
Sample records for systemes environnementaux innovatifs

  1. Impacts socio-economiques et environnementaux de la chasse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif de cette étude est d'identifier les impacts socio-économiques et environnementaux de la chasse traditionnelle dans la Région Centrale au Togo. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une combinaison de techniques touchant les dimensions quantitatives et qualitatives a été adoptée. Il se résume à la recherche documentaire ...

  2. Problématique des indicateurs environnementaux et de développement durable


    Tyteca, Daniel


    De façon très large et très globale, on peut définir les indicateurs environnementaux comme des grandeurs, établies à partir de quantités observables ou calculables, reflétant de diverses façons possibles les impacts sur l'environnement occasionnés par une activité donnée. Les quantités en question peuvent être aussi bien des quantités physiques de matières entrant dans un processus industriel (inputs, énergie, eau, matières premières, ?), ou provenant de ce processus, comme les produits de c...

  3. CISBAT 2005 proceedings. Renewables in a changing climate - Innovation in building envelopes and environmental systems; CISBAT 2005 proceedings. Energies renouvelables et climat - Enveloppes et systemes environnementaux innovatifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scartezzini, J L [ed.


    These proceedings include the contributions presented at the 2005 CISBAT conference, held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne and jointly organised by the Solar Energy and Buildings Physics Laboratory at the EPFL, Cambridge University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), this international conference looked at 'Innovation in building envelopes and environmental systems'. Along with three keynote presentations on climate change, the use of renewables in the European Union and Swiss policies on solar energy, these 632-page conference proceedings include the conference's 106 presentations grouped in 10 sections. These cover the following topics: Design and renovation of building envelopes (33 contributions); solar collectors (16 contributions); active and passive cooling (9 contributions); indoor environment quality and health (10 contributions); optimisation of daylighting and electric lighting (5 contributions); advanced building control systems (2 contributions); environmental impacts of construction (4 contributions); networks and decentralised energy production (1 contribution); sustainable urban development (12 contributions) and software and new information technologies (14 contributions). Organised each second year, the two-day CISBAT international conference 2005 attracted more than 200 participants from all over the world.

  4. CISBAT 2005 proceedings. Renewables in a changing climate - Innovation in building envelopes and environmental systems; CISBAT 2005 proceedings. Energies renouvelables et climat - Enveloppes et systemes environnementaux innovatifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scartezzini, J. L. (ed.)


    These proceedings include the contributions presented at the 2005 CISBAT conference, held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne and jointly organised by the Solar Energy and Buildings Physics Laboratory at the EPFL, Cambridge University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), this international conference looked at 'Innovation in building envelopes and environmental systems'. Along with three keynote presentations on climate change, the use of renewables in the European Union and Swiss policies on solar energy, these 632-page conference proceedings include the conference's 106 presentations grouped in 10 sections. These cover the following topics: Design and renovation of building envelopes (33 contributions); solar collectors (16 contributions); active and passive cooling (9 contributions); indoor environment quality and health (10 contributions); optimisation of daylighting and electric lighting (5 contributions); advanced building control systems (2 contributions); environmental impacts of construction (4 contributions); networks and decentralised energy production (1 contribution); sustainable urban development (12 contributions) and software and new information technologies (14 contributions). Organised each second year, the two-day CISBAT international conference 2005 attracted more than 200 participants from all over the world.

  5. Facteurs environnementaux de proximité et choix résidentiels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandrine Gueymard


    Full Text Available Pendant longtemps marginalisée au sein des critères de choix résidentiels, la qualité de l’environnement s’affirme aujourd’hui dans les sondages d’opinion comme un nouveau facteur d’arbitrage pour les ménages. Dans un contexte de sensibilité croissante des ménages à la qualité de vie et de territorialisation de l’action publique notamment en matière d’environnement, la mesure précise de l’impact des aménités environnementales devient une question cruciale pour les acteurs territoriaux, notamment en milieu urbain. Cet article vise à alimenter la réflexion sur la valorisation des facteurs environnementaux de proximité par l’analyse des préférences résidentielles, des usages, perceptions et représentations que les ménages développent à leur contact en s’appuyant précisément sur un travail de recherche exploratoire dédié à un attribut environnemental spécifique, caractéristique des milieux urbains : les espaces verts.According to opinions pools, environmental quality appears nowadays as a deciding factor in residential choices wheareas it has been marginalized for a long time. In this background of households growing sensitivity for life quality and changes in public action in particular concerning environment, the precise measurement of environmental amenities is now a crucial issue for local decidors, specially in urban areas. The purpose of this paper is to feed reflection about valorisation of environmental factors of proximity by an analyse of residential preferences, uses, perceptions and representations developped by houselhold to them contact. We will develop this subject, basing ourselves on a exploratory research work focused on a particular environmental factor, which is characteristic of urban areas: green spaces.

  6. Facteurs environnementaux associés au trouble du spectre de l’autisme : étude de délimitation portant sur les années 2003 à 2013

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    Michelle Ng


    Full Text Available Introduction : Le nombre d’enfants chez lesquels on diagnostique un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA grimpe rapidement depuis une décennie. L’étiologie de ce trouble est toutefois en grande partie inconnue, même si la contribution de l’environnement est importante par rapport à celle de la génétique. Nous avons procédé à une étude de délimitation pour évaluer en détail l’état actuel des connaissances sur les facteurs environnementaux présents depuis le stade de la préconception jusqu’au début de la vie que l’on associe au TSA et pour dégager les lacunes de la recherche. Méthodologie : Nous avons cherché dans les bases de données électroniques MEDLINE, PsycINFO et ERIC des articles portant sur des facteurs de risque potentiels ou des facteurs de protection des environnements physiques et sociaux associés au TSA et à ses sous-catégories entre le 1er janvier 2003 et le 12 juillet 2013. Nous avons regroupé les articles en thèmes généraux en fonction de l’exposition environnementale : facteurs chimiques, physiologiques, nutritionnels et sociaux. Résultats : Nous avons trouvé plus de 50 000 publications, mais après élimination des études inadmissibles il est resté 315 articles. La plupart de ces études portaient sur les facteurs psychologiques, suivis de près par les facteurs chimiques et, à un degré beaucoup moindre, les facteurs nutritionnels et sociaux associés au TSA. En dépit d’une masse importante de publications et de nombreuses études hétérogènes, quelques facteurs de risque se sont démarqués régulièrement : facteurs chimiques comme les polluants atmosphériques causés par la circulation; facteurs physiologiques, dont l’âge avancé des parents, les naissances prématurées, l’insuffisance de poids à la naissance, l’hyperbilirubinémie et les grappes de complications de la grossesse et enfin le statut de la mère vis-à-vis de l’immigration. En dépit de

  7. Les enjeux socio-environnementaux du développement durable en Amérique du Sud. Considérations à partir du cas colombien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Navarro


    Full Text Available Parler du développement durable dans le contexte des pays émergents tels ceux de l’Amérique Latine et particulièrement la Colombie, implique d’aborder le caractère conflictuel lié à la possibilité d’y atteindre les buts de ce paradigme du développement. Il est donc nécessaire de connaitre les obstacles sociopolitiques et culturels que rencontrent ces sociétés (corruption et instabilité institutionnelle, conflit armé, pauvreté, etc.. Étudier la base et les dynamiques psychosociales des conflits socio-environnementaux permet de mieux comprendre ces obstacles, mais aussi de dégager des réponses afin de mieux gérer ces tensions. Le cas de la Colombie et plus particulièrement des conflits autour de l’eau dans la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta nous permettent d’illustrer nos propos.Talk about sustained development in emergent countries such as in Latin America and specifically Colombia, implies to tackle the conflicting character linked to the possibility to aim the objectives of this development paradigm. It is so necessary to know socio-political and cultural obstacles these societies meet (corruption and institutional instability, armed conflict, poverty, etc…. Study socio-environmental conflict’s bases and psychosocial dynamics help to better understand these obstacles, but also to find out answers to better manage this pressure. Colombia’s case and water conflicts in the “Sierra de Santa Marta” above all will allow us to give an illustration of this matter.

  8. Risques et impacts environnementaux des retenues d’altitude pour la production de neige de culture dans un contexte de changement climatique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stéphanie Gaucherand


    Full Text Available Les retenues d’altitude sont des ouvrages hydrauliques implantés dans les stations de loisirs de montagne et destinés à créer une réserve d’eau, dédiée principalement à la production de neige de culture. Leur implantation en altitude en fait indubitablement des retenues spécifiques, subissant et induisant des risques et des impacts sur leur environnement anthropique et écologique. Le Cemagref a engagé un projet de recherche sur la sûreté des retenues d’altitude. Le présent article est issu de ces travaux et vise à établir un état des lieux des risques liés aux retenues d’altitude et de leurs impacts sur l’environnement. Il replace le développement des retenues d’altitude dans leurs contextes sociétal, social et environnemental. Il développe ensuite les risques et impacts des retenues d’altitude, en focalisant son analyse sur les différents risques et aléas spécifiques auxquels sont exposés les ouvrages, et sur les différents impacts environnementaux liés à la réalisation et la gestion des retenues.Mountain reservoirs are hydraulic structures implanted in recreational mountain resorts designed to provide a water reserve mainly used for the production of artificial snow. Their implantation in high-altitude zones makes them highly specific reservoirs subjected to and inducing risks and impacts on their human and ecological environment. Based on in-depth bibliographic and field research, Cemagref has launched a study on mountain reservoirs. The present article aims to establish the current state of the risks related to mountain reservoirs and their impacts on the environment, placing the development of mountain reservoirs in their societal, social, and environmental contexts. It will then develop mountain reservoir risks and impacts, focusing on the specific risks and uncertainties to which these structures are exposed, and the different environmental impacts related to the construction and management of

  9. Etude du processus de changement vecu par des familles ayant decide d'adopter volontairement des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques (United States)

    Leger, Michel T.

    recension des ecrits sur le changement de comportement en environnement. Nous explorons egalement la famille comme systeme fonctionnel de sorte a mieux comprendre ce contexte d'action environnementale qui est, a notre connaissance, peu etudie. Dans le deuxieme article, nous presentons nos resultats de recherche concernant les facteurs d'influence observes ainsi que les competences manifestees au cours du processus d'adoption de nouveaux comportements environnementaux dans trois familles. Enfin, le troisieme article presente les resultats du cas d'une quatrieme famille ou les membres vivent depuis longtemps des modes de vie ecologique. Dans le cadre d'une demarche d'analyse par theorisation ancree, l'etude de ce cas modele nous a permis d'approfondir les categories conceptuelles identifiees dans le deuxieme article de sorte a produire une modelisation de l'integration de comportements environnementaux dans le contexte de la famille. Les conclusions degagees grace a la recension des ecrits nous ont permis d'identifier les elements qui pourraient influencer l'adoption de comportements environnementaux dans des familles. La recension a aussi permis une meilleure comprehension des divers facteurs qui peuvent affecter l'adoption de comportements environnementaux et, enfin, elle a permis de mieux cerner le phenomene de changement de comportement dans le contexte de la famille consideree comme un systeme. En appliquant un processus d'analyse inductif, a partir de nos donnees qualitatives, les resultats de notre etude multi-cas nous ont indique que deux construits conceptuels semblent influencer l'adoption de comportements environnementaux en famille : 1) les valeurs biospheriques communes au sein de la famille et 2) les competences collectivement mises a profit collectivement durant l'essai de nouveaux comportements environnementaux. Notre modelisation du processus de changement dans des familles indique aussi qu'une dynamique familiale collaborative et la presence d'un groupe de

  10. Diversité et succession des protistes dans l'océan Arctique


    Terrado, Ramon


    L'Arctique est la région du globe où le réchauffement climatique est le plus prononcé. L'étude de la diversité des microorganismes, leur dynamique de communauté et les facteurs environnementaux qui agissent sur eux s'avèrent donc importants pour comprendre comment ces communautés vont réagir à des changements environnementaux. Cette thèse explore la diversité des protistes et leur dynamique dans l'océan Arctique sur une échelle temporelle ainsi que spatiale. La méthodologie utilisée dans cett...

