
Sample records for tiras reagentes utilizadas


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    Rudison da Silva Florêncio


    Full Text Available No exame de urina é possível identificar parâmetros como pH, glicose, cetona, proteína, bilirrubina, urobilinogênio, densidade, hemoglobina, leucócitos, ácido ascórbico, outros e o exame do sedimento urinário. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para comparar as marcas de tiras reagentes de urina Roche Combur10 Test® UX, Labtest Uriquest Plus VET® e Inlab Uri-test11® com a marca utilizada na rotina do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas, a Labtest Uriquest Plus®. Foi observada discrepâncias entre os resultados das marcas desenvolvidas para a medicina humana com a marca desenvolvida para a medicina veterinária e entre elas, nos exames da urina de cães atendidos no Hospital Veterinário. Foi possível observar que os parâmetros de pH, densidade e proteína urinária apresentaram maiores discrepâncias entre as fitas quando comparado com padrões para dosagens da densidade por refratometria e da proteína por espectrofotometria. Há necessidade de padronização do exame de urina com tiras reagentes, pois é um valioso auxílio ao diagnóstico de doenças renais e extra-renais.

  2. Comparação de bulas de duas marcas de tiras reagentes utilizadas no exame químico de urina Comparison of product labelings of two marks of reagent strips for the chemical examination of urine

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    Adriana Scotti da Silva Colombeli


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O exame de urina proporciona informações sobre patologias renais e do trato urinário, bem como algumas moléstias extra-renais. Usualmente o exame químico de urina é feito com tiras reagentes, objetivando tornar a determinação mais rápida, simples e econômica. OBJETIVOS: Comparar bulas de duas marcas de tiras amplamente utilizadas em laboratórios de urinálise (Roche Combur10 Test® UX e Bayer Multistix® 10 SG. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Compararam-se as bulas quanto aos princípios utilizados nas determinações de pH, proteínas, glicose, cetonas, hemoglobina, bilirrubina, urobilinogênio, nitrito, densidade e leucócitos, além das informações sobre possíveis interferências. RESULTADOS: Foram verificadas diferenças nos reagentes utilizados para detecção dos parâmetros, como é o caso do urobilinogênio (a tira Multistix usa o reagente de Ehrlich, menos específico e mais propenso a interferências analíticas que o sal de diazônio derivado de metoxibenzeno, utilizado na tira Roche; para nitrito, proteína, glicose, bilirrubina e hemoglobina as diferenças foram mais sutis. DISCUSSÃO: Detectou-se diversidade de informações quanto a possíveis interferentes, o que talvez possa ser justificado parcialmente pelas diferenças nos reagentes. Também foram verificadas diferenças nas informações sobre interferências de um idioma para outro, destacando-se a omissão de algumas delas na bula em português. Observou-se grande disparidade na avaliação da intensidade da reação e sua expressão em cruzes, como, por exemplo, no parâmetro glicose, o que pode levar a erros na interpretação do laudo laboratorial. CONCLUSÃO: As observações registradas reforçam a importância de padronizações no exame parcial de urina.BACKGROUND: The urinalysis provides information about renal and urinary diseases, as well as about some extra renal diseases. The chemical examination of urine is done with reagent strips, which allows

  3. Pere Calders entre la ironia i la sàtira: «La ciutat cansada»

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    Vicent Simbor Roig


    personatges, de l’espai i del temps— i en la importància de la ironia, de la paròdia i de la sàtira. Els resultats mostren una obra plenament arrelada en la personal poètica caldersiana i alhora singular pel que afecta a l’ús de la sàtira, no tan habitual en la resta de la seua producció, i a la ironia narratològica, precedent immediat del virtuós joc metaficcional plantejat a «Ronda naval sota la boira».

  4. Tira Sujanpur: An Adobe of Katoch Dynasty (United States)

    Shree, Venu; Sharma, Puneet


    Image of any ancient settlement can be interpreted through a continuous study of its Historical and Architectural developments. The best way to map this image is to analyze and explore old monuments, palaces and religious places of that city. This work is an attempt to showcase the glorious era of Art and Architecture which flourished during Katoch dynasty in north Himalayan region of India during 18th century. Being one of the most known examples of Katoch Dynasty Tira Sujanpur has been documented in detail in this paper. This documentation covers the detail study of relationship between townscape and public places. Architecture style of Katoch Dynasty, Splendid along the cluster of the buildings, Temples and palaces has also been giving due consideration in the paper.

  5. Monarcas, bufones, políticos y audiencias. Comparación de la sátira televisiva en Reino Unido y España

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    José-Luis Valhondo-Crego


    Full Text Available Los programas de sátira se han convertido en una forma de comunicación política frecuente en la televisión. Tras la liberalización de los medios y la globalización de los formatos, países como España han adoptado formatos satíricos procedentes de otros que, como Reino Unido, contaban con una tradición que se remontaba casi al inicio de la televisión. El objetivo de este artículo es el de pergeñar una definición del género teniendo en cuenta los ejemplos de los dos países mencionados y, también, refiriéndonos a dos épocas separadas por el fenómeno de la liberalización de la televisión. Aplicaremos para ello una metodología comparativa respecto al perfil de las audiencias, de los bufones de la sátira y del papel jugado por la clase política a lo largo de la corta historia de la sátira en televisión. Los resultados señalan una evolución. En los años sesenta del siglo XX, el género apuntaba a las clases medias, sus autores pretendían popularizar la política para una sociedad muy respetuosa con el establishment y los políticos censuraron el espacio en previsión de que pudiera desequilibrar ideológicamente los procesos electorales. En los años noventa, las audiencias de la sátira se redujeron al segmento más lucrativo de los jóvenes adultos, los bufones adquirieron el mayor protagonismo y los políticos no sólo se inmunizaron a la sátira sino que parecieron sacar provecho de ella.

  6. A importância da qualidade da água reagente no laboratório clínico The importance of water quality in clinical laboratory reagent

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    Maria Elizabete Mendes


    Full Text Available A água é um reagente utilizado na maioria dos testes laboratoriais e por isso deve seguir um padrão de controle de qualidade rigoroso. O fornecimento urbano de água apresenta moléculas orgânicas, íons inorgânicos, partículas, coloides, gases, bactérias e seus produtos, que podem alterar os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e causar eventuais erros e falhas mecânicas em equipamentos analíticos. Para remover essas impurezas, é necessário recorrer a uma combinação de tecnologias de purificação. Há várias organizações que especificam normas sobre a água reagente, a fim de minimizar sua interferência nos ensaios laboratoriais. A maioria dos laboratórios utiliza as normas estabelecidas pelo Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI que classifica a água em: clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW, special reagent water (SRW e instrumental feed water (IFW. O monitoramento da qualidade é realizado pela determinação de resistividade, condutividade, carbono orgânico total (TOC, controle microbiológico e endotoxinas. Os parâmetros são avaliados de acordo com a periodicidade estabelecida pela norma utilizada. Neste artigo, discutem-se a importância da água utilizada nos procedimentos laboratoriais, o controle da qualidade e as interferências nos ensaios laboratoriais.Water is a reagent used in most laboratory tests and, therefore, must follow stringent quality control standards. The urban water supply has organic molecules, inorganic ions, particles, colloids, gases, bacteria and their products, which may alter laboratory test results and cause occasional errors and mechanical failures in diagnostic equipment. To remove these impurities, it is necessary to use a combination of purification technologies. There are several organizations that specify reagent water standards to minimize its interference in laboratory assays. Most laboratories set standards established by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards

  7. Medición comparativa de la densidad urinaria: tira reactiva, refractómetro y densímetro


    Costa, Christian Elías; Bettendorff, Carolina; Bupo, Sol; Ayuso, Sandra; Vallejo, Graciela


    Introducción. La densidad urinaria se utiliza en la clínica para evaluar la capacidad renal de concentrar y diluir la orina. Se puede medir mediante tres métodos: urodensímetro (UD), refractómetro (RE) y tiras reactivas (TR). Objetivo. Evaluar la exactitud de diferentes métodos de medición de la densidad urinaria. Diseño del estudio. Transversal, comparativo, con recolección prospectiva de datos. Material y métodos. Se analizaron 156 muestras de orina de pacientes pediátricos, durante abril y...


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    Herbert Leite Souza


    Full Text Available No meio acadêmico é comum a utilização de alguns reagentes com o prazo de validade fora do indicado pelo fabricante. Neste trabalho foram analisados reagentes no prazo de validade e após o prazo de validade coletados em laboratórios químicos, com intuito da criação de dados que comprovem a degradação gradativa dos mesmos após o vencimento da data prevista pelo fabricante, e quantificar a perda de pureza do reagente. Foi utilizada a técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho FTIR-UATR e calculado as áreas de uma banda de referência para obtenção da porcentagem de degradação. Apesar do comportamento variado de cada reagente, as análises comprovaram que, numa visão geram, o uso de reagentes vencidos no meio acadêmico não representa grandes alterações nos produtos obtidos em reações químicas, pelo contrário pode representar uma economia financeira substancial.

  9. Characterization of Reagent Pencils for Deposition of Reagents onto Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices

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    Cheyenne H. Liu


    Full Text Available Reagent pencils allow for solvent-free deposition of reagents onto paper-based microfluidic devices. The pencils are portable, easy to use, extend the shelf-life of reagents, and offer a platform for customizing diagnostic devices at the point of care. In this work, reagent pencils were characterized by measuring the wear resistance of pencil cores made from polyethylene glycols (PEGs with different molecular weights and incorporating various concentrations of three different reagents using a standard pin abrasion test, as well as by measuring the efficiency of reagent delivery from the pencils to the test zones of paper-based microfluidic devices using absorption spectroscopy and digital image colorimetry. The molecular weight of the PEG, concentration of the reagent, and the molecular weight of the reagent were all found to have an inverse correlation with the wear of the pencil cores, but the amount of reagent delivered to the test zone of a device correlated most strongly with the concentration of the reagent in the pencil core. Up to 49% of the total reagent deposited on a device with a pencil was released into the test zone, compared to 58% for reagents deposited from a solution. The results suggest that reagent pencils can be prepared for a variety of reagents using PEGs with molecular weights in the range of 2000 to 6000 g/mol.



    Lopes, Mônica Smiderle de Oliveira


    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o humor e a ironia veiculados através da linguagem de Mafalda, personagem das tiras em quadrinhos de Quino. Partindo da noção de ironia como uma afirmação de algo diferente do que se deseja comunicar, na qual o emissor deixa transparecer uma afirmação contrária por meio do contexto situacional ou entonação e observando três teorias da Pragmática: as máximas conversacionais do Principio da Cooperação (Grice, 1975), a Teoria da Relevância (Sperber e W...

  11. Carlos Somigliana: sátira, ironía y parodia teatral contra la última dictadura argentina

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    Alba Saura Clares


    Full Text Available En esta investigación nos adentramos en la obra del dramaturgo Carlos Somigliana (1932-1987, una de las figuras más destacadas de la escena argentina del siglo XX. Con una producción marcada por la inestabilidad sociopolítica vivida en el país, profundizaremos en los textos que escribió durante la última dictadura militar argentina, el autodenominado Proceso de Reorganización Nacional (1976-1983. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es acercarnos a las obras de Somigliana para el festival Teatro Abierto, evento escénico contra la dictadura del Proceso, y a la estética elegida por el dramaturgo para las mismas, donde percibimos un predominio de la sátira, la ironía y la parodia unido al carácter político de los textos. Nuestro corpus lo compondrán El Nuevo Mundo (1981, El oficial primero (1982 y La democracia en el tocador (1984.


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    Manuel Jofré


    Full Text Available Se discuten aquí algunas de las tesis de Mijail Bajtín en relación con la novela Don Quijote. Primero, la oposición entre novela dialógica versus novela polifónica; segundo, la pertinencia del diálogo socrático y la sátira menipea en la estructura novelesca misma; tercero, la pertinencia del monologismo en la aproximación de poética histórica; y cuarto, algunos aspectos de la carnavalización en la novelaSome of Mijail Bachtin’s theses are discussed here. First the opposition between the dialogic novel and the polyphonic; in the second place, the pertinence of Socratic dialogue and the Menippean satire in the fictional structure itself; thirdly, the pertinence of monologism in the approach to a historical poetic; and lastly, some of the aspects of carnavalization in the novel

  13. Handling Pyrophoric Reagents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alnajjar, Mikhail S.; Haynie, Todd O.


    Pyrophoric reagents are extremely hazardous. Special handling techniques are required to prevent contact with air and the resulting fire. This document provides several methods for working with pyrophoric reagents outside of an inert atmosphere.

  14. Avaliação do desempenho dos reagentes do tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada utilizados para detectar o anticoagulante lúpico Assessment of the performance of reagents of activated partial thromboplastin time used to detect the lupus anticoagulant

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    Fernanda Chiuso


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O anticoagulante lúpico é uma imunoglobulina pertencente à família dos anticorpos antifosfolípides. A sua ação in vitro é interferir nos testes de coagulação dependentes de fosfolípides. O tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA é um teste utilizado como screening na pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico. Os reagentes utilizados neste teste apresentam grandes variações quanto à sensibilidade. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho dos reagentes do TTPA e detectar a presença do anticoagulante lúpico através de diferentes testes da coagulação. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico foi realizada em 50 amostras plasmáticas de pacientes do sexo feminino através dos testes do TTPA, do tempo de coagulação do caulim (TCC, do tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada diluída (TTPAd e do tempo do veneno da víbora de Russel diluído (TVVRd. Três cefalinas comerciais foram avaliadas pelos testes do TTPA e do TTPAd. Na comparação entre os reagentes estudados foi aplicado o cálculo do intervalo de confiança (95%. RESULTADOS: Os três reagentes avaliados apresentaram boa concordância e os métodos utilizados responderam bem à pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico. DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÃO: As três cefalinas comerciais avaliadas podem ser utilizadas na rotina laboratorial para a pesquisa do anticoagulante lúpico.INTRODUCTION: The lupus anticoagulant is an immunoglobin which belongs to the antiphospholid antibodies family. Its in vitro function is to interfere with coagulation tests that are dependent on phospholipids. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT is a test used as screening on lupus anticoagulant research. Reagents used in this test demonstrate wide sensitivity ranges. OBJECTIVE: To assess the performance of APTT reagents and detect the presence of lupus anticoagulant through various coagulation tests. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The lupus anticoagulant research was performed in plasma from 50

  15. 21 CFR 866.3500 - Rickettsia serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Rickettsia serological reagents. 866.3500 Section... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3500 Rickettsia serological reagents. (a) Identification. Rickettsia serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens...

  16. 21 CFR 866.3405 - Poliovirus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Poliovirus serological reagents. 866.3405 Section... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3405 Poliovirus serological reagents. (a) Identification. Poliovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens...

  17. PT. Tira Austenite, Tbk dan Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Ekspedisi dalam Perspektif Supply Chain dan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP

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    Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija


    Full Text Available PT. TIRA AUSTENITE, Tbk (PTATbk and other companies in the field of supply chain require coordination pertaining cross functional and cross collaboration. The mentioned collaboration is required especially for Expedition Company. The performance analysis of Expedition Company, including PTATbk is needed to face the global competition. Company contribution generally, and in particular for Empirical Study toward PTATBK can lead to the problem solving and performance improvement, which covers selecting optimal expedition company and efficient time to dispatch product from existing route to be integrated into the core essence of this research pertaining PTATbk. The mentioned research refers to Empirical Study dan Managerial Implications through books and journals as reference in the Research Methodology. The focus of this researchmethodology is the Analytic Network Process (ANP; criteria of Price and Service; and other important criteria that support the performance analysis within PTATbk. Software ARENA Simulation plays vital role in this research that has the conclusion and recommendation toward problem solving and performance improvement that are translated into benefits versus risks and its form of % and the currency of IDR and/or USD.

  18. Diagnostic reagent system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A solid phase reagent for use in radioimmunoassay of antigens and antibodies is described. The reagent is prepared by mixing specific antibody or radiolabeled antigen with polyethylene glycol (4000-6000) and gamma globulin in a buffer at pH 4-10 and lyophilizing, the antigens being thyroxine, triiodothyronine, digoxin and digitoxin (1-1000 μCi 125 I/μg). The buffer consists of a 0.08 molar sodium barbital solution containing 0.1% of ox-serum albumin and 0.35% of 8-anilino-1-naftalene sulfonic acid

  19. 21 CFR 866.3350 - Leptospira spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Leptospira spp. serological reagents. 866.3350... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3350 Leptospira spp. serological reagents. (a) Identification. Leptospira spp. serological reagents are devices that...

  20. 21 CFR 866.3200 - Echinococcus spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Echinococcus spp. serological reagents. 866.3200... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3200 Echinococcus spp. serological reagents. (a) Identification. Echinococcus spp. serological reagents are devices that...

  1. 21 CFR 866.3415 - Pseudomonas spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Pseudomonas spp. serological reagents. 866.3415... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3415 Pseudomonas spp. serological reagents. (a) Identification. Pseudomonas spp. serological reagents are devices that...

  2. O conteúdo temático no gênero discursivo tiras em quadrinhos = The thematic content in the genre of discourse comic strip

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    Natália Gonçalves Moterani


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar como o trabalho com o conteúdo temático do gênero discursivo Tira em Quadrinhos ocorre em uma das oficinas produzidas para a Sequência Didática (SD destinada à oitava série do Ensino Fundamental. Para tanto, como suporte teórico, utilizamos os pressupostos do Círculo de Bakhtin sobre interação e escrita e gêneros discursivo, e de Dolz et al. (2004, no que concerne à produção de uma SD. Com relação às tiras em quadrinhos, para que o aprendizado se efetive, os resultados mostram que: a é preciso fazer com que o aluno perceba que os quadrinhos apresentam uma diversidade temática que vai desde histórias de super-heróis até as que abordam nosso contexto político e social; b identificada a posição social do autor das tirinhas, fica mais fácildelimitar a temática e, consequentemente, seu propósito; c o recorte temático propicia a exauribilidade de um texto, sendo, portanto, um aspecto recorrente nesse gênero discursivo.This article has as objective to present how the work with the thematic content of the comic strip occurs in one of the modules produced to the elaboration to the Didactic Sequence, designated to the eighth grade of the elementary education. This way, as theory base, we used Bakhtin’s Circle studies about interaction and writing and genres of discourse, and Dolz et al. (2004 theory, which concerns the production of a didactic sequence. In order to achieve a better way of learning, the results of the study with the comic strips show that: a it is necessary to make the student perceive that the comic strips present a thematic diversity that reaches since super heroes histories until the ones that treats of our political and social context; b when the author’s social position is identified, it is easier to set the theme and, consequently, his purpose; c the thematic cut makes the text exhausted, being, in this way, a common aspect of this genre of discourse.

  3. Production of reagents for cleaning fluids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grunberg, I V; Korostyleva, R N; Pytel, S P; Spasskii, P I; Titarenko, N K; Trachtenberg, S I; Yushkevich, V I


    A method for producing reagents for cleaning fluids is proposed using polymerization of acrylonitril, metachrylate or a mixture of the two in water and saponification of the polymers with alakali. To reduce the consumption of monomers and increase the quality of the reagents, 0.4-1.0 parts humic substances, 0.2-1.0 parts hydrolizate from tanning waste products and 1.2-4.0 parts monomers are added to the reaction medium, followed by copolymerization in an acid medium. The proposed method ensures quality reagents which combine lower water yield with a moderate increase in viscosity when acting on clay solutions. Compared with the current method, this method lowers the consumption of an expensive and hard-to-find monomer 1.2-1.4X for one ton of reagent, which lowers the cost of raw material by 1.3-1.7X. This results in a savings of 195-385 rubles per ton of reagent, 600-1200 thousand at 3000 tons/yr.

  4. A reagent for processing drilling muds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Polyakov, G.A.; Khon-Pak, A.T.; Khon, A.V.; Normatov, L.N.; Telegin, B.V.


    A reagent is proposed for processing drilling muds. It contains an acrylic polymer and potassium permanganate. The reagent is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the quality of the drilling muds by increasing their salt resistance, the reagent contains hydrolized nitron fiber as the acrylic polymer with the following component relationship (in percent by weight): potassium permanganate, 0.015 to 0.065 and hydrolyzed nitron fiber, the remainder.

  5. Fast biosensor with reagent layer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    A detection system and a sensor chip for detecting target mols., and thus corresponding analytes in a sample is described. Typically the detection system includes a sensor chip. The sensor chip (1) comprises on its detection surface a dissolvable reagent layer. When the dissolvable reagent layer is

  6. 21 CFR 864.8100 - Bothrops atrox reagent. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Bothrops atrox reagent. 864.8100 Section 864.8100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Hematology Reagents § 864.8100 Bothrops atrox reagent. (a...



    Sousa, Emanoel Barbosa de; Universidade Federal do Piauí; Alves Filho, Francisco; Universidade Federal do Piauí


    Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever como a estrutura composicional do gênero notícia é utilizada para a realização de “sátiras noticiosas” ou notícias satíricas, um gênero que tem ganhado bastante destaque no meio digital nos últimos anos no Brasil. Para a realização deste estudo utilizamos como base teórica a Teoria Sociorretórica de gêneros com base nas produções de Miller (1984 [2009]), Swales (1990), Bhatia (1993) e Bazerman (2005) e para o desenvolvimento do estudo da estrutura compos...

  8. Development of national immunoassay reagent programmes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sufi, S.B.; Micallef, J.V.; Ahsan, R.; Goncharov, N.P.


    Despite the existence of networks of fully equipped laboratories with well-trained staff, the availability of immunodiagnostic services in developing countries is often limited by the high cost of imported kits. There are a number of ways of tackling this problem, ranging from bulk purchase of kits or reagents to local development and production of assay systems. Argentina/Chile, China, Cuba/Mexico, and Thailand are amongst the countries which have established local immunoassay reagent programmes to manufacture low cost, high quality immunoassay reagents. Kits from these projects are now beginning to become available, and it is hoped that they will promote national diagnostic services and research, as well as stimulating the development of reagent programmes for other analytes. (author). 4 refs, 1 tab

  9. Lived Experiences of Sex Life Difficulties in Men and Women with Early RA - The Swedish TIRA Project. (United States)

    Östlund, Gunnel; Björk, Mathilda; Valtersson, Eva; Sverker, Annette


    Men and women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) experience restrictions in everyday life, in spite of the development of new medications. Recent research has described in detail how participation limitations are experienced in everyday life from a patient perspective. However, knowledge of how sex and intimate relationships are affected is still scarce. The aim of the present study was to explore sex life experiences in relation to sexual function and sexual relationships in men and women with early RA. The study formed part of TIRA-2 (the Swedish acronym for the prospective multicentre early arthritis project). The data collection included 45 interviews with 21 men and 24 women, aged 20-63, which were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The critical incident technique was used to collect data, and content analysis to categorize the results. Half the participants stated that RA affected their sex life. The general descriptions formed five categories: sex life and tiredness; sex life and ageing; emotional consequences of impaired sexual function; facilitators of sexual function and sexual relationships; and strain on the sexual relationship. Sex life is affected in early RA, in spite of new effective treatment strategies. New strategies of communication, assessment and self-managing interventions concerning the sex lives of patients with RA need to be implemented by a multidisciplinary healthcare team. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Mitral valve annuloplasty with a bovine pericardial strip - 18-year results Anuloplastia mitral com tira de pericárdio bovino resultados de 18 anos

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    Pablo Maria Alberto Pomerantzeff


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Prosthetic annuloplasty rings are currently used in mitral reconstruction. Posterior annuloplasty with a bovine pericardial strip is a technique largely used in the Heart Institute of University of São Paulo Medical School. The purpose of the study was to analyze the late results of mitral valve repair with posterior annuloplasty using a bovine pericardial strip. METHODS: Between January 1984 and December 2002, 273 patients underwent mitral valve repair with posterior pericardial annuloplasty in the Heart Institute of University of São Paulo Medical School. One hundred and forty four (52.7% were women and ages ranged between 1 and 76 years (38.3 ± 21.1. Rheumatic fever was present in 52.0% of the patients. Associated techniques were employed in 26.0% of the patients, and the most frequent was chordal shortening (9.2%. RESULTS: Hospital mortality was 3.3% (9 patients, with the major cause being low cardiac output (6 patients. Actuarial survival was 55.1% ± 16.8% in 18 years. During the 18-year follow-up: patients were free from the following: reoperation (59.1% ±± 13.9%, (percent +/- Standard Error, thromboembolism (97.4% ± 2.3%, hemolysis (99.2% ± 0.2%, and endocarditis (99.6% ± 1.0%. In the late follow-up period, 83.9% were classified as New York Heart Association functional class I. CONCLUSIONS: Late results with mitral valve repair with posterior annuloplasty using a bovine pericardial strip were satisfactory. The technique is feasible, reproducible, and cost effective.OBJETIVO: Anéis protéticos para anuloplastia são usados nas plásticas da valva mitral de forma rotineira. A anuloplastia posterior com tira de pericárdio bovino é uma técnica largamente utilizada no Instituto do Coração - HC - FMUSP. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os resultados tardios da plástica da valva mitral com a utilização desta técnica na nossa instituição. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1984 e dezembro de 2002, 273 pacientes foram

  11. 21 CFR 866.3720 - Streptococcus spp. exo-enzyme reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Streptococcus spp. exo-enzyme reagents. 866.3720... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3720 Streptococcus spp. exo-enzyme reagents. (a) Identification. Streptococcus spp. exoenzyme reagents are devices used...

  12. Inactivation of rabies diagnostic reagents by gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gamble, W.C.; Chappell, W.A.; George, E.H.


    Treatment of CVS-11 rabies adsorbing suspensions and street rabies infected mouse brains with gamma radiation resulted in inactivated reagents that are safer to distribute and use. These irradiated reagents were as sensitive and reactive as the nonirradiated control reagents

  13. 21 CFR 866.3255 - Escherichia coli serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Escherichia coli serological reagents. 866.3255... coli serological reagents. (a) Identification. Escherichia coli serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify Escherichia coli from cultured...

  14. 21 CFR 864.8540 - Red cell lysing reagent. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Red cell lysing reagent. 864.8540 Section 864.8540 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Hematology Reagents § 864.8540 Red cell lysing reagent...

  15. 21 CFR 660.30 - Reagent Red Blood Cells. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 7 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reagent Red Blood Cells. 660.30 Section 660.30...) BIOLOGICS ADDITIONAL STANDARDS FOR DIAGNOSTIC SUBSTANCES FOR LABORATORY TESTS Reagent Red Blood Cells § 660.30 Reagent Red Blood Cells. (a) Proper name and definition. The proper name of the product shall be...

  16. [An evaluation of the China-made HIV antibody test reagents]. (United States)

    Zheng, X W; Zhu, D


    This paper reports the results of the evaluation of the China-made HIV antibody screening test reagents, including the IF and IE reagents prepared by the Institute of Virology, CAPM, the ELISA reagent prepared by the Shanghai Institute of Biological Products. Based on the results, the sensitivities of the IF and IE are from 91.2% to 96.9%; the specificities, from 94.6% to 97.3%. Due to the low HIV prevalence in China, the predictive values of negative of these reagents are up to 100%; but the predictive values of positive are very low. It is suggested that these reagents can be used for HIV antibody screen testing in China. The package of some reagents should be improved, the price of some reagents should be decreased.

  17. Spectrophotometric determination of tannins by phosphotungstic-phosphomolybdic reagent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reicher, F; Sierakowski, M R; Correa, J B.C. [Parana Univ., Curitiba (Brazil). Dept. de Bioquimica


    There are several colorimetric techniques to determine tannins in plant extracts. One frequently used is the Folin method (phosphotungstic acid reagent) that procedures a blue color with phenolic compounds. However, this coloured complex is unstable. With the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent, used in protein determination (Lowry et al. J.B.C. 193: 265, 1951) good results were obtained, even in the absence of cooper solution. Using phosphotungstic-phosphomolybdic reagent (Folin-Denis), it was obtained maximum color with 1,0 ml of the reagent in 20 minutes, after the additon of 10 ml 20% sodium carbonate solution. Tannins samples containing 10 to 200 were analysed. Absorbances are determined at 720 or 600 nm. Tannins of commercial preparations from Acacia negra were analysed by the phosphotungstic-phosphomolybdic reagent before (A) and after (B) treatment with chromate hyde powder. By this procedure hydrolysible tannins were determined (A-B).

  18. Spectrophotometric determination of tannins by phosphotungstic-phosphomolibdic reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reicher, F.; Sierakowski, M.R.; Correa, J.B.C.


    There are several colorimetric techniques to determine tannins in plant extracts. One frequently used is the Folin method (phosphotungstic acid reagent) that procedures a blue color with phenolic compounds. However, this coloured complex is unstable. With the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent, used in protein determination (Lowry et al. J.B.C. 193: 265, 1951) good results were obtained, even in the absence of cooper solution. Using phosphotungstic-phosphomolibdic reagent (Folin-Denis), it was obtained maximum color with 1,0 ml of the reagent in 20 minutes, after the adition of 10 ml 20% sodium carbonate solution. Tannins samples containing 10 to 200 μg/ml were analysed. Absorbances are determined at 720 or 600 nm. Tannins of commercial preparations from Acacia negra were analysed by the phosphotungstic-phosphomolibdic reagent before (A) and after (B) treatment with chromate hyde powder. By this procedure hydrolysible tannins were determined (A-B). (Author) [pt

  19. Constructing New Bioorthogonal Reagents and Reactions. (United States)

    Row, R David; Prescher, Jennifer A


    Chemical tools are transforming our understanding of biomolecules and living systems. Included in this group are bioorthogonal reagents-functional groups that are inert to most biological species, but can be selectively ligated with complementary probes, even in live cells and whole organisms. Applications of these tools have revealed fundamental new insights into biomolecule structure and function-information often beyond the reach of genetic approaches. In many cases, the knowledge gained from bioorthogonal probes has enabled new questions to be asked and innovative research to be pursued. Thus, the continued development and application of these tools promises to both refine our view of biological systems and facilitate new discoveries. Despite decades of achievements in bioorthogonal chemistry, limitations remain. Several reagents are too large or insufficiently stable for use in cellular environments. Many bioorthogonal groups also cross-react with one another, restricting them to singular tasks. In this Account, we describe our work to address some of the voids in the bioorthogonal toolbox. Our efforts to date have focused on small reagents with a high degree of tunability: cyclopropenes, triazines, and cyclopropenones. These motifs react selectively with complementary reagents, and their unique features are enabling new pursuits in biology. The Account is organized by common themes that emerged in our development of novel bioorthogonal reagents and reactions. First, natural product structures can serve as valuable starting points for probe design. Cyclopropene, triazine, and cyclopropenone motifs are all found in natural products, suggesting that they would be metabolically stable and compatible with a variety of living systems. Second, fine-tuning bioorthogonal reagents is essential for their successful translation to biological systems. Different applications demand different types of probes; thus, generating a collection of tools that span a continuum of

  20. 21 CFR 866.3220 - Entamoeba histolytica serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3220... fluorescent dye (immunofluorescent reagents) used to identify Entamoeba histolytica directly from clinical...

  1. Reagent-loaded plastic microfluidic chips for detecting homocysteine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suk, Ji Won; Jang, Jae-Young; Cho, Jun-Hyeong


    This report describes the preliminary study on plastic microfluidic chips with pre-loaded reagents for detecting homocysteine (Hcy). All reagents needed in an Hcy immunoassay were included in a microfluidic chip to remove tedious assay steps. A simple and cost-effective bonding method was developed to realize reagent-loaded microfluidic chips. This technique uses an intermediate layer between two plastic substrates by selectively patterning polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) on the embossed surface of microchannels and fixing the substrates under pressure. Using this bonding method, the competitive immunoassay for SAH, a converted form of Hcy, was performed without any damage to reagents in chips, and the results showed that the fluorescent signal from antibody antigen binding decreased as the SAH concentration increased. Based on the SAH immunoassay, whole immunoassay steps for Hcy detection were carried out in plastic microfluidic chips with all necessary reagents. These experiments demonstrated the feasibility of the Hcy immunoassay in microfluidic devices

  2. 21 CFR 866.3375 - Mycoplasma spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3375 Mycoplasma... fluorescent dye (immunofluorescent reagents) used to identify Mycoplasma spp. directly from clinical specimens...

  3. 21 CFR 866.3780 - Toxoplasma gondii serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3780 Toxoplasma... (immunofluorescent reagents) used to identify Toxoplasma gondii from clinical specimens. The identification aids in...

  4. Effect of reagent charge on the labeling of erythrocyte membrane proteins by photoactivated reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaeffer, J.C.; Hakimian, R.; Shimer, M.L.


    Leaky erythrocyte ghosts were labeled with 3 H-[2-(4-azido-2-nitroanilino)ethyl]trimethylammonium iodide (cationic label) or 3 H-N-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)-β-alanine (anionic label). After the membranes were thoroughly washed, seven times as much cationic label was associated with the membranes as anionic label at 5 μM, whereas at 50 μM the cationic label was favored 15-fold. The distribution of label in the membrane proteins was ascertain by SDS-gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography. At 50 μM cationic label, erythrocyte membrane protein bands 1,2,3,4.2, and 5 were intensely labeled, while band 6 was labeled weakly. At 5 μM cationic label, bands 1 and 4.2 were heavily labeled, while 2,3 and 5 were labeled less well. At both 50 μM and 5 μM anionic label, bands 1 and 6 were most prominently labeled. Bands 2,3,4.2 and 5 were labeled also at 50 μM, but they were labeled only very weakly at 5 μM. Band 4.1 was labeled very poorly if at all by either reagent. A mixture of the reagents gave an additive pattern. Thus, the charge and concentration of these reagents appear to play a major role in their ability to label membrane proteins indiscriminately. Because these reagents contain the same chromophore, 4-azido-2-nitroaniline, and differ mainly only in their charge, they may prove useful in assessing the location of charged sites on proteins in supramolecular complexes


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    Ana Pedrazzini


    Full Text Available El suplemento argentino Sátira/12 del diario Página/12, publicado de forma ininterrumpida desde 1987, es el periódico satírico-humorístico más antiguo del período postdictadura en la Argentina, que comienza en 1983. Pese a ello, no conocemos estudios previos que analicen su producción. Desde una perspectiva semiótica y retórico-estilística y de un análisis de contenido, estudiamos los recursos que son puestos en juego no sólo para criticar, ridiculizar y descalificar a la figura presidencial, sino también para subvertir las formas y contenidos propios del género periodístico, y más particularmente, del diario del cual este suplemento depende. Componentes metatextuales, autorreferenciales y polifónicos se unen a los más característicos del género satírico, dando lugar a una trama compleja e interesante. Estudiamos todos los títulos que hacen referencia al presidente Carlos Menem durante dos períodos históricos (inicio de su primer y segundo mandato. De todas las figuras retóricas, las de pensamiento, macroestructurales, emergen como elementos clave del discurso. Las mismas trascienden el discurso de la noticia al incorporar elementos extratextuales, y proponen un tratamiento irónico, absurdo y ficticio de los hechos de actualidad. Lo verosímil del género periodístico parodiado contrasta con lo inverosímil del contenido, a partir del bulo o la falsa noticia, que representa el 42% de los títulos considerados. Este análisis es además enriquecido con una entrevista en profundidad al fundador y director del suplemento.

  6. 21 CFR 864.4020 - Analyte specific reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Analyte specific reagents. 864.4020 Section 864.4020 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Specimen Preparation Reagents § 864.4020 Analyte specific...

  7. 21 CFR 864.4010 - General purpose reagent. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false General purpose reagent. 864.4010 Section 864.4010 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Specimen Preparation Reagents § 864.4010 General purpose...

  8. Method for controlled introduction of reagent into a liquid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Newlove, J.C.; McDougall, L.A.


    It is an object of this invention to provide a method for using an article to enhance the production of hydrocarbons from geological reservoirs, more particularly from fractured formations. It is an additional object to devise a method for providing controlled release of a reagent downhole, in a pipeline, or in other oil-containing environments or fluids. Thus, there is provided a method for releasing a treating reagent, such as a wax crystal modifier, scale inhibitor, demulsifier, corrosion inhibitor, antioxidant, and biocide, into a liquid hydrocarbon stream. A plurality of porous, substantially wax-free, plastic particles having a softening point above 60/sup 0/C and being chemically resistant to the hydrocarbon stream are placed in the stream. The said particles contain the treating reagent in their pores, said reagent being insoluble in water and in the particles and being leachable on contact with the stream. The hydrocarbon stream is then flowed past said particles and the reagent is leached from the particle pores. In a specific aspect of this invention, a method is provided for recovering crude oil from an underground formation by means of: depositing the aforementioned particles, containing a suitable reagent, downhole in the oil-producing region of the formation; flowing the oil through the deposited particles, thereby leaching the reagent into the oil; and recovering the oil modified by the presence of an active amount of said reagent. Experiments are described to illustrate ways of producing the polymeric particles of the invention and to illustrate the processes of the invention.

  9. Industrial detergent wastewater treatment via fenton reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Zairie Mohd Yusuff; Mohd Zulkifli Mohamad Noor; Izirwan Izhab


    Production of detergent can generates wastewater containing an organic matter with will consume an oxidation demand, surfactants, suspended solids, fat and oil. Besides, sulfate concentration is high in the most detergent plant effluent because of the sulphonation process that has physiological and toxic effects on marine organisms. Therefore, a research must be conducted to find the solution for this problem. The feasibility of Fentons reagent to treat detergent waste was investigated in this study. The sample of detergent wastewater was taken from FPG Oleo chemicals Sdn. Bhd. This experiment studied the effect of temperature towards the feasibility of Fentons reagent process besides the dosage between hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and ferrous ion (Fe 2+ ) in the reagent. While, evaluated efficiency of Fentons reagent in term of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS) and the turbidity reduction within the experimental design. The result found that overall removal was achieved until 96.2 % in term of COD, 98.1 % in term of TSS and 99.6 % in term of turbidity using Fentons reagent process. Besides, also found that this process is optimum at temperature 35 degree Celsius are able to achieve the Standard A of Parameter Limit of Effluent of Standard A and Standard B were outlined by Department of Environment Malaysia (DOE) based on Environment Quality Act 1974. (author)

  10. A review of reagents for fluorescence microscopy of cellular compartments and structures, part I: BacMam labeling and reagents for vesicular structures. (United States)

    Dolman, Nick J; Kilgore, Jason A; Davidson, Michael W


    Fluorescent labeling of vesicular structures in cultured cells, particularly for live cells, can be challenging for a number of reasons. The first challenge is to identify a reagent that will be specific enough where some structures have a number of potential reagents and others very few options. The emergence of BacMam constructs has allowed more easy-to-use choices. Presented here is a discussion of BacMam constructs as well as a review of commercially-available reagents for labeling vesicular structures in cells, including endosomes, peroxisomes, lysosomes, and autophagosomes, complete with a featured reagent for each structure, recommended protocol, troubleshooting guide, and example image. © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  11. A Snippet of Grignard Reagent's Histroy There are very few reagents ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    with bromine, (eq.1). But he failed to notice the formation of phenylmagnesium bromide, because he was using excess bromine which destroyed it. Hence, he could isolate only bromobenzene,. (eq.2). Had he used only one molar equivalent of bromine, perhaps the organomagnesium reagent would bear his name today.

  12. Physically absorbable reagents-collectors in elementary flotation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    S.A. Kondrat' ev; I.G. Bochkarev [Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk (Russian Federation). Institute of Mining


    Based on the reviewed researches held at the Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, the effect of physically absorbable reagents-collectors on formation of a flotation complex and its stability in turbulent pulp flows in flotation machines of basic types is considered. The basic requirements for physically absorbable reagents-collectors at different flotation stages are established.


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    Full Text Available Used the polymeric reagents in oil wastewater treatment is an effective method of eliminate hydrocarbons. The present study aims to finding reagents that lead to lowering of extractible (EXT, suspended solids (SS and chemical oxygen demand (COD of industrial wastewater from washing cars in loading ramps petroleum products. For this purpose five reagents were tested, namely: polyamines, cationic polyacrylamides, polydiallydimethyl ammonium chloride (PolyDADMAC, melamine formaldehyde polymer resin and polydicyandiamide polymer resin. Obtaining removal degrees over 80 % justifies using this method in the industrial practice.

  14. 21 CFR 866.3550 - Salmonella spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3550 Salmonella... isolates derived from clinical specimens. Additionally, some of these reagents consist of antisera... clinical specimens or cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the...

  15. 21 CFR 866.3355 - Listeria spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3355 Listeria spp... from clinical specimens. Additionally, some of these reagents consist of Listeria spp. antisera... clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of listeriosis, a disease caused by bacteria...


    This paper evaluates the feasibility of using Fenton’s reagents for in-place recovery of spent granular activated carbon (GAC). Fenton’s reagents are cycled through spent GAC to degrade sorbed chlorinated hydrocarbons with little loss of carbon capacity. Seven chlorinated compou...

  17. Storage Conditions of Conjugated Reagents Can Impact Results of Immunogenicity Assays

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert J. Kubiak


    Full Text Available Consistent performance of anti-drug antibody (ADA assays through all stages of clinical development is critical for the assessment of immunogenicity and interpretation of PK, PD, safety, and efficacy. The electrochemiluminescent assays commonly employed for ADA measurement use drug conjugated with ruthenium and biotin to bind ADA in samples. Here we report an association between high nonspecific ADA responses in certain drug-naïve individuals and the storage buffer of the conjugated reagents used in a monoclonal antibody ADA assay. Ruthenylated reagents stored in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS buffer had increased levels of aggregate and produced variable and high baseline responses in some subjects. Reagents stored in a histidine-sucrose buffer (HSB had lower aggregate levels and produced low sample responses. In contrast to PBS, conjugated reagents formulated in HSB remained low in aggregate content and in sample response variability after 5 freeze/thaw cycles. A reagent monitoring control (RMC serum was prepared for the real-time evaluation of conjugated reagent quality. Using appropriate buffers for storage of conjugated reagents together with RMCs capable of monitoring of reagent aggregation status can help ensure consistent, long-term performance of ADA methods.

  18. Systematic trends in photonic reagent induced reactions in a homologous chemical family. (United States)

    Tibbetts, Katharine Moore; Xing, Xi; Rabitz, Herschel


    The growing use of ultrafast laser pulses to induce chemical reactions prompts consideration of these pulses as "photonic reagents" in analogy to chemical reagents. This work explores the prospect that photonic reagents may affect systematic trends in dissociative ionization reactions of a homologous family of halomethanes, much as systematic outcomes are often observed for reactions between homologous families of chemical reagents and chemical substrates. The experiments in this work with photonic reagents of varying pulse energy and linear spectral chirp reveal systematic correlations between observable ion yields and the following set of natural variables describing the substrate molecules: the ionization energy of the parent molecule, the appearance energy of each fragment ion, and the relative strength of carbon-halogen bonds in molecules containing two different halogens. The results suggest that reactions induced by photonic reagents exhibit systematic behavior analogous to that observed in reactions driven by chemical reagents, which provides a basis to consider empirical "rules" for predicting the outcomes of photonic reagent induced reactions.

  19. 21 CFR 864.8950 - Russell viper venom reagent. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Russell viper venom reagent. 864.8950 Section 864.8950 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Hematology Reagents § 864.8950 Russell viper venom...

  20. Diagnóstico das meningites através de fitas reagentes Diagnosis of meningitis with reagent strips

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta M.C. Romanelli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar a utilidade de fitas reagentes para a avaliação liquórica de pleocitose, glicorraquia e proteinorraquia no diagnóstico precoce e rápido de meningites em crianças. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas no estudo amostras de líquor provenientes de 164 crianças admitidas no ambulatório de doenças infecto-contagiosas do Centro Geral de Pediatria (CGP-FHEMIG, com suspeita clínica de meningite, no período diurno de Maio/97 à Maio/99. A faixa etária dos pacientes variou de um mês a 12 anos (mediana de 12 meses, sendo obtidos resultados da citobioquímica liquórica (celularidade, glicorraquia e proteinorraquia de 154 desses pacientes. Esses achados foram comparados com reações do líquor em fitas reagentes. RESULTADOS: Através da citobioquímica líquórica foram identificados 43 casos de provável meningite bacteriana, 19 provavelmente viróticas e 83 amostras sem alterações. Pelas fitas reagentes, detectaram-se 41 casos de provável meningite bacteriana, dois casos de infecção meníngea provavelmente virótica, e em 71 exames não se verificaram alterações. Comparando os resultados obtidos por meio das fitas reagentes com a citobioquímica convencional, observou-se sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo e acurácia (90,7; 98,1; 95,1; 96,4; 96,1%, respectivamente. Ademais, a análise estatística pelo teste de Mc Nemar não evidenciou discordância significativa no diagnóstico de meningite bacteriana obtido através de ambos os métodos (p=0,68 e, pela estatística Kappa, verificou-se elevado grau de concordância entre os testes (pOBJECTIVE: to determine the usefulness of reagent strips in the evaluation of pleocytosis, cerebrospinal fluid glucose and protein levels for early and rapid diagnosis of meningitis in children. METHODS: We included cerebrospinal fluid samples of 164 children admitted to the outpatient clinic of Communicable Diseases of the General Pediatric Center (Funda

  1. Evaluation of novel derivatisation reagents for the analysis of oxysterols

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crick, Peter J., E-mail: [Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP (United Kingdom); Aponte, Jennifer; Bentley, T. William [Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP (United Kingdom); Matthews, Ian [College of Engineering, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP (United Kingdom); Wang, Yuqin [Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP (United Kingdom); Griffiths, William J., E-mail: [Institute of Mass Spectrometry, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP (United Kingdom)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • New derivatisation reagents for LC–MS analysis of oxysterols. • New reagents based on Girard P give high ion-currents and informative LC–MS{sup n} spectra. • Permanent charge is vital for efficient MS{sup n} fragmentation. • New reagents offer greater scope for incorporation of isotope labels. - Abstract: Oxysterols are oxidised forms of cholesterol that are intermediates in the synthesis of bile acids and steroid hormones. They are also ligands to nuclear and G protein-coupled receptors. Analysis of oxysterols in biological systems is challenging due to their low abundance coupled with their lack of a strong chromophore and poor ionisation characteristics in mass spectrometry (MS). We have previously used enzyme-assisted derivatisation for sterol analysis (EADSA) to identify and quantitate oxysterols in biological samples. This technique relies on tagging sterols with the Girard P reagent to introduce a charged quaternary ammonium group. Here, we have compared several modified Girard-like reagents and show that the permanent charge is vital for efficient MS{sup n} fragmentation. However, we find that the reagent can be extended to include sites for potential stable isotope labels without a loss of performance.

  2. Validity of HydraTrend reagent strips for the assessment of hydration status. (United States)

    Abbey, Bryce M; Heelan, Kate A; Brown, Gregory A; Bartee, Rodrick T


    Hydration is used by athletic governing organizations for weight class eligibility. The measurement of urine specific gravity (USG) as a measure of hydration by reagent strips is a controversial issue. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of HydraTrend reagent strips that facilitate the correction of USG for alkaline urine samples against refractometry for the assessment of USG. Fifty-one participants (33 males, age = 22.3 ± 1.3 years; 18 females, age = 22.4 ± 1.2 years) provided 84 urine samples. The samples were tested for USG using refractometry and reagent strips and for pH using reagent strips and a digital pH meter. Strong correlation coefficients were found between refractometry and reagent strips for USG (rs(82) = 0.812, p refractometry with USG >1.020, pass reagent strips with USG ≤1.020) occurred 39% (33/84) of the time and false negative results for National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS) requirements (fail refractometry with USG >1.025, pass reagent strips with USG ≤1.025) occurred 14% (12/84) of the time. There were no false positives (pass refractometry and fail reagent strips) for NCAA or NFHS requirements. These data show that refractometry and reagent strips have strong positive correlations. However, the risk of a false negative result leading to incorrect certification of euhydration status outweighs the benefits of the HydraTrend reagent strips for the measurement of USG.

  3. Reagent and process for detaching furfural in petroleum products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orelup, R.B.


    A two-component liquid reagent and process is provided for detecting the presence of furfural in petroleum products. The reagent comprises two components which are stored separately from each other and are combined prior to admixture with the petroleum product. The process comprises combining the two separate components of the liquid reagent with each other prior to use, admixing the combined components with a petroleum product containing furfural, shaking the resultant mixture, allowing the mixture to separate and observing a red color characteristic of furfural in the lower layer. Alternately, the process may be carried out by combining the second component of the two-component liquid reagent with the petroleum product, followed by admixture with the first component to obtain two separate layers in which the red color characteristic of furfural is observed in the lower layer.


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    Valéria Vasconcelos Perez


    Full Text Available Com o acelerado crescimento industrial, a competitividade pela eficiência da produtividade e pela disputa de clientes, fez que com as organizações tomassem a qualidade como sinônimo de sua sobrevivência ou fracasso. Com isso, a busca por métodos que auxiliem na detecção de anomalias e melhoria dos processos produtivos. As principais ferramentas estatísticas da qualidade são muito utilizadas para o auxílio na identificação de anomalias, tal como a eliminação das mesmas e ainda proporcionam ao gerente de produção a tomar decisões para a melhoria do processo. Este artigo objetiva buscar conhecimento das ferramentas estatísticas a partir da revisão da literatura. A partir da abordagem da revisão da literatura, foi feita uma pesquisa descritiva, sendo abordado dois estudos de casos que utilizaram as ferramentas da qualidade enfatizando qual ferramenta fora utilizada, sendo estas o Diagrama de Causa e Efeito, Diagrama de Dispersão, Gráfico de Pareto, Histograma, Folha de Verificação, Gráfico de Controle e qual foi a principal função das mesmas. Por fim, de acordo com os resultados analisados é possível afirmar que as ferramentas estatísticas da qualidade foram utilizadas corretamente e ainda as mesmas foram aptas para a análise do processo, tal como indicar possíveis oportunidades de melhorias do processo.

  5. The reaction of organocerium reagents with easily enolizable ketones

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imamoto, Tsuneo; Kusumoto, Tetsuo; Sugiura, Yasushi; Suzuki, Nobuyo; Takiyama, Nobuyuki


    Organocerium (III) reagents were conveniently generated by the reaction of organolithium compounds with anhydrous cerium (III) chloride. The reagents are less basic than organolithiums and Grignard reagents, and they react readily at -78 deg C with easily enolizable ketones such as 2-tetralone to afford addition products in high yields. Cerium (III) enolates were also generated from lithium enolates and cerium (III) chloride. The cerium (III) enolates undergo aldol addition with ketones or sterically crowded aldehyde to give the corresponding β-hydroxy ketones in good to high yields. (author)

  6. Hydrazine reagents as derivatizing agents in environmental analysis--a critical review. (United States)

    Vogel, M; Büldt, A; Karst, U


    Hydrazine reagents are a well-known group of derivatizing agents for the determination of aldehydes and ketones in liquid and gaseous samples. Within this article, the most important hydrazine reagents are critically summarized, and their major applications in different fields, including environmental analysis, food chemistry and industrial analysis are introduced. As 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) is the basic reagent for several international standard procedures, its properties are discussed in detail. Particular focus is directed on the chemistry of the hydrazine reagents, and chemical interferences are considered. Recent methods for the determination of various oxidants using hydrazine reagents are presented as well. Due to limited space, this review does not cover the related field of carbohydrate analysis, although many chemical aspects are similar.

  7. Teorias utilizadas nas investigações sobre gestão do conhecimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiza A. O. P. Xavier


    Full Text Available A gestão do conhecimento tem sido reconhecida por pesquisadores e usuários como crucial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das organizações. A área de Sistemas de Informação contribui com investigações sobre gestão do conhecimento. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as principais teorias que foram utilizadas nas investigações sobre a gestão do conhecimento, considerando as teorias relacionadas com a área de sistemas de informação. As teorias identificadas em cerca de 40% dos artigos analisados são: Game Theory, Social Capital Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Exchange Theory, Dynamic Capabilities e Theory of Reasoned Action. Observou-se que as teorias são utilizadas tanto em investigações sobre gestão do conhecimento, como em pesquisas sobre uma das etapas do seu processo, ou seja, o compartilhamento do conhecimento. Destaca-se também que determinado aspecto da gestão do conhecimento, por exemplo, antecedente do compartilhamento de conhecimento, pode ser investigado utilizando diferentes teorias.

  8. Reagent for treating clay drilling muds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tkachenko, P V; Leshchinskiy, P A; Shnaper, B I; Zinchuk, I F; Zlobin, V P


    A reagent is proposed for treating clay drilling muds. It contains lignite, caustic soda and modifying agent. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to reduce the cost of the reagent with simultaneous decrease in the viscosity and static shear stress of the drilling mud, it additionally contains iron sulfate, and the modifying agent contained is wastes of carbonic acid production with the following ratio of components (parts by weight): lignite 10.0-15.0, caustic soda 2.0-3.0, wastes of carbonic acid production 0.5-0.75; iron sulfate 1.0-2.0.

  9. A review of reagents for fluorescence microscopy of cellular compartments and structures, Part III: reagents for actin, tubulin, cellular membranes, and whole cell and cytoplasm. (United States)

    Kilgore, Jason A; Dolman, Nick J; Davidson, Michael W


    Non-antibody commercial fluorescent reagents for imaging of cytoskeletal structures have been limited primarily to tubulin and actin, with the main factor in choice based mainly on whether cells are live or fixed and permeabilized. A wider range of options exist for cell membrane dyes, and the choice of reagent primarily depends on the preferred localization in the cell (i.e., all membranes or only the plasma membrane) and usage (i.e., whether the protocol involves fixation and permeabilization). For whole-cell or cytoplasmic imaging, the choice of reagent is determined mostly by the length of time that the cells need to be visualized (hours or days) and by fixation status. Presented here is a discussion on choosing commercially available reagents for these cellular structures, with an emphasis on use for microscopic imaging, with a featured reagent for each structure, a recommended protocol, troubleshooting guide, and example image. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  10. Optimal lipofection reagent varies with the molecular modifications of the DNA. (United States)

    Conrad, A H; Behlke, M A; Jaffredo, T; Conrad, G W


    Cationic lipid reagents differ in their cytofection efficacy with different cell types. No evidence has addressed whether the same lipid reagent is best for different DNAs in a single cell line. Immortalized avian embryonic cardiomyocytes cultured in vitro were tested with 15 cationic lipid reagents using (A) a beta-gal expression plasmid, (B) a fluorescein-tagged, phosphorothioate-modified ODN B, (C) a fluorescein-tagged, ethoxy-modified ODN C with the same nucleotide sequence as ODN B, and (D) a fluorescein-tagged, phosphorothioate-modified ODN D with a different nucleotide sequence from ODNs B and C. Cytofection was scored as percent of cells expressing beta-gal activity or showing diffuse cellular fluorescence. The best lipid reagents for the phosphorothioate-modified ODNs were ODN-specific and markedly different from the best lipid reagents for the expression plasmid or for the ethoxy-modified ODN. These results suggest that the best cationic lipid reagent for a particular cell type varies with the physical and chemical form of the DNA being transfected into the cells.

  11. 21 CFR 866.3520 - Rubeola (measles) virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Rubeola (measles) virus serological reagents. 866... Rubeola (measles) virus serological reagents. (a) Identification. Rubeola (measles) virus serological... to rubeola virus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of measles and provides...

