
Sample records for tidsrummet mellem symptom

  1. Subakut carotisendarterektomi. Erfaringer med afkortning af tidsrummet mellem symptom og operation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rathenborg, L.K.; Baekgaard, N.; Jensen, L.P.


    INTRODUCTION: Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) prevents transient ischemic attack and stroke in patients with symptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis. In 2004 Rothwell et al showed that maximal benefit is gained if CEA is performed less than three weeks after the onset of the symptom. With the aim...... of observing this recommendation, in 2005 the Department of Vascular Surgery, Gentofte Hospital, introduced an accelerated course of examinations, a fast track, prior to CEA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of the course of all patients operated with CEA during the period from June 2003 through...... September 2006. RESULTS: A total of 147 CEAs were performed on 145 patients, 51 before and 96 after the introduction of fast track. The period between the first symptom and CEA was reduced after the introduction of fast track to 31 days. It was easiest to reduce the time up to CEA in our own department...

  2. Amning mellem voksne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dhahir, Omar


    En fatwa i Saudi Arabien om, at en kvinde kan amme en voksen mand for at undgå seksuelle forhold mellem de to.......En fatwa i Saudi Arabien om, at en kvinde kan amme en voksen mand for at undgå seksuelle forhold mellem de to....

  3. Dataudveksling mellem CAD og CAE programmer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Torben; Conrad, Finn


    Når mange forskelligartede programmer benyttes til beregninger og anden databehandling på samme modeller er det nødvendig at udveksle modellerne mellem disse forskellige programmer. Biler og skibe bliver f.eks. typisk designet i 3D CAD systemer, mens CAD modellerne herefter anvendes i andre...... dedikerede IT-systemer i forbindelse montageplanlægningen, svejseplanlægningen, robotprogrammeringen mm. der således her et behov for at udveksle CAD modellen mellem de forskellige programmer. Udveksling af information mellem forskellige programmer og systemer kræver såvel en fælles specifikation af det...

  4. Wittgenstein mellem tro og tvivl

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rigtrup, Diana

    På baggrund af filosoffen Ludwig Wittgensteins (1889-1951) dagbogsoptagelser fra 1930-erne beskriver forfatteren hans tilgang til religionen, der synes at have befundet sig på et knivsæg mellem tro og tvivl......På baggrund af filosoffen Ludwig Wittgensteins (1889-1951) dagbogsoptagelser fra 1930-erne beskriver forfatteren hans tilgang til religionen, der synes at have befundet sig på et knivsæg mellem tro og tvivl...

  5. Samarbejde mellem profession og uddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Birgitte Lund


    Review af resultater fra 10 års publikationer i Teaching and Teacher Education i relation til samarbejde mellem profession og uddannelse i partnerskaber og forsøgsskoleregi viser, at der er bred konsensus om, at det centrale formål er alle aktørers læring gennem bedre praktik i den primære...... konkrete samarbejder mellem profession og uddannelse; FoU, der både undersøger de resultater, der opnås gennem sådanne samarbejder, og de fremmende og hæmmende faktorer for udvikling af selve samarbejdet....

  6. Mellem deltagelse og publikumsudvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørnsen, Egil; Hansen, Louise Ejgod; Vatne, Ingrid


    Aarhus 2017 (Aarhus som europæisk kulturhovedstad). Vi undersøger, hvor-dan de positionerer sig i feltet mellem den brede deltagelsesdiskurs og den snævre publikumsudviklingsdiskurs ved at se på tre forskellige dimensioner: produkt- vs. modtagerorientering, holdnings- vs. handlingsændring og empowerment...

  7. Uligevægt mellem familie og arbejdsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boje, Thomas P.; Ejrnæs, Anders


    Kapitlet beskriver og diskuterer de strategier, som bliver anvendt i familiepolitikken i Danmark såvel som i udvalgte europæiske lande med det formål at sikre en bedre ligevægt mellem de krav, som stilles til forældrene i arbejdslivet og i familien i form af omsorg for børn. Kapitlet afsluttes me...... beskrivelse af en familiepolitisk typologi, og hvordan relationen mellem familie og arbejde kommer til udtryk i de forskellige europæiske velfærdsregimer....

  8. Små kvalitetsforskelle mellem offentlige og private plejecentre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjelmar, Ulf; Bhatti, Yosef; Vrangbæk, Karsten


    I en ny forskningsrapport sammenlignes kvaliteten på tværs af offentlige og private plejehjem i Danmark. Rapporten finder interessante forskelle mellem offentlige og private udbydere men konkluderer overordnet, at lighederne generelt er større end forskellene.......I en ny forskningsrapport sammenlignes kvaliteten på tværs af offentlige og private plejehjem i Danmark. Rapporten finder interessante forskelle mellem offentlige og private udbydere men konkluderer overordnet, at lighederne generelt er større end forskellene....

  9. Mellem brødre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    mindst betydningen af den kulturelle union, som eksisterede mellem de to lande frem til begyndelsen af 1900-tallet. Samtidig med at København i næsten 100 år vedblev at være Norges kulturelle hovedstad, spillede norske kunstnere som Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson og Edvard Grieg en afgørende rolle...

  10. Læring mellem elever

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Georgsen, Marianne; Davidsen, Jacob


    I denne rapport præsenteres resultater fra følgeforskningen til projektet Læring gennem Bevægelse, som er gennemført på Søndervangskolen i Hammel i perioden august 2009 - maj 2010. Projektet er gennemført i samspil mellem lærere, it-vejleder, elever og skolens ledelse. Projektets overordnede formål...

  11. Link mellem autisme og MFR-vaccine er dårlig videnskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramsøy, Thomas Z.


    En meget omdiskuteret frygt for en sammenhæng mellem MFR-vaccinen og autisme er for nylig manet til jorden......En meget omdiskuteret frygt for en sammenhæng mellem MFR-vaccinen og autisme er for nylig manet til jorden...

  12. Stor matematik mellem Prado og Escorial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Booss-Bavnbek, Bernhelm


    Rapport over Den Internationale Matematikerkongres 2006: Hvad rangerer højst i 2006? Stokastik er kommet hjem. Forholdet mellem ren og anvendt matematik. Historie og didatik. Dansk synlighed - storhed eller begyndende senilitet? Udgivelsesdato: December 2006...

  13. Mellem bureaukrati og profession

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandholm, Niels; Nielsen, Ulla Søbjerg; Nielsen, Iben Husted


    Forhold mellem profession og bureaukrati undersøges med afsæt i to cases, sygeplejersker på hospital og sygehussocialrådgivere. Det empiriske materiale er fokusgruppeinterviews med to grupper af sygeplejersker og to grupper af socialrådgivere. Perspektivet er mikrosociologisk og der trækkes på an....... Et markant fund er, at mens socialrådgiverne fremstår som overvejende loyale overfor klienter, så udtrykker sygeplejerskerne en højere grad af loyalitet med organisatoriske mål og logikker....

  14. Hvorfor har vi lønforskelle mellem kvinder og mænd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Deding, Mette; Holt, Helle

    De seneste 10 år har den gennemsnitlige lønforskel mellem kvinder og mænd ligget på ca. 20 pct. I denne antologi stiller SFI skarpt på lønforskellene mellem kvinder og mænd og på de bagvedliggende årsager. Antologien er skrevet af en række fagpersoner, der alle bidrager med en specifik vinkel på ...

  15. Forholdet mellem public relations og marketing som ledelsesfunktioner

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James E. Grunig


    Full Text Available I forsommeren 1993 tildelte Dansk Public Relations Forening årets PR- pris til mesterkommunikatøren Lars Larsen, Jysk Sengetøjslager/Larsen Rejser. I motiveringen hedder det, at Lars Larsen hædres for "en prisvær- dig Public Relations indsats, der kan motivere til en øget anvendelse af Public Relations i den danske forretningsverden". Blandt PR-foreningens medlemmer vakte pristildelingen en vis furore; et indlæg i foreningens blad PRspektiv invendte, at Lars Larsen driver "publicity" (dvs. et reklame- værktøj - "Præcis den slags PR, som vi i mange år har arbejdet på at distancere Public Relation-begrebet fra". Lars Larsen selv sagde, at han slet ikke skelner mellem Public Relations, PR og markedsføring. Et andet indlæg i bladet argumenterede for, at det ikke længere giver mening at adskille begreberne Public Relations og markedsføring, fordi grænsen mellem det offentlige og det private ude i virkeligheden er mere og mere flydende. James Grunigs artikel, der søger at afklare forholdet mellem PR og marketing teoretisk og praktisk, er derfor brændende aktuelt, ikke mindst for PR-fagets bestræbelser på at blive anerkendt som en respek- tabel profession. Den blev præsenteret som foredrag under Grunigs Dan- marksbesøg i marts 1993, er redigeret af Kim Schrøder og oversat fra engelsk af Kenja Henriksen.

  16. Kommentarer til udvalgte skatteafgørelser - Rangfølgen mellem selskabsret, skatteret og EU-ret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    for filialsammenlægningens skatteretlige virkningstidspunkt i Danmark. (6) Det gør ingen forskel for dette facit, om fusionsregnskabet følger årsregnskabsloven, IAS eller IFRS. Mellem årsregnskabsloven og selskabslovgivningen har sidstnævnte forrang. Mellem IAS/IFRS og selskabslovgivningen har førstnævnte forrang, men kun...

  17. Udfordringerne fra globalisering og migration:Interaktion mellem kønslighed og kulturel mangfoldighed


    Siim, Birte


    Globalisering og migration har forøget mamgfoldighed og uligheder inden for og mellem nationerne og har skabt nye problemer for offentlige politikker og nye behov for at regulere politiske og socio-økonomiske problemer nationalt og globalt. Artiklen behandler disse udfordringer med særlig fokus på samspillet mellem køn og mangfoldighed. Det dobbelte formål er først at nyvurdere begreber om medborgerskab, nationalitet og tilhørsforhold i lyset af lokale og globale relationer og multikulturalis...

  18. Sammenhæng mellem luftvejssygdomme i den tidlige barndom og astma hos unge. International forskning, udvalgt og kommenteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, P.A.


    Referat af udenlandsk arbejde vedr. sammenhæng mellem luftvejssygdomme i tidlig barndom og senere astma. Udgivelsesdato: 1994......Referat af udenlandsk arbejde vedr. sammenhæng mellem luftvejssygdomme i tidlig barndom og senere astma. Udgivelsesdato: 1994...

  19. Rådighedsforpligtelse indført for VIP'erne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holdt Christensen, Peter


    Tidligere skulle CBS’ fastansatte undervisere på fuld tid meddele, hvornår de kunne undervise, nu skal de meddele, hvornår de ikke kan undervise i tidsrummet 8 - 17 på hverdage.......Tidligere skulle CBS’ fastansatte undervisere på fuld tid meddele, hvornår de kunne undervise, nu skal de meddele, hvornår de ikke kan undervise i tidsrummet 8 - 17 på hverdage....

  20. Teamarbejde og samspillet mellem medarbejdere og organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Hans Jeppe; Jønsson, Thomas


    Gennem det seneste årti har brug af teams som en måde at organisere arbejdet på været i hastig fremmarch. Det er baggrunden for forskningsprojektet ”Team-organiseringens betydning for participation og organisatoriske relationer”, der er et multiple case-studie af seks organisationers brug af...... teamwork. Bag projektet står professor Hans Jeppe Jeppesen, cand.psych. og ph.d. Thomas Rasmussen samt adjunkt Thomas Jønsson. I denne klumme gives en forskningsbaseret introduktion til teamarbejdet og dets betydning for samspillet mellem medarbejdere og organisation. Med udgangspunkt i egen forskning...

  1. Folkeretlige problemstillinger i forbindelse med konflikten mellem Ukraine og Rusland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhl, Kenneth Øhlenschlæger

    Konflikten mellem Ukraine og Rusland udgør en trussel mod den internationale retsorden og dermed også hele den europæiske orden. Med henblik på at give et grundlag for at forstå omfanget af dette aspekt af konflikten behandles her lovligheden af nogle af de handlinger, som har været konfliktens...

  2. Sammenhænge mellem Produktivitet og Psykosocialt Arbejdsmiljø, SaPPA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edwards, Kasper; Møller, Niels; Kristensen, Tage Søndergård

    ledelsessystem, KPI’er og bonussystemet. Det er alene resultaterne der tæller. Til trods for dette pres, viser projektet at der er betydelig variation i psykisk arbejdsmiljø mellem centrene som korrelerer med rentabilitet. Forløbsanalyserne viser ikke entydigt, om godt psykisk arbejdsmiljø er årsagen til høj...

  3. Reklamesemiotik mellem mening og virkning – komposition, kategorier og kognition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Andersen


    Full Text Available På baggrund af kognitionspsykologi og peirceansk tegnteori fremsætter artiklen et reklamesemiotisk bud på sammenhængen mellem annoncers komposition og deres virkning. Artiklen har til formål at belyse, hvorledes den trykte annonces forskellige æstetikker og kompositioner udløser for- skellige emotionelle og kognitive effekter i receptionen. Der indkredses tre receptionsmodi, der hver svarer til en bestemt annoncekompositorisk kategori. Artiklen er en videreudvikling af reklamesemiotikken, som i Dan- mark især er blevet funderet på et semiologisk grundlag. Der argumente- res for, at den semiologiske tilgang kun er delvis fyldestgørende, efter- som man her læser reklamens illustration med verbalsproget som model og derved implicit antager, at verbalsproglige og visuelle tegnsystemer har samme organisation. I modsætning til sproget mangler billedet imid- lertid den dobbelte artikulation. Artiklen forsøger at indfange disse forskel- le mellem tegnsystemer for derigennem at oparbejde et mere nuanceret blik for, i hvilket omfang forskellige reklameæstetikker faktisk udløser bestemte kognitive effekter i receptionen. Ved ’kognitive effekter’ forstås primært emotionsdannelse og inferensprocesser.

  4. Professionalisering af ledelse i spændingsfeltet mellem bureaukrati og profession

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bévort, Frans


    , baseret på det klassiske weberske bureaukratis forestillinger om lederrollen og organisering. Profesioners konflikt med 'ledelse og Djøfisering' er således i høj grad en rivalisering mellem ligeværdige logikker og fagligheder og ikke blot en kamp mod en uforstående overmagt. En 'professionsgørelse' af...

  5. Sammenhænge mellem arkitektur og kriminalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønlund, Bo


    Kan man forandre de sociale problemer i ghettoområder som Vollsmose og Gellerupparken ved at bygge om på husene? Eksempler fra udlandet tyder på, at man kan. I lande som Holland, Frankrig, Spanien, USA og Storbritannien sættes ind over for de sociale problemer i ghettoerne ved at gøre radikalt op...... med boligblok-arkitekturen. Kapitlet om sammenhængen mellem arkitektur og kriminalitet viser at bebyggelsesplanen og bebyggelsesudformning påvirker kriminalitet og utryghed og der gøres rede for de grundlæggende danske erfaringer om hvad der kan gøres for at reducere problemerne, herunder...

  6. Investeringsbeskyttelse i en kommende frihandelsaftale mellem EU og USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mouyal, Lone Wandahl


    Det traktatbaserede regime til beskyttelse af udenlandsk investering har de seneste år været genstand for kritik, der dækker over en grundlæggende juridisk problemstilling, der analyseres i artiklen som et stabilitets-fleksibilitets dilemma. Kritikken aktualiseres i forhandlingerne af en større h...... handels- og investeringsaftale mellem EU og USA, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).......Det traktatbaserede regime til beskyttelse af udenlandsk investering har de seneste år været genstand for kritik, der dækker over en grundlæggende juridisk problemstilling, der analyseres i artiklen som et stabilitets-fleksibilitets dilemma. Kritikken aktualiseres i forhandlingerne af en større...

  7. Relationer mellem teori og praksis i pædagogisk og lærerfagligt arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Lars Emmerik Damgaard

    måder, og de hver af disse understøtter bestemte opfattelser af pædagogik og undervisning. Denne bog forsøger derfor give svar på, hvordan du kan forstå og omsætte relationerne mellem teori og praksis i dine pædagogiske studier og aktiviteter. Bogen giver dig viden om: • Hvordan og hvorfor teori og......Forbindelsen mellem teori og praksis er en grundlægende udfordring. Det gælder alle fag og professioner men ikke mindst for lærer- og pædagogstuderende, som netop formidler viden og som denne bog derfor adresserer. Den grundlæggende idé er, at teori og praksis kan relateres på flere forskellige...... praksis relaterer sig til hinanden som forskellige vidensformer, og hvordan disse forskellige former for viden ofte knytter sig til den kultur, som de optræder i. • Hvordan du kan analysere og syntetisere den måde, du i dit eget pædagogiske arbejde relaterer teori og praksis på, så du dermed også kan...

  8. Sammenhæng mellem fodring og gødningskonsistens hos malkekøer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bligaard, H B; Petersen, M B; Trinderup, M

    Der er mange bud på sammenhæng mellem fodringen og gødningskonsistensen base-ret på praktiske erfaringer. Blandt andet tyder erfaringerne på, at mere græs og et højt proteinindhold kan give en mere tynd gødning, hvorimod fodring med majs- og helsædsensilage kan give en mere fast gødning. Formålet...

  9. Styrkelse af sammenhængen mellem teori og praksis inden for udvalgte samfundsvidenskabelige fag på bioanalytikeruddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krause-Jensen, Lone; Neubauer, Turi; Landbo, Anne Sofie


    Projektet har undersøgt sammenhængen mellem teori og praksis inden for udvalgte samfundsvidenskabelige fag på bioanalytikeruddannelsen. Teoretisk tages udgangspunkt i Goodlads fem perspektiver på curriculumudvikling: Niveau 1 (ideologisk curriculum), niveau 2 (formelt curriculum), niveau 3 (opfat...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mikael Sonne


    Full Text Available Jeg vil i denne artikel præsentere gestalttilgangens teoretiske og praktiske grundstruktur. Der vil endvidere blive redegjort for, hvordan gestalttilgangens feltteori, med inspiration fra Ken Wilber’s integrale perspektivisme (Wilber 1995; 2000; 2006, kan danne grundlag for en integrativ rammesætning for forskellige psykologiske og psykoterapeutiske tilgange, samt for en forståelse af forholdet mellem terapi og coaching.

  11. Studerendes mulighed for opnåelse af kompetence til udvikling af professionen i positionen mellem central styring og decentral autonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dau, Susanne

    Dette paper bygger på et casestudie af implementeringen af blended læring i to professionsuddannelser ved University College Nord i Danmark. I paperet afdækkes studerendes udfordringer i positionen mellem central styring og decentral autonomi: 1) På den ene side de ydre styringsbetingelser, og...... kompetencemål skal de studerendes opnå selvstyret læring for at kvalificere sig til kommende profession, videreuddannelse, livslang læring og professionsudvikling. Denne kvalificering kan være i risiko for at blive undergravet af den centrale styring. På baggrund heraf undersøges problemstillingen: Hvordan......, praktikken og de studerendes fremtidige professionspraksis. Det anbefales, at der arbejdes både centralt og decentralt med at minimere de studerendes dilemmaposition mellem central styring og autonomi til gavn for samfundet og brugerne af de professionelles ydelser....

  12. Studerende mulighed for opnåelse af kompetence til udvikling af professionen i positionen mellem central styring og decentral autonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dau, Susanne

    Dette paper bygger på et casestudie af, hvordan blended læring implementeres i to professionsuddannelser ved University College Nord i Danmark. Denne forskning afslører studerendes udfordringer mellem central styring og decentral autonomi: 1) På den ene side de ydre styringsbetingelser, og kravet...... kompetencemål skal de studerendes opnå selvstyret læring for at kvalificere sig til kommende profession, videreuddannelse, livslang læring og professionsudvikling. Denne kvalificering kan være i risiko for at blive undergravet af den centrale styring. På baggrund heraf undersøges problemstillingen: Hvordan...... studerendes fremtidige professionspraksis. Det anbefales, at der arbejdes både centralt og decentralt med at minimere de studerendes dilemmaposition mellem central styring og autonomi til gavn for samfundet og brugerne af de professionelles ydelser....

  13. Forskel i naturværdi mellem områder med og uden Japansk Pileurt, Kæmpe Pileurt og Rynket Rose i Aarhus Kommune

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Steffen Larni; Madsen, Bjarke


    Invasive arter blandt andre Japansk Pileurt, Kæmpe Pileurt og Rynket Rose, har Aarhus Kommune et særligt fokus på. Vi undersøgte floristiske forskelle mellem lokaliteter med og uden de nævnte invasive plantearter. Vi fandt, at artsrigdom og naturværdi er lavere, samt en anderledes artssammensætning...

  14. Lav sammenhæng mellem pelskvalitet vurderet på levende dyr og skind betyder at livdyrsvurdering ikke er den bedste metode til selektion af avlsdyr

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thirstrup, Janne Pia; Jensen, Just; Meier, Kristian


    Selektion for høj pelskvalitet og store skind foregår i praksis på levende dyr, mens prisen for skindet vurderes efter pelsning. Vores analyser viste positiv men lav korrelation mellem pelskvalitetsegenskaber vurderet på henholdsvis levende dyr og skind. Ydermere fandt vi en negativ korrelation...

  15. Leksikon over ordbøger og leksika

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pálfi, Loránd-Levente

    , psykologi, svejseteknik osv.? Denne bog giver svaret. Leksikon over ordbøger og leksika er den første af sin art på dansk. I omtrent 700 artikler (inkl. henvisningsartikler) omtales her over 1.900 forskellige danske ordbøger og leksika primært udgivet i tidsrummet 1990–2010. Bogen er tænkt som et praktisk...

  16. De uhørte stemmer: En undersøgelse af skolehjemsamarbejdet mellem forældre af somalisk afstamning og lærere i den danske folkeskole. Ph.d. forsvarsforelæsning d. 12.12.14

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Matthiesen, Noomi Christine Linde


    Denne artikel er en revideret udgave af ph.d. forsvaret af afhandlingen ”Voices of the Unheard. Home-school collaboration between Somali diaspora parents and teachers in Danish public schools.” (Matthiesen, 2014). Afhandlingen udforsker skole-hjem-samarbejdet mellem lærere i folkeskolen og forældre...

  17. Lærerarbejdet mellem konceptstyring og professionsetos - om liv og modstandsformer i skolestrukturerne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bent Olsen


    Full Text Available Artiklen følger tre lærere, der alle har set sig nødsaget til at revidere den lærergerning, de havde forberedt sig til. Deres møde med lokale og centrale styringsformer af skolen har begrænset anvendelsen af deres erhvervede kundskaber i et sådant omfang, at de enten har måttet revidere deres væren i erhvervet eller helt forlade det. De tre cases bearbejdes med udgangspunkt i de spændinger mellem individ og institution som E. Goffman og P. Bourdieu har undersøgt som tilpasnings- og modstandsformer. Artiklen behandler disse to spørgsmål: Under hvilke sociale betingelser bliver den hengivne identifikation med lærererhvervet til, hvad betinger ’ildsjælens’ investeringer i sit arbejde? Og hvad sker der med lærerens selvforståelse, når rummet for mulige mod standsformer svinder ind?Nøgleord: Lærer; modstand; afprofessionalisering; Goffman; BourdieuAbstractThe article follows three teachers, who have all felt pressured to revise the professional life they all had prepared for. Their encounters with local and central legal authorities responsible for school administration seem to have limited the exercise of their acquired skills to such an extent that they either have had to consider whether they are to remain in the profession or simply leave it. The three cases are analysed with focus on the tension involved in being an individual in an institutional setting. Contradictions of assimilation and resistance in the teachers’ lives are handled using the theoretical frameworks of E. Goffman and P. Bourdieu. The article deals with two questions: What kind of social conditions promote the devoted and highly enthusiastic professional teacher? And what happens to the teachers’ self-recognition when the scope of possible forms of resistance becomes restricted?  Keywords: Teacher; resistance; deprofessionalization; Goffman; Bourdieu

  18. Cancer awareness and socio-economic position

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvidberg, Line; Pedersen, Anette Fischer; Wulff, Christian Nielsen


    Formålet med dette studie var at undersøge ”cancer awareness”, dvs. kendskabet til symptomer på kræft, risikofaktorer for kræft og 5-års overlevelsen for fire kræfttyper, i en dansk population. Derudover ses der nærmere på sammenhænge mellem socio-økonomisk position og ”cancer awareness......”. Resultaterne viser, at der er en stærk social gradient i ”cancer awareness”. Personer med et lavt uddannelsesniveau og en lav husstandsindkomst var mindre tilbøjelige til at genkende symptomer på kræft og risikofaktorer for kræft end personer med et højt uddannelsesniveau og en høj husstandsindkomst....... Resultaterne viser dog ingen klar sammenhæng mellem socio-økonomisk position og kendskabet til 5-års overlevelsen af kræft. Studiet bygger på data fra i alt 3.000 tilfældigt udvalgte danskere (på mindst 30 år), som besvarede den danske version af spørgeskemaet ”Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer”. Da ”cancer...

  19. Vi er ved at indføre en ny slags systemkontrol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Booss-Bavnbek, Bernhelm


    Om forholdet mellem det formale og det sociale. Sindelagskontrol i 1970ernes Vesttyskland og dagens Danmark. Diskussionen mellem Alf Ross og Hal Koch. En tysk matematikers syn.......Om forholdet mellem det formale og det sociale. Sindelagskontrol i 1970ernes Vesttyskland og dagens Danmark. Diskussionen mellem Alf Ross og Hal Koch. En tysk matematikers syn....

  20. Videnskabens ø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brier, Søren

    træk af moderne videnskabsteoris diskussion om forholdet mellem induktion, objektivitet og sandhed i naturvidenskaberne med særlig vægt på forholdet mellem Karl Poppers og Thomas Kuhns teorier......træk af moderne videnskabsteoris diskussion om forholdet mellem induktion, objektivitet og sandhed i naturvidenskaberne med særlig vægt på forholdet mellem Karl Poppers og Thomas Kuhns teorier...

  1. Videnskabens ø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brier, Søren

    træk af moderne videnskabsteoris diskussion af forholdet mellem induktion, objektivitet og sandhed i naturvidenskaberne med særlig vægt på forholdet mellem Karl Poppers og Thomas Kuhns teorier......træk af moderne videnskabsteoris diskussion af forholdet mellem induktion, objektivitet og sandhed i naturvidenskaberne med særlig vægt på forholdet mellem Karl Poppers og Thomas Kuhns teorier...

  2. The Constraints on Strategy of an Organizational Structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Bo


     Artiklen diskuterer relationen mellem organisationens struktur og dens evne til at formulere og realisere sine strategier. Hovedargumentet er skelner mellem exploration og exploitation strategier og det anføres at der er en indbygget konflikt mellem disse. Fleksible (ambidextrous) organisationer...

  3. Paulus var kristendommens Lenin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thyssen, Ole


    En af Luthers inspirationskilder var Paulus, hvis løsning på lokale problemer fik globale konsekvenser. Han trak en skarp grænse mellem det snavsede kød og den rene sjæl og mellem vantro og tro.......En af Luthers inspirationskilder var Paulus, hvis løsning på lokale problemer fik globale konsekvenser. Han trak en skarp grænse mellem det snavsede kød og den rene sjæl og mellem vantro og tro....

  4. Måling af ketonstoffer i urin giver et bedre udtryk for koens ketogene status end måling i mælk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mogens; Engbæk, Marie; Kristensen, Niels Bastian


    I et forsøg med nykælvere ved Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet, var der en bedre sammenhæng mellem indholdet af ketonstoffer i blod og urin end mellem indholdet af ketonstoffer i blod og mælk. Udgivelsesdato: 22. dec 2009......I et forsøg med nykælvere ved Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet, var der en bedre sammenhæng mellem indholdet af ketonstoffer i blod og urin end mellem indholdet af ketonstoffer i blod og mælk. Udgivelsesdato: 22. dec 2009...

  5. Vinduer som energifangere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, A.; Pedersen, T.

    Rapporten bringer resultater fra et demonstrationsprojekt, hvor sammenhængen mellem energiforbrug og vinduesarealer, vinduesorientering, brugervaner etc. er undersøgt på basis af målinger gennem 2 fyringssæsoner. Der er ikke konstateret nogen signifikant sammenhæng mellem vinduesareal og energifo......Rapporten bringer resultater fra et demonstrationsprojekt, hvor sammenhængen mellem energiforbrug og vinduesarealer, vinduesorientering, brugervaner etc. er undersøgt på basis af målinger gennem 2 fyringssæsoner. Der er ikke konstateret nogen signifikant sammenhæng mellem vinduesareal og...

  6. Law & Religion in the 21st Century

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    En nordisk bog om forholdet mellem stat, kirker og trossamfund; mellem religion og ret; mellem flertal og mindretalsreligioner i det post-sekulære og post-lutherske Norden. Bogen påviser, hvor og hvordan de nordiske modeller har behov for at blive justeret. Men det fremgår også klart, at nordiske...

  7. Fænomenologi og bevægelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren

    Dette paper forsøger at trække nogle linjer til relationerne mellem fænomenologi og bevægelse, men også tid, rum og sted. Teoretikerne er Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hannah Arendt og Daniel Stern. Til sidst diskuteres forholdet mellem fænomenologi og metode.......Dette paper forsøger at trække nogle linjer til relationerne mellem fænomenologi og bevægelse, men også tid, rum og sted. Teoretikerne er Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hannah Arendt og Daniel Stern. Til sidst diskuteres forholdet mellem fænomenologi og metode....

  8. Transport cycling behavior: Associations between the built environment and transport cycling in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Thomas

    ugens dage. Sammenhængen mellem det bebyggede miljø og fysisk aktivitet er blevet studeret mere intensivt de senere år, specielt i forhold til gang og flere studier viser en positiv sammenhæng mellem de fysiske omgivelsers karakteristika (walkability) og gang. Sammenhængen i forhold til cykling er...... mindre klar men nogle studier viser en sammenhæng mellem walkability og cykling. Formålet med denne afhandling er at generere viden om den mulige sammenhæng mellem omgivelserne og cykling som transport i Danmark. Afhandlingen består af tre dele. Del 1 er en gennemgang af den tilgængelige viden om cykling...

  9. Symptoms and Symptom Clusters Identified by Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer Using a Symptom Heuristics App. (United States)

    Ameringer, Suzanne; Erickson, Jeanne M; Macpherson, Catherine Fiona; Stegenga, Kristin; Linder, Lauri A


    Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer experience multiple distressing symptoms during treatment. Because the typical approach to symptom assessment does not easily reflect the symptom experience of individuals, alternative approaches to enhancing communication between the patient and provider are needed. We developed an iPad-based application that uses a heuristic approach to explore AYAs' cancer symptom experiences. In this mixed-methods descriptive study, 72 AYAs (13-29 years old) with cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy used the Computerized Symptom Capture Tool (C-SCAT) to create images of the symptoms and symptom clusters they experienced from a list of 30 symptoms. They answered open-ended questions within the C-SCAT about the causes of their symptoms and symptom clusters. The images generated through the C-SCAT and accompanying free-text data were analyzed using descriptive, content, and visual analyses. Most participants (n = 70) reported multiple symptoms (M = 8.14). The most frequently reported symptoms were nausea (65.3%), feeling drowsy (55.6%), lack of appetite (55.6%), and lack of energy (55.6%). Forty-six grouped their symptoms into one or more clusters. The most common symptom cluster was nausea/eating problems/appetite problems. Nausea was most frequently named as the priority symptom in a cluster and as a cause of other symptoms. Although common threads were present in the symptoms experienced by AYAs, the graphic images revealed unique perspectives and a range of complexity of symptom relationships, clusters, and causes. Results highlight the need for a tailored approach to symptom management based on how the AYA with cancer perceives his or her symptom experience. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Sport og etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Rasmus Bysted

    Sportsidealismens grundsyn på forholdet mellem sport og moral har længe domineret sportsetikken. Opfattelsen, der går ud på, at sporten udgør frugtbar jord for dyrkelse af et moralsk sindelag, fordi sporten indeholder en moralsk dimension i kraft af sin egen-natur, understøttes ikke af den...... forholdet mellem sport og moral kom således til at bekræfte og delvist forklare empirien på området. Endeligt kunne sportsidealismens hovedtese tilbagevises, for så vidt at den omhandler forholdet mellem sport og moral i dette sidste ords moderne betydning. Dette skete i artiklens afsluttende fjerde afsnit......, hvor forskellen mellem antik og moderne etik blev tydeliggjort. På baggrund af den præsenterede undersøgelse af forholdet mellem sport og moral kan vi konkludere, at sporten isoleret set ikke egner sig som arnested for udviklingen af et moralsk sindelag, idet sporten ikke indeholder den af...

  11. Medialiseret legepraksis i børns hverdagsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Stine Liv


    Nutidens børn har aldrig kendt til et liv uden digitale medier, teknologisk legetøj, medieformidlede fortællinger og adgang til internettet. Derfor færdes de i dagens medialiserede samfund helt uden at trække grænser mellem digitalt og analogt, mellem offline og online venskaber og mellem...... i netop grænser mellem det digitale og ’det virkelige liv’. Gennem to empiriske, praksisnære eksempler er det denne artikels formål at redegøre for betydningen af medier og teknologi i børns hverdagsliv, set fra børnenes synsvinkel og med et legekulturelt udgangspunkt. Teoretisk tages afsæt i...

  12. Paradisfremstillinger: En komparativanalyse af Paradies: Liebe og Paradise Hotel


    Bitsch, Josefine Højberg; Brusvang, Anne Emilie Frandsen; Larsen, Rebecca Hyldahl; Albrechtsen, Camilla Hagen


    Projektet tager udgangspunkt i den østrigske film Paradies: Liebe og konceptet Paradise Hotel. Igennem en komparativ analyse af form, indhold og modtager, undersøges forskelle og ligheder mellem de to paradisfremstillinger. Dernæst diskuteres, hvordan filmen og konceptet placerer sig i kulturen og i relationen mellem fin- og massekultur, og efterfølgende hvorvidt skellet mellem fin- og massekultur stadig eksisterer. I projektet inddrages blandt andet teori fra Kirsten Drotner, Jean Fisher, Pi...

  13. Glaucoma Symptoms (United States)

    ... up You can help find a cure for glaucoma Give now Signs & Symptoms The most common types ... have completely different symptoms. Symptoms of Open-Angle Glaucoma Most people who develop open-angle glaucoma don’ ...

  14. Vergessen als der grösste Affekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Lars K.


    En undersøgelse af forholdet mellem affekt og historieopfattelse i F. Nietzsches skrift om historiens nytte......En undersøgelse af forholdet mellem affekt og historieopfattelse i F. Nietzsches skrift om historiens nytte...

  15. Den svage tænkning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dehs, Jørgen


    Interview med Gianni Vattimos. Italiensk politisk kultur, forholdet mellem politikeren og den intelektuelle og Gianni Vattimos program.......Interview med Gianni Vattimos. Italiensk politisk kultur, forholdet mellem politikeren og den intelektuelle og Gianni Vattimos program....

  16. Fake news kan leve længe i et frit marked

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella; Lundorff Rasmusen, Jan


    Der er tydelige ligheder mellem optakten til finanskrisen og "fake news"-boblen, som vi ser i dag......Der er tydelige ligheder mellem optakten til finanskrisen og "fake news"-boblen, som vi ser i dag...

  17. Er islam en trussel?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Jørgen Bæk


    Et bidrag til belysning af forholdet mellem islam, muslimer og politisk/religiøs terror i samtiden......Et bidrag til belysning af forholdet mellem islam, muslimer og politisk/religiøs terror i samtiden...

  18. Senior Sport er læring i virkeligheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Erna Rosenlund


    Samarbejde mellem fysioterapeutudddannelsen på UCN og Aalborg senior Sport er givende for alle parter, inklusiv studerende.......Samarbejde mellem fysioterapeutudddannelsen på UCN og Aalborg senior Sport er givende for alle parter, inklusiv studerende....

  19. Marx, Mensch und die übrige Natur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tjaden, Karl Hermann; Czeskleba-Dupont, Rolf


    Grundet den kapitalistiske økonomis katastrofiske effekter såvel som forandringer i de materielle og energetiske ressourcestrømme må de globale økologiske relationer mellem menneskene og deres naturmæssige (medleve-)omverden revurderes. Marx' arbejdsbegreb gør den konstitutive relation mellem...... profitorienteret vareproduktion og deraf følgende forstyrrelser i materie- og energistrømme begribelig. Det relaterer sig imidlertid kun delvist til effekterne af en økonomi der er produktionsfikseret og til interaktionerne mellem menneskene og deres (medleve-)omverdener. Udover Marx skulle reproduktion begribes...... ud fra konceptet af et 'humant-naturalt substrat for produktionen' med dets kategori af naturpotentialer. Tilgange til den teknisk-organisatoriske omstrukturering af den samfundsmæssige reproduktionsmåde bliver udviklet ud fra Marx-Engels' kriterium af en afvejning mellem hhv. arbejdsudgifter og...

  20. Digital udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebbesen, Toke Riis


    En blog om design, materialitet og bøger i krydsfeltet mellem digitale udfordringer og en kulturel optik.......En blog om design, materialitet og bøger i krydsfeltet mellem digitale udfordringer og en kulturel optik....

  1. Vitalisering og lærerarbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Lisbeth Angela Lunde

    Melanie Kleins objektrelationsteori. De empiriske analyser i afhandlingen omfatter undervisningspraksis, vitaliseringsmåder ud fra et selvpsykologisk og et objektrelationsteoretisk perspektiv, forholdet mellem vitaliseringsmåder og mulighederne for anerkendelse i det konkrete arbejde samt forholdet mellem...

  2. Oplyst slaveri?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ladegaard, Jakob; Smed, Sine Jensen


    Om forholdet mellem oplysningsidealer og slaveri set gennem dansk litteratur fra H.C. Andersens Mulatten til Mich Vraas Haabet.......Om forholdet mellem oplysningsidealer og slaveri set gennem dansk litteratur fra H.C. Andersens Mulatten til Mich Vraas Haabet....

  3. Training health care teams in intercultural communication and patient safety

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Odgaard, Eva; Pedersen, Lise


    Patientsikkerhed gennem effektiv kommunikation Patientsikkerhed i sundhedsvæsnet afhænger blandt andre faktorer af effektiv kommunikation mellem personale og patienter og mellem sundhedspersonale indbyrdes. Effektiv kommunikation udfordres i situationer, hvor der opstår kulturelle og eller sprogl...

  4. Raman af hvide pigmenter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reeler, Nini Elisabeth Abildgaard; Nielsen, Ole Faurskov; Sauer, Stephan P. A.


    Et samspil mellem kunst og kemi. I et samarbejde mellem Statens Museum for Kunst og Kemisk Institut på KU er Ramanspek-troskopi brugt til at definere sammensætningen af blandinger af blyhvidt og calcit i maleriers hvide pigmenter....

  5. Politeness in written business discourse: A textlinguistic perspective on requests

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pilegaard, Morten


    konkluderer, at der er et kompliceret kontekst- og rollestyret samspil mellem negative og positive verbale høflighedsstrategier. Artiklens teoretiske nyhedsværdi ligger i ekspliciteringen af sammenhængen mellem ekstra-, og intra- og intertekstuelle elementer og operationaliseringen af Brown...

  6. ”Hver eneste gang en ungdom …”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Morten


    En analyse af mødet mellem dansk musikkultur og amerikansk rock 'n' roll i sidste halvdel af 1905'erne......En analyse af mødet mellem dansk musikkultur og amerikansk rock 'n' roll i sidste halvdel af 1905'erne...

  7. Between international and local:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skyggebjerg, Anna Karlskov


    Artiklen beskriver Lene Kaaberbøls fantasy-bøger i skæringsfeltet mellem det internationale og det lokale......Artiklen beskriver Lene Kaaberbøls fantasy-bøger i skæringsfeltet mellem det internationale og det lokale...

  8. Evaluation of the Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU) and of Norad´s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marcussen, Henrik Secher; Mikkelsen, Britha; Thulstrup, Erik W.

    Evaluering af de norske statslige støtteprogrammer for forsknings- og udviklingssamarbejde mellem norske universiteter og universiteter i Syd-samarbejdslande......Evaluering af de norske statslige støtteprogrammer for forsknings- og udviklingssamarbejde mellem norske universiteter og universiteter i Syd-samarbejdslande...

  9. Dansk selskabsret 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis Hansen, Søren; Krenchel, Jens Valdemar

    virksomheder, fra partnerskaber i liberale erhverv til store entreprenørfællesskaber og samarbejder mellem store virksomheder samt joint ventures. Bind 3 af Dansk selskabsret – Interessentskaber – behandler: •Interessentskabets stiftelse •Forholdet mellem interessenterne •Misligholdelse af...

  10. Early psychosis symptoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naqvi, H.A.; Hussain, S.; Islam, M.


    Objective: To determine the prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia in the pathways to help-seeking. Study Design: A cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The Department of Psychiatry, the Aga Khan University, Karachi, from 2008 to 2009. Methodology: A total of 93 patients were interviewed in the pathways to care of schizophrenia. The diagnosis was based on ICD-10 criteria. The pathways to care were assessed through a semi-structured questionnaire. The onset, course and symptoms of psychosis were assessed through Interview for Retrospective Assessment at Age at Onset of Psychosis (IROAS). Results: Fifty five (59%) participants were male while 41% (n=38%) were female. Using IROAS, 108 symptoms were identified as concerning behaviour. Alternatively, 60 (55%) concerning behaviours were reported in the open-ended inquiry of the reasons for help seeking as assessed by the pathways to care questionnaire with a statistically significant difference between most symptoms category. The difference was most pronounced (p < 0.001) for depressed mood (66%), worries (65%), tension (63%), withdrawal/mistrust (54%) and loss of self-confidence (53%). Thought withdrawal (22%) and passivity (15%) were elicited only through structured interview (IROAS). When symptoms were categorized together, about 83% of the subjects presented with affective and non-specific prodromal symptoms. Roughly, 10% of the subjects presented with positive symptoms and 3% presented with the negative symptoms of psychosis. The non-specific, affective symptoms appear to predominate the prodromal phase of the illness. Conclusion: Prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia include non-specific, affective symptoms. Attention needs to be paid on identifying the prodromal symptoms and change in social functioning in order to identify those who are at risk of long term psychosis. (author)

  11. A Structural Equation Model of HIV-related Symptoms, Depressive Symptoms, and Medication Adherence. (United States)

    Yoo-Jeong, Moka; Waldrop-Valverde, Drenna; McCoy, Katryna; Ownby, Raymond L


    Adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) remains critical in management of HIV infection. This study evaluated depression as a potential mechanism by which HIV-related symptoms affect medication adherence and explored if particular clusters of HIV symptoms are susceptible to this mechanism. Baseline data from a multi-visit intervention study were analyzed among 124 persons living with HIV (PLWH). A bifactor model showed two clusters of HIV-related symptom distress: general HIV-related symptoms and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Structural equation modeling showed that both general HIV-related symptoms and GI symptoms were related to higher levels of depressive symptoms, and higher levels of depressive symptoms were related to lower levels of medication adherence. Although general HIV-related symptoms and GI symptoms were not directly related to adherence, they were indirectly associated with adherence via depression. The findings highlight the importance of early recognition and evaluation of symptoms of depression, as well as the underlying physical symptoms that might cause depression, to improve medication adherence.

  12. Globalizando os Direitos Humanos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe


    Artiklen diskuterer den sammenhæng, der er mellem opkomsten af menneskerettigheder og erobringen af Latinamerika. Der er særligt fokus på forholdet mellem ret og litteratur og de ofte dramatiske genreblandinger som diskurser om den nye verden formuleres i....

  13. Hitler og Stalin arm i arm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bryld, Claus


    Levende fortalt bog om pagten mellem Hitler og Stalin, som udløste krigen og kastede lange skygger over Europas historie.......Levende fortalt bog om pagten mellem Hitler og Stalin, som udløste krigen og kastede lange skygger over Europas historie....

  14. "...dass man einen festen Glauben daran hat, dass das jetzige System die Rettung sei"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lammers, Karl Christian


    Undersøgelse af den danske gesandt i Berlin Herluf Zahles beretning om og vurdering af forholdet mellem Hitler og tyskerne.......Undersøgelse af den danske gesandt i Berlin Herluf Zahles beretning om og vurdering af forholdet mellem Hitler og tyskerne....

  15. Information er sølv ..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brier, Søren

    del 2: Træk af moderne naturvidenskabsteori med særlig vægt på forholdet mellem Popper og Kuhn......del 2: Træk af moderne naturvidenskabsteori med særlig vægt på forholdet mellem Popper og Kuhn...

  16. Den intime computer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lone Koefoed


    Artiklen undersøger, hvordan parløbet mellem virtualitet og materialitet italesættes i kunstartefakter, der tematiserer og problematiserer computerens og kroppens samspil. I takt med at de digitale teknologier smelter sammen med vores 'virkelige' verden, opløses modstillingen mellem det virtuelle...

  17. Skolelivskvalitet - en multivariat analyse af faktorer med betydning for trivslen i Københavnske folkeskoleanalyse baseret på Københavnerbarometeret 2009 pdf 2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Mads


    En multivariat analyse af svar på Københavnerbarometret 2009, hvor sammenhæng mellem sundhed og fagligt fremskridt undersøges......En multivariat analyse af svar på Københavnerbarometret 2009, hvor sammenhæng mellem sundhed og fagligt fremskridt undersøges...

  18. Understanding medical symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malterud, Kirsti; Guassora, Ann Dorrit Kristiane; Graungaard, Anette Hauskov


    is a social and relational phenomenon of containment, and regulating the situation where the symptoms originate implies adjusting containment. Discourse analysis, as presented by Jonathan Potter and Margaret Wetherell, provides a tool to notice the subtle ways in which language orders perceptions and how...... to the bodily messages. Symptom management is then determined by the meaning of a symptom. Dorte E. Gannik’s concept “situational disease” explains how situations can be reviewed not just in terms of their potential to produce signs or symptoms, but also in terms of their capacity to contain symptoms. Disease...

  19. Impact of ADHD symptoms on autism spectrum disorder symptom severity. (United States)

    Sprenger, Linda; Bühler, Eva; Poustka, Luise; Bach, Christiane; Heinzel-Gutenbrunner, Monika; Kamp-Becker, Inge; Bachmann, Christian


    Despite the official exclusion criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the DSM-IV and ICD-10, patients with ASD often show ADHD symptoms. We aimed to examine the potential influence of ADHD symptoms on autistic psychopathology in a large sample of patients with ASD. We tested the hypothesis that patients with ASD and an additional ADHD (ASD+) would show a higher severity of autistic symptoms than those with ASD only (ASD-). We measured autistic symptoms using the autism diagnostic observation schedule (ADOS-G), the autism diagnostic interview (ADI-R), and the social responsiveness scale (SRS). To measure overall psychopathology and ADHD symptoms, we used the child behavior checklist (CBCL) and the ADHD rating scale (FBB-ADHS), respectively. Group differences between the ASD+ and the ASD- group (group division was conducted according to the results of the FBB-ADHS) were calculated using a univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). The ASD+ group showed a greater severity of autistic symptoms than the ASD- group, measured by the SRS and the ADI-R. Especially in the social interaction subscale (ADI-R), a significantly higher symptom severity was found in the ASD+ group. No significant group differences were found regarding autistic symptoms measured by the ADOS-G. Patients with ASD and an additional ADHD expressed a stronger severity of autistic symptoms than patients with ASD only. According to our results, the possibility of a co-diagnosis of ADS and ADHD, as is being planned in the DSM-5, is in line with earlier studies, is highly reasonable, will simplify research, and have therapeutic implications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Lys over landet, men hvilket lys?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjermitslev, Hans Henrik


    mellem videnskab og dannelse på folkehøjskolerne og analysere konflikten mellem brandesianisme og grundtvigianisme, som den fremkom i forbindelse med modtagelsen og anvendelsen af henholdsvis Charles Darwins og Friedrich Nietzsches ideer i den danske offentlighed. Dernæst vil jeg undersøge polemikken om...

  1. Bandlysningens Arkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Östman, Lars


    Artiklen vil introducere Giorgio Agamben og Paul Virilio via en tematisering af begrebet om en undtagelse som paradigme for forståelsen af det biopolitiske. Undersøgelsen drejer sig om forholdet mellem byen og dens udenfor, mellem retten og undtagelsestilstanden og hvordan dette forhold har...

  2. "Brugerens arme og ben"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk-Madsen, Eva

    Omsorgspraksis, det praktiske, sociale og emotionelle arbejde omsorgsydere udfører i samspil med omsorgsmodtagere, har både diskursive og ikke-diskursive elementer. Disse er imidlertid tæt forbundne via arbejdets mellem-menneskelige karakter. I dette paper er det samspillet mellem diskurs og plej...

  3. American Television

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bondebjerg, Ib


    En analyse af forholdet mellem amerikansk og europæisk tv med inddragelse af eksempler fra både Vest- og Østeuropa.......En analyse af forholdet mellem amerikansk og europæisk tv med inddragelse af eksempler fra både Vest- og Østeuropa....

  4. Phases in Envrionmental Protection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klemmensen, Børge


    Med udgangspunkt i dikotomien mellem privat og offentlig - mellem natur og vareproduktion i stor skala - gennemgåes de væsentlige faser i miljøreguleringen på EU-niveau og Globalt niveau - med sustainability som den foreløbigt sidst formulerede strategi....

  5. Assessment of lower urinary tract symptoms in men by international prostate symptom score and core lower urinary tract symptom score. (United States)

    Fujimura, Tetsuya; Kume, Haruki; Nishimatsu, Hiroaki; Sugihara, Toru; Nomiya, Akira; Tsurumaki, Yuzuri; Miyazaki, Hideyo; Suzuki, Motofumi; Fukuhara, Hiroshi; Enomoto, Yutaka; Homma, Yukio


    Study Type - Therapy (symptom prevalence). Level of Evidence 2a. What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) has been most commonly used for the symptom assessment of men with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). However, LUTS in men are so variable that they may not be fully captured by the IPSS questionnaire alone. This study has demonstrated that the Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score (CLSS) questionnaire, which addresses 10 important symptoms, is an appropriate initial assessment tool for LUTS in men with various diseases/conditions. International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) has been commonly used to assess lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). We have recently developed Core Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Score (CLSS). The aim of this study is to compare IPSS and CLSS for assessing LUTS in men.  Consecutive 515 men fulfilled IPSS and CLSS questionnaires. IPSS QOL Index was used as the QOL surrogate. The clinical diagnoses were BPH (n = 116), BPH with OAB wet (n =80), prostate cancer (n = 128), prostatitis (n = 68), underactive bladder (n = 8), others (n = 72), and controls (e.g., occult blood) (n = 42). Simple statistics and predictability of poor QOL (QOL Index 4 or greater) were examined. All symptom scores were significantly increased in symptomatic men compared with controls. Scores of corresponding symptoms of two questionnaires were significantly correlated (r = 0.58-0.85, all P incontinence, slow stream, straining, incomplete emptying, bladder pain and urethral pain) as independent factors. The hazard ratios for bladder pain (2.2) and urgency incontinence (2.0) were among the highest. All the nine symptoms are addressed in CLSS, while three symptoms (urgency incontinence, bladder, and urethral pain) are dismissed in IPSS. CLSS questionnaire is more comprehensive than IPSS questionnaire for symptom assessment of men with various diseases/conditions, although both questionnaires can capture

  6. Fra depressiv til tragisk realist

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosengaard, Hans Ulrik


    Med udgangspunkt i Jonathan Franzens essay "Why bother?" og nedslag i forfatterskabets romaner skrives en distinktion frem mellem to former for realisme og sortsyn.......Med udgangspunkt i Jonathan Franzens essay "Why bother?" og nedslag i forfatterskabets romaner skrives en distinktion frem mellem to former for realisme og sortsyn....

  7. Globalisering, pædagogik og ungdom - i Syd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ulla Ambrosius


    Artiklen introducerer til teorier om sammenhængen mellem globalisering, pædagogik og ungdom. Med udgangspunkt i etnografiske, komparative studier af skole og lungdom i Vietnam, Zambia og Brasilien diskuteres forholdet mellem uddannelsespolitiske tiltag, pædagogiske reformer og unges dannelse. Det...

  8. Cykel og bølge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fink, Jørgen


    Med udgangspunkt i nogle betragtninger over forholdet mellem historie og økonomi skitseres en materiel teori om de økonomiske konjunkturer, der har karakteriseret den økonomiske udvikling siden markedsøkonomiens gennembrud. Der fremsættes en hypotese om sammenhængen mellem konjunkturbølger af for...

