
Sample records for tender puentes lecciones

  1. Lecciones del concurso de puentes EIA


    Duque-Uribe, M. P. (Maria del Pilar)


    En este artículo se expone la historia, la evolución y las experiencias del concurso de puentes realizado anualmente en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, EIA. Se hace una descripción de los sistemas estructurales básicos usados en puentes, se plantean los puntos débiles de cada uno y se presentan algunos modelos del concurso, analizando su forma de falla según los criterios estructurales. Por último, se describen los puentes ganadores de las cuatro versiones del evento y se expone cómo a...


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    María del Pilar Duque

    Full Text Available En este artículo se expone la historia, la evolución y las experiencias del concurso de puentes realizado anualmente en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, EIA. Se hace una descripción de los sistemas estructurales básicos usados en puentes, se plantean los puntos débiles de cada uno y se presentan algunos modelos del concurso, analizando su forma de falla según los criterios estructurales. Por último, se describen los puentes ganadores de las cuatro versiones del evento y se expone cómo a través de la experiencia, tanto concursantes como organizadores han logrado superar y elevar el nivel del concurso.

  3. El espacio público de los puentes peatonales: Lecciones del BRT de Bogotá.

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    Isabel Arteaga Arredondo


    Full Text Available Al construir la primera línea principal del sistema BRT (Transmilenio en Bogotá, los puentes peatonales se hacen indispensables para conectar a los usuarios con las estaciones. Pero también adquirió un papel nuevo como espacios de una nueva urbanidad: artefactos que facilitan el acceso desde las estaciones a los barrios, que conectan con otros medios de transporte, instalaciones o servicios comerciales. En tal contexto, este trabajo pretende analizar los puentes peatonales y el espacio público del sistema Transmilenio de Bogotá, para entender la lógica de los puentes como una conexión entre ambos lados de la calle y como dispositivos que generan esta doble experiencia. Para ello, se realiza un análisis general,

  4. El espacio público de los puentes peatonales: Lecciones del BRT de Bogotá.


    Isabel Arteaga Arredondo; Diva Marcela García; César Ernesto Guzmán Guzmán; Jose Mario Mayorga


    Al construir la primera línea principal del sistema BRT (Transmilenio) en Bogotá, los puentes peatonales se hacen indispensables para conectar a los usuarios con las estaciones. Pero también adquirió un papel nuevo como espacios de una nueva urbanidad: artefactos que facilitan el acceso desde las estaciones a los barrios, que conectan con otros medios de transporte, instalaciones o servicios comerciales. En tal contexto, este trabajo pretende analizar los puentes peatonales y el espacio públi...

  5. Comportamiento y optimización de puentes atirantados continuos


    Rodado López, Juan


    Un puente atirantado continuo es un puente atirantado que tiene más de tres vanos sin presencia de bloques intermedios que romperían la continuidad. La problemática de este tipo de puentes se plantea cuando se analiza su comportamiento frente a sobrecargas alternadas. La presente tesis se centra en este estudio establecido cuáles son las tipologías de puente atirantado más adecuadas para el puente continuo desde el punto de vista de la eficacia del atirantamiento. Para ello, después de hacer ...

  6. LA CRISIS FINANCIERA INTERNACIONAL. Ocho lecciones de y para América Latina

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    Liliana Rojas-Suarez


    Full Text Available La crisis financiera internacional del 2008-2009 puso de manifiesto las fortalezas y debilidades del paradigma prevaleciente en materia de desarrollo en América La-tina. Éste se basa en una cuenta de capitales liberada que a su vez ha mejorado de manera importante las condiciones macroeconómicas. Este artículo proporciona lecciones provenientes de la crisis, no solamente para la región, sino para otros paí-ses en desarrollo que buscan conseguir crecimiento económico en un contexto de mayor integración a los mercados internacionales de capital. Algunas de las lec-ciones no son nuevas pero han sido reforzadas con la crisis, como la necesidadde que América Latina diversifique sus exportaciones (no sólo de productos sino de socios comerciales. Otras lecciones desmitifican otros elementos, como por ejem-plo la imposibilidad de aplicar políticas contracíclicas, al menos del lado moneta-rio. Otras lecciones incluyen i el papel relativo de la banca nacional y extranjera como amortiguadores de los choques financieros externos, y ii el costo potencial de adoptar regulaciones financieras internacionales que no tomen en consideración el desarrollo de cada país. Tomadas en conjunto, las lecciones arrojan un nuevo sentido de optimismo para el crecimiento de América Latina.

  7. Puente Río Colorado - Costa Rica

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    Kulka, F.


    Full Text Available The Colorado River bridge is located in a 95 m deep canyon, with a 122 m span. To choose the type of bridge, it has been endeavoured to use the largest possible number of national building materials which, together with the difficulty of reaching the site, meant that a series of classical solutions had to be rejected. That of an arch bridge was adopted, with a reversed support on prestressed cables, on which the road passes. The system is based on the hanging bridge principle, but with the rolling track resting on the cables, instead of hanging from them. There is a first cover, made up of prefabricated components, on the cables, which strengthens the bridge's stability. This cover supports three portal-columns, the pillars of the final roadway. The cables were prestressed from the heads of the two sloping pillars. The two side spans were designed with prefabricated T girders.El puente Río Colorado está situado en un cañón de 95 m de profundidad, salvando una luz de 122 m. Para la elección del tipo de puente se ha procurado emplear el mayor número posible de materiales de construcción nacionales, lo que, unido a la dificultad de acceso a la obra, hizo que se rechazaran una serie de soluciones clásicas. Se adoptó la de un puente-arco con un soporte invertido sobre cables pretensados, encima del cual descansa la calzada. El sistema está basado en los principios del puente colgante, pero apoyando el camino de rodadura en los cables, en lugar de colgarlo de ellos. Sobre los cables existe una primera cubierta, integrada por elementos prefabricados, que refuerza la estabilidad del puente. Esta cubierta soporta tres pórticos-columna, pilares de la calzada definitiva. El pretensado de los cables se realizó desde las cabezas de dos pilares inclinados. Los dos vanos laterales se proyectaron con vigas en T prefabricadas.

  8. Defensas ribereñas en el río Chillón: Tramo puente Panamericana-puente Inca


    Huacoto Díaz, Eduardo Cesar; Huacoto Díaz, Eduardo Cesar


    Durante todo el trayecto del Río Chillón existen numerosas áreas tanto urbanas como agrícolas asentadas en la ribera del río haciéndolas vulnerable a un posible desborde de sus aguas ocasionando desastres humanos y materiales. Justamente el área que está más expuesta es la parte baja de la cuenca del río Chillón; es decir el área en estudio del presente informe tramo: Puente Panamericana-Puente Inca, un tramo aproximado de 5 Km, anteriormente se han realizado trabajos de ...

  9. Evolución conceptual de los protocolos de puentes transparentes


    Ibáñez Fernández, Guillermo Agustín; García-Martínez, Alberto; Carral Pelayo, Juan Antonio; Arco Rodríguez, José Manuel; Azcorra, Arturo


    Los puentes Ethernet transparentes son un elemento cada vez más importante en las redes de telecomunicaciones. Este artículo ofrece una visión panorámica de la evolución conceptual de los paradigmas de puentes durante las últimas décadas, desde los puentes transparentes con árbol de expansión hasta las propuestas actualmente en estandarización: por una parte Shortest Path Bridges, Provider Bridges y Provider Backbone Bridges en el IEEE 802.1; por otra parte Routing Bridges en el ...

  10. Nuevo puente sobre el río Ganges

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    S. Sarwal


    Full Text Available Recientemente se ha puesto en servicio un nuevo puente sobre el río Ganges, a unos cinco kilómetros aguas abajo de la estación ferroviaria de Mokameh Ghat, del Estado de Bihar, en la India. La obra consta de 14 tramos principales, de unos 120 m, aproximadamente, de luz cada uno, y 4 tramos, dos en cada extremidad, de 30 m de luz, que constituyen un total de 1.820 m de longitud. El puente tiene dos tableros: el superior, de 7,30 m de anchura, destinado a un paso de carretera, y el inferior, convenientemente separado, para el paso de un ferrocarril. Entre la parte inferior del puente y el nivel de aguas se ha dejado una altura libre de 10,50 m para el paso de la navegación fluvial.

  11. El puente romano de Colloto (Asturias

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se estudian 7 monedas (siglos IV - V del "tesorillo" recuperado en el puente durante la Guerra Civil de 1936, confirmando la factura romana de la fábrica apuntada por la tradición y afirmada tipológicamente por la bibliografía (época republicana - principios del siglo I. Se describe el puente y, al estudiarlo tipológicamente, se observa que la tipología al uso no es aplicable, tal como está estructurada, a todos los puentes de fábrica romana. Asimismo se observa que la metrología y la modulación no sirven como elementos de autentificación cronológica por ser la primera una técnica poco rigurosa. Por último, se contextualiza históricamente el puente y se sientan las bases de su cronología.RÉSUMÉ: On étudie sept monnaies (siécles IV - V du "petit trésor" recuperé dans le pont pendant la Guerre Civile de 1936, confirmant la facture romaine de la fabrique esquissée par la tradition et typologiquement certifiée par la bibliographie (époque républicaine - debut du Ier siécle. On décrit le pont et, lors de son étude typologique, on remarque que la typologie en usage n'est pas appiicable, telle qu'elle est structurée, á tous les ponts de fabrique romaine. On observe aussi que la métrologie et la modulation ne sont pas valables en tant qu'éléments d'authentification chronologique, étant donné que la premiére technique est peu rigoureuse. En dernier lieu, on contextualise historiquement le pont et on établit les bases de sa chronologie.

  12. Respuesta aeroelástica de diversos tipos de puentes de tirantes


    Farrés Rabanal, Joan


    El objetivo de la presente tesina consiste en determinar cual es el diseño óptimo de un puente atirantado para que sea capaz de resistir las solicitaciones aerodinámicas generadas por ele efecto del viento. Esta investigación se centra en el fenómeno del flameo por tratarse de la inestabilidad aeroelástica más relevante en puentes de gran vano. También se dimensionarán los tirantes del puente para que resistan las cargas a las que estarán solicitados.

  13. Puente sobre el Maracaibo

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    Equipo Editorial


    Full Text Available Para salvar el lago de Maracaibo (Venezuela, el conocido ingeniero italiano Riccaido Morandi ha presentado un proyecto de puente para ferrocarril y carretera, de hormigón pretensado, de tramos independientes, constituyendo un sistema Gerber, que tiene una longitud total de 8.720 m y un vano central de 400 m de luz. Este último tramo, en unión de los dos adyacentes al mismo, constituirán, una vez terminada la obra, un conjunto continuo. El tablero del puente se halla a una altura de 45 m sobre el nivel del agua en la zona del canal, con objeto de permitir la navegación. El tablero, de 20,90 m de anchura total, se ha subdividido en tres partes, dos simétricas respecto al eje, laterales, de 7,20 m de anchura, para la circulación en sentidos opuestos por carretera, una plataforma central, de 5 m de ancho, para el ferrocarril y dos andenes para el paso de peatones y servicios.

  14. 4 puentes sobre el Rin Alemania Federal

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    Idelberger, Klaus


    Full Text Available This article describes two different ways of carrying out expansion of the number of lanes, from 4 to 6, on a bridge, without having to interrupt traffic: — The bridge with lanes for metropolitan train-trolley and automobiles between the city of Cologne-Deutz (Deutz and Mülheim are very large outskirts of Cologne, to the east of the Rhine, will be expanded between 1977 and 1979 from 4 to 6 lanes by means of an adjacent bridge of similar characteristics. — Another bridge —the suspension bridge for both metropolitan train-trolley and vehicles— existing between Cologne-Riehl and Cologne-Mülheim was expanded between 1974 and 1977 from 4 to 6 lanes of traffic, distributing in a more favorable manner the transversal section with the existing support structure. At the same time the upper part of the bridge was newly paved and reinforced to adapt to the strictest construction standards, in order to avoid future bulging problems.

    Se describen en este artículo dos maneras diferentes de realizar la ampliación del número de carriles —de 4 a 6— de los puentes, sin necesidad de interrumpir el tráfico. — El puente de vigas mixtas para tranvía-ferrocarril metropolitano y automóviles entre la ciudad de Colonia-Deutz (Deutz y Mülheim son grandes barrios de Colonia, al este del Rin se ampliará entre los años 1977 y 1979 de 4 a 6 carriles de circulación por medio de uno adyacente de características similares. — Otro puente —el puente colgante para tranvía-ferrocarril metropolitano y vehículos— existente entre Colonia-Riehl y Colonia-Mülheim se amplió entre los años 1974 y 1977 de 4 a 6 carriles de circulación, distribuyendo de modo más favorable la sección transversal con la estructura portante existente. Al mismo tiempo se asfaltó nuevamente la parte superior del puente y se reforzó adaptándose a las normas de construcción más estrictas, con el fin de evitar en el futuro problemas de abolladura.

  15. Evolución de los puentes en la historia reciente

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    Manterola, Javier


    Full Text Available The appearance of high-resistance steels and concrete, the possibility of using, when best it suits us, part of the actions which bridges require, new morphologies such as orthotropic slabs for metallic bridges or the stretching of planks and the development of new construction processes, have given rise to a tremendous speeding up in the evolution of bridgebuilding since the Second World War. This article reviews the evolution of bridgebuilding {metallic, suspension and stretched bridges over the last forty years.La aparición de aceros y hormigones de alta resistencia, la posibilidad de utilizar, a nuestra conveniencia, parte de las acciones que solicitan el puente, las morfologías nuevas como la losa ortótropa para los puentes metálicos o el atirantamiento de los tableros y el desarrollo de nuevos procesos constructivos, han introducido una fuerte aceleración en la evolución de los puentes desde la segunda guerra mundial hasta ahora. . En este artículo se pasa revista a la evolución de los puentes de fábrica, metálicos, colgados y atirantados en los últimos cuarenta años.

  16. Paleomagnetism of the Puente Piedra Formation, Central Peru (United States)

    May, Steven R.; Butler, Robert F.


    Paleomagnetic samples were collected from 15 sites in the early Cretaceous Puente Piedra Formation near Lima, Peru. This formation consists of interbedded volcanic flows and marine sediments and represents the oldest known rocks of the Andean coastal province in this region. The Puente Piedra Formation is interpreted as a submarine volcanic arc assemblage which along with an overlying sequence of early Cretaceous clastic and carbonate rocks represents a terrane whose paleogeographic relationship with respect to the Peruvian miogeocline in pre-Albian time is unknown. Moderate to high coercivities, blocking temperatures below 320°C, and diagnostic strong-field thermomagnetic behavior indicate that pyrrhotite is the dominant magnetic phase in the Puente Piedra Formation. This pyrrhotite carries a stable CRM acquired during an event of copper mineralization associated with the intrusion of the Santa Rosa super-unit of the Coastal Batholith at about 90 ± 5 m.y. B.P. The tectonically uncorrected formation mean direction of: D = 343.2°, I = -28.6°, α 95 = 3.4° is statistically concordant in inclination but discordant in declination with respect to the expected direction calculated from the 90-m.y. reference pole for cratonic South America. The observed declination indicates approximately 20° of counterclockwise rotation of the Puente Piedra rocks since about 90 m.y. This is consistent with other paleomagnetic data from a larger crustal block which may indicate modest counterclockwise rotation during the Cenozoic associated with crustal shortening and thickening in the region of the Peru-Chile deflection.

  17. Puente Reich, Viena - Austria

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    Staber, Johann


    Full Text Available The Reich Bridge substitutes for another bridge linking the centre and North areas of the city, collapsed on 8th August 1976. The purpose of this bridge is to regulate traffic and lends urban distinction to this city section. The structure is a suspended bridge, some 300 m in span, with two abutments on the banks and two piers for anchoring support. The cross section is a box girder large enough to carry motor traffic and the urban railway line.

    El puente Reich sustituye a otro anterior, derrumbado el 8 de agosto de 1976, que servía de enlace entre el centro y la parte norte de la ciudad de Viena. Debe servir para ordenar el tráfico y para realzar urbanísticamente esta zona de la ciudad. La estructura que presenta es un puente colgante de unos 300 m de luz, con dos estribos en zona de tierra y dos apoyos para los anclajes El perfil es una viga-cajón Vierendel que permite el tráfico automovilístico y el trazado del Metropolitano.


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    John Mario García Giraldo

    Full Text Available Las vías terrestres son la principal herramienta para el desarrollo comercial y económico de una región. La falla de un puente en un proyecto vial genera la interrupción total del tráfico de bienes en su superficie, produciendo cuantiosas e incalculables pérdidas mientras se restituye el normal flujo vehicular. Antioquia cuenta con una de las redes viales secundarias más extensas del territorio colombiano, y en ella hay un número importante de puentes que conforman su patrimonio vial. Gran porcentaje de estos puentes no han recibido un mantenimiento adecuado desde su construcción posibilitando la aparición de fallas en su estructura e incluso su eventual colapso. El inventario realizado a la totalidad de puentes de las vías secundarias del departamento de Antioquia identificó los principales parámetros físicos del puente, su tipología constructiva, el tipo de estructura y el nivel de daños presentado. Como resultado se observa que la tipología estructural más empleada es la de puentes de concreto reforzado, con una longitud de mayor repetición entre 5m y 10m, de los cuales el 11 % requiere una intervención inmediata por el nivel de daños presentados y el 48 % de ellos se encuentran funcionando adecuadamente.

  19. Puentes de Fortuna


    Soley Salamero, Gisela


    Castellà: El acceso a servicios tales como escuelas, hospitales, y centros comerciales suele ser una de las mayores prioridades en el desarrollo para muchas personas que viven en el medio rural. Las pasarelas de poca longitud se convierten entonces en un elemento que permite mejorar el acceso de estas gentes, reduciendo el tiempo de viaje a comunidades vecinas y mejorando su calidad de vida. De ahí la necesidad que se construyan estos puentes en zonas que realmente lo necesitan y donde el...

  20. Puente Aranda de Bogotá-Colombia

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    Jorge Eduardo Pachón


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se llevó a cabo la caracterización química del material particulado menor a 10 micrómetros (PM10 recolectado en la Localidad de Puente Aranda de Bogotá. Durante el período de estudio (junio de 2005 a junio de 2006 se recolectaron 75 muestras de PM10 en diferentes condiciones climáticas en tres puntos de monitoreo, dos en la zona industrial y el tercero en una zona remota. Se incluyen en el estudio los días del paro de transportes que tuvo lugar en la ciudad en el 2006. Se determinó la presencia de cadmio, cobre, cromo, plata, hierro, plomo, manganeso, cinc y níquel. Las concentraciones promedio diarias de PM10 en Puente Aranda se encontraron entre 65 y 100 µg/m3, mientras que para el norte de la ciudad variaban entre 20 y 30 µg/m3. Los principales metales encontrados en la zona industrial fueron Fe y Pb, con concentraciones hasta de 4.000 ng/m3. El grupo de metales Cu, Cr, Zn, Ni, Mn presentaron un rango medio de concentración (50 a 700 ng/m3 en Puente Aranda, <100 ng/m3 en el norte de la ciudad. Los metales con las menores concentraciones en la atmósfera fueron Cd y Ag. A partir del analisis de material particulado y metales pesados se realizó una aproximación al aporte de las fuentes de emisión.

  1. Dos puentes de hormigón, en Inglaterra

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available The great majority of the bridges at present under construction in Britain are reinforced or prestressed concrete structures. There are more of the first type, and no less than 300 of them have been built in the last decade. In order to convey some general idea of this type of construction in Britain, ihe author of the article has selected two types of bridges which seem to reflect best British contemporary practice in this field. The bridges, to which reference is made here, have been built for the Ministry of Transport, and have been designed by various engineers in cooperation with private architects. Bridge at Wentbridge. Its total length is 143 ms, and its maximubm height above the ground 30 ms. It has three spans; a central one of 58 ms and two lateral ones of 43.50 ms each. The piles of this structure are considerably inclined with respect to the vertical, and this gives the bridge a pleasant and harmonious appearance. The deck is divided into two traffic lanes, each 7.30 ms wide, and there is a central nucleus sufficiently massive to separate the two lanes completely. Two pedestrian footpaths, each 2.70 ms wide, contribute to the total deck width of 33 ras. Bridstow Bridge. This bridge differs essentially from the one mentioned above, and is undoubtedly the type of structure that fits best with the local scenery. Its three spans have an overall length of 107 ms, and the width of the deck is 24 ms. The central opening, of 63 ms span, consists of two cantilevers, and a closing central section, 31.30 ms in length, which rests on rollers.La inmensa mayoría de los puentes que actualmente se están construyendo en Inglaterra son de hormigón armado o pretensado. Los del primer tipo son más numerosos, pues sólo en los últimos diez años se han realizado 300. Con objeto de dar una idea general de la construcción de este tipo de estructuras en Inglaterra, el autor ha elegido dos tipos de puente que parece son los que mejor caracterizan las

  2. Liderazgo Transformacional y Clima Organizacional en la RED Educativa Nº 14, Puente Piedra, 2014


    Romero Flores, Sumner Jesús


    La tesis “Liderazgo Transformacional y Clima Organizacional en la Red Educativa Nº 14, Puente Piedra 2014” tuvo como problema general ¿Cuál la relación entre el liderazgo transformacional y el clima organizacional en la Red Educativa Nº 14, Puente Piedra 2014?, y como objetivo general: Determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo transformacional y el clima organizacional en la Red Educativa Nº 14, Puente Piedra 2014. La investigación realizada fue de tipo básico, de...

  3. El observatorio metropolitano de Toluca: lecciones, propuestas y desafíos

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    José Antonio Álvarez-Lobato


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan las principales lecciones aprendidas durante la construcción del Observatorio Metropolitano de Toluca (METROSUM, se hacen propuestas puntuales orientadas a construir mejores observatorios urbanos y se identifican los desafíos más importantes que enfrentará la Red de Observatorios Urbanos Locales de México (Red OUL, que impulsa UN-Habitat y el gobierno federal mexicano. Las lecciones y las propuestas que aquí se comparten tienen como objetivo acortar la curva de aprendizaje de los interesados en la construcción de observatorios urbanos. Por su parte, los retos que se identifican pueden ser insumos útiles para diseñar las respuestas institucionales que garanticen la sostenibilidad de la Red OUL. Este artículo se inscribe en el campo de la escasa literatura especializada que trata de orientar la construcción de observatorios urbanos en países en desarrollo.

  4. Consideraciones sismicas en el diseño de cimentaciones de concreto armado en puentes


    Rivera Reyes, Eduardo; Rivera Reyes, Eduardo


    El presente trabajo profesional de cimentaciones de puentes, no se trata de un resumen de todo lo que habría que saber sobre cimentaciones, sino la ambición es sensibilizar a los Ingenieros en general, que quisieran diseñar estructuras de puentes, con los diversos problemas que los puentes plantean, facilitándoles una visión en conjunto de los tipos de cimentaciones que encontraran, pero incidiendo en el análisis sísmico de las estructuras que no era considerado al detalle en cimentaciones de...

  5. Puente de Suehiro –Japón

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This bridge, of the braced type, is the longest in Japan. In its construction, serious technicel and utilisation difficulties had to be overcome, such as: the need of having a 205 m span and a height of 21 m, adverse conditions of the ground, etc. Between several solutions submitted in the draft project that of a braced bridge was chosen with continuous box-type bridge deck divided into three stretches, and understructure with cylindrical steel box like a provisional jetty. The bridge, located in the harbour area of Tokushima, was recently opened to traffic and its structure and erection are described in this article.Este puente, de tipo atirantado, es el más largo del Japón. En su construcción han tenido que vencerse serias dificultades técnicas y de uso, tales como: la necesidad de disponer de un vano de 205 m y una altura de 21 m, las condiciones adversas del terreno, etc. Entre varias soluciones presentadas en el anteproyecto se eligió la de puente atirantado con tablero continuo en cajón, dividido en tres tramos, e infraestructura a base de cajón cilíndrico de acero corno dique provisional. El puente, situado en la zona portuaria de Tokushima, ha sido abierto al tráfico recientemente y en este artículo se describe su estructura y montaje.

  6. Descubrimiento de conocimiento en lecciones aprendidas documentadas en los procesos de cierre de proyectos informáticos


    Eliana Bárbara Ril Valentín; Rafael Rodríguez Puente; Pedro Y. Piñero Pérez; Hugo A. Martínez Noriegas


    La documentación de lecciones aprendidas permite visualizar los errores del pasado y mejorar el trabajo futuro. Aprender de la experiencia de proyectos anteriores contribuye a disminuir los riesgos, evitar problemas ya identificados y reutilizar las buenas prácticas para reducir el número de proyectos no exitosos. El objetivo de esta investigación es descubrir conocimiento a partir de la aplicación de árboles de decisión y tablas de contingencia en lecciones aprendidas documentadas en los pro...

  7. Varios puentes de Berlín

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    Heusel, Hanns


    Full Text Available The last war destroyed a large number of civil works, among which were the Berlin bridges. As the number of these was considerable, it was decided to improve on the original designs and methods of construction, taking advantage of new materials and prestressing techniques. Of the 84 reconstructed bridges, 24 of them have been made in prestressed concrete. This emphasizes what considerable importance was attached to this constructional method at a time when this technology had not yet reached its present day mature development. The rebuilt bridges have spans varying between 25 and 100 ms. Their foundations differ considerably in each particular case. Some consist of pile structures, others are of sheet piling, and others again are caissons. At present the most important prestressed bridge in Berlin is the Disching bridge, which runs over the Havel, and carries the road to Spandau. Its single span is 94 ms long, and the ratio of rise to span is 1/63.1.La última guerra mundial destruyó una serie de obras públicas, entre las cuales se hallaban muchos puentes de Berlín. Como el número de puentes destruidos es considerable, se pensó en mejorar las obras originales y los métodos de construcción, para lo cual se contaban con nuevos materiales y la técnica del pretensado, actualmente en estado de madurez. De las 84 obras que se han reconstruido, 24 son de hormigón pretensado. Esto pone de relieve la importancia que se le dio a este sistema en aquellos momentos en que la técnica de este tipo de construcciones no había alcanzado todavía el actual desarrollo. Los puentes reconstruidos tienen luces que varían de 25 a 100 metros. Los cimientos de estas obras son muy distintos y variados: unos están formados por tablestacas, otros se apoyan sobre pilotes y, finalmente, otros, constituidos por cajones. El puente pretensado más importante actualmente en Berlín es el de Disching, que salva el río Havel y cuyo objeto es el de dar paso a la

  8. Puente del Guadalimar – España

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    Prieto, F.


    Full Text Available This bridge is a continuous precast concrete box, resting on three piers and their corresponding abutments. It has three 38 m spans each, and one main 54 m spark. The flooring edge is 3.5 m and the piles 17 m high. The bridge is designed for single track railway. This was a project of the Technical Office of Carlos Fernández Casado, S. A.El puente es un cajón continuo de hormigón pretensado, apoyado en tres pilas y sus correspondientes estribos. Tiene tres luces de 38 m cada una, y una luz central de 54 m. El canto del tablero es de 3,5 m y la altura de pilares de 17 m. El puente está diseñado para ferrocarril de vía única. Proyecto de la Oficina Técnica Carlos Fernández Casado, S. A.

  9. Embalse de Puente Alta


    Isabel Crespo, Josué


    El presente proyecto de construcción define todas las actuaciones necesarias para la realización de las obras del Embalse de Puente Alta, ubicado en el término municipal de Revenga, provincia de Segovia. El proyecto se plantea debido a las previsiones de fuerte crecimiento poblacional, con motivo de la llegada del Tren de Alta Velocidad, puesto que el mantenimiento de la situación actual podría causar en su momento un déficit estructural en esta zona.

  10. Puente Alnö – Suecia

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This bridge that joins the island of Alnô with the peninsula near the port of Sundsvall In the north of Sweden is one of the many of prestressed concrete that have been constructed lately all over the world with the system of successive corbels. Until recently it was the longest bridge in the country and distinguishes itself by the elegance and slenderness of its longer arches and by the deep foundation system used to construct the four central bridge piers. It has been planned and constructed by Skanska Cementgjuteriet, a firm that is specializing in this type of structure.Este puente, que une la isla de Alno con la península, cerca del puerto de Sundsvall, en el norte de Suecia, es uno de los muchos de hormigón pretensado que se han construido últimamente en todo el mundo por el sistema de voladizos sucesivos. Hasta hace poco era el puente más largo del país y destaca por la elegancia y esbeltez de sus arcos más largos y por el sistema de cimentación profunda empleado para construir las cuatro pilas centrales. Ha sido proyectado y construido por Skanska Cementgjuteriet, empresa que se ha especializado en este tipo de estructura.

  11. Puente Verrazano-Narrows

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    Ammann, -


    embotellamientos. El puente se halla situado entre Brooklyn y Staten Island. La importancia de esta obra, aparte las enormes cantidades de materiales que exige su construcción, consiste en los 1.298 m de luz que tiene su tramo central. Los dos accesos, simétricos, tienen 370 m de luz cada uno. El tablero, suspendido, se compondrá de dos calzadas de seis bandas de circulación cada una, subdivididas en dos direcciones únicas de circulación por medio de un macizo central. Los anclajes y cimientos han alcanzado profundidades de 30 a 50 m en lo que respecta a las pilas. Las torres que soportan los cables de suspensión tienen 210 m de altura respecto al nivel medio del mar. Su armazón metálica, prefabricada, tiene en su interior un complicado laberinto compuesto de miles de células. El tablero, de doble calzada en una segunda fase, se halla suspendido de cuatro cables de 0,90 m de diámetro, con péndolas de 55 mm de diámetro. Para la formación del cable sobre las propias torres de apoyo ha sido necesario instalar una verdadera trefilería, de la cual se acompaña un esquema elocuente por sí mismo. Simultáneamente a la construcción del puente se están realizando una serie de rectificaciones y mejoras en las vías próximas a los accesos, con objeto de encauzar el tráfico que el puente ha de canalizar. Todos estos trabajos, junto con el propio puente, forman un plan general cuyo alcance económico es del orden de 400 millones de dólares. La seguridad del personal que trabaja en esta obra, cuya terminación se confía para 1964, ha sido estudiada y puesta en juego con gran minucia y firmeza.

  12. Las “Lecciones Académicas” de Evangelista Torricelli

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    Rosa María Herrera


    Full Text Available En las Lecciones Académicas (“Lezioni accademiche”, Torricelli a la manera divulgativa dibujó un boceto de bastantes de sus ideas científicas, algunas novedosas, como la circulación general de la atmósfera. El estilo culto e irónico, pero informal, que utilizó le permitió exponer conceptos que de otra manera, dadas las circunstancias, hubiera sido casi imposible. En estas notas muestro algunos ejemplos.

  13. Puente de Humber Gran Bretaña

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    Población Knappe, Eleuterio


    Full Text Available This article describes the building of the world's longest single- span hanging bridge (2,250 metres in the Humber estuary. The floor of this bridge, the main light of which Is 1,410 m, is formed by trapezoidal chestbeams made with 18 m long rigid sheets. This makes possible both economy of steel and a reduction In the dimensions of the cables, pylons and anchorage masses. The pylons, built of sliding formwork, consist of two 155 m high reinforced concrete hollow pillars.These pillars are joined by four horizontal struts. The construction of the Humber bridge allows the distances between both shores of the estuary to be cut and completes the motorway network in the area.

    Se describe en este artículo la construcción del puente colgado de tramo sencillo más largo del mundo (2.250 m en el estuario de Humber. El tablero de este puente, cuya luz principal es de 1.410 m, está formado por vigas-cajón trapezoidales realizadas mediante chapas rigidizadas de 18 m de longitud. De esta manera se obtiene una economía de acero así como una reducción en las dimensiones de los cables, pilonos y macizos de anclaje. Los pilonos, construidos con encofrado deslizante, se componen de dos pilares huecos de hormigón armado de 155 m de altura. Estos pilares están unidos por cuatro riostras horizontales. La construcción del puente de Humber permite acortar las distancias entre ambas orillas del estuario y completa la red de autopistas de la zona.

  14. Estudio de la influencia de las deformaciones impuestas en el proyecto de puentes integrales de ferrocarril


    Salvà López, Yeray


    Durante los últimos años en España se están diseñando y ejecutando puentes que tiene como principal característica el monolitismo estructural a diferencia de sus predecesores puentes convencionales. El interés de los ingenieros y administraciones por esta tipología estructural reside en las grandes ventajas que estos ofrecen para un determinado rango de puentes que comprende el mayor número de estas construcciones. En países con una mayor experiencia, tanto desde el punto de vista constructiv...

  15. Lecciones aprendidas en desastres y la gestión del conocimiento en salud y desastres

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    Vivian María Céspedes Mora


    Full Text Available Se revisan los últimos trabajos publicados sobre la conciencia que se tiene acerca de la producción y diseminación de las lecciones aprendidas en desastres para la gestión del conocimiento en materia de medicina y desastres. Se destaca la influencia de las lecciones aprendidas como elemento importante en la toma de decisiones ante el manejo de los desastres. Se expone la inquietud que para el Centro Latinoamericano de Medicina de Desastres constituye la necesidad de rescatar e incentivar la producción de las lecciones aprendidas por el personal de la salud en su enfrentamiento a catástrofes y en el desempeño de sus funciones en Cuba y en Latinoamérica.This paper reviewed the last papers published about the awareness of the production and dissemination of lessons learned on disasters for the knowledge management in terms of medicine and disaster. It underlined the effect of the lessons learned as an important element in the decision-taking on disaster management. It showed the concern of the Latin-American Center of Disaster Medicine about the need of rescuing and encouraging the production of the lessons learned by the health personnel in facing up to catastrophes and in performing its work in Cuba and Latin America


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    Full Text Available En la actualidad, el incremento de la resistencia en nuevos materiales y las mayores luces entre apoyos hacen que los puentes peatonales sean más susceptibles a problemas de vibraciones excesivas. Infortunadamente las provisiones de las normas colombianas son limitadas para el diseño o rehabilitación de estas estructuras. En este artículo se presenta una clasificación de los puentes peatonales en Santiago de Cali que permite comparar efectos de la Interacción Humano-Estructura, aceleraciones máximas y frecuencias naturales, con los criterios de vibraciones para diseño especificados en las principales normas. Aunque en los 19 puentes estudiados no se superaron los límites de aceleraciones establecidas por las normas por una persona al caminar, 16 de los puentes presentaron vibraciones que generaron incomodidad en los peatones. En consecuencia, se recomienda que futuras normas colombianas establezcan valores límites de aceleraciones y frecuencias naturales en función del desempeño según niveles de comodidad y seguridad percibida por los peatones.

  17. Reconstrucciones históricas del puente de El Kantara en Constantine, Argelia

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    Bernabeu-Larena, J.


    Full Text Available Constantine, known as the “city of bridges”, has an exceptional built heritage. Among its bridges, is analyzed as particularly significant the historical reconstructions of “El Kantara”: from the first Roman stone bridge, dated 161, up to the current concrete arch built in 1951, through the Ottoman rebuilding of 1792 and the cast iron French bridge of 1863. The article brings together historical and documentary references of its different configurations. Successive solutions reflects the technological evolution of bridges, while showing its impact on urban transformation and in the construction of the city’s identity.Constantine, conocida como la «ciudad de los puentes», reúne un patrimonio construido excepcional. Entre sus puentes, se analiza como obra especialmente significativa el de «El Kantara» y sus reconstrucciones históricas: desde el primer puente romano de piedra del año 161, hasta el actual arco de hormigón armado que data de 1951, pasando por la reconstrucción otomana de 1792 y el arco de ingeniería francesa de hierro de 1863. El artículo reúne referencias históricas y documentales de sus diferentes configuraciones. Las sucesivas soluciones ponen de manifiesto la evolución tecnológica de la construcción de puentes, a la vez que muestran su incidencia en la transformación urbana y en la propia identidad de la ciudad.

  18. Diseño óptimo de tableros de puentes mixtos de carretera hormigón-acero


    Taveras Mendoza, Carlos Tomás


    El desarrollo de la nanotecnología de los materiales, la búsqueda de la optimización en los proyectos de ingeniería, ha emergido una verdadera evolución en el diseño de los puentes a nivel mundial. Europa surge como el génesis de los puentes mixtos en el mundo, grandes puentes y viaductos se hacen con la tipología de viga cajón y viga bijácena mixta. España, concibe la tipología de la doble acción mixta, como alternativa de optimizar los costes del acero. En este trabajo de fin...

  19. Bambú Guadua en puentes peatonales

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    Virginia Carmiol Umaña


    Full Text Available Cuando se habla de puentes peatonales en bambú es conveniente estudiar de cerca las últimas obras que se producen en Colombia. Estas innovadoras construcciones no solo permiten cruzar ríos y carreteras sino que muestran la competitividad de este material en la ingeniería ecológica (Figura N.°1. La propagación de este tipo de construcciones por todo el país denota que la Guadua ya forma parte de la cultura colombiana y de un estilo fresco y propio que ha dejado de relacionarse solo con pobreza o construcciones de interés social. Además, se deja en evidencia que este material es una opción perfectamente viable para un país que, como el nuestro, está expuesto a avalanchas, inundaciones y sismos. A pesar de que en un principio los puentes peatonales se construyeron para acortar distancias y superar barreras naturales, en las últimas décadas también se han convertido en una necesidad para la seguridad del transeúnte que está inmerso en un desmedido crecimiento urbano. Sin embargo, y aunque existan diferentes alternativas para responder al mismo problema, casi todas ellas se posponen porque comúnmente requieren de inversiones a nivel estatal. Este artículo trata de una técnica constructiva que proviene inicialmente de los indígenas suramericanos. A pesar de que estuvo olvidada por varias generaciones, esta técnica, ahora renovada, trae consigo múltiples beneficios. La inyección de concreto en los entrenudos del bambú permite desarrollar obras más acordes a las exigencias actuales, puentes con luces más amplias y, sobre todo, construcciones de bajo impacto, accesibles a los recursos económicos de pequeñas comunidades o empresas privadas.

  20. El patrimonio histórico de las obras públicas y su conservación: los puentes

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    Fernández Troyano, Leonardo


    Full Text Available There exists in Spain an important civil works historical patrimony to which attention has to be paid. Until the end of XVIII century the only technology to build durable bridges was the stone arch. In our century traffic necessities and technologies in bridge construction have changed significantly. This fact implies a change in mind about historical bridges and a decision between one of these possibilites: aAn adaptation to new necessities with a substantial transformation of the bridge even in its formal characteristics. bA substitution by means of a new bridge. The old bridge looses its function and is abandoned until final destruction. The object of this paper is to study both options and problems which arise from them.Existe en España un importante patrimonio histórico de obras públicas al que debe darse la debida atención en este aspecto. Hasta finales del siglo XVIII la única técnica utilizada para hacer puentes durables era la de arcos de piedra. En nuestro siglo las exigencias del tráfico y las técnicas de construcción de puentes han variado radicalmente. Ello supone una variación de actitud respecto de los puentes históricos y obliga a optar por una de estas dos posibilidades: aAdaptarlos a las necesidades actuales del tráfico, lo que supone una transformación sustancial del puente con fuerte deterioro de sus cualidades formales. bSustituirlos por un nuevo puente. El puente antiguo se queda sin función y, por tanto, pierde su carácter de obra de ingeniería. En general se abandona totalmente, deteriorándose hasta su hundimiento. El estudio de estas opciones y de los problemas que se plantean en estos puentes es la intención fundamental del presente artículo.

  1. El puente Zwenberg, en Kärnten – Austria

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    Schmidt, W.


    Full Text Available The article refers to the civil engineering work connected with the new layout of the Tauern railway, one of the most difficult railway sections ever constructed in the world. It includes a number of concrete arch bridges, with 120 m, 150 m, and 200 m spans. Additionally there is a 535 m long suspension bridge. By means of these structures the old railway layout, which was in very poor condition, has been almost completely altered.En este artículo se describen las obras de fábrica realizadas en el nuevo trazado del ferrocarril de subida al Tauern, uno de los tramos de vía más difíciles que se han construido en el mundo. Se trata de varios puentes de arco de hormigón, con luces de 120, 150 y 200 m, además de un puente colgante de 535 m de longitud. Con estas estructuras se cambia casi totalmente el antiguo trazado en el que las obras de fábrica se encontraban muy deterioradas.

  2. Métodos de definición de cargas en tirantes en puentes atirantados


    Rubio Peirotén, Diego


    Los puentes atirantados son estructuras altamente hiperestáticas y a su vez muy flexibles, sobre todo durante el proceso constructivo, debido a las grandes luces a las que están asociados. Este hecho junto con la prácticamente inevitable necesidad de recurrir a una construcción por fases y un buen número de no linealidades mecánicas y geométricas, así como los efectos reológicos y los errores de ejecución convierten el diseño y cálculo de puentes atirantados en una tarea delicada que ha de se...

  3. Diseño de un puente de soporte de tubería para transporte de agua y paso peatonal en el sector de Chicti cantón Paute


    Erreyes Espinoza, Joseph Melanio


    Existen varios tipos de puentes pero estos son los más importantes y son: puente de viga, de arco y suspendidos de este tipo de puente existe una nueva clasificación que son los puentes atirantado y colgantes. Al hacer un análisis de todas las alternativas se tomó la mejor opción que es de realizar el diseño de un puente colgante ya que el menos costoso y nos brinda buena resistencia a la tensión, compresión y la torsión por medio del entramado y cables de sujeción. El diseño del puente...

  4. Defining Abnormally Low Tenders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ølykke, Grith Skovgaard; Nyström, Johan


    The concept of an abnormally low tender is not defined in EU public procurement law. This article takes an interdisciplinary law and economics approach to examine a dataset consisting of Swedish and Danish judgments and verdicts concerning the concept of an abnormally low tender. The purpose...

  5. Tender Notices | About IASc | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Limited tender notification for AMC for computers & peripherals. Open tender for supply of printing and photocopier paper. Tender for Transport, Housekeeping and Catering services. Tender for website redesign - Work awarded to lowest bidder Sriranga Digital Software Technologies after scrutiny of price bids; Tender for ...

  6. La restauración del puente medieval sobre el río de las Truchas

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    Fernando Vegas


    Full Text Available La restauración de este puente y entorno medieval conservados casi intactos hasta nuestros días partió de la necesidad de pasar lo más desapercibido posible para no disturbar el aura mágica del lugar. En un paisaje genuino caracterizado por las fábricas de piedra en seco, en busca de la mayor discreción posible la intervención de reparación y puesta en valor debió recurrir a esta técnica para resolver los problemas que aquejaban al puente. La reparación del pavimento de guijarros del puente dio pie a una reflexión sobre la estratificación de los pavimentos históricos y la reintegración de las lagunas de un firme marcado por las trazas de la historia y los surcos de las antiguas carriladas.

  7. 49 CFR 230.107 - Tender frame and body. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Tender frame and body. 230.107 Section 230.107... Tenders Trucks, Frames and Equalizing System § 230.107 Tender frame and body. (a) Maintenance. Tender... repaired: (1) Portions of the tender frame or body (except wheels) that have less than a 21/2 inches...

  8. El terremoto de Nicoya, lecciones aprendidas y por aprender : sistematización de las conclusiones de los talleres de lecciones aprendidas

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    López Gordo, Isabel


    Full Text Available Las emergencias y desastres, junto a su potencial destructivo y la alteración de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones y territorios en los cuales impactan, traen consigo un aprendizaje que merece ser rescatado y asimilado para reducir las vulnerabilidades. Durante los últimos 20 años, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS realiza esfuerzos de sistematización de las lecciones aprendidas que han dejado en eventos en diferentes países de la región, a fin de reflexionar sobre aquellos aspectos de la atención de la emergencia y de la respuesta a los desastres que se pueden mejorar y en los cuales se puede aumentar la capacidad de preparación y respuesta de los países para hacer frente a estas situaciones. Tras el terremoto de Nicoya, ocurrido en Costa Rica en septiembre de 2012, la OPS/OMS, en coordinación con la Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de Emergencias (CNE, el Ministerio de Salud y la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS, realizó una serie de talleres con funcionarios e instituciones vinculadas a la respuesta al terremoto, a fin de extraer las principales lecciones aprendidas y por aprender. Como parte de ese esfuerzo se publicó el documento Terremoto de Nicoya. Costa Rica. 5 de septiembre de 2012. Informe de sistematización de las conclusiones de los talleres de lecciones aprendidas, de cuyos principales hallazgos se incluyen en este artículo Emergencies and disasters, together with their potential for destruction and the alteration of the living conditions of the populations and territories they impact, are important sources of learning that deserves to be rescued and assimilated to reduce vulnerabilities. During the last 20 years, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO has developed an important effort to systematize the lessons learned from these events in different countries of the region in order to think about those aspects related to the attention of the emergency





    En la actualidad, el incremento de la resistencia en nuevos materiales y las mayores luces entre apoyos hacen que los puentes peatonales sean más susceptibles a problemas de vibraciones excesivas. Infortunadamente las provisiones de las normas colombianas son limitadas para el diseño o rehabilitación de estas estructuras. En este artículo se presenta una clasificación de los puentes peatonales en Santiago de Cali que permite comparar efectos de la Interacción Humano-Estructura, aceleraciones ...

  10. Puente Kohlbrand Sobre el Elba Hamburgo -Alemania Federal

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    Schwab, Rudolf


    Full Text Available The suspension bridge, in the port of Hamburg, is one of the most important engineering works in northern Germany. The work is divided into three sectors: 1 The eastern accommodation ramp, 2,410 m long. 2 The bridge across the river bed, 520 m long. 3 The western accommodation ramp, -,050 meters. The bridge is 17.60 m wide and has four traffic lanes. Sectors 1 and 3 were solved by means of prestressed concrete superstructures, with one or two cell box girders. Sector 2 has a 325 m span between the two piers and a 54 m high and 150 m ship passage. The central piers that rise 130 m above the ground consist of a base of reinforced concrete and a 98 m high metallic part, formed by a box of bolted and subsequently welded beams. In the upper part of this last part are the connections for the suspension cables for the overhanging part of the bridge. The construction works were carried out beginning with sectors 1 and 3 on both sides of the river simultaneously. Once these were completed and the piers were raised, the work.El puente elevado de Kohlbrand, en el puerto de Hamburgo, es una de las obras de ingeniería más importantes de la parte norte de Alemania. La obra se divide en tres sectores: 1° La rampa este de acceso, de 2.410 m. 2° El puente sobre el cauce del río, de 520 m. 3° La rampa oeste de acceso, de 1.050 m. El puente tiene 17,60 m de anchura y cuatro carriles. Los sectores 1.» y 3.° se resolvieron mediante superestructuras de hormigón pretensado, con vigas cajón de una o dos células. El sector 2.° posee una luz de 325 m entre las dos pilas principales, y una altura útil de paso sobre el nivel del agua de 54 m en un ancho de 150 m. Las pilas centrales, de 130 m de altura sobre la cota del terreno, se hallan constituidas por una base de hormigón armado y una parte metálica de 98 m de altura, formada por un cajón de vigas atornilladas y posteriormente soldadas. En la parte superior de esta última se

  11. Puente sobre el río Enns, Austria

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    Polensky & Zöllner, Constructora


    Full Text Available A road bridge has been recently opened over the Enns river at Steyr (Austria. The purpose is to improve traffic and avoid the bottlenecks that often took place. The bridge is supplemented by three other works of lesser importance, namely two bridges and a tunnel for pedestrians. The bridge structure supporting the decks is cellular, box type. It has three compartments, and four vertical partitions, whose thickness varies from 6 m over the intermediate piles to 2.30 m at the crown. There are three spans, of 47, 101 and 70 m length. The bridge intrados forms a smooth curve. Two overhangs extend from the central structure, and provide sidewalks for pedestrians: the deck itself having a width of 17 m. The structure was made in successive overhangs, in 3.50 m sections. Longitudinal prestressing, by means of PZ-A-100 type cables, was done by applying an initial loading of 120 t. The cables run in tubes. After the concrete had reached a suitable strength, the cables were stretched. The tubes were then filled with cement mortar, and in this operation air suction equipment was utilised to make sure that no air cavities were left.Se ha construido y puesto en servicio un puente para carretera sobre el río Enns en Steyr (Austria, con objeto de mejorar la circulación de vehículos y evitar las congestiones que se producían frecuentemente. Complementan al puente otras tres obras de menor importancia, constituidas por dos puentes y un túnel para el paso de peatones. La estructura que soporta el tablero es celular, tipo cajón, de tres células y cuatro almas y tabiques verticales, con canto variable desde 6 m sobre las pilas intermedias a 2,30 m en la clave. El puente se subdivide en tres tramos de 47, 101 y 70 m de luz, respectivamente. El intradós sigue el perfil de una curva suave. Del cuerpo de la estructura salen dos ménsulas que soportan los dos andenes para peatones, quedando el tablero con una anchura total de 17 metros. La estructura se construy

  12. Análisis del comportamiento dinámico de tableros de puentes pérgola de ferrocarril en líneas de alta velocidad


    Ugarte González, Jokin


    El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del comportamiento dinámico de tableros de puentes pérgola de ferrocarril en líneas de alta velocidad. El rápido aumento de este tipo de vías tanto en España como en Europa, ha propiciado la aparición de un gran número de condicionantes que en muchas ocasiones requieren la adopción de tipologías de puentes no habituales que difieren sensiblemente del puente tipo viga. En este sentido, los puentes pérgola, debido a sus características muy específicas y a s...

  13. Effects of moisture enhancement, enzyme treatment, and blade tenderization on the processing characteristics and tenderness of beef semimembranosus steaks. (United States)

    Pietrasik, Z; Shand, P J


    The individual and combined effects of moisture enhancement with a salt/phosphate solution (ME), blade tenderization (BT), and enzyme injection with proteinases derived from Aspergillus oryzae or Bacillus subtilis on cooking properties, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), and sensory characteristics of beef semimembranosus were investigated. ME significantly (P < 0.01) reduced WBSF and increased (P < 0.05) sensory scores for juiciness and tenderness. BT increased (P < 0.05) initial and overall tenderness scores and made connective tissue less perceptible. BT combined with ME resulted in the highest initial and overall tenderness scores, however, combining ME with either proteinase was as effective for reducing WBSF and increasing tenderness, particularly at 20 (vs. 10) ppm enzyme inclusion. Tenderness of enzyme-injected steaks was increased without compromising other palatability attributes. All treatments increased the frequency of steaks rated slightly tender or higher, with the ME+BT combination, or ME with inclusion of 20 ppm of either proteinase, being most effective. Copyright © 2010 The American Meat Science Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Análisis experimental de la capacidad portante de un puente arco de obra de fábrica de ladrillo


    Rodríguez Castiblanque, Alexandre


    Los puentes en arco de obra de fábrica representan la más antigua forma de paso que conserva relevancia económica y social en la actualidad. Más de un 30% de los puentes de los puentes de la red española de carreteras son de fábrica, cifra que asciende hasta el 40% en el caso de la red española de ferrocarriles. En vista de estos datos, el valor funcional de esta tipología estructural queda más que patente; más aún, debe tenerse en cuenta el incalculable valor añadido que los m...

  15. Refuerzo de puentes por cambio de esquema estructural: optimización mediante algoritmo genético


    Valenzuela, Matías A.; Casas Rius, Joan Ramon


    La presente comunicación entrega un estudio detallado del proceso constructivo y de tesado para el refuerzo de puentes con tipología longitudinal de vigas continuas convirtiéndolos en puentes en arco atirantado (tipo network). Se presentan las etapas básicas propuestas en aspectos de construcción, se establecen las hipótesis del estudio de tesado e implementa el método de tesado a partir de la optimización automatizada mediante algoritmos genéticos, definiendo criterios como: variables de ...

  16. 49 CFR 230.103 - Tender roller bearing journal boxes. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Tender roller bearing journal boxes. 230.103... Locomotives and Tenders Running Gear § 230.103 Tender roller bearing journal boxes. Tender roller bearing journal boxes shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition. ...

  17. Limited tender for disposal of old printed journals

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Sep 20, 2016 ... TENDER NO IASC 03 /DISPOSAL OF OLD PRINTED JOURNALS I 2016-17. F. No. : Tender No. ... The competent authority also reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 19.

  18. Análisis de la interacción humano-estructura en puentes peatonales de santiago de cali




    En la actualidad, el incremento de la resistencia en nuevos materiales y las mayores luces entre apoyos hacen que los puentes peatonales sean más susceptibles a problemas de vibraciones excesivas. Infortunadamente las provisiones de las normas colombianas son limitadas para el diseño o rehabilitación de estas estructuras. En este artículo se presenta una clasificación de los puentes peatonales en Santiago de Cali que permite comparar efectos de la Interacción Humano-Estructura, aceleraciones ...

  19. Comparación de las normas sísmicas más utilizadas para puentes continuos en el Perú y sus métodos de análisis


    Acero Martínez, José Alberto


    Este trabajo esta orientado a revisar las normas sísmicas más utilizadas para puentes continuos en el Perú y sus métodos de análisis. Se revisan principalmente: la norma AASHTO STANDARD, AASHTO LRFD, CALTRANS y la Norma Sísmica para Puentes de Japón. También, se discute la propuesta de norma para puentes del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones del Perú y se revisa la NTE E.030. Por otro lado, se revisan en forma referencial, normas sísmicas de puentes de Chile, Venezuela y Canadá. T...

  20. 12 CFR 335.501 - Tender offers. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Tender offers. 335.501 Section 335.501 Banks and Banking FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION REGULATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF GENERAL POLICY SECURITIES OF NONMEMBER INSURED BANKS § 335.501 Tender offers. The provisions of the applicable and currently...

  1. Estudio del uso de los puentes peatonales Avenida del Ferrocarril, Avenida 30 de Agosto y Avenida Las Américas municipio de Pereira (Risaralda)


    García Idárraga, Adriana Jimena; Suárez Idárraga, Lina María


    El Trabajo de Grado que se presenta a continuación, está fundamentado en el estudio del uso de los puentes peatonales de la Avenida del Ferrocarril, Avenida 30 de Agosto y Avenida de Las Américas del Municipio de Pereira, involucrando actividades preliminares como la revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, consecución de información existente sobre los puentes peatonales a estudiar, y determinación de las características físicas de cada uno de los puentes. Se incluye dentro de este trabajo, en ...

  2. Evaluación estructural del Puente Nochoz en el tramo II- Villa Rica - Puerto Bermúdez, Oxapampa


    Umpire Portocarrero, Jorge Antonio; Umpire Portocarrero, Jorge Antonio


    Construido en el año 1985 con la sobrecarga de diseño la C-30 de la norma francesa. Este puente fue echo enteramente de concreto reforzado el cual lleva vigas multicajon compuesto de 4 vigas, un apoyo central (Columna tipo tarjeta), además de dos estribos tipo cantiléver. La última evaluación se hizo en el año 2006 El puente Nochoz se encuentra ubicado en el distrito de Villa Rica, provincia de Oxapampa, departamento de Pasco y pertenece al Estudio Definitivo de Rehabilitación y mejora...

  3. 17 CFR 240.14e-1 - Unlawful tender offer practices. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Unlawful tender offer... Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Regulation 14e § 240.14e-1 Unlawful tender offer practices. As a means... section 14(e) of the Act, no person who makes a tender offer shall: (a) Hold such tender offer open for...

  4. Ejecución de puentes pretensados por voladizos sucesivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández Casado, Carlos


    Full Text Available The system of construction whereby successive extensions of a cantilevered structure are carried out has made it possible to extend, to an extraordinary extent, the free spans of straight section prestressed concrete bridges. At present the Bendorf bridge is being constructed, whose central span in 258 ms long. This system was first used in Brazil, for the construction of an ordinary reinforced concrete bridge over the river Peixe. But the method fell into disuse, except for very few exceptions, until Firsterwalder against brought it up to date 20 years later, when building the Neckar bridge, made of prestressed concrete. With new technique all the advantages of the system could be exploited, as well as achieving a very rapid construction. This constructional procedure leads directly to the structural type known as compensated cantilevers. T shaped cells are attached together by means of prestressing cables to form advancing cantilevers. Thereby a total bridge structure is formed, whose span is twice that of each cantilevered half. This method can be applied to other bridge types, such as dintels with overhanging sections (this was the first new application, single span portal frames, T portal frames, continuous beams, etc. The typical constructional method is to move the formwork, which is anchored and cantilevered beyond the constructed part. A weekly progress of 3,50 ms is normal. It is also possible to employ prefabricated sections, which are successively joined to the ones already in place. (Owing to the length of this article, it will be published in several successive issues.El sistema de construcción por voladizos sucesivos ha permitido ampliar, de modo extraordinario, las luces de los puentes de tramo recto de hormigón pretensado. Actualmente se construye el puente de Bendorf con tramo central de 258 metros. Se utilizó por primera vez en Brasil para la construcción de un puente de hormigón armado normal sobre el río Peixe, pero

  5. Ejecución de puentes pretensados por voladizos sucesivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández Casado, Carlos


    Full Text Available The system of construction whereby successive extensions of a cantilevered structure are carried out has made it possible to extend, to an extraordinary extent, the free spans of straight section prestressed concrete bridges. At present the Bendorf bridge is being constructed, whose central span is 358 m long. This system was first used in Brazil, for the construction of an ordinary reinforced concrete bridge over the river Peixe. But the method fell into disuse, except for very few exceptions, until Firsterwalder again brought it up to date 20 years later, when building the Neckar bridge, made of prestressed concrete. With this new technique all the advantages of the system could be exploited, as well as achieving a very rapid construction. This constructional procedure leads directly to the structural type known as compensate cantilevers. T shaped cells are attached together by means of prestressing cables to form advancing cantilevers. Thereby a total bridge structure is formed, whose span is twice that of each cantilevered half. This method can be applied to other bridge types, such as dintels with overhanging sections (this was the first new application, single span portal frames, T portal frames, continuous beams, etc. The typical constructional method is to move the formwork, which is anchored and cantilevered beyond the constructed part. A weekly progress of 3,50 m is normal. It is also possible to employ prefabricated sections, which are successively joined to the ones already in place. (Owing to the length of this article, it will be published in several successive issues.El sistema de construcción por voladizos sucesivos ha permitido ampliar, de modo extraordinario, las luces de los puentes de tramo recto de hormigón pretensado. Actualmente se construye el puente de Bendorf con tramo central de 258 metros. Se utilizó por primera vez en Brasil para la construcción de un puente de hormigón armado normal sobre el río Peixe, pero

  6. Survey of billing and coding for counterstrain tender points. (United States)

    Snider, Karen T; Johnson, Jane C


    The names of certain counterstrain tender points are incongruent with their physical locations because of an assumption that these points are reflective of dysfunction in neighboring body areas. Because the body area that is physically examined does not always match the body region in which somatic dysfunction is diagnosed for these tender points, it is not always clear which evaluation and management service codes should be used for billing physician services. To assess the attitudes of osteopathic physicians toward the billing and coding of incongruent counterstrain tender points. Physician members of the American Academy of Osteopathy who use counterstrain in clinical practice were surveyed regarding the body area that they would physically examine when assessing for incongruent tender points and, if tender points were present, the body regions to which they would assign somatic dysfunction for billing and coding purposes. Physician responses were categorized as indicating a structural approach (ie, reflective of anatomic location) or a functional approach (ie, reflective of dysfunction in neighboring body areas) to tender point examination and treatment. Associations between sex, specialty, and years in practice with the approach chosen were also examined. Of 175 physicians who responded to the survey, 156 met the study criteria. Respondents were primarily board-certified in neuromusculoskeletal medicine/osteopathic manipulative medicine (98 [63%]), special proficiency in osteopathic manipulative medicine (30 [19%]), or family practice/family practice and osteopathic manipulative treatment (94 [60%]). Ninety percent of physicians predominantly chose responses indicating a structural approach to the physical examination of tender points and 21% predominantly chose responses indicating a functional approach to somatic dysfunction diagnosis. There were inconsistencies among individual respondents regarding the type of approach chosen for a single tender point. For

  7. 49 CFR 230.102 - Tender plain bearing journal boxes. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Tender plain bearing journal boxes. 230.102... Locomotives and Tenders Running Gear § 230.102 Tender plain bearing journal boxes. Plain bearing journal boxes... expected to damage the bearing; or have a detrimental effect on the lubrication of the journal and bearing...

  8. Puente, en Hagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wittfoht, H.


    Full Text Available The bridge at Hagen-Eskesy, in Germany, was destroyed during the last war, and its reconstruction is part of a local improvement plan. The initial bridge was metallic, but it has now been decided to build a main tied arch, consisting of a box section arch, of 93 m span, and two lateral spans, each 33 m long. These two are open girders, whose top and bottom chords are also hollow box sections. Both the tie members and the main bridging structures are prestressed. The twin arches, from which the deck hangs, are independent. This has made it necessary to attach the arches very rigidly to the stabilising structure, to withstand the powerful effect of the wind forces. Owing to the large dimensions, the possible effect of torsion and buckling under the prestressing forces had to be carefully considered. The twin arches are 12.90 m from each other, and their section is 1.2x1.2 m at the springers, 2x2 m at the quarter span, and 2.4x1.7 at the crown. During the loading and overloading tests, oscilographs were used, to record the effect of mobile loads, and of the increasing overloads. To simulate the effect of running over uneven surfaces, timber beams were placed across the pavement, and loaded vehicles were made to run over them.El puente de Hagen-Eckesey (Alemania fue destruido durante la última guerra mundial, y su reconstrucción ha sido incluida en un plan local de mejoras. El proyecto inicial era metálico, pero razones importantes aconsejaron la solución en arco atirantado, con vigas-cajón como elementos de rigidez en un tramo central de 93 m de luz, y dos tramos laterales, de 33 m de luz, con estructuras aporticadas cuyos cabezales son también vigas huecas tipo cajón. Tanto los tirantes como las piezas de puente son pretensados. Los dos arcos, de los que está suspendido el tablero, son independientes, lo que ha exigido una solidarización con las vigas de rigidez para transmitir los efectos de un viento normal a los soportes y de éstos al

  9. Puentes de Saint-André-de-Cubzac y de Angers Francia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mathivat, J.


    Full Text Available The development of the technique of prefabricated voussoir bridges during the past years has been made possible by the progress achieved in various fields which are developed here, namely: 1 the improvement of the joint between arch stones by the adoption of multiplenotch joints where the adhesive plays a less important part, 2 the increase ín the cross dimensions of the voussoirs as well as in their unit weight, which reduces the number of joints, as well as the diversification of the forms, which can lead to the elimination of the cross prestress, 3 the improvement of the methods of placing and of the design of the lifting rigs: mobile lifting equipement carried by the deck, launching girder. The study of these different factors is supplemented and illustrated by the presentation of two recent works: the freeway bridges of Saint-André-de-Cubzac and the bridge on the Loire near Angers.

    El desarrollo de la técnica de los puentes de dovelas prefabricadas ha experimentado un fuerte incremento, durante los últimos años, a causa de: 1 Mejoramiento de las juntas entre dovelas, por adopción de sistemas dotados de dentado múltiple, en cuyo caso el papel de la cola es menos primordial. 2 Aumento de las dimensiones transversales de las dovelas, así como de su peso unitario, lo cual reduce el número de juntas, así como la diversificación de las formas, con lo cual se puede conseguir la supresión del pretensado transversal. 3 Mejoras introducidas en los métodos de colocación y en el diseño de los aparatos de elevación: equipo móvil de elevación soportado por el propio tablero, viga de lanzamiento. El estudio de estos distintos factores se ha ilustrado con la presentación de dos obras recientemente ejecutadas, a saber: los puentes de autopista de Saint-André-de-Cubzac y el puente del Loira, cerca de Angers.

