Flavour Profiling of 'Marion' and Thornless Blackberries by Instrumental and Sensory Analysis
The flavour of thornless blackberries grown in Pacific Northwest including 'Thornless Evergreen', 'Black Diamond', 'Black Pearl', 'Nightfall', ORUS 1843-3, 'Waldo', NZ 9351-4, and 'Chester Thornless' as well as 'Marion' was profiled by sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis. Sensory results sh...
Genetic diversity among some blackberry cultivars and their ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Oct 5, 2009 ... Bursa 3, Chester, Dirckson Thornless, Jumbo, Navaho and Loch. Ness) and a Boysenberry clone were included in this study for. AFLP analysis. While eight of these are known cultivars from North. America, remaining three, Bursa 1, Bursa 2 and Bursa 3, are the blackberry genotypes with unknown origin.
Pinto, Teresa; Vilela, Alice; Pinto, Andreia; Nunes, Fernando M; Cosme, Fernanda; Anjos, Rosário
Consumer demand for organic products is increasing because of their claimed health benefits. Blackberries are a rich source of polyphenols, with high antioxidant activity; nevertheless, the impact of organic versus conventional agricultural practices on its phytochemical composition is unknown. 'Loch Ness' and 'Chester Thornless' were selected as blackberry cultivars for this study because of their desired sensory and technological properties, which make them more suitable for export. 'Loch Ness' variety presented a higher amounts of polyphenols and higher antioxidant activity when compared to the 'Chester Thornless' variety. The impact of agricultural practices on the phytochemical composition of the two varieties was contradictory. Under organic agricultural practices, levels of polyphenols increased for 'Loch Ness' and decreased for 'Chester Thornless', whereas the soluble solids content increased in both varieties. These changes in composition were correlated with changes observed in the blackberries' sensory profile. The effect of agricultural practices on the blackberries' chemical and sensory profile was dependent on the variety and cannot be generalized. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.
Do optimally ripe blackberries contain the highest levels of metabolites?
Mikulic-Petkovsek, Maja; Koron, Darinka; Zorenc, Zala; Veberic, Robert
Five blackberry cultivars were selected for the study ('Chester Thornless', 'Cacanska Bestrna', 'Loch Ness', 'Smoothstem' and 'Thornfree') and harvested at three different maturity stages (under-, optimal- and over-ripe). Optimally ripe and over-ripe blackberries contained significantly higher levels of total sugars compared to under-ripe fruit. 'Loch Ness' cultivar was characterized by 2.2-2.6-fold higher levels of total sugars than other cultivars and consequently, the highest sugar/acids ratio. 'Chester Thornless' stands out as the cultivar with the highest level of vitamin C in under-ripe (125.87mgkg(-1)) and optimally mature fruit (127.66mgkg(-1)). Maturity stage significantly affected the accumulation of phenolic compounds. The content of total anthocyanins increased for 43% at optimal maturity stage and cinnamic acid derivatives for 57% compared to under-ripe fruit. Over-ripe blackberries were distinguished by the highest content of total phenolics (1251-2115mg GAE kg(-1) FW) and greatest FRAP values (25.9-43.2mM TE kg(-1) FW). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Adaptation of eight American blackberry (Rubus fructicosus L ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Aug 4, 2008 ... 2Department of Animal science, Faculty of Agriculture, Yuzuncu yil University, 65080, Van, Turkey ... Key words: Blackberry, adaptation, Ankara condition, fruit, cane. .... Thornless was found as the best cultivar in general terms ...
Productive performance of blackberry cultivars in altitude region
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Jéssica de Oliveira
Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Information on the production performance of blackberry in less colder regions are fundamentals to the expansion of the cultivated area and extension of management practices for cultivars adapted to climate conditions in Brazil. The research was carried out with the aim to evaluate the productive performance of different blackberries cultivars in altitude region of 1,387m with mild temperatures, situate at 18º14’56”S, 43º36’0”W, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. It was carried during the seasons 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. The blackberry cultivars evaluated were the following ones ‘Brazos’, ‘Guarani’, ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’. Flowering and harvesting of cultivars were evaluated as well as climatological data of the area in order to relate the number of hours of accumulated cold less than 13°C, 10°C and 7.2°C with production and crop time. To determine the production, the mass of blackberries harvested per plant was measured. Production of blackberry cultivars was extended in altitude region with similar productivity to the other producing regions in Brazil. Productive performance of the cultivars varied according to the accumulation of cold hours with mild temperatures that occurred in cultivation region. ‘Brazos’, ‘Guarani’, ‘Tupy’ and ‘Xavante’ showed good adaptation, being ‘Brazos’ the cultivar most productive.
Veberic, Robert; Stampar, Franci; Schmitzer, Valentina; Cunja, Vlasta; Zupan, Anka; Koron, Darinka; Mikulic-Petkovsek, Maja
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fast and slow freezing and frozen storage on the metabolite content of six blackberry cultivars. The content of metabolites determined with HPLC RI/PDA-MS in stored blackberries was compared with the initial content of the fruit. During frozen storage of fruits a loss of vitamin C up to 80% has been recorded along with changes of color values, which shifted to blue and yellow hues. The color changes were accompanied with increased pH levels and content of anthocyanins. Most of the phenolic groups, sugars, and organic acids showed a better extraction after storage, especially in the slow freezing treatment due to a higher degree of tissue damage by freezing. The 'Thornless Evergreen' cultivar was especially rich in sugars, vitamin C, and phenolic compounds, but the highest levels of anthocyanins were determined in 'Loch Ness' cultivar.
Comparison between four blackberry (Rubus sp.) cultivars to light variation
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Enciso, B.E.; Gómez, C.
Abstract: This paper compares four Colombian blackberry cultivars- (Rubus sp.) light compensation points, leaf area, chlorophyll concentration and photosynthetic capacity. Time can be saved and efficiency improved by adapting different cultivars to differing luminosity once these parameters have been determined and established. The four cultivars involved were -Guarne-, -San Antonio-, -Sara 3- and -Pacho 2- forming part of Corpoica-s blackberry collection at the Sena farm in Manizales. The results revealed that all four cultivars had different light compensation points. They also showed that net photosynthesis varied amongst cultivars, even when grown in the same environmental conditions and that total chlorophyll and leaf area may be used as indicators of response to the conditions being evaluated. Key words: Photosynthesis, leaf area, radiation, compensation point, photons flow density (PFD), chlorophyll [es
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Valentina Isac
Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to study the behaviour of two new Romanian thorn blackberry cultivars DAR 24 and DAR 8 in process of micropropagation, compared with Darrow cultivar usually commercially micropropagated in our laboratory. Due to several drawbacks of the conventional propagation of Rubus, the efficiency of micropropagation was tested in order to obtain high quality planting material and to introduce rapidly these new cultivars in a certification program. Thorn blackberry cultivars DAR 8 and DAR 24 with resistance to winter colds was successfully micropropagated. Blackberry plants were found without virus infection after biological and ELISA tests. Axillary buds from the branches in full growth were used as the initial explants. After four weeks of growth, aseptic cultures was established on MS basal mineral salts, LS vitamins with 0.3 mg/l BAP, 0.1mg/l GA3 and 0.001mg/l NAA. The rate of successfully established cultures was on average 65.11%. Good proliferation of the regenerated shoots was obtained on the same medium composition used for initiation phase, whereas medium MS with mineral salts reduced to ½ and LS vitamins with 0.1 mg/l IBA and 0.1 mg/l GA3 was used in the rooting phase. Dar 24 and Dar 8 cultivars responded by good rates of micropropagation on medium culture B as compared to control Darrow cultivar, even if the obtained shoots length was lower than on medium A. The statistical analysis reveled that the highest MR (20.66 plantlets/explant was obtained for Dar 24. In this case the length of shoots was 1.92 cm. The highest rooting percentages (over 85% were obtained with shoots multiplied on medium B. High quality of rooted plants induced a high percentage of acclimatization of cultivar Dar 8, 86.36% under mist system in green house whereas the percentage of acclimatization of cultivar Dar 24 was lower, 51.85%.
Adaptation of eight American blackberry ( Rubus fructicosus L ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
evaluate the performance of Arapaho, Black Satin, Cherokee, Chester Thornless, Dirksen Thornless, Jumbo, Navaho and Loch Ness cultivars of American origin for adaptation under Central Anatolian conditions at Ankara during 2002 - 06. The results showed that changes in the environmental conditions affected yield, ...
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Full Text Available Most blackberry plants cultivated in Finland closely resemble the American species Rubus allegheniensis. Thirty nine such blackberry accessions in the University of Helsinki clone collection were studied by hybridization-based DNA fingerprinting and compared with some known cultivars of R. allegheniensis derivation. 'Imperial' appears to be identical to the old cultivar 'Majestät', but 'Earliest of All' differs considerably. In addition, 37 of the accessions analysed also have DNA fingerprints that appear to be completely identical to that of 'Majestät'! The remaining two accessions, although identical to each other, exhibit one band not found in 'Majestät' that is probably caused by a somatic mutation.
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Fabíola Villa
Full Text Available Desenvolveu-se, este trabalho, no intuito de aprimorar técnicas de propagação in vitro de amoreira-preta. Testou-se em um experimento a influência de cinco diferentes concentrações de ANA (0; 0,1; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 mg L-1 e cinco de GA3 (0; 2; 4; 6 e 8 mg L-1, adicionadas ao meio de cultura MS, sob a amoreira-preta cultivar Ébano e; num segundo experimento testaram-se seis diferentes concentrações de ANA (0; 0,1; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 mg L-1 e duas cultivares de amoreira-preta (Tupy e Brazos, no crescimento in vitro de plântulas. Segmentos nodais com 2 cm, de plântulas preestabelecidas in vitro, foram excisadas e inoculadas, em meio MS. O experimento foi inteiramente casualisado, utilizando-se três explantes por repetição e quatro repetições por tratamento. O pH do meio foi ajustado para 5,8 depois da adição de 6 g L-1 de ágar e 30 g L-1 de sacarose, ocorrendo depois a autoclavagem a 121ºC e 1 atm por 20 minutos. Após a inoculação, os tubos de ensaio foram mantidos por 60 dias, em sala de crescimento a 27 ± 1ºC, irradiância de 35 mmol.m-2.s-1 e fotoperíodo de 16 horas, avaliando-se assim o número de folhas, número de raízes, comprimento da maior raiz, comprimento da parte aérea, peso da matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea. Altas concentrações de GA3 associadas a baixas de ANA promoveram maior comprimento da parte aérea da amoreira-preta, cultivar Ébano. Maior comprimento da parte aérea de 'Brazos' foi verificado na presença de 1,0 mg L-1 de ANA. Verificou-se surgimento de calos na cultivar Ébano em todas as concentrações de GA3 associadas a 0,5-1,5 mg L-1 de ANA e nas cultivares Tupy e Brazos em todas as concentrações de ANA. Melhores resultados na micropropagação da amoreira-preta cultivares Tupy e Ébano foram obtidos com a adição de 1,0 mg L-1 de ANA e melhores resultados no enraizamento da amoreira-preta cultivar Ébano foram obtidos com baixas concentrações de ANA e na ausência de GA3.This work
Du, Xiaofen; Qian, Michael
A GC-MS method for the determination of furaneol in fruit juice was developed using Lichrolut-EN solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled to microvial insert thermal desorption. Lichrolut-EN can effectively extract furaneol from juice, and had much less retention for pigments and other non-volatiles than HLB and C18 columns. The furaneol can be completely eluted out from the Lichrolut-EN SPE column with 1mL of methanol, which can be directly analyzed on GC-MS using an automated large volume microvial insert thermal desorption technique without further purification and concentration. The method is sensitive, has good recovery (98%) and reproducibility (CVfuraneol in some commonly grown strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry cultivars in Pacific Northwest of the United States was determined. Strawberries had the highest concentration of furaneol with 'Totem' and 'Pinnacle' cultivars over 13mgkg(-1) fruit. 'Marion' blackberry had 5 times more furaneol than 'Black Diamond', and 16 times more than 'Thornless Evergreen' blackberry. Raspberries had furaneol concentration ranged from 0.8 to 1.1mgkg(-1) fruit.
Kao, Robert
Get the most juice out of your BlackBerry handheld!. Feature-rich and complex, the BlackBerry is the number one smartphone in the corporate world is among the most popular handhelds for business users. This new and updated edition includes all the latest and greatest information on new and current BlackBerry mobile devices. Covering a range of valuable how-to topics, this helpful guide explores the BlackBerry's most useful features, techniques for getting the most out of your BlackBerry, and practical information about power usage.: Covers all aspects of the number one smartphone in the corpor
BlackBerry All-in-One for Dummies
Sarigumba, Dante; Petz, William
Go beyond BlackBerry basics and get everything your BlackBerry can deliver. BlackBerry is the leading smartphone for business users, and its popularity continues to explode. When you discover the amazing array of BlackBerry possibilities in this fun and friendly guide, you'll be even happier with your choice of smartphones. BlackBerry All-in-One For Dummies explores every feature and application common to all BlackBerry devices. It explains the topics in depth, with tips, tricks, workarounds, and includes detailed information about cool new third-party applications, accessories, and downloads
BlackBerry for Work Productivity for Professionals
Mittal, K
The BlackBerry is cool, and the BlackBerry is fun, but the BlackBerry also means serious business. For those of you who bought your BlackBerry to help get your life organized and free yourself from the ball-and-chain of desktop computing, BlackBerry at Work: Productivity for Professionals is the book to show you how. There are plenty of general-purpose BlackBerry guides, but this book shows you how to complete all the traditional smartphone tasks, like to-dos, calendars, and email, and become even more efficient and productive. You'll learn mechanisms for developing effective workflows specifi
Distribution of volatile composition in 'marion' ( rubus species hyb) blackberry pedigree.
Du, Xiaofen; Finn, Chad; Qian, Michael C
The distribution of volatile constituents in ancestral genotypes of 'Marion' blackberry's pedigree was investigated over two growing seasons. Each genotype in the pedigree had a specific volatile composition. Red raspberry was dominated by norisoprenoids, lactones, and acids. 'Logan' and 'Olallie' also had a norisoprenoid dominance but at much lower concentrations. The concentration of norisoprenoids in other blackberry genotypes was significantly lower. Terpenes and furanones were predominant in wild 'Himalaya' blackberry, whereas terpenes were the major volatiles in 'Santiam'. 'Marion', a selection from 'Chehalem' and 'Olallie', contained almost all of the volatile compounds in its pedigree at moderate amount. The chiral isomeric ratios of 11 pairs of compounds were also studied. Strong chiral isomeric preference was observed for most of the chiral compounds, and each cultivar had its unique chiral isomeric distribution. An inherent pattern was observed for some volatile compounds in the 'Marion' pedigree. Raspberry and 'Logan' had a very high concentration of beta-ionone, but was reduced by half in 'Olallie' and by another half in 'Marion' as the crossing proceeded. A high content of linalool in 'Olallie' and a low content in 'Chehalem' resulted in a moderate content of linalool in their progeny 'Marion'. However, the concentration of furaneol in 'Marion' was higher than in its parents. A high content of (S)-linalool in 'Olallie' and a racemic content of (S)-,(R)-linalool in 'Chehalem' resulted in a preference for the (S)-form in 'Marion'.
Cavender, George; Liu, Mingyang; Hobbs, Deborah; Frei, Balz; Strik, Bernadine; Zhao, Yanyun
The effect of 3 different weed management strategies, nonweeding, hand weeding, and weed mat, were examined on physicochemical, sugar profile, and antioxidant properties of 2 cultivars of blackberry (Rubus spp), "Marion" and "Black Diamond" harvested at 3 time intervals during the 2012 season. Sensory analysis on flavor intensity of 6 different descriptors by an experienced panel was also performed on "Black Diamond" berries harvested at the same interval during the 2013 season. While weed management had no effect on pH, titratable acidity, and total soluble solids of either cultivar (P > 0.05), it showed a marked effect on total phenolics (5.65 to 7.80 mg GAE/g FW), total monomeric anthocyanins (1.07 to 2.85 mg/g FW), ORAC (271.51 to 644.97 μMol TE/g FW), FRAP (408.56 to 719.10 μMol Fe(2+) /g FW), sugar profile, and flavor intensity. Hand-weeding resulted in fruit antioxidant content and capacity as much as 30% greater, though the effect was not seen in the late harvest, where the nonweeded samples tended to have higher values. Overall, weed mat samples had the lowest antioxidant content and capacity in all harvests. Sugar profiling exhibited a greater variability based on cultivar and harvest, but overall, weed mat samples had lower sugar levels than fruit from the other 2 methods. Interestingly, the intensity of sensory attributes for "Black Diamond" appear to possibly be inversely related to phenolic and anthocyanin content, with the weed mat management strategy resulting in the highest values for virtually all sensory attributes. This study provided valuable information about the impact of organic production method on the quality of blackberries. Weed management is one of the largest costs associated with organic agriculture because of limited availability of approved herbicides. While much work has been done to evaluate the effect of different methods on plant growth and yield, few have determined the impact of weed management methods on fruit quality. This
CrackBerry The Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse
Michaluk, Kevin J; Trautschold, Martin
A delayed train, a dip in the conversation, an early morning hour with no sleep - during these moments, do you feel an overwhelming urge to grab your BlackBerry? Do you know someone else who does? If the answer is yes, then look no further than this one-of-a-kind book...CrackBerry: True Tales of Blackberry Use and Abuse covers the phenomenon of "BlackBerry Addiction," offering true-life accounts of BlackBerry dependence and mishaps. You'll find comfort and humor in the unbelievable tales of BlackBerry abuse and also learn some valuable tips along the way. * The definitive guide to respons
Mega T., Maretia; Harsono, Soni
This research aims to find out whether there is a relationship between the prices partially and a Blackberrys customer satisfaction, the previewed value and a Blackberrys customer satisfaction, and the quality and a Blackberrys customer satisfaction in Surabaya. Besides that, it also attempts to reveal whether there is a relationship between price, perceived value, and quality simultaneously and a Blackberrys customers satisfaction in Surabaya. Analysis is done by means of multiple linear reg...
Hubungan antara Harga dan Kualitas Layanan dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Blackberry Telkomsel
Putri, Nuria Anindita
The purpose of this research is to examine the correlation between price and service quality with customer satisfaction. The results showed there is correlation between price and quality service with customer satisfaction Blackberry Telkomsel (R=0.563, p=0.000), correlation between price and customer satisfaction Blackberry Telkomsel (r = 0263, p = 0.000), and correlation between the quality of service with Blackberry Telkomsel customer satisfaction (r = 0.441, p = 0.000). Furthermore, compar...
First report of Raspberry bushy dwarf virus in blackberry in Ecuador
During the past two decades, several viruses have been identified from Rubus (blackberry and raspberry) in wild and commercial plantings around the world (1) In Ecuador; approximately 14 tons of blackberries (Rubus glaucus) are produced each year in an estimated area of 5,500 hectares. This crop pro...
Developing BlackBerry Tablet Applications with Flex 45
Tretola, Rich
Ready to put your ActionScript 3 skills to work on mobile apps? This hands-on book walks you through the process of creating an Adobe AIR application for Blackberry Tablets from start to finish, using the Flex 4.5 framework. Move quickly from a basic Hello World application to complex interactions with Blackberry APIs, and get complete code examples for working with tablet components-including the accelerometer, GPS unit, camera, file system, and multitouch screen. This is an ideal resource no matter how much Flex experience you have. Use Flash Builder 4.5 to create and debug a Flex Mobile pr
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Alina Katil Sigarroa-Rieche
Full Text Available Se evaluó una técnica de micropropagación de plantas de mora (Rubus glaucus de la variedad sin espinas, a partir de ápices meristemáticos. En la fase de establecimiento se evaluó un protocolo de desinfección utilizando por 5 min solución de jabón detergente comercial y agua + alcohol 70% por 2 min + hipoclorito 3% con dos tiempos de exposición diferentes: T1 por 5 min y T2 por 10 min. Después de desinfectar las microestacas se extrajeron los ápices meristemáticos y se establecieron in vitro bajo un diseño completamente al azar para evaluar dos medios de cultivo: M1 y M2. A partir de las plántulas desarrolladas se efectuó la multiplicación en los medios de cultivo M1, M3 y M4. Ambos tratamientos de desinfección resultaron efectivos alcanzando 100% de desinfección de los explantes con cada uno de ellos. La siembra de ápices meristemáticos permitió el establecimiento de cultivos asépticos y un adecuado desarrollo de los explantes después de seis semanas de cultivo, con prendimiento de 83.4% para M1 y 66.6% para M2. El análisis de varianza (Anova y la prueba de rangos múltiples mostraron que la multiplicación fue mejor en el medio M1 con una mayor tasa de crecimiento y desarrollo del explante, al obtener coeficientes de multiplicación de 7.5 brotes/plántula y una altura promedio de 1.95 cm.We evaluated a technique of micropropagation in a thornless variety of blackberry (Rubus glaucus from shoot apical meristems. In the establishment phase, we evaluated a disinfection protocol: soapy solution (commercial detergent and water for 5 minutes + 70% alcohol for 2 minutes + 3% hypochlorite with two different exposure times: T1 for 5 minutes and T2 for 10 minutes. When the microcuttings were disinfected, the meristematic shoots were removed and established in vitro in a completely random design to evaluate two cultivation mediums: M1 and M2. From the seedlings developed, the multiplication was performed, which tested three
Sukamto, Raymond; Lumintan, Daniel
This research conducted to know the impact of Marketing Mix strategy toward customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction of Blackberry Indonesia. The data gathered using simple random sampling method and distribute questionnaires to 102 respondents who ever used or own Blackberry. The data then being analyzed by Path Analysis and Sobel Test The result shown that marketing mix simultaneously having significant impact toward customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction of Blackberry...
Aplikasi Sistem Kalender Bali Berbasis Mobile Application Pada Blackberry Platform
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I Ngurah Putu Wiara Prayana Destra
Full Text Available Kalender adalah suatu sistem pemberian nama pada sebuah periode waktu. Penamaan atas periode waktu ini bisa didasarkan dari gerakan-gerakan benda angkasa seperti matahari dan bulan atau perjanjian/persetujuan. Kalender Bali atau Kalendar Caka Bali sangat penting dalam kehidupan sosial budaya Masyarakat Bali. Beberapa hari suci seperti Hari Raya Nyepi dan Siwaratri ditetapkan berdasarkan Kalender Caka, begitu pula dengan Piodalan Pura di Bali.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang pemodelan dan membangun sebuah Sistem Informasi Kalender Bali berbasis Blackberry yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian informasi berdasarkan perhitungan pawukuan Bali.Perancangan dilakukan dengan metode perangkat pemodelan sistem serta penelusuran algoritma perhitungan wewaran, purnama, tilem dan sasih dari sejumlah pustaka Kalender Bali. Analisa dilakukan dengan menguji perhitungan wewaran, sasih, purnama tilem, pencarian Tanggal Masehi, pencarian otonan, pencarian wuku, pencarian hari raya. Hasil analisa mendapatkan ketepatan hasil perhitungan wewaran, sasih, purnama tilem, pencarian Tanggal Masehi, pencarian otonan, pencarian wuku yang dapat diakses dengan mudah melalui Blackberry. Kata kunci : Kalender Bali, Blackberry, Wewaran
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Gabriela Azofeifa
Full Text Available Phytochemicals are highly concentrated in berries, especially polyphenols as anthocyanins and ellagitannins. These compounds have been associated with antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation protection, anti-inflammatory activity, anti-carcinogenic activity, obesity prevention and others. Blackberries are commonly grown and consumed as juice in Latin-American countries. However, blackberry juice is easily fermented and different industrial techniques are being applied to enable the juice to be stored for longer periods. One important issue required for these techniques is to preserve the health-promoting capacities of blackberries. This study compared the antioxidant activity and the lipid peroxidation protector effect between a fresh blackberry juice (FJ and a microfiltrated blackberry juice (MJ. Chemical analysis of both juices show less polyphenols concentration in the MJ. Despite this difference, values for biological activities, such as protection of lipid peroxidation, was not significantly different between FJ and MJ. These results suggest that the compounds responsible for the antioxidant activity are maintained even after microfiltration and the free radical scavenging capacity of these compounds could protect the initiation of lipid peroxidation. Microfiltration could be used as an industrial technique to produce blackberry juice that maintains biological activities of polyphenols.
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Fabiola Villa
Full Text Available A micropropagação da amoreira-preta pode gerar plantas livres de vírus e em curto espaço de tempo. Com o objetivo de aprimorar técnicas de micropropagação de amoreira-preta cultivar Brazos (Rubus idaeus L., segmentos nodais, oriundos de plântulas preestabelecidas in vitro foram excisados e inoculados em meio WPM (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200%, suplementado com diferentes concentrações de BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 e 4,0 mg L-1. Após a inoculação, os explantes foram transferidos para sala de crescimento a 27±1ºC, irradiância de 35 mmol m² s¹ e fotoperíodo de 16 horas, onde permaneceram por 60 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, utilizando-se de quatro repetições com quatro explantes cada. Maior número de brotos foi proporcionado com 1,0 mg L-1 de BAP associado a 100% de meio WPM e maior comprimento médio dos brotos após 60 dias foi verificado em 1,0 mg L-1 de BAP associado a 200% de meio WPM. Maior peso de matéria seca da parte aérea foi obtido em meio WPM 200% acrescido de 0,5 mg L-1 de BAP.With the objective of multiplying blackberry cv. Brazos, nodal segments, coming from in vitro plants previously selected, were excised and inoculated in WPM culture medium (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200%, supplemented with different concentrations of BAP (0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 and 4,0 mg L-1. After inoculation, the explants were transferred to culture room, at 27±1ºC temperature, 35 mmol m² s¹ ofirradiance and photoperiod of 16 hours, for 60 days. The experimental was a design randomized complete block, with four replications and four explants each. Greater number of sprouts was provided with 1,0 mg L-1 of BAP associated with 100% WPM culture medium and larger sprouts length average after 60 days were verified in 1,0 mg L-1 of BAP associated with 200% WPM culture medium. Higher dry matter weight of the aerial part was obtained in 200% WPM culture medium added with 0,5 mg L-1 of BAP.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Zhang, C.; Yang, H.; Wang, X.
Thymidine kinase (TK) is a key enzyme in controlling DNA synthesis and plays an important role in cell proliferation. However, our understanding on the TK functions in plants is still limited. From an earlier comparative transcriptome analysis of shoot apex of blackberry cv. Boysenberry and its bud mutant cv. Ningzhi 1 with fewer and thinner prickles, we found a unigene homologous to TK, RuTK1 which was differentially expressed between them. In this study, the cDNA and genomic DNA (gDNA) sequences of RuTK1 were further analyzed. RuTK1 revealed an open reading frame (ORF) of 660 bp coding for 219 amino acid residues. The gDNA sequence, which contains four exons and three introns, is relatively conserved in most plant TK homologs. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that the TK proteins from plants were classified into three groups. In each group, TKs from the same family were relatively concentrated, and RuTK1 was classified to the dicotyledoneae class and closer to those from Rosaceae. RuTK1 was highly expressed in prickles at the early stage in Boysenberry compared to in Ningzhi1. In addition, RuTK1 expression was similarly greater in mature prickles at the late stage in both cultivars, which implies a possible involvement of RuTK1 in the cell cycle at the early stage of prickle formation. These results provide a novel foundation for the further elucidation of blackberry prickle development mechanism and the functions of TKs in plants. (author)
Indole butyric acid and substrates influence on multiplication of blackberry 'Xavante'
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Ibrar Hussain
Full Text Available Blackberry is a shrubby plant specie which has a high economic importance among agriculture crops. Brazil is the major country of Latin America with the highest future scope for blackberries. For availability of good quality and maximum quantity of seedlings, the present study was carried out at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina,PR from January to March in 2013. The aim of the study was to evaluate the multiplication of blackberry 'Xavante' cuttings under different type of substrates treated with different levels of indole butyric acid (IBA. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with 2 factors, i.e., substrate (rice husk, vermiculite and coconut fiber and IBA (0; 1,000; 2,000 and 3,000mg L-1, with 5 replications. Each replicate consisted of 10 cuttings. The variables studied were: cutting rooting, cutting survival, leaf retention, cuttings with new leaves, number of major roots, length of major roots and roots dry weight. Most of the variables were significantly affected by both substrate and IBA. Rice husk and vermiculite performed better than coconut fiber and provided the same results for most of the variables, while coconut fiber showed lower performance for all of the variables studied. IBA significantly affected the rooting and the number of major roots. It is concluded that for multiplication of blackberry 'Xavante', both rice husk and vermiculite can be used along 2,000mg L-1 of IBA
Widyawati, Suci; Farida, Naili; Wijayanto, Andi
BlackBerry smartphone is one of the leading products in Indonesia. BlackBerry has a high market share compared with other brands of smartphone, but BlackBerry users consumer satisfaction index has declined. It is very influential on consumer loyalty to BlackBerry mobile phone. This study aimed to determine the effect of product quality, price and customer value on customer satisfaction BlackBerry mobile phone. Population in this research is a BlackBerry mobile phone users in FISIP UNDIP Semar...
BlackBerry's Long March Into China
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)
@@ Some time in the coming weeks, Research In Motion Ltd (RIM) will launch its wireless BlackBerry e-mail service on the Chinese mainland in a partnership with China Mobile Ltd, which has two-thirds of the Chinese market and is the world's biggest mobile carrier by number of subscribers. The exact date of the launch has yet to be set.
Brennan, S A; Liburd, O E; Eger, J E; Rhodes, E M
Blackberry (Rubus spp.) production in Florida has increased > 100% within the past two decades. and several insect pests, including stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), have been observed feeding on this crop. The objectives for this study were to determine the stink bug species present in blackberry; to develop monitoring tools for stink bugs in blackberry; and to describe feeding injury to blackberries by Euschistus quadrator Rolston, a relatively new stink bug pest to Florida, that has spread throughout the state. In a field survey, E. quadrator was the most abundant stink bug species, followed by Euschistus servus Say, Euschistus obscurus (Palisot de Beauvois), Thyanta custator (F.), Proxys punctulatus (Palisot de Beauvois), and Podisus maculiventris Say. Yellow pyramid traps caught more stink bugs than tube traps with or without the addition of Euschistus spp. pheromone lures. There were no statistical differences between traps baited with a Trécé Pherocon Centrum lure, a Suterra Scenturion lure, and an unbaited trap. These results were supported by Y-tube olfactometer assays with E. quadrator where there were no differences between pheromone baited lures and a control. Injury to berries caused by E. quadrator adults and third instars was similar, and both adults and third instars fed more on green berries compared with turning berries. In addition, adults fed more on green berries compared with ripe fruit. The most common injury to green berries was discoloration. In contrast, misshapen drupelets were commonly seen on turning and ripe berries. The potential for managing stink bugs in blackberries to prevent them from reaching damaging levels is discussed.
Peranan Atribut Ekstrinsik Merek terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Smartphone Blackberry
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Anas Hidayat
Full Text Available Abstract This research aims to examine the role of brand preference, luxury brand perception and country of origin in influencing consumers to buy Blackberry smarthphone, as well as to examine the role of country of origin in influencing luxury brand perception. The population of this research are students in economics faculty of Indonesia Islamic University, and the sample used is 250 respondent. This research was found that the most devotee of blackberry smartphone is women, with 53,6%, aged between 18-23 years old, with a pocket money between Rp1.000.000-Rp2.000.000 monthly and expenditure of Rp500.000-Rp1.499.999 monthly. By using Structural Equation Modeling, the results show that there are positive and significant impact on the country of origin to the purchase intention, positive and significant impact on the country of origin to luxury brand perception, positive and significant impact on the luxury brand perception to purchase intention and positive and significant impact on the brand preference to purchase intention of blackberry smartphone’s consumer in economics faculty of Indonesia Islamic University.
Changes in aroma composition of blackberry wine during ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
The study aimed at investigating the influence of fermentation (primary and secondary) on aroma composition of blackberry wine. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was applied to quantify the compounds relevant to sparkling wine aroma. Investigation on this study revealed that a number of aroma ...
Eldridge, Joshua A.; Repko, Debra
Abstract The purpose of these studies was to determine if a Büchi Mini Spray Dryer B-290 (Büchi Corporation, New Castle, DE, USA) could be used to prepare blackberry extract powders containing mannitol as a thermoprotectant without extensively degrading anthocyanins and polyphenols in the resulting powders. Three blackberry puree extract samples were each prepared by sonication of puree in 30/70% ethanol/water containing 0.003% HCl. Blackberry puree extract sample 1 (S1) contained no mannitol, while blackberry puree extract sample 2 (S2) contained 3.0:1 (w/w) mannitol:berry extract, and blackberry puree extract sample 3 (S3) contained 6.3:1 (w/w) mannitol:berry extract. The levels of anthocyanins and polyphenols in reconstituted spray-dried powders produced from S1–S3 were compared to solutions of S1–S3 that were held at 4°C as controls. All extract samples could be spray-dried using the Büchi Mini Spray Dryer B-290. S1, with no mannitol, showed a 30.8% decrease in anthocyanins and a 24.1% decrease in polyphenols following spray-drying. However, S2 had a reduction in anthocyanins of only 13.8%, while polyphenols were reduced by only 6.1%. S3, with a ratio of mannitol to berry extract of 6.3:1, exhibited a 12.5% decrease in anthocyanins while the decrease in polyphenols after spray-drying was not statistically significant (P=.16). Collectively, these data indicate that a Büchi Mini Spray Dryer B-290 is a suitable platform for producing stable berry extract powders, and that mannitol is a suitable thermoprotectant that facilitates retention of thermosensitive polyphenolic species in berry extracts during spray-drying. PMID:24892214
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Catarina Pedro Carvalho
Full Text Available Product quality and safety are two essential characteristics for the fruit market, making it necessary to normalize and standardize processes in order to improve their commercialization. In this study, the quality of two Andean blackberry cultivars grown in two regions of Antioquia (Envigado and Guarne, Colombia, from different maturity stages as defined by the Norma Tecnica Colombiana 7146 (NTC Spanish was characterized. The parameters that were found suitable for the fruit quality characterization were: weight, total solid soluble content (TSS, titratable acidity (TA, maturity index (MI, color index (CI and firmness (F. The equatorial diameter (ED maintained its importance relative to the standard and the market, along with the juice yield (JY. The quotient a*/b* presented the best correlation with the visual color scale as defined in the standard. The TSS ranges defined in NTC 4106 were not verified in this studied for fruits grown in the agro-climatic conditions of Antioquia. Linear regression models are a useful tool for making quick and easy comparisons and estimations of the quality parameters.
Antioxidant Activities of Total Pigment Extract from Blackberries
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Jiechao Liu
Full Text Available Total pigment has been extracted from blackberries and its antioxidant activity against lipid peroxidation and scavenging capacities towards superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals and nitrite in different in vitro systems have been investigated. The total pigment extract from blackberries (TPEB exhibited strong antioxidant activity against lipid peroxidation in a linoleic acid model system and scavenging capacities towards superoxide anion radicals, generated by a pyrogallol autoxidation system or by an illuminating riboflavin system, hydroxyl radicals generated by Fenton reaction, and nitrite. Furthermore, the antioxidant activities were correlated with the concentrations of the TPEB. In the test concentration range, the maximum inhibition percentage against linoleic acid peroxidation was 98.32 % after one week’s incubation, and the maximum scavenging percentages for the free radicals and nitrite inhibition in the above reactive systems reached 90.48, 96.48, 93.58 and 98.94 %, respectively. The TPEB is a natural, edible colorant with excellent antioxidant activities and health benefits and it seems to be applicable in both healthy food and medicine.
Cisse, Mady; Vaillant, Fabrice; Acosta, Oscar; Dhuique-Mayer, Claudie; Dornier, Manuel
Anthocyanin stability was assessed over temperatures ranging from 30 to 90 degrees C for seven products: blood orange juice [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]; two tropical highland blackberry juices (Rubus adenotrichus Schlech.), one with high content and the other with low content of suspended insoluble solids (SIS); and four roselle extracts (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). The blackberry juice showed the highest content of anthocyanins with 1.2 g/L (two times less in the roselle extracts and 12 times less in the blood orange juice). The rate constant for anthocyanin degradation and isothermal kinetic parameters were calculated according to three models: Arrhenius, Eyring, and Ball. Anthocyanins in blood orange juice presented the highest rate constant for degradation, followed by the blackberry juices and roselle extracts. Values of activation energies were 66 and 37 kJ/mol, respectively, for blood orange and blackberry and 47-61 kJ/mol for roselle extracts. For the blackberry juices, a high SIS content provided only slight protection for the anthocyanins. The increasing content of dissolved oxygen, from 0.5 to 8.5 g/L, did not significantly increase the rate constant. For both isothermal and nonisothermal treatments, all three models accurately predicted anthocyanin losses from different food matrices.
Amidžić Klarić, Daniela; Klarić, Ilija; Mornar, Ana; Velić, Darko; Velić, Natalija
This study brings out the data on the content of 21 mineral and heavy metal in 15 blackberry wines made of conventionally and organically grown blackberries. The objective of this study was to classify the blackberry wine samples based on their mineral composition and the applied cultivation method of the starting raw material by using chemometric analysis. The metal content of Croatian blackberry wine samples was determined by AAS after dry ashing. The comparison between an organic and conventional group of investigated blackberry wines showed statistically significant difference in concentrations of Si and Li, where the organic group contained higher concentrations of these compounds. According to multivariate data analysis, the model based on the original metal content data set finally included seven original variables (K, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ba, Cd and Cr) and gave a satisfactory separation of two applied cultivation methods of the starting raw material.
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Fabíola Villa
Full Text Available A amoreira-preta (Rubus sp é uma espécie de clima temperado que, por ocasião da poda hibernal, realizada durante o período de dormência, produz grande quantidade de material vegetal que pode ser utilizado na propagação. Dessa forma, objetivou-se verificar o potencial de enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de duas cultivares de amoreira-preta tratadas com ácido indolbutírico (AIB. De ramos com um ano de idade coletados de plantas-matrizes das cultivares Brazos e Guarani, foram retiradas estacas lenhosas, sem folhas, com aproximadamente 15 cm e tratadas com solução de AIB, nas concentrações de 0, 1000, 2000 e 3000 mg.L-1, por 15 segundos. Posteriormente, as estacas foram plantadas em sacos de polietileno contendo mistura de areia e terra (2:1 v/v como substrato e mantidas em casa-de-vegetação, sob nebulização intermitente durante 90 dias.As cultivares apresentaram diferentes potenciais de enraizamento e desenvolvimento da parte aérea. Maiores percentuais de estacas enraizadas e brotadas, número de folhas e de brotos e peso da matéria seca das brotações foram obtidos em estacas de ‘Brazos' não-tratadas e em estacas de ‘Guarani' com aplicação de 2000 mg.L-1 de AIB.During the winter pruning, in the dormancy period, there are surpluses of great amount of vegetable material that can be used in the propagation. It was aimed at verifying the hardwood cuttings rooting potential of two blackberry cultivar treated with indolebutyric acid (IBA. Hardwood cuttings without leaves, with approximately 15 cm were collected from branches with one year old of ‘Brazos' and ‘Guarani' mother-plant and treated with solution of IBA at of 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg.L-1 concentrations for 15 seconds immersion. Later the cuttings were planted in polyethylene bags containing sand and soil mixture (2:1 v/v as substrate and maintained in greenhouse under intermittent mist for 90 days. The cultivars presented them different rooting potential and
The BlackBerry Project: Capturing the Content of Adolescents’ Text Messaging
Underwood, Marion K.; Rosen, Lisa H.; More, David; Ehrenreich, Sam; Gentsch, Joanna K.
This brief report presents an innovative method for capturing the content of adolescents’ electronic communication on handheld devices: text messaging, email, and Instant Messaging. In an ongoing longitudinal study, adolescents were provided with BlackBerry devices with service plans paid by the investigators, and use of text messaging was examined when participants were 15 years old and in the 10th grade (N=175, 81 girls). BlackBerries are configured so that the content of all text messages, email messages, and Instant Messages is saved to a secure server and organized in a highly secure, searchable, online archive. This paper describes the technology used to devise this method and ethical considerations. Evidence for validity is presented, including information on use of text messaging to show that participants used these devices heavily and frequencies of profane and sexual language in a two-day sample of text messaging to demonstrate that they were communicating openly. PMID:22004337
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Auri Brackmann
Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to evaluate the interaction between maturity stages and temperature on fruit quality of ‘Guarani’ blackberries stored under controlled atmosphere (CA. The experiment was conducted in a factorial scheme (2x2, evaluating two ripening stages (E1: red-color and E2: black-color of fruits and two temperatures (1°C and 5°C. The fruit were stored in CA (10.0kPa O2+15.0kPa CO2 and 98±1% of relative humidity (RH. Results showed that the principal component 1 (PC I and principal component 2 (PC II corresponded to 92.84% of the overall variation of the evaluated variables. Harvest should not be performed in the early maturity stage, because ‘Guarani’ blackberries do not develop all quality of consumer. ‘Guarani’ blackberries must be stored at 1°C. The maturity stage showed the major importance in the overall variability of quality parameters when compared to storage temperature.
The BlackBerry Project: Capturing the Content of Adolescents' Text Messaging
Underwood, Marion K.; Rosen, Lisa H.; More, David; Ehrenreich, Samuel E.; Gentsch, Joanna K.
This article presents an innovative method for capturing the content of adolescents' electronic communication on handheld devices: text messaging, e-mail, and instant messaging. In an ongoing longitudinal study, adolescents were provided with BlackBerry devices with service plans paid for by the investigators, and use of text messaging was…
Phytochemicals in blackberry/ Fitoquímicos em amora-preta (Rubus spp
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Rui Carlos Zambiazi
Full Text Available Among the options for fruit species with market prospects, the blackberry (Rubus spp stands out as one of the most promising. This is a species that has shown an increase of cultivated area in recent years in Rio Grande do Sul (main Brazilian producer. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with low risk of incidence and mortality from cancer and heart disease due to the presence of compounds derived from secondary metabolism, especially flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have great capacity to react with free radicals that cause oxidative stress, and therefore contribute to the prevention of these diseases. The phenolic acids and flavonoids were identificated in the group of phenolic compounds in blackberry. Among the flavonoids, stands out the anthocyanins, which vary in concentration according to the stage of maturation of fruits. Based on the antocyanin content related in literature and the great variation between different genetic materials, there is great potential in the production of blackberry and its utilization as a natural colorant in the food and pharmaceuticals industry. In addition to these compounds, the blackberry also has other phytochemicals such as vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids. This paper aims to review literature of the main phytochemicals in blackberry (Rubus spp.Dentre as opções de espécies frutíferas com perspectivas de comercialização, a amoreira-preta (Rubus spp se destaca como uma das mais promissoras. Esta é uma das espécies que tem apresentado um crescimento de área cultivada nos últimos anos no Rio Grande do Sul (principal produtor brasileiro. O consumo regular de frutas e hortaliças está associado com o baixo risco de incidência e mortalidade por câncer e doenças cardíacas, devido à presença de compostos oriundos do metabolismo secundário, especialmente flavonóides e antocianinas, os quais apresentam grande capacidade de reagir com radicais livres que causam estresse
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Mário Antônio Alves da Cunha
Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Blackberry vinegar was produced in successive acetification cycles and content of total phenolics, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity were evaluated along the production. Firstly, blackberry wine was obtained in bench-scale bioreactor, being verified 0.39 g/g ethanol yield, 1.78 g/L.h volumetric productivity and 76% efficiency. After, three successive acetification cycles were conducted efficiently in grapia barrel with average acetic acid production of 51.6 g/L, 72.2 % acetic acid yield and 0.4 g/L.h volumetric productivity. Appreciable contents of polyphenolic compounds, anthocyanins and high antioxidant activity were observed in the raw material, wine and vinegar obtained in each cycle of acetic acid transformation. Acetic acid transformation led the small reduction of antioxidant activity compared to alcoholic fermentation, but the antioxidant potential was maintained along the cycles. The content of total phenolics and anthocyanins also suffered a reduction in step of acetification.
Effect of two organic fertilizers on food webs of soil cultivated with blackberry
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Martha Orozco Aceves
Full Text Available Soil fertilization with organic fertilizers comprises a practice that improves the soil biological properties; however, the effect of these on the soil food web (SFW has been scarcely studied. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of two commercial organic fertilizers on the structure of the SFW associated with roots of blackberry plants (Rubus adenotrichos. The research was conducted in two blackberry plantations located one in San Martín de León Cortés, and the other one in Buena Vista de Pérez Zeledón in San José, Costa Rica, from August to December, 2010. In the two plantations, plants were fertilized with compost or vermicompost. The roots of blackberry plants surrounding soil were sampled in order to quantify groups of the SFW through the following techniques: bacteria and filamentous fungi by plate count, protozoa by the most probable number, spores from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nematodes by flotation-centrifugation, microarthropods, macroarthropods, and worms were directly counted in soil samples. The dataset was analyzed by multidimensional scaling analysis. The addition of organic fertilizers to soil caused a differential effect on the structure of the SFW (as compared with non-fertilized soils. The effect differed in soil from each of the experimental plantations according to fertilizer type. The groups of organisms mainly affected were actinomycetes and protozoa, which implies that the structure of SFW and consequently, the function of soil were not affected by the addition of organic fertilizers.
Zafra-Rojas, Quinatzin Y; Cruz-Cansino, Nelly S; Quintero-Lira, Aurora; Gómez-Aldapa, Carlos A; Alanís-García, Ernesto; Cervantes-Elizarrarás, Alicia; Güemes-Vera, Norma; Ramírez-Moreno, Esther
Blackberry processing generates up to 20% of residues composed mainly of peel, seeds and pulp that are abundant in flavonoids. The objective of this study was to optimize the ultrasound conditions, in a closed system, for antioxidants extraction, using the response surface methodology. Blackberry (Rubus fructicosus) residues were analyzed for total phenolics, total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity by ABTS and DPPH. The selected independent variables were ultrasound amplitude (X₁: 80%-90%) and extraction time (X₂: 10-15 min), and results were compared with conventional extraction methods. The optimal conditions for antioxidants extraction were 91% amplitude for 15 min. The results for total phenolic content and anthocyanins and antioxidant activity by ABTS and DPPH were of 1201.23 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/100 g dry weight basis (dw); 379.12 mg/100 g·dw; 6318.98 µmol Trolox equivalent (TE)/100 g·dw and 9617.22 µmol TE/100 g·dw, respectively. Compared to solvent extraction methods (water and ethanol), ultrasound achieved higher extraction of all compounds except for anthocyanins. The results obtained demonstrated that ultrasound is an alternative to improve extraction yield of antioxidants from fruit residues such as blackberry.
Lubis, Evawani Elysa; Pratama, Lian
The rise of social media is the new media can be used as marketing at once to do consumer interaction, called social media marketing. One of the social media marketing which is now popular among business people, IE blackberry messenger. Through this application can send a message text, sound, and images for free about their business or place information and promotions offered from their products so that it formed an interest to buy from someone, with the blackberry messenger messages or infor...
Greener synthesis of Ag and Au nanoparticles is described using antioxidants from blackberry, blueberry, pomegranate, and turmeric extracts. The synthesized particles were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution TEM (HR...
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Divya, Sasidharan Padmaja; Wang, Xin; Pratheeshkumar, Poyil; Son, Young-Ok; Roy, Ram Vinod; Kim, Donghern; Dai, Jin; Hitron, John Andrew; Wang, Lei; Asha, Padmaja; Shi, Xianglin; Zhang, Zhuo
Extensive exposure of solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation to skin induces oxidative stress and inflammation that play a crucial role in the induction of skin cancer. Photochemoprevention with natural products represents a simple but very effective strategy for the management of cutaneous neoplasia. In this study, we investigated whether blackberry extract (BBE) reduces chronic inflammatory responses induced by UVB irradiation in SKH-1 hairless mice skin. Mice were exposed to UVB radiation (100 mJ/cm 2 ) on alternate days for 10 weeks, and BBE (10% and 20%) was applied topically a day before UVB exposure. Our results show that BBE suppressed UVB-induced hyperplasia and reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells in the SKH-1 hairless mice skin. BBE treatment reduced glutathione (GSH) depletion, lipid peroxidation (LPO), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in mouse skin by chronic UVB exposure. BBE significantly decreased the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α in UVB-exposed skin. Likewise, UVB-induced inflammatory responses were diminished by BBE as observed by a remarkable reduction in the levels of phosphorylated MAP Kinases, Erk1/2, p38, JNK1/2 and MKK4. Furthermore, BBE also reduced inflammatory mediators such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) levels in UVB-exposed skin. Treatment with BBE inhibited UVB-induced nuclear translocation of NF-κB and degradation of IκBα in mouse skin. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that topical application of BBE inhibited the expression of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and cyclin D1 in UVB-exposed skin. Collectively, these data indicate that BBE protects from UVB-induced oxidative damage and inflammation by modulating MAP kinase and NF-κB signaling pathways. - Highlights: • Blackberry extract inhibits UVB-induced glutathione depletion. • Blackberry
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Divya, Sasidharan Padmaja; Wang, Xin; Pratheeshkumar, Poyil; Son, Young-Ok; Roy, Ram Vinod [Center for Research on Environmental Disease, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Kim, Donghern; Dai, Jin [Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Hitron, John Andrew; Wang, Lei [Center for Research on Environmental Disease, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Asha, Padmaja [National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin (India); Shi, Xianglin [Center for Research on Environmental Disease, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Zhang, Zhuo, E-mail: zhuo.zhang@uky.edu [Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States)
Extensive exposure of solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation to skin induces oxidative stress and inflammation that play a crucial role in the induction of skin cancer. Photochemoprevention with natural products represents a simple but very effective strategy for the management of cutaneous neoplasia. In this study, we investigated whether blackberry extract (BBE) reduces chronic inflammatory responses induced by UVB irradiation in SKH-1 hairless mice skin. Mice were exposed to UVB radiation (100 mJ/cm{sup 2}) on alternate days for 10 weeks, and BBE (10% and 20%) was applied topically a day before UVB exposure. Our results show that BBE suppressed UVB-induced hyperplasia and reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells in the SKH-1 hairless mice skin. BBE treatment reduced glutathione (GSH) depletion, lipid peroxidation (LPO), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in mouse skin by chronic UVB exposure. BBE significantly decreased the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α in UVB-exposed skin. Likewise, UVB-induced inflammatory responses were diminished by BBE as observed by a remarkable reduction in the levels of phosphorylated MAP Kinases, Erk1/2, p38, JNK1/2 and MKK4. Furthermore, BBE also reduced inflammatory mediators such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), prostaglandin E{sub 2} (PGE{sub 2}), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) levels in UVB-exposed skin. Treatment with BBE inhibited UVB-induced nuclear translocation of NF-κB and degradation of IκBα in mouse skin. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that topical application of BBE inhibited the expression of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and cyclin D1 in UVB-exposed skin. Collectively, these data indicate that BBE protects from UVB-induced oxidative damage and inflammation by modulating MAP kinase and NF-κB signaling pathways. - Highlights: • Blackberry extract inhibits UVB-induced glutathione depletion.
Bautista-Rosales, Pedro Ulises; Ragazzo-Sánchez, Juan Arturo; Ruiz-Montañez, Gabriela; Ortiz-Basurto, Rosa Isela; Luna-Solano, Guadalupe; Calderón-Santoyo, Montserrat
Blackberry (Rubus sp.) juice was fermented using four different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Vitilevure-CM4457, Enoferm-T306, ICV-K1, and Greroche Rhona-L3574) recognized because of their use in the wine industry. A medium alcoholic graduation spirit (
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of berry fruits
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Stajčić Slađana M.
Full Text Available The main chemical composition, contents of total phenolic (TPh, total flavonoid (TF, and total monomeric anthocyianin (TMA, as well as the antioxidant activity of two raspberry cultivars (Meeker and Willamette, two blackberry cultivars (Čačanska bestrna and Thornfree and wild bilberry were studied. The raspberry cultivars had the highest total solids among fruits investigated. Bilberry fruits had the highest sugar-to-acid ratio. Blackberry fruits were richer in crude fibers (cellulose in comparison to raspberry and bilberry fruits. The content of pectic substances was highest in the bilberry. Also, bilberry had a highest content of TPh (808.12 mg GAE/100 g FW, TF (716.31 mg RE/100 g FW and TMA (447.83 mg CGE/100 g FW. The antioxidant activity was evaluated spectrophotometrically, using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH radical scavenging activity assay. The DPPH free radical scavenging activity, expressed as the EC50 value (in mg of fresh weight of berry fruit per ml of the reaction mixture, of bilberry (0.3157 ± 0.0145 mg/ml was the highest. These results also showed that the antioxidant value of 100 g FW bilberry, raspberry - Willamette, raspberry - Meeker, blackberry - Čačanska bestrna and blackberry - Thornfree is equivalent to 576.50 mg, 282.74 mg, 191.58 mg, 222.28 mg and 272.01 mg of vitamin C, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between the antioxidant activities and content of total phenolics (RTPh 2=0.9627, flavonoids (RTF 2=0.9598 and anthocyanins (RTMA 2=0.9496 in berry fruits. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31044
Syafi'i, Abdullah; Lubis, Nawazirul; Nurseto, Sendhang
Trust in brand became the basis of the creation of the customer's brand loyalty considering problems brand to be one of the issues that should be monitored constantly by each company. Increasingly fierce competition and growing customer expectations Blackberry encourage companies to focus more on efforts to retain existing customers, through increased consumer loyalty to the brand. The increase in consumer brand loyalty is influenced by many factors, including brand characteristics, product ...
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Nizar Yeddes
Full Text Available The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2 and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny and 8.91% (thornless against 3.4% (spiny and 1.94% (thornless by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P=180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1. Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO2: 57.60% (spiny, 59.98% (thornless, soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny, 60.66% (thornless, followed by oleic acid, SC-CO2: 22.31% (spiny, 22.40% (thornless, soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny, 20.58% (thornless and palmitic acid, SC-CO2: 14.3% (spiny, 12.92% (thornless, soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny, 13.08% (thornless. The SC-CO2 profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C20:1, C20:2, and C22.The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44–5.25, and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C and 4.13 (T = 70°C.
Yeddes, Nizar; Chérif, Jamila Kalthoum; Jrad, Amel; Barth, Danielle; Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika
The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P = 180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO2: 57.60% (spiny), 59.98% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny), 60.66% (thornless), followed by oleic acid, SC-CO2: 22.31% (spiny), 22.40% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny), 20.58% (thornless) and palmitic acid, SC-CO2: 14.3% (spiny), 12.92% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny), 13.08% (thornless). The SC-CO2 profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C20:1, C20:2, and C22.The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44–5.25), and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C) and 4.13 (T = 70°C). PMID:22754699
Yeddes, Nizar; Chérif, Jamila Kalthoum; Jrad, Amel; Barth, Danielle; Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika
The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO(2)) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO(2) extract (T = 40°C, P = 180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO(2) flow rate = 15 mL·s(-1)). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the same for the two types of extraction. Linoleic acid was the major compound, SC-CO(2): 57.60% (spiny), 59.98% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 57.54% (spiny), 60.66% (thornless), followed by oleic acid, SC-CO(2): 22.31% (spiny), 22.40% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 25.28% (spiny), 20.58% (thornless) and palmitic acid, SC-CO(2): 14.3% (spiny), 12.92% (thornless), soxhlet n-hexane: 11.33% (spiny), 13.08% (thornless). The SC-CO(2) profiles fatty acids showed a richness with other minority compounds such as C(20:1), C(20:2), and C(22).The seeds oil was highly unsaturated (US = 4.44-5.25), and the rising temperatures donot affect the selectivity of fatty acids extract by SC-CO2: US = 4.44 (T = 40°C) and 4.13 (T = 70°C).
Soong, David T.; Straub, Timothy D.; Murphy, Elizabeth A.
Results of hydrologic model, flood-frequency, hydraulic model, and flood-hazard analysis of the Blackberry Creek watershed in Kane County, Illinois, indicate that the 100-year and 500-year flood plains range from approximately 25 acres in the tributary F watershed (a headwater subbasin at the northeastern corner of the watershed) to almost 1,800 acres in Blackberry Creek main stem. Based on 1996 land-cover data, most of the land in the 100-year and 500-year flood plains was cropland, forested and wooded land, and grassland. A relatively small percentage of urban land was in the flood plains. The Blackberry Creek watershed has undergone rapid urbanization in recent decades. The population and urbanized lands in the watershed are projected to double from the 1990 condition by 2020. Recently, flood-induced damage has occurred more frequently in urbanized areas of the watershed. There are concerns about the effect of urbanization on flood peaks and volumes, future flood-mitigation plans, and potential effects on the water quality and stream habitats. This report describes the procedures used in developing the hydrologic models, estimating the flood-peak discharge magnitudes and recurrence intervals for flood-hazard analysis, developing the hydraulic model, and the results of the analysis in graphical and tabular form. The hydrologic model, Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF), was used to perform the simulation of continuous water movements through various patterns of land uses in the watershed. Flood-frequency analysis was applied to an annual maximum series to determine flood quantiles in subbasins for flood-hazard analysis. The Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) hydraulic model was used to determine the 100-year and 500-year flood elevations, and to determine the 100-year floodway. The hydraulic model was calibrated and verified using high water marks and observed inundation maps for the July 17-18, 1996, flood event. Digital
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Renato Alexandre Ferreira Cabral
Full Text Available Rheological and thermophysical properties were determined for blackberry juice, which was produced from blackberry fruit at 9.1 ± 0.5 °Brix and density of 1.0334 ± 0.0043 g cm-3. The concentration process was performed using a roto evaporator, under vacuum, to obtain concentrated juice at about 60 °Brix. In order to obtain different concentrations, concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. Rheological measurements were carried out using a Rheotest 2.1 Searle type rheometer. In the tested ranges, the samples behaved as pseudoplastic fluids, and the Power-Law model was satisfactorily fitted to the experimental data. The friction factor was measured for blackberry juice in laminar flow conditions of pseudoplastic behavior. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and density of blackberry juice at 9.4 to 58.4 °Brix were determined, in triplicate, at 0.5 to 80.8 °C. Polynomial regression was performed to fit experimental data obtaining a good fit. Both temperature and concentration showed a strong influence on thermophysical properties of blackberry juice. Calculated apparent specific heat values varied from 2.416 to 4.300 kJ.kg-1 °C in the studied interval.As propriedades reológicas e termofísicas foram determinadas para suco de amora produzido a partir da fruta com 9.1 ± 0.5 °Brix e densidade de 1,0334 ± 0,0043 g cm-3. O processo de concentração foi realizado utilizando-se um roto evaporador, sob vácuo, obtendo-se o suco concentrado em aproximadamente 60 °Brix. As diferentes concentrações foram obtidas a partir da diluição do suco concentrado em água destilada. As medidas reológicas foram conduzidas utilizando-se o reômetro Rheotest 2.1 do tipo Searle. Em todos os experimentos as amostras apresentaram um comportamento pseudoplástico, e o modelo da Lei da Potência foi ajustado satisfatoriamente aos dados experimentais. O fator de atrito foi medido para o suco em regime laminar com comportamento pseudopl
Bouton, Joseph H; Wood, Donald T
A switchgrass cultivar designated EG1101 is disclosed. Also disclosed are seeds of switchgrass cultivar EG1101, plants of switchgrass EG1101, plant parts of switchgrass cultivar EG1101 and methods for producing a switchgrass plant produced by crossing switchgrass cultivar EG1101 with itself or with another switchgrass variety. Methods are also described for producing a switchgrass plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic switchgrass plants and plant parts produced by those methods. Switchgrass cultivars or breeding cultivars and plant parts derived from switchgrass variety EG1101, methods for producing other switchgrass cultivars, lines or plant parts derived from switchgrass cultivar EG1101 and the switchgrass plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods are described herein. Hybrid switchgrass seeds, plants and plant parts produced by crossing the cultivar EG1101 with another switchgrass cultivar are also described.
Bouton, Joseph H; Wood, Donald T
A switchgrass cultivar designated EG1102 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of switchgrass cultivar EG1102, to the plants of switchgrass EG1102, to plant parts of switchgrass cultivar EG1102 and to methods for producing a switchgrass plant produced by crossing switchgrass cultivar EG1102 with itself or with another switchgrass variety. The invention also relates to methods for producing a switchgrass plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic switchgrass plants and plant parts produced by those methods. This invention also relates to switchgrass cultivars or breeding cultivars and plant parts derived from switchgrass variety EG1102, to methods for producing other switchgrass cultivars, lines or plant parts derived from switchgrass cultivar EG1102 and to the switchgrass plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid switchgrass seeds, plants and plant parts produced by crossing the cultivar EG1102 with another switchgrass cultivar.
Bound volatile precursors in genotypes in the pedigree of 'Marion' blackberry (Rubus sp.).
Du, Xiaofen; Finn, Chad E; Qian, Michael C
Glycosidically bound volatiles and precursors in genotypes representing the pedigree for 'Marion' blackberry were investigated over two growing seasons. The volatile precursors were isolated using a C18 solid-phase extraction column. After enzymatic hydrolysis, the released volatiles were analyzed using stir bar sorptive extraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and direct microvial insert thermal desorption GC-MS. The most abundant volatile precursors in the genotypes were alcohols, followed by shikimic acid derivatives. High amounts of furanone glycosides were also detected, while norisoprenoids only existed in a small amount in blackberries. The volatile precursor composition in the genotypes in the 'Marion' pedigree was very similar to their free volatile distribution. 'Logan' and 'Olallie' predominantly had bound norisoprenoids. Wild 'Himalaya' predominated with terpene alcohol and furaneol glycosides, whereas 'Santiam' and 'Chehalem' contained a high level of terpene alcohol glycosides. A similar inheritance pattern was also observed for some volatile precursors in the genotypes in the 'Marion' pedigree. A high content of linalool, hydroxylinalool, and alpha-ionol glycosides in 'Olallie' and a low content in 'Chehalem' resulted in a moderate level in their offspring 'Marion', while a low content of (E)-linalool oxide precursor in 'Olallie' and a high content in 'Chehalem' also resulted in a moderate level in 'Marion'. However, the concentration of furaneol glycosides in 'Marion' exceeded that of its two parents.
Ragazzo-Sánchez, Juan Arturo; Ortiz-Basurto, Rosa Isela; Luna-Solano, Guadalupe; Calderón-Santoyo, Montserrat
Blackberry (Rubus sp.) juice was fermented using four different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Vitilevure-CM4457, Enoferm-T306, ICV-K1, and Greroche Rhona-L3574) recognized because of their use in the wine industry. A medium alcoholic graduation spirit (component analysis (PCA), and factorial discriminant analysis (DFA) permit to demonstrate the synergism between the strains. PMID:25506606
Berries grown in Brazil: anthocyanin profiles and biological properties.
Chaves, Vitor C; Boff, Laurita; Vizzotto, Márcia; Calvete, Eunice; Reginatto, Flávio H; Simões, Cláudia Mo
Phytochemical profiles of two Brazilian native fruits - pitanga (red and purple) and araçá (yellow and red) - as well as strawberry cultivars Albion, Aromas and Camarosa, blackberry cultivar Tupy and blueberry cultivar Bluegen cultivated in Brazil were characterized for total phenolic content and total anthocyanin content by liquid chromatography coupled to a photodiode array and a quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Radical scavenging, antiherpes and cytotoxic activities of these berry extracts were also evaluated. Blueberry presented the highest total anthocyanin content (1202 mg cyanidin-O-glucoside equivalents kg -1 fresh fruit), while strawberry cultivar Aromas presented the highest total phenolic content (13 550 mg gallic acid equivalents kg -1 fresh fruit). Liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis resulted in the identification of 21 anthocyanins. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of cyanidin-O-glucoside in yellow and red Araçá fruit and the first time eight anthocyanins have been reported in pitanga fruits. DPPH and ABTS assays showed that blueberry cultivar Bluegen, blackberry cultivar Tupy and pitanga (red and purple) showed the most promising antiradical activities, respectively. No relevant cytotoxicity against three cancer cell lines or antiherpes activity was detected under the experimental conditions tested. Total anthocyanin content of all fruits had a strong positive correlation with their free radical scavenging activity, suggesting anthocyanins contribute to the antioxidant potential of these fruits. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.
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Л. І. Улич
Full Text Available The article offers results of research on morphological characteristics and biological properties of blackberry, their inheritance, as well as stability and variability under the influence of agro-ecological conditions and stress factors of the environment with a view of recognizing, describing and identifying varieties undergoing official research and technical examination on DUS, which also could be used in the breeding process.
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Larsen, Bjarne; Pedersen, Carsten; Ørgaard, Marian
Abstract We made a genetic analysis of about 500 apple cultivars, which either originate from Denmark or have been of greater importance in Denmark. To study the diversity and parentage among the cultivars, 15 SSR markers were used. A new PCR-based protocol for identification of S-alleles was dev......Abstract We made a genetic analysis of about 500 apple cultivars, which either originate from Denmark or have been of greater importance in Denmark. To study the diversity and parentage among the cultivars, 15 SSR markers were used. A new PCR-based protocol for identification of S...
Kie, Juri
This research aims to know and analyze the influence of post-consumption dissatisfaction, price, advertising, and variety seeking needs towards brand switching decisions from smartphone BlackBerry to smartphone Android to students Study Program of Management Faculty of Economics and Business University of Sumatera Utara. This research was an associative research. The population were student which ever using smartphone BlackBerry and already switch to smartphone Android and 76 of them were use...
Major gene mutations in fruit tree domestication
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Spiegel-Roy, P.
Though fruit gathering from the wild began long before domestication, fruit tree domestication started only after the establishment of grain agriculture. Banana, fig, date, grape and olive were among the first fruit trees domesticated. Most fruit trees are outbreeders, highly heterozygous and vegetatively propagated. Knowledge of genetics and economic traits controlled by major genes is limited. Ease of vegetative propagation has played a prominent part in domestication; advances in propagation technology will play a role in domestication of new crops. Changes toward domestication affected by major genes include self-fertility in peach, apricot and sour cherry, while the emergence of self-fertile almond populations is more recent and due probably to introgression from Amygdalus webbii. Self-compatibility in the sweet cherry has been attained only by pollen irradiation. A single gene controls sex in Vitis. Wild grapes are dioecious, with most domesticated cultivars hermaphrodite, and only a few females. In the papaya changes from dioecism to hermaphroditism have also occurred. Self-compatible systems have also been selected during domestication in Rubus. Changes towards parthenocarpy and seedlessness during domestication occurred in the banana, citrus, grape, fig and pineapple. In the banana, parthenocarpy is due to three complementary dominant genes; stenospermocarpy in the grape depends on two complementary recessive genes; parthenocarpy and sterility in citrus seems more complicated; however, it can be induced in genetic material of suitable background with ease by irradiation. Presence of persistent syconia in the fig is controlled by a mutant allele P dominant to wild +. Thornlessness in blackberry is recessive, while in the pineapple spineless forms are dominant. Changes affecting fruit composition owing to major genes include the disappearance of amygdalin present in bitter almonds (bitter kernel recessive to sweet), shell hardness in almond, and a recessive
Rubus fruticosus L.: constituents, biological activities and health related uses.
Zia-Ul-Haq, Muhammad; Riaz, Muhammad; De Feo, Vincenzo; Jaafar, Hawa Z E; Moga, Marius
Rubus fruticosus L. is a shrub famous for its fruit called blackberry fruit or more commonly blackberry. The fruit has medicinal, cosmetic and nutritive value. It is a concentrated source of valuable nutrients, as well as bioactive constituents of therapeutic interest highlighting its importance as a functional food. Besides use as a fresh fruit, it is also used as ingredient in cooked dishes, salads and bakery products like jams, snacks, desserts, and fruit preserves. R. fruticosus contains vitamins, steroids and lipids in seed oil and minerals, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes, acids and tannins in aerial parts that possess diverse pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, and antiviral. Various agrogeoclimatological factors like cultivar, environmental conditions of the area, agronomic practices employed, harvest time, post-harvest storage and processing techniques all influence the nutritional composition of blackberry fruit. This review focuses on the nutrients and chemical constituents as well as medicinal properties of different parts of R. fruticosus. Various cultivars and their physicochemical characteristics, polyphenolic content and ascorbic acid content are also discussed. The information in the present work will serve as baseline data and may lead to new biomedical applications of R. fruticosus as functional food.