  12. Efficacy comparative of different laboratory test reagents for hepatitis C virus antibody

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    GUO Feibo


    Full Text Available Objective To investigate the effects of different laboratory test reagents for hepatitis C virus (HCV antibody through a comparative analysis. Methods A total of 207 samples which tested positive by four anti-HCV screening reagents commonly used in the laboratories in China (Kehua, Xinchuang, Wantai, and Abbott were included. HCV RNA nucleic acid amplification (NAT was performed, and if NAT results were negative, recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA was performed for further confirmation. The test results of these four screening reagents were compared, and their S/CO values and true positive rates were analyzed. Results Of all the 205 samples testing positive by any one reagent, 191 (93.2% tested positive by the four reagents, and 14 (6.8% were tested inconsistently by the four reagents. The positive predictive values of Xinchuang, Kehua, Wantai, and Abbott reagents were 88.2% (180/204, 93.8% (180/192, 91.4% (180/197, and 90.0% (180/200, respectively. The S/CO thresholds with a positive predictive value of ≥95% for Xinchuang, Kehua, Wantai, and Abbott reagents were 9.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 7.0, respectively. Conclusion Xinchuang, Kehua, Wantai, and Abbott reagents have significantly different S/CO thresholds with a positive predictive value of ≥95%, which are significantly different from those in other domestic laboratories. Each laboratory should establish an applicable S/CO threshold with a positive predictive value of ≥95%, in order to reduce the sample size for confirmatory test.

  13. N-tritioacetoxyphthalimide: A new high specific activity tritioacetylating reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saljoughian, M.; Morimoto, Hiromi; Than, Chit


    The authors' aim was to develop a nonvolatile, stable, and facile tritioacetylating reagent and to demonstrate its use on simple peptides. Accordingly, the authors made the synthesis of high specific activity N-(tritioacetoxy) derivatives of succinimide, phthalimide, and naphthalimide a major focus. As the preferred approach, N-(tritioacetoxy)phthalimide was prepared by radical dehalogenation of N-(iodoacetoxy)phthalimide using high specific activity tributyltin tritide. This tritiated acetylation reagent was characterized by 3 H and 1 H NMR spectroscopy and by radio-HPLC. Efficacy of the reagent was investigated by tritioacetylation of several peptides at their N-terminal amino group. 26 refs., 1 fig

  14. [Research of regional medical consumables reagent logistics system in the modern hospital]. (United States)

    Wu, Jingjiong; Zhang, Yanwen; Luo, Xiaochen; Zhang, Qing; Zhu, Jianxin


    To explore the modern hospital and regional medical consumable reagents logistics system management. The characteristics of regional logistics, through cooperation between medical institutions within the region, and organize a wide range of special logistics activities, to make reasonable of the regional medical consumable reagents logistics. To set the regional management system, dynamic management systems, supply chain information management system, after-sales service system and assessment system. By the research of existing medical market and medical resources, to establish the regional medical supplies reagents directory and the initial data. The emphasis is centralized dispatch of medical supplies reagents, to introduce qualified logistics company for dispatching, to improve the modern hospital management efficiency, to costs down. Regional medical center and regional community health service centers constitute a regional logistics network, the introduction of medical consumable reagents logistics services, fully embodies integrity level, relevance, purpose, environmental adaptability of characteristics by the medical consumable reagents regional logistics distribution. Modern logistics distribution systems can increase the area of medical consumables reagent management efficiency and reduce costs.

  15. Treatment of laundrette wastewater using Starbon and Fenton's reagent. (United States)

    Tony, Maha A; Parker, Helen L; Clark, James H


    The use of grey water for a variety of purposes is gaining increased popularity as a means of preserving scarce freshwater resources. In this work, catalytic oxidation over Fenton's reagent and adsorption techniques using Starbon (mesoporous material derived from polysaccharides) has been applied. These novel techniques are used as an alternative to already studied treatments of grey water such as filtration and/or biological processes. In this study, grey water, collected from a commercial laundrette, has been used. Treatment efficiency was determined by changes in the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the grey water. Experiments using Fenton's reagent at optimum conditions of Fe(3+) = 40 mg L(-1); H2O2 = 400 mg L(-1) and pH 3 were very successful, resulting in a 95% COD removal after 15 min. Treatment with Starbon adsorption was also effective, reaching up to 81% COD removal at pH 3 within 1 h. The combined treatment with Fenton's reagent and Starbon resulted in a 93% COD removal at a significantly reduced concentration of Fenton's reagent compared to the treatment with solo Fenton's reagent. This lower chemical dose has the advantage of reducing costs and lowering sludge generation.

  16. A Catalyst-Free Amination of Functional Organolithium Reagents by Flow Chemistry. (United States)

    Kim, Heejin; Yonekura, Yuya; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi


    Reported is the electrophilic amination of functional organolithium intermediates with well-designed aminating reagents under mild reaction conditions using flow microreactors. The aminating reagents were optimized to achieve efficient C-N bond formation without using any catalyst. The electrophilic amination reactions of functionalized aryllithiums were successfully conducted under mild reaction conditions, within 1 minute, by using flow microreactors. The aminating reagent was also prepared by the flow method. Based on stopped-flow NMR analysis, the reaction time for the preparation of the aminating reagent was quickly optimized without the necessity of work-up. Integrated one-flow synthesis consisting of the generation of an aryllithium, the preparation of an aminating reagent, and their combined reaction was successfully achieved to give the desired amine within 5 minutes of total reaction time. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Lipid-based Transfection Reagents Exhibit Cryo-induced Increase in Transfection Efficiency

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    Helena Sork


    Full Text Available The advantages of lipid-based transfection reagents have permitted their widespread use in molecular biology and gene therapy. This study outlines the effect of cryo-manipulation of a cationic lipid-based formulation, Lipofectamine 2000, which, after being frozen and thawed, showed orders of magnitude higher plasmid delivery efficiency throughout eight different cell lines, without compromising cell viability. Increased transfection efficiency with the freeze-thawed reagent was also seen with 2'-O-methyl phosphorothioate oligonucleotide delivery and in a splice-correction assay. Most importantly, a log-scale improvement in gene delivery using the freeze-thawed reagent was seen in vivo. Using three different methods, we detected considerable differences in the polydispersity of the different nucleic acid complexes as well as observed a clear difference in their surface spreading and sedimentation, with the freeze-thawed ones displaying substantially higher rate of dispersion and deposition on the glass surface. This hitherto overlooked elevated potency of the freeze-thawed reagent facilitates the targeting of hard-to-transfect cells, accomplishes higher transfection rates, and decreases the overall amount of reagent needed for delivery. Additionally, as we also saw a slight increase in plasmid delivery using other freeze-thawed transfection reagents, we postulate that freeze-thawing might prove to be useful for an even wider variety of transfection reagents.

  18. Hydrogen sulfide deactivates common nitrobenzofurazan-based fluorescent thiol labeling reagents. (United States)

    Montoya, Leticia A; Pluth, Michael D


    Sulfhydryl-containing compounds, including thiols and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), play important but differential roles in biological structure and function. One major challenge in separating the biological roles of thiols and H2S is developing tools to effectively separate the reactivity of these sulfhydryl-containing compounds. To address this challenge, we report the differential responses of common electrophilic fluorescent thiol labeling reagents, including nitrobenzofurazan-based scaffolds, maleimides, alkylating agents, and electrophilic aldehydes, toward cysteine and H2S. Although H2S reacted with all of the investigated scaffolds, the photophysical response to each scaffold was significantly different. Maleimide-based, alkylating, and aldehydic thiol labeling reagents provided a diminished fluorescence response when treated with H2S. By contrast, nitrobenzofurazan-based labeling reagents were deactivated by H2S addition. Furthermore, the addition of H2S to thiol-activated nitrobenzofurazan-based reagents reduced the fluorescence signal, thus establishing the incompatibility of nitrobenzofurazan-based thiol labeling reagents in the presence of H2S. Taken together, these studies highlight the differential reactivity of thiols and H2S toward common thiol-labeling reagents and suggest that sufficient care must be taken when labeling or measuring thiols in cellular environments that produce H2S due to the potential for both false-positive and eroded responses.

  19. Determination of tin(II) in reagents for radiopharmaceuticals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morosanova, E.I.; Loginova, K. A.; Epstein, N.B.


    The goal of this work is to elaborate a procedure for rapid and simple determination of tin(II) in reagents for preparation of radiopharmaceuticals based on a system albumin-Tc-99m. Original test tools for the determination of various analytes have been suggested in our lab based on the use of small glass tubes (1-2 mm i.d. - 50-70 mm) filled with indicator powders containing suitable immobilized chromogenic reagents. An analytical signal (a length of colored zone which is proportional to the concentration of an analyte) is detected after a sample passing through the indicator tube. Heteropoly compounds are well-known analytical reagents for a photometric determination of various reductants. For elaboration of indicator tubes abilities of Mo,P-heteropoly compounds to give deeply colored blue compounds after reduction were used. (authors)

  20. Stability study for magnetic reagent assaying Hb and HbA1c

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsieh, Wen-Pin; Chieh, J.J.; Yang, C.C.; Yang, S.Y.; Chen, Po-Yu; Huang, Yu-Hao; Hong, Y.W.; Horng, H.E.


    Reagents for magnetically labeled immunoassay on human Hb and human HbA1c have been synthesized. The reagents consist of Fe 3 O 4 magnetic particles biofunctionalized with antibodies against Hb and HbA1c. It has been demonstrated that the reagents can be applied to quantitatively detect Hb and HbA1c by using immunomagnetic reduction assay. In addition to characterizing the assay properties, such as the standard curve and the low-detection limit, the stability of reagents is investigated. To do this, the temporal dependence of particle sizes and the bio-activity of reagents are monitored. The results show that the reagents are highly stable when stored at 2–8 °C. This means that the reagents synthesized in this work are promising for practical applications. - Highlights: ► The properties of assaying Hb and HbA1c using immunomagnetic reduction are studied. ► The magnetic nanoparticles with antibodies are highly stable in solutions. ► No significant mutual interference between Hb and HbA1c in assays is observed. ► High-sensitivity assays on Hb and HbA1c using immunomagnetic reduction are achieved.

  1. Stability study for magnetic reagent assaying Hb and HbA1c

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hsieh, Wen-Pin [Actherm Inc., Hsinchu 200, Taiwan (China); Chieh, J.J.; Yang, C.C. [Institute of Electro-optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 116, Taiwan (China); Yang, S.Y. [Institute of Electro-optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 116, Taiwan (China); MagQu Co., Ltd., Sindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (China); Chen, Po-Yu; Huang, Yu-Hao [Actherm Inc., Hsinchu 200, Taiwan (China); Hong, Y.W. [Institute of Electro-optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 116, Taiwan (China); Horng, H.E., E-mail: [Institute of Electro-optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 116, Taiwan (China)


    Reagents for magnetically labeled immunoassay on human Hb and human HbA1c have been synthesized. The reagents consist of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} magnetic particles biofunctionalized with antibodies against Hb and HbA1c. It has been demonstrated that the reagents can be applied to quantitatively detect Hb and HbA1c by using immunomagnetic reduction assay. In addition to characterizing the assay properties, such as the standard curve and the low-detection limit, the stability of reagents is investigated. To do this, the temporal dependence of particle sizes and the bio-activity of reagents are monitored. The results show that the reagents are highly stable when stored at 2-8 Degree-Sign C. This means that the reagents synthesized in this work are promising for practical applications. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The properties of assaying Hb and HbA1c using immunomagnetic reduction are studied. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The magnetic nanoparticles with antibodies are highly stable in solutions. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer No significant mutual interference between Hb and HbA1c in assays is observed. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer High-sensitivity assays on Hb and HbA1c using immunomagnetic reduction are achieved.

  2. El lugar de la sátira en la poética: los tratados españoles del siglo XIX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González Alcázar, Felipe


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyse the satirical genre and its connections with Poetics in the Spanish Poetry and Rhetoric precept treatises of the nineteenth century. Throughout that century, literary theory was subject to major changes, such as the success of Hegel’s postulates on literary genres. Satire faces these changes and its own evolution: it was first identified with the Roman satura and afterwards through its various forms, it became a mixed or transitional genre. Its fragile nature seems to confront directly the normative perpetuity of treatises that, in spite of their rupture with romanticism, may be considered inheritors of the classicist principles.Se propone en este artículo investigar el género satírico y sus relaciones con la Poética a través de los tratados poético-retóricos de preceptiva españoles del siglo XIX. A lo largo de toda esa centuria la teoría literaria estuvo sujeta a grandes transformaciones, entre ellas, el triunfo de los principios hegelianos acerca de los géneros literarios. La sátira se enfrenta a esas mismas transformaciones y a su propia evolución: primero, identificada con la satura romana, y luego, a través de sus numerosas formas, convertida en un género mixto o de transición. Su lábil naturaleza parece enfrentarse directamente con la perennidad normativa de los tratados que, a pesar de la ruptura romántica, pueden considerarse herederos de los principios clasicistas.

  3. On extraction reagents for hydrometallurgy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zolotov, Yu.A.


    Fundamental requirements to the extractants are considered. Ways of obtaining selective extractants are discussed in particular on the basis of coordination chemistry achivements. Attention is drawn to expediency of study (as extractants) of flotation reagents, additions to the oil, pesticides, accelerators of caoutchouc vulcanization

  4. Development of versatile universal reagent immunoradiometric assay technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazra, D.K.


    Immunoradiometric assays, which make use of labelled antibodies, potentially offer better sensitivity and specificity than do radioimmunoassays, which use labelled antigens. In addition, they can in principle be performed in a particularly convenient scheme wherein the same labelled reagent may be used for many different analytes - thus serving as a ''universal'' labelled reagent. Thus if the specific antibody for every analyte is raised in rabbits, and an anti-rabbit antibody is labelled, the latter may be added after the specific antibody to quantify the amount of specific antibody bound to analyte and thereby the amount of analyte present. The potential greater sensitivity and specificity of the immunoradiometric procedure, coupled with the potential convenience of the ''universal'' labelled reagent, might allow such immunoradiometric techniques to be used effectively in the study of communicable diseases in developing countries. Development of these procedures was the subject of this investigation. Many components of these procedures had to be explored and provisionally optimized, including coating of assay tubes with ''extraction'' antibody, immunological purification of antibodies, labelling of antibodies, and intermediate steps toward these goals. Applications were thereupon tested using those provisionally optimized components. The ''universal'' labelled reagent, a donkey anti-rabbit antiserum, was successfully used in the assay of TSH; however, cross reactions of the reagent with non-rabbit immunoglobulins and other materials present seriously limited the sensitivity of the method. Using conventional immunoradiometric procedures, circulating TB and amoebic antibodies could be detected in patients suffering from these diseases. Similarly, circulating antigens in the same patients could also be detected, but not with sufficient sensitivity and specificity to provide a reliable analytical system. Numerous improvements will be required before these techniques

  5. Review Article: Toxic Effects of Some Reagents Used in Electron ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ultrathin sections prepared for electron microscopy and histochemistry are indispensable in cytological, histological and histochemical studies. The paper discusses the various reagents used in these fields of study. Unfortunately, these reagents and chemicals are hazardous to health. There is wisdom in informing the ...

  6. Reagents for the assay of cardenolide glycosides and aglycones

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilkinson, S.


    Some novel reagents are described for use in the radioimmunoassay of the 3-glycone derivatives of cardenolides (cardiac glycosides) and more especially digoxin, digitoxin, gitoxin, periplocin and lanatosides. Using these reagents these cardenolides and their derivatives may be assayed both in aqueous solution and in urine. A method is also described for performing such assays, including a suitable kit. (U.K.)

  7. Investigation of cleaning reagents for calcium chromate spills

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dillard, B.M.


    Cleaning of calcium chromate spills can be a problem due to the insolubility of the material and the corrosiveness of several possible cleaning agents on the stainless steel equipment. Because of OSHA Standards for Cr(VI) exposure, it is necessary to remove spills as efficiently as possible in order to prevent the contaminant from becoming airborne. This study involved the comparison of several possible cleaning agents by studying the solubility of calcium chromate in each reagent. Two general types of reagents for dissolution of calcium chromate were investigated; those which act by conversion of the insoluble calcium chromate to a more soluble salt and to H 2 CrO 4 , and those which appear to act as complexing agents and thereby dissolve the calcium chromate. The most efficient of the reagents investigated was hydrochloric acid. However, even dilute solutions of halide acids destroy passivity of stainless steel causing pitting and stress-corrosion. Acetic acid and nitric acid were somewhat less efficient than hydrochloric acid in dissolving calcium chromate. However, both reagents are noncorrosive with stainless steel, nitric acid tending to favor passivity of the materials. Therefore, it is recommended that dilute solutions of either of these two acids be used for removal of calcium chromate spills in conjunction with mechanical methods that might be necessary, depending on the magnitude of the spill

  8. Use of Competition Kinetics with Fast Reactions of Grignard Reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Torkil


    small.This is concluded from experiments in which results obtained by competition kinetics are compared with results obtained directly by flow stream procedures. A clearer picture of the reactivity ratios is obtained when the highly reactive reagent is highly diluted with its competitor. A fast reagent...

  9. Mössbauer spectroscopy research of interaction of alumosilicic reagent and iron dissolved in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feklistov, D Y; Filippov, V P; Kurchatov, I M; Laguntsov, N I; Salomasov, V A; Permyakov, Yu V


    The aim of this work is to reveal the results of alumosilicic reagent interaction with iron compounds contained in the water. This reagent is simultaneously coagulant-flocculant and adsorbent. The iron atoms state is studied in the reagent and in reacted sediment. The valence state of iron atoms are determined in the reagents and sediments. The existence of iron containing superparamagnetic particles in the sediment is shown. (paper)

  10. Lanthanide shift reagents, binding, shift mechanisms and exchange

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boer, J.W.M. de


    Paramagnetic lanthanide shift reagents, when added to a solution of a substrate, induce shifts in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of the substrate molecules. The induced shifts contain information about the structure of the shift reagent substrate complex. The structural information, however, may be difficult to extract because of the following effects: (1) different complexes between shift reagent and substrate may be present in solution, e.g. 1:1 and 1:2 complexes, and the shift observed is a weighed average of the shifts of the substrate nuclei in the different complexes; (2) the Fermi contact interaction, arising from the spin density at the nucleus, contributes to the induced shift; (3) chemical exchange effects may complicate the NMR spectrum. In this thesis, the results of an investigation into the influence of these effects on the NMR spectra of solutions containing a substrate and LSR are presented. The equations describing the pseudo contact and the Fermi contact shift are derived. In addition, it is shown how the modified Bloch equations describing the effect of the chemical exchange processes occurring in the systems studied can be reduced to the familiar equations for a two-site exchange case. The binding of mono- and bifunctional ethers to the shift reagent are reported. An analysis of the induced shifts is given. Finally, the results of the experiments performed to study the exchange behavior of dimethoxyethane and heptafluorodimethyloctanedionato ligands are presented

  11. Organic-soluble lanthanide nuclear magnetic resonance shift reagents for sulfonium and isothiouronium salts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenzel, T.J.; Zaia, J.


    Lanthanide complexes of the formula [Ln(fod) 4 ] - (FOD, 6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedione) are effective organic-soluble nuclear magnetic resonance shift reagents for sulfonium and isothiouronium salts. The shift reagent is formed in solution from Ln(fod) 3 and Ag(fod) or K(fod). The selection of Ag(fod) or K(fod) in forming the shift reagent is dependent on the anion of the organic salt. Ag(fod) is more effective with halide salts, whereas K(fod) is preferred with tetrafluoroborate salts. Resolution of diastereotopic hydrogen atoms was observed in the shifted spectra of certain substrates. Enantiomeric resolution was obtained in the spectrum of sec-butylisothiouronium chloride with a chiral shift reagent. The reagents can be employed in solvents such as chloroform and benzene

  12. New sorption-reagent materials for decontamination of liquid radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avramenko, V.A.; Golikov, A.P.; Zheleznov, V.V.; Kaplun, E.V.; Marinin, D.V.; Sokolnitskaya, T.A.


    Full text: Use of selective sorbents in liquid radioactive waste (LRW) management is widely spread in the field of nuclear power objects liquid waste decontamination, since the main objective there is to remove long-lived radionuclides of the nuclear cycle. The latter include, first of all, cesium-137, strontium-90, cobalt-60 and a number of α-irradiators. In this case LRW composition for most of the nuclear power objects is rather simple, except acidic deactivation solutions. At the same time, liquid radioactive wastes of different research centers have a variable chemical and radiochemical composition depending on objectives and tasks of a given center research activities. As a result, application of sorption technologies in such waste decontamination determines special requirements to these sorbents selectivity: a wide spectrum of radionuclides that can be removed and fairly high selectivity enabling to remove radionuclides from solutions of complex chemical composition (containing surfactants, complexing agents etc.). This paper is concerned with studying properties of new materials selective to different radionuclides. These materials are capable to interact with solution components whether already contained in the waste or deliberately added into resulting solution. Such sorption-reagent materials combine universal character of co-precipitation methods with simplicity of sorption methods. In this work we studied sorption-reagent inorganic ion-exchange materials interacting with sulfate-, carbonate-, oxalate-, sulfide-, and permanganate-ions. Insoluble compounds formed as a result of this interaction increase tens- and hundreds-fold the sorption selectivity of different radionuclides - strontium, cobalt, mercury, iron, and manganese as compared to conventional ion-exchange system. By means of X-ray phase analysis, IR-spectroscopy, chemical and radiochemical analysis, we have studied the mechanism of radionuclide sorption on different sorption-reagent

  13. Measles serodiagnosis: production and evaluation of the IgM-measles ELISA IAL reagent Sorodiagnóstico de sarampo: produção e avaliação da técnica de ELISA IgM IAL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sumie Hoshino-Shimizu


    ático de análise para o controle de qualidade de reagentes com bases nos achados de validadação do reagente. Nossos achados sugerem que partidas de reagentes do vírus do sarampo podem ser produzidas sucessivamente e utilizadas em laboratórios de saúde pública para sorodiagnóstico de rotina ou inquérito soroepidemiológico de população.

  14. Polymer-supported reagents with enhanced metal ion recognition: Application to separations science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexandratos, S.D.


    The design and development of polymer-supported reagents with ever-increasing specificities for targeted metal ions remains an important areas of research. The need for efficient separation schemes for both ions and molecules has been outlined in a report by the National Research Council (King) and will gain increased emphasis as environmental restoration is pursued. Polymer-supported reagents are unique in their ability to be applied in an environmentally benign manner to a host of challenges. Such reagents, in the form of beads, can be applied to continuous separation processes ranging from the removal of metal ions in water to the recovery of medicinal drugs produced through biotechnological means. The application of polymer-supported reagents to metal ion separations still requires developing a fundamental understanding of ligand-metal interactions, the role of the polymer in those interactions, and the methods of synthesizing such polymeric reagents in a readily applicable form. Ion exchange resins with sulfonic acid ligands are the prototypical polymer-supported reagents, and their properties have been exhaustively studied (Helfferich). The high acidity of the sulfonic acid group, however, precludes much selectivity, and it displays a very limited range of reaction free energy values with different metal ions (Boyd et al.). The carboxylic acid ligand, present in the acrylate resins, is more selective, though its weak acidity requires relatively high pH solutions for it to be effective. Research has thus been focused on the preparation of polymer-supported reagents with high levels of specificity for targeted metal ions

  15. Reagent conditions of the flotation of copper, copper - molybdenum and copper -zinc ores in foreing countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nevaeva, L.M.


    Reagents-collectors and frothers, used abroad in reagent regimes of flotation of copper, copper-molybdenum and copper zinc ores, have been considered. Xanthogenates, aerofloats, xanthogenformiates, thionocarbamates are mainly used as reagents-collectors. Methylizobutylcarbinol and Daufros are used as reagents-frothers

  16. 21 CFR 866.3120 - Chlamydia serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3120 Chlamydia... and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to chlamydia in serum. Additionally...

  17. 21 CFR 866.3490 - Rhinovirus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3490 Rhinovirus... and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to rhinovirus in serum. The...

  18. 21 CFR 866.3020 - Adenovirus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3020 Adenovirus... identify adenoviruses directly from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of disease...

  19. 21 CFR 866.3205 - Echovirus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3205 Echovirus... echoviruses from clinical specimens or from tissue culture isolates derived from clinical specimens. The...

  20. Reagent precipitation of copper ions from wastewater of machine-building factories (United States)

    Porozhnyuk, L. A.; Lupandina, N. S.; Porozhnyuk, E. V.


    The article presents the results of reagent removal of copper ions from wastewater of machine-building factories. The urgency of the study is conditioned by the widening of the range of effective reagents through the implementation of industrial waste. The investigation covers mineralogical and fractional composition of chalk enrichment waste. In the work, the conditions of thermal activation of chalk enrichment waste used for reagent removal of copper ions from wastewater were elaborated. It was shown that the thermal activation of waste facilitates the increased treatment efficacy up to the set sanitation, hygiene and technological standards.

  1. 21 CFR 866.3470 - Reovirus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3470 Reovirus... and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to reovirus in serum. The identification...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastião Pereira Nascimento


    Full Text Available São apresentadas 564 expressões orais populares utilizadas pelos habitantes do lavrado em Roraima. A maioria dos significados dos termos é originária da herança cultural trazida pelo povo nordestino radicado nos Campos do Rio Branco desde o século XIX. As línguas indígenas também têm influência nestas expressões orais locais, com destaque para as famílias linguísticas Karib e Aruak. Alguns termos têm influências culturais de outras regiões brasileiras e fragmentos de línguas estrangeiras.

  3. 21 CFR 864.9650 - Quality control kit for blood banking reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Quality control kit for blood banking reagents... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Products Used In Establishments That Manufacture Blood and Blood Products § 864.9650 Quality control kit for blood banking reagents. (a...

  4. Rapid heteroatom transfer to arylmetals utilizing multifunctional reagent scaffolds (United States)

    Gao, Hongyin; Zhou, Zhe; Kwon, Doo-Hyun; Coombs, James; Jones, Steven; Behnke, Nicole Erin; Ess, Daniel H.; Kürti, László


    Arylmetals are highly valuable carbon nucleophiles that are readily and inexpensively prepared from aryl halides or arenes and widely used on both laboratory and industrial scales to react directly with a wide range of electrophiles. Although C-C bond formation has been a staple of organic synthesis, the direct transfer of primary amino (-NH2) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups to arylmetals in a scalable and environmentally friendly fashion remains a formidable synthetic challenge because of the absence of suitable heteroatom-transfer reagents. Here, we demonstrate the use of bench-stable N-H and N-alkyl oxaziridines derived from readily available terpenoid scaffolds as efficient multifunctional reagents for the direct primary amination and hydroxylation of structurally diverse aryl- and heteroarylmetals. This practical and scalable method provides one-step synthetic access to primary anilines and phenols at low temperature and avoids the use of transition-metal catalysts, ligands and additives, nitrogen-protecting groups, excess reagents and harsh workup conditions.

  5. Decolorizing textile wastewater with Fenton's reagent electrogenerated with a solar photovoltaic cell. (United States)

    Figueroa, Sandra; Vázquez, Leticia; Alvarez-Gallegos, A


    In this work it is demonstrated that Fenton's reagent can be electroproduced with abundant and cheap feedstock: oxygen saturated wastewater and solar energy. Experiments were carried out in a divided electrochemical flow cell using two electrodes: a three dimensional reticulated vitreous carbon cathode and stainless steel anode. Fenton's reagent is produced by oxygen reduction on the cathode in the presence of 1mM Fe(2+). The influence of electrolyte nature and its concentration and potential difference on the current efficiency, as well as the rate of Fenton's reagent electroproduction is discussed and it is concluded that over this extended range of conditions the current efficiency, for Fenton's reagent production, fell within the range 50-70%. It is possible to electroproduce a stoichiometric amount of Fenton reagent for the oxidation of 0.061mM Reactive Black 5 (in tap water+0.05M Na(2)SO(4), approximately pH 2.8). Similar results were obtained for solutions containing 0.1mM Acid Green 25. Some practical applications in the field of water treatment are included. The energy required for drive electrochemical reaction is supplied to the flow cell by means of a commercial solar panel.

  6. Improvements to parallel plate flow chambers to reduce reagent and cellular requirements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larson Richard S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The parallel plate flow chamber has become a mainstay for examination of leukocytes under physiologic flow conditions. Several design modifications have occurred over the years, yet a comparison of these different designs has not been performed. In addition, the reagent requirements of many designs prohibit the study of rare leukocyte populations and require large amounts of reagents. Results In this study, we evaluate modifications to a newer parallel plate flow chamber design in comparison to the original parallel plate flow chamber described by Lawrence et al. We show that modifications in the chamber size, internal tubing diameters, injection valves, and a recirculation design may dramatically reduce the cellular and reagent requirements without altering measurements. Conclusions These modifications are simple and easily implemented so that study of rare leukocyte subsets using scarce or expensive reagents can occur.

  7. Genotoxicity assessment of membrane concentrates of landfill leachate treated with Fenton reagent and UV-Fenton reagent using human hepatoma cell line

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Guifang [Department of Chemistry, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 (China); Lu, Gang [Key Laboratory of Water/Soil Toxic Pollutants Control and Bioremediation of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Department of Environmental Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 (China); Yin, Pinghe, E-mail: [Research Center of Analysis and Test, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 (China); Zhao, Ling, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Water/Soil Toxic Pollutants Control and Bioremediation of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Department of Environmental Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 (China); Jimmy Yu, Qiming [Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane, Queensland 4111 (Australia)


    Highlights: • Membrane concentrates have a threat to human health and environment. • Untreated membrane concentrates induces cytotoxic and genotoxic to HepG2 cells. • Both methods were effective method for degradation of BPA and NP in concentrates. • Both methods were efficient in reducing genotoxic effects of concentrates. • UV-Fenton reagent had higher removal efficiency and provides toxicological safety. - Abstract: Membrane concentrates of landfill leachates contain organic and inorganic contaminants that could be highly toxic and carcinogenic. In this paper, the genotoxicity of membrane concentrates before and after Fenton and UV-Fenton reagent was assessed. The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity was determined by using the methods of methyltetrazolium (MTT), cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) and comet assay in human hepatoma cells. MTT assay showed a cytotoxicity of 75% after 24 h of exposure to the highest tested concentration of untreated concentrates, and no cytotoxocity for UV-Fenton and Fenton treated concentrates. Both CBMN and comet assays showed increased levels of genotoxicity in cells exposed to untreated concentrates, compared to those occurred in cells exposed to UV-Fenton and Fenton reagent treated concentrates. There was no significant difference between negative control and UV-Fenton treated concentrates for micronucleus and comet assay parameters. UV-Fenton and Fenton treatment, especially the former, were effective methods for degradation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol in concentrates. These findings showed UV-Fenton and Fenton reaction were effective methods for treatment of such complex concentrates, UV-Fenton reagent provided toxicological safety of the treated effluent, and the genotoxicity assays were found to be feasible tools for assessment of toxicity risks of complex concentrates.

  8. Genotoxicity assessment of membrane concentrates of landfill leachate treated with Fenton reagent and UV-Fenton reagent using human hepatoma cell line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Guifang; Lu, Gang; Yin, Pinghe; Zhao, Ling; Jimmy Yu, Qiming


    Highlights: • Membrane concentrates have a threat to human health and environment. • Untreated membrane concentrates induces cytotoxic and genotoxic to HepG2 cells. • Both methods were effective method for degradation of BPA and NP in concentrates. • Both methods were efficient in reducing genotoxic effects of concentrates. • UV-Fenton reagent had higher removal efficiency and provides toxicological safety. - Abstract: Membrane concentrates of landfill leachates contain organic and inorganic contaminants that could be highly toxic and carcinogenic. In this paper, the genotoxicity of membrane concentrates before and after Fenton and UV-Fenton reagent was assessed. The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity was determined by using the methods of methyltetrazolium (MTT), cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) and comet assay in human hepatoma cells. MTT assay showed a cytotoxicity of 75% after 24 h of exposure to the highest tested concentration of untreated concentrates, and no cytotoxocity for UV-Fenton and Fenton treated concentrates. Both CBMN and comet assays showed increased levels of genotoxicity in cells exposed to untreated concentrates, compared to those occurred in cells exposed to UV-Fenton and Fenton reagent treated concentrates. There was no significant difference between negative control and UV-Fenton treated concentrates for micronucleus and comet assay parameters. UV-Fenton and Fenton treatment, especially the former, were effective methods for degradation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol in concentrates. These findings showed UV-Fenton and Fenton reaction were effective methods for treatment of such complex concentrates, UV-Fenton reagent provided toxicological safety of the treated effluent, and the genotoxicity assays were found to be feasible tools for assessment of toxicity risks of complex concentrates.

  9. 21 CFR 866.3370 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunofluorescent reagents. (United States)


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents... used to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis directly from clinical specimens. The identification aids...

  10. Decontaminating reagents for radioactive systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seddon, W.A.


    A decontaminating reagent composition has been developed comprising EDTA, citric acid, oxalic acid, and formic acid. Formic acid inhibits the decomposition of both EDTA and citric acid, and yields oxalic acid as a result of its own radiolysis. The invention includes the improvement of initially incorporating formic acid in the mixture and maintaining the presence of formic acid by at least one further addition

  11. Targeted Diazotransfer Reagents Enable Selective Modification of Proteins with Azides. (United States)

    Lohse, Jonas; Swier, Lotteke J Y M; Oudshoorn, Ruben C; Médard, Guillaume; Kuster, Bernhard; Slotboom, Dirk-Jan; Witte, Martin D


    In chemical biology, azides are used to chemically manipulate target structures in a bioorthogonal manner for a plethora of applications ranging from target identification to the synthesis of homogeneously modified protein conjugates. While a variety of methods have been established to introduce the azido group into recombinant proteins, a method that directly converts specific amino groups in endogenous proteins is lacking. Here, we report the first biotin-tethered diazotransfer reagent DtBio and demonstrate that it selectively modifies the model proteins streptavidin and avidin and the membrane protein BioY on cell surface. The reagent converts amines in the proximity of the binding pocket to azides and leaves the remaining amino groups in streptavidin untouched. Reagents of this novel class will find use in target identification as well as the selective functionalization and bioorthogonal protection of proteins.

  12. Inactivation of viable Ascaris eggs by reagents during enumeration. (United States)

    Nelson, K L; Darby, J L


    Various reagents commonly used to enumerate viable helminth eggs from wastewater and sludge were evaluated for their potential to inactivate Ascaris eggs under typical laboratory conditions. Two methods were used to enumerate indigenous Ascaris eggs from sludge samples. All steps in the methods were the same except that in method I a phase extraction step with acid-alcohol (35% ethanol in 0.1 N H(2)SO(4)) and diethyl ether was used whereas in method II the extraction step was avoided by pouring the sample through a 38-microm-mesh stainless steel sieve that retained the eggs. The concentration of eggs and their viability were lower in the samples processed by method I than in the samples processed by method II by an average of 48 and 70%, respectively. A second set of experiments was performed using pure solutions of Ascaris suum eggs to elucidate the effect of the individual reagents and relevant combination of reagents on the eggs. The percentages of viable eggs in samples treated with acid-alcohol alone and in combination with diethyl ether or ethyl acetate were 52, 27, and 4%, respectively, whereas in the rest of the samples the viability was about 80%. Neither the acid nor the diethyl ether alone caused any decrease in egg viability. Thus, the observed inactivation was attributed primarily to the 35% ethanol content of the acid-alcohol solution. Inactivation of the eggs was prevented by limiting the direct exposure to the extraction reagents to 30 min and diluting the residual concentration of acid-alcohol in the sample by a factor of 100 before incubation. Also, the viability of the eggs was maintained if the acid-alcohol solution was replaced with an acetoacetic buffer. None of the reagents used for the flotation step of the sample cleaning procedure (ZnSO(4), MgSO(4), and NaCl) or during incubation (0.1 N H(2)SO(4) and 0.5% formalin) inactivated the Ascaris eggs under the conditions studied.

  13. Una prueba de captura rápida de antígenos con tiras reactivas para el diagnóstico de malaria por P. falciparum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Los avances recientes en el diagnóstico de infecciones causadas por Plasmodium falciparum han permitido considerar la posibilidad de complementar la microscopia óptica con una prueba estandarizada de captura de antígenos con tiras reactivas basada en la detección de una proteína específica del parásito, que es segregada por los estadios sanguíneos asexuados y los gametocitos inmaduros, pero no por otros estadios. Los ensayos de campo indican que esta prueba proporciona resultados replicables con un umbral de detección de parasitemia de P. falciparum similar al obtenido con microscopia habitual de alta calidad para malaria y una especificidad y sensibilidad de alrededor de 90% en comparación con la microscopia habitual con extensión de sangre en capa gruesa. La estabilidad, reproducibilidad y facilidad de uso de la prueba indican claramente sus posibilidades de aplicación en el tratamiento de la malaria, particularmente en el nivel de atención de salud periférico, siempre y cuando se pueda garantizar su precisión y su costo sea módico. También debe considerarse la posibilidad de usarla más ampliamente donde lo justifiquen los requisitos operativos y los recursos y donde las decisiones se basen en una evaluación adecuada de los sistemas de prestación de asistencia de salud existentes.

  14. Remotely controlled reagent feed system for mixed waste treatment Tank Farm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dennison, D.K.; Bowers, J.S.; Reed, R.K.


    LLNL has developed and installed a large-scale. remotely controlled, reagent feed system for use at its existing aqueous low-level radioactive and mixed waste treatment facility (Tank Farm). LLNL's Tank Farm is used to treat aqueous low-level and mixed wastes prior to vacuum filtration and to remove the hazardous and radioactive components before it is discharged to the City of Livermore Water Reclamation Plant (LWRP) via the sanitary sewer in accordance with established limits. This reagent feed system was installed to improve operational safety and process efficiency by eliminating the need for manual handling of various reagents used in the aqueous waste treatment processes. This was done by installing a delivery system that is controlled either remotely or locally via a programmable logic controller (PLC). The system consists of a pumping station, four sets of piping to each of six 6,800-L (1,800-gal) treatment tanks, air-actuated discharge valves at each tank, a pH/temperature probe at each tank, and the PLC-based control and monitoring system. During operation, the reagents are slowly added to the tanks in a preprogrammed and controlled manner while the pH, temperature, and liquid level are continuously monitored by the PLC. This paper presents the purpose of this reagent feed system, provides background related to LLNL's low-level/mixed waste treatment processes, describes the major system components, outlines system operation, and discusses current status and plans

  15. In situ generation of the Ohira-Bestmann Reagent from stable sulfonyl azide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Tue Heesgaard; Kristensen, Jesper Langgaard


    We report an improved method for in situ generation of the Ohira-Bestmann reagent. Using the recently reported bench stable imidazole-1-sulfonyl azide as diazotransfer reagent, this new method represents a safe and scalable approach for the transformation of aldehydes into terminal alkynes...

  16. 21 CFR 866.3250 - Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3250... Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae from cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in...

  17. 21 CFR 866.3270 - Flavobacterium spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3270.... from cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of...

  18. 21 CFR 866.3320 - Histoplasma capsulatum serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3320... capsulatum from clinical specimens or cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification...

  19. A community standard format for the representation of protein affinity reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gloriam, David Erik Immanuel; Orchard, Sandra; Bertinetti, Daniela


    Protein affinity reagents (PARs), most commonly antibodies, are essential reagents for protein characterization in basic research, biotechnology, and diagnostics as well as the fastest growing class of therapeutics. Large numbers of PARs are available commercially; however, their quality is often...... that facilitates easy comparison of their cost and quality. However, in contrast to, for example, nucleotide databases among which data are synchronized between the major data providers, current PAR producers, quality control centers, and commercial companies all use incompatible formats, hindering data exchange....... Here we propose Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI)-PAR as a global community standard format for the representation and exchange of protein affinity reagent data. The PSI-PAR format is maintained by the Human Proteome Organisation PSI and was developed within the context of Proteome...

  20. 21 CFR 866.3165 - Cryptococcus neoformans serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3165... clinical specimens or from cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in...

  1. 21 CFR 866.3140 - Corynebacterium spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3140.... from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by bacteria...

  2. 21 CFR 866.3110 - Campylobacter fetus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3110 Campylobacter... clinical specimens or cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the...

  3. 21 CFR 866.3340 - Klebsiella spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3340 Klebsiella... from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by bacteria...

  4. 21 CFR 866.3930 - Vibrio cholerae serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3930 Vibrio... from cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of...

  5. 21 CFR 866.3010 - Acinetobacter calcoaceticus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3010... this bacterium from cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the...

  6. A Snippet of Grignard Reagent's History

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 18; Issue 8. A Snippet of Grignard Reagent's History. Sujan Singh Dua. Classroom Volume 18 Issue 8 August 2013 pp 777-780. Fulltext. Click here to view fulltext PDF. Permanent link: Keywords.

  7. Inventory management and reagent supply for automated chemistry. (United States)

    Kuzniar, E


    Developments in automated chemistry have kept pace with developments in HTS such that hundreds of thousands of new compounds can be rapidly synthesized in the belief that the greater the number and diversity of compounds that can be screened, the more successful HTS will be. The increasing use of automation for Multiple Parallel Synthesis (MPS) and the move to automated combinatorial library production is placing an overwhelming burden on the management of reagents. Although automation has improved the efficiency of the processes involved in compound synthesis, the bottleneck has shifted to ordering, collating and preparing reagents for automated chemistry resulting in loss of time, materials and momentum. Major efficiencies have already been made in the area of compound management for high throughput screening. Most of these efficiencies have been achieved with sophisticated library management systems using advanced engineering and data handling for the storage, tracking and retrieval of millions of compounds. The Automation Partnership has already provided many of the top pharmaceutical companies with modular automated storage, preparation and retrieval systems to manage compound libraries for high throughput screening. This article describes how these systems may be implemented to solve the specific problems of inventory management and reagent supply for automated chemistry.

  8. 21 CFR 866.3850 - Trichinella spiralis serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3850... devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to...

  9. 21 CFR 866.3680 - Sporothrix schenckii serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3680... devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to...

  10. 21 CFR 866.3400 - Parainfluenza virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3400 Parainfluenza... that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to parainfluenza...

  11. 21 CFR 866.3040 - Aspergillus spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3040 Aspergillus... consist of antigens and antisera used in various serological tests to identify antibodies to Aspergillus...

  12. 21 CFR 866.3125 - Citrobacter spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3125 Citrobacter... isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by...

  13. 21 CFR 866.3740 - Streptococcus spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3740 Streptococcus... derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by bacteria...

  14. 21 CFR 866.3065 - Bordetella spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3065 Bordetella... serological tests to identify Bordetella spp. from cultured isolates or directly from clinical specimens. The...

  15. 21 CFR 866.3145 - Coxsackievirus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3145... fluorescent dye that are used to identify coxsackievirus from clinical specimens or from tissue culture isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of coxsackievirus...


    Combined sewage samples obtained from a wastewater treatment facility were disinfected by the Fenton's Reagent of several different compositions. The pre-settled samples contained both suspended solids (SS) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at concentrations of 28 and 290 mg/L,...

  17. Selective Flotation of Calcite from Fluorite: A Novel Reagent Schedule

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhiyong Gao


    Full Text Available Fluorite is an important strategic mineral. In general, fluorite ores will contain a certain amount of calcite gangue mineral. Thus, they need to be separated from each other. For an economic separation, a reverse flotation process is used to float calcite gangue from fluorite. However, little information on the separation is available. In this study, a novel reagent schedule using citric acid (CA as the depressant, sodium fluoride (NaF as the regulator and sulfoleic acid (SOA as the collector, was developed to separate calcite from fluorite. The results demonstrated a high selectivity for the flotation of calcite from fluorite using this new reagent schedule. The best selective separation for a single mineral and mixed binary minerals was obtained when 200 mg/L of NaF, 50 mg/L of CA, and 6 mg/L of SOA were used at pH 9. In addition, a batch flotation experiment was carried out using a run-of-mine feed material. Selective separation was achieved with 85.18% calcite removal while only 11.2% of fluorite was lost. An attempt was made to understand the effect of the new reagent schedule on the flotation of calcite. The results from both microflotation and bench scale flotation demonstrated a great potential for industrial application using this novel reagent schedule to upgrade fluorite ore.

  18. Genotoxicity assessment of membrane concentrates of landfill leachate treated with Fenton reagent and UV-Fenton reagent using human hepatoma cell line. (United States)

    Wang, Guifang; Lu, Gang; Yin, Pinghe; Zhao, Ling; Yu, Qiming Jimmy


    Membrane concentrates of landfill leachates contain organic and inorganic contaminants that could be highly toxic and carcinogenic. In this paper, the genotoxicity of membrane concentrates before and after Fenton and UV-Fenton reagent was assessed. The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity was determined by using the methods of methyltetrazolium (MTT), cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) and comet assay in human hepatoma cells. MTT assay showed a cytotoxicity of 75% after 24h of exposure to the highest tested concentration of untreated concentrates, and no cytotoxocity for UV-Fenton and Fenton treated concentrates. Both CBMN and comet assays showed increased levels of genotoxicity in cells exposed to untreated concentrates, compared to those occurred in cells exposed to UV-Fenton and Fenton reagent treated concentrates. There was no significant difference between negative control and UV-Fenton treated concentrates for micronucleus and comet assay parameters. UV-Fenton and Fenton treatment, especially the former, were effective methods for degradation of bisphenol A and nonylphenol in concentrates. These findings showed UV-Fenton and Fenton reaction were effective methods for treatment of such complex concentrates, UV-Fenton reagent provided toxicological safety of the treated effluent, and the genotoxicity assays were found to be feasible tools for assessment of toxicity risks of complex concentrates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    Fenton's Reagent was used to treat soil from a wood-treating site in southeastern Ohio which had been contaminated with creosote. Slurries, consisting of 10 µg of contaminated soil and 30 mL water were treated with 40 mL of Fenton's Reagent (1:1 of 30% H2O2 ...

  20. 21 CFR 866.3870 - Trypanosoma spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3870 Trypanosoma... consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to Trypanosoma spp. in...

  1. 21 CFR 866.3630 - Serratia spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3630 Serratia spp... antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify Serratia spp. from cultured isolates. The...

  2. 21 CFR 866.3660 - Shigella spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3660 Shigella spp...), used in serological tests to identify Shigella spp. from cultured isolates. The identification aids in...

  3. 21 CFR 866.3330 - Influenza virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3330 Influenza... consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to influenza in serum...

  4. 21 CFR 866.3035 - Arizona spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3035 Arizona spp... antisera and antigens used to identify Arizona spp. in cultured isolates derived from clinical specimens...

  5. 21 CFR 866.3380 - Mumps virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3380 Mumps virus... serological tests to identify mumps viruses from tissue culture isolates derived from clinical specimens. The...

  6. Copper-Catalyzed Oxy-Alkynylation of Diazo Compounds with Hypervalent Iodine Reagents. (United States)

    Hari, Durga Prasad; Waser, Jerome


    Alkynes have found widespread applications in synthetic chemistry, biology, and materials sciences. In recent years, methods based on electrophilic alkynylation with hypervalent iodine reagents have made acetylene synthesis more flexible and efficient, but they lead to the formation of one equivalent of an iodoarene as side-product. Herein, a more efficient strategy involving a copper-catalyzed oxy-alkynylation of diazo compounds with ethynylbenziodoxol(on)e (EBX) reagents is described, which proceeds with generation of nitrogen gas as the only waste. This reaction is remarkable for its broad scope in both EBX reagents and diazo compounds. In addition, vinyl diazo compounds gave enynes selectively as single geometric isomers. The functional groups introduced during the transformation served as easy handles to access useful building blocks for synthetic and medicinal chemistry.

  7. Sperm cell purification from mock forensic swabs using SOMAmer™ affinity reagents. (United States)

    Katilius, Evaldas; Carmel, Andrew B; Koss, Heidi; O'Connell, Dan; Smith, Breanna C; Sanders, Glenn M; LaBerge, Greggory S


    We have demonstrated a proof of concept with affinity-based purification of sperm cells from mock forensic samples using SOMAmer™ reagents, DNA-based affinity reagents developed by SomaLogic, Inc. SOMAmer reagents were selected in vitro using whole-cell SELEX to bind specifically with intact, detergent-treated sperm cells. Successful separation of sperm from epithelial cells and their debris was demonstrated using buccal swabs with added semen. Primarily male DNA profiles were generated from sperm cells eluted from the types of cotton swabs typically used for rape kit evidence collection. The quality of sperm DNA isolated from samples purified using SOMAmers is comparable to existing commercially available differential extraction-based methods at higher sperm concentrations. This purification method is simple, offers relatively rapid (forensic casework. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. Práticas utilizadas pelas puérperas nos problemas mamários Práticas utilizadas por las puerperas en los problemas mamarios Practices used by women at post-birth on nipple problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelci Terezinha Zorzi


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo, do tipo Convergenteassistencial, objetivando conhecer as práticas adotadas pelas puérperas para a resolução dos problemas mamários, no domicílio, e intervir para a sua resolução. Foram participantes quatorze puérperas, que estavam amamentando e recebendo atendimento em um Centro de Atenção Integral a Saúde. Utilizou-se entrevista semi-estruturada, observação participante e anotações em diário de campo, analisadas conforme proposta de Trentini e Paim. Os temas foram: Práticas utilizadas pelas puérperas nos problemas mamários; Repercussões dos mesmos no desmame e a promoção do aleitamento materno. A diversificação de produtos utilizados pelas puérperas, e a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde conhecerem as práticas utilizadas nas comunidades e se atualizarem em relação ao aleitamento materno, para a sua promoção, foram os achados encontrados.Estudio calitativo del tipo ConvergenteAsistencial, objetivando conocer las prácticas adoptadas por las puérperas para la resolución de los problemas mamarios, en el domicilio, e intervenir para su resolución. Fueron participantes catorze puérperas, que estaban amamantando y recibiendo atendimiento en un Centro de Atención Integral a la Salud. Se utilizó encuesta semiestructurada, observación participante y apuntes en diario de campo, analizadas según propuesta de Trentini y Paim. Los temas fueron: Prácticas utilizadas por las puérperas en los problemas mamarios; Repercusiones de los mismos en la desmama y la promoción del amamantamiento materno. La diversificación de productos utilizados por las puérperas, la necesidad de los profesionales de salud conocieren las prácticas utilizadas en las comunidades y se actualizaren en relación al amamantamiento materno, para su promoción, fueron los hallados encontrados.This is a qualitative study, of Convergentassistential type, with the objective of knowing the women's practices at post-birth for

  9. A new achiral reagent for the incorporation of multiple amino groups into oligonucleotides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Behrens, Carsten; Petersen, Kenneth H.; Egholm, Michael


    The synthesis of a new functionalized achiral linker reagent (10) for the incorporation of multiple primary amino groups into oligonucleotides is described. The linker reagent is compatible with conventional DNA-synthesis following the phosphoramidite methodology, and the linker can be incorporated...

  10. Organophosphorus reagents in actinide separations: Unique tools for production, cleanup and disposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nash, K. L.


    Interactions of actinide ions with phosphate and organophosphorus reagents have figured prominently in nuclear science and technology, particularly in the hydrometallurgical processing of irradiated nuclear fuel. Actinide interactions with phosphorus-containing species impact all aspects from the stability of naturally occurring actinides in phosphate mineral phases through the application of the bismuth phosphate and PUREX processes for large-scale production of transuranic elements to the development of analytical separation and environment restoration processes based on new organophosphorus reagents. In this report, an overview of the unique role of organophosphorus compounds in actinide production, disposal, and environment restoration is presented. The broad utility of these reagents and their unique chemical properties is emphasized

  11. The adsorption of chelating reagents on oxide minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryson, M.A.W.


    This work constitutes a fundamental study of the interaction between chelating reagents and oxide minerals. The adsorption mechanisms have been elucidated for most of the systems generated by the oxides of copper(II) or iron(III) and chelating reagents octyl hydroxamate, N-phenylbenzohydroxamate, salicylaldoxime, 5-nitro-salicylaldoxime or 8-hydroxyquinoline. In order to better understand the adsorption process associated with copper(II) oxide, the oxide was recrystallized to produce a coarser material with a more uniform surface. This allowed the oxide surface to be viewed under the scanning electron microscope. A detailed investigation of the effect of the system variables; pH, conditioning period, concentration, temperature, surface area and dispersing reagent on the rate of precipitation of the copper chelate species of general form, Cu(chel) 2 , was made. In addition the chemical nature of the adsorbed species and the structural form of the precipitates were determined with the aid of infra-red spectroscopy and the scanning electron microscope. On the basis of these results a model has been formulated for the adsorption processes. The precipitation process was examined in more detail by the study of the adsorption of chelate on copper metal. Contact angle measurements of air bubbles on copper metal conditioned with chelate were related to the adsorption results in an attempt to isolate the optimum conditions for flotation of oxide minerals

  12. Estrategias psicosociales utilizadas para el cambio de actitud hacia personas discriminadas por su discapacidad o trastorno mental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesus Armando Delgado Meza


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo permitió realizar una revisión de las estrategias psicosociales relacionadas con el cambio de actitud que suelen ser utilizadas en programas que buscan la modificación actitudinal especialmente en la percepción que tiene la población hacia personas en situación vulnerable de discriminación como suelen ser los discapacitados y los que presentan trastorno mental. Se utilizó la técnica de revisión documental con consultas en bases de datos científicas de Psicología, que arrojó 80 referencias de las cuales 58 hicieron parte del estudio. Los hallazgos encontrados muestran que las estrategias más utilizadas y comunes a los dos tipos de discriminación en programas de reorientación actitudinal son: la educación y el contacto social, que suelen ser combinadas con otros tipos de técnicas.

  13. Application of flotational reagents obtained from coke-industry byproducts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    N.I. Nikitin; I.N. Nikitin; N.I. Toporkova [Khar' kov Polytechnic Institute (Ukraine)


    Today, the operational efficiency of coal-preparation shops at coke plants largely depends on the flotation process, since flotation is the basic method of regenerating the slurry water in the water-slurry systems and the basic enrichment process for small-grain coal slurries. At The Coal-Chemistry Institute, attempts have been made to address the growing demand for readily available and relatively inexpensive flotational reagents. In particular, a list of promising coke-industry byproducts for use as flotational reagents has been compiled, and the possibility of reducing their toxicity has been established. In addition, various industrial byproducts and wastes have been investigated in terms of flotational activity.

  14. [Comparative measurement of urine specific gravity: reagent strips, refractometry and hydrometry]. (United States)

    Costa, Christian Elías; Bettendorff, Carolina; Bupo, Sol; Ayuso, Sandra; Vallejo, Graciela


    The urine specific gravity is commonly used in clinical practice to measure the renal concentration/dilution ability. Measurement can be performed by three methods: hydrometry, refractometry and reagent strips. To assess the accuracy of different methods to measure urine specific gravity. We analyzed 156 consecutive urine samples of pediatric patients during April and May 2007. Urine specific gravity was measured by hydrometry (UD), refractometry (RE) and reagent strips (TR), simultaneously. Urine osmolarity was considered as the gold standard and was measured by freezing point depression. Correlation between different methods was calculated by simple linear regression. A positive and acceptable correlation was found with osmolarity for the RE as for the UD (r= 0.81 and r= 0.86, respectively). The reagent strips presented low correlation (r= 0.46). Also, we found good correlation between measurements obtained by UD and RE (r= 0.89). Measurements obtained by TR, however, had bad correlation when compared to UD (r= 0.46). Higher values of specific gravity were observed when measured with RE with respect to UD. Reagent strips are not reliable for measuring urine specific gravity and should not be used as an usual test. However, hydrometry and refractometry are acceptable alternatives for measuring urine specific gravity, as long as the same method is used for follow-up.