  9. Riget - alt er tilladt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Riget indtager en nøglestilling, når overgangen mellem faser i Triers produktion skal karakteriseres. Riget danner bro mellem den billedfascination og de radikale stileksperimenter, der præger Triers tidlige produktion, og den genre- og plotbevidsthed, der er typisk for film som Breaking the Waves...

  10. Etnicitet og udsathed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tireli, Üzeyir


    Kapitlet beskæftiger sig med relationen mellem udsathed og etnicitet og bearbejder spørgsmålet om, hvorfor nogle grupper defineres som udsatte, uden et egentligt empirisk belæg for kausalitetsforhold mellem etnicitet og udsathed. Desuden gives en forklaring på forskellighed i udsathed grupperne i...

  11. New Public Management - Are we talking same languages?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voxted, Søren; Andersen, Torben; Rasmussen, Erling

    Paperet er et longitudinalt studie der beskriver forskelle og ligheder mellem New Zealand og Danmark ved anvendelse og udlægning af NPM teorier......Paperet er et longitudinalt studie der beskriver forskelle og ligheder mellem New Zealand og Danmark ved anvendelse og udlægning af NPM teorier...

  12. Hvad nu hvis sommerfuglen er ekshibitionist?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Groft sagt vil denne artikel, ved at aflæse hvad hhv. Inger Christensen, Sigmund Freud og Jacques Lacan har at sige om sommerfugle, argumentere for at der er et afgørende skel mellem naturvidenskab og litteraturvidenskab; mellem naturen, dyret, sommerfuglen på den ene side og bevidstheden...

  13. Stationsbyens samfund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Sidsel

    Studiet af stationsbyen Grindsted viser, hvordan sammenstødet mellem by og land foregik i tiden mellem 1840 og 1940 i de nye byer, der opstod på landet langs de nyanlagte jernbanelinier. Fokus for studiet er byens utallige frivillige sammenslutninger, som var grundstammen i organiseringen af byli...

  14. Wave Star

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kramer, Morten; Brorsen, Michael; Frigaard, Peter

    Nærværende rapport beskriver numeriske beregninger af den hydrodynamiske interaktion mellem 5 flydere i bølgeenergianlægget Wave Star.......Nærværende rapport beskriver numeriske beregninger af den hydrodynamiske interaktion mellem 5 flydere i bølgeenergianlægget Wave Star....

  15. Markedskommunikation i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Markedskommunikation handler om al kommunikation mellem aktørerne på et marked. Derfor er der ofte tale om vidtforgrenede processer, hvor budskaber bliver skabt i samarbejdet mellem aktører og sjældent kan styres af én afsender alene. Markedskommunikation i praksis tager udgangspunkt i denne dyna...

  16. Jean Picard og Ole Rømer på Hven

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Kurt Møller


    Jean Picards rejse til Hven og København i 1671/72 for at bestemme længdeforskellen mellem Tycho Brahes observatorier og observatoriet i Paris.......Jean Picards rejse til Hven og København i 1671/72 for at bestemme længdeforskellen mellem Tycho Brahes observatorier og observatoriet i Paris....

  17. Hyekyung Cho: Chinas langer Marsch in den Kapitalismus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czeskleba-Dupont, Rolf


    Chos afhandling fra Berlin refereres i hovedtræk. Tre modsætninger tages op i den: 1) mellem 'transitionen' ind i kapitalismen og herredømmet af et kommunistisk parti, hvor det bl.a.viser sig at particentralen fremmer liberaliseringen i kampen mod statsvirksomhederne; 2) mellem integrationen i ve...

  18. Hvorfor sætter folk ild til sig selv?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harrebye, Silas


    Mellemøsten brød i brand efter en mand satte ild til sig selv. Et bevis på revolutioner skal selvantændes?......Mellemøsten brød i brand efter en mand satte ild til sig selv. Et bevis på revolutioner skal selvantændes?...

  19. Identitetsdannelse via selvfortælling i det sociale rum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Inger Glavind; Warming, Hanne

    Formålet med dette paper er at etablere en sociologisk forståelse af sammenhængen mellem identitetsskabelse og selvfortælling. Via inddragelse af Goffman og Bourdieu etableres en kontekstualiseret og relationel sociologisk forståelse af sammenhængen mellem identitetsskabelse og selvfortælling. Det...

  20. Målstyring af og frihedsgrader til de menneskelige ressourcer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kjeld


    bevaring af arbejdspladser. I den voluntaristiske tilgang til ledelse af personale bevæger virksomhederne sig i en ”sociologisk dualisme” mellem hårde og bløde tilgange. Strukturerne på arbejdsmarkedet og kulturelle forhold i samspillet mellem samfund og virksomhed i det danske samfund betyder, at begge...

  1. Oplysning på trods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lars Axel

    Første bog på dansk om sociologen Karl Mannheim (1893-1947). Let revideret udgave af Ph.d.-afhandling udarbejdet ved Institut for Idéhistorie ved Aarhus Universitet. I bogen undersøges aktualiteten af Mannheims videnssociologi. Der skelnes mellem på den ene side aktualitet som en relation mellem ...

  2. Musik og folkesundhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole; Ekholm, Ola


    Præsentation af undersøgelsen "Musik og folkesundhed", som er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem Musikterapi AAU og Statens Institut for Folkesundhed......Præsentation af undersøgelsen "Musik og folkesundhed", som er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem Musikterapi AAU og Statens Institut for Folkesundhed...

  3. En verden af medier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjarvard, Stig

    selvstændig institution, der forvalter samfundets fælles kommunikation, sætter de spillereglerne for andre aktører, og de er samtidig en selvfølgelig del af hverdagslivets kommunikation mellem familie, venner og kolleger. I samspillet mellem de gamle massemedier og nye interaktive medier opstår forandringer...

  4. Velfærdsstat og civilsamfund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boje, Thomas P.


    organisationer har i det sen-moderne samfund. Artiklen starter med en præcisering af de forskellige tilgange til forståelsen af civilsamfund samt forholdet mellem civilsamfund og velfærdsstat. Dette efterfølges af en analyse af forskelle mellem de europæiske lande i frivillighed og i organiseringen af...

  5. May I come to visit you at work?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Bodil


    Artiklen beskriver faglige oplevelser fra et længerevarende studiebesøg, hvor en lektor har fulgt en praktiker - "shadowing". I dette tilfælde en irsk pædagog, der arbejder hos YAPS: Youth Action Project Sligo, der er et samarbejde mellem politiet og sociale myndigheder i forhold til unge mellem ...

  6. Does the long-term interest rate predict future inflation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engsted, Tom


    Fisher hypotesen indebærer, at spændet mellem den lange rente og inflationstakten er den optimale prediktor af fremtidige ændringer i inflationstakten. Denne hypotese undersøges med data fra 13 OECD lande. Resultaterne viser, at der er store forskelle mellem landene m.h.t. den lange rentes evne t...

  7. Det sociale arbejdes daglige praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Mette-Louise


    Denne artikel beskriver, hvordan Udlændingelovens regler om helbredsbetinget opholdstilladelse præger praksisgørelsen af begrebet "empowerment" på et rehabiliteringscenter for traumatiserede flygtninge. Der sættes fokus på magtrelationen mellem personale og brugere i en periode, hvor de diagnose...... mellem lovgivning, bureaukratisk forvaltning og empowerment i rehabilitering....

  8. Ejeraftaler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kruhl, Martin Christian

    Denne bog er den første samlede og dybdegående afhandling om ejeraftaler på dansk. Ejeraftaler (tidligere 'aktionær- eller anpartsoverenskomster') spiller i praksis en væsentlig rolle som det aftalemæssige grundlag for de indbyrdes rettigheder og forpligtelser mellem kapitalejere i små og mellems...

  9. Prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease symptoms and reflux-associated respiratory symptoms in asthma (United States)


    Background Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) symptoms are common in asthma and have been extensively studied, but less so in the Asian continent. Reflux-associated respiratory symptoms (RARS) have, in contrast, been little-studied globally. We report the prevalence of GORD symptoms and RARS in adult asthmatics, and their association with asthma severity and medication use. Methods A cross-sectional analytical study. A validated interviewer-administered GORD scale was used to assess frequency and severity of seven GORD symptoms. Subjects were consecutive asthmatics attending medical clinics. Controls were matched subjects without respiratory symptoms. Results The mean (SD) composite GORD symptom score of asthmatics was significantly higher than controls (21.8 (17.2) versus 12.0 (7.6); P < 0.001) as was frequency of each symptom and RARS. Prevalence of GORD symptoms in asthmatics was 59.4% (95% CI, 59.1%-59.6%) versus 28.5% in controls (95% CI, 29.0% - 29.4%). 36% of asthmatics experienced respiratory symptoms in association with both typical and atypical GORD symptoms, compared to 10% of controls (P < 0.001). An asthmatic had a 3.5 times higher risk of experiencing a GORD symptom after adjusting for confounders (OR 3.5; 95% CI 2.5-5.3). Severity of asthma had a strong dose-response relationship with GORD symptoms. Asthma medication use did not significantly influence the presence of GORD symptoms. Conclusions GORD symptoms and RARS were more prevalent in a cohort of Sri Lankan adult asthmatics compared to non-asthmatics. Increased prevalence of RARS is associated with both typical and atypical symptoms of GORD. Asthma disease and its severity, but not asthma medication, appear to influence presence of GORD symptoms. PMID:20843346

  10. Nazimova  

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norup, Lis


    Om udvekslingen mellem litteratur og film. Alla Nazimovas filmatisering af Oscar Wildes "Salome" og gestaltning af dekadent-komplicerede kvindeskikkelser som Salome og Hedda Gabler Udgivelsesdato: dec.......Om udvekslingen mellem litteratur og film. Alla Nazimovas filmatisering af Oscar Wildes "Salome" og gestaltning af dekadent-komplicerede kvindeskikkelser som Salome og Hedda Gabler Udgivelsesdato: dec....

  11. Maths at Work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Niels John


    Sammenhængen mellem den abstrakte matematik i mange lærebøger og matematik i anvendelse er ikke altid lige let at få øje på. Artiklen drøfter nogle af de problemstillinger, der kan være med til skabe dette skel mellem undervisningsmatematik og matematik i arbejde....

  12. Transfer and Cohesion in Interdisciplinary Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Søren Harnow


    Der argumenteres for at sammenhæng mellem fag og discipliner i tværfaglig undervisning skabes gennem overførsel (transfer) af elementer mellem de forskellig fag. De grundlæggende typer af sådanne elementer identificeres og analyseres, og der argumenteres for at relevant sammenhæng kan skabes på m...

  13. Variable hastighedsgrænser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lahrmann, Harry; Henriksen, Anton


    Et sådant system vil betyde hastigheder, der er tilpasset de aktuelle trafikforhold, men også langt mindre hastighedsforskelle mellem trafikanterne. Det vil i forhold til al viden om sammenhæng mellem hastighed og trafiksikkerhed betyde markant færre dræbte og kvæstede på motorvejene. Men derudov...

  14. A Brief History of Numbers by Leo Corry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lützen, Jesper


    Den anmeldte bog omhandler talbegrebets historie startende med de gamle grækeres sondring mellem tal (dvs naturlige tal) og størrelser (som fx. linjestykker) og forhold mellem disse. Bogen giver en meget læsværdig og historisk subtil fremstilling af den gradvise ophævelse af disse grænser, som...

  15. Vurdering af roebiomassefraktioner som husdyrfoder belyst gennem analyser og forsøg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Hvelplund, Torben


    Der var ikke væsentlige forskelle på pulpen mellem de to roesorter Angus (sukkerroe) og Colosse (foderroe). Derimod var der store forskelle mellem pulp fra rod og top fraktionerne. Rod fraktionerne var karakteriseret af et stort sukkerindhold og høje in vitro og in vivo fordøjeligheder for både...

  16. Drømmebilleder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent


    Bogen beskriver i en række intense analyser forbindelsen mellem ydre og indre billeder: altså mellem de moderne mediers billedverden og drømmens og erindringens indre billeder. I fokus for undersøgelsen er desuden kønnet, altså hvordan billeder viser, omformer eller skjuler kønnet, 'det andet', s...

  17. Videnarbejde og stress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, Anders; Andersen, Vibeke; Sørensen, Ole Henning

    . Videnarbejde kan for den enkelte være vejen til selvrealisering og begejstring, men rummer også i sig kimen til stress og udbrændthed. Og det er netop i spændingsfeltet - i kampen - mellem begejstring og belastning, at bogen ser stress i det moderne arbejdsliv, som en uoverensstemmelse mellem ydre krav og...

  18. Udvikling og afprøvning af it-støttet vejledning af lærerstuderende i praktik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemens, Heidie


    samarbejdet mellem læreruddannelsen og praktikinstitutionerne omkring vejledning af de studerende i praktikken via Skype eller VIAs platform og at afprøve en vejledningsform, der har karakter af procesvejledning. Erfaringer med at afprøve den virtuelle mødeform i denne sammenhæng muliggør mødet mellem...

  19. EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abrahamson, Peter; Borchorst, Anette


    Der er et komplekst forhold mellem EU og den danske velfærdsstat. Den sociale dimension i det europæiske samarbejde er splittet mellem et pres mod harmonisering og pres for at fastholde national suverænitet. Negativ integration har været den foretrukne interventionsform. Drivkræfterne har især...

  20. Inspiration til smag - om at aktivere elevernes forforståelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, Peter


    "Forforståelsen kan åbne en passage mellem fagets begreber og metoder om smag på den ene side - og elevernes forståelse og interesse for smag på den anden side. Peter Brodersen forklarer her, hvordan en lærer kan bygge bro mellem faglige begreber og elevernes tænkning"...

  1. Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torfing, Jacob; Ricard, Lykke Margot


    Innovation i krydsfeltet mellem forskellige styringsparadigmer i offentlige organisationer. New Public Governance gør det muligt at skabe offentlig værdi på nye måder. Men NPG er ingen trylledrik, der fra den ene dag til den anden skaber balance mellem borgernes store forventninger og en trængt ø...

  2. Coparenting Behaviors as Mediators Between Postpartum Parental Depressive Symptoms and Toddler’s Symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hervé Tissot


    Full Text Available Postpartum parental depression, even of mild intensity and short duration, has negative consequences on child development, including increased externalizing and internalizing symptoms. Studies revealed that the links between parental depression and child development are mediated by parenting difficulties. On the other hand, the mediating role of problematic family-level relationships, such as low coparenting support and high conflict between the parents, has rarely been considered, although coparenting difficulties have been linked with both increased depressive symptoms in parents and increased symptoms in toddlers. In the present study, we proposed testing a comprehensive mediation model linking parental depression, coparenting, and child symptoms. At 3 months postpartum, a convenience sample of 69 parental couples completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. In addition, we assessed levels of coparenting support and conflict during a mother–father–infant play situation, the Lausanne Trilogue Play. At 18 months postpartum, both parents assessed child symptoms with the Symptom Checklist Questionnaire. The results showed that coparenting support mediated the links between parental depressive symptoms and child symptoms, but only for mothers: Maternal depressive symptoms were linked with lower coparenting support, which in turn predicted increased psychofunctional symptoms and behavior problems assessed by mothers. Although coparenting conflict behaviors were not predicted by parents’ depressive symptoms, higher conflict was unexpectedly linked with fewer behavior problems assessed by both parents. The present study allowed us to unveil complex pathways between mild parental mood disturbances, family-level relationships, and child development in the first months of the child’s life.

  3. Validation of a self-reported HIV symptoms list: the ISS-HIV symptoms scale. (United States)

    Bucciardini, Raffaella; Pugliese, Katherina; Francisci, Daniela; Costantini, Andrea; Schiaroli, Elisabetta; Cognigni, Miriam; Tontini, Chiara; Lucattini, Stefano; Fucili, Luca; Di Gregorio, Massimiliano; Mirra, Marco; Fragola, Vincenzo; Pompili, Sara; Murri, Rita; Vella, Stefano


    To describe the development and the psychometric properties of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità-HIV symptoms scale (lSS-HIV symptoms scale). The ISS-HIV symptom scale was developed by an Italian working team including researchers, physicians and people living with HIV. The development process went through the following steps: (1) review of HIV/AIDS literature; (2) focus group; (3) pre-test analysis; (4) scale validation. The 22 symptoms of HIV-ISS symptoms scale were clustered in five factors: pain/general discomfort (7 items); depression/anxiety (4 items); emotional reaction/psychological distress (5 items); gastrointestinal discomfort (4 items); sexual discomfort (2 items). The internal consistence reliability was for all factors within the minimum accepted standard of 0.70. The results of this study provide a preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of the ISS-HIV symptoms scale. In the new era where HIV infection has been transformed into a chronic diseases and patients are experiencing a complex range of symptoms, the ISS-HIV symptoms scale may represent an useful tool for a comprehensive symptom assessment with the advantage of being easy to fill out by patients and potentially attractive to physicians mainly because it is easy to understand and requires short time to interpret the results.

  4. Development and validation of an instrument for rapidly assessing symptoms: the general symptom distress scale. (United States)

    Badger, Terry A; Segrin, Chris; Meek, Paula


    Symptom assessment has increasingly focused on the evaluation of total symptom distress or burden rather than assessing only individual symptoms. The challenge for clinicians and researchers alike is to assess symptoms, and to determine the symptom distress associated with the symptoms and the patient's ability for symptom management without a lengthy and burdensome assessment process. The objective of this article was to discuss the psychometric evaluation of a brief general symptom distress scale (GSDS) developed to assess specific symptoms and how they rank in relation to each other, the overall symptom distress associated with the symptom schema, and provide an assessment of how well or poorly that symptom schema is managed. Results from a pilot study about the initial development of the GSDS with 76 hospitalized patients are presented, followed by a more complete psychometric evaluation of the GSDS using three samples of cancer patients (n=190) and their social network members, called partners in these studies (n=94). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the GSDS symptoms, symptom distress, and symptom management. Point biserial correlations indexed the associations between dichotomous symptoms and continuous measures, and conditional probabilities were used to illustrate the substantial comorbidities of this sample. Internal consistency was examined using the KR-20 coefficient, and test-retest reliability was examined. Construct validity and predictive validity also were examined. The GSDS demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency and test-retest reliability, and good construct validity and predictive validity. The total score on the GSDS, symptom distress, and symptom management correlated significantly with related constructs of depression, positive and negative affect, and general health. The GSDS was able to demonstrate its ability to distinguish between those with or without chronic illness, and was able to significantly predict scores on

  5. Depressive symptoms and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in women after childbirth. (United States)

    Zaers, Stefanie; Waschke, Melanie; Ehlert, Ulrike


    This study examined the course of psychological problems in women from late pregnancy to six months postpartum, the rates of psychiatric, especially depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms and possible related antecedent variables. During late pregnancy, one to three days postpartum, six weeks and six months postpartum, 47 of the 60 participating women completed a battery of questionnaires including the General Health Questionnaire, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and the PTSD Symptom Scale. In general, most women recovered from psychiatric and somatic problems over the period of investigation. However, depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms in particular were not found to decline significantly. Six weeks postpartum, 22% of the women had depressive symptoms, with this figure remaining at 21.3% six months postpartum. In addition, 6% of the women studied reported clinically significant PTSD symptoms at six weeks postpartum with 14.9% reporting such symptoms at six months postpartum. The most important predictor for depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms was the block variable "anxiety in late pregnancy". Other predictors were the variables "psychiatric symptoms in late pregnancy", "critical life events" and the "experience of delivery". The results of our study show a high prevalence rate of psychiatric symptoms in women after childbirth and suggest, besides the experience of the delivery itself, a vulnerability or predisposing history that makes the development of psychiatric symptoms after childbirth more probable.

  6. Empowerment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Maja Lundemark


    et inspirationspapir om empowerment som tilgang i det beskæftigelsesrettede arbejde - især til regioner og kommuner og med henblik på samarbejde mellem professionelle og inspirationspapir om empowerment som tilgang i det beskæftigelsesrettede arbejde - især til regioner og kommuner og med henblik på samarbejde mellem professionelle og borgere...

  7. Udviklingen i bilers passive sikkerhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hels, Tove; Lyckegaard, Allan; Prato, Carlo Giacomo

    man mellem aktiv og passiv sikkerhed, det vil sige faktorer, der nedsætter • risikoen for, at der sker et uheld (aktiv sikkerhed), henholdsvis • graden af alvorlighed, givet at uheldet er sket (passiv sikkerhed). Rapporten begrænser sig til at undersøge, om der kan påvises en generel sammenhæng mellem...

  8. Arbejdsmiljø ved udbud af busdrift

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiegmann, Inger-Marie; Mathiesen, Karin; Hasle, Peter

    En undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem arbejdsmiljø og udbud af busdrift i tre trafikselskabet. Resultaterne peger på at arbejdsmiljøet går fra udelukkende til at være et anliggende mellem arbejdsgiver og arbejdstager til et trepartsforhold hvor også udbyder (trafikselskabet) får et ansvar og har...

  9. Appetit på maden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Tenna; Jespersen, Astrid Pernille; Grønnow, Liv Cæcilie


    Rapporten er resultatet af et samarbejde mellem Københavns Kommune Sundheds og Omsorgsforvaltning og CALM projektet. Rapporten omhandler københavnske hjemmeboende ældres oplevelse af mad og appetit.......Rapporten er resultatet af et samarbejde mellem Københavns Kommune Sundheds og Omsorgsforvaltning og CALM projektet. Rapporten omhandler københavnske hjemmeboende ældres oplevelse af mad og appetit....

  10. A Sectarian Group Called Israel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lemche, Niels Peter


    En diskussion af navnet "Israel" set i et historisk perspektiv , hvor der mellem 822 f.Kr. og 1948 eft Kr. ikke eksisterede en historisk satstslig organisation ved navn Israel.......En diskussion af navnet "Israel" set i et historisk perspektiv , hvor der mellem 822 f.Kr. og 1948 eft Kr. ikke eksisterede en historisk satstslig organisation ved navn Israel....

  11. Culpa og god revisorskik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langsted, Lars Bo


    Artiklen fremhæver, at der ikke er automatisk sammenfald mellem responsumudvalgets vurdering af god revisorskik og domstolenes anvendelse af culpa-begrebet i teorien men nok i praksis.......Artiklen fremhæver, at der ikke er automatisk sammenfald mellem responsumudvalgets vurdering af god revisorskik og domstolenes anvendelse af culpa-begrebet i teorien men nok i praksis....

  12. Klima og turisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ren, Carina Bregnholm


    Denne artikel præsenterer en række koblinger mellem klima og turisme med det formål at pege på, hvorledes klima og turisme i fremtiden kan tænkes. Jeg beskriver, hvorledes man i turismeforskningen har fokuseret på at blotlægge særligt to kausale forbindelser mellem klima og turisme, nemlig hvorda...

  13. Valgkampen har revolutionære rødder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorup, Mikkel; Mariegaard, Nicolai Von Eggers; Jessen, Mathias Hein


    Den generelle forståelse af forholdet mellem individ og regering, frihed og slaveri fra Den Amerikanske Revolution kan genfindes i nutidig amerikansk politik og i den aktuelle valgkamp.......Den generelle forståelse af forholdet mellem individ og regering, frihed og slaveri fra Den Amerikanske Revolution kan genfindes i nutidig amerikansk politik og i den aktuelle valgkamp....

  14. Velvalgt hovedform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Erik


    Nyt center med varmtvandsbassiner, cafe og mødelokaler beliggende mellem Marselisborg Hospitals gamle bygninger fra 1913. Nygbygningen står i mørkbrun tegl med store glaspartier.......Nyt center med varmtvandsbassiner, cafe og mødelokaler beliggende mellem Marselisborg Hospitals gamle bygninger fra 1913. Nygbygningen står i mørkbrun tegl med store glaspartier....

  15. Når vi taler om 68

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik; Metz, Georg

    Når vi taler om 68 er en intellektuel samtale mellem to ligeværdige gentlemen og skallesmækkere. En essayistisk dyst om porno, RAF, Pittelkow og livsfilosofi......Når vi taler om 68 er en intellektuel samtale mellem to ligeværdige gentlemen og skallesmækkere. En essayistisk dyst om porno, RAF, Pittelkow og livsfilosofi...

  16. Prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease symptoms and reflux-associated respiratory symptoms in asthma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de Silva H Janaka


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD symptoms are common in asthma and have been extensively studied, but less so in the Asian continent. Reflux-associated respiratory symptoms (RARS have, in contrast, been little-studied globally. We report the prevalence of GORD symptoms and RARS in adult asthmatics, and their association with asthma severity and medication use. Methods A cross-sectional analytical study. A validated interviewer-administered GORD scale was used to assess frequency and severity of seven GORD symptoms. Subjects were consecutive asthmatics attending medical clinics. Controls were matched subjects without respiratory symptoms. Results The mean (SD composite GORD symptom score of asthmatics was significantly higher than controls (21.8 (17.2 versus 12.0 (7.6; P P Conclusions GORD symptoms and RARS were more prevalent in a cohort of Sri Lankan adult asthmatics compared to non-asthmatics. Increased prevalence of RARS is associated with both typical and atypical symptoms of GORD. Asthma disease and its severity, but not asthma medication, appear to influence presence of GORD symptoms.

  17. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Symptom Reporting and Symptom Clusters in Heart Failure. (United States)

    Park, Jumin; Johantgen, Mary E


    An understanding of symptoms in heart failure (HF) among different cultural groups has become increasingly important. The purpose of this study was to compare symptom reporting and symptom clusters in HF patients between a Western (the United States) and an Eastern Asian sample (China and Taiwan). A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The data were obtained from a matched HF patient sample from the United States and China/Taiwan ( N = 240 in each). Eight selective items related to HF symptoms from the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire were analyzed. Compared with the U.S. sample, HF patients from China/Taiwan reported a lower level of symptom distress. Analysis of two different regional groups did not result in the same number of clusters using latent class approach: the United States (four classes) and China/Taiwan (three classes). The study demonstrated that symptom reporting and identification of symptom clusters might be influenced by cultural factors.

  18. Parent ratings of ADHD symptoms: differential symptom functioning across Malaysian Malay and Chinese children. (United States)

    Gomez, Rapson; Vance, Alasdair


    This study examined differential symptom functioning (DSF) in ADHD symptoms across Malay and Chinese children in Malaysia. Malay (N=571) and Chinese (N=254) parents completed the Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale, which lists the DSM-IV ADHD symptoms. DSF was examined using the multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) structural equation modeling procedure. Although DSF was found for a single inattention (IA) symptom and three hyperactivity-impulsivity (HI) symptoms, all these differences had low effect sizes. Controlling for these DSF, Chinese children had higher IA and HI latent factor scores. However the effect sizes were small. Together, these findings suggest adequate support for invariance of the ADHD symptoms across these ethno-cultural groups. The implications of the findings for cross-cultural invariance of the ADHD symptoms are discussed.

  19. Symptom management in Behcets disease. (United States)

    Ozel, Filiz; Tureyen, Aynur Esen; Aykar, Fisun Senuzun


    To determine the symptoms experienced by patients diagnosed with Behcet's Disease and how they cope with them. The qualitative study was conducted from September 2013 to March 2014 at Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital, Turkey, comprising patients having all symptoms of Behcet's Disease. Data was collected through semi-structured focus-group interview form. The findings were assessed using Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms and Symptom Management Theory. SPSS 20 and Nvivo 10 were used for data analysis. Of the 35 patients, 16(45.8%) were female and 19(54.2%) were male. The symptoms affected patients' lives, and the patients used either positive or negative symptom management strategies, leading to either positive or negative results during symptom management. Behcet's Disease patients needed effective symptom management.

  20. Management of somatic symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schröder, Andreas; Dimsdale, Joel


    on the recognition and effective management of patients with excessive and disabling somatic symptoms. The clinical presentation of somatic symptoms is categorized into three groups of patients: those with multiple somatic symptoms, those with health anxiety, and those with conversion disorder. The chapter provides...

  1. Prevalence of restless legs symptoms according to depressive symptoms and depression type: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Auvinen, Piritta; Mäntyselkä, Pekka; Koponen, Hannu; Kautiainen, Hannu; Korniloff, Katariina; Ahonen, Tiina; Vanhala, Mauno


    Restless legs syndrome is a sensorimotor disorder and it is associated with several other diseases especially mental illnesses. To analyze the relationship between the symptoms of restless legs syndrome and the severity of depressive symptoms and the prevalence of restless legs symptoms in depression subtypes. A cross-sectional study of primary care patients in the Central Finland Hospital District. The prevalence of restless legs symptoms was studied in 706 patients with increased depressive symptoms and 426 controls without a psychiatric diagnosis by using a structured questionnaire. The depressive symptoms were evaluated with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the psychiatric diagnosis was confirmed by means of a diagnostic interview (Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview). The subjects with increased depressive symptoms were divided into three groups (subjects with depressive symptoms without a depression diagnosis, melancholic depression and non-melancholic depression). In the whole study population, the prevalence of restless legs symptoms increased with the severity of depressive symptoms. The prevalence of restless legs symptoms was highest in the melancholic and non-melancholic depressive patients (52 and 46%, respectively) and then in subjects with depressive symptoms without a depression diagnosis (43.4%), but the prevalence was also substantial (24.6%) in subjects without a psychiatric diagnosis. Restless legs symptoms are very common in primary care among subjects with depression, regardless of the depression type. The prevalence of restless legs symptoms increased with increasing severity of depressive symptoms, regardless of the diagnosis. These findings should be considered in clinical evaluation and treatment of patients visiting their physician due to restless legs or depressive symptoms.

  2. Sanskrit og Latin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang, Peter Fibiger


    Denne kronik præsenterer ligheder påpeget af ny forskning mellem den måde latin og sanskrit fungerede på som kosmopolitiske elitesprog. Udgivelsesdato: 1-7. Aug.......Denne kronik præsenterer ligheder påpeget af ny forskning mellem den måde latin og sanskrit fungerede på som kosmopolitiske elitesprog. Udgivelsesdato: 1-7. Aug....

  3. Grænser for religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lüchau, Peter


    Analyse af danskernes holdning til religion i det private og offentlige rum med fokus på en distinktion mellem religiøs autoritetsudøvelse og religiøs selvudfoldelse.......Analyse af danskernes holdning til religion i det private og offentlige rum med fokus på en distinktion mellem religiøs autoritetsudøvelse og religiøs selvudfoldelse....

  4. Road freight transport across a fixed Fehmarn Belt link

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, Per Homann


    Indlæggets baggrund og formål En kommende Femern Bælt bro vil være en vigtig rute for lastbiltrafikken mellem Sverige/det østlige Danmark og Tyskland. Eller vil den? På Øresund har færgerne mellem Helsingør og Helsingborg langt den største markedsandel for den ikke-lokale lastbiltrafik. The Chann...

  5. Unge og gambling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jens Christian; Sørensen, Niels Ulrik; Wittendorff, Nina

    Rapporten offentliggør resultaterne af den første videnskabelige undersøgelse af pengespil blandt unge danskere mellem 12 og 17 år. Den beskæftiger sig med tre områder 1) Pengespiladfærd blandt unge, 2) Problemspiladfærd blandt unge og 3) Sammenhænge mellem unges risikoadfærd og trivsel samt dere...

  6. Energioptimering VAV eller CAV?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kærn, Martin Ryhl; Barky, Tarek; Andersen, Dan Bomholt


    Når et HVAC-anlæg projekteres, vælges der oftest mellem fortrængnings- og opblandingsventilation. Herefter vælges hvorvidt luftfl owet skal være variabelt eller konstant – det vil sige, om der skal vælges. VAV eller CAV. Dette valg mellem VAV eller CAV bør foretages på baggrund af en vurdering af...

  7. Findes morfemer?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balling, Laura Winther


    problemer med både morfemet og ordet som teoretiske størrelser. Efterfølgende ser jeg på to relaterede men dog adskilte psykolingvistiske traditioner der begge fokuserer på morfologi: for det første den såkaldte datidsdebat der står mellem på den ene side modeller der skelner skarpt mellem regelmæssige og...

  8. Samtale i stedet for vold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enevoldsen, Jørn Henrik; Drewniak, Henrik Thim

    Evaluering af den kriminalpræventive indsats: Samtale i steder for vold, der foregår i et samarbejde mellem skolerne i Esbjerg og Esbjerg politik under SSP-udvalget i Esbjerg.......Evaluering af den kriminalpræventive indsats: Samtale i steder for vold, der foregår i et samarbejde mellem skolerne i Esbjerg og Esbjerg politik under SSP-udvalget i Esbjerg....

  9. A randomized controlled trial of an HIV/AIDS Symptom Management Manual for depressive symptoms. (United States)

    Eller, Lucille S; Kirksey, Kenn M; Nicholas, Patrice K; Corless, Inge B; Holzemer, William L; Wantland, Dean J; Willard, Suzanne S; Robinson, Linda; Hamilton, Mary Jane; Sefcik, Elizabeth F; Moezzi, Shahnaz; Mendez, Marta Rivero; Rosa, Maria; Human, Sarie


    Abstract Depressive symptoms are highly prevalent, underdiagnosed, and undertreated in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH), and are associated with poorer health outcomes. This randomized controlled trial examined the effects of the HIV/AIDS Symptom Management Manual self-care symptom management strategies compared with a nutrition manual on depressive symptoms in an international sample of PLWH. The sample consisted of a sub-group (N=222) of participants in a larger study symptom management study who reported depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms of the intervention (n=124) and control (n=98) groups were compared over three months: baseline, one-month, and two-months. Use and effectiveness of specific strategies were examined. Depressive symptom frequency at baseline varied significantly by country (χ (2) 12.9; p=0.04). Within the intervention group there were significant differences across time in depressive symptom frequency [F(2, 207) = 3.27, p=0.05], intensity [F(2, 91) = 4.6, p=0.01], and impact [F(2, 252) = 2.92, p= 0.05), and these were significantly lower at one month but not at two months, suggesting that self-care strategies are effective in reducing depressive symptoms, however effects may be short term. Most used and most effective self-care strategies were distraction techniques and prayer. This study suggests that people living with HIV can be taught and will employ self-care strategies for management of depressive symptoms and that these strategies are effective in reducing these symptoms. Self-care strategies are noninvasive, have no side-effects, and can be readily taught as an adjunct to other forms of treatment. Studies are needed to identify the most effective self-care strategies and quantify optimum dose and frequency of use as a basis for evidence-based practice.

  10. Measuring bothersome menopausal symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Kamma Sundgaard; Siersma, Volkert Dirk; Christensen, Karl Bang


    BACKGROUND: The experience of menopausal symptoms is common and an adequate patient-reported outcome measure is crucial in studies where women are treated for these symptoms. The aims of this study were to identify a patient-reported outcome measure for bothersome menopausal symptoms and, in the ...

  11. Parents' Reports of Children's Internalizing Symptoms: Associations with Parents' Mental Health Symptoms and Substance Use Disorder. (United States)

    Kelley, Michelle L; Bravo, Adrian J; Hamrick, Hannah C; Braitman, Abby L; White, Tyler D; Jenkins, Jennika


    This brief report examined the unique associations between parents' ratings of child internalizing symptoms and their own depression and anxiety in families with parental substance use disorder (SUD). Further, we examined whether parental SUD (father only, mother only, both parents) was related to discrepancy in mothers' and fathers' reports of children's internalizing symptoms. Participants were 97 triads (fathers, mothers) in which one or both parents met criteria for SUD. Polynomial regression analyses were conducted to examine whether father-mother reports of child internalizing symptoms had unique associations with parents' own symptoms of depression and anxiety while controlling for child gender, child age, and SUD diagnoses. Controlling for fathers' symptoms and other covariates, mothers experiencing more depression and anxiety symptoms reported more symptoms of child internalizing symptoms than did fathers. Mothers' and fathers' SUD was associated with higher anxiety symptoms among mothers after controlling for other variables. A second set of polynomial regressions examined whether father-mother reports of child internalizing symptoms had unique associations with parents' SUD diagnoses while controlling for child gender and child age. After controlling for mothers' symptoms and other covariates, parents' reports of children's internalizing symptoms were not significantly associated with either parent's SUD or parental SUD interactions (i.e., both parents have SUD diagnoses). Taken together, mothers' ratings of children's internalizing symptoms may be accounted for, in part, by her reports of depression and anxiety symptoms.

  12. Using the symptom monitor in a randomized controlled trial: the effect on symptom prevalence and severity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoekstra, Johanna; de Vos, Rien; van Duijn, Nico P.; Schadé, Egbert; Bindels, Patrick J. E.


    This randomized controlled trial investigated the effect of reporting physical symptoms by using a systematic symptom monitoring instrument, the Symptom Monitor, on symptom prevalence and severity among patients with cancer in the palliative phase. The overall objective was to achieve symptom relief

  13. Kønsforskelle i sundhedsadfærd og selvvurderet helbred hos 11-15-årige. Sammenhænge mellem levevilkår og sundhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ross-Petersen, L; Holstein, B E; Due, P E


    psychosomatic symptoms than girls. They also did more physical exercise than girls. Boys and girls showed differences in social networks. Self-reported health status, weekly psychosomatic symptoms and health behaviour (smoking, exercise, and diet) were associated with social networks for both sexes...

  14. Anxiety and depression symptoms and migraine: a symptom-based approach research. (United States)

    Peres, Mario Fernando Prieto; Mercante, Juliane P P; Tobo, Patricia R; Kamei, Helder; Bigal, Marcelo Eduardo


    Anxiety and mood disorders have been shown to be the most relevant psychiatric comorbidities associated with migraine, influencing its clinical course, treatment response, and clinical outcomes. Limited information is available on how specific anxiety and depression symptoms are related to migraine. Symptoms-based approach, a current trend in mental health research, may improve our understanding in migraine comorbidity. The purpose of this study was to analyze how anxiety and depression aspects are related to migraine through a symptom-based approach. We studied 782 patients from the general population who completed a self-administered questionnaire assessing demographics, headache features, anxiety and depression symptoms. A binary logistic regression analyses were conducted to test the association between all four ratings in GAD-7 (anxiety) and PHQ-9 (depression) scales subitems as covariates, and migraine vs no headache as the outcome. The leading Odd Ratios (OR) observed in individuals with migraine relative to those without migraine were anxiety related, "Not being able to stop or control worrying" on a daily basis [OR (CI 95%)] 49.2 (13.6-178.2), "trouble relaxing" 25.7 (7.1-92.6), "Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge" on a daily basis 25.4 (6.9-93.8), and "worrying too much about different things" 24.4 (7.7-77.6). Although the hallmark symptoms of depression are emotional (hopelessness and sadness), the highest scores found were physical: apetite, fatigue, and poor sleep. Irritability had a significant increase in migraine risk [OR 3.8 (1.9-7.8) if experienced some days, 7.5 (2.7-20.7) more than half the days, and 22.0 (5.7-84.9) when experienced nearly every day]. Anxiety was more robustly associated with increase in migraine risk than depression. Lack of ability to properly control worrying and to relax are the most prominent issues in migraine psychiatric comorbidity. Physical symptoms in depression are more linked to migraine than emotional symptoms. A

  15. Bell's Palsy Symptoms (United States)

    ... Stories Español Eye Health / Eye Health A-Z Bell's Palsy Sections What Is Bell's Palsy? Bell's Palsy Symptoms Bell's Palsy Treatment Bell's Palsy Symptoms Leer en Español: Síntomas de la parálisis ...

  16. Depressive Symptoms, Emotion Dysregulation, and Bulimic Symptoms in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes (United States)

    Young-Hyman, Deborah L.; Peterson, Claire M.; Fischer, Sarah; Markowitz, Jessica T.; Muir, Andrew B.; Laffel, Lori M.


    This study evaluated the associations between depressive symptoms, emotion dysregulation and bulimic symptoms in youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the context of the diagnosis and treatment of T1D. Study participants were 103 youth in 2 distinct groups: newly diagnosed (New) or transitioning to pump therapy (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion [CSII]; “Pump”), who completed questionnaires regarding symptoms of depression, emotion dysregulation, and bulimia. Glycemic control (A1c), height, weight, and questionnaires were evaluated within 10 days of diagnosis (n = 58) or at education/clinic visit before starting insulin utilizing CSII (n = 45). In the newly diagnosed group, only depression accounted for significant variance in bulimia scores (β = .47, P symptoms and emotion dysregulation were associated with greater bulimic symptoms. Depressive symptoms and emotion dysregulation, an indicator of poor coping/behavioral control, could help explain adoption of disordered eating behaviors in youth with T1D who are transitioning to pump therapy. PMID:27137457

  17. Mellem engagement og afmagt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahrenkiel, Annegrethe; Nielsen, Birger Steen; Schmidt, Camilla

    Bogen præsenterer resultaterne fra udviklings- og forskningsprojektet "BUPL-tillidsrepræsentanten. Nye udfordringer - nye svar". Den giver et fyldigt indblik i tillidsrepræsentanternes arbejde, deres engagement, vanskeligheder og forhåbninger. På baggrund af et større værkstedsarbejde fremlægges...

  18. Mellem medicin og moral

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Sidsel


    Den dødsdømte Peder Worms sidste tid før skafottet i 1830'ernes København set ud en medicinsk synsvinkel repræsteret ved fængselslægen og frenologen (kraniesamleren) Carl Otto og en teologisk synsvinkel set ud fra fængselslægen og rationalisten C.F. Visbye og dennes samtaler med fangen....

  19. Kollegial coaching mellem sygeplejersker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Molly, Asbjørn; Høeg, Bettina


    Artiklen henvender sig til afdelingssygeplejersker med interesse for coaching. Hovedbudskabet er, at kollegial coaching tilbyder en ramme, hvor det er muligt at få udviklet et sprog for ledelse. I artiklen defineres coaching ind i en sygeplejekontekst, og to afdelingssygeplejersker fra Vejle...... Sygehus fortæller om deres erfaringer med kollegial coaching....

  20. Mellem lovregulering og frivillighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailand, Mikkel

    Dette notat analyserer Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) og Virksomhedernes Sociale Engagement i tre lande. Herunder diskuteres rammebetingelsernes betydning herfor.  Diskussionen om frivillighed eller tvang er central i CSR-debatten. Analysen i notatet viser, at aktørerne i ingen af de tre...

  1. Mellem historie- og krigsvidenskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen Schøning, Anna Sofie


    history was used to establish national and organisational identity. In the 1880s, military history was used as a means to find, explain and apply universal principles of war and, in the 1910s, military history should be used as a means to gain general insight that could potentially lead to a better......The article investigates how military history was taught as part of the Danish higher officer education from 1830 to 1920 and how the subject was affected by developments in academic history and the science of war. It argues that military history, as it was taught in the formal officer education......, could not be seen solely as a historic subject but also as a subject under the influence of the discipline of military science. Three very different understandings of how military history can contribute to higher officer education are shown through the analysis of textbooks. In the 1830s military...

  2. Mellem lidelse og livsduelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dræby, Anders

    Den psykiske lidelse i det moderne samfund er i det væsentlige et udtryk for vanskeligheder med de sociale og kulturelle krav om funktionel livstilpasning. Der præsenteres en anderledes og mere konstruktiv indgang til forståelse af liv og lidelse i vores samtid, der er funderet i et begreb om liv...

  3. Mellem 'arkitekturen' og kroppen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peters, Terri


    I forbindelse med det internationale klimatopmøde COP15 i København har Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Institut for Teknologi og Institut for Planlægning i samarbejde med arkitekten Philippe Rahm, forskere og studerende sat fokus på arkitekturens rolle i klimadebatten. Udstillingen Klima og...

  4. Mellem kontrol og afmagt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldsen, Lena


    Sociale netværkssider som Facebook og Twitter er blevet en fast del af politikernes kommunikationsrepertoire, og således er journalister begyndt at monitorere platformene for nyhedsscoops, hvilket har skabt en ny kilde til den politiske journalistik: politikernes opdateringer. Formålet med...

  5. Læring mellem elever

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen, Jacob; Georgsen, Marianne

    I denne rapport tilbyder vi et indblik i det gennemførte projekt, og forfatterne har valgt nogle forhold ud, som belyses og diskuteres, mens andre ikke berøres eller diskuteres nævneværdigt i denne rapport. Det skyldes blandt andet projektets mange facetter, som dækker både læring, teknologi, pæd...

  6. Mellem kommunikation og kreativitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksson, Birgit


    Den franske filosof og kunstteoretiker Yves Michaud har argumenteret for, at moderniteten er karakteriseret ved tre utopier: Utopien om demokratisk medborgerskab, arbejdets utopi og kunstens utopi. Kunstens utopi sporer han tilbage til Immanuel Kants æstetik og hans forestilling om, at vi i...

  7. Retskrivningsordbog mellem to stole

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tarp, Sven


    In November 2012, the fourth edition of the official Danish orthographic dictionary, Retskrivningsordbogen, was published by the Danish Language Board which, according to national law, is authorised to establish the official Danish orthography and publish its decisions in the form of a dictionary......, now available in both a printed and an electronic version. In order to be high quality, a work of this sort requires knowledge of language policy and linguistics, on the one hand, and lexicography, on the other hand. The article analyses the Retskrivningsordbogen exclusively from the point of view...... as the new information technologies, especially with a view to developing the electronic version which should no longer be conceived as a copy of its printed counterpart but as a user-friendly extension with more lemmata and additional data....

  8. Mellem Detroit og Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lars K.


    Danmark var et af de første steder, man producerede Ford i Europa – fra 1919 på Nørrebro – og det blev hurtigt en succes. Sidenhen tvang danske arbejdere verdens største bilproducent til at acceptere »den danske model«. Dog kun for en tid.......Danmark var et af de første steder, man producerede Ford i Europa – fra 1919 på Nørrebro – og det blev hurtigt en succes. Sidenhen tvang danske arbejdere verdens største bilproducent til at acceptere »den danske model«. Dog kun for en tid....

  9. Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment (United States)

    ... Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Cover Story: Leukemia/Lymphoma Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment Past Issues / Summer 2008 Table of Contents For an enhanced version of this page please turn Javascript on. Leukemia Symptoms Frequent infections Fever and chills Anemia Easy ...

  10. Uddrag af Ph.d.-afhandlingen Den groteske modernisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lübker, Henrik


    Om forholdet mellem "det groteske" og "den groteske modernisme" eksemplificeret i en læsning af E.A. Poes "The Fall of the House of Usher" og flere af Francis Bacons malerier.......Om forholdet mellem "det groteske" og "den groteske modernisme" eksemplificeret i en læsning af E.A. Poes "The Fall of the House of Usher" og flere af Francis Bacons malerier....

  11. Filtreringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moos, Henriette; Marstal, Henrik


    Filtreringer er en kulturhistorisk funderet gennemgang af elektronikkens indmarch i musikken i 1900-tallet. Den spænder fra ingeniørernes mærkelige apparater i begyndelsen af århundredet over de klassiske avantgardister og progressive pop-, rock- og funkmusikere til den nyere hip hop, house og te...... The Beatles, mellem John Cage og Brian Eno og mellem techno og en række elektroniske komponister....

  12. The Female Christ at the Stock Exchange

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gade, Rune


    En diskussion af sammenhængen mellem Lene Adler Petersen og Bjørn Nørgaards aktion ‘Den kvindelige kristus på Børsen’ og frigivelsen af billedpornografien i Danmark i 1969.......En diskussion af sammenhængen mellem Lene Adler Petersen og Bjørn Nørgaards aktion ‘Den kvindelige kristus på Børsen’ og frigivelsen af billedpornografien i Danmark i 1969....

  13. Anmeldelse af World Drug Report 2005

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Kim


    Internationale udfordringer i spændingsfeltet mellem organiseret kriminalitet og narkotika. Værdien af det illegale narkotikamarked. Skabelsen af et Illicit Drug Index. Ny organisationsstruktur bag udgivelsen af denne WDR. Udgivelsesdato: December......Internationale udfordringer i spændingsfeltet mellem organiseret kriminalitet og narkotika. Værdien af det illegale narkotikamarked. Skabelsen af et Illicit Drug Index. Ny organisationsstruktur bag udgivelsen af denne WDR. Udgivelsesdato: December...

  14. Gamle og nye Holmes-fans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Palle Schantz


    På baggrund af et internetbaseret spørgeskema undersøger artiklen forskelle og ligheder mellem medlemmer af Sherlock Holmes Klubben i Danmark og følgere af facebook-sidenå baggrund af et internetbaseret spørgeskema undersøger artiklen forskelle og ligheder mellem medlemmer af Sherlock Holmes Klubben i Danmark og følgere af facebook-siden

  15. Balanceproblemer?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tonboe, Jens


    Kommissionens forslag bidrager næppe til bedre balance mellem familie- og arbejdsliv, men derimod nok til mere arbejde for børnefamilierne - helt i overensstemmelse med regeringens generelle politik på arbejdsmarkedet.......Kommissionens forslag bidrager næppe til bedre balance mellem familie- og arbejdsliv, men derimod nok til mere arbejde for børnefamilierne - helt i overensstemmelse med regeringens generelle politik på arbejdsmarkedet....

  16. Symptoms and Causes of Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... Symptoms & Causes of Celiac Disease What are the symptoms of celiac disease? Most people with celiac disease have one or ... the rash and no other symptoms. Why are celiac disease symptoms so varied? Symptoms of celiac disease vary from ...

  17. Social phobia symptoms: prevalence, sociodemographic correlates, and overlap with specific phobia symptoms. (United States)

    Iancu, Iulian; Levin, Jennifer; Hermesh, Haggai; Dannon, Pinhas; Poreh, Amir; Ben-Yehuda, Yoram; Kaplan, Zeev; Marom, Sofi; Kotler, Moshe


    Social phobia (SP) is a highly prevalent disorder in Western countries, but is rather rare in Eastern societies. Prevalence rates range from 0.5% in Eastern samples up to 16% in Western studies. Its prevalence in Israel, an Asian state characterized by Western culture, has not yet been studied. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence of SP symptoms in a nonclinical sample of Israeli adolescents, to characterize sociodemographic correlates of SP symptoms and to evaluate comorbidity with specific phobia symptoms. Participants included 850 young soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces. Measures included the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS; self-report version), a questionnaire on specific fears and phobias, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Clinical and demographic correlates of SP were also examined. Probable SP (LSAS >or=80) was present in 4.5% of the sample. Overall, SP symptoms were reported by a great percentage of the subjects, as displayed by the rather high mean LSAS scores (29; SD = 23.79) in this nonclinical sample. The following variables were accompanied by higher LSAS scores according to our regression model: inability to perform command activities, receiving psychotropic medication before army service, having less than two friends, shy family members, and treatment during military service. Subjects with probable SP had a rate of comorbidity with specific phobia symptoms of 44%. Our findings corroborate those from other studies in Western countries, both regarding the high prevalence of SP symptoms and its demographic and clinical correlates, as well as regarding the high overlap rate with specific phobia symptoms.

  18. Rearing practices and impulsivity/hyperactivity symptoms in relation to inflated responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. (United States)

    Smári, Jakob; Martinsson, Davíð Rúrik; Einarsson, Hjalti


    The aim of the study was to investigate potential precursors of inflated responsibility (responsibility attitudes) and obsessive-compulsive (OCD) symptoms. It was argued that both parental overprotection and impulsivity, separately and in interaction with each other, contribute to inflated responsibility and OCD symptoms. In a large sample of young adults (N = 570), self-report measures of OCD symptoms (OCI-R), responsibility attitudes (RAS), anxiety/depression (HADS), rearing practices (EMBU), present and past impulsivity/hyperactivity symptoms (IMP/HY) were administered. Overprotection as well as IMP/HY were found to predict OCD symptoms as well as inflated responsibility. Finally, a significant interaction was found between IMP/HY and overprotection with regard to both OCD symptoms and inflated responsibility. This effect reflected that IMP/HY was more strongly related to OCD symptoms and responsibility in people who had not been overprotected than in people who had been. Conversely overprotection was related to OCD symptoms and responsibility in people low but not in people high in IMP/HY. The results seem to indicate that the inadequacy between offer and need for parental control may play a role in the development of OCD symptoms. © 2010 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology © 2010 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations.