  11. De la sècheresse aux pratiques agricoles… ou les pratiques agricoles, objet d’interface, entre climat et hommes…

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    Ahmed B. Veyrac-Ben


    Full Text Available Etudier les impacts environnementaux de la sècheresse dans un territoire agricole, c’est aussi, et surtout, s’interroger sur les pratiques des agriculteurs, et se demander en quoi des évènements tels que les sècheresses peuvent influencer les pratiques agricoles…A l’interface entre le milieu et les hommes, nous considérons donc les pratiques des agriculteurs comme un facteur d’évolution des milieux et des hommes. Notre étude des pratiques agricoles et de leurs impacts environnementaux, vue à travers le prisme de l’influence des sècheresses, cherche donc à comprendre la part et le rôle d’un facteur physique dans la mutation d’un territoire agricole.

  12. L'État de l'environnement au Canada

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...) exploitant ces composantes ou influant sur elles. La troisieme partie presente six etudes de cas regionaux qui, collectivement, refletent jusqu'a un certain point la gamme des problemes environnementaux du pays...

  13. Entretien avec Susan Holtz | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 nov. 2010 ... ... Centre de recherches pour le développement international comme l'un des ... Toutefois, le discours public sur l'intégration d'objectifs environnementaux et .... très conservatrice des experts du droit commercial international, ...

  14. pdf2xml

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Toute reproduction, tout stockage dans un système d'extraction ou toute transmission en ... Cameroon: Blind Ambition and the Domino Effect ...... environnementaux ( touchant particulièrement la pollution de l'air et de l'eau ), des règlements ...

  15. 175 Résumé Abstract

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    entropie (Maxent). Ce modèle informe sur la distribution potentielle d'une espèce biologique en tenant compte des facteurs environnementaux. La niche de distribution est donc la base du modèle. Une niche écologique est l'espace.

  16. Analyse de l'effet de la concurrence végétale sur la croissance du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Agronomie et des Sciences Agricoles, .... concilier les aspects environnementaux et économiques de gestion des forêts tropicales, des stratégies de gestion responsable (aménagement forestier) ont été développées, et les forêts continuent de ...

  17. 2665-IJBCS-Article-Issa Chaibou

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Saverys et al., 2007). En plus de ces aspects environnementaux, les agro carburants présentent des avantages socio-économiques certains pour les pays en développement. Le Niger veut s'engager dans le développement de la filière des ...

  18. evaluation de la qualite du sperme du belier de race djallonke

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cette étude montre une variation significative pour le volume entre béliers jeunes et béliers âgés et pour le taux globale de mortalité au cours des 6 mois ... sahélien, assez grande, efflanqué, souvent ..... environnementaux (végétation, climat).

  19. L'Evaluatin au coeur du renforcement organisationnel

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La stratégie du projet ERC a consisté à demander à des professionnels provenant ..... Des facteurs environnementaux (comme les politiques et le financement, ..... que les méthodes de recrutement, le nombre d'employés et leurs compétences. ... et juridiques nationales propices à l'entreprise privée qui a capté l'attention.

  20. Les effets et conséquences de la méthanisation sur la matière organique et l’azote des lisiers de porc

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    QUIDEAU, Pierre


    Full Text Available Les technologies liées au procédé de méthanisation se développent depuis peu. Elles transforment les substrats organiques utilisés, modifiant plus ou moins leurs caractéristiques et leurs impacts environnementaux. L’analyse du cas du lisier de porc illustre ces modifications et leurs conséquences.

  1. Des dispositions responsables à prendre pour la protection des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    En considérant l'effet néfaste des maladies, des parasites, du changement climatique et d'autres facteurs environnementaux (les OGM par exemple) sur la survie des abeilles, la baisse de leurs populations dans certaines parties du monde ne saurait être attribuée aux seules pesticides. En plus, l'impact de ces derniers sur ...

  2. L'initiative Samdrup Jongkhar, un modèle de développement intégré ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative est un projet que la société civile a lancé dans le district du même nom, dans le but de favoriser un développement écologiquement responsable, en harmonie avec la philosophie holistique du Bhoutan qui vise à intégrer idéaux sociaux, économiques, culturels et environnementaux.

  3. Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie environnementale (SANDEE) aspire à renforcer les capacités de recherche dans les sphères de la pauvreté, du développement économique et des changements environnementaux au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, en Inde, au Népal, ... Projet nᵒ. 106327 ...

  4. pakistan : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie environnementale (SANDEE) aspire à renforcer les capacités de recherche dans les sphères de la pauvreté, du développement économique et des changements environnementaux au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, en Inde, au Népal, au Pakistan, aux Maldives et ...

  5. La communauté humanitaire canadienne lance un appel à l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 avr. 2016 ... La guerre, la pauvreté, les gouvernements dysfonctionnels et les agresseurs environnementaux ne sont pas nouveaux. Mais, dans certaines régions fragiles du monde où l'interaction de ces facteurs peut être dévastatrice et lorsque les conflits s'éternisent, le réseau d'intervention humanitaire est sollicité ...

  6. Pakistan : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie environnementale (SANDEE) aspire à renforcer les capacités de recherche dans les sphères de la pauvreté, du développement économique et des changements environnementaux au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, en Inde, au Népal, au Pakistan, aux Maldives et ...

  7. Centre d'économie et de politiques de l'environnement en Afrique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Afrique fait face à un large éventail de problèmes environnementaux. Certains, comme le problème des résidus de l'élevage domestique, ont des répercussions immédiates et apparentes sur l'environnement. D'autres, comme l'impact des changements climatiques, ont des conséquences à plus long terme. Les tentatives ...

  8. Amélioration de la capacité d'adaptation sociale et écologique aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En Colombie, les inondations, les glissements de terrain et les sécheresses de plus en plus intenses se multiplient en raison des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes. Les coûts économiques, sociaux, environnementaux et humains augmentent en conséquence. Le bassin versant du fleuve Orotoy, qui s'étend des ...

  9. 2207-IJBCS-Article-Tankari Dandjo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    métalliques (ETM) des eaux de Komabangou afin de prévoir les risques environnementaux et sanitaires liés à ... Bien que le niveau des activités industrielles soit .... L'exploitation par cyanuration est effectuée dans des stations qui ont fait l'objet d'une autorisation administrative (permis d'exploitation) auprès des autorités.

  10. Review of vegetative propagation of cacao ( Theobroma cacao L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cet article fait une révision de facteurs environnementaux favorables et les diffecultés techniques qui ont limité l'utilisation extensive de propagation végétative pour la multiplication de cacao. Inclus dans les facteurs extérieurs importante influençcant l'enracinement de boutures de cacao saont: la lumière, la température, ...

  11. Renforcement des droits fonciers communautaires et réactions aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    De telles menaces qui planent sur les droits fonciers et environnementaux des collectivités sont un indice de tensions plus grandes au sein de l'appareil d'État et du système de justice. Dans ce ... Des droits internationaux aux pratiques locales : la réforme constitutionnelle et la participation en Amérique latine. Ce projet ...

  12. Pollution de l'environnement

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pollution de l'environnement. Les polluants environnementaux de tous genres contaminent l'eau, l'air et la terre mettant en péril les humains et les écosystèmes. De plus, ils sont souvent sources de conflit entre populations et industrie. En adoptant une approche écosystémique globale pour examiner les intérêts divergents.

  13. Asie | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... défis agricoles, environnementaux, technologiques, sociaux et économiques de l'Asie. Grâce à nos investissements stratégiques, nous aidons les acteurs régionaux à participer plus efficacement à résolution des problèmes régionaux. Qu'en résulte-t-il ? Des dirigeants régionaux forts, pour aujourd'hui et pour demain.

  14. Flux des polluants liés aux activités anthropiques, risques sur les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les activités anthropiques interfèrent sur les eaux de surface en créant des problèmes environnementaux et sanitaires. Les activités domestiques, agricoles, industrielles, hospitalières, et les activités de pêche artisanale et de tourisme, sont les plus incriminées. La pollution des eaux de surface par les métaux lourds, les ...

  15. Étude phytoécologique des adventices dans les agro- écosystèmes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    8 août 2016 ... Cela est en grande partie dû à la méconnaissance de ces enherbements quant à l'écologie et la biologie des espèces qui les composent. Or, la connaissance de la composition de cette flore et de son évolution sous l'effet des facteurs environnementaux et/ou agronomiques est un préalable indispensable ...

  16. Linking Research to Practice: Strengthening ICT for Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2012 ... Ce n'est pas d'hier que l'on s'attend à ce que les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) donnent lieu à un enseignement de qualité, à de meilleurs services de santé, à l'avènement du gouvernement ouvert et à la solution de problèmes environnementaux. Pour faire en sorte que ce ...

  17. Troisième concours de petites subventions à l'appui de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac (CCLAT) est un traité international dont l'objectif est " de protéger les générations présentes et futures des effets sanitaires, sociaux, environnementaux et économiques dévastateurs de la consommation de tabac et de l'exposition à la fumée du tabac ". La CCLAT repose sur la ...

  18. Concours visant l'octroi de moyennes subventions à l'appui de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac (CCLAT) est un traité qui cherche à déclencher une action internationale concertée en vue " de protéger les générations présentes et futures des effets sanitaires, sociaux, environnementaux et économiques dévastateurs de la consommation de tabac et de l'exposition à la fumée ...

  19. L'écosanté, pour améliorer la santé humaine et préserver l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 oct. 2010 ... Puis, en 1992, il a lancé le programme Santé, société et environnement, qui réunissait des spécialistes de divers domaines dans le but d'étudier les répercussions des facteurs environnementaux sur la santé. La création du programme Écosystèmes et santé humaine (ÉCOSANTÉ) en 1996 a permis de ...

  20. 2168-IJBCS-Article-Yao Brou

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le monitoring des éléments traces métalliques (ETM) de l'environnement et des réseaux trophiques a considérablement gagné du terrain durant ces dernières décennies afin de prévenir les problèmes environnementaux et de santé publique. Cette étude s'inscrit dans ce contexte de monitoring et entend évaluer le niveau ...

  1. OGM : vers une évaluation des impacts agri-environnementaux

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    Icart Jean-Claude


    Full Text Available En 1998, les pouvoirs publics français prononçaient un moratoire de deux ans concernant les autorisations de mise sur le marché des variétés de colza génétiquement modifiées. Cette décision donnait suite aux conclusions de la conférence des citoyens des 20 et 21 juin 1998 à l’Assemblée nationale et aux recommandations de l’Office parlementaire des choix scientifiques et technologiques, fondées sur « les incertitudes liées à la diffusion de transgène dans l’environnement à partir de plantes comme le colza, présentant des risques de croisements avec d’autres espèces ».

  2. Caractérisation des habitats de Dialium guineense (Willd) en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 nov. 2014 ... packages vegan et labdsv afin d'évaluer l'influence des paramètres environnementaux sur la formation des différents groupements végétaux. Les espèces caractéristiques de chaque groupement végétal ont été déterminées à travers la probabilité de la valeur des espèces du test de Monte Carlo après ...

  3. Risques environnementaux et enjeux à Clipperton (Pacifique français)


    Jost, Christian


    Sur l’atoll inhabité de Clipperton, quatrième territoire français du Pacifique, les écosystèmes terrestres et lagonaires se dégradent de façon préoccupante tandis que les risques naturels sont majeurs. Depuis les années soixante, un processus de désertification de la couronne a été enclenché suite à l’élimination du porc introduit à la fin du XIXe siècle et à la prolifération consécutive des crabes terrestres omnivores et à celle de milliers d’oiseaux de mer. L’absence de végétation correspon...

  4. Evaluation des risques hydro-climatiques et environnementaux liés ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this work was to determine risk areas to Mycobacterium ulcerans in order to protect vulnerable populations. To achieve this objective, a combined approach of GIS and multi-criteria analysis has been proposed. The mapping of potential risk areas shows that the southern region has a high risk of transmission of ...