  10. [Seroprevalence of leptospirosis in Puente Piedra, Lima, in 2006]. (United States)

    Platts-Mills, James A; LaRochelle, Patrick; Campos, Kalina; Vinetz, Joseph M; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Ricaldi, Jessica N


    Leptospirosis is a disease widely prevalent in tropical areas, but may also be present in urban areas. The present study aims to determine the seroprevalence of Leptospira in the district of Puente Piedra, where there have been cases of severe leptospirosis in recent years. We collected data related to risk factors associated with leptospirosis and blood samples from 250 participants, selected by random sampling. We found a high prevalence of risk factors in the population and using the microscopic agglutination test, antibodies were found in only 3 participants (1.2%).

  11. 49 CFR 230.90 - Draw gear between steam locomotive and tender. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Draw gear between steam locomotive and tender. 230... Steam Locomotives and Tenders Draw Gear and Draft Systems § 230.90 Draw gear between steam locomotive and tender. (a) Maintenance and testing. The draw gear between the steam locomotive and tender...

  12. Investigación e innovación en puentes y torres eólicas prefabricadas de hormigón pretensado


    Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Oller Ibars, Eva; Duarte Gómez, Noemí


    Se presenta la investigación teórica y experimental realizada por los autores durante los últimos años en colaboración con empresas de prefabricación y de aerogeneradores, que ha dado lugar a nuevos tipos estructurales de puentes y torres eólicas de hormigón pretensado, con excelentes prestaciones estructurales, estéticas, resultando además económicamente competitivas. Se muestran algunas obras realizadas a partir de los conceptos desarrollados, destacando entre ellas puentes prefabricados...

  13. 49 CFR 230.100 - Defects in tender truck axles and journals. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Defects in tender truck axles and journals. 230... Steam Locomotives and Tenders Running Gear § 230.100 Defects in tender truck axles and journals. (a... wheel seats that is more than 1/8 of an inch in depth. (b) Tender truck journal condemning defects...

  14. Investigación y plan de mercadeo social para la promoción de la seguridad peatonal en vías de alta velocidad con puentes peatonales.


    Kuperstein Ackerman, Sonia; Rossel Díaz, María Zoila Matilde; Salcedo Chúmbez, María del Rosario


    La presente tesis se inicia con una preocupación sobre un problema de salud nacional, las muertes cercanas a los puentes peatonales. Esta realidad va más allá del no uso de puentes, convirtiéndose en un tema de responsabilidad y ciudadanía donde la Gerencia Social a través del mercadeo social puede aportar soluciones. El trabajo se inicia con una revisión bibliográfica vinculada a la problemática de la seguridad y el uso de puentes peatonales. Se diseñó una estrategia de invest...

  15. Combined effect of electrical stimulation and blade tenderization on some bovine muscles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raccach, M.; Henrickson, R.L.


    The electrical stimulation (ES) period was a very important factor determining the tenderness of three bovine muscles: Biceps femoris (BF), Longissimus dorsi (LD), and Semimembranosus (SM). Tenderness (shear force values) increased in most cases with increasing the ES period. An ES period of 15 min was optimal for obtaining a tenderness equal to that obtained by conventional processing of beef. The shortest ES period used (1 min) was adequate in most cases to set the muscles in rigor mortis and in preventing cold shortening. The tenderness of blade tenderized muscles was in most cases independent from the ES period. Blade tenderization was very effective to tenderize the BF muscle followed in decreasing order of efficacy by the LD and SM muscles. The cooking times and cooking losses of the three muscles were not affected by either the ES period or by blade tenderization.

  16. Estabilidad de puentes líquidos axilsimétricos


    Gómez López, Mariola


    En este trabajo se ha realizado una descripción analítica detallada de los límites de estabilidad (tanto de máximo como de mínimo volumen) de puentes líquidos axilsimétricos entre dos discos coaxiales y circulares, en ausencia de fuerzas exteriores sometidos a perturbaciones arbitrarias. Se ha obtenido una parametrización de la entrefase de las formas de equilibrio marginalmente estables, así como expresiones analíticas de los parámetros característicos de la configuración, en términos de var...

  17. 31 CFR 309.10 - Tenders; reservation of right to reject. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Tenders; reservation of right to... BILLS § 309.10 Tenders; reservation of right to reject. In considering the acceptance of tenders, the highest prices offered will be accepted in full down to the amount required, and if the same price appears...

  18. Puente sobre el río Tevere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morandi, Riccardo


    Full Text Available This bridge has a prestressed concrete deck, and the rest of the structure is ordinary reinforced concrete. It has three cantilevered spans. The central one is 58 m long, and the two lateral ones are each 51 m in length. The spanning structure includes several prestressed ribs, which were made at the workshop. As the ground was not sufficiently resistant, the foundations were built on piles, which have been placed both under the lateral and intermediate springers. The bridge has an overall width of 26 m. The pavement is separated into two independent carriageways by means of a central platform, which divides the traffic in opposite directions. The joints between the cantilevered sections of the arches, and the central girders, run diagonally to the plane of the deck. Thereby it is intended that differential settlements of the supporting bridge structure will not cause accidental cracking of the concrete.Este puente lleva tablero de hormigón pretensado y el resto es de hormigón ordinario, presentando tres tramos, tipo cantilever, con 58 m de luz en el central, y dos laterales de 51 m de luz cada uno. La estructura que cierra cada tramo se compone de varios nervios pretensados, hormigonados en taller. Como el terreno no presentaba garantías suficientes de sustentación fue necesario el empleo de pilotes, tanto en las pilas como en los dos estribos. La anchura total del puente es de 26 m, quedando dividida la cálzala en dos partes independientes por un macizo central que encauza y separa el tráfico en dos direcciones. Las juntas achaflanadas existentes entre las dos extremidades—en contacto—de las ménsulas y de las vigas de cierre tienen la misión de evitar, en lo posible, el agrietamiento accidental del hormigón que pudieran ocasionar los asientos diferenciales en los soportes.

  19. La restauración de las bóvedas cerámicas de Guastavino en el puente de Queensboro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charles DiSanto


    Full Text Available Las impresionantes bóvedas bajo el acceso en Manhattan de este famoso puente de Nueva York, sometidas durante muchos años a la incuria del olvido y a condiciones extremas de filtraciones de agua y movimientos del tráfico rodado, han demostrado su extraordinaria calidad constructiva en este su primer siglo de existencia. En la restauración de las mismas se emplearon interesantes técnicas innovadoras que asumen y respetan los movimientos estructurales derivados de la estructura del puente y se proveyeron inteligentes sistemas de drenaje para evacuar el agua proveniente de las filtraciones de la calzada superior.

  20. Acompañamiento pedagógico y desempeño docente en la Red N° 16 – Puente Piedra, 2014


    Canales Sarmiento, Obdulia Amparo


    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como problema general ¿Qué relación existe entre el acompañamiento pedagógico y el desempeño docente en la Red N° 16 – Puente Piedra, 2014? y objetivo general de establecer la relación entre el acompañamiento pedagógico y el desempeño docente de la Red N° 16 – Puente Piedra, 2014. El tipo de investigación fue básica de naturaleza descriptiva – correlacional, el diseño fue no experimental de corte transversal-correlacional. La mues...

  1. Puente sobre el rio Medway

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freeman, Fox, Ingenieros


    have been prestressed both longitudinally and transversally. Between the two circulation roadways an elastic barrier has been placed, supported on metal posts.El puente sobre el río Medway tiene la misión de salvar dicho río en el nuevo trazado de carretera necesario para aliviar el denso tráfico estival entre Dower y Londres. Está situado en las proximidades de la ciudad de Rochester. La estructura se ha construido utilizando las vías de concurso. De todos los tipos presentados se eligió una estructura de hormigón armado. La longitud total de la obra es de 1.000 m. Los tres tramos principales de la obra salvan el río. El central es de 152 m de luz, y los dos adyacentes son de 103 m cada uno. Los accesos tienen un total de 18 tramos, que arrojan una longitud de 654 m. La anchura del puente es de 34 m, y la calzada se ha subdividido en dos direcciones de tráfico de 7,30 m cada una y, además, se han dejado dos espaldones laterales de 2,40 m de anchura. En planta se puede admitir que el puente tiene una alineación recta con una ligerísima curva, y que en el plano vertical presenta una pendiente de desagüe entre las pilas 9 y 10. Los estribos son de hormigón armado: tipo celular el del este y de hormigón en masa el del oeste. Los estribos se apoyan sobre pilotes hexagonales de hormigón armado cuya circunferencia circunscrita tiene 55 cm de radio y de 12 a 20 m de longitud. Cuando el firme se hallaba a profundidades inferiores a 6 m, los estribos se cimentaban directamente sobre el firme. Las pilas constituyen pórtico y tienen una altura variable de 9 a 30 m sobre el nivel del suelo. Los tramos de acceso forman una estructura continua simplemente apoyada. Cada tramo se compone de ocho vigas longitudinales de 30 a 41 m de longitud y de 190 toneladas cada una. Estas vigas son del tipo pretensado y prefabricado. El tramo central es del tipo cantilever, constituido por dos brazos, de 30 m de longitud, formados por vigas cajón. Cada una de estas vigas consta

  2. The beef tenderness model

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kedibone KY. Modika


    Jul 29, 2015 ... The concept of meat tenderness is very complex and is biologically .... of feed additives (β-agonists) so that the animals can be harvested at a younger ...... in the rearing and processing of experimental animals and carcasses.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Benjumea Royero

    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el estudio del comportamiento durante construcción por voladizos sucesivos de un puente extradosado en concreto de tres luces (60+100+60 m, modelado numéricamente mediante elementos finitos en el software SAP2000. La fluencia y contracción del concreto, al igual que los efectos P-delta, se incluyeron en el modelamiento. El estudio se concentró en el comportamiento del tablero, los cables y los pilares, durante construcción y desde el momento del cierre hasta cincuenta años después, tiempo en el cual han ocurrido los efectos diferidos. Los resultados encontrados permiten vislumbrar la importancia de la consideración de estos efectos en el análisis por etapas del puente. Por ejemplo, en el tablero ocurren variaciones considerables en fuerzas internas y desplazamientos en el tiempo, y en los cables tiene lugar una pérdida de tensión máxima del 10 % con respecto a la tensión al final de construcción. En los pilares, los efectos diferidos en el tiempo causan desplazamientos horizontales de magnitud considerable en la corona, generando momentos flectores excesivos en la base. Lo anterior obliga a introducir una fuerza durante la construcción de la dovela de cierre para corregir dicho fenómeno.

  4. La edad de la empatía. Lecciones de la naturaleza para una sociedad más justa y solidaria, por Fran de Waal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecilia Milito Barone


    Full Text Available Rsseña del libro Fran de Waal, La edad de la empatía. Lecciones de la naturaleza para una sociedad más justa y solidaria (Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 2011, 258 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8383-350-6

  5. Cálculo y diseño de una nave industrial con puente grúa


    Lazcano Busto, Ester


    Cálculo y dimensionamiento de una nave industrial para la producción y almacenaje de bombas hidráulicas de pequeño y gran tamaño, con grúa puente de capacidad 6,3 Tn y una zona de oficinas donde se ubican los distintos departamentos de la empresa. Redactado en castellano.

  6. Relationships between sensory evaluations of beef tenderness, shear force measurements and consumer characteristics. (United States)

    Van Wezemael, Lynn; De Smet, Stefaan; Ueland, Øydis; Verbeke, Wim


    The supply of tender beef is an important challenge for the beef industry. Knowledge about the profile of consumers who are more optimistic or more accurate in their tenderness evaluations is important for product development and beef marketing purposes. Central location tests of beef steaks were performed in Norway and Belgium (n=218). Instrumental and sensorial tenderness of three muscles from Belgian Blue and Norwegian Red cattle was reported. Consumers who are optimistically evaluating tenderness were found to be more often male, less food neophobic, more positive towards beef healthiness, and showed fewer concerns about beef safety. No clear profile emerged for consumers who assessed tenderness similar to shear force measurements, which suggests that tenderness is mainly evaluated subjectively. The results imply a window of opportunities in tenderness improvements, and allow targeting a market segment which is less critical towards beef tenderness. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Puentes con vigas pretensadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This paper describes one of the three bridges which Hidrocivil, S. A., has built in Catalonia (northern Spain, over the river Ripoll. The other two bridges are very similar to this one, both in construction and design, and show only minor adjustments to the local topography. The contracting firm proposed several alterations in the prefabrication and constructional procedure, in relation to the initial project, and these changes were accepted. The main feature of these projects is the use of prestressed beams, built at the workshop in sections, and joined together by means of sixty 7 mm cables in each beam. As the shear forces are more acute at the joints, the end of each section has a kind of diaphragm, to provide a large contact area, and hence greater surface to transmit the shear forces. The methods of construction are also of interest. Briefly, they involve building the bridge piles, and use these to support a provisional structure with transversal movement. This provisional structure, in turn, served as platform for two bridge cranes, which lifted the girders to their final location. After the first span was completed, the deck was concreted and the auxiliary structure pushed forward to the next span, to repeat the same operations. This arrangement saved the use of provisional framework.En este trabajo se describe uno de los tres puentes que Hidrocivil, S. A., ha construido.—previo concurso— en la región catalana; concretamente, el que salva el río Ripoll. Los otros dos no han sido objeto de descripción general por ser muy similares, en lo que a ejecución y concepción se refiere, con la única variante que presentan las características topográficas locales. La empresa propuso ciertas variantes— que fueron aceptadas— en la prefabricación y métodos de construcción. El interés de estas obras se centra en el empleo de vigas pretensadas, prefabricadas en taller por trozos, y solidarizados en el mismo mediante las operaciones

  8. Risk Pricing in Construction Tenders - How, Who, What

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    Marcus Tower


    Full Text Available Construction projects are most commonlyprocured in Australia by means of a traditionaldesign–tender–build model, whereby design islargely completed then contractors submittenders in a competitive environment.Construction contractors must consider riskswithin their tenders. This paper reports theresearch findings into pricing for risk incompetitive tenders by constructioncontractors. The research is based onstructured interviews with 10 contractingpersonnel; supplemented by 23 responses ofconstruction personnel from an online survey.Two common methods to price for risk are atrade-by-trade basis or an overall percentageor lump sum addition to the base estimate.Experience and intuition plays a significant rolein pricing for risk in tenders and the numberand type of people involved varies with projectsize, with greater involvement as project sizeincreases. The most significant risks priced intenders were: availability of resources; designor documentation errors; incomplete design;buildability issues; and inclement weather. Themost significant project factors considered bycontractors when pricing for risk in tenders are:value of liquidated damages; type ofcontract/procurement; completeness ofdocumentation; project complexity; and currentworkload. These risks and project factors areprimarily those over which the contractor haslimited or no control.

  9. Criterios de diseño en puentes de hormigón frente a la acción térmica ambiental


    Mirambell Arrizabalaga, Enrique


    El presente trabajo centra su estudio en la problemática de los efectos térmicos ambientales en puentes de hormigón. Los objetivos perseguidos en esta tesis son, por una parte, el desarrollo de un modelo analítico capaz de obtener la respuesta térmica y tensional a nivel sección de los tableros de puentes de hormigón y el estudio de la influencia de todos los parámetros que intervienen en el fenómeno de la transmisión del calor en esta tipología estructural. Por otra parte, se present...

  10. Simulación numérica de los apoyos de puente metálico giratorio // Numeric simulation of gyratory metallic bridge supports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Chagoyen-Méndez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se muestran algunos de los resultados del análisis realizado a losmecanismos de apoyo, de cierre y de giro del puente metálico del municipio Playa en ciudad de LaHabana (popularmente conocido como “Puente de Hierro”, como parte inicial de un proyecto másamplio que abarcará la reparación de todo el puente. El mismo tiene más de 100 años de explotación(desde 1906 y con un mantenimiento casi nulo, lo que ha traído como consecuencia un considerabledeterioro del puente. En éste artículo se describen las principales características y patologíasdetectadas al inspeccionar los mecanismos mencionados anteriormente y se presentan además, losresultados de la simulación numérica de uno de los ensambles de piezas del mecanismo de apoyo.Esta simulación arrojó que el apoyo puede trabajar con una seguridad adecuada.Palabras claves: puente, modelación, análisis estructural y modelación, resistencia de materiales._________________________________________________________________AbstractPresently work some of the results of the analysis carried out to the mechanisms of support, ofclosing and of turn of the metallic bridge of the Beach district in Havana city (popularly known as "IronBridge" are shown, like initial part of a wider project that will include the repair of the whole bridge.This has more than 100 years of exploitation (from 1906 and with an almost null maintenance, thathas resulted in a considerable deterioration o f the bridge. In this article the main ones characteristicand pathologies detected when inspecting the mechanisms mentioned previously are described andalso are presented, the results of the numeric simulation of one of assembles of pieces of the supportmechanism. This simulation profited that the support can work with an appropriate security.Key words: bridge, structural analysis and modeling, strength of materials.

  11. Ejecución de puentes pretensados por voladizos sucesivos (Continuación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández Casado, Carlos


    Full Text Available The system of construction whereby successive extensions of a cantilevered structure are carried out has made it possible to extend, to an extraordinary extent, the free spans of straight section prestressed concrete bridges. At present the Bendorf bridge is being constructed, whose central span is 208 m long. This system was first used in Brazil, for the construction of an ordinary reinforced concrete bridge over the river Peixe. But the method fell into disuse, except for very few exceptions, until Firsterwalder again brought it up to date 20 years later, when building the Neckar bridge, made of prestressed concrete. With this new technique all the advantages of the system could be exploited, as well as achieving a very rapid construction. This constructional procedure leads directly to the structural type known as compensated cantilevers. T shaped cells are attached together by means of prestressing cables to form advancing cantilevers. Thereby a, total bridge structure is formed, whose span is twice that of each cantilevered half. This method can be applied to other bridge types, such as dintels with overhanging sections (this was the first new application, single span portal frames, T portal frames, continuous beams, etc. The typical constructional method is to move the formwork, which is anchored and cantilevered beyond the constructed part. A weekly progress of 3,50 m is normal. It is also possible to employ prefabricated sections, which are successively joined to the ones already in place.El sistema de construcción por voladizos sucesivos ha permitido ampliar, de modo extraordinario, las luces de los puentes de tramo recto de hormigón pretensado. Actualmente se construye el Puente de Bendorf con tramo central de 208 metros. Se utilizó por primera vez en Brasil para la construcción de un puente de hormigón armado normal sobre el río Peixe, pero quedó en desuso—salvo poquísimas excepciones—hasta que lo volvió a poner a punto

  12. The beef tenderness model | Frylinck | South African Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    age feedlot animals produced the most tender LL followed by the B-age pasture and A-age feedlot which was similar to the AB-age pasture. A-age pasture animals produced the least tender LL steaks. The calpain proteolytic system played a ...

  13. Puente Willow Creek en Monterrey, California

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available Of the 10 awards given every year by the Prestressed Concrete Institute for the most outstanding prestressed concrete projects, two have been awarded in California this year, one of them to the Willow Creek bridge, near Monterrey. The prestressed, double T girders of this bridge were made at a workshop, a great distance from the bridge site. These are 24 m long, 1.35 m high, and are stabilized by transversal diaphragms, 20 cm in thickness. The table deck is of reinforced concrete, being 8.85 m wide and 20 cm thick. The structure is straightforward, slender, and adapts itself pleasantly to the background. It has seven spans and crosses over a secondary road, in addition to bridging the Willow stream. The supporting piles are hollow, of rectangular cross section, and over them a cross beam carries the five girders and the deck itself. The end abutments consist of vertical reinforced concrete walls, and supporting, soil filled, structures. The above information was supplied by the California Road Department.De los diez premios que anualmente concede el Prestressed Concrete Institute para las obras de hormigón pretensado más notables, dos han correspondido a California y uno de ellos al puente de Willow Creek, situado en la región de Monterrey. Las vigas de hormigón pretensado, con sección en forma de doble T, se prefabricaron en un taller situado a gran distancia del puente. Tienen 24 m de longitud y 1,35 m de canto, estando arriostradas con diafragmas transversales de 20 cm de espesor. La losa del tablero, de hormigón armado, tiene 8,85 m de anchura y 20 cm de espesor. La estructura es sencilla, esbelta y armoniza perfectamente con el paisaje que la circunda. Tiene siete tramos y salva un paso inferior secundario y el arroyo Willow. Los soportes, se apoyan sobre pilotes, algunos de gran altura; son huecos, de sección rectangular y terminan en una cruceta que sirve de sostén a las cinco vigas que soportan la losa del tablero. Los estribos

  14. Tender moments in the North Sea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fox, C


    Described is tender-assisted drilling (TAD) on the UK North Sea Gannet field. The Gannet field is developed by Shell UK Exploration and Production (Shell Expro). In March 1990, Shell Expro awarded Sedco Forex the design and engineering contract to convert the semisubmersible drilling rig Sedco 704 into the Gannet TSV (Tender Support Vessel). The only semisubmersible TSV operation so far to have completed drilling in the North Sea has been in the Norwegian sector. The Odin field, operated by Esso Norge a/s, was developed using the converted drilling rig Treasure Hunter. 1 fig., 1 ill., 3 refs.

  15. Relationship between non-genital tender point tenderness and intra-vaginal muscle pain intensity: Ratings in women with provoked vestibulodynia and implications for treatment (United States)

    PHILLIPS, Nancy; BROWN, Candace; BACHMANN, Gloria; WAN, Jim; WOOD, Ronald; ULRICH, Dagny; BACHOUR, Candi; FOSTER, David


    Background Vulvodynia is a chronic vulvar pain disorder and fibromyalgia is a chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain disorder; both of unknown etiology. Association of these conditions is well documented. Intra-vaginal algometer measurement of tenderness to pressure applied to the pelvic floor muscles helps to define vulvodynia associated with musculoskeletal factors. Women with both vulvodynia and fibromyalgia might have increased pelvic muscle pain compared to women with vulvodynia alone, defining the possible link of these two conditions. Objective 1) correlate pain intensity during the non-genital tender point tenderness examination to pain intensity with the vaginal algometer in women with provoked vestibulodynia, 2) determine whether subjects with provoked vestibulodynia and fibromyalgia had higher pain intensity scores with the vaginal algometer than those without fibromyalgia. Study Design Ninety-two subjects referred for vulvar pain were confirmed to have provoked vestibulodynia using the cotton swab test. A diagnosis of fibromyalgia was made if pain was present (Numerical rating scale> 1) in at least 11 sites of the 18-point non-genital tender point tenderness exam. Vaginal pain sensitivity was measured using an intra-vaginal pressure algometer, where 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 kg/cm2 forces were applied digitally in random assignment by force and location to the right and left iliococcygeus muscle regions and the posterior vaginal wall. Both tender point tenderness and algometer pain intensity were reported on a 0 (no pain) to 10 (worse pain) numeric rating scale. Correlations were computed between the composite pain intensity (total of rating scale from each pressure threshold at specified site) of non-genital and those of iliococcygeus regions and the posterior vaginal wall. Independent t-tests were used to determine differences in iliococcygeus regions and the posterior vaginal algometer pain ratings and presence or absence of fibromyalgia. The significance

  16. Puente de Niesenbach Linz - Austria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This article describes the works carried out by the firm Mayreder Kraus & Co. to construct the bridge in question across the gorge of the same name. It consists of 30 m straight side spans and one 120 m central span accomplished by means of the system of successive corbels uniting 6 m members with the aid of a cable way. The 18.80 m wide deck rests upon two twin arches of prestressed concrete with the help of five pairs of vertical pillars of reinforced concrete.En este artículo se describen las obras realizadas por la firma Mayreder Kraus & Co. para la construcción del puente citado, sobre el barranco de! mismo nombre, tendido sobre tramos laterales rectos de 30 m de luz y uno central, en arco, de 120 m, llevado a cabo por el procedimiento de voladizos sucesivos, uniendo trozos de 6 m con el auxilio de una grúa-cable. El tablero, de 17,80 m de anchura, se apoya sobre dos arcos gemelos, de hormigón pretensado, mediante cinco pares de pilares verticales de hormigón armado.

  17. Italian water service's competitive tendering: does any tender design exist?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antonioli, B.


    During the last two decades, the procurement of public services has been engaged a process of intensive change, both at the local and national level, particularly in Europe. In Italy, recent developments of legislative framework are aimed to adopt competitive tenders both for service's concession or private partner selection. Economists and operators generally agree about the effectiveness of auctions for the concession's contracting out. Otherwise, the agreement is weaker if the question is how to prepare the auction: bidding market a la Demsetz, beauty contests or hybrid forms? In other words, more attention should be devoted to the analysis of reference market and to auction's design. The aim of this paper is to verify, starting from the analysis of auction realized between 1998 and 2005, the real designing of the auctions other than the presence of an idea of industrial policy for water services. Results highlights that tenders are few, poorly designed and scarcely effective. To be more precise, results remark the lack of foresight of industrial policy and, more generally, the necessity to reflect on the real possibility of the competition for thc market in the water sector, characterized by an high degree of economical and social complexity [it

  18. Danish Public Construction Counselling Selection and Assignment Criteria in European Tendering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Kranker; Ussing, Lene Faber; Brunø, Thomas Ditlev


    One of the largest customers in the Danish construction industry is public agencies that own and develop projects. For some of the counselling services, they recur to be put out in European tendering. The aim is to find which selection and assignment criteria are used most in public tendering. How...... projects use selection and assignment criteria for counselling services and finally if there is significant use of selection and assignment methods in public counselling. The method is based on 74 public counselling tenders from the European Tenders Electronic Daily database from January 2010 to March 2013...

  19. Transposiciones complejas y corazón de Taussig-Bing. Lecciones aprendidas

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    José María Caffarena Calvar


    Full Text Available Al revisar la literatura de las formas complejas de la transposición de grandes arterias (D-TGA invariablemente encontramos entremezclados sin distinción los corazones de Taussig-Bing. Esto supone en nuestra opinión un tremendo error conceptual, dado que las formas complejas de D-TGA y el corazón de Taussig-Bing son diferentes entidades desde el punto de vista anatómico y fisiológico, también con diferentes posibilidades de tratamiento quirúrgico. Basado en las lecciones aprendidas durante la cirugía de estos pacientes, es intención de los autores presentar las diferencias anatómicas y fisiopatológicas de ambas malformaciones, así como describir las diferentes opciones quirúrgicas utilizadas para obtener la corrección completa de estas desafiantes anomalías cardíacas del recién nacido.

  20. Lecciones desatendidas entorno a la epidemia de dengue en Argentina, 2009

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    Diego A Bernardini Zambrini


    Full Text Available Este articulo es una reflexión acerca del impacto de la epidemia 2009 en Argentina, con 26.000 afectados y seis muertes, y como las consecuencias pudieron haber sido mucho menores si hubiese existido dialogo y entendimiento entre epidemiología y política sanitaria. La falta de preparación, la descoordinación en la respuesta y el impacto sobre la población, confirman la brecha existente entre la evidencia científica y la toma de decisión política. La epidemiologia y la política sanitaria tienen distintas prioridades, distintos tiempos y distinta escala de valores. Las lecciones de la epidemia de 2009 deberían servir para acercar estos dos pilares de la salud publica de cara al beneficio de la comunidad, que al fin, es el objetivo común.

  1. Sustitución del tablero del puente Omaru

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    Sugawara, Misao


    Full Text Available The Omaru Bridge, which carries the railway track to the Kyushu Island, in Japan, had a metallic superstructure, and as the bridge is close to the sea, had been subjected to the corrosion effect of sea water. As upkeep expenses were high and such structures suffer rapidly from these corrosion effects, the possibility of substituting these metal girders by prefabricated prestressed structures was investigated. The problem of this particular case is a general one, and the solution adopted in the case of the Omaru Bridge is in the nature of an initial trial, that could be applied more generally, after detail improvements, to other metal structures, where the damage of corrosion is increasingly serious. This paper describes in detail the method of preparing the girders, the technique of substitution, auxiliary equipment, prefabrication, etc.El puente Omaru, sobre el que pasa la línea férrea de la isla Kyushu, del Japón, era de superestructura metálica, y se hallaba sometido a los efectos corrosivos del agua marina, ya que la obra está en las inmediaciones del mar. Como los gastos de conservación son elevados y las estructuras metálicas sufren rápidamente los efectos de la corrosión, se estudió la posibilidad de sustituir las actuales vigas metálicas por otras, prefabricadas, de hormigón pretensado. El problema planteado aquí es general, y la solución adoptada para tal sustitución en el puente de Omaru es como un ensayo previo, con el fin de poderla extender, debidamente perfeccionada, a otras estructuras, también metálicas, en las que la corrosión se deja sentir con intensidad y gravedad crecientes. La preparación de vigas, métodos empleados para la sustitución, tren auxiliar, como material móvil y prefabricación, son objeto de descripción detallada en este trabajo.

  2. Uso de aisladores de base en puentes de concreto simplemente apoyados


    Rico Pradilla, Leocadio; Chio Cho, Gustavo


    En el presente artículo se presenta una comparación del comportamiento sísmico de puentes de concreto reforzado simplemente apoyados, usando aisladores de base de tres tipos, los aisladores de elastoméricos de alto amortiguamiento HDRB por sus siglas en inglés (High Damping Rubber Bearings), los aisladores elastoméricos con núcleo de plomo LRB (Lead Rubber Bearings) y el sistema de péndulo de fricción FPS (Friction Pendulum System). Se tomó como caso de estudio el viaducto la flora, definiénd...

  3. Evaluación de técnicas no destructivas en elementos de concreto para puentes

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    Ricardo Alfredo Cruz


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las técnicas no destructivas de Velocidad de Pulso Ultrasónico (VPU, termografía infrarroja y martillo de rebote para su aplicación en elementos de puentes de concreto y para determinar su posible aplicación in situ. El estudio se desarrolló en dos etapas: diseño y elaboración de los elementos representativos de un puente de concreto y aplicación de los ensayos no destructivos sobre estos. La técnica de VPU mostró gran capacidad para evaluar la homogeneidad y calidad de la matriz de concreto, con baja sensibilidad para identificar los daños en los refuerzos. La termografía infrarroja permitió la identificación de delaminaciones ubicadas a profundidades de hasta el 50% del espesor de la losa evaluada. Con los resultados del martillo de rebote se estimó la resistencia a la compresión del concreto de las losas, cuyas lecturas obtenidas fueron afectadas por la presencia de agregado grueso.

  4. Comparative proteomics reveals the physiological differences between winter tender shoots and spring tender shoots of a novel tea (Camellia sinensis L.) cultivar evergrowing in winter. (United States)

    Liu, Shengjie; Gao, Jiadong; Chen, Zhongjian; Qiao, Xiaoyan; Huang, Hualin; Cui, Baiyuan; Zhu, Qingfeng; Dai, Zhangyan; Wu, Hualing; Pan, Yayan; Yang, Chengwei; Liu, Jun


    A recently discovered tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] cultivar can generate tender shoots in winter. We performed comparative proteomics to analyze the differentially accumulated proteins between winter and spring tender shoots of this clonal cultivar to reveal the physiological basis of its evergrowing character during winter. We extracted proteins from the winter and spring tender shoots (newly formed two leaves and a bud) of the evergrowing tea cultivar "Dongcha11" respectively. Thirty-three differentially accumulated high-confidence proteins were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF / TOF MS). Among these, 24 proteins had increased abundance while nine showed were decreased abundance in winter tender shoots as compared with the spring tender shoots. We categorized the differentially accumulated proteins into eight critical biological processes based on protein function annotation including photosynthesis, cell structure, protein synthesis & destination, transporters, metabolism of sugars and polysaccharides, secondary metabolism, disease/defense and proteins with unknown functions. Proteins with increased abundance in winter tender shoots were mainly related to the processes of photosynthesis, cytoskeleton and protein synthesis, whereas those with decreased abundance were correlated to metabolism and the secondary metabolism of polyphenolic flavonoids. Biochemical analysis showed that the total contents of soluble sugar and amino acid were higher in winter tender shoots while tea polyphenols were lower as compared with spring tender shoots. Our study suggested that the simultaneous increase in the abundance of photosynthesis-related proteins rubisco, plastocyanin, and ATP synthase delta chain, metabolism-related proteins eIF4 and protease subunits, and the cytoskeleton-structure associated proteins phosphatidylinositol transfer protein and profilin may be because of the adaptation of the

  5. Semisubmersible rigs attractive for tender-assisted drilling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tranter, P. (Sedco Forex, Aberdeen (United Kingdom))


    Tender-assisted drilling (TAD) involves the use of tender support vessel (TSV) during the drilling phase of platform development to provide drilling utilities to the platform-mounted drilling package. The TSV provides facilities such as mud mixing, storage, pumping, bulk storage, hotel accommodations, and power. Thus, the platform topsides and jacket weight and size can be smaller and less expensive. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of TAD, then describes the TAD vessel, semisubmersible, platform cost savings, accommodations, drilling and workovers, and field experience.

  6. Relationship between nongenital tender point tenderness and intravaginal muscle pain intensity: ratings in women with provoked vestibulodynia and implications for treatment. (United States)

    Phillips, Nancy; Brown, Candace; Bachmann, Gloria; Wan, Jim; Wood, Ronald; Ulrich, Dagny; Bachour, Candi; Foster, David


    Vulvodynia is a chronic vulvar pain disorder and fibromyalgia is a chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain disorder, both of unknown etiology. Association of these conditions is well documented. Intravaginal algometer measurement of tenderness to pressure applied to the pelvic floor muscles helps define vulvodynia associated with musculoskeletal factors. Women with both vulvodynia and fibromyalgia might have increased pelvic muscle pain compared to women with vulvodynia alone, defining the possible link of these 2 conditions. We sought to: (1) correlate pain intensity during the nongenital tender point tenderness examination to pain intensity with the vaginal algometer in women with provoked vestibulodynia, and (2) determine whether subjects with provoked vestibulodynia and fibromyalgia had higher pain intensity scores with the vaginal algometer than those without fibromyalgia. In all, 92 subjects referred for vulvar pain were confirmed to have provoked vestibulodynia using the cotton swab test. A diagnosis of fibromyalgia was made if pain was present (numeric rating scale >1) in at least 11 sites of the 18-point nongenital tender point tenderness exam. Vaginal pain sensitivity was measured using an intravaginal pressure algometer, where 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 kg/cm 2 forces were applied digitally in random assignment by force and location to the right and left iliococcygeus muscle regions and the posterior vaginal wall. Both tender point tenderness and algometer pain intensity were reported on a 0 (no pain) to 10 (worse pain) numeric rating scale. Correlations were computed between the composite pain intensity (total of rating scale from each pressure threshold at specified site) of nongenital and those of iliococcygeus regions and the posterior vaginal wall. Independent t tests were used to determine differences in iliococcygeus regions and the posterior vaginal algometer pain ratings and presence or absence of fibromyalgia. The significance level was at P pain

  7. Assessment of Computer Software Usage for Estimating and Tender ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It has been discovered that there are limitations to the use of computer software packages in construction operations especially estimating and tender analysis. The objectives of this research is to evaluate the level of computer software usage for estimating and tender analysis while also assessing the challenges faced by ...

  8. Visual evaluation of beef tenderness by using surface structural ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Very low negative correlations were observed between colour and shear force (r = −0.242). Therefore, although it may be possible to judge meat colour by visual analysis, it does not appear possible to predict tenderness by colour judgment. There is potential for an experienced eye to predict tenderness by observing visual ...

  9. 31 CFR 309.9 - Tenders; acceptance by the Secretary of the Treasury. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Tenders; acceptance by the Secretary... TREASURY BILLS § 309.9 Tenders; acceptance by the Secretary of the Treasury. At the time fixed for closing... acceptable prices offered and will make public announcement thereof those submitting tenders will be advised...

  10. Grounds for dispensing with public tender procedures in Government Contracting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P Bolton


    Full Text Available The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa1 provides that organs of state must comply with five principles when procuring goods or services: procurement procedures must be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective. In short, this means that organs of state should make use of competition when procuring goods or services. They should shop around and attract the maximum number of contractors who will participate in such competition. The aim should be the attainment of value for money, meaning, public money should be spent in an effective and efficient manner. Those who participate in competitions should also be treated fairly and without bias. In principle, no preferences should be afforded to different contractors; all contracting parties should have equal access to competition; some contractors should not be afforded more time for the preparation and submission of quotes or tenders than others; and the same information should be made available to all contracting parties. Government procurement procedures should further be transparent, meaning public or open. Thus, organs of state should not contract behind closed doors – government contracts should, as a rule, be advertised. Depending on the nature and value of a particular contract, the use of a public call for tenders is generally the best way to ensure compliance with the principles in the Constitution. By nature, a pubic call for tenders is open, it assists in the prevention of fraud and favouritism, and it ensures that the maximum number of contractors is approached to compete for a contract.Organs of state can also compare prices and quality and can contract with whoever offers the best deal. Most legislation therefore proceeds on the basis that procurement takes place by way of tendering. Generally, contracts above R200 000 are subject to public tender procedures. In certain instances, however, a public call for tenders may be inappropriate regardless of the high

  11. Selecting colliery spoil from Puentes mine for the purpose of tip restoration. Influencia de la seleccion de los esteriles de la Mina Puentes en la restauracion de la escombrera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gil Bueno, A; Macias Vazquez, F; Monterroso Martinez, C; Val Caballero, C


    Presents the results of a study conducted into the physical and chemical properties of material from coal faces at Puentes Mine in the La Coruna region of Spain. The main objective was to study waste material with a view to selecting the type most suitable to act as the covering layer for colliery spoil tips. The selection method employed has created tips with a top layer suitable for planting. The article also describes the methods used in the restoration work. 6 refs., 3 tabs., 4 figs.

  12. Calls for Tender and Market Surveys Roles and Procedures

    CERN Document Server

    Annila, L


    ST division has implemented certain procedures to handle the calls for tender and market surveys. In January 1998, the division leader set up the 'call-for-tender co-ordination office' to check and approve each technical document leaving the division. The mandate of the call-for-tender co-ordination office is to check the quality of the documents, in order for these documents to be as clear as possible in terms of both content and structure. The role of this office is to contribute positively and give service to the people writing the documents, and not to give negative criticism. The aim of this paper is to present the mandate of the office, how papers are processed, and to draw up a first result summary.

  13. 48 CFR 47.104-5 - Citation of Government rate tenders. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Citation of Government rate tenders. 47.104-5 Section 47.104-5 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION General 47.104-5 Citation of Government rate tenders. When 49 U...

  14. Puente sobre el río Parramatta, Australia

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available A bridge is now being built at Gladesville, Australia, of reinforced and prestressed concrete, which having a span of 277 m, will be the largest of its type in the world. The main arch consists of four parallel ribs, each 277 m in span. These ribs are hollow, and constitute the main structure of the arch. There are four secondary access spans on each side. The initial project was somewhat altered by the Sydney Dept. of Public Works. Each of the four main ribs of the central arch leaves 36 m clear height for fluvial navigation. The arched ribs are made up of 108 hollow units, each weighing 50 tons. At suitable intervals a number of transversal, prestressed diaphragms have been fitted, which serve to mutually stabilise the ribs. On the ribs a palisade of vertical supports carry the bridge deck. This is 22 m wide and has two sidewalks, each 1.80 m wide. The prestressed deck girders were made at two nearby workshops, one on each side of the bridge. The construction of the ribs was completed with the aid of a metallic scaffolding, which was moved from one rib to the next and served for the erection of all of them. Prestressing was done with Freyssinet type plane jacks. These were placed between the rib units, which were compressed, at the same as forcing the arch to lift off the scaffolding. After the oil had compressed the concrete, it was substituted by cement mortar. The operation was repeated at various points for each rib.En Gladesville, Sydney (Australia, se construye un puente, de hormigón armado y pretensado, que, por sus 277 m de luz, será el mayor de los hasta hoy construidos en arco. Está formado por cuatro arcos o nervios huecos como tramo central, de 277 m de luz, y cuatro tramos de acceso a uno y otro lado. El proyecto inicial sufrió alguna variante que introdujo el Departamento de Obras Públicas de Sydney. Cada uno de los cuatro arcos del tramo central, que deja una altura libre de 36 m para la navegación fluvial, se ha

  15. El puente Woodrow Wilson Memorial

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available The project for the new bridge over the Potomac river, which is 1,800 m long, and will be situated within the metropolitan zone of Washington had to be approved by the Arts Commission of the local council, which is responsible for the aesthetic quality of all new urban developments. This important bridge consists of multiple short span arches and a drawbridge span, over the navigable canal. The wide deck, carrying altogether six lanes of traffic, is supported on groups of four cylindrical posts, of reinforced concrete. Each of these posts rests on a number of fairly deeply driven prestressed concrete piles. The position of each of these was fixed by means of a timber guide, which mutually related the position of the various piles. After driving in all the piles, a concrete slab was constructed on top of them, which in turn supports the palissade of four posts. The whole operation was carried out within cofferdams built with sheetpiling. The construction of the deck was a straightforward operation, and only the drawbridge, supported on four hinges, involved certain difficulties owing to the need that these hinges be perfectly aligned at all times.El proyecto de ejecución del nuevo puente sobre el río Potomac, de 1.800 m de longitud total, en la zona metropolitana de Washington (Estados Unidos, ha necesitado la aprobación de la Comisión de Bellas Artes, encargada de velar por la armonía general del paisaje circundante. Esta importante obra, de tramos múltiples, de reducidas luces, presenta la particularidad de un tramo levadizo, que salva el canal navegable y rompe la continuidad entre los otros tramos adyacentes. Las pilas que soportan la amplia calzada —de seis bandas agrupadas en dos direcciones únicas de circulación—, son del tipo de cuatro montantes cilíndricos, de hormigón, y en forma de palizada. Cada una de las pilas descansa sobre una serie de pilotes, bastante profundos, de hormigón pretensado. La hinca de pilotes se

  16. Puente Öland

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    Skanska Cementgjüteriet, Empresa


    Full Text Available The Öland bridge spans across the Kalmar strait, reaching from Möllstorpslage, on the island of Öland, to the island of N. Skallö; from here to the island of Svinö and then to Jutnabben, on the Swedish peninsula. It has 155 spans out of which 147 are small spans, two medium and six central, each one of them 130 m, with a total length of 6.070 m. The high arches have been constructed by the system of successive corbels and the low ones with a launching of big beams of reinforced concrete. Foundations on columns or poured on site in pneumatic emptied boxes, depending on the cases and piers of reinforced concrete, constructed by means of sliding formwork. The Construction Firm has been Skanska Cementgjuteriet, on account of the Government Administration.El puente de Öland salva el estrecho de Kalmar, partiendo de Möllstorpslage, en la isla de Öland, hasta la isla de N. Skallö; de aquí a la de Svinö y desde ésta hasta Jutnabben, en la península sueca. Tiene 155 vanos: 147 de luces pequeñas, 2 de luces medianas y 6 centrales, de 130 m cada una, con una longitud total de 6.070 m. Los arcos denominados altos se han realizado por el sistema de voladizos sucesivos, y los bajos, mediante lanzamiento de grandes vigas de hormigón armado. Cimientos sobre pilotes o vertidos in situ, en cajones vaciados neumáticamente, según los casos, y pilas de hormigón armado, construidas con auxilio de encofrados deslizantes. La Empresa constructora ha sido Skanska Cementgjuteriet, por cuenta de la Administración del Estado.

  17. El nuevo puente de Saint-Cloud París-Francia

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    Mathivat, J.


    Full Text Available This article describes the various problems that have been solved and the great amount of work that has been carried out to construct this bridge that connects the highway A-13 with the peripheral boulevard of the French capital making it possible to cross the Seine. The final solution has been that of a prestressed concrete bridge deck, supported by reinforced concrete piles on a foundation of plates or piles. The construction has a total length of 1,360 m out of which 1,103 are manufactured: a 574 m access viaduct and a 529 m bridge across the river. Altogether it comprises 14 sections, with spans of 46 m up to 101,75 m, one 42 m section on the left hand side and one 49 m section on the right hand side.Se describen en este artículo los diversos problemas resueltos y los múltiples trabajos realizados para construir este puente, que une la autopista A-13 con el bulevar periférico de la capital francesa, permitiendo el paso sobre el Sena. La solución adoptada, en definitiva, ha sido de tablero de hormigón pretensado, apoyado en pilas de hormigón armado sobre cimentación de placa o de pilotes, según los casos. La obra tiene una longitud total de 1.360 m, de los cuales 1.103 m son obras de fábrica: 574 m, de viaducto de acceso, y 529 m, de puente sobre el río. En total se distribuye en 14 tramos, con luces desde 46 a 101,75 m, un tramo de 42 m en la orilla izquierda y otro de 49 m en la orilla derecha.

  18. A basis for modelling the costs of supplier selection: the economic tender quantity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Boer, L.; van Dijkhuizen, G.C.; Telgen, Jan


    In this paper, we consider the decision a purchaser must make regarding the number of suppliers that should be invited to submit a tender for a certain purchase. On the one hand, the costs of sending invitations to tender, the costs of evaluating the tenders received, and the costs of communicating

  19. Liquefied natural gas tender crashworthiness research (United States)


    Research is being conducted to develop technical : information needed to formulate effective natural gas fuel : tender crashworthiness standards. This research is being : performed for the Federal Railroad Administrations (FRAs) : Office of Res...

  20. 17 CFR 240.14e-5 - Prohibiting purchases outside of a tender offer. (United States)


    ...(s); (iv) The intention of the offeror to make purchases pursuant to the foreign tender offer(s) is... consideration paid outside of the tender offer that is greater than the tender offer price; and (G) Purchases or... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Prohibiting purchases outside...

  1. Puentes gemelos soldados, en la carretera interestatal núm. 70, USA

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    Thomas, H. B.


    Full Text Available The demands in the layout of the interstate road no. 70, in Ohio, USA, have made it essential to build two twin bridges, which run over the Pennsylvania railway. Construction operations were hindered by the poor soil conditions and by a number of technical factors connected with traffic. This forced the engineers to seek a more rational and easy construction procedure, which would offer a larger margin of safety, in the face of any unexpected events that might arise, once the bridges were in service. In spite of this, The American Institute of Steel Construction declared that the two bridges were the most beautiful work of its type openend to traffic in the United States, in 1965.Las exigencias del trazado de la carretera interestatal número 70, en Ohio, U.S.A.,, han hecho necesaria la construcción de dos puentes gemelos que pasan sobre la vía del ferrocarril de Pennsylvania. La construcción se ha visto dificultada por las malas condiciones del terreno y por una serie de factores técnicos y de circulación que obligaron a buscar la solución más racional y cómoda desde el punto de vista ingenieril, con el fin de conseguir todas las garantías ante los incidentes de todo tipo que se podían presentar una vez puesta en servicio. A pesar de ello, el American Institute of Steel Construction declaró los dos puentes como la obra más bella en su género abierta al tráfico en 1965, en Estados Unidos.

  2. Nonarticular tenderness and functional status in patients with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. (United States)

    Mader, Reuven; Novofastovski, Irina; Rosner, Ehud; Adawi, Muhammad; Herer, Paula; Buskila, Dan


    To investigate the degree of nonarticular tenderness and functional status in patients with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). We assessed these variables' correlation with their clinical, radiographic, and constitutional measurements and with metabolic syndrome (MS). Eighty-seven patients with DISH were compared with 65 controls without DISH. Examination of nonarticular tenderness was performed by thumb palpation. Tenderness was scored for the 18 fibromyalgia tender points (TP), and 4 control points. Nonarticular tenderness was expressed by the number of TP and by the total tenderness score (TTS). The Short Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ II) was administered to all participants. Clinical and laboratory data were collected from all patients. Patients were classified as having MS by both the National Cholesterol Education Program and World Health Organization definitions. There was a statistically significant difference in TTS between controls and patients with DISH. The mean tenderness of many individual TP was significantly higher in the DISH group compared with the control group. TP counts, TTS, and body mass index (BMI) positively correlated with the HAQ II. There was a linear trend in intensity of T-spine bony bridges (BB) and the total number of TP as well as many individual TP. Patients with DISH were more likely to be affected by MS. No correlation was found between TP count, TTS, and MS. Patients with DISH have a lower pain threshold than patients who do not have DISH. TP count and TTS correlate with the functional status, BMI, waist circumference, and high-grade BB. No correlation was observed between pain threshold and MS.

  3. Pain sensitivity and pericranial tenderness in children with tension-type headache: a controlled study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soee, ABL; Skov, L; Kreiner, S


    To compare tenderness and pain sensitivity in children (aged 7-17 years) with tension-type headache (TTH) and healthy controls using total tenderness score (TTS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), and pain perceived at suprapressure pain threshold (supraPPT).......To compare tenderness and pain sensitivity in children (aged 7-17 years) with tension-type headache (TTH) and healthy controls using total tenderness score (TTS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), and pain perceived at suprapressure pain threshold (supraPPT)....

  4. El puente de la Rocha en Santiago de Compostela: ampliación de dos a cuatro carriles de circulación del puente existente en el km 67 de la CN-550 de la Coruña a Santiago y Tuy

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    Barbosa Ayúcar, José Antonio


    Full Text Available The need to continue the widening of the roadway of the CN-550 on the New Access to Santiago de Compostela up to the town limits of Milladoiro implied an important action on the existing masonry works. In these conditions, the La Rocha Bridge, with a bidirectional 7 m roadway of a total 10 m width, had to be extended to obtain the new cross section of the four carriageways, median strip and pavements. The bridge was widened adding a 6 m-wide deck to the existing platform on either side. The deck was made of prestressed precast beams and compression slabs. Prestressed concrete pier heads and metal struts were arranged as decks supporting elements which transfer forces originated by new loadings on the piers. The adopted solution made it possible to maintain the vehicle and pedestrian traffic but for four days, during which the pier heads were placed. The resistance scheme of the old bridge arcade was not altered. The new bridge was integrated into the pre-existing surroundings, preserving the local architectural heritage.

    La necesidad de continuar la duplicación de calzada de la CN-550 en el Nuevo Acceso a Santiago de Compostela hasta el límite municipal de Milladoiro, implicaba una importante actuación sobre las obras de fábrica existentes. En esta situación, el puente de La Rocha, con una calzada bidireccional de 7 m y anchura total de 10 m, necesitaba ampliarse hasta 22 m para obtener la nueva sección transversal de 4 carriles, mediana y aceras. El ensanchamiento del puente se ha conseguido añadiendo por ambos lados, a la plataforma existente, un tablero de 6 m de anchura, formado por vigas pretensadas prefabricadas y losas de compresión. Como elementos sustentantes de los tableros se disponen cabeceros de hormigón pretensado y tornapuntas metálicos, que transfieren las solicitaciones originadas por las nuevas acciones a las pilas. Con la solución adoptada, se ha conseguido mantener el tráfico rodado y peatonal a

  5. Tenderness of pre- and post rigor lamb longissimus muscle. (United States)

    Geesink, Geert; Sujang, Sadi; Koohmaraie, Mohammad


    Lamb longissimus muscle (n=6) sections were cooked at different times post mortem (prerigor, at rigor, 1dayp.m., and 7 days p.m.) using two cooking methods. Using a boiling waterbath, samples were either cooked to a core temperature of 70 °C or boiled for 3h. The latter method was meant to reflect the traditional cooking method employed in countries where preparation of prerigor meat is practiced. The time postmortem at which the meat was prepared had a large effect on the tenderness (shear force) of the meat (PCooking prerigor and at rigor meat to 70 °C resulted in higher shear force values than their post rigor counterparts at 1 and 7 days p.m. (9.4 and 9.6 vs. 7.2 and 3.7 kg, respectively). The differences in tenderness between the treatment groups could be largely explained by a difference in contraction status of the meat after cooking and the effect of ageing on tenderness. Cooking pre and at rigor meat resulted in severe muscle contraction as evidenced by the differences in sarcomere length of the cooked samples. Mean sarcomere lengths in the pre and at rigor samples ranged from 1.05 to 1.20 μm. The mean sarcomere length in the post rigor samples was 1.44 μm. Cooking for 3 h at 100 °C did improve the tenderness of pre and at rigor prepared meat as compared to cooking to 70 °C, but not to the extent that ageing did. It is concluded that additional intervention methods are needed to improve the tenderness of prerigor cooked meat. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Improving Tenderness of Spent Layer Hens Meat Using Papaya Leaves (Carica papaya

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    H. O. Abdalla, N. N. A. Ali, F. S. Siddig and S. A. M. Ali*


    Full Text Available Two experiments were performed to study the use of papaya leaves as a meat tenderizer. The first experiment was to evaluate the effect of papaya dry leaves added to hen’s diet before slaughter. Spent hens (n=48 were used, half of them were fed a concentrate ration containing10% dried papaya leaves powder (DPLP while others received layer ration (Control, for 10 days. The second experiment involved a comparison between papaya leaves juice (PLJ, fresh papaya leaves (FPL and vinegar solution (VS as marinades applied to meat for one or two hours before cooking. Spent layer hens (n=42 were used for tenderness evaluation method. After slaughtering and preparing the chickens two methods of cooking were used (oven and moist cooking. The cooked parts (breast, thigh and drumstick were subjected to a panel test evaluation according to a designed questionnaire. Addition of dried papaya leaves powder to spent layer hens ration significantly (P≤0.05 increased the level of meat tenderness. Moist cooking had significantly (P≤0.05 improved meat tenderization compared to oven cooking. Meat treated with fresh papaya leaves had significantly (P≤0.05 improved tenderness. It was concluded that wrapping the tough meat of spent layer hens with fresh papaya leaves for one hour and moist cooking improve tenderness of meat.

  7. An analysis of project selection and assignment criteria of Danish tenders in Europe

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    Jasper Kranker Larsen


    Full Text Available Public construction agencies are one of the largest developers within the Danish construction industry, where such agencies own and develop new public construction projects. Most of these projects are put out in European tender. This study analyses the selection and assignment criteria employed by these agencies in different types of public sector projects. Some of the objectives pursued by the study include the determination of 1/ the selection and assignment criteria mostly used in Danish public tenders 2/ how different types of projects use selection and assignment criteria in the bidding process, and 3/ any significant difference between the use of selection and assignment criteria in Danish public construction projects. The study uses a quantitative research approach where 157 Danish public tender cases were selected from the European Tenders Electronic Daily database between the period: January 2010 to March 2013. Fisher's Exact Test was conducted to determine if there was any significant use of some selection and assignment criteria. The findings of the study showed that invited tenders with pre-qualification and lowest price in 69.8% of the tenders are the most used selection and assignment criteria, with little regard to project type.

  8. ¿Son seres humanos los puentes de fábrica?

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    Bauder, E.


    Full Text Available In spite of the common belief that the language used by engineers and architects to create, describe and spread their works, exclusively consists of technical terms from the realms of engineering and architecture disregarding other disciplines, in this article counterexamples will be shown which prove that at least in the field of masonry bridges the opposite occurs. Metaphor from the medical and psychological field seems to be the major tool used by these professionals to create and explain their knowledge. Thus, whenever the engineer or architect identify themselves with their work and see it as an extension of their own selves they use metaphorical terminology to express, that to them, masonry bridges are human beings. Therefore, they assign and expect human qualities along the whole life cycle of these bridges and, at the same time, play the role of creator, parent, defender, doctor or psychologist according to the situations or problems their bridge-child may be involved in. Moreover, it will become evident that the abundant use of this metaphor and its terminological correspondences are, by no means, a strange phenomenon but the logical result of the natural interdisciplinarity between building techniques, medicine (including psychology, terminology and language.A pesar de la creencia generalizada de que el lenguaje utilizado por ingenieros y arquitectos para crear, describir y divulgar sus obras es privativo de esta especialidad y completamente ajena a la de otras disciplinas, en este artículo se presentan ejemplos que, al menos en el campo de los puentes de fábrica, muestran todo lo contrario. La metáfora es la herramienta clave que el experto técnico utiliza para crear y explicitar sus conocimientos. Así, cuando el ingeniero o arquitecto se identifica con su obra y la ve como una prolongación de sí mismo, metaforiza verbal y terminológicamente que el puente de fábrica es un ser humano para él, atribuyéndole y exigi

  9. Puentes, Caminos, Ríos: Fronteras como Armas Defensivas en Extremadura

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    Soria Sánchez, Valentín


    Full Text Available Presentamos en este trabajo los datos previos para delimitar las fronteras cambiantes de Extremadura. Ofrecemos nombres de puentes y ríos, de caminos, de montañas que sirven siempre de defensas naturales. La estrategia tiene que contar en todo momento con estas armas en el planteamiento de los conflictos. Presenta la geografía gran importancia al defender y atacar los territorios en cada época histórica. Hemos seguido paso a paso estas corrientes de aguas y estos restos arqueológicos que nos hablan de poblaciones que ya no existen y de carriles y cañadas ahora olvidadas y que la vegetación de los montes ha ido borrando entre peñas y alturas.

  10. Adapting Rational Unified Process (RUP) approach in designing a secure e-Tendering model (United States)

    Mohd, Haslina; Robie, Muhammad Afdhal Muhammad; Baharom, Fauziah; Darus, Norida Muhd; Saip, Mohamed Ali; Yasin, Azman


    e-Tendering is an electronic processing of the tender document via internet and allow tenderer to publish, communicate, access, receive and submit all tender related information and documentation via internet. This study aims to design the e-Tendering system using Rational Unified Process approach. RUP provides a disciplined approach on how to assign tasks and responsibilities within the software development process. RUP has four phases that can assist researchers to adjust the requirements of various projects with different scope, problem and the size of projects. RUP is characterized as a use case driven, architecture centered, iterative and incremental process model. However the scope of this study only focusing on Inception and Elaboration phases as step to develop the model and perform only three of nine workflows (business modeling, requirements, analysis and design). RUP has a strong focus on documents and the activities in the inception and elaboration phases mainly concern the creation of diagrams and writing of textual descriptions. The UML notation and the software program, Star UML are used to support the design of e-Tendering. The e-Tendering design based on the RUP approach can contribute to e-Tendering developers and researchers in e-Tendering domain. In addition, this study also shows that the RUP is one of the best system development methodology that can be used as one of the research methodology in Software Engineering domain related to secured design of any observed application. This methodology has been tested in various studies in certain domains, such as in Simulation-based Decision Support, Security Requirement Engineering, Business Modeling and Secure System Requirement, and so forth. As a conclusion, these studies showed that the RUP one of a good research methodology that can be adapted in any Software Engineering (SE) research domain that required a few artifacts to be generated such as use case modeling, misuse case modeling, activity

  11. 41 CFR 102-117.55 - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a rate tender? (United States)


    ... and disadvantages of using a rate tender? 102-117.55 Section 102-117.55 Public Contracts and Property... the advantages and disadvantages of using a rate tender? (a) Using a rate tender is an advantage when... volume to obtain favorable rates. (b) Using a rate tender may be a disadvantage when: (1) You have...

  12. Identificación y análisis de patologías en puentes de carreteras urbanas y rurales Identification and analysis of pathologies in bridges of urban and rural roads

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    Nilson Tadeu Mascia


    Full Text Available La preocupación con un gran número de puentes con importantes problemas patológicos fue el factor de motivación para llevar a cabo esta investigación. Puentes de tamaños mediano y pequeño tienen relevancia significativa en el desarrollo económico y social del país, pues deben garantizar el tránsito de personas, vehículos, materias primas y productos locales. Sin embargo, las precarias condiciones de los puentes en las zonas urbanas y rurales hacen difícil el desplazamiento, causando incomodidad e inseguridad para los usuarios. Por otro lado, los costos de transporte para los productores y el mantenimiento para los gobiernos locales continúan aumentando. Este artículo tiene la intención de evaluar las condiciones de conservación de puentes pequeños y medianos en la región urbana y rural de Campinas (SP-Brasil. Así, este estudio se basa en el análisis de cuatro puentes de esta región, en los que se presentan varios ejemplos sobre el terreno de las manifestaciones patológicas en puentes de concreto, acero y madera. Este artículo también se centra en el diseño de puentes y la relación con su estado patológico estableciendo conceptos que podrían aplicarse al método correctivo y a la identificación de la patología en puentes de concreto, acero y madera. Por último, el objetivo es concluir que la forma más adecuada para evitar un estado patológico es el mantenimiento preventivo.A concern with a great number of bridges with significant pathological problems was the motivating factor to carry out this research. Small and medium size bridges have significant relevance for the economic and social development of the country, because they must ensure the transit of people, vehicles with raw material and local produce. However, the precarious conditions of bridges in the urban and rural areas make the displacement difficult, causing discomfort and unsafety for users. Furthermore, the transportation costs for producers and the

  13. Carlos Fernández Casado y José Acuña: los primeros puentes de altura estricta. Jaén, 1933-1935

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    Burgos, A.


    Full Text Available The bridge design catalogue “Puentes de altura Estricta” (Strict Height Bridges was one of the greatest creations of the brilliant spanish civil engineer Carlos Fernandez Casado. It was designed at the early 1930’s. It had a great relevance in the Spanish Civil Engineering of the 20th century. Nevertheless, its origins are little known. The first materializations of the “Collection” were six bridges that were constructed in the Jaén province, between 1933 and 1935. They were possible thanks to the determined support of other civil engineer, Jose Acuña y Gómez de la Torre. Later also he carried out the work himself. With this research its process of design and construction is reconstructed. Also bridges are described as they have come to the present day. With all this it is expected its great value as heritage elements be recognized.

    La “Colección de Puentes de Altura Estricta” fue una de las mayores creaciones del genial ingeniero de caminos español Carlos Fernández Casado. Fue diseñada a principios de los años 1930 y tuvo una gran trascendencia en la Ingeniería civil española del siglo XX. No obstante, sus orígenes son poco conocidos. Las primeras materializaciones de la “Colección” fueron seis puentes que se construyeron en la provincia de Jaén, entre 1933 y 1935. Fueron posibles gracias al decidido apoyo que prestó otro ingeniero de caminos, José Acuña y Gómez de la Torre. Posteriormente también se hizo cargo de su ejecución material. Con esta investigación se pretende reconstruir su proceso de diseño y construcción. También se describen los puentes tal como han llegado hasta nuestros días. Con todo ello se espera contribuir a que sea reconocido su gran valor como elementos patrimoniales.

  14. Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons (1911)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balle, Søren Hattesen

    Gertrude Stein’s book of prose poems Tender Buttons has been characterized as a modernist literary work by most of its critics. As a distinctive feature of its modernist poetics critics in particular emphasize Stein’s denial of representation through verbal abstraction and autotelism. This paper......, however, intends to read Tender Buttons somewhat differently by suggesting that the poems may be viewed as an example of a displaced Rabbinic hermeneutics in the sense given the term by Susan Handelman. Inasmuch as Stein refuses to name the many objects properly that the titles of the poems introduce...... and instead – to employ her own term – “abuses” their names by way of wordplay, punning, syntactical ambiguity, and semantic disruption, she impersonates a secular Reb Stein, who stays faithful to the Scripture by sacred contempt of representation and obedience to (the play of) the letter. Perhaps...

  15. Comportamiento dinámico de puentes en arco con amortiguadores viscosos

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    Nicolás Parra García


    Full Text Available En éste trabajo se presenta la respuesta sísmica analítica de dos puentes en arco de gran luz, sometiéndolos a un movimiento simulado que incluye efectos de fuente cercana. Para reducir la respuesta se exploró su comportamiento conectando los dos extremos del tablero con la subestructura por medio de amortiguadores viscosos. Se llevaron a cabo una serie de análisis en el plano de ambos modelos para identificar los amortiguadores óptimos. Los resultados indicaron que el uso de amortiguadores viscosos con comportamiento no lineal, ofrece una solución práctica para reducir la respuesta dinámica de estas estructuras.