  15. Reagents Activity in a Copper Droplets / Post-Processing Slag Suspension


    Wołczyński W.; Karwan-Baczewska J.; Najman K.; Bydałek A.W.


    The suspension of the copper droplets in the post-processing slag taken directly from the KGHM-Polska Miedź S.A. Factory (from the direct-to-blister technology as performed in the flash furnace) was subjected to the special treatment with the use of the one of the typical industrial reagent and with the complex reagent newly patented by the authors. This treatment was performed in the BOLMET S.A. Company in the semi-industrial conditions. The result of the CaCO3, and Na2CO3 chemicals influenc...

  16. Risk-based Strategy to Determine Testing Requirement for the Removal of Residual Process Reagents as Process-related Impurities in Bioprocesses. (United States)

    Qiu, Jinshu; Li, Kim; Miller, Karen; Raghani, Anil


    The purpose of this article is to recommend a risk-based strategy for determining clearance testing requirements of the process reagents used in manufacturing biopharmaceutical products. The strategy takes account of four risk factors. Firstly, the process reagents are classified into two categories according to their safety profile and history of use: generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and potential safety concern (PSC) reagents. The clearance testing of GRAS reagents can be eliminated because of their safe use historically and process capability to remove these reagents. An estimated safety margin (Se) value, a ratio of the exposure limit to the estimated maximum reagent amount, is then used to evaluate the necessity for testing the PSC reagents at an early development stage. The Se value is calculated from two risk factors, the starting PSC reagent amount per maximum product dose (Me), and the exposure limit (Le). A worst-case scenario is assumed to estimate the Me value, that is common. The PSC reagent of interest is co-purified with the product and no clearance occurs throughout the entire purification process. No clearance testing is required for this PSC reagent if its Se value is ≥1; otherwise clearance testing is needed. Finally, the point of the process reagent introduction to the process is also considered in determining the necessity of the clearance testing for process reagents. How to use the measured safety margin as a criterion for determining PSC reagent testing at process characterization, process validation, and commercial production stages are also described. A large number of process reagents are used in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing to control the process performance. Clearance testing for all of the process reagents will be an enormous analytical task. In this article, a risk-based strategy is described to eliminate unnecessary clearance testing for majority of the process reagents using four risk factors. The risk factors included

  17. Tetrameric DABCO™-Bromine: an Efficient and Versatile Reagent ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Reagent for Bromination of Various Organic Compounds. Majid M. Heravi,a* ... aDepartment of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Azzahra University, Vanak, Tehran, Iran. bChemistry ... Synthesis of "-bromo ketones and nitriles has also been ...

  18. Effect of some colloid surfactants on spectrophotometric characteristics of metal chelates with chromophore organic reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chernova, R.K.


    Theoretical regularities and prospects of using surface active substances (SAS) in spectrophotometric determination of metal ions (including ions of rare-earth elements, transition metals, Be(3)) with chromophore chelating reagents were investigated. The chromophore reagents investigated were pyrocatechol violet, phenolcarboxylic acids of the triarylmethane series, fluorones, phthalexones and azo-compounds. As SAS certain long-chain quaternary ammonium and pyridinium salts (LQAS) were employed. From the results reported it follows that the introduction of LQAS in the system of Mesup(n+)-chromophore reagent is a rather effective method of enhancing the contrast rendition and, in some cases, the sensitivity and selectivity of the reagents. Explanations are suggested as to the factors which cause the changes observed in the contrast of the reactions in the presence of SAS; the underlying phenomena are the ligand-ligand interactions between the organic reagents and SAS and solubilization processes of the reaction products by the micelles of SAS

  19. Análise espectral de flores utilizadas por aves nectarívoras em uma área urbana no Sudeste do Brasil


    Toledo, MCB.; Donatelli, RJ.


    Análise espectral de flores utilizada por aves nectarívoras em áreas urbanas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer a característica espectral das flores produtoras de néctar visitadas por nectarívoros em áreas urbanas. Este estudo foi desenvolvido na região central do município de Taubaté, no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. As áreas amostradas incluíram espaços verdes, tais como praças e parques e a vegetação das ruas e avenidas. Foram registradas 12 espécies de plantas utilizadas por c...

  20. 21 CFR 866.3240 - Equine encephalomyelitis virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents... these viruses. Equine encephalomyelitis viruses are transmitted to humans by the bite of insects, such...

  1. 21 CFR 866.3480 - Respiratory syncytial virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3480... respiratory syncytial viruses from clinical specimens or from tissue culture isolates derived from clinical...

  2. Kalman filtering applied to a reagent feed system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, C.D.; Croson, D.V.; Feeley, J.J.


    Using a Kalman filter solves a troublesome measurement noise problem and, at the same time, improves nuclear safety by detecting leaks to the process' feed tanks. To demonstrate how this technology of optimal estimation can be exploited, this article presents a systematic plan and example of how a Kalman filter was proven in industrial use on a reagent analyzer. A process to recycle uranium from spent fuel elements uses a reagent stream containing boron to dissolve the fuel. The boron is the neutron poison that prevents a nuclear chain reaction during the uranium dissolution. The purpose of the Kalman filter for this system is to reduce the uncertainty in the boron concentration measurement. The filter also provides incipient fault detection by estimating the unmeasured state of any unpoisoned solution, which would dilute the boron solution, entering the feed vessel

  3. Estimation of 239Pu in urine, influence of Sulkowich reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalaiselvan, S.; Prasad, M.V.R.; Jeevanram, R.K.


    Plutonium is known to be co-precipitated with Sulkowich reagent as calcium ammonium oxalate. In adopting this technique for bio-assay of plutonium, its accuracy depends on the self-absorption of the resulting precipitate in each urine sample. Pu recovery experiments were carried out with varying concentration of Ca and Mg, using different volumes of Sulkowich reagent. When the sample volume is 500 ml, Pu in urine can be estimated with an accuracy and precision of 74.38%+-7.4%, with a detection limit of 0.06 Bq (1.6 pCi) per dm 3 . (author) 3 refs.; 2 figs.; 2 tabs

  4. Facile synthesis of aliphatic isothiocyanates and thioureas on solid phase using peptide coupling reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boas, Ulrik; Andersen, Heidi Gertz; Christensen, Jørn B.


    Peptide coupling reagents can be used as versatile reagents for the formation of aliphatic isothiocyanates and thioureas on solid phase from the corresponding solid-phase anchored aliphatic primary amines. The formation of the thioureas is fast and highly chemoselective, and proceeds via formatio...

  5. 21 CFR 866.3940 - West Nile virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3940 West Nile... detection aids in the clinical laboratory diagnosis of viral meningitis/encephalitis caused by West Nile...

  6. Radioimmunoassay reagent and its use in a radioimmunoassay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polito, A.J.; Knight, W.S.


    A radioimmunoassay to detect or determine a steroid of the cortisone and aldosterone group has been developed. The invention particularly concerns a steroid derivative containing imidazole group which is radioactively labelled. The invented reagents are labelled with iodine 125. (VJ) [de

  7. Fenton's Reagent. Innovative Technology Summary Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Fenton's Reagent DNAPL treatment process is an in situ oxidation method to destroy DNAPLs in groundwater. Residual industrial solvents, primarily Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs), are currently the most significant barrier to successful completion of most large groundwater and soil cleanup efforts. DNAPL pools and residues slowly dissolve into surrounding groundwater to create large plumes of organic solvent contamination with concentration levels far above regulatory limits

  8. Reagents and fractions impact on sulphide ore heap bioleaching at Smolnik mine (United States)

    Oros, L. M.; Zavada, J.


    Mine Smolnik is one of the oldest sulphide ore mines in Europe and it is also an important part of bioleaching development. This paper follows previous attempts to extract residual metals from nearby heaps via variations in bioleaching reagents with regard to recent findings and needs in the related industry. Furthermore, economic and process relations between reagents and chosen heap fractions were also investigated in this case study.

  9. Oxidative Degradation of Phenol containing Wastewater using Fenton Reagent, Permanganate and Ultraviolet Radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abd El-Rahman, N.M.; Talaat, H.A.; Sorour, M.H.


    Phenol containing wastewaters are generated by numerous industrial units including integrated steel mills, textile mills, plastic production, etc. The present work is targeted to explore the viable oxidation techniques for degradation of phenolic wastewater. Three modes of treatment have been adopted in this study, namely, sole oxidant mode using Fenton reagent or permanganate, UV-assisted oxidation and two consequent chemical oxidation steps. Results indicated the superiority of fenton reagent over KMnO 4 oxidation in the sole oxidant mode. On the other hand, UV-assisted KMnO 4 oxidation enables almost complete COD reduction. Dual chemical oxidation mode employing KMnO 4 oxidation followed by Fenton reagent is also an efficient oxidative degradation system

  10. Revisão sistemática das escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na doença de Pompe Revisión sistemática de las escalas utilizadas para evaluación funcional en la enfermedad de Pompe Systematic review of functional assessment scales in Pompe disease


    Alana Karla Savegnago; Rosângela Maria da Silva; Cíntia Jonhston; Ana Maria Martins; Ana Paula L. de Melo; Werther Brunow de Carvalho


    OBJETIVO: Identificar as escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na doença de Pompe (DP) e descrever seu nível de evidência e recomendação. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão sistemática sobre as escalas de avaliação funcional na DP. Pesquisa realizada nos bancos de dados Medline, Lilacs, Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Controlados Central (CCTR) e SciELO com artigos (exceto artigos de revisão) publicados entre 2000 e 2010. As palavras-chave utilizadas nos idiomas português e inglês foram: doença de d...

  11. Mechanism of red mud combined with Fenton's reagent in sewage sludge conditioning. (United States)

    Zhang, Hao; Yang, Jiakuan; Yu, Wenbo; Luo, Sen; Peng, Li; Shen, Xingxing; Shi, Yafei; Zhang, Shinan; Song, Jian; Ye, Nan; Li, Ye; Yang, Changzhu; Liang, Sha


    Red mud was evaluated as an alternative skeleton builder combined with Fenton's reagent in sewage sludge conditioning. The results show that red mud combined with Fenton's reagent showed good conditioning capability with the pH of the filtrate close to neutrality, indicating that red mud acted as a neutralizer as well as a skeleton builder when jointly used with Fenton's reagent. Through response surface methodology (RSM), the optimal dosages of Fe(2+), H2O2 and red mud were proposed as 31.9, 33.7 and 275.1 mg/g DS (dry solids), respectively. The mechanism of the composite conditioner could be illuminated as follows: (1) extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), including loosely bound EPS and tightly bound EPS, were degraded into dissolved organics, e.g., proteins and polysaccharides; (2) bound water was released and converted into free water due to the degradation of EPS; and (3) morphology of the conditioned sludge exhibited a porous structure in contrast with the compact structure of raw sludge, and the addition of red mud formed new mineral phases and a rigid lattice structure in sludge, allowing the outflow of free water. Thus, sludge dewatering performance was effectively improved. The economic assessment for a wastewater treatment plant of 370,000 equivalent inhabitants confirms that using red mud conditioning, combined with Fenton's reagent, leads to a saving of approximately 411,000 USD/y or 50.8 USD/t DS comparing with using lime and ordinary Portland cement combined with Fenton's reagent, and approximately 612,000 USD/y or 75.5 USD/t DS comparing with the traditional treatment. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Alkylation of pyridines at their 4-positions with styrenes plus yttrium reagent or benzyl Grignard reagents. (United States)

    Mizumori, Tomoya; Hata, Takeshi; Urabe, Hirokazu


    A new regioselective alkylation of pyridines at their 4-position was achieved with styrenes in the presence of yttrium trichloride, BuLi, and diisobutylaluminium hydride (DIBAL-H) in THF. Alternatively, similar products were more simply prepared from pyridines and benzyl Grignard reagents. These reactions are not only a useful preparation of 4-substituted pyridines but are also complementary to other relevant reactions usually giving 2-substituted pyridines. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. 21 CFR 866.3085 - Brucella spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3085 Brucella spp... from clinical specimens or to identify antibodies to Brucella spp. in serum. Additionally, some of... to identify Brucella spp. directly from clinical specimens or cultured isolates derived from clinical...

  14. 21 CFR 866.3235 - Epstein-Barr virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3235 Epstein-Barr... consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus in...

  15. Development of reagents for radioimmunoassay of: triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyrotrophin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delgado S, B.; Lavalley E, C.; Ruiz J, A.; Garcia F, C.; Zamorano A, F.


    The radioimmunoassay (RIA) of thyroid hormones it is the but it frequents of all the studies carried out by RIA in the laboratories of Nuclear Medicine, these essays are carried out with imported reagents. In the ININ the reagents and the necessary methodology have been developed for the triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyrotrophin (TSH). The good titles of the antibodies (Ac) primary for each hormone were of 1:4,000; 1:750 and 1:1,500. The used separation system was of double Ac with PEG to 10%, with titles of 1:10 for the second Ac of lamb. The specific activity for 125-I-T3 and 125-I-T4 oscillate between 850 at 900 μCi / μ g: being this of 90 μ Ci /μg for TSH. To the first two hormones they were added 1-8 aniline naftalen sulfonic acid (ANS) to concentrations of 3 and 2 mg/ml respectively. As buffer for T3 and T4 it was used Tris-HCl pH 8.6 and PBS with normal serum of rabbit (SNC) for TSH. The standards got ready in buffer or free serum of thyroid hormones. The slope of the standard curves varied between -2.3 to -2.7 and the variation intra and inter assay among 4 to 10%. It is had at the moment in the ININ with standardized reagents for the RIA of T3, T4 and TSH, it is hoped to carry out tests in other laboratories and to establish the conditions of stability more appropriate to begin the preparation of pilot reagents. (Author)

  16. Stability of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Reagents and its Amplification Efficiency on Crude Trypanosome DNA Templates


    Thekisoe, Oriel M. M; Bazie, Raoul S. B; Coronel-Servian, Andrea M; Sugimoto, Chihiro; Kawazu, Shin-ichiro; Inoue, Noboru


    This study evaluated the stability of LAMP reagents when stored at 25C and 37C, and also assessed its detection efficiency on different DNA template preparations. Accordingly, LAMP using reagents stored at 25C and 37C amplified DNA of in vitro cultured T. b. brucei (GUTat 3.1) from day 1 to day 15 of reagent storage. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in detection sensitivity of LAMP among the reagents stored at 25C, 37C and –20C (recommended storage temperature). LAMP usin...

  17. Interaction of Celestine Concentrate and Reagent Grade SrSO4 with Oxalate Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdullah Obut


    Full Text Available The interaction of reagent grade strontium sulphate and celestine concentrate with aqueous solutions of oxalic acid, sodiumoxalate and ammonium oxalate for the production of strontium carbonate were investigated for different oxalate compound:SrSO4 moleratios and reaction times using x-ray diffraction analysis and dissolution tests. Under the same experimental conditions, it was foundthat aqueous oxalic acid and sodium oxalate solutions had no or little effect on reagent grade strontium sulphate or celestineconcentrate, but aqueous ammonium oxalate solution converted them into strontium oxalate hydrate. Strontium carbonate was obtainedat conversion ratios of 74.7% for the celestine concentrate and 84.6 % for the reagent grade strontium sulphate by the decompositionof the obtained strontium oxalate hydrate at 600 °C under air atmosphere.

  18. Los palacios civiles de la calle Gravina de Alicante: las piedras utilizadas en su construcción y su alteración por sales


    Louis Cereceda, Miguel; García del Cura, María Ángeles; Spairani Berrio, Yolanda; Blas Chávez, Diego de


    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de la arquitectura, construcción y materiales utilizados en los Palacios Civiles del siglo XVIII situados en la calle Gravina (actual sede del Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes de Alicante). Las rocas utilizadas en la construcción original así como las utilizadas en sustituciones posteriores en estos Palacios Civiles son calizas bioclásticas y/o calcarenitas (Piedra de San Julián y Piedra Bateig). También están presentes la Piedra de Campello y otras caliz...

  19. 21 CFR 864.1860 - Immunohistochemistry reagents and kits. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Immunohistochemistry reagents and kits. 864.1860 Section 864.1860 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Biological Stains § 864.1860...

  20. Statistical validation of reagent lot change in the clinical chemistry laboratory can confer insights on good clinical laboratory practice. (United States)

    Cho, Min-Chul; Kim, So Young; Jeong, Tae-Dong; Lee, Woochang; Chun, Sail; Min, Won-Ki


    Verification of new lot reagent's suitability is necessary to ensure that results for patients' samples are consistent before and after reagent lot changes. A typical procedure is to measure results of some patients' samples along with quality control (QC) materials. In this study, the results of patients' samples and QC materials in reagent lot changes were analysed. In addition, the opinion regarding QC target range adjustment along with reagent lot changes was proposed. Patients' sample and QC material results of 360 reagent lot change events involving 61 analytes and eight instrument platforms were analysed. The between-lot differences for the patients' samples (ΔP) and the QC materials (ΔQC) were tested by Mann-Whitney U tests. The size of the between-lot differences in the QC data was calculated as multiples of standard deviation (SD). The ΔP and ΔQC values only differed significantly in 7.8% of the reagent lot change events. This frequency was not affected by the assay principle or the QC material source. One SD was proposed for the cutoff for maintaining pre-existing target range after reagent lot change. While non-commutable QC material results were infrequent in the present study, our data confirmed that QC materials have limited usefulness when assessing new reagent lots. Also a 1 SD standard for establishing a new QC target range after reagent lot change event was proposed. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  1. Stability of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) reagents and its amplification efficiency on crude trypanosome DNA templates. (United States)

    Thekisoe, Oriel M M; Bazie, Raoul S B; Coronel-Servian, Andrea M; Sugimoto, Chihiro; Kawazu, Shin-Ichiro; Inoue, Noboru


    This study evaluated the stability of LAMP reagents when stored at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C, and also assessed its detection efficiency on different DNA template preparations. Accordingly, LAMP using reagents stored at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C amplified DNA of in vitro cultured T. b. brucei (GUTat 3.1) from day 1 to day 15 of reagent storage. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in detection sensitivity of LAMP among the reagents stored at 25 degrees C, 37 degrees C and -20 degrees C (recommended storage temperature). LAMP using the reagents stored at above-mentioned temperatures amplified serially diluted DNAs (genomic DNA extracted by phenol-chloroform method, FTA card and hemolysed blood) of T. b. gambiense (IL2343) with high sensitivity. Reactions were conducted on the reagents stored from 1 day to 30 days. LAMP detection sensitivity was poor when fresh blood as DNA template was added directly into reactive solution. Results of this study demonstrated that LAMP has the potential to be used in field conditions for diagnosis of trypanosome infections without being affected by ambient temperatures of tropical and sub-tropical countries where trypanosomosis is endemic.

  2. Conhecendo as estrategias de acao e interacao utilizadas pelos clientes para o enfrentamento da dialise peritoneal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Kaezer dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve por objetivo apresentar as principais estratégias de ação e interação utilizadas pelos clientes portadores de doença renal crônica para o enfrentamento da diálise peritoneal. O referencial teórico utilizado foi o Interacionismo Simbólico, por ser um arcabouço que valoriza o significado da interação como determinante do comportamento humano. A Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados foi utilizada como referencial metodológico. Após a sua obtenção, realizada por meio de um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado, os dados foram gravados, transcritos, codificados e organizados para compor a teoria explicativa sobre o fenômeno estudado. Durante a análise foram identificados vários recursos utilizados pelos clientes, como a necessidade de obter informações sobre a diálise peritoneal, o refúgio na espiritualidade e a falsa ilusão da cura. Destaca-se também a importância da rede de apoio, em que o enfermeiro poderá atuar como facilitador do processo de enfrentamento, em prol da adaptação dos clientes à nova realidade.

  3. As marcas de (intersubjetividade nas tiras de André Dahmer: uma análise enunciativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucy Peres Farias


    Full Text Available Dos estudos postulados por Benveniste (1956 compreendemos que desde que nos declaramos locutores, nos apropriando da língua para enunciar, automaticamente implantamos o outro diante de nós, em maior ou menor grau de presença. Este artigo objetiva analisar tirinhas do autor André Dahmer na perspectiva do sujeito e intersubjetividade estudada por Benveniste (1956, explicando de que maneira se dá essa intersubjetividade, explicando os efeitos de sentido que são construídos a partir de marcas de sujeito encontradas. Para tanto, as categorias utilizadas serão, principalmente, as noções de pessoa e não pessoa, de Benveniste (1956, operações de localização, de Culioli (1982, apud CAMPOS, 1994, 1997 e modalidades, segundo Neves (2012. Os resultados obtidos a partir da análise mostraram a ocorrência de algumas marcas mais frequentes que outras, e pudemos perceber que a construção de sentidos de humor e crítica está imbricada às escolhas dessas categorias e marcas nos enunciados, marcas essas importantes para a relação de (intersubjetividade na perspectiva Culioliana.

  4. Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride as a Low-Cost and Versatile Trifluoromethylation Reagent. (United States)

    Ouyang, Yao; Xu, Xiu-Hua; Qing, Feng-Ling


    A large number of reagents have been developed for the synthesis of trifluoromethylated compounds. However, an ongoing challenge in trifluoromethylation reaction is the use of less expensive and practical trifluoromethyl sources. We report herein the unprecedented direct trifluoromethylation of (hetero)arenes using trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride as a radical trifluoromethylation reagent by merging photoredox catalysis and pyridine activation. Furthermore, introduction of both the CF 3 and OTf groups of the trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride into internal alkynes to access tetrasubstituted trifluoromethylated alkenes was achieved. Since trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride is a low-cost and abundant chemical, this method provides a cost-efficient and practical route to trifluoromethylated compounds. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. 21 CFR 866.3510 - Rubella virus serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3510 Rubella virus... Clinical Laboratory Standards': (i) 1/LA6 “Detection and Quantitation of Rubella IgG Antibody: Evaluation... Products in the Clinical Laboratory, October 1997,” (ii) 1/LA18 “Specifications for Immunological Testing...

  6. 21 CFR 864.9225 - Cell-freezing apparatus and reagents for in vitro diagnostic use. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cell-freezing apparatus and reagents for in vitro diagnostic use. 864.9225 Section 864.9225 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH... Establishments That Manufacture Blood and Blood Products § 864.9225 Cell-freezing apparatus and reagents for in...

  7. Development of versatile isotopic labeling reagents for profiling the amine submetabolome by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Ruokun; Huan, Tao; Li, Liang


    Highlights: • Two new reagents were developed for chemical isotope labeling mass spectrometry (MS). • They could be used to label amine-containing metabolites in a metabolomic sample. • The labeled metabolites could be detected with much improved sensitivity in MS. • One of the reagents could also help generate useful MS/MS spectra for structural analysis. • These reagents should be useful for quantitative metabolomics. - Abstract: Metabolomic profiling involves relative quantification of metabolites in comparative samples and identification of the significant metabolites that differentiate different groups (e.g., diseased vs. controls). Chemical isotope labeling (CIL) liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) is an enabling technique that can provide improved metabolome coverage and metabolite quantification. However, chemical identification of labeled metabolites can still be a challenge. In this work, a new set of isotopic labeling reagents offering versatile properties to enhance both detection and identification are described. They were prepared by a glycine molecule (or its isotopic counterpart) and an aromatic acid with varying structures through a simple three-step synthesis route. In addition to relatively low costs of synthesizing the reagents, this reaction route allows adjusting reagent property in accordance with the desired application objective. To date, two isotopic reagents, 4-dimethylaminobenzoylamido acetic acid N-hydroxylsuccinimide ester (DBAA-NHS) and 4-methoxybenzoylamido acetic acid N-hydroxylsuccinimide ester (MBAA-NHS), for labeling the amine-containing metabolites (i.e., amine submetabolome) have been synthesized. The labeling conditions and the related LC–MS method have been optimized. We demonstrate that DBAA labeling can increase the metabolite detectability because of the presence of an electrospray ionization (ESI)-active dimethylaminobenzoyl group. On the other hand, MBAA labeled metabolites can be fragmented

  8. Development of versatile isotopic labeling reagents for profiling the amine submetabolome by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Ruokun; Huan, Tao; Li, Liang, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Two new reagents were developed for chemical isotope labeling mass spectrometry (MS). • They could be used to label amine-containing metabolites in a metabolomic sample. • The labeled metabolites could be detected with much improved sensitivity in MS. • One of the reagents could also help generate useful MS/MS spectra for structural analysis. • These reagents should be useful for quantitative metabolomics. - Abstract: Metabolomic profiling involves relative quantification of metabolites in comparative samples and identification of the significant metabolites that differentiate different groups (e.g., diseased vs. controls). Chemical isotope labeling (CIL) liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) is an enabling technique that can provide improved metabolome coverage and metabolite quantification. However, chemical identification of labeled metabolites can still be a challenge. In this work, a new set of isotopic labeling reagents offering versatile properties to enhance both detection and identification are described. They were prepared by a glycine molecule (or its isotopic counterpart) and an aromatic acid with varying structures through a simple three-step synthesis route. In addition to relatively low costs of synthesizing the reagents, this reaction route allows adjusting reagent property in accordance with the desired application objective. To date, two isotopic reagents, 4-dimethylaminobenzoylamido acetic acid N-hydroxylsuccinimide ester (DBAA-NHS) and 4-methoxybenzoylamido acetic acid N-hydroxylsuccinimide ester (MBAA-NHS), for labeling the amine-containing metabolites (i.e., amine submetabolome) have been synthesized. The labeling conditions and the related LC–MS method have been optimized. We demonstrate that DBAA labeling can increase the metabolite detectability because of the presence of an electrospray ionization (ESI)-active dimethylaminobenzoyl group. On the other hand, MBAA labeled metabolites can be fragmented

  9. Competitive roles of reagent vibration and translation in the exothermic proton transfer reaction H+2+Ar→HAr++H

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilotta, R.M.; Farrar, J.M.


    We present a crossed beam study of the title reaction at fixed collision energies of 1.2 and 2.3 eV with reagent H + 2 average vibrational energies of 0.44 and 0.89 eV; we also present data at fixed total energies with variable proportions of reagent vibrational and translational energy. At fixed collision energy, reagent vibrational excitation is found to have negligible effect on the total cross section for proton transfer. At fixed total energy, a decrease in reagent vibrational excitation with a corresponding increase in reagent translation leads to partial disposal of the incremental translation in product translation: At a total energy of 3.5 eV, 50% of this incremental reagent translation appears as product translation. At a total energy of 4.6 eV, 78% of the incremental translation appears in product translation. The experimental data are discussed in terms of induced attractive and repulsive energy release on an attractive potential surface. The role of noncollinear geometries and compressed reactant configurations is judged to be of substantial importance in assessing product rotational excitation and dissociation

  10. Method of Generating Hydrocarbon Reagents from Diesel, Natural Gas and Other Logistical Fuels (United States)

    Herling, Darrell R [Richland, WA; Aardahl, Chris L [Richland, WA; Rozmiarek, Robert T [Middleton, WI; Rappe, Kenneth G [Richland, WA; Wang, Yong [Richland, WA; Holladay, Jamelyn D [Kennewick, WA


    The present invention provides a process for producing reagents for a chemical reaction by introducing a fuel containing hydrocarbons into a flash distillation process wherein the fuel is separated into a first component having a lower average molecular weight and a second component having a higher average molecular weight. The first component is then reformed to produce synthesis gas wherein the synthesis gas is reacted catalytically to produce the desire reagent.

  11. Sorption-reagent treatment of brines produced by reverse osmosis unit for liquid radioactive waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avramenko, V. A.; Zheleznov, V. V.; Sergienko, V. I.; Chizhevsky, I. Yu


    The results of the pilot plant tests (2002-2003) of the sorption-reagent decontamination of high salinity radioactive waste (brines) remaining after the low-salinity liquid radioactive waste (LRW) treatment in the reverse-osmosis unit from long-lived radionuclides are presented. The sorption-reagent materials used in this work were developed in the Institute of Chemistry FEDRAS. They enable one to decontaminate brines with total salt content up to 50 g/l from long-lived radionuclides of Cs, Sr and Co. At joint application of the reverse-osmosis and sorption-reagent technologies total volume of solid radioactive waste (SRW) decreases up to 100-fold as compared to the technology of cementation of reverse osmosis brines. In this case total cost of LRW treatment and SRW disposal decreases more than 10-fold. Brines decontaminated from radionuclides are then diluted down to the ecologically safe total salts content in water to be disposed of. Tests were performed to compare the efficiency of technologies including evaporation of brines remaining after reverse osmosis process and their decontamination by means of the sorption-reagent method. It was shown that, as compared to evaporation, the sorption-reagent technology provides substantial advantages as in regard to radioactive waste total volume reduction as in view of total cost of the waste management

  12. 21 CFR 866.3390 - Neisseria spp. direct serological test reagents. (United States)


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3390... Neisseria spp. directly from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of disease caused...

  13. Peonías de Venezuela utilizadas en la confección de artesanías


    Rondón Rangel, José Armando


    Se presenta información sobre las especies vegetales que producen las semillas conocidas como Peonías o Pionías, caracterizadas por sus colores rojo, rojo y negro, con la cubierta o testa dura que permite sean utilizadas en la confección artesanal de adornos corporales ornamentales. Se encontraron 34 especies distribuidas en los géneros Abrus (1), Dussia (3), Erythrina (7), Ormosia (20) y Rynchosia (2) de la familia Fabaceae (Papilionaceae), y del género Adenanthera (1) de la familia Mimosace...

  14. Protein-Protein Interaction Reagents | Office of Cancer Genomics (United States)

    The CTD2 Center at Emory University has a library of genes used to study protein-protein interactions in mammalian cells. These genes are cloned in different mammalian expression vectors. A list of available cancer-associated genes can be accessed below. Emory_CTD^2_PPI_Reagents.xlsx Contact: Haian Fu

  15. [Thermodynamic forecasting of reagents composition for soils decontamination]. (United States)

    Nikolaev, V P; Nikolaevskiĭ, V B; Chirkina, I V; Shcheglov, M Iu


    Based on thermodynamic studies, the authors conducted laboratory experiments on searching optimal composition of leaching reagents solution for soils decontamination, when contaminated with Cs-137, of activity coefficient for caesium sulfate microquantities in macrocomponents solutions. The method could be used for modelling the radionuclides phase equillibrium and relocations in soils.

  16. Reagent strip testing is not sensitive for the screening of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women. (United States)

    Lumbiganon, Pisake; Chongsomchai, Chompilas; Chumworathayee, Bundit; Thinkhamrop, Jadsada


    The objective of the study was to assess the diagnostic performance of the reagent strip in screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women using urine culture as a gold standard. This study comprised 204 asymptomatic pregnant women who attended their first antenatal care at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University from April 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999. Women with symptoms of urinary tract infection, antibiotic treatment within the previous 7 days, pregnancy-induced hypertension, bleeding per vagina and history of urinary tract diseases were excluded. Urine specimens were collected by clean catched midstream urine technique for urinalysis, reagent strip test and urine culture. Diagnostic performance of reagent strip in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value was analyzed. Urine reagent strip test had a sensitivity of 13.9 per cent, a specificity of 95.6 per cent, a positive predictive value of 46.1 per cent, a negative predictive value of 80.6 per cent in detecting asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women.

  17. Evaluation of Questionnaire, Reagent Strip and Egg Count as ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A longitudinal study covering 55 months evaluated the three diagnostic tools used for confirmation of prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis among 1151 consented primary school pupils in 13 communities of Edo State, Nigeria. Questionnaire, reagent strip method and parasitological examination were employed.

  18. Manganese-Catalyzed Aerobic Heterocoupling of Aryl Grignard Reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghaleshahi, Hajar Golshahi; Antonacci, Giuseppe; Madsen, Robert


    An improved protocol has been developed for the MnCl2-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of two arylmagnesium bromides under dioxygen. The reaction was achieved by using the Grignard reagents in a 2:1 ratio and 20 % of MnCl2. Very good yields of the heterocoupling product were obtained when the li...

  19. Recyclable bio-reagent for rapid and selective extraction of contaminants from soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lomasney, H.L.


    This Phase I Small Business Innovation Research program is confirming the effectiveness of a bio-reagent to cost-effectively and selectively extract a wide range of heavy metals and radionuclide contaminants from soil. This bioreagent solution, developed by ISOTRON reg-sign Corporation (New Orleans, LA), is flushed through the soil and recycled after flowing through an electrokinetic separation module, also developed by ISOTRON reg-sign. The process is ex situ, and the soil remains in its transport container through the decontamination process. The transport container can be a fiberglass box, or a bulk bag or open-quotes super sack.close quotes Rocks, vegetation, roots, etc. need not be removed. High clay content soils are accommodated. The process provides rapid injection of reagent solution, and when needed, sand is introduced to speed up the heap leach step. The concentrated waste form is eventually solidified. The bio-reagent is essentially a natural product, therefore any solubizer residual in soil is not expected to cause regulatory concern. The Phase I work will confirm the effectiveness of this bio-reagent on a wide range of contaminants, and the engineering parameters that are needed to carry out a full-scale demonstration of the process. ISOTRON reg-sign scientists will work with contaminated soil from Los Alamos National Laboratory. LANL is in the process of decontaminating and decommissioning more than 300 sites within its complex, many of which contain heavy metals or radionuclides; some are mixed wastes containing TCE, PCB, and metals

  20. Recyclable bio-reagent for rapid and selective extraction of contaminants from soil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lomasney, H.L. [ISOTRON Corp., New Orleans, LA (United States)


    This Phase I Small Business Innovation Research program is confirming the effectiveness of a bio-reagent to cost-effectively and selectively extract a wide range of heavy metals and radionuclide contaminants from soil. This bioreagent solution, developed by ISOTRON{reg_sign} Corporation (New Orleans, LA), is flushed through the soil and recycled after flowing through an electrokinetic separation module, also developed by ISOTRON{reg_sign}. The process is ex situ, and the soil remains in its transport container through the decontamination process. The transport container can be a fiberglass box, or a bulk bag or {open_quotes}super sack.{close_quotes} Rocks, vegetation, roots, etc. need not be removed. High clay content soils are accommodated. The process provides rapid injection of reagent solution, and when needed, sand is introduced to speed up the heap leach step. The concentrated waste form is eventually solidified. The bio-reagent is essentially a natural product, therefore any solubizer residual in soil is not expected to cause regulatory concern. The Phase I work will confirm the effectiveness of this bio-reagent on a wide range of contaminants, and the engineering parameters that are needed to carry out a full-scale demonstration of the process. ISOTRON{reg_sign} scientists will work with contaminated soil from Los Alamos National Laboratory. LANL is in the process of decontaminating and decommissioning more than 300 sites within its complex, many of which contain heavy metals or radionuclides; some are mixed wastes containing TCE, PCB, and metals.

  1. Soluciones utilizadas en el tratamiento de la hipovolemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivian R. Mena miranda


    Full Text Available Se realizó una actualización sobre el uso de las sustancias más utilizadas en el reemplazo de volumen. Se plantea que la controversia entre el uso de cristaloides/coloides aún mantiene vigencia, aunque se trata de hallar la sustancia ideal que restablezca la volemia de forma adecuada, con el mínimo de reacciones adversas y costo. Dentro de los coloides se enfatizó en las desventajas del uso de la albúmina y su sustitución por otros expansores de volumen de tipo coloide, donde se encuentran las gelatinas y los almidones. Otro tipo de sustancias transportadoras de oxígeno están en fase de ensayo clínico, como son los fluorocarbonos y las hemoglobinas sintéticas, sin que se haya encontrado superioridad de tipo terapéutico.An updating on the most used substances in volume therapy is made. It is stated that the controversy aroused by the use of crystalloids/colloids is still standing, although efforts are made to find the ideal substance to reestablish volemia in an appropiate way with the minimum of adverse reactions and cost. As regards colloids, emphasis is made on the disadvantages of the use of albumin and its substitution by other colloid volume expanders, such as gelatins and starches. Other types of oxygen transporting substances as fluorocarbons and synthetic haemoglobins are under clinical assay. No therapeutic superiority has been found yet.

  2. Improved multiple displacement amplification (iMDA) and ultraclean reagents. (United States)

    Motley, S Timothy; Picuri, John M; Crowder, Chris D; Minich, Jeremiah J; Hofstadler, Steven A; Eshoo, Mark W


    Next-generation sequencing sample preparation requires nanogram to microgram quantities of DNA; however, many relevant samples are comprised of only a few cells. Genomic analysis of these samples requires a whole genome amplification method that is unbiased and free of exogenous DNA contamination. To address these challenges we have developed protocols for the production of DNA-free consumables including reagents and have improved upon multiple displacement amplification (iMDA). A specialized ethylene oxide treatment was developed that renders free DNA and DNA present within Gram positive bacterial cells undetectable by qPCR. To reduce DNA contamination in amplification reagents, a combination of ion exchange chromatography, filtration, and lot testing protocols were developed. Our multiple displacement amplification protocol employs a second strand-displacing DNA polymerase, improved buffers, improved reaction conditions and DNA free reagents. The iMDA protocol, when used in combination with DNA-free laboratory consumables and reagents, significantly improved efficiency and accuracy of amplification and sequencing of specimens with moderate to low levels of DNA. The sensitivity and specificity of sequencing of amplified DNA prepared using iMDA was compared to that of DNA obtained with two commercial whole genome amplification kits using 10 fg (~1-2 bacterial cells worth) of bacterial genomic DNA as a template. Analysis showed >99% of the iMDA reads mapped to the template organism whereas only 0.02% of the reads from the commercial kits mapped to the template. To assess the ability of iMDA to achieve balanced genomic coverage, a non-stochastic amount of bacterial genomic DNA (1 pg) was amplified and sequenced, and data obtained were compared to sequencing data obtained directly from genomic DNA. The iMDA DNA and genomic DNA sequencing had comparable coverage 99.98% of the reference genome at ≥1X coverage and 99.9% at ≥5X coverage while maintaining both balance

  3. [A stable reagent for the-single stage determination of inorganic phosphate]. (United States)

    Pupyshev, A B


    A recipe of a simple reagent for phosphorus detection has been developed, consisting of ammonium molybdate (4 mM), sulfuric acid (0.2 N), and Tween-80 (0.2%). The developing phosphate staining may be registered in 15 min at a wavelength of 350 nm. The product molar extinction is equal to 1.20.10(4), this being close to that of molybdic blue. Phosphate staining is characterized by the stability of results and insensitivity to the presence of a number of substances used in enzymology. The prepared reagent is fit for experiments within a fortnight if stored in the cold.

  4. The blocking reagent optimization for the magnetoelastic biosensor (United States)

    Hu, Jiajia; Chai, Yating; Horikawa, Shin; Wikle, Howard C.; Wang, Feng'en; Du, Songtao; Chin, Bryan A.; Hu, Jing


    The wireless phage-based magnetoelastic (ME) biosensor has proven to be promising for real-time detection of pathogenic bacteria on fresh produces. The ME biosensor consists of a freestanding ME resonator as the signal transducer and filamentous phage as the biomolecular-recognition element, which can specifically bind to a pathogen of interest. Due to the Joule magnetostriction effect, the biosensors can be placed into mechanical resonance when subjected to a time-varying magnetic field alternating at the sensor's resonant frequency. Upon the attachment of the target pathogen, the mass of the biosensor increases, thereby decreasing its resonant frequency. This paper presents an investigation of blocking reagents immobilization for detecting Salmonella Typhimurium on fresh food surfaces. Three different blocking reagents (BSA, SuperBlock blocking buffer, and blocker BLOTTO) were used and compared. The optical microscope was used for bacterial cells binding observation. Student t-test was used to statistically analysis the experiment results. The results shows that SuperBlock blocking buffer and blocker BLOTTO have much better blocking performance than usually used BSA.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe refletir sobre tutoria, alternativa educativa utilizada no ensino superior, que tem como objetivo potencializar a aprendizagem realizada em parceria entre os acadêmicos. Esta estratégia de ensino tem buscado estimular um trabalho planejado e desenvolvido pelos próprios universitários. Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre tutoria, a fim de compreender a origem e a importância desta atividade para o processo de ensino e a aprendizagem universitário e, a seguir uma pesquisa empírica, que teve como locus o trabalho desenvolvido no Programa de Educação Tutorial – PET, da Faculdade de Educação/FaE, da Universidade Federal de Pelotas/UFPel, com o objetivo de investigar como a prática da tutoria é realizada, uma vez que ela intenciona complementar a formação inicial e continuada.

  6. Aspectos histopatológicos do útero de ratas utilizadas como modelo experimental de endometrite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liriane Baratella-Evêncio


    Full Text Available Os progestágenos constituem-se em importantes reguladores da atividade funcional e estrutural do sistema reprodutor feminino. Em medicina veterinária a prescrição de drogas que atuam neste sistema, como o acetato de medroxiprogesterona, tem diversas finalidades, como servir de instrumento no manejo reprodutivo ou no controle farmacológico do ciclo estral, tratamento de patologias ou limitação e controle da fertilidade. Considerando-se sua importância e sua freqüente utilização, realizamos o presente trabalho que teve por objetivo, estudar a morfologia e morfometria do útero de ratas utilizadas como modelo experimental de endometrite. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizadas 36 ratas albinas da linhagem wistar, induzidas hormonalmente à endometrite através do tratamento com diferentes doses de acetato de medroxiprogesterona e divididas em 04 grupos: Grupo I (ratas não tratadas com acetato de medroxiprogesterona e avaliadas aos 10, 20 e 30 dias do experimento; Grupos II, III e IV (ratas tratadas com 0,75 mg, 1,5 mg e 4,5 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona respectivamente e, avaliadas aos 10, 20 e 30 dias do experimento. De acordo com nossos resultados podemos concluir que o endométrio dos grupos tratados apresentaram-se pouco desenvolvidos. Quanto ao número de glândulas endometriais observou-se uma maior quantidade no Grupo I (controle do que nos grupos II, III e IV (tratados. Estes resultados evidenciam que houve hipotrofia endometrial, metaplasia celular para o tipo cúbico e a formação de projeções papilares no útero de ratas.

  7. ETAC reagents: A new class of sulfhydryl site-specific radiolabelling probes for antibodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    del Rosario, R.B.; Brocchini, S.J.; Baron, L.A.; Smith, R.H.; Lawton, R.G.; Wahl, R.L.


    A new class of bis-alkylating Michael reagents, equilibrium transfer crosslink reagents, 'ETAC', which combine the techniques of crosslinking with tethering have been synthesized. Following a succession of Michael and retro-Michael additions and elimination of the arylsulfone groups, reduced heavy-heavy and heavy-light disulfide links of an anti-ovarian IgG2a monoclonal antibody, 5G6.4, were site-specifically re-annealed via a 3-carbon bridge having a tether branch containing a designated label

  8. Peptide bond-forming reagents HOAt and HATU are not mutagenic in the bacterial reverse mutation test. (United States)

    Nicolette, John; Neft, Robin E; Vanosdol, Jessica; Murray, Joel


    The peptide bond-forming reagents 1-hydroxy-7-azabenzotriazole (HOAt, CAS 39968-33-7) and O-(7-Azabenzotriazol-1-yl)-N,N,N',N'-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate (HATU, CAS 148893-10-1) either have structural alerts, unclassified features or are considered out of domain when evaluated for potential mutagenicity with in silico programs DEREK and CaseUltra. Since they are commonly used reagents in pharmaceutical drug syntheses, they may become drug substance or drug product impurities and would need to be either controlled to appropriately safe levels or tested for mutagenicity. Both reagents were tested in the bacterial reverse mutation (Ames) test at Covance, under GLP conditions, following the OECD test guideline and ICH S2(R1) recommendations and found to be negative. Our data show that HOAt and HATU-common pharmaceutical synthesis reagents-are not mutagenic, and can be treated as ordinary drug impurities. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Palladium-catalysed direct cross-coupling of secondary alkyllithium reagents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vila, Carlos; Giannerini, Massimo; Hornillos, Valentin; Fananas-Mastral, Martin; Feringa, Ben L.


    Palladium-catalysed cross-coupling of secondary C(sp(3)) organometallic reagents has been a long-standing challenge in organic synthesis, due to the problems associated with undesired isomerisation or the formation of reduction products. Based on our recently developed catalytic C-C bond formation

  10. SATL Based Lesson for Teaching Grignard Reagents in Synthetic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Synthesizing new products from raw materials has been very popular aspects of research in organic chemistry. Traditionally, Grignard reagent has been very vital component of such synthetic procedures. Hence learning of various issues concerning with applications of Grignard reactions in synthetic organic chemistry is ...

  11. Evaluation of Enoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase Inhibitors as Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum-Quenching Reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Liang; Liu, Yang; Sternberg, Claus


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen which is responsible for a wide range of infections. Production of virulence factors and biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa are partly regulated by cell-to-cell communication quorum-sensing systems. Identification of quorum-quenching reagents...... which block the quorum-sensing process can facilitate development of novel treatment strategies for P. aeruginosa infections. We have used molecular dynamics simulation and experimental studies to elucidate the efficiencies of two potential quorum-quenching reagents, triclosan and green tea...... epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which both function as inhibitors of the enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (ENR) from the bacterial type II fatty acid synthesis pathway. Our studies suggest that EGCG has a higher binding affinity towards ENR of P. aeruginosa and is an efficient quorum-quenching reagent...

  12. Exploring the Potential for Using Inexpensive Natural Reagents Extracted from Plants to Teach Chemical Analysis (United States)

    Hartwell, Supaporn Kradtap


    A number of scientific articles report on the use of natural extracts from plants as chemical reagents, where the main objective is to present the scientific applications of those natural plant extracts. The author suggests that natural reagents extracted from plants can be used as alternative low cost tools in teaching chemical analysis,…

  13. Reliability of Reagent Strips for Semi-quantitative Measurement of Glucosuria in a Neonatal Intensive Care Setting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jolita Bekhof


    Conclusion: The reliability of the semi-quantitative measurement of glucosuria in newborn infants using reagent strips is good, even under the conditions of a NICU. Changes in the rating of reagent strips of more than one category are most likely to be beyond measurement error.

  14. A highly efficient dual-diazonium reagent for protein crosslinking and construction of a virus-based gel. (United States)

    Ma, Dejun; Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Changyu; Men, Yuwen; Sun, Hongyan; Li, Lu-Yuan; Yi, Long; Xi, Zhen


    A new bench-stable reagent with double diazonium sites was designed and synthesized for protein crosslinking. Based on the highly efficient diazonium-Tyr coupling reaction, a direct mixture of the reagent and tobacco mosaic virus led to the formation of a new hydrogel, which could be degraded by chemicals and could be used to encapsulate small molecules for sustained release. Because plant viruses exhibit many chemical characteristics like protein labelling and nucleic acid packaging, the virus-based hydrogel will have large chemical space for further functionalization. Besides, this dual-diazonium reagent should be a generally useful crosslinker for chemical biology and biomaterials.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nursiah La Nafie


    Full Text Available Problem associated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs contaminated site in environmental media have received increasing attention. To resolve such problems, innovative in situ methods are urgently required. This work investigated the feasibility of using Fenton's Reagent to remediate PAHs in spiked soil. PAHs were spiked into soil to simulate contaminated soil. Fenton's Reagent (H2O2 + Fe2+ and surfactant were very efficient in destruction of PAHs including naphthalene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and benzo(apyrene from spiked soil. It was indicated by the fact that more than 96% of PAHs were degraded in the solution and the spiked soil.   Keywords: Environmental, Fenton's Reagent, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Spiked soil.

  16. Selenium and tellurium reagents in organic synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Comasseto, J.V.


    A review of the contribution of the University of Sao Paulo (SP, Brazil) to the organic synthesis of selenium and tellurium reagents is made. Major reactions amoung selenium compounds and insaturated substrates, phosphorus, ester enolates as well as the use of phase transference catalysed reactions to produce arylselenolate are described. For tellurium, interactions of its compounds with organic substrates and reactive intermediates (e.g. benzino diazomethane) are reported. (C.L.B.) [pt

  17. The hydrogen sulfide donor, Lawesson's reagent, prevents alendronate-induced gastric damage in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicolau, L.A.D.; Silva, R.O.; Damasceno, S.R.B.; Carvalho, N.S.; Costa, N.R.D.; Aragão, K.S.; Barbosa, A.L.R.; Soares, P.M.G.; Souza, M.H.L.P.; Medeiros, J.V.R.


    Our objective was to investigate the protective effect of Lawesson's reagent, an H 2 S donor, against alendronate (ALD)-induced gastric damage in rats. Rats were pretreated with saline or Lawesson's reagent (3, 9, or 27 µmol/kg, po) once daily for 4 days. After 30 min, gastric damage was induced by ALD (30 mg/kg) administration by gavage. On the last day of treatment, the animals were killed 4 h after ALD administration. Gastric lesions were measured using a computer planimetry program, and gastric corpus pieces were assayed for malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), proinflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1β], and myeloperoxidase (MPO). Other groups were pretreated with glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, ip) or with glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, ip)+diazoxide (3 mg/kg, ip). After 1 h, 27 µmol/kg Lawesson's reagent was administered. After 30 min, 30 mg/kg ALD was administered. ALD caused gastric damage (63.35±9.8 mm 2 ); increased levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, and MDA (2311±302.3 pg/mL, 901.9±106.2 pg/mL, 121.1±4.3 nmol/g, respectively); increased MPO activity (26.1±3.8 U/mg); and reduced GSH levels (180.3±21.9 µg/g). ALD also increased cystathionine-γ-lyase immunoreactivity in the gastric mucosa. Pretreatment with Lawesson's reagent (27 µmol/kg) attenuated ALD-mediated gastric damage (15.77±5.3 mm 2 ); reduced TNF-α, IL-1β, and MDA formation (1502±150.2 pg/mL, 632.3±43.4 pg/mL, 78.4±7.6 nmol/g, respectively); lowered MPO activity (11.7±2.8 U/mg); and increased the level of GSH in the gastric tissue (397.9±40.2 µg/g). Glibenclamide alone reversed the gastric protective effect of Lawesson's reagent. However, glibenclamide plus diazoxide did not alter the effects of Lawesson's reagent. Our results suggest that Lawesson's reagent plays a protective role against ALD-induced gastric damage through mechanisms that depend at least in part on activation of ATP-sensitive potassium (K ATP ) channels

  18. Functions of chalcogenide electrodes in solutions of complexing reagents and interfering ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiyanskij, V.V.


    The possibility to modify chalcogenide electrodes and their behaviour in solutions of complexing reagents for the development of new methods of potentiometric titration has been studied. It is shown that complexing reagents (EDTA, cupferron, 8-hydroxyquinoline, sodium dithiocarbaminate) and Cu(2), Hg(2) produce a strong effect on the functions of Ag, Cu, Cd, Pb - selective electrodes, which is used for titration of potential-determining and non-potential-determining ions ions (Sr 2+ , La 3+ etc.) and also for modification of sulfide-selecting electrode. A method of potentiometric titration of sulfates and chlorides with modified Cd- and Ag-selective electrodes is suggested

  19. Oxytetracycline as a new analytical reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of boron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narayana, G L


    Oxytetracycline hydrochloride, Terramycin, is introduced as a new reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of trace quantities of boron in concentrated sulphuric acid medium. The reagent has an absorption maximum at 430 nm, and that of the boron complex at 520 nm. The colored system conformed to Beer's law between 2 and 10 of boron at 520 nm. The molar absorptivity calculated on the basis of boron is 10,800 1 mol/sup -1/ cm/sup -1/. The composition of the complex has been shown to be 1:1 both by the slope ratio and molar ratio methods. 16 references.

  20. Oxytetracycline as a new analytical reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of boron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayana, G.L.


    Oxytetracycline hydrochloride, Terramycin, is introduced as a new reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of trace quantities of boron in concentrated sulphuric acid medium. The reagent has an absorption maximum at 430 nm, and that of the boron complex at 520 nm. The coloured system conformed to Beer's law between 2 and 10 μg of boron at 520 nm. The molar absorptivity calculated on the basis of boron is 10,800 1 mol -1 cm -1 . The composition of the complex has been shown to be 1:1 both by the slope ratio and molar ratio methods. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warsito Warsito


    Full Text Available In an integrated controlling system of palm weevil, using of synthetic feromoid is strickly needed. The research is aimed to synthesize pheromone which secreted by the weevil, e.g. 4-methyl-5-nonanol (R. ferrugineus and 3-methyl-4-octanol (R. schach through Grignard reagent which formed in situ. The synthesis was proceded by retrosynthesis to determine the precursor, valeraldehyde. The precursor was reacted with Grignard reagent of sec-amyl magnesium bromide (R. ferrugenieus and sec-butyl magnesium bromide (R. shach which made in situ. Characterization of the synthetic molecular pheromone was performed by Gas Chromatography-mass spectroscopy and Fourier Transformed Infra Red. The bioassay of the molecule was carried out by olfactometer. The result showed that the conversion of the reactions were 51.28% (4-methyl-5-nonanol and 85.90% (3-methyl-4-octanol. The character of physico-chemical and bioactivity of the synthetic pheromone are identic with natural pheromones.   Keywords: palm weevil, pheromone, grignard reagent

  2. Inactivation and stability of viral diagnostic reagents treated by gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    White, L.A.; Freeman, C.Y.; Hall, H.E.; Forrester, B.D.


    The objective of this study was to apply the pertinent findings from gamma inactivation of virus infectivity to the production of high quality diagnostic reagents. A Gammacell 220 was used to subject 38 viruses grown in either susceptible tissue cultures or embryonated chicken eggs to various doses of gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 source. The radiation required to reduce viral infectivity was 0.42 to 3.7 megarads (Mrad). The effect of gamma treatment on the antigenic reactivity of reagents for the complement fixation (CF), hemagglutination (HA) and neuraminadase assays was determined. Influenza antigens inactivated with 1.7 Mrad displayed comparable potency, sensitivity, specificity and stability to those inactivated by standard procedures with beta-propiolactone (BPL). Significant inactivation of influenza N1 and B neuraminidase occurred with >2.4 Mrad radiation at temperatures above 4 0 C. All 38 viruses were inactivated, and CF or HA antigens were prepared successfully. Antigenic potency remained stable with all antigens for 3 years and with 83% after 5 years storage. Influenza HA antigens evaluated after 9 years of storage demonstrated 86% stability. Gamma radiation is safer than chemical inactivation procedures and is a reliable and effective replacement for BPL in preparing diagnostic reagents. (author)

  3. Inactivation and stability of viral diagnostic reagents treated by gamma radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    White, L A; Freeman, C Y; Hall, H E; Forrester, B D [Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA (USA)


    The objective of this study was to apply the pertinent findings from gamma inactivation of virus infectivity to the production of high quality diagnostic reagents. A Gammacell 220 was used to subject 38 viruses grown in either susceptible tissue cultures or embryonated chicken eggs to various doses of gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 source. The radiation required to reduce viral infectivity was 0.42 to 3.7 megarads (Mrad). The effect of gamma treatment on the antigenic reactivity of reagents for the complement fixation (CF), hemagglutination (HA) and neuraminadase assays was determined. Influenza antigens inactivated with 1.7 Mrad displayed comparable potency, sensitivity, specificity and stability to those inactivated by standard procedures with beta-propiolactone (BPL). Significant inactivation of influenza N1 and B neuraminidase occurred with >2.4 Mrad radiation at temperatures above 4{sup 0}C. All 38 viruses were inactivated, and CF or HA antigens were prepared successfully. Antigenic potency remained stable with all antigens for 3 years and with 83% after 5 years storage. Influenza HA antigens evaluated after 9 years of storage demonstrated 86% stability. Gamma radiation is safer than chemical inactivation procedures and is a reliable and effective replacement for BPL in preparing diagnostic reagents. (author).