Rubus Fruticosus L.: Constituents, Biological Activities and Health Related Uses
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Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq
Full Text Available Rubus fruticosus L. is a shrub famous for its fruit called blackberry fruit or more commonly blackberry. The fruit has medicinal, cosmetic and nutritive value. It is a concentrated source of valuable nutrients, as well as bioactive constituents of therapeutic interest highlighting its importance as a functional food. Besides use as a fresh fruit, it is also used as ingredient in cooked dishes, salads and bakery products like jams, snacks, desserts, and fruit preserves. R. fruticosus contains vitamins, steroids and lipids in seed oil and minerals, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes, acids and tannins in aerial parts that possess diverse pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, and antiviral. Various agrogeoclimatological factors like cultivar, environmental conditions of the area, agronomic practices employed, harvest time, post-harvest storage and processing techniques all influence the nutritional composition of blackberry fruit. This review focuses on the nutrients and chemical constituents as well as medicinal properties of different parts of R. fruticosus. Various cultivars and their physicochemical characteristics, polyphenolic content and ascorbic acid content are also discussed. The information in the present work will serve as baseline data and may lead to new biomedical applications of R. fruticosus as functional food.
Lin, Y S; Kuan, C S; Weng, I S; Tsai, C C
The genetic relationships among 27 pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.] cultivars and lines were examined using 16 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The number of alleles per locus of the SSR markers ranged from 2 to 6 (average 3.19), for a total of 51 alleles. Similarity coefficients were calculated on the basis of 51 amplified bands. A dendrogram was created according to the 16 SSR markers by the unweighted pair-group method. The banding patterns obtained from the SSR primers allowed most of the cultivars and lines to be distinguished, with the exception of vegetative clones. According to the dendrogram, the 27 pineapple cultivars and lines were clustered into three main clusters and four individual clusters. As expected, the dendrogram showed that derived cultivars and lines are closely related to their parental cultivars; the genetic relationships between pineapple cultivars agree with the genealogy of their breeding history. In addition, the analysis showed that there is no obvious correlation between SSR markers and morphological characters. In conclusion, SSR analysis is an efficient method for pineapple cultivar identification and can offer valuable informative characters to identify pineapple cultivars in Taiwan.
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Ivonete Alves Bakke
Full Text Available The objective of this work was to compare forage production and quality of thorny and thornless "jurema-preta" (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd. Poiret in a dense planted stand, subjected to annual pruning of fine branches, in Patos, PB, Brazil. The experiment consisted of two treatments (thornless and thorny "jurema-preta" in a complete randomized block design, with ten replicates of two linear plots subdivided in time. Forage mass and chemical composition of fine branches and the basal diameter of plants were measured during five years. Pruning decreased (p0.05 for both genotypes. This roughage fodder (minimum NDF and ADF averages were 56±1.1% and 43±1.0%, respectively had low P and K concentrations. Its average crude protein content was greater than 9.9±0.5%, which exceeds the minimum necessary for animal maintenance. Both "jurema-preta" genotypes tolerated pruning of fine branches and contributed with a significant amount of roughage fodder for animal maintenance in the dry season.O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a produção e qualidade da forragem de jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd. Poiret com e sem acúleos, em plantio adensado, submetida ao corte anual dos ramos finos, em Patos, PB. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados, com dois tratamentos (plantas sem acúleos e plantas com acúleos, com dez repetições de duas parcelas lineares subdivididas no tempo. A produção e composição química da forragem de ramos finos e o diâmetro basal das plantas foram medidos durante cinco anos. A poda diminuiu (p0,05 para os dois fenótipos. Este volumoso - valores médios mínimos para FDN e FDA: 56±1,1% e 43±1,1%, respectivamente - mostrou-se pobre em P e K. Seu teor médio de proteína bruta acima de 9,9±0,5% superou o mínimo necessário para a manutenção animal. Os dois genótipos toleraram a poda dos ramos e contribuíram com uma quantidade significativa de volumoso para a manutenção de ruminantes na estação seca.
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Kuspuji C. B. Wicaksono
Full Text Available This article was written to find out whether there were any differences on brand image for each online chat Application such as Blackberry Messenger, Whatsapp, and LINE based on six factors of the brand image which are: benefits, attributes, cultures, values, personality, and user. Data for the research were collected from questionnaires given to respondents who had used each mention online chat application. Then each respondent was asked to give scores based on the six factors of brand image for each online chat Application. Using the ANOVA method for testing the differences between brand images for each online chat application. The result reveales that there are differences in the brand image between BlackBerry Messenger, Whatsapp, and LINE for benefits, cultures, and values. There is no difference in attributes, and personality cannot be tested. The company that creates online chat application are expected to improve their brand image to distinguish one another differently.
Bisognin, M; Nava, D E; Diez-Rodríguez, G I; Valgas, R A; Garcia, M S; Krolow, A C R; Antunes, L E C
Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) is the main pest of temperate climate orcharding. The study investigated the development of A. fraterculus related to phenological stage of blueberry, blackberry, strawberry guava, and Surinam cherry trees. The phenological stages I (green fruits), II (intermediate ripening stage of fruits), and III (fruits close to harvesting) were determined, and they are from 8th, 10th, and 11th week; 6th, 8th, and 9th week; 8th, 13th, and 16th week; and 5th, 6th, and 7th week after the first flowering of blueberry, blackberry, strawberry guava, and Surinam cherry trees, respectively. We collected fruits from orchards to determine the infestation index using the formula: number of pupa/fruit weight. To investigate the development of A. fraterculus, we determined the following biological parameters: egg-to-adult period, weight of pupae, oviposition period, fecundity, number of pupae, and number of infested fruits. The infestation index for the fruits collected in the field was greater in strawberry guava and Surinam cherry fruits. In the laboratory, the development of A. fraterculus occurred in stage III of blueberry. In blackberry, besides stage III, we also observed the development in stage II, however, at lower infestation. In strawberry guava, the development of A. fraterulus occurred in stages II and III, and the development in both stages was similar. For Surinam cherry, the development occurred in the three phenological stages with similar values for biological parameters. Overall, of the four hosts studied, the strawberry guava and Surinam cherry fruits allowed a better biological development of A. fraterculus, corroborating its preference for fruits native to Brazil. © The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.
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Daniela Souza Ferreira
Full Text Available A amora-preta (Rubus spp., pequena fruta de clima temperado, possui coloração atraente, variando do vermelho púrpura ao azul, devido ao elevado teor de antocianinas. As antocianinas, juntamente com os carotenoides, compõem os pigmentos naturais, majoritários encontrados em diversas frutas. Diversos estudos têm relatado a importância destes pigmentos naturais como protetores e/ou inibidores de doenças degenerativas, porém são escassos os estudos sobre compostos bioativos presentes em amora-preta cultivada no Brasil. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram identificar as antocianinas e os carotenoides presentes em amora-preta, determinar os conteúdos totais de compostos fenólicos, carotenoides, flavonoides, antocianinas totais, monoméricas, poliméricas e copigmentadas, e a capacidade antioxidante frente aos radicais livres ABTS e DPPH. O teor total de carotenoides foi baixo (86,5 ± 0,2 µg/100 g, com all-trans-β-caroteno (39,6 % e all-trans-luteína (28,2 % como os majoritários. As amoras-pretas apresentaram elevado potencial antioxidante principalmente pelo teor representativo de antocianinas monoméricas (104,1 ± 1,8 mg/100 g de fruto, presença de antocianinas poliméricas (22,9 ± 0,4 %, baixa porcentagem de antocianinas copigmentadas (1,6 ± 0,1 % e altos teores de compostos fenólicos (241,7 ± 0,8 mg equivalente de ácido gálico/100 g e de flavonoides totais (173,7 ± 0,7 mg equivalente de catequina/100 g. Cianidina 3-glucosídeo foi a antocianina majoritária (92,9 %. Diante destes resultados, a amora-preta pode ser considerada uma fonte natural rica em antioxidantes e pigmentos.The blackberry (Rubus spp., a small fruit grown in temperate climate, shows an attractive color ranging from purple red to blue, due to the high content of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins, along with carotenoids, are the major natural pigments found in several fruits. Many studies have reported the importance of these natural pigments as protectors
Li, X Y; Xu, H X; Chen, J W
Manual cultivar identification diagram is a new strategy for plant cultivar identification based on DNA markers, providing information to efficiently separate cultivars. We tested 25 pairs of apple EST-SSR primers for amplification of PCR products from loquat cultivars. These EST-SSR primers provided clear amplification products from the loquat cultivars, with a relatively high transferability rate of 84% to loquat; 11 pairs of primers amplified polymorphic products. After analysis of 24 red-fleshed loquat accessions, we found that only 7 pairs of primers could clearly separate all of them. A cultivar identification diagram of the 24 cultivars was constructed using polymorphic bands from the DNA fingerprints and EST-SSR primers. Any two of the 24 cultivars could be rapidly separated from each other, according to the polymorphic bands from the cultivars; the corresponding primers were marked in the correct position on the cultivar identification diagram. This red-flesh loquat cultivar identification diagram can separate the 24 red-flesh loquat cultivars, which is of benefit for loquat cultivar identification for germplasm management and breeding programs.
Primocane-fruiting blackberries may offer opportunities for season extension and off-season fruit productionivation. ‘Prime-Jan’® plants were established at the Oregon State University - North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Aurora, Ore. (NWREC). Half of the planting was established under...
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), a member of the ilarvirus group, naturally infects Betula, Aesculus, Humulus, and several crop genera in the family Rosaceae (Malus, Prunus, Rosa and Rubus). ApMV was first reported in Rubus in several blackberry and raspberry cultivars in the United States and subsequentl...
Allen, Sarah; Lundrigan, Lee
Learn the theory behind cross-platform development, and put the theory into practice with code using the invaluable information presented in this book. With in-depth coverage of development and distribution techniques for iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Android, you'll learn the native approach to working with each of these platforms. With detailed coverage of emerging frameworks like PhoneGap and Rhomobile, you'll learn the art of creating applications that will run across all devices. You'll also be introduced to the code-signing process and the distribution of applications through t
P. R. Ferreira de Araujo; V. da Silva Santos; A. Rodrigues Machado; C. Gevehr Fernandes; J. A. Silva; R. da Silva Rodrigues
Introduction: In humans, the normal metabolic activity produces free radicals that constantly, along with other risk factors, including hypercholesterolemia may be responsible for the onset of degenerative diseases. Some bioactive compounds present in blackberry (Rubus spp.) have the ability to act as natural antioxidants can make the food to minimize effects on the body caused by reactive oxygen species. Objective: This study verified the benefits of blackberry nectar through the quantificat...
Suratman, Richo Eko
Online shopping becomes a new phenomenon in the society due to the various benefits offered. Blackberry Messenger (BBM) as a chatting application began to be used by marketer to promote their products and to attract customers through the BBM group of online shop. People in Manado tend to fashionable, stylish, up to date about the trend, and consumptive, and therefore affect the consumer purchase intention. There are some factors which affect sales purchase intention some of them are shopping ...
Genetic divergence of common bean cultivars.
Veloso, J S; Silva, W; Pinheiro, L R; Dos Santos, J B; Fonseca, N S; Euzebio, M P
The aim of this study was to evaluate genetic divergence in the 'Carioca' (beige with brown stripes) common bean cultivar used by different institutions and in 16 other common bean cultivars used in the Rede Cooperativa de Pesquisa de Feijão (Cooperative Network of Common Bean Research), by using simple sequence repeats associated with agronomic traits that are highly distributed in the common bean genome. We evaluated 22 polymorphic loci using bulks containing DNA from 30 plants. There was genetic divergence among the Carioca cultivar provided by the institutions. Nevertheless, there was lower divergence among them than among the other cultivars. The cultivar used by Instituto Agronômico do Paraná was the most divergent in relation to the Carioca samples. The least divergence was observed among the samples used by Universidade Federal de Lavras and by Embrapa Arroz e Feijão. Of all the cultivars, 'CNFP 10104' and 'BRSMG Realce' showed the greatest dissimilarity. The cultivars were separated in two groups of greatest similarity using the Structure software. Genetic variation among cultivars was greater than the variation within or between the groups formed. This fact, together with the high estimate of heterozygosity observed and the genetic divergence of the samples of the Carioca cultivar in relation to the original provided by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, indicates a mixture of cultivars. The high divergence among cultivars provides potential for the utilization of this genetic variability in plant breeding.
Determining the Pollinizer for Pecan Cultivars
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Fereidoon Ajamgard
Full Text Available This study was conducted to determine the best pollinizer for five selected pecan cultivars in southwest of Iran at Safiabad Agricultural Research Center in 2014-2015. The cultivars included: 'GraTex', '10J', 'Wichita 6J', 'GraKing', 'Choctaw' as pollinated cultivars (♀ and 'GraTex', 'Peruque', 'Comanche 4M', '10J', 'Wichita 6J', 'Mohawk', 'Mahan', 'Stuart 2J', '3J', 'Stuart 4J', 'GraKing', 'Choctaw', 'Apache', '6M', 'Wichita 7J' and 'Comanche 5M.' as pollinizer cultivars (♂. In the first step, a pollination chart of cultivars was determined in two years. The pollination chart of cultivars showed that all the cultivars investigated during this study were dichogamous and also protogynous except for the 'Peruque'. ‘GraKing’ had the longest duration of shedding pollen. Pollination chart showed that 'Peruque', ‘GraKing’, and 'Stuart 2J' had flowering overlap with the selected cultivars. Pollen germination test showed that the germination ability was different among the cultivars. It was 45% for 'GraKing' and 35% for 'Peruque', which were both recommended as pollinizers in this study. '6M', 'GraTex' and 'Stuart 4J' cultivars had the highest pollen germination percentage of 65%, 60% and 60%, respectively. The results of controlled pollinationtest showed that different pollen sources had no significant effect on nuts per cluster but self-pollinated all of the cultivars significantly reduced fruit set in first and second years. Based on the present research, pollination in pecan orchard was necessary for adequate yield. Also, 'Peruque', 'GraKing' and 'Stuart 2J' were the best pollinizers for five selected cultivars in southwest of Iran.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Liu Weitao; Zhou Qixing; An Jing; Sun Yuebing; Liu Rui
Variations in cadmium accumulation and translocation among 40 Chinese cabbage cultivars were studied to identify and screen out Cd-safe cultivars (CSCs), i.e. cultivars with low enough accumulation of Cd in their edible parts even when grown in contaminated soils. It was observed in the pot-culture experiment that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in shoot Cd concentrations under three Cd treatments (1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg), with corresponding average values 0.88, 4.45 and 7.76 mg/kg, respectively. Shoot Cd concentrations in 16 cabbage cultivars were lower than 0.50 mg/kg. The translocation factors (TFs) and the extraction factors (EFs) in five cabbage cultivars were lower than 1.0 in the pot-culture experiment. The field-culture experiment further validated that New Beijing 3 and Fengyuanxin 3 could be considered as CSCs. In particular, the two cultivars can be cultivated in low to moderate Cd-contaminated soils (Cd concentration <1.25 mg/kg) to minimize the Cd accumulation in the food.
Padilla, Flavio; Soria, Norman; Oleas, Abrahan; Rueda, Darwin; Manjunatha, Bangeppagari; Kundapur, Rajesh R; Maddela, Naga Raju; Rajeswari, Bugude
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of application of pesticides on morphology, viability, and germination of pollen grains of Blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth.) and Tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.). The study was performed at Patate, Tungurahua province, Ecuador and was divided into two phases. Phase one dedicated to the study of morphology, viability, and identification of nutrient solution for better germination of pollen grains and phase two for the analysis of the effect of conventional, organic, and biological pesticides on pollen grain germination and pollen tube length. To study pollen morphology, pollens were extracted by hand pressure and was analyzed by optical and electron microscopy. The viable pollen grains were identified by staining with 1% acetocarmine. Even though Tree tomato and Blackberry pollen grains are morphologically similar, their exine shapes differ. We observed four times increase in pollen germination rate when suspended in nutrient solution (Sucrose with Boric acid) than control (water). Pollen grains under nutrient solution were subjected to different groups of pesticides for the period of 2, 4, and 6 h. With respect to pesticide affect, the Blackberry pollen grain germination followed the following order: Lecaniceb > Beauveb > Metazeb => Myceb > Control. However, the effect on Tree tomato pollen grains was as follows: Lecaniceb > Myceb > Cantus > Bacillus thuringiensis > Kripton > Control. As per as pollen grain germination is concerned, we observed that the chemical pesticides are more harmful than other pesticides. So, it is necessary to perform screening test for different pesticides and their effect on pollen grain germination before applying to the fields.
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Abstract. Ten rice cultivars from the International Rice Germplasm Centre originating from Bangladesh were analysedfor the~r genetics of resistance to bacterial blight. The test cultivars were selected on the basis of their high level ofresistance to races IV & VI ofXanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. The mode ofinheri- tance was ...
Competitividade de cultivares de arroz irrigado com cultivar simuladora de arroz-vermelho
Balbinot Junior,Alvadi Antonio; Fleck,Nilson Gilberto; Menezes,Valmir Gaedke; Agostinetto,Dirceu
Características morfológicas e fisiológicas de plantas cultivadas podem afetar sua habilidade competitiva com plantas daninhas. Este trabalho objetivou investigar a competitividade de cultivares de arroz irrigado (Oryza sativa L.) com cultivar simuladora de arroz-vermelho. Investigou-se na safra 2000/2001 o comportamento de oito genótipos de arroz, cultivados na presença ou ausência da cultivar de arroz EEA 406, que simulou infestação de arroz-vermelho. Aos 45 e aos 60 dias após a semeadura, ...
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Acácio Antonio Ferreira Zielinski
Full Text Available Fruits from temperate and tropical climates which have high levels of antioxidant compounds are the source of numerous studies concerning the correlation with benefits to human health. The objectives of this study were to quantify the anthocyanins and phenolic compounds and also to measure the antioxidant activity (ferric reducing antioxidant power - FRAP of blackberries from two varieties grown in southern Brazil ('Brazos' and 'Tupy' at three stages of ripening; unripe, semi-ripe, ripe and their products (pulp and fermented products. During fruit ripening it was observed that weight, size, diameter and sugars increase significantly and acidity decreased significantly. The anthocyanin content ranged from 4.19 (semi-ripe 'Tupy' variety to 205.75mg 100g-1 (ripe 'Brazos' variety. The highest levels of phenolic compounds were observed for the unripe fruit of both varieties, while antioxidant activity showed no significant difference during the ripening stages. The studied pulp showed a high content of phenolic compounds (ten times higher than that found in the ripe fruits. The anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity did not show the same increase due to the degradation of anthocyanins caused by the heat treatment that was used. The alcoholic fermented beverage made from blackberries remained stable (total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity during two years of storage, but the in third year a significant reduction in antioxidant activity was observed. These results can be important for establishing the shelf life of this kind of product made with blackberry
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Mauricio López González
Full Text Available A vast area of the Municipality of Envigado, Antioquia-Colombia, is considered a rural zone. In this zone, the districts of Perico and Pantanillo stand out for their traditional production of blackberry crop. In the past few years, blackberry producers have encountered new major competitors due to elements that have strengthened the competition. Factors such as: the technification of crops, urban infrastructure improvements, and the establishment of competing productive chains in adjacent municipalities. Nevertheless, despite still being developed with very traditional techniques, the blackberry crop is still profitable for local producers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to calculate the actual level of blackberry productivity and to identify some of the principal determinants of said productivity. For this purpose, strategic information from a representative number of blackberry producing farms was collected. The research shows that some factors have become determinant differentiators of blackberry production. Among these factors are: the use of inputs, soil qualities and level of associativity.Una extensa área del Municipio de Envigado en Antioquia; Colombia; es considerada como zona rural. En dicha zona, las veredas de Perico y Pantanillo, se destacan por la producción tradicional del cultivo de mora. En los últimos años, los productores de mora han encontrado mayores competidores, siendo la tecnificación de los cultivos, las mejoras en infraestructura urbana y el montaje de cadenas productivas competidoras en municipios aledaños, algunos de los elementos que han fortalecido la mayor competencia. Sin embargo, pese a ser un cultivo desarrollado con técnicas aún muy tradicionales, el cultivo de mora continua siendo rentable. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo, consiste en calcular el actual nivel de productividad de la mora e identificar algunos de los principales determinantes de dicha productividad. Para tal fin se compil
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Marcelo Angelo Campagnolo
Full Text Available A amora-preta é uma opção importante para fruticultura paranaense, porém não há informações a respeito do cultivo dessa frutífera nas condições subtropicais do Estado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da época de poda na produção da amoreira-preta 'Tupy'. O trabalho foi realizado em um pomar comercial, conduzido em sistema agroecológico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos e seis tratamentos (podas quinzenais realizadas durante o inverno. Em cada parcela, constituída de três plantas úteis, foram coletados dados fenológicos, produtivos e físico-químicos no ciclo de produção 2008/09 e 2009/10. Podas efetuadas no início de julho são as mais indicadas e podas tardias podem prejudicar o desempenho produtivo das amoreiras-pretas 'Tupy' no oeste do Paraná.The blackberry is an important option to fruit growers in Paraná State. However, there aren't trials performed in subtropical area in that State. The objective of this research was to evaluate the pruning time effects at season production of 'Tupy' blackberry. The research was conducted in a commercial orchard, in an agroecological system. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four blocks and six treatments (pruning time by fifteen days during the winter pruning. In each plot, which was consisted of three plants, it was collected phenological, productive and physical-chemical production cycle in 2008/09 and 2009/10. Pruning made in early July are the most suitable and late pruning can harm the productive performance of blackberry 'Tupy' in western Paraná.
Nizar Yeddes; Jamila Kalthoum Chérif; Amel Jrad; Danielle Barth; Malika Trabelsi-Ayadi
The fatty acids profiles of Tunisian Opuntia ficus indica seeds (spiny and thornless form) were investigated. Results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) and soxhlet n-hexane extract were compared. Quantitatively, the better yield was obtained through soxhlet n-hexane: 10.32% (spiny) and 8.91% (thornless) against 3.4% (spiny) and 1.94% (thornless) by SC-CO2 extract (T = 40°C, P=180 bar, time = 135 mn, CO2 flow rate = 15 mL·s−1). Qualitatively, the main fatty acids components were the sam...
Weigt, Dorota; Kiel, Angelika; Nawracała, Jerzy; Pluta, Mateusz; Łacka, Agnieszka
Solid-stemmed spring wheat cultivars ( Triticum aestivum L.) are resistant to the stem sawfly ( Cephus cinctus Nort.) and lodging. Anthers of 24 spring wheat cultivars with varying content of pith in the stem were used in the experiment. All were classified into three groups: solid, medium-solid and hollow stems. There was considerable influence of the cultivar on callus formation and green plant regeneration. The highest efficiency of green plant regeneration (24%) was observed for the solid-stemmed AC Abbey cultivar. There was no regeneration from the explants of four cultivars: CLTR 7027, Alentejano, Marquis and Bombona. Principal component analysis showed no differences between the cases under observation (callus induction and green plant regeneration) in their response to pre-treatment temperatures (4 and 8°C). The examination of the effects of various auxin types in the induction medium on callus formation and green plant regeneration revealed that the strongest stimulation of these processes was observed in the C17 medium with 2,4-D and dicamba. The efficiency of callus formation and green plant regeneration was greater in solid-stemmed cultivars than in hollow-stemmed cultivars.
Évora, Ana; de Freitas, Victor; Mateus, Nuno; Fernandes, Iva
There is a growing market demand for the incorporation of plant-derived ingredients into new products for the cosmetic industry. Anthocyanins are polyphenols arising from plant secondary metabolism that have been shown to possess many bioactive properties such as free radical scavenging, antimicrobial, and chemopreventive activities. In this work, the biological activities of red wine and blackberry anthocyanins were assessed by developing a new keratinocyte barrier model using the HaCat cell line and a microelectrode-based biosensor device, referred to as Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS). Cells were seeded at the optimal cellular density of 1.6 × 10 6 cells per mL and the half-time was calculated to be 3.55 ± 0.67 hours. The compounds' cytotoxicity was assessed and anthocyanin pigments showed no cytotoxicity towards keratinocyte cells. Wound healing assays were also performed using ECIS and it was observed that the tested pigments enhanced the healing rate of keratinocyte cells by reducing the healing time more than 50%. Cyanidin-3-glucoside presented the best results recovering 50% of the injured area in 1.48(±0.15) hours, followed by the blackberry anthocyanins (2.01 ± 0.18 hours), malvidin-3-glucoside (2.03 ± 0.09 hours) and red wine anthocyanins (2.36 ± 0.76 hours). All presented significant differences from the control 4.91(±1.11) hours.
Pessegueiro: cultivar BRS kampai
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Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira
Full Text Available RESUMO O programa de Melhoramento Genético de Pessegueiros da Embrapa Clima Temperado tem, entre seus objetivos, a obtenção de cultivares produtoras de frutas para consumo in natura, com características que satisfaçam às exigências dos consumidores. Alguns dos grandes centros consumidores, como é o caso de São Paulo e Curitiba, preferem pêssegos de polpa branca e sabor doce. A cultivar BRS Kampai, obtida de um cruzamento entre 'Chimarrita' e 'Flordaprince', alia a baixa necessidade em frio, o que é uma vantagem em regiões subtropicais, à boa aparência, com sabor superior a qualquer um dos parentais. A colheita dos frutos desta cultivar inicia-se geralmente, em meados de novembro, em Pelotas-RS (em Atibaia, São Paulo, inicia-se na segunda quinzena de outubro, poucos dias antes das cultivares Rubimel (polpa amarela e Premier (polpa branca, sendo ótima substituta para esta última.
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Diana Patricia Giraldo Bedoya
Full Text Available La investigación sobre la deshidratación osmótica de mora de castilla con tres jarabes diferentes, sacarosa (js, sacarosa invertida (jsi y miel de caña (jmc, en iguales condiciones iniciales de concentración, 70 grados Brix, temperatura promedio de 20°C, y humedad relativa de 65% desarrollada en el Laboratorio de Frutas y Hortalizas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, permitió conocer que el jarabe de miel de caña presenta mayor poder osmótico (69,2% que los jarabes de sacarosa invertida (54,5% y sacarosa (50%, medido a partir del porcentaje de pérdida de peso de la mora. Con el proceso de estabilización del producto secado por convección forzada con aire caliente a 1,5 ms-1 de velocidad y 55°C de temperatura, durante 24 horas, logrando disminuir la humedad de los tres productos hasta 27,3%hbh, 30,8%hbh y 25,9%hbh para los jarabes de sacarosa, sacarosa invertida y miel de caña, respectivamente y mejorar las condiciones de empaque y almacenamiento, haciendo más estable el producto al ataque microbiano. Las pruebas preliminares de conservación se efectuaron en envases de vidrio de 250g durante 15 días. Se realizó además una prueba sensorial de ordenación con 10 jueces entrenados para la evaluación de las moras deshidratadas osmóticamente antes y después de la prueba de empaque y almacenamiento y como resultado se obtuvo que antes de la prueba de empaque y almacenamiento, el producto de mayor aceptación fue el correspondiente a las moras osmodeshidratadas en jarabe de sacarosa invertida y luego del empaque, la mayor aceptación fue para las moras osmodeshidratadas en jarabe de sacarosa.Studies of osmotic dehydration of blackberry with three different syrups, sucrose (ss, reverse sucrose (rss, and cane syrup (cs with identical initial concentration conditions, 70°Brix, mean temperature of 20°C, and relative humidity of 65% were undertaken in the Fruit and Vegetable Laboratory of the Universidad Nacional
Tálamo, Andrés; Barchuk, Alicia H; Garibaldi, Lucas A; Trucco, Carlos E; Cardozo, Silvana; Mohr, Federico
Successful persistence of dry forests depends on tree regeneration, which depends on a balance of complex biotic interactions. In particular, the relative importance and interactive effects of shrubs and herbivores on tree regeneration are unclear. In a manipulative study, we investigated if thornless shrubs have a direct net effect, an indirect positive effect mediated by livestock, and/or an indirect negative effect mediated by small vertebrates on tree regeneration of two key species of Chaco forest (Argentina). In a spatial association study, we also explored the existence of net positive interactions from thorny and thornless shrubs. The number of Schinopsis lorentzii seedlings was highest under artificial shade with native herbivores and livestock excluded. Even excluding livestock, no seedlings were found with natural conditions (native herbivores present with natural shade or direct sunlight) at the end of the experiment. Surprisingly, seedling recruitment was not enhanced under thornless shrubs, because there was a complementary positive effect of shade and interference. Moreover, thornless shrubs had neither positive nor negative effects on regeneration of S. lorentzii. Regeneration of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco was minimal in all treatments. In agreement with the experiment, spatial distributions of saplings of both tree species were independent of thornless shrubs, but positively associated with thorny shrubs. Our results suggest that in general thornless shrubs may have a negligible effect and thorny shrubs a net positive effect on tree regeneration in dry forests. These findings provide a conceptual framework for testing the impact of biotic interactions on seedling recruitment in other dry forests.
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M. I. Fedorova
Full Text Available On the base of comparative assessment and average data estimation from 2010 to 2015, the characteristics of 11 cultivars bred at VNIISSOK were described regarding yield capacity and its components, variation, interdependencies at two sowing terms winter,spring time, direction of selection and cultivar uses at cultivar maintaining breeding program. Cultivar 'Koroleva Margo' is rather used in breeding program for yield capacity and taste qualities. Cultivar 'Sonata' is a source of such features as early maturity, valuable biochemical content and low nitrate accumulation. Cultivar 'Sofit' is known to bear early maturity and simultaneous seed maturation. 'Ariya' is a source of cylindrical root shape and early maturation. Cultivar 'Teplichnyi Gribovskyi' is used in breeding program for early maturation and simultaneous seed maturation. Cultivar 'Feya' bearsresistance to bolting and valuable biochemical substances. Cultivar 'Variant' has such features as root density, ability to grow under low lighting, short-term storability. Purple-red with white tips is a newmade cultivar 'Mavr' suitable for breeding program for valuable biochemical content, unusual root color, also bearing male sterile forms (MS for heterosis hybrid breeding. Out of all cultivars regarded, 'Mokhovskiy' is only a genetic source to breed radish forms with edible leaves. The positive weak dependence was revealed between cultivar biochemical characteristics, root weight, dry matter content, and nitrate content; whereas the positive middle dependence is revealed with sugar contents and negative dependence with ascorbic acid content. According to iochemical characteristics, the best cultivar population as 'Ariya', 'Sonata' (ascorbic acid; Mavr, Sonata, Variant (dry matter, sugars have been chosen. Cultivars 'Koroleva Margo', Pheya, Sonata, Sophit, Mokhovskiy are the initial breeding accessions for selection of new cultivar population, MS and MF lines needed for heterosis.
Yield and quality of strawberry cultivars Produtividade e qualidade de cultivares de morangueiro
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Luis Eduardo C Antunes
Full Text Available The strawberry cultivation is an important economic activity in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, however the number of offered cultivars to the growers is reduced. The yield and quality of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cultivars Camarosa, Galexia, Earlibrite, Festival, Plarionfre and Sabrosa was evaluated under the climatic conditions of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State. We determined the number, mass, total soluble solids (TSS ºBrix, total titratable acidity (TTA, antocianin level and fresh fruits produced in an experimental unit. We also determined the production of fruits per hectare and per plant. The statistical design used in the experiment was of completely randomized blocks with 6 treatments (cultivars and 4 replicates where the experimental unit was composed of 8 plants. The harvest began in the first half of August, extending to the second half of December, totalling 20 weeks. Plarionfre, Earlibrite and Festival cultivars showed higher production from the first half of October until the end of the first half of November. Camarosa reached higher productivity, mass of plants and fruit weight. There were no differences between the evaluated cultivars in the levels of TSS, antocianin, ATT and pH during the period of evaluation.No estado do Rio Grande do Sul o cultivo do morangueiro é uma atividade econômica importante, entretanto o número de cultivares disponíveis no mercado é bastante reduzido. Assim buscou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos de cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa Duch., Camarosa, Galexia, Earlibrite, Festival, Plarionfre e Sabrosa, cultivados nas condições climáticas e de solo do município de Pelotas, RS. Determinaram-se, o número, massa fresca e teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST (expresso em ºBrix, acidez total titulável (ATT (expresso em % de ácido cítrico e teor de antocianinas, dos frutos produzidos por unidade experimental. Determinou
Pathogenic Streptomyces spp. abundance affected by potato cultivars.
Nahar, Kamrun; Goyer, Claudia; Zebarth, Bernie J; Burton, David L; Whitney, Sean
Potato cultivars vary in their tolerance to common scab (CS), however how they affect CS-causing Streptomyces spp. populations over time is poorly understood. This study investigated the effects of potato cultivar on pathogenic Streptomyces spp. abundance, measured using quantitative PCR, in three spatial locations in a CS-infested field: 1) soil close to the plant (SCP); 2) rhizosphere (RS); and 3) geocaulosphere (GS) soils. Two tolerant (Gold Rush, Hindenburg) and two susceptible cultivars (Green Mountain, Agria) were tested. The abundance of pathogenic Streptomyces spp. significantly increased in late August compared with other dates in RS of susceptible cultivars in both years. Abundance of pathogenic Streptomyces spp., when averaged over locations and time, was significantly greater in susceptible cultivars compared with tolerant cultivars in 2014. Principal coordinates analysis showed that SCP and RS soil properties (pH, organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations) explained 68% and 76% of total variation in Streptomyces spp. abundance among cultivars in 2013, respectively, suggesting that cultivars influenced CS pathogen growth conditions. The results suggested that the genetic background of potato cultivars influenced the abundance of pathogenic Streptomyces spp., with 5 to 6 times more abundant Streptomyces spp. in RS of susceptible cultivars compared with tolerant cultivars, which would result in substantially more inoculum left in the field after harvest. .
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Rogério Faria Vieira
Full Text Available Mungbean cultivar MGS Esmeralda was developed by Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (Shanhua, Taiwan, as a result of crossing between the lines VC 1973A and VC 2768A. In ten trials conducted in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, it produced 13.5% more grains than 'Ouro Verde MG-2' (control cultivar, and its highest yield was 2,550 kg ha-1. The cultivar MGS Esmeralda is more susceptible to lodging, and its pods mature more uniformly than Ouro Verde MG-2 pods. One hundred-seed mass of 'MGS Esmeralda' ranged between 5.5 and 6.8 g. Both cultivars are susceptible to powdery mildew and cercospora leaf spot.A cultivar de mungo-verde MGS Esmeralda foi criada pelo Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, localizado em Shanhua, Formosa. Ela é resultado do cruzamento entre as linhagens VC 1973A e VC 2768A. Em dez ensaios conduzidos em Minas Gerais, ela produziu 13,5% mais grãos do que a cultivar Ouro Verde MG-2 (testemunha, e sua produtividade mais alta foi 2.550 kg ha-1. A cultivar MGS Esmeralda é mais suscetível ao acamamento do que a Ouro Verde MG-2, mas suas vagens amadurecem mais uniformemente. A massa de 100 grãos da 'MGS Esmeralda' varia de 5,5 a 6,8 g. Ambas as cultivares são suscetíveis ao oídio e à cercosporiose.
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Blanka Bilić
Full Text Available The aim of this study was investigation of influence of different extracts addition on total phenols, anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity and percent of polymeric colour of blackberry juice during storage of 52 days at 4 °C. Anthocyanin content of control sample (blackberry juice without extracts addition was 149.91 mg/L. Samples with addition of extracts (olive leaf, pine bark PE 5:1, pine bark PE 95 %, green tea, red wine PE 30 %, red wine PE 4:1 and bioflavonoids had higher anthocyanin content (from 152.42 to 161.19 mg/L in comparison to control sample. Sample with addition of bioflavonoids had the highest anthocyanin content. Samples with addition of extracts had much higher total phenol content and antioxidant activity than control sample, what was expected since extracts are rich in phenols. During storage decrease of phenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity occurred in higher or lesser extent, depending on extract type addition. Anthocyanin content in control sample was 119.85 mg/L. Samples with addition of bioflavonoids, olive leaf, pine bark PE 5:1 and red wine PE 4:1 had lower (from 103.44 to 118.84 mg/L, while other samples had higher (from 131.99 to 135.57 mg/L anthocyanin content than control sample. After storage, decrease of anthocyanins was followed with increase of percent of polymeric colour, with exception of samples with addition of green tea.
Cadmium accumulation in different rice cultivars and screening for pollution-safe cultivars of rice.
Yu, Hui; Wang, Junli; Fang, Wei; Yuan, Jiangang; Yang, Zhongyi
Large areas of contaminated land are being used for agricultural production in some countries due to the high demand for food. To minimize the influx of pollutants to the human food chain through consumption of agricultural products, we propose the concept of pollution-safe cultivars (PSCs), i.e. cultivars whose edible parts accumulate a specific pollutant at a level low enough for safe consumption, even when grown in contaminated soil. We tested the feasibility of the PSC concept by growing 43 cultivars of paddy rice (Oryza sativa L., including 20 normal and 23 hybrid cultivars) under a high (75.69-77.55 mg kg(-1)) and a low (1.75-1.85 mg kg(-1)) cadmium (Cd) exposure. These pot experiments took place in the spring and summer of 2004. At the low level of Cd exposure, 30 out of the 43 tested cultivars were found to be Cd-PSCs. Grain Cd concentrations were highly correlated (price grain is genotype-dependent and that the selection of PSCs is possible, at least at a certain level of soil contamination. No Cd-PSCs were found under the high level of Cd exposure. Yield was enhanced in some cultivars and depressed in others in response to elevated soil Cd, indicating that farmers cannot rely on yield depression as an indicator of toxicity of the grains. It is therefore important and feasible to screen for PSCs and to establish PSC breeding programs to effectively and efficiently reduce the risk of human exposure to soil pollutants, such as Cd, through crop consumption.
Esterase polymorphism marking cultivars of Manihot esculenta, Crantz
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Adriana Gazoli Resende
Full Text Available Esterase isozymes were used to detected substrate-preference polymorphism in twenty cultivars of Manihot esculenta, and to show cultivar-specific variation of this species. A relatively complex extraction solution of proteins from leaves was needed to show a larger number of esterase isozymes. Similarity between cultivars from six groups ranged from 51 to 96%. The cultivars identified by the same name seemed to be biochemically different regarding esterase isozymes. Esterase isozyme electrophoretic patterns could, therefore, be used to discriminate the cultivars identified by the same name, and to monitor the vegetative propagation of cultivars maintained in the germplasm collection. In breeding strategies, isoesterase analysis could be used to avoid intercrossing between the similar genotypes.Isoenzimas esterases foram usadas no presente estudo, para detectar polimorfismos específicos para diferentes substratos em vinte cultivares de Manihot esculenta, e para mostrar variações específicas de cultivares nesta espécie. Os diferentes cultivares de M. esculenta tem sido mantidos na coleção de germoplasma do Departamento de Agronomia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (Maringá, PR, e foram provenientes de cultivares tradicionais coletados nas regiões sudoeste e noroeste do Estado. Foi necessário a utilização de uma solução de extração de proteínas relativamente mais complexa, para evidenciar um maior número de isoenzimas esterases. A similaridade entre os cultivares variou de 51 a 96%. Cultivares identificados pelo mesmo nome parecem ser bioquimicamente diferentes para as isoenzimas esterases. Os padrões eletroforéticos das isoesterases podem, portanto, serem usados para discriminar os cultivares que são identificados pelo mesmo nome, e para monitorar a propagação vegetativa dos cultivares mantidos na coleção de germoplasma. A análise das isoesterases pode também ser usada para evitar cruzamentos entre genótipos mais
Kuspuji C. B. Wicaksono
This article was written to find out whether there were any differences on brand image for each online chat Application such as Blackberry Messenger, Whatsapp, and LINE based on six factors of the brand image which are: benefits, attributes, cultures, values, personality, and user. Data for the research were collected from questionnaires given to respondents who had used each mention online chat application. Then each respondent was asked to give scores based on the six factors of brand image...
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Zbigniew Borecki
Full Text Available The severe winter which occurred in Poland in 1986-1987 damaged the most part of scab resistant apple cultivars and selected apple hybrids. Cold hardiness studied in 1987 and 1988 showed significant differences in degree of frost injury on stem, branches, twigs and buds of apple trees. Two scab-resistance cultivars, namely Florina and Sir Prize, as well as two check culuvars, Idared and Golden Delicious, were killed by frost. Strong damages were noted in cultivars: Prima, Primula, and Priam. Lower susceptibility showed: Jonafree, Gavin, Liberty Sister and three hybrids selected from crosses of Bankroft with scab-resistant Primula. Relatively frost resistant was Novamac and three hybrids of U-breeding line: U-1101 and U-50, originated from crosses of polish culrivar Fantazja (McIntosh x Linda with Primula, Highest resistance to frost showed cultivars: Freedom. Liberty. new polish cultivar Witos (Fantazja x Primula and three hybrids: U-337, U-237 and U-1098. During the 1987 and 1988 seasons severe infection of apple trees by numerous fungi was noted. Twelve species of isolated fungi were identified as pathogens of apple trees bark and wood.
Penggunaan Aplikasi Blackberry Messenger (BBM Sebagai Media Untuk Evaluasi Mahasiswa
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Toni Kus Indratno
Full Text Available Penggunaaan teknologi ke dalam setiap sendi kehidupan mutlak diperlukan untuk masa sekarang ini. Hampir setiap orang mempunyai smartphone untuk mendukung aktivitasnya sehari-hari. Akan tetapi penggunaan teknologi yang serba canggih apabila tidak diimbangi dengan kearifan, akan berdampak pada hal negatif saja, bahkan mengaburkan fungsi penting dari teknologi itu sendiri. Blackberry messenger atau yang lebih dikenal BBM merupakan satu dari sekian banyak aplikasi yang hampir pasti ada di setiap smartphone. Sisi kecepatan transfer data dan kemudahan berkirim berkas (file menjadi daya tarik tersendiri dari aplikasi ini. Pemanfaatan BBM untuk mendukung proses evaluasi mahasiswa telah dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Mahasiswa diberikan soal kuis untuk dikerjakan pada dini hari (mulai Pkl. 03.00 s.d. 05.00, hasil pekerjaan mahasiswa dikirim menggunakan aplikasi BBM dalam bentuk gambar. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian studi lapangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa merasa lebih leluasa dalam mengerjakan kuis, mereka bisa mengerjakan sesuai gaya belajar masing-masing, tidak dibatasi oleh ruang dan suasana yang menegangkan. Waktu pengerjaan dini haripun membawa pengaruh positif, dengan pikiran yang masih segar, mahasiswa bisa lebih optimal dalam mengerjakan kuis.
Sensitivity of tomato cultivars to sulfur dioxide
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Howe, T.K.; Woltz, S.S.
The sensitivity of 26 cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were compared at 2 concentrations of SO/sub 2/in specially designed exposure greenhouses. Cultivars studied included fresh market, processing, and specialty types. Insensitive and sensitive cultivars were identified by assessment of acute SO/sub 2/-induced foliar necrosis. Cultivars found to be insensitive to SO/sub 2/ included: 'Ace', 'Bonanza', 'Heinz 1350', 'Tarquinia Tondino', and 'VF 145-B 7879'. Cultivars found to be sensitive to SO/sub 2/ included: 'Bellarina', 'Chico III', 'Flora-Dade', 'Red Cherry Large' 'Sub-Arctic Delight', and 'Vetomold. 10 figures, 1 table.
UEL 7: nova cultivar de Dendrobium UEL 7: a new Dendrobium cultivar
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Ricardo Tadeu de Faria
Full Text Available UEL 7 é uma cultivar de Dendrobium nobile desenvolvida no Departamento de Agronomia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina resultante do cruzamento das plantas matrizes D3 x D8 e selecionada pela coloração das flores amarelas e com largura e comprimento semelhantes (7,0 cm, formando praticamente um círculo. As plantas foram polinizadas artificialmente, e as sementes semeadas em meio de cultura in vitro. A cultivar apresenta flores de coloração amarela, labelo com o centro marrom escuro e o pseudobulbo apresenta em mé dia 11 flores. As flores têm durabilidade de aproximadamente 30 dias.UEL 7 is a Dendrobium nobile's cultivar developed at The Department of Agronomy of Universidade Estadual de Londrina and is the result of the crossing between D3 x D8 and selected for its yellow flowers and format with similar width and length (7.0 cm, almost forming a circle. The plants were pollinated artificially, and the seeds sowed in growth media in vitro. The cultivar presents flowers of yellow coloration, labelo with the center dark brown color and the pseudobulb presents 11 flowers on average. The flowers durability is about 30 days.
Weigt, Dorota; Kiel, Angelika; Nawraca?a, Jerzy; Pluta, Mateusz; ?acka, Agnieszka
Solid-stemmed spring wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) are resistant to the stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus Nort.) and lodging. Anthers of 24 spring wheat cultivars with varying content of pith in the stem were used in the experiment. All were classified into three groups: solid, medium?solid and hollow stems. There was considerable influence of the cultivar on callus formation and green plant regeneration. The highest efficiency of green plant regeneration (24%) was observed for the solid-s...
Adaptation of cotton cultivars | Wondimu | African Crop Science ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
For each cultivar a linear regression of yield on the mean yield of all cultivars for each year was computed to measure cultivar adaptation. The cultivars with the highest mean yield exhibited a similar degree of adaptation to different environments with regression coefficient close to 1.0. For example, the breeding lines, Acala ...
CULTIVAR RELEASE - BRSMG União: common bean cultivar with jalo grain for the state of Minas Gerais
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Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho
Full Text Available The bean cultivar BRSMG União as a new option of a bean cultivar with jalo grains for the state of Minas Gerais. The cultivar BRSMG União had an average grain yield of 9.8% above the mean of the controls (Jalo EEP 558 and BRS Radiante and was resistant to powdery-mildew.
Morphological, mechanical and antioxidant properties of Portuguese almond cultivars
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Oliveira, Ivo; Meyer, Anne S.; Afonso, Silvia
The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological (of fruit and kernel), mechanical (namely shell rupture force) and antioxidant properties (including phenolics and flavonoid content) of five Portuguese almond cultivars, comparing them with two commercial cultivars (Glorieta and Ferragnès). Of ...... high kernel weight, low percentages of double kernels or losses during shelling and considerable higher phenolics and flavonoids content may be considered by industry during selection of almond.......). Of the analyzed traits, nut and kernel dimensions varied substantially and were used to describe cultivars. However, some traditional cultivars recorded similar (Pegarinhos), or even higher (Amendoão, Casanova and Refêgo) nut and kernel weight than commercial cultivars. Furthermore, shelling percentage...... of traditional cultivar (Bonita) was higher than commercial cultivars. Rupture force necessary to break fruits of all traditional cultivars was higher than commercial ones, and was correlated to nut weight cultivars. The phenolics, flavonoids content and antioxidants were higher for Casanova. Parameters like...
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D.F Biffe
Full Text Available É importante avaliar a tolerância de variedade de mandioca a novas alternativas de controle químico, com o intuito de ampliar as opções disponíveis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas aplicados em pré-emergência, para duas importantes variedades de mandioca cultivadas no Estado do Paraná. Os herbicidas e respectivas doses (g i.a. ha-1 avaliadas foram: diuron (400 e 800, metribuzin (360 e 720, isoxaflutole (60, atrazine (720, S-metolachlor (1.920 e as misturas ametryn + clomazone (1.350+1.900, ametryn+trifluralin (1.500+1.350, isoxaflutole+metribuzin (60+320, isoxaflutole+diuron (60+400, combinados com uso de uma testemunha dupla adjacente a cada tratamento. Os cultivares utilizados neste trabalho foram Fécula Branca e Fibra. Apenas o herbicida S-metolachlor, para ambos os cultivares, e metribuzin (360 g i.a. ha-1, para o cultivar Fibra, não provocaram injúrias. Atrazine provocou redução de estande para o cultivar Fécula Branca aos 60 DAP, mas não foi detectada redução na altura de plantas. Tanto atrazine (para os dois cultivares quanto diuron na dose de 800 g i.a. ha-1 (para o cultivar Fécula Branca afetaram a produtividade de raízes. Dessa forma, atrazine foi considerado não seletivo para ambos os cultivares, e a maior dose de diuron foi também considerada não seletiva para o cultivar Fécula Branca. Há diferenças de tolerância entre os cultivares, sendo o Fibra, de modo geral, mais tolerante aos herbicidas avaliados.It is important to evaluate the tolerance of cassava varieties under new weed chemical control alternatives. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of herbicides, applied at pre-emergence, for two important cassava varieties grown in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The herbicides and respective doses (g a.i. ha-1 were: diuron (400 and 800, metribuzin (360 and 720, isoxaflutole (60, atrazine (720, S-metolachlor (1,920 and mixtures ametryn+clomazone (1
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Kumar, Brajesh; Smita, Kumari; Cumbal, Luis; Debut, Alexis; Galeas, Salome; Guerrero, Victor H.
In the present study, a simple, low cost, and ecofriendly synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles (Fe_3O_4 NPs) has been developed using Andean blackberry leaf extract. UV–vis spectroscopy technique were used to study the initial formation of Fe_3O_4 NPs. Morphology, crystallinity and surface properties of nanoparticles were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Dynamic light scattering (DLS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Thermal gravimetric (TG) techniques. TEM and DLS characterization indicated the formation of spherical Fe_3O_4 NPs of average size 54.5 ± 24.6 nm. XRD and FTIR studies confirmed the existence of the cubic spinel phase of Fe_3O_4 NPs and Fe−O peak at 570 cm"−"1, whereas TG analysis indicated that the nanoparticles contain 94% metal and 6% capping ligand. It has been observed that, as-synthesized Fe_3O_4 NPs exhibited photocatalytic activity for degradation of organic dyes such as methylene blue (k = 0.0105475 min"−"1), congo red (k = 0.0043240 min"−"1), and methyl orange (k = 0.0028930 min"−"1), efficiently. The antioxidant activity of Fe_3O_4 NPs against 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl were also evaluated. - Highlights: • We report extracellular phytosynthesis of Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles using the Andean blackberry leaf. • The synthesized Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles are spherical and average size is 54.5 ± 24.6 nm. • It showed enhanced photocatalytic activity and weak antioxidant efficacy. • Environmentally benign, non-toxic and cost-effective method is suggested.
Salt Tolerance of Six Switchgrass Cultivars
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Youping Sun
Full Text Available Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass cultivars (‘Alamo’, ‘Cimarron’, ‘Kanlow’, ‘NL 94C2-3’, ‘NSL 2009-1’, and ‘NSL 2009-2’ were evaluated for salt tolerance in two separate greenhouse experiments. In experiment (Expt. 1, switchgrass seedlings were irrigated with a nutrient solution at an electrical conductivity (EC of 1.2 dS·m−1 (control or a saline solution (spiked with salts at an EC of 5.0 dS·m−1 (EC 5 or 10.0 dS·m−1 (EC 10 for four weeks, once a week. Treatment EC 10 reduced the tiller number by 32% to 37% for all switchgrass cultivars except ‘Kanlow’. All switchgrass cultivars under EC 10 had a significant reduction of 50% to 63% in dry weight. In Expt. 2, switchgrass was seeded in substrates moistened with either a nutrient solution of EC 1.2 dS·m−1 (control or a saline solution of EC of 5.0, 10.0, or 20.0 dS·m−1 (EC 5, EC 10, or EC 20. Treatment EC 5 did not affect the seedling emergence, regardless of cultivar. Compared to the control, EC 10 reduced the seedling emergence of switchgrass ‘Alamo’, ‘Cimarron’, and ‘NL 94C2-3’ by 44%, 33%, and 82%, respectively. All switchgrass cultivars under EC 10 had a 46% to 88% reduction in the seedling emergence index except ‘NSL 2009-2’. No switchgrass seedlings emerged under EC 20. In summary, high salinity negatively affected switchgrass seedling emergence and growth. Dendrogram and cluster of six switchgrass cultivars indicated that ‘Alamo’ was the most tolerant cultivar, while ‘NSL 2009-2’ was the least tolerant cultivar at both seedling emergence and growth stages. A growth-stage dependent response to salinity was observed for the remaining switchgrass cultivars. ‘NSL 2009-1’ and ‘NL 94C2-3’ were more tolerant to salinity than ‘Cimarron’ and ‘Kanlow’ at the seedling emergence stage; however, ‘Kanlow’ and ‘Cimarron’ were more tolerant to salinity than ‘NSL 2009-1’ and ‘NL 94C2-3’ at the seedling growth
BRS Ana: cultivar de batata de duplo propósito BRS ANA: A dual purpose potato cultivar
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Arione da S Pereira
Full Text Available O genótipo BRS Ana é uma nova cultivar de batata adequada para fritura à francesa, com potencial de processamento na forma de palitos pré-fritos congelados e de flocos, liberada em 2007. Foi desenvolvida pelo Programa de Melhoramento de Batata da Embrapa (Clima Temperado, Pelotas-RS, Transferência de Tecnologia - Escritório de Canoinhas-SC e Hortaliças, Brasília-DF, com base na aparência e rendimento de tubérculos, peso específico e qualidade de fritura. Os tubérculos têm película vermelha, levemente áspera, polpa branca, formato oval e olhos rasos. O potencial produtivo é alto. No ecossistema subtropical, apresentou maior produtividade (31,2 t ha-1 que as cultivares mais plantadas no país, quando cultivada no outono, e não diferiu na primavera. Em ecossistema tropical, plantio da seca, a cultivar BRS Ana foi tão produtiva (33,8 t ha-1 quanto as demais cultivares avaliadas. Produziu maior percentagem de tubérculos graúdos (55,6% e peso médio dos tubérculos (108,4 g que as testemunhas no outono do ecossistema subtropical. Em ambos os ecossistemas, a cultivar BRS Ana apresentou elevados valores de peso específico (1,086 e conteúdo de matéria seca (19,7%. Nos testes sensoriais mostrou-se adequada à fritura na forma de palitos, tanto no preparo doméstico, quanto na industrialização. É moderadamente suscetível à requeima (Phytophthora infestans e tem boa resistência à pinta-preta (Alternaria solani. A reação à podridão-mole (Pectobacterium sp. é similar à das cultivares mais plantadas. Apresenta baixa degenerescência de sementes por viroses, conferida pela resistência moderadamente alta ao PVY e baixa incidência do PLRV. Suscetibilidade a distúrbios de origem fisiológica nos tubérculos não tem sido observada. No ecossistema subtropical a tuberização é mais tardia na primavera, devendo portanto ser plantada mais cedo.The genotype BRS Ana is a new potato cultivar adequate for French fries, with
Underwood, Marion K.; Ehrenreich, Samuel E.; More, David; Solis, Jerome S.; Brinkley, Dawn Y.
In this naturalistic study of adolescents’ text messaging, participants (N = 172, 81 girls, age 14) were given BlackBerry devices configured to save their text messages to a secure archive for coding. Two, 2-day transcripts collected four months apart within the same academic year were microcoded for content. Results showed that most text message utterances were positive or neutral, and that adolescents sent text messages primarily to peers and to romantic partners. Only a few sex differences emerged. Frequency of text messages containing negative talk positively predicted overall internalizing symptoms and anxious depression. Text messaging about sex was positively associated with overall internalizing and somatic complaints for girls, but not for boys. PMID:25750494
Distinguishing Nonpareil marketing group almond cultivars through multivariate analyses.
Ledbetter, Craig A; Sisterson, Mark S
More than 80% of the world's almonds are grown in California with several dozen almond cultivars available commercially. To facilitate promotion and sale, almond cultivars are categorized into marketing groups based on kernel shape and appearance. Several marketing groups are recognized, with the Nonpareil Marketing Group (NMG) demanding the highest prices. Placement of cultivars into the NMG is historical and no objective standards exist for deciding whether newly developed cultivars belong in the NMG. Principal component analyses (PCA) were used to identify nut and kernel characteristics best separating the 4 NMG cultivars (Nonpareil, Jeffries, Kapareil, and Milow) from a representative of the California Marketing Group (cultivar Carmel) and the Mission Marketing Group (cultivar Padre). In addition, discriminant analyses were used to determine cultivar misclassification rates between and within the marketing groups. All 19 evaluated carpological characters differed significantly among the 6 cultivars and during 2 harvest seasons. A clear distinction of NMG cultivars from representatives of the California and Mission Marketing Groups was evident from a PCA involving the 6 cultivars. Further, NMG kernels were successfully discriminated from kernels representing the California and Mission Marketing Groups with overall kernel misclassification of only 2% using 16 of the 19 evaluated characters. Pellicle luminosity was the most discriminating character, regardless of the character set used in analyses. Results provide an objective classification of NMG almond kernels, clearly distinguishing them from kernels of cultivars representing the California and Mission Marketing Groups. Journal of Food Science © 2013 Institute of Food Technologists® No claim to original US government works.
Performance of blueberry cultivars under mild winter conditions
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José Gilberto Sousa Medeiros
Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Evaluation of yield performance is important to find the most adapted blueberry cultivars in a particular region. This research aimed to evaluate the flowering and hasvesting periods, the production per plant, and fruit quality of eight rabbiteye blueberry cultivars (Aliceblue, Bluebelle, Bluegem, Briteblue, Climax, Delite, Powderblue, and Woodard and two highbush blueberries (Georgiagem and O’Neal, in mild winter conditions in Pinhais-PR. Flowering and harvesting periods, production, berry weight, size, pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, ratio and color of the fruits were evaluated in the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 growing seasons, when the plants had two and three years old, respectively. Cultivars flowered from August to September, and harvest was concentrated in November and December. Berry weight, size, pH, soluble solids and acidity varied among the cultivars. The average ratios of 14.97 and 13.39 for each crop proved that the cultivars have good fruit quality. There was little variation in fruit color in the two years evaluated. Blueberry cultivars showed the staining characteristics and physical and chemical attributes of quality compatible to blueberry from other traditional regions. Under mild winter conditions, young plants of rabbiteye blueberry cultivars, Climax, Delite, Bluegem and Powderblue, are the most productive, while the highbusch cultivars bear few fruits.
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Isac N Rodrigues
Full Text Available Na avaliação de cultivares de hortaliças, os rendimentos médios mais elevados nos ensaios de competição, associados a fatores de qualidade, são utilizados como critérios de recomendação para plantio. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as cultivares de alface Frisella, Deisy, Tender Green, Lollo Bionda, Itapuã 401, Marisa, Verônica, Banchu New Red Fire e Hortência nas condições climáticas da região de Manaus, sob cultivo protegido e a campo. Foram avaliadas as características: massa fresca total, massa fresca comercial, diâmetro da cabeça e altura. As cultivares de alface Marisa, Itapuã 401 e Hortência são opções mais adequadas para o cultivo protegido e a campo na região, incluindo-se para o cultivo a campo a cultivar Verônica, a qual apresentou a melhor produção na avaliação realizada neste ambiente.In the evaluation of vegetable cultivars, the high average yield in the competition assays associated to quality factors are utilized as criteria to recommend cultivars. In the present work we evaluated the lettuce cultivars Frisella, Deisy, Tender Green, Lollo Bionda, Itapuã 401, Marisa, Verônica, Banchu New Red Fire and Hortência under the climatic conditions of the region of Manaus, under protected and conventional cultivation. The evaluated characteristics were: total and commercial weight, plant diameter and height. The lettuce cultivars Marisa, Itapuã 401 and Hortência presented higher production in both environments adding Verônica with best production under conventional cultivation.
Carrot Cultivar Evaluation: Soilless Media vs. Hydroponics
Pinnock, Derek R.; Bugbee, Bruce
Nine cultivars of carrots were grown in a growth chamber. Each cultivar was grown both in hydroponic and soil-less media root-zone for sixty days. Three 30L tubs were used for each root-zone treatment. Three cultivars were planted in each tub, initially at 180 plants m-2 then thinned to 90 plants m-2 on day 45.
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Ilkay Tosun
Full Text Available Blackberry (Rubus L. is a naturally growing fruit in Anatolia. Consumption of fresh and frozen blackberries has increased in the past few years in Turkey. The aim of this study is to analyze blackberry at three levels of ripeness taking into account some physical and chemical properties (color, dry matter, soluble solids, total sugar, titratable acidity, pH, total phenolics, total anthocyanin, and minerals in order to understand this behavior during the ripening process. Blackberry fruits were harvested at green, red and ripe (mature stages. The determination of fruit maturity was based on fruit surface color. The dry matter, total phenolics and Hunter L, b values decreased but soluble solids, total sugar and total anthocyanins increased with maturity. In the early fruit ripening stages, pH decreased, titratable acidity and Hunter a value increased while in the later stages, pH increased, titratable acidity and Hunter a value decreased considerably. Analysis of variance revealed (P Amora preta (blackberry, Rubus L. é uma fruta que cresce naturalmente na península de Anatolia. O consumo de suas frutas frescas ou congeladas aumentou nos últimos anos na Turquia. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar amoras pretas colhidas em três níveis de maturação, levando em conta propriedades físicas e químicas das frutas (cor, matéria seca, sólidos solúveis, açúcar total, acidez titulável, pH, fenóis totais, antocianina total e sais minerais para melhor compreender o processo de maturação. As frutas foram colhidas nos estágios verde, vermelho e maduro. A determinação do estágio maduro foi baseada na cor da superfície das frutas. A materia seca, os fenóis totais e os valores de Hunter L, b diminuiram mas os sólidos solúveis, açúcares totais e total de antocianina decresceram em função do nível de maturação. Nos estágios iniciais de maturação, o pH decresceu, a acidez titulável e o valor a de Hunter aumentaram enquanto nos
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A. F. Bukharov
Full Text Available The squash is one of the most ancient plants, bearing numerous qualities. The squash gave high yield and is unpretentious plant, the fruit of which is long-stored and can be used as boiled, stewed, baked, fried product, and be added to bread, mush and pudding, and be prepared as puree, jam, candied fruit and other meals. Owing to useful characteristics the squash is a valuable source or raw material for food canning industry, for health-care and functional foodstuff production. Its best cultivar accessions contain to 30% of dry matter, to 12% of sugars and to 36% of carotene. The species of squash includes 4 subspecies and 20 varieties. One accession that came from Spain in 1937 served as an initial breeding accession for many other table cultivars for long time. For 80 years of national breeding program the many cultivars for table use have been released. There are the classic cultivars, such as ‘Mramornaya’, ‘Stolovaya Zimnaya’, Gribovskaya Zimnaya’, ‘Donskaya Sladkaya’, ‘Michurinskaya’ that are selected or developed from first Spanish accession. This richness and originality of cultivar squash accessions should be carefully preserved. There are the new generation cultivars, such as ‘Kroshka’, ‘Malishka’, ‘Rossiyanka’, ‘Konfetka’, ‘Moskvichka’, ‘Vnuchka’ and many others, which are short-tendrils and suitable for modern mechanized cultivation technology. Moreover the development of new cultivars, bearing resistance to biotic and abiotic stress is the main goal of nearest breeding program.
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Aug 30, 2012 ... 2National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture, Beijing, China. Accepted 6 August, 2012 ... hybrids lily cultivar 'eyeliner' was selected as the materials. By using the ... of sterilization was not ideal which led to higher.
NS Pudarka: A new winter wheat cultivar
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Hristov Nikola
Full Text Available The high-yielding, medium late winter wheat cultivar NS Pudarka was developed by crossing genetic divergent parents: line NMNH-07 and cv. NS 40S and Simonida. In cultivar NS Pudarka genes responsible for high yield potential, very good technological quality, resistance to lodging, low temperature and diseases, were successfully combined. It was registered by Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management of Serbia Republic in 2013. This cultivar has wide adaptability and stability of yield that enable growing in different environments with optimal agricultural practice. On the base of technological quality this cultivar belongs to the second quality class, A2 farinograph subgroup and second technological group.
Sensory profile of eleven peach cultivars Perfil sensorial de onze cultivares de pêssegos
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Francine Lorena Cuquel
Full Text Available The goal of this study was to evaluate the sensory profile of eleven peach cultivars grown in an experimental orchard located in the city of Lapa (PR, Brazil in two seasons. The peach cultivars analyzed were Aurora I, Chimarrita, Chiripá, Coral, Eldorado, Granada, Leonense, Maciel, Marli, Premier, and Vanguarda. The sensory analysis was performed by previously trained panelists; 20 of them in the first season and 10 in the second season. The sensory evaluation was performed using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, in which the following attributes were measured: appearance, aroma, flesh color, flesh firmness, flavor, and juiciness. The results showed preference for sweet, soft, and juicy fruits. Chimarrita, Chiripá, and Coral fruits showed better sensorial performance than the other peach cultivars. It was also verified that the analysis of the attributes aroma, flesh firmness, and flavor is enough for performing the sensory profile of peach fruits for in natura consumption.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil sensorial de onze cultivares de pêssego produzidos em duas safras em um pomar experimental implantado na Lapa (PR, Brasil. Os cultivares analisados foram Aurora I, Chimarrita, Chiripá, Coral, Eldorado, Granada, Leonense, Maciel, Marli, Premier e Vanguarda. As análises sensoriais foram realizadas por julgadores previamente treinados, sendo 20 julgadores na primeira safra e 10 na segunda. O método de avaliação empregado foi a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa na qual foram mensurados os atributos aparência, aroma, cor de polpa, firmeza de polpa, sabor e suculência dos frutos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a preferência por frutos de sabor adocicado, com polpa macia e suculenta. Os cultivares Chimarrita, Chiripá e Coral obtiveram o melhor desempenho nas análises sensoriais. Foi verificado ainda que os atributos aroma, firmeza de polpa e sabor são considerados suficientes para a avaliação do perfil sensorial de
Developing native Vaccinium crops and cultivars
Vaccinium species have long been harvested from the wild. Breeding and cultivar development, however, did not begin until about 1911 in New Jersey with efforts to commercially cultivate northern highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum). Cultivar development spread to cranberry (V. macrocarpon) and ...
Newly registered small grains cultivars from Zaječar
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Dodig Dejan
Full Text Available The paper presents principal properties of 5 new cultivars of small grains created in the Center for Agricultural and Technological Research in Zaječar. They are as follows: Arena (winter bread wheat, Premium (winter malting barley, Tango (winter triticale, Center (spring oat and Balsa (spring naked barley. In 2004 and 2005 these cultivars were registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia. The Arena cultivar has good indices of technological quality and high yield genetic potential which is successfully preserved even in dry years. The Premium cultivar, besides high yield capacity, has a very low protein grain content what makes it especially suitable for brewers industry. Triticale Tango is intended, in the first place, for animal feeds and like Arena cultivar. is highly tolerant to draught. Spring oat Center is Zaječar's first made oat cultivar in this group of small grains. Cultivar Balsa is the first spring six-row naked barley in Serbia and Montenegro. Creating of Balsa cultivar is the attempt to meet the future demands on the market. By the act of registering above mentioned cultivars the Center in Zajecar has completed and enlarged its already existing variety of small grains assortment.