  16. El puente de Brotonne sobre el Sena - Francia

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    Campenon, -


    Full Text Available This bridge solves the connection problem between Rouen and Le Havre. The need to preserve the maritime tradition of Rouen and to permit the heavy shipping traffic through the estuary forced a structural design which main part, 696.5 m long, consists of a 5-span triss-braced bridge. The central span, 320 m long, is the longest pre-stressed concrete span in the world. The structure also includes two access ramps. This article analyses the features and construction procedures of each element in the structure, namely: — Foundations, consisting on cylindrical piers for the main spans and piers on piles for the access ramps and viaducts. — The curved octagonal piles, creating an interesting aesthetical effect. — The deck consisting on a single monocelular girder, formed by twincore wedged, pieces, prestressed in all directions. — The tower with a constant 2.60 dimension crosswise and tapered from 4.80 to 2.84 meters lengthwise. — Tensors, prestressing, etc.

    Este puente resuelve el problema de comunicación entre Rouen y Le Havre. La necesidad de respetar la tradición marítima de Rouen y la navegación de barcos de gran tonelaje obligó a realizar una estructura cuya obra principal, de una longitud de 696,5 m, es un puente atirantado que tiene cinco tramos, de los cuales el central, de 320 m, constituye el récord del mundo de luz en hormigón pretensado. La estructura comprende, además, dos viaductos de acceso. En este artículo se hace un análisis de las características y procedimientos de construcción de cada uno de los elementos que componen la obra: — Las cimentaciones, que son columnas cilíndricas para las pilas principales, y sobre pilotes en las pilas de los viaductos de acceso. — Las pilas, de forma octogonal curvilínea, que producen un gran efecto estético. — El tablero es una viga monocelular, formada por dovelas de dos almas pretensadas en todas direcciones. — Las torres, cuya sección es

  17. Evaluation of tendered prices of natural mineral water, juice and non-alcoholic beer (public procurement research

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    Nataša Pomazalová


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to evaluate tender prices of chosen beverages according to public procurement based on secondary data analysis. The empirical results of analysis (t-test and F-test show that average annual prices of these beverages are different and collected data are not included in the same sample. Tender prices are different in each year of observed years, although are based on public tender. Important evidence is that for the public tenders in the abroad is obligatory use of the Czech public procurement law. According to this act the base evaluation criterion is the lowest offered price. Data were collected during the years 2005–2009. This study deals with empirical approach, variability of prices of chosen beverages based on public tenders between the Czech Republic (Ministry of Defence and local suppliers in Kosovo. Results show low variability of prices, which are based on public tender and legal approach, regulated public procurement. The research conclusion is the fact, that tender prices for piece of non-alcoholic beverage are less than 10 % from annual mean (pcs./CZK of tendered prices.

  18. Las lecciones de Chernóbil: Ciencia y tecnología en la sociedad global y el proyecto cosmopolita


    Soto Acosta, Willy


    El artículo parte de las tres grandes lecciones que dejó la tragedia de Chernóbil. En primer lugar, que las invenciones científicas y tecnológicas pueden escapar del control humano y pueden llegar a re- presentar un riesgo, es decir, un potencial negativo contra la misma humanidad. Segundo, que la ciencia y la tecnología pueden volverse contra el mismo gé- nero humano si no son enmarcadas dentro de un proyecto cosmopolita.Tercero, Chernóbil demostró que los riesgos ecológicos no respetan fron...

  19. Dinámica ambiental y económica en la localidad de Puente Aranda en Bogotá

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    Carlos Fernando Parra Moreno


    Full Text Available Este documento muestra los resultados parciales de la investigación “Responsabilidad social y ambiental de la industria manufacturera en la localidad de Puente Aranda en la ciudad de Bogotá como alternativa al desarrollo humano integral sustentable”, realizados dentro del marco de trabajo del grupo de investigación Girsa. El estudio se basó en el análisis de la dinámica poblacional, ambiental y económica de la dicha localidad, a través de la metodología de la matriz de Vester. Con este instrumento se logró identificar las relaciones e interacciones dinámicas de todos los actores locales en el tiempo y en el espacio. Dentro de los problemas críticos que se encontraron en la localidad de Puente Aranda se encontró el agotamiento de fuentes hídricas, poca conciencia y educación ambiental de la población, una mala disposición de basuras, la no disponibilidad de servicios públicos para los nuevos asentamientos y altos niveles de emisión de partículas contaminantes.

  20. Puente sobre el Oosterschelde, Holanda

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    Hoving, H. T.


    Full Text Available This new bridge, forming part of the Delta project, is made of concrete, and was built by successive overhangs. Precast units were mainly used. The bridge is 5,000 m long, and is 11.85 m wide. The main spans are 95 m in length, except one, which can be opened up to sea traffic, which is 40 m long. The free height of the bridge over the sea is 15 m, which is insufficient for large ships. This required that one of the spans, in deep water, should open up, on hinges, and provide free passage to large ships. The intermediate bridge supports are of special interest. They rest on piles which go down to 38 m. They are hollow, cylindrical, of 4.35 m external diameter, and are driven into the ground in several stages, as they penetrate through the sands at the bottom of the Oosterschelde. To drive them in, an excavating device, inside the pile, was utilised, and also a dredging and suction mechanism, to clean out the bottom, and allow the piles to sink by gravity. But when external friction did not allow this to happen, the piles were weighed down with up to 500 tons of ballast. A series of three of these piles, in a row, makes up each bridge support. A cross member over the pile heads supports, in turn, the bridge deck. The bridge was built in successive sections, overhanging from each support, and then finally connected with a central portion. Use of precast units has been very extensive, so that the bridge can be justiaflably regarded as being prefabricated.Este nuevo puente, que forma parte del Plan de obras denominadas del Delta, es de hormigón y se ha construido por el procedimiento de voladizos sucesivos, utilizando, en su mayor parte, elementos prefabricados. Tiene una longitud total de 5.000 m; una anchura de 11,85 m; tramos principales de 95 m de luz, salvo uno, levadizo, que tiene 40 m. La altura libre sobre las ag^uas del mar es de 15 m, que es insuficiente para las naves de gran tonelaje; esto exigió que uno de sus tramos, en aguas

  1. Desarrollo y aplicación de lecciones de estadística en-línea con objetos de aprendizaje en un ambiente universitario

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    Lavigne, Gilles


    Full Text Available Resumen: Se presentan resultados preliminares de una investigación-desarrollo que tuvo el propósito de desarrollar lecciones de Estadística en línea con inserción de objetos de aprendizaje y estimar el efecto sobre el aprendizaje de los alumnos participantes en un ambiente natural universitario. Se utilizaron señalamientos teóricos constructivistas para el desarrollo de las lecciones, para conformarle al estudiante un ambiente en línea propicio para la construcción activa de su conocimiento.La aplicación de las lecciones se realizó con 92 alumnos universitarios (tres grupos. Se aplicó una encuesta de datos generales previo a la intervención educativa. Al final, se entrevistaron a los docentes responsables y se conformaron tres grupos de discusión con los alumnos. Los resultados mostraron un mejor aprendizaje en Estadística en 6 de las 7 comparaciones hechas para los subgrupos que tuvieron la mayor actividad en el web. La opinión de alumnos y docentes fue favorable a este tipo de innovación educativa. Finalmente, es conveniente puntualizar las bondades de incorporar este tipo de innovaciones en cursos universitarios y asi transitar hacia una mejora integral del proceso educativo.Abstract: This communication is presenting the preliminary results of a research-development project aiming to evaluate the pedagogical impact of constructivist based learning objects integrated into online Statistic lessons within a live university environment. The experiment was performed with 92 students distributed into three course groups. A survey of the students' general profile was applied previous to the educative intervention and, thereafter, the three participating teachers were interviewed and the students invited to participate to three discussion groups.The results show that, with the exception of one subgroup, the students with a greater online activity obtained a better mark. The overall opinion of the teachers and of the students was

  2. Criterios de diseño en puentes de hormigón frente a la acción térmica ambiental

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    Mirambell Arrizabalaga, Enrique


    Full Text Available The present work is based on the problem of environmental thermal effects on concrete bridges. In this study, an analytical model is developed to determine the time-dependent temperature distributions and the self-equilibrated longitudinal and transversal stresses distributions within the cross section of concrete bridges. Parametric studies are carried out in order to find the effects of all parameters governing the heat transfer and conduction problem. Moreover, a general methodology in order to obtain design stresses distributions and design thermal loads is presented. Such methodology is applied to the case of concrete bridges in Spain. Data bases are the results of parametric studies and the environmental information presented in several reports of National Institute of Meteorology.

    El presente trabajo centra su estudio en la problemática de los efectos térmicos ambientales en puentes de hormigón. Los objetivos perseguidos en esta tesis son, por una parte, el desarrollo de un modelo analítico capaz de obtener la respuesta térmica y tensional a nivel sección de los tableros de puentes de hormigón y el estudio de la influencia de todos los parámetros que intervienen en el fenómeno de la transmisión del calor en esta tipología estructural. Por otra parte, se presenta una metodología general de obtención de las acciones térmicas y los estados tensionales asociados, a considerar en el proceso de análisis y diseño de los puentes de hormigón. Dicha metodología ha sido aplicada, con posterioridad, al caso de puentes de hormigón emplazados en la geografía de nuestro país, siendo las bases de datos los resultados de los amplios estudios paramétricos llevados a cabo para cada una de las tipologías transversales de tablero comúnmente adoptadas en proyecto, y la información climatológica y ambiental recogida en las publicaciones del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología.

  3. A critical analysis of the tender points in fibromyalgia. (United States)

    Harden, R Norman; Revivo, Gadi; Song, Sharon; Nampiaparampil, Devi; Golden, Gary; Kirincic, Marie; Houle, Timothy T


    To pilot methodologies designed to critically assess the American College of Rheumatology's (ACR) diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia. Prospective, psychophysical testing. An urban teaching hospital. Twenty-five patients with fibromyalgia and 31 healthy controls (convenience sample). Pressure pain threshold was determined at the 18 ACR tender points and five sham points using an algometer (dolorimeter). The patients "algometric total scores" (sums of the patients' average pain thresholds at the 18 tender points) were derived, as well as pain thresholds across sham points. The "algometric total score" could differentiate patients with fibromyalgia from normals with an accuracy of 85.7% (P pain across sham points than across ACR tender points, sham points also could be used for diagnosis (85.7%; Ps tested vs other painful conditions. The points specified by the ACR were only modestly superior to sham points in making the diagnosis. Most importantly, this pilot suggests single points, smaller groups of points, or sham points may be as effective in diagnosing fibromyalgia as the use of all 18 points, and suggests methodologies to definitively test that hypothesis.

  4. Price Determinants of the Tendering Process for Pharmaceuticals in the Cyprus Market. (United States)

    Petrou, Panagiotis; Talias, Michael A


    Tendering has been a promising approach for procuring pharmaceuticals. Significant price reductions have been well documented by several authors. To our knowledge, there are limited data detailing the impact of variables in the tendering process. In this article, our objective was to evaluate the impact of potentially exploratory variables, which included innovation status, total value and volume of sales of each product, health care setting administration (hospital/outpatient), patent status (branded/generic), tendering type, and wholesale price, on price reduction in the tendering process. Financial data of public sector sales during 2011 were analyzed. On the basis of these data, we selected 178 medicines with corresponding sales of €49 million, out of a total market value of €104 million. Medicines were selected according to volume, value, and therapeutic value across all therapeutic areas. We performed a beta regression for the assessment of impact of variables and applied the same methodology to different subgroups. The generic status of medicines is statistically significantly associated with a higher price reduction. Tendering type by alternative, high wholesale prices, and high volume are robust estimators for price reduction. Innovation status does not have any effect on price reduction. Outpatient medicines reach lower prices as compared with hospital medicines. A rather unexpected finding is the negative correlation of high sales value with price reduction. These findings will lead to better understanding of the tendering framework, enabling us to further evolve its operational capacity, aiming to generate more savings. Moreover, our study indicates areas in which a more optimized approach is needed. Copyright © 2015 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Vulnerabilidad sísmica y capacidad de carga de un puente en acero basado en confiabilidad estructural Seismic vulnerability and load carrying capacity studies of a steel bridge based on structural relia

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    Edgar Muñoz


    Full Text Available Por medio de la confiabilidad estructural, para un Puente en Colombia después de su monitoreo. Los resultados de este trabajo son parte de una nueva metodología para evaluar puentes existentes mediante una colaboración entre Universidad-Empresas-Gobierno Nacional. Este estudio ayuda en la toma de decisiones y en la priorización de tareas de rehabilitación. Este estudio incluyó: caracterización dinámica de las vibraciones naturales del puente; adquisición de datos de fuerzas internas debidas al tráfico por medio de tecnología de LVDT's y Strain Gages; evaluación de las fuerzas actuales comparadas contra los esfuerzos máximos permitidos; modelación estática, dinámica y estructural. Adicionalmente se hizo un estudio de amenaza sísmica y respuesta dinámica del área del puente y nueve (9 diferentes espectros de respuesta fueron obtenidos, cada uno con un periodo de retorno diferente. Se encontró que las torres del puente tienen una probabilidad de falla mayor que la permitida por los códigos. Lo anterior condujo a un reforzamiento inmediato del puente.In this document, seismic vulnerability and load carrying capacity analyses are presented for a bridge in Colombia after monitoring by means of reliability of structures. Results of this work are part of a new methodology to evaluate existing bridges carried out though a partnership among University - Private Companies - and Goverment. This study helps in decision making on the priority of rehabilitation tasks. This study included: dynamic characterization of natural vibrations of the bridge; data logging of inner forces due to traffic by using LVDT's and strain gages technology; evaluation of actual forces to be compared to allowed stresses, dynamic and static structural modelling. Also, a seismic hazard and dynamic response of the local area of the bridge was developed and nine (9 different response spectra were obtained, each one varying its return period. It was found that the

  6. Nuevo puente para el oleoducto de Europa Central

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    Giuliani, G.


    Full Text Available This bridge runs over the Po river, near Pavia, and is 1,370 m long. It is divided into spans of 36 m length each. The horizontal structure of the bridge consists of sets of four continuous girders, running over six spans, and two continuous girders, extending over seven spans. The piles are 14 m high and 1.50 m in diameter, and rest on the extension of the foundation piles. This article describes details of the project and the system of placing the continuous girders.Este puente, construido sobre el río Po, cerca de Pavía, tiene una longitud total de 1.370 m, dividida en tramos de 36 m de longitud, salvados por cuatro vigas continuas, de 6 vanos, y dos vigas continuas, de 7 vanos. Las pilas, de 14 m de altura y 1,50 m de diámetro, se han construido sobre la prolongación de los pilotes de cimientos. El artículo explica las particularidades de la obra y el procedimiento de lanzamiento adoptado.

  7. Deformaciones de un arco de hormigón armado bi-empotrado del puente sobre el Río San Pablo por medio de análisis dinámico


    Jara Landivar, Jaime Eduardo


    El presente trabajo consistió en realizar varios análisis para determinar por diferentes métodos las deformaciones de un arco de hormigón armado biempotrado de la estructura del puente sobre el río San Pablo ubicado en el acceso norte a la ciudad de Babahoyo en la provincia de Los Ríos, cuya configuración estructural es de dos arcos de hormigón armado que soportan péndolas con cables de acero de alta resistencia y baja relajación y sostienen el tablero del puente vehicular, utilizando métodos...

  8. Construction Tender Subcontract Selection using Case-based Reasoning

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    Due Luu


    Full Text Available Obtaining competitive quotations from suitably qualified subcontractors at tender tim n significantly increase the chance of w1nmng a construction project. Amidst an increasingly growing trend to subcontracting in Australia, selecting appropriate subcontractors for a construction project can be a daunting task requiring the analysis of complex and dynamic criteria such as past performance, suitable experience, track record of competitive pricing, financial stability and so on. Subcontractor selection is plagued with uncertainty and vagueness and these conditions are difficul_t o represent in generalised sets of rules. DeciSIOns pertaining to the selection of subcontr:act?s tender time are usually based on the mtu1t1onand past experience of construction estimators. Case-based reasoning (CBR may be an appropriate method of addressing the chal_lenges of selecting subcontractors because CBR 1s able to harness the experiential knowledge of practitioners. This paper reviews the practicality and suitability of a CBR approach for subcontractor tender selection through the development of a prototype CBR procurement advisory system. In this system, subcontractor selection cases are represented by a set of attributes elicited from experienced construction estimators. The results indicate that CBR can enhance the appropriateness of the selection of subcontractors for construction projects.

  9. Effect of the callipyge phenotype and cooking method on tenderness of several major lamb muscles. (United States)

    Shackelford, S D; Wheeler, T L; Koohmaraie, M


    We conducted three experiments to determine the effects of the callipyge phenotype on the tenderness of several major lamb muscles and to determine the effect of method of cookery on the tenderness of callipyge lamb at 7 d postmortem. In Exp. 1, chops from normal (n = 23) and callipyge (n = 16) carcasses were open-hearth-broiled. Warner-Bratzler shear force values of longissimus, gluteus medius, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, adductor, and quadriceps femoris were 123, 44, 28, 26, 19, 16, and 13% greater, respectively, for callipyge (P lamb carcasses (n = 60). Callipyge chops were less tender than normal chops (P cooking method, callipyge samples were less juicy than normal samples (P < .05). These data demonstrate that the callipyge phenotype will likely reduce consumer satisfaction due to reduced tenderness and juiciness; however, reduced tenderness in callipyge leg muscles could be prevented by ovenroasting.

  10. Comportamiento estructural y criterios de diseño de los puentes extradosados: visión general y estado del arte Structural behavior and design criteria of extradosed bridges: general insight and state of the art

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    José Benjumea


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos 10 años, los puentes extradosados se han convertido en una solución estructural atractiva alrededor del mundo, gracias a los buenos resultados obtenidos con las primeras realizaciones en Japón. Esta nueva tipología, reconocida generalmente como una solución intermedia entre los puentes atirantados y los de pretensado de viga cajón construidos por voladizos sucesivos, se ha convertido en una opción interesante. Por consiguiente, dado el interés que hoy en día existe alrededor de este tipo de puente, en este trabajo se presenta el contexto histórico que describe su origen, y se exponen la influencia de los principales elementos estructurales en el comportamiento del puente, y los criterios de diseño que han sido propuestos por investigadores en el tema. De esta manera, se espera ofrecer una visión general de la concepción y el comportamiento estructural de los puentes extradosados para que sea considerada una alternativa más de tipología estructural de puentes en nuestro medio.Over the past 10 years, Extradosed bridges have become an attractive structural type around the world, due to the good results obtained with the first bridges constructed in Japan. This new typology, generally recognized as an intermediate solution between cable stayed bridges and cantilever constructed prestressed box-girder bridges, because these take advantages of design and constructions methods of the other two typologies, has become an interesting option. Therefore, given the interest that exist about this type of bridge, in this paper the historical context that describes its origin, the influence of the principal structural elements and the design criteria proposed by researchers are presented. In this way it is expected to offer a general insight into the design conception and structural behavior of Extradosed Bridges, so that they may be considered as an alternative structure for bridges in the Americas.

  11. Pacific Fleet Submarine Tender Optimization (United States)


    worker(s) waits at DG Tender travel (FCB = USS Frank Cable, ESL = USS Emory S. Land) Day 1 FCB waits at GUAM Day 1 ESL ...Day 5 FCB waits at GUAM Day 6 FCB waits at GUAM Day 6 ESL waits at SINGAPORE Day 7 FCB GUAM Day 7 ESL waits at SINGAPORE Day 8 FCB waits at GUAM Day 8 ESL waits at SINGAPORE Day 9

  12. An analysis of project selection and assignment criteria of danish tenders in europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Kranker; Ussing, Lene Faber; Brunø, Thomas Ditlev


    , and 3/ any significant difference between the use of selection and assignment criteria in Danish public construction projects. The study uses a quantitative research approach where 157 Danish public tender cases were selected from the European Tenders Electronic Daily database between the period...

  13. A camera specification for tendering purposes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lunt, M.J.; Davies, M.D.; Kenyon, N.G.


    A standardized document is described which is suitable for sending to companies which are being invited to tender for the supply of a gamma camera. The document refers to various features of the camera, the performance specification of the camera, maintenance details, price quotations for various options and delivery, installation and warranty details. (U.K.)

  14. Tres lecciones de tinieblas, de José Ángel Valente: naturaleza musical, claves de poética e implicaciones simbólicas

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    Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ofrece un estudio circunscrito a la caracterización musical de Tres lecciones de tinieblas (1980, de José Ángel Valente (1929-2000. Para ello, se parte, en primer lugar, del análisis de las claves de poética que ofrece el escritor en distintos textos (entrevistas, ensayos, discursos, diario … para, con posterioridad, identificar las fuentes de dicho poemario, ya sean musicales –desde el canto gregoriano hasta Webern, Boulez o Schenker–, literarias (Gonzalo de Berceo, filosóficas (Miguel de Molinos, etc. En el conjunto de modelos presentado sobresale, en particular, la asimilación por parte de Valente del género de las Leçons des Ténèbres –sobre todo, Couperin y Charpentier–, así como de la tradición áurea española, con ecos de Tomás Luis de Victoria, Quevedo y sus Lágrimas de Hieremías castellanas, la «música silente» de San Juan de la Cruz o la «poesía musical» de Góngora, entre otros señeros referentes. Por último, dada la compleja naturaleza genérica de Tres lecciones, se presta especial atención, en fin, tanto al simbolismo pitagórico como a las propiedades musicales de las letras-números para concluir con unas notas sobre la poética del fragmento.

  15. 17 CFR 240.14e-2 - Position of subject company with respect to a tender offer. (United States)


    ... disclosing that the subject company: (1) Recommends acceptance or rejection of the bidder's tender offer; (2... accordance with such laws, regulations and policies. (d) Exemption for cross-border tender offers. The... with respect to a tender offer. 240.14e-2 Section 240.14e-2 Commodity and Securities Exchanges...

  16. El puente Río de Janeiro- Niteroi Brasil

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    Howard, -


    Full Text Available This bridge, later given the name of the former Brazilian President Costa e Silva— as the construction was initiated during his term of office — signifies the completion of one of the most ambitious and demanding civil engineering projects in South America. Not only is It important on account of its length —the bridge crosses Guanabara Bay from the city of Río de Janeiro to the prosperous and expansive city of Niteroi on the opposite shore—, but also because of its strategic situation which makes it possible to connect the highway network of the south of the country with those of the north, thus creating a continuous line of Communications stretching along 4,000 km on the Atlantic coast. The bridge, 13,900 m long —8,900 of which are over the water—, is the fifth longest in the world, and in its central part has a span of 300 m and a height of 60 m, which allows access and departure of large ships in the Guanabara Bay. Most certainly it will play of role of vital importance in the future development of Brazil.

    El Puente Costa e Silva, que cruza la Bahía de Guanabara uniendo las ciudades de Río de Janeiro y Niteroi, alcanza, con sus 13.900 m de longitud, el quinto lugar del mundo, siendo el primero, entre los de vigas, por los 300 m de luz de su arcada principal. La construcción de un puente de estas proporciones sobre las aguas de la bahía, a 3 km de la costa más cercana, presentó, como es natural, toda una serie de dificultades de índole técnica, a las que hubo que añadir los cortos plazos de ejecución prescritos para la obra. Considerando ambos factores se optó por un sistema de construcción basado en la prefabricación de la estructura en unidades de gran tamaño que, posteriormente, serían izadas a las pilas de hormigón por medio de gatos especiales. La solución adoptada eliminó la necesidad de efectuar prolongados trabajos de construcción y montaje sobre el agua, con toda la gama de riesgos que esto


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    Juan Sebastián Gaitán Cardona


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia del uso de metodologías innovadoras para la planificación de la construcción de un puente de concreto en Colombia. Fue aplicada la metodología BrIM (Bridge Information Modeling, con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento y desarrollo de la planificación constructiva de este tipo de estructura. La elaboración del proyecto se dividió en tres etapas: la construcción del modelo conceptual, la simulación del proceso constructivo, y la cuantificación de materiales y costos. La experiencia demuestra que la elaboración de modelos paramétricos se puede convertir en una herramienta valiosa para la planificación, diseño y construcción de puentes de diferentes tipologías. Sin embargo, es necesario tener bases estructuradas sobre el uso del software y experiencia en la representación y dibujo de los componentes del puente, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de la industria constructora, que son mejorar la calidad, reducir costos, dar herramientas para un control adecuado de la construcción y acortar los tiempos de diseño y producción.

  18. Drug tendering: drug supply and shortage implications for the uptake of biosimilars

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    Dranitsaris G


    Full Text Available George Dranitsaris,1 Ira Jacobs,2 Carol Kirchhoff,3 Robert Popovian,4 Lesley G Shane5 1Augmentium Pharma Consulting Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Global Medical Affairs, Pfizer Inc, New York, NY, 3Global Technology Services, Biotechnology and Aseptic Sciences Group, Pfizer Inc, Chesterfield, MO, 4US Government Relations, Pfizer Inc, Washington, DC, 5Outcomes and Evidence, Global Health and Value, Pfizer Inc, New York, NY, USA Abstract: Due to the continued increase in global spending on health care, payers have introduced a number of programs, policies, and agreements on pharmaceutical pricing in order to control costs. While incentives to increase generic drug use have achieved significant savings, other cost-containment measures are required. Tendering is a formal procedure to purchase medications using competitive bidding for a particular contract. Although useful for cost containment, tendering can lead to decreased competition in a given market. Consequently, drug shortages can occur, resulting in changes to treatment plans to products that may have lower efficacy and/or an increased risk of adverse effects. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that tendering does not negatively impact patient care or the health care system. A large and expanding portion of total pharmaceutical expenditure is for biologic therapies. These agents have revolutionized the treatment of many diseases, including cancer and inflammatory conditions; however, patient access to biologic drugs can be limited due to availability, insurance coverage, and cost. As branded biologic therapies reach the end of patent- and data-protection periods, biosimilars are being approved as lower-cost alternatives. Biosimilars are products that are highly similar to the originator product with no clinically meaningful differences in terms of safety, purity, or potency. As more biosimilars receive regulatory approval and adoption increases, these therapies are expected to have an

  19. Injection of marinade with actinidin increases tenderness of porcine M. biceps femoris and affects myofibrils and connective tissue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, M.; Torngren, M. A.; Gunvig, A.


    BACKGROUND: Marination of beef muscles with brine solutions containing proteolytic enzymes from fruit extracts has been shown to tenderize meat. However, the effect of marination with actinidin on tenderness of pork muscles has not been investigated. Tenderness and eating quality of porcine M. bi...... indicate that actinidin tenderizes pork M. biceps femoris by affecting both the myofibrils and connective tissue....

  20. Tendering and relationships in strategic logistics service provider selection for global supply chain organisations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tambo, Torben

    of private enterprise purchase additionally relate to the acceptance of some level of dialogue before, during and after the tender due date. Tendering is viewed as an extreme case of relationship management, where newcomers and existing suppliers are put on an equal footing, decades of incorporated...... have an impact. During the tendering process, innovation, knowledge management and operational procedures in interaction with the business relationships are often overlooked and need active management and proper contingency planning. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of both sides...

  1. Chikungunya en la República Dominicana: lecciones aprendidas en los primeros seis meses

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    Raquel Pimentel


    Full Text Available La epidemia de chikungunya en la República Dominicana se inició en febrero de 2014. En los primeros seis meses se registraron 429 421 casos, que representaron 65% de todos los notificados a la Organización Panamericana de la Salud por 33 países y territorios de la Región de las Américas. Esta epidemia se ha transmitido con rapidez en dicho país y ha demandado una intensa respuesta intersectorial, que ha liderado el Ministerio de Salud Pública y, especialmente, el Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y la red de los servicios de salud. Considerando que afectará a miles de personas, el objetivo de este artículo es describir las actuaciones realizadas y compartir los resultados y las lecciones aprendidas durante estos primeros meses con los ministerios de salud y los profesionales de los países de la Región para ayudarles a preparar una respuesta adecuada para afrontarla de forma efectiva y eficiente.

  2. Humedal urbano en Punta Arenas: Sustentabilidad del Proyecto Parque Ecológico Humedal Tres Puentes


    Luis Inostroza Pino


    El Humedal Tres Puentes, ubicado en la entrada norte de Punta Arenas, es un espacio relevante desde el punto de vista ecológico y hábitat de una numerosa avifauna, uno de los más importantes de la ciudad. Sin embargo el Humedal está seriamente amenazado, dado su ubicación sobre uno de los principales vectores de crecimiento de la ciudad de Punta Arenas, en terrenos que han adquirido plusvalía paulatinamente, bien por efecto de la obra pública del Estado o por el simple crecimiento vegetativo ...

  3. Tender point count, pain, and mobility in the older population: the mobilize Boston study. (United States)

    Eggermont, Laura H P; Shmerling, Robert H; Leveille, Suzanne G


    Prevalence of tender points (TP), and widespread pain and fibromyalgia, as well as the relationship between TP and widespread pain and mobility, was examined in 585 community-dwelling older adults (mean age 78.2 years, 63.4% female). Pain was based on location (none, single site, multisite, widespread). Mobility was measured by the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), gait speed, and self-reported (S-R) mobility difficulty. Tender-point count and health characteristics (ie, BMI, chronic conditions, analgesic use, number of medications, depression, and blocks walked per week) were assessed. Several participants had 3 or more TP (22.1%) although prevalence of criteria-based fibromyalgia was low (.3%). Mobility was more limited in persons with higher tender-point counts. After adjustment for pain and other risk factors, higher tender-point count was associated with poorer SPPB performance (score < 10, aOR = 1.09 per TP, 95%CI, 1.01-1.17), and slow gait speed (< .784m/sec, aOR = 1.14 per TP, 95%CI, 1.05-1.24), but not with S-R mobility difficulty. S-R mobility difficulty was associated with more disseminated pain (multisite pain, aOR = 2.01, 95%CI, 1.21-3.34; widespread pain, aOR = 2.47, 95%CI, 1.09-5.62). These findings portray a significant mobility burden related to tender-point count and multisite and widespread pain in the older population. Future studies using longitudinal methods are warranted. Higher tender-point count, multisite pain, and widespread pain are common in community-dwelling older adults and associated with mobility problems. Both the manual tender-point exam and the McGill Pain Map may provide important yet different information about risks for mobility disability in older individuals. Copyright 2010 American Pain Society. All rights reserved.

  4. Tender puentes: lecciones globales desde México sobre políticas de salud basadas en evidencias Bridging the divide: global lessons from evidence-based health policy in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Frenk


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos seis años, México ha llevado a cabo una profunda transformación de su sistema de salud. Este artículo presenta una visión general de las principales características de la experiencia de reforma mexicana. Como resultado del alto grado de desigualdad social, México es un microcosmos de la diversidad de problemas que afectan a los países de todos los niveles de desarrollo. Su sistema de salud no estaba a la altura de las presiones impuestas por la doble carga de enfermedad, en donde la desnutrición, las infecciones comunes y los problemas de salud reproductiva coexisten con las enfermedades no transmisibles y las lesiones. Con la mitad de su población sin acceso al aseguramiento en salud, México enfrentaba una paradoja inaceptable: si bien la salud es un factor clave en la lucha contra la pobreza, un gran número de familias se empobrecía como consecuencia de los gastos para la atención de su salud, incluyendo los medicamentos. La reforma se diseñó para corregir esta paradoja mediante la introducción de un innovador esquema denominado Seguro Popular, a través del cual se protege de manera gradual a 50 millones de mexicanos, la mayoría de ellos pobres, que hasta ahora habían sido excluidos de la seguridad social formal. Este artículo presenta una serie de resultados alentadores para lograr el fin último de la reforma: el acceso universal a servicios de salud de alta calidad con protección social para todos.During the past six years, Mexico has undergone a large-scale transformation of its health system. This paper provides an overview of the main features of the Mexican reform experience. Because of its high degree of social inequality, Mexico is a microcosm of the range of problems that affect countries at all levels of development. Its health system had not kept up with the pressures of the double burden of disease, whereby malnutrition, common infections, and reproductive health problems coexist with non-communicable disease and injury. With half of its population uninsured, Mexico was facing an unacceptable paradox: whereas health is a key factor in the fight against poverty, a large number of families became impoverished by expenditures in health care and drugs. The reform was designed to correct this paradox by introducing a new scheme called Popular Health Insurance (Seguro Popular. This innovative initiative is gradually protecting the 50 million Mexicans, most of them poor, who had until now been excluded from formal social insurance. This paper reports encouraging results in the achievement of the ultimate objective of the reform: universal access to high-quality services with social protection for all.

  5. Apéndice a las lecciones prácticas de agricultura y economía que da un padre a su hijo para que sea buen labrador en qualquiera país


    Seixo, Vicente del, 1747-1802


    5 v. ; 21 cm Viñeta xil. en port. no vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 O Vol. 5, titúlase : Apéndice a las lecciones prácticas de agricultura y economía que da un padre a su hijo para que sea buen labrador en qualquiera país

  6. Contractor’s mistakes during tendering (United States)

    Kamil, A. I. M.; Othman, N.; Adnan, H.; Zaki, ZA M.


    The occurrence of overrun in cost and time in a project that is usually caused by contractors, will generally make peopleput the blameonthem. This happensas a result of the lack of knowledge possessed by the contractors in determining the solution to be undertakendue totheir mistakes, especially when it comes to tendering process as what had happened in the cases that were reported in Supreme Court of Canada. This paper aims to identify the types of mistakes, factors that contribute to the mistakes and the responsiveness to the mistakes so that the contractor will be able to manage and control the mistakes, as well as the solution, along with preventing them from happening, and in making decision whether or notthey may withdraw from the bidding when the fault has been discovered or whether they should request for leniency from the client for a second chance in re-submitting the bid after the discovered inaccuracy. This research has been done based on cases that were related to the contractor’s mistakes during tendering which were collected from the Supreme Courts of Canada. The data have been analysed and interpreted by legal methodology, in which the result shows that the ability level of the contractors to respond to the mistake is unsatisfactory,and the fault is continuouslybeingmade. The findings are expected to educate and provide awareness to the contractors relating to the matters discussed.

  7. A bench-top hyperspectral imaging system to classify beef from Nellore cattle based on tenderness (United States)

    Nubiato, Keni Eduardo Zanoni; Mazon, Madeline Rezende; Antonelo, Daniel Silva; Calkins, Chris R.; Naganathan, Govindarajan Konda; Subbiah, Jeyamkondan; da Luz e Silva, Saulo


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of classification of Nellore beef aged for 0, 7, 14, or 21 days and classification based on tenderness and aging period using a bench-top hyperspectral imaging system. A hyperspectral imaging system (λ = 928-2524 nm) was used to collect hyperspectral images of the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (aging n = 376 and tenderness n = 345) of Nellore cattle. The image processing steps included selection of region of interest, extraction of spectra, and indentification and evalution of selected wavelengths for classification. Six linear discriminant models were developed to classify samples based on tenderness and aging period. The model using the first derivative of partial absorbance spectra (give wavelength range spectra) was able to classify steaks based on the tenderness with an overall accuracy of 89.8%. The model using the first derivative of full absorbance spectra was able to classify steaks based on aging period with an overall accuracy of 84.8%. The results demonstrate that the HIS may be a viable technology for classifying beef based on tenderness and aging period.

  8. Tender Notices | About IASc | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... Tender for works related to expansion to main building of Indian Academy of ... for building Hostel Block at Indian Academy of Sciences Fellows Residency, ... the Three Science Academies of India on the teaching of the theory of evolution

  9. 41 CFR 102-117.35 - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using GSA's tender of service? (United States)


    ... and disadvantages of using GSA's tender of service? 102-117.35 Section 102-117.35 Public Contracts and...-117.35 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using GSA's tender of service? (a) It is an... damage claims. (b) It is a disadvantage to use GSA's tender of service when: (1) You want an agreement...

  10. The Role Of Transparency In Tenders In Order To Maintain The Public Interest And The Rights Of Suppliers

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    Reza Tajarlou


    Full Text Available The public tenders are very important instrument which the public sector uses to the allocation of great part of public expenditure for Welfare of citizens. Due to the the lack of resources and the optimal use of it in line with the public interest and the rights of tenderers tenders play a key role in the public sector operations they can be defined as an instrument to increase the effectiveness of the public sector as a whole. But with the conflict of interests of the public and private sector there needs to be transparency so that the rights of the parties to maintain and public confidence in the state increase. Transparency in Tenders cause the Suppliers that win the bids are those with the best product at the best price targeted at achieving the best outcome. This paper examines the concept and types of tenders for the effects of transparency in government tenders.

  11. Tender frequency and market concentration in balancing power markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knaut, Andreas; Obermueller, Frank; Weiser, Florian


    Balancing power markets ensure the short-term balance of supply and demand in electricity markets and their importance may increase with a higher share of fluctuating renewable electricity production. While it is clear that shorter tender frequencies, e.g. daily or hourly, are able to increase the efficiency compared to a weekly procurement, it remains unclear in which respect market concentration will be affected. Against this background, we develop a numerical electricity market model to quantify the possible effects of shorter tender frequencies on costs and market concentration. We find that shorter time spans of procurement are able to lower the costs by up to 15%. While market concentration decreases in many markets, we - surprisingly - identify cases in which shorter time spans lead to higher concentration.

  12. Tender frequency and market concentration in balancing power markets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knaut, Andreas; Obermueller, Frank; Weiser, Florian


    Balancing power markets ensure the short-term balance of supply and demand in electricity markets and their importance may increase with a higher share of fluctuating renewable electricity production. While it is clear that shorter tender frequencies, e.g. daily or hourly, are able to increase the efficiency compared to a weekly procurement, it remains unclear in which respect market concentration will be affected. Against this background, we develop a numerical electricity market model to quantify the possible effects of shorter tender frequencies on costs and market concentration. We find that shorter time spans of procurement are able to lower the costs by up to 15%. While market concentration decreases in many markets, we - surprisingly - identify cases in which shorter time spans lead to higher concentration.

  13. Tendering specification and contracting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koch, E. von


    The lecture tendering, specification and contracting is prepared in two parts: This first part deals with technical aspects while part two features the commercial and legal situation in the partnership of two: the supplier of the fuel bundles and the utility. In this lecture a look is given on the way how a supplier can offer its fuel and some certain points are mentioned which are important to compare the bid of one competitor to the other. The major points are summarized which are or at least should be in an offer so as to find out which offer is the best. (orig./FW) [de

  14. INCIDENCE OF ATLAS BRIDGES AND TUNNELS – THEIR PHYLOGENY, ONTOGENY AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. 26\tIncidencia de los puentes y túneles del atlas – Su filogenia, ontogenia e implicancias clínicas

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    Monika Lalit


    Full Text Available En la vértebra atlas, los puentes posteriores, los puentes laterales y los túneles postero-laterales son las protrusiones óseas que pueden causar presión externa en la arteria vertebral cuando pasa  del foramen transverso de la vértebra cervical al foramen magnum del cráneo. Ejemplares que muestran dichas protrusiones fueron clasificadas según tengan puentes del atlas completos o incompletos que pueden predisponer a la insuficiencia vertebrobasilar y al síndrome cervicogénico especialmente durante los movimientos de cuello. El objetivo del estudio es saber la incidencia, ontogenia y filogenia de los puentes del atlas junto con las implicaciones clínicas. Este canal de la arteria vertebral del atlas y la morfología de los puentes fueron estudiados en un total de 60 (120 lados vértebras atlas humanas completas y secas obtenidas de la colección de esqueletos del Departamento de Anatomía del Government Medical College de Amritsar en Punjab. La incidencia de la impresión de la arteria vertebral (44, la impresión profunda de la arteria vertebral (42 era 71,66%, el puente parcial fue 13,33% y el puente lateral parcial fue 3,33% en el lado derecho y 5% en lado izquierdo. También se observaron doce anillos completos y un túnel 1.66% postero-lateral. La ocurrencia de estos puentes óseos abrazando la arteria vertebral es de suma importancia clínica, pueden causar efecto de comprensión en la arteria vertebral durante la rotación extrema de la cabeza y movimientos de cuello manifestándose en mareos, desmayos, diplopía temporal, vértigo y desórdenes neurológicos. El conocimiento de esta variación es importante para médicos, otorrinolaringólogos, neurólogos y ortopedistas que en la práctica diaria están en contacto con estas enfermedades de la columna vertebral y sus consecuencias.  In atlas vertebrae, the posterior bridges, lateral bridges and postero-lateral tunnels are the bony outgrowths which may cause external pressure

  15. The Role of Quality in the Adjudication of Public Tenders

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    Geo Quinot


    Full Text Available The quality of the goods or services that government procures is obviously a very important consideration in deciding which supplier should be awarded a particular public tender. It follows that in the regulation of public procurement, particular attention should be given to the role of quality (also called functionality in the adjudication of public tenders and the final award decision. In South African public procurement law, the role of functionality in public tender adjudication has been a fairly controversial issue that has resulted in a continuing interaction between courts and law-makers on how and when quality should be assessed and should impact on the final award decision within the framework for public procurement found in section 217 of the Constitution. This contribution tracks the development of the role of functionality in public tender adjudication as prescribed by public procurement regulation since the enactment of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000, which spearheaded the development of contemporary public procurement regulation in South Africa. The analysis shows how the role of functionality has constantly changed since the enactment of the PPPFA and remains uncertain. This uncertainty relates to different interpretations of the constitutional requirements for public procurement primarily contained in section 217(1 of the Constitution. Whether functionality is used as a qualification criterion, an award criterion or both holds particular practical implications for both suppliers and contracting authorities. It is accordingly important to have certainty on this question. However, it cannot be said that the Constitution and section 217 in particular dictates one approach rather than another. The issue should thus be resolved with reference to the statutory scheme adopted under the PPPFA.

  16. Estudio computacional de transferencia electrónica intramolecular en tríadas conjugadas ferroceno-puente-aceptor


    García López, Rafaela


    En el presente trabajo se analiza, desde el punto de vista teórico a través de cálculos mecanocuánticos, el comportamiento dador del ferroceno, de potencial utilidad en procesos de reconocimiento de cationes metálicos, así como la estabilización de deficiencias electrónicas en  a grupos ferrocenilo. Esto permite el estudio del fenómeno de transferencia electrónica intramolecular en diferentes tríadas ferroceno-puente-aceptor, así como el efecto de la naturaleza y longitud de espaciadores -c...

  17. Puente Coronado - San Diego (EE. UU.

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This 3,5 km long bridge, joining the cities of San Diego and Coronado is one of the longest in the world of this type, and one of the three most important straight line bridges in the United States. Its supporting structure consists of reinforced concrete columns resting on footings or piles, according to whether they are under the sea water or on dry land. The superstructure is partly of metal plates and partly of box girders. The surfacing of the deck consists of asphalt epoxy concrete, of 5 cm depth. Special paint was applied to the bridge, including layers of vinyl, iron oxide and blue vinyl on a zinc base.Este puente, de unos 3 km y medio, que une las ciudades de San Diego y Coronado es uno de los de mayor longitud del mundo, de este tipo, y uno de los tres principales ortótropos de los Estados Unidos de América. Su infraestructura está constituida por pilas de hormigón armado apoyadas sobre pilotes o sobre zapatas, según estén en el mar o en tierra firme. La superestructura está formada, en parte, por chapas metálicas y, en parte, por vigas cajón. El acabado del tablero metálico se realizó a base de hormigón asfáltico de epoxi con un espesor de 5 cm. La pintura es especial y se compone de capas de vinilo, de óxido de hierro y de vinilo azul sobre una capa de cinc.

  18. Nuevo puente de La Barca sobre el río Ter

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    Rodríguez-Borlado, Ramiro


    Full Text Available The new La Barca bridge, over the river Ter, is on the northern approach to Gerona, and carries the CN II road from Madrid to France, passing through Barcelona. It substitutes another bridge of the same name, which was inadequate for the heavy increase in traffic, during recent years. The bridge is 128 m long, consisting of two lateral spans, each 37 m long, and a central span of 54 m. The superstructure consists of ten hollow metal girders, of variable depth, arranged as three-part cantilevered structures. The lateral sections are cantilevered towards the centre, and the middle part of the span rests on their extremities. The girders support a reinforced concrete slab of 16 cm thickness and 14 m width: 8 m for the roadway, and 3 m for each of the sidewalks. The structure rests on two piles and two abutments of reinforced concrete, based on caisson foundations, except for one of the abutments, which is a reinforced concrete block. The project is completed by the approach roads and stonemasonry.El nuevo puente de La Barca, sobre el río Ter, está situado en el acceso norte a Gerona de la C. N. II de Madrid a Francia por Barcelona. Sustituye a otro del mismo nombre que resultaba insuficiente para la elevada intensidad de tráfico de esta vía. La luz del puente es de 128 m, dividida en dos tramos laterales, de 37 m de luz, y un tramo central, de 54 m. La superestructura está constituida por cinco vigas metálicas, huecas, de canto variable, dispuestas como vigas cantilever de tres elementos. Los elementos laterales se prolongan hacia el centro en voladizo, apoyándose sobre ellos el elemento central. Las vigas soportan una losa de hormigón armado de 16 cm de espesor, y 14 m de anchura: 8 m para la calzada y 3 m para cada uno de los andenes laterales. El conjunto se apoya sobre dos pilas y dos estribos, de hormigón armado, cimentados sobre cajones indios, excepto uno de los estribos, que está cimentado sobre macizo de hormigón armado

  19. Determinants of Ownership Concentration and Tender Offer Law in the Chilean Stock Market


    Morales, Marco


    This paper analyzes econometrically the determinants of ownership concentration in the Chilean stock market, with particular attention to the e¤ects of the Tender Offer Law (OPA law). Even though the central pourpose of OPAs Law is achieved, the tender offer mechanism increases the ownership concentration. The main reason for this effect has to do with the "residual OPA" obligation considered by the law.

  20. Respuesta Sísmica de un puente en Arco considerando la Fluctuación de la fuerza Axial


    Chávez Aguirre, Hidalgo


    Los puentes en arco son estructuras que exhiben un comportamiento muy constante, ya que por un lado trabajan de una manera muy eficiente ante cargas permanentes y por el otro presentan un desempeño complejo ante la ocurrencia de temblores fuertes. El arco es un elemento con ductibilidad limitada debido a las elevadas fuerzas de compresión generadas por la carga permanente; además, dichas fuerzas pueden variar de manera importante durante la ocurrencia de un movimiento sísmico. Por lo anterio...

  1. Muscle fatigue in relation to forearm pain and tenderness among professional computer users

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, GF; Johnson, PW; Svendsen, Susanne Wulff


    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: To examine the hypothesis that forearm pain with palpation tenderness in computer users is associated with increased extensor muscle fatigue. METHODS: Eighteen persons with pain and moderate to severe palpation tenderness in the extensor muscle group of the right forearm...... response was not explained by differences in the MVC or body mass index. CONCLUSION: Computer users with forearm pain and moderate to severe palpation tenderness had diminished forearm extensor muscle fatigue response. Additional studies are necessary to determine whether this result reflects an adaptive...... and twenty gender and age matched referents without such complaints were enrolled from the Danish NUDATA study of neck and upper extremity disorders among technical assistants and machine technicians. Fatigue of the right forearm extensor muscles was assessed by muscle twitch forces in response to low...

  2. Beef tenderness improvement by dietary vitamin D3 supplementation in the last stage of fattening of cattle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Półtorak Andrzej


    Full Text Available Tenderness is the most important characteristic of meat, determining consumer approval. There are numerous methods of its improvement, although of diverse effectiveness. addition of vitamin D3 to the feed for a short period before slaughter (7–10 days is one of the natural ways to enhance the tenderness. Vitamin D3 is responsible for Ca2+ mobilisation in serum and increase in activity of proteolytic enzymes belonging to calpains, which results in significant improvement of beef tenderness and reduction of ageing time. The use of vitamin D3 is an application tool determining tenderness improvement of beef with substantial reduction in processing costs. Moreover, shorter post mortem ageing process will exceed the retail display time, which will consequently reduce losses due to unsold meat being returned from shops to the manufacturers. Based on the results of studies conducted over the last 15 years, this paper presents the possibility and the effects of the use of vitamin D3 to improve beef tenderness.

  3. Estimation of Sensory Pork Loin Tenderness Using Warner-Bratzler Shear Force and Texture Profile Analysis Measurements. (United States)

    Choe, Jee-Hwan; Choi, Mi-Hee; Rhee, Min-Suk; Kim, Byoung-Chul


    This study investigated the degree to which instrumental measurements explain the variation in pork loin tenderness as assessed by the sensory evaluation of trained panelists. Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) had a significant relationship with the sensory tenderness variables, such as softness, initial tenderness, chewiness, and rate of breakdown. In a regression analysis, WBS could account variations in these sensory variables, though only to a limited proportion of variation. On the other hand, three parameters from texture profile analysis (TPA)-hardness, gumminess, and chewiness-were significantly correlated with all sensory evaluation variables. In particular, from the result of stepwise regression analysis, TPA hardness alone explained over 15% of variation in all sensory evaluation variables, with the exception of perceptible residue. Based on these results, TPA analysis was found to be better than WBS measurement, with the TPA parameter hardness likely to prove particularly useful, in terms of predicting pork loin tenderness as rated by trained panelists. However, sensory evaluation should be conducted to investigate practical pork tenderness perceived by consumer, because both instrumental measurements could explain only a small portion (less than 20%) of the variability in sensory evaluation.

  4. Evaluación del impacto de las alteraciones climáticas en un puente de concreto preesforzado


    Rangel, Carolina Castellanos


    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Perfil de Estruturas e Geotecnia) En esta investigación es realizado un análisis de socavación para el nuevo Puente Gómez Ortiz, ubicado en el departamento de Santander, Colombia. La estructura que cuenta con dos luces principales de 170 metros de longitud y dos vanos extremos de 85 metros cada uno, con tablero de concreto postensado de sección transversal viga-cajón de canto variable, construido por ...

  5. Cultivable microflora and endo mycorrhizas obtained in litter forest (Paramo Guerrero - Finca Puente de Tierra) Zipaquira, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernal, Eleonora; Celis, Sebastian; Galindez, Ximena; Moratto, Claudia; Sanchez, Jimena; Garcia, Daniel


    The count of cultivable microorganisms (bacteria and fungi), cellulolytic microorganisms and endo mycorrhizas present in litter forest (property Puente de Tierra) in the Guerrero's moor, Colombia was made. The most frequently isolated microorganisms belonged to the staphylococcus, bacillus, pseudomonas, micrococcus, penicillium and rhodotorulagenus and cladosporium sp., which is a cellulolytic microorganism, was isolated in carboxymethyl cellulose agar. In addition eight morphotypes of endomycorrhizas were found, species of glomus and acaulospora predominated among them. This study contributes with the knowledge of the cultivable microorganisms of litter that have been little explored in moor ecosystems

  6. La geotecnia en el impacto al medio ambiente de la construcción del puente Amazonas, Huancayo


    Rosado Carhuancho, Saturnino


    El estudio Geotécnico como condicionante de la construcción del PUENTE AMAZONAS y su implicancia ambiental, permite conocer las características delvsubsuelo de cimentación para garantizar un diseño seguro preservando elvmedio ambiente. Para cumplir con el objetivo se ejecutaron trabajos de campo a través devexcavaciones, como calicatas, pozas, ensayo STP según Norma ASTM D1586v y pruebas de Refracción Sísmica. Ensayos de laboratorio y labores de gabinete, en base a ellos se desarrollaron l...

  7. Comunicación, movilización y participación: lecciones aprendidas en la prevención y control de la fiebre dengue (fd

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    Mario Mosquera


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio de intervención- investigación ejecutado durante 2003-2005 en el Atlántico (Colombia, con el propósito de mejorar la efectividad y sostenibilidad de los programas de control de Fiebre Dengue (FD, a través de una estrategia de comunicación participativa basada en los recursos comunicacionales locales y en los conocimientos, prácticas y percepciones de la comunidad; se exponen las lecciones aprendidas en torno a dimensiones críticas de las intervenciones en comunicación y salud organizadas en dos áreas: dimensiones político-técnicas y dimensiones teóricas y de investigación. El proyecto se desarrolló partir de la metodología combi, abordaje de comunicación y movilización social que incluye un proceso estratégico para identificar, promover y facilitar comportamientos que puedan repercutir en forma positiva y significativa y que sean factibles de lograr. Como variante al combi, se introdujeron componentes de participación social en la implementacion del proceso. Las lecciones aprendidas incluyen re- flexiones sobre el rol de los organismos rectores, la integralidad de las estrategias, el impacto de las intervenciones de comunicación en los indicadores entomológicos, la expansión de referentes teóricos en dengue y la posibilidad de abordar otras problemáticas de salud a partir de procesos participativos centrados en dengue.

  8. 41 CFR 102-118.260 - Must my agency send all quotations, tenders, or contracts with a TSP to GSA? (United States)


    ... quotations, tenders, or contracts with a TSP to GSA? 102-118.260 Section 102-118.260 Public Contracts and... REGULATION TRANSPORTATION 118-TRANSPORTATION PAYMENT AND AUDIT Use of Government Billing Documents Quotations, Tenders Or Contracts § 102-118.260 Must my agency send all quotations, tenders, or contracts with a TSP to...

  9. Ensanche del puente del Ángel Custodio sobre el río Turia – Valencia

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    Fornés Domenech, J.


    Full Text Available The project comprises the widening of the existing bridge from 15 m to 31.60 m, and providing two traffic lanes, each 10.40 m Wide, and two sidewalks, of 2.40 m width, as well as two protection zones, 0.50 in width, and a central separating section of 5 m. The bridge has 6 spans, each 20 m long, and two half circular vaults, of 5 m diameter, at each end of the bridge. The bridge had to maintain its present span arrangement, since it has been widened only on one side. The sinking of piles, and the building of the span supports was completed in six months. The 20 m span beams, on which the reinforced concrete bridge slab rests were to be cast at the site, but after careful study by the site management engineer and the contractors it was decided to built them on the river bed, and lift them by means of a crane, to shorten the construction time. This saves time, and made it unnecessary to close the traffic over the existing bridge; an important factor, since the bridge connects the roads from Valencia, Barcelona and Alicante. The mean time taken in attaching, lifting and placing each beam was 18 minutes.El proyecto comprende el ensanche del puente actual de 15 m de anchura a 31,60 m, quedando con dos vías de 10,40 m, dos andenes de 2,40 m, dos zonas de protección de 0,50 m cada una y una mediana de 5 m. La sección longitudinal consta de seis vanos de 20 m de luz y dos bóvedas de medio punto de 5 m de diámetro situadas en las embocaduras. Había que darle al puente las mismas características actuales, puesto que el ensanche se hace por un solo lado. Pilotaje y alzado de pilas quedaron terminados en 6 meses. Las vigas de 20 m de luz sobre las que apoya el tablero de hormigón armado se preveía debían construirse in situ; pero estudiado conjuntamente por la Dirección de Obra y Empresa Constructora, se determinó prefabricarlas en el lecho del río y elevarlas con grúa para reducir el plazo de ejecución. De esta manera se consigue un ahorro

  10. More cost effectiveness from public tendering of energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, E.


    From the results of an energy market analysis it appears that parties which are obliged to tender for energy contracts do not make the most of it. Timing is crucial in a liberalized market. Contracting in spring seems to deliver the best prices for energy in combination with tailor-made contracts [nl

  11. Genome-Wide H3K4me3 Analysis in Angus Cattle with Divergent Tenderness.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunping Zhao

    Full Text Available Tenderness is one of the most important properties of meat quality, which is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. As an intensively studied epigenetic marker, histone methylation, occurring on arginine and lysine residues, has pivotal regulatory functions on gene expression. To examine whether histone methylation involves in beef tenderness variation, we analyzed the transcriptome and H3K4me3 enrichment profiles of muscle strips obtained from the longissimus dorsi (LD of Angus steers previously classify to the tender or tough group. We first plotted a global bovine H3K4me3 map on chromosomes and called peak-enriched regions and genes. We found that majorities of H3K4me3 on genes were occupying the first intron and intergenic regions and its maps displayed similar patterns in tender and tough groups, with high H3K4me3 enrichment surrounding the transcription start site (TSS. We also explored the relationship of H3K4me3 and gene expression. The results showed that H3K4me3 enrichment is highly positively correlated with gene expression across the whole genome. Cluster analysis results confirmed the relationship of H3K4me3 enrichment and gene expression. By using a pathway-based approach in genes with H3K4me3 enrichment in promoter regions from the tender cluster, we revealed that those genes involved in the development of different tissues-connective tissue, skeletal and muscular system and functional tissues-; while in tough group those genes engaged in cell death, lipid metabolism and small molecule biochemistry. The results from this study provide a deep insight into understanding of the mechanisms of epigenetic regulations in meat quality and beef tenderness.

  12. Protein degradation and post-deboning tenderization in broiler breast meat with different degrees of muscle shortening (United States)

    Deboning broiler breast fillets prior to rigor mortis negatively influences tenderness due to sarcomere shortening. The effects of sarcomere shortening on muscle protein degradation and breast meat tenderization during post-deboning aging are not well understood. The objective of this study was to m...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    31P Magnetic Resonance-Spectroscopy was performed at the site of tender points in the trapezius muscle of patients with primary fibromyalgia syndrome. Earlier, in vitro studies have reported changes in the high energy phosphate-metabolism in biopsies taken from tender points of fibromyalgia

  14. Association between Neck/Shoulder Pain and Trapezius Muscle Tenderness in Office Workers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Mikkel; Sundstrup, Emil; Jakobsen, Markus D.


    workers. Methods. 653 employees from two large office workplaces in Copenhagen, Denmark, replied to a questionnaire on health and working conditions (mean: age 43 years, body mass index 24 kg⋅m−2, computer use 90% of work time, 73% women). Respondents rated intensity of neck/shoulder pain during...... for age, gender, and chronic disease. Results.The prevalence of “no,” “some,” and “severe” tenderness of the trapeziusmuscle was 18%, 59%, and 23% in women and 51%, 42%, and 7%inmen, respectively (chi-square, P Participants with “no,” “some,” and “severe” tenderness of the trapezius muscle......, respectively, rated their neck/shoulder pain intensity to 1.5 (SD 1.6), 3.8 (SD 2.0), and 5.7 (SD 1.9) for women and 1.4 (SD 1.4), 3.1 (SD 2.2), and 5.1 (SD 1.7) for men. For every unit increase in neck/shoulder pain intensity, the OR for one unit increase in trapezius tenderness was 1.86 (95% confidence...

  15. Role expectations and agency in the audit tendering process

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Taminiau, Y.T.A.; Heusinkveld, H.S.


    Purpose – Tenders are generally considered an important in auditing research and practice, and are associated with significant difficulties for the auditing profession, as well as for individual auditors in the context of client relationships. The paper aims to explore the way auditors respond to

  16. Relationships between the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire, tender point count, and muscle strength in female patients with fibromyalgia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Marius; Lund, Hans; Christensen, Robin


    of the patients completed version 1 of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and were assessed for tender points and knee muscle strength. All subjects underwent bilateral isokinetic knee muscle strength testing in flexion and extension. Normative knee muscle strength values were calculated from the healthy......OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that fibromyalgia (FM) patients with reduced lower extremity strength are more symptomatic and tender than FM patients with normal muscle strength. METHODS: A total of 840 FM patients and 122 healthy subjects were evaluated between 1998 and 2005. All....... There were no clinically significant differences between patients with low versus normal muscle strength. There were no clinically significant correlations between total FIQ score, tender point count, and muscle strength. Only 4.6% of the FIQ scores and 5.1% of the tender point counts were explained...

  17. Estabilidad de puentes líquidos bajo el efecto de una rotación no axilsimétrica


    Rodríguez Otero, Jacobo


    El estudio de la influencia de perturbaciones de distinta naturaleza en configuraciones de puentes líquidos apoyados en dos discos coaxiales en rotación encuentra una importante motivación en el uso de dicha configuración en la fabricación de cristales semiconductores ultra-puros por la denominada técnica de zona flotante, en la que la rotación de los discos se utiliza para alcanzar temperaturas uniformes. El presente estudio muestra los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un méto...

  18. Análisis estadístico de la resistencia de tendones de puentes atirantados y estructuras similares


    Ascorbe Salcedo, Agustín


    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se deduce, mediante un modelo teórico, la resistencia a fatiga de tendones de gran longitud en puentes atirantados a partir de la resistencia a fatiga de probetas de pequeño tamaño. Se introduce la hipótesis de dependencia de los diferentes tramos que componen el tendón mediante un modelo ARMA (p, q) de Box-Jenkins en la simulación. Se analiza la influencia de la ley de tensiones a lo largo del tendón y se estudia la rotura progresiva, tanto estática como a fatiga, pa...

  19. Possibilities concerning the procurement of a tender for a new nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winkler, Thomas; Streit, Marco


    The authors describe the legal frame for the licensing of a new nuclear power plant in Switzerland. The possibilities for a company to perform the procurement of a tender are discussed with respect to the decision to assign the project to a single contractor or to a consortium. The requirements to the contractor may be grouped in the categories cost, time schedule, function, volume and quality. Another topic in the discussion covers risks with respect to the tender and the contract and the appropriate solution strategies.


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    Isabel Mara Magalhães Rori


    Full Text Available The Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of pain and chronic diffuse, characterized by the presence of at least 11 of 18 points called anatomically specific tender points, painful on palpation. As the pain diffuse the main symptom of fibromyalgia. The current treatment is focused mainly to the reduction of symptoms. Physiotherapy has animportant role in improving the control of pain. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of the main TENS of low frequency and high intensity in modulating pain of tender points of patients with fibromyalgia. For this was a case study of patient R. S. S., 38-yearold female carrier of the syndrome of fibromyalgia attended school in the clinic of the Faculty of Integrated Ceará (FISIOFIC. The patient was treated with the TENS-pain Acupuncture points in a total of twelve care and pain assessed before starting treatment and after three attendants. There was a significant reduction in pain intensity at 77.7% of the tender points in the second evaluation and 88.8% of the points in the other assessments. It was concluded that there was a reduction in the pain of tender points of the patient showing the analgesia promoted by TENS, so it should be used as a complementary treatment programs associated with other treatments and also served as a good technique to locate the tender points.