  4. The behavior of thiourea and flotation reagents in zinc electrowinning circuits (United States)

    MacKinnon, D. J.; Dutrizac, J. E.; Brannen, J. M.; Hardy, D. J.


    The effect of thiourea and flotation reagents on the electrowinning of zinc from industrial electrolytes was studied, and all the compounds were found to reduce the zinc deposition current efficiency and to change the properties of the zinc deposits. The effectiveness of activated carbon, two-stage cementation, and hot acid leaching on the destruction/removal of the organic compounds also was addressed. Activated carbon pretreatment of thiourea-containing electrolytes restored the current efficiency for 1-hour zinc deposits to values comparable to those obtained for thiourea-free electrolytes. The activated carbon pretreatment, however, altered the deposit morphology and orientation, but produced a cyclic voltammogram similar to that of the thiourea-free solution. Two-stage cementation did not counteract the harmful effects of thiourea. Hot acid leaching destroyed the thiourea but generated large concentrations of ferrous ion that reduced the current efficiency. The ferrous concentrations, however, were readily controlled by KMnO4 or MnO2 oxidation. None of the treatment options (activated carbon, two-stage cementation, or hot acid leaching) was effective in controlling the flotation reagents, and their moderately harmful effect on zinc electrowinning persisted. Even low concentrations of these reagents polarized zinc deposition, and this resulted in a “glue-type” zinc deposit.

  5. Extraction of uranium(6), transuranium elements and europium by bidentate neutral phosphorus- and phosphorus-nitrogen-containing reagents with substituent in methylene bridge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kochetkova, N.E.; Kojro, O.Eh.; Nesterova, N.P.; Medved', T.Ya.; Chmutova, M.K.; Myasoedov, B.F.; Kabachnik, M.I.


    The influence of substituents in methylene bridge on solubility, extractivity and selectivity of bidentate neutral phosphorus- and phosphorus-nitrogen-containing reagents in the process of U(6), TUE, Eu extraction has been studied. It is ascertained that hydrogen substitution in the bridge of tetraphenylmethylenediphosphine dioxide (1) causes a decrease in the extractivity of reagent as to TPE, uranium (6) and europium. There is no visible regular relation between basicity and extractivity of substituted reagents. Hydrogen substitution in the bridge of diphenyl[diethylcarbamoylmethyl]phosphine oxide (2) causes a decrease in extractivity of the reagent as to TPE, uranium (6) and europium. In contrast to monodentate neutral reagents, when bidentate neutral reagents are used, sometimes no increase in the reagent extractivity with an increase in its basicity is observed. When fragments restricting the conformation mobility of bidentate reagent molecule are introduced in it (here substituents in methylene bridge), it may result in the violation of the regularity, since of all the factors affecting the reagent extractivity the spatial factor may become the prevailing one. On hydrogen substitution in the bridge of 1 separation factors of practically all (with few exceptions) studied pairs of elements increase. Hydrogen substitution in the bridge of 2 causes an increase in separation factor of U (6) /Am pair and it does not affect the separation factor of Am/Eu pair. Hydrogen substitution in the bridge of 1 and 2 does not result in the preparation of more efficient and considerably more selective reagents for extractive isolation and separation of the elements, but some of the substituted reagents (Cl-substituted 1, for instance) may turn out useful for the element separation

  6. Reaction of lupane and oleanane triterpenoids with Lawesson's reagent

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kvasnica, Miroslav; Rudovská, I.; Císařová, I.; Šarek, J.


    Roč. 64, č. 17 (2008), s. 3736-3743 ISSN 0040-4020 Grant - others:GA ČR(CZ) GP203/05/P025 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40550506 Keywords : terpenoids * Lawesson's reagent * ketones * sulfur Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.897, year: 2008

  7. Systematic Evaluation of Protein Reduction and Alkylation Reveals Massive Unspecific Side Effects by Iodine-containing Reagents. (United States)

    Müller, Torsten; Winter, Dominic


    Reduction and alkylation of cysteine residues is part of virtually any proteomics workflow. Despite its frequent use, up to date no systematic investigation of the impact of different conditions on the outcome of proteomics studies has been performed. In this study, we compared common reduction reagents (dithiothreitol, tris-(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphine, and β-mercaptoethanol) and alkylation reagents (iodoacetamide, iodoacetic acid, acrylamide, and chloroacetamide). Using in-gel digests as well as SAX fractionated in-solution digests of cytosolic fractions of HeLa cells, we evaluated 13 different reduction and alkylation conditions resulting in considerably varying identification rates. We observed strong differences in offsite alkylation reactions at 7 amino acids as well as at the peptide N terminus, identifying single and double adducts of all reagents. Using dimethyl labeling, mass tolerant searches, and synthetic peptide experiments, we identified alkylation of methionine residues by iodine-containing alkylation reagents as one of the major factors for the differences. We observed differences of more than 9-fold in numbers of identified methionine-containing peptide spectral matches for in-gel digested samples between iodine- and noniodine-containing alkylation reagents. This was because of formation of carbamidomethylated and carboxymethylated methionine side chains and a resulting prominent neutral loss during ESI ionization or in MS/MS fragmentation, strongly decreasing identification rates of methionine-containing peptides. We achieved best results with acrylamide as alkylation reagent, whereas the highest numbers of peptide spectral matches were obtained when reducing with dithiothreitol and β-mercaptoethanol for the in-solution and the in-gel digested samples, respectively. © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  8. Identification of mimotopes of Mycobacterium leprae as potential diagnostic reagents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alban Silvana M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background An early diagnostic test for detecting infection in leprosy is fundamental for reducing patients’ sequelae. The currently used lepromin is not adequate for disease diagnosis and, so far, no antigen to be used in intradermoreaction has proved to be sensitive and specific for that purpose. Aiming at identifying new reagents to be used in skin tests, candidate antigens were investigated. Methods Random peptide phage display libraries were screened by using antibodies from leprosy patients in order to identify peptides as diagnostic reagents. Results Seven different phage clones were identified using purified antibodies pooled from sera of leprosy patients. When the clones were tested with serum samples by ELISA, three of them, 5A, 6A and 1B, allowed detecting a larger number of leprosy patients when compared to controls. The corresponding peptides expressed by selected phage clones were chemically synthesized. A pilot study was undertaken to assess the use of peptides in skin tests. The intradermal challenge with peptides in animals previously sensitized with Mycobacterium leprae induced a delayed-type hypersensitivity with peptide 5A (2/5 and peptide 1B (1/5. In positive controls, there was a 3/5 reactivity for lepromin and a 4/5 reactivity of the sensitized animals with soluble extract of M. leprae. Conclusions The preliminary data suggest that may be possible to develop reagents with diagnostic potential based on peptide mimotopes selected by phage display using polyclonal human antibodies.

  9. Labelling of HBV-DNA probe using reagent made in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Quanshi


    The labelling hepatitis Bvirus DNA (HBV-DNA) probe was studied by using reagent made in China. The results showed that: (1) The dNTPs with high specific activity was necessary for the labelling of nigh specific activity HBV-DNA probe; (2) reaction of labelling HBV-DNA probe was completed in a few minutes; (3) 0.37 MBq 3 H dTTP (specific activity 1.554TBq/mmol) was enough to label 1 μg HBV-DNA and the specific activity of probe reached 3.4 x 10 cpm/μg; (4) 7 MBqα- 32 P dATP (specific activity > 111 TBq/mmol) can label HBV-DNA probe to specific activity 1.35 x 10 cpm/μg. It was concluded that the reagent made in China can be used for the study in molecular biology

  10. Radiation chemical technology of industrial polymer reagents development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudaibergenov, S.; Nurkeeva, Z.; Mun, G.; Sigitov, V.; Maltzeva, R.; Petukhov, V.; Tchekushin, A.


    The goal of this project is to develop the technology of producing of polymeric reagents from the raw materials of Kazakstan for application in medicine, agriculture, enhanced oil recovery and ecology. To achieve the objectives the next technological lines or operations (Blocks) should be realized: 1. Rectification column and distilling apparatus for purification of monomers and solvents including analytical equipment to control the quality of the final product; 2. Irradiation of reaction mixture by either gamma-irradiation source Co-60; 3. Purification of polymer reagents; 4. Producing of commercial products. It is supposed that the power irradiation devices for producing of hydrogels will be mounted on the research atomic reactor of the Almaty Branch of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the National Nuclear Center. There are high qualification personal which has much experience in radioactive materials operating. Irradiation technologies will provide the low cost of hydrogels, approximately 250-300 US$ per 1 ton. Expected results. One can expect that the realization of this project allows to produce hydrogels in industrial scale to cover partly the requirements of medicine, agriculture, oil industry and ecology

  11. Bio-sample detection on paper-based devices with inkjet printer-sprayed reagents. (United States)

    Liang, Wun-Hong; Chu, Chien-Hung; Yang, Ruey-Jen


    The reagent required for bio-sample detection on paper-based analytical devices is generally introduced manually using a pipette. Such an approach is time-consuming; particularly if a large number of devices are required. Automated methods provide a far more convenient solution for large-scale production, but incur a substantial cost. Accordingly, the present study proposes a low-cost method for the paper-based analytical devices in which the biochemical reagents are sprayed onto the device directly using a modified commercial inkjet printer. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by performing aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) tests using simple two-dimensional (2D) paper-based devices. In both cases, the reaction process is analyzed using an image-processing-based colorimetric method. The experimental results show that for AST detection within the 0-105 U/l concentration range, the optimal observation time is around four minutes, while for ALT detection in the 0-125 U/l concentration range, the optimal observation time is approximately one minute. Finally, for both samples, the detection performance of the sprayed-reagent analytical devices is insensitive to the glucose concentration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Specific Reagent for Cr(III): Imaging Cellular Uptake of Cr(III) in Hct116 Cells and Theoretical Rationalization. (United States)

    Ali, Firoj; Saha, Sukdeb; Maity, Arunava; Taye, Nandaraj; Si, Mrinal Kanti; Suresh, E; Ganguly, Bishwajit; Chattopadhyay, Samit; Das, Amitava


    A new rhodamine-based reagent (L1), trapped inside the micellar structure of biologically benign Triton-X 100, could be used for specific recognition of Cr(III) in aqueous buffer medium having physiological pH. This visible light excitable reagent on selective binding to Cr(III) resulted in a strong fluorescence turn-on response with a maximum at ∼583 nm and tail of that luminescence band extended until 650 nm, an optical response that is desired for avoiding the cellular autofluorescence. Interference studies confirm that other metal ions do not interfere with the detection process of Cr(III) in aqueous buffer medium having pH 7.2. To examine the nature of binding of Cr(III) to L1, various spectroscopic studies are performed with the model reagent L2, which tend to support Cr(III)-η(2)-olefin π-interactions involving two olefin bonds in molecular probe L1. Computational studies are also performed with another model reagent LM to examine the possibility of such Cr(III)-η(2)-olefin π-interactions. Presumably, polar functional groups of the model reagent LM upon coordination to the Cr(III) center effectively reduce the formal charge on the metal ion and this is further substantiated by results of the theoretical studies. This assembly is found to be cell membrane permeable and shows insignificant toxicity toward live colon cancer cells (Hct116). Confocal laser scanning microscopic studies further revealed that the reagent L1 could be used as an imaging reagent for detection of cellular uptake of Cr(III) in pure aqueous buffer medium by Hct116 cells. Examples of a specific reagent for paramagnetic Cr(III) with luminescence ON response are scanty in the contemporary literature. This ligand design helped us in achieving the turn on response by utilizing the conversion from spirolactam to an acyclic xanthene form on coordination to Cr(III).

  13. Determination оf Optimum Constructive Parameters for Circulating-Reagent Regeneration Sector Apparatus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. M. Sheiko


    Full Text Available On the basis of equation analysis for velocity distribution in near filter mudded zone optimal constructional parameters of sector apparatus for circulating-reagent well filter regeneration have been evaluated via angle ratio of forcing and section sectors and number of sectors. The method for determination of sector apparatus length of а selected pump that provides dissolution of mud formation in filter and near filter zone is proposed in the paper. The obtained data would promote upgrading of circulating-reagent water well regeneration technology and it permits to carry out high quality and even rehabilitation of pore space penetration along the full well filter length.

  14. Synthesis and characterization of zwitterionic carbon dioxide fixing reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Mette; Jørgensen, Mikkel; Krebs, Frederik C


    with 13CO2 labeling and medium pressure NMR. The experiments showed that two of the three reagents were able to form carbamates and thus bind CO2. In addition we investigated this particular class of molecules for the possible formation of neutrally charged spiro compounds and we show that these did...

  15. The hydrogen sulfide donor, Lawesson's reagent, prevents alendronate-induced gastric damage in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nicolau, L.A.D. [Núcleo de Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais, Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI (Brazil); Silva, R.O.; Damasceno, S.R.B.; Carvalho, N.S.; Costa, N.R.D. [Laboratório de Fisiofarmacologia Experimental, Centro de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Parnaíba, PI (Brazil); Aragão, K.S. [Laboratório de Farmacologia da Inflamação e do Câncer, Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE (Brazil); Barbosa, A.L.R. [Núcleo de Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais, Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI (Brazil); Laboratório de Fisiofarmacologia Experimental, Centro de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Parnaíba, PI (Brazil); Soares, P.M.G.; Souza, M.H.L.P. [Laboratório de Farmacologia da Inflamação e do Câncer, Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE (Brazil); Medeiros, J.V.R. [Núcleo de Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais, Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI (Brazil); Laboratório de Fisiofarmacologia Experimental, Centro de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Parnaíba, PI (Brazil)


    Our objective was to investigate the protective effect of Lawesson's reagent, an H{sub 2}S donor, against alendronate (ALD)-induced gastric damage in rats. Rats were pretreated with saline or Lawesson's reagent (3, 9, or 27 µmol/kg, po) once daily for 4 days. After 30 min, gastric damage was induced by ALD (30 mg/kg) administration by gavage. On the last day of treatment, the animals were killed 4 h after ALD administration. Gastric lesions were measured using a computer planimetry program, and gastric corpus pieces were assayed for malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), proinflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1β], and myeloperoxidase (MPO). Other groups were pretreated with glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, ip) or with glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, ip)+diazoxide (3 mg/kg, ip). After 1 h, 27 µmol/kg Lawesson's reagent was administered. After 30 min, 30 mg/kg ALD was administered. ALD caused gastric damage (63.35±9.8 mm{sup 2}); increased levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, and MDA (2311±302.3 pg/mL, 901.9±106.2 pg/mL, 121.1±4.3 nmol/g, respectively); increased MPO activity (26.1±3.8 U/mg); and reduced GSH levels (180.3±21.9 µg/g). ALD also increased cystathionine-γ-lyase immunoreactivity in the gastric mucosa. Pretreatment with Lawesson's reagent (27 µmol/kg) attenuated ALD-mediated gastric damage (15.77±5.3 mm{sup 2}); reduced TNF-α, IL-1β, and MDA formation (1502±150.2 pg/mL, 632.3±43.4 pg/mL, 78.4±7.6 nmol/g, respectively); lowered MPO activity (11.7±2.8 U/mg); and increased the level of GSH in the gastric tissue (397.9±40.2 µg/g). Glibenclamide alone reversed the gastric protective effect of Lawesson's reagent. However, glibenclamide plus diazoxide did not alter the effects of Lawesson's reagent. Our results suggest that Lawesson's reagent plays a protective role against ALD-induced gastric damage through mechanisms that depend at least in part on activation of ATP-sensitive potassium (K

  16. Novel Safranin-Tinted Candida rugosa Lipase Nanoconjugates Reagent for Visualizing Latent Fingerprints on Stainless Steel Knives Immersed in a Natural Outdoor Pond

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aida Rasyidah Azman


    Full Text Available Waterways are popular locations for the disposition of criminal evidence because the recovery of latent fingerprints from such evidence is difficult. Currently, small particle reagent is a method often used to visualize latent fingerprints containing carcinogenic and hazardous compounds. This study proposes an eco-friendly, safranin-tinted Candida rugosa lipase (triacylglycerol ester hydrolysis EC with functionalized carbon nanotubes (CRL-MWCNTS/GA/SAF as an alternative reagent to the small particle reagent. The CRL-MWCNTS/GA/SAF reagent was compared with the small particle reagent to visualize groomed, full fingerprints deposited on stainless steel knives which were immersed in a natural outdoor pond for 30 days. The quality of visualized fingerprints using the new reagent was similar (modified-Centre for Applied Science and Technology grade: 4; p > 0.05 to small particle reagent, even after 15 days of immersion. Despite the slight decrease in quality of visualized fingerprints using the CRL-MWCNTS/GA/SAF on the last three immersion periods, the fingerprints remained forensically identifiable (modified-Centre for Applied Science and Technology grade: 3. The possible chemical interactions that enabled successful visualization is also discussed. Thus, this novel reagent may provide a relatively greener alternative for the visualization of latent fingerprints on immersed non-porous objects.

  17. Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis Using Benign Reaction Medium and Reagents (United States)

    Account of chemical reactions expedited by microwave (MW) exposure of neat reactants for the rapid one-pot assembly of heterocyclic compounds from in situ generated reactive intermediates via enamines or using hypervalent iodine reagents will be described that can be adapted for ...


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    Adriana Barbosa SANTOS


    Full Text Available

    Os testes afetivos têm sido um recurso eficiente em vários contextos da análise sensorial. A escolha da escala de mensuração a ser utilizada nestes testes é um aspecto fundamental que vem sendo pouco discutido na literatura nos últimos anos. Este artigo apresenta uma avaliação da precisão das escalas Likert e Stapel frente às usuais Hedônica e Magnitude, utilizadas na mensuração de atributos sensoriais. Dois experimentos foram realizados, um com produto doce (doce de leite em pasta e outro com produto salgado (salgadinho sabor bacon. Aparência, aroma, sabor e textura foram os atributos avaliados por estudantes universitários. Para avaliar a precisão das escalas de mensuração foram adotadas duas abordagens: uma com base em estatísticas de dispersão; e outra examinando dados relativos à opinião dos provadores sobre qual escala eles consideram mais precisa para expressar sua percepção sensorial. Os resultados fornecem evidências de que a influência do atributo e do tipo de produto sobre a precisão das escalas em testes de aceitação não é signifi cante. Mais especifi camente, os resultados sugerem que a escala alternativa Likert apresenta precisão comparável à escala de Magnitude; fato que sugere sua recomendação em testes afetivos com provadores não treinados. A escala Hedônica aparece como a preferida na opinião dos provadores.

  19. Application of cyclic phosphonamide reagents in the total synthesis of natural products and biologically active molecules

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thilo Focken


    Full Text Available A review of the synthesis of natural products and bioactive compounds adopting phosphonamide anion technology is presented highlighting the utility of phosphonamide reagents in stereocontrolled bond-forming reactions. Methodologies utilizing phosphonamide anions in asymmetric alkylations, Michael additions, olefinations, and cyclopropanations will be summarized, as well as an overview of the synthesis of the employed phosphonamide reagents.

  20. Total Synthesis of Natural Products Using Hypervalent Iodine Reagents

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    Gaetan eMaertens


    Full Text Available We present a review of natural product syntheses accomplished in our laboratory during the last five years. Each synthetic route features a phenol dearomatization promoted by an environmentally benign hypervalent iodine reagent. The dearomatizations demonstrate the aromatic ring umpolung concept, and involve stereoselective remodeling of the inert unsaturations of a phenol into a highly functionalized key intermediate that may contain a quaternary carbon center and a prochiral dienone system. Several new oxidative strategies were employed, including transpositions (1,3-alkyl shift and Prins-pinacol, a polycyclization, an ipso rearrangement, and direct nucleophilic additions at the phenol para position. Several alkaloids, heterocyclic compounds, and a polycyclic core have been achieved, including sceletenone (a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, acetylaspidoalbidine (an antitumor agent, fortucine (antiviral and antitumor, erysotramidine (curare-like effect, platensimycin (an antibiotic, and the main core of a kaurane diterpene (immunosuppressive agent and stimulator of apoptosis. These concise and in some cases enantioselective syntheses effectively demonstrate the importance of hypervalent iodine reagents in the total synthesis of bioactive natural products.

  1. Evaluation of a portable urinary pH meter and reagent strips. (United States)

    De Coninck, Vincent; Keller, Etienne Xavier; Rodríguez-Monsalve, María; Haymann, Jean-Philippe; Doizi, Steeve; Traxer, Olivier


    To evaluate a portable electronic pH meter and to put its accuracy in perspective with reagent strips read by a layperson, a healthcare professional and an electronic reading device. Based on a pre-analysis on 20 patients, a sample size of 77 urine aliquots from healthy volunteers was necessary to obtain sufficient study power. Measurements of urinary pH were obtained by use of reagent strips, a portable pH meter and a laboratory pH meter (gold standard). Reagents strips were read by a professional experienced in interpreting strips, a layperson, and an electronic strip reader. The mean matched pair difference between measurement methods was analyzed by the paired t-test. The degree of correlation and agreement were evaluated by the Pearson's correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman plots, respectively. The mean matched pair difference between the gold standard and all other pH measurement methods was the smallest with the portable electronic pH meter (bias 0.01, 95% CI -0.07 to 0.08; p=0.89), followed by strips read by a professional (bias -0.09, 95% CI -0.21 to 0.02; p=0.10), layperson (bias -0.17, 95% CI -0.31 to -0.04; p=0.015) and electronic strip reader (bias -0.29, 95% CI -0.41 to -0.16; pmeter achieved the highest Pearson's correlation coefficient and narrowest 95% limits of agreement, followed by strip interpretation by a professional, the electronic strip reader and the layperson. In order to quantify the ability of pH measurement methods to correctly classify values within a predefined urinary pH target range, we performed classification tests for several stones. The portable electronic pH meter outperformed all other measurement methods for negative predictive values. Findings of the current study support that the portable electronic pH meter is a reliable pH measuring device. It seems to be more accurate compared to reagent strips readings.

  2. satl based lesson for teaching grignard reagents in synthetic organic

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Traditionally, Grignard reagent has been very vital component of such synthetic ... knowledge, the systemic methodology of teaching and learning is the key point. Chemistry is ... chosen in particular to enlighten the students about effectiveness of systemic approach to .... Lectures through Systemic Approach to Teaching and.

  3. Rapid diagnosis of schistosomiasis in Yemen using a simple questionnaire and urine reagent strips. (United States)

    Bassiouny, H K; Hasab, A A; El-Nimr, N A; Al-Shibani, L A; Al-Waleedi, A A


    Schistosomiasis ranks second to malaria in terms of socioeconomic and public health importance in Yemen. This study assessed the validity of a morbidity questionnaire and urine reagent strips as a rapid tool for screening schoolchildren for urinary schistosomiasis as compared with the presence of eggs in urine as the gold-standard parasitological diagnosis. The study examined urine samples and interviewed 696 children (mean age 12.5 years) attending a primary-preparatory school in south Yemen. Urinary schistosomiasis was confirmed in 126 (18.1%) children. Diagnostic performance was poor for 2 items in the morbidity questionnaire (self-reported history of previous infection and self-reported history of antischistosomal treatment). However, self-reported dysuria, self-reported haematuria in the questionnaire and microhaematuria by reagent strips (alone or with macrohaematuria) revealed good diagnostic performance. The results indicated that reagent strips are a valid method for detection of microhaematuria for identifying individuals and communities infected with Schistosoma haematobium.

  4. The development of a neutralizing amines based reagent for maintaining the water chemistry for medium and high pressures steam boilers (United States)

    Butakova, M. V.; Orlov, K. A.; Guseva, O. V.


    An overview of the development for neutralizing amine based reagent for water chemistry of steam boilers for medium and high pressures was given. Total values of the neutralization constants and the distribution coefficients of the compositions selected as a main criteria for reagent composition. Experimental results of using this new reagent for water chemistry in HRSG of power plant in oil-production company are discussed.

  5. A three-layer immunoradiometric assay for determination of IgG subclass antibodies in Human Sera (''IgG subclass RAST'')

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Djurup, R.; Soendergaard, I.; Weeke, B.; University of Copenhagen, Denmark); Magnusson, C.G.M.


    We report the development of a three-layer immunoradiometric assay (TIRA) for measurement of IgG antibodies of all four subclasses in human sera. The first layer consists of diluted human serum, the second layer is monoclonal mouse antibodies to human IgG subclasses, and the third layer is 125 I-labelled rabbit anti-mouse IgG. Monoclonal anti-IgGI, anti-IgG3 and anti-IgG4 reacted only with their complementary IgG subclass, whereas the anti-IgG2 showed slight cross-reactivity to immunoglobins of other subclasses and classes and to light chain proteins. The observed cross-reactivity was found to be without importance, when the TIRA was applied to measurement of IgG subclass antibodies. Equipotency was established by use of appropriate dilutions of the monoclonal antibodies, and the assay was calibrated by use of human reference serum. The TIRA therefore permits reliable inter-individual and intra-individual comparisons of the IgG antibody response in all four subclasses. Non-specific binding obtained with pooled normal human serum was below 0.33%. Inter-assay coefficient of variation was between 18 and 27%. The TIRA was applied to measurement of IgG subclass antibodies to timothy grass pollen in sera from grass pollen allergies undergoing immunotherapy. (author)

  6. Análisis y clasificación de las tipografías utilizadas por marcas de lujo


    Úbeda Mora, Alicia


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las tipografías utilizadas por las marcas en sus identidades corporativas, más concretamente, de aquellas pertenecientes al sector de la moda de lujo tradicional, incluyendo en este rango las dedicadas a la comercialización de ropa, relojes, joyería, zapatos y complementos. Para ello se han analizado un total de setenta y dos marcas pertenecientes a dicho sector, escogidas en base al estudio Digital IQ Index: Luxury 2010, elaborado por el Doctor en Mark...

  7. Influence of reagents mixture density on the radiation-thermal synthesis of lithium-zinc ferrites (United States)

    Surzhikov, A. P.; Lysenko, E. N.; Vlasov, V. A.; Malyshev, A. V.; Korobeynikov, M. V.; Mikhailenko, M. A.


    Influence of Li2CO3-ZnO-Fe2O3 powder reagents mixture density on the synthesis efficiency of lithium-zinc ferrites in the conditions of thermal heating or pulsed electron beam heating was studied by X-Ray diffraction and magnetization analysis. The results showed that the including a compaction of powder reagents mixture in ferrite synthesis leads to an increase in concentration of the spinel phase and decrease in initial components content in lithium-substituted ferrites synthesized by thermal or radiation-thermal heating.

  8. A New Achiral Linker Reagent for the Incorporation of Multiple Amino Groups Into Oligonucleotides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present invention relates to a new functionalized achiral linker reagent for incorporating multiple primary amino groups or reporter groups into oligonucleotides following the phosphoramidite methodology. It is possible to substitute any ribodeoxynucleotide, deoxynucleotide, or nucleotide......-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine), TEMPO (N-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine), dinitrophenyl, texas red, tetramethyl rhodamine, 7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1-diazole (NBD), or pyrene. The present invention also relates to a solid phase support, e.g. a Controlled Pore Glass (CPG), immobilized linker reagent...

  9. Evaluation of Directions for Use Compatibility Between Different Brands Strips Urine Reagent

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    Guilherme de Oliveira Cezar


    Full Text Available Through the urine test we can measure kidney function and identify pathologies of the urinary tract. The urine test strips are a fast, easy and increasingly used method of analysis. It is extremely important to check compatibility between the different brands assuring a better understanding of the diagnosis. We compared the package inserts of eight different brands of urine test strips and the reagents used in the urinary determination, besides information concerning the detection of limit ranges, reading intervals and possible interferences. A comparison of the leaflets showed differences among them. Concerning the reagents used, in general, all brands use similar ones but in different quantities. The patient information leaflets have several interferences, but it was observed that some brands do not mention the interferences that are mentioned in other brands. As for the legends of semiquantitative measurements, most brands do not include this information on the product leaflet. Among the brands that could be analyzed with this parameter was observed that the analytes glucose, bilirubin, ketones and blood did not have the same correlation between concentration and label brands. We stress the importance of ensuring a greater standardization of the information contained in the leaflets of the reagent strips.

  10. Chemical bonding and the equilibrium composition of Grignard reagents in ethereal solutions. (United States)

    Henriques, André M; Barbosa, André G H


    A thorough analysis of the electronic structure and thermodynamic aspects of Grignard reagents and its associated equilibrium composition in ethereal solutions is performed. Considering methylmagnesium halides containing fluorine, chlorine, and bromine, we studied the neutral, charged, and radical species associated with their chemical equilibrium in solution. The ethereal solvents considered, tetrahydrofuran (THF) and ethyl ether (Et(2)O), were modeled using the polarizable continuum model (PCM) and also by explicit coordination to the Mg atoms in a cluster. The chemical bonding of the species that constitute the Grignard reagent is analyzed in detail with generalized valence bond (GVB) wave functions. Equilibrium constants were calculated with the DFT/M06 functional and GVB wave functions, yielding similar results. According to our calculations and existing kinetic and electrochemical evidence, the species R(•), R(-), (•)MgX, and RMgX(2)(-) must be present in low concentration in the equilibrium. We conclude that depending on the halogen, a different route must be followed to produce the relevant equilibrium species in each case. Chloride and bromide must preferably follow a "radical-based" pathway, and fluoride must follow a "carbanionic-based" pathway. These different mechanisms are contrasted against the available experimental results and are proven to be consistent with the existing thermodynamic data on the Grignard reagent equilibria.

  11. Measurement of the enzymes lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase using reflectance spectroscopy and reagent strips.


    Stevens, J F; Tsang, W; Newall, R G


    Two new methods for the assay of total activities of lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase are described, in which the enzyme activities are measured from a solid-state reagent strip during a kinetic reaction, the reaction being monitored in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum by reflectance spectroscopy. The performances of these methods are evaluated, and compared to conventional "wet" chemistry methods. The solid-phase reagent methods demonstrated precision and accuracy acceptable ...

  12. Reagent' sets for the concentration of sup(99m)Tc and sup(113m)In

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bianco de Salas, G.N.; Arciprete, J.; Mitta, A.E.A.


    A simple technique for the concentration of the eluates from 99 Mo/sup(99m)Tc and 113 Sn/sup(113m)In generators is described. The reagents' sets provided by the C.N.E.A. for the labelling of different radiopharmaceuticals can be used by only reducing their volumes proportionally. Both concentration techniques for Tc-99m and In-113m will be supplied to users as reagents' sets. (author) [es

  13. Inactivation of Escherichia coli glycerol kinase by 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine: protection by the hydrolyzed reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pettigrew, D.W.


    Incubation of Escherichia coli glycerol kinase with 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine (FSO 2 BzAdo) at pH 8.0 and 25 0 C results in the loss of enzyme activity, which is not restored by the addition of β-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol. The FSO 2 BzAdo concentration dependence of the inactivation kinetics is described by a mechanism that includes the equilibrium binding of the reagent to the enzyme prior to a first-order inactivation reaction in addition to effects of reagent hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of the reagent has two effects on the observed kinetics. The first effect is deviation from pseudo-first-order kinetic behavior due to depletion of the reagent. The second effect is the novel protection of the enzyme from inactivation due to binding of the sulfonate hydrolysis product. Determinations of the reaction stoichiometry with 3 H-labeled FSO 2 BzAdo show that the inactivation is associated with the covalent incorporation of 1.08 mol of reagent/mol of enzyme subunit. Ligand protection experiments show that ATP, AMP, dAMP, NADH, 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, and the sulfonate hydrolysis product of FSO 2 BzAdo provide protection from inactivation. The protection obtained with ATMP is not dependent on Mg 2+ . The results are consistent with modification by FSO 2 BzAdo of a single adenine nucleotide binding site per enzyme subunit

  14. Evaluation of Tropaeolin 000-1 as a Colorimetric Reagent for Assay ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    for Assay of Duloxetine and Escitalopram in Solid Dosage ... Purpose: To explore the application of tropaeolin 000-1 reagent for the rapid, ..... The effects of placebo interference testing are ... oppositely charged TL and TO ions form a stable.

  15. Study of effect of slime processed by ultrasonic on flotation reagent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, W.; Wang, H.; Hu, J. [Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Harbin (China)


    The changes of wetting heat, oil film thickness, contact angle and absorptive capacity of slime and kerosene before and after ultrasonic treatment were studied by Setaram calorimeter, DCAT21 gauge and a light meter. Batch flotation tests were made. The results show that: the wetting heat from slime and kerosene increases after ultrasonic treatment by 45.85%; the average oil film thickness is reduced by 38.84%; the contact angle of slime and kerosene decreases by 33.56{sup o}; and the absorptive capacity of slime in kerosene decreases by 30.40%. The consumption of flotation reagent after ultrasonic treatment was reduced by 75% while the yield of clean coal was the same. The study shows that ultrasonic treatment decreases the consumption of reagent and increases the efficiency and selectivity of flotation. 8 refs., 3 figs., 4 tabs.

  16. Desalting Protein Ions in Native Mass Spectrometry Using Supercharging Reagents (United States)

    Cassou, Catherine A.; Williams, Evan R.


    Effects of the supercharging reagents m-NBA and sulfolane on sodium ion adduction to protein ions formed using native mass spectrometry were investigated. There is extensive sodium adduction on protein ions formed by electrospray ionization from aqueous solutions containing millimolar concentrations of NaCl, which can lower sensitivity by distributing the signal of a given charge state over multiple adducted ions and can reduce mass measuring accuracy for large proteins and non-covalent complexes for which individual adducts cannot be resolved. The average number of sodium ions adducted to the most abundant ion formed from ten small (8.6–29 kDa) proteins for which adducts can be resolved is reduced by 58% or 80% on average, respectively, when 1.5% m-NBA or 2.5% sulfolane are added to aqueous solutions containing sodium compared to without the supercharging reagent. Sulfolane is more effective than m-NBA at reducing sodium ion adduction and at preserving non-covalent protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions. Desalting with 2.5% sulfolane enables detection of several glycosylated forms of 79.7 kDa holo-transferrin and NADH bound to the 146 kDa homotetramer LDH, which are otherwise unresolved due to peak broadening from extensive sodium adduction. Although sulfolane is more effective than m-NBA at protein ion desalting, m-NBA reduces salt clusters at high m/z and can increase the signal-to-noise ratios of protein ions by reducing chemical noise. Desalting is likely a result of these supercharging reagents binding sodium ions in solution, thereby reducing the sodium available to adduct to protein ions. PMID:25133273

  17. Enhanced electrocatalytic CO2 reduction via field-induced reagent concentration (United States)

    Liu, Min; Pang, Yuanjie; Zhang, Bo; de Luna, Phil; Voznyy, Oleksandr; Xu, Jixian; Zheng, Xueli; Dinh, Cao Thang; Fan, Fengjia; Cao, Changhong; de Arquer, F. Pelayo García; Safaei, Tina Saberi; Mepham, Adam; Klinkova, Anna; Kumacheva, Eugenia; Filleter, Tobin; Sinton, David; Kelley, Shana O.; Sargent, Edward H.


    Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) to carbon monoxide (CO) is the first step in the synthesis of more complex carbon-based fuels and feedstocks using renewable electricity. Unfortunately, the reaction suffers from slow kinetics owing to the low local concentration of CO2 surrounding typical CO2 reduction reaction catalysts. Alkali metal cations are known to overcome this limitation through non-covalent interactions with adsorbed reagent species, but the effect is restricted by the solubility of relevant salts. Large applied electrode potentials can also enhance CO2 adsorption, but this comes at the cost of increased hydrogen (H2) evolution. Here we report that nanostructured electrodes produce, at low applied overpotentials, local high electric fields that concentrate electrolyte cations, which in turn leads to a high local concentration of CO2 close to the active CO2 reduction reaction surface. Simulations reveal tenfold higher electric fields associated with metallic nanometre-sized tips compared to quasi-planar electrode regions, and measurements using gold nanoneedles confirm a field-induced reagent concentration that enables the CO2 reduction reaction to proceed with a geometric current density for CO of 22 milliamperes per square centimetre at -0.35 volts (overpotential of 0.24 volts). This performance surpasses by an order of magnitude the performance of the best gold nanorods, nanoparticles and oxide-derived noble metal catalysts. Similarly designed palladium nanoneedle electrocatalysts produce formate with a Faradaic efficiency of more than 90 per cent and an unprecedented geometric current density for formate of 10 milliamperes per square centimetre at -0.2 volts, demonstrating the wider applicability of the field-induced reagent concentration concept.

  18. Pre-storage of gelified reagents in a lab-on-a-foil system for rapid nucleic acid analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yi, Sun; Høgberg, Jonas; Christine, Thanner


    Reagent pre-storage in a microfluidic chip can enhance operator convenience, simplify the system design, reduce the cost of storage and shipment, and avoid the risk of cross-contamination. Although dry reagents have long been used in lateral flow immunoassays, they have rarely been used for nucle...... for fast and cost-effective POC analysis....


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    Paola Zanotti Epifanio


    Full Text Available O TDAH é uma desordem que pode afetar diferentes aspectos do desenvolvimento ao longo da vida. Considerando que tal transtorno pode interferir no desempenho acadêmico, esta pesquisa objetivou identificar as principais estratégias de aprendizagem utilizadas por universitários com e sem indícios de TDAH. A amostra contou com 202 estudantes de dois cursos de uma instituição de ensino superior de Vitória/ES. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala Adult Self Report Scale e a Escala de Avaliação de Estratégias de Aprendizagem. Os resultados apontaram incidência de 21,3% de alunos com indícios de TDAH e as estratégias utilizadas pelos dois grupos foram similares.

  20. Microfluidics in the selection of affinity reagents for the detection of cancer: paving a way towards future diagnostics. (United States)

    Hung, Lien-Yu; Wang, Chih-Hung; Fu, Chien-Yu; Gopinathan, Priya; Lee, Gwo-Bin


    Microfluidic technologies have miniaturized a variety of biomedical applications, and these chip-based systems have several significant advantages over their large-scale counterparts. Recently, this technology has been used for automating labor-intensive and time-consuming screening processes, whereby affinity reagents, including aptamers, peptides, antibodies, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and a variety of small molecules, are used to probe for molecular biomarkers. When compared to conventional methods, the microfluidic approaches are faster, more compact, require considerably smaller quantities of samples and reagents, and can be automated. Furthermore, they allow for more precise control of reaction conditions (e.g., pH, temperature, and shearing forces) such that more efficient screening can be performed. A variety of affinity reagents for targeting cancer cells or cancer biomarkers are now available and will likely replace conventional antibodies. In this review article, the selection of affinity reagents for cancer cells or cancer biomarkers on microfluidic platforms is reviewed with the aim of highlighting the utility of such approaches in cancer diagnostics.

  1. High-performance reagent modes for flotation recovery of platiniferous copper and nickel sulfides from hard-to-beneficiate ores (United States)

    Matveeva, T. N.; Chanturiya, V. A.


    The paper presents the results of the recent research performed in IPKON Russian Academy of Sciences that deals with development and substantiation of new selective reagents for effective flotation recovery of non-ferrous and noble metals from refractory ores. The choice and development of new selective reagents PTTC, OPDTC, modified butylxanthate (BXm) and modified diethyl-dithiocarbamate (DEDTCm) to float platiniferous copper and nickel sulfide minerals from hard-to-beneficiate ores is substantiated. The mechanism of reagents adsorption and regulation of minerals floatability is discussed. The study of reagent modes indicates that by combining PTTC with the modified xanthate results in 6 - 7 % increase in the recovery of copper, nickel and PGM in the flotation of the low-sulfide platiniferous Cu-Ni ore from the Fedorovo-Panskoye deposit. The substitution of OPDTC for BX makes it possible to increase recovery of Pt by 13 %, Pd by 9 % and 2 - 4 times the noble metal content in the flotation concentrate.

  2. A review of the kinetics of oxidation and reduction of sale-free reagents in the U/Pu separation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Sa; Ouyang Yinggen; Gao Yaobin


    Background: Recently, the most reductant widely used to partition plutonium from uranium in the Purex solvent extraction purification process have been salt-free reagents. Purpose: In order to determine the utility of sale-free reagents in the Purex solvent extraction process. Methods: The report is a review of the applications of sale-free reagents in the U/Pu separation process, such as hydroxylamine derivative, U(IV), aldehyde derivative, hydrazine, hydroxyl carbamide, derivative, hydroxamic acid and so on. Results: In this review, we have investigated and summarized the previous works covering the thermodynamics and dynamics behaviors to offer references for the future R and D works on the capability of salt-free reagents in the PUREX process and to indicate its applications. Conclusions: Acetohydroxamic acid and hydroxysemicarbazide have the capability of stripping trace amount plutonium of uranium in the future industrialization. (authors)

  3. Tunable, Quantitative Fenton-RAFT Polymerization via Metered Reagent Addition. (United States)

    Nothling, Mitchell D; McKenzie, Thomas G; Reyhani, Amin; Qiao, Greg G


    A continuous supply of radical species is a key requirement for activating chain growth and accessing quantitative monomer conversions in reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. In Fenton-RAFT, activation is provided by hydroxyl radicals, whose indiscriminate reactivity and short-lived nature poses a challenge to accessing extended polymerization times and quantitative monomer conversions. Here, an alternative Fenton-RAFT procedure is presented, whereby radical generation can be finely controlled via metered dosing of a component of the Fenton redox reaction (H 2 O 2 ) using an external pumping system. By limiting the instantaneous flux of radicals and ensuring sustained radical generation over tunable time periods, metered reagent addition reduces unwanted radical "wasting" reactions and provides access to consistent quantitative monomer conversions with high chain-end fidelity. Fine tuning of radical concentration during polymerization is achieved simply via adjustment of reagent dose rate, offering significant potential for automation. This modular strategy holds promise for extending traditional RAFT initiation toward more tightly regulated radical concentration profiles and affords excellent prospects for the automation of Fenton-RAFT polymerization. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. The influence of reagent type on the kinetics of ultrafine coal flotation (United States)

    Read, R.B.; Camp, L.R.; Summers, M.S.; Rapp, D.M.


    A kinetic study has been conducted to determine the influence of reagent type on flotation rates of ultrafine coal. Two ultrafine coal samples, the Illinois No. 5 (Springfield) and Pittsburgh No. 8, have been evaluated with various reagent types in order to derive the rate constants for coal (kc), ash (ka), and pyrite (kc). The reagents used in the study include anionic surfactants, anionic surfactant-alcohol mixtures, and frothing alcohols. In general, the surfactant-alcohol mixtures tend to float ultrafine coal at a rate three to four times faster than either pure alcohols or pure anionic surfactants. Pine oil, a mixture of terpene alcohols and hydrocarbons, was an exception to this finding; it exhibited higher rate constants than the pure aliphatic alcohols or other pure anionic surfactants studied; this may be explained by the fact that the sample of pine oil used (70% alpha-terpineol) acted as a frother/collector system similar to alcohol/kerosene. The separation efficiencies of ash and pyrite from coal, as evidenced by the ratios of kc/ka or kc/kp, tend to indicate, however, that commercially available surfactant-alcohol mixtures are not as selective as pure alcohols such as 2-ethyl-1-hexanol or methylisobutylcarbinol. Some distinct differences in various rate constants, or their ratios, were noted between the two coals studied, and are possibly attributable to surface chemistry effects. ?? 1989.

  5. Assessment and identification of some novel NOx reducing reagents for SNCR process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, A.; Javed, M.T.; Irfan, N.; Hamid, A. and K.; Waheed, K.


    Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the most hazardous air pollutants arising from the combustion processes. Because of the implementation of strict emission limits many NOx removal technologies have been developed. In the present work post combustion NOx removal technique that is Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) has been investigated in a pilot scale 150 kW combustion rig facility. Investigation has been performed using some novel NOx reducing reagents like urea, ammonium carbonate and mixture of their 50%-50% aqueous solution within the temperature range of 700 to 1200 deg. C., at 1.1% excess oxygen and background NOx level of 500 ppm. The effects of these reagents were determined in term of their temperature characteristics and molar ratio. Among the reducing reagents used urea solution gave the highest NOx removal efficiency (81%) and was attractive due to its superior high temperature (1000 to 1150 deg. C) performance, ammonium carbonate was more effective at lower temperature range (850 to 950 deg. C) though its efficiency (32%) was lower than urea, while 50-50% solution of urea and ammonium carbonate gave higher efficiency than ammonium carbonate but slightly lesser than urea within a wide temperature range (875 to 1125 deg. C). It was also observed that the NOx removal efficiency was increased with increasing the molar ratio. (author)

  6. A influência da ansiedade nas estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas no período pré-operatório La influencia de la ansiedad en las estrategias de enfrentamento utilizadas en el período pré-operatorio The influence of anxiety in coping strategies used during the pre-operative period

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Veronica Cecilia Calbo de Medeiros


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivos: identificar o estado de ansiedade dos pacientes no período pré-operatório; identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos pacientes nesse período; verificar a relação entre o estado de ansiedade e as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos pacientes, no período pré-operatório. A amostra foi composta por 40 pacientes cirúrgicos. Para a coleta dos dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos auto-aplicáveis: o questionário de estado de ansiedade de Spielberger e o inventário de estratégias de coping de Lazarus e Folkman. A amostra compôs-se, em sua maioria, por pacientes do sexo feminino com uma idade média de 46 anos, com baixo grau de escolaridade, com experiência cirúrgica anterior e sem intercorrências anteriores. As estratégias de enfrentamento mais comumente utilizadas foram as de suporte social e a de resolução de problemas. Em relação à ansiedade e às estratégias de enfrentamento, obteve-se uma correlação negativa entre o estado de ansiedade e o suporte social e a resolução de problemas.En el presente estudio se tuvo por objetivos: identificar el estado de ansiedad de los pacientes en el período pre-operatorio; identificar las estrategias de enfrentamiento utilizadas por los pacientes en ese período; verificar la relación entre el estado de ansiedad y las estrategias de enfrentamiento utilizadas por los pacientes, en el período pre-operatorio. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 40 pacientes quirúrgicos. Para la recolección de los datos fueron utilizados dos instrumentos auto-aplicables: el cuestionario de estado de ansiedad de Spielberger y el inventario de estrategias de coping de Lazarus y Folkman. La muestra se compuso, en su mayoría, por pacientes del sexo femenino con una edad media de 46 años, con bajo grado de escolaridad, con experiencia quirúrgica anterior y sin incidencias anteriores. Las estrategias de enfrentamiento com

  7. Collagen proteins exchange O with demineralisation and gelatinisation reagents and also with atmospheric moisture. (United States)

    von Holstein, Isabella; von Tersch, Matthew; Coutu, Ashley N; Penkman, Kirsty E H; Makarewicz, Cheryl A; Collins, Matthew J


    The oxygen isotope composition of collagen proteins is a potential indicator of adult residential location, useful for provenancing in ecology, archaeology and forensics. In acidic solution, proteins can exchange O from carboxylic acid moieties with reagent O. This study investigated whether this exchange occurs during demineralisation and gelatinisation preparation of bone/ivory collagen. EDTA and HCl demineralisation or gelatinisation reagents were made up in waters with different δ 18 O values, and were used to extract collagen from four skeletal tissue samples. Aliquots of extracted collagen were exposed to two different atmospheric waters, at 120°C and ambient temperature, and subsequently dried in a vacuum oven at 40°C or by freeze drying. Sample δ 18 O values were measured by HT/EA pyrolysis-IRMS using a zero-blank autosampler. Collagen samples exchanged O with both reagent waters and atmospheric water, which altered sample δ 18 O values. Exchange with reagent waters occurred in all extraction methods, but was greater at lower pH. Damage to the collagen samples during extraction increased O exchange. The nature of exchange of O with atmospheric water depended on the temperature of exposure: kinetic fractionation of O was identified at 120°C but not at ambient temperature. Exchange was difficult to quantify due to high variability of δ 18 O value between experimental replicates. Studies of δ 18 O values in collagen proteins should avoid extraction methods using acid solutions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  8. 9 CFR 130.18 - User fees for veterinary diagnostic reagents produced at NVSL or other authorized site (excluding... (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false User fees for veterinary diagnostic reagents produced at NVSL or other authorized site (excluding FADDL). 130.18 Section 130.18 Animals and... § 130.18 User fees for veterinary diagnostic reagents produced at NVSL or other authorized site...

  9. Two-reagent neutralization scheme for controlling the migration of contaminants from a uranium mill tailings disposal pond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dodson, M.E.; Opitz, B.E.; Sherwood, D.R.


    Techniques for reducing contaminant migration from tailings liquor impoundments and evaporation ponds are being investigated by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory as part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Uranium Research and Recovery Program. Building upon previous studies investigating single-reagent neutralization, laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of a two-reagent neutralization scheme for the treatment of acidic uranium mill tailings liquors. Acidic tailings liquor, pH 3 neutralization to pH 4.0 followed by continued neutralization with lime to pH 7.3, resulted in the highest solution quality with respect to the Environmental Protection Agency's water quality guidelines. Furthermore, the two-reagent neutralization scheme is the most cost-effective treatment procedure tested to date. 13 references, 1 table

  10. Determination of the water content in tetra-ammonium uranyl tricarbonate by the Karl Fischer reagent method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sisti, C.; Grigoletto, T.


    Two methods are compared for the determination of water content in tetra-ammonium uranyl tricarbonate by the Karl Fischer reagent method. In the first method it is Known that the carbonate reacts stoichiometrically with the iodine content of the Karl Fischer reagent in the same way it reacts with the water (mole of apparent H 2 O per mole of carbonate is produced). In this case, the carbonate content in the sample is determined and a suitable correction is applied to take into account the apparent water results. In the second method it is performed an extraction of the moisture by adding methanol to the sample in an independent flask. After the decantation, an aliquot of the clear supernatant methanol is taken for the determination of water content by the Karl Fischer reagent method. (author) [pt

  11. Remediation of polluted soils contaminated with Linear Alkyl Benzenes using Fenton's reagent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Douglas do Nascimento Silva


    Full Text Available Linear Alkyl Benzenes (LABs are used as insulating oil for electric cables. When it happens a spill, LABs they are basically sorbed in the soil, because, these compounds have high hidrophobicity and low vapor pressure. The conventional methods of treatment of soils are not efficient. The Fenton's reaction (reaction between a solution of iron II and hydrogen peroxide it generates hydroxyl radicals, not selective, and capable of oxidize a great variety of organic compounds. A study was conducted to evaluate the viability of use of the Fenton's reagents to promote the remediation of polluted soils with Linear Alkyl Benzenes. A column was especially projected for these experiments, packed with a sandy and other soil loamy. The pH of the soil was not altered. The obtained results demonstrated the technical viability of the process of injection of the Fenton's reagents for the treatment of polluted areas with LABs.Os Linear Alquilbenzenos (LABs são usados como fluido refrigerante de cabos elétricos. Quando ocorre um vazamento, os LABs ficam basicamente adsorvidos no solo, pois, são compostos bastante hidrofóbicos e com baixa pressão de vapor. Os métodos convencionais de tratamento de solos não são eficientes. A reação de Fenton (solução de ferro II e peróxido de hidrogênio gera radicais hidroxila, não seletivos, e capazes de oxidar uma grande variedade de compostos orgânicos, chegando a mineralização dos mesmos. Neste trabalho foi estudada a viabilidade de utilização dos reagentes de Fenton para promover a remediação de solos contaminados com LABs. Utilizou-se uma coluna especialmente projetada para estes experimentos, empacotada com um solo arenoso e outro argiloso. O pH do solo não foi alterado. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a viabilidade técnica do processo de injeção dos reagentes de Fenton para o tratamento de áreas contaminadas com LABs.

  12. Copper(I) mediated cross-coupling of amino acid derived organozinc reagents with acid chlorides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjelmgaard, Thomas; Tanner, David Ackland


    This paper describes the development of a straightforward experimental protocol for copper-mediated cross-coupling of amino acid derived beta-amido-alkylzinc iodides 1 and 3 with a range of acid chlorides. The present method uses CuCN center dot 2LiCl as the copper source and for organozinc reagent...... 1 the methodology appears to be limited to reaction with more stable acid chlorides, providing the desired products in moderate yields. When applied to organozinc reagent 3, however, the protocol is more general and provides the products in good yields in all but one of the cases tested....

  13. First two-reagent vitamin D assay for general clinical chemistry. (United States)

    Saida, Fakhri B; Padilla-Chee, Mario; Dou, Chao; Yuan, Chong


    Vitamin D is a lipid-soluble molecule that plays key physiological roles in the metabolism of calcium, phosphate and magnesium. Recent studies show that deficiency in vitamin D is linked to cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer. As a result, regular monitoring of 25-OH vitamin D (the main circulating form of vitamin D) is becoming essential. Current 25-OH vitamin D testing methodologies are cumbersome (too many reagents, long incubation times, phase separation) and are not compatible with general clinical chemistry platforms. Here, we report on a novel method to detect 25-OH vitamin D that is fast (results in 10 min or less), simple (two reagents) and compatible with virtually all general clinical chemistry analyzers. An immunoturbidimetric assay for 25-OH vitamin D (the Diazyme EZ Vitamin D Assay) has been developed using nanoparticles and vitamin D-specific antibodies. The performance of the assay kit, which consists of two reagents and five calibrators, was tested on the Beckman AU680 analyzer (AU680). The new assay was precise, sensitive (LOD = 7.2 nmol/L), linear (up to 390.1 nmol/L) and correlated strongly (R 2  > 0.95) with major commercial 25-OH vitamin D assays. Additionally, the assay was found to be the fastest to date, with the first results obtained within 10 min. Throughput on the AU680 was estimated at over 300 tests per hour. The newly developed 25-OH vitamin D assay is fast, precise and accurate. It can be run on most general chemistry analyzers. This assay aims at providing vitamin D-testing capabilities to all clinical chemistry laboratories. Copyright © 2018 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Measurement of the enzymes lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase using reflectance spectroscopy and reagent strips. (United States)

    Stevens, J F; Tsang, W; Newall, R G


    Two new methods for the assay of total activities of lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase are described, in which the enzyme activities are measured from a solid-state reagent strip during a kinetic reaction, the reaction being monitored in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum by reflectance spectroscopy. The performances of these methods are evaluated, and compared to conventional "wet" chemistry methods. The solid-phase reagent methods demonstrated precision and accuracy acceptable for diagnostic purposes, and were easy to use by trained operators. PMID:6655069

  15. Oxygen Activated, Palladium Nanoparticle Catalyzed, Ultrafast Cross-Coupling of Organolithium Reagents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijnen, Dorus; Tosi, Filippo; Vila, Carlos; Stuart, Marc C. A.; Elsinga, Philip H.; Szymanski, Wiktor; Feringa, Ben L.


    The discovery of an ultrafast cross-coupling of alkyland aryllithium reagents with a range of aryl bromides is presented. The essential role of molecular oxygen to form the active palladium catalyst was established; palladium nanoparticles that are highly active in cross-coupling reactions with

  16. Validity and interobserver agreement of reagent strips for measurement of glucosuria

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekhof, Jolita; Kollen, Boudewijn J.; Groot-Jebbink, Liesbeth J. M.; Deiman, Corrie; Van de Leur, Sjef J. C. M.; Van Straaten, Henrica L. M.

    Background. Measurement of glucosuria by means of a visually readable reagent test strip is frequently used in a wide variety of clinical settings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of this semi-quantitative measurement of glucosuria compared to laboratory

  17. Copper-catalyzed trifluoromethylation of arylsulfinate salts using an electrophilic trifluoromethylation reagent

    KAUST Repository

    Lin, Xiaoxi


    A copper-catalyzed method for the trifluoromethylation of arylsulfinates with Togni\\'s reagent has been developed, affording aryltrifluoromethylsulfones in moderate to good yields. A wide range of functional groups in arylsulfinates are compatible with the reaction conditions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Small-scale one -pot reductive alkylation of unprotected aminocyclitols with supported reagents

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šíša, Miroslav; Trapero, A.; Llebaria, A.; Delgado, A.