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Nádia Izumi Terabe
Full Text Available O conhecimento do comportamento natural da nogueira Pecan às principais doenças é de suma importância para o estabelecimento do planejamento da implantação da cultura. O controle fitossanitário e tratos culturais devem ser realizados de modo a não comprometerem a qualidade do produto final, as amêndoas. Foram avaliadas nozes produzidas na safra de 2005 e oriundas de Uraí-PR, pelas cultivares Burkett, Frotscher e Moneymaker, para identificar e quantificar os microrganismos associados à amêndoas e cascas dos frutos, bem como observar diferenças entre organismos colonizadores das cultivares. Os frutos foram avaliados na pós-colheita, aos trinta dias de armazenamento em ambiente, através da metodologia do papel de filtro, sendo submetidos ou não à assepsia superficial. O fungo Cladosporium caryigenum, promotor da rancificação das amêndoas foi observado, em amêndoas e cascas, nas cultivares Burkett, Frotscher e Moneymaker; Fusarium sp., foi encontrado em porcentuais elevados, tanto em amêndoas quanto em cascas das três cultivares estudadas; Cephalothecium roseum, causador do mofo róseo em amêndoas, na cultivar Frotscher. Aspergillus sp. e Penicillium sp., causadores de emboloramento e produtores de aflotoxinas foram observados em porcentuais representativos, em amêndoas da cultivar Frotscher e em amêndoas e cascas das cultivares Frotscher, Burkett e Moneymaker, respectivamente. Os maiores porcentuais de perda do rendimento foram observados na cultivar Burkett, por causa da incidência de Colletotrichum sp., causador da antracnose em amêndoas, que acarreta escurecimento e deterioração do produto final, levando-o ao descarte.The knowledgement of the natural behavior of the main diseases of Pecan nut is of utmost importance for the stablishment of an implantation plan for that culture. The phytosanitary control and cultural treatments should be performed in order not to change the quality of the final product. Nuts harvest
Wang, Yongming; Lin, Xiuyun; Dong, Bo; Wang, Yingdian; Liu, Bao
RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) and ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat) fingerprinting on HpaII/MspI-digested genomic DNA of nine elite japonica rice cultivars implies inter-cultivar DNA methylation polymorphism. Using both DNA fragments isolated from RAPD or ISSR gels and selected low-copy sequences as probes, methylation-sensitive Southern blot analysis confirms the existence of extensive DNA methylation polymorphism in both genes and DNA repeats among the rice cultivars. The cultivar-specific methylation patterns are stably maintained, and can be used as reliable molecular markers. Transcriptional analysis of four selected sequences (RdRP, AC9, HSP90 and MMR) on leaves and roots from normal and 5-azacytidine-treated seedlings of three representative cultivars shows an association between the transcriptional activity of one of the genes, the mismatch repair (MMR) gene, and its CG methylation patterns.
Phenotypic profiles of Armenian grape cultivars
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Aroutiounian Rouben
Full Text Available The conservation and sustainable use of grapevine biodiversity in Armenia is particularly important due to the large number of traditional local varieties. Being partially different from European grapevine gene pool, the material of Armenian local cultivars significantly contributes to the understanding of the genetic variation and is valuable source for target selection. During last years many Armenian grapevine cultivars have been already described and their genotypes determined, but some local varieties and wild accessions remain unidentified and their phenotypic characteristics overlooked. The comprehensive analysis of phenotypes is essential for research, including genetic association studies, cultivar evaluation and selection. The goal of our research was the phenotyping on the base of reproductive, carpological and analytical characteristics of 80 Armenian aboriginal and new grape cultivars. Description of phenotypic profiles is important step towards identification and conservation of genetic resources of Armenian grapes. In future, these data can be applied for breeding of improved grape varieties targeted to fresh consumption and wine production.
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Djail Santos
Full Text Available Um aspecto importante na escolha de cultivares para uma determinada condição ambiental é a determinação da produção comercial, que indica o potencial de produção por área. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a produção comercial de cultivares de alface nas condições de solo e clima de Bananeiras, Paraíba, durante a estação chuvosa. Foram avaliadas oito cultivares (Cindy, Elba, Grand Rapids, Kaesar, Mimosa, Sabrina, Summer Green e Verônica, no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As parcelas tinham 27 plantas, espaçadas de 30 cm entre fileiras e entre linhas. Aos 51 dias após o transplante, as plantas foram colhidas e avaliadas quanto à massa fresca total e comercial, massa seca de folhas, número de folhas, diâmetro da planta, índice comercial e produção comercial. Os maiores valores de massa fresca total e comercial, de diâmetro da planta e produção comercial foram verificados para a cultivar Kaesar. Quanto à massa seca, 'Kaesar' e 'Elba' apresentaram os valores mais elevados. Os maiores números de folha foram obtidos com 'Mimosa', 'Elba', 'Sabrina' e 'Summer Green'. As cultivares Grand Rapids, Verônica e Kaesar mostraram-se mais suscetíveis à septoriose, principalmente nas folhas mais velhas. Considerando-se os resultados e a preferência dos consumidores, 'Kaesar' e 'Summer Green' foram as mais promissoras para introdução e testes em áreas de produção comercial de alface.An important issue when choosing cultivars for specific environmental conditions is to estimate the marketable production, which indicates the potential production per area. The objective of this study was to evaluate the marketable production of lettuce cultivars under the soil and climatic conditions of Bananeiras, Paraíba, Brazil, during the rainy season. The experiment was carried out as a complete randomized blocks design with eight cultivars (Cindy, Elba, Grand Rapids, Kaesar, Mimosa, Sabrina
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Nilson Lemos de Menezes
Full Text Available O teste de fenol é recomendado para a identificação de cultivares de trigo em laboratório e se baseia na reação de compostos presentes no pericarpo das sementes. Devido à reação constante para cada cultivar, o teste serve para caracterização rápida e fácil de materiais com reações diferentes. No presente trabalho, com o objetivo de facilitar a identificação varietal em trigo, determinou-se a reação ao fenol de 42 cultivares, que estiveram ou estão em recomendação no Brasil.The phenol test is recommended for wheat cultivar identification and is based on the reaction of compounds present in the seeds pericarp. Due to the constant reaction for each cultivar, the test may be used for a rapid and easy characterization of different reactions materiais. In this essay, the phenol reaction was determined in 42 brazilian wheat varieties aiming to facilitate its identification.
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Silva, Tulibio F. da; Silva Neto, Helio F. da; Tasso Junior, Luiz C.; Marques, Diogo; Marques, Marcos O. [Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), Jaboticabal, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias], E-mail: tulibio_fernandes@yahoo.com.br
In order to diversify energy sources, the residue of sugarcane gathers attributes that qualify its use. Therefore, this study was to evaluate the potential of bagasse production in late cultivars of sugarcane. The experimental design was a randomized block design with 6 treatments (cultivars) and 3 replications. The experiment was carried out at FCAV/UNESP Jaboticabal. To calculate the productivity, it was counted the number of stems in a row linear meter, it was obtained the weight of stems. The percentage of fiber for each cultivar was determined by a calculation of estimated production and productivity of mulch. Using these values to estimate the number of people who would benefit from the energy generated from the combustion of bagasse in a process of cogeneration power. The results were submitted to analysis of variance by F test and averages compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. Cultivars RB867515, RB72454 and CTC6 showed the best performance, indicating its greater potential for power cogeneration. Cultivars CTC IAC94-2 and 2101 were lower when considering the results obtained. (author)
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Rachel Benetti Queiroz Voltan
Full Text Available Foi realizado um estudo de caracterização botânica em seis cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria X ananassa Duch. quatro desenvolvidos no Brasil - 'Campinas (IAC-2712', 'Guarani (IAC-5074', 'AGF 080' e 'IAC Princesa Isabel' - e dois introduzidos - 'Reiko', do Japão, e 'Sequóia', dos Estados Unidos - visando sua distinção taxonômica. Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos na Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul (SP durante os anos agrícolas de 1992/93. Os caracteres morfológicos que se mostraram úteis na diferenciação dos seis cultivares foram os seguintes: tipo de planta; número de folíolos; coloração da folha; razão entre o comprimento e a largura dos folíolos medianos; ângulo da base do limbo do folíolo mediano; comprimento das estipulas; posição das flores primárias em relação à folhagem; número de pétalas das flores primárias; razão entre o comprimento e a largura das pétalas; receptáculo do ovário; forma das infrutescências e da base da infrutescência; posição do cálice e calículo; espaços vazios no interior da infrutescência e comprimento e largura da infrutescência. Para a identificação dos cultivares, foi elaborada uma chave analítica. Os cultivares AGF 080 e Campinas não foram distinguidos com base nos caracteres analisados.Six strawberry cultivars (Fragaria X ananassa Duch., four developed in Brazil (AGF 080, Campinas, Guarani and IAC Princesa Isabel and two introduced (Reiko from Japan and Sequoia from USA were botanically evaluated in order to screening morphological vegetativa and reproductive characters to get the taxonomical distinction of them. Two experiments were carried out in 1992 and 1993 at the Experimental Station of Monte Alegre do Sul, Instituto Agronômico (IAC, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The following morphological characters were screened to distinguish the cultivars studied: growing habit; leaflet number; leaf colour; middle leaflet length and width ratio; middle
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Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo foi avaliar o potencial produtivo de cultivares de morangueiro em região representativa do Alto Jequitinhonha. O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda Mape Frutas Ltda., localizada no município de Datas-MG, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com oito cultivares de morangueiro em quatro repetições, para verificar a produção de mudas e de frutos. A contagem da produção de estolões e de mudas foi realizada aos 180 dias após o plantio. A avaliação das variáveis relacionadas à produção de frutos foi feita duas vezes por semana, no período de maio a outubro de 2012. Das cultivares de dias curtos (Festival, Campinas, Toyonoka, Dover, Oso Grande e Camarosa e dias neutros (Diamante e Aromas, apenas Toyonoka foi a que apresentou menor desempenho para as variáveis. A significativa superioridade das cultivares Camarosa e Festival, para praticamente todas as variáveis avaliadas, permite recomendá-las para regiões com características edafoclimáticas semelhantes às da região onde o experimento foi conduzido. Dentre as cultivares avaliadas, as mais precoces tenderam a apresentar maior desempenho para variáveis relacionadas à produção de frutos.
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Carlos Antonio Fernandes Santos
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer padrões alélicos e estimar as distâncias genéticas baseadas em marcador SSR de 44 cultivares de cebola adaptadas às condições de cultivo tropicais e subtropicais do Brasil. Para visualização da similaridade genética, utilizou-se o dendrograma UPGMA gerado da matriz de distâncias do coeficiente de Jaccard, com base em 40 alelos de 13 locos SSR. O DNA total foi extraído pelo método CTAB 2x, e os produtos de PCR foram analisados em géis de poliacrilamida desnaturante 6% e corados com nitrato de prata. O número de pares de bases foi estimado pelo método da mobilidade inversa, com base em regressão de produtos de tamanho conhecido. A média da heterozigosidade dos locos SSR foi 0,58. Os 40 alelos dos 13 locos SSR foram suficientes para distinguir as 44 cultivares de cebola. O maior número de alelos em comum foi observado entre as cultivares Yellow Granex e Henry's Special PRR e o menor, entre as cultivares Baia Periforme Super Precoce e Excel. Os sete grupos principais de cultivares identificados no dendrograma apresentaram concordância com a genealogia conhecida e o tipo agronômico das cultivares avaliadas. Os locos SSR selecionados são adequados para melhoramento e proteção de cultivares da espécie.The objective of this work was to establish allelic patterns and to estimate genetic distances based on the SSR marker in 44 onion cultivars adapted to Brazil's tropical and subtropical growing conditions. An UPGMA dendrogram generated from the distance matrix of the Jaccard's coefficient, based on 40 alleles of 13 SSR loci, was used for visualizing genetic similarities. Total DNA was extracted according to the CTAB 2x protocol, and the PCR products were analyzed in 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gels and stained with silver nitrate. The number of base pairs was estimated by the inverse mobility method, based on regression of products of known size. The heterozygosity mean was 0.58 for all
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Kumar, Brajesh, E-mail: krmbraj@gmail.com [Centro de Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Av. Gral. Rumiñahui s/n, Sangolqui, P.O. BOX 171-5-231B (Ecuador); Department of Chemistry, TATA College, Kolhan University, Chaibasa, 833202, Jharkhand (India); Smita, Kumari; Cumbal, Luis; Debut, Alexis [Centro de Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Av. Gral. Rumiñahui s/n, Sangolqui, P.O. BOX 171-5-231B (Ecuador); Galeas, Salome; Guerrero, Victor H. [Laboratorio de Nuevos Materiales, Departamento de Materiales, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito (Ecuador)
In the present study, a simple, low cost, and ecofriendly synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles (Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} NPs) has been developed using Andean blackberry leaf extract. UV–vis spectroscopy technique were used to study the initial formation of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} NPs. Morphology, crystallinity and surface properties of nanoparticles were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Dynamic light scattering (DLS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Thermal gravimetric (TG) techniques. TEM and DLS characterization indicated the formation of spherical Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} NPs of average size 54.5 ± 24.6 nm. XRD and FTIR studies confirmed the existence of the cubic spinel phase of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} NPs and Fe−O peak at 570 cm{sup −1}, whereas TG analysis indicated that the nanoparticles contain 94% metal and 6% capping ligand. It has been observed that, as-synthesized Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} NPs exhibited photocatalytic activity for degradation of organic dyes such as methylene blue (k = 0.0105475 min{sup −1}), congo red (k = 0.0043240 min{sup −1}), and methyl orange (k = 0.0028930 min{sup −1}), efficiently. The antioxidant activity of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} NPs against 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl were also evaluated. - Highlights: • We report extracellular phytosynthesis of Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles using the Andean blackberry leaf. • The synthesized Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} nanoparticles are spherical and average size is 54.5 ± 24.6 nm. • It showed enhanced photocatalytic activity and weak antioxidant efficacy. • Environmentally benign, non-toxic and cost-effective method is suggested.
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Flávio Zanette
Full Text Available The aim of this work was to characterize the phenological cycle of nine Vitis rotundifolia cultivars during the 2004/2005 season. The cultivars were Bontiful, Creek, Dixie, Magnolia, Magoon, Noble, Regale, Roanoke e Topsail. The experiment was performed on an orchard implanted in 1999 at the Canguiri Experimental Station of the Federal University of Paraná in Pinhais-PR. The phenology of two adult plants of each cultivar was monitored. The recorded phenological stages were: 1 Dormant bud; 2 Swollen bud; 3 Wool bud; 4 Green tip; 5 Bud burst (first leaf appearance; 6 Two to three leaves unfolded; 7 Five to six leaves unfolded; 8 Fully developed inflorescence; 9 Trace bloom (flowerhoods detached; 10 Full flowering (50% of the flowerhoods fallen; 11 Fruit set; 12 Groat-sized berries; 13 Pea-sized berries; 14 50% filled berries (beginning to touch berries; 15 Final size; 16 Color change; 17 Berries ripe for harvest; and 18 End of harvesting. A very long phenological cycle was observed when compared to species such as Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca. These evaluations allowed us to conclude that: a there is no difference in the phenological cycle periods between bronze and dark skinned cultivars; b cultivars presented desuniform wool bud to full flowering cycle, ranging from 25 days (‘Regale’ to 81 days (‘Creek’; c the cultivar Regale presented the longest cycle (203 days from full flowering to harvest and the cultivar Creek the shortest (136 days. The evaluated cultivars additionally presented desuniform ripening and a tendency to drop berries. O objetivo foi caracterizar o ciclo fenológico de nove cultivares de Vitis rotundifolia avaliadas na safra de 2004/2005. As cultivares estudadas foram as seguintes: Bontiful, Creek, Dixie, Magnolia, Magoon, Noble, Regale, Roanoke e Topsail. O trabalho foi realizado em um pomar do Setor de Fruticultura da Estação Experimental do Canguiri da Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Pinhais-PR, sendo que
Metabolomics-Driven Nutraceutical Evaluation of Diverse Green Tea Cultivars
Ida, Megumi; Kosaka, Reia; Miura, Daisuke; Wariishi, Hiroyuki; Maeda-Yamamoto, Mari; Nesumi, Atsushi; Saito, Takeshi; Kanda, Tomomasa; Yamada, Koji; Tachibana, Hirofumi
Background Green tea has various health promotion effects. Although there are numerous tea cultivars, little is known about the differences in their nutraceutical properties. Metabolic profiling techniques can provide information on the relationship between the metabolome and factors such as phenotype or quality. Here, we performed metabolomic analyses to explore the relationship between the metabolome and health-promoting attributes (bioactivity) of diverse Japanese green tea cultivars. Methodology/Principal Findings We investigated the ability of leaf extracts from 43 Japanese green tea cultivars to inhibit thrombin-induced phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). This thrombin-induced phosphorylation is a potential hallmark of vascular endothelial dysfunction. Among the tested cultivars, Cha Chuukanbohon Nou-6 (Nou-6) and Sunrouge (SR) strongly inhibited MRLC phosphorylation. To evaluate the bioactivity of green tea cultivars using a metabolomics approach, the metabolite profiles of all tea extracts were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Multivariate statistical analyses, principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least-squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), revealed differences among green tea cultivars with respect to their ability to inhibit MRLC phosphorylation. In the SR cultivar, polyphenols were associated with its unique metabolic profile and its bioactivity. In addition, using partial least-squares (PLS) regression analysis, we succeeded in constructing a reliable bioactivity-prediction model to predict the inhibitory effect of tea cultivars based on their metabolome. This model was based on certain identified metabolites that were associated with bioactivity. When added to an extract from the non-bioactive cultivar Yabukita, several metabolites enriched in SR were able to transform the extract into a bioactive extract
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Lebre, Antonio Carlos Pereira; Siva Neto, Helio Francisco da; Marques, Diogo; Marques, Marcos Omir; Tasso Junior, Luiz Carlos [Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV /UNESP), Jaboticabal, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias. Dept. de Tecnologia], E-mail: antoniocplebre8@hotmail.com
In the search for sustainability a major concern relates to the sugarcane agroindustry waste, and their potential use as an energy source. In this sense, the objective was to identify the production and productivity of bagasse of different sugarcane cultivars, aimed at the completion of the cogeneration of electricity. The experimental design was a randomized block design with 6 treatments (cultivars) and 3 replications. The experiment was carried out at FCAV/UNESP-Jaboticabal. To calculate the productivity, the number of stems was counted in a meter, obtaining the weight of stems. The percentage of fiber for each cultivar was determined by calculating the estimated production and productivity of mulch. Using these values to estimate the potential number of people who could benefit from the electricity that would be produced by the combustion of bagasse generated within a system of cogeneration of electricity put in practice by the sugar mills and ethanol distilleries. Cultivars with the best performance IAC91-1099 and CEC 15 who obtained the highest production and productivity of mulch increases the number of people benefited. Cultivars IAC94-4004-5000 and IAC95 showed intermediate results and the cultivars SP81-3250 and RB855536 obtained less satisfactory results. (author)
Leadership and Innovation – the Catalyst of IT&C Industry. A Case Study of BlackBerry Company
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Silviu Cojocaru
Full Text Available IT&C companies need to adapt themselves to an environment featuring a high level of competition. Innovation stays as the main vector of the domain, while the renewal rate of new technologies grows in speed (there are cases where new technologies emerge and replace the older ones in months. With this series of research we aim to analyse several local or global companies within the IT&C field, as well as the importance of leadership for their development. This first article will focus on leadership within a company called Research In Motion – RIM (currently named BlackBerry and on the main problems that have arisen within the company after the organisation was left without support from the leaders that created its worldwide brand.
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Silvio Júlio de Rezende Chagas
Full Text Available Com o objetivo de determinar a composição físico-química e química de cultivares de cebola (Allium cepa L., conduziu-se um ensaio na Fazenda Experimental de Lavras da EPAMIG, Lavras-MG, no período de março a setembro de 1995. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e 6 tratamentos, constituídos pelas cultivares Baia Periforme, Crioula, Granex 33, Pira Ouro, Jubileu e Texas Grano 502. Após a cura, avaliaram-se o pH, sólidos solúveis e totais (%, acidez titulável (%, ácido pirúvico (µmol/g, açúcares totais, redutores e não-redutores (% e índice industrial dos bulbos. As cultivares Crioula, Baia Periforme, Pira Ouro e Jubileu apresentaram as maiores concentrações de sólidos totais e solúveis. A acidez mais elevada foi observada nas cultivares Crioula (0,370% e Pira Ouro (0,315%. Os maiores índices industriais foram apresentados pelas cultivares Crioula (0,87 e Baia Periforme (0,75, e os menores, pelas cultivares Texas Grano 502 (0,51 e Granex 33 (0,32.This study was carried out from March to September of 1995, in the Experimental Field of EPAMIG, Lavras-MG, Brazil, with the objective of determining the physico-chemical and chemical composition of onions from different cultivars (Allium cepa L.. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with four repetitions and six cultivars as follow: Baia Periforme, Crioula, Granex 33, Pira Ouro, Jubileu and Texas Grano 502. After the cure it was evaluated the pH, soluble and total solids (%, titrate acidity (%, pyruvic acid (µmol/g, total sugar, reducers and non reducers (% and industrial index. The cultivars Crioula, Baia Periforme, Pira Ouro and Jubileu showed the largest concentrations of total and soluble solids. The highest acidity indexes were observed in the cultivars Crioula (0.370% and Pira Ouro (0.315%. The largest industrial indexes were found in the cultivars Crioula (0.87 and Baia Periforme (0.75, and the smallest ones in the
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Glauco Vieira Miranda
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de melhoramento e a divergência genética de nove cultivares tropicais de milho-pipoca. A divergência genética foi estimada por meio da técnica de análise multivariada e as cultivares foram agrupadas com base na distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (DGM, utilizando o método de otimização de Tocher e a dispersão gráfica. Com produtividade de grãos acima de 3 t/ha, destacaram-se as cultivares CMS 43, IAC 112, Viçosa, CMS 42 e Branco, e com índices de capacidade de expansão acima de 24 (v/v, as cultivares IAC 112, RS 20 e Zélia. As estimativas da DGM indicaram (RS 20 e Beija-flor e (Rosa-claro e RS 20 os pares de cultivares mais distantes geneticamente, e (IAC 112 e Viçosa e (Branco e CMS 42, os pares mais similares. Foram identificados três ou quatro grupos divergentes dependendo do método de agrupamento. Para o melhoramento de milho-pipoca, as cultivares com maiores potenciais são RS 20, Zélia, IAC 112 e Beija-flor. As cultivares apresentam divergência genética.The objective of this paper was to evaluate the potential of breeding and genetic divergence in nine tropical popcorn cultivars. The genetic divergence was estimated using multivariate analysis techniques and the cultivars were grouped based in Mahalanobis' generalized distance (MGD, using Tocher's optimization and graphic dispersion. The best cultivars concerning the yield grain above 3 ton/ha were CMS 43, IAC 112, Viçosa, CMS 42 and Branco, and to popping expansion above 24 (v/v were IAC 112, RS 20 and Zélia. The estimates of MGD indicated the pairs genetically more distant (RS 20, Beija-flor and (Rosa-claro, RS 20 as well as pairs genetically more similar (IAC 112, Viçosa and (Branco, CMS 42. Tree or four genetic divergences groups were formed depending on the method. To popcorn breeding, cultivars with best potential are RS 20, Zélia, IAC 112, and Beija-flor. The cultivars show genetic divergence.
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Igor Pasković
Full Text Available There are limited numbers of scientific publication regarding genotypic differences which exist among olive cultivars concerning nutrient uptake and translocation. For that purpose, the object of our study was to determine possible differences between leaf mineral content of five selected olive cultivars since leaf nutrient analysis is consider being the best method for diagnosing olive tree nutritional status. Plant material was obtained from an olive collection, grown on calcareous soil maintained at Institute of Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split, Croatia. The study was conducted with two Croatian autochthonous olive cultivars (“Istarska bjelica”, “Lastovka”, two Italian cultivars (“Pendolino”, “Leccino” and one Spanish cultivar (“Hojiblanca”. Completely randomized design was applied. This study has shown questionably low Mg concentration in all olive cultivars with exception for “Hojiblanca” cultivar. Also, only Croatian cultivars “Istarska bjelica” and “Lastovka” as well as Spanish cultivar “Hojiblanca” recorded sufficient levels of iron leaf mineral content. Regarding other elements studied (P, K, Ca, Zn, Mn, Cu all cultivars were above literature cited thresholds for possible deficiencies. Selected olive cultivars in our experiment demonstrated different nutrient leaf concentration, which is of particular importance for fertilization requirements and fertilization practice in Croatian orchards grown on calcareous soil.
New cultivars of jujube induced by mutation
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Hoang, V.T.; Tuynh, N.V.
Full text: Mutation breeding of jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lin.) received attention by the Food Crops Research Institute since 1978. Mutations can be directly released as new cultivars or indirectly as bud grafting source. N-methyl-N-nitroso urea (MNH) was used at a concentration of 0.02-0.04% for 12 h treatment of pre-germinated seeds of different jujube cultivars. Some useful mutants were selected and directly released as new cultivars to farmers. Of the selected mutants two cultivars, ''Ma hong'' and ''Dao tien'', are the most preferable and popularly grown in the country. ''Ma hong'' is a mutant of ''Gia Loc'', a very popular cultivar. Main useful traits of ''Gia Loc'' such as early maturing, two crops of fruits per year are maintained (harvest in December and August). ''Ma hong'' has round-formed, pink rose coloured, sweeter fruits and stable fruit yield in off-season (Aug.) as compared with oval-formed, yellow-coloured and sour fruit of ''Gia Loc''. ''Dao tien'' is a mutant of the local variety ''Thien Phien'' with quite different traits. The original cultivar is late maturing (harvested in Feb.) with one crop of fruit per year and has small fruits (mean wt. of fruit at harvest 20 g). ''Dao tien'' is one month earlier in maturing allowing two crops of fruit per year (harvested in Jan. and Nov.). Fruits are round-formed, bigger (mean wt. of fruit: 25 g) and more tasteful (peach-flavored and brittle). (author)
Morphological diversity in fourteen cultivars Tiron village, Kediri, Indonesia
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Nur Azis Fuad
Full Text Available Tiron village, Kediri is one of central mangoes in Indonesia. Many cultivar of mangoes encountered at this location. This study aims to look at the diversity of mango cultivars in the Tiron Village, Kediri, Indonesia. Mangoes diversity is based on qualitative and quantitative character of each cultivar. The diversity among cultivar indicated by the standard deviation and variance in the eleven quantitative characters of mango. Mango cultivars categorized by phylogeny morphological characters. The method used for phylogeny analysis is an UPGMA method (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean. Phylogenic analysis is based by the qualitative character of the plant. The results showed there were fourteen cultivars of mango in the village of Tiron Kediri have high diversity. Fourteen mango cultivars were categorized four groups. Based on a qualitative character, there are four classes of mango. The first group is the Katul, Podang Urang, and Podang Lumut. The second group is the Gadung, Jaran, Madu, Endog, Pakel, Dodonilo, Ireng, Lanang and Cantek. Santok Kapur into groups to form groups of three and Kopyor fourth. The high diversity in the village mango Tiron Kediri potential for resource in situ germplasm.
Molecular characterization of olive cultivars grown in Iraq using ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
The results of this research confirmed AFLP and SSR to be useful tools in genetic relationships among olive cultivars, in creating a molecular database for Iraqi olive cultivars, in breeding strategies and in correct cultivar identification. Keywords: Olea europaea, genetic diversity, amplified fragment length polymorphism ...
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Nei Peixoto
Full Text Available Seis ensaios de competição de cultivares de tomate para processamento industrial foram conduzidos nos municípios goianos de Anápolis, Jataí, Porangatú e Santa Isabel, em 1990, e Anápolis e Porangatu, em 1991. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, tendo as parcelas 80 plantas em 1990 e 70 em 1991. Em Porangatu, em 1990, as plantas foram mais precoces, florescendo 35 e 41 dias após a semeadura e iniciando-se a colheita 38 dias após a antese. Em Anápolis, também em 1990, a floração iniciou-se de 54 a 60 dias após a semeadura e, a colheita, 46 dias após a antese. As cultivares Petomech, IPA 6 e Topmech Melhorado destacaram-se entre as mais produtivas, apresentando frutos firmes, seguidas das cultivares IPA 5 e Agrocica 72. As cultivares Roma VFN, Rossol e Agrocica 08, por outro lado, revelaram-se produtivas, mas com frutos pouco firmes, sendo impróprias para o transporte a longa distância. Com exceção da cultivar Itaparica, que apresentou melhor desempenho relativo nos ambientes menos favoráveis, os genótipos apresentaram, para rendimento, resposta diretamente proporcional à melhoria do ambiente, caracterizado pela média geral dos genótipos dentro de cada experimento. As cultivares Agrocica 08, IPA 5, Nemadoro e UC 204, foram as mais influenciadas pelas variações do ambiente, enquanto as cultivares Agrocica 33, Calmec VF, IPA 6, Rio Fuego, Santa Adélia, Topmec Melhorado e UC 82 foram as mais estáveis.Six field trials were carried out to evaluate processing tomato cultivars in four counties in the State of Goiás, Brazil (Anápolis, Jataí, Porangatú and Santa Isabel, in 1990, and Anápolis and Porangatu, in 1991. The experiment was conducted as a randomized block design, with four replications, and plots of 80 plants in 1990 and 70 plants in 1991. The plant cycle was shorter in Porangatu (1990, where temperatures were higher than Anápolis. In Porangatu, plant flowering
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)
Biology of the aphid Therioaphis maculata was studied on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), including four resistant (Mesa-Sirsa, CUF101, Baker and Lahontan) and two susceptible (ARC and Caliverde) alfalfa cultivars, and one of the most cropped Brazilian cultivars, Crioula. Under controlled conditions, antibiosis (i.e., reduced longevity, fecundity and increased mortality of the aphid) was observed mainly on the resistant alfalfa cultivars,except on Lahontan. Crioula seemed to be tolerant to aphids. Present data support geographic limitation usage of cultivars, and we suggest Baker and Mesa-Sirsa as sources of antibiosis,and provide biological information of a tropical T. maculata biotype on alfalfa.
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Carlos Eduardo Rossi
Full Text Available Pesquisaram-se as reações de 11 cultivares de rabanete a Meloidogyne javanica e sua patogenicidade a uma dessas cultivares. No estudo de reações, os tratamentos/cultivares foram 'Comprido Branco', 'Crimson Gigante', 'Ponta Branca', 'Comprido Vermelho', 'Serrano', 'Gigante Wurzburgo', 'Saxa', 'Redondo Vermelho', 'Redondo Gigante', 'Cometo' e 'Akamaru Hatsuka'. Determinaram-se os índices de galhas (IG e de massas de ovos (IMO, o número de nematóides no sistema radicular (NSR e por grama de raiz (NGR e o fator de reprodução (FR 53 dias após a inoculação artificial com 2.000 ovos do parasito. Em outro experimento, avaliaram-se os efeitos de três densidades populacionais do nematóide [0, 500 (nível populacional baixo e 10.000 (nível populacional alto ovos/planta] sobre as massas frescas e secas de túberas e de parte aérea da cultivar 'Redondo Gigante', 39 dias após a inoculação. Os resultados mostraram que todas as cultivares permitiram a reprodução de M. javanica, sendo portanto consideradas suscetíveis. Valores de IG e IMO foram maiores ou iguais a 2,5 e os de FR, maiores do que 8,0 para todas as cultivares estudadas. O parasito causou diminuição significativa nas massas frescas e secas de túberas e de partes aéreas nos dois níveis populacionais estudados comparados com o controle não inoculado. As médias dos tratamentos contendo níveis populacionais baixo e alto do nematóide também diferiram estatisticamente entre si, comprovando-se, assim, a sua ação patogênica sobre a cultivar avaliada.Experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to determine the reaction of eleven radish (Raphanus sativus cultivars to Meloidogyne javanica and the pathogenicity of this nematode to a previously selected cultivar. The cultivars tested were 'Comprido Branco', 'Crimson Gigante', 'Ponta Branca', 'Comprido Vermelho', 'Serrano', 'Gigante Wurzburgo', 'Saxa', 'Redondo Vermelho', 'Redondo Gigante', 'Cometo' and 'Akamaru
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E Bijanzadeh
Full Text Available Abstract Salt stress is a major stress influencing wheat seedling establishment. A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the response of 20 cultivars of wheat to two levels of salinity (8 and 16 dS/m NaCl, at the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran in 2008. Maximum root length was obtained in Dabira (5.73 mm at 16dS/m salinity level. In control, durum wheat cultivars including D81-17, Yavaros, D82-16, D79-15 and Taro3 had the maximum root length compared to bread wheat, however, with increasing salinity level to 16dS/m, minimum root length was observed in D82-16 (0.3 mm. In all cultivars, with increasing salinity level, shoot length was decreased and minimum shoot length was observed in D82-16 and D79-15. Under control conditions, Taro 3 cultivar had maximum seedling dry weight (108.6 mm, however, at 8 and 16 dS/m salinity levels, seedling dry weight of this cultivar was decreased to 92.33 and 78.43 mg, respectively. All seeds (100% were germinated in D82-16, Taro3, Bolani Cross, and Chamran cultivars under 16 dS/m but in Marvdasht cultivar, seed germination percentage under 8 and 16 dS/m reached to 65 and 50%, respectively. Shiraz (10.8 seeds/day, Adl Cross(10 seeds/day, and Bolani Cross (9.1 seeds/day had maximum germination rate under 16 dS/m salinity level. Differences among wheat cultivars also found in germination stress index (germination rate under stress divided by germination rate under control and Shiraz, Adl Cross and Bolani Cross had maximum germination stress index, while Yavaros and D82-16 had minimum germination stress index. Furthermore, with increasing salinity level, different responses were observed among wheat cultivars in root and shoot length, germination rate and germination stress index which demonstrated the genetic diversity among wheat cultivars. It appeared that durum wheat cultivars, compared to bread wheat cultivars, had lower germination stress index and germination rate. Among what
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Francisco J. da S. Lédo
Full Text Available Devido às condições ambientais verificadas no estado do Acre, caracterizado pela ocorrência de temperaturas elevadas e alta precipitação, as cultivares tradicionalmente utilizadas pelos produtores apresentam baixo rendimento e qualidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento das novas cultivares de alface disponíveis no mercado, em termos de características agronômicas e rendimento, nas condições edafoclimáticas de Rio Branco, Acre. Para isso foram realizados dois ensaios no campo experimental da Embrapa Acre, em um solo do tipo Argissolo Vermelho-Escuro, textura argilosa. O primeiro de maio a julho de 1996 (período seco e o segundo de dezembro de 1996 a fevereiro de 1997 (período chuvoso. Foram avaliadas as cultivares Babá de Verão, Brisa, Carolina AG-576, Elisa, Lucy Brown, Marisa AG-216, Piracicaba 65, Regina 71, Tainá, Simpson, Vanessa e Verônica, sendo que 'Regina 71' e 'Elisa' foram incluídas apenas no ensaio do período seco. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. No período seco, as cultivares Simpson, Lucy Brown e Regina 71 apresentaram os maiores pesos médios (373; 362 e 341 g, respectivamente e produções comerciais de 49,8; 48,3 e 45,5 t/ha, respectivamente. Em geral, as cultivares dos tipos lisa sem cabeça e lisa com cabeça apresentaram maior índice de ataque de nematóide (Meloidogyne javanica quando comparadas às do tipo crespa. No ensaio realizado no período chuvoso, as cultivares Marisa AG-216, Verônica, Lucy Brown, Brisa, Tainá e Piracicaba-65 apresentaram os maiores pesos médios e produções comerciais. Entretanto, as médias obtidas foram bem inferiores às verificadas no ensaio do período seco, variando de 164 a 198 g para o peso médio, e 21,9 a 25,9 t/ha para produção comercial. Dentre as cultivares avaliadas no período seco, Regina 71 (lisa, sem cabeça e Carolina AG-576 (lisa, com cabeça destacaram-se entre as do tipo
Stem rust seedling resistance genes in Ethiopian wheat cultivars ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Thirty durum wheat (19 commercial cultivars and 11 breeding lines) and 30 bread wheat (20 commercial cultivars and 10 breeding lines) were tested for gene postulation. Stem rust infection types produced on wheat cultivars and breeding lines by ten Pgt races was compared with infection types produced on 40 near ...
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Wagner F. da Mota
Full Text Available Efetuou-se a caracterização físico-química dos frutos de quatro cultivares de quiabo neste estudo. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos constituídos pelas cultivares Amarelinho, Red Velvet, Star of David e Mammoth Spinless, com cinco repetições. Na maturidade comercial os frutos da cultivar Star of David tiveram maior diâmetro, peso fresco total e teor de matéria seca, menor comprimento, teor de umidade e de vitamina C comparado com as demais cultivares. A cultivar Red Velvet teve o menor diâmetro, peso fresco, teor de matéria seca, açúcares redutores e teores de clorofilas a, b e total, e maior teor de umidade e vitamina C. Frutos da cultivar Mammoth Spinless apresentaram os maiores teores de clorofilas a, b e total. A cultivar Amarelinho teve maior comprimento e menores teores de clorofila, a, b e total. As cultivares Amarelinho e Mammoth Spinless apresentaram maiores teores de açúcares redutores.In an experiment some physical and chemical characteristics of four okra cultivars were evaluated. The experimental design was of randomized blocks, where the treatments were the cultivars Amarelinho, Red Velvet, Star of David and Mammoth Spinless with five replications. At commercial maturity fruits of the cultivar Star of David presented the largest diameter, total fresh matter, content of dry matter, smallest length, content of water and vitamin C in comparison to the other cultivars. The cultivar Red Velvet presented the smallest diameter, total fresh matter, content of dry matter, reducing sugars and content of chlorophyll a, b and total, but the largest content of water and vitamin C. The cultivar Amarelinho produced the longest fruits and the smallest content of chlorophyll a, b and total. The cultivars Amarelinho and Mammoth Spinless showed higher contents of total reducing sugars.
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Raquel SC Nunes
Full Text Available Taro (Colocasia esculenta is a tuberous plant belonging to the Araceae family whose tuber is the 14th most consumed food crop in the world. Characterized as an unconventional vegetable, taro is grown in Brazil as a subsistence crop, but in recent years began to gain commercial importance, especially in the states of Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. To avoid loss of genetic diversity of the local varieties traditionally grown in Brazil a core collection for taro germplasm has been developed by the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do estado do Espirito Santo (Incaper. The aim of this study was to perform a molecular characterization of the seven regional core collections. Genetic diversity of the cultivars was investigated by using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats polymorphisms, in seven loci (Xuqtem55, Xuqtem73, Xuqtem84, Xuqtem88, Xuqtem91, Xuqtem97 and Xuqtem110. Genetic diversity of the cultivars, based on the seven microsatellite alleles, was evaluated by using the software GelCompar II, showed that the loci Xuqtem73, Xuqtem88 and Xuqtem110 were the most informative, featuring 7, 10 and 8 alleles, respectively, a percentage of cultivars with polymorphic alleles of 85, 57 and 100% and identical PIC of 0.91. Based on Xuqtem110 locus analysis, the seven cultivars were grouped in two clusters. Chinês Regional Incaper cultivar was originated from Chinês cultivar which originated the São Bento cultivar, corroborating previous results. Macaquinho and Chinês cultivars were shown to be the primitive ones originating the allelic collections found in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Espirito Santo.O taro (Colocasia esculenta é uma hortaliça da família Araceae cujo rizoma é o décimo quarto alimento vegetal mais consumido no mundo. Caracterizado como uma hortaliça não convencional, o taro é cultivado no Brasil como uma cultura de subsistência, mas nos últimos anos começou a ser
Evaluation of Garlic Cultivars for Polyphenolic Content and Antioxidant Properties
Cheng, Siqiong; Li, Panpan; Du, Junna; Chang, Yanxia; Meng, Huanwen
Two phenolic compound parameters (total phenolic and flavonoid contents) and 5 antioxidant parameters (DPPH [2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl] radical scavenging activity, HRSC (hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity), FRAP (ferric ion reducing antioxidant power), CUPRAC (cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity), and MCA (metal chelating activity) were measured in bulbs and bolts of 43 garlic cultivars. The bulbs of cultivar ‘74-x’ had the highest phenolic content (total phenolic, flavonoids) and the strongest antioxidant capacity (DPPH, FRAP, and CUPRAC), followed by bulbs of cultivar ‘Hanzhong purple’; the bulbs of cultivar ‘Gailiang’ had the lowest phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (FRAP, CUPRAC, MCA). The bolts of ‘Hanzhong purple’ also had higher phenolic content. Principal components analysis (PCA) separated the cultivars into 3 groups according to phenolic and flavonoid contents and strength of antioxidant activity. The first group had higher HRSC, FRAP, and flavonoid content; the second group had higher total phenolic content and MCA; some cultivars in the third group had higher HRSC and FRAP. All 8 test garlic bulb extracts successfully prevented Human Vascular Endothelial Cell death and significantly prevented reactive-oxygen species (ROS) formation in oxidative stress model, in which cultivar ‘74-x’ had highest protection capability, following by cultivar ‘Hanzhong purple’, and the bulbs of cultivar ‘No. 105 from Korea’ had the lower protection capability against cell death and ROS formation. The protection capability in vivo of these garlic cultivars was consistent with their phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. PMID:24232741
Secondary metabolism responses in two Pisum sativum L. cultivars ...
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Both cultivars were grown in the absence or presence of Fe with the addition of bicarbonate for twelve days. Higher concentrations of phenols and flavonoids were observed in Fe-deficient tissues of both cultivars; however, the increase was greater in the tolerant cultivar than in the susceptible one. The activity of shikimate ...
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D. Agostinetto
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de cultivares de arroz irrigado e de épocas de adubação nitrogenada durante o ciclo da cultura sobre a habilidade competitiva do cereal em relação ao cultivar EEA 406, usado como simulador da planta daninha arrozvermelho. Para isso, conduziu-se experimento em campo, na estação de crescimento 2001/02. Os tratamentos, dispostos em esquema fatorial, constaram de cultivares de arroz (BRS-38 Ligeirinho, IRGA 417 e BR-IRGA 409, épocas de aplicação do nitrogênio (N (100% do N na semeadura, 50% do N na semeadura mais 50% no início da diferenciação da panícula (IDP, 100% no IDP e testemunha sem o adubo e populações do cultivar simulador do arroz-vermelho. Para relacionar as perdas de produtividade de grãos de arroz com populações do cultivar simulador, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão da hipérbole retangular, ajustado de modo independente para os fatores estudados. Verificou-se que a época de aplicação do N influenciou na habilidade competitiva dos cultivares de arroz. Cultivares de ciclo muito curto e curto apresentaram maior habilidade competitiva com o cultivar simulador, quando a adubação foi realizada na semeadura, enquanto o cultivar de ciclo médio se beneficiou do fracionamento da adubação na semeadura e no IDP.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of flooded rice cultivars and timings of nitrogen fertilizer application during the crop cycle on the competitive ability of this cereal in relation to EEA 406 cultivar, used as a mimicker of red rice. Thus, a field experiment was carried out during the 2001/02 growing season. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design,comprising the rice cultivars (BRS-38 Ligeirinho, IRGA 417, and BR-IRGA 409, nitrogen (N application timings (100% at sowing, 50% at sowing plus 50% at the beginning of panicle differentiation (BPD, 100% at BPD, and check without fertilizer, and densities of the mimicker cultivar. In
Production of cultivars of Anthurium andraeanum in Acorizal-MT conditions
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Carmen Lúcia Ferreira Fava
cover with sugarcane bagasse. The cultivars Eidibel and Supremo were the most productive with 2,4 stalks/month/plant; the bigger spathe was obtained by the cultivar Brasão with 17,2 cm of width and 12,6 cm length; and the cultivar Sonata presents the bigger spadix with 7,6 cm. The seven cultivars of anthurium, as a cut flower, develop and bloom satisfactorily.
Bautista-Rosales, Pedro Ulises; Ragazzo-Sánchez, Juan Arturo; Ruiz-Montañez, Gabriela; Ortiz-Basurto, Rosa Isela; Luna-Solano, Guadalupe; Calderón-Santoyo, Montserrat
Blackberry (Rubus sp.) juice was fermented using four different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Vitilevure-CM4457, Enoferm-T306, ICV-K1, and Greroche Rhona-L3574) recognized because of their use in the wine industry. A medium alcoholic graduation spirit (industrial scale was obtained. Alcoholic fermentations were performed at 28°C, 200 rpm, and noncontrolled pH. The synergistic effect on the aromatic compounds production during fermentation in mixed culture was compared with those obtained by monoculture and physic mixture of spirits produced in monoculture. The aromatic composition was determined by HS-SPME-GC. The differences in aromatic profile principally rely on the proportions in aromatic compounds and not on the number of those compounds. The multivariance analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and factorial discriminant analysis (DFA) permit to demonstrate the synergism between the strains.
Oil and fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars grown in Pakistan
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Hassan, F.; Ahmed, M.
Quality and flavor of edible peanuts and its products are affected by fatty acid composition of oil. The information related to chemical composition of Peanut grown in the country are scarce, therefore, the present investigation was designed to determine the oil and fatty acid composition of some commonly grown peanut cultivars in Pakistan. Seven Peanut cultivars were grown during 2008 in randomized complete block design replicated thrice. The tested cultivars differed significantly for oil content which ranged from 49.83 to 53.06% on dry weight basis, thus showing differences of 7% among cultivars. The saturated fatty acids (Palmetic and Stearic acid) in different cultivars ranged between 9.95 to 10.79% and 1.63 to 2.19%, respectively. Differences among cultivars for oleic acid exhibited significance which ranged between 49.34 to 54.83%. Similarly, cultivars differed statistically for linoleic ac id which showed a range of 28.99 to 34.23%, thus depicted difference of 7%. Significant differences among tested cultivars may be attributed to the place of origin of particular cultivar. An inverse relationship was exhibited between oleic and linoleic acid, similar to other edible oils. (author)
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Álvaro Montoya Gómez
Full Text Available La mora de Castilla (Rubus glaucus Benth es una fruta de interés comercial y altamente perecedera, que presenta deterioro debido a su fragilidad e inadecuado manejo poscosecha, cantidades apreciables de fruta son afectadas, básicamente en sus características físicas, siendo este producto apto para el procesamiento industrial. Veinte kg de mora fueron despulpados, homogenizados y caracterizada la pulpa, determinando; grados brix de 6,0; porcentaje de acidez de 2,91 % y densidad de 0,991 g/ml en promedio. Se formularon licores, con una participación de la pulpa del 25 %, 30 %, 35 %, 40 %, 45 %, 50 % y 55 % iniciando con 35 °Brix, para todos los casos en el mosto fermentable, ajustando las formulaciones con sacarosa; la levadura inoculada fue Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meyen ex E.C. Hansen en concentración del 0,2 %; la fermentación se llevó a cabo en reactores con capacidad de 2 litros, con desfogue de manguera de látex, el mosto fermentable fue dejado en los reactores durante 20 semanas, luego los licores fueron filtrados y caracterizados físico-químicamente, evaluando el porcentaje de alcohol por destilación, encontrando que el porcentaje de 40 % de participación de pulpa, fue el de mayor concentración con 8,36 % de volumen de alcohol en promedio. Los resultados estadísticos mostraron una diferencia significativa entre los porcentajes de participación de pulpa y su influencia sobre la producción de alcohol para los valores de 25 % y 30 % con respecto a los porcentajes 35 %, 40 %, 45 %, 50 % y 55 %. Un modelo matemático lineal apropiado para la producción de alcohol en función de la participación de pulpa fue obtenido. La prueba sensorial con 10 jueces, mostró que el licor preparado con 35 % de participación de pulpa, fue el de mayor aceptación.The blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth is a fruit of commercial interest that is highly perishable, showing appreciable damage due to fragileness and inadequate pos-harvesting handling
Meireles, Manuela; Marques, Cláudia; Norberto, Sónia; Fernandes, Iva; Mateus, Nuno; Rendeiro, Catarina; Spencer, Jeremy P E; Faria, Ana; Calhau, Conceição
Neuroinflammation has been suggested as a central mediator of central nervous system dysfunction, including in dementia and neurodegenerative disease. Flavonoids have emerged as promising candidates for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and are thought to be capable of antiinflammatory effects in the brain. In the present study, the impact of a chronic intake of an anthocyanin extract from blackberry (BE) on brain inflammatory status in the presence or absence of a high-fat diet was investigated. Following intake of the dietary regimes for 17 weeks neuroinflammatory status in Wistar rat cortex, hippocampus and plasma were assessed using cytokine antibody arrays. In the cortex, intake of the high-fat diet resulted in an increase of at least 4-fold, in expression of the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant CINC-3, the ciliary neurotrophic factor CNTF, the platelet-derived growth factor PDGF-AA, IL-10, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TIMP-1 and the receptor for advanced glycation end products RAGE. BE intake partially decreased the expression of these mediators in the high-fat challenged brain. In standard-fed animals, BE intake significantly increased cortical levels of fractalkine, PDGF-AA, activin, the vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and agrin expression, suggesting effects as neuronal growth and synaptic connection modulators. In hippocampus, BE modulates fractalkine and the thymus chemokine TCK-1 expression independently of diet intake and, only in standard diet, increased PDGF-AA. Exploring effects of anthocyanins on fractalkine transcription using the neuronal cell line SH-SY5Y suggested that other cell types may be involved in this effect. This is the first evidence, in in vivo model, that blackberry extract intake may be capable of preventing the detrimental effects of neuroinflammation in a high-fat challenged brain. Also, fractalkine and TCK-1 expression may be specific targets of anthocyanins and their metabolites on
CULTIVAR RELEASE-BRS 217 Flora: Early-maturing soybean cultivar
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Plínio Itamar de Mello de Souza
Full Text Available The soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cultivar BRS 217 Flora was developed by Embrapa and released forproduction in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Mato Grosso and the Distrito Federal, Brazil. It is resistant to stemcanker, frog-eye leaf spot, bacterial pustule, and partially resistant to powdery mildew.
Variation between cut chrysanthemum cultivars in response to suboptimal temperature
Ploeg, van der A.; Kularathne, R.J.K.N.; Carvalho, S.M.P.; Heuvelink, E.
To breed for more energy-efficient cut chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) cultivars it is important to know the variation of the temperature response existing in modern cultivars. In a greenhouse experiment with 25 chrysanthemum cultivars, a significant variation was observed in
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Zeni Fonseca Pinto Tomaz
Full Text Available A insuficiência de estudos sobre compatibilidade de porta-enxertos é um dos fatores limitantes ao desenvolvimento da cultura da pereira (Pyrus sp. no Brasil. A utilização do marmeleiro (Cydonia oblonga como porta-enxerto para a cultura da pereira apresenta inúmeras vantagens, entre as quais a redução do vigor e a rápida entrada em produção; todavia, sua combinação com algumas cultivares copa apresenta problemas de incompatibilidade de enxertia, podendo ocasionar a ruptura do caule das plantas no pomar. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a compatibilidade de enxertia de algumas cultivares de marmeleiros ('Quince C' e 'Adams' com pereiras ('Packham's Triumph' e 'Kieffer'. As variáveis analisadas foram: diâmetro da secção do tronco no ponto de enxertia, 5 cm abaixo e 5 cm acima do ponto de enxertia, diferença do diâmetro entre porta-enxerto e copa, altura das plantas, volume e massa seca da copa e raízes. Além disso, efetuou-se a observação da conexão vascular no ponto de enxertia através da imersão da base das plantas (abaixo do ponto de enxertia, em solução corante de Ácido Fuccínico 0,08%. Concluiu-se que a cultivar 'Packham's Triumph'apresenta compatibilidade de enxertia com o marmeleiro cultivares 'Adams'e 'Quince C', enquanto o híbrido 'Kieffer' apresentou sintomas morfológicos de incompatibilidade de enxertia com o marmeleiro cultivares 'Quince C' e 'Adams'.The lack of studies on compatibility of pear cultivars and rootstocks is one of the limiting factors on the development of the pear crop in Brazil. The use of quinces as rootstocks for pear cultivars has several advantages, among them the reduction in vigor and earlier bearing trees, however, its combination with some scions cultivars results in problems of incompatibility , such as lost of trees of the orchard due to break of the graft union. The objective of this study was to determine the compatibility between pears cvs. Packham's Triumph and Kieffer
Performance of different tomato cultivars under organic and inorganic regimes
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Ali, I.; Khattak, A. M.; Ali, M.; Ullah, K.
To study the performance of different tomato cultivars under organic and inorganic regimes an experiment was conducted at New Developmental Farm, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan during the summer 2013-14. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with split plot arrangement having four replications. Organic regimes (FYM, poultry manure and mushroom compost) and inorganic (NPK) regimes were allotted to main plot, while cultivars (Roma VF, Roma, Super Classic, Bambino and Rio Grande) were subjected to sub plots. Organic and Inorganic regimes significantly (P ≤ 0.01) influenced all the studied attributes of tomato cultivars. Among different cultivars, Roma gave maximum plant survival (93.8 percentage), number of leaves plant (84.1), number of flower inflorescence (5.4), number of fruits inflorescence (4.3), number of fruit plant (25.4), fruit size (63.9 cm) fruit weight plant (9.1 kg) and total yield (22.9 t ha). However, it was closely followed by cultivar Rio Grande for number of leaves plant (79.6), number of flower inflorescence (5.1), number of fruits inflorescence (4.0) and number of fruits plant (24.9). Cultivar Super Classic produced minimum number of leaves plant (67.7), flower inflorescence (4.8), fruit size (60.6 cm), fruit weight plant (8.6 kg) and total yield (21.7 t ha). Similarly, highest plant survival (90.0 percentage), number of flower inflorescence (5.1), number of fruits inflorescence (4.0), number of fruit plant (25.4), fruit size (62.4 ml), fruit weight plant (8.90 kg) and total yield (22.9 t ha) were recorded in plants provided with organic conditions Roma cultivar performed better than other cultivars under the agro climatic condition of Peshawar followed by cultivar Rio Grande. Therefore, organic tomato production, and these two cultivars are recommended to be grown in Peshawar area. (author)
Mutation breeding of autotetraploid Achimenes cultivars
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Broertjes, C.
Colchicine-induced autotetraploids of three Achimenes cultivars were irradiated with X-rays or fast neutrons. The results were compared, in one cultivar, with those of the irradiated diploid form. The mutation frequency after irradiation of the autotetraploid was a 20-40 fold higher as compared to the corresponding diploid. These results may open new possibilities for mutation breeding, though they are hard to explain. Several promising mutants were selected. (author)
Seed storage effects on germination for two forage kochia cultivars
The cultivar ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia was released by the USDA-ARS in 2012. It is a synthetic cultivar selected for stature, forage production, and adaptation to semiarid environments. Similar to the earlier released (1984) ‘Immigrant’ cultivar it can increase rangeland productivity magnitudes when...
Intraspecific responses of 188 rice cultivars to enhanced UVB radiation
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Dai, Q.; Peng, A.; Chavez, A.Q.; Vergara, B.S.
Phytotron studies were conducted to determine the intraspecific variation in sensitivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to enhanced UVB and to test the hypothesis that rice cultivars originating from regions with higher ambient UVB radiation are more tolerant to enhanced UVB. Out of the 188 rice cultivars (from various rice growing regions and ecosystems) tested, 143 had significantly reduced plant height, 52 had smaller leaf area, 61 had lower plant dry weight and 41 had less tiller number under elevated UVB radiation (13.0 kJ m −2 day −1 ) for 3 weeks. Six cultivars showed significant positive growth response to enhanced UVB radiation, although the mechanism is not clear at present. These six cultivars were from the summer rice crop of Bangladesh and from high elevation rice areas where prevailing UVB radiation is most likely to be greater. However, there was no correlation between the dry matter changes under enhanced UVB and the ambient UVB level at the origin of the cultivar across the 188 cultivars tested. Therefore, cultivars originating from regions with higher ambient UVB are not necessarily more tolerant to enhanced UVB radiation. (author)
Bread-Making Quality of Standard Winter Wheat Cultivars
Ćurić, Duška; Novotni, Dubravka; Bauman, Ingrid; Krička, Tajana; Jukić, Željko; Voća, Neven; Kiš, Darko
The purpose of this study was to define an impact of the cultivar, year and cultivation area of the standard Croatian winter wheat on the bread-making quality. The bread-making quality of cultivars ‘Divana’, ‘Žitarka’ and ‘Sana’ from the crop years 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006, and from Zagreb and Osijek location was analyzed. Wheat from the cultivar tests cultivated under the same agro technological conditions was used for this testing. The tested winter wheat bread-making quality primari...
banana cultivar distribution in rwanda abstract résumé
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Gisubi (ABB), Gros Michel (AAA), and 'Kamaramasenge'. (AAB) were the most abundant. Farms with a higher proportion of Gisubi contained fewer other cultivars. Also, new cultivars were identified and these should be added to the National Banana germplasm collection. Key Words: Cultivars, diversity indexes, germplasm, ...
Proteomics of the ripening of blackberry fruits (Rubus sp. grown in México, a first approach
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Full Text Available Blackberry production in Mexico has increased 200 % in the last decade. The main varieties used have been introduced from other countries, and its establishment under the climatic conditions of México has required considerable adaptations to the agronomic management observed in the regions of origin thereof. The essentialchallenge of managing this product is based on the intrinsic characteristics of its soft fruit and its short shelf life, so that knowledge of their maturation process under their growing conditions in Mexico is imperative to achieve and improve handling productivity and fruit quality unto its final destination. The aim of this work was to first address this problem by establishing the conditions of protocols for the analysis of proteins in blackberry fruits during different ripening stages. To accomplish this goal, six stages of fruit ripening were identified for the comercial variety 'Brazos' (considering a range of development from green, small fruits to fruits fully developed and in harvest maturity, a protein extraction was selected and a protein profile was performed by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. In addition, requirements were established for two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE of the extractsobtained by evaluating the conditions of isoelectric focusing and staining methods. According to the results obtained, it was determined to use 400 µg of total protein in IPG strips of 7 cm with a pH range of 3 to 10, using a máximum voltage of 50 000 V, and Coomassie blue staining. A preliminary analysis of the distribution and abundance of the peptides expressed in the six stages of maturation was performed using the KODAK MI software version 4.5, and the results showed that the stage 2 presented the highest number of peptide spots (158, the highest percentage of spots at all stages were observed in a pH range of 5.0 to 6.9 and molecular weight of 30 to 50 kDa. We identified four spots of similar intensity
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Sebastião Martins Filho
Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia Bayesiana para ajustar o modelo não-linear logístico para dados de crescimento de duas cultivares de feijoeiro, "Neguinho" e "Carioca". O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com vinte repetições, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo que os tratamentos principais foram constituídos pelas cultivares e as subparcelas foram constituídas por 17 períodos de avaliações, do plantio até aos 85 dias. A metodologia permitiu comparar as curvas de crescimentos sem utilizar a teoria assintótica e estes resultados mostraram um maior incremento em altura para a cultivar "Carioca".In this paper the Bayesian methodology was used to fit the logistic nonlinear model to growth data of two common bean cultivars, 'Neguinho' and 'Carioca'. The experiment was a split plot under a completely randomized design with twenty replicates, being the main treatments constituted by cultivars and the sub plots constituted by seventeen periods of evaluations, from planting to 85 days. The methodology allowed comparing the growth curves without using the asymptotic theory, and these results showed a larger height increment for the 'Carioca' cultivar.
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Ignácio Lund Gabriel da Silva Carmo
Full Text Available Production of the watermelon is important in all regions of Brazil. However, productive and qualitative information for fruit of different cultivars grown in the same environment is still scarce, especially in the State of Roraima, a fact that makes it necessary to carry out studies in order to meet this need. As a result, this study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of watermelon cultivars produced in the Cerrado at Boa Vista, Roraima. The experiment was conducted at the Agua Boa Experimental Farm of Embrapa Roraima, from December 2013 to February 2014. The experimental design was of randomised blocks (DBC, with six replications. The treatments comprised six watermelon cultivars: Verena, Explore, Elisa, Juliane, Crimson Sweet and Crimson Sweet Super, for which the productive, physical, chemical and physicochemical characteristics of the fruit were evaluated. There was no difference between cultivars in yield, number of fruit ha-1 or the number of fruit with a weight of between 6 and 9 kg. The cultivars differed as to physical characteristics (weight, size and number of seeds per fruit. There were differences between cultivars for all the chemical and physicochemical characteristics of the fruit. The cultivar Elisa displayed the highest levels for total soluble solids (12.58 °Brix. Fruits of the cultivars Explore and Crimson Sweet Super showed the greatest ratio between total soluble solids and titratable acidity. The fruits of the cultivars Explore and Elisa had the highest pH. The conditions of soil and climate in the Cerrado at Boa Vista favour the productive and qualitative characteristics of the cultivars being analysed. = A produção de melancia é consolidada em todas as regiões do Brasil. Porém, as informações sobre produtividade e qualidade dos frutos, de diferentes cultivares no mesmo ambiente, ainda são tímidas, sobretudo em Roraima, tornando necessária a realização de estudos para suprir essa carência. Objetivou
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O.M. Yamashita
Full Text Available Avaliou-se a resposta de nove cultivares de algodoeiro, de importância econômica no Estado do Mato Grosso, quanto à intoxicação causada por subdoses de glyphosate. Os cultivares de algodoeiro utilizados foram Fabrika, Makina, ITA-90, FM 986, FM 966, Delta Opal, BRS Facual, Antares e Coodetec 407. As plantas foram cultivadas em tubetes preenchidos com substrato de solo e mantidas em casa telada, tendo recebido a aplicação do glyphosate aos 20 dias após a emergência, época em que apresentavam quatro folhas verdadeiras. As subdoses de glyphosate, simulando deriva, foram de 270 e 540 g ha-1. Também foi utilizada testemunha, sem aplicação do herbicida, para efeito de comparação. Foram realizadas avaliações semanais até 42 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos (DAA, período em que também foi tomada a altura das plantas. Os sintomas visuais de intoxicação iniciaram-se aos 3 DAA, caracterizados pelo amarelecimento das pontas das folhas mais novas, seguido de murchamento do ápice das plantas. Na dose de 270 g ha-1 esses sintomas foram de baixa intensidade, mas a 540 g ha-1 causaram, na maioria dos casos, toxidez "preocupante" a "muito alta". Os cultivares BRS Facual e FM 986 mostraram-se os mais suscetíveis. A altura das plantas foi mais afetada quando se aplicou a menor dose de glyphosate. Houve recuperação de todos os cultivares tratados com 270 g ha-1 de glyphosate até os 42 DAA. Quando tratados com 540 g ha-1 de glyphosate, os cultivares Fabrika, Coodetec 407, BRS-Facual e ITA-90 foram mais sensíveis, apresentando redução de altura entre 84 e 90% aos 42 DAA. Os cultivares menos sensíveis na dose de 270 g ha-1 de glyphosate não foram os mesmos para a dose de 540 g ha-1.The response of nine cotton cultivars economically important in the state of Mato Grosso was evaluated in relation to the toxicity caused by reduced rates of glyphosate. The cotton cultivars used were Fabrika, Makina, ITA-90, FM 986, FM 966, Delta Opal
Bülbül, Ferhat; Altun, Hikmet; Küçük, Özkan; Ezirmik, Vefa
This study aims to evaluate the tribological and corrosion properties of the electroless Ni-B coating deposited on AISI 304 stainless steels. The microstructure of the coating was characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS). XRD analysis revealed that the prepared coating possessed an amorphous character. SEM-EDS investigation also indicated that a non-stoichiometric Ni-B coating was deposited with a columnar growth mechanism on the stainless steel substrate and the morphology of the growth surface was blackberry-like. The hardness and tribological properties were characterized by microhardness and a pin-on-disc wear test. The electroless Ni-B coated sample had a higher degree of hardness, a lower friction coefficient and a lower wear rate than the uncoated substrate. The electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization method was used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the coating. The electroless Ni-B coating offered cathodic protection on the substrate by acting as a sacrificial anode although it was electrochemically more reactive than the stainless steel substrate.
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Santin, Ivan; Silva Neto, Helio F. da; Tasso Junior, Luiz Carlos; Marques, Diogo; Marques, Marcos O. [Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), Jabotical, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias. Dept. de Tecnologia], E-mail: santinivan@hotmail.com
The success of energy generation from biomass of sugarcane is related to the amount of bagasse produced and the improvements of the equipment involved in the thermal balance of the sugarcane industrialization process. In this sense, the objective of this study was to quantify the production and productivity of bagasse in different early cultivars of sugarcane. The experimental design was a randomized block design with 6 treatments (cultivars) and 3 replications. The experiment was carried out at FCAV/UNESP-Jaboticabal. To calculate the productivity, the number of stems was counted in a meter, the weight of stems was obtained. The percentage of fiber for each cultivar was determined by calculating the estimated production and productivity of mulch. Using these values to estimate the potential number of people who would benefit from the energy generated by the combustion of bagasse an evolving process of cogeneration power. Cultivar CTC 16 (best results), showed the highest value of TCH (100.66 t ha{sup -1}), production of bagasse (315.66 kg t {sup -1}), any product residue (32.00 t ha{sup -1}) and people who could benefit (9.33 x 106). The Cultivars SP91-1049 and IACSP93-3046 presented the results less satisfactory. (author)
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Pedro Ulises Bautista-Rosales
Full Text Available Blackberry (Rubus sp. juice was fermented using four different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Vitilevure-CM4457, Enoferm-T306, ICV-K1, and Greroche Rhona-L3574 recognized because of their use in the wine industry. A medium alcoholic graduation spirit (<6GL° with potential to be produced at an industrial scale was obtained. Alcoholic fermentations were performed at 28C°, 200 rpm, and noncontrolled pH. The synergistic effect on the aromatic compounds production during fermentation in mixed culture was compared with those obtained by monoculture and physic mixture of spirits produced in monoculture. The aromatic composition was determined by HS-SPME-GC. The differences in aromatic profile principally rely on the proportions in aromatic compounds and not on the number of those compounds. The multivariance analysis, principal component analysis (PCA, and factorial discriminant analysis (DFA permit to demonstrate the synergism between the strains.
Molecular characterisation of radish cultivars
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Sara Michelly Cruz
Full Text Available The radish has been gaining importance in the Brazilian market due to its use as a green manure and cover crop, and also due to its potential for the production of biodiesel, however there are only two registered cultivars, which are morphologically very similar. Determination of genetic purity is a prerequisite in marketing seeds as it ensures uniformity of the crop and is important in breeding programs. The aim of this work therefore was to evaluate the similarity and genotype patterns which permit differentiation of the commercial radish cultivars IPR 116 and CATI AL-1000. In order to do this, isoenzyme electrophoretic patterns were analysed in dry seeds, soaked seeds, seedling leaves and young leaves; the isoenzymes used being: superoxide dismutase, catalase, esterase, glutamate-oxalocetate, malate dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase. Thirty-seven RAPD primers and 10 ISSR primers in leaves of the CATI AL-1000 and IPR-116 cultivars were analysed. Among the isoenzymes under study, the most polymorphic were glutamate oxalocetate, malate dehydrogenase, esterase and superoxide dismutase, with the superoxide dismutase system giving the best characterisation for all stages of development. The catalase isoenzyme system did not make it possible to differentiate between cultivars at any stage of development, and isocitrate lyase was not revealed by the protocol used. In analysis of the markers, 27 RAPD primers and eight ISSR primers showed polymorphism. The results indicate that it is possible to determine reliable descriptors based on isoenzymes at different stages of development of the radish and with the use of RAPD and ISSR primers.
Cytomorphological characterization of tea cultivars
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Rahman, H.; Khalil, I.H.; Shah, S.M.A.; Khanzada, T.Z.; Abbasi, F.M; Ahmad, H.; Shah, Z.
