
Sample records for tehdasoloissa tapahtuva anionien

  1. On-line determination of anions in pulp mills by capillary electrophoresis (CE); Tehdasoloissa tapahtuva anionien kapillaarielektroforeettinen on-line maeaeritys ja sen hyoedyntaeminen prosessivalvonnassa - MPKY 02

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kokkonen, R.; Holmberg, M.; Vainikka, V. [Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Espoo (Finland)


    The aim of the study was to set-up a process control system for on-line measurement of certain anions. Typical anions which forms precipitates in pulp and paper mills are oxalate, carbonate and sulphate. Thus it is important to develop a continuous process analyzing system to control concentration levels of this anions. For the preliminary tests of continuous determinations of chloride and sulphate anions in tap water a simple on-line system was build in KCL (The Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute) and connected to a capillary electroforesis apparatus. In the preliminary tests a chromate buffer (ph = 7.6) was used. Separation of chloride and sulphate was excellent but the stability of buffer was not good enough and it was usable only for few hours. After experimental studies VTT developed a stable capillary electrophoresis method based on mixed amine buffer and this was selected for an on-line method for determination of anions in process waters of the pulp and paper industry. In the preliminary on-line test (r = 20) repeatabilities of migration times of sulphate and chloride with the chromate buffer were < 5 % (RSD) and peak heights < 15 % (RSD). With the mixed amine buffer repeatabilities were better. The preliminary tests showed that it is possible to connect a capillary electrophoresis system to on-line measurements. For the moment no commercial on-line CE apparatus is available. (orig.)

  2. On-line determination of anions in pulp mills by capillary electrophoresis (CE); Tehdasoloissa tapahtuva anionien kapillaarielektroforeettinen on-line maeaeritys ja sen hyoedyntaeminen prosessivalvonnassa - MPKY 02

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kokkonen, R; Holmberg, M; Vainikka, V [Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Espoo (Finland)


    The aim of the study was to set-up a process control system for on-line measurement of certain anions. Typical anions which forms precipitates in pulp and paper mills are oxalate, carbonate and sulphate. Thus it is important to develop a continuous process analyzing system to control concentration levels of this anions. For the preliminary tests of continuous determinations of chloride and sulphate anions in tap water a simple on-line system was build in KCL (The Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute) and connected to a capillary electroforesis apparatus. In the preliminary tests a chromate buffer (ph = 7.6) was used. Separation of chloride and sulphate was excellent but the stability of buffer was not good enough and it was usable only for few hours. After experimental studies VTT developed a stable capillary electrophoresis method based on mixed amine buffer and this was selected for an on-line method for determination of anions in process waters of the pulp and paper industry. In the preliminary on-line test (r = 20) repeatabilities of migration times of sulphate and chloride with the chromate buffer were < 5 % (RSD) and peak heights < 15 % (RSD). With the mixed amine buffer repeatabilities were better. The preliminary tests showed that it is possible to connect a capillary electrophoresis system to on-line measurements. For the moment no commercial on-line CE apparatus is available. (orig.)

  3. Somemarkkinointi : Facebook-kampanja Splizzeriassa


    Lerto, Susanna


    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on sosiaalisessa mediassa, ja tässä tapauksessa Facebookissa, tapahtuva markkinointi. Opinnäytetyön ohessa teen pienimuotoisen markkinointikampanjan Splizzerian jo olemassa oleville Facebook-sivuille. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on saada käsitys Facebook-markkinoinnin toimivuudesta ja toteutettavuudesta Splizzerian kohdalla. Splizzeria edustaa uudenlaista konseptia, ja se on täysin suomalainen ravintolaketju. Splizzerian perusajatus, yhdistää kaksi erilaista makumaail...

  4. "She's straight, you delusional cunt!" : a study on bullying and homophobia in online fandoms


    Aalto, Emmi


    Tämä kandidaatintutkielma käsittelee seksuaalisten vähemmistöjen syrjintää ja nettikiusaamisen esiintymistä internet-faniyhteisöissä. Edelliset tutkimukset kertovat nettikiusaamisen olevan haitallista ja vaikuttavan uhrien mielenterveyteen – usein jopa enemmän kuin kasvotusten tapahtuva kiusaaminen. Tutkielmaa varten tehty nettikysely suunnattiin “femslash”-faniryhmille. Näiden ryhmien median kulutukseen kuuluvat esimerkiksi tv-ohjelmien naishahmojen väliset (romanttiset) suhteet ja näist...

  5. Välinehuoltoprosessin osallistuva kehittäminen Lean-menetelmän avulla Keski-Suomen keskussairaalan välinehuoltoyksikössä


    Peltola, Hanna


    Opinnäytetyö tehtiin tutkimuksellisena kehittämistyönä. Tavoitteena oli osallistaa Keski-Suomen keskussairaalan välinehuoltoyksikön henkilöstö kehittämään välinehuoltoprosessia Lean-menetelmän avulla. Välinehuoltoprosessin avulla estetään hoitovälineiden välityksellä tapahtuva infektioiden syntyminen ja leviäminen. Kehittämistyö toteutettiin Lean-menetelmän avulla. Lean-ideologia perustuu prosessin jatkuvan virtauksen mahdollistamiseen poistamalla virtausta haittaavia tekijöitä. Yksikön ...