  5. 237 Impacts socio-sanitaires et environnementaux de la gestion des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    pollution des eaux, érosion des berges des mayo et alluvionnement des drains, amènent à suggérer des ... D'après TUCCI [1], les principaux défis de la gestion des inondations sont liés à l'occupation des ... populations aux impacts des inondations de plaine est due, d'après TUCCI [1], au manque de connaissance.

  6. La rentabilité des immeubles "verts"


    Thalmann, Philippe


    Les immeubles verts ont un faible impact environnemental tout en offrant aussi de bonnes conditions sociales, voire des gains environnementaux (qualité de l'air, biodiversité). Ils sont donc exemplaires dans divers domaines: énergie, utilisation du sol, biodiversité, matériaux. Est-ce que cela implique forcément un sur-coût? Est-il possible de rentabiliser ce sur-coût ou le développer doit-il se contenter des retombées favorables pour l'environnement et la société?

  7. Les facteurs territoriaux de la compétitivité de la filière soja au Brésil

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    Bertrand Jean-Pierre


    Full Text Available Ce papier discute les facteurs de progression du complexe soja dans les régions de Cerrados du Nord du Brésil, proches de la forêt amazonienne. Le Mato Grosso est déjà le premier État producteur de soja du Brésil, tandis que le Para entre dans le processus de production intensif. Les deux États obtiennent des rendements élevés ; mais ils risquent de connaître des problèmes environnementaux du fait d’un usage excessif des pesticides.

  8. Le pilotage et la mesure de l’empreinte sociétale de l’entreprise grâce à la Balanced ScoreCard : entre adaptation et évolution radicale du modèle de Kaplan et Norton


    Crutzen, Nathalie; Van Caillie, Didier


    Vu l’intérêt croissant porté par les entreprises aux aspects sociaux et environnementaux, la présente communication propose une revue des principales contributions montrant l’importance et les enjeux de la prise en compte des dimensions sociales et environnementales (de la RSE) dans les systèmes de contrôle de gestion des entreprises. Plus spécifiquement, face aux limites de nombreux outils pour piloter et mesurer adéquatement l’empreinte sociétale des entreprises, ce papier met en évide...

  9. Olivier Chanel et Guillaume Faburel (dir., 2010, L’Environnement dans la décision publique : Refonder l’évaluation socio-économique pour des politiques de transport plus durables, Economica, Paris, 230 p.

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    Adrien de Abreu


    Full Text Available Quid des impacts environnementaux dans l’évaluation socio-économique des projets d’infrastructure ? C’est sous l’angle des équipements de transport que les auteurs abordent cette question, dirigés par Olivier Chanel et Guillaume Faburel. Olivier Chanel est chercheur en économie de l’environnement au sein du GREQAM (Groupement de recherche en économie quantitative d’Aix-Marseille. Guillaume Faburel est Maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 12 - Val de Marne et chercheur au CRETEIL (Centr...

  10. Développement d'une approche intégrée pour la gestion de l'eau en production de canneberges


    Pelletier, Vincent


    Dans un contexte évolutif où les changements climatiques entraîneront une augmentation du nombre d’événements climatiques extrêmes, la gestion de l’eau devra être optimisée afin d’éviter l’impact des stress environnementaux sur le rendement agronomique des cultures. Bien que les seuils où surviennent ces stress soient connus pour la majorité des espèces agricoles, ils demeurent pour la plupart inconnus pour la canneberge. Leur détermination est donc un prérequis à l’établissement d’une gestio...

  11. Au fil du temps. Une infrastructure évolutive dans un espace vert préservé à Fribourg


    Ruffieux, Jessica


    La prise de conscience des enjeux environnementaux et l'accélération continue des changements sociétaux questionnent les modalités actuelles de production du bâti. Avec le développement des technologies, notre espace est devenu de plus en plus virtuel, nous faisant perdre le lien avec notre environnement direct; nous vivons la majorité du temps à l'intérieur, que ce soit pour nous déplacer, habiter ou travailler. Pour répondre à ces enjeux, le projet Au fil du temps propose une infrastructure...

  12. Fibrose hépatique : lien force mécanique et génotoxicité


    Langouët , Sophie


    En 2012, en France, il y a eu 6.867 nouveaux cas de cancer du foie chez l’homme et 1.586 chez la femme. On soupçonne que les maladies du foie sont associées à un dysfonctionnement sévère des fonctions hépatiques et susceptibles d’entraîner une sensibilité accrue des patients vis-à-vis des contaminants environnementaux. Comment évaluer cette susceptibilité individuelle au cours de maladies chroniques, qui se prolongent dans le temps ? L’objectif du projet Mécagénotox est de caractériser et mod...

  13. Le barrage des trois Gorges (Chine

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    Luc Merchez


    Full Text Available Le barrage des Trois Gorges, en construction sur le Yangzijiang, sera le plus grand barrage au monde. Le gigantisme du projet et sa médiatisation croissante en Occident permettent d'en saisir les enjeux environnementaux et humains. On analyse les grandes caractéristiques du projet et ses conséquences premières avant d'aborder le travail de recherche de l'équipe SIG de l'IGA de Grenoble qui vise à préparer la relocalisation de plus d'un million d'habitants, et à modéliser les impacts démographiques et sociaux.

  14. EVALUATION DE L’IMPACT ENVIRONNEMENTAL : Evaluation des impacts du flux de transgènes de tolérance à différents herbicides à large spectre

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    Astoin Marie-Florence


    Full Text Available Ce texte est tiré du rapport « Introduction de variétés génétiquement modifiées de colza tolérantes à différents herbicides : évaluation des impacts agro-environnementaux et propositions de scénarios de gestion » établi par le Cetiom dans le cadre du moratoire sur les variétés génétiquement modifiées de colza. Les auteurs se réservent la possibilité d’ici publication définitive du rapport d’apporter des modifications à ce texte.

  15. Chronologie mochica : une nouvelle synthèse


    Del Solar, Nino; Chapoulie, Rémy; Castillo, Luis Jaime


    L’un des enjeux majeurs des sciences archéologiques est l’établissement des séquences chronologiques d’occupation au sein des aires d’activité humaine. L’objectif est la reconstruction des processus culturels diachroniques liés à l’apparition, l’évolution et la fin de cultures matérielles caractéristiques des groupes humains qui ont occupé des espaces environnementaux spécifiques. Concernant la culture mochica (iie-xe siècles, côte nord du Pérou), cet objectif est encore au centre de la reche...

  16. Dans quelle mesure la mise en place des navettes autonomes dans les zones périphériques de Genève pourrait remplacer l’utilisation des véhicules privés ?


    Safarov, Tim; Konstantas, Dimitri


    Ce travail est basé sur un avant-projet nommé « AVENUE » (Autonomous Vehicles to Evolve to a New Urban Experience) proposé à la Commission européenne des transports et de mobilité. Il s’agit d’un projet qui a pour but de démonter l’utilité que pourraient avoir les véhicules autonomes dans le cadre des transports publics et de mettre en lumière les divers avantages pratiques, économiques, environnementaux et sociaux qu’ils pourraient procurer. Le travail suivant tente avant tout d’explorer l’é...

  17. La Convention de Rio sur la diversité biologique


    Maljean-Dubois , Sandrine


    International audience; Du 3 au 14 juin 1992, en écho à la première grande conférence onusienne sur l'environnement et le développement, celle de Stockholm organisée en 1972, se tenait à Rio de Janeiro la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement (CNUED), dite aussi Sommet de la Terre. Cette conférence marquait une étape dans la perception des enjeux environnementaux et suscitait de vifs espoirs. Un programme d'action pour le XXI ème siècle, Action 21, dont le chapi...

  18. Les filières de traitement et de valorisation des boues d'épuration en France. Rapport d'enquête


    Richard, M.; Pradel, M.


    / Irstea, en partenariat avec l'Onema, étudie les impacts environnementaux des filières de traitement et de valorisation/élimination des boues d'épuration présentes dans les stations de traitement des eaux usées (STEU) en France. Dans le cadre de la conception et de la structuration d'un outil ACV simplifié, la connaissance des filières boues mises en place en France est nécessaire. Ainsi, une enquête au niveau national a été menée en 2014. L'objectif de cette enquête est dans un premier t...

  19. The environment overlooked? L’environnement est-il négligé? Le rôle des préoccupations environnementales dans les discours sur l’alimentation bio

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    Jesper Lassen


    Full Text Available Cet article étudie la façon dont les gens ordinaires parlent de la nourriture et en particulier dans quelle mesure, et comment, ces discussions incluent des arguments sur l’environnement et les produits bios. Contrairement à de nombreuses études qui démontrent la préoccupation du public concernant les aliments et leur production, l’étude rapportée ici montre que, dans un cadre exploratoire où des danois étaient invités à discuter d’alimentation et de production alimentaire, les arguments environnementaux jouent un rôle insignifiant. Ceci peut être expliqué d’une part par l’émergence d’un nouveau discours sociétal qui minimise l’importance des problèmes environnementaux et, d’autre part, comme l’effet d’une tendance actuelle où les individus sont de plus en plus préoccupés par leur bien-être personnel.This paper addresses the way ordinary people talk about the food they eat and in particular to what extent, and how, such discussions include arguments about the environment and organic products. In contrast with the numerous studies demonstrating public concern over food and food production, the study reported here shows that in an exploratory set-up, where Danes were invited to discuss food and food production, environmental arguments played an insignificant role. This can be explained in part by the emergence of a new societal discourse that downsizes the importance of environmental problems, and in part as an effect of an ongoing trend in which individuals increasingly are concerned about their personal well-being.

  20. La rivière Seudre : intégration des données relatives au bassin versant de la Seudre dans un système d'information géographique


    Giraud, Sophie


    La préparation du S.A.G.E. Seudre se poursuit. Il doit permettre dans un premier temps d'informer, de communiquer, de faire un état des lieux de l'existant concernant les aspects environnementaux et socio-économique, la gestion de l'eau, de sa qualité ou d'autres points. L'IFREMER, qui a récemment acquis un logiciel de système d'information géographique l'a exploité pour réaliser un «début d'atlas» sur la Seudre. Cet atlas est donc mis à disposition des utilisateurs potentiels par l'IFREMER, ...

  1. L’avènement d’une société de l’information durable

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    Philippe Vidal


    Full Text Available La géographie de la société de l’information prend une autre allure, lorsqu’on l’envisage à la lumière du développement durable et notamment de ses enjeux écologiques. En effet, sans remettre tout en question, il ne faut pas négliger les impacts environnementaux et sociétaux de la filière numérique, même si des efforts sont consentis pour en amortir les effets (ordinateur moins consommateur d’énergie par exemple. Il importe donc d’embrasser l’ensemble des externalités occasionnées, qu’elles ...

  2. Benefices environnementaux de la cogeneration d'energie en milieu hospitalier et cas de l'Hopital de Moncton (United States)

    Kone, Diakalia

    The present study aimed at assessing the environmental benefits of power management practices based on cogeneration in the particular industrial sector of hospitals and healthcare. Cogeneration power systems, also known as "Combined Heat and Power" (CHP) or Cogen, supply on-site electricity and heat from a single fuel source (natural gas in general). While the efficiency of conventional plants to produce power and heat separately is limited to about 30%, the efficiency of a CHP plant is close to 80% and can reach up to 90% in some applications (Borbely et Kreider, 2001). One of the distinctive features of hospitals is their continuous demand for both type of energy (electricity and heat), which makes them good candidate for cogeneration. However, in North America at the present time, less than 5% of hospitals run on CHP. Most are being supplied with electricity by conventional power plants, run by specialized companies, and use on-site boiler(s) to generate heat. Energy spending can reach up to 3% of an hospital's annual operational budget. There are also environmental impacts related to current energy supply and use in hospitals. For instance, the burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases (GHG), which contribute to human health problems and climate change. The first objective of the study was to outline the main benefits and challenges faced by hospitals that aim at becoming their own energy co-generator, in comparison to having power and heat produced separately. Our second objective was to assess prospectively (proactively) the environmental impacts of a cogeneration plant that is being planned, but not yet operated, in a Canadian hospital. The methodology was based on literature reviews and on a case study, namely that of The Moncton Hospital (TMH)/L'Hopital de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. This hospital is considered a large hospital with 375 beds and a major and expanding ambulatory care service. It is also in the process of developing a 1

  3. Libération des données géographiques à Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso

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    Emmanuel Bonnet


    Full Text Available Introduction En Afrique de l’Ouest, les bases de données géographiques ne font pas l’objet d’une production fréquente et systématique. Elles sont plus généralement produites dans le cadre de programmes ponctuels, qu’ils soient consacrés à la recherche ou réalisés dans le cadre de consultations ou d’étude territoriales. En conséquence, la mise en commun et la réalisation d’observatoires sont rares. S’il existe des projets généraux environnementaux comme SIG Afrique ou des SIG dédiés à des proj...