  19. Stress-Related Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation: The Roles of Rumination and Depressive Symptoms Vary by Gender (United States)

    Polanco-Roman, Lillian; Gomez, Judelysse; Miranda, Regina; Jeglic, Elizabeth


    There is a growing body of literature suggesting that reactions to stressful life events, such as intrusive thoughts, physiological hyperarousal, and cognitive/behavioral avoidance (i.e., stress-related symptoms) may increase risk for thinking about and attempting suicide. Cognitive vulnerability models have identified rumination (i.e., perseverating on a negative mood) as a maladaptive response that may increase risk for suicidal behavior, as it has also been linked to depression. The present study examined the direct and indirect effects of stress-related symptoms on suicidal ideation through rumination and depressive symptoms. Participants were 1375 young adults, primarily non-White (78 %) females (72 %), recruited from a public university in the Northeastern U.S., who completed measures of stress-related symptoms (as a response to a stressful event), rumination, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation. The relation between stress-related symptoms and suicidal ideation was accounted for by the brooding subtype of rumination and depressive symptoms among females. Depressive symptoms, but not rumination, better accounted for suicidal ideation among males. These findings suggest that the role of brooding and depressive symptoms in the relationship between stress-related symptoms and suicidal ideation may vary by gender. PMID:27695146

  20. Vilje til form

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Eddy Preben


    Det legende eksponeres i avantgardekunst og relationel æstetik sammen med en stærk kunstnerisk formvilje, der gerne overskrider hverdagens forforståelser mellem fiktion og virkelighed etc. Det eksemplificeres i flash mob.......Det legende eksponeres i avantgardekunst og relationel æstetik sammen med en stærk kunstnerisk formvilje, der gerne overskrider hverdagens forforståelser mellem fiktion og virkelighed etc. Det eksemplificeres i flash mob....

  1. Integrated vs. Federated Search

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løvschall, Kasper


    Oplæg om forskelle og ligheder mellem integrated og federated search i bibliotekskontekst. Holdt ved temadag om "Integrated Search - samsøgning i alle kilder" på Danmarks Biblioteksskole den 22. januar 2009.......Oplæg om forskelle og ligheder mellem integrated og federated search i bibliotekskontekst. Holdt ved temadag om "Integrated Search - samsøgning i alle kilder" på Danmarks Biblioteksskole den 22. januar 2009....

  2. Thorvaldsen & Kongehuset

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Floryan, Margrethe


    I 2015 viste museet en længerevarende udstilling om de mange forbindelser mellem det danske kongehus og Thorvaldsen. Anledningen til udstillingen var H.M. Dronning Margrethe II’s 75-års fødselsdag.......I 2015 viste museet en længerevarende udstilling om de mange forbindelser mellem det danske kongehus og Thorvaldsen. Anledningen til udstillingen var H.M. Dronning Margrethe II’s 75-års fødselsdag....

  3. Disrupt mig vel: Fire gode råd om disruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille; Ringberg, Torsten; Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Forandring. Ønsket om at være teknologisk foran, kommer ofte til at ske på bekostning af fokus på kundernes oplevelser. Lighedstegnet mellem disruption og ny teknologi er kun den halve sandhed.......Forandring. Ønsket om at være teknologisk foran, kommer ofte til at ske på bekostning af fokus på kundernes oplevelser. Lighedstegnet mellem disruption og ny teknologi er kun den halve sandhed....

  4. Nationale Test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Hvad er egentlig formålet med de nationale test? Bliver eleverne klogere af at blive testet? Og er der en sammenhæng mellem bandekrig og nationale test? Fysisk medie: er egentlig formålet med de nationale test? Bliver eleverne klogere af at blive testet? Og er der en sammenhæng mellem bandekrig og nationale test? Fysisk medie:

  5. Fiktionens sandhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Om forholdet mellem sandhed og skønlitterær fiktion med Imre Kertész, Dorrit Cohn, Felman & Laub, Adriana Cavarero, Jacques Rancières og Hans Otto Jørgensen som referencer  ......Om forholdet mellem sandhed og skønlitterær fiktion med Imre Kertész, Dorrit Cohn, Felman & Laub, Adriana Cavarero, Jacques Rancières og Hans Otto Jørgensen som referencer  ...

  6. Peripheral Neuropathy: Symptoms and Signs (United States)

    ... Utah Research News Make a Difference Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy Print This Page Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms usually start ... more slowly over many years. The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy often include: A sensation of wearing an invisible “ ...

  7. [Psychosocial factors predicting postnatal anxiety symptoms and their relation to symptoms of postpartum depression]. (United States)

    Navarrete, Laura Elena; Lara-Cantú, María Asunción; Navarro, Claudia; Gómez, María Eugenia; Morales, Francisco


    To study perinatal anxiety symptoms in a sample of Mexican mothers. A) To evaluate the effect of certain psychosocial factors during pregnancy on anxiety symptoms at two postpartum time intervals; and B) to determine whether this symptomatology is related to symptoms of postnatal depression. In this secondary data analysis, 156 women were interviewed during pregnancy (T1): 149 were interviewed again at 6 weeks postpartum (T2) and 156 at 4-6 months postpartum (T3). Subjects were selected from women seeking prenatal attention at three health centers in Mexico City who presented with depressive symptomatology and/or previous history of depression. Two models were subjected to multivariate regression analysis to determine the influence of psychosocial factors in pregnancy (age, education, partner status, social support [APGAR], stress events, self-esteem [Coopersmith], depressive symptomatology [BDI-II], and anxiety [SCL-90]) on anxiety symptomatology (SCL-90) in T2 and T3. Two additional linear regression analyses were performed to evaluate the influence of prenatal anxiety symptomatology (SCL-90) on postpartum depression symptoms (BDI-II), one for each postnatal period (T2, T3). The variables that predicted postpartum anxiety symptomatology in T2 were anxiety symptoms and lack of social support; in T3 they were anxiety symptoms, lack of a partner, and lack of social support. Prenatal anxiety symptoms predicted postpartum depressive symptomatology at both postpartum intervals (T2, T3). Untreated prenatal anxiety symptomatology is predictive of symptoms of anxiety and depression in the postpartum period, suggesting the need for timely detection and treatment. Women lacking social support or partners are a population particularly vulnerable to anxiety symptoms, and merit interventions that address these issues.

  8. Menopausal symptoms: do life events predict severity of symptoms in peri- and post-menopause? (United States)

    Pimenta, Filipa; Leal, Isabel; Maroco, João; Ramos, Catarina


    Hormonal changes during menopausal transition are linked to physical and psychological symptoms' emergence. This study aims to explore if life events predict menopausal symptoms. This cross-sectional research encompasses a community sample of 992 women who answered to socio-demographic, health, menopause-related and lifestyle questionnaires; menopausal symptoms and life events were assessed with validated instruments. Structural equation modeling was used to build a causal model. Menopausal status predicted only three symptoms: skin/facial hair changes (β=.136; p=.020), sexual (β=.157; p=.004) and, marginally, vasomotor symptoms (β=.094; p=.054). Life events predicted depressive mood (β=-.391; p=.002), anxiety (β=-.271; p=.003), perceived cognitive impairment (β=-.295; p=.003), body shape changes (β=-.136; p=.031), aches/pain (β=-.212; p=.007), skin/facial hair changes (β=-.171; p=.021), numbness (β=-.169; p=.015), perceived loss of control (β=-.234; p=.008), mouth, nails and hair changes (β=-.290; p=.004), vasomotor (β=-.113; p=.044) and sexual symptoms (β=-.208; p=.009). Although women in peri- and post-menopausal manifested higher symptoms' severity than their pre-menopausal counterparts, only three of the menopausal symptoms assessed were predicted by menopausal status. Since the vast majority of menopausal symptoms' severity was significantly influenced by the way women perceived their recent life events, it is concluded that the symptomatology exacerbation, in peri- and post-menopausal women, might be due to life conditions and events, rather than hormonal changes (nonetheless, the inverse influence should be investigated in future studies). Therefore, these should be accounted for in menopause-related clinical and research settings. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Social Sensations of Symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinert, Lotte; Whyte, Susan Reynolds


    The interpretation of sensations and the recognition of symptoms of a sickness, as well as the movement to seek treatment, have long been recognized in medical anthropology as inherently social processes. Based on cases of HIV and trauma (PTSD) in Uganda, we show that even the first signs....../symptoms; differential recognition of symptoms; and the embodied sociality of treatment....... and sensations of sickness can be radically social. The sensing body can be a ‘social body’ – a family, a couple, a network – a unit that transcends the individual body. In this article we focus on four aspects of the sociality of sensations and symptoms: mode of transmission; the shared experience of sensations...

  10. Premonitory symptoms in migraine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laurell, Katarina; Artto, Ville; Bendtsen, Lars


    AIM: To describe the frequency and number of premonitory symptoms (PS) in migraine, the co-occurrence of different PS, and their association with migraine-related factors. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, a validated questionnaire was sent to Finnish migraine families between 2002 and 2013...... to obtain data on 14 predefined PS, migraine diagnoses, demographic factors, and migraine characteristics. The estimated response rate was 80%. RESULTS: Out of 2714 persons, 2223 were diagnosed with migraine. Among these, 77% reported PS, with a mean number of 3.0 symptoms compared to 30% (p ....5 symptoms (p migraine headaches. Yawning was the most commonly reported symptom (34%) among migraineurs. Females reported PS more frequently than males (81 versus 64%, p 

  11. What Are the Symptoms of Endometriosis? (United States)

    ... Pinterest Email Print What are the symptoms of endometriosis? The primary symptoms of endometriosis are pain and ... symptoms, may cause these endometriosis symptoms to continue. Endometriosis-Related Pain Researchers know that pain is a ...

  12. In first-time mothers, post-partum depressive symptom prospectively predict symptoms of post-traumatic stress. (United States)

    Shahar, Golan; Herishanu-Gilutz, Shirley; Holcberg, Gershon; Kofman, Ora


    Symptoms of both depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are prevalent among first-time mothers following birth. However, the direction of the association between the two types of symptoms is unclear. Ninety six first-time mothers giving birth via vaginal delivery (N=38), emergency C-Section (N=27) and planned C-Section (N=21) were assessed for depression and PTSD twice: Six weeks post-partum and six-weeks later. Cross-lagged Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed a prospective effect of depressive symptoms on PTSD symptoms. No moderating factors were identified. A relatively modest sample size and only two assessment waves. An early detection and intervention with symptoms of post-partum depression might also prevent the development of PTSD symptoms. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Parent Ratings of ADHD Symptoms: Differential Symptom Functioning across Malaysian Malay and Chinese Children (United States)

    Gomez, Rapson; Vance, Alasdair


    This study examined differential symptom functioning (DSF) in ADHD symptoms across Malay and Chinese children in Malaysia. Malay (N = 571) and Chinese (N = 254) parents completed the Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale, which lists the DSM-IV ADHD symptoms. DSF was examined using the multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) structural equation…

  14. The inter-relationship of premenstrual symptoms. (United States)

    Mira, M; Abraham, S; McNeil, D; Vizzard, J; Macaskill, P; Fraser, I; Llewellyn-Jones, D


    The prospective symptom reports of women seeking treatment for premenstrual symptoms and control subjects was investigated. In order to compare symptom reports from premenstrual symptom sufferers and control subjects a method of combining and analysing prospectively collected menstrual cycle symptom data is required. A technique that uses the time of onset of menses and the time of ovulation (as measured by urinary luteinizing hormone excretion) to standardize each cycle into 14 time points was developed. Summary factors were then empirically derived from data collected prospectively from 30 premenstrual symptom sufferers and 19 control subjects. Twenty-two mood symptoms were summarized into a single factor and the 29 most frequently occurring physical symptoms were summarized into two factors. Factor scores were calculated on the basis of these factors and the effect of time during the menstrual cycle on these scores examined. Both physical symptom factor scores increased significantly in the luteal phase for both the premenstrual symptom sufferer group and the control group. The single mood factor score increased significantly in the luteal phase for the premenstrual sufferer group but not for the control group, suggesting that the only qualitative difference between the groups was the presence of cyclic mood symptoms in the premenstrual symptom sufferer group. The premenstrual symptom sufferer group recorded significantly higher scores on each of the three factors than the control group. The correlation between the scores on each of the factors over three cycles was high both in the follicular and luteal phase suggesting that these factor scores provide a reproducible measure of menstrual cycle symptomatology.

  15. Residual symptoms and functioning in depression, does the type of residual symptom matter? A post-hoc analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romera Irene


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The degrees to which residual symptoms in major depressive disorder (MDD adversely affect patient functioning is not known. This post-hoc analysis explored the association between different residual symptoms and patient functioning. Methods Patients with MDD who responded (≥50% on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; HAMD-17 after 3 months of treatment (624/930 were included. Residual core mood-symptoms (HAMD-17 core symptom subscale ≥1, residual insomnia-symptoms (HAMD-17 sleep subscale ≥1, residual anxiety-symptoms (HAMD-17-anxiety subscale ≥1, residual somatic-symptoms (HAMD-17 Item 13 ≥1, pain (Visual Analogue Scale ≥30, and functioning were assessed after 3 months treatment. A stepwise logistic regression model with normal functioning (Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale ≥80 as the dependent variable was used. Results After 3 months, 59.5% of patients (371/624 achieved normal functioning and 66.0% (412/624 were in remission. Residual symptom prevalence was: core mood symptoms 72%; insomnia 63%; anxiety 78%; and somatic symptoms 41%. Pain reported in 18%. Factors associated with normal functioning were absence of core mood symptoms (odds ratio [OR] 8.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.6–16.7, absence of insomnia symptoms (OR 1.8; 95% CI, 1.2–2.7, episode length (4–24 weeks vs. ≥24 weeks [OR 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1–3.6] and better baseline functioning (OR 1.0; 95% CI, 1.0–1.1. A significant interaction between residual anxiety symptoms and pain was found (p = 0.0080. Conclusions Different residual symptoms are associated to different degrees with patient functioning. To achieve normal functioning, specific residual symptoms domains might be targeted for treatment.

  16. Self-reported symptoms and healthcare seeking in the general population-exploring "The Symptom Iceberg"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elnegaard, Sandra; Andersen, Rikke Sand; Pedersen, Anette Fischer


    leading to GP contacts. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of symptoms and GP contacts are common in this overview of 44 different self-reported symptoms. For almost 2/3 of the reported symptoms no gender differences were found concerning the proportion leading to GP contacts. An enhanced understanding of healthcare...... population may increase our knowledge of this complex field. The primary objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of self-reported symptoms and the proportion of individuals reporting GP contact, in a large Danish nationwide cohort. A secondary objective was to explore gender differences in GP...

  17. SymptomCare@Home: Developing an Integrated Symptom Monitoring and Management System for Outpatients Receiving Chemotherapy. (United States)

    Beck, Susan L; Eaton, Linda H; Echeverria, Christina; Mooney, Kathi H


    SymptomCare@Home, an integrated symptom monitoring and management system, was designed as part of randomized clinical trials to help patients with cancer who receive chemotherapy in ambulatory clinics and often experience significant symptoms at home. An iterative design process was informed by chronic disease management theory and features of assessment and clinical decision support systems used in other diseases. Key stakeholders participated in the design process: nurse scientists, clinical experts, bioinformatics experts, and computer programmers. Especially important was input from end users, patients, and nurse practitioners participating in a series of studies testing the system. The system includes both a patient and clinician interface and fully integrates two electronic subsystems: a telephone computer-linked interactive voice response system and a Web-based Decision Support-Symptom Management System. Key features include (1) daily symptom monitoring, (2) self-management coaching, (3) alerting, and (4) nurse practitioner follow-up. The nurse practitioner is distinctively positioned to provide assessment, education, support, and pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions to intensify management of poorly controlled symptoms at home. SymptomCare@Home is a model for providing telehealth. The system facilitates using evidence-based guidelines as part of a comprehensive symptom management approach. The design process and system features can be applied to other diseases and conditions.

  18. Gynecological cancer alarm symptoms:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balasubramaniam, Kirubakaran; Ravn, Pernille; dePont Christensen, René


    INTRODUCTION: To determine the proportion of patients who were referred to specialist care after reporting gynecological cancer alarm symptoms to their general practitioner. To investigate whether contact with specialist care was associated with lifestyle factors or socioeconomic status. MATERIAL...... and odds ratios (ORs) for associations between specialist care contact, lifestyle factors and socioeconomic status. RESULTS: The study included 25 866 non-pregnant women; 2957 reported the onset of at least one gynecological cancer alarm symptom, and 683 of these (23.1%) reported symptoms to their general......: Educational level influence contact with specialist care among patients with gynecological cancer alarm symptoms. Future studies should investigate inequalities in access to the secondary healthcare system. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved....

  19. A Structural Equation Model of HIV-related Symptoms, Depressive Symptoms, and Medication Adherence


    Yoo-Jeong, Moka; Waldrop-Valverde, Drenna; McCoy, Katryna; Ownby, Raymond L


    Adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) remains critical in management of HIV infection. This study evaluated depression as a potential mechanism by which HIV-related symptoms affect medication adherence and explored if particular clusters of HIV symptoms are susceptible to this mechanism. Baseline data from a multi-visit intervention study were analyzed among 124 persons living with HIV (PLWH). A bifactor model showed two clusters of HIV-related symptom distress: general HIV-rela...

  20. Temperatur og næringssalte i kontrol af fytoplanktonsamfundets størrelsesstruktur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Richardson, K.; Hilligsøe, Karen Marie; Bendtsen, Jørgen

    data i to halvdele med henholdsvis de højeste og laveste DIN- og fosfatkoncentrationer, er hældningen i regressionerne mellem størrelse og temperatur dog ikke forskellige mellem de to datagrupper. Det tolker vi som evidens for, at næringssalt-koncentrationerne ikke er styrende for det observerede......, at næringssalttilgængeligheden bestemmer, om fytoplanktonsamfundet er domineret af små eller store celler. Resultater fra ”kulstofprojektet” på Galathea 3 viser dog at den opfattelse er en sandhed med modifikationer. Fraktionerede klorofylmålinger fra stationer med dybder > 400 m over hele togtruten viser et meget signifikant...... forhold (Ptemperatur. Når vandtemperaturen er > 20o C er der ingen stationer, hvor mere end ca. 30% af klorofylet tilbageholdes på et 10 μm filter. Men forholdet mellem samfundsstruktur og temperatur gælder...

  1. Eating disorder symptom trajectories in adolescence: effects of time, participant sex, and early adolescent depressive symptoms. (United States)

    Allen, Karina L; Crosby, Ross D; Oddy, Wendy H; Byrne, Susan M


    Adolescence is a period of developmental risk for eating disorders and eating disorder symptoms. This study aimed to describe the prevalence and trajectory of five core eating disorder behaviours (binge eating, purging, fasting, following strict dietary rules, and hard exercise for weight control) and a continuous index of dietary restraint and eating, weight and shape concerns, in a cohort of male and female adolescents followed from 14 to 20 years. It also aimed to determine the effect of early adolescent depressive symptoms on the prevalence and trajectory of these different eating disorder symptoms. Participants (N = 1,383; 49% male) were drawn from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study, a prospective cohort study that has followed participants from pre-birth to age 20 years. An adapted version of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire was used to assess eating disorder symptoms at ages 14, 17 and 20 years. The Beck Depression Inventory for Youth was used to assess depressive symptoms at age 14. Longitudinal changes in the prevalence of eating disorder symptoms were tested using generalised estimating equations and linear mixed models. Symptom trajectories varied according to the eating disorder symptom studied, participant sex, and the presence of depressive symptoms in early adolescence. For males, eating disorder symptoms tended to be stable (for purging, fasting and hard exercise) or decreasing (for binge eating and global symptom scores) from 14 to 17 years, and then stable to 20 years. For females, fasting and global symptom scores increased from age 14 to peak in prevalence at age 17. Rates of binge eating in females were stable from age 14 to age 17 and increased significantly thereafter, whilst rates of purging and hard exercise increased from age 14 to age 17, and then remained elevated through to age 20. Depressive symptoms at age 14 impacted on eating disorder symptom trajectories in females, but not in males. Prevention

  2. Adenomyosis and urinary system symptoms. (United States)

    Aydin, Gultekin Adanas; Yavuz, Arzu


    This study aims to investigate the presence and incidence of overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome in patients diagnosed with adenomyosis and to evaluate the impacts of urinary symptoms on the quality of life of the patients. A total of 108 individuals including 50 patients with adenomyosis and 58 controls who were admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Bursa, Cekirge State Hospital and Derince Training and Research Hospital between April 2015 and December 2015 were included. The Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7) were used to evaluate symptoms. Irritative urinary symptoms such as nocturia and frequency were seen more frequently in the adenomyosis group (p = 0.001 and p = 0.035). Overactive bladder symptoms were more common in the adenomyosis group (p = 0.0001). Our study showed that symptoms of urinary tract symptoms are common in patients with adenomyosis, which adversely affect the quality of life. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Early maternal depressive symptom trajectories: Associations with 7-year maternal depressive symptoms and child behavior. (United States)

    Buckingham-Howes, Stacy; Oberlander, Sarah E; Wang, Yan; Black, Maureen M


    This study examines potential mechanisms linking maternal depressive symptoms over 2 years postpartum with child behavior problems at school-age in a sample of adolescent mothers and their first-born child. Potential mechanisms include: mother-reported caregiving engagement at 6 months; observed parental nurturance and control, and child competence and affect at 24 months; and mother-reported resilience at 7 years based on achievement of adult developmental tasks. One hundred eighteen low-income African American adolescent mothers were recruited at delivery and followed through child age 7 years. Maternal depressive symptom trajectories over 24 months were estimated (low, medium, and high) based on mother-reported depressive symptoms. Direct and indirect associations between depressive symptom trajectories with 7-year maternal depressive symptoms and child behavior problems were examined. The high maternal depressive symptom trajectory was associated with 7-year maternal depressive symptoms (b = 5.52, SE = 1.65, p child internalizing problems (b = 7.60, SE = 3.12, p = .02) and externalizing problems (b = 6.23, SE = 3.22, p = .05). Caregiving engagement among high depressive symptom trajectory mothers was significantly associated with observed child affect (b = -0.21, SE = 0.11, p = 0.05). Parental nurturance in toddlerhood mediated the association between high maternal depressive symptom trajectory and child internalizing problems at 7 years (indirect effect b = 2.33, 95% CI: 0.32-5.88). Findings suggest that family based interventions to promote parenting and adolescent resiliency strengthening may be beneficial in this population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  4. Autism and ADHD Symptoms in Patients with OCD: Are They Associated with Specific OC Symptom Dimensions or OC Symptom Severity? (United States)

    Anholt, Gideon E.; Cath, Danielle C.; van Oppen, Patricia; Eikelenboom, Merijn; Smit, Johannes H.; van Megen, Harold; van Balkom, Anton J. L. M.


    In obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the relationship between autism spectrum disorders (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptom, and obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom dimensions and severity has scarcely been studied. Therefore, 109 adult outpatients with primary OCD were compared to 87 healthy controls on OC, ADHD and…

  5. Glaucoma: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment (United States)

    ... of this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Glaucoma Symptoms, Treatment and Research Past Issues / Spring 2015 ... vision, without any pain. Photo courtesy of NEI Glaucoma Symptoms At first, open-angle glaucoma has no ...

  6. Distribution of Total Depressive Symptoms Scores and Each Depressive Symptom Item in a Sample of Japanese Employees. (United States)

    Tomitaka, Shinichiro; Kawasaki, Yohei; Ide, Kazuki; Yamada, Hiroshi; Miyake, Hirotsugu; Furukawa, Toshiaki A; Furukaw, Toshiaki A


    In a previous study, we reported that the distribution of total depressive symptoms scores according to the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in a general population is stable throughout middle adulthood and follows an exponential pattern except for at the lowest end of the symptom score. Furthermore, the individual distributions of 16 negative symptom items of the CES-D exhibit a common mathematical pattern. To confirm the reproducibility of these findings, we investigated the distribution of total depressive symptoms scores and 16 negative symptom items in a sample of Japanese employees. We analyzed 7624 employees aged 20-59 years who had participated in the Northern Japan Occupational Health Promotion Centers Collaboration Study for Mental Health. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the CES-D. The CES-D contains 20 items, each of which is scored in four grades: "rarely," "some," "much," and "most of the time." The descriptive statistics and frequency curves of the distributions were then compared according to age group. The distribution of total depressive symptoms scores appeared to be stable from 30-59 years. The right tail of the distribution for ages 30-59 years exhibited a linear pattern with a log-normal scale. The distributions of the 16 individual negative symptom items of the CES-D exhibited a common mathematical pattern which displayed different distributions with a boundary at "some." The distributions of the 16 negative symptom items from "some" to "most" followed a linear pattern with a log-normal scale. The distributions of the total depressive symptoms scores and individual negative symptom items in a Japanese occupational setting show the same patterns as those observed in a general population. These results show that the specific mathematical patterns of the distributions of total depressive symptoms scores and individual negative symptom items can be reproduced in an occupational population.

  7. [Respiratory symptoms and atmospheric pollution and respiratory symptoms in the general population]. (United States)

    Simon, I; Charpin, D


    Epidemiological studies on air pollution have mainly been interested in the effects of short- or long-term exposure on patients suffering from respiratory illnesses. Fewer studies have addressed the acute effects of air pollution on respiratory symptoms in the general population. We conducted a review of the literature over the last 16years that has addressed the impact of atmospheric pollution on respiratory symptoms in the general population to estimate the magnitude of effect. The majority of studies demonstrated a significant association between exposure to air pollutants and the occurrence of respiratory symptoms, without any threshold. Although a link between atmospheric pollution and respiratory symptoms has been demonstrated, knowledge of the effects of specific air pollutants and the effect of pollution on particular vulnerable groups (infants, young children, the elderly) is still limited. There is a need for further studies in this area. Copyright 2010 SPLF. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Symptom recovery after thoracic surgery: Measuring patient-reported outcomes with the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory. (United States)

    Fagundes, Christopher P; Shi, Qiuling; Vaporciyan, Ara A; Rice, David C; Popat, Keyuri U; Cleeland, Charles S; Wang, Xin Shelley


    Measuring patient-reported outcomes (PROs) has become increasingly important for assessing quality of care and guiding patient management. However, PROs have yet to be integrated with traditional clinical outcomes (such as length of hospital stay), to evaluate perioperative care. This study aimed to use longitudinal PRO assessments to define the postoperative symptom recovery trajectory in patients undergoing thoracic surgery for lung cancer. Newly diagnosed patients (N = 60) with stage I or II non-small cell lung cancer who underwent either standard open thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy reported multiple symptoms from before surgery to 3 months after surgery, using the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory. We conducted Kaplan-Meier analyses to determine when symptoms returned to presurgical levels and to mild-severity levels during recovery. The most-severe postoperative symptoms were fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, disturbed sleep, and drowsiness. The median time to return to mild symptom severity for these 5 symptoms was shorter than the time to return to baseline severity, with fatigue taking longer. Recovery from pain occurred more quickly for patients who underwent lobectomy versus thoracotomy (8 vs 18 days, respectively; P = .022). Patients who had poor preoperative performance status or comorbidities reported higher postoperative pain (all P < .05). Assessing symptoms from the patient's perspective throughout the postoperative recovery period is an effective strategy for evaluating perioperative care. This study demonstrates that the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory is a sensitive tool for detecting symptomatic recovery, with an expected relationship among surgery type, preoperative performance status, and comorbid conditions. Copyright © 2015 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Overweight children report qualitatively distinct asthma symptoms: analysis of validated symptom measures. (United States)

    Lang, Jason E; Hossain, Md Jobayer; Lima, John J


    Past studies of asthma in overweight/obese children have been inconsistent. The reason overweight/obese children commonly report worse asthma control remains unclear. To determine qualitative differences in symptoms between lean and overweight/obese children with early-onset, atopic asthma. We conducted a cross-sectional analytic study of lean (20% to 65% body mass index) and overweight/obese (≥85% body mass index) 10- to 17-year-old children with persistent, early-onset asthma. Participants completed 2 to 3 visits to provide a complete history, qualitative and quantitative asthma symptom characterization, and lung function testing. We determined associations between weight status and symptoms using multivariable linear and logistic regression methods. Overweight/obese and lean asthmatic children displayed similar lung function. Despite lower fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (30.0 vs 62.6 ppb; P = .037) and reduced methacholine responsiveness (PC20FEV1 1.87 vs 0.45 mg/mL; P overweight/obese children reported more than thrice frequent rescue treatments (3.7 vs 1.1 treatments/wk; P = .0002) than did lean children. Weight status affected the child's primary symptom reported with loss of asthma control (Fisher exact test; P = .003); overweight/obese children more often reported shortness of breath (odds ratio = 11.8; 95% CI, 1.41-98.7) and less often reported cough (odds ratio = 0.26; 95% CI, 0.08-0.82). Gastroesophageal reflux scores were higher in overweight/obese children (9.6 vs 23.2; P = .003) and appear to mediate overweight/obesity-related asthma symptoms. Overweight/obese children with early-onset asthma display poorer asthma control and a distinct pattern of symptoms. Greater shortness of breath and β-agonist use appears to be partially mediated via esophageal reflux symptoms. Overweight children with asthma may falsely attribute exertional dyspnea and esophageal reflux to asthma, leading to excess rescue medication use. Copyright © 2014 American

  10. Dynamic Associations between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Adolescents' Depressive and Externalizing Symptoms (United States)

    Kouros, Chrystyna D.; Garber, Judy


    The current prospective study investigated transactional relations between maternal depressive symptoms and children's depressive and externalizing symptoms. Participants included 240 children (M age = 11.86 years, SD = 0.56; 53.9% female) and their mothers who were part of a 6-year longitudinal study. Measures of maternal depression (Beck…

  11. The development of the Canberra symptom scorecard: a tool to monitor the physical symptoms of patients with advanced tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barresi, Margherita J; Shadbolt, Bruce; Byrne, Don; Stuart-Harris, Robin


    Patients with advanced (incurable) tumours usually experience a diverse burden of symptoms. Although many symptom assessment instruments are available, we examined whether these addressed tumour-related symptoms. We reviewed existing symptom assessment instruments and found a number of deficiencies such as instruments being too long or burdensome, too short, or measuring quality of life rather than tumour-related symptoms. Others focused on emotional, rather than physical symptoms. Therefore, we decided to devise a new symptom instrument. A list of 20 symptoms common in patients with advanced tumours generated from the literature and existing instruments, was ranked according to prevalence by 202 Australian clinicians. Following clinicians' responses, the list was revised and two severity assessment scales (functional severity and distress severity) added. The resultant 18-item list was assessed in 44 outpatients with advanced tumours. Patient responses indicated that a shorter questionnaire of 11 items, reflecting three main symptom clusters, provided a good representation of physical symptoms. An additional symptom that is an important predictor of survival was added, making a 12-item questionnaire, which was entitled 'The Canberra Symptom Scorecard' (CSS). For symptom severity, the distress severity scale was more appropriate than the functional severity scale. The CSS focuses on tumour-related physical symptoms. It is about to be assessed in patients with advanced tumours receiving palliative treatments, when it will also be validated against existing instruments

  12. Symptom monitoring in treatment of cancer patients

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yao Wanxia; Lin Miao; Lü Ye; Yang Biao; Yao Cong; Liu Juan; Wang Wenru


    Objective To examine self-reported symptoms by the patients receiving cancer therapy, and find out the symptoms that should be coped with and managed during the treatment. Methods A pilot study was conducted on self-reported symptoms on 185 patients receiving chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for different cancers. The Therapy-Related Symptoms Checklist (TRSC) was used. Results Severe symptoms on the TRSC subscales: loss of appetite,feeling sluggish, weight loss, nausea and hair loss, were reported by the patients. The frequently reported symptoms by those on chemotherapy were nausea, feeling sluggish, weight loss, vomiting, and taste change. The frequently reported symptoms by those on radiotherapy were feeling sluggish, weight loss, loss of appetite, difficult sleeping, and changing taste. The symptoms of loss of appetite, feeling sluggish, weight loss, hair loss, and nausea were both frequently reported by those on radiotherapy and those on chemotherapy. Conclusion Symptom monitoring may be facilitated by TRSC, based on the severity and frequency of reported symptoms, more patients and caregivers could know which symptoms should be preferential interventions.

  13. Den højeste orden er kaos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Torsten Bøgh


    YouTube og Facebook udgør et grænseland mellem fortælling og database, hvilket sagen om YouTube-videoen 'Danish Mother Seeking' fra turistorganisationen VisitDenmark fornylig viste. Artiklen vurderer internettets litterære potentiale......YouTube og Facebook udgør et grænseland mellem fortælling og database, hvilket sagen om YouTube-videoen 'Danish Mother Seeking' fra turistorganisationen VisitDenmark fornylig viste. Artiklen vurderer internettets litterære potentiale...

  14. Rapport fra 2nd Supply Chain Leaders Forum 2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knak, Henrik; Hald, Kim Sundtoft


    Dette års udgave af Supply Chain Leaders Forum diskede op med innovation, inspiration og ny indsigt i outsourcing. Konferencen var arrangeret i et samarbejde mellem Copenhagen Business School og Tata Consultancy Services. (Artiklen er på engelsk).......Dette års udgave af Supply Chain Leaders Forum diskede op med innovation, inspiration og ny indsigt i outsourcing. Konferencen var arrangeret i et samarbejde mellem Copenhagen Business School og Tata Consultancy Services. (Artiklen er på engelsk)....

  15. Kulturen som krænkelsens virkelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock, Steen


    En analyse af forholdet mellem natur og kultur i relation til en opfattelse af kultur, som har sin oprindelse i Cicero, og som har sin genklang i moderne tænkere som Goethe, Wittgenstein, Cavell og E. Wolfgang Orth.......En analyse af forholdet mellem natur og kultur i relation til en opfattelse af kultur, som har sin oprindelse i Cicero, og som har sin genklang i moderne tænkere som Goethe, Wittgenstein, Cavell og E. Wolfgang Orth....

  16. Impact of Information Literacy


    Jensen, Lars Jakob


    Opgaven er en undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem informationskompetence og karakterer. Emnet undersøges via en litteraturgennemgang af tidligere forskning, hvor karakterer inddrages, samt via en analyse af 80 eksamensopgaver fra et marketingsfag på cand. merc.-uddannelsen på Aarhus Universitet. Den benyttede metode til analyse af opgaverne er deskriptiv statistik og lineær regressionsanalyse. Såvel litteraturgennemgang som opgaveanalyse bekræftede en signifikant statistisk sammenhæng mellem ...

  17. Gene-environment interplay in depressive symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petkus, A. J.; Beam, C. R.; Johnson, W.


    that genetic factors play a larger part in the association between depressive symptoms and physical illness for men than for women. For both sexes, across all ages, physical illness may similarly trigger social and health limitations that contribute to depressive symptoms.......Background Numerous factors influence late-life depressive symptoms in adults, many not thoroughly characterized. We addressed whether genetic and environmental influences on depressive symptoms differed by age, sex, and physical illness. Method The analysis sample included 24 436 twins aged 40......-90 years drawn from the Interplay of Genes and Environment across Multiple Studies (IGEMS) Consortium. Biometric analyses tested age, sex, and physical illness moderation of genetic and environmental variance in depressive symptoms. Results Women reported greater depressive symptoms than men. After age 60...

  18. Evaluating the test-retest reliability of symptom indices associated with the ImPACT post-concussion symptom scale (PCSS). (United States)

    Merritt, Victoria C; Bradson, Megan L; Meyer, Jessica E; Arnett, Peter A


    The Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) is a commonly used tool in sports concussion assessment. While test-retest reliabilities have been established for the ImPACT cognitive composites, few studies have evaluated the psychometric properties of the ImPACT's Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS). The purpose of this study was to establish the test-retest reliability of symptom indices associated with the PCSS. Participants included 38 undergraduate students (50.0% male) who underwent neuropsychological testing as part of their participation in their psychology department's research subject pool. The majority of the participants were Caucasian (94.7%) and had no history of concussion (73.7%). All participants completed the ImPACT at two time points, approximately 6 weeks apart. The PCSS was the main outcome measure, and eight symptom indices were calculated (a total symptom score, three symptom summary indices, and four symptom clusters). Pearson correlations (r) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were computed as measures of test-retest reliability. Overall, reliabilities ranged from low to high (r = .44 to .80; ICC = .44 to .77). The cognitive symptom cluster exhibited the highest test-retest reliability (r = .80, ICC = .77), followed by the positive symptom total (PST) index, an indicator of the total number of symptoms endorsed (r = .71, ICC = .69). In contrast, the commonly used total symptom score showed lower test-retest reliability (r = .67, ICC = .62). Paired-samples t tests revealed no significant differences between test and retest for any of the symptom variables (all p > .01). Finally, reliable change indices (RCI) were computed to determine whether differences observed between test and retest represented clinically significant change. RCI values were provided for each symptom index at the 80%, 90%, and 95% confidence intervals. These results suggest that evaluating additional symptom

  19. Symptom appraisal, help seeking, and lay consultancy for symptoms of head and neck cancer. (United States)

    Queenan, J A; Gottlieb, B H; Feldman-Stewart, D; Hall, S F; Irish, J; Groome, P A


    Early diagnosis is important in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients to maximize the effectiveness of the treatments and minimize the debilitation associated with both the cancer and the invasive treatments of advanced disease. Many patients present with advanced disease, and there is little understanding as to why. This study investigated patients' symptom appraisal, help seeking, and lay consultancy up to the time they first went to see a health care professional (HCP). We interviewed 83 patients diagnosed with HNC. The study design was cross sectional and consisted of structured telephone interviews and a medical chart review. We gathered information on the participant's personal reactions to their symptoms, characteristics of their social network, and the feedback they received. We found that 18% of the participants thought that their symptoms were urgent enough to warrant further investigation. Participants rarely (6%) attributed their symptoms to cancer. Eighty-nine percent reported that they were unaware of the early warning signs and symptoms of HNC. Fifty-seven percent of the participants disclosed their symptoms to at least one lay consultant before seeking help from an HCP. The lay consultants were usually their spouse (77%), and the most common advice they offered was to see a doctor (76%). Lastly, 81% of the participants report that their spouse influenced their decision to see an HCP. The results of this study suggest that patients frequently believe that their symptoms were nonurgent and that their lay consultants influence their decision to seek help from an HCP. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. Eating disorder symptoms and parenting styles. (United States)

    Haycraft, Emma; Blissett, Jackie


    This study aimed to examine associations between symptoms of eating disorders and parenting style, in a non-clinical sample. One hundred and five mothers completed self-report measures of eating disorder symptoms and parenting style. Higher levels of eating disorder symptoms were associated with more authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. Authoritative parenting was not significantly related to eating disorder symptoms. The findings demonstrate that eating disorder symptoms in non-clinical individuals are related to less adaptive parenting styles. These findings have potential implications for clinicians working with mothers with eating disorders. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Pneumonia (United States)

    ... Lung Health and Diseases > Lung Disease Lookup > Pneumonia Pneumonia Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors Anyone can get ... risk for pneumonia. What Are the Symptoms of Pneumonia? Pneumonia symptoms can vary from mild to severe, ...

  2. Symptom Dimensions of Anxiety Following Myocardial Infarction : Associations With Depressive Symptoms and Prognosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roest, Annelieke M.; Heideveld, Anne; Martens, Elisabeth J.; de Jonge, Peter; Denollet, Johan


    Objective: Differential associations of symptom dimensions with prognosis in myocardial infarction (MI) patients have been shown for depression, but no studies have focused on anxiety dimensions. The aim of this study was to assess the association between somatic and psychological symptoms of

  3. The relations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and disorder of extreme stress (not otherwise specified) symptoms following war captivity. (United States)

    Zerach, Gadi; Solomon, Zahava


    War captivity is a recognized pathogenic agent for both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and disorder of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS) symptoms, also known as Complex PTSD. However, the relationship between the two disorders remains unclear. While some scholars assume that the two diagnoses are overlapping and share the same predictors, others believe that the two diagnoses are relatively independent and differ in phenomenology and functional impairment. This study aims to assess both PTSD and DESNOS symptoms and their inter-relations among ex-prisoners of war (ex-POWs) and matched controls, 35 years after the end of the war. The sample included two groups of male Israeli veterans from the 1973 Yom Kippur War: ex-POWs (n = 176) and comparable veterans who had not been held captive (n = 118). PTSD and DESNOS symptoms, battlefield and captivity stressors, and ways of coping in captivity were assessed using self-report questionnaires in 2008. Ex-POWs reported a higher number of PTSD symptoms and higher rates of PTSD symptoms that fill criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD than controls. Furthermore, ex-POWs reported a higher number of DESNOS symptom clusters and higher rates of DESNOS symptoms that fill criteria for the diagnosis of DESNOS. Moreover, we found positive relationships between PTSD symptom clusters and DESNOS symptom clusters. Finally, weight loss and mental suffering in captivity, loss of emotional control and total number of DESNOS symptoms predicted total number of PTSD symptoms. However, only the total number of PTSD symptoms predicted the total number of DESNOS symptoms. This study demonstrated the heavy and extensive toll of war captivity, three decades after the ex-POWs' release from captivity. Importantly, approaching the publication of DSM-5, this study depicts both the high number of DESNOS symptom clusters alongside PTSD symptoms and highlights the complex relationship between the two diagnostic entities. Thus

  4. Levothyroxine Poisoning - Symptoms and Clinical Outcome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Birgitte; Saedder, Eva A; Dalhoff, Kim


    Levothyroxine (LT), T4, poisoning is rarely associated with a severe outcome. However, cases with significant complications have been reported. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with symptoms of poisoning including late-onset symptoms. All enquiries to the Danish Poison...... Information Centre (DPIC) concerning LT poisoning between March 2007 and September 2012 were reviewed and the following parameters were recorded: age, dose, time from ingestion, multiple drug intake and symptoms. To evaluate the frequency of late-onset symptoms, a subgroup of patients without initial symptoms...... patients, neither in children nor in adults (age 16-92 years) (p poisoning at the time of enquiry; however, in 9 of 21 (43%) patients, we were able to contact, late-onset symptoms existed. In none of the cases...

  5. Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms in Individuals at Clinical Risk for Psychosis: Association with Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation


    DeVylder, Jordan E.; Oh, Amy J.; Ben-David, Shelly; Azimov, Neyra; Harkavy-Friedman, Jill; Corcoran, Cheryl M.


    Obsessive-compulsive symptoms, particularly aggressive obsessions, are prevalent in schizophrenia patients and associated with other symptom severity, suicidal ideation and functional impairment. In a psychosis-risk cohort, obsessive-compulsive diagnosis and symptoms were assessed in terms of prevalence and content, and for associations with clinical measures. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms were prevalent in the CHR cohort, as was suicidal ideation. The presence and severity of aggressive obse...

  6. Patient-reported symptoms during radiotherapy : Clinically relevant symptom burden in patients treated with palliative and curative intent. (United States)

    Körner, Philipp; Ehrmann, Katja; Hartmannsgruber, Johann; Metz, Michaela; Steigerwald, Sabrina; Flentje, Michael; van Oorschot, Birgitt


    The benefits of patient-reported symptom assessment combined with integrated palliative care are well documented. This study assessed the symptom burden of palliative and curative-intent radiation oncology patients. Prior to first consultation and at the end of RT, all adult cancer patients planned to receive fractionated percutaneous radiotherapy (RT) were asked to answer the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS; nine symptoms from 0 = no symptoms to 10 = worst possible symptoms). Mean values were used for curative vs. palliative and pre-post comparisons, and the clinical relevance was evaluated (symptom values ≥ 4). Of 163 participating patients, 151 patients (90.9%) completed both surveys (116 curative and 35 palliative patients). Before beginning RT, 88.6% of palliative and 72.3% of curative patients showed at least one clinically relevant symptom. Curative patients most frequently named decreased general wellbeing (38.6%), followed by tiredness (35.0%), anxiety (32.4%), depression (30.0%), pain (26.3%), lack of appetite (23.5%), dyspnea (17.8%), drowsiness (8.0%) and nausea (6.1%). Palliative patients most frequently named decreased general wellbeing (62.8%), followed by pain (62.8%), tiredness (60.0%), lack of appetite (40.0%), anxiety (38.0%), depression (33.3%), dyspnea (28.5%), drowsiness (25.7%) and nausea (14.2%). At the end of RT, the proportion of curative and palliative patients with a clinically relevant symptom had increased significantly to 79.8 and 91.4%, respectively; whereas the proportion of patients reporting clinically relevant pain had decreased significantly (42.8 vs. 62.8%, respectively). Palliative patients had significantly increased tiredness. Curative patients reported significant increases in pain, tiredness, nausea, drowsiness, lack of appetite and restrictions in general wellbeing. Assessment of patient-reported symptoms was successfully realized in radiation oncology routine. Overall, both groups showed a high symptom

  7. Patient-reported symptoms during radiotherapy. Clinically relevant symptom burden in patients treated with palliative and curative intent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koerner, Philipp; Ehrmann, Katja; Hartmannsgruber, Johann; Metz, Michaela; Steigerwald, Sabrina; Flentje, Michael; Oorschot, Birgitt van


    The benefits of patient-reported symptom assessment combined with integrated palliative care are well documented. This study assessed the symptom burden of palliative and curative-intent radiation oncology patients. Prior to first consultation and at the end of RT, all adult cancer patients planned to receive fractionated percutaneous radiotherapy (RT) were asked to answer the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS; nine symptoms from 0 = no symptoms to 10 = worst possible symptoms). Mean values were used for curative vs. palliative and pre-post comparisons, and the clinical relevance was evaluated (symptom values ≥ 4). Of 163 participating patients, 151 patients (90.9%) completed both surveys (116 curative and 35 palliative patients). Before beginning RT, 88.6% of palliative and 72.3% of curative patients showed at least one clinically relevant symptom. Curative patients most frequently named decreased general wellbeing (38.6%), followed by tiredness (35.0%), anxiety (32.4%), depression (30.0%), pain (26.3%), lack of appetite (23.5%), dyspnea (17.8%), drowsiness (8.0%) and nausea (6.1%). Palliative patients most frequently named decreased general wellbeing (62.8%), followed by pain (62.8%), tiredness (60.0%), lack of appetite (40.0%), anxiety (38.0%), depression (33.3%), dyspnea (28.5%), drowsiness (25.7%) and nausea (14.2%). At the end of RT, the proportion of curative and palliative patients with a clinically relevant symptom had increased significantly to 79.8 and 91.4%, respectively; whereas the proportion of patients reporting clinically relevant pain had decreased significantly (42.8 vs. 62.8%, respectively). Palliative patients had significantly increased tiredness. Curative patients reported significant increases in pain, tiredness, nausea, drowsiness, lack of appetite and restrictions in general wellbeing. Assessment of patient-reported symptoms was successfully realized in radiation oncology routine. Overall, both groups showed a high symptom burden

  8. Upper gastrointestinal symptoms in autoimmune gastritis (United States)

    Carabotti, Marilia; Lahner, Edith; Esposito, Gianluca; Sacchi, Maria Carlotta; Severi, Carola; Annibale, Bruno


    Abstract Autoimmune gastritis is often suspected for its hematologic findings, and rarely the diagnosis is made for the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms. Aims of this cross-sectional study were to assess in a large cohort of patients affected by autoimmune gastritis the occurrence and the pattern of gastrointestinal symptoms and to evaluate whether symptomatic patients are characterized by specific clinical features. Gastrointestinal symptoms of 379 consecutive autoimmune gastritis patients were systematically assessed and classified following Rome III Criteria. Association between symptoms and anemia pattern, positivity to gastric autoantibodies, Helicobacter pylori infection, and concomitant autoimmune disease were evaluated. In total, 70.2% of patients were female, median age 55 years (range 17–83). Pernicious anemia (53.6%), iron deficiency anemia (34.8%), gastric autoantibodies (68.8%), and autoimmune disorders (41.7%) were present. However, 56.7% of patients complained of gastrointestinal symptoms, 69.8% of them had exclusively upper symptoms, 15.8% only lower and 14.4% concomitant upper and lower symptoms. Dyspepsia, subtype postprandial distress syndrome was the most represented, being present in 60.2% of symptomatic patients. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that age gastritis is associated in almost 60% of cases with gastrointestinal symptoms, in particular dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is strictly related to younger age, no smoking, and absence of anemia. PMID:28072728

  9. The somatic symptom scale-8 (SSS-8): a brief measure of somatic symptom burden. (United States)

    Gierk, Benjamin; Kohlmann, Sebastian; Kroenke, Kurt; Spangenberg, Lena; Zenger, Markus; Brähler, Elmar; Löwe, Bernd


    Somatic symptoms are the core features of many medical diseases, and they are used to evaluate the severity and course of illness. The 8-item Somatic Symptom Scale (SSS-8) was recently developed as a brief, patient-reported outcome measure of somatic symptom burden, but its reliability, validity, and usefulness have not yet been tested. To investigate the reliability, validity, and severity categories as well as the reference scores of the SSS-8. A national, representative general-population survey was performed between June 15, 2012, and July 15, 2012, in Germany, including 2510 individuals older than 13 years. The SSS-8 mean (SD), item-total correlations, Cronbach α, factor structure, associations with measures of construct validity (Patient Health Questionnaire-2 depression scale, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2 scale, visual analog scale for general health status, 12-month health care use), severity categories, and percentile rank reference scores. The SSS-8 had excellent item characteristics and good reliability (Cronbach α = 0.81). The factor structure reflects gastrointestinal, pain, fatigue, and cardiopulmonary aspects of the general somatic symptom burden. Somatic symptom burden as measured by the SSS-8 was significantly associated with depression (r = 0.57 [95% CI, 0.54 to 0.60]), anxiety (r = 0.55 [95% CI, 0.52 to 0.58]), general health status (r = -0.24 [95% CI, -0.28 to -0.20]), and health care use (incidence rate ratio, 1.12 [95% CI, 1.10 to 1.14]). The SSS-8 severity categories were calculated in accordance with percentile ranks: no to minimal (0-3 points), low (4-7 points), medium (8-11 points), high (12-15 points), and very high (16-32 points) somatic symptom burden. For every SSS-8 severity category increase, there was a 53% (95% CI, 44% to 63%) increase in health care visits. The SSS-8 is a reliable and valid self-report measure of somatic symptom burden. Cutoff scores identify individuals with low, medium, high, and very high somatic

  10. Symptom Characteristics and Medical History of an Online Sample of Women Who Experience Symptoms of Persistent Genital Arousal. (United States)

    Jackowich, Robyn; Pink, Leah; Gordon, Allan; Poirier, Évéline; Pukall, Caroline F


    Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD; Leiblum & Nathan, 2001 ) is characterized by distressing symptoms suggestive of genital arousal in the absence of subjective feelings of arousal. Although awareness of PGAD is growing, there continues to be a lack of systematic research on it. This study characterized an online sample of women with symptoms of persistent genital arousal (PGA) in terms of their symptom characteristics, medical comorbidities, symptom triggers, management strategies, and predictors of distress. Women reported diverse PGA symptoms, with almost half reporting painful symptoms, and most reported very high distress and negative emotions. Further research and awareness of PGA are needed to provide effective care for this population.