    -, č. 19 (2008), s. 3167-3170 ISSN 0039-7881 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40550506 Keywords : alkylation s * aldehydes * supported reagents * aminocyclitols Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.470, year: 2008

  19. Determination of the isotopic ratio 234 U/238 U and 235 U/238 U in uranium commercial reagents by alpha spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iturbe G, J.L.


    In this work the determination of the isotope ratio 234 U/ 238 U and 235 U/ 238 U obtained by means of the alpha spectroscopy technique in uranium reagents of commercial marks is presented. The analyzed uranium reagents were: UO 2 (*) nuclear purity, UO 3 (*) poly-science, metallic uranium, uranyl nitrate and uranyl acetate Merck, uranyl acetate and uranyl nitrate Baker, uranyl nitrate (*) of the Refinement and Conversion Department of the ININ, uranyl acetate (*) Medi-Lab Sigma of Mexico and uranyl nitrate Em Science. The obtained results show that the reagents that are suitable with asterisk (*) are in radioactive balance among the one 234 U/ 238 U, since the obtained value went near to the unit. In the case of the isotope ratio 235 U/ 238 U the near value was also obtained the one that marks the literature that is to say 0.04347, what indicates that these reagents contain the isotope of 235 U in the percentage found in the nature of 0.71%. The other reagents are in radioactive imbalance among the 234 U/ 238 U, the found values fluctuated between 0.4187 and 0.1677, and for the quotient of activities 235 U/ 238 U its were of 0.0226, and the lowest of 0.01084. Also in these reagents it was at the 236 U as impurity. The isotope of 236 U is an isotope produced artificially, for what is supposed that the reagents that are in radioactive imbalance were synthesized starting from irradiated fuel. (Author)

  20. On some investigation features of sorption of flotation reagents labelled by soft β-emitters on mineral surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korobochkin, V.P.; Gladyshev, V.P.; Latypova, O.A.


    A correction for self-absorption, taking into account concrete dimensions of mineral grain during sorption of flotation reagents on mineral surface is deduced. On the basis of the regularity obtained problems of the sensitivity of the determination method of reagent activity sorbed by minerals which are labelled by radioactive isotopes are considered. Improved technique is described and statistical analysis of the experimental data obtained is carried out

  1. Performing in-situ chemical oxidation with Fenton's Reagent at a former gas work in Rotterdam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plaisier, W.; Pancras, T. [In-situ Technieken BV, Wageningen (Netherlands); Bennen, M.; Bouwhuis, E. [Public Works Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    In-Situ Technieken BV is the first company in the Netherlands to apply full-scale in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) by means of Fenton's reagent or permanganates. The use of ISCO for soil remediation purposes originated in the USA. After three years of practical experience in the Netherlands it can be stated that ISCO has become a proven technology for source area treatment in the Netherlands as well. We present the results of a pilot ISCO treatment program with Fenton's reagent that was performed at the former gas works facility 'Feyenoord'. The site is one of the largest gas works facilities built in Rotterdam. The former gas production activities have lead to severe pollution of soil and groundwater over an area of approximately 3 hectares. Both laboratory and field observations showed that it would be very difficult to execute an efficient Fenton's reagent ISCO treatment program at this specific site for the following reasons. First of all, the contamination consisting of tar and tar-related compounds is found in an anthropogenic (man-made) soil of 9 meter in thickness. Secondly, high contents of carbonates and organic material were found in the soils, which act as a scavenger for the hydroxyl free radical in a Fenton's reagent ISCO system. The pilot test was performed in two phases with an intermediate period of 2 months. The injection of totally 24 tonnes hydrogen peroxide (50%) was anticipated. Reactions of the reagents in the soil were very strong. The presence of old (forgotten) boreholes and an intensive drainage system, in combination with the aggressive reaction resulted in short-circuiting of reagents to the surface. Out of the proposed 24 tonnes of hydrogen peroxide (50%) only 14.5 tonnes were injected. This would have effect on the amount of contamination oxidized. Nevertheless, the oxidation had a significant effect on the soil contamination. A reduction of approximately 90% for PAH was obtained. Reduction was also

  2. A two-reagent neutralization scheme for controlling the migration of contaminants from a uranium mill tailing disposal pond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dodson, M.E.; Opitz, B.E.; Sherwood, D.R.


    Techniques for reducing contaminant migration from tailings liquor impoundments and evaporation ponds are being investigated by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory as part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Uranium Research and Recovery Program. Building upon previous studies investigating single-reagent neutralization, laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of a two-reagent neutralization scheme for the treatment of acidic uranium mill tailings liquors. Acidic tailings liquor, pH 3 neutralization to pH 4.0 followed by continued neutralization with lime to pH 7.3, resulted in the highest solution quality with respect to the Environmental Protection Agency's water quality guidelines. Furthermore, the two-reagent neutralization scheme is the most cost-effective treatment procedure tested to date

  3. Copper-catalyzed asymmetric ring opening of oxabicyclic alkenes with organolithium reagents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, Pieter H.; Rudolph, Alena; Pérez, Manuel; Fañanás-Mastral, Martín; Harutyunyan, Syuzanna R.; Feringa, Bernard


    A highly efficient method is reported for the asymmetric ring opening of oxabicyclic alkenes with organolithium reagents. Using a copper/chiral phosphoramidite complex together with a Lewis acid (BF3·OEt2), full selectivity for the anti isomer and excellent enantioselectivities were obtained for the

  4. N-m-nitrocinnamoylphenylhydroxyl-amine as reagent for amperometric determination of yttrium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliferenko, G.L.; Gallaj, Z.A.; Sheina, N.M.; Shvedene, N.V.


    Possibility of using organic reagent of unsaturated N-arylsubstituted derivatives class of hydroxamic acids N-m-nitrocinnamoyl phenylhydroxylamire (NCPHA) for amperometric titration of yttrium using indication of e.t.p. by current of reagent oxidation on graphite electrode is investigated. Metal and the NCPHA form difficultly soluble complex with ratio of yttrium to the NCPHA, which is equal to 1:3. Buffer mixtures of 0.1MNH 3 +0.1MCH 3 COOH composis tion with pH 6.3-7.5 are optimal background solutions for amperometric titration of yttrium. The proposed method permits to determine 10-600 μkg of yttrium in the volume of 10 ml. Effect of the series of strange elements on titration of yttrium with NCPHA (Ca, Mg, Mn (2), Al, CU (2), Fe (3) REE and others) is studied. The developed method is used for yttrium determination in luminophores of Casub(n)-- Ysub(m)Fsub(z)xMn(2) (1-10%) composition

  5. Estudio etnobotánico de las especies vegetales utilizadas como leña en San José de Suaita (Suaita, Santander, Colombia

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    Edison de Jesús Valderrama Ramírez


    son las de mayor recolección y consumo de leña coincidiendo con las de labranza y cosecha de los productos agrícolas especialmente café. Se identificaron tres formas de recolección por parte del campesino, que varían en la frecuencia y nivel de extracción. El consumo estimado fue de 4,9 kg per capita. Se encontraron un total de 52 especies utilizadas como leña, siendo las especies pertenecientes a la familia Melastomataceae las más numerosas. Del total de especies utilizadas el 94% provienen de los agroecosistemas y el 6% del bosque natural. Según las categorías de intensidad de uso, se muestran 11 especies como las más importantes. Según el IVI las especies más consumidas tienen valores de importancia intermedios y bajos, por lo que se asume que hay un criterio de calidad más no de abundancia para la selección de leña.

  6. The establishment of a WHO Reference Reagent for anti-malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) human serum. (United States)

    Bryan, Donna; Silva, Nilupa; Rigsby, Peter; Dougall, Thomas; Corran, Patrick; Bowyer, Paul W; Ho, Mei Mei


    At a World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored meeting it was concluded that there is an urgent need for a reference preparation that contains antibodies against malaria antigens in order to support serology studies and vaccine development. It was proposed that this reference would take the form of a lyophilized serum or plasma pool from a malaria-endemic area. In response, an immunoassay standard, comprising defibrinated human plasma has been prepared and evaluated in a collaborative study. A pool of human plasma from a malaria endemic region was collected from 140 single plasma donations selected for reactivity to Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA-1) and merozoite surface proteins (MSP-1 19 , MSP-1 42 , MSP-2 and MSP-3). This pool was defibrinated, filled and freeze dried into a single batch of ampoules to yield a stable source of naturally occurring antibodies to P. falciparum. The preparation was evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a collaborative study with sixteen participants from twelve different countries. This anti-malaria human serum preparation (NIBSC Code: 10/198) was adopted by the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) in October 2014, as the first WHO reference reagent for anti-malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) human serum with an assigned arbitrary unitage of 100 units (U) per ampoule. Analysis of the reference reagent in a collaborative study has demonstrated the benefit of this preparation for the reduction in inter- and intra-laboratory variability in ELISA. Whilst locally sourced pools are regularly use for harmonization both within and between a few laboratories, the presence of a WHO-endorsed reference reagent should enable optimal harmonization of malaria serological assays either by direct use of the reference reagent or calibration of local standards against this WHO reference. The intended uses of this reference reagent, a multivalent preparation, are (1) to allow cross

  7. Synthesis of netlike gold nanoparticles using ampicillin as a stabilizing reagent and its application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Y.Z.; Zhou, J.F.; Song, Y.; Cheng, Z.P.; Xu, J.


    Graphical abstract: Electrochemical deposition of netlike gold nanoparticles (GNPs) on the surface of glassy carbon electrode and preparation of netlike GNPs in aqueous solution using ampicillin as a stabilizing reagent were proposed. The catalytic properties of netlike gold nanoparticles on the glassy carbon electrode for dopamine were demonstrated. The results indicate that the netlike gold nanoparticle modified electrode has an excellent repeatability and reproducibility. Display Omitted Highlights: ► Synthesis of netlike gold nanoparticles using ampicillin as a stabilizing reagent. ► Excellent repeatability and reproducibility of netlike gold nanoparticle modified glassy carbon electrode. ► The catalytic properties of netlike gold nanoparticle for dopamine. -- Abstract: Electrochemical deposition of netlike gold nanoparticles on the surface of glassy carbon electrode and preparation of netlike GNPs in aqueous solution using ampicillin as a stabilizing reagent were proposed. The netlike gold nanoparticles were characterized by scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, infrared spectrometer, UV spectrophotometer, powder X-ray diffractometer and electrochemical analyzer. The catalysis of the netlike gold nanoparticles on the glassy carbon electrode for dopamine was demonstrated. The results indicate that the gold nanoparticle modified electrode has an excellent repeatability and reproducibility.

  8. Inactivation of Escherichia coli glycerol kinase by 5'-(p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl))adenosine: protection by the hydrolyzed reagent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pettigrew, D.W.


    Incubation of Escherichia coli glycerol kinase with 5'-(p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl)adenosine (FSO/sub 2/BzAdo) at pH 8.0 and 25/sup 0/C results in the loss of enzyme activity, which is not restored by the addition of ..beta..-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol. The FSO/sub 2/BzAdo concentration dependence of the inactivation kinetics is described by a mechanism that includes the equilibrium binding of the reagent to the enzyme prior to a first-order inactivation reaction in addition to effects of reagent hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of the reagent has two effects on the observed kinetics. The first effect is deviation from pseudo-first-order kinetic behavior due to depletion of the reagent. The second effect is the novel protection of the enzyme from inactivation due to binding of the sulfonate hydrolysis product. Determinations of the reaction stoichiometry with /sup 3/H-labeled FSO/sub 2/BzAdo show that the inactivation is associated with the covalent incorporation of 1.08 mol of reagent/mol of enzyme subunit. Ligand protection experiments show that ATP, AMP, dAMP, NADH, 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, and the sulfonate hydrolysis product of FSO/sub 2/BzAdo provide protection from inactivation. The protection obtained with ATMP is not dependent on Mg/sup 2 +/. The results are consistent with modification by FSO/sub 2/BzAdo of a single adenine nucleotide binding site per enzyme subunit.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Menezes dos Passos


    Full Text Available A Moringa Oleifera Lam é uma planta ornamental e medicinal e possui a característica de adaptar-se a climas áridos e solos pobres em nutrientes. É um vegetal da família Moringaceae, originária do norte da Índia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização físico-química de partes constituintes da planta: folha, flor, semente e vagem utilizadas na forma in natura e seca. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Tecnologias Alternativas em São Cristóvão - SE. Posteriormente, as amostras de folhas, flores, sementes e vagens utilizadas neste trabalho foram coletadas e separadas em dois lotes, sendo um lote com as amostras que seriam analisadas in natura e o outro com amostras secas em secador solar. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: atividade de água, acidez titulável, umidade, cinzas, lipídeos, proteínas, carboidratos, vitamina C, carotenoides,fibra total e alimentícia.Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA e teste de Tukey para comparação de médias ao nível de significância de 5%. Foi possível observar que para as análises de acidez, cinzas, lipídeos, proteínas e carboidratos, os resultados encontrados foram maiores nas partes secas quando comparado ao in natura. Entretanto, os valores para atividade de água, umidade, vitamina C e pH foram superiores nas análises in natura quando comparadas às amostras secas. Para os resultados de carotenoides, obtiveram-se variações em ambas as partes. Portanto, a Moringa apresenta-se como um vegetal de excelentes propriedades nutricionais e funcionais.

  10. New data on masking reagents in complexometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yurist, I.M.; Talmud, M.M.; Zajtsev, P.M.


    Recent literature data on employing inorganic and organic oxygen-, nitrogen- and sulfur-containing substances as masking reagents (MR) in complexonometry of alkali earths, rare earths and transition elements are reviewed for the period of 1971-1983. Effectiveness of any type of MR is shown to be dependent on the electron configuration of a cation being masked. Sr, La, Th, V(6), Zr, Hf, V(5), Nb(5), Ta(5), Mo(6), W(6) a.o. are masked by oxygen-containing ligands. Zn, Cd, Fe(2, 3), Co(2, 3), Ni, etc. are masked by nitrogen- and sulfur-bearing ligands. Thiocompounds mask mainly In, Tl(3), Sn(2), Pb, Bi

  11. Tratamento de água subterrânea contaminada com compostos organoclorados usando ferro elementar e o reagente de Fenton Treatment of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated compounds using elemental iron and Fenton's reagent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Langbeck de Arruda


    Full Text Available The remediation of groundwater containing organochlorine compounds was evaluated using a reductive system with zero-valent iron, and the reductive process coupled with Fenton's reagent. The concentration of the individual target compounds reached up to 400 mg L-1 in the sample. Marked reductions in the chlorinated compounds were observed in the reductive process. The degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics in terms of the contaminant and was dependent on the sample contact time with the solid reducing agent. An oxidative test with Fenton's reagent, followed by the reductive assay, showed that tetrachloroethylene was further reduced up to three times the initial concentration. The destruction of chloroform, however, demands an additional treatment.

  12. Point-of-care Devices: Non-Newtonian Whole Blood Behavior and Capillary Flow on Reagent-coated Walls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Most point-of-care (POC and patient self-testing (PST devices are based on the analysis of whole blood taken from a finger prick. Whole blood contains a bountiful of information about the donor’s health. We analyze here two particularities of microsystems for blood analysis: the blood non-Newtonian behavior, and the capillary flow in reagent-coated channels. Capillarity is the most commonly used method to move fluids in portable systems. It is shown first that the capillary flow of blood does not follow the Lucas-Washburn-Rideal law when the capillary flow velocity is small, due to its non-Newtonian rheology and to the formation of rouleaux of RBCs. In a second step, the capillary flow of blood on reagent-coated surfaces is investigated; first experimentally by observing the spreading of a droplet of blood on different reagent-coated substrates; second theoretically and numerically using the general law for spontaneous capillary flows and the Evolver numerical program.

  13. Reagents for radioimmunological determination of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albert, Z.; Balbierz, H.; Breberowicz, J.


    The work was undertaken to prepare the reagents for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) radioimmunoassay with double antibody method. The CEA standard of high immunoreactivity was prepared and purified. The purified CEA was used for immunozation of goats. The goat anti - CEA sera were received. IgG fraction from normal goat serum was purified and used for the production of horse anti-goat IgG serum which was then used in the radioimmunoassay of CEA. The labelling of CEA with iodine-125 has been carried out be means of the enzymatic method.(Z.R.)

  14. Fluorographene Modified by Grignard Reagents: A Broad Range of Functional Nanomaterials

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mazánek, V.; Libánská, A.; Šturala, J.; Bouša, D.; Sedmidubský, D.; Pumera, M.; Janoušek, Zbyněk; Plutnar, Jan; Sofer, Z.


    Roč. 23, č. 8 (2017), s. 1956-1964 ISSN 0947-6539 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-09001S Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : alkylation * click chemistry * fluorine * graphene * Grignard reagents Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry OBOR OECD: Organic chemistry Impact factor: 5.317, year: 2016

  15. 125I-labeled crosslinking reagent that is hydrophilic, photoactivatable, and cleavable through an azo linkage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denny, J.B.; Blobel, G.


    A radioactive crosslinking reagent, N-[4-(p-azido-m-[ 125 I]iodophenylazo)benzoyl]-3-aminopropyl-N'-oxysulfosuccinimide ester, has been synthesized. The reagent is photoactivatable, water-soluble, cleavable through an azo linkage, and labeled with 125 I at the carrier-free specific activity of 2000 Ci/mmol. Any protein derivatized with the reagent is thus converted into an 125 I-labeled photoaffinity probe. Crosslinks are formed following photolysis with 366-nm light, and cleavage by sodium dithionite results in the donation of radioactivity to the distal partner in crosslinked complexes. The newly labeled proteins are then analyzed by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The compound was prepared by iodination of N-[4-(p-aminophenylazo)benzoyl]-3-aminopropionic acid using carrier-free Na 125 I and chloramine-T, followed by azide formation and conversion to the water-soluble sulfosuccinimide ester. As a model system, protein A-Sepharose was derivatized with the reagent under subdued light. Each derivatized protein A molecule contained only one crosslinker. The derivatized protein A-Sepharose was then photolyzed in the presence of human serum and subsequently treated with sodium dithionite. Analysis of the serum by gel electrophoresis revealed that 1.1% of the radioactive label originally present on the protein A-Sepharose was transferred to the heavy chain of IgG, which was the most intensely labeled protein in the gel. The next most intensely labeled protein was IgG light chain, which incorporated radioactivity that was lower by a factor of 3.6 than that of the heavy chain. 36 references, 3 figures

  16. Estrategias utilizadas por los docentes para promover el aprendizaje de la biología a nivel universitario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana C. Vera


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es divulgar los resultados de la investigación,cuyo objetivo fue identificar los tipos de estrategias utilizadas por los docentes para promover el aprendizaje en biología. Las teorías que sirvieron de apoyo fueron los aportes de Díaz y Hernández (2007, Ausubel et al. (1991, entre otros. La investigación se llevó a cabo en la Escuela de Educación, Mención Biología de la Universidad del Zulia; fue de tipo descriptiva, con diseño de campo, no experimental y transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 1050 estudiantes, la muestra fue de 91 estudiantes estratificados por semestres, para el segmento de profesores fue población censal de 16 docentes. La técnica utilizada para recolectar la información fue la encuesta; el instrumento, un cuestionario con 12 itemes, validado por expertos en el área, con una confiabilidad de 0.93 determinada a través del método Alfa de Cronbach. Para analizar los datos se utilizó la estadística descriptiva a través de medias aritméticas. Se concluye que existe baja presencia de las estrategias para la promoción del aprendizaje significativo, por lo que se recomienda considerar al proceso educativo como hecho humano y social gestiona do por el profesor, quien debe planificar y desarrollar las actividades innovadoras,creativas, dejando a un lado la postura tradicionalista en el aula para que se logre el aprendizaje significativo esperado en el área de la Biología.

  17. Protein assisted fluorescence enhancement of a dansyl containing fluorescent reagent: detection of Hg+ ion in aqueous medium. (United States)

    Srivastava, Priyanka; Shahid, Mohammad; Misra, Arvind


    Intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) based fluorescent reagents containing a dansyl fluorophore have been synthesized and characterized. The reagent 1 and its complex, 1+Hg(2+) in sodium acetate buffer (pH 6.7) revealed considerable fluorescence enhancement (switched-on) in the presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with 10 ppb detection sensitivity. (1)H NMR spectral analysis suggests complexation between 1 and Hg(2+) ion involving the N,N-dimethylamino and carboxylic functions.

  18. Use of toxicity assays for evaluating the effectiveness of groundwater remediation with Fenton’s reagent

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kusk, Kresten Ole; Bennedsen, Lars; Christophersen, Mette


    evaluates in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) using modified Fenton’s reagent (H2O2 + chelated Fe2+) as a groundwater remedy. Three injections were performed over a period to test treatment efficacy. Performance monitoring samples were collected from two depths both prior to and during treatment, and analyzed...... treatment with Fenton’s reagent the toxicity had increased and now needed 7100 times dilution to reduce toxicity to the LC10 probably due to mobilization of metals. It is concluded that toxicity assay is a useful tool for evaluating samples from contaminated sites and that toxicity assays and chemical...

  19. Reagent-free bacterial identification using multivariate analysis of transmission spectra (United States)

    Smith, Jennifer M.; Huffman, Debra E.; Acosta, Dayanis; Serebrennikova, Yulia; García-Rubio, Luis; Leparc, German F.


    The identification of bacterial pathogens from culture is critical to the proper administration of antibiotics and patient treatment. Many of the tests currently used in the clinical microbiology laboratory for bacterial identification today can be highly sensitive and specific; however, they have the additional burdens of complexity, cost, and the need for specialized reagents. We present an innovative, reagent-free method for the identification of pathogens from culture. A clinical study has been initiated to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of this approach. Multiwavelength transmission spectra were generated from a set of clinical isolates including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. Spectra of an initial training set of these target organisms were used to create identification models representing the spectral variability of each species using multivariate statistical techniques. Next, the spectra of the blinded isolates of targeted species were identified using the model achieving >94% sensitivity and >98% specificity, with 100% accuracy for P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. The results from this on-going clinical study indicate this approach is a powerful and exciting technique for identification of pathogens. The menu of models is being expanded to include other bacterial genera and species of clinical significance.

  20. Alkaline phosphatase-fused repebody as a new format of immuno-reagent for an immunoassay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Hyo-Deok; Lee, Joong-jae [Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Yu Jung [Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Hantschel, Oliver [School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne (Switzerland); Lee, Seung-Goo [Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Hak-Sung, E-mail: [Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    Enzyme-linked immunoassays based on an antibody-antigen interaction are widely used in biological and medical sciences. However, the conjugation of an enzyme to antibodies needs an additional chemical process, usually resulting in randomly cross-linked molecules and a loss of the binding affinity and enzyme activity. Herein, we present the development of an alkaline phosphatase-fused repebody as a new format of immuno-reagent for immunoassays. A repebody specifically binding to human TNF-α (hTNF-α) was selected through a phage display, and its binding affinity was increased up to 49 nM using a modular engineering approach. A monomeric alkaline phosphatase (mAP), which was previously isolated from a metagenome library, was genetically fused to the repebody as a signal generator, and the resulting repebody-mAP fusion protein was used for direct and sandwich immunoassays of hTNF-α. We demonstrate the utility and potential of the repebody-mAP fusion protein as an immuno-reagent by showing the sensitivity of 216 pg mL{sup −1} for hTNF-α in a sandwich immunoassay. Furthermore, this repebody-mAP fusion protein enabled the detection of hTNF-α spiked in a serum-supplemented medium with high accuracy and reproducibility. It is thus expected that a mAP-fused repebody can be broadly used as an immuno-reagent in immunoassays. - Highlights: • A human TNF-α (hTNF-α)-specific repebody was selected using a phage display. • A monomeric alkaline phosphatase (mAP) was genetically fused to the repebody. • mAP-fused repebody enabled detection of hTNF-α with high sensitivity and accuracy. • mAP-fused repebody can be widely used as a new immuno-reagent in immunoassays.

  1. Evaluation of Tropaeolin 000-1 as a Colorimetric Reagent for Assay ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To explore the application of tropaeolin 000-1 reagent for the rapid, precise and accurate determination of duloxetine hydrochloride (DX) and escitalopram maleate (ECT). Methods: Determination of DX and ECT was based on the formation of complexes between the dye, DX and ECT in 0.1 M HCl. The resulting ...

  2. Miniature stick-packaging--an industrial technology for pre-storage and release of reagents in lab-on-a-chip systems. (United States)

    van Oordt, Thomas; Barb, Yannick; Smetana, Jan; Zengerle, Roland; von Stetten, Felix


    Stick-packaging of goods in tubular-shaped composite-foil pouches has become a popular technology for food and drug packaging. We miniaturized stick-packaging for use in lab-on-a-chip (LOAC) systems to pre-store and on-demand release the liquid and dry reagents in a volume range of 80-500 μl. An integrated frangible seal enables the pressure-controlled release of reagents and simplifies the layout of LOAC systems, thereby making the package a functional microfluidic release unit. The frangible seal is adjusted to defined burst pressures ranging from 20 to 140 kPa. The applied ultrasonic welding process allows the packaging of temperature sensitive reagents. Stick-packs have been successfully tested applying recovery tests (where 99% (STDV = 1%) of 250 μl pre-stored liquid is released), long-term storage tests (where there is loss of only <0.5% for simulated 2 years) and air transport simulation tests. The developed technology enables the storage of a combination of liquid and dry reagents. It is a scalable technology suitable for rapid prototyping and low-cost mass production.

  3. Selection of organic acid leaching reagent for recovery of zinc and manganese from zinc-carbon and alkaline spent batteries (United States)

    Yuliusman; Amiliana, R. A.; Wulandari, P. T.; Ramadhan, I. T.; Kusumadewi, F. A.


    Zinc-carbon and alkaline batteries are often used in electronic equipment that requires small quantities of power. The waste from these batteries contains valuable metals, such as zinc and manganese, that are needed in many industries and can pollute the environment if not treated properly. This paper concerns the recovery of zinc and manganese metals from zinc-carbon and alkaline spent batteries with leaching method and using organic acid as the environmental friendly leaching reagent. Three different organic acids, namely citric acid, malic acid and aspartic acid, were used as leaching reagents and compared with sulfuric acid as non-organic acid reagents that often used for leaching. The presence of hydrogen peroxide as manganese reducers was investigated for both organic and non-organic leaching reagents. The result showed that citric acid can recover 64.37% Zinc and 51.32% Manganese, while malic acid and aspartic acid could recover less than these. Hydrogen peroxide gave the significant effect for leaching manganese with non-organic acid, but not with organic acid.

  4. In situ generation of the Ohira-Bestmann reagent from stable sulfonyl azide: scalable synthesis of alkynes from aldehydes. (United States)

    Jepsen, Tue Heesgaard; Kristensen, Jesper Langgaard


    We report an improved method for in situ generation of the Ohira-Bestmann reagent. Using the recently reported bench-stable imidazole-1-sulfonyl azide as diazotransfer reagent, this new method represents a scalable and convenient approach for the transformation of aldehydes into terminal alkynes. The method features an easier workup compared to the existing in situ protocol due to increased aqueous solubility of waste products.

  5. Application of Fenton's reagent as a pretreatment step in biological degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelley, R.L.; Gauger, W.K.; Srivastava, V.J.


    Fenton's reagent (H 2 O 2 and Fe ++ ) has been used for chemical oxidation of numerous organic compounds in water treatment schemes. In this study, the Institute of Gas Technology (IGT) applied Fenton's treatment to polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and PAH-contaminated soils. Fenton's treatment was very reactive with PAHs, causing rapid modification of the parental compounds to oxidized products and complete degradation to CO 2 . This treatment was more effective on chemically reactive PAHs, such as benzo(a)pyrene and phenanthrene. Important parameters and conditions for Fenton's treatment of PAHs in solution and soil matrices have been identified. As much as 99% of the PAHs on soil matrices can be removed by treatment with Fenton's reagent

  6. New methods and reagents to improve the ferret model for human influenza infections

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martel, Cyril Jean-Marie; Kirkeby, Svend; Aasted, Bent

    The ferret has been extensively used to study human influenza infections. However, its value as a model has suffered from the limited set of reagents and methods available for this animal. We have recently tested a large number of monoclonal antibodies cross-reacting with ferret CD markers (CD8, ...... improvements of the model will aim at establishing a reliable RT-PCR for ferret cytokines, as well as investigating the location of influenza receptors and viral particles in the upper and lower respiratory tract via immunohistochemistry......The ferret has been extensively used to study human influenza infections. However, its value as a model has suffered from the limited set of reagents and methods available for this animal. We have recently tested a large number of monoclonal antibodies cross-reacting with ferret CD markers (CD8, CD...

  7. Conjugate additions of a simple monosilylcopper reagent with use of the CuI.DMS complex: stereoselectivities and a dramatic impact by DMS. (United States)

    Dambacher, Jesse; Bergdahl, Mikael


    Conjugate additions utilizing the simple monosilylcuprate reagent Li[PhMe2SiCuI] to alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds are described. The presence of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), either as a component originating from the (CuI)4(DMS)3 complex or as a solvent added, has an amazing influence on both chemical yield and the level of diastereomeric ratio (dr) of the products. Gilman-type silylcyanocuprates {Li(Ph2MeSi)2Cu/LiCN} have previously been used to guarantee good results in conjugate addition reactions. External additives such as HMPA, tributylphosphine, or dialkylzinc are not necessary in conjunction with the simple Li[PhMe2SiCuI] reagent. It is demonstrated that the monosilylcuprate reagent with DMS as the solvent is very useful with sterically hindered (beta,beta-disubstituted) enones, and provides very high yields of the beta-silylated 1,4-addition products. Since there is no oligomerization problem associated with the simple monosilylcuprate reagent, this reagent should be considered as a very useful 1,4-silyl donor to enals, enones, and enoates in conjugate addition reactions.

  8. Uptake of DNA by cancer cells without a transfection reagent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanping Kong

    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cancer cells exhibit elevated levels of glucose uptake and may obtain pre-formed, diet-derived fatty acids from the bloodstream to boost their rapid growth; they may also use nucleic acid from their microenvironment. The study of processing nucleic acid by cancer cells will help improve the understanding of the metabolism of cancer. DNA is commonly packaged into a viral or lipid particle to be transferred into cells; this process is called transfection in laboratory. Cancer cells are known for having gene mutations and the evolving ability of endocytosis. Their uptake of DNAs might be different from normal cells; they may take in DNAs directly from the environment. In this report, we studied the uptake of DNAs in cancer cells without a transfection reagent. Methods A group of DNA fragments were prepared with PCR and labeled with isotope phosphorous-32 to test their uptake by Huh 7 (liver cancer and THLE3 (normal liver cells after incubation overnight by counting radioactivity of the cells’ genomic DNA. Multiple cell lines including breast cancer and lung cancer were tested with the same method. DNA molecules were also labeled with fluorescence to test the location in the cells using a kit of “label it fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH” from Mirus (USA. Results The data demonstrated that hepatocellular carcinoma cells possess the ability to take in large DNA fragments directly without a transfection reagent whereas normal liver cells cannot. Huh7 and MDA-MB231 cells displayed a significantly higher Rhodamine density in the cytoplasmic phagosomes and this suggests that the mechanism of uptake of large DNA by cancer cells is likely endocytosis. The efficacy of uptake is related to the DNA’s size. Some cell lines of lung cancer and breast cancer also showed similar uptake of DNA. Conclusions In the present study, we have revealed the evidence that some cancer cells, but not nontumorigenic cells, can take DNA

  9. Employing natural reagents from turmeric and lime for acetic acid determination in vinegar sample

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sam-ang Supharoek


    Full Text Available A simple, rapid and environmentally friendly sequential injection analysis system employing natural extract reagents was developed for the determination of acetic acid following an acid–base reaction in the presence of an indicator. Powdered lime and turmeric were utilized as the natural base and indicator, respectively. Mixing lime and turmeric produced an orange to reddish-brown color solution which absorbed the maximum wavelength at 455 nm, with absorbance decreasing with increasing acetic acid concentration. Influential parameters including lime and turmeric concentrations, reagent and sample aspirated volumes, mixing coil length and dispensing flow rate were investigated and optimized. A standard calibration graph was plotted for 0–5.0 mmol/L acetic acid with r2 = 0.9925. Relative standard deviations (RSD at 2.0 and 4.0 mmol/L acetic acid were less than 3% (n = 7, with limit of detection (LOD and limit of quantification (LOQ at 0.12 and 0.24 mmol/L, respectively. The method was successfully applied to assay acetic acid concentration in cooking vinegar samples. Results achieved were not significantly different from those obtained following a batchwise standard AOAC titration method. Keywords: Acetic acid assay, Natural reagent, Turmeric, Lime, Sequential injection analysis

  10. Candidate reagents and procedures for the dissolution of Hanford Site single-shell tank sludges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schulz, W.W.; Kupfer, M.J.


    At least some of the waste in the 149 single-shell tanks (SST) at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site will be retrieved, treated, and disposed of. Although the importance of devising efficient and cost-effective sludge dissolution procedures has long been recognized, a concerted bench-scale effort to devise and test such procedures with actual solids representative of those in Hanford Site SSTs has not been performed. Reagents that might be used, either individually or serially, to dissolve sludges include HNO 3 , HNO 3 -oxalic acid, and HNO 3 -HF. This report consolidates and updates perspectives and recommendations concerning reagents and procedures for dissolving Hanford Site SST and selected double-shell tank (DST) sludges. The principal objectives of this report are as follows: (1) Compile and review existing experimental data on dissolution of actual Hanford Site SST and DST sludges. (2) Further inform Hanford Site engineers and scientists concerning the utility of combinations of thermally unstable complexants (TUCS) reagents and various reducing agents for dissolving SST and DST sludges. (This latter technology has recently been explored at the Argonne National Laboratory.) (3) Provide guidance in laying out a comprehensive experimental program to develop technology for dissolving all types of Hanford Site SST and DST sludges. 6 refs., 1 fig., 4 tabs

  11. TAPIR: a device for automatic titration with incremental weighing of the titration reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganivet, Michel

    TAPIR is a titration device enabling automatic analyses with weighting of the titration reagent. The titration method used can be based on potentiometry, amperometry, color indicator change... The reproducibility is about 3.10 -4 [fr

  12. A Perspective on Reagent Diversity and Non-covalent Binding of Reactive Carbonyl Species (RCS and Effector Reagents in Non-enzymatic Glycation (NEG: Mechanistic Considerations and Implications for Future Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenneth J. Rodnick


    Full Text Available This perspective focuses on illustrating the underappreciated connections between reactive carbonyl species (RCS, initial binding in the nonenzymatic glycation (NEG process, and nonenzymatic covalent protein modification (here termed NECPM. While glucose is the central species involved in NEG, recent studies indicate that the initially-bound glucose species in the NEG of human hemoglobin (HbA and human serum albumin (HSA are non-RCS ring-closed isomers. The ring-opened glucose, an RCS structure that reacts in the NEG process, is most likely generated from previously-bound ring-closed isomers undergoing concerted acid/base reactions while bound to protein. The generation of the glucose RCS can involve concomitantly-bound physiological species (e.g., inorganic phosphate, water, etc.; here termed effector reagents. Extant NEG schemes do not account for these recent findings. In addition, effector reagent reactions with glucose in the serum and erythrocyte cytosol can generate RCS (e.g., glyoxal, glyceraldehyde, etc.. Recent research has shown that these RCS covalently modify proteins in vivo via NECPM mechanisms. A general scheme that reflects both the reagent and mechanistic diversity that can lead to NEG and NECPM is presented here. A perspective that accounts for the relationships between RCS, NEG, and NECPM can facilitate the understanding of site selectivity, may help explain overall glycation rates, and may have implications for the clinical assessment/control of diabetes mellitus. In view of this perspective, concentrations of ribose, fructose, Pi, bicarbonate, counter ions, and the resulting RCS generated within intracellular and extracellular compartments may be of importance and of clinical relevance. Future research is also proposed.

  13. Analogs of N-cynnamoylphenylhydroxylamine as reagents for amperometric determination of scandium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shvedene, N.V.; Gallaj, Z.A.; Sheina, N.M.; Zujkova, N.V.


    To decrease the detection limit of scandium and increase selectivity of amperometric determination, oxidation of 2-furylacryloyl-N-p-chlorophenylhydroxylamine (FACPhHA) and 3-styrylacryloyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine (SAPhHA) on a graphite electrode has been studied by volt-amperometry. The possibility has been established of using the oxidation current of the reagent for plotting the titration curves. The solubility of scandium complexes with FACPhHA and SAPhHA under conditions of titration against the background with pH 6.0 has been determined and equals (2.1+-0.3)x10 -6 and (5.3+-0.3)x10 -7 , respectively. The methods have been developed of amperometric determination of scandium with the use of the considered reagents against backgrounds with pH 5.5-6.5. The use of SAPhHA has decreased the limit of scandium detection down to 0.1 mgk/ml. Besides, the amperometric method makes it possible to titrate in turbid and coloured media what is an advantage of this method. The developed method is used for determination of scandium in scandium silicide

  14. Programmable definition of nanogap electronic devices using self-inhibited reagent depletion. (United States)

    Lam, Brian; Zhou, Wendi; Kelley, Shana O; Sargent, Edward H


    Electrodes exhibiting controlled nanoscale separations are required in devices for light detection, semiconductor electronics and medical diagnostics. Here we use low-cost lithography to define micron-separated electrodes, which we downscale to create three-dimensional electrodes separated by nanoscale gaps. Only by devising a new strategy, which we term electrochemical self-inhibited reagent depletion, were we able to produce a robust self-limiting nanogap manufacturing technology. We investigate the method using experiment and simulation and find that, when electrodeposition is carried out using micron-spaced electrodes simultaneously poised at the same potential, these exhibit self-inhibited reagent depletion, leading to defined and robust nanogaps. Particularly remarkable is the formation of fractal electrodes that exhibit interpenetrating jagged elements that consistently avoid electrical contact. We showcase the new technology by fabricating photodetectors with responsivities (A/W) that are one hundred times higher than previously reported photodetectors operating at the same low (1-3 V) voltages. The new strategy adds to the nanofabrication toolkit method that unites top-down template definition with bottom-up three-dimensional nanoscale features.

  15. Short communication: Adverse effect of surface-active reagents on the bioleaching of pyrite and chalcopyrite by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. (United States)

    Huerta, G; Escobar, B; Rubio, J; Badilla-Ohlbaum, R


    Oxidation of Fe(II) iron and bioleaching of pyrite and chalcopyrite by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was adversely affected by isopropylxanthate, a flotation agent, and by LIX 984, a solvent-extraction agent, each at ≤ 1 g/l. The reagents/l were adsorbed on the bacterial surface, decreasing the bacteria's development and preventing biooxidation. Both reagents inhibited the bioleaching of pyrite and LIX 984 also inhibited the bioleaching of chalcopyrite.

  16. Mild copper-catalyzed trifluoromethylation of terminal alkynes using an electrophilic trifluoromethylating reagent

    KAUST Repository

    Weng, Zhiqiang


    A catalytic process for trifluoromethylation of terminal alkynes with Togni\\'s reagent has been developed, affording trifluoromethylated acetylenes in good to excellent yields. The reaction is conducted at room temperature and exhibits tolerance to a range of functional groups. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. The performance of the 'CentrifiChem' parallel fast analyser using packaged reagents. (United States)

    Henry, P; Saunders, R A


    The CentrifiChem system was used with packaged reagent kits for the following determinations: albumin, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, creatinine, glucose, and alpha-hydroxybutyrate and lactate dehydrogenases. The linearity obtainable for each assay was investigated, and particular attention was paid to finding the most suitable instrument settings.

  18. Algunas Estrategias Utilizadas por Familias Peruanas para Afrontar la Crisis Económica Actual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alegria Majluf


    Full Text Available Con el fin de explorar las estrategias utilizadas por madres de CSE media y baja para afrontar la crisis económica actual se entrevistaron a 20 madres de cada estrato económico y se les administraron trespequeñas encuestas y la Escala F-Copes "Escala de Evaluación Personal del Funcionamiento Familiar en Situaciones de Crisis". Los resultados evidenciaron que ambos grupos económicos se vieron seriamente afectados económicamente debiendo reducir sus gastos en actividades virales tales como alimentación, vestuario y recreación. Las madres de CSE media recurrieron más a una estrategia de reestructuración del problema para hacerlo más manejable y las madres de CSE baja a la movilización familiar para obtener ayuda y a la evaluación pasiva. No difieren ambos grupos en la búsqueda de apoyo espiritual y social.

  19. Dewaterability of five sewage sludges in Guangzhou conditioned with Fenton's reagent/lime and pilot-scale experiments using ultrahigh pressure filtration system. (United States)

    Liang, Jialin; Huang, Shaosong; Dai, Yongkang; Li, Lei; Sun, Shuiyu


    Sludge conditioning with Fenton's reagent and lime is a valid method for sludge dewatering. This study investigated the influence of different organic matter content sludge on sludge dewatering and discussed the main mechanism of sludge conditioning by combined Fenton's reagent and lime. The results indicated that the specific resistance to filterability (SRF) of sludge was reduced efficiently by approximately 90%, when conditioned with Fenton's reagent and lime. Through single factor experiments, the optimal conditioning combinations were found. In addition, the relationship between VSS% and consumption of the reagents was detected. Furthermore, it was also demonstrated that the SRF and filtrate TOC values had a significant correlation with VSS% of sludge (including raw and conditioned). The main mechanism of sludge dewatering was also investigated. Firstly, it revealed that the dewaterability of sludge was closely correlated to extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and bound water contents. Secondly, the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) stated that sludge particles were to be smaller and thinner after conditioning. And this structure could easily form outflow channels for releasing free water. Additionally, with the ultrahigh pressure filtration system, the water content of sludge cake conditioned with Fenton's reagent and lime could be reduced to below 50%. Moreover, the economic assessment shows that Fenton's reagent and lime combined with ultrahigh pressure filtration system can be an economical and viable technology for sewage sludge dewatering. Finally, three types of sludge were classified: (1) Fast to dewater; (2) Moderately fast to dewater; (3) Slow to dewater sludge. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. A new class of photoactivatable and carbene generating reagents with extremely high specific radioactivity. Synthesis, characterization and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, T.


    The main objective of this work was the development of new photocrosslinking and labeling reagents which show favourable photochemical properties and can be synthesized in an extremely high specific radioactivity. A key compound in the synthesis of these reagents was 2-tributyltin-4-(3-trifluormethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)-benzyl alcohol. Esters of this alcohol can be easily radioiodinated at a specific radioactivity of >2000 Ci/mmol under mild conditions. By experiments with a model compound it was shown that 2-iodo-4-(3-trifluormethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)-benzyl esters, upon photolysis, generate highly reactive (singlet) carbenes capable of inserting into CH-bonds. Equally important, there is no indication of loss of iodine under the photolysis conditions applied. Therefore two key requirements for photolabeling reagents are fulfilled. Several photoactivatable radioiodinated phospholipids have been synthesized. Their properties have been evaluated by labeling of the the membranes of intact erythrocytes and influenza viruses. Currently these lipids are used to study the interaction of various proteins (shown are experiments with MARCKS) with membranes. Furthermore a new class of actual label transfer crosslinkers (two thiol specific and one amino specific) have been developed. The range of potentialities of these reagents is currently being investigated. Finally a photoactivatable radioiodinated ceramide analogue suitable as a photoaffinity crosslinker has been developed with the goal of identifying the putative receptor of this second messenger-like lipid. Preliminary studies towards this goal are described. We are convinced that the reagents and methods presented in this work are valuable tools, and that they will find widespread use in future cell-biological and biochemical research. (author) figs., tabs., refs

  1. Eco-friendly synthesis for MCM-41 nanoporous materials using the non-reacted reagents in mother liquor. (United States)

    Ng, Eng-Poh; Goh, Jia-Yi; Ling, Tau Chuan; Mukti, Rino R


    Nanoporous materials such as Mobil composite material number 41 (MCM-41) are attractive for applications such as catalysis, adsorption, supports, and carriers. Green synthesis of MCM-41 is particularly appealing because the chemical reagents are useful and valuable. We report on the eco-friendly synthesis of MCM-41 nanoporous materials via multi-cycle approach by re-using the non-reacted reagents in supernatant as mother liquor after separating the solid product. This approach was achieved via minimal requirement of chemical compensation where additional fresh reactants were added into the mother liquor followed by pH adjustment after each cycle of synthesis. The solid product of each successive batch was collected and characterized while the non-reacted reagents in supernatant can be recovered and re-used to produce subsequent cycle of MCM-41. The multi-cycle synthesis is demonstrated up to three times in this research. This approach suggests a low cost and eco-friendly synthesis of nanoporous material since less waste is discarded after the product has been collected, and in addition, product yield can be maintained at the high level.

  2. Flow injection spectrophotometry using natural reagent from Morinda citrifolia root for determination of aluminium in tea. (United States)

    Tontrong, Sopa; Khonyoung, Supada; Jakmunee, Jaroon


    A flow injection (FI) spectrophotometric method with using natural reagent extracted from Morinda citrifolia root has been developed for determination of aluminium. The extract contained anthraquinone compounds which could react with Al(3+) to form reddish complexes which had maximum absorption wavelength at 499.0nm. The extract could be used as a reagent in FI system without further purification to obtain pure compound. A sensitive method for determination of aluminium in concentration range of 0.1-1.0mgL(-1), with detection limit of 0.05mgL(-1) was achieved. Relative standard deviations of 1.2% and 1.7% were obtained for the determination of 0.1 and 0.6mgL(-1) Al(3+) (n=11). Sample throughput of 35h(-1) was achieved with the consumption of 3mL each of carrier and reagent solutions per injection. The developed method was successfully applied to tea samples, validated by the FAAS standard method. The method is simple, fast, economical and could be classified as a greener analytical method. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. 2-Hydro-4-n-But oxypropiophenone Oxime as a spectrophotometric reagent for Fe (III)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purohit, K.; Desai, K.K.


    2-Hydro-4-n-But oxypropiophenone Oxime [Hipbone] has been synthesized and used for the spectrophotometric determination of Fe (III). The reagent gives purple coloured complex with Fe (III) in 50% alcoholic medium in pH range of 2.5-4.5. Beer's law is obeyed up to 23.1 ppm of Fe (III). Molar absorptivity and sandell's sensitivity at 500 nm of complex were found to be 7.062x 10 power2 and 0.079 ug of Fe (III)/cm respectively. Composition and stability constant have been determined. The reagent is successfully used for determination of Fe (III) in dolomite and in pharmaceutical sample. It is also used for the indirect determination of fluoride in tap water sample. (author)

  4. A convenient method to synthesize N-[3H]methyl-N-nitrosocarbamate transfer reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehta, P.; Gold, B.; Konakahara, T.


    Activated N-alkyl-N-nitrosocarbamates are useful acyl transfer reagents that are employed in the synthesis of N-alkyl-N-nitrosoureas and related N-nitroso compounds. The nitrosourea products are of chemical and biological interest because they provide access to the in situ generation of highly reactive carbonium type intermediates, which, depending on their structure, can be powerful carcinogens or antineoplastic agents. The availability of radiolabeled nitrosoureas greatly facilitates studies on their chemical and biological activities. Generally, the synthesis of activated nitrosocarbamates requires condensation of radiolabeled alkylisocyanates with the appropriate alcohol. Because radiolabeled alkylisocyanates are not commercially available and/or troublesome to synthesize, we have developed an easy and economical method for preparing N-[ 3 H]methyl-N-nitrosocarbamates suitable for use as transfer reagents utilizing 1,2,2,2-tetrachloroethyl chloroformate and [ 3 H]methylamine hydrochloride as starting materials. (author)

  5. Treatment of landfill leachate by Fenton's reagent in a continuous stirred tank reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Hui; Choi, H.J.; Huang, C.-P.


    The treatment of landfill leachate by Fenton process was carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The effect of operating conditions such as reaction time, hydraulic retention time, pH, H 2 O 2 to Fe(II) molar ratio, Fenton's reagent dosage, initial COD strength, and temperature on the efficacy of Fenton process was investigated. It is demonstrated that Fenton's reagent can effectively degrade leachate organics. Fenton process reached the steady state after three times of hydraulic retention. The oxidation of organic materials in the leachate was pH dependent and the optimal pH was 2.5. The favorable H 2 O 2 to Fe(II) molar ratio was 3, and organic removal increased as dosage increased at the favorable H 2 O 2 to Fe(II) molar ratio. Temperature gave a positive effect on organic removal

  6. Cu-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of Phosphonates and Phosphine Oxides with Grignard Reagents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hornillos, Valentin; Perez, Manuel; Fananas-Mastral, Martin; Feringa, Ben L.

    An efficient and highly enantioselective copper-catalyzed allylic alkylation of phosphonates and phosphine oxides with Grignard reagents and Taniaphos or phosphoramidites as chiral ligands is reported. Transformation of these products leads to a variety of new phosphorus-containing chiral

  7. The potential of curcumin reagent as a natural pH indicator for the development of an optical pH sensor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosmawani Mohammad; Musa Ahmad; Jamaluddin Mohd Daud


    The potential of curcumin reagent as a natural pH indicator for the development of an optical pH sensor was discussed in this study. Curcumin has been chosen because it has never been reported before for use in the development of an optical pH sensor. Curcumin is a coloring constituent of turmeric that giving yellow pigmentation. Curcumin showed clear color changes, for example yellow in acidic and reddish-brown in basic solutions. The color change is fast for example within 5 seconds. Results from the study showed that a linear pH range for this reagent was observed at pH 8-12 (R 2 =0.9854). Curcumin has a good photo stability with RSD value of 1.42 % for a study period of 6 months. The RSD values of the reproducibility study were found to be 1.43 % and 0.37 % for pH 9 and pH 12, respectively. Characterisation of the immobilised curcumin reagent also showed promising results, hence a good potential for use as a sensing reagent for an optical pH sensor. (author)

  8. A Field-Portable Cell Analyzer without a Microscope and Reagents. (United States)

    Seo, Dongmin; Oh, Sangwoo; Lee, Moonjin; Hwang, Yongha; Seo, Sungkyu


    This paper demonstrates a commercial-level field-portable lens-free cell analyzer called the NaviCell (No-stain and Automated Versatile Innovative cell analyzer) capable of automatically analyzing cell count and viability without employing an optical microscope and reagents. Based on the lens-free shadow imaging technique, the NaviCell (162 × 135 × 138 mm³ and 1.02 kg) has the advantage of providing analysis results with improved standard deviation between measurement results, owing to its large field of view. Importantly, the cell counting and viability testing can be analyzed without the use of any reagent, thereby simplifying the measurement procedure and reducing potential errors during sample preparation. In this study, the performance of the NaviCell for cell counting and viability testing was demonstrated using 13 and six cell lines, respectively. Based on the results of the hemocytometer ( de facto standard), the error rate (ER) and coefficient of variation (CV) of the NaviCell are approximately 3.27 and 2.16 times better than the commercial cell counter, respectively. The cell viability testing of the NaviCell also showed an ER and CV performance improvement of 5.09 and 1.8 times, respectively, demonstrating sufficient potential in the field of cell analysis.

  9. Catalytic enantioselective addition of organometallic reagents to N-formylimines using monodentate phosphoramidite ligands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pizzuti, Maria Gabriella; Minnaard, Adriaan J.; Feringa, Ben L.


    [GRAPHICS] The asymmetric synthesis of protected amines via the copper/phosphoramidite-catalyzed addition of organozine and organoaluminum reagents to N-acylimines, generated in situ from aromatic and aliphatic alpha-amidosulfones, is reported. High yields of optically active N-formyl-protected

  10. Catalytic Enantioselective Addition of Organometallic Reagents to N-Formylimines Using Monodentate Phosphoramidite Ligands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pizzuti, Maria Gabriella; Minnaard, Adriaan J.; Feringa, Bernard


    The asymmetric synthesis of protected amines via the copper/phosphoramidite-catalyzed addition of organozinc and organoaluminum reagents to N-acylimines, generated in situ from aromatic and aliphatic α-amidosulfones, is reported. High yields of optically active N-formyl-protected amines and

  11. Levantamento etnobotânico de plantas popularmente utilizadas como antiúlceras e antiinflamatórias pela comunidade de Pirizal, Nossa Senhora do Livramento-MT, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neyres Zínia Taveira de Jesus

    Full Text Available O trabalho teve por objetivo proceder o levantamento etnobotânico das espécies vegetais utilizadas popularmente no Distrito de Pirizal - MT, no pantanal mato-grossense, como antiúlceras e antiinflamatórias. A entrevista aberta foi realizada através da aplicação de um roteiro base a 38 informantes adultos, na faixa etária de 25 a 75 anos. Indagou-se o nome popular das plantas, partes utilizadas, preparados e vias de administração, e realizou-se a revisão bibliográfica das plantas mais citadas no estudo, utilizando-se as bases de dados convencionais. Foram citadas 49 espécies pertencentes a 47 gêneros e 32 famílias, destacando-se a família Fabaceae. As plantas mais citadas simultaneamente como antiúlceras e antiinflamatórias foram Lafoensia pacari St. Hil. (9,2%, Hyptis crenata Pohl (8,8%, Hyptis suaveolens (L. Poit (6,7%, Stachytarpheta cayenensis (L.C.Rich Vahl (5,8%, Waltheria indica L. (5%, Strychnos pseudoquina St. Hil. (4,2% e Vatairea macrocarpa (Benth. Ducke (3,3%. A parte da planta mais citada foi a folha (57,1%, a via de administração mais utilizada no tratamento das úlceras gástricas foi a oral (100%, com preferência para os chás (75%, enquanto nas inflamações foram os banhos tópicos (60%.. A revisão bibliográfica apontou a necessidade de aprofundar os estudos químico-farmacológicos para Vatairea macrocarpa (Benth. Ducke e Hyptis crenata Pohl.

  12. First-in-man open clinical trial of a combined rdESAT-6 and rCFP-10 tuberculosis specific skin test reagent.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Winnie Bergstedt


    Full Text Available Tuberculin is still the only available skin test reagent for the diagnosis of mycobacterial infection. The product has a remarkable sensitivity, but poor specificity. Previous studies, including two human phase I clinical trials, have indicated that rdESAT-6 has a potential as an improved skin test reagent. Animal studies have shown that the sensitivity may be increased by inclusion of the genetically related CFP-10 antigen in the preparation without loosing specificity.In this study a Lactococcus fermented, recombinant skin test reagent consisting of a 1ratio1 wt/wt of rdESAT-6 and CFP-10 was manufactured according to GMP standards and tested for the first time in 42 healthy adult volunteers. The two doses of 0.01 microg or 0.1 microg were injected intradermally by the Mantoux technique with 6 or 12 weeks interval. No serious adverse events and only mild adverse reactions were reported. The reagent elicited a positive skin test reaction after the first injection in one participant, who most likely was latently infected with M. tuberculosis as indicated by an appreciable IFN gamma response just below the Quantiferon(R cut-off level at the screening visit. None of the remaining participants in the four groups had any skin test reactions and sensitisation by the reagent could therefore be excluded.The investigational skin test reagent rdESAT-6 and CFP-10 appeared safe and non-sensitising in this first-in-man clinical trial in human volunteers and can now be tested in larger clinical trials involving individuals with latent M. tuberculosis infection or active TB NCT00793702.