  4. Analyse des cadres juridiques des aires marines protégées des pays ouest africains

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    Marie Cuq


    Full Text Available En analysant de manière transversale les droits nationaux relatifs aux aires protégées de sept pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest (le Cap Vert, la Gambie, la Guinée, la Guinée-Bissau, la Mauritanie, le Sénégal et la Sierra Leone, cette étude tend à apporter des éléments de connaissances de ces droits nationaux, tant sur le plan normatif qu'institutionnel, et à s'interroger sur le contenu, la mise en oeuvre et l'adaptabilité de ceux-ci à la lumière des enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et économiques de la sous-région ouest-africaine.

  5. L‘agriculture en Afrique sub-saharienne : enjeux et perspectives

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    Hugon Philippe


    Full Text Available L’agriculture africaine a connu en longue période un développement limité. La faible productivité de l’agriculture est un facteur essentiel de blocage de l’économie. L’Afrique sub-saharienne (ASS est toutefois contrastée. Cet article présente certains symptômes de la crise agricole puis analyse les effets des politiques de libéralisation de filières avant de dégager les perspectives notamment des rendements et de la productivité, et les risques environnementaux compte tenu des défis internes et mondiaux auxquels l’Afrique sera confrontée dans les prochaines années.

  6. Editorial: Identités, patrimoines collectifs et développement soutenable

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    Olivier Petit


    Full Text Available Le développement soutenable est souvent appréhendé par le biais des problématiques de la transmission d’héritages et de patrimoines entre générations : éléments qui nous ont été légués par les générations précédentes, certains étant visibles, d’autres invisibles, certains voulus, d’autres non désirés, constitués de traits culturels, d’institutions, d’infrastructures, d’impacts environnementaux, de pollutions de longue durée, etc., mais aussi éléments offrant des capacités à produire du bien-ê...

  7. Influence de quelques facteurs environnementaux sur la germination d'Euphorbia heterophylla L. (Euphorbiaceae

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    Ipou Ipou, J.


    Full Text Available Influence of some Environmental Factors on Euphorbia heterophylla L. (Euphorbiaceae Seeds Germination. In Ivory Coast, Euphorbia heterophylla appears as a weed in cotton fields. Effects of temperature, light and burying levels on its seed germination were tested. Temperature effects were monitored by means of 4 procedures, using a range of temperatures between 20 and 35 °C. The germination latency period can vary between 1 and 2 days, according to the temperature. After 4 days, germination rates were not longer related to temperature and were very similar. Germination can not happen without light. In order to measure the effect of burying levels, six series of 100 seeds were buried; the first at ground level, the others respectively 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 cm deeper. Optimal germination rates were found for seeds that were buried between 0 and 6 cm.

  8. L’optimisation juridique du paiement pour services environnementaux en faveur de la préservation des services environnementaux : le cas du Cameroun et de la République Démocratique du Congo

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    Blaise-Pascal Ntirumenyerwa Mihigo


    Full Text Available The study starts from a hypothesis on the coherence and compatibility of the legal instruments in force in Cameroon and in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC with the optimization of payment for environmental services (PES and the preservation of environmental services. This study has employed a legal approach and interviews in order to investigate whether there is coherence and compatibility or not between the two variables of this hypothesis: (1 the legal instruments in force in Cameroon and in the DRC and (2 the optimization of PES and the preservation of environmental services. This study consists of three parts. The first part deals with the theoretical framework of PES and the place of PES in the legal order. In this first part, the definition of an optimal PES, the indicators of an optimal PES and the categories of legal frameworks on PES have been revealed. These are the fundamental elements to conduct a systematic analysis in the second and third parts. Based on these fundamental elements, the study analyses the legal instru- ments from international, regional (Africa and domestic (Cameroon and the DRC levels and investigates through field research two PES projects, one in Cameroon called “PES comminatory project” and another in the DRC called “REDD CBFF-Luki” respectively in the second and the third parts. From the analysis of these legal instruments and the investigation of these two PES projects, it has become apparent that there is a lack of coherence and compatibility between the legal instruments and these two PES projects in Cameroon and in the DRC, and the optimization of PES and the preservation of environmental services in the Congo Basin in general, especially in these two States. Useful recommendations have been made to eradicate these shortcomings. Key words: payment for environmental services, environmental services, Congo Basin

  9. Payments for Environmental Services: Can They Work? Systèmes de paiement pour services environnementaux : une solution efficace ? Le cas du Mexique Pago por Servicios Ambientales: ¿Pueden funcionar? El caso de México

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    Helena García Romero


    Full Text Available Payments for Environmental Services (PES Programs can be useful policy instruments for achieving conservation objectives through incentive mechanisms.  However, the success of such programs depends on the particular solutions that are given to political economy constraints and challenges. The Mexican case provides helpful lessons on this topic, in addition to design and implementation insights.The Mexican PES program has been in place since 2003.  It strives to protect well-conserved forests and to have a social impact through payments made to the most marginalized communities.  Nevertheless, its impact in terms of avoided deforestation is not very high. This is due to targeting failures that arise from an internal trade-off between social and conservation goals.  In order to align both objectives the continuous negotiation of goals and targeting mechanisms between the different stakeholders: government, bureaucracy, non-government organizations (NGOs, and local communities must be kept in mind. Understanding and anticipating this policy process can ensure the desirable outcomes of PES programs in terms of poverty alleviation and conservation.Les programmes de systèmes de paiement pour services environnementaux (PES - Payments for Environmental Services peuvent être des instruments d’intervention efficaces pour atteindre les objectifs en matière de conservation des écosystèmes grâce aux mesures d’incitation qu’ils englobent. La réussite de ce type de programmes dépend toutefois des solutions spécifiques mises en place pour répondre aux contraintes et problématiques de l’économie politique. Le cas du Mexique permet de tirer des enseignements utiles à ce sujet et donne des éclairages sur la manière de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre ces programmes.Le programme PES est mis en oeuvre au Mexique depuis 2003. Il vise à protéger les forêts préservées et à avoir un impact social en rémunérant les communautés les plus

  10. Que sait-on de la biodisponibilité des contaminants dissous dans le milieu aquatique ?

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    GOURLAY-FRANCÉ, Catherine


    Full Text Available La biodisponibilité d'une substance chimique désigne sa capacité à interagir avec les organismes vivants. Nous présentons ici les principaux facteurs environnementaux qui peuvent modifier et contrôler la biodisponibilité des substances chimiques (métaux, contaminants organiques hydrophobes, pesticides dans le milieu aquatique. Trois outils d'échantillonnage intégratifs sont présentés. Ils permettent d'améliorer la caractérisation chimique de l'exposition en se rapprochant de l'évaluation d'une concentration biodisponible, éventuellement intégrée dans le temps. Enfin, la prise en compte de la biodisponibilité des substances dans l'évaluation du risque chimique est discutée.

  11. Les paysages périurbains montagnards à la croisée des regards des sciences écologiques et des sciences socio-économiques

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    Nathalie Bertrand


    Full Text Available Les mutations des paysages régionaux dues aux pressions urbaines questionnent l’usage du sol. Elles interpellent à la fois des enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux voire spatiaux sous-tendus par l’étalement urbain, l’accroissement des déplacements domicile-travail, le mitage de l’espace. Ces évolutions et dysfonctionnements renvoient à la question de la durabilité du développement des régions, et particulièrement des Alpes, espace contraint géographiquement et objet de nombreuses pressions anthropiques et riche en biotopes remarquables. Cet article est basé sur deux ans de travaux menés par des socio-économistes et des écologues sur les effets sur le paysage et l’environnement de la périurbanisation d’un massif alpin. Nous avons pris en compte l’espace dans les processus environnementaux, économiques ou sociaux. Intrinsèque dans les analyses écologiques, elle a longtemps posé problème à l’économie pour intégrer l’espace comme dimension à part entière des processus économiques. Trois thèmes sont ici développés : l’approche du point de vue du paysage, les problèmes d’échelles spatiales et temporelles, le choix d’indicateurs. Ils demandent de hiérarchiser les questions et de pratiquer le travail en commun. Aller au-delà nécessite de développer une interrogation plus écologique ou plus économique et/ou sociale en quittant de ce fait l’interface pour favoriser des interrogations disciplinaires particulières.Changes in regional landscapes due to urban pressures raise questions regarding land use. They also give rise to economic, social and environmental issues related to urban sprawl, increases in daily commuting, and land consumption. These changes and dysfunctions are ultimately underpinned by the question of sustainable regional development. Mountain regions such as the Alps, with their various outstanding biotopes in a restricted space, are particularly vulnerable.

  12. Nos voisines, les bêtes : situation des conflits avec la faune sauvage dans une aire protégée de la périphérie de Manaus (Amazonas, Brésil

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    Guillaume Marchand


    Full Text Available Au cours des trente dernières années, les différentes expérimentations menées en matière de protection de la faune sauvage au Brésil ont conduit à l’élaboration d’aires protégées habitées, jugées plus acceptables et justes sur le plan social. Or, depuis la création de ces espaces, de nombreuses voix ont remis en cause le bien-fondé de ce genre de réserve, considérant que la cohabitation avec la faune sauvage pouvait potentiellement avoir des effets négatifs dans les domaines environnementaux et sociaux. Cet article s’intéresse à l’état des conflits entre humains et faune sauvage dans une communauté appartenant à la réserve de développement durable de Tupé, à la périphérie de Manaus. Il observe notamment la façon dont les conflits sont perçus et résolus afin de montrer la diversité des représentations quant aux espèces problématiques ainsi que les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux qui reposent sur leur protection.  During the last thirty years, few different experiments on protection of wild fauna in Brazil have led to the development of inhabited protected areas, seen as socially more acceptable and fairer. However, since their creation, the validity of this kind of protected areas has been questioned, considering that the coexistence between men and wild fauna may have negative effects for environment as well as local communities. This paper focuses on human/wildlife conflicts in a rural community in the sustainable development reserve of Tupé, located in the periphery of Manaus city. It mainly observes how conflicts are perceived and resolved and it shows how diverse are the representations regarding problematic species, as well as environmental and social issues related to their protection.

  13. Periurban landscapes in mountain areas

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    Nathalie Bertrand


    Full Text Available Les mutations des paysages régionaux dues aux pressions urbaines questionnent l’usage du sol. Elles interpellent à la fois des enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux voire spatiaux sous-tendus par l’étalement urbain, l’accroissement des déplacements domicile-travail, le mitage de l’espace. Ces évolutions et dysfonctionnements renvoient à la question de la durabilité du développement des régions, et particulièrement des Alpes, espace contraint géographiquement et objet de nombreuses pressions anthropiques et riche en biotopes remarquables. Cet article est basé sur deux ans de travaux menés par des socio-économistes et des écologues sur les effets sur le paysage et l’environnement de la périurbanisation d’un massif alpin. Nous avons pris en compte l’espace dans les processus environnementaux, économiques ou sociaux. Intrinsèque dans les analyses écologiques, elle a longtemps posé problème à l’économie pour intégrer l’espace comme dimension à part entière des processus économiques. Trois thèmes sont ici développés : l’approche du point de vue du paysage, les problèmes d’échelles spatiales et temporelles, le choix d’indicateurs. Ils demandent de hiérarchiser les questions et de pratiquer le travail en commun. Aller au-delà nécessite de développer une interrogation plus écologique ou plus économique et/ou sociale en quittant de ce fait l’interface pour favoriser des interrogations disciplinaires particulières.Changes in regional landscapes due to urban pressures raise questions regarding land use. They also give rise to economic, social and environmental issues related to urban sprawl, increases in daily commuting, and land consumption. These changes and dysfunctions are ultimately underpinned by the question of sustainable regional development. Mountain regions such as the Alps, with their various outstanding biotopes in a restricted space, are particularly vulnerable.

