
Sample records for technologies congres photovoltaique

  1. Analyse de l'integration d'un systeme de production photovoltaique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    29 janv. 2009 ... performances dependent des caracteristiques du site ... a la diminution du cout du generateur photovoltaique et a la gestion ... assurant a travers une action de controle le ... donnees meteorologiques du site de mesure est.

  2. Relat del Congrés IDP 2012

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    Ignacio Alamillo Domingo


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    Aquest article conté el relat del VIII Congrés Internet, Dret i Política, organitzat per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i que va tenir lloc a les instal·lacions del CosmoCaixa a Barcelona els dies 9 i 10 de juliol de 2012.

    En el Congrés, amb la temàtica de l'entreteniment en línia com a fil conductor, hi va haver tres ponències principals, dues taules de debat i la presentació de vint-i-vuit comunicacions, agrupades en quatre grans dominis: propietat intel·lectual, comerç electrònic i joc en línia, govern i polítiques reguladores, i privadesa.

    Les intervencions del Congrés, molt diverses, han posat de manifest una transformació important del model de relacions a internet, que afecta el substrat sociològic en el qual es va basar el disseny de normes com la propietat intel·lectual, la formalització contractual de les relacions de consum i la protecció de dades personals i altres drets fonamentals, de manera que es pot anticipar la necessitat de més regulació i més bona, realista i equilibrada: més harmonitzada dins de la Unió Europea, i més ben coordinada amb la legislació dels Estats Units, sense renunciar als principis i drets constitucionals de la nostra tradició.

  3. The recommissioning of Montreal's Palais des Congres; Le recommissioning du Palais des congres de Montreal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poirier, M. [Palais des Congres, Montreal, PQ (Canada); Deschamps, J.F. [Pageau Morel et Associes, Montreal, PQ (Canada)


    An addition was constructed onto the Palais des Congres building in Montreal in 2002. When the energy performance of the newly recommissioned building failed to meet the expectations of the construction contractor, an Energy Savings Commission was created with a mandate was to reduce energy consumption by 25 per cent over a 3 to 5 year time period, representing a savings of $500,000 per year. The objective was to make advantageous changes that would not compromise occupant comfort or interior air quality. The Committee identified areas of possible improvements in the building's heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Improvements in lighting systems and humidity control were also investigated. The Committee identified necessary upgrades and evaluated the changes in terms of technical feasibility, financial profit and sustainability. The Committee was also responsible for acquiring the authorization needed to proceed with the investment and implement change. This paper listed the energy saving measures along with the associated savings in electricity and natural gas. It also listed the associated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The energy saving measures undertaken by the Committee were based on 3 fundamental principles which included turning off equipment that was not being used in different areas of the building; optimizing the energy use of equipment; and, replacing or modifying inefficient equipment. In November 2005, the Palais des Congres hosted the Energy Efficiency Week, during which time it made use of CANMET's Diagnostic Agent for Building Operators (DABO) software package to achieve energy savings. A program aimed at training employees in energy efficiency was also implemented and feedback on key issues was acquired. Hydro-Quebec also contributed $25,000 towards the energy analysis performed by the Committee. The objective of saving $500,000 in energy costs over a 3 to 5 year period was met. 3 tabs., 1 fig.

  4. Rapport du congrès EUROCALL 2000 et du symposium InSTIL 2000 (Dundee, Ecosse

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    Pierre Machu


    Full Text Available Le congrès annuel de EUROCALL (2000 (European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning s'est déroulé du 31 août au 2 septembre 2000 à l'Université d'Abertay-Dundee et avait pour thème : Innovations dans l'apprentissage des langues au troisième millénaire - Réseaux pour la formation continue, interdisciplinarité et réponse intelligente de la machine (voir le site EUROCALL 2000 (2000. Environ 230 délégués provenant de 30 pays se sont rassemblés à Dundee. Les séances plénières et les communications (présentation de recherches ou démonstrations s'articulaient par conséquent autour de sous-thèmes tels que recherche en acquisition d'une langue seconde et ALAO, exploitation ou conception de matériaux pour la toile, communication médiatisée par ordinateur, centres de langues et apprentissage des langues de spécialité, traitement du language naturel et technologie de la parole. La technologie de la parole était également au coeur des préoccupations et travaux des 80 participants au symposium d'InSTIL 2000 (2000 (Intégration des technologies de la parole dans l'apprentissage des langues qui s'est déroulé durant les deux jours précédant le congrès EUROCALL 2000. InSTIL 2000 était organisé par le groupe d'intérêts spéciaux (GIS InSTIL (2000, (Integrating Speech Technology in Language Learning issu des trois associations CALICO (2000 (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, EUROCALL (2000 et ISCA (2000 (International Speech Communication Association.

  5. Elaboration du Ge mesoporeux et etude de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue d'applications photovoltaiques (United States)

    Tutashkonko, Sergii

    Le sujet de cette these porte sur l'elaboration du nouveau nanomateriau par la gravure electrochimique bipolaire (BEE) --- le Ge mesoporeux et sur l'analyse de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue de son utilisation dans des applications photovoltaiques. La formation du Ge mesoporeux par gravure electrochimique a ete precedemment rapportee dans la litterature. Cependant, le verrou technologique important des procedes de fabrication existants consistait a obtenir des couches epaisses (superieure a 500 nm) du Ge mesoporeux a la morphologie parfaitement controlee. En effet, la caracterisation physico-chimique des couches minces est beaucoup plus compliquee et le nombre de leurs applications possibles est fortement limite. Nous avons developpe un modele electrochimique qui decrit les mecanismes principaux de formation des pores ce qui nous a permis de realiser des structures epaisses du Ge mesoporeux (jusqu'au 10 mum) ayant la porosite ajustable dans une large gamme de 15% a 60%. En plus, la formation des nanostructures poreuses aux morphologies variables et bien controlees est desormais devenue possible. Enfin, la maitrise de tous ces parametres a ouvert la voie extremement prometteuse vers la realisation des structures poreuses a multi-couches a base de Ge pour des nombreuses applications innovantes et multidisciplinaires grace a la flexibilite technologique actuelle atteinte. En particulier, dans le cadre de cette these, les couches du Ge mesoporeux ont ete optimisees dans le but de realiser le procede de transfert de couches minces d'une cellule solaire a triple jonctions via une couche sacrificielle en Ge poreux. Mots-cles : Germanium meso-poreux, Gravure electrochimique bipolaire, Electrochimie des semi-conducteurs, Report des couches minces, Cellule photovoltaique

  6. Compte-rendu du Congrès RANACLÈS 2001

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    Cécile Poussard


    Full Text Available Les 9èmes Journées Nationales de RANACLÈS (1999-2001 se sont tenues au CALUP (Centre d'Apprentissage des Langues de l'Université de Provence, faculté St Charles, Marseille, du 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2001. RANACLÈS (Rassemblement National des Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur, association créée en 1992, est la branche française de CERCLES, Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur.  Le congrès RANACLÈS réunit des responsables de centres ayant pour mission de fournir des formations en langues à des étudiants spécialistes d'autres disciplines (universités, écoles, Instituts Universitaires de Technologie, Instituts Universitaires Professionnalisés.... Les participants, essentiellement des pédagogues de terrain, trouvent, lors du congrès annuel, une occasion de partager leurs expériences, de s'informer et de réfléchir sur leur pratique. Le thème retenu cette année était celui de la motivation. Les ateliers ont présenté des expérimentations "motivantes" intégrant les TICE, essentiellement dans une perspective de pédagogie de projet. L'atelier des exposants a certainement souffert de questions de calendrier (Salon de l'Éducation, tout proche, à Paris et n'a rassemblé que quelques constructeurs (équipement et quelques diffuseurs. Les conférences ont permis d'approcher la motivation sous différents angles, motivation et politiques linguistiques (Jacques Darras, université de Picardie, motivation et certification (Claude Springer, université Marcel Bloch de Strasbourg, motivation et mondialisation (Louis-Jean Calvet, université de Provence, motivation et histoire de la pensée éducative (Philippe Meirieu, Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Lyon, motivation et autonomie dans les dispositifs d'apprentissage autodirigé (Mia Victori, université autonome de Barcelone.

  7. Relat del VII Congrés Internacional sobre Internet, Dret i Política: Neutralitat de la Xarxa i dret a l'oblit

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    Javier de la Cueva González-Cotera


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    Els dies 11 i 12 de juliol del 2011 es va celebrar a Barcelona el VII Congrés Internacional sobre Internet, Dret i Política que es va centrar en els dos temes principals de la neutralitat de la Xarxa i el dret a l'oblit. A més d'aquests continguts, els autors hi van exposar ponències relacionades amb l'última problemàtica jurídica i política l'objecte de la qual és Internet. En aquest article es fa una crònica no exhaustiva del congrés, incloses les conclusions del relator al final de cada jornada.

  8. Caracterisation thermique de modules de refroidissement pour la photovoltaique concentree (United States)

    Collin, Louis-Michel

    Pour rentabiliser la technologie des cellules solaires, une reduction du cout d'exploitation et de fabrication est necessaire. L'utilisation de materiaux photovoltaiques a un impact appreciable sur le prix final par quantite d'energie produite. Une technologie en developpement consiste a concentrer la lumiere sur les cellules solaires afin de reduire cette quantite de materiaux. Or, concentrer la lumiere augmente la temperature de la cellule et diminue ainsi son efficacite. Il faut donc assurer a la cellule un refroidissement efficace. La charge thermique a evacuer de la cellule passe au travers du recepteur, soit la composante soutenant physiquement la cellule. Le recepteur transmet le flux thermique de la cellule a un systeme de refroidissement. L'ensemble recepteur-systeme de refroidissement se nomme module de refroidissement. Habituellement, la surface du recepteur est plus grande que celle de la cellule. La chaleur se propage donc lateralement dans le recepteur au fur et a mesure qu'elle traverse le recepteur. Une telle propagation de la chaleur fournit une plus grande surface effective, reduisant la resistance thermique apparente des interfaces thermiques et du systeme de refroidissement en aval vers le module de refroidissement. Actuellement, aucune installation ni methode ne semble exister afin de caracteriser les performances thermiques des recepteurs. Ce projet traite d'une nouvelle technique de caracterisation pour definir la diffusion thermique du recepteur a l'interieur d'un module de refroidissement. Des indices de performance sont issus de resistances thermiques mesurees experimentalement sur les modules. Une plateforme de caracterisation est realisee afin de mesurer experimentalement les criteres de performance. Cette plateforme injecte un flux thermique controle sur une zone localisee de la surface superieure du recepteur. L'injection de chaleur remplace le flux thermique normalement fourni par la cellule. Un systeme de refroidissement est installe

  9. Xe CONGRES INTERNATIONAL SUR LE COLZA Développement et impacts des OGM

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    Chevre Anne-Marie


    Full Text Available Le dernier congrès du Groupe consultatif international de recherches sur le colza s’est déroulé à Canberra (Australie du 26 septembre au 1er octobre 1999. Pour sa dixième édition, cette manifestation, quadriennale, a réuni plus de 600 participants originaires de 28 pays. La délégation australienne mise en part (35 % des participants, le Canada (15 % et l’Allemagne (14 % étaient les pays producteurs les mieux representés suivis de la Grande-Bretagne (6 %, de la France (6 % et de la Chine (5 %. Résumé en chiffre, le contenu scientifique de ces journées a été apporté par 550 présentations de résultats sous forme d’exposés (166 et de posters (384. Parmi les différents thèmes développés, le thème « amélioration des plantes et biotechnologies » a occupé en nombre d’interventions, à peu près la moitié du congrès (44 %. Les notes suivantes reviennent sur les aspects significatifs de ces présentations. Elles seront suivies dans une prochaine livraison des comptes rendus des thèmes « agronomie », « protection des cultures » et « nutrition ». (Les références au sein des articles renvoient aux textes du CDrom du colloque disponible auprès du Dr Rodney Mailer  :

  10. Supporting Health by Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laurence Alpay


    Congres: 22 mei in Twente. Het thema van dit jaar was: "Designing Persuasive Tech for Health" 3D visualization tools bieden interessante mogelijkheden op het terrein van persuasieve technologie. In deze context was DAVE de "Pratende CT-scan" bij het congres aanwezig. DAVE geeft zelf uitleg over

  11. CONGRES 92e Congrès de l’AOCS (Minneapolis, 13-16 mai 2001 : l’essentiel du programme Nutrition

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    Mendy François


    Full Text Available Avec plus de deux mille participants, cinq cent cinquante communications orales et posters dont quatre-vingt-onze en « Health and Nutrition », il devient presque impossible de suivre même partiellement le programme d’autres divisions. Ce congrès, et particulièrement la Division Health and Nutrition, devait beaucoup au Secrétaire général de l’AOCS, Marc Bieber, mort malheureusement quelques jours plus tôt. Certaines des communications avaient été prévues pour amener des réponses à des questions laissées en suspens l’année précédente. Très nettement, une évolution s’amorce qui se poursuivra d’ailleurs, tant elle est la conséquence de multiples progrès. Cinq grands thèmes constituaient l’architecture du Programme de la Division « Health and Nutrition » : - nutrition générale (regroupant des communications non directement rattachables aux thèmes suivants ; - lipides sanguins et maladies cardiovasculaires ; - immunologie et inflammation; - effets métaboliques et physiologiques des CLA ; - « sécurité » et effets santé des phytostérols ou phytostanols.

  12. Activité antérieure : Le CRDI au Congrès mondial sur la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 avr. 2016 ... Le 14e Congrès mondial sur la santé publique s'est déroulé du 11 au 15 février 2015 au parc scientifique Science City de Calcutta, en Inde. Le thème de cette année était « Peuples en santé, environnement sain ». Cet événement a été organisé par l'Association de santé publique de l'Inde et la Fédération ...

  13. Monogràfic "VII Congrés Internacional Internet, Dret i Política: Neutralitat de la Xarxa i altres reptes per al futur d’Internet"

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    Miquel Peguera (coord.


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    Presentació introductòria del monogràfic dedicat al VII Congrés Internacional Internet, Dret i Política (IDP 2011: Neutralitat de la Xarxa i altres reptes per al futur d'Internet.

  14. Experience, potential and photovoltaic Algerian market; Experience, potentiel et marche photovoltaique algerien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khelif, Amar


    The various studies concerning solar energy are showing a considerable potential for the use of this energy form in Algeria. Aware of the growing interest for this energy and of the issues, Algeria has integrated its development in its energy policy by: the adoption of a legal framework in favor of this energy expansion, the planning of important hybridization projects of diesel plants, the launch of two large electrification projects and the planning of a photovoltaic modules fabrication plant. These projects are part of a national development plan of renewable energy. [French] Les diverses etudes concernant l'energie solaire font apparaitre un potentiel considerable pour l'utilisation de cette forme d'energie en Algerie. Consciente de l'interet grandissant de cette energie et de ses enjeux, l'Algerie a integre son developpement dans sa politique energetique par : l'adoption d'un cadre juridique favorable a l'expansion de cette energie, la planification d'importants projets d'hybridation de centrales diesel, le lancement de deux grands programmes d'electrification et la projection d'une usine de fabrication de modules photovoltaiques en est la parfaite illustration. Ces projets s'nscrivent dans le cadre d'un plan national de developpement des energies renouvelables.

  15. Exploration d’un système interfacique et de ses dynamiques : application au tourisme de réunions et de congrès

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    Christofle S.


    Full Text Available Le tourisme de réunions et de congrès fait se rassembler en un lieu nodal, durant au moins deux jours, des personnes issues d’horizons géographiques variés mais aux intérêts communs. Le système interfacique congressuel se structure autour de la réunion, interface immatérielle, qui prend place dans le palais des congrès, interface matérielle, et met en contact différents acteurs : congressistes, organisateurs, prestataires de services, collectivités territoriales. Ce système ouvert, localisé, s’articule autour de trois grands types d’interfaces, intra-réticulaires, inter-réseaux et réseaux-territoires dans le cadre de stratégies économiques, de destination et de développement territorial. Quatre grands effets sont induits : la diffusion et l’appropriation d’une information neuve, l’accélération de l’innovation et de l’expérimentation, la création d‘une expérience communautaire, le développement de la valeur.

  16. Genève au confluent du droit interne et du droit international : Mélanges offerts par la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Genève à la Société suisse des juristes à l'occasion du congrès 2012


    Bellanger, François; de Werra, Jacques


    La Faculté de droit de l’Université de Genève est heureuse de perpétuer la tradition et d’offrir à la Société Suisse des Juristes le présent recueil de contributions à l’occasion de la tenue du Congrès 2012 à Genève. En écho à la thématique du Congrès qui est « Le droit suisse face aux défis du droit international », cet ouvrage présente quelques illustrations originales de l’interaction entre le droit interne et le droit international comme de l’apport du droit comparé et du droit internatio...

  17. Références bibliographiques de congrès concernant les indépendances des pays africains, publiés entre 1960 et 2010.

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    Bernadette Joseph


    Full Text Available 1963Décolonisation et régimes politiques en Afrique noire.Actes du colloque organisé par le Centre d'études des relations internationales de Paris et le Centre d'études d'Afrique noire de l'université de Bordeaux, 30 novembre-1er décembre 1963, sur le thème «  Les régimes des nouveaux Etats et leurs relations extérieures. Sous la direction d'Albert Mabileau et Jean Meyriat.- Paris : Colin, 1967.- 276 p.1977The transfer of power in Africa : decolonization, 1940-1960.D'après le congrès tenu à B...

  18. Photovoltaics in Algeria, today's experiences and perspectives of tomorrow; Le photovoltaique en Algerie, experiences d'aujourd'hui et perspectives de demain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahouane, Mehdi


    The communication describes Algeria's experience in the use of photovoltaics, principal renewable energy type used in the country, through the electrification of around 900 homes in 18 villages. This realization represents one of the largest projects accomplished by public powers in this domain with an installed power of 453KWc, which corresponds to 20% of the solar power currently exploited. Actions for the development of renewable energy in terms of realizations and regulations are listed, explaining the energy policy of Algeria which has fixed its contribution to the national energy balance at a level of 5% for 2017. [French] La communication decrit l'experience de l'Algerie dans l'utilisation du photovoltaique, principal type d'energie renouvelable utilisee dans le pays, a travers l'electrification d'environs 900 foyers repartis sur 18 villages. Cette realisation represente l'un des plus grands projets accomplis par les pouvoirs publics dans ce domaine avec une puissance installee de 453 KWc ce qui correspond a 20% de la puissance solaire presentement exploitee. Les actions destinees au developpement des energies renouvelables en matiere de realisations et reglementation sont citees explicitant la politique energetique de l'Algerie qui se fixe un taux de contribution au bilan energetique national de 5% pour 2017.

  19. Fit4SE: Quantified Self @Work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gritter, Anita; Lentferink, Aniek


    De poster is gepresenteerd tijdens het congres Healthy Work, Good for Business, Health Hub Roden op 29 april 2016. De poster presenteert het promotietraject waarbinnen wearable technology en persuasive eCoaching worden gecombineerd om duurzame inzetbaarheid onder werknemers te bevorderen. Wearable

  20. Le congréganiste hors la société ? Les dynamiques de laïcisation de la « République radicaliste » au prisme d’une approche d’anthropologie politique (France, 1902-1906

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    Julien Bouchet


    Full Text Available Au début du XXe siècle, la France de la « Belle Époque » connaît un temps de fondation républicaine qui rend de nouveau manifeste un conflit ancien sur la place du (des religieux dans le champ social. L’article porte sur l’exclusion des congréganistes du corps politique. Corollaire d’une laïcisation portée par les gauches parlementaires et soutenue par un anticléricalisme en recomposition, l’ostracisation des congréganistes passe par la stigmatisation de leurs corps, de leurs pratiques sociales et de leur appartenance à plusieurs entités essentialisées (« la Congrégation », « le parti noir ». Quoique pondérée par une domestication de la dissension, la violence de cet engagement appelle la fondation d’un nouveau contrat social car les autorités politiques restreignent par la coercition la capacité civile des congréganistes et leur interdisent d’enseigner tout en souhaitant accompagner leur « sortie de religion ». Le caractère a-libéral de cette idéologie acte les difficultés de l’État à penser ses relations avec les corps intermédiaires, et permet de discuter la thèse téléologique d’un procès de sécularisation qui se serait imposé en France sans heurts ni radicalisations.At the beginning of the twentieth century, France saw a period of republican progress, known as the « Belle Époque ». This period reintroduced the discourse regarding the extent of religious groups’ role in society. This article deals with the exclusion of religious people from positions within the political system. As a result, the Left secularized the parliament and ostracised these religious groups altogether through their social practices and limited membership in several essential government entities (« the Congregation » and « the black party ». The extremism of this commitment created the foundation for a new social contract in which the political authorities would restrict the civil capacity of

  1. Photovoltaics; L'electricite photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This road-map proposes by the Group Total aims to inform the public on the photovoltaics. It presents the principles and the applications, the issues and the current technology, the challenges and the Group Total commitment in the domain. (A.L.B.)

  2. El VII Congrés Internacional de Conflictologia desentrella la complexitat de les operacions de pau des d’UNITAR

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    Eduard Vinyamata


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    «En parlar de les Nacions Unides, ens ve al cap la imatge dels cascos blaus, però les operacions de pau són més complexes i impliquen molta gent: militars, policia, diplomàtics i societat civil.» Ho va afirmar Sally Fegan-Wyles, la subsecretària general de les Nacions Unides i cap de l’Institut de les Nacions Unides per a la Formació Professional i la Recerca (UNITAR, en la inauguració del VII Congrés Internacional de Conflictologia i Pau de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, que va tenir lloc els dies 2 i 3 d’octubre. Aquesta professional del desenvolupament va explicar l’impacte que té la formació sobre resolució de conflictes en el manteniment de la pau i la seguretat al món. En aquest esdeveniment, organitzat pel Campus per la Pau i els Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Sally Fegan-Wyles va destacar el fet que les intervencions de pau que porten a terme les Nacions Unides han canviat de naturalesa, com també ho han fet els conflictes, amb l’aparició de les armes lleugeres i les tàctiques de guerrilla. Segons la directora d’UNITAR, «hem passat de l’acord de pau a un procés multidimensional, que implica tant la societat civil del país en conflicte com el cos diplomàtic i polític, i les tropes militars».


  3. 6 March 2012 - CERN Director-General R. HEUER holding the keynote speech at NIDays 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

    CERN Multimedia

    Balle, Ch


    15e congrès des technologies et des experts pour la technique de la mesure et de l’automatisation par ordinateur.Pour la 15ème fois, le congrès des technologies et des experts « NIDays » qui eut lieu le 6 mars 2012 au Swissôtel à Zurich, a enthousiasmé près de 400 visiteurs.Prof. Heuer. lors du discours d'ouveture, a présente le centre de recherche CERN et décrit le potentiel de découverte du LHC pour la physique tout en mentionnant les résultats les plus importants de la première collecte de données. Le LHC fonctionne avec l'aide de plusieurs centaines de systèmes PXI. Ceux-ci font en sorte que les particules qui sortent du cœur de rayonnement soient absorbées. Grâce à LabVIEW Real-Time et LabVIEW FPGA, environ 600 moteurs sont synchronisés à la milliseconde le long des 27 km de l'accélérateur.

  4. Photovoltaic solar energy;L'energie solaire photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouratoglou, P. [EDF Energies Nouvelles, 75 - Paris (France); Therond, P.G. [EDF Dir. Nouvelles Technologies, 75 - Paris (France)


    The most important assets of photovoltaic energy for sustainable development are its simplicity (no need for complicated thermodynamical cycles) and the universal availability of the sun which explains its great popularity. The main restraint to its full development is the high cost of the technologies used. The silicon technology is the historical technology, it has high conversion rates but is expensive because of high fabrication costs. This technology represents 80% of the market. On the other hand the thin film technology with CdTe, CIS or CIGS is promising in terms of costs but requires research works to increase its conversion rate. Japan and Germany are the leader countries in terms of photovoltaic for research, industrial fabrication or state support, they are followed by Spain, Usa, and China. (A.C.)

  5. Editorial Retour sur le 2ème Congrès International de la Société Algérienne de Nutrition ème [Return on the 2th International Congress of the Algerian Society of Nutrition

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    Malika BOUCHENAK


    Full Text Available Le 2ème Congrès International de la Société Algérienne de Nutrition s'est tenu à Alger, du 13 au 15 octobre 2015. Il a connu un succès encore plus important que la 1 édition, avec plus de 350 congressistes venus de différentes régions d'Algérie, du Maghreb et d'Europe. La thématique principale portait sur l'Alimentation Méditerranéenne et la Santé ainsi que la valorisation des produits méditerranéens, D'autres aspects ont été abordés tels que l'alimentation, la nutrition et la santé, les physiopathologies métaboliques et nutritionnelles dont les maladies non transmissibles, les composés bioactifs et la santé et la phytothérapie et la santé.

  6. Solar energy photovoltaic technology: proficiency and performance; L'energie solaire maitrise et performance photovoltaiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Total is committed to making the best possible of the planet's fossil fuel reserves while fostering the emergence of other solutions, notably by developing effective alternatives. Total involves in photovoltaics when it founded in 1983 Total Energies, renamed Tenesol in 2005, a world leader in the design and installation of photovoltaic solar power systems. This document presents Total's activities in the domain: the global challenge of energy sources and the environment, the energy collecting by photovoltaic electricity, the silicon technology for cell production, solar panels and systems to distribute energy, research and development to secure the future. (A.L.B.)

  7. Compte rendu du Congrès National du Pétrole, Vichy, 13-16 mai 1981 Report on the 9th French Petroleum Congress in Vichy, 13-16 May 1981

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bertrand A. R. V.


    Full Text Available Le 9e Congrès National du Pétrole (Vichy, 13-16 mai 1981 s'est déroulé dans un contexte assez difficile (importantes augmentations des prix pétroliers au cours des dernières années, crise mondiale du secteur raffinage, incertitudes politiques. . . bien reflété par le thème choisi Les techniciens français du pétrole face au défi énergétique. Comportant trois tables rondes générales qui fournissaient à l'ensemble des participants, quelles que soient leur spécialité, l'occasion de travailler en commun et ont ainsi donné à cette manifestation un caractère pluridisciplinaire particulièrement studieux, le congrès a mis l'accent sur un certain nombre de nécessités déjà mises en évidence : - diversifier les sources d'hydrocarbures à tous les niveaux (géographique, nature du produit . . . ; - recourir à d'autres sources d'énergie et en particulier à l'énergie nucléaire ; - utiliser toutes les techniques de pointe disponibles (informatique, robotique, biologie, . . . et accroître le capital matière grise, en particulier pour permettre l'exploitation du pétrole difficile (récupération assistée, gisements marins sous grande profondeur d'eau, huiles lourdes, . . . ; - former les hommes en conséquence et attirer de nombreux jeunes compétents et imaginatifs, vers l'industrie des hydrocarbures (pétrole et gaz naturel, et vers les compagnies énergétiques. The 9th French National Petroleurn Congress (Vichy, 13-16 May 1981 took place in a rather difficult context (substantial rises in oil prices in recent years, world crisis in the refining sector, political uncertainties, etc. which was effectively reflected in the theme chosen - French petroleum technicians faced with the energy challenge. There were three round-table discussions which provided all the participants - whatever their specialization - with an opportunity to meet and work together, and gave the meeting a particularly multidisciplinary and studious

  8. Publications | Page 40 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Amérique du Nord et de l'Europe pour inclure maintenant un plus grand nombre d'établissements de recherche africains. Activité antérieure : Le CRDI au Congrès mondial sur la santé publique 2015. Le 14e Congrès mondial sur la santé publique ...

  9. Research and Development in Support of the Navy Technology Center for Safety and Survivability (United States)


    Automotive Engineers. Inc. * Warrendale. PA (1984). (6) Zeelenberg . A. P.. FIJa ven Drat. HI. 3.. end Barker. H1. L.. Coor. Interastona Dlan Machines A...given by Zeelenberg et al.3. The CCAI is based on two simple in Table 1. The fuels were ranked in order of their measurements, namely viscosity and...authors thank R. N. Hazlett (Naval Research 3 Zeelenberg , A. P., Fijn van Draat, H. J. and Barker. H. L. ’Congres Laboratory, Washington, DC) for helpful

  10. Monogràfic "VI Congrés Internet, Dret i Política. Cloud Computing: El Dret i la Política Pugen al Núvol"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política


    Full Text Available

    L'any 2010 és l'any cloud computing. Així ho afirmen nombrosos analistes i especialistes que veuen que s'expandeixen aplicacions que, en lloc de ser executades a l'ordinador de sobretaula o al portàtil, són hostatjades en un servidor, i a les quals s'accedeix mitjançant un navegador qualsevol. Aquesta expansió és facilitada per la massiva adopció d'ordinadors ultraportàtils i telèfons mòbils intel·ligents, així com per la creixent realitat del teletreball i la col·laboració en xarxa entre administracions, empreses i ciutadans.

    Tenir les dades, els documents de text, els fulls de càlcul, les aplicacions de gestió de clients o d'estocs, i la coordinació de processos i projectes emmagatzemats en servidors de tercers; fer passar les comunicacions personals i professionals per un navegador, o obrir la nostra participació ciutadana a tothom són possibilitats que ens ofereixen noves oportunitats, però també nous reptes sobre com entenem la feina, les relacions professionals o l'exercici de la democràcia.

    Aquests reptes i oportunitats van constituir el punt de trobada de la sisena edició del Congrés Internacional IDP - Internet, Dret i Política, que es va centrar a analitzar i debatre els diferents problemes jurídics i polítics que planteja o pot plantejar la massiva extensió del cloud computing tant a escala professional com personal i ciutadana.

  11. Roof-integrated amorphous silicon photovoltaic installation at the Institute for Micro-Technology; Installation photovoltaique IMT Neuchatel silicium amorphe integre dans toiture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tscharner, R.; Shah, A.V.


    This final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) describes the 6.44 kW grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power plant that has been in operation since 1996 at the Institute for Micro-Technology in Neuchatel, Switzerland. The PV plant, which features large-area, fully integrated modules using amorphous silicon cells was the first of its kind in Switzerland. Experience gained with the installation, which has been fully operational since its construction, as well as the power produced and efficiencies measured are presented and commented. The role of the installation as the forerunner of new, so-called 'micro-morph' thin-film solar cell technology developed at the institute is stressed. Technical details of the plant and its performance are given.

  12. Archéologie et sociabilité: la délégation du Pérou au Premier Congrès international des Américanistes, Nancy, 1875

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available L'auteur tente de montrer comment l'analyse de la composition de la délégation péruvienne au premier Congrès International des Américanistes peut fournir une vision différente du mouvement anthropologique au XIXème siècle, dans la mesure où la plupart des membres de cette délégation étaient peut-être plus préoccupés de représentation que de l'avancement des sciences humaines. D'où l'idée d'un intérêt pour l'archéologie considéré alors comme un acte de sociabilité. El autor intenta demostrar que el análisis de la delegación peruana al primer Congreso Internacional de Americanistas puede dar otra visión del movimiento antropológico en el siglo XIX, en la medida en que la mayoría de los miembros de esta delegación estaban tal vez más preocupados por su imagen pública que por el progreso de las ciencias humanas. En este caso, el interés por la arqueología sería sobre todo un acto de sociabilidad. The author intends to show how the analysis of the social composition of the peruvian delegation at the first International Congress of Americanists, can offer a different view upon the anthropological movement in the XlXth century, as far as most of the delegates were more worried of their public image instead of the advancement of human sciences. In this particular case, their interest on archaeology would be seen as a social act.

  13. Croissance epitaxiale de GaAs sur substrats de Ge par epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (United States)

    Belanger, Simon

    La situation energetique et les enjeux environnementaux auxquels la societe est confrontee entrainent un interet grandissant pour la production d'electricite a partir de l'energie solaire. Parmi les technologies actuellement disponibles, la filiere du photovoltaique a concentrateur solaire (CPV pour concentrator photovoltaics) possede un rendement superieur et mi potentiel interessant a condition que ses couts de production soient competitifs. La methode d'epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (CBE pour chemical beam epitaxy) possede plusieurs caracteristiques qui la rendent interessante pour la production a grande echelle de cellules photovoltaiques a jonctions multiples a base de semi-conducteurs III-V. Ce type de cellule possede la meilleure efficacite atteinte a ce jour et est utilise sur les satellites et les systemes photovoltaiques a concentrateur solaire (CPV) les plus efficaces. Une des principales forces de la technique CBE se trouve dans son potentiel d'efficacite d'utilisation des materiaux source qui est superieur a celui de la technique d'epitaxie qui est couramment utilisee pour la production a grande echelle de ces cellules. Ce memoire de maitrise presente les travaux effectues dans le but d'evaluer le potentiel de la technique CBE pour realiser la croissance de couches de GaAs sur des substrats de Ge. Cette croissance constitue la premiere etape de fabrication de nombreux modeles de cellules solaires a haute performance decrites plus haut. La realisation de ce projet a necessite le developpement d'un procede de preparation de surface pour les substrats de germanium, la realisation de nombreuses sceances de croissance epitaxiale et la caracterisation des materiaux obtenus par microscopie optique, microscopie a force atomique (AFM), diffraction des rayons-X a haute resolution (HRXRD), microscopie electronique a transmission (TEM), photoluminescence a basse temperature (LTPL) et spectrometrie de masse des ions secondaires (SIMS). Les experiences ont permis

  14. Organic photovoltaic energy in Japan; Le photovoltaique organique au Japon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Japan finances research programs on photovoltaic conversion since 1974. Research in this domain is one of the 11 priorities of NEDO, the agency of means of the ministry of economy, trade and industry of Japan. The search for an abatement of production costs and of an increase of cells efficiency is mentioned in NEDO's programs as soon as the beginning of the 1990's. A road map has been defined which foresees photovoltaic energy production costs equivalent to the ones of thermal conversion by 2030, i.e. 7 yen/kWh (4.4 cents of euro/kWh). The use of new materials in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) or organic solar cells, and of new structures (multi-junctions) is explored to reach this objective. The organic photovoltaic technology is more particularly considered for small generation units in mobile or domestic technologies. Japan is particularly in advance in the improvement of DSSC cells efficiency, in particular in the domain of the research on solid electrolytes. Europe seems more in advance in the domain of the new generation of organic solar cells. Therefore, a complementarity may be found between Japan and French teams in the domain of organic solar cells improvement through collaboration programs. (J.S.)

  15. Study of recombination processes for 'electron-hole' pairs in germanium irradiated by {gamma} rays from {sup 60}Co using the photovoltaic effect in P-N junctions; Etude du processus de recombinaison des paires ''electron-trou'' dans le germanium irradie par les rayons {gamma} du cobalt 60 a l'aide de l'effet photovoltaique dans les jonctions P-N

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zahedi-Mochadam, A A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Using the photo-voltaic effect in p-n junctions, we have studied, during bombardment, the mechanism of the recombination of 'electron-hole' pairs in the presence of structure defects produced in germanium of the N and P types by {gamma} rays from a Co{sup 60} source. At 310 K the level of the recombination centres is situated 0.25 eV above the conduction band and the capture cross-sections of the holes and of the electrons have the respective values of: {sigma}{sub p} = 4 X 10{sup -15} cm{sup 2} and {sigma}{sub n} = 3 X 10{sup -15} cm{sup 2}. The value of {sigma}{sub n} appears to be under-estimated because the number of defects in P-type samples appears to be lower than that in N-type samples. These results lead to the conclusion that the interstitials are responsible for the recombination. At 80 K it has been found that in N-type samples, a shallow level exists at O.05 eV below the conduction band with a capture cross-section for the holes of {sigma}{sub p} {>=} 10{sup -14} cm{sup 2}. We believe that in this case the recombination of charge carriers is controlled by the neighbouring 'defect-interstitial' pairs. In P-type samples at low temperature, the life-time is practically constant during irradiation. This fact is attributed to a spontaneous annealing of defects ol purely electrical origin. In the last part of the work the study of the photo-voltaic effect applied to the problem of gamma radiation dosimetry is considered. It is shown that such dosimeters, based on this principle, make it possible to measure the intensity of gamma rays over a very wide range. (author) [French] En utilisant l'effet photovoltaique dans les jonctions p-n, nous avons etudie au cours du bombardement le mecanisme de recombinaison des paires 'electron-trou' en presence des defauts de structure introduits dans le germanium de type N et de type P par les rayons gamma d'une source de Co{sup 60}. A 310 K, le niveau des centres de recombinaison se trouve a 0,25 eV au-dessous de la bande

  16. Translation into French of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Christian Feuillet and Valéry Malécot Changements des conditions requises pour la publication faits au XVIII e Congrès International de Botanique à Melbourne – qu’est-ce que la publication électronique représente pour vous? (United States)

    Knapp, Sandra; McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas J.


    Résumé Les changements au Code International de Nomenclature Botanique sont décidés tous les 6 ans aux Sections de Nomenclature associées aux Congrès Internationaux de Botanique (CIB). Le XVIIIe CIB se tenait à Melbourne, Australie; la Section de Nomenclature s’est réunie les 18-22 juillet 2011 et ses décisions ont été acceptées par le Congrès en session plénière le 30 juillet. Suite à cette réunion, plusieurs modifications importantes ont été apportées au Code et vont affecter la publication de nouveaux noms. Deux de ces changements prendront effet le 1er janvier 2012, quelques mois avant que le Code de Melbourne soit publié. Les documents électroniques publiés en ligne en ‘Portable Document Format’ (PDF) avec un ‘International Standard Serial Number’ (ISSN) ou un ‘International Standard Book Number’ (ISBN) constitueront une publication effective, et l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin pour les noms des nouveaux taxa sera changée en l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin ou en anglais. De plus, à partir du 1er janvier 2013, les noms nouveaux des organismes traités comme champignons devront, pour que la publication soit valide, inclure dans le protologue (tous ce qui est associé au nom au moment de la publication valide) la citation d’un identifiant (‘identifier’) fourni par un dépôt reconnu (tel MycoBank). Une ébauche des nouveaux articles concernant la publication électronique est fournie et des conseils de bon usage sont esquissés. Pour encourager la diffusion des changements adoptés au Code International de Nomenclature pour les algues, les champignons et les plantes, cet article sera publié dans BMC Evolutionary Biology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Brittonia, Cladistics, MycoKeys, Mycotaxon, New Phytologist, North American Fungi, Novon, Opuscula Philolichenum, PhytoKeys, Phytoneuron, Phytotaxa, Plant Diversity and Resources, Systematic Botany et

  17. Road map for photovoltaic electricity; Feuille de route sur l'electricite photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This road map aims at highlighting industrial, technological and social challenges, at elaborating comprehensive visions, at highlighting technological locks, and at outlining research needs for the photovoltaic sector. It considers the following sector components: preparation of photo-sensitive materials, manufacturing of photovoltaic cells, manufacturing of photovoltaic arrays, design and manufacturing of electric equipment to control photovoltaic arrays and to connect them to the grid. It highlights the demand for photovoltaic installations, analyzes the value chain, proposes a vision of the sector by 2050 and defines target for 2020, discusses needs for demonstration and experimentation

  18. Pop & Rock / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Uute heliplaatide: Silvi Vrait "Hümn armastusele", Marillion "Anorakophobia", Charles Aznavour "Palais des Congres 2000", Gorillaz "Gorillaz", John Mayall & Friends "Along For The Ride", David Byrne "Look Into The Eyeball", Madrugada "The Nightly Disease" tutvustused

  19. Swiss photovoltaics programme - 2005 overview; Programme photovoltaique, edition 2006. Rapport de synthese 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nowak, S.


    This illustrated report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents an overview of the work done as part of the 2005 research programme. It presents the programme's main points of focus, discusses the work done and the results obtained. Areas covered include solar cell technology, solar modules and building integration, system technology as well as further projects connected with photovoltaics. Also, international co-operation is discussed. Further, several pilot and demonstration projects (P+D) are presented. Lists of all research and development projects and pilot and demonstration projects are supplied. Work done at several institutions in Switzerland and at leading commercial companies is described. Some particularly successful P+D projects are looked at more closely.

  20. Influences of growth and consumption variables on nutritional ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Relationship between tissue retention efficiency and production traits ... Sauveur (1997) pointed out that, in France, the main factors required to ..... VII World Congr. on Genetics Applied to Livestock Prod., Montpellier, France. p. 87. Melo, J.E. ...

  1. Technological competition, increasing efficiency and lock-in in power generation of photovoltaic origin; Competition technologique, rendements croissants et lock-in dans la production d'electricite d'origine solaire photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taillant, P.


    In this study, the evolutionistic model of technological competition of B. Arthur is used to analyze the phenomena of increasing efficiency of adoption and the technological lock-in situation in the sector of photovoltaic cells for power generation. The processes of path dependence and random historical factors, like the public orders, can lead to a situation where the dominating technology is not necessary the most efficient. In the case of solar photovoltaic, the dominating 'crystalline silicon' technology is the one that has today the best energy efficiency. However, taking into account the evolution of its experience curve which shows a beginning of exhausting of the learning effects, the perspectives of cost reduction seem to be limited despite a sustained demand and intense R and D activities. On the other hand, the thin film technology, with lower efficiencies, would gain in competitiveness thanks to the automation of manufacturing processes. In these circumstances, the technological public policies have to maintain a diversity in the choice of possible technologies in order to allow the promising, but less attractive today, technologies to develop in the future. (J.S.)

  2. Photovoltaic power: the inadequate purchase price; Photovoltaique: les defauts du tarif d'achat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Finon, D. [CNRS, CIRED, GIS LARSEN, 92 - Fontenay aux Roses (France)


    The current policy of guaranteed purchase prices applied to photovoltaic power lacks rationality: prices are not graduated, commitment times are too long, there is no capping to capacity developed, subsidies (tax credit, direct subsidy, etc) are complex and give too favourable a return time. The lack of differentiation between products may also delay the emergence of new PV technologies. As a result, it is legitimate to envisage a cost/benefit analysis of future subsidies and to wonder about Frances ability, as a second rank player, to catch up with the leaders (Germany, Japan, United States). The report does not criticize policy based on purchase prices in itself: this is suitable or technology close to commercial operation in that it guarantees stable terms close to wholesale electricity market prices. It does, however, criticize adequacy in terms of less advanced PV technology, which results in purchase prices five times that of wind power. The report proposes re-targeting the system to take account of the significant stakes in PV power. Costly incentives for installing land PV cells and units should be quickly reduced, while industrial demonstration budgets deserve increases to further the development of new technologies (improved crystal silicon and thin layers). The demonstration phase and industrial development should be the primary focus, where a large part of potentially promising reductions in costs are likely to be achieved. (author)

  3. Extracting Information Based on Partial or Complete Network Data

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 5, 2018 ... depth and breadth first search network traversal do not perform well overall .... work was created using the Python's preferential attachment ..... [13] J. Boland, T. Haynes, and L. Lawson, “Domination from a distance,”. Congr.

  4. The power of meat : Ontwikkeling in de vleeswetenschap en -technologie (1)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verkleij, T.J.


    Turkije verwelkomde afgelopen zomer 388 onderzoekers uit de gehele wereld voor het congres "The power of meat in the 21st Century". Een week lang lag de focus in Izmir op recente ontwikkelingen in de vleeswetenschap en -technologie.

  5. Photovoltaic barometer; Barometre photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The photovoltaic sector is continuing on track, just as the extent of solar energy's electricity-generating potential is dawning on the public mind. The annual global installation figure was up more than twofold in 2010 (rising from just short of 7000 MWp in 2009). It leapt to over 16000 MWp, bringing worldwide installed photovoltaic capacity close to 38000 MWp. The photovoltaic power generated in the European Union at the end of 2010 reached 22.5 TWh which means an additional capacity of 13023 MWp during 2010. Concerning the cumulated installed capacity, Germany and Spain rank first and second in the European Union with respectively 17370 MWp and 3808 MWp

  6. Photovoltaic solar; Solaire photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study aims to observe, from european examples, the local governments policies in matter of the photovoltaic development. This approach is very different for each town. The first part evaluates the initiatives, the second part is devoted to the global situation in Europe and the third part brings recommendations. (A.L.B.)

  7. Photovoltaic: the fabulous destiny of the polycrystalline; Photovoltaique: le fabuleux destin du polycristallin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boulanger, V.


    This document presents some example of realizations using photovoltaic cells, to show the fabulous increase of the photovoltaic industry. It provides then analysis of the market future (2007), information on new technologies and explains the problem of the silicon supply. (A.L.B.)