  6. Determination of anions with an on-line capillary electrophoresis method; Anionien on-line maeaeritys kapillaarielektroforeesilla - MPKT 10

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siren, H.; Saerme, T.; Kotiaho, T.; Hiissa, T.; Savolahti, P.; Komppa, V. [VTT Chemical Technology, Espoo (Finland)


    The aim of the study was to set-up an on-line capillary electrophoresis method for determination of anions in process waters of pulp and paper industry with exporting the results to the process control system of the mill. The quantification is important, since it will give information about the possible causes of precipitation. In recent years, the capillary electrophoresis (CE) due to its high separation efficiency has been shown as a method to take into consideration when analyzing chemical species ranging from small inorganic anions to different macromolecules. Many compounds are not easily detected in their native state, why analysis methods must be developed to improve their detection. Especially, small inorganic and organic anions which do not have chromophores are not sensitive enough for direct-UV detection. In such analyses the anions are mostly detected with indirect-UV technique. Capillary electrophoresis instruments are used to analyze samples in off-line, which seldom represent the situation in process. Therefore, on-line instrument technology with autoanalyzing settings will be needed in quality control. The development of a fully automatic capillary electrophoresis system is underway in co-operation with KCL (The Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute). In our research, we have first concentrated on the determination of sulphate in waters of paper industry. The method used for detection of sulphate is based on indirect-UV detection with CE, where the background electrolyte (BGE) is an absorbing mixture of secondary amines. The whole procedure for quantification of sulphate is performed within 15 minutes, after which a new sample is analyzed automatically. The only sample pretreatment is filtration, which is necessary before analysis. The concentrations of sulphate in process waters tested were between 300 and 800 ppm. Our tests show that a simultaneous determination of chloride, sulphate, nitrate, nitrite, sulphite, carbonate and oxalate is also possible. (orig.)

  7. Determination of anions with an on-line capillary electrophoresis method; Anionien on-line maeaeritys kapillaarielektroforeesilla - MPKT 10

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siren, H; Saerme, T; Kotiaho, T; Hiissa, T; Savolahti, P; Komppa, V [VTT Chemical Technology, Espoo (Finland)


    The aim of the study was to set-up an on-line capillary electrophoresis method for determination of anions in process waters of pulp and paper industry with exporting the results to the process control system of the mill. The quantification is important, since it will give information about the possible causes of precipitation. In recent years, the capillary electrophoresis (CE) due to its high separation efficiency has been shown as a method to take into consideration when analyzing chemical species ranging from small inorganic anions to different macromolecules. Many compounds are not easily detected in their native state, why analysis methods must be developed to improve their detection. Especially, small inorganic and organic anions which do not have chromophores are not sensitive enough for direct-UV detection. In such analyses the anions are mostly detected with indirect-UV technique. Capillary electrophoresis instruments are used to analyze samples in off-line, which seldom represent the situation in process. Therefore, on-line instrument technology with autoanalyzing settings will be needed in quality control. The development of a fully automatic capillary electrophoresis system is underway in co-operation with KCL (The Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute). In our research, we have first concentrated on the determination of sulphate in waters of paper industry. The method used for detection of sulphate is based on indirect-UV detection with CE, where the background electrolyte (BGE) is an absorbing mixture of secondary amines. The whole procedure for quantification of sulphate is performed within 15 minutes, after which a new sample is analyzed automatically. The only sample pretreatment is filtration, which is necessary before analysis. The concentrations of sulphate in process waters tested were between 300 and 800 ppm. Our tests show that a simultaneous determination of chloride, sulphate, nitrate, nitrite, sulphite, carbonate and oxalate is also possible. (orig.)

  8. Characteristics of the reindeer electrocardiogram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jouni Timisjärvi


    ämen syketiheydestä, sähköisestä johtumisesta ja välillisesti jossain määrin myös sydänlihaksen toiminnallisesta tilasta. Suurin osa tämänkaltaista tietoa voidaan saada tavanomaisia skalaarisia kytkentöjäkäyttäen, ja usein yhdessä tasossa tapahtuva rekisteröinti on riittävä. Tässä työssä on tutkittu porojen normaalia sydänsähkökäyrää ja sen eri poikkeamien suuntautumista frontaalitasossa, kun rekisteröinnissä on käytetty Einthovenin postulaattien mukaisia raajakytkentöjä. P aalto suuntautui ylöspäin kythkennöissä II, III ja aVF, alaspäin kytkennässä aVL ja vaihteli kytkennöissä I ja aVR. P vektorin suunta oli 60 - 120°. QRS kompleksi vaihteli. Tavallisimmat muodot olivat R ja rS kytkennöissä I ja aVR; R, Rs ja rS kytkennässä aVL ja Qr tai qR muissa kytkennöissä. Tavallisin QRS vektorin suunta oli 240 - 300°. T aalto vaihteli. Poikkeaminen ja intervallien kesto riippui sydämen syketiheydestä.