  14. Évaluer la performance écologique d’un aménagement autoroutier du point de vue de la biodiversité végétale

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    MAYRAND, Flavie ; MARAGE, Damien ; GILLIOT, Jean-Marc ; MICHELIN, Joël ; COQUET, Yves


    Full Text Available La réglementation et les attentes sociétales incitent aujourd’hui les aménageurs du territoire à évaluer les impacts environnementaux de leurs projets de construction, mais également à prévoir des mesures et des actions pour créer ou restaurer la biodiversité des espaces modifiés. Des questions se posent donc aux gestionnaires sur les méthodes à utiliser et les indicateurs à employer pour évaluer la performance écologique d’un aménagement. Quelques éléments de réponse sont présentés ici, sur la base d’une étude de cas portant sur le Mont-aux-Liens, un aménagement paysager contigu à l’autoroute A19.

  15. Évaluer la performance écologique d’un aménagement autoroutier du point de vue de la biodiversité végétale

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    MAYRAND, Flavie


    Full Text Available La réglementation et les attentes sociétales incitent aujourd’hui les aménageurs du territoire à évaluer les impacts environnementaux de leurs projets de construction, mais également à prévoir des mesures et des actions pour créer ou restaurer la biodiversité des espaces modifiés. Des questions se posent donc aux gestionnaires sur les méthodes à utiliser et les indicateurs à employer pour évaluer la performance écologique d’un aménagement. Quelques éléments de réponse sont présentés ici, sur la base d’une étude de cas portant sur le Mont-aux-Liens, un aménagement paysager contigu à l’autoroute A19.

  16. GAC-EPA

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    Études des hôpitaux universitaires de Genève Santé osseuse, prévention des fractures, vieillir en bonne santé !   Appel à volontaires pour recherches menées par le service des maladies osseuses des HUG : Vous êtes une femme ou un homme âgé(e) de… … 65 ans à 69 ans Participez à une étude « Santé osseuse et prévention des fractures » sur l’ostéoporose et les fractures visant à identifier vos facteurs de risques environnementaux (antécédents, alimentation, activité physique) et la composante héréditaire sur la densité minérale et l’architecture osseuse. Si vous êtes intéressé(e), veuillez téléphoner au 004122 372 71 83...

  17. New energy and environmental paradigms: Europe's place; Les nouveaux paradigmes energetiques et environnementaux : la place de l'Europe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rossetti Di Vadalbero, D. [Commission Europeenne (Belgium)


    The 'energy-climate change' association, is high on Europe's priority list. From a legal point of view, with the treaty of Lisbon, energy becomes the shared responsibility of the European Union and member countries, and the Commission offers to reinforce the greenhouse effect gas emission quota exchange system and promote sustainable energies. From an economic point of view, modelling studies show that the cost of failing to act on climate change will be much higher tomorrow than the cost of the measures passed today. From a geopolitical point of view, EU's gas supply plans (Nabucco, South Stream, TAP and North Stream) are representative of other stakes than merely energy and trade stakes. From a technological point of view, Europe is banking a lot on the fusion, capturing and storage of CO{sub 2} and hydrogen and fuel cells. Apart from the legal, economic, geopolitical and technological aspects, if Europe wants to maintain its role as a world leader in the areas of energy and climate change prevention, it needs to increase its efforts in terms of sustainable behaviours and development planning. Its image, security, competitiveness and environment depend on it. (author)

  18. The environmental problems of the Senegal coast. Les problemes environnementaux de la cote du Senegal

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    Niang-Diop, I


    Situated at the western extremity of the African continent, Senegal possesses a 707 km coastline. The coastal zone, defined as the area lying between an elevation of 6 m on the land side and 10 m depth on the sea side, represents a total area of 12,150 km[sup 2], or 3% of the total land area. A review is presented of the environmental problems facing the Senegalese coastal zone. These problems are numerous and include erosion and desertification, increases in water salinity, and mangrove swamp degradation. These threats are all likely to be enhanced by any climate change caused by global warming, which will lead to sea level rise. Because the coastal zone is highly populated and contains the majority of the country's economic activity, this zone has strategic importance to Senegal. It is important that policy towards this zone trends in the direction of sustainable development. Policy decisions must take into account the environmental threats to the coastal zone, and it is important to raise public awareness on these issues. However, any political action must be matched by measures to relieve the human pressures on the coast. The interior of the country is semi-desert, which encourages a rural exodus. Costal zone management must therefore be coupled with sustainable development throughout the country. 1 fig., 1 tab.

  19. Les connaissances au quotidien : perceptions et savoirs des populations riveraines de l’Amazonie sur leurs ressources halieutiques Conhecimentos no cotidiano : percepções e saberes de populações ribeirinhas da Amazônia sobre seus recursos haliêuticos  Knowledge in everyday life: perceptions and knowledges of riparian Amazonian populations on their fishery resources

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    S. Paquet


    Full Text Available Dans cet article nous nous sommes intéressés à la la pêche vivrière et artisanale pratiquée par les riverains de l’Amazonie. Les résultats présentés, touchant le savoir traditionnel de ces populations, leurs perceptions des changements environnementaux et de l’évolution des ressources halieutiques, ainsi que les solutions à y apporter, proviennent de deux questionnaires administrés à douze communautés du bassin du Tapajós. Ces résultats apportent un nouvel éclairage sur les enjeux liés à la gestion des ressources halieutiques et soulèvent les lacunes empêchant une réele appropriationdes problèmes environnementaux et l’émergence locale de solutions. Nous avons en effet mis en évidence que le déboisement et l’érosion des berges étaient perçus comme les plus importants changements environnementaux observés au fil du temps. La diminution de l’abondance et/ou la réduction des tailles des poissons a également été signalée par les personnes rencontrées. Le manque de lien entre les changements observés sur les écosystèmes naturels et ceux observés sur la ressource halieutique a attiré notre attention. En conséquence, toute intervention visant l’élaboration et/ou l’implantion de méthodes durables d’exploitation des ressources halieutiques doit absolument passer par une activité préalable d’information. Ceci dans le but de générer une appropriation locale des problèmes environnementaux et de favoriser l’émergence de solutions au sein des communautés concernées.Nesse artigo nós nos interessamos a pesca artesanal praticada pelos ribeirinhos da Amazônia. Os resultados apresentados, tocando o saber tradicional dessas populações, suas percepções sobre as mudanças ambientais e a evolução dos recursos haliêuticos, assim como as soluções para essas mudanças, provêm da análise de dois questionários aplicados em doze comunidades da bacia do Tapajós. Esses resultados lançam uma

  20. Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Naphtha Catalytic Reforming Analyse de cycle de vie appliquée au reformage catalytique du naphta

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    Portha J.-F.


    Full Text Available Facing the increase of environmental concerns in the oil and gas industry, engineers and scientists need information to assess sustainability of chemical processes. Among the different methods available, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA is widely used. In this study, LCA is applied to a catalytic reforming process using the Eco- Indicator 99 as life cycle impact assessment method. The main identified environmental impacts are fossil fuels consumption, climate change and respiratory effects due to inorganics compounds. The influence of different process parameters (feed composition, reaction temperature is determined with respect to environmental impacts. Two allocation methods are analysed (mass and exergetic allocation and two different process versions are compared in order to determine the effect of some improvements on environmental impact. Les considérations liées à l’environnement doivent de plus en plus être prises en compte par les ingénieurs et les scientifiques afin de juger de la durabilité des procédés chimiques dans l’industrie pétrolière et gazière. Parmi les différentes méthodes d’analyse environnementale, l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV est très utilisée. Dans cette étude, l’ACV est appliquée au procédé de reformage catalytique du naphta en utilisant la méthode Eco-Indicateur 99 comme méthode d’analyse des impacts du cycle de vie. Les principaux impacts environnementaux du procédé sont la consommation de combustibles fossiles, le changement climatique et les effets sur la respiration liés aux composés organiques. L’influence de différents paramètres (composition de l’alimentation, température de réaction sur les impacts environnementaux est testée. Deux méthodes d’allocation sont analysées (allocation massique et énergétique et deux versions du procédé de reformage catalytique sont comparées afin de déterminer les améliorations possibles permettant de minimiser les impacts.

  1. Adaptation de l'Archaea halophile halobacterium salinarum aux stress environnementaux : mécanismes de survie et rôle de la protéolyse intracellulaire


    Marty , Vincent


    Molecular systems described for Archaea show primitive and simple characteristics, compared to their homologous eukaryotes. In addition, extremophilic characteristic results in an hyper-robust which makes in vitro manipulation and structural studies much easier. Thus, Archaea represent good models for understanding complex cellular functions, particularly those that involve large molecular machines, such as those involved in proteolysis. My thesis consisted in understanding the resistance mec...

  2. Polluted sites and soils - Management of environmental liabilities; Sites et sols pollues - Gestion des passifs environnementaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Corfec, Y.


    This book presents in a synthetic and structured way the essential notions for the understanding of the stakes of polluted sites and soils management. In particular: the regulatory context, the environmental considerations (toxicological constraints, indeterminations), the conditions of environments characterization and cleansing (interventions typology, properties of contaminants (metal trace amounts, organic compounds), decontamination and cleansing logics), and the essential conditions of risk management in an industrial or urban context. (J.S.)


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    Abdellah KARA OMAR


    Full Text Available Population expansion, urbanization, pollution, climate change and vegetation destruction are the main reasons for water scarcity, forcing most countries around the world to rely on new resources of providing drinking water. The most widely used alternative resource is seawater desalination. In this paper, the distribution of El-Mactaâ (Willaya of Mostaganem reverse osmosis seawater desalination plant is described and its environmental impact considered. Sea water treatment in the EL-MACTAÂ station takes place in three stages. The process starts with a pretreatment by coarse filtration, followed by low-pressure membrane ultrafiltration. Pretreated water passes through reverse osmosis and finally via a treatment station which guarantees both the adjustment of the pH and the disinfection of the treated water. Despite its advantages seawater desalination is a major cause of damage to the environment.

  4. Couverts herbacés pérennes et enjeux environnementaux (en particulier eutrophisation) : atouts et limites


    Vertes, Francoise; Benoit, Marc; Dorioz, Jean Marcel


    Outre des fonctions de production, les prairies assurent diverses fonctions environnementales dont la protection de la qualité des eaux et des sols. Dans quelle mesure et à quelles conditions ces fonctions non productives sont elles assurées par les couverts herbacés pérennes ? Après la présentation des principaux processus impliqués dans les cycles de l'azote et du phosphore, les moyens de limiter les pertes en N et P sont rappelés, à l'échelle de la parcelle, de l'exploitation et du bassin ...

  5. EnviroInfo 2004 - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    2004-01-01 CERN, 21, 22 et 23 octobre Sh@ring Pour sa 18e édition, la Conférence internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de l'information appliquée à la protection de l'environnement et au développement durable a choisi de privilégier le thème du partage : le partage technologique, en insistant sur la nécessité de promouvoir les actions de transfert technologique dans l'esprit du respect des principes de développement durable (transfert Nord/Sud, transfert de connaissances, valorisation de la recherche sur le Web, partenariat privé-public,...) ; le partage des données, dans l'esprit d'une plus grande transparence de l'information publique et de l'amélioration des flux d'information entre les différentes administrations (Partage des connaissances environnementales, santé et risques environnementaux, ...). Les présentations s'arti...