  11. Avoidance symptoms and delayed verbal memory are associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms in female victims of sexual violence. (United States)

    Shin, Kyoung Min; Chang, Hyoung Yoon; Cho, Sun-Mi; Kim, Nam Hee; Kim, Kyoung Ah; Chung, Young Ki


    Victimization by sexual violence is strongly associated with the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While several psychological and cognitive factors are known to be associated with PTSD prognosis, multivariable analysis is scarce. This study examined factors affecting the severity of PTSD symptoms in early stage of traumatic experience of sexual violence, including initial post-traumatic symptoms and cognitive characteristics. Participants were recruited from the center for women and children victims of violence in a university hospital. Thirty-four sexual assault victims were assessed at the baseline and the second visit one to five months after the baseline. At the baseline, an array of posttraumatic symptoms and cognitive functions were measured: at follow-up, PTSD symptoms were determined by Clinician Administered PTSD Scale. Stepwise multiple regression showed that avoidance symptoms (β = 0.551, P PTSD symptoms one to five month later. The regression model, factoring in avoidance and delayed verbal memory, showed a 34.9% explanatory power regarding the PTSD symptom severity. This study suggests that avoidance symptoms and verbal memory at the early stage of trauma are associated with later PTSD symptoms. It is also suggested that early intervention targeting avoidance symptoms may be beneficial in decreasing PTSD symptoms. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Symptom experience of Filipino American midlife women. (United States)

    Berg, J A; Taylor, D L


    The purpose of this study was to describe the perimenopausal symptom experience of Filipino American midlife women with particular emphasis upon estrogen-related menopause symptoms (day sweats, hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness). A cross-sectional, descriptive survey was used to generate symptom experience data for 165 Filipina Americans between the ages of 35 and 56 who self-identified as Filipina American and were English-language proficient. The community-based sample completed questionnaires composed of sample characteristic questions and a 51-item menstrual symptom checklist with menopause-related symptoms embedded in it. Sample characteristics and symptom experience were compared among age groups of 35 to 39 (n = 39), 40 to 44 (n = 40), 45 to 49 (n = 37), and 50 to 56 (n = 49) and by perimenopausal phase, defined as premenopausal (n = 85), transitional (n = 33), and menopausal/postmenopausal (n = 47). The most reported individual symptoms were "felt energetic" (86.1%) and "well-being" (83.6%). Estrogen-related menopause symptoms were reported as "vaginal dryness" (39.4%), "hot flashes" (37.6%), "day sweats" (27.9%), and "night sweats" (24.2%) by the total sample. Distress associated with estrogen-related menopause symptoms was reported by 17% (n = 28) of all women. Subjects' chi 2 tests indicated that 50-to-56-year-old women were more likely to report fatigue/sleep symptoms, physical symptoms, and estrogen-related menopause symptoms than all other age groups. When compared by perimenopausal phase, transitional women were more likely to report moderate or extreme severity for day sweats. Premenopausal women were more likely to report minimal or mild severity and women in the perimenopausal transition were more likely to report moderate or extreme severity on estrogen-related menopause symptoms. Filipino American midlife women appear to consider the perimenopausal transition in a positive light and experience little distress associated with

  13. Livskroppe in silico

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Anders Ib


    Med udgangspunkt i kunstprojektet Black Shoals diskuteres forholdet mellem kunstigt liv i computere – ”Alife” program-former - og den menneskelige krop. Alife analyseres som kroppe ”in silico”. Det vil sige kroppe, som fremstilles artificielt gennem computermodeller, hvor aspekter af menneskekrop......Med udgangspunkt i kunstprojektet Black Shoals diskuteres forholdet mellem kunstigt liv i computere – ”Alife” program-former - og den menneskelige krop. Alife analyseres som kroppe ”in silico”. Det vil sige kroppe, som fremstilles artificielt gennem computermodeller, hvor aspekter af...

  14. L'Italie dans l'imaginaire romantique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kongresakter, der samler en række foredrag om Chateaubriand, Goethe, Mme de Staël, Stendhal, Nerval, H.C. Andersen, Ginguené, Sismondi, Michelet, Granet, Delacroix og Rossini, samt oversættelser mellem fra Italien til Frankrig omkring 1800.......Kongresakter, der samler en række foredrag om Chateaubriand, Goethe, Mme de Staël, Stendhal, Nerval, H.C. Andersen, Ginguené, Sismondi, Michelet, Granet, Delacroix og Rossini, samt oversættelser mellem fra Italien til Frankrig omkring 1800....

  15. Tegn og gerninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Togeby, Ole


    Begrebet 'tegn' eller 'repræsentation' defineres som noget der for nogen angiver noget som det er udformet til at angive. Der skelnes dernæst mellem analoge og digitale repræsentationer, blandingsrepræsentationer og komplekse repræsentationer.......Begrebet 'tegn' eller 'repræsentation' defineres som noget der for nogen angiver noget som det er udformet til at angive. Der skelnes dernæst mellem analoge og digitale repræsentationer, blandingsrepræsentationer og komplekse repræsentationer....

  16. Jyske banker til kaffe hos Lizette

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørholst, Henrik


    En fusion mellem Sydbank, Jyske Bank og Spar Nord vil kunne skabe et stærkt alternativ til Danske Bank og Nordea, men det er næppe realistisk. Her kunne bankerne lære noget af LO og FTF.......En fusion mellem Sydbank, Jyske Bank og Spar Nord vil kunne skabe et stærkt alternativ til Danske Bank og Nordea, men det er næppe realistisk. Her kunne bankerne lære noget af LO og FTF....

  17. Sorter af afgræsningslucerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søegaard, Karen


    – to nye sorter Verbena og Camboregio og en ældre sort Luzelle. Sorterne blev dyrket i renbestand og to forskellige blandinger med alm. rajgræs. Parcellerne blev afgræsset af kvier, med en forholdsvis hård afgræsning, i to forskellige slæt/afgræsnings systemer. Generelt klarede Verbena sig bedst og...... afgørende forskelle mellem denne ældre og de to nye sorter. Resultaterne for Luzelle lå generelt mellem Verbena og Camporegio....

  18. Udfordring fra udkanten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moberg, Bergur Rønne


    Artiklen gøre rede for litterær udkant som interferens dvs. som et møde mellem vidt forskellige erfaringsdomæner: høj og lav, æstetik pdes. og nationalitet og politik pdas, premodernitet og modernitet osv.......Artiklen gøre rede for litterær udkant som interferens dvs. som et møde mellem vidt forskellige erfaringsdomæner: høj og lav, æstetik pdes. og nationalitet og politik pdas, premodernitet og modernitet osv....

  19. Psyken er en grænseflade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmeyer, Jesper


    En computer er i sig selv blot et stykke mekanik. Det afgørende sker i mødet mellem maskinen, mennesker og fællesskaber: på grænsefladen. Præcis som hos levende væsner......En computer er i sig selv blot et stykke mekanik. Det afgørende sker i mødet mellem maskinen, mennesker og fællesskaber: på grænsefladen. Præcis som hos levende væsner...

  20. Kampen om den røde ko - dominerende temaer i dansk kvægavl i 1800-tallets slutning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerløff, Anne Katrine


    En analyse af kvægavlslitteratur fra 1800-tallets anden halvdel viser spændingerne mellem avlernes ønske om profit og hensynene til racerenhed og national og regional identitet. Ideen om den perfekte ko var omdiskuteret og modsætningerne mellem koens udseende og dens ydelse er tydelige i periodens...... bedømmelser af "den gode ko". Artiklen komkluserer at et fokus på opfattelser og brug af dyr kan give nye vinkler på traditionelle historiske emnefelter. Udgivelsesdato: april...

  1. Joachim E. Christoph (2009) Kirchen - und Staatskirchenrecthliche Probleme der evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultäten. Tübingen: Mohr Sierbeck Jus Ecclesiasticum 91

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Lisbet


    Bogen er et glimrende eksempel på de juridisk-tekniske afgrænsningsvanskeligheder der opstår i et kirkeretligt system, hvor der eksisterer en skarp sondring mellem statslig ret og kirkelig ret og hvor de teologiske fakulteter opfattes som 'mellemting'......Bogen er et glimrende eksempel på de juridisk-tekniske afgrænsningsvanskeligheder der opstår i et kirkeretligt system, hvor der eksisterer en skarp sondring mellem statslig ret og kirkelig ret og hvor de teologiske fakulteter opfattes som 'mellemting'...

  2. Konstruktive collager 

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paldam, Camilla Skovbjerg

    Med udgangspunkt i eksempelmateriale af primært Max Ernst og Louis Aragon påvises udvekslingen mellem poetiske billeder og tekstuelle såvel som visuelle collager i 1920'ernes surrealisme. I kritisk diskussion med Peter Bürger genlæses de surrealistiske collage-teknikker og der vises – med referen...... til Claude Lévi-Strauss' bricolage-begreb samt Paul Ricoeurs metaforopfattelse – en sammenhæng mellem surrealisternes interesse for myte og alkymi og deres brug af collage....

  3. Depressive symptoms, self-esteem, HIV symptom management self-efficacy and self-compassion in people living with HIV. (United States)

    Eller, L S; Rivero-Mendez, M; Voss, J; Chen, W-T; Chaiphibalsarisdi, P; Iipinge, S; Johnson, M O; Portillo, C J; Corless, I B; Sullivan, K; Tyer-Viola, L; Kemppainen, J; Rose, C Dawson; Sefcik, E; Nokes, K; Phillips, J C; Kirksey, K; Nicholas, P K; Wantland, D; Holzemer, W L; Webel, A R; Brion, J M


    The aims of this study were to examine differences in self-schemas between persons living with HIV/AIDS with and without depressive symptoms, and the degree to which these self-schemas predict depressive symptoms in this population. Self-schemas are beliefs about oneself and include self-esteem, HIV symptom management self-efficacy, and self-compassion. Beck's cognitive theory of depression guided the analysis of data from a sample of 1766 PLHIV from the USA and Puerto Rico. Sixty-five percent of the sample reported depressive symptoms. These symptoms were significantly (p ≤ 0.05), negatively correlated with age (r = -0.154), education (r = -0.106), work status (r = -0.132), income adequacy (r = -0.204, self-esteem (r = -0.617), HIV symptom self-efficacy (r = - 0.408), and self-kindness (r = - 0.284); they were significantly, positively correlated with gender (female/transgender) (r = 0.061), white or Hispanic race/ethnicity (r = 0.047) and self-judgment (r = 0.600). Fifty-one percent of the variance (F = 177.530 (df = 1524); p education, work status, income adequacy, self-esteem, HIV symptom self-efficacy, and self-judgment. The strongest predictor of depressive symptoms was self-judgment. Results lend support to Beck's theory that those with negative self-schemas are more vulnerable to depression and suggest that clinicians should evaluate PLHIV for negative self-schemas. Tailored interventions for the treatment of depressive symptoms in PLHIV should be tested and future studies should evaluate whether alterations in negative self-schemas are the mechanism of action of these interventions and establish causality in the treatment of depressive symptoms in PLHIV.

  4. Associations between respiratory symptoms, lung function and gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms in a population-based birth cohort

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herbison G Peter


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several studies have reported an association between asthma and gastro-oesophageal reflux, but it is unclear which condition develops first. The role of obesity in mediating this association is also unclear. We explored the associations between respiratory symptoms, lung function, and gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms in a birth cohort of approximately 1000 individuals. Methods Information on respiratory symptoms, asthma, atopy, lung function and airway responsiveness was obtained at multiple assessments from childhood to adulthood in an unselected birth cohort of 1037 individuals followed to age 26. Symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux and irritable bowel syndrome were recorded at age 26. Results Heartburn and acid regurgitation symptoms that were at least "moderately bothersome" at age 26 were significantly associated with asthma (odds ratio = 3.2; 95% confidence interval = 1.6–6.4, wheeze (OR = 3.5; 95% CI = 1.7–7.2, and nocturnal cough (OR = 4.3; 95% CI = 2.1–8.7 independently of body mass index. In women reflux symptoms were also associated with airflow obstruction and a bronchodilator response to salbutamol. Persistent wheezing since childhood, persistence of asthma since teenage years, and airway hyperresponsiveness since age 11 were associated with a significantly increased risk of heartburn and acid regurgitation at age 26. There was no association between irritable bowel syndrome and respiratory symptoms. Conclusion Reflux symptoms are associated with respiratory symptoms in young adults independently of body mass index. The mechanism of these associations remains unclear.

  5. [Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weerkamp, N.J.; Nijhof, A.; Tissingh, G.


    Parkinson's disease has traditionally been viewed as a disease with only motor features. Nowadays, a wide variety of non-motor symptoms and signs are also recognised as being characteristic of the disease. Non-motor symptoms, most importantly autonomic dysfunction, neuropsychiatric symptoms and

  6. Symptoms in smokers trying to quit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helgason Asgeir R


    Full Text Available Abstract Aims To describe the prevalence and intensity of different symptoms in relation to tobacco abstinence. To explore latent dimensions between symptoms in smokers trying to quit. Design A cross sectional study using a questionnaire to retrospectively assess symptoms over a period of 12 months. Setting Swedish telephone quitline, a nationwide free of charge service. Participants All 741 individuals who had called the quitline and signed up for smoking cessation treatment between February 2000 to November 2001 and reported to have been smoke free for at least 24 hours during the previous 12 month period from first contact. Measurements Assessments were made by self-report, and abstinence was defined as "not a single puff of smoke during the last week". A factor analysis approach where individual items aggregate into factors was used to explore the relationship between the different symptoms. Findings High intensity of symptoms related to unsuccessful quitting attempts and included craving, irritability, apprehension/anxiety, difficulties concentrating, restlessness, depression/depressed mood, and insomnia. The factor loadings of all 17 symptoms resulted in three factors with factor 1, psychological being the most important. High scores on this factor relates to unsuccessful quitting attempts. Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT for 5 weeks or longer, reduced symptoms included in factor 1. The other two factors were factor 2 physiological and factor 3 neurological. Conclusion Symptoms that are psychological and/or neurological in nature are interrelated and appear to be the most significant obstacles for successful quitting attempts in a population-based setting. These symptoms may be successfully treated with NRT.

  7. Completion of Multidisciplinary Treatment for Persistent Postconcussive Symptoms Is Associated With Reduced Symptom Burden. (United States)

    Janak, Jud C; Cooper, Douglas B; Bowles, Amy O; Alamgir, Abul H; Cooper, Sharon P; Gabriel, Kelley P; Pérez, Adriana; Orman, Jean A

    To investigate the pre- to posttreatment changes in both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and persistent postconcussive symptoms (PPCSs). We studied 257 active-duty patients with a history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) who completed multidisciplinary outpatient treatment at Brooke Army Medical Center TBI Clinic from 2008 to 2013. This treatment program included cognitive rehabilitation; vestibular interventions; headache management; and integrated behavioral healthcare to address co-occurring psychiatric conditions such as PTSD, depression, and sleep disturbance. A 1-group; preexperimental, pre- to posttreatment study. The Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI) was used to assess PPCSs, and the PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) was used to asses PTSD symptoms. Global PPCS resolution (mean NSI: 35.0 pre vs 23.8 post; P < .0001; d = 0.72) and PTSD symptom resolution (mean PCL-M: 43.2 pre vs 37.7 post; P < .0001; d = 0.34) were statistically significant. Compared with those with only mTBI, patients with mTBI and PTSD reported greater global PPCS impairment both pretreatment (mean NSI: 48.7 vs 27.9; P < .0001) and posttreatment (mean NSI: 36.2 vs 17.4; P < .0001). After adjusting for pretreatment NSI scores, patients with comorbid PTSD reported poorer PPCS resolution than those with mTBI alone (mean NSI: 27.9 pre vs 21.7 post; P = .0009). We found a reduction in both self-reported PPCSs and PTSD symptoms; however, future studies are needed to identify specific components of care associated with symptom reduction.

  8. Assessing ADHD Symptoms in Preschool Children: Use of the ADHD Symptoms Rating Scale. (United States)

    Phillips, Penny L.; Greenson, Jessica N.; Collett, Brent R.; Gimpel, Gretchen A.


    This study examined the psychometric and normative properties of the ADHD-Symptoms Rating Scale with preschool children. Results shed light on normative levels of ADHD behaviors and preschool children and suggested that preschoolers may present with a somewhat different symptom pattern than school-age children. Parents were more likely to endorse…

  9. Insomnia symptoms and behavioural health symptoms in veterans 1 year after traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Farrell-Carnahan, Leah; Barnett, Scott; Lamberty, Gregory; Hammond, Flora M; Kretzmer, Tracy S; Franke, Laura M; Geiss, Meghan; Howe, Laura; Nakase-Richardson, Risa


    Insomnia and behavioural health symptoms 1 year after traumatic brain injury (TBI) were examined in a clinical sample representative of veterans who received inpatient treatment for TBI-related issues within the Veterans Health Administration. This was a cross-sectional sub-study (n = 112) of the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centres' traumatic brain injury model system programme. Prevalence estimates of insomnia, depression, general anxiety, nightmares, headache and substance use, stratified by injury severity, were derived. Univariate logistic regression was used to examine unadjusted effects for each behavioural health problem and insomnia by injury severity. Participants were primarily male, insomnia; those with mild TBI were significantly more likely to meet criteria (43%) than those with moderate/severe TBI (22%), χ(2)(1, n = 112) = 5.088, p ≤ 0.05. Univariable logistic regression analyses revealed depressive symptoms and general anxiety were significantly associated with insomnia symptoms after TBI of any severity. Headache and binge drinking were significantly inversely related to insomnia symptoms after moderate/severe TBI, but not MTBI. Veterans with history of TBI, of any severity, and current insomnia symptoms may be at increased risk for depression and anxiety 1 year after TBI.

  10. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Trauma-Exposed Inpatient Adolescents: The Role of Emotional Nonacceptance and Anxiety Symptom Severity. (United States)

    Viana, Andres G; Hanna, Abigail E; Raines, Elizabeth M; Woodward, Emma C; Paulus, Daniel J; Berenz, Erin C; Zvolensky, Michael J


    The present investigation examined the role of anxiety symptom severity in the relation between emotional nonacceptance and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in a diverse sample of trauma-exposed adolescents admitted for acute psychiatric care at an inpatient state hospital (N = 50; 52.0% women; 44% white; mean [SD] age, 15.1 [0.51] years; range, 12-17 years). Anxiety symptom severity partially accounted for the association between emotional nonacceptance and PTSD total symptoms, and fully accounted for the association between emotional nonacceptance and PTSD symptom cluster severity, even after controlling for covariates. Reverse model testing provided confidence in the direction of hypothesized effects. These findings add to a body of literature underscoring the detrimental effect of nonaccepting reactions to negative emotions in the context of PTSD and provide preliminary support for a possible underlying role of anxiety symptom severity in the association between emotional nonacceptance and PTSD symptoms.

  11. Tidlig literacy på tværs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Lene Illum

    for at børns tidlige literacy bringes ind i klasseværelset. Forskning peger på vigtigheden af, at børnene i denne overgangsproces er aktive deltagere med mulighed for at tage direkte afsæt i de erfaringer, de medbringer (Ackesjö, 2014). Præsentationen bygger på et konkret forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt...... mellem UC Syddanmark og Varde kommune. Projektet har haft fokus på det tværprofessionelle samarbejde mellem dagtilbud og SFO/skole med henblik på at understøtte børns tidlige literacy i overgangen mellem dagtilbud og skole. I sådan et tværprofessionelt samarbejde er der brug for fælles...... Brostrøm, S. & Jensen, A.S. (2013): Sproghistorier – en alsidig literacy-pædagogik i børnehave, SFO og indskoling, Frederikshavn: Dafolo Clark, A & Moss, P (2001): Listening to Young Children: The Mosaic Approach. London: National Children’s Bureau. Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M. (2015): "The Things You Do...

  12. Tema 2: Augmented Reality som wearable. Et design for visuel læring i sygeplejerskeuddannelsens anatomiundervisning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mie Buhl


    Projektet undersøger, hvordan en udviklet AR-applikation, der via iPad og et tag, der bæres af en person, kan anvendes til at forstå forholdet mellem den fysiske krops lunge og billedet af en lunge. Dette gennemføres gennem udvikling og afprøvning af et didaktisk design. Undersøgelsen trækker på en Design Based Research (DBR-tilgang og inddrager viden om AR og wearables og Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE samt visuel læring og visuelle fagkulturer inden for medicin. Designafprøvningerne viser, at wearables optimerer visuel læring, men også at små justeringer af AR-teknologi mellem første og anden iteration flytter studerendes læringsfokus fra fagindhold til metakommunikation om medieringsformer. Artiklen konkluderer, at kombinationen mellem wearable og IBSE kan understøtte visuel læring til gavn for et helhedssyn på anatomiundervisning og patientpleje.

  13. Tema 2: Augmented Reality som wearable. Et design for visuel læring i sygeplejerskeuddannelsens anatomiundervisning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mie Buhl


    Projektet undersøger, hvordan en udviklet AR-applikation, der via iPad og et tag, der bæres af en person, kan anvendes til at forstå forholdet mellem den fysiske krops lunge og billedet af en lunge. Dette gennemføres gennem udvikling og afprøvning af et didaktisk design. Undersøgelsen trækker på en Design Based Research (DBR-tilgang og inddrager viden om AR og wearables og Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE samt visuel læring og visuelle fagkulturer inden for medicin. Designafprøvningerne viser, at wearables optimerer visuel læring, men også at små justeringer af AR-teknologi mellem første og anden iteration flytter studerendes læringsfokus fra fagindhold til metakommunikation om medieringsformer. Artiklen konkluderer, at kombinationen mellem wearable og IBSE kan understøtte visuel læring til gavn for et helhedssyn på anatomiundervisning og patientpleje.

  14. Humant papillomavirus i orale lidelser med malignt potentiale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørlig, Xenia; Waage Brinch, Arendse; Kongsmark Madsen, Jonas


    – At belyse prævalensen af HPV i OLMP og diskutere betydningen af HPV for malign udvikling af disse forandringer. Materiale og metode – På baggrund af litteratursøgning beskrives, hvordan HPV associeres til OLMP, herunder specifikt leukoplaki, erytroplaki og oral lichen planus samt forekomsten af HPV i sund......Introduktion – Humant papillomavirus (HPV) er i dag anerkendt som den vigtigste enkelte ætiologiske faktor til cervixcancer, og det er nu blevet klart, at der også findes en sammenhæng mellem HPV og undergrupper af hoved-halscancer. Sammenhængen mellem HPV og en andel af orale cancere er også...... undersøgt, særligt grundet den stigende incidens af oral cancer på trods af et fald og en stagnering i forbruget af risikofaktorer som tobak og alkohol. Tandlægen ser ofte orale lidelser med malignt potentiale (OLMP) i mundslimhinden, og mellem 20-50 % af orale cancere menes at forudgås af OLMP. Formål...

  15. Toward the next generation of negative symptom assessments: the collaboration to advance negative symptom assessment in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Blanchard, Jack J; Kring, Ann M; Horan, William P; Gur, Raquel


    Negative symptoms in schizophrenia are related to poor functional outcome, persistent over time, a source of burden for caregivers, and only minimally responsive to currently available medications. A major challenge to developing efficacious interventions concerns the valid and reliable assessment of negative symptoms. In a recent consensus statement on negative symptoms, a central recommendation was the need to develop new assessment approaches that address the limitations of existing instruments. In the current report, we summarize the background and rationale for the Collaboration to Advance Negative Symptom Assessment in Schizophrenia (CANSAS). The CANSAS project is an National Institute of Mental Health-funded multisite study that is constructing a next-generation negative symptom scale, the Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms (CAINS). The CAINS is being developed within a data-driven iterative process that seeks to ensure the measure's reliability, validity, and utility for both basic psychopathology and treatment development research.

  16. Externalizing symptoms moderate associations among interpersonal skills, parenting, and depressive symptoms in adolescents seeking mental health treatment. (United States)

    Rodriguez, Erin M; Donenberg, Geri R; Emerson, Erin; Wilson, Helen W; Javdani, Shabnam


    Adolescents' interpersonal skills are associated with fewer teen depressive symptoms and more positive parenting, but little is known about how teens' externalizing problems moderate these relationships. This study examines links among teens' interpersonal skills, parenting, and withdrawn-depressed symptoms in adolescents seeking outpatient psychiatric treatment with elevated or non-elevated externalizing problems. Adolescents (N = 346; 42 % female; 61 % African-American) ages 12-19 years old (M = 14.9; SD = 1.8) and parents completed assessments at baseline and 6 months. At baseline parents and teens reported on teen withdrawn-depressed and externalizing symptoms, and were observed interacting to assess teen interpersonal skills. At 6 months adolescents reported on parenting, and parents and teens reported on teen withdrawn-depressed symptoms. Structural equation modeling tested two models (one with teen reported symptoms and one with parent reported symptoms). Model fit was better for youth with elevated externalizing problems regardless of reporter. For youth with elevated externalizing problems, baseline teen positive interpersonal skills were not directly associated with 6-month withdrawn-depressed symptoms, but more positive parenting was associated with fewer withdrawn-depressed symptoms. In the teen report model, more positive teen interpersonal skills were associated with more positive parenting, and there was a trend for parenting to indirectly account for the relationship between interpersonal skills and withdrawn-depressed symptoms. The findings extend research on the role of externalizing problems in teens' depression risk. Interventions for depression that target interpersonal skills may be particularly effective in youth with elevated externalizing problems.

  17. Symptom scoring systems to diagnose distal polyneuropathy in diabetes : the Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom score

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, J.W.G.; Smit, A.J.; van Sonderen, E.; Groothoff, J.W.; Eisma, W.H.; Links, T.P.


    AIMS: To provide one of the diagnostic categories for distal diabetic polyneuro-pathy,several symptom scoring systems are available, which are often extensive andlack in validation. We validated a new four-item Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom (DNS) scorefor diagnosing distal diabetic polyneuropathy.

  18. Esophageal stasis in achalasia patients without symptoms after treatment does not predict symptom recurrence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hoeij, F. B.; Smout, A. J. P. M.; Bredenoord, A. J.


    BackgroundAfter achalasia treatment, a subset of patients has poor esophageal emptying without having symptoms. There is no consensus on whether to pre-emptively treat these patients. We hypothesized that, if left untreated, these patients will experience earlier symptom recurrence than patients

  19. Psychological Symptoms in Sexually Abused Girls. (United States)

    Cohen, Judith A.; Mannarino, Anthony P.


    The report examined psychological symptoms exhibited by 24 girls (ages 6-12) evaluated within six months of being sexually abused. Results showed a marked discrepancy between child and parent reports of symptoms with children not reporting as many symptoms of depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem as parents. (Author/DB)

  20. [The binomial symptom index for the evaluation of temporal association between cardiorespiratory symptoms and gastroesophageal reflux in neonates]. (United States)

    Barriga-Rivera, Alejandro; Moya, María José; Lopez-Alonso, Manuel


    The evaluation of symptom association between gastroesophageal reflux and cardiorespiratory events in preterm infants remains unclear. This paper describes a conservative approach to decision-making of anti-reflux surgery through symptom association analysis. Forty-three neonates with potentially reflux-related cardiorespiratory symptoms underwent synchronized esophageal impedance-pH and cardiorespiratory monitoring. Three indices were considered to evaluate symptom association, the symptom index (SI), the symptom sensitivity index (SSI) and the symptom association probability (SAP). A conservative strategy was adopted regarding the decision of anti-reflux surgery, and therefore, patients were scheduled for laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication if the three indices showed a positive assessment of symptom association. Retrospectively, these indices and the binomial symptom index (BSI) were contrasted against the decision of anti-reflux surgery using different windows of association. Thirteen patients showed positive symptom association but only two underwent anti-reflux surgery. The SI and the SSI showed an increasing trend with the width of the window of association. The SAP was affected randomly by slightly altering the windowing parameters. The BSI showed the best performance with the two-minute window (κ =0.78) CONCLUSIONS: The pathology under study is known to improve with maturity. However, the severity of cardiorespiratory symptoms may threaten the neonate's life and therefore, in some occasions, invasive treatments must be considered to protect life. The BSI provides a good prediction of a combination of positive SI, SSI and SAP, which may improve clinical decisions. However, further clinical studies are required to prove the BSI as an optimal predictor of clinical outcomes. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. The Relationship Between Intradialytic Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Using a Modified Version of the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale. (United States)

    Kistler, Brandon M; Biruete, Annabel; Chapman-Novakofski, Karen; Wilund, Kenneth R


    Intradialytic nutrition has been shown to improve nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients but remains controversial due in part to concerns over hemodynamic stability and gastrointestinal (GI) distress. There are limited data on the relationship between intradialytic nutrition and GI symptoms, possibly due to the lack of a validated tool. Therefore, we intended to validate a questionnaire to measure GI symptoms associated with a single HD treatment and determine the relationship between intradialytic nutrition and GI symptoms. Cross-sectional study. Forty-eight maintenance HD patients. GI symptoms and dietary intake during HD treatment. In general, we found acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha >0.5, exception reflux domain) and repeatability in all 5 domains of a modified version of the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale. The prevalence of GI symptoms associated with a single HD treatment (generalized score greater than 1) was 54.2, 43.7, 6.2, 41.7, and 45.8% for the abdominal pain, indigestion, reflux, diarrhea, and constipation domains, respectively. More than two-thirds of patients chose to eat during treatment (168.6 ± 165.6 kcal) with the most commonly consumed items being candy, oral supplements, and cookies. There was no difference in GI symptoms among patients who did or did not eat (P > .05). However, the amount of total dietary fat and fiber consumed during treatment was associated with greater indigestion (P < .05) prior to accounting for outliers or multiple comparisons. In this sample, the modified version of the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale was a generally valid tool for measuring GI symptoms associated with a single HD treatment. Patients who ate during treatment did not experience greater GI symptoms than those who did not; however, high amounts of fat and fiber may be associated with greater GI symptoms. Prospective trials should examine the relationship between GI symptoms and dietary intake

  2. Endotyping early childhood asthma by quantitative symptom assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, Hans; Pipper, Christian Bressen; Bønnelykke, Klaus


    Asthmatic symptoms in young children reflect a heterogeneous group of diseases. Symptoms remain the primary end-point in both research and clinical management, but there is a need for standardized symptom assessment.......Asthmatic symptoms in young children reflect a heterogeneous group of diseases. Symptoms remain the primary end-point in both research and clinical management, but there is a need for standardized symptom assessment....

  3. Frailty and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. (United States)

    Suskind, Anne M


    The incidence of both frailty and lower urinary tract symptoms, including urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, underactive bladder, and benign prostatic hyperplasia, increases with age. However, our understanding of the relationship between frailty and lower urinary tract symptoms, both in terms of pathophysiology and in terms of the evaluation and management of such symptoms, is greatly lacking. This brief review will summarize definitions and measurement tools associated with frailty and will also review the existing state of the literature on frailty and lower urinary tract symptoms in older individuals.

  4. Vikarer mellem fleksibilitet og sikkerhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Søren Kaj


    Flexicurity dukkede først op i Holland, og her var der fra start af fokus på ansatte i ‘atypisk' beskæftigelse - det vil sige vikarer, tidsbegrænset ansatte og deltidsansatte. Spørgsmålet blev, i hvilket omfang disse fleksible ansættelsesforhold blev fulgt af en høj sikkerhed i forhold til løn- og...... ansættelsesvilkår. Det er en markant forskellighed i forhold til den danske flexicurity diskussion, hvor der har været fokus på, hvordan den ‘normale' ansættelsesforhold både er fleksibelt på grund af liberale ansættelses- og afskedigelsesregler og sikkert på grund af en relativt høj understøttelse ved ledighed og...... den aktive arbejdsmarkedspolitik. Inspireret af den hollandske tilgang til flexicurity vil det i denne artikel blive diskuteret, om vikarer på det danske arbejdsmarked er omfattet af flexicurity. Yderligere vil det blive diskuteret, hvorfor andelen af vikarer på det danske arbejdsmarked vokser markant...

  5. Resiliens mellem individ og livsform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Martin David


    and production, it is suggested to apply a household/family model. The household/family model outlines that positive social reproduction and production, including real and productive values, potentially creates an essential bond between viable household, family, work, socialisation, and network based communities......, resulting in socially, economically, mentally, and ecologically sustainable survival of families and livelihoods over generations. Furthermore, it is stressed that serious fallacies will occur if resilience is solely understood and explained in terms of individual resources and characteristics. Nonetheless......In this paper it is demonstrated how the understanding of resilience is enhanced and shaped when using the concepts of oikos (the Greek word for household) and life-modes. Instead of applying a rather problematic welfare capitalism model, which partially provides a negative social reproduction...

  6. Rumsansning mellem vane og oplevelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reeh, Henrik


    Walter Benjamin, Steen Eiler Rasmussen, arkitektur, sansning, vane, taktilitet, oplevelse, erfaring, Rom......Walter Benjamin, Steen Eiler Rasmussen, arkitektur, sansning, vane, taktilitet, oplevelse, erfaring, Rom...

  7. Sygepleje mellem pakker og personer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandholm Larsen, Niels


    og af problemer med at rekruttere og fastholde sundhedsfaglig arbejdskraft. Som følge af demografiske ændringer antages særligt behandling og rehabilitering af kronisk syge ældre at udgøre et voksende indsatsområde. Sygeplejerskernes faglige organisation har været aktiv i etablering af kommunale...

  8. Mellem musik, litteratur og oplysning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Morten


    Michelsen har fokus på mellemkrigstiden og specielt blik for de radiofoniske genrer i en mere generel diskussion. Formålet er at opstille en samlet typologi for mellemkrigstidens genrer for at kunne kode de enkelte udsendelser i en database. Michelsen opstiller tre hovedkategorier: udsendelser ba...

  9. På kanten mellem to verdener

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Bent


      Kunst og Videnskab bliver af de fleste betragtet som to adskilte verdener, men alligevel er de jo bundet til den samme virkelighed. Hvad sker der, når disse verdener mødes og sammen forsøger at indfange det hyperkomplekse samfund?  Hvordan skal vi rubricere samarbejder, der går på tværs af vante...

  10. Elevplanen mellem refleksion og kontrol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krejsler, John


      Med elevplanen som eksempel vises i dette kapitel, hvorledes en ny social teknologi finder sin form og plads i skolen. Det påvises, at dette langt fra er en proces, som kan isoleres til skolen. Ved at inddrage så forskelligartet materiale som lovbekendtgørelser, ministerkronikker, fagblade for ...

  11. Kampen mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv


    Sonne, Magnus; Mogensen, Michelle Busk; Falck-Jensen, Mikkel Søren


    The phrase “work hard, play hard” has got a nice ring to it, but is it truly that simple? Being able to find the right work-life-balance is crucial to the individual worker and his/her well-being. If this balance is absent, the worker will for example be prone to stress and maybe even depression. Our project revolves around the different factors and problems, which are influencing the individual in his/her work-life-balance, and how this balance is reachable. How we came about this was by usi...

  12. Samspillet mellem korrosion og udmattelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maahn, Ernst Emanuel


    Reactions between metal and environment can influence crack initiation as well as crack growth under fatigue by several mechanisms. Active corrosion allways accel-lerate the crack initiation while the creation of stable passi-ve film under same circumstances can delay fatigue crack initiation....... Crack growth can be accellerated by anodic dissolution, but very often the accellerated effect is connected to hydrogen embrittlement due to hydrogen uptake from a cathodic proces.Compared to crack growth rate in air it is assumed that the increased rate seen for steel in sea water under cathodic...... protection is due to hydrogen embrittlement, while the increased rate found for steel in district heating water can be explained by the combined action from anodic dissolution and hydrogen uptake in the steel....

  13. Krydsfeltet mellem design og ledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Poul Rind


    There are several different perceptions of the meaning of the term design thinking. In this article, Poul Rind Christensen, who was the head of research at the Kolding School of Design until August 2011, discusses the concept and its importance to companies.......There are several different perceptions of the meaning of the term design thinking. In this article, Poul Rind Christensen, who was the head of research at the Kolding School of Design until August 2011, discusses the concept and its importance to companies....

  14. Kunstneren mellem kald og afkald

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sapiro, Gisèle


    Oversættelse af artiklen "La Vocation artistique entre don et don de soi" fra Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, nr. 168, juni 2007, s. 4-11......Oversættelse af artiklen "La Vocation artistique entre don et don de soi" fra Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, nr. 168, juni 2007, s. 4-11...

  15. Transfer mellem uddannelse og arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgren, Bjarne

    Rapporten sammenfatter eksisterende forskning om faktorer, der bidrager til transfer, altså faktorer som bidrager til, at det, vi lærer i undervisningen, efterfølgende anvendes i en arbejdssituation. Forskningsoversigten præsenterer emririsk funderede resultater om, hvad vi ved om transfer. Den t...

  16. Mellem moralsk panik og hverdagsjoints

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Asmussen, Vibeke; Moesby-Johansen, Cecilie


    Fra midten af 1990'erne er der skudt en række hashklubber op i Danmark. Overordnet er der to slags klubber: salgssteder og væresteder. De første klubber er udelukkende organiseret om salget af hash, mens de andre er klubber, hvor man både kan købe hashen og opholde sig på stedet for at deltage i ...

  17. Relationen mellem endometriose og ovariecancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nyhøj, Lene; Mathiesen, Rikke; Jochumsen, Kirsten Marie


    The objective of this study was to review the literature concerning the possible link between endometriosis and ovarian cancer, and to highlight common aetiological factors. The aetiology for both diseases seems to be multifactorial. Hormonal, genetic and immunologic factors seem to play a role....... With a twofold increased risk of developing ovarian cancer in patients with endometriosis in general and a further fourfold increased risk for high risk endometriosis patients with infertility, the findings seem relevant and should be kept in mind when encountering and treating patients with endometriosis....

  18. Relationer mellem familievirksomheder betaler sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hollensen, Svend; Boyd, Britta


    This paper focuses on the international joint venture formation process of family businesses. The reason behind Danfoss’ decision to cooperate with two competing family businesses in Japan and China as well as two nonfamily businesses in Canada and Great Britain will be analysed. In-depth qualita...... the formation process, including competences and cultures. The study indicates which core competences of a family business matter when cooperating in equal split joint ventures. Implications for family business owners and ideas for future research are discussed.......This paper focuses on the international joint venture formation process of family businesses. The reason behind Danfoss’ decision to cooperate with two competing family businesses in Japan and China as well as two nonfamily businesses in Canada and Great Britain will be analysed. In...

  19. Balancen mellem bricolage og innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuglsang, Lars


    hoc innovation” (Gallouj and Weinstein 1997), ” a posteriori recognition of innovation” (Toivonen et al. 2007) og ”bricolage” (se fx Styhre 2008) er meget relevante i analysen af udviklingsprocesser i offentlige institutioner. Disse begreber peger samtidig på en mere praksisbaseret forståelse af...

  20. Mellem kvalitetsstandarder og klinisk praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Marie Henriette


    , so-called kvalitetskoordinatorer, contributed to organisationsændringer i meeting between styringsinitiativer and local Klinisk practice. Konkret shows analysis how kvalitetsstandarder can become et strategically omdrejningspunkt i knytte Klinisk Personale og leadership together across......Ledelse i sundhedsvæsenet is area in which has been great forskningsmæssig attention - including problematiseringen of how the leadership udøves between Nationalt formulerede styringsinitiativer and sundhedsprofessionernes strategies to preserve their autonomi and vidensmonopol. There has led...... to the development of begreber such as hybridledere and hybrid professioner as categories, der formar integrate styringsinitiativernes tools and logikker with respectively academic leadership and sundhedsprofessionernes grundkompetencer. Jeg This article is purpose skruestik, how to a new Aktor in Danish hospitaler...

  1. Industriarbejdere mellem tradition og forandring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caraker, Emmett

    Eksisterer det klassiske arbejderkollektiv, på hvilke betingelser og hvorfor? Det er denne afhand-lings problemstilling. Undersøgelsen foregår i 2 industrivirksomheder, og i alt 80 industriarbejdere er interviewet. I den ene case møder industriarbejderne efter en virksomhedsoverdragelse ledelsens...

  2. At se det oversete

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Ann Lumbye


    Artiklen om Kirstine Vaabens kunst er fænomenologisk analyserende hvor værkerne - installationer, skulpturer, fotografier og collager - sættes ind i en kunstteoretisk diskussion udspændt mellem Rosalind E. Krauss' grid og medierefleksioner og feministiske læsninger.......Artiklen om Kirstine Vaabens kunst er fænomenologisk analyserende hvor værkerne - installationer, skulpturer, fotografier og collager - sættes ind i en kunstteoretisk diskussion udspændt mellem Rosalind E. Krauss' grid og medierefleksioner og feministiske læsninger....

  3. 4 hovedproblemer med STU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Niels Rosendal


    Kommentaren oplister fire hovedproblemer ved den Særligt Tilrettelagte Ungdomsuddannelse, nemlig (1) beskrivelsen af målgruppen, (2) de unges forsørgelsesgrundlag, (3) hvad der følger efter én afsluttet STU, og (4) "lovjunglen" - manglende samspil mellem mange lovgivninger.......Kommentaren oplister fire hovedproblemer ved den Særligt Tilrettelagte Ungdomsuddannelse, nemlig (1) beskrivelsen af målgruppen, (2) de unges forsørgelsesgrundlag, (3) hvad der følger efter én afsluttet STU, og (4) "lovjunglen" - manglende samspil mellem mange lovgivninger....

  4. Darwin på arabisk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riexinger, Martin Thomas


    Det var to revolutionære spor, som i begyndelsen af 1800-talet gødede jorden for introduktionen af Darwins evolutionsteori i Mellemøsten, og muslimer spillede stort set ingen rolle for den udviklingen. Ny bog om islam og evolutionsteorien.......Det var to revolutionære spor, som i begyndelsen af 1800-talet gødede jorden for introduktionen af Darwins evolutionsteori i Mellemøsten, og muslimer spillede stort set ingen rolle for den udviklingen. Ny bog om islam og evolutionsteorien....

  5. Islams gyldne alder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Olaf Pepke


    I stå. Forskningen i den arabisk-islamiske verden nåede sit højdepunkt mellem det ottende og 12. århundrede, men siden gik den i stå. En Harvard-økonom forsøger at kaste lys over årsagerne.......I stå. Forskningen i den arabisk-islamiske verden nåede sit højdepunkt mellem det ottende og 12. århundrede, men siden gik den i stå. En Harvard-økonom forsøger at kaste lys over årsagerne....

  6. Et nyt perspektiv på magt i det sociale arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prieur, Annick; Henriksen, Lars Skov


    Artiklen er et reviewessay af to bøger: M. Järvinen, J. E. Larsen og N. Mortensen (red.): Det magtfulde møde mellem system og klient (2002) og M. Järvinen og N. Mik-Meyer (red.): At skabe en klient (2003).......Artiklen er et reviewessay af to bøger: M. Järvinen, J. E. Larsen og N. Mortensen (red.): Det magtfulde møde mellem system og klient (2002) og M. Järvinen og N. Mik-Meyer (red.): At skabe en klient (2003)....

  7. Professionel kompetence og uddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard, Karen Marie

    Specialet behandler forholdet mellem professionel kompetence og uddannelse gennem en undersøgelse og diskussion af teorier og forskning om professionsbegrebet i sociologien historisk og aktuelt, bl.a. Talcott Parsons, MaxWeber og Thomas Mathiesen, og diskuterer forskellige forståelser af professi......Specialet behandler forholdet mellem professionel kompetence og uddannelse gennem en undersøgelse og diskussion af teorier og forskning om professionsbegrebet i sociologien historisk og aktuelt, bl.a. Talcott Parsons, MaxWeber og Thomas Mathiesen, og diskuterer forskellige forståelser af...

  8. Mediators between bereavement and somatic symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konkolÿ Thege Barna


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In our research we examined the frequency of somatic symptoms among bereaved (N = 185 and non-bereaved men and women in a national representative sample (N = 4041 and investigated the possible mediating factors between bereavement status and somatic symptoms. Methods Somatic symptoms were measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-15, anxiety with a four-point anxiety rating scale, and depression with a nine-item shortened version of the Beck Depression Inventory. Results Among the bereaved, somatic symptoms proved to be significantly more frequent in both genders when compared to the non-bereaved, as did anxiety and depression. On the multivariate level, the results show that both anxiety and depression proved to be a mediator between somatic symptoms and bereavement. The effect sizes indicated that for both genders, anxiety was a stronger predictor of somatic symptoms than depression. Conclusions The results of our research indicate that somatic symptoms accompanying bereavement are not direct consequences of this state but they can be traced back to the associated anxiety and depression. These results draw attention to the need to recognize anxiety and depression looming in the background of somatic complaints in bereavement and to the importance of the dissemination of related information.

  9. Clinical symptoms of food allergy/intolerance in children

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halken, S


    Food allergy is principally a problem in infancy and early childhood. Food allergy/intolerance may cause a broad spectrum of symptoms and signs in children, including generalized reactions, such as anaphylactic shock. Reactions are localized mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, but food allergy....../intolerance may also cause local symptoms in other organs such as the skin and the respiratory tract. About 50-70% demonstrate cutaneous symptoms, 50-60% gastrointestinal symptoms, and 20-30% respiratory symptoms. Among young children with food allergy/intolerance the majority have two or more symptoms...... with symptoms occurring in two or more organ systems. The symptoms occur primarily within a few minutes after food exposure (immediate reactions), however delayed reactions in the skin, gastrointestinal tract and lungs may also occur. Among children with symptoms suggestive of food allergy...

  10. From mental-physical comorbidity to somatic symptoms - insights gained from research on symptoms of mental disorders


    Rodic, Donja


    Abstract in English Background: Mental health and physical health are substantially associated with each other. The early recognition of co-occurring mental-physical conditions, as well as the early recognition of pathophysiological mechanisms underlying somatic symptoms, might be of special relevance for a better understanding of early phases of disorder development and hence prevention. Aim: To examine associations between symptoms of mental disorders (depressive symptoms and gambli...

  11. Testing specificity among parents' depressive symptoms, parenting, and child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. (United States)

    Gruhn, Meredith A; Dunbar, Jennifer P; Watson, Kelly H; Reising, Michelle M; McKee, Laura; Forehand, Rex; Cole, David A; Compas, Bruce E


    The present study examined the specificity in relations between observed withdrawn and intrusive parenting behaviors and children's internalizing and externalizing symptoms in an at-risk sample of children (ages 9 to 15 years old) of parents with a history of depression (N = 180). Given past findings that parental depression and parenting behaviors may differentially impact boys and girls, gender was examined as a moderator of the relations between these factors and child adjustment. Correlation and linear regression analyses showed that parental depressive symptoms were significantly related to withdrawn parenting for parents of boys and girls and to intrusive parenting for parents of boys only. When controlling for intrusive parenting, preliminary analyses demonstrated that parental depressive symptoms were significantly related to withdrawn parenting for parents of boys, and this association approached significance for parents of girls. Specificity analyses yielded that, when controlling for the other type of problem (i.e., internalizing or externalizing), withdrawn parenting specifically predicted externalizing problems but not internalizing problems in girls. No evidence of specificity was found for boys in this sample, suggesting that impaired parenting behaviors are diffusely related to both internalizing and externalizing symptoms for boys. Overall, results highlight the importance of accounting for child gender and suggest that targeting improvement in parenting behaviors and the reduction of depressive symptoms in interventions with parents with a history of depression may have potential to reduce internalizing and externalizing problems in this high-risk population. (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. Testing Specificity Among Parents’ Depressive Symptoms, Parenting, and Child Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms (United States)

    Gruhn, Meredith A.; Dunbar, Jennifer P.; Watson, Kelly H.; Reising, Michelle M.; McKee, Laura; Forehand, Rex; Cole, David A.; Compas, Bruce E.


    The present study examined the specificity in relations between observed withdrawn and intrusive parenting behaviors and children's internalizing and externalizing symptoms in an at risk sample of children (ages 9 to 15-years-old) of parents with a history of depression (N = 180). Given past findings that parental depression and parenting behaviors may differentially impact boys and girls, gender was examined as a moderator of the relations between these factors and child adjustment. Correlation and linear regression analyses showed that parental depressive symptoms were significantly related to withdrawn parenting for parents of boys and girls and to intrusive parenting for parents of boys only. When controlling for intrusive parenting, preliminary analyses demonstrated that parental depressive symptoms were significantly related to withdrawn parenting for parents of boys, and this association approached significance for parents of girls. Specificity analyses yielded that, when controlling for the other type of problem (i.e., internalizing or externalizing), withdrawn parenting specifically predicted externalizing problems but not internalizing problems in girls. No evidence of specificity was found for boys in this sample, suggesting that impaired parenting behaviors are diffusely related to both internalizing and externalizing symptoms for boys. Overall, results highlight the importance of accounting for child gender and suggest that targeting improvement in parenting behaviors and the reduction of depressive symptoms in interventions with parents with a history of depression may have potential to reduce internalizing and externalizing problems in this high-risk population. PMID:26882467

  13. The role of stress in IBS symptom severity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanda Pletikosic


    Full Text Available Irritable bowel syndrome is regarded as a biopsychosocial disorder, the result of a complex combination of predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors. Personality traits, affective status and stress are some of the relevant factors contributing to lower quality of life and symptom exacerbation in IBS patients. In order to examine the role of stress in IBS symptom exacerbation, the aims of this study were to explore the relationship of daily stressful events and symptom severity in a prospective manner and to explore the roles of neuroticism, anxiety, depression and stress in the vicious circle of symptom perpetuation. A total of 49 patients with IBS reported their symptom severity and daily stressful events intensity each day for 14 consecutive days. They also completed the Big five personality inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory and the State-trait anxiety inventory. Cross-correlation analyses were performed on the time series data for daily stress and symptom severity for each participant separately. Four different patterns of relationships were found in different subgroups of participants: positive cross-correlations of symptom severity and stress intensity on the same day; higher symptom severity on days following stressful days; lower symptom severity on days following stressful days; and lower stress intensity on days following severe symptoms. Using average scores for daily stress and symptom severity, as well as scores for neuroticism, anxiety and depression, we performed a path analysis to test a model of symptom exacerbation. It showed that, on the group level, average stress intensity predicts average symptom severity. Neuroticism and anxiety were not significant predictors of symptom severity, while depression showed a marginally significant relationship with symptom severity, mediated by stress intensity. In conclusion, depression and daily stress seem to be important contributors to the vicious circle of IBS symptom

  14. Symptom structure of PTSD following breast cancer. (United States)

    Cordova, M J; Studts, J L; Hann, D M; Jacobsen, P B; Andrykowski, M A


    Identification of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and diagnoses in survivors of cancer is a growing area of research, but no published data exist regarding the symptom structure of PTSD in survivors of malignant disease. Findings from investigations of the PTSD symptom structure in other trauma populations have been inconsistent and have not been concordant with the re-experiencing, avoidance/numbing, and arousal symptom clusters specified in DSM-IV. The present study employed confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the extent to which the implied second-order factor structure of PTSD was replicated in a sample of 142 breast cancer survivors. PTSD symptoms were measured using the PTSD Checklist--Civilian Version (PCL-C). Fit indices reflected a moderate fit of the symptom structure implied by the DSM-IV. These findings provide some tentative support for the DSM-IV clustering of PTSD symptoms and for the validity of cancer-related PTSD.

  15. Variations in and predictors of the occurrence of depressive symptoms and mood symptoms in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal two-year study. (United States)

    Johansson, Sverker; Gottberg, Kristina; Kierkegaard, Marie; Ytterberg, Charlotte


    There is limited knowledge regarding how depressive symptoms and a cluster of specific mood symptoms in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) vary over time and how they are influenced by contributing factors. Therefore, the aims of this study were a) to describe variations over 2 years in the occurrence of depressive symptoms and mood symptoms in a sample of people with MS, and b) to investigate the predictive value of sex, age, coping capacity, work status, disease severity, disease course, fatigue, cognition, frequency of social/lifestyle activities, and perceived impact of MS on health, on the occurrence of depressive symptoms and mood symptoms. Through using a protocol of measures of functioning and perceived impact of MS on health, comprising of the Beck Depression Inventory, 219 people with MS were assessed at 0, 12 and 24 months. Predictive values were explored with Generalised Estimating Equations. Proportions with depressive symptoms varied significantly (p < 0.001) from 21 to 30% between the three time points. Proportions with mood symptoms varied significantly (p < 0.001) from 14 to 17% between the three time points. Weak coping capacity and reduced frequency of social/lifestyle activities predicted the occurrence of depressive symptoms and mood symptoms, as did the psychological impact of MS on health in interaction with time. For people with MS of working age, not working predicted the occurrence of depressive symptoms and mood symptoms, as did the physical impact of MS on health on the occurrence of mood symptoms. The occurrence of depressive symptoms and mood symptoms in people with MS vary over a 2-year time period; almost half have depressive symptoms at least once. Health care services should develop strategies aimed at identifying people with MS who are depressed or who develop depressive symptoms. Interventions for alleviating depressive symptoms should consider the individual's coping capacity and perceived impact of MS on health, and

  16. Plague Symptoms (United States)

    ... Search Form Controls Cancel Submit Search the CDC Plague Note: Javascript is disabled or is not supported ... message, please visit this page: About . Plague Home Ecology & Transmission Symptoms Diagnosis & Treatment Maps & Statistics ...

  17. Rotavirus Symptoms (United States)

    ... Search Form Controls Cancel Submit Search The CDC Rotavirus Note: Javascript is disabled or is not supported ... message, please visit this page: About . Rotavirus Home About Rotavirus Symptoms Transmission Treatment Photos Vaccination ...

  18. Factor analysis of the scale of prodromal symptoms: differentiating between negative and depression symptoms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klaassen, Rianne M. C.; Velthorst, Eva; Nieman, Dorien H.; de Haan, Lieuwe; Becker, Hiske E.; Dingemans, Peter M.; van de Fliert, J. Reinaud; van der Gaag, Mark; Linszen, Don H.