  8. 1383-IJBCS-Article- Hounnankpan yedohonhon

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    . Notes de phytopathologie soudanaise. Compt. Rend. Congrès. Africaniste, Dakar, Sénégal, 518-528. Natabou DF. 1987. Des plantes médicinales de la République Populaire du Bénin, p. 219. Parker C, Riches CR. 1993. Parasittic Weeds.

  9. Swiss Photovoltaics Programme, 2004 Edition - Overview (French) for 2003; Programme photovoltaique, edition 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nowak, S.


    This publication issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's Photovoltaics (PV) Programme presents an overview (in French) of activities and projects in the photovoltaics research and pilot and demonstration area in Switzerland for the year 2003. Progress in future solar cell technologies and in the area of modules, building integration and system technologies is summarised. Also, national and international co-operation and multi-national pilot and demonstration projects are commented on. Associated projects such as eco-balances for PV systems, forecasting and modelling tools as well as system monitoring tools are discussed. In the area of pilot and demonstration projects, component development, PV integration in sloping roofs, on flat roofs and on facades as well as further PV plant are looked at. Also, measurement campaigns, studies, statistics and other PV-related topics are summarised. This volume also presents a list of 92 projects in the PV area including the appropriate Internet links.

  10. Swiss Photovoltaics Programme, 2004 Edition - Overview (French) for 2003; Programme photovoltaique, edition 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nowak, S


    This publication issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's Photovoltaics (PV) Programme presents an overview (in French) of activities and projects in the photovoltaics research and pilot and demonstration area in Switzerland for the year 2003. Progress in future solar cell technologies and in the area of modules, building integration and system technologies is summarised. Also, national and international co-operation and multi-national pilot and demonstration projects are commented on. Associated projects such as eco-balances for PV systems, forecasting and modelling tools as well as system monitoring tools are discussed. In the area of pilot and demonstration projects, component development, PV integration in sloping roofs, on flat roofs and on facades as well as further PV plant are looked at. Also, measurement campaigns, studies, statistics and other PV-related topics are summarised. This volume also presents a list of 92 projects in the PV area including the appropriate Internet links.

  11. Study of identification of AIJ/RPTES sites and the prospects for vulgarization of the solar energy systems in the Boucle du Mouhoun; Etude d'identification de sites AIJ/ RPTES et des perspectives de diffusion des systemes d'energie solaire dans la Boucle du Mouhoun

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zougouri, Aboubacar; Ouedraogo, Mariam; Sawadogo, Xavier


    The energy needs of the populations in Burkina Faso are enormous and it is difficult to satisfy. The main source of energy is the heating wood. The demand for wood of heating is increasingly strong involves the environment degradation. Thus the Regional Program in the Traditional energy sector (RPTES) takes place to fight against deforestation and to promote the use of other energy sources such as photovoltaic solar systems and petroleum. The aim of this study is to determine the needs of the households, of the groupings and associations and of the institutions in energy. It is a question of determining the adequate strategy to promote the photovoltaic solar systems in rural environment in order to meet the requirements in Community lighting, lighting and conservation of the drugs in the health centres and in leisure. [French] Les besoins energetiques des populations au Burkina Faso sont enormes et difficile a satisfaire. La principale source d'energie demeure le bois de chauffe. La demande en bois de chauffe est de plus en plus forte entraine la degradation de la nature. C'est ainsi que le Programme Regional dans le secteur des Energies Traditionnelles (RPTES) intervient pour lutter contre la deforestation et promouvoir l'utilisation d'autres sources d'energie telles les systemes solaires photovoltaiques et le petrole. Cette etude vise a determiner la demande des menages, des groupements et associations ainsi que celle des institutions en matiere d'energie. Il s'agit de determiner la strategie adequate pour promouvoir les systemes solaires photovoltaiques en milieu rural afin de repondre aux besoins en eclairage communautaire, en eclairage et conservation des medicaments dans les centres de sante et en loisirs.

  12. Renewable energy shaping our future

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeiler, W.


    ISES, de International Solar Energy Society is een wereldwijde organisatie met ongeveer 4.000 Leden. Hoogtepunt van de ISES-activiteiten is steeds weer het tweejaarlijkse Solar World Congres waarin deskundigen hun ervaringen uitwisselen. Dit jaar werd de 29e conferentie in Johannesburg gehouden en

  13. Maken knoppen en panelen kantoorbewoner tot airco-jockey? : conferentie Clima 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijers, L.


    Op het Clima 2000 Congres in Londen, een van de belangrijkste internationale bijeenkomsten voor gebouw- en installatie-ontwerpers, werd duidelijk dat onderzoekers actief zijn om het imago van de installatie-techniek te verbeteren. Daarbij kwam onder meer de te wijzigen norm over tochtklachten en het

  14. Cosmovisión Aymara y su Aplicación Práctica en un Contexto Sanitario del Norte de Chile


    Valdivia, María Paz


    Ponència presentada al Congrès Internacional "Multiculturalism and Health", celebrat al Parc Científic de Barcelona, el 17 de març de 2006, organitzat per la European Association of Global Bioethics i l'Observatori de Bioètica i Dret.

  15. Clarence Batan met en lumière le sort des jeunes Philippins | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Research Committee on Sociology of Youth, le RC 34) à l'occasion du Congrès mondial de sociologie de l'Association internationale de sociologie (ISA), et il est maintenant l'un des deux vice-présidents pour l'Asie de ce comité.

  16. Neuchatel ne gardera pas le Palais de l'equilibre apres Expo.02

    CERN Multimedia


    "La ville de Neuchatel ne souhaite pas conserver le Palais de l'equilibre apres Expo.02. Par 24 voix contre 7, le Conseil general a rejete le plan special du Conseil communal qui proposait de transformer l'edifice en un centre de congres" (1/2 page).

  17. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2015 ... 1Service de Chirurgie Générale, Centre Hospitalier Régional de Kafrrine, .... auxquels viennent s'ajouter les traumatismes primaires résultant de ... aussi aux soins médicaux prolongés et chers. ... Le congrès Médecins.

  18. Behavioural Determinants of Dental Health Behaviour : a Meta-Analytical Review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janneke Scheerman


    Op 28 augustus 2014 heb ik een 'oral presentation' gegeven op het European Health Psychology Society congres te Innsbruck. De abstract van het artikel die ik gepresenteerd heb is gepubliceerd op de website van EHPS (zie bijgevoegd de link) The aim was to quantify the relationship between

  19. Louis I. Kahn ja Aldo van Eyck : paralleelid moodsa arhitektuuri teises traditsioonis / Robert McCarter ; tõlk. Tiina Randus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    McCarter, Robert


    Vaadeldakse Louis I. Kahni ja Aldo van Eycki esinemist 1959. a. CIAMi (Congres Internatinaux d'Architecture Moderne) XI kongressil Otterlos, ajaloolistes paikades saadud kogemuste mõju nende loomingule, suhteid kaasaja kunstnikega ja kunstnike loomingu mõju neile, hoonete kavandamist, linnaarhitektuuri ja -planeerimist. Bibliograafia lk.101-102

  20. Development of small-scale photovoltaic systems; Le photovoltaique au coin de la rue

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Small-scale photovoltaic installations are becoming competitive because the decrease in the price of solar panels is now combined with a drop in the electrical consumption levels of urban equipment. Emergency stop telephones and pay-and-display ticket machines for motorists have now become the most visible applications of photovoltaic technology. Solar installations of less than 150 W capacity are more and more present in the urban environment. (A.L.B.)

  1. Privacy een grondrecht, maar ook handelswaar

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Olsthoorn, P.


    Snoeihard uit journalist Brenno de Winter zijn commentaar op sprekers over privacy tijdens het NLIGF congres 2015. Hij zet Bart Schermer, adviseur van bedrijven en organisaties in de hoek. Die heeft net betoogd dat privacy geen juk (‘korvee’) mag vormen maar inzet moet zijn van innovatie door

  2. Lotte Stam-Beese (1903-1988) : from 'Entwurfsarchitektin' to urban-planning architect

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oosterhof, J.

    The Silesian-born urban-planning architect Lotte Stam-Beese became famous not only in the Netherlands, but also in CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne) circles, for her designs for modern post-war housing districts in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. The path she travelled to get there

  3. Wat komt bovenaan de lijst bij Google?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Litvak, Nelly


    In 1998 presenteerden de PhD-studenten Sergey Brin en Larry Page uit Stanford het artikel ‘The anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine’ op het zevende World-Wide-Web-congres in Brisbane, Australië. Zij beschreven de Web-zoekmachine Google, waarvan de blanco bladzijde tegenwoordig zo

  4. Qumran and apocalyptic. Studies on the Aramaic texts from Qumran

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia Martinez, Florentino


    Het congres over de apocalyptiek in 1979 te Uppsala markeerde ongetwijfeld het einde van een belangrijke fase in de studie van dit complexe verschijnsel. Daar kwam wat ik heb genoemd in het onderzoek van de verhouding tussen Qumràn en de apocalyptiek tot een

  5. The impact of quantified self data on healthcare : 12 juni 2015

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Martijn de Groot


    Guest lecturer at GSMS PhD congres ‘Create your Future, Discover Talent’ Martijn de Groot (1975) is a medical biologist (MSc) with a background in teaching (MEd) and medical science (PhD). After his PhD research he has worked as a researcher, teacher and developer of higher education programs for

  6. Noise and Man 󈨡. Noise as a Public Health Problem. Proceedings of the International Congress (6th) Held in Nice on July 5 - 9, 1993 (United States)


    l’Ouest et le Japon . Ceci est refl&t6 dans plus de 60 contributions dans ce domaine de recherche A ce congres. Nous avons dO structurer ces nombreuses...en particulier en Europe et au Japon - prdvoient le ddveloppemnent de groupe mocopropulseurs A faible dmission de bruit et de pneus silencicux. Les

  7. The Heart of the City : Continuity and Complexity of an urban design concept

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zuccaro Marchi, L.


    The “Heart of the City” theme is proposed by the MARS group as title of the 8th Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), held in Hoddesdon, England, from the 7th to the 14th of July 1951. Two opposite urban conditions are considered by Sert, President of CIAM, as main issues which the

  8. Conference Abstracts: VIH/SIDA | Various Authors | Clinics in Mother ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Various Abstracts: 1er Congrès Franco – Camerounais de Gynécologie et Obstétrique. Clinics in Mother and Child Health Vol. 5 (1) 2008: pp. 842-845. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL · AJOL's Partners · Terms and Conditions of ...

  9. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    15 mars 2016 ... cancer in Belarus after Chernobyl. Int Congr Ser. 2007;1299(1):27-31. PubMed | Google Scholar. 6. Wémeau JL, Caron P, Helal B et al.Thyroïde et Chernoby l. Ann. Endocrinol. 2001;62(5):435-6. PubMed| Google Scholar. 7. Damak H. Nodules thyroïdiens?: Facteurs prédictifs de malignité. 2002 Sfax.

  10. 6th International Congres on Ectodermal Dysplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjørup, Hans; Nyhuus, Lone; Buhl, Jytte


    was to report treatment experiences in boys with HED treated by implant-supported dental prostheses before puberty, and to evaluate the growth of jaws during the pubertal period. Material and methods. Two boys with X-linked HED, 10 yrs of age, were included. One boy was edentulous; the other one had two molars...... (55 & 36). In addition to two mandibular implants, the treatment included bone-augmentation and insertion of maxillary implants at the age of 10 yrs. Implant-supported removable prostheses were fabricated. The study material consisted of profile cephalograms, panoramic radiographs, and clinical photos...... in the pre-pubertal period might be considered as a treatment option in edentoulous individuals with HED and in individuals with HED and very few teeth (2-3)....

  11. La guerrière colombienne à l'ordinateur portatif : la connectivité au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    3 févr. 2011 ... Dwight Dorey, chef miíkmaq de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Canada), considère qu'une meilleure connectivité ne menace pas l'identité culturelle, mais qu'elle représente au contraire une source d'avantages économiques, sociaux et spirituels. Le chef national du Congrès des peuples autochtones, qui défend les ...

  12. 5th Algerian Congress of Mechanics

    CERN Document Server

    Pluvinage, Guy; Azouaoui, Krimo


    This book covers a variety of topics in mechanics, with a special emphasis on material mechanics. It reports on fracture mechanics, fatigue of materials, stress-strain behaviours, as well as transferability problems and constraint effects in fracture mechanics. It covers different kind of materials, from metallic materials such as ferritic and austenitic steels, to composites, concrete, polymers and nanomaterials. Additional topics include heat transfer, quality control and reliability of structures and components. Furthermore, the book gives particular attention to new welding technologies such as STIR welding and spray metal coating, and to novel methods for quality control, such as Taguchi design, fault diagnosis and wavelet analysis. Based on the 2015 edition of the Algerian Congress of Mechanics (Congrès Algérien de Mécanique, CAM), the book also covers energetics, in terms of simulation of turbulent reactive flow, behaviour of supersonic jet, turbulent combustion, fire induced smoke layer, and heat a...

  13. Juif avec les Juifs, Grecs avec les Grecs, psychanalyste avec les psychanalystes,...un problème très catholique

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vandermeersch, P.M.G.P.


    Avec ce texte j'ai clôturé le 11ème congres de l'A.I.E.M.P.R. (Association Internationale d'Etudes Médico-psychologiques et Religieuses) qui a eu lieu à Anvers du 23 au 26 août 1990 sous ma présidence. J'ai stigmatisé l'usage qu'on commençait à faire de la notion lacanienne de l'ordre symbolique

  14. Selected Publications in Image Understanding and Computer Vision from 1974 to 1983 (United States)


    Germany, September 26-28, 1978), Plenum, New York, 1979. 9. Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (2’me Congres AFCET-IRIA, Toulouse...the last decade. .To L..... ABBREVIATIONS - AI Artificial Intelligence BC Biological Cybernetics CACM Communications of the ACM CG Computer Graphics... Intelligence PACM Proceedings of the ACM "P-IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE P-NCC Proceedings of the National Computer Conference PR Pattern Recognition PRL

  15. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Volume 13, Number 10 (United States)


    shells when they impact rigid barriers. Such behavior is of interest in the protection of nuclear power plants . Progress on the MENTOR finite...pipewhip restraints during a postulated pipe break in a nuclear power plant . Other experimental work [124] also provioes valuable information on the...World Congr. Space Enclosures, Bldg. Res. Ctr., Con- cordia Univ., Montreal, pp 321-327 (July 1976). 48. Stolarski, H., "Assessment of Large Displace

  16. Recent Naval Postgraduate School Publications. (United States)


    Tax code helps oil industry? Give me a break Wall Street Journal, (July 16, 1985). Henderson, D R The economics of fuel economy standards Regulation...1983. Valenta, J Soviet strategy in the Caribbean Basin: Avoidance of conflicts between the superpowers ISA Congr., Mexico City, Mexico, Apr. 5-10...statistical analyses of retinal blood vessel pattern parameters Biometrics Conf., Sandia Labs, Albuquerque, NM, 1986. Poock, G K- Blackstone , S W A. Speech I

  17. Religious Authority in African American Churches: A Study of Six Churches


    Yeary, Karen Hye-cheon Kim


    A sociological study of religious authority and gender in the context of a rural, impoverished community was conducted in African American churches in one county of the Arkansas Lower Mississippi Delta region to understand relationships between religious leadership, gender, race, and social justice. Three female and three male African American pastors were interviewed as key-informants of their churches to investigate views of female religious authority, and to compare and contrast the congre...

  18. The Marketing 6 Conference; Le congres Marketing 6

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jego, H. [Gaz de France (GDF), 75 - Paris (France)


    The Marketing 6 congress has taken place in Cannes (France) from May 31 to June 2, 1995, with 600 participants from about 20 countries. It was organized by the Intergas Marketing Organization which concerns 19 member countries distributed worldwide. This paper is a report of this congress and is organized as a series of articles. The first article gives a first overview of the congress and a synthesis of the oral communications from natural gas industry personalities. The following articles are summaries of the talks given in each theme: the residential sector (customers services and information, heat and apparatus selling, safety control, improvement and optimization of natural gas use); the tertiary sector (stakes, engineering, market, and assets of natural gas, weaknesses, strategies and action plans); the industrial sector (technical assistance, customers service, wastes valorization and elimination, environment protection, low-power gas turbines); natural gas propulsion systems (vehicle refueling system), cogeneration and power production (gas turbine and fuel cells). Four round-tables were also organized on the following topics: communication (opportunities, targets, threats); environment (air quality, noise, wastes, soils and ground waters quality, materials recycling, apparatus adjustments and performances, new products, counsels); natural gas marketing in Central Europe countries; marketing studies. (J.S.). 1 fig. 15 photos.

  19. Shape Matching and Image Segmentation Using Stochastic Labeling (United States)


    hierarchique d’Etiquetage Probabiliste," To be presented at AFCET, 3 eme Congres, Reconnaissance Des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle , Sept. 16-18...Tenenbaum, "MSYS: A System for Reasoning About Scenes," Tech. Note 121, Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI Intl., Menlo Park, CA, 1976. [1-6] D. Marr, T...Analysis and Machine Intelligence . [1-10] O.D. Faugeras and M. Berthod, "Using Context in the Global Recognition of a Set of Objects: An Optimization

  20. Human factors in computing systems: focus on patient-centered health communication at the ACM SIGCHI conference. (United States)

    Wilcox, Lauren; Patel, Rupa; Chen, Yunan; Shachak, Aviv


    Health Information Technologies, such as electronic health records (EHR) and secure messaging, have already transformed interactions among patients and clinicians. In addition, technologies supporting asynchronous communication outside of clinical encounters, such as email, SMS, and patient portals, are being increasingly used for follow-up, education, and data reporting. Meanwhile, patients are increasingly adopting personal tools to track various aspects of health status and therapeutic progress, wishing to review these data with clinicians during consultations. These issues have drawn increasing interest from the human-computer interaction (HCI) community, with special focus on critical challenges in patient-centered interactions and design opportunities that can address these challenges. We saw this community presenting and interacting at the ACM SIGCHI 2013, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (also known as CHI), held April 27-May 2nd, 2013 at the Palais de Congrès de Paris in France. CHI 2013 featured many formal avenues to pursue patient-centered health communication: a well-attended workshop, tracks of original research, and a lively panel discussion. In this report, we highlight these events and the main themes we identified. We hope that it will help bring the health care communication and the HCI communities closer together. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Les animateurs TICE du premier degré, quelle professionnalité ?


    Villemonteix , François


    International audience; Les animateurs TICE du premier degré, quelle professionnalité ? Congrès international AREF 2007 (Actualité de la Recherche en Education et en Formation) François VILLEMONTEIX Doctorant Laboratoire EDA (Education et apprentissages) Université Paris 5 – La Sorbonne franç RÉSUMÉ. Dans le but de favoriser le développement d'usages instrumentés dans les classes de l'école primaire française, l'institution éducative a depuis les années 80 at...

  2. Los clusters como mecanismo para la generación de economías a escala en el sector de medicamentos de alto costo en Colombia


    Arias Corredor, Carlos Alberto; Mejía Matute, Never Enrique


    La presente investigación tiene por objeto considerar los cluster en la industria farmacéutica Colombiana, como un mecanismo para la disminución de los sobrecostos de los medicamentos, que han impactado de forma importante, entre otras causas, al sistema de salud, con unos recobros (por concepto de medicamentos No POS) que superan el billón de pesos, situación que dada la crisis que enfrenta al respecto, el Estado Colombiano, ha propuesto una quinta reforma que cursa actualmente en el Congre...

  3. Preparation and characterization of Bioglass®-based scaffolds reinforced bypoly-vinyl alcohol/microfibrillated cellulose composite coating

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bertolla, Luca; Dlouhý, Ivo; Boccaccini, A. R.


    Roč. 34, č. 14 (2014), s. 3379-3387 ISSN 0955-2219. [Fractography of Advanced Ceramics IV. Smolenice Castle Congres Center, Smolenice SAS, 29.09.13-02.10.13] R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) ED1.1.00/02.0068 EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 264526 - GLACERCO Institutional support: RVO:68081723 Keywords : bioceramcs * bioglass (R) scaffolds * porous materials * polymer coating * composite coating Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials Impact factor: 2.947, year: 2014

  4. The changing energy context in 2000 and its impact on cogeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plumejeaud, D.


    On 25 and 26 January, a conference on the future of energy in the context of gas and electricity market liberalization was organized by ATEE (technical association for energy and the environment) at the Palais des Congres in Paris. The first day was devoted to the opportunities and challenges facing the gas and electricity markets and the second day focused on the effects of liberalization on cogeneration, a rapidly expanding market in France. This article summarizes the points raised during the second day. (author)

  5. National congress of radiation protection; Congres national de radioprotection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The congress of radiation protection tackled different areas of radiation protection. The impact of ionizing radiations on environment coming from radioactive activities. The biological radiation effects, the dosimetry, the different ways of doing relative to radiation protection,the risks analysis and the communications with populations, information about accidents and the lessons learned from them are included in this congress. (N.C.)

  6. The 2009 photovoltaic barometer; Le barometre photovoltaique - 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The global photovoltaic market expanded again in 2009. Germany set a new system installation record while the capacity build-up of the major solar photovoltaic markets contained the fallout generated by the Iberian market derailment. The European Union has the highest photovoltaic plant capacity, with almost 5.5 GWp installed in 2009. Italy is the third European Union country to pass the symbolic 1000 MWp installed mark, following Germany and Spain. France ranks 6 with 185 MWp installed in 2009. The decrease in the price of silicon reached 80% in 2009. The industry is facing a coming-of-age crisis with prices falling and over-production. Most of the major cell manufacturers are located in Asia. The European industry is still well represented with Q-Cells, the German leading cell manufacturer in addition with hefty industry players. (A.C.)



    BOUAYED, Abderrahmen


    Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire concerne à réalisé un système photovoltaïque constitué de d’un panneau solaire et un système de suivi (capteurs lumineux + moteurs courant continu). La première partie a été réalisée sur logiciel ISIS, ensuit sur la pratique, on a obtenu des différents graphes de fonctionnement du système (démarrage simple, démarrage forcé et l’arrêt du moteur) Le but de ce projet c’est pour augmenter le rendement d’un panneau solaire et absorbé le maxi...

  8. Radiological emergencies and the ARCAL project; Emergencias radiologicas y el rol del proyecto ARCAL

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gironzini, Eduardo Medina [Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear, Lima (Peru)


    The ARCAL project and its purpose are described. The project has started on 1985 and assembles the Latin American countries in a concentrate effort to develop and to strengthen activities of radiological protection in technical cooperation with the IAEA. Radiological emergency is a high important subject in all the projects developed by ARCAL. The ARCAL activities are briefly presented, such as: meetings, training courses, seminars, dissemination of information, preparing of technical documents, books, etc. The role of ARCAL in the field of radiological emergency is discussed 6 refs.; e-mail: congres at

  9. Trends in Energy. 'The consumer decides'; Trends in Energy. 'De consument bepaalt'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brzezowsky-Ruys, Y.; Van der Zalm, M.; Van Zutphen, M. [eds.


    A report is given of the Capgemini organised congress 'Trends in Energy 2011' which has the Dutch subtitle 'De consument bepaalt' (The consumer decides'. The focus of the articles, interviews, debates and presentations is on the role of the consumer in the supply of and demand for energy. Parts of the report are in Dutch and English [Dutch] Dit rapport bestaat uit een verslag van het congres 'Trends in Energy 2011. De consument bepaalt' en een aantal artikelen met achtergrondinformatie over onder meer de rol van de consument in vraag en aanbod van energie.

  10. American Studies Association — Crossroads of Cultures, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 11-14, 2004


    Pothier, Jacques


    Dans le cadre de son congrès annuel et à l’initiative de sa présidente en exercice, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, l’American Studies Association avait lancé une International Initiative : inviter les représentants de toutes les associations d’études américaines du monde. Parallèlement, American Quarterly, la revue de l’Association, invitait les directeurs des rédactions des revues américanistes.Je représentais donc l’AFEA, la RFEA et Transatlantica.Qu’est-ce que l’American Studies Association ?Le C...

  11. A new future for the French photovoltaic industry;Un nouvel avenir pour l'industrie photovoltaique francaise

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laborde, E. [PV Alliance et de Soleil en Tete, 75 - Paris (France)


    The French photovoltaic industry counts two major players: Photowatt and Tenesol (formerly Total-energy). Specialized in distribution networks and systems engineering, Tenesol has recently become involved in assembling photovoltaic panels; it holds a strong position in its historical markets (France's overseas territories and departments). Photowatt, now celebrating its 30. birthday, is the only French manufacturer of solar wafers, cells and modules. It represents the core of France's photovoltaic industry. Although some small businesses are emerging in this sector, very few of them are involved in technological activities capable of achieving an industrial scale. For a long time, Photowatt has been leading the market and has even risen to number five worldwide. It is thriving thanks to niche markets (isolated sites, solar pumps) with public funding (national or international). (author)

  12. 'Freestyle' - 5.5 kWp photovoltaic roof; Toiture photovoltaique Freestyle de 5,5 kWp

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Affolter, P. [Solstis, Lausanne (Switzerland)


    This illustrated final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) describes a photovoltaics installation on a villa in the vineyards above the Lake of Geneva in Switzerland. The 'Freestyle' roofing system used, which allows a roof to be covered with an unglazed, watertight photovoltaic system, is described. This system features aluminium profiles that are fixed to the roof structure, corrugated panels that form a self-draining sub-roof and laminated photovoltaic (PV) cells based on triple-cell amorphous silicon technology. This pilot system with a peak power of 5.5 kW covers an area of 160 m{sup 2}. The active PV area amounts to 100 m{sup 2}. The aesthetics of the installation is discussed. The operation and performance of the system, which was put into service in May 2003, is discussed. The results of measurements made over a period of more than 12 months are presented. The author states that these results are far better than expected.

  13. Assessment of herd management on organic and conventional dairy farms in the United States. (United States)

    Stiglbauer, K E; Cicconi-Hogan, K M; Richert, R; Schukken, Y H; Ruegg, P L; Gamroth, M


    The objective of this study was to evaluate management characteristics on organic and similarly sized conventional dairy farms located in New York, Wisconsin, and Oregon. Data from 192 organic farms (ORG), 64 conventional nongrazing farms (CON-NG), and 36 conventional grazing farms (CON-GR) were collected during farm visits and were size-matched and analyzed. The average lactation number of animals on ORG and CON-GR farms was 2.6 lactations, which was greater than that on CON-NG farms (2.3 lactations). A greater percentage of first-lactation heifers were found on conventional farms than on ORG farms. Facilities used by adult animals, including housing and milking facilities, did not differ among the grazing systems. Cattle on conventional farms were fed approximately twice as much grain as cattle on ORG farms and had greater milk production. Little difference was found for the average reported somatic cell count and standard plate count, suggesting that milk quality is not dependent on grazing system. Milking procedures were similar across all 3 grazing systems, indicating that an industry standard now exists for milking and that milk quality problems will need to be addressed with other management problems in mind. Although some disease prevention measures were commonly utilized on ORG farms, such as keeping a closed herd and having a written record of treatments administered to the animals, the use of outside support and vaccinations were found to be less prevalent on organic farms than on conventional farms. Copyright © 2013 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Trends in Energy. 'The consumer decides'; Trends in Energy. 'De consument bepaalt'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brzezowsky-Ruys, Y.; Van der Zalm, M.; Van Zutphen, M. (eds.)


    A report is given of the Capgemini organised congress 'Trends in Energy 2011' which has the Dutch subtitle 'De consument bepaalt' (The consumer decides'. The focus of the articles, interviews, debates and presentations is on the role of the consumer in the supply of and demand for energy. Parts of the report are in Dutch and English [Dutch] Dit rapport bestaat uit een verslag van het congres 'Trends in Energy 2011. De consument bepaalt' en een aantal artikelen met achtergrondinformatie over onder meer de rol van de consument in vraag en aanbod van energie.

  15. Análise comparativa de nichos tróficos de carnívoros (Mammalia, Carnivora) da região de alta floresta, estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil


    Flávia Pereira Tirelli


    Estratégias alimentares de espécies de carnívoros simpátricos são moldadas pela competição associada à flexibilidade alimentar. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas amostras fecais para analisar a dieta de carnívoros simpátricos em região altamente fragmentada da Amazônia brasileira. Com esse intuito, foram necessárias identificações confiáveis das espécies predadoras, realizadas através de duas técnicas: seqüenciamento de DNA e microscopia óptica. Estes métodos foram comparados resultando em congr...

  16. Paola Bacchetta, Gender in the Hindu Nation. RSS Women as Ideologues


    Woerkens, Martine Van


    En 2004, à la surprise générale, la « plus grande démocratie du monde » votait contre la coalition au pouvoir dominée par le parti d’extrême droite (Bharatyia Janata Party, BJP). L’historique parti du Congrès reprit alors en main le destin de plus d’un milliard d’Indiens. Cependant, la droite nationaliste hindoue dont le BJP est l’émanation politique, continue d’être puissante. De nombreux ouvrages lui sont consacrés, en Inde, aux États-Unis, en Europe. Gender in the Hindu Nation de Paola Bac...

  17. CERN... Solar Style

    CERN Multimedia


    Inventor William van Sprolant presenting the Solar Club's latest invention, the solar fountain. The CERN Solar Club is giving new meaning to the phrase 'fun in the sun' with their most recently developed contraption, the Solar Fountain. The Fountain was presented to the public just outside of Restaurant 1 on Wednesday October, 17th and uses solar energy to run a water pump at its base to propel a golden plastic ball up into the air. As lovely as the fountain is, the funny thing about it is that the height of the water jet and the ball are an artistic method of measuring the amount of solar power being captured by the photovoltaique panel (no batteries included). The day it was presented started out cloudy, but as the afternoon wore on, the weather brightened and the fountain jumped to life. William van Sprolant, the Solar Fountain's inventor, had great fun with the fountain in front of a group of visiting children swiveling the solar panel in multiple directions. 'Everyone who installs solar panels worrie...

  18. Photovoltaic for the Chinese; Du photovoltaique pour les Chinois

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahjejian, L.


    China produces and exports about half of the photovoltaic cells made in the world. About 1000 Chinese enterprises work in the photovoltaic sector and the offer grows too fast to allow some enterprises to cope with lower and lower production costs. Research activities are a key element for the reduction of production costs but small companies can not usually sustain sufficient research. Economists foresee a strong reorganization of the sector: some enterprises will cease their photovoltaic activities, others will face financial difficulties, others will merge to make bigger companies. To make the demand bigger Chinese authorities are taking steps to develop the photovoltaic home market. The installed capacity of photovoltaic plants in China is expected to be somewhere between 11 GWc and 18 GWc in 2015, figures to be compared with only 0.9 GWc in 2010. (A.C.)

  19. The photovoltaic energy in Japan; Energie photovoltaique au Japon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Georgel, O


    Today the Japan is the leader of the photovoltaic energy. The first reason of this success is an action of the government integrating subventions for the installation of photovoltaic systems and a support of the scientific research. To explain this success, the author presents the energy situation in Japan, details the national programs, the industrial sector (market, silicon needs, recycling, manufacturers, building industry) and presents the main actors. (A.L.B.)

  20. Photon technology. Hard photon technology; Photon technology. Hard photon gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research results of hard photon technology have been summarized as a part of novel technology development highly utilizing the quantum nature of photon. Hard photon technology refers to photon beam technologies which use photon in the 0.1 to 200 nm wavelength region. Hard photon has not been used in industry due to the lack of suitable photon sources and optical devices. However, hard photon in this wavelength region is expected to bring about innovations in such areas as ultrafine processing and material synthesis due to its atom selective reaction, inner shell excitation reaction, and spatially high resolution. Then, technological themes and possibility have been surveyed. Although there are principle proposes and their verification of individual technologies for the technologies of hard photon generation, regulation and utilization, they are still far from the practical applications. For the photon source technology, the laser diode pumped driver laser technology, laser plasma photon source technology, synchrotron radiation photon source technology, and vacuum ultraviolet photon source technology are presented. For the optical device technology, the multi-layer film technology for beam mirrors and the non-spherical lens processing technology are introduced. Also are described the reduction lithography technology, hard photon excitation process, and methods of analysis and measurement. 430 refs., 165 figs., 23 tabs.

  1. Introduction. Écrire l’histoire avec les animaux


    Deluermoz, Quentin; Jarrige, François


    L’étude des animaux a le vent en poupe. Depuis une quinzaine d’années de nombreuses revues de sciences humaines et sociales ont consacré un dossier à cette question et il existe désormais une littérature considérable sur le sujet. Aux États-Unis, les « animal studies » sont devenues un champ important et légitime de recherche alors qu’en France le 141e congrès du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques (CTHS), qui s’est tenu à Rouen en 2016, portait significativement sur « L’Animal et...

  2. ITER session at the IAEA fusion energy conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stewart, M.J.


    A highlight of this year's Fusion Energy Conference, held in Lyon, France, on 14-19 October, was the participation by the ITER Parties in both a Special ITER Informal Session and in the Fusion Institute Exhibition at the Paella's des Congres de Lyon. These gave conference participants an opportunity to hear the latest on this collaborative international fusion energy research and development project, and to speak with the experts from each of the four sites being offered for the construction of ITER. The Special ITER Informal Session was held on the evening of 16 October and it was very well attended, with approximately 350 conference participants attending

  3. FR: Des outils conceptuels et méthodologiques pour la médecine générale ENG: Conceptual and methodological tools for general practice


    Roland, Michel


    Résumé Cette thèse est le rassemblement, par blocs homogènes, de notes d’orientation, de présentations orales, de textes variés, rédigés pour des revues scientifiques, comme chapitres de livres, pour des colloques ou des congrès, pour divers décideurs politiques, des années 80 à ce jour. Son but est de montrer leur cohérence avec un fil conducteur commun :le développement d’outils conceptuels et méthodologiques utiles pour la pratique de la médecine générale en particulier, pour le syst...

  4. Chapitre 2. Le régime juridique du bassin de 1885 a 1960


    Mubiala, Mutoy


    Le bassin du Congo comme voie de communication représentait un tel enjeu pour l’exploitation coloniale que les puissances impliquées dans la course aux colonies (“Scramble for Africa”) devaient se résoudre à adopter un régime d’internationalisation susceptible de satisfaire plus ou moins les intérêts de tous. Ce régime spécial fut établi à l’issue du congrès de Berlin (novembre 1884-février 1885) et modifié par la conférence de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919). Les principes essentiels du régime ...

  5. Ob padcu utopije

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pascal De Decker


    Full Text Available Po koncu 2. svetovne vojne so se začele graditi velike stanovanjske soseske. Pogosto so jih sestavljale stolpnice. Številne le 50 let pozneje podirajo oziroma jih temeljito prenavljajo. Modernistične ideje, ki so jih navdihnili predstavniki kongresa CIAM (Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne in Le Corbusier, so izgubile nekdanjo mikavnost. V tem prispevku si bomo ogledali razvoj dogodkov, predvsem pa se bomo posvetili napačni razlagi (simbolnega pomena bivališča, kakor so ga razumeli predstavniki modernističnega gibanja. Prav to napačno razumevanje je nazadnje pripeljalo do hitrega podiranja teh sosesk.

  6. Exclusion, régression...du “ Ladies´Program ” au “ sans femme ” ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie-Claire Robic


    Full Text Available Durant des décennies, les femmes ne pouvaient fréquenter les Congrès internationaux de géographie qu´à titre d´accompagnatrices tout juste bonnes à divertir les soirées de ces messieurs et à agrémenter les dîners officiels. Durant la journée, on les entretenait par un “ Programme de dames ” tandis que leurs studieux compagnons s´échinaient à produire la science géographique. Les choses ont progressistement changé depuis les années trente. Alors, après quelques figures d´exception et après le...

  7. Grupos nos liminares do saber : casos da educação em bioquímica


    Rochele de Quadros Loguercio


    Esta pesquisa desenvolve uma análise da formação de grupos educacionais que se estabeleceram fora do espaço instituído das faculdades de educação e passaram a ocupar um lugar nos institutos ou departamentos de bioquímica, configurando, desta forma, um novo lugar de saber que passou a ser chamado de Educação em Bioquímica. A proposta de análise é a busca de condições históricas para emergência desses grupos, bem como um entendimento de como essa formação se deu dentro das Sociedades que congre...

  8. Réforme ou révolution ? Le Projet national de José Rizal (1861-1896 pour les Philippines, Hélène Goujat, préface de Xavier Huetz de Lemps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Baffie


    Full Text Available En Asie du Sud-Est, aucun autre pays ne connaît un héros national aussi écrasant que José Rizal aux Philippines. L’introduction de Xavier Huetz de Lemps donne bien la dimension de cette figure mythique sur laquelle existe en anglais, en espagnol, en filipino et dans les autres langues des Philippines une quantité impressionnante d’études les plus diverses. Il existe même des congrès internationaux réunissant les spécialistes de la vie et de l’œuvre de José Rizal. En France, peu de travaux ava...

  9. Photon technology. Laser process technology; Photon technology. Laser process gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For developing laser process technology by interaction between substance and photon, the present state, system, R and D issues and proposal of such technology were summarized. Development of the photon technology aims at the modification of bonding conditions of substances by quantum energy of photon, and the new process technology for generating ultra- high temperature and pressure fields by concentrating photon on a minute region. Photon technology contributes to not only the conventional mechanical and thermal forming and removal machining but also function added machining (photon machining) in quantum level and new machining technology ranging from macro- to micro-machining, creating a new industrial field. This technology extends various fields from the basis of physics and chemistry to new bonding technology. Development of a compact high-quality high-power high-efficiency photon source, and advanced photon transmission technology are necessary. The basic explication of an unsolved physicochemical phenomenon related to photon and substance, and development of related application technologies are essential. 328 refs., 147 figs., 13 tabs.

  10. Technological Criteria Technology-Environmental under a Systemic Approach: Chemistry Technology Transfer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Durán-García Martín Enrique


    Full Text Available Currently the transfer of chemical technology is a process that contributes to the technology policy of a country, an industry or an organization in general chemistry. This process requires the application of clear criteria for the proper development of the complex interrelations in the transfer of chemical technology. A group of criteria that are present, are those related to environmental technology which intrinsically define the technology and its impact to the environment. Therefore, the transfer of chemical technology requires technological-environmental criteria defining, in conjunction with other criteria, an adequate process for the selection, acquisition and incorporation of technology in a holistic perspective, so it provides feasible solutions the chemical industry in pursuit of their goals. Then the criterion becomes a benchmark for assessing an appropriate technology transfer process. We performed a theoretical analysis of the technological and environmental criteria, proposing thirty-six (36 technological-environmental criteria interrelated under a systemic approach in the process of transfer of chemical technology, focused on a methodological cycle first run, based primarily on the research-action method. Future research is expected to make a refinement of the criteria from the formulation and validation of metrics so that necessary adjustments are made to optimize the process of transfer of chemical technology.

  11. 24. ATSR congress - Proceedings; 24e congres ATSR - Recueil des conferences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document brings together the available abstracts and presentations given at the 24. congress of the French association for radiation protection techniques and sciences (ATSR) on the topic of the radiation protection actors, and the change in activity and practices: 1 - the new CIPR general recommendations (J-F. Lecomte); 2 - November 2007 legal changes in the public health law (M. Ammerich); 3 - November 2007 legal changes in the labour law (T. Lahaye, M. Ammerich); 4 - events and culture in radiation protection: 2008 situation at EDF (Y. Garcier, H. Delabre); 5 - TSN (nuclear transparency and safety) law and the new nuclear safety authority (M. Bourguignon); 6 - industrial radiography charter in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region (PACA): presentation, participants, works in progress, stakes (S. Mocaer, N. Grolleau); 7 - Dosimetric study of an industrial gamma-graphy workplace (D. Paul, M. Pizzorno); 8 - experience feedback of controls and inspections at a gamma-graphy workplace in PACA region (G. Veyret et N. Grolleau); 9 - experience feedback from the industrialist's viewpoint, respect of the charter, evaluation questionnaire (S. Mocaer, D. Guillet); 10 - new regulation, CAMARI by-law, national monitoring committee (T. Lahaye); 11 - patient's radiation protection in medical imaging service: actions and regulations (G. Dandis, S. Simon); 12 - patients radiation protection principles in medical imaging (H. Leclet, M. Madoux); 13 - the exposure sheet, its implementation challenges in an operating room with image intensifiers (A. Bourdeloie); 14 - building up of a radiation protection control approach for patients in radiotherapy (L. Kueny); 15 - impact of recent advances in scintiscanning on patients and personnel exposure (S. Balduyck); 16 - Dose rates evaluation during scintiscanning for dependent patients (G. Fagot); 17 - dealing with patients dosimetry: from the regulatory obligation to the daily practice of a medical imaging service (J-G. Mozziconacci); 18 - experience feedback after 4 years of implementation of diagnostic reference levels (A. Talbot); 19 - exposure levels at the dental office (J-M. Ariscon); 20 - implementation of the zoning by-law at Cadarache centre, methodology and first experience feedbacks (M. Juanola, S. Bontemps) 21 - cleansing techniques: radiological survey of a contaminated site (D. Dubot); 22 - Simulation of a work site accident (B. Carrez); 23 - neutron dosimetry developments, automatic trace detection system (M. Million); 24 - The new IRSN's radio-photoluminescent dosemeter (P. Fraboulet); 25 - Intercomparison of neutron dosemeters (M. Roig, P. Esteve); 26 - continuous improvement of workers radiation protection: training and certification (A. Bontemps); 27 - sources management (T. Juhel); 28 - Poster presentation: training of the employees of Cadarache radiation protection service to emergency exposure (M. Juanola)

  12. Morgantown Energy Technology Center, technology summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document has been prepared by the DOE Environmental Management (EM) Office of Technology Development (OTD) to highlight its research, development, demonstration, testing, and evaluation activities funded through the Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC). Technologies and processes described have the potential to enhance DOE's cleanup and waste management efforts, as well as improve US industry's competitiveness in global environmental markets. METC's R ampersand D programs are focused on commercialization of technologies that will be carried out in the private sector. META has solicited two PRDAs for EM. The first, in the area of groundwater and soil technologies, resulted in twenty-one contact awards to private sector and university technology developers. The second PRDA solicited novel decontamination and decommissioning technologies and resulted in eighteen contract awards. In addition to the PRDAs, METC solicited the first EM ROA in 1993. The ROA solicited research in a broad range of EM-related topics including in situ remediation, characterization, sensors, and monitoring technologies, efficient separation technologies, mixed waste treatment technologies, and robotics. This document describes these technology development activities

  13. The state of renewable energies in Europe. Edition 2015 - 15. EurObserv'ER Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berrutto, Vincent; ); Chabrillat, Remi; Seigneur, Vincent Jacques le; Decombe, Annabelle; David, Romain


    For sixteen years now, EurObserv'ER has been collecting data on European Union renewable energy sources to describe the state and thrust of the various sectors in its focus studies or barometers. The first part of this assessment is an updated and completed summary of the work published in 2015 in 'Systemes Solaires' ('Journal de l'Eolien' no. 16, 'Journal du Photovoltaique' no. 13 and 'Journal des Energies Renouvelables' no. 227, 228 and 229). This publication provides a complete overview of the twelve renewable sectors. Their performances are compared against the sta-ted goals set out by each country in its National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP). Additionally, for the sixth year running, the EurObserv'ER consortium members have published their annual renewable energy share estimates of overall final energy consumption for each Member State of the European Union. These figures provide preliminary indication of how the various countries are faring along their renewable energy paths and whether their individual trends point to successful achievement of the targets set by European Directive 2009/28/EC

  14. Technology round and management of technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Yong Tae


    This book deals with beginning of technology round with background of it, change of scientific technique paradigm with economy, management and policy, change of international political environment globalization of technical and economic environment, formation of strategic alliance, intensifying regionalism, new GATT system, UR and technology round, new international technique regulation and technology round of OECD, feature and meaning of technology round, assignment and scientific technique of Korea, past and present of scientific technology in Korea, correspondence for technology round.

  15. Photovoltaic policy is questioned; Le photovoltaique en garde a vue

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piro, P.; Cessac, M.


    The French government has decided a freeze and a reassessment of the measures taken to support the photovoltaic sector. Only the installations with a power output over 3 kWc are concerned so the market of solar roofs for homes is spared. The main reasons for this reversal is the quick and chaotic development of photovoltaic projects, a lot of projects are only motivated by the lure of high purchase prices of the electricity produced imposed by the law on EDF. Another reason is that 90% of the solar panels installed in France come from China, the photovoltaic sector retorts that 75% of the price of a complete installation pays for services produced in France. (A.C.)