  6. Wastes behavior and environmental impacts, researches and methods; Comportement des dechets et impacts environnementaux, recherches et methodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labeyrie, J; Chateau, L [Agence de l' Environnement et de la Maitrise de l' Energie, (ADEME), 49 - Angers (France); Gin, St [CEA/VALRHO - site de Marcoule, Dept. de Recherche en Retraitement et en Vitrification DRRV, 30 - Marcoule (France); and others


    The wastes management policy takes into account more and more often the environmental impacts mastership. This evolution is particularly appreciable when the wastes directly interact with the environment: storage, utilization for roads construction and so on. In this context the ADEME organized the 8 june 2000 a colloquium to present the new evaluation methods and tools, to describe the regulations and to identify the research programs needed for this environmental policy. Eleven papers are presented. (A.L.B.)

  7. Danos socioambientais originados pelas usinas eólicas nos campos de dunas do Nordeste brasileiro e critérios para definição de alternativas locacionais Dommages socio-environnementaux causés par les parcs éoliens dans les champs de dunes de sable du nord-est du Brésil et critères pour la définition d'alternatives de localisation Socio-environmental damage caused by wind farms in sand dunes fields of northeastern Brazil and criteria for definition of locational alternatives

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    Antonio Jeovah de Andrade Meireles


    Full Text Available O potencial eólico brasileiro é uma importante alternativa para a produção de energia renovável para enfrentar as emissões de poluentes atmosféricos com a utilização de energia limpa. Uma excelente política ambiental para minimizar as consequências previstas pelo aquecimento global, perante as emissões de dióxido de carbono e poluentes relacionados com a utilização de carvão mineral e outros combustíveis fósseis. Este artigo enumerou as consequências ambientais das usinas eólicas sobre os campos de dunas através da fragmentação dos sistemas ambientais provocado pelas obras de engenharia. Ao final foi possível analisar os impactos cumulativos tomando como exemplo o litoral cearense, definir alternativas locacionais e ações adequadas para o planejamento de ambientes costeiros diante esta nova forma de geração de energia limpa.En ce qui concerne la production d'énergies renouvelables au Brésil, le potentiel éolien  est une alternative prometteuse pour la réduction d’émissions de polluants atmosphériques, la mise en pratique d’une politique environnementale sensible aux conséquences du phénomène de réchauffement global. Cependant, la localisation de projets de cette nature dans les champs de dunes, suscite  un changement drastique de la dynamique géomorphologique de la zone côtière, avec  des impacts environnementaux que ce texte vise à d’évaluer, surtout dans le cas du Ceará. La localisation des parcs éoliens dans les champs de dunes y est une conséquence des politiques d’aménagement mises en place dans la zone côtière et d’après la logique de production d'énergie propre.The wind potential in Brazil is an important alternative for the production of renewable energy, reducing the emission of air pollutants with the use of clean energy. An environmental policy to minimize the consequences of global warming.  This article evaluated the environmental impacts of wind farms on the dune


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    Jacques IGALENS


    Full Text Available Sous la pression des parties prenantes, le nombre de rapports dedéveloppement durable ne cesse d'augmenter. Jusqu'ici les méthodesd'analyse des informations qu'ils contiennent sont essentiellementcomptables. L'enjeu de ces rapports va au-delà des indicateurs chiffrésfournis par exemple par la GRI, Global Reporting Initiative. Il s'agit pour uneentreprise de légitimer son action et les conséquences de son action dansles domaines sociaux, environnementaux et societaux. La place tenue par lediscours dans ces rapports est essentielle et la méthode proposée dans cetarticle est ainsi celle de "l'analyse des discours" notamment en s'appuyantsur les caractéristiques de l'énonciation et sur celles des procédésrhétoriques. Ainsi apparaît que les entreprises ne se contentent pas de "faireun rapport" mais qu'elles essaient de construire un monde, un monde danslequel elles se présentent en héros positif, un monde dont elles définissentles règles.

  9. Ageing of power plants socio-economical, sanitary and environmental impact; Veillissement des centrales Impacts socio-economiques, sanitaires et environnementaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bataille, Ch. [Depute du nord (France); Denner, M. [EDF pour la Region Bourgogne (France); Vouilloux, F. [Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); Foucher, L. [Direction Generale de la Surete Nucleaire et de la Radioprotection, 75 - Paris (France); Serviere, M. [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France); Vila d' Abadal Serra, M


    The National Association of the local Commissions of Information (A.N.C.L.I.) presents a colloquium about the ageing of nuclear power plants. The different following points are presented. The life cycle of nuclear power plants and the new types of reactors. The ageing of power plants: stakes and perspectives for the French and world nuclear park. A power plant of 30 years is it sure? The role of the studies of ageing and the follow-up according to the age. Stop or continue to exploit a nuclear power plant: who decides, when and how. The socio-economic consequences of a stop of power plant: the Spanish experience. Ten-year visits of a power plant: the associative experience. 58 reactors today: how to assume their end of life and welcome equipments to come. (N.C.)

  10. Énergie et bois dans le territoire alpin : stratégies autour d'une ressource incertaine

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    Hélène Avocat*


    Full Text Available Depuis dix ans, le bois-énergie se développe dans les territoires alpins, sous l’impulsion de politiques volontaristes. Face à l'épuisement prochain des produits connexes de scierie, déjà largement utilisés dans la papeterie, la panneauterie et la granulation, la plaquette forestière est amenée à se développer pour des usages industriels ou locaux. Il s’agit d’une opportunité pour les territoires et les forêts alpines, dont la vulnérabilité doit cependant être prise en compte dans la délicate conciliation d'objectifs économiques et environnementaux. L’étude des différentes politiques et dispositifs montre des approches très différentes.  Cela peut générer des tensions sur la ressource et donner lieux à des comportements contradictoires avec le développement d’une énergie dite verte : allongements des distances de transports et donc des émissions de polluants, dégradation de l’environnement et de la multifonctionnalité des forêts, etc.

  11. Factors Influencing Self-Regulation in E-learning 2.0: Confirmatory Factor Model | Facteurs qui influencent la maîtrise de soi en cyberapprentissage 2.0 : modèle de facteur confirmative

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    Hong Zhao


    Full Text Available The importance of self-regulation in e-learning has been well noted in research. Relevant studies have shown a consistent positive correlation between learners’ self-regulation and their success rate in e-learning. Increasing attention has been paid to developing learners’ self-regulated abilities in e-learning. For students, what and how to learn are largely predetermined by the learning environment provided by their institutions. Environmental determinants play a key role in shaping self-regulation in the learning process. This paper reports a study on the influences of the e-learning 2.0 environment on self-regulation. The study identified the factors that influence self-regulation in such an environment and determine the relationships between the factors and self-regulation. A theoretical model to categorize the success factors for self-regulated learning was proposed for this kind of environment. Based on the model, a questionnaire was designed and administered to more than two hundred and fifty distance learning students in Beijing and Hong Kong. Through structural equation modeling (SEM technique, relationships between environmental factors and self-regulation were analyzed. Statistical results showed that several factors affect self-regulation in the e-learning 2.0 environment. They include system quality, information quality, service quality, and user satisfaction. L’importance de la maîtrise de soi en cyberapprentissage a été bien étudiée. Les études pertinentes ont démontré une corrélation positive uniforme entre la maîtrise de soi des apprenants et leurs taux de réussite en apprentissage en ligne. Une attention croissante a été portée au développement des aptitudes de maîtrise de soi des élèves en cyberapprentissage. Pour les élèves, quoi apprendre et comment sont des questions principalement prédéterminées par l’environnement d’apprentissage qu’offrent leurs établissements. Les d

  12. Les déterminants de l’attractivité territoriale des entreprises manufacturières et logistiques étrangères : application à la ville de Tanger – Maroc

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    Abbes Elhasbi


    Full Text Available L’objectif de cet article est de proposer les principaux facteurs d’attractivité des investisseurs étrangers dans les secteurs manufacturiers et logistiques de la ville de Tanger au Maroc. Notre modèle conceptuel a été élaboré à partir d’une revue de littérature et d’entretiens avec un échantillon de dirigeants des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME étrangères. Notre analyse empirique est réalisée à partir des données issues d’une enquête menée auprès des dirigeants des entreprises étrangères (manufacturières et logistiques installées à la ville de Tanger. L’utilisation de l’approche Partial least squares (PLS nous a permis de tester les liens de causalité entre les divers facteurs politiques, économiques, sociaux, technologiques, environnementaux et juridiques (Pestel. L’intérêt scientifique de notre modèle est de présenter aux décideurs de la ville de Tanger des recommandations afin d’améliorer le développement et l’attractivité des investissements étrangers dans les deux secteurs logistique et manufacturier.

  13. L'hydrologie, une partenaire de la géomorphopédologie pour une gestion transéchelle des grands enjeux environnementaux

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    Colard, F.


    Full Text Available Hydrology: a partner of geomorphopedology in the scope of a scale-through environmental management. Unsaturated soil and subsoil are often called "critical zone" considering their major interfacing role in our environment. Dealing with solute transfer or water and soil conservation, hydrologic research relies on pedologic descriptions. It is the case from micro to macro scale analysis. Hydrodynamic parameters are derived from pedologic information on soil. They allow hydrologists to quantify and spatially describe the dynamic exchanges between water, soil, crops and atmosphere. The modelling of water and solute transfer through soil and vadose zone also needs them. The paper presents some research highlights on soil behaviour, hydrological modelling and forecasting under climate change. Erosion is another major topic. Soil is a poorly renewable resource. Soil conservation and soft hydraulic management in watersheds deserve more attention. They can help limiting nutrient and sediment transfer to surface water. Again, pedologic information is the starting point of conceptualization and modelling. Furthermore, the Soil Map of Belgium includes information on geomorphology and landscape descriptions which date from decades. They are of first importance to calibrate and validate detachment, transport and sedimentation models. In the current context of high environmental concern, it is demonstrated how hydrology and pedology have to be partners in order to deal with such major issues.

  14. Énergie et environnement: l’exploitation des sables bitumineux en Alberta (Canada

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    Stéphane Héritier


    Full Text Available Découverts dans les années 1930, les secteurs de sables bitumineux (ou pétrolifères de l’Ouest canadien sont caractérisés par une intense exploitation, accélérée et stimulée depuis la décennie 1990, liée à l’explosion de la demande mondiale et aux prix élevés du baril de pétrole. Grâce à cette activité, l’Alberta est devenue l’une des provinces les plus dynamiques du Canada. L’exploitation, concédée à des entreprises pétrolières nationales et internationales, contribue à stimuler à la fois l’économie et la démographie de la province, où les revenus et les conditions économiques générales sont devenus particulièrement attractifs. Dans le même temps l’Alberta et le Canada se trouvent en situation délicate par rapport aux engagements internationaux, l’exploitation et la production du pétrole ayant des effets environnementaux importants tels que l’augmentation de la production de gaz à effets de serre, alors que les économies locales et régionales fondent leurs projets de croissance sur les revenus dégagés par cette exploitation.

  15. EVALUATION DE L’IMPACT ENVIRONNEMENTAL : Vers une compréhension de la dynamique des populations de colza « échappées » des cultures à l’échelle d’une région agricole

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    Pessel Fabrice-Del


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre des études de risques agro-environnementaux, comme dans celui de la mise en place de stratégies de gestion des cultures transgéniques (par exemple la segmentation des filières de production OGM/non OGM, s’il est indispensable de quantifier les différents processus d’échappement des transgènes depuis les parcelles cultivées (flux de pollen et/ou de graines, il est également nécessaire de déterminer leurs potentialités de maintien en dehors des parcelles cultivées (aptitudes écologiques des hybrides interspécifiques et/ou de la plante dans des environnements hors des parcelles cultivées. En effet, des populations, dans lesquelles seraient présents un ou plusieurs transgènes, seraient suceptibles de se comporter comme des réservoirs et/ou des relais de pollutions génétiques entre deux filières de production avec et sans OGM. À plus long terme, la connaissance des processus gouvernant la dynamique et la persistance de ces populations s’avère indispensable pour une gestion efficace des différentes situations de crise possibles (sanitaire, écologique ou agronomique, en particulier pour déterminer la durée des suivis après un arrêt éventuel des cultures transgéniques.