  1. Renewable Energy Tenders and Community [Em]power[ment]: Latin America and the Caribbean

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucas, Hugo; Munoz Cabre, Miquel; Gomez, Juan Carlos; Leidreiter, Anna; Ranalder, Lea; Williamson, Laura E.; Adib, Rana; Lins, Christine; Ranalder, Lea; Mastny, Lisa; Acuna, Francisco; Arroyo, Tabare; Bayao, Joao; Bonotto, Adriano; Konzen, Gabriel; Vasconcellos Barral Ferreira, Thiago; Bayer, Benjamin; Bravo, Gonzalo; Furlano, Lukas; Camacho, Luis; Carrasco Gonzalez, Fidel; Coronado, Juan; Escobar, Rafael; Gamarra, Alba; Garcia, Henry; Goni, Sebastian; Raquet, Francis; Gsaenger, Stefan; Schenk, Fabian; Mitma, Riquel; Munozcano Alvarez, Luis Alfonso; Ramirez, Michelle; Rodriguez Aguilar, Jessica Susana; Ruiz Carmona, Oscar; Villarreal Singer, Diego; Oceransky, Sergio; Perez, Juan Esteban; Puig, Pep; Trujillo, Ramiro; Chavez, Sandra; Gonzalez, Alaide; Luna, Nestor; Moreno, Adrian


    . The main renewable energy markets in Latin America and the Caribbean are dominated by tendering processes, a trend that is likely to continue in the coming years. But whereas tenders are predicated on competition, community-driven projects are based on collaboration. Participating in tendering processes - and winning - requires, among others, significant expertise and access to large reserves of capital, which smaller actors do not have to the same degree as large, specialist renewable energy developers. Under the tendering process, even if their projects are financially viable, actors that take a one-project approach - including community-driven renewable energy projects - are penalised against large developers, which can distribute the costs and risks of tendering to several projects. Tenders can be modified to favour a diversity of actors and community-driven renewable energy projects through the use of various tendering design options. Applying these design options often results in a trade-off between the primary objective - contracting the cheapest electricity from renewables - and the secondary objective of promoting a diversity of actors. As one solution, in the accession process following the tender, community-driven projects can be offered a power purchase agreement at a tariff based on the result of the tender. The accession process captures both the efficiency of tenders and the effectiveness of feed-in tariffs for community projects. Setting limits, in time and quantity, for the implementation of the accession process is necessary to ensure its dynamic efficiency. The accession process would be greatly strengthened and accelerated by the establishment of ambitious, but realistic, mid- and long-term targets for community-driven renewable energy projects. Complementing the accession process, it is proposed that a community power authority be established, with the roles of providing technical, legal and business support; assigning official &apos



    Pérez O., ALEJANDRA


    Esta investigación aborda la realidad de la población Carol Urzúa perteneciente a la comuna de Puente Alto en la Región Metropolitana, territorio en el cual se reconoce la presencia de problemáticas sociales como situaciones de pobreza, embarazo adolescente, bajos niveles educacionales, violencia social, microtráfico de drogas, hacinamiento, cesantía, entre otros, los que van configurando contextos de marginalidad y exclusión social. Estos fenómenos están mediados por dinámicas...

  3. Usefulness of tenderness to characterise fibromyalgia severity in women. (United States)

    Aparicio, V A; Carbonell-Baeza, A; Ortega, F B; Estevez, F; Ruiz, J R; Delgado-Fernández, M


    To investigate the usefulness of tenderness (tender points count (TPC) and algometer score) to characterise fibromyalgia (FM) severity and symptomatology in women. The study sample comprised 174 women aged 51±7 years. We ossesse tenderness using pressure algometry; quality of life by means of the Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). We used the FM impact questionnaire (FIQ) to assess FM severity and symptomatology. Patients were categorised according to three FIQ-derived categories: FIQFIQFIQ≥59 (16.9±2 vs. 15.6±4, p=0.02), whereas no differences between groups were observed according to FIQ≥70 (17.0±2 vs. 16.2±3, p=0.12) or FM type (16.8±3 for type II vs. 15.9±4 for type I, p=0.13). We observed a significant association between TPC and FIQ-job difficulty, pain, morning tiredness and stiffness dimensions (all pFIQ, FIQ-anxiety, fatigue and depression dimensions (all p>0.05). Algometer score was lower in the FIQ≥70 (45.7±12 vs. 51.1±14, p=0.05) and FIQ≥59 (46.7±13 vs. 52.7±14, p=0.05) groups, and there were no difference between FM types (48.7±13 vs. 49.5±14 for type II and I respectively, p=0.81). Algometer score was not associated with total score of FIQ or FIQ dimensions (all p≥0.1). Widespread pain and pain hypersensitivity, as measured by TPC and algometer score, do not seem to be useful to characterise FM severity and symptomatology (measured by FIQ) in women.

  4. Los viaductos de acceso al puente de Martigues – Francia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perzo, R.


    Full Text Available This article describes the approaches to a large metal bridge 300 m in length. These approaches consist of two viaducts whose decks are continuous beams of prestressed concrete 260 and 315 m long; spans in both viaducts are 45 m long. The cross section is a slab with two 3 m deep ribs; there are no stiffeners, neither between the spans nor over the supports. The two structures have been constructed with spans of 45 m over a self-supporting formwork which has proven very efficient.Se describen los accesos a un gran puente metálico, de 300 m de longitud. Dichos accesos están constituidos por dos viaductos cuyos tableros son vigas continuas, de hormigón pretensado, de 260 y 315 m de longitud; las luces en ambos viaductos son de 45 m. La sección transversal es una losa con dos nervios de 3 m de canto; no existen riostras ni en los vanos ni sobre los apoyos. Las dos estructuras se han construido por tramos de 45 m sobre una cimbra autolanzable, que ha permitido muy buenos rendimientos.

  5. Comportamiento de un puente histórico de arco de albañilería ante cargas dinámicas

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    Yesid Mauricio Ospina


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se describe el proceso de análisis al que fue sometido un puente histórico de arco de ladrillo construido en Colombia durante el siglo XVIII con el fin de predecir su comportamiento ante cargas producidas por sismos y determinar su vulnerabilidad. Dos estudios previos al análisis sísmico fueron realizados para obtener así información básica acerca del com- portamiento global de la estructura: un análisis estático lineal y un análisis modal, ambos a partir de un modelo tridimensional que se elaboró haciendo uso del método de elementos finitos. Se simuló la excitación sísmica bajo las condiciones propuestas en la norma sismorresistente del año 1998 (NSR-98. Los resultados obtenidos fueron coherentes con la historia del puente y sus respuestas frente a terremotos; la comparación entre las cargas sísmicas y la capacidad resistente de los materiales que constitu- yen la estructura confirma la vulnerabilidad de este tipo de edificios frente a daños localizados y posibilidades de colapso. Final- mente, los resultados sugieren la aplicabilidad del procedimiento desarrollado a otras estructuras históricas en Colombia.

  6. Injuries sustained after falls from bridges across the United States-Mexico border at El Paso Traumatismos por caídas desde puentes que atraviesan la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos en El Paso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susan F. McLean


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare demographics and motivations for falls from bridges at the United States-Mexico border and in El Paso County, Texas, and to analyze injuries and injury patterns to support intentionality and to provide treatment recommendations. METHODS: A retrospective observational review was conducted of hospital admissions to a trauma center after falls from bridges from 1995 to 2009. Statistical methods used were chi-square testing, T-test for means comparison, univariate correlations, and regression analysis. RESULTS: Of the 97 evaluated patients, 81.4% fell from U.S.-Mexico border bridges, including one patient who fell from a railway bridge; 74.7% of those falling from border bridges had a non-U.S. address, contrasting with 22.2% of those who fell within the United States. Falls over the border were associated with more immigration-related motivations and fewer suicide attempts. Injuries included lower extremities in 76 (78.4% and thoracolumbar spine in 27 (27.8% patients; 16 patients with a thoracolumbar spine fracture (59.3% also had a lower extremity injury. Mean hospital length of stay was 7.2 days. Mean injury severity score was 8.45 (range 1-43. Age, injury severity score, and pelvic fracture increased the hospital length of stay. CONCLUSIONS: Patients fell while emigrating-immigrating based on residence and motivating factors. A dyad of lower extremity and thoracolumbar spine injuries coincided in 59.3% of those with a thoracolumbar spine injury; thoracolumbar spine imaging of patients evaluated after falls from bridges is recommended. Proposed prevention strategies include posting signs on bridges and installing catch-net safety barriers.OBJETIVO: Comparar la información demográfica y las motivaciones relacionadas con las caídas desde puentes que atraviesan la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos en el condado de El Paso, Texas; analizar las lesiones y los patrones de lesiones que avalan la intencionalidad; y

  7. 48 CFR 47.104-1 - Government rate tender procedures. (United States)


    ... and 13712 rates are published in Government rate tenders and apply to shipments moving for the account of the Government on— (1) Commercial bills of lading endorsed to show that total transportation charges are assignable to, and will be reimbursed by, the Government (see the clause at 52.247-1...

  8. Invitations to tenders from Hydro-Quebec: many projects, little MW?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turmel, A.


    Topics discussed include the regulatory and jurisdictional framework governing the tendering process, and the difficulties involved in filing applications. The roles of Hydro-Quebec, the Quebec government, and the Quebec government's economic regulation agency, Regie de l'energie were covered

  9. The Role of Quality in the Adjudication of Public Tenders | Quinot ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad ... The quality of the goods or services that government procures is obviously a ... tender adjudication as prescribed by public procurement regulation since the ...

  10. Jaw dysfunction is associated with neck disability and muscle tenderness in subjects with and without chronic temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Silveira, A; Gadotti, I C; Armijo-Olivo, S; Biasotto-Gonzalez, D A; Magee, D


    Tender points in the neck are common in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). However, the correlation among neck disability, jaw dysfunction, and muscle tenderness in subjects with TMD still needs further investigation. This study investigated the correlation among neck disability, jaw dysfunction, and muscle tenderness in subjects with and without chronic TMD. Participants. Forty females between 19 and 49 years old were included in this study. There were 20 healthy controls and 20 subjects who had chronic TMD and neck disability. Subjects completed the neck disability index and the limitations of daily functions in TMD questionnaires. Tenderness of the masticatory and cervical muscles was measured using an algometer. The correlation between jaw disability and neck disability was significantly high (r = 0.915, P cervical muscles with jaw dysfunction and neck disability showed fair to moderate correlations (r = 0.32-0.65). High levels of muscle tenderness in upper trapezius and temporalis muscles correlated with high levels of jaw and neck dysfunction. Moreover, high levels of neck disability correlated with high levels of jaw disability. These findings emphasize the importance of considering the neck and its structures when evaluating and treating patients with TMD.

  11. Managing meat tenderness. (United States)

    Thompson, John


    This paper discusses the management of meat tenderness using a carcass grading scheme which utilizes the concept of total quality management of those factors which impact on beef palatability. The scheme called Meat Standards Australia (MSA) has identified the Critical Control Points (CCPs) from the production, pre-slaughter, processing and value adding sectors of the beef supply chain and quantified their relative importance using large-scale consumer testing. These CCPs have been used to manage beef palatability in two ways. Firstly, CCPs from the pre-slaughter and processing sectors have been used as mandatory criteria for carcasses to be graded. Secondly, other CCPs from the production and processing sectors have been incorporated into a model to predict palatability for individual muscles. The evidence for the importance of CCPs from the production (breed, growth path and HGP implants), pre-slaughter and processing (pH/temperature window, alternative carcass suspension, marbling and ageing) sectors are reviewed and the accuracy of the model to predict palatability for specific muscle×cooking techniques is presented.

  12. Los puentes de madera de la segunda mitad de s. XIX en la provincia de Guadalajara

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    Asenjo Rodríguez, José E.


    Full Text Available To realise this work we have collected information and make different analysis concerning the wood bridges constructed or repaired in the county of Guadalajara in the second part of the XIX century. Our purpose is to recuperate some of the knowledge required to realised that kind of works, today not in use.Este trabajo es el resultado de la recogida y análisis de datos referentes a los puentes de madera que existieron, se repararon o construyeron en la provincia de Guadalajara en la segunda mitad del s. XIX, donde se pretende recuperar algunos de los conocimientos que este tipo de obras, hoy en desuso, requerian para su construcción

  13. Evolución de los usos en relación con los parámetros morfológicos de densidad y compacidad (Una muestra en Puente de Vallecas, Madrid / Use evolution in relation to morphological parameters of density and compactness. (A sample in Puente de Vallecas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Miguel García Martín


    Full Text Available ResumenDe las variables sociales, económicas, ambientales y espaciales que influyen en las actividades que se realizan en las ciudades son estas últimas, las relativas a la forma urbana, una de las menos estudiadas. En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de dos parámetros morfológicos, la densidad y la compacidad, en la evolución de los usos para el caso del distrito de Puente de Vallecas, en la ciudad de Madrid. Se analiza así la adecuación de las distintas tipologías empleadas en la formación de esta zona periférica de la ciudad durante el siglo XX, comparando su situación y evolución actual.Palabras claveMorfología urbana, usos urbanos, densidad, diversidad, periferias, flexibilidad urbana.AbstractSocial, economic, environmental and spatial variables influence the activities that take place in cities. In this paper the spatial conditions, those relating to urban form, are studied trough the influence of two morphological parameters, density and compactness, in the evolution of the uses for the case of the Puente de Vallecas district in the city of Madrid. The suitability of different urban types used in the formation of the city’s periphery during the twentieth century is discussed comparing their current situation.KeywordsUrban morphology, urban uses, density, diversity, periphery, urban flexibility.

  14. Una reseña de ensayos de carga no destructivos usados para la evaluación de puentes


    Jáuregui, David


    El objetivo principal de este artículo es de proveer un breve repaso de la actividad relacionada con la evaluación experimental de los puentes en los Estados Unidos. Los dos métodos de evaluación de carga aplicados por AASHTO (La Asociación Americana de Oficiales de Carreteras Estatales y Transporte) son presentados incluyendo el esfuerzo permisible (AS) y el factor de carga (LF). Además, son discutidos los detalles básicos de los dos tipos de ensayos de carga más comunes para la evaluación d...

  15. Relationships between the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire, tender point count, and muscle strength in female patients with fibromyalgia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Marius; Lund, Hans Peter; Christensen, Robin


    To test the hypothesis that fibromyalgia (FM) patients with reduced lower extremity strength are more symptomatic and tender than FM patients with normal muscle strength.......To test the hypothesis that fibromyalgia (FM) patients with reduced lower extremity strength are more symptomatic and tender than FM patients with normal muscle strength....

  16. Sexual Activity and Physical Tenderness in Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Prevalence and Associated Characteristics. (United States)

    Freak-Poli, Rosanne; Kirkman, Maggie; De Castro Lima, Gustavo; Direk, Nese; Franco, Oscar H; Tiemeier, Henning


    Despite a common misconception, older adults engage in sexual behavior. However, there is limited sexual behavior research in older adults, which is often restricted to small samples, to cohorts recruiting adults from 45 years old, and to questions regarding only sexual intercourse. To assess the cross-sectional prevalence of and characteristics associated with sexual activity and physical tenderness in community-dwelling older adults. From the Rotterdam Study, sexual activity and physical tenderness were assessed in 2,374 dementia-free, community-dwelling men and women at least 65 years old from 2009 through 2012 in the Netherlands. Analyses were stratified by sex and partner status. Sexual activity and physical tenderness (eg, fondling or kissing) in the last 6 months. Potential associated characteristics included measurements of demographics, socioeconomic position, health behavior, and health status. The vast majority of partnered participants (men, n = 858; women, n = 724) had experienced physical tenderness in the previous 6 months (83.7% of men and 82.9% of women) and nearly half had engaged in sexual activity (49.5% and 40.4% respectively). Very few unpartnered women (n = 675) had engaged in sexual activity (1.3%) or physical tenderness (5.2%), whereas prevalence rates were slightly higher for unpartnered men (n = 117; 13.7% or 17.1%). Engaging in sexual behavior was generally associated with younger age, greater social support, healthier behaviors, and better physical and psychological health. Findings show that older adults engage in sexual activity. It is important not to assume that an older person is not interested in sexual pleasure or that an older person is unhappy with not having a sexual partner. Offering an opportunity for open discussion of sexuality and medical assistance without imposing is a difficult balance. We encourage health care professionals to proactively address sexuality and extend knowledge about safe sex and sexual function

  17. Puentes de carretera de montaña, Inglaterra

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    Rendel, Palmer y Tritton, Ingenieros


    Full Text Available The new layout of the road between Hirwaun and Abergavenny, in the Welsh district known as «Heads of the Valleys», has involved the construction of four new bridges, which because of the difficult terrain, were very carefully designed before the best solution could be discovered. Traditional methods would have required the use of much scaffolding and tall supports, owing to the depth of the gorges to be traversed. Hence progressive cantilevering from either side of the span was chosen. In three of the four bridges the final method was the one mentioned above. In the other, a treble portal frame, resting on two intermediate slender supports, hinged at their base, was preferred. The first three bridges are all of very similar construction: in each case an initial mass at the springer was concreted, to which additional sections, each 3 m long, were added, and attached by means of prestressed reinforcement. The fourth bridge was built with double T girders, cantilevered in 3 m sections. The 3 m spaces between the chords of parallel girders were concreted at the site. A set of four of these girders, and the slabs between the chords, constitute a box girders, and the depth of this structure decreases from 4.50 ms over the supports to 1.50 m at the crown. The mixed system of prefabricated units, and slabs, concreted at the site, was made possible because of the prestressing.La reforma del trazado de la carretera entre Hirwaun y Abergavenny, en la zona denominada «Heads of the Valleys», ha motivado la construcción de cuatro nuevos puentes que, por su situación y por lo accidentado del terreno, fueron objeto de particular estudio a fin de lograr una solución óptima. La adopción de métodos tradicionales exigía el empleo de grandes cimbras y soportes por la profundidad de las depresiones salvadas. Por ello se recurrió a los sistemas de construcción en voladizos. La solución definitiva fue, pues, de arco en voladizo, en tres de los cuatro

  18. Lecciones aprendidas en la comunicación en salud y de riesgo en el manejo del virus del Chikungunya y otras enfermedades transmitidas por el mismo vector

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    Jair Vega-Casanova


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar las lecciones aprendidas sobre la prevención y el control de enfermedades producidas por el mismo vector desde la comunicación en salud y comunicación de riesgo, de modo que puedan ser de utilidad para otros procesos de intervención en este campo en las regiones afectadas. Método: A partir de una revisión amplia de la literatura de los últimos 10 años se analizaron 52 documentos, entre artículos de investigación, capítulos de libro, guías gubernamentales y cartas al editor encontrados en las diferentes bases de datos especializadas. Resultados: Se encontró que aún son limitadas las investigaciones que evalúan el impacto de estas estrategias de prevención y control, en especial en el caso del Chikungunya. Asimismo, aunque se ha demostrado a nivel global que uno de los modelos recomendados para el caso del dengue, producido por el mismo vector, es COMBI –Communication for Behavioural Impact–, las intervenciones para este último caso, en gran medida, aún se fundan en el modelo de IEC –Información, Educación y Comunicación. Conclusión: Las lecciones aprendidas brindan luces para una mejor planeación de la comunicación, con anticipación a futuras epidemias, en la que los voceros oficiales y la relación con los medios de comunicación también hacen parte del éxito de estas experiencias.


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    Alina Bilan


    Full Text Available The participation of groups of economic operators with joint tender to public procurement procedures requires the conclusion of association agreements published together with the procurement documents by the contracting authorities. The contracting authorities often require these temporary associations specific legal forms, similar to joint ventures, or certain conditions concerning their organisation and functioning. This present study analyses the associations for participation to public tenders in light of public procurement and fiscal legislation, trying to asses if these contracts are joint venture agreements, to what extent the clauses comprised in the drafts imposed in the procuremnt documents are compatible with the public procurement and fiscal laws and if they may be challenged by the economic operators.

  20. Literatura e interiorismo en la obra de Edith Wharton (1862-1937)




    El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es profundizar en el estudio de la decoración doméstica de final del siglo XIX, a la par que tender puentes entre la arquitectura y otras disciplinas de las que se puede nutrir, como la literatura. Para ello, se ha centrado la investigación en la obra de Edith Wharton porque tiene dos perfiles: escribió un manual sobre interiorismo titulado The Decoration of Houses (1897) junto con el arquitecto Ogden Codman y, además, es una destacada escritora del...

  1. Training medical students in the social determinants of health: the Health Scholars Program at Puentes de Salud

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    O’Brien MJ


    Full Text Available Matthew J O’Brien,1–4 Joseph M Garland,4,5 Katie M Murphy,4,6,7 Sarah J Shuman,3,4 Robert C Whitaker,1,3,8 Steven C Larson4,9 1Center for Obesity Research and Education, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2Department of Medicine, Section of General Internal Medicine, Temple University of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 3Department of Public Health, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 4Puentes de Salud Health Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 5Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 6Master of Public Health Program, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 7Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 8Department of Pediatrics, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 9Department of Emergency Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Purpose: Given the large influence of social conditions on health, physicians may be more effective if they are trained to identify and address social factors that impact health. Despite increasing interest in teaching the social determinants of health in undergraduate medical education, few models exist. Participants and methods: We present a 9-month pilot course on the social determinants of health for medical and other health professional students, which is based at Puentes de Salud, Philadelphia, PA, USA, a community health center serving a Latino immigrant population. This service-learning course, called the Health Scholars Program (HSP, was developed and implemented by volunteer medical and public health faculty in partnership with the community-based clinic. The HSP curriculum combines didactic instruction with service experiences at Puentes de Salud and opportunities for critical reflection. The HSP curriculum also includes a longitudinal project where

  2. El liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en la institución educativa Augusto B. Leguía, Puente Piedra - 2012


    Medico Javier, Juvelindo Edgar


    En la presente investigación se estudia la relación existente entre el liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en la Institución Educativa Augusto B. Leguía, Puente Piedra. La muestra estuvo constituida por 238 sujetos entre directivos, docentes, administrativos y estudiantes a quienes se les aplicó dos encuestas, que permitieron recoger la información y medir las variables, la primera para la variable liderazgo directivo y la segunda para la variable clima organizacional. Los resultado...

  3. Proposal to negotiate, without competitive tendering, a blanket contract for an instant-reading dosimeter system

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply, installation and maintenance of an instant-reading dosimeter system. Following a market survey (MS-3118/TIS) carried out among 28 firms in eleven Member States, a request for a quotation was sent to one firm on 3 October 2003. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a blanket contract, without competitive tendering, with RADOS TECHNOLOGY (FI) for the supply, installation and maintenance of an instant-reading dosimeter system for a total amount not exceeding 2 100 000 euros (3 252 284 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation after 1 January 2007. The rate of exchange used is that stipulated in the tender. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the contract value covered by this adjudication proposal: FI - 58%; CH - 38%; GB - 4%.

  4. Effects of natural plant tenderizers on proteolysis and texture of dry ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    , and overall acceptability. From these results, it is shown that those enzymes as a raw plant juices could be used as tenderizers in dry sausage production. Keywords: Dry sausages, wild boar meat, plant enzymes, proteolysis, texture, sensory ...

  5. Do sarcomere length, collagen content, pH, intramuscular fat and desmin degradation explain variation in the tenderness of three ovine muscles? (United States)

    Starkey, Colin P; Geesink, Geert H; Collins, Damian; Hutton Oddy, V; Hopkins, David L


    The longissimus (n=118) (LL), semimembranosus (n=104) (SM) and biceps femoris (n=134) (BF) muscles were collected from lamb and sheep carcases and aged for 5days (LL and SM) and 14days (BF) to study the impact of muscle characteristics on tenderness as assessed by shear force (SF) and sensory evaluation. The impact of gender, animal age, collagen content, sarcomere length (SL), desmin degradation, ultimate pH and intramuscular fat (IMF) on tenderness was examined. The main factors which influenced SF of the LL were IMF, SL and desmin degradation, but for sensory tenderness, IMF, ultimate pH and gender were the main factors. The SF and sensory tenderness of the SM was best predicted by the degree of desmin degradation. For the BF soluble collagen and animal age both influenced SF. Different factors affect tenderness across muscles and not one prediction model applied across all muscles equally well. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Configuraciones eficientes de cables en puentes atirantados según análisis de sensibilidad de su comportamiento aeroelástico


    Jurado, José Ángel; Mosquera, Alejandro; Hernández, Santiago; Nieto, Félix


    En el presente artículo se estudian diversas configuraciones de cables para puentes atirantados de gran vano en función de su comportamiento frente al fenómeno de flameo. Como criterio para elegir la configuración de mayor eficiencia se han realizado varios análisis de sensibilidad de los parámetros aeroelásticos estudiando, cómo cambia la velocidad crítica de viento, con la que se produce la inestabilidad por flameo, así como la frecuencia de oscilación, cuando se modifican las p...

  7. Training medical students in the social determinants of health: the Health Scholars Program at Puentes de Salud. (United States)

    O'Brien, Matthew J; Garland, Joseph M; Murphy, Katie M; Shuman, Sarah J; Whitaker, Robert C; Larson, Steven C


    Given the large influence of social conditions on health, physicians may be more effective if they are trained to identify and address social factors that impact health. Despite increasing interest in teaching the social determinants of health in undergraduate medical education, few models exist. We present a 9-month pilot course on the social determinants of health for medical and other health professional students, which is based at Puentes de Salud, Philadelphia, PA, USA, a community health center serving a Latino immigrant population. This service-learning course, called the Health Scholars Program (HSP), was developed and implemented by volunteer medical and public health faculty in partnership with the community-based clinic. The HSP curriculum combines didactic instruction with service experiences at Puentes de Salud and opportunities for critical reflection. The HSP curriculum also includes a longitudinal project where students develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention to address a community-defined need. In our quantitative evaluation, students reported high levels of agreement with the HSP meeting stated course goals, including developing an understanding of the social determinants of health and working effectively with peers to implement community-based projects. Qualitative assessments revealed students' perception of learning more about this topic in the HSP than in their formal medical training and of developing a long-term desire to serve vulnerable communities as a result. Our experience with the HSP suggests that partnerships between academic medical centers and community-based organizations can create a feasible, effective, and sustainable platform for teaching medical students about the social determinants of health. Similar medical education programs in the future should seek to achieve a larger scale and to evaluate both students' educational experiences and community-defined outcomes.

  8. Puente pretensado, en Oakland (U. S. A.

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    Lin, T. Y.


    Full Text Available This is a four span bridge, which is prestreesed in four dimensions, and runs over a number of railway lines. The design has been awarded a number of prizes. The axis of the bridge is circular, and consequently the weight of the bridge imposes torsional moments on the structure. The most original feature of this project is the placing of the prestressing along three space coordinates, and also the regulation of the prestressing forces as functions of time. The prestressing is very densely distributed along the curved part of the structure. This counteracts the effects of the dead weight, and enables the structure to be statically considered as if its spans were straight. Owing to the large torsional moments, the bridge consists of seven T section beams, to reduce the weight and the number of prestressing cables. Another interesting feature of this design is that the springers have been readjusted 25 cm, in order to regain the original compressive constraints, which would have been lost in time, due to creep phenomena. Precast units were not used, as they were not the most apt to work under torsion, and for similar reasons only two dilation joints were fitted.Este puente, de cuatro tramos, pretensado en las cuatro dimensiones, salva una serie de vías férreas y ha obtenido diferentes premios. Las alineaciones del eje forman ángulos de 47 y 20°, y como sus desarrollos correspondientes son curvas circulares se crean momentos importantes de torsión debidos al peso propio. Lo más original de esta obra consiste en la ordenación del pretensado según las tres coordenadas espaciales y una cuarta, temporal, que nos da el valor de las tensiones en función del tiempo.

  9. A cryptic Early Palaeozoic event in the Narcea Antiform? 40Ar/39Ar amphibole data in the Puente de Selce granitoid


    Gutiérrez Alonso, Gabriel; Fernández Suárez, J.; Keppie, J. D.; Ortega Rivera, M. A.; Lee, J. K. W.; Murphy, J. B.


    Las edades 40Ar/39Ar obtenidas a partir de anfíboles del granitoide Neoproterozoico de Puente de Selce, localizado en el Antiforme del Narcea junto con la existencia de fábricas de deformación relictas generadas en condiciones de media-alta temperatura en las mismas rocas puede ser interpretada como debida a un evento críptico de edad Paleozoico Inferior fuertemente retrabajado durante la deformación varisca. La naturaleza y la cinemática de este posible evento no pueden precisars...

  10. The transformation of the tender evaluation process in public procurement in Poland (United States)

    Plebankiewicz, E.; Kozik, R.


    Procedures regarding the evaluation of tenders have been changed since the public procurement law was enacted (it came into force in January 1, 1995). The contracting authority could apply both the criteria related to the qualities of the contractor and those related to the to the subject - matter of public contract. Two extensive amendments in 2001 and a government project introduced vital regulations and excluded the possibility of applying criteria related to the qualities of the contractor. Act of 29 January 2004 Public Procurement Law allowed to use price as the sole contract award criterion. The changes in the Law in 2014 restricted that possibility to the situation in which the subject matter of a contract is commonly available and has established quality standards. The Act of 22 June 2016 amending the Public Procurement Law Act and some other laws introduced the new criteria list and limited the importance of the price criterion in the certain situations. Instead of price, the cost can also be a criterion for tender evaluation. The cost criterion can be determined using life cycle costing. In the paper, based on contract notices of open tendering published in the Public Procurement Bulletin, the criteria of construction contract selection will be analysed. In particular the effectiveness of changes in the Procurement Law will be researched.

  11. McMurray's Test and Joint Line Tenderness for Medial Meniscus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The wide variations reported have an impact on clinical decision concerning whether to go for other diagnostic tests before going for diagnostic arthroscopy, which is considered as the gold standard.The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of Joint line tenderness and McMurray's test, as clinical signs ...

  12. Electrical stimulation affects metabolic enzyme phosphorylation, protease activation and meat tenderization in beef

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, C.B.; Li, J.; Zhou, G.H.


    The objective of this study was to investigate the response of sarcoplasmic proteins in bovine longissimus muscle to low-voltage electrical stimulation (ES, 80 V, 35 s) after dressing and its contribution to meat tenderization at early postmortem time. Proteome analysis showed that ES resulted...... muscles up to 24 h. Immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy further indicated that lysosomal enzymes were released at early postmortem time. ES also induced ultrastructural disruption of sarcomeres. In addition, ES accelerated (P ..., as well as pH decline and more preferred pH/temperature decline mode. Finally, ES accelerated meat tenderization with lower (P time. A possible relationship was suggested between change in phosphorylation level of energy metabolic enzymes and postmortem...

  13. Tendering by municipalities of wind turbines; Aanbesteding door gemeenten van windmolens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This manual provides municipalities answers to the questions of how the municipality must do the tendering for wind turbines and what choices they have [Dutch] Deze handleiding biedt gemeenten antwoorden op de vragen hoe de gemeente moet aanbesteden en welke keuzes zij daarin heeft.

  14. Tenderness and taste qualification of red brangus beef in Mexico / Suavidad y aceptabilidad de la carne de bovinos brangus rojo en México

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    Gaspar Manuel Parra-Bracamonte


    Full Text Available Beef tenderness is an important trait in consumer satisfaction and has been considered as the main trait for palatability, for which reason it is important to evaluate its variability in different cattle breeds. An experiment was designed to evaluate the Warner Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF of Red Brangus cattle rib eye steaks and consumer acceptance. The tenderness of beef rib eye steaks was evaluated by the WBSF. A consumer preference evaluation test was carried out to quantitatively estimate tenderness, juiciness, flavor, doneness and general acceptance of the evaluated steaks. Mean WBSF was 5.03 kg ± 0.93 kg, theoretically indicating a tough beef. The distribution of the samples showed 21 % and 11 % of moderately tender and tender beef cuts, respectively. Cattle condition (bulls and steers was not significant for the WBSF (p > 0.5. All the traits evaluated in the hedonic evaluation had approximately 6 points of a total of 8 (8 was best. Tenderness, juiciness and flavor presented a high and significant correlation (p < 0.5. None of the subjective traits was correlated with total acceptance. Under theoretical criteria, tender Red Brangus beef cuts are infrequent; however the beef has a good acceptance. Characterization studies may be necessary and useful to create marketing niches specific for this and other cattle breeds.

  15. Tenderization effect of soy sauce on beef M. biceps femoris. (United States)

    Kim, Hyun-Wook; Choi, Yun-Sang; Choi, Ji-Hun; Kim, Hack-Youn; Lee, Mi-Ai; Hwang, Ko-Eun; Song, Dong-Heon; Lim, Yun-Bin; Kim, Cheon-Jei


    This study was conducted to evaluate the tenderization effect of soy sauce on beef M. biceps femoris (BF). Five marinades were prepared with 4% (w/v) sodium chloride and 25% (w/v) soy sauce solutions (4% salt concentration) and mixed with the ratios of 100:0 (S0, pH 6.52), 75:25 (S25, 5.40) 50:50 (S50, 5.24), 25:75 (S75, 5.05), and 0:100 (S100, 4.85), respectively. The BF samples which were obtained from Hanwoo cows at 48 h postmortem (n=24) were marinated with five marinades for 72 h at 4°C (1:4 w/w), and the effects of soy sauce on tenderness were evaluated. Soy sauce marination resulted in a decrease in the pH value of the BF sample. However, there were no significant differences in the water holding capacity (Psauce may attribute various mechanisms such as increased collagen solubility or proteolysis which depend on soy sauce level in marinade. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Supply Chain Planning for a Timber Harvesting Plus Sale Tender

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    Josef Holoubek


    Full Text Available Since 2010, the Czech State Forest Enterprise has been inviting timber-harvesting tenders while insisting on the forestry company purchasing the timber from the felled trees as well. To win, a tender must offer the greatest difference between the price of the timber purchased and the cost of the operations. Thus, the forest companies are now facing new problem: apart from minimizing the logging costs they are searching for a cross-cutting and mill-distribution strategy that maximizes the selling price of the harvested timber. The optimization model devised by the present paper provides support for finding an optimal timber selling strategy and, as an important contribution, include a detailed plan for cross-cutting the logs and assign them to the particular customers. We keep the support accessible via common office software and the cross-cutting and customer-assigning problem is formulated as a linear programming model for EXCEL, a particular real-world problem is solved and, using expert comparison, the model appears to provide very good results.

  17. A cryptic Early Palaeozoic event in the Nacea Antiform? 40Ar/39Ar amphibole data in the Puente de Selce granitoid


    Gutiérrez Alonso, Gabriel; Fernández Suárez, Javier; Ortega Rivera, M. A.; Lee, J. k. W.; Murphy, J. B.


    Las edades 40Ar/39Ar obtenidas a partir de anfíboles del granitoide Neoproterozoico de Puente de Selce, localizado en el Antiforme del Narcea junto con la existencia de fábricas de deformación relictas generadas en condiciones de media-alta temperatura en las mismas rocas puede ser interpretada como debida a un evento críptico de edad Paleozoico Inferior fuertemente retrabajado durante la deformación varisca. La naturaleza y la cinemática de este posible evento no pueden precisarse pero si se...

  18. Evolución de la periferia europea en la cadena de valor automotriz: lecciones aprendidas de Galicia (España

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    Jesús F. Lampón


    Full Text Available La industria automotriz llegó hace casi 60 años a Galicia de la mano de la empresa francesa Peugeot-Citroën. En este lapso de tiempo se han producido cambios en el sistema productivo que ha permitido una evolución hacia actividades de mayor valor añadido. La disponibilidad de un tejido institucional sólido, la alta cualificación del empleo y el desarrollo de un entramado productivo con base local, han sido algunos de los factores clave en esta evolución. Las lecciones obtenidas pueden constituir una referencia para otras regiones periféricas del sector automotriz. Sin embargo, la industria de la región vislumbra una serie de retos que tendrá que acometer y que serán extensibles a otras regiones. Estos retos exigen un enfoque que integre al tejido productivo, las administraciones públicas y la sociedad.

  19. Sobrevivendo a un tsunami: lecciones de Chile, Hawai y Japon (United States)

    Compilado por Atwater, Brian F.; Cisternas V., Marco; Bourgeois, Joanne; Dudley, Walter C.; Hendley, James W.; Stauffer, Peter H.


    Este folleto contiene historias veridicas que ilustran como sobrevivir, y como no sobrevivir, a un tsunami. Esta publicacion esta dirigida a las personas que viven, trabajan o, simplemente, se divierten a lo largo de las costas que pueden ser afectadas por un tsunami. Tales costas rodean la mayor parte del Oceano Pacifico pero tambien incluyen algunas areas costeras de los Oceanos Atlantico e Indico. Aunque mucha gente llama a los tsunamis 'olas de marea', estos no estan relacionados a las mareas, sino son una serie de olas, o 'tren de olas', generalmente causadas por cambios en el nivel del fondo marino durante los terremotos. Los tsunamis tambien pueden ser generados por la erupcion de volcanes costeros, islas volconicas, deslizamientos submarinos e impactos de grandes meteoritos en el mar. Como sucedio en Sumatra en el 2004, los tsunamis pueden alcanzar alturas de 15 metros, no tan solo en la costa sino tambien kilometros tierra adentro. Los relatos presentados en este folleto fueron seleccionados de entrevistas realizadas a personas que sobrevivieron al tsunami del Oceano Pacifico de 1960. Muchas de estas personas, incluyendo a la enfermera de la foto, se enfrento a las olas generadas a poca distancia, en la costa chilena. En cambio, otros debieron hacer frente al tsunami muchas horas despues, en Hawai y Japon. La mayoria de las entrevistas fueron realizadas a fines de los anos ochenta y en los noventa. Las historias ofrecen una mezcla de lecciones de supervivencia a un tsunami. En algunos casos se presentan las acciones que confiablemente salvaron vidas: poner atencion a los avisos de la naturaleza, abandonar los bienes, dirigirse rapidamente a un sector alto y permanecer alli hasta que el tsunami realmente haya terminado. Otras historias describen como se encontro refugio al subir a construcciones y arboles o flotar sobre desechos, tacticas que tuvieron diferentes resultados y que pueden ser recomendadas solo como actos desesperados de personas atrapadas en

  20. The influence of low temperature, type of muscle and electrical stimulation on the course of rigor mortis, ageing and tenderness of beef muscles. (United States)

    Olsson, U; Hertzman, C; Tornberg, E


    The course of rigor mortis, ageing and tenderness have been evaluated for two beef muscles, M. semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus dorsi (LD), when entering rigor at constant temperatures in the cold-shortening region (1, 4, 7 and 10°C). The influence of electrical stimulation (ES) was also examined. Post-mortem changes were registered by shortening and isometric tension and by following the decline of pH, ATP and creatine phosphate. The effect of ageing on tenderness was recorded by measuring shear-force (2, 8 and 15 days post mortem) and the sensory properties were assessed 15 days post mortem. It was found that shortening increased with decreasing temperature, resulting in decreased tenderness. Tenderness for LD, but not for SM, was improved by ES at 1 and 4°C, whereas ES did not give rise to any decrease in the degree of shortening during rigor mortis development. This suggests that ES influences tenderization more than it prevents cold-shortening. The samples with a pre-rigor mortis temperature of 1°C could not be tenderized, when stored up to 15 days, whereas this was the case for the muscles entering rigor mortis at the other higher temperatures. The results show that under the conditions used in this study, the course of rigor mortis is more important for the ultimate tenderness than the course of ageing. Copyright © 1994. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. Aplicaciones extraliterarias de algunas ideas borgeanas sobre la traducción: creatividad y habilidad literaria en los terrenos de la traducción comercial


    Mercedes Guhl


    Borges abordó el tema de la traducción en varios frentes de su producción literaria: crítica, traducción, escritura y seudotraducción, sin llegar a enunciar una teoría sistematizada alrededor de esta actividad. El propósito de este texto es tomar una serie de ideas y posturas planteadas por Borges en cuanto a la traducción literaria y el papel del traductor, y extrapolarlas al terreno de la traducción comercial, y así tratar de tender un puente entre esos dos territorios que solemos aislar, d...

  2. La Paradoja de la Política Social y el Programa Puente: Superación de la extrema pobreza o inclusión/exclusión social

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    Osvaldo Vega


    en temas, áreas y enfoques de trabajo complementarios a los que abordan otros Servicios del Estado". Sobre el fenómeno de la pobreza se ha desarrollado un largo debate, del que acá se dará cuenta en un amplio sentido, sin embargo, el punto central en cuestión y de este artículo, radica en que desde antes de la implementación del Programa Puente y el Sistema de Protección Chile Solidario, habían hecho aparición otras descripciones que daban cuenta de las problemáticas de la sociedad: los conceptos de inclusión/exclusión social. La tesis que sostiene este trabajo es que resultado de lo anterior, en el diseño de la política social y particularmente del Programa Puente coexisten actualmente ambos conceptos, sin embargo, en la práctica el que mejor describe las acciones y resultados del mismo es el de inclusión/exclusión social y esto puede ser observado en las observaciones que realizan quienes son sujetos de la intervención.

  3. Effect of packaging and storage time on survival of Listeria monocytogenes on kippered beef steak and turkey tenders. (United States)

    Uppal, Kamaldeep K; Getty, Kelly J K; Boyle, Elizabeth A E; Harper, Nigel M; Lobaton-Sulabo, April Shayne S; Barry, Bruce


    The objective of our study was to determine effect of packaging method and storage time on reducing Listeria monocytogenes in shelf-stable meat snacks. Commercially available kippered beef steak strips and turkey tenders were dipped into a 5-strain L. monocytogenes cocktail, and dried at 23 °C until a water activity of 0.80 was achieved. Inoculated samples were packaged with 4 treatments: (1) vacuum, (2) nitrogen flushed with oxygen scavenger, (3) heat sealed with oxygen scavenger, and (4) heat sealed without oxygen scavenger. Samples were stored at 23 °C and evaluated for L. monocytogenes levels at 0, 24, 48, and 72 h. Initial levels (time 0) of L. monocytogenes were approximately 5.7 log CFU/cm² for steak and tenders. After 24 h of storage time, a 1 log CFU/cm² reduction of L. monocytogenes was observed for turkey tenders for all packaging treatments. After 48 h, turkey tenders showed >1 log CFU/cm² reduction of L. monocytogenes for all packaging treatments except for vacuum, where only 0.9 log CFU/cm² reduction was observed. After 72 h, reductions for all packaging treatments for turkey tenders ranged from 1.5 to 2.4 log CFU/cm². For kippered beef steak, there was no interaction between the packaging treatments and all storage times (P > 0.05) whereas, time was different (P packaging treatments and a 2.1 log CFU/ cm² L. monocytogenes reduction at 72 h of storage time. Processors of kippered beef steak and turkey tenders could use a combination of vacuum or nitrogen-flushing or heat sealed with an oxygen scavenger packaging methods and a holding time of 24 h prior to shipping to reduce potential L. monocytogenes numbers by ≥1 log. However, processors should be encouraged to hold packaged product a minimum of 72 h to enhance the margin of safety for L. monocytogenes control. © 2011 Institute of Food Technologists®

  4. Fine-mapping of a QTL influencing pork tenderness on porcine chromosome 2

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    Beever Jonathan E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In a previous study, a quantitative trait locus (QTL exhibiting large effects on both Instron shear force and taste panel tenderness was detected within the Illinois Meat Quality Pedigree (IMQP. This QTL mapped to the q arm of porcine chromosome 2 (SSC2q. Comparative analysis of SSC2q indicates that it is orthologous to a segment of human chromosome 5 (HSA5 containing a strong positional candidate gene, calpastatin (CAST. CAST polymorphisms have recently been shown to be associated with meat quality characteristics; however, the possible involvement of other genes and/or molecular variation in this region cannot be excluded, thus requiring fine-mapping of the QTL. Results Recent advances in porcine genome resources, including high-resolution radiation hybrid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC physical maps, were utilized for development of novel informative markers. Marker density in the ~30-Mb region surrounding the most likely QTL position was increased by addition of eighteen new microsatellite markers, including nine publicly-available and nine novel markers. Two newly-developed markers were derived from a porcine BAC clone containing the CAST gene. Refinement of the QTL position was achieved through linkage and haplotype analyses. Within-family linkage analyses revealed at least two families segregating for a highly-significant QTL in strong positional agreement with CAST markers. A combined analysis of these two families yielded QTL intervals of 36 cM and 7 cM for Instron shear force and taste panel tenderness, respectively, while haplotype analyses suggested further refinement to a 1.8 cM interval containing CAST markers. The presence of additional tenderness QTL on SSC2q was also suggested. Conclusion These results reinforce CAST as a strong positional candidate. Further analysis of CAST molecular variation within the IMQP F1 boars should enhance understanding of the molecular basis of pork tenderness, and thus

  5. El viaducto de Raos. Una aplicación de la tipología losa aligerada en tableros de puentes de luces medias


    González de Cangas, José Ramón; Lorenzo Esperante, Domingo; Crespo Martínez, José Antonio


    RESUMEN. Se presenta una aplicación de la tipología estructural losa aligerada continua de canto variable en un tablero de puente de hormigón pretensado con una luz máxima de 52,50 metros, describiéndose sus características fundamentales y los modelos de análisis utilizados. ABSTRACT. This article covers a case where a continuous voided slab of varying depth is used for a prestressed concrete bridge deck with a maximum span of 52.50 m. A description of the main characteristics of this slab...

  6. Proyecto MOP: "Concesión de defensas fluviales y carretera Ribera Norte Río Bío-Bío, sector Chiguayante-Puente Viejo"

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    Roberto Lira Olmo


    Full Text Available Como se indica en la Editorial, el tema central a tratar en esta edición es la perspectiva urbana en relación a los "frentes de agua" de la región y de la intercomuna Concepción-Talcahuano; y particularmente uno de los programas más emblemáticos que se están proyectando actualmente en la región: el de "Defensas Fluviales y Carretera Ribera Norte del río Bío-Bío, Chiguayante-Puente Viejo".

  7. Nuevo puente colgante sobre el Tigris, en Bagdad

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    Steinmann, Boynton, Gronquist, London, Ingenieros


    Full Text Available This suspension bridge is the first of its type built in Irak. Its structure is mainly of steel, though the deck is a compound construction of steel and concrete. It has three spans: a central one of 168 m length, and two lateral ones, each 84 m long. There are also two approach spans, each of 23 m, which have been made necessary due to the weakness of the soil. This is also the reason why the abutments do not support the load on the cables, so that the structure is anchored to itself: to achieve this the foundations have been reinforced with steel. The cables consist of 37 chords, each having 91 cables, of 4.5 mm diameter each, and a permissible stress of 158 kg/mm2. The piles are protected with screens of metal sheetpiling.Este puente colgante es el primero de su tipo construido en Irak. Su estructura fundamental es de acero; y el tablero mixto, de acero y hormigón. Consta de tres tramos, uno central de 168 m de luz y dos laterales, de 84 m de luz cada uno, más dos accesos, de 23 m, que fue preciso construir debido a la poca resistencia del terreno. Esta es también la causa de que los estribos no soporten la tensión de los cables, y de que la estructura esté anclada en sí misma, para lo cual se reforzó la cimentación con armaduras de acero. Los cables están constituidos por 37 cordones, y cada cordón, por 91 alambres de 4,5 mm Ø y una resistencia de 158 kg/mm2. Las pilas van protegidas con cortinas de tablestacas metálicas.

  8. Descrição morfológica e implicações clínicas de pontes miocárdicas: um estudo anatômico em colombianos Descripción morfológica e implicaciones clínicas de puentes miocárdicos: un estudio anatómico en colombianos Morphological description and clinical implications of myocardial bridges: an anatomical study in colombians

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    Luis Ernesto Ballesteros Acunã


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Pontes miocárdicas representam uma fonte de discussão em pesquisa. Pontes miocárdicas são consideradas uma variação cardíaca vascular devido à sua intermitente ou repetida redução do lúmen arterial, com um possível efeito isquêmico. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a incidência de pontes miocárdicas na população miscigenada da Colômbia. MÉTODOS: 154 corações foram estudados, tendo sido extraídos em autópsias. As artérias coronárias foram injetadas com resina sintética e limpas através da extração da gordura pericárdica. RESULTADOS: 92 pontes miocárdicas foram observadas em 62 corações (40,3%. O comprimento médio das pontes era de 19,9 mm. As pontes miocárdicas variaram por artéria, de uma ponte em 42 corações (27,3%, duas pontes em 11 corações (7,2%, três pontes em oito corações (5,2% e quatro pontes em um coração (0,7%. A maioria das pontes encontrava-se com a artéria interventricular esquerda em seus segmentos proximal e intermediário em 61 casos (39,6% e com a artéria diagonal esquerda em 11 casos (7,2%. As artérias se exteriorizavam em porção anterior às pontes miocárdicas (segmento pré-ponte em 50 casos (54,3% da amostra, com uma média de 1,41 mm de calibre. Terceira artéria coronária estava presente em 46 casos (29,8% do total da amostra. Uma freqüência maior de pontes miocárdicas foi encontrada em corações com terceira artéria coronária. CONCLUSÃO: É necessário considerar a importância clínica das variações, tendo em vista a distribuição arterial e as implicações clínicas relacionadas.FUNDAMENTO: Puentes miocárdicos representan una fuente de discusión en investigación. Se consideran los puentes miocárdicos una variación cardiaca vascular en virtud de su intermitente o repetida reducción del lumen arterial, con un posible efecto isquémico. OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la incidencia de puentes

  9. Puente de hormigón pretensado sobre el río Caroni

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    Fernández, Álvaro


    Full Text Available This bridge consists of a. series of portal frames, of 96 m span each, making up a total length of about 500 m. The piles over the river have caused certain difficulties, and it became necessary to build a number cofferdams with sheetpiling, which became permanent formwork for the concrete foundations. The deck is a box section beam, of prestressed concrete. The most notable aspect of this structure is the constructive method. The total length of the deck was divided into 50 sections, each of them prefabricated at a nearby workshop. Each section was aligned along the deck axis: the deck already built serving as sliding ramp for each successive section. To carry out this difficult operation, neoprene was employed, which has a very low friction coefficient, on sliding over steel. To push the heavy table sections to their final position use has been made of hydraulic jacks. After these initial operations were completed, the groups of prestressed cables were correctly aligned: these cables had been provisionally stretched, during the process of putting the deck sections together. These groups of cables are attached to the inner surface of the side walls of the box sections of the deck.Este puente consta de una serie de tramos porticados de luces máximas (96 m , con longitud total de unos 500 metros. Las pilas o soportes han presentado cierta dificultad en los tramos correspondientes al río, pues han sido necesarias ataguías formadas por células de tablestacas que han servido de encofrados perdidos para hormigonar los cimientos. El conjunto del tablero está constituido por una viga-cajón, de hormigón pretensado. La particularidad más notable de esta estructura radica en los métodos constructivos llevados a cabo en su realización. La longitud total del tablero se ha subdividido en 50 trozos prefabricados en un taller próximo al puente y alineado con el eje del mismo, que ha servido de rampa para el traslado y corrimiento a su posici

  10. Evaluación histológica de pulpotomia en dientes de perro, en formación de puentes dentinario al utilizar trixido mineral agregado(M.T.A) e hidróxido de calcio


    Herrera, Henry; Herrera, Helen de; Sermeño, Ruth de; Herrera Castaneda, Hilda; Ruiz de Campos, Guadalupe


    El presente estudio experimental, fue comparar histológicamente el puente dentinatario formado sobre el tejido remanente pulpar por el hidróxido de calcio y el trióxido mineral agregado,utilizados en la técnica de pulpotomía en piezas dentales de perros.

  11. Deciding about Design Quality : Value judgements and decision making in the selection of architects by public clients under European tendering regulations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Volker, L.


    In the past few years the image of tender procedures in which Dutch public clients selected an architect has been dominated by distressing newspaper headlines. Architects fear that the current tender culture will harm the quality of our built environment due to a potential lack of diversity,

  12. Deep muscle pain, tender points and recovery in acute whiplash patients: a 1-year follow-up study. (United States)

    Kasch, Helge; Qerama, Erisela; Kongsted, Alice; Bach, Flemming W; Bendix, Tom; Jensen, Troels S


    Local sensitization to noxious stimuli has been previously described in acute whiplash injury and has been suggested to be a risk factor for chronic sequelae following acute whiplash injury. In this study, we prospectively examined the development of tender points and mechano-sensitivity in 157 acute whiplash injured patients, who fulfilled criteria for WAD grade 2 (n=153) or grade 3 (n=4) seen about 5 days after injury (4.8+/-2.3) and who subsequently had or had not recovered 1 year after a cervical sprain. Tender point scores and stimulus-response function for mechanical pressure were determined in injured and non-injured body regions at specific time-points after injury. Thirty-six of 157 WAD grade 2 patients (22.9%) had not recovered, defined as reduced work capacity after 1 year. Non-recovered patients had higher total tender point scores after 12 (pwhiplash injury and the development of further sensitization in patients with long-term disability.

  13. Ponte miocárdica associada a lesões cardiovasculares em bovinos adultos da raça Canchim Puente miocárdico asociado a lesiones cardiovasculares en bovinos adultos de la raza canchim Myocardial bridge associated with cardiovascular injuries in bovines adult of Canchim race

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    José Wilson dos Santos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A influência que a ponte miocárdica exerce sobre a corrente sanguínea no curso do segmento arterial sob a ponte tem sido objeto de discussão pela comunidade científica. OBJETIVO: Comparar o tecido muscular ultraestrutural da ponte miocárdica e a parede ventricular; analisar o grau de lesão da camada íntima dos segmentos arteriais e investigar possíveis mudanças que podem preceder ou iniciar o processo de lesões ateroscleróticas. MÉTODOS: Quarenta corações bovinos da raça Canchim foram estudados em relação às alterações da camada íntima das artérias coronarianas nos diferentes segmentos de ponte miocárdica. Para o exame microscópico, foram feitas colorações por hematoxilina-eosina e fucsina-resorcina seguindo técnicas microscópicas convencionais. Para o exame de microscopia eletrônica, os segmentos da ponte miocárdica de doze corações bovinos Canchim foram coletados a partir da parede ventricular e da artéria coronariana e foram processados de acordo com técnicas convencionais. RESULTADOS: Na microscopia de luz, foi observada maior frequência de lesões em segmentos pré-ponte e pós-ponte da camada íntima, em comparação ao segmento ponte. Espessamentos da camada íntima foram seguidos por um desarranjo na lâmina limitante elástica interna. Essas células frequentemente apresentaram seus citoplasmas ingurgitados por gotas lipídicas, compondo as chamadas células de espuma. A microscopia eletrônica revelou que as fibras musculares da ponte miocárdica geralmente se unem de forma reta e lisa apresentando ramos laterais com um número maior de mitocôndrias no músculo ventricular do que na ponte. CONCLUSÃO: Há poucas diferenças entre os tecidos musculares estudados; lesões da camada íntima são menos frequentes em regiões da ponte em comparação com as regiões pré e pós-ponte.FUNDAMENTO: La influencia que el puente miocárdico ejerce sobre la corriente sanguínea en el transcurso del


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    Roberto Frenkel


    Full Text Available El artículo procura lecciones de política macroeconómica contrastando la expe-riencia de los países en desarrollo durante los años 2000, incluyendo su desempeño durante la crisis reciente, con los tres decenios anteriores de globalización finan-ciera. La principal lección es el papel decisivo de dichas políticas macroeconómicas para impulsar el crecimiento, la estabilidad financiera y un desempeño sólido frente a los choques externos, reales y financieros. Además, el contraste sugiere un con-junto de orientaciones de política macroeconómica que contribuyen a alcanzar el cumplimiento simultáneo de los tres objetivos mencionados. El análisis se presenta en dos partes. La primera se dedica a fundamentar la lección principal e identificar las orientaciones de política. En la segunda parte esas políticas macroeconómicas son expuestas sintéticamente y se analiza algunos aspectos de su instrumentación, particularmente de las políticas monetaria y cambiaria. Cierra el trabajo una sec-ción de reflexiones finales.

  15. Audit market competition: auditor changes and the impact of tendering


    Beattie, V.; Fearnley, S.


    Increased competition within the external audit market and the recent phenomenon of audit tendering has renewed interest in the factors influencing auditor changes. In this paper, a questionnaire instrument is used to elicit perceptions of the factors which influence auditor-client realignments in this new environment and to indicate the relative influence of economic and behavioural factors. Positive, statistically significant associations were found between unsolicited approaches and the co...

  16. Joint involvement in patients affected by systemic lupus erythematosus: application of the swollen to tender joint count ratio

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    E. Cipriano


    Full Text Available Joint involvement is a common manifestation in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE. According to the SLE disease activity index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K, joint involvement is present in case of ≥2 joints with pain and signs of inflammation. However this definition could fail to catch all the various features of joint involvement. Alternatively the Swollen to Tender joint Ratio (STR could be used. This new index, which was originally proposed for rheumatoid arthritis (RA patients, is based on the count of 28 swollen and tender joints. Our study is, therefore, aimed to assess joint involvement in a SLE cohort using the STR. SLE patients with joint symptoms (≥1 tender joint were enrolled over a period of one month. Disease activity was assessed by SLEDAI-2K. We performed the swollen and tender joint count (0-28 and calculated the STR. Depending on the STR, SLE patients were grouped into three categories of disease activity: low (STR1.0. We also calculated the disease activity score based on a 28-joint count and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR. We enrolled 100 SLE patients [F/M 95/5, mean±standard deviation (SD age 46.3±10.6 years, mean±SD disease duration 147.1±103.8 months]. The median of tender and swollen joints was 4 (IQR 7 and 1 (IQR 2.5, respectively. The median STR value was 0.03 (IQR 0.6. According to the STR, disease activity was low in 70 patients, moderate in 23 and high in 7. A significant correlation was identified between STR values and DAS28 (r=0.33, p=0.001. The present study suggests a correlation between STR and DAS28, allowing an easier and faster assessment of joint involvement with the former index.

  17. What impact has tendering had on trainees? Results of a national survey by British Association for Sexual Health and HIV Trainees' Collaborative for audit, research and quality improvement projects. (United States)

    Wiggins, Helen; Hartley, Anna; Clarke, Emily; Foley, Elizabeth; Nandwani, Rak; Carlin, Elizabeth; Waters, Laura; Ahmed, Nadia


    In April 2013, local authorities gained responsibility for commissioning sexual health services in England. With many services going out to tender and resultant change in services or service provider, there is anecdotal evidence that this has impacted on the education, training and morale of genitourinary medicine (GUM) trainees. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of tendering on GUM trainees. An electronic survey designed by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV Trainees' Collaborative for Audit, Research and Quality Improvement Projects (T-CARQ) was distributed to GUM trainees and newly appointed consultants. Eighty-two individuals responded (74% GUM trainees, 25% newly appointed consultants, 1% locum appointed for service). Sixty-three per cent (45/72) had experience of training within a service which was being tendered. Of these, 59% (24/41) felt their training was not considered during the tendering process and 20% (8/41) felt that it was. Forty-four per cent (18/41) felt adequately supported. Thirty per cent (12/40) reported active participation in the tendering process. On a scale of 0 (no impact) to 5 (major impact), the median score for impact of tendering on training was 2. The positive/negative impact of tendering on different training elements was rated: other than management experience the overall impact on all parameters was negative, namely morale, senior support and education. In conclusion, this survey describes the variable impact of service tendering on GUM training. Our recommendations for maintaining training standards despite tendering include actively involving trainees and education partners, inclusion of specialist GUM training in service specifications, development of guidance for commissioners and services for the management of GUM training within tendering.

  18. Pain sensitivity and pericranial tenderness in children with tension-type headache: a controlled study

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    Soee ABL


    Full Text Available Ann-Britt L Soee,1 Liselotte Skov,1 Svend Kreiner,4 Birte Tornoe,1,2 Lise L Thomsen3 1Department of Paediatrics, Children's Headache Clinic, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Department of Physiotherapy, Medical Department O, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3Department of Neuropediatrics, Juliane Marie Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen Denmark; 4Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Purpose: To compare tenderness and pain sensitivity in children (aged 7–17 years with tension-type headache (TTH and healthy controls using total tenderness score (TTS, pressure pain threshold (PPT, and pain perceived at suprapressure pain threshold (supraPPT. Patients and methods: Twenty-three children with frequent episodic TTH, 36 with chronic TTH, and 57 healthy controls were included. TTS was measured bilaterally at seven pericranial myofascial structures. PPT and supraPPT were assessed in the finger, m. temporalis, and m. trapezius by a Somedic® algometer. SupraPPT was defined as the pain perceived at a stimulus calculated as the individual site-specific PPT + 50%. Statistics: The effect of group, sex, age, headache frequency, intensity, and years on TTS, PPT, and supraPPT was analyzed by general linear models. Confirmatory factor analysis was analyzed for mutual relations between measurements. Results and conclusion: Tenderness increased uniformly in both frequent episodic TTH (median 14; interquartile range [IQR] 10–18; P < 0.001 and chronic TTH (median 13; IQR 9–20; P < 0.001 compared to controls (median 5, IQR 3–11. However, the children with frequent episodic TTH and chronic TTH did not show significantly increased sensitivity when measured by PPT or supraPPT. Factor analysis confirmed that the site-specific measurements depended on general latent variables. Consequently, the PPT and supraPPT tests can be assumed to measure

  19. Approval Procedure for Technical Specifications for Procurement by Quotation and Tender

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaharum Ramli; Izhar Abu Hussin; Ying, K.K.


    Technical specifications for procurement requires the approval of the Jawatankuasa Penyemak Spesifikasi Teknikal Tender/ Sebutharga Agensi Nuklear Malaysia. This paper provides guidance for those who have to prepare a technical specification. In addition, the technical specification online library is introduced to facilitate them to re-use old technical specifications for new procurements or to make those the bases for drafting new specifications. (author)

  20. Meat tenderness genetic polymorphisms occurrence and distribution in five Zebu breeds in Mexico

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    Gaspar Manuel Parra-Bracamonte


    Conclusions: Although the relatively low occurrence of favorable alleles in assessed loci may limit their use in selection programs, genotyping availability might be a practical and comprehensive tool for introgression programs by marker assisted selection and management as to improve meat tenderness of Zebu breeds.

  1. Metodología de evaluación y análisis de materiales de los puentes de fábrica de la red ferroviaria


    Paniagua Serrano, Illán


    La determinación de la vida útil y conservación de los puentes arco de fábrica, por su funcionalidad y su valor patrimonial como construcción histórica es un tema de creciente interés dentro de las administraciones gestoras de estas estructuras. El estudio de la durabilidad de los materiales tradicionales de construcción es un concepto relacionado con la vida útil, pero cuyo estudio difiere notablemente del realizado sobre los tipos y materiales en los que se ha centrado la ingeniería mod...

  2. Escuela de formación artística de puente Aranda: un espacio de reflexión entre arte, política y comunidad

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    Sary Constanza Murillo Poveda


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace parte de una investigación preliminar sobre la importancia del papel que cumplen las Escuelas de Formación Artística Local en Bogotá. Estas son escuelas de educación no formal avaladas por el gobierno distrital para el desarrollo y fomento de las artes en la ciudad. Tomando como caso la Escuela de Formación Artística de Puente Aranda, se estudian las relaciones entre política cultural, educación y comunidad.

  3. Evaluating the Impact of Risk on Contractor’s Tender Figure in Public Buildings Projects in Northern Nigeria

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    L. O. Oyewobi


    Full Text Available It has become almost impossible to have projects completed within the initial cost and time in Nigeria; this is as a result of many factors the construction industry is being plagued with ranging from estimating risk to time and cost overruns. The construction industry is widely associated with a high degree of risk and uncertainty due to the nature of its operating heterogeneous environment. The paper aimed at evaluating the impact of estimating risk on contractor’s tender sum with a view of ensuring efficient delivery of projects in the Northern part of Nigeria. A survey was conducted using questionnaire and a total of four headings of risk factors were identified. Research findings showed defects in design, inflation, contractor’s competence and political uncertainty as well as changes in government had greatest impact on contractor’s tender figure whereas likely trend in wages rates over the period, excessive approval procedure in administration government department, unavailability of sufficient amount of unskilled labor and technical manpower and resources of the company were the most significant factors to be considered by contractors when estimating the pricing risk. The paper recommends that construction professionals should identify and adequately quantify project estimating risk factors. Adding a risk premium to quotation and time estimation has to be supported by governmental owner organizations and other agencies in the local construction sector. Competent contractors should be allowed to tender so as to see the incidence of these estimating risks as an important aspect that requires attention while evaluating contractor’s tender sum.