    L’exploitation des ressources renouvelables connaît un grand essor dans les pays industrialisés et même dans quelques pays sous-développés. L’Algérie à fournit un grand effort pour l’électrification rurale et saharienne .En effet, le taux d’électrification national pour l’année 2001 est de 96%. Malgré le taux élevé, il existe toujours des foyers épars qui leurs électrifications par l’extension du réseau conventionnel est très coûteuse. Le système hybride de production d’électri...

  17. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1993) = Actes du Congres annuel, Association Canadienne de Communication (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1993). (United States)

    Canadian Communication Association, Montreal (Quebec).

    This paper presents abstracts of 80 individual papers and panel discussions that deal with journalism, popular culture, mass media, "science" in public discourse, the social construction of communication technologies, factorial analysis as a research tool, and other issues in communication. Almost all of the abstracts in the paper are…

  18. Technological Criteria Technology-Environmental under a Systemic Approach: Chemistry Technology Transfer


    Durán-García Martín Enrique


    Currently the transfer of chemical technology is a process that contributes to the technology policy of a country, an industry or an organization in general chemistry. This process requires the application of clear criteria for the proper development of the complex interrelations in the transfer of chemical technology. A group of criteria that are present, are those related to environmental technology which intrinsically define the technology and its impact to the environment. Therefore, the ...

  19. Un numéro spécial du réseau québécois de recherche en SST

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geneviève Baril-Gingras


    Full Text Available Bonjour à vous toutes et tous, lectrices et lecteurs de PISTES, Ce numéro spécial regroupe des articles produits à la suite du colloque organisé par le Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec, lors du congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS à Montréal, en mai 2004. Numéro spécial, tant par le nombre de contributions, que la diversité des thématiques traitées. La totalité des articles ayant été produits par des chercheurs travaillant au Québec, ce n...

  20. Écritures dans les Amériques au féminin


    Alexoae-Zagni, Nicoleta; Anderson-González, Maya; Carrière, Marie; Clarke, Deborah; Courau, Thérèse; Dufaure, Sarah; Durrans, Stéphanie; Faubert, Samantha; Goodman, Audrey; Guicharnaud-Tollis, Michèle; Lauwers, Margot; Lepage, Caroline; Magras, Romain; Manera, Giulia; Marchio, Julie


    Issue d’un congrès de l’Institut des Amériques (IdA) organisé à Aix-Marseille Université sur le thème « Femmes dans les Amériques », la vingtaine d’études réunies dans cet ouvrage examine de quelle manière les femmes écrivains confrontent leur écriture à la représentation d’une « expérience américaine » pour en exposer les anxiétés, les failles ou les parasitages idéologiques et fantasmatiques en recourant à une subjectivité féminine travaillée par l’altérité. L’objectif d’ensemble n’est en ...

  1. Paul Lauter. From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park : Activism, Culture & American Studies.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Kaenel


    Full Text Available La métaphore de l’américaniste comme « passeur » connaît une certaine fortune depuis quelque temps au sein des Etudes américaines en France (voir en particulier le numéro 83 de la RFEA sur le thème « Civilisation américaine : problématiques et questionnements » issu du Congrès de Toulouse en 1998. Littéraires, historiens ou civilisationnistes assureraient le « passage » des Etats-Unis en France, et par delà, en Europe, de la matière américaine, sa traduction tant linguistique que culturelle,...

  2. How Technology Teachers Understand Technological Knowledge (United States)

    Norström, Per


    Swedish technology teachers' views of technological knowledge are examined through a written survey and a series of interviews. The study indicates that technology teachers' understandings of what constitutes technological knowledge and how it is justified vary considerably. The philosophical discussions on the topic are unknown to them. This lack…

  3. Appropriate Technology as Indian Technology. (United States)

    Barry, Tom


    Describes the mounting enthusiasm of Indian communities for appropriate technology as an inexpensive means of providing much needed energy and job opportunities. Describes the development of several appropriate technology projects, and the goals and activities of groups involved in utilizing low scale solar technology for economic development on…

  4. Technology strategy for gas technologies; Technology Target Areas; TTA8 Gas Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    TTA8 - Gas technologies points out the various routes Norway can follow to capitalise on the vast resources of natural gas that will be produced in the years to come by developing a strong technology and competence platform. A broad view is taken for the value creation having as basis the continued gas export from NCS to Europe, but also a strong focus on development of gas resources in other parts of the world. The latter can also be seen as part of international positioning for upstream resources and does also include involvements in projects, and export of technology and products. The TTA has structured the analysis into 3 main areas: Gas transport and processing (pipeline, LNG, other); Gas conversion to fuels, chemicals and materials; CO{sub 2} management. In this report, for each of these areas, scenarios based on a gap analysis are presented. One of the key goals has been to identify pacing and emerging technologies for the next 20 years. Based on this, technologies have been mapped according to importance for future competitiveness and technology ambitions. This also includes primary funding responsibilities (public and/or industry). The road map below reflects the key issues in the proposed strategy. The base level of the figure explains areas that will have to be pursued to maintain Norway's role as a key gas and gas technology provider. The second layer represents near term options and possibilities with a reasonable risk profile that could further enhance the Norwegian position given the resources and drive to further develop this industry. As the top layer we have selected some of our 'dreams', what we may achieve if a progressive approach is followed with a strongly innovation based policy. It is acknowledged by the TTA that Norway cannot be a leading technology player in all aspects of the gas value chain. For some technologies we should be an active player and developer, whilst for other technologies we should become a competent buyer and user. This

  5. Technology strategy for gas technologies; Technology Target Areas; TTA8 Gas Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    TTA8 - Gas technologies points out the various routes Norway can follow to capitalise on the vast resources of natural gas that will be produced in the years to come by developing a strong technology and competence platform. A broad view is taken for the value creation having as basis the continued gas export from NCS to Europe, but also a strong focus on development of gas resources in other parts of the world. The latter can also be seen as part of international positioning for upstream resources and does also include involvements in projects, and export of technology and products. The TTA has structured the analysis into 3 main areas: Gas transport and processing (pipeline, LNG, other); Gas conversion to fuels, chemicals and materials; CO{sub 2} management. In this report, for each of these areas, scenarios based on a gap analysis are presented. One of the key goals has been to identify pacing and emerging technologies for the next 20 years. Based on this, technologies have been mapped according to importance for future competitiveness and technology ambitions. This also includes primary funding responsibilities (public and/or industry). The road map below reflects the key issues in the proposed strategy. The base level of the figure explains areas that will have to be pursued to maintain Norway's role as a key gas and gas technology provider. The second layer represents near term options and possibilities with a reasonable risk profile that could further enhance the Norwegian position given the resources and drive to further develop this industry. As the top layer we have selected some of our 'dreams', what we may achieve if a progressive approach is followed with a strongly innovation based policy. It is acknowledged by the TTA that Norway cannot be a leading technology player in all aspects of the gas value chain. For some technologies we should be an active player and developer, whilst for other technologies we should become a competent buyer

  6. Photovoltaic electricity production in Japan; La production d'electricite d'origine photovoltaique au Japon: le passe, le present, le futur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Destruel, P


    The author first recalls the early investment of Japan in the solar energy which gave a leadership position to this country. However, it has been recently over-taken by Germany and Spain in terms of installed power. The share of the different technologies for the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels (polycrystalline silicon, mono-crystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, copper-indium-selenium cells) of different sizes, is presented, together with the current measures which are aimed at giving a new boost to this sector. The author tries then to foresee the evolutions of this sector during the next years and in a longer term (market prospective evolutions, factory projects, power station projects)

  7. 24th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research/24e Congr?s Annuel Canadien de Recherche sur le VIH/sida CAHR Committees / Comit?s de l?ACRV


    Hogg, Robert; Hogg, Robert; Hart, Trevor; Tan, Darrell; Hart, Trevor; Tan, Darrell; Boily-Larouche, Genevi?ve; Lajoie, Julie; Omollo, Kenneth O; Cheruiyot, Julianna; Njoki, Jane; Kimani, Makubo; Oyugi, Julius; Kimani, Joshua; Fowke, Keith R


    BACKGROUND: The C-type lectin CD161 is expressed by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells sharing conserved transcriptional and functional signature. CD4+ T cells with type-17 profiles derived from CD161+ precursors and CD161-expressing CD8+ T cells share the same differentiation profile and include the unique anti-bacterial CD161++ mucosal-associated invariant T cells (MAIT) expressing invariant TCR V?7.2. During HIV infection, circulating cells harbouring the signature of CD161+ cells are impaired in blood...

  8. Living technology: exploiting life's principles in technology. (United States)

    Bedau, Mark A; McCaskill, John S; Packard, Norman H; Rasmussen, Steen


    The concept of living technology-that is, technology that is based on the powerful core features of life-is explained and illustrated with examples from artificial life software, reconfigurable and evolvable hardware, autonomously self-reproducing robots, chemical protocells, and hybrid electronic-chemical systems. We define primary (secondary) living technology according as key material components and core systems are not (are) derived from living organisms. Primary living technology is currently emerging, distinctive, and potentially powerful, motivating this review. We trace living technology's connections with artificial life (soft, hard, and wet), synthetic biology (top-down and bottom-up), and the convergence of nano-, bio-, information, and cognitive (NBIC) technologies. We end with a brief look at the social and ethical questions generated by the prospect of living technology.

  9. Technology Transfer: Marketing Tomorrow's Technology (United States)

    Tcheng, Erene


    The globalization of the economy and the end of the Cold War have triggered many changes in the traditional practices of U.S. industry. To effectively apply the resources available to the United States, the federal government has firmly advocated a policy of technology transfer between private industry and government labs, in this case the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin is a strong proponent of this policy and has organized technology transfer or commercialization programs at each of the NASA field centers. Here at Langley Research Center, the Technology Applications Group (TAG) is responsible for facilitating the transfer of Langley developed research and technology to U.S. industry. Entering the program, I had many objectives for my summer research with TAG. Certainly, I wanted to gain a more thorough understanding of the concept of technology transfer and Langley's implementation of a system to promote it to both the Langley community and the community at large. Also, I hoped to become more familiar with Langley's research capabilities and technology inventory available to the public. More specifically, I wanted to learn about the technology transfer process at Langley. Because my mentor is a member of Materials and Manufacturing marketing sector of the Technology Transfer Team, another overriding objective for my research was to take advantage of his work and experience in materials research to learn about the Advanced Materials Research agency wide and help market these developments to private industry. Through the various projects I have been assigned to work on in TAG, I have successfully satisfied the majority of these objectives. Work on the Problem Statement Process for TAG as well as the development of the Advanced Materials Research Brochure have provided me with the opportunity to learn about the technology transfer process from the outside looking in and the inside looking out. Because TAG covers

  10. 21. ATSR congress - Book of abstracts; 21eme congres de l'ATSR - Recueil des resumes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document brings together the abstracts of all presentations given at the 21. congress of the French association for radiation protection techniques and sciences (ATSR) on the topic of Radiation protection and communication (sociology and communication impact in radiation protection): 1 - radiation protection: a permanent conciliation (G. Berne, SPR Cadarache); 2 - the nuclear argument group (M. Chevalier, R. Rzekiecki, GASN); 3 - role of the technical accreditation centre for radiation protection instrumentation (CTHIR) in radiation protection (G. Bicheron, P. Franco, IPSN); 4 - genotoxicity evaluation of ionizing radiations in a population of industrial radiologists using the lymphocyte micro-nuclei test (Sari-Minodier, T. Orsiere, D. Charrier, A. Botta, Laboratory of Bio-geno-toxicology, Medicine School, Marseille - AIMT 13, Martigues); 5 - impact of iodine 131 effluents from a cancer center on the radioactivity levels of the waste water industry ( E. Desjardins, S. Laugle, J-C. Houy, Centre Eugene Marquis, Rennes); 6 - exposed areas and personnel reclassification in medical establishments (S. Laugle, J-C. Houy, Centre Eugene Marquis, Rennes); 7 - 2SNM - a tool used by the navy for the real-time monitoring of its nuclear facilities (Y. Baron, Navy Military Staff); 8 - Intervention of the Army health service in case of radio-biological-type accident during peacetime (P.M. Curet, M. Croq, Armies Radiobiological Protection Service); 9 - the first aid chain in case of nuclear accident (L. Jorda, fire and safety Services of Bouches-du-Rhone; P. Rigaud, Central group, technological risks unit); 10 - Initiation to radioactivity in seventh grade classes of schools (G. Goulin (physics teacher, college Mignet Aix-en-Provence; J-C. Blanc, G. Juste, ATSR); 11 - communication for young people (H. Bernard, M. Gerster-Martinez, CEA-Cadarache); 12 - major risks, preventive information at Aix-en-Provence (P. Lespinat (Aix-en-Provence city security unit); 13 - scientific

  11. Applications of aerospace technology in industry. A technology transfer profile: Food technology (United States)

    Murray, D. M.


    Food processing and preservation technologies are reviewed, expected technological advances are considered including processing and market factors. NASA contributions to food technology and nutrition are presented with examples of transfer from NASA to industry.

  12. Thermally activated technologies: Technology Roadmap

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    The purpose of this Technology Roadmap is to outline a set of actions for government and industry to develop thermally activated technologies for converting America’s wasted heat resources into a reservoir of pollution-free energy for electric power, heating, cooling, refrigeration, and humidity control. Fuel flexibility is important. The actions also cover thermally activated technologies that use fossil fuels, biomass, and ultimately hydrogen, along with waste heat.

  13. The United States Department of Energy Office of Industrial Technology`s Technology Benefits Recording System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hughes, K.R.; Moore, N.L.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Industrial Technology`s (OIT`s) Technology Benefits Recording System (TBRS) was developed by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). The TBRS is used to organize and maintain records of the benefits accrued from the use of technologies developed with the assistance of OIT. OIT has had a sustained emphasis on technology deployment. While individual program managers have specific technology deployment goals for each of their ongoing programs, the Office has also established a separate Technology Deployment Division whose mission is to assist program managers and research and development partners commercialize technologies. As part of this effort, the Technology Deployment Division developed an energy-tracking task which has been performed by PNL since 1977. The goal of the energy-tracking task is to accurately assess the energy savings impact of OIT-developed technologies. In previous years, information on OIT-sponsored technologies existed in a variety of forms--first as a hardcopy, then electronically in several spreadsheet formats that existed in multiple software programs. The TBRS was created in 1993 for OIT and was based on information collected in all previous years from numerous industrial contacts, vendors, and plants that have installed OIT-sponsored technologies. The TBRS contains information on technologies commercialized between 1977 and the present, as well as information on emerging technologies in the late development/early commercialization stage of the technology life cycle. For each technology, details on the number of units sold and the energy saved are available on a year-by-year basis. Information regarding environmental benefits, productivity and competitiveness benefits, or impact that the technology may have had on employment is also available.

  14. Space Transportation Technology Workshop: Propulsion Research and Technology (United States)


    This viewgraph presentation gives an overview of the Space Transportation Technology Workshop topics, including Propulsion Research and Technology (PR&T) project level organization, FY 2001 - 2006 project roadmap, points of contact, foundation technologies, auxiliary propulsion technology, PR&T Low Cost Turbo Rocket, and PR&T advanced reusable technologies RBCC test bed.

  15. Compte rendu de Girel (Sylvia & Proust (Serge (dir., Les usages de la sociologie de l’art. Constructions théoriques, cas pratiques.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Ferrette


    Full Text Available Ce livre, issu du travail mené par le réseau « Arts et culture » dans le cadre du deuxième Congrès de l’Association Française de sociologie (AFS, met l’eau à la bouche : il ne s’agit de rien de moins que d’entrer dans la « cuisine » des sociologues de l’art, de voir quelle conception de la sociologie ils mettent en œuvre dans leurs travaux. Car l’objet de cette série d’exposés – cinq au total – est d’examiner les rapports entre une sociologie spécifique de l’art et une (la ? sociologie géné...

  16. Emerging environmental technologies and environmental technology policy (United States)

    Clarke, Leon Edward

    This dissertation explores the role and design of environmental technology policy when environmental innovation is embodied in emerging environmental technologies such as photovoltaic cells or fuel cells. The dissertation consists of three individual studies, all of which use a simplified, general model industry between an emerging environmental technology and an entrenched, more-polluting technology. It clarifies the situations in which environmental technology policy can achieve high welfare and those in which it cannot; and it separates the possible situations an emerging environmental technology might face into four scenarios, each with its own technology policy recommendations. The second study attempts to clarify which of two factors is having a larger limiting effect on private investment in photovoltaics: the failure to internalize the environmental costs of fossil fuel electricity generation or a broad set of innovation market failures that apply to innovation irrespective of environmental concerns. The study indicates that innovation market failures are probably having a significantly larger impact than incomplete internalization. The third study explores the effectiveness of adoption subsidies at encouraging private-sector innovation. The conclusion is that adoption subsidies probably have only a limited effect on long-term, private-sector research. Two important general conclusions of the dissertation are (1) that optimal technology policy should begin with technology-push measures and end with demand-pull measures; and (2) that the technological response to internalization instruments, such as emissions taxes, may be highly nonlinear.

  17. Nano technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, In Sik


    This book is introduction of nano technology, which describes what nano technology is, alpha and omega of nano technology, the future of Korean nano technology and human being's future and nano technology. The contents of this book are nano period is coming, a engine of creation, what is molecular engineering, a huge nano technology, technique on making small things, nano materials with exorbitant possibility, the key of nano world the most desirable nano technology in bio industry, nano development plan of government, the direction of development for nano technology and children of heart.

  18. Mediated Effects of Technology Competencies and Experiences on Relations among Attitudes Towards Technology Use, Technology Ownership, and Self Efficacy about Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (United States)

    Yerdelen-Damar, Sevda; Boz, Yezdan; Aydın-Günbatar, Sevgi


    This study examined the relations of preservice science teachers' attitudes towards technology use, technology ownership, technology competencies, and experiences to their self-efficacy beliefs about technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). The present study also investigated interrelations among preservice teachers' attitudes towards technology use, technology ownership, technology competencies, and experiences. The participants of study were 665 elementary preservice science teachers (467 females, 198 males) from 7 colleges in Turkey. The proposed model based on educational technology literature was tested using structural equation modeling. The model testing results revealed that preservice teachers' technology competencies and experiences mediated the relation of technology ownership to their TPACK self efficacy beliefs. The direct relation of their possession of technology to their TPACK self efficacy beliefs was insignificant while the indirect relation through their technology competencies and experiences was significant. The results also indicated there were significant direct effects of preservice teachers' attitudes towards technology use, technology competencies, and experiences on their TPACK self efficacy beliefs.

  19. Photon technology. Laser processing technology; Photon technology. Laser process gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Survey has been conducted to develop laser processing technology utilizing the interaction between substance and photon. This is a part of the leading research on photon technology development. The photon technology development is aimed at novel technology development highly utilizing the quantum nature of photons. In the field of laser processing, high quality photons are used as tools, special functions of atoms and molecules will be discovered, and processing for functional fabrication (photon machining) will be established. A role of laser processing in industries has become significant, which is currently spreading not only into cutting and welding of materials and scalpels but also into such a special field as ultrafine processing of materials. The spreading is sometimes obstructed due to the difficulty of procurement of suitable machines and materials, and the increase of cost. The purpose of this study is to develop the optimal laser technology, to elucidate the interaction between substance and photon, and to develop the laser system and the transmission and regulation systems which realize the optimal conditions. 387 refs., 115 figs., 25 tabs.

  20. Photon technology. Hard photon technology; Photon technology. Hard photon gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the application of photon to industrial technologies, in particular, a hard photon technology was surveyed which uses photon beams of 0.1-200nm in wavelength. Its features such as selective atom reaction, dense inner shell excitation and spacial high resolution by quantum energy are expected to provide innovative techniques for various field such as fine machining, material synthesis and advanced inspection technology. This wavelength region has been hardly utilized for industrial fields because of poor development of suitable photon sources and optical devices. The developmental meaning, usable time and issue of a hard photon reduction lithography were surveyed as lithography in ultra-fine region below 0.1{mu}m. On hard photon analysis/evaluation technology, the industrial use of analysis, measurement and evaluation technologies by micro-beam was viewed, and optimum photon sources and optical systems were surveyed. Prediction of surface and surface layer modification by inner shell excitation, the future trend of this process and development of a vacuum ultraviolet light source were also surveyed. 383 refs., 153 figs., 17 tabs.

  1. Environmental technology foresight : New horizons for technology management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Den Hond, Frank; Groenewegen, Peter


    Decision-making in corporate technology management and government technology policy is increasingly influenced by the environmental impact of technologies. Technology foresight (TF) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) are analyzed with regard to the roles they can play in developing long-term

  2. Technology certification and technology acceptance: Promoting interstate cooperation and market development for innovative technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brockbank, B.R.


    In the past two years, public and private efforts to promote development and deployment of innovative environmental technologies have shifted from the analysis of barriers to the implementation of a variety of initiatives aimed at surmounting those barriers. Particular attention has been directed at (1) streamlining fragmented technology acceptance processes within and among the states, and (2) alleviating disincentives, created by inadequate or unverified technology cost and performance data, for users and regulators to choose innovative technologies. Market fragmentation currently imposes significant cost burdens on technology developers and inhibits the investment of private capital in environmental technology companies. Among the responses to these problems are state and federal technology certification/validation programs, efforts to standardize cost/performance data reporting, and initiatives aimed at promoting interstate cooperation in technology testing and evaluation. This paper reviews the current status of these initiatives, identifies critical challenges to their success, and recommends strategies for addressing those challenges

  3. Technology and ecological economics. Promethean technology, Pandorian potential

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Small, Bruce [AgResearch Ltd., Private Bag 3123, Hamilton (New Zealand); Jollands, Nigel [New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics, Massey University and Landcare Research Ltd, Private Bag 11052, Palmerston North (New Zealand)


    In considering social, economic and ecological impacts of new technologies it is essential to start from an understanding of human nature. This paper explores this issue drawing out some implications for ecological and neoclassical economics. The paper presents two key arguments. First, we argue that there is a growing tension between our evolved human nature and social structures and our emerging technological prowess. Modern technologies give us increasing power to manipulate the very axes of nature: space, time, energy, matter, and life. Technologies are now so powerful they give us abilities our ancestors would consider godlike. The question is posed: Are humans ready to wield the power of the gods? We have the knowledge, but do we have the wisdom? The myth of Prometheus and Pandora is considered as a metaphor for the interaction between technology, nature and universal aspects of human nature developed over eons of evolution. Second, we argue that even a 'technologically optimistic' scenario (employed by some economists) may not actually deliver Utopian outcomes. With technological advancement and diffusion there is a 'technological trickle down effect' whereby potent technologies, once available only to governments and powerful elites, become available to greater numbers of groups and individuals. The more accessible a technology, the more likely its social and ecological impacts will be shaped by the full range and extremes of human nature. These issues have implications for the development and regulation of Promethean technologies such as nuclear energy, genetic engineering and nanotechnology; technologies with unprecedented power and reach through nature. Development and diffusion of such technologies may also have implications for the ethics of the social structure of society. (author)

  4. Science-Technology-Society or Technology-Society-Science? Insights from an Ancient Technology (United States)

    Lee, Yeung Chung


    Current approaches to science-technology-society (STS) education focus primarily on the controversial socio-scientific issues that arise from the application of science in modern technology. This paper argues for an interdisciplinary approach to STS education that embraces science, technology, history, and social and cultural studies. By employing…

  5. Technological economics: innovation, project management, and technology transfer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bradbury, F R


    The relationship between economics and technology, as well as their interaction in production, productivity, project management, and in technology transfer processes are reviewed. Over the last two decades there has been an increasing interest by economists in the technologist's view of technical change and its mechanisms. The author looks at the zone between technology and economics, the technological economics, and discusses the theory of innovation recently sketched out by Nelson and Winter. The relevance to project management and technology transfer of contemporary writing by economists leads to the view that there are welcome signs of a convergence of the conceptual models now emerging and the practical problems of technology management and movement. Economists now seem more willing to come to terms with technology than technologists with economics. The economic significance of the multitudes of technically unglamorous activities in development work is seriously neglected as a result of over-emphasis on the spectacular technological break. If economic elegance were to be admitted to the criteria of success, one might get a significant improvement in the engineering of technological change. 29 references, 4 figure.

  6. Spatial Dynamics of Technological Evolution: Technological Relatedness as Driver for Radical Emerging Technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanner, Anne Nygaard

    and applied knowledge in firms, universities, research institutes etc., and 2) the existence of risk-taking actors who are willing and capable of implementing and exploiting radical technologies. This paper focuses on the former. Where evolutionary economics have been occupied by accumulation of knowledge......Despite the consent of the fundamental role technological change plays for economic growth, it seems that little attention has been paid to how new technologies come into being. In particular, an understanding of the spatial and dynamic processes driving the emergence of radical technology...... is lacking. This paper seeks to fill out this research gap by bridging the school of evolutionary economics and the school of economic geography. Following Dosi (1988) two factors are in particular important for technological change in emerging technological paradigms: 1) accumulation of scientific...

  7. Focus on Technologies: Worry or Technology?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saulius Kanišauskas


    Full Text Available The paper analyses different attitudes towards technologies in contemporary philosophical discourses. It points out that classical notion of technology formulated by Martin Heidegger seems to be more and more often questioned and even forgotten. As a result, it is being replaced by the theory of determinism, according to which the change of technologies determines the changes in social systems, the human being including. This happens this way and not vice versa. Nowadays technē, or “technika” (in English: technology is mostly understood in the instrumental meaning or in the meaning of power. It is considered to be a powerful means, tool or mechanism to influence, change, control and manipulate human consciousness and human feelings. Despite the fact that technologies have already been tamed, the problem of huge responsibility for using and developing them arises. It is questioned whether the increasing society’s attention to modern technologies is not a particular “technology” of the postmodern capitalism to manipulate social consciousness. In parallel with “yes” answer to this question, Albert Borgmann’s idea that the causes of technological development have an ontological dimension, i.e. the causes are rooted in the nature of human beings themselves and their desire to adore own creativity, is discussed. Thus, it becomes necessary to probe deeper into the nature of creativity.

  8. Is the photovoltaic to be saved?; Faut-il sauver le Photovoltaique?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nifenecker, H.


    This paper first proposes a critical overview of the current financial support given to the photovoltaic energy. He notably criticizes the obligation for EDF to purchase the electricity so produced, and the obtained results in terms of renewable energy production, emission reduction, development of the photovoltaic industry sector, and development of decentralized energy productions. He proposes a better philosophy for the development of solar energy in Europe: to use solar in energy rather in Spain than in northern Europe, to use solar energy for heating rather than for electricity production in France, to develop storage practices, to encourage self-consumption

  9. Photovoltaic industry, towards a reorganization; Photovoltaique, vers une concentration du marche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Houot, G.


    During the first semester 2011 the sales of photovoltaic equipment have dropped unexpectedly, certainly due to the harsh winter in Europe and the reduction of the policy of financial incentives in some countries. This drop in demand has triggered such a drop in prices that some manufacturers face financial difficulties, for instance the American Evergreen Solar was declared bankrupt in mid august 2011. Today the production of solar panels exceeds the demand. The third term of 2011 shows an improvement but the sector will not escape a reorganization: there are too many manufacturers, some will disappear, other will merge, the biggest will stay. Some economists see the future market divided into 2 sectors: one sector dedicated to the mass production of classical solar panels at very low cost, this sector will be occupied mainly by Chinese companies and another sector demanding a more specialized know-how will be driven by American, Japanese and European companies. (A.C.)

  10. Production. Which price for photovoltaic?; Production - le photovoltaique, a quel prix

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dupin, L.


    As the French government decided to reduce its financial support to photovoltaic energy, a first article identifies and comments the issues to be addressed to have a competitive French photovoltaic industry: to bet on second generation arrays (thin layer arrays), to have higher yearly objectives in terms of installed power (800 MW or 1 GW instead of 500 MW, in order to create a reference market), to redefine the financing and the electricity purchase scheme, to promote self consumption, to support exportation. The second article presents the first French photovoltaic test and certification centre, located near Chambery, where solar arrays are inspected and where their ageing is simulated through thermal fatigue and impact testing

  11. The photovoltaic industry stunned; La filiere photovoltaique en etat de choc

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piro, P.


    In December 2010 the French authorities decided a 3-month moratory on any new project of photovoltaic installation (over 3 KWc) because of the huge number of demands that made the cost of the incentive measures soar in an unexpected manner. In March 2011 the moratory was lifted and the professionals have been stunned by the new conditions imposed to benefit from the preferential purchase tariffs of the electricity produced that are far less favourable than previously. The new tariff grid will be adjusted each term according to the volume of demands. While several thousand jobs are at stake, the professionals hope a reversal of the government position as France enters an electoral period. (A.C.)

  12. Modélisation et commande d'une chaine de pompage photovoltaique




    L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’assurer une commande vectorielle associée à une électropompe asynchrone immergée. La configuration de ce système comporte un générateur photovoltaïque, un bus PV, un filtre PV connecté à un hacheur survolteur, un bus DC et un onduleur de tension alimentant une machine asynchrone couplée à une pompe centrifuge. L’objectif de ce système consiste à assurer un fonctionnement à puissance maximale du système photovoltaïque pour diverses conditions climatiques. L’ad...

  13. The photovoltaic squats in the Pentagon; Le photovoltaique squatte au Pentagone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeanson, E.


    An experimental photovoltaic system of 30 kWc contributes since june 1999, to deliver current to the famous Washington DC building. This system allows the experiment in real scale of two different methods to produce photovoltaic electric power. (A.L.B.)

  14. Polymer photovoltaic cells; Etude et realisation de cellules photovoltaiques en polymere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sicot, L.


    We study organic photovoltaic cells based on a semiconducting polymer. The first photovoltaic cells we realize are Schottky cells. Their structure are ITO/Polymeric film/Au. Metallic electrode is made of aluminium or gold. The organic layer is made of pure poly(3-butyl-thiophene) or of a blend of the polymer and a dye, the 1,3-bis(di-cyano-methylidene)-2-(4-dibutyl-amino-benzylidene)indane. We study the influence of the nature of the electrode on the conversion efficiency. We also study the variations of the photovoltaic parameters as functions of the thickness of the polymeric film and of the doping ratio of the dye. The performances of this kind of cells depends on the interface between the organic layer and the ITO. Its morphology, particularly its rugosity, and its electrical properties are not easy to control. By depositing a layer of a derivative of perylene on the ITO, we move the photo-generation zone to the interface between the two organic films. The efficiency of this p-n cell is higher than the one measured with the Schottky cell. Nevertheless, we have observed a decrease of the performances of our cells due to the degradation of the dye and the polymer when they are illuminated at high intensity of light during a long time. (author)

  15. The technology vicinity: a location based view on technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steenhuis, H.J.; de Bruijn, E.J.; Kocaoglu, D.F.; Anderson, T.R.


    The issue of technology transfer has been viewed from many different perspectives. In this case the focus is on the process of (production) technology transfer. One of the difficulties in studying international technology transfer is the definition of technology. The many technology definitions that

  16. Art technologies as possible propulsars in technological innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Lars Botin


    kind. This discussion, of general character, constitutes the initial part of this paper. Then it briefly looks into the final terms of the papertitle and try to relate to the diffuse and discussed technological innovation. Both aspects – art and technology and technological innovation – will be dealt...... with from a historical/hermeneutic and social constructivist point of view, as the paper moves from a general principal level to a more specific, exemplary level, where three different art technologies are presented as possible propulsars in technological innovation.......Art and technology has, as the German philosopher Martin Heidegger points out, the same etymological root. A thorough investigation of the relationship between art and technology will show how this same root has manifested itself in different times and spaces bringing results of the most variegated...

  17. Philosophy of Technology Assumptions in Educational Technology Leadership (United States)

    Webster, Mark David


    A qualitative study using grounded theory methods was conducted to (a) examine what philosophy of technology assumptions are present in the thinking of K-12 technology leaders, (b) investigate how the assumptions may influence technology decision making, and (c) explore whether technological determinist assumptions are present. Subjects involved…

  18. Relations between the technological standards and technological appropriation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto PRADO GUERRERO


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to analyze the educational practices of using Blackboard in blended learning environments with students of higher education to understand the relationship between technological appropriation and standards of educational technology. To achieve that goal, the following research question was raised: ¿To what extent are the standards of education technology with the appropriation of technology in blended learning environments in higher educa­tion related? The contextual framework of this work includes the following topics: the institution, teaching, teachers and students. The design methodology that was used is of a correlation type. Correlations were carried out to determine the frequency and level in the technological standards as well as the appropriation of technology. In the comparison of the results obtained by the students, the teachers and the platform; we found that students in the school study showed a high degree of technology ownership and this was the same for the performance shown on the technological standards. It was established that teachers play a key role in developing the techno­logical appropriation of students and performance in technology standards.

  19. Emerging Technological Risk Underpinning the Risk of Technology Innovation

    CERN Document Server

    Anderson, Stuart


    Classes of socio-technical hazards allow a characterization of the risk in technology innovation and clarify the mechanisms underpinning emergent technological risk. Emerging Technological Risk provides an interdisciplinary account of risk in socio-technical systems including hazards which highlight: ·         How technological risk crosses organizational boundaries, ·         How technological trajectories and evolution develop from resolving tensions emerging between social aspects of organisations and technologies and ·         How social behaviour shapes, and is shaped by, technology. Addressing an audience from a range of academic and professional backgrounds, Emerging Technological Risk is a key source for those who wish to benefit from a detail and methodical exposure to multiple perspectives on technological risk. By providing a synthesis of recent work on risk that captures the complex mechanisms that characterize the emergence of risk in technology innovation, Emerging Tec...

  20. Hydrogen technologies and the technology learning curve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogner, H.-H.


    On their bumpy road to commercialization, hydrogen production, delivery and conversion technologies not only require dedicated research, development and demonstration efforts, but also protected niche markets and early adopters. While niche markets utilize the unique technological properties of hydrogen, adopters exhibit a willingness to pay a premium for hydrogen fueled energy services. The concept of the technology learning curve is applied to estimate the capital requirements associated with the commercialization process of several hydrogen technologies. (author)

  1. The technology vicinity: a location based view on technology


    Steenhuis, H.J.; de Bruijn, E.J.; Kocaoglu, D.F.; Anderson, T.R.


    The issue of technology transfer has been viewed from many different perspectives. In this case the focus is on the process of (production) technology transfer. One of the difficulties in studying international technology transfer is the definition of technology. The many technology definitions that exist are either too ‘loosely’ formulated or they require thorough expert knowledge. This results in difficulties with measuring technology and comparing different studies meaningfully. This study...

  2. Directory of the French Photovoltaic Industry 2017 - 2018

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    More than 500 companies, of which 200 are industrial companies with a manufacturing unit located in France, and some fifty are research centres, this is the rich panorama prepared by the 2017-18 directory of the French photovoltaic industry, representing more than 8,200 jobs. These companies operate throughout the photovoltaic value chain: from chemistry and electronics, to electricity production, to the development, construction and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. They constitute an economic sector in full developmental swing and one that is providing new, high-added value jobs. Therefore, some of our research centres (National Institute of Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Institute of Ile de France) are among the most advanced in the world. Our network of industrial and service companies is filled with little gems that we have to make fruitful. Content of this directory: Presentation of the French renewable energies syndicate (SER); Presentation of SER-SOLER, French solar photovoltaic professionals group; 'Putting France on the map', foreword by Jean-Louis Bal, President of SER and Xavier Daval, President of SER-SOLER; Presentation of France solar industry; Presentation of photovoltaic quality Alliance Photovoltaique; Areas of activity; The members of SER-SOLER; Other members of SER-SOLER; Other Companies; Index (Alphabetical, By activity, By region); Advertisers

  3. Constructive Technology Assessmentand Technology Dynamics. The Case of Clean Technologies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schot, Johan


    A synthesis of neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary, sociological, and historical coevolution ary models could be used for constructive technology assessment, aimed at the active management of the process of technological change. This article proposes a synthetic quasi-evolutionary model, in which

  4. Technology assessment of thermal treatment technologies using ORWARE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Assefa, G.; Eriksson, O.; Frostell, B.


    A technology assessment of thermal treatment technologies for wastes was performed in the form of scenarios of chains of technologies. The Swedish assessment tool, ORWARE, was used for the assessment. The scenarios of chains of thermal technologies assessed were gasification with catalytic combustion, gasification with flame combustion, incineration and landfilling. The landfilling scenario was used as a reference for comparison. The technologies were assessed from ecological and economic points of view. The results are presented in terms of global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, consumption of primary energy carriers and welfare costs. From the simulations, gasification followed by catalytic combustion with energy recovery in a combined cycle appeared to be the most competitive technology from an ecological point of view. On the other hand, this alternative was more expensive than incineration. A sensitivity analysis was done regarding electricity prices to show which technology wins at what value of the unit price of electricity (SEK/kW h). Within this study, it was possible to make a comparison both between a combined cycle and a Rankine cycle (a system pair) and at the same time between flame combustion and catalytic combustion (a technology pair). To use gasification just as a treatment technology is not more appealing than incineration, but the possibility of combining gasification with a combined cycle is attractive in terms of electricity production. This research was done in connection with an empirical R and D work on both gasification of waste and catalytic combustion of the gasified waste at the Division of Chemical Technology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

  5. Technology Games: Using Wittgenstein for Understanding and Evaluating Technology. (United States)

    Coeckelbergh, Mark


    In the philosophy of technology after the empirical turn, little attention has been paid to language and its relation to technology. In this programmatic and explorative paper, it is proposed to use the later Wittgenstein, not only to pay more attention to language use in philosophy of technology, but also to rethink technology itself-at least technology in its aspect of tool, technology-in-use. This is done by outlining a working account of Wittgenstein's view of language (as articulated mainly in the Investigations) and by then applying that account to technology-turning around Wittgenstein's metaphor of the toolbox. Using Wittgenstein's concepts of language games and form of life and coining the term 'technology games', the paper proposes and argues for a use-oriented, holistic, transcendental, social, and historical approach to technology which is empirically but also normatively sensitive, and which takes into account implicit knowledge and know-how. It gives examples of interaction with social robots to support the relevance of this project for understanding and evaluating today's technologies, makes comparisons with authors in philosophy of technology such as Winner and Ihde, and sketches the contours of a phenomenology and hermeneutics of technology use that may help us to understand but also to gain a more critical relation to specific uses of concrete technologies in everyday contexts. Ultimately, given the holism argued for, it also promises a more critical relation to the games and forms of life technologies are embedded in-to the ways we do things.

  6. Clean coal technologies in Japan: technological innovation in the coal industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This brochure reviews the history clean coal technologies (CCT) in Japan and systematically describes the present state of CCT insofar. The brochure contains three parts. Part 1. CCT classifications; Part 2. CCT overview; and Part 3. Future outlook for CCT. The main section is part 2 which includes 1) technologies for coal resources development; 2) coal-fired power generation technologies - combustion technologies and gasification technologies; 3) iron making and general industry technologies; 4) multi-purpose coal utilization technologies - liquefaction technologies, pyrolysis technologies, powdering, fluidization, and co-utilisation technologies, and de-ashing and reforming technologies; 5) Environmental protection technologies - CO{sub 2} recovery technologies; flue gas treatment and gas cleaning technologies, and technologies to effectively use coal has; 6) basic technologies for advanced coal utilization; and 7) co-production systems.

  7. Technology Matters - When new technology reshape innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edwards, Kasper; Pedersen, Jørgen Lindgaard


    Management of innovation is an important issue for firms and being good at this may be the deciding difference between death and survival. This paper ar-gues, based on 12 case studies, that new technology influence the innovative ca-pability of firms and disturbingly the process appears...... not to be managed in the sense that aims, instruments and resources are unclear. It is observed that new technology is adopted with a limited scope and fo-cus – often to solve a particular technical problem e.g. the quality of specifica-tion are too low. For a single reason a new technology is introduced within...... the firm, which over time becomes a source of innovation. However, through adoption of this new technology firms engage in a mu-tual learning and forming process where the firm learn by using the new technol-ogy. When learning, the firm and the new technology is mutually formed as the firm tries to adopt...

  8. Subjective Technology Adaptivity Predicts Technology Use in Old Age. (United States)

    Kamin, Stefan T; Lang, Frieder R; Beyer, Anja


    To date, not much is known about the psychological and motivational factors underlying technology use in late life. What are the interindividual determinants that lead older adults to invest in using technological innovations despite the age-related physiological changes that impose challenges on behavioral plasticity in everyday life? This research explores interindividual differences in subjective technology adaptivity - a general technology-related motivational resource that accounts for technology use in late life. More specifically, we investigate the influence of this factor relative to demographic characteristics, personality traits, and functional limitations in a longitudinal sample of community-dwelling older adults. We report results from a paper-and-pencil survey with 136 older adults between 59 and 92 years of age (mean = 71.4, SD = 7.4). Of those participants, 77 participated in a 2-year follow-up. We assessed self-reports of technology use, subjective technology adaptivity, functional limitations, and the personality traits openness to new experiences and neuroticism. Higher levels of subjective technology adaptivity were associated with technology use at the first measurement as well as increased use over the course of 2 years. Subjective technology adaptivity is a significant predictor of technology use in old age. Our findings contribute to improving the understanding of interindividual differences when using technological innovation in late life. Moreover, our findings have implications in the context of user involvement and may contribute to the successful development of innovative technology for older adults. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. Living Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    This book is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning more about living technology, whether coming from business, the government, policy centers, academia, or anywhere else. Its purpose is to help people to learn what living technology is, what it might develop into, and how it might impact...... our lives. The phrase 'living technology' was coined to refer to technology that is alive as well as technology that is useful because it shares the fundamental properties of living systems. In particular, the invention of this phrase was called for to describe the trend of our technology becoming...... increasingly life-like or literally alive. Still, the phrase has different interpretations depending on how one views what life is. This book presents nineteen perspectives on living technology. Taken together, the interviews convey the collective wisdom on living technology's power and promise, as well as its...

  10. Technology integration project: Environmental Restoration Technologies Department Sandia National Laboratories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, C.V.; Burford, T.D.


    Sandia National Laboratories Environmental Restoration Technologies Department is developing environmental restoration technologies through funding form the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Science and Technology. Initially, this technology development has been through the Mixed Waste Landfill Integrated Demonstration (MWLID). It is currently being developed through the Contaminant Plume containment and Remediation Focus Area, the Landfill Stabilization Focus Area, and the Characterization, Monitoring, and Sensor Cross-Cutting Program. This Technology Integration Project (TIP) was responsible for transferring MWLID-developed technologies for routine use by environmental restoration groups throughout the DOE complex and commercializing these technologies to the private sector. The MWLID's technology transfer/commercialization successes were achieved by involving private industry in development, demonstration, and technology transfer/commercialization activities; gathering and disseminating information about MWLID activities and technologies; and promoting stakeholder and regulatory involvement. From FY91 through FY95, 30 Technical Task Plans (TTPs) were funded. From these TTPs, the MWLID can claim 15 technology transfer/commercialization successes. Another seven technology transfer/commercialization successes are expected. With the changeover to the focus areas, the TIP continued the technology transfer/commercialization efforts begun under the MWLID

  11. Technology integration project: Environmental Restoration Technologies Department Sandia National Laboratories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williams, C.V.; Burford, T.D. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States). Environmental Restoration Technologies; Allen, C.A. [Tech Reps, Inc., Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Sandia National Laboratories Environmental Restoration Technologies Department is developing environmental restoration technologies through funding form the US Department of Energy`s (DOE`s) Office of Science and Technology. Initially, this technology development has been through the Mixed Waste Landfill Integrated Demonstration (MWLID). It is currently being developed through the Contaminant Plume containment and Remediation Focus Area, the Landfill Stabilization Focus Area, and the Characterization, Monitoring, and Sensor Cross-Cutting Program. This Technology Integration Project (TIP) was responsible for transferring MWLID-developed technologies for routine use by environmental restoration groups throughout the DOE complex and commercializing these technologies to the private sector. The MWLID`s technology transfer/commercialization successes were achieved by involving private industry in development, demonstration, and technology transfer/commercialization activities; gathering and disseminating information about MWLID activities and technologies; and promoting stakeholder and regulatory involvement. From FY91 through FY95, 30 Technical Task Plans (TTPs) were funded. From these TTPs, the MWLID can claim 15 technology transfer/commercialization successes. Another seven technology transfer/commercialization successes are expected. With the changeover to the focus areas, the TIP continued the technology transfer/commercialization efforts begun under the MWLID.

