia no estudo da órbita. Para uma maior eficiência, devemos considerar as seguintes recomendações administrativas: 1- Modernização e atualização das tabelas de honorários com índices mínimos e mais justos na remuneração dos exames com reembolso dos insumos utilizados como filmes radiológicos e contrastes: 2- Promover e estimular a educação médica continuada, evitando o excesso de exames desnecessários ou inapropriados: 3- Elaboração e implementação de diretrizes e protocolos clínicos baseados em evidências nas principais doenças orbitárias que possam ser utilizados como refer

  4. Aplicação de medidas cefalométricas em 3D-TC: Application of cephalometric measurements in 3D-TC

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    Patrícia de Medeiros Loureiro Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a precisão e acurácia (validade de medidas cefalométricas lineares em imagens reconstruídas em terceira dimensão (3D, pela técnica de volume, a partir da tomografia computadorizada (TC multislice. METODOLOGIA: o material da pesquisa consistiu de 10 (dez crânios secos, previamente selecionados, sem distinção de etnia ou gênero, os quais foram submetidos à TC multislice 16 cortes com 0,5mm de espessura por 0,3mm de intervalo de reconstrução. Posteriormente, os dados obtidos foram enviados para uma estação de trabalho independente, contendo o programa Vitrea®. Os pontos cefalométricos (n=13 foram localizados e as respectivas medidas ósseas lineares (n=15 foram realizadas por 2 examinadores, previamente treinados, medindo cada um duas vezes, independentemente, em 3D. As medidas físicas foram obtidas por um terceiro examinador, utilizando um paquímetro digital. A análise dos dados foi realizada mediante um estudo comparativo entre as medidas inter e intra-examinadores, em 3D-TC, e entre estas e as medidas físicas obtidas diretamente nos crânios, utilizando ANOVA (análise de variância. RESULTADOS: não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os valores das medidas inter e intra-examinadores, nem entre as medidas físicas e em 3D, com p>0,6 para todas as medidas. O erro percentual foi de 2,05% para as medidas interexaminadores e de 2,11% para as medidas intra-examinadores. A média do erro percentual entre as medidas físicas e em 3D variou de 0,96% a 1,47%. CONCLUSÃO: todas as medidas cefalométricas lineares foram consideradas precisas e acuradas utilizando a técnica de volume em 3D por meio da TC multislice.AIM: To test the precision and accuracy of conventional linear cephalometric measurements in 3D reconstructed images using a multislice CT. METHODS: The study population consisted of 10 dry skulls, previously selected, without distinction of

  5. Visualização do manto cerebral após tratamento de hidrocéfalo congênito: relato de um caso

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    Carlos Eduardo Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available O propósito deste registro é relatar o caso de recém-nascido com hidrocefalia que, após derivação ventrículo-peritoneal passou a apresentar evolução próxima ao normal do ponto de vista neurológico, bem como visualização à tomografia computadorizada do manto cerebral não observado em exame feito anteriormente.

  6. Cistos sinoviais lombares Synovial cysts of the lumbar spine

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    Ana Cláudia Ferreira Rosa


    Full Text Available Os cistos sinoviais localizados na coluna lombar são raros, em geral associados a alterações degenerativas das articulações facetárias, mais freqüentemente vistos na transição L4-L5. Raramente causam sintomas, que, quando ocorrem, são sobretudo lombociatalgia. O diagnóstico é feito de maneira satisfatória pela tomografia computadorizada e pela ressonância magnética e é importante para que se institua o correto tratamento dos cistos. Existem diversas formas de tratamento, desde repouso e imobilização até a injeção de corticóide no cisto sinovial guiada por tomografia computadorizada, e mesmo cirurgia nos casos refratários aos outros tipos de tratamento.Intraspinal synovial cysts of the lumbar spine are rare and commonly associated with osteoarthritis of the facet joints, particularly at level L4-L5. Symptoms are uncommon and may include low-back pain or sciatica. These cysts are accurately diagnosed by using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Diagnosis is essential for the correct management of the cysts. Several treatment options are available including rest and immobilization, computed tomography guided corticosteroids injection, and surgery in patients that are nonresponsive to other treatment methods.

  7. Hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar: relato de um caso

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    Martins Rogéria de Castro


    Full Text Available O hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar é neoplasia hepatocelular rara, diagnosticada por tomografia computadorizada e confirmada pelo exame anatomopatológico. O caso relatado foi atendido no Hospital Mater Dei de Belo Horizonte, MG. Os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e patológicos discutidos reforçam a importância das imagens radiológicas na detecção e caracterização das neoplasias focais hepáticas.

  8. Investigação neurorradiológica de pacientes com deficiência idiopática de hormônio do crescimento Neuroradiological investigation in patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency

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    Maria Alice N. Bordallo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência e os tipos de alterações observadas à tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em pacientes com deficiência aparentemente idiopática de hormônio do crescimento e investigar a possível relação entre imagem neurorradiológica e presença de deficiência isolada e múltipla de hormônio do crescimento. MÉTODOS: Realizamos tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética da região hipotálamo-hipofisária em 37 pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento. Os pacientes foram divididos em deficiência isolada de hormônio do crescimento (Grupo A e deficiência múltipla de hormônio do crescimento (Grupo B. RESULTADOS: A tomografia computadorizada foi normal em 25 (68% e alterada em 12 (32% pacientes. Observamos sela vazia em 50% dos pacientes, parcialmente vazia em 17% e hipoplasia hipofisária em 33%. Não observamos diferença entre o percentual de alterações à tomografia computadorizada entre os Grupos A e B (p = 0,55. A ressonância magnética foi normal em 17 (46% e alterada em 20 (54% pacientes. À ressonância magnética, observamos sela vazia em 10%, parcialmente vazia em 15% e hipoplasia hipofisária em 75% dos pacientes. Entre os pacientes com ressonância magnética alterada, 70% apresentavam neuro-hipófise ectópica, e em 60% a haste hipofisária estava afilada ou ausente. Os pacientes do Grupo B apresentaram maior percentual de alterações à ressonância magnética quando comparados aos do Grupo A (p = 0,03. Houve discordância entre tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em 43%; entretanto, não observamos diferença no percentual de anormalidades quando comparamos tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética (p = 0,06. CONCLUSÃO: A hipoplasia hipofisária e a neuro-hipófise ectópica são as alterações mais encontradas em pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento. A associação de hipoplasia hipofisária com outras

  9. Actitudes de los candidatos y maestros de ciencias en servicio acerca del uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias (United States)

    Bayuelo, Ezequiel

    Este estudio examino y comparo las actitudes de los candidatos a maestros de ciencias y los maestros de ciencias en servicio acerca de la utilizacion de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. Tambien identifico y diferencio el uso que ellos dan a estas herramientas en las clases de ciencias. Este estudio presenta un diseno descriptivo exploratorio. Constituyeron la muestra trescientos diez sujetos que fueron candidatos a maestros de ciencias o maestros de ciencias en servicio. Para recoger los datos se construyo y valido un cuestionario de treinta y un itemes. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadisticas no parametricas Kruskal Wallis y Chi-cuadrado (test de homogeneidad) para establecer las diferencias entre las actitudes de los sujetos con relacion al uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. Los hallazgos evidenciaron que son positivas y muy parecidas las actitudes de los candidatos a maestros y maestros en servicio hacia el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas. No hubo diferencias entre los candidatos y maestros en servicio en terminos de las actitudes de confianza y empatia hacia el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. En aspectos como el uso del banco de datos bibliografico Eric y el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en actividades educativas como explorar conceptos, conceptuar, aplicar lo aprendido y hacer asignaciones hubo diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre los candidatos y los maestros en servicio. Al comparar las frecuencias observadas con las esperadas hubo mas maestros en servicio y menos candidatos que indicaron usar el anterior banco de datos y las herramientas computadorizadas en las mencionadas actividades educativas.

  10. Frequency of suspected cases of neurocysticercosis detected by computed skull tomography in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil Freqüência de casos suspeitos de neurocisticercose em tomografias computadorizadas de crânio em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

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    José Edson Paz da SILVA


    Full Text Available Due to the lack of studies about neurocysticercosis in the South of Brazil, an investigation was conducted to determine the percentage of suspected cases of neurocysticercosis in computed tomography diagnoses in Santa Maria, RS, from January 1997 to December 1998. Of 6300 computed tomographies (CT of the skull performed at the private Hospital de Caridade Astrogildo de Azevedo, 80, i.e., 1.27% were suspected of neurocysticercosis. Fifty were women (62.5% and 30 were men (37.5%. The most frequent radiological manifestation indicating neurocysticercosis was the presence of calcifications (isolated or associated, with a 95% rate (76 cases, while the presence of hypodense lesions reached a 5% rate (4 cases. After routine analysis, each CT was evaluated again and the suspected cases were confirmed. The percentage of suspected cases of neurocysticercosis detected by CT in the present study carried out in Santa Maria was considered low (1.27%. This can be explained by the fact that tomography is not accessible to the economically underprivileged population of Santa Maria. We hope that the present study can alert the population and the professionals to the fact that neurocysticercosis is a more frequent disease than indicated by the few diagnoses made.Com o objetivo de iniciar um estudo sobre a neurocisticercose no Sul do Brasil, foi verificada a porcentagem de casos suspeitos de neurocisticercose em tomografia computadorizada de crânio (TCC em Santa Maria, entre janeiro de 1997 e dezembro de 1998. Os resultados mostraram que entre 6300 TCC realizadas no Hospital de Caridade Astrogildo de Azevedo, 80, isto é, 1,27% eram suspeitas de neurocisticercose. Constatamos que 50 eram mulheres (62,5% e 30 homens (37,5%. A manifestação radiológica mais freqüente para indicar neurocisticercose foi a calcificação (isolada ou associada com 95% (76 casos, enquanto a presença de lesões hipodensas foi de 5% (4 casos. Após a análise de rotina cada TCC foi

  11. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available Resumo: O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença. Abstract: Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease. Palavras-chave: Tomografia computadorizada espiral, bronquiectasia, radiologia, fisiologia, patologia, Key-words: Tomography, spiral computed, bronchiectasis, radiology, physiology pathology

  12. Aspectos radiológicos da atresia brônquica: relato de três casos e revisão da literatura Radiological aspects of bronchial atresia: report of three cases and review of the literature

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    Alexandre da Silva Neu


    Full Text Available A atresia brônquica é uma anomalia congênita rara que usualmente produz massa justa-hilar com hipertransparência distal à radiografia simples. A maioria dos pacientes é jovem e não apresenta sintomas. A tomografia computadorizada confirma o diagnóstico, permitindo o manejo conservador nos casos assintomáticos. Os autores relatam três casos de atresia brônquica. Um caso, de particular interesse, estava associado a volumosa broncocele em paciente do sexo feminino, de 45 anos de idade, que apresentou quadro sintomático de infecção respiratória. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido por meio dos achados da radiologia convencional, da tomografia computadorizada e da comparação com radiografias convencionais e tomografia linear prévios, que já demonstravam alterações. Realizou-se uma revisão sobre os achados clínicos e radiológicos dessa malformação.Bronchial atresia is a rare congenital abnormality that usually shows a juxta-hilar mass with distal radiolucency on conventional x-ray films. Most patients are young and have no symptoms. Computed tomography usually confirms the diagnosis, allowing conservative management of the asymptomatic cases. The authors report three cases of bronchial obstruction. One of the patients was of particular importance and interest, a 45-year-old female patient with symptoms of respiratory infection, due to the association with a bulky bronchocele. The diagnosis was made by analyzing the findings of conventional x-ray films and computed tomography, and the comparison with previous conventional x-ray films and linear tomography, which had already demonstrated abnormalities. A literature review on the clinical and radiological findings of this pulmonary malformation is presented.

  13. Broncofibroscopia Flexível e Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada no diagnóstico do Carcinoma Pulmonar Não de Peq uenas Células

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    Ram Cicero


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Actualmente a avaliação dos Tumores Pulmonares e as alterações intratorácicas provocadas pelos mesmos pode ser analisada por Tomografia Axial Computorizada e Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC.Parece haver uma correlação entre as imagens detectadas pela Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC e as alterações cndoscópicas encontradas por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB.O objectivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar essa eventual correlação.Estudaram-se 18 doentes com Carcinoma do Pulmão Não de Pequenas Células (CPNPC. Houve uma boa correlação da Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC e dos aspectos encontrados por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB, nas estenoses intrínsecas ou extrínsecas dos Brônquios Principais (BP e Brônquios Lobares (BL.A Tomografa Helicoidal Computorizada (THC pennite a localização espacial do tumor e visualizar as alterações estruturais circunvizinhas secundánas ao crescimento do tumor. A Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC pennitiu ainda a visualização da árvore brônquica para além da obstrução completa do lúmen brônquico, nos doentes em que não se conseguiu visualizar por broncofibroscopia.Nos tumores periféricos houve demonstração pela Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC de alterações estruturais da árvore brônquica que por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB foram consideradas normais.Nesta série houve uma correlação directa entre a Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC e a Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB em quinze dos dezoito doentes estudados havendo uma sensibilidade de 83% no diagnóstico do tumor por broncofibroscopia. COMENTÁRIO: A Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC permite faze r o diagnóstico do cancro do pulmão em três dimensões visualizando as alterações estruturais circunvizinhas.As alterações endoscópicas visualizadas por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB continuam a ser importantes, pela análise macroscópica das lesões e

  14. Reinforced concrete tomography; Tomografia de hormigon armado

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    Mariscotti, M A.J.; Morixe, M; Tarela, P A; Thieberger, P [Tomografia de Hormigon Armado S.A., Boulogne (Argentina)


    In this paper we describe the technique of reinforced concrete tomography, its historical background, recent technological developments and main applications. Gamma radiation sensitive plates are imprinted with radiation going through the concrete sample under study, and then processed to reveal the presence of reinforcement and defects in the material density. The three dimensional reconstruction, or tomography, of the reinforcement out of a single gammagraphy is an original development alternative to conventional methods. Re-bar diameters and positions may be determined with an accuracy of {+-} 1 mm 0.5-1 cm, respectively. The non-destructive character of this technique makes it particularly attractive in cases of inhabited buildings and diagnoses of balconies. (author) 8 refs., 12 figs. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe la tecnica de tomografia de hormigon armado, sus antededentes, recientes desarrollos y aplicaciones mas importantes. Esta tecnica se basa en el uso de radiacion gamma para penetrar piezas de hormigon. Placas gammagraficas son sensibilizadas con la radiacion que atraviesa la pieza bajo estudio y luego procesadas para revelar la presencia de armadura e inhomogeneidades en la densidad del concreto. La reconstruccion tridimensional o tomografia, de la armadura a partir de una sola gammagrafia es un desarrollo original alternativo a los metodos convencionales. Diametros y posiciones de los hierros existentes en el interior de columnas, vigas y losas pueden ser determinados con precisiones de {+-} 1 mm y 0.5-1 cm, respectivamente. La condicion de no destructiva hace que esta tecnica sea particularmente apreciada en los casos de edificios habitados y sea insustituible para el diagnostico de balcones. (autor)

  15. Trombose da artéria carótida interna devida a trauma penetrante no pálato mole: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Descrevemos caso de trauma penetrante na região oral em criança, evoluindo com oclusão da artéria carótida interna e déficit neurológico correspondente. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância nuclear magnética demonstram a oclusão completa da artéria carótida interna. Enfatizamos esta rara complicação de trauma oral, comum em crianças e discutimos os aspectos patogênicos.

  16. Claritromicina associada com pirímetamina na toxoplasmose cerebral - relato de dois casos

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    Marcos Olivicr Dalston


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a resposta terapêutica da claritromicina associada com pirímetamina em dois casos de toxoplasmose cerebral ocorridos em pacientes com Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA. Nos dois casos o diagnóstico foi presuntivo, baseando-se nas manifestações clínicas e na presença de lesões expansivas hipercaptantes detectadas na tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio. Em ambos os casos, observou-se exantema com o uso da sulfadiazina e da clindamicina, razão pela qual tais medicamentos foram substituídos pela claritromicina (1,5 a 2g/dia associada à pirímetamina (25mg/dia. A resposta terapêutica foi favorável nos dois casos com melhora das manifestações neurológicas e dos achados neurorradiológicos. Os autores sugerem que a associação claritromicina com pirímetamina pode ser útil como opção terapêutica na toxoplasmose cerebral em pacientes com SIDA que apresentam intolerância ou outra contra-indicação ao emprego das sulfonamidas.

  17. Acute pulmonary schistosomiasis: Correlation between the high-resolution CT and pathological findings

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    Arthur Soares Souza, Jr.


    Full Text Available A 35 years old rural worker presented with a 15 days history of progressive dyspnea, associated with dry cough, mialgia and fever. Few days before the symptoms, he had swim in a river. The chest radiographs demonstrated bilateral reticule-nodular infiltrates. The high-resolution CT showed patchy areas of ground-glass attenuation, irregular interlobular septal thickening, intralobular interstitial thickening, and small nodules, which are confluent in some regions. All the laboratorial investigation were negative. The open lung biopsy shows parenchymal granulomatous inflammation, and numerous schistosome ova. Resumo: Paciente masculino, de 35 anos, trabalhador rural, apresentando-se com história de dispneia progressiva, tosse seca, mialgia e febre, com evolução de 15 dias. Relatava ter nadado num rio, recentemente. As radiografias de tórax mostravam infiltração retículo-nodular bilateral. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciava áreas esparsas de atenuação em vidro fosco, espessamento irregular de septos in- terlobulares e do interstício intralobular e pequenos nódulos, confluentes em algumas regiões. Os exames laboratoriais eram normais. Biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto demonstrou inflamação parenquimatosa granulomatosa, com presença de ovos de esquistossoma. Key-words: Acute schistosomiasis, high-resolution computed tomography, parasitic infection, lungs, Palavras-chave: Esquistossomose aguda, tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução, infecção parasitária, pulmões

  18. Avaliação por imagem da área de gordura visceral e suas correlações com alterações metabólicas

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    Anna Karla Carneiro Roriz


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade androgênica está associada a um risco maior de distúrbios metabólicos, favorecendo assim a ocorrência de doenças cardiovasculares e outras morbidades. OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da área de tecido adiposo visceral (ATAV, medida pela tomografia computadorizada, sobre alterações metabólicas em adultos e idosos. MÉTODOS: Tomografias computadorizadas e valores de lipoproteínas: o colesterol total e frações, os triglicérides, a glicemia e o ácido úrico foram obtidos de 194 indivíduos estratificados por sexo, grupo etário e massa corporal, e analisados utilizando os testes de correlação e de média. RESULTADOS: Os idosos apresentaram maiores valores da ATAV, glicemia, ácido úrico e colesterol total. As maiores correlações foram encontradas entre a ATAV, os triglicérides e o VLDL-c (r > 0,5; p < 0,01, em ambos os grupos etários. A média da área de tecido adiposo visceral mostrou-se sempre mais elevada quando os valores de triglicérides e de glicemia estavam alterados, em ambos os grupos etários. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos exames apresentou forte correlação com a ATAV considerada de risco para alterações metabólicas. Em idosos, a área de tecido adiposo visceral de risco parece ser superior a de adultos.

  19. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available Resumo: O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 627-639 Abstract: Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 627-639 Palavras-chave: Tomografia computadorizada espiral, bronquiectasia, radiologia, fisiologia, patologia, Key-words: Tomography, spiral computed, bronchiectasis, radiology, physiology pathology

  20. Sífilis secundária com acometimento pulmonar Secondary syphilis with pulmonary involvement


    Ederson Valei Lopes de Oliveira; José Alves Rocha-Filho; Andreia Américo Monteiro; Eurides Maria de Oliveira Pozzeti; João Roberto Antonio


    Sífilis é doença sistêmica e infectocontagiosa causada pelo Treponema pallidum. Relata-se caso de sífilis secundária em homem de 37 anos com queixas relacionadas ao trato respiratório. Manifestações clínicas e exames de imagens, incluindo radiografia e tomografia computadorizada de tórax, sugeriram neoplasia. A avaliação dermatológica e os exames complementares (sorologia e anatomopatológico de pele) confirmaram o diagnóstico. Paciente foi tratado com aplicação semanal de penicilina G benzati...

  1. Ombro flutuante associado à luxação escápulo-umeral posterior: relato de caso


    Rodrigues,Alessandro Ulhôa; Veado,Marco Antonio de Castro; Melo,Gustavus Lemos Ribeiro


    Apresenta-se rara variação de ombro flutuante associada a luxação glenoumeral posterior em paciente masculino, 26 anos de idade, vítima de acidente motociclístico. Ao exame, queixava-se de dor no ombro esquerdo, limitação dos movimentos, principalmente da rotação externa. A radiografia em ântero-posterior (AP) verdadeiro mostrou fratura do colo da glenóide, sem envolvimento articular, e fratura do processo coracóide. A radiografia em perfil, axilar e a tomografia computadorizada confirmaram a...

  2. Auxílio da tomografia computadorizada no planejamento pré-operatório de pacientes portadores de escoliose idiopática do adolescente Auxilio de la tomografía computarizada en el plan preoperatorio de pacientes portadores de escoliosis idiopática del adolescente Computed tomography aid in preoperative planning of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Rodrigo Rezende


    Full Text Available A escoliose idiopática do adolescente (EIA é uma doença diagnosticada no início da puberdade. Ela apresenta etiologia indefinida e caracteriza-se pelo desvio lateral da coluna vertebral maior que 10°, associado à rotação do corpo vertebral. O uso de instrumentação de terceira geração produziu um melhor resultado na correção da curva do que as técnicas anteriores. Porém, ainda existem dificuldades técnicas no momento da passagem e da escolha dos parafusos pediculares, devido à angulação e ao diâmetro dos pedículos vertebrais. Apesar de apresentar vantagens, essa técnica não é isenta de riscos e complicações, necessitando de uma maior curva de aprendizado pelo médico-cirurgião, bem como de um adequado planejamento pré-operatório. Até o momento, não há na literatura relato sobre a utilização da tomografia computadorizada no auxílio do planejamento cirúrgico de pacientes com escoliose. Diante do exposto, objetivamos, no presente estudo, descrever uma técnica de planejamento pré-operatório, com o auxílio da tomografia computadorizada para a fixação da coluna em pacientes com escoliose idiopática do adolescente, especificando a angulação e o diâmetro dos pedículos vertebrais, o que poderá auxiliar o médico-cirurgião no momento da fixação.La escoliosis idiopática en el adolescente (EIA es una enfermedad diagnosticada en el inicio de la pubertad. Esta presenta una etiología indefinida y es caracterizada por el desvío lateral de la columna vertebral por encima de los diez grados asociados a la rotación del cuerpo vertebral. El uso de instrumentación de tercera generación produjo un mejor resultado en la corrección de la curva comparado con las técnicas anteriores. Sin embargo, existen dificultades técnicas en el momento del paso y de escoger los tornillos pediculares debido a la angulación y al diámetro de los pedículos vertebrales. A pesar de presentar ventajas, esta técnica no est

  3. Esvaziamento gástrico após administração oral de contraste em tomografia computadorizada do abdômen: descrição de seis casos

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    Martins Fernando Antonio Nogueira da Cruz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A lesão pulmonar secundária à aspiração do conteúdo gástrico é complicação associada à perda dos reflexos protetores das vias aéreas. Neste contexto, a realização de exames tomográficos que incluem a contrastação do trato digestivo exige particular atenção em crianças abaixo de cinco anos, que necessitam anestesia geral ou sedação para assegurar imobilidade durante o procedimento. A indução da anestesia ou sedação, após ingestão da solução de contraste pode trazer risco substancial para a broncoaspiração do conteúdo gástrico. Isto faz com que se opte por administrar o contraste por sonda gástrica após a intubação traqueal, uma vez que não se conhece o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico após utilização de solução contrastante. Esta conduta representa aumento do tempo de anestesia, o que resulta em constante questionamento sobre a possibilidade de esvaziamento do conteúdo gástrico em tempo inferior a uma hora. Seis casos de pacientes submetidos à tomografia de abdômen foram avaliados quanto ao esvaziamento gástrico por meio da realização de cortes tomográficos na topografia do estômago, com o objetivo de determinar a presença ou ausência de conteúdo residual líquido nesse órgão, após a administração da solução de contraste. RELATO DOS CASOS: Foram avaliadas seis crianças submetidas à tomografia contrastada do abdômen. Duas, não anestesiadas, apresentaram expressivo resíduo líquido gástrico decorridos 50 e 45 minutos, respectivamente, da ingestão de contraste. Quatro, submetidas à anestesia geral, também apresentaram resíduo líquido gástrico decorridos 40 a 50 minutos da administração de contraste via sonda oro/nasogástrica. Em duas destas persistiu apreciável resíduo líquido no estômago, mesmo após a aspiração do conteúdo pela sonda. CONCLUSÕES: Nos casos observados, o período de 40 a 50 minutos foi insuficiente para o esvaziamento do

  4. Seqüestro pulmonar: uma série de nove casos operados

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    Full Text Available Seqüestro pulmonar é uma anomalia congênita que envolve parênquima e vascularização pulmonar e apresenta-se como extralobar ou intralobar. Objetivo: Descrever os casos de seqüestro pulmonar tratados no InCor e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP no período de 1987 a 1996. Método: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários. Resultados: Foram tratados nove pacientes, sendo quatro mulheres e cinco homens; duas crianças e sete adultos. Infecção respiratória de repetição e hemoptise foram achados clínicos freqüentes nesses pacientes. Todos os casos eram intralobares. A principal localização foi no lobo inferior esquerdo (66%. Apenas um diagnóstico foi intra-operatório. Nos outros oito casos, o diagnóstico foi suspeitado pela radiografia de tórax (100% e confirmado pela arteriografia (77% e/ou tomografia computadorizada (66%. Lobectomia (77% foi o principal tratamento cirúrgico, com baixa morbidade pós-operatória e sem mortalidade. Exame anatomopatológico foi realizado em sete casos e confirmou a doença. Conclusões: O seqüestro pulmonar é uma entidade incomum, em que a tomografia computadorizada e a arteriografia são os exames que mais informações oferecem para um diagnóstico definitivo e seguro. A ressecção do tecido envolvido leva a excelentes resultados.

  5. "Aplicação de genética molecular para diagnóstico de neurocisticercose e descoberta gênica em Taenia solium"


    Carolina Rodrigues de Almeida


    Neurocisticercose (NCC) é uma infecção parasítica freqüente do sistema nervoso central, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Os custos elevados dos exames de neuroimagem (Ressonância Magnética e Tomografia Computadorizada), hoje em dia considerados como os métodos mais precisos no diagnóstico da doença, podem ser inviáveis nestas regiões, além disso, há que se considerar os problemas na correta interpretação dos diversos testes imunológicos disponíveis, freqüentemente difíceis e delic...

  6. Avaliação radiográfica e tomográfica dos seios nasais de gatos com doenças sinonasais crônicas

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    R. Zanatta


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os seios nasais de 10 gatos mestiços, adultos, acometidos por afecções sinonasais, por meio de exames radiográfico e tomográfico, e descreveram-se as vantagens e desvantagens dos métodos. O grande diferencial do exame de tomografia computadorizada em relação ao exame radiográfico, na avaliação dos seios nasais, foi a detecção de alterações nos seios esfenoides e a maior facilidade em localizar a lateralidade e o grau de envolvimento de alterações dos seios frontais.

  7. Diagnóstico por imagem do tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo Imaging of acute pulmonary thromboembolism

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    C. Isabela S. Silva


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico do tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo é baseado na probabilidade clínica, uso do dímero D (quando disponível e na avaliação por imagem. Os principais métodos de imagem utilizados no diagnóstico são representados por cintilografia ventilação-perfusão, angiografia pulmonar e tomografia computadorizada (TC. Na última década vários estudos têm demonstrado que a TC espiral apresenta elevada sensibilidade e especificidade no diagnóstico de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo. Uma melhor avaliação das artérias pulmonares tornou-se possível com a recente introdução dos equipamentos de TC espirais com multidetectores. Vários pesquisadores têm sugerido que a angiografia pulmonar por TC espiral deve substituir a cintilografia na avaliação de pacientes com suspeita clinica de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo. Os autores discutem os principais métodos de imagem utilizados no diagnóstico de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo enfatizando o papel da TC espiral.The diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism is based on the clinical probability, use of D-dimer (when available and imaging. The main imaging modalities used in the diagnosis are ventilation-perfusion (V/Q, scintigraphy, angiography, and computed tomography (CT. In the last decade several studies have demonstrated that spiral CT has a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism. The evaluation of the pulmonary arteries has further improved with the recent introduction of multidetector spiral CT scanners. Various investigators have suggested that spiral CT pulmonary angiography should replace scintigraphy in the assessment of patients whose symptoms are suggestive of acute PE. This article discusses the role of the various imaging modalities in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism with emphasis on the role of spiral CT.

  8. Achados tomográficos em 1000 pacientes consecutivos com antecedentes de crises epilépticas

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    Trentin Ana Paula


    Full Text Available Analizamos retrospectivamente as tomografias computadorizadas (TC de crânio de 1000 pacientes consecutivos, com história clínica de crises epilépticas classificadas do ponto de vista clínico em generalizadas (CG e parciais (CP. Nossos resultados mostraram a presença de CG em 70,7% dos pacientes, sendo 57,1% do sexo masculino e 42,9% do sexo feminino e, CP em 29,3%, sendo 60,0% do sexo maculino e 40,0% do sexo femninino. As faixas etárias de maior incidência foram entre 0 a 10 (31,0% e 11 a 20 (21,8% anos nos pacientes com CG e 0 a 10 (24,5%, 21 a 30 (16,7% e 31 a 40 anos (18,4% nos pacientes com CP. Os resultados tomográficos no grupo com CG foram: normais (48,8% e alterados em 51,2%, sendo esses achados definidos como calcificações/cisticercose (14,0%, neurocisticercose/cistos (9,6% hidrocefalia (4,4%, infarto (4,2%, indefinido (4,0%, tumor (2,5% entre outros (12,5,%. Nos pacientes com CP os exames tomográficos foram normais em 37,4%, alterados em 62,7%, tendo os diagnósticos de neurocisticercose/cistos (12,2%, calcificações/cisticercose (11,2%, tumor (10,5%, indefinido (8,1%, infarto (5,4%, hidrocefalia (3,7% e outros (11,6%. Salientamos a importância da TC em pacientes com epilepsia, particularmente para o diagnóstico de neurocisticercose.

  9. Forma tumoral da neurocisticercose: exerese de cisticerco de 70x77 mm e tratamento com praziquantel: relato de caso

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    Benedicto Oscar Colli


    Full Text Available O caso descrito refere-se a paciente do sexo feminino, com 22 anos, com história de dois episódios de crise convulsiva lateralizada à direita, hemiparesia direita e disfasia. O exame neurológico mostrou ainda edema de papila bilateral. A tomografia computadorizada (TC do crânio mostrou um cisto de 70x77 mm, ocupando a região fronto-parieto-temporal esquerda, ocasionando grande desvio da linha média, além de outras lesões menores, semelhantes, esparsas no parênquima. Com o diagnóstico de neurocisticercose foi submetida a craniotomia, sendo removidos o cisto maior (cisticerco racemoso e pequeno cisticerco cortical (10x10 mm para exame. Teve alta 13 dias após a cirurgia, com regressão completa do quadro neurológico, exceto o edema de papila (regressão parcial. Um mês após foi submetida a tratamento com praziquantel (50 mg/kg/dia durante 20 dias. O exame de LCR foi normal antes deste tratamento e, durante ele, apresentou reação celular eosinofílica, com positivação da reação de fixação de complemento para a cisticercose, ambas transitórias. A TC prévia ao tratamento mostrou várias áreas hipodensas de 10 a 40 mm, esparsas no parênquima, inclusive na área operada- A TC realizada três meses após mostrou diminuição do número de cistos do parênquima, persistindo apenas uma área hipodensa de 20 mm no local operado e dilatação do corno frontal do ven-trículo do mesmo lado. A evolução clínica foi excelente e o exame neurológico foi normal 3 meses depois.

  10. Aspergilose invasiva do seio esfenoidal e paralisia do sexto nervo

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    Maria Inês de Vilhena Lana-Peixoto


    Full Text Available A aspergilose do seio esfenoidal é doença rara e pode se apresentar sob diferentes formas clínicas devido a envolvimento de. diversas estruturas anatomicamente adjacentes ao seio esfenoidal. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com 74 anos de idade, diabética, com paralisia do sexto nervo esquerdo secundária a aspergilose do seio esfenoidal. Não havia história de cefaléia ou de queixas sugestivas de alergia respiratória. A tomografia computadorizada revelou lesão etmoídeo-esfenoidal à esquerda, com presença de imagem cálcica em seu interior e destruição óssea. A paciente foi submetida a cirurgia com retirada de material necrótico e debridamento da lesão, seguida de tratamento com anfote-ricina B e 5-fluorocitosina. Exame histológico revelou a presença de hifas sugestivas de Aspergilius sp. Após três meses de tratamento a paciente apresentou recuperação total da paresia do nervo abducente. O diagnóstico clínico pré-operatório de aspergilose do seio esfenoidal é difícil. No entanto, a presença de imagem cálcica ou de densidade metálica à radiografia simples de crânio ou à tomografia computadorizada sugere fortemente o diagnóstico. O exame hihstológico revela a presença de hifas dicotomatosas em 45,0 típicas do Aspergilius. O tratamento inclui excisão e debridamento da lesão seguida do uso de anfo-tericina B associada a 5-fluorocitosina ou rifampicina.

  11. Stratus optical coherence tomography findings in patients with retinopathy of prematurity Tomografia de coerência óptica em pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade

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    Aline do Lago


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To describe morphological features of the macula in patients with retinopathy of prematurity. METHODS: Twelve premature babies with retinopathy of prematurity grades I, II and III underwent dilated fundus examination and optical coherence tomography evaluation. RESULTS: In all thirteen eyes of the twelve premature patients optical coherence tomography revealed a condensed retinal pigmented epithelial layer in the macular-foveal area shown by increased reflectivity. In these eyes the retinal layers were not well differentiated. Foveal depression was clearly evident in 23%. CONCLUSIONS: In premature patients with retinopathy of prematurity, optical coherence tomography revealed poorly differentiated layers in the macular region with increased reflectivity in retinal pigmented epithelial-choriocapillaris zone.OBJETIVO: Descrever os aspectos morfológicos da mácula em pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP. MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade graus I, II and III foram submetidos a mapeamento de retina e avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica. RESULTADOS: Em todos os treze olhos de 12 pacientes a tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou a camada do epitélio pigmentar hiperrefletiva, sendo a área macular com maior intensidade. Nesses olhos as camadas da retina não estavam totalmente diferenciadas. A depressão foveal ficou claramente evidente pela tomografia de coerência óptica em 23%. CONCLUSÃO: Nos pacientes prematuros com retinopatia da prematuridade, a tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou as camadas da retina pouco diferenciadas com aumento da refletividade na área macular do complexo epitélio retiniano pigmentar-coriocapilar.

  12. Herpes Zoster oftálmico e posterior acidente vascular cerebral: relato de caso

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    Carlos A. M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Um caso de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC 14 semanas após a instalação de herpes zoster oftálmico (HZO é apresentado. A tomografia computadorizada craniana documentou comprometimento em território de artéria cerebral média ipsilateral ao HZO. O diagnóstico de probabilidade é o de arterite por herpes zoster com posterior trombose. Os autores reviram a literatura e enfatizam o longo intervalo entre o HZO e a instalação da hemiplegia. Citam as novas drogas antivirais que tornam esta causa de AVC potencialmente passível de ser prevenida.

  13. A tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior na propedêutica do exame complementar na avaliação de ectasia

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    Bruno de Freitas Valbon


    Full Text Available Descrevemos a importância da tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior na propedêutica do exame complementar na avaliação de ectasia. Esta descrição da interpretação clínica dos índices da tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior (Pentacam - Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany neste relato de caso, demonstra a relevância de uma nova tecnologia na avaliação da córnea e segmento anterior na suspeita de ceratocone. O diagnóstico de ceratocone foi excluído pela análise dos índices tomográficos de ectasia. Detectou-se assimetria entre os lados nasal e temporal por meio da avaliação do mapa de profundidade de câmara anterior. No exame biomicroscópico sob midríase foi constatado subluxação do cristalino, sendo assim devemos estar atentos não somente aos índices tomográficos corneanos na avaliação do exame complementar e sim analisarmos outros dados importantes oferecidos pela tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior.

  14. Life-threatening acute subdural haematoma after combined spinal–epidural anaesthesia in labour

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    Bulent Bakar


    um caso tão raro que foi diagnosticado como hematoma subdural agudo após anestesia combinada raqui-peridural usada em parto. Relato de caso: Paciente primípara, 34 anos, com 38 semanas de gestação, submetida à cesariana sob anestesia combinada raqui-peridural, deu à luz um menino saudável. Após 32 horas do parto, a dor de cabeça moderada da paciente progrediu para dor de cabeça intensa associada a náusea e vômito e se complicou subsequentemente com crise convulsiva generalizada tônico-clônica e consequente letargia. Tomografia computadorizada do cérebro revelou hematoma subdural agudo do lado direito em região frontotemporoparietal (FTP com edema cerebral difuso. A paciente foi submetida à craniotomia FTP de urgência e evacuação do hematoma. Tomografia computadorizada do crânio no pós-operatório precoce mostrou um sítio operatório limpo. Oito dias após a cirurgia do hematoma subdural, a paciente voltou a ficar letárgica e, dessa vez, a tomografia computadorizada revelou um hematoma extradural sob o retalho ósseo que exigiu outra cirurgia. Dois dias depois, a paciente recebeu alta hospitalar com classificação de desempenho Karnofsky de 90/100. Ao exame de acompanhamento, a paciente apresentou-se neurologicamente intacta e sua tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética estavam normais. Conclusão: Ao usar a anestesia combinada raqui-peridural deve-se ter em mente que dor de cabeça nem sempre significa dor de cabeça hipotensiva associada à raquianestesia e que uma complicação catastrófica de hematoma subdural também pode ocorrer. Keywords: Combined spinal–epidural anaesthesia, Labour, Subdural haematoma, Palavras-chave: Anestesia combinada raqui-peridural, Parto, Hematoma subdural

  15. Evaluation of porous vitreous carbon or silicon implants by radiology in rat's skull Avaliação radiológica de implantes de carbono vítreo poroso ou silicone em crânio de ratos

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    Marcelo Paulo Vaccari-Mazzetti


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Evaluate by CT the use of porous vitreous carbon (PVC and silicon (S implants as the replacement bone in the craniofacial skeleton of rats. METHODS: 40 rats divided in: Group A (n=20 PVC submitted to the implant of a fragment in skull. After the euthanasia, the animals were divided into two subgroups: A I: 10 animals, studied in the 7th postoperative day (P.O and AII: 10 animals, studied in the 28th P.O. In group B, S, 20 rats were submitted to S implant in the skull. All other steps were identical to group A, with designation of subgroups BI and BII. CT with beams in axial cuts of 1 mm thickness to obtain 3-D information It was used Hounsfield scale for evaluate the radio density of the implant. They were used non parametric tests to analyze the results. RESULTS: The 7th PO boss remained in the two groups, but for 28th PO, observed reduction in the volume of the implant in Group A, not observed in group B. CT studies noticed different radio densities around all of S prostheses (pseudo-capsule, that don't appeared in CPV implants. The S has remained unchanged in the CT, but the CPV has had a modification in its radio density (pOBJETIVO: Realizar avaliação através de tomografia computadorizada (TC de implantes de carbono vítreo poroso (CVP e silicone (S para sua utilização na substituição óssea no esqueleto craniofacial de ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos Wistar divididos em: Grupo A (n=20, implantes subperiostais de CVP no crânio. Após o momento da eutanásia os animais foram divididos em dois subgrupos: A I: 10 animais, estudados no 7(0 dia pós-operatório (PO e AII: 10 animais, estudados no 28(0 PO. No grupo B (n=20, os ratos foram submetidos ao implante de silicone no crânio. Todas outras etapas foram idênticas ao grupo A, com a designação de subgrupos BI e BII. Foi realizada tomografia computadorizada com cortes axiais de 1 mm de espessura para obtenção de imagens tridimensionais. A escala de Hounsfield

  16. Opacidades em vidro fosco nas doenças pulmonares difusas: correlação da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução com a anatomopatologia Ground-glass opacity in diffuse lung diseases: high-resolution computed tomography-pathology correlation

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    Maria Lúcia de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available Opacidade em vidro fosco é achado freqüentemente visto na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax e se traduz pelo aumento do coeficiente de atenuação dos pulmões, mas sem apagar as marcas broncovasculares. Por sua inespecificidade, a associação com outros achados radiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos deve ser considerada para uma interpretação diagnóstica mais correta. Neste trabalho foram analisados 62 exames tomográficos de pacientes com doenças pulmonares difusas, de 14 etiologias diferentes, em que opacidades em vidro fosco foram o achado único ou predominante, e feita correlação anatomopatológica por meio de biópsias ou necropsias. Na pneumocistose as opacidades em vidro fosco corresponderam, histologicamente, à ocupação alveolar por material espumoso contendo parasitos; no carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar, a espessamento dos septos alveolares e ocupação de sua luz por muco e células tumorais; na paracoccidioidomicose, a espessamento dos septos alveolares, áreas de fibrose e alvéolos contendo exsudato broncopneumônico; na sarcoidose, a fibrose ou a acúmulo de granulomas; na fibrose pulmonar idiopática, a espessamento dos septos alveolares por fibrose; na bronquiolite obliterante com pneumonia em organização, a pneumonia intersticial com áreas de organização intra-alveolar. A ocupação alveolar por sangue foi observada nos casos de leptospirose, hemossiderose idiopática, metástases de tumor renal e na aspergilose invasiva; por vacúolos de gordura na pneumonia lipídica; por material protéico e lipoprotéico na silicoproteinose e na proteinose alveolar; e por líquido de edema na insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.Ground-glass opacity is a finding frequently seen in high-resolution computed tomography examinations of the chest and is characterized by hazy increased attenuation of lung, however without blurring of bronchial and vascular margins. Due to its unspecificity

  17. Aspectos clínico-tomográficos da mucocele com invasão orbitária Clinical and computed tomography aspects of mucocele with orbital invasion

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    Mary Lúcia Bedran


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e relacionar os achados clínico-radiológicos da mucocele orbitária. MÉTODOS: Análise clínica e de imagem referente a 166 pacientes com lesões expansivas da órbita examinadas com o tomógrafo Somaton DR da marca Siemens de terceira geração num período de 10 anos consecutivos em Hospital Universitário de referência. RESULTADOS: Os achados clínicos mais comuns foram tumoração e proptose do globo ocular. À tomografia computadorizada, o achado típico foi de massa com baixa densidade, originando-se em seios paranasais, com destruição óssea adjacente, invasão da órbita e deslocamento do globo ocular. CONCLUSÃO: O desenvolvimento da tomografia computadorizada foi decisivo no estudo da órbita pois propicia, por meio de exame radiológico altamente especializado, imagens de incrível fidelidade anatômica revelando informações sobre o processo patológico como sua localização, sua relação com as estruturas adjacentes e sua vascularização.PURPOSE: To analyze and establish clinical-radiological findings of orbital mucocele. METHODS: Clinical analysis and image of 166 patients with expansive orbital lesions submitted to third generation Siemens Somaton DR computed tomography from February 1986 to February 1995. RESULTS: The most common clinical findings were mass and proptosis. On computed tomography, the typical finding was mass with low density, coming from paranasal sinuses presenting adjacent bone destruction and orbital invasion, with displacement of ocular globe. CONCLUSION: The development of computed tomography was an important mark in orbital studies because it allows incredible anatomic imagings, yielding information about the pathologic process like its localization and anatomic relation.

  18. Tomografia de coerência óptica na commotio retinae: relato de caso Optical coherence tomography imaging in commotio retinae: case report

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    Celso Morita


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste relato é correlacionar achados à tomografia de coerência óptica e prognóstico visual de pacientes com commotio retina e de gravidades diferentes. Dois pacientes do sexo masculino, de 20 e 23 anos com baixa visual unilateral após trauma ocular contuso atribuível a edema de Berlin foram avaliados pela retinografia e tomografia de coerência óptica. A acuidade visual no olho afetado era de 20/25 no primeiro paciente e conta dedos a 2 metros no segundo. O exame oftalmológico revelou uveíte traumática e, na fundoscopia, evidenciaram-se opacificação retiniana moderada no primeiro caso e grave no segundo. A tomografia de coerência óptica confirmou discreta diminuição da depressão foveal no primeiro caso e desorganização das camadas retinianas no segundo. Houve resolução anatômica e funcional completa a tomografia de coerência óptica no primeiro paciente, enquanto o segundo evoluiu com baixa visual permanente e desorganização da arquitetura retiniana. A tomografia de coerência óptica é um exame complementar útil na avaliação do trauma retiniano, ajudando a entender sua fisiopatologia e predizer prognóstico a partir da análise anatômica da região acometida.The purpose of this case report was to correlate optical coherence tomography findings and visual outcomes of patients with different degrees of commotio retinae. A 20-year-old male and a 23-year-old male that presented with decreased vision due to Berlin's edema after blunt ocular trauma were evaluated by optical coherence tomography and retinography. The visual acuity in the affected eye was 20/25 in the first patient and counting fingers in the second one. The ophthalmic examination showed traumatic uveitis and fundoscopy revealed mild retinal opacification in the first case and severe opacification in the latter. The optical coherence tomography confirmed the reduction of foveal depression on the first case and the disarrangement of all retinal

  19. Tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução na silicose: correlação com radiografia e testes de função pulmonar High-resolution computed tomography in silicosis: correlation with chest radiography and pulmonary function tests

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    Agnaldo José Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os parâmetros tomográficos com os de função pulmonar em portadores de silicose, bem como comparar os resultados da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR com os da radiografia de tórax. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal, em que foram avaliados 44 pacientes não-tabagistas e sem história pregressa de tuberculose. As radiografias foram classificadas de acordo com a proposta da Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Utilizando um sistema de escore semiquantitativo, os seguintes achados na TCAR foram quantificados: extensão total do envolvimento pulmonar, opacidades parenquimatosas e enfisema. Foram realizados espirometria, oscilações forçadas, avaliação dos volumes pulmonares pela técnica de diluição com hélio e medida da diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO, capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono. RESULTADOS: Dos 44 pacientes estudados, 41 eram homens, com média de idade de 48,4 anos. Na análise comparativa, 4 pacientes classificados na categoria 0 pela radiografia foram reclassificados na categoria 1 pela TCAR e, enquanto a radiografia diagnosticou 23 casos de fibrose maciça progressiva, a TCAR estabeleceu esse diagnóstico em 33 doentes. Para o escore de opacidades, as maiores correlações foram observadas com as medidas de fluxo, DLCO e complacência. Já o enfisema correlacionou-se negativamente com as medidas de volume, DLCO e fluxo. Nesta amostra com predomínio de grandes opacidades (75% dos indivíduos, a deterioração da função pulmonar associou-se com a extensão das alterações estruturais. CONCLUSÕES: Na silicose, a TCAR é superior à radiografia tanto na detecção precoce da doença quanto na identificação de fibrose maciça progressiva.OBJECTIVE: To correlate tomographic findings with pulmonary function findings, as well as to compare chest X-ray findings with high resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings, in

  20. Aspectos da tomografia computadorizada craniana na neurocisticercose na infância

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    Marilisa M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam aspectos tomográficos da neurocisticercose na infância a propósito da análise de 27 exames em 18 pacientes, que foram distribuídos em três grupos segundo o quadru clínico e os achados tomográficos. O grupo 1 foi caracterizado basicamente por epilepsias e calcificações. O grupo 2 caracterizou-se por hipertensão intracraniana e diversos aspectos tomográficos: edema, cistos e nódulos em três pacientes; hidrocefalia e calcificações em dois pacientes e normal em um paciente. O grupo 3 consistiu clinicamente de epilepsia e cefaléia, com vários padrões tomográficos. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura disponível.

  1. Hemiparetic cerebral palsy: etiological risk factors and neuroimaging Paralisia cerebral hemiparética: fatores de risco etiológico e neuroimagem

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    Ana Maria Sedrez Gonzaga Piovesana


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper, which was conducted on 175 children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy (H-CP, was to verify the etiological risk period for this disease. Etiological risk factors (ERF were detected through anamnesis: 23% in the prenatal period, 18% in the perinatal period and 59% of the patients the period was undefined (ERF in the prenatal and perinatal period was 41% and no ERF was 18% of the cases. The computerized tomographic scan (CT and MRI were performed on all the patients, who were then classified according to their etiopathogenic data: CT1= normal (18%; CT 2= unilateral ventricular enlargement (25%; CT 3= cortical/ subcortical cavities (28%; CT4= hemispheric atrophy and other findings (14%; CT 5= malformations (15%. CT 5 was associated with physical malformations beyond the central nervous system and with prenatal ERF's , while CT 2 was associated with the perinatal ERF's, mainly in premature births. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed on 57 patients and demonstrated a good degree of concordance with the CT. Etiology remained undefined in only 37% of the cases after neuroimaging was related to ERF. A high perinatal RF frequency (59% was observed and emphasized the need for special care during this period.Foram estudadas 175 crianças com paralisia cerebral hemiparética (PC-H para elucidar o período de risco etiológico. Através da anamnese constataram-se fatores de risco para etiologia (FRE pré-natal em 23%, perinatal em18% e período indefinido em 59% dos pacientes (com FRE pré e perinatal 41% e sem FRE 18%. A tomografia computadorizada (TC foi realizada em todos os sujeitos e classificada de acordo com dados etiopatogênicos em: TC1= normal (18%; TC2= alargamento ventricular unilateral (25%; TC3= cavidades córtico-subcorticais (28%; TC4= atrofia hemisférica e outros achados (14%; TC5= malformações (15%. A TC5 se associada a malformações físicas fora do sistema nervoso central e aos FRE pré-natais e a TC2 aos

  2. Reação granulomatosa do tipo corpo estranho simulando tumor de parede torácica em cicatriz de toracotomia prévia

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    Full Text Available Paciente apresentando tumoração indolor, de crescimento lento, em local correspondente à cicatriz de toracotomia para correção de coarctação de aorta realizada 15 anos antes. Tomografia computadorizada de tórax mostrou lesões tumorais de contornos relativamente bem definidos e osteólise dos arcos costais adjacentes. Realizada ressecção e reconstrução de parede torácica. O anatomopatológico demonstrou reação de histiócitos granulares e reação granulomatosa de corpo estranho a material necro-hemorrágico. Este é um evento raro na prática médica, tendo-se realizado revisão da literatura pertinente.

  3. Hiperplasia nodular focal do fígado: apresentação de um caso e revisão da literatura Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver: a case report and review of the literature

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    Marise Silva Teixeira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresentamos um caso de hiperplasia nodular focal que foi diagnosticado aos seis anos de idade e que está sendo acompanhado até o momento presente. Para o diagnóstico foram imprescindíveis as técnicas de imagem, tendo importância de realce a cintilografia hepatoesplênica e a tomografia computadorizada. Apresentamos, também, revisão da literatura sobre o assunto.In this case report we discuss a focal nodular hyperplasia diagnosed in a female, six-year old patient, as well as her follow-up from the diagnosis to the present time. Imaging techniques, particularly hepatosplenic scintigraphy and computed tomography, are essential for the diagnosis. Also, a literature review is presented.

  4. Development of a guidance guide for dosimetry in computed tomography; Desenvolvimento de um guia orientativo para dosimetria em tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontes, Ladyjane Pereira


    Due to frequent questions from users of ionization chambers pencil type calibrated in the Instrument Calibration Laboratory of the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (LCI - IPEN), on how to properly apply the factors indicated in their calibration certificates, a guide was prepared guidance for dosimetry in computed tomography. The guide includes guidance prior knowledge of half value layer (HVL), as it is necessary to know the effective beam energy for application quality for correction factor (kq). The evaluation of HVL in TC scanners becomes a difficult task due to system geometry and therefore a survey was conducted of existing methodologies for the determination of HVL in clinical beams Computed Tomography, taking into account technical, practical and economic factors. In this work it was decided to test a Tandem System consists of absorbing covers made in the workshop of IPEN, based on preliminary studies due to low cost and good response. The Tandem system consists of five cylindrical absorbing layers of 1mm, 3mm, 5mm, 7mm and 10mm aluminum and 3 cylindrical absorbing covers 15mm, 25mm and acrylic 35mm (PMMA) coupled to the ionization chamber of commercial pencil type widely used in quality control tests in dosimetry in clinical beams Computed tomography. Through Tandem curves it was possible to assess HVL values and from the standard curve pencil-type ionization chamber, Kq find the appropriate beam. The elaborate Guide provides information on how to build the calibration curve on the basis of CSR, to find the Kq and information for construction Tandem curve, to find values close to CSR. (author)

  5. Avaliação da anatomia de molares decíduos por meio de microtomografia computadorizada


    Ana Caroline Fumes


    O conhecimento prévio da anatomia interna e externa dos dentes decíduos é de fundamental importância para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a morfologia das raízes e dos canais radiculares de molares decíduos superiores e inferiores, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT). Foram usados 40 molares decíduos, divididos em quatro grupos, sendo 10 primeiros molares inferiores, 10 segundos molares inferiores, 10 primeiros molares superio...

  6. Avaliação da simetria craniana através de imagens de TC cone beam = Cranial symmetry assessment through cone-beam CT images

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    Vilella, Oswaldo de Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os lados direito e esquerdo de indivíduos que apresentavam simetria craniana através de 2 imagens geradas pela tomografia computadorizada cone beam (TCCB. Métodos: A amostra consistiu de 35 imagens obtidas pelo tomógrafo 3D-i-CAT (Imaging Sciences International Inc. , Hatfield, USA, sendo 13 de indivíduos do gênero masculino e 22 do gênero feminino, com idades variando de 8 a 64 anos, que apresentavam simetria facial aceitável. As imagens foram manipuladas com a ajuda do programa invivodental 5. 0 (Anatomage, San Jose, USA e posicionadas de forma análoga à postura da cabeça para a obtenção da radiografia cefalométrica de perfil. As distâncias lineares Go-Me, Go-Cd, S-Cd, Co-Gn e Co-A (mm; os ângulos mego. Cd, FMA e gogn. SN (graus, e cinco distâncias lineares côndilo-fossa glenóide foram as variáveis analisadas. Resultados: Uma diferença estatística significante entre os lados foi encontrada apenas para a variável S-Cd (mm. Conclusão: Portanto, não há necessidade de se obter valores bilaterais para essas variáveis (exceto S-Cd para avaliar o crânio de indivíduos sem assimetrias evidentes. Com relação à variável S-Cd, a dificuldade para se marcar o ponto S (sela nu

  7. Effect of milking efficiency on Tc-99 content of Tc-99m derived from Tc-99m generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonnyman, J.


    Tc-99m obtained by separation from its parent Mo-99 always contains Tc-99 produced by decay of Tc-99m and Mo-99. Factors effecting the Tc-99/Tc-99m ratios are discussed. An HPLC method has been developed to measure the 99 TcO 4- content of sodium pertechnetate from generators with a detection limit of 0.9 ng Tc-99 for a 500 μl/ aliquot of TcO 4- -99m. First eluates of 10 chromatograph-ic generators gave Tc-99/Tc-99m ratios ranging from 3.5-46 ng Tc/mCi Tc-99m measured at the time of milking. The measurements indicate that Tc-99/Tc-99m ratios high enough to cause adverse labelling effects could be found in 'instant pertechnetate' and in the first eluate from Tc-99m generators for the activities normally used in radiopharmaceutical production

  8. Contribuição da medicina nuclear para a avaliação dos linfomas

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    Sapienza Marcelo T.


    Full Text Available A medicina nuclear permite a caracterização funcional de tecidos, acrescentando dados à avaliação anatômica realizada por outros métodos de imagem, como a tomografia computadorizada, ressonância magnética ou ultra-som. Além do diagnóstico e estadiamento, as informações funcionais fornecidas pela medicina nuclear são particularmente úteis no seguimento e avaliação de resposta terapêutica dos pacientes com linfoma. A presença de massa residual após quimioterapia ou a infiltração de linfonodos de pequenas dimensões são exemplos de situações nas quais a avaliação isolada de características anatômicas é insuficiente. Os principais métodos utilizados são a cintilografia com gálio-67, traçador com alta afinidade por transferrina e receptores de ferro, e os estudos com flúor-deoxiglicose, emissor de pósitron que permite a caracterização do metabolismo de glicose nos tecidos. Outros traçadores, como o tálio-201, sestamibi-Tc99m e octreotide-In111, também são utilizados em menor escala na avaliação dos pacientes com linfoma. Os mecanismos de captação, principais indicações dos estudos, limitações e resultados de literatura serão revistos.

  9. Estudo de caso de oferta induzindo a demanda: o caso da oferta de exames de imagem (tomografia axial computadorizada e ressonância magnética na Unimed-Manaus Case study of supply induced demand: the case of provision of imaging scans (computed tomography and magnetic resonance at Unimed-Manaus

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    Edson de Oliveira Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência de uma operadora de plano de saúde (Unimed-Manaus na cidade de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas, com o credenciamento de serviços de imagem e a indução de demanda pela oferta dos novos serviços (Lei de Roemer. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter retrospectivo, com estudo de série temporal, abordando o período de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2004, lapso de tempo em que ocorreu a implantação dos serviços de tomografia computadorizada e da ressonância magnética no âmbito dos serviços oferecidos por aquele plano de saúde. A análise estatística consistiu em uma parte descritiva e uma inferencial, sendo esta última utilizando teste paramétrico de média (teste t de Student e ANOVA e o teste de correlação de Pearson. Foi adotado um alfa de 5% e um intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Foi possível identificar na Unimed-Manaus que a oferta de novos serviços de imagem foi capaz de, por si só, gerar um aumento da demanda do serviço caracterizando o fenômeno descrito por Roemer. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste trabalho ressaltam a necessidade de se estar atento ao fato de que a oferta de novos serviços no setor da saúde poderá acarretar, por si só, um aumento de sua utilização sem que haja uma demanda real.OBJECTIVE: To present the experience of a health plan operator (Unimed-Manaus in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, with the accreditation of imaging services and the demand induced by the supply of new services (Roemer's Law. METHODS: This is a retrospective work studying a time series covering the period from January 1998 to June 2004, in which the computed tomography and the magnetic resonance imaging services were implemented as part of the services offered by that health plan operator. Statistical analysis consisted of a descriptive and an inferential part, with the latter using a mean parametric test (Student T-test and ANOVA and the Pearson correlation test. A 5% alpha and a 95

  10. Multiphasic helical CT of hepatocellular carcinoma. Evaluation after chemoembolization; Tomografia Computerizzata spirale multifasica dell'epatocarcinoma. Valutazione dopo chemioembolizzazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Catalano, O.; Esposito, M.; Sandomenico, F.; Siani, A. [Ospedale S. Maria delle Grazie, Pozzuoli, NA (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Nunziata, A. [Ospedale S. Maria delle Grazie, Naples (Italy). Area di Diagnostica per Immagini


    technique has several limitations, as also shown in recent literature papers and its clinical applications should be reduced. Multiphase helical studies may provide useful information and should be performed routinely in patients treated with chemo embolization. The present availability of alternative tools such as contrast-enhanced Doppler US and MRI should also be stressed and their potential role investigated. [Italian] Il presente lavoro si propone di illustrare la personale esperienza sull'integrazione della Tomografia Computerizzata (TC) senza mdc ev (Lipiodol-TC) con la TC spirale con mdc ev multifasica nella valutazione dei pazienti con epatocarcinoma trattati con chemioembolizzazione e analizzare il possibile ruolo attuale della TC con mdc oleoso. Si sono valutati retrospettivamente gli esami di 42 pazienti consecutivi sottoposti a chemioembolizzazione globale nell'arco di 2 anni. Lo studio con TC e' stato praticato 1830 giorni dopo il trattamento. La Lipiodol-TC e' stata eseguita con acquisione volumetrica; si sono considerati noduli quelle aree delimitate con ritenzione densa del mdc oleoso e si sono distinti la captazione in: 0=assente, I=inferiore a 10% dell'area del tumore, II=minore di 50%, III=maggiore di 50%, IV=omogenea. Lo studio con TC spirale con mdc ev e' stato praticato con tecnica bifasica in 28 pazienti e trifasica in 14; abbiamo ritenuto come nodulari quelle aree ben delimitate e relativamente omogenee con iperdensita' nella fase arteriosa e ipo-isodensita' in quella portale e/o tardiva oppure con ipo-isodensita' nella fase arteriosa e in quella portale e/o tardiva. Con la Lipiodol-TC sono stati identificati 65 noduli (1-5/paziente, media 1,5), 15 con grado I, 21 con grado II, 20 con grado III e 9 con grado IV. Con la TC multifasica sono stati dimostrati 6 noduli supplementari in 5 pazienti, di cui 5 iper-e uno ipovascolare, ed e' stata documentata meglio la reale morfovolumetria dei noduli con

  11. Broca's aphemia: an illustrated account of its clinico-anatomic validity Afemia de Broca: um relato ilustrado sobre sua validade anátomo-clínica

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    Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To present the case of a 54-year-old man with loss of speech, but with preservation of voluntary facio-lingual motility, language and other cognitive abilities (Broca's aphemia. METHOD: Observation of patient oral communicative abilities and general behavior, neuropsychological assessment and cranial computed tomography. RESULTS: Computed tomography showed a hyperdense lesion in the subcortex of the left precentral gyrus corresponding to Brodmann's area 6 and 44. Neuropsychological assessment confirmed that the major cognitive domains were intact. CONCLUSION: Our patient reiterates the validity of Broca's aphemia as a clinico-anatomic entity allowing us to portray it for the first time in pictures. From a neurobehavioral perspective, aphemia is related to apraxia rather than to aphasia, a fact that may have hampered the full grasp of its far-reaching implications for neurology and aphasiology.OBJETIVO: Apresentar o caso de um paciente de 54 anos de idade com perda da fala, mas preservação da linguagem, das demais capacidades cognitivas, e da motilidade fácio-lingual voluntária (afemia de Broca. MÉTODO: Observação da capacidade de comunicação oral e do comportamento geral, exame neuropsicológico e tomografia computadorizada do crânio. RESULTADOS: A tomografia computadorizada revelou lesão hiperdensa no subcórtex do giro precentral esquerdo correspondendo às áreas 6 e 44 de Brodmann. O exame neuropsicológico confirmou que os principais domínios cognitivos se encontravam intactos. CONCLUSÃO: Nosso paciente reiterou a validade da afemia de Broca como entidade anátomo-clínico permitindo documentá-la em fotos pela primeira vez. Da perspectiva neurocomportamental, a afemia está vinculada às apraxias e não às afasias, o que pode ter prejudicado a apreensão plena do seu profundo significado para a neurologia e para a afasiologia.

  12. Aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais em ovinos submetidos a dietas com níveis elevados de enxofre com objetivo de indução de polioencefalomalácia

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    Diego J.Z. Delfiol


    Full Text Available A polioencefalomalacia (PEM é uma doença neurológica que acomete ruminantes e pode ser desencadeada por diversos fatores, dentre eles o consumo excessivo de enxofre. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre dietas ricas em enxofre, altos níveis de gás sulfídrico ruminal e a ocorrência de polioencefalomalácia em ovinos. Foram utilizados 18 ovinos, divididos em três grupos (G1, G2 e G3 que receberam diferentes níveis de enxofre na dieta; 0,2%, 0,9% e 1,2%, respectivamente. Exames físicos (frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, temperatura retal e motricidade ruminal e complementares (concentração de sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal, hemogasometria venosa, pH do fluído ruminal, concentração de cobre sérico e hepático, tomografia computadorizada, necropsia e histopatologia foram realizados. A temperatura retal, a hemogasometria venosa e o pH do fluido ruminal permaneceram dentro dos valores de referência para a espécie. A motricidade ruminal estava diminuída nos grupos G2 e G3 em comparação com o G1 (controle. Quanto maior a ingestão de enxofre, menores foram os níveis de cobre sérico e hepático. Valores elevados de sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal foram detectados nos grupos G2 e G3. Nenhum animal apresentou sinais clínicos de PEM. Nos exames de tomografia computadorizada, necropsia e exame histopatológico do sistema nervoso central (SNC, não foram observadas alterações compatíveis com PEM. É provável que algum outro fator esteja associado ao excesso de enxofre na dieta para o desenvolvimento de PEM em ovinos.

  13. Quality index on computed tomography; Índice da qualidade em tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Travassos, P.C.B.; Magalhães, L.A.G., E-mail: [Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Peixoto, J.G.P. [Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (LCR/UERJ), RJ (Brazil)


    Quality analysis was carried out from Indicators divided into 3 sectors: Regulation and Management; Equipment; Image Quality and Dosimetry. Values were assigned for each indicator according to the degree of compliance with the specifications, and were used to calculate the Index. The model was applied in 110 institutions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the results were distributed into 5 ranges of values. About 40% of the institutions received grades belonging to the two highest ranges of values. There was no significant difference between the results of old scanners compared to the younger ones. (author)

  14. Presentation of test cases TC-2A, TC-2B, TC-2C, TC-2D - Twodimensional, incompressible, wall flows with separation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheel Larsen, Poul


    The four test cases comprise the backfacing step at high Re-number (TC-2A) and low Re-number (TC-2B), a low Re-number boundary layer flow past a thin obstacle, fence-on-wall (TC-2C), and a high Re-number developed channel flow past a squareobstacle (TC-2D). Geometry, test conditions and available...

  15. 93Tc and sup(93m)Tc gamma spectra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Podkopaev, Yu.N.; Zarubin, P.P.; Kobelev, V.F.; Padalko, V.Yu.; Khrisanfov, Yu.V.


    The sup(93,93m)Tc decay was studied. The spectra of γ-rays accompanying the decay of this nuclide were studied. 93 Tc and sup(93m)Tc were obtained in the (dn)-reaction on 92 Mo. To ensure a more reliable identification of γ-rays, the isotopic composition of the targets, the bombardment time, the energy of the bombarding deuterons (5-12 MeV) and the spectrum processing program were varied. The energies and relative intensities of the γ-rays of the 93 Tc and sup(93m)Tc decay are listed in tables together with data of other investigatxons. The results obtained largely confirm the known data. Four new transitions were added in the sup(93m)Tc spectrum namely 1046.8, 2011.8, 2182.0, and 2861.5 keV. The 2739.0 keV transition was eliminated from the 93 Tc spectrum. The appropriate changes and additions were made in the 93 Tc decay scheme, and three new levels were introduced: 2479.0, 2821.7, and 3025.8 keV. The values of log ft of some levels of 93 Tc were estimated

  16. Xantelasma: relato de um caso Eyelid xanthelasma: a case report

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    André Henrique Miranda


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso raro em paciente do sexo masculino, de 71 anos de idade, com história de surgimento de "carocinho" na pálpebra superior direita há nove anos, que teve aumento importante há um ano. A tomografia computadorizada evidenciou espessamento da musculatura do reto lateral e de partes moles adjacentes. O diagnóstico pela biópsia foi de xantelasma.The authors report a rare case of a 71-year-old male patient with a 9-year history of appearance of a "little node" in the right superior eyelid, which increased significantly in size in the last year. Computed tomography showed thickening of the lateral rectus muscle and adjacent soft tissues. The diagnosis after biopsy was xanthelasma.