  4. Technical note: use of belt grill cookery and slice shear force for assessment of pork longissimus tenderness. (United States)

    Shackelford, S D; Wheeler, T L; Koohmaraie, M


    The present experiments were conducted to determine whether improved beef longissimus shear force methodology could be used to assess pork longissimus tenderness. Specifically, three experiments were conducted to: 1) determine the effect of belt grill (BG) cookery on repeatability of pork longissimus Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), 2) compare the correlation of WBSF and slice shear force (SSF) with trained sensory panel tenderness ratings, and 3) estimate the repeatability of pork longissimus SSF for chops cooked with a BG. In Exp. 1 and 2, the longissimus was removed from the left side of each carcass (Exp. 1, n = 25; Exp. 2, n = 23) at 1 d postmortem and immediately frozen to maximize variation in tenderness. In Exp. 1, chops were cooked with either open-hearth electric broilers (OH) or BG, and WBSF was measured. Percentage of cooking loss was lower (P cooked with a BG (23.2%; SD = 1.7%) vs. OH (27.6%; SD = 3.0%). Estimates of the repeatability of WBSF were similar for chops cooked with OH (0.61) and BG (0.59). Although significant (P cooking methods accounted for less than 5% of the total variation in WBSF. In Exp. 2, the correlation of SSF (r = -0.72; P cooked with BG, and SSF was determined. The repeatability of SSF was 0.90, which is comparable to repeatability estimates for beef and lamb. Use of BG cookery and SSF could facilitate the collection of accurate pork longissimus tenderness data. Time and labor savings associated with BG cookery and the SSF technique should help to decrease research costs.

  5. Los puentes de Madison: una mirada de género

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    Sonia Herrera Sánchez


    Full Text Available Más allá del uso estereotipado y los lugares comunes del amor romántico y el drama, en la película Los puentes de Madison de Clint Eastwood se dibujan y se cuestionan las estrategias familiares y los roles de género de las mujeres rurales estadounidenses en los años 60 a través de su curso vital y de las relaciones sociales establecidas.Abordando cuestiones esenciales para el movimiento feminista como la maternidad, la sexualidad de la mujer, la identidad o la doble jornada en el sector agrícola y haciendo un gran uso del lenguaje audiovisual, la adaptación cinematográfica de la novela de Robert James Waller pone el acento (ya sea de forma intencionada o casual en los tabúes de las mujeres de la época y en los mandatos de género que éstas debían asumir.Beyond the stereotyped used of romantic love and drama on Clint Eastwood’s film The Bridges of Madison County are also shown and questioned family strategies and gender roles of rural women in the 1960s at United States through their lifes and established social relations.Dealing with feminist movement key issues as motherhood, female sexuality, identity, or the double work time on the agricultural sector and making extensive use of audiovisual language, the filmed adaptation of the novel written by Robert James Waller focuses on (either deliberately or accidentaly the taboos of the time women and gender mandates they sould assume.

  6. PS-109 Barriers and facilitators to implementing drug changes caused by drug tenders and shortages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rishøj, Rikke Mie; Christrup, Lona Louring; Clemmensen, Marianne H


    . Purpose To identify barriers and facilitators for implementing drug changes due to drug tenders and shortages in Danish public hospitals. Material and methods Six focus group interviews were conducted at three hospitals in different regions of the country. At each hospital two focus group interviews were...... thematically through content analysis. Results Barriers Identified included: frequent changes of labelling, packages and drug names. Furthermore, implementing drug changes requires extra resources and finance. Technologies such as computerised physician order entry and barcode scanning systems were perceived...... as potential facilitators, but also as barriers in cases where the quality and implementation of the systems were not adequate. Facilitators included: hospital pharmacy services and lower drug prices. Furthermore recommendations on generic prescription, optimisation of the tendering process and support...

  7. The effect of adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) on tenderness, microstructure and chemical-physical index of duck breast meat. (United States)

    Wang, Daoying; Deng, Shaoying; Zhang, Muhan; Geng, Zhiming; Sun, Chong; Bian, Huan; Xu, Weimin; Zhu, Yongzhi; Liu, Fang; Wu, Haihong


    Adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) is often used in meat and poultry soups as a flavor enhancer (flavor modifier), or as food additives for specific nutritional purposes. Our previous research as well as evidence from others showed that actomyosin could be dissociated into myosin and actin by AMP in extracted muscle solution. However, there is no report available on the application of AMP to dissociate actomyosin and to improve meat tenderness. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of AMP on duck meat tenderness and other quality traits and to explore the mechanism of the action of AMP on meat tenderness. Duck breast muscle was treated with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 mmol L(-1) AMP at 5 °C for 10 h and examined for shear force, microstructure, actomyosin dissociation, myofibril fragmentation index (MFI), pH, water content, cooking loss, CIE* color (L*, a*, b*), inosine monophosphate (IMP) and free amino acid (FAA) contents. Results showed that shear force, cooking loss, L* and b* of the muscles significantly decreased after AMP treatment (P 0.05), and muscle shrinkage in transverse and longitudinal directions were restrained after AMP treatment. The results suggest that AMP could notably improve meat tenderness, and this effect was probably mainly through increasing muscle pH, promoting actomyosin dissociation and disrupting the Z-line; meanwhile, the conversion of AMP to IMP may contribute to the flavor of meat. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  8. Proposal for the award of a blanket purchase agreement, without competitive tendering, for the supply of Burndy connectors

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a blanket purchase agreement, without competitive tendering, for the supply of Burndy connectors. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a blanket purchase agreement, without competitive tendering, with SOURIAU (CH), for the supply of Burndy connectors over a period of three years, for a total amount not exceeding 600 000 euros (932 000 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation from 1st January 2006. The amount in Swiss francs has been calculated using the present rate of exchange.

  9. Puente sobre el tramo inferior del Elba, Hamburgo

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    Aschenberg, H.


    Full Text Available This bridge joins to Hamburg-Hannover and the Hamburg-Lübeck roadways. It is 411 m long, 30.74 m wide, and has five spans. The main span is 172 m long, and is suspended by cables from two towers, rising 53 m above the bridge pavement. The stiffening; structure of this suspended span consists of a central box and two lateral full web girders, with a uniform depth of 2 ms. The towers support two sets of cables, which rest on supports situated at unequal heights with respect to each other. These supports are so arranged that thermal deformations shall not be excessive nor cause large secondary moments. Most of the bridge elements have been manufactured in the workshops and taken to the site by river transport. The main span has been built by successive overhangs, till the two sides have met together at the crown.Este puente, que une las autopistas Hamburgo-Hannover y Hamburgo-Lübeck, tiene 411 m de longitud, 30,74 m de anchura y 5 tramos. El entramado de rigidez del tramo central, de 173 m de luz, que está suspendido por cables que se apoyan en dos torres, de 53 m de altura respecto a la calzada, tiene la sección transversal formada por un cajón central y dos vigas laterales de alma llena con un canto uniforme de 3 m. Dichas torres soportan dos paquetes de cables que se apoyan en sillas montadas a diferente altura, estando estos apoyos organizados de forma que permitan los movimientos provocados por las diferencias de temperatura sin originar deformaciones abusivas ni momentos secundarios. La mayor parte de los elementos han sido prefabricados en taller y transportados por vía fluvial. La construcción del tramo central se ha realizado por voladizos sucesivos hasta llegar al cierre en la clave.

  10. Criteria procedure development for tender in construction design

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    Malykha Galina Gennad’evna

    Full Text Available This article deals with the problem of criteria optimization in order to objectively evaluate the experience of an applicant (a project organization and the quality of a design product (project documentation. The methodology to be developed is based on introduction of new evaluation criteria (sub-criteria that in conjunction with the applicable criteria specified by the Law on the Contract System will allow developing the optimal procedure to evaluate competitive bids of the participants in tenders and determining the most appropriate candidate, with whom the contract will be further concluded. The article analyzes the existing criteria and their interaction with each other and describes the specifics of tenders for design in the form of open competition. The list decreases to three criteria, such as "contract price", "quality, functional and environmental characteristics of a procurement facility", "qualification of procurement participants, including availability of financial resources, equipment and other material resources necessary for the execution of the contract material resources, the presence of goodwill, professionals and other employees of a certain experience level". However, in order to upgrade the quality of assurance procedures for the design works to be performed, it was decided to apply new evaluation criteria (sub-criteria components, such as "availability of positive findings of the state out-of-departmental examination that are similar to the subject of competition, on a participant in placement of order", "availability of the certificate on approval of architectural and urban planning decisions that are similar to the subject of competition, on a participant in placement of order", "availability of the permit for the commissioning of facilities that are similar to the subject of competition, on a participant in placement of order", "availability of the contract for designer's supervision with a participant in placement of

  11. Pulsed electric field processing of functional drink based on tender coconut water (Cococus nucifera L. - nannari (Hemidesmus indicus blended beverage

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    R. Kumar


    Full Text Available Tender coconut water (Cocos nucifera L. Nannari extract (Hemidesmus indicus L. ready-to serve (RTS blended beverage were optimised. Response Surface Methodology (RSM was employed to optimize the levels of independent variables (levels of tender coconut water, nannari extract and sugar. The responses of pH, ºBrix, CIE colour (L*, a* and b* value and OAA were studied. The data obtained were analysed by multiple regression technique to generate suitable mathematical models. The developed blended beverage was processed using pulsed electric field (PEF with electric field 31.2 kV/cm, 20 pulse widths at 100 Hz frequency to minimise nutritional and sensory attributes losses and compared with conventional thermal pasteurization (96 ºC for 360 s with p-value of 8.03. Thermal pasteurization showed a significant (p<0.05 decrease in colour value, radical scavenging activity and overall acceptability after treatment and also during storage, when compared to PEF treated tender coconut water-nannari blended beverage. PEF treatment also achieved a 3.01 ± 0.69 log inactivation, similar to thermal pasteurization of native micro flora. PEF treated tender coconut water-nannari blended beverage was stable up to 120 days under ambient storage condition (27-30 °C.

  12. Masticatory and cervical muscle tenderness and pain sensitivity in a remote area in subjects with a temporomandibular disorder and neck disability. (United States)

    Silveira, Anelise; Armijo-Olivo, Susan; Gadotti, Inae C; Magee, David


    To compare the masticatory and cervical muscle tenderness and pain sensitivity in the hand (remote region) between patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and healthy controls. Twenty female subjects were diagnosed with chronic TMD, and 20 were considered healthy. Subjects completed the Neck Disability Index and Limitations of Daily Functions in a TMD questionnaire. Tenderness of the masticatory and cervical muscles and pain sensitivity in the hand were measured using an algometer. Three-way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) evaluated differences in muscle tenderness between groups. One-way ANOVA compared pain sensitivity in the hand between groups. Effect sizes were assessed using Cohen guidelines. Significantly increased masticatory and cervical muscle tenderness and pain sensitivity in the hand were found in subjects with TMD when compared with healthy subjects. Moderate to high effect sizes showed the clinical relevance of the findings. The results of this study have highlighted the importance of assessing TMD patients not only in the craniofacial region but also in the neck and other parts of the body. Future studies should focus on testing the effectiveness of treatments addressing the neck and the pain sensitivity in the hand in patients with TMD.

  13. Forecasting Construction Tender Price Index in Ghana using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Exogenous Variables Model

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    Ernest Kissi


    Full Text Available Prices of construction resources keep on fluctuating due to unstable economic situations that have been experienced over the years. Clients knowledge of their financial commitments toward their intended project remains the basis for their final decision. The use of construction tender price index provides a realistic estimate at the early stage of the project. Tender price index (TPI is influenced by various economic factors, hence there are several statistical techniques that have been employed in forecasting. Some of these include regression, time series, vector error correction among others. However, in recent times the integrated modelling approach is gaining popularity due to its ability to give powerful predictive accuracy. Thus, in line with this assumption, the aim of this study is to apply autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (ARIMAX in modelling TPI. The results showed that ARIMAX model has a better predictive ability than the use of the single approach. The study further confirms the earlier position of previous research of the need to use the integrated model technique in forecasting TPI. This model will assist practitioners to forecast the future values of tender price index. Although the study focuses on the Ghanaian economy, the findings can be broadly applicable to other developing countries which share similar economic characteristics.

  14. Tender in power-plants back to starting point

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Even though there was no progress in privatisation of a 40-percent stake in Slovenske elektrarne (SE), a.s., Bratislava a government decree on re-opening of the tender issued in July will allow more prospects to participate. New prospects that are expected to submit their offers are Czech CEZ and American AES. At the same time the original eight prospects that submitted their offers earlier will have the opportunity to withdraw from the tender or review their offers. The new prospects can show their interest in requesting a information memorandum that will be published shortly and then PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) will state a date when the offers have to be submitted. After the original offers are updated and the new ones submitted, the offers will be evaluated. Representative of PwC, Peter Mitka refused to discuss the evaluation deadlines and the consecutive due diligence in SE to be conducted by selected investors. The company to have restarted the whole process was the Czech CEZ that had announces its intention to privatise not only the conventional part of SE but the nuclear part as well. The remaining prospects only show interest in hydraulic power plants or conventional power plants but none of them is interested in nuclear power plants. Even though the process is still open and theoretically other prospects could show their interest in the future, Minister of Economy, Robert Nemcsics does not expect that this step would be repeated. And so the number of prospects is ten. In the past the Minister expressed his view that the most suitable solution would be so sell the SE as a whole and during the first press conference given together with privatisation advisor the Minister explained that there was no time-pressure in regards to the privatisation process as an internal restructuring of the company had to be completed first

  15. Tenderness, pH and Water Activity (Aw of Spices Dried Meat on Various Concentrate of Ginger Extract (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe and Different Soaking Time

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    Akhadiyah Afrila


    Full Text Available The objectives of current research were to find out the concentrate of Ginger extract (Zingiber officinale Roscoe and different soaking time of to tenderness, pH, and water activity (Aw, microbial count and sensory evaluation of spices dried meat. The result showed that higher the ginger extract (Zingiber officinale Roscoe concentrate and longer the soaking time, it would give more tenderness, pH, and water activity (Aw to spices dried meat with 15% ginger extract (Zingiber officinale Roscoe extract and 20 minutes length of soaking time. Key Words : Dendeng, ginger, soaking time, tenderness, pH and Aw

  16. Osteosíntesis con placa puente en fracturas diafisiarias conminutas de húmero.

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    Luis Mancilla Mancilla


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir y evaluar la técnica de osteosíntesis percutánea mínimamente invasiva en fracturas disfisiarias conminutas de húmero. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal de tres pacientes con diagnóstico de fractura de húmero clasificación AO 12C3 tratado quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, evaluándose pérdida sanguínea intraoperatoria, tiempo quirúrgico, movilidad de articulaciones vecinas y callo óseo. Resultados: La perdida promedio de sangre fue de 180cc y el tiempo operatorio promedio 60 minutos. Los pacientes presentaron dolor leve tolerable desde el primer día post operatorio, movilidad del hombro y del codo sin limitación, formación del callo óseo a partir de la cuarta semana y consolidación ósea a las 12 semanas promedio. No hubo lesión del nervio radial. Conclusiones: La placa puente es una alternativa de tratamiento en fracturas conminutas diafisiarias del húmero tanto por su bajo costo como por la rehabilitación funcional precoz de las articulaciones vecinas, asimismo recomendamos la visualización intra operatoria del nervio radial.

  17. Proposal for the award of a contract without competitive tendering for the supply of coaxial high-voltage cable for the LHC beam dumping system

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract without competitive tendering for the supply of two types of coaxial high-voltage cable for the LHC beam dumping system. Following a market survey carried out among 14 firms in four Member States, a call for tenders (IT-2969/SL/LHC) was sent on 10 July 2001 to one firm. By the closing date, CERN had received one tender. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with DRAKA MULTIMEDIA CABLE (DE), the only bidder, for the supply of 14 km of coaxial high-voltage cable for the LHC beam dumping system for a total amount of 530 488 euros (779 900 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. The rate of exchange which has been used is that stipulated in the tender. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the contract value covered by this adjudication proposal: DE - 100%.

  18. Public-Private partnership procurement: Game-theoretic studies of the tender process.


    De Clerck, Dennis


    A Public-private partnership (PPP) is a settlement between a public party and a contractor or private sector consortium to engage in a long-term contractual agreement for designing, building, operating and/or maintaining capital intensive projects, while trying to attain value for money. PPPs are globally gaining importance in the construction industry. The risk transfer from the contracting government towards the private entity has important repercussions on the tender. Contractors need to c...

  19. Elementos para la valoración integral de los recursos naturales: un puente entre la economía ambiental y la economía ecológica




    El predominio de las valoraciones de los recursos naturales basadas en cifras económicas ha generado una infravaloración de los beneficios reales que obtienen las sociedades de la naturaleza, causada por el desconocimiento de la complejidad de las funciones ecológicas y por ignorar la integralidad de los subsistemas que componen el ambiente. Ante tal panorama, resulta imperante encontrar puentes conceptuales entre las ciencias ambientales para llenar los vacíos en los métodos de valoración, r...

  20. Physical, psychosocial, and individual risk factors for neck/shoulder pain with pressure tenderness in the muscles among workers performing monotonous, repetitive work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, JH; Kaergaard, A.; Frost, P.


    factors versus individual factors in the etiology of pain in the neck and/or shoulders. METHODS: Study participants were 3123 workers from 19 plants. Physical risk factors were evaluated via video observations, and psychosocial risk factors were assessed with the job content questionnaire. Other...... procedures included symptom survey, clinical examination, and assessment of health-related quality of life (SF-36). The main outcome variable, neck/shoulder pain with pressure tenderness, was defined on the basis of subjective pain score and pressure tenderness in muscles of the neck/shoulder region. RESULTS......STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of individual characteristics and physical and psychosocial workplace factors on neck/shoulder pain with pressure tenderness in the muscles. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Controversy prevails about the importance of workplace...

  1. Regulatory polymorphisms in the bovine Ankyrin 1 gene promoter are associated with tenderness and intramuscular fat content

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    Sweeney Torres


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent QTL and gene expression studies have highlighted ankyrins as positional and functional candidate genes for meat quality. Our objective was to characterise the promoter region of the bovine ankyrin 1 gene and to test polymorphisms for association with sensory and technological meat quality measures. Results Seven novel promoter SNPs were identified in a 1.11 kb region of the ankyrin 1 promoter in Angus, Charolais and Limousin bulls (n = 15 per breed as well as 141 crossbred beef animals for which meat quality data was available. Eighteen haplotypes were inferred with significant breed variation in haplotype frequencies. The five most frequent SNPs and the four most frequent haplotypes were subsequently tested for association with sensory and technological measures of meat quality in the crossbred population. SNP1, SNP3 and SNP4 (which were subsequently designated regulatory SNPs and SNP5 were associated with traits that contribute to sensorial and technological measurements of tenderness and texture; Haplotype 1 and haplotype 4 were oppositely correlated with traits contributing to tenderness (P Conclusion The conclusion from this study is that alleles defining haplotypes 2 and 4 could usefully contribute to marker SNP panels used to select individuals with improved IMF/juiciness or tenderness in a genome-assisted selection framework.

  2. The 6-minute walk test in female fibromyalgia patients: relationship with tenderness, symptomatology, quality of life, and coping strategies. (United States)

    Carbonell-Baeza, Ana; Ruiz, Jonatan R; Aparicio, Virginia A; Ortega, Francisco B; Delgado-Fernández, Manuel


    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the 6-minute walk test (6-MWT) and tenderness, symptomatology, quality of life, and coping strategies in women with fibromyalgia. One hundred eighteen women with fibromyalgia aged 51.9 ± 7.3 years participated in the study. The examination included the 6-MWT, tender points, and the following questionnaires: Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), Short-Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36), and Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory. Fair correlations between the 6-MWT and the subscales of physical impairment (FIQ) and physical function (SF-36) were observed (ρ -0.365 and 0.347, respectively, both p fibromyalgia shows significant relationships, ranging from weak to fair, between the 6-MWT and tenderness, symptomatology, quality of life, and coping strategies. These findings indicate that functional capacity, as assessed by the distance walked in 6 minutes, might be important when planning the assessment, treatment, and monitoring of patients with fibromyalgia. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. The effects of degree of dark cutting on tenderness and sensory attributes of beef (United States)

    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of degree of dark cutting (DC) on the tenderness, juiciness, and flavor attributes of beef. During carcass grading at a large U.S. commercial beef harvesting facility, DC carcasses (n = 160) and matching normal control (NC) carcasses (n = 160)...

  4. Exploring Factors of Successful Tendering Practices using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): The Study of Organizational Repetitions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekdik, Baris; Thuesen, Christian


    combinations of factors leading to particular results of tendering practices. Empirical material collected through data mining in previously completed project records (quantitative data) is supported by data obtained from project managers of a general contractor company (qualitative data) in order...... to holistically describe the combination of conditions resulting in particular tender results. As a result of the analysis, a solution set is found explaining the path leading to project contract winning; previous work experience between client and general contractor together with either previous work experience...... between architect and general contractor for design-bid-build projects or senior project responsible involvement from the contractors side in design-build projects. The analysis illustrates how QCA is a powerful strategy for exploring the complexity of project practices being able to bridge the divide...

  5. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of low-voltage switchgear

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of low-voltage switchgear. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of low-voltage switchgear with HAZEMEYER (FR) for a total amount of 385 000 euros (610 000 Swiss francs), covering an initial period of five years, subject to revision for inflation after 1 January 2007. The contract will include options for two one-year extensions beyond the initial five-year period. The amount in Swiss francs has been calculated using the present rate of exchange. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the contract value covered by this adjudication proposal: FR - 100%.

  6. Diseño, cálculo y comprobación de unión soldada en viga de puente grúa de alma doble


    Fraile Griborio, Francisco J.


    El trabajo se basa en el diseño y la comprobación de las uniones soldadas en una viga con alma doble que servirá como Puente Grúa. Partiendo de un ejemplo particular de una viga con alma doble (definido por la longitud, la carga máxima y las características químicas y mecánicas de las chapas metálicas) se ha realizado el pre‐dimensionado de la estructura utilizando un programa de cálculo (SAP2000). Los resultados se han comprobado mediante un modelo teórico de cálculo para vigas con alma dobl...

  7. Relationships between widespread pain and thresholds pain tolerance on tender points in Portuguese women with fibromyalgia: impact on daily life.

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    Pablo Tomas-Carus


    Full Text Available Objectives: to establish a relationship between widespread pain subjectively perceived and threshold pain tolerance on tender points, and to determine whether there are differences in threshold pain tolerance on tender points between the upper and lower body, as well as between the dominant and non-dominant side, and whether these differences have an impact on the daily life of Portuguese women with fibromyalgia (FM. Material e Methods: thirty-one women with FM aged between 34 and 67 years volunteered for the study. Threshold pain tolerance was assessed at critical points using a digital algometer pressure; the widespread pain index (WPI was constructed by the addition of 19 painful body regions; and the impact on the daily life assessed by the Portuguese version of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ, with individual interviews. Results: significant differences between the percentage of threshold pain tolerance of the whole body and the scales of widespread pain subjectively perceived were observed, showing that the widespread pain subjectively perceived by patients was between +25.9% and +27.5%. Also, significant differences between threshold pain tolerance of tender points located on the upper and lower body (1.9 ± 0.5 kg/cm2 vs. 2.6 ± 0.7 kg/cm2; respectively were observed. However, no significant differences were found between threshold pain tolerance of tender points located on dominant and non-dominant sides (2.1 ± 0.5 kg/cm2 e 2.1 ± 0.6 kg/cm2; respectively. Additionally, the analysis showed significant correlations between pain and patient`s daily life in: FIQ total score, physical function, feel good, job ability and fatigue. Conclusions: the women with FM show higher widespread pain subjectively perceived than threshold pain tolerance on tender points. Furthermore, the pain suffered by the patients with FM, especially that located on the upper body, either on the dominant or on the non-dominant side, has a negative

  8. Variation at the Calpain 3 gene is associated with meat tenderness in zebu and composite breeds of cattle

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    Bunch Rowan J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL affecting meat tenderness have been reported on Bovine chromosome 10. Here we examine variation at the Calpain 3 (CAPN3 gene in cattle, a gene located within the confidence interval of the QTL, and which is a positional candidate gene based on the biochemical activity of the protein. Results We identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP in the genomic sequence of the CAPN3 gene and tested three of these in a sample of 2189 cattle. Of the three SNP genotyped, the CAPN3:c.1538+225G>T had the largest significant additive effect, with an allele substitution effect in the Brahman of α = -0.144 kg, SE = 0.060, P = 0.016, and the polymorphism explained 1.7% of the residual phenotypic variance in that sample of the breed. Significant haplotype substitution effects were found for all three breeds, the Brahman, the Belmont Red, and the Santa Gertrudis. For the common haplotype, the haplotype substitution effect in the Brahman was α = 0.169 kg, SE = 0.056, P = 0.003. The effect of this gene was compared to Calpastatin in the same sample. The SNP show negligible frequencies in taurine breeds and low to moderate minor allele frequencies in zebu or composite animals. Conclusion These associations confirm the location of a QTL for meat tenderness in this region of bovine chromosome 10. SNP in or near this gene may be responsible for part of the overall difference between taurine and zebu breeds in meat tenderness, and the greater variability in meat tenderness found in zebu and composite breeds. The evidence provided so far suggests that none of these tested SNP are causative mutations.

  9. Potentiation of antioxidant effect of dietary tender cluster beans (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) by garlic (Allium sativum) in high-cholesterol-fed rats. (United States)

    Pande, Shubhra; Srinivasan, Krishnapura


    The antioxidant role of tender cluster beans (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, CB), a rich source of soluble fibre, was investigated in a hypercholesterolemia-induced oxidative stress situation in rats. In the context of dietary garlic (Allium sativa) potentiating the hypocholesterolemic influence of CB, we also examined if dietary garlic enhances the antioxidant potential of CB. Groups of Wistar rats were rendered hypercholesterolemic by feeding them a 0.5% cholesterol diet for 8 weeks. Dietary interventions were made by inclusion of 15% tender CB powder or 1% garlic powder or their combination in a high-cholesterol diet. Concentrations of antioxidant molecules and activities of antioxidant enzymes in blood and liver were examined. Dietary CB displayed an antioxidant influence in terms of elevating ascorbic acid and glutathione concentrations and stimulating the activities of antioxidant enzymes both in blood and liver. The antioxidant effect of dietary CB was generally potentiated by co-administration of garlic. Thus, consumption of tender CB and garlic together could form a strategy for improving the body's antioxidant status.

  10. A cross-sectional study of the relationship between body mass index and clinical characteristics, tenderness measures, quality of life, and physical functioning in fibromyalgia patients. (United States)

    Neumann, Lily; Lerner, Ella; Glazer, Yael; Bolotin, Arkady; Shefer, Alexander; Buskila, Dan


    We examined the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and measures of tenderness, quality of life, and physical functioning in female fibromyalgia (FMS) patients. A random sample of 100 female FMS patients from a database of 550 FMS individuals was interviewed and assessed according to a structured questionnaire that included FMS-related symptoms, measures of tenderness (point count and dolorimetry), quality of life (SF-36), physical functioning, and BMI. Weight was defined as normal, overweight, and obesity according to BMI. Twenty-seven percent of the FMS patients had normal BMI, 28% were overweight, and 45% were obese. BMI was negatively correlated with quality of life (r = -0.205, P = 0.044) and tenderness threshold (r = -0.238, P = 0.021) and positively correlated with physical dysfunctioning (r = 0.202, P = 0.047) and point count (r = 0.261, P = 0.011). Obese FMS patients display higher pain sensitivity and lower levels of quality of life. In designing studies that explore factors affecting tenderness, BMI should be included in addition to sex, age, etc.

  11. Evolution of the Puente Hills Thrust Fault (United States)

    Bergen, K. J.; Shaw, J. H.; Dolan, J. F.


    This study aims to assess the evolution of the blind Puente Hills thrust fault system (PHT) by determining its age of initiation, lateral propagation history, and changes in slip rate over time. The PHT presents one of the largest seismic hazards in the United States, given its location beneath downtown Los Angeles. The PHT is comprised of three fault segments: the Los Angeles (LA), Santa Fe Springs (SFS), and Coyote Hills (CH). The LA and SFS segments are characterized by growth stratigraphy where folds formed by uplift on the fault segments have been continually buried by sediment from the Los Angeles and San Gabriel rivers. The CH segment has developed topography and is characterized by onlapping growth stratigraphy. This depositional setting gives us the unique opportunity to measure uplift on the LA and SFS fault segments, and minimum uplift on the CH fault segment, as the difference in sediment thicknesses across the buried folds. We utilize depth converted oil industry seismic reflection data to image the fold geometries. Identifying time-correlative stratigraphic markers for slip rate determination in the basin has been a problem for researchers in the past, however, as the faunal assemblages observed in wells are time-transgressive by nature. To overcome this, we utilize the sequence stratigraphic model and well picks of Ponti et al. (2007) as a basis for mapping time-correlative sequence boundaries throughout our industry seismic reflection data from the present to the Pleistocene. From the Pleistocene to Miocene we identify additional sequence boundaries in our seismic reflection data from imaged sequence geometries and by correlating industry well formation tops. The sequence and formation top picks are then used to build 3-dimensional surfaces in the modeling program Gocad. From these surfaces we measure the change in thicknesses across the folds to obtain uplift rates between each sequence boundary. Our results show three distinct phases of

  12. El puente Bendorf sobre el Rin (Alemania

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    Hirschfeld, Kurt


    Full Text Available This recently completed bridge over the Rhine is 524 m long, and is a reinforced concrete structure, built by successive overhangs, without the aid of formwork or scaffolding. The centre span is 208 m in length, and the other six vary between 43 and 71 m. The deck consists of two independent parts, including a continuous box girder, with a hinge at the crown of the main span. It is stiffened with transversal diaphragms, spaced every 34 m. The piles rest on pneumatic caissons, which go down to 16 m below the river bed. The attachment between the piles and the caissons is rigid, at the central pile, and at the other piles it operates through a roller bearing. The central span was constructed without intermediate supports for the first 40 m, and beyond that stage, for greater safety, a provisional movable tower was built, as a temporary point of support for the free overhang. The various sections were concreted and post-tensioned with 32 mm bars, by the Dywidag procedure. Account was taken of the varying deformations that took place at each section, so as to add the necessary counter-deflection that finally enabled the two sides of the arch to meet at the crown at the calculated point.Este puente, recientemente construido, sobre el Rin, tiene una longitud total de 524 m, es de hormigón armado y se ha realizado por el procedimiento de voladizos sucesivos, sin entramado auxiliar ni cimbras. La luz del tramo central es de 208 m, y las de los otros seis oscilan entre 43 y 71 m. La estructura del tablero se compone de dos partes independientes, formadas por una viga tipo cajón, continua, con una articulación en la clave del tramo central y rigidizada con diafragmas transversales espaciados a 34 m. Las pilas centrales se apoyan sobre cajones neumáticos que descienden 16 m debajo del fondo del río. La unión entre estas pilas y la estructura cajón es rígida, y de tipo rodillo en las otras pilas. El tramo central se ha construido por voladizos

  13. Italian mission. Found a consortium with Italgas and win a Greek tender

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matejovic, R.; Kinces, P.


    In this interview two projects of the company Slovak Gas Industry (SPP) are discussed. The first project is SPP's joint participation in the international tender on introduction of gas in Greece. The second project regards the construction of a steam-gas power plant nearby the town of Lucenec. This project has already entered a certain stage of solution and a third partner that has been approached - Russian gas company Gazprom - is to become involved in it. (authors)

  14. Las envolventes constructivas en la construcción no convencional de edificios del nordeste argentino y el problema de los puentes térmicos.

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    Manuel Venhaus Held


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analizó el comportamiento térmico de las envolventes de edificios en el Nordeste Argentino (NEA, cuyos sistemas constructivos emplean materiales prefabricados elaborados en serie y mano de obra especializada, atendiendo particularmente al impacto de los puentes térmicos. El objetivo fue diagnosticar y desarrollar criterios de optimización del desempeño energético de estas envolventes. Se estudiaron, para ello, los tipos y subtipos de construcciones no convencionales y se seleccionaron muestras de aquellos más empleados en el NEA. Éstas fueron evaluadas con los procedimientos de cálculo establecidos por las normas IRAM, de la serie 11.600, así como también mediante simulaciones realizadas con el software THERM. Los valores que pudieron obtenerse con ambos procedimientos presentaron discrepancias promedio del 2,6%. Con el software es posible obtener un coeficiente ponderado de transmitancia que incorpora muro opaco y puente térmico y, con la graficación del flujo de calor a través del cerramiento, reconocer fácilmente los puntos más críticos, para concentrar las acciones de optimización en ellos.  Documeto ejecutado bajo en proyecto "Rehabilitación higrotérmico-energética de edificios en el NEA: evaluación, diagnóstico, desarrollo de soluciones técnico constructivas y valoración costo-beneficio. Calificación energética de la edificación". Acreditado por la Secretaría General de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste - SGCyT-UNNE, Corrientes, Argentina. Resolución Nº 0155/2015-CS-UNNE 2015. Código del Proyecto: C001/2014.

  15. Lecciones de El Lado Tenebroso: las moralejas de la historia de la guerra de EE.UU. contra el terrorismo

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    Christine Cervenak


    Full Text Available El gobierno del Presidente Bush justificó las múltiples violaciones a la Constitución de EE.UU., los principios fundamentales de gobierno del país, y las disposiciones de los tratados internacionales, aduciendo que tales transgresiones eran necesarias debido a la guerra contra el terrorismo. En el libro The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals [El Lado Tenebroso: los Entretelones de la Transformación de la Guerra contra el Terrorismo en una Guerra contra los Ideales Estadounidenses], su autora, Jane Mayer, demuestra claramente cómo la combinación nefasta del débil liderazgo del Presidente George W. Bush, junto con el celo e inclinación por el secreto del Vicepresidente Richard Cheney, erosionaron el tejido legal y las políticas de Estados Unidos que protegen los derechos fundamentales. El presente artículo se basa en el trabajo de Mayer para explicar cómo los funcionarios estadounidenses crearon un torcido marco legal y de políticas públicas, la forma en que se descubrieron los actos frecuentemente ilegales en que incurrieron y las lecciones que de ello pueden extraerse para América Latina.

  16. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of uninterruptable power supply systems

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of uninterruptable power supply systems. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of uninterruptable power supply systems with MGE (FR) for a total amount of 575 000 euros (911 000 Swiss francs), covering an initial period of five years, subject to revision for inflation after 1 January 2007. The contract will include options for two one-year extensions beyond the initial five-year period. The amount in Swiss francs has been calculated using the present rate of exchange. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the contract value covered by this adjudication proposal: FR - 100%.

  17. El puente de Saint-Nazaire - Saint-Brévin – Francia

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available As a consequence of the industrial and tourist development of the region, it was necessary to construct a bridge across the Loire taking into account conditions such as the geological nature of the Loire river bed, the passing of up to 200,000 t oil tankers and other factors which were of utmost importance for the design and the subsequent construction. The work consist of two access viaducts and the central metal bridge. The viaduct, the outlines of which are curved in mutually opposite senses, are of prestressed concrete. They are made up equal spans, each of which has a length of 50.70 m between the pile axes, with in all 22 on the north side and 30 on the south side. Each span consists of: 4 prefabricated girders which are joined at the ends by tie members; between the girders there is a 0.50 cm thick fill layer, over which there is a reinforced concrete slab. The supporting piers, also of reinforced concrete, have a foundation of piles which generally speaking rest on the rocky substratum of the riverbed. The metal part rests upon two main piers, situated on either side, with same type of foundation as mentioned above. On these are located inverted V-shape pylons, with a short vertical element, to which the cables that support the centre bridge deck are anchored, formed by 96 m and 16 m long spans, welded together after having been lifted to their final level. This project —the greatest in France and the one that has the greatest clear span among the works of this kind— has required three years of work utilizing the most modern techniques and systems. More than 80,000 m2 of concrete and more than 17,000 t of different kinds of steel have been used.Como consecuencia del desarrollo industrial y turístico de la región, fue preciso construir un puente sobre el Loira, contando con condicionantes tales como la naturaleza geológica del lecho del Loira, el paso de petroleros de hasta 200.000 t, y otros factores que influyeron grandemente

  18. Preliminary findings of a 4-month Tai Chi intervention on tenderness, functional capacity, symptomatology, and quality of life in men with fibromyalgia. (United States)

    Carbonell-Baeza, Ana; Romero, Alejandro; Aparicio, Virginia A; Ortega, Francisco B; Tercedor, Pablo; Delgado-Fernández, Manuel; Ruiz, Jonatan R


    The study aimed to determine the effects of a 4-month Tai Chi intervention on tenderness, functional capacity, symptomatology, and quality of life in men with fibromyalgia. The effect of a 3-month detraining period was also analyzed. Six men with fibromyalgia (age 52.3 ± 9.3 years) followed a 4-month Tai Chi intervention. The outcome variables were tenderness, functional capacity (30-second chair stand, handgrip strength, chair sit and reach, back scratch, blind flamingo, 8 feet up and go, and 6-minute walk tests), and self-administered questionnaires. A significant improvement (p = .028) after the intervention period for the chair sit and reach test was found, such improvement was maintained after the detraining phase. Tenderness, symptomatology, and quality of life did not significantly change after the intervention period or the detraining phase. In summary, a 4-month Tai Chi intervention improved lower body flexibility in men with fibromyalgia. This improvement persisted after the detraining period.

  19. Repeated tender point injections of granisetron alleviate chronic myofascial pain--a randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial. (United States)

    Christidis, Nikolaos; Omrani, Shahin; Fredriksson, Lars; Gjelset, Mattias; Louca, Sofia; Hedenberg-Magnusson, Britt; Ernberg, Malin


    Serotonin (5-HT) mediates pain by peripheral 5-HT3-receptors. Results from a few studies indicate that intramuscular injections of 5-HT3-antagonists may reduce musculoskeletal pain. The aim of this study was to investigate if repeated intramuscular tender-point injections of the 5-HT3-antagonist granisetron alleviate pain in patients with myofascial temporomandibular disorders (M-TMD). This prospective, randomized, controlled, double blind, parallel-arm trial (RCT) was carried out during at two centers in Stockholm, Sweden. The randomization was performed by a researcher who did not participate in data collection with an internet-based application ( ). 40 patients with a diagnose of M-TMD according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) were randomized to receive repeated injections, one week apart, with either granisetron (GRA; 3 mg) or isotonic saline as control (CTR). The median weekly pain intensities decreased significantly at all follow-ups (1-, 2-, 6-months) in the GRA-group (Friedman test; P  0.075). The numbers needed to treat (NNT) were 4 at the 1- and 6-month follow-ups, and 3.3 at the 2-month follow-up in favor of granisetron. Repeated intramuscular tender-point injections with granisetron provide a new pharmacological treatment possibility for myofascial pain patients with repeated intramuscular tender-point injections with the serotonin type 3 antagonist granisetron. It showed a clinically relevant pain reducing effect in the temporomandibular region, both in a short- and long-term aspect. European Clinical Trials Database 2005-006042-41 as well as at Clinical Trials NCT02230371 .

  20. Puente sobre el Boiron de St. Prex, en la autopista Lausana-Ginebra

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    Suter, René


    Full Text Available The project consists of twin bridges, running side by side, and built one after the other. The same formwork to support reinforcement was used for both bridges, by merely moving the formwork parallel to itself, after the first bridge was completed. The bridges are of prestressed concrete, and have five spans of 56, 14, 70, 14 and 56 m, with a total length of 210 m. The deck is 2.60 m high and consists of two main girders of constant height, mutually attached by tie members, and resting on twin columns, of considerable slenderness, of reinforced concrete, and approximately 20 m high. The article describes the design procedure, the static structural calculations, the prestressing operations and some constructional details.La obra se compone de dos puentes gemelos, uno al lado del otro, construidos, sucesivamente, utilizando la misma cimbra para sostener la armadura por medio de una simple traslación lateral. Es de hormigón pretensado y comprende cinco tramos de 56, 14, 70, 14 y 56 m de luz, respectivamente, con una longitud total de 210 m. El tablero, de 2,60 m de altura, está formado por dos vigas maestras, de altura constante, unidas entre sí por tirantes y sostenidas por pilas gemelas, muy esbeltas, de hormigón armado y altura aproximada de 20 metros. El artículo describe los criterios seguidos al proyectarla, el cálculo estático de las estructuras, la fase de pretensado y algunos detalles de la construcción.

  1. Application and optimization of the tenderization of pig Longissimus dorsi muscle by adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) using the response surface methodology. (United States)

    Deng, Shaoying; Wang, Daoying; Zhang, Muhan; Geng, Zhiming; Sun, Chong; Bian, Huan; Xu, Weimin; Zhu, Yongzhi; Liu, Fang; Wu, Haihong


    Based on single factor experiments, NaCl concentration, adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) concentration and temperature were selected as independent variables for a three-level Box-Behnken experimental design, and the shear force and cooking loss were response values for regression analysis. According to the statistical models, it showed that all independent variables had significant effects on shear force and cooking loss, and optimal values were at the NaCl concentration of 4.15%, AMP concentration of 22.27 mmol/L and temperature of 16.70°C, which was determined with three-dimensional response surface diagrams and contour plots. Under this condition, the observed shear force and cooking loss were 0.625 kg and 8.07%, respectively, exhibiting a good agreement with their predicted values, showing the good applicability and feasibility of response surface methodology (RSM) for improving pork tenderness. Compared with control pig muscles, AMP combined with NaCl treatment demonstrated significant effects on improvement of meat tenderness and reduction of cooking loss. Therefore, AMP could be regarded as an effective tenderization agent for pork. © 2015 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  2. Call-for-tender documentation in the area of servers, personal computers and networks; Ausschreibungsunterlagen im Server-, PC- und Netzwerk-Bereich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grieder, T.; Huser, A.


    As a result of this work, sample texts, so-called performance sheets, have been drawn up for the invitation to tender for IT devices. As a supplement to the standard technical requirements, such as computer performance, memory capacity, etc., these texts cover the aspects of energy efficiency. The performance sheets can be enclosed with the invitations to tender as an appendix, or be used directly as text modules. They are supplemented by explanatory texts, which give information regarding technical terms, labels and possible technical realizations. Performance sheets and explanatory texts are included in the appendix to this report. The goal of these activities is to exert pressure on the market, which should ultimately lead to more efficient units. In addition, however, these texts should serve to make the offices placing the invitations to tender more aware of the energy efficiency aspect. Energy saving functions are fairly common for PCs and monitors nowadays. Reference to proved technical realisations can be made in the performance sheets. The situation is more difficult for servers. Although some technical solutions have been initiated, very little is known about practical applications. Further activities are necessary here. (author)

  3. Consideraciones en el diseño de puentes de hormigón para líneas de alta velocidad ferroviaria

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    Cartagena Abella, Juan José


    Full Text Available Bridges and viaducts are an alternative to ground works when the tracks must pass over a road or body of water, or when a rare morphological phenomenon must be preserved, or simply to diminish the barrier effect, there by enhancing the environmental impact of the railroad. The article reviews the actions to be considered in structural calculations, with an emphasis on dynamic actions.

    Los puentes y viaductos sirven de alternativa a las obras de tierra cuando es necesario permitir transversalmente el paso de alguna vía de comunicación o un curso de agua, salvar una singularidad morfológica, o bien simplemente disminuir el efecto barrera mejorando el Impacto ambiental de una obra lineal. En el artículo se revisan las acciones a tener en cuenta en los cálculos estructurales, haciendo hincapié en las acciones dinámicas.

  4. El rol de las “actitudes globales discriminatorias” en el desarrollo humano: una reflexión psicosocial desde el feminismo de la interseccionalidad

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    Libertad Jiménez Almirante


    Full Text Available Se ha pretendido tender un puente de unión entre la teoría del desarrollo humano de Amartya Sen (1985 y Martha Nussbaum (2000 y el modelo ecológico del desarrollo humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner (1987 [1979]. El nexo pudiera residir en el hecho de reconocer que el acceso a la riqueza es indispensable para garantizar el pleno desarrollo de las personas pero las barreras para dicho acceso pudieran no ser una cuestión solamente material sino también una cuestión actitudinal originada en los entornos del desarrollo humano. Asimismo, las barreras discriminatorias sufridas por las mujeres son muchas e interseccionadas como apunta Kimberlé Crenshaw (1995 desde el feminismo de la interseccionalidad.

  5. Cooking loss, tenderness, and sensory evaluation of chicken meat roasted after wrapping with edible films. (United States)

    Küçüközet, Ahmet Oktay; Uslu, Mustafa Kemal


    In this study, edible films were produced from sodium caseinate and a sodium caseinate-starch mixture and with or without oleoresins (cumin and oregano oleoresin mixture). Chicken meat was wrapped in the respective films, stored at 4 ℃ for four days, and roasted at 200 ℃ for 30 min. The cooking loss, color changes, instrumental tenderness (shear force and energy) were measured. In addition, sensory evaluation was performed. All films effectively reduced cooking loss from chicken meat. The sodium caseinate-starch-based films were the most successful in preventing cooking loss. The average shear force and shear energy values of the wrapped samples were about 40% and 30% less than those of control samples, respectively. In sensory evaluation, chicken meat roasted after wrapping with the films was considered more tender and delicious than the control. Particularly, chicken meat wrapped with the films containing oleoresin mixture was assessed as the most delicious among the samples. It was shown that the cooking quality of the chicken meat could be significantly improved by pre-wrapping the meat with edible films.

  6. 77 FR 16023 - New York City Department of Environmental Protection; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 13287-004] New York City Department of Environmental Protection; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional Study Requests Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed with the Commission and is available...

  7. 78 FR 41390 - Pershing County Water Conservation District; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing with the... (United States)


    ... Water Conservation District; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing with the Commission and... License. b. Project No.: 14327-000. c. Date filed: June 26, 2013. d. Applicant: Pershing County Water Conservation District. e. Name of Project: Humboldt River Hydro Power Project. f. Location: At the existing U.S...

  8. ANALISIS NILAI WAJAR SAHAM PUBLIK DALAM TENDER OFFER (Studi Kasus PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk

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    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to analyze Fair Value of the stock price of PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk. for tender offer after the acquisition from British American Tobacco. The Discounted Cash Flow/DCF Method of the Income Approach used for calculation within the Free Cash Flow to The Equity/FCFE Model.

  9. Effect of Wagyu- versus Angus-sired calves on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and tenderness. (United States)

    Radunz, A E; Loerch, S C; Lowe, G D; Fluharty, F L; Zerby, H N


    Wagyu-sired (n = 20) and Angus-sired (n = 19) steers and heifers were used to compare the effects of sire breed on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and meat tenderness. Calves were weaned at 138 +/- 5 d of age and individually fed a finishing diet consisting of 65% whole corn, 20% protein/vitamin/mineral supplement, and 15% corn silage on a DM basis. Heifers and steers were slaughtered at 535 and 560 kg of BW, respectively. Carcasses were ribbed between the 12th and 13th (USDA grading system) and the 6th and 7th ribs (Japanese grading system) to measure fat thickness, LM area (LMA), and intramuscular fat (IMF). Two steaks were removed from the 12th rib location and aged for 72 h and 14 d to determine Warner-Bratzler shear force and cooking loss. Sire breed x sex interactions were not significant (P > 0.05). Angus-sired calves had greater (P Angus. Sire breed did not affect (P > 0.20) HCW, 12th-rib fat, or USDA yield grade. Carcasses of Wagyu had greater (P = 0.0001) marbling scores at the 12th rib than those of Angus (770.9 vs. 597.3 +/- 41.01, respectively). Carcasses of Wagyu also had greater (P Angus, resulting in a greater proportion of carcasses grading Prime (65.0 vs. 21.1%; P = 0.006). Carcasses from Wagyu tended (P = 0.08) to have greater LMA at the 12th rib, whereas Angus carcasses had greater (P Angus and Wagyu had similar (P > 0.50) tenderness at aging times of 72 h and 14 d. Cooking loss was greater (P Angus than Wagyu steaks at 72 h and 14 d. Using Wagyu sires vs. Angus sires on British-based commercial cows combined with early weaning management strategies has the potential to produce a product with greater marbling, but is unlikely to significantly enhance tenderness.

  10. Nuevo puente de Florídsdorf en Viena — Austria

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This work was characterised by the great speed with which it was built, 18 months, a world record for this type of job. This was possible thanks to the compenetraron and perfect organisation of the companies who intervened most directly: Voest Alpine and Wagner. The construction system is described, made of large metal and concrete elements; the physiognomy of the bridge, with its parts on both sides of the riverbed and that which covers the real course of the river; spans and free heights of the different stretches; elevations and assembly, as well as laying prefabricated parts; foundations, piling and ancillary work. Work still to be done is also enumerated, although many of the jobs will shortly be completed or are in a very advanced stage, under the direction of the company Wiener Wrückenbau AG.

    Esta obra se caracteriza por la gran rapidez de construcción, 18 meses, fecha récord mundial para este tipo de trabajos. Ello ha sido posible por la compenetración y perfecta organización de las empresas que más directamente han intervenido: Voest Alpine y Wagner. Se describen el sistema de construcción, a base de grandes elementos metálicos y de hormigón; la fisonomía del puente, con sus partes a ambos lados del cauce y la que salva el curso propiamente dicho del río; luces y alturas libres de los diferentes tramos; elevación y montaje, así como colocación de las piezas prefabricadas; cimentación, pilotaje y obras auxiliares. Asimismo se enumeran las obras que quedan por hacer, aunque muchas de ellas están en vías de próxima terminación o muy avanzadas, bajo la dirección de la empresa Wiener Brückenbau AG.

  11. Using reflectance spectroscopy to predict beef tenderness. (United States)

    Bowling, M B; Vote, D J; Belk, K E; Scanga, J A; Tatum, J D; Smith, G C


    A study was conducted to determine if reflectance measurements made in the near-infrared region of the spectrum were additive to reflectance measurements made in the visible region of the spectrum for predicting Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) values. Eighty seven strip loins were collected following fabrication over 3d at a commercial beef processing facility from heifer carcasses with Slight or Traces marbling scores. Spectroscopic measurements were made at approximately 50h postmortem using a Hunter-Lab UltraScan. Subsequently, all strip loins were aged for 14d, cooked to an internal temperature of 70°C, and sheared to obtain WBSF values. Reflectance measurements obtained in the near-infrared region of the spectrum were correlated with WBSF values, however, these measurements were not additive to the predictive ability of reflectance measurements (R(2) values did not differ) made in the visible portion of the spectrum when the use of broad-band wavelength filters were simulated. It was therefore determined, that both the visible and near-infrared spectra measure reflectance and that both methods are acceptable methods of tenderness prediction.

  12. El programa filosófico del joven Heidegger. (En torno a las lecciones de 1919. la idea de la filosofía y el problema de la concepción del mundo

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    Jesús Adrián Escudero


    Full Text Available Este artículo desarrolla el núcleo del programa filosófico del joven Heidegger a partir de las primeras lecciones de Friburgo. Este programa gira en torno a dos cuestiones fundamentales. Por un lado, una cuestión temática: el fenómeno de la vida humana y sus diferentes formas de manifestación y aprehensión, que lleva a Heidegger a una interesante relectura en clave ontológica de Aristóteles, Pablo, Agustín, Eckhart, Lutero o Schleiermacher. Por otro lado, una cuestión eminentemente metodológica: la de cómo acceder de manera correcta a la esfera primaria de la vida, que desemboca en un primer profundo cuestionamiento de la fenomenología reflexiva de Husserl

  13. Notas sobre la organización y ubicación del arte paleolítico en las cuevas del monte del Castillo (Puente Viesgo. Santander

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un pequeño resumen de una parte de las conclusiones de los trabajos realizados en el transcurso del verano de 1985 en el Monte del Castillo. El propósito de los mismos se orientó en una total y exhaustiva revisión de la gran mayoría de figuras paleolíticas, tanto pintadas, grabadas, y en algún caso esculpidas, de las cuatro cuevas que forman este prestigioso y conocido conjunto troglodítico: La cueva de las Monedas, la cueva de la Pasiega, la cueva de las Chimeneas y la cueva del Castillo, en Puente Viesgo, Santander.

  14. Studies on tender wheatgrass: estimation of elemental content, bioaccessibility of essential elements and antioxidant activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reddy, A.V.R.; Acharya, R.; Nair, A.G.C.; Kulkarni, S.D.; Rajurkar, N.S.


    Tender wheatgrass is being consumed by human beings in juice form or as it is due to its antioxidant potential and medicinal value. Systematic studies were carried out to (i) estimate elemental profiles as a function of growth period and conditions, bioaccessibility of different elements and the antioxidant potential of the tender wheatgrass, (ii) determine the optimum growth period for obtaining maximum benefit and (iii) examine the possible correlation between antioxidant potential and mineral content. Wheatgrass was grown in four different conditions namely (i) tap water, (ii) tap water with nutrients, (iii) soil and tap water and (iv) soil with nutrient solution. The studies were carried out on the wheatgrass of 5-20 days old. For comparison with laboratory grown wheatgrass, a set of commercially available wheatgrass tablets and wheat seeds were also studied. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was used for concentration determination of elements in the wheatgrass, wheat seeds and wheatgrass tablets. A total of 15 elements like Na, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Br, Fe and Zn were determined in the samples of shoots and roots of tender wheatgrass. A comparison with the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of different essential elements with that in tender wheatgrass revealed that wheatgrass is a good source of minerals for health benefits rather than a food supplement. Bioaccessible fractions of various elements were estimated by a chemical NAA method by subjecting the samples to in vitro gastric and gastro-intestinal digestion followed by NAA. The bioaccessibility concentrations by both the measurements were in the range of 9-60%. It was found that bioaccessibility of the elements studied was the highest from fresh wheatgrass and the lowest from wheat seeds. Accuracy of the NAA method was evaluated by analyzing two biological reference materials, SRM 1573a (Tomato leaves) from NIST, USA and ICHTJ CTA-vtl-2 (Tobacco leaves) from INCT, Poland. The antioxidant

  15. 76 FR 13173 - Jersey Central Power & Light Company and PSEG Fossil, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 2309-019] Jersey Central Power & Light Company and PSEG Fossil, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the.... Date Filed: February 18, 2011. d. Applicant: Jersey Central Power & Light Company and PSEG Fossil, LLC...

  16. Regulatory polymorphisms in the bovine Ankyrin 1 gene promoter are associated with tenderness and intra-muscular fat content

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Aslan, Ozlem


    Abstract Background Recent QTL and gene expression studies have highlighted ankyrins as positional and functional candidate genes for meat quality. Our objective was to characterise the promoter region of the bovine ankyrin 1 gene and to test polymorphisms for association with sensory and technological meat quality measures. Results Seven novel promoter SNPs were identified in a 1.11 kb region of the ankyrin 1 promoter in Angus, Charolais and Limousin bulls (n = 15 per breed) as well as 141 crossbred beef animals for which meat quality data was available. Eighteen haplotypes were inferred with significant breed variation in haplotype frequencies. The five most frequent SNPs and the four most frequent haplotypes were subsequently tested for association with sensory and technological measures of meat quality in the crossbred population. SNP1, SNP3 and SNP4 (which were subsequently designated regulatory SNPs) and SNP5 were associated with traits that contribute to sensorial and technological measurements of tenderness and texture; Haplotype 1 and haplotype 4 were oppositely correlated with traits contributing to tenderness (P < 0.05). While no single SNP was associated with intramuscular fat (IMF), a clear association with increased IMF and juiciness was observed for haplotype 2. Conclusion The conclusion from this study is that alleles defining haplotypes 2 and 4 could usefully contribute to marker SNP panels used to select individuals with improved IMF\\/juiciness or tenderness in a genome-assisted selection framework.

  17. The Importance of Submarine Tenders to a Modern Naval War: Naval Combat Logistics and Seabasing (United States)


    concern of political risk or consequences of sovereignty . 15. SUBJECT TERMS TENDER, SEABASING, SUBMARINE MAINTENANCE, NAVAL COMBAT LOGISTICS...anywhere in the world’s oceans, with minimal concern of political risk or consequences of sovereignty . 1 INTRODUCTION...logistics beyond the basic peacetime considerations of food and fuel. If a maritime conflict occurs in a distant theatre, the Navy will find that it

  18. 76 FR 14651 - BOST4 Hydroelectric Company, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission... (United States)


    ... Hydroelectric Company, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional Study Requests Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed with the... No.: P-12757-003. c. Date filed: February 24, 2011. d. Applicant: BOST4 Hydroelectric Company, LLC...

  19. 76 FR 21885 - BOST5 Hydroelectric Company, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission... (United States)


    ... Hydroelectric Company, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional Study Requests Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed with the... No.: P-12758-003. c. Date filed: March 28, 2011. d. Applicant: BOST5 Hydroelectric Company, LLC...

  20. Study on the effect of reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidative stress on the activation of mitochondrial apoptosis and the tenderness of yak meat. (United States)

    Wang, Lin-Lin; Yu, Qun-Li; Han, Ling; Ma, Xiu-Li; Song, Ren-De; Zhao, Suo-Nan; Zhang, Wen-Hua


    This study investigated the effect of reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidative stress on activation of mitochondrial apoptosis and tenderness of yak meat during postmortem ageing. Oxidative stress degree, Ca 2+ levels, membrane permeability transition pore opening, mitochondrial membrane potential, apoptotic factors and the shear force were examined. Results showed that the ROS generated by H 2 O 2 significantly increased mitochondrial oxidative stress by decreasing the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, and increasing lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, oxidative stress enhanced Ca 2+ production and cytochrome c release, changed the levels of Bcl-2 family proteins and activated caspase-9 and -3 activities. Ultimately, oxidative stress increased the apoptosis rate and tenderness of yak meat. These observations confirmed that ROS-mediated oxidative stress participates in the activation of the apoptotic cascade reaction involving Ca 2+ and Bcl-2 family proteins. The results further suggested that ROS-mediated oxidative stress plays a significant role in meat tenderization through the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. 77 FR 99 - Barren River Lake Hydro LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 13022-003] Barren River Lake Hydro LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission, Soliciting Additional Study Requests, and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Licensing and a Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments Take notice that the following...

  2. Analysis of Disposal of Public Property without Tender Procedure on the Example of the Municipality of Krakow

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    Trembecka Anna


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to analyze the procedure for the disposal of public property without tender on the example of the Municipality of Krakow, with respect to the scope, purpose, conditions of disposal and generated income, in the period of 2012–2014.

  3. 75 FR 45106 - Great River Hydropower, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and... (United States)


    ... Hydropower, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional... License. b. Project No.: P-13637-001. c. Date filed: July 12, 2010. d. Applicant: Great River Hydropower.... 21, and would consist of the following facilities: (1) A new hydropower structure, located about 100...

  4. Production and processing studies on calpain-system gene markers for tenderness in Brahman cattle: 2. Objective meat quality. (United States)

    Cafe, L M; McIntyre, B L; Robinson, D L; Geesink, G H; Barendse, W; Pethick, D W; Thompson, J M; Greenwood, P L


    Effects and interactions of calpain-system tenderness gene markers on objective meat quality traits of Brahman (Bos indicus) cattle were quantified within 2 concurrent experiments at different locations. Cattle were selected for study from commercial and research herds at weaning based on their genotype for calpastatin (CAST) and calpain 3 (CAPN3) gene markers for beef tenderness. Gene marker status for mu-calpain (CAPN1-4751 and CAPN1-316) was also determined for inclusion in statistical analyses. Eighty-two heifer and 82 castrated male cattle with 0 or 2 favorable alleles for CAST and CAPN3 were studied in New South Wales (NSW), and 143 castrated male cattle with 0, 1, or 2 favorable alleles for CAST and CAPN3 were studied in Western Australia (WA). The cattle were backgrounded for 6 to 8 mo and grain-fed for 117 d (NSW) or 80 d (WA) before slaughter. One-half the cattle in each experiment were implanted with a hormonal growth promotant during feedlotting. One side of each carcass was suspended from the Achilles tendon (AT) and the other from the pelvis (tenderstretch). The M. longissimus lumborum from both sides and the M. semitendinosus from the AT side were collected; then samples of each were aged at 1 degrees C for 1 or 7 d. Favorable alleles for one or more markers reduced shear force, with little effect on other meat quality traits. The size of effects of individual markers varied with site, muscle, method of carcass suspension, and aging period. Individual marker effects were additive as evident in cattle with 4 favorable alleles for CAST and CAPN3 markers, which had shear force reductions of 12.2 N (P 0.05) of interactions between the gene markers, or between the hormonal growth promotant and gene markers for any meat quality traits. This study provides further evidence that selection based on the CAST or CAPN3 gene markers improves meat tenderness in Brahman cattle, with little if any detrimental effects on other meat quality traits. The CAPN1-4751 gene

  5. Habitar bajo los puentes: vida y muerte; dos formas de comenzar algo/ Living under a bridge: life and death; two ways of starting something

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    María A. González


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comprender los significados que las personas que habitan bajo los puentes de la quebrada La Picacha le dan a las experiencias, relacionadas con la vida, la salud, la enfermedad y la muerte. Metodología: estudio cualitativo-etnográfico. Se utilizó muestreo teórico. Se aplicaron las técnicas de observación y entrevista abierta no estructurada. Para el análisis de la información se codificó y categorizó. Resultados: la vida significa la fuerza para salir adelante; la salud es el motor para vivir; el cuidado de la salud lo consideran imposible por las condiciones de vida; la enfermedad significa el inicio de la muerte; la muerte significa el descanso del cuerpo a la que no se le tiene miedo. Conclusión: las concepciones sobre vida, salud, enfermedad y muerte no son muy diferentes a las que tienen los habitantes de la calle. Los programas de promoción de la salud deben tener en cuenta el significado de los habitantes de los puentes Objective: to understand the meanings that the people living under the bridges of the La Picacha brook (Medellín, Colombia give to the experiences related to life, health, illness and death. Methodology: a qualitative-ethnographic study using a theoretical sampling. Data was collected through observations and open unstructured interviews. In addition, data was coded and categorized. Results: life means having the strength to pull through; health is the force that drives life; the studied individuals consider that taking good care of their health is impossible given their life conditions; illness is the beginning of death; death is relief for the body and they are not afraid of it. Conclusion: the perceptions that people living under the bridges have of life, health, illness and death are not very different from those of homeless people living on the streets. Health promotion programs must take into account the meaning of those living under bridges

  6. Puente-paso para una estación de autobuses, California, (EE.UU.

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    Daniel, -


    Full Text Available The bus terminal has been built in three independent platforms, connected to one another by a 40 m-span bridge and to the two directions of traffic of the expressway below, by means of two stairs-and-lifts towers located at both ends of the access lobby, so as to facilitate pedestrian traffic to the two levels of the said expressway in the neighbourhood of the university campus. It deserves pointing out in this design, as a whole, the harmonious integration of the structural requirements — in reinforced concrete and metal window framing — with the aesthetic and functional criteria, something not commonly found in this type of buildings, more often considered as secondary and with little architectural value. This design has deserved the Honor Award of the South California Chapter of the American institute of Architects.

    Para posibilitar el acceso peatonal a los dos distintos niveles de la autopista inmediata al campus universitario, la estación de autobuses se ha realizado con tres plataformas independientes, unidas entre sí mediante un puente de 40 m de luz, y enlazadas verticalmente, con los dos sentidos de circulación de la autopista, a través de dos torres con escaleras y ascensores situados en los extremos del vestíbulo de acceso. En el conjunto destaca la armónica integración de las necesidades estructurales, resueltas a base de hormigón armado y carpintería metálica, y los valores estéticos y funcionales, pocas veces lograda en obras de esta naturaleza, normalmente consideradas como secundarias o de poco valor arquitectónico. El proyecto ha merecido el premio de honor del Instituto Americano de arquitectos de California del Sur.