    This study examines the ability of the Scale of Prodromal Symptoms (SOPS) to differentiate between negative and depression symptoms in a young help-seeking ultrahigh risk (UHR) group. SOPS data of 77 help-seeking patients at UHR for psychosis were analyzed with an exploratory factor analysis. The

  19. Hope, Symptoms, and Palliative Care. (United States)

    Davis, Mellar P; Lagman, Ruth; Parala, Armida; Patel, Chirag; Sanford, Tanya; Fielding, Flannery; Brumbaugh, Anita; Gross, James; Rao, Archana; Majeed, Sumreen; Shinde, Shivani; Rybicki, Lisa A


    Hope is important to patients with cancer. Identifying factors that influence hope is important. Anxiety, depression, fatigue, and pain are reported to impair hope. The objective of this study was to determine whether age, gender, marital status, duration of cancer, symptoms, or symptom burden measured by the sum of severity scores on the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) correlated with hope measured by the Herth Hope Index (HHI). Patients with advanced cancer in a palliative care unit participated. Demographics including age, gender, marital status, cancer site, and duration of cancer were collected. Individuals completed the ESAS and HHI. Spearman correlation and linear regression were used to assess associations adjusting for gender (male vs female), age ( 12 months). One hundred and ninety-seven were participated in the study, of which 55% were female with a mean age of 61 years (standard deviation 11). Hope was not associated with gender, age, marital status, or duration of cancer. In univariable analysis, hope inversely correlated with ESAS score (-0.28), lack of appetite (-0.22), shortness of breath (-0.17), depression (-0.39), anxiety (-0.32), and lack of well-being (-0.33); only depression was clinically relevant. In multivariable analysis, total symptom burden weakly correlated with hope; only depression remained clinically significant. This study found correlation between symptom burden and hope was not clinically relevant but was so for depression. Among 9 ESAS symptoms, only depression had a clinically relevant correlation with hope.

  20. The Prospective Association Between Internalizing Symptoms and Adolescent Alcohol Involvement and the Moderating Role of Age and Externalizing Symptoms. (United States)

    Colder, Craig R; Shyhalla, Kathleen; Frndak, Seth; Read, Jennifer P; Lengua, Liliana J; Hawk, Larry W; Wieczorek, William F


    As predicted by self-medication theories that drinking is motivated by a desire to ameliorate emotional distress, some studies find internalizing symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression) increase risk of adolescent drinking; however, such a risk effect has not been supported consistently. Our prior work examined externalizing symptoms as a potential moderator of the association between internalizing symptoms and adolescent alcohol use to explain some of the inconsistencies in the literature. We found that internalizing symptoms were protective against early adolescent alcohol use particularly for youth elevated on externalizing symptoms (a 2-way interaction). Our sample has now been followed for several additional assessments that extend into young adulthood, and the current study tests whether the protective effect of internalizing symptoms may change as youth age into young adulthood, and whether this age-moderating effect varied across different clusters of internalizing symptoms (social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and depression). Internalizing symptoms were hypothesized to shift from a protective factor to a risk factor with age, particularly for youth elevated on externalizing symptoms. A community sample of 387 adolescents was followed for 9 annual assessments (mean age = 12.1 years at the first assessment and 55% female). Multilevel cross-lagged 2-part zero-inflated Poisson models were used to test hypotheses. The most robust moderating effects were for levels of alcohol use, such that the protective effect of all internalizing symptom clusters was most evident in the context of moderate to high levels of externalizing problems. A risk effect of internalizing symptoms was evident at low levels of externalizing symptoms. With age, the risk and protective effects of internalizing symptoms were evident at less extreme levels of externalizing behavior. With respect to alcohol-related problems, findings did not support age moderation for generalized anxiety or

  1. Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment (United States)

    ... Table of Contents What are some of the symptoms of celiac disease? Some people with celiac disease may not feel ... skin rash with blisters slowed growth Why are celiac disease symptoms so varied? Researchers are studying the reasons celiac ...

  2. Quantifying the impact of transient joint symptoms, chronic joint symptoms, and arthritis: a population-based approach. (United States)

    Busija, Lucy; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Osborne, Richard H


    To estimate the prevalence and co-occurrence of self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis, chronic joint symptoms (pain, aching, stiffness, or swelling on most days for a month), and transient joint symptoms (pain, aching, stiffness, or swelling but not on most days for a month), and to compare the sociodemographic characteristics, activity limitations, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of people with joint conditions with those who have no self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis and no joint symptoms. Data from the 2004 population-based South Australian Health Omnibus Survey (n = 2,840, ages 18-96 years) were used in the study. Activity limitations were assessed using 10 activity limitations questions from the Short Form 36 health survey. HRQOL was assessed using the Assessment of Quality of Life scale. Half of all respondents reported having joint problems, with 26%, 11%, and 13% reporting self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis, chronic joint symptoms, and transient joint symptoms, respectively. Chronic joint conditions (self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis and chronic joint symptoms) accounted for 74% of all joint problems and were associated with higher odds of activity limitations and poorer HRQOL. The frequency of transient and chronic joint symptoms was highest among middle-aged participants (ages 45-54 years for transient and 45-64 years for chronic joint symptoms) and those who had a body mass index in the obese range. Prevalence of self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis increased with age and was higher among women and those who were overweight or obese. This study documented the high prevalence and impact of joint conditions in the community. Chronic joint conditions affect daily life and are substantial barriers for effective public health interventions aimed at reducing obesity and inactivity.

  3. Effects of quitting cannabis on respiratory symptoms (United States)

    Hancox, Robert J.; Shin, Hayden H.; Gray, Andrew R.; Poulton, Richie; Sears, Malcolm R.


    Smoking cannabis is associated with symptoms of bronchitis. Little is known about the persistence of symptoms after stopping cannabis use. We assessed associations between changes in cannabis use and respiratory symptoms in a population-based cohort of 1037 young adults. Participants were asked about cannabis and tobacco use at ages 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38 years. Symptoms of morning cough, sputum production, wheeze, dyspnoea on exertion and asthma diagnoses were ascertained at the same ages. Frequent cannabis use was defined as ≥52 occasions over the previous year. Associations between frequent cannabis use and respiratory symptoms were analysed using generalised estimating equations with adjustments for tobacco smoking, asthma, sex and age. Frequent cannabis use was associated with morning cough (OR 1.97, pcannabis use was associated with reductions in the prevalence of cough, sputum and wheeze to levels similar to nonusers. Frequent cannabis use is associated with symptoms of bronchitis in young adults. Reducing cannabis use often leads to a resolution of these symptoms. PMID:25837035

  4. Overvågning af aviær influenza i vilde fugle i Danmark 2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Krog, Jesper Schak; Madsen, Jesper J.

    Overvågningen af aviær influenza (AI) virus i vilde fugle i Danmark i 2012 er udført i samarbejde mellem Fødevarestyrelsen (FVST), Veterinærinstituttet, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU-VET) og Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet (SNM) i henhold til ”Aftale mellem Fødevaresty......Overvågningen af aviær influenza (AI) virus i vilde fugle i Danmark i 2012 er udført i samarbejde mellem Fødevarestyrelsen (FVST), Veterinærinstituttet, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU-VET) og Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet (SNM) i henhold til ”Aftale mellem...... Fødevarestyrelsen og Veterinærinstituttet om overvågning af aviær influenza i vilde fugle i Danmark i 2012” (bilag 4). Overvågning af AI på EU niveau går tilbage til 2002, og Danmark er underlagt EU kommissionens bestemmelser for udformning af overvågningen, der dog har skiftet gennem årene i takt med indhøstede...... erfaringer. I 2012 blev der udført passiv overvågning af døde vilde fugle, der blev fundet i naturen på lokaliteter, der fordelte sig over det meste af landet. Der blev testet 18 fugle, og ingen af disse var positive for HPAI. To prøver var positive for LPAI virus, men disse virus var ikke af influenza A H5...

  5. Overvågning af aviær influenza i vilde fugle 2012 i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane; Trebbien, Ramona; Madsen, Jesper J.

    Overvågningen af aviær influenza (AI) virus i vilde fugle i Danmark i 2012 er udført i samarbejde mellem Fødevarestyrelsen (FVST), Veterinærinstituttet, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU-VET) og Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet (SNM) i henhold til ”Aftale mellem Fødevaresty......Overvågningen af aviær influenza (AI) virus i vilde fugle i Danmark i 2012 er udført i samarbejde mellem Fødevarestyrelsen (FVST), Veterinærinstituttet, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU-VET) og Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet (SNM) i henhold til ”Aftale mellem...... Fødevarestyrelsen og Veterinærinstituttet om overvågning af aviær influenza i vilde fugle i Danmark i 2012” (bilag 4). Overvågning af AI på EU niveau går tilbage til 2002, og Danmark er underlagt EU kommissionens bestemmelser for udformning af overvågningen, der dog har skiftet gennem årene i takt med indhøstede...... erfaringer. I 2012 blev der udført passiv overvågning af døde vilde fugle, der blev fundet i naturen på lokaliteter, der fordelte sig over det meste af landet. Der blev testet 18 fugle, og ingen af disse var positive for HPAI. To prøver var positive for LPAI virus, men disse virus var ikke af influenza A H5...

  6. Recognizing Symptoms (United States)

    ... helpful, please consider supporting IFFGD with a small tax- deductible donation. Make Donation Signs and Symptoms Overview ... arises requiring an expert’s care. © Copyright 1998-2018 International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Inc. (IFFGD). All ...

  7. Grass pollen symptoms interfere with the recollection of birch pollen symptoms - a prospective study of suspected, asymptomatic skin sensitization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Assing, K; Bødtger, Uffe; Poulsen, L K


    of seasonal allergic symptoms and prospective seasonal symptom registration among subjects with AS. METHODS: On the basis of a population survey, autumn 2002, including skin prick tests (positive if > or =3 mm) and a screening questionnaire, 87 subjects with AS to birch and/or grass pollen, birch and/or grass...... days. RESULTS: Eleven AS subjects (birch: n = 10) subsequently developed allergic symptoms, yet nine admitted, at follow up, to have had symptoms before inclusion, or even denied pollen-related symptoms despite a significant diary. Compared with AS subjects sensitized to grass pollen, AS subjects...

  8. The impact of depressive and bipolar symptoms on socioeconomic status, core symptoms, function and severity of fibromyalgia. (United States)

    Gota, Carmen E; Kaouk, Sahar; Wilke, William S


    To evaluate the prevalence of depressive and bipolar symptoms in a cohort of consecutive fibromyalgia (FM) patients seen in a tertiary care center and to determine the relationship between depressive and manic symptoms with FM symptoms, socioeconomic status, severity and function. Three hundred and five FM patients were enrolled; demographic, clinical and questionnaire data were collected. Depressive symptoms were measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), manic symptoms by the Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ). The FM cohort had the following characteristics: age 43.53 (11.7) years; 86.5% white; 82.7% female; PHQ-9 ≥ 10, 59.7%, mean 11.9 (7.3); no depression 11.4%, mild 29.1%, moderate 27.5%, moderate severe 17.7%, severe 14%; anxiety 41.6%; 21.3% had either an MDQ score ≥ 7 and/or reported a past diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BD). Increasing levels of depression severity, as well as a positive screen for BD were significantly associated with increasing prevalence and severity of FM symptoms, longer duration of morning stiffness, and increased severity of FM. Increasing levels of depression were significantly associated with increase in prevalence of reported past sexual abuse, and a decline in socioeconomic status, including higher disability and unemployment rates. Patients with severe FM disease activity, high load of symptoms, prolonged morning stiffness, increased disability, lower socioeconomic status and those who take a lot of medications for FM should be evaluated for depressive and manic symptoms. © 2015 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  9. Psychometric Evaluation of the Diabetes Symptom Checklist-Revised (DSC-R)-A Measure of Symptom Distress

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arbuckle, R.A.; Humphrey, L.; Vardeva, K.; Arondekar, B.; Scott, J.A.; Snoek, F.J.


    Objective: To assess the psychometric validity, reliability, responsiveness, and minimal important differences of the Diabetes Symptoms Checklist-Revised (DSC-R), a widely used patient-reported outcome measure of diabetes symptom distress. Research Design and Methods: Psychometric validity of the

  10. Symptoms and biomarkers associated with celiac disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kårhus, Line L; Thuesen, Betina H; Rumessen, Juri J.


    OBJECTIVES: To identify possible early predictors (symptoms and biomarkers) of celiac disease, compare symptoms before and after screening, and evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of serologic screening for celiac disease in an adult Danish population. METHODS: This cross-sectional population......-positive individuals 19 months after the clinical evaluation to obtain information on their symptoms and their experience with participation in the screening. RESULTS: Before screening, participants subsequently diagnosed with celiac disease did not differ from the rest of the population with respect to symptoms...... with having been diagnosed and 71% felt better on a gluten-free diet. CONCLUSION: There were no differences in the prevalence of symptoms between participants with and without screening-detected celiac disease, confirming that risk stratification in a general population by symptoms is difficult. The majority...

  11. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and celiac disease. (United States)

    Urban-Kowalczyk, Małgorzata; OEmigielski, Janusz; Gmitrowicz, Agnieszka


    Neuropsychiatric symptoms may represent an atypical manifestation of celiac disease that occur before a gastroenterological diagnosis is made. Some studies suggest that a gluten-free diet is effective in treating the depression, anxiety, and neurological complications associated with celiac disease. The article describes the case of a patient suffering from chronic, treatment-resistant symptoms of depression and anxiety. The diagnosis of celiac disease and introduction of an elimination diet caused a significant improvement in mental state and everyday functioning in the presenting patient. The presence of persistent anxiety and depressive symptoms, with a poor reaction to pharmacological treatment, indicates a need to identify somatic reasons for the underlying condition. It is important to remember that celiac disease can occur at any age, not only in childhood. The presence of this somatic cause of persistent depressive and anxiety symptoms should be considered in the diagnostic process in adults.

  12. Experiential Avoidance and Rumination in Parents of Children on Cancer Treatment: Relationships with Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Symptoms of Depression. (United States)

    Cernvall, Martin; Skogseid, Ellen; Carlbring, Per; Ljungman, Lisa; Ljungman, Gustaf; von Essen, Louise


    We conducted a cross-sectional survey study to investigate whether there is a relationship between experiential avoidance (EA), rumination, post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), and symptoms of depression, in parents of children on cancer treatment. Data from 79 parents (55 mothers) of 79 children with a median of three months since their cancer diagnosis were included in cross-sectional analyses. EA and rumination were positively correlated with PTSS and symptoms of depression. EA and rumination did not provide incremental explained variance in PTSS over and above that explained by symptoms of depression, while controlling for symptoms of anxiety and demographic characteristics. However, EA and rumination provided incremental explained variance in symptoms of depression over and above that explained by PTSS, while controlling for symptoms of anxiety and demographic characteristics. Rumination and EA are important constructs in the understanding of PTSS and symptoms of depression in parents of children on cancer treatment. Future research should delineate the temporal relationships between these constructs.

  13. Parkinson's disease and narcolepsy-like symptoms. (United States)

    Ylikoski, Ari; Martikainen, Kirsti; Sarkanen, Tomi; Partinen, Markku


    Various sleep-related problems, for example, insomnia and symptoms of rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD), are common in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). We studied the prevalence of symptoms of narcolepsy (NARC), hallucinations, and RBD and their association with other symptoms. Altogether, 1447 randomly selected patients with PD, aged 43-89 years, participated in a questionnaire study. A structured questionnaire with 207 items was based on the Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire. Questions on demographics, PD, RBD, and other issues were included. The response rate was 59.0%; of these patients, 73% had answered to all questions that were used in the analyses (N = 623). The occurrence of suspected narcolepsy (Ullanlinna Narcolepsy Scale ≥ 14 and Epworth Sleepiness Scale ≥ 11) was observed in 9.3% of the subjects (PD with NARC), RBD (REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire ≥ 6) in 39.2% of all patients with PD, and in 62.1% of those with PD and NARC. In patients with PD, hallucinations before going to bed in the evening occurred in 5.8%, hypnagogic hallucinations in 4.0%, hallucinations during night 8.3%, and hypnopompic hallucinations in 3.2%. Cataplexy symptoms occurred in 43.1% of subjects with PD and NARC. In a logistic regression analysis, PD with NARC was associated with RBD, all types of hallucinations, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, insomnia, and intense dreaming also when adjusted for age, sex, disease duration, and levodopa. Narcolepsy-like symptoms may be present in patients with PD. Symptoms of RBD were associated with symptoms of narcolepsy including symptoms of cataplexy. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Chemotherapy-related neuropathic symptom management: a randomized trial of an automated symptom-monitoring system paired with nurse practitioner follow-up. (United States)

    Kolb, Noah Allan; Smith, Albert Gordon; Singleton, John Robinson; Beck, Susan L; Howard, Diantha; Dittus, Kim; Karafiath, Summer; Mooney, Kathi


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new care model to reduce chemotherapy-induced neuropathic symptoms. Neuropathic symptom usual care was prospectively compared to an automated symptom-monitoring and coaching system, SymptomCare@Home (SCH), which included nurse practitioner follow-up triggered by moderate to severe symptoms. Patients beginning chemotherapy were randomized to usual care (UC) or to the SCH intervention. This sub-analysis included only taxane/platin therapies. Participants called the automated telephone symptom-monitoring system daily to report numbness and tingling. The monitoring system recorded patient-reported neuropathic symptom severity, distress, and activity interference on a 0-10 scale. UC participants were instructed to call their oncologist for symptom management. SCH participants with symptom severity of ≥ 4 received automated self-care strategies, and a nurse practitioner (NP) provided guideline-based care. There were 252 participants, 78.6% of which were female. Mean age was 55.1 years. Mean follow-up was 90.2 ± 39.9 days (81.1 ± 40.3 calls). SCH participants had fewer days of moderate (1.8 ± 4.0 vs. 8.6 ± 17.3, p < 0.001) and severe chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms (0.3 ± 1.0 vs. 1.1 ± 5.2, p = 0.006). SCH participants had fewer days with moderate and severe symptom-related distress (1.4 ± 3.7 vs. 6.9 ± 15.0, p < 0.001; 0.2 ± 0.9 vs. 1.5 ± 6.1, p = 0.001) and trended towards less activity interference (3.3 ± 1.9 vs. 3.8 ± 2.1, p = 0.08). Other neuropathic symptoms were addressed in 5.8-15.4% of SCH follow-up calls. The SCH system effectively identified neuropathic symptoms and their severity and, paired with NP follow-up, reduced symptom prevalence, severity, and distress compared to usual care.

  15. Børn med diagnoser som pædagogisk-psykologisk udfordring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøttcher, Louise


    hovedsageligt vanskelighederne ud fra en social vinkel. Den artikels dialektiske balancegang mellem de to positioner vil udfolde en forståelse af diagnoser som ADHD eller autismespektrumforstyrrelser, som tager udgangspunkt i at en eller flere biologiske afvigelser meget vel kan være den oprindelige årsag til...... hvordan uoverensstemmelsen mellem barnet og omgivelserne skaber problemer og udfordringer, kan diagnosen blive nyttig. Nemlig som dialektisk redskab til at analysere de psykologiske og pædagogiske udviklingsmæssige konsekvenser af at have en psykisk udviklingsforstyrrelse af typen ASD eller ADHD – frem...

  16. Den sproglige leg er super fly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Just, Sine Nørholm


    Man kan rappe om alt. I hvert fald hvis man er Marvelous Mosell. I spændingsfeltet mellem fiktion og virkelighed skaber Mosell sin persona i et forjættende 80' er-univers der på en og samme tid er vildt overdrevet og helt autentisk.......Man kan rappe om alt. I hvert fald hvis man er Marvelous Mosell. I spændingsfeltet mellem fiktion og virkelighed skaber Mosell sin persona i et forjættende 80' er-univers der på en og samme tid er vildt overdrevet og helt autentisk....

  17. Leagile Manufacturing - implementering af modulariserede produktplatforme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjarnø, Ole-Christian


    Lean og Agile (Leagile) Manufacturing indebærer ikke blot den rette balance (dekobling) mellem lean producerede komponenter og agile konfigurerede færdigvarer, og dermed til levering af individualiserede produkter til konkurrencedygtige priser og høj kvalitet, men også til effektivitet og...... fleksibilitet i produktudvikling og produktion. For at opnå integrationen mellem agile og lean kan der arbejdes med en vifte af integrationsmekanismer inden for organisatoriske og teknologiske virkemidler. Projektet har til formål at identificere, strukturere og modellere de centrale analyse- og...

  18. Professional Identitites, Subjectivity, and Learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Henning Salling


    Artiklen fremlægger en livshistorisk tilgang til forskning i professionsidentitet og professionelles læring. På baggrund af empiriske studier i en række professioner opstilles en søgemodel for samspillet mellem arbejde, teorifelt og de professionelles subjektive engagement. Der præsenteres analys......Artiklen fremlægger en livshistorisk tilgang til forskning i professionsidentitet og professionelles læring. På baggrund af empiriske studier i en række professioner opstilles en søgemodel for samspillet mellem arbejde, teorifelt og de professionelles subjektive engagement. Der...

  19. Ytringsfrihed og blasfemi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Sten


    En redegørelse for forholdet mellem blasfemi, ytringsfrihed og religionsforhånelse. Der argumenteres endvidere for at blasfemibestemmelsen i den danske straffelov ikke udtrykker gældende ret, at det stedse er vanskeligt at finde en balance mellem den vigtige ytringsfrihed og de nødvendige indskræ...... indskrænkninger (såsom børneporne, opfordringer til vold og folkemord) og at beskyttelse af religion ikke har noget med menneskerettigheder at gøre og at forbud mod religionsforhånelse risikerer at stride mod menneskerettighederne....

  20. Socialt ansvarlig markedsføring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz


    Samarbejde mellem juridiske froskere fra ASB, datalogiske forskere fra AAU samt den geostatiske virksomhed GEOMATIC skal sikre, at udviklingen af markedsføring til nye mobile teknologier sker på en etisk og socialt ansvarlig måde og ikke overskrider forbrugernes privatsfære.......Samarbejde mellem juridiske froskere fra ASB, datalogiske forskere fra AAU samt den geostatiske virksomhed GEOMATIC skal sikre, at udviklingen af markedsføring til nye mobile teknologier sker på en etisk og socialt ansvarlig måde og ikke overskrider forbrugernes privatsfære....

  1. Vådområder, flyvepladser og risiko for bird strikes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Thomas Kjær; Hounisen, Jens Peder


    Rapporten udgør en opdatering af Teknisk anvisning nr. 23 fra DMU (Christensen & Hounisen 2006), omhandlende risikovurdering for bird strikes (kollisioner mellem fugle og fly) i danske lufthavne ved etablering af vådområder nær disse. Rapporten analyserer relationen mellem ændrede forekomster af...... søer og enge/moser indenfor lufthavnenes sikkerhedszoner på 13 km og forekomsten af bird strikes i perioden 2006-2013. Anbefalinger til placering og størrelse af vådområder i lufthavnenes sikkerhedszoner er opdateret på baggrund af rapportens resultater....

  2. Notes on the notion of "just war"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zangenberg, Mikkel


    En Bordieu-inspireret analyse af ideen om "retfærdig krig", og forholdet mellem intellektuelle og krigsførsel - set i lyset af kritiske interventioner i forhold til Irak-krigen ved Michael Walzer, Slavoj Zizek, og Antonio Negri og Michael Hardt. Udgivelsesdato: july 09......En Bordieu-inspireret analyse af ideen om "retfærdig krig", og forholdet mellem intellektuelle og krigsførsel - set i lyset af kritiske interventioner i forhold til Irak-krigen ved Michael Walzer, Slavoj Zizek, og Antonio Negri og Michael Hardt. Udgivelsesdato: july 09...

  3. Lean og arbejdsmiljø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kenneth

    Bogen tager udgangspunkt i en undersøgelse af 10 private og offentlige virksomheders erfaringer med lean. Undersøgelsen viser at der ikke findes entydige sammenhænge mellem lean og det psykosociale arbejdsmiljø. Bogen forholder sig til sammenhængen mellem lean og ledelse, lean og medarbejderens...... rolle, lean og lean og forandringsprocessen. Bogen kommer desuden med anbefalinger til hvorledes virksomheden kan gribe dialogen an for at opnå et godt lean forløb der inddrager hensynet til og effekterne af et godt psykosocialt arbejdsmiljø....

  4. Tema: Når 9 regnmålere i et forsyningsområde ikke er nok..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laden, Bo; Sørensen, Morten Steen; Nielsen, Jesper Ellerbæk


    Aalborg Forsyning, Kloak A/S overvejer i øjeblikket i samråd med Aalborg Universitet, hvordan samspil mellem forsyningens 9 regnmålere og et kommende regn radarsystem udformes optimalt. Behovet for dette samspil blev tydeliggjort ved en regnhændelse den 11. maj 2014.......Aalborg Forsyning, Kloak A/S overvejer i øjeblikket i samråd med Aalborg Universitet, hvordan samspil mellem forsyningens 9 regnmålere og et kommende regn radarsystem udformes optimalt. Behovet for dette samspil blev tydeliggjort ved en regnhændelse den 11. maj 2014....

  5. Kollaborative online skriveprocesser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Birgitte Holm


    Kapitlet sætter fokus på elevers kollaborative online skriveprocesser, hvor der foregår en interaktion mellem eleverne og teknologien og mellem eleverne. Dillenbourgs begreber om kollaborative og kooperative processer udfoldes med udgangspunkt i fire cases fra empirien, som analyseres. Analyserne...... sætter fokus på elevernes skrivestrategier, hvor teknologien bliver en aktør i disse processer, de forskellige roller, som eleverne indtager gennem interaktion med teknologien, og deres kommunikation om disse processer. Analyserne af casene udfordrer til at udvikle didaktiske design for online...

  6. Religiøsitet i livsformen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock, Steen


    Artiklen argumenterer for at mange opfattelser af religiøsitet reducerer fænomenet til en slags moralitet. Med Wittgensteins filosofi som modeksempel, og i lyset af en modstilling mellem Hegel og Kierkegaards opfattelse af religiøsitet, betones religiøsitetens radikale karakter.......Artiklen argumenterer for at mange opfattelser af religiøsitet reducerer fænomenet til en slags moralitet. Med Wittgensteins filosofi som modeksempel, og i lyset af en modstilling mellem Hegel og Kierkegaards opfattelse af religiøsitet, betones religiøsitetens radikale karakter....

  7. Om etisk og demokratisk dannelse på multietniske skoler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn


    I denne forskningsartikel peges der på den manglende opmærksomhed, der uddannelsespolitisk har været omkring forholdet mellem kravet om værdiafklaring på skolerne i Danmark og inddragelsen af det multikulturelle aspekt. Det diskuteres, hvorvidt man på en multietnisk skole kan undgå at havne i et ...... der peges på behovet for at gentænke forholdet mellem disse to dannelsesformer i retning af en inddragelse af en medborgerskabsidé, der hverken er et kulturelt eller politisk medborgerskab - men et eksistentielt og kosmopolitisk medborgerskab beskrevet som "sokratisk citizenship"....

  8. Forskningsbaseret viden kan bruges i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braad, Mette; Bahnsen, Iben Bøgh; Axelsen, Hanne Clement


    Evidensbaseret praksis blev trænet i et samarbejde mellem sygeplejestuderende, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aalborg. Resultatet af samarbejdet kommer nu præmature børn i CPAP-behandling til gode i form af systematisk soignering, aflastning og gel-behandling omkr......Evidensbaseret praksis blev trænet i et samarbejde mellem sygeplejestuderende, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aalborg. Resultatet af samarbejdet kommer nu præmature børn i CPAP-behandling til gode i form af systematisk soignering, aflastning og gel...

  9. Specialiseringsmodul i Læreruddannelsen - inklusion i skolen og social innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gottlieb, Lotte; Johannesen, Rikke


    Modulet "Inklusion i skolen og socialt entreprenørskab" retter sig mod det store overlap mellem inklusion og social innovation/socialt entreprenørskab. Innovation og entreprenørskab indgår derfor i modulet som et didaktisk greb både indholds- og formmæssigt.......Modulet "Inklusion i skolen og socialt entreprenørskab" retter sig mod det store overlap mellem inklusion og social innovation/socialt entreprenørskab. Innovation og entreprenørskab indgår derfor i modulet som et didaktisk greb både indholds- og formmæssigt....

  10. Lærer-elev-relationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Per Fibæk; Nielsen, Anne Maj


    I kapitlet belyser vi relationskompetence i forholdet mellem lærer og elever og hvordan læreren kan arbejde med forhold til elever og med sin opmærksomhed på relationsarbejdet. Afslutningsvis ser vi på hvordan lærere fortsat kan udvikle deres relationskompetence.......I kapitlet belyser vi relationskompetence i forholdet mellem lærer og elever og hvordan læreren kan arbejde med forhold til elever og med sin opmærksomhed på relationsarbejdet. Afslutningsvis ser vi på hvordan lærere fortsat kan udvikle deres relationskompetence....

  11. Informationskompetence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Maria Bøtker


    Det beskrives hvordan informationsøgningundervisning på læreruddannelsen på Fyn er tilrettelagt, for at sikre en sammenhæng mellem undervisning i bibliotekets ressourcer og den øvrige faglige undervisning. Teoretisk inddrages Illeris læringstrekant samt Kolb læringscirkel.......Det beskrives hvordan informationsøgningundervisning på læreruddannelsen på Fyn er tilrettelagt, for at sikre en sammenhæng mellem undervisning i bibliotekets ressourcer og den øvrige faglige undervisning. Teoretisk inddrages Illeris læringstrekant samt Kolb læringscirkel....

  12. A distilled fire of thirteen hells – Jens Baggesen between the Germans and the Danes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blicher, Henrik

    Venskabet mellem Carl Friedrich Cramer og Jens Baggesen blev et politisk anliggende for første gang under den såkaldte Tyskerfejde i 1789, da latente spændinger mellem en indflydelsesrig tysk gruppering i København en og en større nationalt orienteret gruppe borgere blev til åben konflikt. Jens B...... tyske aristokrati i København. Det prekære forhold har sat sig indirekte, men tydelige spor i rejseskildringen Labyrinten (bd. 1-2, 1792-93), der på denne baggrund fremstår som en apologi for Jens Baggesens position....

  13. Just War? Iraq in the Bonfire between Walzer, Zizek, Hardt and Negri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zangenberg, Mikkel


    Artiklen undersøger det generelle spørgsmål om retfærdig krig, og om relationen mellem intellektuelle og krig, ved at inspicere henholdsvis Michael Walzer, Slavoj Zizek, Michael Hardt og Antonio Negris manøvrer overfor USA's krig i Irak.......Artiklen undersøger det generelle spørgsmål om retfærdig krig, og om relationen mellem intellektuelle og krig, ved at inspicere henholdsvis Michael Walzer, Slavoj Zizek, Michael Hardt og Antonio Negris manøvrer overfor USA's krig i Irak....

  14. Pre-larp workshops as learning situations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Jesper


    I dette kapitel udforskes ligheder mellem prærollespilsworkshops og undervisningssituationer ved at bruge constructive alignment som en designramme. Analogien mellem workshops og undervisning udvikles ved at analysere, hvordan deltagere og arrangører arbejder med rollespilsværktøjet ars armandi i...... de workshops som blev afholdt før rollespillet Delirium (2010). Nogle af aktiviteterne i en prærollespilsworkshop minder meget om undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter i universitetskurser der søger at anvende konstruktivistisk tankegang. Begrebet tilsigtede læringsresultater (intended learning...

  15. Moms og fast ejendom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edlund, Hans Henrik


    I artiklen gives et overblik over, hvorledes fast ejendom behandles momsmæssigt. Derfor findes en kort skitsering af reglerne for moms på byggearbejder, afgrænsningen mellem momspligtig og momsfri udlejning, muligheden for frivillig registrering af udlejning samt opgørelse af reguleringsforpligte......I artiklen gives et overblik over, hvorledes fast ejendom behandles momsmæssigt. Derfor findes en kort skitsering af reglerne for moms på byggearbejder, afgrænsningen mellem momspligtig og momsfri udlejning, muligheden for frivillig registrering af udlejning samt opgørelse af...

  16. Hvilken organisation arbejder du for?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Obed Madsen, Søren


    Et interview med Michael Ziegler viser at KL og offentlige ansatte medarbejdere ikke har det samme syn på, hvilken organisation, de arbejder for. Hvis det ikke skal føre til konflikter, kræver det oversættelse mellem de to verdener.......Et interview med Michael Ziegler viser at KL og offentlige ansatte medarbejdere ikke har det samme syn på, hvilken organisation, de arbejder for. Hvis det ikke skal føre til konflikter, kræver det oversættelse mellem de to verdener....

  17. La communication animale selon Ğāḥiz, à travers son œuvre Kitāb al-Ḥayawān

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aarab, Ahmed; Provencal, Philippe


    En præsentation af en af de tidligste analyser af kommunikation mellem individerne hos forskellige dyrearter. Denne analyse findes i værket fra det 9. århundrede Kitāb al-Ḥayawān skrevet af al-Ğāḥiz.......En præsentation af en af de tidligste analyser af kommunikation mellem individerne hos forskellige dyrearter. Denne analyse findes i værket fra det 9. århundrede Kitāb al-Ḥayawān skrevet af al-Ğāḥiz....

  18. Symptom-Hemodynamic Mismatch and Heart Failure Event Risk (United States)

    Lee, Christopher S.; Hiatt, Shirin O.; Denfeld, Quin E.; Mudd, James O.; Chien, Christopher; Gelow, Jill M.


    Background Heart failure (HF) is a heterogeneous condition of both symptoms and hemodynamics. Objective The goal of this study was to identify distinct profiles among integrated data on physical and psychological symptoms and hemodynamics, and quantify differences in 180-day event-risk among observed profiles. Methods A secondary analysis of data collected during two prospective cohort studies by a single group of investigators was performed. Latent class mixture modeling was used to identify distinct symptom-hemodynamic profiles. Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to quantify difference in event-risk (HF emergency visit, hospitalization or death) among profiles. Results The mean age (n=291) was 57±13 years, 38% were female, and 61% had class III/IV HF. Three distinct symptom-hemodynamic profiles were identified. 17.9% of patients had concordant symptoms and hemodynamics (i.e. moderate physical and psychological symptoms matched the comparatively hemodynamic profile), 17.9% had severe symptoms and average hemodynamics, and 64.2% had poor hemodynamics and mild symptoms. Compared to those in the concordant profile, both profiles of symptom-hemodynamic mismatch were associated with a markedly increased event-risk (severe symptoms hazards ratio = 3.38, p=0.033; poor hemodynamics hazards ratio = 3.48, p=0.016). Conclusions A minority of adults with HF have concordant symptoms and hemodynamics. Either profile of symptom-hemodynamic mismatch in HF is associated with a greater risk of healthcare utilization for HF or death. PMID:24988323

  19. Dissociative symptoms and neuroendocrine dysregulation in depression. (United States)

    Bob, Petr; Fedor-Freybergh, Peter; Jasova, Denisa; Bizik, Gustav; Susta, Marek; Pavlat, Josef; Zima, Tomas; Benakova, Hana; Raboch, Jiri


    Dissociative symptoms are traditionally attributed to psychological stressors that produce dissociated memories related to stressful life events. Dissociative disorders and dissociative symptoms including psychogenic amnesia, fugue, dissociative identity-disorder, depersonalization, derealization and other symptoms or syndromes have been reported as an epidemic psychiatric condition that may be coexistent with various psychiatric diagnoses such as depression, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder or anxiety disorders. According to recent findings also the somatic components of dissociation may occur and influence brain, autonomic and neuroendocrine functions. At this time there are only few studies examining neuroendocrine response related to dissociative symptoms that suggest significant dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The aim of the present study is to perform examination of HPA axis functioning indexed by basal cortisol and prolactin and test their relationship to psychic and somatoform dissociative symptoms. Basal cortisol and prolactin and psychic and somatoform dissociative symptoms were assessed in 40 consecutive inpatients with diagnosis of unipolar depression mean age 43.37 (SD=12.21). The results show that prolactin and cortisol as indices of HPA axis functioning manifest significant relationship to dissociative symptoms. Main results represent highly significant correlations obtained by simple regression between psychic dissociative symptoms (DES) and serum prolactin (R=0.55, p=0.00027), and between somatoform dissociation (SDQ-20) and serum cortisol (R=-0.38, p=0.015). These results indicate relationship between HPA-axis reactivity and dissociative symptoms in unipolar depressive patients that could reflect passive coping behavior and disengagement.

  20. Use of American urological association symptom index of measuring urinary symptoms in radiotherapy as a quality of life instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Misa M.; Mamo, Carol; Vijayakumar, Srinivasan


    PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION: In newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients, urinary symptoms due to a comorbid diagnosis of BPH is a common presentation. Furthermore, following radiotherapy patients often experience further urinary symptoms. However, it is not clear how much of these urinary symptoms impairing the quality of life are due to the radiotherapy versus the BPH. To objectively measure the influence of urinary symptoms on quality of life in BPH, the American Urological Association (AUA) has developed an evaluative instrument, AUA Symptom Index(AUASI). This self-administered questionnaire eliminates potential problems of interviewer bias and allows one to measure change in symptom levels over the time as well as with therapy. Its reliability and validity, including internal and external consistency and test-retest reliability have been well-documented. Because of its simplicity, concise-nature, already documented validity, and self-administered design, a survey using AUASI questionnaire was conducted pre- and post-radiotherapy for the following purposes: (1) to measure the difference in urinary symptoms after radiotherapy, thus identifying the treatment induced symptom profile; (2) to assess the feasibility of utilizing AUASI as a rational post-therapy toxicity measurement. MATERIALS and METHODS: A total of 18 patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer were questioned regarding their urinary symptoms using AUASI. The AUASI which consists of 7 questions about irritative and obstructive symptoms was provided prospectively prior to the start of radiotherapy. Each patient indicated the presence of their symptoms on a scale rating from 0(not at all) to 5(almost always). The scores on the individual questions were then summed to give total index(range:0-35). Out of 18, 8 patients who completed a definitive radiotherapy were identified and surveyed with the same questionnaire to compare the pre- and post-therapy related urinary symptoms. RESULTS: There was no

  1. What Are the Symptoms of Turner Syndrome? (United States)

    ... Pinterest Email Print What are the symptoms of Turner syndrome? Turner syndrome causes a variety of symptoms in girls and ... some people, symptoms are mild, but for others, Turner syndrome can cause serious health problems. In general, women ...

  2. Next-generation negative symptom assessment for clinical trials: validation of the Brief Negative Symptom Scale. (United States)

    Strauss, Gregory P; Keller, William R; Buchanan, Robert W; Gold, James M; Fischer, Bernard A; McMahon, Robert P; Catalano, Lauren T; Culbreth, Adam J; Carpenter, William T; Kirkpatrick, Brian


    The current study examined the psychometric properties of the Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS), a next-generation rating instrument developed in response to the NIMH sponsored consensus development conference on negative symptoms. Participants included 100 individuals with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder who completed a clinical interview designed to assess negative, positive, disorganized, and general psychiatric symptoms, as well as functional outcome. A battery of anhedonia questionnaires and neuropsychological tests were also administered. Results indicated that the BNSS has excellent internal consistency and temporal stability, as well as good convergent and discriminant validity in its relationships with other symptom rating scales, functional outcome, self-reported anhedonia, and neuropsychological test scores. Given its brevity (13-items, 15-minute interview) and good psychometric characteristics, the BNSS can be considered a promising new instrument for use in clinical trials. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Neglected children, shame-proneness, and depressive symptoms. (United States)

    Bennett, David S; Sullivan, Margaret Wolan; Lewis, Michael


    Neglected children may be at increased risk for depressive symptoms. This study examines shame-proneness as an outcome of child neglect and as a potential explanatory variable in the relation between neglect and depressive symptoms. Participants were 111 children (52 with a Child Protective Services [CPS] allegation of neglect) seen at age 7. Neglected children reported more shame-proneness and more depressive symptoms than comparison children. Guilt-proneness, in contrast, was unrelated to neglect and depressive symptoms, indicating specificity for shame-proneness. The potential role of shame as a process variable that can help explain how some neglected children exhibit depressive symptoms is discussed.

  4. ''Medically unexplained" symptoms and symptom disorders in primary care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendal, Marianne; Hartman, Tim C. Olde; Aamland, Aase


    that better supports clinical decision-making, creates clearer communication and provides scientific underpinning of research to ensure effective interventions. Discussion: We propose a classification of symptoms that places greater emphasis on prognostic factors. Prognosis-based classification aims...

  5. Understanding medical symptoms: a conceptual review and analysis. (United States)

    Malterud, Kirsti; Guassora, Ann Dorrit; Graungaard, Anette Hauskov; Reventlow, Susanne


    The aim of this article is to present a conceptual review and analysis of symptom understanding. Subjective bodily sensations occur abundantly in the normal population and dialogues about symptoms take place in a broad range of contexts, not only in the doctor's office. Our review of symptom understanding proceeds from an initial subliminal awareness by way of attribution of meaning and subsequent management, with and without professional involvement. We introduce theoretical perspectives from phenomenology, semiotics, social interactionism, and discourse analysis. Drew Leder's phenomenological perspectives deal with how symptom perception occurs when any kind of altered balance brings forward a bodily attention. Corporeality is brought to explicit awareness and perceived as sensations. Jesper Hoffmeyer's biosemiotic perspectives provide access to how signs are interpreted to attribute meaning to the bodily messages. Symptom management is then determined by the meaning of a symptom. Dorte E. Gannik's concept "situational disease" explains how situations can be reviewed not just in terms of their potential to produce signs or symptoms, but also in terms of their capacity to contain symptoms. Disease is a social and relational phenomenon of containment, and regulating the situation where the symptoms originate implies adjusting containment. Discourse analysis, as presented by Jonathan Potter and Margaret Wetherell, provides a tool to notice the subtle ways in which language orders perceptions and how language constructs social interaction. Symptoms are situated in culture and context, and trends in modern everyday life modify symptom understanding continuously. Our analysis suggests that a symptom can only be understood by attention to the social context in which the symptom emerges and the dialogue through which it is negotiated.

  6. Lower urinary tract symptoms--a population survey using the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS) questionnaire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kay, L; Stigsby, B; Brasso, K


    To describe voiding problems and the trouble they cause in a Danish population. Furthermore, to find symptoms specific for the ageing man, and thereby symptoms that might relate to an enlarged prostate....

  7. Betahistine for symptoms of vertigo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Murdin, Louisa; Hussain, Kiran; Schilder, Anne G M


    BACKGROUND: Vertigo is a symptom in which individuals experience a false sensation of movement. This type of dizziness is thought to originate in the inner ear labyrinth or its neural connections. It is a commonly experienced symptom and can cause significant problems with carrying out normal

  8. Longitudinal study of the impact of psychological distress symptoms on new-onset upper gastrointestinal symptoms in World Trade Center responders. (United States)

    Litcher-Kelly, Leighann; Lam, Yvette; Broihier, Julie A; Brand, Douglas L; Banker, Suvin V; Kotov, Roman; Bromet, Evelyn; Bucobo, Juan Carlos; Shaw, Robert D; Luft, Benjamin J


    Research on the health of workers involved in the cleanup after the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001, has documented high rates of psychological distress and upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. The current article examines the concurrent and longitudinal associations of psychological distress with development of new-onset upper GI symptoms in a large sample of WTC responders. A cohort of 10,953 WTC responders monitored by the WTC Health Program participated in the study. Two occupational groups were examined, police and nontraditional responders. The cohort was free of upper GI symptoms or diagnoses at their first visit (3 years after September 11, 2001). Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationships between concurrent and preceding psychological distress symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety, panic, and probable posttraumatic stress disorder with the development of new-onset upper GI symptoms at 3-year follow-up (6 years after September 11, 2001). Across both occupation groups, psychological distress symptoms at Visit 1 were significantly related to the development of GI symptoms by Visit 2 (odd ratios ranging from 1.9 to 5.4). The results for the concurrent relationships were similar. In addition, there were significant dose-response relationships between the number of co-occurring psychological distress symptoms at Visits 1 and 2, and increased new-onset upper GI symptoms at Visit 2. In this large sample of WTC responders, psychological distress symptoms assessed at 3 years after 9/11 are related to reporting upper GI symptoms 6 years after 9/11.

  9. Hematoma Locations Predicting Delirium Symptoms After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Naidech, Andrew M; Polnaszek, Kelly L; Berman, Michael D; Voss, Joel L


    Delirium symptoms are associated with later worse functional outcomes and long-term cognitive impairments, but the neuroanatomical basis for delirium symptoms in patients with acute brain injury is currently uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that hematoma location is predictive of delirium symptoms in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, a model disease where patients are typically not sedated or bacteremic. We prospectively identified 90 patients with intracerebral hemorrhage who underwent routine twice-daily screening for delirium symptoms with a validated examination. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping with acute computed tomography was used to identify hematoma locations associated with delirium symptoms (N = 89). Acute delirium symptoms were predicted by hematoma of right-hemisphere subcortical white matter (superior longitudinal fasciculus) and parahippocampal gyrus. Hematoma including these locations had an odds ratio for delirium of 13 (95 % CI 3.9-43.3, P delirium symptoms. Higher odds ratio for delirium was increased due to hematoma location. The location of neurological injury could be of high prognostic value for predicting delirium symptoms.

  10. "Negative symptoms"secondary to intracranial tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natasha Kate


    Full Text Available Intracranial tumors are increasingly common in the elderly population. They may present with varied symptoms, some of which may be psychiatric in nature. In patients with known psychiatric disorders, these symptoms may be misattributed resulting in a delay in diagnosis and management. We present a case of an elderly female with paranoid schizophrenia and new onset symptoms secondary to intracranial tumor, which were initially misdiagnosed.

  11. DSM-IV "criterion A" schizophrenia symptoms across ethnically different populations: evidence for differing psychotic symptom content or structural organization? (United States)

    McLean, Duncan; Thara, Rangaswamy; John, Sujit; Barrett, Robert; Loa, Peter; McGrath, John; Mowry, Bryan


    There is significant variation in the expression of schizophrenia across ethnically different populations, and the optimal structural and diagnostic representation of schizophrenia are contested. We contrasted both lifetime frequencies of DSM-IV criterion A (the core symptom criterion of the internationally recognized DSM classification system) symptoms and types/content of delusions and hallucinations in transethnic schizophrenia populations from Australia (n = 776), India (n = 504) and Sarawak, Malaysia (n = 259), to elucidate clinical heterogeneity. Differences in both criterion A symptom composition and symptom content were apparent. Indian individuals with schizophrenia reported negative symptoms more frequently than other sites, whereas individuals from Sarawak reported disorganized symptoms more frequently. Delusions of control and thought broadcast, insertion, or withdrawal were less frequent in Sarawak than Australia. Curiously, a subgroup of 20 Indian individuals with schizophrenia reported no lifetime delusions or hallucinations. These findings potentially challenge the long-held view in psychiatry that schizophrenia is fundamentally similar across cultural groups, with differences in only the content of psychotic symptoms, but equivalence in structural form.

  12. Prediction of withdrawal symptoms during opioid detoxification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, Boukje A G; Krabbe, Paul F M; De Jong, Cor A J; van der Staak, Cees P F


    OBJECTIVE: The severity of self-reported withdrawal symptoms varies during detoxification of opioid-dependent patients. The aim of this study is to identify subgroups of withdrawal symptoms within the detoxification trajectory and to predict the severity of withdrawal symptoms on the basis of

  13. Prediction of withdrawal symptoms during opioid detoxification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, B.A.G.; Krabbe, P.F.M.; Jong, C.A.J. de; Staak, C.P.F. van der


    Objective: The severity of self-reported withdrawal symptoms varies during detoxification of opioid-dependent patients. The aim of this study is to identify subgroups of withdrawal symptoms within the detoxification trajectory and to predict the severity of withdrawal symptoms on the basis of

  14. Network analysis of PTSD symptoms following mass violence. (United States)

    Sullivan, Connor P; Smith, Andrew J; Lewis, Michael; Jones, Russell T


    Network analysis is a useful tool for understanding how symptoms interact with one another to influence psychopathology. However, this analytic strategy has not been fully utilized in the PTSD field. The current study utilized network analysis to examine connectedness and strength among PTSD symptoms (employing both partial correlation and regression network analyses) among a community sample of students exposed to the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings. Respondents (N = 4,639) completed online surveys 3-4 months postshootings, with PTSD symptom severity measured via the Trauma Symptom Questionnaire. Data were analyzed via adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and relative importance networks, as well as Dijkstra's algorithm to identify the shortest path from each symptom to all other symptoms. Relative importance network analysis revealed that intrusive thoughts had the strongest influence on other symptoms (i.e., had many strong connections [highest outdegree]) while computing Dijkstra's algorithm indicated that anger produced the shortest path to all other symptoms (i.e., the strongest connections to all other symptoms). Findings suggest that anger or intrusion likely play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of PTSD (i.e., are more influential within the network than are other symptoms). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  15. [Family functioning of elderly with depressive symptoms]. (United States)

    Souza, Rosely Almeida; Desani da Costa, Gislaine; Yamashita, Cintia Hitomi; Amendola, Fernanda; Gaspar, Jaqueline Correa; Alvarenga, Márcia Regina Martins; Faccenda, Odival; Oliveira, Maria Amélia de Campos


    To classify families of elderly with depressive symptoms regarding their functioning and to ascertain the presence of an association between these symptoms, family functioning and the characteristics of the elderly. This was an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study performed with 33 teams of the Family Health Strategy in Dourados, MS. The sample consisted of 374 elderly divided into two groups (with and without depressive symptoms). The instruments for data collection were a sociodemographic instrument, the GeriatricDepression Scale (15 items) and the Family Apgar. An association was observed between depressive symptoms and family dysfunction, female gender, four or more people living together, and physical inactivity. The functional family may represent effective support for the elderly with depressive symptoms, because it offers a comfortable environment that ensures the well-being of its members. The dysfunctional family can barely provide necessary care for the elderly, which can exacerbate depressive symptoms.

  16. Association between psychiatric symptoms and erectile dysfunction. (United States)

    Corona, Giovanni; Ricca, Valdo; Bandini, Elisa; Mannucci, Edoardo; Petrone, Luisa; Fisher, Alessandra D; Lotti, Francesco; Balercia, Giancarlo; Faravelli, Carlo; Forti, Gianni; Maggi, Mario


    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often associated with a wide array of psychiatric symptoms, although few studies systematically address their specific association with ED determinants. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between ED (as assessed by SIEDY Structured Interview, a 13-item tool which identifies and quantifies the contribution of organic, relational, and intrapsychic domains of ED) and different psychopathological symptoms (as assessed by the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire, a self-reported test for the screening of mental disorders in a nonpsychiatric setting). A consecutive series of 1,388 (mean age 51 +/- 13 years) male patients with ED was studied. Several hormonal and biochemical parameters were investigated, along with SIEDY Interview and the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire. Psychiatric symptoms resulted differentially associated with SIEDY domains. Depressive and phobic-anxiety symptoms were associated with the relational domain, somatization with the organic one, while free-floating anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and phobic symptoms were significantly related with higher intrapsychic SIEDY scores. In addition, relevant depressive symptomatology was associated with hypogonadism, the presence of low frequency of intercourse, hypoactive sexual desire (HSD), and conflictual relationships within the couple and the family. Patients with high free-floating anxiety symptoms were younger, and complained of an unsatisfactory work and a conflictual relationship within family. Conversely, subjects with higher phobic anxious symptoms displayed a more robust relational functioning. Similar results were observed in subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, who also reported a lower prevalence of HSD. Finally, subjects with somatization symptoms showed the worst erectile function. The main value of this study is that it alters various clinicians' belief that many psychiatric symptoms can be found among ED patients. Systematic testing of

  17. Cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms. (United States)

    Fergusson, David M; Boden, Joseph M


    The present study examined the associations between cannabis use in adolescence and young adulthood and self-reported adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in adulthood. A 25-year prospective longitudinal study of the health, development, and adjustment of a birth cohort of 1265 New Zealand children. Measures included assessments of adolescent and young adult cannabis use and ADHD symptoms at age 25, measures of childhood socioeconomic disadvantage, family adversity, childhood and early adolescent behavioural adjustment and cognitive ability, and adolescent and young adult other drug use. Cannabis use by age 25 was significantly (pADHD symptoms at age 25. Adjustment of the association for potentially confounding factors from childhood and early adolescence reduced the magnitude of the association, but it remained statistically significant (pcannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms to statistical non-significance (p>.20). The current study suggested that the association between cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms was mediated by other substance use that was associated with cannabis use. The results suggest that cannabis use leads to other drug use, which in turn leads to increased ADHD symptoms. However, it should be noted that the potential influence of such factors as genetic predispositions may still be unaccounted for.