  17. Avaliação pulmonar em crianças portadoras de cardiopatia congênita acianótica e hiperfluxo pulmonar através de tomografia computadorizada Evaluación pulmonar en niños portadores de cardiopatía congénita acianótica e hiperflujo pulmonar a través de tomografía computadorizada Computed tomography in pulmonary evaluation of children with acyanotic congenital heart defect and pulmonary hyperflow

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    Solange Gimenez


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Disfunção respiratória é frequente em crianças com cardiopatias congênitas acianóticas com hiperfluxo pulmonar (CCAHP, porém pouco é conhecido sobre a estrutura pulmonar destes pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar os volumes de gás e tecido e a distribuição da aeração pulmonar nesta população. MÉTODOS: Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética institucional e obtenção do consentimento escrito pós-informado, foram obtidas tomografias computadorizadas torácicas em sete crianças com CCAHF. As imagens pulmonares direita e esquerda foram contornadas em todas as imagens e os volumes e pesos pulmonares foram computados a partir dos dados volumétricos. As comparações entre esquerda e direita foram analisadas usando teste t de Student pareado e as correlações através de regressão exponencial. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi 20 meses e o peso foi de 9,9 kg. Volume pulmonar total (VPT foi de 66,7 ± 23,1, o de tecido 33,5 ± 15,7 e o de gás 33,1 ± 8,3 O pulmão direito representou 57,9% e o pulmão esquerdo 42,1% do VPT (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La disfunción respiratoria es frecuente en niños con cardiopatías congénitas acianóticas con hiperflujo pulmonar (CCAHP, sin embargo, se conoce muy poco sobre la estructura pulmonar de esos pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio, fue cuantificar los volúmenes de gas y tejido y la distribución de la aeración pulmonar en esa población. MÉTODOS: Después de la aprobación por parte del Comité de Ética Institucional y de la obtención del consentimiento escrito informado, se obtuvieron tomografías computadorizadas torácicas en siete niños con CCAHF. Las imágenes pulmonares derecha e izquierda fueron perfiladas en todas las imágenes, y los volúmenes y los pesos pulmonares fueron computados a partir de los datos volumétricos. Las comparaciones entre izquierda y derecha fueron analizadas usando el test t de

  18. Achados tomográficos das alterações abdominais pós-operatórias dos pacientes submetidos ao derivação gastrojejunal em Y-de-Roux sem anel

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    Fernanda Marcondes Ribas

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar por exame de tomografia computadorizada de pacientes submetidos à derivação gastrojejunal em Y-de-Roux, sem anel, para tratamento de obesidade mórbida. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 40 pacientes, encaminhados ao serviço de tomografia do Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba para avaliação diagnóstica. Encontravam-se em pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica tendo sido operados no mesmo hospital. Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos à operação laparoscópica com sintomas que necessitavam de avaliação tomográfica diagnóstica. Excluíram-se pacientes que tinham sido submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica por outras técnicas cirúrgicas; que tinham sido operados por outra equipe; que não concordassem com a administração de contraste iodado por via oral ou endovenosa; e que excediam o limite de peso da mesa de exame. Para análise estatística utilizou-se a média das variáveis. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram-se com idade entre 23 a 70 anos e eram 11 homens e 29 mulheres. Não houve alterações extra-abdominais detectáveis pela tomografia de abdômen total; dos 40 pacientes avaliados, 30 apresentavam achados tomográficos dentro do limite da normalidade. A presença de estenose na anastomose gastrojejunal foi encontrada em um paciente; hérnia interna ocorreu em cinco; fístula anastomótica em um e abcesso em três dos pacientes estudados. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia de abdome total não conseguiu informar a causa dos sintomas dos pacientes operados em 87,5% dos pacientes que procuraram re-avaliação médica por sintomas pós-operatórios da cirurgia bariátrica.

  19. Tc7, a Tc1-hitch hiking transposon in Caenorhabditis elegans.


    Rezsohazy, R; van Luenen, H G; Durbin, R M; Plasterk, R H


    We have found a novel transposon in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. Tc7 is a 921 bp element, made up of two 345 bp inverted repeats separated by a unique, internal sequence. Tc7 does not contain an open reading frame. The outer 38 bp of the inverted repeat show 36 matches with the outer 38 bp of Tc1. This region of Tc1 contains the Tc1-transposase binding site. Furthermore, Tc7 is flanked by TA dinucleotides, just like Tc1, which presumably correspond to the target duplication generated...

  20. Reprodutibilidade das mensurações da espessura das tábuas ósseas na tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam utilizando diferentes protocolos de aquisição de imagem Reproducibility of bone plate thickness measurements with Cone-Beam Computed Tomography using different image acquisition protocols

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    Carolina Carmo de Menezes


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: quanto menor a dimensão do voxel, maior a nitidez da imagem de tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam (TCCB, porém, maior a dose de radiação emitida. OBJETIVOS: avaliar e comparar a reprodutibilidade da mensuração da espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual em imagens de TCCB, utilizando diferentes protocolos de aquisição de imagem com variação da dimensão do voxel. MÉTODOS: exames de TCCB foram tomados de 12 mandíbulas humanas secas, com dimensão do voxel de 0,2; 0,3 e 0,4mm, no aparelho i-CAT Cone-Beam 3-D Dental Imaging System. No software i-CAT Viewer, foi mensurada a espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual, em um corte axial passando 12mm acima do forame mentoniano do lado direito. A reprodutibilidade intraexaminador foi avaliada por meio da aplicação do teste t pareado. Para a comparação interexaminadores, foi utilizado o teste t independente. Os resultados foram considerados com o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: observou-se uma excelente reprodutibilidade interexaminadores para os três protocolos avaliados. A reprodutibilidade intraexaminadores foi muito boa, com exceção de algumas regiões dos dentes anteriores, que mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, independentemente da dimensão do voxel. CONCLUSÃO: a mensuração da espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual em imagens de TCCB mostrou boa precisão para exames obtidos com voxel de 0,2; 0,3 ou 0,4mm. A reprodutibilidade das mensurações na região anterior da mandíbula foi mais crítica do que na região posterior.INTRODUCTION: A smaller voxel dimension leads to greater resolution of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT, but a greater dosage of radiation is emitted. OBJECTIVE: Assess and compare the reproducibility of buccal and lingual bone plate thickness measurements in CBCT images using different image acquisition protocols, with variations in the voxel dimension. METHODS: CBCT exams

  1. Enhanced 99 Tc retention in glass waste form using Tc(IV)-incorporated Fe minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Um, Wooyong; Luksic, Steven A.; Wang, Guohui; Saslow, Sarah; Kim, Dong-Sang; Schweiger, Michael J.; Soderquist, Chuck Z.; Bowden, Mark E.; Lukens, Wayne W.; Kruger, Albert A.


    Technetium (99Tc) immobilization by doping into iron oxide mineral phases may alleviate the problems with Tc volatility during vitrification of nuclear waste. Reduced Tc, Tc(IV), substitutes for Fe(III) in the crystal structure by a process of Tc reduction from Tc(VII) to Tc(IV) followed by co-precipitation of Fe oxide minerals. Two Tc-incorporated Fe minerals (Tc-goethite and Tc-magnetite/maghemite) were prepared and tested for Tc retention in glass melt samples at temperatures between 600 – 1,000 oC. After being cooled, the solid glass specimens prepared at different temperatures were analyzed for Tc oxidation state using Tc K-edge XANES. In most samples, Tc was partially oxidized from Tc(IV) to Tc(VII) as the melt temperature increased. However, Tc retention in glass melt samples prepared using Tc-incorporated Fe minerals were moderately higher than in glass prepared using KTcO4 because of limited and delayed Tc volatilization.

  2. Comparative binding characteristics of Tc-CPI, Tc-TBI, and Tc-MIBI in cultured heart cells: Correlation with biochemical analysis and animal images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piwnica-Worms, D.; Kronauge, J.F.; Holman, B.L.; Davison, A.; Jones, A.G.


    Hexakis (isonitrile)technetium (I) complexes are a new class of cationic, lipophilic myocaridal perfusion imaging agents. To better understand their cellular mechanisms of uptake and washout, chick heart cells grown in culture were used as a model myocardial system. Tc-MIBI showed uptake to a plateau at a rate similar to Tc-CPI (t1/2 = 4.1 +- 0.7 minutes); however, the plateau was 63% greater. Tc-TBI uptake approached a plateau 900% greater than Tc-CPI binding. Heart cell studies showed washout of Tc-CPI>Tc-TBI>Tc-MIBI, which correlated with kinetic analysis of rabbit myocardial images. Biochemical in vitro analysis in human plasma demonstrated 75% enzymatic ester hydrolysis of Tc-CPI by 3 minutes, but no hydrolysis of Tc-TBI and Tc-MIBI. The results suggest that metabolism of the ester function of Tc-CPI following myocardial uptake may in part account for the more rapid cellular washout rates of Tc-CPI compared with Tc-TBI and Tc-MIBI

  3. Tumor affinity of technetium-99m labeled radiopharmaceuticals. II. Sup(99m)Tc-Sn-diphosphonate (sup(99m)Tc-EHDP), sup(99m)Tc-Sn-dimercaptosuccinic acid (sup(99m)Tc-DMSA), sup(99m)Tc-Sn-diethyl stilbestrol diphosphate (sup(99m)Tc-DSDP)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itoh, K; Kobayashi, S; Hisada, K; Tonami, N [Kanazawa Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine; Ando, A


    The authors have examined the tumor affinity of various sup(99m)Tc-labelled radiopharmaceuticals to Ehrlich's tumor for the purpose of delineating human malignant neoplasm positively. The biologic distributions of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-diphosphonate (sup(99m)Tc-EHDP), sup(99m)Tc-Sn-dimercaptosuccinic acid (sup(99m)Tc-DMSA) and sup(99m)Tc-Sn-diethyl stilbestrol diphosphate (sup(99m)Tc-DSDP, sup(99m)Tc-Honvan) are included as the second report on the tumor affinity of Ehrlich-bearing mice. Tumor concentration of sup(99m)Tc-EHDP was lowest and the positive delineation of implanted tumor with sup(99m)Tc-EHDP was poorest in sequential images, though active accumulation in some soft tissues malignant neoplasms, breast cancer, and thyroid cancer, has been reported. Tumor concentration and the tumor-to-blood ratio of sup(99m)Tc-DMSA were not so high, contrary to our expectation that /sup 197/Hg-DMSA might show high tumor concentration and high tumor-to-blood ratio the same as /sup 197/Hg chlormerodrin of the renal scanning radiopharmaceuticals. Tumor concentration of sup(99m)Tc-DSDP was highest. The tumor-to-blood concentration ratio was lower than that of the above mentioned radiopharmaceuticals but the tumor-to-liver ratio and/or tumor-to-lung ratio was over 1.0 at the earlier time. Biologic distribution of sup(99m)Tc-DSDP was similar to that of /sup 32/P labeled DSDP. It is presumed that sup(99m)Tc is labeled at the phosphate ester of DSDP which is dephospholytated immediately by phospholylase in vivo following intravenous injection. Although it is not known precisely it may be assumed that the mechanism of accumulating sup(99m)Tc-DSDP in Ehrlich's tumor is related to the phospholylase activity in neoplasms.

  4. The new 99mTc myocardial perfusion imaging agents: 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-teboroxime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berman, D.S.; Kiat, H.; Maddahi, J.


    The two new 99m (99mTc) labeled myocardial perfusion agents, 99mTc-Sestamibi and 99mTc-Teboroxime, are now available for routine clinical application. Both agents allow assessment of ejection fraction by the first-pass technique at rest or during exercise, thus providing additional information not available with thallium-201. 99mTc-Sestamibi has long myocardial residence time, as well as adequate myocardial extraction, providing images of higher count density and superior quality compared with thallium-201. 99mTc-Teboroxime has excellent myocardial uptake characteristics but is cleared very rapidly from the myocardium. Both tracers have shown results similar to those obtained with thallium-201 for detection of coronary artery disease and the assessment of defect reversibility. 99mTc-Sestamibi studies using the rest/stress imaging sequence can be accomplished in approximately 5 hours; studies using dual-isotope imaging (rest thallium-201 and stress 99mTc-Sestamibi injection) can be completed in 1 to 2 hours. Gated stress images can be performed with 99mTc-Sestamibi, providing simultaneous information of myocardial perfusion at stress and resting wall motion or thickening and allowing rapid differentiation of ischemic from infarcted tissue. Because of its slow myocardial clearance and absence of redistribution, 99mTc-Sestamibi allows uncoupling of the time of injection from the time of imaging and thus can be valuable in the evaluation of acute myocardial infarction and outcome of thrombolytic therapy. With 99mTc-Teboroxime, rapid serial studies are feasible. Pharmacologic stress and rest studies with 99mTc-Teboroxime single photon emission computed tomography potentially can be completed in under 30 minutes. 73 references

  5. Hydrogen-induced room-temperature plasticity in TC4 and TC21 alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yuan, Baoguo; Jin, Yongyue; Hong, Chuanshi


    In order to reveal the effect of hydrogen on the room-temperature plasticity of the titanium alloys TC4 and TC21, compression tests have been carried out at room temperature. Results show that an appropriate amount of hydrogen can improve the room-temperature plasticity of both the TC4 and TC21...... alloys. The ultimate compression strain of the TC4 alloy containing a hydrogen concentration of 0.5 wt.% increases by 39% compared to the untreated material. For the TC21 alloy the ultimate compression strain is increased by 33% at a hydrogen concentration of 0.6 wt.%. The main reason for the improvement...... of hydrogen-induced room-temperature plasticity of the TC4 and TC21 alloys is discussed....

  6. Tumor orbitário como primeira manifestação clínica de mieloma múltiplo: relato de caso Orbital tumor as the first clinical manifestation of multiple myeloma: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Ruilowa de Pinho


    Full Text Available O acometimento da órbita pelo mieloma múltiplo é raro. Neste estudo, os autores descrevem um caso infrequente de proptose como primeiro sinal clínico do mieloma múltiplo. A presença de lesão orbitária expansiva associada a destruição do rebordo superior da órbita, notáveis à tomografia computadorizada, fez com que a diagnóstico de mieloma múltiplo fosse considerado. Aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos são discutidos.Orbital involvement by multiple myeloma is rare. In this study, the authors report an unusual case of proptosis as the first clinical sign of multiple myeloma. The presence of an orbital lesion expanding and destroying the superior orbital rim, disclosed by computed tomography, lead us to consider multiple myeloma. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects are discussed.

  7. Neurocisticercose na infância: I. diagnóstico clinico e laboratorial

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    L. Bruck


    Full Text Available Foram revisados aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais de 34 casos de neurocisticercose na infância (15 meses a 13 anos. Os principais sintomas foram: hipertensão intracraniana, 21 casos (62%; epilepsia, 20 casos (59%; hemiplegia, 4 casos (12%. A tomografia computadorizada de crânio (TAC (33 pacientes mostrou cistos em atividade em 26 (79% e calcificações em 2 (6%. A reação de fixação de complemento ou imunofluorescência para cisticercose foi reagente em 77% no LCR (20/26 pacientes e 78% no soro (18/23 pacientes. Pleocitose no LCR ocorreu em 57% dos casos (15/26 pacientes e eosinofilorraquia em 27% (7/26 pacientes. A TAC foi o melhor exame para o diagnóstico, confirmado pelos testes imunológicos no LCR e soro.

  8. Mismatched uptake of Tc-99m-ECD and Tc-99m-HMPAO in subacute cerebral infarction: Tc-99m-ECD for viability and Tc-99m-HMPAO for flow restoration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, D. S.; Hyun, I. Y.; Kim, S. K. [College of Medicine, Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)] [and others


    Tc-99m-HMPAO reflects tissue perfusion but Tc-99m-ECD uptake is affected by tissue viability in addition to tissue perfusion which the varied state of cellular retention of Tc-99m-ECD reflects. Luxuriously perfused area on Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT implies that this cortex was already reperfused either spontaneously or after thrombolysis and that accompanied paralysis of vascular reactivity in those zones warms progressive deterioration. We tried to find out if we can use sequential Tc-99m-ECD/Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT to reveal cortical perfusion and severity and range of risky areas of cerbral cortex despite reperfusion in sub-acute infarction. In 13 patients (M ; F =7 : 6, mean age 57 (range: 26-84)) with cortical (n=12) and basal ganglia infarction (1), we performed sequential Tc-99m-ECD/Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT at the same position. At first, 555 MBq of Tc-99m-ECD was injected and imaged and then 1110 MBq of Tc-99m-HMPAO was injected again and imaged with the patients in situ, and the first image (Tc-99m-ECD) and the subtracted image (2nd- 1st : Tc-99m-HMPAO) were compared slice by slice. Study was done from 3 days to 31 days (16{+-}9) after ictus. Tc-99m-ECD uptake was always less than or equal to Tc-99m-HMPAO uptake at the lesion in all cases. Luxury perfusion was prominent in four patients. Mismatched uptake was found in 10 patients. Severity of mismatch showed diverse spectrum and was ranged from total middle cerebral artery territory (1 case) to peripheral thin zones around infarction (2 cases). The other 7 showed intermediate amount of tissues with mismatch , i.e., Tc-99m-ECD defects where Tc-99m-HMPAO uptake is in part increased, normal or decreased. Upon discharge, patients having more uptake with Tc-99m-ECD predicted improvement. Patients having mismatched uptake went dichotomous way. In conclusion, Tc-99m-ECD/Tc-99m-HMPAO sequential SPECT is feasible and reveal both tissue perfusion (Tc-99m-HMPAO ) and discrepant Tc-99m-ECD uptake probably reflecting viability in acute

  9. Computed tomography evaluation of mast cell tumours; Avaliacao por tomografia computadorizada dos mastocitomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorigados, Carla Aparecida Batista; Matera, Julia Maria; Macedo, Thais; Pinto, Ana Carolina Brandao Fonseca, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Cirurgia


    The mast cell tumours are common tumours of the canine skin. Computed tomography (CT) has assumed an important role in tumours evaluation and staging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of CT as a method of assessing characteristics of mast cell tumors. Ten dogs with mast cell tumor were evaluated. CT was performed before and after the intravenous injection of hydro soluble ionic iodine. Attenuation, contrast enhancement, cleavage with adjacent tissues and the unidimensional measurement of each lesion was determined in it maximum diameter, in transversal plane. Concerning the attenuation characteristic, 50% were homogeneous and 50% heterogeneous. The contrast enhancement was homogeneous in 50% of cases, heterogeneous in 40% and peripheral in 10%. Fifty percent of the tumours showed loss of plane of cleavage and 30% partial loss. This information can help in directing the patients that will be undergoing chemotherapy or surgery. (author)

  10. Dose assessment in pediatric computerized tomography; Avaliacao de doses em tomografia computadorizada pediatrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilarinho, Luisa Maria Auredine Lima


    The objective of this work was the evaluation of radiation doses in paediatric computed tomography scans, considering the high doses usually involved and the absence of any previous evaluation in Brazil. Dose values were determined for skull and abdomen examinations, for different age ranges, by using the radiographic techniques routinely used in the clinical centers investigated. Measurements were done using pencil shape ionization chambers inserted in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) phantoms. These were compact phantoms of different diameters were specially designed and constructed for this work, which simulate different age ranges. Comparison of results with published values showed that doses were lower than the diagnostic reference levels established to adults exams by the European Commission. Nevertheless, doses in paediatric phantoms were higher than those obtained in adult phantoms. The paediatric dose values obtained in Hospitals A and B were lower than the reference level (DRL) adopted by SHIMPTON for different age ranges. In the range 0 - 0.5 year (neonatal), the values of DLP in Hospital B were 94 por cent superior to the DRL For the 10 years old children the values of CTDI{sub w} obtained were inferior in 89 por cent for skull and 83 por cent for abdomen examinations, compared to the values published by SHRIMPTON and WALL. Our measured CTDI{sub w} values were inferior to the values presented for SHRIMPTON and HUDA, for all the age ranges and types of examinations. It was observed that the normalized dose descriptors values in children in the neonatal range were always superior to the values of doses for the adult patient. In abdomen examinations, the difference was approximately 90% for the effective dose (E) and of 57%.for CTDI{sub w} . (author)

  11. Performance of TcI/TcVI/TcII Chagas-Flow ATE-IgG2a for universal and genotype-specific serodiagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glaucia Diniz Alessio


    Full Text Available Distinct Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes have been considered relevant for patient management and therapeutic response of Chagas disease. However, typing strategies for genotype-specific serodiagnosis of Chagas disease are still unavailable and requires standardization for practical application. In this study, an innovative TcI/TcVI/TcII Chagas Flow ATE-IgG2a technique was developed with applicability for universal and genotype-specific diagnosis of T. cruzi infection. For this purpose, the reactivity of serum samples (percentage of positive fluorescent parasites-PPFP obtained from mice chronically infected with TcI/Colombiana, TcVI/CL or TcII/Y strain as well as non-infected controls were determined using amastigote-AMA, trypomastigote-TRYPO and epimastigote-EPI in parallel batches of TcI, TcVI and TcII target antigens. Data demonstrated that "α-TcII-TRYPO/1:500, cut-off/PPFP = 20%" presented an excellent performance for universal diagnosis of T. cruzi infection (AUC = 1.0, Se and Sp = 100%. The combined set of attributes "α-TcI-TRYPO/1:4,000, cut-off/PPFP = 50%", "α-TcII-AMA/1:1,000, cut-off/PPFP = 40%" and "α-TcVI-EPI/1:1,000, cut-off/PPFP = 45%" showed good performance to segregate infections with TcI/Colombiana, TcVI/CL or TcII/Y strain. Overall, hosts infected with TcI/Colombiana and TcII/Y strains displayed opposite patterns of reactivity with "α-TcI TRYPO" and "α-TcII AMA". Hosts infected with TcVI/CL strain showed a typical interweaved distribution pattern. The method presented a good performance for genotype-specific diagnosis, with global accuracy of 69% when the population/prototype scenario include TcI, TcVI and TcII infections and 94% when comprise only TcI and TcII infections. This study also proposes a receiver operating reactivity panel, providing a feasible tool to classify serum samples from hosts infected with distinct T. cruzi genotypes, supporting the potential of this method for universal and genotype-specific diagnosis

  12. 99mTc bone scanning agents preparation and chemical analysis of Tc(Sn)pyrophosphate, Tc(Sn)MDP and Tc(Sn)HMDP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kroesbergen, J.


    This thesis describes a comparison of the preparation, composition and properties of three bone scanning agents: 99m Tc(Sn)pyrophosphate, 99m Tc(Sn)MDP and 99m Tc(Sn)HMDP. This study has been performed for two reasons: First to investigate the preparation and composition of the radiopharmaceuticals as a function of experimental conditions. Together with previously reported results for 99m Tc(Sn)EHDP, obtained in a similar way, this enables to use well-defined preparations of the bone scanning agents. Secondly to gain an insight in the mechanism in which the agents behave 'in vivo'. Because the 'in vivo' process is too complicated to study directly, it seemed more appropriate to perform 'in vitro' investigations as simplifications of the 'in vivo' situation. 304 refs.; 26 figs.; 31 tabs

  13. Altered [99mTc]Tc-MDP biodistribution from neutron activation sourced 99Mo. (United States)

    Demeter, Sandor; Szweda, Roman; Patterson, Judy; Grigoryan, Marine


    Given potential worldwide shortages of fission sourced 99 Mo/ 99m Tc medical isotopes there is increasing interest in alternate production strategies. A neutron activated 99 Mo source was utilized in a single center phase III open label study comparing 99m Tc, as 99m Tc Methylene Diphosphonate ([ 99m Tc]Tc-MDP), obtained from solvent generator separation of neutron activation produced 99 Mo, versus nuclear reactor produced 99 Mo (e.g., fission sourced) in oncology patients for which an [ 99m Tc]Tc-MDP bone scan would normally have been indicated. Despite the investigational [ 99m Tc]Tc-MDP passing all standard, and above standard of care, quality assurance tests, which would normally be sufficient to allow human administration, there was altered biodistribution which could lead to erroneous clinical interpretation. The cause of the altered biodistribution remains unknown and requires further research.

  14. Scavenging of Tc(V) formed by I.T. in 95mTcO4- solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ianoz, E.; Colin, M.; Kosinski, M.


    The chemical effects of the I.T. of 95m Tc in 95m TcO 4 - have been studied in chelating ligand solutions. At high pH and at high concentration of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane and 1,4-dithia-8, 11-diazacyclotetradecane, the retention of 95g Tc is about 20% and the unretained 95g Tc appears preponderantly (ca. 73%) as [TcO 2 L] + complexes. In glucoheptonate solution, the 95g Tc retention remains practically the same (22%) but the unretained 95g Tc is found in high proportion (73%) as [TcObis(glucoheptonate)] - . The added ligands are very good scavengers for 95g Tc(V). A comparison is made between 95g Tc species formed by the I.T. in 95m TcO 4 - and 99m Tc species resulting from the chemical reduction of 99m TcO 4 - . (orig.)

  15. Central nervous system metastases from breast carcinoma: a clinical and laboratorial study in 47 patients Metástases do sistema nervoso central por câncer de mama: estudo clínico-laboratorial em 47 pacientes

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    Full Text Available In this retrospective study, 47 patients with clinical diagnosis of central nervous system metastases of breast cancer were evaluated by computerized tomography (CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF examination. The patients were divided in 2 groups: 1, without leptomeningeal neoplasm and 2, with leptomeningeal neoplasm. In the group 2, the time interval between the primary disease and the central nervous system metastasis as well as the survival time were shorter than in group 1 (40 and 4.3 months in group 2 versus 57 and 10 months respectively, in group 1. In both groups the most common neurological symptoms and signs were intracranial hypertension and motor deficits. The most sensitive diagnostic methods were CT and MRI in group 1, and the CSF examination in group 2. The use of the tumor markers CEA and CA-15.3 in the routine examination of CSF showed promising results, mainly in leptomeningeal forms.Neste estudo retrospectivo, 47 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de metástases do sistema nervoso por câncer de mama foram avaliados por tomografia computadorizada (TC, ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM e por exames do líquido cefalorraqueano (LCR. Os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos: 1, sem neoplasia leptomeníngea e 2, com neoplasia leptomeníngea. No grupo 2 o intervalo de tempo entre a doença primária e o comprometimento do sistema nervoso e o tempo de sobrevida foram menores do que no grupo 1 (40 e 4,3 meses no grupo 2 versus 57 e 10 meses respectivamente, no grupo 1. Os sinais e sintomas neurológicos mais frequentes foram hipertensão intracraniana e déficits motores. Os exames mais sensíveis para o diagnóstico foram a TC e RNM no grupo 1 e o exame do LCR no grupo 2. O uso dos marcadores CEA e CA-15.3 na rotina do LCR mostrou resultados promissores, particularmente nas formas leptomeníngeas.

  16. Ossificação do ligamento longitudinal posterior na coluna cervical: relato de caso Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical spine: case report

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    Full Text Available A ossificação do ligamento longitudinal posterior (OLLP é causa incomum de mielopatia compressiva na população caucasiana. É relatado o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino com um quadro de paraparesia espástica, cuja investigação radiológica mostrou OLLP. O raio-X de coluna cervical mostrou imagem laminar, vertical, com densidade óssea, posterior aos corpos vertebrais, que se estendia de C2 a T1. A tomografia computadorizada (TC e a mielotomografia mostravam OLLP causando compressão medular ântero-posterior no segmento descrito. Na ressonância magnética, observou-se área de hiperintensidade em T2 no segmento C7-T1, compatível com mielomalácia. O paciente foi submetido a laminoplastia tipo "open-door", com melhora do quadro parético dos membros inferiores. A OLLP deve entrar no diagnóstico diferencial das mielopatias cervicais, sendo facilmente diagnosticada através de radiografias e TC da coluna cervical. São revisados os aspectos clínicos e radiológicos e o tratamento da OLLP.Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL is an uncommon cause of compressive myelopathy in the Caucasian population. A case of spastic paraparesis in a Caucasian man whose radiological investigation showed OPLL is presented. The radiographs of the cervical spine showed a strip of bony density posterior to the vertebral bodies, extending from C2 to T1. Computerized tomography (CT and CT myelography showed OPLL at the same level. Magnetic resonance showed an area of increased signal on T2-weighted sequences at C7-T1 level suggestive of myelomalacia. The patient underwent an open-door laminoplasty (C2 to C7 with improvement of the paraparesis. OPLL should be included in the differential diagnosis of cervical myelopathy. It can be easily detected by plain radiographs and CT of the cervical spine. A review of the clinical and radiological features and the treatment of OPLL is presented.

  17. Enhanced99Tc retention in glass waste form using Tc(IV)-incorporated Fe minerals


    Um, W; Luksic, SA; Wang, G; Saslow, S; Kim, DS; Schweiger, MJ; Soderquist, CZ; Bowden, ME; Lukens, WW; Kruger, AA


    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Technetium ( 99 Tc) immobilization by doping into iron oxide mineral phases may alleviate the problems with Tc volatility during vitrification of nuclear waste. Because reduced Tc, Tc(IV), substitutes for Fe(III) in the crystal structure by a process of Tc reduction from Tc(VII) to Tc(IV) followed by co-precipitation of Fe oxide minerals, two Tc-incorporated Fe minerals (Tc-goethite and Tc-magnetite/maghemite) were prepared and tested for Tc retention in glass melt sample...

  18. Avaliação, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada, da anatomia interna e externa de primeiros pré-molares superiores


    Amanda Buosi de Biagi


    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a anatomia do sistema de canais radiculares (SCR) de 72 primeiros pré-molares superiores (32 unirradiculares, 30 birradiculares com sulcos e 10 trirradiculares), por meio de microtomografia computadorizada (μCT). As amostras foram escaneadas no microtomógrafo SkyScan 1174 v2, e as imagens geradas foram reconstruídas para análise dos parâmetros bidimensionais (número, área, circularidade , diâmetro maior e menor, fator de forma) a 1, 2, 3 mm d...

  19. Computed tomography image of the mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes in clinically sound Rottweilers Imagem por tomografia computadorizada dos linfonodos axilares e mediastinais de cães rottweilers clinicamente saudáveis

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    Ana Carolina B. Fonseca Pinto


    smallest diameter of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes not surpassed 7mm and 8mm respectively. Their attenuations were equal or smaller than that of musculature in the post contrast scan.A tomografia computadorizada é uma modalidade diagnóstica que possibilita a avaliação detalhada dos linfonodos e que é capaz de detectar mais precocemente alterações envolvendo estas estruturas, que modalidades de imagem como a radiografia e a ultrassonografia. Tendo em vista a escassez de informações na literatura veterinária esta pesquisa objetivou fornecer informações sobre os aspectos tomográficos normais dos linfonodos axilares e mediastinais em cães. Realizou-se o exame tomográfico de 15 cães adultos, machos e fêmeas, da raça Rottweiler, selecionados como clinicamente normais por meio de anamnese, exame físico, hemograma, perfil bioquímico renal e hepático, eletrocardiograma e exame radiográfico do tórax. Após a injeção intravenosa do contraste iodado hidrossolúvel iônico, realizaram-se cortes tomográficos transversais do tórax com 10mm de espessura e 10mm de incremento em um tomógrafo axial. Os exames tomográficos foram avaliados buscando-se identificar os linfonodos axilares e mediastinais. Quando visibilizados, os linfonodos foram mensurados em seu menor eixo e sua atenuação foi comparada com a da musculatura. Foram calculados a média e desvio padrão da idade, do peso, do comprimento dos animais e do menor eixo dos linfonodos axilares e mediastinais. A média de idade dos animais e o desvio padrão foram de 3,87 anos ±2,03, do peso foi de 41,13kg ± 5,12 e do comprimento dos animais foi de 89,61cm ±2,63. Os linfonodos axilares foram visibilizados em 60% dos animais, a média das mensurações dos menores diâmetros e o desvio padrão foi de 3,58mm ±2,02 com valor mínimo de 1mm e máximo de 7mm. Dos 13 linfonodos observados 61,53% apresentaram-se hipoatenuantes comparativamente a musculatura e 30,77% isoatenuantes. Os linfonodos

  20. Microbial reduction of 99Tc (as TcO4-) in anaerobic alkaline conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khizhnyak, T.; Simonoff, M.; Sergeant, C.; Simonoff, G.; Medvedeva-Lyalikova, N.N.


    The ability of bacteria to reduce pertechnetate in alkaline conditions was investigated using halophilic bacteria isolated from soda-lakes environments. Anaerobic halophilic bacteria were able to reduce as much as 0.25 mM pertechnetate, whereas no reduction took place without bacteria or in the presence of heat-killed bacteria. The results obtained showed reduction of Tc(VII)O 4 - to the Tc(V) and Tc(IV) at pH 10 in the carbonate-bicarbonate medium. About 57% of the total technetium was determined to be Tc(IV), 1-3% as a Tc(V) and 17-20% as a Tc(VII) after 1-3 days of incubation with bacteria. The microbial reduction of Tc(VII) in alkaline conditions has been suggested as a potential mechanism for the removal of Tc from contaminated environments or waste streams. (author)

  1. Superconductivity in the W-Tc and W2C-Tc systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giorgi, A.L.


    A series of compositions in the W-Tc, W 2 C-Re and W 2 C-Tc systems were prepared and examined for superconductivity. The crystal structure, lattice parameters and superconducting transition temperatures of the W 2 C-Tc are reported for the first time. Similar measurements were made on the W-Tc and W 2 C-Re systems and the results compared with previous published results for these systems. 7 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  2. On the interaction of granite with Tc(IV) and Tc(VII) in aqueous solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eriksen, T.E.; Cui, Daquing


    The behaviour of technetium in granite-groundwater systems under reducing conditions was investigated. The anion TcO 4 - was reduced to Tc(IV) and simultaneously precipitated as TcO 2 xnH 2 O on the granite surfaces. The electron sources are assumed to be iron oxides and/or iron containing minerals in the granite. The technetium concentration in ground water under repository conditions may be predicted assuming TcO 2 xnH 2 O as the solid phase and TcO(OH) 2 0 and TcO 4 - as the predominant aqueous complexes using a formation constant for TcO(OH) 2 0 of log K = -8.16 and a standard reduction potential E 0 for the reaction TcO 4 - + 3e - + 4H + = TcO 2 xnH 2 O of 0.738 V. The surface related distribution ratio K a for TcO(OH) 2 0 between Stripa granite and ground water is approximately 1 cm based on geometrical surface area. (au)

  3. Doença de Paget com acometimento sacral: relato de caso Paget's disease with sacral involvement: a case report

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    Fernanda Nogueira Holanda Ferreira Braga


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 71 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de doença de Paget óssea sacral. Foi realizado estudo com radiografia, cintilografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, e o diagnóstico foi confirmado por análise histopatológica. O paciente evoluiu com boa resposta ao uso de ibandronato 150 mg, mensalmente, com redução significativa dos marcadores bioquímicos da doença.The authors report a case of a 71-year-old male patient diagnosed with Paget's disease of sacrum. Imaging study was performed with radiography, scintigraphy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and the diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy. The patient progressed with a good response to monthly treatment with ibandronate 150 mg, presenting a significant reduction in biochemical markers of disease.

  4. Doença cística traqueobrônquica

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    Full Text Available Cistos aéreos que emergem anormalmente da traquéia e/ou brônquios de maior calibre são doença extremamente rara. Na literatura encontram-se poucas descrições de casos isolados de cistos paratraqueais associados a pneumopatias crônicas. Relatamos dois casos dessa entidade clínica, rara, em membros de uma mesma família: o pai das pacientes faleceu dessa doença com 43 anos de idade e as duas filhas encontram-se em tratamento. O quadro clínico é semelhante ao da supuração pulmonar crônica. O diagnóstico foi firmado através de broncovideoscopia e tomografia computadorizada de tórax com reconstrução em 3D e broncoscopia virtual. As pacientes estão sob observação e tratamento clínico paliativo.

  5. Use of 99mTc from a commercial 99Mo/9mTc generator as yield tracer for the determination of 99Tc at low levels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hou, Xiaolin; Jensen, Mikael; Nielsen, Sven Poul


    The concentrations of Tc-99 and impurity radionuclides in the Tc-99m tracer solution obtained from a commercial Mo-99/Tc-99m generator were measured by gamma spectrometry and liquid scintillation counting. Mo-99 and Ru-103 were found in the Tc-99m eluate. A simple separation using two extra alumina...... cartridges was investigated to purify the eluate to obtain a suitable Tc-99m tracer with low Tc-99 concentration. The activity ratio of Tc-99/Tc-99m in the prepared Tc-99m solution is lower than 15 x 10(-9), which is higher than the theoretical ratio of less than 10 x 10(-9). The possible reason is discussed....... The Tc-99 in the 20 kBq spiked Tc-99m tracer was found to be less than 0.3mBq, which is lower than the detection limit of the radiometric method used for environmental samples. The purified Tc-99m eluate is used as yield tracer for the determination of low levels of Tc-99 in environmental samples. (c...

  6. Evaluation of the absorbed dose to the kidneys due to Tc99m (DTPA) / Tc99m (Mag3) and Tc99m (Dmsa)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasquez A, M.; Murillo C, F.; Castillo D, C.; Rocha J, J.; Sifuentes D, Y.; Sanchez S, P.; Idrogo C, J.; Marquez P, F.


    The absorbed dose in the kidneys of adult patients has been assessed using the biokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals containing Tc 99m (DTPA) / Tc 99m (Mag3) or Tc 99m (Dmsa).The absorbed dose was calculated using the formalism MIRD and the Cristy-Eckerman representation for the kidneys. The absorbed dose to the kidneys due to Tc 99m (DTPA) / Tc 99m (Mag3), are given by 0.00466 mGy.MBq -1 / 0.00339 mGy.MBq -1 . Approximately 21.2% of the absorbed dose is due to the bladder (content) and the remaining tissue, included in biokinetics of Tc 99m (DTPA) / Tc 99m (Mag3). The absorbed dose to the kidneys due to Tc 99m (Dmsa) is 0.17881 mGy.MBq -1 . Here, 1.7% of the absorbed dose is due to the bladder, spleen, liver and the remaining tissue, included in biokinetics of Tc 99m (Dmsa). (Author)

  7. Tc Generator Development: Up-to-Date Tc Recovery Technologies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Mo Utilisation

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    Van So Le


    Full Text Available A review on the Mo sources available today and on the Tc generators developed up to date for increasing the effectiveness of Mo utilisation is performed in the format of detailed description of the features and technical performance of the technological groups of the Mo production and Tc recovery. The latest results of the endeavour in this field are also surveyed in regard of the technical solution for overcoming the shortage of Mo supply. The technological topics are grouped and discussed in a way to reflect the similarity in the technological process of each group. The following groups are included in this review which are high specific activity Mo: the current issues of production, the efforts of more effective utilisation, and the high specific activity Mo-based Tc generator and Tc concentration units; low specific activity Mo: the Mo production based on neutron capture and accelerators and the direct production of Tc and the methods of increasing the specific activity of Mo using Szilard-Chalmers reaction and high electric power isotopic separator; up-to-date technologies of Tc recovery from low specific activity Mo: the solvent extraction-based Tc generator, the sublimation methods for Mo/Tc separation, the electrochemical method for Tc recovery, and the column chromatographic methods for Tc recovery. Besides the traditional Tc-generator systems, the integrated Tc generator systems (Tc generator column combined with postelution purification/concentration unit are discussed with the format of process diagram and picture of real generator systems. These systems are the technetium selective sorbent column-based generators, the high Mo-loading capacity column-based integrated Tc generator systems which include the saline-eluted generator systems, and the nonsaline aqueous and organic solvent eluent-eluted generator systems using high Mo-loading capacity molybdategel and recently developed sorbent columns. Tc concentration methods used in the

  8. Detection of diabetic foveal edema with biomicroscopy, fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography Detecção do edema foveal diabético com biomicroscopia, angiografia fluoresceínica e tomografia de coerência óptica

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    Rosana Zacarias Hannouche


    Full Text Available To describe different techniques for the detection of diabetic foveal edema. A retrospective review of the detection of diabetic foveal edema. Noncontact lens biomicroscopy is relatively insensitive in mild foveal thickening apparent on optical coherence tomography. Optical coherence tomography measurements can detect early retinal damage in diabetic retinopathy patients.Descrever diferentes técnicas para detecção do edema foveal diabético. Uma revisão da detecção do edema foveal diabético. Biomicroscopia com lente de não contato é relativamente insensível em edema leve aparente na tomografia de coerência óptica. Tomografia de coerência óptica pode detectar precocemente o dano retiniano inicial em pacientes com retinopatia diabética.

  9. Tc-99m-hexakis(t-butylisonitrile)-technetium(I) (Tc-99m-TBI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angelberger, P.; Dudczak, R.; Jones, A.G.; Lister-James, J.; Wagner-Loffler, M.; Buchheit, O.; Fally, F.


    The potassium analog (Tl-201)/sup +/ is widely used in nuclear cardiology but has inferior scintigraphic (80 keV photons), dosimetric and economic properties as compared to Tc-99m. Therefore considerable efforts have been made to develop a Tc-compound that would accumulate in the myocardium in relation to regional blood flow. This study was aimed at optimizing the preparation of Tc-TBI with n.c.a. Tc-99m, analyze and purify the product with HPLC, verify biodistribution in mice and undertake a clinical evaluation

  10. 99mTc-EDTA and 99mTc-DTPA complexes as hydrological tracers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominguez, J.; Borroto, J.; Nazco, J.; Perez, E.; Gamboa, R.; Cruz, J.


    The [ 99m Tc-DTPA] 2- and [ 99m Tc-EDTA] 1- were evaluated as radiotracers for short time hydrological studies. Their complex stability after labelling with 9.25 GBq of 99m Tc, the behaviour against pH variations, from 5 to 9, in simulated solutions and in natural river waters and the sorption of these compounds on the river sediments, were tested in laboratory experiments. Finally field double tracing experiments were carried out for each of labelling complexes and Rhodamine WT. From recovery calculations not losses of the 99m Tc activity were observed. The shape of the RTD curves of the [ 99m Tc-DTPA] 2- and [ 99m Tc-EDTA] 1 were quite similar to the Rhodamine Wt ones. May be concluded that both complexes behaved conservatively on the studied environmental conditions. (author)

  11. Evaluation of the absorbed dose to the kidneys due to Tc{sup 99m} (DTPA) / Tc{sup 99m} (Mag3) and Tc{sup 99m} (Dmsa); Evaluacion de la dosis absorbida en los rinones debido al Tc{sup 99m} (DTPA) / Tc{sup 99m} (MAG3) y Tc{sup 99m} (DMSA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasquez A, M.; Murillo C, F.; Castillo D, C.; Rocha J, J.; Sifuentes D, Y.; Sanchez S, P. [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Av. Juan Pablo II s/n, Trujillo (Peru); Idrogo C, J.; Marquez P, F., E-mail: [Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas, Av. Angamos 2520, Lima (Peru)


    The absorbed dose in the kidneys of adult patients has been assessed using the biokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals containing Tc{sup 99m} (DTPA) / Tc{sup 99m} (Mag3) or Tc{sup 99m} (Dmsa).The absorbed dose was calculated using the formalism MIRD and the Cristy-Eckerman representation for the kidneys. The absorbed dose to the kidneys due to Tc{sup 99m} (DTPA) / Tc{sup 99m} (Mag3), are given by 0.00466 mGy.MBq{sup -1} / 0.00339 mGy.MBq{sup -1}. Approximately 21.2% of the absorbed dose is due to the bladder (content) and the remaining tissue, included in biokinetics of Tc{sup 99m} (DTPA) / Tc{sup 99m} (Mag3). The absorbed dose to the kidneys due to Tc{sup 99m} (Dmsa) is 0.17881 mGy.MBq{sup -1}. Here, 1.7% of the absorbed dose is due to the bladder, spleen, liver and the remaining tissue, included in biokinetics of Tc{sup 99m} (Dmsa). (Author)

  12. Tc: chemistry and radiopharmaceuticals: a prospectus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tulip, T.H.


    The recent explosion in technetium chemistry evident in this symposium promises to continue unabated. As in the past, radiopharmaceutical applications will lead to new Tc chemistry. In this lecture the author will discuss those areas which appear most fertile based on chemical and radiopharmaceutical criteria. Among these will be new organometallic Tc chemistry (e.g., Tc(CNR) 6 cations), Tc complexes as metabolic tracers (e.g., Tc-analogs to FDG), and peptide-based Tc chelators (e.g., Tc-metallothionein)

  13. Tumores intracranianos em pacientes encaminhados para estudos por tomografia de coerência óptica como portadores de glaucoma sem hipertensão ocular: relato de dois casos Intracranial tumors in patients referred for optical coherence tomography examination as glaucoma suspects: case report

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    Laurentino Biccas Neto


    Full Text Available A tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT tem se mostrado muito útil na avaliação de pacientes com glaucoma. São relatadas duas pacientes referidas com a suspeita de glaucoma sem hipertensão para avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica que, na verdade, eram portadoras de tumores intracranianos - um cordoma de clivo no primeiro caso e um craniofaringeoma no segundo. Os achados à tomografia de coerência óptica - diminuição difusa da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas circumdiscais desproporcionalmente acentuada nos setores nasal e temporal - levantaram a suspeita de acometimento na região do quiasma e permitiram o diagnóstico destes importantes tumores intracranianos.Optical coherence tomography (OCT has proved to be a very valuable tool in the assessment of patients with glaucoma. In this report, intracranial tumors were discovered in two glaucoma suspects referred for diagnostic confirmation by OCT - a clivus chordoma and a craniopharyngeoma. Optical coherence tomography findings - marked asymmetrical diffuse attenuation of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer in nasal and temporal sectors - raised concerns about lesions in chiasmatic region and permitted the timely diagnosis of these intraocular tumors.

  14. Computed tomography study of otitis media; A tomografia computadorizada no estudo das otites medias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahia, Paulo Roberto Valle; Marchiori, Edson [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia


    The findings of computed tomography (CT) of 89 patients clinically suspected of having otitis media were studied in this work. Such results were compared to clinical diagnosis, otoscopy, surgical findings and previous data. Among the results of our analysis, we studied seven patients with acute otitis media and 83 patients with chronic otitis media. The patients with acute otitis media have undergone CT examinations to evaluate possible spread to central nervous system. The diagnosis of cholesteatoma, its extension and complications were the main indication. for chronic otitis media study. The main findings of the cholesteatomatous otitis were the occupation of the epitympanun, the bony wall destruction and the ossicular chain erosion. The CT demonstrated a great sensibility to diagnose the cholesteatoma. (author) 25 refs., 10 figs.

  15. 99mTc-Tetrofosmin scintimammography in suspected breast cancer patients: comparison with 99mTc-MIBI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seong Jang; Kim, In Ju; Kim, Yong Ki; Bae, Young Tae


    The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic role of 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin in detection of breast cancer and compared with that of 99m Tc-MIBI. Forty-eight patients with a clinically palpable mass or abnormal mammographic or ultrasonographic findings had 99m Tc-MIBI and 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin scintimammographies after intravenous injection of 925 MBq of radiopharmaceuticals. The scintimammographs were correlated with histopathologic findings. Thirty-three patients were diagnosed with breast cancer and 15 patients with benign breast diseases. The numbers of true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative cases of 99m Tc-MIBI scintimammography were 29, 10, 5, and 4 respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 99m Tc-MIBI scintimammographies were 87.8%, 66.7%, 85.3%, and 71.4% respectively. The numbers of true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative cases of 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin were 31, 10, 5, and 2 respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin were 93.9%, 66.7%, 86.1%, and 73.3% respectively. One patient was false negative in both 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin scintimammographies and its size was 0.5cm. 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin and 99m Tc-MIBI were non-invasive and useful in detection of breast cancer and 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin was comparable to the 99m Tc-MIBI in detection of primary breast cancer.=20

  16. Expanding the knowledge of the geographic distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi TcII and TcV/TcVI genotypes in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    Valdirene Dos Santos Lima

    Full Text Available Trypanosoma cruzi infection is a complex sylvatic enzooty involving a wide range of animal species. Six discrete typing units (DTUs of T. cruzi, named TcI to TcVI, are currently recognized. One unanswered question concerning the epidemiology of T. cruzi is the distribution pattern of TcII and hybrid DTUs in nature, including their virtual absence in the Brazilian Amazon, the current endemic area of Chagas disease in Brazil. Herein, we characterized biological samples that were collected in previous epizootiological studies carried out in the Amazon Basin in Brazil. We performed T. cruzi genotyping using four polymorphic genes to identify T. cruzi DTUs: mini-exon, 1f8, histone 3 and gp72. This analysis was conducted in the following biological samples: (i two T. cruzi isolates obtained by culturing of stools from the triatomine species Rhodnius picttipes and (ii five serum samples from dogs in which trypomastigotes were observed during fresh blood examination. We report for the first time the presence of TcII and hybrid DTUs (TcV/TcVI in the Amazon region in mixed infections with TcI. Furthermore, sequencing of the constitutive gene, gp72, demonstrated diversity in TcII even within the same forest fragment. These data show that TcII is distributed in the five main Brazilian biomes and is likely more prevalent than currently described. It is very probable that there is no biological or ecological barrier to the transmission and establishment of any DTU in any biome in Brazil.

  17. Targeting osteomyelitis with complete [99mTc]besilesomab and fragmented [99mTc]sulesomab antibodies: kinetic evaluations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    GRATZ, Stefan; KEMKE, Bendix; KEIZE, Patrik; KAMPEN, Wim U.; LUSTER, Markus; HÖFFKEN, Helmut


    The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the targeting of “pure” osteomyelitis (i.e., without surrounding soft tissue infection) by directly 99mTc-labelled complete immunoglobulin G (IgG) monoclonal antibody (MAb) ([99mTc]besilesomab) and by directly 99mTc-labelled fragment antigen-binding (FAb) MAb ([99mTc]sulesomab) in relation to their kinetic fate. A total of 73 patients with “pure” osteomyelitis were examined with [99mTc]besilesomab, (Scintimun®, IBA/CIS bio international, Saclay, France; N.=38) and [99mTc]sulesomab (LeukoScan®, Immunomedics Inc., Morris Plains, NJ, USA; N.=35). Kinetic data were deduced from whole-body and single-photon emission computed tomographic scans, performed 10 minutes to 24 hour p.i. (region-of-interest technique [ROI]). In targeting “pure” osteomyelitis, sensitivities at 1-4 hours were found to be higher for [99mTc]sulesomab (44% and 80% for [99mTc]besilesomab and [99mTc]sulesomab, respectively) but at significantly lower target/background (T/B) ratios than with [99mTc]besilesomab (1.8±0.3 versus 1.4±0.5 for [99mTc]besilesomab and [99mTc]sulesomab respectively; P<0.01). With [99mTc]besilesomab, there was a continuous osteomyelitis uptake over 24 hours, whereas with [99mTc]sulesomab, the maximal uptake occurred mostly within 1-4 hours, with subsequent clearance being slower for antigen-bound activity than for nonspecific background. Hence, diagnosis was possible mostly after 4h with [99mTc]sulesomab but often not before 24 hours with [99mTc]besilesomab, the later increasing significantly (P<0.01) in sensitivity (87% and 84% for [99mTc]besilesomab and [99mTc]sulesomab, respectively). These results show that the higher sensitivity of [99mTc]sulesomab in osteomyelitis targeting at earlier p.i. times does not rely on an increased antibody uptake but on a more rapid clearance of nonspecific background activity due to faster metabolism and excretion. Intact [99mTc]besilesomab show a slow, continuous uptake

  18. Comparison of relative renal function measured with either 99m Tc-DTPA or 99m Tc-EC dynamic scintigraphies with that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Domingues, F.C.; Fujikawa, G.Y.; Decker, H.; Alonso, G.; Pereira, J.C.; Duarte, P.S. [Centro de Diagnostico Fleury, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Secao de Medicina Nuclear; Sao Paulo Univ. (USP), SP (Brazil). Escola de Saude Publica. Dept. de Epidemiologia]. E-mail:


    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the renal function measured with either {sup 99m}Tc-DTPA or {sup 99m}Tc-EC dynamic scintigraphies with that measured using {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy. Methods: the values of relative renal function measured in 111 renal dynamic scintigraphies performed either with {sup 99m}Tc-DTPA (55 studies) or with {sup 99m}Tc-EC (56 studies) were compared with the relative function measured using {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy performed within a 1-month period. The comparisons were performed using Wilcoxon signed rank test. The number of {sup 99m}Tc-DTPA and {sup 99m}Tc-EC studies that presented relative renal function different by more than 5% from that measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA, using chi square test were also compared. Results: the relative renal function measured with {sup 99m}Tc-EC is not statistically different from that measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA (p = 0.97). The relative renal function measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DTPA was statistically different from that measured using {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA, but with a borderline statistical significance (p = 0.05). The number of studies with relative renal function different by more than 5% from that measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA is higher for the {sup 99m}Tc-DTPA scintigraphy (p 0.04) than for {sup 99m}Tc-EC. Conclusion: the relative renal function measured with {sup 99m}Tc-EC dynamic scintigraphy is comparable with that measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy, while the relative renal function measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DTPA dynamic scintigraphy presents a significant statistical difference from that measured with {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy. (author)

  19. Comparison of relative renal function measured with either 99m Tc-DTPA or 99m Tc-EC dynamic scintigraphies with that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domingues, F.C.; Fujikawa, G.Y.; Decker, H.; Alonso, G.; Pereira, J.C.; Duarte, P.S.; Sao Paulo Univ.


    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the renal function measured with either 99m Tc-DTPA or 99m Tc-EC dynamic scintigraphies with that measured using 99m Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy. Methods: the values of relative renal function measured in 111 renal dynamic scintigraphies performed either with 99m Tc-DTPA (55 studies) or with 99m Tc-EC (56 studies) were compared with the relative function measured using 99m Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy performed within a 1-month period. The comparisons were performed using Wilcoxon signed rank test. The number of 99m Tc-DTPA and 99m Tc-EC studies that presented relative renal function different by more than 5% from that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA, using chi square test were also compared. Results: the relative renal function measured with 99m Tc-EC is not statistically different from that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA (p = 0.97). The relative renal function measured with 99m Tc-DTPA was statistically different from that measured using 99m Tc-DMSA, but with a borderline statistical significance (p = 0.05). The number of studies with relative renal function different by more than 5% from that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA is higher for the 99m Tc-DTPA scintigraphy (p 0.04) than for 99m Tc-EC. Conclusion: the relative renal function measured with 99m Tc-EC dynamic scintigraphy is comparable with that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy, while the relative renal function measured with 99m Tc-DTPA dynamic scintigraphy presents a significant statistical difference from that measured with 99m Tc-DMSA static scintigraphy. (author)

  20. Using Tc-Re chemical analogy to synthesize and identify new 99mTc complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gambino, D.; Kremer, C.; Cartesio, S.; Leon, A.; Kremer, E.


    The strong chemical resemblance between Tc and Re is applied to design and evaluate experiments with 99m Tc complexes. A combination of spectrophotometric and electrophoretic techniques allows to propose the formula [TcO 2 (amine) 2 ] + for compounds prepared by reduction of 99m TcO 4 - with Zn (solid phase) in presence of several (bidentate) amines. (author) 10 refs.; 2 figs.; 4 tabs

  1. Determination of Tc-99 in radioactive wastes; Determinacion de Tc-99 en desechos radiactivos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera S, A. A.


    Tc-99 is a fission product and one of the most important radionuclides from the view point of safety assessment for the disposal of radioactive waste because of its long half-life (2.1 x 10{sup 5} years) and high mobility in soil-water systems, if this is released into the environment in significant quantities can concentrate on plants and animals. Tc-99 is a pure beta emitter with a maximum energy of 292 KeV, so their quantification imposes destructive methods to be analyzed by liquid scintillation. Therefore the quantification of Tc-99 in ion exchange resins requires of the mineralization of these and separation of Tc-99 of other radioisotopes present in the resin. Therefore the object of this thesis is to develop a quantification method of Tc-99 content in spent exchange resins. So in order to track the behavior of technetium during digestion exchange resins and radiochemical separation, given its high volatility, in this work the {sup 99m}Tc is used. To determine the degree of mineralization of the resins, an analysis was performed by chromatography. Subsequently the method used to determine the percentage of {sup 99m}Tc aerosolized during mineralization of resin is described. After the method for the radiochemical separation of {sup 99m}Tc is presented by liquid-liquid extraction using crown ether as extractant; for this testing was performed by varying the molarity of the extractant, the ratio of solvent extractant, type of digestion of the resin and the presence of Sr-85, in order to study the behavior of {sup 99m}Tc in the presence of this radioisotope. Finally, a track beta spectra of a sample of {sup 99m}Tc eluted from a generator {sup 99}Mo/{sup 99m}Tc function of time was performed. (Author)

  2. Tumores hepáticos incomuns: ensaio iconográfico - Parte 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Cheregati Pedrassa


    Full Text Available A maioria dos tumores hepáticos primários malignos é representada pelo carcinoma hepatocelular e pelo colangiocarcinoma, entretanto, uma variedade de outras lesões hepáticas incomuns pode ser encontrada. Lesões comuns como o hemangioma, a hiperplasia nodular focal e as metástases são bem conhecidas e já foram extensamente documentadas na literatura. O diagnóstico das lesões hepáticas típicas pode ser feito com alguma segurança utilizando-se os diversos métodos de imagem; por outro lado, as lesões incomuns são geralmente um desafio diagnóstico para o radiologista. Nesta primeira parte do estudo abordaremos cinco tumores hepáticos incomuns - o angiossarcoma, o angiomiolipoma, o cistoadenoma/carcinoma biliar, o hemangioendotelioma epitelioide e o carcinoma hepatocelular fibrolamelar -, suas principais características e achados de imagem, com foco na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética.

  3. Evolução maligna de um ganglioglioma: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de um paciente de oito anos de idade, com quadro clínico de cefaléia, náuseas e vômitos. A angiografia cerebral mostrava massa frontal não vascularizada. O paciente foi submetido a craniotomia, com remoção da lesão cujo estudo anátomo-patológico comprovou o diagnóstico de ganglioglioma. O paciente recebeu radioterapia no pós-operatório. Durante o seguimento, 16 anos após, houve recidiva da lesão, comprovada pela tomografia computadorizada do crânio, sendo submetido a nova cirurgia, cujo exame anátomo-patológico revelou ser glioblastoma multiforme. Gangliogliomas são tumores raros do sistema nervoso central, contendo mescla de células neuronais e gliais. A anaplasia ocorre somente no componente glial, sendo este, portanto, responsável pelo prognóstico desta lesão.

  4. Doença de Madelung: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Madelung's disease: a case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria da Graça Caminha Vidal


    Full Text Available Relata-se o caso de um paciente portador da doença de Madelung, definida clinicamente pela presença de múltiplos acúmulos de tecido adiposo não encapsulados, usualmente envolvendo a região cervical e superior do tórax, de distribuição simétrica. O exame de imagem eleito para confirmação do diagnóstico foi tomografia computadorizada, por ser menos dispendiosa e mais acessível, comparando-se à ressonância magnética.The authors report the case of a patient with Madelung's disease, which is clinically described as the presence of multiple and symmetric non-encapsulated masses of fatty tissue, usually involving the neck and the upper region of the trunk. Computed tomography was selected as the imaging method for diagnosis confirmation, considering its lower cost and higher availability as compared with magnetic resonance imaging.

  5. Caso para diagnóstico Case for diagnosis

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    Vanessa Martins Ferreira de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Relata-se caso de erythema gyratum repens em paciente do sexo masculino, de 40 anos, com eritema disseminado, pruriginoso, bizarro, figurado, com fina descamação nas bordas. Na primeira consulta, os exames laboratoriais e a radiografia do tórax foram normais. Durante acompanhamento clínico foi diagnosticado câncer de pulmão por tomografia computadorizada de tórax, tendo a imuno-histoquímica da biópsia da linfonodomegalia inguinal confirmado o pulmão como sítio primário.A case of erythema gyratum repens is described in a 40-year-old man with a generalized, bizarre, figurated and pruritic erythema with fine scaling borders. Laboratorial exams and radiography of the thorax were normal in the first visit. A tomographic study of the thorax showed a lobulated pulmonary nodule and the immunohistochemistry on the biopsy of an inguinal lymph node confirmed the lung cancer as the primary site of the neoplasia.

  6. Paracoccidioidomicose pulmonar: relato de caso clínico com aspetos em tomografia computorizada de alta resolução

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    M. Armas


    Full Text Available Resumo: A Paracoccidioidomicose é uma micose sistémica endémica nas áreas rurais da América Latina, uma fonte importante de imigrantes e destino de emigração e turismo europeu, a maioria dos casos ocorrendo no Brasil, Argentina, Venezuela e Colômbia. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de um paciente com 43 anos, anteriormente emigrado na Venezuela e residente em Portugal há 8 anos, que se apresenta com lesão cutânea isolada. Embora sem queixas relevantes do foro respiratório, apresentava extensas lesões do parênquima pulmonar caracterizadas por tomografia computorizada de alta resolução (TCAR. Foi realizada biópsia da lesão cutânea e exame micológico da expetoração que revelaram infeção por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (PB. Abstract: Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis which is endemic in rural areas of Latin America, an important European source of immigrants and a growing European touristic destination as well, with most cases occurring in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia. The authors report a case of a 43 year old man who previously worked in Venezuela and is living in Portugal for 8 years, presenting with a single cutaneous lesion. Despite the absence of valuable respiratory complaints, severe lung damage was found with high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT. Biopsy of the cutaneous lesion and mycologic sputum examination were performed revealing Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection. Palavras-chave: Paracoccidioidomicose, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Fibrose pulmonar, Tomografia computorizada de alta resolução, Keywords: Paracoccidioidomycosis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Pulmonary fibrosis, High-resolution computed tomography

  7. {sup 201}Tl, {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI, {sup 99m}Tc-tetrofosmin and {sup 99m}Tc-furifosmin: relative retention and clearance kinetics in retrogradely perfused guinea pig hearts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaefer, Wolfgang M.; Moka, Detlef E-mail:; Brockmann, Holger A.; Schomaecker, Klaus; Schicha, Harald


    Myocellular kinetics of {sup 201}Tl, {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI, {sup 99m}Tc-tetrofosmin and {sup 99m}Tc-furifosmin were investigated using retrogradely-perfused guinea-pig hearts. Relative retention decreased in the order {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI {yields}{yields} implies {sup 99m}Tc-tetrofosmin {yields}{yields} implies {sup 99m}Tc-furifosmin. {sup 201}Tl and {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI exhibited bi- (t1,t2), {sup 99m}Tc-tetrofosmin and {sup 99m}Tc-furifosmin triexponential (t1,t2,t3) time-activity-curves. Latest-phase elimination-half-life increased from {sup 201}Tl (t2) {yields}{yields} implies {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI (t2) {yields}{yields} implies {sup 99m}Tc-tetrofosmin (t3) {yields}{yields} implies {sup 99m}Tc-furifosmin (t3), showing a significant increase in deteriorating myocardium for all tracers but {sup 99m}Tc-furifosmin. Delayed elimination in deteriorating myocardium explains at least partly the redistribution phenomenon of {sup 201}Tl, and suggests a similar phenomenon for {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI and {sup 99m}Tc-tetrofosmin.

  8. On the separation of 99mTcO4-, 99mTc-DTPA and 99mTc-citrate as marker species for the determination of Tc chemical forms in plant material using capillary zone electrophoresis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krijger, G.C.; Claessens, H.A.; Wolterbeek, H.Th.


    The present paper addresses the potential use of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) as an anal. tool in 99Tc speciation studies. To optimize sampling, storage and anal. procedures, the three marker compds. 99mTcO4-, 99mTc-DTPA and 99mTc-citrate were synthesized and used in test-measurements with

  9. Clinical evaluation of Tc-99m-mebrofenin and comparison with Tc-disofenin for radionuclide hepatobiliary imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klingensmith, W. III; Fritzberg, A.; Spitzer, V.


    The clinical comparison reported indicates that Tc-mebrofenin has a significantly lower level of renal excretion that Tc-disofenin at all bilirubin levels. At a total bilirubin level of 25 mg/dl the renal excretion of Tc-mebrofenin is still less than the renal excretion of Tc-disofenin in subjects with normal bilirubin levels. In addition, renal radioactivity in images was never seen in subjects with normal bilirubins while visualization of renal radioactivity is routine in normal subjects with Tc-disofenin. No significant differences were found in any other parameter including hepatocyte extraction efficiency, time of maximum hepatic radioactivity, and hepatic parenchymal washout. This study indicates that Tc-mebrofenin is equal to Tc-disofenin in its hepatobiliary characteristics and superior in its renal characteristics

  10. Solubility of Tc(IV) oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, D.J.; Fan, X.H.


    Full text of publication follows: The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safer disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 .nH 2 O. The solubility of Tc(IV) is used as a source term in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium oxide was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2+ . The solubility of Tc(IV) oxide has been determined in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(IV) oxide were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(IV) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water is about (1.49∼1.86) x 10 -9 mol/(L.d) under aerobic conditions, but Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water is not oxidized under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(IV) oxide in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The solubility of Tc(IV) oxide decreases with the increase of pH at pH 10 and is pH independent in the range 2 -8 to 10 -9 mol/L at 2 3 2- concentration. These data could be used to estimate the Tc(IV) solubility for cases where solubility limits transport of technetium in reducing environments of high-level waste repositories. (authors)

  11. Avaliação do edema macular após cirurgia não complicada de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica spectral domain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Everton Paroschi Corrêa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o edema macular após cirurgia não complicada de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica spectral domain (OCT-SD. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo em 62 olhos de pacientes submetidos à facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular. Os pacientes foram avaliados antes e após a cirurgia, no primeiro dia, e na primeira, segunda e quarta semanas. Acuidade visual (AV, células na câmara anterior e tomografia de coerência óptica macular cubo 200x200 foram medidos. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação houve melhora da acuidade visual, inflamação decrescente, e a espessura e o volume macular aumentaram. Ocorreu um caso de edema macular cistoide. Houve correlação inversa fraca entre a acuidade visual e a espessura macular central, e entre a acuidade visual e o volume macular. Foi observada correlação direta fraca entre a inflamação e o volume macular. CONCLUSÃO: Edema macular subclínico desenvolve-se mesmo após cirurgia de catarata não complicada em pacientes não predispostos. A tomografia de coerência óptica spectral domain foi capaz de detectar pequenos aumentos na espessura macular no período avaliado.

  12. Preoperative radiological diagnosis by 99mTc·MIBI-99mTc subtraction scintigraphy for primary hyperparathyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inouye, Takahiro; Tomita, Toshiki; Shinden, Seiichi; Takagi, Hitoshi; Kano, Shigeru.


    Preoperative radiological diagnosis constitutes the most important factor for the surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism. In this regard, MRI is useful for detecting the abnormal parathyroid, but it is often difficult to localize it using MRI only. It is thus necessary to combine this procedure with excellent subtraction scintigraphy. We performed both 201 Tl- 99m Tc and 99m Tc·MIBI- 99m Tc subtraction scintigraphy in seven patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and compared them the radiological results. Five patients presented parathyroid adenomas and the rest hypertrophy of the parathyroid. We could detect the abnormal parathyroid in four patients (57.1%) by 201 Tl- 99m Tc subtraction scintigraphy and in six patients (85.7%) by 99m Tc·MIBI- 99m Tc subtraction scintigraphy. We therefore believe that 99m Tc·MIBI- 99m Tc subtraction scintigraphy will become an essential examination for primary hyperparathyroidism rather than the presently employed 201 Tl- 99m Tc subtraction scintigraphy. (author)

  13. Participation in CEN TC 335 TC343 Chemical Test Methods. Final report; Deelname CEN TC 335 TC343 Chemical Testmethods. Eindrapportage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakker, F.P. [ECN Engineering en Services, Petten (Netherlands)


    An overview is given of the work that has been done on the standardization of methods for the characterization of biofuels and solid recovered fuels (SRF). For biofuels a complete set of prestandards is available, conversion of pre-standards to standards is in good progress. The development of a standard biocarbon content method based on the {sup 14}C isotope measurement is in good progress. This standard could be an important tool for carbon dioxide trading purposes. CEN is the European Commission for Standardization, TC 335 is the Technical Committee 335 on Solid Biofuels, and TC 343 is the Technical Committee on Solid Recovered Fuels. [Dutch] In de periode september 2005 tot december 2006 zijn Europese standaarden voor de karakterisering van biobrandstoffen beschikbaar gekomen. Voor een aantal parameters is nader onderzoek vereist en deels gaande. Dankzij de ervaring die in Nederland is opgedaan met Nationale Technische Afspraken (NTA's) voor vaste biobrandstoffen heeft onze bijdrage aan de Europese normering de invoering daarvan zeker bespoedigd. De 14C groendeel bepaling begint terrein te winnen en zal in de nabije toekomst ook bij verdere implementatie van het Kyoto protocol een rol gaan spelen. CEN is de European Commission for Standardization, TC 335 is de Technical Committee 335 over Solid Biofuels, en TC 343 is de Technical Committee over Solid Recovered Fuels.