  13. Influence of Fenton's reagent treatment on electrochemical properties of graphite felt for all vanadium redox flow battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Chao; Wang, NanFang; Peng, Sui; Liu, SuQin; Lei, Ying; Liang, XinXing; Zeng, ShanShan; Zi, HuiFang


    Highlights: ► Highly hydroxyl-functionalized graphite felt has been obtained through Fenton's reagent treatment. ► Fenton's reagent treatment involves only one step, works under ambient conditions and will never produce any toxic gas. ► The treated graphite felt exhibits superior electrochemical performance in comparison to the untreated one. -- Abstract: An environmental, economic and highly effective method for carbon fiber hydroxylated-functionalization based on Fenton's reagent treatment is used to improve the electrochemical activity of graphite felt (GF) as the positive electrode in all vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB). The effect of H 2 O 2 content in Fenton's reagent on the structure and electrochemical properties of GF is investigated. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) indicates that the surface of the treated GF is etched increasingly with the content of H 2 O 2 . The Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy shows that the peak intensity of hydroxyl groups on the treated felt is increased with the H 2 O 2 concentration, which is further verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) show that the treated sample exhibits a higher electrochemical activity. A VRFB with the treated GF as electrodes exhibits higher coulombic, voltage and energy efficiency (98.8%, 75.1% and 74.2%) than that with the untreated GF (93.9%, 72.1% and 67.7%) at 60 mA cm −2 , and this method is even superior when compared with the reported methods

  14. Classical kinematic model for direct reactions of oriented reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schechter, I.; Prisant, M.G.; Levine, R.D.


    A simple kinematic model based on the concept of an orientation-dependent critical configuration for reaction is introduced and applied. The model serves two complementary purposes. In the predictive mode the model provides an easily implemented procedure for computing the reactivity of oriented reagents (including those actually amenable to measure) from a given potential energy surface. The predictions of the model are compared against classical trajectory results for the H + D 2 reaction. By use of realistic potential energy surfaces the model is applied to the Li + HF and O + HCl reactions where the HX molecules are pumped by a polarized laser. A given classical trajectory is deemed reactive or not according to whether it can surmount the barrier at that particular orientation. The essential difference with the model of Levine and Bernstein is that the averaging over initial conditions is performed by using a Monte Carlo integration. One can therefore use the correct orientation-dependent shape (and not only height) of the barrier to reaction and, furthermore, use oriented or aligned reagents. Since the only numerical step is a Monte Carlo sampling of initial conditions, very many trajectories can be run. This suffices to determine the reaction cross section for different initial conditions. To probe the products, they have employed the kinematic approach of Elsum and Gordon. The result is a model where, under varying initial conditions, examining final-state distributions or screening different potential energy surfaces can be efficiently carried out

  15. 42 CFR 493.1252 - Standard: Test systems, equipment, instruments, reagents, materials, and supplies. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Standard: Test systems, equipment, instruments... SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION LABORATORY... storage of reagents and specimens, accurate and reliable test system operation, and test result reporting...

  16. Palladium-Catalysed Direct Cross-Coupling of Organolithium Reagents with Aryl and Vinyl Triflates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vila, Carlos; Hornillos, Valentin; Giannerini, Massimo; Fananas-Mastral, Martin; Feringa, Bernard L.


    Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Carbon-carbon bond formation by the cross-coupling of highly reactive organolithium reagents is a major challenge. Recently, it was demonstrated that palladium catalysts are able to couple organic halides with various organolithium species under mild conditions in a

  17. It guides for the storage of reagents and elimination of waste of the laboratories of the headquarters Rodrigo Facio of the Costa Rica University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mata Bonilla, E. R.


    The Project guides for the storage of chemical reagents and elimination of waste of the laboratories of the campus Rodrigo Facio of the Costa Rica University, the objective to settle down in written form a method of storage of chemical reagents, as well as the basic elements for the establishment of a system of handling of chemical residuals for the laboratories of the campus. The storage of reagents in a laboratory requires that the probability of an accident is minimized and it should include the following elements: a classification of reagents and their later segregation (in accordance with the reactivity of each group), ventilation, illumination, controls and alarms in the event of fires, control of spills and an uniform system for the identification of reagents and storage area. The elimination of residuals of chemical reagents requires a series of stages to carry out of this operation in sure form for people, the property and the environment. In the first place it is required of an outline of the whole process of elimination of the waste, later on a system of classification of the produced residuals should be included that it contemplates the final method of elimination of the residual. Other elements that should take into account are: reduction of the volume of the waste, gathering methods, labeled and transport. In this work intends the System of Classification of Substances of the United Nations as classification method, segregation, and storage of the reagents of the laboratories of the campus [es

  18. Flotation of copper-bearing shale in solutions of inorganic salts and organic reagents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ratajczak Tomasz


    Full Text Available Flotation data on copper-bearing shale in aqueous solutions of inorganic electrolytes (NaCl, Na2SO4, KPF6, NH4Cl and organic reagents (ethylamine, propylamine as frothers were presented and discussed. The relationships between shale flotation, surface tension of aqueous solution and foam height during bubbling with air in the flotation system were presented. It has been found that flotation of shale in the presence of inorganic salts the yield was directly proportional to the surface tension of the aqueous solution of salt and inversely proportional to the height of the foam. On the other hand, for organic reagents solutions (short chain amines, a reverse effect has been observed in relation to the inorganic compounds studied, that is the yield of copper-bearing shale flotation and the foam height were inversely proportional to the surface tension of the amine solution.

  19. Dos presidentes bajo la mirada del dibujante satírico: el caso de la caricatura política y sus recursos en dos producciones de Francia y Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Pedrazzini


    Full Text Available A partir de una metodología que articula análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos, realizamos un estudio bicultural sobre los recursos lingüísticos e ícono-plásticos que intervienen en el proceso de producción de sentido en la prensa satírica. Para ello, analizamos 248 caricaturas políticas de una y varias viñetas que refieren a la figura presidencial de Jacques Chirac (1995-2007 y Carlos Menem (1989-1999 en el semanario satírico francés Le Canard enchaîné y el suplemento argentino Sátira/12 respectivamente, durante dos períodos de gran trascendencia política: inicio del primer mandato y reelección de cada presidente. El análisis de la representación visual de los personajes así como de las figuras retóricas verbales y visuales utilizadas indica una tendencia similar en ambos periódicos, lo cual da indicios a favor de la existencia de un sistema de procedimientos satírico-humorísticos en común, transculturales, operando en la caricatura política.

  20. Functionalization of epoxy esters with alcohols as stoichiometric reagents. (United States)

    Pavlović, Dona; Modec, Barbara; Dolenc, Darko


    Glycidyl esters, frequently employed as reactive groups on polymeric supports, were functionalized with alcohols as stoichiometric reagents, yielding β-alkoxyalcohols. Among the solvents studied, best results were obtained in ethers in the presence of a strong proton acid as a catalyst. Alcohols include simple alkanols, diols, protected polyols, 3-butyn-1-ol 3-hydroxypropanenitrile and cholesterol. This protocol represents a convenient way for introduction of various functionalities onto epoxy-functionalized polymers. Under the reaction conditions, some side reactions take place, mostly due to the reactive ester group and water present in the reaction mixture.

  1. Measurement of dabigatran: previously demonstrated Hemoclot® Thrombin Inhibitor assay reagent instability on Sysmex CS-2100i is no longer an issue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Comuth, Willemijn; Faaborg, Louise; Henriksen, Linda Østervig


    hours. Since the reagent composition was unchanged, the increased stability could be due to changed logistics by the supplier, with stock and transfer closer by. Previously demonstrated HTI reagent instability is no longer an issue at our laboratory. The reliability of results of clinical studies...

  2. Kinetics of catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl caprylate (MUCAP) salmonella reagent (United States)

    Al-Kady, Ahmed S.; Ahmed, El-Sadat I.; Gaber, M.; Hussein, Mohamed M.; Ebeid, El-Zeiny M.


    The kinetics of chemical hydrolysis including neutral, acid- and base-catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl caprylate (MUCAP) salmonella reagent were studied at different temperatures. The rate constants and activation parameters were determined by following the build-up of fluorescence peak of the hydrolysis product 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU). The time scale of esterase enzyme hydrolysis caused by salmonella was compared with chemical hydrolysis as a background process.

  3. Multielement analysis of reagents used in chemical identification of transuranic elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montalvan Estrada, A.; Brigido Flores, O.; Maslov, O.D.; Dmitriev, S.N.


    For more than 40 years, chemical identification of transuranic elements has been used at the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Join Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, as a secondary method of identification. Chlorination of transuranic elements obtained by nuclear reactions is an important step of the procedure in order to obtain volatile compounds able to pass through a thermo chromatographic process. To access the quality of the reagents TiCl 4 and SOCl 2 multielement analysis was carried out using both X-rays fluorescence and gamma activation. It was followed the simplest procedure for reagents samples pretreatment, so further interferences from other chemical products were avoided. X-rays fluorescence analysis was performed in a spectrometer with Si(Li) detector with a resolution for Fe (K?) of 190 eV. Both Cd-109 and Am-241 were used as isotopic sources of excitation. Gamma activation analysis was carried out using the compact electron accelerator MT-25, where gamma rays are produced in a stopping target. Among the parameters of the MT-25 are the following: energy range-10-25 MeV, gamma-ray flux-10 14 photon/s, power consumption-20 kw. Measurements of the induced activity were performed with the help of a HPGe detector, thin and coaxial Ge(Li) detectors. There were identified two elements in SOCl 2 -Nickel (3*10 -6 g/g) and Antimony (2*10 -7 g/g), while there were identified three elements in TiCl 4 - Zirconium (8*10 -7 g/g), Arsenic (9*10 -7 g/g) and Antimony (5*10 -7 g/g). Only five elements were detected in trace concentrations in the two analyzed reagents, that is for more than 57 elements capable of being detected using gamma activation analysis with the MT-25 only 5 had concentrations above the detection limits of the method. Not being chemical analogs of the synthesized transuranic elements (Z-104 and 106) and not being able to alpha or fission disintegrations there is not expected any interference from them in the chemical

  4. Volumetric Titrations Using Electrolytically Generated Reagents for the Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Iron in Dietary Supplement Tablets: An Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment (United States)

    Scanlon, Christopher; Gebeyehu, Zewdu; Griffin, Kameron; Dabke, Rajeev B.


    An undergraduate laboratory experiment for the volumetric quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid and iron in dietary supplement tablets is presented. Powdered samples of the dietary supplement tablets were volumetrically titrated against electrolytically generated reagents, and the mass of dietary reagent in the tablet was determined from the…

  5. Azidoimidazolinium Salts: Safe and Efficient Diazo-transfer Reagents and Unique Azido-donors. (United States)

    Kitamura, Mitsuru


    2-Azido-1,3-dimethylimidazolinium chloride (ADMC) and its corresponding hexafluorophosphate (ADMP) were found to be efficient diazo-transfer reagents to various organic compounds. ADMC was prepared by the reaction of 2-chloro-1,3-dimethylimidazolinium chloride (DMC) and sodium azide. ADMP was isolated as a crystal having good thermal stability and low explosibility. ADMC and ADMP reacted with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds under mild basic conditions to give 2-diazo-1,3-dicarbonyl compounds in high yields, which were easily isolated in virtue of the high water solubility of the by-products. ADMP showed high diazo-transfer ability to primary amines even in the absence of metal salt such as Cu(II). Using this diazotization approach, various alkyl/aryl azides were directly obtained from their corresponding primary amines in high yields. Furthermore, naphthols reacted with ADMC to give the corresponding diazonaphthoquinones in good to high yields. In addition, 2-azido-1,3-dimethylimidazolinium salts were employed as azide-transfer and migratory amidation reagents. © 2017 The Chemical Society of Japan & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Towars a chemical reagents and residues management at the teaching laboratories of the Chemistry School of the Universidad Nacional


    Ana Cristina Benavides Benavides; Xinia Vargas González; Gustavo Chaves Barboza; José Ángel Rodríguez Corrales


    The academic activities carried out at the School of Chemistry make indispensable to develop actions oriented toward the consolidation of a reagent and residue management system, especially in the teaching laboratories. The project “Management of reagents and residues in the teaching laboratories of the School of Chemistry” works under the Green Chemistry values which designs products and chemical processes that reduce or eliminate the use and production of dangerous substances, to benefit th...

  7. Algunos procedimientos y estrategias geométricas utilizadas por un grupo de artesanos del municipio de Guacamayas en Boyacá, Colombia

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    Christian Camilo Fuentes Leal


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta algunos procedimientos y estrategias geométricas utilizadas por un grupo de artesanos del municipio de Guacamayas en Boyacá, Colombia. Así mismo, se expone un análisis geométrico de algunosdiseños presentes en la cestería que elabora la comunidad y, finalmente se hace una reflexión sobre la importancia de la integración de conocimientos matemáticos extraescolares al currículo escolar.


    Variable availability of the purified dihydrochloride salt of 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine (DMB, ortho-dianisidine) led us to investigate the effects of reagent purity on the analytical results obtinaed when this reagent is used in the photometric determination of the disinfection byp...

  9. Optically transparent, superhydrophobic methyltrimethoxysilane based silica coatings without silylating reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kavale, Mahendra S.; Mahadik, D.B.; Parale, V.G.; Wagh, P.B.; Gupta, Satish C.; Rao, A.Venkateswara; Barshilia, Harish C.


    The superhydrophobic surfaces have drawn lot of interest, in both academic and industries because of optically transparent, adherent and self-cleaning behavior. Surface chemical composition and morphology plays an important role in determining the superhydrophobic nature of coating surface. Such concert of non-wettability can be achieved, using surface modifying reagents or co-precursor method in sol-gel process. Attempts have been made to increase the hydrophobicity and optical transparency of methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) based silica coatings using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) instead of formal routes like surface modification using silylating reagents. The optically transparent, superhydrophobic uniform coatings were obtained by simple dip coating method. The molar ratio of MTMS:MeOH:H 2 O was kept constant at 1:5.63:1.58, respectively with 0.5 M NH 4 F as a catalyst and the weight percent of PMMA varied from 1 to 8. The hydrophobicity of silica coatings was analyzed by FTIR and contact angle measurements. These substrates exhibited 91% optical transmittance as compared to glass and water drop contact angle as high as 171 ± 1 deg. The effect of humidity on hydrophobic nature of coating has been studied by exposing these films at relative humidity of 90% at constant temperature of 30 deg. C for a period of 45 days. The micro-structural studies carried out by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

  10. Photo oxidative degradation of azure-B by sono-photo-Fenton and photo-Fenton reagents

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    Prahlad Vaishnave


    Full Text Available A model for the decomposition of azure-B by photo-Fenton reagent in the presence of ultrasound in homogeneous aqueous solution has been described. The photochemical decomposition rate of azure-B is markedly increased in the presence of ultrasound. It is a rather inexpensive reagent for wastewater treatment. The effect of different variables like the concentration of ferric ion, concentration of dye, hydrogen peroxide, pH, light intensity etc. on the reaction rate has been observed. The progress of the sono-photochemical degradation was monitored spectrophotometrically. The optimum sono-photochemical degradation conditions were experimentally determined. The results showed that the dye was completely oxidized and degraded into CO2 and H2O. A suitable tentative mechanism for sono-photochemical bleaching of azure-B by sono-photo-Fenton’s reaction has been proposed.

  11. A convenient method to synthesize N-[[sup 3]H]methyl-N-nitrosocarbamate transfer reagents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mehta, P.; Gold, B. (Nebraska Univ., Omaha, NE (United States). Eppley Inst. for Research in Cancer); Konakahara, T. (Science Univiversity of Tokyo, Noda, Chiba (Japan). Faculty of Science and Technology)


    Activated N-alkyl-N-nitrosocarbamates are useful acyl transfer reagents that are employed in the synthesis of N-alkyl-N-nitrosoureas and related N-nitroso compounds. The nitrosourea products are of chemical and biological interest because they provide access to the in situ generation of highly reactive carbonium type intermediates, which, depending on their structure, can be powerful carcinogens or antineoplastic agents. The availability of radiolabeled nitrosoureas greatly facilitates studies on their chemical and biological activities. Generally, the synthesis of activated nitrosocarbamates requires condensation of radiolabeled alkylisocyanates with the appropriate alcohol. Because radiolabeled alkylisocyanates are not commercially available and/or troublesome to synthesize, we have developed an easy and economical method for preparing N-[[sup 3]H]methyl-N-nitrosocarbamates suitable for use as transfer reagents utilizing 1,2,2,2-tetrachloroethyl chloroformate and [[sup 3]H]methylamine hydrochloride as starting materials. (author).

  12. Avaliação da interferência do ácido ascórbico na detecção da glicosúria Evaluation of ascorbic acid interference in the detection of glycosuria

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    Jaime Murilo Fernandes Costa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O ácido ascórbico (vitamina C é comumente ingerido como suplemento vitamínico. É uma vitamina hidrossolúvel, excretada pela urina e pode interferir nos ensaios laboratoriais, como nas reações de oxirredução para detecção da glicosúria. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a interferência do ácido ascórbico na detecção de glicosúria pelo método de química seca por meio do uso de tiras reagentes. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Amostras de urina foram avaliadas no analisador da marca Clinitek Atlas (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., EUA. Foram selecionadas quatro amostras de urina com diferentes concentrações de glicose: 100 mg/dl, 250 mg/dl, 500 mg/dl e 1.000 mg/dl. Para cada concentração de glicose foram criadas cinco alíquotas, adicionando-se uma solução de ácido ascórbico 200 mg/dl, suficiente para obter uma concentração final de ácido ascórbico de 20 mg/dl no primeiro tubo, de 50 mg/dl no segundo tubo, de 270 mg/dl no terceiro tubo, de 1.000 mg/dl no quarto tubo e de 2.000 mg/dl no quinto tubo. Após essa adição, as amostras foram novamente avaliadas no analisador Clinitek Atlas. RESULTADOS: Nas amostras com concentração de 20 mg/dl de ácido, não se evidenciou interferência. Nas concentrações iguais e acima de 50 mg/dl, a interferência do ácido ascórbico se fez presente, sendo que o fato foi caracterizado pelos resultados falso negativos para detecção da glicose urinária. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstraram a interferência do ácido ascórbico no método da química seca (tiras reagentes, subestimando o nível de glicose urinária.INTRODUCTION: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C is commonly used as a vitamin supplement. It is a water soluble vitamin, which is excreted through urine and may interfere in laboratory tests as well as redox reactions for urinary glucose detection. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess ascorbic acid interference in glycosuria detection by dry chemistry

  13. Studies on synthesis of a kind of new colour reagents bromophosphonobisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid and the effect of their constitution on colour behaviours with rare earth elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bincai, W.; Yuxin, Q.; Hengchuan, L.


    Based on the previous systematic studies, this paper reports to the original constitution of chlorophosphonazo type of colour reagents, has been reformed, and a kind of 14 new asymmetrical bromophosphonobisazo colour reagents of chromotropic acid have been designed and synthesized. In the meanwhile, the relationship between constitution of colour reagents and its behaviour in colour reaction with rare earth elements has been investigated. In addition, the general colour behaviours of these reagents and the influence of organic solvents and surfactants have been preliminarily studied

  14. Experimental research of the impact of the dosing of chemical reagents on the dynamic behavior of regulation system of cycle chemistry (United States)

    Yegoshina, O. V.; Bolshakova, N. A.


    Organization of reliable chemical control for maintaining cycle chemistry is one of the most important problems to be solved at the present time the design and operation of thermal power plants. To maintain optimal parameters of cycle chemistry are used automated chemical control system and regulation system of dosing chemical reagents. Reliability and stability analyzer readings largely determine the reliability of the water cycle chemistry. Now the most common reagents are ammonia, alkali and film-forming amines. In this paper are presented the results of studies of the impact of concentration and composition of chemical reagents for readings stability of automatic analyzers and transients time of control systems for cycles chemistry. Research of the impact of chemical reagents on the dynamic behavior of regulation system for cycle chemistry was conducted at the experimental facility of the Department of thermal power stations of the Moscow Engineering Institute. This experimental facility is model of the work of regulation system for cycle chemistry close to the actual conditions on the energy facilities CHP. Analysis of results of the impact of chemical reagent on the dynamic behavior of ammonia and film forming amines dosing systems showed that the film-forming amines dosing system is more inertia. This emphasizes the transition process of the system, in which a half times longer dosing of ammonia. Results of the study can be used to improve the monitoring systems of water chemical treatment.

  15. Conversion of coal mine drainage ochre to water treatment reagent: Production, characterisation and application for P and Zn removal. (United States)

    Sapsford, Devin; Santonastaso, Marco; Thorn, Peter; Kershaw, Steven


    Coal mine drainage ochre is a ferruginous precipitate that forms from mine water in impacted watercourses and during treatment. With thousands of tonnes per annum of such ochre arising from mine water treatment in the UK alone, management of these wastes is a substantive issue. This paper demonstrates that the ochre from both active and passive treatment of coal mine drainage can be transformed into an effective water treatment reagent by simple acid dissolution and that the reagent can be used for the removal of dissolved phosphorous from municipal wastewater and zinc from non-coal mine waters. Ochre is readily soluble in H2SO4 and HCl. Ochre is more soluble in HCl with solubilities of up to 100 g/L in 20% (w/w) HCl and 68 g/L in 10% (w/w) H2SO4. For four of the eight tested ochres solubility decreased in higher concentrations of H2SO4. Ochre compositional data demonstrate that the coal mine ochres tested are relatively free from problematic levels of elements seen by other authors from acid mine drainage-derived ochre. Comparison to British Standards for use of iron-based coagulants in drinking water treatment was used as an indicator of the acceptability of use of the ochre-derived reagents in terms of potentially problematic elements. The ochre-derived reagents were found to meet the 'Grade 3' specification, except for arsenic. Thus, for application in municipal wastewater and mine water treatment additional processing may not be required. There was little observed compositional difference between solutions prepared using H2SO4 or HCl. Ochre-derived reagents showed applicability for the removal of P and Zn with removals of up to 99% and 97% respectively measured for final pH 7-8, likely due to sorption/coprecipitation. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that applying a Fe dose in the form of liquid reagent leads to a better Fe:P and Fe:Zn removal ratio compared to ochre-based sorption media tested in the literature. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by

  16. The application of a monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent for conducting Appel reactions in flow microreactors. (United States)

    Roper, Kimberley A; Lange, Heiko; Polyzos, Anastasios; Berry, Malcolm B; Baxendale, Ian R; Ley, Steven V


    Herein we describe the application of a monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent to the Appel reaction in flow-chemistry processing, to generate various brominated products with high purity and in excellent yields, and with no requirement for further off-line purification.

  17. Field method for estimation of fluoride in drinking groundwater by photometric measurement of spot on aluminium quinalizarin reagent paper


    Zaher Barghouthi; Sameer Amereih


    A simple field method for determination of fluoride in drinking water using handmade fluoride reagent paper impregnated by aluminium quinalizarin complex was developed. Fluoride reacts with the impregnated reagent paper to release the free ligand with new colour, orange different from that of the complex. The change in the colour, which is proportional to the amount of fluoride, was measured by the Arsenator. The functionality of the Arsenator which is based on a photometric measurement of sp...

  18. A Stopped-Flow Kinetics Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory Using Noncorrosive Reagents (United States)

    Prigodich, Richard V.


    Stopped-flow kinetics techniques are important to the study of rapid chemical and biochemical reactions. Incorporation of a stopped-flow kinetics experiment into the physical chemistry laboratory curriculum would therefore be an instructive addition. However, the usual reactions studied in such exercises employ a corrosive reagent that can over…

  19. Chiral reagents in glycosylation and modification of carbohydrates. (United States)

    Wang, Hao-Yuan; Blaszczyk, Stephanie A; Xiao, Guozhi; Tang, Weiping


    Carbohydrates play a significant role in numerous biological events, and the chemical synthesis of carbohydrates is vital for further studies to understand their various biological functions. Due to the structural complexity of carbohydrates, the stereoselective formation of glycosidic linkages and the site-selective modification of hydroxyl groups are very challenging and at the same time extremely important. In recent years, the rapid development of chiral reagents including both chiral auxiliaries and chiral catalysts has significantly improved the stereoselectivity for glycosylation reactions and the site-selectivity for the modification of carbohydrates. These new tools will greatly facilitate the efficient synthesis of oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, and glycoconjugates. In this tutorial review, we will summarize these advances and highlight the most recent examples.

  20. Estudio de caracterización de la calidad microbiológica y fisicoquímica del agua utilizada en la industria de alimentos, Colombia, 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth Silva


    Conclusión. Aunque es un estudio preliminar, los resultados indican que el agua utilizada en la mayoría de las industrias participantes puede producir deterioro de los alimentos y ser una vía de transmisión de microorganismos patógenos; por lo tanto, es importante organizar un programa continuo de seguimiento y control.

  1. Selective-Reagent-Ionization Mass Spectrometry: New Prospects for Atmospheric Research (United States)

    Sulzer, Philipp; Jordan, Alfons; Hartungen, Eugen; Hanel, Gernot; Jürschik, Simone; Herbig, Jens; Märk, Lukas; Märk, Tilmann D.


    Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS), which was introduced to the scientific community in the 1990's, has quickly evolved into a well-established technology for atmospheric research and environmental chemistry [1]. Advantages of PTR-MS are i) high sensitivities of several hundred cps/ppbv, ii) detection limits at or below the pptv level, iii) direct injection sampling (i.e. no sample preparation), iv) response times in the 100 ms regime and v) online quantification. However, one drawback is a somehow limited selectivity, as in case of quadrupole mass filter based instruments only information about nominal m/z are available. In Time-Of-Flight (TOF) mass analyzer based instruments selectivity is drastically increased by a high mass resolution of up to 8000 m/Δm, but e.g. isomers still cannot be separated. In 2009 we introduced an advanced version of PTR-MS, which permits switching the reagent ions from H3O+ to NO+ and O2+, respectively [2]. This novel type of instrumentation was called Selective-Reagent-Ionization Mass Spectrometry (SRI-MS) and has been successfully used to separate isomers, e.g. the biogenic compounds isoprene and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol as shown by Karl et al. [3]. Switching the reagent ions dramatically increases selectivity and thus applicability of SRI-MS in atmospheric research. Here we report on the latest results utilizing an even more advanced embodiment of SRI-MS enabling the use of the additional reagent ions Kr+ and Xe+ [4]. With this technology important atmospheric compounds, such as CO2, CO, CH4, O2, etc. can be quantified and selectivity is increased even further. We present comparison data between diesel and gasoline car exhaust gases and quantitative data on indoor air for these compounds, which are not detectable with classical PTR-MS. Additionally, we show very recent examples of isomers which cannot be separated with PTR-MS but can clearly be distinguished with SRI-MS. Finally, we give an overview of ongoing SRI

  2. An experimental design approach for optimization of spectrophotometric method for estimation of cefixime trihydrate using ninhydrin as derivatizing reagent in bulk and pharmaceutical formulation

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    Yogita B. Wani


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is to use experimental design to screen and optimize experimental variables for developing a spectrophotometric method for determining cefixime trihydrate content using ninhydrin as a derivatizing reagent. The method is based on the reaction of the amino group of cefixime with ninhydrin in an alkaline medium to form a yellow-colored derivative (λmax 436 nm. A two-level full factorial design was utilized to screen the effect of ninhydrin reagent concentration (X1, volume of ninhydrin reagent (X2, heating temperature (X3 and heating time (X4 on the formation of the cefixime–ninhydrin complex Y (absorbance. One way ANOVA and Pareto ranking analyses have shown that the ninhydrin reagent concentration (X1, volume of ninhydrin reagent (X2 and heating temperature (X3 were statistically significant factors (P < 0.05 affecting the formation of the cefixime–ninhydrin complex Y (absorbance. A Box-Behnken experimental design with response surface methodology was then utilized to evaluate the main, interaction and quadratic effects of these three factors on the selected response. With the help of a response surface plot and contour plot the optimum values of the selected factors were determined and used for further experiments. These values were a ninhydrin reagent concentration (X1 of 0.2% w/v, volume of ninhydrin reagent (X2 of 1 mL and heating temperature (X3 of 80 °C. The proposed method was validated according to the ICH Q2 (R1 method validation guidelines. The results of the present study have clearly shown that an experimental design concept may be effectively applied to the optimization of a spectrophotometric method for estimating the cefixime trihydrate content in bulk and pharmaceutical formulation with the least number of experimental runs possible.

  3. Moderate reagent mixing on an orbital shaker reduces the incubation time of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (United States)

    Kumar, Saroj; Ahirwar, Rajesh; Rehman, Ishita; Nahar, Pradip


    Rapid diagnostic tests can be developed using ELISA for detection of diseases in emergency conditions. Conventional ELISA takes 1-2 days, making it unsuitable for rapid diagnostics. Here, we report the effect of reagents mixing via shaking or vortexing on the assay timing of ELISA. A 48-min protocol of ELISA involving 12-min incubations with reagent mixing at 750 rpm for every step was optimized. Contrary to this, time-optimized control ELISA performed without mixing produced similar results in 8 h, leaving a time gain of 7 h using the developed protocol. Collectively, the findings suggest the development of ELISA-based rapid diagnostics. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. [Substantiation of maximum permissible water level of the flotation reagent EFK-1]. (United States)

    Turbinskiĭ, V V


    Threshold concentrations of the flotation reagent EFK-1 in the water of reservoirs at 0.8 mg/l and 10.0 mg/l for organoleptic and total sanitary indices, respectively, were reported. Dl50 was 7469 mg/kg. The MAC of 0.8 mg/l for EFK-1 in the water of reservoirs (the limiting sign is organoleptic) was proposed.

  5. Reactivity of lignin and problems of its oxidative destruction with peroxy reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demin, Valerii A; Shereshovets, Valerii V; Monakov, Yurii B


    Published data on reactivity and oxidation of lignin and model compounds with hydrogen peroxide, ozone and chlorine dioxide as well as on oxidative destruction of the sulfate pulp lignin with various reagents during bleaching are systematised and generalised. Concepts of lignin activation towards its selective oxidation and kinetic features of sulfate pulp oxidative delignification are considered. The bibliography includes 157 references.

  6. The application of a monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent for conducting Appel reactions in flow microreactors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kimberley A. Roper


    Full Text Available Herein we describe the application of a monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent to the Appel reaction in flow-chemistry processing, to generate various brominated products with high purity and in excellent yields, and with no requirement for further off-line purification.

  7. Simple questionnaire and urine reagent strips compared to microscopy for the diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium in a community in northern Ghana. (United States)

    Bogoch, Isaac I; Andrews, Jason R; Dadzie Ephraim, Richard K; Utzinger, Jürg


    To evaluate the utility of a simple questionnaire and urine reagent strip testing for the rapid diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium in rural northern Ghana. Cross-sectional parasitological and questionnaire survey in a community in northern Ghana. Participants provided two urine specimens that were examined under a microscope using a centrifugation method. The first urine sample was additionally subjected to reagent strip testing. A short questionnaire was administered to all participants. Microscopy of urine samples obtained from 208 individuals aged 1-77 years revealed an S. haematobium prevalence of 6.8%. The presence of any blood or protein on a urine reagent strip was 100% and 42% sensitive, and 93% and 80% specific for S. haematobium diagnosis. Questionnaires were completed by 198 individuals. Self-reported haematuria showed a sensitivity of 53% and a specificity of 85%. A dichotomous two-question panel was helpful in S. haematobium diagnosis, with working and playing near the river significantly associated with S. haematobium infection (P < 0.001). The use of urine reagent strips, coupled with questions pertaining to water contact patterns, might be considered for point-of-contact diagnosis of S. haematobium where microscopy is unavailable. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Glutarimidedioxime. A complexing and reducing reagent for plutonium recovery from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xian, Liang [China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (China). Radiochemistry Dept.; Tian, Guoxin [China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (China). Radiochemistry Dept.; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Chemical Sciences Div.; Beavers, Christine M.; Teat, Simon J. [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Advanced Light Source; Shuh, David K. [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Chemical Sciences Div.


    Efficient separation processes for recovering uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel are essential to the development of advanced nuclear fuel cycles. The performance characteristics of a new salt-free complexing and reducing reagent, glutarimidedioxime (H{sub 2}A), are reported for recovering plutonium in a PUREX process. With a phase ratio of organic to aqueous of up to 10:1, plutonium can be effectively stripped from 30 % tributyl phosphate (TBP) in kerosene into 1M HNO{sub 3} with H{sub 2}A. The complexation-reduction mechanism is illustrated with the combination of UV/Vis absorption spectra and the crystal structure of a Pu{sup IV} complex with the reagent. The fast stripping rate and the high efficiency for stripping Pu{sup IV}, through the complexation-reduction mechanism, is suitable for use in centrifugal contactors with very short contact/resident times, thereby offering significant advantages over conventional processes.

  9. Field-Portable Immunoassay Instruments and Reagents to Measure Chelators and Mobile Forms of Uranium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blake, Diane A.


    The goals for the 3-year project period are (1) to test and validate the present uranium sensor and develop protocols for its use at the NABIR Field Research Center; (2) to develop new reagents that will provide superior performance for the present hand-held immunosensor; and (3) to develop new antibodies that will permit this sensor to also measure other environmental contaminants (chromium, mercury, and/or DTPA). Sensor design modifications are underway via international collaborations. New reagents that will provide superior performance for the present hand-held immunosensor are being prepared and tested. New methods have been developed, to produce recombinant forms of metal-specific monoclonal antibodies for use with the sensor. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments are underway to determine the mechanisms of binding. Immunization experiments with sheep and rabbits to develop new recombinant forms of antibodies to metal-chelate complexes (chromium, mercury, and/or DTPA) have been initiated

  10. Winery wastewater treatment by a combined process: long term aerated storage and Fenton's reagent. (United States)

    Lucas, Marco S; Mouta, Maria; Pirra, António; Peres, José A


    The degradation of the organic pollutants present in winery wastewater was carried out by the combination of two successive steps: an aerobic biological process followed by a chemical oxidation process using Fenton's reagent. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the temporal characteristics of solids and chemical oxygen demand (COD) present in winery wastewater in a long term aerated storage bioreactor. The performance of different air dosage daily supplied to the biologic reactor, in laboratory and pilot scale, were examined. The long term hydraulic retention time, 11 weeks, contributed remarkably to the reduction of COD (about 90%) and the combination with the Fenton's reagent led to a high overall COD reduction that reached 99.5% when the mass ratio (R = H(2)O(2)/COD) used was equal to 2.5, maintaining constant the molar ratio H(2)O(2)/Fe(2+)=15.

  11. E- or Z-Selective synthesis of 4-fluorovinyl-1,2,3-triazoles with fluorinated second-generation Julia-Kocienski reagents. (United States)

    Kumar, Rakesh; Singh, Govindra; Todaro, Louis J; Yang, Lijia; Zajc, Barbara


    A highly modular approach to N-substituted 4-(1-fluorovinyl)triazoles is described. In situ desilylation and Cu-catalyzed ligation reaction of TMS-protected α-fluoropropargyl benzothiazole sulfone with aryl, alkyl, and metallocenyl azides furnished second-generation Julia-Kocienski reagents in good to excellent yields. Condensation reactions of these reagents with aldehydes can be tuned to yield E or Z-alkenes selectively. Under mild conditions with DBU as the base, reactions of aldehydes furnished E-alkenes as the major isomer. On the other hand, in condensation reactions with LHMDS as the base and in appropriate solvents, both aldehydes and ketones reacted to yield fluoroalkenes with Z-selectivity. Stereochemical assignment of E/Z olefins obtained in the reaction of a ketone with two Julia reagents was performed via X-ray crystallographic analysis and comparisons of NMR data. The method allows efficient and ready diversification of the N1-substituent and substituents at the double bond.

  12. Uso do violeta de alizarina N (AVN como reagente espectrofotométrico na determinação de alumínio Use of the alizarine violet N (AVN as a spectrophotometric reagent for aluminium determination

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    Alailson Falcão Dantas


    Full Text Available The present work proposes the application of the 4-Hidroxy-3-(2-hydroxynaphtylazo-benzenesulphonic acid (C.I. 15670, Alizarine Violet N (AVN, as a reagent for direct aluminium determination using molecular absorption spectrophotometry in the presence of tensoatives. Al(III cation reacts with AVN in pH 9.4, forming a red complex, stable for at least 24 hours, with absorption minimum at 607nm and, against a reagent blank, (epsiloncomplex - epsilonreagent = -2.71x10(4 The reaction occurs in the presence of a Triton-X100 and CTAB tensoatives mixture, in the presence of EDTA. Al(III determination is possible in the linear range of 50 up to 400ng.mL-1, with a detection limit of 41 ng.mL-1.

  13. Effects of coal composition and flotation reagents on the water resistance of binderless briquettes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Motaung, S.R.; Mangena, S.J.; de Korte, G.J. [Syngas & Coal Technology, Sasolburg (South Africa)


    The difference in the physical properties, particularly the water resistance or wet strength, of the binderless coal briquettes produced from flotation feed and concentrate was investigated using six bituminous coals from two collieries in the Witbank Coalfield. The coal samples were analyzed for their proximate, petrographic, and mineralogical properties. The presence, in the flotation concentrates, of the reagents used during the froth flotation process was also investigated using gas chromatography. Pillow-shaped binderless briquettes were produced from coal samples at various moisture contents and a pressure of approximately 17 MPA using a Komarek B-100A double-roll press. The briquettes were tested for some physical properties (i.e., dry- and wet-compressive strengths), which were thereafter compared with the properties determined for the coal samples. The binderless briquettes produced from the flotation concentrates were more water-resistant than those produced from the flotation feed. The flotation feed and concentrates of the coals tested were found to have similar petrographic properties. As expected, the ash and kaolinite contents were found to be lower in the flotation concentrates than in the flotation feed. Flotation reagents were detected in the flotation concentrates from both collieries. From the results obtained it is concluded that the increased water resistance of the binderless briquettes produced from flotation concentrates of the coals tested is due to a combination of the fineness of the coal particles, assisted by the amount of reactive macerals (most particularly vitrinite) with the lower ash and kaolinite contents, together with the presence of the flotation reagents, particularly the collector, in the flotation concentrate.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olganeth Moreira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A diversidade de espécies florestais que existe na região amazônica torna imprescindível o conhecimento de cada espécie, a fim garantir a conservação e preservação da biodiversidade e o desenvolvimento das atividades econômicas. O presente trabalho objetivou a identificação das espécies botânicas mais utilizadas no artesanato da cidade de Altamira e a caracterização dos processos de coleta e beneficiamento adotados pelos artesãos. Foram realizadas entrevistas com aplicação de formulário, e foram visitadas duas associações de artesãos. Foram encontradas 48 espécies, sendo 34 identificadas e 14 indeterminadas. Dentre as famílias identificadas, destacaram-se: Fabaceae, Arecaceae e Lecythidaceae. Quanto aos processos de coleta, beneficiamento e armazenamento das sementes, os artesãos apresentaram técnicas adquiridas com o tempo de profissão. Palavras-chave: sementes, produtos florestais não-madeireiros, artesanato. DOI:

  15. 41 CFR 101-42.1102-5 - Drugs, biologicals, and reagents other than controlled substances. (United States)


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Drugs, biologicals, and reagents other than controlled substances. 101-42.1102-5 Section 101-42.1102-5 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property Management Regulations System FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS...


    The authors have developed a novel economical additive for elemental mercury (Hg0) removal from coal-fired boilers. The oxidation reagent was rigorously tested in a lab-scale fixed-bed column with the Norit America's FGD activated carbon (DOE's benchmark sorbent) in a typical PRB...

  17. Peptide Dendrimer/Lipid Hybrid Systems Are Efficient DNA Transfection Reagents: Structure–Activity Relationships Highlight the Role of Charge Distribution Across Dendrimer Generations (United States)


    Efficient DNA delivery into cells is the prerequisite of the genetic manipulation of organisms in molecular and cellular biology as well as, ultimately, in nonviral gene therapy. Current reagents, however, are relatively inefficient, and structure–activity relationships to guide their improvement are hard to come by. We now explore peptide dendrimers as a new type of transfection reagent and provide a quantitative framework for their evaluation. A collection of dendrimers with cationic and hydrophobic amino acid motifs (such as KK, KA, KH, KL, and LL) distributed across three dendrimer generations was synthesized by a solid-phase protocol that provides ready access to dendrimers in milligram quantities. In conjunction with a lipid component (DOTMA/DOPE), the best reagent, G1,2,3-KL ((LysLeu)8(LysLysLeu)4(LysLysLeu)2LysGlySerCys-NH2), improves transfection by 6–10-fold over commercial reagents under their respective optimal conditions. Emerging structure–activity relationships show that dendrimers with cationic and hydrophobic residues distributed in each generation are transfecting most efficiently. The trigenerational dendritic structure has an advantage over a linear analogue worth up to an order of magnitude. The success of placing the decisive cationic charge patterns in inner shells rather than previously on the surface of macromolecules suggests that this class of dendrimers significantly differs from existing transfection reagents. In the future, this platform may be tuned further and coupled to cell-targeting moieties to enhance transfection and cell specificity. PMID:23682947

  18. Evaluation of three reagent dosing strategies in a photo-Fenton process for the decolorization of azo dye mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prato-Garcia, D.; Buitrón, Germán


    Highlights: ► Dosing strategies for a photo-Fenton process were evaluated. ► The dosing strategy had no effect of on the decolorization. ► The type of strategy influenced SUVA index, toxicity reduction and biodegradability. ► A continuous reagents supply was found to be the most adequate strategy. ► Decolorization as well as a less toxic and biodegradable effluent was produced. - Abstract: Three reagent dosing strategies used in the solar photo-assisted decolorization of a mixture of sulfonated dyes consisting of acid blue 113, acid orange 7 and acid red 151 were evaluated. Results demonstrated that the dosing strategy influenced both reagent consumption and the biodegradability and toxicity of the effluent. In one strategy (E 1 ), the Fenton's reactants were dosed in a punctual mode, while in the other two strategies (E 2 an E 3 ), the reactants were dosed continuously. In the E 2 strategy the reactants were dosed by varying the duration of the injection time. In the E 3 strategy, the reactants were dosed during 60 min at a constant rate, but with different concentrations. All cases showed that feeding the reactor between 40% and 60% of the maximal dose was sufficient to decolorize more than 90% of the mixture of azo dyes. The E 1 strategy was less effective for aromatic content reduction. Conversely, the continuous addition of the reagents (E 2 and E 3 strategies) improved the aromatic content removal. E 3 strategy was substantially more appropriate than E 1 strategy due to improved the effluent quality in two key areas: toxicity and biodegradability.

  19. A new procedure for the treatment of an industrial waste containing flotation reagents

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    Milosavljević Milutin M.


    Full Text Available Flotation reagents can be transformed to industrial waste if they are stored for a long period of time. Also, if synthesis or drying process is not performed under defined conditions in industrial plants, which produce flotation reagents, batch of waste may arise and be stored as a waste. The chemical composition of this waste depends on the phase in which it was created, but typically includes: unreacted alkali hydroxide, solvent - alcohol and trithiocarbonate and oxidation product - dixanthogenate. In this paper a new laboratory procedure for the treatment of such wastes is described. The identification and separation of industrial waste components is also included. From the separated dixantogenate and xanthate a laboratory synthesis of thioncarbamates is given. In addition, a semi-industrial treatment of waste xanthate is presented. Synthesis of N-alkyl and N,N-dialkyl-O-isobutylthioncarbamates were obtained from the filtrate obtained in the first step. As a by-product, sodium thioglycolate was produced. This by-product is transformed to a thioglycolic acid by the addition of an acid. Also, the synthesis of thioncarbamates from dixanthogenates, isolated from industrial waste as a cake, is desribed. Described waste treatment is additionally interesting due to the production of sulphur as another by-product. Laboratory synthesis gave thioncarbamates in yields from 69.7 to 87.7 %, while the semi-industrial process for the selected batches produced thioncarbamates in yields from 74.2 to 80.5 %. Taking into account the importance of the synthesized compounds as selective flotation reagents, a new procedure of their synthesis from industrial waste is characterized by good yields and purity of the obtained compounds, the simplicity of process, low environmental impact and short reaction times of synthesis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43007

  20. Derivatization reagents in liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Santa, Tomofumi


    Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) is one of the most prominent analytical techniques owing to its inherent selectivity and sensitivity. In LC/ESI-MS/MS, chemical derivatization is often used to enhance the detection sensitivity. Derivatization improves the chromatographic separation, and enhances the mass spectrometric ionization efficiency and MS/MS detectability. In this review, an overview of the derivatization reagents which have been applied to LC/ESI-MS/MS is presented, focusing on the applications to low molecular weight compounds. 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. An air-stable copper reagent for nucleophilic trifluoromethylthiolation of aryl halides

    KAUST Repository

    Weng, Zhiqiang


    A series of copper(I) trifluoromethyl thiolate complexes have been synthesized from the reaction of CuF2 with Me3SiCF 3 and S8 (see scheme; Cu red, F green, N blue, S yellow). These air-stable complexes serve as reagents for the efficient conversion of a wide range of aryl halides into the corresponding aryl trifluoromethyl thioethers in excellent yields. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. An air-stable copper reagent for nucleophilic trifluoromethylthiolation of aryl halides

    KAUST Repository

    Weng, Zhiqiang; He, Weiming; Chen, Chaohuang; Lee, Richmond; Tan, Davin; Lai, Zhiping; Kong, Dedao; Yuan, Yaofeng; Huang, Kuo-Wei


    A series of copper(I) trifluoromethyl thiolate complexes have been synthesized from the reaction of CuF2 with Me3SiCF 3 and S8 (see scheme; Cu red, F green, N blue, S yellow). These air-stable complexes serve as reagents for the efficient conversion of a wide range of aryl halides into the corresponding aryl trifluoromethyl thioethers in excellent yields. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Glutarimidedioxime: a complexing and reducing reagent for plutonium recovery from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xian, Liang [Radiochemistry Department, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (China); Tian, Guoxin [Radiochemistry Department, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (China); Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States); Beavers, Christine M.; Teat, Simon J. [Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States); Shuh, David K. [Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Efficient separation processes for recovering uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel are essential to the development of advanced nuclear fuel cycles. The performance characteristics of a new salt-free complexing and reducing reagent, glutarimidedioxime (H{sub 2}A), are reported for recovering plutonium in a PUREX process. With a phase ratio of organic to aqueous of up to 10:1, plutonium can be effectively stripped from 30 % tributyl phosphate (TBP) in kerosene into 1 m HNO{sub 3} with H{sub 2}A. The complexation-reduction mechanism is illustrated with the combination of UV/Vis absorption spectra and the crystal structure of a Pu{sup IV} complex with the reagent. The fast stripping rate and the high efficiency for stripping Pu{sup IV}, through the complexation-reduction mechanism, is suitable for use in centrifugal contactors with very short contact/resident times, thereby offering significant advantages over conventional processes. (copyright 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  4. Ring-opening of cyclic ethers with carbon–carbon bond formation by Grignard reagents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Stig Holden; Holm, Torkil; Madsen, Robert


    The ring-opening of cyclic ethers with concomitant C–C bond formation was studied with a number of Grignard reagents. The transformation was performed in a sealed vial by heating to ∼160 °C in an aluminum block or at 180 °C in a microwave oven. Good yields of the product alcohols were obtained...

  5. Organic acids as analytical reagent: Part 1. Estimation of zirconium by gallic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pande, C.S.; Singh, A.K.; Kumar, Ashok


    Gallic acid has been found to be a selective reagent for the estimation of zirconium. The acid gives crystalline precipitate at pH of 4.8. The precipitate is ignited and weighed as ZrO 2 . Cations like Ca +2 , Ba +2 , Sr +2 , Mn +2 , Co +2 , Ni +2 , Fe +3 do not interfere in the estimation. (author)

  6. Final Report for research grant entitled 'Development of Reagents for Application of At-211 and Bi-213 to Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilbur, D. Scott


    This grant was a one-year extension of another grant with the same title (DE-FG03-98ER62572). The objective of the studies was to continue in vivo evaluation of reagents to determine which changes in structure were most favorable for in vivo use. The focus of our studies was development and optimization of reagents for pretargeting alpha-emitting radionuclides At-211 or Bi-213 to cancer cells. Testing of the reagents was conducted in vitro and in animal model systems. During the funding period, all three specific aims set out in the proposed studies were worked on, and some additional studies directed at development of a method for direct labeling of proteins with At-211 were investigated. We evaluated reagents in two different approaches in 'two step' pretargeting protocols. These approaches are: (1) delivery of the radionuclide on recombinant streptavidin to bind with pretargeted biotinylated monoclonal antibody (mAb), and alternatively, (2) delivery of the radionuclide on a biotin derivative to bind with pretargeted antibody-streptavidin conjugates. The two approaches were investigated as it was unclear which will be superior for the short half-lived alpha-emitting radionuclides.

  7. Final Report for research grant entitled "Development of Reagents for Application of At-211 and Bi-213 to Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer"

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilbur, D. Scott


    This grant was a one-year extension of another grant with the same title (DE-FG03-98ER62572). The objective of the studies was to continue in vivo evaluation of reagents to determine which changes in structure were most favorable for in vivo use. The focus of our studies was development and optimization of reagents for pretargeting alpha-emitting radionuclides At-211 or Bi-213 to cancer cells. Testing of the reagents was conducted in vitro and in animal model systems. During the funding period, all three specific aims set out in the proposed studies were worked on, and some additional studies directed at development of a method for direct labeling of proteins with At-211 were investigated. We evaluated reagents in two different approaches in 'two step' pretargeting protocols. These approaches are: (1) delivery of the radionuclide on recombinant streptavidin to bind with pretargeted biotinylated monoclonal antibody (mAb), and alternatively, (2) delivery of the radionuclide on a biotin derivative to bind with pretargeted antibody-streptavidin conjugates. The two approaches were investigated as it was unclear which will be superior for the short half-lived alpha-emitting radionuclides.

  8. Bacteriophage Mediates Efficient Gene Transfer in Combination with Conventional Transfection Reagents. (United States)

    Donnelly, Amanda; Yata, Teerapong; Bentayebi, Kaoutar; Suwan, Keittisak; Hajitou, Amin


    The development of commercially available transfection reagents for gene transfer applications has revolutionized the field of molecular biology and scientific research. However, the challenge remains in ensuring that they are efficient, safe, reproducible and cost effective. Bacteriophage (phage)-based viral vectors have the potential to be utilized for general gene transfer applications within research and industry. Yet, they require adaptations in order to enable them to efficiently enter cells and overcome mammalian cellular barriers, as they infect bacteria only; furthermore, limited progress has been made at increasing their efficiency. The production of a novel hybrid nanocomplex system consisting of two different nanomaterial systems, phage vectors and conventional transfection reagents, could overcome these limitations. Here we demonstrate that the combination of cationic lipids, cationic polymers or calcium phosphate with M13 bacteriophage-derived vectors, engineered to carry a mammalian transgene cassette, resulted in increased cellular attachment, entry and improved transgene expression in human cells. Moreover, addition of a targeting ligand into the nanocomplex system, through genetic engineering of the phage capsid further increased gene expression and was effective in a stable cell line generation application. Overall, this new hybrid nanocomplex system (i) provides enhanced phage-mediated gene transfer; (ii) is applicable for laboratory transfection processes and (iii) shows promise within industry for large-scale gene transfer applications.

  9. Toward low-cost affinity reagents: lyophilized yeast-scFv probes specific for pathogen antigens.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sean A Gray

    Full Text Available The generation of affinity reagents, usually monoclonal antibodies, remains a critical bottleneck in biomedical research and diagnostic test development. Recombinant antibody-like proteins such as scFv have yet to replace traditional monoclonal antibodies in antigen detection applications, in large part because of poor performance of scFv in solution. To address this limitation, we have developed assays that use whole yeast cells expressing scFv on their surfaces (yeast-scFv in place of soluble purified scFv or traditional monoclonal antibodies. In this study, a nonimmune library of human scFv displayed on the surfaces of yeast cells was screened for clones that bind to recombinant cyst proteins of Entamoeba histolytica, an enteric pathogen of humans. Selected yeast-scFv clones were stabilized by lyophilization and used in detection assay formats in which the yeast-scFv served as solid support-bound monoclonal antibodies. Specific binding of antigen to the yeast-scFv was detected by staining with rabbit polyclonal antibodies. In flow cytometry-based assays, lyophilized yeast-scFv reagents retained full binding activity and specificity for their cognate antigens after 4 weeks of storage at room temperature in the absence of desiccants or stabilizers. Because flow cytometry is not available to all potential assay users, an immunofluorescence assay was also developed that detects antigen with similar sensitivity and specificity. Antigen-specific whole-cell yeast-scFv reagents can be selected from nonimmune libraries in 2-3 weeks, produced in vast quantities, and packaged in lyophilized form for extended shelf life. Lyophilized yeast-scFv show promise as low cost, renewable alternatives to monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis and research.

  10. Estratégias de posicionamento e contenção de recém-nascido pré-termo utilizadas em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thais Melo De Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Introdução: A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal é um ambiente que proporciona técnicas e procedimentos aprimorados, um local repleto de equipamentos ricos em tecnologia e característica ímpar na assistência ao recém-nascido de risco. Com a evolução da neonatologia e a inserção dos cuidados humanizados dentro desse serviço nos últimos anos, observa-se uma mudança no prognóstico dos pré-termos. Objetivo: Pesquisar quais estratégias de posicionamento e contenção ao recém-nascido pré-termo estão sendo mais utilizados em hospitais públicos da Região Metropolitana do Recife. Métodos: Estudo descritivo e observacional. Foi realizado um questionário semiestruturado com 34 profissionais de saúde do serviço envolvidos na assistência ao recém-nascido pré-termo na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Resultados: Dentre os participantes (91,17%, responderam nunca ter utilizado a “redinha” como um recurso de posicionamento. As estratégias mais utilizadas são o rolinho (100,0% e o swaddle (88,23%, porém um percentual relevante de participantes (44,11% assinalou acreditar no ganho oferecido pela “redinha”, embora esta técnica não seja utilizada nos serviços ao qual fazem parte. Conclusão: As estratégias mais utilizadas nos serviços pesquisados foram o rolinho e o swaddle, a maioria dos profissionais não tinham conhecimento prático de outros recursos. Sendo assim, este estudo considera que a prática destas medidas acarretam ganhos não só no campo de desenvolvimento, mas também simplificam o tratamento e viabilizam a recuperação do recém-nascido pré-termo.

  11. Reverse flow injection spectrophotometric determination of ciprofloxacin in pharmaceuticals using iron from soil as a green reagent (United States)

    Palamy, Sysay; Ruengsitagoon, Wirat


    A novel reverse flow injection spectrophotometric method for the determination of ciprofloxacin was successfully combined with the on-line introduction of an iron solution extracted from soil as green reagent. The assay was optimized by a univariate method to select the optimum conditions for the highest absorbance and highest stability of the complex. Beer-Lambert's law (λmax = 440 nm) is obeyed in the range 0.5-50 μg mL- 1 with a correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.9976 and 0.9996 using soil as green reagent from Khon Kaen, Thailand and Vientiane, Laos, respectively. The average percentage recoveries were in the range of 98.55-102.14% and the precision was in the range of 0.80-1.73%. The limit of detection and the limit of quantitation were 0.20 and 0.69 μg mL- 1, respectively, with a sampling rate of over 46 samples h- 1. The method was successfully applied to the determination of ciprofloxacin in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results were in good agreement with those obtained by the reference HPLC method using a t-test at 95% of confidence level for comparison. This method is suitable for laboratories looking for alternative analytical methods using green reagents.