  12. Technology '90

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories have a long history of excellence in performing research and development in a number of areas, including the basic sciences, applied-energy technology, and weapons-related technology. Although technology transfer has always been an element of DOE and laboratory activities, it has received increasing emphasis in recent years as US industrial competitiveness has eroded and efforts have increased to better utilize the research and development resources the laboratories provide. This document, Technology '90, is the latest in a series that is intended to communicate some of the many opportunities available for US industry and universities to work with the DOE and its laboratories in the vital activity of improving technology transfer to meet national needs. Technology '90 is divided into three sections: Overview, Technologies, and Laboratories. The Overview section describes the activities and accomplishments of the DOE research and development program offices. The Technologies section provides descriptions of new technologies developed at the DOE laboratories. The Laboratories section presents information on the missions, programs, and facilities of each laboratory, along with a name and telephone number of a technology transfer contact for additional information. Separate papers were prepared for appropriate sections of this report

  13. Sensemaking technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Charlotte Øland

    Research scope: The scope of the project is to study technological implementation processes by using Weick's sensemaking concept (Weick, 1995). The purpose of using a social constructivist approach to investigate technological implementation processes is to find out how new technologies transform......, Orlikowski 2000). Viewing the use of technology as a process of enactment opens up for investigating the social processes of interpreting new technology into the organisation (Orlikowski 2000). The scope of the PhD project will therefore be to gain a deeper understanding of how the enactment of new...... & Brass, 1990; Kling 1991; Orlikowski 2000). It also demonstrates that technology is a flexible variable adapted to the organisation's needs, culture, climate and management philosophy, thus leading to different uses and outcomes of the same technology in different organisations (Barley 1986; 1990...

  14. Technology roadmaps

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pearson, B. [Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON (Canada). CANMET Energy Technology Centre


    The purpose of a technology road map is to define the state of a current technology, relevant market issues, and future market needs; to develop a plan that industry can follow to provide these new products and services; and to map technology pathways and performance goals for bringing these products and services to market. The three stages (planning, implementation, and reviewing and updating), benefits, and status of the Clean Coal Technology Roadmap are outlined. Action Plan 2000, a $1.7 million 2000 Climate Change Technology and Innovation Program, which uses the technology roadmapping process, is described. The members of the management steering committee for the Clean Coal Technology Roadmap are listed. A flowsheet showing activities until November 2004, when the final clean coal road map is due, is included.

  15. Technological entrepreneurship : technology transfer from academia to new firms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prodan, I.


    This doctoral dissertation aims to do the following: 1. Develop the conceptual model of technological entrepreneurship 2. Position technology transfer from academia to new firms in a newly developed conceptual model of technological entrepreneurship 3. Develop the model of technology transfer from

  16. International technology transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Won Gi


    This book introduces technology progress and economic growth, theoretical consideration of technology transfer, policy and mechanism on technology transfer of a developed country and a developing country, reality of international technology transfer technology transfer and industrial structure in Asia and the pacific region, technology transfer in Russia, China and Eastern Europe, cooperation of science and technology for development of Northeast Asia and strategy of technology transfer of Korea.

  17. Electronic technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jin Su


    This book is composed of five chapters, which introduces electronic technology about understanding of electronic, electronic component, radio, electronic application, communication technology, semiconductor on its basic, free electron and hole, intrinsic semiconductor and semiconductor element, Diode such as PN junction diode, characteristic of junction diode, rectifier circuit and smoothing circuit, transistor on structure of transistor, characteristic of transistor and common emitter circuit, electronic application about electronic equipment, communication technology and education, robot technology and high electronic technology.

  18. Technology in the Classroom: Teachers and Technology--A Technological Divide (United States)

    Clarke, Gregory, Sr.; Zagarell, Jesse


    The education system in the United States continues to grapple with adapting to change, especially when it comes to integrating technology in the curriculum. The United States needs to use its resources to stay competitive in the increasingly technological world, particularly in the classroom. Lefebvre, Deaudelin, and Loiselle (2006) posit that…

  19. Educational Technologies in Health Science Libraries: Teaching Technology Skills (United States)

    Hurst, Emily J.


    As technology rapidly changes, libraries remain go-to points for education and technology skill development. In academic health sciences libraries, trends suggest librarians provide more training on technology topics than ever before. While education and training have always been roles for librarians, providing technology training on new mobile devices and emerging systems requires class creation and training capabilities that are new to many. To appeal to their users, many health sciences librarians are interested in developing technology-based classes. This column explores the question: what skills are necessary for developing and teaching technology in an academic health sciences library setting? PMID:24528269

  20. Educational technologies in health sciences libraries: teaching technology skills. (United States)

    Hurst, Emily J


    As technology rapidly changes, libraries remain go-to points for education and technology skill development. In academic health sciences libraries, trends suggest librarians provide more training on technology topics than ever before. While education and training have always been roles for librarians, providing technology training on new mobile devices and emerging systems requires class creation and training capabilities that are new to many librarians. To appeal to their users, many health sciences librarians are interested in developing technology-based classes. This column explores the question: what skills are necessary for developing and teaching technology in an academic health sciences library setting?

  1. Technology Transfer Issues and a New Technology Transfer Model (United States)

    Choi, Hee Jun


    The following are major issues that should be considered for efficient and effective technology transfer: conceptions of technology, technological activity and transfer, communication channels, factors affecting transfer, and models of transfer. In particular, a well-developed model of technology transfer could be used as a framework for…

  2. Technology Acceptance of Augmented Reality and Wearable Technologies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wild, Fridolin; Klemke, Roland; Lefrere, Paul; Fominykh, Mikhail; Kuula, Timo


    Augmented Reality and Wearables are the recent media and computing technologies, similar, but different from established technologies, even mobile computing and virtual reality. Numerous proposals for measuring technology acceptance exist, but have not been applied, nor fine-tuned to such

  3. Technological Literacy Education and Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan (United States)

    Lee, Lung-Sheng Steven


    Technology education in Taiwan is categorized into the following two types: (1) technological literacy education (TLE)--the education for all people to become technological literates; and (2) technological specialty education (TSE)--the education for specific people to become technicians and professionals for technology-related jobs. This paper…

  4. Laser Technology. (United States)

    Gauger, Robert


    Describes lasers and indicates that learning about laser technology and creating laser technology activities are among the teacher enhancement processes needed to strengthen technology education. (JOW)

  5. Quelle préposition ?

    CERN Document Server

    Grevisse, Maurice


    Pour bien parler ou bien écrire, il faut avant tout posséder un bon vocabulaire, puis savoir bien remuer les mots, leur faire exprimer quelque chose et agencer adroitement les propositions. Il faut aussi - et cela n'est pas négligeable - amener congrûment les divers compléments des noms, des adjectifs ou des verbes ; quand ces compléments sont de construction indirecte, c'est-à-dire quand ils doivent être introduits par une préposition, on hésite parfois sur la bonne manière de les accrocher. Ne pas négliger le bon choix! Cela ne crée pas le style, sans doute, mais peut, pour une part, témoigner de sa bonne qualité.

  6. Projecting technology change to improve space technology planning and systems management (United States)

    Walk, Steven Robert


    Projecting technology performance evolution has been improving over the years. Reliable quantitative forecasting methods have been developed that project the growth, diffusion, and performance of technology in time, including projecting technology substitutions, saturation levels, and performance improvements. These forecasts can be applied at the early stages of space technology planning to better predict available future technology performance, assure the successful selection of technology, and improve technology systems management strategy. Often what is published as a technology forecast is simply scenario planning, usually made by extrapolating current trends into the future, with perhaps some subjective insight added. Typically, the accuracy of such predictions falls rapidly with distance in time. Quantitative technology forecasting (QTF), on the other hand, includes the study of historic data to identify one of or a combination of several recognized universal technology diffusion or substitution patterns. In the same manner that quantitative models of physical phenomena provide excellent predictions of system behavior, so do QTF models provide reliable technological performance trajectories. In practice, a quantitative technology forecast is completed to ascertain with confidence when the projected performance of a technology or system of technologies will occur. Such projections provide reliable time-referenced information when considering cost and performance trade-offs in maintaining, replacing, or migrating a technology, component, or system. This paper introduces various quantitative technology forecasting techniques and illustrates their practical application in space technology and technology systems management.

  7. Technology for whom: an adequate technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alva, E N


    The concept of human settlements technology (HST) is described and applied to the unique needs of developing countries having different cultural and climatic conditions. These countries are experiencing rapid growth in population, and appropriate technology should not be assumed to be the same as that used in industrialized counties in temperate climates. A new world order is asking that emerging countries define their own living patterns and determine which technologies are suitable for their whole population's needs rather than limiting modern technology to an elite. The author describes how unconventional, but creative, energy can be tapped for housing construction that is low-cost, self-sufficient, and easy to service. A plurality of life styles in tune with the ecosystem could be adopted, but this will require politicians and architects to approach eco-design as a creative rather than imitative process.

  8. Human Spaceflight Technology Needs - A Foundation for JSC's Technology Strategy (United States)

    Stecklein, Jonette M.


    Human space exploration has always been heavily influenced by goals to achieve a specific mission on a specific schedule. This approach drove rapid technology development, the rapidity of which adds risks as well as provides a major driver for costs and cost uncertainty. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is now approaching the extension of human presence throughout the solar system by balancing a proactive yet less schedule-driven development of technology with opportunistic scheduling of missions as the needed technologies are realized. This approach should provide cost effective, low risk technology development that will enable efficient and effective manned spaceflight missions. As a first step, the NASA Human Spaceflight Architecture Team (HAT) has identified a suite of critical technologies needed to support future manned missions across a range of destinations, including in cis-lunar space, near earth asteroid visits, lunar exploration, Mars moons, and Mars exploration. The challenge now is to develop a strategy and plan for technology development that efficiently enables these missions over a reasonable time period, without increasing technology development costs unnecessarily due to schedule pressure, and subsequently mitigating development and mission risks. NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC), as the nation s primary center for human exploration, is addressing this challenge through an innovative approach in allocating Internal Research and Development funding to projects. The HAT Technology Needs (TechNeeds) Database has been developed to correlate across critical technologies and the NASA Office of Chief Technologist Technology Area Breakdown Structure (TABS). The TechNeeds Database illuminates that many critical technologies may support a single technical capability gap, that many HAT technology needs may map to a single TABS technology discipline, and that a single HAT technology need may map to multiple TABS technology

  9. Human spaceflight technology needs-a foundation for JSC's technology strategy (United States)

    Stecklein, J. M.

    Human space exploration has always been heavily influenced by goals to achieve a specific mission on a specific schedule. This approach drove rapid technology development, the rapidity of which added risks and became a major driver for costs and cost uncertainty. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is now approaching the extension of human presence throughout the solar system by balancing a proactive yet less schedule-driven development of technology with opportunistic scheduling of missions as the needed technologies are realized. This approach should provide cost effective, low risk technology development that will enable efficient and effective manned spaceflight missions. As a first step, the NASA Human Spaceflight Architecture Team (HAT) has identified a suite of critical technologies needed to support future manned missions across a range of destinations, including in cis-lunar space, near earth asteroid visits, lunar exploration, Mars moons, and Mars exploration. The challenge now is to develop a strategy and plan for technology development that efficiently enables these missions over a reasonable time period, without increasing technology development costs unnecessarily due to schedule pressure, and subsequently mitigating development and mission risks. NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC), as the nation's primary center for human exploration, is addressing this challenge through an innovative approach in allocating Internal Research and Development funding to projects. The HAT Technology Needs (Tech Needs) Database has been developed to correlate across critical technologies and the NASA Office of Chief Technologist Technology Area Breakdown Structure (TABS). The TechNeeds Database illuminates that many critical technologies may support a single technical capability gap, that many HAT technology needs may map to a single TABS technology discipline, and that a single HAT technology need may map to multiple TABS technology disciplines. Th

  10. Examining Engineering & Technology Students' Acceptance of Network Virtualization Technology Using the Technology Acceptance Model (United States)

    Yousif, Wael K.


    This causal and correlational study was designed to extend the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and to test its applicability to Valencia Community College (VCC) Engineering and Technology students as the target user group when investigating the factors influencing their decision to adopt and to utilize VMware as the target technology. In…

  11. The Technological Dimension of Educational Technology in Europe (United States)

    Dimitriadis, Yannis


    This article describes some of the main technological trends and issues of the European landscape of research and innovation in educational technology. Although several innovative technologies (tools, architectures, platforms, or approaches) emerge, such as intelligent support to personalization, collaboration or adaptation in mobile, game-based,…

  12. Technology Catalogue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) is responsible for remediating its contaminated sites and managing its waste inventory in a safe and efficient manner. EM's Office of Technology Development (OTD) supports applied research and demonstration efforts to develop and transfer innovative, cost-effective technologies to its site clean-up and waste management programs within EM's Office of Environmental Restoration and Office of Waste Management. The purpose of the Technology Catalogue is to provide performance data on OTD-developed technologies to scientists and engineers assessing and recommending technical solutions within the Department's clean-up and waste management programs, as well as to industry, other federal and state agencies, and the academic community. OTD's applied research and demonstration activities are conducted in programs referred to as Integrated Demonstrations (IDs) and Integrated Programs (IPs). The IDs test and, consisting of coupled technologies, at specific sites to address generic problems, such as the sensing, treatment, and disposal of buried waste containers. The IPs support applied research activities in specific applications areas, such as in situ remediation, efficient separations processes, and site characterization. The Technology Catalogue is a means for communicating the status. of the development of these innovative technologies. The FY93 Technology Catalogue features technologies successfully demonstrated in the field through IDs and sufficiently mature to be used in the near-term. Technologies from the following IDs are featured in the FY93 Technology Catalogue: Buried Waste ID (Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho); Mixed Waste Landfill ID (Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico); Underground Storage Tank ID (Hanford, Washington); Volatile organic compound (VOC) Arid ID (Richland, Washington); and VOC Non-Arid ID (Savannah River Site, South Carolina)

  13. The Center for Environmental Technology Innovative Technology Screening Process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertrand, C.M.


    The Center for Environmental Technology's (CET) mission is to provide a fully integrated system for accelerated evaluation, development, commercialization, and public acceptance of creative environmental solutions which match the foremost demands in today's environmentally sensitive world. In short, CET will create a means to provide quick, effective solutions for environmental needs. To meet this mission objective, CET has created a unique and innovative approach to eliminating the usual barriers in developing and testing environmental technologies. The approach paves the way for these emerging, cutting-edge technologies by coordinating environmental restoration and waste management activities of industry, universities, and the government to: efficiently and effectively transfer technology to these users, provide market-driven, cost-effective technology programs to the public and DOE, and aid in developing innovative ideas by initiating efforts between DOE facilities and private industry. The central part to this mission is selecting and evaluating specific innovative technologies for demonstration and application at United States Department of Energy (DOE) installations. The methodology and criteria used for this selection, which is called the CET Innovative Technology Screening Process, is the subject of this paper. The selection criteria used for the screening process were modeled after other DOE technology transfer programs and were further developed by CET's Technology Screening and Evaluation Board (TSEB). The process benefits both CET and the proposing vendors by providing objective selection procedures based on predefined criteria. The selection process ensures a rapid response to proposing vendors, all technologies will have the opportunity to enter the selection process, and all technologies are evaluated on the same scale and with identical criteria

  14. NASA Technology Applications Team: Commercial applications of aerospace technology (United States)


    The Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Team has maintained its focus on helping NASA establish partnerships with U.S. industry for dual use development and technology commercialization. Our emphasis has been on outcomes, such as licenses, industry partnerships and commercialization of technologies, that are important to NASA in its mission of contributing to the improved competitive position of U.S. industry. The RTI Team has been successful in the development of NASA/industry partnerships and commercialization of NASA technologies. RTI ongoing commitment to quality and customer responsiveness has driven our staff to continuously improve our technology transfer methodologies to meet NASA's requirements. For example, RTI has emphasized the following areas: (1) Methodology For Technology Assessment and Marketing: RTI has developed and implemented effective processes for assessing the commercial potential of NASA technologies. These processes resulted from an RTI study of best practices, hands-on experience, and extensive interaction with the NASA Field Centers to adapt to their specific needs. (2) Effective Marketing Strategies: RTI surveyed industry technology managers to determine effective marketing tools and strategies. The Technology Opportunity Announcement format and content were developed as a result of this industry input. For technologies with a dynamic visual impact, RTI has developed a stand-alone demonstration diskette that was successful in developing industry interest in licensing the technology. And (3) Responsiveness to NASA Requirements: RTI listened to our customer (NASA) and designed our processes to conform with the internal procedures and resources at each NASA Field Center and the direction provided by NASA's Agenda for Change. This report covers the activities of the Research Triangle Institute Technology Applications Team for the period 1 October 1993 through 31 December 1994.

  15. Assistive Technology (United States)

    ... Page Resize Text Printer Friendly Online Chat Assistive Technology Assistive technology (AT) is any service or tool that helps ... be difficult or impossible. For older adults, such technology may be a walker to improve mobility or ...

  16. Advanced Reactor Technologies - Regulatory Technology Development Plan (RTDP)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moe, Wayne L. [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    This DOE-NE Advanced Small Modular Reactor (AdvSMR) regulatory technology development plan (RTDP) will link critical DOE nuclear reactor technology development programs to important regulatory and policy-related issues likely to impact a “critical path” for establishing a viable commercial AdvSMR presence in the domestic energy market. Accordingly, the regulatory considerations that are set forth in the AdvSMR RTDP will not be limited to any one particular type or subset of advanced reactor technology(s) but rather broadly consider potential regulatory approaches and the licensing implications that accompany all DOE-sponsored research and technology development activity that deal with commercial non-light water reactors. However, it is also important to remember that certain “minimum” levels of design and safety approach knowledge concerning these technology(s) must be defined and available to an extent that supports appropriate pre-licensing regulatory analysis within the RTDP. Final resolution to advanced reactor licensing issues is most often predicated on the detailed design information and specific safety approach as documented in a facility license application and submitted for licensing review. Because the AdvSMR RTDP is focused on identifying and assessing the potential regulatory implications of DOE-sponsored reactor technology research very early in the pre-license application development phase, the information necessary to support a comprehensive regulatory analysis of a new reactor technology, and the resolution of resulting issues, will generally not be available. As such, the regulatory considerations documented in the RTDP should be considered an initial “first step” in the licensing process which will continue until a license is issued to build and operate the said nuclear facility. Because a facility license application relies heavily on the data and information generated by technology development studies, the anticipated regulatory

  17. Advanced Reactor Technology -- Regulatory Technology Development Plan (RTDP)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moe, Wayne Leland [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    This DOE-NE Advanced Small Modular Reactor (AdvSMR) regulatory technology development plan (RTDP) will link critical DOE nuclear reactor technology development programs to important regulatory and policy-related issues likely to impact a “critical path” for establishing a viable commercial AdvSMR presence in the domestic energy market. Accordingly, the regulatory considerations that are set forth in the AdvSMR RTDP will not be limited to any one particular type or subset of advanced reactor technology(s) but rather broadly consider potential regulatory approaches and the licensing implications that accompany all DOE-sponsored research and technology development activity that deal with commercial non-light water reactors. However, it is also important to remember that certain “minimum” levels of design and safety approach knowledge concerning these technology(s) must be defined and available to an extent that supports appropriate pre-licensing regulatory analysis within the RTDP. Final resolution to advanced reactor licensing issues is most often predicated on the detailed design information and specific safety approach as documented in a facility license application and submitted for licensing review. Because the AdvSMR RTDP is focused on identifying and assessing the potential regulatory implications of DOE-sponsored reactor technology research very early in the pre-license application development phase, the information necessary to support a comprehensive regulatory analysis of a new reactor technology, and the resolution of resulting issues, will generally not be available. As such, the regulatory considerations documented in the RTDP should be considered an initial “first step” in the licensing process which will continue until a license is issued to build and operate the said nuclear facility. Because a facility license application relies heavily on the data and information generated by technology development studies, the anticipated regulatory

  18. Nano technologies, technologies converging and potential biomedical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capuano, V.


    The applications of nano technology to biology and medicine appear really promising for diagnostics, for various therapeutic approaches and in medical instrumentations. The growing synergism among nano technology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive sciences, their convergence (NBIC) from the nano scale, could involve on next decades great changes in medicine, from a reactive to a predictive and preventive approach. It is expected that NBIC converging technologies could achieve tremendous improvements in human abilities and enhance societal achievement of related social and ethical implications, in the framework of a constant dialogue between science and society [it


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In a new approach, the technology is taken into consideration as a resource of the business, in addition to the four traditional resources: material resources, financial resources, human resources and informational resources. This makes important for the managers to have solid technological knowledge, in addition to the economics. The research regarding the technological management (or the management of technology - MOT is lead by IAMOT (International Association in Management of Technology. There are a lot of connections between the technology on one side and the finances, the human resources, the marketing, the operational management on the other side. In our era the technology is more and more advanced and all the activities are strongly connected to it.

  20. Trends in Health Information Technology Safety: From Technology-Induced Errors to Current Approaches for Ensuring Technology Safety (United States)


    Objectives Health information technology (HIT) research findings suggested that new healthcare technologies could reduce some types of medical errors while at the same time introducing classes of medical errors (i.e., technology-induced errors). Technology-induced errors have their origins in HIT, and/or HIT contribute to their occurrence. The objective of this paper is to review current trends in the published literature on HIT safety. Methods A review and synthesis of the medical and life sciences literature focusing on the area of technology-induced error was conducted. Results There were four main trends in the literature on technology-induced error. The following areas were addressed in the literature: definitions of technology-induced errors; models, frameworks and evidence for understanding how technology-induced errors occur; a discussion of monitoring; and methods for preventing and learning about technology-induced errors. Conclusions The literature focusing on technology-induced errors continues to grow. Research has focused on the defining what an error is, models and frameworks used to understand these new types of errors, monitoring of such errors and methods that can be used to prevent these errors. More research will be needed to better understand and mitigate these types of errors. PMID:23882411

  1. Copper Cable Recycling Technology. Innovative Technology Summary Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The United States Department of Energy (DOE) continually seeks safer and more cost-effective technologies for use in deactivation and decommissioning (D and D) of nuclear facilities. The Deactivation and Decommissioning Focus Area (DDFA) of the DOE's Office of Science and Technology (OST) sponsors large-scale demonstration and deployment projects (LSDDPs). At these LSDDPs, developers and vendors of improved or innovative technologies showcase products that are potentially beneficial to the DOE's projects and to others in the D and D community. Benefits sought include decreased health and safety risks to personnel and the environment, increased productivity, and decreased costs of operation. The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) generated a list of statements defining specific needs and problems where improved technology could be incorporated into ongoing D and D tasks. One such need is to reduce the volume of waste copper wire and cable generated by D and D. Deactivation and decommissioning activities of nuclear facilities generates hundreds of tons of contaminated copper cable, which are sent to radioactive waste disposal sites. The Copper Cable Recycling Technology separates the clean copper from contaminated insulation and dust materials in these cables. The recovered copper can then be reclaimed and, more importantly, landfill disposal volumes can be reduced. The existing baseline technology for disposing radioactively contaminated cables is to package the cables in wooden storage boxes and dispose of the cables in radioactive waste disposal sites. The Copper Cable Recycling Technology is applicable to facility decommissioning projects at many Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear facilities and commercial nuclear power plants undergoing decommissioning activities. The INEEL Copper Cable Recycling Technology Demonstration investigated the effectiveness and efficiency to recycle 13.5 tons of copper cable. To determine the effectiveness

  2. Educational technology and the new technologies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhagen, Pleunes Willem; Plomp, T.


    Like everywhere in our culture, new technologies gradually penetrate the field of education. This may be seen as a problem area, which asks for appropriate, actions by teachers, curriculum experts, instructional designers and others. As "technology" seems to be the main issue,one may quation whether

  3. Soulful Technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent


    Samsung introduced in 2008 a mobile phone called "Soul" made with a human touch and including itself a "magic touch". Through the analysis of a Nokia mobile phone TV-commercials I want to examine the function and form of digital technology in everyday images. The mobile phone and its digital camera...... and other devices are depicted by everyday aesthetics as capable of producing a unique human presence and interaction. The medium, the technology is a necessary helper of this very special and lost humanity. Without the technology, no special humanity, no soul - such is the prophecy. This personification...... or anthropomorphism is important for the branding of new technology. Technology is seen as creating a techno-transcendence towards a more qualified humanity which is in contact with fundamental human values like intuition, vision, and sensing; all the qualities that technology, industrialization, and rationalization...

  4. Demosite - Demonstration of the integration of photovoltaic elements in buildings; DEMOSITE. Site de demonstration d'elements de construction photovoltaiques integres au batiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roecker, C.; Affolter, P.; Muller, A.N.; Ould-Yenia, A.


    This final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy summarises Phase 4 of the DEMOSITE project and concludes 10 years of DEMOSITE activities. The DEMOSITE project, started in 1992, demonstrates various ways of integrating photovoltaic elements in buildings by providing stands, pavilions and monitoring facilities at its site in Lausanne, Switzerland. Here, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, roof-mounted installations can be found as well as mock-ups of buildings and roofing systems that also serve as covered parking facilities. The DEMOSITE web site and graphical presentations are also reviewed. Furthermore, the six newest pavilions are presented in detail. The report also presents several sets of data from measurements made on the installations and discusses the dissemination of information and results obtained from the project. A comprehensive annex provides illustrations of examples of building-integrated photovoltaics from around the world.

  5. Sport Technology

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Kirkbride, T


    Full Text Available Technology is transforming the games themselves and at times with dire consequences. Tony Kirkbride, Head: CSIR Technology Centre said there are a variety of sports technologies and there have been advances in material sciences and advances...

  6. Technology Transfer Report (United States)


    Since its inception, Goddard has pursued a commitment to technology transfer and commercialization. For every space technology developed, Goddard strives to identify secondary applications. Goddard then provides the technologies, as well as NASA expertise and facilities, to U.S. companies, universities, and government agencies. These efforts are based in Goddard's Technology Commercialization Office. This report presents new technologies, commercialization success stories, and other Technology Commercialization Office activities in 1999.

  7. How does technological regime affect performance of technology development projects?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Song, Michael; Hooshangi, Soheil; Zhao, Y. Lisa; Halman, Johannes I.M.


    In this study, we examine how technological regime affects the performance of technology development projects (i.e., project quality, sales, and profit). Technological regime is defined as the set of attributes of a technological environment where the innovative activities of firms take place.

  8. Managing Technology Resourcefully: Part I--Technology and Instruction (United States)

    Weeks, Richard


    The transformative powers of digital technology to improve student learning and the resulting effect of that technology to make the business of education more cost-effective are two of the more exciting dynamics in schooling today. Before the current school year ends, new products and upgrades will be available to replace much of the technology.…

  9. Technology Tiers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsson, Christer


    A technology tier is a level in a product system: final product, system, subsystem, component, or part. As a concept, it contrasts traditional “vertical” special technologies (for example, mechanics and electronics) and focuses “horizontal” feature technologies such as product characteristics...

  10. National congress of radiation protection - SFRP 2005; Congres National de Radioprotection - SFRP 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lagroye, I [Bordeaux Univ., Lab. de Bioelectromagnetisme de l' EPHE, Lab. PIOM, ENSCPB, 33 (France); Gonzague, A [EDF, Centre d' appui du parc en exploitation, Groupe prevention des risques environnement, 93 - Saint-Denis (France); Ammerich, M [Direction Generale de la Surete Nucleaire et de la radioprotection (DGSNR), 75 - Paris (France); Blanc, D; Lecomte, J F; Boucher, D; Boucher, D; Averbeck, D; Gourmelon, P; Barbey, P; Bourguignon, M; Cordoliani, Y S; Dutrillaux, B; Radecki, J J; Schieber, C; Cosset, J M; Lecomte, J F; Lochard, J; Metivier, H; Sugier, A; Tirmarche, M; Aurengo, A; Lamartine, J; Martin, M; Mallard, C; Malfoy, B; Ugolin, N; Chevillard, S; Schlumberger, M; Laurier, D; White-Koning, M L; Hemon, D; Tirmarche, M; Jougla, E; Clavel, J; Miccoli, L; Barber, R; Angulo, J F; Dubrova, Y E; Le Gall, B; Phan, G; Grillon, G; Rouit, E; Benech, H; Fattal, E; Deverre, J R; Legros, A; Beuter, A; Verrier, A; Magne, I; Souques, M; Lambrozo, J; Schmitt, P; Roth, P; Nadi, M; Joly, L; Chapel, C; Burgain, A; Marliot, F; Cordier, E; Courant, D; Elabbassi, E B; Seze, R de


    The nine tutorial sessions are: first one, the new recommendations of the ICRP; second one, effects on health of ionizing radiations with the following subjects ( the dose-response relationship and the estimation of carcinogen effects of ionizing radiation low doses; effect of dose rate on the induction and repair of radioinduced DNA double strand break; interest of global approach in radiation protection; molecular signature of the radioinduction in the thyroid tumors: example of radioinduced thyroid tumors after radiotherapy; incidence of child leukemia near the nuclear facilities: results of a multi sites study in France; genome instability and mutations induction after ionizing irradiation: consequences for the progeny; D.T.P.A encapsulation, an efficient strategy for the plutonium decorporation among the rat); the third one, non-ionizing radiation with the following subjects (can the exposure to a magnetic field of 100 {mu} T at 50 Hz be detected in the human physiological shiver; evaluation of the population exposure to the magnetic fields of 50 Hz: what indicators to choose; experimental study of the immunity of implantable defibrillators to the low frequencies electro-magnetic perturbations; DNA damages induced by the Ar F laser; dosimetry with a phantom in gel of human head); fourth session concerns the regulatory aspects; the fifth one presents the radiation protection and the radioactive waste management; the sixth session concerns the public and patients radiation protection; the seventh one treats the radiation protection in professional area with the following subjects ( optimization of radiation protection in the underground uranium mine of Cominak in Niger; revealing by multi parameters capillaroscopy, of micro vascular alterations of fingers among interventional radiologists; use of radioactive and chemical probes in biological research; uncertainties on doses and D.P.U.I.; monitoring of work areas. Evaluation of workers exposure towards a particular contamination; C.H.A.V.I.R., an interactive simulator for radiation protection; an ALARA engineering commune to the operating reactors; evolution of the radiological zoning and monitoring rules associated on the Cogema la Hague facility; an ambitious project for the nuclear park of EDF power plants : the purification project and its implementation for the Chinon B2 reactor - 2004); the eighth session concerns the environmental exposures and their consequences with the following presentations ( the concept of radioecological sensitivity and its interest in the risk management; phenomenal and analytical interpretation of the rain-deposit relationship used for the building of cesium 137 deposits in France consecutively to the Chernobyl accident; study of radioactivity source terms and transfer from medical origin in the purification network of the town of Toulouse; natural and artificial radioactivity in some marine species in manche. Case of polonium and plutonium alpha emitters. Synthesis of data acquired in the north Cotentin since 1990. elements of comparison; the role of local commissions of information (C.L.I.) in the follow up of release and monitoring of nuclear facilities); the ninth session concerns the dosimetry; the tenth session is divided in two parts radiation protection in accidental situations and radiation protection in post accidental situations with their respective presentations as follow ( evaluation of the dispersion of an aero contaminant in a ventilated area in field near an accidental source of emissions; study of the containment efficiency by gloveboxes in functioning accidental situations; the radiation protection and health; study by R.P.E. of the response of different materials in mixed field ( gamma, neutrons), application to the dosimetry reconstruction of an accident; nuclear or radiological events: organisation of medical intervention; and rehabilitation of life conditions in the contaminated territories: the contribution of radiation protection; management of post accidental situations: lessons from crisis exercises of Pierrelatte and Belleville; an example of participative approach: elaboration of a practical guide in the frame of an European project S.A.G.E.; school exchange between the secondary school Bois d Amour of Poitiers and the schools Olmany and Terebejov of the Stolyn district in Belarus). (N.C.)

  11. Industrial Arts Test Development, Book III. Resource Items for Graphics Technology, Power Technology, Production Technology. (United States)

    New York State Education Dept., Albany.

    This booklet is designed to assist teachers in developing examinations for classroom use. It is a collection of 955 objective test questions, mostly multiple choice, for industrial arts students in the three areas of graphics technology, power technology, and production technology. Scoring keys are provided. There are no copyright restrictions,…

  12. Earthing Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blok, Vincent


    In this article, we reflect on the conditions under which new technologies emerge in the Anthropocene and raise the question of how to conceptualize sustainable technologies therein. To this end, we explore an eco-centric approach to technology development, called biomimicry. We discuss opposing

  13. Advanced Reactor Technology -- Regulatory Technology Development Plan (RTDP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moe, Wayne Leland


    This DOE-NE Advanced Small Modular Reactor (AdvSMR) regulatory technology development plan (RTDP) will link critical DOE nuclear reactor technology development programs to important regulatory and policy-related issues likely to impact a ''critical path'' for establishing a viable commercial AdvSMR presence in the domestic energy market. Accordingly, the regulatory considerations that are set forth in the AdvSMR RTDP will not be limited to any one particular type or subset of advanced reactor technology(s) but rather broadly consider potential regulatory approaches and the licensing implications that accompany all DOE-sponsored research and technology development activity that deal with commercial non-light water reactors. However, it is also important to remember that certain ''minimum'' levels of design and safety approach knowledge concerning these technology(s) must be defined and available to an extent that supports appropriate pre-licensing regulatory analysis within the RTDP. Final resolution to advanced reactor licensing issues is most often predicated on the detailed design information and specific safety approach as documented in a facility license application and submitted for licensing review. Because the AdvSMR RTDP is focused on identifying and assessing the potential regulatory implications of DOE-sponsored reactor technology research very early in the pre-license application development phase, the information necessary to support a comprehensive regulatory analysis of a new reactor technology, and the resolution of resulting issues, will generally not be available. As such, the regulatory considerations documented in the RTDP should be considered an initial ''first step'' in the licensing process which will continue until a license is issued to build and operate the said nuclear facility. Because a facility license application relies heavily on the data and information generated by

  14. The Ultimate Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, Søren


    One of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), died prior to the remarkable cloning of the sheep Dolly and before Dr. Venter started his experiments on creating synthetic life, and he never explicitly discussed living technologies. However, by reinterp......One of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), died prior to the remarkable cloning of the sheep Dolly and before Dr. Venter started his experiments on creating synthetic life, and he never explicitly discussed living technologies. However......, by reinterpreting his notion of "modern technology," this article shows how it is possible to philosophically assess living technologies and to recognize ways in which Heidegger anticipated this phenomenon with his notion of cybernetics. The interpretation elucidates the fundamental process of technology becoming...... living and simultaneously presents living technology as the ultimate technology. The thesis of this article is that living technology is not just one more technology; rather, it is the perfection of technology as understood by Aristotle. Aristotle's thinking is in this way a key example of a profound...

  15. Technology transfer 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This document, Technology Transfer 94, is intended to communicate that there are many opportunities available to US industry and academic institutions to work with DOE and its laboratories and facilities in the vital activity of improving technology transfer to meet national needs. It has seven major sections: Introduction, Technology Transfer Activities, Access to Laboratories and Facilities, Laboratories and Facilities, DOE Office, Technologies, and an Index. Technology Transfer Activities highlights DOE`s recent developments in technology transfer and describes plans for the future. Access to Laboratories and Facilities describes the many avenues for cooperative interaction between DOE laboratories or facilities and industry, academia, and other government agencies. Laboratories and Facilities profiles the DOE laboratories and facilities involved in technology transfer and presents information on their missions, programs, expertise, facilities, and equipment, along with data on whom to contact for additional information on technology transfer. DOE Offices summarizes the major research and development programs within DOE. It also contains information on how to access DOE scientific and technical information. Technologies provides descriptions of some of the new technologies developed at DOE laboratories and facilities.

  16. New Technologies of Information and Communications from a Science, Technology and Society.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Martín Rodríguez


    Full Text Available With this work we want to make a short analysis of the New Technologies of Information and Communications in basic aspects of interest to technology education, refered to it from a Science Technology and Society (CTS. Based on different conceptions of technology and technological literacy, considers issues such as beliefs about the nature of technological knowledge, relationships and differences between scientific knowledge and the interactions between technology and society, the interests and attitudes of teachers and students to technology and learning from the perspective of education and, finally, various approaches to technology education programs following the approaches Science, Technology and Society.

  17. The Impact of In-Service Technology Training Programmes on Technology Teachers (United States)

    Gumbo, Mishack; Makgato, Moses; Muller, Helene


    The aim of this paper is to assess the impact the Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) in-service technology training program has on technology teachers' knowledge and understanding of technology. The training of technology teachers is an initiative toward teachers' professional development within the mathematics, science, and technology sphere…

  18. The Impact of Experience and Technology Change on Task-Technology Fit of a Collaborative Technology (United States)

    Iversen, Jakob H.; Eierman, Michael A.


    This study continues a long running effort to examine collaborative writing and editing tools and the factors that impact Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance. Previous studies found that MS Word/email performed better than technologies such as Twiki, Google Docs, and Office Live. The current study seeks to examine specifically the impact…

  19. Plasma technology directory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ward, P.P.; Dybwad, G.L.


    The Plasma Technology Directory has two main goals: (1) promote, coordinate, and share plasma technology experience and equipment within the Department of Energy; and (2) facilitate technology transfer to the commercial sector where appropriate. Personnel are averaged first by Laboratory and next by technology area. The technology areas are accelerators, cleaning and etching deposition, diagnostics, and modeling

  20. Understanding Technology Literacy: A Framework for Evaluating Educational Technology Integration (United States)

    Davies, Randall S.


    Federal legislation in the United States currently mandates that technology be integrated into school curricula because of the popular belief that learning is enhanced through the use of technology. The challenge for educators is to understand how best to teach with technology while developing the technological expertise of their students. This…

  1. Excimer Laser Technology

    CERN Document Server

    Basting, Dirk


    This comprehensive survey on Excimer Lasers investigates the current range of the technology, applications and devices of this commonly used laser source, as well as the future of new technologies, such as F2 laser technology. Additional chapters on optics, devices and laser systems complete this compact handbook. A must read for laser technology students, process application researchers, engineers or anyone interested in excimer laser technology. An effective and understandable introduction to the current and future status of excimer laser technology.

  2. "Obligatory Technologies": Explaining Why People Feel Compelled to Use Certain Technologies (United States)

    Chandler, Jennifer A.


    The ideas of technological determinism and the autonomy of technology are long-standing and widespread. This article explores why the use of certain technologies is perceived to be obligatory, thus fueling the fatalism of technological determinism and undermining our sense of freedom vis-a-vis the use of technologies. Three main mechanisms that…

  3. Sensemaking technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Charlotte Øland

    Research objective: The object of the LOK research project is to gain a better understanding of the technological strategic processes in organisations by using the concept/metaphor of sensemaking. The project will investigate the technological strategies in organisations in order to gain a deeper...... understanding of the cognitive competencies and barriers towards implementing new technology in organisations. The research will therefore concentrate on researching the development process in the organisation's perception of the external environmental elements of customers, suppliers, competitors, internal...... and external technology and legislation and the internal environmental elements of structure, power relations and political arenas. All of these variables have influence on which/how technologies are implemented thus creating different outcomes all depending on the social dynamics that are triggered by changes...

  4. Conventional Oil and Gas Technologies. IEA ETSAP technology brief P01

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seljom, Pernille [IFE (Norway)], E-mail:


    This technology brief on conventional oil and gas technologies is part of a series produced by the IEA ETSAP agreement called the energy technology data source (E-Tech-DS). The E-Tech-DS series consists of a number of 5-10 page technology briefs similar to the IEA Energy Technology Essentials. Based on the data collected for the models that the Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme (ETSAP) is known for, ETSAP also prepares technology briefs, called E-TechDS. The E-TechDS briefs are standardized presentations of basic information (process, status, performance, costs, potential, and barriers) for key energy technology clusters. Each brief includes an overview of the technology, charts and graphs, and a summary data table, and usually ending with some key references and further information. The E TechDS briefs are intended to offer essential, reliable and quantitative information to energy analysts, experts, policymakers, investors and media from both developed and developing countries. This specific brief focuses on the state of oil and gas exploration, development, and production/recovery technologies.

  5. Science, technology, and pedagogy: Exploring secondary science teachers' effective uses of technology (United States)

    Guzey, Siddika Selcen

    Technology has become a vital part of our professional and personal lives. Today we cannot imagine living without many technological tools such as computers. For the last two decades technology has become inseparable from several areas, such as science. However, it has not been fully integrated into the field of education. The integration of technology in teaching and learning is still challenging even though there has been a historical growth of Internet access and available technology tools in schools (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2006). Most teachers have not incorporated technology into their teaching for various reasons such as lack of knowledge of educational technology tools and having unfavorable beliefs about the effectiveness of technology on student learning. In this study, three beginning science teachers who have achieved successful technology integration were followed to investigate how their beliefs, knowledge, and identity contribute to their uses of technology in their classroom instruction. Extensive classroom observations and interviews were conducted. The findings demonstrate that the participating teachers are all intrinsically motivated to use technology in their teaching and this motivation allows them to enjoy using technology in their instruction and keeps them engaged in technology use. These teachers use a variety of technology tools in their instruction while also allowing students to use them, and they posit a belief set in favor of technology. The major findings of the study are displayed in a model which indicates that teachers' use of technology in classroom instruction was constructed jointly by their technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge; identity; beliefs; and the resources that are available to them and that the internalization of the technology use comes from reflection. The study has implications for teachers, teacher educators, and school administrators for successful technology

  6. Mini Technology Manual for Schools: An Introduction to Technology Integration (United States)

    Grismore, Brian A.


    The purpose of this manual is to assist school leaders in beginning or developing the use of educational technology within their school or district. The manual covers topics: 1) advantages of educational technology; 2) types of technology used for learning and teaching; 3) how to make good decisions about the use of technology in schools; 4) the…

  7. Evaluating Technology Resistance and Technology Satisfaction on Students' Performance (United States)

    Norzaidi, Mohd Daud; Salwani, Mohamed Intan


    Purpose: Using the extended task-technology fit (TTF) model, this paper aims to examine technology resistance, technology satisfaction and internet usage on students' performance. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Johor, Malaysia and questionnaires were distributed to 354 undergraduate students.…

  8. Digital Actuator Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ken Thomas; Ted Quinn; Jerry Mauck; Richard Bockhorst


    There are significant developments underway in new types of actuators for power plant active components. Many of these make use of digital technology to provide a wide array of benefits in performance of the actuators and in reduced burden to maintain them. These new product offerings have gained considerable acceptance in use in process plants. In addition, they have been used in conventional power generation very successfully. This technology has been proven to deliver the benefits promised and substantiate the claims of improved performance. The nuclear industry has been reluctant to incorporate digital actuator technology into nuclear plant designs due to concerns due to a number of concerns. These could be summarized as cost, regulatory uncertainty, and a certain comfort factor with legacy analog technology. The replacement opportunity for these types of components represents a decision point for whether to invest in more modern technology that would provide superior operational and maintenance benefits. Yet, the application of digital technology has been problematic for the nuclear industry, due to qualification and regulatory issues. With some notable exceptions, the result has been a continuing reluctance to undertake the risks and uncertainties of implementing digital actuator technology when replacement opportunities present themselves. Rather, utilities would typically prefer to accept the performance limitations of the legacy analog actuator technologies to avoid impacts to project costs and schedules. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the benefits of digital actuator technology can be significant in terms of plant performance and that it is worthwhile to address the barriers currently holding back the widespread development and use of this technology. It addresses two important objectives in pursuit of the beneficial use of digital actuator technology for nuclear power plants: 1. To demonstrate the benefits of digital actuator

  9. Technology as a Time Challenge: Study, Concept and Types of Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vadim M. Rozin


    Full Text Available In the article divorce the concepts of engineering and technology. Designated four stages of technological development: the fi rst phase — “pilot technique”, it is characterized by magical conceptualization, the second — engineering (rational conceptualization, third design, fourth technology. For technical equipment is characterized by four features: technology is the artifacts, the technique can be considered as a “social body” of a person or society, technology is a useful way to use the forces of nature, and fi nally, the mediation in the form of tools, machines, and material environment that allows you to implement the ideas of man. It is argued that the conceptualization of technology is the essential characteristic of the concept. If you write, for example, about the technology of the Neolithic age or era of construction of the Egyptian pyramids, then we are talking about retrospective interpretation, from the point of view of modern understanding of technology. It’s not useless, for example, to determine preconditions of formation technology, but in terms of thinking creates problems and contradictions. The author argues that technology develops in the second half of the eighteenth century as a new reality, which describes the industrial activities in language operations and their conditions of division of labor and management. At the same time, technology is being characterized by the installation of quality, savings, standardization, and rational description of the production processes, their optimization for the training of new technologists. Discusses three stages of development of the technology and features of the main types of technology: production technology, engineering, large techno-social projects, global technology. Considering the author and the conditions of the development of new technologies. These include “technological zone of proximal development”, as well as two situation — relevant issues and

  10. Decontamination and decommissioning technology tree and the current status of the technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Won Zin; Won, H.J.; Kim, G.N.; Lee, K.W.; Chol, W.K.; Jung, C.H.; Kim, C.J.; Kim, S.H.; Kwon, S.O.; Chung, C.M


    A technology tree diagram was developed on the basis of the necessary technologies applicable to the decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The technology tree diagram is consist of 6 main areas such as characterization, decontamination, decommissioning and remote technology, radwaste management, site restoration, and decommissioning plan and engineering. Characterization is divided into 4 regions such as sampling and data collection, general characterization, chemical analysis and radiological analysis. Decontamination is also divided into 4 regions such as chemical decontamination, mechanical decontamination, the other decontamination technologies and new decontamination technologies. Decommissioning and remote technology area is divided into 4 regions such as cutting techniques, decommissioning technologies, new developing technologies and remote technologies. Radwaste management area is divided into 5 regions such as solid waste treatment, sludge treatment, liquid waste treatment, gas waste treatment and thermal treatment. Site restoration area is divided into 3 regions such as the evaluation of site contamination, soil decontamination and ground water decontamination. Finally, permission, decommissioning process, cost evaluation, quality assurance and the estimation of radionuclide inventory were mentioned in the decommissioning plan and engineering area. The estimated items for each technology are applicable domestic D and D facilities, D and D problem area and contamination/requirement, classification of D and D technology, similar technology, principle and overview of technology, status, science technology needs, implementation needs, reference and contact point.