  14. Scintigraphic findings on 99mTc-MDP, 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-HMPAO images in Gaucher's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mariani, G.; Molea, N.; La Civita, L.; Porciello, G.; Lazzeri, E.; Ferri, C.


    We report here on the use of the lipophilic cationic complex technetium-99m sestamibi ( 99m Tc-MIBI), employed as an indicator of increased cellular density and metabolic activity, to evaluate Gaucher cell infiltrates in the bone marrow; 99m Tc-hexametazime ( 99m Tc-HMPAO) was also employed, as a pure indicator of lipidic infiltration in the bone marrow. A 67-year-old patient with known type 1 Gaucher's disease presented with a painful left hip and knee and difficulty in gait subsequent to traumatic fracture of the left femoral neck that had required implant of a fixation screw-plaque. Bone scan with 99m Tc-methylene diphosphonate revealed reduced uptake at the distal metaphyseal-epiphyseal femoral region. In addition, whole-body maps and spot-view acquisitions of the thighs and legs were recorded at both 30 min and 2.5 h after the injection of 99m Tc-MIBI: the scintigraphic pattern clearly showed increased uptake at several sites involved by Gaucher deposits in the bone marrow (both knees, with variable intensity in different areas), matching the bone changes detected by conventional x-ray. The target to non-target ratios slowly decreased with time, from an average value of 2.25 in the early scan to an average value of 2 in the delayed scan. The lipid-soluble agent 99m Tc-HMPAO exhibited a superimposable scintigraphic pattern of accumulation at the involved sites, though with lower target to non-target ratios (1.27-1.48). The results obtained in this patient suggest a potential role of 99m Tc-MIBI in the scintigraphic evaluation of Gaucher's lipid deposits in the bone marrow. If the results are confirmed in other patients, this radiopharmaceutical would offer clear advantages over 133 Xe because of its wider availability and greater practicality (i.v. administration of 99m Tc-MIBI versus inhalation of 133 Xe, and use of a single gamma camera instead of two as with 133 Xe). (orig.). With 3 figs

  15. Identification of novel mammalian hosts and Brazilian biome geographic distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi TcIII and TcIV. (United States)

    Barros, Juliana Helena S; Xavier, Samanta Cristina C; Bilac, Daniele; Lima, Valdirene Santos; Dario, Maria Augusta; Jansen, Ana Maria


    Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasitic protozoan responsible for Chagas disease. Seven different Discrete Typing Units (DTUs) of T. cruzi are currently identified in nature: TcI-TcVI, and TcBat whose distribution patterns in nature, hosts/reservoirs and eco-epidemiological importance are still little known. Here, we present novel data on the geographic distribution and diversity of mammalian hosts and vectors of T. cruzi DTUs TcIII and TcIV. In this study, we analyzed 61 T. cruzi isolates obtained from 18 species of mammals (five orders) and two Hemiptera genera. Samples were collected from five Brazilian biomes (Pantanal, Caatinga, Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest, and Amazon) previously characterized as Z3 or mixed infection (TcI-Z3) by mini-exon gene PCR. To identify TcIII and TcIV genotypes, we applied restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis to the PCR-amplified histone 3 gene. DTUs TcIII and TcIV were identified in single and mixed infections from wide dispersion throughout five Brazilian biomes studied, with TcIV being the most common. Pantanal was the biome that displayed the largest number of samples characterized as TcIII and TcIV in single and mixed infections, followed by Atlantic Rainforest and Amazon. Species from the Didelphimorphia order displayed the highest frequency of infection and were found in all five biomes. We report, for the first time, the infection of a species of the Artiodactyla order by DTU TcIII. In addition, we describe new host species: five mammals (marsupials and rodents) and two genera of Hemiptera. Our data indicate that DTUs TcIII and TcIV are more widespread and infect a larger number of mammalian species than previously thought. In addition, they are transmitted in restricted foci and cycles, but in different microhabitats and areas with distinct ecological profiles. Finally, we show that DTUs TcIII and TcIV do not present any specific association with biomes or host species. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  16. Tc(V)-DMS tumour imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horiuchi, K.; Yomoda, I.; Yokoyama, A.; Endo, K.; Torizuka, K.


    The data obtained by the authors provide good evidence of Tc(V)-DMS as a stable, large-molecular-size Tc-complex or polynuclear Tc-complex, comparable to Tc-cit and Ga-cit. A role for this polynuclear configuration in the generation of Tc-species with affinity for neoplastic cells was demonstrated using the dilution method as a promoter of Tc(V)-DMS dissociation. The concurrent Ehrlich ascites tumour cell uptake studies with TLC analysis revealed the chromatographically detected changes well traced by the biological cell utilization. The biological implications of dilution as one of the factors regulating radiopharmaceutical delivery to the tumour cell tissue were better demonstrated in the biodistribution studies carried out with Erhlich ascites-bearing mice. If, on the basis of the present data, the authors may take their postulate one step further, a more dissociated Tc-species, defined speculatively as TcO/sub 4//sup 3-/, might constitute an active Tc- species within the cell interacting with some tumour-specific substance or site. Research to find evidence of its presence is currently in progress

  17. In-house cyclotron production of high-purity Tc-99m and Tc-99m radiopharmaceuticals. (United States)

    Martini, Petra; Boschi, Alessandra; Cicoria, Gianfranco; Zagni, Federico; Corazza, Andrea; Uccelli, Licia; Pasquali, Micòl; Pupillo, Gaia; Marengo, Mario; Loriggiola, Massimo; Skliarova, Hanna; Mou, Liliana; Cisternino, Sara; Carturan, Sara; Melendez-Alafort, Laura; Uzunov, Nikolay M; Bello, Michele; Alvarez, Carlos Rossi; Esposito, Juan; Duatti, Adriano


    In the last years, the technology for producing the important medical radionuclide technetium-99m by cyclotrons has become sufficiently mature to justify its introduction as an alternative source of the starting precursor [ 99m Tc][TcO 4 ] - ubiquitously employed for the production of 99m Tc-radiopharmaceuticals in hospitals. These technologies make use almost exclusively of the nuclear reaction 100 Mo(p,2n) 99m Tc that allows direct production of Tc-99m. In this study, it is conjectured that this alternative production route will not replace the current supply chain based on the distribution of 99 Mo/ 99m Tc generators, but could become a convenient emergency source of Tc-99m only for in-house hospitals equipped with a conventional, low-energy, medical cyclotron. On this ground, an outline of the essential steps that should be implemented for setting up a hospital radiopharmacy aimed at the occasional production of Tc-99m by a small cyclotron is discussed. These include (1) target production, (2) irradiation conditions, (3) separation/purification procedures, (4) terminal sterilization, (5) quality control, and (6) Mo-100 recovery. To address these issues, a comprehensive technology for cyclotron-production of Tc-99m, developed at the Legnaro National Laboratories of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (LNL-INFN), will be used as a reference example. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Preparation of an application for the control of the dose delivered by equipment of computed tomography (CT); Elaboracion de una aplicacion para el control de la dosis impartida por equipos de tomografia computerizada (TC)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres Cabrera, R.; Agulla Otero, M.; Hernando Gonzalez, I.


    Although TC are native digital equipment, the collection and treatment of the doses given to the patients it continues to present difficulties to date, especially in the still very large number of teams that do not produce a formal report of dose (SR). This work shows the experience gained in the development of an application that allows the calculation, monitoring and control of the dose given to patients by teams of TC. (Author)

  19. Sequential hepatobiliary scintigraphy of the patients with constitutional jaundice, ICG excretory defect disease and hepatocellular carcinoma with 99mTc-PI, 99mTc-HIDA and 99mTc-EHIDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitani, Tsuyoshi


    Sequential 2 min scintiphotos were obtained with a scintilation camera after intravenous injection of 3 mCi of 99m Tc-HIDA or 99m Tc-PI. Digital matrix images were simultaneously recorded with computer. Sequential samples for the blood clearance of 99m Tc-HIDA or 99m Tc-PI were obtained for 120 min following injection to the patient of constitutional hyperbilirubinemia and ICG excretory defect disease. In Dubin-Johnson syndrome, the hepatic uptake of 99m Tc-HIDA was faster or normal but the excretion was extremely slower than in normal cases. Both hepatic uptake and excretion of 99m Tc-PI were almost normal. In Rotor's disease, hepatic uptake of 99m Tc-HIDA or 99m Tc-PI was very poor, showing almost no hepatic images in all time. In Gilbert's disease and ICG excretory defect disease, hepatic uptake and excretion of 99m Tc-HIDA or 99m Tc-PI were within normal limit. From these results, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor's disease and Gilbert's disease show the different patterns between hepatic uptake and excretion of 99m Tc-HIDA and 99m Tc-PI hepatobiliary scintigraphy and these patterns contribute to the differential diagnosis of constitutional jaundice. The usefulness of hepatobiliary imaging with 99m Tc-EHIDA in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was studied in 15 patients with histologically verified HCC. In 15 patients, 3 patients (20 %) showed increased radioactivity with 99m Tc-EHIDA image, where liver scan with 99m Tc-Sn colloid showed filling defect. These results indicate that use of 99m Tc-EHIDA scan and 67 Ga-citrate imaging is useful for positive visualization of HCC. (author)

  20. 99mTc-MIBI, 99mTc-tetrofosmin and 99mTc-Q12 in vitro and in vivo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, Bert F.; Krenning, Eric P.; Breeman, Wout A. P.; Ensing, Geert; Benjamins, Harry; Bakker, Willem H.; Visser, Theo J.; Jong, Marion de


    The aim of this study was to compare uptake of 99m Tc-MIBI, 99m Tc-tetrofosmin and 99m Tc-Q12 in vitro and biodistribution in vivo in rats. In vitro, uptake decreased in the order MIBI→tetrofosmin→Q12. Uptake of MIBI and tetrofosmin, but not of Q12, in cultured tumor cells was dependent on the plasma membrane and mitochondrial potential. In vivo, heart uptake of all three compounds was high and stable. Tumor uptake decreased in the order MIBI→Q12→tetrofosmin and the tumor/blood ratio in the order MIBI→tetrofosmin→Q12

  1. Biogeochemical Coupling of Fe and Tc Speciation in Subsurface Sediments: Implications to Long-Term Tc Immobilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jim K. Fredrickson; C. I. Steefel; R. K. Kukkadapu; S. M. Heald


    The project has been focused on biochemical processes in subsurface sediments involving Fe that control the valence state, solubility, and effective mobility of 99Tc. Our goal has been to understand the Tc biogeochemistry as it may occur in suboxic and biostimulated subsurface environments. Two objectives have been pursued: (1) To determine the relative reaction rates of 99Tc(VII)O2(aq) with metal reducing bacteria and biogenic Fe(II); and to characterize the identity, structure, and molecular speciation of Tc(IV) products formed through reaction with both biotic and abiotic reductants. (2) To quantify the biogeochemical factors controlling the reaction rate of O2 with Tc(IV)O2?nH2O in sediment resulting from the direct enzymatic reduction of Tc(VII) by DIRB and/or the reaction of Tc(VII) with the various types of biogenic Fe(II) produced by DIRB

  2. Redox behavior of Tc(VII)/Tc(IV) under various reducing conditions in 0.1 M NaCl solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, T.; Gaona, X.; Altmaier, M.; Scheinost, A.C.; Fellhauer, D.; European Commission Joint Research Centre, Karlsruhe


    Redox behaviour of Tc(VII)/Tc(IV) was investigated in 0.1 M NaCl solutions containing different reducing agents in the pH range 2 to 13 at 22 C under inert Ar atmosphere. In several samples, the 1 x 10 -5 mol/dm 3 (M) initially added TcO 4 - was reduced to form a Tc(IV) oxide solid phase with low solubility. The observed Tc redox transformation processes are systematized according to E h -pH conditions in solution, indicating that a borderline for the reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(IV), TcO 4 - + 3e - + 4H + TcO 2 . xH 2 O(coll, hyd) + (2-x)H 2 O exists, independent of the reducing chemical system. This experimentally derived borderline is about 100 mV lower than the equilibrium line calculated from the reported standard redox potential of TcO 2 . 1.6H 2 O(s). This behaviour can be related to the existence of more soluble solid phase modifications, i.e. nanoparticulate Tc(IV) oxide species TcO 2 . xH 2 O(coll, hyd). The reaction kinetics likewise correlate to the redox potential measured in solution. Slow reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(IV) was observed when the redox potential in the system was slightly below the above mentioned reduction borderline. Fast reduction was observed in the systems far below the borderline, but also in those systems containing Fe(II) solids, suggesting a specific surface mediated effect in the reduction process. EXAFS analysis on two magnetite samples indicate reduced Tc(IV) species which do not remain adsorbed at the reactive mineral surface and are incorporated in the magnetite structure. (orig.)

  3. Escore de cálcio na avaliação da aterosclerose em pacientes com HIV/AIDS

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    Verônica Soares Monteiro


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A terapia antirretroviral aumentou drasticamente a expectativa de vida em pacientes com HIV/AIDS, embora a aterosclerose esteja associada a uma terapia de longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Investigar a prevalência de aterosclerose em pacientes com AIDS submetidos à terapia antirretroviral e a influência de tratamentos de diferentes regimes e durações. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com HIV/AIDS foram abordados durante consultas de rotina. Aqueles que estiveram em terapia antirretroviral por, pelo menos, dois anos tiveram o sangue coletado para análise do perfil lipídico e da glicemia em jejum e foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada cardíaca para quantificação do escore de cálcio dentro de seis dias, no máximo. A aterosclerose foi definida como escore de cálcio maior que zero (CAC > 0. Fatores de risco tradicionais, síndrome metabólica e o escore de Framingham foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Cinquenta e três pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada cardíaca: 50,94% eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 43,4 anos; 20% tinham hipertensão; 3,77% tinham diabetes; 67,92% tinham hipercolesterolemia; 37,74% tinham hipertrigliceridemia; 47,17% tinham HDL baixo; 24,53% atenderam aos critérios para síndrome metabólica; 96,23% foram classificados no escore de Framingham como "baixo risco"; e 18,87% eram tabagistas. A duração média do tratamento antirretroviral foi de 58,98 meses. A aterosclerose coronária ocorreu em 11 pacientes (20,75%. A duração da terapia antirretroviral não se relacionou à aterosclerose (p = 0,41, e não houve diferenças significativas entre os diferentes esquemas antirretrovirais (p = 0,71. Entre os fatores de risco tradicionais, o tabagismo (OR = 27,20; p = 0,023 e a idade (OR = 20,59; p = 0,033 foram significativos na presença de aterosclerose. Havia tendência para uma associação positiva da aterosclerose com a hipercolesterolemia (OR = 8,30; p = 0,0668. CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores associados

  4. Apresentações incomuns no diagnóstico por imagem do pseudotumor intraósseo do hemofílico Uncommon presentations of intraosseous hemophilic pseudotumor in imaging diagnosis

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    Marcel Koenigkam Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever apresentações incomuns do pseudotumor do hemofílico no diagnóstico por imagem. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com avaliação de cinco pseudotumores ósseos do hemofílico em dois pacientes. Os achados de imagem em dois pacientes hemofílicos tipo A foram avaliados em consenso por dois radiologistas musculoesqueléticos. Foram estudados exames de radiografia simples, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética. RESULTADOS: Em uma das lesões analisadas a fase pós-contraste intravenoso da tomografia computadorizada mostrou áreas de reforço heterogêneo e de aspecto sólido no interior da lesão da coxa direita. Este aspecto foi confirmado no exame anatomopatológico da lesão em questão. Outro achado raro foi a identificação de dois pseudotumores intraósseos no úmero, separados por segmento de osso normal. E, por fim, também um pseudotumor do fêmur com extensão para partes moles e transarticular, com conseqüente acometimento da tíbia e patela. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados de diagnóstico por imagem acima descritos não são comumente relatados para os pseudotumores ósseos do hemofílico. É importante que o radiologista tenha conhecimento dessas apresentações mais raras.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at describing uncommon presentations of intraosseous hemophilic pseudotumor in imaging diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study evaluating five hemophilic pseudotumors in bones of two patients with hemophilia A. Imaging findings were consensually evaluated by two musculoskeletal radiologists. Plain radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging studies were analyzed. RESULTS: At contrast-enhanced computed tomography images, one of the lesions on the left thigh was visualized with heterogeneously enhanced solid areas. This finding was later confirmed by anatomopathological study. Another uncommon finding was the identification of

  5. Comprometimento pulmonar na esclerose sistêmica: revisão de casos Pulmonary involvement in systemic sclerosis: cases review

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    Marcel Koenigkam Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Rever e avaliar os padrões de alterações encontrados em exames de imagem de pacientes com comprometimento pulmonar da esclerose sistêmica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram retrospectivamente estudados os exames de radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de 23 pacientes com esclerose sistêmica. RESULTADOS: Na radiografia simples, o padrão reticular em bases pulmonares foi predominante, tendo sido verificado em 18 pacientes (78,2%. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciou lesão pulmonar em todos os pacientes estudados, encontrando-se faveolamento em nove pacientes (39,1%, opacidades em vidro fosco associadas a opacidades reticulares em oito (34,7%, predomínio de opacidades reticulares em cinco (21,7% e vidro fosco em um paciente (4,3%. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão de anormalidades tomográficas possui boa correlação com os achados histopatológicos, diferenciando padrões predominantemente inflamatórios de fibróticos, com os padrões inflamatórios estando associados a uma resposta superior ao tratamento. Dessa maneira, observou-se alteração sugestiva de fibrose na maior parte dos casos (faveolamento e opacidades reticulares somando 60,8%, porém com boa parte apresentando padrões sugestivos de processo inflamatório.OBJECTIVE: To review and evaluate the patterns of imaging examinations findings of lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Plain x-rays and high-resolution computed tomography studies of 23 patients with systemic sclerosis were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: At plain x-rays, pulmonary disease with reticular pattern had higher prevalence, appearing in 18 patients (78.2%. High-resolution computed tomography showed lung involvement in the whole group of patients, with honeycombing in nine patients (39.1%, ground-glass opacities associated with reticular opacities in eight patients (34.7%, predominance of reticular opacities in five (21

  6. Preparation of 99mTc-thiourea complex as a precursor for Tc(III) labeled compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rey, A.; Teran, M.; Molina, S.; Leon, A.; Kremer, C.; Gambino, D.; Kremer, E.


    Ligand exchange is one of the possible synthetic routes to obtain 99m Tc coordination compounds. However, the success of this route depends on the availability of good precursors. The objective of this work is the preparation of the complex [ 99m Tc (tu) 6 ] 3+ (tu = thiourea), as a potential precursor for 99m Tc(III) coordination compounds. The preparation was successfully performed in acidic conditions, the excess of tu serving as reducing agent. At pH values higher than 3, the compound becomes unstable and on addition of polydentate ligands new Tc(III) complexes are formed. With edta, the complex 99m Tc(III)-edta was obtained in high yield. (author). 13 refs., 3 tabs

  7. Accumulation of Tc-99m-MIBI and Tc-99m-tetrofosmin in tumor cells. Uptake and washout studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, M.; Aghajanian, A.A.; Sinzinger, H.; Kalinowska, W.; Zielinski, C.


    Aim: To investigate in-vitro the uptake and washout of Tc-99m-MIBI and Tc-99m-tetrofosmin in human breast adenocarcinoma and soft tissue sarcoma cell lines. Methods: The uptake of Tc-99m-MIBI and Tc-99m-tetrofosmin (at 37 0 C, 10, 30 and 60 minutes after incubation with 7.4x10E5 Bq each tracer) was investigated in breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cells, synovial sarcoma SW 982 cells and chondrosarcoma SW 1353 cells (concentration of 1x10E6 cells/ml incubation medium). Tracer uptake in cells incubated with ouabain (Na/K-ATPase pump inhibitor; 100 μM and 1mM; 15 and 30 minutes), nigericin (increases mitochondrial potential and disrupts cell membrane potential; 5 and 50 μg/ml; 15 minutes) and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) (depolarizes mitochondrial membrane; 10 and 100 μM; 30 minutes) was compared to that in cells without incubation with chemical agents (control cells). The washout (at 37 0 C, 10-60 minutes, 30 and 60 minutes after tracer incubation) of Tc-99m-MIBI and Tc-99m-tetrofosmin was studied in MCF-7 cells, SK-BR-3 cells , SW 1353 cells and fibrosarcoma SW 684 cells. Results: Cellular tracer uptake decreased with ouabain (decrease of Tc-99m-tetrofosmin > Tc-99m-MIBI in SK-BR-3 cells and SW 982 cells) and increased with nigericin (increase of Tc-99m-MIBI > Tc-99m-tetrofosmin in all cells) as compared to the uptake in control cells. With CCCP, decrease of Tc-99m-MIBI uptake in cells preincubated with nigericin was higher than that in cells under basal conditions, whereas a similar decrease of Tc-99m-tetrofosmin uptake in these two group of cells was found. Washout of Tc-99m-MIBI from all cells was lower than that of Tc-99m-tetrofosmin. No significant difference in cell-associated activity of both tracers was found between washout after 30 minutes and that after 60 minutes of incubation, in all cells. Washout of Tc-99m-MIBI from SK-BR-3 cells Tc-99m-tetrofosmin) and Na/K-ATPase pump (Tc-99m-tetrofosmin > Tc-99m-MIBI). Tc-99m-MIBI and

  8. High-Tc superconductor applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    There has been much speculation about new products and business opportunities which high-Tc superconductors might make possible. However, with the exception of one Japanese survey, there have not been any recognized forecasts suggesting a timeframe and relative economic impact for proposed high-Tc products. The purpose of this survey is to provide definitive projections of the timetable for high-Tc product development, based on the combined forecasts of the leading U.S. superconductivity experts. The FTS panel of experts on high-Tc superconductor applications, representing both business and research, forecast the commercialization and economic impact for 28 classes of electronic, magnetic, communications, instrumentation, transportation, industrial, and power generation products. In most cases, forecasts predict the occurrence of developments within a 90% statistical confidence limit of 2-to-3 years. The report provides background information on the 28 application areas, as well as other information useful for strategic planners. The panel also forecast high-Tc research spending, markets, and international competitiveness, and provide insight into how the industry will evolve

  9. Solubility study of Tc(IV) oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, D.J.; Fan, X.H.


    The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safer disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under oxidizing conditions technetium exists as the anionic species TcO 4 - whereas under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 ·nH 2 O. Hence, the mobility of Tc(IV) in reducing groundwater may be limited by the solubility of TcO 2 ·nH 2 O under these conditions. Due to this fact it is important to investigate the solubility of TcO 2 ·nH 2 O. The solubility determines the release of radionuclides from waste form and is used as a source term in radionuclide migration analysis in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium oxide was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2 + . The solubility of Tc(IV) oxide has been determined in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(IV) oxide were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(IV) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is about (1.49-1.86) x 10 -9 mol/(L·d) under aerobic conditions, but Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is not oxidized under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(IV) oxide in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The

  10. Olanzapine induced Q-Tc shortening. (United States)

    Shoja Shafti, Saeed; Fallah Jahromi, Parisa


    Prolongation of Q-Tc interval is commonly accepted as a surrogate marker for the ability of a drug to cause torsade de pointes. In the present study, safety of olanzapine versus risperidone was compared among a group of patients with schizophrenia to see the frequency of the electrocardiographic alterations induced by those atypical antipsychotics. Two hundred and sixty-eight female inpatients with schizophrenia entered in one of the two parallel groups to participate in an open study for random assignment to olanzapine (n = 148) or risperidone (n = 120). Standard 12-lead surface electrocardiogram (ECG) was taken from each patient at baseline, before initiation of treatment, and then at the end of management, just before discharge. The parameters that were assessed included heart rate (HR), P-R interval, QRS interval, Q-T interval (corrected = Q-Tc), ventricular activation time (VAT), ST segment, T wave, axis of QRS, and finally, interventricular conduction process. A total of 37.83% of cases in the olanzapine group and 30% in the risperidone group showed some Q-Tc changes; 13.51% and 24.32% of the patients in the olanzapine group showed prolongation and shortening of the Q-Tc, respectively, while changes in the risperidone group were restricted to only prolongation of Q-Tc. Comparison of means showed a significant increment in Q-Tc by risperidone (p = 0.02). Also, comparison of proportions in the olanzapine group showed significantly more cases with shortening of Q-Tc versus its prolongation (p = 0.01). No significant alterations with respect to other variables were evident. Olanzapine and risperidone had comparable potentiality for induction of Q-Tc changes, while production of further miscellaneous alterations in ECG was more observable in the olanzapine group compared with the risperidone group. Also shortening of Q-Tc was specific to olanzapine.

  11. Sindrome de encefalopatia posterior reversível: relato de caso Reversible posterior encephalopathy syndrome: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francine Judith Freitas Fernandes


    Full Text Available A encefalopatia posterior reversível é uma síndrome aguda / subaguda geralmente causada pela encefalopatia hipertensiva, eclâmpsia, neurotoxicidade a ciclosporina-A, encefalopatia urêmica e púrpura trombocitopênica trombótica.. A maioria dos pacientes apresenta elevação acentuada dos níveis tensionais outros, níveis moderados ou normais. Os sintomas são progressivos e compreendem cefaléia, diminuição do nível de consciência, crises epilépticas e distúrbios visuais. A sintomatologia regride completamente se corrigidas em tempo as causas determinantes, caso contrário, podem instalar-se danos irreversíveis como a cegueira cortical e morte. A tomografia computadorizada (TC e, sobretudo, a ressonância magnética (RM contribuem para o diagnóstico. Tais métodos evidenciam edema da substância branca e cinzenta, principalmente das regiões parieto-occipitais. Os achados podem apresentar dificuldade no diagnóstico, hoje superado em parte, com a técnica de difusão pela RM, capaz de diferenciar edema citotóxico de vasogênico. Apresentamos um caso de encefalopatia posterior reversível decorrente de encefalopatia hipertensiva estudada com TC e RM.The posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome (PRES is a recently proposed cliniconeuroradiologic entity.The most common causes of PRES are hypertensive encephalopathy, eclampsia, cyclosporin A neurotoxicity and the uremic encephalopathies.Most patients are markedly hypertensive at presentation, although some have only middly elevated or even normal blood pressure. Symptoms may include headache, nausea , vomiting, altered mental status, seizures,stupor, and visual disturbances. On CT and MR studies, edema has been reported in a relatively symmetrical pattern, typically in the subcortical white matter and occasionally in the cortex of the occipital and parietal lobes. These often striking imaging findings usually are resolved on follow-up studies obtained after appropiate

  12. Lipoma do ângulo pontocerebelar: relato de caso Lipoma of the cerebellopontine angle: case report

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    Full Text Available Os lipomas do ângulo pontocerebelar são tumores muito raros. Em geral são assintomáticos, achados fortuitos em autópsia, tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio ou ressonância nuclear magnética do encéfalo. Os autores apresentam o caso de paciente, feminina, branca, 14 anos, há três anos com diminuição da audição à esquerda e há um ano com cefaléia, tipo hemicrânia à esquerda. A TC de crânio evidenciou lesão hipodensa, sem captação de contraste, no ângulo pontocerebelar esquerdo. A paciente foi submetida a cirurgia por via retrossigmóidea para abordagem da lesão, que se apresentou de coloração amarelada, característica de tecido adiposo. Tendo em vista o envolvimento de estruturas nervosas (VII e VIII nervos cranianos, optou-se pela exérese parcial da lesão. A paciente evoluiu com melhora da cefaléia, sem piora do déficit auditivo. Após três anos de seguimento, mantém o quadro estável. Conclui-se que os lipomas do ângulo pontocerebelar, quando assintomáticos, podem ser tratados conservadoramente. Entretanto aqueles associados a sintomatologia persistente e progressiva devem ser operados. A exérese total ou parcial vai depender do envolvimento ou não das estruturas neurovasculares adjacentes.Lipoma of the cerebellopontine angle is a very rare tumor. We report the case of a 14-years-old female, with left side deafness during three years, associated with headache. CT scan showed an hypodense mass, without enhancement at the cerebellopontine angle. The patient was treated surgically by left retrosigmoid approach. The lesion involved the eighth and seventh cranial nerves and only a partial removal was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. She had no more headache; the deafness of the left side remained unchanged. Asymptomatic lipoma of the cerebellopontine angle can be treated conservatively, although those with progressive symptoms should be treated surgically, with total or partial remove

  13. Clinical application of 99mTc-DTPA-HSA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawamura, Yasuaki; Yamazaki, Junichi; Okuzumi, Ichio


    A newly developed blood pool imaging agent, Tc-99m DTPA-HSA (Tc-99m HSA-D), was clinically assessed in blood pool studies of patients with heart disease. Twenty mCi of Tc-99m HSA-D was iv injected to the patients. Similarly, conventional Tc-99m HSA was injected one week later for comparison. Blood counts of Tc-99m HSA-D were significantly higher than those of Tc-99m HSA at 30 minutes after iv injection (p<0.01) and at one, 3, and 6 hours (p<0.001). For the heart, liver, and lungs, sequential counts of Tc-99m HSA-D were also significantly higher than those of Tc-99m HSA. Free Tc-99m uptake in the stomach, thyroid gland, and kidneys was higher on Tc-99m HSA images than Tc-99m HSA-D images. Hepatic and pulmonary uptake of free Tc-99m that were visualized on Tc-99m HSA-D did not influence the diagnostic ability. None of the patients had clinical toxicity of Tc-99m HSA-D. The results indicate that Tc-99m HSA-D is a stable blood pool imaging agent. (Namekawa, K)

  14. Symptoms, location and prognosis of pulmonary embolism

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    M.T. García-Sanz


    órax (TC no Complexo Hospitalar de Pontevedra, em Espanha, durante seis anos. Os preditores de mortalidade foram determinados por análise multivariada. Resultados: As mulheres representaram 56% dos doentes, e a idade média era de 70 anos (amplitude interquartis 53–78 anos. A PE ao nível dos sub-segmentos era responsável por 7% de todos os casos; estes doentes eram mais jovens e tinham uma taxa de comorbidade inferior; referiram dor torácica com maior frequência, tiveram melhores resultados na gasimetria arterial e nenhum deles sofreu uma trombose venosa profunda (TVP proximal. Os doentes com PE ao nível dos sub-segmentos tiveram uma taxa de sobrevivência mais elevada. Os factores associados de modo independente com a mortalidade foram o diagnóstico de cancro e uma comorbidade mais elevada. Conclusões: Os doentes com PE ao nível dos sub-segmentos diferem clinicamente daqueles com PE proximal. No prognóstico, as doenças subjacentes têm maior influência que a extensão da doença. Keywords: Pulmonary embolism, Subsegmental, Computed tomography scan, Prognosis, Palavras-chave: Embolia pulmonar, Sub-segmentos, Tomografia computadorizada, Prognóstico

  15. 99mTc-MAG3: can it be a viable alternative to 99mTc-DTPA ?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bal, C.S.; Padhy, A.K.; Nair, R.; Gopinath, P.G.


    The purpose of this study was to assess the potentials of 99m Tc MAG 3 to replace universally used 99m Tc-DTPA as a routine renal agent. Five patients with different nephrological problems were first studied with 99m Tc MAG 3 and then reinvestigated with 99m Tc-DTPA two to seven days later. Renal MAG 3 gamma camera images were found to be almost identical with those of 99m Tc-DTPA images except high hepatic and splenic uptake of the former compound in four out of five patients (80%) irrespective of kidney function. MAG 3 and DTPA renograms showed identical differential renal uptake function (r=0.87) with slightly higher uptake in right kidneys. Time to reach the peak correlated well (r=0.91). Time to reach half maximum renal activity was also found to be almost identical (r=0.97) for MAG 3 and DTPA. It was felt that the age old 99m Tc-DTPA is as good a compound as 99m Tc MAG 3 with regard to imaging and assessment of renal uptake, drainage and differential renal functions. 99m Tc-DTPA is much cheaper, readily available in India and stable to suit the logistics in a busy nuclear medicine department for routine renography. (author). 10 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs

  16. Linfoma renal: espectro de imagens na tomografia computadorizada Renal lymphoma: spectrum of computed tomography findings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carol Pontes de Miranda Maranhão


    Full Text Available O acometimento renal no linfoma é raro, uma vez que o rim não possui tecido linfóide. O envolvimento secundário é mais freqüente, ocorrendo em até um terço das autópsias dos portadores de linfoma. Alguns autores acreditam que esta seja a única forma de acometimento renal, questionando a existência do linfoma primário. O linfoma renal representaria metástases hematogênicas ou invasão direta do tumor ocorrendo no espaço perirrenal. A partir destes tipos de envolvimento decorrem as formas de apresentação do linfoma renal: múltiplos nódulos, massa solitária, invasão renal por doença retroperitoneal contígua, doença perirrenal e infiltração difusa. Neste trabalho são discutidas e apresentadas imagens destas diferentes formas de acometimento.Isolated renal lymphoma is rare due to the absence of lymphoid tissue in kidneys. Secondary involvement occurs more frequently and is reported in up to 1/3 of the autopsies of patients who died from lymphoma. Some authors believe this is actually the only existing form of renal lymphoma. The involvement of the kidney by lymphoma would occur through hematogenic metastasis or direct tumor invasion of the perirenal space. These different types of involvement determine the several forms of renal lymphoma presentation: multiple nodules, solitary mass, renal invasion from contiguous retroperitoneal disease, perirenal disease and diffuse infiltration. In this study the imaging findings features of the different forms of involvement are presented and discussed.

  17. Cerebral toxoplasmosis in AIDS - computerized tomography evaluation; Toxoplasmose cerebral na SIDA - avaliacao por tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Regina Coeli Fonseca [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro. Servico de Radiologia; Narchiori, Edson [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia


    Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a disease that affects many AIDS's patients. FOr this paper 46 patients with confirmed cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis who did a CT scan between March, 1994 and September, 1997 were examined. Single lesions were found in 28.3% of the patients. The lesions were more frequently detected in the basal ganglia and the frontal lobes. No lesion was larger than 4 cm. As regards the contrast enhancing of the lesions on a CT scan we observed that 54.5% of the lesions had a ring-like contrast enhancing, 36.4% had a nodular contrast enhancing and 6% had a heterogeneous form. After the 21st day of treatment we noticed an improvement in the aspect of the patients'lesions. The improvement of the lesions could be seen through a reduction of the edematous halo, a reduction of the lesion size and a modification in the contrast enhancing on the CT scan. The CT scan was an important method to demonstrate the lesions compatibility enhancing on the CT scan. The CT scan was an important method to demonstrate the lesions compatibility with cerebral toxoplasmosis, as well as to monitor these patients during treatment. (author)

  18. Preparation and biological profile of 99mTc-lidocaine as a cardioselective imaging agent using 99mTc eluted from 99Mo/99mTc generator based on Al-Mo gel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakr, T.M.; October University of Modern Sciences and Arts; Ibrahim, A.B.; Rashed, H.M.; Fasih, T.W.


    The current study is aimed to prepare 99m Tc-lidocaine as a new myocardial perfusion-imaging agent. The used 99m Tc was obtained from Al- 99 Mo-molybdate(VI) gel matrix. 99m Tc-lidocaine showed higher (15.4 ± 0.11% ID/g) and faster (15 min post injection) cardiac uptake than the recently studied 99m Tc-valsartan and 99m Tc-procainamide. Consequently, 99m Tc-lidocaine will be a valuable myocardial SPECT agent for diagnosis of emergency patients. Besides, the receptor affinity study confirmed the selectivity of 99m Tc-lidocaine for sodium channels in the heart. (author)

  19. Soil-to-plant transfer of 99mTc: how to determine Tc-species in uptake and transport processes?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krijger, G. C.; Van Elswijk, D. A.; Wolterbeek, H. Th.


    Selective extraction, filtration and capillary electrophoresis were used to recognize problems dealing with complexation, oxidation and ligand-exchange processes during collection and analysis of Tc-species in xylem exudates, while 99m Tc-citrate was used as a marker complex. Relatively unstable Tc-species were synthesized in xylem exudates. Oxidation of relative unstable Tc-species during the collection of xylem exudates was suggested, requiring new, better procedures to recognize Tc-species representative for the plant interior. (author)

  20. Preparation and characterization of the tetrabutylammonium salts of the tetrahalooxotechnetates(V), [TcOCl4]- and [TcOBr4]-

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preetz, W.; Peters, G.


    The treatment of (TBA)TcO 4 with conc. HCl or HBr at room temperature yields (TBA) [TcOCl 4 ] or (TBA) [TcOBr 4 ], which are nearly insoluble in acidic aqueous solutions, but well soluble in organic solvents. The vibrational spectra indicate C 4 sub(v) symmetry for the complex ions. (TBA) [TcOBr 4 ] shows an unusual resonance Raman effect, as the progression of overtones runs with the B 1 TcCl 4 stretching vibration instead of the symmetric A 1 mode. The coupling of B 1 with the first overtone of νTcO gives more intense difference than combination bands. (orig.)

  1. Eletrocardiografia computadorizada em cães: estudo comparativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lídia S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available O método de eletrocardiografia computadorizada (ECG-C vem sendo crescentemente difundido na medicina veterinária, havendo atualmente diversas marcas e modelos de eletrocardiógrafos disponíveis no mercado. Diante da possibilidade de diferenças na sensibilidade e na reprodutibilidade das medidas obtidas nos traçados, o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de cães, obtidos por dois sistemas. Foram avaliados dois diferentes softwares computadorizados, o Wincardio Micromed® (WIN e o modelo TEB ECGPC® (TEB. Quarenta e dois cães hígidos, de diferentes raças (Cocker Spaniel, Daschund, Labrador, Pinscher, Pit Bull Terrier Poodle, Schnauzer, Shit Tzu, Yorkshire e sem raça definida, machos e fêmeas e com idade entre 4 meses e 16 anos foram agrupados segundo o peso e examinados pelos dois sistemas. As medidas eletrocardiográficas dos diferentes traçados foram analisadas na derivação DII. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema TEB apresentou maior sensibilidade na obtenção das medidas de duração da onda P e do complexo QRS, enquanto o sistema WIN foi mais sensível para determinar as medidas de amplitude dos mesmos parâmetros. Os animais de maior porte (26-37kg apresentaram maior variância nas medidas de duração e amplitude de onda P e duração do complexo QRS em comparação aos cães de médio (14-25kg e pequeno (1-13kg porte. O achado de diferenças entre os sistemas testados deve ser levado em consideração ao se empregar os diversos equipamentos para diagnóstico por meio de ECG-C na rotina clínica, de modo a evitarem-se divergências na interpretação dos exames entre diferentes prestadores de serviços veterinários.

  2. Effects of FlAsH/Tetracysteine (TC) tag on PrP proteolysis and PrPres formation by TC-scanning (United States)

    Taguchi, Yuzuru; Hohsfield, Lindsay A.; Hollister, Jason R.


    The FlAsH/tetracysteine (FlAsH/TC) tag is a powerful tool for fluorescent labeling of proteins. However, even small tags such as FlAsH/TC could alter the behavior of the tagged proteins, especially if the insertion occurs at internal sites. Defining the influence of FlAsH/TC on nearby protein-protein interactions might aid in selecting appropriate positions for internal TC insertions and allow the exploitation of serial FlAsH/TC insertions (TC-scanning) as a probe to characterize sites of protein-protein interaction. To explore this application in the context of substrate-protease interactions, we analyzed the effect of FlAsH/TC insertions on proteolysis of cellular prion protein (PrPsen) in in vitro reactions and generation of the C1 metabolic fragment of PrPsen in live neuroblastoma cells. The influence of FlAsH/TC insertion was evaluated by TC-scanning across the cleavage sites of each protease. The results showed that FlAsH/TC inhibited protease cleavage only within limited ranges of the cleavage sites that varied from about 1 to 6 residues-wide depending on the protease, providing an estimate of the PrP residues interacting with each protease. TC-scanning was also used to probe a different type of protein-protein interaction, the conformational conversion of FlAsH-PrPsen to the prion disease-associated isoform, PrPres. PrP constructs with FlAsH/TC insertions at residues 90–96 but not 97–101 were converted to FlAsH-PrPres, identifying a boundary separating loosely versus compactly folded regions of PrPres. Our observations demonstrate that TC-scanning with the FlAsH/TC tag can be a versatile method for probing protein-protein interactions and folding processes. PMID:23943295

  3. Internal friction around Tc connected with superconductivity in high Tc superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yening


    Internal friction and ultrasonic measurements show that there always exists a phase-like transition (PLT) characterized by the jump of lattice parameters at tens degrees above Tc in superconducting YBaCuO, BiSrCaCuO and TlBaCaCuO. Ferroelastic loops and shape memory effect associated with elastic softening invariably occur at the PLT temperature, showing the characteristics of thermoelastic martensitic transition. Internal frictions in KHz of Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO reveal a static hysteretic plateau (Qp -1 ) above Tc that drops linearly with temperature below Tc. The Qp -1 of YBaCuO decreases with decreasing oxygen content. The origin of the hysteretic Qp -1 is attributed to the lattice distortions around the carriers. (orig.)

  4. 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HM-PAO SPECT in five patients with MELAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katagiri, Shinako; Nishimaki, Hiroshi; Kitano, Masashi; Horiike, Shigeharu; Kan, Shinichi; Ishii, Katsumi; Matsubayashi, Takashi; Sakai, Fumihiko


    Cerebral perfusion was studied in five patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes syndrome (MELAS), using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with 99m Tc-ethyl cysteinate dimer ( 99m Tc-ECD) or 99m Tc-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime ( 99m Tc-HM-PAO). In four cases, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was evaluated by the method reported by Mastuda et al. Immediately after the stroke-like episodes, accumulation of the tracer was relatively increased in the temporooccipital lobe, and also increased rCBF was shown in the same area. However, the region showed decreased radioactivity at the chronic stage, and rCBF decreased also. These findings are consistent with positron emission tomography (PET) at the acute stage and autopsy. 99m Tc-ECD SPECT and 99m Tc-HM-PAO SPECT may be useful in the diagnosis and assessment of the progress of the MELAS. (author)

  5. Accumulation of 99Tc in duckweed Lemna minor L. as a function of growth rate and 99Tc concentration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hattink, J.; Wolterbeek, H.Th.


    This study focuses on the question of whether short-term studies can be used to forecast the accumulation of the long-lived fission product 99 Tc in duckweed, Lemna minor L., grown in the field; in other words, are the accumulation parameters independent of changing growth rates typical of natural populations of duckweed. Two processes determine the 99 Tc accumulation: (i) uptake and release of 99 TcO 4 - , characterised by a concentration factor, K d , and (ii) first-order reduction and complexation of Tc VII , characterised by k red . At various 99 Tc concentrations, the growth, total Tc and TcO 4 - accumulation were monitored over 10 days; parameters were fitted and compared with earlier results. Both K d and k red turn out to be independent of time, concentration and growth rate up to a concentration of 10 -6 mol l -1 99 TcO 4 - . Concentrations above this level result in toxic effects. The Tc accumulation in field populations of duckweed at Tc concentrations which generally occur in the environment can be forecasted by using the results from short-term experiments

  6. Kinetic study on ligand exchange reaction between ethylenedicysteine and 99mTc- glucoheptonate (99mTc-GH)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, C.Y.; Ji, S.R.; Lu, C.X.; Ding, S.Y.; Chen, Z.P.; Lin, X.T.


    Aim: 99m Tc-L,L-ethylenedicysteine( 99m Tc-EC)is a new type of renal imaging agent. It can be labeled very easily and efficiently at room temperature through direct labeling at pH 12. The need for direct labeling at pH 12 does not compromise the simplicity and ease of preparation of 99m Tc-EC and its practical usefulness in daily routine. On the basis of the labeling experiments, we developed a ligand exchange labeling method, in which the labeling EC with 99m Tc can be performed at pH 8. In order to provide a theoretic basis, a detailed kinetic study of ligand exchange reaction between 99m Tc- glucoheptonate( 99m Tc-GH) and EC was carried out. Materials and Methods: 99m Tc-EC is prepared as follows: 99m Tc-GH + EC → 99m Tc-EC + GH, labeling can be easily performed by adding 99m TcO 4 - (2∼6ml generator elute) to glucoheptonate solution containing SnCl 2 .2H 2 O solution to form 99m Tc-GH, then freshly prepared 99m Tc-GH is transferred to the aqueous solution of different concentrations of EC at different pH value, after being shaken, 99m Tc-EC was formed. Radiolabeling yield(RLY) and radiochemical purity(RCP) of 99m Tc-GH and 99m Tc-EC were measured by Xinhua No.1 paper with developing system of Me 2 CO/H 2 O/con.NH 3 .H 2 O=9/3/1(V/V). 99m Tc-GH(RCP must be over 98%, 80ul, 3.6∼7.4MBq) was added to 1ml of 0.5mol/L phosphate buffer(pH 12) containing different amount of EC(150, 75, 50 and 15ug), the sample was taken out at different time intervals and RCP was determined. The solution of EC(30ul, 5g/L) was added to 1ml of 0.5mol/L phosphate buffer at different pH value(pH11, 10, 9, 8, 7), after completely vortexed, 99m Tc-GH(RCP must be over 98%, 80ul, 3.6∼7.4MBq) was then added, the sample was taken out and RCP was determined as above. The rate constant(k) of ligand exchange reaction at different concentrations of EC and different reaction pH values were calculated out by integrating. Plot ln[1/(1-RLY)] vs t(time) showed a liner relationship, and the rate

  7. TcA, the putative transposase of the C. elegans Tc1 transposon, has an N-terminal DNA binding domain.


    Schukkink, R F; Plasterk, R H


    Tc1 is a transposon present in several copies in the genome of all natural isolates of the nematode C.elegans; it is actively transposing in many strains. In those strains Tc1 insertion is the main cause of spontaneous mutations. The transposon contains one large ORF that we call TcA; we assume that the TcA protein is the transposase of Tc1. We expressed TcA in E.coli, purified the protein and showed that it has a strong affinity for DNA (both single stranded and double stranded). A fusion pr...

  8. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Objective: To show the computed tomography (CT) usefulness after treatment with transcatheter arterial quimioembolization and radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma. Material and methods: In a period between march 2006 to april 2008 a total of 90 patient presenting 148 nodular lesions with diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma were controlled with triphasic CT. All the lesions were treated with minimally invasive procedure. For the treatment, the patients were classified in two groups following Milan criteria. The first group, constituted by 75 patients with 109 nodules, was treated with quimioembolization. The second group, of 15 patients with 25 nodules, was treated with radiofrequency ablation. In our population, a subgroup of 10 patients was treated with both methods. Results: Of 90 patients after CT control on a month, 3 months and for each 3 months during 2 years, on 63 cases (70%) was observed homogeneous accumulation of iodized oil, partial defect without enhancement or absence of enhancement on treated lesions. In these patients a new treatment after initial one was not performed. The remaining 27 patients (30%) underwent new treatment because we founded partial defect or absence of iodized oil with enhancement or peripheral enhancement on arterial phase in treated lesions. In this last group, 16 treated patients (17.7%) had new nodular enhancement on the remaining hepatic parenquimal. Conclusion: The CT unenhanced and the arterial phase on a month and for each 3 months, allow monitoring the effectiveness, residual disease and/or relapse of hepatocellular carcinoma after minimally invasive treatment. (authors);Objetivo: Mostrar la utilidad de la tomografia computada trifasica (TCT) luego del tratamiento con quimioembolizacion y ablacion por radiofrecuencia (RF) del hepatocarcinoma (HCC). Material y metodos: En un periodo comprendido entre marzo de 2006 y abril de 2008 se controlaron con TCT 90 pacientes que presentaron 148 lesiones nodulares y

  9. Discordant results in Tc-99m tetrofosmin and Tc-99m sestamibi parathyroid scintigraphies; Resultados discordantes em cintilografias das paratireoides realizadas com tetrofosmin-99mTc e com sestamibi-99mTc

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duarte, Paulo Schiavom; Domingues, Fernanda C.; Santi Costa, Michele; Brandao, Cynthia; Oliveira, Marco A.C. de; Vieira, Jose G.H. [Fleury - Centro de Medicina Diagnostica, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    Parathyroid scintigraphies have been used to detect pathological parathyroid glands either before as well as after the parathyroid resection surgery in patients with hyperparathyroidism. One of the most utilized techniques to perform the studies is the double-phase images with Tc-99m sestamibi, which has been shown to be very accurate in the localization of enlarged parathyroid glands. Similar to Tc-99m sestamibi, Tc-99m tetrofosmin is a radiopharmaceutical initially developed to perform myocardial perfusion study that has been used to perform parathyroid scintigraphies. Although most of the papers suggest that the overall sensitivities of both radiopharmaceuticals are similar, there are some papers questioning the accuracy of Tc-99m tetrofosmin to detect abnormal parathyroid glands. In the present article, we report a case with discordant results by both methods. (author)

  10. Comparison of Tc-99m maraciclatide and Tc-99m sestamibi molecular breast imaging in patients with suspected breast cancer. (United States)

    O'Connor, Michael K; Morrow, Melissa M B; Hunt, Katie N; Boughey, Judy C; Wahner-Roedler, Dietlind L; Conners, Amy Lynn; Rhodes, Deborah J; Hruska, Carrie B


    Molecular breast imaging (MBI) performed with 99m Tc sestamibi has been shown to be a valuable technique for the detection of breast cancer. Alternative radiotracers such as 99m Tc maraciclatide may offer improved uptake in breast lesions. The purpose of this study was to compare relative performance of 99m Tc sestamibi and 99m Tc maraciclatide in patients with suspected breast cancer, using a high-resolution dedicated gamma camera for MBI. Women with breast lesions suspicious for malignancy were recruited to undergo two MBI examinations-one with 99m Tc sestamibi and one with 99m Tc maraciclatide. A radiologist interpreted MBI studies in a randomized, blinded fashion to assign an assessment score (1-5) and measured lesion size. Lesion-to-background (L/B) ratio was measured with region-of-interest analysis. Among 39 analyzable patients, 21 malignant tumors were identified in 21 patients. Eighteen of 21 tumors (86%) were seen on 99m Tc sestamibi MBI and 19 of 21 (90%) were seen on 99m Tc maraciclatide MBI (p = 1). Tumor extent measured with both radiopharmaceuticals correlated strongly with pathologic size ( 99m Tc sestamibi, r = 0.84; 99m Tc maraciclatide, r = 0.81). The L/B ratio in detected breast cancers was similar for the two radiopharmaceuticals: 1.55 ± 0.36 (mean ± S.D.) for 99m Tc sestamibi and 1.62 ± 0.37 (mean ± S.D.) for 99m Tc maraciclatide (p = 0.53). No correlation was found between the L/B ratio and molecular subtype for 99m Tc sestamibi (r s  = 0.12, p = 0.63) or 99m Tc maraciclatide (r s  = -0.12, p = 0.64). Of 20 benign lesions, 10 (50%) were seen on 99m Tc sestamibi and 9 of 20 (45%) were seen on 99m Tc maraciclatide images (p = 0.1). The average L/B ratio for benign lesions was 1.34 ±0.40 (mean ±S.D.) for 99m Tc sestamibi and 1.41 ±0.52 (mean ±S.D.) for 99m Tc maraciclatide (p = 0.75). Overall diagnostic performance was similar for both radiopharmaceuticals. AUC from ROC

  11. Suburban amoebiasis. CT and US findings and percutaneous treatment of amoebic liver abscess; Amebiasi sub-urbana: aspetti diagnostici con tomografia computerizzata ed ecografia e trattamento percutaneo degli ascessi amebici del fegato

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; De Rosa, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Rossi, E.; Carbone, M.; Mondillo, F. [Naples Univ. II, Naples (Italy).Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Servizio di Diagnostica per Immagini; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Capuano, N. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples (Italy). Div. di Chirurgia; Nunziata, A. [Naples Univ. II, Naples (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    The study reports ultrasonography and computerise tomography findings in 16 patients with amoebic abscesses, 12 of whom lived in a temperate peripheral area north-east of Naples (Italy). All patients have a clinical-diagnostic condition called sub-urban amoebiasis. The personal experience with the US guided therapeutic drainage of amoebic abscess with repeated cavity washing, which is important for positive parasitology. Combined US and CT assessment facilitated the diagnosis of amoebiasis and its differentiation from pyogenic abscess and hepatoma. [Italian] La colonizzazione epatica rappresenta la localizzazione piu' comune dell'amebiasi extraintestinale e gli ascessi epatici ne costituiscono la manifestazione piu' frequente sviluppandosi nel 3-9 % dei pazienti affetti da infezione parassitaria. Diversi studi confermano che la terapia medica dell'amebiasi risulta piu' efficace quando viene associato il drenaggio percutaneo degli ascessi epatici con piu' rapida guarigione clinica e risposta favorevole dell'organismo. Scopo del presente lavoro e' di descrivere gli aspetti ecografici e di tomografia computerizzata degli ascessi amebici in un gruppo di 16 pazienti, 12 dei quali residenti in zona temperata e periferica di una vasta area a nord-est di Napoli presentandosi con caratteristico e raro quadro clinico-diagnostico definito amebiasi sub-urbana. Si discute infine l'esperienza personale del drenaggio terapeutico sotto guida ecografica dell'ascesso con tecnica del lavaggio ripetuto dalla cavita', importante ai fini della positivita' dell'esame. L'associazione dei reperti tipici ecografici e TC ha consentito la diagnosi agevole dell'amebiasi differenziandola dall'ascesso piogenico e dall'epatoma.

  12. Synthesis and characterization of technetium(III) complexes with nitrogen heterocycles by O atom transfer from oxotechnetium(V) cores. Crystal structures of mer-[Cl3(pic)3Tc] and mer-[Cl3(pic)(PMe2Ph)2Tc] (pic = 4-picoline). Electrochemical parameters fore the reduction of TcII, TcIII, and TcIV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Jun; Yamano, Akahito; Clarke, M.J.


    The combination of pyridine ligands, (OCl 4 Tc) - , and O atom acceptors of different cone angles, such as PMe 2 Ph or PPh 3 , results in Tc III complexes that vary in the coordination of the phosphine ligand. The compounds mer[Cl 3 (4-picoline) 3 Tc] and mer-(Cl 3 (4-picoline)(PMe 2 Ph) 2 Tc) have been obtained in good yield and have been characterized spectroscopically and by single-crystal x-ray diffraction. The crystal structure data are reported. Linear correlations of technetium reduction potentials in DMF with electrochemical ligand additivity parameters (E L 's) have been obtained for the Tc II,I , Tc III,II , and Tc IV,III couples. The slope and intercept (S M , I M ) pairs for each technetium oxidation-reduction couple, respectively, are (1.39, -2.07), (1.29, -0.91), and (1.00, 0.65). 32 refs., 3 figs., 6 tabs

  13. Direct {sup 99m}Tc labeling of Herceptin (trastuzumab) by {sup 99m}Tc(I) tricarbonyl ion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, W.-J.; Yen, C.-L.; Lo, S.-T.; Chen, K.-T. [Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China); Lo, J.-M. [Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China)], E-mail:


    By simply incubating Herceptin (trastuzumab) with [{sup 99m}Tc(CO){sub 3}(OH{sub 2}){sub 3}]{sup +} ion in saline, a significant yield of {sup 99m}Tc-labeled trastuzumab was found to be achievable. The effective labeling may be based on that trastuzumab is inherent with endogenous histidine group to which {sup 99m}Tc(I) tricarbonyl ion can be strongly bound. For practical {sup 99m}Tc labeling processing, trastuzumab was purified beforehand from the commercial product, Herceptin (Genentech) via size exclusion chromatography to remove the excipient, {alpha}-histidine and a high-labeled yield could be obtained by incubating the purified trastuzumab with [{sup 99m}Tc(CO){sub 3}(OH{sub 2}){sub 3}]{sup +}. Retention of bioactivity of the {sup 99m}Tc(I)-labeled trastuzumab was validated using a cell binding test.

  14. Comparison of sup(99m)Tc-MDP to sup(99m)Tc-pertechnetate by computerized quantitative joint scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rekonen, A.; Moettoenen, T.; Oka, M.


    99mTc-pertechnetate was compared to 99mTc-MDP in joint pairs with asymmetric arthritis. Markedly elevated joint activity ratios (inflamed/uninflamed joint) were measured in all the joint pairs studied. In the joints affected by reactive arthritis and without roentgenologic changes the mean joint activity was the same with both tracers. A very high activity ratio with 99mTc-MDP was found in septic arthritis. In rheumatoid arthritis the sensitivity of 99mTc-MDP as an indicator of active arthritis seemed to be better than that of 99mTc-pertechnetate. Even in joints without erosions in roentgenograms the joint activity ratios were markedly elevated with 99mTc-MDP. This suggests, that high activity in 99mTc-MDP scanning might be prognostic of erosive joint changes. In this work a profile curve was used for quantitation differences between joints

  15. Pretreatment of Tc-Containing Waste and Its Effect on Tc-99 Leaching From Grouts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aloy, Albert; Kovarskaya, Elena N.; Harbour, John R.; Langton, Christine A.; Holtzscheiter, E. William


    A salt solution (doped with Tc-99), that simulates the salt waste stream to be processed at the Saltstone Production Facility, was immobilized in grout waste forms with and without (1) ground granulated blast furnace slag and (2) pretreatment with iron salts. The degree of immobilization of Tc-99 was measured through monolithic and crushed grout leaching tests. Although Fe (+2) was shown to be effective in reducing Tc-99 to the +4 state, the strong reducing nature of the blast furnace slag present in the grout formulation dominated the reduction of Tc-99 in the cured grouts. An effective diffusion coefficient of 4.75 x 10 -12 (Leach Index of 11.4) was measured using the ANSI/ANS-16.1 protocol. The leaching results show that, even in the presence of a concentrated salt solution, blast furnace slag can effectively reduce pertechnetate to the immobile +4 oxidation state. The measured diffusivity was introduced into a flow and transport model (PORFLOW) to calculate the release of Tc-99 from a Saltstone Vault as a function of hydraulic conductivity of the matrix. (authors)

  16. Tc Chemistry in HLW: Role of Organic Complexants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hess, Nancy S.; Conradsen, Steven D.


    Tc complexation with organic compounds in tank waste plays a significant role in the redox chemistry of Tc and the partitioning of Tc between the supernatant and sludge components in waste tanks. These processes need to be understood so that strategies to effectively remove Tc from high-level nuclear waste prior to waste immobilization can be developed and so that long-term consequences of Tc remaining in residual waste after sludge removal can be evaluated. Only limited data on the stability of Tc-organic complexes exists and even less thermodynamic data on which to develop predictive models of Tc chemical behavior is available. To meet these challenges we are conducting a research program to study to develop thermodynamic data on Tc-organic complexation over a wide range of chemical conditions. We will attempt to characterize Tc-speciation in actual tank waste using state-of-the-art analytical organic chemistry, separations, and speciation techniques to validate our model. On the basis of such studies we will develop credible model of Tc chemistry in HLW that will allow prediction of Tc speciation in tank waste and Tc behavior during waste pretreatment processing and in waste tank residuals

  17. Imaging of irradiated liver with Tc-99m-sulfur colloid and Tc-99m-IDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gelfand, M.J.; Saha, S.; Aron, B.S.


    In three cases, irradiated regions of liver failed to concentrate Tc-99m-sulfur colloid. In two of these three, imaging with Tc-99m-acetanilide iminodiacetic acid (IDA) agents within five days showed near normal hepatic uptake of this hepatobiliary imaging agent. The hepatic parenchymal cells may be imaged with Tc-99m-IDA in some irradiated regions of liver, despite loss of reticuloendothelial cell function

  18. Comparison of carrier-added [99mTc] EDTMP and carrier-free preparations of [99mTc] EDTMP and [99mTc] DPD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krcal, A.; Kletter, K.; Dudczak, R.; Pirich, C.; Mitterhauser, M.


    Full text: High uptake of bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals in malignant bone lesions is a prerequisite for adequate bone scanning. Visual image analysis is impaired due to high soft-tissue activity with currently available [ 99m Tc]-EDTMP-kits. This study aimed to compare carrier-added [ 99m Tc]-EDTMP with carrier-free [ 99m Tc]-EDTMP and [ 99m Tc]-DPD preparations in clinical routine. 15 μg and 150 μg perrhenic acid respectively were added to [ 99m Tc]-pertechnetate (>6 GBq in 3 ml phys. saline). The solution was then transferred into a vial, containing 1 mg of EDTMP, 3.6 mg stannous(II)chloride and 10 mg ascorbic acid under inert conditions. Under vigorous stirring the reaction mixture was heated to 45 o C for 10 min. After cooling down to room temperature the labelling mixture was sterile filtrated (millipore 0.22 μm). Quality control was performed using radio-ITLC (Whatman SG; acetone or ethanol: R f perrhenate/pertechnetate 0.87, colloid/product 0.05; phys. saline: R f colloid 0.00, perrhenate/pertechnetate and product 0.9) allowing rapid and efficient assessment of the product. Carrier free [ 99m Tc]-EDTMP and [ 99m Tc]-DPD were prepared according to instructions of the manufacturer. Clinical studies were performed in 29 patients according to a routine bone scanning protocol by injecting 700-800 MBq of the respective tracer and whole body imaging 3 h thereafter. Radiochemical purity and radiochemical yield relied on various parameters such as concentration of carrier and reducing agent and reaction conditions (pH, reaction time, temperature). Means of the labelling yield were 22 % for the preparation using 150 μg of carrier (5 preparations), 80 % for the preparation using 15 μpg of carrier (10 preparations) and 91 % for the carrier free products (5 preparations). Radiochemical purity was >96 % in all experiments. Colloid was formed in very low amounts, and was completely removed by sterile filtration. In clinical studies quantitative analysis

  19. 99mTc-HYNIC-derivatized ternary ligand complexes for 99mTc-labeled polypeptides with low in vivo protein binding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Masahiro; Arano, Yasushi; Mukai, Takahiro; Fujioka, Yasushi; Ogawa, Kazuma; Uehara, Tomoya; Saga, Tsuneo; Konishi, Junji; Saji, Hideo


    6-Hydrazinopyridine-3-carboxylic acid (HYNIC) is a representative agent used to prepare technetium-99m ( 99m Tc)-labeled polypeptides with tricine as a coligand. However, 99m Tc-HYNIC-labeled polypeptides show delayed elimination rates of the radioactivity not only from the blood but also from nontarget tissues such as the liver and kidney. In this study, a preformed chelate of tetrafluorophenol (TFP) active ester of [ 99m Tc](HYNIC)(tricine)(benzoylpyridine: BP) ternary complex was synthesized to prepare 99m Tc-labeled polypeptides with higher stability against exchange reactions with proteins in plasma and lysosomes using the Fab fragment of a monoclonal antibody and galactosyl-neoglycoalbumin (NGA) as model polypeptides. When incubated in plasma, [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-Fab)(tricine)(BP) showed significant reduction of the radioactivity in high molecular weight fractions compared with [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-Fab)(tricine) 2. When injected into mice, [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-NGA)(tricine)(BP) was metabolized to [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-lysine)(tricine)(BP) in the liver with no radioactivity detected in protein-bound fractions in contrast to the observations with [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-NGA)(tricine) 2. In addition, [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-NGA)(tricine)(BP) showed significantly faster elimination rates of the radioactivity from the liver as compared with [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-NGA)(tricine) 2. Similar results were observed with 99m Tc-labeled Fab fragments where [ 99m Tc](HYNIC-Fab)(tricine)(BP) exhibited significantly faster elimination rates of the radioactivity not only from the blood but also from the kidney. These findings indicated that conjugation of [ 99m Tc](HYNIC)(tricine)(BP) ternary ligand complex to polypeptides accelerated elimination rates of the radioactivity from the blood and nontarget tissues due to low binding of the [ 99m Tc](HYNIC)(tricine)(BP) complex with proteins in the blood and in the lysosomes. Such characteristics would render the TFP active ester of [ 99m Tc](HYNIC)(tricine)(BP) complex

  20. Using radioisotopes compounds (99mTc-infecton and 99mTcHIG) in evaluating and examination of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moustafa, H. M.; Abdul-Hakeem, O.; Mohammad, K.; Briton, K.


    This study examined 40 patients: 34 have pulmonary tuberculosis, 3 have pneumonitis, 2 have lung cancer, and one has bilharziasis. All patients have been imaged using radioisotopes compounds (99mTc-infecton and 99mTcHIG) and after 1 hour and 4 hours of patients injection.Using 99mTc-infecton gave positive results in 30 pulmonary tuberculosis patients out of 34, the 3 pneumonitis patients, while using 99mTcHIG gave positive results in 27 pulmonary tuberculosis patients including the 3 pneumonitis patients. Both 99mTc-infecton and 99mTcHIG gave negative results with the lung cancer patients and unreal positive results with the bilharziasis patient. It has been found that the sensitivity and accuracy in the examinations using 99mTc-infecton were 88%, 93%, and 85.7% respectively in comparison with using 99mTcHIG where the values were 70.6%, 91%, and 68.5% respectively. Continuing examination and monitoring of 18 tuberculosis patients for 2-18 months with anti-pulmonary tuberculosis treatment, showed complete response of 12 patients using 99mTc-infecton, and 8 by using 99mTcHIG. As a result, 99mTc-infecton can be used for examining pulmonary tuberculosis patients

  1. The role of Tc-99m IDA hepatobiliary and Tc-99m colloid hepatic imaging in primary biliary cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aburano, T.; Yokoyama, K.; Shuke, N.; Kinuya, S.; Takayama, T.; Tonami, N.; Hisada, K.


    To assess the presence of primary biliary cirrhosis, 15 patients at various histopathologic stages were studied by Tc-99m IDA hepatobiliary and/or Tc-99m colloid hepatic imaging. In the earlier stages (I and II), seven of eight patients (88%) showed uniform hepatic retention of Tc-99m IDA. Of seven patients in the same stage, however, four (57%) showed no abnormality on Tc-99m colliod imaging. In three of these four negative patients (75%), uniform hepatic retention of Tc-99m IDA was noted. In the later stages (III and IV), all seven patients showed decreased clearance with or without delayed tracer appearance in the intestine and prominent hepatic retention on Tc-99m IDA imaging; with Tc-99m colloid imaging there was enlargement of the spleen and increased activity in the spleen and bone marrow. Thus, Tc-99m IDA imaging is considered to be more useful in revealing this functional disorder at the earlier stage of primary biliary cirrhosis and in evaluating progression from an earlier to a later stage of disease. Tc-99m colloid imaging also effectively evaluated progression

  2. sup(99m)Tc-2-mercaptopropionylglycine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saji, Hideo; Odori, Teruo; Morita, Rikushi; Yokoyama, Akira; Tanaka, Hisashi.