Cytomorphological characterization was performed on tea cultivars, three each of Camellia sinensis and Camellia assamica species. For plant morphological study, one and a half year old healthy shoots were obtained from the selected mother bushes of the six tea cultivars. The field experiment conducted in randomized complete block design having four replications was aimed at evaluating plant height, number of leaves plant-l, number of branches plant-l, number of flowers plant-1, fresh and dry leaf weight plant-I. The data indicated significant difference between the two species with narrow leaved cultivars having increased plant height, number of leaves and branches plant-I than the broad leaved cultivars, but less number of flowers plant-l, fresh and dry leaf weight. Karyotype analysis indicated that both the groups are diploid with 2n = 30. On the basis of chromosome morphology, C. assamica had larger chromosomes (3-10.5 mu m) as compared to C. sinensis (3.9-8 mu m). C. assamica has relatively advanced features as compared to C. sinensis. However, both the groups possessed mostly median to sub-median centromeres with no secondary constrictions which possibly indicates that little or no evolutionary changes have taken place in tea and that the karyotype is still at a primitive stage, with C. sinensis being more primitive than C. assamica. Our results suggest that both the groups are different from each other in morphological as well as cytological attributes and could therefore generate more germplasm if the two species could be involved in tea breeding programs. (author)
Quality baseline of the castilla blackberry (Rubus glaucus in its food chain
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Fernanda Iza
Full Text Available A proposal for improvement in the performance of the food chain of castilla blackberry (Rubus glaucus in order to potentiate their productivity can only start from a baseline or situational diagnosis of the quality of the fruit and hence identify the main points of improvement. The food chain of the fruit identifies three stages, harvest, post-harvest (storage and transport and marketing or sale. The diagnosis in each stage began with reverse mode. It was identified the most representative producer and the supplying for traders to the point of sale. The quality evaluation of the fruit was performed through chemical and physical characterization in the four stages. Weight loss or losses were evident in all stages, light no significant changes of color from bright red bluish hue in the collection stage until opaque bluish red or off, at the stage of sale due to the short cycle time and the characteristics non-climacteric fruit. However, at all stages of collection, storage, transportation and sale, they presented significant changes in the indices of maturity which meant an increase of sugars, decreased of pH, and increase acidity. The results indicate that the fruit changed its physicochemical characteristics during the stages of the food chain affecting its productivity.
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Luisa Juana Bernal
Full Text Available The blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth and thebilberry (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz are natural sourcesof antioxidants; they are known for their preventive role against degenerative diseases. In this study, the aromatic profile was evaluated using an electronic nose, including the antioxidant properties and the vitamin C, phenolic and anthocyanin contents during three stages of blackberry and bilberry ripening. A completely random statistical design was followed and the results presented differences in the aromatic profile: a higher anthocyanin content (1.59 mg of cyn-3-glu g-1 in the bilberry and 0.26 mg of cyn-3-glu g-1 in the blackberry and total phenols (5.57 mg of caffeic acid g-1 bilberry and 2.68 mg caffeic acid g-1 blackberry. The behavior of the evaluated properties was independent in each of the fruits. / Los frutos como la mora (Rubus glaucus Benth y el agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz son fuentes naturales de sustancias antioxidantes reconocidas por su papel preventivo en el desarrollo de enfermedades degenerativas. En este estudio se evaluó el perfil aromático por medio de nariz electrónica, las propiedades antioxidantes y el contenido de vitamina C, fenoles y antocianinas totales, durante tres estados de maduración de mora y agraz. El diseño estadístico que se siguió fue completamente aleatorio y los resultados muestran que las frutas en el último estado de madurez evaluado se diferencian por su perfil aromático, un contenido mayor de antocianinas (1,59 y 0,26 mg cyn-3-glu g-1 en agraz y mora, respectivamente y fenoles totales (5,57 y 2,68 mg ácido caféico g-1 en agraz y mora, respectivamente. El comportamiento de las propiedades evaluadas es independiente en cada una de las frutas.
Milk production potential of two ryegrass cultivars with different total ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
The aim of the study was to compare a new Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) cultivar (Enhancer), bred to contain a high total non-structural carbohydrate content, with the cultivar, Dargle, in terms of dry matter (DM) production, nutritional value, carrying capacity and milk production. The ryegrass cultivars were sown (25 ...
Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars List 46. Rambutan.
The Register of New Fruit and Nut Varieties 46 is a compilation of descriptions of new fruit and nut cultivars from around the world. In this edition, 8 newly released rambutan cultivars are described in terms of their origins, important fruit traits and yield. Of the eight described cultivars, one ...
Synonyms and homonyms of Malvasia cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) existing in Spain
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Rodriguez Torres, I.; Ibanez, J.; Andres, M. T. de; Rubio, C.; Borrego, J.; Cabello, F.; Zerolo, J.; Munoz Organero, G.
Malvasia is a common name for different grape cultivars that have long been grown in Spain. In many cases, these cultivars are noted as being aromatic, sweet, and similar to Muscat in flavour. However, not all grapes that share this name exhibit these characteristics. This study compares the Malvasia cultivars in the Spanish Denominations of Origin with those grape cultivars grown in the grapevine collection of El Encin (Alcala de Henares, Spain) using morphological, iso enzymatic, and micro satellite analysis as well as a large bibliographic search of the studied cultivars. Despite their Malvasia denomination, some cultivars have been identified as synonyms of Macabeo, Alarije, Dona Blanca, Chasselas, or Planta Nova, all included on the official Spanish list of commercial grape cultivars. Malvasia de Sitges and Malvasia de Lanzarote have the characteristic flavour of Malvasia grapes and no synonyms were found among the cultivars grown in Spain, whereas Malvasia Rosada resulted from a colour mutation in Malvasia de Sitges. (Author) 26 refs.
Effects of Site and Cultivar on Consumer Acceptance of Pomegranate.
Chater, John M; Merhaut, Donald J; Jia, Zhenyu; Arpaia, Mary Lu; Mauk, Peggy A; Preece, John E
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is an important fruit in many cultures. The fruit and juice have risen in popularity as it was discovered that pomegranate has relatively high antioxidant activity compared to most other fruits. In this study, six cultivars were utilized to determine consumer acceptance compared to the industry standard, 'Wonderful,' which comprises 90% to 95% of commercial production in the United States. Fruit were sourced from 2 cultivar field trials, one in inland Riverside, California, and one in coastal Ventura County, California. Cultivars selected for the study included 'Eversweet,' 'Green Globe,' 'Haku Botan,' 'Loffani,' 'Phoenicia,' 'Wonderful,' and 'cv. 857,' an heirloom cultivar from Ventura County, CA, U.S.A. Pomegranate arils were subject to sensory evaluation by 87 untrained consumer panelists in late 2016. Panelists were given pomegranate arils and asked to score the samples using a 9-point Hedonic scale for the following fruit quality traits: aril color, sweetness, tartness, seed hardness, bitterness, and overall desirability. There were significant differences among cultivars for all traits assessed by the sensory panelists. There were differences in acceptance among consumers for 'Wonderful' depending on if it was grown on the coast versus inland, and consumers preferred inland- versus coastal-grown 'Wonderful.' 'Wonderful' pomegranate was associated with cultivars that consumers scored low on desirability for bitterness. Cultivars that scored well in overall desirability compared with 'Wonderful' were 'cv. 857,' 'Eversweet,' 'Green Globe,' and 'Phoenicia.' Consumer sensory panels are important to determine scientifically which cultivars are desired by the public. These panels allowed for the determination of which pomegranate cultivars are liked or disliked by consumers and why. If the pomegranate growers know the most desirable cultivars for consumers, they are more likely to adopt and plant them, thus potentially increasing the
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Angela Maria Cangiani Furlani
Full Text Available Este trabalho, desenvolvido em solução nutritiva, em casa de vegetação, no Centro Experimental de Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, objetivou definir parâmetros para avaliação e diferenciação de cultivares de milho quanto à exigência em zinco. Desenvolveram-se 24 cultivares durante 30 dias em solução nutritiva completa, com dois níveis de zinco (0,125 e 0,350 mg/L de Zn. O experimento seguiu o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, com duas repetições por parcela e quatro plantas de cada cultivar por parcela. Os níveis de zinco ocuparam as parcelas e os cultivares, as subparcelas. Determinaram-se as seguintes variáveis: altura de planta, produção de massa seca da parte aérea, teores e conteúdos de zinco na parte aérea. Observaram-se reduções na produção de massa seca, na altura das plantas e nos teores e conteúdos de zinco, para o nível inferior do micronutriente na solução nutritiva. Os cultivares D-468, ICI-791152 e C-701 mostraram as menores reduções em altura em função do baixo nível de zinco e, C-808, Hatã-2000, OC-5045-6 e BR-201, as maiores respostas ao nível mais alto de zinco. A variação na altura das plantas (sintoma característico da deficiência de zinco revelou alta correlação (r = 0,86 com a variação no conteúdo de zinco da parte aérea dos diferentes cultivares. A altura das plantas e o conteúdo de zinco constituíram as melhores variáveis para discriminação dos cultivares; entretanto, a técnica em solução nutritiva necessita ser aperfeiçoada para permitir quantificar, com maior precisão, as diferenças detectadas na exigência em zinco.This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in nutrient solution, at the Experimental Center of Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in order to define variables and parameters to evaluate and differentiate corn cultivars as to zinc requirement. Twenty four corn cultivars were grown in complete
Amplifying the benefits of agroecology by using the right cultivars.
Noguera, D; Laossi, K-R; Lavelle, P; De Carvalho, M H Cruz; Asakawa, N; Botero, C; Barot, S
Tropical soils are particularly vulnerable to fertility losses due to their low capacity to retain organic matter and mineral nutrients. This urges the development of new agricultural practices to manage mineral nutrients and organic matter in a more sustainable way while relying less on fertilizer inputs. Two methods pertaining to ecological engineering and agroecology have been tested with some success: (1) the addition of biochar to the soil, and (2) the maintenance of higher earthworm densities. However, modern crop varieties have been selected to be adapted to agricultural practices and to the soil conditions they lead to and common cultivars might not be adapted to new practices. Using rice as a model plant, we compared the responsiveness to biochar and earthworms of five rice cultivars with contrasted selection histories. These cultivars had contrasted responsivenesses to earthworms, biochar, and the combination of both. The mean relative increase in grain biomass, among all treatments and cultivars, was 94% and 32%, respectively, with and without fertilization. Choosing the best combination of cultivar and treatment led to a more than fourfold increase in this mean benefit (a 437% and a 353% relative increase in grain biomass, respectively, with and without fertilization). Besides, the more rustic cultivar, a local landrace adapted to diverse and difficult conditions, responded the best to earthworms in terms of total biomass, while a modern common cultivar responded the best in term of grain biomass. This suggests that cultivars could be selected to amplify the benefit of biochar- and earthworm-based practices. Overall, selecting new cultivars interacting more closely with soil organisms and soil heterogeneity could increase agriculture sustainability, fostering the positive feedback loop between soils and plants that has evolved in natural ecosystems.
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Rafael Hansen Madail
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar descritores morfológicos que possibilitassem a caracterização de cultivares de bananeira provenientes de micropropagação ainda na fase juvenil. Foram utilizadas 12 cultivares de bananeira de diferentes grupos genômicos e graus de ploidia, que foram cultivadas in vitro e posteriormente aclimatizadas em casa de vegetação. Após o período de três meses, foram avaliadas características morfológicas quantitativas e caracteres descritivos das plantas. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível separar todas as cultivares estudadas e elaborar uma chave analítica que permite a identificação dessas cultivares após o período de apenas três meses de aclimatização.The aim of this study was to determine morphological descriptors that could enable the characterization of banana cultivars from micropropagation process during the juvenile phase. Twelve cultivars from different genomic groups and with different ploidy levels were grown in vitro and acclimatized in greenhouse for three months. After this period, plants quantitative morphological and descriptive characteristics were evaluated. The results allowed ranking the cultivars and preparing an analytical key to identify these cultivars after the period of three months of acclimatization.
Common bean cultivars and lines interactions with environments
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Carbonell Sérgio Augusto Morais
Full Text Available The performance of bean lines brought forth in breeding programs or of cultivars in use can be affected by environmental variability. The adaptability and stability of grain yield of 18 common bean cultivars and lines in 23 environments (combinations of seasons, years and locations were evaluated in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. 'IAC-Carioca' and 'IAC-Carioca Eté' were used as standard cultivars for the carioca grain type, while 'FT-Nobre' and 'IAC-Una' represented the standard for black grains. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with four replications and plots consisting of two, two central five meters rows flanked by border rows. Stability parameters were estimated by the methods Maximum Yield Deviations (MYD and by the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis (AMMI. For the identification of the most stable cultivars, the two methods led to consistent results, although by MYD the highest stability was always associated to the highest yield. 'MAC-733327' and 'LP 9637' were the most suitable cultivars and lines for the joint seasons, while 'LP 9637' and 'FT-Nobre' were the most suitable for the dry season. The MYD method combined a simple procedure, easiness of result interpretation, uniqueness of parameters, and association between stability and yield. On the other hand, the AMMI method simplified the identification of stable cultivars by visual inspection, also providing information on the environments. However, the complex nature which combines uni-and multivariate techniques hampers its widespread use in breeding programs.
Vernalização em cinco cultivares de morangueiro Vernalization on five cultivars of strawberry
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Marcelo Fontanetti Verdial
Full Text Available A produção de morango é sazonal, e os melhores preços dos frutos são obtidos fora da estação. Buscando obter frutos fora da estação, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da vernalização em mudas de cinco cultivares de morangueiro. As mudas foram produzidas no sistema de vasos suspensos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso em fatorial 5x2x4, com cinco cultivares ("IAC-Campinas", "Dover", "Sweet Charlie", "Cartuno" e "Oso Grande", dois tratamentos (com e sem vernalização das mudas e quatro tempos, com quatro repetições. Para vernalização, as mudas foram levadas para câmara fria à temperatura de 10+2°C e fotoperíodo de 8h de luz dia-1 durante 28 dias, e em seguida transplantadas. Foram avaliadas as percentagens de sobrevivência, florescimento, frutificação, emissão de estolhos, a massa e o número de frutos produzidos por planta. A sobrevivência de mudas não foi afetada pela vernalização. Houve efeito significativo no florescimento e na frutificação das plantas vernalizadas. O estolonamento de plantas foi mais precoce nas mudas vernalizadas. Para todas as cultivares e tratamentos, a produção de frutos foi insignificante e comercialmente inviável.The strawberry production is seasonal, and the best fruit prices are obtained during the off season. Seeking to get fruits off season, this research was aimed at evaluating the effect of the seedling vernalization of five strawberry cultivars. The strawberry seedling were produced in suspended pot system. The experimental design was is completely randomized blocks with the factorial design 5x2x4, with five strawberry cultivars (IAC-Campinas, Dover, Sweet Charlie, Cartuno and Oso Grande, two treatments (with and without strawberry runners vernalization and four times. For vernalization, the strawberry seedling was taken to cold chamber at 10±2°C, and photoperiod of 8h of light day-1 for 28 days, after this they were transplanted. The
Effects of Soybean Cultivars on Soymilk Quality
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Aziadekey, M.
Full Text Available Soymilk was prepared from twelve soybean cultivars grown under the same environmental conditions to evaluate their effects on soymilk characteristics. Significant correlations were observed between the Chemical composition of the seeds and the resultant soymilk. Soymilk solids were significantly affected by seed size and seed phosphorus contents. Cultivars with dark hilum produced soymilk with less attractive colour.
Traditional versus modern apple cultivars – a comparison of juice composition
Dobrowolska-Iwanek Justyna; Gąstoł Maciej; Adamska Agnieszka; Krośniak Mirosław; Zagrodzki Paweł
Apples are rich in components that are important for human health, such as polyphenols, organic acids and microelements, but their chemical composition varies with different apple cultivars. We aimed to find out if there is any superiority in traditionally grown apple cultivars in terms of their fruits’ bioactive components content. Juice from two traditionally grown apple cultivars, ‘Mutsu’ and ‘Reinette Simirenko’, was compared to eight popular apple cultivars, ‘Jonagold’, ‘Jonagold Decosta...
Genetic diversity of high performance cultivars of upland and irrigated Brazilian rice.
Coelho, G R C; Brondani, C; Hoffmann, L V; Valdisser, P A M R; Borba, T C O; Mendonça, J A; Rodrigues, L A; de Menezes, I P P
The objective of this study was to analyze the diversity and discrimination of high-performance Brazilian rice cultivars using microsatellite markers. Twenty-nine rice cultivars belonging to EMBRAPA Arroz e Feijão germplasm bank in Brazil were genotyped by 24 SSR markers to establish their structure and genetic discrimination. It was demonstrated that the analyzed germplasm of rice presents an expressive and significant genetic diversity with low heterogeneity among the cultivars. All 29 cultivars were differentiated genetically, and were organized into two groups related to their upland and irrigated cultivation systems. These groups showed a high genetic differentiation, with greater diversity within the group that includes the cultivars for irrigated system. The genotyping data of these cultivars, with the morphological e phenotypical data, are valuable information to be used by rice breeding programs to develop new improved cultivars.
Assessment of inter- and intra-cultivar variations in olive using SSR markers
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Ahmet Ipek
Full Text Available Olive (Olea europaea L. production in the world has been made by using many cultivars, and the genetic uniformity of commercial cultivars is important for standard olive oil and table olive production. The genetic variation among and within commonly cultivated olive cultivars in Turkey was analyzed using SSR markers. A total of 135 leaf samples were collected from 11 commonly cultivated olive cultivars from 11 provinces in four geographical regions of Turkey. Seven SSR primer pairs generated 46 SSR markers, and the number of SSR markers per primer pair ranged from 4 (UDO-14 to 9 (GAPU-89 with an average of 6.57. This high level of SSR polymorphism suggests that olive production in Turkey has been made using genetically diverse olive cultivars and this high level of genetic variation is probably due to the location of Turkey in the center of the origin of olive. The UPGMA dendrogram, developed to visualize the estimated genetic relationships among the 135 samples, demonstrated that the clustering of olive cultivars was not based on geographical regions of cultivation. Presence of genetic variation was detected within a nationwide grown Turkish olive cultivar, called 'Gemlik'. Olive growers successfully discriminated olive cultivars with distinct morphological and pomological characters. However, there was some confusion about the identification of cultivars with similar phenotypic traits. To prevent misidentification of olive cultivars and to minimize intra-cultivar variation, certified propagation materials which were characterized using DNA based molecular markers should be used during the establishment of new olive orchards.
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Cleber M. Guimarães
Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar, fenotipicamente, as cultivares de arroz tradicionais Guarani e Caiapó, e as modernas, CIRAD L(-141, Maravilha, BR IRGA 409 e Metica 1, por meio da associação entre os vários componentes da produtividade de grãos, para prover base de seleção genética em populações de plantas. O estudo foi conduzido na estação chuvosa do ano agrícola de 2003-2004, na área experimental da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. Em condições de sequeiro, com suplementação hídrica, as cultivares de arroz de terras altas CIRAD L(-141, Guarani, Caiapó e Maravilha, apresentaram maiores índices de colheita e menores percentagens de esterilidade de espiguetas que as de arroz irrigado BR IRGA 409 e Metica 1. Concluiu-se que a maior produção de biomassa pelas cultivares de arroz irrigado não se refletiu na produtividade de grãos. A CIRAD L(-141 por apresentar alta área foliar, panículas densas com alto número de grãos e um comportamento intermediário em todos os componentes avaliados, como índice de colheita, massa dos grãos, fertilidade de perfilhos, perfilhamento, esterilidade de espiguetas e taxa de crescimento, produziu 12,5% a mais que a segunda mais produtiva. O aumento do índice de colheita e da massa dos grãos e a redução da esterilidade das espiguetas devido às suas altas correlações com a produtividade, são considerados prioritários em programas de melhoramento de arroz que visem obter cultivares mais produtivas.The objective of this study was to phenotypically evaluate the traditional rice cultivars Guarani and Caiapó, and the modern rice cultivars CIRAD L(-141, Maravilha, BR IRGA 409, and Metica 1 through association among various yield components to establish a genetic selection base in plant population. The study was conducted during the rainy season of 2003-2004, at the Embrapa Rice & Beans experimental station, in Santo Antônio de Goiás, Goiás, Brazil. With
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Jony Eishi Yuri
Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de cultivares de alface tipo americana (Lactuca sativa L. em cultivo de outono, foi conduzido um experimento no município de Santana da Vargem, MG, no período de março a junho de 2002. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com treze tratamentos (cultivares Adal, 4553 R7, AEL 10, Iglo, Rocco RZ, Rubette, RX 66, RPT 3030, RPT 2020, Paloma, Sandy, Legacy e Raider e três repetições. As cultivares 45-53R7, RPT 2020, Paloma, Raider e RPT 3030 apresentaram massa fresca total estatisticamente maiores que as demais cultivares, com produtividades de 1.016,9; 1.029,4; 1.044,9; 1.075,2 e 1.105,2 g planta-1, respectivamente. As cultivares 45-53R7, RPT 2020, Paloma, Raider, RPT 3030, AEL 10 e Rocco, com produtividade de massa fresca comercial oscilando entre 599,1 a 739,1 g planta-1, foram estatisticamente mais produtivas que as demais cultivares. A cultivar 45-53R7, com circunferência de cabeça comercial de 49,2 cm, sobressaiu-se das demais. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os materiais quanto ao comprimento de caule. Quanto à simetria da cabeça comercial, as cultivares RPT 2020, Raider e RPT 3030, com notas 4,6; 5,0 e 5,0, respectivamente, foram mais simétricas do que as demais cultivares.With the objective of evaluating iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cultivars grown under autumn condition, an experience in Santana da Vargem, MG, Brazil, was carried out from March to June of 2002. The experimental design was in randomized complete blocks with thirteen treatments (cultivars Adal, 4553 R7, AEL 10, Iglo, Rocco RZ, Rubette, RX 66, RPT 3030, RPT 2020, Paloma, Sandy, Legacy e Raider and three replicates. The cultivars 45-53R7, RPT 2020, Paloma, Raider and RPT 3030 showed statistically higher total fresh matter than the other cultivars, with the yield ranging 1,010.9; 1,029.4; 1,044.9; 1,075.2 and 1105.2 g plant-1, respectively. The cultivars 45-53R7, RPT 2020, Paloma, Raider, RPT 3030, AEL
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Geane Dias Gonçalves
Full Text Available O experimento teve por objetivo avaliar a desidratação de cultivares de Cynodon spp. (Poaceae durante o processo de fenação. Foram realizadas amostragens nos tempos zero (momento do corte, 3, 6, 21, 24, 27 e 30 horas após o corte, a fim de se determinar a curva de desidratação e os teores de proteína bruta (PB da planta inteira e das frações folhas e colmos. Determinou-se também a espessura dos colmos de cada cultivar. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos completamente casualizados em esquema fatorial 3x7 (cultivares x tempos de amostragens, com três repetições. A velocidade de perda de água foi semelhante para os cultivares avaliados, tanto para a planta como para as frações colmos e folhas. Não houve efeito para os teores de PB com o avanço nos tempos de secagem. Porém, houve diferença para a relação L/C, onde o Tifton 85 apresentou maior valor. Já para o diâmetro do colmo, o Tifton 44 foi superior em relação aos demais cultivares.Dehydration of cultivars of the genus Cynodon (Poaceae and the possible variations of chemical composition of forages during the haymaking process were evaluated. Three cultivars of Cynodon, Tifton 85, Coast cross and Tifton 44 were used, in plots of 15 m2, with three randomized blocks. Samples at 0 (cutting time, 3, 6, 21, 24, 27 and 30 hours after cutting were taken to determine the dehydration curve of whole plant, leaves and stem. Speed in water loss in plant, leaves and stem segments was similar in all cultivars. Drying did not affect CP taxes. There was, however, a difference for the leaves/stem relationship in which Tifton 85 had the highest value. Tifton 44 was higher in the other cultivars with regard to stem diameter.
Solanum cultivar responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: growth ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
A greenhouse experiment was carried out in a sandy soil with a low available phosphorus to evaluate responsiveness of four Solanum aethiopicum cultivars to indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Results showed clear interaction between genetic variability of cultivars and fungal isolates on shoot biomass and on ...
Identification of cowpea cultivars for low phosphorus soils of Nigeria
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Afolabi, N.O.; Ogunbodede, B.A.; Adediran, J.A.
Twenty cultivars of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata, adapted to the Nigerian ecologies were screened to identify cultivars which can give high and sustainable yields when grown on soils with low available phosphorus in a sub-humid climate. Some cultivars including TVX3236, AFB1757, Ogunfowokan and K-28 gave three to four times higher grain yields than the other cultivars at zero phosphorus supply. While phosphorus application reduced grain yield in most of the cultivars with marked reduction in the higher yielding cultivars, low yielding cultivars tended to show some yield increase. Phosphorus use efficiency of the roots, stem or leaves was not significantly correlated with grain yield when 60 KgP/ha was applied. Reduction in yield due to phosphorus application might be due to induced Zn deficiency as Zn supply in these soils has been found to be inherently low. High grain yielding capacity without fertilizer phosphorus application was generally positively correlated with high vegetative shoot dry matter production. However, no clear relationship could be found between grain yield and root dry matter at maturity. It is concluded that selection for phosphorus efficiency in cowpea can substantially contribute to higher cowpea productivity and the farmers income on soils low in available phosphorus in the sub-humid areas of Nigeria. (author). 5 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs
Identification of cowpea cultivars for low phosphorus soils of Nigeria
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Afolabi, N O; Ogunbodede, B A; Adediran, J A [Obafemi Awolowo Univ., Ibadan (Nigeria). Inst. of Agricultural Research and Training
Twenty cultivars of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata, adapted to the Nigerian ecologies were screened to identify cultivars which can give high and sustainable yields when grown on soils with low available phosphorus in a sub-humid climate. Some cultivars including TVX3236, AFB1757, Ogunfowokan and K-28 gave three to four times higher grain yields than the other cultivars at zero phosphorus supply. While phosphorus application reduced grain yield in most of the cultivars with marked reduction in the higher yielding cultivars, low yielding cultivars tended to show some yield increase. Phosphorus use efficiency of the roots, stem or leaves was not significantly correlated with grain yield when 60 KgP/ha was applied. Reduction in yield due to phosphorus application might be due to induced Zn deficiency as Zn supply in these soils has been found to be inherently low. High grain yielding capacity without fertilizer phosphorus application was generally positively correlated with high vegetative shoot dry matter production. However, no clear relationship could be found between grain yield and root dry matter at maturity. It is concluded that selection for phosphorus efficiency in cowpea can substantially contribute to higher cowpea productivity and the farmers income on soils low in available phosphorus in the sub-humid areas of Nigeria. (author). 5 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs.
Rooting of stem segments from fig tree cultivars
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Rayane Barcelos Bisi
Full Text Available Although Brazil is the largest fig (Ficus carica L. producer in the Southern Hemisphere, it mainly uses only one cultivar, ‘Roxo de Valinhos’. In addition, propagation is almost entirely through hardwood cuttings. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish a propagation method that provides more successful rooting of stem segments of fig cultivars for the purpose of expanding the genetic base of the fig tree. The cultivars used were ‘Brunswick’, ‘Calabacita’, ‘Negro de Bursa’, ‘Mini Figo’, ‘Lampa Preta’, ‘Lemon’, ‘Troiano’,’ Nazaré’, ‘Três num Prato’, ‘Princesa’, ‘Colo de Dama’, ‘Montes’, ‘Bêbera Branca’, ‘Pingo de Mel’, and ‘Roxo de Valinhos’. The propagation methods used were layering, hardwood cuttings, nodal segments, herbaceous cuttings originating from the removal of sprouts, and herbaceous cuttings obtained during growth. We found that the propagation method influences the rooting of stem segments, and cultivars differ in their rooting potential.
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Klar A.E.
Full Text Available This study was carried out in an Alfisol-Oxisol transition sandy-clay texture, using six wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum, L.: two tall and tolerant to soil aluminium toxicity (BH-1146, and IAC-18, and four semi-dwarf cultivars - Anahuac, IAC-162, IAC-24, and IAC-60 - of which only the first two are sensitive to soil aluminium toxicity. Two minimum soil water potentials (ys levels were used: 1. watered, when Ys reached about -0.05 MPa; 2. dry, when the water potential reached around -1.5 MPa. Two sowing dates, 05/22/92 and 06/11/92, were used. The results showed that Anahuac and IAC-60 are the most indicated cultivars for the studied region; when irrigated all cultivars presented similar yield level under no irrigation conditions; the irrigation was not sufficient to avoid yield differences between the two growing seasons; differences in rainfall were important for the crop in the dry treatment for both seasons.
Identification of apple cultivars on the basis of simple sequence repeat markers.
Liu, G S; Zhang, Y G; Tao, R; Fang, J G; Dai, H Y
DNA markers are useful tools that play an important role in plant cultivar identification. They are usually based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and include simple sequence repeats (SSRs), inter-simple sequence repeats, and random amplified polymorphic DNA. However, DNA markers were not used effectively in the complete identification of plant cultivars because of the lack of known DNA fingerprints. Recently, a novel approach called the cultivar identification diagram (CID) strategy was developed to facilitate the use of DNA markers for separate plant individuals. The CID was designed whereby a polymorphic maker was generated from each PCR that directly allowed for cultivar sample separation at each step. Therefore, it could be used to identify cultivars and varieties easily with fewer primers. In this study, 60 apple cultivars, including a few main cultivars in fields and varieties from descendants (Fuji x Telamon) were examined. Of the 20 pairs of SSR primers screened, 8 pairs gave reproducible, polymorphic DNA amplification patterns. The banding patterns obtained from these 8 primers were used to construct a CID map. Each cultivar or variety in this study was distinguished from the others completely, indicating that this method can be used for efficient cultivar identification. The result contributed to studies on germplasm resources and the seedling industry in fruit trees.
Sensory profile of eleven peach cultivars
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Francine Lorena Cuquel
Full Text Available The goal of this study was to evaluate the sensory profile of eleven peach cultivars grown in an experimental orchard located in the city of Lapa (PR, Brazil in two seasons. The peach cultivars analyzed were Aurora I, Chimarrita, Chiripá, Coral, Eldorado, Granada, Leonense, Maciel, Marli, Premier, and Vanguarda. The sensory analysis was performed by previously trained panelists; 20 of them in the first season and 10 in the second season. The sensory evaluation was performed using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, in which the following attributes were measured: appearance, aroma, flesh color, flesh firmness, flavor, and juiciness. The results showed preference for sweet, soft, and juicy fruits. Chimarrita, Chiripá, and Coral fruits showed better sensorial performance than the other peach cultivars. It was also verified that the analysis of the attributes aroma, flesh firmness, and flavor is enough for performing the sensory profile of peach fruits for in natura consumption.
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Daniela L Leite
Full Text Available Em plantas alógamas, as cultivares constituem uma fonte de variação genética planta-a-planta no qual o melhorista pode obter novos materiais. A variabilidade genética entre indivíduos ou populações tem sido medida através de marcadores moleculares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar molecularmente, através da análise de RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA, a diversidade genética existente em um grupo de cultivares de cebola recomendadas para o cultivo na Região Sul do Brasil. Foram analisados 11 iniciadores em DNAs provenientes de um total de 90 plantas individuais oriundas das cultivares Baia Periforme, Bola Precoce, BRS Cascata, Crioula, Primavera e Roxa. As plantas foram genotipadas através dos produtos visualizados em gel de agarose e uma matriz de presença/ausência de bandas foi utilizada nas análises de similaridade genética (coeficiente de Jaccard e de agrupamento pelo método UPGMA. Os 11 iniciadores geraram 140 (86,4% bandas polimórficas. O número de fragmentos por iniciador variou de 10 (UBC105 até 18 (OPA10; OPC11; OPI1 com uma média de 15 bandas por iniciador. A técnica de RAPD mostrou-se eficiente na caracterização molecular, permitindo a formação de grupos de cultivares de acordo com a sua população de origem, com uma similaridade média de 63%. Conclui-se que as cultivares de cebola recomendadas para a Região Sul do Brasil, apresentam divergência genética, com potencial de serem exploradas por melhoristas, no desenvolvimento de genótipos superiores.In alogam plants, the cultivars constitute a source of plant-to-plant genetic variation from which the breeder can obtain new materials. Genetic variability among individuals or populations has been measured through molecular markers. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity in a group of onion cultivars recommended for cultivation in the Southern Region of Brazil by RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA analysis. Eleven
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Valmor João Bianchi
Full Text Available Na certificação de mudas de plantas frutíferas, a identificação genética é importante em todas as etapas do processo de produção. Em pessegueiro, a identificação de genótipos baseada somente em características morfofenológicas deixa dúvidas quanto à verdadeira identidade de algumas cultivares. Marcadores moleculares de microssatélies foram utilizados objetivando a caracterização molecular de 8 cultivares de nectarineira e 28 de pessegueiro. Para a análise, foram utilizados 13 incializadores de microssatélites (primers, sendo que todos foram marcadores produzindo polimorfismo suficiente para identificar 32 das 36 cultivares analisadas. A maior similaridade genética verificada nas cultivares para consumo in natura foi entre Coral e Planalto (0,94 e entre Della Nona e Marfim (0,90, enquanto, para os pessegueiros para indústria, foi de 0,93 entre Jubileu e Capdeboscq e de 0,92 entre Jade e Esmeralda. Os marcadores de microssatélites permitiram separar em grupos distintos as nectarineiras e os pessegueiros de consumo in natura dos de indústria, havendo uma elevada concordância entre os dados genealógicos das cultivares e os dados gerados pelos microssatélites, confirmando a grande utilidade da técnica para a caracterização genética.Genetic identification of fruit tree plants is important in all phases of the production process. On peach the genotypes identification based only on the morphologic and phenologic characteristics leaves doubts on the true identity of some cultivars. Microsatellite markers were used aiming at the molecular characterization of eight nectarine and 28 peach cultivars. Thirteen microsatellite primers were used and all of them generated enough polimorfism that may identify 32 out of 36 of the analysed cultivars. The greatest genetic similarity was found between the fresh market 'Coral' and 'Planalto'(0,94 and between the 'Della Nona' and 'Marfim' cultivars (0,90, whereas for caning peaches the
Genetic relationships among okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L. Moench cultivars in Nigeria
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Bashir O. Bello
Full Text Available This study was conducted on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L. Moench cultivars at the Teaching and Research Farm, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. The objective was to evaluate the level of genetic divergence and heritability of eight characters in 2015 and 2016 dry seasons using irrigation. The results showed highly significant (p<0.01 differences in the ten okra cultivars for days to anthesis, plant height, fresh capsule length, fresh mass per capsule and fresh capsule diameter across the two years. A high genotypic coefficient of variation, heritability, and genetic advance were detected in all the characters except for days to anthesis and fresh capsule diameter. This implied that different genetic constitution and preponderance of additive effects governed these characters, thus presenting a significant opportunity for selection. The Mahanalobis D2 analysis allotted the ten cultivars into four clusters. The highest was cluster I comprising four cultivars, followed by cluster II containing three cultivars, cluster III consisting two cultivars, and cluster IV with mono genotypic. The three most superior okra cultivars (Salkade, Y’ar gagure and Kwadag for yield and related characters could be exploited directly or introgressed with other promising ones in future breeding programs.
De novo transcriptome assembly of a sour cherry cultivar, Schattenmorelle
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Yeonhwa Jo
Full Text Available Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus in the genus Prunus in the family Rosaceae is one of the most popular stone fruit trees worldwide. Of known sour cherry cultivars, the Schattenmorelle is a famous old sour cherry with a high amount of fruit production. The Schattenmorelle was selected before 1650 and described in the 1800s. This cultivar was named after gardens of the Chateau de Moreille in which the cultivar was initially found. In order to identify new genes and to develop genetic markers for sour cherry, we performed a transcriptome analysis of a sour cherry. We selected the cultivar Schattenmorelle, which is among commercially important cultivars in Europe and North America. We obtained 2.05 GB raw data from the Schattenmorelle (NCBI accession number: SRX1187170. De novo transcriptome assembly using Trinity identified 61,053 transcripts in which N50 was 611 bp. Next, we identified 25,585 protein coding sequences using TransDecoder. The identified proteins were blasted against NCBI's non-redundant database for annotation. Based on blast search, we taxonomically classified the obtained sequences. As a result, we provide the transcriptome of sour cherry cultivar Schattenmorelle using next generation sequencing.
Molecular genetic identification of some wheat cultivars in the sudan
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Mekki, I. I; El Amin, H. B.
Four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, namely condor, El-Nellene, Wadi El Neil and Debeira were characterized on biochemical and molecular bases. The biochemical ones were protein-banding patterns, using sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and isozymes to identify the biochemical genetic fingerprint of the four cultivars. Water-soluble protein-banding pattern showed no polymorphisms among the tested cultivars. The data from starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes, malate dehydrogenase (MDH), esterase (EST) and acid phosphate (ACPH) showed that the cultivars are monomorphic. Further trials to identify the molecular genetic fingerprints of the studied cultivars were carried out using RAPD-PCR twenty-five primers were tested to perform. RAPD-PCR analysis. From the PCR products, a phylogenetic map, i.e, dendrogram, was constructed for the studied cultivars which depicted tow groups. The first group contained Wadi El Neil and Deberia with 48.4% similarity, and the second group contained Condor and El Neileen with 100% similarity. There was no similarity between Condor and Debeira (100% dissimilarity). Therefor, these data can be used subsequently for genetic engineering research and for wheat breeding programmes in the Sudan.(Author)
Phenotyping of wheat cultivars for heat tolerance using chlorophyll a fluorescence
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Sharma, Dew Kumari; Andersen, Sven Bode; Ottosen, Carl-Otto
Abstract. In view of the global climate change, heat stress is an increasing constraint for the productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Our aim was to identify contrasting cultivars in terms of heat tolerance by mass screening of 1274 wheat cultivars of diverse origin, based...... with a milder heat stress of 38Cin 300 mmolm–2 s–1 for 2 h with preheating at 33–35Cfor 19 h in 7–14 mmolm–2 s–1 light showed a genetic determination of 8.52.7%.Aheat treatment of 40Cin 300 mmolm–2 s–1 for 72 h in the second screening with 138 selected cultivars resulted in larger differentiation of cultivars...... with an increased genetic component (15.43.6%), which was further increased to 27.96.8% in the third screening with 41 contrasting cultivars. This contrasting set of cultivars was then used to compare the ability of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to detect genetic difference in heat tolerance...
Processing properties of grains from some maize cultivars ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
For the dry milling, whole or pealed grains were simply processed in a hammer mill and the flour fractions separated as with wet milling. Results indicated some variation in the proximate composition with nine cultivars exhibiting protein contents above 8%. High protein cultivars were in order hybrids 88094X87036, ...
[Ecological adaptability evaluation of peanut cultivars based on biomass and nutrient accumulation].
Wang, Xue; Cui, Shao-xiong; Sun, Zhi-mei; Mu, Guo-jun; Cui, Shun-li; Wang, Peng-chao; Liu, Li-feng
To identify the good peanut cultivars with the properties of high yield, high nutrient use efficiency and wide adaptability, 19 selected peanut cultivars were planted in the low champaign area and piedmont plain area of Hebei Province. By using principal component analysis, the adaptability of these 19 cultivars was evaluated for different ecological regions through comparing their 16 main traits including biomass and nutrient parameters. According to the critical value of principal component (>1.0), the 16 biomass and nutrient characteristics were integrated into 4 principal components which accounted for 85% of the original information. The results indicated that there were obvious differences in yield and nutrient use efficiency for the peanut cultivars in different ecological regions. The 19 peanut cultivars were classified into 2 groups according to their ecological adaptability, and the cultivars from the group with wide adaptability could further be divided into 3 categories according to their yield and nutrient use efficiency. Among these cultivars, Yuhua 9719, Jihua 0212-4, Weihua 10, Yuhua 15, Puhua 28 and Jihua 10 were selected as the better peanut cultivars with the properties of high yield, high nutrient use efficiency and wide adaptability.
Influence of Cultivar on the Postharvest Hardening of Trifoliate Yam (Dioscorea dumetorum Tubers
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Christian Siadjeu
Full Text Available The influence of cultivar on the postharvest hardening of Dioscorea dumetorum tubers was assessed. 32 cultivars of D. dumetorum tubers were planted in April 2014, harvested at physiological maturity, and stored under prevailing tropical ambient conditions (19–28°C, 60–85% RH for 0, 5, 14, 21, and 28 days. Samples were evaluated for cooked hardness. Results showed that one cultivar, Ibo sweet 3, was not affected by the hardening phenomenon. The remaining 31 were all subject to the hardening phenomenon at different degree. Cooked hardness increased more rapidly in cultivars with many roots on the tuber surface compared to cultivars with few roots on the tuber surface. When both the characteristics flesh colour and number of roots on tuber surface were associated, cooked hardness in cultivars with yellow flesh and many roots increased more rapidly than in cultivars with white flesh and many roots, whereas cooked hardness in cultivars with yellow flesh and few roots increased more slowly than in cultivars with white flesh and few roots. Accessions collected in high altitude increased more rapidly compared to accessions collected in low altitude. The cultivar Ibo sweet 3 identified in this study could provide important information for breeding program of D. dumetorum against postharvest hardening phenomenon.
Micropropagation of peach rootstocks and cultivars.
Balla, Ildikó; Mansvelt, Lucienne
Peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) is one of the most popular stone fruits, commercially produced largely in Mediterranean and, to a lesser extent, in continental climatic conditions. Several breeding programs with different aims release annually large numbers of new cultivars. Micropropagation offers a suitable method to provide the growers of sufficient quantities of rootstocks, as well as of pathogen-free planting material of old and new cultivars.An effective four-step micropropagation procedure for cultivar and rootstock production is described here, based on the use of modified MS and WPM media. The health status of the initial shoot tips is very important, also because the growth and proliferation rate of shoot cultures from virus-infected clones are generally very poor. Proliferation and elongation phases depend on the major macro-elements, as well as the content and ratio of plant growth regulators. It is important to grow the cultures at 22°C, as hyperhydricity may develop at higher temperatures. Although sucrose is the most common carbon source used during proliferation and rooting, for some peach cultivars and rootstocks the replacement of sucrose (10 g/L) with glucose (20 g/L) in the rooting medium improves the rooting and survival rates of plants in the acclimatization phase. The rooting rate of the rootstock "Cadaman" is improved with the chelated form of iron FeEDDHA at 150 mg/L. Rooted plants are acclimatized in greenhouse under high humidity conditions.
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Célio R. F. Leite
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, no campo, no município de Londrina-PR, a resposta de 12 cultivares de soja em relação aos herbicidas diclosulam e flumetsulam aplicados e incorporados em Latossolo Roxo distrófico (80,84 % de argila, pH 5,4 e matéria orgânica 3,07 %. As cultivares foram: 'FT-Guaira', 'Embrapa-48', 'Ocepar-14', 'BR-16', 'Embrapa-4', 'Ocepar-13', 'BR-36', 'FT10-Princesa', 'FT-2000', 'FTAbyara', 'BR-37' e 'RS7- Jacuí'. O diclosulam foi utilizado nas doses de 35 g/ha (normal e 70 g/ha (dobrada; e o flumetsulam nas doses de 120 g/ha (normal e 240 g/ha (dobrada; também foi utilizada a mistura de diclosulam + flumetsulam (20 + 100 g/ha; e imazaquin à 150 g/ha. Nas doses normais utilizadas dos dois herbicidas não foi possível distinguir nenhuma cultivar suscetível. Em dose dobrada do diclosulam os rendimentos das cultivares 'FT-Guaira', 'Embrapa 4' e 'BR-37 ' foram reduzidos em 20,9 %, 11,8 % e 11,0 % respectivamente, em relação à testemunha. O flumetsulam à 240 g/ha e sua mistura com diclosulam também reduziu o rendimento destas cultivares, mais o da 'Ocepar-14'. A maioria das cultivares teve o estande reduzido, nas doses dobradas dos dois herbicidas, mas também sem significância. Somente o estande da cultivar 'Embrapa-48' não foi afetado, ao contrário da 'RS-7 Jacuí'. A altura de plantas foi menor em relação à testemunha no tratamento com flumetsulam à 240 g/ha. Na maioria das cultivares o peso da biomassa seca de nódulos foi menor nas doses dobradas, e em algumas também o peso por unidade de nódulos. A biomassa seca da parte aérea e da raiz não foram reduzidas.The objective of the present paper was to check the behaviour of 12 different soybean cultivars in relation to the tolerance to the herbicides flumetsulam and diclosulam applied on a soil classified as Latossolo Roxo distrófico (80,87% of clay, pH of 5,4 and 3,07 of organic matter in Londrina - PR. The cultivars were: 'FTGuaira', 'Embrapa
Effect of lentil cultivar on N2 fixation and N partitioning
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Kurdali, F.; Kalifa, K.; Al-Shamma, M.
The study conducted on five lentil cultivars. the results showed that dry matter production, nodulation and N sup 2 fixation were influenced by the cultivar. Beyond flowering, N sup 2 fixation, soil N uptake, and N and P remobilization differed by the cultivar. (author). 32 Refs., 7 Figs., 9 Tabs
Testing Optimum Seeding Rates for five Bread Wheat Cultivars
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Wekesa, S.J.; Kiriswa, F.; Owuoche, J.
A cultivar by seed rate trial was conducted in 1994-1995 crop seasons at Njoro, Kenya. Yield results were found to be significant (P > 0.01) for year, variety, seed rate and year by seed rate interaction. Test weight was highly significant (P -1 were grouped together for significantly higher yields (A) whereas seed rates 85 and 50 kg ha -1 had lower significant yields (B and C respectively). The same grouping was repeated for test weight. There was no significant cultivar by seed rate interaction and no cultivar, specific seed rate. However, since seed rates 245, 205, 165 and 125 kg ha -1 were grouped together, the lowest seed rate, 125 kg ha -1 can be recommended as the optimum seed rate for the above cultivars, as higher seed rates do not give significantly higher yields or higher test weights
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E.A. Ferreira
Full Text Available O trabalho constou de dois ensaios e teve como objetivo avaliar a sensibilidade de 11 cultivares (SP80-1842, SP79-1011, SP81-3250, SP80-1816, RB855113, RB835486, RB845210, RB867515, RB928064, RB72454 e RB855536 e quatro clones (RB947643, RB855002, RB957712 e RB957689 de cana-de-açúcar à mistura pré-formulada dos herbicidas trifloxysulfuron-sodium (18,5 g kg-1 + ametryn (731,5 g kg-1, denominada Krismat®. Os cultivares e os clones foram cultivados em vasos em ambiente não-protegido. Em ambos os ensaios a mistura herbicida foi aplicada aos 60 dias após a brotação (DAB. No ensaio 1, a mistura herbicida foi aplicada em dose única de 2,00 kg ha-1 sobre todos os cultivares e clones, enquanto no ensaio 2 a mistura foi aplicada nas doses de 1,00, 2,00 e 6,00 kg ha¹ sobre os cultivares RB855113 e RB867515. Após a aplicação do herbicida e aos 45 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos (DAT, por ocasião da colheita, foram feitas avaliações semanais de fitotoxicidade, avaliando-se também a biomassa seca da parte aérea dos 11 cultivares e dos quatro clones. As variáveis altura da planta, número de folhas, área foliar e biomassa seca da parte aérea e do caule foram avaliadas no segundo ensaio. O cultivar RB855113 apresentou alta sensibilidade à mistura herbicida; os genótipos SP80-1842, SP801816, SP79-1011 e RB957689 apresentaram sensibilidade média; e os demais mostraram boa tolerância a esse produto. Para o cultivar RB855113, o maior índice de toxidez foi observado no período de 20 a 27 DAT. Nesse período observou-se redução da altura da planta, do número de folhas, da área foliar e da biomassa seca da parte aérea e do caule com o aumento das doses do produto. O cultivar RB867515 apresentou-se tolerante às menores doses do herbicida, porém, na maior dose testada, ele se mostrou sensível, observando-se redução nas características avaliadas.The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of 11 cultivars
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Ricardo Bezerra Hoffmann
Full Text Available O conhecimento das quantidades de matéria seca e de nutrientes acumulados e exportados por cultivares de bananeira é importante para o desenvolvimento de uma recomendação de adubação para esta cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as quantidades de matéria seca e de macronutrientes acumuladas e exportadas por seis cultivares de bananeiras irrigadas. Foram amostradas plantas das cultivares Grande Naine, Pacovan, Pacovan-Apodi, Prata-Anã, Terrinha e Gross Michel, em uma área de plantio comercial de bananeira irrigada, no município de Limoeiro do Norte - CE. Na colheita, foram escolhidas quatro famílias de cada cultivar para amostragem. A "planta-mãe" foi dividida em rizoma, pseudocaule, pecíolo, limbo, engaço e frutos. Na matéria seca dessas partes das plantas, determinaram-se os teores dos macronutrientes. As cultivares Pacovan, Prata-Anã e Pacovan-Apodi que, de modo geral, extraíram do solo as maiores quantidades de macronutrientes, foram as que acumularam quantidades mais elevadas de matéria seca. O potássio e o nitrogênio foram os macronutrientes mais acumulados e exportados pelas seis cultivares de bananeira irrigada, seguidos pelo enxofre, cálcio, magnésio e fósforo.The knowledge about the quantity of dry matter and nutrients accumulated and exported by banana is important for the development of fertilizer recommendations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of dry matter and macronutrients by six cultivars of irrigated banana crop. Plants of Grande Naine, Pacovan, Pacovan-Apodi, Prata-Anã, Terrinha and Gross Michel cultivars were sampled in a commercial plantation in the municipality of Limoeiro do Norte, state of Ceará, Brazil. At harvest, four plants of each cultivar were selected for sampling. The "mother-plant" was divided into rhizome, pseudo stem, petiole, leaf blade, stalk and fruits. In the dry matter of these parts, the contents of macronutrients were determined. The
Bioactive compounds in different cocoa (Theobroma cacao, L cultivars during fermentation
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Jaqueline Fontes Moreau Cruz
Full Text Available One component that contribute to the flavor and aroma of chocolate are the polyphenols, which have received much attention due to their beneficial implications to human health. Besides bioactive action, polyphenols and methylxantines are responsible for astringency and bitterness in cocoa beans. Another important point is its drastic reduction during cocoa processing for chocolate production and the difference between cultivars. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the modifications in monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxanthines during fermentation of three cocoa cultivars grown in southern Bahia. Cocoa beans from three cultivars were fermented and sun dried and monomeric phenolic compounds and methylxantines were determinated. The results showed that each cultivar have different amounts of phenolic compounds and the behaviour of them is different during fermentation. The amount of methylxantines varied but there was not a pattern for methylxantines behavior during process. In addition a huge reduction in phenolic compounds could be observed after drying. Differently of phenolic compounds, methylxantines did not have great modification after sun drying. So, the differences observed in this study between cultivars, take to the conclusion that the compounds studied in those cocoa cultivars have different behavior during fermentation and drying, which consequently, give to these cultivars differences in sensory characteristics.
Genetic Relationships Among Olive (Olea europaea L.) Cultivars Native to Turkey.
Sakar, Ebru; Unver, Hulya; Bakir, Melike; Ulas, Mehmet; Sakar, Zeynep Mujde
Olive is a widely cultivated, mainly in the Mediterranean region, and economically important fruit species used as both olive oil and table olive consumption. In Turkey, more than 50 olive cultivars have been authorized for commercial plantations, representing the developmental base for the olive industry. The aim of the present study was to identify genetic relationships among the most widely grown 27 olive cultivars in Turkey, using microsatellite or simple sequence repeat markers. Nine well-known foreign olive cultivars from different countries are also included in the study to compare the Turkish cultivars. To determine genetic relationship and diversity, 10 SSR loci (DCA3, DCA9, DCA15, DCA18, UDO4, UDO9, UDO11, UDO12, UDO24, UDO28) were used. Jaccard's similarity coefficient and the UPGMA method for cluster analysis were performed using the software NTSYSpc. The results showed that the number of alleles per locus ranging from 4 (UDO4, UDO9, UDO11, UDO12, DCA15) to 12 (DCA9) presenting high polymorphism. There were no identical cultivars. High similarity was shown by cultivars Maviand Adana topağı (0.754). The most genetically divergent cultivars, Domat-Meski (0.240) and Domat-NizipYağlık (0.245), were also identified.
The use of cultivars of Raphanus sativus for cytokinin bioassay
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Dorota Kubowicz
Full Text Available Six cultivars of radish (Raphanus sativus were tested for their usefulness in radish cytokinin bioassay by the method of Letham (1971. The best cultivar was found to be 'Sopel Lodu' which responds well to both zeatin and 2iP over a wide range of concentrations. The fresh weight of cotyledons increased at most by 71.5% (if treated with zeatin or 101.0% (if treated with 2iP compared to untreated cotyledons. This cultivar is also sensitive to the partially purified cytokinin-like fraction isolated from the pine (Pinus silvestris cambial region. The cultivar 'Sopel Lodu' is therefore proposed to be a suitable plant for cytokinin bioassays.
Importância das interações cultivares x locais e cultivares x anos na avaliação de milho na safrinha
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Flávia Maria Avelar Gonçalves
Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar a importância da interação cultivares x locais e cultivares x anos e de identificar entre os híbridos já disponíveis os que sejam mais adaptados e estáveis para o cultivo em safrinha, foram estimados os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade a partir de dados obtidos em experimentos de avaliação de cultivares de milho na safrinha, nos anos de 1993, 1994 e 1995. Esses experimentos foram conduzidos nos Estados de São Paulo, Goiás e Paraná. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com três repetições. Constatou-se que a magnitude da variância da interação cultivares com anos dentro de locais foi mais expressiva do que entre locais, o que indica a necessidade de que as avaliações de cultivares na safrinha sejam realizadas num maior número de anos. As cultivares diferiram quanto à adaptabilidade e estabilidade de produção de grãos. Os materiais que se destacaram como mais adaptados e estáveis foram o híbrido simples Zeneca 8452, o híbrido triplo C 805 e o híbrido duplo Agromen 2012. Já os híbridos duplos BR 201, Planagri 411, AG 303 e C 125 foram os que mostraram menor adaptação e maior instabilidade.
Lee, Young Hee; Kim, Sang Hee; Yun, Byung-Wook; Hong, Jeum Kyu
Two cultivars Buram-3-ho (susceptible) and CR-Hagwang (moderate resistant) of kimchi cabbage seedlings showed differential defense responses to anthracnose (Colletotrichum higginsianum), black spot (Alternaria brassicicola) and black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Xcc) diseases in our previous study. Defense-related hormones salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene led to different transcriptional regulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression in both cultivars. In this study, exogenous application of SA suppressed basal defenses to C. higginsianum in the 1st leaves of the susceptible cultivar and cultivar resistance of the 2nd leaves of the resistant cultivar. SA also enhanced susceptibility of the susceptible cultivar to A. brassicicola. By contrast, SA elevated disease resistance to Xcc in the resistant cultivar, but not in the susceptible cultivar. Methyl jasmonate (MJ) treatment did not affect the disease resistance to C. higginsianum and Xcc in either cultivar, but it compromised the disease resistance to A. brassicicola in the resistant cultivar. Treatment with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) ethylene precursor did not change resistance of the either cultivar to C. higginsianum and Xcc. Effect of ACC pretreatment on the resistance to A. brassicicola was not distinguished between susceptible and resistant cultivars, because cultivar resistance of the resistant cultivar was lost by prolonged moist dark conditions. Taken together, exogenously applied SA, JA and ethylene altered defense signaling crosstalk to three diseases of anthracnose, black spot and black rot in a cultivar-dependent manner.
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Young Hee Lee
Full Text Available Two cultivars Buram-3-ho (susceptible and CR-Hagwang (moderate resistant of kimchi cabbage seedlings showed differential defense responses to anthracnose (Colletotrichum higginsianum, black spot (Alternaria brassicicola and black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Xcc diseases in our previous study. Defense-related hormones salicylic acid (SA, jasmonic acid (JA and ethylene led to different transcriptional regulation of pathogenesis-related (PR gene expression in both cultivars. In this study, exogenous application of SA suppressed basal defenses to C. higginsianum in the 1st leaves of the susceptible cultivar and cultivar resistance of the 2nd leaves of the resistant cultivar. SA also enhanced susceptibility of the susceptible cultivar to A. brassicicola. By contrast, SA elevated disease resistance to Xcc in the resistant cultivar, but not in the susceptible cultivar. Methyl jasmonate (MJ treatment did not affect the disease resistance to C. higginsianum and Xcc in either cultivar, but it compromised the disease resistance to A. brassicicola in the resistant cultivar. Treatment with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC ethylene precursor did not change resistance of the either cultivar to C. higginsianum and Xcc. Effect of ACC pretreatment on the resistance to A. brassicicola was not distinguished between susceptible and resistant cultivars, because cultivar resistance of the resistant cultivar was lost by prolonged moist dark conditions. Taken together, exogenously applied SA, JA and ethylene altered defense signaling crosstalk to three diseases of anthracnose, black spot and black rot in a cultivar-dependent manner.
Morphogenic variability of some autochthonous plum cultivars in western Serbia
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Tomo Milosevic
Full Text Available A study conducted over a period of two years in a Western Serbian valley included in situ identification of autochthonous plum cultivars. Observation and recording of their phenological and pomological traits were performed using IBPGR and UPOV methodologies. Fifteen cultivars derived from Prunus domestica L. and two cultivars derived from P. insititia L. were identified. Flowering started between 24 March and 7 April and fruit ripening between 12 July (Petrovača and 16 September (Trnovača. Fruit weight ranged from 6.79± 0.018 to 36.62± 0.251 g and stone weight from 0.14± 0.002 to 1.95± 0.023 g. The cultivars were classified as being extremely small in terms of fruit size. Rounded fruit shape and light-yellow ground colour were dominant. Skin colour ranged from amber to black. Yellow green was a dominant flesh colour and medium flesh firmness predominated. The fruits of the above cultivars could be processed, particularly into plum brandy, or they could be used fresh or dried. The selected plum cultivars can be used both in breeding programmes and as rootstocks as well as in further disease-related systematic studies under field and laboratory conditions.
SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among 192 Diploid Potato Cultivars
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Xiaoyan Song
Full Text Available In potato breeding, it is difficult to improve the traits of interest at the tetraploid level due to the tetrasomic inheritance. A promising alternative is diploid breeding. Thus it is necessary to assess the genetic diversity of diploid potato germplasm for efficient exploration and deployment of desirable traits. In this study, we used SSR markers to evaluate the genetic diversity of diploid potato cultivars. To screen polymorphic SSR markers, 55 pairs of SSR primers were employed to amplify 39 cultivars with relatively distant genetic relationships. Among them, 12 SSR markers with high polymorphism located at 12 chromosomes were chosen to evaluate the genetic diversity of 192 diploid potato cultivars. The primers produced 6 to 18 bands with an average of 8.2 bands per primer. In total, 98 bands were amplified from 192 cultivars, and 97 of them were polymorphic. Cluster analysis using UPGMA showed the genetic relationships of all accessions tested: 186 of the 192 accessions could be distinguished by only 12 pairs of SSR primers, and the 192 diploid cultivars were divided into 11 groups, and 83.3% constituted the first group. Clustering results showed relatively low genetic diversity among 192 diploid cultivars, with closer relationship at the molecular level. The results can provide molecular basis for diploid potato breeding.
Six cultivars of Solanum macrocarpon (Solanaceae in Ghana
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Z. R. Bukenya
Full Text Available The Solanum macrocarpon complex (the cultivated egg plant has been studied in Ghana using morphological and experimental methods. Six cultivars belonging to the S. macrocarpon complex have been recognized and described. The cultivars are S. macrocarpon ‘Gboma’, S. macrocarpon ‘Mankessim’, S. macrocarpon ‘Akwaseho’, S. macrocarpon ‘Kade’, S. macrocarpon ‘Sarpeiman’ and S. macrocarpon ‘Bui’. The very spiny, hairy plant traditionally called S. dasyphyllum is regarded as the wild ancestor from which the cultivars have been derived through a process of crop evolution. The variation within S. macrocarpon complex is attributable to genotypic differences and environmental factors.
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Christina Dudienas
Full Text Available A ferrugem polissora, causada por Puccinia polysora Underw. é uma das doenças mais destrutivas da cultura do milho, ocorrendo em importantes áreas de produção desta cultura no Brasil. A principal forma de controle desta doença é o uso de cultivares resistentes, havendo no mercado um grande número de cultivares com diferentes graus de resistência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a reação de cultivares comerciais de milho quanto à resistência à ferrugem polissora, em diferentes localidades no Estado de São Paulo, correlacionando com a produtividade. Foram avaliados 50 híbridos simples e triplos (HST e 22 híbridos duplos e variedades de milho (HDV em uso pelos agricultores no ano agrícola 2005/2006 quanto à sua reação à ferrugem polissora em seis locais nas regiões oeste e centro-norte do Estado de São Paulo. Nos experimentos com HST, as cultivares mais resistentes e que tiveram as maiores produtividades foram: 30F80, 30F90, 30K73, AG 7000, DAS 2B710, DKB 191, DKB 466 e Impacto. Dentre os HDV, destacaram-se como as mais resistentes e apresentando as maiores produtividades: 30S40 e AG 2040. A redução de produtividade em função da severidade da ferrugem polissora, avaliada no estádio de grãos pastosos, variou de 3,5% para cultivares com aproximadamente 2,5% de área foliar afetada a 20,3% para cultivares com, em média, 39% de área foliar afetada, em relação às cultivares com maior resistência à doença (1,4% de área foliar afetada.Southern rust, caused by Puccinia polysora Underw., has become one of the most destructive diseases affecting maize, occurring in important areas of production of this crop in Brazil. Using resistant cultivars is the most efficient means to control this disease, and there are a large number of cultivars with different resistance degrees in the market. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reaction of commercial maize cultivars for resistance to southern rust in different
Grain legume cultivars derived from induced mutations, and mutations affecting nodulation
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Bhatia, C.R.; Maluszynski, M.; Nichterlein, K.; Zanten, L. van
Two hundred and sixty-five grain legume cultivars developed using induced mutations have been released in 32 countries. A maximum number of cultivars have been released in soybean (58), followed by common bean (50), groundnut (44), pea (32) and mungbean (14). Gamma or x-ray exposures of seeds led to the direct development of 111 cultivars, while neutron and chemical mutagen treatments resulted in 8 and 36 cultivars respectively. One hundred and three cultivars have been developed using mutants in cross breeding. Attempts have been made to estimate the successful dose range for gamma and x-rays, defined as the dose range, which led to the development, registration and release of a maximum number of mutant cultivars. Exposures to seeds ranging between 100-200 Gy in all grain legumes, except faba bean, resulted in 49 out of 111 cultivars being developed as direct mutants. Successful doses reported for faba bean are lower than 100 Gy. Modified crop plant characters are listed. Besides the development of new cultivars, a large number of induced mutants that show altered nodulation pattern have been isolated in grain legumes. Such mutants have made a significant contribution in basic studies on host-symbiont interactions and towards cloning of plant genes related to symbiosis and nitrogen fixation. Their exploitation in breeding programs for enhancing nitrogen fixation is just beginning. Available information on nodulation mutants in grain legume crops is summarised. Mainly, four types of nodulation mutants have been isolated. They show either: no nodulation (nod -), few nodules (nod +/-), ineffective nodulation (Fix-), hypernodulation (nod ++) or hypernodulation even in the presence of otherwise inhibitory nitrate levels (nts). Hypernodulating and nts mutants are of great interest. A soybean cultivar incorporating nts trait has been released in Australia. (author)
Root Differentiation of Agricultural Plant Cultivars and Proveniences Using FTIR Spectroscopy
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Nicole Legner
Full Text Available The differentiation of roots of agricultural species is desired for a deeper understanding of the belowground root interaction which helps to understand the complex interaction in intercropping and crop-weed systems. The roots can be reliably differentiated via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR. In two replicated greenhouse experiments, six pea cultivars, five oat cultivars as well as seven maize cultivars and five barnyard grass proveniences (n = 10 plants/cultivar or provenience were grown under controlled conditions. One root of each plant was harvested and five different root segments of each root were separated, dried and measured with FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. The results showed that, firstly, the root spectra of single pea and single oat cultivars as well as single maize and single barnyard grass cultivars/proveniences separated species-specific in cluster analyses. In the majority of cases the species separation was correct, but in a few cases, the spectra of the root tips had to be omitted to ensure the precise separation between the species. Therefore, species differentiation is possible regardless of the cultivar or provenience. Consequently, all tested cultivars of pea and oat spectra were analyzed together and separated within a cluster analysis according to their affiliated species. The same result was found in a cluster analysis with maize and barnyard grass spectra. Secondly, a cluster analysis with all species (pea, oat, maize and barnyard grass was performed. The species split up species-specific and formed a dicotyledonous pea cluster and a monocotyledonous cluster subdivided in oat, maize and barnyard grass subclusters. Thirdly, cultivar or provenience differentiations within one species were possible in one of the two replicated experiments. But these separations were less resilient.
Common bean grain yield as affected by sulfur fertilization and cultivars
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Adriano Stephan Nascente
Full Text Available ABSTRACT A better understanding of the differential growth of common bean cultivars with increasing soil sulfur (S availability can indicate how to improve common bean grain yield in soils of Savannas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of sprinkler-irrigated common bean cultivars to sulfur fertilization in a no-tillage system. The experiment was designed as a randomized block in a split-plot scheme with sulfur rates (0, 10, 20, 40, and 60 kg ha-1 as main plots and common bean cultivars (BRS Requinte, BRS Cometa, Diamante Negro, BRS Grafite, BRS Valente, and Corrente as subplots, with three replications. Common bean cultivars did not differ regarding grain yield response to sulfur rates, which fitted to a quadratic equation. Among the cultivars tested, only BRS Requinte and BRS Valente differed in grain yield for S fertilization, the first being more productive. Moreover, S fertilization allows significant increases in common bean grain yield in average of six cultivars and must be considered in cropping systems aiming for high yields.
Genealogy of wine grape cultivars: "Pinot" is related to "Syrah".
Vouillamoz, J F; Grando, M S
Since the domestication of wild grapes ca 6000 years ago, numerous cultivars have been generated by spontaneous or deliberate crosses, and up to 10 000 are still in existence today. Just as in human paternity analysis, DNA typing can reveal unexpected parentage of grape cultivars. In this study, we have analysed 89 grape cultivars with 60 microsatellite markers in order to accurately calculate the identity-by-descent (IBD) and relatedness (r) coefficients among six putatively related cultivars from France ("Pinot", "Syrah" and "Dureza") and northern Italy ("Teroldego", "Lagrein" and "Marzemino"). Using a recently developed likelihood-based approach to analyse kinship in grapes, we provide the first evidence of a genetic link between grapes across the Alps: "Dureza" and "Teroldego" turn out to be full-siblings (FS). For the first time in grapevine genetics we were able to detect FS without knowing one of the parents and identify unexpected second-degree relatives. We reconstructed the most likely pedigree that revealed a third-degree relationship between the worldwide-cultivated "Pinot" from Burgundy and "Syrah" from the Rhone Valley. Our finding was totally unsuspected by classical ampelography and it challenges the commonly assumed independent origins of these grape cultivars. Our results and this new approach in grape genetics will (a) help grape breeders to avoid choosing closely related varieties for new crosses, (b) provide pedigrees of cultivars in order to detect inheritance of disease-resistance genes and (c) open the way for future discoveries of first- and second-degree relationships between grape cultivars in order to better understand viticultural migrations.