  11. Decontamination and decommissioning technology tree and the current status of the technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Won Zin; Won, H. J.; Kim, G. N.; Lee, K. W.; Chol, W. K.; Jung, C. H.; Kim, C. J.; Kim, S. H.; Kwon, S. O.; Chung, C. M.


    A technology tree diagram was developed on the basis of the necessary technologies applicable to the decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The technology tree diagram is consist of 6 main areas such as characterization, decontamination, decommissioning and remote technology, radwaste management, site restoration, and decommissioning plan and engineering. Characterization is divided into 4 regions such as sampling and data collection, general characterization, chemical analysis and radiological analysis. Decontamination is also divided into 4 regions such as chemical decontamination, mechanical decontamination, the other decontamination technologies and new decontamination technologies. Decommissioning and remote technology area is divided into 4 regions such as cutting techniques, decommissioning technologies, new developing technologies and remote technologies. Radwaste management area is divided into 5 regions such as solid waste treatment, sludge treatment, liquid waste treatment, gas waste treatment and thermal treatment. Site restoration area is divided into 3 regions such as the evaluation of site contamination, soil decontamination and ground water decontamination. Finally, permission, decommissioning process, cost evaluation, quality assurance and the estimation of radionuclide inventory were mentioned in the decommissioning plan and engineering area. The estimated items for each technology are applicable domestic D and D facilities, D and D problem area and contamination/requirement, classification of D and D technology, similar technology, principle and overview of technology, status, science technology needs, implementation needs, reference and contact point

  12. Technological Determinism in Educational Technology Research: Some Alternative Ways of Thinking about the Relationship between Learning and Technology (United States)

    Oliver, M.


    This paper argues that research on the educational uses of technology frequently overemphasizes the influence of technology. Research in the field is considered a form of critical perspective, and assumptions about technology are questioned. Technological determinism is introduced, and different positions on this concept are identified. These are…



    BASING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OBJECTIVE – DEMONSTRATION; SELECTED TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT by Gregg J. Gildea Paul D. Carpenter Benjamin J...Campbell William F. Harris* Michael A. McCluskey** and José A. Miletti*** *General Dynamics Information Technology Fairfax, VA 22030 **Maneuver...SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OBJECTIVE – DEMONSTRATION; SELECTED TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT


    The use of innovative technology is impeded by the lack of independent, credible information as to how the technology performs. Such data is needed by technology buyers and regulatory decision makers to make informed decisions on technologies that represent good financial invest...

  15. Cooperative technology development: An approach to advancing energy technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stern, T.


    Technology development requires an enormous financial investment over a long period of time. Scarce national and corporate resources, the result of highly competitive markets, decreased profit margins, wide currency fluctuations, and growing debt, often preclude continuous development of energy technology by single entities, i.e., corporations, institutions, or nations. Although the energy needs of the developed world are generally being met by existing institutions, it is becoming increasingly clear that existing capital formation and technology transfer structures have failed to aid developing nations in meeting their growing electricity needs. This paper will describe a method for meeting the electricity needs of the developing world through technology transfer and international cooperative technology development. The role of nuclear power and the advanced passive plant design will be discussed. (author)

  16. Technology and Nursing


    Maria Vera Lúcia Moreira Leitão Cardoso


    In the present age we cannot disassociate from emerging issues, which involve science, communication, health and technology, the influence of media, technological advances, and the use of computers in all spheres of life. The concepts created for technology cover various evaluation approaches, which depend upon which type of technology, approaches, usefulness and influences in a particular area of knowledge. Technological advances cover several areas, figuring quantum physics, nanotechnology,...

  17. Modeling technological learning and its application for clean coal technologies in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakata, Toshihiko; Sato, Takemi; Wang, Hao; Kusunoki, Tomoya; Furubayashi, Takaaki


    Estimating technological progress of emerging technologies such as renewables and clean coal technologies becomes important for designing low carbon energy systems in future and drawing effective energy policies. Learning curve is an analytical approach for describing the decline rate of cost and production caused by technological progress as well as learning. In the study, a bottom-up energy-economic model including an endogenous technological learning function has been designed. The model deals with technological learning in energy conversion technologies and its spillover effect. It is applied as a feasibility study of clean coal technologies such as IGCC (Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle) and IGFC (Integrated Coal Gasification Fuel Cell System) in Japan. As the results of analysis, it is found that technological progress by learning has a positive impact on the penetration of clean coal technologies in the electricity market, and the learning model has a potential for assessing upcoming technologies in future.

  18. Sustainability of University Technology Transfer: Mediating Effect of Inventor’s Technology Service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fang Li


    Full Text Available Based on the perspective of knowledge transfer and the technology acceptance model (TAM, this paper constructs a university technology transfer sustainable development model that considers the inventor’s technology service from the perspective of the long-term cooperation of enterprise, and analyzes the mediating effect of the inventor’s technology service on university technology transfer sustainability. By using 270 questionnaires as survey data, it is found that the availability of an inventor’s technology service has a significant positive impact on the attitude tendency and practice tendency of enterprise long-term technological cooperation; enterprise technology absorption capacity and trust between a university and an enterprise also have significant influence on an inventor’s technical service availability. Therefore, the inventor’s technology service acts as a mediator in the relationship between university technology transfer sustainability and influence factors. Universities ought to establish the technology transfer model, which focuses on the inventor’s tacit knowledge transfer service, and promotes the sustainable development of the university.

  19. Technology '90

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories have a long history of excellence in performing research and development in a number of areas, including the basic sciences, applied-energy technology, and weapons-related technology. Although technology transfer has always been an element of DOE and laboratory activities, it has received increasing emphasis in recent years as US industrial competitiveness has eroded and efforts have increased to better utilize the research and development resources the laboratories provide. This document, Technology '90, is the latest in a series that is intended to communicate some of the many opportunities available for US industry and universities to work with the DOE and its laboratories in the vital activity of improving technology transfer to meet national needs. Technology '90 is divided into three sections: Overview, Technologies, and Laboratories. The Overview section describes the activities and accomplishments of the DOE research and development program offices. The Technologies section provides descriptions of new technologies developed at the DOE laboratories. The Laboratories section presents information on the missions, programs, and facilities of each laboratory, along with a name and telephone number of a technology transfer contact for additional information. Separate papers were prepared for appropriate sections of this report.

  20. FY-95 technology catalog. Technology development for buried waste remediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The US Department of Energy's (DOE) Buried Waste Integrated Demonstration (BWID) program, which is now part of the Landfill Stabilization Focus Area (LSFA), supports applied research, development, demonstration, and evaluation of a multitude of advanced technologies dealing with underground radioactive and hazardous waste remediation. These innovative technologies are being developed as part of integrated comprehensive remediation systems for the effective and efficient remediation of buried waste sites throughout the DOE complex. These efforts are identified and coordinated in support of Environmental Restoration (EM-40) and Waste Management (EM-30) needs and objectives. Sponsored by the DOE Office of Technology Development (EM-50), BWID and LSFA work with universities and private industry to develop technologies that are being transferred to the private sector for use nationally and internationally. This report contains the details of the purpose, logic, and methodology used to develop and demonstrate DOE buried waste remediation technologies. It also provides a catalog of technologies and capabilities with development status for potential users. Past FY-92 through FY-94 technology testing, field trials, and demonstrations are summarized. Continuing and new FY-95 technology demonstrations also are described

  1. FY-95 technology catalog. Technology development for buried waste remediation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The US Department of Energy`s (DOE) Buried Waste Integrated Demonstration (BWID) program, which is now part of the Landfill Stabilization Focus Area (LSFA), supports applied research, development, demonstration, and evaluation of a multitude of advanced technologies dealing with underground radioactive and hazardous waste remediation. These innovative technologies are being developed as part of integrated comprehensive remediation systems for the effective and efficient remediation of buried waste sites throughout the DOE complex. These efforts are identified and coordinated in support of Environmental Restoration (EM-40) and Waste Management (EM-30) needs and objectives. Sponsored by the DOE Office of Technology Development (EM-50), BWID and LSFA work with universities and private industry to develop technologies that are being transferred to the private sector for use nationally and internationally. This report contains the details of the purpose, logic, and methodology used to develop and demonstrate DOE buried waste remediation technologies. It also provides a catalog of technologies and capabilities with development status for potential users. Past FY-92 through FY-94 technology testing, field trials, and demonstrations are summarized. Continuing and new FY-95 technology demonstrations also are described.

  2. Technology cycles and technology revolutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paganetto, Luigi; Scandizzo, Pasquale Lucio


    Technological cycles have been characterized as the basis of long and continuous periods economic growth through sustained changes in total factor productivity. While this hypothesis is in part consistent with several theories of growth, the sheer magnitude and length of the economic revolutions experienced by humankind seems to indicate surmise that more attention should be given to the origin of major technological and economic changes, with reference to one crucial question: role of production and use of energy in economic development.

  3. Mars Technology Program: Planetary Protection Technology Development (United States)

    Lin, Ying


    This slide presentation reviews the development of Planetary Protection Technology in the Mars Technology Program. The goal of the program is to develop technologies that will enable NASA to build, launch, and operate a mission that has subsystems with different Planetary Protection (PP) classifications, specifically for operating a Category IVb-equivalent subsystem from a Category IVa platform. The IVa category of planetary protection requires bioburden reduction (i.e., no sterilization is required) The IVb category in addition to IVa requirements: (i.e., terminal sterilization of spacecraft is required). The differences between the categories are further reviewed.

  4. This damned technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steinbuch, K.


    Technology is not an end in itself, but a means to an end for human existence. If it does not serve this purpose it must be adapted or changed. Criticism of technology is necessary in view of the various positive and negative consequences of technology, it must however be based on judgement and sense of responsibility. It is however often claimed that technology and industry are the tools of the evil and that the technical intelligentsia do not feel responsible for psychological, social and political consequences of their doing. By contributions of several authors and of different periods this book elucidates the often grotesque contradictions between demagogic accusation of technology and the reality of technology; this book presents principal considerations on an acceptable assessment of technology. (HSCH) [de

  5. Technology-Use Mediation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bansler, Jørgen P.; Havn, Erling C.


    This study analyzes how a group of ‘mediators’ in a large, multinational company adapted a computer-mediated communication technology (a ‘virtual workspace’) to the organizational context (and vice versa) by modifying features of the technology, providing ongoing support for users, and promoting...... appropriate conventions of use. Our findings corroborate earlier research on technology-use mediation, which suggests that such mediators can exert considerable influence on how a particular technology will be established and used in an organization. However, this study also indicates that the process...... of technology-use mediation is more complex and indeterminate than earlier literature suggests. In particular, we want to draw attention to the fact that advanced computer-mediated communication technologies are equivocal and that technology-use mediation consequently requires ongoing sensemaking (Weick 1995)....

  6. Key technologies book

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this book can be found all the useful information on the French industry key technologies of the years 2000-2005. 136 technologies at the junction of the science advances and of the markets expectations are divided into 9 sectors. Among them, only 4 are interesting here: the environment, the transports, the materials and the energy. In 1995, the secretary's office of State for industry has published a first synthesis book on these key technologies. This 1997 new key technologies book extends and completes the initial study. For each key technology, an encyclopedic sheet is given. Each sheet combines thus some exact and practical information on: advance state of the technology, market characteristics, development forecasts, occupation and involved sectors, technology acquisition cost, research programs but also contacts of the main concerned efficiency poles. (O.M.)

  7. Hackers against technology: Critique and recuperation in technological cycles. (United States)



    I offer an interpretation of hackers' technological choices through a theoretical framework of critique and recuperation in technological cycles, building on prior research that brings the pragmatic sociology of Boltanski and Chiapello to bear on matters in Science and Technology Studies. I argue that contextualizing technology choices in the development of capitalism through innovation illuminates their political significance. I start with the counterintuitive observation that some browser extensions popular with hackers, like RequestPolicy, make it considerably harder for them to look at websites. This observation showcases the Luddite aspects of hackerdom, in that they are willing to 'break' popular websites that would otherwise cheat on the user. In line with an undercurrent of hacker studies, in this case study I find hackers fighting technological progress they see as social decline.

  8. The World of Microbes 2002: scientific advances and challenges--impressions and highlights from the 12th Congress of Virology. (United States)

    Becker, Yechiel


    Thousands of scientists participated in the World of Microbes Congress, which was organized by the International Union of the Microbiological Societies (IUMS) and took place in the Palais de Congres in Paris, France from 27 July to 1 August 2002. The attendees were members of the IUMS divisions of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, Mycology, and Virology. In addition to the symposia that were organized by each division, joined plenary symposia were held, which encompassed subjects of common interest to all microbiologists. The activities at the 12th Congress of Virology's plenary lectures, symposia, and poster sessions were organized to accommodate the presentation of over 1500 presentations. These brief comments are aimed to provide a sample of only a few presentations that dealt with subjects of emerging and re-emerging virus diseases, which are of general interest.

  9. Search Technologies | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Our team of technology transfer specialists has specialized training in invention reporting, patenting, patent strategy, executing technology transfer agreements and marketing. TTC is comprised of professionals with diverse legal, scientific, and business/marketing expertise. Most of our staff hold doctorate-level technical and/or legal training.

  10. Available Technologies | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Our team of technology transfer specialists has specialized training in invention reporting, patenting, patent strategy, executing technology transfer agreements and marketing. TTC is comprised of professionals with diverse legal, scientific, and business/marketing expertise. Most of our staff hold doctorate-level technical and/or legal training.

  11. On technology blending.


    Rosenberg N


    ILO pub-WEP pub. Working paper on the blending of traditional technology and technological change in developing countries - argues that choice of technology should be compatible with labour intensive requirements and local level management and economic conditions; considers employment creation and economic implications; concludes that technology transfer should be selective. References.

  12. Different Perspectives on Technology Acceptance: The Role of Technology Type and Age (United States)

    Arning, Katrin; Ziefle, Martina

    Although eHealth technologies offer an enormous potential to improve healthcare, the knowledge about key determinants of acceptance for eHealth technology is restricted. While the underlying technology of eHealth technologies and Information and Communication technology (ICT) is quite similar, utilization contexts and using motives are quite different. In order to explore the role of technology type on acceptance, we contrasted central application characteristics of both technology types using the scenario technique. A questionnaire was administered (n = 104) measuring individual variables (age, gender) and attitudes regarding an eHealth application (blood sugar meter) in contrast to an ICT device (Personal Digital Assistant, PDA). Older users basically approved the utilization of health-related technologies and perceived lower usability barriers. In addition, we identified main utilization motives of eHealth technology and technology-specific acceptance patterns, especially regarding issues of data safety in the eHealth context. Effects of age and gender in acceptance ratings suggest a differential perspective on eHealth acceptance. Finally, practical interventions were derived in order to support eHealth device design and to promote acceptance of eHealth technology.

  13. Technology transfer and development: a preliminary look at Chinese technology in Guyana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Long, F


    Technology is regarded as a vital ingredient for development. Since developing countries can hardly fill their technological requirements indigenously, such countries tend to acquire the bulk of technology applied to their production systems from abroad. However, the transfer of technology tends to be associated with a series of problems: foreign exchange, inappropriateness, the generation of limited inter-sectorial linkages, limited use of raw materials, and other inputs associated with technology dependency. The study points to the fact that technology transfer need not necessarily be associated with the disadvantages identified in the literature. The study which essentially looks at the use of Chinese technology in clay-brick manufacturing in Guyana, shows that the country was able to reap several development benefits from the technology-transfer arrangement. At the same time, certain problems arising from the technology-transfer package such as the transfer of critical skills in key areas of production, and maintenance and servicing, are discussed. But these, the author argues, are not a function of restrictive conditions found in technology-transfer clauses, but rather of improper technology-transfer management. 2 tables.

  14. Technological risks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klinke, A.; Renn, O.


    The empirical part about the technological risks deals with different technologies: nuclear energy, early warning systems of nuclear weapons and NBC-weapons, and electromagnetic fields. The potential of damage, the contemporary management strategies and the relevant characteristics will be described for each technology: risks of nuclear energy; risks of early warning systems of nuclear weapons and NBC-weapons; risks of electromagnetic fields. (authors)

  15. Technological risks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klinke, A.; Renn, O. [Center of Technology Assessment in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart (Germany)


    The empirical part about the technological risks deals with different technologies: nuclear energy, early warning systems of nuclear weapons and NBC-weapons, and electromagnetic fields. The potential of damage, the contemporary management strategies and the relevant characteristics will be described for each technology: risks of nuclear energy; risks of early warning systems of nuclear weapons and NBC-weapons; risks of electromagnetic fields. (authors)

  16. Inter-technology knowledge spillovers for energy technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemet, Gregory F.


    Both anecdotal evidence and the innovation literature indicate that important advances in energy technology have made use of knowledge originating in other technological areas. This study uses the set of U.S. patents granted from 1976 to 2006 to assess the role of knowledge acquired from outside each energy patent's technological classification. It identifies the effect of external knowledge on the forward citation frequency of energy patents. The results support the claim above. Regression coefficients on citations to external prior art are positive and significant. Further, the effect of external citations is significantly larger than that of other types of citations. Conversely, citations to prior art that is technologically near have a negative effect on forward citation frequency. These results are robust across several alternative specifications and definitions of whether each flow of knowledge is external. Important energy patents have drawn heavily from external prior art categorized as chemical, electronics, and electrical; they cite very little prior art from computers, communications, and medical inventions.

  17. Technology in the Montessori Classroom: Teachers' Beliefs and Technology Use (United States)

    Jones, Sara J.


    As technology becomes ubiquitous in society, there is increasing momentum to incorporate it into education. Montessori education is not immune to this push for technology integration. This qualitative study investigates four Upper Elementary Montessori teachers' attitudes toward technology and technology integration in a public school setting.…

  18. 2017 Technology Showcase | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The 2017 Technology Showcase is an inaugural, half-day event showcased technologies developed by the National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR).

  19. Technology in geriatrics. (United States)

    Pilotto, Alberto; Boi, Raffaella; Petermans, Jean


    Recently, the interest of industry, government agencies and healthcare professionals in technology for aging people has increased. The challenge is whether technology may play a role in enhancing independence and quality of life and in reducing individual and societal costs of caring. Information and communication technologies, i.e. tools aimed at communicating and informing, assistive technologies designed to maintain older peoples' independence and increasing safety, and human-computer interaction technologies for supporting older people with motility and cognitive impairments as humanoid robots, exoskeletons, rehabilitation robots, service robots and companion-type are interdisciplinary topics both in research and in clinical practice. The most promising clinical applications of technologies are housing and safety to guarantee older people remaining in their own homes and communities, mobility and rehabilitation to improve mobility and gait and communication and quality of life by reducing isolation, improve management of medications and transportation. Many factors impair a broad use of technology in older age, including psychosocial and ethical issues, costs and fear of losing human interaction. A substantial lack of appropriate clinical trials to establish the clinical role of technologies to improve physical or cognitive performances and/or quality of life of subjects and their caregivers may suggest that the classical biomedical research model may not be the optimal choice to evaluate technologies in older people. In conclusion, successful technology development requires a great effort in interdisciplinary collaboration to integrate technologies into the existing health and social service systems with the aim to fit into the older adults' everyday life.


    The CURE electrocoagulation technology was demonstrated under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS), where water from the solar evaporation ponds (SEPs) was contaminat...

  1. Technology transfer and commercialization of in situ vitrification technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, L.D.; Hansen, J.E.


    In situ vitrification (ISV) technology was conceived and an initial proof-of-principle test was conducted in 1980 by Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) at Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). The technology was rapidly developed through bench, engineering pilot, and large scales in the following years. In 1986, DOE granted rights to the basic ISV patent to Battelle in exchange for a commitment to commercialize the technology. Geosafe Corporation was established as the operating entity to accomplish the commercialization objective. This paper describes and provides status information on the technology transfer and commercialization effort

  2. When technology, science and culture meet: insights from ancient Chinese technology (United States)

    Lee, Yeung Chung


    This paper draws together two important agendas in science education. The first is making science education more inclusive such that students from non-Western or indigenous cultures can benefit from culturally relevant curricula. The second is integrating technology into the curriculum under the umbrella of Science-Technology-Society (STS) education to embrace the social aspects of science, with technology serving as a bridge. The advancement of the first agenda is hindered by the pursuance by both Western and non-Western societies of narrow cultural and practical goals without considering the development of science and technology from a cross-cultural perspective. The second agenda is limited by the misconception that technology is applied science, leading to the exclusion from STS discussions of pre-science or indigenous technologies developed by non-Western cultures. Through selected case studies of the evolution of Chinese traditional technologies and their interaction with science, this paper offers a perspective from the Far East, and argues for situating culturally responsive science education in broader historical and cross-cultural contexts to acknowledge the multi-cultural contributions to science and technology. A form of cross-cultural STS education is advanced, encompassing the cultural basis of technological developments, technology diffusion, interactions of traditional technology with science, and the potential development of traditional or indigenous technologies. This approach provides a bridge between the existing universal science education paradigm promoted in the West and the different forms of multi-cultural education advocated by indigenous science educators. To translate theory into practice, a conceptual framework is proposed in which the essential transdisciplinary knowledge base, curricular goals, and pedagogical approaches are embedded.

  3. The Human Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent

     Bent Fausing  "The Humane Technology", abstract (for The Two Cultures: Balancing Choices and Effects Oxford University July 20-26, 2008). The paper will investigate the use of technology in everyday aesthetics such as TV-commercials for mobile phones for Nokia, which slogan is, as it is well known......, "Nokia - connecting people". Which function does this technology get in narratives, images, interactions and affects here?      The mobile phone and its digital camera are depicted as being able to make a unique human presence and interaction. The medium, the technology is a necessary helper to get...... towards this very special and lost humanity. Without the technology, no special humanity is the prophecy. This personification or anthropomorphism is important for the branding of new technology. The technology is seen as creating a technotranscendens towards a more qualified humanity, which is in contact...

  4. Physics and high technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shao Liqin; Ma Junru.


    At present, the development of high technology has opened a new chapter in world's history of science and technology. This review describes the great impact of physics on high technology in six different fields (energy technology, new materials, information technology, biotechnology, space technology, and Ocean technology). It is shown that the new concepts and new methods created in physics and the special conditions and measurements established for physics researches not only deepen human's knowledge about nature but also point out new directions for engineering and technology. The achievements in physics have been more and more applied to high technology, while the development of high technology has explored some new research areas and raised many novel, important projects for physics. Therefore, it is important for us to strengthen the research on these major problems in physics

  5. Advanced manufacturing: Technology diffusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tesar, A.


    In this paper we examine how manufacturing technology diffuses rom the developers of technology across national borders to those who do not have the capability or resources to develop advanced technology on their own. None of the wide variety of technology diffusion mechanisms discussed in this paper are new, yet the opportunities to apply these mechanisms are growing. A dramatic increase in technology diffusion occurred over the last decade. The two major trends which probably drive this increase are a worldwide inclination towards ``freer`` markets and diminishing isolation. Technology is most rapidly diffusing from the US In fact, the US is supplying technology for the rest of the world. The value of the technology supplied by the US more than doubled from 1985 to 1992 (see the Introduction for details). History shows us that technology diffusion is inevitable. It is the rates at which technologies diffuse to other countries which can vary considerably. Manufacturers in these countries are increasingly able to absorb technology. Their manufacturing efficiency is expected to progress as technology becomes increasingly available and utilized.

  6. The Western Environmental Technology Office (WETO), Butte, Montana, technology summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document has been prepared by the DOE Environmental Management (EM) Office of Technology Development (OTD) to highlight its research, development, demonstration, testing, and evaluation activities funded through the Western Environmental Technology Office (WETO) in Butte, Montana. Technologies and processes described have the potential to enhance DOE's cleanup and waste management efforts, as well as improve US industry's competitiveness in global environmental markets. WETO's environmental technology research and testing activities focus on the recovery of useable resources from waste. Environmental technology development and commercialization activities will focus on mine cleanup, waste treatment, resource recovery, and water resource management. Since the site has no record of radioactive material use and no history of environmental contamination/remediation activities, DOE-EM can concentrate on performing developmental and demonstration activities without the demands of regulatory requirements and schedules. Thus, WETO will serve as a national resource for the development of new and innovative environmental technologies

  7. Electron Beam Technology and Other Irradiation Technology Applications in the Food Industry. (United States)

    Pillai, Suresh D; Shayanfar, Shima


    Food irradiation is over 100 years old, with the original patent for X-ray treatment of foods being issued in early 1905, 20 years after there discovery by W. C. Roentgen in 1885. Since then, food irradiation technology has become one of the most extensively studied food processing technologies in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, it is the one of the most misunderstood technologies with the result that there are rampant misunderstandings of the core technology, the ideal applications, and how to use it effectively to derive the maximum benefits. There are a number of books, book chapters, and review articles that provide overviews of this technology [25, 32, 36, 39]. Over the last decade or so, the technology has come into greater focus because many of the other pathogen intervention technologies have been unable to provide sustainable solutions on how to address pathogen contamination in foods. The uniqueness of food irradiation is that this technology is a non-thermal food processing technology, which unto itself is a clear high-value differentiator from other competing technologies.

  8. Emerging Technologies Integrating Technology into Study Abroad (United States)

    Godwin-Jones, Robert


    "Ready access to travel and to technology-enhanced social networking (e.g., Facebook or Skype) has changed the nature of study abroad to the point where today's experiences are fundamentally different from those of earlier eras" (Kinginger, 2013a, p. 345). In addition to more travel options and greater technology availability, study…

  9. Army Technology (United States)


    that allows them to perform applied research under the Institute for Biotechnology research team 1 2 3 20 | ARMY TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE ...DASA(R&T) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology Download the magazine , view online or read each individual story with...Army photo by Conrad Johnson) Front and back cover designs by Joe Stephens EXECUTIVE DEPUTY TO THE COMMANDING GENERAL Army Technology Magazine is an

  10. Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program: Technology summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the Characterization, Monitoring, and Sensor Technology Crosscutting Program (CMST-CP) is to deliver appropriate characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology (CMST) to the Office of Waste Management (EM-30), the Office of Environmental Restoration (EM-40), and the Office of Facility Transition and Management (EM-60). The technology development must also be cost effective and appropriate to EM-30/40/60 needs. Furthermore, the required technologies must be delivered and implemented when needed. Accordingly, and to ensure that available DOE and other national resources are focused an the most pressing needs, management of the technology development is concentrated on the following Focus Areas: Contaminant Plume Containment and Remediation (PFA); Landfill Stabilization (LSFA); High-Level Waste Tank Remediation (TFA); Mixed Waste Characterization, Treatment, and Disposal (MWFA); and Facility Deactivation, Decommissioning, and Material Disposition (FDDMDFA). Brief descriptions of CMST-CP projects funded in FY95 are presented

  11. Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program: Technology summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the Characterization, Monitoring, and Sensor Technology Crosscutting Program (CMST-CP) is to deliver appropriate characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology (CMST) to the Office of Waste Management (EM-30), the Office of Environmental Restoration (EM-40), and the Office of Facility Transition and Management (EM-60). The technology development must also be cost effective and appropriate to EM-30/40/60 needs. Furthermore, the required technologies must be delivered and implemented when needed. Accordingly, and to ensure that available DOE and other national resources are focused an the most pressing needs, management of the technology development is concentrated on the following Focus Areas: Contaminant Plume Containment and Remediation (PFA); Landfill Stabilization (LSFA); High-Level Waste Tank Remediation (TFA); Mixed Waste Characterization, Treatment, and Disposal (MWFA); and Facility Deactivation, Decommissioning, and Material Disposition (FDDMDFA). Brief descriptions of CMST-CP projects funded in FY95 are presented.

  12. Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) multibeam antenna technology verification experiments (United States)

    Acosta, Roberto J.; Larko, Jeffrey M.; Lagin, Alan R.


    The Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) is a key to reaching NASA's goal of developing high-risk, advanced communications technology using multiple frequency bands to support the nation's future communication needs. Using the multiple, dynamic hopping spot beams, and advanced on board switching and processing systems, ACTS will open a new era in communications satellite technology. One of the key technologies to be validated as part of the ACTS program is the multibeam antenna with rapidly reconfigurable hopping and fixed spot beam to serve users equipped with small-aperature terminals within the coverage areas. The proposed antenna technology experiments are designed to evaluate in-orbit ACTS multibeam antenna performance (radiation pattern, gain, cross pol levels, etc.).

  13. Institutionalized Technological Foresight

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Christian; Hansen, Hans Henrik; Stissing Jensen, Jens


    , and they become dependent of national and other institutional foresights. Since 2000 the Danish ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has tendered nine technology foresights. These could be used by SMEs as supplementary to internal decision making. One also expects to see these foresights placed firmly...... in the national strategy of coordinating and strengthening policy on research, technology and innovation in one superministry. The paper evaluates the methods, impact and role in policy making of these technological foresights. The particular role of institutionalized public foresight in relation to enterprise......Technology and knowledge monitoring is a continual challenge especially for small and medium size enterprises. Technological foresight seemingly offers important parts of this crucial monitoring. The SMEs rarely possess sufficient resources to do systematic foresights, or forecasts however...

  14. Rover Technologies (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Develop and mature rover technologies supporting robotic exploration including rover design, controlling rovers over time delay and for exploring . Technology...


    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program evaluates the performance of innovative air, water, pollution prevention and monitoring technologies that have the potential to improve human health and the environment. This techno...

  16. NASA Technology Transfer System (United States)

    Tran, Peter B.; Okimura, Takeshi


    NTTS is the IT infrastructure for the Agency's Technology Transfer (T2) program containing 60,000+ technology portfolio supporting all ten NASA field centers and HQ. It is the enterprise IT system for facilitating the Agency's technology transfer process, which includes reporting of new technologies (e.g., technology invention disclosures NF1679), protecting intellectual properties (e.g., patents), and commercializing technologies through various technology licenses, software releases, spinoffs, and success stories using custom built workflow, reporting, data consolidation, integration, and search engines.

  17. LIEKKI 2 - Combustion technology is environmental technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hupa, M. [Aabo Akademi, Turku (Finland)


    Finland has wide experience in applications of various combustion technologies and fuels and in supplying energy to industry and municipalities. Furthermore, combustion hardware and equipment are amongst our most important export products. Above all, fluidized bed boilers, recovery boilers for pulp mills and heavy diesel engines and diesel power plants have achieved excellent success in the world markets. Exports of these products alone have amounted to several billions of Finnish marks of annual sales in recent years. Within modern combustion technology, the objective is to control flue gas emissions as far as possible in the process itself, thus doing away with the need for the separate scrubbing of flue gases. To accomplish this it has been necessary to conduct a large amount of research on the details of the chemistry of combustion emissions and the flows in furnaces and engine cylinders. A host of completely new products are being developed for the combustion technology field. The LIEKKI programme has been particularly interested in so-called combined-cycle processes based on pressurized fluidized bed technology

  18. Technology Strategy for 'Environmental Technology for the Future'; Technology Target Areas; TTA1 - environmental technology for the future

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The OG21 Technology Target Area 1 (TTA 1) group has produced a strategy for 'Environmental Technology for the Future'. A key aim of this work is to ensure that the operators on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) remain in a leading position with respect to environmental performance, while contributing to optimised resource recovery and value creation. This strategy focuses on environmental technology, which includes hardware, methods, software and knowledge. The TTA 1 group has agreed on a common vision: 'Norwegian oil and gas activities shall be leading in environmental performance, and Norway shall have the world leading knowledge and technology cluster within environmental technologies to support the zero harmful impact goals of the oil and gas industry.' Priorities have been made with emphasis on gaps that are considered most important to close and that will benefit from public research and development funding either for initialisation (primarily via the Petromaks and Climit programs) or acceleration (via Petromaks / Climit and particularly Demo 2000 where demonstration or piloting is required). The priorities aim to avoid technology gaps that are expected to be closed adequately through existing projects / programs or which are covered in other TTA strategies. The priority areas as identified are: Environmental impact and risk identification / quantification for new areas: Make quality assured environmental baseline data available on the web. Develop competence necessary to quantify and monitor the risks and risk reductions to the marine environment in new area ecosystems; Carbon capture and storage: Quantify environmental risks and waste management issues associated with bi-products from carbon capture processes and storage solutions. Develop and demonstrate effective carbon storage risk management, monitoring and mitigation technologies. Develop more cost and energy efficient power-from-shore solutions to reduce / eliminate CO{sub 2

  19. Technological Knowledge and Reasoning in Finnish and Estonian Technology Education (United States)

    Autio, Ossi; Soobik, Mart


    The main idea of this research was to find out if there is a relationship between students' undertakings within Craft and Technology education and their ability to understand technological concepts. Study participants' technological knowledge and reasoning was measured with a questionnaire regarding mechanical systems connected with simple…

  20. The Western Environmental Technology Office (WETO), Butte, Montana, technology summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This document has been prepared by the DOE Environmental Management (EM) Office of Technology Development (OTD) to highlight its research, development, demonstration, testing, and evaluation activities funded through the Western Environmental Technology Office (WETO) in Butte, Montana. Technologies and processes described have the potential to enhance DOE`s cleanup and waste management efforts, as well as improve US industry`s competitiveness in global environmental markets. WETO`s environmental technology research and testing activities focus on the recovery of useable resources from waste. Environmental technology development and commercialization activities will focus on mine cleanup, waste treatment, resource recovery, and water resource management. Since the site has no record of radioactive material use and no history of environmental contamination/remediation activities, DOE-EM can concentrate on performing developmental and demonstration activities without the demands of regulatory requirements and schedules. Thus, WETO will serve as a national resource for the development of new and innovative environmental technologies.

  1. Magnetic fusion technology

    CERN Document Server

    Dolan, Thomas J


    Magnetic Fusion Technology describes the technologies that are required for successful development of nuclear fusion power plants using strong magnetic fields. These technologies include: ? magnet systems, ? plasma heating systems, ? control systems, ? energy conversion systems, ? advanced materials development, ? vacuum systems, ? cryogenic systems, ? plasma diagnostics, ? safety systems, and ? power plant design studies. Magnetic Fusion Technology will be useful to students and to specialists working in energy research.

  2. New Mobile Technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tan, Su-En; Henten, Anders


    This paper takes a look at Clayton Christensen 's theory of disruptive technologies and how Christensen's theory relates to other innovation theories. It also proposes a new layer of analysis to this theory to better link the technology analysis to the market analysis of any given technology...... product. This layer suggests that complementarity and substitutability are important criteria for technologies to be market disruptions or sustaining changes....

  3. [Earth Science Technology Office's Computational Technologies Project (United States)

    Fischer, James (Technical Monitor); Merkey, Phillip


    This grant supported the effort to characterize the problem domain of the Earth Science Technology Office's Computational Technologies Project, to engage the Beowulf Cluster Computing Community as well as the High Performance Computing Research Community so that we can predict the applicability of said technologies to the scientific community represented by the CT project and formulate long term strategies to provide the computational resources necessary to attain the anticipated scientific objectives of the CT project. Specifically, the goal of the evaluation effort is to use the information gathered over the course of the Round-3 investigations to quantify the trends in scientific expectations, the algorithmic requirements and capabilities of high-performance computers to satisfy this anticipated need.

  4. Technology in the Rear-View Mirror: How to Better Incorporate the History of Technology into Technology Education (United States)

    Hallstrom, Jonas; Gyberg, Per


    The history of technology can play an important role in illuminating the fundamentals of technological change, but it is important that technology teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers and researchers can be provided with good analytical tools for this purpose. In this article, we propose a model of techno-historical interplay, as a…

  5. Discourses of Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sommer, Jannek K.; Knudsen, Gry Høngsmark

    In this poster we address consumption of technology from the perspective of failure. A large body of studies of consumption of technology have focused on consumer acceptance (Kozinets, 2008). These studies have identified particular narratives about social and economic progress, and pleasure...... (Kozinets, 2008) as drivers of consumer acceptance of new technology. Similarly, Giesler (2008) has conceptualized consumer acceptance of technology as a form of marketplace drama, in which market ideologies are negotiated between consumers and media discourses. We suggest to study discourses around failed...... technology products to explore the negotiation of the familiar and alien that makes consumers reject or embrace a new technology. Thus, this particular project sets out to analyze consumer discourses surrounding the Google Glass video “How it Feels [through Google Glass]” on YouTube, because we want...

  6. Technology transfer packages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizon, G.A.; Bleasdale, P.A.


    Nuclear power is firmly established in many developed countries'energy policies and is being adopted by emerging nations as an attractive way of gaining energy self sufficiency. The early users of nuclear power had to develop the technology that they needed, which now, through increasing world wide experience, has been rationalised to meet demanding economic and environmental pressures. These justifiable pressures, can lead to existing suppliers of nuclear services to consider changing to more appropriate technologies and for new suppliers to consider licensing proven technology rather then incurring the cost of developing new alternatives. The transfer of technology, under license, is made more straight forward if the owner conveniently groups appropriate technology into packages. This paper gives examples of 'Technology Packages' and suggests criteria for the specification, selection and contractual requirements to ensure successful licensing


    The Forager Sponge is a volume reduction technology in which heavy metal contaminants from an aqueous medium are selectively concentrated into a smaller volume for facilitated disposal. he technology treats contaminated groundwater, surface waters and porous waters by absorbing d...


    The Forager™ Sponge is a volume reduction technology in which heavy metal contaminants from an aqueous medium are selectively concentrated into a smaller volume for facilitated disposal. The technology treats contaminated groundwater, surface waters, and process waters by absorbi...

  9. Technological Style is History

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blond, Lasse

    The effort to comprehend innovation across cultures and time highlights the importance of the explicating factors external to technology. It becomes relevant to nuance or differentiate the understanding of social and cultural responses to adopted technologies by recognizing that technology shapes...... culture, and just as importantly that culture shapes technology. By looking at a recent transfer of technology this reciprocal exchange is elaborated by considering the cultural or contextual influence in the adaptation of technology. In this connection the notion of technological style is revisited...... by questioning whether it pays due attention to the non-technical factors of the process? In order to compensate for the deficiencies of the technological style as a sensitizing device the concept of sociotechnical style is introduced – a concept more in tune with resent research in technology studies....

  10. Tailings technology. Decommissioning and rehabilitation remedial action technology development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramsey, R.W. Jr.


    This paper is to provide an overview of technology requirements for long-term uranium mill tailings disposal and remedial actions for existing tailings to ensure their adequate disposal. The paper examines the scientific disciplines that are the basis for the technology of uranium mill tailings stabilization and the design of barriers to control radiological exposure or environmental degradation at the location of tailings disposal. The discussion is presented as a hypothetical course of instruction at a fictitious university. Features of six mechanisms of dispersal or intrusion are examined with brief discussion of the applicable technology development for each. The paper serves as an introduction to subsequent specific technology development papers in the session. (author)

  11. User behavior and technology development. Shaping sustainable relations between consumers and technologies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slob, A.F.L.; Verbeek, P.P.


    Environmental policy has long been determined by a dichotomy between technology and behavior. Some approaches stress the importance of technology and technological innovation, while others focus on behavioral change. Each approach has its limitations, however, since technology and behavior often

  12. An Introduction to Biometrics Technology: Its Place in Technology Education (United States)

    Elliott, Stephen J.; Peters, Jerry L.; Rishel, Teresa J.


    The increased utilization of biometrics technology in the past few years has contributed to a strong growth pattern as the technology is used in a variety of facilities, including schools. Due to media exposure, students' familiarity with technology will continue to increase proportionately, which will result in an increased curiosity about…

  13. In-Space Propulsion Technology Program Solar Electric Propulsion Technologies (United States)

    Dankanich, John W.


    NASA's In-space Propulsion (ISP) Technology Project is developing new propulsion technologies that can enable or enhance near and mid-term NASA science missions. The Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) technology area has been investing in NASA s Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT), the High Voltage Hall Accelerator (HiVHAC), lightweight reliable feed systems, wear testing, and thruster modeling. These investments are specifically targeted to increase planetary science payload capability, expand the envelope of planetary science destinations, and significantly reduce the travel times, risk, and cost of NASA planetary science missions. Status and expected capabilities of the SEP technologies are reviewed in this presentation. The SEP technology area supports numerous mission studies and architecture analyses to determine which investments will give the greatest benefit to science missions. Both the NEXT and HiVHAC thrusters have modified their nominal throttle tables to better utilize diminished solar array power on outbound missions. A new life extension mechanism has been implemented on HiVHAC to increase the throughput capability on low-power systems to meet the needs of cost-capped missions. Lower complexity, more reliable feed system components common to all electric propulsion (EP) systems are being developed. ISP has also leveraged commercial investments to further validate new ion and hall thruster technologies and to potentially lower EP mission costs.

  14. Genealogies of Modern Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, Søren


    Does modern technology differ from ancient technology and does it have a unique essence? This twofold question opens one of Martin Heidegger's most influential philosophical inquiries, The Question Concerning Technology. The answer Heidegger offers has inspired various critiques and appraisals from...... a vast number of contemporary scholars of technology.1 Heidegger's answer is traditionally thought to suggest a great difference between ancient and modern technology. However, by re-examining Heidegger's text, it is possible to discover previously ignored or misunderstood lines of thoughts that affirm...... a multi-stable interpretation of the origin of modern technology. In what follows, we shall see how The Question Concerning Technology in fact supports three different genealogies of modern technology...

  15. Globalization & technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Narula, Rajneesh

    Technology and globalization are interdependent processes. Globalization has a fundamental influence on the creation and diffusion of technology, which, in turn, affects the interdependence of firms and locations. This volume examines the international aspect of this interdependence at two levels...... of innovation" understanding of learning. Narula and Smith reconcile an important paradox. On the one hand, locations and firms are increasingly interdependent through supranational organisations, regional integration, strategic alliances, and the flow of investments, technologies, ideas and people...