    Labeling of 2-mercaptopropionylglycine (2-MPG) with sup(99m)Tc, was studied and its chemical characteristics were examined. Further, biliary excretion behavior of this complex was comparatively estimated in mice, rats and rabbits. sup(99m)Tc-2-MPG was rapidly excreted in large quantities into the bile in mice and rats: within 1 hr after injection, 51% of the injected dose was recovered from the bile in rats. On the other hand, the ligand exchange reaction between this complex and penicillamine indicates that a low hydrolyzed sup(99m)Tc species is coordinated with 2-MPG. These results suggest that a low hydrolyzed sup(99m)Tc state is an effective feature in biliary excretion behavior of sup(99m)Tc compounds. Another interesting in vivo behavior of sup(99m)Tc-2-MPG is the difference observed in mice and rabbits: in mice, very high sup(99m)Tc activity is concentrated in the gallbladder and the clearance from tissues other than the gallbladder is rapid, whereas in rabbits, although a rapid and high excretion into the gallbladder is observed, a considerable high sup(99m)Tc activity is retained in the liver and the kidney. One reason for this different in vivo behavior is the low stability of this complex at high dilution: a big animal has the large dilution volume which lead to higher decomposition estimated by the higher liver and kidney retention or the lower bile excretion. In conclusion, studies carried on sup(99m)Tc-2-MPG showed a good biliary excretion behavior but an in vivo unstableness in big animals. (author)

  3. Breast-milk radioactivity after a Tc-99m DTPA aerosol/Tc-99m MAA lung study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mountford, P.J.; Hall, F.M.; Wells, C.P.; Coakley, A.J.


    Measurements were made of the concentration of Tc-99m activity in samples of breast milk following an administration of Tc-99m DTPA aerosol for a lung ventilation image and one of Tc-99m MAA for lung perfusion. The activity was 222 nCi/ml of milk (8.2 kBq/ml) at 2 hr after the MAA injection, and it was found to be excreted exponentially with an effective half-life of 4.6 hr. There was a small incorporation of Tc-99m into breast-milk protein. The authors conclude that the combined use of these two Tc-99m agents did not indicate the interruption of breast feeding beyond 24 hr after administration of the MAA, and that for an aerosol ventiliation study alone, breast feeding need not be interrupted for more than 4 hr after the test

  4. CT scan findings in mild head trauma: a series of 2,000 patients Achados tomográficos no trauma cranioencefálico leve: análise de 2000 casos

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    Kelly C. Bordignon


    Full Text Available The present study describes the cranial computed tomography (CT scan findings of 2,000 cases of mild head trauma (HT in Curitiba, Southern Brazil. The mean age of the entire series was 30.8 ±19 years. The overall male to female ratio was 2:1. The most common causes of head injury were interpersonal aggression (17.9%, falls (17.4%, automobile accidents (16.2%, falls to the ground (13.1% and pedestrian injuries (13 %. Alcohol intoxication was associated with HT in 158 cases (7.9%. A normal CT scan was seen in 60.75% (1215 and an abnormal CT scan in 39.25% (785 of patients. Out of 785 abnormal CT scan, 518(65.9% lesions were related to HT. The most common CT scan HT related findings were: soft tissue swelling (8.9 %, skull fractures (4.3 %, intracranial and subgaleal hematomas (3.4% and 2.4 %, brain swelling (2 % and brain contusion (1.2%. Out of 785 abnormal CT scans, 267 (34.1% lesions were not related to head trauma. Incidental CT scan findings included brain atrophy (5.9%, one calcification (5.2% several calcifications (2.4% (probably neurocysticercosis in most cases, ischemic infarct (1.9% and leukoaraiosis (1.3%. These findings showed the importance of CT scan examination in mild head injuries. Further studies to identify mild HT patients at higher risk of significant brain injury are warranted in order to optimize its use.São descritos os achados de tomografia computadorizada craniana (TC de 2000 casos de trauma cranio-encefálico (TCE leve em Curitiba, Paraná. A idade média de toda série de pacientes foi 30,8 ± 19 anos. A razão homem/mulher foi 2:1. A causas mais comuns de TCE foram agressão interpessoal (17,9%, quedas de nível (17,4%, acidentes automobilísticos (16,2%, queda ao solo (13,1% e atropelamento (13%. Intoxicação por álcool foi um importante fator associado ao TCE e esteve presente em 158 casos (7,9% de 2000 pacientes. Uma TC normal ocorreu em 60,75% (1215 e uma TC anormal em 39,25% (785 dos pacientes. Das 785 TC

  5. Characterization of sup(99m)Tc/sup(99)Tc-hydroxycarboxylic acid chelates by high voltage electrophoresis without supporting material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffmann, I.; Muenze, R.; Dreyer, I.; Dreyer, R.


    Ion mobilities of different sup(99m)Tc- and 99 Tc chelates prepared by reduction of pertechnetate by Sn(II) in the presence of citric, malic, tartaric, gluconic, and α-hydroxyisobutyric acid as ligands have been measured by means of electrophoresis without supporting material. All the chelates investigated proved to be anions in the pH range of 2-7. Both the Tc(V)- and Tc(IV) compounds with the same ligand including the sup(99m)Tc preparation show identical ion mobilities and dissociation characteristics. (author)

  6. Granulomatose broncocêntrica idiopática em jovem não asmática

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    Santos José Wellington Alves dos


    Full Text Available Granulomatose broncocêntrica é um achado histopatológico descritivo, caracterizado pela inflamação granulomatosa necrosante, centrada em brônquios e bronquíolos, e que ocorre associada a doenças infecciosas, imunológicas e neoplásicas, ou de forma idiopática. Este trabalho relata o caso de uma jovem não asmática de 26 anos com dor torácica, febre e tosse produtiva havia um mês, que apresentou consolidação e cavitação em segmento lingular, observadas na radiografia e na tomografia computadorizada de tórax. Punção aspirativa transbrônquica evidenciou lesão inflamatória inespecífica, sem etiologia identificada. O exame histológico de material obtido por biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto foi compatível com granulomatose broncocêntrica idiopática. Após tratamento com prednisona, houve melhora clínica, sem recidivas.

  7. Infarto estriatocapsular na infância: relato de quatro casos

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    A. Leboreiro-Fernandez


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam o estudo de quatro crianças que manifestaram hemiparesia desproporcionada de instalação súbita, sem perda da consciência. O diagnóstico de infarto estriatocapsular foi confirmado pela tomografia computadorizada do crânio (TCC e ressonância magnética (RM. Discutem os achados clínico-neurológicos e de exames complementares. História familiar de migrânea foi relatada em dois dos pacientes. Constatou-se migrânea em dois, trauma craniano, miocardite e prolapso de válvula mitral em um. Hemiparesia esquerda, com predomínio bráquio-facial em três e braquial em um. A TCC demonstrou comprometimento do núcleo lenticular e da cápsula interna nos quatro casos; da cabeça do núcleo caudado em três e da substância branca em dois. A RM foi realizada em dois e confirmou os achados da TCC. O eletrencefalograma, obtido na fase aguda em três, se mostrou alterado nos quatro casos.

  8. Multiple sclerosis or multiphasic disseminated encephalomyelitis? A new question about an old problem: case report Esclerose múltipla ou encefalomielite disseminada multifásica? Uma nova questão sobre um antigo problema: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pérciles A. Maranhão-Filho


    Full Text Available A 42 year-old woman developed paraplegia that resolved in six months, followed by sudden right hemiparesis and dysphasia two years later. The clinical work-up, including CT and MR scans, visual evoked potentials, CSF examination and cerebral biopsy suggested the posibility of either multiple sclerosis or multiphasic disseminated encephalomyelitis. The differential diagosis between both conditions is discussed.Relato de caso de uma mulher com 42 anos de idade, que apresentou paraplegia, com resolução em seis meses seguida por hemiparesia direita e disfasia de ínico súbito. Sua história, os aspectos da tomografia computadorizada e da ressonância magnética do crânio, os resultados do potencial evocado visual, do exame do líquido cérebroespinhal, da biópsia cerebral e da ressonância magnética de controle, sugeriram as possibilidade diagnosticas de esclerose múltipla ou encefalomielite disseminada multifásica. O diagnóstico diferencial entre ambas é discutido.

  9. Choroid plexus papilloma and Aicardi syndrome: case report Papiloma do plexo coróideo e síndrome de Aicardi: relato de caso

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    Geraldo Pianetti Filho


    Full Text Available A case of Aicardi syndrome associated with a choroid plexus papilloma of the third and both lateral ventricles in a 15 months old baby girl is repported. The tumor was completely removed via three craniotomies. Reports of the literature with the association of choroid plexus papilloma and Aicardi syndrome are rare. We suggest that children diagnosed with Aicardi syndrome should routinely undergo imaging studies of the brain, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance.Relatamos o caso de uma criança com 15 meses de idade, portadora da síndrome de Aicardi associada a tumores nos ventrículos laterais e terceiro ventrículo (papilomas que foram retirados cirurgicamente através de três craniotomias. A ocorrência de papiloma do plexo coróideo associada à sindrome de Aicardi é raramente descrita na literatura. Sugerimos que as crianças portadoras da síndrome de Aicardi sejam rotineiramente submetidas a estudo radiológico do encéfalo através da tomografia computadorizada ou ressonância nuclear.

  10. Cutaneous blastomycosis: a clue to a systemic disease Blastomicose cutânea: um sinal de doença sistêmica

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    Alex G Ortega-Loayza


    Full Text Available A 55-year-old male presented with back pain and slightly tender annular plaques with central ulceration on his face. A skin biopsy revealed scattered yeast with broad based buds. A CT scan of the abdomen revealed a pathologic T12 fracture. Tissue obtained from the spine confirmed budding yeasts. The patient was diagnosed with disseminated blastomycosis. The patient was treated with amphotericin and itraconazole and completely recovered.Paciente do sexo masculino, com 55 anos de idade, compareceu ao ambulatório com dores na costa e placas anulares ligeiramente sensíveis, com ulceração central na face. Uma biópsia cutânea revelou levedura disseminada, com brotos de base larga. A tomografia computadorizada do abdômen revelou uma fratura patológica da T12. Amostra de tecido obtido da coluna vertebral confirmou levedura em fase de brotamento. O paciente foi diagnosticado com blastomicose disseminada. Após tratamento com anfotericina e itraconazol, o paciente teve recuperação completa.

  11. Linfoma não-Hodgkin bilateral do seio cavernoso como manifestação inicial da síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: relato de caso

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    Alan Kardec Barreira Junior


    Full Text Available Relato de caso com acometimento bilateral do seio cavernoso causado por linfoma não-Hodgkin em um paciente com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Paciente de 51 anos infectado pelo vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida há dois anos, sem terapia antirretroviral, apresentou-se com acometimento dos V e VI nervos cranianos bilateralmente. Exame de tomografia computadorizada de órbitas mostrou-se dentro da normalidade. Como a hipótese diagnóstica principal era afecção do ápice orbitário ou do seio cavernoso, foi realizado exame de imagem por ressonância magnética que evidenciou lesão compatível com linfoma acometendo os seios cavernosos. Apesar da raridade dos linfomas primários do sistema nervoso central, essa condição deve ser considerada entre os diagnósticos diferenciais nos pacientes imunodeprimidos que apresentem oftalmoplegia e sinais radiológicos sugestivos de lesão infiltrativa do seio cavernoso.

  12. Sonolytic Oxidation of Tc(IVO2nH2O Nanoparticles to Tc(VIIO4 in Aqueous Solution

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    M. Zakir


    Full Text Available Sonolysis of a hydrosol of TcO2nH2O was investigated in the Ar- or He- atmosphere. Colloidal TcO2nH2O nanoparticles were irradiated with a 200 kHz and 1.25 W/cm2 ultrasound. It was found that the TcO2nH2O colloids dispersed in an aqueous solution (under Ar or He atmosphere was completely dissolved by ultrasonic irradiation (200 kHz, 200 W. The original brownish black color of the suspension slowly disappeared leaving behind a colorless solution. This change suggests that oxidation of Tc(IV to Tc(VII takes place. The oxidation was almost complete during 30 minutes sonication time under argon atmosphere for initial concentration of 6.0E-5 M. Addition of t-butyl alcohol, an effective radical scavenger which readily reacts with OH radicals, supressed the dissolution of TcO2nH2O colloids. This reaction indicates that TcO2nH2O molecules are oxidized by OH radicals produced in cavitation bubbles.

  13. The Goettingen high-Tc superconductivity research pool: the effects of structure and structural defects on the performance of high-Tc superconductors. Final reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The compilation presents the final reports prepared by the various teams of the Goettingen research pool for high-Tc superconductivity. The reports are entitled: Structure and phase transition in high-Tc superconductors (Krebs/Freyhardt). Preparation and critical properties of high-Tc superconductors (Freyhardt/Heinemann/Zimmermann). EMC measurements in high-Tc superconductors (Bormann/Noelting). Phase analysis of the various phases observed in the preparation of high-Tc superconductors (Faupel/Hehenkamp). Positron annihilation in high-Tc superconductors (Hehenkamp). Preparation and characterization of thin films consisting of superconducting oxide ceramics (v. Minnigerode/Samwer). High-Tc superconductivity in monocrystals (Winzer/Beuermann). Microwave conductivity in high-Tc superconductors (Helberg). High-resolution structural analyses in high-Tc superconductors (Kupcik/Bente). Synthesis, structural analyses and spectroscopy of high-Tc superconductors (Bente). Synthesis, monocrystal growing, crystal structure of high-Tc superconductors (Schwarzmann). Ion-beam-aided studies in high-Tc superconductors (Uhrmacher). (orig./MM) [de

  14. Different uptake of 99mTc-ECD adn 99mTc-HMPAO in the same brains: analysis by statistical parametric mapping. (United States)

    Hyun, Y; Lee, J S; Rha, J H; Lee, I K; Ha, C K; Lee, D S


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (99mTc-ECD) and technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (99mTc-HMPAO) uptake in the same brains by means of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analysis. We examined 20 patients (9 male, 11 female, mean age 62+/-12 years) using 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HMPAO single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain less than 7 days after onset of stroke. MRI showed no cortical infarctions. Infarctions in the pons (6 patients) and medulla (1), ischaemic periventricular white matter lesions (13) and lacunar infarction (7) were found on MRI. Split-dose and sequential SPET techniques were used for 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HMPAO brain SPET, without repositioning of the patient. All of the SPET images were spatially transformed to standard space, smoothed and globally normalized. The differences between the 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HMPAO SPET images were statistically analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM) 96 software. The difference between two groups was considered significant at a threshold of uncorrected P values less than 0.01. Visual analysis showed no hypoperfused areas on either 99mTc-ECD or 99mTc-HMPAO SPET images. SPM analysis revealed significantly different uptake of 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HMPAO in the same brains. On the 99mTc-ECD SPET images, relatively higher uptake was observed in the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, in the left superior temporal lobe and in the superior region of the cerebellum. On the 99mTc-HMPAO SPET images, relatively higher uptake was observed in the medial temporal lobes, thalami, periventricular white matter and brain stem. These differences in uptake of the two tracers in the same brains on SPM analysis suggest that interpretation of cerebral perfusion is possible using SPET with 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HMPAO.

  15. Vertical distributions of (99)Tc and the (99)Tc/(137)Cs activity ratio in the coastal water off Aomori, Japan. (United States)

    Nakanishi, Takahiro; Zheng, Jian; Aono, Tatsuo; Yamada, Masatoshi; Kusakabe, Masashi


    Using a sector-field ICP-MS the vertical distributions of the (99)Tc concentration and (99)Tc/(137)Cs activity ratio were measured in the coastal waters off Aomori Prefecture, Japan, where a spent-nuclear-fuel reprocessing plant has begun test operation. The (99)Tc concentrations in surface water ranged from 1.8 to 2.4 mBq/m(3), no greater than the estimated background level. Relatively high (99)Tc/(137)Cs activity ratios (10-12 × 10(-4)) would be caused by the inflow of the high-(99)Tc/(137)Cs water mass from the Japan Sea. There is no observable contamination from the reprocessing plant in the investigated area. The (99)Tc concentration and the (99)Tc/(137)Cs activity ratio in water column showed gradual decreases with depth. Our results implied that (99)Tc behaves in a more conservative manner than (137)Cs in marine environments. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. A neurocisticercose humana na Baixada Fluminense, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Human neurocysticercosis in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Ernani Costa Mendes


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse manuscrito foi conhecer a freqüência e outros aspectos epidemiológicos da neurocisticercose na Baixada Fluminense, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Levantou-se junto ao serviço de tomografia computadorizada do Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu entre 1996 e 2002 e no Centro de Neuroimagem "D'IMAGEM" entre 1992 e 2002, os casos registrados de neurocisticercose. Analisaram-se 36379 tomografias, encontrando 72 casos da parasitose, a maioria deles em mulheres (62,5%; p>0,05 e na fase crônica (93,1%. Ocorreram em todas as faixas etárias, aumentando a freqüência conforme o aumento da idade (r=0.84, pThe objective of this manuscript was to know the neurocysticercosis prevalence and some epidemiological aspects in Baixada Fluminense, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data came from the service of computerized tomography of the Nova Iguaçu General Hospital from 1996 to 2002 and from neuroimage "D'IMAGEM" Center from 1992 to 2002. We analyzed 36379 tomographies identifying 72 cases of the parasitoses, the majority in women (62.5%, p>0.05 and in the chronic phase (93.1%. The neurocysticercosis had occurred in all age groups and increase with age (r=0.84, p<0.05, being that 45.8% of them up to 50 years. The 20 interviewed cases were origin from several municipal districts of Baixada Fluminense, the monthly per capita income was R$ 366. The growing urbanization, deficient sanitary vigilance, absence of sewage systems and sanitary education are the main factors that potentially the transmission of cistycercosis and taeniasis in the Baixada Fluminense.

  17. Studies on chemical effects on x-ray intensity ratios of K/sub β//K/sub α/ in nuclear decay of technetium nuclides /sup 99m/Tc, /sup 97m/Tc, and /sup 95m/Tc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamoto, I.; Kaji, H.; Yoshihara, K.


    Chemical effects of characteristic x-ray intensity ratios of K/sub β//K/sub α/ were investigated for the second d-group element Tc in the decay processes /sup 99m/Tc → 99 Tc (two-step isomeric transition), /sup 97m/Tc → 97 Tc (one-step isomeric transition), and /sup 95m/Tc → 95 Mo (electron capture). The objective nuclides were produced by (n, γ)β - , (d, xn), and (α, xn) reactions and were chemically separated from the target materials. The x rays were measured with a pure germanium detector, and the K/sub β/ x rays were analyzed into the two components K/sup prime//sub beta1/ and K/sup //sub beta2/ using a computer program. The chemical effect of the intensity ratio was more pronounced for K/sup prime//sub beta2//K/sub α/ than for K/sup //sub beta1//K/sub α/, as expected. The effect was larger in KTcO 4 than in the other species of Tc 2 S 7 , K 2 TcCl 6 , and Tc metal. The effect in the two-step isomeric transition in /sup 99m/Tc was found to be larger than in the one-step isomeric transition in /sup 97m/Tc. The effect in the electron capture in /sup 95m/Tc (Mo x rays) was similar to that in /sup 97m/Tc although the ratio K/sub β//K/sub α/ was smaller in /sup 95m/Tc than in /sup 97m/Tc, reflecting the change of nuclear charge. The tendency of the observed chemical effect was explained by taking into account the interfering factors which involve Pauling's ionicity in chemical bonding between Tc and its counter atom

  18. Adsorption behavior of 99Tc in Ca-bentonite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Dejun; Fan Xianhua; Zhang Yingjie; Yao Jun; Zhou Duo; Wang Yong


    The adsorption behaviors of 99 Tc in bentonite were studied with batch methods under aerobic and anoxic conditions. The adsorption ratios is about 1.47 mL/g under aerobic conditions. The adsorption ratio of 99 Tc in bentonite is not affected by pH in the range of 5-12 and the CO 3 2- , Fe 3+ concentrations in the range of 10 -8 -10 -2 mol/L in the solution. The adsorption ratio of Tc in bentonite increases with the increase of the mass percent of Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 and the Fe 2+ concentration in the range of 10 -8 -10 -2 mol/L. Tc exists ainly in the form of Tc(VII) after the adsorption equilibriums. The adsorption ratio of Tc in bentonite increase with the increase of the mass percent of Fe and Tc exists mainly in the form of Tc(VII) after the adsorption equilibriums. The adsorption ratio of Tc in bentonite is about 84.84 mL/g under anoxic conditions. The adsorption ratios of 99 Tc in bentonite decreases with the increase of pH in the range of 5-12 and the CO 3 2- concentration in the range of 10 -8 -10 -2 mol/L in the solution. The adsorption ratio of Tc in bentonite increases with the increase of the Fe 3+ , Fe 2+ concentration in the range of 10 -8 -10 -2 mol/L and the mass percent of Fe, Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 . Tc exists mainly in the form of Tc(IV) after the adsorption equilibriums. The adsorption isotherms of TcO 4 - in bentonite are all in fairly agree with the Freundlich's equation under aerobic and anoxic conditions. (authors)

  19. Determination of Tc-99 in radioactive wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivera S, A. A.


    Tc-99 is a fission product and one of the most important radionuclides from the view point of safety assessment for the disposal of radioactive waste because of its long half-life (2.1 x 10 5 years) and high mobility in soil-water systems, if this is released into the environment in significant quantities can concentrate on plants and animals. Tc-99 is a pure beta emitter with a maximum energy of 292 KeV, so their quantification imposes destructive methods to be analyzed by liquid scintillation. Therefore the quantification of Tc-99 in ion exchange resins requires of the mineralization of these and separation of Tc-99 of other radioisotopes present in the resin. Therefore the object of this thesis is to develop a quantification method of Tc-99 content in spent exchange resins. So in order to track the behavior of technetium during digestion exchange resins and radiochemical separation, given its high volatility, in this work the 99m Tc is used. To determine the degree of mineralization of the resins, an analysis was performed by chromatography. Subsequently the method used to determine the percentage of 99m Tc aerosolized during mineralization of resin is described. After the method for the radiochemical separation of 99m Tc is presented by liquid-liquid extraction using crown ether as extractant; for this testing was performed by varying the molarity of the extractant, the ratio of solvent extractant, type of digestion of the resin and the presence of Sr-85, in order to study the behavior of 99m Tc in the presence of this radioisotope. Finally, a track beta spectra of a sample of 99m Tc eluted from a generator 99 Mo/ 99m Tc function of time was performed. (Author)

  20. Accumulation, elimination and retention of 99Tc by duckweed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hattink, J.; Weltje, L.; Wolterbeek, H.Th.; Goeij, J.J.M. de


    Accumulation dynamics of the long-lived fission product technetium ( 99 Tc) in duckweed is studied. Duckweed serves as model for aquatic plants, because of its representative foliar uptake for 99 Tc. 99 Tc is irreversibly accumulated and distributed over cytoplasm, chloroplasts and mitochondria. Autoradiography showed that 99 Tc was not transported to new biomass. Irreversible storage of 99 Tc in plant biomass means that steady-state situations cannot be interpreted as a balance between uptake and elimination of 99 Tc, but that 99 Tc continuously builds up in each single duckweed plant and overall Tc concentrations are averaged over new biomass. (author)

  1. The scintigraphy of sacroiliac joints. A comparison of 99mTc-DPD and 99mTc-MDP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lantto, T.


    The accumulation of 99m Tc-methylene diphosphonate ( 99m Tc-MDP) and 99m Tc-dicarboxypropane diphosphonate ( 99m Tc-DPD) in sacroiliac (si) joints was evaluated as a function of imaging time in 22 control patients and 5 patients with sacroiliitis. The controls were injected with either 99m Tc-DPD or 99m Tc-MDP (12 and 10 patients, respectively) and the patients with sacroiliitis with both agents within 5 days. Both the anterior and posterior views of the si joints were taken. The sacroiliac joint-to-sacrum (SI/S) ratio was calculated with the region of interest method. No statistically significant differences between these bone-seeking agents were found in the SI/S ratios of the control or the diseased patients. A clear overlap of indices (mean±SD) was found between the control patients and the patients with sacroiliitis. When the inflamed si joint was divided into three small adjacent areas and the SI/S ratios calculated for these areas, a statistically significant (P 99m Tc-DPD and in most patients injected with 99m Tc-MDP. In the posterior views, the significance was less marked. In every case, the inflamed part of the si joint was visible in the anterior views. The background subtraction had the greatest effect on the SI/S ratio of anterior images, but in the posterior views no significance was found. The low specificity of sacroiliac joint imaging must be taken into consideration when the results are interpreted. (orig.)

  2. Radiopharmacokinetic data for 99mTc-ABP - A new radiopharmaceutical for bone scanning: Comparison with 99mTc-MDP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, Consuelo Arteaga de; Melendez-Alafort, Laura; Montoya-Molina, Carlos E.; Sepulveda-Mendez, Jesus


    Technetium-99m-labeled alendronate is a new radiopharmaceutical for bone scanning developed under strict quality control at the INNSZ. The purpose of this work was to compare the radiopharmacokinetic data and the dosimetry of 99m Tc-ABP and 99m Tc-MDP in 10 volunteers, after it was tested in laboratory animals. 99m Tc-ABP has shorter mean residence time (MRT) and t (1(2)) β; is less protein bound; has a higher renal clearance; smaller Vdss, and similar bone uptake at 1 and 2 h. 99m Tc-ABP gives less radiation exposure to the patient with a 740 MBq dose, and the quality of the bone scan is excellent. 99m Tc-ABP is a better radiopharmaceutical than 99m Tc-MDP for bone scanning

  3. Electrolytic 99mTcO4- reduction: a different pathway to obtain 99mTc-labelled compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savio, E.; Kremer, C.; Gambino, D.; Kremer, E.; Leon, A.


    Electrolytic reduction of 99m TcO 4 - at inert electrodes to obtain 99m Tc cationic complexes and in vitro stability of labelled compounds were studied. Amines were used as neutral N-donor ligands and a systematic analysis of various parameters involved in the reduction process was performed. Usefulness of electrolytic reduction was proved as an alternative 99m Tc-labelling method. Its most important advantages are: production of complexes with a high radiochemical purity, negligible presence of red-hyd- 99m Tc, lack of foreign materials, simplicity of development and possibility of further applications. (author)

  4. Comparative biological evaluation between 99mTc tricarbonyl and 99mTc-Sn(II) levosalbutamol as a β2-adrenoceptor agonist

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanad, Mahmoud H.; Borai, Emad H.


    This study describes the comparison between 99m Tc-tricarbonyl and 99m Tc-Sn (II) levosalbutamol as a β 2 -adrenoceptors radiopharmaceutical and evaluation of their different biological characteristics using experimental animals. Levosalbutamol was labeled firstly with 99m Tc in the presence of SnCl 2 . 2H 2 O as a reducing agent under the optimum conditions: pH 8, 50 μg SnCl 2 . 2H 2 O, room temperature, 40 μg levosalbutamol and 30 min reaction time to give a maximum radiochemical yield of 98 ± 0.1%. The obtained 99m Tc-levosalbutamol was stable for a time up to 8 h. Secondly, 99m Tc-tricarbonyl ([ 99m Tc(CO) 3 (H 2 O) 3 ] + ) levosalbutamol was prepare under 30 min heating at 100 C. Labeling yield and stability were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (labeling yield >99% and stability for 8 h). Biodistribution investigation showed that, the maximum uptake ratio of the 99m Tc-levosalbutamol ( 99m Tc-Lev) between lung and heart was 2.34 ± 0.62 % of the injected activity/g tissue organ, at 30 min post-injection. But in case of 99m Tc-tricarbonyl levosalbutamol ( 99m Tc-tricarbonyl Lev) the maximum uptake ratio was 3.6 ± 0.11 of the injected activity/g tissue organ, at 30 min post-injection. This indicates that 99m Tc-tricarbonyl levosalbutamol was more selective for lung β 2 -adrenoceptors than 99m Tc-levosalbutamol. These results introduce 99m Tc-tricarbonyl levosalbutamol as a novel potential radiopharmaceutical for lung imaging.

  5. Improved brain scan specificity utilizing /sup 99m/Tc-pertechnetate and /sup 99m/Tc(Sn)-diphosphonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, K.C.; McKusick, K.A.; Pendergrass, H.P.; Potsaid, M.S.


    Each of 36 patients was studied with two separate brain scans performed sequentially after the injection of 20 mCi of /sup 99m/Tc-pertechnetate or 20 mCi of /sup 99m/Tc(Sn)-diphosphonate. The resulting scans were qualitatively compared, and lesion-to-nonlesion ratios of activity determined. Diagnoses were established by clinical criteria and were supported in the majority of cases by computerized axial tomography or roentgen angiography or both. Histologic confirmation was available in five cases of tumor and in the single cases of subdural hematoma and cerebral abscess. Of 22 cerebral infarctions, 15 were better demonstrated with /sup 99m/Tc-(Sn)-diphosphonate than with /sup 99m/Tc-pertechnetate. Of the seven remaining cases, three were visualized equally well with each agent, and three were better demonstrated with /sup 99m/Tc-pertechnetate. One was not seen with either agent. Of the 12 tumors, 11 were visualized better with /sup 99m/Tc-pertechnetate than with /sup 99m/Tc(Sn)-diphosphonate while in one case the lesion was seen equally as well with both agents. In no case was a lesion definitely seen with one radio- pharmaceutical and not with the other. These results indicate that this dual method is helpful in differentiating gliomas and metastases from cerebral infarctions. (U.S.)

  6. Fraturas de odontoide tipo III com necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico: estudo de série de casos e revisão de literatura Fracturas de odontoides tipo III con necesidad de tratamiento quirúrgico: estudio de série de casos y revisión de la literatura Type III odontoid fractures requiring surgical treatment: a case series study and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alan Robert Wieczorek


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar uma série de pacientes com fraturas de odontoide do tipo III, instáveis, tratados cirurgicamente. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de uma série de 5 casos consecutivos de pacientes com fratura de odontoide do tipo III, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Três pacientes foram tratados inicialmente com halo-veste e, nos casos de falha, foram submetidos a osteossíntese cirúrgica. Dois pacientes, um com grande instabilidade radiológica em flexão e compressão medular e outro com comprometimento neurológico, foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico primário. A técnica cirúrgica foi individualizada para cada caso. Não ocorreram complicações graves; quatro pacientes evoluíram assintomáticos e somente um paciente desenvolveu dor cervical não incapacitante. A tomografia computadorizada (TC mostrou consolidação da fratura em 2 casos, os demais não realizaram TC de controle. O seguimento médio foi de 1,9 anos. CONCLUSÕES: Fraturas de odontoide do tipo III nem sempre são lesões benignas, sendo importante individualizar seu tratamento sempre que alguma característica incomum for identificada. Existem critérios de instabilidade e indicação de tratamento cirúrgico para pacientes com este tipo de lesão.OBJETIVO: Analizar los casos de una serie de pacientes con fracturas de odontoides del tipo III inestables, tratadas quirúrgicamente. MÉTODOS: Análisis retrospectiva de una serie de 5 casos consecutivos de pacientes con fractura de odontoides del tipo III, sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Tres pacientes fueran tratados al comienzo con halo veste y, en la falla de este, se sometieron a osteosíntesis quirúrgica. Dos pacientes, uno con inestabilidad radiológica importante en flexión y compresión medular y otro con déficit neurológico se sometieron a tratamiento quirúrgico primario. La técnica quirúrgica se individualizó para cada uno de los casos. No ocurrieron complicaciones

  7. Triamide mercaptide (N/sub 3/S) ligands for Tc-99m as potential Tc-99m renal function agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fritzberg, A.R.; Kasina, S.; Johnson, D.L.; Eshima, D.


    A number of diamide dimercaptide (N/sub 2/S/sub 2/) complexes of Tc-99m have shown potential as renal tubular function radiopharmaceuticals that could replace radioiodinated hippurate (OIH). Evaluation of such ligands suggested that maximum efficiency for tubular secretion and specificity resulted from addition of a carboxylate group. However, such derivatives resulted in chelate ring stereoisomers that were differently transported by the renal tubular system. The problem of stereoisomers was obviated by replacing one sulfur with an effectively planar amido nitrogen. Groups on the nitrogen then result in diastereomers only when an additional asymetric center is present. A series of triamide mercaptide compounds have been synthesized to evaluate this class as ligands for Tc-99m. One of the simplest of the series, mercaptoacetylglycylglycylglycine (MAG/sub 3/), formed a single Tc-99m product in high yield as determined by HPLC. Preliminary results with pmr and ms of the Tc-99 complex indicate a structure consistent with a 1:1 metal to ligand ratio and monooxo technetium group. Biological evaluation of Tc-99m MAG/sub 3/ showed high renal specificity and rate of excretion exceeding OIH in several species including humans. Members of the N/sub 3/S series studied include mercaptoacetylglycylglycyl-amino acids. In some cases with second asymmetric centers, two components were seen on HPLC. In mice several dianionic Tc-99m complexes were excreted faster than OIH, Tc-99m MAG/sub 2/-ala, -asn, and -gln. Trianionic Tc-99m MAG/sub 2/-asp and -glu were excreted more slowly, and Tc-99m MAG/sub 2/-phe showed hepatobiliary excretion. Triamide mercaptides represent a new ligand class for Tc-99m

  8. Achalasia diagnosed by {sup 99m}Tc pertechnetate scintigraphy; Diagnose einer Achalasie durch {sup 99m}Tc-Pertechnetat-Szintigraphie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mikosch, P. [Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt (Austria). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin und Spezielle Endokrinologie; Gallowitsch, H.J. [Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt (Austria). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin und Spezielle Endokrinologie; Kresnik, E. [Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt (Austria). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin und Spezielle Endokrinologie; Lind, P. [Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt (Austria). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin und Spezielle Endokrinologie


    A 73-year-old patient presented a {sup 99m}Tc scintiscan with a focal tracer accumulation left and caudal of the thyroid gland. Further investigations with sonography, CT, esophagoscopy and barium swallow provided the diagnosis of achalasia as the reason for focal {sup 99m}Tc retention caudal of the thyroid gland. Explanation for {sup 99m}Tc accumulation within the esophagus may be the nonspecific accumulation of {sup 99m}Tc not only in the thyroid gland but also in the salivary glands. Excretion of the tracer follows with the saliva. Structural and motor disorders of the esophagus can thus lead to focal tracer retention within the esophagus simulating thyroid tissue. (orig.) [Deutsch] Eine 73jaehrige Patientin zeigte bei der {sup 99m}Tc-Schilddruesenszintigraphie eine von der Schilddruese abgesetzte deutliche fokale Speicherung links kaudal der Schilddruese. Die weitere diagnostische Abklaerung mittels Sonographie, CT, Oesophagoskopie und videoassistiertem Kontrastmittelschluckakt ergab als Ursache der {sup 99m}Tc-Speicherung eine Achalasie. Die Erklaerung einer {sup 99m}Tc-Speicherung in der Speiseroehre waere die unspezifische {sup 99m}Tc-Aufnahme in den Speicheldruesen mit nachfolgender Tracerelimination ueber den Speichel. Depotbildungen von Speichel bei Erkrankungen der Speiseroehre, die mit einer Transportstoerung des Speichels verbunden sind, koennen dadurch Schilddruesengewebe vortaeuschen. (orig.)

  9. Accumulation of {sup 99}Tc in duckweed Lemna minor L. as a function of growth rate and {sup 99}Tc concentration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hattink, J. E-mail:; Wolterbeek, H.Th


    This study focuses on the question of whether short-term studies can be used to forecast the accumulation of the long-lived fission product {sup 99}Tc in duckweed, Lemna minor L., grown in the field; in other words, are the accumulation parameters independent of changing growth rates typical of natural populations of duckweed. Two processes determine the {sup 99}Tc accumulation: (i) uptake and release of {sup 99}TcO{sub 4}{sup -}, characterised by a concentration factor, K{sub d}, and (ii) first-order reduction and complexation of Tc{sup VII}, characterised by k{sub red}. At various {sup 99}Tc concentrations, the growth, total Tc and TcO{sub 4}{sup -} accumulation were monitored over 10 days; parameters were fitted and compared with earlier results. Both K{sub d} and k{sub red} turn out to be independent of time, concentration and growth rate up to a concentration of 10{sup -6} mol l{sup -1} {sup 99}TcO{sub 4}{sup -}. Concentrations above this level result in toxic effects. The Tc accumulation in field populations of duckweed at Tc concentrations which generally occur in the environment can be forecasted by using the results from short-term experiments.

  10. Simple determination of 99Tc in radioactive waste using Tc extraction disk and imaging plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kameo, Y.; Katayama, A.; Hoshi, A.; Haraga, T.; Nakashima, M.


    A simple method was developed for determination of 99 Tc in low-level radioactive waste: Technetium-99 retained by a solid phase extraction disk was directly measured with imaging plates system. It was found that more than 97% of Tc were retained by the disk from a solution of pH 2 to 12, whereas depth profile of Tc in the disk, which greatly influences the counting efficiency, depended on solution pH. The present method was successfully applied to actual radioactive liquid waste samples arising from nuclear research facilities.

  11. Exafs studies of coprecipitation and adsorption reactions of Tc

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bunker, D.J.; Jones, M.J.; Livens, F.R.; Collison, D. [Manchester Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Chemistry; Pattrick, R.A.D. [Manchester Univ., Dept. of Earth Sciences (United Kingdom); Charnock, J.M. [CLRC Daresbury Laboratoire, Warrington Cheshire (United Kingdom)


    Adsorption and coprecipitation reactions may be a simple way of removing [TcO{sub 4}]{sup -} from aqueous solution. The effectiveness of a range of potential adsorbents and precipitants has been evaluated and some are capable of near quantitative (>98%) removal of [TcO{sub 4}){sup -} from solution. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) has been used to determine Tc oxidation states and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) has been used to identify the local environment of Tc. The absorption edge position has been determined, using [PPh{sub 4}][TcO{sub 4}], TcS{sub 2} and Tc{sub 2}S{sub 7} as model compounds, and is diagnostic of Tc oxidation state. In a series of experiments investigating FeS coprecipitation, Tc was reduced to oxidation state (IV) and its local environment resembled that in TcO{sub 2} (6 O atoms at approximately 2.0 Angstrom). (authors)

  12. Gunshot wounds to the head. Correlations between CT and clinical findings, neurosurgical treatment and long-term sequels; Traumi cranio-encefalici da proiettile: correlazione tra tomografia computerizzata, clinica, trattamento neurochirurgico e sequele a distanza

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; Nocera, V. [Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio, Frattamaggiore, NA (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; De Rosa, A.; Nunziata, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Rossi, E.; Brunese, L. [Universita' degli Studi Federico II, Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Grassi, R. [Seconda Universita' degli Studi, Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    With the aim of demonstrating the usefulness of computerised tomography (CT) findings in the planning of brain neurosurgery in gunshot victims, for prompt and successful treatment, 30 patients with brain gunshot wounds were examined with CT over 5 years. The mortality rate of firearm wounds of the skull base was 34% higher than that of the hemisphere; this is due to carotid hemorrhage and midbrain damage. Such traumas require emergency radiological diagnosis and neurosurgical treatment because of their severity and early irreversible complications. Complex operations and skilled surgeons may prevent disabling postoperative sequels. CT findings are indispensable and must be correctly interpreted. The radiologist and the neurosurgeon must collaborate closely and both must consider several diagnostic factors affecting surgical planning. [Italian] Scopo dello studio e' stato quello di dimostrare l'utilita' della semeiologia della tomografia computerizzata in relazione con la pianificazione dell'intervento neochirurgico, al fine di attuare con tempestivita' interventi chirurgici soddisfacenti e meno lesivi. Lo studio comprende 30 casi di lesioni cranio-encefaliche da arma da fuoco esaminate con tomografia computerizzata nel periodo di 5 anni. Materiali e metodi utilizzati sono analiticamente descritti. L'esperienza dimostra che nelle lesioni da arma da fuoco del basicranio si nota una mortalita' del 34% superiore rispetto a quelle piu' craniali come quelle emisferiche in relazione a emorragie carotidee e lesioni tronco-mesencefaliche. Tali traumi esigono diagnosi radiologica e terapia neurochirurgica d'urgenza per la gravita' e le precoci complicanze irreversibili. Cio' richiede interventi complessi e manualita' esperte e rapide al fine di evitare sequele postoperatorie invalidanti. La corretta e indispensabile interpretazione dei segni radiologici della tomografia computerizzata deve avvenire in stretta

  13. Alternative generators of the 99mTc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khujaev, S.


    9 9mTc is the most widely used radionuclide in nuclear medicine. 9 9mTc radionuclide is obtained from a generator, in which 9 9Mo servest as the parent radionuclide. In the generator 9 9mTc and 9 9Mo radionuclides are found in genetic balance and 9 9mTc radionuclide is chemically extracted from the system periodically. Although there already exists many ways and variants of manufacturing 9 9mTc generators, search for new variants of the 9 9Mo → 9 9mTc generator systems continue. An example is the investigations carried out with the support of the IAEA. In these research works, generators based on elution of poly molybdate gels have been developed and evaluated. These generators will be serving as alternative technologies for production of 9 9mTc radionuclide, which use 9 9Mo produced by non-fission means. It is known that in Australia and China more than 30% of 9 9mTc generators are gel-generators. The works of authors are devoted to the problem of searching new perspective materials as a column material that will serve as adsorbent. The main purpose of all the research on alternative technologies is the usage of parent radionuclide 9 9Mo that is obtained from 9 8Mo(n, γ) 9 9Mo reaction instead of as a fission product. Our work examines the possibility of reception of generators 9 9Mo → 9 9mTc using non-fission 9 9Mo that is based on insoluble salts of molybdate

  14. Tc-99m tilmanocept versus Tc-99m sulfur colloid in breast cancer sentinel lymph node identification: Results from a randomized, blinded clinical trial. (United States)

    Unkart, Jonathan T; Hosseini, Ava; Wallace, Anne M


    No prior trials have compared sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification outcomes between Tc-99m tilmanocept (TcTM) and Tc-99m sulfur colloid (TcSC) in breast cancer (BC). We report on the secondary outcomes from a randomized, double-blinded, single surgeon clinical trial comparing post-injection site pain between TcTM and TcSC. Patients were randomized to receive a preoperative single, peritumoral intradermal injection of TcTM or TcSC. The number of total, "hot", and blue nodes detected and removed were compared between groups. Fifty-two (27-TcSC and 25-TcTM) patients were enrolled and underwent definitive surgical treatment. At least one "hot" SLN was detected in all patients. Three (5.8%) patients had a disease positive-SLN. The total number of SLNs removed was 61 (mean 2.26 (standard deviation (SD) 0.90)) in the TcSC group and 54 (mean 2.16 (SD 0.90)) in the TcTM group, P = 0.69. The total number of "hot" nodes in the TcSC group was 1.96 (SD 0.76) compared to 2.04 (SD 0.73) in the TcTM group, P = 0.71. The number of identified SLNs did not differ significantly between TcTM and TcSC. Given that no significant technical advantages exist between the two agents, surgeons should choose a radiopharmaceutical based on cost and side effect profile. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Differentiation of malignant and degenerative benign bone disease using Tc-99m Citrate and Tc-99m MDP scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin, J.; Guo, R.; Li, S.-J.; Ren, Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, X.


    Full text: For the evaluation of bone metastases in patients (pts) with cancer, 99mTcMDP bone scintigraphy is an important tool, but some limitations exist. One of these is the differential diagnosis of malignant and degenerative benign bone disease. The aim of this study was to differentiate them using 99mTcCitrate and 99mTcMDP scintigraphy. Methods: 39 pts (92 lesions) with known malignant or degenerative benign bone disease were studied. 23 pts had malignant bone disease (48 lesions, group 1), the other 16 pts had degenerative benign bone disease (44 lesions, group2), for which the results of 99mTcMDP scintigraphy were positive. In both groups, 99mTcCitrate scintigraphy was performed within a time interval of 2-7 days after 99mTcMDP scintigraphy (555∼740MBq. static, 3hr, planar or SPECT i m a g e s w h e n r e q u i r e d ) . The 99mTccitrate/99mTcMDP lesion-to-background radioisotope uptake ratio (RUR) was calculated for each lesion. Conventional techniques (histopathology, X-ray, CT, MRI and clinical follow up) were considered to be proof of the presence of bone metastases and degenerative benign bone disease. Results: Uptake of 99mTcMDP in the two groups is the same (1.96±0.25 vs. 1.87±0.21; t=1.178, P>0.20), while in 99mTcCitrate image, malignant lesions demonstrated a higher uptake of lesion activity than that of benign degenerative lesions (1.47±0.42 vs. 1.09±0.38; t=2.887, P<0.01). The mean 99mTccitrate/99mTcMDP RUR in the malignant group was significantly higher than the mean in the benign group (0.78±0.21 vs. 0.54±0.19; t=3.646, P<0.001). Conclusions: The preliminary results of the study confirm the usefulness and feasibility of 99mTcCitrate scintigraphy for differentiating malignant from benign degenerative lesions seen as areas of increased activity on 99mTcMDP bone scintigraphy. (author)

  16. Clinical comparison of diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m and diethyl-IDA Tc 99m for evaluation of the hepatobiliary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klingensmith, W.C.; Fritzberg, A.R.; Spitzer, V.M.; Kuni, C.C.; Shanahan, W.S.


    Thirty-one patients with a wide range of hepatobiliary function and clinical diagnoses were studied with both diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m and diethyl-IDA Tc 99m. Images were similar except for an increased liver-to-kidney ratio with diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m (p less than 0.01) and a tendency toward an increased liver-to-background ratio at five minutes with diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m (p greater than 0.05). Quantification of the relative hepatocyte extraction efficiency indicated a 16% higher extraction efficiency for diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m (p greater than 0.05). Cumulative three-hour urine collections following injection demonstrated no significant difference in renal excretion in patients with normal total serum bilirubin levels. Both radiopharmaceuticals demonstrated increasing renal excretion with increasing total serum bilirubin levels; however, renal excretion of diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m increased more slowly than excretion of diethyl-IDA Tc 99m (p less than 0.01). We conclude that, while the overall differences between these two radiopharmaceuticals are small, diisopropyl-IDA Tc 99m is superior because of a lower renal excretion rate in patients with decreased hepatocyte function

  17. Neoplasias pulmonares difusas em pacientes com a síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida Correlação da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução com a anatomopatologia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Marchiori


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Neste artigo foram discutidos os principais aspectos tomográficos das neoplasias pulmonares difusas que acometem o paciente com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Com este objetivo foram revistas as tomografias computorizadas de alta resolução de 8 pacientes, 4 deles com linfomas do tipo não-Hodgkin e 4 com sarcoma de Kaposi, e feita correlação com os achados anatomo-patológicos. O principal aspecto observado foi a disseminação linfática, determinando espessamen-to das bainhas broncovasculares, dos septos interlobulares e da superfície pleural. Em ambas as doenças tal aspecto deveu-se à infiltração destes compartimentos pelas células neoplásicas. Outros aspectos observados foram os nódulos de limites mal definidos no sarcoma de Kaposi, e múltiplos nódulos com broncograma aéreo, e consolidação parenquimatosa, nos linfomas. Derrames pleurais foram detectados em ambas as doenças.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (2: ABSTRACT: In this article we discuss the main computed tomographic aspects of diffuse pulmonary neoplasias in AIDS patients. For this purpose we reviewed the High Resolution CT of eight patients, four of them with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, and four with Kaposi’s sarcoma, and correlated with anatomopathologic findings. The main finding was lymphatic spread which produces peribronchovascular, septal interlobular and pleural thickening. In both diseases this aspects were caused by neoplastic cells infiltration of these compartments. Other findings includes ill defined nodules in Kaposi’s sarcoma and multiple nodules with air-bronchograms and parenchymal consolidations in lymphomas. Pleural effusions were seen in both diseases.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (2: Palavras-chave: SIDA, pulmões, TCAR, anatomopatologia, sarcoma de Kaposi, linfomas, Key-words: AIDS, lungs, HRCT, anatomopathology, Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma

  18. Synthesis and evaluation of 99mTc/99Tc-MAG3-biotin conjugates for antibody pretargeting strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gog, Frank B. van; Visser, Gerard W.M.; Gowrising, Radjish W.A.; Snow, Gordon B.; Dongen, Guus A.M.S. van


    Four 99m Tc-MAG3-biotin conjugates were synthesized to determine their potential use in antibody pretargeting strategies for radioimmunoscintigraphy (RIS). To use these 99m Tc-MAG3-biotin conjugates as model compounds for 186 Re-MAG3-biotin conjugates for radioimmunotherapy (RIT), nanomolar amounts of 99 Tc were added as carrier to 99m Tc. The biotin derivatives used for the preparation of the conjugates - biocytin, biotin hydrazide, biotinyl-piperazine, and biotinyl-diaminosuccinic acid - differed at the site that is regarded to be susceptible to hydrolysis by biotinidase present in human plasma. All four conjugates were produced with high radiochemical purity, were stable in PBS, and demonstrated full binding capacity to streptavidin. The 99m Tc/ 99 Tc-MAG3-labeled biotinyl-piperazine and biotinyl-diaminosuccinic acid conjugates were stable in mouse as well as human plasma, whereas the corresponding biocytin and biotin hydrazide conjugates were rapidly degraded. The biodistribution in nude mice at 30 min after injection was similar for all conjugates, and a rapid blood clearance and high intestinal excretion were both observed. It is concluded that the metabolic routing of a conjugate containing biotin and MAG3 is dominated by these two moieties. For this reason, MAG3-biotin conjugates do not seem suited for pretargeted RIT, for which quantitative and fast renal excretion is a prerequisite to minimize radiation toxicity. However, in a pretargeted RIS approach the 99m Tc-MAG3-biotin conjugates might have potential

  19. Electrolytic 99TcO4- reduction at inert electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kremer, C.; Gambino, D.; Leon, A.; Kremer, E.


    Electrolytic pertechnetate reduction at inert electrodes was studied as an alternative procedure for synthesizing Tc complexes. Pertechnetate reduction was carried out in aqueous media using different aminated ligands (en, dien, trien and 1,3-dap) forming [TcO 2 (amine) 2 ] + type complexes. Simultaneously with synthesis of the desired Tc complex, TcO 2 was electrodeposited onto the cathode. Conversion of TcO 4 - to Tc complex and TcO 2 was studied as a function of several variables (kind and concentration of supporting electrolyte, ligand concentration, pH, current and electrolysis time). (author) 9 refs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab

  20. Comparative study of uptake and washout of 99mTcN(NOEt)2 with 99mTc-MIBI in human cervical carcinoma cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xing Shi'an; Zhang Yongxue; An Rui


    Objective: to investigate the cellular kinetics of bis (N-ethoxy-N-ethyl dithiocarbamato) nitrido 99m Tc(V) [ 99m TcN (NOEt) 2 ] in human cervical carcinoma cell line Hela and to compare it with that of 99m Tc hexakis-2- methoxyisobutyl isonitrile ( 99m Tc-MIBI), and hence to define the possible clinical value of 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 in tumor imaging. Methods: Using radionuclide tracer technique, 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 and 99m Tc-MIBI were incubated with human cervical carcinoma cell lines Hela at 37 degree C and at 22 degree C respectively. At several incubation times, the uptake and washout characteristics of the radiotracers in human cervical carcinoma cell line Hela were investigated and compared. Results: The maximum uptake of 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 in Hela was 46.15% and that of 99m Tc-MIBI was 12.6% (P 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 after 5 min incubation in human cervical carcinoma cell line Hela was 65% of the total uptake, while that of 99m Tc-MIBI was 50% of the total uptake (P 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 was retained in the Hela cells at one hour while 56.67% of 99m Tc-MIBI was retained (P 99m Tc-MIBI, the cellular kinetics of 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 was not temperature-dependent (the cellular kinetics is similar at 37 degree C and at 22 degree C, P>0.05). Conclusions: In vitro data suggest that 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 may be a better tracer than 99m Tc-MIBI in tumor imaging and 99m TcN(NOEt) 2 has potential application in clinical use

  1. Usefulness of L,L-ethylenedicysteine - 99mTc complex (EC-99mTc) for the kidney investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surma, M.J.; Wiewiora, J.; Kapuscinksi, J.; Liniecki, J.


    To assess the usefulness of own EC- 99m Tc complex for the kidney function examination, the renoscintigraphy with EC- 99m Tc and clearance determinations were performed. During renoscintigraphy the kidney images were of superb quality, with overlaying organs (liver, spleen) not visualized. Renograms showed typical shapes, their TMAX and T1/2 values being insignificantly different from the obtained with other radiopharmaceuticals, used in renoscintigraphy (MAG 3 , hippuran). Very strict correlations were found between values of EC- 99m Tc and OIH- 131 I clearances (r=0.91) and excretion rate constants (r=0.92) of both radiopharmaceuticals. The correlation enabled formulation of an equation by which ERPF could be established from EC- 99m Tc clearance: ERPF OIH =1.245 x Cl EC +51.52. On the basis of this equation a lower boundary of the normal EC- 99m Tc clearance was established; it amounts to 300 ml/min/1.73 m 2 . (author). 17 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab

  2. Análise computadorizada de imagens de plântulas para avaliação do vigor de sementes de milho, em comparação a testes tradicionais


    Danielle Otte Carrara Castan


    O aprimoramento dos testes de vigor e a possibilidade da inserção de novos recursos computacionais para avaliação eficiente do potencial fisiológico de sementes tem despertado grande interesse da pesquisa e dos tecnologistas de sementes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial fisiológico de sementes de milho utilizando sistemas de análise computadorizada de imagens de plântulas (SVIS® e Vigor-S), comparativamente a outros métodos utilizados para avaliação do vigor dessa espécie. Ut...

  3. The formation of insoluble Tc depends on bacterial activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Nobuyoshi; Uchida, Shigeo; Koiso, Hiroyuki


    The formation of insoluble Tc (>0.2 μm in size) in ponding water of paddy soil was investigated. The ponding water prepared by flooding with deionized water was collected at a one-week intervals during the 120 days of the experimental period. The collected sample was incubated with 3 kBq mL -1 TcO 4 - at 25degC for 14 days. The mean value of relative amounts of insolubilized Tc was less than 0.6% of total Tc. This result suggested that flooding with deionized water was not effective for the formation of insoluble Tc. When the ponding water sample was incubated with TcO 4 - under anaerobic conditions, Tc was scarcely insolubilized. On the other hand, a significant fraction of the Tc was insolubilized in the ponding water sample supplemented with nutrients that promote bacterial activity. Also, the amount of insoluble Tc increased with time. From these results, it was concluded that the formation of insoluble Tc in the ponding water depends on enhanced bacterial activity rather than just anaerobic conditions. (author)

  4. Analysis of the computed tomography in the acute abdomen; Analise da tomografia computadorizada no abdome agudo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hochhegger, Bruno [Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Moraes, Everton [Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS (Brazil); Haygert, Carlos Jesus Pereira; Antunes, Paulo Sergio Pase [Hospital Universitario de Santa Maria, RS (Brazil); Gazzoni, Fernando [Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Porto Alegre (PUC-RS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Hospital Sao Lucas; Andrade, Rubens Gabriel Feijo [Fundacao Universitaria de Cardiologia de Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Cardiologia; Bueno, Leticia Rossi [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias [Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS (Brazil). Dept. de Estatistica]. E-mail:


    Introduction: This study tends to test the capacity of the computed tomography in assist in the diagnosis and the approach of the acute abdomen. Material and method: This is a longitudinal and prospective study, in which were analyzed the patients with the diagnosis of acute abdomen. There were obtained 105 cases of acute abdomen and after the application of the exclusions criteria were included 28 patients in the study. Results: Computed tomography changed the diagnostic hypothesis of the physicians in 50% of the cases (p < 0.05), and the confidence index in 85.71% of the cases (p 0.014). Computed tomography also altered the management in 46.43% of the cases (p > 0.05), where 78.57% of the patients had surgical indication before computed tomography and 67.86% after computed tomography (p = 0.0546). The index of accurate diagnosis of computed tomography, when compared to the anatomopathologic examination and the final diagnosis, was observed in 82.14% of the cases (p = 0.013). When the analysis was done dividing the patients in surgical and nonsurgical group, were obtained an accuracy of 89.28% (p 0.0001). The difference of 7.2 days of hospitalization (p = 0.003) was obtained compared with the mean of the acute abdomen without use the computed tomography. Conclusion: The computed tomography is correlative with the anatomopathology and has great accuracy in the surgical indication, associated with the capacity of increase the confident index of the physicians, reduces the hospitalization time, reduces the number of surgeries and is cost-effective. (author)

  5. CT in the evaluation of severe liver trauma; Tomografia computadorizada na avaliacao do trauma hepatico grave

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machado, Marcel Autran C. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina, Hospital das Clinicas; Souza Rocha, Manoel de; Machado, Manoel C.C. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Macedo Neto, Augusto Cesar de; Maciel, Rosangela Pereira; Simonetti, Celso


    Abdominal CT is a common examination in the evaluation of patients with blunt abdominal trauma and clinical suspicion for solid organ injury when reasons for immediate laparotomy are not present. A case of major blunt hepatic injury in a 22-year-old patient is reported. The authors present a brief review of the literature and discussion about the role of CT scan in the evaluation of hepatic trauma, surgical planning and postoperative follow-up. (author). 15 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  6. Ventilation scintigraphy of the lung with sup(99m)Tc-DTPA or with sup(99m)Tc-sulfur colloid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koehler, D; Matthys, H; Coates, G; Dolovich, M; Newhouse, M


    Ventilation scintigraphy of the lung, obtained with sufficiently small sup(99m)Tc-labelled aerosol particles, provides an image of ventilation distribution that is acceptable in clinical routine. Whether sup(99m)Tc-DTPA or sup(99m)Tc-sulfur colloid is more suitable as a carrier was studied in 6 smokers and 8 non-smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. sup(99m)Tc-sulfur colloid was not absorbed by the bronchial mucosa and therefore appears to be an almost ideal agent. In contrast, sup(99m)Tc-DTPA was absorbed by the bronchial mucosa in all smoking patients more rapidly and inhomogenously than in non-smokers. The quantitative and qualitative comparison of the two dorsal ventilation scans taken both immediately after inhalation and 20 min later, showed in all 6 smoking patients after 20 min significant differences which influenced the diagnostic result. sup(99m)Tc-DTPA is therefore not recommended for use in ventilation lung scintigraphy, especially in smoking patients.

  7. Chapter 19. Design and evaluation of potential 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals based on the Tc-Carbonyl, 4 + 1 mixed ligand chelate system and Tc-nitrido approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giglio, J.; Muslera, A.; Leon, E.; Paolino, A.; Leon, A.; Rey, A.; Incerti, M.; Fernandez, R.; Manta, E.; Brugnini, A.; Chabalgoity, A.


    The aim of the work was to explore the possibilities of the novel labelling strategies in the development of 99m Tc labelled small biomolecules. Different steps required to fulfil this objective were undertaken: organic synthesis of glucose derivatives, optimization of labelling and in vitro and in vivo evaluation of Rd peptides and anne xin 13 derivatives using either the Hyonic bifunctional ligand, the Tc-tricarbonyl, the 4 + 1 mixed ligand or the Tc(V)-nitri do approaches. Glucose-O-hexyl bromide, glucose- O-butylbromide and glucose-O-butylamine were successfully synthesized, opening the possibility of introducing different chelators according to the desired labelling procedure. c(RGDyK) derivatives bearing different chelators were labelled with 99m Tc using novel approaches and evaluated both in vitro and in vivo in order to compare the effect of the chelator and labelling method on the physicochemical and biological behaviour. Annexin 13 peptides were also labelled using the HYNIC and Tc(I)-tricarbonyl approaches. A primary evaluation in normal animals and in a model of cardiac apoptosis is also presented. Cooperation with other participants was crucial to develop this work. (author)

  8. Estudo da síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica: relato de casos A study of idiophatic vitreomacular traction syndrome with optical coherence tomography images: cases report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hélio Paulo Primiano Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar alterações estruturais observadas na síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática (STMI pela tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT, antes e depois da vitrectomia; identificar situações em que a tomografia de coerência óptica fornece informações adicionais da morfologia e patogênese desta doença. MÉTODOS: Imagens tomográficas (OCT Stratus comparativas da estrutura vítreo-retiniana foram realizadas em quatro pacientes, em estágios variados da síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática. RESULTADOS: A tomografia de coerência óptica Stratus apresenta imagens vítreo-retinianas que auxiliam na conduta e tratamento da síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopatica. CONCLUSÃO: O exame da tomografia de coerência óptica permite boa visualização da arquitetura morfológica do vítreo e da retina na síndrome de tração macular vítreo-retiniana idiopática. Este exame nos auxilia na compreensão da patogênese, no planejamento do tratamento, clínico ou cirúrgico, e na avaliação pós-operatória das alterações estruturais retinianas.PURPOSE: To evaluate the features of idiophatic vitreomacular traction syndrome (VMT with ocular coherence tomography (OCT - Stratus, before and after vitrectomy; to identify situations where ocular coherence tomography provides additional information on disease morphology and pathogenesis. METHODS: Comparative retinal ocular coherence tomography imaging was performed in four patients with different stages of vitreomacular traction syndrome. RESULTS: Standard-resolution ocular coherence tomography Stratus provides vitreous-retinal images that help the management and treatment of vitreomacular traction syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Standard-resolution ocular coherence tomography allows good visualization of the architectural morphology of the vitreous and retina in vitreomacular traction syndrome. It helps understanding its pathogenesis, planning

  9. Determination of radiochemical purity and pharmacokinetic parameters of sup(99m)Tc-sulphur colloid and sup(99m)Tc-tin colloid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jovanovic, V.; Konstantinovska, D.; Milivojevic, K.; Bzenic, J.


    Labelling yield and radiochemical purity, higher than 95%, of sup(99m)Tc-colloid preparations were determined by using the paper chromatography method. Less than 3% of labelled citric acid, added to the preparation as a buffer solution, has been found in sup(99m)Tc-sulphur colloid. High radiochemical purity and optimum size of colloid particles has also been proved by biodistribution studies on experimental animals. The analysis performed has shown that more than 50% of sup(99m)Tc-colloid preparations excreted by urine is sup(99m)TcO - , the remaining past 50% being protein bound sup(99m)Tc. Biological half-time of excretion of the fast phase is the same for both preparations, i.e. 10 min, while for the slow component it is 120 min in sup(99m)Tc-S-colloid and 160 min in sup(99m)Tc-Sn colloid. (orig.) [de

  10. Cytological effects of Tc on young soybean plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neel, J.W.; Onasch, M.A.


    Soybean seedlings (Glycine max cv. Williams) were exposed for 24 to 67 h to 99 TcO 4 - (Tc) at various concentrations in dilute culture solution. Reduced primary leaf midrib length was observed with 67-h exposures to greater than or equal to 6.0 mu M Tc. Cellular effects were consistently observed by a light microscope after 43-h or longer exposure to 6.6 microM Tc and higher concentrations. At lower Tc levels, abnormal cells were interspersed among cells of normal appearance. Abnormal cells displayed blockshaped nuclei which were more densely stained by Harris' hematoxylineosin Y than controls; such cells frequently demonstrated incipient plasmolysis. The number of affected cells increased with dose; both nuclei and cytoplasm demonstrated greater staining intensity and more severe plasmolysis at higher levels. At levels of greater than or equal to 13.2 Tc, cellular damage was extensive. Cells were reduced in size and were highly plasmolysed; cell walls were distorted, and intercellular spaces were reduced or became nonexistent. Mitotic activity was observed at Tc levels less than or equal to 9.9 microM. Observed Tc cellular effects are attributed principally to the alteration of membrane permeability characteristics

  11. sup(99m)Tc-Ethylenediamine-N, N-diacetic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imoto, Takeshi


    sup(99m)Tc-Ethylenediamine-N, N-Diacetic Acid (sup(99m)Tc-EDDA), a compound having affinity for tumors was evaluated, and the results were as follows. 1) sup(99m)Tc-EDDA accumulated in experimentary-induced tumors. The tumor/tissue ratio (%g/dose) of sup(99m)Tc-EDDA was greater than that of 67 Ga-citrate, especially with Ehrlich ascites tumors. 2) sup(99m)Tc-EDDA accumulated mainly in the nuclear components of tumor cells. 3) No acute toxic effects of EDDA were observed in mice, rabbits or in volunteers. 4) The sup(99m)Tc-EDDA image was positive in 72 % of clinical examinations of lung cancer. The sup(99m)Tc-EDDA did not accumulate in the liver, and this suggests that tumor near the liver may be more easily detected with sup(99m)Tc-EDDA than with 67 Ga-citrate. 5) In some cases sup(99m)Tc-EDDA accumulated in mammary glands (nipples) and in pleural effusions (pleuritis), though the mechanism of which was obscure. 6) sup(99m)Tc-EDDA is a good agent for detecting malignant tumors. (author)

  12. Pressure and high-Tc superconductivity in sulfur hydrides. (United States)

    Gor'kov, Lev P; Kresin, Vladimir Z


    The paper discusses fundamentals of record-TC superconductivity discovered under high pressure in sulfur hydride. The rapid increase of TC with pressure in the vicinity of Pcr ≈ 123GPa is interpreted as the fingerprint of a first-order structural transition. Based on the cubic symmetry of the high-TC phase, it is argued that the lower-TC phase has a different periodicity, possibly related to an instability with a commensurate structural vector. In addition to the acoustic branches, the phonon spectrum of H3S contains hydrogen modes with much higher frequencies. Because of the complex spectrum, usual methods of calculating TC are here inapplicable. A modified approach is formulated and shown to provide realistic values for TC and to determine the relative contributions of optical and acoustic branches. The isotope effect (change of TC upon Deuterium for Hydrogen substitution) originates from high frequency phonons and differs in the two phases. The decrease of TC following its maximum in the high-TC phase is a sign of intermixing with pairing at hole-like pockets which arise in the energy spectrum of the cubic phase at the structural transition. On-pockets pairing leads to the appearance of a second gap and is remarkable for its non-adiabatic regime: hydrogen mode frequencies are comparable to the Fermi energy.

  13. Avaliação por imagem nos candidatos ao implante coclear: correlação radiológico-cirúrgica Evaluation by imaging methods of cochlear implant candidates: radiological and surgical correlation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Rodolpho Pena Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available No pré-operatório da cirurgia de Implante Coclear (IC o estudo por imagem adquire importância fundamental, proporcionando ao cirurgião segurança na indicação e realização da cirurgia. A avaliação ideal compreende a associação entre Tomografia Computadorizada (TC e Ressonância Nuclear Magnética (RNM. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia dos exames de imagem como preditores de possíveis complicações durante o ato cirúrgico. Desenho do Estudo: Corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados por prontuários, 104 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de IC de maio de 2003 a outubro de 2006. Estes passaram por uma seleção multidisciplinar pré-operatória, e radiológica por TC associada ou não à RNM. RESULTADOS: Excluiu-se 4 pacientes sem registro de exames radiológicos, resultando 100 pacientes. Estes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo A (TC apresentou acurácia 69,69%, sensibilidade 36,36%; especificidade 86,36%; Valor Preditivo Positivo (VPP 57,14%; Valor Preditivo Negativo (VPN 73,07% e o B (TC e RNM acurácia 80,59%, sensibilidade 38,46%; especificidade 90,74%; VPP 50,0%; VPN 85,96%. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação radiológica pré-operatória do IC mostrou-se importante, sendo capaz de identificar alterações anatômicas, evitando, ou ao menos, preparando o cirurgião para possíveis complicações. Esse estudo demonstrou que a avaliação associada com TC e RNM pôde ser considerada superior à TC isoladamente.Evaluation by imaging methods is critical in the preoperative care of cochlear implant (CI surgery, providing safety to surgeons when indicating and performing this procedure. The ideal imaging study consists of an association between Computed Tomography (CT and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI. AIM: To investigate the accuracy of imaging studies as predictors of possible complications of surgery. Study Design: A cross-sectional investigation. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The medical records of 104 patients undergoing CI

  14. Alteraciones neuropsicológicas en el alcoholismo crónico


    Junqué i Plaja, Carme, 1955-; Jurado, Ma. Ángeles (María Ángeles)


    El déficit neuropsicológico asociado al alcholismo abarca diversas funciones: memoria, razonamiento abstracto, solución de problemas y ha- bilidades perceptivo-motoras. Estructuralmente, los cambios cerebrales ob- servados con m i s frecuencia en la Tomografia Computarizada (TC) son la atrofia cerebral difusa y la dilatación ventricular. La dilatación ventri- cular es la medida de atrofia cerebral que m i s correlaciona con el déficit neuropsicológico. Desde ei punto de vista funcional, el fl...