  18. Identifying Symptom Patterns in People Living With HIV Disease (United States)

    Wilson, Natalie L.; Azuero, Andres; Vance, David E.; Richman, Joshua S.; Moneyham, Linda D.; Raper, James L.; Heath, Sonya L.; Kempf, Mirjam-Colette


    Symptoms guide disease management, and patients frequently report HIV-related symptoms, but HIV symptom patterns reported by patients have not been described in the era of improved antiretroviral treatment. The objectives of our study were to investigate the prevalence and burden of symptoms in people living with HIV and attending an outpatient clinic. The prevalence, burden, and bothersomeness of symptoms reported by patients in routine clinic visits during 2011 were assessed using the 20-item HIV Symptom Index. Principal component analysis was used to identify symptom clusters and relationships between groups using appropriate statistic techniques. Two main clusters were identified. The most prevalent and bothersome symptoms were muscle aches/joint pain, fatigue, and poor sleep. A third of patients had seven or more symptoms, including the most burdensome symptoms. Even with improved antiretroviral drug side-effect profiles, symptom prevalence and burden, independent of HIV viral load and CD4+ T cell count, are high. PMID:26790340

  19. Depressive symptoms, post-traumatic stress symptoms and suicide risk among graduate students: The mediating influence of emotional regulatory self-efficacy. (United States)

    Zeng, Baoer; Zhao, Jiubo; Zou, Laiquan; Yang, Xueling; Zhang, Xiaoyuan; Wang, Wanjun; Zhao, Jingbo; Chen, Jie


    The current study was to examine the relationship among depressive symptoms, post-traumatic stress symptoms, emotion regulatory self-efficacy and suicide risk. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 3257 graduate students from a medical college of China. Lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation, plan and attempt were 25.7%, 1.6%, 1.1%, respectively, with one-year suicidal ideation showing at 6.3%. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine the relative contribution of depressive symptoms, post-traumatic stress symptoms and emotion regulatory self-efficacy on suicide risk. Structural equation model had a highly satisfactory fit [χ 2  = 7.782, df = 4, p = 0.096; RMSEA = 0.021; CFI = 0.992; GFI = 0.997]. Post-traumatic stress symptoms had a direct effect and an indirect effect on suicide risk via emotion regulatory self-efficacy. Depressive symptoms also had a direct effect and an indirect effect on suicide risk via emotion regulatory self-efficacy. The depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms increased the risk of suicide risk, but the variable of emotion regulatory self-efficacy would be served as a buffering factor, decreasing the risk of suicide. The interaction term of depressive symptoms and post-traumatic stress symptoms had a direct effect on suicide risk. A significant interactive effect of depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms on suicide risk was found. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. The profile of psychiatric symptoms exacerbated by methamphetamine use. (United States)

    McKetin, Rebecca; Dawe, Sharon; Burns, Richard A; Hides, Leanne; Kavanagh, David J; Teesson, Maree; McD Young, Ross; Voce, Alexandra; Saunders, John B


    Methamphetamine use can produce symptoms almost indistinguishable from schizophrenia. Distinguishing between the two conditions has been hampered by the lack of a validated symptom profile for methamphetamine-induced psychiatric symptoms. We use data from a longitudinal cohort study to examine the profile of psychiatric symptoms that are acutely exacerbated by methamphetamine use. 164 methamphetamine users, who did not meet DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime primary psychotic disorder, were followed monthly for one year to assess the relationship between days of methamphetamine use and symptom severity on the 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms with methamphetamine use was quantified using random coefficient models. The dimensions of symptom exacerbation were examined using principal axis factoring and a latent profile analysis. Symptoms exacerbated by methamphetamine loaded on three factors: positive psychotic symptoms (suspiciousness, unusual thought content, hallucinations, bizarre behavior); affective symptoms (depression, suicidality, guilt, hostility, somatic concern, self-neglect); and psychomotor symptoms (tension, excitement, distractibility, motor hyperactivity). Methamphetamine use did not significantly increase negative symptoms. Vulnerability to positive psychotic and affective symptom exacerbation was shared by 28% of participants, and this vulnerability aligned with a past year DSM-IV diagnosis of substance-induced psychosis (38% vs. 22%, χ(2)(df1)=3.66, p=0.056). Methamphetamine use produced a symptom profile comprised of positive psychotic and affective symptoms, which aligned with a diagnosis of substance-induced psychosis, with no evidence of a negative syndrome. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Coexisting anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with heart failure. (United States)

    Dekker, Rebecca L; Lennie, Terry A; Doering, Lynn V; Chung, Misook L; Wu, Jia-Rong; Moser, Debra K


    Among patients with heart failure (HF), anxiety symptoms may co-exist with depressive symptoms. However, the extent of overlap and risk factors for anxiety symptoms have not been thoroughly described. The aim of this study was to describe the coexistence of anxiety and depressive symptoms, and to determine the predictors of anxiety symptoms in patients with HF. The sample consisted of 556 outpatients with HF (34% female, 62±12 years, 54% New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III/IV) enrolled in a multicenter HF quality of life registry. Anxiety symptoms were assessed with the Brief Symptom Inventory-anxiety subscale. Depressive symptoms were measured with the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI). We used a cut-point of 0.35 to categorize patients as having anxiety symptoms or no anxiety symptoms. Logistic regression was used to determine whether age, gender, minority status, educational level, functional status, comorbidities, depressive symptoms, and antidepressant use were predictors of anxiety symptoms. One-third of patients had both depressive and anxiety symptoms. There was a dose-response relationship between depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms; higher levels of depressive symptoms were associated with a higher level of anxiety symptoms. Younger age (odds ratio (OR)= 0.97, p=0.004, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.95-0.99) and depressive symptoms (OR =1.25, panxiety symptoms. Patients with HF and depressive symptoms are at high risk for experiencing anxiety symptoms. Clinicians should assess these patients for comorbid anxiety symptoms. Research is needed to test interventions for both depressive and anxiety symptoms.

  2. Somatic symptom profiles in the general population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eliasen, Marie; Jørgensen, Torben; Schröder, Andreas


    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to identify and describe somatic symptom profiles in the general adult population in order to enable further epidemiological research within multiple somatic symptoms. METHODS: Information on 19 self-reported common somatic symptoms was achieved from a population...

  3. Menopause. How Exercise Mitigates Symptoms. (United States)

    Hargarten, Kathleen M.


    During menopause and the climacteric, women experience many changes that can affect nearly every organ system and cause psychological symptoms. This article reviews the specific changes and explains how exercise can address each symptom; outlines a practical approach physicians can use to help menopausal patients improve their quality of life. (SM)

  4. Suicidality and symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and agitation in patients experiencing manic episodes with depressive symptoms: a naturalistic study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eberhard J


    Full Text Available Jonas Eberhard,1 Emmanuelle Weiller2 1Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; 2H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark Purpose: Patients with a bipolar I disorder (BD-I manic episode meeting the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5, criteria for “with mixed features” have a high incidence of suicide attempts and of anxiety, irritability, and agitation (AIA symptoms. The aim of this analysis was to explore the relationship between suicidality and AIA symptoms in patients with BD-I experiencing mania with depressive symptoms, using data from a previous naturalistic study.Patients and methods: Psychiatrists completed an online questionnaire about their adult patients who had a current BD-I manic episode. Questions covered the DSM-5 “with mixed features” specifier, the severity of AIA symptoms, the frequency and controllability of suicidal ideation, and the number of suicide attempts.Results: Of 1,035 patients with BD-I mania who were included in the analyses, 348 (33.6% met the criteria for the DSM-5 “with mixed features” specifier (three or more depressive symptoms. These patients were further stratified according to the severity of their AIA symptoms: “mild AIA” (zero or one AIA symptom above a severity threshold; 105 patients or “severe AIA” (all three AIA symptoms above a severity threshold; 167 patients. A greater incidence of suicidal ideation was observed in the severe AIA group (71.9% than in the mild AIA group (47.6%. Twice as many patients had easily controlled suicidal ideation than difficult-to-control suicidal ideation in both subgroups. The mean number of suicide attempts was higher in the severe AIA group than in the mild AIA group, during the current episode (0.84 vs 0.34 attempts, respectively; P<0.05 and over the patient’s lifetime (1.56 vs 1.04 attempts, respectively.Conclusion: The high risk of suicide among BD-I mania patients with depressive

  5. Dissociative symptoms and dissociative disorders comorbidity in obsessive compulsive disorder: Symptom screening, diagnostic tools and reflections on treatment. (United States)

    Belli, Hasan


    Borderline personality disorder, conversion disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder frequently have dissociative symptoms. The literature has demonstrated that the level of dissociation might be correlated with the severity of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and that those not responding to treatment had high dissociative symptoms. The structured clinical interview for DSM-IV dissociative disorders, dissociation questionnaire, somatoform dissociation questionnaire and dissociative experiences scale can be used for screening dissociative symptoms and detecting dissociative disorders in patients with OCD. However, a history of neglect and abuse during childhood is linked to a risk factor in the pathogenesis of dissociative psychopathology in adults. The childhood trauma questionnaire-53 and childhood trauma questionnaire-40 can be used for this purpose. Clinicians should not fail to notice the hidden dissociative symptoms and childhood traumatic experiences in OCD cases with severe symptoms that are resistant to treatment. Symptom screening and diagnostic tools used for this purpose should be known. Knowing how to treat these pathologies in patients who are diagnosed with OCD can be crucial.

  6. Self-verification and bulimic symptoms: do bulimic women play a role in perpetuating their own dissatisfaction and symptoms? (United States)

    Joiner, T E


    It is suggested that self-verification theory may provide insight as to why bulimic symptoms often persist for years, sometimes even despite intervention. In an effort to meet basic needs for self-confirmation, bulimic women may invite the very responses they fear (e.g., negative feedback about appearance), and thus propagate their symptoms. It was thus predicted that interest in negative feedback would be correlated with body dissatisfaction and bulimic symptoms, and that interest in negative feedback would serve as a risk factor for development of later symptoms, via the mediating effects of increased body dissatisfaction. Seventy-nine undergraduate women completed self-report assessments of interest in negative feedback, bulimic symptoms, and body dissatisfaction. Results supported the prediction that, despite serious concerns about body appearance, bulimic women were interested in the very feedback that would aggravate these concerns. Moreover, interest in negative feedback appeared to serve as a risk factor for development of later symptoms, via the mediating effects of increased body dissatisfaction. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.

  7. Neurological Signs and Symptoms in Fibromyalgia (United States)

    Watson, Nathaniel F.; Buchwald, Dedra; Goldberg, Jack; Noonan, Carolyn; Ellenbogen, Richard G.


    Objective To determine the type and frequency of neurological signs and symptoms in individuals with fibromyalgia (FM). Methods Persons with FM (n=166) and pain-free controls (n=66) underwent systematic neurological examination by a neurologist blinded to disease status. Neurological symptoms present over the preceding 3 months were assessed with a standard questionnaire. We used logistic regression to evaluate the association of neurological symptoms and examination findings with FM status. Within the FM group we examined the correlation between self-reported symptoms and physical examination findings. Results Compared to the control group, age and gender adjusted estimates revealed the FM group had significantly more neurological abnormalities in multiple categories including: cranial nerves IX and X (42% vs. 8%), sensory (65% vs. 25%), motor (33% vs. 3%), and gait (28% vs. 7%). Similarly, the FM group endorsed significantly more neurological symptoms than the control group in 27 of 29 categories with the biggest differences observed for photophobia (70% vs. 6%), poor balance (63% vs. 4%), and weakness (58% vs. 2%) and tingling (54% vs. 4%) in the arms and legs. Poor balance, coordination, tingling, weakness in the arms and legs, and numbness in any part of body correlated with appropriate neurological exam findings in the FM group. Conclusions This blinded, controlled study demonstrated neurological physical examination findings in persons with FM. The FM group had more neurological symptoms than controls, with moderate correlation between symptoms and signs. These findings have implications for the medical work-up of patients with FM. PMID:19714636

  8. Neurologic signs and symptoms in fibromyalgia. (United States)

    Watson, Nathaniel F; Buchwald, Dedra; Goldberg, Jack; Noonan, Carolyn; Ellenbogen, Richard G


    To determine the type and frequency of neurologic signs and symptoms in individuals with fibromyalgia (FM). Persons with FM (n = 166) and pain-free controls (n = 66) underwent systematic neurologic examination by a neurologist blinded to disease status. Neurologic symptoms lasting at least 3 months were assessed with a standard questionnaire. We used logistic regression to evaluate the association of neurologic symptoms and examination findings with FM status. Within the FM group we examined the correlation between self-reported symptoms and physical examination findings. Age- and sex-adjusted estimates revealed that compared with the control group, the FM group had significantly more neurologic abnormalities in multiple categories, including greater dysfunction in cranial nerves IX and X (42% versus 8%) and more sensory (65% versus 25%), motor (33% versus 3%), and gait (28% versus 7%) abnormalities. Similarly, the FM group had significantly more neurologic symptoms than the control group in 27 of 29 categories, with the greatest differences observed for photophobia (70% versus 6%), poor balance (63% versus 4%), and weakness (58% versus 2%) and tingling (54% versus 4%) in the arms or legs. Poor balance or coordination, tingling or weakness in the arms or legs, and numbness in any part of the body correlated with appropriate neurologic examination findings in the FM group. This blinded, controlled study demonstrated neurologic physical examination findings in persons with FM. The FM group had more neurologic symptoms than did the controls, with moderate correlation between symptoms and signs. These findings have implications for the medical evaluation of patients with FM.

  9. Immune-to-brain communication in functional somatic symptoms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lacourt, T.E.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/313935068


    When a person presents with somatic symptoms that cannot (fully) be explained by a known organic pathology, these symptoms will be labeled ‘medically unexplained’ or ‘functional’. Often, more than one symptom is present and certain constellations of symptoms give way to a diagnosis of a specific

  10. Self-reported food-related gastrointestinal symptoms in IBS are common and associated with more severe symptoms and reduced quality of life. (United States)

    Böhn, Lena; Störsrud, Stine; Törnblom, Hans; Bengtsson, Ulf; Simrén, Magnus


    Despite the fact that food and diet are central issues, that concern patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the current understanding about the association between the intake of certain foods/food groups and the gastrointestinal (GI) symptom pattern, psychological symptoms, and quality of life is poor. The aim of this study was to determine which food groups and specific food items IBS patients report causing GI symptoms, and to investigate the association with GI and psychological symptoms and quality of life. We included 197 IBS patients (mean age 35 (18-72) years; 142 female subjects) who completed a food questionnaire in which they specified symptoms from 56 different food items or food groups relevant to food intolerance/allergy. The patients also completed questionnaires to assess depression and general anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression), GI-specific anxiety (Visceral Sensitivity Index), IBS symptoms (IBS-Severity Scoring System), somatic symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-15), and quality of life (Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quality of Life Questionnaire). In all, 84% of the studied population reported symptoms related to at least one of the food items surveyed. Symptoms related to intake of food items with incompletely absorbed carbohydrates were noted in 138 (70%) patients; the most common were dairy products (49%), beans/lentils (36%), apple (28%), flour (24%), and plum (23%). Of these, 58% experienced GI symptoms from foods rich in biogenic amines, such as wine/beer (31%), salami (22%), and cheese (20%). Histamine-releasing foods, such as milk (43%), wine/beer (31%), and pork (21%), were also considered causes of symptoms in IBS patients. GI symptoms were also frequently reported after intake of fried and fatty foods (52%). With increasing IBS symptom severity, patients reported more food items responsible for their GI symptoms (P=0.004), and this was also found in patients with more severe somatic symptoms (Psleep (r=-0.25; P=0

  11. The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptom Scale: Development and preliminary validation of a self-report scale of symptom specific dysfunction. (United States)

    Wilhelm, Sabine; Greenberg, Jennifer L; Rosenfield, Elizabeth; Kasarskis, Irina; Blashill, Aaron J


    The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptom Scale (BDD-SS) is a new self-report measure used to examine the severity of a wide variety of symptoms associated with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The BDD-SS was designed to differentiate, for each group of symptoms, the number of symptoms endorsed and their severity. This report evaluates and compares the psychometric characteristics of the BDD-SS in relation to other measures of BDD, body image, and depression in 99 adult participants diagnosed with BDD. Total scores of the BDD-SS showed good reliability and convergent validity and moderate discriminant validity. Analyses of the individual BDD-SS symptom groups confirmed the reliability of the checking, grooming, weight/shape, and cognition groups. The current findings indicate that the BDD-SS can be quickly administered and used to examine the severity of heterogeneous BDD symptoms for research and clinical purposes. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  12. Negative symptoms in first episode non-affective psychosis. (United States)

    Malla, Ashok K; Takhar, Jatinder J; Norman, Ross M G; Manchanda, Rahul; Cortese, Leonard; Haricharan, Raj; Verdi, Mary; Ahmed, Rashid


    To determine the prevalence of negative symptoms and to examine secondary sources of influence on negative symptoms and the role of specific negative symptoms in delay associated with seeking treatment in first episode non-affective psychosis. One hundred and ten patients who met Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV (DSM-IV) criteria for a first episode of schizophrenia spectrum psychoses were rated for assessment of negative, positive, depressive and extrapyramidal symptoms, the premorbid adjustment scale and assessment of demographic and clinical characteristics including duration of untreated psychosis (DUP). Alogia/flat affect and avolition/anhedonia were strongly influenced by parkinsonian and depressive symptoms, respectively. A substantial proportion (26.8%) of patients showed at a least moderate level of negative symptoms not confounded by depression and Parkinsonism. DUP was related only to avolition/anhedonia while flat affect/alogia was related to male gender, diagnosis of schizophrenia, age of onset and the length of the prodrome. Negative symptoms that are independent of the influence of positive symptoms, depression and extra pyramidal symptoms (EPS) are present in a substantial proportion of first episode psychosis patients and delay in seeking treatment is associated mainly with avolition and anhedonia.

  13. Praksisnær forskning i socialt arbejde og beskæftigelsesindsatser – metodologiske og samarbejdsmæssige perspektiver

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Niklas; Caswell, Dorte; Monrad, Merete


    forskellige typer og grader af samarbejde mellem forskning og felt. Opnåelse af robusthed i den frembragte viden ses således som et spørgsmål om såvel typen og graden af samarbejde som samspillet mellem forskellige forskningsmæssige tilgange. Praksisnær forskning indebærer ikke pr. definition brug af bestemte...... metoder. Imidlertid er metodespørgsmålet ikke neutralt, særlig ikke hvis sigtet med praksisnær forskning er at opnå øget viden om og innovation i den konkrete praksis. Anvendte metoder må kunne indfange elementer og dilemmaer i denne praksis. Metodekombination (mixed methods) kan generelt bidrage til...... (Beskæftigelsesindikatorprojektet, LISES-projektet er sammenlignet hermed et omfattende projekt, der bevæger sig over en række tematiske aspekter, trækker på flere teorikomplekser og betjener sig af mixed methods. Endelig indebærer projektet indgående samarbejde og ny måder at udvikle konkret samspil mellem...

  14. Depicting Changes in Multiple Symptoms Over Time. (United States)

    Muehrer, Rebecca J; Brown, Roger L; Lanuza, Dorothy M


    Ridit analysis, an acronym for Relative to an Identified Distribution, is a method for assessing change in ordinal data and can be used to show how individual symptoms change or remain the same over time. The purposes of this article are to (a) describe how to use ridit analysis to assess change in a symptom measure using data from a longitudinal study, (b) give a step-by-step example of ridit analysis, (c) show the clinical relevance of applying ridit analysis, and (d) display results in an innovative graphic. Mean ridit effect sizes were calculated for the frequency and distress of 64 symptoms in lung transplant patients before and after transplant. Results were displayed in a bubble graph. Ridit analysis allowed us to maintain the specificity of individual symptoms and to show how each symptom changed or remained the same over time. The bubble graph provides an efficient way for clinicians to identify changes in symptom frequency and distress over time. © The Author(s) 2014.

  15. Family functioning of elderly with depressive symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosely Almeida Souza


    Full Text Available Objective: To classify families of elderly with depressive symptoms regarding their functioning and to ascertain the presence of an association between these symptoms, family functioning and the characteristics of the elderly. Method: This was an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study performed with 33 teams of the Family Health Strategy in Dourados, MS. The sample consisted of 374 elderly divided into two groups (with and without depressive symptoms. The instruments for data collection were a sociodemographic instrument, the GeriatricDepression Scale (15 items and the Family Apgar. Results: An association was observed between depressive symptoms and family dysfunction, female gender, four or more people living together, and physical inactivity. Conclusion: The functional family may represent effective support for the elderly with depressive symptoms, because it offers a comfortable environment that ensures the well-being of its members. The dysfunctional family can barely provide necessary care for the elderly, which can exacerbate depressive symptoms.

  16. Identifying clinically meaningful symptom response cut-off values on the SANS in predominant negative symptoms. (United States)

    Levine, Stephen Z; Leucht, Stefan


    The treatment and measurement of negative symptoms are currently at issue in schizophrenia, but the clinical meaning of symptom severity and change is unclear. To offer a clinically meaningful interpretation of severity and change scores on the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS). Patients were intention-to-treat participants (n=383) in two double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials that compared amisulpride with placebo for the treatment of predominant negative symptoms. Equipercentile linking was used to examine extrapolation from (a) CGI-S to SANS severity ratings, and (b) CGI-I to SANS percentage change (n=383). Linking was conducted at baseline, 8-14 days, 28-30 days, and 56-60 days of the trials. Across visits, CGI-S ratings of 'not ill' linked to SANS scores of 0-13, and ranged to 'extreme' ratings that linked to SANS scores of 102-105. The relationship between the CGI-S and the SANS severity scores assumed a linear trend (1=0-13, 2=15-56, 3=37-61, 4=49-66, 5=63-75, 6=79-89, 7=102-105). Similarly the relationship between CGI-I ratings and SANS percentage change followed a linear trend. For instance, CGI-I ratings of 'very much improved' were linked to SANS percent changes of -90 to -67, 'much improved' to -50 to -42, and 'minimally improved' to -21 to -13. The current results uniquely contribute to the debate surrounding negative symptoms by providing clinical meaning to SANS severity and change scores and so offer direction regarding clinically meaningful response cut-off scores to guide treatment targets of predominant negative symptoms. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Norovirus Symptoms (United States)

    ... many times a day. This can lead to dehydration, especially in young children, older adults, and people with other illnesses. Symptoms of dehydration— decrease in urination dry mouth and throat feeling dizzy when standing up Children who are dehydrated may cry with few or ...

  18. Glucosamine: Can It Worsen Gout Symptoms? (United States)

    ... symptoms? My husband takes glucosamine supplements to treat gout. But I'm wondering if glucosamine, which contains shellfish, may actually worsen gout symptoms? Answers from April Chang-Miller, M.D. ...

  19. Specificity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: an investigation of comorbidity between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and depression in treatment-seeking veterans. (United States)

    Gros, Daniel F; Simms, Leonard J; Acierno, Ron


    In response to high levels of comorbidity and symptom overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD), and other disorders, much attention has been devoted to the role of specific and nonspecific symptoms among the disorders. The present study investigated the overlapping symptoms of PTSD and MDD in treatment-seeking veterans. Exploratory factor analyses were used to identify latent factors of both self-reported and clinician-rated symptoms of PTSD and MDD. Results of exploratory factor analyses supported a 2-factor model representing symptoms of depression and PTSD; however, a subset of PTSD symptoms, characterized by emotional numbing and dysphoria, loaded onto the depression factor, rather than the PTSD factor. These nonspecific PTSD symptoms were predictive of comorbid MDD and increased depression symptomatology in patients with PTSD. Together, these findings demonstrate the importance of accounting for nonspecific symptoms in diagnosis and treatment of PTSD, highlighting a need for revisions to our current diagnostics.

  20. In patient's with Parkinson disease, autonomic symptoms are frequent and associated with other non-motor symptoms. (United States)

    Arnao, Valentina; Cinturino, Antonio; Valentino, Francesca; Perini, Valentina; Mastrilli, Sergio; Bellavia, Gabriele; Savettieri, Giovanni; Realmuto, Sabrina; D'Amelio, Marco


    Autonomic symptoms and sleep disorders are common non-motor symptoms of Parkinson disease (PD), which are correlated with poor quality of life for patients. To assess the frequency of autonomic symptoms in a consecutive series of PD patients and to correlate them with other motor and non-motor symptoms. All consecutive non-demented PD patients who underwent an extensive evaluation including Hoehn and Yahr staging, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Beck's Depression Inventory, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, PDQ-39 Scale, the Parkinson's diseases Sleep Scale, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and SCOPA-AUT scale were enrolled. Comorbidity has been also considered. Supine to standing position blood pressure and cardiac frequency changes were also measured. 135 PD patients were included (mean age at interview 67.7; mean disease duration: 5.3 years). Patients were stratified according to mean SCOPA-AUT scale score (13.1). Those with higher SCOPA-AUT scale score were significantly older, had longer disease duration, worse disease stage, worse quality of sleep, were more severely affected, and were also taking a higher dosage of levodopa. At multivariate analysis, older age, longer disease duration, and worse quality of sleep were independently associated with higher SCOPA-AUT scale scores. Our results remark the role of autonomic symptoms in PD. In our patient population, characterized by mild to moderate disease severity, most of the patients complained of autonomic nervous system involvement (84%). A significant association between autonomic symptoms and sleep disorders was also observed.

  1. Somatic symptom disorder (United States)

    ... related disorders; Somatization disorder; Somatiform disorders; Briquet syndrome; Illness anxiety disorder References American Psychiatric Association. Somatic symptom disorder. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . ...

  2. Method of dynamic fuzzy symptom vector in intelligent diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Hongyan; Jiang Xuefeng


    Aiming at the requirement of diagnostic symptom real-time updating brought from diagnostic knowledge accumulation and great gap in unit and value of diagnostic symptom in multi parameters intelligent diagnosis, the method of dynamic fuzzy symptom vector is proposed. The concept of dynamic fuzzy symptom vector is defined. Ontology is used to specify the vector elements, and the vector transmission method based on ontology is built. The changing law of symptom value is analyzed and fuzzy normalization method based on fuzzy membership functions is built. An instance proved method of dynamic fussy symptom vector is efficient to solve the problems of symptom updating and unify of symptom value and unit. (authors)

  3. Symptom distress in older adults following cancer surgery. (United States)

    Van Cleave, Janet H; Egleston, Brian L; Ercolano, Elizabeth; McCorkle, Ruth


    Symptom distress remains a significant health problem among older adults with cancer following surgery. Understanding factors influencing older adults' symptom distress may lead to early identification and interventions, decreasing morbidity and improving outcomes. We conducted this study to identify factors associated with symptom distress following surgery among 326 community-residing patients 65 years or older with a diagnosis of thoracic, digestive, gynecologic, and genitourinary cancers. This secondary analysis used combined subsets of data from 5 nurse-directed intervention clinical trials targeting patients after surgery at academic cancer centers in northwest and northeastern United States. Symptom distress was assessed by the Symptom Distress Scale at baseline and at 3 and 6 months. A multivariable analysis, using generalized estimating equations, showed that symptom distress was significantly less at 3 and 6 months (3 months: P psychological, treatment, and function covariates. Thoracic cancer, comorbidities, worse mental health, and decreased function were, on average, associated with increased symptom distress (all P cancer, comorbidities, mental health, and function may influence older adults' symptom distress following cancer surgery. Older adults generally experience decreasing symptom distress after thoracic, abdominal, or pelvic cancer surgery. Symptom management over time for those with thoracic cancer, comorbidities, those with worse mental health, those with decreased function, and those 75 years or older may prevent morbidity and improve outcomes of older adults following surgery.

  4. Symptom attributions in patients with colorectal cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Line Flytkjær; Hvidberg, Line; Pedersen, Anette Fischer


    Størstedelen af kolorektal cancere opdages gennem patienters symptomatiske henvendelse i almen praksis. Man ved dog ikke meget om, hvordan patienter selv oplever deres symptomer. Formålet med studiet var, at undersøge om symptom attributioner er associeret med hvilket symptom man oplevede før...

  5. Initial development and preliminary validation of a new negative symptom measure: the Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms (CAINS). (United States)

    Forbes, Courtney; Blanchard, Jack J; Bennett, Melanie; Horan, William P; Kring, Ann; Gur, Raquel


    As part of an ongoing scale development process, this study provides an initial examination of the psychometric properties and validity of a new interview-based negative symptom instrument, the Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms (CAINS), in outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (N = 37). The scale was designed to address limitations of existing measures and to comprehensively assess five consensus-based negative symptoms: asociality, avolition, anhedonia (consummatory and anticipatory), affective flattening, and alogia. Results indicated satisfactory internal consistency reliability for the total CAINS scale score and promising inter-rater agreement, with clear areas identified in need of improvement. Convergent validity was evident in general agreement between the CAINS and alternative negative symptom measures. Further, CAINS subscales significantly correlated with relevant self-report emotional experience measures as well as with social functioning. Discriminant validity of the CAINS was strongly supported by its small, non-significant relations with positive symptoms, general psychiatric symptoms, and depression. These preliminary data on an early beta-version of the CAINS provide initial support for this new assessment approach to negative symptoms and suggest directions for further scale development. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. The effect of positive symptoms on social cognition in first-episode schizophrenia is modified by the presence of negative symptoms. (United States)

    Bliksted, Vibeke; Videbech, Poul; Fagerlund, Birgitte; Frith, Chris


    There is considerable evidence that patients with schizophrenia have neurocognitive and social-cognitive deficits. It is unclear how such deficits in first-episode schizophrenia relate to current clinical symptoms. Fifty-nine patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FES) were tested using the Danish version of NART (premorbid IQ), subtests from WAIS-III (current IQ), and global cognition using Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrena (BACS), a neurocognitive test battery. Social perception was tested using film clips of everyday interactions (TASIT). Theory of mind (ToM) was tested using silent animations (Animated Triangles Task). The FES subjects had been experiencing psychotic symptoms for several years (mean duration 9.5 years 95% confidence interval (CI [7.6;11.3]). The FES patients were divided into clinical subgroups based on their level of positive and negative symptoms (using SANS and SAPS). Healthy controls were matched to the patients. High levels of negative symptoms were associated with low estimated functional IQ and poor neurocognition and social cognition. All SANS subscales, but Avolition-Apathy, had significant negative impact on social cognition. The effects of positive symptoms were complex. High levels of delusions were associated with higher premorbid IQ. In the presence of high levels of negative symptoms, high levels of positive symptoms were associated with the most comprehensive deficits in social perception, while, in the absence of negative symptoms, high levels of positive symptoms were not associated with such deficits. The results suggest that social-cognitive training will need to take account of the above mentioned effects of symptoms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  7. The Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Assessment of Genital Psoriasis Symptoms: The Genital Psoriasis Symptoms Scale (GPSS). (United States)

    Gottlieb, Alice B; Kirby, Brian; Ryan, Caitriona; Naegeli, April N; Burge, Russel; Potts Bleakman, Alison; Anatchkova, Milena D; Yosipovitch, Gil


    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROs) specific for genital psoriasis (GenPs) have not been described. In this cross-sectional, qualitative study in patients with moderate-to-severe GenPs, we sought to develop a PRO useful for GenPs symptom assessment. A literature review was performed to identify relevant psoriasis or GenPs symptoms and existing PROs that may be useful in the evaluation of symptom severity in GenPs patients. The literature review findings were discussed with clinicians, and then patients with GenPs. Relevant psoriasis or GenPs symptoms from the literature review included itch, pain, scaling, redness/erythema, and stinging/burning. The validity of these symptoms for GenPs and potentially relevant PROs was corroborated by clinical experts. After gap analysis, a draft symptom scale consisting of Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) items was constructed. We then conducted interviews with GenPs patients (n = 20) to support content validity and use of the draft symptom NRS items in routine practice and in clinical trials. Participants identified and confirmed relevant symptoms and evaluated the utility of the draft PRO. A new PRO was developed: the Genital Psoriasis Symptoms Scale (GPSS). Cognitive debriefing and cultural adaptation/translation interviews with a second group of patients confirmed cultural appropriateness of the GPSS. The GPSS may be useful for assessing symptoms before, during, and after treatment in routine clinical practice and in clinical trials involving patients with GenPs. Eli Lilly & Company. Plain language summary available for this article.

  8. Reciprocal relationships between parent and adolescent internalizing symptoms. (United States)

    Hughes, Elizabeth K; Gullone, Eleonora


    Previous investigations of the association between parent and adolescent internalizing problems have been largely restricted to the unidirectional effect of parent symptoms on their children. This study therefore aimed to investigate potential reciprocal relationships between parent and adolescent internalizing symptoms. One-hundred and seventy-seven adolescents ages 14 to 18 years and their parents (172 mothers, 124 fathers) completed measures of depressive and anxiety symptoms at two time points, 6 months apart. Results supported reciprocity between maternal and adolescent internalizing symptoms but not between paternal and adolescent internalizing symptoms. In addition, the relationship between maternal symptoms and later adolescent symptoms was found to be partially mediated by maternal parenting self-esteem. The study highlights the potential impact of adolescent internalizing problems on maternal well-being, a phenomenon previously neglected in the literature. 2010 APA, all rights reserved

  9. The 4-Item Negative Symptom Assessment (NSA-4) Instrument: A Simple Tool for Evaluating Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia Following Brief Training. (United States)

    Alphs, Larry; Morlock, Robert; Coon, Cheryl; van Willigenburg, Arjen; Panagides, John


    Objective. To assess the ability of mental health professionals to use the 4-item Negative Symptom Assessment instrument, derived from the Negative Symptom Assessment-16, to rapidly determine the severity of negative symptoms of schizophrenia.Design. Open participation.Setting. Medical education conferences.Participants. Attendees at two international psychiatry conferences.Measurements. Participants read a brief set of the 4-item Negative Symptom Assessment instructions and viewed a videotape of a patient with schizophrenia. Using the 1 to 6 4-item Negative Symptom Assessment severity rating scale, they rated four negative symptom items and the overall global negative symptoms. These ratings were compared with a consensus rating determination using frequency distributions and Chi-square tests for the proportion of participant ratings that were within one point of the expert rating.Results. More than 400 medical professionals (293 physicians, 50% with a European practice, and 55% who reported past utilization of schizophrenia ratings scales) participated. Between 82.1 and 91.1 percent of the 4-items and the global rating determinations by the participants were within one rating point of the consensus expert ratings. The differences between the percentage of participant rating scores that were within one point versus the percentage that were greater than one point different from those by the consensus experts was significant (pnegative symptoms using the 4-item Negative Symptom Assessment did not generally differ among the geographic regions of practice, the professional credentialing, or their familiarity with the use of schizophrenia symptom rating instruments.Conclusion. These findings suggest that clinicians from a variety of geographic practices can, after brief training, use the 4-item Negative Symptom Assessment effectively to rapidly assess negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.

  10. A symptom profile of depression among Asian Americans: is there evidence for differential item functioning of depressive symptoms? (United States)

    Kalibatseva, Z; Leong, F T L; Ham, E H


    Theoretical and clinical publications suggest the existence of cultural differences in the expression and experience of depression. Measurement non-equivalence remains a potential methodological explanation for the lower prevalence of depression among Asian Americans compared to European Americans. This study compared DSM-IV depressive symptoms among Asian Americans and European Americans using secondary data analysis of the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys (CPES). The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) was used for the assessment of depressive symptoms. Of the entire sample, 310 Asian Americans and 1974 European Americans reported depressive symptoms and were included in the analyses. Measurement variance was examined with an item response theory differential item functioning (IRT DIF) analysis. χ2 analyses indicated that, compared to Asian Americans, European American participants more frequently endorsed affective symptoms such as 'feeling depressed', 'feeling discouraged' and 'cried more often'. The IRT analysis detected DIF for four out of the 15 depression symptom items. At equal levels of depression, Asian Americans endorsed feeling worthless and appetite changes more easily than European Americans, and European Americans endorsed feeling nervous and crying more often than Asian Americans. Asian Americans did not seem to over-report somatic symptoms; however, European Americans seemed to report more affective symptoms than Asian Americans. The results suggest that there was measurement variance in a few of the depression items.

  11. Impact of Inflammation on Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Symptom Development

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    Holly L. Geyer


    Full Text Available Myeloproliferative neoplasms (essential thrombocythemia, ET; polycythemia vera, PV; myelofibrosis, MF are monoclonal malignancies associated with genomic instability, dysregulated signaling pathways, and subsequent overproduction of inflammatory markers. Acknowledged for their debilitating symptom profiles, recent investigations have aimed to determine the identity of these markers, the upstream sources stimulating their development, their prevalence within the MPN population, and the role they play in symptom development. Creation of dedicated Patient Reported Outcome (PRO tools, in combination with expanded access to cytokine analysis technology, has resulted in a surge of investigations evaluating the potential associations between symptoms and inflammation. Emerging data demonstrates clear relationships between individual MPN symptoms (fatigue, abdominal complaints, microvascular symptoms, and constitutional symptoms and cytokines, particularly IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α. Information is also compiling on the role symptoms paradoxically play in the development of cytokines, as in the case of fatigue-driven sedentary lifestyles. In this paper, we explore the symptoms inherent to the MPN disorders and the potential role inflammation plays in their development.

  12. Recognition of depressive symptoms by physicians

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    Sergio Gonçalves Henriques


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate the recognition of depressive symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD by general practitioners. INTRODUCTION: MDD is underdiagnosed in medical settings, possibly because of difficulties in the recognition of specific depressive symptoms. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 316 outpatients at their first visit to a teaching general hospital. We evaluated the performance of 19 general practitioners using Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD to detect depressive symptoms and compared them to 11 psychiatrists using Structured Clinical Interview Axis I Disorders, Patient Version (SCID I/P. We measured likelihood ratios, sensitivity, specificity, and false positive and false negative frequencies. RESULTS: The lowest positive likelihood ratios were for psychomotor agitation/retardation (1.6 and fatigue (1.7, mostly because of a high rate of false positive results. The highest positive likelihood ratio was found for thoughts of suicide (8.5. The lowest sensitivity, 61.8%, was found for impaired concentration. The sensitivity for worthlessness or guilt in patients with medical illness was 67.2% (95% CI, 57.4-76.9%, which is significantly lower than that found in patients without medical illness, 91.3% (95% CI, 83.2-99.4%. DISCUSSION: Less adequately identified depressive symptoms were both psychological and somatic in nature. The presence of a medical illness may decrease the sensitivity of recognizing specific depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Programs for training physicians in the use of diagnostic tools should consider their performance in recognizing specific depressive symptoms. Such procedures could allow for the development of specific training to aid in the detection of the most misrecognized depressive symptoms.

  13. Neurobiology Underlying Fibromyalgia Symptoms

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    Marta Ceko


    Full Text Available Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread pain, clinical symptoms that include cognitive and sleep disturbances, and other abnormalities such as increased sensitivity to painful stimuli, increased sensitivity to multiple sensory modalities, and altered pain modulatory mechanisms. Here we relate experimental findings of fibromyalgia symptoms to anatomical and functional brain changes. Neuroimaging studies show augmented sensory processing in pain-related areas, which, together with gray matter decreases and neurochemical abnormalities in areas related to pain modulation, supports the psychophysical evidence of altered pain perception and inhibition. Gray matter decreases in areas related to emotional decision making and working memory suggest that cognitive disturbances could be related to brain alterations. Altered levels of neurotransmitters involved in sleep regulation link disordered sleep to neurochemical abnormalities. Thus, current evidence supports the view that at least some fibromyalgia symptoms are associated with brain dysfunctions or alterations, giving the long-held “it is all in your head” view of the disorder a new meaning.

  14. HIV symptom distress and anxiety sensitivity in relation to panic, social anxiety, and depression symptoms among HIV-positive adults. (United States)

    Gonzalez, Adam; Zvolensky, Michael J; Parent, Justin; Grover, Kristin W; Hickey, Michael


    Although past work has documented relations between HIV/AIDS and negative affective symptoms and disorders, empirical work has only just begun to address explanatory processes that may underlie these associations. The current investigation sought to test the main and interactive effects of HIV symptom distress and anxiety sensitivity in relation to symptoms of panic disorder (PD), social anxiety disorder (SA), and depression among people with HIV/AIDS. Participants were 164 adults with HIV/AIDS (17.1% women; mean age, 48.40) recruited from AIDS service organizations (ASOs) in Vermont/New Hampshire and New York City. The sample identified as 40.9% white/Caucasian, 31.1% black, 22.0% Hispanic, and 6.1% mixed/other; with more than half (56.7%) reporting an annual income less than or equal to $10,000. Both men and women reported unprotected sex with men as the primary route of HIV transmission (64.4% and 50%, respectively). HIV symptom distress and anxiety sensitivity (AS) were significantly positively related to PD, SA, and depression symptoms. As predicted, there was a significant interaction between HIV symptom distress and anxiety sensitivity in terms of PD and SA symptoms, but not depressive symptoms. Results suggest that anxiety sensitivity and HIV symptom distress are clinically relevant factors to consider in terms of anxiety and depression among people living with HIV/AIDS. It may be important to evaluate these factors among patients with HIV/AIDS to identify individuals who may be at a particularly high risk for anxiety and depression problems. Limitations included recruitment from ASOs, cross-sectional self-report data, and lack of a clinical diagnostic assessment.

  15. Optimal Levothyroxine Replacement Adequately Improves Symptoms of Hypothyroidism; Residual Symptoms Need Further Evaluation for Other than Hypothyroidism Causation. (United States)

    Singh, Rekha; Tandon, Ashwani; Gupta, Sushil Kumar; Saroja, K


    Many patients with hypothyroidism complain of persistent residual symptoms, despite optimal treatment, although the similar prevalence is seen in patients with documented absence of thyroid disorder in primary health-care setup. We aimed to investigate symptomatic relief in new cases of primary hypothyroidism and compare with controls with other chronic conditions. This prospective case-control follow-up study enrolled patients from July 2014 to May 2015 in an endocrine outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital. Controls were age- and gender-matched ambulatory individuals with well-controlled other chronic diseases and no major comorbidity. Thyroid symptom questionnaire (TSQ) was administered at pretreatment to all the cases and then they were started on levothyroxine (LT). At euthyroidism, TSQ was readministered. For controls, TSQ was administered only once. TSQ was measured on Likert scale 1-4 for lack of energy, dry skin, constipation, aches and pains, cold intolerance, poor memory, depression, weight gain, tiredness after walking, and difficulty in getting up (DGU). P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. A total of 194 cases (147 females and 47 males) and 259 controls (187 females and 72 males) were analyzed. A significant difference in the symptoms prevalence was seen between controls and pretreatment cases, except for DGU, and between subclinical and overt hypothyroidism. Pretreatment serum thyroid-stimulating hormone in cases correlated significantly with all their pretreatment symptoms score. All symptoms prevalence decreased significantly posttreatment. At euthyroidism, the mean symptoms score in posttreatment cases was similar or lower than the controls. LT effectively improves the symptoms of hypothyroidism in newly diagnosed cases of primary hypothyroidism. The residual symptoms need an alternation explanation other than hypothyroidism.

  16. Optimal levothyroxine replacement adequately improves symptoms of hypothyroidism; Residual symptoms need further evaluation for other than hypothyroidism causation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rekha Singh


    Full Text Available Objectives: Many patients with hypothyroidism complain of persistent residual symptoms, despite optimal treatment, although the similar prevalence is seen in patients with documented absence of thyroid disorder in primary health-care setup. We aimed to investigate symptomatic relief in new cases of primary hypothyroidism and compare with controls with other chronic conditions. Methods: This prospective case–control follow-up study enrolled patients from July 2014 to May 2015 in an endocrine outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital. Controls were age- and gender-matched ambulatory individuals with well-controlled other chronic diseases and no major comorbidity. Thyroid symptom questionnaire (TSQ was administered at pretreatment to all the cases and then they were started on levothyroxine (LT. At euthyroidism, TSQ was readministered. For controls, TSQ was administered only once. TSQ was measured on Likert scale 1-4 for lack of energy, dry skin, constipation, aches and pains, cold intolerance, poor memory, depression, weight gain, tiredness after walking, and difficulty in getting up (DGU. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 194 cases (147 females and 47 males and 259 controls (187 females and 72 males were analyzed. A significant difference in the symptoms prevalence was seen between controls and pretreatment cases, except for DGU, and between subclinical and overt hypothyroidism. Pretreatment serum thyroid-stimulating hormone in cases correlated significantly with all their pretreatment symptoms score. All symptoms prevalence decreased significantly posttreatment. At euthyroidism, the mean symptoms score in posttreatment cases was similar or lower than the controls. Conclusion: LT effectively improves the symptoms of hypothyroidism in newly diagnosed cases of primary hypothyroidism. The residual symptoms need an alternation explanation other than hypothyroidism.

  17. Are lower urinary tract symptoms in children associated with urinary symptoms in their mothers? (United States)

    Sampaio, Ariane S; Fraga, Luis Gustavo A; Salomão, Bruno A; Oliveira, Júlia B; Seixas, Camila L; Veiga, Maria Luiza; Netto, José Murillo B; Barroso, Ubirajara


    The association between parents who suffered daytime incontinence as children and children who are incontinence has been reported. However, the association of lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction in children and urinary symptoms in mothers has not been studied. To test the hypothesis that the children of mothers with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are more likely to have urinary symptoms. A cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted in two cities in Brazil. Children/adolescents of 5-17 years of age and their mothers were interviewed. Children with neurological problems, previously detected urinary tract abnormalities or who refused to sign the informed consent or assent form were excluded. The DVSS questionnaire was used to evaluate the presence of LUTS in the children and the ICIQ-OAB questionnaire was used to evaluate their mothers. Constipation in the children was investigated using the ROME III criteria. A total of 827 mother-child pairs were included, with 414 of the children (50.06%) being male. Mean age was 9.1 ± 2.9 years for the children and 35.9 ± 6.5 years for the mothers. Urinary symptoms (occurring at least once or twice a week) were present in 315 children (38.1%), incontinence in 114 (13.8%) and urinary urgency in 141 (17%). Of the mothers, 378 (45.7%) had at least one LUTS, with 103 (12.5%) having incontinence and 153 (18.5%) urgency. According to the DVSS, the overall prevalence of LUT dysfunction was 9.1%. The children's DVSS scores were significantly associated with the mothers' ICIQ-OAB scores (p urinary symptoms were 2.5 times more likely to have a child with LUT dysfunction (95%CI: 1.52-4.17; p factors of the presence of LUT dysfunction in the child. Children of mothers with incontinence and urinary urgency were also more likely to have incontinence and urgency. Mothers with typical symptoms of overactive bladder are more likely to have a child with LUT dysfunction. This correlation is also positive for the isolated symptoms

  18. Spinal cord injury - Symptoms and causes (United States)

    ... breathing, coughing or clearing secretions from your lungs Emergency signs and symptoms Emergency signs and symptoms of ... tackle using the top of your helmet in football. Use a spotter for new moves in gymnastics. ...

  19. What Are the Symptoms of Menopause? (United States)

    ... Pinterest Email Print What are the symptoms of menopause? Perimenopause begins with a change in a woman's ... longer than a week. A common symptom of menopause is the appearance of hot flashes (sometimes called ...

  20. Learned Helplessness and Depressive Symptoms Following Myocardial Infarction. (United States)

    Smallheer, Benjamin A; Vollman, Michael; Dietrich, Mary S


    Psychosocial factors are known to impact depressive symptoms across clinical populations. Learned helplessness has the potential of affecting depressive symptoms following acute myocardial infarction (AMI), though little is known about this relationship. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between learned helplessness and depressive symptoms in patients following an AMI. Using a descriptive cross-sectional design, participants with a diagnosed AMI within the past 12 months were recruited. Standardized instruments and measures were used to evaluate learned helplessness and depressive symptoms. A statistically significant direct relationship was found between learned helplessness and depressive symptoms, suggesting that individuals with higher self-reported levels of learned helplessness also reported more depressive symptoms. These results indicate learned helplessness is associated with depressive symptoms in individuals following an AMI. In developing post-AMI treatment plans, health care staff should focus on psychologic points of intervention to the same extent as physiologic interventions.

  1. Women's Heart Disease: Heart Attack Symptoms (United States)

    ... of this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Women's Heart Disease Heart Attack Symptoms Past Issues / Winter ... most common heart attack symptom in men and women is chest pain or discomfort. However, women also ...

  2. Adolescent attachment, family functioning and depressive symptoms

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    Nishola Rawatlal


    Full Text Available Background. Adolescence represents a challenging transitional period where changes in biological, emotional, cognitive and social domains can increase the risk of developing internalised problems including subthreshold depression. Adolescent-parent attachment style, perceived support and family functioning may increase risk for depressive symptoms or may reduce such risk. Adolescent-parent attachment, adolescent-perceived support from parents and family functioning were examined as correlates of depressive symptom presentation within this age group. Methods. Participants included a maternal parent and an adolescent (65.5% female from each family. Adolescents were in Grade 7 (n=175 or Grade 10 (n=31. Data were collected through home interviews. The Self-Report of Family Inventory (SFI, Experiences of Close Relationships Scale (ECR, Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI, Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL were used to assess depression, parental support and attachment.  Results. Two models were examined: one with adolescent report of depressive symptoms as the outcome and a second with parent report of adolescent internalising symptoms as the outcome. The model predicting adolescent-reported depressive symptoms was significant with older age, higher levels of avoidant attachment, and higher levels of youth-reported dysfunctional family interaction associated with more depressive symptomatology. In the model predicting parent report of adolescent internalising symptoms only higher levels of dysfunctional family interaction, as reported by the parent, were associated with higher levels of internalising symptoms. Conclusion. Positive family communication, cohesion and support predictive of a secure parent-adolescent attachment relationship reduced the risk of a depressive symptom outcome. Secure adolescents were able to regulate their emotions, knowing that they could seek out secure base attachment relations

  3. Beyond symptom self-report: use of a computer "avatar" to assess post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. (United States)

    Myers, Catherine E; Radell, Milen L; Shind, Christine; Ebanks-Williams, Yasheca; Beck, Kevin D; Gilbertson, Mark W


    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur in the wake of exposure to a traumatic event. Currently, PTSD symptoms are assessed mainly through self-report in the form of questionnaire or clinical interview. Self-report has inherent limitations, particularly in psychiatric populations who may have limited awareness of deficit, reduced attention span, or poor vocabulary and/or literacy skills. Diagnosis and evaluation of treatment efficacy would be aided by behavioral measures. A viable alternative may be virtual environments, in which the participant guides an on-screen "avatar" through a series of onscreen events meant to simulate real-world situations. Here, a sample of 82 veterans, self-assessed for PTSD symptoms was administered such a task, in which the avatar was confronted with situations that might evoke avoidant behavior, a core feature of PTSD. Results showed a strong correlation between PTSD symptom burden and task performance; in fact, the ability to predict PTSD symptom burden based on simple demographic variables (age, sex, combat exposure) was significantly improved by adding task score as a predictor variable. The results therefore suggest that virtual environments may provide a new way to assess PTSD symptoms, while avoiding at least some of the limitations associated with symptom self-report, and thus might be a useful complement to questionnaire or clinical interview, potentially facilitating both diagnosis and evaluation of treatment efficacy.

  4. Gender differences in symptoms of hypothyroidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlé, Allan; Pedersen, Inge Bülow; Knudsen, Nils


    of questionnaires. The gender-specific distribution of 13 hypothyroidism-associated symptoms and a simple combined score (0-13) was explored in conditional uni- and multivariate models taking into account a broad spectrum of possible confounders. Diagnostic odds ratios (DORs) were calculated as measures......OBJECTIVES: We examined the gender-specific symptom prevalences in hypothyroidism and in healthy controls and explored the extent to which symptoms indicative of thyroid status may be different in women and men. DESIGN AND METHODS: Patients newly diagnosed with overt autoimmune hypothyroidism (n...

  5. Koldkrigere, medløbere og røde lejesvende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farbøl, Rosanna

    afhandlingen inden for forskningsfeltet memory studies. De efterfølgende kapitler udvikler metodiske refleksioner over, hvordan man kan undersøge relationer og interaktioner mellem fortid og nutid. Ud fra en antagelse af, at den danske koldkrigsdebat ikke, som det ofte fremstilles, er en simpel højrefløj...... og traditioner; fortiden har også magt over nutiden. Det er endvidere ikke bare forskellige tolkninger af den specifikke koldkrigsfortid, der støder sammen, det er også et sammenstød mellem forskellige store fortællinger og visioner for fremtiden. Nogle gange støder konkrete historiebrug og...