  16. Technology alliances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torgerson, D.F.; Boczar, P.G.; Kugler, G.


    In the field of nuclear technology, Canada and Korea developed a highly successful relationship that could serve as a model for other high-technology industries. This is particularly significant when one considers the complexity and technical depth required to design, build and operate a nuclear reactor. This paper will outline the overall framework for technology transfer and cooperation between Canada and Korea, and will focus on cooperation in nuclear R and D between the two countries


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The program established a collaborative process with domestic industries for the purpose of sharing Navy-developed technology. Private sector businesses were educated so as to increase their awareness of the vast amount of technologies that are available, with an initial focus on technology applications that are related to the Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies (Hydrogen) Program of the U.S. Department of Energy. Specifically, the project worked to increase industry awareness of the vast technology resources available to them that have been developed with taxpayer funding. NAVSEA-Carderock and the Houston Advanced Research Center teamed with Nicholls State University to catalog NAVSEA-Carderock unclassified technologies, rated the level of readiness of the technologies and established a web based catalog of the technologies. In particular, the catalog contains technology descriptions, including testing summaries and overviews of related presentations.

  18. General survey of technology management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Yong Ha; Jang Dong Hun; Lee, In Woo


    The content of this book are technology and management, conception of technology management, feature and model of technology management system, elements of technology management, performance measurement of technology management, connectivity between technology and business function, system management of technology, manpower management, readership and technology management, motivation and technology management, management of technical investment evaluation, new item development and marketing, product liability management, intellectual property rights and transfer of technology.

  19. General survey of technology management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Yong Ha; Jang Dong Hun; Lee, In Woo


    The content of this book are technology and management, conception of technology management, feature and model of technology management system, elements of technology management, performance measurement of technology management, connectivity between technology and business function, system management of technology, manpower management, readership and technology management, motivation and technology management, management of technical investment evaluation, new item development and marketing, product liability management, intellectual property rights and transfer of technology.

  20. Responsible technology acceptance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Madeleine Broman; Schuitema, Geertje; Thøgersen, John


    As a response to climate change and the desire to gain independence from imported fossil fuels, there is a pressure to increase the proportion of electricity from renewable sources which is one of the reasons why electricity grids are currently being turned into Smart Grids. In this paper, we focus...... on private consumers’ acceptance of having Smart Grid technology installed in their home. We analyse acceptance in a combined framework of the Technology Acceptance Model and the Norm Activation Model. We propose that individuals are only likely to accept Smart Grid technology if they assess usefulness...... in terms of a positive impact for society and the environment. Therefore, we expect that Smart Grid technology acceptance can be better explained when the well-known technology acceptance parameters included in the Technology Acceptance Model are supplemented by moral norms as suggested by the Norm...

  1. Technology transfer by multinationals


    Kostyantyn Zuzik


    The paper analyses the issue of technology transfer by multinational corporations. The following questions are explored: (a) world market of technologies, the role of MNCs (b) Choice of the technology transfer mode, Dunning's OLI-theory as a factor of the choice of the mode of transfer (c) measurement and profitability of technology transfer (d) transfer of technology through partnerships, JVs, alliances and through M&As (e) aspects of technology transfer by services multinationals. Paper uti...

  2. Robotics Technology Crosscutting Program. Technology summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Robotics Technology Development Program (RTDP) is a needs-driven effort. A length series of presentations and discussions at DOE sites considered critical to DOE's Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) Programs resulted in a clear understanding of needed robotics applications toward resolving definitive problems at the sites. A detailed analysis of the resulting robotics needs assessment revealed several common threads running through the sites: Tank Waste Retrieval (TWR), Contaminant Analysis Automation (CAA), Mixed Waste Operations (MWO), and Decontamination and Dismantlement (D and D). The RTDP Group also realized that some of the technology development in these four areas had common (Cross Cutting-CC) needs, for example, computer control and sensor interface protocols. Further, the OTD approach to the Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing, and Evaluation (RDDT and E) process urged an additional organizational breakdown between short-term (1--3 years) and long-term (3--5 years) efforts (Advanced Technology-AT). These factors lead to the formation of the fifth application area for Crosscutting and Advanced Technology (CC and AT) development. The RTDP is thus organized around these application areas -- TWR, CAA, MWO, D and D, and CC and AT -- with the first four developing short-term applied robotics. An RTDP Five-Year Plan was developed for organizing the Program to meet the needs in these application areas

  3. Robotics Technology Crosscutting Program. Technology summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Robotics Technology Development Program (RTDP) is a needs-driven effort. A length series of presentations and discussions at DOE sites considered critical to DOE`s Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) Programs resulted in a clear understanding of needed robotics applications toward resolving definitive problems at the sites. A detailed analysis of the resulting robotics needs assessment revealed several common threads running through the sites: Tank Waste Retrieval (TWR), Contaminant Analysis Automation (CAA), Mixed Waste Operations (MWO), and Decontamination and Dismantlement (D and D). The RTDP Group also realized that some of the technology development in these four areas had common (Cross Cutting-CC) needs, for example, computer control and sensor interface protocols. Further, the OTD approach to the Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing, and Evaluation (RDDT and E) process urged an additional organizational breakdown between short-term (1--3 years) and long-term (3--5 years) efforts (Advanced Technology-AT). These factors lead to the formation of the fifth application area for Crosscutting and Advanced Technology (CC and AT) development. The RTDP is thus organized around these application areas -- TWR, CAA, MWO, D and D, and CC and AT -- with the first four developing short-term applied robotics. An RTDP Five-Year Plan was developed for organizing the Program to meet the needs in these application areas.

  4. Transferable site remediation technologies developed by U.S. DOE Office of Science and Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, T.D.


    To provide needed technologies for site remediation, the US Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management, Office of Science and Technology (OST) is developing technologies to address environmental problems associated with hazardous and radioactive contaminants in soil and groundwater. The Technology Investment Decision model serves as a framework for technology management in OST. Seven technology maturation stages are used in the model. These stages run from basic research through implementation. The Innovative Technology Summary Reports (ITSRs) provide a technical synopsis of an individual technology that has been developed. An ITSR is prepared for each technology that is successfully demonstrated in the field. The information required to produce an ITSR is collected as the technology matures through the Technology Investment Decision Process. As of July 1996 there have been thirteen ITSRs completed. This paper describes those thirteen technologies

  5. Technology readiness levels and technology status for selected long term/high payoff technologies on the RLV program (United States)

    Rosmait, Russell L.


    The development of a new space transportation system in a climate of constant budget cuts and staff reductions can be and is a difficult task. It is no secret that NASA's current launching system consumes a very large portion of NASA funding and requires a large army of people to operate & maintain the system. The new Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) project and it's programs are faced with a monumental task of making the cost of access to space dramatically lower and more efficient than NASA's current system. With pressures from congressional budget cutters and also increased competition and loss of market share from international agencies RLV's first priority is to develop a 'low-cost, reliable transportation to earth orbit.' One of the RLV's major focus in achieving low-cost, reliable transportation to earth orbit is to rely on the maturing of advanced technologies. The technologies for the RLV are numerous and varied. Trying to assess their current status, within the RLV development program is paramount. There are several ways to assess these technologies. One way is through the use of Technology Readiness Levels (TRL's). This project focused on establishing current (summer 95) 'worst case' TRL's for six selected technologies that are under consideration for use within the RLV program. The six technologies evaluated were Concurrent Engineering, Embedded Sensor Technology, Rapid Prototyping, Friction Stir Welding, Thermal Spray Coatings, and VPPA Welding.

  6. NASA technology applications team: Applications of aerospace technology (United States)


    This report covers the activities of the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Technology Applications Team for the period 1 October 1992 through 30 September 1993. The work reported herein was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Contract No. NASW-4367. Highlights of the RTI Applications Team activities over the past year are presented in Section 1.0. The Team's progress in fulfilling the requirements of the contract is summarized in Section 2.0. In addition to our market-driven approach to applications project development, RTI has placed increased effort on activities to commercialize technologies developed at NASA Centers. These Technology Commercialization efforts are summarized in Section 3.0. New problem statements prepared by the Team in the reporting period are presented in Section 4.0. The Team's transfer activities for ongoing projects with the NASA Centers are presented in Section 5.0. Section 6.0 summarizes the status of four add-on tasks. Travel for the reporting period is described in Section 7.0. The RTI Team staff and consultants and their project responsibilities are listed in Appendix A. Appendix B includes Technology Opportunity Announcements and Spinoff! Sheets prepared by the Team while Appendix C contains a series of technology transfer articles prepared by the Team.

  7. IT-BT convergence technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book explains IT-BT convergence technology as the future technology, which includes a prolog, easy IT-BT convergence technology that has infinite potentials for new value, policy of IT-BT convergence technology showing the potential of smart Korea, IT-BT convergence opening happy future, for the new future of IT powerful nation Korea with IT-BT convergence technology and an epilogue. This book reveals the conception, policy, performance and future of IT-BT convergence technology.

  8. Heterogeneous technologies, strategic groups and environmental efficiency technology gaps for European countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kounetas, Konstantinos


    This paper measures technology (TG) and environmental efficiency technology gaps (EETGs) in 25 European countries over two distinct periods 2002 and 2008 examining the possible effect of adopted environmental regulations and the Kyoto protocol commitments on environmental efficiency technology gaps. However, the introduction of the metafrontier in our analysis puts into our discussion the role of heterogeneous technologies and its effect on the above-mentioned measures. Employing a directional distance function, we investigate whether there is an actual difference, in terms of environmental efficiency and efficiency performance, among European countries considering the technological frontiers under which they operate. The construction of individual frontiers has been realized employing a large number of variables that are highly correlated with countries' learning and absorbing capacity, new technological knowledge and using economic theory and classical frontier discrimination like developed vs. developing, North vs. South and participation in the Eurozone or not. The overall results indicate a crucial role of heterogeneous technologies for technology gaps in both periods. Moreover, a significant decrease for both measures, although in different percent, has been recorded emphasizing the key role of knowledge spillovers. -- Highlights: •We estimate technology gaps (TGs) for 25 EU countries in two distinct periods. •We estimate environmental efficiency technology gaps (EETGs). •We consider countries' technological capabilities with R&D, innovation and eco-innovation. •We test the effect of different frontier constitutions on TGs-EETGs. •We denote the specific role of knowledge spillovers

  9. The Complete Picture: "Standards for Technological Literacy" and "Advancing Excellence in Technological Literacy." (United States)

    Technology Teacher, 2003


    Provides an overview of the "Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology" (STL) and "Advancing Excellence in Technological Literacy: Student Assessment, Professional Development, and Program Standards" (AETL). Shows how the documents work together to advance the technological literacy of technology educators and K-12…

  10. Plasma technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drouet, M.G.


    IREQ was contracted by the Canadian Electrical Association to review plasma technology and assess the potential for application of this technology in Canada. A team of experts in the various aspects of this technology was assembled and each team member was asked to contribute to this report on the applications of plasma pertinent to his or her particular field of expertise. The following areas were examined in detail: iron, steel and strategic-metals production; surface treatment by spraying; welding and cutting; chemical processing; drying; and low-temperature treatment. A large market for the penetration of electricity has been identified. To build up confidence in the technology, support should be provided for selected R and D projects, plasma torch demonstrations at full power, and large-scale plasma process testing

  11. Technology transfer and international development: Materials and manufacturing technology (United States)


    Policy oriented studies on technological development in several relatively advanced developing countries were conducted. Priority sectors defined in terms of technological sophistication, capital intensity, value added, and export potential were studied in Brazil, Venezuela, Israel, and Korea. The development of technological policy alternatives for the sponsoring country is assessed. Much emphasis is placed on understanding the dynamics of the sectors through structured interviews with a large sample of firms in the leading manufacturing and materials processing sectors.

  12. Large Deployable Reflector (LDR) system concept and technology definition study. Volume 2: Technology assessment and technology development plan (United States)

    Agnew, Donald L.; Jones, Peter A.


    A study was conducted to define reasonable and representative LDR system concepts for the purpose of defining a technology development program aimed at providing the requisite technological capability necessary to start LDR development by the end of 1991. This volume presents thirteen technology assessments and technology development plans, as well as an overview and summary of the LDR concepts. Twenty-two proposed augmentation projects are described (selected from more than 30 candidates). The five LDR technology areas most in need of supplementary support are: cryogenic cooling; astronaut assembly of the optically precise LDR in space; active segmented primary mirror; dynamic structural control; and primary mirror contamination control. Three broad, time-phased, five-year programs were synthesized from the 22 projects, scheduled, and funding requirements estimated.

  13. Soil washing technology evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suer, A.


    Environmental Restoration Engineering (ERE) continues to review innovative, efficient, and cost effective technologies for SRS soil and/or groundwater remediation. As part of this effort, this technical evaluation provides review and the latest information on the technology for SRS soil remediation. Additional technology evaluation reports will be issued periodically to update these reports. The purpose of this report is to review the soil washing technology and its potential application to SRS soil remediation. To assess whether the Soil Washing technology is a viable option for SRS soil remediation, it is necessary to review the technology/process, technology advantages/limitations, performance, applications, and cost analysis

  14. Advancement in Engineering Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kalia, Kartik; Rehman, M. Atiqur; Hussain, Dil muhammed Akbar


    In this paper we will be discussing about the impact of technology on our daily lives. How everybody is dependent upon technology in one or other way. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Technology has played a significant role in the evolution of the society. Science has produced many new ideas...... but to harvest those ideas, technology is a must. With the huge requirement of engineering equipment's, the industry needs specialists who can manage and operate these technologies. Detailed information about the merits and demerits of technology is also mentioned in this paper. Findings: Technology has affected...... the environment on a great scale; in some cases, technology is even replacing human being or use of manpower. So proper counter measures have been mentioned, which can be used to control and limit harmful effect....

  15. Technology licensing in China

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yuandi; Li-Ying, Jason; Chen, Jin


    We explore the landscape of technology licensing among Chinese entities in the period 2000–12, using a unique database on technological licensing from the State Intellectual Property Office of China. We find that: first, among Chinese licensee organizations, firms have dominated in terms...... of the number of licensed technologies; second, the geographical distribution of licensed technologies among the provinces has gradually reached a new quantitative balance; third, utility models are the most popular technologies to be licensed and the majority of technology licensing in China has been between...... Chinese entities, and most transactions have been local within provinces; and finally, Chinese firms have gradually in-licensed newer and newer technologies, but the technologies in-licensed from foreign sources are by no means state-of-the-art. We make several suggestions for innovation policy...

  16. Technology Applications Team: Applications of aerospace technology (United States)


    Highlights of the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Applications Team activities over the past quarter are presented in Section 1.0. The Team's progress in fulfilling the requirements of the contract is summarized in Section 2.0. In addition to our market-driven approach to applications project development, RTI has placed increased effort on activities to commercialize technologies developed at NASA Centers. These Technology Commercialization efforts are summarized in Section 3.0. New problem statements prepared by the Team in the reporting period are presented in Section 4.0. The Team's transfer activities for ongoing projects with the NASA Centers are presented in Section 5.0. Section 6.0 summarizes the status of four add-on tasks. Travel for the reporting period is described in Section 7.0. The RTI Team staff and consultants and their project responsibilities are listed in Appendix A. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of many individuals to the RTI Technology Applications Team program. The time and effort contributed by managers, engineers, and scientists throughout NASA were essential to program success. Most important to the program has been a productive working relationship with the NASA Field Center Technology Utilization (TU) Offices. The RTI Team continues to strive for improved effectiveness as a resource to these offices. Industry managers, technical staff, medical researchers, and clinicians have been cooperative and open in their participation. The RTI Team looks forward to continuing expansion of its interaction with U.S. industry to facilitate the transfer of aerospace technology to the private sector.

  17. Sustainable technology transfer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Punter, H.T.; Krikhaar, R.L.; Bril, R.J.


    In this position paper we address the issue of transferring a technology from research into an industrial organization by presenting a refined process for technology transfer. Based on over two decades of industrial experience, we identified the need for a dedicated technology engineering phase for

  18. Casting Technology. (United States)

    Wright, Michael D.; And Others


    Three articles discuss (1) casting technology as it relates to industry, with comparisons of shell casting, shell molding, and die casting; (2) evaporative pattern casting for metals; and (3) high technological casting with silicone rubber. (JOW)

  19. Technology meets research 60 years of CERN technology : selected highlights

    CERN Document Server

    Taylor, Thomas; Treille, Daniel; Wenninger, Horst


    "Big" science and advanced technology are known to cross-fertilize. This book emphasizes the interplay between particle physics and technology at CERN that has led to breakthroughs in both research and technology over the laboratory's first 60 years. The innovations, often the work of individuals or by small teams, are illustrated with highlights describing selected technologies from the domains of accelerators and detectors. The book also presents the framework and conditions prevailing at CERN that enabled spectacular advances in technology and contributed to propel the European organization into the league of leading research laboratories in the world. While the book is specifically aimed at providing information for the technically interested general public, more expert readers may also appreciate the broad variety of subjects presented. Ample references are given for those who wish to further explore a given topic.

  20. Robotics Technology Development Program Cross Cutting and Advanced Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrigan, R.W.; Horschel, D.S.


    Need-based cross cutting technology is being developed which is broadly applicable to the clean up of hazardous and radioactive waste within the US Department of Energy's complex. Highly modular, reusable technologies which plug into integrated system architectures to meet specific robotic needs result from this research. In addition, advanced technologies which significantly extend current capabilities such as automated planning and sensor-based control in unstructured environments for remote system operation are also being developed and rapidly integrated into operating systems

  1. Theme: Emerging Technologies. (United States)

    Malpiedi, Barbara J.; And Others


    Consists of six articles discussing the effect of emerging technologies on agriculture. Specific topics include (1) agriscience programs, (2) the National Conference on Agriscience and Emerging Occupations and Technologies, (3) biotechnology, (4) program improvement through technology, (5) the Agriscience Teacher of the Year program, and (6)…

  2. Moralizing Food Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coff, Christian Eyde


    Food technologies are common on many levels in society and used by both food professionals and consumers. Food technologies are not neutral. They inform and shape the behaviour of people. This paper presents a theoretical framework for analysing the mediating role of food technology and its influ...

  3. The role of surgeons in identifying emerging technologies for health technology assessment. (United States)

    Stafinski, Tania; Topfer, Leigh-Ann; Zakariasen, Ken; Menon, Devidas


    Health technology assessment (HTA) is a tool intended to help policy-makers decide which technologies to fund. However, given the proliferation of new technologies, it is not possible to undertake an HTA of each one before it becomes funded. Consequently, "horizon-scanning" processes have been developed to identify emerging technologies that are likely to have a substantial impact on clinical practice. Although the importance of physicians in the adoption of new technologies is well recognized, their role in horizon scanning in Canada has been limited. The purpose of this project was to pilot an approach to engage physicians, specifically surgeons, in provincial horizon-scanning activities. We invited 18 surgeons from Alberta's 2 medical schools to a horizon-scanning workshop to solicit their views on emerging technologies expected to impact surgical practice within the next 5 years and/or the importance of different attributes or characteristics of new technologies. Surgeons, regardless of specialty, identified developments designed to enhance existing minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as endoscopic, robotic and image-guided surgery. Several nonsurgical areas, including molecular genetics and nano technology, were also identified. Of the 13 technology attributes discussed, safety or risk, effectiveness and feasibility were rated as most important. Lastly, participating surgeons expressed an interest in becoming further involved in local HTA initiatives. Surgeons, as adopters and users of health technologies, represent an important and accessible information source for identifying emerging technologies for HTA. A more formal, ongoing relationship between the government, HTA and surgeons may help to optimize the use of HTA resources.

  4. Technology Transition for Hybrid Warfare (United States)


    and Iraq. At the same time, the science and technology base must provide the disruptive technologies to defeat future conventional enemies. This... disruptive technologies will be needed to retain long-term technological superiority in conventional warfare. Incremental improvement is the to be missed. Disruptive technologies are the second type of technological change and involve revolutionary concepts involving large technological

  5. Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies in Buildings Technology Characterizations for Energy Modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadley, SW


    The energy use in America's commercial and residential building sectors is large and growing. Over 38 quadrillion Btus (Quads) of primary energy were consumed in 2002, representing 39% of total U.S. energy consumption. While the energy use in buildings is expected to grow to 52 Quads by 2025, a large number of energy-related technologies exist that could curtail this increase. In recent years, improvements in such items as high efficiency refrigerators, compact fluorescent lights, high-SEER air conditioners, and improved building shells have all contributed to reducing energy use. Hundreds of other technology improvements have and will continue to improve the energy use in buildings. While many technologies are well understood and are gradually penetrating the market, more advanced technologies will be introduced in the future. The pace and extent of these advances can be improved through state and federal R&D. This report focuses on the long-term potential for energy-efficiency improvement in buildings. Five promising technologies have been selected for description to give an idea of the wide range of possibilities. They address the major areas of energy use in buildings: space conditioning (33% of building use), water heating (9%), and lighting (16%). Besides describing energy-using technologies (solid-state lighting and geothermal heat pumps), the report also discusses energy-saving building shell improvements (smart roofs) and the integration of multiple energy service technologies (CHP packaged systems and triple function heat pumps) to create synergistic savings. Finally, information technologies that can improve the efficiency of building operations are discussed. The report demonstrates that the United States is not running out of technologies to improve energy efficiency and economic and environmental performance, and will not run out in the future. The five technology areas alone can potentially result in total primary energy savings of between 2 and

  6. Technology transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On the base of technological opportunities and of the environmental target of the various sectors of energy system this paper intend to conjugate the opportunity/objective with economic and social development through technology transfer and information dissemination [it

  7. Technology transfer for adaptation (United States)

    Biagini, Bonizella; Kuhl, Laura; Gallagher, Kelly Sims; Ortiz, Claudia


    Technology alone will not be able to solve adaptation challenges, but it is likely to play an important role. As a result of the role of technology in adaptation and the importance of international collaboration for climate change, technology transfer for adaptation is a critical but understudied issue. Through an analysis of Global Environment Facility-managed adaptation projects, we find there is significantly more technology transfer occurring in adaptation projects than might be expected given the pessimistic rhetoric surrounding technology transfer for adaptation. Most projects focused on demonstration and early deployment/niche formation for existing technologies rather than earlier stages of innovation, which is understandable considering the pilot nature of the projects. Key challenges for the transfer process, including technology selection and appropriateness under climate change, markets and access to technology, and diffusion strategies are discussed in more detail.

  8. Editorial: Advanced learning technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Ju Lan


    Full Text Available Recent rapid development of advanced information technology brings high expectations of its potential to improvement and innovations in learning. This special issue is devoted to using some of the emerging technologies issues related to the topic of education and knowledge sharing, involving several cutting edge research outcomes from recent advancement of learning technologies. Advanced learning technologies are the composition of various related technologies and concepts such as mobile technologies and social media towards learner centered learning. This editorial note provides an overview of relevant issues discussed in this special issue.

  9. Environmental Technologies Summary Book

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book lists the companies and their technology, which have new excellent technology authentication and technology verification. They are as in the following : sewage advanced treatment technology using a three-stage Bio-Ceramic Filtration by Shinwoo, Twist Filter by Sungshin, Sewage advanced treatment technology using CIMEN-DOC by Taeyeong/CI, DeNipho using pump ejector and Bio Green Media by Green, Automatic integrated management system using Envi-SIS by and

  10. A Study on the Linkage between Nano Fusion Technology and Nuclear Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Ik; Lim, Chae Young; Lee, Jong Hee


    1) A survey of national energy policy trends in major nation - to secure renewal energy in the level of making a plan to supply national energy in the future - Tendency of energy policy based on Europe 2) A survey of the nano technology development - Status of major nano technology development - Developmental direction of nano technology related to nuclear energy 3) the nano technology development related with nuclear - high-temperature nuclear reactor by applying nano science and technology under quick development - materials required to high-level radioactive wastes treatment facility - develop materials of nuclear fusion facility in the long-term view 4) Innovation system of nano technology - Energy source -> conversion to energy -> distribution of energy -> energy storage -> energy use

  11. Teaching with Technology (United States)

    Attard, Catherine


    New technologies continue to change every aspect of home, life and work: the way people communicate, calculate, analyse, shop, make presentations and socialise. "The Australian Curriculum" acknowledges the importance of teaching and learning with technology by including the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as one of…


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebadian, M.A.


    The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a comparative analysis of innovative technologies for the non-aggressive removal of coatings from metal and masonry surfaces and the aggressive removal of one-quarter to one-inch thickness of surface from structural masonry. The technologies tested should be capable of being used in nuclear facilities. Innovative decontamination technologies are being evaluated under standard, non-nuclear conditions at the FIU-HCET technology assessment site in Miami, Florida. This study is being performed to support the OST, the Deactivation and Decommissioning (D and D) Focus Area, and the environmental restoration of DOE facilities throughout the DOE complex by providing objective evaluations of currently available decontamination technologies

  13. Moralizing Food Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coff, Christian Eyde


    Food technologies are common on many levels in society and used by both food professionals and consumers. Food technologies are not neutral. They inform and shape the behaviour of people. This paper presents a theoretical framework for analysing the mediating role of food technology and its...... influence on food ethics. Post-phenomenology and the idea of a technologically mediated morality are central theoretical approaches. Four elements are included in the analytical framework: perception, interpretation, intentionality, and mediated morality. The framework is applied to two cases; food safety...

  14. Technology Roadmaps: Cement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    To support its roadmap work focusing on key technologies for emissions reductions, the International Energy Agency (IEA) also investigated one particular industry: cement. Cement production includes technologies that are both specific to this industry and those that are shared with other industries (e.g., grinding, fuel preparation, combustion, crushing, transport). An industry specific roadmap provides an effective mechanism to bring together several technology options. It outlines the potential for technological advancement for emissions reductions in one industry, as well as potential cross-industry collaboration.

  15. Development of Technological Profiles for Transfer of Energy- and Resource Saving Technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lysenko, V.S.


    Full Text Available The article deals with the methodological foundations for the development of technological profiles for «System of Transfer of Energy- and Resource Saving Technologies». It is determined that a compliance with the methodology and standards of the European network «Relay Centers» (Innovation Relay Centers — IRC network, since 2008 — EEN, the Russian Technology Transfer Network RTTN and Uk rainian Technology Transfer Network UTTN is the main pri nciple of the development process of technological requests and offers.

  16. Designing Human Technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Jesper

    and the design process, in ethical and society-related concerns, and in evaluating how designs fulfill needs and solve problems. Designing Human Technologies subscribes to a broad technology concept including information and communication, mobile, environmental/sustainable and energy technologies......Design is increasingly becoming a part of the university curriculum and research agenda. The keynote present and discuss Designing Human Technologies – an initiative aiming at establishing a design oriented main subject area alongside traditional main subject areas such as Natural Science......, the Humanities, and Social Science. The initiative broadens the perspective of IS and recognize reflections on aesthetics, ethics, values, connections to politics, and strategies for enabling a better future as legitimate parts of the research agenda. Designing Human Technologies is a design-oriented Strategic...

  17. Technology Partnership Agreements | NREL (United States)

    Partnership Agreements Technology Partnership Agreements Looking for Funding? We do not fund any projects under a technology partnership agreement. The partner provides the necessary resources and, in using technology partnership agreements. See a summary of our Fiscal Year 2017 technology partnership

  18. Maritime Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Herman


    Elementary introduction to the subject "Maritime Technology".The contents include drawings, sketches and references in English without any supplementary text.......Elementary introduction to the subject "Maritime Technology".The contents include drawings, sketches and references in English without any supplementary text....

  19. Technology Innovations from NASA's Next Generation Launch Technology Program (United States)

    Cook, Stephen A.; Morris, Charles E. K., Jr.; Tyson, Richard W.


    NASA's Next Generation Launch Technology Program has been on the cutting edge of technology, improving the safety, affordability, and reliability of future space-launch-transportation systems. The array of projects focused on propulsion, airframe, and other vehicle systems. Achievements range from building miniature fuel/oxygen sensors to hot-firings of major rocket-engine systems as well as extreme thermo-mechanical testing of large-scale structures. Results to date have significantly advanced technology readiness for future space-launch systems using either airbreathing or rocket propulsion.

  20. Education Technology Transformation (United States)

    Kennedy, Mike


    Years ago, as personal computers and other technological advancements began to find their way into classrooms and other educational settings, teachers and administrators sought ways to use new technology to benefit students. The potential for improving education was clear, but the limitations of the available education technology made it difficult…

  1. Clean Cast Steel Technology - Machinability and Technology Transfer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    C. E. Bates; J. A. Griffin


    There were two main tasks in the Clean Cast Steel Technology - Machinability and Technology Transfer Project. These were (1) determine the processing facts that control the machinability of cast steel and (2) determine the ability of ladle stirring to homogenize ladle temperature, reduce the tap and pouring temperatures, and reduce casting scrap.

  2. 78 FR 24241 - Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Subcommittee; Committee on Technology, National... (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology.... SUMMARY: The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the Committee on Technology, National Science and...

  3. 77 FR 61448 - Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Subcommittee Committee on Technology, National... (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Subcommittee...: The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the Committee on Technology, National Science and...

  4. Technology images and concepts of technology in transition. An analysis in the philosophy of technology and general technology; Technikbilder und Technikkonzepte im Wandel. Eine technikphilosophische und allgemeintechnische Analyse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Banse, G. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik und Umwelt (DE). Inst. fuer Technikfolgen-Abschaetzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS); Meier, B. [Potsdam Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Arbeitslehre/Technik; Wolffgramm, H. (eds.)


    This volume contains contributions resulting from an expert discussion on 'Technology Images and Concepts of Technology in Transition - an analysis in the philosophy of technology and general technology. This expert discussion took place on 6 October 2000 at the State Pedagogical Institute Brandenburg in Ludwigsfelde-Struveshof and was conceived and organized co-operatively by the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, the University of Potsdam, Institute for the Theory of Work/Technology and Professor Horst Wolffgramm, Frankfurt (Oder). It was the aim of the expert discussion to compile, compare and relate the various positions in the philosophy of technology, general technology science, the history of technology and the didactics of technology of the 'conceptualisation' of technology as a basis for generally understanding technology or for a scientifically based 'image of technology' to each other, and then to make them accessible for curricula within a framework of conceiving general technical education at all school levels. The contributions are grouped according to the two main foci of the event: On the one hand they are concerned with determining a contemporary concept of technology ('Image of technology'). One of the aims is to characterize technological change from the historical-genetic perspective and in this way to access technology as a work of mankind, as an important element of our culture. At the same time it is necessary to forecast future developments or to make future paths of development visible to enable the indication of change by basic innovations. Second, on this basis and supported by educational theory, conclusions are drawn for future-oriented technical general education for all students. The main focus in this is on the linkage between goals, content and subject-specific methods. In order to enable the determination of competence of any individual

  5. Promoting renewable energy technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grenaa Jensen, S.


    Technologies using renewable energy sources are receiving increasing interest from both public authorities and power producing companies, mainly because of the environmental advantages they procure in comparison with conventional energy sources. These technologies can be substitution for conventional energy sources and limit damage to the environment. Furthermore, several of the renewable energy technologies satisfy an increasing political goal of self-sufficiency within energy production. The subject of this thesis is promotion of renewable technologies. The primary goal is to increase understanding on how technological development takes place, and establish a theoretical framework that can assist in the construction of policy strategies including instruments for promotion of renewable energy technologies. Technological development is analysed by through quantitative and qualitative methods. (BA)

  6. 77 FR 56681 - Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Subcommittee; Committee on Technology, National... (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology...: Notice of webinar. SUMMARY: The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the Committee on Technology, National...

  7. 23. ATSR congress - Proceedings; 23eme congres de l'ATSR - Recueil des conferences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document brings together the available presentations given at the 23. congress of the French association for radiation protection techniques and sciences (ATSR): 1 - J-F. Lecomte (CIPR): International commission of radiological protection (ICRP)'s recommendations; 2 - T. Lahaye (DGT): presentation of the 'worker's decree'; 3 - C. Marchal (DGSNR): Nuclear safety authority (ASN) viewpoint: first controllers' experience feedback; 4 - F. Rollinger (IRSN): missions of the IRSN's public expert for workers radiation protection; 5 - J-C. Varin (Areva NC): technical, organisational and managerial aspects of the implementation of new regulatory dispositions about radiation protection technical controls at La Hague facility; 6 - J-J. Radecki (Areva NC): enforcement of the radiological zoning by-law at Areva facilities; 7 - D. Miniere (EDF): implementation of the ALARA approach at EDF's nuclear power plants; 8 - D. Lefer (EAMEA): situation in the army and issues generated by the new decree; 9 - L. Ridel (DGA SPN): waste management aspect in the framework of submarines dismantling; 10 - D. Giordan (CMIR 78): the workers' decree: from practice to intervention; 11 - N. Barrey (CHU Bordeaux): enforcement of the May 2004 by-law and experience feedback; 12 - J-C. Mozziconacci (CH Bourges): zoning, reclassification and implementation of the medical imaging operational dosimetry in a medium size hospital; 13 - J. Bino (AMEST Lille): recommendations and technical instructions for labour doctors; 14 - K. Zarraa (CERAP): decree impact on approved organisations; 15 - D. Morio (COFREND): difficulties encountered with the implementation of radiographical devices; 16 - B. Carrez (Ponts et Chaussees): workplace studies and operational dosimetries: essential tools at public work sites; 17 - G. Imbard (CEA): evolution of workers regulation, adaptation of practices at Marcoule site; 18 - M. Ammerich (CEA): ambiguities and enforcement difficulties of the workers' decree; 19 - H. Mansoux (IAEA): the workers' decree in perspective with IAEA recommendations; 20 - J. Champlong (SFRP): training of the radiation protection skilled person; 21 - B. Marc (Alpha Dir): mission, role and interface of the radiation protection skilled person; 22 - C. Roy (veterinarian): decree impact on a veterinary clinic; 23 - J-L. Rehel (IRSN): methodology for a workplace study, application in interventional radiology; 24 - A. Rannou (IRSN): assessment of workers' exposure to ionising radiations, lessons learnt and perspectives

  8. 7. national congress of radioprotection - SFRP 2009; 7. congres national de radioprotection - SFRP 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aurengo, A.; Lecomte, J.F.; Averbeck, D.; Makovicka, L.; Barescut, J.C.; Maubert, H.; Benderitter, M.; Menechal, Ph.; Biau, A.; Menetrier, F.; Briand-Champlong, J.; Metivier, H.; Cherin, A.; Paquet, F.; Decobert, V.; Radecki, J.J.; Devin, P.; Roy, C.; Fracas, P.; Schneider, Th.; Italia, J.; Souques, M.; Lagroye, I.; Tamponnet, Ch.; Laurent, G.; Vidal, J.P.; Aubert, B.; Piqueras, P.; Cervera, J.; Vial, Th.; Mear, R.; Visseaux, H.; Patrix, N.; Bourguignon, M.; Acker, A.; Sabatier, L.; Abela, G.; Andrieux, J.L.; Bernard, H.; Vicaud, A.; De Bruyne, T.; Valero, M.; Godet, J.L.; Lebaron-Jacobs, L.; Renaud, P.; Bordy, J.M.; Leuraud, K.; Arranz, L.; Lochard, J.; Vaillant, L.; Droesch, P.; Coenen, S.; Michiels, J.; Pepin, S.; Poffijn, A.; Wertelaers, A.; Schrauben, M.; Pires, N.; Matouk, F.; Wall, B.; Hart, D.; Mol, H.; Lecluyse, A.; Aroua, A.; Trueb, P.; Griebel, J.; Nekolla, E.; Gron, P.; Waltenburg, H.; Beauvais-March, H.; Scanff, P.; Pirard, P.; Sinno-Tellier, S.; Shannoun, F.; Brugmans, M.; Meeuwsen, E.; Stoop, P.; Olerud, H.; Borretzen, I.; Leitz, W.; Marconato, M.; Magnier, F.; Rehel, J.L.; Etard, C.; Ducou Le Pointe, H.; Bouette, A.; Fourrier, P.; Lisbona, A.; Tirmarche, M.; Metz-Flamant, C.; Samson, E.; Caer-Lorho, S.; Giraud, J.M.; Acker, A.; Laurier, D.; Laurent, O.; Rogel, A.; Joly, K.; Hubert, D.; Riedel, A.; Garcier, Y.; Amabile, J.C.; Leuraud, K.; Vacquier, B.; Caer, S.; Griffiths, N.; Van der Meeren, A.; Fritsch, P.; Abram, M.C.; Bernaudin, J.F.; Poncy, J.L.; Chevillard, S.; Cesarini, J.P.; Bertho, J.M.; Louiba, S.; Tourlonias, E.; Faure, M.C.; Stefani, J.; Siffert, B.; Paquet, F.; Dublineau, I.; Adam, C.; Alonzo, F.; Bonzom, J.M.; Gagnaire, B.; Gilbin, R.; Garnier-Laplace, J.; Denoziere, M.; Lecerf, N.; Leroy, E.; Daures, J.; Bordy, J.M.; Clairand, I.; Debroas, J.; Denoziere, M.; Donadille, L.; D' Errico, F.; Gouriou, J.; Itie, C.; Struelens, L.; Broggio, D.; Borissov, N.; Janeczko, J.; Lamart, S.; Blanchardon, E.; Molokanov, A. [and others


    This document gathers the slides of the available presentations given during this conference. Sixty six presentations out of 68 are assembled in the document. The conference is organized in 11 sessions dealing with: 1 - radioprotection regulations and standards; 2 - radioprotection of patients; 3 - radiation effects on man and ecosystems; 4 - advances in dosimetry and metrology; occupational radioprotection (2 sessions); 5 - radioprotection of populations and ecosystems (2 sessions); 6 - radioprotection in incident, accident and post-accident situations; 7 - radioprotection and society

  9. Marketing technologically advanced products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bender, Horst


    This paper calls for a merger of technology and marketing under a customer value perspective; for an enhancement of the traditional technological innovation orientation of the technology-based firm with a market thrust. It establishes technology-based products as product-service offerings that are

  10. 7th Annual Science and Engineering Technology Conference/DoD Technology Exposition Volume 1 (United States)


    Disruptive Technologies • Army Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Transition Mr. Dennis Schmidt, Director, Science & Technology Integration, Office of...the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology • Navy Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Transition Mr. Lewis DeSandre, Program...Manager, ONR 351 • Air Force Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Transition Colonel Mark Stephen, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (Science

  11. Examining the Relationship among High-School Teachers' Technology Self-Efficacy, Attitudes towards Technology Integration, and Quality of Technology Integration (United States)

    Gonzales, Stacey


    This quantitative study explored the relationships among high-school teachers' (n = 74) technology self-efficacy, teachers' attitudes towards technology integration, and quality of teachers' technology integration into instruction. This study offered the unique perspectives of in-service high-school teachers as they have first-hand experience…

  12. Physics buzz in Paris

    CERN Multimedia

    Katie Yurkewicz


    The International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) took place from 22 to 28 July in Paris, and first results from the Large Hadron Collider experiments received top billing.   More than 1,100 physicists gathered in the Palais des Congrès conference centre to attend ICHEP, the world’s premier particle physics conference, where scientists presented and discussed the latest and most intriguing results from experiments in particle physics, particle astrophysics and cosmology, innovative theoretical approaches and predictions, and concepts for future accelerators and particle detectors. The buzz about the LHC experiments caught the eye of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who addressed the conference on Monday 26 July. President Sarkozy exhorted the particle physics community to continue its quest to understand the nature of the Universe, and stated his belief that investment in fundamental research is critical for the progress of mankind. Steve Myers started off the mo...

  13. 75 FR 39044 - Unisys Corporation, Technology Business Segment, Unisys Information Technology Division, Formerly... (United States)


    ..., Technology Business Segment, Unisys Information Technology Division, Formerly Known as BETT, Including... Assistance on April 29, 2010, applicable to workers of Unisys Corporation, Technology Business Segment... employees under the control of the Plymouth, Michigan location of Unisys Corporation, Technology Business...

  14. Superconducting radio frequency technology: Expanding the horizons of physics and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grunder, H.A.; Leemann, C.W.; Sundelin, R.M.; Hartline, B.K.


    This paper describes a major new technology supporting the further evolution of accelerators: superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology, which is today on the verge of large-scale application in accelerators. Originally foreseen in the early 1960s as a promising technology, SRF only recently has overcome several technological and practical hurdles. SRF accelerating structures promise low rf losses and high gradients under cw operation. High-quality, intense cw beams can be accelerated without risk of melting the structure and without requiring enormous amounts of input rf power

  15. The Western Environmental Technology Office (WETO), Butte, Montana. Technology summary (Revised)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document has been prepared by the US Department of Energy`s (DOE`s) Office of Environmental Management (EM) Office of Science and Technology (OST) to highlight its research, development, demonstration, testing, and evaluation (RDDT&E) activities funded through the Western environmental Technology Office (WETO) in Butte, Montana. Technologies and processes described in this document have the potential to enhance DOE`s cleanup and waste management efforts, as well as improve US industry`s competitiveness in global environmental markets. The information presented in this document has been assembled from recently produced OST documents that highlight technology development activities within each of the OST program elements and Focus Areas. This document presents one in a series for each of DOE`s Operations Office and Energy Technology Centers.

  16. The Western Environmental Technology Office (WETO), Butte, Montana. Technology summary (Revised)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document has been prepared by the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Environmental Management (EM) Office of Science and Technology (OST) to highlight its research, development, demonstration, testing, and evaluation (RDDT ampersand E) activities funded through the Western environmental Technology Office (WETO) in Butte, Montana. Technologies and processes described in this document have the potential to enhance DOE's cleanup and waste management efforts, as well as improve US industry's competitiveness in global environmental markets. The information presented in this document has been assembled from recently produced OST documents that highlight technology development activities within each of the OST program elements and Focus Areas. This document presents one in a series for each of DOE's Operations Office and Energy Technology Centers

  17. Industrial technology transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulger, W.


    The transfer of industrial technology is an essential part of the CANDU export marketing program. Potential customers require the opportunity to become self-sufficient in the supply of nuclear plant and equipment in the long term and they require local participation to the maximum extent possible. The Organization of CANDU Industries is working closely with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. in developing comprehensive programs for the transfer of manufacturing technology. The objectives of this program are: 1) to make available to the purchasing country all nuclear component manufacturing technology that exists in Canada; and 2) to assure that the transfer of technology takes place in an efficient and effective way. Technology transfer agreements may be in the form of joint ventures or license agreements, depending upon the requirements of the recipient

  18. Making technology public

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winthereik, Brit Ross; Johannsen, Nis; Strand, Dixi Louise


    the transformative potential of the portal presentation for reconfiguring relationships between citizens, health care systems, and information and communication technology (ICT). The analysis is guided by Haraway's notion of diffraction. Findings – The analysis demonstrates the particular way in which the user...... secure the future of the technology and organisation behind it. Research limitations/implications – The paper extends the script metaphor beyond a limited designer-technology-user configuration and argues that scripts in the paraphernalia of technologies also can and should be “de......Purpose – Through an analysis of a demonstration video presenting a new national e-health portal, this paper aims to explore the assumptions and limitations of the concept of “script” and suggests a different approach to analysing the moral order of technology design. Design...

  19. Working around technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupret, Katia


    in Denmark. The aim and contribution of the study is twofold. First, it attempts to revitalise the discussion on technology workaround strategies as responsible professionalism. Second, it will direct attention to and contribute to an understanding of how the normativity embedded in technological development...... expressions of professionals’ active encounter with the complexity of work situations, and can therefore be important signs of professional ethical judgement. Drawing on science and technology studies and the concept of invisible work, the study discusses workaround situations that arise in health care work......This study discusses how professionalism and work ethics influence how health care professionals work around new technologies. When people avoid using technologies, they are not necessarily ceasing to engage in their work activities. The workaround strategies presented here are rather practical...

  20. Authoritative knowledge, the technological imperative and women's responses to prenatal diagnostic technologies. (United States)

    McCoyd, Judith L M


    Theories about authoritative knowledge (AK) and the technological imperative have received varying levels of interest in anthropological, feminist and science and technology studies. Although the anthropological literature abounds with empirical considerations of authoritative knowledge, few have considered both theories through an empirical, inductive lens. Data extracted from an earlier study of 30 women's responses to termination for fetal anomaly are reanalyzed to consider the women's views of, and responses to, prenatal diagnostic technologies (PNDTs). Findings indicate that a small minority embrace the societal portrayal of technology as univalently positive, while the majority have nuanced and ambivalent responses to the use of PNDTs. Further, the interface of authoritative knowledge and the technological imperative suggests that AK derives not only from medical provider status and technology use, but also from the adequacy and trustworthiness of the information. The issue of timing and uncertainty of the information also are interrogated for their impact on women's lives and what that can illuminate about the theories of AK and the technological imperative.