  16. La prise en charge à long terme de l’asthme chez les enfants inuits et des Premières nations : un outil de transfert du savoir fondé sur les lignes directrices canadiennes pour l’asthme pédiatrique, conçu pour être utilisé par les professionnels de la santé de première ligne qui travaillent dans des communautés isolées (United States)

    Kovesi, Tom; Giles, Brenda Louise; Pasterkamp, Hans

    L’asthme est un grave problème de santé pour les enfants inuits et des Premières nations. Chez les enfants de moins d’un an, il faut distinguer l’asthme de la bronchiolite virale, anormalement fréquente chez les enfants autochtones du Canada. Chez les enfants de moins de six ans, le diagnostic dépend de la présence de symptômes classiques, de l’absence de caractéristiques atypiques et de la consignation de la réponse au traitement, notamment la réponse rapide et transitoire aux bronchodilatateurs. Chez les enfants plus âgés, il faut, dans la mesure du possible, déterminer la présence d’une obstruction réversible des voies aériennes par spirométrie afin de confirmer le diagnostic, ainsi qu’évaluer et corriger les déclencheurs environnementaux. L’utilisation régulière de corticoïdes en aérosol est la principale mesure à prendre pour maintenir un bon contrôle de l’asthme chez les enfants asthmatiques. Les clients et leur famille devraient recevoir une formation sur l’asthme. Il faut réévaluer régulièrement le contrôle aux visites de suivi dans des centres de santé et rajuster le traitement à la dose la plus basse possible pour le maintien de ce contrôle.

  17. Évolution des politiques environnementales et tourisme de montagne au Népal

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    Isabelle Sacareau


    Full Text Available Le développement du trekking au Népal a suscité des inquiétudes qui ont abouti à la création d’aires protégées sur la foi d’un scénario de crise environnementale dont les touristes et les paysans étaient jugés responsables. Devant les conflits entre la conservation et les nécessités de développement des régions concernées, la gouvernance des aires protégées a évolué dans le sens d’une meilleure prise en compte des sociétés locales. Pour autant les mesures prises ne font qu’accompagner et diriger des dynamiques touristiques plus anciennes qui s’exercent à des échelles plus vastes. Le trekking constitue ainsi un système touristique très largement aux mains des sociétés montagnardes du pays qui a permis l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie tout en limitant ses impacts environnementaux. En ce sens le trekking répond assez largement aux principes du développement durable.Against a backdrop of environmental crisis, attributed to the impact of tourism and the practices of rural populations, Nepal has created protected areas with a view to preserving the Himalayan environment and promoting sustainable tourism in the regions concerned. Given the conflicts between conservation needs and development needs, local communities are now being given a bigger role in the governance of these protected areas. Yet the measures being taken simply accompany and guide well-established tourism dynamics that operate on a much greater scale. Trekking is thus a tourism system largely in the hands of the country’s mountain communities and is an activity that has enabled these communities to improve their living conditions while at the same time limiting environmental impacts. In this sense it is very much in line with the principles of sustainable development.

  18. Changes in environmental policy and mountain tourism in Nepal

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    Isabelle Sacareau


    Full Text Available Against a backdrop of environmental crisis, attributed to the impact of tourism and the practices of rural populations, Nepal has created protected areas with a view to preserving the Himalayan environment and promoting sustainable tourism in the regions concerned. Given the conflicts between conservation needs and development needs, local communities are now being given a bigger role in the governance of these protected areas. Yet the measures being taken simply accompany and guide well-established tourism dynamics that operate on a much greater scale. Trekking is thus a tourism system largely in the hands of the country’s mountain communities and is an activity that has enabled these communities to improve their living conditions while at the same time limiting environmental impacts. In this sense it is very much in line with the principles of sustainable development.Le développement du trekking au Népal a suscité des inquiétudes qui ont abouti à la création d’aires protégées sur la foi d’un scénario de crise environnementale dont les touristes et les paysans étaient jugés responsables. Devant les conflits entre la conservation et les nécessités de développement des régions concernées, la gouvernance des aires protégées a évolué dans le sens d’une meilleure prise en compte des sociétés locales. Pour autant les mesures prises ne font qu’accompagner et diriger des dynamiques touristiques plus anciennes qui s’exercent à des échelles plus vastes. Le trekking constitue ainsi un système touristique très largement aux mains des sociétés montagnardes du pays qui a permis l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie tout en limitant ses impacts environnementaux. En ce sens le trekking répond assez largement aux principes du développement durable.


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    Full Text Available La récente Directive Cadre sur l’Eau (DCE demande aux états membres de la communauté européenne la préservation et la restauration de l’état écologique des écosystèmes aquatiques au travers de leurs composantes chimiques et biologiques. Satisfaire cette demande nécessite de disposer d’indicateurs biologiques capables d’apporter une information pertinente sur l’état de santé de ces écosystèmes. Ces indicateurs doivent être scientifiquement valides, efficaces, rapides à mettre en œuvre et applicables à différentes régions géographiques. Parmi les indicateurs potentiels, les peuplements de poissons peuvent apporter une information originale en raison de la capacité qu’ont ces organismes à intégrer la variabilité environnementale à différentes échelles spatiales. Dans ce contexte, les Agences de l’Eau, le Ministère de l’Environnement et le Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche ont lancé conjointement un programme national d’adaptation d’un indice biotique fondé sur les peuplements poissons applicable à l’ensemble du réseau hydrographique. Adapter ce type d’indice à une échelle spatiale telle que le réseau hydrographique national nécessite la prise en compte des facteurs environnementaux majeurs responsables des variations des peuplements en conditions naturelles. La démarche adoptée pour l’établissement de l’indice s’établit comme suit. Dans un premier temps et en utilisant un jeu de donnée de 650 stations de référence réparties de manière homogène sur l’ensemble du réseau hydrographique national, la probabilité d’occurrence sur une station de 34 espèces les plus communes de nos cours d’eau a été modélisée en fonction d’un certain nombre de variables environnementales locales et régionales (i.e. position de la station sur le gradient longitudinal, altitude, vitesse moyenne du courant, conditions thermiques, appartenance à une unité hydrologique. Dans un deuxi

  20. Conflictos socioambientales: identificación y representación espacial. Estudio de caso en la ciudad de Río Cuarto (Argentina

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    Galfioni, María de los Angeles


    de la ciudad de Río Cuarto en un entorno SIG. Para vincularla luego con el proceso de expansión del medio construido urbano. [fr] Dans la ville de Río Cuarto (province de Cordoba, Argentine on apprécie aujourd’hui que le processus d’expansion urbaine donne lieu, d’une part, à des usages du sol qui étaient auparavant localisés dans la périphérie et, d’autre part, à un choc entre les activités liées à la zone suburbaine ou rurale (agricoles, industrielles, commerciales et celles des zones urbaines, ce qui augmente le champ de conflits socio-environnementaux. Cette situation oblige les disciplines scientifiques à produire des connaissances servant à la prise de décisions de la part de l’État qui doivent concilier des intérêts contradictoires et assurer un développement durable. Étant donné qu’il s’agit de conflits avec de fortes implications territoriales il faut les aborder à partir d’une cartographie mise à jour et conforme aux objectifs envisagés. Le but de cet article est de développer une systématisation, une caractérisation et une postérieure cartographie des conflits socio-environnementaux dans la ville de Río Cuarto dans un entourage SIG. Cela doit être par la suite mis en relation avec l’expansion du milieu urbain construit.

  1. Environmental political targets of the EU: German-French contributions for the achievement of the EU goals. Proceedings; Umweltpolitische Ziele der EU: Deutsch-franzoesische Beitraege zur Zielerreichung. Concepts franco-allemands pour atteindre les objectifs environnementaux de l'UE. Tagungsband. Actes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cail, Sylvain; Moest, Dominik; Fichtner, Wolf; Percebois, Jacques (eds.)


    The first German-French workshop on energy economy and sustainability on January 29 and 30, 2009 at Karlsruhe (Federal Republic of Germany) comprised the following lectures: (1) Systematic evaluation of the sustainability in energy projects (Volker Stelzer); (2) Comparative value of various mechanisms of promoting renewable energy sources (Jacques Percebois, Olivier Rousse); (3) Communities as actors in climate protection (Lioba Markl, Nurten Avci); (4) The chain of value of photovoltaic systems containing crystalline silicon (Christin Oeser); (5) The wind power industry as an example of the German-French cooperation for the achievement of environmental political targets of the EU (Katharina Braig, Markus Jenne); (6) A short history of the future of biomass and biofuels in relation to white biotechnologies (Gerard Goma, Carole Molina-Jouve); (7) Generation and feeding of methane from biomass (Frank Graf); (8) Energy evaluation of the thickening of the biomass by rapid pyrolysis (Guillain Mauviel et al.); (9) Future role of renewable energies in European electricity supply (Dominik Moest et al.); (10) A systematic evaluation of the potentials for reducing CO{sub 2} as an element of company management (Sarah Schwarz); (11) A system dynamics model of the German electricity market (Tobias Jaeger).

  2. Étude de l’évolution de la teneur en chrome hexavalent dans le cuir, influence des conditions de fabrication et importance des facteurs environnementaux


    Fontaine , Mathilde


    Currently, 80 to 85% of leather is tanned with chrome. This process allows to obtain excellent physico-mechanical properties with optimum economic conditions. The chromium salts in trivalent form used in the manufacturing of leather are not harmful; however under some conditions and associated with other substances, trivalent chromium can be transformed into hexavalent chromium, highly allergenic and potentially harmful to the health of the consumer. Since 1st May 2015, the presence of hexava...

  3. Le consumérisme politique : Une innovation régulatoire à l’ère de la mondialisation

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    Marie-France Turcotte


    Full Text Available Cet article étudie le potentiel régulatoire du consumérisme politique à travers l’analyse de deux nouveaux mouvements sociaux économiques : la finance et la consommation responsables. La nouvelle génération de mouvement social, dont ces deux innovations témoignent, préside à l’institutionnalisation de mécanismes inédits ayant pour ambition de réguler le marché en fonction de critères sociaux et environnementaux. Mais ces mécanismes sont sujets à une dérive commerciale susceptible d’annihiler leur potentiel transformateur. Ces mécanismes méritent par ailleurs l’attention, dans la mesure où ils révèlent un compromis social au chapitre du contenu de la responsabilité sociale des acteurs économiques et donc des balises régulatoires à l’ère de la mondialisation.This article examines the regulatory potential of political consumerism through the analysis of two new economic social movements: finance and consumption. The new generation of social movement, of which these innovations are a manifestation, reflect the institutionalization of new mechanisms which aim to control the market according to social and environmental criteria. But these mechanisms are prone to a commercial drift likely to destroy their transformational potential. These mechanisms deserve attention insofar as they reveal a social compromise of the contents of the social responsibility of economic actors and thus of regulatory signals in the era of globalization.

  4. Local food in European supply chains: reconnection and electronic networks

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    Georgina Holt


    Full Text Available Après une présentation du marché des produits locaux/localisés en Grande Bretagne, ainsi qu’une définition du concept en fonction des circuits de distribution courts, de l’agriculture biologique et du commerce équitable, cet article se fonde sur des études de cas, issus de projets de recherche européens, pour identifier des différents types de réseaux concernés par les concept de produit locaux durables. Les habitudes historiques concernant l’achat des produits alimentaires jouent ici un rôle central et l’article observe l’équilibre entre les composants historiques, sociaux et environnementaux des produits locaux/localisés. A partir de ces terrains de recherche et de ces expériences il s’est avéré possible de déterminer différentes compréhensions de « produits locaux » en relation avec le concept de « distance alimentaire/ food miles ». En se référant à six cas donnés, cet article souligne l’importance des systèmes localisés en matière de durabilité alimentaire, et met en valeur le poids des qualités humaines et sociales dans la balance commerciale.After giving an overview of the market for local food in the UK, as well as a definition of the concept in relation to short supply chains, organic agriculture and fair trade, the article draws on cases encountered through EC-funded research and networking to identify different types of network concerned with the concept of sustaining local food. Historical uses of shopping habits play here a central role and the article observes the balance between historical, social and environmental components of local food. From these researches and experiences, it has been possible to demonstrate a range of understandings in relation to the concept of ‘food miles’. With reference to six cases, the article underlines the importance of local food systems within food sustainability, and highlights the weight of human and social qualities in the market balance.