  15. 99mTc-Alafosfalin: an antibiotic peptide infection imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsopelas, C.; Penglis, S.; Ruszkiewicz, A.; Bartholomeusz, F.D.L.


    The radiolabeled antibiotic peptide 99m Tc-alafosfalin was assessed as an infection imaging agent in a rat model by comparison with 99m Tc-DTPA and 99m Tc-leukocytes. 99m Tc-alafosfalin was prepared via an instant cold kit and 99m Tc-leukocytes were prepared using 99m Tc-stannous fluoride colloid in an ex vivo labeling procedure of whole blood. In separate experiments, the three radiotracers were administered to rats infected with staphylococcus aureus. Quantitative biodistribution studies were performed as well as scintigraphic images and histopathology. 99m Tc-alafosfalin is a stable product, obtained in high radiochemical purity (>95%). This agent was mainly renally excreted, with low liver, spleen and bone uptake, and resulted in a mean ratio of infected/non-infected thighs of 4.3/1.0 at 4 hr post radiotracer injection. 99m Tc-DTPA gave a corresponding ratio of 1.9/1.0 and 99m Tc-leukocytes gave 20.0/1.0 at the same time point. An in vitro assay found the level of 99m Tc-alafosfalin binding to staphylococcus aureas higher than 99m Tc-DTPA (10% versus 1% respectively). 99m Tc-alafosfalin accumulates at sites of infection in a rat model better than the perfusion molecule 99m Tc-DTPA, yet less than 99m Tc-leukocytes. The distribution characteristics of this 99m Tc-antibiotic peptide would be an advantage in imaging abdominal and soft tissue infection

  16. Bioaccumulation and chemical modification of Tc by soil bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henrot, J.


    Bioaccumulation and chemical modification of pertechnetate (TcO 4 -) by aerobically and anaerobically grown soil bacteria and by pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfovibrio sp.) were studied to gain insight on the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can affect the solubility of Tc in soil. Aerobically grown bacteria had no apparent effect on TcO 4 -; they did not accumulate Tc nor modify its chemical form. Anaerobically grown bacteria exhibited high bioaccumulation and reduced TcO 4 -, enabling its association with organics of the growth medium. Reduction was a metabolic process and not merely the result of reducing conditions in the growth medium. Association of Tc with bacterial polysaccharides was observed only in cultures of anaerobic bacteria. Sulfate-reducing bacteria efficiently removed Tc from solution and promoted its association with organics. Up to 70% of the total Tc in the growth medium was bioaccumulated and/or precipitated. The remaining Tc in soluble form was entirely associated with organics. Pertechnetate was not reduced by the same mechanism as dissimilatory sulfate reduction, but rather by some reducing agent released in the growth medium. A calculation of the amount of Tc that could be associated with the bacterial biomass present in soil demonstrates that high concentration ratios in cultures do not necessarily imply that bioaccumulation is an important mechanism for long-term retention of Tc in soil

  17. {sup 99m}Tc sestamibi cardiac tomography and dobutamine echocardiography in the identification of reversible left ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute myocardial infarction; Tomografia cardiaca con {sup 99m}Tc sestamibi ed ecocardiografia con dobutamina nell'identificazione della disfunzione ventricolare sinistra reversibile nei pazienti con infarto acuto del miocardio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gisonni, P.; Cuocolo, A.; Spinelli, L.; Acampa, W.; Florimonte, L.; Nicolai, E.; Petretta, M.; Sodano, A. [Naples Univ. Federico 2. (Italy). Centro per la Medicina Nucleare del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali


    The authors investigated the role of technetium-99m ({sup 99m}Tc) sestamibi cardiac imaging and dobutamine echocardiography in detecting myocardial viability early after acute myocardial infarction. [Italian] La presenza di tessuto miocardico ibernato o stordito contribuisce alla genesi della disfunzione ventricolare sinistra nei pazienti con infarto del miocardio. L'identificazione del miocardio malfunzionante ma ancora vitale ha particolare rilevanza nel predire il recupero della funzione ventricolare in seguito a interventi di rivascolarizzazione coronarica. In questo studio e' stato valutato il ruolo della scintigrafia con tecnezio-99m ({sup 99m}Tc) sestamibi e dell'ecocardiografia con dobutamina nell'identificazione del miocardio vitale dopo infarto acuto del miocardio.

  18. Pulmonary clearance of 99mTc-DTPA and 99mTc-albumin in rabbits with surfactant dysfunction and lung injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nilsson, K.; Wollmer, P.


    We measured the pulmonary clearance of inhaled 99m Tc-DTPA and 99m Tc-albumin in rabbits with surfacant dysfunction induced by dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate and in rabbits with lung injury induced by oleic acid. After inhalation of 99m Tc-albumin in ten animals, clearance of the tracer from the lungs was monitored for 90 min. The first 30 min was a control period. Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate was then administered in aerosol and after another 30 min oleic acid was injected intravenously. Ten other rabbits were given 99m Tc-DTPA, and clearance was externally recorded for 60 min. Five animals inhaled detergent aerosol and five animals were given oleic acid intravenously after 30 min. Airway pressures, tidal volume, and arterial blood gases were measured before and after each intervention. The half-life of 99m Tc-albumin in the lung was 442 ± 123 min during the control period, 363 ± 52 min after detergent administration, and 134 ± 18 min after oleic acid administration. The half-life of 99m Tc-DTPA was 94 ± 16 min before and 10 ± 0.6 min after detergent administration and 75 ± 12 min before and 18 ± 1.8 min after oleic acid administration. Gas exchange was not affected by administration of dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate but markedly impaired after injection of oleic acid. Compliance of the respiratory system remained unaffected by detergent but decreased after injection of oleic acid. The results indicate that the rate limiting factors for the alveolo-capillary transfer of 99m Tc-albumin and 99m Tc-DTPA are different. Surfactant dysfunction affects the transfer of 99m Tc-DTPA but not 99m Tc-albumin. (author)

  19. A new detection method of 99Tc by nuclear excitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sekine, T.; Yoshihara, Kenji; Nemeth, Zs.; Lakosi, L.; Veres, A.


    A new nuclear excitation process, 99 Tc(γ,γ') 99m Tc reaction, was applied for the first time to radioactivation analysis of technetium. Bremsstrahlung irradiation of 99 Tc samples gave the reaction product 99m Tc which emits γ-ray easily measurable by a semiconductor detector. The production rate of 99m Tc per μg 99 Tc was linearly correlated with the flux of bremsstrahlung. The detection limit of 99 Tc was estimated to be nanogram order (0.63 Bq 99 Tc) under the optimum irradiation condition. Possible interference by 100 Ru(γ, p) 99m Tc reaction was also studied, which could be discriminated from the (γ,γ') reaction by simultaneously occurring 98 Ru(γ,p) 97 Ru reaction. (author) 17 refs.; 7 figs

  20. Clinical evaluation of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI (sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-pyridoxylidene isoleucine) in the various hepatobiliary disorders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawaguchi, S; Iio, M; Yamada, H; Murata, H; Chiba, K [Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Medical Center (Japan)


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hepatobiliary scanning using sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI in clinical diagnosis of various hepatobiliary disorders. Nineteen patients were scanned with sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI. The results were as follows: 1) The stability of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI examined by paper chromatography using saline as a solvent showed satisfied result at scanning time. sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI in the blood was assumed to be bound to serum proteins immediately after injection. sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI in the urine was assumed to keep the form of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI. 2) The appearance times of kidney, liver, bile duct, gallbladder, and intestine in the normal case were 5, 5, 10 and 15 minutes respectively after injection. The peak times of hepatogram in the normal case, drug induced hepatitis and obstructive jaundice were 12, 15 and 18 minutes respectively after injection. The images obtained by sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI was superior to the images obtained by /sup 131/I-BSP. 3) The blood clearance and urinary excretion rate of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI also provided us clinical usefulness. 4) The scanning of Dubin-Johnson syndrome of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI showed almost normal hepatobiliary image similar to the sequential scan by /sup 131/I-RB as was reported previously by authors. In conclusion, the hepatobiliary scan using sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI provided clear hepatobiliary images. Other parameters such as blood clearance, urinary excretion rate and diameter of choledochus were also favorable. By combining it with sup(99m)Tc-HIDA a differential diagnosis of congenital jaundice is also expected.

  1. Clinical evaluation of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI [sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-pyridoxylidene isoleucine] in the various hepatobiliary disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawaguchi, Schinichiro; Iio, Masahiro; Yamada, Hideo; Murata, Hajime; Chiba, Kazuo


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hepatobiliary scanning using sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI in clinical diagnosis of various hepatobiliary disorders. Nineteen patients were scanned with sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI. The results were as follows: 1) The stability of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI examined by paper chromatography using saline as a solvent showed satisfied result at scanning time. sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI in the blood was assumed to be bound to serum proteins immediately after injection. sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI in the urine was assumed to keep the form of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI. 2) The appearance times of kidney, liver, bile duct, gallbladder, and intestine in the normal case were 5, 5, 10 and 15 minutes respectively after injection. The peak times of hepatogram in the normal case, drug induced hepatitis and obstructive jaundice were 12, 15 and 18 minutes respectively after injection. The images obtained by sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI was superior to the images obtained by 131 I-BSP. 3) The blood clearance and urinary excretion rate of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI also provided us clinical usefulness. 4) The scanning of Dubin-Johnson syndrome of sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI showed almost normal hepatobiliary image similar to the sequential scan by 131 I-RB as was reported previously by authors. In conclusion, the hepatobiliary scan using sup(99m)Tc-(Sn)-PI provided clear hepatobiliary images. Other parameters such as blood clearance, urinary excretion rate and diameter of choledochus were also favorable. By combining it with sup(99m)Tc-HIDA a differential diagnosis of congenital jaundice is also expected. (author)

  2. Pharmacological study of 99mTc-CO-MIBI, a new mycoardial perfusion imaging agent comparison to 99mTc-MIBI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Jiandong; Wang Jincheng; Mi Hongzhi


    For many years, 99m Tc-MIBI has been widely used for the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease. Although it has been regarded as a successful myocardial imaging agent, it has a notable defect of high liver radioactivities due to high uptake and slowly excrete. Recently, researchers had developed a new intermediate [ 99m Tc(CO) 3 (OH 2 ) 3 ] + , considering 99m Tc-MIBI excellent biodistribution, they synthesized a new class of compound- 99m Tc-CO-MIBI with [ 99m Tc(CO) 3 ] + core and ligand MIBI. Previous studies have preliminary demonstrated the following favorable properties: rapid blood-pool clearance, high myocardial extraction and rapid clearance kinetics from liver that indicated 99m Tc-CO-MIBI a promising new myocardial perfusion imaging agent. Furthermore, researchers separated the compound by changing liquid pH value and prepared single alkaline component 99m Tc-CO-MIBI. The pharmacological experiments in rat have provided better results on its biodistribution in vivo and much faster clearance kinetics from liver compared to 99mTc-MIBI. To evaluate the potential application of 99m Tc-CO-MIBI, further investigations are necessary to determine the evidence for enhanced ability in clinical decision making as a novel new myocardial perfusion imaging agent. Objective: Here, perform pharmacological experiment of 99m Tc-CO-MIBI, a new technetium-99m-labeled myocardial imaging agent compared to 99m Tc-MIBI in canines. To identify whether it is feasible in clinical application as a novel myocardial imaging agent, or not. Results: Accordingly, prepared the single alkaline component of 99m Tc-CO-MIBI. The complex was stable up to at least 7 hours after synthesized in vitro at either room temperature or 37 degree C water bath. Labeling yield and radiochemical purity (RCP) of the complex were evaluated by TLC and HPLC, the labeling percent was 93%-97% and the RCP was over 90%. Then administer 555MBq to every dog each times. A total of 5 dogs were involved. The data of

  3. Peptic ulcer imaging with /sup 99m/Tc sucralfate and possible advantages of /sup 99m/Tc sucrose octasulfate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    CentiColella, A.; Scopinaro, F.


    Sucralfate is a basic aluminum salt of sucrose octasulfate that protects the damaged mucosa and also the normal mucosa from peptic aggression. In fact sucralfate adheres to the mucosa as pH decreases below 4, and buffers the acid, slowly releasing sucrose octasulfate that forms insoluble complexes with the proteins exuded by the ulcers, or is washed out of the stomach. Sucralfate itself is also able to precipitate with proteins in the ulcers. Sucralfate may be labelled by several methods: /sup 99m/Tc HSA, /sup 99m/Tc DTPA, /sup 75/Se, /sup 111/In. The aims of this study were to evaluate the clinical results obtained using /sup 99m/Tc DTPA sucralfate, which the authors believe is the only labelled sucralfate suitable for clinical studies and to discuss the possible diagnostic uses of /sup 99m/Tc sucrose octasulfate. In fact, it has been possible to label the sucrose octasulfate either with /sup 99m/Tc DTPA or with /sup 99m/Tc without the use of intermediate ligands

  4. Chemical form of tumor-tropic 99mTc-DL-homocysteine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeda, A.; Okada, S.


    Analyses of the chemical forms of 99m Tc-complexes provide important information for the development of a new tumor-tropic 99m Tc-labeled radiopharmaceutical. We attempted to determine the chemical form of 99m Tc-DL-homocysteine ( 99m Tc-Hcy) which was previously reported to be tumor-tropic. By analyzing the functional residues of Hcy in the 99m Tc-Hcy molecule, it was estimated that the sulfhydryl and amino residues participated in the chelate formation. Gel filtration analysis of 99m Tc-Hcy indicated that its molecular size was bigger than that of 99m Tc-penicillamine monomer. The analysis also indicated that 99m Tc-Hcy complex seemed to be a relatively small oligomer. Although an uncertainty remains on the valency of Tc in 99m Tc-Hcy molecule and the accurate molecular size of this complex, its putative chemical form is described. (author)

  5. Results of regular study on radionuclidic purity of sup(99m)Tc obtained from 99Mo-sup(99m)Tc generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlcek, J.; Rohacek, J.; Husak, V.


    A total of 39 sup(99m)Tc eluates obtained from 9 99 Mo-sup(99m)Tc generators delivered by The Radiochemical Centre Amersham during one year was studied with regard to their radionuclide purity. Using a Ge(Li) spectrometer the contaminants 60 Co, 103 Ru, 131 I, 134 Cs, 140 La and 188 Re were found in sup(99m)Tc-eluates with average levels ranging from 2.9 x 10 -3 to 2.8 x 10 -1 per cent of sup(99m)Tc activity. The additional total body absorbed dose caused by these contaminants, as calculated from their average content in sup(99m)Tc eluates, was less than 1% of the dose due to sup(99m)Tc pertechnetate. (orig.) 891 MG/orig. 892 CS [de

  6. Different uptake of {sup 99m}Tc-ECD and {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO in the same brains: analysis by statistical parametric mapping

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hyun, I.Y. [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Inha University College of Medicine, Incheon (Korea); Lee, J.S.; Lee, D.S. [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea); Rha, J.H.; Lee, I.K.; Ha, C.K. [Dept. of Neurology, Inha University College of Medicine, Incheon (Korea)


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer ({sup 99m}Tc-ECD) and technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime ({sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO) uptake in the same brains by means of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analysis. We examined 20 patients (9 male, 11 female, mean age 62{+-}12 years) using {sup 99m}Tc-ECD and {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain less than 7 days after onset of stroke. MRI showed no cortical infarctions. Infarctions in the pons (6 patients) and medulla (1), ischaemic periventricular white matter lesions (13) and lacunar infarction (7) were found on MRI. Split-dose and sequential SPET techniques were used for {sup 99m}Tc-ECD and {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO brain SPET, without repositioning of the patient. All of the SPET images were spatially transformed to standard space, smoothed and globally normalized. The differences between the {sup 99m}Tc-ECD and {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO SPET images were statistically analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM) 96 software. The difference between two groups was considered significant at a threshold of uncorrected P values less than 0.01. Visual analysis showed no hypoperfused areas on either {sup 99m}Tc-ECD or {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO SPET images. SPM analysis revealed significantly different uptake of {sup 99m}Tc-ECD and {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO in the same brains. On the {sup 99m}Tc-ECD SPET images, relatively higher uptake was observed in the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, in the left superior temporal lobe and in the superior region of the cerebellum. On the {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO SPET images, relatively higher uptake was observed in the medial temporal lobes, thalami, periventricular white matter and brain stem. These differences in uptake of the two tracers in the same brains on SPM analysis suggest that interpretation of cerebral perfusion is possible using SPET with {sup 99m}Tc-ECD and

  7. Studies of Tc oxidation states in humic acid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Bo; Liu Dejun; Yao Jun


    The oxidation state of Tc is an important aspect of the speciation in groundwater which contained organic substances due to it control the precipitation, complexation, sorption and colloid formation behavior of the Tc under HWL geological disposal conditions. In present work, the oxidation states of Tc were investigated using the LaCl 3 coagulation method and solution extraction method in aqueous solutions in which the humic acid concentration range is from 0 to 20 mg/L and the Tc (VII) concentration is about 10 -8 mol/L. The radiocounting of 99 Tc was determined using liquid scintillation spectrometry. The humic acid will influence the radiocounting ratio of 99 Tc apparently, however, the quenching effect can be restrained once keep the volume of the cocktail to about twenty times of the sample volume. The LaCl 3 coagulation method was carried out for the investigation of Tc oxidation states in humic acid aqueous systems at about pH 8. The tetraphenylarsonium chloride (TPA)-chloroform extraction method was used also simultaneously to investigation the concentrations of Tc (IV) and Tc (VII) for the availability of the LaCl 3 precipitation method, and the experimental results demonstrate that tetravalent technetium and pertechnetate concentration are well agreement with the LaCl 3 precipitation method. These two experimental results demonstrated that Tc (VII) is very stable in the Tc (VII)-humic acid system during a 350 days experimental period, and the Tc (IV) concentrations are very lower, that is indicate that there didn't oxidizing reactions between the Fluka humic acid and Tc (VII) in aqueous solutions under anaerobic conditions. That means the presence of humic acids even in anaerobic groundwater is disadvantage for the retardance of radionuclides. (authors)

  8. Correlation between differential renal uptake of 99mTc-MAG3 and 99mTc-DMSA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obaldo, J.M.; Gruenwald, F.; Menzel, C.; Biersack, H.J.


    We reviewed the quantitative indices obtained from sequential 99m Tc-MAG3 and 99m Tc-DMSA imaging studies performed in 134 patients with a variety of renal disorders in order to determine the correlation between the measured differential renal function using these two agents. Overall correlation was high with r=.86 and the derived regression equation was R.F. DMSA =8.2+0.84 (R.F. MAG3 ), where F.F. is the relative function. Highly divergent values for differential function were obtained however in some subjects. Patients with renal obstructive disorders had a correlation coefficient of.81 which was lower than those with nonobstructive pathologies (r=.95). Although relative kidney function measured using 99m Tc-MAG3 and 99m Tc-DMSA correlate significantly, certain patients such as those with renal obstruction may necessitate quantitation using different renal parameters. (orig.) [de

  9. New superconductors from granular to high T$_{c}$

    CERN Document Server

    Deutscher, Guy


    How new are the high Tc superconductors, as compared to the conventional low Tc ones? In what sense are these oxides different from regular metals in their normal state? How different is the mechanism for high Tc superconductivity from the well-known electron-phonon interaction that explains so well superconductivity in metals and alloys? What are the implications of the new features of the high Tc oxides for their practical applications? This interesting book aims to provide some answers to those questions, drawing particularly on similarities between the high Tc oxides and granular superconductors, which also present a short coherence length, a small superfluid density and an inhomogeneous structure.

  10. New superconductors from granular to high T$_{c}$

    CERN Document Server

    Deutscher, Guy


    How new are the high Tc superconductors, as compared to the conventional low Tc ones? In what sense are these oxides different from regular metals in their normal state? How different is the mechanism for high Tc superconductivity from the well-known electron-phonon interaction that explains so well superconductivity in metals and alloys? What are the implications of the new features of the high Tc oxides for their practical applications? This book aims to give some answers to those questions, drawing particularly on similarities between the high Tc oxides and granular superconductors, which also present a maximum of their critical temperature near the metal-insulator transition.

  11. Initial direct comparison of 99mTc-TOC and 99mTc-TATE in identifying sites of disease in patients with proven GEP NETs. (United States)

    Cwikla, Jaroslaw B; Mikolajczak, Renata; Pawlak, Dariusz; Buscombe, John R; Nasierowska-Guttmejer, Anna; Bator, Andrzej; Maecke, Helmut R; Walecki, Jerzy


    The imaging of neuroendocrine tumors has become one of the most significant areas in nuclear oncology. In an attempt to provide high-quality imaging and possible sensitivity at a reduced cost, time, and radiation dose, several (99m)Tc agents have been proposed. The aim of this initial study was to compare the tumor uptake and biodistribution of 2 new 6-hydrazinopyridine-3-carboxylic acid (HYNIC)-derivatized Tyr(3)-octreotide analogs, (99m)Tc-[HYNIC,Tyr(3)]octreotide ((99m)Tc-TOC) and (99m)Tc-[HYNIC,Tyr(3),Thr(8)]octreotide ((99m)Tc-TATE), in patients with somatostatin receptor-expressing tumors. Each of 12 patients with proven gastrointestinal pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors received a mean activity of 520 MBq of (99m)Tc-TOC and (99m)Tc-TATE. Scintigraphy with both tracers was performed 3-4 h after their injection using standard whole-body and SPECT imaging. The images were reviewed subjectively by 2 readers, who reported tumor uptake lesion by lesion. Both radiotracers demonstrated concordance between the results in 7 patients (58%). In total, 110 sites of disease were identified with (99m)Tc-TOC, compared with 115 with (99m)Tc-TATE. There was 1 case in which (99m)Tc-TOC identified sites of disease not seen on (99m)Tc-TATE imaging but 4 cases in which some sites of disease were seen with (99m)Tc-TATE and not (99m)Tc-TOC. In this initial study, both tracers seem to show similar sites of tumor, with (99m)Tc-TATE having a slight edge in the total number of lesions seen, especially in lymph node metastases.

  12. 99mTc-ECD SPECT study in dementia and aphasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuwabara, Yasuo; Ichiya, Yuichi; Otsuka, Makoto; Sasaki, Masayuki; Akashi, Yuko; Fukumura, Toshimitsu; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi; Masuda, Kouji; Ichimiya, Atsushi


    We studied clinical significance of 99m Tc-L,L,-ethyl cysteine dimer ( 99m Tc-ECD) SPECT study in dementia and aphasia, and compared it with 99m Tc-HMPAO SPECT study. The subjects consisted of 13 patients, including 10 patients with dementia and 3 patients with aphasia. Hypoperfusion areas were detected in 5 out of 10 patients with dementia and 2 out of 3 patients with aphasia in 99m Tc-ECD SPECT, and in 4 out of 10 patients with dementia and all of 3 patients with aphasia in 99m Tc-HMPAO SPECT. The count rate ratios in 99m Tc-ECD and 99m Tc-HMPAO SPECT were correlated well with each other, and the contrast of the 99m Tc-ECD SPECT image was equivalent or slightly higher as compared with 99m Tc-HMPAO. Therefore, 99m Tc-ECD SPECT study was considered to be useful for the evaluation of cerebral perfusion in dementia and aphasia. (author)

  13. Analysis of accumulation of 99mTc-octreotide and 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-Tyr3-octreotide in the rat kidneys. (United States)

    Kopecky, Martin; Semecky, Vladimir; Trejtnar, Frantisek; Laznicek, Milan; Laznickova, Alice; Nachtigal, Petr; Decristoforo, Clemens; Mather, Stephen J; Mäcke, Helmut R


    The aim of this study was to compare renal handling and distribution of (99m)Tc-octreotide and (99m)Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-Tyr(3)-octreotide (HYNIC-TOC) in rats. In kidney perfusion experiments, the renal clearance value of (99m)Tc-octreotide was three times lower than that of (99m)Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC. The predominant renal excretion of (99m)Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC was associated with a high and long-term renal accumulation up to 48 hrs. Microautoradiographic results indicated that (99m)Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC was retained mainly in the renal medulla within the cells of the collecting ducts and in the surrounding tissue. Lower positivity was found in the proximal and distal tubular cells. We conclude that the mechanism of renal accumulation of somatostatin analogues renal accumulation is complex and that proximal tubular reabsorption is probably not the main mechanism for uptake of (99m)Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC in the kidneys. The presence of the somatostatin receptors, differences in the tonicity level within kidneys and other possible mechanisms could participate in their renal accumulation.

  14. Analysis of accumulation of 99mTc-octreotide and 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-Tyr3-octreotide in the rat kidneys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopecky, Martin; Semecky, Vladimir; Trejtnar, Frantisek; Laznicek, Milan; Laznickova, Alice; Nachtigal, Petr; Decristoforo, Clemens; Mather, Stephen J.; Maecke, Helmut R.


    The aim of this study was to compare renal handling and distribution of 99m Tc-octreotide and 99m Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-Tyr 3 -octreotide (HYNIC-TOC) in rats. In kidney perfusion experiments, the renal clearance value of 99m Tc-octreotide was three times lower than that of 99m Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC. The predominant renal excretion of 99m Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC was associated with a high and long-term renal accumulation up to 48 hrs. Microautoradiographic results indicated that 99m Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC was retained mainly in the renal medulla within the cells of the collecting ducts and in the surrounding tissue. Lower positivity was found in the proximal and distal tubular cells. We conclude that the mechanism of renal accumulation of somatostatin analogues renal accumulation is complex and that proximal tubular reabsorption is probably not the main mechanism for uptake of 99m Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC in the kidneys. The presence of the somatostatin receptors, differences in the tonicity level within kidneys and other possible mechanisms could participate in their renal accumulation


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Southern Company Services, Inc.


    This report discusses test campaign TC06 of the Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. (KBR) Transport Reactor train with a Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation (Siemens Westinghouse) particle filter system at the Power Systems Development Facility (PSDF) located in Wilsonville, Alabama. The Transport Reactor is an advanced circulating fluidized-bed reactor designed to operate as either a combustor or a gasifier using a particulate control device (PCD). The Transport Reactor was operated as a pressurized gasifier during TC06. Test run TC06 was started on July 4, 2001, and completed on September 24, 2001, with an interruption in service between July 25, 2001, and August 19, 2001, due to a filter element failure in the PCD caused by abnormal operating conditions while tuning the main air compressor. The reactor temperature was varied between 1,725 and 1,825 F at pressures from 190 to 230 psig. In TC06, 1,214 hours of solid circulation and 1,025 hours of coal feed were attained with 797 hours of coal feed after the filter element failure. Both reactor and PCD operations were stable during the test run with a stable baseline pressure drop. Due to its length and stability, the TC06 test run provided valuable data necessary to analyze long-term reactor operations and to identify necessary modifications to improve equipment and process performance as well as progressing the goal of many thousands of hours of filter element exposure.

  16. Novel 99mTc(III)-azide complexes [99mTc(N3)(CDO)(CDOH)2B-R] (CDOH2 = cyclohexanedione dioxime) as potential radiotracers for heart imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Min; Zheng, Yumin; Avcibasi, Ugur; Liu, Shuang


    Introduction: In this study, novel 99m Tc(III)-azide complexes [ 99m Tc(N 3 )(CDO)(CDOH) 2 B-R] ( 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 : R = IS; 99m Tc-MPboroxime-N 3 : R = MP; 99m Tc-PAboroxime-N 3 : R = PA; 99m Tc-PYboroxime-N 3 : R = PY; and 99m Tc-Uboroxime-N 3 : R = 5U) were evaluated as heart imaging agents. Methods: Complexes [ 99m Tc(N 3 )(CDO)(CDOH) 2 B-R] (R = IS, MP, PA, PY and 5U) were prepared by ligand exchange between NaN 3 and [ 99m TcCl(CDO)(CDOH) 2 B-R]. Biodistribution and imaging studies were carried out in Sprague–Dawley rats. Image quantification was performed to compare their initial heart uptake and myocardial retention. Results: 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 , 99m Tc-PYboroxime-N 3 and 99m Tc-Uboroxime-N 3 were prepared with high RCP (93–98%) while the RCP of 99m Tc-MPboroxime-N 3 and 99m Tc-PAboroxime-N 3 was 80–85%. The myocardial retention curves of 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 , 99m Tc-PYboroxime-N 3 and 99m Tc-Uboroxime-N 3 were best fitted to the bi-exponential decay function. The half-time of the fast component was 1.6 ± 0.4 min for 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 , 0.7 ± 0.1 min for 99m Tc-PYboroxime-N 3 and 0.9 ± 0.4 min for 99m Tc-Uboroxime-N 3 . The 2-min heart uptake from biodistribution studies followed the ranking order of 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 (3.60 ± 0.68%ID/g) > 99m Tc-PYboroxime-N 3 (2.35 ± 0.37%ID/g) ≫ 99m Tc-Uboroxime-N 3 (1.29 ± 0.06%ID/g). 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 had the highest 2-min heart uptake among 99m Tc radiotracers revaluated in SD rats. High quality SPECT images were obtained with the right and left ventricular walls being clearly delineated. The best image acquisition window was 0–5 min for 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 . Conclusion: Both azide coligand and boronate caps had significant impact on the heart uptake and myocardial retention of complexes [ 99m Tc(N 3 )(CDO)(CDOH) 2 B-R]. Among the radiotracers evaluated in SD rats, 99m Tc-ISboroxime-N 3 has the highest initial heart uptake with the heart retention comparable to that of 99m Tc

  17. Study of technetium behaviour in radiopharmaceuticals. Characterization of sup(99m)Tc-pyrophosphate, sup(99m)Tc-dimercaptosuccinate, sup(99m)Tc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetate complexes and sup(99m)Tc-colloidal rhenium sulphide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saccavini, J.-C.


    The chemistry of technetium in extremely dilute solution was approached through the study of three complexing agents and a colloid. By the application of high-performance chromatographic techniques to the analysis of (Tc-pyro), (Tc-DTPA), (Tc-DMSA) complexes it was possible to isolate one or more chelates from a single complexing agent. Addition of pertechnetates to a solution of sodium pyrophosphates and stannous chloride at neutral pH leads to the formation of two complexes, both highly osteotropic. By the use of sup(117m)Sn it was shown that tin employed as reducing agent enters into the composition of one of the two complexes, either of which may be obtained preferentially by varying the (Sn)/(pyro) ratio. With technetium at acid pH (2.5) DMSA gives one or more chelates according to the concentration of the reagents present. DTPA with technetium at neutral pH gives a single complex for which a structure is proposed. The addition of calcium, indispensable for DTPA injection, leads to the appearance of a second bimetallic complex in very much smaller proportions than the first. The size distribution of some colloids was studied by ultrafiltration and permeation on gel. The preparation of colloidal rhenium sulphide and the technetium labelling conditions needed to obtain a very fine colloid were developed. The behaviour of technetium in the presence of colloidal rhenium sulphide and tin pyrophosphate was followed by sup(99m)Tc - sup(186)Re and sup(99m)Tc - sup(117m)Sn double-labelling tests. One reduced technetium fraction associates with the hydrolysed tin, the other follows the rhenium sulphide [fr

  18. Formation of a Tc(III)-adenosine diphosphate complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, J.; Kremer, C.; Kremer, E.


    A 99 Tc-ADP complex was prepared when KTcO 4 was reduced in aqueous medium by SnCl 2 , Na 2 S 2 O 4 , NaBH 4 or Zn in the presence of ADP in excess. The resulting solution was studied by chromatography and spectrophotometry. Electrochemical reduction and substitution on [Tc III (tu) 6 ] 3+ were investigated as alternative synthetic routes. The anionic Tc-ADP complex was isolated as a solid. Cerimetric titrations confirmed the oxidation state +3 for the central atom. IR and 1 H-NMR data showed that the purine base is bonded to the Tc central atom but not the ribose moiety. No oxo groups seemed to be directly bonded to the Tc atom. The complex is rather stable in neutral solutions. However, it decomposes to pertechnetate and TcO 2 at extreme pH values. (author). 16 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs

  19. Treatment with radioisotopes (RI), (40). A discussion of a morphological diagnosis and a diagnosis of cell function in the liver with sup(99m)Tc-HIDA (sup(99m)Tc-PI) and sup(99m)Tc-phytate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asahara, A [Central Hospital of JNR, Tokyo (Japan)


    sup(99m)Tc-N-N-(N'(2,6 dimethylphenyl) carbamoyl methyl) iminodiacetic acid (sup(99m)Tc-HIDA) or sup(99m)Tc-phytate was administered to the same case, and their uptake into the liver was discussed by hepatic scintigraphy and hepatogram. As a result, hepatic images of subjects with normal liver function and those with cholelithiasis whose biliary flow was normal were the same, and there was no difference in a morphological diagnosis between them. Sufficient images could not be obtained because sup(99m)Tc-HIDA uptake into the liver decreased in acute hepatitis and acute obstructive jaundice, but sufficient images could be obtained by using sup(99m)Tc-phytate and its uptake into the liver was normal. The uptake of both agents decreased in most of the subjects with liver cirrhosis. As a collective result of both agents, various specific patterns of their uptake were showed according to diseases. sup(99m)Tc-phytate is more useful when an examination is made only to take hepatic image, because this agent is less limit for hepatic imaging. Uptake of sup(99m)Tc-HIDA and sup(99m)Tc-phytate into the liver and their excretion were almost the same in most of diseases, and there was no difference in diagnostic application merits between them. Excretion rate of sup(99m)Tc-HIDA was very low in Dubin-Johnson syndrome, but that of sup(99m)Tc-pyridoxylidene isoleusin (PI) was almost normal. It was supposed that metabolism of sup(99m)Tc-HIDA in hepatic cells differs from that of sup(99m)Tc-PI. (Tsunoda, M.).

  20. Hepato-biliary scan using sup(99m)Tc-pyridoxylidene isoleucine (sup(99m)Tc-PI) and its clinical significance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, S; Watahiki, H; Takeda, I; Kitamura, K; Ichikawa, H [Ogaki Municipal Hospital, Gifu (Japan)


    The hepato-biliary scan with sup(99m)Tc-pyridoxylidene Isoleucine (sup(99m)Tc-PI) was able to demonstrate the biliary system much more clearly than that using usual radiopharmaceuticals such as /sup 131/I-BSP of /sup 131/I-Rose Bengal. The hepato-biliary scan with sup(99m)Tc-PI demonstrated the hepatobiliary system more clearly than DIC in 47.6% of all cases studied. Especially the demonstration of changes of intra-hepatic biliary tree in cases with intra-hepatic gall stone and cholangiocarcinoma was quite superior to DIC, although there was somewhat difficulty in getting information about the right hepatic duct. For the diagnosis of gall stone in the gall bladder, DIC was more suitable than sup(99m)Tc-PI hepatobiliary scan. The sup(99m)Tc-PI hepato-biliary scan was able to demonstrate the biliary system even in cases having moderate jaundice, in which cases DIC could not demonstrate the biliary system. This sup(99m)Tc-PI hepato-biliary scan was proved to be useful in determing a certain cause of defects shown on the conventional liver scan. No side effect was noticed in this series of the study.

  1. Reconstrução palpebral com retalho de Fricke: relato de dois casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herzog Neto Guilherme


    Full Text Available O câncer de pele é o tumor mais comum na espécie humana, sendo o carcinoma basocelular o de maior prevalência. Este trabalho relata dois casos recentes deste tipo de tumor, envolvendo tanto a pálpebra superior quanto a inferior em duas mulheres. O primeiro caso é de uma mulher de 72 anos de idade, amaurótica do olho direito, com comprometimento de aproximadamente 80% da pálpebra superior esquerda, 70% da pálpebra inferior esquerda e comprometimento da parede lateral da órbita, comprovado pela tomografia computadorizada. O exame anatomopatológico da peça cirúrgica revelou a presença de carcinoma basocelular invasivo, com margens livres. Foi feita reconstrução imediata com retalho de Fricke. O segundo caso é de senhora de 68 anos de idade, com história prévia de trauma na região periorbitária esquerda, apresentando edema e hiperemia palpebral, com aspecto brilhante, com perda dos cílios e pequena ulceração central, envolvendo aproximadamente 90% da pálpebra superior e 65% da pálpebra inferior esquerda, com comprometimento da parede lateral da órbita evidenciado na tomografia. O exame anatomopatológico da peça cirúrgica revelou a presença de carcinoma basocelular invasivo, com margens livres. Foi optado pela reconstrução imediata com retalho de Fricke. Os autores acreditam que apesar deste tipo de retalho não ser a primeira escolha na maioria das reconstruções palpebrais, não deveria ser negligenciado, pois em certos casos, tornar-se-ia a única opção viável.

  2. Chemical effects of I. T. sup(95m)Tc-sup(95g)Tc in some pertechnetates in aqueous solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ianovici, E.; Lerch, P.; Zahner, G.; Maddock, A.G.


    Although the distribution of sup(95g)Tc amongst the different products following isomeric transition in solid samples of pertechnetates is independent of the pH of the solution in which the dissolution for analysis takes place, the same is not true if the decay takes place in solution. The sup(95g)Tc appears in neutral and cationic forms as well as TcO - 4 and another anionic species. Introduction of scavengers into the solution suggests that this pH effect may arise from reactions of the primary sup(95g)Tc products with radiolytic products formed in the solution by Auger electrons released during the isomeric transition. (orig.)

  3. 99mTc renal tubular function agents: Current status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eshima, D.; Fritzberg, A.R.; Taylor, A. Jr.


    Orthoiodohippuric (OIH) acid labeled with 131I is a widely used renal radiopharmaceutical agent and has been the standard radiopharmaceutical agent for the measurement of effective renal plasma flow (EPRF). Limitations to the routine clinical use of 131I OIH are related to the suboptimal imaging properties of the 131I radionuclide and its relatively high radiation dose. 123I has been substituted for 131I; however, its high cost and short shelf-life have limited its widespread use. Recent work has centered on the development of a new 99mTc renal tubular function agent, which would use the optimal radionuclidic properties and availability of 99mTc and combine the clinical information provided by OIH. The search for a suitable 99mTc renal tubular function agent has focused on the diamide dithiolate (N2S2), the paraaminohippuric iminodiacetic acid (PAHIDA), and the triamide mercaptide (N3S) donor ligand systems. To date, the most promising 99mTc tubular function agent is the N3S complex: 99mTc mercaptoacetyltriglycine (99mTc MAG3). Studies in animal models in diuresis, dehydration, acid or base imbalance, ischemia, and renal artery stenosis demonstrate that 99mTc MAG3 behaves similarly to 131I OIH. A simple kit formulation is available that yields the 99mTc MAG3 complex in high radiochemical purity. Studies in normal subjects and patients indicate that 99mTc MAG3 is an excellent 99mTc renal tubular agent, but its plasma clearance is only 50% to 60% that of OIH. In an effort to develop an improved 99mTc renal tubular function agent, changes have been made in the core N3S donor ligand system, but to date no agent has been synthesized that is clinically superior to 99mTc MAG3. 61 references

  4. Comparison of 99m-Tc-MDP and 99m-Tc-MIBI whole body scans for diagnosis of widespread skeletal metastases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ansari, M.; Hoshiar, A.; Mortazavi, S.H.


    Skeletal metastasis is one of the most important disabling complications of the malignant diseases. As in general, the survival of patients with osteometastatic lesions is relatively long, an early diagnosis can lead to improve the patient's life, both quantitatively and qualitatively and prevent exacerbation of the disease and disabling complications. In this study 22 patients with established diagnosis of malignant disease and clinical manifestations of skeletal metastasis were evaluated both with 99 m-Tc-MIBI and 99 m-Tc-MDP whole body scans, in two separate phases. Patient's diagnosis were as following: small round cell tumor, breast carcinoma. Nasopharynx carcinoma and multiple myeloma. In the first phase of the study a whole body bone scan was performed by IV injection of 740MBq 99 m-Tc-MDP. After a period of 1 week a whole body scan carried out by 99 m-Tc-MDP for all the patients. No treatment such as radiation therapy ar chemotherapy was done in this 1 week interval. The number and intensity of the scan findings were compared visually, according to the three- phase staging, subsequently. whole body survey with 99 m-Tc-MDP in 14 out 22 patient were positive demonstrating only 44.4% of body lesions established on whole body bone scan with 99 m-Tc-MDP. The mean value of intensity of radiotracer uptake was around 1.5+ (mild to moderate ). on the other hand in 7 patients with positive 99 m-Tc-MDP scan some hidden soft tissue lesions ( mostly lymph nodes) were detected with intensity of 2+. So this study shows that whole body bone scan is preferable for detection of widespread metastasis comparing with 99 m-Tc-MDP whole body scan. the significance of 99 m-Tc-MDP scan is mainly limited to some equivocal of soft tissue lesions

  5. Concentration of sup(99m)Tc from the eluate of 99Mo-sup(99m)Tc generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saucedo, T.; Mora, M.; Fraga de Suarez, A.H.; Mitta, A.E.A.


    A method is described to concentrate sup(99m)Tc solutions, originated in 99 Mo-sup(99m)Tc generators, independent of its age. The techniques of preparation of the different radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine are also described. (author) [es

  6. Assessment of the direct cyclotron production of (99m)Tc: An approach to crisis management of (99m)Tc shortage. (United States)

    Rovais, Mohammad Reza Aboudzadeh; Aardaneh, Khosro; Aslani, Gholamreza; Rahiminejad, Ali; Yousefi, Kamran; Boulouri, Fatemeh


    Nowadays, the cyclotron production of technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) has been increased, due to the worldwide (99m)Tc generator shortage. In the present work, an improved strategy for the production of (99m)Tc, using the proton irradiation of the enriched (100)Mo was developed. The performance of this method in terms of the production yield, chemical purity, radiochemical purity, as well as radionuclide purity was evaluated. The average production yield was measured to be 356MBqμA(-1)h(-1). A good agreement was found between the calculated production yield and the experimental one. The radiochemical separation and total recovery yields of (99m)Tc were 92% and 69%, respectively. The radiochemical and the radionuclide purities of the (99m)Tc were 99% and >99.99% at the end of purification, respectively. The results of quality control tests (QC) support the concept that cyclotron-produced (99m)Tc is suitable for preparation of USP-compliant. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Synthesis, characterization and biodistribution of technetium complexes (99Tc/99mTc) with 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-hexose oximes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steinmetz, H.J.


    In the present work, the synthesis and isolation of isomeric complexes of technetium ( 99 Tc/ 99m Tc) with the 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-hexoses D-glucose aminoxime, D-galactose aminoxime and D-mannose aminoxime, the characterization of the complexes as 99 Tc compounds, and bio-distribution studies on the analogous 99m Tc complexes have been untertaken. As a first step, the free ligands were synthesized and identified using elemental analysis, infra-red and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and FAB mass spectroscopy. In the bio-distribution studies on the 99m Tc complexes of D-glucose aminoxime and of D-galactose aminoxime in NMRI mice, significant short-term accumulation of 99m Tc activity in heart muscle could be detected, which may be attributed to a biochemical transport mechanism. Uptake in the lungs and the liver was found, but a more significant uptake was observed in the kidneys, where the complexes were rapidly secreted in proportion to their concentration in the blood plasma. (orig./BBR) [de

  8. Solubility study of Tc(Ⅳ) in a granitic water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Dejun; Yao Jun; Wang Bo


    The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safe disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under oxidizing conditions technetium exists as the anionic species TcO 4 - whereas under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 -nH 2 O. Hence, the mobility of Tc(Ⅳ) in reducing groundwater may be limited by the solubility of TcO 2 ·nH 2 O under these conditions. Due to this fact it is important to investigate the solubility of TcO 2 ·nH 2 O. The solubility determines the release of radionuclides from waste form and is used as a source term in radionuclide migration analysis in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium (Ⅳ) was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2+ . The solubility of Tc(Ⅳ) has been determined in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(Ⅳ) were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(Ⅳ) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(Ⅳ) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is about (1.49-1.86)x10 -9 mol·L -1 d -1 under aerobic conditions, while no Tc(Ⅳ) oxidation was detected in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(Ⅳ) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The

  9. /sup 99m/Tc labelled ulcer avid agents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scopinaro, F.; Linari, G.; Baldieri, M.; Liberatore, M.; Corti, E.; Signori, C.


    Sulfated oligosaccharides have some interesting pharmacological properties: they are anticoagulants and protect the ulcerative areas of epithelia by precipitating over ulcers together with exudative proteins. Some sucralfate labelling methods using /sup 75/Se, /sup 111/In, /sup 99m/Tc-albumin and /sup 99m/Tc-DTPA have been reported. Only the /sup 99m/Tc-sucralfate has, at present, the requisites to be used as an ulcer-seeking agent. The aim of this study were: (a) to introduce a simple and easy-to-repeat method for the labelling of sucralfate with /sup 99m/Tc-DTPA; (b) to demonstrate that it is possible to label the sucrose octasulfate directly with /sup 99m/Tc without the aid of other ligands (e.g. DTPA)

  10. Retinal thickness assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT in pseudophakic macular edema Espessura retiniana medida pela tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT no edema macular do pseudofácico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Teresa Brizzi Chizzoti Bonanomi


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of the optical coherence tomography (OCT retinal map in angiographic pseudophakic macular edema (ACME. METHODS: This is a prospective analysis of a group of 36 pseudophakic eyes at the fifth postoperative week, submitted to optical coherence tomography 2 macular map and fluorescein angiography on the same day and, a control group of twenty-two 20/20 vision eyes with a minimum 6-month postoperative period, submitted to optical coherence tomography 2 macular map only. Exclusion criteria were diabetes, any macular pathology and unreadable optical coherence tomography or angiogram. The angiograms were divided into three groups according to the edema intensity: Group I: level 0 (absence of angiographic pseudophakic macular edema; group II: levels 1 and 2 (incomplete and complete perifoveal angiographic pseudophakic macular edema respectively and group III: levels 3 and 4 (up to one disc diameter and greater than one disc diameter angiographic pseudophakic macular edema area respectively. The nine zones of the optical coherence tomography macular map were compared between the control and the three subgroups of the study group and, between group I and groups II and III. RESULTS: Among the 36 eyes, 23 (64% were classified as group I, 10 (28% as group II and three (8% as group III. The mean thickness of the fovea zone was 185±15 µm for the control group, 189±24 µm for group I, 213±33 µm for group II and 455±38 µm for group III. Significant differences: between group III and the control or group I for all zones (pOBJETIVO: Medir a espessura retiniana pela tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT no edema macular angiográfico do pseudofácico (ACME. MÉTODOS: Trabalho prospectivo composto de um grupo de estudo com 36 olhos pseudofácicos, entre a 4ª e a 6ª semana de pós-operatório, submetidos ao mapa macular com a tomografia de coerência óptica 2 e à angiofluoresceinografia no mesmo dia e, um grupo controle

  11. Pharmaceutical design and pharmacological characterization of Tc99m [99mTc] labelled somatostatin and gastrin analogues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guggenberg, E. von


    The development of regulatory peptide analogues radiolabelled with 99m Tc is of great interest for nuclear medicine applications, as 99m Tc shows very favourable imaging characteristics, such as low radiation burden to the patient, optimal image quality in SPECT, one-day-acquisition-protocol, availability on demand and cost effectiveness. In this work the principles of pharmaceutical design and preclinical pharmacological characterization of regulatory peptide analogues labelled with 99m Tc with possible application in tumour diagnosis are described. [ 99m Tc-EDDA-HYNIC0,Tyr3]octreotide ( 99m Tc-EDDA-HYNIC-TOC) is a promising new radiopharmaceutical with the potential to replace [ 111 In-DTPA0]octreotide in receptor scintigraphy of somatostatin receptor-positive tumours. Radiolabelling at high labelling yields and high specific activities could be obtained applying a coligand exchange labelling approach from tricine for EDDA under optimized conditions of pH, EDDA and stannous ion concentration. The resulting complex was characterized via HPLC, receptor binding and LC-MS. For the development of a freeze-dried kit formulation with long shelf-life, high stability of the final preparation and retained biological activity, the addition of bulking agent, the pH of the freeze-drying solution and the content of stannous chloride were of major importance. Different methods of radiochemical purity testing were evaluated to guarantee high quality of the preparation in a clinical setting, forming the basis for a further clinical evaluation of this promising new radiopharmaceutical. Radiolabelling of [D-Glu1]minigastrin (MG) with 99m Tc was studied applying two different labelling approaches. HYNIC-MG could be labelled using tricine and EDDA as coligands; and (Nalpha-His)Ac-MG was used as tridentate ligand for the 99m Tc carbonyl core. Stability experiments by HPLC analysis in PBS, serum, histidine- and cysteine-solutions as well as rat liver and kidney homogenates, receptor

  12. A review of sup(99m)Tc generator technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molinski, V.J.


    The sup(99m)Tc generator has found widespread use because it is ideally suited for scintigraphy. The preparation of sup(99m)Tc generators using alumina and other ion exchange systems is described. Other methods of separating 99 Mo and sup(99m)Tc, such as solvent extraction and sublimation, are also discussed. Some of the problems associated with the alumina column type sup(99m)Tc generator are listed with possible causes and solutions to their problems. The current biomedical applications of the sup(99m)Tc radioisotope are the basis of a $100 million nuclear medicine business. The importance of the sup(99m)Tc generator makes it imperative that we understand and solve the problems associated with its manufacture. (author)

  13. /sup 99m/Tc-aminohexylidendiphosphonate and /sup 99/mTc-Pyrophosphate in the scintigraphic diagnosis of experimental cardiomyopathy in dogs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duska, F; Kafka, P; Mazurova, Y; Hadas, L; Vizda, J; Palicka, V; Grossman, V


    Experimental cardiomyopathy was provoked in 24 dogs with high intravenous doses of adrenaline and theophylline. These lesions were studied by means of the new agent /sup 99m/Tc-AHDP and /sup 99m/Tc-PYP in comparison. Cardiomyopathy could be imaged as early as 4 h after the onset of involvement but not later than 7 days. A maximum accumulation occurred in lesions 24 h old, /sup 99m/Tc uptake in the myocardium was graded scintigraphically, /sup 99m/Tc-AHDP was accumulated in the altered myocardium to a greater extent than /sup 99m/Tc-PYP. Scintigraphic findings were in good agreement with plasma levels of creatine-kinase. A comparison with histology demonstrated that the maximum accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals occurred at the time when the development of myocardium involvement reached the stage of myocytolysis.

  14. Preparation of glucoheptonate - sup(99m) Tc using stannous ascorbate as reducing agent for TcO-4 ion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barboza, M.R.F.F. de; Silva, C.P.G. da.


    A preparation procedure of stannous ascorbate in lyophilized form is presented. This reducing agent was employed for the preparation of kits of calcium glucoheptonate (GHA) to be labelled with sup(99m) Tc for use in kidney scintigraphy. Comparative studies between kits prepared with stannous ascorbate and those prepared with stannous chloride as reducing agent were made. The labelling yield during 18 hours after the addition of sup(99m) TcO - 4 was higher when stannous ascorbate was used. The stability of kits of calcium glucoheptonate - sup(99m) Tc containing stannous ascorbate was studied during five months after its preparation in the lyophilized form. On the fifth month the labelling yield of GHA - sup(99m) Tc was 89-95%, being therefore suitable for kidney scintigraphy. (Author) [pt

  15. Impeding 99Tc(IV) mobility in novel waste forms (United States)

    Lee, Mal-Soon; Um, Wooyong; Wang, Guohui; Kruger, Albert A.; Lukens, Wayne W.; Rousseau, Roger; Glezakou, Vassiliki-Alexandra


    Technetium (99Tc) is an abundant, long-lived radioactive fission product whose mobility in the subsurface is largely governed by its oxidation state. Tc immobilization is crucial for radioactive waste management and environmental remediation. Tc(IV) incorporation in spinels has been proposed as a novel method to increase Tc retention in glass waste forms during vitrification. However, experiments under high-temperature and oxic conditions show reoxidation of Tc(IV) to volatile pertechnetate, Tc(VII). Here we examine this problem with ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and propose that, at elevated temperatures, doping with first row transition metal can significantly enhance Tc retention in magnetite in the order Co>Zn>Ni. Experiments with doped spinels at 700 °C provide quantitative confirmation of the theoretical predictions in the same order. This work highlights the power of modern, state-of-the-art simulations to provide essential insights and generate theory-inspired design criteria of complex materials at elevated temperatures. PMID:27357121

  16. Evaluation of sup(99m)Tc-albumin dilution curve with simultaneous injection of sup(99m)Tc- and 131I-albumins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, Masahiko; Kato, Shotaro; Motomura, Masakazu; Kawakita, Seiichi


    A critical comparison of radiocardiograms with sup(99m)Tc- and 131 I-albumins was made to determine whether or not sup(99m)Te-albumin can be used as a tracer for measuring blood volume (BV) and cardiac output (CO). Simultaneous injection of both isotopes was given to twenty-two patients to obtain radiocardiograms for each by means of a single scintillation counter with two pulse height analyzers. Such method allows for the determination of the energy levels for both sup(99m)Tc and 131 I. The radiocardiographic pattern was somewhat different between sup(99m)Tc- and 131 I-radiocardiograms: The ratio of left to right peak height was 16% on the average lower in the sup(99m)Tc-radiocardiogram than in the 131 I-one. The reason for the lower ratio is explained by greater absorption of sup(99m)Tc-radioactivity within the soft tissue interposing between the scintillation probe and heart. The values for sup(99m)Tc-derived blood volume were 7.4% on the average larger than those for 131 I-derived blood volume (p less than 0.01), although the correlation was excellent (r = 0.98 p less than 0.01). There was no systemic difference between cardiac output determined by sup(99m)Tc- and 131 I-albumins since the overestimation of blood volume can compensate for the underestimation of CO/BV by sup(99m)Tc-study. In view of its rapid extravasation, sup(99m)Tc-albumin is not so appropriate tracer for accurate measurements of BV and CO/BV, although it may be used for measurement of cardiac output. (author)

  17. Development of a Luminex Bead Based Assay for Diagnosis of Toxocariasis Using Recombinant Antigens Tc-CTL-1 and Tc-TES-26.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John P Anderson

    Full Text Available The clinical spectrum of human disease caused by the roundworms Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati ranges from visceral and ocular larva migrans to covert toxocariasis. The parasite is not typically recovered in affected tissues, so detection of parasite-specific antibodies is usually necessary for establishing a diagnosis. The most reliable immunodiagnostic methods use the Toxocara excretory-secretory antigens (TES-Ag in ELISA formats to detect Toxocara-specific antibodies. To eliminate the need for native parasite materials, we identified and purified immunodiagnostic antigens using 2D gel electrophoresis followed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Three predominant immunoreactive proteins were found in the TES; all three had been previously described in the literature: Tc-CTL-1, Tc-TES-26, and Tc-MUC-3. We generated Escherichia coli expressed recombinant proteins for evaluation in Luminex based immunoassays. We were unable to produce a functional assay with the Tc-MUC-3 recombinant protein. Tc-CTL-1 and Tc-TES-26 were successfully coupled and tested using defined serum batteries. The use of both proteins together generated better results than if the proteins were used individually. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay for detecting visceral larval migrans using Tc-CTL-1 plus Tc-TES-26 was 99% and 94%, respectively; the sensitivity for detecting ocular larval migrans was 64%. The combined performance of the new assay was superior to the currently available EIA and could potentially be employed to replace current assays that rely on native TES-Ag.

  18. Radiation-dosimetry and chemical-toxicity considerations for 99Tc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, J.L.; Hayes, R.L.; Rafter, J.J.; Watson, E.E.; Carlton, J.E.


    Technetium-99 (T/sub 1/2/ = 2.13 x 10 5 y) is produced in the fission of 235 U and 239 Pu. Technitium-99 has been found to contaminate some areas of the uranium re-enrichment process. ICRP-30 Part 2 gives the Annual Limit on Intake (ALI) for 99 Tc as 2 x 10 8 Bq (5.4 mCi) for class D inhaled material (IC80). The ICRP states clearly that ALIs are based on radiation risk only and that chemical toxicity is not considered (IC79). No data were found on the chemical toxicity of 99 Tc, possibly because there are no stable isotopes of technetium with which to study the toxicity, although, because of its long T/sub 1/2/, 99 Tc can, for all practical purposes, be considered stable. The ALI values for 99 Tc are based on data obtained using high specific activity /sup 99m/Tc (T/sub 1/2/ = 6 h) and /sup 95m/Tc (T/sub 1/2/ = 61 days). Since the specific activities of 99 Tc and Na 99 TcO 4 are quite low (17 mCi/g and 9 mCi/g, respectively) and 99 Tc is available in abundant supply, we have attempted to assess the relative radiation and chemical hazards that are associated with this radionuclide. The approach in this study was (1) to study the effect of chemical dose on the whole body retention of 99 Tc sodium pertechnetate in rats and to relate these effects to the radiation dose and the ALI and (2) to compare the chemical toxicity of 99 Tc sodium pertechnetate with the ALI at different chemical dose levels

  19. Transmutation of Tc-99 in fission reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kloosterman, J.L.; Li, J.M.


    Transmutation of Tc-99 in three different types of fission reactors is considered: A heavy water reactor, a fast reactor and a light water reactor. For the first type a CANDU reactor was chosen, for the second one the Superphenix reactor, and for the third one a PWR. The three most promising Tc-99 transmuters are the fast reactor with a moderated subassembly in the inner core, a fast reactor with a non-moderated subassembly in the inner core, and a heavy water reactor with Tc-99 target pins in the moderator between the fuel bundles. Transmutation half lives of 15 to 25 years can be achieved, with yearly transmuted Tc-99 masses of about 100 kg at a thermal reactor power of about 3000 MW. (orig.)

  20. Solubility study of Tc(IV) in a granitic water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, D.J.; Yao, J.; Wang, B.; Bruggeman, C.; Maes, N.


    The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safe disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under oxidizing conditions technetium exists as the anionic species TcO 4 - whereas under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 .nH 2 O. Hence, the mobility of Tc(IV) in reducing groundwater may be limited by the solubility of TcO 2 .nH 2 O under these conditions. Due to this fact it is important to investigate the solubility of TcO 2 .nH 2 O. The solubility determines the release of radionuclides from waste form and is used as a source term in radionuclide migration analysis in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium(IV) was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2+ . The solubility of Tc(IV) has been determined in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(IV) were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(IV) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is about (1.49 ∝ 1.86) x 10 -9 mol L -1 d -1 under aerobic conditions, while no Tc(IV) oxidation was detected in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The

  1. Tc-99m DTPA and Tc-99m DMSA renal scan findings in patients with congenital megacalyces and megaureter without urinary tract obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Byeong Cheol; Bae, Jin Ho; Jeong, Sin Young; Lee, Jae Tae; Lee, Kyu Bo


    A 10 days old male infant with congenital megacalyces and megaureter, diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonographic screening, underwent Tc-99m DTPA renal scan for evaluation of urinary tract patency, Tc-99m DMSA scan for evaluation of renal cortical damage. He also underwent intravenous urography(IVU) and renal ultrasonography. Tc-99m DTPA renal scan demonstrates intense tracer accumulation in enlarged both renal pelvocalyses and ureters, which rapidly washout diuretics administration. Tc-99m DMSA renal cortical scan shows no remarkable photon defect in both renal cortices and visible tracer uptake in both megaureter areas. Ultasonographic and IVU studies show enlarged both renal calyses and bullously dilated ureters, but no dilatation in renal pelvis. Follow up Tc-99m DTPA renal scan, performed at one year later, also reveals intense tracer accumulation in enlarged both urinary tracts which rapidly washout without diuretics, and shows no significant change compare to the previous Tc-99m DTPA renal scan. Urinary tract obstruction and renal cortical damage can be easily evaluated with Tc-99m DTPA and Tc-99m DMSA scans in patients with megacalyces and megaureter

  2. Tc-99m DTPA and Tc-99m DMSA renal scan findings in patients with congenital megacalyces and megaureter without urinary tract obstruction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Byeong Cheol; Bae, Jin Ho; Jeong, Sin Young; Lee, Jae Tae; Lee, Kyu Bo [Kyungpook National University Medical School, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    A 10 days old male infant with congenital megacalyces and megaureter, diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonographic screening, underwent Tc-99m DTPA renal scan for evaluation of urinary tract patency, Tc-99m DMSA scan for evaluation of renal cortical damage. He also underwent intravenous urography(IVU) and renal ultrasonography. Tc-99m DTPA renal scan demonstrates intense tracer accumulation in enlarged both renal pelvocalyses and ureters, which rapidly washout diuretics administration. Tc-99m DMSA renal cortical scan shows no remarkable photon defect in both renal cortices and visible tracer uptake in both megaureter areas. Ultasonographic and IVU studies show enlarged both renal calyses and bullously dilated ureters, but no dilatation in renal pelvis. Follow up Tc-99m DTPA renal scan, performed at one year later, also reveals intense tracer accumulation in enlarged both urinary tracts which rapidly washout without diuretics, and shows no significant change compare to the previous Tc-99m DTPA renal scan. Urinary tract obstruction and renal cortical damage can be easily evaluated with Tc-99m DTPA and Tc-99m DMSA scans in patients with megacalyces and megaureter.

  3. Radiopharmaceuticals to 99mTc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leon Cabana, Alba


    Studies about 99m Tc had demonstrated that have favorable properties for support diagnostic proceedings in nuclear medicine. This physical and chemical properties used for obtain another radiopharmaceuticals have been employed through re actives kits labelled with Tc 99m . A brief description was given about 99m utilities in diagnostic techniques such as endothelium reticular system,renal and hepatic studies,bone scintillators,cardiac diagnostic and cerebral perfusion

  4. Catabolism and protein binding of /sup 99m/Tc pyridoxylideneglutamate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jansholt, A.L.; Krohn, K.A.; Stadalnik, R.C.; Matolo, N.M.; DeNardo, G.L.


    Various Tc-99m-labeled compounds have been suggested as replacements for [I-131] rose bengal for imaging of the hepatobiliary system. Among such compounds are Schiff's bases, which are tin-free Tc-chelates easily prepared by 30-min autoclaving of an equimolar mixture of pyridoxal and an amino acid at pH 8.5. We have compared the properties of several Schiff's bases, including Tc-99m pyridoxylideneglutamate (Tc-PyG) with [I-131] rose bengal. Under conditions described, Tc-PyG can be prepared free of Tc-pyridoxal and with 4 - radiochemical impurity. Blood clearance and biliary excretion were studied in three animal models and in normal human volunteers. In all animal models, Tc-PyG initially cleared from the blood more rapidly than rose bengal, but a significant amount of Tc-PyG was excreted in the urine, this in contrast to [I-131] rose bengal which was almost completely excreted through the biliary system. Species differences were observed in the degree of urinary versus biliary clearance of Tc-PyG, with significantly greater urinary excretion in dogs than in monkeys and rabbits. Replacing glutamate with other amino acids did not significantly increase the blood clearance rate or decrease urinary excretion, so that Tc-PyG appears to be at least as good as any of the others studied. Tc-PyG was only 20% bound to plasma proteins, and electrophoretic and chromatographic studies did not reveal any in vivo changes of Tc-PyG before excretion in urine or bile

  5. Bioavailability of {sup 99m}Tc-paclitaxel-glucuronide ({sup 99m}Tc-PAC-G)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biber Muftuler, F.Z.; Demir, I.; Uenack, P.; Ichedef, C.; Yurt Kilcar, A. [Ege Univ., Izmir (Turkey). Dept. of Nuclear Applications


    An antitumor agent paclitaxel (PAC) has been proved to be efficient in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer. Glucuronic acid-derived paclitaxel compound (paclitaxel-glucuronide (PAC-G)) was enzymatically synthesized using microsome preparate separated from rat livers. The biodistribution mechanism of PAC-G in healthy female Albino Wistar rats has been investigated. The expected structure is confirmed according to LC/MS results, and the possible attachment is to C2-hydroxyl group. PAC-G was labeled with {sup 99m}Tc and the radiochemical yield of radiolabeled compound ({sup 99m}Tc-PAC-G) was 98.0 {+-} 02.74% (n=9). The range of the breast/blood and breast/muscle ratios is approximately between 3 and 35 in 240 min. All these experimental studies indicate that {sup 99m}Tc-PAC-G may potentially be used in breast tissue as an imaging agent. (orig.)

  6. Assessment of hepatic functional reserve for hepatic resection using 99mTc-PMT scintigraphy in comparison with 99mTc-GSA scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakuma, Atsushi


    99m Tc-diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid-galactosyl human serum albumin( 99m Tc-GSA) scintigraphy has been reported as a useful study of hepatic functional reserve recently. We have performed 99m Tc-N-pyridoxyl-5-methyl-tryptophan( 99m Tc-PMT) and 99m Tc-GSA preoperatively for evaluation of hepatic functional reserve and compared the usefulness of those scintigraphy study. Twenty-four patients who were the candidates of hepatic resection underwent 99m Tc-PMT scintigraphy preoperatively. Hepatic blood flow coefficient (K value), the amount of hepatic blood flow (HBF), and the ratio of portal blood flow (PVR) were computed. 99m Tc-GSA scintigraphy was also performed within two weeks of the 99m Tc-PMT scintigraphy, and the ratio of disappearance (HH 15 ) and the hepatic uptake ratio (LHL 15 ) were computed. The relationship between K value, HBF, PVR, HH 15 and LHL 15 was analyzed. Their correlation with other liver function tests was also examined. K value and HBF did not show statistically significant correlations with HH 15 and LHL 15 , PVR correlated statistically significantly HH 15 and LHL 15 . K value correlated with the preoperative values of cholinesterase, Fischer ratio, γ-globulin, ICGR 15 , albumin, and platelet count. There was a statistically significant correlation between LHL 15 and the value of cholinesterase, γ-globulin, platelet count, and Fischer ratio. When the liver resection of subsegmentectomy or more was indicated in 10 patients, nine patients had LHL 15 value less than 0.9 which delineated possibility of poor prognosis. However, judging from K value and HBF, liver resection was considered feasible and it was all successfully performed, resulting in good prognosis. From this study, it is suspected that 99m Tc-GSA scintigraphy reflect the severity of liver fibrosis and the amount of portal blood flows, and 99m Tc-PMT scintigraphy reflect the hepatic blood flow and ability of protein synthesis. It was proved that 99m Tc-PMT scintigraphy is

  7. A comparative study of 99mTc-HL91 and 99mTc-MIBI imaging in experimental tumor and inflammatory models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, W.; Zhang, X.Y.; An, R.