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Rodrigo Kelson Silva Rezende
Full Text Available No processo de produção comercial de mudas de gérbera, a cor da flor é uma das principais características morfológicas de interesse agronômico, sendo uma característica importante em programas de melhoramento genético. A utilização de marcadores moleculares pode servir para direcionar cruzamentos, confirmar novos híbridos ou genótipos mutantes e identificar novos genótipos para fins comerciais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a divergência genética entre seis cultivares de Gerbera jamesonii ('Jaguar Yellow', 'Jaguar Cream', 'Jaguar Lemon', 'Jaguar Salmon Pastel', 'Jaguar Red', 'Jaguar Deep Rose'. A análise de divergência genética entre as cultivares de gérbera foi realizada utilizando-se 21 primers, os quais amplificaram 37 fragmentos polimórficos de DNA, que foram usados para estimar o coeficiente de Jaccard, o qual apresentou uma média de 0,38, variando de 0,28 a 0,56. A estrutura genética entre as cultivares foi estimada pelo UPGMA, revelando dois grupos distintos, a 38% de similaridade genética. A maior similaridade genética encontrada (56% foi entre as cultivares 'Jaguar Yellow' e 'Jaguar Lemon'. Os resultados demonstram que a técnica RAPD oferece uma maneira rápida, relativamente barata e útil para a caracterização da divergência genética entre as diferentes cultivares de Gerbera jamesonii com relação à cor da flor.During the commercial production of gerbera seedlings, flower color is one of the main morphological aspects that have an agronomic interest and becoming an important feature in genetic breeding programs. The use of molecular markers may serve to direct crossings, new hybrids and mutants, besides confirm and identify new genotypes for commercial purposes. In that context, this work aimed to analyze the genetic divergence among six cultivars of Gerbera jamesonii ('Jaguar Yellow', 'Jaguar Cream', 'Jaguar Lemon', 'Jaguar Salmon Pastel', 'Jaguar Red', 'Jaguar Deep Rose'. The
The Study of Phenological and Morphophysiological Traits of New and Old Barely Shoot Cultivars
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N Moshfeghi
Full Text Available In order to compare morphophysiological traits between new and old cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. a greenhouse experiment was conducted in greenhouse condition in Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in spring and summer 2011.The type of experiment was a completely randomized design with eight treatments (Nosrat , Youssof , Fagr30 , Nick and four old cultivars include (Reihan, Kavir, Zarjo , Valfajr and three replications. All seeds were grown in PVC tubes contained washed sands and disruptive sampling was occurred with destroying plastic bags in the end of the four stages uncluding 6th leaf stage, jointing, heading and ripening. Results indicated that new cultivars showed better performances in all shoot growth parameters than the old cultivars. Modern cultivars for most traits, particularly traits that were positively correlated with yield and its components proved more successful than the old cultivars. They had longer reproductive periods and grain filling duration but their vegetative period were shorter than old cultivars. Among shoots characteristics, new cultivars had higher leaf area, stem dry weight and stem length than old cultivars. Result of this study showed that, among all the characteristics of grain yield and yield components, such as grain weight ,spike length, spike per plant, grain per spike and number tiller , new figures were better than old figures. In general, new cultivar Nick was introduced as the best cultivar and Zarjo was introduced as the weakest cultivar.
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Leonardo A. de Aquino
Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o estado nutricional, caracteres agronômicos e a produtividade de cultivares de girassol sob irrigação. Os cultivares Embrapa 122 V-2000, Hélio 250, Hélio 251, Hélio 253, Hélio 358, Hélio 360, IAC Iarama, Dow Agroscience M 734 e MG 02, foram semeados em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. O número de folhas por planta no florescimento foi maior nos híbridos Hélio 250, Hélio 251, Hélio 253, Hélio 358, Hélio 360, Dow Agroscience M 734 e MG 02, em relação aos cultivares de polinização aberta Embrapa 122 V-2000 e IAC Iarama. Os teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S foram 40,91; 3,51; 35,91; 33,91; 6,23 e 7,88 g kg-1, respectivamente. Os cultivares Embrapa 122 V-2000 e IAC-Iarama apresentaram teor de P na folha índice menor que os demais cultivares. Os teores foliares de Zn, Cu, Fe e o Mn foram 75,15; 24,11; 98,39 e 348,10 mg kg-1, respectivamente. O teor médio de B na folha índice nos híbridos e nas variedades de polinização aberta foi de 119,25 e 140,35 mg kg-1, respectivamente. Os cultivares Hélio 250, Hélio 251, Hélio 253, Hélio 358, Hélio 360, Dow Agroscience M 734 e MG 02 apresentaram maior produtividade que o Embrapa 122 V-2000 e o IAC Iarama.This work aimed to assess nutritional status, agronomic characteristics, and productivity of sunflower cultivars under irrigation. Embrapa 122 V-2000, Hélio 250, Hélio 251, Hélio 253, Hélio 358, Hélio 360, IAC Iarama, and Dow Agroscience M 734 and MG 02 cultivars were sown in randomized block design with four replications. The number of leaves per plant in full bloom was higher in hybrid Hélio 250, Hélio 251, Hélio 253, Hélio 358, Hélio 360 and Dow Agroscience MG 734 and M 02 related to open-pollinated cultivars Embrapa 122 V-2000 and IAC Iarama. Foliar contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S were 40.91, 3.51, 35.91, 33.91, 6.23, and 7.88 g kg-1, respectively. Embrapa 122 V-2000 and IAC-Iarama cultivars showed an average
Adaptability and phenotypic stability of soybean cultivars for grain yield and oil content.
Silva, K B; Bruzi, A T; Zuffo, A M; Zambiazzi, E V; Soares, I O; de Rezende, P M; Fronza, V; Vilela, G D L; Botelho, F B S; Teixeira, C M; de O Coelho, M A
The aim of this study was to verify the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars with regards to yield and oil content. Data of soybean yield and oil content were used from experiments set up in six environments in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 crop seasons in the municipalities of Patos de Minas, Uberaba, Lavras, and São Gotardo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, testing 36 commercial soybean cultivars of both conventional and transgenic varieties. The Wricke method and GGE biplot analysis were used to evaluate adaptability and stability of these cultivars. Large variations were observed in grain yield in relation to the different environments studied, showing that these materials are adaptable. The cultivars exhibited significant differences in oil content. The cultivars BRSGO204 (Goiânia) and BRSMG (Garantia) exhibited the greatest average grain yield in the different environments studied, and the cultivar BRSMG 760 SRR had the greatest oil content among the cultivars evaluated. Ecovalence was adopted to identify the most stable cultivars, and the estimates were nearly uniform both for grain yield and oil content, showing a variation of 0.07 and 0.01%, respectively. The GGE biplot was efficient at identifying cultivars with high adaptability and phenotype stability.
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Helen Cristina de Arruda Rodrigues
Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de nitrogênio nodesenvolvimento de mudas de cultivares de mamona. O experimento foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação, no Setor de Cafeicultura do Departamento de Agricultura da UFLA, Lavras, Estado de Minas Gerais, utilizando-se quatro doses de nitrogênio N (0, 150, 300 e 450 mg kg-1 de substrato em três cultivares de mamona (AL-Guarani, Nordestina eMirante-10. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com três repetições e duas plantas por parcela. Foram avaliados parâmetros referentes ao crescimento das mudas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a aplicação de nitrogênio prejudicou o crescimento das mudas em todas as cultivares avaliadas. A cultivar Mirante-10 destacou-se das demais.The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen on the development of seedlings of castor bean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the of the Department of Agriculture at the Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais State, using four levels of nitrogen (0, 150, 300 and 450 mg kg-1 inthree cultivars of castor bean (AL-Guarani, Nordestina and Mirante 10. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications and two plants per plot. Parameters were evaluated for the growth of seedlings. According to the obtained results, the application of nitrogen decreased the growth of seedlings in all cultivars. Cultivar Mirante-10 stood out from the others.
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Neyde Fabíola Balarezo Giarola
Full Text Available O processo de compactação pode modificar os atributos físicos do solo a ponto de limitar o potencial genético de desenvolvimento de culturas agrícolas ou de cultivares mais sensíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em Latossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico típico, a resposta de parâmetros de produção de cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill e atributos físicos do solo ao sistema plantio direto em condições de lavoura e com compactação adicional. O estudo foi conduzido na C-Vale Cooperativa Agroindustrial, em Palotina, Estado do Paraná. Foram avaliados dois tratamentos de solo: sistema plantio direto sem compactação adicional (SPD-C0 e sistema plantio direto com compactação adicional (PD-C1, e cinco cultivares de soja: (1 Coodetec 204, (2 Coodetec 215, (3 Monsoy 5942,(4 Embrapa 48 e (5 Spring. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 5 X 2. Os atributos de solo avaliados foram: densidade do solo, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade. Nas plantas, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: fitomassa seca, altura de plantas, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, massa demil grãos e produtividade. Os resultados demonstraram que as variáveis de produção das cultivares de soja não foram influenciados pelos diferentes níveis de compactação do solo, e as diferenças observadas se deveram às características das próprias cultivares.The compaction process can promote changes in the physical attributes of soil, to the point of limiting the genetic potential for the development of more sensitive agricultural crops or cultivars. Thegoal of this study was to evaluate, on a clayed Red Latosol (Oxisol, the response of production parameters of different varieties of soybean (Glycine max and physical attributes of soil under tillage farming, and with additional compression. The study was conducted at C-Valley Agroindustrial Cooperative, in Palotina (Paraná State. Two treatments
Molecular characterization of olive cultivars grown in Iraq using ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
database for Iraqi olive cultivars, in breeding strategies and in correct cultivar identification. Key words: Olea europaea, genetic diversity ... cultivated fruit tree species in the Mediterranean basin. It is a predominant allogamous species .... carried out using an automatic DNA analyzer (Model 3100 Prism;. Applied Biosystems).
Manechini, João Ricardo Vieira; da Costa, Juliana Borges; Pereira, Bruna Turcatto; Carlini-Garcia, Luciana Aparecida; Xavier, Mauro Alexandre; Landell, Marcos Guimarães de Andrade; Pinto, Luciana Rossini
The Brazilian sugarcane industry plays an important role in the worldwide supply of sugar and ethanol. Investigation into the genetic structure of current commercial cultivars and comparisons to the main ancestor species allow sugarcane breeding programs to better manage crosses and germplasm banks as well as to promote its rational use. In the present study, the genetic structure of a group of Brazilian cultivars currently grown by commercial producers was assessed through microsatellite markers and contrasted with a group of basic germplasm mainly composed of Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum accessions. A total of 285 alleles was obtained by a set of 12 SSRs primer pairs that taken together were able to efficiently distinguish and capture the genetic variability of sugarcane commercial cultivars and basic germplasm accessions allowing its application in a fast and cost-effective way for routine cultivar identification and management of sugarcane germplasm banks. Allelic distribution revealed that 97.6% of the cultivar alleles were found in the basic germplasm while 42% of the basic germplasm alleles were absent in cultivars. Of the absent alleles, 3% was exclusive to S. officinarum, 33% to S. spontaneum and 19% to other species/exotic hybrids. We found strong genetic differentiation between the Brazilian commercial cultivars and the two main species (S. officinarum: [Formula: see text] = 0.211 and S. spontaneum: [Formula: see text] = 0.216, Pcommercial cultivars. Average dissimilarity within cultivars was 1.2 and 1.4 times lower than that within S. officinarum and S. spontaneum. Genetic divergence found between cultivars and S. spontaneum accessions has practical applications for energy cane breeding programs as the choice of more divergent parents will maximize the frequency of transgressive individuals in the progeny.
Breeders’ work after cultivar development - the stage of recommendation
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Luiz Carlos Federizzi
Full Text Available The development of new cultivars is the ultimate goal of breeding programs and is the result of many years of hard work and dedication of breeders and their teams. An important part of the process, often neglected by geneticists, is the stage from recommendation to the production of breeder seed (post-breeding. This paper discusses the role of the breeder in the recommendation, registration, protection and marketing of new cultivars. The breeder’s active participation in all phases of post-breeding is fundamental to ensure that the cultivar reaches farmers quickly and can provide the benefits expected by society
Evaluation of Local Wheat Cultivars Susceptibility to infection with Black Stem Rust
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Batta, Y.A.
The present study was conducted to assess the susceptibility of seven local wheat cultivars from Palestine to infection with black stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Two techniques of disease inoculation were applied during bioassays: global inoculation of entire wheat plants with urediospores and localized inoculation with urediospores and localized inoculation with urediospores on wheat leaf-pieces incubated under humid conditions. Susceptibility of tested cultivars was evaluated according to disease scale based on number and size of typical unredial pustules that appeared after inoculation on entire plants or leaf pieces. Results obtained on bioassay of susceptibility and disease rating on entire plants indicated that Anbar, Kamata and Hetiya safra cultivars were the least susceptible to P. g. tritici infection, whereas Debiya beda cultivar was the most susceptible. The other tested cultivars such as Nab-El-Jama, sawda and Senf 870 were moderately susceptible. On leaf-pieces, Anbar and Kamatat were the least susceptible cultivars, whereas Debiya beda and Nab-El-Jamal were the most susceptible cultivars. The other tested cultivars such as Debiya swada, Senf 870 and Hetiya safra were moderately susceptible. Significant reductions were obtained for the size of unredial postules formed on leaf-pieces when inoculated in an unwounded state compared to the wounded indicating the importance of wounds during inoculation. The global results indicated the possibility of using above method of disease inoculating, scaling and rating for evaluation of wheat cultivars susceptibility for the eventual use in breeding program for resistant varieties in Palestine. (author)
Volatile components from mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars.
Pino, Jorge A; Mesa, Judith; Muñoz, Yamilie; Martí, M Pilar; Marbot, Rolando
The volatile components of 20 mango cultivars were investigated by means of simultaneous distillation-extraction, GC, and GC-MS. Three hundred and seventy-two compounds were identified, of which 180 were found for the first time in mango fruit. The total concentration of volatiles was approximately 18-123 mg/kg of fresh fruit. Terpene hydrocarbons were the major volatiles of all cultivars, the dominant terpenes being delta-3-carene (cvs. Haden, Manga amarilla, Macho, Manga blanca, San Diego, Manzano, Smith, Florida, Keitt, and Kent), limonene (cvs. Delicioso, Super Haden, Ordonez, Filipino, and La Paz), both terpenes (cv. Delicia), terpinolene (cvs. Obispo, Corazon, and Huevo de toro), and alpha-phellandrene (cv. Minin). Other qualitative and quantitative differences among the cultivars could be demonstrated.
Farmers\\' Perception Of Improved And Local Cassava Cultivars In ...
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Quantity of the byproduct of cassava, taste of byproduct, maturity time and disease resistance significantly contributed to farmers' perception of the cassava cultivars. Apart from good agronomic characteristics of disease resistance and early maturity, farmers' perception of cultivars is also tied to food value issues, field ...
Measurement of lipid transfer protein in 88 apple cultivars
Sancho, Ana I.; van Ree, Ronald; van Leeuwen, Astrid; Meulenbroek, Bert J.; van de Weg, Eric W.; Gilissen, Luud J. W. J.; Puehringer, Helene; Laimer, Margit; Martinelli, Alessio; Zaccharini, Marzio; Vazquez-Cortes, Sonia; Fernandez-Rivas, Montserrat; Hoffmann-Sommergruber, Karin; Mills, E. N. Clare; Zuidmeer, Laurian
Background: Fruits are a major cause of food allergy in adults. Lipid transfer proteins (LTP) are implicated in severe allergic reactions to fruits, but little is known about LTP content in different cultivars. Objective: Determination of the levels of LTP in a wide range of apple cultivars.
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Eduardo Caierão
Full Text Available A cevada MN 743, criada pela Cia Brasileira de Bebidas (AmBev foi lançada para cultivo no ano de 2004. Originou-se de um cruzamento simples entre as linhagens MN 681 e GIMPEL, realizado em 1992, no campo experimental da antiga Cia Brahma, no município de Encruzilhada do Sul. A cultivar MN 743 é do tipo duas fileiras, possui ciclo precoce e ampla adaptação às condições do sul do Brasil. Das cultivares disponíveis a nível de produção é a que apresenta a maior classificação comercial (grãos de primeira qualidade. Nos anos em que fez parte do ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso (VCU, sempre apresentou médias competitivas em termos de rendimento corrigido em relação à testemunha de maior área no Brasil, MN 698. Com relação às características qualitativas, apresenta excelente performance no que diz respeito ao teor de extrato e poder diastásico. A cultivar é recomendada para os estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná. Devido a seu ótimo desempenho no aspecto qualidade, visando a indústria cervejeira, a cultivar representa um importante avanço para o melhoramento deste cereal no Brasil, aliando os interesses do produtor e da indústria.Barley cultivar MN 743, developed by the Cia. Brasileira de Bebidas (AmBev was released in 2004. It resulted from a simple cross between lines MN 681 x GIMPEL, made in 1992, in the Brahma's Experimental Field - Encruzilhada do Sul/RS. MN 743, a two-rowed type cultivar has early cicle and is broadly adapted to southern Brazil. Among the hight producing cultivars available, it shows higher kernel plumpness (first quality kernel. Over the years it was included in the VCU (cost and use value trial, the cultivar has repeatedly showed competitive means in adjusted yield, as compared to the control occupying the largest cropped area in Brazil, MN 698. Regarding quality characteristics, it has an excellent performance as friability and diastasic power. The cultivar is recomended for all
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Eduardo Caierão
Full Text Available A cevada MN 743, criada pela Cia Brasileira de Bebidas (AmBev foi lançada para cultivo no ano de 2004. Originou-se de um cruzamento simples entre as linhagens MN 681 e GIMPEL, realizado em 1992, no campo experimental da antiga Cia Brahma, no município de Encruzilhada do Sul. A cultivar MN 743 é do tipo duas fileiras, possui ciclo precoce e ampla adaptação às condições do sul do Brasil. Das cultivares disponíveis a nível de produção é a que apresenta a maior classificação comercial (grãos de primeira qualidade. Nos anos em que fez parte do ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso (VCU, sempre apresentou médias competitivas em termos de rendimento corrigido em relação à testemunha de maior área no Brasil, MN 698. Com relação às características qualitativas, apresenta excelente performance no que diz respeito ao teor de extrato e poder diastásico. A cultivar é recomendada para os estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná. Devido a seu ótimo desempenho no aspecto qualidade, visando a indústria cervejeira, a cultivar representa um importante avanço para o melhoramento deste cereal no Brasil, aliando os interesses do produtor e da indústria.Barley cultivar MN 743, developed by the Cia. Brasileira de Bebidas (AmBev was released in 2004. It resulted from a simple cross between lines MN 681 x GIMPEL, made in 1992, in the Brahma's Experimental Field - Encruzilhada do Sul/RS. MN 743, a two-rowed type cultivar has early cicle and is broadly adapted to southern Brazil. Among the hight producing cultivars available, it shows higher kernel plumpness (first quality kernel. Over the years it was included in the VCU (cost and use value trial, the cultivar has repeatedly showed competitive means in adjusted yield, as compared to the control occupying the largest cropped area in Brazil, MN 698. Regarding quality characteristics, it has an excellent performance as friability and diastasic power. The cultivar is recomended for all
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M. H. Fallah Heki
Full Text Available In order to study the physiological and morphological characteristics of canola cultivars at different planting dates, an experiment was carried out in 2008-2009 at the Agriculture Research Station of Yasouj. A factorial with Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications was conducted. Four planting dates (September 12, September 22, October 2 and October 12 and four cultivars (Zarfam, Okapi, Elite and SLM-046 were used in this study. Results showed that cultivars and planting dates had significant effects on more characteristics. In addition, interaction of planting date and cultivar was significant on plant height, height to lowest silique, number of branches, growth indices and grain yield. Zarfam and Elite cultivars had lower initial fluorescence (Fo and higher maximum fluorescence (Fm and photochemical capacity of photosystem II (Fv/Fm than Okapi and SLM-046 cultivars. Elite cultivar at September 12 planting date had the highest plant height (173 cm and height to lowest silique (87.5 cm and Okapi cultivar at October 12 planting date showed the lowest plant height (91 cm and height to lowest silique (43.7 cm. At September 12 planting date, Elite cultivar had the greatest leaf area index (5.21 and grain yield (5231 kg/ha. At other planting dates, Zarfam cultivar because of priority in leaf area index, crop growth rate and total dry matter have the greatest grain yield than other cultivars. In general, seems at September 12 planting date, Elite cultivar and for delayed sowing, Zarfam cultivar had better reaction than other cultivars.
Amino Acid Composition of Grape Cultivars ( Vitis Spp.) in Japan
Shiraishi, Shin-ichi; 白石, 眞一
The concentration of free amino acids and other chemical constituents in 75 grape cultivars at maturity were examined. The amino acid concentrations were found to be in decreasing order of arginine, proline, threonine and alanine in Vitis vinifera cultivars and alanine, arginine, threonine and proline in Vitis labmsca cultivars. The concentration of total amino acid was 5,083 ,umol in ‘Campbell Early’ and 3,391 pmol in ‘Yates’, both Vitis labrusca and table grapes. The amounts of total amino ...
Field performance of maize (Zea mays L. cultivars under drought stress
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Full Text Available This research was carried out in 2014 at the Research Farm of the University of Tabriz, Iran. The experiment was arranged as split plot on the basis of randomized complete block with three replicates to assess the effects of four irrigation intervals (irrigations after 60, 80, 100 and 120 mm evaporation on physiological and agronomical traits of three cultivars of maize (Zea mays L.; ‘SC704’, ‘NS640’, ‘DC303’: late, mid and early maturing, respectively. Irrigation intervals and maize cultivars were assigned to the main and sub-plots, respectively. Leaf temperature of all maize cultivars significantly increased, but chlorophyll content index, maximum efficiency of photosystem II, number of grains per plant, 1000 grain mass, plant biomass, grain yield and harvest index significantly decreased with increasing irrigation intervals. Late maturing cultivar (‘SC704’ was superior in all studied traits, followed by mid (‘NS640’ and early (‘DC303’ maturing cultivars. It was concluded that water limitation can potentially reduce performance of maize cultivars in the field, but the extent of this reduction depends on genotype and severity of stress.
Chemical characteristics of grape juices from different cultivar and rootstock combinations
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Rita de Cássia Mirela Resende Nassur
Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different combinations of grape cultivars and rootstocks on chemical characteristics of grape juices. Six treatments were evaluated, consisting of combinations between the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora grape cultivars and the 'IAC 766', 'IAC 313', and 'IAC 572' rootstocks. Approximately 10 L of juice were obtained per treatment. Analyses of color, total soluble solids content, pH, anthocyanins, total phenolics, total sugars, and quantification and identification of biogenic amines by HPLC were performed. Biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine, were found in all evaluated cultivars. By principal component analysis (PCA, treatments can be divided into two groups, according to the cultivar. Juices obtained from 'Isabel Precoce' are characterized by higher levels of total sugar content and soluble solids; however, juices from 'BRS Cora' are positively correlated with phenolic content, anthocyanins, and color and acidity parameters. The differences found by PCA for juices from the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora cultivars indicate that, regardless of the rootstock used, the most important factor in the chemical characterization of juices is the grape cultivar.
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Daniela Mikulíková
Full Text Available Wheat grain samples from sixteen winter cultivars originated from four localities were evaluated and compared in traits related to ethanol production as grain yield, grain hardness, content of protein, starch and amylose, and α-amylase activity. Results obtained indicate significant differences between cultivars in amylose content, α-amylase activity, and grain hardness compared to grain yield, protein content, and starch content where differences were not significant. The amylose content, α-amylase activity, and grain hardness were affected by cultivar. Both testing methods for starch fermentation - separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF revealed difference between cultivars in ethanol yield.
Genetic identification and characterization of Armenian grapevine cultivars
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Nebish Anna
Full Text Available Armenia is an important area of crop origins including grapes. The objectives of this study were the molecular characterization of 38 Armenian grape genotypes and the detection of the genetic relationships between the accessions. In total, 164 alleles were obtained at 18 SSRs loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 15 with a mean number of 9.17 alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.514 (VVIN73 to 0.90 (VVS2 and the observed heterozygosity from 0.417 (VVIV37 to 0.947 (VVMD7 and VMC1B11. In our research the highest values of polymorphic information content (PIC were obtained using markers VVS2, VRZAG62 and VRZAG79, while the least informative ones were VVIN73 and VVIB01. A high level of gene diversity was observed between ancient and new bred cultivars. Higher values were recorded for the new grape varieties, (He = 0.792 and lower values for ancient cultivars (He = 0.739. The mean number of alleles (MNA for all loci per population ranged from 7.39 in ancient to 8,00 in new crosses. A clear separation was observed for the groups of ancient aboriginal cultivars, Vitis vinifera L.xVitis vinifera L. and Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis amurensis Rupr .crosses, which were bred in Armenia and seedless cultivars. Very close relationships with high similarity were determined for 5 pairs of cultivars. Two cases of possible homonymy were also detected. Our results are the basis for future MAS selection and target breeding.
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Patricia N. Bordallo
Full Text Available Synthetic seeds can be an alternative for those species in which botanical seeds are not viable. One of the major problems of in vitro plant cultivation is the high level of somaclonal variation. The most common factors affecting somaclonal variation are genotype, explant source, in vitro period and cultivation conditions in which the culture is established. In this work, calli were induced using leaf and stem explants of the commercial potato cultivars Achat, Baraka, Baronesa, Bintje, and Contenda in MS culture media supplemented with 1.65 mM of picloram and 11.5 mM of 2,4-D. Seventy and 90 days after induction, DNA samples of 40 calli were compared concerning the effects of the two explant (leaf and stem and two growth regulator sources on five potatoes cultivars. A total of 20 arbitrary sequence primers were evaluated. The RAPD pattern generated by these primers suggested a high percentage of polymorphic fragments among the five genotypes, indicating a high level of genetic variation among cultivars. Cultivar Baronesa showed the highest number of polymorphic fragments for all treatments. The cultivar Contenda showed the smallest somaclonal variation, for most of the treatments, except for the treatment which consisted of stem explants, picloram (1.65 mM application, and a 70-day period of callus formation. 'Contenda' is, therefore, the most suitable cultivar for synthetic seed production.A produção de sementes sintéticas pode ser uma altenativa para culturas, cuja produção de sementes botânicas não é viável. Um dos principais problemas do cultivo de planta in vitro é o alto nível de variação somaclonal resultante. Os fatores mais comuns que afetam a variação somaclonal são genótipo, fonte de explante e duração e condições de cultivo. Neste trabalho, calos foram induzidos utilizando explantes de folha e caule das cultivares comerciais de batata Achat, Baraka, Baronesa, Bintje e Contenda em meio de cultura MS, suplementado
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Paulo Renato Z. Santos
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de cultivar, da adubação NPK e da interação desses fatores na produção de tomate salada tutorado. O experimento foi conduzido em Pelotas (RS no ano agrícola 1995/96. Foram utilizadas cinco cultivares (Flora-Dade, Max, Empire, Pacific e Diva e três níveis (2,0, 3,5 e 5,0 t/ha de adubação NPK (3,6-7,2-10. Os tratamentos foram dispostos sob esquema fatorial em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. As cultivares Empire e Pacific apresentaram frutos com maior peso médio do que Flora-Dade, Max e Diva. O número de frutos por planta aumentou com a elevação do nível de adubação de 2,0 para 3,5 t/ha, enquanto que o peso médio de frutos diminuiu, sem alterar a produção. As cultivares apresentaram respostas diferenciais aos níveis de adubação, em relação ao peso médio de frutos.The objective of this work was to study the effect of cultivar, NPK fertilization and the interaction on yield components of fresh market tomatoes. The experiment was carried out in Pelotas, Brazil, in 1995/96 season. Five cultivars (Flora-Dade, Max, Empire, Pacific and Diva and three fertilization levels (2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 t/ha of NPK (3.6-7.2-10 were used. The treatments were displayed under a factorial scheme, in a randomized complete block design, with three repetitions. Empire and Pacific cultivars showed higher average fruit weight than Flora-Dade, Max and Diva. The number of fruits per plant increased with the elevation of fertilization levels from 2.0 to 3.5 t/ha, while the average fruit weight diminished, without changing yield. The cultivars showed differential response to fertilization levels, in relation to average fruit weight.
Guo, Jing-Jie; Tan, Xiao; Fu, Hui-Ling; Chen, Jing-Xin; Lin, Xiao-Xia; Ma, Yuan; Yang, Zhong-Yi
Two pot experiments were conducted to compare and verify Cd accumulation capacities of different cultivars under Cd exposures (0.215, 0.543, and 0.925 mg kg -1 in Exp-1 and 0.143, 0.619, and 1.407 mg kg -1 in Exp-2) and Cd subcellular distributions between low- and high-Cd cultivars. Shoot Cd concentrations between the selected low- and high-Cd cultivars were 1.4-fold different and the results were reproducible. The proportions of Cd-in-cell-wall of shoots and roots were all higher in a typical low-Cd cultivar (DX102) than in a typical high-Cd cultivar (HJK), while those of Cd-in-chloroplast or Cd-in-trophoplast and Cd-in-membrane-and-organelle were opposite. The proportions of Cd-in-vacuoles-and-cytoplasm of roots in DX102 were always higher than in HJK under Cd stresses, while there was no clear pattern in those of shoots. These findings may help to reduce health risk of Cd from Chinese kale consumption and explained biochemical mechanisms of cultivar-dependent Cd accumulation among the species.
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Tiago Aranda Catuchi
Full Text Available The main goal of the study was to evaluate the effects on the development and physiological aspects of soybean plants grown under water deficiency at greenhouse conditions, comparing the levels of tolerance to water deficiency between one transgenic and one conventional cultivar, enabling a systematic way to carried out physiological comparisons between soybean cultivars under drought. The study was divided into completely randomized using a factorial 2×2 design, with five replicates. The experimental design included two replenishment levels of daily irrigation (100% and 40%, applied to the leaves during the V4 developmental stage (fourth trifoliate fully expanded and two cultivars, 'CD 202' conventional and 'CD 226RR' transgenic. The results showed that both cultivars had similar effects, caused by water deficiency, on dry mass production, but the transgenic cultivar tended to maintain higher biomass allocation in pods, as well as, higher efficiency of leaves to support dry mass production than conventional cultivar in both water conditions. Moreover, the higher maximum CO2 assimilation values and lower membranes damages in the transgenic cultivar under water deficiency showed that the expected higher drought tolerance of the conventional cultivar was not supported by a more accurate physiological investigation.O principal objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento e aspectos fisiológicos de plantas de soja cultivadas sob deficiência hídrica em condições de casa de vegetação, comparando os níveis de tolerância à deficiência de água entre um cultivar transgênico e um convencional, gerando uma forma sistemática de realizar comparações fisiológicas entre cultivares de soja sob déficit hídrico. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2×2, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos hídricos foram dois níveis de reposição de irrigação diária (100% e 40%, aplicados a
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Dwinardi Apriyanto, Edi Gunawan, dan Tri Sunardi .
Full Text Available Resistance of some groundnut cultivars to soybean pod borer, Etiella zinckenella Treit. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae. Five groundnut cultivars: Badak, Panther, Sima, Gajah, and Simpai, were grown in field in June-August, 2006 to determine their resistance/susceptibility to Etiella zinckenella Treit. Two local cultivars (big and small seeds were included as comparison (controls. All cultivars were grown in experimental plots arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD, replicated three times. The incidence of soybean pod borer and damaged pods were observed at 9, 11, 13 weeks after sowing (WAS at 10 sample plants taken randomly from each plot. All cultivars were harvested at 13 WAS. Number of damaged pods was counted and percentages per plant were calculated. Larvae observed inside pod or in the soil were counted and collected. The seed yield per plant and weight of 100 seeds from 100 sample plants taken randomly at harvest were weighted to nearest gram at 10% water content. Pod toughness (hardness was measured with penetrometer. Resistance level of each cultivar was determined based on cultivar’s means and overall mean and standard deviation of the percentages of damaged pods. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA and means were separated with DMRT. The result revealed that mean percentages of damaged pod differed significantly between cultivars. Seed yield of cultivar Panther, Sima and Badak were significantly higher than those of the other two and local cultivars. Cultivar Panther was categorized as resistant, cultivar Sima and Badak as moderately resistant, while the others as susceptible. The relative resistance of groundnut cultivar seems, at least in part, to correlate with the structural hardness of pod.
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Renato C. Vilas Boas
Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito de diferentes tensões da água no solo sobre o desenvolvimento e produção de duas cultivares de cebola irrigadas por gotejamento. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do DAG/UFLA, no período de junho a outubro de 2008; o delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 6, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos se constituíram de duas cultivares de cebola, cultivar híbrida Optima F1 e cultivar não híbrida Alfa Tropical, além de seis tensões da água no solo, 15, 25, 35, 45, 60 e 75 kPa. Concluiu-se que o híbrido Optima F1 apresentou melhores respostas com relação às seguintes características analisadas: produtividade total de bulbos, produtividade de bulbos comerciais e massa média de bulbos comerciais. A altura da planta e o diâmetro do colo apresentaram respostas lineares decrescentes, sempre que se aumentaram as tensões da água no solo, para ambas as cultivares. Referidas cultivares devem ser irrigadas no momento em que a tensão da água no solo estiver em torno de 15 kPa, na profundidade de 0,15 m, para obtenção de plantas mais altas, maiores produtividades de bulbos (total e comercial e maior massa média de bulbos comerciais.This work aimed to assess the effect of different water tensions in soil over the development and production of two onion cultivars irrigated by drip system. The experiment was carried in the experimental area of the DAG/UFLA, from June to October 2008. The experimental was conducted in randomized block design in 2 x 6 factorial scheme, with four repetitions. The treatments were two onion cultivars, the hybrid Optima F1 and the non hybrid Alfa Tropical and six soil water tensions, i.e., 15, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 75 kPa. It was verified that the hybrid Optima F1 presented the best responses regarding the following analyzed characteristics: total bulb yield, commercial bulb yield and average mass of
Análise do pólen em dezoito cultivares de macieira Pollen analysis of eighteen apple cultivars
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Fernando Antonio Campo Dall'Orto
Full Text Available Como subsídio essencial ao projeto de melhoramento genético da macieira (Malus spp. por hibridação e ao conhecimento da polinização natural nas condições do Estado de São Paulo, efetuaram-se estudos sobre a quantidade e a viabilidade do pólen existente em dezoito cultivares de maior interesse no momento. Constatou-se que, entre os cultivares mais utilizados nos cruzamentos, Anna, Brasil, Dulcina, Ein Shemer, Gala, Rainha e Valinhense, juntamente com as novas seleções - IAC 170-1 e IAC 570-38 - foram os que se apresentaram mais ricos de pólen, com número superior a 50.000 grãos por flor. Quanto à viabilidade polínica desse material estudado, a germinação situou-se em níveis bastante satisfatórios - quase sempre maior que 50% - mesmo quando se armazenou o pólen por um período de 70 dias, em ambiente frio (-1ºC em dessecadores.Aiming to find out variations in pollen quantity and viability in eighteen apple cultivars, analysis of "in vitro" germination was performed to contribute - as a parameter for genetic breeding by hybridization and as a pollination basis. The apple cultivars or selections recommended for commercial planting, at the mild climate conditions prevailing in the State of São Paulo, Brasil, and most utilized in crosses, are nowadays the following: Anna, Brasil, Dulcina, Ein Shemer, Gala, Rainha, Valinhense, IAC 170-1 and IAC 570-38. These cultivars presented more than 50 thousand pollen grains per one flower. The germination index observed (also an indicator of pollen viability was higher than 50 percent in great number of materials, indicating that the pollen of the apple plant, well prepared, can be stored in a cold and dry environment (a desiccator at -1ºC during a period of about 70 days.
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Beatriz Marti Emygdio
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a diversidade genética dentro e entre cultivares locais e comerciais de feijão, por meio de marcadores RAPD, e avaliar a capacidade destes em agrupar genótipos de feijão de acordo com o centro de domesticação e coloração de semente. Foram avaliadas 35 cultivares, 13 comerciais e 22 locais, de diversas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento do coeficiente de similaridade de Sorensen-Dice e a representação simplificada destas distâncias realizada mediante um dendrograma. Marcadores RAPD foram eficientes ao agrupar cultivares de acordo com o centro de domesticação, mas não foram capazes de separar as cultivares de acordo com a coloração da semente. Cultivares locais e comerciais, mesoamericanas, foram agrupadas separadamente. Cultivares comerciais, em cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul apresentam alto grau de similaridade.The objective of this work was to characterize the genetic diversity within and among cultivars and landraces of common bean from RAPD markers analysis, and to evaluate the capacity of this markers in clustering common bean genotypes according to domestication centers and seed color. Thirty five common bean genotypes including 13 commercial cultivars and 22 landraces, from State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were evaluated. Genetic distances were calculated using Sorensen-Dice's similarity coefficient, displayed in a dendrogram. RAPD markers were efficient in separating cultivars and landraces according to domestication centers, but not according to seed color. Mesoamerican commercial cultivars and landraces have been clustered in different groups. A high degree of similarity was observed among cultivars in use in Rio Grande do Sul.
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Elveni Teresinha Mayer
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição de nutrientes de grãos de diferentes cultivares de cevada, na forma integral e descascada, e classificá-los em grupos com características nutricionais distintas. Foram utilizadas amostras de 17 cultivares, da Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo, RS, da safra de 2005. As determinações químicas foram realizadas de acordo com os métodos de análise oficial da AOAC Internacional. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre grãos integrais de cultivares para proteína bruta, cinzas, extrato etéreo, fibra total e carboidratos não-fibrosos, porém, os teores de fibra insolúvel e fibra solúvel não diferiram. Em grãos descascados, foram observadas diferenças em todos os parâmetros analisados. Com exceção da fração de carboidratos não-fibrosos, o processo de descascamento promoveu redução em todas as frações avaliadas, em especial nos teores de fibra total e fibra insolúvel. Diferenças na composição bromatológica ocorreram devido à variabilidade genética das cultivares e ao descascamento.The objective of this work was to determine the chemical composition of different covered and hulness barley cultivars grains and to classify them according to distinctive nutritional groups. Seventeen cultivars from 2005 crop of Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil, were utilized. The chemical determinations were based on Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International. Significative differences between integral cultivars in relation to crude protein, ash, ether extract, total fiber and non-fibrous carbohydrate were observed, however, there were no differences for fiber content and soluble fiber. In the hulness grain, differences were observed. The non-fibrous carbohydrate was an exception and, in this case, the hull's process promoted the fraction's reduction, specially in the total fiber and insoluble fiber content. Variation in the bromatological composition occurs because of
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Alfredo do Nascimento Junior
Full Text Available The rye cultivar BRS Progresso, developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa, is the result of a synthetic cross of 18 open-pollinated, self-incompatible lines, resistant to stem rust.
Biological responses of two soybean cultivars exposed to enhanced UVB radiation
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
D'Surney, S.J.; Tschaplinski, T.J.; Edwards, N.T.; Shugart, L.R.
A UVB exposure and monitoring system has been established at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Global Climate Change Research Facility. The system consists of a power supply, and data acquisition and exposure equipment to accomplish controlled, elevated exposure of terrestrial plants to UVB. Plant biomass, selected compounds that absorb UV radiation, and DNA integrity/damage were measured for two soybean cultivars [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Forrest and Essex exposed to elevated UVB (32% above ambient) in this system. The biomass of each major plant organ was observed to be less in soybean cultivar Forrest upon exposure to enhanced UVB with the greatest response in seed pods and stems. In contrast, soybean cultivar Essex showed no biomass response to elevated UVB. Enhanced UVB caused significant (P < 0.1) changes in concentrations of UV-absorbing compounds in both soybean cultivars. The Essex cultivar had an increase in UV-absorbing compounds, whereas a decline was observed for soybean Forrest. There was a decrease in the integrity of DNA, as measured by strand breaks, from both cultivars at 30 and 52 days to exposure. DNA pyrimidine dimers in isolated plant DNA were measured with Micrococcus luteus UV endonuclease. DNA from soybean Forrest exposed to UVB and sampled at 30 and 52 days of exposure had significantly greater (P<0.05) pyrimidine dimer concentration (dimer frequency ≈ 1 dimer per 28,000 DNA bases) than either cultivar exposed to UV treatment for 1 day or Essex at days 30–52 (dimer frequencies < /1 per 120,000 bases of DNA). Decrease in DNA integrity and biomass production in Forrest under elevated UVB may be related to the inability to maintain high concentrations of UV-absorbing compounds in leaves. The tolerant cultivar Essex increased the concentration of UV-absorbing compounds while maintaining biomass production and DNA integrity under elevated UVB
Cellulosic ethanol: interactions between cultivar and enzyme loading in wheat straw processing
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Felby Claus
Full Text Available Abstract Background Variations in sugar yield due to genotypic qualities of feedstock are largely undescribed for pilot-scale ethanol processing. Our objectives were to compare glucose and xylose yield (conversion and total sugar yield from straw of five winter wheat cultivars at three enzyme loadings (2.5, 5 and 10 FPU g-1 dm pretreated straw and to compare particle size distribution of cultivars after pilot-scale hydrothermal pretreatment. Results Significant interactions between enzyme loading and cultivars show that breeding for cultivars with high sugar yields under modest enzyme loading could be warranted. At an enzyme loading of 5 FPU g-1 dm pretreated straw, a significant difference in sugar yields of 17% was found between the highest and lowest yielding cultivars. Sugar yield from separately hydrolyzed particle-size fractions of each cultivar showed that finer particles had 11% to 21% higher yields than coarse particles. The amount of coarse particles from the cultivar with lowest sugar yield was negatively correlated with sugar conversion. Conclusions We conclude that genetic differences in sugar yield and response to enzyme loading exist for wheat straw at pilot scale, depending on differences in removal of hemicellulose, accumulation of ash and particle-size distribution introduced by the pretreatment.
Analysis of pecan cultivars Mahan and Western in East China.
Luo, X; Li, Z; Sun, Z; Wan, X
Pecan (Carya illinoensis) has been introduced to East China for over one hundred years, but its planting is still only occurring at a small scale. The key limiting factor is its low yield. To enhance the yield pecan in East China, two pecan cultivars, Mahan and Western, were examined. Twenty traits describing phasic development, yield, nut quality, and cultural practice were investigated. We found that pecan cultivar Mahan gives a higher yield and nut quality than cultivar Western. We recommend interplanting of cultivar Pawnee to act as a pollinator tree. Appropriate cultivation practices that can be implemented to enhance fruit yield of cultivars Mahan and Western include soil-applied paclobutrazol (PBZ) at certain concentrations, pinching, and supplementary pollination. For example, the addition of 1.25 g/m 2 of PBZ inhibits pecan branch growth and stimulates short bearing branches, which promotes fruit yield. We found that soil-applied PBZ reached optimal performance 82 days after application. A pinching length of 40 cm resulted in a fruit yield increase. In addition, grafting and transplantation may promote male flowering, but delays female flowering. These cultural practices may provide insights that can be used to improve pecan cultivation in East China.
Effect of boron on growth criteria of some wheat cultivars
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Ashraf Metwally
Full Text Available Introduction: Toxic soil concentrations of the essential micronutrient boron (B represent major limitations to crop production worldwide. Plants have a range of defense systems that might be involved in their affinity to resist and tolerate nutrients stress.Materials and methods: The experiments were carried out to study the differential responses in five wheat cultivars to boron toxicity. Results: The fresh and dry matter yield of the test wheat cultivars showed marked decrease as the concentration of boron was increased. Elevated concentration of boron had a notable inhibitory effect on the biosynthesis of pigments fractions in the test wheat cultivars as severely as dry matter gain. The adverse concentration effects of boron on some metabolic responses were clearly displayed by shoot and root systems, exhibited in the elevated rates of proline, hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde formation. Potassium leakage was severely affected by boron-stress in some cultivars at all tested concentrations, while in some others a moderate damage was manifested only at the higher boron concentrations.Conclusions: Sakha 93 out of all the different cultivars investigated was found to display the lowest sensitivity to boron-stress, while Gemmeza 9 was the most sensitive one.
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Geraldo M. de Resende
Full Text Available Identificou-se cultivares de cebola mais produtivas através de um ensaio da EPAMIG em Lavras, de março a setembro de 1994. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos, constituídos das cultivares Granex 33, Texas Grano 502, Crioula, Pira Ouro, Baia Periforme, Jubileu e Chata Roxa com parcelas de 3,84 m² de área útil. A produtividade de bulbos comerciais variou de 22,58 a 50,21 t/ha, destacando-se as cultivares Granex 33 (50,21 t/ha e Texas Grano 502 (44,36 t/ha que não mostraram diferença significativa entre si. Estas cultivares apresentaram incrementos na produtividade da ordem de 204,3 a 168,8% em relação à média nacional (16,5 t/ha. O mais baixo rendimento foi observado para a cultivar Chata Roxa com 22,58 t/ha. Observaram-se variações de 45,99 a 97,69 g/bulbo para peso médio de bulbo e 5,35 a 7,38 cm para o diâmetro transversal de bulbos.To identify onion cultivars of higher yield for the southern region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, a field trial from EPAMIG was conducted in Lavras, Brazil, from March to September 1994.The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with four replications and seven treatments: Granex 33, Texas Grano 502, Crioula, Pira Ouro, Baia Periforme, Jubileu and Chata Roxa. The harvesting area of each plot was 3.84 m². The yield of commercial bulbs varied from 22.58 to 50.21 t/ha, and the highest yield was achieved by the cultivars Granex (50.21 t/ha and Texas Grano 502 (44.36 t/ha with no significant difference between them. These cultivars exceeded the national average yield (16.5 t/ha from 204.3 to 168.8%. The lowest yield was shown by the cultivar Chata Roxa (22.58 t/ha. A variation occurred from 45.99 to 97.69 g/bulb and 5.35 to 7.39 cm for the bulb diameter.
Enhanced antioxidative responses of a salt-resistant wheat cultivar ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Enhanced antioxidative responses of a salt-resistant wheat cultivar facilitate its adaptation to salt stress. L Chen, H Yin, J Xu, X Liu. Abstract. Wheat cultivars capable of accumulating minerals under salt stress are of considerable interest for their potential to improve crop productivity and crop quality. This study addressed the ...
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Pauli, Fernando A. de; Silva, Helio F. da; Tasso Junior, Luiz Carlos; Marques, Diogo; Marques, Marcos O. [Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), Jaboticabal, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias], E-mail: fernando_abackerli@hotmail
The energy generated from biomass of sugarcane is on the spotlight on the world stage. The straw remaining in the soil after harvest of sugarcane, brings several attributes that qualify as plant material to be used for power cogeneration. Thus, this study aimed to quantify the straw in early cultivars of sugarcane. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 6 treatments (cultivars) and three replications. At harvest, we counted the number of stems on the meter and the weight of stems was estimated agricultural productivity. After harvesting the cane was used a rectangle of 4.5 m2, which was placed randomly within each plot and all trash contained therein was weighed. From these results was estimated the number of people benefiting the energy from this trash. The SP80-1842 had the best performance, the highest amounts of trash (31.00 t ha-1), the largest index value of straw (28.33%) and more people benefit from the energy generated from the same (26.66x10-1) showing its greater suitability for cogeneration. Cultivars CTC9 and SP91-1049 presented the results less satisfactory. (author)
Physicochemical and functional properties of two cowpea cultivars grown in temperate Indian climate
Saima Hamid; Sabeera Muzzafar; Idrees Ahmed Wani; Farooq Ahmad Masoodi
Flours of two local cowpea cultivars namely Red cowpea and Black cowpea were analysed for proximate composition, pasting and functional properties. The crude protein and fat contents were higher for Black cultivar than the Red cultivar. The apparent amylose content was significantly higher for Red cowpea (25.54%) than Black cowpea (15.09%). Polyphenols were significantly higher for Red cowpea than Black cowpea. The pasting profile of two cultivars revealed significantly higher values of peak ...
Compositional studies of lentil (lens culinaris medik.) cultivars commonly grown in Pakistan
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Haq, M.Z.U.; Ahmad, S.; Shad, M.A.; Qayum, M.
Four improved lentil cultivars viz., Masoor 85, Masoor 93, NIAB Masoor 2002 and NIAB Masoor 2006 grown and consumed in Pakistan have been systematically analyzed to determine and compare their nutritional and compositional properties. Proximate analysis, anti-nutritional contents, amino acid and fatty acid profiles of the oil extracted along with mineral content from all four cultivars were investigated. Mineral composition showed that sufficient amounts of Ca, P, K, Cu, Zn and Mg were present to meet the macro and micro-nutrients demand in human diets. Despite variations, potassium and manganese were noted as being present in highest and lowest concentrations, respectively, in all cultivars. The distribution patterns of various amino acids in these cultivars suggested sulfur containing amino acids as limiting amino acids. Fatty acid profile indicated unsaturated fatty acids as major fatty acids in all cultivars. The data show that, in terms of both quality and quantity, all four lentil cultivars can serve as a significant source of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and trace minerals to meet the demand of population of Pakistan. (author)
CULTIVAR RELEASE - FAEM Carlasul: new white oat cultivar with high grain yield
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Antônio Costa de Oliveira
Full Text Available The white oat cultivar FAEM Carlasul was developed at the Plant Genomics and Breeding Center, Faculty of Agronomy Eliseu Maciel, Federal University of Pelotas, as a result of the cross between UFRGS 10 and 90SAT-28 (Coronado2/Cortez3/Pendek/ME 1563. It is characterized by high yield and grain quality.
Oilseed cultivars developed from induced mutations and mutations altering fatty acid composition
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Bhatia, C.R.; Nichterlein, K.; Maluszynski, M.
One hundred and sixty-three cultivars of annual oilseed crops, developed using induced mutations, have been officially approved and released for cultivation in 26 countries. The maximum number of cultivars have been released in soybean (58), followed by groundnut (44), sesame (16), linseed (15), rapeseed (14), Indian mustard (8), castorbean (4), white mustard (3) and sunflower (1). The majority (118 of 163) of the cultivars have been developed as direct mutants and 45 of 163 by using the induced mutants in a crossing programme. While in soybean 53 out of 58 cultivars were selected as direct mutants, in groundnut 22 from 44 were developed after hybridization. Eighty-three cultivars were developed directly by exposing seeds to gamma or X-rays. Attempts have been made to infer the successful dose range, defined as the range which led to the development, registration and release of the maximum number of mutant cultivars for gamma and X-rays. The successful dose ranges in Gy for the main oilseed crops are: soybean 100-200, groundnut 150-250, rapeseed 600-800, Indian mustard 700 and sesame 100-200. The main characteristics of the new cultivars, besides higher yield, are altered plant type, early flowering and maturity and oil content. Mutants altering fatty acid composition have been isolated in soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, linseed and minor oil crops. New cultivars having altered fatty acid composition have been released in rapeseed, sunflower and linseed. The latter, previously grown for non-edible oil, has been converted to a new edible oil crop. (author)
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Fabrício Rossi
Full Text Available Informações a respeito de cultivares adaptadas ao sistema de cultivo orgânico são escassas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, sob sistema de cultivo orgânico, genótipos nacionais e estrangeiros desenvolvidos para o cultivo convencional, quanto ao potencial produtivo, em condições de campo. O experimento foi conduzido em 2008, no Pólo APTA Leste Paulista, em Monte Alegre do Sul-SP. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 18 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Cada parcela foi constituída por 80 batatas-semente, dispostas em quatro linhas de 5 m de comprimento, espaçadas de 80 cm, com 25 cm entre tubérculos. Os genótipos avaliados foram Agata, Asterix, Caesar, Cupido, Éden, Melody, Novella e Vivaldi, de origem estrangeira; e Apuã, Aracy, Catucha, IAC Aracy Ruiva, Itararé, Monte Alegre 172, IAC 6090, APTA 16.5, APTA 15.20 e APTA 21.54, nacionais. Foram avaliadas as características de produtividade total e comercial de tubérculos, massa média total e comercial de tubérculos, teor de matéria seca e severidade da pinta-preta (Alternaria solani. Os clones APTA 16.5, APTA 21.54 e IAC 6090, e as cultivares Cupido, Apuã, Itararé e Monte Alegre 172 foram os mais produtivos. 'APTA 21.54' superou os demais em relação a produtividade comercial (18,07 t ha-1, sendo que 'APTA 16.5', 'Cupido', 'IAC 6090' e 'Itararé' formaram o segundo grupo. As maiores massas médias de tubérculos foram apresentadas pelas cultivares Itararé e Cupido. O clone IAC 6090 e as cultivares Aracy e Aracy Ruiva foram as que apresentaram maiores teores de matéria seca, com valor médio de 22,91%. 'APTA 16.5', 'Apuã', 'Aracy', 'Aracy Ruiva', 'Éden', 'Ibituaçú' e 'Monte Alegre 172' apresentaram alto nível de resistência à pinta-preta. As cultivares Itararé, Apuã e Cupido são adaptadas ao cultivo orgânico, e os clones avançados APTA 16.5, APTA 21.54 e IAC 6090 apresentam potencial de cultivo no sistema orgânico.Information regarding
Genetic similarity among strawberry cultivars assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers
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Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales
Full Text Available Most strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne cultivars used in Brazil are developed in other countries, it became clear the need to start the strawberry breeding program in the country. To start a breeding program is necessary the genetic characterization of the germplasm available. Molecular markers are important tools that can be used for this purpose. The objectives of the present study were to assess the genetic similarity among 11 strawberry cultivars using RAPD and ISSR molecular markers and to indicate the possible promising crosses. The DNA of the eleven strawberry cultivars was extracted and amplified by PCR with RAPD and ISSR primers. The DNA fragments were separated in agarose gel for the RAPD markers and in polyacrylamide gel for the ISSR markers. The genetic similarity matrix was estimated by the Jaccard coefficient. Based on this matrix, the cultivars were grouped using the UPGMA method. The dendogram generated by the RAPD markers distributed the cultivars in three groups while the ISSR markers generated two groups. There was no direct relationship between the marker groups when the two types of markers were compared. The grouping proposed by the ISSR markers was more coherent with the origin and the genealogy of the cultivars than that proposed by the RAPD markers, and it can be considered the most efficient method for the study of genetic divergence in strawberry. The most promising crosses, based on the genetic divergence estimated from the RAPD and ISSR molecular data were between the Tudla and Ventana and the Oso Grande and Ventana cultivars, respectively.
Cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer accumulation in relation to UV-B sensitivity in mung bean cultivars
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
He Junmin; Wang Ruibin; Meng Zhaoni
The purpose of the experiment is to reveal the relationship between cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) accumulation and UV-B sensitivity in mung bean cultivars. Two mung bean cultivars (Phaseolus raditus L. cv. Qindou -2 0 and Zhonglü -1 ) were grown in greenhouse with treatment or without treatment of UV-B radiation (0.4 W * m -2 ) for four days. The UV-B-induced CPDs in mung bean DNA were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with specific monoclonal antibody and the relationship between CPDs accumulation and the UV-B sensitivity of mung bean seedlings were discussed. The UV-B-induced inhibition of the biomass and net photosynthetic rate of the primary leaves of cultivar Zhonglü -1 were respectively lower than that of cultivar Qindou -2 0, so that the cultivar Zhonglü -1 was more tolerant to UV-B than the cultivar Qindou -2 0. Meanwhile, the cultivar Zhonglü -1 had lower CPD accumulation and susceptibility to CPD induction, higher photorepair capacity and same dark repair capacity as compared with the cultivar Qindou -2 0. Different UV-B sensitivities between two mung bean cultivars may be mainly caused by the differences in CPD accumulation, which are caused by the different susceptibility to CPD induction and the different photorepair capacities. In addition, the different susceptibility to CPD induction between two mung bean cultivars is related to the different levels of UV-absorbing compounds
Yañez, E; Zacarias, I; Aguayo, M; Vasquez, M; Guzman, E
Five new cultivars of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) recently released were analyzed for their proximate chemical composition and protein biological quality. The crude protein content in these cultivars ranged from 21.9 percent in cultivar Arroz 3 to 26.9 percent in cultivar Tórtola Diana (dry matter basis). Rats fed cultivar Tórtola INIA gained more weight, had a higher protein intake and registered higher PER and NPR than Tórtola corriente. On the other hand, rats consuming cultivars Arroz 3 and Fleetwood had lower weight gain, lower protein intake and lower PER and NPR than cultivar Coscorrón corriente. However, all these cultivars have a relatively good protein value as compared to other plant protein sources.
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CAF Santos
Full Text Available Foi estimada a similaridade genética entre cultivares de cebola de diferentes tipos e regiões geográficas, de forma a orientar programas de recursos genéticos e melhoramento da espécie no Nordeste brasileiro. Foram analisadas 41 cultivares, adotando-se para a visualização da similaridade genética o fenograma UPGMA gerado da matriz de distâncias genéticas estimadas pelo coeficiente de Jaccard e baseadas em 146 bandas polimórficas de Pst1 e Mse1 de AFLP. A correlação cofenética foi de 0,91, indicando boa confiabilidade da representação gráfica para a interpretação dos resultados. Foram observados dois grupos principais no fenograma, no ponto de corte de 0,55 de similaridade: 1 grupo formado por cultivares predominantemente brasileiras, com algumas inclusões de cultivares estrangeiras; e 2 grupo formado por três cultivares estrangeiras (Mercedes, Perfect e TEG 502 PRR. Rijnsburger Jumbo e IPA 8 apresentaram a maior similaridade (85%, enquanto Madrugada foi a mais divergente em relação às demais cultivares. As cultivares da série IPA se dividiram em subgrupos no grupo das cultivares brasileiras (IPA 8, IPA 10 e IPA 11; IPA 12, IPA 7, IPA 2 e IPA 6; IPA 3, IPA 4 e IPA 9, indicando haver variabilidade genética a ser explorada entre aquelas situadas em subgrupos distintos. Bola Precoce e BRS Cascata apresentaram a maior similaridade entre as cultivares de origem brasileira. Foi observada similaridade superior a 39%, refletindo a alta variabilidade genética da coleção de cebola estudada. A introdução de novos acessos deve considerar procedências outras que não norte americanas, para aumentar a variabilidade de germoplasma de cebola disponível no Nordeste do Brasil.The genetic similarity among onion cultivars of different origins was evaluated, in order to carry out genetic resources and breeding programs for this species on the Brazilian Northeast. Forty-one onion cultivars were analyzed for 146 polymorphic Pst1/Mse1
Sixty one persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) selections, including 17 Italian, 11 Spanish, 13 Japanese, six Korean, five Chinese, one Israeli, and eight of unknown origin, were evaluated for genetic differences by AFLP analysis. Relationships among cultivars were evaluated by UPGMA clustering, Neigh...
Adaptability and stability of carotenoids in maize cultivars
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Sara de Almeida Rios
Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptability and stability of carotenoids in maize cultivars inthe 2004/2005 growing season. Total carotenoids (TC, total carotenoids with provitamin A activity (Pro VA (μg g-1 andgrain yield (kg ha-1 were quantified in 10 cultivars at five locations. The chemical analyses were conducted in a laboratoryof the EMBRAPA/CNPMS, in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The methodologies of Eberhart and Russell (1966, Lin and Binns(1988 and Rocha et al. (2005 were used to analyze adaptability and stability. In general, the linear regression modelproposed by Eberhart and Russell (1966 failed to fit the Pro VA contents in the evaluated cultivars satisfactorily. However,with regard to the TC levels, all different analysis methodologies of adaptability and stability rated hybrid BRS 2020 as anideal genotype with general adaptability.
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Roberta M. de SÁ
Full Text Available Com o crescente interesse em alimentos funcionais e nutracêuticos, a aveia (Avena sativa L. tem se destacado, devido ao seu teor de fibras alimentares e principalmente às beta-glucanas. As (1,3(1,4-beta-D-glucanas, fibras alimentares na maioria solúveis, atuam na redução do colesterol em indivíduos com hipercolesterolemia. Existem estudos para determinar as causas de variação do teor desta fibra em aveia, porém, pouco se sabe sobre a aveia cultivada no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se existem diferenças no conteúdo de beta-glucanas entre cultivares brasileiros e se há variação na porcentagem desta fibra devido ao ano de cultivo. Os cultivares IAC7, UFRGS14, UPF16 e UPF17 (3 amostras de cada, e ainda três amostras do cultivar IAC7 para cada ano de cultivo (97 e 98, foram analisados segundo os métodos da AACC (American Association of Cereal Chemists. Os teores médios (peso seco de beta-glucanas foram 6,50% (IAC7, 4,30% (UFRGS14, 3,51% (UPF16 e 3,78% (UPF17, com erro padrão de ±0,084 e coeficiente de variação de 7,89 %. Observou-se efeito significativo dos cultivares (p=0,03 e grande variabilidade entre as amostras (p=0,0001. O cultivar IAC7 apresentou média de beta-glucanas de 5,11% em 97 e 6,50 % em 98 (erro padrão ±0,14; CV=10,53% e observou-se efeito significativo do ano de cultivo.With the increasing interest in functional foods and nutraceuticals, oats (Avena sativa L. have received special attention because of their dietary fiber contents, and specially of their beta-glucans. The mostly soluble dietary fibers (1,3(1,4-beta-D-glucans, reduce serum cholesterol in individuals with hypercholesterolemia. There are studies about the causes of variation in the contents of this fiber in oats, however, very little is known about Brazilian cultivars. The objective of this work was to verify if there were differences in the beta-glucan contents among brazilian cultivars and if there was variation in the
Ellagitannin composition of blackberry as determined by HPLC-ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF-MS.
Hager, Tiffany J; Howard, Luke R; Liyanage, Rohana; Lay, Jackson O; Prior, Ronald L
Blackberries ( Rubus sp.) were evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to identify the ellagitannins present in flesh, torus (receptacle tissue), and seeds. Most ellagitannins were present (or detectable) only in seed tissues. Ellagitannins identified by HPLC-ESI-MS in the seeds included pedunculagin, casuarictin/potentillin, castalagin/vescalagin, lambertianin A/sanguiin H-6, lambertianin C, and lambertianin D. For several of the ellagitannins, isomeric separation was also obtained. The MALDI-TOF-MS analysis was primarily utilized to evaluate and identify high molecular mass (>1000 Da) ellagitannins. The MALDI analysis verified the presence of the ellagitannins identified by HPLC-ESI-MS including lambertianin A/sanguiin H-6, lambertianin C, and lambertianin D, but the analysis also indicated the presence of several other compounds that were most likely ellagitannins based on the patterns observed in the masses (i.e., loss or addition of a gallic acid moiety to a known ellagitannin). This study determined the presence of several possible isomeric forms of ellagitannins previously unidentified in fruit and presents a possible analytical HPLC method for the analysis of the major ellagitannins present in the fruit.
Genetic fingerprinting of mutant rose cultivars
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Kumar, S; Prasad, K V; Singh, K P; Singh, A.P. [Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi (India)], E-mail: kvprasad66@gmail.com
Six rose mutants evolved at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi from four parent cultivars were characterized based on RAPD markers. Contrary to the earlier findings our effort has conclusively proven that the RAPD markers are indeed robust tools to discern the mutants from their parents. Among 40 primers screened, 7 primers produced inconsistent banding pattern. The number of polymorphic bands varied between 4 (OPA 14) and 10 (OPA1) with an average of 6.5 bands per primer. The percentage polymorphism ranged from 62.5 (OPM 9) to 100 percent (OPA 1). Most of the primers produced monomorphic bands between parent and mutant rose cultivars. When primer OPA 2 was used a specific band of 2.5 kb was noticed in mutant cv. Pusa Urmil and cv. Pusa Abhishek but was absent in parent cv. Jantar Mantar. A polymorphic band of 750 bp was noticed in the parent Kiss of Fire and helped in differentiating the parent from its mutant when amplified with OPK 3. Primer OPS 16 produced discriminatory band of 800 bp in mutant cv. Pink Sport of Montezuma while it was absent in its parent cv. Montezuma. Another specific band of 650 bp was present in parent cv. Montezuma and absent in its mutant cv. Pink Sport of Montezuma signifying the uniqueness of the mutant. Primer OPM 5 brought out distinct polymorphism among the parent Jantar Mantar and its three mutants with absence of a specific band of 1.5 kb in the parent. The four parents and 6 mutants were divided into four distinct groups in the Dendogram constructed by UPGMA method. The most genetically similar cultivar among the 10 cultivars analyzed are Montezuma and its pink sport of Montezuma whereas Abhisarika a mutant of cv. Kiss of Fire was distinctly different and formed a separate cluster. (author)
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Patrícia Nagai Hasegawa
Full Text Available Loquat is a fruit with high market value cultivated in Southeast Brazil. Despite of this, there are little details about its quality characteristics. Fruits from five loquat cultivars, developed using genetic breeding, were analyzed to assess their compositional traits. The cultivars Centenária, Mizuho, Mizumo, Néctar de Cristal and Mizauto were selected based on their high productivity and resistance to diseases. Soluble sugars, organic acids, and carotenoids were quantified using liquid chromatography. The cultivar (cv. with the highest total sugar concentration was Mizumo and the lowest concentration was found in Centenária. The main sugar detected was sucrose, and the malic acid was the major organic acid. Ascorbic acid was detected in small amounts. The total dietary fiber contents were almost the same in all cultivars. The major carotenoids detected were β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin, except for the cultivar Nectar de Cristal, a white pulp loquat. These results contribute to the knowledge about de physiology of loquat fruit, an interesting raw material due to its nutritional and sensorial characteristics. Furthermore, the results obtained could help to identify the most appropriate use of the loquats with different attributes either for consumption in natura or for industrial processing.A nêspera é uma fruta de alto valor de mercado cultivada no sudeste do Brasil. Apesar disso, há poucos detalhes sobre suas características de qualidade. Frutas de cinco cultivares de nêsperas, desenvolvidas por melhoramento genético, foram analisadas para avaliar sua composição química. As cultivares Centenária, Mizuho, Mizumo, Néctar de Cristal e Mizauto foram selecionadas com base em sua alta produtividade e resistência a doenças. Os açúcares solúveis, ácidos orgânicos e carotenoides foram quantificados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A cultivar com a maior concentração de açúcares totais foi a Mizumo e a com
Cuadros-Inostroza, Alvaro; Ruíz-Lara, Simón; González, Enrique; Eckardt, Aenne; Willmitzer, Lothar; Peña-Cortés, Hugo
Information about the total chemical composition of primary metabolites during grape berry development is scarce, as are comparative studies trying to understand to what extent metabolite modifications differ between cultivars during ripening. Thus, correlating the metabolic profiles with the changes occurring in berry development and ripening processes is essential to progress in their comprehension as well in the development of new approaches to improve fruit attributes. Here, the developmental metabolic profiling analysis across six stages from flowering to fully mature berries of two cultivars, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, is reported at metabolite level. Based on a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry untargeted approach, 115 metabolites were identified and relative quantified in both cultivars. Sugars and amino acids levels show an opposite behaviour in both cultivars undergoing a highly coordinated shift of metabolite associated to primary metabolism during the stages involved in growth, development and ripening of berries. The changes are characteristic for each stage, the most pronounced ones occuring at fruit setting and pre-Veraison. They are associated to a reduction of the levels of metabolites present in the earlier corresponding stage, revealing a required catabolic activity of primary metabolites for grape berry developmental process. Network analysis revealed that the network connectivity of primary metabolites is stage- and cultivar-dependent, suggesting differences in metabolism regulation between both cultivars as the maturity process progresses. Furthermore, network analysis may represent an appropriate method to display the association between primary metabolites during berry developmental processes among different grapevine cultivars and for identifying potential biologically relevant metabolites.