  6. Leadership Pipeline

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elmholdt, Claus Westergård


    I artiklen undersøges det empiriske grundlag for Leader- ship Pipeline. Først beskrives Leadership Pipeline modellen om le- delsesbaner og skilleveje i opadgående transitioner mellem orga- nisatoriske ledelsesniveauer (Freedman, 1998; Charan, Drotter and Noel, 2001). Dernæst sættes fokus på det...... forholdet mellem kontinuitet- og diskontinuitet i ledel- seskompetencer på tværs af organisatoriske niveauer præsenteres og diskuteres. Afslutningsvis diskuteres begrænsningerne i en kompetencebaseret tilgang til Leadership Pipeline, og det foreslås, at succesfuld ledelse i ligeså høj grad afhænger af...

  7. Konservatismen og den højreradikale terror

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Christian Houlberg


    Den norske højreekstremist Anders Behring Breiviks terror mod det norske samfund har herhjemme ledt til en voldsom debat om blandt andet forbindelsen mellem tonen i debatten og terrorangrebet og forholdet mellem den siden 2001 meget omtalte kulturkonservatisme og Anders Breiviks terrorhandling....... Essayet Konservatismen og den højreradikale terror forsøger dels at skabe klarhed over fronterne i debatten, dels at rette en kritik mod såvel tendensen til at afskrive handlingen som uforståelig som af tendensen til at slå den bredere højrefløjs kritik af multikulturalismen i hartkorn med Breiviks...

  8. Transnational organisatorisk innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle


    Artiklen undersøger tre problemstillinger: 1) Hvor udbredt er forskellige former for transnational organisatorisk innovation i den danske offentlige sektor? 2) Hvordan er disse organisatoriske innovationer relateret til hinanden? 3) Er forskelle i deres udbredelse relateret til forskelle mellem den...... forskelle og ligheder mellem statslige og kommunale organisationer. 11 former for organisatorisk innovation, hvoraf mange ofte forbindes med New Public Management (NPM), er inkluderet i de empiriske analyser: privatisering/udlicitering, Bestiller-Udfører-model, kontraktstyring, mål- og rammestyring...... innovationer. Forskellige fortolkninger af den større udbredelse i kommuner end i stat drøftes....

  9. Creative Commons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lone


    En Creative Commons licens giver en forfatter mulighed for at udbyde sit værk i en alternativ licensløsning, som befinder sig på forskellige trin på en skala mellem yderpunkterne "All rights reserved" og "No rights reserved". Derved opnås licensen "Some rights reserved"......En Creative Commons licens giver en forfatter mulighed for at udbyde sit værk i en alternativ licensløsning, som befinder sig på forskellige trin på en skala mellem yderpunkterne "All rights reserved" og "No rights reserved". Derved opnås licensen "Some rights reserved"...

  10. Religion, migration og integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borup, Jørn


    Sammenhængen mellem religion og integration har de sidste år været genstand for debat. Artiklen kommer ind på begreber og sammenhænge relateret til området (migration, diaspora, assimilation, etnicitet, kultur) og ser på religionens mulige rolle som negativ eller positiv ressource i integrationss......Sammenhængen mellem religion og integration har de sidste år været genstand for debat. Artiklen kommer ind på begreber og sammenhænge relateret til området (migration, diaspora, assimilation, etnicitet, kultur) og ser på religionens mulige rolle som negativ eller positiv ressource i...

  11. Foucaults governmentality-begreb og studiet af kolonialisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rud, Søren


    Foucaults governmentalitybegreb har, ikke mindst, i de sidste to årtier inspireret forskere til at genanalysere kulturelle praktikker. Denne artikel viser, hvordan governmentality-begrebet er blevet bragt i anvendelse i et konkret studie af kolonialismen på Fiji, og påpeger samtidigt de mange...... interessante paralleller mellem Fiji og Grønland mod slutningen af 1800-tallet. Begge steder stod de koloniale administratorer over for den udfordring at skulle mediere mellem et ønske om at bevare den "traditionelle kultur" og et ønske om at modernisere og optimere befolkningens forhold. Artiklen påpeger...

  12. Teenagerlove - en populær avant-garde musical

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eigtved, Michael


    Artiklen forfølger den brudflade mellem populærkultur og avantgarde, som Ernst Bruun Olsens musikforestilling Teenagerlove fra 1962 er en repræsentant for. Fokus er især på hvorledes teatrale strategier fra hhv Bertolt Brecht og broadway musicals mødes i denne forestilling.......Artiklen forfølger den brudflade mellem populærkultur og avantgarde, som Ernst Bruun Olsens musikforestilling Teenagerlove fra 1962 er en repræsentant for. Fokus er især på hvorledes teatrale strategier fra hhv Bertolt Brecht og broadway musicals mødes i denne forestilling....

  13. Læring i videnssamfundet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang, Jørgen; Dalsgaard, Christian


    Artiklen gør rede for en forståelse af begrebet ’viden’, og det diskuteres om begrebet ’vidensmedier’ kan anvendes som en samlende optik for udforskningen af relationerne mellem viden og medier i videnssamfundet. Derefter følger en kort oversigt over karakteristika ved digitale medier.......Artiklen gør rede for en forståelse af begrebet ’viden’, og det diskuteres om begrebet ’vidensmedier’ kan anvendes som en samlende optik for udforskningen af relationerne mellem viden og medier i videnssamfundet. Derefter følger en kort oversigt over karakteristika ved digitale medier....

  14. The Cell Phone in Contemporary Danish Crime Series

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jakob Isak

    Dette paper gøre rede for mobiltelefonis fortællemæssige, tematiske og stilistiske funktioner i nyere danske krimiserier og foreslår afslutningsvist, at mobiltelefoni i Ørnen har afstedkommet en ny klippeteknisk grammatik, der gør det vanskeligt at skelne mellem scener og sekvenser.......Dette paper gøre rede for mobiltelefonis fortællemæssige, tematiske og stilistiske funktioner i nyere danske krimiserier og foreslår afslutningsvist, at mobiltelefoni i Ørnen har afstedkommet en ny klippeteknisk grammatik, der gør det vanskeligt at skelne mellem scener og sekvenser....

  15. Motivation, løn og lønsystem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Flemming


    Artiklen gennemgår psykologiske, sociologiske og økonomiske teorier om sammenhængen mellem arbejde, løn og motivation og gennemgår derefter udviklingen i nye lønsystemer og lønformer i den private og offentlige sektor i Danmark i de senere år......Artiklen gennemgår psykologiske, sociologiske og økonomiske teorier om sammenhængen mellem arbejde, løn og motivation og gennemgår derefter udviklingen i nye lønsystemer og lønformer i den private og offentlige sektor i Danmark i de senere år...

  16. Forsøg med 4,8 m langt lydvaffelelement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Pilegaard

    Denne rapport omhandler den statiske eftervisning af Betonelements A/S's 4,8 m lange lydregulerende vaffelplade, i det følgende benævnt vaflen. Vaflen påtænkes anvendt i tagkonstruktioner til udfyldning mellem ribbeetagplader (RTP), hvor også den skivevirkning udnyttes. Vaflen har gode akutstikre......Denne rapport omhandler den statiske eftervisning af Betonelements A/S's 4,8 m lange lydregulerende vaffelplade, i det følgende benævnt vaflen. Vaflen påtænkes anvendt i tagkonstruktioner til udfyldning mellem ribbeetagplader (RTP), hvor også den skivevirkning udnyttes. Vaflen har gode...

  17. Videndeling, læringskultur og digitale læringsressourcer på Absalons Skole “Projekt VILD” Af Mette Hannibal & Britta Vejen, Professionshøjskolen UCC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Mette; Vejen, Britta


    Denne rapport er resultat af et udviklingsprojekt gennemført på Absalons Skole i et samarbejde mellem skolen og de eksterne konsulenter Mette Hannibal og Britta Vejen fra Professionshøjskolen UCC i København. Projektet er støttet af folke- og skolebibliotekspuljen ved Kulturstyrelsen, nu Udviklin......Denne rapport er resultat af et udviklingsprojekt gennemført på Absalons Skole i et samarbejde mellem skolen og de eksterne konsulenter Mette Hannibal og Britta Vejen fra Professionshøjskolen UCC i København. Projektet er støttet af folke- og skolebibliotekspuljen ved Kulturstyrelsen, nu...

  18. Derfor svarer politikerne ikke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gabrielsen, Jonas; Jønch-Clausen, Heidi; Pontoppidan, Christina


    Helle Thorning-Schmidts beslutning om at droppe det ugentlige tirsdagspressemøde er blevet set som en svækkelse af dialogen mellem journalister og politikere. Spørgsmålet er dog, om ikke journalisterne for længst har undergravet det demokratiske potentiale i tirsdagspressemøderne?......Helle Thorning-Schmidts beslutning om at droppe det ugentlige tirsdagspressemøde er blevet set som en svækkelse af dialogen mellem journalister og politikere. Spørgsmålet er dog, om ikke journalisterne for længst har undergravet det demokratiske potentiale i tirsdagspressemøderne?...

  19. Etik og succeskriterier i hospicepleje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dige, Morten


    på den offentlige sektor. Dermed indføres succeskriterier af målrationel art: omkostningseffektivitet, effektivitetsmål, best practice, benchmarking osv. Selv om der ikke nødvendigvis er en konflikt mellem etiske og målrationelle succeskriterier, synes det som om der er det i en del konkrete tilfælde....... Dette diskuteres på baggrund af en specifik offentlig institution, nemlig hospicesektoren og i lyset af en endnu aktuel problematik – en type etisk dilemma – som tydeliggør den påståede konflikt mellem etiske og målrationelle succeskriterier...

  20. Advancing Symptom Science Through Use of Common Data Elements. (United States)

    Redeker, Nancy S; Anderson, Ruth; Bakken, Suzanne; Corwin, Elizabeth; Docherty, Sharron; Dorsey, Susan G; Heitkemper, Margaret; McCloskey, Donna Jo; Moore, Shirley; Pullen, Carol; Rapkin, Bruce; Schiffman, Rachel; Waldrop-Valverde, Drenna; Grady, Patricia


    Use of common data elements (CDEs), conceptually defined as variables that are operationalized and measured in identical ways across studies, enables comparison of data across studies in ways that would otherwise be impossible. Although healthcare researchers are increasingly using CDEs, there has been little systematic use of CDEs for symptom science. CDEs are especially important in symptom science because people experience common symptoms across a broad range of health and developmental states, and symptom management interventions may have common outcomes across populations. The purposes of this article are to (a) recommend best practices for the use of CDEs for symptom science within and across centers; (b) evaluate the benefits and challenges associated with the use of CDEs for symptom science; (c) propose CDEs to be used in symptom science to serve as the basis for this emerging science; and (d) suggest implications and recommendations for future research and dissemination of CDEs for symptom science. The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)-supported P20 and P30 Center directors applied published best practices, expert advice, and the literature to identify CDEs to be used across the centers to measure pain, sleep, fatigue, and affective and cognitive symptoms. We generated a minimum set of CDEs to measure symptoms. The CDEs identified through this process will be used across the NINR Centers and will facilitate comparison of symptoms across studies. We expect that additional symptom CDEs will be added and the list will be refined in future work. Symptoms are an important focus of nursing care. Use of CDEs will facilitate research that will lead to better ways to assist people to manage their symptoms. © 2015 Sigma Theta Tau International.

  1. The brief negative symptom scale: psychometric properties. (United States)

    Kirkpatrick, Brian; Strauss, Gregory P; Nguyen, Linh; Fischer, Bernard A; Daniel, David G; Cienfuegos, Angel; Marder, Stephen R


    The participants in the NIMH-MATRICS Consensus Development Conference on Negative Symptoms recommended that an instrument be developed that measured blunted affect, alogia, asociality, anhedonia, and avolition. The Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS) is a 13-item instrument designed for clinical trials and other studies that measures these 5 domains. The interrater, test-retest, and internal consistency of the instrument were strong, with respective intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.93 for the BNSS total score and values of 0.89-0.95 for individual subscales. Comparisons with positive symptoms and other negative symptom instruments supported the discriminant and concurrent validity of the instrument.

  2. Patient-reported symptoms during radiotherapy. Clinically relevant symptom burden in patients treated with palliative and curative intent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koerner, Philipp [Universitaetsklinikum Wuerzburg, Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum Palliativmedizin, Wuerzburg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Wuerzburg, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Wuerzburg (Germany); Ehrmann, Katja [Universitaetsklinikum Wuerzburg, Medizinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Medizinische Soziologie und Rehabilitationswissenschaften, Wuerzburg (Germany); Hartmannsgruber, Johann [Praxis Landshut, Kinderzahnheilkunde, Landshut (Germany); Metz, Michaela; Steigerwald, Sabrina; Flentje, Michael [Universitaetsklinikum Wuerzburg, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Wuerzburg (Germany); Oorschot, Birgitt van [Universitaetsklinikum Wuerzburg, Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum Palliativmedizin, Wuerzburg (Germany)


    The benefits of patient-reported symptom assessment combined with integrated palliative care are well documented. This study assessed the symptom burden of palliative and curative-intent radiation oncology patients. Prior to first consultation and at the end of RT, all adult cancer patients planned to receive fractionated percutaneous radiotherapy (RT) were asked to answer the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS; nine symptoms from 0 = no symptoms to 10 = worst possible symptoms). Mean values were used for curative vs. palliative and pre-post comparisons, and the clinical relevance was evaluated (symptom values ≥ 4). Of 163 participating patients, 151 patients (90.9%) completed both surveys (116 curative and 35 palliative patients). Before beginning RT, 88.6% of palliative and 72.3% of curative patients showed at least one clinically relevant symptom. Curative patients most frequently named decreased general wellbeing (38.6%), followed by tiredness (35.0%), anxiety (32.4%), depression (30.0%), pain (26.3%), lack of appetite (23.5%), dyspnea (17.8%), drowsiness (8.0%) and nausea (6.1%). Palliative patients most frequently named decreased general wellbeing (62.8%), followed by pain (62.8%), tiredness (60.0%), lack of appetite (40.0%), anxiety (38.0%), depression (33.3%), dyspnea (28.5%), drowsiness (25.7%) and nausea (14.2%). At the end of RT, the proportion of curative and palliative patients with a clinically relevant symptom had increased significantly to 79.8 and 91.4%, respectively; whereas the proportion of patients reporting clinically relevant pain had decreased significantly (42.8 vs. 62.8%, respectively). Palliative patients had significantly increased tiredness. Curative patients reported significant increases in pain, tiredness, nausea, drowsiness, lack of appetite and restrictions in general wellbeing. Assessment of patient-reported symptoms was successfully realized in radiation oncology routine. Overall, both groups showed a high symptom burden

  3. Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease and Personality Traits. (United States)

    Ichinohe, Sho; Igarashi, Tsutomu; Nakajima, Daisuke; Ono, Masafumi; Takahashi, Hiroshi


    The essential targets of dry eye disease (DED) treatments include both objective signs and subjective symptoms. However, due to the numerous subjective symptoms, it is understandable why little association has been found between the signs and symptoms. Although psychological influences on the subjective symptoms have been reported, little is known about the influence of personality traits. The present study analyzed the relationship between the signs/symptoms of DED and the personality traits of patients using a cross-sectional design. We examined 56 DED patients (mean age; 62.4 ± 12.9, range 34-85 years) visiting the outpatient clinic of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Nippon Medical School Hospital in Tokyo, Japan. Objective signs evaluated included the Schirmer I test, tear breakup time (BUT), fluorescein and lissamine green staining, and tear osmolality. Subjective symptoms were assessed by the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and Dry Eye-Related Quality-of-Life Score (DEQS) questionnaires. For personality traits, the Big Five personality traits model analysis was used. Correlations between the objective signs, subjective symptoms, and personality traits were analyzed. A significant correlation was found between the neuroticism in the Big Five Personality Inventory and the symptoms assessed by the DEQS (r = -0.35, p personality traits. The results of our current study suggest that the personality of the patient, which appears to be the basis of various psychological factors, can have some impact on the subjective symptoms. This may be one of the reasons why there has been little association noted between the signs and symptoms of DED.

  4. Aspects of alienation and symptom load among adolescents. (United States)

    Rayce, Signe L B; Holstein, Bjørn E; Kreiner, Svend


    The purpose was to examine the association between aspects of alienation and symptom load among adolescents. Furthermore an integrated purpose was to construct and validate an index of alienation. Cross-sectional data from 5205 school children aged 11-15 years from a random sample of schools in Denmark were used. Data stems from the Danish contribution to the cross-national study Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Alienation was measured with a new index fulfilling four criteria: (i) theoretical foundation, (ii) inter-correlation between items, (iii) correlation between each of the index's items and the outcomes and (iv) no differential item functioning. The final index included three indicators of alienation: helplessness, feeling left out of things and lack of confidentiality with parents. Symptom load was measured by HBSC Symptom Checklist and divided into physical and psychological symptoms respectively. High symptom load was defined as experiencing at least one symptom on a daily basis. The odds-ratio (OR) for high symptom load increased with the degree of alienation. For students with all three indicators of alienation, the OR for high physical symptom load was 2.49 (1.05-5.87). The OR for high psychological symptom load for the corresponding degree of alienation was 6.50 (3.11-13.56). The index of alienation fulfilled psychometric criteria for scalability. Furthermore the analyses showed a graded and significant association between alienation and high symptom load. This suggests alienation to be taken into account in future health interventions among adolescents. In school settings this may be done using principles of empowerment.

  5. Clinical utility of the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory validity scales to screen for symptom exaggeration following traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Lange, Rael T; Brickell, Tracey A; Lippa, Sara M; French, Louis M


    The purpose of this study was to examine the clinical utility of three recently developed validity scales (Validity-10, NIM5, and LOW6) designed to screen for symptom exaggeration using the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI). Participants were 272 U.S. military service members who sustained a mild, moderate, severe, or penetrating traumatic brain injury (TBI) and who were evaluated by the neuropsychology service at Walter Reed Army Medical Center within 199 weeks post injury. Participants were divided into two groups based on the Negative Impression Management scale of the Personality Assessment Inventory: (a) those who failed symptom validity testing (SVT-fail; n = 27) and (b) those who passed symptom validity testing (SVT-pass; n = 245). Participants in the SVT-fail group had significantly higher scores (pscales (range: d = 0.76 to 2.34). Similarly high sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive power (PPP), and negative predictive (NPP) values were found when using all three validity scales to differentiate SVT-fail versus SVT-pass groups. However, the Validity-10 scale consistently had the highest overall values. The optimal cutoff score for the Validity-10 scale to identify possible symptom exaggeration was ≥19 (sensitivity = .59, specificity = .89, PPP = .74, NPP = .80). For the majority of people, these findings provide support for the use of the Validity-10 scale as a screening tool for possible symptom exaggeration. When scores on the Validity-10 exceed the cutoff score, it is recommended that (a) researchers and clinicians do not interpret responses on the NSI, and (b) clinicians follow up with a more detailed evaluation, using well-validated symptom validity measures (e.g., Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form, MMPI-2-RF, validity scales), to seek confirmatory evidence to support an hypothesis of symptom exaggeration.

  6. [Negative symptoms of schizophrenia: historical aspects]. (United States)

    Pringuey, D; Paquin, N; Cherikh, F; Giordana, B; Belzeaux, R; Cermolacce, M; Adida, M; Azorin, J-M


    The history of negative symptoms of schizophrenia rises early days of medicine in clinical and pathophysiological differences between positive and negative and their complex joint. Forming a set of typical core of symptoms, and some feature of a syndrome belonging to a specific pathophysiological mechanism, negative symptoms of schizophrenia emerge from old descriptions of clinical pictures, related to the overall look of madness, the heart of alienation, a central sign of early dementia, gradually more precisely describing the strange nature of the autistic withdrawal and schizophrenic apragmatism. At therapeutic era, negative symptoms have taken over the positive symptoms to establish an operational criteria whose importance lies in the progressive severity of this clinical type and in their contribution to therapeutic resistance. Despite the efforts of modern typological classifications, this work rehabilitates the old concept of "unitary psychosis" by defining a common symptomatic core to multiple clinical forms of psychosis, combining deficit of emotional expression and avolition, meaning a native psychopathology and a pathophysiology possibly in a common final way, and calling the arrival of new treatment strategies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Adverse mood symptoms with oral contraceptives. (United States)

    Poromaa, Inger Sundström; Segebladh, Birgitta


    In spite of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) having been available for more than 50 years, surprisingly little is known about the prevalence of truly COC-related adverse mood symptoms and about the underlying biological mechanisms of proposed changes in mood and affect. Precise estimates of COC-related adverse mood symptoms are not available due to the lack of placebo-controlled trials. In prospective trials the frequency of women who report deteriorated mood or deteriorated emotional well-being varies between 4 and 10%, but it can be assumed that the causal relation in these prevalence rates is overestimated. Adverse mood symptoms and somatic symptoms are most pronounced during the pill-free interval of the treatment cycles, but whether extended COC regimens would be more favorable in this respect is not known. COCs with anti-androgenic progestagens, such as drospirenone and desogestrel, appear more favorable in terms of mood symptoms than progestagens with a more androgenic profile. Available data suggest that lower doses of ethinylestradiol could be beneficial. © 2012 The Authors Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica© 2012 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  8. External eye symptoms in indoor environments. (United States)

    Wolkoff, P


    Eye irritation, for example dry or irritated eyes, is generally among top three reported symptoms in office-like environments, in particular among workplaces with cognitive demanding visual display unit (VDU) work. The symptoms are especially among middle and advanced ages and particularly among women more than men. The symptoms are also among the most commonly reported complaints in the eye clinic. To be in a position to interpret the high prevalence of eye symptoms, a multidisciplinary and integrated approach is necessary that involves the external eye physiology (separate from internal eye effects), eye diseases (evaporative dry eye (DE), aqueous-deficient DE, and gland dysfunctions), and risk factors that aggravate the stability of precorneal tear film (PTF) resulting in hyperosmolarity and initiation of inflammatory reactions. Indoor environmental, occupational and personal risk factors may aggravate the PTF stability; factors such as age, contact lenses, cosmetics, diet, draft, gender, low humidity and high temperature, medication, outdoor and combustion pollutants, and VDU work. Psychological stressors may further influence the reporting behavior of eye symptoms. The impact of the risk factors may occur in a combined and exacerbating manner. © 2016 The Authors. Indoor Air published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Generating physical symptoms from visual cues: An experimental study. (United States)

    Ogden, Jane; Zoukas, Serafim


    This experimental study explored whether the physical symptoms of cold, pain and itchiness could be generated by visual cues, whether they varied in the ease with which they could be generated and whether they were related to negative affect. Participants were randomly allocated by group to watch one of three videos relating to cold (e.g. ice, snow, wind), pain (e.g. sporting injuries, tattoos) or itchiness (e.g. head lice, scratching). They then rated their self-reported symptoms of cold, pain and itchiness as well as their negative affect (depression and anxiety). The researcher recorded their observed behaviour relating to these symptoms. The results showed that the interventions were successful and that all three symptoms could be generated by the visual cues in terms of both self-report and observed behaviour. In addition, the pain video generated higher levels of anxiety and depression than the other two videos. Further, the degree of itchiness was related to the degree of anxiety. This symptom onset process also showed variability between symptoms with self-reported cold symptoms being greater than either pain or itchy symptoms. The results show that physical symptoms can be generated by visual cues indicating that psychological factors are not only involved in symptom perception but also in symptom onset.

  10. Fertility and Symptom Relief following Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Myomectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael C. Pitter


    Full Text Available Objective. To examine success of robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy (RALM measured by sustained symptom relief and fertility. Methods. This is a retrospective survey of 426 women who underwent RALM for fibroids, symptom relief, or infertility at three practice sites across the US. We examined rates of symptom recurrence and pregnancy and factors associated with these outcomes. Results. Overall, 70% of women reported being symptom-free, with 62.9% free of symptoms after three years. At >3 years, 66.7% of women who underwent surgery to treat infertility and 80% who were also symptom-free reported achieving pregnancy. Factors independently associated with symptom recurrence included greater time after surgery, preoperative dyspareunia, multiple fibroid surgeries, smoking after surgery, and preexisting diabetes. Factors positively correlated with achieving pregnancy included desiring pregnancy, prior pregnancy, greater time since surgery, and Caucasian race. Factors negatively correlated with pregnancy were advanced age and symptom recurrence. Conclusions. This paper, the first to examine symptom recurrence after RALM, demonstrates both short- and long-term effectiveness in providing symptom relief. Furthermore, RALM may have the potential to improve the chance of conception, even in a population at high risk of subfertility, with greater benefits among those who remain symptom-free. These findings require prospective validation.

  11. Betahistine for symptoms of vertigo. (United States)

    Murdin, Louisa; Hussain, Kiran; Schilder, Anne G M


    Vertigo is a symptom in which individuals experience a false sensation of movement. This type of dizziness is thought to originate in the inner ear labyrinth or its neural connections. It is a commonly experienced symptom and can cause significant problems with carrying out normal activities. Betahistine is a drug that may work by improving blood flow to the inner ear. This review examines whether betahistine is more effective than a placebo at treating symptoms of vertigo from different causes. To assess the effects of betahistine in patients with symptoms of vertigo from different causes. The Cochrane ENT Information Specialist searched the Cochrane ENT Trials Register; Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL 2015, Issue 8); PubMed; EMBASE; CINAHL; Web of Science;; ICTRP and additional sources for published and unpublished trials. We also contacted manufacturers and researchers in the field. The date of the search was 21 September 2015. We included randomised controlled trials of betahistine versus placebo in patients of any age with vertigo from any neurotological diagnosis in any settings. We used the standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. Our primary outcome was the proportion of patients with reduction in vertigo symptoms (considering together the intensity, frequency and duration those symptoms). We included 17 studies, with a total of 1025 participants; 12 studies were published (567 patients) and five were unpublished (458 patients). Sixteen studies including 953 people compared betahistine with placebo. All studies with analysable data lasted three months or less. The majority were at high risk of bias, but in some the risk of bias was unclear. One study, at high risk of bias, included 72 people with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and compared betahistine with placebo; all patients also had particle repositioning manoeuvres. The studies varied considerably in terms of types of participants, their

  12. Foods provoking and alleviating symptoms in gastroparesis: patient experiences. (United States)

    Wytiaz, Victoria; Homko, Carol; Duffy, Frank; Schey, Ron; Parkman, Henry P


    Nutritional counseling for gastroparesis focuses on reduction of meal size, fiber, and fat to control symptoms. The tolerance of gastroparesis patients for particular foods is largely anecdotal. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize foods provoking or alleviating gastroparesis symptoms. Gastroparesis patients completed: (1) Demographic Questionnaire; (2) Patient Assessment of Upper GI Symptoms; (3) Food Toleration and Aversion survey asking patients about experiences when eating certain foods utilizing a scale from -3 (greatly worsening symptoms) to +3 (greatly improving symptoms). Descriptive qualities (acidic, fatty, spicy, roughage-based, bitter, salty, bland, and sweet) were assigned to foods. Forty-five gastroparesis patients participated (39 idiopathic gastroparesis). Foods worsening symptoms included: orange juice, fried chicken, cabbage, oranges, sausage, pizza, peppers, onions, tomato juice, lettuce, coffee, salsa, broccoli, bacon, and roast beef. Saltine crackers, jello, and graham crackers moderately improved symptoms. Twelve additional foods were tolerated by patients (not provoking symptoms): ginger ale, gluten-free foods, tea, sweet potatoes, pretzels, white fish, clear soup, salmon, potatoes, white rice, popsicles, and applesauce. Foods provoking symptoms were generally fatty, acidic, spicy, and roughage-based. The foods shown to be tolerable were generally bland, sweet, salty, and starchy. This study identified specific foods that worsen as well as foods that may help alleviate symptoms of gastroparesis. Foods that provoked symptoms differed in quality from foods that alleviated symptoms or were tolerable. The results of this study illustrate specific examples of foods that aggravate or improve symptoms and provide suggestions for a gastroparesis diet.

  13. A twin study of perfume-related respiratory symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elberling, J; Lerbaek, A; Kyvik, K O


    Respiratory symptoms from environmental perfume exposure are main complaints in patients with multiple chemical sensitivities and often coincide with asthma and or eczema. In this population-based twin study we estimate the heritability of respiratory symptoms related to perfume and if co......-occurrences of the symptoms in asthma, atopic dermatitis, hand eczema or contact allergy are influenced by environmental or genetic factors common with these diseases. In total 4,128 twin individuals (82%) responded to a questionnaire. The heritability of respiratory symptoms related to perfume is 0.35, 95%CI 0.......14-0.54. Significant associations (prespiratory symptoms and asthma, atopic dermatitis, hand eczema or contact allergy are not attributable to shared genetic or shared environmental/familial factors, except possibly for atopic dermatitis where genetic pleiotropy with respiratory symptoms...

  14. Work-specific cognitive symptoms and the role of work characteristics, fatigue and depressive symptoms in cancer patients during 18 months post return to work. (United States)

    Dorland, H F; Abma, F I; Roelen, C A M; Stewart, R; Amick, B C; Bültmann, U; Ranchor, A V


    Cancer patients can experience work-specific cognitive symptoms post return to work (RTW). The study aims to: 1) describe the course of work-specific cognitive symptoms in the first 18 months post RTW, and 2) examine the associations of work characteristics, fatigue and depressive symptoms with work-specific cognitive symptoms over time. This study used data from the 18-months longitudinal "Work Life after Cancer" cohort. The Cognitive Symptom Checklist-Work, Dutch Version (CSC-W DV) was used to measure work-specific cognitive symptoms. Linear mixed models were performed to examine the course of work-specific cognitive symptoms during 18 months follow-up; linear regression analyses with generalised estimating equations (GEE) were used to examine associations over time. Working cancer patients diagnosed with different cancer types were included (n=378). Work-specific cognitive symptoms were stable over 18 months. At baseline, cancer patients reported more working memory symptoms (M=31.9, CI=23.1, 26.4) compared to executive function symptoms (M=19.3; CI=17.6, 20.9). Cancer patients holding a job with both manual and non-manual tasks reported less work-specific cognitive symptoms (unstandardized regression coefficient b=-4.80; CI=-7.76, -1.83) over time, compared to cancer patients with a non-manual job. Over time, higher depressive symptoms were related to experiencing more overall work-specific cognitive symptoms (b=1.27; CI=1.00, 1.55) and a higher fatigue score was related to more working memory symptoms (b=0.13; CI=0.04, 0.23). Job type should be considered when looking at work-specific cognitive symptoms over time in working cancer patients. To reduce work-specific cognitive symptoms, interventions targeted at fatigue and depressive symptoms might be promising. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  15. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and stress-related biomarkers. (United States)

    Vogel, S W N; Bijlenga, D; Verduijn, J; Bron, T I; Beekman, A T F; Kooij, J J S; Penninx, B W J H


    The current study examined whether (a) Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms were associated with dysregulation of stress-related mechanisms, and (b) whether ADHD symptoms interact with affective disorders in their association with dysregulated stress-related mechanisms. Data were obtained from 2307 subjects participating in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. Stress-related mechanisms were reflected by the following biomarkers: (1) hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis indicators (salivary cortisol awakening curve, evening cortisol, cortisol suppression after a 0.5mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST)); (2) autonomic nervous system measures (heart rate, pre-ejection period, respiratory sinus arrhythmia); (3) inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha); (4) brain-derived neurotrophic factor. ADHD symptoms were measured using Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scale and used both dichotomous (High ADHD symptoms (yes/no)) and continuous (Inattentive symptoms, Hyperactive/Impulsive symptoms, and the ADHD index). Regression analyses showed associations between High ADHD symptoms, Inattentive symptoms, the ADHD index and a higher cortisol awakening curve, between Hyperactive/Impulsive symptoms and less cortisol suppression after DST, and between Inattentive symptoms and a longer pre-ejection period. However, the associations with the cortisol awakening curve disappeared after adjustment for depressive and anxiety disorders. No associations were observed between ADHD symptoms and inflammatory markers or BDNF. ADHD symptoms did not interact with affective disorders in dysregulation of stress-related mechanisms. Some associations were observed between ADHD symptoms, the HPA-axis, and the pre-ejection period, but these were mostly driven by depressive and anxiety disorders. This study found no evidence that ADHD symptomatology was associated with dysregulations in inflammatory markers and BDNF. Consequently

  16. Attributions of cancer 'alarm' symptoms in a community sample.

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    Katriina L Whitaker

    Full Text Available Attribution of early cancer symptoms to a non-serious cause may lead to longer diagnostic intervals. We investigated attributions of potential cancer 'alarm' and non-alarm symptoms experienced in everyday life in a community sample of adults, without mention of a cancer context.A questionnaire was mailed to 4858 adults (≥50 years old, no cancer diagnosis through primary care, asking about symptom experiences in the past 3 months. The word cancer was not mentioned. Target 'alarm' symptoms, publicised by Cancer Research UK, were embedded in a longer symptom list. For each symptom experienced, respondents were asked for their attribution ('what do you think caused it', concern about seriousness ('not at all' to 'extremely', and help-seeking ('did you contact a doctor about it': Yes/No.The response rate was 35% (n = 1724. Over half the respondents (915/1724; 53% had experienced an 'alarm' symptom, and 20 (2% cited cancer as a possible cause. Cancer attributions were highest for 'unexplained lump'; 7% (6/87. Cancer attributions were lowest for 'unexplained weight loss' (0/47. A higher proportion (375/1638; 23% were concerned their symptom might be 'serious', ranging from 12% (13/112 for change in a mole to 41% (100/247 for unexplained pain. Just over half had contacted their doctor about their symptom (59%, although this varied by symptom. Alarm symptoms were appraised as more serious than non-alarm symptoms, and were more likely to trigger help-seeking.Consistent with retrospective reports from cancer patients, 'alarm' symptoms experienced in daily life were rarely attributed to cancer. These results have implications for understanding how people appraise and act on symptoms that could be early warning signs of cancer.

  17. Rumination, depressive symptoms and awareness of illness in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Thomas, Neil; Ribaux, Darryl; Phillips, Lisa J


    Depressive symptoms are common in schizophrenia. Previous studies have observed that depressive symptoms are associated with both insight and negative appraisals of illness, suggesting that the way in which the person thinks about their illness may influence the occurrence of depressive responses. In affective disorders, one of the most well-established cognitive processes associated with depressive symptoms is rumination, a pattern of perseverative, self-focused negative thinking. This study examined whether rumination focused on mental illness was predictive of depressive symptoms during the subacute phase of schizophrenia. Forty participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and in a stable phase of illness completed measures of rumination, depressive symptoms, awareness of illness, and positive and negative symptoms. Depressive symptoms were correlated with rumination, including when controlling for positive and negative symptoms. The content of rumination frequently focused on mental illness and its causes and consequences, in particular social disability and disadvantage. Depressive symptoms were predicted by awareness of the social consequences of mental illness, an effect that was mediated by rumination. Results suggest that a process of perseveratively dwelling upon mental illness and its social consequences may be a factor contributing to depressive symptoms in people with chronic schizophrenia.

  18. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome (United States)

    ... Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Symptoms and Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome Updated:Apr 13,2017 What are the symptoms ... Syndrome? This content was last reviewed August 2016. Metabolic Syndrome • Home • About Metabolic Syndrome • Why Metabolic Syndrome Matters • ...

  19. Restless Legs Syndrome -- Causes and Symptoms (United States)

    ... miles): 10 25 50 Share: Essentials in Sleep Insomnia Overview & Facts Symptoms & Causes Diagnosis & Self Tests Treatment Sleep Apnea Overview & Facts ... Self Test & Diagnosis Treatment Snoring Overview and Facts Causes and Symptoms Self Tests & ... Insomnia Short Sleeper Hypersomnias Narcolepsy Insufficient ...

  20. Longitudinal Examination of the Influence of Individual Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Clusters of Symptoms on the Initiation of Cigarette Smoking. (United States)

    Seelig, Amber D; Bensley, Kara M; Williams, Emily C; Armenta, Richard F; Rivera, Anna C; Peterson, Arthur V; Jacobson, Isabel G; Littman, Alyson J; Maynard, Charles; Bricker, Jonathan B; Rull, Rudolph P; Boyko, Edward J


    The aim of this study was to determine whether specific individual posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms or symptom clusters predict cigarette smoking initiation. Longitudinal data from the Millennium Cohort Study were used to estimate the relative risk for smoking initiation associated with PTSD symptoms among 2 groups: (1) all individuals who initially indicated they were nonsmokers (n = 44,968, main sample) and (2) a subset of the main sample who screened positive for PTSD (n = 1622). Participants were military service members who completed triennial comprehensive surveys that included assessments of smoking and PTSD symptoms. Complementary log-log models were fit to estimate the relative risk for subsequent smoking initiation associated with each of the 17 symptoms that comprise the PTSD Checklist and 5 symptom clusters. Models were adjusted for demographics, military factors, comorbid conditions, and other PTSD symptoms or clusters. In the main sample, no individual symptoms or clusters predicted smoking initiation. However, in the subset with PTSD, the symptoms "feeling irritable or having angry outbursts" (relative risk [RR] 1.41, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13-1.76) and "feeling as though your future will somehow be cut short" (RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.02-1.40) were associated with increased risk for subsequent smoking initiation. Certain PTSD symptoms were associated with higher risk for smoking initiation among current and former service members with PTSD. These results may help identify individuals who might benefit from more intensive smoking prevention efforts included with PTSD treatment.

  1. Is lower symptom recognition associated with socioeconomic inequalities in help-seeking for potential breast cancer symptoms? (United States)

    Davies, Hilary; Marcu, Afrodita; Vedsted, Peter; Whitaker, Katriina L


    Socioeconomic inequalities in recognising signs and symptoms of cancer may result in inequalities in timely help-seeking and subsequent prognosis of breast cancer. We explored the mediating role of symptom attribution and concern on the relationship between level of education and help-seeking for potential breast cancer symptoms. Women aged ≥47 years (n = 961) were purposively recruited (by education) to complete an online vignette-based survey that included nipple rash and axillary lump (in separate vignettes) as potential symptoms of breast cancer. Women completed questions relating to medical help-seeking (yes/no), cancer attribution, symptom concern, cancer avoidance, family history, and demographics. Women with low education and mid education attributed nipple rash less often to cancer (26% and 27% mentioned cancer) than women with a degree or higher (40%). However, women with a degree or higher (63%) or mid education (64%) were less likely to anticipate seeking help for the nipple rash than women with no formal qualifications (73%). This association was statistically significant in the 60- to 69-year-old age group. There was no significant association between education and help-seeking for axillary lump. Mediation analysis adjusting for potential confounders confirmed that the association between education and help-seeking for nipple rash was fully mediated by symptom concern. Socioeconomic inequalities in stage at diagnosis and survival of breast cancer may not always be explained by lower likelihood of suspecting cancer and subsequent impact on help-seeking. Reducing inequalities in stage at diagnosis will involve understanding a broader range of bio-psycho-social factors (eg, comorbidities and healthcare system factors). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. French version validation of the psychotic symptom rating scales (PSYRATS for outpatients with persistent psychotic symptoms

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    Favrod Jerome


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Most scales that assess the presence and severity of psychotic symptoms often measure a broad range of experiences and behaviours, something that restricts the detailed measurement of specific symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations. The Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales (PSYRATS is a clinical assessment tool that focuses on the detailed measurement of these core symptoms. The goal of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the French version of the PSYRATS. Methods A sample of 103 outpatients suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and presenting persistent psychotic symptoms over the previous three months was assessed using the PSYRATS. Seventy-five sample participants were also assessed with the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS. Results ICCs were superior to .90 for all items of the PSYRATS. Factor analysis replicated the factorial structure of the original version of the delusions scale. Similar to previous replications, the factor structure of the hallucinations scale was partially replicated. Convergent validity indicated that some specific PSYRATS items do not correlate with the PANSS delusions or hallucinations. The distress items of the PSYRATS are negatively correlated with the grandiosity scale of the PANSS. Conclusions The results of this study are limited by the relatively small sample size as well as the selection of participants with persistent symptoms. The French version of the PSYRATS partially replicates previously published results. Differences in factor structure of the hallucinations scale might be explained by greater variability of its elements. The future development of the scale should take into account the presence of grandiosity in order to better capture details of the psychotic experience.

  3. Children's perception of physical symptoms: The example of asthma.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rietveld, S.; Prins, P.J.M.; Lahey, B.B.; Kazdin, A.E.


    Introduces symptom perception as a concept to explain and understand the discordance between objective and subjective symptoms of disease. Contemporary models describing symptom perception and factors that influence these symptom perceptual processes are evaluated in light of recent empirical

  4. High Baseline Postconcussion Symptom Scores and Concussion Outcomes in Athletes. (United States)

    Custer, Aimee; Sufrinko, Alicia; Elbin, R J; Covassin, Tracey; Collins, Micky; Kontos, Anthony


    Some healthy athletes report high levels of baseline concussion symptoms, which may be attributable to several factors (eg, illness, personality, somaticizing). However, the role of baseline symptoms in outcomes after sport-related concussion (SRC) has not been empirically examined. To determine if athletes with high symptom scores at baseline performed worse than athletes without baseline symptoms on neurocognitive testing after SRC. Cohort study. High school and collegiate athletic programs. A total of 670 high school and collegiate athletes participated in the study. Participants were divided into groups with either no baseline symptoms (Postconcussion Symptom Scale [PCSS] score = 0, n = 247) or a high level of baseline symptoms (PCSS score > 18 [top 10% of sample], n = 68). Participants were evaluated at baseline and 2 to 7 days after SRC with the Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test and PCSS. Outcome measures were Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test composite scores (verbal memory, visual memory, visual motor processing speed, and reaction time) and total symptom score on the PCSS. The groups were compared using repeated-measures analyses of variance with Bonferroni correction to assess interactions between group and time for symptoms and neurocognitive impairment. The no-symptoms group represented 38% of the original sample, whereas the high-symptoms group represented 11% of the sample. The high-symptoms group experienced a larger decline from preinjury to postinjury than the no-symptoms group in verbal (P = .03) and visual memory (P = .05). However, total concussion-symptom scores increased from preinjury to postinjury for the no-symptoms group (P = .001) but remained stable for the high-symptoms group. Reported baseline symptoms may help identify athletes at risk for worse outcomes after SRC. Clinicians should examine baseline symptom levels to better identify patients for earlier referral and treatment for their

  5. Assessing work-related musculoskeletal symptoms among otolaryngology residents. (United States)

    Wong, Kevin; Grundfast, Kenneth M; Levi, Jessica R

    Previous studies have suggested that musculoskeletal symptoms are common among practicing otolaryngologists. Early training can be the ideal time to foster knowledge of ergonomics and develop safe work habits, however, little data exists regarding musculoskeletal symptoms in residents. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize musculoskeletal symptoms in a preliminary sample of otolaryngology residents. A cross-sectional survey incorporating the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was sent to 30 Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residencies to examine musculoskeletal symptoms among residents. A two-sample test of proportions was performed to compare symptoms between male and female residents. In total, 141 respondents (response rate=34.7%) completed the survey. Fifty-five percent of survey respondents were male and 45% were female. Musculoskeletal symptoms were most frequently reported in the neck (82.3%), followed by the lower back (56%), upper back (40.4%), and shoulders (40.4%). The most common symptoms were stiffness in the neck (71.6%), pain in the neck (61.7%), and pain in the lower back (48.2%). In total, 6.4% of residents missed work and 16.3% of residents stopped during an operation at some point due to their symptoms. Most residents (88.3%) believed their musculoskeletal symptoms were attributed to their surgical training. Female residents were significantly more likely to experience neck (p<0.0001) and wrist/hand (p=0.019) discomfort compared to male residents. Musculoskeletal symptoms were common among residents, approaching rates similar to those previously identified in practicing otolaryngologists. Increased emphasis on surgical ergonomics is warranted to improve workplace safety and prevent future injury. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  6. Persistent symptoms in agricultural workers exposed to organophosphate pesticides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha E. Palacios N


    Full Text Available Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of these symptoms and their relationship with pesticide exposure and the cholinesterase levels in agricultural workers. Methodology: an analytical cross-sectional study conducted in Mexico. Cholinesterase concentration and symptom frequency were assessed for 106 agricultural workers. Exposure was defined with a composed index of 15 variables. Results: symptom prevalence was 52 out of 100 workers. 31% of workers had 1 to 3 of the symptoms, 16% had 4 to 9 of them and 5% had 10 or more of the symptoms. There was an association, p = 0.03, between days of exposure and persistent symptoms. Likewise, there was an association between exposure level and the presence of probable and specific symptoms. Patients with the highest exposure level had 20% more chances of exhibiting symptoms. Cholinesterase concentration ranges were normal. Anemia was detected in 28% of the population. It was three times as frequent in females as in males (p < 0.001. Conclusions: it was possible to identify the increase of persistent symptoms in workers with cholinesterase levels that are usually considered to be normal.

  7. The relationship between tics, OC, ADHD and autism symptoms: A cross- disorder symptom analysis in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome patients and family-members. (United States)

    Huisman-van Dijk, Hilde M; Schoot, Rens van de; Rijkeboer, Marleen M; Mathews, Carol A; Cath, Daniëlle C


    Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (GTS) is a disorder in which obsessive-compulsive (OC), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism symptoms occur in up to 60% of patients, suggesting shared etiology. We explored the phenotypic structure of tic, OC, ADHD, and autism symptoms as measured by the YGTSS,Y-BOCS,CAARS and AQ, in 225 GTS patients and 371 family members. First, Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) were performed on the symptom structure of each separate symptom scale. Second, the symptom dimensions derived from each scale were combined in one model, and correlations between them were calculated. Using the correlation matrix, Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) were performed on the symptom dimensions across the scales. EFA revealed a five factor structure: tic/aggression/symmetry; OC symptoms/compulsive tics/ numbers and patterns; ADHD symptoms; autism symptoms; and hoarding/inattention symptoms. The results are partly in line with the traditional categorical boundaries of the symptom scales used, and partly reveal a symptom structure that cuts through the diagnostic categories. This phenotypic structure might more closely reflect underlying etiologies than a structure that classically describes GTS patients according to absence or presence of comorbid OCD, ADHD and autism, and might inform both future genetic and treatment studies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Symptom correlates of cerebral blood flow following acute concussion

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    Nathan W. Churchill

    Full Text Available Concussion is associated with significant symptoms within hours to days post-injury, including disturbances in physical function, cognition, sleep and emotion. However, little is known about how subjective impairments correlate with objective measures of cerebrovascular function following brain injury. This study examined the relationship between symptoms and cerebral blood flow (CBF in individuals following sport-related concussion. Seventy university level athletes had CBF measured using Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL, including 35 with acute concussion and 35 matched controls and their symptoms were assessed using the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 3 (SCAT3. For concussed athletes, greater total symptom severity was associated with elevated posterior cortical CBF, although mean CBF was not significantly different from matched controls (p=0.46. Examining symptom clusters, athletes reporting greater cognitive symptoms also had lower frontal and subcortical CBF, relative to athletes with greater somatic symptoms. The “cognitive” and “somatic” subgroups also exhibited significant differences in CBF relative to controls (p≤0.026. This study demonstrates objective CBF correlates of symptoms in recently concussed athletes and shows that specific symptom clusters may have distinct patterns of altered CBF, significantly extending our understanding of the neurobiology of concussion and traumatic brain injury. Keywords: Sport concussion, Cerebral blood flow, ASL, Symptoms

  9. Stress and Arousal Symptoms in Individuals and Groups - Persian Gulf War Symptoms as a Paradigm. (United States)


    Symptoms." Psychological Medicine, 1991:21: 1029-1045, quotation from pp. 1040-1041. 18Kellner R., "Functional Somatic Symptoms and Hypochondriasis ...quasi-specific for future patterns of research into the somatic and other consequences of combat stress, deployment stress and other stresses of...psychiatric folklore. Much of the earlier research into the somatic consequences of stress and indeed into medicine as a whole, was correlational in

  10. Depressive symptoms in institutionalized older adults

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    Lívia Maria Santiago


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms among institutionalized elderly individuals and to analyze factors associated with this condition. METHODS This was a cross-sectional study involving 462 individuals aged 60 or older, residents in long stay institutions in four Brazilian municipalities. The dependent variable was assessed using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Poisson’s regression was used to evaluate associations with co-variables. We investigated which variables were most relevant in terms of presence of depressive symptoms within the studied context through factor analysis. RESULTS Prevalence of depressive symptoms was 48.7%. The variables associated with depressive symptoms were: regular/bad/very bad self-rated health; comorbidities; hospitalizations; and lack of friends in the institution. Five components accounted for 49.2% of total variance of the sample: functioning, social support, sensory deficiency, institutionalization and health conditions. In the factor analysis, functionality and social support were the components which explained a large part of observed variance. CONCLUSIONS A high prevalence of depressive symptoms, with significant variation in distribution, was observed. Such results emphasize the importance of health conditions and functioning for institutionalized older individuals developing depression. They also point to the importance of providing opportunities for interaction among institutionalized individuals.

  11. Loss of productivity due to neck/shoulder symptoms and hand/arm symptoms: Results from the PROMO-study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heuvel, S.G. van den; IJmker, S.; Blatter, B.M.; Korte, E.M. de


    Introduction: The objective of the present study is to describe the extent of productivity loss among computer workers with neck/shoulder symptoms and hand/arm symptoms, and to examine associations between pain intensity, various physical and psychosocial factors and productivity loss in computer

  12. The question of symptom lateralization in conversion disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roelofs, K.; Näring, G.W.B.; Moene, F.C.; Hoogduin, C.A.L.


    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not conversion symptoms are lateralized. Studies have shown a predominant left-oriented manifestation of symptoms for most somatoform disorders. The reports in the literature on the lateralization of conversion symptoms, however, are

  13. Emotional inertia contributes to depressive symptoms beyond perseverative thinking. (United States)

    Brose, Annette; Schmiedek, Florian; Koval, Peter; Kuppens, Peter


    The autocorrelation or inertia of negative affect reflects how much negative emotions carry over from moment to moment and has been associated with increased depressive symptoms. In this study, we posed three challenges to this association by examining: (1) whether emotional inertia is relevant for depressive symptoms when assessed on a longer timescale than usual; (2) whether inertia is uniquely related to depressive symptoms after controlling for perseverative thoughts; and (3) whether inertia is related to depressive symptoms over and above the within-person association between affect and perseverative thoughts. Participants (N = 101) provided ratings of affect and perseverative thoughts for 100 days; depressive symptoms were reported before and after the study, and again after 2.5 years. Day-to-day emotional inertia was related to depressive symptoms over and above trait and state perseverative thoughts. Moreover, inertia predicted depressive symptoms when adjusting for its association with perseverative thoughts. These findings establish the relevance of emotional inertia in depressive symptoms independent of perseverative thoughts.

  14. A twin study of perfume-related respiratory symptoms. (United States)

    Elberling, J; Lerbaek, A; Kyvik, K O; Hjelmborg, J


    Respiratory symptoms from environmental perfume exposure are main complaints in patients with multiple chemical sensitivities and often coincide with asthma and or eczema. In this population-based twin study we estimate the heritability of respiratory symptoms related to perfume and if co-occurrences of the symptoms in asthma, atopic dermatitis, hand eczema or contact allergy are influenced by environmental or genetic factors common with these diseases. In total 4,128 twin individuals (82%) responded to a questionnaire. The heritability of respiratory symptoms related to perfume is 0.35, 95%CI 0.14-0.54. Significant associations (pperfume-related respiratory symptoms and asthma, atopic dermatitis, hand eczema or contact allergy are not attributable to shared genetic or shared environmental/familial factors, except possibly for atopic dermatitis where genetic pleiotropy with respiratory symptoms to perfume is suggested by an estimated genetic correlation of 0.39, 95%CI 0.09-0.72.

  15. Defense styles explain psychiatric symptoms: an empirical study. (United States)

    Holi, M M; Sammallahti, P R; Aalberg, V A


    To examine the relation between psychiatric symptoms and defense mechanisms, we administered two questionnaires, the Symptom Check-list 90 (SCL-90) and the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ) to 122 psychiatric out-patients and to a community sample of 337 subjects. Using regression analysis, we found that 51.8% of the variation in subject's Global Severity Index value could be explained by his defense style. Of the three defense styles, the immature style explained most of the variation in the symptoms. We found little overall evidence for specific connections between particular defenses and symptoms. Projection and dissociation were central in most of the symptom dimensions. We compared patients and controls with the same level of general symptom severity and found that patients used significantly more devaluation and splitting, and controls used significantly more altruism and idealization. Whether defenses predispose to certain symptomatology or are one of its aspects is discussed.