    Aim: 99m Tc-HL91 is a newly developed hypoxic imaging agent for ischemic myocardium and tumor imaging. 99m Tc-MIBI is one of imaging agent for mammary tumor imaging. The aim of this experiment is to evaluate the diagnostic value of 99m Tc-HL91 in detection of solid tumor in experimental tumor and inflammatory models, via comparative study with 99m Tc-MIBI. Material and Methods: HL91 kits was provided by China Nine Star Co. Three kinds of bearing solid neoplasm mice groups (bearing Ehrlich carcinoma mice, bearing H 22 carcinoma mice and bearing human ovarian COC 1 neoplasm nude mice) and two inflammatory model groups (chemical and bacterial inflammation) underwent static whole body planar images at 1 and 4 hours post injection of 99m Tc-HL91. Two kinds of bearing neoplasm mice groups (bearing Ehrlich carcinoma mice, bearing H 22 carcinoma mice) and two inflammatory model groups (chemical and bacterial inflammation) underwent static planar images post injection of 99m Tc-MIBI, at early phase (10∼20 minutes) and delayed phase (2 hrs). All of mice were sacrificed at 4 hrs. The tumors, or inflammatory lesions, blood and contralateral muscles were removed, weighed and the radioactivity was measured. Regions of interesting (ROIs) were drawn around tumor, inflammatory lesions and contralateral muscles in planar images, and the radioactivity ratios of target (tumor or inflammatory lesions)-to-blood (T/B), target-to-non target (contralateral muscles) i. e. T/NT was calculated. Results: Neoplasm can be clearly visible in planar images at 1hr and 4 hrs post injection of 99m Tc-HL91 in all tumor models. At same time inflammatory lesions cannot be seen clearly. Neoplasm can be seen in delayed phase in 99m Tc-MIBI groups, but not easy to distinguish them from inflammation. Conclusion: Compared with 99m Tc-MIBI imaging, 99m Tc-HL91 has much more diagnostic value in detection of solid neoplasm, and can distinguish neoplasm from inflammation

  8. Analysis of 99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceuticals by high-performance liquid chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muto, Toshio


    High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equiped with on line radiometric and optical detectors (i.e. radio-HPLC) have been applied to the radiochemical analysis of commonly-used 99m Tc-radio pharma ceuticals with a view point to check the radiochemical purities of the compounds. Chromatographic conditions were determined by examination of the types of column, mobile phase and pH. An aqueous size-exclusion (Shim-pack Diol-300) and reversed-phase column (Zorbax-ODS) were found to be suitable for 99m Tc-HSA and the other 99m Tc-agents, respectively. The analysis of low molecular weight 99m Tc-agents (e.g. 99m Tc-DTPA, 99m Tc-DMSA, 99m Tc-pyrophosphate, 99m Tc-phytic acid, 99m Tc-MDS, 99m Tc-HMDP) were done by reversed-phaseion pairing chromatography using a optimized mobile phase consisted on a mixture of 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and 2 mM TBA (tetra nbutyl) ammonium hydroxide) in 30 % methanol. The mobile phases for analysis of medium molecular weight 99m Tc-HSA were consisted of a mixture of 50 mM phosphate buffer (ph 7.0) in 30 % methanol, and a mixtures of 1 % SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfonate) in Tris buffer (pH. 7.0), respectively. It was apparent from the radio-chromatograms obtained from these chromatographic conditions, that impurity of 99m TcO 4 was observed in 99m Tc-pyrophosphate, 99m Tc-phytic acid, 99m Tc-MDP, 99m Tc-HMDP, and impurities of 99m Tc-labeled species and 99m TcO 4 , were observed in 99m Tc-HIDA, 99m Tc-HIDA, 99m Tc-HSA. The radiochemical impurities of the 99m Tc-radiopharmaceuticals were ranged between 90 and 100 %. From these results, radio-HPLC has been shown to be suitable method for analysis of 99m Tc-radiopharmaceuticals, with rapidity and excellent precision. (author)

  9. Comparing consideration of the biological behaviour of [sup(99m)Tc(DMPE)2Cl2]+ and [sup(99m)Tc(DMPE)3]+ in the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syhre, R.; Seifert, S.; Muenze, R.; Jander, R.; Kretschmar, M.


    The myotropic [sup(99m)Tc(DMPE) 3 ] + -complex was prepared by alakaline reduction of pertechnetate in an excess of DMPE and under absence of air with a radiochemical purity of > 95% and compared with the [sup(99m)TcCl 2 (DMPE) 2 ] + -complex concerning the tissue distribution and biokinetics. The tissue distribution corresponds nearly to the Tc(III)-complex with the exception of rather increased activity of the lungs. Tc(I)-DMPE is more lipophilic and stronger bound to human serum albumin than the Tc(III)-DMPE-complex. The biological half-lifes of the distribution phase of Tc(I)-DMPE are longer than the corresponding half-lifes determined for Tc(III)-DMPE. Target/nontarget ratios similar to 201 Tl are nearly achieved for Tc(III)-DMPE in the first 20 minutes after injection. The Tc(I)-DMPE-complex does not reach comparable heart/liver ratios within the first two hours after injection, the necessary heart/blood ratios only after 20-30 minutes. Both compounds are not stable in vivo. (orig.) [de

  10. Occurrence and behaviour of Tc in the environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luxenburger, H.J.; Schuettelkopf, H.


    A literature research was performed about the occurence and the behaviour of Tc in the environment. About 3600 publications, published between 1925 und 1983, were evaluated. The actual knowledge about Tc in the environment within extended regions is fragmentary. A lot of necessary informations about the behaviour of Tc in the environment are lacking completely. (orig.) [de

  11. Studies of the Tc oxidation states in humic acid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Bo; Liu Dejun; Yao Jun


    The oxidation state is an important aspect of the speciation of Tc in groundwater that contained organic substances due to it control the precipitation, complexation, sorption and colloid formation behavior of the Tc under HWL geological disposal conditions. In present work, the oxidation states of Tc were investigated using the LaCl 3 coagulation method and solution extraction method in aqueous solutions in which the humic acid concentration range is from 0 to 20 mg L -1 and the Tc (Ⅶ) concentration range is about 10 -8 mol l -1 . The radiocounting of 99 Tc was determined using liquid scintillation spectrometry. The humic acid will influence the radiocounting ratio of 99 Tc apparently, however, the quenching effect can be restrained once keep the volume of the cocktail to about twenty times of the sample volume. The LaCl 3 coagulation methods were carried out for the investigation of Tc oxidation states in humic acid aqueous systems at about pH 8. The tetraphenylarsonium chloride (IPA)-chloroform extraction method was used also simultaneously to investigation the concentrations of Tc (Ⅳ) and Tc (Ⅶ) for the availability of the LaCl 3 precipitation method, and the experimental results demonstrate that tetravalent technetium and pertechnetate concentrations are well agreement with the LaCl 3 precipitation method. These two experimental results demonstrated that Tc (Ⅶ) is very stable in the Tc (Ⅶ)-humic acid system during a 350 days experimental period, and the Tc (Ⅳ) concentrations are very lower, that is indicate that there didn't oxidizing reactions between the Fluka humic acid and Tc (Ⅶ) in aqueous solutions under anaerobic conditions. That is means the presence of humic acids even in anaerobic groundwater is disadvantage for the retardance of radionuclides. (authors)

  12. Monoartrite de joelho como manifestação isolada de paracoccidiodomicose

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    Silvestre Marco Túlio Alvarenga


    Full Text Available Artrite como manifestação isolada de paracoccidioidomicose, tem sido raramente descrita na literatura médica. O presente relato, descreve mulher de 46 anos de idade, com monoartrite crônica do joelho em tratamento com anti-inflamatórios não hormonais durante 4 anos, cujo diagnóstico definitivo foi obtido apenas por biópsia da membrana sinovial, que revelou uma inflamação crônica granulomatosa de tipo tuberculóide, com abundantes elementos leveduriformes do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. A terapêutica específica (iniciada com ketoconazol e seguida por cotrimoxazol levou à completa recuperação funcional da articulação acometida. Não se detectou a presença de outros sítios acometidos pela doença, apesar da utilização de vários métodos propedêuticos, incluindo tomografia axial computadorizada do tórax e abdome. Os autores chamam a atenção para a raridade do caso e discutem os possíveis fenômenos fisiopatológicos responsáveis por esta monoartrite fúngica.

  13. Infecção pulmonar tripla em paciente gravemente imunocomprometido por AIDS: relato de caso

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    Faucz Rafael Artigas


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso de paciente do sexo masculino, 38 anos de idade, motorista, soropositivo para HIV há oito anos, sem acompanhamento, com quadro de tosse produtiva com secreção acinzentada e episódios intermitentes de dispnéia há 15 dias. Informava dois episódios pregressos de tuberculose pulmonar (1983 e 2001 tratados. A radiografia de tórax evidenciou áreas de hipotransparência nodular e broncogramas aéreos bilateralmente. A tomografia computadorizada de tórax evidenciou vários achados inespecíficos, dentre eles áreas esparsas de consolidação, cavitação, bronquiectasia, opacidade em vidro fosco, espessamento intersticial e broncogramas aéreos. A lavagem broncoalveolar evidenciou numerosas hifas com raros septos bifurcados sugestivos de Aspergillus sp. e a cultura foi positiva para Nocardia sp. e Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Foi instituída terapia com anfotericina B, sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim e anti-retrovirais. Após 20 dias, recebeu alta sem queixas pulmonares. Decorridos 15 dias, retornou com diarréia, febre, disfagia e emagrecimento importante. Foi a óbito após cinco dias, por sepse estafilocócica.

  14. Forma tumoral de neurocisticercose: relato de caso Tumoral form of neurocysticercosis: case report

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    Manoel Baldoino Leal Filho


    Full Text Available Relata-se um caso de neurocisticercose por cisto gigante (3,9 x 3,4 cm, onde havia manifestações clínicas de hipertensão intracraniana e características de imagem na tomografia computadorizada de crânio de processo expansivo com efeito de massa no sistema nervoso central (SNC. Comenta-se a possibilidade da forma tumoral dessa parasitose ter apresentação clínica e radiológica semelhante à de outros processos expansivos do SNC e enfatiza-se a conduta cirúrgica como forma de tratamento e confirmação diagnóstica.The authors report a case of neurocysticercosis by giant cyst (3.9 x 3.4 cm, where there were clinical manifestations of increased intracranial pressure and characteristics of image in computed tomography of cranium of expansive process with mass effect in central nervous system (CNS. They comment the possibility of the tumoral form of this disease having clinical and radiological presentation similar to other expansive processes of CNS and stress the surgical procedure as a form of treatment and diagnostic confirmation.

  15. Lipossarcoma mixóide de mediastino: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Myxoid liposarcoma of the mediastinum: a case report and review of the literature

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    Dante L. Escuissato


    Full Text Available As neoplasias mediastinais de origem mesenquimal são raras, representando menos de 6% dos casos. A maioria são lipossarcomas, apesar da aparência cística ser incomum. Os autores apresentam um caso de paciente feminina com 58 anos de idade, com queixa de dispnéia, com piora progressiva desde os 52 anos. Estridor laríngeo era auscultado durante o exame físico, e a tomografia computadorizada de tórax demonstrou uma lesão cística no mediastino posterior. O tumor foi ressecado e o estudo histológico definiu o diagnóstico de lipossarcoma mixóide.Mediastinal neoplasms of mesenchymal origin are rare, accounting for less than 6% of these tumors. Most of these tumors are liposarcomas, although cystic lesions are uncommon. The authors present a case of a 58-year-old woman with progressively worsening dyspnea since she was 52-years-old. Laryngeal stridor was auscultable and a chest CT scan showed a cystic lesion in the posterior mediastinum. The tumor was resected and the histological examination revealed myxoid liposarcoma.

  16. Rim pélvico de doador vivo-relacionado para transplante: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

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    Tobias August Siemens


    Full Text Available ResumoIntrodução:É cada vez maior a discrepância entre a fila de espera e a oferta para um transplante renal. Fica evidente a necessidade de se usar enxertos com critérios expandidos, como, por exemplo, rim pélvico, conforme relatamos a seguir.Relato de caso:Paciente masculino de 25 anos, com doença renal crônica estádio 5, recebe como enxerto rim pélvico do pai, 49 anos, com história prévia de hipertensão arterial sistêmica bem controlada e urolitíase há mais de 10 anos sem novos episódios. Função e anatomia do rim pélvico foram avaliadas com exames de imagem como ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada e cintilografia. Após rejeição inicial tratada adequadamente, paciente apresenta boa evolução.Conclusão:Para aumentar oferta de rins para doação, é possível a utilização de rim pélvico, desde que adequadamente estudado no pré-operatório.

  17. Basal encephalocele associated with morning glory syndrome: case report Encefalocele basal associada a síndrome "morning glory": relato de caso

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    Ivanete Minotto


    Full Text Available The basal encephaloceles refer to rare entities and they correspond to herniation of brain tissue through defects of skull along the cribiform plate or the sphenoid bone. A rare morning glory syndrome, with characteristic retinal defect has been reported in association with basal encephaloceles. Hypophysis hormonal deficiencies may occur. We accounted for a pituitary dwarfism with delayed diagnosed transsphenoidal encephalocele associated with morning glory syndrome, showing the alterations found in retinography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.As encefaloceles basais são entidades raras e correspondem a herniações do tecido cerebral através de um defeito do crânio, ao longo da lâmina crivosa etmoidal ou do osso esfenoidal. A rara síndrome morning glory, com alterações de fundo de olho características pode apresentar-se associada à encefalocele basal. Deficiências hormonais hipofisárias podem ocorrer. Relatamos caso de nanismo hipofisário com encefalocele transesfenoidal de diagnóstico tardio associada à síndrome de morning glory, mostrando as alterações na retinografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética.

  18. Nocardiose pulmonar em portador de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e bronquiectasias Pulmonary nocardiosis in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis

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    Miguel Abidon Aidê


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de um paciente com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e bronquiectasias, em uso crônico de corticosteróides, que desenvolveu nocardiose pulmonar, sob a forma de múltiplos nódulos pulmonares escavados. Os sintomas principais foram a tosse produtiva com escarro purulento, febre e dispnéia A radiografia simples e a tomografia computadorizada do tórax mostravam nódulos em ambos os pulmões, alguns escavados. O exame direto de escarro e a cultura mostraram a presença de Nocardia spp. A paciente foi tratada com imipenem e cilastatina, com excelente resposta clínica.We report the case of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis, chronically using corticosteroids, who acquired pulmonary nocardiosis, which presented as multiple cavitated nodules. The principal symptoms were fever, dyspnea and productive cough with purulent sputum. Chest X-ray and computed tomography of the chest revealed nodules, some of which were cavitated, in both lungs. Sputum smear microscopy and culture revealed the presence of Nocardia spp. The patient was treated with imipenem and cilastatin, which produced an excellent clinical response.

  19. Detection and localization of enlarged parathyroid glands in patients with hyperparathyroidism using 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI). A study of subtraction scintigraphy with 99mTc-pertechnetate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katagiri, Makoto; Ohtawa, Takahiro; Otsuka, Nobuaki; Morita, Koichi; Sone, Teruki; Mimura, Hiroaki; Yanagimoto, Shinichi; Fukunaga, Masao; Harada, Tanekazu


    In this study we investigated the detectability of abnormal parathyroid gland(s) by 99m Tc-methoxy-isobutylisonitrile (MIBI) scintigraphy in patients with hyperparathyroidism. The subjects were 6 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) with a single adenoma and 13 patients with renal hyperparathyroidism (RHP) on chronic maintenance hemodialysis. The imaging data of 99m Tc-pertechnetate were subtracted from those of 99m Tc-MIBI (MIBI-Tc), and number and location of the positive images on scintigrams were compared with those obtained by conventional scintigraphy using 201 Tl-Cl and 99m Tc-pertechnetate (Tl-Tc). All of the patients underwent surgery, and the number and location of the abnormal parathyroid glands were confirmed. The number of resected parathyroid glands were 6 in PHP and 52 in RHP. The detectability of MIBI-Tc was 83.3% in PHP and 51.9% in RHP, while that of Tl-Tc was 100% and 44.2%, respectively. Although no statistically significant difference in the detectability was found between MIBI-Tc and Tl-Tc, the number of false positives with MIBI-Tc was less than that with Tl-Tc. The detectability of MIBI-Tc depended on the size of the parathyroid gland. The maximal diameter and weight of the smallest parathyroid gland detected were 15 mm and 290 mg in PHP, and 9 mm and 50 mg in RHP. The existence of the thyroid gland did not reduce the detectability of MIBI-Tc. In conclusion, MIBI-Tc was clinically very useful for the detection of abnormal parathyroid glands in patients with hyperparathyroidism. (author)

  20. Claritromicina associada com pirímetamina na toxoplasmose cerebral - relato de dois casos

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    Marcos Olivicr Dalston


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a resposta terapêutica da claritromicina associada com pirímetamina em dois casos de toxoplasmose cerebral ocorridos em pacientes com Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA. Nos dois casos o diagnóstico foi presuntivo, baseando-se nas manifestações clínicas e na presença de lesões expansivas hipercaptantes detectadas na tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio. Em ambos os casos, observou-se exantema com o uso da sulfadiazina e da clindamicina, razão pela qual tais medicamentos foram substituídos pela claritromicina (1,5 a 2g/dia associada à pirímetamina (25mg/dia. A resposta terapêutica foi favorável nos dois casos com melhora das manifestações neurológicas e dos achados neurorradiológicos. Os autores sugerem que a associação claritromicina com pirímetamina pode ser útil como opção terapêutica na toxoplasmose cerebral em pacientes com SIDA que apresentam intolerância ou outra contra-indicação ao emprego das sulfonamidas.The authors report the use and tbe outcome of claritromycin associated with pyrimethamine in the treatment of toxoplasma encephalites in two patients with AIDS. Both patients had the diagnosis stablished on clinical grounds, positive sorology (IgG for toxoplasmosis and computed-tomographic (CT scan of the brain showing lesions consistent with T. gondii encephalitis. The two patients were initially treated with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazme, which was changed to clindamycin due to allergic reactions. These reactions (skin rash occurred with clindamycin as well and the patients were treated with claritromycin and pyrimethamine. The scheduled regimens were 1.5 to 2g of clarithromycin plus 25mg of pyrimethamine. The clinical response was very good in both cases with regression of neurologic signs and encephalitic abnormalities observed on CT scan. The authors suggest that clarithromycin associated with pyrimethamine may be an alternative treatment for toxoplasmosis in AIDS

  1. Influence of a {sup 99m}TcN core on the biological and physicochemical behavior of {sup 99m}Tc complexes of L,L-EC and L,L-ECD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mangera, Kennedy O; Vanbilloen, Hubert P.; Bellande, Emmanuel; Pasqualini, Roberto; Verbruggen, Alfons M


    {sup 99m}Tc-nitrido complexes of L,L-ethylene dicysteine ({sup 99m}TcN-L,L-EC) and {sup 99m}TcN-L,L-ethylene dicysteine diethylester ({sup 99m}TcN-L,L-ECD) were prepared and their characteristics compared to those of the respective {sup 99m}Tc-oxo complexes. {sup 99m}TcN-L,L-EC and {sup 99m}TcO-L,L-EC migrate to similar extents during electrophoresis at pH 12, but, at pH 6, {sup 99m}TcN-L,L-EC migrates further than {sup 99m}TcO-L,L-EC. Renal excretion of {sup 99m}TcN-L,L-EC is inferior to that of {sup 99m}TcO-L,L-EC, indicating that the TcN-glycine sequence has lower affinity for the renal tubular system. Both {sup 99m}TcO-L,L-ECD and {sup 99m}TcN-L,L-ECD are neutral, but {sup 99m}TcN-L,L-ECD is hydrophilic and shows minimal brain uptake in both mice and the baboon.

  2. Biodistribution of immunoliposome labeled with Tc-99m in tumor xenografted mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitamura, Naoto; Shigematsu, Naoyuki; Nakahara, Tadaki; Kanoh, Momoe; Hashimoto, Jun; Kunieda, Etsuo; Kubo, Atsushi


    Immunoliposome (PEG, GAH, liposome; PGL), consisting of F(ab') 2 fragment of monoclonal antibody, GAH and polyethyleneglycol-coated (PEGylated) liposome was provided. Immunoliposome, PGL was labeled with technetium-99m (Tc-99m) by two methods: labeling F(ab') 2 fragment with Tc-99m; Tc-99m-PGL, and entrapping Tc-99m into liposome; PGL[Tc-99m]. The objective of this study was to compare the biodistribution of Tc-99m-PGL and PGL[Tc-99m] in human gastric cancer xenografted mice. Tc-99m-PGL, PGL[Tc-99m], and Tc-99m-entrapped liposome; Lipo[Tc-99m] were prepared. They were injected into human gastric cancer, MKN45, xenografted mice via the tail vein, and their biodistribution was studied. No marked accumulation of either PGL[Tc-99m] or Lipo[Tc-99m] was observed in the stomach. The uptake of Tc-99m-PGL by the liver, spleen, and lung was higher than that by the tumor. On the other hand, the uptake of PGL[Tc-99m] by the lung and spleen was markedly lower as compared with that of Tc-99m-PGL; the accumulation of PGL[Tc-99m] was lower in the lung and higher in the spleen as compared with that of the tumor. Although the liver uptake of PGL[Tc-99m] was markedly decreased as compared with that of Tc-99m-PGL, it was higher than the uptake of the tumor. The Tc-99m-PGL was strongly taken up by the tumor, with a high level of incorporation also seen in the stomach. These findings suggest the need for further study of the labeling stability. PGL[Tc-99m] appears to show promise for high tumor uptake and retention. This is an important implication for the potential application of immunoliposomes entrapped with Re-186, instead of Tc-99m, in internal radiotherapy. (author)

  3. Nuclear quadrupole moment of the 99Tc ground state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Errico, Leonardo; Darriba, German; Renteria, Mario; Tang Zhengning; Emmerich, Heike; Cottenier, Stefaan


    By combining first-principles calculations and existing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, we determine the quadrupole moment of the 9/2 + ground state of 99 Tc to be (-)0.14(3)b. This confirms the value of -0.129(20)b, which is currently believed to be the most reliable experimental determination, and disagrees with two earlier experimental values. We supply ab initio calculated electric-field gradients for Tc in YTc 2 and ZrTc 2 . If this calculated information would be combined with yet to be performed Tc-NMR experiments in these compounds, the error bar on the 99 Tc ground state quadrupole moment could be further reduced

  4. Physicochemical and Biological Analysis of 99mTc-Glutathione Radiopharmaceuticals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ME- Sriyani; N- Zainuddin


    99m Tc-glutathion ( 99m Tc-GSH) radiopharmaceutical is available in the GSH lyophilized-kit in which ready to use directly after adding 99m Tc radionuclide. In nuclear medicine, 99m Tc-GSH diagnostic kit is a radiopharmaceutical commonly utilized for cancer diagnoses using imaging method. This paper described the physicochemical and biological characteristics as well as the quality of 99m Tc-GSH diagnostic kit prepared from the GSH lyophilized-kit. The radiochemical purity was determined with thin layer chromatography (TLC) method, performed on a TLC-SG stationary phase with a mobile phase of a dried acetone and 0,9% of NaCl solution. Studies on the effect of volume and radioactivity of Na 99m TcO 4 solution to the radiochemical purity of 99m Tc-GSH were carried out. The sterility of GSH-lyophilized kit and toxicity of 99m Tc-GSH were also investigated. The stability test on GSH lyophilized kit and 99m Tc-GSH in several storage conditions, as well as the plasma stability of 99m Tc-GSH was performed. The analysis result showed that the GSH lyophilized-kit was sterile; the 99m Tc-GSH was non toxic with 99.54 ± 0.01% of radiochemical purity and remained stable 5 hours either at room temperature or 4℃. The volume more than 4 mL of Na 99m TcO 4 solution on the labeling of GSH could decreased the 99m Tc-GSH radiochemical purity, while the radioactivity more than 20 mCi in 7 mL of volume extended the incubation time. In-vitro stability test of 99m Tc-GSH in plasma showed that in the two hours of storage, the radiochemical purity decreased to 51.84 ± 2.52%, and until 5 hours of storage it did not change significantly. From the result, it can be concluded that the GSH lyophilized-kit was remained stable after 13 month of storage either at room temperature or 4℃ with 99% of 99m Tc-GSH radiochemical purity. (author)

  5. Helical CT defecography; La defecografia con Tomografia Computerizzata spirale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrando, R.; Fiorini, G.; Beghello, A.; Cicio, G.R.; Derchi, L.E.; Consigliere, M.; Resasco, M. [Genua Univ., Genua (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia, Cattedra R; Tornago, S. [Genua Univ. Genua (Italy). 2 Clinica Ortopedica


    The purpose of this work is to investigate the possible role of Helical CT defecography in pelvic floor disorders by comparing the results of the investigations with those of conventional defecography. The series analyzed consisted of 90 patients, namely 62 women and 28 men, ranging in age 24-82 years. They were all submitted to conventional defecography, and 18 questionable cases were also studied with Helical CT defecography. The conventional examination was performed during the 4 standard phases of resting, squeezing, Valsalva and straining; it is used a remote-control unit. The parameters for Helical CT defecography were: 5 mm beam collimation, pitch 2, 120 KV, 250 m As and 18-20 degrees gantry inclination to acquire coronal images of the pelvic floor. The rectal ampulla was distended with a bolus of 300 mL nonionic iodinated contrast agent (dilution: 3g/cc). The patient wore a napkin and was seated on the table, except for those who could not hold the position and were thus examined supine. Twenty-second helical scans were performed at rest and during evacuation; multiplanar reconstructions were obtained especially on the sagittal plane for comparison with conventional defecographic images. Coronal Helical CT defecography images permitted to map the perineal floor muscles, while sagittal reconstructions provided information on the ampulla and the levator ani. To conclude, Helical CT defecography performed well in study of pelvic floor disorders and can follow conventional defecography especially in questionable cases. [Italian] Scopo di questo lavoro e' ricercare un ruolo per la defeco-TC con apparecchiatura elicoidale nello studio delle malattie del pavimento pelvico confrontandola con i risultati consolidati della defecografia tradizionale. Si sono visionati 90 pazienti, 62 femmine e 28 maschi, con eta' compresa tra 24 e 82 anni, con defecografia tradizionale; di questi, 18 casi con diagnosi dubbia sono stati studiati anche con defeco-TC spirale

  6. Clinical evaluation of myocardial perfusion imaging with 99mTc-CPI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiujie


    10 normal subjects and 55 cases of patients with heart diseases were studied with 99m Tc-CPI myocardial perfusion imaging. The 99m Tc-CPI myocarbial imaging is superior to 99m Tc-TBI, because the uptake of 99m Tc-CPI in both lung and liver is lower. The imaging quality of 99m Tc-CPI is nearly as good as that of 201 Tl. 16 patients had both 99m Tc-CPI myocardial imaging and coronary artery angiography. The sensitivity of 99m Tc-CPI myocardial imaging for detecting coronary artery disease (CAD) was 92%, whereas the sensitivity of ECG was 84.6%. 99m Tc-CPI myocardial tomography was obtained in 17 patients using Toshiba 90B SPECT system. The imaging quality of myocardial tomography using 99m Tc-CPI is very good and superior to planar imaging for detecting myocardial infarction

  7. [sup 99m]Tc-ECD SPECT study in dementia and aphasia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuwabara, Yasuo; Ichiya, Yuichi; Otsuka, Makoto; Sasaki, Masayuki; Akashi, Yuko; Fukumura, Toshimitsu; Yoshida, Tsuyoshi; Masuda, Kouji; Ichimiya, Atsushi (Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Medicine)


    We studied clinical significance of [sup 99m]Tc-L,L,-ethyl cysteine dimer ([sup 99m]Tc-ECD) SPECT study in dementia and aphasia, and compared it with [sup 99m]Tc-HMPAO SPECT study. The subjects consisted of 13 patients, including 10 patients with dementia and 3 patients with aphasia. Hypoperfusion areas were detected in 5 out of 10 patients with dementia and 2 out of 3 patients with aphasia in [sup 99m]Tc-ECD SPECT, and in 4 out of 10 patients with dementia and all of 3 patients with aphasia in [sup 99m]Tc-HMPAO SPECT. The count rate ratios in [sup 99m]Tc-ECD and [sup 99m]Tc-HMPAO SPECT were correlated well with each other, and the contrast of the [sup 99m]Tc-ECD SPECT image was equivalent or slightly higher as compared with [sup 99m]Tc-HMPAO. Therefore, [sup 99m]Tc-ECD SPECT study was considered to be useful for the evaluation of cerebral perfusion in dementia and aphasia. (author).

  8. Tc and Re Behavior in Borosilicate Waste Glass Vapor Hydration Tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKeown, David A.; Buechele, Andrew C.; Pegg, Ian L.; Lukens, Wayne W.; Shuh, David K.


    Technetium (Tc), found in some nuclear wastes, is of particular concern with regard to long-term storage, because of its long-lived radioactivity and high mobility in the environment. Tc and rhenium (Re), commonly used as a non-radioactive surrogate for Tc, were studied to assess their behavior in borosilicate glass under hydrothermal conditions in the Vapor Hydration Test (VHT). X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements were made on the original Tc- and Re-containing glasses and their corresponding VHT samples, and show different behavior for Tc and Re under VHT conditions. XAS indicates that, despite starting with different Tc(IV) and Tc(VII) distributions in each glass, the VHT samples have 100% Tc(IV)O 6 environments. SEM shows complete alteration of the original glass, Tc enrichment near the sample surface, and Tc depletion in the center. Perrhenate (Re(VII)O 4 - ) is dominant in both Re-containing samples before and after the VHT, where Re is depleted near the VHT sample surface and more concentrated toward the center. (authors)

  9. Unilateral pulmonary veins atresia: evaluation by computed tomography; Atresia unilateral das veias pulmonares: avaliacao por tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eifer, Diego Andre; Arsego, Felipe Veras, E-mail: [Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), RS (Brazil). Serv. de Radiologia; Torres, Felipe Soares [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Escola de Medicina


    Unilateral pulmonary vein atresia is a rare congenital condition. In addition to cardiac malformations or pulmonary hypertension, patients may present with recurrent pulmonary infections or hemoptysis in childhood or adolescence. The authors report a case where the typical findings of such condition were observed at computed tomography in an adult patient. (author)

  10. Dose profile in computed tomography chest scan; Perfil de dose em varredura de torax em tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Bruno B., E-mail: bbo@cdtn.b [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Pos-graduacao em Ciencias e Tecnologia das Radiacoes, Minerais e Materiais; Mourao, Arnaldo P. [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (CEFET/MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Alonso, Thessa C.; Silva, Teogenes A. da [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    For the optimization of the patient dose in computed tomography (CT), the Brazilian legislation only established the diagnostic reference levels (DRL's) in terms of Multiple Scan Average Dose (MSAD) in a typical adult as a parameter of quality control of CT scanners. Conformity to the DRL's can be verified by measuring the dose distribution in CT scans and MSAD determination. An analysis of the quality of CT scans of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte is necessary by conducting pertinent tests to the study that are presented in the ANVISA (National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance) Guide. The purpose of this study is to investigate, in a chest scan, the variation of dose in CT. To measure the dose profile are used lithium fluoride thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD-100 Rod) distributed in cylinders positioned in peripheral and central regions of a phantom of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). The data obtained allow us to observe the variation of the dose profile inside the phantom. The peripheral region shows higher dose values than the central region. The longitudinal variation can be observed and the maximum dose was recorded at the edges of the phantom (41,58{+-}5,10) mGy at the midpoint of the longitudinal axis. The results will contribute to disseminate the proper procedure and optimize the dosimetry and the tests of quality control in CT, as well as make a critical analysis of the DRL's. (author)

  11. Wegener's granulomatosis: chest computed tomography findings; Granulomatose de Wegener: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de torax

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monteiro, Evelise de Azevedo; Marchiori, Edson; Martins, Erick Malheiro Leoncio [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia]. E-mail:; Souza Junior, Arthur Soares [Faculdade de Medicina de Sao Jose do Rio Preto (FAMERP), SP (Brazil). Hospital de Base; Cerqueira, Elza Maria F.P. de [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas. Dept. de Radiologia; Irion, Klaus L. [Pavilhao Pereira Filho, Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Araujo Neto, Cesar de [Bahia Univ., Salvador, BA (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia; Souza, Rodrigo Azeredo de [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Dept. de Radiologia


    Wegeners granulomatosis is an inflammatory systemic necrotizing idiopathic vasculitis affecting mainly small vessels. In this paper we analyzed the computed tomography findings of seven patients with Wegeners granulomatosis. The most common findings were masses and nodules (71.4%), areas of ground glass attenuation (57.1%), consolidation (42.8%), halo sign (42.8%), cavitation (42.8%), interlobular septa thickening (14.2%), bronchial wall thickening (14.2%) and pleural effusion (14.2%). Although radiological findings are mostly nonspecific, computed tomography and particularly high-resolution computed tomography are important tools in the evaluation of disease activity when evaluated in association with bronchoscopy findings and clinical data. (author)

  12. Evaluation of the absorbed dose in odontological computerized tomography; Avaliacao da dose absorvida em tomografia computadorizada odontologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Legnani, Adriano; Schelin, Hugo R; Rocha, Anna Silvia P.S. da, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Khoury, Helen J., E-mail: khoury@ufpe.b [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    This paper evaluated the absorbed dose at the surface entry known as 'cone beam computed tomography' (CBCT) in odontological computerized tomography. Examination were simulated with CBCT for measurements of dose. A phantom were filled with water, becoming scatter object of radiation. Thermoluminescent dosemeters were positioned on points correspondent to eyes and salivary glands

  13. Lipoid pneumonia: computed tomography findings - a case report; Pneumonia lipidica: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada - relato de caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farias, Janos; Martins, Erick Malheiro Leoncio; Pozes, Aline Serfaty; Marchiori, Edson [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia; Fialho, Suzane Mansur [Clinica Radiologica Emilio Amorim, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The authors report a case of lipoid pneumonia in an 80 year old man with chronic constipation in regular use of mineral oil as a laxative. According to his family, he experienced coughing episodes when he took his medication. He also presented dyspnoea at rest and diminished consciousness levels. Chest radiographs showed a consolidation area in the posterior segment of right upper lobe, which did not change on successive exams. High resolution computed tomography demonstrated low-density consolidation with negative Hounsfield units (-29 to -83 UH) and ground-glass opacities in the right upper lobe and inferior lobes. These opacities predominated in the posterior regions of the lungs. The diagnosis was confirmed by the presence of oil material on bronchoalveolar washing. The patient was advised to discontinue the ingestion of mineral oil and did not return for follow-up. (author)

  14. Evaluation of the absorbed dose in odontological computerized tomography; Avaliacao da dose absorvida em tomografia computadorizada odontologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Legnani, Adriano; Schelin, Hugo R.; Rocha, Anna Silvia P.S. da, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Khoury, Helen J., E-mail: khoury@ufpe.b [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    This paper evaluated the absorbed dose at the surface entry known as 'cone beam computed tomography' (CBCT) in odontological computerized tomography. Examination were simulated with CBCT for measurements of dose. A phantom were filled with water, becoming scatter object of radiation. Thermoluminescent dosemeters were positioned on points correspondent to eyes and salivary glands

  15. An expedient method for the preparation of 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 using microwave and teflon 'bomb'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varelis, P.; Poot, M.T.


    Full text: The recommended method for the preparation of 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 requires that they be heated in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, after reconstitution with sodium pertechnetate. This method is both inconvenient and time consuming. A more rapid and convenient method for the preparation of these radiopharmaceuticals employs a conventional microwave oven. However, a serious limitation of this method is the hazard associated with an explosion of a vessel containing a radioactive substance. Traditionally, mixtures that can potentially explode are contained in a device called a 'bomb'. We have developed a method, utilising such a device, that allows us to rapidly and safely prepare 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 using a microwave oven. This device is used in our department on a daily basis. Since using the teflon bomb, there has been one incidence of an explosion, which was successfully contained within the bomb. There was no statistically significant difference between the radiochemical purity (RCP) of the microwave prepared samples and those obtained using the recommended method. In conclusion, 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 can be safely prepared and quality controlled in under ten minutes using a microwave oven and our teflon bomb. The average RCP for 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 prepared using a microwave oven were 97.0+2.0% (n=19) and 99.8+0.2 (n=7) respectively

  16. An expedient method for the preparation of 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 using microwave and teflon `bomb`

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varelis, P.; Poot, M.T. [St George Hospital, Sydney, NSW (Australia). Department of Nuclear Medicine


    Full text: The recommended method for the preparation of 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 requires that they be heated in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, after reconstitution with sodium pertechnetate. This method is both inconvenient and time consuming. A more rapid and convenient method for the preparation of these radiopharmaceuticals employs a conventional microwave oven. However, a serious limitation of this method is the hazard associated with an explosion of a vessel containing a radioactive substance. Traditionally, mixtures that can potentially explode are contained in a device called a `bomb`. We have developed a method, utilising such a device, that allows us to rapidly and safely prepare 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 using a microwave oven. This device is used in our department on a daily basis. Since using the teflon bomb, there has been one incidence of an explosion, which was successfully contained within the bomb. There was no statistically significant difference between the radiochemical purity (RCP) of the microwave prepared samples and those obtained using the recommended method. In conclusion, 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 can be safely prepared and quality controlled in under ten minutes using a microwave oven and our teflon bomb. The average RCP for 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-MAG3 prepared using a microwave oven were 97.0+2.0% (n=19) and 99.8+0.2 (n=7) respectively

  17. Preparation of 99 sup(m)Tc labeled fibrinogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almeida, M.A.T.M. de; Silva, C.P.G. da.


    A simple method for the preparation of 99 sup(m) TC labelled Fibrinogen using stannous chloride as reducing agent of 99 sup(m) TcO- 4 ion is presented. A sample of 20 mg of Fibrinogen is dissolved in 2 ml of buffer carbonate (pH=8) and 0.3 ml stannous chloride 0.2% is added. A sterile solution of sodium pertechnetate 99 sup(m) Tc eluted from a Mo-Tc generator is immediately added. The mixture rests for 30 minutes and after this period, the obtained yield is about 70%. The lyophilized kits also presented a yield of 70%, being therefore suitable for medical applications. (Author) [pt

  18. Achalasia diagnosed by 99mTc pertechnetate scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mikosch, P.; Gallowitsch, H.J.; Kresnik, E.; Lind, P.


    A 73-year-old patient presented a 99m Tc scintiscan with a focal tracer accumulation left and caudal of the thyroid gland. Further investigations with sonography, CT, esophagoscopy and barium swallow provided the diagnosis of achalasia as the reason for focal 99m Tc retention caudal of the thyroid gland. Explanation for 99m Tc accumulation within the esophagus may be the nonspecific accumulation of 99m Tc not only in the thyroid gland but also in the salivary glands. Excretion of the tracer follows with the saliva. Structural and motor disorders of the esophagus can thus lead to focal tracer retention within the esophagus simulating thyroid tissue. (orig.) [de

  19. Chemistry of /sup 99m/Tc labeling kits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, S.C.; Meinken, G.; Richards, P.


    Problems have been reported with the use of kit-produced /sup 99m/Tc radiopharmaceuticals. This study was undertaken to understand the chemistry involved in various stannous kit systems. The relation between Tc, tin, and the ligands used to complex the reduced Tc was investigated. It is concluded that for reliable performance, stannous kits should be prepared so that most of the tin is kept in the usable (reducing) form; a solution would be to use minimum tin and a large excess of complexing agent. Oxidation of the Tc complex to free pertechnetate is not a major problem in most kit systems. 5 figures

  20. Clinical efficacy of 99mTc-tetrofosmin myocardial scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adachi, Itaru; Sugioka, Yasushi; Tanaka, Yasunori


    99m Tc-tetrofosmin is a lipophilic, cationic diphosphine which has been developed for myocardial imaging. We examined 9 patients with ischemic heart disease including 3 angina pectoris (AP), 4 old myocardial infarction (OMI), 1 AP with OMI and 1 syndrome X. One patient was examined before and after operation. Three hundred seventy MBq of 99m Tc-tetrofosmin was injected during exercise and 740 MBq at rest. And 74 MBq of 201 Tl myocardial exercise and redistribution scintigraphy was also performed to compare with 99m Tc-tetrofosmin myocardial scintigraphy. SPECT, multiple gated SPECT and anterior planar images were obtained in all cases. We calculated percent wall thickening (%WT) using multiple gated SPECT images. There was a decreased lung uptake in 99m Tc-tetrofosmin planar images compared to 201 Tl myocardial scintigraphy. Liver and Biliary system uptake in 99m Tc-tetrofosmin images was decreased with intake of milk. Segmental comparison of SPECT images showed an agreement in 9/10 of the segment between 201 Tl and 99m Tc-tetrofosmin. We could obtain excellent quality of multiple gated SPECT images in all patients. We could calculate percent wall thickening (%WT) in all patients. We conclude that 99m Tc-tetrofosmin myocardial scintigraphy should provide usefulness for detection of ischemic myocardium as same as 201 Tl myocardial scintigraphy, although the biologic characteristics of two agents were different. These data and excellent quality of multiple gated SPECT images suggest that 99m Tc-tetrofosmin is a new 99m Tc agent for evaluation of patients with ischemic heart disease. (author)

  1. Lymphoscintigraphy in melanoma patients using Tc-99m dextran

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marciano, D.; Padgett, H.; Henze, E.; Carlson, C.; Bennett, L.R.


    Surgical removal of regional lymph nodes draining the site of a melanoma is a generally practiced procedure. It is often difficult in many cases of truncal melanomas near the midline or near the waistline to determine which group or groups of nodes to remove. Colloidal Au-198, Tc-99m sulfur colloid, and Tc-99m antimony sulfur colloid have all been used and have given useful clinical information. Objections, however, have been raised to the local radiation dose with these compounds. To reduce this problem while obtaining greater information on lymph flow, the authors have studied dextran, a macromolecule commonly used as plasma substitute. Dextran (average mol. wt. 72,000) labeled with Tc-99m has been used to study lymph drainage from the site of truncal melanoma in 29 patients. Serial images in the first hour following intradermal injection clearly demonstrate tracer in efferent lymphatics within 5 to 10 minutes, and brief pooling in the regional lymph nodes between 20 and 60 minutes. When compared with particulate tracers such as micro Tc-99m sulfur colloid, the Tc-99m dextran appears to move much faster through the lymphatics. Overall distribution of the Tc-99m dextran to lymph nodes is very similar to previous findings with micro Tc-99m sulfur colloid. Dextran drainage to more than one group of regional nodes was seen in 12/29 patients as compared with 17/50 patients using micro Tc-99m sulfur colloid. The superior images with Tc-99m dextran appear to make it the agent of choice

  2. sup(99m)Tc-labeled monofluorophosphate as a skeletal imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichikawa, Tsuneji; Ito, Yasuhiko; Muranaka, Akira; Yokobayashi, Tsuneo; Uchida, Masahiro


    The performance of sup(99m)Tc-monofluorophosphate was compared with those of sup(99m)Tc-pyrophosphate and sup(99m)Tc-diphosphonate in rabbits. Studies included chromatographic quality control, measurements of blood clearance, tissue distribution, urinary excretion, skeletal imaging, and measurements of the serum calcium. The labeling for sup(99m)Tc-monofluorophosphate was 98% on paper chromatography and 85% on thin layer chromatography. A large fraction of the activity of the three labeled agents was cleared very rapidly from the bloodstream: however, slow components of the curves were the highest for sup(99m)Tc-monofluorophosphate and lowest for sup(99m)Tc-diphosphonate. Three hours after injection 20% of the dose of sup(99m)Tc-monofluorophosphate was taken up by bone. The corresponding values of sup(99m)Tc-pyrophosphate and sup(99m)Tc-diphosphonate were 29.1% and 40.0% respectively. Ratio of concentration in bone to that in other major organs was highest with sup(99m)Tc-diphosphonate. Ratios were similar for both sup(99m)Tc-monofluorophosphate and sup(99m)Tc-pyrophosphate and much lower than those of sup(99m)Tc-diphosphonate. No significant differences were demonstrated in urinary excretion of the three labeled agents. Visual comparison of the scans obtained with three compounds confirmed the results of radioassay. All were excellent skeletal imaging agents, although sup(99m)Tc-diphosphonate appeared to be superior to the other two mainly because of a higher target to non-target ratio. With 50 mg of monofluorophosphate and 1 mg of stannous fluoride, no hypocalcemia was observed. (J.P.N.)

  3. Synthesis, structure elucidation and redox properties of 99Tc complexes of lacunary Wells Dawson polyoxometalates: insights into molecular 99Tc - metal oxide interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGregor, Donna; Burton-Pye, Benjamin P.; Howell, Robertha C.; Mbomekalle, Israel M.; Lukens, Wayne W. Jr; Bian, Fang; Mausolf, Edward; Poineau, Frederic; Czerwinski, Kenneth R; Francesconi, Lynn C.


    The isotope 99 Tc (β max : 250 keV, half-life: 2 x 10 5 year) is an abundant product of uranium-235 fission in nuclear reactors and is present throughout the radioactive waste stored in underground tanks at Hanford and Savannah River. Understanding and controlling the extensive redox chemistry of 99 Tc is important to identify tunable strategies to separate 99 Tc from spent fuel and from waste tanks and once separated, to identify and develop an appropriately stable waste-form for 99 Tc. Polyoxometalates (POMs), nanometer sized models for metal oxide solid-state materials, are used in this study to provide a molecular level understanding of the speciation and redox chemistry of incorporated 99 Tc. In this study, 99 Tc complexes of the (α 2 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 10- and (α 1 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 10- isomers were prepared. Ethylene glycol was used as a 'transfer ligand' to minimize the formation of TcO 2 · xH 2 O. The solution structures, formulations, and purity of Tc V O(α 1 /α 2 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 7- were determined by multinuclear NMR. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of the complexes are in agreement with the formulation and structures determined from 31 P and 183 W NMR. Preliminary electrochemistry results are consistent with the EXAFS results, showing a facile reduction of the Tc V O(α 1 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 7- species compared to the Tc V O(α 2 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 7- analog. The α 1 -defect is unique in that a basic oxygen atom is positioned toward the α 1 -site and the Tc V O center appears to form a dative metal-metal bond with a framework W site. These attributes may lead to the assistance of protonation events that facilitate reduction. Electrochemistry comparison shows that the Re V analogs are about 200 mV more difficult to reduce in accordance with periodic trends.

  4. Synthesis, Characterization, and Initial Biological Evaluation of [99m Tc]Tc-Tricarbonyl-labeled DPA-α-MSH Peptide Derivatives for Potential Melanoma Imaging. (United States)

    Gao, Feng; Sihver, Wiebke; Bergmann, Ralf; Belter, Birgit; Bolzati, Cristina; Salvarese, Nicola; Steinbach, Jörg; Pietzsch, Jens; Pietzsch, Hans-Jürgen


    α-Melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) derivatives target the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) specifically and selectively. In this study, the α-MSH-derived peptide NAP-NS1 (Nle-Asp-His-d-Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-NH 2 ) with and without linkers was conjugated with 5-(bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)pentanoic acid (DPA-COOH) and labeled with [ 99m Tc]Tc-tricarbonyl by two methods. With the one-pot method the labeling was faster than with the two-pot method, while obtaining similarly high yields. Negligible trans-chelation and high stability in physiological solutions was determined for the [ 99m Tc]Tc-tricarbonyl-peptide conjugates. Coupling an ethylene glycol (EG)-based linker increased the hydrophilicity. The peptide derivatives displayed high binding affinity in murine B16F10 melanoma cells as well as in human MeWo and TXM13 melanoma cell homogenates. Preliminary in vivo studies with one of the [ 99m Tc]Tc-tricarbonyl-peptide conjugates showed good stability in blood and both renal and hepatobiliary excretion. Biodistribution was performed on healthy rats to gain initial insight into the potential relevance of the 99m Tc-labeled peptides for in vivo imaging. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Tc-99m Ciprofloxacin SPECT of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Min Kyung; Hwang, Kyung Hoon [Gachon University Gil Hospital, Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Min Ki [Good Samaritan Hospital, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Choe, Won Sick [Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Tc-99m ciprofloxacin is available for imaging infection. However, there has been no study on employing single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with using Tc-99m ciprofloxacin to image active pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, we conducted this study to assess the efficacy of Tc-99m ciprofloxacin SPECT for imaging active pulmonary tuberculosis. Twenty-one participants were enrolled in this prospective study. They were divided into two groups according to the clinical and radiological assessment. Group one (Gr. 1) consisted of five normal volunteers and six patients with inactive pulmonary tuberculosis. Group two (Gr. 2) consisted of ten patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. SPECT was performed 3 h after injecting 555 MBq (15 mCi) of Tc-99m ciprofloxacin. The findings of Tc-99m ciprofloxacin SPECT were interpreted by a nuclear medicine specialist and then the results were analyzed according to the patients' clinical and radiological classifications. The results of Tc-99m ciprofloxacin SPECT were as follows: eight true-positive cases, ten true-negative cases, one false-positive case and two false-negative cases. The sensitivity and specificity was 80.0% and 90.0%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 88.9% and the negative predictive value was 83.3%. Conclusions Tc-99m ciprofloxacin SPECT is feasible for imaging active pulmonary tuberculosis. It is a useful nuclear-imaging method for discriminating between the active and inactive tuberculosis states in patients with a past medical history of pulmonary tuberculosis.

  6. Tc-99m Ethylenedicysteine and Tc-99m Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Scintigraphy-Comparison of the Two for Detection of Scarring and Differential Cortical Function. (United States)

    Dharmalingam, Anitha; Pawar, Shwetal U; Parelkar, Sandesh V; Shetye, Suruchi S; Ghorpade, Mangala K; Tilve, Gundu H


    The differential cortical function obtained by Tc-99m EC is comparable to that of Tc-99m DMSA. However, identification of scars on Tc-99m EC images needs to be studied. The aim of the study is to evaluate role of Tc-99m EC for detection of scarring and differential cortical function by comparing with Tc-99m DMSA. Prospective observational study of recurrent UTI; minimum 6 weeks after acute episode; when urine examination is negative for pus cells. Forty-seven children with normal positioned kidneys underwent Tc-99m EC and DMSA scintigraphy. The DRF and cortical phase images of both studies in the same image matrix size were evaluated by two independent observers for scarring; Tc-99m DMSA was considered as the gold standard. MS Excel 2007 and GraphPad Instat V3.1 and ROC analysis. There was no significant difference in the detection of scarring using two studies with Cohen's kappa coefficient (κ) 0.932. The sensitivity and specificity of Tc-99m EC for detection of scarring was 98.75% and 99.15%, respectively. There was good agreement between the differential cortical function calculated using two studies. The summed Tc-99m EC images with an acceptable high image contrast allow detection of cortical scarring in patients with normal kidney positions. It is an excellent single-modality comprehensive investigational agent for renal parenchymal defects, function, and excretion evaluation with the added advantages of lower cost, convenience, and low radiation exposure to the child.

  7. Inhibitory effect of trans-caryophyllene (TC) on leukocyte-endothelial attachment. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhen; Yang, Chunfeng; Dai, Xinlun; Ao, Yu; Li, Yumei


    trans-Caryophyllene (TC) is a major component found in the essential oils of many spices and foods/medicinal plants. It is a natural sesquiterpene and has been the subject of numerous studies. However, the effects of TC on vascular inflammation remain unknown. In this study, we reported that TC treatment in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) prevented attachment of monocytic leukemia cell line THP-1 cells to endothelial cells. In addition, in vivo results indicate that TC inhibited macrophage infiltration to the aortic surface and reduced total serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Importantly, administration of TC could inhibit the induction of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) both in vitro and in vivo. Notably, our data indicate that the inhibitory effects of TC on the expression of VCAM-1 are mediated by the JAK2/STAT1/IRF-1 pathway. TC is a specific agonist of the type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2R). Importantly, we further verified that the inhibitory effects of TC on the expression of IRF-1 and VCAM-1 are dependent on activation of CB2R. Inhibition of CB2R by either specific inhibitors or RNA interference abolished the inhibitory effects of TC on the expression of IRF-1 and VCAM-1. Our results suggest that TC might have a capacity to suppress the development of atherosclerosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. CT diagnosis of subphrenic abscess after splenectomy for trauma; Ruolo della tomografia computerizzata nella valutazione degli ascessi subfrenici dopo splenectomia post-traumatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A. [Ospedale Loreto-Mare, Neaples (IT). Serv. di Radiologia] [and others


    The paper studies subphrenic inflammatory abscesses and splenic fluid collections after splenectomy for trauma. These complications may appear early or late postoperatively; they are easily demonstrated with computerized tomography, which permits accurate spatial assessment of the lesions and appropriate treatment with percutaneous drainage. It has been also investigates the diagnostic accuracy of the CT in subphrenic inflammatory conditions after emergency splenectomy for traumatic spleen rupture and found that CT is a precious tool for rapid and easy diagnosis and follow-up of subphrenic abscesses treated with percutaneous drainage. [Italian] Scopo del lavoro e' di valutare il ruolo della tomografia computerizzata nelle flogrosi subfreniche secondarie a splenectomia d'urgenza per rottura traumatica della milza, documentando come tale metodica risulti accurata nel diagnosticare e monitorare in modo semplice e rapido l'evoluzione e il controllo degli ascessi subfrenici trattati con drenaggio percutaneo.

  9. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy and function test with sup(99m)Tc-N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan (sup(99m)Tc-PMT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugimura, Kazuro; Nishiyama, Shoji; Narabayashi, Isamu


    The authors studied the effectiveness of sup(99m)Tc-N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan (sup(99m)Tc-PMT) for dynamic imaging and function on 40 patients with various hepatobiliary diseases and on healthy individuals. In healthy subjects, sup(99m)Tc-PMT is rapidly removed from the blood by the parenchymal cells of the liver and is excreted through the biliary system. The imaging of the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder and intestines with sup(99m)Tc-PMT was satisfactory. There was no renal visualization. In the case of serial images of healthy individuals, the gallbladder, intrahepatic bile duct and small intestine were visualized after 18.8 +- 7.2, 8.8 +- 1.4, and 16.7 +- 6.3 min, respectively; the mean peak time on the hepatogram was 8.0 +- 5.3 min. The bile ducts of patients with liver disorders were visualized later than those of healthy individuals. Particularly in the case of severe liver parenchymal diseases, the appearance time for the bile duct was significantly delayed. However, the delays in appearance time did not correlate well with low scores on the liver function test. At 70 min after the intravenous administration of sup(99m)Tc-PMT, 2.5 +- 1.5 % of the injected dose was excreted into the urine of the healthy individuals. The urinary excretion of sup(99m)Tc-PMT by the patients with hepatobiliary diseases showed no increase, and it was not entirely related to the results of the serum function tests. However, a larger amount of sup(99m)Tc-PMT was retained in the blood of the patients with hepatobiliary diseases. The blood retention values at 20 min after injection into those with liver cirrhosis and hepatoma were significantly delayed. (author)

  10. Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi TcII and TcI in free-ranging population of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus spp: an 11-year follow-up

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane Varella Lisboa


    Full Text Available Here, we present a review of the dataset resulting from the 11-years follow-up of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in free-ranging populations of Leontopithecus rosalia (golden lion tamarin and Leontopithecus chrysomelas (golden-headed lion tamarin from distinct forest fragments in Atlantic Coastal Rainforest. Additionally, we present new data regarding T. cruzi infection of small mammals (rodents and marsupials that live in the same areas as golden lion tamarins and characterisation at discrete typing unit (DTU level of 77 of these isolates. DTU TcII was found to exclusively infect primates, while TcI infected Didelphis aurita and lion tamarins. The majority of T. cruzi isolates derived from L. rosalia were shown to be TcII (33 out 42 Nine T. cruzi isolates displayed a TcI profile. Golden-headed lion tamarins demonstrated to be excellent reservoirs of TcII, as 24 of 26 T. cruzi isolates exhibited the TcII profile. We concluded the following: (i the transmission cycle of T. cruzi in a same host species and forest fragment is modified over time, (ii the infectivity competence of the golden lion tamarin population fluctuates in waves that peak every other year and (iii both golden and golden-headed lion tamarins are able to maintain long-lasting infections by TcII and TcI.

  11. Neutral and stereospecific Tc-99m complexes: [99mTc]N-benzyl-3,4-di-(N-2-mercaptoethyl)-amino-pyrrolidines (P-BAT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang Zhiping; Ploessl, Karl; Kung Meiping; Mu Mu; Kung, Hank F.


    Technetium-99m-labeled radiopharmaceuticals are currently the most commonly used agents in nuclear medicine. To prepare binding site-specific small molecules containing a Tc-99m complexing core, it is important to consider a ligand system, which selectively forms only one stereoisomer. A novel series of bisaminoethanethiol (BAT) derivatives as a model system were prepared. Stereoisomers of N-benzyl-3,4-di-(N-2-mercaptoethyl)-amino pyrrolidines (P-BAT): (3R,4R)-P-BAT (R,R-4) and (3,4)meso-P-BAT (8), the trans and meso isomer, respectively, as a chelating group were prepared successfully. The desired Tc-99m P-BAT complexes were obtained by using Sn(II)/glucoheptonate as the reducing agent for [ 99m Tc]pertechnetate. As predicted, after complexation with [ 99m Tc]Tc v O, the trans isomer, (3R,4R)-P-BAT (R,R-4), showed only one isomer; whereas the corresponding meso isomer, (3,4)meso-P-BAT (8), produced two distinctive complexes isolated readily by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The [ 99m Tc](R,S)meso-P-BAT (8) isomers showed a different lipophilicity (partition coefficient [P.C.]=54.3 and 55.4 for peak A and peak B, respectively), as compared with that of the corresponding [ 99m Tc](3R,4R)-P-BAT (R,R-4), trans isomer ( P.C.=163). Results of the biodistribution study in rats of these isomers show different heart and brain uptake, suggesting that the intrinsic differences in biodistribution are due to structural and stereospecific factors. Examples in this report confirm that it is possible to design stereospecific Tc-99m complexes based on the bisaminoethanethiol (N 2 S 2 , BAT) ligand system. Consideration on stereoselectivity of site-specific agents labeled with Tc-99m is likely an essential requirement on developing binding-site specific radiopharmaceuticals

  12. Effective visualization of suppressed thyroid tissue by means of baseline 99mTc-methoxy isobutyl isonitrile in comparison with 99mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy after TSH stimulation. (United States)

    Vattimo, A; Bertelli, P; Burroni, L


    Baseline 99mTc-MIBI thyroid scintigraphy was compared with 99mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy after TSH stimulation in seven patients with suppressed thyroid tissue due to an autonomously functioning thyroid nodule (AFTN). In all patients the suppressed thyroid tissue was visualized by means of both baseline 99mTc-MIBI and post-TSH 99mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy, and in some cases the former technique provided better visualization. In one patient presenting a "warm" nodule T3-suppression did not affect the nodular/extranodular uptake ratio of 99mTc-MIBI, whereas the 99mTc-pertechnetate uptake ratio increased significantly. This leads us to hypothesize that the thyroid uptake of 99mTc-MIBI is not related to TSH control, but rather to other mechanisms such as the blood flow. Since exogenous TSH is no longer available, 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy can be successfully used in the place of repeated 99mTc-pertechnetate scintigraphy after TSH stimulation in the assessment of AFTN.

  13. 99Tc in the Irish Sea. Recent trends

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCartney, M.; Rajendran, K.


    The increase in discharges of 99 Tc from Sellafield has resulted in an ideal opportunity to study the behaviour of this radionuclide in the aquatic environment. Results, thus far, have demonstrated that 99 Tc uptake by seaweeds collected from around the Irish Sea has followed the anticipated trend, with brown seaweeds accumulating 100-1000 times more 99 Tc than red or green algae. The large increase in discharges of 99 Tc from Sellafield in 1994 had been matched by a similar increase in the levels present in brown seaweeds, mussels and winkles for which concentration factors of 24000, 5000 and 100, respectively, have been derived. This confirms the observation that 99 Tc uptake by marine organisms in the field far exceeds that which would be expected from laboratory studies. Thus, it is concluded that, given the radiological importance of this nuclide, the provision of more accurate information on its environmental behaviour is required. (author)

  14. Sinal "S" de Golden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Ricardo


    Full Text Available O sinal de S Golden pode ser visto não só na radiografia do torax mas também na tomografia computorizada (TC. 1 O sinal também pode chamar-se de Sinal de S Golden Invertido porque lembra a forma de um “S” invertido.2,3 A pequena cisura, que delimita estas alterações, apresenta-se com a forma de “S” invertido, de concavidade inferior periférica, correspondente ao colapso pulmonar, e convexidade central, correspondente à massa hilar, o que pode ser apreciado na radiografia postero-anterior na TC do tórax. O lobo superior direito é o local onde mais frequentemente se desenvolvem neoplasias pulmonares, pelo que a presença do sinal “S” Golden deve levantar a suspeita de neoplasia primária.

  15. Influence of bilirubin on the distribution of 99mTc-HIDA and 99mTc-IODIDA in rats and their interaction with HSA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jovanovic, M.S.; Zmbova, B.; Zivanov-Stakic, D.; Vladimirov, S.


    The interaction of bilirubin and 99m Tc-HIDA and 99m Tc-IODIDA has been studied in rats. The mechanism of this interaction has been examined at the level of binding with human serum albumin (HSA) by the in vitro method. Percentage of binding with HSA, and affinity constants for 99m Tc-IODIDA were determined with and without bilirubin. Bilirubin was labeled with 99m Tc and its interaction with HSA was also examined. (author) 8 refs.; 2 figs.; 4 tabs

  16. Availability of 99Tc in undisturbed soil cores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denys, Sebastien; Echevarria, Guillaume; Florentin, Louis; Leclerc-Cessac, Elisabeth; Morel, Jean-Louis


    Models for safety assessment of radioactive waste repositories need accurate values of the soil-to-plant transfer of radionuclides. In oxidizing environments, 99 Tc is expected to occur as pertechnetate ( 99 TcO 4 - ). Due to its high mobility, leaching of this element in the field might be important, potentially affecting the reliability of estimated transfer parameters of 99 Tc as measured in closed experimental systems such as hydroponics or pot experiments. The aim of this experiment was to measure the leaching of 99 Tc in undisturbed irrigated soil cores under cultivation as well as plant uptake and to study the possible competition between the two transfer pathways. Undisturbed soil cores (50x50 cm) were sampled from a Rendzic Leptosol (R), a colluvial Fluvic Cambisol (F) and a Dystric Cambisol (D) using PVC tubes (three cores sampled per soil type). Each core was equipped with a leachate collector at the bottom, allowing the monitoring of 99 Tc leaching through the cores. Cores were placed in a greenhouse and maize (Zea mays L., cv. DEA, Pioneer[reg]) was sown. After 135 d, maize was harvested and radioactivity determined in both plant and water samples. Results showed that during the growing period, leaching of 99 Tc was limited, due to the high evapotranspiration rate of maize. After harvest, leaching of 99 Tc went on because of the absence of evapotranspiration. Effective uptake (EU) of 99 Tc in leaves and grains was calculated. EU reached 70% of the input in the leaves and was not significantly different among soils. These results confirmed those obtained from pot experiments, even though leaching was allowed to occur in close-to-reality hydraulical conditions. As a consequence, it was concluded that pot experiments are an adequate surrogate for more complex 'close-to-reality' experimental systems for measuring transfer factors

  17. Mechanical Properties of TC4 Matrix Composites Prepared by Laser Cladding

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    WANG Lin


    Full Text Available In order to improve the penetration performance of TC4, the direct laser deposition technology was used to prepare TC4 composite material. TA15+30% TiC powder, TA15+20%Cr3C2 powder and TA15+15%B4C powder were used as deposited materials for TC4 matrix. The micromorphology, change of hardness of the deposited coating and mechanical properties of the three composites were studied. The experimental results demonstrate that the TC4 matrix with the three kinds of materials can form a complete metallurgical bonding, and the strength of TC4-(TA15+TiC, TC4-(TA15+Cr3C2 and TC4-(TA15+B4C are higher than that of TC4 matrix materials, while the plasticity is slightly worse.

  18. The effect of HBB:c.*+96T>C (3’UTR +1570 T>C on the mild b-thalassemia intermedia phenotype

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    Türker Bilgen


    Full Text Available Hemoglobin beta (HBB:c.*+96T>C substitution is very rare among β-globin gene mutations and its clinical significance remains to be clarified. The present study aimed to investigate the role of HBB:c.*+96T>C in the β-thalassemia intermedia phenotype in a Turkish family. The proband and parents were screened for β-globin gene mutations via direct sequencing. Hematological and physical examination results were recorded, and correlated according to genotype. The proband was compound heterozygous for Cod 8 (-AA and HBB:c.*+96T>C, whereas his mother and father were heterozygous for Cod 8 (-AA and HBB:c.*+96T>C, respectively. The father had almost normal hematological findings, whereas the mother had the typical β-thalassemia trait phenotype. The proband was diagnosed as mild β-thalassemia intermedia based on hepatosplenomegaly and hematological findings. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of HBB:c.*+96T>C mutation in a Turkish family. HBB:c.* 96T>C substitution is a very rare, but clinically relevant β-globin gene mutation. Additionally, we think that if 1 spouse is a carrier for β-globin gene mutation the other should be screened for silent mutations, such as HBB:c.*+96T>C mutation of the β-globin gene, even if she/he does not have any clinical or hematological signs of the β-thalassemia trait phenotype.

  19. Role of scintigammagraphy with 99mTc-Gluthatione and 99mTc-MIBI in the evaluation and staging of lymphoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pena Quian, Yamile; Perera Pintado, Alejandro; Coca Perez, Marco A.; Batista Cuellar, Juan F.; Prats Capote, Anais; Sanchez Mendoza, Elvia; Sosa, Adriana; Mesa Cuervo, Jose R.; Hernandez Ramirez, Porfirio


    Full text: The aim of this study was to assess the utility of scintigammagraphy using 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-Gluthatione for the evaluation and staging of patients with lymphomas. We studied thirty patients (age range 16-66 years) of Hodgkin's disease (HD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). A control group (CG) of 8 patients with negative histological results was also studied. The patients were divided in three groups; HD group: thirteen patients (7 males and 6 females); NHL: seventeen patients (10 males and 7 females); CG: eight patients (2 males and 6 females). Scintigammagraphy studies were performed 20 min and 2 h after intravenous administration of 925-1110 MBq of 99mTc-MIBI or 99mTc-Gluthatione (GSH) using a gamma camera (Sophy DS-7, Sopha Medical System, France) equipped with low energy all purpose parallel hole collimator. Anterior and posterior images of thorax, abdomen and pelvis in 128x128 pixels matrix each for 1 million counts per view were acquired. A 20% window centered on the 140 keV was used for all acquisitions. All images were processed and analysed on a workstation (Power Vision, SMV, Canada) and interpreted by three qualified and experienced nuclear medicine specialist. The final diagnosis was reached by consensus. The images with a focal abnormal intense uptake were considered positive. Images showing diffuse bilateral and symmetrical uptake, bilateral lung uptake and intestinal uptake were considered negative. The overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of results for both radiopharmaceuticals were calculated using the histological findings, x-ray, ultrasound and CT scanning as confirmation criterion as gold standard. The nodular sclerosis was the most frequent type in HD group. In this group twelve patients were positive with 99mTc-MIBI scintigammagraphy while one was negative (nodular sclerosis, grade II). Scintigammagraphy with 99mTc-GSH was positive in all patients in HD group. However, scintigammagraphy with both radiopharmaceuticals

  20. Quantificação computadorizada dos índices de placa e cálculo dentais da imagem digital da superfície vestibular dos dentes de cães

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samira L. Abdalla


    Full Text Available A doença periodontal é causada pelo acúmulo de placa bacteriana sobre os dentes e estruturas adjacentes. Para sua mensuração têm sido formulados índices que consideram a quantidade e intensidade de placa bacteriana (PB e de cálculo dental (CD existentes na superfície dentária por meio de avaliação visual subjetiva. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o método de análise computadorizada para medição de área de PB e CD nos dentes de cães através da comparação com a avaliação visual. Foram utilizados 10 cães Beagles, três machos e sete fêmeas, com similares características e mantidos sob o mesmo manejo e dieta alimentar. As avaliações das superfícies vestibulares dos dentes ocorreram antes da profilaxia dentária, que foi realizada sob anestesia geral inalatória, e após sete dias para PB e após 28 dias para CD. A avaliação computadorizada da área de CD demonstrou ser estatisticamente melhor em relação à avaliação visual antes e após a profilaxia; entretanto, não demonstrou diferença significante na avaliação da PB. Concluiu-se que a avaliação computadorizada é vantajosa em relação à visual por conferir maior precisão na obtenção da proporção entre área total do dente e área acometida, mostrando-se estatistticamente superior na quantificação do CD após 28 dias.Periodontal disease is caused by dental plaque accumulation on teeth and adjacent structures. Indices have been formulated for its measurement considering the amount and intensity of dental plaque (DP and dental calculus (C on the surface of teeth through subjective visual evaluation. This study aims at assessing the computerized analysis method for measurement of DP and C areas on the teeth of dogs by comparing it with the visual evaluation in the oral cavity. Ten beagle dogs with similar characteristics and kept under the same management and diet were used. Evaluations of oral cavity occurred before surgical prophylaxis

  1. The use of 99Mo/99mTc generators in the analysis of low levels of 99Tc in environmental samples by radiochemical methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dowdall, M.; Selnaes, Oe.G.; Lind, B.; Gwynn, J.P.