  7. Changes in protein abundance between tender and tough meat from bovine Longissimus thoracis muscle assessed by isobaric Tag for Relative and Absolute Quantitation (iTRAQ) and 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjarnadóttir, S G; Hollung, K; Høy, M


    The aim of this study was to find potential biomarkers for meat tenderness in bovine Longissimus thoracis muscle and to compare results from isobaric Tag for Relative and Absolute Quantitation (iTRAQ) and 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis. The experiment included 4 tender and 4...

  8. Procedimientos de control e inspección aplicados en la fabricación de la estructura de un puente soldado de acuerdo al código aws d1.5


    Acosta Herrera, Hector Xavier; Serrano V, Omar


    El objetivo primordial de la presente tesis es la de presentar un método de control de calidad inspección aplicados a la fabricación de un puente y de esta manera crear una cultura de calidad en todo el proceso de fabricación, dándole mayor énfasis al control e inspección de la soldadura. Para obtener mejores resultados en el control de calidad durante la fabricación, se ha adaptado un programa de Inspección el cual incluirá los diferentes controles e inspecciones que deben realizars...

  9. El CollectiveAccess, un sistema de gestió i difusió de col·leccions de museus, arxius i biblioteques

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    Alcaraz Martínez, Rubén


    Full Text Available Es presenten les característiques principals del CollectiveAccess, un sistema de gestió i difusió de col·leccions digitals per a museus, arxius i biblioteques. Se'n descriuen els components principals, el procés d'instal·lació, l'estructura interna del sistema i es mostren alguns exemples de casos d'ús. Les versions analitzades del sistema són la 1.4 del Providence i la 2.0 del Pawtucket.Se presentan las principales características de CollectiveAccess, un sistema de gestión y difusión de colecciones digitales para museos, archivos y bibliotecas. Se describen sus principales componentes, el proceso de instalación, la estructura interna del sistema y se muestran algunos ejemplos de casos de uso. Las versiones analizadas del sistema son la 1.4 de Providence y la 2.0 de Pawtucket.This paper describes the main features of CollectiveAccess, a collections management and presentation system for the digital collections of museums, archives and libraries. The paper describes the main features of the system and explains how to install and configure the package. It also examines CA’s internal structure and gives examples of how it can be used. The system analyzed in the paper uses Version 1.4 of the core cataloguing application Providence and Version 2.0 of the public web-tool Pawtucket.

  10. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of high-voltage switchgear and protection equipment

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of high-voltage switchgear and protection equipment. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the maintenance of high-voltage switchgear and protection equipment with SCHNEIDER (FR) for a total amount of 1 100 000 euros (1 742 000 Swiss francs), covering an initial period of five years, subject to revision for inflation after 1 January 2007. The contract will include options for two one-year extensions beyond the initial five-year period. The amount in Swiss francs has been calculated using the present rate of exchange. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the contract value covered by this adjudication proposal: FR - 100%.

  11. Puente metálico sobre el río Save

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    Schafer, G.


    Full Text Available The original «Kinfi Alexander» suspension bridge over the Save river, Yugoslavia, which was destroyed during the last world war has been reconstructed, after organising an international prize award for its design. 32 projects from various countries were submitted. The chosen design is a metal structure, of 261 ms span. The arch of the main span has a hollow box section. The deck consists of an orthotropic slab, which has been subjected to a number of tests. The bridge has three spans (two approach and one central span, and was built without scaffolding, i. e., by cantilevering it from the springers. The roadway is 12 ms wide and there are two 3 ms wide footways. The box section arch girders are 9.60 ms deep over the piles, and 4.50 ms at the crown. The slopes on either side of the crown are 0.7 and 0.25%, respectively. The deck is very rigid, and is well capable of supporting the design loads and windage.El primitivo puente colgante Rey Alejandro, sobre el río Save, Yugoslavia, destruido durante la última guerra mundial, ha sido reconstruido por la vía de concurso internacional, al cual se presentaron 32 proposiciones de diferentes países. La solución aceptada fue una estructura metálica de 261 m de luz. El arco de este tramo tiene una sección hueca en forma de cajón. El tablero se compone de una placa ortotrópica, de la que, previamente, se han realizado varios ensayos. La obra, de tres tramos —dos para los accesos y uno central—, se construyó por procedimientos sin andamiaje, es decir, en voladizo. La anchura de la calzada es de 12 m, y dos andenes, de 3 m cada uno, para peatones. Los arcos de las vigas cajón tienen 9,60 m de canto sobre las pilas y 4,50 m en la clave. Las pendientes hacia uno y otro lado de la clave son del 0,7 y 0,25%, respectivamente. La rigidez del tablero es perfecta y suficiente para- soportar las cargas previstas y para transmitir los efectos del viento a las pilas.

  12. Presentación del Libro “Lecciones de Historia de la Medicina”.

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    Juan Mendoza-Vega


    Full Text Available

    Esta segunda edición de las Lecciones es corrección y novedad sobre las lecciones que aparecieron hace ya 14 años, en 1989, y que editó el Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario primordialmente para texto de los alumnos de su Facultad de Medicina.

    Desde aquella época, siguiendo los dictados de Arnold Toynbee, gran historiador británico, se intentó una mirada a la historia de la medicina que saliera de lo anecdótico, que saliera de las listas de nombres y de figuras célebres y de acontecimientos, para tratar de mostrar a los estudiantes y a los lectores benévolos la relación entre lo que pensó la humanidad en determinados momentos sobre el fenómeno que hoy en castellano llamamos enfermedad y lo que fue en general la vida humana en esos momentos.

    Por supuesto, para evitar la aridez de un texto absolutamente desprovisto de anécdotas, traté de conservar también algo de los nombres, algo de las fechas y quizás mucho de las pequeñas historias alrededor de los grandes personajes de la historia de la medicina: comencé imaginando al hombre primitivo, al grupo humano más elemental, allá cuando comenzaron a pararse en las patas de atrás y a usar las de adelante para hacer cosas y me pareció que no estaba descaminado el pensar que en ese momento uno de los miembros del grupo, hombre o mujer, con un poco más de brillo en los ojos, con un poco más de inteligencia que los demás, tuvo la habilidad y tuvo el buen juicio para enfrentarse a un accidente, para tomar quizás el miembro fracturado de una accidentado e inmovilizarlo y así quitar el dolor y se hizo entonces acreedor a que los miembros del grupo y los de otros grupos con los que hiciera contacto volvieran, hacia ese miembro más inteligente, los ojos cada vez que aparecía el fenómeno de enfermedad, incluyendo el momento en que quisieron preguntarle ¿ésto por qué ocurre?

    A partir de ese momento planteo a lo largo de estas páginas, ha pasado la

  13. Proposal to negotiate, without competitive tendering, a blanket order for high-voltage thyratrons for the CERN accelerators

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the supply of thyratrons to be used as high-voltage and high-current switches for the fast-pulsed magnet systems of the CERN accelerators and for the protection of the klystrons of RF systems. In June 1981 the Finance Committee approved the placing, without competitive tendering, of a blanket order with EEV Ltd (UK) for a total value of up to 2 000 000 Swiss francs to cover the supply of thyratrons for the years 1982, 1983 and 1984. New blanket orders were subsequently negotiated for three-year periods with the approval of the Finance Committee in 1984, 1987, 1990 and 1993. After a new market survey in 1995-1996 had confirmed that EEV Ltd is the sole manufacturer of such thyratrons in the CERN Member States, a new blanket order was negotiated in 1996 with the approval of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation, without competitive tendering, of a new blanket order with EEV Ltd (UK) for up to 800 000 pounds sterling to cover the supply of thyra...

  14. Weed and Onion Response to multiple Applications of Goal Tender beginning at the 1-Leaf Stage of Onion (United States)

    Broadleaf weed control in onion is difficult in part due to a lack of postemergence herbicide options at an early growth stage of onions. Onion tolerance to sequential applications of oxyfluorfen (Goal-Tender) alone and with bromoxynil (Buctril) beginning at the 1-lf stage of onions was evaluated n...

  15. Modelo de accesibilidad de conceptos matematicos aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales en la UPR (United States)

    Isidro Villamizar, Gloria Maria

    Este estudio utiliza metodologia de investigacion cualitativa, con el proposito de describir, analizar y evaluar los procesos de diseno y desarrollo de un modelo de accesibilidad que consiste en estrategias de ensenanza de las matematicas para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales matriculados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva en la UPR. Se utilizaron las siguientes estrategias para recopilar la informacion, 1) reflexiones de la investigadora en el proceso de diseno y desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas, que se registraron en un diario reflexivo. 2) entrevista semiestructurada luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas con los participantes. 3) observaciones y notas de la investigadora del trabajo de los participantes. Para obtener la informacion de los participantes se obtuvo los permisos institucionales necesarios; se seleccionaron los participantes y se validaron los instrumentos; se realizo el desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas con los participantes; y finalmente, se analizo la informacion obtenida. El diseno de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas se hizo siguiendo las recomendaciones curriculares de los temas de matematicas aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva realizado por la investigadora durante su semestre de internado. El testimonio de las voces de los participantes se obtuvo del proceso de desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas de temas seleccionados de conceptos matematicos requeridos en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva y de la entrevista semiestructurada con los participantes, luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje. Para el desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje, se utilizaron materiales tactiles adaptados, materiales tactiles disenados y materiales disponibles comercialmente. Los textos de las lecciones se imprimieron en tinta y en Braille. Se exhorta a disenar y desarrollar estrategias de ensenanza accesibles, considerando como recursos para evaluar su efectividad a

  16. Puente sobre el río Guadalete de tablero de vigas pretensadas prefabricadas de hormigón de alta resistencia

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    Hue, F.


    Full Text Available Project and construction of a bridge across Guadalete river which construction project is based on the use of prefabricated prestressed beams of High Strength Concrete (HSC. Starting from the different project solutions, the description develops aspects such as foundations, piles, buttresses, beams, slabs, etc., and continues with prefabrication, calculus and construction. It also describes the tests carried out on the beams, and the concrete that has been used in this work.

    Se describe el proyecto y la construcción de un puente sobre el río Guadalete, cuya realización y cálculo se basan en el empleo de vigas pretensadas prefabricadas, concretamente de Hormigón de Alta Resistencia (HAR. Partiendo de diversas soluciones de proyecto, se van definiendo aspectos tales como la cimentación, pilas y estribos, vigas, losas, etc. Se continúa con la prefabricación, construcción y cálculo, así como los ensayos realizados sobre el hormigón y las vigas de dicha obra.

  17. Modified-atmosphere storage under subatmospheric pressure and beef quality: II. Color, drip, cooking loss, sarcomere length, and tenderness

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smulders, F.J.M.; Hiesberger, J.; Hofbauer, P.; Dogl, B.; Dransfield, E.


    Beef has a requirement for refrigerated storage up to 14 d to achieve adequate aging and a tender product. To achieve this aging with little spoilage and no surface drying, vacuum packaging is attractive, because it is inherently simple and offers a clear indication to the packer when the process

  18. Case study on the quality of tenders submitted by Occupational Health and Safety Professionals in the South African built environment

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mphahlele, C


    Full Text Available Purpose of this paper: The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of the current state of tenders submitted by Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) professionals in terms of functionality criteria. Design/methodology/approach: The research...

  19. Health resource utilisation costs in acute patients with persistent midline cervical tenderness following road trauma. (United States)

    Ackland, Helen M; Wolfe, Rory; Cameron, Peter A; Cooper, D James; Malham, Gregory M; Varma, Dinesh K; Fitt, Gregory J; Rosenfeld, Jeffrey V; Liew, Susan M


    The costs associated with patients discharged with isolated clinician-elicited persistent midline tenderness and negative computed tomography (CT) findings have not been reported. Our aim was to determine the association of acute and post-acute patient and injury characteristics with health resource costs in such patients following road trauma. In a prospective cohort study, road trauma patients presenting with isolated persistent midline cervical tenderness and negative CT, who underwent additional acute imaging with MRI, were recruited. Patients were reviewed in the outpatient spine clinic following discharge, and were followed up at 6 and 12 months post-trauma. Multivariate linear regression was used to assess the association of injury mechanism, clinical assessment, socioeconomic factors and outcome findings with health resource costs generated in the acute hospital and post-acute periods. There were 64 patients recruited, of whom 24 (38%) had cervical spine injury detected on MRI. Of these, 2 patients were managed operatively, 6 were treated in cervical collars and 16 had the cervical spine cleared and were discharged. At 12 months, there were 25 patients (44%) with residual neck pain, and 22 (39%) with neck-related disability. The mean total cost was AUD $10,153 (SD=10,791) and the median was $4015 (IQR: 3044-6709). Transient neurologic deficit, which fully resolved early in the emergency department, was independently associated with higher marginal mean acute costs (represented in the analysis by the β coefficient) by $3521 (95% CI: 50-6880). Low education standard (β coefficient: $5988, 95% CI: 822-13,317), neck pain at 6 months (β coefficient: $4017, 95% CI: 426-9254) and history of transient neurologic deficit (β coefficient: $8471, 95% CI: 1766-18,334) were associated with increased post-acute costs. In a homogeneous group of road trauma patients with non fracture-related persistent midline cervical tenderness, health resource costs varied

  20. Conditions of call for tenders on the offshore wind power plants; Conditions de l'appel d'offres portant sur des centrales eolienne en mer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the framework of the renewable energies sources development, the french government decided to launch a call for tenders for the realization of offshore wind power plants in 2007. The call for tenders conditions concern: the energetic and technical characteristics of the installations as the primary energy, the production technic, the power; the industrial implementing delay; the exploitation and the operating time; the implementing sites; the weighting and the classification principles. The main conditions concerning the utilization of the maritime public land property outside of the harbors. (A.L.B.)

  1. Renewable energies: the choice of invitation to tender candidates for the electric power plants supplied by biomass or biogas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    To contribute to the french objectives of renewable energies development, the Ministry of Industry proposed an invitation to tender for the realization at the first of january 2007 of electric power plants (more than 12 MW) from biomass and biogas. This document presents the selected projects. (A.L.B.)

  2. El Sistema del Tratado Antártico, Posición de Chile como País Puente

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    Javier Urbina Paredes


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta al Tratado Antártico y al sistema y régimen internacional a que da lugar, a cincuenta años de su firma en Washington, Estados Unidos, el 1 de diciembre de 1959. Los retos de la época y los propósitos del Tratado fueron satisfactoriamente superados, pero hoy se enfrenta a nuevos problemas y desafíos, no tanto de carácter político, sino científico, derivados sobre todo del cambio climático, la creciente actividad turística, el daño al medio ambiente y la seguridad de la navegación marítima y aérea. Chile es un actor clave en la Antártida y en el sistema del Tratado Antártico y ofrece sus potencialidades como país puente al ser el más cercano al continente para el desarrollo de las actividades antárticas en general. En su vinculación internacional sobre la materia, lo hace bajo el marco del Tratado Antártico, pero más aún, desarrolla capacidades concretas de acuerdo con las mayores y nuevas demandas que el sistema antártico deberá enfrentar para ponerlas a disposición de la comunidad internacional.

  3. Automatizovani sistem podrške odlučivanju u procesima javne nabavke / Automatic automatic decision support in a tender process

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    Siniša Borović


    Full Text Available U poslednjoj fazi procesa javne nabavke komisija se susreće sa problemom izbora naboljeg ponuđača, odnosno onog čija ponuda u najvećoj meri ispunjava zahteve i uslove koji su navedeni u konkursnoj dokumentaciji. Mora se doneti odluka uz uvažavanje više različitih, a često i protivrečnih kriterijuma. Za rešavanje ovakvih i sličnih problema razvijen je čitav niz metoda koje pripadaju oblasti višekriterijumske analize i rangiranja. Uzimajući u obzir karakteristike problema izbora ponuđača u procesu javne nabavke, iz skupa navedenih metoda izdvojena je metoda analitičkih hijerarhijskih procesa (AHP, kao osnovna metoda za rangiranje ponuđača. Za eventualnu kontrolu izvršenog rangiranja predlaže se familija metoda PROMETHEE I-II. / In the last phase of a tender process, the Commission has a problem with choosing the best bidder, i.e. the one whose offer meets the highest requirements in the Tender documentation. A decision has to be made taking into account many different, and very often contradictory, criteria. For solving this one as well as similar problems, numerous methods, belonging to the multicriteria analysis and ranking, are developed. Taking in to account the characteristics of a problem imposed by choosing the bidder in a Tender process, one of the mentioned methods, the method of analytical hierarchy process (AHP has been chosen as a basic method for ranking bidders. For the performed ranking control, the PROMETHEE I-II, method family is proposed.

  4. Randomized, double-blind, comparative-effectiveness study comparing pulsed radiofrequency to steroid injections for occipital neuralgia or migraine with occipital nerve tenderness. (United States)

    Cohen, Steven P; Peterlin, B Lee; Fulton, Larry; Neely, Edward T; Kurihara, Connie; Gupta, Anita; Mali, Jimmy; Fu, Diana C; Jacobs, Michael B; Plunkett, Anthony R; Verdun, Aubrey J; Stojanovic, Milan P; Hanling, Steven; Constantinescu, Octav; White, Ronald L; McLean, Brian C; Pasquina, Paul F; Zhao, Zirong


    Occipital neuralgia (ON) is characterized by lancinating pain and tenderness overlying the occipital nerves. Both steroid injections and pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) are used to treat ON, but few clinical trials have evaluated efficacy, and no study has compared treatments. We performed a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, comparative-effectiveness study in 81 participants with ON or migraine with occipital nerve tenderness whose aim was to determine which treatment is superior. Forty-two participants were randomized to receive local anesthetic and saline, and three 120 second cycles of PRF per targeted nerve, and 39 were randomized to receive local anesthetic mixed with deposteroid and 3 rounds of sham PRF. Patients, treating physicians, and evaluators were blinded to interventions. The PRF group experienced a greater reduction in the primary outcome measure, average occipital pain at 6 weeks (mean change from baseline -2.743 ± 2.487 vs -1.377 ± 1.970; P occipital pain through 3 months (mean change from baseline -1.925 ± 3.204 vs -0.541 ± 2.644; P = 0.043), and average overall headache pain through 6 weeks (mean change from baseline -2.738 ± 2.753 vs -1.120 ± 2.1; P = 0.037). Adverse events were similar between groups, and few significant differences were noted for nonpain outcomes. We conclude that although PRF can provide greater pain relief for ON and migraine with occipital nerve tenderness than steroid injections, the superior analgesia may not be accompanied by comparable improvement on other outcome measures.

  5. Idade e sexo na maciez da carne de ovinos da raça Corriedale Meat lamb tenderness influenced by age and sex in Corriedale lineage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcia Arocha Gularte


    Full Text Available A maciez da carne geralmente é o atributo mais importante para o consumidor. Vários são os fatores que influem sobre esSe aspecto no animal, como por exemplo: genótipo, idade, sexo, entre outros. Neste estudo, verificou-se a influência da idade e do sexo na maciez do músculo Longissimus dorsi de ovinos da raça Corriedale, através de métodos sensoriais e instrumentais. Após o abate, realizou-se a avaliação visual da textura do músculo pela granulação da superfície do mesmo. As amostras foram congeladas por 5 meses. Após a cocção, foi analisada a maciez da carne pelo equipamento Warner-Bratzler shear medindo a força de cisalhamento, e por avaliação sensorial realizada por uma equipe treinada de julgadores. Resultados obtidos pela avaliação sensorial e instrumental indicaram que o músculo Longissimus dorsi de fêmeas e de animais de menor idade foram mais macios.The meat tenderness is the most important atribute to the consumer. Several factors have influence in this aspect, for exemple: genotype, age, sex and others. The objective of this work was to study the influence of age and sex on Longissimus dorsi muscle tenderness of Corriedale lineage lamb, through sensory and instrumental methods. After slaughter Longissimus dorsi, texture was evaluated by granite’s surface method. The samples were frozen for five months. After thawing and cooking, meat tenderness was evaluated by Warner-Bratzler shear and sensory evaluation by a group of trained judges. The results indicated that female and younger animals produced more tender meat.

  6. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of eight glass-coated beryllium mirrors for the LHCb RICH1 detector

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of eight glass-coated beryllium mirrors for the LHCb RICH1 detector. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract, without competitive tendering, with the ISTC Moscow (RU) for the supply of eight glass-coated beryllium mirrors for a total amount of 282 000 US dollars, not subject to revision. At the present rate of exchange this is equivalent to approximately 370 000 Swiss francs. The contract will be financed by PPARC (GB) and CERN. PPARC will contribute 65 000 US dollars (approximately 85 000 Swiss francs) and CERN will contribute 217 000 US dollars (approximately 285 000 Swiss francs).

  7. Puente mixto para ferrocarril y carretera

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    Harris, P. C.


    Full Text Available This new bridge, known as the West Branch, spans the course of a river, and has a double function and two superimposed decks. One of these carries the road, and the other lower one, the railway line. It has been constructed by the Dept. of Public Works of California. The structure consists of four main spans resting on reinforced concrete piles, of great height. Four rectangular holes run down their centres. The decks consist of a continuous metal framework, made up of heavy elements, some of them weighing up to 56 tons each, was assembled in the workshop in separate sections. These were then transported to the site, to be integrated within the whole structure. In the final assembly high tensile steel bolts were employed. As the piles are very high, they are of varying cross section, according to the height. The concreting was done by means of sliding formwork, and this was sufficiently wide to ensure that the concrete was at least four hours old when the formwork passed beyond its level. To carry out these operations an auxiliary tower was built up. which supported the framework carrying the concreting tub and its pouring mechanism. From this main tub the concrete was poured into others, which placed it into the various parts of the formwork. The operation of the concrete elevator, whose motive power was provided by of the plant at ground level, was controlled by telephone between the operator of the power plant and the person responsible for distributing the concrete on the top platform. To provide the finish of the surfaces left by the sliding formwork, another platform was installed, working at a level below the lower edge of the formwork, and a similar arrangement was adopted with respect to the inner formwork for the four hollows running inside the piles.El nuevo puente, llamado West Branch, que salva el profundo cauce de un río, tiene una doble finalidad y dos tableros superpuestos: uno para carretera en la parte superior y otro para una

  8. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in mechanically tenderized beef prime rib following searing, cooking, and holding under commercial conditions. (United States)

    Porto-Fett, Anna C S; Shoyer, Bradley A; Thippareddi, Harshavardhan; Luchansky, John B


    We evaluated the effect of commercial times and temperatures for searing, cooking, and holding on the destruction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ECOH) within mechanically tenderized prime rib. Boneless beef ribeye was inoculated on the fat side with ca. 5.7 log CFU/g of a five-strain cocktail of ECOH and then passed once through a mechanical tenderizer with the fat side facing upward. The inoculated and tenderized prime rib was seared by broiling at 260°C for 15 min in a conventional oven and then cooked in a commercial convection oven at 121.1°C to internal temperatures of 37.8, 48.9, 60.0, and 71.1°C before being placed in a commercial holding oven maintained at 60.0°C for up to 8 h. After searing, ECOH levels decreased by ca. 1.0 log CFU/g. Following cooking to internal temperatures of 37.8 to 71.1°C, pathogen levels decreased by an additional ca. 2.7 to 4.0 log CFU/g. After cooking to 37.8, 48.9, or 60.0°C and then warm holding at 60.0°C for 2 h, pathogen levels increased by ca. 0.2 to 0.7 log CFU/g. However, for prime rib cooked to 37.8°C, pathogen levels remained relatively unchanged over the next 6 h of warm holding, whereas for those cooked to 48.9 or 60.0°C pathogen levels decreased by ca. 0.3 to 0.7 log CFU/g over the next 6 h of warm holding. In contrast, after cooking prime rib to 71.1°C and holding for up to 8 h at 60.0°C, ECOH levels decreased by an additional ca. 0.5 log CFU/g. Our results demonstrated that to achieve a 5.0-log reduction of ECOH in blade tenderized prime rib, it would be necessary to sear at 260°C for 15 min, cook prime rib to internal temperatures of 48.9, 60.0, or 71.1°C, and then hold at 60.0°C for at least 8 h.

  9. Tender rules and trust influence on cooperation in the building industry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ussing, Lene Faber; Wandahl, Søren


    The building industry has for many years been criticized for not having as efficient and effective co-operation as other industries. Some parties in the building sector try to use a new form of collaboration as i.a. partnering. In a big part of those partnering projects a good working relationship...... exists, the building owner is satisfied, the involved companies earn money and the project finish in time. A lot of projects do not use partnering or other new forms of collaboration. In these projects the general impression is that the parties in the building sector are fighting instead of co......-operating. A questionnaire survey including building owners, contractors, suppliers, architects, engineers and client design advisor has been accomplished. The survey shows that the problem with co-operation among others is the way the tendering rules normally are used, where the normal assignment criterion is the lowest...

  10. Plant X-tender: An extension of the AssemblX system for the assembly and expression of multigene constructs in plants (United States)

    Machens, Fabian; Coll, Anna; Baebler, Špela; Messerschmidt, Katrin; Gruden, Kristina


    Cloning multiple DNA fragments for delivery of several genes of interest into the plant genome is one of the main technological challenges in plant synthetic biology. Despite several modular assembly methods developed in recent years, the plant biotechnology community has not widely adopted them yet, probably due to the lack of appropriate vectors and software tools. Here we present Plant X-tender, an extension of the highly efficient, scar-free and sequence-independent multigene assembly strategy AssemblX, based on overlap-depended cloning methods and rare-cutting restriction enzymes. Plant X-tender consists of a set of plant expression vectors and the protocols for most efficient cloning into the novel vector set needed for plant expression and thus introduces advantages of AssemblX into plant synthetic biology. The novel vector set covers different backbones and selection markers to allow full design flexibility. We have included ccdB counterselection, thereby allowing the transfer of multigene constructs into the novel vector set in a straightforward and highly efficient way. Vectors are available as empty backbones and are fully flexible regarding the orientation of expression cassettes and addition of linkers between them, if required. We optimised the assembly and subcloning protocol by testing different scar-less assembly approaches: the noncommercial SLiCE and TAR methods and the commercial Gibson assembly and NEBuilder HiFi DNA assembly kits. Plant X-tender was applicable even in combination with low efficient homemade chemically competent or electrocompetent Escherichia coli. We have further validated the developed procedure for plant protein expression by cloning two cassettes into the newly developed vectors and subsequently transferred them to Nicotiana benthamiana in a transient expression setup. Thereby we show that multigene constructs can be delivered into plant cells in a streamlined and highly efficient way. Our results will support faster

  11. Plant X-tender: An extension of the AssemblX system for the assembly and expression of multigene constructs in plants. (United States)

    Lukan, Tjaša; Machens, Fabian; Coll, Anna; Baebler, Špela; Messerschmidt, Katrin; Gruden, Kristina


    Cloning multiple DNA fragments for delivery of several genes of interest into the plant genome is one of the main technological challenges in plant synthetic biology. Despite several modular assembly methods developed in recent years, the plant biotechnology community has not widely adopted them yet, probably due to the lack of appropriate vectors and software tools. Here we present Plant X-tender, an extension of the highly efficient, scar-free and sequence-independent multigene assembly strategy AssemblX, based on overlap-depended cloning methods and rare-cutting restriction enzymes. Plant X-tender consists of a set of plant expression vectors and the protocols for most efficient cloning into the novel vector set needed for plant expression and thus introduces advantages of AssemblX into plant synthetic biology. The novel vector set covers different backbones and selection markers to allow full design flexibility. We have included ccdB counterselection, thereby allowing the transfer of multigene constructs into the novel vector set in a straightforward and highly efficient way. Vectors are available as empty backbones and are fully flexible regarding the orientation of expression cassettes and addition of linkers between them, if required. We optimised the assembly and subcloning protocol by testing different scar-less assembly approaches: the noncommercial SLiCE and TAR methods and the commercial Gibson assembly and NEBuilder HiFi DNA assembly kits. Plant X-tender was applicable even in combination with low efficient homemade chemically competent or electrocompetent Escherichia coli. We have further validated the developed procedure for plant protein expression by cloning two cassettes into the newly developed vectors and subsequently transferred them to Nicotiana benthamiana in a transient expression setup. Thereby we show that multigene constructs can be delivered into plant cells in a streamlined and highly efficient way. Our results will support faster

  12. La “Introducción” a las Lecciones sobre derecho natural de Kant anotadas por Feyerabend.

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    Macarena Marey


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta por primera vez en castellano la “Introducción” de las lecciones kantianas conocidas como Naturrecht Feyerabend (1784, a partir de la nueva edición del manuscrito preparada por Heinrich P. Delfosse, Norbert Hinske y Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (Kant-Index. Band 30: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum „Naturrecht Feyerabend“. Teilband 1: Einleitung des „Naturrechts Feyerabend“, Sttutgard, Frommann-Holzboog, 2010. La traducción está antecedida por un estudio crítico en el que sostenemos la tesis de que la obra en cuestión constituye una fuente jurídico-política crucial para entender la formación del pensamiento práctico de Kant. Intentamos mostrar que si bien el texto puede ser leído como complemento de la Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres, la preocupación central de la “Introducción” de Naturrecht Feyerabend gira en torno a (por lo menos tres ejes conceptuales que recaen, por entero, dentro del reino de la filosofía jurídica y política. En primer lugar, encontramos en el curso una preocupación por definir el concepto de la obligación jurídica desde la idea de coacción, distinguiéndolo así del de la obligación ética y asociándolo a la definición de derecho subjetivo como potestad o título para ejercer coacción de manera legítima. En segundo lugar, es central la tesis propiamente kantiana de que el derecho debe fundarse en la libertad externa y en la posibilidad de su compatibilidad universal, y no en la felicidad entendida como fin natural que todos los individuos deberían perseguir y como propósito del Estado. En tercer lugar, aparecen in nuce los fundamentos conceptuales por los cuales Kant delimita la obligación jurídica desde la realidad práctica del derecho político, esto es, de un Estado, y no desde una supuesta confluencia pre-jurídica (natural de intereses privados.

  13. Puente-túnel de la Bahía de Chesapeake, (U.S.A.

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    Sverdrup, Leif J.


    Full Text Available The total project involves 20 km of road over shallow waters two tunnels, each 1,500 m long, two bridges, four artificial islands, 2,000 m of road over dykes, and approximately 9 km of approach roads. The total length of the work is 26 km, and the width of the pavement is 8.50 m. The supports for the elevated road, over the bay water, consist of palisades of three cylindrical, reinforced concrete, piles, connected with a cross member. The two underwater tunnels were prefabricated in sections, at the workshop, and were then transported in pontoons, and placed at the bottom of a trench, which had been previously dredged out. Finally the joints were sealed, and the diaphragms which initially closed the ends of each section were opened, when the structure was in its final position. The project is undoubtedly interesting because of its variety, size and length, and also on account of the difficulties of undertaking the sea works in relatively deep waters.El conjunto se compone de 20 km de paso superior, dos túneles de 1.500 m, dos puentes propiamente dichos, cuatro islas artificiales, 2.000 m de carretera sobre diques y aproximadamente 9 km de caminos de acceso. La obra tiene una longitud total de 26 km y la anchura de la calzada es de 8,50 m. Los soportes del paso superior están constituidos por palizadas de tres pilotes, cilíndricos, de hormigón armado, arriostrados con un cabezal. Los dos túneles se prefabricaron por trozos, en taller, los cuales fueron transportados por medio de pontones, colocados en el fondo de una trinchera previamente dragada y, finalmente, selladas las juntas y abiertos los diafragmas que originalmente cerraban los extremos de cada trozo, antes del hundimiento en su posición definitiva. La obra es de indudable interés por su variedad, volumen y longitud y por las dificultades que entraña el realizar trabajos marítimos en aguas relativamente profundas.

  14. Puentes. Puente de Mackinac

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    Steinman, David B.


    Full Text Available En el número 82 de nuestra revista se publicó un trabajo que se refería únicamente a la infraestructura de esta importante obra. En esta segunda parte damos a conocer las características más sobresalientes de la propia superestructura, estabilidad, métodos constructivos empleados en el montaje y el procedimiento que se ha seguido para lograr colocar los cables, de 12.500 toneladas de peso total, sobre las dos torres del tramo central, de 1.158 m de luz, método que ha consistido en formar los cables, partiendo de las bobinas de alambre, en la propia obra.

  15. 31 CFR 309.7 - Tenders; submission through Federal Reserve Banks and branches and to the Bureau of the Public Debt. (United States)


    ... Reserve Banks and branches and to the Bureau of the Public Debt. 309.7 Section 309.7 Money and Finance... Reserve Banks and branches and to the Bureau of the Public Debt. Tenders in response to any such public notice will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks, or Branches thereof and at the Bureau of the Public...

  16. Puente pretensado sobre el río Main

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    Wittfoht, Hans


    Full Text Available This project, which was adjudicated to the firm Polensky & Zöllner, consists of a prestressed concrete bridge of three spans, 85, 140 and 85 m in length. Their shape and slenderness is well adapted to the natural beauty of the surrounding scenery. The axes of the bridge and of the river make an angle of 72° with respect to each other. Also, the bridge, in planform, is a circular arc of 1400 m radius. In the vertical plane, the outline of the bridge is also a circular arc, but of 14000 m radius. Its concavity faces upwards, and the lowest point is near the crown. The concreting of the two box girders, which support the pavement and sidewalks, has been carried out by a combined method of cantilevering and moveable formwork. The formwork was supported by a sliding framework, which could be shifted from place to place, as the overhanging section of the girders increased. This framework enabled a section 7 by 3.5 m in area to be constructed. Work started at a pillar, and developed simultaneously on both sides of it. The prestressing has been the main aspect of the mixed type of construction adopted. The construction by sections, and the large number of longitudinal and transversal cables has required special care in anchoring and aligning the cables. To avoid cracking, a number of helix shaped tubes were placed in the fresh concrete to absorb the hydration heat of the setting concrete. During the process of construction the girders were rigidly joined to the piles, so that the whole bridge structure became a single monolithic unit.El proyecto definitivo, adjudicado por concurso a la empresa Polensky & Zöllner, consiste en una estructura de hormigón pretensado de tres tramos, de 85, 140 y 85 m de luz, respectivamente, y cuya forma y esbeltez se adaptará a la belleza natural del paisaje local. Los ejes del puente y río forman un ángulo de 72°, y el de la calzada es una línea circular de 1.400 m de radio. En el plano vertical, el perfil del

  17. Reduced neck-shoulder muscle strength and aerobic power together with increased pericranial tenderness are associated with tension-type headache in girls

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tornoe, Birte; Andersen, Lars L; Skotte, Jørgen H


    BACKGROUND: Tension-type headaches (TTH) are common among children worldwide and mean a potential risk of disability and medication overuse headache. The associated mechanisms, however, remain unsolved. Our study investigated muscle strength in the neck-shoulder region, aerobic power and pericran......BACKGROUND: Tension-type headaches (TTH) are common among children worldwide and mean a potential risk of disability and medication overuse headache. The associated mechanisms, however, remain unsolved. Our study investigated muscle strength in the neck-shoulder region, aerobic power...... and pericranial tenderness in girls with TTH compared with healthy controls. METHODS: A blinded case-control study comprising 41 girls with TTH and 41 age-matched healthy controls. Standardised testing of isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and force steadiness of neck flexion and extension, as well.......3 (95% CI 1.0-1.6) and 5.2 (95% CI: 1.4-19.6) for each unit of decrease in VO2 max. CONCLUSIONS: Reduced neck-shoulder strength and aerobic power together with increased pericranial tenderness are associated with TTH in girls. Future interventions should be directed towards health promoting patient...

  18. Vulnerabilidad sísmica y capacidad de carga de un puente atirantado basados en confiabilidad estructural Seismic vulnerability and loading capacity of a wire strained bridge based on structural reliability

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    Edgar Muñoz


    Full Text Available Se presenta en este documento los análisis de vulnerabilidad sísmica y de capacidad de carga del Viaducto Cesar Gaviria Trujillo, empleando las técnicas de confiabilidad estructural basada en las labores de instrumentación. En él se incluye labores tales como: ensayos geofísicos, ensayos de las propiedades mecánicas de materiales, vibraciones ambiéntales, medición de los efectos de la cargas vehiculares, instrumentación inalámbrica, pruebas de carga, medición de tensiones de tirantes, etc. También se explican los modelos estructurales en elementos finitos desarrollados para el puente y su proceso de calibración basado en la prueba de carga y las propiedades dinámicas determinadas experim en taimen te. Además la forma como se realizó la reconstrucción de las historias de esfuerzos de todos los elementos estructurales durante su construcción, de acuerdo con la bitácora de obra. Para los análisis de confiabilidad se hizo un estudio de amenaza sísmica y respuesta dinámica del sitio del puente, donde se obtuvieron nueve espectros de respuesta con diferentes periodos de retorno. Al estudiar las curvas de probabilidad de resistencia y solicitaciones sísmicas de los pilones, se encontró que tienen unos índices de confiabilidad adecuados dentro de las recomendaciones de las normas internacionales. Además que uno de los elementos de la superestructura que se instrumentó para evaluar su capacidad para los efectos de tráfico, tiene un índice de confiabilidad por fuera de los rangos sugeridos por las normas internacionales. Finalmente algunos tirantes tienen niveles de tensiones mayores a las admisibles especificadas durante su diseño y a las recomendadas internacionalmente para este tipo de puentes.This document presents the analysis of seismic vulnerability and load capacity for Cesar Gaviria Trujilo Viaduct, by means of structural reliability techniques based on instrumentation works. Such study includes: geophysical trial

  19. Thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 (ECOH) and non-0157 Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC)in mechanically tenderized veal (United States)

    We quantified thermal destruction of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ECOH) and Shiga toxin-producing non-O157 E. coli (STEC) cells within mechanically tenderized veal cutlets following cooking on an electric skillet. For each of five trials, flattened veal cutlets (ca. 71.6 g; ca. 1/...

  20. Facies-controlled reservoir properties in ramp-fan and slope-apron deposits, Miocene Puente Formation, Los Angeles basin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lyons, K.T.; Geving, R.L.; Suchecki, R.K.


    The Miocene Puente Formation in outcrops of the eastern Los Angeles basin is interpreted as a succession of slope-apron and ramp-fan deposits that accumulated in a prism-rise wedge. The principal depositional components of this dominantly base-of-slope and ramp system are ramp-fan channels and lobes, and slope-channel and slope-apron channel/interchannel deposits. Facies-specific textural, compositional, and diagenetic attributes observed in thin section assist in the classification of depositional facies. Specifically, occurrence of carbonate cement, clay mineralogy, and abundance of organic material vary as a function of component facies architecture of the depositional system. Slope and ramp-fan channel-fill sandstones are characterized by pervasive carbonate cements, including poikilotopic and fine-grained calcite, fine-grained and baroque dolomite, and minor siderite. Diagenetic clays predate carbonate cements, and dolomite predates coarser, void-filling calcite. Ramp-fan lobe and interchannel deposits are carbonate free but are rich in detrital clay and organic matter. Diagenetic clays include mixed-layer illite/smectite and kaolinite. Sediments deposited in slope-apron channel fill are virtually cement free except for small amounts of authigenic illite/smectite. Slope-apron interchannel deposits are characterized by high content of organic matter and clay-rich matrix. Potential reservoir characteristics, such as grain size, sorting, and abundance of depositional clay matrix, are related to the primary sedimentary properties of depositional architectural components in the ramp-fan and slope-apron system. Additional diagenetic modifications, without consideration of compaction, were controlled by precipitation reactions associated with fluid flow along pathways related to the depositional architectural framework.

  1. Decision making in goverment tenders: A formalized qualitative model

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    Štěpán Veselý


    Full Text Available The paper presents a simple formalized qualitative model of government tenders (GTs. Qualitative models use just three values: Positive/Increasing, Zero/Constant and Negative/Decreasing. Such quantifiers of trends are the least information intensive. Qualitative models can be useful, since GT evaluation often includes such goals as e.g. efficiency of public purchasing, and variables as e.g. availability of relevant information or subjectivity of judgment, that are difficult to quantify. Hence, a significant fraction of available information about GTs is not of numerical nature, e.g. if availability of relevant information is decreasing then efficiency of public purchasing is decreasing as well. Such equationless relations are studied in this paper. A qualitative model of the function F(Goals, Variables is developed. The model has four goal functions, eight variables, and 39 equationless relations. The model is solved and seven solutions, i.e. scenarios are obtained. All qualitative states, including first and second qualitative derivatives with respect to time, of all variables are specified for each scenario. Any unsteady state behavior of the GT model is described by its transitional oriented graph. There are eight possible transitions among seven scenarios. No a priori knowledge of qualitative modeling is required on the reader’s part.

  2. Call for tender - Areva-Alstom: watershed in wind energy - Technological duel on the open sea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dupin, L.


    The author comments the answers to a call for tender made by the French government and concerning five offshore wind farm sites (Le Treport, Fecamp, Courseulles sur Mer, Saint-Brieuc and Saint-Nazaire). As they are present within the three consortiums, Areva and Alstom should provide the wind turbines. This would result in the construction by Alstom of two blade and mast factories and two turbine and pad factories. For both companies, this market of 500 to 600 turbines is an opportunity. Many jobs are at stake. They push themselves forward for their experience or their innovation capacity. But their wind turbines will be based on foreign (Spanish or German) technology

  3. Physical Examination Tools Used to Identify Swollen and Tender Lower Limb Joints in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Scoping Review. (United States)

    Fellas, Antoni; Singh-Grewal, Davinder; Santos, Derek; Coda, Andrea


    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common form of rheumatic disease in childhood and adolescents, affecting between 16 and 150 per 100,000 young persons below the age of 16. The lower limb is commonly affected in JIA, with joint swelling and tenderness often observed as a result of active synovitis. The objective of this scoping review is to identify the existence of physical examination (PE) tools to identify and record swollen and tender lower limb joints in children with JIA. Two reviewers individually screened the eligibility of titles and abstracts retrieved from the following online databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and CINAHL. Studies that proposed and validated a comprehensive lower limb PE tool were included in this scoping review. After removal of duplicates, 1232 citations were retrieved, in which twelve were identified as potentially eligible. No studies met the set criteria for inclusion. Further research is needed in developing and validating specific PE tools for clinicians such as podiatrists and other allied health professionals involved in the management of pathological lower limb joints in children diagnosed with JIA. These lower limb PE tools may be useful in conjunction with existing disease activity scores to optimise screening of the lower extremity and monitoring the efficacy of targeted interventions.

  4. The Relationship between Mechanical Hyperalgesia Assessed by Manual Tender Point Examination and Disease Severity in Patients with Chronic Widespread Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amris, Kirstine; Wæhrens, Eva Ejlersen; Jespersen, Anders


    The clinical utility of tender point (TP) examination in patients reporting chronic widespread pain (CWP) is the subject of contemporary debate. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between mechanical hyperalgesia assessed by manual TP examination and clinical disease severity...

  5. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ECOH) in blade tenderized beef prime rib following searing, cooking and holding under commercial conditions (United States)

    Undercooked non-intact beef has caused a number of illnesses due to contamination with serotype O157:H7 strains of Escherichia coli (ECOH). Few studies have quantified translocation and/or thermal inactivation of ECOH directly in blade tenderized beef. There have been no such studies for prime rib,...

  6. Audiencias, intertextualidad y nueva alfabetización en medios Audiences, Intertextuality and new media literacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathleen Tyner


    Full Text Available Este artículo explora la intertextualidad como una técnica que puede ser usada para tender un puente entre viejos y nuevos programas de alfabetización con los medios dirigidos a profesores y estudiantes que esperan pasar de un modelo de enseñanza basado en los libros de texto a un mundo de recursos on-line, pedagogías flexibles, técnicas de estudio de los medios, construcción interactiva del conocimiento y análisis y producción de multimedia. This article explores intertextuality as a technique that can be used to bridge old and new media literacies for teachers and students who hope to move beyond the textbook model of instruction into a world of online resources, flexible pedagogies and innovative designs for learning. These include the uses of online archives, media studies techniques, participatory knowledge creation, and multimedia analysis and production.

  7. Hacia una concepción de la antropología desde un enfoque complejo

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    Pedro Gómez García


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de la realidad humana ha conseguido grandes avances a partir de disciplinas científicas especializadas, como la genética, la sociobiología, la psicología evolucionista y la neurociencia. No ha progresado apenas en las llamadas ciencias sociales y humanas, o en las antropologías filosóficas. En cualquier caso, los saberes antropológicos se encuentran en un estado de dispersión, de enfoques parciales y reduccionistas. Ahora bien, el desarrollo relativamente reciente de teorías de la complejidad ofrece una orientación epistemológica que permite detectar las insuficiencias de los planteamientos simplificadores o sesgados, adoptar el marco general de un enfoque sistémico y evolutivo, tender puentes entre los distintos niveles de observación y propiciar la elaboración de modelos sensibles a la multidimensionalidad de lo real. El artículo propone una exploración en esta última línea.

  8. Analítica o evocadora: el debate olvidado de la autoetnografía

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    Xavier Montagud Mayor


    Full Text Available Existe la necesidad de una estrategia metodológica eficaz para sostener la investigación sobre la práctica profesional de los servicios sociales. La oposición entre el trabajo autoetnográfico de Carolyn ELLIS y Arthur BOCHNER (2000, 2006 y la propuesta analítica de Leon ANDERSON sirven como una lente a través de la cual explorar los aspectos clave de esta discusión. Mientras ELLIS y BOCHNER rechazan cualquier intento de abstracción o sistematización teórica, ANDERSON pretende tender puentes entre la tradición etnográfica y las formas emergentes de narrativa personal. Después de revisar la literatura autoetnográfica, concluyo que si bien la autoetnografía evocadora parece gozar del apoyo mayoritario en este campo, podría ser enriquecida por el enfoque analítico. URN:

  9. Relationship between commercially available DNA analysis and phenotypic observations on beef quality and tenderness. (United States)

    Magolski, J D; Buchanan, D S; Maddock-Carlin, K R; Anderson, V L; Newman, D J; Berg, E P


    Warner-Bratzler shear force values from 560 mixed breed heifers and steers were used to determine estimates of genetic selection. Cattle were marketed from 2008 to 2011, and included five feedlot based research projects at the North Dakota State University-Carrington Research Extension Center. Samples were collected for IGENITY® analysis providing information that included selection indices and estimated breeding values for carcass traits. DNA-based test results were compared with actual carcass measurements. Marbling accounted for over 10% of the variation in WBSF while hot carcass weight was the second most influential carcass trait accounting for 4% (Pfeeding a diet that meets or exceeds recommended nutrients for growth are the most important factors influencing beef tenderness and acceptability. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Test-retest repeatability of strength capacity, aerobic power and pericranial tenderness of neck and shoulder muscles in children - relevant for tension-type headache

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    Tornøe B


    Full Text Available Birte Tornøe,1,2,5,6 Lars L Andersen,3 Jørgen H Skotte,3 Rigmor Jensen,4 Gunvor Gard,1 Liselotte Skov,2 Inger Hallström1 1Department of Health Sciences, Lund University, Scania, Sweden; 2Children's Headache Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, University of Copenhagen, Herlev Hospital, Herlev, Denmark; 3National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark; 4Danish Headache Center, Department of Neurology, University of Copenhagen, Glostrup Hospital, Glostrup, Denmark; 5Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, University of Copenhagen, Glostrup Hospital, Glostrup, Denmark; 6Department of Physiotherapy, Medical Department, University of Copenhagen, Herlev Hospital, Herlev, Denmark Background: Frequent or chronic tension-type headache in children is a prevalent and debilitating condition for the child, often leading to medication overuse. To explore the relationship between physical factors and tension-type headache in children, the quality of repeated measures was examined. The aim of the present study was to determine the test-retest repeatability of parameters determining isometric neck and shoulder strength and stability, aerobic power, and pericranial tenderness in children. Methods: Twenty-five healthy children, 9 to 18 years of age, participated in test-retest procedures within a 1-week interval. A computerized padded force transducer was used for testing. The tests included the isometric maximal voluntary contraction and force steadiness of neck flexion and extension, and the isometric maximal voluntary contraction and rate of force of the dominant shoulder. Pericranial tenderness was recorded by means of standardized manual palpation, and a submaximal cycle ergometer test predicted maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max. The measurements were evaluated in steps, using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC; changes in the mean between the two test occasions; the levels of agreement, visualized in Bland

  11. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in needle-tenderized dry cured Westphalian ham. (United States)

    Graumann, Gary H; Holley, Richard A


    Westphalian ham is a dry cured, ready-to-eat product that is manufactured without a lethal heat treatment. Hams are preserved by a process that involves curing, fermenting, smoking and drying, which may take 3 months or more to complete. The process can be accelerated by tenderizing the meat with solid needles, to increase the rate of cure-salt diffusion throughout muscle tissues. In this study, intact hams were immersed in a solution containing a five strain cocktail of Escherichia coli O157:H7 at 8 log cfu/mL, to determine whether needle treatment before cure application would internalize organisms from the surface. In two trials, the survival of E. coli O157:H7 on external surfaces and within deep tissues after needle treatment was followed during the ripening of hams. The injured E. coli O157:H7 cells were recovered by plating samples on pre-poured Tryptic Soy Agar plates which were incubated for 3 to 4 h at 35 degrees C, overlaid with Sorbitol MacConkey Agar containing cefixime and tellurite and re-incubated at 35 degrees C for 48 to 72 h. Inoculated-injected hams initially carried E. coli O157:H7 at numbers of 7.3 and 4.6 log cfu/g E. coli O157:H7 on the surface and inside, respectively. After 112 d of ripening, which included 79 d of drying, no E. coli O157:H7 were detected at the surface of hams following enrichment, whereas in deep tissue the organism was recovered at numbers of 3.1 log cfu/g. The Westphalian ham ripening procedure evidently was not adequate to eliminate E. coli O157:H7 internalized by needle tenderization.

  12. Alternative pre-rigor foreshank positioning can improve beef shoulder muscle tenderness. (United States)

    Grayson, A L; Lawrence, T E


    Thirty beef carcasses were harvested and the foreshank of each side was independently positioned (cranial, natural, parallel, or caudal) 1h post-mortem to determine the effect of foreshank angle at rigor mortis on the sarcomere length and tenderness of six beef shoulder muscles. The infraspinatus (IS), pectoralis profundus (PP), serratus ventralis (SV), supraspinatus (SS), teres major (TM) and triceps brachii (TB) were excised 48 h post-mortem for Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and sarcomere length evaluations. All muscles except the SS had altered (P<0.05) sarcomere lengths between positions; the cranial position resulted in the longest sarcomeres for the SV and TB muscles whilst the natural position had longer sarcomeres for the PP and TM muscles. The SV from the cranial position had lower (P<0.05) shear than the caudal position and TB from the natural position had lower (P<0.05) shear than the parallel or caudal positions. Sarcomere length was moderately correlated (r=-0.63; P<0.01) to shear force. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Proposal to negotiate a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply and installation of pipework for the new hostel

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the proposal to negotiate a contract for the supply and installation of new piping as preparatory work for the construction of a third on-site hostel. For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve a contract with the SERVICES INDUSTRIELS DE GENEVE (SIG) (CH), without competitive tendering, for the supply and installation of new piping for an amount not exceeding 700 000 Swiss francs, not subject to revision.

  14. Korea nuclear exports: Why did the Koreans win the UAE tender? Will Korea achieve its goal of exporting 80 nuclear reactors by 2030?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berthelemy, Michel; Leveque, Francois


    The success of Korea in winning, in December 2009, a USD 18.6 billion nuclear tender in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has led to a growing interest in the organization and strengths of the Korean nuclear industry. In this paper, we present the main economic and political factors that explain the success of the Korean consortium. In particular, thanks to an active national program of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) construction, Korea has developed distinct competitive advantages in terms of low cost, high credibility and high performance. At the same time, due to the important barriers to enter into the nuclear export market in the UAE, Korea has had to sacrifice its profit margin and has benefited from a strong political support from its government through export financing. More importantly, Korea's success is also due to its alliance with Westinghouse and the support of the US diplomacy. Subsequently, we show that while Korea has recently experienced setbacks in nuclear tenders, it will most certainly try to win in the short run a second nuclear tender with another aggressive price. In the longer run, Korea could take a growing share of the international market for NPPs. However, the extent to which Korea can achieve its long term export target will depend upon its capacity to finance nuclear export through export credits and upon the development of its alliance with Westinghouse. It is important to note that this paper was written before the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The scale of the human and environmental consequences of this accident are still unknown, and will undoubtedly have short and long term consequences on nuclear safety requirements and public attitude toward nuclear energy, which will most certainly impact the outlooks for nuclear new-builds. (authors)

  15. Percepción y uso de la tecnología por estudiantes de décimo año en las lecciones de Educación Cívica

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    Eduardo González Ayala


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza el uso que los estudiantes de décimo año del Colegio Experimental Bilingüe de Palmares hacen de la tecnología de la que disponen, así como el acceso a la misma y la percepción que tienen sobre el uso de las TIC en las lecciones de Educación Cívica. El estudio utiliza encuestas y grupos focales para acercarse a la realidad del estudiantado respecto al uso y aprovechamiento de la tecnología, así como a su percepción del proceso educativo, en particular en Educación Cívica. Se concluye que las y los jóvenes hacen un uso intensivo de la tecnología, de acuerdo a sus posibilidades de acceso, a la vez que participan de manera directa en el uso de la tecnología para fines propios, aunque no necesariamente vinculadas con su formación académica. Además, se evidencia que la percepción que tienen sobre la Educación Cívica es buena, pero que esta mejora cuando se hace uso de las TIC como estrategias metodológicas, siempre y cuando dichos recursos tecnológicos sean bien aprovechados.

  16. Proposal for the Award of Three Contracts without competitive tendering or Design Calculations and Drawings for the Reinforced Concrete Work in LEP Surface Buildings and Supervision of their Implementation

    CERN Document Server


    Proposal for the Award of Three Contracts without competitive tendering or Design Calculations and Drawings for the Reinforced Concrete Work in LEP Surface Buildings and Supervision of their Implementation

  17. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of two cabling machines for the manufacture of superconducting cable for the LHC main magnets

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of two cabling machines for the production of superconducting cable for the LHC main magnets. These cables are of two different types, hereafter referred as Cable 1 and Cable 2. For the reasons set out in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with SETIC (FR) for the supply of two cabling machines, for a total amount not exceeding 3 200 000 euros (4 948 800 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. The rate of exchange which has been used is that stipulated in the tender. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the contract value covered by this adjudication proposal: FR - 100%.

  18. «Let the theory guide our development»

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    Antonio E. Puente


    Full Text Available The interview presents the American Psychological Association (APA and the activities of Antonio E. Puente (Antonio E. Puente, Ph.D., as the President of this organization. Antonio Puente, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina (UNCW, Wilmington, was elected president of the APA in 2017.When asked about the main directions of the future work of the American Psychological Association, Antonio Puente, drew attention to the need for dramatically restructuring the work of the largest scientific and professional organization. It is caused by past investigation and Hoffmann report. After the terrorist attacks of 2009, some psychologists (not APA members helped the CIA to obtain information using torture. Changes in the APA will apply not only to the budget and staff, but also its mission, goals and values.Antonio Puente, following Michael Wertheimer believes that to evaluate the significance of certain modern discoveries is very difficult in the field of psychology. It will be possible to make a new generation of professionals. He sees neuropsychology as priority sector, which is considered by Antonio Puente the basis of all psychology as a science. According to A. Puente the most promising area of psychology application is health care. Using psychological science in health care should be more efficient and cost-effective. This approach extends the value of psychology and contributes to improving clinical outcomes and reducing costs.Speaking of the most famous Russian psychologist, A. Puente highlighted L.S. Vygotsky whose work he considers extremely important. Antonio Puente expresses regret that the modern world is observing the highest figures of murders and suicides, mass shooting, and mental disorders. Therefore, psychologists have to admit they have not arrived to a final understanding of the psychological characteristics of the person.

  19. The Impact of the Choice of Evaluation Criteria and the Type of Tender on the Awarding Public Contracts (in the Case of Construction Contracts at the Local Level in the Czech Republic

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    František Ochrana


    Full Text Available Public procurement may be examined from different perspectives. Using the Czech Republic as an example, this study is devoted to examining the impact of decisions made by the contracting authority regarding a public tender on the tender process itself and on the outcomes of the tender. The contracting authority addresses a number of decision-making issues regarding public procurements. For example, it needs to decide between two types of criteria (choosing between a single-criterion evaluation or rather opting for several evaluation criteria. At the same time, the authority is free to choose among different types of award procedures while adhering to certain restrictions imposed by the Act on Public Contracts. Using a sample of 1,027 construction work contracts awarded in the Czech Republic, the study examines, in more detail, the impacts of individual choices made by the contracting authority (namely the type of evaluation criteria chosen and the type of procedure for awarding contracts on the estimated and final price of public contracts. Recommendations on how to streamline the process of public procurement can be drawn from conclusions from the empirical analysis.

  20. Estudio y caracterización de los ladrillos de un puente histórico en Buga (Valle del Cauca

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    Jorge Galindo


    Full Text Available En Colombia, la albañilería constituye una muy significativa técnica de construcción presente en edificaciones históricas. Sin embargo, ante los cambios de uso que por lo general implican un incremento de las cargas vivas, las fuertes variaciones medioambientales, el incremento de la polución y la presencia de diferentes organismos vivos -entre otros factores-, en los últimos años parece haberse acelerado el nivel de deterioro de los materiales que la conforman (ladrillo y mortero de cal, lo que hace necesario en muchas ocasiones determinar sus propiedades físico - mecánicas y su composición química y mineralógica con el fin de diagnosticar el real estado de la estructura. Este artículo trata de las rutinas apropiadas para tal caracterización de manera que ellas puedan ser aplicadas en el futuro a procesos de restauración de edificios históricos. A partir del estudio de caso que tiene por objeto el puente de arco de mampostería construido en la ciudad de Buga (Valle del Cauca en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, se dará cuenta de la manera en que los análisis mecánicos de los ladrillos permiten contar con unos patrones de referencia acerca de su comportamiento resistente; simultáneamente, la caracterización mineralógica permite identificar la composición y temperatura de cocción de los ladrillos empleados originalmente en la construcción.

  1. Potentiation of anti-cholelithogenic influence of dietary tender cluster beans (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) by garlic (Allium sativum) in experimental mice. (United States)

    Raghavendra, Chikkanna K; Srinivasan, Krishnapura


    Dietary fibre-rich tender cluster beans (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba; CB) are known to exert beneficial cholesterol lowering influence. We examined the influence of a combination of dietary tender CB and garlic (Allium sativum) in reducing the cholesterol gallstone formation in mice. Cholesterol gallstones were induced in Swiss mice by feeding a high-cholesterol diet (HCD) for 10 wk. Dietary interventions were made with 10 per cent CB and 1 per cent garlic included individually or together along with HCD. A total of 100 mice were divided into five groups of 20 mice each. Dietary CB, garlic and CB+garlic reduced the formation of cholesterol gallstones by 44, 25 and 56 per cent, respectively, lowered cholesterol by 23-48, 16-24, and 24-58 in bile, serum, and liver, respectively. Cholesterol saturation index in bile and cholesterol: phospholipid ratio in circulation and hepatic tissue were significantly lowered by these dietary interventions, with highest beneficial effect from CB+garlic. Activities of hepatic cholesterol metabolizing enzymes were modulated by CB, garlic and CB+garlic. Elevation in lipid peroxides caused by HCD was also countered by these dietary interventions, the combination producing the highest effect. The results showed that the prevention of experimentally induced formation of cholesterol gallstones by dietary CB and garlic was due to decreased biliary cholesterol secretion and increased cholesterol saturation index. In addition of anti-lithogenic effect, dietary CB and garlic in combination had a beneficial antioxidant effect.

  2. Evaluation of sampling, cookery, and shear force protocols for objective evaluation of lamb longissimus tenderness. (United States)

    Shackelford, S D; Wheeler, T L; Koohmaraie, M


    Experiments were conducted to compare the effects of two cookery methods, two shear force procedures, and sampling location within non-callipyge and callipyge lamb LM on the magnitude, variance, and repeatability of LM shear force data. In Exp. 1, 15 non-callipyge and 15 callipyge carcasses were sampled, and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) was determined for both sides of each carcass at three locations along the length (anterior to posterior) of the LM, whereas slice shear force (SSF) was determined for both sides of each carcass at only one location. For approximately half the carcasses within each genotype, LM chops were cooked for a constant amount of time using a belt grill, and chops of the remaining carcasses were cooked to a constant endpoint temperature using open-hearth electric broilers. Regardless of cooking method and sampling location, repeatability estimates were at least 0.8 for LM WBSF and SSF. For WBSF, repeatability estimates were slightly higher at the anterior location (0.93 to 0.98) than the posterior location (0.88 to 0.90). The difference in repeatability between locations was probably a function of a greater level of variation in shear force at the anterior location. For callipyge LM, WBSF was higher (P lamb LM chops cooked with the belt grill using a larger number of animals (n = 87). In Exp. 2, LM chops were obtained from matching locations of both sides of 44 non-callipyge and 43 callipyge carcasses. Chops were cooked with a belt grill and SSF was measured, and repeatability was estimated to be 0.95. Repeatable estimates of lamb LM tenderness can be achieved either by cooking to a constant endpoint temperature with electric broilers or cooking for a constant amount of time with a belt grill. Likewise, repeatable estimates of lamb LM tenderness can be achieved with WBSF or SSF. However, use of belt grill cookery and the SSF technique could decrease time requirements which would decrease research costs.

  3. SUNSTORE 3. Phase 1. Project design and tender. Final report; SUNSTORE 3. Fase 1. Projektering og udbud. Slutrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soerensen, P.A. (PlanEnergi, Skoerping (Denmark)); Moeller Nielsen, C. (Dronninglund Fjernvarme, Dronninglund (Denmark)); Baunwall, M. (NIRAS Aalborg (Denmark)); Munkholt, H. (GG-Construction, Aalborg (Denmark)); Paaske, B. (Teknologisk Institut, AArhus (Denmark)); Schmidt, T. (SOLITES, Stuttgart (Germany))


    The objective of the project has been to carry out detailed design and tendering for a heat production plant consisting of: - 35.000 m{sub 2} solar thermal collectors, - 60.000 m{sub 3} pit heat storage, - 3 MW{sub heat} heat pump, covering app. 50% of the heat production at Dronninglund district heating plant (Denmark). The final report for the project includes detailed design of the pit heat storage (a further development of a 10.000 m{sub 3} storage implemented in Marstal) and simulation of the total production system in the simulation software TRNSYS. (ln)

  4. Fermentation of tender coconut water by probiotic bacteria Bacillus coagulans

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    Aishwarya Singh Gangwar


    Full Text Available Coconut water is currently being considered as an elixir for patients suffering from diseases like dengue and malaria as well as chikungunia to provide hydration properties to the body. It has become a popular beverage for many people owing to its palatability and high mineral content. In this study, the growth, survival and fermentation performance of the probiotic bacterium Bacillus coagulans in coconut water was assessed in order to produce a novel non-dairy, probiotic beverage. The species was characterized on the basis of morphology, physiology and biochemical parameters and its probiotic attributes were assessed. Batch fermentations were carried out for 2 days at a constant 37°C, thereafter the samples were subjected to microbiological and chemical analysis. The results suggested that the specie produced lactic acid and was acid and bile tolerant. The pH and titratable acidity of probiotic fermented coconut water were found to be 4.4 and 0.53 % lactic acid, respectively. The viscosity of fermented coconut water increased significantly from an initial 5.13 mPa.s to 5.35 mPa.s because of the increase in soluble solids content due to exopolysaccharide production by B. coagulans during fermentation. Also, the overall acceptability score of probiotic coconut water was higher than tender coconut water, suggesting its feasibility for use as a probiotic beverage.