  16. Symptoms of pseudoallergy and histamine metabolism disorders

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    Joanna Kacik


    Full Text Available Histamine intolerance is a poorly investigated type of hypersensitivity responsible for a number of often serious symptoms, erroneously interpreted as food allergy. Endogenous histamine originates from the histidine amino acid with the help of the histidine decarboxylase enzyme. Apart from the endogenous production histamine may be supplied to the body with food. Slow-maturing and fermenting products are characterised by particularly high levels of histamine. Some food products stimulate excessive release of histamine from stores in the body as well as containing significant amounts of it. These products include spices, herbs, dried fruits and a large group of food additives. Histamine intolerance is considered to be a condition in which the amount of histamine in the body exceeds its tolerance threshold, which leads to the development of adverse reactions. These reactions primarily include skin symptoms (pruritus, urticaria, skin reddening, acne lesions, angioedema, respiratory symptoms (nasal obstruction and watery discharge, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, bloating, nervous system symptoms (headaches, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, cardiovascular symptoms (tachycardia, hypotension, chest pain, primary dysmenorrhoea and many more. It is estimated that nearly 1% of society is susceptible to histamine intolerance. The diagnosis of this disorder is based on observing at least two characteristic symptoms and their disappearance or improvement following histamine-free diet. A new, although not easily accessible diagnostic tool is assay for serum diamine oxidase activity, which correlates to a significant extent with symptoms of histamine intolerance. Normal activity of diamine oxidase is considered to be the amount of >80 HDU/mL, decreased activity – 40–80 HDU/mL and severely decreased activity – <40 HDU/mL. Currently the option of diamine oxidase supplementation is

  17. Depressive symptoms in first-episode psychosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sönmez, Nasrettin; Røssberg, Jan Ivar; Evensen, Julie


    AIMS: The present study examined if any patient characteristics at baseline predicted depressive symptoms at 10 years and whether patients prone to depressive symptoms in the first year of treatment had a different prognosis in the following years. METHOD: A total of 299 first-episode psychosis...

  18. Neuropathic sensory symptoms: association with pain and psychological factors

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    Shaygan M


    Full Text Available Maryam Shaygan,1 Andreas Böger,2 Birgit Kröner-Herwig11Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Göttingen, Germany; 2Pain Management Clinic at the Red Cross Hospital, Kassel, GermanyBackground: A large number of population-based studies of chronic pain have considered neuropathic sensory symptoms to be associated with a high level of pain intensity and negative affectivity. The present study examines the question of whether this association previously found in non-selected samples of chronic pain patients can also be found in chronic pain patients with underlying pathology of neuropathic sensory symptoms.Methods: Neuropathic sensory symptoms in 306 patients with chronic pain diagnosed as typical neuropathic pain, radiculopathy, fibromyalgia, or nociceptive back pain were assessed using the Pain DETECT Questionnaire. Two separate cluster analyses were performed to identify subgroups of patients with different levels of self-reported neuropathic sensory symptoms and, furthermore, to identify subgroups of patients with distinct patterns of neuropathic sensory symptoms (adjusted for individual response bias regarding specific symptoms.Results: ANOVA (analysis of variance results in typical neuropathic pain, radiculopathy, and fibromyalgia showed no significant differences between the three levels of neuropathic sensory symptoms regarding pain intensity, pain chronicity, pain catastrophizing, pain acceptance, and depressive symptoms. However, in nociceptive back pain patients, significant differences were found for all variables except pain chronicity. When controlling for the response bias of patients in ratings of symptoms, none of the patterns of neuropathic sensory symptoms were associated with pain and psychological factors.Conclusion: Neuropathic sensory symptoms are not closely associated with higher levels of pain intensity and cognitive-emotional evaluations in chronic pain patients with underlying pathology of

  19. Flu Symptoms & Complications (United States)

    ... Influenza Types Seasonal Avian Swine Variant Pandemic Other Flu Symptoms & Complications Language: English (US) Español Recommend on ... not everyone with flu will have a fever. Flu Complications Most people who get influenza will recover ...

  20. Prostate Cancer Symptoms (United States)

    ... Fundraise for PCF: Many vs Cancer Contact Us Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Signs Prostate Cancer Basics Risk Factors ... earlier. So what are the warning signs of prostate cancer? Unfortunately, there usually aren’t any early warning ...

  1. Longitudinal course of physical and psychological symptoms after a natural disaster

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    Lars Wahlström


    Full Text Available Background: After disaster, physical symptoms are common although seldom recognized due to lack of knowledge of the course of symptoms and relation to more studied psychological symptoms. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the change in the reporting of different physical symptoms after a disaster, including possible factors for change, and whether psychological symptoms predict physical symptoms reporting at a later point in time. Method: A longitudinal study of citizens of Stockholm who survived the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. A total of 1,101 participants completed questionnaires on somatic symptoms, general distress, posttraumatic stress, exposure, and demographic details 14 months and 3 years after the disaster. Physical symptoms occurring daily or weekly during the last year were investigated in four symptom indices: neurological, cardiorespiratory, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal. We used generalized estimating equations (GEE analysis to determine odds ratios for a change in symptoms, and pathway analysis to predict the influence of psychological symptoms on physical symptoms. Results: There was a general decrease of reporting in all physical symptom indices except the musculoskeletal symptom index. The change in the neurological symptom index showed the strongest association with exposure, and for women. General distress and posttraumatic stress at 14 months postdisaster predicted physical symptoms at 3 years. Conclusion: Physical symptoms were predicted by psychological symptoms at an earlier time point, but in a considerable proportion of respondents, physical symptoms existed independently from psychological symptoms. Physicians should be observant on the possible connection of particular pseudoneurological symptoms with prior adversities.

  2. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in adults with Lyme disease. (United States)

    Johnco, Carly; Kugler, Brittany B; Murphy, Tanya K; Storch, Eric A

    This study examined the phenomenology and clinical characteristics of obsessive compulsive symptoms (OCS) in adults diagnosed with Lyme disease. Participants were 147 adults aged 18-82 years (M = 43.81, SD = 12.98) who reported having been diagnosed with Lyme disease. Participants were recruited from online support groups for individuals with Lyme disease, and completed an online questionnaire about their experience of OCS, Lyme disease characteristics, and the temporal relationship between these symptoms. OCS were common, with 84% endorsing clinically significant symptoms, 26% of which endorsed symptoms onset during the six months following their Lyme disease diagnosis and another 51% believed their symptoms were temporally related. Despite the common occurrence of OCS, only 44% of these participants self-identified these symptoms as problematic. Greater frequency of Lyme disease symptoms and disease-related impairment was related to greater OCS. In the majority of cases, symptom onset was gradual, and responded well to psychological and pharmacological treatment. Around half of participants (51%) reported at least some improvement in OCS following antibiotic treatment. This study highlights the common co-occurrence of OCS in patients with Lyme disease. It is unclear whether OCS are due to the direct physiological effects of Lyme disease or associated immunologic response, a psychological response to illness, a functional somatic syndrome, or some combination of these. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. The relationship between tics, OC, ADHD and autism symptoms: A cross-disorder symptom analysis in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome patients and their family members (United States)

    Huisman-van Dijk, Hilde M.; van de Schoot, Rens; Rijkeboer, Marleen M.; Mathews, Carol A; Cath, Dainelle C


    Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome (GTS) is a disorder in which co-morbid obsessive-compulsive (OC), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism symptoms occur in up to 60% of patients, suggesting shared etiology. We aimed to explore the phenotypic structure underlying GTS, taking tic, OC, ADHD, and autism symptoms into account as measured by various symptom scales (YGTSS, Y-BOCS, CAARS and AQ) in 225 GTS patients and 371 family members. First, Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) were performed on the symptom structure of each separate symptom scale. Second, the symptom dimensions derived from each scale were combined in one model, and correlations between them were calculated. Using the correlation matrix, Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) were performed on the symptom dimensions across the scales. EFA revealed a five factor structure: tic/aggression/symmetry; OC symptoms/compulsive tics/numbers and patterns; ADHD symptoms; autism symptoms; and hoarding/inattention symptoms. The symptom factors found in this study are partly in line with the traditional categorical boundaries of the symptom scales used, and partly reveal a symptom structure that cuts through the diagnostic categories. This phenotypic structure might more closely reflect underlying etiologies than a structure that classically describes GTS patients according to absence or presence of comorbid OCD, ADHD and autism, and might inform both future genetic and treatment studies. PMID:26826899

  4. Low serum BDNF levels in depressed patients cannot be attributed to individual depressive symptoms or symptom cluster

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bus, B. A. A.; Molendijk, M. L.; Penninx, B. W. J. H.; Buitelaar, J. K.; Prickaerts, J.; Elzinga, B. M.; Oude Voshaar, R. C.

    OBJECTIVES: Low serum BDNF levels have been found in depressed patients. No study has systematically investigated whether individual symptoms or symptom profiles within a depressed population contribute to low BDNF levels found in depressed subjects. METHODS: All 1070 patients with a past 6-month

  5. Progression of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ruiping Xia; Zhi-Hong Mao


    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease that is clinically manifested by a triad of cardinal motor symptoms - rigidity,bradykinesia and tremor - due to loss of dopaminergic neurons.The motor symptoms of PD become progressively worse as the disease advances.PD is also a heterogeneous disease since rigidity and bradykinesia are the major complaints in some patients whereas tremor is predominant in others.In recent years,many studies have investigated the progression of the hallmark symptoms over time,and the cardinal motor symptoms have different rates of progression,with the disease usually progressing faster in patients with rigidity and bradykinesia than in those with predominant tremor.The current treatment regime of dopamine-replacement therapy improves motor symptoms and alleviates disability.Increasing the dosage of dopaminergic medication is commonly used to combat the worsenirtg symptoms.However,the drug-induced involuntary body movements and motor comphcations can significantly contribute to overall disability.Further,none of the currently-available therapies can slow or halt the disease progression.Significant research efforts have been directed towards developing neuroprotective or disease-modifying agents that are intended to slow the progression.In this article,the most recent clinical studies investigating disease progression and current progress on the development of disease-modifying drug trials are reviewed.

  6. Phenotypes of sleep-disordered breathing symptoms to two years of age based on age of onset and duration of symptoms. (United States)

    Kamal, Muna; Tamana, Sukhpreet K; Smithson, Lisa; Ding, Linda; Lau, Amanda; Chikuma, Joyce; Mariasine, Jennifer; Lefebvre, Diana L; Subbarao, Padmaja; Becker, Allan B; Turvey, Stuart E; Sears, Malcolm R; Pei, Jacqueline; Mandhane, Piush J


    Childhood sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) symptoms may comprise multiple phenotypes depending on craniofacial anatomy, tonsil and adenoid growth, body habitus, and rhinitis symptoms. The primary objective of this study is to identify and characterize the different SDB phenotypes to two years of age. Data from 770 infants in the Edmonton sub-cohort of the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Study (CHILD) were analyzed to identify SDB phenotypes based on age of onset and duration of symptoms. Parents completed the 22-item sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD) scale. Children with a SRBD ratio greater than 0.33 were considered positive for SDB at each quarterly assessment between three months and two years. The STATA Proc trajectory extension identified SDB phenotypes based on their age of onset and duration of symptoms and attributed the percentage chance of a participant being assigned to each phenotype. Multivariate linear regression identified factors associated with increased risk of being assigned to each SDB phenotype. Trajectory analysis identified four phenotypes: no SDB (65.7%), early-onset SDB (15.7%) with peak symptoms at nine months, late-onset SDB (14.2%) with peak symptoms at 18 months, and persistent SDB (5.3%) with symptoms from 3 to 24 months. Rhinitis was associated with all three SDB symptom trajectories (p sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) was associated with persistent (p = 0.01) and late SDB (p < 0.001). Atopy (positive skin prick test at one year) was associated with persistent SDB (p = 0.04). Infants born prior to 36.5 weeks gestational age were more likely to present with late SDB (p = 0.03). Childhood SDB symptoms, rather than being a homogenous disorder, may comprise multiple overlapping phenotypes each with unique risk factors. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. On counterbalancing of symptom-reporting in trauma surveys. (United States)

    Reddy, Madhavi K; Polusny, Melissa A; Murdoch, Maureen


    Some traumatic stress research surveys are potentially subject to context effects, such as priming, because they include questions about traumatic experiences and trauma-related symptoms within the same survey. In this study, asking about traumatic experiences before or after asking about PTSD influenced symptom reporting was investigated in a sample of 424 National Guard soldiers. Results indicate ordering of symptom measures immediately before or after reports of combat experiences did not influence reports of PTSD symptoms. Implications of results are discussed.

  8. Fear conditioned responses and PTSD symptoms in children: Sex differences in fear-related symptoms. (United States)

    Gamwell, Kaitlyn; Nylocks, Maria; Cross, Dorthie; Bradley, Bekh; Norrholm, Seth D; Jovanovic, Tanja


    Fear conditioning studies in adults have found that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with heightened fear responses and impaired discrimination. The objective of the current study was to examine the association between PTSD symptoms and fear conditioned responses in children from a highly traumatized urban population. Children between 8 and 13 years old participated in a fear conditioning study in addition to providing information about their trauma history and PTSD symptoms. Results showed that females showed less discrimination between danger and safety signals during conditioning compared to age-matched males. In boys, intrusive symptoms were predictive of fear responses, even after controlling for trauma exposure. However, in girls, conditioned fear to the danger cue was predictive of self-blame and fear of repeated trauma. This study suggests there are early sex differences in the patterns of fear conditioning and that these sex differences may translate to differential risk for trauma-related psychopathology. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Sexual Orientation and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents. (United States)

    Luk, Jeremy W; Gilman, Stephen E; Haynie, Denise L; Simons-Morton, Bruce G


    Sexual orientation disparities in adolescent depressive symptoms are well established, but reasons for these disparities are less well understood. We modeled sexual orientation disparities in depressive symptoms from late adolescence into young adulthood and evaluated family satisfaction, peer support, cyberbullying victimization, and unmet medical needs as potential mediators. Data were from waves 2 to 6 of the NEXT Generation Health Study ( n = 2396), a population-based cohort of US adolescents. We used latent growth models to examine sexual orientation disparities in depressive symptoms in participants aged 17 to 21 years, conduct mediation analyses, and examine sex differences. Relative to heterosexual adolescents, sexual minority adolescents (those who are attracted to the same or both sexes or are questioning; 6.3% of the weighted sample) consistently reported higher depressive symptoms from 11th grade to 3 years after high school. Mediation analyses indicated that sexual minority adolescents reported lower family satisfaction, greater cyberbullying victimization, and increased likelihood of unmet medical needs, all of which were associated with higher depressive symptoms. The mediating role of cyberbullying victimization was more pronounced among male than female participants. Sexual minority adolescents reported higher depressive symptoms than heterosexual adolescents from late adolescence into young adulthood. Collectively, low family satisfaction, cyberbullying victimization, and unmet medical needs accounted for >45% of differences by sexual orientation. Future clinical research is needed to determine if interventions targeting these psychosocial and health care-related factors would reduce sexual orientation disparities in depressive symptoms and the optimal timing of such interventions. Copyright © 2018 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  10. No sweat: managing menopausal symptoms at work. (United States)

    Hickey, Martha; Riach, Kathleen; Kachouie, Reza; Jack, Gavin


    Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, a time when women are likely to be in the paid workforce. Most women have menopausal symptoms and these may impact on daytime function and work performance. This study examines the relationship between reproductive stage, menopausal symptoms and work, and advises how employers can best support menopausal women. An online and paper-based survey was completed in 2015-16 by 1092 women (22% response rate) aged 40 years plus employed in three hospitals in metropolitan Australia. Survey questions examined demographics, health and lifestyle variables, menopausal symptom reporting, and work-related variables. Reproductive stage was determined using modified STRAW +10 principal and descriptive criteria. Reproductive stage was not significantly associated with work engagement, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, work limitations and perceived supervisor support. Postmenopausal women had lower intention to leave their organizations than pre- and peri-menopausal women. While sleep problems were the most commonly reported menopausal symptom by peri-menopausal women, for postmenopausal women it was joint and muscular discomfort. Only hot flushes and vaginal dryness were significantly more frequent in peri- and post, compared to pre-menopausal women. In general, women rated their work performance as high and did not feel that menopausal symptoms impaired their work ability. Most women would appreciate greater organizational support, specifically temperature control, flexible work hours and information about menopause for employees and managers. Most women did not believe that menopausal symptoms negatively impacted on their work. Organizational changes may reduce the burden of menopausal symptoms in the workplace.

  11. Gender differences in symptoms of myocardial ischaemia. (United States)

    Mackay, Martha H; Ratner, Pamela A; Johnson, Joy L; Humphries, Karin H; Buller, Christopher E


    Better understanding of symptoms of myocardial ischaemia is needed to improve timeliness of treatment for acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Although researchers have suggested sex differences exist in ischaemic symptoms, methodological issues prevent conclusions. Using percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) balloon inflation as a model of myocardial ischaemia, we explored sex differences in reported symptoms of ischaemia. Patients having non-emergent PCI, but not haemodynamic instability or left bundle branch block or non-acute coronary occlusion, were prospectively recruited. Pre-procedure, descriptions of pre-existing symptoms were obtained using open-ended questioning. Inflation was maintained for 2 min or until moderate discomfort or clinical instability occurred. During inflation, subjects were exhaustively questioned about their symptoms. Concurrent ECG data were collected. The final sample was 305 [39.7% women; mean age 63.9 (± 10.6)]. No sex differences were found in rates of chest or typical ischaemic discomfort, regardless of ischaemic status. Women were significantly more likely to report throat/jaw discomfort [odds ratio: 2.91; 95% confidence interval: 1.58-5.37] even after statistical adjustment for clinical and demographic variables. This prospective study with ECG-affirmed ischaemia found no statistically significant differences in women's and men's rates of chest and other typical symptoms during ischaemia, although women were more likely to experience throat and jaw discomfort. Currently both popular press and some patient education materials suggest women experience myocardial ischaemia differently from men. Steps to ensure women and health professionals are alert for the classic symptoms of myocardial ischaemia in women, as well as men, may be warranted.

  12. The role of grief symptoms and a sense of injustice in the pathways to post-traumatic stress symptoms in post-conflict Timor-Leste. (United States)

    Tay, A K; Rees, S; Steel, Z; Liddell, B; Nickerson, A; Tam, N; Silove, D


    Grief symptoms and a sense of injustice may be interrelated responses amongst persons exposed to mass conflict and both reactions may contribute to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. As yet, however, there is a dearth of data examining these relationships. Our study examined the contributions of grief and a sense of injustice to a model of PTSD symptoms that included the established determinants of trauma events, ongoing adversity and severe psychological distress. The study involved a large population sample (n = 2964, response rate: 82.4%) surveyed in post-conflict Timor-Leste. The survey sites included an urban administrative area (suco) in Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste and a rural village located an hour's drive away. Culturally adapted measures were applied to assess conflict related traumatic events (TEs), ongoing adversity, persisting preoccupations with injustice, symptoms of grief, psychological distress (including depressive symptoms) and PTSD symptoms. We tested a series of structural equation models, the final comprehensive model, which included indices of grief symptoms and injustice, producing a good fit. Locating grief symptoms as the endpoint of the model produced a non-converging model. In the final model, strong associations were evident between grief and injustice (β = 0.34, s.e. = 0.02, p < 0.01) and grief and PTSD symptoms (β = 0.14, s.e. = 0.02, p < 0.01). The sense of injustice exerted a considerable effect on PTSD symptoms (β = 0.13, s.e. = 0.03, p < 0.01). In addition, multiple indirect paths were evident, most involving grief and a sense of injustice, attesting to the complex inter-relationship of these factors in contributing to PTSD symptoms. Our findings support an expanded model of PTSD symptoms relevant to post-conflict populations, in which grief symptoms and a sense of injustice play pivotal roles. The model supports the importance of a focus on loss, grief and a sense of injustice in conducting trauma

  13. On the limits of effort testing: symptom validity tests and severity of neurocognitive symptoms in nonlitigant patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Merten, Thomas; Bossink, Linda; Schmand, Ben


    Modern symptom validity tests (SVTs) use empirical cutoffs for decision making. However, limits to the applicability of these cutoffs may arise when severe cognitive symptoms are present. The purpose of the studies presented here was to explore these limits of applicability. In Experiment 1, a group

  14. The impact of chronic physical illness, maternal depressive symptoms, family functioning, and self-esteem on symptoms of anxiety and depression in children. (United States)

    Ferro, Mark A; Boyle, Michael H


    The present study extends earlier research identifying an increased risk of anxiety among children with chronic physical illness (CwCPI) by examining a more complete model that explains how physical illness leads to increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. We tested a stress-generation model linking chronic physical illness to symptoms of anxiety and depression in a population-based sample of children aged 10 to 15 years. We hypothesized that having a chronic physical illness would be associated with more symptoms of anxiety and depression, increased levels of maternal depressive symptoms, more family dysfunction, and lower self-esteem; and, that maternal depressive symptoms, family dysfunction, and child self-esteem would mediate the influence of chronic physical illness on symptoms of anxiety and depression. Data came from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (N = 10,646). Mediating processes were analyzed using latent growth curve modeling. Childhood chronic physical illness was associated with increases in symptoms of anxiety and depression, β = 0.20, p self-esteem, and in turn, increases in symptoms of anxiety and depression. CwCPI are at-risk for symptoms of anxiety and depression. Some of this elevated risk appears to work through family processes and child self-esteem. This study supports the use of family-centered care approaches among CwCPI to minimize burden on families and promote healthy psychological development for children.

  15. Symptoms after hospital discharge following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Gamze Oguz


    Full Text Available Aims: The purposes of this study were to assess the symptoms of hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients after hospital discharge, and to determine the needs of transplant patients for symptom management. Materials and Methods: The study adopted a descriptive design. The study sample comprised of 66 hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. The study was conducted in Istanbul. Data were collected using Patient Information Form and Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS. Results: The frequency of psychological symptoms in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients after discharge period (PSYCH subscale score 2.11 (standard deviation (SD = 0.69, range: 0.93-3.80 was higher in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients than frequency of physical symptoms (PHYS subscale score: 1.59 (SD = 0.49, range: 1.00-3.38. Symptom distress caused by psychological and physical symptoms were at moderate level (Mean = 1.91, SD = 0.60, range: 0.95-3.63 and most distressing symptoms were problems with sexual interest or activity, difficulty sleeping, and diarrhea. Patients who did not have an additional chronic disease obtained higher MSAS scores. University graduates obtained higher Global Distress Index (GDI subscale and total MSAS scores with comparison to primary school graduates. Total MSAS, MSAS-PHYS subscale, and MSAS-PSYCH subscale scores were higher in patients with low level of income (P < 0.05. The patients (98.5% reported to receive education about symptom management after hospital discharge. Conclusions: Hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients continue to experience many distressing physical or psychological symptoms after discharge and need to be supported and educated for the symptom management.

  16. Medically Unexplained Symptoms (United States)

    ... overview of three specific MUS’s: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome and discusses things you can do to minimize the symptoms and improve your quality of life. It is possible that these syndromes can all ...

  17. Predictors of symptom congruence among patients with acute myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Fox-Wasylyshyn, Susan


    The extent of congruence between one's symptom experience and preconceived ideas about the nature of myocardial infarction symptoms (ie, symptom congruence) can influence when acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients seek medical care. Lengthy delays impede timely receipt of medical interventions and result in greater morbidity and mortality. However, little is known about the factors that contribute to symptom congruence. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine how AMI patients' symptom experiences and patients' demographic and clinical characteristics contribute to symptom congruence. Secondary data analyses were performed on interview data that were collected from 135 AMI patients. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to examine how specific symptom attributes and demographic and clinical characteristics contribute to symptom congruence. Chest pain/discomfort and other symptom variables (type and location) were included in step 1 of the analysis, whereas symptom severity and demographic and clinical factors were included in step 2. In a second analysis, quality descriptors of discomfort replaced chest pain/discomfort in step 1. Although chest pain/discomfort, and quality descriptors of heaviness and cutting were significant in step 1 of their respective analyses, all became nonsignificant when the variables in step 2 were added to the analyses. Severe discomfort (β = .29, P congruence in the first analysis. Only severe discomfort (β = .23, P congruence in the second analysis. Although the location and quality of discomfort were important components of symptom congruence, symptom severity outweighed their importance. Nonsevere symptoms were less likely to meet the expectations of AMI symptoms by those experiencing this event. Those without a previous history of AMI also experienced lower levels of symptom congruence. Implications pertaining to these findings are discussed.

  18. Assessing Asthma Symptoms in Adolescents and Adults: Qualitative Research Supporting Development of the Asthma Daily Symptom Diary. (United States)

    Gater, Adam; Nelsen, Linda; Fleming, Sarah; Lundy, J Jason; Bonner, Nicola; Hall, Rebecca; Marshall, Chris; Staunton, Hannah; Krishnan, Jerry A; Stoloff, Stuart; Schatz, Michael; Haughney, John


    Despite the widespread availability of patient-reported asthma questionnaires, instruments developed in accordance with present regulatory expectations are lacking. To address this gap, the Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Consortium's Asthma Working Group has developed a patient-reported asthma daily symptom diary (ADSD) for use in clinical research to assess outcomes and support medical product labeling claims in adults and adolescents with asthma. To summarize the qualitative research conducted to inform the initial development of the ADSD and to provide evidence for content validity of the instrument in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration's PRO Guidance. Research informing the initial development and confirming the content validity of the ADSD is summarized. This comprised a review of published qualitative research, semi-structured concept elicitation interviews (n = 55), and cognitive interviews (n = 65) with a diverse and representative sample of adults and adolescents with a clinician-confirmed diagnosis of asthma in the United States to understand the asthma symptom experience and to assess the relevance and understanding of the newly developed ADSD. From the qualitative literature review and concept elicitation interviews, eight core asthma symptoms emerged. These were broadly categorized as breathing symptoms (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and wheezing), chest symptoms (chest tightness, chest pain, and pressure/weight on chest), and cough symptoms (cough and the presence of mucus/phlegm). Conceptual saturation was achieved and differences in the experience of participants according to socio-demographic or clinical characteristics were not observed. Subsequent testing of the ADSD confirmed participant relevance and understanding. The ADSD is a new patient-reported asthma symptom diary developed in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration's PRO Guidance. Evidence to date supports the content validity of the instrument. Item

  19. Victims of Rape: Repeated Assessment of Depressive Symptoms. (United States)

    Atkeson, Beverly M.; And Others


    Investigated depressive symptoms in rape victims (N=115) for one year following their assaults. Depressive symptoms were higher in victims than in controls. By four months postrape, depressive symptoms in the victim group had diminished, and the victims were no longer significantly different from the nonvictim control group. (Author)

  20. Cigarette demand among smokers with elevated depressive symptoms: an experimental comparison with low depressive symptoms. (United States)

    Secades-Villa, Roberto; Weidberg, Sara; González-Roz, Alba; Reed, Derek D; Fernández-Hermida, José R


    Individuals with depression smoke more than smokers without depression. Research has shown that cigarette demand is a useful tool for quantifying tobacco reinforcement and supposes a clinical predictor of treatment outcomes. Despite previous studies examining the relative reinforcing efficacy of nicotine among different populations of smokers, to date, no study has assessed cigarette demand among individuals with elevated depressive symptoms. The aim of this study was to compare cigarette demand among samples of smokers with low and elevated depressive symptoms. Further, it also sought to examine the relationship between depressive symptomatology and the individual CPT demand indices. Participants (80 non-depressed smokers and 85 depressed smokers) completed the 19-item version of the Cigarette Purchase Task (CPT). Depression symptomatology was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II). Depressed smokers needed to present at least moderate depressive symptoms as indicated by scoring ≥ 20 on the BDI-II. Depressive symptomatology and nicotine dependence were significantly associated with elasticity of demand (R 2  = 0.112; F(2, 155) = 9.756, p = ≤ 0.001). Depressive symptoms, cigarettes per day, and years of regular smoking also predicted breakpoint scores (R 2  = 0.088; F(4, 153) = 3.697, p = 0.007). As smokers with elevated depressive symptoms are less sensitive to increases in cigarette prices than those with low depressive symptomatology, future studies should consider these cigarette demand indices when designing depression-focused smoking cessation treatments. Providing this difficult-to-treat population with interventions that promote both pleasurable and alternative reinforcing activities is highly encouraged.

  1. Identifying potentially marker symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Víctor B. Arias


    Full Text Available Background For the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5 proposes that adherence to six symptoms in either group (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity will lead to the diagnosis of one of three presentations of the disorder. Underlying this diagnostic algorithm is the assumption that the 18 symptoms have equal relevance for the diagnosis of ADHD, all are equally severe, and all have the same power to detect the presence of the disorder in all its degrees of severity, without considering the possibility of using marker symptoms. However, several studies have suggested that ADHD symptoms differ in both their power to discriminate the presence of the disorder and the degree of severity they represent. The aim of the present study was to replicate the results of previous research by evaluating the discriminative capacity and relative severity of ADHD symptoms, as well as to extend the investigation of this topic to Spanish-speaking Latin American samples. Methods The properties of ADHD symptoms rated by the parents of 474 Chilean children were analyzed. Symptom parameters were estimated using the graded response model. Results The results suggest that symptoms of ADHD differ substantially in both the accuracy with which they reflect the presence of the disorder, and their relative severity. Symptoms “easily distracted by extraneous stimuli” and “have difficulty sustaining attention in tasks” (inattention and “is on the go, acting as if driven by motor” (hyperactivity/impulsivity were the most informative, and those with relatively lower severity thresholds. Discussion The fact that symptoms differ substantially in the probability of being observed conditionally to the trait level suggests the need to refine the diagnostic process by weighting the severity of the symptom, and even to assess the possibility of defining ADHD marker symptoms, as has

  2. Prevalence of postmenopausal symptoms in gynaecological ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: menopausal symptoms can be a nuisance and affect the quality of life if not properly managed. Ethnic variations in the severity of symptoms and incidence have little been studied. The perspective of gynaecologist practising in Nigeria based on the number of cases and common complaints is germaine to ...

  3. Maternal depressive symptoms during and after pregnancy are associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in their 3- to 6-year-old children. (United States)

    Wolford, Elina; Lahti, Marius; Tuovinen, Soile; Lahti, Jari; Lipsanen, Jari; Savolainen, Katri; Heinonen, Kati; Hämäläinen, Esa; Kajantie, Eero; Pesonen, Anu-Katriina; Villa, Pia M; Laivuori, Hannele; Reynolds, Rebecca M; Räikkönen, Katri


    Maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy have been associated with child behavioural symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in early childhood. However, it remains unclear if depressive symptoms throughout pregnancy are more harmful to the child than depressive symptoms only during certain times, and if maternal depressive symptoms after pregnancy add to or mediate any prenatal effects. 1,779 mother-child dyads participated in the Prediction and Prevention of Pre-eclampsia and Intrauterine Growth Restriction (PREDO) study. Mothers filled in the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale biweekly from 12+0-13+6 to 38+0-39+6 weeks+days of gestation or delivery, and the Beck Depression Inventory-II and the Conners' Hyperactivity Index at the child's age of 3 to 6 years (mean 3.8 years, standard deviation [SD] 0.5). Maternal depressive symptoms were highly stable throughout pregnancy, and children of mothers with consistently high depressive symptoms showed higher average levels (mean difference = 0.46 SD units, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 0.36, 0.56, p maternal depressive symptoms after pregnancy, which both added to and partially mediated the prenatal effects. Maternal depressive symptoms throughout pregnancy are associated with increased ADHD symptomatology in young children. Maternal depressive symptoms after pregnancy add to, but only partially mediate, the prenatal effects. Preventive interventions suited for the pregnancy period may benefit both maternal and offspring mental health.

  4. Hearing symptoms personal stereos. (United States)

    da Luz, Tiara Santos; Borja, Ana Lúcia Vieira de Freitas


     Practical and portable the personal stereos if had become almost indispensable accessories in the day the day. Studies disclose that the portable players of music can cause auditory damages in the long run for who hear music in high volume for a drawn out time.  to verify the prevalence of auditory symptoms in users of amplified players and to know its habits of use  Observational prospective study of transversal cut carried through in three institutions of education of the city of Salvador BA, being two of public net and one of the private net. 400 students had answered to the questionnaire, of both the sex, between 14 and 30 years that had related the habit to use personal stereos.  The symptoms most prevalent had been hyperacusis (43.5%), auricular fullness (30.5%) and humming (27.5), being that the humming is the symptom most present in the population youngest. How much to the daily habits: 62.3% frequent use, 57% in raised intensities, 34% in drawn out periods. An inverse relation between exposition time was verified and the band of age (p = 0,000) and direct with the prevalence of the humming.  Although to admit to have knowledge on the damages that the exposition the sound of high intensity can cause the hearing, the daily habits of the young evidence the inadequate use of the portable stereos characterized by long periods of exposition, raised intensities, frequent use and preference for the insertion phones. The high prevalence of symptoms after the use suggests a bigger risk for the hearing of these young.

  5. Hearing symptoms personal stereos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiara Santos da Luz1


    Full Text Available Introduction: Practical and portable the personal stereos if had become almost indispensable accessories in the day the day. Studies disclose that the portable players of music can cause auditory damages in the long run for who hear music in high volume for a drawn out time. Objective: to verify the prevalence of auditory symptoms in users of amplified players and to know its habits of use. Method: Observational prospective study of transversal cut carried through in three institutions of education of the city of Salvador BA, being two of public net and one of the private net. 400 students had answered to the questionnaire, of both the sex, between 14 and 30 years that had related the habit to use personal stereos. Results: The symptoms most prevalent had been hyperacusis (43.5%, auricular fullness (30.5% and humming (27.5, being that the humming is the symptom most present in the population youngest. How much to the daily habits: 62.3% frequent use, 57% in raised intensities, 34% in drawn out periods. An inverse relation between exposition time was verified and the band of age (p=0,000 and direct with the prevalence of the humming. Conclusion: Although to admit to have knowledge on the damages that the exposition the sound of high intensity can cause the hearing, the daily habits of the young evidence the inadequate use of the portable stereos characterized by long periods of exposition, raised intensities, frequent use and preference for the insertion phones. The high prevalence of symptoms after the use suggests a bigger risk for the hearing of these young.

  6. Prevalence of obsessive compulsive symptoms among patients with schizophrenia

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    Smita Hemrom


    Full Text Available Background: Obsessive compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia are well recognized but are a less-researched entity. These symptoms have important implications for management and prognosis. Aim: To find out the prevalence of obsessive compulsive symptoms among patients with schizophrenia. Materials and Methods: A total of 90 hospitalized patients with schizophrenia diagnosed according to DCR of ICD-10 criteria were selected for the study. Padua inventory and Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale were applied to find out the prevalence and nature of obsessive compulsive symptoms . Results: It was found that 10% of schizophrenic patients had obsessive compulsive symptoms. Conclusion: Obsessive compulsive symptoms are prevalent in patients with schizophrenia. The presence of comorbidity should be explored for adequate management.

  7. Achalasia and Respiratory Symptoms: Effect of Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy. (United States)

    Andolfi, Ciro; Kavitt, Robert T; Herbella, Fernando A M; Patti, Marco G


    Dysphagia and regurgitation are considered typical symptoms of achalasia. However, there is mounting evidence that some achalasia patients may also experience respiratory symptoms such as cough, wheezing, and hoarseness. The aims of this study were to determine: (1) what percentage of achalasia patients experience respiratory symptoms and (2) the effect of a laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication on the typical and respiratory symptoms of achalasia. Between May 2008 and December 2015, 165 patients with achalasia were referred for treatment to the Center for Esophageal Diseases of the University of Chicago. Patients had preoperatively a barium swallow, endoscopy, and esophageal manometry. All patients underwent a Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication. Based on the presence of respiratory symptoms, patients were divided into two groups: group A, 98 patients (59%) without respiratory symptoms and group B, 67 patients (41%) with respiratory symptoms. The preoperative Eckardt score was similar in the two groups (6.5 ± 2.1 versus 6.4 ± 2.0). The mean esophageal diameter was 27.7 ± 10.8 mm in group A and 42.6 ± 20.1 mm in group B (P myotomy that extended for 5 cm on the esophagus and 2.5 cm onto the gastric wall. At a median postoperative follow-up of 17 months, the Eckardt score improved significantly and similarly in the two groups (0.3 ± 0.8 versus 0.3 ± 1.0). Respiratory symptoms improved or resolved in 62 patients (92.5%). The results of this study showed that: (1) respiratory symptoms were present in 41% of patients; (2) patients with respiratory symptoms had a more dilated esophagus; and (3) surgical treatment resolved or improved respiratory symptoms in 92.5% of patients. This study underlines the importance of investigating the presence of respiratory symptoms along with the more common symptoms of achalasia and of early treatment before lung damage occurs.

  8. The cortical signature of symptom laterality in Parkinson's disease

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    Elizabeth Heinrichs-Graham


    Full Text Available Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD often present with unilateral motor symptoms that eventually spread to the other side. This symptom lateralization is diagnostically important, as it serves to distinguish PD from other motor disorders with overlapping symptom profiles. Further, recent studies have shown that the side of symptom onset is important for prognosis, as there are differences in the rate of disease progression and the incidence of secondary symptoms between right- and left-dominant (RD, LD patients. Physiologically, previous studies have shown asymmetrical decline in structure and metabolism throughout the basal ganglia, although connecting this directly to motor function has been difficult. To identify the neurophysiological basis of symptom laterality in PD, we recorded magnetoencephalography (MEG during left- and right-hand movement paradigms in patients with PD who exhibited either RD or LD symptomatology. The beta oscillations serving these movements were then imaged using beamforming methods, and we extracted the time series of the peak voxel in the left and right primary motor cortices for each movement. In addition, each patient's symptom asymmetry was quantitated using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS, which allowed the relationship between symptom asymmetry and neural asymmetry to be assessed. We found that LD patients had stronger beta suppression during movement, as well as greater post-movement beta rebound compared to patients with RD symptoms, independent of the hand that was moved. Interestingly, the asymmetry of beta activity during right-hand movement uniquely correlated with symptom asymmetry, such that the more LD the symptom profile, the more left-lateralized (i.e., contralateral to movement the beta response; conversely, the more RD the symptom profile, the more right-lateralized (i.e., ipsilateral to movement the beta response. This study is the first to directly probe the relationship

  9. Respiratory symptoms of megaesophagus

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    Fabio Di Stefano


    Full Text Available Megaesophagus as the end result of achalasia is the consequence of disordered peristalsis and the slow decompensation of the esophageal muscular layer. The main symptoms of achalasia are dysphagia, regurgitation, chest pain and weight loss, but respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, particularly when patients lie in a horizontal position, may also be common due to microaspiration. A 70-year old woman suffered from a nocturnal cough and shortness of breath with stridor. She reported difficulty in swallowing food over the past ten years, but had adapted by eating a semi-liquid diet. Chest X-ray showed right hemithorax patchy opacities projecting from the posterior mediastinum. Chest computed tomography scan showed a marked dilatation of the esophagus with abundant food residues. Endoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of megaesophagus due to esophageal achalasia, excluding other causes of obstruction, such as secondary esophagitis, polyps, leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma. In the elderly population, swallowing difficulties due to esophageal achalasia are often underestimated and less troublesome than the respiratory symptoms that are caused by microaspiration. The diagnosis of esophageal achalasia, although uncommon, should be considered in patients with nocturnal chronic coughs and shortness of breath with stridor when concomitant swallowing difficulties are present.

  10. Premenstrual symptoms and associated morbidity in a family practice setting. (United States)

    Tippy, P K; Falvo, D R; Smaga, S A


    Women at two family practice clinics were given questionnaires to determine the nature, severity, and treatment of symptoms experienced premenstrually; the degree to which symptoms affected activities of daily living; the relationship of selected variables to women's perception of their symptoms; and the degree of physician involvement in discussion and/or treatment of symptoms. From the study group of 219 women, 76% reported symptoms severe enough to interfere with daily activities every month. The activity most affected by symptoms was relationship with family and friends, while work activities were affected least. Women's perception of the degree to which their mothers' activities had been affected by premenstrual symptoms was significantly related to their own incapacitation by them. Fifty-eight percent of women experiencing symptoms took medication for their symptoms, with over-the-counter medication being the most frequent treatment. Only 14% of the total sample had discussed these symptoms with their physician. Sixty-nine percent of the sample believed they had premenstrual syndrome (PMS). There was a significant relationship between women's belief that they had PMS and the degree of incapacitation experienced from their symptoms.

  11. Trajectories of depressive symptoms among high risk African-American adolescents. (United States)

    Repetto, Paula B; Caldwell, Cleopatra H; Zimmerman, Marc A


    To examine the trajectories of depressive symptoms among African-American youth and the psychosocial factors associated with these trajectories. The sample included 579 African-American adolescents who were at risk of dropping out of school, interviewed annually starting from ninth grade for 4 years. The measures included depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, self-esteem, stress, and active coping; all self-reported. We used cluster analysis to develop longitudinal trajectories of depression in our sample. Four different trajectories of depressive symptoms were found that represented the changes in depressive symptoms among the participants. These trajectories are: consistently high (15.9%), consistently low (21.1%), decreasing (41.8%), and increasing (21.2%) depressive symptoms. The results from the comparisons of the trajectories indicated that adolescents who presented consistently high levels of depressive symptoms were more likely to be female, reported more anxiety symptoms, lower self-esteem, higher stress, and lower grade point average (GPA) compared with adolescent members of the other trajectories. Depressive symptoms may be manifested in different ways according to the patterns of change. Different correlates are associated with these trajectories of depressive symptoms and provide insights about the antecedents and consequences of the patterns of change in depressive symptoms.

  12. Multiple perspectives on symptom interpretation in primary care research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendal, Marianne; Jarbøl, Dorte Ejg; Pedersen, Anette Fischer


    Vurdering af symptomer er en af de vigtigste opgaver i den primære sundhedssektor. Symptomer beskrives ofte som noget absolut, men hos både læge og patient er symptomer resultatet af en fortolkningsproces, som påvirkes af en række forhold. Denne artikel ser nærmere på, hvordan symptomer fortolkes...

  13. Physical activity, symptoms, esteem, and life satisfaction during menopause. (United States)

    Elavsky, Steriani; McAuley, Edward


    The present study examined the relationships among physical activity (PA), symptom reporting, self-esteem, and satisfaction with life (SWL) in 133 women (M age=51.12, S.D.=4.10) of varying menopausal status. Multivariate analyses of co-variance (MANCOVA) revealed that independent of menopausal status, women who were more physically active reported significantly less severe vaso-somatic and general somatic symptoms, and higher levels of physical self-worth (PSW). Subsequent hierarchical regression analyses indicated that expended MET-h/week, reported symptoms (frequency and severity, respectively), and PSW accounted for significant variance in SWL (R2 model=0.32, for symptom frequency, and 0.33, for symptom severity). Physical activity was significantly related to SWL through the mediation of PSW. However, both reported symptom frequency and severity retained significant association with SWL after controlling for PSW, although the original associations were significantly reduced. Finally, both symptoms and MET-h/week were independent contributors to the variance in PSW (R2 model=0.33 and 0.34). The results suggest that being physically active may reduce perceived severity of menopausal symptoms and enhance psychological well-being, and that the relationship between physical activity and QOL in mid-life women may be mediated by factors such as physical self-perceptions and menopausal symptoms.

  14. Psychiatric disorders and menopause symptoms in Brazilian women. (United States)

    Barazzetti, Lidiane; Pattussi, Marcos Pascoal; Garcez, Anderson da Silva; Mendes, Karina Giane; Theodoro, Heloísa; Paniz, Vera Maria Vieira; Olinto, Maria Teresa Anselmo


    This study investigated the association between minor psychiatric disorders and menopause symptoms and their associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 615 women aged 40 to 65 years treated in a public menopause and gynecological outpatient clinic in the South Region of Brazil. Minor psychiatric disorders were assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) and menopause symptoms using the Menopause Rating Scale. Score for menopause symptoms was categorized into three levels of symptoms: mild, moderate, and severe. Multivariate analyses used ordinal logistic regression. The prevalence of mild, moderate, and severe menopause symptoms was 34.1% (95% CI 30.3-37.9), 29.6% (95% CI 25.8-33.1), and 36.3% (95% CI 32.4-40.0), respectively. The overall prevalence of minor psychiatric disorders was 66.6% (95% CI 62.8-70.3). After adjustment, the odds ratio (OR) of the occurrence of menopause symptoms were approximately eight times higher in women relating minor psychiatric disorders compared with those without such disorders (OR = 7.76; 95% CI 5.27-11.44). The following factors were also associated with the menopause symptoms: women older than 50 years, living with a partner, lower educational level, smokers, larger number of pregnancies, obese, and those using psychotropic and/or postmenopause medication. The minor psychiatric disorders exhibited strong association with the presence of menopause symptoms independently of sociodemographic, behavioral, and reproductive factors, and of use of psychotropic medication.

  15. Brief assessment of priority symptoms in hormone refractory prostate cancer: The FACT Advanced Prostate Symptom Index (FAPSI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Banik Donald


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The objective of this study was to construct and validate a brief, clinically-relevant symptom index for advanced prostate cancer. Methods Questions were extracted from a commonly-used multi-dimensional cancer quality of life instrument with prostate-specific items, the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Prostate (FACT-P. Surveys of disease-related symptoms were presented to an international sample of 44 expert physicians. Each expert narrowed the list to no more than five of the most important symptoms or concerns to monitor when assessing the value of treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Symptoms/concerns endorsed at a frequency greater than chance probability (17% were retained for the symptom index and called the FACT Advanced Prostate Symptom Index-8 (FAPSI-8: pain (three items, fatigue, weight loss, urinary difficulties (two items, and concern about the condition becoming worse. The FAPSI-8 was validated using data from a clinical trial of 288 men being treated for hormone refractory prostate cancer. Results The FAPSI-8 showed good internal consistency (r = 0.67–0.80; association with existing FACT scales (e.g., FACT-P, Physical Well-being, Functional Well-being; r = 0.44–0.85, p Conclusions This project produced a reliable and valid list of the eight most important clinician-rated targets of drug therapy for advanced prostate cancer. These questions perform comparably to the longer derivative questionnaire. Examination of patient agreement with this priority list and the extent to which changes in these 8 targets are related to meaningful clinical benefit to the patient are important next steps for future research.

  16. Symptom communication in breast cancer: relationships of holding back and self-efficacy for communication to symptoms and adjustment. (United States)

    Edmond, Sara N; Shelby, Rebecca A; Kimmick, Gretchen G; Marcom, Paul K; Peppercorn, Jeffrey M; Keefe, Francis J


    Adjuvant endocrine therapy improves overall survival for women with breast cancer. However, side effects may compromise patients' quality of life (QOL). This study examined how two communication variables (self-efficacy for symptom communication [SE] and holding back from discussing cancer-related concerns [HB]) relate to QOL, pain and menopausal symptoms. Participants with breast cancer (N = 61) completed questionnaires regarding symptoms, communication, and QOL. SE was positively related to QOL and negatively related to pain interference. HB from discussing cancer-related concerns was related negatively to QOL and positively to pain interference. HB mediated the relationship between SE and QOL as well as between SE and pain interference. Increased SE is beneficial among women on endocrine therapy for breast cancer. Future research should determine if interventions to improve SE are feasible and can improve QOL and symptom tolerability.

  17. Reviewing the Dissociative Symptoms in Patients With Schizophreniaand their Association With Positive and Negative Symptoms


    Ghoreishi, Abolfazl; Shajari, Zahra


    Objective: The present study aimed to clarify dissociative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and its association with negative and positive symptom of schizophrenia. Methods: Based on the 4th edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) criteria, 80 schizophrenic subjects were randomly selected from patients who referred to the clinics of psychiatry hospital in Kerman, Iran. Eighty non-schizophrenic patients were chosen as the control group. Both groups were...

  18. The Effect of Depressive Symptoms on the Association between Gluten-Free Diet Adherence and Symptoms in Celiac Disease: Analysis of a Patient Powered Research Network. (United States)

    Joelson, Andrew M; Geller, Marilyn G; Zylberberg, Haley M; Green, Peter H R; Lebwohl, Benjamin


    The prevalence of depression in celiac disease (CD) is high, and patients are often burdened socially and financially by a gluten-free diet. However, the relationship between depression, somatic symptoms and dietary adherence in CD is complex and poorly understood. We used a patient powered research network (iCureCeliac ® ) to explore the effect that depression has on patients' symptomatic response to a gluten-free diet (GFD). We identified patients with biopsy-diagnosed celiac disease who answered questions pertaining to symptoms (Celiac Symptom Index (CSI)), GFD adherence (Celiac Dietary Adherence Test (CDAT)), and a 5-point, scaled question regarding depressive symptoms relating to patients' celiac disease. We then measured the correlation between symptoms and adherence (CSI vs. CDAT) in patients with depression versus those without depression. We also tested for interaction of depression with regard to the association with symptoms using a multiple linear regression model. Among 519 patients, 86% were female and the mean age was 40.9 years. 46% of patients indicated that they felt "somewhat," "quite a bit," or "very much" depressed because of their disorder. There was a moderate correlation between worsened celiac symptoms and poorer GFD adherence ( r = 0.6, p symptoms and worsening dietary adherence ( r = 0.5, p symptoms related to their disorder, correlation between adherence and symptoms was weaker than those without depressive symptoms. This finding was confirmed with a linear regression analysis, showing that depressive symptoms may modify the effect of a GFD on celiac symptoms. Depressive symptoms may therefore mask the relationship between inadvertent gluten exposure and symptoms. Additional longitudinal and prospective studies are needed to further explore this potentially important finding.

  19. The relevance of pre-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Visanji, Naomi; Marras, Connie


    Parkinson's disease (PD) has a wide range of non-motor symptoms including; constipation, sleep disturbance, deficits in vision and olfaction, mood disorders and cardiac autonomic dysfunction. Several of these non-motor symptoms can manifest prior to the onset of motor symptoms. Recognizing these pre-motor symptoms may enable early diagnosis of PD. Currently, no single pre-motor symptom is able to predict the development of PD with 100% sensitivity or specificity. Ongoing studies in several independent at-risk cohorts should reveal the potential of combinations of pre-motor symptoms and multi-stage screening strategies to identify individuals at increased risk of PD. PD progression may be governed by a prion-like spread of a-syn throughout the nervous system. Identifying individuals at the earliest stage will likely be critical to preventing the pathological progression of PD, highlighting the relevance of pre-motor symptoms in the future treatment of the disease.

  20. Symptom report in detecting breast cancer-related lymphedema

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    Fu MR


    Full Text Available Mei R Fu,1 Deborah Axelrod,2,3 Charles M Cleland,1 Zeyuan Qiu,4 Amber A Guth,2,3 Robin Kleinman,2 Joan Scagliola,2 Judith Haber1 1College of Nursing, New York University, 2Department of Surgery, NYU School of Medicine, 3NYU Clinical Cancer Center, New York, NY, 4Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA Abstract: Breast cancer-related lymphedema is a syndrome of abnormal swelling coupled with multiple symptoms resulting from obstruction or disruption of the lymphatic system associated with cancer treatment. Research has demonstrated that with increased number of symptoms reported, breast cancer survivors' limb volume increased. Lymphedema symptoms in the affected limb may indicate a latent stage of lymphedema in which changes cannot be detected by objective measures. The latent stage of lymphedema may exist months or years before overt swelling occurs. Symptom report may play an important role in detecting lymphedema in clinical practice. The purposes of this study were to: 1 examine the validity, sensitivity, and specificity of symptoms for detecting breast cancer-related lymphedema and 2 determine the best clinical cutoff point for the count of symptoms that maximized the sum of sensitivity and specificity. Data were collected from 250 women, including healthy female adults, breast cancer survivors with lymphedema, and those at risk for lymphedema. Lymphedema symptoms were assessed using a reliable and valid instrument. Validity, sensitivity, and specificity were evaluated using logistic regression, analysis of variance, and areas under receiver operating characteristic curves. Count of lymphedema symptoms was able to differentiate healthy adults from breast cancer survivors with lymphedema and those at risk for lymphedema. A diagnostic cutoff of three symptoms discriminated breast cancer survivors with lymphedema from healthy women with a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 97