    The analysis of low levels of 99 Tc in environmental samples presents special challenges, particularly with respect to the selection of an appropriate and practicable chemical yield tracer. Of all the tracers available, 99m Tc eluted from 99 Mo/ 99m Tc generators appears to be the most practicable in terms of availability, ease of use and cost. These factors have led to an increase in the use of such generators for the provision of 99m Tc as yield tracer for 99 Tc. For the analysis of low levels ( 3 or kg) of 99 Tc in environmental samples, consideration must be given to the radiochemical purity of the tracer solution with respect to contamination with both 99 Tc and other radionuclides. Due to the variable nature of the extent of the interference from tracer solution to tracer solution, it is unwise to try and establish a correction factor for any single generator. The only practical solution to the problem therefore is to run a 'blank' sample with each batch of samples drawn from a single tracer solution. (LN)

  2. Liver scanning with sup(99m)Tc-phytate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubo, A; Isobe, Y; Kobayashi, T; (Keio Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine); Kinoshita, Fumio; Shibata, Masayoshi


    /sup 198/Au-colloid has been widely used for liver scanning in Japan but it is not the best scanning agent because of the large exposure dose to the patient. The authors performed a few basic experiments with sup(99m)Tc-phytate, the preparation of which is very easy. The labeling efficiency was found to be 97.5% immediately after preparation and it remained fairly stable for a period of time. As a result, the compound can be used up to 6 hours after preparation without fear of chemical instability. Liver scanning with sup(99m)Tc-phytate was done on 116 patients and was compared with /sup 198/Au-colloid liver-scanning. Scans made with sup(99m)Tc were found to be superior to those made with /sup 198/Au in the resolution of surface defects in the liver, while at increasing depths the resolution with sup(99m)Tc dropped rapidly, apparently due to absorption of its relatively low energy photon. This indicates the importance of taking multidirectional views. The degrees of splenic concentration of sup(99m)Tc-phytate were fairly close to those of /sup 198/Au-colloid. Therefore, liver scanning with sup(99m)Tc-phytate is useful in the diagnostic evaluation of diffuse parenchymal liver disease.

  3. Liver scanning with sup(99m)Tc-phytate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubo, Atsushi; Isobe, Yoshinori; Kobayashi, Takeshi; Kinoshita, Fumio; Shibata, Masayoshi.


    198 Au-colloid has been widely used for liver scanning in Japan but it is not the best scanning agent because of the large exposure dose to the patient. The authors performed a few basic experiments with sup(99m)Tc-phytate, the preparation of which is very easy. The labeling efficiency was found to be 97.5% immediately after preparation and it remained fairly stable for a period of time. As a result, the compound can be used up to 6 hours after preparation without fear of chemical instability. Liver scanning with sup(99m)Tc-phytate was done on 116 patients and was compared with 198 Au-colloid liver-scanning. Scans made with sup(99m)Tc were found to be superior to those made with 198 Au in the resolution of surface defects in the liver, while at increasing depths the resolution with sup(99m)Tc dropped rapidly, apparently due to absorption of its relatively low energy photon. This indicates the importance of taking multidirectional views. The degrees of splenic concentration of sup(99m)Tc-phytate were fairly close to those of 198 Au-colloid. Therefore, liver scanning with sup(99m)Tc-phytate is useful in the diagnostic evaluation of diffuse parenchymal liver disease. (auth.)

  4. Preparation, quality control and biological characterization of 99mTc-vincristine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saira Hina; Muhammad Ibrahim Rajoka; Asma Haque


    In present study it is aimed to radiolabel vincristine with 99m Tc and to evaluate bioaffinity of 99m Tc labeled vinc. The optimum conditions required to obtain 99.6 ± 0.4 %, (n = 5) radiolabeling yield of 99m Tc-vincristine ( 99m Tc-vinc) were as follows: pH 4, 5 µg of vincristine sulphate, 6 µg SnCl 2 ·2H 2 O as a reducing agent and 10 min incubation time at room temperature. Quality control of 99m Tc-vinc was done by using paper electrophoresis and thin layer chromatography. The radiolabeling yield was confirmed by High performance liquid chromatography using radioactive and UV detector operating at 230 nm. 99m Tc-vinc was stable in vitro for 5 h. Biodistribution and scintigraphy of 99m Tc-vinc was performed in mice and rabbits respectively and that 99m Tc-vinc showed high uptake of it in liver and spleen. Finally 99m Tc-vinc may be the potential imaging agent for liver and spleen. (author)

  5. Immobilization of {sup 99}Tc (Re) using Iron-Phosphate Glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heo, Jong; Xu, Kai; Um, Woo Yong; Hrma, Pavel [Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, Pohang (Korea, Republic of)


    Technetium-99 ({sup 99}Tc) is a fission product artificially generated during the irradiation of {sup 235}U for commercial power production or {sup 239}Pu for nuclear weapons. Under oxidizing conditions, the dominant species of Tc, the pertechnetate anion (TcO{sub 4} {sup -}), is highly soluble in ground water and thus easily transports through the geologic systems. In addition, because of its high fission yield ({approx}6 %) and long half-life (2.1x10{sup 5} yr), immobilization of {sup 99}Tc has been investigated for decades. Several waste forms such as metallic alloys, sintered titanate ceramics and chemically bonded phosphate ceramics have been proposed to encapsulate {sup 99}Tc. They have not yet been realized in the industrial-scale, mostly either due to the high volatilization of {sup 99}Tc during high temperature process (>1300 .deg. C), or the low {sup 99}Tc loading. Iron-phosphate (FeP) glasses have been developed as alternative waste forms because of their chemical durability equivalent to borosilicate glasses. Additionally, vitrification of radioactive waste by FeP glasses can be done at a relatively low temperature ({approx}1000 .deg. C) and the low-temperature process can reduce the volatilization of {sup 99}Tc significantly. Thus, this work reports the immobilization of {sup 99}Tc by FeP glasses using rhenium (Re) as a surrogate. We also examine the chemical durability of Re-containing FeP glasses using product consistency test (PCT). Experimental results reveal that FeP glass can become a promising candidate for immobilizing {sup 99}Tc

  6. Production of 95mTc with proton bombardment of 95Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Izumo, M.; Matsuoka, H.; Sorita, T.; Nagame, Y.; Sekine, T.; Hata, K.; Baba, S.


    Formation cross sections of 95m Tc and 95g Tc via the 95 Mo (p,n) reaction have been measured to evaluate the production yield of 95m Tc which is expected to be a useful radiotracer of technetium isotopes. It was found from the cross section data that for incident proton energies above 15 MeV, the thick-target yield of 95m Tc was more than 20 μCi/μAh at the end of bombardment and the 95g Tc contamination was less than 1% after 12 d cooling. To examine the separation and purification of 95m Tc from target, we have carried out a test production of 95m Tc using a thick 95 Mo-enriched target. Other reactions of producing 95m Tc are compared and discussed in terms of the production yield and amounts of contaminants. (author)

  7. Development of Tc99m-Saccharic Acid for Heart Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shafii Khamis; Mohd Azfar Adenan; Bohari Yaacob; Amir Fitri Shafii


    Cardiovascular disease especially the coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Coronary heart disease is a common term for the buildup of plaque in the heart coronary arteries that could block the blood supply to the myocardial and this could lead to heart attack. An estimated 17 million people died from cardiovascular disease in 2008 representing 30% of all global death. In United Kingdom, coronary heart disease killed as much as 82,000 people each year. Hence, early detection of the coronary heart disease is very important in reducing the mortality among the world population. One of the most sensitive detection methods is by radioimaging using Technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals. Several different radio imaging agents such as Tc99m radiopharmaceutical were developed as radiagnostic agent in determining the CHD especially in identifying the blockage of the coronary artery of the heart muscle. Despite the success of Tc99m-sestamibi and Tc99m-tetrofosmin as effective agents for myocardial perfusion study, the search for other Tc99m heart imaging agents has never been interrupted. This report described the formulation of the Tc99m-saccharic acid radiopharmaceutical kit, radiolabelling of the kit, radiochemical purity evaluation of the Tc99m labeled saccharaic acid, and animal study involving radio imaging using gamma camera. The animal are then sacrificed and the biological distribution of the Tc99m-saccharic acid in-vivo was determined. Comparative study was also conducted using commercially available Tc99m-tetrafosmin, a CHD radiopharmaceutical kit. The Tc99m-saccharic acid developed gave a very high labeling efficiency of >92% with Tc99m and good uptake in the heart muscle. The saccharic acid kit developed was also found to be comparable in quality to the commercially available Tc99-tetrafosmin kit. (author)

  8. Microbial reduction of 99Tc in organic matter-rich soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdelouas, A.; Grambow, B.; Fattahi, M.; Andres, Y.; Leclerc-Cessac, E.


    For safety assessment purposes, it is necessary to study the mobility of long-lived radionuclides in the geosphere and the biosphere. Within this framework, we studied the behaviour of 99 Tc in biologically active organic matter-rich soils. To simulate the redox conditions in soils, we stimulated the growth of aerobic and facultative denitrifying and anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). In the presence of either a pure culture of denitrifiers (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) or a consortium of soil denitrifiers, the solubility of TcO 4 - was not affected. The nonsorption of TcO 4 - onto bacteria was confirmed in biosorption experiments with washed cells of P. aeruginosa regardless of the pH. At the end of denitrification with indigenous denitrifiers in soil/water batch experiments, the redox potential (E H ) dropped and this was accompanied by an increase of Fe concentration in solution as a result of reduction of less soluble Fe(III) to Fe(II) from the soil particles. It is suggested that this is due to the growth of a consortium of anaerobic bacteria (e.g., Fe-reducing bacteria). The drop in E H was accompanied by a strong decrease in Tc concentration as a result of Tc(VII) reduction to Tc(IV). Thermodynamic calculations suggested the precipitation of TcO 2 . The stimulation of the growth of indigenous sulphate-reducing bacteria in soil/water systems led to even lower E H with final Tc concentration of 10 -8 M. Experiments with glass columns filled with soil reproduced the results obtained with batch cultures. Sequential chemical extraction of precipitated Tc in soils showed that this radionuclide is strongly immobilised within soil particles under anaerobic conditions. More than 90% of Tc is released together with organic matter (60-66%) and Fe-oxyhydroxides (23-31%). The present work shows that ubiquitous indigenous anaerobic bacteria in soils play a major role in Tc immobilisation. In addition, organic matter plays a key role in the stability of the reduced Tc

  9. TcI, TcII and TcVI Trypanosoma cruzi samples from Chagas disease patients with distinct clinical forms and critical analysis of in vitro and in vivo behavior, response to treatment and infection evolution in murine model. (United States)

    Oliveira, Maykon Tavares de; Branquinho, Renata Tupinambá; Alessio, Gláucia Diniz; Mello, Carlos Geraldo Campos; Nogueira-de-Paiva, Nívia Carolina; Carneiro, Cláudia Martins; Toledo, Max Jean de Ornelas; Reis, Alexandre Barbosa; Martins-Filho, Olindo Assis Martins; Lana, Marta de


    The clonal evolution of Trypanosoma cruzi sustains scientifically the hypothesis of association between parasite's genetic, biological behavior and possibly the clinical aspects of Chagas disease in patients from whom they were isolated. This study intended to characterize a range of biological properties of TcI, TcII and TcVI T. cruzi samples in order to verify the existence of these associations. Several biological features were evaluated, including in vitro epimastigote-growth, "Vero"cells infectivity and growth, along with in vivo studies of parasitemia, polymorphism of trypomastigotes, cardiac inflammation, fibrosis and response to treatment by nifurtimox during the acute and chronic murine infection. The global results showed that the in vitro essays (acellular and cellular cultures) TcII parasites showed higher values for all parameters (growth and infectivity) than TcVI, followed by TcI. In vivo TcII parasites were more virulent and originated from patients with severe disease. Two TcII isolates from patients with severe pathology were virulent in mice, while the isolate from a patient with the indeterminate form of the disease caused mild infection. The only TcVI sample, which displayed low values in all parameters evaluated, was also originated of an indeterminate case of Chagas disease. Response to nifurtimox was not associated to parasite genetic and biology, as well as to clinical aspects of human disease. Although few number of T. cruzi samples have been analyzed, a discreet correlation between parasite genetics, biological behavior in vitro and in vivo (murine model) and the clinical form of human disease from whom the samples were isolated was verified. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Evolution of 99Tc Species in Cementitious Nuclear Waste Form

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Um, Woo Yong; Westsik, Joseph H.


    Technetium (Tc) is produced in large quantities as a fission product during the irradiation of 235 U-enriched fuel for commercial power production and plutonium genesis for nuclear weapons. The most abundant isotope of Tc present in the wastes is 99 Tc because of its high fission yield (∼6%) and long half-life (2.13x10 5 years). During the Cold War era, generation of fissile 239 Pu for use in America's atomic weapons arsenal yielded nearly 1900 kg of 99 Tc at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State. Most of this 99 Tc is present in fuel reprocessing wastes temporarily stored in underground tanks awaiting retrieval and permanent disposal. After the wastes are retrieved from the storage tanks, the bulk of the high-level waste (HLW) and lowactivity waste (LAW) stream is scheduled to be converted into a borosilicate glass waste form that will be disposed of in a shallow burial facility called the Integrated Disposal Facility (IDF) at the Hanford Site. Even with careful engineering controls, volatilization of a fraction of Tc during the vitrification of both radioactive waste streams is expected. Although this volatilized Tc can be captured in melter off-gas scrubbers and returned to the melter, some of the Tc is expected to become part of the secondary waste stream from the vitrification process. The off-gas scrubbers downstream from the melters will generate a high pH, sodium-ammonium carbonate solution containing the volatilized Tc and other fugitive species. Effective and cost-efficient disposal of Tc found in the off-gas scrubber solution remains difficult. A cementitious waste form (Cast Stone) is one of the nuclear waste form candidates being considered to solidify the secondary radioactive liquid waste that will be generated by the operation of the waste treatment plant (WTP) at the Hanford Site. Because Tc leachability from the waste form is closely related with Tc speciation or oxidation state in both the simulant

  11. Determination of 99Mo contamination in 99mTc elute obtained from 99Mo/99mTc- generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momennezhad, M.; Zakavi, S. R.; Sadeghi, R.


    99m Tc is a widely used radioisotope in nuclear medicine centers which is obtained by elution from Mo-99/Tc-99m generators. Usually the generators are either supplied by the Iran Atomic Energy Agency or by private companies from foreign countries. In this study we have measured 99 Mo contamination in 99m Tc elute from different generators in a period of one year. Materials and Methods: The radionuclide impurity of the 99m Tc elute were studied in two types of radionuclide generators (A: produced in Iran and B: Imported from other country). In-vitro measurements were performed using dose calibrator. Direct measurements were made, using a standard canister at the time of milking of the generators and also in Subsequent hours after milking. Results: The results showed a mean of 99 Mo impurity in generators A and B to be 0.00932±0.0043 and 0.0170±0.0127 respectively. Although the results showed that the 99 Mo contamination in 99 mTc elute was lesser than the maximum accepted activity limit of 0.015%, the difference in these two types may reflect different methods of productions of generator, as well as the quality control procedures. Conclusion: The mean of 99 Mo contamination in generators produced in Iran Atomic Energy Organization was lesser than generators imported from foreign origin.

  12. 77 FR 54908 - TC Offshore, LLC; Notice Establishing Deadline for Comments (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. RP12-908-000] TC Offshore, LLC; Notice Establishing Deadline for Comments On August 29, 2012, TC Offshore, LLC (TC Offshore... is hereby given that participants in the captioned proceedings may file comments to TC Offshsore's...

  13. Pharmaceutical grade sodium (99mTc) pertechnetate from 99Mo/99mTc-TCM-Autosolex generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chattopadhyay, Sankha; Barua, Luna; Das, Sujata Saha


    Technetium-99m (T 1/2 = 6.02h; 140.51 keV (89%)) is the most useful radioisotope in diagnostic nuclear medicine. More than 80% of all diagnostic procedures done worldwide in nuclear medicine centre are performed with 99m Tc. Worldwide crisis of fission 99 Mo based generator in recent past had put the nuclear medicine fraternity in very harsh situation. In order to have an indigenous solution of this problem, we tried to develop a computer controlled semi automated 99 Mo/ 99m Tc generator using MEK solvent extraction technique, which utilizes abundantly available 99 Mo produced by (n,γ) reaction in BARC reactors. The aim of this work is to provide a more reliable, computer controlled module (TCM- AUTOSOLEX) for the recovery of pharmaceutical grade 99m Tc from low specific activity 99 Mo based on solvent extraction methodology

  14. Pharmacokinetic model of myocardial 99mTc-sestamibi washout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Tsubasa; Monzen, Hajime; Mizowaki, Takashi; Hiraoka, Masahiro; Hara, Masatake


    Technetium-99m sestamibi ( 99m Tc-MIBI) scintigraphy has been reported to be a functional imaging tool for in vivo detection of mitochondrial dysfunction in myocardium and multidrug resistance-associated protein expression in tumors. The purpose of this study was to propose a clinically applicable pharmacokinetic model with metabolic equilibrium of 99m Tc-MIBI and to evaluate the accuracy of the model. For this study, eight healthy men received 99m Tc-MIBI scintigraphy. The planar images were obtained at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 h after 99m Tc-MIBI injection. The measured time series 99m Tc-MIBI counts were fitted to our model by nonlinear regression analysis. The predictive performance of the model was determined by comparing the residuals between measured and predicted values. We obtained a good regression by fitting data from 0.25 to 6 h after 99m Tc-MIBI injection, with excellent correlation between measured and predicted 99m Tc-MIBI counts (R 2 =0.9792) and a slope near unity. The 95% confidence interval of the mean prediction error included 0, which means that the prediction was not significantly biased. The precision of the prediction was also excellent. Our model shows good predictive capacity, with favorable bias and accuracy. By comparing the predictive values of this model with measured values, mitochondrial 99m Tc-MIBI washout can be quantified. 99m Tc-MIBI washout rates are reported to be a promising method for evaluating cardiac function in patients with cardiac diseases and P-glycoprotein expression in tumor cells. Therefore, this quantification could be useful for mitochondrial functional imaging, especially in patients with cardiac diseases or tumors. (author)

  15. 75 FR 5855 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 8038-TC (United States)


    ... 8038-TC AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice and request for comments... comments concerning Form 8038-TC, Information Return for Tax Credit Bonds. DATES: Written comments should...: Form 8038-TC. Abstract: Form 8038-TC will be used by issuers of qualified tax- exempt credit bonds...

  16. Single isotope dual-phase scintigraphy with 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-tetrofosmin combined with SPECT technique in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Botushanova, A.; Yaneva, M.; Botushanov, N.


    Full text: Preoperative parathyroid scintigraphy is highly beneficial when used for minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. The aim is to examine the diagnostic value of single isotope dual-phase scintigraphy with 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-etrofosmin combined with SPECT technique in preoperative localization of hyperplastic parathyroid glands in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. The study included 15 patients aged 37 to 73 years (8 women and 7 men) with proven secondary hyperparathyroidism with increased serum calcium and parathyroid hormone. All patients were on chroniodialysis and treatment with Calcitriol. The examination was done with two-headed SPECT gamma camera SIMBIA by protocol for single isotope dual-phase scintigraphy and SPECT technique. 740 MBq 99mTc-MIBI were applied intravenously in 6 of the patients, and in 9 patients were administered 740 MBq 99mTc-tetrofosmin. The scintigraphy with 99mTc-MIBI visualized a focus of residual activity in 4 patients, and in 2 we received negative scintigraphy. The scintigraphy with 99mTc-tetrofosmin combined with SPECT showed an area of hyperfixation in both phases on SPECT images in 1 patient. In 2 patients hyperfixating areas suspicious for abnormal parathyroid glands were registered only in the early SPECT images. In 6 patients the scintigraphic results were negative. Negative scintigraphic results can be explained with the ability to suppress the uptake of 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc - tetrofosmin by the parathyroid cells as a result of taking Calcitriol. Scintigraphy with 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-tetrofosmin did not show high sensitivity in identifying the hyperplastic parathyroid glands, although it was capable to distinguish patients with nodular hyperplasia of those with diffuse hyperplasia

  17. Tc(V)-DMS tumor localization mechanism: a pH-sensitive Tc(V)-DMS-enhanced target/nontarget ratio by glucose-mediated acidosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horiuchi, Kazuko; Saji, Hideo; Yokoyama, Akira


    Since the conception of the pentavalent technetium polynuclear complex of dimercaptosuccinic acid, Tc(V)-DMS, a great number of papers published on its clinical applicability forced us to question ''how tumor tissue appropriates the Tc(V)-DMS.'' Preliminary in vitro studies with Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (EATC) indicated the pH-sensitive character of this tumor agent. From this finding and the well-established notion that malignant tumors are more acidic than normal tissue, the in vivo correlation of Tc(V)-DMS accumulation in tumor tissue with its tissue acidification was considered of interest. The systemic lowering of tumor tissue pH by the stimulation of aerobic glycolysis has been well reported. In the present paper, the response of Tc(V)-DMS tumor accumulation to acidification induced by the glucose administration was explored in EATC-bearing mice. Measurement of tumor tissue pH was carried out by direct microelectrode technique and by histochemical umbelliferone technique in tumor tissue excised from EATC bearing mice. The regional acidity distribution is correlated with the regional radioactivity distribution registered by autoradiography. Evidence related to the pH sensitiveness of Tc(V)-DMS in response to glycolytic acidification was gathered; the pH measurement and the in vivo biodistribution of the double-tracer macroautoradiography with C-14 deoxyglucose (C-14-DG) demonstrated that the regional tissue distribution of Tc(V)-DMS was superimposed to that of C-14-DG. The glucose interventional modality offers the premier foundation for the interpretation of Tc(V)-DMS accumulation in diagnostic studies of malignant tumors

  18. The study of x-ray photo-electron spectroscopy of 99mTc-RBC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Chunyi


    99m Tc-RBC are widely used as visualization agents for a blood pool. In this research 99m Tc-RBC was prepared by in vivo labeling. The chemical state and changes of 99m Tc atoms in 99m Tc-RBC was determined by x-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). The stability of 99m Tc-RBC is best shown by the determination of XPS at one hour or at two hours after labeling. There are two ways of coordination of bonding of RBC and 99m Tc: One is the coordination of 99m Tc with the oxygen atom which carries a negative charge of the carboxyl radical on the polypeptide bond, the other is the coordination of 99m Tc with a sulfur atom which caries the negative charge of cysteine. From the E b value of 99m Tc-RBC 99m Tc 3d5/2, it can be inferred that 99m Tc of 99m Tc-RBC is less than a trivalent. At the same time, the results of the determination by XPS with the compounds containing 99 TcO 4 - , 99 Tc(V), 99 Tc(IV) and 99 Tc(III) show that the chemical shift is lowered as the reduction state is lowered. Experimental results coincide with theoretical inferences

  19. Linfoma não-Hodgkin apresentando-se como massa hepática única Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a single liver mass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mila Correia Góis Peixoto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as principais características de imagem do linfoma não-Hodgkin apresentando-se como massa hepática única. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizamos estudo retrospectivo mediante análise de casos de pacientes com massa hepática única aos exames de ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, com diagnóstico histológico de linfoma não-Hodgkin. Esses exames foram analisados por dois examinadores em consenso. RESULTADOS: Identificamos três pacientes, todos do sexo masculino, na quinta década de vida, com quadro clínico inespecífico e que apresentavam massa hepática única e com diagnóstico de linfoma não-Hodgkin. Na ultrassonografia a lesão hepática apresentava-se como massa com aspecto "em alvo" nos três casos estudados. Na tomografia computadorizada observou-se massa hipodensa e heterogênea, com realce anelar em todos os casos. Na ressonância magnética as lesões apresentavam-se heterogêneas, hipointensas em T1 e hiperintensas em T2, e também com realce anelar após a injeção do contraste. Nenhum paciente apresentava linfonodomegalia ou comprometimento de outras vísceras sólidas no momento do diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: Na presença de massa hepática solitária e com aspecto "em alvo" deve-se considerar, entre as hipóteses, o diagnóstico de linfoma.OBJECTIVE: To describe the main imaging findings of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as a single liver mass. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was developed with analysis of cases where a single liver mass was observed at ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and histologically diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The studies were reviewed by two observers in consensus. RESULTS: Three male patients in the fifth decade of life, with non-specific clinical manifestations and single liver mass diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were identified. A hepatic lesion with target sign was observed at

  20. 78 FR 40824 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 8038-TC (United States)


    ... 8038-TC AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice and request for comments... Form 8038-TC, Information Return for Tax Credit Bonds. DATES: Written comments should be received on or...-TC. Abstract: Form 8038-TC will be used by issuers of qualified tax- exempt credit bonds, including...

  1. Effect of hydrogen addition on the microstructure of TC21 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Tangkui; Li Miaoquan


    Research highlights: → The aim of this paper is to study the effect of hydrogen content (0-0.887 wt.%H) on microstructure, phase composition, microhardness and β transus temperature of TC21 alloy. The results show that, with increasing hydrogen content, the β phase increases, the α/β interfaces of lamellar transformed β phase disappear, the lattice parameter of β phase increases and the β transus temperature decreases for the hydrogenated TC21 alloy. In comparison to the as-received TC21 alloy, the contrasts of primary α phase and transformed β phase under optical microscope in the TC21 alloy with high hydrogen content are reversed completely. Furthermore, the γ and δ hydrides are detected in the hydrogenated TC21 alloy. In addition, the variations of phase compositions for the hydrogenated TC21 alloy have influence on microhardness and β transus temperature. → In conclusion, this paper shows some significant rules about the influence of hydrogen on TC21 alloy. - Abstract: TC21 alloy was hydrogenated at 750 deg. C with different hydrogen contents ranging from 0 to 0.873 wt.%H, and its microstructural evolution and phase transformations were investigated by optical microscopy (OM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microhardness and the β transus temperature for the hydrogenated TC21 alloy were determined by microhardness testing and metallographical approach, respectively. The results show that, hydrogen addition has a noticeable influence on microstructure, phase composition, microhardness and β transus temperature of TC21 alloy. With increasing hydrogen content, the β phase increases, the α/β interfaces of lamellar transformed β phase disappear, the lattice parameter of β phase increases and the β transus temperature decreases for the hydrogenated TC21 alloy. In comparison to the as-received TC21 alloy, the contrasts of primary α phase and transformed β phase under optical microscope in the hydrogenated TC21 alloy with high hydrogen

  2. Leaching TC-99 from DWPF glass in simulated geologic repository groundwaters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bibler, N.E.; Jurgensen, A.R.


    The purpose was to determine if DWPF glass in geologic groundwaters would immobilize Tc-99 as well as it does other elements. A previous study (using a borosilicate glass of a very different composition from DWPF glass) indicated that Tc-99 leached rapidly from the glass suggesting that glass may not be a good matrix for immobilizing Tc-99. It was suggested that the Tc-99 had migrated to vesicles in the glass while the glass was still molten. To determine if borosilicate glass was a good immobilizing matrix for Tc-99, this study was performed using DWPF glass. The leaching of Tc-99 was compared to other elements in the glass. It was shown that rapid leaching will not occur with SRP glass. The leach rate for Tc-99 was nearly identical to that for B, a matrix element in the glass. Another objective was to compare the release of Tc-99 under oxidizing and reducing conditions with other elements in the glass. In the tests described here, even though the glass was dissolving more under reducing conditions as a result of abnormally high pH values, less Tc-99 appeared in solution

  3. Tc-99m Glu-Cys-Gly-His-Gly-Lys (ECG-HGK), a novel Tc-99m labeled hexapeptide for molecular tumor imaging. (United States)

    Kim, Dae-Weung; Kim, Myoung Hyoun; Kim, Chang Guhn


    Domain 5 of kinin-free high molecular weight kininogen inhibits the adhesion of many tumor cell lines, and it has been reported that the histidine-glycine-lysine (HGK)-rich region might be responsible for inhibition of cell adhesion. The authors developed HGK-containing hexapeptide, glutamic acid-cysteine-glycine (ECG)-HGK, and evaluated the utility of Tc-99m ECG-HGK for tumor imaging. Hexapeptide, ECG-HGK was synthesized using Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis. Radiolabeling efficiency was evaluated. The uptake of Tc-99m ECG-HGK within HT-1080 cells was evaluated in vitro. In HT-1080 tumor-bearing mice, gamma imaging and biodistribution studies were performed. The complexes Tc-99m ECG-HGK was prepared in high yield. The uptake of Tc-99m ECG-HGK within the HT-1080 tumor cells had been demonstrated by in vitro studies. The gamma camera imaging in the murine model showed that Tc-99m ECG-HGK was accumulated substantially in the HT-1080 tumor (tumor-to-muscle ratio = 5.7 ± 1.4 at 4 h), and the tumoral uptake was blocked by the co-injection of excess HGK (tumor-to-muscle ratio = 2.8 ± 0.6 at 4 h). In the present study, Tc-99m ECG-HGK was developed as a new tumor imaging agents. Our in vitro and in vivo studies revealed specific function of Tc-99m ECG-HGK for tumor imaging. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Concentration of 99Tc in seawater by coprecipitation with iron hydroxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momoshima, Noriyuki; Eto, Ichiro; Muhammad Sayad; Takashima, Yoshimasa


    A method for accumulation of 99 Tc in seawater has been developed. Technetium tracer in +VII oxidation state was added to the seawater together with reducing agent, potassium pyrosulfite, and coprecipitation agent, ferric chloride. After reduction of Tc(VII) at pH 4, Tc(IV) was coprecipitated as iron hydroxide by addition of sodium hydroxide to pH 9. The reduction and coprecipitation was quantitative and overall recovery of Tc was more than 98%. The green color of iron precipitate formed at pH 9 suggested that Tc(VII) as well as ferric ion was reduced under this condition. Adsorption of Tc(IV), however, was poor for iron hydroxide which was prepared in advance indicating active surface of freshly precipitated iron hydroxide is necessary for quantitative recovery of Tc(IV). A repeating coprecipitation technique was examined for enrichment of Tc in seawater that the same iron was used repeatedly as coprecipitater. After separation of iron hydroxide with Tc(IV) from supernatant, the precipitate was dissolved by addition of acid and then new seawater which contained reducing agent and Tc(VII) was added. Reduction and coprecipitation was again carried out. Good recovery was attained for 7 repeats. The proposed repeating coprecipitation technique was applicable to a large amount of seawater without increasing the amount of iron hydroxide which is subjected to radiochemical analysis. (author)

  5. Experimental study of per-rectal portal scintigraphy using 99mTc-EHIDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamaki, Satoshi; Shinotsuka, Akira; Takenaka, Hiroki


    We discovered that 99m Tc-diethyl iminodiacetic acid ( 99m Tc-EHIDA) commonly used for hepatobiliary scintigraphy could also be administered per-rectally, with adequate absorption and optimal visualization of the portal system. To evaluate its usefulness, we experimented on rabbits using the method. Portal scintigraphy with rectal administration of 99m Tc-EHIDA, 123 I-N-isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine ( 123 I-IMP) and 99m Tc-red blood cell ( 99m Tc-RBC) were performed in normal rabbits and in extrahepatic portal shunt model rabbits. Images of the liver and thorax were obtained and shunt indices were calculated from the count values of liver and lung or heart. Then the shunt indices were compared with shunt rate derived from direct injection of 99m Tc-macroaglutinated albumin ( 99m Tc-MAA) into inferior mesenteric vein. Correlation between shunt rate of 99m Tc-MAA and shunt indices of 99m Tc-RBC, 123 I-IMP and 99m Tc-EHIDA were 0.64, 0.75 and 0.78, respectively, with 99m Tc-EHIDA having the most favorable results. We concluded that 99m Tc-EHIDA per-rectal portal scintigraphy is a noninvasive, quantitative, inexpensive and simple method for evaluation of portal circulation system. Also, we think that this method would be applicable to human usage from our experience with normal volunteers. (author)

  6. The function of Sn(II)-apatite as a Tc immobilizing agent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asmussen, R. Matthew, E-mail: [Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Blvd, Richland, WA, 99352 (United States); Neeway, James J.; Lawter, Amanda R.; Levitskaia, Tatiana G. [Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Blvd, Richland, WA, 99352 (United States); Lukens, Wayne W. [Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 94720 (United States); Qafoku, Nikolla P. [Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Blvd, Richland, WA, 99352 (United States)


    At the U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site, Tc-99 is a component of low-activity waste (LAW) fractions of the nuclear tank waste and removal of Tc from LAW streams would greatly benefit the site remediation process. In this study, we investigated the removal of Tc(VII), as pertechnetate, from deionized water (DIW) and a LAW simulant through batch sorption testing and solid phase characterization using tin (II) apatite (Sn-A) and SnCl{sub 2}. Sn-A showed higher levels of Tc removal from both DIW and LAW simulant. Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/XEDS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) of reacted Sn-A in DIW showed that TcO4- is reduced to Tc(IV) on the Sn-A surface. The performance of Sn-A in the LAW simulant was lowered due to a combined effect of the high alkalinity, which lead to an increased dissolution of Sn from the Sn-A, and a preference for the reduction of Cr(VI). - Highlights: • Sn(II)-Apatite shows high proficiency in removing Tc(VII) from neutral solutions. • The removal of the Tc(VII) by Sn(II)-apatite is done via reduction to Tc(IV)O{sub 2} × H{sub 2}O. • In LAW Sn(II)-apatite is less efficient in removing Tc(VII). • Interference in LAW due to a preference for the reduction of Cr(VI) and the high pH. • Sn(II)-apatite can remove Tc(VII) from LAW effectively through increasing material added.

  7. Novel Tc-99m radiotracers for brain imaging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Boschi


    Full Text Available A novel class of Tc-99m complexes able to cross the blood brain barrier has been investigated and described here. These compounds are formed by reacting the bis-substituted nitrido precusors [99mTc(N(PS2] (PS = phosphino-thiol ligand with triethylborane (BEt3 under strictly anhydrous conditions and using non-aqueous solvents. The molecular structure of these tracers was not fully established, but preliminary experimental evidence suggests that they result from the interaction of the Lewis base [99mTc(N(PS2] with the Lewis acid BEt3, which leads to the formation of the novel -B-Nº Tc- adduct. After purification and recovery in a physiological solution, the new borane-nitrido Tc-99m derivatives were injected in rats for evaluating their in vivo biological behavior. Results showed a significant accumulation in brain tissue, thus indicating that these complexes are capable of penetrating the intact blood brain barrier. Uptake in the central nervous system was confirmed by imaging the distribution of activity on the integrated living animal using a YAP(SSPECT small animal scanner.Uma nova classe de complexos de Tc-99m capazes de atravessar a barreira hemato-encefálica foi investigada e descrita neste trabalho. Estes compostos são formados reagindo os precursores bissubstituídos do nitrido [99mTc(N(PS2] (PS = phosphino-tiol ligante com trietillborano (BEt3 sob restritas condições anidras e usando solventes não aquosos. A estrutura molecular desses traçadores não foi totalmente estabelecida, mas evidências experimentais preliminares sugerem que eles resultam da interação da base de Lewis [99mTc(N(PS2] com o ácido de Lewis BEt3, levando a formação do novo aducto -B-Nº Tc-. Após purificação e recuperação em uma solução fisiológica, os novos derivados borano-nitrido-Tc-99m foram injetados em ratos para avaliação de seu comportamento biológico in vivo. Os resultados mostraram uma acumulação significativa no tecido cerebral

  8. Preparation and biological characteristics of 99mTc-diol a renal agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castanheira, I.; Paulo, A.; Neves, M.; Patricio, L.; Sawas-Dimopoulou, C.


    The present work concerns the production of 1,2-dihydroxypropyl-1-phosphonic acid (diol) by acid hydrolysis of (-cis) 1,2-epoxypropylphosphonic acid (phosphomycin), and its formation as a kit easily labeled with [ 99m Tc]pertechnetate. Biodistribution studies and whole-body autoradiographies in mice show that 99m Tc-diol has a specific affinity for the kidneys: it is rapidly cleared from the blood and excreted in urine. Part of the injected activity remains in the kidney cortex sufficiently long to permit kidney imaging. In comparison with other agents which also localize in the kidney cortex, such as 99m Tc-DMSA and 99m Tc-glucoheptonate ( 99m Tc-GHA), the main differences are the following: the peak of renal activity is reached early in the 5 min post-injection period for 99m Tc-diol, only at about 10 min post-injection for 99m Tc-GHA and after 3 h post-injection for 99m Tc-DMSA. The uptake of 99m Tc-diol by other organs, especially by bones, is much smaller than in the case of 99m Tc-DMSA. Unlike 99m Tc-DMSA, the biodistribution of 99m Tc-diol is not significantly influenced by acid-base imbalance. Moreover, the retention effect of hyperuricemia on 99m Tc-diol blood clearance and kidney excretion could be the result of a competition mechanism between this radiopharmaceutical and uric acid for a common transport system. The above biological characteristics suggest that 99m Tc-diol is a kidney radiopharmaceutical with an ability for functional and imaging studies. (author)

  9. Production of 99Tc generators with automatic elution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mengatti, J.; Yanagawa, S.T.I.; Mazzarro, E.; Gasiglia, H.T.; Rela, P.R.; Silva, C.P.G. da; Pereira, N.P.S. de.


    The improvements performed on the routine production of sup(99m) Tc-generators at the Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares-CNEN/SP, are described. The old model generators (manual elution of sup(99m) Tc) were substituted by automatically eluted generators (Vacuum system). The alumina column, elution system and acessories were modified; the elution time was reduced from 60 to 20-30 seconds. The new generators give 80-90% elution yields using six mililiters of sodium chloride 0,9% as sup(99m) Tc eluant instead of the 10 mililiters necessary to eluate the old generators. So, the radioactive concentrations are now 70% higher. The radioactive, radiochemical, chemical and microbiological criteria were examinated for sup(99m) Tc solutions. Like old generators, automatic generators were considered safe for medical purpose. (Author) [pt

  10. TcCYPR04, a Cacao Papain-Like Cysteine-Protease Detected in Senescent and Necrotic Tissues Interacts with a Cystatin TcCYS4. (United States)

    Cardoso, Thyago Hermylly Santana; Freitas, Ana Camila Oliveira; Andrade, Bruno Silva; Sousa, Aurizangela Oliveira de; Santiago, André da Silva; Koop, Daniela Martins; Gramacho, Karina Peres; Alvim, Fátima Cerqueira; Micheli, Fabienne; Pirovani, Carlos Priminho


    The interaction amongst papain-like cysteine-proteases (PLCP) and their substrates and inhibitors, such as cystatins, can be perceived as part of the molecular battlefield in plant-pathogen interaction. In cacao, four cystatins were identified and characterized by our group. We identified 448 proteases in cacao genome, whereof 134 were cysteine-proteases. We expressed in Escherichia coli a PLCP from cacao, named TcCYSPR04. Immunoblottings with anti-TcCYSPR04 exhibited protein increases during leaf development. Additional isoforms of TcCYSPR04 appeared in senescent leaves and cacao tissues infected by Moniliophthora perniciosa during the transition from the biotrophic to the saprophytic phase. TcCYSPR04 was induced in the apoplastic fluid of Catongo and TSH1188 cacao genotypes, susceptible and resistant to M. perniciosa, respectively, but greater intensity and additional isoforms were observed in TSH1188. The fungal protein MpNEP induced PLCP isoform expression in tobacco leaves, according to the cross reaction with anti-TcCYSPR04. Several protein isoforms were detected at 72 hours after treatment with MpNEP. We captured an active PLCP from cacao tissues, using a recombinant cacao cystatin immobilized in CNBr-Sepharose. Mass spectrometry showed that this protein corresponds to TcCYSPR04. A homology modeling was obtained for both proteins. In order to become active, TcCYSPR04 needs to lose its inhibitory domain. Molecular docking showed the physical-chemical complementarities of the interaction between the cacao enzyme and its inhibitor. We propose that TcCYSPR04 and its interactions with cacao cystatins are involved in the senescence and necrosis events related to witches' broom symptoms. This molecular interaction may be the target for future interventions to control witches' broom disease.

  11. {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO and {sup 99m}Tc-ECD perform differently in typically hypoperfused areas in Alzheimer's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koulibaly, Pierre Malick [Nuclear Medicine Department, Centre Antoine Lacassagne, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France); Laboratoire de Biophysique, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, UFR de Medecine, 28 Avenue de Valombrose, 06107, Nice Cedex 2 (France); Nobili, Flavio; Vitali, Paolo; Girtler, Nicola; Rodriguez, Guido [Clinical Neurophysiology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genoa (Italy); Migneco, Octave; Darcourt, Jacques [Nuclear Medicine Department, Centre Antoine Lacassagne, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France); Robert, Philippe H. [Memory Center, Federation of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France)


    Technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) and {sup 99m}Tc-N,N''-1,2-ethylene diylbis-l-cysteine diethyl ester dihydrochloride (ECD) yield significantly different images of cerebral perfusion owing to their particular pharmacokinetics. The aim of this study was to assess the topography, extension and statistical significance of these differences in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Sixty-four patients with mild to moderate AD were retrospectively selected by two European centres. Two series of patients, including 32 studied with {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and 32 studied with {sup 99m}Tc-ECD SPET, were matched for sex, age ({+-}3 years) and severity of cognitive impairment as assessed by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) ({+-}2 points), following a case-control procedure. SPET data were processed using SPM99 software (uncorrected height threshold: P=0.001). {sup 99m}Tc-ECD SPET gave significantly higher uptake ratio values than {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO SPET in several symmetrical clusters, including the right and left occipital cuneus, the left occipital and parietal precuneus, and the left superior and middle temporal gyri. {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO SPET gave significantly higher uptake ratio values than ECD in two smaller clusters, including the hippocampus in both hemispheres. In AD, relative brain uptake of {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO and {sup 99m}Tc-ECD is different in several brain regions, some of which are typically involved in AD, such as the precuneus and the hippocampus. These differences confirm the need for specific normal databases, but their impact on routine SPET reports in AD is not known and deserves an ad hoc investigation. (orig.)

  12. Validation of an ergonomic method to withdraw [99mTc] radiopharmaceuticals. (United States)

    Blondeel-Gomes, Sandy; Marie, Solène; Fouque, Julien; Loyeau, Sabrina; Madar, Olivier; Lokiec, François


    The main objective of the present work was to ensure quality of radiopharmaceuticals syringes withdrawn with a "Spinal needle/obturator In-Stopper" system. Methods: Visual examinations and physicochemical tests are performed at T0 and T+4h for [ 99m Tc]albumin nanocolloid and T+7h for [ 99m Tc]eluate, [ 99m Tc] HydroxyMethylene DiPhosphonate and [ 99m Tc]Human Serum Albumin. Microbiological validation was performed according to European pharmacopoeia. Fingertip radiation exposure was evaluated to confirm the safety of the system. Results: Results show stable visual and physicochemical properties. The integrity of the connector was not affected after 30 punctures (no cores). No microbiological contamination was found on tested syringes. Conclusion: The system could be used 30 times. The stability of syringes drawing with this method is guaranteed up to 4 hours for [ 99m Tc]albumin nanocolloid and 7 hours for [ 99m Tc]eluate, [ 99m Tc]HydroxyMethylene DisPhosphonate and [ 99m Tc]Human serum albumin. Copyright © 2017 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Inc.

  13. Development of Tc-99m labeled myocardial imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, J. M.; Jang, Y. S.; Kim, Y. J.; Lee, Y. S.; Kim, H. W.; Ray, G.; Lee, M. S.


    Lipophilic cations have been widely used for myocardial SPECT. We synthesized novel +1 charged lipophilic Tc-99m-labeled N,N'-disubstituted N2S2 derivatives and investigated their biodistribution. The N,N'-dimethyl-, N,N'-diethyl-, N,N'-bis(methoxyethyl)-, and N,N'-bis(ethoxyethyl)N2S2 derivatives were synthesized by alkylating disulfide form of N2S2 with corresponding alkyl halides and subsequently reduced with LAH in THF. To label with Tc-99m, 50% gluconic acid (0.1 ml), SnCl2·2H2O (10 μg), Tc-99m-pertechnetate (370 MBq/2.5 ml) and 0.5 M Na2CO3 (0.3 ml) were added to the compounds. These mixtures were reacted in boiling water bath for 30∼60 min. Radiochemical purities were checked by Whatman No.1 chromatography (normal saline, Rf 0.3∼0.4). Biodistribution of each compound was investigated after injecting 74 kBq (0.1 ml) of each Tc-99m-labeled compound to ICR-mice through the tail vein. Chemical structures of synthesized compounds were confirmed by GC-MSD and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. All of the Tc-99m-labeled compound showed labeling efficiencies of higher than 93%. In biodistribution study, the myocardial uptake of Tc-99m-N,N'-dimethylN2S2, Tc-99m-N,N'-diethylN2S2, Tc-99m-N,N'-bis(methoxyethyl)N2S2 and Tc-99m-N,N'-bis(ethoxyethyl)N2S2 were 5.38 ±0.96, 2.98 ±0.16, 4.27 ±0.47, 7.24 ±1.01% ID/g at 10 min and 5.34 ±1.57, 2.05 ±0.40, 1.02 ±0.16, 1.69 ±0.04% ID/g at 2 hr, respectively. We successfully synthesized Tc-99m-labeled N,N-disubstituted N2S2 derivatives that are novel lipophilic +1 charged compounds. We thought our results prove the feasibility of these compounds to use for myocardial SPECT agent

  14. Clinical evaluation of hepatic scintigraphy using 99mTc-GSA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Katsumi; Nishiyama, Shogo; Nishimaki, Hiroshi; Tadokoro, Katsumi; Ikeda, Toshiaki; Matsubayashi, Takashi; Ishii, Kodo


    Functional hepatic imaging was performed using 99m Tc-DTPA-galactosyl human serum albumin ( 99m Tc-GSA), a radiolabeled ligand that reacts specifically to the asialoglycoprotein receptor that resides at the plasma membrane of hepatocytes, in 21 patients: five with chronic active hepatitis (CAH), 14 with compensative liver cirrhosis (LC), one with chronic inactive hepatitis and one with acute hepatitis. The former two diseases were mainly investigated. Serial liver images were acquired at the rates of 10 sec/frame for 0-5 min and 2 min/frame for 6-30 min after the injection of 99m Tc-GSA, and the images were compared with 99m Tc-phytase images in 2 patients with CAH and 11 with LC, and those with portal scintigrams using 123 I-iodoamphetamine (IMP) in 3 patients with LC. The images using 99m Tc-GSA were in better agreement with hepatic function than those using 99m Tc-phytase, and with the findings of portal scintigraphy using 123 I-IMP. LHL15 (liver/liver and heart radioactivities at 15 min after injection of 99m Tc-GSA) correlated with the hepaplastin test (r=0.978 in CAH, and r=0.544 in LC), indicators of hepatic reserve. These results suggest that liver scintigraphy using 99m Tc-GSA might be a useful method for evaluating liver function. (author)

  15. Assessment of hepatic functional reserve for hepatic resection using {sup 99m}Tc-PMT scintigraphy in comparison with {sup 99m}Tc-GSA scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakuma, Atsushi [Dokkyo Univ. School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi (Japan)


    {sup 99m}Tc-diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid-galactosyl human serum albumin({sup 99m}Tc-GSA) scintigraphy has been reported as a useful study of hepatic functional reserve recently. We have performed {sup 99m}Tc-N-pyridoxyl-5-methyl-tryptophan({sup 99m}Tc-PMT) and {sup 99m}Tc-GSA preoperatively for evaluation of hepatic functional reserve and compared the usefulness of those scintigraphy study. Twenty-four patients who were the candidates of hepatic resection underwent {sup 99m}Tc-PMT scintigraphy preoperatively. Hepatic blood flow coefficient (K value), the amount of hepatic blood flow (HBF), and the ratio of portal blood flow (PVR) were computed. {sup 99m}Tc-GSA scintigraphy was also performed within two weeks of the {sup 99m}Tc-PMT scintigraphy, and the ratio of disappearance (HH{sub 15}) and the hepatic uptake ratio (LHL{sub 15}) were computed. The relationship between K value, HBF, PVR, HH{sub 15} and LHL{sub 15} was analyzed. Their correlation with other liver function tests was also examined. K value and HBF did not show statistically significant correlations with HH{sub 15} and LHL{sub 15}, PVR correlated statistically significantly HH{sub 15} and LHL{sub 15}. K value correlated with the preoperative values of cholinesterase, Fischer ratio, {gamma}-globulin, ICGR{sub 15}, albumin, and platelet count. There was a statistically significant correlation between LHL{sub 15} and the value of cholinesterase, {gamma}-globulin, platelet count, and Fischer ratio. When the liver resection of subsegmentectomy or more was indicated in 10 patients, nine patients had LHL{sub 15} value less than 0.9 which delineated possibility of poor prognosis. However, judging from K value and HBF, liver resection was considered feasible and it was all successfully performed, resulting in good prognosis. From this study, it is suspected that {sup 99m}Tc-GSA scintigraphy reflect the severity of liver fibrosis and the amount of portal blood flows, and {sup 99m}Tc-PMT scintigraphy

  16. Synthesis, Structure Elucidation, and Redox Properties of (superscript 99)Tc Complexes of Lacunary Wells-Dawson Polyoxometalates: Insights into Molecular (superscript 99)Tc-Metal Oxide Interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGregor, Donna; Burton-Pye, Benjamin P.; Howell, Robertha C.; Mbomekalle, Israel M.; Lukens, Wayne W. Jr.; Bian, Fang; Mausolf, Edward; Poineau, Frederic; Czerwinski, Kenneth R.; Francesconi, Lynn C.


    The isotope 99 Tc (β max , 293.7; half-life, 2.1 x 10 5 years) is an abundant product of uranium-235 fission in nuclear reactors and is present throughout the radioactive waste stored in underground tanks at the Hanford and Savannah River sites. Understanding and controlling the extensive redox chemistry of 99 Tc is important in identifying tunable strategies to separate 99 Tc from spent fuel and from waste tanks and, once separated, to identify and develop an appropriately stable waste form for 99 Tc. Polyoxometalates (POMs), nanometer-sized models for metal oxide solid-state materials, are used in this study to provide a molecular level understanding of the speciation and redox chemistry of incorporated 99 Tc. In this study, 99 Tc complexes of the (α 2 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 10- and (α 1 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 10- isomers were prepared. Ethylene glycol was used as a 'transfer ligand' to minimize the formation of TcO 2 · xH 2 O. The solution structures, formulations, and purity of TcVO(α 1 /α 2 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 7- were determined by multinuclear NMR. X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the complexes is in agreement with the formulation and structures determined from 31 P and 183 W NMR. Preliminary electrochemistry results are consistent with the EXAFS results, showing a facile reduction of the TcVO(α 1 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 7- species compared to the TcVO(α 2 -P 2 W 17 O 61 ) 7- analog. The α 1 defect is unique in that a basic oxygen atom is positioned toward the α 1 site, and the Tc V O center appears to form a dative metal-metal bond with a framework W site. These attributes may lead to the assistance of protonation events that facilitate reduction. Electrochemistry comparison shows that the ReV analogs are about 200 mV more difficult to reduce in accordance with periodic trends.

  17. Significance of delayed /sup 99m/Tc-PMT scintigraphy in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Comparison between /sup 99m/Tc-PMT and /sup 67/Ga-citrate scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hasegawa, Yoshihisa; Nakano, Shunichi; Hashizume, Terumi and others


    The usefulness of delayed hepatobiliary imaging with /sup 99m/Tc-PMT in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was studied in 30 patients with histologically verified hepatocellular carcinoma. Of 30 patients, delayed /sup 99m/Tc-PMT images showed 13 patients (43 %) of increased radioactivity and 4 (13 %) of equilibrated radioactivity in carcinoma as compared with that in the surrounding normal liver tissues. Furthermore, 3 of 6 patients who showed no filling defects in /sup 99m/Tc-Sn colloid liver images, showed increased uptake of radioactivity in carcinoma in delayed /sup 99m/Tc-PMT images. These results suggest that the complementary use of delayed /sup 99m/Tc-PMT imaging to /sup 99m/Tc-Sn colloid liver imaging is useful for detecting hepatoma lesions. The hepatic lesions were positively visualized on /sup 99m/Tc-PMT and/or /sup 67/Ga-citrate images in 21 (70 %) of 30 patients. These results indicate that use of delayed /sup 99m/Tc-PMT and /sup 67/Ga-citrate imaging in combination is useful for positive visualization of hepatocellular carcinoma.

  18. Successful labeling of 99mTc-MDP using 99mTc separated from 99Mo produced by 100Mo(n,2n)99Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagai, Yasuki; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Kin, Tadahiro; Hashimoto, Kazuyuki; Motoishi, Shoji; Konno, Chikara; Ochiai, Kentaro; Takakura, Kosuke; Sato, Yuichi; Sato, Norihito; Ohta, Akio; Yamabayashi, Hisamichi; Tanase, Masakazu; Fujisaki, Saburo; Kawauchi, Yukimasa; Teranaka, Tomoyuki; Takeuchi, Nobuhiro; Igarashi, Takashi


    We have for the first time succeeded in separating 99m Tc from a MoO 3 sample irradiated with accelerator neutrons free from any radioactive impurities and in formulating 99m Tc-methylene diphosphonate ( 99 mTc-MDP). 99 Mo, the mother nuclide of 99m Tc, was produced by the 100 Mo(n,2n) 99 Mo reaction using about 14 MeV neutrons provided by the 3 H(d,n) 4 He reaction at the Fusion Neutronics Source of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The 99m Tc was separated from 99 Mo by sublimation and its radionuclide purity was confirmed to be higher than 99.99% by γ-spectroscopy. The labeling efficiency of 99m Tc-MDP was shown to be higher than 99% by thin-layer chromatography. These values exceed the United States Pharmacopeia requirements for a fission product, 99 Mo. Consequently, a 99m Tc radiopharmaceutical preparation formed by using the mentioned 99 Mo can be a promising substitute for the fission product 99 Mo, which is currently produced using a highly enriched uranium target in aging research reactors. A longstanding problem to ensure a reliable and constant supply of 99 Mo in Japan can be partially mitigated. (author)

  19. Magnetic levitation systems using a high-Tc superconducting bulk magnet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohsaki, Hiroyuki [Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan); Kitahara, Hirotaka [Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan); Masada, Eisuke [Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)


    Recent development of high-performance high-Tc bulk superconductors is making their application for electromagnetic force use feasible. We have studied electromagnetic levitation systems using high-Tc bulk superconducting material. In this paper, after an overview of superconducting magnetic levitation systems, with an emphasis on high-Tc bulk superconductor applications, experimental results of a high-Tc bulk EMS levitation and FEM analysis results of magnetic gradient levitation using bulk superconductor are described. Problems to be solved for their application are also discussed. (orig.)

  20. To the radiotoxicity of {sup 99m}Tc radiopharmaceuticals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ftacnikova, S [Inst. of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, 83301 Bratislava (Slovakia)


    In this paper the radiotoxicity and RBE values of Auger electrons for {sup 99m}Tc radiopharmaceuticals were discussed. Expression for the expected RBE for {sup 99m}Tc compounds is given. For the Auger electrons emitted in the decay of {sup 99m}Tc the RBE(Auger) = 10 and a value of 20 for the radiation weighing factor were recommended. (J.K.) 4 refs.

  1. The method of activity determination of Tc-99m in ionization chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broda, R.


    The paper presents a method of finding the efficiency of sup(99m)Tc activity measurements in the ionization chamber, basing on 99 Mo activity measurements and the activity ratio of sup(99m)Tc to 99 Mo in 99 Mo + sup(99m)Tc solution. The activity of 99 Mo has been determined in 4πβ-γ coincidence system with liquid scintillator in β channel by means of the absolute method of two-stage coincidence. The activity ratio of sup(99m)Tc to 99 Mo has been determined by means of spectrometric method. The 99 Mo and sup(99m)Tc activities have been measured in 99 Mo + sup(99m)Tc generators, and the activity of sup(99m)Tc solution after elution has been measured. It has been shown that sup(99m)Tc activity, determined by means of the chamber method on the basis of the efficiency found, corresponds to the activity determined by means of spectrometric method, and that sup(99m)Tc activity, measured in generator before elution, is equal to the sum of sup(99m)Tc activity eluted and the one remained in generator. (author)

  2. Clinical estimation of sup(99m)Tc-labeled compounds produced by electrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Katsuji; Kawahira, Kenjiro; Kamoi, Itsuma; Morita, Kazunori


    Scintigrams were made using sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid, sup(99m)Tc-pyrophosphate, sup(99m)Tc-EDTA and sup(99m)Tc-albumin prepared by electrolysis, and a clinical evaluation was attempted. No side effects were recognized in 228 cases, therefore the object of this study could be attained. Future study was thought to be necessary because the pictures were somewhat indistinct. However, each sup(99m)Tc-labeled compound could be prepared very easily and was extremely convenient for daily use. sup(99m)Tc- is a nuclide which has many advantages for use with scintigrams. More useful sup(99m)Tc-labeled compounds will be explored in the future and is expected that electrolysis has many possibilities for use in the preparation of sup(99m)Tc-labeled compounds. (Tsunoda, M.)

  3. Can tumor uptake Tc-99m MDP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Y.S.F.; Zeng, Z.J.; Yao, Y.M.; Shi, S.M.P.; Shi, S.Z.Y.


    Aim: To study a distribution of Tc-99m MDP in mice bearing tumor cell lines. Methods: The uptake of Tc-99m MDP was analyzed in seven human tumor cell lines (SPC-A1 adenocarcinoma of lung cancer, P37 Breast cancer, T24 Bladder cancer, SKOV2 Ovary carcinoma, Hela-229 Cervical carcinoma, Osteosarcoma, A375 Melanoma) and one mouse lung cancer cell line (Lewis). They were transplanted into 13, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5 athymic mice, 6 SCID nude mice and 4 C57 black mice, respectively. Approximately 10(7) cells of each cell line were injected subcutaneously into a right chest of mouse. After 5∼6 weeks, the Tc-99m MDP scintigraphy were determined 5-6 hours after i.v. injection of 74MBq in 0.05ml every mouse. Result: Biodistribution and tumor uptake MDP was different in the various cell types investigated. Region of interests (RIOs) placed on a small part of the tumor and horizontal copied to left chest or spine of mice in Tc-99m MDP imaging and the average count ratio (tumor to background ratio: T/B, tumor to spine ratio: T/NT) in each ROI was calculated. 13 nude mice bearing the adenocarcinoma (SPC-A1) were sacrificed and biodistribution was determined after Tc-99m MDP scintigraphy. Results were expressed as % injected dose/gram (%ID/g), mean±SD. T-ulcer=ulcer of tumor, T-round=surrounding of tumor, T-center=the center of tumor, Thor-sp=thoracic spine, Lum-ver=lumbar vertebra, LN=lymph node. Conclusions: Tumor can uptake Tc-99m MDP including adenocarcinoma. Higher uptake rate in the center tissue of tumor is than other part of tumor. It maybe connected with necrosis or fibrosis of tumor

  4. Spectroscopic Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Species Relevant to the Hanford Tank Waste

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levitskaia, Tatiana G. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Andersen, Amity [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Chatterjee, Sayandev [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Hall, Gabriel B. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Walter, Eric D. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Washton, Nancy M. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    Technetium-99 (Tc) exists predominately in soluble forms in the liquid supernatant and salt cake fractions of the nuclear tank waste stored at the U.S. DOE Hanford Site. In the strongly alkaline environments prevalent in the tank waste, its dominant chemical form is pertechnetate (TcO4-, oxidation state +7). However, attempts to remove Tc from the Hanford tank waste using ion-exchange processes specific to TcO4- only met with limited success, particularly processing tank waste samples containing elevated concentrations of organic complexants. This suggests that a significant fraction of the soluble Tc can be present as non-pertechnetate low-valent Tc (oxidation state < +7) (non-pertechnetate). The chemical identities of these non-pertechnetate species are poorly understood. Previous analysis of the SY-101 and SY-103 tank waste samples provided strong evidence that non-pertechnetate can be comprised of [Tc(CO)3]+ complexes containing Tc in oxidation state +1 (Lukens et al. 2004). During the last two years, our team has expanded this work and demonstrated that high-ionic-strength solutions typifying tank waste supernatants promote oxidative stability of the [Tc(CO)3]+ species (Rapko et al. 2013; Levitskaia et al. 2014). It also was observed that high-ionic-strength alkaline matrices stabilize Tc(VI) and potentially Tc(IV) oxidation states, particularly in presence organic chelators, suggesting that the relevant Tc compounds can serve as important redox intermediates facilitating the reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(I). Designing strategies for effective Tc processing, including separation and immobilization, necessitates understanding the molecular structure of these non-pertechnetate species and their identification in the actual tank waste samples. To-date, only limited information exists regarding the nature and characterization of the Tc(I), Tc(IV), and Tc(VI) species. One objective of this project is to

  5. Sup(99m)Tc compounds for diagnostic purposes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cifka, J.; Budsky, F.


    The applications of sup(99m)Tc in nuclear medicine are discussed, such as sodium pertechnetate in thyroid and brain scintigraphy, complex compounds in lungs and liver diao.nosis. Technetium generators are classified according to the method of separating sup(99m)Tc from 99 Mo. Adsorption generators are used, molybdate-99 is adsorbed on an Al 2 O 3 -packed column while pertechnetate-99m is eluted with 0.9% NaCl solution. Also used is continuous pertechnetate-99m extraction with methyl ethyl ketone from 0.5 M potassium molybdate and 2.5 M of potassium carbonate. The manufacture is described of kits for sup(99m)Tc radiopharmaceuticals preparation, eg., Diagos I, a gluconate complex, a lyophilisate for sup(99m)Tc-sodium pyrophosphate injections, a diagnostic kit for lung scintiscanning. (H.S.)

  6. Preliminary studies of 99mTc labeled fatty acid analogs for myocardial imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Yuzhi; Kung, H.F.; Mack, R.H.


    Radio iodine labelled fatty acid analogs are potential myocardial imaging agents for SPECT. In this paper are reported three new 99m Tc labbeled fatty acid analogs: 9 '9 m Tc-BAT-TDA, 99m Tc-BAT-PDA and 99m Tc-BAT-H x DA. Ligand exchange reaction with 99m Tc stannous glucoheptonate in 50% aqueous ethanol is used for labelling. The yield of reactions is 87%, 70%, 49% respectively. 99m Tc-fatty acid is purified by extraction into chloroform and the purity as determined by reverse phase HPLC is 98%. In order to determine the structure of Tc-BAT-fatty acid, 99 Tc-BAT-PDA is synthesized with 99 Tc ammonium pertechnetate in 50% citric acid buffer (pH=6)/ethanol using stannous chloride as the reducing agent. 99 Tc-BAT-PDA displays the expected Tc=O UV absorption at 420nm and strong peak at 900cm -1 in the FTIR spectrum. Biodistribution studies of three 99m Tc-fatty acid analogs are conducted in rats using 125 I-ω- (p-iodophenyl) -penta-decanoic acid (IPPDA) as internal standard. The initial heart uptake of them is significantly lower than that of 125 I-IPPDA

  7. Clinical use of 99mTc mebrofenin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Shaoliang; Zhao Huiyang


    A study of 124 subjects was undertaken to evaluate the image patterns of 99m Tc trimethylbromo iminodiacetic acid ( 99m Tc mebrofenin) in hepatobiliary disorders. It exhibits: (a) high specificity for the hepatobiliary system with low urinary excretion rate; (b) high competition to bilirubin; and (c) clearing more rapidly from the blood and rapid transit through the hepatobiliary system. Therefore 99m Tc mebrofenin result in the best visualization of the biliary system either in nonjaundiced or joundiced patient, and the hepatobiliary system can be clearly visualized even in patients with serum bilirubin level up to 30 mg%. The major drawback of this agent is that the urinary excretion rate increased in case of high serum bilirubin

  8. Evaluation of liver function in carbon tetrachloride-damaged rabbits by dynamic SPECT. Comparison of 99mTc-GSA and 99mTc-Sn colloid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiuchi, Takaaki; Kawasaki, Yukiko; Hino, Ichirou; Kojima, Kanji; Ohkawa, Motoomi; Tanabe, Masatada; Tamai, Toyosato.


    Technetium-99m-DTPA-galactosyl human serum albumin ( 99m Tc-GSA) is a new ligand that binds specifically to asialoglycoprotein receptors in hepatocytes. We performed liver dynamic SPECT using 99m Tc-GSA and 99m Tc-Sn colloid in nine normal control rabbits and 17 chronically CCl 4 -damaged rabbits (total 29 examinations), and also performed liver function tests (ICGR 15 , Alb, etc). Using the obtained dynamic SPECT data, we analyzed the liver kinetics of 99m Tc-Sn colloid using a one-compartment model (hepatic blood flow [K]) and 99m Tc-GSA using a two-compartment model (hepatic blood flow and receptor binding [K 1 ], catabolism [K 2 ]). As the CCl 4 -treated period increased, K 1 decreased most significantly. K 1 showed the most statistically significant correlation with the results of liver function tests, ICGR 15 (p 1 showed a correlation with the hepatic fibrosis of the HAI score. From the present results, liver dynamic SPECT using 99m Tc-GSA may be said to provide a novel method for the evaluation of hepatic functional reserve. (author)

  9. Evaluation of renal function using [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3; Comparison with [sup 123]I-OIH and [sup 99m]Tc-DTPA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takayama, Teruhiko; Aburano, Tamio; Shuke, Noriyuki (Kanazawa Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine) (and others)


    The utility of [sup 99m]Tc-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) was studied clinically. In the renography obtained with [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3, the abdominal aorta and the common iliac arteries were clearly visualized in the vascular phase. Due to less background activity and high target to background ratio, the quality of [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3 image was superior to that of [sup 123]I-OIH or [sup 99m]Tc-DTPA image. The parameters on the renogram including T[sub max], T[sub 2/3], and T[sub 1/2] were compared. The correlation of T[sub max] and T[sub 2/3] or T[sub 1/2] were not significant between [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3 and [sup 123]I-OIH. Another parameter of C[sub 20]/C[sub max], where C[sub 20] and C[sub max] are renal activities at 20 min after injection and at T[sub max] respectively, showed an excellent correlation between [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3 and [sup 123]I-OIH. Using C[sub 20]/C[sub max], pattern of renogram can be characterized numerically. Concerning the relation between C[sub 20]/C[sub max] and renogram pattern, standard renogram pattern showed the C[sub 20]/C[sub max] value of less than 0.4, while hypofunctioning pattern showed more than 0.5. The correlation coefficient between the renal uptake of [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3 and [sup 123]I-OIH was 0.880 with a correlation plot: 'Y=1.16X-0.043', where X and Y represent renal uptake of [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3 and [sup 123]I-OIH, respectively. It can be concluded that [sup 99m]Tc-MAG3 is a useful renal imaging agent as an alternative to [sup 123]I-OIH, in order to evaluate the proximal tubular function and calculate ERPF. (author).