  5. Proposal for the Purchase, Without a New Call for Tenders, of Four Additional Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets for the Duplication of the Low-Beta Insertion of the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR)

    CERN Document Server


    Proposal for the Purchase, Without a New Call for Tenders, of Four Additional Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets for the Duplication of the Low-Beta Insertion of the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR)

  6. Cement: Administrative tender specifications and standards in Spain

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    Soria Santamaría, Francisco


    Full Text Available The paper describes, in chronological order, the different competent Authorities in Spain and the documents issued by them regarding Cement Regulations and Standards. The origin of the early cement quality Rules is referred to, the issuing of Regulations by the Public Bodies and finally the adoption of National Standards on the one hand, as well as the first initiatives to establish International Standards, especially motivated by the export boom after the Second World War, on the other. The second part of the paper offers a brief synthesis of the terms and conditions for cement in Administrative Tender Specifications from 1919 to date regarding definitions, classifications and specifications. Finally the present state of the art is outlined in a series of Tables describing the cement standards in force in Spain.

    Se empieza exponiendo, en orden cronológico, los organismos españoles y documentos elaborados por los mismos relativos a Reglamentos y Normas sobre cementos. Se justifica el origen de las primeras reglas para establecer la calidad de los cementos, la aparición de reglamentos por parte de las Administraciones públicas y la elaboración de normas a nivel nacional, en primer término, y los inicios de normas internacionales con motivo del auge de las exportaciones acabada la 2ª Guerra Mundial, en segundo lugar. A continuación se hace un breve resumen de la evolución de los Pliegos de Cemento en España desde 1919 hasta nuestros días, en lo que se refiere a Definiciones, Clasificación, Nomenclatura y Especificaciones. Finalmente, se incluye en forma tabulada la situación actual de las normas sobre cementos en España.

  7. Microbiological Safety of Commercial Prime Rib Preparation Methods: Thermal Inactivation of Salmonella in Mechanically Tenderized Rib Eye. (United States)

    Calle, Alexandra; Porto-Fett, Anna C S; Shoyer, Bradley A; Luchansky, John B; Thippareddi, Harshavardhan


    Boneless beef rib eye roasts were surface inoculated on the fat side with ca. 5.7 log CFU/g of a five-strain cocktail of Salmonella for subsequent searing, cooking, and warm holding using preparation methods practiced by restaurants surveyed in a medium-size Midwestern city. A portion of the inoculated roasts was then passed once through a mechanical blade tenderizer. For both intact and nonintact roasts, searing for 15 min at 260°C resulted in reductions in Salmonella populations of ca. 0.3 to 1.3 log CFU/g. For intact (nontenderized) rib eye roasts, cooking to internal temperatures of 37.8 or 48.9°C resulted in additional reductions of ca. 3.4 log CFU/g. For tenderized (nonintact) rib eye roasts, cooking to internal temperatures of 37.8 or 48.9°C resulted in additional reductions of ca. 3.1 or 3.4 log CFU/g, respectively. Pathogen populations remained relatively unchanged for intact roasts cooked to 37.8 or 48.9°C and for nonintact roasts cooked to 48.9°C when held at 60.0°C for up to 8 h. In contrast, pathogen populations increased ca. 2.0 log CFU/g in nonintact rib eye cooked to 37.8°C when held at 60.0°C for 8 h. Thus, cooking at low temperatures and extended holding at relatively low temperatures as evaluated herein may pose a food safety risk to consumers in terms of inadequate lethality and/or subsequent outgrowth of Salmonella, especially if nonintact rib eye is used in the preparation of prime rib, if on occasion appreciable populations of Salmonella are present in or on the meat, and/or if the meat is not cooked adequately throughout.

  8. Brazilian consumers' perception of tenderness of beef steaks classified by shear force and taste Percepção pelos consumidores brasileiros da maciez da carne classificada pela força de cisalhamento e sabor

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    Eduardo Francisquine Delgado


    Full Text Available The knowledge of consumer perception of meat tenderness and taste is essential to forecast a Brazilian quality value-based beef market. This study aimed to verify perception of tender (WBSF 4.8 kg strip loin steak or uncharacteristic (calcium-treated/Ca-IM and normal (non-calcium/NO-Ca meat taste by consumers according to gender, age, education and income levels. Steaks were previously classified by shear force measurements as tender or tough. Each consumer was served a paired sample of one tender and of one tough steak, which were either Ca-IM or NO-Ca treated before tenderness classification. Three hundred and eight consumers answered a nine-point intensity (tenderness and hedonic (taste scales evaluation questionnaire. Among consumers, 82.2% indicated beef as first choice meat products, 75.3% had beef at least four times a week; 39.3% considered taste as the most important meat attribute and 30.2% considered tenderness; 75.8% were males; 73.6% were 21 to 55 years old; 56.7% had college education; 76.6% had monthly income higher than US $ 435,00. Tender steaks were scored highest (P O conhecimento da percepção de maciez e sabor da carne bovina pelo consumidor é essencial para vislumbrar um mercado brasileiro que pague por qualidade. Este estudo avaliou a percepção diferenciada de contra-filé macio (WBSF 4.8 kg, ou ainda com sabor não característico (imersão em Ca/ Ca-IM ou normal (sem cálcio/ NO-Ca de acordo com sexo, faixa etária, e nível de escolaridade formal e renda dos consumidores. Os bifes foram pareados em amostras macia/dura e Ca-IM/NO-Ca, e servidos a 308 consumidores que responderam a um questionário apresentando escalas de intensidade (maciez e hedônica (sabor de nove pontos. O perfil dos consumidores mostrava que: 82,2% indicaram carne bovina como sua primeira escolha entre as carnes; 75,3% consumiam carne bovina pelo menos quatro vezes por semana; 39,3% consideravam sabor como o atributo mais importante durante o

  9. Effectiveness of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation at tender points as adjuvant therapy for patients with fibromyalgia. (United States)

    Carbonario, F; Matsutani, L A; Yuan, S L K; Marques, A P


    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome associated with sleep disorders, fatigue and psychological symptoms. Combinations therapies, such as electrotherapy and therapeutic exercises have been used in the clinical practice. To assess the efficacy of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as an adjuvant therapy to aerobic and stretching exercises, for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Controlled clinical trial. Unit of rehabilitation of a public hospital. Twenty-eight women aged 52.4±7.5 years, with fibromyalgia. A visual analogue scale measured pain intensity; tender points pain threshold, by dolorimetry; and quality of life, by the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. All subjects participated in an eight-week program consisting of aerobic exercises, followed by static stretching of muscle chains. In TENS group, high-frequency (150 Hz) was applied on bilateral tender points of trapezium and supraspinatus. TENS group had a greater pain reduction (mean change score=-2.0±2.9 cm) compared to Without TENS group (-0.7±3.7 cm). There was a difference between mean change scores of each group for pain threshold (right trapezium: 0.2±1 kg/cm² in TENS group and -0.2±1.2 kg/cm² in Without TENS group). In the evaluation of clinically important changes, patients receiving TENS had relevant improvement of pain, work performance, fatigue, stiffness, anxiety and depression compared to those not receiving TENS. It has suggested that high-frequency TENS as an adjuvant therapy is effective in relieving pain, anxiety, fatigue, stiffness, and in improving ability to work of patients with fibromyalgia. High-frequency TENS may be used as a short-term complementary treatment of fibromyalgia.

  10. La diaspora americana in Europa: il caso degli espatriati in Tender is the Night di F. Scott Fitzgerald

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    Elisa A. Pantaleo


    Full Text Available From 1921 to 1930, F. Scott Fitzgerald travelled to Europe four times, and he spent almost four years in France and one year in Switzerland. While living abroad in the multicultural environment of Paris and of the French Riviera, his attitude towards Europe underwent a major change. Tender is the Night marks a significant transition from the narrow nationalism of Fitzgerald’s first travel correspondence to an increased sensitivity towards European otherness. The cultural encounter with Europe – that in the novel is rendered through an hybridization of the language and the characters –helped the author to reinterpret his identity in a cosmopolitan perspective.

  11. Decision concerning Hydro-Quebec's request to rescind the need to go to tender to fulfill the electricity needs of bi-energy rate commercial, institutional and industrial (BT rate) consumers, article 74.1 of la Loi sur la Regie de l'energie

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patoine, M.A.


    In 1983 Hydro-Quebec initiated a special rate for commercial, institutional and industrial power consumers that made use of dual energy systems to heat and power their facilities. In October 2001, Hydro-Quebec made a request to the Regie to rescind the preferential bi-energy rate for commercial, institutional and industrial consumers. The report presents Hydro-Quebec's justification for this request with particular reference to the problems related with going to tender. The contents of the agreement between distributors and power producers were also revealed with respect to short term contracts. The report also presents the position and comments of the interveners with particular reference to the consequences of rescinding the need to go to tender. The opinion of the Regie de l'energie went in favour of the interveners. The Regie denied the request to rescind the need for tender to satisfy the electricity needs of subscribers of the preferential bi-energy rate for commercial, institutional and industrial consumers. refs., tabs

  12. Análisis crítico del discurso: la prensa sensacionalista en contextos culturales colindantes. El caso de Ajá en Perú y La Cuarta en Chile

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    Rodrigo Browne Sartori


    Full Text Available Los medios de comunicación social (MCS son comprendidos como productores relevantes de imágenes, prejuicios y estereotipos que conforman una identidad y una visión sobre los discursos de la diferencia. El presente artículo forma parte de un proyecto en Ciencias de la Información que investiga la construcción de la realidad intercultural, aplicado, en este caso, a los diarios nacionales Ajá en Perú y La Cuarta en Chile, periódicos de alta lectura en ambos países. Al mismo tiempo, este estudio permite observar la percepción de la otredad, la autoimagen y, en consecuencia, el desarrollo del periodismo intercultural. El objetivo de estos trabajos interculturales en el campo de la comunicación y el periodismo es, en definitiva, tender puentes entre las culturas, siendo su ejercicio una oportunidad de identificar la diversidad, que nos llevaría a un respeto hacia ellas y a un entendimiento intercultural más acabado.


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    Full Text Available El predominio de las valoraciones de los recursos naturales basadas en cifras económicas ha generado una infravaloración de los beneficios reales que obtienen las sociedades de la naturaleza, causada por el desconocimiento de la complejidad de las funciones ecológicas y por ignorar la integralidad de los subsistemas que componen el ambiente. Ante tal panorama, resulta imperante encontrar puentes conceptuales entre las ciencias ambientales para llenar los vacíos en los métodos de valoración, recurriendo a la pluralidad de escalas de medición, a la participación de los actores involucrados y al principio de precaución frente a los límites de la conmensurabilidad de la naturaleza. El presente ensayo explora los conceptos del valor y las metodologías de valoración desde los enfoques de la Economía Ambiental (EA y la Economía Ecológica (EE, para posteriormente proponer una integración de métodos valorativos que tengan en cuenta la complementariedad y complejidad de las relaciones de valor en la naturaleza. La propuesta de valorar integralmente los bienes y servicios ecosistémicos (BSE contribuye a que las decisiones políticas se ajusten de mejor forma a la realidad ambiental.

  14. Invitation to tender for performing studies in the field of 'development and performance of radiation protection measures, and development of instruments and methods for radiotherapy'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Tenders are invited for the following work: Measurment of radiation exposure in aircraft. Further development of electron dosemeters. Statistical analysis of the area distribution of precipitations in the various geographical regions of Germany. Description and evaluation of acute radiation syndrome. Diagnostic evaluation of the thyroid as a possible indicator of exposure to radioactive iodine as a result of accidents. (orig./HP) [de

  15. Adam Smith y el derecho

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    Federico Escobar Córdoba


    Full Text Available Este artículo destaca el análisis jurídico en la obra de Adam Smith y su enriquecedor método de estudiar el derecho, particularmente en sus Lecciones de jurisprudencia. Esboza el contexto jurídico de las Lecciones e informa sobre su público original. Luego, describe la presencia del derecho romano en esa obra, deteniéndose en dos aspectos que los editores de la Edición Glasgow señalaron como errores o imprecisiones. El artículo analiza estos aspectos, ofrece posibles explicaciones alternativas que, a la vez, resaltan la complejidad del pensamiento jurídico de Smith. Finalmente, identifica tres niveles de análisis, empleados por Smith en las Lecciones, cuya interacción sería una contribución importante a la dogmática jurídica contemporánea.

  16. Test-retest repeatability of strength capacity, aerobic power and pericranial tenderness of neck and shoulder muscles in children - relevant for tension-type headache

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tornøe, Birte; Andersen, Lars L; Skotte, J H


    Frequent or chronic tension-type headache in children is a prevalent and debilitating condition for the child, often leading to medication overuse. To explore the relationship between physical factors and tension-type headache in children, the quality of repeated measures was examined. The aim of...... of the present study was to determine the test-retest repeatability of parameters determining isometric neck and shoulder strength and stability, aerobic power, and pericranial tenderness in children....

  17. Guideline for the tendering of the Europe-wide procurement of the electricity supply. 2. rev. ed.; Arbeitshilfe zur Durchfuehrung einer europaweiten Ausschreibung der Stromlieferung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buchmueller, Christian [Schnutenhaus und Kollegen, Berlin (Germany)


    In order to describe the practical fundamentals for the procurement of electricity, the authors of this contribution present a guideline for the implementation of a Europe-wide tendering of the electricity supply. The main aspects of this contribution are the procedure and time schedule of the procurement procedure, preparation of the procurement procedure, design of the procurement procedure concerning to the contents as well as the implementation of the procurement procedure.

  18. Lecciones globales de la reforma mexicana de salud: empoderamiento a través del uso de evidencias Global lessons of the mexican health reform: empowerment through the use of evidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Frenk


    Full Text Available En este artículo se ilustra, con la reciente reforma al sistema mexicano de salud, el potencial del conocimiento en el diseño e implantación de las políticas públicas. En primer lugar se discute la relación entre conocimiento y salud. En una segunda parte se describen los esfuerzos que se llevaron a cabo en México para generar evidencias que eventualmente nutrieron el diseño e implantación de las políticas locales de salud. En seguida se analizan los contenidos de la reforma del sistema mexicano de salud y su concepto rector, La democratización de la atención a la salud. El artículo concluye con una discusión de las lecciones globales de esta experiencia de reforma.This paper illustrates, using as an example the recent reform of the Mexican health system, the potential of knowledge in the design and implementation of public policies. In the first part the relationship between knowledge and health is described. In part two, the efforts in Mexico to generate evidence that would eventually nourish the design and implementation of health policies are discussed. In the following sections the content and the guiding concept of the reform, the democratization of health, are analyzed. The paper concludes with the discussion of the main global lessons of this reform experience.

  19. Proposal for the conclusion of a partnership agreement, without competitive tendering, for the management of medical emergencies on the CERN site and the training of CERN's medical staff and firefighters in emergency situations

    CERN Document Server


    Proposal for the conclusion of a partnership agreement, without competitive tendering, for the management of medical emergencies on the CERN site and the training of CERN's medical staff and firefighters in emergency situations

  20. Tender Systems and Processes within the Mauritian Construction Industry: Investigating the Predominance of International Firms and the Lack of Absorptive Capacity in Local Firms


    K. Appasamy; P. Paul


    Mauritius, a developing small-island-state, is facing a recession which is having a considerable economic impact particularly on its construction sector. Further, the presence of foreign entities, both as companies and workers, within this sector is creating a very competitive environment for local firms. This study investigates the key drivers that allow foreign firms to participate in this sector, in particular looking at the international and local tender processes, and the capacity of loc...

  1. En el Parque Tecnológico sientan las bases para empresarios innovadores.


    Puentes, Igor


    Nueva etapa Liderazgo. Esencia del desarrollo humano y organizacional Zambrano, Ana María Haciendo historia académica Ferrer, Argelia Liderazgo que nunca muere... Puentes, Igor Liderazgo y universidad en el siglo XXI Una universidad, un líder Pérez, María de Los Ángeles Universidad y liderazgo. De lo individual a lo colectivo Puentes, Igor José Vicente Scorza. Ciencias y responsabilidad social Puentes, Igor Luis Hernández. Líderez para una verdadera p...

  2. Actividad química de los ligandos puente difósforo y difosfenilo en los complejos binucleares (Mo2Cp2(n-PCy2) (n-K2:K2-P2)(CO)2)-y (Mo2Cp2(n-PCy2)(n-K2:K2-P2Me)(CO)2)


    Lozano Rivera, Raquel


    El trabajo de investigación que se recoge en la presente Memoria comprende un amplio estudio de la reactividad de complejos metálicos binucleares con ligandos puente difósforo y metildifosfenilo procedentes de la activación directa del fósforo blanco. Por un lado, se ha llevado a cabo un amplio análisis del comportamiento químico de la especie aniónica [Mo2Cp2(¿-PCy2)(¿-¿2:¿2-P2)(CO)2]- frente a electrófilos de distinta naturaleza, tales como clorofosfinas y complejos metálicos generadores...

  3. Report on Evaluation of Tender for the Valentine Iron Ore Project in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report prepared by Dastur Engineering International GmbH (DEI)Consulting Engineers, Dusseldorf at the instance of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) seeks to present an evaluation of the feasibility study presented by Republica Oriental del Uruguay, Ministerio de Industria y- Energia (Project Authority) by the Brazilian Consortium (comprising Tenenga, Coferraz, Cimetal and Interbras) along with a project BID including financing possibilities. In accordance with the contract requirements, this Draft Final Report is being submitted. Based on the comments to be received on the findings incorporated in this Draft Final Report from UNIDO and Project Authorities in Uruguay, the Final Report will be prepared and submitted to UNIDO in accordance with the time schedule stipulated in the contract between UNIDO and DEI. The aims of the Project are:a) The development objective is the utilisation of the country's natural resources by exploiting the iron ore deposits of Valentines, for iron and steel production. b)The immediate objective is to evaluate the tenders for the execution of a project to undertake the industrial exploitation of the iron or deposits in close co-operation and co-ordination with the Uruguayan authorities.

  4. Effect of Ginger Extract and Citric Acid on the Tenderness of Duck Breast Muscles (United States)


    The objective of this study was to examine the effect of ginger extract (GE) combined with citric acid on the tenderness of duck breast muscles. Total six marinades were prepared with the combination of citric acid (0 and 0.3 M citric acid) and GE (0, 15, and 30%). Each marinade was sprayed on the surface of duck breasts (15 mL/100 g), and the samples were marinated for 72 h at 4℃. The pH and proteolytic activity of marinades were determined. After 72 h of marination, Warner Bratzler shear force (WBSF), myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI), pH, cooking loss, moisture content, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and protein solubility were evaluated. There was no significant (p>0.05) difference in moisture content or cooking loss among all samples. However, GE marination resulted in a significant (pcitric acid) and WC (with citric acid) conditions were significantly (pcitric acid may be attributed to various mechanisms such as increased MFI and myofibrillar protein solubility. PMID:26877631

  5. Effect of pulsed electric field treatment on hot-boned muscles of different potential tenderness. (United States)

    Suwandy, Via; Carne, Alan; van de Ven, Remy; Bekhit, Alaa El-Din A; Hopkins, David L


    In this study, the effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment and ageing on the quality of beef M. longissimus lumborum (LL) and M. semimembranosus (SM) muscles was evaluated, including the tenderness, water loss and post-mortem proteolysis. Muscles were obtained from 12 steers (6 steers for each muscle), removed from the carcasses 4 hour postmortem and were treated with pulsed electric field within 2h. Six different pulsed electric field intensities (voltages of 5 and 10 kV × frequencies of 20, 50 and 90 Hz) plus a control were applied to each muscle to determine the optimum treatment conditions. Beef LL was found to get tougher with increasing treatment frequency whereas beef SM muscle was found to have up to 21.6% reduction in the shear force with pulsed electric field treatment. Post-mortem proteolysis showed an increase in both troponin and desmin degradation in beef LL treated with low intensity PEF treatment (20 Hz) compared to non-treated control samples. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Evaluation of pain sensitivity by tender point counts and myalgic score in patients with and without obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. (United States)

    Terzi, Rabia; Yılmaz, Zahide


    The purpose of this study was to assess the difference between patients with and without obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) with respect to pain sensitivity. The study was conducted on 31 womens diagnosed with OSAS and 31 healthy women. All patients underwent polysomnographic testing. A pressure algometer (dolorimeter) was used to measure the pressure pain threshold. Fibromyalgia was diagnosed based on the 1990 American College of Rheumatology diagnosis criteria. The myalgic score was 73.95 ± 18.09 in patients with OSAS, while this value was 84.18 ± 24.31 in the control group. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (P = 0.041).The number of tender points was 8.19 ± 3.35 in the patient group with OSAS, while this number was 6.35 ± 2.23 in the control group. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P = 0.014). No statistically significant differences were found between age, body mass index, Beck depression scores, control point score and the presence of fibromyalgia, between the two groups (P > 0.05). A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the myalgic scores and mean saturation O 2 (%) values of the patients (r = 0.357; P = 0.049). The differences noted between OSAS patients and the control group with respect to myalgic score and the number of tender points suggest that there might be a relation between OSAS and pain sensitivity. There might be an association between low oxygen saturation and total myalgic score. © 2015 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  7. Determinación de cargas dinámicas de camiones pesados que transitan en un puente basado en algoritmos genéticos e instrumentación Genetic algorithms and instrumentation determination of dynamic loads of heavy trucks over a bridge

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    Edgar Muñoz


    Full Text Available Esta investigación determina las cargas por eje de los camiones que circulan por un puente ubicado en una de las vías principales de Colombia, utilizando la técnica de control BWIM (Bridge Weight in Motion, no empleada antes en el País. Nuestro grupo de investigación implementó la Metodología de los Algoritmos genéticos, instrumentación y monitoreo, para el Puente denominado Boquerón en la vía Bogotá - Villavicencio, Colombia. Para ese fin, se instrumentaron cuatro vigas con un sistema electrónico de medición de tráfico en cada carril, además de un sistema de adquisición de datos y ensayos de laboratorio. Desarrollamos la calibración de su modelo estructural y la generación de funciones matemáticas para hacer converger líneas de influencias de cargas con pruebas experimentales y así determinar las cargas en movimiento de los camiones. En adición, se desarrolló una herramienta computacional, capaz de representar con aceptable precisión las cargas en movimiento.This research determines the axle loads of trucks traveling on a bridge located in one of the most important corridors of Colombia, using the technique of control BWIM (Bridge Weight in Motion, not used before in the country. Our research group developed a Genetic Algorithm based in a trial test, implementation and monitoring to the bridge called Boquerón of Colombian Highways (Bogota - Villavicencio. For such an effort, four girders were monitored by data acquisition electronics joined by an electronic traffic log device by lane accompanied of laboratory testing for materials. Model calibration was performed by mathematical approach of in-situ influence lines compared to those obtained by modeling, giving as outcome loads of moving trucks over the bridge. In addition, we developed a computational tool, able to represent with reasonable accuracy the moving loads.

  8. National Beef Tenderness Survey-2010: Warner-Bratzler shear force values and sensory panel ratings for beef steaks from United States retail and food service establishments. (United States)

    Guelker, M R; Haneklaus, A N; Brooks, J C; Carr, C C; Delmore, R J; Griffin, D B; Hale, D S; Harris, K B; Mafi, G G; Johnson, D D; Lorenzen, C L; Maddock, R J; Martin, J N; Miller, R K; Raines, C R; VanOverbeke, D L; Vedral, L L; Wasser, B E; Savell, J W


    The tenderness and palatability of retail and food service beef steaks from across the United States (12 cities for retail, 5 cities for food service) were evaluated using Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) and consumer sensory panels. Subprimal postfabrication storage or aging times at retail establishments averaged 20.5 d with a range of 1 to 358 d, whereas postfabrication times at the food service level revealed an average time of 28.1 d with a range of 9 to 67 d. Approximately 64% of retail steaks were labeled with a packer/processor or store brand. For retail, top blade had among the lowest (P 0.05) in WBS values between moist-heat and dry-heat cookery methods for the top round and bottom round steaks or between enhanced (contained salt or phosphate solution) or nonenhanced steaks. Food service top loin and rib eye steaks had the lowest (P food service top loin steaks received among the greatest (P food service rib eye steaks received the greatest ratings (P food service steaks were greater (P Choice, and Low Choice groups. The WBS values and sensory ratings were comparable to the last survey, signifying that no recent or substantive changes in tenderness have occurred.

  9. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply and upgrade of positioning sensors for the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of 60 new Hydrostatic Leveling Systems (HLS sensors) and 25 new Wire Positioning Systems (WPS sensors) and for the upgrade of 63 existing sensors. For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with FOGALE NANOTECH (FR), for the supply and upgrade of HLS and WPS sensors for a total amount of 412 913 euros (631 757 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. The amount in Swiss francs has been calculated using the present rate of exchange.

  10. To tender, re-negotiate or partner: Strategies for contracting service companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gouldie, T.A.


    The contracting of oilfield service companies by petroleum exploration and production operating companies is different than the contracting of civil engineering, construction or other project-oriented contractors. The relationship between operating companies and oilfield service companies has had a long and unique history which has evolved since the first oil wells were drilled over a century ago. The process of contracting service companies by operating companies for petroleum exploration and production work can be split into three distinct stages: (1) decide what it is that should be contracted out and what should be kept in house; (2) determine the method to use to select the contractor(s) to perform the work; and (3) agree to the contractual structure to best reflect the relationship the operating company and the service company with to initiate and maintain. As there are ongoing changes to the business structures and corporate thinking of both operating and service companies, there are also evolving changes to what are considered core businesses and the methods of selecting and contracting service companies by operating companies. Operating companies are recognizing the high costs of tendering for contractor services in terms of personnel time and administrative effort, and are relying more on negotiating and rolling-over existing contracts with their suitable, capable contractors. Partnering, in its many forms and levels, is increasingly being recognized as a useful method to get better work done at cheaper overall costs

  11. Aportaciones de la Hermenéutica analógica a la Enfermería: entrevista al prof. Mauricio Beuchot Puente

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    Anabel Paramá

    Full Text Available Entrevista realizada al Prof. Dr. D. Mauricio Beuchot, fundador de la propuesta teórica llamada Hermenéutica Analógica. Este tipo de hermenéutica es, hoy en día, reconocida como una propuesta original y novedosa en el campo de la hermenéutica filosófica. Ya el propio Jean Grondin, uno de los mayores conocedores de la hermenéutica actual, llegó a afirmar que los investigadores en hermenéutica deberían comenzar a conocer el español para leer de primera mano la propuesta de hermenéutica analógica de Beuchot; mostrando con ello la importancia de este autor mexicano. El profesor Mauricio Hardie Beuchot Puente (Torreón, Coahuila, México, 1950, está reconocido como uno de los principales filósofos de Iberoamérica. Sacerdote y fraile dominico, es autor de más de 50 libros sobre temas relacionados con la Filosofía medieval, Filosofía del lenguaje, Filosofía analítica, Estructuralismo y sobre todo, Hermenéutica. Además es Director de la revista Analogía Filosófica, Director de Honor de la revista Hermes Analógica, subdirector de la revista Anamnesis, así como miembro de una cantidad importante de publicaciones académicas. En su larga trayectoria ha conseguido ser desde 1985 investigado titular "C" a tiempo completo del Centro de Estudios Clásicos del Instituto de Investigación Filológicas (IIFL de la UNAM (Universidad Nacional de México. Desde 1997 es miembro de número en la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua, desde 1999 es miembro de la Academia Pontificia de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Así mismo el Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Anáhuac del Sur.

  12. Correlação entre a contagem dos pontos dolorosos na fibromialgia com a intensidade dos sintomas e seu impacto na qualidade de vida Correlation between the number of tender points in fibromyalgia, the intensity of symptoms and its impact on quality of life

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    José Eduardo Martinez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer se há correlação entre o número de pontos dolorosos e a intensidade da percepção de aspectos centrais da síndrome (dor, fadiga, ansiedade, depressão e do seu impacto na capacidade funcional. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se quarenta e um prontuários de pacientes que preenchem os Critérios de Classificação para Fibromialgia do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia, considerando as seguintes variáveis: percepção da intensidade de dor, fadiga, qualidade de vida global, depressão, ansiedade e contagem de pontos dolorosos. A avaliação da capacidade funcional foi realizada através do Questionário de Avaliação de Saúde simplificado (Health Assessment Questionnaire-HAQ. RESULTADOS: Observou-se correlação entre a contagem de pontos dolorosos e a intensidade da dor e a capacidade funcional. Não houve correlação com as notas atribuídas à fadiga (p = 0,358, ansiedade (p = 0,58, depressão (p = 0,50 e qualidade de vida (p = 0,538. A correlação entre o número de pontos dolorosos e a intensidade da dor foi mais forte que com o HAQ. CONCLUSÃO: Há correlação entre contagem dos pontos dolorosos e intensidade da dor e capacidade funcional. A correlação entre os pontos dolorosos e a intensidade da dor é mais importante do que com a capacidade funcional medida pelo HAQ. Não há correlação com as demais variáveis estudadas.OBJECTIVE: to study the correlation between the number of tender points and the intensity of the perception of key aspects of the fibromyalgia syndrome (pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and its impact in functional capacity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: forty-one records of patients who meet the Criteria for Classification of Fibromyalgia of the American College of Rheumatology were reviewed, focusing on the following variables: perception of the intensity of pain, fatigue, quality of sleep, depression, anxiety and the tender point count. The assessment of functional capacity was done by

  13. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of electricity

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of electricity for the period from January 2001 until 30 June 2003. On 13 January 2000 a market survey was sent to 43 firms in sixteen Member States. Following this market survey, CERN received an unsolicited offer from EDF/EOS. With a view to verifying the competitiveness of the offer, three firms and one consortium in four Member States, qualified from the market survey, were requested to submit quotations. CERN received three quotations from two firms and the consortium which indeed confirmed that the offer from EDF/EOS was very competitive. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with the consortium EDF (FR)/EOS (CH), which submitted the unsolicited offer, for the supply of electricity until June 2003 for a total estimated amount, based on the present schedules of the accelerators for the associated period, of 290 000 000 French francs, not subject to revision. At the present ra...


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    María Beatriz Páramo-Iglesias


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la experiencia docente a través de un grupo de trabajo que permite crear lazos entre la universidad, la escuela y los centros de formación, así como recursos para dar respuesta a las necesidades de investigación y formación continua en dichos escenarios. El grupo de trabajo se desarrollo en un centro educativo de la provincia de Lugo (España que contó con la subvención de la Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, al amparo del Plan Anual de Formación del Profesorado de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia y supone adentrarse en cómo la práctica docente, el ambiente de aprendizaje y el entramado teórico educativo inciden en el aprender a aprender en el alumnado de educación infantil (de 3 a 6 años. El grupo constituye, a su vez, una estrategia de formación continua que permite, a través de la recreación, de dinámicas y de juegos, establecer un puente entre la formación universitaria y la no universitaria para conocer mejor cómo se trabaja la competencia citada. El marco legislativo e institucional, el ambiente de aprendizaje y la práctica docente son objeto de análisis en el desarrollo del grupo de trabajo que abordamos en las siguientes páginas.

  15. Análisis de la respuesta estructural de pasarelas curvas colgadas excéntricamente


    Margalet de Zabalo, Ramon


    En los puentes de planta curva, el peso propio, la carga permanente y la sobrecarga producen no sólo esfuerzos de flexión y de cortante sino también de torsión. Por ello, la ley de momentos torsores totales en estos puentes es mayor que la que se obtiene para los puentes rectos. En el caso de pasarelas curvas colgadas excéntricamente, además de estar sometidas a esta problemática, el atirantado juega un papel importante en el comportamiento del dintel. Así pues, con esta tip...

  16. Notes on nervios: a disorder of menopause. (United States)

    Barnett, E A


    The condition of nerves among women in the small Peruvian town of Puente Piedre is described. Both nervios (a symptom) and Nervios (a disorder) describe a woman's difficulty with nerves. In Puente Piedre, the identification of an anxiety condition among women depends only on the women's age. Younger women with anxiety symptoms are diagnosed as nervios, a temporary condition ascribed to a single episode of high blood pressure. Menopausal women with similar symptoms, on the other hand, are thought to have a specific disorder, Nervios. In Puente Piedre, Nervios clearly is a folk illness limited to women of menopausal age.

  17. Presencia de una diáspora global: comerciantes armenios y comercio intercultural en Manila, c. 1660-1800

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    Baena Zapatero, Alberto


    Full Text Available This article analyses the presence in Manila of Armenian merchants from New Julfa, and aims to bring together Spanish primary sources and the rich historiography on the Julfan trade diaspora. Attracted by the silver arriving from Acapulco, Armenians played an important commercial role in the Philippines. We address their complicated relationship with the Spanish authorities, their participation in both inter-Asiatic and trans-Pacific exchanges, and their life experiences as told in their own words before the court of the Spanish Inquisition in Manila.Este artículo analiza la presencia de comerciantes armenios de Nueva Julfa en Manila, y tiene por objeto tender un puente entre las fuentes documentales españolas y la rica historiografía sobre la diáspora comercial julfana. Atraídos por la plata que llegaba de Acapulco, los armenios jugaron un importante papel comercial en las Filipinas. Abordamos su complicada relación con las autoridades españolas, su participación en los intercambios tanto inter-asiáticos como transpacíficos, y sus experiencias vitales relatadas por ellos mismos ante el Tribunal de la Inquisición en Manila.

  18. Assessment Of Ethical Behavior Among Professionals At Procurement And After Tendering Process With Its Impacts And Drivers In Nepalese Construction Industry

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    Ram Sagar Yadav


    Full Text Available Objective of this study is to assess ethical behavior among professionals at procurement and after tendering process with its impacts and drivers in Nepalese Construction Industry. Different literatures were reviewed to assess ethical practices along with its cause and effect inside Nepalese Construction Industry. Pilot study was conducted for the validity of the questionnaire. One key informant from each selected organization was interviewed. The questionnaire contains shortcomings of ethical behavior at procurement and after tendering phase impact of shortcomings of ethical practices and factors leading to these ethical practices based on the objectives of the research. Five ranking Likert Scale were used. The collected data were analyzed based on relative importance index RII in three different categories as Investigating Offices 3 numbers Professional Associations 4 numbers and Government Departments 4 numbers with total of 11 organizations. All together 240 respondents were targeted out of which 170 response were collected with response rate of 70.83. The research shows that for commitment of professionals The overall level of unethical conduct in construction industry is placed at first rank with agreement level of 72.7. For Professionals shortcomings of ethical behavior at procurement phase Individuals or organizations undertaking work without adequate qualification experience training is placed at first rank with agreement level of 68.00. For Professionals shortcomings of ethical behavior after awarding the Tender Contractors professional dont dispose waste in suitable and safe ways which is friendly with the environment is placed at first rank with agreement level of 67.50. For factors lead to shortcomings of ethical behavior Personal culture or personal behavior is placed at first rank with agreement level of 78.20. From the research it is clear that shortcomings of ethical behaviors have negative impact firstly on cost as it affects

  19. Proposal to Negotiate, without Competitive Tendering, a Blanket Order for High-Voltage Thyratrons for the CERN Accelerators

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the supply of thyratrons to be used as high-voltage and high-current switches for the fast-pulsed magnet systems of the CERN accelerators and for the protection of the klystrons of RF systems. Following a market survey (MS-3136/SL/LHC) carried out among 18 firms in ten Member States, CERN entered into negotiations with one firm in one Member State. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation, without competitive tendering, of a new blanket order with E2V TECHNOLOGIES (GB) for up to 800 000 pounds sterling to cover the supply of thyratrons for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, subject to price revision for inflation for deliveries after 31 December 2003. At the present rate of exchange, this amount is equivalent to 1 855 000 Swiss francs. The firm has indicated the following distribution by country of the order value covered by this adjudication proposal: GB - 100%.

  20. Influence of supplementing vitamin C to yearling steers fed a high sulfur diet during the finishing period on meat color, tenderness and protein degradation, and fatty acid profile of the longissimus muscle. (United States)

    Pogge, Danielle J; Lonergan, Steven M; Hansen, Stephanie L


    The objective was to determine the influence of vitamin C (VC) supplemented for approximately 102 d during the finishing period on color, tenderness, and fatty acid profile of longissimus thoracis (LT; n=136) from steers fed a 0.55% sulfur diet. Treatments included 4 supplemental VC concentrations: 1) 0 (CON), 2) 5 (5VC), 3) 10 (10VC), or 4) 20 (20VC) gVC·h(-1)∙d(-1) in a common diet. Increasing supplemental VC decreased (Pvitamin E and tended to increase (P≤0.07) calcium and iron content of steaks. No VC (P≥0.25) effect was noted for WBSF, calpain-1 autolysis, troponin T degradation, or most fatty acid profiles. A quadratic effect (P≤0.03) was observed for cholesterol and CLA content of LT. Under the conditions of our study, supplementing VC to steers fed a 0.55% sulfur diet late in the finishing period did not influence color or tenderness, but increased the vitamin E content. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Effect of alternative salt use on broiler breast meat yields, tenderness, flavor, and sodium concentration. (United States)

    Broadway, P R; Behrends, J M; Schilling, M W


    Fresh chicken breast fillets were marinated with gourmet-style salts: Himalayan pink salt, Sonoma gourmet salt, sel gus de Guerande, and Bolivian rose salt to evaluate their effects on marination and cook loss yields, tenderness, sensory attributes, and sodium concentration. Fresh chicken breast fillets (48-h postmortem) were vacuum tumbled (137 kPa at 20 rpm for 17 min) in a solution of water, salt, and sodium tripolyphosphate at a level of 20% of the meat weights. Instrumental analyses showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in meat quality with respect to marination yield, cook yield, or shear-force value. There were also no significant differences (P > 0.05) in sensory descriptors between salt treatments. However, Sonoma gourmet salt showed a tendency (P = 0.0693) to score increased savory note values from panelists, whereas Bolivian rose salt received the lowest score. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in sodium concentrations between salt treatments, but numerically, sel gus de Guerande had the lowest sodium concentration, which could be important in producing reduced sodium products. Understanding different salts and sodium concentrations allows the poultry industry to use gourmet salts in products and maintain overall meat quality and flavor.

  2. Coeficiente de fricción por curvatura no intencional en concreto postensado

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    Diego Ernesto Dueñas Puentes


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se establece un coeficiente de fricción por curvatura no intencional (K para puentes de placa y vigas y puentes por voladizos sucesivos a partir de los registros de tensionamiento de algunos puentes postensados construidos en Colombia, el cual es inferior al empleado habitualmente en el diseño de puentes pos-tensados en el país y establecido por el Código Colombiano de Diseño Sísmico de Puentes (CCDSP publicado por el Instituto Nacional de Vías en 1995. Este estudio parte del hecho de que en algunas importantes obras se obtienen alargamientos de torones mayores a los estimados teóricamente, puentes de los cuales se dispone de registros de tensionamiento y de los que se deducen valores de coeficientes más cercanos a los indicados por las últimas ediciones de la Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, publicada por American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials “AASHTO”. En Colombia, el CCDSP, considera un coeficiente de fricción por curvatura no intencional (K para cables, con valores entre 0.0050 y 0.00066 m-1, dependiendo del material del que esté fabricado el ducto (acero galvanizado, sin galvanizar, metal brillante, valor superior al encontrado en este trabajo. En este artículo, en primer lugar, se realiza una breve descripción del efecto de fricción a lo largo de los cables, presentando los diferentes valores de coeficientes de fricción indicados en el CCDSP y en “AASHTO.”, en el diseño de puentes preesforzados. Se hace una corta descripción de cada uno de los puentes de los cuales se tienen registros de tensionamiento con el fin de identificar otras variables que intervienen en el proceso de ten-sionamiento como materiales, equipos y mano de obra, y posteriormente, a partir de la validación y tabulación de datos registrados en obra (registros en los cuales se controla la fuerza aplicada y el alargamiento de los torones, se efectuó la evaluación del coeficiente

  3. Reindeer meat – is it always tender, tasty and healthy?

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    Eva Wiklund


    Full Text Available Meat with high pH values, so called DFD (Dark, Firm, Dry meat, is a persistent quality defect foundmin all meat species. DFD shortens shelf life, especially for vacuum-packed meat and affects meat colour, tenderness and water-holding properties. High pH values in reindeer meat have been related to pre-slaughter handling stress and poor nutritional status of the animals. There are numerous reports that variation in muscle pH and glycogen content give rise to considerable variations in meat tenderness in species such as beef and lamb. In contrast, reindeer meat has been found to be extremely tender regardless of ultimate pH. This phenomenon has been related to the speed of post mortem protein degradation and the small muscle fibre size in reindeer. Previous research has demonstrated that the fatty acid composition of meat changes in response to diets. Generally, a higher proportion of long, unsaturated fatty acids were found in meat from grazing animals compared with animals fed a grain-based diet. Reindeer meat has been found to contain moderate amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, especially so-called n-3 (or omega-3 PUFAs. The PUFAs are known to be susceptible to oxidation and may therefore be easily oxidized during processing by techniques like smoking and drying. A trained sensory panel concluded that meat from reindeer fed commercial feed scored higher for liverish and sweet flavours and lower for off-flavou (i.e. ‘grass’, ‘wild’ and ‘game’ compared with meat from grazing animals. Consumer preference tests on reindeer meat showed that 50 per cent of the consumers preferred meat from grazing reindeer and 50 per cent meat from pellet-fed animals. Recent reindeer meat research has included new feed mixtures using ingredients like linseed and fishmeal. Crushed linseed in the feed gave meat with a fat composition similar to that of natural pasture, which meant more PUFA than in meat from reindeer fed the normal grain

  4. El arte de describir el territorio: mapas y planos históricos en torno al puente de Alcántara (Cáceres, España

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    Chias, P.


    Full Text Available The study of the construction of the territory and the landscape at different scales has been traditionally based on written documentary sources, and to a lesser extent on the graphic ones. The cartographic sources, as well as paintings, drawings, and photographs have been often relegated to a secondary role, and thus undervalued. This fact is due to the difficulties of interpretation of the cartographic documents, but also to the obstacles to find their location, and even to access to them. This article considers the territory under the scope of the cultural heritage, and collects many historical and unpublished data about the Roman Alcantara Bridge through the analysis of historical maps and plans.

    El estudio de la construcción del territorio y del paisaje a diferentes escalas se ha basado tradicionalmente en fuentes documentales escritas, y en menor medida en las gráficas. Las fuentes cartográficas, junto a los cuadros, los dibujos, las fotografías y otras fuentes no verbales han sido frecuentemente relegadas o consideradas de una categoría inferior, muchas veces a causa de las dificultades de interpretación que pueden plantear, y a esto hay que añadir las dificultades inherentes a la localización y acceso a los fondos. El trabajo reivindica el territorio como patrimonio al mismo tiempo que aporta datos inéditos para la historia del puente de Alcántara mediante el análisis de mapas y planos históricos.


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    A.A. Skoromets


    Full Text Available Twenty seven patients with frequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericrania! tenderness (TTH aged from 18 to 69 years old were examined. Arteria meningea media (AMM and brachiocephalic arteries (BCA were examined by supersonic power Doppler scanning during the paroxysm of headache and without the paroxysm of headache. Results: Blood flow in AMM of patients with TTH was significantly different during the paroxysm of headache and without the paroxysm of headache (p<0.01. Blood flow in arteria carotid external did not change (p>0.05. The pattern of hypoperfusion in AMM was displayed in two groups during the paroxysm of headache. The increase of average blood velocity (TAmx in groups of patients with TTH in comparison with the control group.


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN En Colombia el acceso a los recursos genéticos (ARG con fines científicos o de aplicación comercial está regulado por la Decisión 391/96 de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones y sus normas reglamentarias. Durante los primeros años de su aplicación, la eficacia de esta normatividad fue casi nula resultado de deficiencias institucionales y de la falta de información e interés de los investigadores e instituciones de investigación. Con el fin de extraer lecciones sobre los procedimientos de obtención de ARG y de promover una mejor respuesta institucional de las autoridades ambientales, se examinan dos estudios de caso. La información se obtuvo de los expedientes N.º 2571 y N.º RGE0018-07 del Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (MAVDT. En la solicitud del Instituto de Biotecnología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, después de siete años de trámite no ha sido posible obtener el ARG; al contrario, el MAVDT inició un proceso sancionatorio por acceso ilegal. En la solicitud de la “Unión Temporal Centro Colombiano de Genómica y Bioinformática de Ambientes Extremos GeBix” el respectivo ARG se firmó luego de 406 días de trámite. Se puede concluir que la obtención de contrato ARG, requiere conocimiento del procedimiento por parte del investigador y una respuesta adecuada en la implementación de la legislación por parte del MAVDT. Si bien actualmente el desarrollo del trámite es menos difícil para los investigadores, son necesarios ajustes institucionales y normativos para que la obtención de un contrato de ARG facilite, en lugar de obstaculizar la investigación científica. Palabras clave: Acceso recursos genéticos, bioprospección, investigación biológica, Decisión 391 de 1996, Colombia. ABSTRACT Access to genetic resources (AGR with scientific or commercial purposes is regulated in Colombia by Decision 391/96 of the Andean Community of Nations and its prescribed norms. During the

  7. The predetermined sites of examination for tender points in fibromyalgia syndrome are frequently associated with myofascial trigger points

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ge, Hongyou; Wang, Ying; Danneskiold-Samsøe, Bente


    . PERSPECTIVE: This article underlies the importance of active MTrPs in FMS patients. Most of the TP sites in FMS are MTrPs. Active MTrPs may serve as a peripheral generator of fibromyalgia pain and inactivation of active MTrPs may thus be an alternative for the treatment of FMS.......The aim of this present study is to test the hypotheses that the 18 predetermined sites of examination for tender points (TP sites) in fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) are myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), and that the induced pain from active MTrPs at TP sites may mimic fibromyalgia pain. Each TP site......), but not latent MTrPs (r = -.001, P = .99), was positively correlated with spontaneous pain intensity in FMS. The current study provides first evidence that pain from active MTrPs at TP sites mimics fibromyalgia pain. MTrPs may relate to generalized increased sensitivity in FMS due to central sensitization...

  8. Lecciones aprendidas en la provisión de medicamentos para la atención primaria de la salud Lessons learned from drug supplies for primary health care

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    Federico Tobar


    Full Text Available En las reformas de salud que se llevaron a cabo en América Latina, la provisión de medicamentos no adquirió protagonismo. Cuando fue incluida, se dio prioridad a los medicamentos para internación, así como para enfermedades de baja prevalencia y alto costo. Sin embargo, en los últimos años un conjunto de programas han realizado innovaciones en la gestión de suministros para el primer nivel de atención. Aquí se abordan estas experiencias en América Latina, primero analizándolas a través de cuatro momentos del ciclo de gestión de medicamentos: selección, compra, distribución y utilización. Después, se busca identificar las lecciones aprendidas y las condiciones de un buen sistema de provisión. Las conclusiones destacan experiencias que lograron no sólo disponibilidad a costos bajos, sino también aumentos en la productividad y resolutividad del primer nivel, además de mejoras en la prescripción y el fortalecimiento del funcionamiento en red.Drug supply strategies have not been widely included in Latin American health reform programs. National efforts, when they have included such strategies, have focused on supporting drug availability for inpatient treatment and, in some cases, for ambulatory treatment of low prevalence and high-cost diseases. Nevertheless, some innovative drug supply programs for primary health care have been implemented in many countries. This article reviews and systematizes recent experiences with the supply of drugs in Latin American countries. Firstly, this article analyzes four phases of the cycle for managing drugs: selection, procurement, distribution, and use, and; secondly, it identifies lessons learned and some characteristics of efficient drug supply systems. Conclusions emphasize experiences which have not only achieved supply at low costs, but also have increased the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of primary health care, improved prescriptions, and strengthened the network.

  9. The influence of postmortem electrical stimulation on rigor mortis development, calpastatin activity, and tenderness in broiler and duck pectoralis. (United States)

    Alvarado, C Z; Sams, A R


    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of electrical stimulation (ES) on rigor mortis development, calpastatin activity, and tenderness in anatomically similar avian muscles composed primarily of either red or white muscle fibers. A total of 72 broilers and 72 White Pekin ducks were either treated with postmortem (PM) ES (450 mA) at the neck in a 1% NaCl solution for 2 s on and 1 s off for a total of 15 s or were used as nonstimulated controls. Both pectoralis muscles were harvested from the carcasses after 0.25, 1.25, and 24 h PM and analyzed for pH, inosine:adenosine ratio (R-value), sarcomere length, gravimetric fragmentation index, calpastatin activity, shear value, and cook loss. All data were analyzed within species for the effects of ES. Electrically stimulated ducks had a lower muscle pH at 0.25 and 1.25 h PM and higher R-values at 0.25 h PM compared with controls. Electrically stimulated broilers had a lower muscle pH at 1.25 h and higher R-values at 0.25 and 1.25 h PM compared with controls. Muscles of electrically stimulated broilers exhibited increased myofibrillar fragmentation at 0.25 and 1.25 h PM, whereas there was no such difference over PM time in the duck muscle. Electrical stimulation did not affect calpastatin activity in either broilers or ducks; however, the calpastatin activity of the broilers did decrease over the aging time period, whereas that of the ducks did not. Electrical stimulation decreased shear values in broilers at 1.25 h PM compared with controls; however, there was no difference in shear values of duck muscle due to ES at any sampling time. Cook loss was lower for electrically stimulated broilers at 0.25 and 1.25 h PM compared with the controls, but had no effect in the ducks. These results suggest that the red fibers of the duck pectoralis have less potential for rigor mortis acceleration and tenderization due to ES than do the white fibers of the broiler pectoralis.

  10. Modelling the Determinants of Winning in Public Tendering Procedures Based on the Activity of a Selected Company

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    Maciej Malara


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to identify the factors influencing the probability of winning in public procurement procedures and to assess the strength of their impact from the perspective of both: the bidder and procurer. The research was conducted with the use of series of quantitative methods: binary logistic regression, discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. It was based on a sample consisting of public tenders, in which the examined company performed the role of a bidder. Thus, the research process was aimed at both identifying the factors of success and estimating the probability of achieving it, where it was possible to obtain probabilities. The main idea of this research is to answer questions about the utility of various methods of quantitative analysis in the case of analyzing determinants of success. Results of the research are presented in the following sequence of sections: characteristics of the examined material, the process of modelling the probability of winning, evaluation of the quality of the results obtained. (original abstract

  11. Gestión de residuos y segregación urbana: Villa estaciones ferroviarias de Puente Alto, Santiago de Chile (1985-2015.

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    Valentina Fernanda Saavedra Meléndez


    Full Text Available El desarrollo urbano en Chile y Latinoamérica desde fines del siglo XX ha producido ciudades segregadas según el nivel de ingresos de sus habitantes, profundizando las condiciones de desigualdad de la población, al generar paños homogéneos de sectores pobres. Esta desigualdad no sólo se limita a los ingresos de la población, sino a la distribución de oportunidades y costos urbanos a los que se somete a dicha población. Uno de estos costos es la localización de depósitos de residuos, ubicados en las comunas que han concentrado la pobreza, donde a la vez se emplaza la vivienda social entregada por el sistema de subsidios y gestionada por el sector empresarial de la construcción. Se produce, por tanto, una relación entre comunas productoras de basuras y comunas receptoras, cuestión que va en aumento debido al sistema de gestión de basura tradicional que se mantiene en Chile. En ese contexto, este artículo propone analizar las consecuencias del sistema de gestión no sustentable de basura y su relación con el sistema de vivienda social subsidiario que se aplica en Chile, específicamente en la Región Metropolitana. Para lo anterior, se abordará el caso de la Villa Estaciones Ferroviaria de Puente Alto, construida a principios de la década de 1990, entregada por programas de subsidios habitacionales y emplazada sobre un ex vertedero. Mediante esta investigación, se busca replantear el enfoque reactivo de la gestión de residuos domiciliaros en aras de volverlo uno preventivo, de modo que la dedicación mayoritaria del sistema a la eliminación de residuos -con problemas de espacio, terreno y enfermedades–, se transforme en planes de reducción, reutilización, reciclaje y eliminación sustentable de basura.

  12. High and low rigor temperature effects on sheep meat tenderness and ageing. (United States)

    Devine, Carrick E; Payne, Steven R; Peachey, Bridget M; Lowe, Timothy E; Ingram, John R; Cook, Christian J


    Immediately after electrical stimulation, the paired m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LT) of 40 sheep were boned out and wrapped tightly with a polyethylene cling film. One of the paired LT's was chilled in 15°C air to reach a rigor mortis (rigor) temperature of 18°C and the other side was placed in a water bath at 35°C and achieved rigor at this temperature. Wrapping reduced rigor shortening and mimicked meat left on the carcass. After rigor, the meat was aged at 15°C for 0, 8, 26 and 72 h and then frozen. The frozen meat was cooked to 75°C in an 85°C water bath and shear force values obtained from a 1×1 cm cross-section. The shear force values of meat for 18 and 35°C rigor were similar at zero ageing, but as ageing progressed, the 18 rigor meat aged faster and became more tender than meat that went into rigor at 35°C (Prigor at each ageing time were significantly different (Prigor were still significantly greater. Thus the toughness of 35°C meat was not a consequence of muscle shortening and appears to be due to both a faster rate of tenderisation and the meat tenderising to a greater extent at the lower temperature. The cook loss at 35°C rigor (30.5%) was greater than that at 18°C rigor (28.4%) (P<0.01) and the colour Hunter L values were higher at 35°C (P<0.01) compared with 18°C, but there were no significant differences in a or b values.

  13. Tender coconut water as alternative food to increase potassium intake among prehypertension adult female?

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    Farapti Farapti


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Hampir seluruh populasi di dunia mengonsumsi kalium lebih rendah dari rekomendasi yangdianjurkan. Air kelapa muda merupakan minuman khas yang tinggi kalium. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahuntuk menganalisis asupan kalium pada perempuan prahipertensi dan menentukan peningkatan asupankalium dengan pemberian air kelapa muda untuk menurunkan tekanan darah di antara subyek prahipertensi.Metode: Pada uji klinis paralel single blind dengan subyek sebanyak 32 guru perempuan dan karyawatiprahipertensi berusia 25-44 tahun di Surabaya bulan April – Juni 2013. Pemilihan subyek penelitian denganrandomisasi blok, 16 subyek tiap kelompok. Kelompok perlakuan (P mendapat air kelapa muda disertaipenyuluhan gizi, sedangkan kelompok kontrol (K mendapat air putih disertai penyuluhan gizi. Penilaianasupan kalium dengan food record 2x24 jam selama fase run in, minggu pertama, dan minggu kedua periodepenelitian. Food record dianalisis menggunakan nutrisurvey, dan kandungan kalium dalam air kelapa mudasegar dan air putih dianalisis dengan metode atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS.Hasil: Pada awal penelitian, rerata asupan kalium subyek 1420,28±405,54 mg/hari atau sekitar 30,22%± 8,63% dari angka kecukupan gizi (AKG. Selama perlakuan, didapatkan peningkatan asupan kaliumsebesar 2 kali lipat dan meningkat signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan, tetapi masih lebih rendah darirekomendasi AKG dan WHO.Kesimpulan: Pada perempuan prahipertensi, asupan kalium dikategorikan rendah, dan air kelapa mudasegar 300 ml dua kali sehari selama 14 hari berturut-turut dapat meningkatkan asupan kalium. (HealthScience Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:12-16Kata kunci: asupan kalium, air kelapa muda segar AbstractBackground: Most populations around the world consume less than the recommended intake of potassium.Tender coconut water (TCW is a typical drinks high in potassium. The study aimed to analyze potassiumintake in prehypertension subjects and to identify the

  14. Una histórica Melastomatácea, nueva en la Flora de Colombia

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    Uribe Uribe Lorenzo


    Full Text Available EI Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional ha procurado seguir con cariño y devoción las huellas que dejó, hace cerca de dos siglos, la gloriosa Real Expedición Botánica del Nuevo Reina de Granada (hoy Colombia, repitiendo sus excursiones, buscando sus plantas y eventualmente reivindicando para la ciencia nacional descubrimientos que ella no logró divulgar en su tiempo.  En años pasados una comisión de dos miembros del Instituto recorrió con éxito halagador, la región de La Mesa, primera sede de la Expedición, y pudo hallar muchos de los ejemplares que iniciaron la gran obra mutisiana. En Mariquita he tenido la fortuna, en diversas ocasiones, de coleccionar plantas que merecieron el interés y el estudio de Mutis y Valenzuela, y que fueron conmemoradas en sus diarios paralelos. Es halagador tender este puente ideal para unir los esfuerzos meritorios de aquellos dos sabios, iniciadores entre nosotros del estudio de la Naturaleza, con los nuestros que buscan seguir la misma ruta que ellos transitaron y exaltar su obra que honra a Colombia y constituye el primer capítulo de nuestra cultura científica.

  15. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of radiation-tolerant anti-fuse FPGAs for the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the supply of 14 800 radiation-tolerant anti-fuse Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) for the LHC. For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with MEMEC (CH), for the supply of 14 800 anti-fuse FPGAs for a total amount of 574 330 US dollars (654 900 Swiss francs), not subject to revision, with an option for up to 2960 additional anti-fuse FPGAs for an amount not exceeding 114 866 US dollars (130 980 Swiss francs) bringing the total amount to 689 196 US dollars (758 880 Swiss francs) not subject to revision. The amounts in Swiss francs have been calculated using the present rate of exchange.

  16. Effect of tender coconut water on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in prehypertensive women

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    Farapti Farapti


    . Dietary intakes of high potassium will decrease blood pressure (BP. Tender coconut water (TCW is a typical drink high in potassium. This study aimed to investigate the effect of TCW on BP in female teachers and employees prehypertension. Methods: The research was a parallel single blind randomized clinical trial. A total of 32 female prehypertension subjects aged 25-44 years. The subjects were selected using certain criteria and randomly allocated to one of two groups using block randomized, 16 subjects each. The treatment group received TCW 300 ml twice daily for 14 days and nutritional counseling, and the control group received water 300 ml twice daily for 14 days and nutritional counseling. Assessment of BP was done on day 0, day 8, and day 15. Statistical analysis were done using t-test and Mann-Whitney test. Results: Mean dietary intakes of potassium were 1420.28±405.54 mg/day or 30.22±8.63% compared to Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA. During treatment period, potassium intake increased significantly in the treatment group. There were decreased BP in both groups, which were greater in the treatment group, but not statistically significant different (P > 0.05. The mean decrease of systolic BP was significant in treatment group (P = 0.031, meanwhile the mean decrease of diastolic BP was not significant (P=0.134. Conclusion: Tender coconut water 300 ml twice daily for 14 consecutive days has tendency to decrease systolic BP, but not diastolic blood pressure. (Health Science Indones 2013;2: 64-8Key words: coconut water, systolic and diastolic blood pressure

  17. Web survey-based selection of controls for epidemiological analyses of a multi-prefectural outbreak of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in Japan associated with consumption of self-grilled beef hanging tender. (United States)

    Yahata, Y; Ohshima, N; Odaira, F; Nakamura, N; Ichikawa, H; Matsuno, K; Shuri, J; Toyozawa, T; Terajima, J; Watanabe, H; Nakashima, K; Sunagawa, T; Taniguchi, K; Okabe, N


    An outbreak of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 occurred in multiple prefectures of Japan in November 2009. We conducted two case-control studies with trace-back and trace-forward investigations to determine the source. The case definition was met by 21 individuals; 14 (66.7%) were hospitalised, but no haemolytic uraemic syndrome, acute encephalopathy or deaths occurred. Median age was 23 (range 12-48) years and 14 cases were male (66.7%). No significant associations with food were found in a case-control study by local public health centres, but our matched case-control study using Internet surveys found that beef hanging tender (or hanger steak), derived from the diaphragm of the cattle, was significantly associated with illness (odds ratio = 15.77; 95% confidence interval, 2.00-124.11). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of isolates from patients and the suspected food showed five different patterns: two in faecal and food samples, and another three in patient faecal samples only, although there were epidemiological links to the meat consumed at the restaurants. Trace-back investigation implicated a common food processing company from outside Japan. Examination of the logistics of the meat processing company suggested that contamination did not occur in Japan. We concluded that the source of the outbreak was imported hanging tender. This investigation revealed that Internet surveys could be useful for outbreak investigations.

  18. Sociopoética: un puente para "cuidar - investigar" en enfermería Sociopoética: a bridge for to care and research nursing

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    Iraci dos Santos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo justificamos una propuesta de "Cuidar - Investigar" fundamentada en los principios sociopoéticos, centrándonos en el grupo investigador que encuentra un gran aporte en la "Teoría de la Acción Dialógica". El "cuidar" del grupo se articula con el acto de "investigar", porque los conocimientos de los profesionales y de los clientes se cuestionan siendo que cada cual aprende con el otro. Existe coherencia con la naturaleza de la enfermería en la que "cuidar" es una ayuda al grupo en la identificación de su potencial humano de crecer y fortalecerse como tal. Así al cuidar a otro, se promueve su comprensión y aceptación del cuidado, ayudándolo a cuidarse a sí mismo. Se concluye que al considerar las dimensiones físicas y espirituales en el "cuidar", la Sociopoética establece un puente hacia una ecología política del espíritu, consolidando la solidaridad entre los seres humanos y la pluralidad autogestionaria.In this work we justify a preposition of taking care - investigating based on the social poetics rudiments, having as centre the researcher group that meets approval in the Theory of Dialogical Action. The care of the group articulates to the act of the researching because the knwledges of the professionals and of the clients are questioned, being that each one learns with the other. There is coherence with the nursing because the care helps the group in the identification of its human potential of growing up becoming strong. So that, when we take care of the other, we foment his comprehension and his acceptance of the care, favorouring him to take care of himsel. We concluded that, considering physical and spiritual dimensions, the social poetics establishes a bridge even a political ecology of the spirit, consolidating the solidarity between the human beings and the plural self- administration.

  19. Diseño de estribos abiertos en puentes de carretera obtenidos mediante optimización híbrida de escalada estocástica

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    Luz, A.


    Full Text Available This article deals with the minimum cost automatic design of reinforced concrete open abutments of road bridges, using a two-hybrid stochastic hill climbing algorithms with a neighborhood move based on the mutation operator from the genetic algorithms. These algorithms are based on the simulated annealing (SAMO as well as on the threshold accepting procedure (TAMO. Both algorithms were applied to an open abutment which has 40 discrete variables. Savings have been found 18 % compared to an abutment of 9 m in height really executed. SAMO improves by only 0.5 % a similar run by TAMO. Additionally, the paper presents a parametric study of commonly used abutments from 6 to 15 m in height for different bearing conditions. Further, the results presented are of much value for the preliminary design of open abutments of road bridges. Finally, it is shown that cost savings are mainly located in the footing of these structures.Este artículo se ocupa del diseño automático de estribos abiertos de hormigón armado en puentes de carretera de coste mínimo, empleando para ello dos algoritmos híbridos de escalada estocástica con operadores de mutación basados en los algoritmos genéticos. Los algoritmos empleados se basan en el recocido simulado (SAMO y en la aceptación por umbrales (TAMO. Ambos algoritmos se aplican a un estribo definido por 40 variables discretas. Se han comprobado ahorros económicos superiores al 18 % respecto a un estribo de referencia de una altura de 9 m realmente construido, con diferencias pequeñas entre ambos algoritmos, del 0,5 % a favor de SAMO. Además, se ha realizado un estudio paramétrico para alturas de estribo entre 6 y 15 m para diferentes tensiones admisibles del terreno que ofrece criterios de predimensionamiento a los proyectistas. Se ha comprobado, además, que el ahorro económico se localiza fundamentalmente en la zapata de estas estructuras.