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Hermes Araméndiz Tatis
Full Text Available La berenjena es una especie perteneciente al género Solanum, de gran importancia en la horticultura del Caribe colombiano. El estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la morfología floral de dos cultivares de berenjena “Long Purple” y “Criolla Lila”, que tienen origen geográfico diferente, utilizando para ello, una muestra aleatoria de 100 cojines florales por cultivar. Se estimaron la media, rango, varianza, desviación estándar, coeficiente de variación y se aplicó la prueba t, para determinar diferencias entre los dos cultivares. Los resultados indicaron que el cultivar “Long Purple”, presenta flores distílicas, en tanto que en el “Criollo Lila” se observó la presencia de tristilia. El potencial de producción de frutos, fue del 76,5% y 57,52%, para el “Criollo Lila” y “Long Purple”, respectivamente. Las flores brevistílicas en ambos cultivares, incrementan la aptitud masculina y por ende un desbalance entre las flores con funcionamiento masculino y hermafrodita.The eggplant is a specie of genus Solanum, of great importance in horticulture of colombian Caribbean region. The objective of study was to describe the floral morphology of two cultivars of eggplant “Long Purple” and “Lilac land race”, which have different geographic origin. We used a random sample of 100 floral cushions for cultivar. The mean, range, variance, standard deviation, variation coefficient were estimated. The t-test was applied to determine differences between two cultivars. The results indicated that genotype ‘Long Purple’, showed distylics flowers, while in the “Lilac land race” was observed the presence of tristylics flowers. The potential for production of fruit was 76.50% and 57.52% for the “Lilac land race” and “Long Purple”, respectively. Brevistylics flowers in the two cultivars, increased male fitness and thus produced a nonbalance on functioning between male and hermaphrodite flowers.
Cultivar Evaluation and Essential Test Locations Identification for Sugarcane Breeding in China
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Jun Luo
Full Text Available The discrepancies across test sites and years, along with the interaction between cultivar and environment, make it difficult to accurately evaluate the differences of the sugarcane cultivars. Using a genotype main effect plus genotype-environment interaction (GGE Biplot software, the yield performance data of seven sugarcane cultivars in the 8th Chinese National Sugarcane Regional Tests were analyzed to identify cultivars recommended for commercial release. Fn38 produced a high and stable sugar yield. Gn02-70 had the lowest cane yield with high stability. Yz06-407 was a high cane yield cultivar with poor stability in sugar yield. Yz05-51 and Lc03-1137 had an unstable cane yield but relatively high sugar yield. Fn39 produced stable high sugar yield with low and unstable cane production. Significantly different sugar and cane yields were observed across seasons due to strong cultivar-environment interactions. Three areas, Guangxi Chongzuo, Guangxi Baise, and Guangxi Hechi, showed better representativeness of cane yield and sugar content than the other four areas. On the other hand, the areas Guangxi Chongzuo, Yunnan Lincang, and Yunnan Baoshan showed strong discrimination ability, while the areas Guangxi Hechi and Guangxi Liuzhou showed poor discrimination ability. This study provides a reference for cultivar evaluation and essential test locations identification for sugarcane breeding in China.
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Paola Vanessa Sierra
Full Text Available The whitefly is a major pest that affects avocado and there is not enough information about the biolog y and management of this insect in Colombia. In this paper the incidence of the whitefly Paraleyrodes sp. pos. bondarion four avocado cultivars was studied (Choquette, Hass, Lorena, Santana. The crop management carried out by farmers was characterized and its effect on the white fly presence on three cultivars was evaluated (Choquette, Hass, Lorena. Presence of secondary metabolites on leaves from Hass and Lorena was measured and the effect of their leaf extracts on the mortality and repellency index of whitefly adults was established. There were interactions between crop management and cultivar for the presence of the insect; moderately chemical management had the lowest infestation in all cultivars. The increase in soil fertilization and chemical insecticides increased insect population, and removal of the hemiparasite decreased it. Lorena cultivar had the highest fly preference, insect population increase when there was interaction between cultivar and mature leaves, neutral repellency index, and high percentage of total and non-reducing carbohydrates. The Hass cultivar showed higher amount of coumarins, terpenes and steroids, and high rate of repellency. Lorena attracting the insect is due to the presence of carbohydrates; and Hass repellency is due to the terpene and / or steroids. Research works should be done on whitefly in avocado crops toward cultivars Lorena
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Full Text Available Leaf micromorphology of 13 Bali salak cultivars was studied by using multivariate analysis (Principal component analysis. The results showed that the cultivars clustered into a main group consisted of nine cultivars (Boni, Bingin, Selem, Embad, Nangka, Penyalin, Maong, Nyuh, and Putih. However, two cultivars (Muani and Gondok were distinctly separated from this main group and two the others Nanas and Gula were intermediate. The principal component analysis (PCA revealed that the main group has highly correlated to the characters abaxial cell length and number of cross vein density. Muani cultivar generally had longer adaxial cells, wider guard cells and lower stomatal index than the other cultivars. These three characters strongly influenced the separation of Muani from the others. Similarly, Gondok cultivar generally had wider abaxial cells than the other cultivars that discriminated Gondok clearly from the others. Whereas, the intermediate cultivars (Gula and Nanas were placed between the main group that consisted of nine cultivars and the two separated cultivars (Muani and Gondok. These cultivars (Gula and Nanas had intermediate values, which influenced their separations.
Clinical reactivity of celery cultivars in allergic patients: Role of Api g 1.
Dölle, S; Welter, S; Ruppel, E; Lehmann, K; Schwarz, D; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Zieglmayer, P; Franken, P; Worm, M
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a vegetable consumed world-wide. Celery stalks and celeriac roots are often ingredients in convenient food products like spice blends and soups. In this study, we examined the allergenicity of distinct celeriac cultivars. Sixteen celery-allergic patients were identified using a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge. Ten different celeriac cultivars were used for skin prick testing in the patients. Two cultivars were further applied for oral food challenges; their protein composition was analysed by immunoblotting, and contents of major allergen Api g 1 were quantified. From the 10 investigated celeriac cultivars, two cultivars elicited significantly different skin reactivity ("Anita": 5.0 [2.0-12.0] mm vs "Prinz": 7.0 [3.0-9.5] mm; P = .047). Moreover, "Anita" induced fewer symptoms after a controlled oral-celeriac challenge in 14 patient (P Api g 1 in "Prinz" than in "Anita." Taken together, the data from this study suggest that cultivar Anita is better tolerated in celery-allergic patients than "Prinz." Differences in the protein expression profile between the cultivars, particularly the different content of Api g 1, could cause the different allergenicity. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Powdery mildew reaction of hop cultivars and USDA germplasm, 2015
This research was conducted to identify possible sources of resistance to the disease powdery mildew in publicly-available hop germplasm and cultivars. Germplasm with the highest levels of downy mildew resistance in the USDA collection and various cultivars of interest were screened for their reac...
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Ciro Hideki Sumida
Full Text Available As cultivares de abacateiro (Persea americana Mill 'Margarida', 'Fortuna' e 'Hass' têm muita importância econômica no mercado nacional e internacional. Em função disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a reação dessas cultivares frente à Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands., agente causal da podridão das raízes. A inoculação do patógeno foi feita por meio de implantação de tecidos de raízes sintomáticas. Foram inoculadas quatro raízes em três árvores diferentes, uma de cada cultivar, em três pontos diferentes da raiz. Em cada cultivar, das quatro raízes, uma foi utilizada como testemunha, nas quais foram implantados tecidos sadios. A avaliação foi realizada aos 120 dias após a inoculação, observando-se as raízes externamente quanto à alteração da coloração e presença de estruturas de patógenos na região da superfície da casca nos pontos inoculados. Internamente, foram removidas as cascas para visualização das alterações a partir do ponto inoculado, sendo observadas alterações de coloração dos tecidos e realizada mensuração da extensão do escurecimento (lesão aparente. Nas extremidades das lesões foram retirados segmentos de raízes e implantados em meio de cultivo farinha de milho-ágar e incubados, para verificação da colonização na área sem escurecimento, ou seja, a colonização não- aparente. Das cultivares avaliadas, a 'Hass' foi a menos suscetível ao P. cinnamomi, quando comparada às cultivares 'Fortuna' e 'Margarida'. O patógeno P. cinnamomi pode apresentar desenvolvimento ou colonização nos tecidos radiculares além da área sintomática.Cultivars of the avocado (Persea americana Mill 'Margarida', 'Fortuna' and 'Geada' have importance in the national and international markets. The present paper had as objective to evaluate the reaction of such cultivars to Phytophthora cinanamomi Rands, the causal agent of avocado root rot. They were inoculated four roots in three different
Solar radiation use efficiency and morphophysiological indices in common bean cultivars
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Gisele Carneiro da Silva Teixeira
Full Text Available Common bean crops present a broad edaphoclimatic adaptation, allowing their cultivation throughout the year. However, in order to reach good economic income levels, it is fundamental to understand the processes that affect the growth and development of the crop in various environments. This study aimed to compare two common bean cultivars (BRS Radiante and Pérola contrasting in cycle and growth behavior by using morphophysiological indices and solar radiation use efficiency. The following traits were evaluated: light extinction coefficient, radiation use efficiency, phenologic development, leaf area index, total dry matter weight, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and dry matter partitioning. The BRS Radiante cultivar shows a higher vigor, when compared to the Pérola cultivar, due to its faster initial phenologic development and higher initial and relative growth rates. Both cultivars differ for leaf area index and shoot architecture, although that does not happen for light extinction coefficient. The BRS Radiante cultivar shows a higher solar radiation use efficiency, resulting in a greater dry matter yield throughout its development.
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Edison Martins Paulo
Full Text Available Avaliou-se em Adamantina, na Região da Alta Paulista, em São Paulo, entre maio de 1995 e junho de 2000, o crescimento e quatro produções de cafeeiros das cultivares de porte baixo Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 e Obatã IAC 1669-20 de Coffea arabica L., submetidas às densidades de plantio de 2.500, 5.000, 7.519 e 10.000 plantas ha-1, com uma planta por cova. Estudou-se também a população de 2.500 plantas.ha-1 em covas com duas plantas com 2,0 m de distância na linha de plantio. Adotou-se o delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso com três repetições, com parcelas subdivididas, onde as parcelas foram as populações e as subparcelas, as cultivares. Os resultados permitiram inferir que, no período estudado, o aumento da densidade influenciou positivamente a altura e negativamente o diâmetro do caule e da base da copa dos cafeeiros, mas não a altura da inserção do primeiro ramo plagiotrópico a partir do nível do solo. O aumento da população de cafeeiros acarretou menor produção de café beneficiado por planta, mas concorreu para o aumento da produtividade no período de 1997 a 2000. O plantio de duas mudas de café por cova acarretou também diminuição do diâmetro do caule e da produção individual dos cafeeiros. Observou-se na cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 maior diâmetro da base da copa e maior crescimento em altura, enquanto a cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20 evidenciou seu maior diâmetro do caule. As cultivares Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 e Obatã IAC 1669-20 não diferiram entre si quanto à produção individual e à produtividade de café beneficiado no quadriênio (1997-2000.This experiment was developed at Adamantina, west region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, during May of 1995 to June of 2000. The plant growth and productivity of two coffee cultivars Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 and Obatã IAC 1669-20, were evaluated considering to plant densities of 2.500, 5.000, 7.519 and 10.000 plants ha-1. The density of 2500 also was
Cultivar and Rhizobium Strain Effects on the Symbiotic Performance of Pea (Pisum sativum)
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Skøt, Leif
The symbiotic performance of four pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars in combination with each of four strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum was studied in growth chamber experiments in order to estimate the effects of cultivars, strains and cultivar × strain interaction on the variation in dry weight, N...
Genetic variability in Brazilian wheat cultivars assessed by microsatellite markers
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Ivan Schuster
Full Text Available Wheat (Triticum aestivum is one of the most important food staples in the south of Brazil. Understanding genetic variability among the assortment of Brazilian wheat is important for breeding. The aim of this work was to molecularly characterize the thirty-six wheat cultivars recommended for various regions of Brazil, and to assess mutual genetic distances, through the use of microsatellite markers. Twenty three polymorphic microsatellite markers (PMM delineated all 36 of the samples, revealing a total of 74 simple sequence repeat (SSR alleles, i.e. an average of 3.2 alleles per locus. Polymorphic information content (PIC value calculated to assess the informativeness of each marker ranged from 0.20 to 0.79, with a mean of 0.49. Genetic distances among the 36 cultivars ranged from 0.10 (between cultivars Ocepar 18 and BRS 207 to 0.88 (between cultivars CD 101 and Fudancep 46, the mean distance being 0.48. Twelve groups were obtained by using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means analysis (UPGMA, and thirteen through the Tocher method. Both methods produced similar clusters, with one to thirteen cultivars per group. The results indicate that these tools may be used to protect intellectual property and for breeding and selection programs.
Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of seven cultivars of guava (Psidium guajava) fruits.
Flores, Gema; Wu, Shi-Biao; Negrin, Adam; Kennelly, Edward J
The antioxidant activity and identification of phenolic compounds of seven edible guava (Psidium guajava) cultivars that varied in colour from white to pink were examined. In the DPPH assay all four pink-pulp guavas (Barbie Pink, Homestead, Sardina 1, Sardina 2) included in the study showed higher activity than the white pulp cultivars (Yen 2 and Sayla) and less than the red pulp guava cultivar (Thai Maroon). In the ABTS(+) assay this trend was the same up to 20 min, but from 20 to 40 min Barbie Pink showed lower activity than the white guavas. Twenty-one compounds were characterised in the cultivars, and ten of them are reported for the first time in this fruit. Principle component analysis was performed to identify differences in chemistry among these cultivars. Our results suggest that the antioxidant activity and phytochemical composition of P. guajava vary significantly according to the cultivar and pulp colour. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Impact of vacuum cooking process on the texture degradation of selected apple cultivars.
Bourles, E; Mehinagic, E; Courthaudon, J L; Jourjon, F
Thermal treatments are known to affect the textural properties of fruits and vegetables. This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of vacuum cooking process on the mechanical properties of various apple cultivars. A total of 10 apple cultivars were industrially processed by vacuum pasteurization at 95 degrees C for 25 min. The raw material was characterized by penetrometry, uniaxial double compression, soluble solid content, and titrable acidity. Textural properties of processed apples were analyzed by uniaxial double compression. As expected, for all cultivars, fruit resistance was lower after processing than before. Results showed that texture degradation due to vacuum pasteurization was different from one cultivar to another. Indeed, some cultivars, initially considered as the most resistant ones, such as Braeburn, were less suitable for processing, and became softer than others after thermal treatment. Consequently, it is worth noting that the texture classification of the investigated apple cultivars was changed by the vacuum-cooking process.
Discrimination of sugarcane according to cultivar by 1H NMR and chemometric analyses
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Alves Filho, Elenilson G.; Silva, Lorena M.A.; Choze, Rafael; Liao, Luciano M. [Laboratorio de Ressonancia Magnetica Nuclear, Instituto de Quimica, Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), Goiania, GO (Brazil); Honda, Neli K.; Alcantara, Glaucia B. [Departamento de Quimica, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande, MS (Brazil)
Several technologies for the development of new sugarcane cultivars have mainly focused on the increase in productivity and greater disease resistance. Sugarcane cultivars are usually identified by the organography of the leaves and stems, the analysis of peroxidase and esterase isoenzyme activities and the total soluble protein as well as soluble solid content. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) associated with chemometric analysis has proven to be a valuable tool for cultivar assessment. Thus, this article describes the potential of chemometric analysis applied to 1H high resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) and NMR in solution for the investigation of sugarcane cultivars. For this purpose, leaves from eight different cultivars of sugarcane were investigated by {sup 1}H NMR spectroscopy in combination with chemometric analysis. The approach shows to be a useful tool for the distinction and classification of different sugarcane cultivars as well as to access the differences on its chemical composition. (author)
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A. Carvalho
Full Text Available No presente trabalho são relatados os estudos realizados visando à introdução do gene Ct (caturra que contribui para reduzir a altura da planta, no cultivar Mundo" Novo de Coffea arabica.Estudaram-se, em ensaios de produtividade, as populações Fv F.,, F3 e F4. Nessas populações e principalmente entre os descendentes dos "caféeiros H 2077-2-5 e H 2077-2-12, foram selecionadas plantas homozigotas para os alelos Ct e também para os alelos responsáveis pela cor do fruto xc ou Xc. Essas combinações foram denominadas 'Catuaí Amarelo' e 'Catuaí Vermelho', respectivamente, e suas características são apresentadas. Os novos cultivares vêm-se mostrando de interesse econômico para as regiões cafeeiras não somente pelo porte pequeno, mas também pela produtividade, pelo vigor vegetativo e pela precocidade.The successful transfer of the Ct gene for short internode to the tall cultivar of Coffea arábica'Mundo Novo' is reported. Individual selections were carried out in the F1, F2, F3 and F4 generations. It was found that early selection in the F2 generation was quite effective. A remarkably good correlation was found between productitivity of F2 plants and the yield of the F3 and F4 generations. Plants of the F4 generation have shown reasonable uniformity and high yield in several trials. The new selections showed to be early producers. Two new cultivars were released namely 'Catuaí Amarelo' and 'Catuaí Vermelho'. The former has yellow fruits whereas the latter has red fruits. The plants are much shorter that the ones of Mundo Novo. The new cultivars have a very strong secondary and tertiary branching. Because of these characteristics Catuaí Amarelo and Catuaí Vermelho are being planted in large scale replacing the tall cultivars.
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Francisco José da Silva Lédo
Full Text Available Realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar e selecionar cultivares de alfafa (Medicago sativa L. mais adaptadas às condições edafoclimáticas da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais. O ensaio foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Gado de Leite, em Coronel Pacheco-MG, no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com duas repetições. Foram avaliadas 59 cultivares no período de 31/8/1999 a 10/12/2001, realizando-se 16 cortes de avaliação. Avaliaram-se a produção de matéria seca (PMS, altura da planta (AP, vigor (VG, porcentagem de floração (FLO, relação folha/caule (RFC, e incidência de doenças (ID e pragas (IP. Para PMS, AP, VG, FLO e ID, observaram-se diferenças significativas entre as cultivares. As cultivares P-30, Crioula C-1, Crioula C-3 e Crioula C-2 foram as que apresentaram maiores PMS (13,17; 13,13; 13,00 e 12,48 t/ha/ano, respectivamente. As cultivares apresentaram maior FLO (18,98% e AP (54,13 cm nos cortes realizados no período de verão, quando comparado com os de inverno (6,11% e 46,60 cm, respectivamente. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foram selecionadas as cultivares P-30, Crioula C-1, Crioula C-3 e Crioula C-2.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate and select the alfalfa cultivars (Medicago sativa L. best adapted to the climate and soil of Zona da Mata, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The trial was carried out at Embrapa Gado de Leite, in the experiment station located in Coronel Pacheco, MG, using a randomized complete block design with two replications. Fifty-nine cultivars studied between Sept. 9, 1999 and Dec. 10, 2001 were submitted to 16 evaluating cuts. Dry matter production (DMP, plant height (PH, vigor (VG, flowering percent (FLO, leaf/stem ratio (RFC and disease (D and pests (P occurrence were observed. There were significant differences among cultivars regarding to DMP, PH, VG, FLO and D. Cultivars P-30, Crioula C-3 and Crioula C-2 showed the highest DMP (13,17; 13,13; 13,00 e 12
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Victor Alves Ribeiro
Full Text Available Busca-se cultivares cada vez mais adaptadas e que expressem maiores níveis de produtividade, trazendo assim um melhor aproveitamento de áreas produtivas. Os componentes produtivos estão ligados à produtividade das cultivares de soja e são importantes no seu processo de seleção. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar duas cultivares de soja RR, com ciclos de maturação, precoce e superprecoce em sua adaptação a região central de Goiás. O delineamento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com seis repetições. Os componentes de produção avaliados foram: Altura de plantas, número de grãos por planta, número de grãos por vagem, número de hastes, número de nós reprodutivos, número de vagens, número de vagens chochas, peso de grãos por planta, massa de mil grãos e produtividade. Os dados foram submetidos ao software Assistat para análises estatísticas e foi realizado o teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. As cultivares testadas apresentam variações nos caracteres produtivos avaliados e foram influenciados pelo hábito de crescimento. Através do número de nos reprodutivos foi possível identificar cultivares mais responsiva. A cultivar de hábito de crescimento determinado proporcionou maior rendimento de grãos. A cultivar de com hábito de crescimento indeterminado foi desfavorecida pela variação pluviométrica durante o estádio fenológico R5.
Genetic Analysis of East Asian Grape Cultivars Suggests Hybridization with Wild Vitis.
Goto-Yamamoto, Nami; Sawler, Jason; Myles, Sean
Koshu is a grape cultivar native to Japan and is one of the country's most important cultivars for wine making. Koshu and other oriental grape cultivars are widely believed to belong to the European domesticated grape species Vitis vinifera. To verify the domesticated origin of Koshu and four other cultivars widely grown in China and Japan, we genotyped 48 ancestry informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and estimated wild and domesticated ancestry proportions. Our principal components analysis (PCA) based ancestry estimation revealed that Koshu is 70% V. vinifera, and that the remaining 30% of its ancestry is most likely derived from wild East Asian Vitis species. Partial sequencing of chloroplast DNA suggests that Koshu's maternal line is derived from the Chinese wild species V. davidii or a closely related species. Our results suggest that many traditional East Asian grape cultivars such as Koshu were generated from hybridization events with wild grape species.
History of wheat cultivars released by Embrapa in forty years of research
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Eduardo Caierão
Full Text Available In forty years of genetic breeding of wheat, Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation has developed over a hundred new cultivars for different regions of Brazil. Information regarding identification of these cultivars is often requested from Embrapa breeders. Data on year of release, name of pre-commercial line, the cross made, and the company unit responsible for indication of the cultivar are not always easily accessible and are often scattered throughout different documents. The aim of this study was to conduct a historical survey of all the wheat cultivars released by Embrapa, aggregating the information in a single document. Since 1974, Embrapa has released 112 wheat cultivars, including 12 by Embrapa Soybean - CNPSo (Londrina, PR, 14 by Embrapa Cerrado - CPAC (Brasília, DF, 9 by Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste - CPAO (Dourados, MS, and 77 by Embrapa Wheat - CNPT (Passo Fundo, RS.
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Paulo César T de Melo
Full Text Available A agricultura orgânica no Brasil cresce a taxas superiores a 30% ao ano, devido principalmente à maior conscientização dos consumidores que buscam alimentos saudáveis, livres de resíduos químicos e biológicos. Dentre as hortaliças cultivadas em sistema orgânico, o tomate constitui grande desafio para os produtores devido à inexistência de recomendações de manejo cultural e de cultivares desenvolvidas específicas para esse sistema de cultivo. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de cultivares de tomate sob sistema orgânico, em ambiente protegido. O experimento foi conduzido de maio a outubro de 2004 em campo, no município de Araraquara-SP. O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e oito tratamentos (cultivares Avalon, Colibri, HTX-5415, HTX-8027, Sahel, San Marzano, San Vito e Jane. As plantas foram conduzidas em fileiras duplas, com duas hastes por planta no espaçamento de 0,8 m entre linhas e 0,6 m entre plantas (cerca de 20.000 plantas ha-1, sem poda apical. O híbrido Sahel destacou-se com o melhor desempenho para rendimento comercial. A traça-do-tomateiro se revelou como fator limitante à produção de tomate em sistema orgânico, sendo responsável, em média, por 17% de danos nos frutos colhidos das oito cultivares que foram avaliadas.Organic agriculture in Brazil has been increasing about 30% per year over the last few years, since consumers are seeking for healthier foods, i.e. nutritious and free of pesticide residues. Among organically grown vegetable crops, tomato is an attractive economic opportunity for growers. However, the lack of information about management practices and adapted cultivars to organic production systems under protected cultivation are pointed out as important constraints that prevents this activity to expand. This work aimed at evaluating the performance of indeterminate tomato cultivars in organic management systems
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Ardic, M.; Sezer, O.; Ozgdsd, K.; Yaylaci, O. K.; Koyuncu, O.; Olgun, M.; Bascdftcd, Z. B.; Ayter, N. G.
The aim of this study is to determine anatomical differences and classification of leaf and leaf cell characteristics (cuticle thickness, upper epidermis thickness, lower epidermis thickness, mesophyll thickness, parenchyma thickness and leaf thickness) between 10 bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) and 10 barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L.). Classification of leaf characteristics in bread wheat and barley cultivars and relationship between leaf characteristics are made by principal component and correlation analyses. Highest thickness belongs to W8 Mufitbey cultivar in mesophyll and lower epidermis and W1 Sonmez 01 cultivar have the lowest thickness of upper epidermis in bread wheat. In Barley, B1 Ince cultivar has highest leaf thickness mesophyll and parenchyma; lowest thickness of cuticle is included B7 Cumhuriyet 50 cultivar. All other cultivars have homogenous contents of leaf characteristics. (author)
Relative competitiveness of soybean cultivars with barnyardgrass
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Marlon Ouriques Bastiani
Full Text Available ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to evaluate the competitiveness between soybean cultivars and barnyardgrass, based on morphological and physiological characteristics of species. The experiments were conducted in completely randomized experimental design, with 4 replications. In the first study, for both soybean and barnyardgrass, it was determined the population of plants in which shoot dry matter became constant and independent of the population (16 plants∙pot−1 or 400 plants∙m−2. In the second study, 2 experiments were conducted to evaluate the competitiveness of BMX Apolo RR and BMX Potência RR soybean cultivars with barnyardgrass plants, both carried out in replacement series under different proportions of plants∙pot−1 (100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75 and 0:100 between the crop and the weed. The analysis of the species competitiveness was determined through diagrams applied to replacement series experiments and use of relative competitiveness indexes. At 44 days after the emergence of species, the physiological and morphological parameters of the crop and the weed were evaluated. The BMX Apolo RR and BMX Potência RR soybean cultivars show similar competitiveness when competing with the barnyardgrass; therefore, the ability of one species to interfere on another is equivalent. For plant height, barnyardgrass displays higher competitiveness compared to BMX Apolo RR, with early cycle and short height. The intraspecific competition is more important to barnyardgrass than interspecific competition with soybean cultivars, resulting in negative effects on the morphological and physiological characteristics of species.
Characterisation of mucilages extracted from seven Italian cultivars of flax.
Kaewmanee, Thammarat; Bagnasco, Lucia; Benjakul, Soottawat; Lanteri, Silvia; Morelli, Carlo F; Speranza, Giovanna; Cosulich, M Elisabetta
The chemical composition, physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of mucilages, extracted from seven Italian flax cultivars, were evaluated. All samples were composed of neutral and acidic sugars, with a low protein content. From the NMR data, a rhamnogalacturonan backbone could be inferred as a common structural feature for all the mucilages, with some variations depending on the cultivar. All the suspensions showed a poor stability, which was consistent with a low zeta potential absolute value. The viscosity seemed to be positively correlated with the neutral sugars and negatively with the amount of proteins. Functional properties were dependent on the cultivar. The sensory analysis showed that most mucilages are tasteless. All these outcomes could support the use of flaxseed mucilages for industrial applications. In particular, Solal and Festival cultivars could be useful as thickeners, due to their high viscosity, while Natural, Valoal and Kaolin as emulsifiers for their good surface-active properties. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Determination of Juglone concentration for differentiate two Musa spp cultivars
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Michel Leiva Mora
Full Text Available The toxins production by fungal pathogenic can enhance penetration and colonization of the host tissues and reproduce symptoms of diseases. Juglone is the main and the most toxic metabolite characterized from the culture filtrate of Mycosphaerella fijiensis. In the present work it was used different concentrations of juglone (10, 25, 50 and 100 mg.l-1 and a control solution of methanol 10%. Foliar injections were performed in the underside of two last open leaves of Grande naine (AAA and Fougamou (ABB cultivars. The percentage of necrosis per plant was evaluated at 24 hours after the injection. The concentration of 100 mg.l-1 was able to produce necrotic symptoms in both cultivars; nevertheless with the 50 mg.l-1 was possible to obtain differences between the two cultivars. This result established a concentration for screening two Musa spp cultivars with different resistance levels to Black Leaf Streak by the use of juglone. Key word: banana leaf streak, Mycosphaerella fijiensis, selection, toxins
Morphological composition of cultivar of Urochloa brizantha under light intensities
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Erikelly Aline Ribeiro de Santana
Full Text Available The implementation of silvopastoral systems (SSP is a management option that gives good results for animal production, but the shading of the trees can alter production, growth behavior and morphological composition of the forage. The aim of the study was to evaluate the morphological composition of Urochloa brizantha cultivars Marandu and Piatã under natural light and artificial shading of 30 and 60%. The experiment was conducted at FMVZ - UNESP, Botucatu. The experimental design was a randomized block in factorial arrangement 3 x 2 (three shading levels: 0, 30 and 60% and two cultivars: Marandu and Piatã with three replications and repeated measures in time (3 cuts. Sample collection occurred when the cultivars reached in 35 cm of height. Significant effects (P<0.05 of cultivar x shade x cut interaction were observed on the dry matter production of leaves and stems (Table 1. The higher production of leaves and stems (P<0.05 occurred for Piatã under natural light in the third cut (3731 and 1920 kg/ha, respectively. The absence of shade favored greater leaf production, 35 and 27% higher than the reductions of 30 and 60% respectively. The increment of stems for Piatã under natural light is related to the increase of inflorescences. The leaf:stem ratio was higher (P< 0.05 for Marandu under natural light (Table 2, with effect from the interaction cultivar x brightness level. A significant effect (P<0.05 cultivar x level of light reduction for light interception parameter was detected (Table 2. For Marandu, light levels were not influenced (P<0.05 light traps (Table 2, being close to the 95% criterion used for pasture management, justified by the collection at the point of balance between forage productivity and nutritional content, and strong relationship with high input grazing. The results indicate that the morphological composition of the cultivars is modified by reducing the light intensity.
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Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol
Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento radicular e da parte aérea, além da eficiência de absorção de nutrientes pelas cultivares de arroz Caiapó e Maravilha, em função da calagem. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação, sendo os tratamentos constituídos pelas cultivares Caiapó e Maravilha combinadas com os índices de saturação por bases (V% de 10, 40 e 70. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados o número de perfilhos, comprimento radicular, matéria seca de raízes, folhas e colmos, o teor foliar e a eficiência de absorção dos macronutrientes. De forma geral, observou-se que a cultivar moderna superou a tradicional em matéria seca de raízes, comprimento radicular, número de colmos, matéria seca de colmos e da parte aérea, além de acumular mais nutrientes a cultivar tradicional, mesmo nas condições de maior acidez. No entanto, os teores de nutrientes foram maiores na cultivar Caiapó. A cultivar Maravilha possui maior crescimento radicular e da parte aérea, nos diversos níveis de acidez, enquanto a Caiapó tem maior eficiência de absorção dos nutrientes do solo. A V% de 40 é a mais efetiva para ambas as cultivares.This work aimed to evaluate root growth, shoot development and nutrient absorption efficiency by rice cultivars Caiapó and Maravilha as affected by lime application. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with treatments set up by Caiapó and Maravilha cultivars in combination with the base saturation (V% of 10%, 40% and 70%. The experiment was in a randomized complete block design, with four replications. The number of tillers, root length, root dry matter, leaves and stems, leaf content and macronutrients absorption efficiency were evaluated. Comparing cultivars, Maravilha cultivar presented higher root dry weight, root length, number of stems, dry matter of stems and shoot than Caiap
Bárta, Jan; Bártová, Veronika; Zdráhal, Zbyněk; Sedo, Ondrej
Biochemical characteristics of patatin proteins purified by ion-exchange and affinity chromatography from tubers of 20 potato cultivars were studied to evaluate their genotype differences with respect to utility groups, table potato cultivars (TPCs) and processing potato cultivars (PPCs). Both groups of cultivars showed similar values of protein content in dry matter (3.98-7.39%) and of patatin relative abundance (5.40-35.40%). Three mass levels (∼40.6, 41.8, and 42.9 kDa) of purified patatins were found by MALDI-TOF MS within all cultivars. Differences among mass levels corresponding with the mass of sugar antenna (∼1.2 kDa) confirmed the previous concept of different glycosylation extentsin patatin proteins. It was showed that the individual types of patatin varying in their masses occur in the patatin family in a ratio specific for each of the cultivars, with the lowest mass type being the major one. Electrophoretic analyses demonstrated wide cultivar variability in number of patatin forms. Especially 2D-PAGE showed 17-23 detected protein spots independently on the utility group. Specific lipid acyl hydrolase (LAH) activity of purified patatins from the individual tested cultivars varied between 0.92 and 5.46 μmol/(min mg). Patatin samples within most of the TPCs exhibited higher values of specific LAH activity than samples of PPCs. It may be supposed that individual patatin forms do not have similar physiological roles.
Methods to classify maize cultivars in use efficiency and response to nitrogen
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Cleiton Lacerda Godoy
Full Text Available n plant breeding programs that aim to obtain cultivars with nitrogen (N use efficiency, the focus is on methods of selection and experimental procedures that present low cost, fast response, high repeatability, and can be applied to a large number of cultivars. Thus, the objectives of this study were to classify maize cultivars regarding their use efficiency and response to N in a breeding program, and to validate the methodology with contrasting doses of the nutrient. The experimental design was a randomized block with the treatments arranged in a split-plot scheme with three replicates and five N doses (0, 30, 60, 120 and 200 kg ha-1 in the plots, and six cultivars in subplots. We compared a method examining the efficiency and response (ER with two contrasting doses of N. After that, the analysis of variance, mean comparison and regression analysis were performed. In conclusion, the method of the use efficiency and response based on two N levels classifies the cultivars in the same way as the regression analysis, and it is appropriate in plant breeding routine. Thus, it is necessary to identify the levels of N required to discriminate maize cultivars in conditions of low and high N availability in plant breeding programs that aim to obtain efficient and responsive cultivars. Moreover, the analysis of the interaction genotype x environment at experiments with contrasting doses is always required, even when the interaction is not significant.
Responses of east African highland banana (EAHB-AAA) cultivars to ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
50% among cooking cultivars, and less than 40% to dessert cultivars. Leaf orientation was significant to folding with cooking variety type opening leaves widely (up to 100o), and enhancing excessive leaf plant dehydration, even during stressful conditions. Soil evapo-transpiration showed that cvs. Kisansa and Mpologoma ...
Effect of environment and cultivar on the expression of banana ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
... were evaluated for BSV expression so as to determine the tolerant cultivars under field and greenhouse conditions and stages of disease expression. A number of factors including plant age, cultivar, season and growth site were investigated in the greenhouse and field to assess their effect on BSD symptom expression.
Assessing the genetic diversity of cultivars and wild soybeans using ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
In this study, we demonstrated the differences of genetic diversity level among 40 soybean accessions of cultivars, landraces and wild soybeans collected in the Shanxi Agricultural University using 40 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer pairs. The structure based on model result showed that the cultivars, landraces and ...
Atividade antioxidante de frutos de quatro cultivares de pessegueiro
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Cláudia Mendes dos Santos
Full Text Available Esforços são empregados para identificar plantas com teores de antioxidantes que conferem benefícios à saúde. A capacidade antioxidante do pêssego deve-se aos compostos fenólicos, vitamina C e carotenoides. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar quatro cultivares de pessegueiro (Aurora, Biuti, Diamante e Douradão em relação à capacidade antioxidante, determinando o teor dos compostos antioxidantes relacionados a essa atividade. Os frutos foram separados em dois grupos: sem armazenamento e armazenados por cinco dias à temperatura ambiente. Foram determinados os teores de vitamina C, carotenoides, compostos fenólicos e a capacidade antioxidante, pelos métodos DPPH e β-caroteno/ácido linoleico. As quatro cultivares mostraram-se ricas em substâncias antioxidantes, porém a intensidade dessa ação foi diferenciada entre elas. A cultivar Biuti apresentou maior teor das substâncias analisadas e maior atividade antioxidante em relação às outras cultivares. Foi observado que o potencial antioxidante dos frutos de pêssego aumentou durante o período de armazenamento.
Nutritional composition of new peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Campos-Mondragon, M. G.; Calderon de la Barca, A. M.; Duran-Prado, A.; Campos-Reyes, L. C.; Oliart-Ros, R. M.; Ortega-Garcia, J.; Medina-Juarez, L. A.; Angulo, O.
Six peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars (Col-24-Gro, Col-61-Gto, VA-81-B, Ranferi Diaz, NC-2 and Florunner) were studied for agricultural yield, chemical composition (protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and ash), amino acid profile, digestibility, fatty acid profile, tocopherol and sterol contents. Results indicated that Ranferi Diaz and Col-61-Gto presented the highest yield (6.3 Ton/ha). Protein content was from 23.5 to 26.6% and fat content ranged from 49.8-53.4%. Mean digestibility was 86%. Lysine and threonine levels in all cultivars were sufficient to meet human requirements. Total saturated fatty acids ranged from 15-18%. The oleic/linoleic ratio was estimated 1.3-1.4. Tocopherol levels varied from 390 to 706 ppm. The highest tocopherol levels corresponded to the cultivars with the lowest yield. The alpha tocopherol content was estimated at 90-150 ppm, while gamma tocopherol was 270-570 ppm. The main sterol present was A- sitosterol (approx. 65%). Ranferi Diaz variety presented the highest agronomic yield and the highest protein content but low oleic acid, low sterols and low total tocopherols. The differences among cultivars suggest differences in their applications. (Author) 40 refs.
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SF Blat
Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em Ribeirão Preto-SP, de 06/02 a 07/04 de 2006. O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho de cinco cultivares de alface (Pira Roxa, Belíssima, Locarno, Crespona Gigante e Verônica em dois ambientes de cultivo (casa de vegetação climatizada e não climatizada em sistema hidropônico NFT. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados para cada ambiente com três repetições sendo cinco cultivares. Os ambientes foram comparados por meio de análise conjunta. Avaliaram-se a massa fresca e seca da parte aérea, massas fresca e seca do caule, massa fresca e seca da raiz, número de folhas maiores que 10 cm e número total de folhas. Não houve efeito significativo da interação cultivares e ambientes, demonstrando que as cultivares tiveram comportamento similar em ambos os ambientes.This research was carried out in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, from February to April, 2006. The performance of five lettuce cultivars (Pira Roxa, Belíssima, Locarno, Crespona Gigante and Verônica was evaluated, growing the plants in two environments (conventional and acclimatized greenhouse in hydroponic system NFT. A randomized-block experimental design was used for each environment, with three replications and five cultivars. The environments were compared through joint analysis. Evaluations were done for fresh and dry mater of the aboveground part, stem, and roots; number of leaves larger than 10 cm and total number of leaves. The cultivars Crespona Gigante and Verônica were prominent with regard to green and dry mass of the aboveground part, leaves, and roots, as well as to the number of leaves larger than 10 cm. The interaction cultivar x environment was not significant, demonstrating that the cultivars had similar behavior in both environments.
Genetic diversity assessed by microsatellite markers in sweet corn cultivars
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Ana Daniela Lopes
Full Text Available Information on genetic diversity is essential to the characterization and utilization of germplasm. The genetic diversity of twenty-two sweet corn cultivars (seventeen open-pollinated varieties, OPV, and five hybrids, H was investigated by applying simple sequence repeat markers. A total of 257 primers were tested, of which 160 were found to be usable in terms of high reproducibility for all the samples tested; 45 were polymorphic loci, of which 30 were used to assess the genetic diversity of sweet corn cultivars. We detected a total of 86 alleles using 30 microsatellite primers. The mean polymorphism was 82 %. The highest heterozygosity values (Ho = 0.20 were found in the PR030-Doce Flor da Serra and BR427 III OPVs, whereas the lowest values (0.14 were recorded in the MG161-Branco Doce and Doce Cubano OPVs. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.19 (Umc2319 to 0.71 (Umc2205. The analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the genetic variability was concentrated within the cultivars of sweet corn (75 %, with less variability between them (25 %. The consensus tree derived from the neighbor-joining (NJ algorithm using 1,000 bootstrapping replicates revealed seven genetically different groups. Nei’s diversity values varied between 0.103 (Doce do Hawai × CNPH-1 cultivars and 0.645 (Amarelo Doce × Lili cultivars, indicating a narrow genetic basis. The Lili hybrid was the most distant cultivar, as revealed by Principal Coordinates Analysis and the NJ tree. This study on genetic diversity will be useful for planning future studies on sweet corn genetic resources and can complement the breeding programs for this crop.
Seed-storage Mycoflora of Peanut Cultivars Grown in Nigerian Savanna
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Nwankiti, AO.
Full Text Available Storage of peanut is increasingly becoming important both among growers and users of the crop in Nigerian savanna. The aim is to sell the produce and maximize benefits accruing from the crops during scarcity. Very often, these envisaged advantages fail due to unfavourable market forces, thus compelling them to sell at a loss or store them across seasons for periods ranging from one to two years. However, information on fungi associated with storage of such peanuts in Nigerian savanna and its attendant problems are yet to be investigated. Thus, the seed mycoflora and viability seven common peanut cultivars stored under conditions similar to traditional settings were investigated using different isolating techniques. The peanut cultivars were RMP 12, RMP 91, RRB, 48-115B, M554-76, 55-437 Ex-Dakar and a local cultivar. None of these cultivars possessed resistance to in vitro colonization by fungi. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Rhizopus stolonifer were consistently isolated from all the cultivars from almost all isolating techniques. Other fungi were Fusarium chlamydosporium, F. roseum, F. oxysporium, Penicillium spp., Curvularia spp., Botryodiplodia theobromae, Macrophomina phaseolina and Sclerotium rolfsii. Relative percentages, however, varied with individual fungi and peanut cultivars. The test with seven different types of growth media gave the highest fungi recovery rate than the blotter paper technique. Seed viability was lower with peanut seeds stored for two years. Also, the relative percentage occurrence of individual fungi was significantly higher with seeds stored for two years. While we recommend the use of growth media for recovery and study of seed mycoflora, peanut seeds should not be stored for more than one year.
Glucosinolates, Carotenoids, and Vitamins E and K Variation from Selected Kale and Collard Cultivars
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Moo Jung Kim
Full Text Available Glucosinolates, carotenoids, and fat-soluble vitamins E and K contents were analyzed from various kale and collard cultivars at mature stage. We found a significant difference in these phytonutrients among cultivars. Among kale cultivars, “Beira” and “Olympic Red” were the highest in the total glucosinolate and “Toscano” kale was the highest in total carotenoid content. “Scarlet” kale was highest in tocopherols. For collard, total glucosinolate was the highest in “Top Bunch” while carotenoids were the highest in “Green Glaze.” An accession PI261597 was the highest in phylloquinone. In addition to the total content of each phytonutrient class, their composition differed among cultivars, indicating that each cultivar may have differential regulatory mechanisms for biosynthesis of these phytonutrients. Our result indicates that cultivar selection may play an important role in consumption of kale and collard with greater nutritional benefit. Therefore, the result of this study will provide a more thorough profile of essential and nonessential phytonutrients of kale and collard cultivars for consumers’ choice and for future research on nutritional value of these crops.
Genetic Analysis of East Asian Grape Cultivars Suggests Hybridization with Wild Vitis.
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Nami Goto-Yamamoto
Full Text Available Koshu is a grape cultivar native to Japan and is one of the country's most important cultivars for wine making. Koshu and other oriental grape cultivars are widely believed to belong to the European domesticated grape species Vitis vinifera. To verify the domesticated origin of Koshu and four other cultivars widely grown in China and Japan, we genotyped 48 ancestry informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and estimated wild and domesticated ancestry proportions. Our principal components analysis (PCA based ancestry estimation revealed that Koshu is 70% V. vinifera, and that the remaining 30% of its ancestry is most likely derived from wild East Asian Vitis species. Partial sequencing of chloroplast DNA suggests that Koshu's maternal line is derived from the Chinese wild species V. davidii or a closely related species. Our results suggest that many traditional East Asian grape cultivars such as Koshu were generated from hybridization events with wild grape species.
Short communication. Major macro element exports in fruits of diverse almond cultivars
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Alonso, J. M.; Espada, J. L.; Socias, R.; Socias i Company, R.
The amount of the major macro elements required to produce a given crop has been determined for a set of 11 almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) cultivars growing in the Middle Ebro Valley (NE Spain). A wide diversity of nutrient exports was found among the different cultivars. Although the production of kernels is the main objective when growing almonds, all the different fruit components: the mesocarp (hull), the endocarp (shell) and the seed (kernel), were taken into account. The different fruit components showed a great variation among cultivars, and the amount of fruit dry matter required for producing 1 kg of kernel ranged from 4.32 kg in Guara to 10.56 kg in Desmayo Largueta. Similarly, the macroelement requirements to produce a given amount of kernels varied among the different cultivars. Guara has proved to be the most effective cultivar in taking advantage of the mineral elements for producing a crop, showing that this efficiency is independent of the shell type. (Author) 9 refs.
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Jocely Andreuccetti Maeda
Full Text Available Avaliou-se a qualidade de sementes de quatro cultivares de sorgo granífero provenientes de três localidades, em diversas épocas de armazenamento, através de testes de germinação, primeira contagem e envelhecimento rápido. A germinação e o vigor, que aos dois meses de armazenamento se encontravam com valores relativamente baixos, tiveram grande variação com locais e cultivares, sendo melhores as sementes provenientes de Manduri e do híbrido Contibrasil 102.Seeds of four cultivars of sorghum (Contibrasil 102, DA E-57, Pioneer 8417 and TEY 101 produced at three localities (Campinas, Manduri, and Mococa, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, had their quality evaluated after different periods of storage. Germination, first count and rapid aging tests, were used for this purpose. Germination and vigor were already low after two months of storage, and variations were also noted in relation with locations and cultivars. Best results were obtained with seeds of the hybrid Contibrasil 102 produced in Manduri.
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Zailan, M.Z.
Full Text Available Napier grass was first introduced to Malaysia in the 1920?s and there were many cultivars introduced in Malaysia since 1950?s. However, there is a need to have comparative evaluation of these Napier cultivars so that definite recommendations can be made in the choice and management of the respective cultivars. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the in vitro digestibility and gas production characteristic of four Napier (Pennisetum purpureum cultivars, namely Common, Silver, Red and Dwarf Napier. Common, Silver and Red Napier are classified as tall cultivars while Dwarf Napier is a short cultivar. Gas production was determined at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 32, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation period and its kinetics was described using the equation p = a + b (1 ? e?ct. Dwarf Napier had the highest (P 0.05 in the rate of gas production (C of Napier cultivars which ranged from 0.024 to 0.035 h-1. The metabolisable energy (ME was significantly higher in Dwarf and Red Napier cultivars (8.7 MJ/kg DM compared to Silver and Common Napier cultivars. The cumulative gas production within 32 h was highest (P0.05 ranged from 52 to 73 mM, 88 to 70%, 6.2 to 6.8%, respectively.. Dwarf Napier cultivar had superior nutritional quality. Dwarf and Red Napier cultivars could be classified as high quality grasses due to their high digestibility, gas production and degradation rates compared to the other cultivars. The low quality of Common and Silver Napier cultivars is mainly reflected by the extensive lignification of their cell wall structure.
Genetic variation within the olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivar Oblica ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
May 17, 2010 ... Oblica is the predominant olive cultivar in Croatia, spread widely in all the olive growing regions. Morphological variability within the cultivar is well documented but often it has been attributed to environmental factors rather than to genetic ones. In order to investigate intracultivar variability on the molecular ...
Genetic variation within the olive ( Olea europaea L. ) cultivar Oblica ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Oblica is the predominant olive cultivar in Croatia, spread widely in all the olive growing regions. Morphological variability within the cultivar is well documented but often it has been attributed to environmental factors rather than to genetic ones. In order to investigate intracultivar variability on the molecular level, olive ...
IPR CATUARA TM – new cultivar of high gluten wheat
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Carlos Roberto Riede
Full Text Available The wheat cultivar IPR Catuara TM, obtained from a cross between the line LD 975 and the cultivar IPR 85, exhibits high gluten strength, which will allow the milling industry to supplement flours from wheats with weaker gluten strength, resulting in better quality products for the final consumer.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Hart, J.J.; Norvell, W.A.; Welch, R.M.; Sullivan, L.A.; Kochian, L.V.
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) cultivars exhibit lower Zn efficiency than comparable bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. To understand the physiological mechanism(s) that confers Zn efficiency, this study used 65Zn to investigate ionic Zn2+ root uptake, binding, and translocation to shoots in seedlings of bread and durum wheat cultivars. Time-dependent Zn2+ accumulation during 90 min was greater in roots of the bread wheat cultivar. Zn2+ cell wall binding was not different in the two cultivars. In each cultivar, concentration-dependent Zn2+ influx was characterized by a smooth, saturating curve, suggesting a carrier-mediated uptake system. At very low solution Zn2+ activities, Zn2+ uptake rates were higher in the bread wheat cultivar. As a result, the Michaelis constant for Zn2+ uptake was lower in the bread wheat cultivar (2.3 micromolar) than in the durum wheat cultivar (3.9 micromolar). Low temperature decreased the rate of Zn2+ influx, suggesting that metabolism plays a role in Zn2+ uptake. Ca inhibited Zn2+ uptake equally in both cultivars. Translocation of Zn to shoots was greater in the bread wheat cultivar, reflecting the higher root uptake rates. The study suggests that lower root Zn2+ uptake rates may contribute to reduced Zn efficiency in durum wheat varieties under Zn-limiting conditions
Cultivar and year-to-year variation of phytosterol content in rye (Secale cereale L.)
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Zangenberg, M.; Hansen, H.B.; Jørgensen, J.R.
on phytosterol content in the different cultivars. The studied cultivars had all the lowest phytosterol contents in the dry and warm harvest season of 1999. Although there were statistically significant cultivar and year-to-year variations in the sterol composition (p
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O.M. Yamashita
Full Text Available O agronegócio do algodão apresenta-se, no Brasil, como uma atividade de grande importância para a economia nacional, ocupando posição de destaque no processo produtivo do Estado do Mato Grosso. Para que a cultura possa expressar o máximo potencial produtivo, é necessária a adoção de técnicas de manejo e práticas agronômicas, visando o controle das plantas daninhas. A fim de que a lavoura se mantenha limpa e livre de matocompetição, o controle químico é o método mais utilizado. Os herbicidas registrados para algodão devem ser aplicados, quando do estabelecimento da cultura, em jato dirigido. O contato desses produtos, como o oxyfluorfen, nas folhas pode incorrer em fitointoxicação e prejuízos para o produtor. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi mensurar o potencial de danos provocados pelo oxyfluorfen, quando em contato com diferentes cultivares de algodoeiro em estádio inicial de desenvolvimento. Para isso, foram avaliados cinco cultivares, tratados com 90 e 180 g ha-1 do herbicida, aplicado em plantas com 15 e 30 dias de emergência. Quanto às variáveis analisadas (fitointoxicação, altura de planta, número de folhas, massa seca de planta, foi possível observar que não houve diferença entre cultivares e que as plantas menores foram mais afetadas que as mais velhas, havendo aumento dos danos à medida que as doses eram aumentadas.Cotton agribusiness is a very important economic activity in Brazil, occupying a prominent position in the productive process of the state of Mato Grosso. For cotton crop to express its maximum productive potential, it is necessary to adopt handling techniques and agronomic practices seeking the control of weeds. For farming to stay clean and free from weed competition, chemical control is the most frequently used method. The herbicides registered for cotton crop should be applied when the culture is established in driven jet. The contact of products, such as oxyfluorfen, on the leaves may
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Miroslav Šlosár
Full Text Available The species Cucurbita pepo includes several types of squashes; in Slovak Republic, well-known and oftenly grown squash types are patisson, zucchini, spaghetti squash, oil pumpkin etc. Several interesting squash types of Cucurbita pepo are grown abroad, including Acorn squash which is well-known mainly in USA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the important quantitative (yield per hectare, average fruit weight and qualitative (total carotenoids, ascorbic acid, antioxidant activity, total soluble solids yield parameters of Acorn squash fruits in comparison with patisson which is typical squash type of Cucurbita pepo in Slovak Republic. The field trial was realised in Košice-Šaca in 2016. Within experiment, four cultivars of Acorn type pumpkin were tested (Thelma Sanders; Jet Set; Table Gold; Cream of The Crop. The patisson 'Orfeus' was used as a comparative cultivar for evaluation of individual parameters of Acorn type pumpkin cultivars. Matured pumpkin fruits were harvested on the 7th September 2016. From aspect of yield quantity, Acorn cultivars are appeared as very interesting squash type with good yield potential for growing. The highest yield of squash fruits was found in the cultivar 'Cream of The Crop' (17.8 t.ha-1. In mentioned Acorn cultivar, the yield was higher about 87.4% compared to the tested patisson cultivar 'Orfeus' (9.5 t.ha-1. On the contrary, the average weight of squash fruits was reached in patisson cultivar 'Orfeus' (780.7 g. The qualitative parameters of fruits were expressively influenced by squash cultivar. The content of total carotenoids, ascorbic acid and total soluble solids was markedly higher in all Acorn cultivars, compared to the patisson cultivar 'Orfeus'. The highest content of total carotenoids (26.74 mg.kg-1 fresh weight and ascorbic acid (238.79 mg.kg-1 f. w. was found in the squash cultivar 'Table Gold'. The highest content of total soluble solids was determined in the cultivar 'Jet Set' (3.8
Sensory and quality analysis of different melon cultivars after prolonged storage.
Hoberg, Edelgard; Ulrich, Detlef; Schulz, Hartwig; Tuvia-Alkali, Sharon; Fallik, Elazar
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the sensory and general quality of four different melon cultivars (Cucumis melo L.) immediately after harvest and at the end of storage and marketing simulation. After 16 days of storage at 5 degrees C and additional 3 days at 20 degrees C, only cultivar 'C-8' had a poor general appearance due to significant low firmness and relatively high decay incidence compared to the cultivars '5080', 'Ideal' and '7302'. The cultivar '7302' was found to have the higher overall quality. The human-sensory and organoleptic analyses revealed that the cultivars can be differentiated on the basis of retronasal odour. The texture of the melons seems to be dependent on the genotype. All the complex perceptions analysed in this work contribute to the acceptability, which is in the fresh fruits of '7302' the best and in 'Ideal' the worst. After storage and marketing simulation 'Ideal' and 'C-8' are no longer favoured, but '5080' and '7302', despite different characters, were found to be similarly accepted. It can be concluded that with the aid of the human-sensory method developed to characterize the melon varieties it is possible to distinguish the different genotypes.
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Gregor Urek
Full Text Available The potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis is one of the most serious pests of potato in Slovenia. Precise nematode identification and knowledge about potato cultivars, which are most suitable for growing in the Slovenian climate conditions and most resistant to G. rostochiensis, are necessary to develop an effective integrated pest control. Here we report the results of the influence of G. rostochiensis pathotype Ro1/4 on the yield of different potato cultivars: the susceptible cultivar Desiree, the resistant cultivars White Lady, Miranda, Aladin, Sante and Adora, and the clone KIS 94-1/5-14. The yield of cv. White Lady was the highest and that of susceptible cv. Desiree the lowest. The influence of several resistant and one susceptible potato cultivars on population dynamics of G. rostochiensis was also determined. The total number of cysts/100 cm3 and the number of eggs and juveniles per cyst increased in the susceptible cv. Desiree and decreased in the resistant cultivars White Lady, Sante and Adora.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Feng, Youzhi; Yu, Yongjie; Tang, Haoye; Zu, Qianhui; Zhu, Jianguo; Lin, Xiangui
Although elevated ground-level O 3 has a species–specific impact on plant growth, the differences in soil biota responses to O 3 pollution among rice cultivars are rarely reported. Using O 3 Free-Air Concentration Enrichment, the responses of the rhizospheric bacterial communities in the O 3 -tolerant (YD6) and the O 3 -sensitive (IIY084) rice cultivars to O 3 pollution and their differences were assessed by pyrosequencing at rice tillering and anthesis stages. Elevated ground-level O 3 negatively influenced the bacterial community in cultivar YD6 at both rice growth stages by decreasing the bacterial phylogenetic diversities and response ratios. In contrast, in cultivar IIY084, the bacterial community responded positively at the rice tillering stage under O 3 pollution. However, several keystone bacterial guilds were consistently negatively affected by O 3 pollution in two rice cultivars. These findings indicate that continuously O 3 pollution would negatively influence rice agroecosystem and the crop cultivar is important in determining the soil biota responses to elevated O 3 . - Highlights: • We investigated the soil biota in two rice cultivars in presence of elevated O 3 . • The contrasting responses of soil biota were found between two rice cultivars. • Some keystone bacterial guilds were consistently negatively affected by O 3 pollution. • The crop cultivar is important in determining soil biota responses to elevated O 3 . - The crop cultivar is important in determining the soil biota responses to elevated O 3
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Y. R. Sindarovska
Full Text Available Ribonucleases (RNases are present in base-level amounts in intact plants, but this level is able to increase greatly under stress conditions. The possible cause for such an increase is protection against plant RNA-virus attack. Buckwheat burn virus (BBV is a highly virulent pathogen that belongs to Rhabdoviridae family. In our study, we have analyzed the correlation between RNase activity and resistance of different buckwheat cultivars to BBV infection. Two cultivars, Kara-Dag and Roksolana, with different sensitivities to BBV have been used. Kara-Dag is a cultivar with medium sensitivity to virus and Roksolana is a tolerant cultivar. It has been shown that the base level of RNase activity in Roksolana cultivar was in most cases higher than the corresponding parameter in Kara-Dag cultivar. Both infected and uninfected plants of Roksolana cultivar demonstrated high RNase activity during two weeks. Whereas infected plants of Kara-Dag cultivar demonstrated unstable levels of RNase activity. Significant decline in RNase activity was detected on the 7th day post infection with subsequent gradual increase in RNase activity. Decline of the RNase activity during the first week could promote the virus replication and therefore more successful infection of upper leaves of plants. Unstable levels of RNase activity in infected buckwheat plants may be explained by insufficiency of virus-resistant mechanisms that determines the medium sensitivity of the cultivar to BBV. Thus, plants of buckwheat cultivar having less sensitivity to virus, displayed in general higher RNase activity.
Diversity of Catechin in Northeast Indian Tea Cultivars
Sabhapondit, Santanu; Karak, Tanmoy; Bhuyan, Lakshi Prasad; Goswami, Bhabesh Chandra; Hazarika, Mridul
Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) leaf contains a large amount of catechins (a group of very active flavonoids) which contribute to major quality attributes of black tea. Based on morphological characters tea plants were classified as Assam, China, and Cambod varieties. The present study is an attempt for biochemical fingerprinting of the tea varieties based on catechin composition in green leaf of cultivars grown in Northeast India. Assam variety cultivars contained the highest level of catechins followed by Cambod and China. The average catechin contents were 231 ± 7 mg g−1, 202 ± 5 mg g−1, and 157 ± 4 mg g−1 of dry weight of green leaf for Assam, Cambod, and China cultivars, respectively. Among the individual catechins the variations in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epigallocatechin (EGC) were the most prominent among the varieties. High EGC content was found to be a characteristic of Assam variety which was further corroborated through multivariate analysis. PMID:22448135
Diversity of catechin in northeast Indian tea cultivars.
Sabhapondit, Santanu; Karak, Tanmoy; Bhuyan, Lakshi Prasad; Goswami, Bhabesh Chandra; Hazarika, Mridul
Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) leaf contains a large amount of catechins (a group of very active flavonoids) which contribute to major quality attributes of black tea. Based on morphological characters tea plants were classified as Assam, China, and Cambod varieties. The present study is an attempt for biochemical fingerprinting of the tea varieties based on catechin composition in green leaf of cultivars grown in Northeast India. Assam variety cultivars contained the highest level of catechins followed by Cambod and China. The average catechin contents were 231 ± 7 mg g(-1), 202 ± 5 mg g(-1), and 157 ± 4 mg g(-1) of dry weight of green leaf for Assam, Cambod, and China cultivars, respectively. Among the individual catechins the variations in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epigallocatechin (EGC) were the most prominent among the varieties. High EGC content was found to be a characteristic of Assam variety which was further corroborated through multivariate analysis.
Kinetic parameters of silicon uptake by rice cultivars
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Priscila Oliveira Martins
Full Text Available Silicon is considered an important chemical element for rice, because it can improve tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. However, in many situations no positive effect of silicon was observed, probably due to genetic factors. The objective of this research was to monitor Si uptake kinetics and identify responses of rice cultivars in terms of Si uptake capacity and use. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the São Paulo State University (UNESP, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized, factorial design with three replications. that consisted of two rice cultivars and two Si levels. Kinetic parameters (Vmax, Km, and Cmin, root morphology variables, dry matter yield, Si accumulation and levels in shoots and roots, uptake efficiency, utilization efficiency, and root/shoot ratio were evaluated. Higher Si concentrations in the nutrient solution did not increase rice dry matter. The development of the low-affinity silicon uptake system of the rice cultivar 'Caiapó' was better than of 'Maravilha'.
Fatty acid composition and natural antioxidant capacity of ten Serbian linseed cultivars
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Čolović Dušica S.
Full Text Available Literature data about nutritional characteristics of linseed cultivars from some specific geographical area or country is scarce. For that very reason, following paper is presenting fatty acid (FA compositions and antioxidant capacity of lipid-soluble (ACL components of ten native linseed cultivars from Serbia. These characteristics can be interesting, especially due to the increasing trend of linseed usage in human diet. Presented results show that there were statistically significant (p<0.05 differences between linseed kernels in FA composition. Negative correlation was found between FA C18:0 and α-linolenic acid (ALA. The cultivar with the highest ACL value was No. 10 (342.66 μmol trolox/kg d.m., meaning that it had very strong protection against oxidation of polyunsaturated FAs. Nevertheless, correlation between ACL and polyunsaturated FA content in cultivars was not statistically significant (p=0.84. ACL of the samples did not depend on FA composition of linseed, but it might depend on characteristics of a specific cultivar. The aforementioned results show potential usage in storage of linseeds or its products, while FA composition of linseed kernels might be one of criteria for authentication of linseed origin, and can be of great help in future selection of the cultivars, depending on purpose of linseed production.
Biological parameters of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman on onion cultivars
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Moraiet Maher Ahmed
Full Text Available Biological parameters of the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman were studied on the following onion (Allium cepa L. cultivars: Nasik Red Plus N-53, Onion Dr-301 (Krishna, Onion White, and Nasik Red, at 25±1°C and 65±5% RH. Significant (p < 0.05 differences were found in the life stages and fertility life tables on different cultivars except in the pupal stages. More information about the biological parameters of T. tabaci on onion cultivars can help in designing Integrated Pest Management programs for onion thrips.
Elemental Composition of Two Rice Cultivars under Potentially Toxic an Aquept and Aquent
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Adesola Olutayo OLALEYE
Full Text Available Iron toxicity is a major nutrient disorder affecting rice production of wetland rice in the irrigated and rainfed ecosystem in West Africa sub-region. Little attention has been paid to evaluating nutrient contents of rice cultivars grown on such soils and their relationship to the iron toxicity scores, grain yield and dry matter yields. A pot experiment was conducted on two potentially Fe-toxic soils (Aeric Fluvaquent and Aeric Tropaquept. The experiment was a 2 x 2 x 4 factorial experiment with three replicates in arranged in a randomized fashion. The factors were two soil types, two rice cultivars (ITA 212 and tolerant (Suakoko 8 and four Fe 2+ levels (control, 1000, 3000 and 4000 mg L-1. The result showed that for both susceptible cultivar (ITA 212 and the relatively tolerant (Suakoko 8 cultivar, little or no differences were observed in their elemental composition with regards to micro and macro-nutrients. For the susceptible cultivar, results showed that none of the tissue nutrients significantly relates to iron toxicity scores (ITS, grain yield and dry matter yield on both soil types. However, for the tolerant cultivar, ITS was observed to be significantly related to tissue K and P contents on the two soil types respectively. Tissue Ca and Mg were observed to be significantly related to the dry matter yield (DMY on Aeric Tropquept. It could be concluded that for these rice cultivars grown on two potentially Fe-toxic soils, different tissue nutrients may trigger the manifestation of bronzing or yellowing symptoms of rice cultivars.
Favetti,Bruna Magda; Butnariu,Alessandra Regina; Foerster,Luís Amilton
This study aimed to evaluate the development, survival and reproductive capacity of Spodoptera eridania in four soybean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory, in a climatic chamber at 25 degrees C +/- C, 70 +/- 10% relative humidity and 12 h photophase. The cultivars used were: FMT Tabarana, BRS/MT Pintado, FMT Tucunare and Monsoy 8757, all conventional cultivars with medium cycles. All cultivars tested allowed the development of S. eridania. However, Monsoy 8757 was the c...
Recovery of nitrogen fertilizer by traditional and improved rice cultivars in the Bhutan Highlands
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Ghaley, Bhim Bahadur; Jensen, Henning Høgh; Christiansen, Jørgen Lindskrog
The recovery of soil derived nitrogen (NDFS) and fertilizer N (NDFF) was investigated in highland rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields in Bhutan, characterized by high inputs of farmyard manure (FYM). The effect of 60 kg N ha-1 (60 N) applied in two splits to a traditional and an improved cultivar......% respectively, with no difference between cultivars, but REN decreased with increasing FYM inputs. Fertilizer N recommendations that allow for previous FYM inputs combined with applications timed to coincide with maximum crop demand (45 DAT), and the use of improved cultivars, could enhance N fertilizer......, popular among the farmers, was investigated using the 15N isotope dilution technique. No differences were found between cultivars with respect to the uptake of NDFS and NDFF, but the improved cultivar yielded 27% more (P¿=¿0.05) grain compared with the traditional cultivar. This was largely due to its...
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Mollashahi Mehdi
Full Text Available A life table can be used as an important and appropriate tool to evaluate the susceptibility or resistance level of different host plant cultivars to insect pests. In the current study, we determined the suitability or inferiority of five different canola cultivars (Hayula420, Hayula401, Hayula50, Hayula60, RGS to Nysius cymoides, under laboratory conditions. Data were analysed based on the age-stage, two-sex life table theory. Nysius cymoides which fed on Hayula420 had the longest nymphal period, while those which fed on Hayula50 had the shortest nymphal period. Developmental times (sum of incubation and nymphal periods was longest for those which fe d on Hayula420 and the shortest for those which fed on Hayula50. The adult pre-oviposition period (APOP, total pre-oviposition period (TPOP, mean fecundity, and adult longevity of adults reared on different canola cultivars showed significant differences. The highest and lowest net reproductive rates (R0 were obtained for those which fed on Hayula420 (11.40 offspring per individual and Hayula401 (5.47 offspring per individual, respectively. The highest value (0.0395 d-1 for the intrinsic rate of increase (r was obtained for those which fed on Hayula 60 cultivar and the lowest value (0.0261 d-1 for those which fed on Hayula401 cultivar. The shortest and longest mean generation times (T were obtained for those which fed on RGS and H401 cultivars, respectively. The lowest and highest values of life expectancy (exj were obtained for those which fed on RGS and Hayula420 cultivars, respectively. The results showed that Hayula401 and RGS were not susceptible cultivars to N. cymoides. These cultivars showed higher resistance to N. cymoides, while Hayula60, Hayula420, and Hayula50 were found to be suitable cultivars but with lower resistance to N. cymoides, respectively.