  10. Effective detection of the tumors causing osteomalacia using [Tc-99m]-HYNIC-octreotide (99mTc-HYNIC-TOC) whole body scan. (United States)

    Jing, Hongli; Li, Fang; Zhuang, Hongming; Wang, Zhenghua; Tian, Jian; Xing, Xiaoping; Jin, Jin; Zhong, Dingrong; Zhang, Jingjing


    Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is an endocrine disorder caused by tumors producing excessive fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23). The causative tumors are generally small, slow-growing benign mesenchymal tumors. The only cure of the disease depends on resection of the tumors, which are extremely difficult to localize due to their small sizes and rare locations. Since these tumors are known to express somatostatin receptors, this research was undertaken to evaluate efficacy of [Tc-99m]-HYNIC-octreotide (99mTc-HYNIC-TOC) whole body imaging in this clinical setting Images of 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scans and clinical chart from 183 patients with hypophosphatemia and clinically suspected TIO were retrospectively reviewed. The scan findings were compared to the results of histopathological examinations and clinical follow-ups. Among 183 patients, 72 were confirmed to have TIO while 103 patients were found to have other causes of hypophosphatemia. The possibility of TIO could not be either diagnosed or excluded in the remaining 8 patients. For analytical purposes, these 8 patients who could neither be diagnosed nor excluded as having TIO were regarded as having the disease, bringing the total of TIO patients to 80. The 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scan identified 69 tumors in 80 patients with TIO, which rendered a sensitivity of 86.3% (69/80). 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy excluded 102 patients without TIO with a specificity of 99.1% (102/103). The overall accuracy of 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC whole body scan in the localization of tumors responsible for osteomalacia is 93.4% (171/183). Whole body 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC imaging is effective in the localization of occult tumors causing TIO. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Effective detection of the tumors causing osteomalacia using [Tc-99m]-HYNIC-octreotide (99mTc-HYNIC-TOC) whole body scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jing, Hongli; Li, Fang; Zhuang, Hongming; Wang, Zhenghua; Tian, Jian; Xing, Xiaoping; Jin, Jin; Zhong, Dingrong; Zhang, Jingjing


    Purpose: Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is an endocrine disorder caused by tumors producing excessive fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23). The causative tumors are generally small, slow-growing benign mesenchymal tumors. The only cure of the disease depends on resection of the tumors, which are extremely difficult to localize due to their small sizes and rare locations. Since these tumors are known to express somatostatin receptors, this research was undertaken to evaluate efficacy of [Tc-99m]-HYNIC-octreotide (99mTc-HYNIC-TOC) whole body imaging in this clinical setting Methods: Images of 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scans and clinical chart from 183 patients with hypophosphatemia and clinically suspected TIO were retrospectively reviewed. The scan findings were compared to the results of histopathological examinations and clinical follow-ups. Results: Among 183 patients, 72 were confirmed to have TIO while 103 patients were found to have other causes of hypophosphatemia. The possibility of TIO could not be either diagnosed or excluded in the remaining 8 patients. For analytical purposes, these 8 patients who could neither be diagnosed nor excluded as having TIO were regarded as having the disease, bringing the total of TIO patients to 80. The 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scan identified 69 tumors in 80 patients with TIO, which rendered a sensitivity of 86.3% (69/80). 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy excluded 102 patients without TIO with a specificity of 99.1% (102/103). The overall accuracy of 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC whole body scan in the localization of tumors responsible for osteomalacia is 93.4% (171/183). Conclusions: Whole body 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC imaging is effective in the localization of occult tumors causing TIO

  12. Effective detection of the tumors causing osteomalacia using [Tc-99m]-HYNIC-octreotide (99mTc-HYNIC-TOC) whole body scan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jing, Hongli, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Li, Fang, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Zhuang, Hongming, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, The Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, 34th and Civic Ctr Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (United States); Wang, Zhenghua, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Tian, Jian, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Xing, Xiaoping, E-mail: [Department of Endocrinology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Jin, Jin, E-mail: [Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Zhong, Dingrong, E-mail: [Department of Pathology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China); Zhang, Jingjing, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730 (China)


    Purpose: Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is an endocrine disorder caused by tumors producing excessive fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23). The causative tumors are generally small, slow-growing benign mesenchymal tumors. The only cure of the disease depends on resection of the tumors, which are extremely difficult to localize due to their small sizes and rare locations. Since these tumors are known to express somatostatin receptors, this research was undertaken to evaluate efficacy of [Tc-99m]-HYNIC-octreotide (99mTc-HYNIC-TOC) whole body imaging in this clinical setting Methods: Images of 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scans and clinical chart from 183 patients with hypophosphatemia and clinically suspected TIO were retrospectively reviewed. The scan findings were compared to the results of histopathological examinations and clinical follow-ups. Results: Among 183 patients, 72 were confirmed to have TIO while 103 patients were found to have other causes of hypophosphatemia. The possibility of TIO could not be either diagnosed or excluded in the remaining 8 patients. For analytical purposes, these 8 patients who could neither be diagnosed nor excluded as having TIO were regarded as having the disease, bringing the total of TIO patients to 80. The 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scan identified 69 tumors in 80 patients with TIO, which rendered a sensitivity of 86.3% (69/80). 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy excluded 102 patients without TIO with a specificity of 99.1% (102/103). The overall accuracy of 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC whole body scan in the localization of tumors responsible for osteomalacia is 93.4% (171/183). Conclusions: Whole body 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC imaging is effective in the localization of occult tumors causing TIO.

  13. Bone turnover markers are correlated with total skeletal uptake of 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lenora, Janaka; Norrgren, Kristina; Thorsson, Ola; Wollmer, Per; Obrant, Karl J; Ivaska, Kaisa K


    Skeletal uptake of 99m Tc labelled methylene diphosphonate ( 99m Tc-MDP) is used for producing images of pathological bone uptake due to its incorporation to the sites of active bone turnover. This study was done to validate bone turnover markers using total skeletal uptake (TSU) of 99m Tc-MDP. 22 postmenopausal women (52–80 years) volunteered to participate. Scintigraphy was performed by injecting 520 MBq of 99m Tc-MDP and taking whole body images after 3 minutes, and 5 hours. TSU was calculated from these two images by taking into account the urinary loss and soft tissue uptake. Bone turnover markers used were bone specific alkaline phosphatase (S-Bone ALP), three different assays for serum osteocalcin (OC), tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5b (S-TRACP5b), serum C-terminal cross-linked telopeptides of type I collagen (S-CTX-I) and three assays for urinary osteocalcin (U-OC). The median TSU of 99m Tc-MDP was 23% of the administered activity. All bone turnover markers were significantly correlated with TSU with r-values from 0.52 (p = 0.013) to 0.90 (p < 0.001). The two resorption markers had numerically higher correlations (S-TRACP5b r = 0.90, S-CTX-I r = 0.80) than the formation markers (S-Total OC r = 0.72, S-Bone ALP r = 0.66), but the difference was not statistically significant. TSU did not correlate with age, weight, body mass index or bone mineral density. In conclusion, bone turnover markers are strongly correlated with total skeletal uptake of 99m Tc-MDP. There were no significant differences in correlations for bone formation and resorption markers. This should be due to the coupling between formation and resorption

  14. Evaluation of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid on liver scintigram

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsuyuki, Y; Kanao, K; Honda, M; Ishihara, S [Sumitomo Hospital, Osaka (Japan)


    sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution and Sn-colloid preparation set were used for nuclear medical examination of the liver and their efficiency was discussed. Both sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution and Sn-colloid preparation set showed the same kinetics in vivo, and the sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid rapidly disappeared from the serum and concentrated to the liver and spleen. Comparing /sup 198/Au-colloid, sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid could be increased the administration dose, and provided easy examination within short time period, easy observation from multiple directions, and improvement of resolution by scinticamera. Imaging of the spleen with sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid was slightly superior to that with sup(99m)Tc-sulfur-colloid. sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution which required no procedure of labeling was evaluated as the most safe and easy technique. Side effects were not recognized. As the results, already made preparation, such as sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution, which provided easy preparation with less absorbed dose of the tissue and high resolution would be frequently required.

  15. Evaluation of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid on liver scintigram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuyuki, Yoshihiko; Kanao, Keisuke; Honda, Minoru; Ishihara, Shizumori


    sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution and Sn-colloid preparation set were used for nuclear medical examination of the liver and their efficiency was discussed. Both sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution and Sn-colloid preparation set showed the same kinetics in vivo, and the sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid rapidly disappeared from the serum and concentrated to the liver and spleen. Comparing 198 Au-colloid, sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid could be increased the administration dose, and provided easy examination within short time period, easy observation from multiple directions, and improvement of resolution by scinticamera. Imaging of the spleen with sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid was slightly superior to that with sup(99m)Tc-sulfur-colloid. sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution which required no procedure of labeling was evaluated as the most safe and easy technique. Side effects were not recognized. As the results, already made preparation, such as sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid injectable solution, which provided easy preparation with less absorbed dose of the tissue and high resolution would be frequently required. (Mukohata, S.)

  16. A modified Tc-99m-phytate colloid for liver-spleen imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, M.A.; Kaplan, M.L.; Ahnberg, D.S.; Cole, C.N.


    The results of a comparison of the in vivo biologic properties of sup(99m)Tc-stannous phytate and sup(99m)Tc-stannous phytate precipitated in vitro by the addition of calcium ion, undertaken because of an interest in increasing the splenic uptake of sup(99m)Tc-phytate to a level similar to that obtained with sup(99m)Tc-sulfur colloid, are reported. It was found that: (1) The similarity in the organ distribution values of sup(99m)Tc-phytate and sup(99m)Tc-sulfur colloid is species related (rodents) and decreased splenic uptake of the phytate colloid is found in other primates and man. (2) The gamma scintillation camera with computer region of interest capability is an extremely useful technique for studying the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of radiodiagnostic agents in primates, where the cost of the animals prohibits the use of the sequential sacrifice technique. (3) The addition of calcium ion to the sup(99m)Tc-phytate complex produces an in vitro colloid with a particle size and biologic distribution very similar to that obtained with sup(99m)Tc-sulfur colloid. (U.K.)

  17. Studies on the porphine labeled with 99mTc-pertechnetate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ai-Yih Wang; Jiunn-Liang Lin; Wen-Chieh Lin


    The aim of this research is to use acetylacetonate as a 99m Tc chelating agent label with porphyrin and evaluate its radiochemical and biological characteristics. Stannous chloride was used as a reductant to determine the chemical and biological characterization of 99m Tc-complexes from labeling porphine (4',4'',4'''-(2lH,23H-Porphine-5,10,15,20-terayl)tetrakis-(benzoic acid), TPPB) with 99m Tc-pertechnetate. Instant thin layer chromatography (ITLC), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), paper electrophoresis, and UV/Vis spectrophotometry were used to evaluate chemical characterization. Finally, biodistribution and liver function tests were applied to evaluate biological characteristics. The results of this study show that the labeling efficiency of 99m Tc(acac)-TPPB was nearly 100% when using acetylacetone (acac) as a conjugator. Three major 99m Tc(acac)-TPPB complexes were separated by SEC, and all of them were hydrophilic. The UV-Vis spectra of 99m Tc(acac)-TPPB complexes closely resembled those of the TPPB, but the wave lengths of their peaks changed 430, 521, 556, 591 and 647 nm after complexation. The biodistribution study selected the liver as the target organ. The 99m Tc(acac)-TPPB complex may cause short-term liver injury. However, this injury can be repaired, and the reagent is quickly metabolized. Hence, the toxicity of the 99m Tc(acac)-TPPB complex is within an acceptable range, and making it a promising liver imaging agent. (author)

  18. Phyto extraction of 99Tc on soil cores with aged contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massoura, S.T.; Echevarria, G.; Morel, J.L.; Massoura, S.T.; Leclerc-Cessac, E.; Denys, D.


    99 Tc is an artificial radionuclide which is found in high-activity and long-lived nuclear waste. This work was designed to study the phyto-extraction of 99 Tc in soils that had received aged contamination and to monitor the resulting 99 Tc concentrations in the soil solution of undisturbed soil cores in a greenhouse. Undisturbed soil cores had been sampled previously from a Rendzic Leptosol (R), a Fluvic cambisol (F) and a Dystric cambisol (D), using 0.5-m diameter PVC tubing (3 samples/soil type) without disturbing soil structure (1). Each core was equipped with two nylon porous cups (respectively 20 and 35 cm deep) and a final leachate collector. A 99 TcNO 3 solution had been supplied at the soil surface of each core during the two previous years (4200 kBq in total) in which maize and wheat had been successively cropped. These two crops had already removed 30-65% of total contamination before the present study. After the second year no more 99 Tc was added to the cores. Thereafter, Lolium perenne was cultivated for 20 successive months. 99 Tc was determined in both plant aerial parts and water samples (from both cups and collectors), and the balance of 99 Tc in the system was established after phyto-extraction. Results showed that transfer of 99 Tc to plants vary among soils: 7% on soil R to 11% on soil D. Concentration of 99 Tc in the porous cups dramatically decreased in all soils. The plants maintained low and stable concentration levels of 99 Tc in the soil solution which decreased the potential migration of the radionuclide through the cores: The leaching of 99 Tc in the final collectors of the R soil cores decreased from 18 to 1.7 Bq mL -1 . (author)

  19. Effect of acidity and chemical composition of sup(99m)Tc-radiopharmaceuticals on sup(99m)Tc accumulation in necrotic tissue of rat myocardium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilcek, S; Machan, V; Kalincak, M [Ustav Radioekologie a Vyuzitia Jadrovej Techniky, Kosice (Czechoslovakia); Nicak, A [Univerzita P.J. Safarika, Kosice (Czechoslovakia). Lekarska Fakulta


    Experiments showed that the cumulation of technetium-99m following the administration of /sup 99m/Tc-Sn-pyrophosphate and s/sup 99m/Tc-Sn-oxytetracycline in the necrotic tissue of rat myocardium damaged by cauterization depended on the end pH value. The maximum /sup 99m/Tc cumulation in the myocardial lesion was noted when the end pH value ranged in 5.5 to 6.0. It appeared that pyrophosphate concentration decrease below the critical limit not only affected the cumulation of /sup 99m/Tc in the particular organs but also in the necrotic tissue of the myocardium.

  20. Effect of acidity and chemical composition of sup(99m)Tc-radiopharmaceuticals on sup(99m)Tc accumulation in necrotic tissue of rat myocardium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vilcek, S.; Machan, V.; Kalincak, M.; Nicak, A.


    Experiments showed that the cumulation of technetium-99m following the administration of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-pyrophosphate and sup(99m)Tc-Sn-oxytetracycline in the necrotic tissue of rat myocardium damaged by cauterization depended on the end pH value. The maximum sup(99m)Tc cumulation in the myocardial lesion was noted when the end pH value ranged in 5.5 to 6.0. It appeared that pyrophosphate concentration decrease below the critical limit not only affected the cumulation of sup(99m)Tc in the particular organs but also in the necrotic tissue of the myocardium. (author)

  1. Evolution of {sup 99}Tc Species in Cementitious Nuclear Waste Form

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Um, Woo Yong; Westsik, Joseph H. [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland (United States)


    Technetium (Tc) is produced in large quantities as a fission product during the irradiation of {sup 235}U-enriched fuel for commercial power production and plutonium genesis for nuclear weapons. The most abundant isotope of Tc present in the wastes is {sup 99}Tc because of its high fission yield ({approx}6%) and long half-life (2.13x10{sup 5} years). During the Cold War era, generation of fissile {sup 239}Pu for use in America's atomic weapons arsenal yielded nearly 1900 kg of {sup 99}Tc at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State. Most of this {sup 99}Tc is present in fuel reprocessing wastes temporarily stored in underground tanks awaiting retrieval and permanent disposal. After the wastes are retrieved from the storage tanks, the bulk of the high-level waste (HLW) and lowactivity waste (LAW) stream is scheduled to be converted into a borosilicate glass waste form that will be disposed of in a shallow burial facility called the Integrated Disposal Facility (IDF) at the Hanford Site. Even with careful engineering controls, volatilization of a fraction of Tc during the vitrification of both radioactive waste streams is expected. Although this volatilized Tc can be captured in melter off-gas scrubbers and returned to the melter, some of the Tc is expected to become part of the secondary waste stream from the vitrification process. The off-gas scrubbers downstream from the melters will generate a high pH, sodium-ammonium carbonate solution containing the volatilized Tc and other fugitive species. Effective and cost-efficient disposal of Tc found in the off-gas scrubber solution remains difficult. A cementitious waste form (Cast Stone) is one of the nuclear waste form candidates being considered to solidify the secondary radioactive liquid waste that will be generated by the operation of the waste treatment plant (WTP) at the Hanford Site. Because Tc leachability from the waste form is closely related with Tc

  2. Genotoxic effect of radio marked lymphocytes using Tc-99m complexes; Efecto genotoxico del radiomarcado de linfocitos empleando complejos de Tc-99m

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedraza L, M.; Ferro F, G.; Mendiola C, M.T.; Morales R, P. [Instituto nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The genotoxic effect of radio marked lymphocytes was evaluated using {sup 99m}-Tc-HMPAO and {sup 99m}-Tc- gentisic acid complexes. With the results of this work it is pretended to contribute to the knowledge of genetic and structural damages that provokes the radiation in the marked lymphocytes. The d, 1-HMPAO was synthesized in laboratory with a yielding of 30 %. The radiochemical purity of the complexes was greater than 85%. Mouse lymphocytes obtained of sanguineous volumes 2 ml were used. The radio marked efficiency of cells was 19.6 {+-} 6.4% and 25.6 {+-} 5.8% for {sup 99m}Tc-HMPAO and {sup 99m} Tc gentisic acid respectively. The genotoxic effect was evaluated using the technique of Unicellular Electrophoresis in Micro gel (Comet assay). The results showed that both {sup 99m} Tc complexes produce genotoxicity due to their capacity to penetrate cells, therefore the Auger and M internal conversion electrons place all their energy obtaining doses of Gray order. (Author)

  3. Regional differences between 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-HMPAO SPET in perfusion changes with age and gender in healthy adults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, Kentaro; Nakagawa, Manabu; Goto, Ryoi; Kinomura, Shigeo; Sato, Tachio; Sato, Kazunori; Fukuda, Hiroshi


    A number of studies using single-photon emission tomography (SPET) have shown perfusion changes with age in several cortical and subcortical areas, which might distort the results of perfusion imaging studies of neuropsychiatric disorders. Technetium-99m labelled ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) and hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) are both used as markers of cerebral perfusion, but have different pharmacokinetics and retention patterns. The aim of this study was to determine whether age and gender effects on perfusion SPET differ depending on whether 99m Tc-HMPAO or 99m Tc-ECD is used. Forty-five subjects (20 male and 25 female, mean age 52.8±6.6 years) were assigned to 99m Tc-HMPAO SPET (HMPAO group), and 39 subjects (24 male and 15 female, mean age 52.6±6.7 years) to 99m Tc-ECD SPET (ECD group). SPET images were obtained about 10 min after intravenous injection of approximately 800 MBq 99m Tc-HMPAO or 99m Tc-ECD using the same SPET scanner. Three-dimensional volumetric magnetic resonance imaging was performed to as7sess morphological changes in the grey matter. All image processing and statistical analyses were performed using SPM99 software. An area in the right anterior frontal lobe showed an increase in perfusion with age only in the HMPAO group, whereas areas in the bilateral retrosplenial cortex showed decreases in perfusion with age only in the ECD group; neither group showed corresponding changes in the grey matter. The present study shows that different effects of age on perfusion are observed depending on whether 99m Tc-HMPAO and 99m Tc-ECD is used. This suggests that the results of perfusion SPET are differently confounded depending on the tracer used, and that perfusion SPET with these tracers has limitations when used in research on subtle perfusion changes. (orig.)

  4. Analysis of 99Tc and Its Activity Level in the Korean Soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang Woo; Chung, Kun Ho; Cho, Young Hyun; Kang, Mun Ja; Lee, Wanno; Kim, Hee Reyoung; Choi, Geun Sik


    An analytical method of 99 Tc concentration in soil was set up and discussed considering the 99 Tc concentration in Korean soil measured with its analytical method. A selective TEVA resin was used to separate and purify 99 Tc the in the soil sample. 99 Tc from a commercial 99 Mo/ 99m Tc generator was used as a yield tracer for the chemical separation of 99 Tc and its problem when using as a tracer was discussed. The chemical recovery yield of was above 70%. The optimum conditions of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry system (ICP-MS) were set up to determine the 99 Tc after the separation process. The minimum detectable activity (MDA) was 15 mBq/kg-dry in this analytical procedure. The 99 Tc concentration in soils of Jeju and Kori were measured in the rage of 33.73-89.16 mBq/kg-dry. Those values were less than those reported in other countries and seemed to be originated from atmospheric fallout.

  5. Gel chromatographic behavior of Tc-99m-labeled compounds in aqueous solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, T.; Wagner, H.N. Jr.; Burns, H.D.; Dannals, F.F.


    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the interaction of Tc-99m-labeled compounds (Tc-99m 0/sub 4/-bar, Tc-99m glucoheptonate, Tc-99m DTPA, Tc-99m disofenin) with the chromatographic gels, to determine their relative molecular sizes and molecular structures in aqueous solution, which are based on their biomenbrane transport mechanism and quality control analysis. Each Tc-99m-labeled compound was eluted and analyzed by three different gel chromatrography systems varying buffers: Sephadex G-25, Sephadex LH-20 and Bio-Gel P-4. The best separation between the elution peaks of all compounds except Tc-99m glucoheptonate was achieved on Sephadex G-25 in methanol-0.025OM Tris-HCL buffer (pH 7.6) (1:1) which could avoid the aromatic interaction with the gels. Tc-99m glucoheptonate was well eluted only on a Bio-Gel P-4 column but its elution peak was not separated from other compounds' peaks. The elution of Tc-99m disofenin was delayed on Sephadex G-25 gel and Bio-Gel P-4 columns in 0.9% NaCl and Tris-HCl buffer(ph 7.6) and on Sephadex LH-20 column in methanol-Tris-HCl buffer, because of the aromatic ring interaction with the gels. The relative molecular size index ( Kav ) calculated from the elution volume of the gel chromatography. Kav of Tc-99m 0/sub 4/-bar(MW=163), Tc-99m DTPA (MW=492?) and TC-99m disofenin (MW=707) on Sephadex G-25 in methanol-0.025OM Tris-HCl buffer(pH 7.6) (1:1), which was the most suitable combination of the gel and the buffer, were 0.976, 0.477 and 0.200, respectively. They inversely correlated with their estimated molecular weight. The interaction of Tc-99m-labeled compounds with the chromatographic gels should be considered in quality control procedure for Tc-99m radiopharamaceuticals

  6. Evaluation of the use of technetium Tc 99m diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid and technetium Tc 99m dimercaptosuccinic acid for scintigraphic imaging of the kidneys in green iguanas (Iguana iguana). (United States)

    Greer, Leah L; Daniel, Gregory B; Shearn-Bochsler, Valerie I; Ramsay, Edward C


    To evaluate the use of scintigraphy involving technetium Tc 99m diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid ((99m)Tc-DTPA) or technetium Tc 99m dimercaptosuccinic acid ((99m)Tc-DMSA) for the determination of kidney morphology and function in green iguanas (Iguana iguana). 10 healthy iguanas weighing >1.6 kg. Renal scintigraphy was performed by use of (99m)Tc-DTPA in 6 of the iguanas and by use of (99m)Tc-DMSA in all 10 iguanas. After the injection of (99m)Tc-DMSA, scans were performed for each iguana at intervals during a 20-hour period. Renal biopsies were performed in all 10 iguanas after the final scintigraphic evaluation. In iguanas, the use of (99m)Tc-DTPA for renal scintigraphy was nondiagnostic because of serum protein binding and poor renal uptake of the isotope; mean +/- SD (99m)Tc-DTPA bound to serum proteins was 48.9 +/- 9.9%. Renal uptake of (99m)Tc-DMSA produced distinct visualization of both kidneys. Renal uptake and soft tissue clearance of (99m)Tc-DMSA increased over the 20-hour imaging period; mean +/- SD renal uptake of (99m)Tc-DMSA was 11.31 +/- 3.06% at 20 hours. In each of the 10 iguanas, ultrasonographic and histologic examinations of biopsy specimens from both kidneys revealed no abnormalities. Results indicate that the kidneys of iguanas can be evaluated scintigraphically by use of (99m)Tc-DMSA; this technique may be potentially useful for the diagnosis of renal failure in iguanas.

  7. Scintigraphic visualization of extrahepatic portal circulation in patients with portal hypertension using /sup 99m/Tc-tin-colloid and /sup 99m/Tc-HIDA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al-Hussoni, M H; Jasim, M N; Shubbar, A H


    Rapid dynamic sequential scintigraphy of the abdomen with /sup 99m/Tc-tin-colloid and /sup 99m/Tc-HIDA has been used to evaluate two patients with portal hypertension. /sup 99m/Tc-tin-colloid was useful for visualization of diliated vessels in the abdomen. Radionuclide hepatobiliary imaging was useful in such cases in evaluation of the hepatobiliary system.

  8. Power Systems Development Facility Gasification Test Run TC07

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Southern Company Services


    This report discusses Test Campaign TC07 of the Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. (KBR) Transport Reactor train with a Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation (Siemens Westinghouse) particle filter system at the Power Systems Development Facility (PSDF) located in Wilsonville, Alabama. The Transport Reactor is an advanced circulating fluidized-bed reactor designed to operate as either a combustor or a gasifier using a particulate control device (PCD). The Transport Reactor was operated as a pressurized gasifier during TC07. Prior to TC07, the Transport Reactor was modified to allow operations as an oxygen-blown gasifier. Test Run TC07 was started on December 11, 2001, and the sand circulation tests (TC07A) were completed on December 14, 2001. The coal-feed tests (TC07B-D) were started on January 17, 2002 and completed on April 5, 2002. Due to operational difficulties with the reactor, the unit was taken offline several times. The reactor temperature was varied between 1,700 and 1,780 F at pressures from 200 to 240 psig. In TC07, 679 hours of solid circulation and 442 hours of coal feed, 398 hours with PRB coal and 44 hours with coal from the Calumet mine, and 33 hours of coke breeze feed were attained. Reactor operations were problematic due to instrumentation problems in the LMZ resulting in much higher than desired operating temperatures in the reactor. Both reactor and PCD operations were stable and the modifications to the lower part of the gasifier performed well while testing the gasifier with PRB coal feed.

  9. Power Systems Development Facility Gasification Test Campaign TC25

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Southern Company Services


    In support of technology development to utilize coal for efficient, affordable, and environmentally clean power generation, the Power Systems Development Facility (PSDF), located in Wilsonville, Alabama, routinely demonstrates gasification technologies using various types of coals. The PSDF is an engineering scale demonstration of key features of advanced coal-fired power systems, including a KBR Transport Gasifier, a hot gas particulate control device, advanced syngas cleanup systems, and high-pressure solids handling systems. This report summarizes the results of TC25, the second test campaign using a high moisture lignite coal from the Red Hills mine in Mississippi as the feedstock in the modified Transport Gasifier configuration. TC25 was conducted from July 4, 2008, through August 12, 2008. During TC25, the PSDF gasification process operated for 742 hours in air-blown gasification mode. Operation with the Mississippi lignite was significantly improved in TC25 compared to the previous test (TC22) with this fuel due to the addition of a fluid bed coal dryer. The new dryer was installed to dry coals with very high moisture contents for reliable coal feeding. The TC25 test campaign demonstrated steady operation with high carbon conversion and optimized performance of the coal handling and gasifier systems. Operation during TC25 provided the opportunity for further testing of instrumentation enhancements, hot gas filter materials, and advanced syngas cleanup technologies. The PSDF site was also made available for testing of the National Energy Technology Laboratory's fuel cell module and Media Process Technology's hydrogen selective membrane with syngas from the Transport Gasifier.

  10. Evaluation of renal function using 99mTc-MAG3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takayama, Teruhiko; Aburano, Tamio; Shuke, Noriyuki


    The utility of 99m Tc-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) was studied clinically. In the renography obtained with 99m Tc-MAG3, the abdominal aorta and the common iliac arteries were clearly visualized in the vascular phase. Due to less background activity and high target to background ratio, the quality of 99m Tc-MAG3 image was superior to that of 123 I-OIH or 99m Tc-DTPA image. The parameters on the renogram including T max , T 2/3 , and T 1/2 were compared. The correlation of T max and T 2/3 or T 1/2 were not significant between 99m Tc-MAG3 and 123 I-OIH. Another parameter of C 20 /C max , where C 20 and C max are renal activities at 20 min after injection and at T max respectively, showed an excellent correlation between 99m Tc-MAG3 and 123 I-OIH. Using C 20 /C max , pattern of renogram can be characterized numerically. Concerning the relation between C 20 /C max and renogram pattern, standard renogram pattern showed the C 20 /C max value of less than 0.4, while hypofunctioning pattern showed more than 0.5. The correlation coefficient between the renal uptake of 99m Tc-MAG3 and 123 I-OIH was 0.880 with a correlation plot: 'Y=1.16X-0.043', where X and Y represent renal uptake of 99m Tc-MAG3 and 123 I-OIH, respectively. It can be concluded that 99m Tc-MAG3 is a useful renal imaging agent as an alternative to 123 I-OIH, in order to evaluate the proximal tubular function and calculate ERPF. (author)

  11. /sup 99m/Tc dextran: a new blood-pool-labeling agent for radionuclide angiocardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henze, E.; Robinson, G.D.; Kuhl, D.E.; Schelbert, H.R.


    We have explored the possibility of imaging the cardiac blood pool with dextran (Dx) labeled with /sup 99m/Tc (Tc) after Sn2+ reduction. Stannous dextran (SnDx) kits were prepared in advance and labeling was performed by adding /sup 99m/Tc. The labeling efficiency was greater than 95%. /sup 99m/Tc dextran (TcDx) was highly stable both in vivo and in vitro. In seven dogs we compared the quality of blood-pool images obtained with TcDx of different molecular weights (4 X 10(4) . Dx-40; 5 X 10(5) . Dx-500; 2 X 10(6) . Dx-2000) and with /sup 99m/Tc red blood cells (TcRBC) labeled in vitro, and determined the organ distribution of this new agent by whole-body scanning and blood sampling. TcDx provided high-quality cardiac blood-pool images up to 60 min after injection. The heart-to-lung ratios averaged 3.7 for TcDx-40, 3.9 for TcDx-500, and 5.4 for TcRBC at 60 min. Whereas TcDx-40 showed a relatively rapid initial urinary excretion and TcDx-2000 was degraded rapidly, TcDx-500 demonstrated the best kinetics for blood-pool imaging. Thus, TcDx is a new radiopharmaceutical with high labeling efficiency and stability. It overcomes a number of the limitations of currently used blood-labeling agents and may become useful for blood-pool imaging in man

  12. Tc Reductant Chemistry and Crucible Melting Studies with Simulated Hanford Low-Activity Waste

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Dong-Sang; Soderquist, Chuck Z.; Icenhower, Jonathan P.; McGrail, B PETER.; Scheele, Randall D.; McNamara, Bruce K.; Bagaasen, Larry M.; Schweiger, Michael J.; Crum, Jarrod V.; Yeager, John D.; Matyas, Josef; Darnell, Lori P.; Schaef, Herbert T.; Owen, Antionette T.; Kozelisky, Anne E.; Snow, Lanee A.; Steele, Marilyn J.


    The FY 2003 risk assessment (RA) of bulk vitrification (BV) waste packages used 0.3 wt% of the technetium (Tc) inventory as a leachable salt and found it sufficient to create a significant peak in the groundwater concentration in a 100-meter down-gradient well. Although this peak met regulatory limits, considering uncertainty in the actual Tc salt fraction, peak concentrations could exceed the maximum concentration limit (MCL) under some scenarios so reducing the leachable salt inventory is desirable. The main objective of this study was to reduce the mobile Tc species available within a BV disposal package by reducing the oxidation state of the Tc in the waste feed and/or during melting because Tc in its reduced form of Tc(IV) has a much lower volatility than Tc(VII). Reduced Tc volatility has a secondary benefit of increasing the Tc retention in glass.

  13. 99mTc labeled VIP analog: evaluation for imaging colorectal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, P.S.; Thakur, M.L.; Pallela, V.; Patti, R.; Reddy, K.; Li, H.; Sharma, S.; Pham, H.L.; Diggles, L.; Minami, C.; Marcus, C.S.


    Early and reliable diagnosis of colorectal cancer continues to be demanding and challenging. Colorectal cancer cells express Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) receptors in high density. We have prepared a VIP analog (TP3654), labeled it with 99m Tc, and evaluated it in experimental animals as an agent for imaging colorectal cancer. The tissue distribution of 99m Tc-TP3654 has been compared with that of 111 In-DTPA-Octreotide and 99m Tc-anti-CEA scan in nude mice bearing human colorectal cancer LS174T. Finally, pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution studies of 99m Tc-TP3654 have been performed in four normal human volunteers. Data suggest that 99m Tc-TP3654 can be prepared efficiently without loss of its receptor specificity and biological activity. Although the 24 hr tumor uptake of 99m Tc-TP3654 in the animal model used was modest (0.21 ± 0.07% I.D./g), the tissue distribution profile was more favorable than that of 111 In-DTPA-Octreotide or 99m Tc-anti-CEA scan. Human studies indicated that 99m Tc-TP3654 had no adverse effect in any subject. Within 24 hours, approximately 70% of the injected dose cleared through the kidneys, and approximately 20% through the hepatobiliary system. In these non-fasting volunteers hepatobiliary clearance was slow and in cancer patients tumor uptake was rapid. Data suggest that 99m Tc-TP3654 is a promising agent for imaging colorectal cancer

  14. Labelling and quality control of 99mTc labelled somatostatin analogues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poramatikul, N.; Sangsuriyan, J.; Kongpeth, P.; Ngamprayad, T.; Laloknam, S.; Permtermsin, C.; Madsomboon, N.


    To standardize interlaboratory reproducibility, iodination of RC-160 with 125 I and direct labelling of RC-160 with 99m Tc, quality control and binding assay were performed. Two conjugated peptides, HYNIC-RC-160 and MAG-3-RC-160, were synthesized. The conjugated peptides were radiolabelled with 99m Tc via co-ligands; 99m Tc-MAG-3-RC-160 via glucoheptonate, 99m Tc-HYNIC-RC-160 via EDDA and tricine. Conditions for labelling were optimized. Analytical and purification methods for the labelled products were developed. Radiochemical purity test of 99m Tc labelled peptides was performed by HPLC with gradient elution of 0.1%TFA/water and acetonitrile, or by ITLC-SG in saline and in 50% acetonitrile. The contaminants in 99m Tc radiolabelled product were separated by elution from SEPPAK C-18 cartridge by 0.1% acetic acid and the pure product was eluted out of SEPPAK column by 50% acetonitrile with about 68% recovery. Stability of the purified 99m Tc-MAG3-RC-160 stored at -20 deg. C was more than 72 h. 99m Tc-MAG-3-RC-160 showed a high equilibrium dissociation constant with K D of 26 pmole/mg protein and B max of 7.9 mM. (author)

  15. The development and characterization of Tc-99m mecaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, A. Jr.; Eshima, D.


    I-131 orth-iodohippuric (OIH) acid is a widely used renal radiopharmaceutical but it is limited due to the suboptimal imaging properties of the I-131 radionuclide and the relatively high radiation dose. Recent work has focused on the development of Tc-99m renal tubular function agents which would utilize the optimal radionuclidic properties and availability of Tc-99m, provide comparable clinical information to that obtained with OIH and allow the evaluation of renal perfusion. The triamide mercaptide (N 3 S) donor ligand system has yielded the most promising Tc-99m tubular function agent to date. Tc-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine MAG 3 does not enter the red blood cell. A simple kit formulation has been developed which yields a stable Tc-99m MAG 3 complex in high radiochemical purity. Studies in normal volunteers and patients indicate that Tc-99m MAG 3 is an excellent Tc-99m renal tubular agent but its clearance is only 50-60% that of OIH. 42 refs., 2 tabs., 2 figs

  16. Hypoxia-induced redox alterations and their correlation with 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTc-HL-91 uptake in colon cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abrantes, Ana Margarida; Silva Serra, Maria Elisa; Goncalves, Ana Cristina; Rio, Joana; Oliveiros, Barbara; Laranjo, Mafalda; Rocha-Gonsalves, Antonio Manuel; Sarmento-Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Filomena Botelho, Maria


    Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the Western world and is an example of a solid tumour in which hypoxia is a common feature and develops because of the inability of the vascular system to supply adequate amounts of oxygen to growing tumours. Hypoxia effects on tumour cell biology can be detected and characterized using different methods. The use of imaging with γ-emitting radionuclides to detect hypoxic tissue was first suggested by Chapman in 1979 [N Engl J Med 301 (1979) 1429-1432]. 99m Tc-4,9-diaza-3,3,10,10-tetramethyldodecan-2,11-dione dioxime, also known as 99m Tc-HL-91, has been among the most studied hypoxia markers. The objective of this study was to correlate the uptake of 99m Tc-HL-91 and 99m Tc-MIBI in colon cancer cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions and to compare this information with some parameters such as oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction of the cells analyzed by flow cytometry. Our results show that the in vitro 99m Tc-HL-91 uptake is higher in hypoxic conditions, which is confirmed by the decreased uptake of 99m Tc-MIBI. Flow cytometry results demonstrate that hypoxic conditions used are not enough to induce cellular death, but are responsible for the alterations in the intracellular redox environment, namely, increase of ROS production, proteic pimonidazol-derived adduct formation and alteration in the mitochondrial membrane permeability. Therefore, these results confirm that 99m Tc-HL-91 is a radiopharmaceutical with favourable characteristics for detecting hypoxia.

  17. Spectroscopic Characterization of Aqua [ fac-Tc(CO)3]+ Complexes at High Ionic Strength. (United States)

    Chatterjee, Sayandev; Hall, Gabriel B; Engelhard, Mark H; Du, Yingge; Washton, Nancy M; Lukens, Wayne W; Lee, Sungsik; Pearce, Carolyn I; Levitskaia, Tatiana G


    Understanding fundamental Tc chemistry is important to both the remediation of nuclear waste and the reprocessing of nuclear fuel; however, current knowledge of the electronic structure and spectral signatures of low-valent Tc compounds significantly lags behind the remainder of the d-block elements. In particular, identification and treatment of Tc speciation in legacy nuclear waste is challenging due to the lack of reference data especially for Tc compounds in the less common oxidation states (I-VI). In an effort to establish a spectroscopic library corresponding to the relevant conditions of extremely high ionic strength typical for the legacy nuclear waste, compounds with the general formula of [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 (OH 2 ) 3- n (OH) n ] 1- n (where n = 0-3) were examined by a range of spectroscopic techniques including 99 Tc/ 13 C NMR, IR, XPS, and XAS. In the series of monomeric aqua species, stepwise hydrolysis results in the increase of the Tc metal center electron density and corresponding progressive decrease of the Tc-C bond distances, Tc electron binding energies, and carbonyl stretching frequencies in the order [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 (OH 2 ) 3 ] + > [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 (OH 2 ) 2 (OH)] > [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 (OH 2 )(OH) 2 ] - . These results correlate with established trends of the 99 Tc upfield chemical shift and carbonyl 13 C downfield chemical shift. The lone exception is [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 (OH)] 4 which exhibits a comparatively low electron density at the metal center attributed to the μ 3 -bridging nature of the - OH ligands causing less σ-donation and no π-donation. This work also reports the first observations of these compounds by XPS and [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 Cl 3 ] 2- by XAS. The unique and distinguishable spectral features of the aqua [ fac-Tc(CO) 3 ] + complexes lay the foundation for their identification in the complex aqueous matrixes.

  18. Usefulness of 99mTc-ECD SPECT in diseases of central nerve system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Shimato; Yanagimoto, Shinichi; Mimura, Hiroaki


    The usefulness of a new cerebral perfusion imaging radiopharmaceutical, 99m Tc-ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD), was clinically evaluated. The subjects of this study were 14 patients with neurological disorders including 10 patients with cerebral infarction and 4 patients with other diseases. A total of 15 examinations was performed. 99m Tc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime ( 99m Tc-HM-PAO) or 123 I-N-isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine ( 123 I-IMP) SPECTs were performed simultaneously, and the findings from those examinations were compared with 99m Tc-ECD. As to the count ratio of lesions to normal area (L/N), the L/N ratio in severe ischemic patients was lower in 99m Tc-ECD than in 99m Tc-HM-PAO or 123 I-IMP. In mild ischemic patients, on the other hand, the L/N ratio was the lowest in 123 I-IMP. When the relationship between regional cerebral blood flows (rCBFs) obtained from 123 I-IMP and the values of L/N in 99m Tc-ECD or 99m Tc-HM-PAO was compared, the values of L/N in 99m Tc-ECD or 99m Tc-HM-PAO were found to have decreased linearity with increasing rCBF. In a patient showing luxury perfusion, the accumulation pattern of 99m Tc-ECD was different from that of the other two radiopharmaceuticals, and focal defect was revealed in 99m Tc-ECD SPECT. On the dynamic SPECT of 99m Tc-ECD in a patient with meningioma, the tumor showed a change from high to low perfusion with the passage of time. This finding indicated that care should be taken in the evaluation of accumulation of 99m Tc-ECD. Therefore, 99m Tc-ECD was found to be useful as a cerebral perfusion agent. In addition, as accumulation of 99m Tc-ECD might somehow reflect metabolism in some cases, further careful investigation of many cases should be carried out. (author)

  19. New measurement of excitation functions for (d,x) reactions on Mo-nat with special regard to the formation of Tc-95m, Tc96m+g, Tc-99m and Mo-99

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lebeda, Ondřej; Fikrle, Marek


    Roč. 68, č. 12 (2010), s. 2425-2432 ISSN 0969-8043 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/08/1276 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : Cross-sections * Tc-95m * Tc96m+g Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 0.999, year: 2010

  20. Phenolic aminocarboxylate chelates of 99mTc as hepatobiliary agents. (United States)

    Hunt, F C; Maddalena, D J; Wilson, J G; Bautovich, G J


    A series of alkyl- and halogen-substituted derivatives of ethylenediamine di[o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid] (EDDHA) and N,N'-bis[2-hydroxybenzyl] ethylenediamine N,N'-diacetic acid (HBED) were complexed with 99mTc and their biodistribution was determined in rats. All complexes displayed substantial hepatobiliary excretion; of each series, 99mTc-Br-EDDHA and 99mTc-di-Cl-HBED had the maximum amount in the gastrointestinal tract. Scintigraphic studies of 99mTc-Cl-EDDHA in dogs revealed prompt imaging of the liver followed by imaging of the gall bladder as the complex was excreted into the bile.

  1. Rapid radiochemical methods for preparation of sup(99m)Tc labelled compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narasimhan, D.V.S.; Banodkar, S.M.; Kothari, K.; Mani, R.S.


    Several inorganic and organic compounds incorporating sup( 99 m)Tc are being extensively used for imaging various body organs. The preparation of these sup( 99 m)Tc compounds with the necessary purity requirements is carried out by controlled reduction of sup( 99 m)Tc-pertechnetate using Sn(II) ions as the reducing agent followed by complexation with various active ingredients. The authors here present procedures developed at Radiopharmaceuticals Section of BARC for preparing sup( 99 m)Tc-diphosphonate, sup( 99 m)Tc-glucoheptonate, sup( 99 m)Tc-albumin microspheres and sup( 99 m)Tc-phytate with high radiochemical purity. The paper also describes procedures for the preparation of freeze-dried kits for single step preparation of these compounds. The paper also describes the authors' experience with various analytical procedures for the determination of radiochemical purity of these preparations. (author)

  2. Nonoperative treatment of splenic trauma: usefulness of computed tomography; Tratamento conservador do trauma esplenico: utilidade da tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Resende, Vivian [Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Tavares Junior, Wilson Campos; Vieira, Jose Nelson Mendes [Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Hospital das Clinicas. Dept. de Radiologia e Diagnostico por Imagem]. E-mail:; Drumond, Domingos Andre Fernandes [Hospital Joao XXIII, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Setor de Clinica Cirurgica


    Objective: to report the results of use of conservative treatment in patients with splenic trauma and to emphasize the usefulness of computed tomography in these cases. Material and method: sixty-nine cases of pediatric patients with blunt abdominal trauma seen from from January 2001 to June 2004 at the level I trauma center were retrospectively studied. Forty-four of these patients were submitted to nonoperative treatment and the clinical follow-up was performed by computerized tomography. All patients had been diagnosed with splenic injury by computerized tomography.Results: the causes of the injuries were motor vehicle accident in 12 (27.2%) patients, bicycle accident in nine (20.4%) patients, and falls in 23 (52.2%) patients. Two (3.7%) patients died from associated injuries. The mean duration of hospital stay was six days. The mean age of the patients was nine years. Conclusion: conservative treatment for blunt splenic trauma is performed with the aim of reducing costs and risks for the patients, and computerized tomography should be routinely used. No posterior complications were observed in this approach. (author)

  3. Bone densitometry in healthy cats by quantitative computed tomography; Densitometria ossea em gatos higidos por tomografia computadorizada quantitativa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, D.C. [Universidade Federal do Parana - Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Costa, L.A.V.S.; Teixeira, M.W.; Costa, F.S. [Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - Recife, PE (Brazil); Cardoso, M.J.L. [Universidade Estadual do Norte do Parana - Campus Luiz Meneghel - Bandeirantes, PR (Brazil)


    The radiodensity of the trabecular bone of the lumbar vertebrae in 16 healthy adult cats was studied using quantitative computed tomography (QCT). The average radiodensity of the trabecular bone of the second lumbar vertebra was 436.1 +- 42.1 Hounsfield units. However, there was a nonhomogeneous radiodensity distribution of the vertebral body. (author)

  4. Soil structure changes evaluated with computed tomography;Mudancas na estrutura do solo avaliada com uso de tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pires, Luiz Fernando [Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), PR (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica; Bacchi, Osny Oliveira Santos, E-mail: osny@cena.usp.b [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)


    The objective of this work was to evaluate in millimetric scale changes in soil bulk density and porosity, using the gamma-ray computed tomography in soil samples with disturbed structure due to wetting and drying (W-D) cycles. Soil samples with 98.1 cm{sup 3} were sieved using a 2 mm mesh and homogeneously packed in PVC cylinders. Soil samples were submitted to 1, 2, and 3 W-D cycles. Control samples were not submitted to W-D cycles. After repetitions of W-D cycles, soil sample porosity decreased and soil layers became denser. Computed tomography allowed a continuous analysis of soil bulk density and also soil porosity along millimetric (0.08 cm) layers, what cannot be provided by traditional methods used in soil physics. (author)

  5. Cholesteatoma: computed tomography and radiography in a dog; Colesteatoma: tomografia computadorizada e radiografia em cao com otite cronica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belotta, Alexandra Frey; Babicsak, Viviam Rocco; Mamprim, Maria Jaqueline; Vulcano, Luiz Carlos, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (FMVZ/UNESP), Botucatu, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia . Dept. de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria; Arruda, Vanesa Kutz de; Amorim, Rogerio Martins [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (FMVZ/UNESP), Botucatu, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Clinica Veterinaria


    Cholesteatoma, a rare and/or misdiagnosed disease, results of a serious complication in dogs with chronic otitis. This article describes a case of a dachshund sent to the veterinary hospital presenting signs of cognitive dysfunction associated to peripheral neuropathy of the facial nerve on the right side. At radiography, an enlargement and thickness of the contours associated with loss of anatomical definition of the right tympanic bulla compared to the left was seen. At tomography, this enlargement and thickness were seen with better definition, besides the fulfilling by hyperdense calcified content, bullae osteolysis and temporal bone sclerosis at the same side. (author)

  6. Progressive systemic sclerosis: high-resolution computed tomography findings; Esclerose sistemica progressiva: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolucao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gasparetto, Emerson L.; Pimenta, Rodrigo; Ono, Sergio E.; Escuissato, Dante L. [Parana Univ., Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Hospital de Clinicas. Servico de Radiologia Medica]. E-mail:; Inoue, Cesar [Parana Univ., Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina


    Objective: To describe the high-resolution computed tomography findings in the lung of patients with systemic sclerosis, independently of the respiratory symptoms. Materials and methods: Seventy-three high-resolution computed tomography scans of 44 patients with clinical diagnosis of systemic sclerosis were reviewed and defined by the consensus of two radiologists. Results: Abnormalities were seen in 91.8% (n = 67) of the scans. The most frequent findings were reticular pattern (90.4%), ground-glass opacities (63%), traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis (56.2%), esophageal dilatation (46.6%), honeycombing pattern (28.8%) and signs of pulmonary hypertension (15.6%). In most cases the lesions were bilateral (89%) and symmetrical (58.5%). The lesions were predominantly located in the basal (91.2%) and peripheral (92.2%) regions. Conclusion: In the majority of the patients, progressive systemic sclerosis can cause pulmonary fibrosis mainly characterized by reticular pattern with basal and peripheral distribution on high-resolution computed tomography. (author)

  7. Sequential hepato-biliary scintigraphy of the patients with constitutional jaundices and ICG excretory defect disease with sup(99m)Tc-HIDA and sup(99m)Tc-PI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Hideo; Asahara, Akira; Hishinuma, Sanpei; Toogin, Masayuki; Takagi, Masao


    The hepato-biliary scintigraphy with sup(99m)Tc-HIDA and sup(99m)Tc-PI and the measurement of hepatic clearance have been studied on constitutional hyperbilirubinemia and ICG excretory defect disease. The results obtained are as follows: 1) In Dubin-Johnson's syndrome cases, the hepatic uptake of sup(99m)Tc-HIDA was faster, but the excretion was extremely slower than in normal cases. 2) Hepatic uptake and excretion of sup(99m)Tc-PI were both almost normal in Dubin-Johnson's syndrome. 3) In Rotor's disease, hepatic uptake of sup(99m)Tc-HIDA was very poor, showing almost no hepatic image. 4) In Gilbert's disease and ICG excretory defect disease, hepatic uptake and excretion of sup(99m)Tc-HIDA were both within normal limit. From these results it can be presumed that Dubin-Johnson's syndrome and Rotor's disease differ in morbid condition. Dubin-Johnson's syndrome, Rotor's disease and Gilbert's disease show the different patterns between hepatic uptake and excretion on sup(99m)Tc-HIDA hepatoscintigraphy and the patterns contribute to the differential diagnosis of constitutional jaundice. (author)

  8. Distribution and migration of 99Tc in surface soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uezu, Yasuhiro; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Takeishi, Minoru; Shinohara, Kunihiko


    99 Tc is produced in a high yield of 6% upon nuclear fission of 235 U, 239 Pu and so on. It is one of the important nuclides in existence around nuclear facilities because it has an extremely long half-life of 214,000 years and various chemical forms in soils. Based on the results of tracer experiments that have been conducted by research organizations in various laboratories, it was thought that the transfer velocity of 99 Tc in soils would be high. However, it was found from the results of analysis of actual soil samples that the transfer factor of 99 Tc from soil to plants was about 100 times smaller than that of the reported value. The vertical transfer of TcO 4 - (7 valences) is faster than that of TcO 2 (4 valences). These results suggest that an environmental assessment on a long-term scale in connection with the environmental assessment of low-level waste from nuclear facilities and an environmental assessment of contaminated areas should be based on parameters from field data. (author)

  9. Technetium-99 in ''instant'' sup(99m)Tc-pertechnetate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mattsson, S.


    The 99 Tc-content in sup(99m)Tc-pertechnetate separated from 99 Mo by distillation or extraction has been studied with a plastic scintillation detector. The identification of the measured activity was achieved by beta-spectrometry, chemical separation and half-life studies. The frequency distribution of the sup(99)Tc/sup(99m)Tc-ratios in the different samples was observed to be log-normal. The most likely activity ratio was 0.4x10 -6 , the maximum value being 5x10 -6 . The specific activity of ''instant'' pertechnetate is approximately a factor of 60 lower than that normally recorded in pertechnetate derived from daily eluted column generators. The low specific activity of ''instant'' pertechnetate is primarily explained by the long time between separation and usage and secondly by the low yield of Tc in the distillation and extraction processes. In several of the ''instant'' pertechnetate solutions the carrier concentration exceeded the reductive capacity of the stannous ions in ''kits'' with small amounts of Sn(II) in usable form. (T.G.)

  10. Liver scintigraphy with sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Masaaki


    Basic and clinical studies of sup(99m)Tc-Sn-colloid (Tc-Sn-C) were made on liver scintigraphy for comparison with 198 Au-colloid in blood clearance, liver accumulation, and spleen imaging strength. Tc-Sn-C was excellent in ease of sterilization, simplicity of preparation, reduction in the exposure dose for the examiner, labeling rate, and stability, and it was effective as a drug for liver scintigraphy. The blood clearance T1/2 can be an indicator for the blood flow rate in the liver, similarly to the Au-C method. Although a decrease in the liver radioactivity after liver accumulation was observed, it was not thought to affect liver scintigraphy. A clear shadow of the liver was obtained in all cases, and there seemed to be no differences between the commercially prepared Tc-Sn-C and the Tc-Sn-C which must be prepared each time. The spleen imaging strength was thought to be effective as a supplementary diagnosis for splenic diseases. No allergic symptoms appeared immediately after examination. (Chiba, N.)

  11. Hot deformation behavior of TC18 titanium alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jia Bao-Hua


    Full Text Available Isothermal compression tests of TC18 titanium alloy at the deformation temperatures ranging from 25°C to 800°C and strain rate ranging from 10-4 to 10-2 s-1 were conducted by using a WDW-300 electronic universal testing machine. The hot deformation behavior of TC18 was characterized based on an analysis of the true stress-true strain curves of TC18 titanium alloy. The curves show that the flow stress increases with increasing the strain rate and decreases with increasing the temperature, and the strain rate play an important role in the flow stress when increasing the temperatures. By taking the effect of strain into account, an improved constitutive relationship was proposed based on the Arrhenius equation. By comparison with the experimental results, the model prediction agreed well with the experimental data, which demonstrated the established constitutive relationship was reliable and can be used to predict the hot deformation behavior of TC18 titanium alloy.

  12. Standardization of Tc-99 by two methods and participation at the CCRI(II)-K2. Tc-99 comparison. (United States)

    Sahagia, M; Antohe, A; Ioan, R; Luca, A; Ivan, C


    The work accomplished within the participation at the 2012 key comparison of Tc-99 is presented. The solution was standardized for the first time in IFIN-HH by two methods: LSC-TDCR and 4π(PC)β-γ efficiency tracer. The methods are described and the results are compared. For the LSC-TDCR method, the program TDCR07c, written and provided by P. Cassette, was used for processing the measurement data. The results are 2.1% higher than when applying the TDCR06b program; the higher value, calculated with the software TDCR07c, was used for reporting the final result in the comparison. The tracer used for the 4π(PC)β-γ efficiency tracer method was a standard (60)Co solution. The sources were prepared from the mixture (60)Co+(99)Tc solution and a general extrapolation curve, type: N(βTc-99)/(M)(Tc-99)=f [1-ε(Co-60)], was drawn. This value was not used for the final result of the comparison. The difference between the values of activity concentration obtained by the two methods was within the limit of the combined standard uncertainty of the difference of these two results. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Emission of Tc-99 from nuclear facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luxenburger, H.J.; Schuettelkopf, H.; Bohn, B.


    No noticeable Tc-activities are emitted from nuclear power stations. The emissions with the gaseous effluents exceed but rarely the detection limit of 25 nCi/h. Likewise, the emission with the liquid effluents remains below the detection limit of about 0.5 nCi/m 3 . Neither can a remarkable emission be recorded from the facilities of the Central Decontamination Services Department (HDB) of KfK. The emissions from the evaporation system for low level solutions and from the evaporation system for low level solutions and from the incineration facility for solid wastes do not exceed or rarely exceed to a minor extent the detection limit of 0.3 pCi/m 3 waste air. Also with the liquid effluents only minor Tc-amounts are discharged of 0.3 nCi/m 3 at the maximum. In the distillate of the medium level solutions discharged from the Karlsruhe Reprocessing Plant (WAK) to HDB as so-called tritiated water 2 nCi/m 3 Tc-99 at the maximum are contained. Only in the gaseous effluents from the evaporation system for medium level solutions emissions of up to 14 pCi/m 3 can be detected. The detection limits are almost permanently exceeded by the gaseous effluents from WAK. Small amounts of Tc-99 of 7 pCi/m 3 exhaust air at the maximum are released to the environment. However, the amount of Tc accumulated over the sampling period is insignificant from the radioecological point of view. (orig./HP) [de

  14. Somatostatin analogues labelled with 99mTc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obenaus, E.; Crudo, J.; Edreira, M.; Viaggi, M.; De Castiglia, S.G.


    The aim of the present work was to study the biological and radiochemical behaviour of two somatostatin analogues, the RC-160 and Tyr3Octreotide(TOC) peptides when labelling with 99m Tc by two methods: direct and indirect using S-benzoyl- mercaptoacetyl triglycine (MAG-3) and hydrazinonicotinamide (HYNIC) as chelating agents. RC-160 was labelled with 125I (30% labelling yield) in order to examine its receptor specificity and to study the biodistribution in normal animals. A total binding of 30% and a non specific binding lower than 10% was obtained. On the other hand, the RC-160 was labelled with 99m Tc by a direct method (70% labelling yield), using sodium ascorbate and dithionite in order to reduce the peptide and 99m Tc, respectively. The synthesis of RC-160 with S-benzoyl MAG-3 and TOC with HYNIC, for labelling with 99m Tc are also described. The conjugates were prepared on a small scale and labelled with the radionuclide using tricine as co-ligands for HYNIC conjugates. Chromatographic studies were performed using HPLC system and radiochemical purities higher than 75% and 95% were obtained respectively. Biodistributions studies in normal Wistar rats were performed and results were correlated with chromatographic and protein binding properties. Lower lipophilicity of the labelled conjugates resulted in a higher renal excretion. HYNIC-TOC complex showed promising results when labelling with 99m Tc using tricine as co-ligand although higher stability should be found for ternary co-ligands compared to tricine. (author)

  15. Organ distribution of sup(99m)Tc-Sn tetracycline antibiotics in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalincak, M.; Machan, V.; Barna, K.


    The organ distribution of [sup(99m)Tc-Sn]tetracycline hydrochloride, [sup(99m)Tc-Sn]oxytetracycline hydrochloride and [sup(99m)Tc-Sn]rolitetracycline nitrate was studied in rats. It was shown that these preparations have a very similar organ distribution and are predominantly deposited in the kidneys. The maximum renal radioactivity level was found 2 to 4 hours after intravenous administration of the preparation, this, for [sup(99m)Tc-Sn]tetracycline hydrochloride 18.60%; for [sup(99m)Tc-Sn]oxytetracycline hydrochloride 17.09.=.; for [sup(99m)Tc-Sn]rolitetracycline nitrate 20.12%. The activity levels in the muscle, liver, heart, brain, lungs, stomach and spleen are minimal. (author)

  16. Organ distribution of /sup 99m/Tc--Sn tetracycline antibiotics in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalincak, M; Machan, V; Barna, K [Univerzita P.J. Safarika, Kosice (Czechoslovakia). Lekarska Fakulta


    The organ distribution of (sup(99m)Tc-Sn)tetracycline hydrochloride, (sup(99m)Tc-Sn)oxytetracycline hydrochloride and (sup(99m)Tc-Sn)rolitetracycline nitrate was studied in rats. It was shown that these preparations have a very similar organ distribution and are predominantly deposited in the kidneys. The maximum renal radioactivity level was found 2 to 4 hours after intravenous administration of the preparation, this, for (sup(99m)Tc-Sn)tetracycline hydrochloride 18.60%; for (sup(99m)Tc-Sn)oxytetracycline hydrochloride 17.09.=.; for (sup(99m)Tc-Sn)rolitetracycline nitrate 20.12%. The activity levels in the muscle, liver, heart, brain, lungs, stomach and spleen are minimal.

  17. Targeted functional imaging of estrogen receptors with 99mTc-GAP-EDL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Nobukazu; Yang, David J.; Kohanim, Saady; Oh, Chang-Sok; Yu, Dong-Fang; Azhdarinia, Ali; Kurihara, Hiroaki; Kim, E.E.; Zhang, Xiaochun; Chang, Joe Y.


    To evaluate the feasibility of using 99m Tc-glutamate peptide-estradiol in functional imaging of estrogen receptor-positive [ER(+)] diseases. 3-Aminoethyl estradiol (EDL) was conjugated to glutamate peptide (GAP) to yield GAP-EDL. Cellular uptake studies of 99m Tc-GAP-EDL were conducted in ER(+) cell lines (MCF-7, 13762 and T47D). To demonstrate whether GAP-EDL increases MAP kinase activation, Western blot analysis of GAP-EDL was performed in 13762 cells. Biodistribution was conducted in nine rats with 13762 breast tumors at 0.5-4 h. Each rat was administered 99m Tc-GAP-EDL. Two animal models (rats and rabbits) were created to ascertain whether tumor uptake of 99m Tc-GAP-EDL was via an ER-mediated process. In the tumor model, breast tumor-bearing rats were pretreated with diethylstilbestrol (DES) 1 h prior to receiving 99m Tc-GAP-EDL. In the endometriosis model, part of the rabbit uterine tissue was dissected and grafted to the peritoneal wall. The rabbit was administered with 99m Tc-GAP-EDL. There was a 10-40% reduction in uptake of 99m Tc-GAP-EDL in cells treated with DES or tamoxifen compared with untreated cells. Western blot analysis showed an ERK1/2 phosphorylation process with GAP-EDL. Biodistribution studies showed that tumor uptake and tumor-to-muscle count density ratio in 99m Tc-GAP-EDL groups were significantly higher than those in 99m Tc-GAP groups at 4 h. Among 99m Tc-GAP-EDL groups, region of interest analysis of images showed that tumor-to muscle ratios were decreased in blocking groups. In the endometriosis model, the grafted uterine tissue could be visualized by 99m Tc-GAP-EDL. Cellular or tumor uptake of 99m Tc-GAP-EDL occurs via an ER-mediated process. 99m Tc-GAP-EDL is a useful agent for imaging functional ER(+) disease. (orig.)

  18. Comparative analysis of 99mTc-depreotide and 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC thorax scintigrams acquired for the purpose of differential diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plachcinska, A.; Kusmierek, J.; Mikolajczak, R.; Kozak, J.; Rzeszutek, K.


    Aiming at comparison of diagnostic efficacy of 2 radiopharmaceuticals: 99m Tc-depreotide (Neospect, Amersham) and 99m Tc-EDDA/HYNIC-Tyr3-octreotide (Tektrotyd, Polatom), in differentiation between malignant and benign etiology of solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs), radionuclide studies with 2 radiotracers were performed in 18 patients. For both radiopharmaceuticals the same acquisition and processing protocols were applied. Studies were acquired with SPECT technique, after administration of 740 MBq of activity. Scintigrams were assessed visually, as: positive (+), equivocal (±) and negative (-). Additionally, uptake intensity of both radiotracers in nodules was assessed semiquantitatively, using a tumour-to-background ratio. Verification of scintigraphic results was based in 14 cases upon a pathological examination of tumour samples (histopathology) and in the remaining 4 - on clinical observation and bacteriological studies. Normal scintigrams obtained with both diopharmaceuticals differed significantly. 99m Tc-depreotide was markedly accumulated in spine, sternum, ribs and lungs (mean lung/heart ratio = 2.2). This accumulation was not observed on 99m Tc- -EDDA/HYNIC-TOC scintigrams (mean lung/heart ratio = 0.7). In 6 patients a malignant etiology - lung cancer - was revealed (5 - adenocarcinoma, 1 - squamous cell) and the other 12 cases turned out to be benign (4 hamartomas, 3 tuberculomas, a tuberculous infiltrate, an alien body with inflammatory reaction, a hyperplasia of lymphatic tissue and 2 cases of unknown etiology, from which one had a stable size and the other resolved during a 6 month observation period). In all 6 cases of lung cancer positive results were obtained with both tracers. Moreover, in 2 patients metastases in mediastinum could be observed on scintigrams obtained with both radiopharmaceuticals. From among 12 cases of benign etiology 6 99m Tc-depreotide scintigrams were true negative, 1 - equivocal and 5 - false positive, whereas 6 99m Tc

  19. The comparison of Tc99m-pertechnetate/mibi subtraction and double phase Tc99m-mibi techniques in parathyroid imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilkay, Ue.; Erinc, R.; Karapolat, I.; Kumanlioglu, K.


    Experienced parathyroid surgeons can localize nearly %90-95 of the abnormal parathyroid glands with total thyroid bed exploration. For this reason, for the first surgical exploration preoperative imaging of the gland could be considered unnecessary. However, localization of the abnormal parathyroid tissue preoperatively could be beneficial in ectopic adenomas which consists %20 of all adenomas and also in shortening surgical procedure in single adenomas with the use of unilateral exploration. Re-exploration after an unsuccessful surgery is the most widely accepted indication for parathyroid imaging. Today, although Tc99m-MIBI is the accepted radionuclide with the advantages of giving better image quality with lower radiation dose over Tl-201, for imaging hyper functioning parathyroid tissue, there is no consensus on the ideal imaging protocol. Single-tracer double-phase imaging (STDP) and dual-tracer subtraction technique (Tc99m-pertechnetate/Tc99m-MIBI) (DTST) are proposed protocols using Tc99m-MIBI. The aim of this ongoing study is; to compare STDP imaging with DTST and to compare sensitivity of pinhole and high resolution parallel hole images in STDP protocol

  20. Availability of {sup 99}Tc in undisturbed soil cores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Denys, Sebastien; Echevarria, Guillaume E-mail:; Florentin, Louis; Leclerc-Cessac, Elisabeth; Morel, Jean-Louis


    Models for safety assessment of radioactive waste repositories need accurate values of the soil-to-plant transfer of radionuclides. In oxidizing environments, {sup 99}Tc is expected to occur as pertechnetate ({sup 99}TcO{sub 4}{sup -}). Due to its high mobility, leaching of this element in the field might be important, potentially affecting the reliability of estimated transfer parameters of {sup 99}Tc as measured in closed experimental systems such as hydroponics or pot experiments. The aim of this experiment was to measure the leaching of {sup 99}Tc in undisturbed irrigated soil cores under cultivation as well as plant uptake and to study the possible competition between the two transfer pathways. Undisturbed soil cores (50x50 cm) were sampled from a Rendzic Leptosol (R), a colluvial Fluvic Cambisol (F) and a Dystric Cambisol (D) using PVC tubes (three cores sampled per soil type). Each core was equipped with a leachate collector at the bottom, allowing the monitoring of {sup 99}Tc leaching through the cores. Cores were placed in a greenhouse and maize (Zea mays L., cv. DEA, Pioneer[reg]) was sown. After 135 d, maize was harvested and radioactivity determined in both plant and water samples. Results showed that during the growing period, leaching of {sup 99}Tc was limited, due to the high evapotranspiration rate of maize. After harvest, leaching of {sup 99}Tc went on because of the absence of evapotranspiration. Effective uptake (EU) of {sup 99}Tc in leaves and grains was calculated. EU reached 70% of the input in the leaves and was not significantly different among soils. These results confirmed those obtained from pot experiments, even though leaching was allowed to occur in close-to-reality hydraulical conditions. As a consequence, it was concluded that pot experiments are an adequate surrogate for more complex 'close-to-reality' experimental systems for measuring transfer factors.