  1. Technology as a factor of identity transformation: development of HOMO TECHNOLOGIES

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vadim A. Emelin


    Full Text Available Based on the understanding of identity as an individual’s identity with the self within the cultural historical chronotope, and experienced as the feeling of belonging/ non-belonging to some communities, controllability/uncontrollability of situations and predictability/non-predictability of events, the paper describes the processes of identity transformation in the course of a technological development. Taken as the initial point, the idea of organ-extension (K. Marx, E. Kapp and technological extension of man (S. Freud, M. McLuhan means that technologies are the extension of a human body and its organs. The processes of technological extension assume a particular scale under condition of information society development, within which computer-, telecommunication-, transport-, bio-, nano- and other high technologies have become an actual cultural historical force that has a power to transform a human. Special attention is paid to the fact that unlike the precedent technologies that have just facilitated some or other human performance, modern technologies of information society do not only change the human topology, widen and expand human natural abilities but also really transform higher mental functions and mediate mental processes and relations between human individuals. Man becomes not only a biological and social creature but also a technological one, i.e. so called HOMO TECHNOLOGICUS. The scale and speed of cultural historical changes make the study of the technological extensions role in the transformation of identity a key point for developing ways of comprehending their role in the life of a modern person, and also for forecasting the evolution of relationship between man and machines in the future.

  2. Advanced Information Technology Investments at the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (United States)

    Clune, T.; Seablom, M. S.; Moe, K.


    The NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) regularly makes investments for nurturing advanced concepts in information technology to enable rapid, low-cost acquisition, processing and visualization of Earth science data in support of future NASA missions and climate change research. In 2012, the National Research Council published a mid-term assessment of the 2007 decadal survey for future spacemissions supporting Earth science and applications [1]. The report stated, "Earth sciences have advanced significantly because of existing observational capabilities and the fruit of past investments, along with advances in data and information systems, computer science, and enabling technologies." The report found that NASA had responded favorably and aggressively to the decadal survey and noted the role of the recent ESTO solicitation for information systems technologies that partnered with the NASA Applied Sciences Program to support the transition into operations. NASA's future missions are key stakeholders for the ESTO technology investments. Also driving these investments is the need for the Agency to properly address questions regarding the prediction, adaptation, and eventual mitigation of climate change. The Earth Science Division has championed interdisciplinary research, recognizing that the Earth must be studied as a complete system in order toaddress key science questions [2]. Information technology investments in the low-mid technology readiness level (TRL) range play a key role in meeting these challenges. ESTO's Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program invests in higher risk / higher reward technologies that solve the most challenging problems of the information processing chain. This includes the space segment, where the information pipeline begins, to the end user, where knowledge is ultimatelyadvanced. The objectives of the program are to reduce the risk, cost, size, and development time of Earth Science space-based and ground

  3. Does internationalisation of technology determine technological diversification in large firms?


    Christian Le Bas; Pari Patel


    The purpose of the paper is to examine the relationship between technological diversification and internationalisation of technology for large multinational firms, operating at the world technological frontier. More precisely we address the question as to whether internationalisation determines diversification. The analysis is based on a rich database of the European patenting activity of 345 large multinational firms with the highest levels of patenting over two periods of time (1988-1990 an...

  4. Green technology foresight of high technology: a social shaping of technology approach to the analysis of hopes and hypes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard; Jørgensen, Ulrik


    Protection Agency with the purpose of acquiring knowledge about the environmental potentials and risks related to the three areas of technology. The foresight was organized with a social shaping of technology (SST) approach to the field in order to cater for the complex relationship between societal demands......, technology options, innovation dynamics and environmental impacts. The approach involved studying actor-networks, laboratory programs and technology trajectories as well as deconstructing different stakeholders’ high tech visions. The identified environmental potentials and risks related to the three areas...


    The Forager Sponge is a volume reduction technology in which heavy metal contaminants from an aqueous medium are selectively concentrated into a smaller volume for facilitated disposal. he technology treats contaminated groundwater, surface voters and porous waters by absorbing d...

  6. Teaching With(out) Technology: Secondary English Teachers and Classroom Technology Use (United States)

    Flanagan, Sara; Shoffner, Melanie


    Technology plays an integral role in the English Language Arts (ELA) classroom today, yet teachers and teacher educators continue to develop understandings of how technology influences pedagogy. This qualitative study explored how and why two ELA teachers used different technologies in the secondary English classroom to plan for and deliver…

  7. Legitimation problems of participatory processes in technology assessment and technology policy. (United States)

    Saretzki, Thomas


    Since James Carroll (1971) made a strong case for "participatory technology", scientists, engineers, policy-makers and the public at large have seen quite a number of different approaches to design and implement participatory processes in technology assessment and technology policy. As these participatory experiments and practices spread over the last two decades, one could easily get the impression that participation turned from a theoretical normative claim to a working practice that goes without saying. Looking beyond the well-known forerunners and considering the ambivalent experiences that have been made under different conditions in various places, however, the "if" and "how" of participation are still contested issues when questions of technology are on the agenda. Legitimation problems indicate that attempts to justify participation in a given case have not been entirely successful in the eyes of relevant groups among the sponsors, participants, organizers or observers. Legitimation problems of participatory processes in technology assessment and technology policy vary considerably, and they do so not only with the two domains and the ways of their interrelation or the specific features of the participatory processes. If we ask whether or not participation is seen as problematic in technology assessment and technology policy-making and in what sense it is being evaluated as problematic, then we find that the answer depends also on the approaches and criteria that have been used to legitimize or delegitimize the call for a specific design of participation.

  8. Educational Technology in China (United States)

    Meifeng, Liu; Jinjiao, Lv; Cui, Kang


    This paper elaborates the two different academic views of the identity of educational technology in China at the current time--advanced-technology-oriented cognition, known as Electrifying Education, and problem-solving-oriented cognition, known as Educational Technology. It addresses five main modes of educational technology in China: as a…

  9. Ergonomics technology (United States)

    Jones, W. L.


    Major areas of research and development in ergonomics technology for space environments are discussed. Attention is given to possible applications of the technology developed by NASA in industrial settings. A group of mass spectrometers for gas analysis capable of fully automatic operation has been developed for atmosphere control on spacecraft; a version for industrial use has been constructed. Advances have been made in personal cooling technology, remote monitoring of medical information, and aerosol particle control. Experience gained by NASA during the design and development of portable life support units has recently been applied to improve breathing equipment used by fire fighters.

  10. Technology in Education (United States)

    Roden, Kasi


    This paper was written to support a position on using technology in education. The purpose of this study was to support the use of technology in education by synthesizing previous research. A variety of sources including books and journal articles were studied in order to compile an overview of the benefits of using technology in elementary,…

  11. Avionics systems integration technology (United States)

    Stech, George; Williams, James R.


    A very dramatic and continuing explosion in digital electronics technology has been taking place in the last decade. The prudent and timely application of this technology will provide Army aviation the capability to prevail against a numerically superior enemy threat. The Army and NASA have exploited this technology explosion in the development and application of avionics systems integration technology for new and future aviation systems. A few selected Army avionics integration technology base efforts are discussed. Also discussed is the Avionics Integration Research Laboratory (AIRLAB) that NASA has established at Langley for research into the integration and validation of avionics systems, and evaluation of advanced technology in a total systems context.

  12. ACR-700 advanced technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tapping, R.L.; Turner, C.W.; Yu, S.K.W.; Olmstead, R.; Speranzini, R.A.


    A successful advanced reactor plant will have optimized economics including reduced operating and maintenance costs, improved performance, and enhanced safety. Incorporating improvements based on advanced technologies ensures cost, safety and operational competitiveness of the ACR-700. These advanced technologies include modern configuration management; construction technologies; operational technology for the control centre and information systems for plant monitoring and analysis. This paper summarizes the advanced technologies used to achieve construction and operational improvements to enhance plant economic competitiveness, advances in the operational technology used for reactor control, and presents the development of the Smart CANDU suite of tools and its application to existing operating reactors and to the ACR-700. (author)

  13. Competitiveness through cooperation between electricity and information technology. TESLA - Information technology and electric power systems technology programme 1998-2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The electricity markets are being opened up to competition all round the world. To succeed in competition electricity sellers want new information technology tools to use in managing the sale of electricity. The network companies are aiming to step up utilization of their distribution capacity and to optimize power quality and the reliability of supply. Consumers need solutions with which they can manage their own power consumption and tendering sellers. The Nordic countries have been the first to deregulate their electricity markets. This head start in time is being made use of to generate a head start in technology. Tekes has initiated a technology programme for the years 1998 to 2002, named TESLA - Information Technology and Electric Power Systems, to promote the competitiveness of the Finnish electricity industry in changing conditions. The objective of the programme is to adapt information technology extensively to power distribution and thus develop the potential for Finland`s electricity industry to succeed on world markets. At the moment power distribution technology forms about one third of Finland`s energy technology exports. The programme is also aimed at developing new data transfer and data processing applications for companies in information technology clusters. For Finnish parties in the electricity markets the programme will produce ways and means of (1) improving management and use of distribution networks, (2) implementing competition in electricity sales, and (3) increasing the efficiency of electricity use

  14. Teacher Educator Technology Competencies (United States)

    Foulger, Teresa S.; Graziano, Kevin J.; Schmidt-Crawford, Denise A.; Slykhuis, David A.


    The U.S. National Educational Technology Plan recommends the need to have a common set of technology competencies specifically for teacher educators who prepare teacher candidates to teach with technology (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, 2017). This study facilitated the co-creation of the Teacher Educator…

  15. Technology in Education: Technology Integration into the School's Curriculum (United States)

    Culver, Bobby L., Jr.


    Integrating technology into the school's curriculum is a very contentious issue. However, it is an important issue that schools need to consider and assess. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between K-5th grade teachers' perceptions of proficiency of technology equipment, experience with technology in education, and…

  16. Wasting the Future: The Technological Sublime, Communications Technologies, and E-waste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebine Label


    Full Text Available Literally speaking, e-waste is the future of communications. E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world, much of it communications technologies from cell phones to laptops, televisions to peripherals. As a result of policies of planned obsolescence working computers, cell phones, and tablets are routinely trashed. One of the most powerful and enduring discourses associated with emerging technologies is the technological sublime, in which technology is seen as intellectually, emotionally, or spiritually transcendent. It comprises a contradictory impulse that elevates technology with an almost religious fervor, while simultaneously overlooking some of the consequences of industrialism, as well as ignoring the necessity of social, economic, and governmental infrastructures necessary to the implementation and development of new technologies. The idea that a new technology will not pollute or harm the environment is a persistent, though often quickly passed over, theme in the technological sublime, echoed in discourses about emerging technologies such as the silicon chip, the internet, and other ICTs. In this paper, I make connections between the discourse of newness, the practice of planned obsolescence, and the mountains of trashed components and devices globally. Considering the global context demonstrates the realities of the penetration of ICTs and their enduring pollution and negative implications for the health of humans and nonhumans, including plants, animals, waterways, soil, air and so on. I use the discourse of the technological sublime to open up and consider the future of communications, to argue that this discourse not only stays with us but also contains within it two important and related components, the promise of ecological harmony and a future orientation. I argue that these lingering elements keep us from considering the real future of communications – e-waste – and that, as communications scholars, we must also

  17. History of science and technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Byeong Ju


    This book shows origin of technology and development of civilization, origin of science and dissemination of ironware, accumulation of science and technology in the Middle Age society, the era of the Renaissance and science, factory-made manual industry and mechanistic nature view, the era of scientific enlightenment, industrial revolution, science and technology of Korea, formation of modern science and technology, modern technology and approach to science and technology, science and technology in the twenty century such as biochemistry and physics, and cooperation of science and technology.

  18. History of science and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Byeong Ju


    This book shows origin of technology and development of civilization, origin of science and dissemination of ironware, accumulation of science and technology in the Middle Age society, the era of the Renaissance and science, factory-made manual industry and mechanistic nature view, the era of scientific enlightenment, industrial revolution, science and technology of Korea, formation of modern science and technology, modern technology and approach to science and technology, science and technology in the twenty century such as biochemistry and physics, and cooperation of science and technology.

  19. Stimulating R and D of industrial energy-efficient technology. Policy lessons--impulse technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luiten, Esther; Blok, Kornelis


    Stimulating research and development (R and D) of innovative energy-efficient technologies for industry is an attractive option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Impulse technology, an innovative papermaking technology, is always included in studies assessing the long-term potential of industrial energy efficiency. Aim of this article is to analyse the R and D trajectory of impulse technology in order to explore how government can stimulate the development of industrial energy-efficient technology. The concept of 'momentum' is used to characterise the network of actors and to understand the effect of government R and D support in this particular case study. The network analysis convincingly shows that although marketed as an energy-efficient technology, other benefits were in fact driving forces. Researchers at various national pulp and paper research institutes were successful in attracting government R and D support by claiming an improved energy efficiency. The momentum of the technology network was modest between 1980 and 1990. Therefore, government R and D support accelerated the development of impulse technology in this period. However, when the perspectives of the technology deteriorated--momentum decreased--researchers at national research institutes continued to attract government R and D support successfully. But 25 years of R and D--and over 15 years government R and D support--have not yet resulted in a proven technology. The case study illustrates the risk of continuing R and D support too long without taking into account actors' drivers to invest in R and D. Once momentum decreased, government should have been more circumspect in evaluating the (energy efficiency) promise of impulse technology. The major policy lesson is that government has to look beyond claimed energy efficiencies; government has to value (qualitative) information on (changing) technology networks in deciding upon starting, continuing or pulling out financial R and D support to

  20. Future Information Technology

    CERN Document Server

    Stojmenovic, Ivan; Choi, Min; Xhafa, Fatos; FutureTech 2013


    Future technology information technology stands for all of continuously evolving and converging information technologies, including digital convergence, multimedia convergence, intelligent applications, embedded systems, mobile and wireless communications, bio-inspired computing, grid and cloud computing, semantic web, user experience and HCI, security and trust computing and so on, for satisfying our ever-changing needs. In past twenty five years or so, Information Technology (IT) influenced and changed every aspect of our lives and our cultures. These proceedings foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in all future IT areas, including their models, services, and novel applications associated with their utilization.

  1. Technology for Boundaries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bødker, Susanne; Kristensen, Jannie Friis; Nielsen, Christina


    .After analysing the history and the current boundary work, the paper will propose new technological support for boundary work. In particular the paper will suggest means of supporting boundaries when these are productive and for changing boundaries when this seems more appropriate. In total, flexible technologies......This paper presents a study of an organisation, which is undergoing a process transforming organisational and technological boundaries. In particular, we shall look at three kinds of boundaries: the work to maintain and change the boundary between the organisation and its customers; boundaries...... seem a core issue when dealing with technology for boundaries....

  2. Globalization and Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Traian-Alexandru Miu


    Full Text Available Globalization, very complex phenomenon, involves overcoming the barriers between different states, which allowed the rapid transfer of capital, technology, information, and the "toxins" from one country to another. First, the technology formed the basis of rapid expansion of great ideas promoted by globalization. Undeniable progress in the field of technology and science, has conferred to the man extraordinary powers that have been used most often to the detriment of his spiritual progress. We must not deny that science and technology have brought many benefits to human, and he could expand the knowledge horizon upon the world in which he lives, exploiting information acquired and share them with others. Science and technology must become for postmodern man ways of talk and communion between human and divinity, all to the praise of God and the perfection of the creature.

  3. Democratization of philosophy of technologies


    Arun Kumar Tripathi


    Technology is a form of culture. Technology is shaping the theoretical framework of our social existence. The technological form of life is part and parcel of culture, just as culture in the human sense inescapably implies technologies. There are unfathomable effects of technology on human culture and society. This paper presents the background and the editorial introduction to the special issue: symposium on Education, Technology, & Democracy: Democratization of Technologies.

  4. Newnes communications technology handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Lewis, Geoff


    Newnes Communications Technology Handbook provides a discussion on different topics relevant to communications technology. The book is comprised of 39 chapters that tackle a wide variety of concern in communications technology. The coverage of the text includes technologies, such as analog digital communications systems, radio frequency receiver, and satellite systems. The book also discusses some methods and techniques used in communications technology, including mixer signal processing, modulation and demodulation, and spread spectrum techniques. The text will be of great use to engineers, t

  5. Technology Empowerment: Security Challenges.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warren, Drake Edward [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Backus, George A. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Jones, Wendell [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Nelson, Thomas R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Skocypec, Russell D. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Technology empowerment” means that innovation is increasingly accessible to ordinary people of limited means. As powerful technologies become more affordable and accessible, and as people are increasingly connected around the world, ordinary people are empowered to participate in the process of innovation and share the fruits of collaborative innovation. This annotated briefing describes technology empowerment and focuses on how empowerment may create challenges to U.S. national security. U.S. defense research as a share of global innovation has dwindled in recent years. With technology empowerment, the role of U.S. defense research is likely to shrink even further while technology empowerment will continue to increase the speed of innovation. To avoid falling too far behind potential technology threats to U.S. national security, U.S. national security institutions will need to adopt many of the tools of technology empowerment.

  6. Technology Museums in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Morten Karnøe


    This article presents an exhibit review of some of the major technology museums in Denmark. First comes an introduction to the Danish museum ”landscape”. Second a total of six museums and their technology focused exhibits are presented. Among the museums are the Fisheries and Maritime Museum...... in Esbjerg, housing one of the most impressive and representative exhibitions on the technology behind the strong Danish maritime sector. Another museum being mentioned is the Energy Museum, which covers the background for some of the major breakthroughs performed in Denmark within this area; particularly...... within wind power technology. Finally special attention is devoted to the Danish Technological Museum. A museum which is the oldest and most elaborate of all the technology museums. The museum covers virtually every technological breakthrough with any relevance in a Danish section, with a special focus...

  7. Bridging the Gap: Technology Trends and Use of Technology in Schools (United States)

    Lim, Cher Ping; Zhao, Yong; Tondeur, Jo; Chai, Ching Sing; Tsai, Chin-Chung


    Considerable investment has been made to bring technology to schools and these investments have indeed resulted in many "success stories." However there are two significant gaps in educational uses of technology that must be addressed. The first is a usage gap. Compared to how and how much today's students use technology outside…

  8. Nuclear technology and societal needs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume aims to review the present status of development of nuclear technologies and their applications in the country and also to make projections for future requirements. This will also cover state-of-the-art technologies in these areas. The following topics are covered in detail: nuclear technologies for water desalination, water resources development and management using nuclear technology, industrial applications of isotopes and radiation technology, radiation technology in health care, nuclear technology for food preservation, agricultural applications of nuclear technology. Papers relevant to INIS are indexed separately

  9. Basic Principle of Advanced Oxidation Technology : Hybrid Technology Based on Ozone and Titania

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Widdi Usada; Agus Purwadi


    One of problems in health environment is organic liquid waste from many pollutant resources. Environmental friendly technology for degrading this waste is ozone which produced by plasma discharge technology, but its capability is limited. However, it is needed a new environmental friendly technology which has stronger capability. This new technology is so called advanced oxidation technology. Advanced oxidation technology is a hybrid of ozone, peroxide, UV light and photo catalyst. In this paper, it is introduced basic principle of hybrid of ozone and titania photo catalyst semiconductor. The capability of organic liquid degradation will be stronger because there is new radical which is produced by chemical reaction between electron-hole pair from photo catalyst titania and water or oxygen. This new radical then degrades this organic pollutant. This technology is used to degrade phenol. (author)

  10. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (United States)

    Fikes, John


    Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) is developing and maturing innovative and advanced manufacturing technologies that will enable more capable and lower-cost spacecraft, launch vehicles and infrastructure to enable exploration missions. The technologies will utilize cutting edge materials and emerging capabilities including metallic processes, additive manufacturing, composites, and digital manufacturing. The AMT project supports the National Manufacturing Initiative involving collaboration with other government agencies.

  11. Materials and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gockel, E.; Simon, J.


    New materials and the processes for their economical fabrication and use are the factors which drive innovation in totally different fields of technology, such as energy engineering, transport, and information. But they also open up new fields of technology such as micro systems or medicine technology. Five out of a total of twelve articles are separately listed in the ENERGY database [de

  12. Information Technology Resources Assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Information Technology Resources Assessment (ITRA) is being published as a companion document to the Department of Energy (DOE) FY 1994--FY 1998 Information Resources Management Long-Range Plan. This document represents a collaborative effort between the Office of Information Resources Management and the Office of Energy Research that was undertaken to achieve, in part, the Technology Strategic Objective of IRM Vision 21. An integral part of this objective, technology forecasting provides an understanding of the information technology horizon and presents a perspective and focus on technologies of particular interest to DOE program activities. Specifically, this document provides site planners with an overview of the status and use of new information technology for their planning consideration.

  13. The Impact of Technological and Non-Technological Innovations on Firm Growth


    Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki; Martikainen, Olli


    This study investigates the relationship between innovations and firm growth, based on the data of Finnish firms operating in the software industry. We find that in terms of turnover and employment, firms with only technological innovations do not grow more rapidly than other firms. However, firm growth is positively associated with the combination of technological and non-technological innovations.

  14. Application study of nuclear technologies for integration chemical, biological and radiological technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Jae Kon; Han, M. H.; Kim, Y. H.; Yang, J. E.; Jung, K. S.; Cha, H. K.; Moon, J.; La, K. H


    The projects are suggested the method to maximize the technology and research results which are being carried out by KAERI on the nuclear field. The study presents 1)the technology to rapidly and accurately determine and the nature of contamination, 2) the technology to predict the spread of contaminant and the magnitude of damage, and 3) the expert-aided decision making technology to identify the optimum counter-measures. And the solutions are also suggested the application to military technology in Chemical, Biological and Radiation field. In addition, I hope this kind of cooperation model come to be the good case of military civilian research harmony to improve the national competition capability.

  15. Educational technology in medical education. (United States)

    Han, Heeyoung; Resch, David S; Kovach, Regina A


    This article aims to review the past practices of educational technology and envision future directions for medical education. The discussion starts with a historical review of definitions and perspectives of educational technology, in which the authors propose that educators adopt a broader process-oriented understanding of educational technology. Future directions of e-learning, simulation, and health information technology are discussed based on a systems view of the technological process. As new technologies continue to arise, this process-oriented understanding and outcome-based expectations of educational technology should be embraced. With this view, educational technology should be valued in terms of how well the technological process informs and facilitates learning, and the acquisition and maintenance of clinical expertise.

  16. The Next Technology Revolution - Nano Electronic Technology (United States)

    Turlik, Iwona


    Nanotechnology is a revolutionary engine that will engender enormous changes in a vast majority of today's industries and markets, while potentially creating whole new industries. The impact of nanotechnology is particularly significant in the electronics industry, which is constantly driven by the need for higher performance, increased functionality, smaller size and lower cost. Nanotechnology can influence many of the hundreds of components that are typically assembled to manufacture modern electronic devices. Motorola manufactures electronics for a wide range of industries and communication products. In this presentation, the typical components of a cellular phone are outlined and technology requirements for future products, the customer benefits, and the potential impact of nanotechnology on many of the components are discussed. Technology needs include reliable materials supply, processes for high volume production, experimental and simulation tools, etc. For example, even routine procedures such as failure characterization may require the development of new tools for investigating nano-scale phenomena. Business needs include the development of an effective, high volume supply chain for nano-materials and devices, disruptive product platforms, and visible performance impact on the end consumer. An equally significant long-term industry need is the availability of science and engineering graduates with a multidisciplinary focus and a deep understanding of the fundamentals of nano-technology, that can harness the technology to create revolutionary products.

  17. Communication technology update and fundamentals

    CERN Document Server

    Grant, August E


    New communication technologies are being introduced at an astonishing rate. Making sense of these technologies is increasingly difficult. Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals is the single best source for the latest developments, trends, and issues in communication technology. Featuring the fundamental framework along with the history and background of communication technologies, Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals, 12th edition helps you stay ahead of these ever-changing and emerging technologies.As always, every chapter ha

  18. White paper on future technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This book describes the role of technology and challenge of future like why we focus on future technologies and future, human being and technology, methodology on development for future technologies such as global monitoring system for investigation on environmental change, investigation of research front for paper and patent and COMPAS, and domestic and foreign organization for discover on future technologies. It also introduces KISTI selection future technologies 500 : healthy society, smart society, safety society, and future technologies 500.

  19. Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-Learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course? (United States)

    Buche, Mari W.; Davis, Larry R.; Vician, Chelley


    Prior research suggests that individuals' technology acceptance levels may affect their work and learning performance outcomes when activities are conducted through information technology usage. Most previous research investigating the relationship between individual attitudes towards technology and learning has been conducted in…

  20. Technology Management within Product Lines in High Technology Markets (United States)

    Sarangee, Kumar R.


    Understanding the nuances of product line management has been of great interest to business scholars and practitioners. This assumes greater significance for firms conducting business in technologically dynamic industries, where they face certain challenges regarding the management of multiple, overlapping technologies within their product lines.…

  1. Municipal programs of photovoltaic energy development; Les programmes municipaux de developpement du photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study presents some remarkable actions carried out in several European municipalities for the promotion and development of photovoltaic applications: installation of solar cells on public buildings, integration of the photovoltaic energy in the urban plan, application in the transportation sector, programs of public information, of promotion, of incitation, of financing, solar electricity trade, promotion of the 'green current'. After a presentation of the general situation of photovoltaic energy in Europe, and of its development in France, nine case-forms present the experience of nine selected European cities in this domain (Amersfoort (NL), Barcelona (ES), Braedstrup (DK), Karlsruhe (DE), Lausanne (CH), Mataro (ES), Muenchen (ES), Palermo (IT), Zurich (CH)). (J.S.)

  2. Photovoltaic production and distribution network; La production photovoltaique et les reseaux de distribution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fraisse, J.L. [ERDF, 75 - Paris (France)


    The rapid development of photovoltaics boosted by attractive feed-in tariffs caused a sharp increase in requests for connection to public distribution grids, which were originally designed to serve consumers. ERDF, main distribution network operator in France, is facing a challenge in terms of capacity for handling requests for connection and in terms of public distribution network operation and management. (author)

  3. A kick to the photovoltaic industry; Coup de pied dans la filiere photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deye, M.; Remoue, A


    In order to stop the speculation fever and to stabilize the photovoltaic trade, the French government has decided to lower some of the warranted electricity repurchase tariffs related to photovoltaic power generation. This announcement should have important impacts on the photovoltaic industry which will redirect its means and products towards the residential sector. (J.S.)

  4. The players in the French photovoltaic sector; Les acteurs du photovoltaique en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Houot, G.


    This article reviews all the players of the photovoltaic industry in France (silicon producers, electrical component manufacturers, solar system manufacturers, design offices, solar system wholesalers, installers, and solar farm operators). For each company the following is reported: name, activity sector, historical background, staff, turnover, achievement and projects. (A.C.)

  5. Municipal programs of photovoltaic energy development; Les programmes municipaux de developpement du photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This study presents some remarkable actions carried out in several European municipalities for the promotion and development of photovoltaic applications: installation of solar cells on public buildings, integration of the photovoltaic energy in the urban plan, application in the transportation sector, programs of public information, of promotion, of incitation, of financing, solar electricity trade, promotion of the 'green current'. After a presentation of the general situation of photovoltaic energy in Europe, and of its development in France, nine case-forms present the experience of nine selected European cities in this domain (Amersfoort (NL), Barcelona (ES), Braedstrup (DK), Karlsruhe (DE), Lausanne (CH), Mataro (ES), Muenchen (ES), Palermo (IT), Zurich (CH)). (J.S.)

  6. Technology Transformation (United States)

    Scott, Heather; McGilll, Toria


    Social networking and other technologies, if used judiciously, present the means to integrate 21st century skills into the classroom curriculum. But they also introduce challenges that educators must overcome. Increased concerns about plagiarism and access to technology can test educators' creativity and school resources. Air Academy High School,…

  7. Mars Technology Program Planetary Protection Technology Development (United States)

    Lin, Ying


    The objectives of the NASA Planetary Protection program are to preserve biological and organic conditions of solar-system bodies for future scientific exploration and to protect the Earth from potential hazardous extraterrestrial contamination. As the exploration of solar system continues, NASA remains committed to the implementation of planetary protection policy and regulations. To fulfill this commitment, the Mars Technology Program (MTP) has invested in a portfolio of tasks for developing necessary technologies to meet planetary protection requirements for the next decade missions.

  8. Advanced PWR technology development -Development of advanced PWR system analysis technology-

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Moon Heui; Hwang, Yung Dong; Kim, Sung Oh; Yoon, Joo Hyun; Jung, Bub Dong; Choi, Chul Jin; Lee, Yung Jin; Song, Jin Hoh [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The primary scope of this study is to establish the analysis technology for the advanced reactor designed on the basis of the passive and inherent safety concepts. This study is extended to the application of these technology to the safety analysis of the passive reactor. The study was performed for the small and medium sized reactor and the large sized reactor by focusing on the development of the analysis technology for the passive components. Among the identified concepts the once-through steam generator, the natural circulation of the integral reactor, heat pipe for containment cooling, and hydraulic valve were selected as the high priority items to be developed and the related studies are being performed for these items. For the large sized passive reactor, the study plans to extend the applicability of the best estimate computer code RELAP5/MOD3 which is widely used for the safety analyses of the reactor system. The improvement and supplementation study of the analysis modeling and the methodology is planned to be carried out for these purpose. The newly developed technologies are expected to be applied to the domestic advanced reactor design and analysis and these technologies will play a key role in extending the domestic nuclear base technology and consolidating self-reliance in the essential nuclear technology. 72 figs, 15 tabs, 124 refs. (Author).

  9. Applied Semantic Web Technologies

    CERN Document Server

    Sugumaran, Vijayan


    The rapid advancement of semantic web technologies, along with the fact that they are at various levels of maturity, has left many practitioners confused about the current state of these technologies. Focusing on the most mature technologies, Applied Semantic Web Technologies integrates theory with case studies to illustrate the history, current state, and future direction of the semantic web. It maintains an emphasis on real-world applications and examines the technical and practical issues related to the use of semantic technologies in intelligent information management. The book starts with

  10. Encouraging environmentally strategic technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heaton, G.R.


    Having moved beyond its initial absorption with controlling new technology, environmental policy today must focus more strongly on promoting the development and adoption of new technologies. World Resource Institute's (WRI) ongoing study of 'environmentally strategic technology' is addressed to this fundamental policy issue. The study proposes criteria for identifying such technology, offers a specific list, suggests the kinds of public policy changes necessary to encourage their development and finally presents a comparison of critical technology lists (from the White House, the European Community, Japan and the US Department of Defense). (TEC)

  11. STREAMS - Technology Programme. Yearbook 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The STREAMS Technology Programme addresses municipal waste. Municipal waste is composed of waste from households and small businesses. The programme focuses on five areas Waste prevention, Collection, transportation, and management of waste streams, Waste treatment technologies, Waste recycling into raw materials and new products, Landfill technologies. The development projects of the STREAMS Programme utilize a number of different technologies, such as biotechnology, information technology, materials technology, measurement and analysis, and automation technology. Finnish expertise in materials recycling technologies and related electronics and information technology is extremely high on a worldwide scale even though the companies represent SMEs. Started in 2001, the STREAMS programme has a total volume of 27 million euros, half of which is funded by Tekes. The programme runs through the end of 2004. (author)

  12. Marketing technology in macroeconomics. (United States)

    Tamegawa, Kenichi


    In this paper, we incorporate a marketing technology into a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model by assuming a matching friction for consumption. An improvement in matching can be interpreted as an increase in matching technology, which we call marketing technology because of similar properties. Using a simulation analysis, we confirm that a positive matching technology shock can increase output and consumption.

  13. Emerging technology and ethics

    CERN Document Server

    Wakunuma, Kutoma


    This e-book on Emerging Technologies and Ethics includes a collection of essays which explore the future and ethics of emerging information and communication technologies. Articles in the collection include an overview of the legal implications which may be relevant to the ethical aspects of emerging technologies and also ethical issues arising from the mass-take up of mobile technologies.

  14. Technology transfer of brain-computer interfaces as assistive technology: barriers and opportunities. (United States)

    Nijboer, F


    This paper provides an analysis of perspectives from different stakeholders on the state-of-the-art of BCI. Three barriers for technology transfer of BCIs as access technologies are identified. First, BCIs are developed with a narrow focus on creating a reliable technology, while a broader focus on creating a usable technology is needed. Second, the potential target group, which could benefit from BCIs as access technologies is expected to be very small. Development costs are therefore high, while reimbursements are expected to be low, which challenges the commercial viability. Third, potential target users should be much more included in the design process of BCIs to ensure that the end-products meet technical, ethical, legal and social requirements. These three issues need to be urgently addressed so that target users may benefit from this promising technology. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Technology transfer - the role of AEA Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hughes, A.E.; Bullough, R.; Mason, J.P.


    This paper concentrates mostly on examples of spin offs which have arisen from the more basic research carried out by the AEA. However, it should not be inferred from this that the only examples of successful technology transfer by the AEA are of a similar, often unforeseen nature. The most outstanding example of technology transfer by the AEA must surely be that achieved through the applied research which has enabled the establishment of a successful civil nuclear power programme in the UK. The natural transfer of technology here, achieved by virtue of the unique bridging position of the AEA with respect to universities and the nuclear industry, means that its success can easily be overlooked; to do so would be a mistake. However, by including spin off examples, we hope to illustrate how the AEA has also succeeded in bridging to more difficult areas where the special relationship which it shares with the nuclear industry is absent. (author)

  16. Key factors affecting the deployment of electricity generation technologies in energy technology scenarios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruoss, F.; Turton, H.; Hirschberg, S.


    This report presents the findings of a survey of key factors affecting the deployment of electricity generation technologies in selected energy scenarios. The assumptions and results of scenarios, and the different models used in their construction, are compared. Particular attention is given to technology assumptions, such as investment cost or capacity factors, and their impact on technology deployment. We conclude that the deployment of available technologies, i.e. their market shares, can only be explained from a holistic perspective, and that there are strong interactions between driving forces and competing technology options within a certain scenario. Already the design of a scenario analysis has important impacts on the deployment of technologies: the choice of the set of available technologies, the modeling approach and the definition of the storylines determine the outcome. Furthermore, the quantification of these storylines into input parameters and cost assumptions drives technology deployment, even though differences across the scenarios in cost assumptions are not observed to account for many of the observed differences in electricity technology deployment. The deployment can only be understood after a consideration of the interplay of technology options and the scale of technology deployment, which is determined by economic growth, end-use efficiency, and electrification. Some input parameters are of particular importance for certain technologies: CO 2 prices, fuel prices and the availability of carbon capture and storage appear to be crucial for the deployment of fossil-fueled power plants; maximum construction rates and safety concerns determine the market share of nuclear power; the availability of suitable sites represents the most important factor for electricity generation from hydro and wind power plants; and technology breakthroughs are needed for solar photovoltaics to become cost-competitive. Finally, this analysis concludes with a review

  17. Key factors affecting the deployment of electricity generation technologies in energy technology scenarios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruoss, F.; Turton, H.; Hirschberg, S.


    This report presents the findings of a survey of key factors affecting the deployment of electricity generation technologies in selected energy scenarios. The assumptions and results of scenarios, and the different models used in their construction, are compared. Particular attention is given to technology assumptions, such as investment cost or capacity factors, and their impact on technology deployment. We conclude that the deployment of available technologies, i.e. their market shares, can only be explained from a holistic perspective, and that there are strong interactions between driving forces and competing technology options within a certain scenario. Already the design of a scenario analysis has important impacts on the deployment of technologies: the choice of the set of available technologies, the modeling approach and the definition of the storylines determine the outcome. Furthermore, the quantification of these storylines into input parameters and cost assumptions drives technology deployment, even though differences across the scenarios in cost assumptions are not observed to account for many of the observed differences in electricity technology deployment. The deployment can only be understood after a consideration of the interplay of technology options and the scale of technology deployment, which is determined by economic growth, end-use efficiency, and electrification. Some input parameters are of particular importance for certain technologies: CO{sub 2} prices, fuel prices and the availability of carbon capture and storage appear to be crucial for the deployment of fossil-fueled power plants; maximum construction rates and safety concerns determine the market share of nuclear power; the availability of suitable sites represents the most important factor for electricity generation from hydro and wind power plants; and technology breakthroughs are needed for solar photovoltaics to become cost-competitive. Finally, this analysis concludes with a

  18. Beliefs, acceptances and technological knowledge

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, de M.J.; Meijers, A.W.M.; Vries, de M.J.; Hansson, S.O.; Meijers, A.W.M.


    One of the four ways of conceptualizing technology that Carl Mitcham distinguished in his book Thinking Through Technology is technology as knowledge. His description of technology as knowledge showed that not much philosophical literature on the nature of technological knowledge was available at

  19. Climbing Up the Technology Ladder? High-Technology Exports in China and Latin America


    Gallagher, Kevin P.; Porzecanski, Roberto


    In this paper we determine the “dynamic revealed competitiveness position” (DRCP) of nations for high technology exports between 1980 and 2005. We find that the developed world has lost significant market share in high technology and that China has climbed the high technology ladder during this period. In 1980 China was ranked 99th of all nations in terms of the percentage of global exports in high technology. By 2005 China climbed to second place in the world, first place if high technology ...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M.A. Ebadian


    The Deactivation and Decommissioning (D&D) Technology Assessment Program (TAP) was developed to provide detailed, comparable data for environmental technologies and to disseminate this data to D&D professionals in a manner that will facilitate the review and selection of technologies to perform decontamination and decommissioning. The objectives for this project include the following: Determine technology needs through review of the Site Technology Coordination Group (STCG) information and other applicable websites and needs databases; Perform a detailed review of industries that perform similar activities as those required in D&D operations to identify additional technologies; Define the technology assessment program for characterization and waste management problem sets; Define the data management program for characterization, dismantlement, and waste management problem sets; Evaluate baseline and innovative technologies under standard test conditions at Florida International University's Hemispheric Center for Environmental Technology (FIU-HCET) and other locations and collect data in the areas of performance, cost, health and safety, operations and maintenance, and primary and secondary waste generation; Continue to locate, verify, and incorporate technology performance data from other sources into the multimedia information system; and Develop the conceptual design for a dismantlement technology decision analysis tool for dismantlement technologies.

  1. Higher education technological knowledge and patterns of technology adoptions in undergraduate STEM courses (United States)

    Ali, Zarka Asghar

    Identifying, examining, and understanding faculty members' technological knowledge development and the process of technology adoption in higher education is a multifaceted process. Past studies have used Rogers (1995, 2003) diffusion of innovation theoretical framework to delineate the technology adoption process. These studies, however, have frequently reported the influencing factors based on the statistical analysis such as regression analysis-based approach, and have not focused on the emerging process of technology adoptions or the developing process of technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. A mixed method study was designed to see how faculty members acquire different technologies and develop technological knowledge that might help them adopt technologies in their classrooms and online using different pedagogies. A sample of STEM teaching faculty members with different ranks, tenure, teaching experience, and varied degree of experience in the use of educational technologies participated in the study. A survey was designed to identify internal and external factors affecting technology adoption and its effective use in different teaching activities. To elaborate survey results, the study also included class observations as well as pre- and post-observation interviews. Online classrooms used by the faculty via Blackboard learning management system, online flipped classrooms, or other websites such as Piazza were also examined for data triangulation. The findings of the study indicate that faculty members are influenced by their own professional motivations and student learning to improve their teaching methods and to enhance student interactions and learning through the use of different educational technologies. The adoption process was identified as spreading over a period of time and it looked at how faculty members' developed their technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. With the recognition of the social, organizational, and

  2. Technological learning for carbon capture and sequestration technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riahi, Keywan; Rubin, Edward S.; Taylor, Margaret R.; Schrattenholzer, Leo; Hounshell, David


    This paper analyzes potentials of carbon capture and sequestration technologies (CCT) in a set of long-term energy-economic-environmental scenarios based on alternative assumptions for technological progress of CCT. In order to get a reasonable guide to future technological progress in managing CO 2 emissions, we review past experience in controlling sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) emissions from power plants. By doing so, we quantify a 'learning curve' for CCT, which describes the relationship between the improvement of costs due to accumulation of experience in CCT construction. We incorporate the learning curve into the energy-modeling framework MESSAGE-MACRO and develop greenhouse gas emissions scenarios of economic, demographic, and energy demand development, where alternative policy cases lead to the stabilization of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations at 550 parts per million by volume (ppmv) by the end of the 21st century. We quantify three types of contributors to the carbon emissions mitigation: (1) demand reductions due to the increased price of energy, (2) fuel switching primarily away from coal, and (3) carbon capture and sequestration from fossil fuels. Due to the assumed technological learning, costs of the emissions reduction for CCT drop rapidly and in parallel with the massive introduction of CCT on the global scale. Compared to scenarios based on static cost assumptions for CCT, the contribution of carbon sequestration is about 50% higher in the case of learning, resulting in cumulative sequestration of CO 2 ranging from 150 to 250 billion (10 9 ) tons with carbon during the 21st century. Also, carbon values (tax) across scenarios (to meet the 550 ppmv carbon concentration constraint) are between 2% and 10% lower in the case of learning for CCT by 2100. The results illustrate that assumptions on technological change are a critical determinant of future characteristics of the energy system, indicating the importance of long-term technology policies in

  3. Development of Korea telecommunication technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    It concentrates on development of Korea telecommunication technology, which is made up seven chapters. It gives description of manual central telephone exchange or private automatic telephone exchange, transmission technology on wire line and cable line technology and optical transmission, radio communication technology on mobile and natural satellite communication, network technology with intelligent network, broadband ISDN and packet switched Data Network, terminal technology with telephone and data communication terminal and development of Information Technology in Korea. It has an appendix about development of military communication system.

  4. Technologies for a sustainable development; Technologies pour un developpement durable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The European Event on Technology (EET), a recurrent annual event since 1992, is a major meeting opportunity for researchers and engineers as well as private and public decision-makers, on technologies, their evolution and their industrial and social implications. In less than a decade, sustainable development has become both an economic and a political priority. It was urgent and legitimate that those who are the mainsprings should take hold of the subject and give it technological content, estimate its costs and define clear timetables. The debates consist of: plenary sessions on environmental, social and economic stakes of sustainable development and the challenges for, and commitment of engineers, managers and politicians with respect to these goals; and workshops, which provide an overview of recently acquired or upcoming technologies developed by sector: energy, transports, new information technologies, new industrial manufacturing technologies (materials, products, services), waste management, global environment monitoring, water management, bio-technologies, and innovation management. This document brings together the different talks given by the participants. Among these, the following ones fall into the energy and environment scope: energy efficiency of buildings: towards energy autonomy; superconductors enable in new millennium for electric power industry; advanced gas micro-turbine-driven generator technology; environmental and technical challenges of an offshore wind farm; future nuclear energy systems; modelling combustion in engines: progress and prospects for reducing emissions; on-board computers: reduction in consumption and emissions of engine-transmission units for vehicles; polymer-lithium batteries: perspectives for zero-emission traction; hybrid vehicles and energy/environmental optimization: paths and opportunities; fuel cells and zero-emission: perspectives and developments; global change: causes, modeling and economic issues; the GMES

  5. Development of National Technology Audit Policy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subiyanto Subiyanto


    Full Text Available The Laws have mandated implementation of technology audit, nevertheless such implementation needs an additional policy that is more technical. The concept of national audit technology policy shall make technology audit as a tool to ensure the benefit of technology application for society and technology advance for nation independency. This article discusses on technology audit policy concept especially infrastructure requirement, with emphasis on regulation, implementation tools, and related institution. The development of technology audit policy for national interest requires provision of mandatory audit implementation, accompanied by tools for developing technology auditor’s competence and technology audit institutional’s mechanism. To guide technology auditor’s competence, concept of national audit technology policy shall classify object of technology audit into product technology, production technology, and management of technology, accompanied by related parameters of technology performance evaluation.

  6. The dual role of external technology sourcing in technological exploration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vanhaverbeke, Wim; Li-Ying, Jason; van de Vrande, Vareska


    from non-partners, partners may play a role because of whom they know. That is, they inform the firm about technological opportunities beyond its corporate venturing network. The empirical analysis supports the dual role of venturing partners in facilitating the two types of explorative learning.......We refine the concept of boundary-spanning exploration, by making a distinction between explorative learning from partners and from non-partners (Partners are organizations with whom a focal firm has some kind of external venturing relations, i.e. technological alliances, corporate venturing...... capital, or M&As). These partners play a dual role: in explorative learning from partners, a firm teams up with external venturing partners to co-develop or transfer technology. Partners’ technology base (what they know) is driving explorative learning from partners. In contrast, in explorative learning...