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Ronan Gualberto
Full Text Available Considerando as diferentes estações climáticas em que a alface é cultivada durante o ano, é de se esperar a ocorrência de uma elevada interação genótipo x ambiente. Em função disto, neste trabalho estudou-se o desempenho produtivo, adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de seis cultivares de alface do grupo crespa (Deisy, Elba, Sabrina, Summer Green, Vera e Verônica, em sistema hidropônico NFT, instalado em casa-de-vegetação, na Universidade de Marília (SP. Foram conduzidos nove ensaios em três épocas (outono: Out n; inverno: Inv n e; primavera: Pri n, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, avaliando-se quatro plantas por parcela. Ocorreram diferenças significativas entre ambientes (épocas de semeadura. Verificou-se que, de maneira geral, os três plantios realizados no outono apresentaram valores médios de produtividade (Out1 = 3,1; Out2 = 5,3 e; Out3 = 4,6 kg m² superiores aos realizados no inverno (Inv1 = 3,6; Inv2 = 3,5 e; Inv = 3,7 kg m² e primavera (Pri1 = 4,0; Pri2 = 3,6 e; Pri3 = 3,2 kg m². Embora a interação cultivares x ambientes também tenha sido significativa, para produtividade, à exceção dos ambientes Inv3 e Pri1, não ocorreram diferenças significativas entre as cultivares dentro de cada época de plantio e, para número de folhas por planta, ocorreram diferenças significativas entre as cultivares somente no ambiente Out3. As cultivares Deyse e Verônica foram as únicas a mostrarem adaptabilidade a todos ambientes estudados para produtividade; todas as cultivares apresentaram instabilidade para essa mesma característica. Para o número de folhas por planta, somente a cultivar Summer Green apresentou comportamento altamente previsível (estável, no entanto, mostrou-se adaptada somente aos ambientes desfavoráveis.Considering the climatic seasons in which lettuce is cultivated, probably a high interaction genotype x environment could be obtained. The yield
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N.G. Fleck
Full Text Available Plantas que apresentam rápido crescimento tendem a ocupar precocemente nichos disponíveis, utilizando o espaço de suas vizinhas. Em geral, esses vegetais adquirem prioridade na utilização dos recursos do meio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar variações em características de crescimento de cultivares de arroz irrigado. Para isso, conduziu-se um experimento em campo na estação de crescimento de 2000/2001, em Cachoeirinha-RS. Investigou-se o comportamento de oito cultivares de arroz, cultivados em presença e ausência de plantas de arroz do cultivar EEA 406, simulando infestação de arroz-vermelho, estabelecida com densidade média de 30 plantas m-2. Entre 15 e 60 dias após a semeadura (DAS, avaliou-se a evolução de área foliar, estatura e massa aérea das plantas de arroz. Com esses dados, calcularam-se razão de área foliar (RAF, taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR e taxa de assimilação líquida (TAL dos cultivares. Os cultivares Ligeirinho e XL 6 apresentaram elevadas velocidades de ganho em área foliar, estatura e massa aérea; com isso, alcançaram as maiores coberturas do solo, juntamente com o cultivar IR 841. Por outro lado, os cultivares Bluebelle e Formosa mostraram lento crescimento absoluto no período avaliado, mas, em geral, apresentaram os maiores valores para TCR e TAL.Fast-growing plants tend to occupy available niches utilizing these spaces ahead of their neighbors. In general, these plants have priority over others in the use of environmental resources. The objective of this research was to evaluate variations in growth characteristics of flooded rice cultivars. A field experiment was carried out during the 2000/01 summer season, in Cachoeirinha, RS, Brazil. The behavior of eight rice cultivars, grown in the absence or presence of the EEA 406 rice genotype was investigated, simulating a red rice infestation, established at an average density of 30 plants m-2. From 15 to 60 days after seeding (DAS
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Ludmiła Startek
Full Text Available In the years 2002-2003 the flowering of four New Guinea Impatiens cultivars from Sonic and Super Sonic groups were compared. They were the following cultivars: 'Sonic Pink', 'Sonic Sweet Cherry', 'Super Sonic Cherry Cream' and 'Super Sonic Hot Pink'. The experiments were carried out from the middle of April till the middle of October. Neutralised sphagnum peat with slow release fertiliser Osmocote Plus 5/6 was used as medium. It was found that the cultivar 'Sonic Pink' began blooming 1-4 weeks earlier than the other cultivars. The cultivars 'Sonic Sweet Cherry' and 'Super Sonic Cherry Cream' had significantly more abundant flowering (105.3-113.3 flowers per plant than the cultivars 'Sonic Pink' and 'Super Sonic Hot Pink' (72.0-92.8 flowers per plant. All the cultivars had big flowers (6.3-7.8 cm in diameter. The most similar flowers were found in 'Sonic Sweet Cherry' and the least similar in 'Super Sonic Hot Pink'.
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Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição de aminoácidos em grãos de cultivares de feijão e a presença de interação cultivares x locais, nos teores de aminoácidos, e identificar cultivares para uso direto na alimentação e derivações em programas de melhoramento. Os aminoácidos foram determinados por cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC, em grãos de 19 cultivares de feijão cultivadas em dois locais. Os dados médios obtidos para cada cultivar, em duplicata, foram comparados entre si com a utilização do teste t, a 5% de probabilidade para cada local. Os grãos das cultivares analisadas apresentaram teores de aminoácidos essenciais e não-essenciais, adequados às necessidades diárias de um indivíduo adulto, o que indica alta qualidade da proteína do feijão. As cultivares de feijão apresentam, em ordem decrescente, os aminoácidos essenciais: leucina, lisina, fenilalanina, valina, isoleucina, treonina, histidina e metionina; e os aminoácidos não-essenciais: ácido glutâmico, ácido aspártico, arginina, serina, alanina, glicina, tirosina, prolina e cisteína. Os teores de leucina, isoleucina, histidina, valina, treonina, glicina e alanina foram afetados pela interação cultivares x locais. A cultivar Iraí apresenta composição de aminoácidos adequada e é indicada para uso em dietas e derivações em programas de melhoramento.The objective of this work was to determine the amino acid composition of seeds of common bean cultivars and to examine the presence of cultivar x location interactions in amino acid contents, and to identify common bean cultivars for direct consumption or use in breeding programs. The amino acid contents were determinated through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, in 19 common bean cultivars obtained in two localities. The mean data sets of each cultivar, in duplication, were compared by the F test at 5% probability for each location. Grains of the common bean
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Mortensen, L.M.
Eight cultivars of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) and six cultivars of Lactuca sativa (lettuce) were subjected to CO/sub 2/-enriched air (1000 ..mu..l l/sup -1/) containing 0.7 or 0.9 ..mu..l l/sup -1/ nitrogen oxides (NO/sub x/). CO/sub 2/ enrichment without NO/sub x/ significantly increased the dry weight of all tomato (35-81%) and lettuce cultivars (25-101%). In six of the eight tomato cultivars the dry weight was reduced by the addition of NO/sub x/. The mean relative growth rate (RGR) decreased by 4-19% depending on the cultivar. This meant that the benefit of CO/sub 2/ enrichment was almost completely eliminated in most of the cultivars. Marginal leaf necrosis appeared in some of the cultivars, while in others no visible injury developed. None of the lettuce cultivars was significantly affected by the addition of NO/sub x/. 16 references, 4 tables.
Cell wall alterations in the leaves of fusariosis-resistant and susceptible pineapple cultivars.
de Farias Viégas Aquije, Glória Maria; Zorzal, Poliana Belisário; Buss, David Shaun; Ventura, José Aires; Fernandes, Patricia Machado Bueno; Fernandes, Antonio Alberto Ribeiro
Fusariosis, caused by the fungus Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. ananas (Syn. F. guttiforme), is one of the main phytosanitary threats to pineapple (Ananas comosus var. comosus). Identification of plant cell responses to pathogens is important in understanding the plant-pathogen relationship and establishing strategies to improve and select resistant cultivars. Studies of the structural properties and phenolic content of cell walls in resistant (Vitoria) and susceptible (Perola) pineapple cultivars, related to resistance to the fungus, were performed. The non-chlorophyll base of physiologically mature leaves was inoculated with a conidia suspension. Analyses were performed post-inoculation by light, atomic force, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and measurement of cell wall-bound phenolic compounds. Non-inoculated leaves were used as controls to define the constitutive tissue characteristics. Analyses indicated that morphological differences, such as cell wall thickness, cicatrization process and lignification, were related to resistance to the pathogen. Atomic force microscopy indicated a considerable difference in the mechanical properties of the resistant and susceptible cultivars, with more structural integrity, associated with higher levels of cell wall-bound phenolics, found in the resistant cultivar. p-Coumaric and ferulic acids were shown to be the major phenolics bound to the cell walls and were found in higher amounts in the resistant cultivar. Leaves of the resistant cultivar had reduced fungal penetration and a faster and more effective cicatrization response compared to the susceptible cultivar.
Leaf gas exchange and yield of three upland rice cultivars
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Rita de Cássia Félix Alvarez
Full Text Available Studies of physiological parameters associated with crop performance and growth in different groups of upland rice (Oryza sativa L. may support plant breeding programs. We evaluated the role of gas exchange rates and dry matter accumulation (DMA as traits responsible for yields in a traditional (cv. ‘Caiapó’, intermediate (cv. ‘Primavera’ and modern (cv. ‘Maravilha’ upland rice cultivars. Leaf gas exchange rates, DMA, leaf area index (LAI, harvest indexes (HI and yield components were measured on these genotypes in the field, under sprinkler irrigation. Panicles per m2 and DMA at flowering (FL and heading, as well as CO2 assimilation rates (A were similar across these cultivars. The highest yield was found in ‘Primavera’, which may be explained by (i a two-fold higher HI compared to the other cultivars, (ii greater rates of DMA during spikelet formation and grain-filling, as well as (iii a slow natural decrease of A in this cultivar, at the end of the season (between FL and maturation.
Phytochemical profiles and antioxidant activity of 27 cultivars of tea.
Zeng, Liang; Luo, Liyong; Li, Hongjun; Liu, Ruihai
Tea, rich in phytochemicals, has been suggested to have human health benefits. The phenolic profiles, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of 27 tea cultivars were determined. Wide ranges of variation were found in analyzed cultivars for the contents of water-soluble phenolics (121.6-223.7 mg/g dry weight (DW)), total catechins (TC) (90.5-177.2 mg/g DW), antioxidant activities (PSC values 627.3-2332.3 μmol of vitamin C equiv/g DW, ORAC values (1865.1-3489.3 μmol of vitamin C equiv/g DW), CAA values (37.7-134.3 μmol of QE/g DW without PBS wash and 25.3-75.4 μmol of QE/g DW with PBS wash) and antiproliferative activity (53.0-90.8% at the concentration of 400 μg/mL extracts). The PSC, ORAC and CAA values were significantly correlated with phenolics, epicatechin gallate (ECG), CC and TC. Knowledge of specific differences among tea cultivars is important for breeding tea cultivars and gives sights to its potential application to promote health.
Obtention of microtubers and minitubers as pre basic seed in tree Peruvian potato cultivars
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María de Lourdes Tapia y Figueroa
Full Text Available In potato (Solanum tuberosum L. seed certification programs, the use of in vitro plants, microtubers and minitubers as pre-basic seed are of great importance, especially in countries such as Peru, where there is a need to eradicate the informal production of the seed to promote new plantations. The present work had as objective to obtain of microtubers and minitubers as pre-basic seed in three Peruvian potato cultivars. When comparing the effect of both factors (method and cultivar in the number of seeds per plant it was possible to state that with the exception of the cultivar 'Capiro', no differences were found between both methods of seed production for the rest of the cultivars. This result is very important since it shows that it is possible to use both methods of pre-basic seed production for cultivars 'Canchan' and 'Papa3'. In the cultivar 'Capiro' a greater number of minitubers was achieved per plant, but its low fresh mass, which could prevent its use as a basic seed. Other studies are required to adjust the culture conditions to achieve better results in this cultivar. Keywords: certified seed, genotype, in vitro techniques
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Lucas Pereira Gomes
Full Text Available The fruit of the West Indian gherkin is greatly appreciated in Brazilian cuisine, especially in the north and northeast of Brazil. However, it is still considered a secondary crop, and is cultivated using non-technical management. As it is a crop produced mainly by small farmers, any research should be directed towards its cultivation using inputs produced on the farm itself, such as bio-fertilisers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on the yield of two West Indian gherkin cultivars, of different doses of bio-fertiliser consisting of cattle manure and commercial products containing bacteria and enzymes that degrade organic molecules. A completely randomised design was used in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme with four replications. The factors included two cultivars (Do Norte and Liso Gibão and four doses of bio-fertiliser (0, 8, 16 and 24 m3 ha-1 applied through fertigation. The experiment lasted for 100 days, with six collections being made, for which the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits, fruit weight, production and yield. All the variables were affected by the interaction between the factors under study. The cultivars did not differ as to yield, however the De North cultivar gave the highest number of fruits, while the Liso Gibão cultivar produced fruit of a greater weight. From the results obtained, a dose of 14 m3 ha-1 is recommended for the Liso Gibão cultivar. For the De Norte cultivar, further studies with higher doses of bio-fertiliser are recommended. = Os frutos de maxixeiro são de grande apreciação na culinária brasileira, principalmente nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. No entanto, é considerada uma cultura secundária e seu cultivo é realizado sem adoção de manejo tecnificado. Devido o seu cultivo ser realizado, principalmente, por pequenos produtores, as pesquisas empregando insumos produzidos na própria propriedade, como o biofertilizante, na adubação do maxixe são relevantes
Phenolic content and anti-hyperglycemic activity of pecan cultivars from Egypt.
El Hawary, Seham S; Saad, Soumaya; El Halawany, Ali Mahmoud; Ali, Zeinab Y; El Bishbishy, Mahitab
Pecans are commonly used nuts with important health benefits such as anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic effects. A comparative investigation of the antihyperglycemic and total phenolic content of the leaves and shells of four pecan cultivars growing in Egypt was carried out. The selected cultivars (cv.) were Carya illinoinensis Wangneh. K. Koch. cv. Wichita, cv. WesternSchely, cv. Cherokee, and cv. Sioux family Juglandaceae. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the leaves and shells of pecan cultivars were carried out using Folin-Ciocalteu's and aluminum chloride assays, respectively. Moreover, HPLC profiling of phenolic and flavonoid contents was carried out using RP-HPLC-UV. In addition, in vivo anti-hyperglycemic activity of the ethanolic extracts (125 mg/kg bw, p.o.) of C. illinoinensis cultivars was carried out using streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in Sprague-Dawley rats for 4 weeks. Phenolic contents were higher in shells than leaves in all studied cultivars, while flavonoids were higher in leaves. Leaves and shells of cv. Sioux showed the highest phenolics (251.7 µg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g), and flavonoid contents (103.27 µg rutin equivalent (RE)/g and 210.67 µg quercetin equivalent (QE)/g), respectively. The HPLC profiling of C. illinoinensis cultivars resulted in the identification of eight flavonoids (five of these compounds are identified for the first time from pecan), and 15 phenolic acids (six are identified for the first time from pecan). Leaves of cv. Sioux revealed the most potent decrease in blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c%) (194.9 mg/dl and 6.52%, respectively), among other tested cultivars. Moreover, leaves of cv. Sioux significantly elevated serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and reduced glutathione (GSH) (0.33 mMol/l and 30.68 mg/dl, respectively), and significantly suppressed the markers of both lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde, MDA) and protein oxidation (protein carbonyl, PC
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Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira
Full Text Available O programa de melhoramento genético da Embrapa Clima Temperado enfatiza a criação de cultivares de maturação precoce, produtoras de frutas de polpa não fundente. Isto é devido ao interesse dos produtores e da indústria conserveira, uma vez que tais cultivares têm mais baixo custo de produção e muito boa oportunidade de mercado. A cv. BRS Libra atende a esta demanda e já foi testada por produtores da área próxima a Pelotas, por vários ciclos, contando com a cooperação do serviço de Extensão do Rio Grande do Sul. Mais recentemente, os testes foram estendidos a outras regiões com a parceria de instituições de pesquisa públicas e privadas. A cv. BRS Libra tem baixa necessidade em frio, com floração precoce e maturação iniciando geralmente, no início de outubro e ocasionalmente, ao final de setembro, no município de Pelotas. A sua exigência em frio não foi determinada precisamente, mas por comparação com outras cultivares estima-se que seja entre 100 e 200 horas.The Embrapa peach breeding program emphasizes the development of early ripening cultivars which produce non-melting flesh peaches. This is due to the interest of growers and canning industry on these cultivars because of the lower production costs plus the market oportunities. The BRS Libra cv. meet this objective and has been tested by growers around Pelotas'area, for several years with the collaboration of the extension service of Rio Grande do Sul State, and more recently in other areas, thanks to the cooperation of other public and private research institutions. It has low chilling requirement, early blooming and the harvest generally starts by beginning of October and exceptionally end of September, in Pelotas, RS. The chilling requirement was mot precisely determined but by comparison with other cultivars, it is estimated between 100 and 200 hours.
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Gabriel Ferreira Bartholo
Full Text Available Os experimentos foram instalados na Fazenda Experimental da Epamig em São Sebastião do Paraíso, com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento das cultivares Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19; Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282; Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 e Rubi-MG 1192, em relação a épocas de parcelamento de adubação. As respostas das cultivares foram medidas sobre a produção em função das épocas de parcelamento da adubação, demonstrando que a característica estudada foi influenciada pelas combinações das épocas em que foram submetidas. A cultivar Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19 tolerou intervalos maiores entre as adubações no período de outubro a março, e a cultivar Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 respondeu de modo significativo a quatro parcelamentos consecutivos com intervalo de 30-40 dias entre as aplicações. Para a cultivar Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282, existem opções de estabelecimento de épocas adequadas, dependendo do início das chuvas. A cultivar Rubi-MG 1192 não respondeu às épocas de parcelamento da adubação.ABSTRACT - The work was conducted at EPAMIG's Experimental Station in São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG, to study the performance of Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19; Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282; Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 and Rubi- MG 1192 coffee cultivars, in relation to time and parceling out of fertilization. Cultivar responses were evaluated by yield measurements, with the results showing that this parameter was affected by time in which fertilization was made. Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19 cultivar tolerated broader intervals between the fertilizations from October to March. Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 response was significant to four consecutive parceling, with intervals from 30 to 40 days between applications. Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282 cultivar presented other more appropriate time options depending on the start of rainy season. Rubi-MG 1192 cultivar was not responsive to split-fertilization.
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Eunice Oliveira Calvete
Full Text Available A diversidade de cultivares de morangueiro exige estudos quanto à adaptação no local de cultivo. Por sua vez, a maior exigência do consumidor por produtos mais saudáveis requer informações a respeito das características nutracêuticas dos produtos. Este trabalho objetivou determinar as cultivares com maior adaptação ao cultivo protegido na região do Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, os teores de antocianinas, bem como a época de plantio que proporcionam maior produtividade. O experimento foi conduzido em um ambiente protegido de 280 m², coberto com filme de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD, de 150 µm, com aditivo anti UV. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e os tratamentos em parcelas subdivididas, sendo as épocas de plantio das mudas (28 de abril e 13 de maio as parcelas principais, e as cultivares (Dover, Tudla, Comander, Oso Grande, Campinas, Chandler, Serrano e Camarosa, as subparcelas. Foram avaliadas características fenológicas e componentes do rendimento. Os teores de antocianinas foram determinados por espectrofotometria, com comprimento de onda de 528 nm. Não houve interação entre cultivares e épocas de plantio sobre as características avaliadas. A maior produtividade foi do morangueiro cultivado precocemente, em abril. As cultivares Camarosa, Dover, Oso Grande e Tudla são as mais indicadas, pelo maior rendimento e escalonamento da produção, e a cultivar Serrano, pelo maior teor de antocianinas.The diversification of strawberry cultivars demands studies about their adaptation in the cultivation place and, the increase of the consumer's requirement for healthier products require studies about the products nutraceutica characteristics. In such a way, this work aimed to determine the cultivars with higher adaptation under protected environment in Rio Grande do Sul, Planalto Médio region, the contents of anthocyanins, as well as the period that provides more productivity. The
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Eduardo B. de Figueiredo
Full Text Available Estudou-se a interação genótipo x ambiente de doze cultivares de alface, sendo quatro do grupo lisa (Babá de Verão, Karla, Nacional e Elisa, quatro do grupo crespa (Simpson, Hortência, Verônica e Grand Rapids e quatro do grupo americana (Laidy, Tainá, Lucy Brown e Raider. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo cultivo da alface em dez ambientes (casa de vegetação, túnel baixo de cultivo, túnel baixo com sombrite, agrotêxtil e campo, na presença e ausência de mulching. Foram utilizados dois períodos de cultivo, agosto a novembro de 2001 e março a junho de 2002 em Jaboticabal. Cada experimento (ambiente de cultivo foi conduzido utilizando-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados, com doze cultivares e três repetições. A análise de variância conjunta demonstrou valores de F significativos (pWe evaluated the interaction genotype x environment of twelve genotypes of lettuce (Babá de Verão, Karla, Nacional, Elisa, Simpson, Hortência, Verônica, Grand Rapids, Laidy, Tainá, Lucy Brown and Raider, cultivated under greenhouse, low tunnel, low tunnel covered with black plastic screen, floating row cover (light-weight woven and open field. All these treatments were conducted with and without mulching with ten treatments in total. The experiments were conducted in two different periods (August to November, 2001 and March to June, 2002. Each experiment (growth environment was conducted using randomized blocks and three replicates. The measured variables were dry matter, volume and number of leaves. The value of F was significant (p<0,01 for the interaction genotype x environment. For the planting period from August to November/2001, the best results were obtained with the butterhead cultivars (Babá de Verão, Karla, Nacional, Elisa, cultivated under greenhouse with mulching, low tunnel without mulching and field without mulching. All cultivars had the worst performance when cultivated under tunnel with black plastic screen with or
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Giovani Greigh de Brito
Full Text Available A broca-das-cucurbitáceas (Diaphania nitidalis é uma praga de grande importância em diversas culturas, principalmente do pepineiro. Esta espécie pode apresentar preferência em relação a determinadas cultivares quanto à sua alimentação e até mesmo oviposição. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a ocorrência desta praga em frutos de seis cultivares de pepineiro, em ambiente protegido. As cultivares Patton, Victoria, Premier, Vlaspik e Napoleon apresentaram, respectivamente, 50%, 43,75%, 37,50%, 34,37% e 25,87% dos frutos brocados. A cultivar Marinda apresentou resultado promissor, com apenas 10,37% dos frutos com presença de larvas de D. nitidalis.The pickleworm (Diaphania nitidalis is a major pest on different crops, particulary on cucumber. This species has shown a preference for determined cultivars to its feeding and oviposition habits. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurence of D. nitidalis larvae in fruits of six cucumber cultivars in greenhouse. The cultivars Patton, Victoria, Premier, Vlaspik and Napoleon showed, respectively, 50%, 43.75%, 37.50%, 34.37% and 25.87% of bored fruits. Promising results were obtained with the cultivar Marinda, which showed only 10.37% of bored fruits.
Yeddes, Nizar; Chérif, Jamila K.; Guyot, Sylvain; Sotin, Hélène; Ayadi, Malika T.
The antioxidant activity and the chemical composition of methanol extracts from peel and pulp belonging to two species of Tunisian prickly pears Opuntia ficus indica (spiny and thornless forms) and Opuntia stricta have been studied. The antioxidant capacity was measured by DPPH radical scavenging activity. The total phenolic compound (TPC) and the total flavonoid content were determined by the Folin–Ciocalteu method and colorimetric method, respectively. The phenolic compounds were identified and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with an electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The results showed that O. stricta fruits present the best antioxidant activities than the two forms of O. ficus indica, while the TPC was more important in O. ficus indica than in the O. stricta fruits. The peels have higher flavonoids than pulp, and the thornless variety has more flavonoid than the spiny. The RP-HPLC and ESI-MS analysis detected two classes of phenolic compounds and betalain pigments. Isorhamnetin derivatives are the dominant flavonol glycoside identified in O. ficus indica (spiny: 65.25 μg·g−1; thornless: 77.03 μg·g−1) and O. stricta peels (19.22 μg·g−1). PMID:26787622
Germination of several groundnut cultivars in relation to incidence of ...
African Journals Online (AJOL)
This experiment is concerned with the germination of nine cultivars of groundnut grown in Nigeria in relation to incidence of fungi. The cultivars were NHK 5V8, NUTII 288, Samnut 10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24 and MK 373. Germination potential was assessed after 10 days of planting in petri-dishes. Parameters such as seedling ...
Evaluation of Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Zanjan Region
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sanaz molaie
Full Text Available Introduction Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L. has special position in Iran fruit culture industry. In terms of cultivation and producing, Iran is one of the major countries in the world but in terms of export Iran is ranked 23. For this reason, research on necessities of fruit culture industries and access to new cultivars by breeding project is required. Obviously, paying attention to quality and quantity of products and using of local germplasm that known completely, played a significant role in this project. Apricot with genomic feature 2n=16, has extensive diversity due to sexual propagation and cultivation in different areas. Central Asia and Caucasian groups of apricot that involving Iranian and Turkish cultivars, have greatest phenotypic variations, while European group including cultivars that cultivated in North America, Australia and South Africa have the lowest diversity. Climate adaptation, increasing of fruits quality, self-compatibility and resistance to diseases are the most important goals of apricot breeding. Of course, the quality of fruits depends on sugar and acid balance and special aroma. One of the important targets of apricot breeding is introduce and develop of cultivars that can be cultivated in extensive areas. Target of recent study is primary evaluating of morphological and pomological traits of some cultivar and genotypes of apricot grown in Zanjan province. In order to introduce the cultivars that produces fruit with high quality and complete scientific researches to selection of ideal cultivars in this region for future. Method and material: This research carried out on four cultivars (Badami, Daneshkadeh, Shekarpareh, Shahroodi and two genotypes (C and D and was conducted in a completely randomize design with three replications. Evaluating of tree, branch, leaf, flower and some fruit traits performed based on existing descriptor. For determining some important pomological traits, fruits harvested in commercial time
DEFF Research Database (Denmark)
Lindedam, Jane; Andersen, Sven Bode; DeMartini, J.
Optimizing cellulosic ethanol yield depends strongly on understanding the biological variation of feedstocks. Our objective was to study variation in capacity for producing fermentable sugars from straw of winter wheat cultivars with a high-throughput pretreatment and hydrolysis well......-plate technique. This technique enabled us to estimate cultivar-related and environmental correlations between sugar yield, chemical composition, agronomic qualities, and distribution of botanical plant parts of wheat straw cultivars. Straws from 20 cultivars were collected in duplicates on two sites in Denmark....... Following hydrothermal pretreatment (180 °C for 17.6 min) and co-hydrolysis, sugar release and sugar conversion were measured. Up to 26% difference in sugar release between cultivars was observed. Sugar release showed negative cultivar correlation with lignin and ash content, whereas sugar release showed...
Adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars for grain yield and seed quality.
Silva, K B; Bruzi, A T; Zambiazzi, E V; Soares, I O; Pereira, J L A R; Carvalho, M L M
This study aimed at verifying the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars, considering the grain yield and quality of seeds, adopting univariate and multivariate approaches. The experiments were conducted in two crops, three environments, in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 crop seasons, in the county of Inconfidentes, Lavras, and Patos de Minas, in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. We evaluated 17 commercial soybean cultivars. For adaptability and stability evaluations, the Graphic and GGE biplot methods were employed. Previously, a selection index was estimated based on the sum of the standardized variables (Z index). The data relative to grain yield, mass of one thousand grain, uniformity test (sieve retention), and germination test were standardized (Z ij ) per cultivar. With the sum of Z ij , we obtained the selection index for the four traits evaluated together. In the Graphic method evaluation, cultivars NA 7200 RR and CD 2737 RR presented the highest values for selection index Z. By the GGE biplot method, we verified that cultivar NA 7200 RR presented greater stability in both univariate evaluations, for grain yield, and for selection index Z.
Accumulation of Carotenoids and Metabolic Profiling in Different Cultivars of Tagetes Flowers
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Yun Ji Park
Full Text Available Species of Tagetes, which belong to the family Asteraceae show different characteristics including, bloom size, shape, and color; plant size; and leaf shape. In this study, we determined the differences in primary metabolites and carotenoid yields among six cultivars from two Tagetes species, T. erecta and T. patula. In total, we detected seven carotenoids in the examined cultivars: violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, α-carotene, β-carotene, 9-cis-β-carotene, and 13-cis-β-carotene. In all the cultivars, lutein was the most abundant carotenoid. Furthermore, the contents of each carotenoid in flowers varied depending on the cultivar. Principal component analysis (PCA facilitated metabolic discrimination between Tagetes cultivars, with the exception of Inca Yellow and Discovery Orange. Moreover, PCA and orthogonal projection to latent structure-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA results provided a clear discrimination between T. erecta and T. patula. Primary metabolites, including xylose, citric acid, valine, glycine, and galactose were the main components facilitating separation of the species. Positive relationships were apparent between carbon-rich metabolites, including those of the TCA cycle and sugar metabolism, and carotenoids.
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Miranda Diego
Full Text Available Con el fin de determinar la importancia de dos sustancias promotoras de la inducción floral en el cultivo del mango, durante el semestre 1994B y 1995A, se estableció un experimento en el Centro de Investigaciones Corpoica Nataima, ubicado en el departamento del Tolima a 420 msnm, con precipitación promedia de 1300 mm y temperatura de 28 oc. Las sustancias evaluadas fueron Paclobutrazol (PBZ, del
25% de i.a. en dosis de 32 mL por litro de agua y el Nitrato de Potasio (KNO en concentración del 2%, aplicados solos o en mezcla, con 2 formas de aplicación, foliar y en "Drench" al suelo. Los cultivares evaluados fueron Vandyke, Haden y Kent de cinco años de edad. Se utilizó un diseño de parcelas subdivididas. La respuesta de los cultivares al efecto del tratamiento con los inductores, se manifestó en la reducción del crecimiento vegetativo que fue visible hasta la etapa de diferenciación floral, siendo el cultivar Kent el de mejor respuesta, 5,1 cm de longitud, el Haden 11,0cm y finalmente el Vandyke con 15,0 cm. Existieron diferencias significativas entre los cultivares en el número de hojas producidas
por cada flujo, siendo mayor el cultivar Vandyke (18 hojas,
Haden (13 y Kent con 7 hojas en promedio. El mayor número de panículas lo produjo Vandyke 199 racimos florales, comparado con Kent 24 y con Haden 33. Existió una interacción significativa entre los cultivares y la forma de aplicación del inductor en lo que respecto al número de racimos florales producidos, lográndose el mayor número 31% más racimos florales cuando la aplicación se hizo
en forma foliar comparado con la aplicación en solución al suelo. En el número de frutos producidos por cada cultivar, el mayor número de frutos lo produjo el cultivar Vandyke (192 frutos, Haden (29 frutos y (16 frutos para Kent. En el número final de frutos retenidos, también presentó diferencias significativas entre cultivares, encontrándose que en promedio
Srain Yield Stability of some Bread Wheat Cultivars Introduced in Moderate and Cold Area of Iran
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Alireza Tarinejad
Full Text Available Due to genotype×environmental interaction, seed yields of genotypes are usually evaluated in broad range of environmental conditions to obtain efficient information concering cultivar selection and introduction. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted based on RCBD with three replications, using 20 bread wheat cultivars to study seed yield stability of cultivars introduced during the past several years to cold, and moderate areas of Iran. This experiment was carried out at the Agriculture Research Station of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch during 2009-2012, for 4 years. Because of significant genotype×environmental interaction, stability analysis was performed by all possible methods to obtain stable and high potential cultivars. The result of stability analysis showed non parametric, AMMI, GGE biplot and simultaneous selection stability methods introduce lower, high, and higher yielding cultivars to be stable. On basis of all stability methods, Bahar (spring type introduced in 2008, Mahdavi (facultative type released in 1995, and Azadi cultivar (winter type introduced in 1989 respectively with 7.27, 7.13 and 6.88 (t/ha grain yield were stable and were highly potential cultivars among other cultivars. These cultivars could be introduced to researchers as stable cultivars to be used as parental ones in breeding programs for production of highly stable and seed yielding lines.
IPR 118 - Bread wheat cultivar
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Carlos Roberto Riede
Full Text Available Wheat cultivar IPR 118 developed by IAPAR has a good yield potential and is widely adapted. It is earlymaturing and moderately tolerant to shattering and soil aluminum, moderately resistant to leaf rust and presents high glutenstrength for bread-making. The overall yield exceeded controls by 13%.
Amount of Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Petiole of Some Iranian and Imported Grape Cultivars
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H. Doulati Baneh
Full Text Available Introduction: Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. is one of the oldest and most important perennial crops in the world. Several native grapevine genotypes, highly appreciated for their organoleptic characteristics and commercial potential are still cultivated in Iran. Developing viticulture requires the conservation of autochthonous varieties that have evolved several mechanisms enabling them to cope with the local bioclimatic and edaphic conditions. Nutrition is a key component of vineyard management that has the potential to influence various factors in vine production that includes fruit set and quality. To develop suitable nutrient plant growers need to have an understanding of the factors such as cultivars, rootstocks, soil type, irrigation type and nutrients that they are applying in the vineyard. The uptake of nutrients from the soil depends on different factors namely; their soluble content in it, soil pH, plant growth stage, plant genetics and types of soil and fertilizers. Plant species have a variety of capacities in removing and accumulating elements. Vigorous genotypes are more capable of finding the necessary nutrients from the surrounding soil environment. This indicates that it does not require as much nutrient as poor vigor genotypes. So, for sustainable viticulture, it is important to know the interactive influences of cultivars, soil characters, climatic conditions, and irrigation type on vine productivity. Materials and Methods: To evaluate and compare the amount of macronutrient elements (N, P, K, Mg and Ca and micronutrient elements (B, Zn and Mn in petiole of some Iranian grapevine cultivars including Bidanesefid Qazvin- Peikany Kashmar- Khalili Shiraz-Rasha and four foreign cultivars Thompson seedless, Flame seedless, Perlette and Black seedless,This study was carried out as –randomized complete blocks design -with-four replications in the Kahriz Horticulture Research station -.A total of 30 adult leaves per cultivar were
Nutrition mediates the expression of cultivar-farmer conflict in a fungus-growing ant.
Shik, Jonathan Z; Gomez, Ernesto B; Kooij, Pepijn W; Santos, Juan C; Wcislo, William T; Boomsma, Jacobus J
Attine ants evolved farming 55-60 My before humans. Although evolutionarily derived leafcutter ants achieved industrial-scale farming, extant species from basal attine genera continue to farm loosely domesticated fungal cultivars capable of pursuing independent reproductive interests. We used feeding experiments with the basal attine Mycocepurus smithii to test whether reproductive allocation conflicts between farmers and cultivars constrain crop yield, possibly explaining why their mutualism has remained limited in scale and productivity. Stoichiometric and geometric framework approaches showed that carbohydrate-rich substrates maximize growth of both edible hyphae and inedible mushrooms, but that modest protein provisioning can suppress mushroom formation. Worker foraging was consistent with maximizing long-term cultivar performance: ant farmers could neither increase carbohydrate provisioning without cultivars allocating the excess toward mushroom production, nor increase protein provisioning without compromising somatic cultivar growth. Our results confirm that phylogenetically basal attine farming has been very successful over evolutionary time, but that unresolved host-symbiont conflict may have precluded these wild-type symbioses from rising to ecological dominance. That status was achieved by the evolutionarily derived leafcutter ants following full domestication of a coevolving cultivar 30-35 Mya after the first attine ants committed to farming.
A Comparison of Flavor Differences between Pecan Cultivars in Raw and Roasted Forms.
Magnuson, Shelby M; Kelly, Brendan; Koppel, Kadri; Reid, William
The objective of this research was to explore sensory differences among 8 different pecan cultivars ("Pawnee," "Witte," "Kanza," "Major," "Lakota," "Giles," "Maramec," "Chetopa") in raw and roasted forms. The cultivars were collected from 2 growing seasons (2013 and 2014) and evaluated separately. Trained panelists evaluated each cultivar from each season in raw and roasted forms, measuring intensities of 20 flavor attributes using descriptive analysis. The intensities of 10 of the 20 flavor attributes were higher for the roasted pecans across all cultivars. These included pecan ID, overall nutty, nutty-woody, nutty-grainlike, nutty-buttery, brown, caramelized, roasted, overall sweet, and sweet. The cultivars exhibited significant differences from one another for 8 attributes: pecan ID, nutty-buttery, caramelized, acrid, woody, oily, astringent, and bitter. Each of the cultivars displayed unique flavor profiles with some demonstrating extremes of certain attributes, for example the high astringency of "Lakota" or the buttery characteristics of "Pawnee." These results may help pecan growers and pecan product manufacturers understand flavor differences between different varieties of pecans, both in raw and roasted states, and the changes that occur during this process. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
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Bruna Magda Favetti
Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate the development, survival and reproductive capacity of Spodoptera eridania in four soybean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory, in a climatic chamber at 25 °C ± 1 °C, 70 ± 10% relative humidity and 12 h photophase. The cultivars used were: FMT Tabarana, BRS/MT Pintado, FMT Tucunaré and Monsoy 8757, all conventional cultivars with medium cycles. All cultivars tested allowed the development of S. eridania. However, Monsoy 8757 was the cultivar that most affected the prolonged in the duration larval, pupal and total cycle, showed lower pupal weight as well as reduction in the intrinsic rate increase. These results contribute to the management of this species in regions of outbreaks in soybean areas.
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Full Text Available A BRS 151 L-7 é uma nova cultivar de amendoim, de sementes de coloração vermelha, de forma oblonga, desenvolvida pela Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão (CNPA, e destinada ao consumo in natura e à indústria de alimentos. A cultivar é de porte ereto, resultante do cruzamento entre a cultivar produtiva IAC-Tupã (tipo Valência e a cultivar Senegal 55-437 (tipo Spanish, de ciclo curto. Em ensaios regionais realizados em 27 municípios de quatro estados da Região Nordeste, a cultivar apresentou grande potencial para produtividade de sementes, ciclo vegetativo de 87 dias, tolerância ao estresse hídrico, e grande adaptação ao cultivo em clima semi-árido. Sua produtividade média de vagens em condições experimentais é de 1.850 kg ha-1 em cultivo de sequeiro, e 4.500 kg ha-1 em condições irrigadas, o que corresponde a uma elevação na ordem de 12% e 38%, respectivamente, com relação à produtividade da cultivar tradicional Tatu. No aspecto nutricional, a cultivar BRS 151 L-7 tem baixo teor de óleo (46%, e sua farinha desengordurada contém 55% de proteína; entre os aminoácidos essenciais, é limitante apenas no teor de lisina, em comparação com o padrão da FAO/85.BRS 151 L-7 is a new large seeded and red testa color peanut cultivar, developed by Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão and destined to in natura consumption and food industry. This cultivar is an erect type plant, and was obtained by hybridization between a high yield Valência genotype (IAC-Tupã and a short-season cultivar from Senegal 55-437 (Spanish. In 27 regional yield trials, where evaluation is made under different agroecological conditions in four states of the Brazilian Northeast, BRS 151 L-7 showed high seed yield potential, short cycle (87 days, tolerance to drought and adaptation to semi-arid environment. The average pod yield in the rainy season was about 1.85 ton ha-1 and in irrigated conditions it was 4.50 ton ha-1, which
Cultivares e estádios de Colheita no Rendimento Forrageiro da Soja
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Pedro Milanez de Rezende
Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar a influência do estádio de colheita sobre a produção e a qualidade do feno de duas cultivares de soja foi conduzido ensaio em Lavras, MG, no ano agrícola 2001/02. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, com três repetições, compreendendo duas cultivares (Conquista e Monsoy 8400 e cinco estádios de corte (R2, R3, R4, R5 e R6. As cultivares afetaram apenas o rendimento de proteína do feno. Os maiores rendimentos de matéria seca, feno e proteínas foram obtidos com os cortes nos estádios R4, R5 e R6. Quanto ao rendimento de proteína bruta, verificou-se queda após o corte em R5. Esta redução, provavelmente, associada a efeito de estresse hídrico e ou diluição da proteína na matéria seca. O estádio de desenvolvimento R4 apresentou a melhor opção de corte para fenação, independentemente da cultivar. A cultivar Monsoy 8400 apresentou maior rendimento de proteína bruta que a cultivar Conquista.
Nybom, Hilde; Cervin-Hoberg, Charlotte; Andersson, Morgan
We analyzed the hypoallergenic potential of a recently bred apple selection with unusually low content of Mal d 1, using an oral challenge model with three additional apple cultivars for comparison. Sixty-six birch pollen-allergic individuals with a history of oral allergy syndrome after apple intake were subjected to a double-blind oral provocation with two apple cultivars (B:0654 and 'Discovery'). Thirteen also tested two other apple cultivars ('Ingrid Marie' and 'Gloster'). Three doses were given consecutively, 30 min apart: 10 g without peel, and 10 and 50 g with peel. A final assessment was conducted 30 min after the last intake. Oral symptoms were graded from 0 to 5. Total oral symptom score (TOS) included all scores for each cultivar at all time points. B:0654 induced significantly higher TOS than 'Discovery' when tested by 66 individuals, in spite of its lower Mal d 1 content. TOS values were higher in females and increased with increasing age of the individuals when challenged with 'Discovery'. Among the 13 individuals who tested all four cultivars, B:0654 produced a higher score after the second dose compared to 'Ingrid Marie'. This was also the case after the third dose compared to 'Ingrid Marie' and 'Gloster', and again 30 min after the last intake compared to each of the other three cultivars, as well as a higher TOS compared to each of the other three cultivars (all p safe and well tolerated, and produced significant differences among the apple cultivars. Contrary to expectations, B:0654 was less well tolerated than the other three cultivars. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
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Susana Queiroz Santos Mello
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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características agronômicas de quatro cultivares de sorgo forrageiros, submetidas a três doses de nitrogênio, em solo classificado como Latossolo vermelho distrófico argiloso. Utilizou-se o delineamento blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4x3. As cultivares foram os híbridos CMSXS 762, BRS 610, BR 700 e a variedade BR 506, com três doses de nitrogênio: 50 kg.ha-1, 75 kg.ha-1 e 100 kg.ha-1. A produção de matéria natural, com média geral de 59,31 t.ha-1, diferiu entre as cultivares (teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, porém, não diferiu em função das doses de nitrogênio. A produção de massa seca, com média de 15,17 t.ha-1, não diferiu entre as cultivares, nem entre as doses de N. Já os teores de matéria seca e as porcentagens de panícula e de colmo na matéria natural diferiram tanto entre as cultivares como em função das doses. A altura das plantas, com média geral de 2,39 m, e o teor de matéria seca do colmo diferiram somente entre as cultivares. As cultivares BR 700 e CMSXS 762 apresentaram uma melhor relação entre panícula/colmo/folha e uma maior porcentagem de panícula. E, à medida que se aumentou a dose de nitrogênio, verificou-se maior participação de panícula, com redução na percentagem de colmo.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Sorgo; adubação nitrogenada; avaliação agronômica.
The objective of this study was to evaluate characteristics of four forage sorghum cultivars at three levels of nitrogen fertilizer in an Oxisoil. A randomized complete block design in a 4x3 factorial scheme (CMSXS 762, BRS 610, BR 700 and BR 506 hybrid cultivars combined with 50 kg.ha-1, 75 kg.ha-1 and 100 kg.ha-1 nitrogen levels. A Tukey
Huang, Chongyang; Zhou, Qi; Gao, Shan; Bao, Qingjia; Chen, Fang; Liu, Chaoyang
Different ginger cultivars may contain different nutritional and medicinal values. In this study, a time-domain nuclear magnetic resonance method was employed to study water dynamics in different ginger cultivars. Significant differences in transverse relaxation time T2 values assigned to the distribution of water in different parts of the plant were observed between Henan ginger and four other ginger cultivars. Ion concentration and metabolic analysis showed similar differences in Mn ion concentrations and organic solutes among the different ginger cultivars, respectively. On the basis of Pearson's correlation analysis, many organic solutes and 6-gingerol, the main active substance of ginger, exhibited significant correlations with water distribution as determined by NMR T2 relaxation, suggesting that the organic solute differences may impact water distribution. Our work demonstrates that low-field NMR relaxometry provides useful information about water dynamics in different ginger cultivars as affected by the presence of different organic solutes.
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Valdir Diola
Full Text Available The understanding of both the reproductive biology and the regulation of the sexual expression of cucumber flowers (Cucumis sativus makes crop management easier and can improve fruit yield and quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological answer of cucumber floral verticils to the application of IBA. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in completely randomized blocks, with four replications of 4-plant plots, and treatments applied to a 5 x 2 factorial (0, 50, 100, 200, and 500 µmol of IBA, and two cultivars: Wisconsin MR28, gynoecious, and Caipira, monoecious. Cultivar Wisconsin MR28 produced in average 7,636 pollen grains (PG per flower, with a positive linear response to the increase in IBA concentration. Instead, in cultivar Caipira (5,160 PG all IBA concentrations reduced PG production. Cultivars did not differ from each other in relation to PG viability (average in vitrogermination of 75.4 and 79.9% to cultivars Wisconsin MR28 and Caipira, respectively and in both PG viability increased linearly with the increase in AIB concentration. Cultivars Wisconsin MR28 and Caipira presented in average 71.6 and 70.6 seeds per fruit respectively, and responded with an increase in seed number and improvement in fruit general aspect to the rise in IBA concentration. The ratio male:female flowers was significantly different between cultivars (4.2:1 and 3.5:1, respectively to cultivars Wisconsin MR28 and Caipira and responded in a distinct way to IBA concentrations. While in cultivar Caipira, IBA concentrations near to 100 µmol increased the number of male flowers; in cultivar Wisconsin MR28 the same IBA concentration reduced it. The two cultivars had a similar number of female flowers. However, whereas it remained relatively stable in cultivar Caipira in spite of the increase in IBA concentration, there was an increase in the number of female flowers in cultivar Wisconsin MR28, as a result of the rise in IBA
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Mauro Nóbrega da Costa
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a divergência genética entre acessos e cultivares de mamoneira (Ricinus communis L. e utilizá-la como critério na escolha de genitores que viabilizem, a partir de hibridações, a formação de populações segregantes. Os tratamentos foram representados pelos acessos BRA 4871, BRA 2968, BRA 5550 e BRA 7722 Papo-de-gia, e as cultivares BRS 188 Paraguaçu, BRS 149 Nordestina, IAC-80, Mirante-10 e Pernambucana Melhorada. As características analisadas foram: início do florescimento (FR, número de racemos por planta (NRP, comprimento efetivo do racemo primário (CR, altura de planta (AP, potencial produtivo (PP e teor de óleo nas sementes (TO. A divergência genética foi estimada por meio de estatística multivariada, com base em variáveis canônicas e análise de agrupamento, tendo-se empregado a distância euclidiana média. Houve a formação de dois grupos: o grupo I formado por oito genótipos e o grupo II por apenas um genótipo, a cultivar Mirante-10. Apesar de a cultivar Mirante-10 ter sido a mais divergente, não deve ser recomendada para hibridação, por sua baixa média de desempenho. As demais cultivares também apresentam restrições para hibridação, por serem bastante similares. As variáveis que mais contribuíram para a divergência genética foram FR, AP, TO e CR.This work aimed to evaluate genetic divergence among castor bean (Ricinus communis L. cultivars, in order to enable the choice of parents which make the formation of segregating populations possible. Accesses BRA 4871, BRA 2968, BRA 5550 and BRA 7722 Papo-de-gia, and cultivars BRS 188 Paraguaçu, BRS 149 Nordestina, IAC-80, Mirante-10 and Pernambucana Melhorada were evaluated. Characteristics analyzed were: days to flowering, number of racemes per plant, length of pistillate region of main raceme, plant height, potential yield, and seed oil content. The genetic divergence among accesses and cultivars was studied by
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Full Text Available La caracterización de cultivares de duraznero (Prunus persica (L Batsch se hace por medio de la descripción de caracteres agronómicos y morfológicos codificados por organizaciones internacionales, los cuales están fuertemente influenciados por el ambiente. Se han buscado métodos alternativos de caracterización y las isoenzimas han sido utilizadas por su independencia de las condiciones del ambiente, además de identificar individuos en etapas tempranas de su desarrollo. El objetivo del presente estudio es caracterizar cultivares de duraznero mediante el análisis isoenzimático de catecol oxidasas, fosfatasas ácidas, esterazas y peroxidazos en extractos de hojas. Los cultivares de duraznero analizados presentaron bajo polimorfismo isoenzimático, las esterazas caracterizaron diez cultivares, las catecol oxidasas un cultivar agrupándose el resto en cinco modelos, las fosfatasas ácidas caracterizaron dos cultivares agrupándose los otros en siete modelos y las peroxidazos formaron tres grupos. Ello puede explicarse ya que el duraznero es una especie autofértil y presenta una base genética muy reducida. Los evidentes límites discriminatorios de este tipo de análisis hacen que su aporte sea sólo complementario a los métodos de los caracteres agronómicos y morfológicos.Characterization of peach cultivars (Prunus persica (L Batsh was made by description of agronomical and morphological characters codified from international organizations, which are strongly affected by environmental conditions. Alternative methods of characterization have been searched, and isoenzymes have been used as independent of environmental conditions in addition to identify some individuals in early stages of development. The goal of this study is the peach cultivars characterization by isoenzymatic analysis of catecol oxidases, acid phosphatases, esterases and peroxidases within the leaf extracts. The peach cultivars analyzed have showed low isoenzymatic
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B. Budiman
Full Text Available An experiment was conducted to determine Total Non-structural carbohydrates (TNC of threecultivars of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum harvested at vegetative and reproductive phases. Thecultivars tested were Taiwan (Gt, King (Gk and Mott (Gm and arranged in a 3 x 2 of treatments withfour replicates following nested design. The results showed that the highest sugar content (P<0.01 wasfound in Gt cultivar and the lowest was in Gm cultivar. The highest starch content (P<0.01 was found inGk cultivar and the lowest was in Gt cultivar. TNC content of Gt and Gk cultivars were not significantlydifferent, but both were significantly higher (P<0.01 compared with the Gm cultivar. It can beconcluded, that there were differences in TNC between cultivars, however, the TNC content in Gkcultivar was not different with Gt cultivar, while Gm cultivar have the lowest (P<0.01 TNC content. Atreproductive phase all cultivars have higher (P<0.01 TNC and starch content than at vegetative phase
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P. Setyanto
Full Text Available Rice plants have been reported to affect methane (CH4 emission from rice fields. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of rice cultivars on CH4 emission from flooded rice and to develop crop management strategies with low emitting rice cultivars while sustaining high yield. The four rice cultivars studied were Memberamo, Cisadane, IR64, and Way Apoburu. The CH4 emissions were determined in the wet season of 2001/2002 (November-February using an automated closed chamber technique in an irrigated field condition. Farmyard manure at the rate of 5 t ha-1 was given to the plots to ensure carbon was not limited. Root weight, root length, biomass, and number of tillers were determined at 17, 36, and 57 days after transplanting (DAT. The results showed that the mean CH4 emission was highest in the plot planted with Cisadane (94.8 kg CH4 ha-1, and the lowest with IR64 (37.7 kg CH4 ha-1. The plots treated with emberamo and Way Apoburu resulted an intermediate CH4 emission at the average of 61.1 and 58.9 kg CH4 ha-1, respectively. There was no significant difference in yield between the cultivars tested. The yield of Memberamo, Cisadane, IR64, and Way Apoburu were 5.882, 5.764, 5.873 and 6.065 t ha-1, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences in the root weight and root length among cultivars. However, Cisadane gave the highest dry matter weight (222 g hill-1 at 57 DAT compared to the other cultivars (175-190 g hill-1. Plant tillers did not show significant differences between the cultivars. Regression analysis showed that CH4 flux was significantly related with root weight, root length, aboveground biomass, and number of plant tillers. This finding shows that the use of selected cultivars, such as IR64, can potentially lower CH4 emission without scarifying yield.
Diversidade genética entre cultivares de mangueiras, baseada em caracteres de qualidade dos frutos
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Danielle Fabíola Pereira da Silva
Full Text Available A mangueira é uma das fruteiras mais importantes do Brasil. Apesar de existirem muitos cultivares, o cultivo tem sido realizado basicamente com o cultivar 'Tommy Atkins' e existem poucos trabalhos sobre caracterização e análise da diversidade genética dos genótipos disponíveis. Por isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a diversidade genética de 15 cultivares de mangueiras, produzidos na Zona da Mata Mineira, sendo oito brasileiros e sete oriundos da Flórida (EUA. Para isto, frutos maduros dos 15 cultivares foram colhidos e analisados química e fisicamente. Os cultivares que se apresentaram mais similares foram 'Kent' e 'Palmer'. O cultivar 'Extrema' não se agrupou com os outros pelo método de agrupamento UPGMA, e, por esta análise houve a separação dos cultivares brasileiros e norte-americanos. Quanto às características químicas, a técnica de componentes principais não agrupou os cultivares 'Extrema' e 'Tommy Atkins' com os demais; já quanto às características físicas, observou-se a mesma separação obtida pelo agrupamento UPGMA, com exceção do cultivar 'Extrema' que, neste caso, agrupou-se com os demais cultivares. Observou-se correlação entre a coloração da polpa, o ângulo hue e o teor de açúcares solúveis totais e entre a coloração da casca, o índice b* e a percentagem de casca e polpa.
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José Henrique Conti
Full Text Available Caracteres moleculares do morango foram avaliados para conhecer cultivares que estão sendo introduzidas no Brasil. Utilizou-se o método do polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso (RAPD. Os caracteres moleculares com maior poder de discriminação foram os "marcadores" gerados pelos "primers" Operon B8, Operon B19 e Operon G5, que foram eficientes para discriminar as vinte e seis cultivares estudadas. Os dados foram interpretados com o auxílio de dendograma, mapa de bandas, quadro de identificação e chave dicotômica. Foi possível distinguir seis grupos de similaridade, dois deles com cultivares selecionadas no Brasil, sendo um com 'Campinas', 'Agf 80', 'Piedade', 'Jundiaí' e 'Monte Alegre' e o outro com 'Obaira' e 'Mantiqueira'; três grupos com cultivares introduzidas, sendo o primeiro com 'Lassen', 'Reiko', 'Chandler', 'Pajaro', 'Blackmore' e 'Seascape', o segundo com 'Fern' e 'Oso Grande' e o terceiro com 'Florida Belle' e 'Selva' O último grupo reuniu as cultivares 'Dover' e 'Dabreak' junto com 'Princesa Isabel'.Strawberry cultivars introduced in Brazil were identified through molecular study. The method of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD was used. Molecular characters with larger discrimination power were produced by the primers Operon B8, Operon B19 and Operon G5. These were efficient to discriminate the twenty six studied cultivars. Data were analised through dendogram, bandmap, picture and dicotomic key. Six similarity groups were distinguished: Two with cultivars selected in Brazil, one with 'Campinas', 'Agf 80', 'Piedade', 'Jundiaí' and 'Monte Alegre' and the other with 'Obaira' and 'Mantiqueira'; three with introduced cultivars the first of which 'Lassen', 'Reiko', 'Chandler', 'Pajaro', 'Blackmore' and 'Seascape', the second with 'Fern' and 'Oso Grande' and the third with 'Florida Belle' and 'Selva'. The last group united the cultivars 'Dover' and 'Dabreak' with 'Princesa Isabel'.
Ji, Hyang-Gi; Lee, Yeong-Ran; Lee, Min-Seuk; Hwang, Kyeong Hwan; Kim, Eun-Hee; Park, Jun Seong; Hong, Young-Shick
Recently, we selected three tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivars that are rich in taste, epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) and epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate (EGCG3″Me) and then cultivated them through asexual propagation by cutting in the same region. In the present study, proton nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H NMR)-based metabolomics was applied to characterize the metabotype and to understand the metabolic mechanism of these tea cultivars including wild type tea. Of the tea leaf metabolite variations, reverse associations of amino acid metabolism with catechin compound metabolism were found in the rich-taste, and EGCG- and EGCG3″Me-rich tea cultivars. Indeed, the metabolism of individual catechin compounds in the EGCG3″Me-rich cultivar differed from those of other tea cultivars. The current study highlights the distinct metabolism of various tea cultivars newly selected for cultivation and the important role of metabolomics in understanding the metabolic mechanism. Thus, comprehensive metabotyping is a useful method to assess and then develop a new plant cultivar. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Grandison, G S; Cooper, K M
The interaction between vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) was investigated using both nematode-susceptible (Grasslands Wairau) and nematode-resistant (Nevada Synthetic XX) cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) at four levels of applied phosphate. Mycorrhizal inoculation improved plant growth and reduced nematode numbers and adult development in roots in dually infected cultures of the susceptible cultivar. The tolerance of plants to nematode infection and development when preinfected with mycorrhizal fungi was no greater than when they were inoculated with nematodes and mycorrhizal fungi simultaneously. Growth of plants of the resistant cultivar was unaffected by nematode inoculation but was improved by mycorrhizal inoculation. Numbers of nematode juveniles were lower in the roots of the resistant than of the susceptible cultivar and were further reduced by mycorrhizal inoculation, although no adult nematodes developed in any resistant cultivar treatment. Inoculation of alfalfa with VAM fungi increased the tolerance and resistance of a cultivar susceptible to M. hapla and improved the resistance of a resistant cultivar.
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Oleg Blum
Full Text Available Some modern agrochemicals with antioxidant potential were tested for their protective effect against ozone injury using clover and tobacco ozone-sensitive cultivars as model plants subjected to ambient ozone at two sites (Kyiv city in Ukraine and Szarów village in Poland. All used agrochemicals showed partial protective effects against ozone injury on clover and tobacco. Conducted studies confirmed the effectiveness of modern fungicides belonging to strobilurin group as protectants of sensitive crops against ozone damage. The effectiveness of new growth regulators “Emistym C” and “Agrostymulin” was showed for the first time. Out of the studied agrochemicals, fungicide “Strobi” and natural growth regulator “Emistym C” demonstrated the best protective effects. These agrochemicals present promise for further studies of their possible utilization for enhancement of ozone tolerance of sensitive crops.
Extending the durability of cultivar resistance by limiting epidemic growth rates.
Carolan, Kevin; Helps, Joe; van den Berg, Femke; Bain, Ruairidh; Paveley, Neil; van den Bosch, Frank
Cultivar resistance is an essential part of disease control programmes in many agricultural systems. The use of resistant cultivars applies a selection pressure on pathogen populations for the evolution of virulence, resulting in loss of disease control. Various techniques for the deployment of host resistance genes have been proposed to reduce the selection for virulence, but these are often difficult to apply in practice. We present a general technique to maintain the effectiveness of cultivar resistance. Derived from classical population genetics theory; any factor that reduces the population growth rates of both the virulent and avirulent strains will reduce selection. We model the specific example of fungicide application to reduce the growth rates of virulent and avirulent strains of a pathogen, demonstrating that appropriate use of fungicides reduces selection for virulence, prolonging cultivar resistance. This specific example of chemical control illustrates a general principle for the development of techniques to manage the evolution of virulence by slowing epidemic growth rates. © 2017 The Author(s).
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Eduardo Caierão
Full Text Available BRS 374 is a wheat cultivar developed by Embrapa. It resulted from a cross between the F1 generation of PF 88618/Coker80.33 and Frontana/Karl. BRS 374 belongs to the soft wheat class, has a low plant height, a high potential grain yield, andwhite flour.
Preferência alimentar do bicudo-do-algodoeiro por frutos de diferentes cultivares e idades
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Busoli Antonio Carlos
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a preferência alimentar de adultos do bicudo-do-algodoeiro, Anthonomus grandis Boheman, 1843 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, por duas cultivares de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L. com frutos de diferentes idades. Foram realizados quatro experimentos em laboratório, avaliando-se o número de orifícios de alimentação. Maçãs de 2, 8 e 12 dias de idade, das cultivares IAC-20 e Reba P288, foram oferecidas aos insetos, confinados em recipientes, com opção de escolha quanto à idade e cultivar (primeiro experimento, sem opção de escolha quanto à idade e cultivar (segundo experimento, sem opção de escolha quanto à cultivar e com opção quanto a idade (terceiro experimento e sem opção quanto à idade e com opção de escolha quanto à cultivar (quarto experimento. Observou-se preferência por maçãs da cultivar IAC-20 com dois dias de idade, com uma redução de danos de 23,53% e 78,43%, respectivamente, aos oito e aos doze dias de idade.
Zhi, Yang; He, Kangxin; Sun, Ting; Zhu, Yongqiang; Zhou, Qixing
The selection of cadmium-excluding cultivars has been used to minimize the transfer of cadmium into the human food chain. In this experiment, five Chinese soybean plants were grown in three soils with different concentrations of Cd (0.15, 0.75 and 1.12mg/kg). Variations in uptake, enrichment, and translocation of Cd among these soybean cultivars were studied. The results indicated that the concentration of Cd in seeds that grew at 1.12mg/kg Cd in soils exceeded the permitted maximum levels in soybeans. Therefore, our results indicated that even some soybean cultivars grown on soils with permitted levels of Cd might accumulate higher concentrations of Cd in seeds that are hazardous to human health. The seeds of these five cultivars were further assessed for interactions between Cd and other mineral nutrient elements such as Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn. High Cd concentration in soil was found to inhibit the uptake of Mn. Furthermore, Fe and Zn accumulations were found to be enhanced in the seeds of all of the five soybean cultivars in response to high Cd concentration. Cultivar Tiefeng 31 was found to fit the criteria for a Cd-excluding cultivar under different concentrations of Cd in soils. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Evaluation of fruit leather made from two cultivars of papaya
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Full Text Available Two papaya cultivars were used to manufacture fruit leather. The objective of this study was to formulate papaya leather from locally grown papaya using natural ingredients like pectin, honey and citric acid. The fresh fruits were pureed and mix with natural ingredients, and dried in an oven at 60°C for 12 hours. The physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity were determined.The results showed that fruit leather made from Hongkong cultivar is significantly (P<0.05 higher in sensory parameters as well as physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity. The phenolics content and antioxidant activity increased by process of drying the fruit leather compared to fresh fruits in both papaya cultivars. Therefore, the consumer requirements for healthy and safe food products were respected.
Improved regeneration and transformation protocols for three strawberry cultivars
Zakaria, Hossam; Hussein, Gihan M; Abdel-Hadi, Abdel-Hadi A; Abdallah, Naglaa A
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is an economically important soft fruit crop with polyploid genome which makes the breeding of new cultivars difficult. Simple and efficient method for transformation and regeneration is required for cultivars improvement in strawberry. In the present study, adventitious shoot regeneration has been investigated in three cultivated strawberry plants, i.e., Festival, Sweet Charly and Florida via direct organogenesis using the in vitro juvenile leaves as explants. Explants were collected after sub-culturing on a propagation medium composed of MS supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BA; 0.1 mg/l GA3 and 0.1 mg/l IBA. To select the suitable organogenesis, the explants of the three cultivars were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of TDZ (1, 2, 3, and 4 mg/l), then incubated at a temperature of 22 °C ± 2. Medium containing 2 mg/l TDZ revealed the best regeneration efficiency with the three cultivars (72% for Festival, and 73% for Sweet Charly and Florida). After 4 weeks, the produced shoots were cultured on MS medium with different concentrations of BA and Kin to enhance shoot elongation. Results showed that the medium containing 1.5 mg/l BA and 0.5 mg/l Kin revealed highest elongation efficiency (88% and 94%) for Festival and Sweet Charly, respectively. On the other hand, medium containing 1.5 mg/l BA and 0.1 mg/l Kin showed highest elongation efficiency (90%) in Florida. Elongated shoots were successfully rooted on MS medium containing 1.5 mg/l NAA. Furthermore, transformation of the two cultivars, Festival and Sweet Charly, has been established via Agrobacterium strain LBA44404 containing the plasmid pISV2678 with gus-intron and bar genes. Three days post co-cultivation, GUS activity was screening using the histochemical assay. The results showed 16% and 18% of the tested plant materials has changed into blue color for Festival and Sweet Charly, respectively. Out of 120 explants only 13 shoots were developed on
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S.H.B. Dornelles
Full Text Available Para avaliar a suscetibilidade de biótipos de arroz-vermelho(Oryza sativa e cultivares comerciais de arroz ao herbicida imazethapyr, realizou-se um ensaio em casa de vegetação com cinco biótipos de arroz-vermelho (acessos Santa Maria 5, Pelotas 3, Rio Pardo 1, Manoel Viana 2 e Catuçaba 1, dois cultivares comerciais de arroz: Clearfield® (IRGA 422 CL e Puitá INTA CL e um cultivar convencional (IRGA 417. Utilizou-se a metodologia de curvas de dose-resposta proposta por Seefeldt et al. (1995. A metodologia de curvas de resposta foi gerada a partir dos parâmetros do modelo logístico e dos valores de I50. Os biótipos de arroz-vermelho e os cultivares foram submetidos a seis doses do herbicida imazethapyr (0; 33,12; 66,25; 132,5; 265,0; e 530,0 g i.a. ha-1. As plantas de arroz foram contadas e coletadas no 20º dia após a aplicação dos tratamentos. A análise do percentual de dano foi realizada através de avaliação visual da fitointoxicação (%, massa verde e massa seca das plantas. Analisando as curvas e os resultados da análise da variância, pode-se inferir que os cultivares Clearfield Irga 422 CL e Puitá INTA CL foram significativamente iguais ao biótipo de arroz-vermelho Catuçaba 1, resistindo a doses de imazethapyr superiores à recomendada em campo para o sistema Clearfield®. Os biótipos Manoel Viana 2, Santa Maria 5 e Pelotas 3 agruparam-se com o cultivar convencional IRGA 417, sendo suscetíveis à dose comercial do herbicida. O biótipo Rio Pardo 1 também é resistente ao herbicida imazethapyr, porém menos resistente que o biótipo Catuçaba 1.To evaluate the susceptibility of biotypes of red rice (Oryza sativa and commercial rice cultivars to the herbicide imazethapyr, a greenhouse assay was conducted with five red rice biotypes (accesses Santa Maria 5, Pelotas 3, Rio Pardo 1, 2 and Manoel Viana Catuçaba 1, two commercial rice cultivars: Clearfield ® (Irga CL 422 and CL Puit INTA, and a conventional cultivar (Irga
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H. Doulati Baneh
Full Text Available Introduction: Iron chlorosis is considered to be one of the most important nutritional disorders in grapevines, particularly in calcareous soils that under these conditions fruit yield and quality is depressed in the current year and fruit buds poorly develop for following year. Symptoms of iron chlorosis in orchards and vineyards are usually more frequent in spring when shoot growth is rapid and bicarbonate concentration in the soil solution buffers soil pH in the rhizosphere and root apoplast. Several native grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. genotypes, highly appreciated for their organoleptic characteristics and commercial potential, are widely cultivated in Iran. Cultivated plants differ as to their susceptibility to Fe deficiency in calcareous soils, some being poorly affected while others showing severe leaf chlorotic symptoms. Selection and the use of Fe-efficient genotypes is one of the important approaches to prevent this nutritional problem. In this research the response of three local grapevine cultivars was evaluated to iron chelate consumption in a calcareous soil (26% T.N.V. Materials and Methods: Well rooted woody cuttings of three autochthonous varieties (Rasha, Qezel uzum, Keshmeshi Qermez were cultivated in pots filled with a calcareous soil with iron chelate consumption at three rates (0, 7.5 and 15 mg Fe/ Kg soil. The study was conducted with two factors (cultivar and iron chelate and 3 replicates in a factorial arrangement based on randomized complete block design. Plant parameters including vegetative growth, chlorophyll index and leaf area were monitored during the growth period. At the end of the treatment, fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots were determined. The concentrations of macro and micro elements in the leaves were assayed using an atomic absorption and spectrophotometer. One-way-ANOVA was applied comparing the behavior of the cultivars growing. Results and Discussion: Analysis of variance showed that chlorophyll
Advantageous use of an early Jerusalem artichoke cultivar for the production of ethanol
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Chabbert, N.; Guiraud, J.P.; Arnoux, M.; Galzy, P.
The use of an early maturing Jerusalem artichoke D19 cultivar combined with that of the late maturing Violet de Rennes cultivar would singificantly prolong the harvest season for the production of ethanol from their tuber extracts using yeast strains with inulinase activity. The D19 cultivar shows a low content of highly polymerized inulin (in early October) and is thus very satisfactory as a fermentation substrate. 9 references.