  12. Diazo Reagents with Small Steric Footprints for Simultaneous Arming/SAR Studies of Alcohol-Containing Natural Products via O–H Insertion (United States)

    Chamni, Supakarn; He, Qing-Li; Dang, Yongjun; Bhat, Shridhar; Liu, Jun O.; Romo, Daniel


    Natural products are essential tools for basic cellular studies leading to the identification of medically relevant protein targets and the discovery of potential therapeutic leads. The development of methods that enable mild and selective derivatization of natural products continues to be of significant interest for mining their information-rich content. Herein, we describe novel diazo reagents for simultaneous arming and structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies of alcohol-containing natural products with a small steric footprint, namely an α-trifluoroethyl (HTFB) substituted reagent. The Rh(II)-catalyzed O–H insertion reaction of several natural products, including the potent translation inhibitor lactimidomycin, was investigated and useful reactivity and both chemo- and site (chemosite) selectivities were observed. Differential binding to the known protein targets of both FK506 and fumagillol was demonstrated, validating the advantage of the smaller steric footprint of trifluoroethyl derivatives. A p-azidophenyl diazo reagent is also described that will prove useful for photoaffinity labeling of low affinity small molecule protein receptors. PMID:21894934

  13. Development of IRMA reagent and methodology for PSA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Najafi, R.


    The PSA test is a solid phase two-site immunoassay. Rabbit anti PSA is coated or bound on surface of solid phase and monoclonal anti PSA labeled with 1-125. The PSA molecules present in the standard solution or serum are 'Sandwiched' between the two antibodies. After formation of coated antibody-antigen-labeled antibody complex, the unbound labeled antibody will removed by washing. The complex is measured by gamma counter. The concentration of analyte is proportional to the counts of test sample. In order to develop kits for IRMA PSA, it should be prepared three essential reagents Antibody coated solid phase, labeled antibody, standards and finally optimizing them to obtain an standard curve fit to measure specimen PSA in desired range of concentration. The type of solid phase and procedure(s) to coat or bind to antibody, is still main debatable subject in development and setting up RIA/IRMA kits. In our experiments, polystyrene beads, because of their easy to coat with antibody as well as easy to use, can be considered as a desired solid phase. Most antibodies are passively adsorbed to a plastic surface (e.g. Polystyrene, Propylene, and Polyvinyl chloride) from a diluted buffer. The antibody coated plastic surface, then acts as solid phase reagent. Poor efficiency and time required to reach equilibrium and also lack of reproducibility especially batch-to-batch variation between materials, are disadvantages in this simple coating procedure. Improvements can be made by coating second antibody on surface of beads, and reaction between second and primary antibodies. There is also possible to enhance more coating efficiency of beads by using Staphylococcus ureus-Protein A. Protein A is a major component of staphylococcus aureus cell wall which has an affinity for FC segment of immunoglobulin G (IgG) of some species, including human; rabbit; and mice. This property of Staphylococcal Protein A has made it a very useful tool in the purification of classes and subclasses

  14. Quantificação por NIR/MIR de resina poliuretânica em misturas binárias com nitrocelulose utilizadas em tintas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane Cristine Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Foi elaborada uma nova metodologia nas regiões do infravermelho médio (MIR e do infravermelho próximo (NIR, usando-se técnicas de Reflexão e/ou Transmissão para a determinação do teor de resina poliuretânica (PU em misturas binárias com nitrocelulose (NC, utilizadas em formulações de tintas. A técnica de Reflexão Total Atenuada Universal (UATR se mostrou útil na região MIR, para tal fim. Após a avaliação de diferentes bandas analíticas, de referência e de linhas de base, a banda relativa (A1541/ A1645 foi escolhida para a elaboração da curva de calibração, com erro de metodologia de 1,42%. As técnicas de Transmissão e Reflexão (DRIFT foram utilizadas na região NIR (banda relativa A5902/ A5262 para validação, apresentando erros de metodologia de 1,42% e 1,60 %, respectivamente. Todos os erros relativos nas metodologias apresentaram-se dentro dos limites de precisão da análise quantitativa FT-IR, para as condições usadas (≤2%. A análise de amostras teste confirmou a precisão das metodologias desenvolvidas, que também apresentam praticidade, baixo custo e tempo reduzido de análise.

  15. The samarium Grignard reaction. In situ formation and reactions of primary and secondary alkylsamarium(III) reagents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Curran, D.P.; Totleben, M.J. [Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    This work shows that primary and secondary radicals are rapidly reduced in THF/HMPA to form primary- and secondary-alkylsamarium reagents. The primary- and secondary-radicals can be formed either by direct SmI{sup 2} reductions of primary- and secondary-halides or by a previous rapid radical cyclization. The samarium reagents have moderate stability in solution, and they react with a variety of typical electrophiles, including aldehydes and ketones. The work further shows that organosamarium intermediates can be involved in the traditional samarium Barbier reaction of aldehydes and ketones conducted in THF/HMPA. A new procedure called the {open_quotes}samarium Grignard{close_quotes} method is introduced, and it is suggested that this new procedure will have considerably more scope and generality than the samarium Barbier reaction. 37 refs., 4 tabs.

  16. Nanoporous magnesium aluminometasilicate tablets for precise, controlled, and continuous dosing of chemical reagents and catalysts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruhland, T.; Nielsen, S.D.; Holm, P.


    Mechanically robust tablets of nanoporous magnesium aluminometasilicate with high surface area and porosity can be loaded with a variety of organic and inorganic reagents and catalysts. The scope of this novel dosing methodology is demonstrated through the evaluation of 14 diverse organic reactions...

  17. Synthesis of a cleavable heterobifunctional photolabelling reagent: ring-labelled 3-((4-azidophenyl)dithio)propionic acid- sup 14 C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramaswami, Varadarajan (Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA (USA). Dept. of Chemistry); Tirrell, D.A. (Massachusetts Univ., Amherst, MA (USA). Dept. of Polymer Science and Engineering)


    An efficient synthesis of ring-labelled 3-((4-azidophenyl)dithio)propionic acid-{sup 14}C is described. Chlorosulfonation of uniformly ring-labelled acetanilide-{sup 14}C followed by reductive dimerization of the sulfonyl chloride with HI afforded 4-acetamidophenyl disulfide. Hydrolysis and diazotization then gave 4-azidophenyl disulfide, which was converted to the title compound via the sulfur transfer reagent N-(4-azidophenylthio)phthalimide. The overall yield of 3-((4-azidophenyl)dithio)propionic acid-{sup 14}C was 22%. 3-((4-Azidophenyl)dithio)propionic acid-{sup 14}C is a cleavable heterobifunctional photolabelling reagent of potential utility in studies of biomembrane structure and intermacromolecular interaction. (author).

  18. Revisão sistemática das escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na doença de Pompe Revisión sistemática de las escalas utilizadas para evaluación funcional en la enfermedad de Pompe Systematic review of functional assessment scales in Pompe disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alana Karla Savegnago


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar as escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na doença de Pompe (DP e descrever seu nível de evidência e recomendação. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão sistemática sobre as escalas de avaliação funcional na DP. Pesquisa realizada nos bancos de dados Medline, Lilacs, Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Controlados Central (CCTR e SciELO com artigos (exceto artigos de revisão publicados entre 2000 e 2010. As palavras-chave utilizadas nos idiomas português e inglês foram: doença de depósito de glicogênio tipo II, atividades cotidianas, avaliação. Os artigos foram classificados em nível de evidência e recomendação. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Foram incluídos 14 estudos que avaliaram desde recém-nascidos a adultos (amostra total=449. Foram encontradas as seguintes escalas na literatura: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI e sua forma adaptada para DP (Pompe-PEDI, Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS, Rotterdam Handiscap Scale (RHS, Functional Independence Measure (FIM, Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM e Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS-II. A maioria dos estudos apresentou nível de evidência III, por serem não randomizados. Grau de recomendação das escalas: C para AIMS e Pompe-PEDI; D para GMFM e PDMS-II; E para RHS e FIM. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria das escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na DP apresenta baixo nível de evidência e recomendação. As que apresentam melhor grau de recomendação (C são as escalas AIMS e Pompe-PEDI aplicadas em Pediatria.OBJETIVO: Identificar las escalas utilizadas para evaluación funcional en la enfermedad de Pompe (EP y describir su nivel de evidencia y recomendación. FUENTES DE DATOS: Revisión sistemática sobre las escalas de evaluación funcional en la EP. Investigaciones realizadas en las bases de datos Medline, Lilacs, Registro Cochrane de Ensayos Controlados Central (CCTR y SciELO con artículos (excepto artículos de revisión publicados entre 2000

  19. NMR-based Enantiodifferentiation of Chiral trans-2-Phenylcyclopropane Derivatives Using a Chiral Lanthanide Shift Reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Nam Sook; Kim, Hyun Sook; Song, Mi Sook


    In contrast with optical methods, there is no need to characterize the pure enantiomers. Instead, the NMR method makes use of chiral reagents that convert a mixture of enantiomers into a mixture of diastereomeric complexes. Integration of the resulting NMR spectra yields a direct measurement of enantiomeric purity as long as there is a sufficiently large difference between the chemical shifts of the two diastereoisomeric complexes to produce baseline-resolved peaks. Absolute enantiomeric configurations can also be determined using this method. Chiral lanthanide shift reagents have been used since the 1970s to form addition complexes with various compounds through interactions with electron donor sites. Lanthanide-induced, pseudo-contact shifts (LIS) are a function of the distance, r, between the nuclei under observation and the lanthanide center, and the angle, θ, between the line connecting the metal ion with the observed nucleus and the line representing the CLSR magnetic axis

  20. Textile wastewater reuse after additional treatment by Fenton's reagent. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Marília Cleto Meirelles; Starling, Maria Clara V M; Leão, Mônica Maria Diniz; de Amorim, Camila Costa


    This study verifies textile wastewater reuse treated by the conventional activated sludge process and subjected to further treatment by advanced oxidation processes. Three alternative processes are discussed: Fenton, photo-Fenton, and UV/H 2 O 2 . Evaluation of treatments effects was based on factorial experiment design in which the response variables were the maximum removal of COD and the minimum concentration of residual H 2 O 2 in treated wastewater. Results indicated Fenton's reagent, COD/[H 2 O 2 ]/[Fe 2+ ] mass ratio of 1:2:2, as the best alternative. The selected technique was applied to real wastewater collected from a conventional treatment plant of a textile mill. The quality of the wastewater before and after the additional treatment was monitored in terms of 16 physicochemical parameters defined as suitable for the characterization of waters subjected to industrial textile use. The degradation of the wastewater was also evaluated by determining the distribution of its molecular weight along with the organic matter fractionation by ultrafiltration, measured in terms of COD. Finally, a sample of the wastewater after additional treatment was tested for reuse at pilot scale in order to evaluate the impact on the quality of dyed fabrics. Results show partial compliance of treated wastewater with the physicochemical quality guidelines for reuse. Removal and conversion of high and medium molecular weight substances into low molecular weight substances was observed, as well as the degradation of most of the organic matter originally present in the wastewater. Reuse tests indicated positive results, confirming the applicability of wastewater reuse after the suggested additional treatment. Graphical abstract Textile wastewater samples after additional treatment by Fenton's reagent, photo-Fenton and H 2 O 2 /UV tested in different conditions.

  1. Evaluation of four commercial biuret reagent kits of serum total protein by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry reference measurement procedure. (United States)

    He, Meilin; Zhang, Jie


    In China, the traceability of clinical chemistry methods is still immature. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a reference measurement procedure and evaluate commercial reagent kits using such established procedures. We reproduced the reference measurement procedure for serum total protein, as recommended by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC). We evaluated the performance by Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines EP15-A and EP6-A. Subsequently, four commercial reagent kits were evaluated by the reproduced reference procedure following CLSI guideline EP9-A2. The performance of the reproduced reference procedure was as follows: CVs ranged from 0.47% to 0.85% at medical decision levels (X(c)) of 45 g/L, 60 g/L and 80 g/L. Linearity was Y=1.0022X-0.2121 (r=0.9999), and recovery ranged from 100.2% to 102.4%. The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Reference Laboratories in Laboratory Medicine (RELA) was applied, and the result was within the limit of equivalence. The linear relationships of four commercial reagent kits, Merit Choice, KHB, Leadman, and Olympus, were, respectively: Y=0.9922X+0.5776 (r=0.9961); Y=0.9936X+0.4316 (r=0.9992); Y=0.9949X+0.9129 (r=0.9987) and Y=0.9923X+0.8876 (r=0.9989). KHB showed slight negative bias, and the mean±SD was -0.03±0.60 g/L. Merit Choice, Leadman, and Olympus all showed positive bias, and the mean±SDs were 0.02±0.63 g/L, 0.55±0.77 g/L and 0.34±0.71 g/L, respectively. The correlation and bias of four commercial reagent kits for serum total protein were found to be acceptable. Thus, these reagent kits can be used reliably in China.

  2. Medical devices; immunology and microbiology devices; classification of John Cunningham Virus serological reagents. Final order. (United States)


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is classifying John Cunningham Virus (JCV) serological reagents into class II (special controls). The Agency is classifying the device into class II (special controls) in order to provide a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness of the device.

  3. Rhenium-catalyzed dehydrogenative olefination of C(sp(3))-H bonds with hypervalent iodine(III) reagents. (United States)

    Gu, Haidong; Wang, Congyang


    A dehydrogenative olefination of C(sp(3))-H bonds is disclosed here, by merging rhenium catalysis with an alanine-derived hypervalent iodine(III) reagent. Thus, cyclic and acyclic ethers, toluene derivatives, cycloalkanes, and nitriles are all successfully alkenylated in a regio- and stereoselective manner.

  4. Dried reagents for multiplex genotyping by tag-array minisequencing to be used in microfluidic devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahlford, Annika; Kjeldsen, Bastian; Reimers, Jakob


    was carried out with freeze-dried reagents stored in reaction chambers fabricated by micromilling in a cyclic olefin copolymer substrate. The results reported in this study are a key step towards the development of an integrated microfluidic device for point-of-care DNA-based diagnostics....

  5. Detection of GAD65 autoantibodies of type-1 diabetes using anti-GAD65-abs reagent produced from bovine brain tissue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djoko W. Soeatmadji


    Full Text Available Clinically, type 1 diabetes may presents as type 2 diabetes which sometimes not easily differentiated. Perhaps only autoimmune markers of β-cells destruction could differentiate those two clinical conditions. Due to extremely high cost ( $ 150/test, examination of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase-65 auto-antibodies (anti-GAD65Abs may not be routinely performed in most, if not all, clinical laboratories in Indonesia. Hence, the production of anti-GAD65 Abs reagent in Indonesia may reduce the cost and improve the quality of diabetes care in Indonesia. We produce reagent to detect anti-GAD65-Abs using bovine brain tissue as source of GAD enzyme in 3 steps. Step 1, isolation, purification of GAD65 from bovine brain tissue and used it as a primary antigen to stimulate the generation of anti-GAD65 antibodies in Wistar rat. Step 2, the purified GAD65 antibodies were than used as a secondary antibody to induce the production of anti-anti-GAD65-antibodies in Wistar rat and rabbit. Step 3. Labeling  anti-anti GAD65-antibodies with alkaline phoshpatase and peroxidase, and detecting anti-GAD65Abs previously detected using commercial kit. The anti-anti-GAD65- antibodies reagent produced in our laboratories  successfully identify anti-GAD65-Abs of type 1 diabetic patients previously detected  with commercial reagent. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 197-203Keywords: GAD, type-1 Diabetes

  6. Comparison of fluorescence-enhancing reagents and optimization of laser fluorimetric technique for the determination of dissolved uranium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ceren Kuetahyali; Joaquin Cobos; Rondinella, V.V.


    Results from tests aimed at optimizing an instrumental procedure for the direct and fast determination of uranium in solution by laser fluorescence are presented. A comparison of sample fluorescence measured using different fluorescence enhancing reagents was performed: sodium pyrophosphate, orthophosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and a commercially available fluorescence enhancer were tested for the determination of uranium. From the experimental results, 0.01 M Na 4 P 2 O 7 x 10H 2 O showed the best performance. Effects of reagent pH, different matrices, different concentrations of dissolved Th, and sample volume were investigated. Applications of the improved procedure for the determination of uranium in samples arising from UO 2 -based high level nuclear waste dissolution studies are described. (author)

  7. Trans-Selective Rhodium Catalysed Conjugate Addition of Organoboron Reagents to Dihydropyranones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hannah J. Edwards


    Full Text Available The selective synthesis of 2,6-trans-tetrahydropyran derivatives employing the rhodium catalysed addition of organoboron reagents to dihydropyranone templates, derived from a zinc-catalysed hetero-Diels-Alder reaction, is reported. The addition of both arylboronic acids and potassium alkenyltrifluoroborates have been accomplished in high yields using commercially-available [Rh(cod(OH]2 catalyst. The selective formation of the 2,6-trans-tetrahydropyran stereoisomer is consistent with a mechanism involving alkene association and carbometalation on the less hindered face of the dihydropyranone.

  8. Nanofiltration-Enabled In Situ Solvent and Reagent Recycle for Sustainable Continuous-Flow Synthesis. (United States)

    Fodi, Tamas; Didaskalou, Christos; Kupai, Jozsef; Balogh, Gyorgy T; Huszthy, Peter; Szekely, Gyorgy


    Solvent usage in the pharmaceutical sector accounts for as much as 90 % of the overall mass during manufacturing processes. Consequently, solvent consumption poses significant costs and environmental burdens. Continuous processing, in particular continuous-flow reactors, have great potential for the sustainable production of pharmaceuticals but subsequent downstream processing remains challenging. Separation processes for concentrating and purifying chemicals can account for as much as 80 % of the total manufacturing costs. In this work, a nanofiltration unit was coupled to a continuous-flow rector for in situ solvent and reagent recycling. The nanofiltration unit is straightforward to implement and simple to control during continuous operation. The hybrid process operated continuously over six weeks, recycling about 90 % of the solvent and reagent. Consequently, the E-factor and the carbon footprint were reduced by 91 % and 19 %, respectively. Moreover, the nanofiltration unit led to a solution of the product eleven times more concentrated than the reaction mixture and increased the purity from 52.4 % to 91.5 %. The boundaries for process conditions were investigated to facilitate implementation of the methodology by the pharmaceutical sector. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Determination of efficacy of fingermark enhancement reagents; the use of propyl chloroformate for the derivatization of fingerprint amino acids extracted from paper. (United States)

    Mink, Tineke; Voorhaar, Annelies; Stoel, Reinoud; de Puit, Marcel


    The analysis of the constituents of fingerprints has been described numerous times, mainly with the purpose of determining the aging effect on fingerprints or showing the differences between donors or groups of donors. In this paper we describe the use of derivatized amino acids to determine the efficacy of the visualization reagents 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) and ninhydrin. At present certain conditions are used for the application of these reagents, as determined by trial-and-error investigations, to the effect on fingerprints. The recovery of amino acids from a porous surface can be used as a measure for the efficacy of a visualization agent. In this paper we describe a method for the determination of the amount of amino acid left after reaction with well known fingerprint visualization reagents. This will allow a more scientific approach to method development for fingermark enhancement techniques. Furthermore, investigations on the influence of the concentration of fingermark amino acids, the order of application of and exposure time to reagents and the influence of age of the amino acids were carried out. These studies have resulted in a broader understanding of the mechanism involved in visualization of fingermarks using DFO and ninhydrin. Copyright © 2013 Forensic Science Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. No pain, no gain... O discurso da corpolatria em “Lili & Elizete”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Vieira da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste texto, objetivamos analisar o discurso da corpolatria nas tiras Lili & Elizete, de Caco Galhardo. Para tal intento, situamos nosso olhar investigativo no âmbito das reflexões de Ortega (2003; 2006 acerca das práticas bioascéticas contemporâneas. Nas tiras analisadas, verificamos que o humor reside na reiteração do discurso da corpolatria, de modo a compor uma heterogeneidade de posições enunciativas. Assim, na estabilidade das conversas entre as amigas Lili e Elizete, não raro se constata o duelo entre uma posição de recusa à biossiabilidade e uma posição que a defende de modo ferrenho.

  11. Data on final calcium concentration in native gel reagents determined accurately through inductively coupled plasma measurements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey Viviano


    Full Text Available In this article we present data on the concentration of calcium as determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP measurements. Calcium was estimated in the reagents used for native gel electrophoresis of Neuronal Calcium Sensor (NCS proteins. NCS proteins exhibit calcium-dependent mobility shift in native gels. The sensitivity of this shift to calcium necessitated a precise determination of calcium concentrations in all reagents used. We determined the calcium concentrations in different components used along with the samples in the native gel experiments. These were: 20 mM Tris pH 7.5, loading dye and running buffer, with distilled water as reference. Calcium determinations were through ICP measurements. It was found that the running buffer contained calcium (244 nM over the blank. Keywords: Neuronal calcium sensor proteins, Electrophoresis, Mobility shift, Calcium, Magnesium

  12. Preparation and optimization of ammonium phospho-molybdate reagent (FMA) (NH4)3[PMo12O40

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cruz C, W.; Mallaupoma G, M.; Rodriguez C, G.


    The characteristics of low and medium level liquid radioactive waste produced in the Nuclear Research Center RACSO was identified, taking into account the philosophy of radiological safety. In liquid wastes, Cs-137 radionuclide could be present, which is important for radio-sanitary considerations. Its half life is 30 years. In the radioactive waste management, it is possible to separate Cs-137 by using a chemical treatment. One of the used chemical reagents is ammonium phospho-molybdate (FMA). The preparation method and the production optimization of FMA in the laboratory scale for its use as an economical reagent in the separation of Cs-137 radionuclide is shown in this paper. The objective is to get the higher decontamination factor and to reduce the volume containing the higher activity of the Cs-137 radionuclide. (authors). 4 refs., 2 tabs

  13. Effects of humidity and filter material on diffusive sampling of isocyanates using reagent-coated filters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Henneken, H.; Vogel, M.; Karst, U.


    Diffusive sampling of methyl isocyanate (MIC) on 4-nitro-7-piperazinobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBDPZ)-coated glass fibre (GF) filters is strongly affected by high relative humidity (RH) conditions. It is shown that the humidity interference is a physical phenomenon, based on displacement of reagent

  14. Organic acids as analytical reagent: Part 1. Estimation of zirconium by gallic acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pande, C S; Singh, A K; Kumar, Ashok [Lucknow Univ. (India). Dept. of Chemistry


    Gallic acid has been found to be a selective reagent for the estimation of zirconium. The acid gives a crystalline precipitate at pH of 4.8 which is ignited and weighed as ZrO/sub 2/. Cations like Ca/sup +2/, Ba/sup +2/, Sr/sup +2/, Mn/sup +2/, Co/sup +2/, Ni/sup +2/, Fe/sup +3/ do not interfere in the estimation.

  15. Simplified syntheses of the water-soluble chiral shift reagents Sm-(R)-pdta and Sm-(S)-pdta

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hrubá, L.; Buděšínský, Miloš; Pícha, Jan; Jiráček, Jiří; Vaněk, Václav


    Roč. 54, č. 47 (2013), s. 6296-6297 ISSN 0040-4039 Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : NMR * chiral shift reagents * Sm-pdta * PDTA * samarium * 1,2-diaminopropane Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.391, year: 2013

  16. Development of a bi-functional silica monolith for electro-osmotic pumping and DNA clean-up/extraction using gel-supported reagents in a microfluidic device. (United States)

    Oakley, Jennifer A; Shaw, Kirsty J; Docker, Peter T; Dyer, Charlotte E; Greenman, John; Greenway, Gillian M; Haswell, Stephen J


    A silica monolith used to support both electro-osmotic pumping (EOP) and the extraction/elution of DNA coupled with gel-supported reagents is described. The benefits of the combined EOP extraction/elution system were illustrated by combining DNA extraction and gene amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. All the reagents necessary for both processes were supported within pre-loaded gels that allow the reagents to be stored at 4 degrees C for up to four weeks in the microfluidic device. When carrying out an analysis the crude sample only needed to be hydrodynamically introduced into the device which was connected to an external computer controlled power supply via platinum wire electrodes. DNA was extracted with 65% efficiency after loading lysed cells onto a silica monolith. Ethanol contained within an agarose gel matrix was then used to wash unwanted debris away from the sample by EOP (100 V cm(-1) for 5 min). The retained DNA was subsequently eluted from the monolith by water contained in a second agarose gel, again by EOP using an electric field of 100 V cm(-1) for 5 min, and transferred into the PCR reagent containing gel. The eluted DNA in solution was successfully amplified by PCR, confirming that the concept of a complete self-contained microfluidic device could be realised for DNA sample clean up and amplification, using a simple pumping and on-chip reagent storage methodology.

  17. Asymmetric Radical Cyclopropanation of Alkenes with In Situ-Generated Donor-Substituted Diazo Reagents via Co(II)-Based Metalloradical Catalysis. (United States)

    Wang, Yong; Wen, Xin; Cui, Xin; Wojtas, Lukasz; Zhang, X Peter


    Donor-substituted diazo reagents, generated in situ from sulfonyl hydrazones in the presence of base, can serve as suitable radical precursors for Co(II)-based metalloradical catalysis (MRC). The cobalt(II) complex of D 2 -symmetric chiral porphyrin [Co(3,5-Di t Bu-Xu(2'-Naph)Phyrin)] is an efficient metalloradical catalyst that is capable of activating different N-arylsulfonyl hydrazones for asymmetric radical cyclopropanation of a broad range of alkenes, affording the corresponding cyclopropanes in high yields with effective control of both diastereo- and enantioselectivity. This Co(II)-based metalloradical system represents the first catalytic protocol that can effectively utilize donor-type diazo reagents for asymmetric olefin cyclopropanation.

  18. Multifunctional Pt(II) Reagents: Covalent Modifications of Pt Complexes Enable Diverse Structural Variation and In-Cell Detection. (United States)

    White, Jonathan D; Haley, Michael M; DeRose, Victoria J


    To enhance the functionality of Pt-based reagents, several strategies have been developed that utilize Pt compounds modified with small, reactive handles. This Account encapsulates work done by us and other groups regarding the use of Pt(II) compounds with reactive handles for subsequent elaboration with fluorophores or other functional moieties. Described strategies include the incorporation of substituents for well-known condensation or nucleophilic displacement-type reactions and their use, for example, to tether spectroscopic handles to Pt reagents for in vivo investigation. Other chief uses of displacement-type reactions have included tethering various small molecules exhibiting pharmacological activity directly to Pt, thus adding synergistic effects. Click chemistry-based ligation techniques have also been applied, primarily with azide- and alkyne-appended Pt complexes. Orthogonally reactive click chemistry reactions have proven invaluable when more traditional nucleophilic displacement reactions induce side-reactivity with the Pt center or when systematic functionalization of a larger number of Pt complexes is desired. Additionally, a diverse assortment of Pt-fluorophore conjugates have been tethered via click chemistry conjugation. In addition to providing a convenient synthetic path for diversifying Pt compounds, the use of click-capable Pt complexes has proved a powerful strategy for postbinding covalent modification and detection with fluorescent probes. This strategy bypasses undesirable influences of the fluorophore camouflaged as reactivity due to Pt that may be present when detecting preattached Pt-fluorophore conjugates. Using postbinding strategies, Pt reagent distributions in HeLa and lung carcinoma (NCI-H460) cell cultures were observed with two different azide-modified Pt compounds, a monofunctional Pt(II)-acridine type and a difunctional Pt(II)-neutral complex. In addition, cellular distribution was observed with an alkyne-appended difunctional

  19. Modification of the mitochondrial sulfonylurea receptor by thiol reagents. (United States)

    Szewczyk, A; Wójcik, G; Lobanov, N A; Nalecz, M J


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects exerted by thiol-modifying reagents on themitochondrial sulfonylurea receptor. The thiol-oxidizing agents (timerosal and 5, 5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)) were found to produce a large inhibition (70% to 80%) of specific binding of [(3)H]glibenclamide to the beef heart mitochondrial membrane. Similar effects were observed with membrane permeable (N-ethylmaleimide) and non-permeable (mersalyl) thiol modifying agents. Glibenclamide binding was also decreased by oxidizing agents (hydrogen peroxide) but not by reducing agents (reduced gluthatione, dithiothreitol and the 2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-dithiolbutane). The results suggest that intact thiol groups, facing the mitochondrial matrix, are essential for glibenclamide binding to the mitochondrial sulfonylurea receptor. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

  20. Análise de demandas de pacientes e profissionais de saúde quanto à poltrona utilizada para a assistência do paciente


    Fabiane Espíndola Gomes; Helena Barreto dos Santos; Flávio Sanson Flogliatto; Ricardo Bertoglio Cardoso


    Introdução: Sistemáticas transversais permitem identificar soluções tecnológicas que melhor atendam às necessidades dos usuários, sendo assim críticas para otimização de recursos financeiros e melhoria da qualidade do serviço prestado. Dessa forma, o presente projeto de pesquisa teve por objetivo realizar uma análise transversal das demandas dos usuários finais, profissionais da saúde e pacientes, quanto às poltronas utilizadas para assistência no Serviço de Onco-Hematologia do Hospital de Cl...

  1. Influência das práticas parentais nas estratégias de coping e de savoring utilizadas pelos adolescentes em contexto escolar


    Tristão, Nádia Andreia Alves Farinha


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia da Educação e da Orientação), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação O presente estudo foi realizado com o intuito de investigar a influência das práticas educativas parentais nas estratégias de coping utilizadas pelos adolescentes em contexto escolar e explorar o papel que assumem também nas suas estratégias de savoring. Nesse sentido adoptaram-se as perspectivas de Maccoby e Martin (1983) sobre as...

  2. Blister pouches for effective reagent storage and release for low-cost point-of-care diagnostic applications

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Smith, S


    Full Text Available Lab-on-a-chip devices are often applied to point-of-care diagnostic solutions as they are low-cost, compact, disposable, and require only small sample volumes. For such devices, various reagents are required for sample preparation and analysis and...

  3. Tecnología romana utilizada en la fabricación de una esquila

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available At the beginning of the 70th the archaeological artifacts of a roman village in Palencia were excavated. This village was known as La Olmeda and its mosaics and the luxury objects are attractive. The studies are focused on the characterization of the cowbell. This object was made with iron and bronze, in his hollow section and with iron in the handle and the clapper. The metallographic characterization of this piece using optical microscopy, SEM-EDX, XRD and hardness test gives information about different fabrication procedure and technological knowledge of the society.

    A principios de los años 70 fueron excavados los restos arqueológicos de una villa tardorromana en la provincia de Palencia. Es conocida como La Olmeda y tiene como mayor atractivo sus mosaicos y los numerosos bienes encontrados. Una de las piezas estudiadas es la denominada esquila o campano de ganado. Se trata de un objeto constituido por hierro y bronce, en su sección hueca y únicamente por hierro en el asa y el badajo. Los estudios de caracterización química, microestructural y de propiedades mecánicas (dureza han permitido establecer la tecnología utilizada en la fabricación de esta esquila. Este tipo de estudios arqueometalúrgicos permitirán aproximarnos al conocimiento de los procesos tecnológicos llevados a cabo en época romana, en la provincia de Palencia.

  4. Utilization of organic reagents in the volumetric determination of micro-quantities of iodine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gantchev, N.; Kireva, A.


    A method has been developed for the titrimetric determination of micro-quantities of iodine by means of the organic reagents: Chrompyrazol I and Methylene blue. The recommended method is based on the combination of the extraction and volumetric methods and permits the titration of as little as 1 μg of I-/ml. The determination is not impaired by the ions: Br-, Cl-, NO 3 - and SO 4 2 -. (author)

  5. Rapid and Sensitive Determination of Lipid Oxidation Using the Reagent Kit Based on Spectrophotometry (FOODLABfat System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chang Woo Kwon


    Full Text Available The reliability and availability of FOODLABfat system for determining acid value (AV and peroxide value (POV were assessed during the hydrolytic rancidification and lipid oxidation of edible oils. This reagent kit based on spectrophotometry was compared to the official methods (ISO 660 and 3960 protocols based on manual titration employing the standard mixture for the simulated oxidation models and edible oils during the thermally induced oxidation at 180°C. The linear regression line of standard mixture and the significant difference of thermally oxidized time course study determined between them showed high correlations (R2=0.998 and p<0.05 in both AVs and POVs. Considering ISO protocols with a probability of human error in manual titration, the rapidness and simplicity of the reagent kit based on spectrophotometry make it a promising alternative to monitor the lipid oxidation of edible oils and lipid-containing foods.

  6. Iron-catalyzed oxidative biaryl cross-couplings via mixed diaryl titanates: significant influence of the order of combining aryl Grignard reagents with titanate. (United States)

    Liu, Kun Ming; Wei, Juan; Duan, Xin Fang


    The mixed diaryl titanates were used for the first time to modify the reactivity of two aryl Grignard reagents. Two titanate intermediates, Ar[Ar'Ti(OR)3]MgX and Ar'[ArTi(OR)3]MgX, formed via alternating the sequence of combining Grignard reagents with ClTi(OR)3 showed a significant reactivity difference. Taking advantage of such different reactivity, two highly structurally similar aryl groups could be facilely assembled through iron-catalyzed oxidative cross-couplings using oxygen as the oxidant.

  7. Reliability of reagent strips for semi-quantitative measurement of glucosuria in a neonatal intensive care setting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekhof, Jolita; Kollen, Boudewijn J.; van de Leur, Sjef; Kok, Joke H.; van Straaten, Irma H. L. M.


    Glucosuria in preterm infants is often measured using a visually readable reagent strip, e.g., when monitoring total parenteral nutrition or during sepsis or when treating with corticosteroids. However, the specific circumstances in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), such as the use of diapers

  8. Reliability of Reagent Strips for Semi-quantitative Measurement of Glucosuria in a Neonatal Intensive Care Setting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekhof, Jolita; Kollen, Boudewijn J.; van de Leur, Sjef; Kok, Joke H.; van Straaten, Irma H. L. M.


    Background: Glucosuria in preterm infants is often measured using a visually readable reagent strip, e.g., when monitoring total parenteral nutrition or during sepsis or when treating with corticosteroids. However, the specific circumstances in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), such as the use

  9. One-pot sequential 1,2-addition, Pd-catalysed cross-coupling of organolithium reagents with Weinreb amides

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Giannerini, M.; Vila, C.; Hornillos, V.; Feringa, B. L.


    An efficient sequential 1,2-addition/cross-coupling of Weinreb amides with two organolithium reagents is reported. This synthetic approach allows access to a wide variety of functionalized ketones in a modular way. The one-pot procedure presented here takes advantage of a kinetically stable

  10. Perfluoroalkylation of Aryl-N,N-dimethyl Hydrazones Using Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagents or Perfluoroalkyl Iodides. (United States)

    Janhsen, Benjamin; Studer, Armido


    Radical trifluoromethylation of aryl N,N-dimethyl hydrazones using TBAI as an initiator and Togni's reagent as a trifluoromethyl radical source is described. Cascades proceed via electron-catalysis; this approach is generally more applicable to hydrazone perfluoroalkylation using perfluoroalkyl iodides as the radical precursors in combination with a base under visible-light initiation.

  11. Inhibition of Urease by Disulfiram, an FDA-Approved Thiol Reagent Used in Humans. (United States)

    Díaz-Sánchez, Ángel Gabriel; Alvarez-Parrilla, Emilio; Martínez-Martínez, Alejandro; Aguirre-Reyes, Luis; Orozpe-Olvera, Jesica Aline; Ramos-Soto, Miguel Armando; Núñez-Gastélum, José Alberto; Alvarado-Tenorio, Bonifacio; de la Rosa, Laura Alejandra


    Urease is a nickel-dependent amidohydrolase that catalyses the decomposition of urea into carbamate and ammonia, a reaction that constitutes an important source of nitrogen for bacteria, fungi and plants. It is recognized as a potential antimicrobial target with an impact on medicine, agriculture, and the environment. The list of possible urease inhibitors is continuously increasing, with a special interest in those that interact with and block the flexible active site flap. We show that disulfiram inhibits urease in Citrullus vulgaris (CVU), following a non-competitive mechanism, and may be one of this kind of inhibitors. Disulfiram is a well-known thiol reagent that has been approved by the FDA for treatment of chronic alcoholism. We also found that other thiol reactive compounds (l-captopril and Bithionol) and quercetin inhibits CVU. These inhibitors protect the enzyme against its full inactivation by the thiol-specific reagent Aldrithiol (2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide, DPS), suggesting that the three drugs bind to the same subsite. Enzyme kinetics, competing inhibition experiments, auto-fluorescence binding experiments, and docking suggest that the disulfiram reactive site is Cys592, which has been proposed as a "hinge" located in the flexible active site flap. This study presents the basis for the use of disulfiram as one potential inhibitor to control urease activity.

  12. Two Palladium-Catalyzed Domino Reactions from One Set of Substrates/Reagents: Efficient Synthesis of Substituted Indenes and cis-Stilbenoid Hydrocarbons from the Same Internal Alkynes and Hindered Grignard Reagents (United States)

    Dong, Cheng-Guo; Yeung, Pik; Hu, Qiao-Sheng


    Two types of domino reactions from the same internal alkynes and hindered Grignard reagents based on carbopalladation, Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction and C-H activation strategy are described. The realization of these domino reactions relied on the control of the use of the ligand and the reaction temperature. Our study provides an efficient access to useful polysubstituted indenes and cis-substituted stilbenes, and may offer new means to the development of tandem/domino reactions in a more efficient way. PMID:17217305

  13. Recovery of uranium low grade ores by froth flotation: study of the texture and synergetic effects of flotation reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duverger, Agathe


    Due to the energy growing demand, uranium low grade ores may be those exploited in the future. Uranium ores conventional treatment does not often use mineral processing such as concentration methods for reducing leaching reagent consumption. The aim of this work is to develop an upgrading process to improve the operating process (alkaline heap leaching) taking into account the mineralogical and textural variability of the ore. The Trekkopje deposit is composed of calcrete and a gypscrete. The uranium bearing mineral is carnotite (K 2 (UO 2 ) 2 [VO 4 ] 2 .3H 2 O). The gangue minerals are composed by silicates, such as quartz, feldspars, micas and Ca-minerals, calcite and gypsum (XRD and ICP-MS analysis). A SEM image processing was used to study the textural properties and the exposed free surface of mineral inclusions in clay clusters. In calcrete milled to -200 μm, 50 % of all carnotite is associated with clay clusters, which are composed by 98 % of palygorskite, 2 % of illite, montmorillonite, and interbedded clays (XRD and microprobe analysis). The carnotite grain size is 95 % less than 70 μm. Calcite is the main inclusion in clay clusters. Indeed, the calcite inclusions average rate in the clay clusters is 12 % and 5 % for carnotite inclusion. And the free exposed surface percentage of these minerals in clay clusters is 3 % and 6 %, thus indicating that the inclusions should not affect the behavior of mixed clay particles. However, ore flotation essays did not verify this hypothesis. Three minerals separation have been proposed based on the mineral ability to consume leaching reagents: separating Ca-minerals from silicates, palygorskite from gangue minerals and carnotite from gangue minerals. A study of silicates and Ca-minerals electrokinetic properties (electrophoresis) was carried out to select the collectors and the optimum pH range for selective flotation. Basic pH near neutral was proved to be optimal for the separation of gangue minerals with cationic

  14. Construction of a microfluidic chip, using dried-down reagents, for LATE-PCR amplification and detection of single-stranded DNA. (United States)

    Jia, Yanwei; Mak, Pui-In; Massey, Conner; Martins, Rui P; Wangh, Lawrence J


    LATE-PCR is an advanced form of non-symmetric PCR that efficiently generates single-stranded DNA which can readily be characterized at the end of amplification by hybridization to low-temperature fluorescent probes. We demonstrate here for the first time that monoplex and duplex LATE-PCR amplification and probe target hybridization can be carried out in double layered PDMS microfluidics chips containing dried reagents. Addition of a set of reagents during dry down overcomes the common problem of single-stranded oligonucleotide binding to PDMS. These proof-of-principle results open the way to construction of inexpensive point-of-care devices that take full advantage of the analytical power of assays built using LATE-PCR and low-temperature probes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sady Mazzioni


    Full Text Available As diretrizes curriculares nacionais propõem ao curso de Ciências Contábeis uma formação que contemple os aspectos específicos da atuação do futuro profissional, mas recomenda também a inclusão de discussões que permitam a consciência cidadã e o enfrentamento dos problemas sociais. A construção das habilidades e competências designadas no perfil do egresso desejado se dá, em certa medida, no uso de estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem condizentes. O uso de formas e procedimentos de ensino deve considerar que o modo pelo qual o aluno aprende não é um ato isolado, escolhido ao acaso, sem análise dos conteúdos trabalhados, sem considerar as habilidades necessárias para a execução e dos objetivos a serem alcançados. O objetivo central da pesquisa é compreender as estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem mais significativas a partir das perspectivas dos alunos com aquelas utilizadas pelos professores do curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados caracterizam o estudo quanto aos objetivos como pesquisa descritiva; quanto aos procedimentos, pesquisa de levantamento; quanto à abordagem do problema, a pesquisa apresenta aspectos de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada com o uso de questionários com perguntas abertas e fechadas, direcionadas a docentes e discentes do curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis. Os resultados apontam para uma convergência de estratégias preferidas pelos universitários pesquisados com aquelas utilizadas pelos docentes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Bajčan


    Full Text Available Wine is a complex beverage that obtains its properties mainly due to synergistic effect of alcohol, organic acids, arbohydrates, as well as the phenolic and aromatic substances. At present days, we can observe an increased interest in the study of polyphenols in wines that have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and many other beneficial effects. Moderate and regular consumption of the red wine especially, with a high content of phenolic compounds, has a beneficial effect on human health. The aim of this work was to optimize conditions for spectrophotometric determination of total polyphenols in winwas to optimize conditions for spectrophotometric determination of total polyphenols in winwas to optimize conditions for spectrophotometric determination of total polyphenols in winwas to optimize conditions for pectrophotometric determination of total polyphenols in wine using Folin-Ciocaulteu reagent. Based on several studies, in order to minimize chemical use and optimize analysis time, we have proposed a method for the determination of total polyphenols using 0.25 ml Folin-Ciocaulteu reagent, 3 ml of 20% Na2CO3 solution and time of coloring complex 1.5 hour. We f

  17. Transformations of diaziridines and their fused analogues induced by electrophilic reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makhova, Nina N; Shevtsov, Alexander V; Petukhova, Vera Yu


    The review deals with transformations of mono- and bicyclic diaziridine derivatives with different types of substitution induced by electrophilic reagents (protic acids, Lewis acids, alkylating and acylating agents, carbonyl compounds, heterocumulenes, activated alkenes and alkynes and transition metal salts). The characteristic features of the reactions are considered as functions of the structures of the starting diaziridines and the nature of the reaction medium (organic solvents, ionic liquids). Prospects of the use of diaziridine derivatives as readily available precursors for the synthesis of various nitrogen-containing heterocyclic systems based on the diaziridine ring expansion reactions are considered. The bibliography includes 136 references.

  18. Reagent-Free Quantification of Aqueous Free Chlorine via Electrical Readout of Colorimetrically Functionalized Pencil Lines. (United States)

    Mohtasebi, Amirmasoud; Broomfield, Andrew D; Chowdhury, Tanzina; Selvaganapathy, P Ravi; Kruse, Peter


    Colorimetric methods are commonly used to quantify free chlorine in drinking water. However, these methods are not suitable for reagent-free, continuous, and autonomous applications. Here, we demonstrate how functionalization of a pencil-drawn film with phenyl-capped aniline tetramer (PCAT) can be used for quantitative electric readout of free chlorine concentrations. The functionalized film can be implemented in a simple fluidic device for continuous sensing of aqueous free chlorine concentrations. The sensor is selective to free chlorine and can undergo a reagent-free reset for further measurements. Our sensor is superior to electrochemical methods in that it does not require a reference electrode. It is capable of quantification of free chlorine in the range of 0.1-12 ppm with higher precision than colorimetric (absorptivity) methods. The interactions of PCAT with the pencil-drawn film upon exposure to hypochlorite were characterized spectroscopically. A previously reported detection mechanism relied on the measurement of a baseline shift to quantify free chlorine concentrations. The new method demonstrated here measures initial spike size upon exposure to free chlorine. It relies on a fast charge built up on the sensor film due to intermittent PCAT salt formation. It has the advantage of being significantly faster than the measurement of baseline shift, but it cannot be used to detect gradual changes in free chlorine concentration without the use of frequent reset pulses. The stability of PCAT was examined in the presence of free chlorine as a function of pH. While most ions commonly present in drinking water do not interfere with the free chlorine detection, other oxidants may contribute to the signal. Our sensor is easy to fabricate and robust, operates reagent-free, and has very low power requirements and is thus suitable for remote deployment.

  19. Effects of Fenton's Reagent on aquifer geochemistry and microbiology at the A/M Area, Savannah River Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denham, M.


    This report details the results of an investigation of Site conditions following a successful 1997 demonstration of in-situ DNAPL destruction by injection of Fenton's Reagent (hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate solution) into DNAPL-bearing zones of an aquifer

  20. One-pot three-component route for the synthesis of S-trifluoromethyl dithiocarbamates using Togni's reagent

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Halimehjani, A. Z.; Dračínský, Martin; Beier, Petr


    Roč. 13, Nov 24 (2017), s. 2502-2508 ISSN 1860-5397 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LO1304 Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : dithiocarbamates * electrophilic trifluoromethylation * Togni reagents Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry OBOR OECD: Organic chemistry Impact factor: 2.337, year: 2016

  1. An oxidative desulfurization method using ultrasound/Fenton's reagent for obtaining low and/or ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dai, Yongchuan; Qi, Yutai [Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 115001 (China); Zhao, Dezhi [Department of Petroleum Chemical Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun 113001 (China); Zhang, Huicheng [Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals of SINOPEC Corp., Fushun 113001 (China)


    The total development trend in the world is towards continuously lower of sulfur content as a quality standard of diesel fuels. Integrating of an oxidative desulfurization unit with a conventional hydrotreating unit can bring benefits to producing low and/or ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels. Using the hydrotreated Middle East diesel fuel as a feedstock, four processes of the oxidative desulfurization have been studied: a hydrogen peroxide-acetic acid system and a Fenton's reagent system both without/with ultrasound. Results showed that the oxidative desulfurization reaction mechanics fitted apparent first-order kinetics. The addition of Fenton's reagent could enhance the oxidative desulfurization efficiency for diesel fuels and sono-oxidation treatment in combination with Fenton's reagent shows a good synergistic effect. Under our best operating condition for the oxidative desulfurization: temperature 313 K, ultrasonic power 200 W, ultrasonic frequency 28 kHz, Fe{sup 2+}/H{sub 2}O{sub 2} 0.05 mol/mol, pH 2.10 in aqueous phase and reaction time 15 min, the sulfur content in the diesel fuels was decreased from 568.75 {mu}g/g to 9.50 {mu}g/g. (author)

  2. Microwave-induced electrostatic etching: generation of highly reactive magnesium for application in Grignard reagent formation. (United States)

    van de Kruijs, Bastiaan H P; Dressen, Mark H C L; Meuldijk, Jan; Vekemans, Jef A J M; Hulshof, Lumbertus A


    A detailed study regarding the influence of microwave irradiation on the formation of a series of Grignard reagents in terms of rates and selectivities has revealed that these heterogeneous reactions may display a beneficial microwave effect. The interaction between microwaves and magnesium turnings generates violent electrostatic discharges. These discharges on magnesium lead to melting of the magnesium surface, thus generating highly active magnesium particles. As compared to conventional operation the microwave-induced discharges on the magnesium surface lead to considerably shorter initiation times for the insertion of magnesium in selected substrates (i.e. halothiophenes, halopyridines, octyl halides, and halobenzenes). Thermographic imaging and surface characterization by scanning electron microscopy showed that neither selective heating nor a "specific" microwave effect was causing the reduction in initiation times. This novel and straightforward initiation method eliminates the use of toxic and environmentally adverse initiators. Thus, this initiation method limits the formation of by-products. We clearly demonstrated that microwave irradiation enables fast Grignard reagent formation. Therefore, microwave technology is promising for process intensification of Grignard based coupling reactions.

  3. Electrostatic Potential Maps and Natural Bond Orbital Analysis: Visualization and Conceptualization of Reactivity in Sanger's Reagent (United States)

    Mottishaw, Jeffery D.; Erck, Adam R.; Kramer, Jordan H.; Sun, Haoran; Koppang, Miles


    Frederick Sanger's early work on protein sequencing through the use of colorimetric labeling combined with liquid chromatography involves an important nucleophilic aromatic substitution (S[subscript N]Ar) reaction in which the N-terminus of a protein is tagged with Sanger's reagent. Understanding the inherent differences between this S[subscript…

  4. Reagent Target Request for Monoclonal Antibody Production and Characterization | Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (United States)

    NCI's Antibody Characterization Program provides reagents and other critical resources to support protein/peptide measurements and analysis. In an effort to produce and distribute well-characterized monoclonal antibodies to the scientific community, the program is seeking cancer related protein targets for antibody production and characterization for distribution to the research community. Submission Period: May 20, 2011 - July 1, 2011.

  5. Photonic reagents for concentration measurement of flu-orescent proteins with overlapping spectra (United States)

    Goun, Alexei; Bondar, Denys I.; Er, Ali O.; Quine, Zachary; Rabitz, Herschel A.


    By exploiting photonic reagents (i.e., coherent control by shaped laser pulses), we employ Optimal Dynamic Discrimination (ODD) as a novel means for quantitatively characterizing mixtures of fluorescent proteins with a large spectral overlap. To illustrate ODD, we simultaneously measured concentrations of in vitro mixtures of Enhanced Blue Fluorescent Protein (EBFP) and Enhanced Cyan Fluorescent Protein (ECFP). Building on this foundational study, the ultimate goal is to exploit the capabilities of ODD for parallel monitoring of genetic and protein circuits by suppressing the spectral cross-talk among multiple fluorescent reporters.

  6. Amino acids and glycine ethyl ester as new crystallization reagents for lysozyme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Len; Shiraki, Kentaro; Yamaguchi, Hiroshi


    During the past two decades, amino acids and amino-acid derivatives have been applied in various fields of protein chemistry. The potential use of amino acids and their derivatives as new precipitating agents is described. Several amino acids and their derivatives are prominent additives in the field of protein chemistry. This study reports the use of charged amino acids and glycine ethyl ester as precipitants in protein crystallization, using hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) as a model. A discussion of the crystallization of HEWL using these reagents as precipitating agents is given

  7. Clasificación de reactivos químicos en los laboratorios de la Universidad Nacional Classification of chemical reagents in the laboratories of National University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Carlos Mora Barrantes


    Full Text Available Durante el periodo 2008-2010 se realizaron inventarios de los reactivos químicos utilizados y almacenados en los laboratorios de los campus Omar Dengo y Benjamín Núñez de la Universidad Nacional. Se le solicitó a cada coordinador de laboratorio completar un formulario que incluía el nombre, la cantidad y el número CAS de los reactivos químicos almacenados y utilizados en cada laboratorio. Con estos datos, se clasificaron los reactivos de acuerdo con su categoría de peligro, utilizando el Código IMDG de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU. La clasificación de los reactivos químicos permitió el desarrollo de sus patrones de distribución en las diferentes unidades, institutos y centros de investigación de la Universidad Nacional. Además, se identificaron las clases de reactivos de mayor y menor uso en los laboratorios de la institución. El adecuado manejo de los reactivos químicos, con su correspondiente clasificación basada en la categoría de riesgo, es la base principal para la implementación de un ambiente seguro de trabajo en los laboratorios. La clasificación de los reactivos químicos permite minimizar los costos administrativos, económicos, legales, de seguridad y técnicos asociados con la atención de emergencias químicas; permitiendo además el desarrollo y aplicación de prácticas de trabajo preventivas por parte de funcionarios y estudiantes durante la manipulación de estas sustancias.During 2008-2010 inventories of chemical reagents used and stored in teaching and research laboratories of Omar Dengo and Benjamín Núñez campuses of National University were generated. E ach laboratory coordinator was asked to fill out a form that included name, quantity and CAS number of every chemical reagent stored and utilized in the laboratories. Chemical reagents were then classified according to the risk categories described by the United Nations IMDG Code. Such a classification process allowed the development

  8. Avaliação da qualidade de águas purificadas utilizadas em farmácias de manipulação

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    Nathalia Vieira dos Santos


    Full Text Available A RDC n° 67 de 2007, que revogou a RDC nº 33 de 2000, regulamentou análises mensais que avaliam parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos em águas purificadas utilizadas em preparações magistrais, antes não especificados pela RDC n° 33 de 2000. Diante dessas alterações, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de águas utilizadas em farmácias de manipulação em Araraquara e região e verificar o impacto da legislação mais recente (RDC nº 67 de 2007 nessa qualidade. Foram analisadas 744 amostras de água purificada em 30 farmácias no decorrer de quatro anos (2008 a 2011. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: presença de coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes/E.coli, pH, cor, turbidez, sólidos totais dissolvidos, fluoreto e cloro residual livre. Os métodos utilizados seguiram padrões de farmacopeias, da FUNASA e da APHA. Dentre as amostras analisadas 78,90% estavam em conformidade com os padrões estabelecidos. Não foram encontradas amostras irregulares quanto aos parâmetros cor e coliformes termotolerantes/E. coli. No entanto, 0,54%, 7,80%, 10,75%, 0,54% e 4,56% das amostras estavam irregulares para turbidez, fluoretos, pH, cloro residual livre e coliformes totais, respectivamente. Foi observada uma variação do número de amostras irregulares ao compararmos os anos de 2008 e 2009 (20,26% e 26,71% respectivamente com os anos de 2010 e 2011 (18,33% e 19,91% respectivamente. Quatro anos após a RDC n° 67 de 2007, as farmácias de manipulação ainda estão se adequando às normas e é importante que a ANVISA e outros órgãos continuem a fiscalização para garantir a qualidade da água purificada.

  9. Asociaciones entre rendimiento en comprensión de textos y estrategias pedagógicas utilizadas por docentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena Canet Juric

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido explorar las asociaciones entre el rendimiento en comprensión lectora y distintas estrategias docentes utilizadas con alumnos de segundo y tercer grado de Educación Primaria Básica (EPB de la Ciudad de Mar del Plata (Argentina. El supuesto de este estudio afirma que existe una asociación entre el rendimiento en comprensión lectora y las estrategias pedagógicas docentes. Se aplicó una adaptación del PROLEC para evaluar el rendimiento en lectura y un cuestionario construido para explorar las estrategias docentes. Los instrumentos fueron administrados a una muestra aleatoria de alumnos de 2º y 3º año de 10 escuelas municipales (n=258 y a sus respectivos docentes (n=64. Los resultados permitieron aportar evidencia empírica sobre la ausencia de asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre ambas variables, lo que permite suponer que la lectoescritura es un fenómeno complejo que depende de numerosos factores como las diferencias cognitivas individuales, el contexto alfabetizador, etc.

  10. Plantas dendroenergéticas utilizadas por una comunidad indígena Piapoco en Guainía, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela Landínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo contiene aspectos botánicos y etnobotánicos de las especies dendroenergéticas, utilizadas por los indígenas Piapoco de Laguna Colorada en Guainía, Colombia. Se estudia su patrón de uso y las formas de manejo, en relación con las características ecológicas, socio económicas y culturales de la región. Se de muestra que el uso de la leña con lleva aprendizaje, preparación y administración, es decir, un manejo del recurso. Existe un conocimiento muy preciso y complejo de las especies, sus propiedades y características durante el proceso de combustión, lo cual lleva implícito un concepto empírico de calidad de la leña. Además, se establece que este importante conocimiento se continúa transmitiendo de generación en generación dentro de esta comunidad indígena.