    Mihane Berisha-Namani


    Information technology developed very fast, and today's marketing activities are not possible without the help of information technology. Furthermore, it is difficult to think of a policy domain not affected by usage of information technology. Information technology is making possible and creating connections between businesses and organizations. The implications of information technology usage in marketing activities are profound too. Using information technology, companies possess the poten...

  8. From Technology Teacher to Technology Integration Specialist: Preparing for a Paradigm Shift (United States)

    Dalrymple, Jennifer Lynn Penry


    This dissertation examines the effectiveness of a professional development program designed specifically to provide foundational knowledge and skills to Technology Teachers in preparation for a transition to a Technology Integration Specialist position. Specifically, it evaluates the Technology Teachers' changes in knowledge and beliefs as a…

  9. Assessing medical technologies in development; a new paradigm of medical technology assessment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hummel, J. Marjan; van Rossum, Wouter; Verkerke, Gijsbertus Jacob; Rakhorst, Gerhard


    Objective: Our study aims to provide a practical contribution to the field of medical technology assessment within a new paradigm. This paradigm indicates the need for more comprehensive technology assessments in the development stage of a new technology. - Method: We introduce a method, based on

  10. Assessing medical technologies in development - A new paradigm of medical technology assessment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hummel, MJM; van Rossum, W; Verkerke, GJ; Rakhorst, G


    Objective: Our study aims to provide a practical contribution to the field of medical technology assessment within a new paradigm. This paradigm indicates the need for more comprehensive technology assessments in the development stage of a new technology. Method: We introduce a method, based on

  11. 77 FR 13159 - Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Subcommittee of the Committee on Technology... (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology... public meeting. SUMMARY: The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the Committee on Technology, National...

  12. Geothermal energy technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Geothermal energy research and development by the Sunshine Project is subdivided into five major categories: exploration and exploitation technology, hot-water power generation technology, volcanic power generation technology, environmental conservation and multi-use technology, and equipment materials research. The programs are being carried out by various National Research Institutes, universities, and private industry. During 1976 and 1977, studies were made of the extent of resources, reservoir structure, ground water movement, and neotectonics at the Onikobe and Hachimantai geothermal fields. Studies to be performed in the near future include the use of new prospecting methods, including artificial magnetotellurics, heat balance calculation, brightspot techniques, and remote sensing, as well as laboratory studies of the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of rock. Studies are continuing in the areas of ore formation in geothermal environments, hot-dry-rock drilling and fracturing, large scale prospecting technology, high temperature-pressure drilling muds and well cements, and arsenic removal techniques.

  13. Fusion technology programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finken, D.


    KfK participates to the Fusion Technology Programme of the European Community. Most of the work in progress addresses the Next European Torus (NET) and the long term technology aspects as defined in the 82/86 programme. A minor part serves to preparation of future contributions and to design studies on fusion concepts in a wider perspective. The Fusion Technology Programme of Euratom covers mainly aspects of nuclear engineering. Plasma engineering, heating, refueling and vacuum technology are at present part of the Physics Programme. In view of NET, integration of the different areas of work will be mandatory. KfK is therefore prepared to address technical aspects beyond the actual scope of the physics experiments. The technology tasks are reported project wise under title and code of the Euratom programme. Most of the projects described here are shared with other European fusion laboratories as indicated in the table annexed to this report. (orig./GG)

  14. Decontamination technology assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, R.P.; Konzek, G.J.; Schneider, K.R.; Smith, R.I.


    This study identifies and technically assesses foreign decontamination and decommissioning (D and D) technology developments that may represent significant improvements over D and D technology currently available or under development in the United States. Technology need areas for nuclear power reactor decommissioning operations were identified and prioritized using the results of past light water reactor (LWR) decommissioning studies to quantitatively evaluate the potential for reducing cost and decommissioning worker radiation dose for each major decommissioning activity. Based on these identified needs, current foreign D and D technologies of potential interest to the US were identified through personal contacts and the collection and review of an extensive body of D and D literature. These technologies were then assessed qualitatively to evaluate their uniqueness, potential for a significant reduction in D and D costs and/or worker radiation dose, development status, and other factors affecting their value and applicability to US needs. 4 refs

  15. Immersive Learning Technologies (United States)


    Immersive Learning Technologies Mr. Peter Smith Lead, ADL Immersive Learning Team 08/20/2009 Report Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No. 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Immersive Learning Technologies 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR...unclassified c. THIS PAGE unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Why Immersive Learning Technologies



    AFRL-RY-WP-TR-2017-0168 HETEROGENEOUS INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY Dr. Burhan Bayraktaroglu Devices for Sensing Branch Aerospace Components & Subsystems...Final September 1, 2016 – May 1, 2017 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE HETEROGENEOUS INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER In-house 5b. GRANT NUMBER N/A...provide a structure for this review. The history and the current status of integration technologies in each category are examined and product examples are

  17. Water Technology Lecture 1: Introducing Water Technology


    Gray, Nicholas Frederick


    This is a full set of PowerPoint lectures for a course in Water Technology currently given at Trinity College, University of Dublin by professor N.F. Gray. The lectures cover all aspects of water and wastewater treatment and are available for use to lecturers or those interested in the subject. The lecture series is to be used in conjunction with the new textbook ?Water Science and Technology? (4th edition) published by CRC Press in 2017. Lecture 1 is an introduction to the water indust...

  18. The international nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remick, F.J.


    With today's technology, isolationism is virtually impossible. The world's economies are so strongly intertwined that what affects one country will, in some way, influence another. Nuclear technology is no exception. If anything, nuclear technology is a catalyst for international cooperation. In the United States of America, nuclear technology is undergoing significant changes. Many of these changes are being greatly influenced by programs of international cooperation

  19. Annual Science and Engineering Technology Conference/DOD Technology Exposition (7th). Volume 2. Wednesday - Thursday (United States)


    Disruptive Technologies • Army Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Transition Mr. Dennis Schmidt, Director, Science & Technology Integration, Office of...the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology • Navy Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Transition Mr. Lewis DeSandre, Program...Manager, ONR 351 • Air Force Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Transition Colonel Mark Stephen, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (Science

  20. Technology Catalogue. First edition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Department of Energy`s Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) is responsible for remediating its contaminated sites and managing its waste inventory in a safe and efficient manner. EM`s Office of Technology Development (OTD) supports applied research and demonstration efforts to develop and transfer innovative, cost-effective technologies to its site clean-up and waste management programs within EM`s Office of Environmental Restoration and Office of Waste Management. The purpose of the Technology Catalogue is to provide performance data on OTD-developed technologies to scientists and engineers assessing and recommending technical solutions within the Department`s clean-up and waste management programs, as well as to industry, other federal and state agencies, and the academic community. OTD`s applied research and demonstration activities are conducted in programs referred to as Integrated Demonstrations (IDs) and Integrated Programs (IPs). The IDs test and, consisting of coupled technologies, at specific sites to address generic problems, such as the sensing, treatment, and disposal of buried waste containers. The IPs support applied research activities in specific applications areas, such as in situ remediation, efficient separations processes, and site characterization. The Technology Catalogue is a means for communicating the status. of the development of these innovative technologies. The FY93 Technology Catalogue features technologies successfully demonstrated in the field through IDs and sufficiently mature to be used in the near-term. Technologies from the following IDs are featured in the FY93 Technology Catalogue: Buried Waste ID (Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho); Mixed Waste Landfill ID (Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico); Underground Storage Tank ID (Hanford, Washington); Volatile organic compound (VOC) Arid ID (Richland, Washington); and VOC Non-Arid ID (Savannah River Site, South Carolina).


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. L. Bourov


    Full Text Available With due account for the coming new (VI-th world technological structure, future creation of new types of industrial production is both possible and necessary. Economic environment conditions favorable for such development are designated. In reference to Russian technological environment particulars, self-developing economic-technological microenvironment of a new quality level should be created in zones where controlled «technological chains» function. Possibilities of creation of the VI-th technological structure level basic technologies are shown for industrial and household waste processing techniques as an example.


    This report presents performance and economic data for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program demonstration of the Minergy Corporation (Minergy) Glass Furnace Technology (GFT). The demonstration evaluated the techno...

  3. Science and Technology Teachers' Views of Primary School Science and Technology Curriculum (United States)

    Yildiz-Duban, Nil


    This phenomenographic study attempts to explicit science and technology teachers' views of primary school science and technology curriculum. Participants of the study were selected through opportunistic sampling and consisted of 30 science and technology teachers teaching in primary schools in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. Data were collected through an…

  4. Digital Technology Entrepreneurship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giones, Ferran; Brem, Alexander


    Technology entrepreneurship is an established concept in academia. However, recent developments in the context of digital entrepreneurship call for revision and advance- ment. The multiple possible combinations of technology and entrepreneurship have res- ulted in a diversity of phenomena...... with significantly different characteristics and socio-economic impact. This article is focused on the identification and description of technology entrepreneurship in times of digitization. Based on current examples, we identify and describe characterizations of technology entrepreneurship, digital techno- logy...... entrepreneurship, and digital entrepreneurship. With this new delineation of terms, we would like to foster discussion between researchers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers on the impact of digitization on entrepreneurship, and set a future research agenda....

  5. Power conversion technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Newton, M. A.


    The Power Conversion Technologies thrust area identifies and sponsors development activities that enhance the capabilities of engineering at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in the area of solid- state power electronics. Our primary objective is to be a resource to existing and emerging LLNL programs that require advanced solid-state power electronic technologies.. Our focus is on developing and integrating technologies that will significantly impact the capability, size, cost, and reliability of future power electronic systems. During FY-96, we concentrated our research efforts on the areas of (1) Micropower Impulse Radar (MIR); (2) novel solid-state opening switches; (3) advanced modulator technology for accelerators; (4) compact accelerators; and (5) compact pulse generators.

  6. Superconducting technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Superconductivity has a long history of about 100 years. Over the past 50 years, progress in superconducting materials has been mainly in metallic superconductors, such as Nb, Nb-Ti and Nb 3 Sn, resulting in the creation of various application fields based on the superconducting technologies. High-T c superconductors, the first of which was discovered in 1986, have been changing the future vision of superconducting technology through the development of new application fields such as power cables. On basis of these trends, future prospects of superconductor technology up to 2040 are discussed. In this article from the viewpoints of material development and the applications of superconducting wires and electronic devices. (author)

  7. Buildings R&D Breakthroughs. Technologies and Products Supported by the Building Technologies Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report identifies and characterizes commercially available products and emerging (near-commercial) technologies that benefited from the support of the Building Technologies Program (BTP) within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The investigation specifically focused on technology-oriented research and development (R&D) projects sponsored by BTP’s Emerging Technologies subprogram from 2005-2009.

  8. Use of Payment Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xiao, Xiao; Hedman, Jonas; Runnemark, Emma


    Drawing on the theory of consumption value, this research-in-progress strives to provide a theoretical explanation of payment technology use by investigating the relationship between consumers’ perceptions of different consumption values associated with a certain payment technology and their choice...... to use the technology. We conducted the study in the context of Denmark, a Northern European country, with three well established payment technologies: cash, payment cards, and Internet banking. Following a focus group of identifying and defining four types of consumption values associated with each...... payment technology, a survey was then conducted by a national statistics agency in the country. Preliminary results have shown that different consumption values matter for the use of different payment technologies. The findings will potentially contribute to a better understanding of consumer payment...

  9. Technology monitoring; Technologie-Monitoring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eicher, H.; Rigassi, R. [Eicher und Pauli AG, Liestal (Switzerland); Ott, W. [Econcept AG, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    This study made for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) examines ways of systematically monitoring energy technology development and the cost of such technologies in order to pave the way to a basis for judging the economic development of new energy technologies. Initial results of a survey of the past development of these technologies are presented and estimates are made of future developments in the areas of motor-based combined heat and power systems, fuel-cell heating units for single-family homes and apartment buildings, air/water heat pumps for new housing projects and high-performance thermal insulation. The methodology used for the monitoring and analysis of the various technologies is described. Tables and diagrams illustrate the present situation and development potential of various fields of technology.

  10. Nuclear technology and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akiyama, Mamoru


    After the confrontation of East and West, and the problem of North and South, we are now facing the era of Globalization in the presence of twenty-first century. Tracing the history of civilization, human being has progressed along with the accumulation of experience, and the development of science and technology. Science and technology bloomed in modern ages, especially, energy technology showed the giant leap in this century. Nuclear science and technology has been developed for peaceful purposes, and for the benefit of humanity. As a result, today, its progress led nuclear science and technology to have the great applicability to the development of the society. Toward the twenty-first century and Globalization, the science and technology developed in nuclear field is hoped to play a great contribution in various area of the society. (author)

  11. Technology Push, Demand Pull And The Shaping Of Technological Paradigms - Patterns In The Development Of Computing Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.C.M. van den Ende (Jan); W.A. Dolfsma (Wilfred)


    textabstractAn assumption generally subscribed in evolutionary economics is that new technological paradigms arise from advances is science and developments in technological knowledge. Demand only influences the selection among competing paradigms, and the course the paradigm after its inception. In

  12. Disruptive Technology: An Uncertain Future (United States)


    Technology that overturns market -- Military - Technology that causes a fundamental change in force structure, basing, and capability balance * Disruptive Technologies may arise from systems or enabling technology.

  13. Demonstrating and implementing innovative technologies: Case studies from the USDOE Office of Technology Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brouns, T.M.; Koegler, K.J.; Mamiya, L.S.


    This paper describes elements of success for demonstration, evaluation, and transfer for deployment of innovative technologies for environmental restoration. They have been compiled from lessons learned through the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Technology Development's Volatile Organic Compounds in Arid Soil Integrated Demonstration (VOC-Arid ID). The success of the VOC-Arid ID program was determined by the rapid development demonstration, and transfer for deployment of technologies to operational sites that improve on safety, cost, and/or schedule of performance over baseline technologies. The VOC-Arid ID successfully fielded more than 25 innovative technology field demonstrations; several of the technologies demonstrated have been successfully transferred for deployment Field demonstration is a critical element in the successful transfer of innovative technologies into environmental restoration operations. The measures of success for technology demonstrations include conducting the demonstration in a safe and controlled environment and generating the appropriate information by which to evaluate the technology. However, field demonstrations alone do not guarantee successful transfer for deployment There are many key elements throughout the development and demonstration process that have a significant impact on the success of a technology. This paper presents key elements for a successful technology demonstration and transfer for deployment identified through the experiences of the VOC-Arid ID. Also, several case studies are provided as examples

  14. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, USSR: Science & Technology Policy (United States)


    urgent and vital problems that faced the United States of America at that time. This discussion was of a completely free nature, and, although at...imeni M.O. Auezov, and the Sociology Center attached to the Institute of Eco- nomics, which took part in sociolinguistic studies of the language...development of advanced technologies. In the United States of America , for example, a special fund of these technologies was estab- lished. An

  15. EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] SITE [Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation] program seeks technology proposals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    EPA will issue an RFP to initiate the SITE-005 solicitation for demonstration of technologies under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program. This portion of the SITE program offers a mechanism for conducting a joint technology demonstration between EPA and the private sector. The goal of the demonstration program is to provide an opportunity for developers to demonstrate the performance of their technologies on actual hazardous wastes at Superfund sites, and to provide accurate and reliable data on that performance. Technologies selected must be of commercial scale and provide solutions to problems encountered at Superfund Sites. Primary emphasis in the RFP is on technologies that address: treatment of mixed, low level radioactive wastes in soils and groundwater; treatment of soils and sludges contaminated with organics and/or inorganics, materials handling as a preliminary step to treatment or further processing, treatment trains designed to handle specific wastes, are in situ technologies, especially those processes providing alternatives to conventional groundwater pump and treat techniques

  16. Technology Foresight on Emerging Technologies: Implications for a National Innovation Initiative in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fatima Ludovico de Almeida


    Full Text Available Prospective studies about emerging technologies and their implications for public policy formulation indicate critical choices ranging from global to national level, even to the individual firm or institution. Emerging technologies have been shaping the future of some industries and transforming many others. In many cases, these technologies will determine the restructuring of industries as never before. Specially designed for enabling better planning and future decisions, technology foresight (TF methods are used to foresee diffusion of innovations, mapping out commercially viable roadmaps for technological development. This paper is concerned with a methodological instrument adopted in Brazil as support for building the Agenda for a National Innovation Initiative (NII, which was articulated by government, universities, R&D institutions, and private firms. It presents and discusses an integrated methodological approach for a TF study, specially designed for the purpose of this Brazilian innovation policy instrument, concerning three emerging technologies – nanotechnology, biotechnology, and information and communication technologies (ICT.

  17. Radiation Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The conference was organized to evaluate the application directions of radiation technology in Vietnam and to utilize the Irradiation Centre in Hanoi with the Co-60 source of 110 kCi. The investigation and study of technico-economic feasibility for technology development to various items of food and non-food objects was reported. (N.H.A)

  18. Lasers. Technology Learning Activity. Teacher Edition. Technology Education Series. (United States)

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center.

    This document contains the materials required for presenting an 8-day competency-based technology learning activity (TLA) designed to introduce students in grades 6-10 to advances and career opportunities in the field of laser technology. The guide uses a series of hands-on exploratory experiences into which activities to help students develop…

  19. Technology Familiarization to Preservice Teachers: Factors that Influence Teacher Educators' Technology Decisions (United States)

    Kalonde, Gilbert; Mousa, Rabab


    The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence teacher educators' technology decisions in methods courses. Research has shown various reasons why teachers use different types of technologies and not able to integrate certain technologies. However, this study focused on the source of teachers' instructional technology…

  20. Technology transfer? The rise of China and India in green technology sectors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lema, Rasmus; Lema, Adrian


    International technology transfer is central to the debate about how to curb the carbon emissions from rapid economic growth in China and India. But given China and India's great progress in building innovation capabilities and green industries, how relevant is technology transfer...... for these countries? This paper seeks insights from three green technology sectors in both countries: wind power, solar energy and electric and hybrid vehicles. We find that, conventional technology transfer mechanisms such as foreign direct investments and licensing, were important for industry formation and take...

  1. What's special about human technology?


    Robert Aunger


    Human technology is difficult to understand because it is so complex. However, human technology evolved from the simpler technologies of other species. Comparison with these other technologies should illuminate why human technology is distinct. Some birds and primates make tools, or simple technological objects whose function is closely related to their form. Humans, on the other hand, make machines--relatively complex objects whose functionality derives from the interaction of parts with res...

  2. Building Technologies Program Multi-Year Program Plan Technology Validation and Market Introduction 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    Building Technologies Program Multi-Year Program Plan 2008 for technology validation and market introduction, including ENERGY STAR, building energy codes, technology transfer application centers, commercial lighting initiative, EnergySmart Schools, EnergySmar



    Ghanshyam Das Soni


    Technology is application of knowledge to practical requirements. Green technologies encompass various aspects of technology which help us reduce the human impact on the environment and create ways of sustainable development. Social equitability, economic feasibility and sustainability are the key parameters for green technologies. Today the environment is racing towards the tipping point at which we would have done permanent irreversible damage to the planet earth. Our current actions are pu...

  4. Digital Sensor Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ted Quinn; Jerry Mauck; Richard Bockhorst; Ken Thomas


    The nuclear industry has been slow to incorporate digital sensor technology into nuclear plant designs due to concerns with digital qualification issues. However, the benefits of digital sensor technology for nuclear plant instrumentation are substantial in terms of accuracy, reliability, availability, and maintainability. This report demonstrates these benefits in direct comparisons of digital and analog sensor applications. It also addresses the qualification issues that must be addressed in the application of digital sensor technology.

  5. Next wave EM technology : Electromagnetic communication technology continues to progress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ludwick, J.


    Alpine Oil Services Corp. and Ryan Energy Technologies Inc., have made technological advances in the use of real time electromagnetic (EM) data transmission, using low frequency radio waves to transmit well commands or geological information. The development of the telemetry activated tool was done in two steps. The first technology was real time EM data transmission from the subsurface which used the wellbore to transfer information. The second step was constructing a memory pack which involved an electronic instrument installed in the wellbore which was programmed to perform certain tasks at certain times by transmitting signals back and forth. The use of EM communication allows the geological steering information to come back faster. The EM signal is much faster compared to MWD systems for deeper directional wells. The EM technology also has immediate applications in underbalanced drilling. 1 fig

  6. International vs. domestic technology in-licensing: How do Chinese firms build their technological capabilities?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Ying; Wang, Yuandi


    This paper investigates the different impacts of international and domestic technology in-licensing for Chinese firms as licensees on their technological capability building. The evolution of firms in developing countries and development of their technological capabilities has received increasing...... attention in the extant literature on both innovation management and international business. However, little has been done to reach a clear understanding on whether Chinese firms can benefit from international or domestic technology in-licensing and improve their own technological capabilities. This study......, therefore, pursues this endeavor by using a unique dataset from China State of Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) containing information on large Chinese firms. The findings of this empirical study indicate that firms with international technology in-licensing possess stronger technological innovation...

  7. Technology and demand forecasting for carbon capture and storage technology in South Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Jungwoo; Lee, Chul-Yong; Kim, Hongbum


    Among the various alternatives available to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered to be a prospective technology that could both improve economic growth and meet GHG emission reduction targets. Despite the importance of CCS, however, studies of technology and demand forecasting for CCS are scarce. This study bridges this gap in the body of knowledge on this topic by forecasting CCS technology and demand based on an integrated model. For technology forecasting, a logistic model and patent network analysis are used to compare the competitiveness of CCS technology for selected countries. For demand forecasting, a competition diffusion model is adopted to consider competition among renewable energies and forecast demand. The results show that the number of patent applications for CCS technology will increase to 16,156 worldwide and to 4,790 in Korea by 2025. We also find that the United States has the most competitive CCS technology followed by Korea and France. Moreover, about 5 million tCO_2e of GHG will be reduced by 2040 if CCS technology is adopted in Korea after 2020. - Highlights: • Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can help mitigate climate change globally. • It can both improve economic growth and meet GHG emission reduction targets. • We forecast CCS technology and demand based on an integrated model. • The US has the most competitive CCS technology followed by Korea and France. • 5 million tCO_2e of GHG will be reduced by 2040 if CCS is adopted in Korea.

  8. Children's Developing Understanding of Technology (United States)

    Mawson, Brent


    The issue of children's conceptions of technology and technology education is seen as important by technology educators. While there is a solid body of literature that documents groups of children's understandings of technology and technology education, this is primarily focused on snapshot studies of children aged 11 and above. There is little…

  9. Technological and life cycle assessment of organics processing odour control technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bindra, Navin [School of Engineering, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario N1G2W1 (Canada); Dubey, Brajesh, E-mail: [School of Engineering, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario N1G2W1 (Canada); Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302 (India); Dutta, Animesh [School of Engineering, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario N1G2W1 (Canada)


    As more municipalities and communities across developed world look towards implementing organic waste management programmes or upgrading existing ones, composting facilities are emerging as a popular choice. However, odour from these facilities continues to be one of the most important concerns in terms of cost & effective mitigation. This paper provides a technological and life cycle assessment of some of the different odour control technologies and treatment methods that can be implemented in organics processing facilities. The technological assessment compared biofilters, packed tower wet scrubbers, fine mist wet scrubbers, activated carbon adsorption, thermal oxidization, oxidization chemicals and masking agents. The technologies/treatment methods were evaluated and compared based on a variety of operational, usage and cost parameters. Based on the technological assessment it was found that, biofilters and packed bed wet scrubbers are the most applicable odour control technologies for use in organics processing faculties. A life cycle assessment was then done to compare the environmental impacts of the packed-bed wet scrubber system, organic (wood-chip media) bio-filter and inorganic (synthetic media) bio-filter systems. Twelve impact categories were assessed; cumulative energy demand (CED), climate change, human toxicity, photochemical oxidant formation, metal depletion, fossil depletion, terrestrial acidification, freshwater eutrophication, marine eutrophication, terrestrial eco-toxicity, freshwater eco-toxicity and marine eco-toxicity. The results showed that for all impact categories the synthetic media biofilter had the highest environmental impact, followed by the wood chip media bio-filter system. The packed-bed system had the lowest environmental impact for all categories. - Highlights: • Assessment of odour control technologies for organics processing facilities. • Comparative life cycle assessment of three odour control technologies was conducted

  10. Swedish Technology Teachers' Views on Assessing Student Understandings of Technological Systems (United States)

    Schooner, Patrick; Klasander, Claes; Hallström, Jonas


    Technology education is a new school subject in comparison with other subjects within the Swedish compulsory school system. Research in technology education shows that technology teachers lack experience of and support for assessment in comparison with the long-term experiences that other teachers use in their subjects. This becomes especially…

  11. Technology Teachers' Attitudes toward Nuclear Energy and Their Implications for Technology Education (United States)

    Lee, Lung-Sheng; Yang, Hsiu-Chuan


    The purpose of this paper was to explore high-school (grades 10-12) technology teachers' attitudes toward nuclear energy and their implications to technology education. A questionnaire was developed to solicit 323 high-school technology teachers' responses in June 2013 and 132 (or 41%) valid questionnaires returned. Consequently, the following…

  12. Enabling cleanup technology transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ditmars, J. D.


    Technology transfer in the environmental restoration, or cleanup, area has been challenging. While there is little doubt that innovative technologies are needed to reduce the times, risks, and costs associated with the cleanup of federal sites, particularly those of the Departments of Energy (DOE) and Defense, the use of such technologies in actual cleanups has been relatively limited. There are, of course, many reasons why technologies do not reach the implementation phase or do not get transferred from developing entities to the user community. For example, many past cleanup contracts provided few incentives for performance that would compel a contractor to seek improvement via technology applications. While performance-based contracts are becoming more common, they alone will not drive increased technology applications. This paper focuses on some applications of cleanup methodologies and technologies that have been successful and are illustrative of a more general principle. The principle is at once obvious and not widely practiced. It is that, with few exceptions, innovative cleanup technologies are rarely implemented successfully alone but rather are implemented in the context of enabling processes and methodologies. And, since cleanup is conducted in a regulatory environment, the stage is better set for technology transfer when the context includes substantive interactions with the relevant stakeholders. Examples of this principle are drawn from Argonne National Laboratory's experiences in Adaptive Sampling and Analysis Programs (ASAPs), Precise Excavation, and the DOE Technology Connection (TechCon) Program. The lessons learned may be applicable to the continuing challenges posed by the cleanup and long-term stewardship of radioactive contaminants and unexploded ordnance (UXO) at federal sites

  13. FY 1999 report on the results of the R and D of femtosecond technology. R and D of femtosecond technology; 1999 nendo femto byo technology no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Femto byo technology no kenkyu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project aims at creating new industrial basement technology which supports the highly information-oriented society in the 21st century, conducts the R and D of technology to control the state of light and electron in the femtosecond time domain (10{sup -15} - 10{sup -12} sec), and establishes the basement technology which exceeds the speed limit of the conventional electronics technology and also includes new functionality. The themes are as follows: 1) R and D of ultra-short pulse optoelectronic technology; 2) R and D of ultra-short optical pulse applied measuring technology. In 1), in addition to the investigational study of the ultra-high speed light source technology, ultra-high speed modulation technology and ultra-high speed switching technology which are needed for the ultra-high speed optical information communication system and the construction, made were the survey and the evaluation of crystal growth technology/process technology of new semiconductor materials which make the fabrication of these high-tech ultra-high speed devices possible. In 2), investigationally studied were the technology for generation/control of ultra-short optical pulse and ultra-short electron beam pulse and the technology for stabilization, and the technology for generation of femtosecond high-intensity X-ray pulse by collision of optical pulse with electron beam pulse. (NEDO)

  14. Elaboration and characterisation of thin polycrystalline films deposited by LPCVD for solar cells application; Elaboration et caracterisation de couches minces de silicium polycristallin deposees par LPCVD pour application photovoltaique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laghla, Y.


    This work is separated in 3 parts: a first part told horizontal research, concerning physical studies of the material such as optical characteristics. We have studied the main methods of evaluating optical constants, such as thickness, refractive index and optical coefficient of absorption. The second part is dedicated to calculation of optical properties of thin layers of amorphous and polycrystalline silicon obtained by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD). The optical studies of the different materials have allowed us to the final choice of material and to optimise thickness in order to make photovoltaic diodes. Therefore we have, studied the deposit kinetics, optical, electrical, and structural (AFM, SEM) properties of the different layers contributing to the diodes manufacturing. So as to better understand the quality of these layers, we have tried to make a bond between the different observed variation of electrical, and optical parameters, and their structural variation according to their thickness. The lest part, told vertical research, consists in the technological realisation of these diodes with minimum technological steps (only three masc. levels), so as to reply to the demands of the industrial market. In this subject, we have realised diodes with a significant reduction in reverse leakage current, and a very good aware appearance to reverse polarisation up to -100 V without observing the break down voltage. (author) 186 refs.

  15. Thermal Management of Power Semiconductor Packages - Matching Cooling Technologies with Packaging Technologies (Presentation)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bennion, K.; Moreno, G.


    Heat removal for power semiconductor devices is critical for robust operation. Because there are different packaging options, different thermal management technologies, and a range of applications, there is a need for a methodology to match cooling technologies and package configurations to target applications. To meet this need, a methodology was developed to compare the sensitivity of cooling technologies on the overall package thermal performance over a range of power semiconductor packaging configurations. The results provide insight into the trade-offs associated with cooling technologies and package configurations. The approach provides a method for comparing new developments in power semiconductor packages and identifying potential thermal control technologies for the package. The results can help users select the appropriate combination of packaging configuration and cooling technology for the desired application.

  16. Digital Native Academic Librarians, Technology Skills, and Their Relationship with Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenny Emanuel


    Full Text Available A new generation of academic librarians, who are a part of the Millennial Generation born between 1982 and 2001 are now of the age to either be in graduate school or embarking on their careers. This paper, as part of a larger study examining Millennial academic librarians, their career selection, their attitudes, and their technology skills, looks specifically at the technology skills and attitudes towards technology among a group of young librarians and library school students.  The author initially wanted to learn if the increasingly high tech nature of academic librarianship attracted Millennials to the career, but results showed that they had a much more complex relationship with technology than the author assumed.

  17. Brief: Managing computing technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Startzman, R.A.


    While computing is applied widely in the production segment of the petroleum industry, its effective application is the primary goal of computing management. Computing technology has changed significantly since the 1950's, when computers first began to influence petroleum technology. The ability to accomplish traditional tasks faster and more economically probably is the most important effect that computing has had on the industry. While speed and lower cost are important, are they enough? Can computing change the basic functions of the industry? When new computing technology is introduced improperly, it can clash with traditional petroleum technology. This paper examines the role of management in merging these technologies

  18. Technology Roadmapping for Waste Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bray, O.


    Technology roadmapping can be an effective strategic technology planning tool. This paper describes a process for customizing a generic technology roadmapping process. Starting with a generic process reduces the learning curve and speeds up the roadmap development. Similarly, starting with a generic domain model provides leverage across multiple applications or situations within the domain. A process that combines these two approaches facilitates identifying technology gaps and determining common core technologies that can be reused for multiple applications or situations within the domain. This paper describes both of these processes and how they can be integrated. A core team and a number of technology working groups develop the technology roadmap, which includes critical system requirements and targets, technology areas and metrics for each area, and identifies and evaluates possible technology alternatives to recommend the most appropriate ones to pursue. A generalized waste management model, generated by considering multiple situations or applications in terms of a generic waste management model, provides the domain requirements for the technology roadmapping process. Finally, the paper discusses lessons learns from a number of roadmapping projects

  19. An investigation of the effects of technology readiness on technology acceptance in e-HRM


    Erdoğmuş, Nihat; Esen, Murat


    The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of technology readiness on technology acceptance in e-HRM field. The data for this study were collected from 65 Human Resource (HR) managers representing top 500 largest private sector companies in Turkey. The research model based on two theories: Parasuraman's technology readiness and Davis’ technology acceptance model. The results of the study showed that optimism and innovativeness dimensions of technology readiness positively influenced ...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bellini, Anna


    This document has the purpose to describe the technological implementation plan in the IDEAL project.......This document has the purpose to describe the technological implementation plan in the IDEAL project....

  1. Dismantling technologies trends

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devaux, P.


    In this work dismantling technologies trends realized by the CEA are reviewed. There following technologies are presented: Data acquisition from facilities; Scenario studies; Remote handling and carriers; Dismantling techniques; Decontamination.

  2. Technology development multidimensional review for engineering and technology managers

    CERN Document Server

    Neshati, Ramin; Watt, Russell; Eastham, James


    Developing new products, services, systems, and processes has become an imperative for any firm expecting to thrive in today’s fast-paced and hyper-competitive environment.  This volume integrates academic and practical insights to present fresh perspectives on new product development and innovation, showcasing lessons learned on the technological frontier.  The first part emphasizes decision making.  The second part focuses on technology evaluation, including cost-benefit analysis, material selection, and scenarios. The third part features in-depth case studies to present innovation management tools, such as customer needs identification, technology standardization, and risk management. The fourth part highlights important international trends, such as globalization and outsourcing. Finally the fifth part explores social and political aspects.

  3. Consuming technologies - developing routines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gram-Hanssen, Kirsten


    technologies and in this article these processes will be investigated from three different perspectives: an historical perspective of how new technologies have entered homes, a consumer perspective of how both houses and new technologies are purchased and finally, as the primary part of the article, a user...... perspective of how routines develop while these technologies are being used. In the conclusion these insights are discussed in relation to possible ways of influencing routines....

  4. Developments in lubricant technology

    CERN Document Server

    Srivastava, S P


    Provides a fundamental understanding of lubricants and lubricant technology including emerging lubricants such as synthetic and environmentally friendly lubricants Teaches the reader to understand the role of technology involved in the manufacture of lubricants Details both major industrial oils and automotive oils for various engines Covers emerging lubricant technology such as synthetic and environmentally friendly lubricants Discusses lubricant blending technology, storage, re-refining and condition monitoring of lubricant in equipment

  5. Emerging and Disruptive Technologies


    Kricka, Larry J.


    Several emerging or disruptive technologies can be identified that might, at some point in the future, displace established laboratory medicine technologies and practices. These include increased automation in the form of robots, 3-D printing, technology convergence (e.g., plug-in glucose meters for smart phones), new point-of-care technologies (e.g., contact lenses with sensors, digital and wireless enabled pregnancy tests) and testing locations (e.g., Retail Health Clinics, new at-home test...

  6. Promoting renewable energy technologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, O.J.; Skytte, K.


    % of its annual electricity production. In this paper, we present and discuss the Danish experience as a case of promoting renewable energy technologies. The development path of the two technologies has been very different. Wind power is considered an outright success with fast deployment to decreasing...... technology and its particular context, it is possible to formulate some general principles that can help to create an effective and efficient policy for promoting new renewable energy technologies....

  7. NASA Astrophysics Technology Needs (United States)

    Stahl, H. Philip


    July 2010, NASA Office of Chief Technologist (OCT) initiated an activity to create and maintain a NASA integrated roadmap for 15 key technology areas which recommend an overall technology investment strategy and prioritize NASA?s technology programs to meet NASA?s strategic goals. Science Instruments, Observatories and Sensor Systems(SIOSS) roadmap addresses technology needs to achieve NASA?s highest priority objectives -- not only for the Science Mission Directorate (SMD), but for all of NASA.

  8. Technology Estimating: A Process to Determine the Cost and Schedule of Space Technology Research and Development (United States)

    Cole, Stuart K.; Reeves, John D.; Williams-Byrd, Julie A.; Greenberg, Marc; Comstock, Doug; Olds, John R.; Wallace, Jon; DePasquale, Dominic; Schaffer, Mark


    NASA is investing in new technologies that include 14 primary technology roadmap areas, and aeronautics. Understanding the cost for research and development of these technologies and the time it takes to increase the maturity of the technology is important to the support of the ongoing and future NASA missions. Overall, technology estimating may help provide guidance to technology investment strategies to help improve evaluation of technology affordability, and aid in decision support. The research provides a summary of the framework development of a Technology Estimating process where four technology roadmap areas were selected to be studied. The framework includes definition of terms, discussion for narrowing the focus from 14 NASA Technology Roadmap areas to four, and further refinement to include technologies, TRL range of 2 to 6. Included in this paper is a discussion to address the evaluation of 20 unique technology parameters that were initially identified, evaluated and then subsequently reduced for use in characterizing these technologies. A discussion of data acquisition effort and criteria established for data quality are provided. The findings obtained during the research included gaps identified, and a description of a spreadsheet-based estimating tool initiated as a part of the Technology Estimating process.

  9. Beyond technology acceptance to effective technology use: a parsimonious and actionable model. (United States)

    Holahan, Patricia J; Lesselroth, Blake J; Adams, Kathleen; Wang, Kai; Church, Victoria


    To develop and test a parsimonious and actionable model of effective technology use (ETU). Cross-sectional survey of primary care providers (n = 53) in a large integrated health care organization that recently implemented new medication reconciliation technology. Surveys assessed 5 technology-related perceptions (compatibility with work values, implementation climate, compatibility with work processes, perceived usefulness, and ease of use) and 1 outcome variable, ETU. ETU was measured as both consistency and quality of technology use. Compatibility with work values and implementation climate were found to have differential effects on consistency and quality of use. When implementation climate was strong, consistency of technology use was high. However, quality of technology use was high only when implementation climate was strong and values compatibility was high. This is an important finding and highlights the importance of users' workplace values as a key determinant of quality of use. To extend our effectiveness in implementing new health care information technology, we need parsimonious models that include actionable determinants of ETU and account for the differential effects of these determinants on the multiple dimensions of ETU. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  10. Emerging energy-efficient industrial technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, N.; Worrell, E.; Ruth, M.; Price, L.; Elliott, R.N.; Shipley, A.M.; Thorne, J.


    U.S. industry consumes approximately 37 percent of the nation's energy to produce 24 percent of the nation's GDP. Increasingly, industry is confronted with the challenge of moving toward a cleaner, more sustainable path of production and consumption, while increasing global competitiveness. Technology will be essential for meeting these challenges. At some point, businesses are faced with investment in new capital stock. At this decision point, new and emerging technologies compete for capital investment alongside more established or mature technologies. Understanding the dynamics of the decision-making process is important to perceive what drives technology change and the overall effect on industrial energy use. The assessment of emerging energy-efficient industrial technologies can be useful for: (1) identifying R&D projects; (2) identifying potential technologies for market transformation activities; (3) providing common information on technologies to a broad audience of policy-makers; and (4) offering new insights into technology development and energy efficiency potentials. With the support of PG&E Co., NYSERDA, DOE, EPA, NEEA, and the Iowa Energy Center, staff from LBNL and ACEEE produced this assessment of emerging energy-efficient industrial technologies. The goal was to collect information on a broad array of potentially significant emerging energy-efficient industrial technologies and carefully characterize a sub-group of approximately 50 key technologies. Our use of the term ''emerging'' denotes technologies that are both pre-commercial but near commercialization, and technologies that have already entered the market but have less than 5 percent of current market share. We also have chosen technologies that are energy-efficient (i.e., use less energy than existing technologies and practices to produce the same product), and may have additional ''non-energy benefits.'' These benefits are as important (if

  11. Technology-Use Mediation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bansler, Jørgen P.; Havn, Erling C.


    Implementation of new computer-mediated communication (CMC) systems in organizations is a complex socio-technical endeavour, involving the mutual adaptation of technology and organization over time. Drawing on the analytic concept of sensemaking, this paper provides a theoretical perspective...... that deepens our understanding of how organizations appropriate new electronic communication media. The paper analyzes how a group of mediators in a large, multinational company adapted a new web-based CMC technology (a virtual workspace) to the local organizational context (and vice versa) by modifying...... features of the technology, providing ongoing support for users, and promoting appropriate conventions of use. We found that these mediators exerted considerable influence on how the technology was established and used in the organization. The mediators were not neutral facilitators of a well...

  12. Technology 2004, Vol. 2 (United States)


    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2004 Conference, November 8-10, 1994, Washington, DC. Volume 2 features papers on computers and software, virtual reality simulation, environmental technology, video and imaging, medical technology and life sciences, robotics and artificial intelligence, and electronics.

  13. Technology shocks matter


    Jonas D. M. Fisher


    This paper uses the neoclassical growth model to identify the effects of technological change on the US business cycle. In the model there are two sources of technological change: neutral, which effects the production of all goods homogeneously, and investment-specific. Investment-specific shocks are the unique source of the secular trend in the real price of investment goods, while shocks to both kinds of technology are the only factors which affect labor productivity in the long run. Consis...

  14. Technology Exhibition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Linked to the 25th Anniversary celebrations, an exhibition of some of CERN's technological achievements was opened on 22 June. Set up in a new 600 m{sup 2} Exhibition Hall on the CERN site, the exhibition is divided into eight technology areas — magnets, vacuum, computers and data handling, survey and alignment, radiation protection, beam monitoring and handling, detectors, and workshop techniques.

  15. Deviation Among Technology Reviews: An Informative Enrichment of Technology Evolution Theory for Marketing


    Sood, Ashish; Stremersch, Stefan


    textabstractUnderstanding technological change is of critical importance to marketers, as it bears new markets, new brands, new customers, and new market leaders. This paper examines the deviation among reviews of a technology’s performance and its consequences for inferences on technology evolution patterns. The basic premise of the current paper is that technology evolution literature, while highly relevant, is misguided in that it ignores potential deviation among technology reviews. Using...

  16. Buildings R&D Breakthroughs: Technologies and Products Supported by the Building Technologies Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weakley, Steven A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    The purpose of the project described in this report is to identify and characterize commercially available products and emerging (near-commercial) technologies that benefited from the support of the Building Technologies Program (BTP) within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The investigation specifically focused on technology-oriented research and development (R&D) projects funded by BTP’s Emerging Technologies subprogram from 2005-2011.

  17. Investigation of Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge of Pre-Service Science and Technology Teachers


    Bayram AKARSU; Esra GÜVEN


    The purpose of this study is to investigate Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of 3rd and 4th year prospective science teachers, enrollment at the faculty of education, with respect to the technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), content knowledge (CK), technological pedagogical knowledge (TPC), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and information in the technological content (TPC). These knowledge types are intersection of the sub-dimensions to determine whe...

  18. Disruptive technologies in higher education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Flavin


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the role of “disruptive” innovative technologies in higher education. In this country and elsewhere, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs have invested significant sums in learning technologies, with Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs being more or less universal, but these technologies have not been universally adopted and used by students and staff. Instead, other technologies not owned or controlled by HEIs are widely used to support learning and teaching. According to Christensen's theory of Disruptive Innovation, these disruptive technologies are not designed explicitly to support learning and teaching in higher education, but have educational potential. This study uses Activity Theory and Expansive Learning to analyse data regarding the impact of disruptive technologies. The data were obtained through a questionnaire survey about awareness and use of technologies, and through observation and interviews, exploring participants’ actual practice. The survey answers tended to endorse Disruptive Innovation theory, with participants establishing meanings for technologies through their use of them, rather than in keeping with a designer's intentions. Observation revealed that learners use a narrow range of technologies to support learning, but with a tendency to use resources other than those supplied by their HEIs. Interviews showed that participants use simple and convenient technologies to support their learning and teaching. This study identifies a contradiction between learning technologies made available by HEIs, and technologies used in practice. There is no evidence to suggest that a wide range of technologies is being used to support learning and teaching. Instead, a small range of technologies is being used for a wide range of tasks. Students and lecturers are not dependent on their HEIs to support learning and teaching. Instead, they self-select technologies, with use weighted towards established brands. The

  19. What Is Educational Technology? An Inquiry into the Meaning, Use, and Reciprocity of Technology (United States)

    Lakhana, Arun


    This position paper explores the ambiguity of technology, toward refined understanding of Educational Technology. The purpose of education is described by John Dewey as growing, or habitual learning. Two philosophical conceptions of technology are reviewed. Dewey positions inquiry as a technology that creates knowledge. Val Dusek offers a…

  20. Persuasive Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book constitutes the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2010, held in Copenhagen Denmark in June 2010. The 25 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. In addition three keynote papers are included in this vol......This book constitutes the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2010, held in Copenhagen Denmark in June 2010. The 25 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. In addition three keynote papers are included...... in this volume. The topics covered are emotions and user experience, ambient persuasive systems, persuasive design, persuasion profiles, designing for health, psychology of persuasion, embodied and conversational agents, economic incentives, and future directions for persuasive technology....