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André Samuel Strassburger
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de cultivares de morangueiro em sistema de cultivo orgânico, observando a influência da posição da planta no canteiro sobre a produção acumulada e a partição de massa seca entre os órgãos aéreos das plantas. O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Clima Temperado, Estação Experimental Cascata, Pelotas, RS. Os tratamentos constaram da combinação de dois fatores experimentais: cultivar ('Albion', 'Aromas', 'Camarosa' e 'Camino Real' e a posição das plantas no canteiro (Central e Bordadura. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos completos casualizados com parcelas divididas e quatro repetições. A cultivar 'Camarosa' apresentou maior produção de massa seca dos órgãos aéreos das plantas (62,3; 27,5 e 88,0g planta-1 para folha, coroa e frutos, respectivamente e, juntamente com a 'Aromas', maior produtividade (64,2 e 59,1Mg ha-1, respectivamente. A cultivar 'Aromas' apresentou a maior contribuição proporcional dos frutos para a composição do total de massa seca da planta (60,6% e o maior índice de colheita (88%. A posição das plantas não influenciou o crescimento e a produtividade, indicando ausência de efeito de bordadura para as cultivares 'Albion', 'Aromas', 'Camarosa' e 'Camino Real'.The aim of this research was to evaluate the growth of strawberry cultivars growing in organic crop system observing the influence of plant position in the bed on accumulated dry matter production and its partitioning among the aboveground plant organs. The experiment was conducted in Embrapa Clima Temperado, Estação Experimental Cascata, Pelotas, RS. The treatments were compose by the combination of two experimental factors: cultivar ('Aromas', 'Albion', 'Camarosa' and 'Camino Real' and plant position in the bed (Central and Border. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with split-plots and four replications. 'Camarosa' cultivar presented highest dry mass
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Leonardo S Boiteux
Full Text Available 'Brasileirinha' é uma cultivar de abóbora (Cucurbita moschata com frutos bicolores que foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de disponibilizar um produto diferenciado devido ao aspecto ornamental e a composição nutricional de seus frutos. Esta cultivar foi selecionada na geração F7, sendo obtida via cruzamentos convencionais entre um acesso de frutos bicolores, provavelmente devido à presença de um alelo do gene B, e a cultivar Mocinha (com frutos imaturos de cor verde uniforme. A característica peculiar da cultivar Brasileirinha é a produção de frutos com casca apresentando uma marcante coloração bicolor (coloração amarela na região proximal e verde na posição distal dos frutos. A polpa apresenta coloração amarela-esverdeada em frutos colhidos imaturos e, à medida que o fruto amadurece, intensifica-se uma coloração alaranjada. Beta-caroteno e luteína são os principais carotenóides presentes em frutos para consumo verde. Em frutos em completo estádio de maturação (polpa laranja intensa verifica-se a acumulação de beta-caroteno e alfa-caroteno (precursores da vitamina A em torno de 243 mg g-1. A cultivar Brasileirinha tem apresentado boa resistência de campo a diferentes raças de oídio (Podosphaera xanthii. Esta cultivar é preferencialmente recomendada para consumo como abobrinha verde (no estádio de fruto imaturo e para fins ornamentais (frutos em todos os estádios. Uma opção é o uso de frutos jovens em conservas. A cultivar Brasileirinha é recomendada para plantio em todas as tradicionais regiões produtoras do país. O sistema de produção para esta cultivar tem sido o mesmo adotado para outros tipos de abóboras.'Brasileirinha' is a squash (Cucurbita moschata cultivar developed by Embrapa Vegetable Crops, with a appealing ornamental appearance and carotenoid composition of its fruits might provide raw material for the development of value-added products targeting new market niches. This cultivar is an F7
Wheat cultivar tolerance to boron deficiency and toxicity in nutrient solution
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Furlani Ângela Maria Cangiani
Full Text Available Field symptoms of open spikelets in wheat were observed in specific cultivars and supposedly related to low B soils and differential B requirement among cultivars. This study aimed to evaluate the response of four wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cultivars, IAC 24, IAC 60, IAC 287 and IAC 289, to increasing B concentrations in nutrient solution. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates and five B concentrations (0.0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8 and 2.0 mg L-1, during 1997/1998, in a greenhouse. Plants were grown to maturity and evaluated for plant height, spike number and length, open spikelet number, grains per spike, plant parts dry matter, B, P, K, Ca and Mg leaf concentrations and total nutrient contents. The visual symptoms of B deficiency consisted of open spikelets, distorted spikes without grains. 'IAC 60' and 'IAC 287' had higher B efficiency, with the highest grain yields in lower B concentrations. The 'IAC 287' and 'IAC 24' were more tolerant to the highest B concentrations. 'IAC 24' required more B for grain production as compared to the other cultivars. The critical leaf B concentration for deficiency was 25 mg kg-1 of dry matter tissue for all cultivars, and for toxicity were: 44 to 45 mg kg-1 for 'IAC 60' and 'IAC 289'; 228 and 318 mg kg-1 for 'IAC 24' and 'IAC 287', respectively. Except for the highest B level in the nutrient solution, the leaf P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations and whole plant contents were in an adequate range in the plants and did not vary among cultivars.
Traditional versus modern apple cultivars – a comparison of juice composition
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Dobrowolska-Iwanek Justyna
Full Text Available Apples are rich in components that are important for human health, such as polyphenols, organic acids and microelements, but their chemical composition varies with different apple cultivars. We aimed to find out if there is any superiority in traditionally grown apple cultivars in terms of their fruits’ bioactive components content. Juice from two traditionally grown apple cultivars, ‘Mutsu’ and ‘Reinette Simirenko’, was compared to eight popular apple cultivars, ‘Jonagold’, ‘Jonagold Decosta’, ‘Jonica’, ‘Šampion’, ‘Gloster’, ‘Elise’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Rubin’, and the results are presented. In the study we determined several major and minor nutrient elements, organic acids, phenolic content as well as the antioxidant activity of apple juice made from different cultivars, both modern and traditionally grown. Antioxidant activity determined as FRAP varied from 1.12 (‘Elise’ to 12.10 (‘Jonagold’ mmol Fe dm-3. The concentration of polyphenols fell between 0.16 (‘Elise’ and 1.30 (‘Jonagold’ mg ml-1 gallic acid equivalent. Malic acid concentration was highest in ‘Reinette Simirenko’ and ‘Mutsu’ (6.58 and 5.84 g dm-3, respectively and lowest for ‘Jonagold’ (3.73 g dm-3. The microelement concentrations for the apple cultivar juices were as follows: 8-24 mg dm-3 for Na, 567-1022 mg dm-3 for K, 26.9-59.4 mg dm-3 for Mg and 0.105-0.201 mg dm-3 for Zn. Statistical analysis confirmed a highly positive correlation between total polyphenols and antioxidant activity (r = 0.98, p = 0.001.
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L. Lázaro
Full Text Available El fósforo (P es uno de los macronutrientes menos disponible en el suelo. Se predijo para los próximos años un incremento en el uso de fertilizantes fosforados debido al crecimiento de la demanda de alimentos. Una de las prácticas que puede contribuir a un uso más sustentable de los fertilizantes fosforados es la selección de cultivares con baja concentración de P en los granos. Para saber si existen diferencias en la concentración de P en los cultivares de trigo utilizados actualmente en la Argentina, se compararon 66 cultivares durante las campañas 2008/09 y 2009/10, en Balcarce. Hubo diferencias entre cultivares en la concentración de P, el rendimiento y la exportación de P (los rangos fueron 0,22 - 0,38%; 5170 - 9740 kg/ha y 13 - 29 kg P/ha, para concentración de P en grano, rendimiento y P exportado respectivamente. Para el productor las implicancias económicas de utilizar cultivares con menor concentración de P no resultan relevantes, ya que sólo representan diferencias en el costo menores al 2% del rendimiento. Sin embargo, a largo plazo y en el país, estas diferencias cobran una dimensión considerable.Phosphorus (P is one of the least available macronutrients in soil and a rise in the use of phosphate fertilizers was predicted due to the growing food demand. A practice that can contribute to a more efficient use of P fertilizers and reduce soil P extraction is the selection of cultivars with low concentration of P in grains. In order to find out if there are differences in P concentration in wheat cultivars that are currently used in Argentina, 66 cultivars, grouped in two sowing dates, during 2008/09 and 2009/10, were compared in Balcarce, under potential conditions. There were differences between cultivars in P concentration, P exportation and yield (ranges were: 0.22 - 0.38%; 5170 - 9740 kg/ha and 13 - 29 kg P/ha for P concentration in grains, yield and P export, respectively. However, when considering the economic
Epistatic association mapping in homozygous crop cultivars.
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Hai-Yan Lü
Full Text Available The genetic dissection of complex traits plays a crucial role in crop breeding. However, genetic analysis and crop breeding have heretofore been performed separately. In this study, we designed a new approach that integrates epistatic association analysis in crop cultivars with breeding by design. First, we proposed an epistatic association mapping (EAM approach in homozygous crop cultivars. The phenotypic values of complex traits, along with molecular marker information, were used to perform EAM. In our EAM, all the main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs, environmental effects, QTL-by-environment interactions and QTL-by-QTL interactions were included in a full model and estimated by empirical Bayes approach. A series of Monte Carlo simulations was performed to confirm the reliability of the new method. Next, the information from all detected QTLs was used to mine novel alleles for each locus and to design elite cross combination. Finally, the new approach was adopted to dissect the genetic basis of seed length in 215 soybean cultivars obtained, by stratified random sampling, from 6 geographic ecotypes in China. As a result, 19 main-effect QTLs and 3 epistatic QTLs were identified, more than 10 novel alleles were mined and 3 elite parental combinations, such as Daqingdou and Zhengzhou790034, were predicted.
(Cucumis melo L.) cultivars to soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi in Iran
African Journals Online (AJOL)
Oct 30, 2012 ... resistance of melon cultivars to three important soil-borne plant pathogens found worldwide. Key words: Melon ... use of cultivars resistant to plant diseases is one of the ..... emerging disease of melons worldwide. Plant Dis.
Performance of maize cultivars for fodder production under rainfed conditions of pothohar tract
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Gurmani, Z.A.; Zahid, M.S.
For finding the forage yield potential of eight maize cultivars, the cultivars were sown in the month of July during both consecutive years 2001 and 2002 and harvested in the month of September in both the years. The cultivars differed significantly from one another with regard to plant height, number of leaves per tiller, number of plants per row, leaf area per plant, green fodder and dry matter yield. The cultivar, Akbar produced taller plants, with the largest leaf area among and more number of leave per tiller, and consequently yielded highest amount of green as well as dry matter among all the varieties under the rainfed climatic conditions of Pothohar tract of Pakistan. (author)
Quality Parameters of Six Cultivars of Blueberry Using Computer Vision
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Silvia Matiacevich
Full Text Available Background. Blueberries are considered an important source of health benefits. This work studied six blueberry cultivars: “Duke,” “Brigitta”, “Elliott”, “Centurion”, “Star,” and “Jewel”, measuring quality parameters such as °Brix, pH, moisture content using standard techniques and shape, color, and fungal presence obtained by computer vision. The storage conditions were time (0–21 days, temperature (4 and 15°C, and relative humidity (75 and 90%. Results. Significant differences (P<0.05 were detected between fresh cultivars in pH, °Brix, shape, and color. However, the main parameters which changed depending on storage conditions, increasing at higher temperature, were color (from blue to red and fungal presence (from 0 to 15%, both detected using computer vision, which is important to determine a shelf life of 14 days for all cultivars. Similar behavior during storage was obtained for all cultivars. Conclusion. Computer vision proved to be a reliable and simple method to objectively determine blueberry decay during storage that can be used as an alternative approach to currently used subjective measurements.
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Luana Aparecida Castilho Maro
Full Text Available A nogueira-macadâmia produz nozes de alto valor no mercado internacional, devido às características nutricionais de suas amêndoas, consideradas uma excelente fonte energética. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar a caracterização química e o perfil de ácidos graxos em 22 cultivares de nogueira-macadâmia. As cultivares utilizadas foram: 'Edson', 'HAES 788 (Pahala', 'Beaumont 695', 'Flor Rosa', 'IAC 9-20X', 'HAES 344 (Kau', 'Cannon', 'IAC 9-20', 'C160', 'HAES 849', 'IAC 4-12B', 'HAES 816', 'Doroti', '791 Fuji', 'IAC 4-20 (Keaumi', 'HAES 814', 'HAES 722', 'África', 'IAC Campinas-B', 'HAES 246 (Keauhou', 'HAES 741 (Mauka' e 'HAES 842'. Foram quantificados a umidade, extrato etéreo, proteína, cinza e fibra bruta, além disso, extração de óleo e o perfil de ácidos graxos. A maior quantidade de proteína foi registrada na cultivar 'IAC 9-20X'. Quanto ao teor de fibra bruta, as maiores porcentagens foram observadas nas cultivares 'HAES 741' e 'HAES 842'. As amêndoas de todas as cultivares de nogueira-macadâmia analisadas possuem ácidos palmítico e oleico.The walnuts macadamia have a high value on the international market due to their almonds nutritional characteristics considered to be an excellent source of energy. The aim of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition and fatty acid profile of 22 cultivars of almond walnut macadamia. The cultivars tested were: 'Edson', 'HAES 788 (Pahala', 'Beaumont 695', 'Flor Rosa', 'IAC 9-20X', 'HAES 344 (Kau', 'Cannon', 'IAC 9-20', 'C160', 'HAES 849', 'IAC 4-12B', 'HAES 816', 'Doroti', '791 Fuji', 'IAC 4-20 (Keaumi', 'HAES 814', 'HAES 722', 'África', 'IAC Campinas-B', 'HAES 246 (Keauhou', 'HAES 741 (Mauka' and 'HAES 842'. Moisture, fat, protein, ash and crude fiber were analyzed and also oil extraction and fatty acid profile. The highest amount of protein was recorded in 'IAC 9-20X'. The highest percentages of crude fiber content were observed in cultivars 'HAES 741' and 'HAES 842'. The
Germination and Biochemical Responses to Alkalinity Stress in Two Sesame Cultivars
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Mahdavi Batool
Full Text Available In this study, the effect of different alkaline concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 mM on germination and biochemical characteristics of the two sesame (Sesamum indicum L. cultivares (Dashtestan and GL-13 which are registered cultivars of Iran were investigated. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with three replications. Results showed that, germination percentage, germination rate, shoot length and dry weight, root length and dry weight and K+ content decreased, whereas, malondialdehyde (MDA, proline, total soluble sugars and Na+ contents increased with increasing alkalinity stress. GL-13 cultivar had the least root and shoot length, proline and K+ content than Dashtestan.
Murdoch, Gregory; Clift, Alan D; Mansfield, Sarah
The accumulated damage from elephant weevil larvae, Orthorhinus cylindrirostris (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), reduces blueberry yield and shortens the productive lifespan of blueberry plants by several years. Selective breeding to develop pest-resistant blueberry cultivars is a possible control option, but the relationship between O. cylindrirostris populations, plant damage, and blueberry yield has not been described. A field survey of 17 blueberry cultivars was conducted on a commercial farm to measure O. cylindrirostris populations (emergence holes and adult numbers) and yield from plants of different ages (2-12 yr). Blueberry plants accumulated damage over time, that is, older plants tended to have more O. cylindrirostris emergence holes than younger plants. All cultivars received some level of O. cylindrirostris attack but this did not always lead to yield losses. Newer cultivars that have been in production since 2000 were less susceptible to O. cylindrirostris than older cultivars. Removal of highly susceptible cultivars from commercial blueberry farms may reduce O. cylindrirostris populations. There is potential for selective breeding to increase plant resistance to O. cylindrirostris if the specific resistance mechanisms can be identified in blueberry. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Authenticity of old cultivars in genebank collections: a case study on lettuce
Wouw, van de M.J.; Treuren, van R.; Hintum, van T.J.L.
Ex situ collections in genebanks conserve many old cultivars that had disappeared from mainstream agriculture before modern genebanks were established. The collections incorporated cultivars from many sources, such as botanical gardens and working collections, sometimes with little further
Antioxidant and carbohydrate changes of two pomegranate cultivars under deficit irrigation stress
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Ebtedaie, M.; Shekafandeh, A.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biochemical responses to water stress tolerance of two pomegranate cultivars, ‘Rabbab’ and ‘Shishehgap’. After the establishment of rooted stem cuttings of both cultivars under greenhouse conditions, they were treated with four levels of deficit irrigations (100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of field capacity) in a completely randomized design with four replications. The results showed a significant difference between the two cultivars regarding antioxidant enzymes activities. In both cultivars, the water stress increased the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. However, at high water deficit (25% field capacity, FC), ‘Rabbab’ showed significantly higher enzyme activity than ‘Shishehgap’. In each level of irrigation, there were not considerable differences in peroxidase activity between the two cultivars. An increment of 162% and 65.5% in soluble sugar was gained at 50% FC in ‘Rabbab’ and ‘Shishehgap’, respectively. ‘Rabbab’ showed better growth performance in each level of irrigation than ‘Shishehgap’. Therefore, it can be concluded that 'Rabbab', with lesser decline in leaf relative water content (RWC), a strong antioxidant system and accumulation of more soluble carbohydrates, can resist higher water stress than 'Shishehgap'.
Molecular and morpho-anatomical characterization of some Egyptian durum wheat cultivars/lines
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Saleh, O.M.; Hamiedeldin, N.; Khafaga, A.
Grains of eight durum wheat cultivars were tested for identification of genetic relationship among molecular, anatomical and morphological levels. On the molecular level, two techniques have been used; Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR). Amplification of RAPD primers showed different numbers of fragments ranged from six to thirteen fragments. Percentage of polymorphism ranged from 0% to 100%. The highest similarity value recorded was 91%, while the lowest similarity value was 69%. Amplification of ISSR primers showed different numbers of fragments ranged from six to twelve fragments. The highest similarity value recorded was 91%, while the lowest similarity value was 68%. The grain's coat morphology was reticulated in all taxa. There were variations with regard to the alignment and the shape of network and architecture of interspaces enclosed by raised line. Reticulate surface patterns appeared some variations ranged from weakly reticulate such as G 413 to strongly reticulate such as G 203. Stem cuticles of all cultivars were thick except cultivar; Benisweif 1. For leaf anatomy, all cultivars had epidermis composed of one layer of thick wall cells except cultivars; G 203 and Benisweif 1. (author)
De novo transcriptome assembly of two contrasting pumpkin cultivars
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Aliki Xanthopoulou
Full Text Available Cucurbita pepo (squash, pumpkin, gourd, a worldwide-cultivated vegetable of American origin, is extremely variable in fruit characteristics. However, the information associated with genes and genetic markers for pumpkin is very limited. In order to identify new genes and to develop genetic markers, we performed a transcriptome analysis (RNA-Seq of two contrasting pumpkin cultivars. Leaves and female flowers of cultivars, ‘Big Moose’ with large round fruits and ‘Munchkin’ with small round fruits, were harvested for total RNA extraction. We obtained a total of 6 GB (Big Moose; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/?run=SRR3056882 and 5 GB (Munchkin; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/?run=SRR3056883 sequence data (NCBI SRA database SRX1502732 and SRX1502735, respectively, which correspond to 18,055,786 and 14,824,292 150-base reads. After quality assessment, the clean sequences where 17,995,932 and 14,774,486 respectively. The numbers of total transcripts for ‘Big Moose’ and ‘Munchkin’ were 84,727 and 68,051, respectively. TransDecoder identified possible coding regions in assembled transcripts. This study provides transcriptome data for two contrasting pumpkin cultivars, which might be useful for genetic marker development and comparative transcriptome analyses. Keywords: RNA-Seq, Pumpkin, Contrasting cultivars, Cucurbita pepo
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Celso Henrique Costa Conceição
Full Text Available A intensidade de infestação pelo bicho-mineiro, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae foi investigada nas cultivares Obatã IAC 1669-20 e Tupi IAC 1669-33, com resistência à ferrugem das folhas do cafeeiro, Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br., e Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, suscetível à doença, em ensaios de campo, localizados em Campinas (SP, Brasil. A incidência de ferrugem e a ocorrência de inimigos naturais da praga, assim como o enfolhamento das plantas, foram também observados nas três cultivares. As curvas de flutuação populacional obtidas para Obatã IAC 1669-20 e Tupi IAC 1669-33 revelaram maior incidência do bicho-mineiro entre abril e novembro. Já na cultivar Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, observaram-se dois picos de infestação, sendo o primeiro em abril-maio e o segundo em agosto-setembro. No entanto, a elevada percentagem de folhas minadas nas cultivares Tupi IAC 1669-33 e Obatã IAC 1669-20 em relação à Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397 não é evidência de maior suscetibilidade à praga, mas sim devido à maior retenção foliar dessas cultivares, em conseqüência da resistência à ferrugem das folhas observada em ambas. De maneira oposta, na cultivar Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, os sintomas de ataque do bicho-mineiro ocorreram em menor nível especialmente devido a maior queda de folhas. Com base nas diferenças observadas entre as cultivares, sugere-se a adoção de estratégias distintas de manejo da praga.The intensity of infestation of leaf-miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville was investigated in coffee cultivars Obatã IAC 1669-20 and Tupi IAC 1669-33, both resistant to the leaf rust agent, Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br., and Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, susceptible to this coffee disease, at field assays in Campinas, SP, Brazil. The incidence of coffee rust and presence of natural enemies, as well as the plant leafiness, were also observed. In Obatã IAC 1669-20 and Tupi
Optimization of soybean (glycine max L.) regeneration for korean cultivars
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Phat, P.; Rehman, S. U.; Ju, H. J.; Jung, H. I.
Tissue culture could provide key insights into the development of transgenic plants, production of good cultivars and secondary metabolites, conservation of endangered plants, and safeguarding of germplasms. In this study, the effects of shoot induction media, explants, cultivars, and phytohormone concentrations on the regeneration efficiency of Korean soybean cultivars were evaluated. Restricted dormancy and poor germination may affect regeneration, depending on the type of germination medium or initiation of phytohormone treatment. Therefore, we analyzed the effects of different germination media containing plant growth regulators, i.e. 6-benzyladenine (BAP), gibberellic acid 3 (GA /sub 3/), and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), prior to investigating the influences of explant types, media with or without vitamins, cultivars, and different phytohormones (BAP and GA3). A high frequency of germination was observed in Murashige and Skooge (MS) medium with vitamins supplemented with 1 mg L /sup -1/ BAP and 0.25 mg L /sup -1/ GA /sub 3/. Cotyledonary node explants and Gamborg B5 with vitamins supplemented with 1 mg L /sup -1/ BAP and 0.17 mg L /sup -1/ GA /sub 3/ in callus induction medium (CIM) and 1 mg L /sup -1/ BAP in shoot induction medium (SIM) were found to be the most efficient conditions for induction of soybean regeneration, both in callus development and shoot regeneration. Two Korean soybean cultivars, cv. Daepung and Nampung, showed similar development of shoot regeneration efficiency, but significantly different shoot induction times. Therefore, the protocol reported here may be used for further development of regeneration efficiency and can be employed for efficient transformation in soybeans. (author)
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Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo
Full Text Available Foram instalados dois ensaios de cultivares de trigo, sendo um na Estação Experimental de Tietê, e o outro, na Fazenda Santa Isabel, município de Itaberá. Os cultivares IRN-526-63, Pitic-62 e IRN-152-63, de origem mexicana, não se adaptaram às condições adversas do sul do Estado (Itaberá, entre as quais destacaram-se: baixa saturação em bases, baixíssimo teor de fósforo e principalmente a influência do Al3+ trocável ocasionando "crestamento" nas plantas. Os cultivares IAC-10, IAC-7, BH-1146, IAC-9, S-33, IAC-11 e IAC-8 apresentaram tolerância a essa condição adversa. No ensaio de Tietê, onde o solo mostrou altos teores de K+ e PO4³ , bom teor de Ca2+ 4- Mg2+ , não apresentando alumínio livre, os cultivares IRN-526-63 e Pitic-62 desenvolveram-se normalmente, apresentando produções superiores às dos demais cultivares estudados.This paper presents the results of two cultivar trials on wheat (Triticum aestivum L., carried out at the Tietê Experiment Station and at Santa Isabel Farm, Itaberá. The cultivars IRN-526-63, IRN-152-63 e Pitic-62, Mexican germoplasms, were very susceptible to "crestamento" at Itaberá soil, giving small yields. The Brazilian germoplasms showed tolerance to Al3+ , with average yields. At Tietê trial, IRN-526 and Pitic-62 cultivars showed good performance, having the most yield in this condition.
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Adnan Younis
Full Text Available Drought tolerance is an important genotypic character to be exploited for the plant cultivar selection under water deficit conditions. In the recent study, we examined the response of two marigold cultivars (Inca and Bonanza under different regimes of drought stress. The aim was to determine the best performing cultivar under water/drought stress. Three irrigation treatments include; 4 days (T1, 6 days (T2 and 8 days (T3 in comparison to control 1 day (T0 interval were imposed. Response characters under study were morphological, physiological and anatomical. Complete Randomized Design (CRD with four replications in two factorial arrangements was followed for experiment layout. The results revealed that increasing water stress adversely affect plant height, in both cultivars. Both cultivars showed a decreasing trend to the number of flowers under water stress. Total chlorophyll contents including a, b were also showed reduction under prolonged drought treatment in both cultivars from (2.7 mg g-1 FW to (1 mg g-1 FW. Overall, the performance of cultivar (cv. Inca was satisfactory under water stress regimes. These results are helpful for selecting drought tolerant marigold cultivars in water scarce areas.
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André Luiz Lourenção
Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do ataque de Enneothrips flavens Moulton (Thysanoptera: Thripidae, no desenvolvimento de cultivares de amendoim, foi implantado um experimento em campo, no ano agrícola de 2001/2002, nas localidades paulistas de Campinas e Pindorama. Avaliaram-se IAC-Tatu-ST, IAC 5 e IAC 22, cultivares de porte ereto e Runner IAC 886, Tégua e IAC-Caiapó, de porte rasteiro, com e sem controle químico da praga. O delineamento adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, com seis repetições, onde as parcelas corresponderam aos tratamentos com e sem controle químico do tripes, e as subparcelas, às cultivares de amendoim. Para a avaliação da infestação de tripes, foram realizadas amostragens a partir dos 29 dias após o plantio (DAP, quando se coletaram dez folíolos fechados por subparcela. Para a contagem do número de brotos por planta, coletaram-se cinco plantas por parcela a partir dos 29 DAP, até próximo ao final do ciclo das cultivares. Determinou-se a matéria seca das plantas somente em Campinas, coletando-se cinco plantas por parcela, aos 29, 56, 85, 99, 112 e 125 DAP, com posterior secagem artificial da parte vegetativa e da parte reprodutiva. Foram observadas nas plantas de todas as cultivares, nas parcelas não tratadas, as maiores infestações de E. flavens aos 56-57 DAP, e em Pindorama houve um pico de infestação inicial aos 29 DAP. Em função da cultivar, a falta de controle do tripes acarretou diminuição na emissão de brotos e no desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas.A field experiment was carried out during the 2001/2002 growing season, in Campinas and Pindorama, São Paulo State, Brazil, to evaluate the influence of Enneothrips flavens Moulton (Thysanoptera: Thripidae on development of peanut cultivars. The treatments comprised three cultivars of the upright type (IAC Tatu ST, IAC 5 and IAC 22 and three of the runner type (Runner IAC 886, Tegua and IAC Caiapo, with and
Carbohydrate production and transport in cotton cultivars grown under boron deficiency
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Julio Cesar Bogiani
Full Text Available An adequate supply of boron (B is required for the optimal growth and development of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. plants, but the low phloem mobility of B limits the possibilities of correcting B deficiency. There are indications that different cotton cultivars could have different responses to B deficiency. The differences in responses of cotton cultivars to B regarding photoassimilate production and transport were studied in a greenhouse experiment with nutrient solution. Treatments consisted of three cotton cultivars (FMT 701, DP 604BG and FMX 993 and five concentrations of B (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 µmol L−1. Sampling began at the phenological stage B1 (first square and continued for four weeks. The leaf area and the number of reproductive branches and structures decreased due to B deficiency. A higher level of abortion of reproductive structures was observed under B deficiency. Boron deficiency increased the internal CO2 concentration but decreased the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Despite the decrease in photosynthesis, nonstructural carbohydrates accumulated in the leaves due to decreased export to bolls in B-deficient plants. The response to B deficiency is similar among cotton cultivars, which shows that the variability for this trait is low even for cultivars with different genetic backgrounds.
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Full Text Available A produtividade da soja no Cerrado torna a região competitiva nacional e internacionalmente. Entretanto, para atingir estabilidade produtiva e aprimorar o sistema de produção de grãos, torna-se necessária a obtenção de cultivares com resistência a doenças, como o cancro-da-haste, e com ciclo menor. Como resultado dos esforços da pesquisa, selecionou-se a cultivar BRS Milena. Os resultados, em todos os testes, mostram uma elevada produtividade e estabilidade em relação às cultivares usadas como testemunhas. O número de dias para maturação a classifica como uma cultivar de ciclo médio. Apresenta altura de plantas adequada à mecanização, e à ausência de acamamento nas condições em que tem sido testada. A `BRS Milena' apresenta resistência às principais doenças da soja, tais como o cancro-da-haste, a mancha-olho-de-rã, o oídio e a pústula bacteriana.The high productivity of soybeans in the Brazilian Savannah (Cerrado has turned the region into a major grain producer, at local and international competitive levels. To achieve yield stability and improve the production systems, however, the acquisition of disease-resistant and early maturity cultivars is necessary. `BRS Milena' was selected as a result of research efforts. Results over the tests have shown it is highly productive and stable, in relation to cultivars commonly grown in the region (controls. Number of days to maturity defines it as a mid-cycle cultivar, with suitable plant height for mechanical harvest and nonlodging under the environments of testing. In addition, `BRS Milena' is resistant to the main soybean diseases, like stem cancker, frogeye leaf spot, powdery mildew and bacterial pustule.
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Ricardo Ralisch
Full Text Available The adaptations of the soybean crop to a new environment as well as the need of a symbiotic relation among Bradyrhizobium bacteria and the commercial cultivars of soybean impose barriers to the grain productive process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the interaction of nodulation and the morphophysiological components over the final yield of soybean grains in the edaphoclimatical conditions of Recôncavo Baiano Region. The experiment was performed at the Experimental Field of the Federal University of Bahia, Cruz das Almas (BA, with an experimental design of randomized blocks, with nine soybean cultivars and four replications. The evaluations were performed in the stage of full flowering with the quantification of the number and mass of nodules, leaf area, total dry mass; and another evaluation in the full maturation stage, quantifying the grain yield. More than 40% of the grain yield was correlated to the components of nodulation of the soybean cultivars Curió, Conquista and Liderança cultivars presented the best performances in the yield of grain.A adaptação da cultura da soja a um novo ambiente bem como a necessidade da relação simbiótica entre bactéria do gênero Bradyrhizobium e cultivares comerciais de soja, impõe barreiras no processo produtivo de grãos. Como forma de quantificar tais efeitos, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a interação da nodulação e dos componentes morfofisiológicos sobre o rendimento final de grãos de soja nas condições edafoclimáticas do Recôncavo Baiano. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Cruz das Almas (BA em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com nove cultivares de soja e quatro repetições. As avaliações foram realizadas no estádio de florescimento pleno com quantificação do número e a massa de nódulos, área foliar, massa da matéria seca das folhas; e outra no estádio de maturação plena, quantificando o rendimento de gr
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Santin, Ivan; Silva Neto, Helio F. da; Tasso Junior, Luiz Carlos; Marques, Diogo; Marques, Marcos O. [Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), Jaboticabal, SP (Brazil). Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias. Dept. de Tecnologia], E-mail: santinivan@hotmail.com
The introduction of mechanized harvesting of sugarcane made it possible to cut raw cane. Thus the amount of trash has produced a significant increase, which is important in that it can be used in the production of electricity through combustion. This study aimed to quantify the productivity of trash in the semi-mechanized harvesting of different middle sugarcane cultivars. The experiment was conducted at UNESP-Jaboticabal. The experimental design was a randomized block design with six treatments (cultivars) and three replications. At harvest, we counted the number of stems in the meter and the weight of stems was estimated agricultural productivity. After harvesting the cane, was used a rectangle of 4.5 m{sup 2}, which was placed randomly within each plot and all trash contained therein was weighed. Using these results to estimate the potential number of people who would benefit from the energy from this trash. Cultivar IAC94-4004 received the largest amount of trash (44.33 t ha- 1), IP (37.66%), Pd (38.00 x10-6) and TCH (118.00 t ha-1). Cultivar IAC95- 5000 obtained the less satisfactory results, generating a small amount of trash and therefore expressing lower potential energy. (author)
Comparison between two genera, species and cultivars in Lactuceae, 4
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Haque, M.Z.; Godward, M.B.E.
The germination time under standard conditions was determined in control material of three cultivars of Lactuca sativa and L. serriola, and also the time of first nuclear division from dormancy, together with mitotic index at stated times from onset of mitosis. The effect of seed irradiation on the mitotic index and on the production of anaphase bridges at the same dose in the different cultivars or species was investigated. Results are presented as histograms and/or tables. The order of sensitivity to radiation of two of the cultivars of L. sativa and L. serriola, determined by growth inhibition studies, not presented, was as follows: Tom Thumb (L. sativa) < Cos (L. sativa) < L. serriola. More aberrations were produced at the same dose in the sensitive species. The results are discussed. (author)
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Luís Roberto de Andrade Rodrigues
Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp, Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo. Os tratamentos consistiram na avaliação de 5 cultivares de Cynodon, em 11 idades de corte, para estudo da característica crescimento e 5 idades para a avaliação da composição química. O delineamento experimental foi ointeiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas, com 3 repetições, considerando-se, nas parcelas, as cultivares (C e, nas subparcelas, as idades de corte (I. Foram avaliados a produção de massa seca (PMS, a relação folha/colmo, os teores de proteína bruta (PB, defibra em detergente neutro (FDN e de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, nas folhas, nos colmos e na planta inteira. A PMS aumentou dos 14 aos 84 dias (PThe experiment was carried out at the Faculty of Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp, Jaboticabal, São Paulo State. The treatments aimed to evaluate five Cynodon cultivars at eleven cutting ages to study the characteristics of growing, and at five cutting ages toevaluate the chemical composition. A random design with split plot was adopted, with three replications, considering cultivars as plot and cutting age as subplots. The following variables were studied: dry matter (DM production, leaf/stem ratio and the contents of crude protein (CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF, in green leaf, stem and total plant. The highest DM production was from 14 to 84 days (P<0.01, and did not differ among cultivars. The leaf/stem ratio differ (P<0.01 among cultivars (C and decreased with plant age (I showing interaction C x I. The CP contents of the total plant were superior to the stem and inferior to the leaf. The NDF and ADF contents were similar among cultivars. The Cynodon cultivars would be better managed during 28 days of plant growth.
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Rafael Pio
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade produtiva das cultivares de nêspera (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. Mizuho, Centenária, Mizumo, Mizauto e Néctar de Cristal, em Jundiaí, SP. As mudas, formadas com porta-enxertos de 'Mizumo', foram plantadas em campo em blocos ao acaso. Do terceiro ao sexto ano de plantio, quantificaram-se o número e a massa de matéria fresca dos frutos, a produção total por planta e as médias dos quatro anos de produção. Determinaram-se o comprimento, a largura, a relação sólidos solúveis totais (SST e a acidez total titulável (ATT. As cultivares Mizuho, Mizumo, Mizauto e Néctar de Cristal apresentaram as maiores produções de frutos, acima de 14 kg por planta em média. 'Centenária' e 'Mizumo' apresentaram os maiores resultados de massa de matéria fresca dos frutos, acima de 30 g por fruto, e a melhor razão SST/ATT.The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield of the loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. cultivars Centenária, Mizuho, Mizumo, Mizauto and Néctar de Cristal. The seedlings grown on cultivar Mizumo rootstocks were planted in the field in a randomized block design. From the third to the sixth year after planting, evaluations were made for fruit number, fresh weight, total yield per plant and the average data of four consecutive years. The length and width, the total soluble solids (TSS and the total titrable acidity (TTA were determined. The cultivars Mizuho, Mizumo, Mizauto and Néctar de Cristal showed the highest fruit yield, over 14 kg per plant, on average. The fruit fresh weight best results were observed for 'Centenária' and 'Mizumo', over 30 g per fruit. Both cultivars also showed the better ratio SST/ATT.
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mahmoud azimi
Full Text Available Introduction According to statistics presented by FAO in 2011, the world area under olive cultivation has been estimated about 9 million and six hundred thousand hectares from which Iran shares approximately 103 thousand hectares. Tarom region in Zanjan province is one of the important olive cultivation in which 12600 hectare has been devoted to olive planting. A growing trend could be seen if the cultivation area regarding the fertile and non- fertile olive orchards along with amount of production were compared during the last decades which may be attributed mainly to favorable climatic condition for olive cultivation in the region. Temperature as the most important environmental factor affects flowering and fruiting of olive trees. Temperatures that stimulate olive fruiting, and sub-zero temperatures which cause damage to olive tree or fruit yielding are of great importance in determining the adaptability of olive trees. Regarding the quality of olive oil, fruit characters such as: cultivar, ripening and climatic conditions are considered as main characters too. To determine the adaptable cultivars for any region and microclimates many experiments have been carried out worldwide. In Iran, Zard and Roghany local olive cultivars selected for northern parts of Iran with the most area under cultivation in Rudbar and Tarom regions but the Dezful cultivar has been released for southern regions of the country. This study was carried at Tarom Olive Research Station, Zanjan, Iran and aimed to evaluate the vegetative and reproductive traits of some domestic and foreign olive cultivars and to determine the adaptability of them to the studied area. Materials and Methods At the beginning of the study, age of the olive trees varied between 4 to 6 years and all the trees were in the reproductive phase. Plantation system was also 8 × 8 meters with trickle irrigation systems. The cultivars were: Amigdalolia, Arbequina, Abusatl, Bladi, Picual, Roghany, Zard
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L.G. Torres
Full Text Available Avaliou-se neste trabalho a influência de herbicidas nas características fisiológicas de três cultivares de cana-de-açúcar. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, no esquema fatorial 3 x 8. O fator A foi composto por três cultivares de cana-de-açúcar (RB867515, RB855156 e SP80-1816, e o B, pelos herbicidas (tembotrione, MSMA, diuron + hexazinone, sulfentrazone, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, tebuthiuron, clomazone e uma testemunha sem uso de herbicidas. A taxa transpiratória das plantas do cultivar RB867515 foi afetada negativamente quando foram aplicados os herbicidas sulfentrazone, tebuthiuron e clomazone em comparação à testemunha. Com relação à eficiência do uso da água, não se observaram diferenças entre os cultivares e a aplicação de herbicidas. A condutância estomática dos cultivares RB867515 e SP80-1816 não foi alterada pelos herbicidas aplicados. Apenas o cultivar RB867515 apresentou taxa fotossintética menor quando se aplicou o sulfentrazone. Os herbicidas testados afetam de forma diferenciada as características fisiológicas nos três cultivares avaliados. O cultivar RB867515 foi o que apresentou menor variação na taxa fotossintética na presença dos produtos testados, em relação à testemunha.This work aimed to evaluate the influence of herbicides on the physiological characteristics of three sugarcane cultivars. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications in a factorial design 3 x 8. Factor A was constituted of three sugarcane cultivars (RB867515, RB855156, and SP80-1816, and factor B of the herbicides tembotrione, MSMA, diuron + hexazinone, sulfentrazone, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, tebuthiuron, clomazone, and a treatment without herbicide (control. The transpiration rate of cultivar RB867515 plants was negatively affected when sulfentrazone, clomazone, and tebuthiuron were applied,compared to the control. Regarding water
Soybean cultivar selection for Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSSs) - Hydroponic cultivation
Paradiso, R.; Buonomo, R.; De Micco, V.; Aronne, G.; Palermo, M.; Barbieri, G.; De Pascale, S.
Four soybean cultivars ('Atlantic', 'Cresir', 'Pr91m10' and 'Regir'), selected through a theoretical procedure as suitable for cultivation in BLSS, were evaluated in terms of growth and production. Germination percentage and Mean Germination Time (MGT) were measured. Plants were cultivated in a growth chamber equipped with a recirculating hydroponic system (Nutrient Film Technique). Cultivation was performed under controlled environmental conditions (12 h photoperiod, light intensity 350 μmol m-2 s-1, temperature regime 26/20 °C light/dark, relative humidity 65-75%). Fertigation was performed with a standard Hoagland solution, modified for soybean specific requirements, and EC and pH were kept at 2.0 dS m-1 and 5.5 respectively. The percentage of germination was high (from 86.9% in 'Cresir' to 96.8% in 'Regir')and the MGT was similar for all the cultivars (4.3 days). The growing cycle lasted from 114 in 'Cresir' to 133 days on average in the other cultivars. Differences in plant size were recorded, with 'Pr91m10' plants being the shortest (58 vs 106 cm). Cultivars did not differ significantly in seed yield (12 g plant-1) and in non edible biomass (waste), water consumption and biomass conversion efficiency (water, radiation and acid use indexes). 'Pr91m10' showed the highest protein content in the seeds (35.6% vs 33.3% on average in the other cultivars). Results from the cultivation experiment showed good performances of the four cultivars in hydroponics. The overall analysis suggests that 'Pr91m10' could be the best candidate for the cultivation in a BLSS, coupling the small plant size and the good yield with high resource use efficiency and good seed quality.
Banana Cultivar Mapping and Constraints Identification With Farmers in Southwest Kenya
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Onyago, M.; Makworo, S.; Njue, E.; Rees, D.
Southwest Kenya is one of the major banana growing ares of Kenya and contributes about 40% of the country's production. Banana is an important crop in Kenya providing the small-scale resource poor farmers with food and the much-needed income. In southwest Kenya, Banana is a priority crop that is grown in a wide range of farms from backyard gardens to medium farms. Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRP) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) were conducted between January, 1996 and December 1997. The overall objective was to identify major constraints in specific areas, rank them with farmers and determine suitable interventions. The RRA and PRA revealed that farmers grow banana as a pure stand, intercropped with crops like maize, beans and groundnuts, in addition along the contour lines for soil conservation purpose. Diverse banana cultivars are grown in the region, of which some are localised while others are widespread. The major cultivars grown include 'Ekeganda', Kisukari', 'Ng'ombe' and 'Pisang Awak'. Pisang Awak was found prevalent in drier areas of Kendu Bay (LM 3 ) and very cold areas of Bomet (LH 1 ). Ekeganda is the most popular cooking type while Kisukari is a dessert type and is the second most popular banana cultivar in the region. Some of the constraints cut across the AEZs and include a complex of pests and diseases, poor orchard management, soil exhaustion because of land pressure, lack of superior cultivars and socioeconomic factors such as poor infrastructure. Panama disease, nematodes and banana weevil are prevalent at the medium and lower AEZs while moles are menace in the upper midlands and highland areas. To address some of the major constraints, on-farm banana cultivar evaluation trials were initiated in four AEZs namely LM 3-4 , LH 1 , UM 1 and LM 2 , respectively. Monitoring and evaluation of these cultivars by both researchers, extension and farmers is on-going
Growth and development in Achimenes cultivars
Vlahos, J.C.
Achimenes is a herbaceous perennial of the Gesneriaceae family. Its origin is Central and South America. It has been cultivated as a pot plant since the Victorian era. Extensive hybridization has produced many attractive cultivars which have been Introduced in
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Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol
Full Text Available Soil acidity in no tillage system, if not in high situations, can be neutralized by lime surface application, improving mineral nutrition and crop yield. Aiming to evaluate the agronomic performance of common bean cultivars, to surface lime application, in no tillage system, an experiment was conducted in Oxisol, Botucatu Municipal District, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was a complete randomized block in split plot with four replications, where the plots were formed by common bean cultivars (Carioca, IAC Carioca Eté, Pérola, IAPAR 81 e Campeão 2 and subplots consisted of surface application of dolomitic limestone (zero, 1.8 t ha-1, 3.6 t ha-1 and 5.4 t ha-1. The surface lime application on the soil occurred in October 2002 and subsequently the sequence millet (spring – beans (summer – oat (autumn-winter were planted under rainfed conditions. Bean cultivars sowing were done on December 17, 2003. It can be concluded that there is influence of cultivars and limestone surface application under no tillage, where IAPAR 81 showed better grain yield with the increase of lime rates, obtaining values of 2,025 kg ha-1 without the lime application to 2,655 kg ha-1 with 5.4 t ha-1 lime rate, obtaining 31% yield increase. A acidez do solo no sistema de semeadura direta, caso não se encontre em situações elevadas, pode ser resolvida com aplicação superficial de calcário, melhorando a nutrição mineral e a produtividade das culturas. Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho agronômico de cultivares de feijoeiro, em razão da aplicação superficial de calcário, em semeadura direta, foi realizado um experimento num Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, em Botucatu (SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições, onde as parcelas foram formadas por cultivares de feijão comum (Carioca, IAC Carioca Eté, Pérola, IAPAR 81 e Campeão 2 e as subparcelas constitu
Cultivar effects of perennial ryegrass on herbage intake by grazing dairy cows
Smit, H.J.
Perennial ryegrass is the most abundant grass species in temperate climates. An increased herbage intake of dairy cows by breeding new cultivars could have a large potential impact on agriculture. The effects of cultivars on sward structure, nutritive value, physical characteristics and disease
Characterization of terpenoid volatiles from cultivars of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis).
Lagalante, Anthony F; Montgomery, Michael E; Calvosa, Frank C; Mirzabeigi, Michael N
The volatile terpenoid fraction from needles in 13 cultivars of Tsuga canadensis L. (Carriere) was analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of this study are considered along with previously reported results for foliar terpenoid levels of the Asian (T. sieboldii, T. chinensis, T. diversifolia), western North American (T. mertensiana, T. heterophylla), and eastern North American species (T. canadensis, T. caroliniana) of hemlock to draw conclusions about the potential of cultivar host resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand). It is suggested that hemlocks in eastern North America have adapted their terpenoid chemistry for protection against endemic defoliators and that this has made them vulnerable to non-native, sucking pests such as adelgids and scales. Some cultivars of T. canadensis have a terpenoid profile that resembles that of the resistant noneastern North American species and are candidates for biological screening for resistance. Among the cultivars, the variation in terpenoid chemistry did not absolutely correspond with the considerable differences in morphological characters observed, indicating that the terpenoid chemistry is not definitively coupled with hemlock morphology.
Untargeted NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of the Metabolic Variety of New Apple Cultivars
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Philipp Eisenmann
Full Text Available Metabolome analyses by NMR spectroscopy can be used in quality control by generating unique fingerprints of different species. Hundreds of components and their variation between different samples can be analyzed in a few minutes/hours with high accuracy and low cost of sample preparation. Here, apple peel and pulp extracts of a variety of apple cultivars were studied to assess their suitability to discriminate between the different varieties. The cultivars comprised mainly newly bred varieties or ones that were brought onto the market in recent years. Multivariate analyses of peel and pulp extracts were able to unambiguously identify all cultivars, with peel extracts showing a higher discriminative power. The latter was increased if the highly concentrated sugar metabolites were omitted from the analysis. Whereas sugar concentrations lay within a narrow range, polyphenols, discussed as potential health promoting substances, and acids varied remarkably between the cultivars.
Novi Sad wheat cultivars and their seed production in the period 1970-2010
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Denčić Srbislav
Full Text Available Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad started a large-scale seed production of its wheat cultivars in1971. This activity was done in cooperation with a large number of seed companies from the former Yugoslavia and later on from Serbia. A total volume of production of all seed categories for the period from 1971 to 2010 was 3,790,712 tons. On average for this period, the annual production of certified seed was 94,768 t. The largest amount of seed of Novi Sad wheat cultivars was placed on the market in 1982 - 168,248 t (excluding exports. In the former Yugoslavia, Novi Sad wheat cultivars took from 30 to 65% of the total wheat market share. In the new Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, and finally in Serbia, the market share of Novi Sad cultivars ranged from 80 to 97%. The most popular and bestselling Novi Sad wheat cultivars were: Sava, Partizanka, Novi Sad Early 2 and 1, Balkan, Jugoslavija, Lasta, Evropa, Evropa 90, Pobeda, Novi Sad Early 5 and Renesansa.
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Milene Marquezi
Full Text Available Abstract Six different common bean cultivars (BRS Embaixador, BRS Pitanga, BRS Estilo, Pérola, BRS Campeiro and BRS Esplendor were characterized aiming to determine possible uses for them in various food products. The samples were analysed to determine their chemical composition, weight per hundred beans, pH, water and oil absorption capacities (WAC and OAC, respectively, foaming at pH 2.5, 5.6 and 8.0 and emulsifying properties. The relationship between the physicochemical and functional properties was described using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA. The results of the chemical composition, weight per hundred beans, WAC and OAC showed differences even between cultivars of the same commercial group. Foaming also varied between the cultivars and foaming capacity and stability were greatest at pH 5.6 and 8.0. The emulsifying capacity proved quite high for all cultivars, as well as the stability of the emulsion. According to these properties, with the contribution of the PCA, each different bean cultivar can be destined to specific applications according to its physicochemical properties.
Zeng, Dehui; Zhang, Chunxing; Wang, Guirong; Fan, Zhiping
Developing water-saving rice cultivation is one important strategy for food security in China. This paper reported the experimental results of introducing six upland rice cultivars to eastern Keerqin sandy land. The field experiment results showed that under the condition of 60% water-saving, the yield of cultivars XH 95-13 and XH 95-13-6 was 10.2% and 5.5% higher than the control, respectively, while other four cultivars decreased by 6.7%-18.6%. Economically, all the cultivars except JP 121 had a higher income than the control, and the profitability of cultivars XH 95-13 and XH 95-13-6 reached 24.0% and 19.3%, respectively. The water productivity of all the six cultivars was over 0.566 kg x m(-3), increased by 59.89%-116.38%. Pot experiment showed that 12.1%-16.3% of soil moisture in 0-15 cm layer was beneficial to the growth of upland rice. In eastern Keerqin sandy land, effective tillers occurred before July 18. In brief, upland rice production could be extensively applicable in eastern Keerqin sandy land to gradually alternate the traditional lowland rice cultivation with continuous flooding, and save much underground water.
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N. Salem
Full Text Available Levels of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV infection in almond, peach, and plum cultivars over the course of an entire year were determined by testing different plant parts of naturally infected trees, using the double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA. The data showed that spring was the best time of year for PNRSV detection in flowers, active growing buds, and young leaves. PNRSV detection was less reliable during the summer months. Young leaves of all cultivars were the most reliable source for distinguishing between healthy and infected plants, while flowers and buds yielded high values in some cultivars but not in others. Seasonal fluctuations in virus concentration did not follow the same pattern in all cultivars. It is therefore impossible to distinguish between infected and healthy trees on the basis of one single sampling time for all cultivars.
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Mahmoud A. Saleh
Full Text Available Essential oils of the fruits of three organically grown cultivars of Egyptian fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum, Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce and Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare were examined for their chemical constituents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of the essential oils revealed the presence of 18 major monoterpenoids in all three cultivars but their percentage in each oil were greatly different. trans-Anethole, estragole, fenchone and limonene were highly abundant in all of the examined oils. Antioxidant activities of the essential oils were evaluated using the DPPH radical scavenging, lipid peroxidation and metal chelating assays. Essential oils from the azoricum and dulce cultivars were more effective antioxidants than that from the vulgare cultivar. Antimicrobial activities of each oil were measured against two species of fungi, two species of Gram negative and two species of Gram positive bacteria. All three cultivars showed similar antimicrobial activity.
Shahat, Abdelaaty A; Ibrahim, Abeer Y; Hendawy, Saber F; Omer, Elsayed A; Hammouda, Faiza M; Abdel-Rahman, Fawzia H; Saleh, Mahmoud A
Essential oils of the fruits of three organically grown cultivars of Egyptian fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum, Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce and Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare) were examined for their chemical constituents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of the essential oils revealed the presence of 18 major monoterpenoids in all three cultivars but their percentage in each oil were greatly different. trans-Anethole, estragole, fenchone and limonene were highly abundant in all of the examined oils. Antioxidant activities of the essential oils were evaluated using the DPPH radical scavenging, lipid peroxidation and metal chelating assays. Essential oils from the azoricum and dulce cultivars were more effective antioxidants than that from the vulgare cultivar. Antimicrobial activities of each oil were measured against two species of fungi, two species of Gram negative and two species of Gram positive bacteria. All three cultivars showed similar antimicrobial activity.
Studies on the susceptibility of peas and field peas cultivars to Ascochyta pisi (Lib.
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Helena Furgał-Węgrzycka
Full Text Available The aim of the work was to find the plants resistant to Ascochyta pisi causing leaf and spot-pot of peas and field peas. Fourty five cultivars of peas and field peas and 6 breeding materials were tested in field in the period 1975-1978. Cultivars: Bartel, Birte, Borek, Cebeco, Finale and Paloma were to be less susceptible. In laboratory and greenhouse conditions peas and field peas cultivares were examined for susceptible to pathotypes 2 and 4 of Ascochyta pisi. The results obtained proved that cultivars: Borel, cebeco, Finale and Paloma were to be less susceptible to two pathotypes of Ascochyta pisi.
Switchgrass Cultivar/Ecotype Selection and Management for Biofuels in the Upper Southeast USA
Parrish, David J.; Wolf, Dale D.
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a perennial warm-season grass indigenous to the eastern USA, has potential as a biofuels feedstock. The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of upland and lowland switchgrass cultivars under different environments and management treatments. Four cultivars of switchgrass were evaluated from 2000 to 2001 under two management regimes in plots established in 1992 at eight locations in the upper southeastern USA. Two management treatments included 1) a single annual harvest (in late October to early November) and a single application of 50 kg N/ha/yr and 2) two annual harvests (in midsummer and November) and a split application of 100 kg N/ha/yr. Biomass yields averaged 15 Mg/ha/yr and ranged from 10 to 22 Mg/ha/yr across cultivars, managements, locations, and years. There was no yield advantage in taking two harvests of the lowland cultivars (Alamo and Kanlow). When harvested twice, upland cultivars (Cave-in-Rock and Shelter) provided yields equivalent to the lowland ecotypes. Tiller density was 36% lower in stands cutting only once per year, but the stands appeared vigorous after nine years of such management. Lowland cultivars and a one-cutting management (after the tops have senesced) using low rates of applied N (50 kg/ha) are recommended. PMID:25105170
Soil and Cultivar Type Shape the Bacterial Community in the Potato Rhizosphere
Inceoglu, Ozgul; Salles, Joana Falcao; van Elsas, Jan Dirk
The rhizospheres of five different potato cultivars (including a genetically modified cultivar) obtained from a loamy sand soil and two from a sandy peat soil, next to corresponding bulk soils, were studied with respect to their community structures and potential function. For the former analyses,
Differential response of wheat cultivars to Pseudomonas brassicacearum and take-all decline soil.
Yang, Mingming; Mavrodi, Dmitri; Thomashow, Linda S; Weller, David M
2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG)-producing Pseudomonas spp. in the P. fluorescens complex are primarily responsible for a natural suppression of take-all of wheat known as take-all decline (TAD) in many fields in the USA. P. brassicacearum, the most common DAPG producer found in TAD soils in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) of the USA, has biocontrol, growth promoting and phytotoxic activities. In this study, we explored how the wheat cultivar affects the level of take-all suppression when grown in a TAD soil, and how cultivars respond to colonization by P. brassicacearum. Three cvs. Tara, Finley and Buchanan supported similar rhizosphere population sizes of P. brassicacearum when grown in a TAD soil, however they developed significantly different amounts of take-all. Cultivars Tara and Buchanan developed the least and most take-all, respectively, and Finley showed an intermediate amount of disease. However, when grown in TAD soil that was pasteurized to eliminate both DAPG producers and take-all suppression, all three cultivars were equally susceptible to take-all. The three cultivars also responded differently to the colonization and phytotoxicity of P. brassicacearum strains Q8r1-96 and L5.1-96, which are characteristic of DAPG producers in PNW TAD soils. As compared to cv. Tara, cv. Buchanan showed significantly reduced seedling emergence and root growth when colonized by P. brassicacearum, and the response of Finley was intermediate. However, all cultivars emerged equally when treated with a DAPG-deficient mutant of Q8r1-96. Our results indicate that wheat cultivars grown in a TAD soil modulate both the robustness of take-all suppression and the potential phytotoxicity of the antibiotic DAPG.
Production of strawberry cultivars in closed hydroponic systems and coconut fibre substrate
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Fabio Rodrigues de Miranda
Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate yield and average fruit weight of strawberry cultivars Albion, Camarosa, Festival and Oso Grande, in two closed hydroponic systems (gutters and grow bags, using coconut fibre as substrate. The experimental design was of randomised blocks, divided into strips, with five replications. The hydroponic systems did not differ significantly as to yield, with advantages, such as savings in water and fertilizer and reduced environmental impact, over open systems. The most productive cultivar was Festival, followed by Oso Grande, with average yields of 6.99 kg m-2 and 5.56 kg m-2 respectively. The cultivars with the greatest fruit weight were Oso Grande and Albion, having averages of 11.8 and 11.1 g respectively, with the former being significantly superior to the latter. The highest yield (7.4 kg m-2 was obtained from the cultivar Festival under the gutter system. The Ibiapaba region has conditions which are favourable to strawberry production in relation to precocity (harvesting starts in the 6th week of growth and production continues throughout the year; however there is a need to test new cultivars and to improve the cultivation techniques with an aim to producing larger-sized fruit.
Antioxidant and carbohydrate changes of two pomegranate cultivars under deficit irrigation stress
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Morteza Ebtedaie
Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biochemical responses to water stress tolerance of two pomegranate cultivars, ‘Rabbab’ and ‘Shishehgap’. After the establishment of rooted stem cuttings of both cultivars under greenhouse conditions, they were treated with four levels of deficit irrigations (100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of field capacity in a completely randomized design with four replications. The results showed a significant difference between the two cultivars regarding antioxidant enzymes activities. In both cultivars, the water stress increased the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. However, at high water deficit (25% field capacity, FC, ‘Rabbab’ showed significantly higher enzyme activity than ‘Shishehgap’. In each level of irrigation, there were not considerable differences in peroxidase activity between the two cultivars. An increment of 162% and 65.5% in soluble sugar was gained at 50% FC in ‘Rabbab’ and ‘Shishehgap’, respectively. ‘Rabbab’ showed better growth performance in each level of irrigation than ‘Shishehgap’. Therefore, it can be concluded that 'Rabbab', with lesser decline in leaf relative water content (RWC, a strong antioxidant system and accumulation of more soluble carbohydrates, can resist higher water stress than 'Shishehgap'.
Antioxidant and carbohydrate changes of two pomegranate cultivars under deficit irrigation stress
Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)
Ebtedaie, M.; Shekafandeh, A.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biochemical responses to water stress tolerance of two pomegranate cultivars, ‘Rabbab’ and ‘Shishehgap’. After the establishment of rooted stem cuttings of both cultivars under greenhouse conditions, they were treated with four levels of deficit irrigations (100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of field capacity) in a completely randomized design with four replications. The results showed a significant difference between the two cultivars regarding antioxidant enzymes activities. In both cultivars, the water stress increased the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase. However, at high water deficit (25% field capacity, FC), ‘Rabbab’ showed significantly higher enzyme activity than ‘Shishehgap’. In each level of irrigation, there were not considerable differences in peroxidase activity between the two cultivars. An increment of 162% and 65.5% in soluble sugar was gained at 50% FC in ‘Rabbab’ and ‘Shishehgap’, respectively. ‘Rabbab’ showed better growth performance in each level of irrigation than ‘Shishehgap’. Therefore, it can be concluded that 'Rabbab', with lesser decline in leaf relative water content (RWC), a strong antioxidant system and accumulation of more soluble carbohydrates, can resist higher water stress than 'Shishehgap'.
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Amir H Beiki
Full Text Available Various methods have been used to identify cultivares of olive trees; herein we used different bioinformatics algorithms to propose new tools to classify 10 cultivares of olive based on RAPD and ISSR genetic markers datasets generated from PCR reactions. Five RAPD markers (OPA0a21, OPD16a, OP01a1, OPD16a1 and OPA0a8 and five ISSR markers (UBC841a4, UBC868a7, UBC841a14, U12BC807a and UBC810a13 selected as the most important markers by all attribute weighting models. K-Medoids unsupervised clustering run on SVM dataset was fully able to cluster each olive cultivar to the right classes. All trees (176 induced by decision tree models generated meaningful trees and UBC841a4 attribute clearly distinguished between foreign and domestic olive cultivars with 100% accuracy. Predictive machine learning algorithms (SVM and Naïve Bayes were also able to predict the right class of olive cultivares with 100% accuracy. For the first time, our results showed data mining techniques can be effectively used to distinguish between plant cultivares and proposed machine learning based systems in this study can predict new olive cultivars with the best possible accuracy.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
Hussein, M.; Embiale, A.; Husen, A.; Eref, I.E.
Salinity is one of the most severe environmental factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops. The present study assesses salt-tolerant cultivars of Vicia faba L.on the basis of their growth, biomass and foliar characteristics. Four levels of salt stress (0, 50, 100 and 150mM) were applied to three selected cultivars, viz. Degaga, Dosha and Hachalu. Results revealed significant differences among the cultivars, salt-stress treatments, and their interaction, indicating the cultivars' variability and differential response to salt stress. Salinity stress adversely affected plant growth, plant water status and biomass production. Salt treatments decreased the chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b contents, but cultivar Dosha, which was ahead of others in height, leaf number, relative water content, total biomass and leaf-dry-mass ratio, was least affected. Functional leaf characters, such as photochemical efficiency of PSII (maximum quantum yield = Fv/Fm), stomatal conductance (gs), net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate (E) were also reduced under salt-stress, and againDosha cultivar did better than others except in gs. The relatively less decline in growth, water status, biomass, photosynthetic pigments and functional leaf characters of Dosha exhibits a reasonable tolerance ability of this cultivar, while the other two varieties viz., Degaga and Hachalu proved to be sensitive to salt stress. (author)
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Rodrigo Fernando Maule
Full Text Available A cultura da cana-de-açúcar é destaque no cenário agrícola do Brasil, sendo cultivada em vários tipos de ambiente (associação de clima e solo. O estudo das respostas dos diferentes cultivares em cada ambiente de produção auxilia a maximizar a exploração econômica da cultura. Neste contexto, três experimentos em blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições foram delineados para determinar as produtividades de colmos e a pol % cana de nove cultivares de cana-de-açúcar em dois solos: Planossolo mesotrófico textura arenosa/média (PL e Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo mesotrófico textura arenosa/média (PV. Os cultivares foram colhidas em três épocas: maio, agosto e outubro de 1997. As produtividades de colmos foram superiores (PSugarcane is of prime importance in Brazilian agriculture, being cultivated over a range of environments (climate and soil. Studying cultivars responses in different environments helps to improve and maximize the crop economic output. In this context, three experiments were performed in a 9x2 randomized block design with four replicates to assess differences in stalk and the percentage of sucrose of nine sugarcane cultivars growing in two soils, Tipic Kandiaqult (PL and Arenic Kandiudult (PV. The cultivars were harvested during three months (May, August and October/1997. Overall the PV soil permitted higher stalk productivities (P<0.01. The sugarcane cultivars studied in this work showed different stalk produtivities and ripening degrees in the studied environments, which related to the water holding capacities in the two soils, emphasizing the role of environment on stalk and potential sugar productivities.
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Full Text Available The enzyme beta-glucosidase hydrolyses the isoflavone glucosides developing aglycones, which are compounds with anticancer effects, that are also related with the astringency observed in soybean flavor. Due to the importance of this enzyme, a study was carried out to determine beta-glucosidase activity in soybean (Glycine max (L. Merrill cultivars with different contents of isoflavone glucosides (enzyme substrate. The enzyme activity was determined in 51 soybean cultivars sowed in Londrina (latitude 23ºS, in Paraná State, Brazil, and in the cultivar IAS 5 from soybean production regions of different Brazilian states. Among the cultivars, a range of variability of 176.1 to 96.3 units of enzyme activity (cultivars IAC-2 and Embrapa 2, respectively was observed. A significant variability among cultivars could suggest genetic differences. In the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, the cultivar IAS 5 presented similar average of beta-glucosidase activity: 132.1, 131.9 and 132.5 units, respectively. Among locations in the states, the cultivar IAS 5 presented a variability for enzyme activity from 138.8 to 124.8 units, which were statistically different. In spite of statistics, the numerical values were not too different to assume that environmental conditions affected enzyme activity. A non-significative correlation for isoflavone glucoside concentrations and enzyme activity was observed among cultivars.
Breeding of cocksfoot cultivars with different maturity
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Babić Snežana
Full Text Available One of the most important criteria in breeding process of perennial grasses is maturity. Cultivars with different maturity play a very important role in utilization of perennial grasses, by providing the ability to create a mixture of different aspects utilization and time. The first grass species in Serbia whose breeding program involved this criterion was cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.. In general cocksfoot is early to medium-early in maturity in comparison with other grasses and legumes, and that is mayor problem since in the optimum phase for cutting, cocksfoot is often earlier then other species in mixtures. As a result of this work, in the previous period, two cultivars of different maturity were released, Kruševačka 24 (K-24 and Kruševačka 25 (K-25. K-24 is medium and K-25 is late in maturity. New material is adapted to local agro-ecological conditions and productive in the same time. In breeding process of both cultivars initial material originated from autochthonous populations collected in eastern and central Serbia. Material from the wild flora is selected based on medium and late maturity which is already adapted and has good productivity. We applied the standard method of phenotypic recurrent selection with the creation of synthetic varieties by polycross.
Capacidade embriogênica da cultivar IAS-5 de soja
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Di Mauro Antonio Orlando
Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o controle genético da formação de embriões somáticos da cultivar IAS-5 de soja. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, cultivando-se quatro plantas por vaso, sob fotoperíodo de 14 horas e temperatura em torno de 28°C. Efetuaram-se cruzamentos entre os parentais não-embriogênicos (cultivares IAC-6, Paraná e IAC-15 e embriogênico (cultivar IAS-5 e retrocruzamentos para obtenção das gerações F1, F2,RC1P1 e RC1P2. Cotilédones imaturos, com 4-6 mm de comprimento, derivados dos parentais das gerações F1, F2, RC1P1 e RC1P2 foram cultivados em placas de Petri contendo meio N10, por um período de 90 dias, em câmara de crescimento. Os embriões somáticos derivados da indução foram contados, e os números, usados para obtenção dos parâmetros genéticos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o caráter capacidade de produção de embriões somáticos da cultivar IAS-5 é de natureza quantitativa e controlado por, aproximadamente, 20 genes.
Stability and adaptability of soybean cultivars in Minas Gerais.
Soares, I O; Bruzi, A T; Zambiazzi, E V; Guilherme, S R; Bianchi, M C; Silva, K B; Fronza, V; Teixeira, C M
Genotypes x environment (G x E) interaction consists of different behavior of genotypes cultivated in different environments. This interaction occurs due to the performance variation of each genotype in different environments. To reduce the effect of the interaction in soybean crops, some studies have been reported in the literature to study their adaptability and stability. However, these studies are still scarce in Minas Gerais State. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars and identify the cultivars that contribute least to the G x E interaction in Minas Gerais. Six soybean cultivars were evaluated in 9 different environments. The plots were composed of 4 rows of 5 m with a spacing of 0.5 m between rows, and only the two central rows were harvested. The inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum was performed through sowing furrow. The fertilization followed the recommendations of the Soil Fertility Commission of Minas Gerais. Grain yield was evaluated in kg/ha after conversion to 13% moisture. After individual analysis, the joint analysis was performed by grouping the phenotypic means by the Scott and Knott (1974) test. Wricke's ecovalence methodologies and the Annicchiarico confidence index were applied for the adaptability and stability analysis. The interaction was decomposed into a simple and a complex part. The cultivars BRSMG 820RR and BRSMG 760SRR have wide adaptability and stability. The first one presents a better index of confidence and a small contribution to the interaction.
Genetic characterization of autochthonous grapevine cultivars from Eastern T