  20. Efficacy and Effectiveness of Exercise on Tender Points in Adults with Fibromyalgia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    George A. Kelley


    Full Text Available Fibromyalgia is a major public health problem affecting an estimated 200 to 400 million people worldwide. The purpose of this study was to use the meta-analytic approach to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of randomized controlled exercise intervention trials (aerobic, strength training, or both on tender points (TPs in adults with fibromyalgia. Using random effects models and 95% confidence intervals (CI, a statistically significant reduction in TPs was observed based on per-protocol analyses (8 studies representing 322 participants but not intention-to-treat analyses (5 studies representing 338 participants (per-protocol, , −0.68, 95% CI, −1.16, −0.20; intention-to-treat, , −0.24, 95% CI, −0.62, 0.15. Changes were equivalent to relative reductions of 10.9% and 6.9%, respectively, for per-protocol and intention-to-treat analyses. It was concluded that exercise is efficacious for reducing TPs in women with FM. However, a need exists for additional well-designed and reported studies on this topic.

  1. Is bone tenderness, as measured by manual algometry, associated with vitamin D deficiency? (United States)

    Dresser, Jocelyn; MacIntyre, Mike; Chisholm, Brittney; Lawson, G E


    To explore the relationship between serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25[OH]D3) and pressure-pain thresholds, as measured by algometer, in advance of a main study to determine whether PPT is a potentially cost-effective proxy measure of 25[OH]D3 status in the general population. The cross-sectional pilot study involved a convenience sample of twenty-two subjects (10 males, 12 females), aged 18 to 67 years. All subjects consented to three trials of pressure-pain threshold readings on both tibiae and the manubrium. Serum 25[OH]D3 levels were determined from blood samples drawn post-algometry. The average pressure pain thresholds were 14.92 (±6.03), 15.07(±6.07), 11.10 (±6.68) for the left and right tibia and sternum, respectively. The stability between the measurements was very high with the interclass correlation coefficient (95% CI) calculated as 0.94 (0.62-1.00), 0.9 (0.81-1.00), 0.96(0.93-1.00). The Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.03 for the left tibia, 0.17 for the right tibia and 0.20 for the sternum, J Dresser, M MacIntyre, B Chisholm, GE Lawson showing a negligible correlation for the left and right tibia, but a low positive correlation for the sternum. We did not find preliminary evidence of a strong or otherwise clinically meaningful correlation between bone tenderness and manual algometry in this pilot study. Only a weak linear relationship between PPT in the sternum and serum 25[OH]D3 concentrations was found. Replication of this study is warranted in larger and more representative study populations of interest. Discussion on a number of feasibility issues is provided to inform those future studies.

  2. Un puente maestro

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    Leopoldo Múnera Ruíz


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo constituye una revisión sintética y personal de la obra de Jean Philippe Peemans, reconocido intelectual belga (abogado, economista e historiador, sobre la modernización del mundo y el desarrollo de los pueblos. Los ejes temáticos que permiten hacer el recorrido por su trabajo académico giran alrededor de la crítica a la mesoideología de la modernización, los avatares del desarrollo real con respecto a las teorías del desarrollo, el dialogo sur-sur-norte y su propuesta sobre el desarrollo de los pueblos y las gentes como alternativa a los diversos ciclos de modernización económica. El análisis interdisciplinario comprendido en la obra del profesor Peemans y su sensibilidad hacia el mundo de lo popular en diversos continentes marcan un camino heterodoxo para enfrentar el reto que implica la satisfacción integral de las necesidades de la mayoría de la población mundial, mientras las distancias sociales y económicas entre el Norte y el Sur, así como las internas con respecto a ambos ámbitos geográficos, siguen incrementándose.

  3. Auscultación y pruebas de carga


    Sánchez García, Ibán


    [ES] Trata sobre la auscultación de estructuras. Los diferentes tipos de pruebas de carga,en puentes de carretera y en puentes de ferrocarril, además de los aparatos de medida y forma de ejecutarlas. [EN] Explains auscultation of structures. The different types of load tests on road bridges and railway bridges, plus the measuring apparatus and method of executing them. Proyecto Fin de Carrera-Universidad de Salamanca, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Zamora, 2011

  4. Tender puentes, entretejer esfuerzos y saberes para el logro de la movilidad profesional y estudiantil en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica

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    Grethel Rivera-Turcios


    Full Text Available La internacionalización y la movilidad académica y estudiantil representan la estrategia que la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED ha implementado para expandir las fronteras pedagógicas entre instituciones de educación superior a nivel mundial. El apoyo del Acuerdo para el Mejoramiento Institucional (AMI y el Plan de Mejoramiento Institucional ha potenciado la participación de académicos y estudiantes en actividades académicas. En el caso específico de este documento se refiere a la experiencia llevada a cabo por la Cátedra de Educación Preescolar y la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá, Colombia, la cual, según se relata, resultó exitosa.

  5. Effect of supplementation of tender coconut water on blood pressure of primary hypertensive subjects

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    Gullapalli HS, Avinash P Tekade, Namrata H Gullapalli


    Full Text Available Background: Hypertension is a major health problem worldwide. Increased vascular resistance, sodium retention & sympathetic over activity contributes to the blood pressure elevation. Plant foods may be beneficial in decreasing blood pressure (BP. Recently much attention has been focused on plant foods that may be beneficial in preventing Hypertension, metabolic syndrome and possibly reduce the risk of various diseases. This clinical study was conducted to test the effectiveness of a structured intervention on BP of primary hypertensive subjects. Aim: To study the effect of Tender Coconut Water (TCW on BP of Primary hypertensive subjects. Methods and Material: 70 subjects were selected randomly sample for 6 weeks of the intervention program. Among them 40 subjects were selected as the experimental group and 30 300ml/day for 6 weeks whereas the control group was instructed to follow the same routine without modifications. One initial, two mid intervention (after every 15 days and one final (post intervention BP recorded for both the groups. The obtained data was statistically analyzed. Results: The mean systolic BP of experimental group and control group were decreased from 145.8 mm Hg and 141mm of Hg to 135.3 mm of Hg and 140 mm of Hg respectively. The mean diastolic BP of experimental group and control group were decreased from 93.7 mm H g and 90.9 mmHg to 86.9 mm of Hg and 89.7 mm of Hg respectively. Conclusion: Irrespective of cause of hypertension TCW has beneficial effect on BP. TCW contains high amount of potassium which causes vasodilatation and also improve the endothelial function.



    Torres Górriz, Benjamín


    Acontecimientos como el colapso de las dos torres del Skyline Center Project en Virginia (1973), el colapso del puente I-35W sobre el río Mississipi en Mineapolis (2007) y, más recientemente, del puente colgante Kutai Kartanegara en Indonesia (2011) ponen de manifiesto la gran importancia y necesidad de monitorizar ciertas estructuras para poder evaluar su seguridad estructural en tiempo real. El éxito de esta tarea depende fundamentalmente de dos aspectos. Por un lado, los sistemas y sens...

  7. Fons antic i repositoris universitaris a Espanya

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    Herrera Morillas, José Luis


    Full Text Available Es mostra la presència de col·leccions de fons antic en els repositoris de les biblioteques universitàries espanyoles després d'analitzar tots els repositoris. Per a aquesta anàlisi, com a part de la metodologia emprada, s'ha elaborat un model o llista que consta d'onze elements. Del conjunt de les universitats espanyoles, seixanta tenen repositoris, vint-i-vuit dels quals (16,8 % disposen de col·leccions de fons antic. Com que del concepte de repositori institucional no sembla desprendre's que tingui com a finalitat incloure aquest tipus de col·leccions, es reflexiona sobre la peculiaritat que una part dels repositoris universitaris espanyols inclogui col·leccions d'aquestes característiques.Se muestra la presencia de colecciones de fondo antiguo en los repositorios de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas después de analizar todos los repositorios. Para este análisis, como parte de la metodología empleada, se ha elaborado un modelo o lista que consta de once elementos. Del conjunto de las universidades españolas, sesenta cuentan con repositorios y, de estos, veintiocho (16,8 % disponen de colecciones de fondo antiguo. Debido a que del concepto de repositorio institucional no parece desprenderse que tenga como finalidad albergar este tipo de colecciones, se hace una reflexión sobre la peculiaridad de que parte de los repositorios universitarios españoles incluya colecciones de estas características.This paper uses an analysis of the repositories of Spanish universities to identify which institutions contain rare book and manuscript collections. The method used in this analysis involved examining each university on the basis of a list comprising eleven elements. A total of 60 universities were found to have repositories but only 28 (16.8 % of these contained rare book and manuscript collections. In the light of these figures, which suggest that Spanish university repositories do not generally consider the preservation of rare

  8. Notas a la gaviota libertada en el campo, 31 de enero de 1951


    Valverde Gómez, José Antonio, 1926-2003


    Notas a la Gaviota reidora (Larus ridibundus) libertada en el campo, cerca del Puente Colgante de Valladolid, el 31 de enero de 1951. Incluye observaciones de patos domésticos y Pavos reales (Pavo cristatus), y un pequeño esquema del enclave observado. Notes to the Common Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) released in the field, near the Puente Colgante of Valladolid, the 31st of January of 1951. Observations of domestic ducks and Indian Peafowls (Pavo cristatus) and a little map of the ...

  9. Análisis de vigas curvas rigidizadas longitudinalmente sometidas a cargas concentradas


    Navarro Delgado, Ana


    El trabajo final de máster consiste en el prototipado, análisis y desarrollo experimental y numérico de herramientas de bajo coste y acceso libre que permitan controlar los procesos de lanzamiento de puentes por empujes sucesivos en estructuras metálicas. Se utilizan tanto hardware como software libre y se utilizan herramientas de impresión 3D como soporte. Actualmente hay una gran variedad de procesos constructivos para la construcción de puentes. Uno muy utilizado tanto por sus venta...

  10. Formalized description of assessment procedures of tender offers (of the construction organizer and contracting companies in case of engineering control scheme

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    Sborshchikov Sergey Borisovich


    Full Text Available The procedure of evaluating and selecting tender offers is not only an important element of the control system of investment and construction activity but is also an effective tool to increase its efficiency due to optimization of construction works price, reduction of their duration, stimulating innovations in the production, increasing the quality and engineering safety of construction production. At the recent time when new organizational forms and control schemes of investment and construction activity are appearing the system of competitive bidding gains more importance and new functions, because the choice of construction organizer and contracting companies directly influences the results of the construction. The authors consider the task of selecting the bidders’ offers which is a multicriterion task. The offers are evaluated according to the set of parameters reflecting the effectiveness of investment and construction projects. The criteria selection is based on the fact that the proposals of the organizer of construction and the contractors are related to the cost of works and to the deadlines which directly affects the implementation parameters of investment and construction projects.

  11. Practical lessons learnt from the application of X-ray computed tomography to evaluate the internal structure of asphalt mixtures

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    Allex Eduardo Alvarez-Lugo


    Full Text Available La Tomografía Computarizada de rayos-X (TC-rX ha permitido una eficiente caracterización no destructiva de mezclas asfálticas (MA de pavimentación y ha generado múltiples lecciones prácticas apren didas a partir del análisis de MA producidas en campo y laborat orio. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo resumir las lecciones prácticas ap rendidas, con el fin de facilitar su aplicación futura y desarr ollos posteriores, en términos de: ( i fabricación de especímenes de laboratorio, ( ii comparación de mezclas compactadas en campo y laboratorio, ( iii comparación entre mezclas asfálticas en caliente y mezclas tibias, ( iv efectos de aditivos, temperatura y compactación, ( v contacto agregado-agregado, ( vi relación entre la estructura interna y el desempeño, y ( vii aplicaciones de modelación. Estas lecciones prácticas se reco pilaron principalmente a partir del análisis de la distribución de vacíos en MA producid as en campo y laboratorio, evaluadas a través de TC-rX, el cual generó información relevante para evaluar la respuesta y el desempeño de MA. La TC-rX hizo expedito el cálculo de la estructura inter na de MA con múltiples aplicaciones prácticas y posibilidades futuras para m ejorar la microestructura de MA y, consecuentemente, optimizar su desempeño.

  12. Factores que influyen en la definición del perfil profesional del egresado de la ETS-PNP y el desempeño laboral.


    García Casas, Oswaldo German


    El presente trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en la Escuela Técnico Superior de la Policía Nacional del Perú de Puente Piedra (ETS-PNPPP), teniendo como unidad de análisis los cadetes del último año de egreso. El objetivo principal ha sido establecer los factores que influyen en la definición del perfil profesional del egresado de la ETS-PNP-Puente Piedra; considerando que Lima Metropolitana en particular viene soportando un clima de inseguridad, debido al crecimiento de la criminali...

  13. Evaluation of the Functional Pre-Basic-Training English-as-a-Second- Language Course (United States)


    that reported in TRADOC data for BSEP literacy students. TRADOC data, presented in Table 7-6, indicate that only 47.8% of BSEP literacy students...apropiada. (Si esta aprendiendo suficiente informacion acerca de Basic Training, siga con la pregunta 17.) (marque solo una respuesta) ~ demasiadas lecciones

  14. Lecciones aprendidas con los MOOC


    García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; Sein-Echaluce Lacleta, M. L.


    Dentro del Plan de Formación del Profesorado Docente 2017 de la Universidad de Salamanca, se ha ofertado la actividad de formación “Cursos masivos abiertos en línea (MOOC)” (, que se ha celebrado en el Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Educación (IUCE) de esta Universidad los días 1 y 2 de junio de 2017. Tras los conceptos generales sobre los MOOC ( y las experiencias de l...

  15. 2-Furaldehyde diethyl acetal from tender coconut water (Cocos nucifera) attenuates biofilm formation and quorum sensing-mediated virulence of Chromobacterium violaceum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (United States)

    Sethupathy, Sivasamy; Nithya, Chari; Pandian, Shunmugiah Karutha


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-biofilm and quorum sensing inhibitory (QSI) potential of tender coconut water (TCW) against Chromobacterium violaceum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. TCW significantly inhibited the QS regulated violacein, virulence factors and biofilm production without affecting their growth. qRT-PCR analysis revealed the down-regulation of autoinducer synthase, transcriptional regulator and virulence genes. Mass-spectrometric analysis of a petroleum ether extract of the TCW hydrolyte revealed that 2-furaldehyde diethyl acetal (2FDA) and palmitic acid (PA) are the major compounds. In vitro bioassays confirmed the ability of 2FDA to inhibit the biofilm formation and virulence factors. In addition, the combination of PA with 2FDA resulted in potent inhibition of biofilm formation and virulence factors. The results obtained strongly suggest that TCW can be exploited as a base for designing a novel antipathogenic drug formulation to treat biofilm mediated infections caused by P. aeruginosa.

  16. IMS Learning Design desde dentro. Una especificación para crear escenarios de aprendizaje online (parte I)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burgos, Daniel; Berbegal, Nidia; Griffiths, David; Tattersall, Colin; Koper, Rob


    IMS Learning Design, IMS LD de ahora en adelante (IMS, 2003), es una especificación centrada en formación online o e-learning y que permite modelar programaciones curriculares o lecciones presenciales de forma que puedan ser seguidas online, construyendo lo que se denomina Unidades de Aprendizaje

  17. Circular of the 13 october 2003 relative to the execution of the call for tenders for the implementation of offshore wind turbines; Circulaire du 13 octobre 2003 relative au lancement de l'appel d'offres pour l'implantation des eoliennes en mer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the framework of the renewable energies sources development and following the National Debate on the energies results, the government decided to launch a call for tenders concerning the implementation of offshore wind turbines of 500 MW at year 2007 event horizon. This document gives orientations and applicable procedures to the reports, for the littoral departments Prefects. (A.L.B.)

  18. Structural analysis of polymer thin films using GISAXS in the tender X-ray region: Concept and design of GISAXS experiments using the tender X-ray energy at BL-15A2 at the Photon Factory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takagi, H., E-mail:; Igarashi, N.; Mori, T.; Saijo, S.; Nagatani, Y.; Shimizu, N. [Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 (Japan); Ohta, H. [Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd, Accelerator Engineering Center, 2-8- 8 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0045 (Japan); Yamamoto, K. [Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Science & Technology, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555 (Japan)


    If small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) utilizing the soft X-ray region is available, advanced and unique experiments, which differ from traditional SAXS methods, can be realized. For example, grazing-incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) using hard X-ray is a powerful tool for understanding the nanostructure in both vertical and lateral directions of thin films, while GISAXS utilizing the tender X-ray region (SX-GISAXS) enables depth-resolved analysis as well as a standard GISAXS analysis in thin films. Thus, at BL-15A2 at the Photon Factory, a dedicated diffractometer for SX-GISAXS (above 2.1 keV) was constructed. This diffractometer is composed of four vacuum chambers and can be converted into the vacuum state from the sample chamber in front of the detector surface. Diffractions are clearly observed until 12th peak when measuring collagen by SAXS with an X-ray energy of 2.40 keV and a camera length of 825 mm. Additionally, we conducted the model experiment using SX-GISAXS with an X-ray energy of 2.40 keV to confirm that a poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(n-butyl acrylate) block copolymer thin film has a microphase-separated structure in the thin film, which is composed of lamellae aligned both parallel and perpendicular to the substrate surface. Similarly, in a polystyrene-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymer thin film, SX-GISAXS with 3.60 keV and 5.73 keV revealed that hexagonally packed cylinders are aligned parallel to the substrate surface. The incident angle dependence of the first order peak position of the q{sub z} direction obtained from experiments at various incident X-ray energies agrees very well with the theoretical one calculated from the distorted wave Born approximation.

  19. Structural analysis of polymer thin films using GISAXS in the tender X-ray region: Concept and design of GISAXS experiments using the tender X-ray energy at BL-15A2 at the Photon Factory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takagi, H.; Igarashi, N.; Mori, T.; Saijo, S.; Nagatani, Y.; Shimizu, N.; Ohta, H.; Yamamoto, K.


    If small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) utilizing the soft X-ray region is available, advanced and unique experiments, which differ from traditional SAXS methods, can be realized. For example, grazing-incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) using hard X-ray is a powerful tool for understanding the nanostructure in both vertical and lateral directions of thin films, while GISAXS utilizing the tender X-ray region (SX-GISAXS) enables depth-resolved analysis as well as a standard GISAXS analysis in thin films. Thus, at BL-15A2 at the Photon Factory, a dedicated diffractometer for SX-GISAXS (above 2.1 keV) was constructed. This diffractometer is composed of four vacuum chambers and can be converted into the vacuum state from the sample chamber in front of the detector surface. Diffractions are clearly observed until 12th peak when measuring collagen by SAXS with an X-ray energy of 2.40 keV and a camera length of 825 mm. Additionally, we conducted the model experiment using SX-GISAXS with an X-ray energy of 2.40 keV to confirm that a poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(n-butyl acrylate) block copolymer thin film has a microphase-separated structure in the thin film, which is composed of lamellae aligned both parallel and perpendicular to the substrate surface. Similarly, in a polystyrene-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymer thin film, SX-GISAXS with 3.60 keV and 5.73 keV revealed that hexagonally packed cylinders are aligned parallel to the substrate surface. The incident angle dependence of the first order peak position of the q_z direction obtained from experiments at various incident X-ray energies agrees very well with the theoretical one calculated from the distorted wave Born approximation.

  20. A practical method to compute shear force and bending moment envelope curves for isostatic bridges subjected to vehicle live loads


    Sulpicio Sánchez-Tizapa; Roberto Arroyo-Matus; Andrés Gama-García


    Este artículo presenta un método práctico para calcular la curva envolvente de cortante y momento en puentes isostáticos con longitudes entre 15,0 y 50,0 m, considerando las cargas vivas del reglamento mexicano. La curva de cortante es una función de primer grado mientras que el momento fl ector es de segundo grado, en ambos casos la distancia a partir del extremo izquierdo de la viga es la variable independiente. Esta herramienta puede utilizarse ya sea en el diseño de puentes en el cam...

  1. Efeito do colágeno na maciez da carne de bovinos de distintos grupos genéticos = Collagen effects in meat tenderness of bovines of different genetic groups

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    Daniela Cristina Morales


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência do colágeno na maciez da carne de animais de diferentes grupos genéticos produzidos no sistema de produção do novilho superprecoce. Foram utilizados bezerros machos inteiros da raça Nelore, mestiços ½ Nelore x ½ Aberdeen Angus e mestiços ½ Nelore x ½ Simental. Após abate e resfriamento por 24 horas, foram retiradas amostras do músculo Longissimus dorsi, na região entre a 11a e a 13a costela, sendo que uma amostra foi congelada e as demais maturadas por 7 e 14 dias. Nãohouve diferença significativa (P>0,01 entre os grupos genéticos para a quantidade e a solubilidade de colágeno e a força de cisalhamento. A quantidade e a solubilidade do colágeno não comprometeram a maciez da carne, indiferentemente do grupo genético utilizado e do tempo postmortem, tornando vantajosa a opção de se abaterem animais jovens.The aim of work was to analyze the collagen effect in meat tenderness of animals of different genetic groups produced by very young bullock production system. Male calves Nellore purebred, ½ Nellore x ½ Aberdeen Angus and ½ Nellore x ½ Simmental crossbred were used.After slaughter and cooling for 24 hours Longissimus dorsi samples were removed, between 11th and 13th ribs, one sample was frozen and the others ageing for 7 and 14 days. There was no difference (P>0,01 between genetic groups for amount and heat soluble collagen andshear force values. The amount and solubility collagen don’t compromised the meat tenderness, indifferent of the genetic group used and postmortem period, becoming the early slaughter an advantageous option for meat production with desirable characteristics.

  2. Analysis of the Impact of Transparency, Corruption, Openness in Competition and Tender Procedures on Public Procurement in the Czech Republic

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    František Ochrana


    Full Text Available This study analyses the impact of transparency and openness to competition in public procurement in the Czech Republic. The problems of the Czech procurement market have been demonstrated on the analysis of a sample of contracts awarded by local government entities. From among a set of factors influencing the efficiency of public procurement, we closely analyse transparency, resilience against corruption, openness, effective administrative award procedure, and formulation of appropriate evaluation criteria for selecting the most suitable bid. Some assumptions were confirmed, including a positive effect of open procedures on the level of competition on the supply side as well as the dominant use of price criteria only. The latter case is probably often caused by low skills of workers at the contracting entities, as well as the lack of resources in public budgets. However, we have to reject the persistent legend of “undershooting” tender prices and subsequently increasing the final prices of public contracts. Increases of final prices are very limited. Based on the results of the analyses presented, we argue that the main problem of the Czech public procurement market lies in a rather low competence of administrators who are not able to use non-price criteria more often.

  3. Proposal to negotiate, without competitive tendering, a contract for the manufacture, testing and delivery of 320 cryogenic helium mass flowmeters for the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the manufacture, testing and delivery of 320 cryogenic helium mass flowmeters for the LHC. Following a market survey (MS-2602/LHC/LHC) carried out amoung 37 firms in twelve Member States and six firms in two non-Member States, a price enquiry for qualifying prototypes was sent on 20 November 1998 to nine selected firms and the received prototypes were evaluated. As a result of this process a request for quotation was sent to one firm The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with the firm EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT/FISHER-ROSEMOUNT (CH), without competitive tendering, for the manufacture, testing and delivery of 320 cryogenic helium mass flowmeters for an amount of 1 804 840 Swiss francs, not subject to revision, with options for up to 10 additional cryogenic helium mass flowmeters and an extension of the guarantee period to five years for all units for an amount of 219 090 Swiss francs, not subject to revision, bringing the total amount to 2 023 930 Swi...

  4. Call for tender - Areva-Alstom: watershed in wind energy - Technological duel on the open sea; Appel d'offres - Areva-Alstom: partage des eaux dans l'eolien - Duel technologique au grand large

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dupin, L.


    The author comments the answers to a call for tender made by the French government and concerning five offshore wind farm sites (Le Treport, Fecamp, Courseulles sur Mer, Saint-Brieuc and Saint-Nazaire). As they are present within the three consortiums, Areva and Alstom should provide the wind turbines. This would result in the construction by Alstom of two blade and mast factories and two turbine and pad factories. For both companies, this market of 500 to 600 turbines is an opportunity. Many jobs are at stake. They push themselves forward for their experience or their innovation capacity. But their wind turbines will be based on foreign (Spanish or German) technology

  5. Anatomy of a Hostage Rescue: What Makes Hostage Rescue Operations Successful? (United States)


    p. 5). Terrorists are usually motivated by religion or other ideology, and if they die pursuing their cause, they become martyrs and heaven waits...Lecciones de Este Siglo : El Liderazgo en el Comando; “Rescate de la Vida”. Lima, Peru: Servicio Jurídico del Ejercito. Instituto Académico de Derecho

  6. Ensuring sustained user quality in buildings. Success contracting with functional tendering of the building services equipment guarantees quality for 15 years; Nutzerqualitaet in Gebaeuden dauerhaft sicherstellen. Erfolgscontracting mit funktionaler Ausschreibung ermoeglicht eine 15-jaehrige Garantie auf die Gebaeudetechnik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milles, Uwe


    Until now, buildings regularly require more energy and provide less user quality in practice than was to be expected from the installed technology during the planning. That has structural reasons. The naerco research project has investigated this aspect and developed the success contracting concept: pre-defined energy and quality parameters are contracted out as part of a function-based tender. A contractor guarantees their realisation for 15 years. The contractual process also includes continual control of the agreed values and a bonus-malus system.

  7. A practical method to compute shear force and bending moment envelope curves for isostatic bridges subjected to vehicle live loads

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sulpicio Sánchez-Tizapa


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un método práctico para calcular la curva envolvente de cortante y momento en puentes isostáticos con longitudes entre 15,0 y 50,0 m, considerando las cargas vivas del reglamento mexicano. La curva de cortante es una función de primer grado mientras que el momento fl ector es de segundo grado, en ambos casos la distancia a partir del extremo izquierdo de la viga es la variable independiente. Esta herramienta puede utilizarse ya sea en el diseño de puentes en el campo profesional o en cursos académicos, evitando así el uso ilegal de software profesional. Mediante un algoritmo simple desarrollado en software libre se calcularon las envolventes de ambos elementos mecánicos, utilizadas posteriormente para evaluar, mediante un análisis estadístico, los coefi cientes de las ecuaciones respectivas. El mínimo coefi ciente de correlación entre ambos métodos fue 0,98, lo cual muestra la capacidad del método. Este proceso puede ser implementado para cualquier tipo de carga viva en puentes.

  8. Social, economic, and psychological impacts of MDR-TB treatment in Tijuana, Mexico: a patient's perspective. (United States)

    Morris, M D; Quezada, L; Bhat, P; Moser, K; Smith, J; Perez, H; Laniado-Laborin, R; Estrada-Guzman, J; Rodwell, T C


    The State of Baja California, Mexico, had the highest prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in Mexico in 2009. To understand the socio-economic burden of MDR-TB disease and its treatment on patients in Tijuana and Mexicali, Mexico. From July to November 2009, qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 patients enrolled in a US-Mexico binational MDR-TB treatment program, Puentes de Esperanza (Bridges of Hope), which was designed to support MDR-TB patients. In-depth interviews were coded to identify major themes in patient experiences of MDR-TB diagnosis and care. While some patients were able to maintain their pre-MDR-TB lives to a limited extent, most patients reported losing their sense of identity due to their inability to work, social isolation, and stigmatization from family and friends. The majority of participants expressed appreciation for Puentes' role in 'saving their lives'. Being diagnosed with MDR-TB and undergoing treatment imposes significant psychological, social and economic stress on patients. Strong social support elements within Puentes helped alleviate these burdens. Improvements to the program might include peer-support groups for patients undergoing treatment and transitioning back into the community after treatment.

  9. Ergonomía y educación: un suma y sigue


    Romañá, Teresa, 1954-


    En este articulo se describen el método intuitivo, las "lecciones de cosas" y la higiene escolar, como precedentes interesantes para la ergonomia y la educación actuales. Con ello se apuntan una educación ergonómica y una ergonomia educativa, dos relaciones posibles entre ergonomia y educación.

  10. The life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering

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    Grzyl Beata


    Full Text Available The article analyses environmental and ecological criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the aspect of LCC. Construction works contracts and the potential method of defining the above criteria, among others, is pondered on (for example by the recommendation of a material, which is supposed to be used, a ban on substances that are harmful for human health as well for the environment. In the relation to the above, it is necessary to define technical parameters that have an impact on the environment, for example the level of pollution and noise emission, electricity and water consumption, or stating the minimal involvement of a processed ingredient. In addition the article presents also an account of the life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria constituting an element of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering.

  11. Bioética. El final del consenso

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    María Teresa LÓPEZ DE LA VIEJA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El Convenio de Oviedo, de 1997, demuestra la dificultad de llegar a acuerdos internacionales sobre cómo regular la investigación biomédica, en especial los límites de la investigación con embriones. Algunos temas de Bioética muestran la pluralidad de doctrinas y de sistemas morales; es más, pueden indicar el final de la era del consenso. El final de la pax bioetica, que tanto significó para el éxito de la disciplina a lo largo de tres décadas. Tender puentes, forjar consenso ha sido, en efecto, una de las contribuciones más valiosas del discurso bioético y de los nuevos expertos en Bioética. Desde los años setenta, los principios del Liberalismo y las actitudes pragmáticas han sido el núcleo de su ideología, un tipo de consenso «americano» para poner fronteras a las ideologías políticas o radicales. Sin embargo, la actual agenda ampliada de la Bioética, así su expansión internacional, están minando el consenso básico. Un giro más político de la Bioética podría, tal vez, ofrecer algunos acuerdos sobre temas específicos. Este tipo de consenso estaría también más cerca de los intereses de los ciudadanos, así como del nuevo contexto, global y social: sería un consenso «republicano», por así decirlo. El artículo analiza la evolución desde la etapa del consenso –tender puentes, principios comunes, procedimientos «no densos»– hacia los acuerdos plurales –contextuales, «densos»–, teniendo en cuenta la pluralidad de los valores morales y de las fronteras culturales.ABSTRACT: The Oviedo Convention proved in 1997 how difficult could be an international agreement concerning the regulation of biomedical research, particularly the limits of research on human embryos. Some bioethical issues show the plurality of doctrines and moral systems; moreover they could detect the end of the consensus’s era. It could be the end of the pax bioetica, which determined the wide success of the discipline during

  12. Felicidad: lecciones de una nueva ciencia

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    Fernando Tula Molina


    Full Text Available Este libro busca comprender la paradoja por la cual cuando las sociedades occidentales se volvieron más ricas, sus integrantes no se volvieron más felices La hipótesis es que el individualismo falló: no aumentó la felicidad de los individuos; si realmente deseamos ser felices necesitamos de un concepto debien común al cual contribuir... exige cuidado del otro, tanto cuanto de nosotros mismos. El marco filosófico de esta reflexión lo proporciona el pensamiento de Jeremy Bentham según el cual la mejor política pública es la que produce más felicidad.

  13. ¿Hasta qué punto podemos aprender algo de valor práctico del estudio de los sistemas de educación extranjeros? Lecciones valiosas de la educación para la ciudadanía desde el caso inglés

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo revisa el modelo inglés de política educativa que se ha acometido en torno a la disciplina de la educación para la ciudadanía, a fin de poder «extraer lecciones valiosas», utilizando la terminología de Sadler, para el caso español. Para ello revisa la historia más inmediata a partir del contexto educativo británico, se centra en los principios organizativos y líneas de acción de la disciplina «educación para la ciudadanía» en los diferentes niveles educativos del entorno escolar y concluye con algunas reflexiones sobre las virtudes que presenta el modelo analizado.ABSTRACT: The article reviews the English model of politics of education which has been undertaken round the discipline of Education for Citizenship, in order to can «obtain valuable lessons», using terminology from Sadler, for the Spanish case. For this purpose the immediate history is revised from the British educative context, the principles of organization and educational guidelines of the discipline are analysed in the different educational stages and the text concludes with some reflections about virtues that the study of the model shows.SOMMAIRE: L'article examine à nouveaux le modèle anglais de politique éducative qu'on a entrepris autour de la discipline de l'éducation pour la citoyenneté, pour pouvoir décrocher des leçons riches, en employant la terminologie de Sadler, pour le cas espagnol. Pour cela il révise l'histoire plus immédiate à partir du contexte éducatif britannique, il tourne autour des principes organisationnels et les lignes d'action de la discipline «éducation pour la citoyenneté» aux différent niveaux éducatifs de l'environnement scolaire et il finit avec quelques réflexions sur les vertus que le model analysé présente.

  14. Edema pulmonar refractario secundario a estenosis valvular aórtica severa - valvuloplastia aórtica como terapia puente a cirugía: Presentación de un caso Refractory pulmonary edema secondary to severe aortic valvular stenosis - aortic valvuloplasty as bridge therapy to surgery

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    Santiago Salazar


    Full Text Available La estenosis valvular aórtica es una entidad progresiva, que cuando es severa y produce síntomas, tiene un pronóstico sombrío que afecta de forma adversa la sobrevida. En estos casos el tratamiento de elección es la cirugía de cambio valvular, la cual, bajo determinadas circunstancias clínicas, puede ser de muy alto riesgo, y obliga así a considerar alternativas de manejo menos agresivas que permitan solucionar el problema. Se muestra el caso de un hombre de 65 años, con estenosis valvular aórtica severa, quien desarrolló edema pulmonar refractario al manejo médico, que se resolvió mediante valvuloplastia aórtica, como terapia puente a cirugía.Aortic valve stenosis is a progressive disease; when it is severe and symptomatic has a bleak prognosis that affects adversely the patient survival. In these cases, the treatment of choice is valve replacement surgery that under certain circumstances can bear a huge risk that forces the physician to consider less aggressive management alternatives to solve the problem. The case of a 65 years old male with severe aortic valve stenosis is reported. He developed pulmonary edema refractory to medical treatment that was solved by aortic valvuloplasty as bridge therapy to surgery.


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    Marta Zoila Caballeros Ruiz


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta un estado del arte de la lectura y escritura en los primeros años de escolaridad. Se analizan diversas teorías del aprendizaje y los nuevos aportes de la neurociencia. Asimismo, se resume una sistematización de proyectos ejecutados en Guatemala entre los años 2000 y 2011 con énfasis en las lecciones aprendidas durante su ejecución. Se trata de seis proyectos que cumplen con los criterios: a el período de ejecución total entre 2000 y 2011; b contar con documentación para sistematizarlo y c estar relacionado directamente con la enseñanza de la lectura y escritura en el país. El análisis de dichas experiencias y las lecciones aprendidas muestra que la tendencia de los proyectos en esta área se orienta a la capacitación docente en metodología innovadora y producción de material educativo, sin embargo la diversidad lingüística y la educación bilingüe intercultural siguen siendo un tema prioritario que requie re atención.

  16. Rheological Flow Behavior of Structural Polysaccharides from Edible Tender Cladodes of Wild, Semidomesticated and Cultivated 'Nopal' (Opuntia) of Mexican Highlands. (United States)

    López-Palacios, C; Peña-Valdivia, C B; Rodríguez-Hernández, A I; Reyes-Agüero, J A


    The aim of this study was to quantify the content of polysaccharides of edible tender cladodes (nopalitos) of three species of Opuntia and to evaluate the rheological flow behavior of isolated polysaccharides. A completely randomized experimental design was used to characterize a wild (O. streptacantha), a semidomesticated (O. megacantha) and a domesticated (O. ficus-indica) species. Mucilage content was higher (4.93 to 12.43 g 100 g -1 dry matter), tightly bound hemicelluloses were lower (3.32 to 1.81 g 100 g -1 dry matter) and pectins and loosely bound hemicelluloses were not different in wild than in domesticated species. Aqueous solution/suspensions of mucilage, pectins, hemicellulose and cellulose of all species showed non-Newtonian behavior under simple shear flow. The flow behavior of the structural polysaccharides was well described by the Ostwald de-Waele model. Pectins and mucilages exhibited the highest consistency indexes (K values ranged from 0.075 to 0.177 Pas n ) with a moderated shear-thinning behavior (n values ranged from 0.53 to 0.67). Cellulose dispersions exhibited the most shear-thinning behavior (n values ranged from 0.17 to 0.41) and hemicelluloses showed a tendency to Newtonian flow (n values ranged from 0.82 to 0.97). The rheological flow properties of these polysaccharides may be useful to improve the textural and sensory qualities of some foods and pharmaceutical materials. Moreover, they can emerge as functional ingredients mainly due to the nutraceutical properties that have been attributed to nopalitos.

  17. Popmuusika / Mart Juur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juur, Mart, 1964-


    Uutest heliplaatidest John Lennon "Working Class Hero", Tito Puente y Su Orchestra "Viva Mambo", Sigur Ros "Takk", Ladytron "Witching Hour", Black Rebel Motorcycle Club "Howl", Ans. Andur "Tuled peale", Emmilou Harris "Heartaches & Highways"

  18. Meat Science and Muscle Biology Symposium: manipulating meat tenderness by increasing the turnover of intramuscular connective tissue. (United States)

    Purslow, P P; Archile-Contreras, A C; Cha, M C


    Controlled reduction of the connective tissue contribution to cooked meat toughness is an objective that would have considerable financial impact in terms of added product value. The amount of intramuscular connective tissue in a muscle appears connected to its in vivo function, so reduction of the overall connective tissue content is not thought to be a viable target. However, manipulation of the state of maturity of the collagenous component is a biologically viable target; by increasing connective tissue turnover, less mature structures can be produced that are functional in vivo but more easily broken down on cooking at temperatures above 60°C, thus improving cooked meat tenderness. Recent work using cell culture models of fibroblasts derived from muscle and myoblasts has identified a range of factors that alter the activity of the principal enzymes responsible for connective tissue turnover, the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). Fibroblasts cultured from 3 different skeletal muscles from the same animal show different cell proliferation and MMP activity, which may relate to the different connective tissue content and architecture in functionally different muscles. Expression of MMP by fibroblasts is increased by vitamins that can counter the negative effects of oxidative stress on new collagen synthesis. Preliminary work using in situ zymography of myotubes in culture also indicates increased MMP activity in the presence of epinephrine and reactive oxidative species. Comparison of the relative changes in MMP expression from muscle cells vs. fibroblasts shows that myoblasts are more responsive to a range of stimuli. Muscle cells are likely to produce more of the total MMP in muscle tissue as a whole, and the expression of latent forms of the enzymes (i.e., pro-MMP) may vary between oxidative and glycolytic muscle fibers within the same muscle. The implication is that the different muscle fiber composition of different muscles eaten as meat may influence the

  19. 218. Asistencia circulatoria de larga duración. Experiencia inicial

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    J. Otero


    Conclusiones: La asistencia ventricular de larga duración es una terapia segura y efectiva en pacientes con cardiopatías terminales, ya sea como puente a trasplante, recuperación o terapia de destino.

  20. Joint line tenderness and McMurray tests for the detection of meniscal lesions: what is their real diagnostic value? (United States)

    Galli, Marco; Ciriello, Vincenzo; Menghi, Amerigo; Aulisa, Angelo G; Rabini, Alessia; Marzetti, Emanuele


    To assess the interobserver concordance of the joint line tenderness (JLT) and McMurray tests, and to determine their diagnostic efficiency for the detection of meniscal lesions. Prospective observational study. Orthopedics outpatient clinic, university hospital. Patients (N=60) with suspected nonacute meniscal lesions who underwent knee arthroscopy. Not applicable. Patients were examined by 3 independent observers with graded levels of experience (>10y, 3y, and 4mo of practice). The interobserver concordance was assessed by Cohen-Fleiss κ statistics. Accuracy, negative and positive predictive values for prevalence 10% to 90%, positive (LR+) and negative (LR-) likelihood ratios, and the Bayesian posttest probability with a positive or negative result were also determined. The diagnostic value of the 2 tests combined was assessed by logistic regression. Arthroscopy was used as the reference test. No interobserver concordance was determined for the JLT. The McMurray test showed higher interobserver concordance, which improved when judgments by the less experienced examiner were discarded. The whole series studied by the "best" examiner (experienced orthopedist) provided the following values: (1) JLT: sensitivity, 62.9%; specificity, 50%; LR+, 1.26; LR-, .74; (2) McMurray: sensitivity, 34.3%; specificity, 86.4%; LR+, 2.52; LR-, .76. The combination of the 2 tests did not offer advantages over the McMurray alone. The JLT alone is of little clinical usefulness. A negative McMurray test does not modify the pretest probability of a meniscal lesion, while a positive result has a fair predictive value. Hence, in a patient with a suspected meniscal lesion, a positive McMurray test indicates that arthroscopy should be performed. In case of a negative result, further examinations, including imaging, are needed. Copyright © 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Lecciones aprendidas durante desastres naturales: 1970-2007

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    Raquel E. Cohen


    Full Text Available Los desastres naturales impactan vidas y propiedades, devastando comunidades por largos periodos. En este articulo se presenta, cómo algunos conocimientos basados en experiencias y el avance de la ciencia biológica, psicosocial y de la conducta, siguen ayudándonos a entender el comportamiento del sobreviviente. La capacidad de poder aplicar lineamientos y operaciones de ayuda, obtener datos y prácticas basadas en evidencias, así como estudios empíricos en el ámbito de desastres, es un proceso evolutivo para los profesionales en este campo.

  2. Voto preferente en El Salvador: Lecciones aprendidas

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    Alba Cristina Araujo Serrano


    Full Text Available Se analiza la implementación del voto preferente en El Salvador por medio de una resolución de la Sala Constitucional salvadoreña. Asimismo, se estudian las consecuencias de esta disposición en el ordenamiento jurídico salvadoreño, la percepción de la opinión pública y en el sistema de partidos de ese país centroamericano. Finalmente, se exponen algunas de las discusiones que en torno a este tema se han generado en el ámbito costarricense.

  3. Structural Reliability of the Tampico Bridge under Wind Loading

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    David de León


    Full Text Available Se analiza un puente carretero localizado en Tampico, en la costa este de México, para determinar su confiabilidad estructural ante cargas de viento. Las variabilidades inherentes a las fuerzas aleatorias de viento y a las propiedades mecánicas del acero constituyen las incertidumbres aleatorias, y esto contribuye a la probabilidad de falla de las vigas de acero. La idealización de la carga y la estructura del puente, así como el análisis de la respuesta estructural ante la carga de viento, contribuyen a que exista una incertidumbre adicional, de tipo epistémico, que deriva en un rango (o distribución de posibles probabilidades de falla. El diseño con el mínimo del costo esperado en el ciclo de vida se asocia con el diseño óptimo. Sin embargo, para este diseño óptimo, es posible seleccionar el percentil 90, por ejemplo, (o la media más una desviación estándar de la probabilidad de falla o índice de confiabilidad correspondiente, para administradores con aversión al riesgo, lo cual constituye una decisión conservadora. El criterio propuesto constituye una nueva aproximación para tomar decisiones conservadoras e involucrar a la incertidumbre epistémica en el proceso de diseño y evaluación de puentes

  4. Reseña. Comprender el posconflicto armado colombiano desde la experiencia comparada

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    Jerónimo Ríos Sierra


    Full Text Available La obra colectiva Experiencias internacionales de paz. Lecciones aprendidas para Colombia es, sin duda, un trabajo de gran valor agregado para los tiempos que, actualmente, corren por el país. Un valor agregado en tanto que concita dos aspectos más que interesantes para el momento de vislumbrar un horizonte de posconflicto armado y construcción de paz por el que transita Colombia. En primer lugar, porque aspira a erigirse como una obra de referencia en la identificación y análisis de diferentes casos comparados, algunos ampliamente trabajados desde la academia, como son los casos de Centroamérica o Irlanda del Norte pero, igualmente, incorporando otros, más relegados en el mainstream científico-social, como Burundi y Nepal. Incluso, se abordan algunos de los más recientes y complejos casos como, particularmente, puede ser el ejemplo de Sudán del Sur. De otro lado, una segunda cuestión a destacar, prima facie, es el intento por identificar contextos similares en materia de resolución de conflictos al caso colombiano, analizar posibles lecciones aprendidas –ya sea para emular o, sencillamente, para no repetir– y, finalmente, realizar un ejercicio propositivo y constructivo de utilización para Colombia.

  5. Latin America and Beyond: The Case for Comparative Area Studies

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    Bert Hoffmann


    Full Text Available Comparative Area Studies (CAS emerges as a new approach in which scholars of Latin American Studies engage systematically with scholars working on other world regions. Adopting a focus on intra-, inter- and cross area comparisons, CAS builds on the traditional strengths of area studies. At the same time it enables scholars to have a stronger impact on overarching conceptual debates and it may provide new bridges between area studies scholars and the academic communities in the regions studied. However, a comparative area studies approach requires systematic cooperation among scholars of different world regions, and adequate organizational and institutional structures to support them. Resumen: Latinoamérica y más allá: El caso de los estudios regionales comparativos Los Estudios Regionales Comparativos (Comparative Area Studies – CAS surgen como un enfoque nuevo dentro del cual académicos de Estudios Latinoamericanos colaboran sistemáticamente con académicos que investigan sobre otras regiones del mundo. Tomando como punto de partida comparaciones intrarregionales, interregionales y transregionales, los ERC se basan en los puntos fuertes tradicionales de los estudios regionales. Al mismo tiempo, este enfoque permite a los académicos tener un impacto mayor en los debates conceptuales más amplios y puede tender nuevos puentes entre los académicos de estudios regionales y las comunidades académicas de las regiones estudiadas. Sin embargo, un enfoque de estudios regionales comparativos exige una cooperación sistemática entre académicos de distintas regiones del mundo y unas estructuras organizativas e institucionales adecuadas para apoyarles.

  6. Construcción de un calorímetro isoperibolico de inmersión de precisión

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    Liliana Giraldo G.


    Full Text Available Se diseña y construye un calorímetro isoperibólico tipo submarino para la medida de calores de inmersión de sólidos en líquidos. La celda calorimétrica, de una capacidad aproximada de 85 mi, se fabrica en vidrio Pyrex y va sumergida dentro de una chaqueta submarina construida en bronce cromado. El conjunto se introduce dentro de un termostato de agua estabilizado a 25 ±0,001 °C. El sensor de temperatura está constituido por termisiores NTC colocados en un puente de Maier transpuesto y provisto de una Fuente de intensidad constante. La sensibilidad del termómetro es del orden de 5 * I O' °C/p V cuando la corriente de medida en el puente es del orden de 1 mA.

  7. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Programa. Puente in Chile and Oportunidades in Mexico (Paes-Sousa, Regalia ... De la Brière, 2007), and SCT at this stage comes in handy. ... lead to inclusion and exclusion errors, as they are able to target the right intended.

  8. Influence of dietary tender cluster beans (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) on biliary proteins, bile acid synthesis and cholesterol crystal growth in rat bile. (United States)

    Raghavendra, Chikkanna K; Srinivasan, Krishnapura


    Tender cluster beans (CBs; Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) are observed to possess anti-lithogenic potential in experimental mice. Formation of cholesterol gallstones in gallbladder is controlled by procrystallizing and anticrystallizing factors present in bile in addition to supersaturation of cholesterol. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of CB on biliary glycoproteins, low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) proteins, cholesterol nucleation time, and cholesterol crystal growth in rat hepatic bile. Groups of rats were fed for 10 weeks with 0.5% cholesterol to render the bile lithogenic. Experimental dietary interventions were: 10% freeze-dried CB, 1% garlic powder or their combination. Incorporation of CB into HCD decreased the cholesterol saturation index in bile, increased bile flow and biliary glycoproteins. Dietary CB prolonged cholesterol nucleation time in bile. Electrophoresis of biliary proteins showed the presence of high concentration of 27 kDa protein which might be responsible for the prolongation of cholesterol nucleation time in the CB fed group. Proteins of 20 kDa and 18 kDa were higher in CB treated animals, while the same were less expressed in HCD group. Biliary proteins from CB fed animals reduced cholesterol crystal growth index which was elevated in the presence of proteins from HCD group. Cholesterol-7α-hydroxylase and cholesterol-27-hydroxylase mRNA expression was increased in CB treated animals contributing to the bile acid synthesis. Thus, the beneficial anti-lithogenic effect of dietary CB which primarily is due to reduced cholesterol saturation index was additionally affected through a modulation of the nucleating and anti-nucleating proteins that affect cholesterol crystallization. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. La música de los puentes


    Balagué Martín, Guillermo


    La presente tesina pretende obtener la música inherente de diversas tipologías de pasarelas peatonales. Se trata de realizar el análisis dinámico de las mismas ante el paso de un único peatón. Con las frecuencias, energía y desplazamientos resultantes a lo largo del tiempo en un punto en concreto de esta carga dinámica, realizaremos una amplificación lineal de estos valores para ajustarlos dentro del rango audible del ser humano. Adaptando estos resultandos a la notación musica...

  10. Puente en la autopista de Worblen

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    Kipfer, Paul


    Full Text Available The Swiss roadway from Berne to Zurich crosses the Worblen river over a prestressed concrete structure which rests on the slopes of a railway embankment. The structure has five spans, of 40.1, 48.5, 60.6 and 52 ms length respectively, in the direction Berne to Zurich. In the horizontal projection the deck is curved, and consists of two hollow continuous box girders, with prestressed partitions. It rests on open columns which reach down to bedrock, after penetrating through a layer of clay of scant consistency. The fact that the structure rests on a slope, the poor soil conditions and the depth at which firm foundations are situated has led to difficulties, to overcome which detailed study has been necessary. Statically, the structure behaves as a totally elastic girder, since no permanent deformations take place. On loading the 21 ms wide deck (which is divided into two runways, each 8.40 ms wide, and two sidewalks on one of its sides, the box girder on the opposite side takes up between 20 and 30 % of the moment due to the loading. A number of tests on scale models have been done, and these have agreed with the initial design calculations.La autopista suiza de Berna a Zurich cruza el valle del Worblen sobre una estructura de hormigón pretensado que se apoya a media ladera en el terraplén de una línea ferroviaria. La estructura tiene cinco tramos, de 40,10; 48,5; 48,5; 60,60, y 52 m de luz, respectivamente, en el sentido direccional de Berna a, Zurich. El tablero, con eje en curva, está constituido por dos nervios huecos o vigas cajón, continuos, con tabiques pretensados, soportados por apoyos aligerados que descienden hasta un banco rocoso después de atravesar una capa arcillosa poco consistente. La particularidad de apoyarse sobre un terraplén, las malas condiciones del terreno y la profundidad del firme han ocasionado problemas cuya solución ha requerido serios estudios. La obra se comporta estáticamente como si se tratase de una viga completamente elástica, pues no presenta deformaciones con carácter permanente. Al cargar el tablero —de 21 m de anchura, subdividido en dos calzadas de 8,40 m cada una y dos andenes para peatones— sobre una sola viga de las dos tipo cajón que posee la estructura, la otra, gemela, absorbe del 20 al 30% del momento total que dicha carga origina. De esta obra se han realizado una serie de ensayos sobre modelo reducido, de los que se han obtenido resultados concordantes con los cálculos que se habían hecho previamente.


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    Full Text Available La presente investigación recoge una experiencia de innovación educativa que demuestra la utilidad de las enciclopedias visuales temáticas para la formación académica a través de Internet. Los objetivos de esta experiencia recaen en verificar si es posible crear enciclopedias visuales temáticas que mediante recursos audiovisuales permitan el aprendizaje de aspectos complejos de una manera asequible. Con el interés de obtener datos que permitan comprobar la idoneidad de este tipo de recursos formativos, se construye una enciclopedia visual temática centrada en aspectos de la seguridad de la información y protección de las comunicaciones digitales. Para el diseño de esta enciclopedia se considera una metodología de diseño basada en la definición de una temática de interés, tipo de aprendizaje, formato y calidad de las unidades temáticas, difusión y coste, etc. Esta enciclopedia visual, el proyecto Intypedia, novedoso a escala mundial, está compuesta por lecciones en vídeo de unos 12 minutos y material docente complementario. El lenguaje utilizado permite el correcto seguimiento de las lecciones tanto a expertos en seguridad como internautas en general. Por tanto, la calidad y claridad de estos contenidos se convierten en un valor añadido del proyecto. Los resultados derivados reflejan la utilidad de Intypedia. En 2 años de vida la enciclopedia recibe miles de visitas al mes y se ha convertido en una enciclopedia de referencia en Iberoamérica y en las redes sociales en las que está presente. Algunos de los resultados más importantes son: 232.786 reproducciones únicas de las lecciones, siendo los consumidores principalmente internautas, profesionales y técnicos de España, Iberoamérica y EE.UU.; más de 176.000 documentos descargados, en torno a los 2.100 seguidores uniendo las redes sociales y una visibilidad en Google con más de 40.000 entradas que enlazan al proyecto.


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    Mario González Arencibia


    Full Text Available En este ensayo se presenta un análisis sobre las particularidades de la conexión y desconexión del proyecto socialista cubano en el proceso de globalización, observándose los retos que tiene que enfrentar en este contexto. Se examina además un conjunto de lecciones a manejar en la transición socialista cubana para insertase con éxito en el ámbito de la globalización.

  13. The Legal Basis Which Will (Probably) Never Be Used

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ølykke, Grith Skovgaard


    for the rejection of tenders tainted by illegal State aid in the Public Procurement Directive is never going to be used by contracting authorities for economic reasons, political reasons and due to significant legal uncertainty with regard to its application; and, secondly, if the provision were to be used......This article analyses the provision in the Public Procurement Directive providing for the possibility to reject tenders as “abnormally low” when the tender is tainted by illegal State aid. Due to developments in public procurement case law and generally in the Member States, where liberalisation...... leads to situations where public tenderers tender in competition with private tenderers, there is an obvious need to control the use of illegal State aid to secure public contracts, to ensure that competition is not distorted. Two propositions are made: firstly, the current provision allowing...

  14. Comparing complementary alternative treatment for chronic shoulder pain of myofascial origin: Collateral meridian therapy versus local tender area-related meridians therapy. (United States)

    Pan, Ru-Yu; Hsu, Yung-Chi; Wong, Chih-Shung; Lin, Shinn-Long; Li, Tsung-Ying; Cherng, Chen-Hwan; Ko, Shan-Chi; Yeh, Chun-Chang


    The aim of this study was to compare the short-term outcomes between 2 different treatments for unilateral chronic shoulder pain of myofascial origin, that is, local tender area related meridians (LTARMs) treatment and collateral meridian therapy (CMT), which were performed 6 times over a period of 4 weeks.Seventy patients with unilateral shoulder pain of chronic myofascial origin were enrolled. The patients were randomly assigned to 2 different treatment groups: 1 group received CMT (n = 35) and the other received LTARM (n = 35). Before and after the 2 treatment processes, all patients rated their overall pain intensity on a visual analogue scale (VAS) and a validated 13-question shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI) questionnaire was used to measure shoulder pain and functional impairment after therapy for 4 weeks.After CMT, the pain intensity was reduced after CMT. VAS score is reduced from 5.90 ± 2.07 (a mean of 5.90 and standard deviation of 2.07) to 3.39 ± 1.2. This was verified by the SPADI pain subscale scores (from 0.58 ± 0.193 to 0.33 ± 0.14). The pain-relief effect of CMT was significantly better than that of LTARM (VAS score from 5.78 ± 1.64 to 4.58 ± 1.40; P pain subscale score from 0.58 ± 0.16 to 0.45 ± 0.14, P pain, whereas the VAS scores for moderate pain were even higher in the LTARM group in 75% of patients (P chronic shoulder pain of myofascial origin than the LTARM treatment, where treatment with the former resulted in better functional recovery after 4 weeks than the latter.

  15. Motivos de uso y no uso de puentes peatonales en la Ciudad de México: la perspectiva de los peatones Use and non-use of pedestrian bridges in Mexico City: the pedestrian perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisa Hidalgo-Solórzano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Analizar los motivos de uso y no uso de puentes peatonales (PP. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se empleó un diseño transversal, a partir de una muestra de peatones usuarios y no usuarios de PP; se utilizó regresión logística para identificar los factores que influyen en el uso y no uso de PP. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia de no uso fue 50.5% en 813 peatones entrevistados; la principal razón para usar PP fue "seguridad", del no uso fue "flojera". Hubo diferencias significativas al analizar motivos de no uso de PP en las edades de 19 a 36 años, ajustando por escolaridad y características físicas del PP, con RMa. 1.7 (IC95% 1.06-2.86 y RMa. 1.9 (IC95% 1.14-3.33, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES. Los resultados de este estudio permiten identificar aspectos importantes a considerar desde la perspectiva de los peatones, antes de construir nuevos PP, así como aquéllos que deben mejorarse para incrementar su uso en zonas de alto riesgo de lesiones por atropellamiento.OBJECTIVE. To analyze the motives for using and not using pedestrian bridges (PB. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A cross-sectional survey was conducted of a sample of pedestrian users and non-users of PB; a logistic regression model was used to analyze the motives for use and non-use. RESULTS. The prevalence of non-use was 50.5 % of 813 surveyed pedestrians; the principal reason to use a PB was safety, and not to use it was "laziness". There were significant differences when analyzing the reason of non-use in the age groups 19 to 36 years, adjusted for education and physical characteristics of the PB ([aOR=1.7; 95 % CI=1.06-2.86] and [ORa.1.9; 95 % CI=1.14-3.33], respectively. CONCLUSIONS. The results of this study allow us to identify important aspects to consider "from the perspective of the pedestrians" when constructing new PB and improving existing PB to increase use in areas with a high risk of pedestrian injuries.

  16. Aplicación de un puente LCR en la caracterización de superficies de níquel tratadas voltamperométricamente en medio ácido en ausencia y presencia de ion cloruro

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    Gregori, J.


    Full Text Available Impedance spectra for nickel electrodes at his corrosion potential after voltammetric treatment in acid media has been obtained. A LCR bridge has been used, controlling the applied potential by means of a potentiostat. The passive layer, generated after successive potential scans, has been characterized by means of the interfacial double layer capacitance and the faradaic impedance. The generalized corrosion, and also the localized attack, have been observed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM, whilst the scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM has been used in order to realize the morphological analysis of the surfaces. In this way we want to correlate the morphological changes in the electrode surface after the successive scans in the acid media in absence and in presence of chloride with the impedance electrochemical response of the interface. When chloride is present in the acid media the charge transport across the interface is less impeded. The localized corrosion damages the passive layer electrogenerated after successive scans.

    Se obtuvieron espectros de impedancias de electrodos de níquel a su potencial de corrosión, tras su tratamiento voltamperométrico en medio ácido. Para ello, se utilizó un puente LCR controlando el potencial aplicado mediante un potenciostato. La capa de pasivado, generada tras ciclados sucesivos de potencial, se caracterizó a través de los valores de la capacidad interfacial de doble capa y de los de impedancia faradaica. La corrosión generalizada y también la localizada se observaron mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM, mientras que se utilizó la microscopía de efecto túnel (STM para realizar el análisis morfológico de las superficies. De este modo, se pretende correlacionar los cambios morfológicos producidos en la superficie electródica tras ciclados sucesivos en medio ácido en presencia y ausencia de iones cloruro, con la respuesta electroquímica de impedancias de

  17. Cor, capacidade de retenção de água e maciez da carne de cordeiro maturada e injetada com cloreto de cálcio Colour, water holding capacity and tenderness of lamb aged and injected with calcium chloride

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N.M.B.L. Zeola


    Full Text Available Os músculos Biceps femoris, Longissimus e Triceps brachii submetidos aos efeitos do tempo de maturação e da injeção com cloreto de cálcio de cordeiros Morada Nova foram estudados quanto às características de cor, capacidade de retenção de água e maciez. Os cordeiros foram abatidos ao atingirem 25kg de peso vivo. Os músculos apresentaram diferenças na cor (luminosidade-L*, teor de vermelho-a* e teor de amarelo-b* 24 horas após o abate. A maturação tendeu a escurecer a carne. O cloreto de cálcio não modificou a cor das carnes provenientes dos músculos Longissimus e Triceps brachii, entretanto as do Biceps femoris apresentaram-se mais vermelhas quando receberam cloreto de cálcio. Quanto à capacidade de retenção de água, a maturação afetou as carnes do Triceps brachii, mas não influenciou as carnes dos músculos Biceps femoris e Longissimus. O cloreto de cálcio não modificou a capacidade de retenção de água dos músculos avaliados. A maturação influiu sobre a maciez do Biceps femoris e do Longissimus.Biceps femoris, Longissimus and Triceps brachii muscles from Morada Nova lambs were submitted to ageing and calcium chloride injection. Colour, water holding capacity and tenderness were studied. Lambs were slaughtered weighting 25kg.. The muscles presented differences in colour (lightness-L*, redness-a* and yellowness- b* 24 hours after rigor mortis instalation. Ageing intensified redness of the meats. Calcium chloride did not modify the colour of Longissimus and Triceps brachii, however, Biceps femoris became more redness after receiving calcium chloride. In relation to water holding capacity, ageing affected meats from Triceps brachii. However, it did not affect Biceps femoris and Longissimus. The calcium chloride didn't modify the water holding capacity of the muscles. Ageing influenced tenderness of Biceps femoris and Longissimus.

  18. Fitz‑Hugh‑Curtis syndrome: An incidental diagnostic finding in an ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Her husband's semen analysis was within normal range. She had a hysterosalpingogram that showed bilateral tubal blockage and clinical assessment showed right sided abdominal tenderness, cervical excitation tenderness, and adnexa tenderness. The endocervical swab test for Chlamydia trachomatis was a positive.

  19. Ortega, psicólogo y la superación de sus maestros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelson R. ORRINGER


    Full Text Available En noviembre de 1915, Unamuno celebró que hubiera surgido en España un interés por el examen filosófico de los problemas de la conciencia. Había asistido a «una conferencia sobre Filosofía de una serie tendiente a mostrar la diferencia entre la Psicología y la Lógica, que las da Ortega, y levanta el ánimo ver la cantidad y la calidad de los oyentes». No parece imposible que Unamuno hubiese escuchado parte del curso público de quince lecciones de psicología, dadas por Ortega en el otoño de 1915 y en el invierno de 1916. Curso cuyo texto incompleto había de salir publicado en 1982 con el título que le puso Paulino Garagorri, Investigaciones psicológicas. Garagorri reconocía la importancia del curso para aclarar la evolución filosófica de Ortega, pues en sus lecciones anunció su «superación del idealismo o subjetivismo». No sospechaba Garagorri, sin embargo, que el curso había de esclarecer además lo que entendía Ortega por el concepto de «superación ». Hasta ahora, la imposibilidad de saberlo ha hecho inciertas las relaciones de Ortega con sus fuentes idealistas.

  20. Formation of Criteria of Assessment of Infrastructure Projects of Sea Ports Development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Logutova Tamara G.


    Full Text Available The spectrum of criteria, by which assessment of tender offers of projects of state-private partnership in the port industry is carried out, includes a small but capacious set of indicators of financial and economic efficiency and qualification level of contenders. However, the study of foreign methods of assessment of projects in sea ports and domestic experience of carrying out tenders in other industries shows that a more clear division of assessment of both tender offers and contenders is rational. The article uses some methods and approaches to scientific study – generalisation, systematisation and analysis of foreign and domestic experience of carrying out tenders and acts of law. In the result the article forms a scheme of assessment of tender offers and investors and also offers an algorithm of calculation of the integral tender assessment, based on division of tender criteria by four groups: technical and economic, financial (for a tender offer, financial and investment, and organisational (for investors. The offered aspects of improvement of methods of tender selection of projects, realised in the port industry with the help of the mechanism of state-private partnership, would facilitate a more balanced and optimal selection of the best offer not only from the point of view of its content, but also the characteristic of the investor that proposes it. On the other hand, the use of the common, successfully tested under different conditions of project realisation, numerical method of assessment would be the guarantee of applicability of the of the proposed measures.