  11. Dispersion and deagglomerat1on of nano-SiO2 particles with a silane modification reagent in supercritical CO2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stojanović Dušica B.


    Full Text Available The supercritical CO2 method was used in order to perform deagglomeration and improve the dispersion of nano-SiO2 particles. γ-Met-hacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane was used as the surface modification reagent. The conventional method for coating nano-SiO2 particles was used as the comparison method. Considerable improvement of the dispersion and deagglomeration was found using supercritical CO2. Analysis of the TEM micrographs and DLS results showed the reduction of the average size of the agglomerates with the silane coupling reagent. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA showed that the particles treated in super­critical CO2 were more thermally stable than particles treated by conventional method. Encapsulation of several particles coated with the silane coupling reagent was observed in certain parts of the primary particles. A chemical reaction takes place between the modification reagent, MEMO silane, and active hydroxyl groups on the surface of the nano-SiO2 particles. A larger quantity of MEMO silane reacted using the con­ventional method instead of the supercritical method. On the other hand, the reacted silane molecules were better arranged around the particle surface in the supercritical method because of the formation of covalent or self-assembled structures. Polycondensed structures were preferentially obtained in the conventional method. This was achieved by using supercritical CO2, which has a high solvating power such as organic solvents and physical properties (low viscosity, low surface tension and high diffusion coefficient similar to gases on the other side. These properties enable the sufficient and uniform wettability of nano-SiO2 particle surfaces. These results are important for obtaining nanofillers with improved dispersion and polymer wettability. Such nanofillers can be used to obtain composite materials with considerably improved mechanical characteristics.

  12. Mandelazo I as a reagent for Zr(IV) determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rakha, T.H.; Filip, P.; Stefan, N.


    A spectrometric study of the reaction of the Zr(IV) ions with Mandelazo I was carried out. Absorption spectra revealed that the maximum absorption of the zirconium compound appears at a wavelength (316 nm) different from the maxima of the reagent (253 and 390 nm). Beer-Lambert law is followed for zirconium concentrations of the order of 8.8 x 10 -5 M (i.e. 8 μg Zr(IV)/mL). Possible interferences of ions such as Be(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Al(III), Th(IV), U(VI), Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II) and Ni(II) were investigated in connection with some masking agents such as SO 4 2- and C 2 O 4 2- . Also, the solid state Zr(IV)- Mandelazo I compound was prepared and characterized by nitrogen and thermogravimetric analyses

  13. A Dramatic Classroom Demonstration of Limiting Reagent Using the Vinegar and Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Reaction (United States)

    Artdej, Romklao; Thongpanchang, Tienthong


    This demonstration is designed to illustrate the concept of limiting reagent in a spectacular way. Via a series of experiments where the amount of vinegar is fixed and the amount of NaHCO[subscript 3] is gradually increased, the volume of CO[subscript 2] generated from the reaction varies corresponding to the amount of NaHCO[subscript 3] until it…

  14. International reference reagents: antihuman globulin. An ISBT/ICSH joint working party report. International Society of Blood Transfusion. International Committee for Standardization in Haematology. (United States)

    Case, J; Ford, D S; Chung, A; Collins, R; Kochman, S; Mazda, T; Overbeeke, M; Perera, R; Sakuldamrongpanich, T; Scott, M; Voak, D; Zupańska, B


    An international working party has conducted a study designed to select a suitable reference reagent for antihuman globulin, to replace those first made available in 1987. The chosen preparation contains levels of anti-IgG and anti-C3 (anti-C3c and anti-C3d) potency that are considered suitable to serve for reference when evaluating either polyspecific antihuman globulin reagents or those containing their separate monospecific components. The reference material is available in 2-ml freeze-dried aliquots from seven assigned distribution centres.

  15. Development of reagents for radioimmunoassay of: triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyrotrophin; Desarrollo de reactivos para el radioinmunoanalisis de: triyodotironina, tiroxina y tirotrofina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delgado S, B.; Lavalley E, C.; Ruiz J, A.; Garcia F, C.; Zamorano A, F


    The radioimmunoassay (RIA) of thyroid hormones it is the but it frequents of all the studies carried out by RIA in the laboratories of Nuclear Medicine, these essays are carried out with imported reagents. In the ININ the reagents and the necessary methodology have been developed for the triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyrotrophin (TSH). The good titles of the antibodies (Ac) primary for each hormone were of 1:4,000; 1:750 and 1:1,500. The used separation system was of double Ac with PEG to 10%, with titles of 1:10 for the second Ac of lamb. The specific activity for 125-I-T3 and 125-I-T4 oscillate between 850 at 900 {mu}Ci / {mu} g: being this of 90 {mu} Ci /{mu}g for TSH. To the first two hormones they were added 1-8 aniline naftalen sulfonic acid (ANS) to concentrations of 3 and 2 mg/ml respectively. As buffer for T3 and T4 it was used Tris-HCl pH 8.6 and PBS with normal serum of rabbit (SNC) for TSH. The standards got ready in buffer or free serum of thyroid hormones. The slope of the standard curves varied between -2.3 to -2.7 and the variation intra and inter assay among 4 to 10%. It is had at the moment in the ININ with standardized reagents for the RIA of T3, T4 and TSH, it is hoped to carry out tests in other laboratories and to establish the conditions of stability more appropriate to begin the preparation of pilot reagents. (Author)

  16. Flotation of copper-bearing shale in solutions of inorganic salts and organic reagents


    Ratajczak Tomasz


    Flotation data on copper-bearing shale in aqueous solutions of inorganic electrolytes (NaCl, Na2SO4, KPF6, NH4Cl) and organic reagents (ethylamine, propylamine) as frothers were presented and discussed. The relationships between shale flotation, surface tension of aqueous solution and foam height during bubbling with air in the flotation system were presented. It has been found that flotation of shale in the presence of inorganic salts the yield was directly proportional to the surface tensio...

  17. Degradation of ion spent resin using the Fenton's reagent; Degradacao da resina de troca ionica utilizando o reagente de Fenton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, Leandro Goulart de


    The most common method for spent radioactive ion exchange resin treatment is its immobilization in cement, which reduces the radionuclides release into the environment. Although this method is efficient, it increases considerably the final volume of the waste due to the low incorporation capacity. The objective of this work was to develop a degradation method of spent resins arising from the nuclear research reactor located at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP), using an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) with Fenton's reagents. This method would allow a higher incorporation in cement. Three different resins were evaluated: cationic, anionic and a mixture of both resins. The reactions were conducted varying the catalyst concentration (25, 50, 100 and 150 mM), the volume of hydrogen peroxide (320 to 460 mL), and three different temperatures, 50, 60 and 70 deg C. Degradation of about 98% was achieved using a 50 mM catalyst solution and 330 mL of hydrogen peroxide solution. The most efficient temperature was 60 deg C. (author)

  18. Factors involved in the selection of limestone reagents for use in wet FGD systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarvis, J.B.; Roothaan, E.S.; Meserole, F.B.; Owens, D.R.


    With recent activity in the design and construction of retrofit flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, many utilities are faced with the task of selecting limestones which will allow FGD systems to function as designed, and at the same time, provide cost-effective operation. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has sponsored research to identify factors which should be considered in the reagent selection process. A set of capabilities has been developed which is currently being employed to assist six utilities in selecting cost-effective reagent sources. The major elements in the selection package consist of an analytical characterization of candidate limestones; grindability, reactivity, and magnesium availability testing; and performance modeling utilizing EPRI's FGD PRocess Integration and Simulation Model (FGDPRISM). The results from these measurements are used to perform a site-specific economic analysis which can be used to rank the candidate limestones and quantify the impact of various limestone properties on plant operating costs. This paper includes a description of each element in the selection package along with a review of current research activities aimed at improving predictions of limestone reactivity and magnesium availability. An example is presented which illustrates how reactivity and magnesium availability affect both the performance of an FGD system and plant operating costs

  19. Employing natural reagents from turmeric and lime for acetic acid determination in vinegar sample. (United States)

    Supharoek, Sam-Ang; Ponhong, Kraingkrai; Siriangkhawut, Watsaka; Grudpan, Kate


    A simple, rapid and environmentally friendly sequential injection analysis system employing natural extract reagents was developed for the determination of acetic acid following an acid-base reaction in the presence of an indicator. Powdered lime and turmeric were utilized as the natural base and indicator, respectively. Mixing lime and turmeric produced an orange to reddish-brown color solution which absorbed the maximum wavelength at 455 nm, with absorbance decreasing with increasing acetic acid concentration. Influential parameters including lime and turmeric concentrations, reagent and sample aspirated volumes, mixing coil length and dispensing flow rate were investigated and optimized. A standard calibration graph was plotted for 0-5.0 mmol/L acetic acid with r 2  = 0.9925. Relative standard deviations (RSD) at 2.0 and 4.0 mmol/L acetic acid were less than 3% (n = 7), with limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) at 0.12 and 0.24 mmol/L, respectively. The method was successfully applied to assay acetic acid concentration in cooking vinegar samples. Results achieved were not significantly different from those obtained following a batchwise standard AOAC titration method. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  20. Plantas medicinais utilizadas por idosos com diagnóstico de Diabetes mellitus no tratamento dos sintomas da doença Medicinal plants used by elderly people with Diabetes mellitus in the treatment of the disease symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.M. Feijó


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as plantas medicinais utilizadas por idosos assistidos em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Pelotas-RS, com diagnóstico de Diabetes mellitus, como terapia complementar no tratamento dos sintomas da doença. Caracterizou-se por pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em julho de 2009, no município de Pelotas-RS. Foram entrevistados 18 idosos com idade entre 60 e 77 anos, sendo 14 do sexo feminino. Os participantes citaram 20 plantas medicinais utilizadas como terapia complementar no tratamento do Diabetes mellitus. Entre estas, as mais citadas utilizadas para diminuir os níveis de glicose no sangue foram Sphagneticola trilobata, Bauhinia spp. e Syzygium cumini, sendo que para as duas últimas há comprovação científica do efeito hipoglicemiante. A infusão foi a forma de preparo predominante. Considera-se importante a realização de estudos farmacológicos que investiguem os efeitos das plantas utilizadas pela população, a fim de que o uso proporcione os benefícios desejados e não cause danos à saúde.This study aimed to investigate medicinal plants used as complementary therapy by the elderly with diabetes mellitus, assisted by a Health Basic Unit in Pelotas (RS, Brazil. This qualitative research was conducted in July 2009. Eighteen 60 to 77 years old elderly (14 of them female were interviewed. The participants identified 20 medicinal plants used as complementary therapies in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Among these, the most used ones to reduce the levels of glucose in the blood were Sphagneticola trilobata, Bauhinia spp. and Syzygium cumini. For the last two plants, there are scientific proofs of hypoglycemic effects. The infusion was the predominant form of preparation. Studies to investigate the pharmacological effects of plants used by the population have become very important, for providing scientific information on their possible health benefits and side effects.

  1. Gas Chromatographic-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds by Ion-Molecule Reactions Using the Electron-Deficient Reagent Ion CCl{3/+} (United States)

    Wang, Cheng-Zhong; Su, Yue; Wang, Hao-Yang; Guo, Yin-Long


    When using tetrachloromethane as the reagent gas in gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry equipped with hybrid ionization source, the cation CCl{3/+} was generated in high abundance and further gas-phase experiments showed that such an electron-deficient reagent ion CCl{3/+} could undergo interesting ion-molecule reactions with various volatile organic compounds, which not only present some informative gas-phase reactions, but also facilitate qualitative analysis of diverse volatile compounds by providing unique mass spectral data that are characteristic of particular chemical structures. The ion-molecule reactions of the reagent ion CCl{3/+} with different types of compounds were studied, and results showed that such reactions could give rise to structurally diagnostic ions, such as [M + CCl3 - HCl]+ for aromatic hydrocarbons, [M - OH]+ for saturated cyclic ether, ketone, and alcoholic compounds, [M - H]+ ion for monoterpenes, M·+ for sesquiterpenes, [M - CH3CO]+ for esters, as well as the further fragment ions. The mechanisms of ion-molecule reactions of aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic ketones and alcoholic compounds with the reagent ion CCl{3/+} were investigated and proposed according to the information provided by MS/MS experiments and theoretical calculations. Then, this method was applied to study volatile organic compounds in Dendranthema indicum var. aromaticum and 20 compounds, including monoterpenes and their oxygen-containing derivatives, aromatic hydrocarbon and sesquiterpenes were identified using such ion-molecule reactions. This study offers a perspective and an alternative tool for the analysis and identification of various volatile compounds.

  2. A selective and rapid microdetermination of molybdenum(VI) using 2`, 4`-dihydroxyacetophenone benzoylhydrazone as a new reagent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dass, Rameshwar; Mehta, J R [Kurukshetra Univ. (India). Dept. of Chemistry


    A simple, rapid and selective spectrophotometric method for the microdetermination of molybdenum(VI) using 2`,4`-dihydroxyacetophone benzoylhydrazone (DHABH) as a new reagent has been developed. The greenish-yellow Mo(VI)-DHABH complex with {lambda}sub(max) at 402 nm, is extractable into benzene from 0.01-0.10 M HCl medium containing 0.5-1.4 ml of 0.2% solution of the reagent in acetone. The 1:1 species in benzene obeys Beer`s law in the range 0-17.5 {mu}g Mo ml{sup -1} and is stable for more than one week. The molar absorptivity, Sandell`s sensitivity and standard deviation are 0.940 x 10{sup 4} mol{sup -1} cm{sup -1}, 0.0102 {mu}gMo cm{sup -2} and {+-} 0.0055 respectively. The method has been used for the determination of molybdenum(VI) in various alloy steels and a wide variety of synthetic samples with satisfactory results. (author). 8 refs., 1 fig.

  3. Effect of disulfide and sulfhydryl reagents on abortive and productive elongation catalyzed by ''Escheridia coli'' RNA polymerase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radlowski, M.; Job, D.


    The effect of disulfide and sulfhydryl reagents on the rate of abortive and productive elongation has been studied using ''Escherichia coli'' RNA polymerase holoenzyme and poly[d(A-T)] as template. In the presence of UTP as a single substrate and UpA as a primer, the enzyme catalyzed efficiently the synthesis of the trinucleotide product UpApU. Incubation of RNA polymerase with 1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol resulted in a 5-fold increase of the rate of UpApU synthesis. In contrast, incubation of the enzyme with 1 mM 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic) acid resulted in a 6-fold decrease of the rate of abortive elongation. Determination of the steady state kinetic constants associated with UpApU synthesis disclosed that the disulfide and sulfhydryl reagents mainly affected the rate of UpApU release from the ternary transcription complexes and therefore influenced the stability of such complexes. (author). 15 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab

  4. Organization of a system of guarantee of quality for the control of specifications of chemical reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bustamante Gutierrez, M. G.


    Analytic methods were implemented based on valuations acid-base and redox for the quantitative determination of sodium hidroxid, iodine and iron chloride III, like part of a system of quality for the technical specifications of these reagents. The planning of its system of quality includes two fundamental parts: insurance and control of quality. In the insurance part the state of operation of the team that you uses settled down, gauges the one that achieve to maintain under the supervision of a single operator (electronic equip and glassware) and the design of the appropriate documents settled down to carry out the periodic supervision of the acting of the same ones and other aspects characteristic of the system (experimental results). Also protocolized and validated the analytic methods to use following the approaches of precision given by ASTM, organism whose methodologies are recognized in the country like official; other procedures, as that of calibration of the volumetric equipments, they were also protocolized. In the part of control of quality, the limits settled down and procedures were applied the scales and used other, to the necessary distilled water to carry out the determinations and to the used chemical reagents. With base in the obtained results you determines that the analyzed reagents fulfill the specifications of ACS (and with those reported by the maker) at the same time settled down that the laboratory 09 of the Chemistry School, used in a large part of development of this project, it didn't fulfill the necessary requirements so that it works as laboratory of control of quality. As an alternative, the administration of the School outlines as solution the use of the Laboratory of Insurance of the Quality from the Unit of Service to the Industry for such end [es

  5. Petrografía, propiedades físicas y durabilidad de algunas rocas utilizadas en el patrimonio monumental de Catalunya, España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esbert, Rosa M.


    Full Text Available The petrographical description and the values of some physical properties of three rocks used in the architectonic patrimony of Catalunya are presented. These rocks are known, in the field of the "building stones" as Girona, Folgueroles and Vinaixa stones. By ageing tests, their durability is predicted.

    Se realiza la descripción petrográfica y se determina una serie de propiedades físicas de algunas rocas utilizadas en el patrimonio arquitectónico de Catalunya conocidas, en el ámbito de las "rocas de construcción", con los nombres de piedras de Girona, Folgueroles y Vinaixa. Mediante ensayos de envejecimiento artificial acelerado, se hacen predicciones sobre la durabilidad de las mismas.

  6. Visualising substrate-fingermark interactions: Solid-state NMR spectroscopy of amino acid reagent development on cellulose substrates. (United States)

    Spindler, Xanthe; Shimmon, Ronald; Roux, Claude; Lennard, Chris


    Most spectroscopic studies of the reaction products formed by ninhydrin, 1,2-indanedione-zinc (Ind-Zn) and 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) when reacted with amino acids or latent fingermarks on paper substrates are focused on visible absorption or luminescence spectroscopy. In addition, structural elucidation studies are typically limited to solution-based mass spectrometry or liquid nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which does not provide an accurate representation of the fingermark development process on common paper substrates. The research presented in this article demonstrates that solid-state carbon-13 magic angle spinning NMR ((13)C-MAS-NMR) is a technique that can not only be utilised for structural studies of fingermark enhancement reagents, but is a promising technique for characterising the effect of paper chemistry on fingermark deposition and enhancement. The latter opens up a research area that has been under-explored to date but has the potential to improve our understanding of how fingermark secretions and enhancement reagents interact with paper substrates. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Fluorimetric determination of copper(II) in aqueous solution using lucifer yellow CH as selective metal reagent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mayr, T.; Wencel, D.; Werner, T. [Univ. of Regensburg (Germany) Inst. of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors


    Lucifer yellow CH is shown to be a highly selective fluorescent reagent for the determination of Cu(II) in the {mu}g L{sup -1} concentration range. The fluorophore is statically quenched by Cu(II); the carbohydrazide group was assigned as the complexing part of the dye molecule. A total range of Cu(II) determination from 0.06 mg L{sup -1} (1 {mu}mol L{sup -1}) to 6.3 mg L{sup -1} (100 {mu}mol L{sup -1}) with a limit of detection of 0.019 mg L{sup -1} (0.3 {mu}mol L{sup -1}) was obtained, along with surprisingly high selectivity. There was no interference from alkaline and earth alkaline metal ions. The cross sensitivity to heavy metal ions was evaluated by the separate solution method and by competitive binding experiments. Calibration plots are shown for Cu(II) determination at different pH and the dissociation constant was determined. The application of the reagent was demonstrated by the determination of the Cu(II) content of tap water samples. (orig.)

  8. Comparative studies on extracts from Hericium erinaceus by different polarity reagents to gain higher antioxidant activities. (United States)

    Jiang, Shengjuan; Wang, Yuliang; Zhang, Xiaolong


    Hericium erinaceus (H. erinaceus) is a source of exogenous antioxidants that has been traditionally used in China for the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress-associated disease. In the present study, the bioactive compounds of H. erinaceus were extracted with the following eight representative reagents: n-Hexane, xylene, chloroform, anhydrous ether, ethyl acetate, acetone, anhydrous ethanol and distilled water. The in vitro antioxidant activities were also evaluated. All of the extracted compounds exhibited reducing power and scavenging activity against 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and superoxide anion free radicals. In addition, the antioxidant capacities varied with the used chemical reagents and exhibited dose-dependent effects. Extracts from anhydrous ethanol, chloroform and acetone were capable of inhibiting lipid peroxidation. The anhydrous ethanol extracts were observed to have significant levels of antioxidant compounds since they had a strong reducing power, high scavenging rates against DPPH and superoxide anion-free radicals (>90%), and high inhibition rates on lipid peroxidation (>60%). The present study will provide reference data for the antioxidant applications of H. erinaceus in pharmaceutical use and disease prevention.

  9. Enantiomeric determination of amino compounds with high sensitivity using the chiral reagents (+)- and (-)-1-(9-anthryl)-2-propyl chloroformate. (United States)

    Thorsén, G; Engström, A; Josefsson, B


    New chiral precolumn reagents, (+)- and (-)-1-(9-anthryl)-2-propyl chloroformate (APOC), are introduced for the chiral separation of amino acids and small peptides in capillary electrophoresis. Chiral separation of 17 amino acids and four small peptides as their diastereomeric 1-(9-anthryl)-2-propyl carbamate derivatives have been achieved by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. The detection limit for the derivatives is in the femtomole range with UV detection and in the attomole range with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. LIF detection was used to determine the enantiomeric excess of four APOC-derivatised peptides. The use of the new, anthracene-based reagents in conjunction with argon ion LIF makes enantiomeric determinations at ppm levels feasible. In this paper determinations below promille levels are performed without overloading the separation system.

  10. Chromatographic methods for determination of metals as chelate compounds with heterocyclic azo reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basova, E.M.; Bol'shova, T.A.; Shpigun, O.A.; Ivanov, V.M.


    Methods for separation and concentration of transition metals as well as cadmium in form of chelates with heterocyclic azo compounds namely, PAN(1-(2-pyridylaso)-2-naphthol), PAR(4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcin), Br-PAAP (2-(5-bromine-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethyl aminophenol) are considered. The Br-PAAP reagent is the most sensitive and widely-applied one in extraction and highly-efficient liquid chromatography. Methods of sorption concentration with subsequent element determination directly on the sorbent without microelements separation or destruction are the most promissing ones

  11. Visual identification of alkaloids in some medicinal plants: common alkaloid reagents versus bromocresol green

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shamsa F, Esfahani HR, Gamooshi RA


    Full Text Available "n Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Background: Alkaloids are a group of nitrogenous compounds with potential effects on the physiological behavior of human and animals. Some of these compounds are considered important drugs in modern medicine, such as atropine and morphine. Plants are considered the most important source of alkaloids. Therefore, investigating the presence of alkaloids in different plants is very important. Usually, alkaloids in plants are identified by methods such as those of Dragendorf, Wagner and Meyer, among others, which require milligrams of alkaloids for identification. In the present study, a fast and sensitive procedure for detecting of alkaloids in plants is presented.   "n"nMethods: Twelve dried plants samples were investigated for the presence alkaloids. After extracting the total alkaloid into methanol using a Soxhlet extractor, a few milligrams of the extract was transferred to a separatory funnel, buffered to pH 4.7, the bromocresol green (BCG solution (10-4 M was added, mixed and extracted with CHCl3 until a yellow color was observed in the CHCl3 layer, indicating the presence of the alkaloid. The crude extracts were also investigated by the standard methods of Dragendorf, Wagner and Meyer for the presence of alkaloids.   "n"nResults: Investigation of the 12 plant samples for the presence of alkaloids by the standard reagents of Dragendorf, Wagner, and Meyer showed that only Camelia sinensis (flowers, Echium amoenum Fisch & Mey (flowers, and Stachys (aerial parts are devoid

  12. 2006 Bethesda International Consensus recommendations on the immunophenotypic analysis of hematolymphoid neoplasia by flow cytometry: optimal reagents and reporting for the flow cytometric diagnosis of hematopoietic neoplasia. (United States)

    Wood, Brent L; Arroz, Maria; Barnett, David; DiGiuseppe, Joseph; Greig, Bruce; Kussick, Steven J; Oldaker, Teri; Shenkin, Mark; Stone, Elizabeth; Wallace, Paul


    Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry has become standard practice in the evaluation and monitoring of patients with hematopoietic neoplasia. However, despite its widespread use, considerable variability continues to exist in the reagents used for evaluation and the format in which results are reported. As part of the 2006 Bethesda Consensus conference, a committee was formed to attempt to define a consensus set of reagents suitable for general use in the diagnosis and monitoring of hematopoietic neoplasms. The committee included laboratory professionals from private, public, and university hospitals as well as large reference laboratories that routinely operate clinical flow cytometry laboratories with an emphasis on lymphoma and leukemia immunophenotyping. A survey of participants successfully identified the cell lineage(s) to be evaluated for each of a variety of specific medical indications and defined a set of consensus reagents suitable for the initial evaluation of each cell lineage. Elements to be included in the reporting of clinical flow cytometric results for leukemia and lymphoma evaluation were also refined and are comprehensively listed. The 2006 Bethesda Consensus conference represents the first successful attempt to define a set of consensus reagents suitable for the initial evaluation of hematopoietic neoplasia. Copyright 2007 Clinical Cytometry Society.

  13. Influence of the apparent molecular size of humic substances on the efficiency of coagulation using Fenton's reagent

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    Full Text Available This work used Fenton's reagent as a coagulating agent in the treatment of water samples with high true colour caused by humic substances (HS extracted from peat. In addition, the effects of the apparent molecular size of HS on coagulation, flocculation and flotation were studied. To that end, four distinct water samples having the same true colour were prepared using HS with different molecular sizes, which were obtained by ultrafiltration fractioning. Through optimisation of coagulant dosage and coagulation pH, as well as posterior construction of coagulation diagrams for each water sample, it was verified that the sample prepared with the smallest apparent molecular size of HS was the most difficult to treat, requiring higher coagulant (Fenton's reagent dosages than samples prepared with larger HS molecular sizes. Furthermore, filtration experiments after dissolved air flotation (DAF were carried out in an attempt to simulate conventional treatment. The most representative results in filtered water were: apparent colour ≤ 3 HU; turbidity Este trabalho empregou o reagente de Fenton como agente coagulante no tratamento de águas contendo cor elevada causada pela introdução de substâncias húmicas extraídas de turfa. Além disto, foi estudado o efeito do tamanho molecular aparente das substâncias húmicas na eficiência da coagulação, floculação e flotação de águas; para isto foram preparadas quatro águas distintas apresentado a mesma cor verdadeira, mas com substâncias húmicas de diferentes tamanhos moleculares, obtidas por fracionamento por ultrafiltração. Por meio da otimização da dosagem de coagulante e respectivo pH de coagulação e posterior construção dos diagramas de coagulação para cada água de estudo, verificou-se que a água preparada com as substâncias húmicas de menor tamanho molecular aparente apresentou maior grau de dificuldade para tratamento, requerendo dosagens de coagulante (reagente de Fenton bem

  14. Reaction of 11 C-benzoyl chlorides with metalloid reagents: 11 C-labeling of benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, and phenyl ketones from [11 C]CO. (United States)

    Roslin, Sara; Dahl, Kenneth; Nordeman, Patrik


    In this article, we describe the carbon-11 ( 11 C, t 1/2  = 20.4 minutes) labeling of benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, and ketones using an efficient 2-step synthesis in which 11 C-carbon monoxide is used in an initial palladium-mediated reaction to produce 11 C-benzoyl chloride as a key intermediate. In the second step, the obtained 11 C-benzoyl chloride is further treated with a metalloid reagent to furnish the final 11 C-labeled product. Benzyl alcohols were obtained in moderated to high non-isolated radiochemical yields (RCY, 35%-90%) with lithium aluminum hydride or lithium aluminum deuteride as metalloid reagent. Changing the metalloid reagent to either tributyltin hydride or sodium borohydride, allowed for the reliable syntheses of 11 C-benzaldehydes in RCYs ranging from 58% to 95%. Finally, sodium tetraphenylborate were utilized to obtain 11 C-phenyl ketones in high RCYs (77%-95%). The developed method provides a new and efficient route to 3 different classes of compounds starting from aryl iodides or aryl bromides. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Reporter-nanobody fusions (RANbodies) as versatile, small, sensitive immunohistochemical reagents. (United States)

    Yamagata, Masahito; Sanes, Joshua R


    Sensitive and specific antibodies are essential for detecting molecules in cells and tissues. However, currently used polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies are often less specific than desired, difficult to produce, and available in limited quantities. A promising recent approach to circumvent these limitations is to employ chemically defined antigen-combining domains called "nanobodies," derived from single-chain camelid antibodies. Here, we used nanobodies to prepare sensitive unimolecular detection reagents by genetically fusing cDNAs encoding nanobodies to enzymatic or antigenic reporters. We call these fusions between a reporter and a nanobody "RANbodies." They can be used to localize epitopes and to amplify signals from fluorescent proteins. They can be generated and purified simply and in unlimited amounts and can be preserved safely and inexpensively in the form of DNA or digital sequence.

  16. In-capillary determination of creatinine with electrophoretically mediated microanalysis: characterization of the effects of reagent zone and buffer conditions. (United States)

    Mason, Philip E; Schildt, Derek C; Strein, Timothy G


    Previous work has demonstrated proof-of-concept for carrying out the clinically useful Jaffe reaction between creatinine and picrate within a capillary tube using electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (EMMA). Here, it is shown that careful control of reagent plug length as well as concentration and pH of the background electrolyte (BGE) can result in a marked improvement in the sensitivity of this assay. Increasing the length of the picrate reagent zone is shown to give rise to as much as a 3-4-fold enhancement, and increasing the concentration and/or pH of the borate buffer also results in an additional, albeit modest, improvement in sensitivity. Interestingly, borate BGE concentrations approaching 100mM give rise to an unexplained drop in reaction efficiency, an effect which can be avoided by utilizing lower borate concentration with higher pH. The improvements appear to primarily minimize electrodispersion of the picrate reagent, allowing higher picrate concentration in the reaction zone. The same conditions also appear to minimize the electrodispersion of the in-line product as well. With optimized EMMA parameters, the sensitivity of the in-line Jaffe chemistry can be enhanced to an extent that there is no need for the two capillary "high sensitivity" detection system required in previous work. Using optimized conditions, three different human serum samples spanning the expected clinical range of creatinine concentrations were successfully analyzed. Overall, this work illustrates the importance of systematically characterizing the conditions under which EMMA analyses are carried out.

  17. Women's expectations and experiences of rupture of membranes and views of the potential use of reagent pads for detecting amniotic fluid. (United States)

    Spiby, Helen; Borrelli, Sara; Hughes, Anita J


    To explore first-time mothers' expectations and experiences regarding rupture of membranes at term and their views on the potential use of reagent pads that detect amniotic fluid. There is little information available on women's experiences of spontaneous rupture of membranes, or interest in using methods to confirm rupture of membranes (e.g. reagent pads). Descriptive qualitative study, using focus groups and telephone interviews with women during pregnancy and after the birth of their first baby. Thematic analysis was undertaken to analyse women's responses. Ethics committee approval was obtained. Twenty-five women participated in the study of whom 13 contributed both during pregnancy and postpartum between October 2015-March 2016. Three overarching themes were identified from the data from women's expectations and experiences: uncertainty in how, when and where membranes may rupture; information which was felt to be limited and confirmation of rupture of membranes. The potential use of reagent pads met with varied responses. Women were interested in having facts and figures regarding rupture of membranes, such as characteristics of liquor; volume and probability of membranes rupturing spontaneously at term. Use of a pad as a means of confirmation was viewed as helpful, although the potential for increasing anxiety was raised. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Phenylmercuric hydroxide. A highly selective reagent for the hydration of nonconjugated terminal alkynes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janout, V.; Regen, S.L.


    This article describes an unusual and highly selective method for hydrating nonconjugated terminal alkynes based on the use of phenylmercuric hydroxide as a reagent. Unlike classical mercury catalyzed procedures, sigma-bonded mercury acetylides are formed initially as stable intermediates and subsequently reacted with water under neutral pH to form the corresponding methyl ketone. Isolated yields which have been obtained by using this approach lie in the range of 49-65%. The high selectivity toward nonconjugated terminal alkynes which characterizes the procedure described herein should make it a useful supplement to existing hydration methods

  19. Botánica médica Guahibo. Plantas medicinales, mágicas y psicotrópicas utilizadas por los Sikuani y Cuiba (Llanos orientales de Colombia Botánica médica Guahibo. Plantas medicinales, mágicas y psicotrópicas utilizadas por los Sikuani y Cuiba (Llanos orientales de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ortiz Gómez Francisco


    Full Text Available This work deals with the inventory and description of the medical, magical and psicothropic plants used by the Sikuani and Cuiba indians of the Colombian and Venezuelan Llanos. The names in the indian languages were registered along with a translation and a brief description of uses and applications. Se presenta un inventario y descripción de usos de las plantas medicinales, mágicas y psicotrópicas utilizadas por los indígenas Sikuani y Cuiba de los Llanos de Colombia y Venezuela. Se anotan los nombres en lengua, su traducción y una breve descripción de su uso y aplicaciones.

  20. Enrichment of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid in Bean Sprouts: Exploring Biosynthesis of Plant Metabolite Using Common Household Reagents (United States)

    Rojanarata, Theerasak; Plianwong, Samarwadee; Opanasopit, Praneet; Ngawhirunpat, Tanasait


    The enrichment of plant foods with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is currently an interesting issue in the field of nutraceuticals and can be used as an experiment for upper-division undergraduate students. Here, an interdisciplinary hands-on experiment to produce GABA-enriched mung bean sprouts using common household reagents is described. Based…

  1. Highly Stereoselective Gold-Catalyzed Coupling of Diazo Reagents and Fluorinated Enol Silyl Ethers to Tetrasubstituted Alkenes. (United States)

    Liao, Fu-Min; Cao, Zhong-Yan; Yu, Jin-Sheng; Zhou, Jian


    We report a highly stereoselective synthesis of all-carbon or fluorinated tetrasubstituted alkenes from diazo reagents and fluorinated enol silyl ethers, using C-F bond as a synthetic handle. Cationic Au I catalysis plays a key role in this reaction. Remarkable fluorine effects on the reactivity and selectivity was also observed. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Relação família-escola: práticas educativas utilizadas por pais e professores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiza Maria de Oliveira Braga Silveira

    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa as continuidades e descontinuidades na relação família-escola frente aos problemas de comportamento da criança, investigando a utilização e as percepções sobre as práticas educativas de pais e professores em ambos os contextos, bem como a existência de ações conjuntas. Participaram do estudo 4 progenitores e 4 professoras de escolas privadas de Porto Alegre, respondendo, cada um deles, a duas entrevistas cujos dados sofreram análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontaram heterogeneidade das práticas educativas parentais e diferentes níveis de conhecimento entre os participantes acerca das práticas utilizadas, revelando fronteiras rígidas entre a família e a escola. Identificou-se a supremacia do saber das professoras sobre os pais, reforçada pelo fato das atitudes conjuntas enfocarem o caráter curativo e orientador da escola sobre a família. A discussão dos dados propõe alternativas para uma intervenção conjunta família-escola frente aos problemas de comportamento das crianças.

  3. Deep soil mixing for reagent delivery and contaminant treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korte, N.; Gardner, F.G.; Cline, S.R.; West, O.R.


    Deep soil mixing was evaluated for treating clay soils contaminated with TCE and its byproducts at the Department of Energy's Kansas City Plant. The objective of the project was to evaluate the extent of limitations posed by the stiff, silty-clay soil. Three treatment approaches were tested. The first was vapor stripping. In contrast to previous work, however, laboratory treatability studies indicated that mixing saturated, clay soil was not efficient unless powdered lime was added. Thus, powder injection of lime was attempted in conjunction with the mixing/stripping operation. In separate treatment cells, potassium permanganate solution was mixed with the soil as a means of destroying contaminants in situ. Finally, microbial treatment was studied in a third treatment zone. The clay soil caused operational problems such as breakage of the shroud seal and frequent reagent blowouts. Nevertheless, treatment efficiencies of more than 70% were achieved in the saturated zone with chemical oxidation. Although expensive ($1128/yd 3 ), there are few alternatives for soils of this type

  4. Simpsons: tradução intersemiótica e cultura

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    Sílvia Maria Guerra Anastácio


    Full Text Available A série Os Simpsons é hoje um sucesso de audiência, tendo sido inspirada em uma tira de quadrinhos Life in Hell, lançada em 1977 e publicada até a atualidade. Esta propõe sátiras à sociedade, principalmente de Los Angeles, tendo surgido como vinheta para o The Tracey Ullman Show (1987-1990. A Fox (Fox Broadcasting Company, um canal de televisão a cabo recém-criado, procurava novidades para inserir nos seus programas e quando o produtor James L. Brooks leu as tiras em quadrinhos Life in Hell, escritas e desenhadas por Matt Groening, imaginou que uma animação com aquele tipo de material poderia dar certo. Com o sucesso dos curtas animados, que iam ao ar nos intervalos entre os blocos do programa de Tracey Ullman, a Fox convidou Matt Groening a ter seu próprio programa de televisão de meia hora, em horário nobre. Desde então, a família Simpson não cessou de ir ao ar. E, ainda hoje, a série continua fazendo sucesso também no cinema, com o lançamento, em 2007, de seu primeiro filme. [...] [Para prosseguir com a leitura, acesse a revista Cadernos de Tradução, n. 33

  5. The pyruvic acid analog 3-bromopyruvate interferes with the tetrazolium reagent MTS in the evaluation of cytotoxicity. (United States)

    Ganapathy-Kanniappan, Shanmugasundaram; Geschwind, Jean-Francois H; Kunjithapatham, Rani; Buijs, Manon; Syed, Labiq H; Rao, Pramod P; Ota, Shinichi; Vali, Mustafa


    3-Bromopyruvate (3BrPA) is a pyruvate analog known for its alkylating property. Recently, several reports have documented the antiglycolytic and anticancer effects of 3BrPA and its potential for therapeutic applications. 3BrPA-mediated cytotoxicity has been evaluated in vitro by various methods including tetrazolium salt (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide)-based assays such as MTT, MTS, and so on. However, growing body of evidences has shown that tetrazolium reagent may interfere with the test compounds. In this study, we investigated whether the tetrazolium reagent interferes with the assessment of 3BrPA cytotoxicity. The results of the tetrazolium-based MTS assay were compared with 3 distinct cell viability detection methods, that is, Trypan Blue staining, ATP depletion, and Annexin V staining in 2 different cell lines, Vx-2 and HepG2. The MTS assay data showed false positive results by indicating increased cell viability at 1 mM and 2 mM 3BrPA whereas the other cell viability assays demonstrated that both Vx-2 and HepG2 cells are not viable at the same treatment conditions. In order to validate the direct interaction of 3BrPA with MTS reagent, we tested cell-free media incubated with different concentrations of 3BrPA. The results of cell-free media showed an increase in absorbance in a dose-dependent manner confirming the interaction of MTS with 3BrPA. Thus, our data clearly demonstrate that 3BrPA interferes with the accuracy of MTS-based cytotoxicity evaluation. Hence, we suggest that employing multiple methods of biochemical as well as morphological cytotoxicity assays is critical to evaluate 3BrPA-mediated cell death.

  6. Interfacial reaction using particle-immobilized reagents in a fluidized reactor. Determination of glycerol in biodiesel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shishov, Andrey, E-mail: [Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, RU–198504 Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation); Zabrodin, Andrey; Moskvin, Leonid [Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, RU–198504 Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation); Andruch, Vasil [Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of P.J. Šafárik, SK-04154 Košice (Slovakia); Bulatov, Andrey [Institute of Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, RU–198504 Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)


    A novel fluidized beads strategy for utilization of particle-immobilized reagents in flow analysis was developed in this study. The performance of the suggested strategy was demonstrated by the determination of glycerol in biodiesel. This analytical task was used as a proof-of-concept example. The method is based on on-line extraction of glycerol from biodiesel into aqueous stationary phase of extraction-chromatographic column, followed by elution and spectrophotometric determination in the form of copper glycerate formed in a fluidized reactor of stepwise injection system. The floating of cation exchange resin Dowex{sup ®} 50WX4, saturated with Cu(II) ions in liquid phase, was accomplished by air-bubbling. The linear range was from 100 to 1000 mg kg{sup −1}, and the limit of detection, calculated as 3s of a blank test (n = 5), was found to be 30 mg kg{sup −1}. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of biodiesel and biodiesel-blend (B 20) samples. - Highlights: • Novel fluidized beds strategy for utilization of particle-immobilized reagents. • First application of fluidized beds condition in SWIA. • Novel approach based on interfacial formation of copper glycerate. • Automated method for glycerol determination in biodiesel.

  7. Bromopyrogallol red: a new microanalytical reagent for amperometric estimation of Dy (III) and Gd (III)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahu, G.P.; Lavale, S.C.


    Bromopyrogallol red (BPR) has been extensively used as an indicator but its electro-reducibility has proved it to be a very useful amperometric reagent. BPR reduces on a DME in KNO 3 in the entire pH range 2.4 to 9.5. It produces single stage reduction wave below pH 4, but a two stage reduction wave in the basic range. Progressive ionization of hydroxyl group and distinct colour species of BPR, have also been studied using a Bausch and Lomb spectronic-20 spectrophotometer in order to support electroanalytical studies. On performing amperometric titrations of Dy(III) and Gd(III) with BPR at its plateau potential 1.0 V at pH 2.6 and μ = 0.4, reversed L-shaped titration curves have been observed indicating metal to BPR ratio 1:1 and the colour changes from claret red to orange yellow. The reagents have been tested in presence of various diverse ions and tolerance limits have been computed. Na + , K + , Li + , Cl - , ClO 4 - , CH 3 COO - , Pd 2+ , Fe 3+ ions did not interfere in the titrimetric procedure. However, small amounts of Bi 3+ , Pb 2+ , Ni 2+ , Co 2+ , Cd 2+ , Mg 2+ and rare earth metals have hampered the titrimetric estimations. (author)

  8. Evolução da Posição do Corpo Utilizada em Paralelas Assimétricas - Influência dos Elementos “in bar”.


    Ferreirinha, José; Silva, António José; Marques, António


    As diversas e contínuas alterações na estrutura do aparelho e no Código de Pontuação (CP) têm levado a uma tendência para uma maior utilização da postura alongada do corpo em Paralelas Assimétricas (PA). Com este estudo procurou-se observar a influência da execução obrigatória de elementos “in bar” na posição do corpo utilizada em exercícios de competição de PA. Recorrendo às técnicas da metodologia observacional, foram elaboradas e validadas duas categorias de observação constitu...

  9. Oxidation of cashew tree gum exudate polysaccharide with TEMPO reagent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunha, Pablyana L.R.; Maciel, Jeanny S.; Paula, Regina C.M. de; Feitosa, Judith P.A.; Sierakowski, Maria Rita


    Cashew gum (CG), an exudate polysaccharide from Anacardium occidentale trees, was oxidized with TEMPO reagent and the product (CGOX) characterized by spectroscopic techniques (FTIR and NMR), chromatographic analyses (HPLC and GPC), viscosity measurements and thermal analysis (TGA). The yield of the reaction product was 96%. The uronic acid content in starting gum (7.2 m%) was increased to 36 m%. The degree of oxidation based on free galactose and glucose units was 68%. NMR data show that oxidation occurred preferentially at primary carbons of galactose units. High degradation degree after oxidation was estimated by the difference on the expected and observed η CGOX /η CG ratio. The presence of organic and inorganic impurities in the new polyelectrolyte was detected by TGA. A less thermally stable cashew gum is formed after the oxidation with TEMPO based on initial decomposition temperature and IPDT. (author)

  10. Relative quantification of enantiomers of chiral amines by high-throughput LC–ESI-MS/MS using isotopic variants of light and heavy L-pyroglutamic acids as the derivatization reagents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mochizuki, Toshiki; Taniguchi, Sayuri; Tsutsui, Haruhito; Min, Jun Zhe; Inoue, Koichi; Todoroki, Kenichiro; Toyo’oka, Toshimasa


    Highlights: ► Development of chiral labeling reagent for a pair of amine enantiomers. ► High-throughput analysis of diastereomers by UPLC–ESI-MS/MS. ► Highly efficient separation and detection of the enantiomers. ► Differential analysis of enantiomer ratio in different sample groups using light and heavy labeling reagents. -- Abstract: L-Pyroglutamic acid (L-PGA) was evaluated as a chiral labeling reagent for the enantioseparation of chiral amines in terms of separation efficiency by reversed-phase chromatography and detection sensitivity by ESI-MS/MS. Several amines and amino acid methyl esters were used as typical representatives of the chiral amines. Both enantiomers of the chiral amines were easily labeled with L-PGAs at room temperature for 60 min in the presence of 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide and 1-hydroxy-1H-benzotriazole as the activation reagents. The resulting diastereomers were completely separated by reversed-phase chromatography using the small particle (1.7 μm) ODS column (Rs = 1.6–6.8). A highly sensitive detection at a low-fmol level (1–4 fmol) was also obtained from the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) chromatograms. Therefore, a high-throughput determination was achieved by the present UPLC–ESI-MS/MS method. An isotope labeling strategy using light and heavy L-PGAs for the differential analysis of chiral amines in different sample groups was also proposed in this paper. As a model study, the differential analysis of the R and S ratio of 1-phenylethylamine (PEA) was performed according to the proposed procedure using light and heavy reagents, i.e., L-PGA and L-PGA-d 5 . The R/S ratio of PEA, spiked at the different concentrations in rat plasma, was almost similar to the theoretical values. Consequently, the proposed strategy using light and heavy chiral labeling reagents seems to be applicable for the differential analysis of chiral amine enantiomers in different sample groups, such as healthy persons and

  11. Remediation of hydrocarbons in crude oil-contaminated soils using Fenton's reagent. (United States)

    Ojinnaka, Chukwunonye; Osuji, Leo; Achugasim, Ozioma


    Sandy soil samples spiked with Bonny light crude oil were subsequently treated with Fenton's reagent at acidic, neutral, and basic pH ranges. Oil extracts from these samples including an untreated one were analyzed 1 week later with a gas chromatograph to provide evidence of hydrocarbon depletion by the oxidant. The reduction of three broad hydrocarbon groups-total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH); benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX); and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) were investigated at various pHs. Hydrocarbon removal was efficient, with treatment at the acidic pH giving the highest removal of about 96% for PAH, 99% for BTEX, and some TPH components experiencing complete disappearance. The four-ringed PAHs were depleted more than their three-ringed counterparts at the studied pH ranges.

  12. Determination of citrus limonoid glucosides by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to post-column reaction with Ehrlich’s Reagent (United States)

    A method for the identification and quantification of citrus limonoid glucosides in juices based upon high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation coupled to post-column reaction with Ehrlichs’s reagent has been developed. This method utilizes a phenyl stationary phase and an isocratic ...

  13. Relación entre funcionalidad familiar y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por adolescentes embarazadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Esperanza Zambrano Plata


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la relación que existe entre la funcionalidad familiar y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por las adolescentes embarazadas usuarias de tres Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud (IPS pertenecientes a la Empresa Social del Estado Imsalud en el primer semestre de 2011. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo correlacional y probabilístico, la muestra conformada por 150 adolescentes inscritas en el Programa de Atención a la Adolescente Gestante. Resultados: se destacó que la mayoría de adolescentes embarazadas se encontraban en el rango de edad de 17-19 años con un promedio de 18 años, la menarquía se presentó principalmente a edades tempranas cuando las adolescentes tenían 12 años; y la edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales fue a los 16 años. En el sistema familiar de las adolescentes embarazadas se encontró que un gran porcentaje del total de participantes, tienen un sistema familiar disfuncional (54% y en menor medida tienen sistema familiar funcional correspondiente al 46%. Conclusiones: respecto a la funcionalidad familiar y las estrategias de afrontamiento se encontró asociación directa y positiva entre estas variables demostrándose que a mayor nivel de funcionalidad familiar se utilizaran estrategias más productivas y viceversa.

  14. Biological characterization of a new radioactive labeling reagent for bacterial penicillin-binding proteins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preston, D.A.; Wu, C.Y.; Blaszczak, L.C.; Seitz, D.E.; Halligan, N.G.


    Radiolabeled penicillin G is widely used as the imaging agent in penicillin-binding protein (PBP) assays. The disadvantages of most forms of labeled penicillin G are instability on storage and the long exposure times usually required for autoradiography or fluorography of electrophoretic gels. We investigated the utility of radioiodinated penicillin V as an alternative reagent. Radioiodination of p-(trimethylstannyl)penicillin V with [ 125 I]Na, using a modification of the chloramine-T method, is simple, high yielding, and site specific. We demonstrated the general equivalence of commercially obtained [ 3 H]penicillin G and locally synthesized [ 125 I]penicillin V (IPV) in their recognition of bacterial PBPs. Profiles of PBPs in membranes from Bacteroides fragilis, Escherichia coli, Providencia rettgeri, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus faecium labeled with IPV or [3H]penicillin G were virtually identical. Use of IPV as the imaging agent in competition experiments for determination of the affinities of various beta-lactam antibiotics for the PBPs of E. coli yielded results similar to those obtained in experiments with [ 3 H]penicillin G. Dried electrophoretic gels from typical PBP experiments, using IPV at 37.3 Ci/mmol and 30 micrograms/ml, exposed X-ray film in 8 to 24 h. The stability of IPV on storage at 4 degrees C was inversely proportional to specific activity. At 37.3 Ci/mmol and 60 micrograms/ml, IPV retained useful activity for at least 60 days at 4 degrees C. IPV represents a practical and stable reagent for rapid PBP assays

  15. A new method for quasi-reagent-free biomonitoring of mercury in human urine. (United States)

    Schlathauer, Maria; Reitsam, Verena; Schierl, Rudolf; Leopold, Kerstin


    A novel analytical method for sampling and extraction of mercury (Hg) from human urine is presented in this work. The method is based on selective accumulation and separation of Hg from fresh urine sample onto active nanogold-coated silica material by highly efficient solid-phase extraction. After thermal desorption of Hg from the extractant, detection is performed by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). The feasibility and validity of the optimized, quasi-reagent-free approach was confirmed by recovery experiments in spiked real urine (recovery rate 96.13 ± 5.34%) and by comparison of found Hg concentrations in real urine samples - originating from occupationally exposed persons - with values obtained from reference methods cold vapor - atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) and cold vapor - atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS). A very good agreement of the found values reveals the validity of the proposed approach. The limit of detection (LOD) was found to be as low as 0.004 μg Hg L -1 and a high reproducibility with a relative standard deviations ≤4.2% (n = 6) is given. Moreover, storage of the samples for up to one week at an ambient temperature of 30 °C reveals no analyte losses or contamination. In conclusion, the proposed method enables easy-to-handle on-site extraction of total Hg from human urine ensuring at the same time reagent-free sample stabilization, providing quick and safe sampling, which can be performed by untrained persons. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Determination of dopamine in presence of ascorbic acid and uric acid using poly (Spands Reagent) modified carbon paste electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veera Manohara Reddy, Y.; Prabhakara Rao, V.; Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, A.; Lavanya, M.; Venu, M.; Lavanya, M.; Madhavi, G., E-mail:


    In this paper, we have fabricated a modified carbon paste electrode (CPE) by electropolymerisation of spands reagent (SR) onto surface of CPE using cyclic voltammetry (CV). The developed electrode was abbreviated as poly(SR)/CPE and the surface morphology of the modified electrode was studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The developed electrode showed higher electrocatalytic properties towards the detection of dopamine (DA) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (PBS) at pH 7.0. The effect of pH, scan rate, accumulation time and concentration of dopamine was studied at poly(SR)/CPE. The poly(SR)/CPE was successfully used as a sensor for the selective determination of DA in presence of ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA) without any interference. The poly(SR)/CPE showed a good detection limit of 0.7 μM over the linear dynamic range of 1.6 μM to 16 μM, which is extremely lower than the reported methods. The prepared poly(SR)/CPE exhibited good stability, high sensitivity, better reproducibility, low detection limit towards the determination of DA. The developed method was also applied for the determination of DA in real samples. - Highlights: • Electropolymerization of spands reagent was fabricated by cyclic voltammetry • The Poly (spands reagent) electrode shows excellent electrocatalytic activity for the detection of dopamine. • The detection limit for dopamine was found to be 0.7 μM. • The proposed method can be applied for DA in injection and human blood serum samples.

  17. Medium pressure boiler water chemistry optimization using neutralizing amines mixture reagent AMINAT™ PK-2 at CEPP “Borovichi Refractories Plant” of JSC “BKO” (United States)

    Guseva, O. V.; Butakova, M. V.; Orlov, K. A.; Vinogradov, S. V.; Pavlenko, L. S.


    An overview of the neutralizing amine based reagent AMINAT PK-2 usage for water chemistry of steam boilers for medium pressure boiler was given. Long term experiment showed that new reagent allows to decrease corrosion rate comparing with old water chemistry based on ammonia only. Two dosage schemes in different cycle places discussed. Scheme with two points on injection showed better results. Results of corrosion rates experiments and photos of tubes inner surfaces are presented. Based on fuel savings due to reducing scale formation the total annual economy for last year was 5.1 million Russian roubles.

  18. Degradation of ion spent resin using the Fenton's reagent; Degradacao da resina de troca ionica utilizando o reagente de Fenton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, Leandro Goulart de


    The most common method for spent radioactive ion exchange resin treatment is its immobilization in cement, which reduces the radionuclides release into the environment. Although this method is efficient, it increases considerably the final volume of the waste due to the low incorporation capacity. The objective of this work was to develop a degradation method of spent resins arising from the nuclear research reactor located at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP), using an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) with Fenton's reagents. This method would allow a higher incorporation in cement. Three different resins were evaluated: cationic, anionic and a mixture of both resins. The reactions were conducted varying the catalyst concentration (25, 50, 100 and 150 mM), the volume of hydrogen peroxide (320 to 460 mL), and three different temperatures, 50, 60 and 70 deg C. Degradation of about 98% was achieved using a 50 mM catalyst solution and 330 mL of hydrogen peroxide solution. The most efficient temperature was 60 deg C. (author)

  19. Photocleavage of DNA: irradiation of quinone-containing reagents converts supercoiled to linear DNA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kock, T.; Schuster, G.B.; Ropp, J.D.; Sligar, S.G.


    Irradiation (350 nm) of air-saturated solutions of reagents containing an anthraquinone group linked to quaternary alkyl ammonium groups converts supercoiled DNA to circular and to linear DNA. Generation of linear DNA does not occur by accumulation of numerous single-strand cuts but by coincident-site double-strand cleavage of DNA. Irradiation forms the triplet state of the anthraquinone, which reacts either by hydrogen atom abstraction from a sugar of DNA or by electron transfer from a base of the DNA. Subsequent reactions result in chain scission. The quinone is apparently reformed after this sequence and reirradiation leads to double-strand cleavage. (Author)

  20. Quercetin as colorimetric reagent for determination of zirconium (United States)

    Grimaldi, F.S.; White, C.E.


    Methods described in the literature for the determination of zirconium are generally designed for relatively large amounts of this element. A good procedure using colorimetric reagent for the determination of trace amounts is desirable. Quercetin has been found to yield a sensitive color reaction with zirconium suitable for the determination of from 0.1 to 50?? of zirconium dioxide. The procedure developed involves the separation of zirconium from interfering elements by precipitation with p-dimethylaminoazophenylarsonic acid prior to its estimation with quercetin. The quercetin reaction is carried out in 0.5N hydrochloric acid solution. Under the operating conditions it is indicated that quercetin forms a 2 to 1 complex with zirconium; however, a 2 to 1 and a 1 to 1 complex can coexist under special conditions. Approximate values for the equilibrium constants of the complexes are K1 = 0.33 ?? 10-5 and K2 = 1.3 ?? 10-9. Seven Bureau of Standards samples of glass sands and refractories were analyzed with excellent results. The method described should find considerable application in the analysis of minerals and other materials for macro as well as micro amounts of zirconium.