  5. Comment étudier et suivre la fréquentation dans les espaces littoraux, marins et insulaires ?De l'état de l'art à une vision prospective de la recherche

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    Nicolas Le Corre


    Full Text Available L’essor du tourisme de nature génère un attrait grandissant pour les espaces naturels protégés littoraux. Cet engouement pose de multiples enjeux liés à la gestion de la fréquentation et à l’acquisition de connaissances sur ces espaces souvent sensibles. Les suivis environnementaux apparaissent comme des outils aujourd’hui largement développés et aboutis. En revanche, la caractérisation des activités humaines répond à une préoccupation plus récente et soulève de nombreuses questions scientifiques. Cet article propose, à travers une revue de littérature menée sous l’angle des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, un recensement et une analyse des méthodes d’étude des usages récréatifs et touristiques sur les espaces littoraux, marins et insulaires. Il s’agit également de montrer comment ces outils sont exploités en France afin d’alimenter des observatoires de la fréquentation. Caractérisée par des approches cloisonnées, la recherche française gagnerait à se structurer en mutualisant les compétences d’équipes et de disciplines différentes mais complémentaires.The coastal natural areas are getting more and more attractive because of the tourist growth. This increasing interest leads to several issues linked to visitor management impacts. Today, environmental monitoring seems to be widely developed and satisfactory. On the other hand, visitor monitoring is a recent preoccupation witch raises several scientific questions. Through an important literature review led by the social sciences, this article proposes an inventory and an analysis of the methods to obtain visitor data on the coastal, the sea and insular natural areas. Then, it shows how these methods are used in France in order to develop visitor monitoring system. The French research is characterized by various but compartmentalized approaches. It could make considerable progress and improvements by mixing the team skills and the different but

  6. Systems integration (automation system). System integration (automation system)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujii, K; Komori, T; Fukuma, Y; Oikawa, M [Nippon Steal Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper introduces business activities on an automation systems integration (SI) started by a company in July,1988, and describes the SI concepts. The business activities include, with the CIM (unified production carried out on computers) and AMENITY (living environment) as the mainstays, a single responsibility construction ranging from consultation on structuring optimal systems for processing and assembling industries and intelligent buildings to system design, installation and after-sales services. With an SI standing on users {prime} position taken most importantly, the business starts from a planning and consultation under close coordination. On the conceptual basis of structuring optimal systems using the ompany {prime}s affluent know-hows and tools and adapting and applying with multi-vendors, open networks, centralized and distributed systems, the business is promoted with the accumulated technologies capable of realizing artificial intelligence and neural networks in its background, and supported with highly valuable business results in the past. 10 figs., 1 tab.

  7. La place de la biodiversité dans les documents de planification urbaine en France

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    Fernanda Moscarelli


    Full Text Available La prise de conscience par les acteurs sociaux et politiques des enjeux environnementaux et de la nécessité de conservation de la biodiversité va conduire à de nouvelles politiques et à l’utilisation d’outils de planification territoriale novateurs comme le Schéma de Cohérence Territorial (SCoT. Le SCoT est l’instrument central de l’aménagement communautaire urbain français, qui associe le rôle d’assemblage de plusieurs politiques sectorielles et de coordination multi-scalaire aux objectifs de conception de villes durables. Il est donc souhaité que les SCoTs soient capables: (a d’améliorer les procédures d’aménagement par l’instauration de territoires de planification mieux adaptés aux enjeux, (b d’élargir le dialogue entre acteurs et société civile et (c d’agir pour la “soutenabilité” des villes. Nous nous interrogeons ici sur la prise en compte de la biodiversité dans les stratégies et prescriptions mises en place par les SCoTs de la Communauté d’Agglomération de Montpellier et de la Région Urbaine Grenobloise. A partir d’une analyse empirique, nous prétendons identifier les stratégies prescrites et les limites de ces documents d’urbanisme en ce qui concerne ces stratégies et leur application, la pertinence des périmètres de projet et d’action.

  8. Coupling component systems towards systems of systems


    Autran , Frédéric; Auzelle , Jean-Philippe; Cattan , Denise; Garnier , Jean-Luc; Luzeaux , Dominique; Mayer , Frédérique; Peyrichon , Marc; Ruault , Jean-René


    International audience; Systems of systems (SoS) are a hot topic in our "fully connected global world". Our aim is not to provide another definition of what SoS are, but rather to focus on the adequacy of reusing standard system architecting techniques within this approach in order to improve performance, fault detection and safety issues in large-scale coupled systems that definitely qualify as SoS, whatever the definition is. A key issue will be to secure the availability of the services pr...

  9. Influence de facteurs environnementaux influençant la teneur en urée dans le lait de vache en Wallonie et estimation des rejets azotés

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    Dufrasne, I.


    Full Text Available Study on environmental factors influencing the urea content of cow's milk in Wallonia and estimation of nitrogen rejection. In Wallonia (South of Belgium, the urea content of milk produced on farms is assessed by the "Comité du lait". A total of 8,295,337 pieces of data recording the urea content in milk tanks was collected on Walloon farms in 2000 and during the period 2002-2011. These data were analyzed using a linear model. The fixed effects of the agricultural area or vulnerable zone, the month, the year and the interactions between these parameters were included in the model. The levels of fat and protein content in the milk were used as covariates. The average urea content in milk was found to be 255 mg·l-1. Four percent of the observations recorded a urea content of over 350 mg·l-1 and 14% recorded a urea content of over 400 mg·l-1. The models explained 38% and 35% of the variation in milk urea for the agricultural area and the vulnerable area variables, respectively. Within these models, the variables of month, region, year and the month-year interaction were the components that provided the most information. Milk urea content was higher in the summer period – April to October – than during the winter period – November to March – (287 vs 210 mg·l-1. This observation can be explained by the change in the cows' diet. During the summer, most of the cows grazed; ingestion of grass can lead to a nitrogen surplus in the diet. In the so-called "Limoneuse" and "Sablo-limoneuse" agricultural areas, recorded urea content was lower than in "Ardenne" and "Haute-Ardenne" (223 and 220 mg vs 278 and 284 mg·l-1, respectively. This difference can be explained by a greater use of grass in the diet in Ardenne and Haute-Ardenne. In vulnerable areas, urea content was lower (236 vs 273 mg·l-1. Annual nitrogen production calculated using different prediction equations ranged from 82 to 119 kg N per cow depending on the agricultural area.

  10. Etude de l’hémogramme dans la drépanocytose homozygote: à propos de 87 patients (United States)

    Dahmani, Fatima; Benkirane, Souad; Kouzih, Jaafar; Woumki, Aziz; Mamad, Hassan; Masrar, Azlarab


    La drépanocytose homozygote, fait partie des hémoglobinopathies les plus fréquentes au Maroc. La drépanocytose est caractérisée par une grande variabilité d’expressions clinique et biologique qui dépendent des facteurs génétiques modulateurs et environnementaux. Elle se manifeste par une anémie régénérative de gravité très variable selon les individus. L’évolution spontanée en l’absence de traitement est le décès précoce. La drépanocytose est caractérisée par une grande variabilité d’expression clinique et biologique qui dépend des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. Un tableau clinique sévère marqué par une fréquence de transfusion élevée et précoce, des complications infectieuses graves et une mortalité précoce. Un état inflammatoire constant caractérisé par des protéines inflammatoires élevées et état nutritionnel compromis. L’objectif est de déterminer le profil des paramètres hématologiques du drépanocytaire homozygote (SS) marocain au cours des stades stationnaires. Nous avons fait une étude descriptive transversale de 87 patients drépanocytaires (SS). Nous avons réalisé une étude biologique comportant: l’hémogramme avec étude morphologique des globules rouges en coloration MGG et numération automatique des réticulocytes. Les électrophorèses de l’hémoglobine à pH alcalin (8.8) sur gel d’agarose avec intégration densitométrique. L’âge moyen est de 13.22 ans ± 16.36 avec un sex- ratio (H/F) de 1.175 et des extrêmes allant de 0.6 à 36 ans. La répercussion de l’anémie sur le plan biologique, est intense chez 88.5% des patients, 67.8% ont une anémie normocytaire contre 29.9% présentant une microcytose, et 2.3% qui présentaient une macrocytose. Le degré d’anisocytose est lié au degré d’anémie, très évocatrice chez les drépanocytaires homozygotes S/S (95,4%). Une réticulocytose était observée chez nos patients (81,6%) et 52.9% présentaient une

  11. Digital processing data communication systems (bus systems). Digitale Prozessdaten-Kommunikations-Systeme (Bus Systeme)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleck, K


    After an introduction to the technology of digital processing data communication systems there are the following chapters: digital communication of processing data in automation technology, the technology of biserial communication, the implementaiton of a bus system, the data transmission of the TDC-2000 system of Honeywell's and the process bus CS 275 in the automation system TELEPERM M of Siemens AG.

  12. Protecting information in systems of systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trivellato, D.


    Systems of systems are coalitions of autonomous and heterogeneous systems that collaborate to achieve a common goal. The component systems of a system of systems often belong to different security domains, which are governed by different authorities (hereafter called parties). Furthermore, systems

  13. Data Systems vs. Information Systems


    Amatayakul, Margret K.


    This paper examines the current status of “hospital information systems” with respect to the distinction between data systems and information systems. It is proposed that the systems currently existing are incomplete data dystems resulting in ineffective information systems.

  14. Situation awareness with systems of systems

    CERN Document Server

    Tretmans, Jan; Borth, Michael


    This book discusses various aspects, challenges, and solutions for developing systems-of-systems for situation awareness, using applications in the domain of maritime safety and security.  Topics include advanced, multi-objective visualization methods for situation awareness, stochastic outlier selection, rule-based anomaly detection, an ontology-based event model for semantic reasoning, new methods for semi-automatic generation of adapters bridging communication gaps, security policies for systems-of-systems, trust assessment, and methods to deal with the dynamics of systems-of-systems in run-time monitoring, testing, and diagnosis. Architectural considerations for designing information-centric systems-of-systems such as situation awareness systems, and an integrated demonstrator implementing many of the investigated aspects, complete the book.

  15. Intelligent Control Systems with an Introduction to System of Systems Engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Nanayakkara, Thrishantha


    From aeronautics and manufacturing to healthcare and disaster management, systems engineering (SE) focuses on designing applications that ensure performance optimization. This title integrates the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and systems control in a framework applicable to both simple dynamic systems and large-scale system of systems

  16. Upgraded RECOVER system - CASDAC system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Yoichi; Koyama, Kinji


    The CASDAC (Containment And Surveillance Data Authenticated Communication) system has been developed by JAERI for nuclear safeguards and physical protection of nuclear material. This system was designed and constructed as an upgraded RECOVER system, design concept of which was based on the original RECOVER system and also the TRANSEAVER system. Both of them were developed several years ago as a remote monitoring system for continual verification of security and safeguards status of nuclear material. The system consists of two subsystems, one of them is a Grand Command Center (GCC) subsystem and the other is a facility subsystem. Communication between the two subsystems is controlled through the international telephone line network. Therefore all communication data are encrypted to prevent access by an unauthorized person who may intend to make a falsification, or tapping. The facility subsystem has an appropriate measure that ensure data security and reliable operation under unattended mode of operator. The software of this system is designed so as to be easily used in other different types of computers. This report describes the outline of the CASDAC system and the results of its performance test. This work has been carried out in the framework of Japan Support Programme for Agency Safeguards (JASPAS) as a project, JA-1. (author)

  17. System design specification Brayton Isotope Power System (BIPS) Flight System (FS), and Ground Demonstration System (GDS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The system design specification for ground demonstration, development, and flight qualification of a Brayton Isotope Power System (BIPS) is presented. The requirements for both a BIPS conceptual Flight System (FS) and a Ground Demonstration System (GDS) are defined

  18. La géoarchéologie fluviale

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    Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta


    Full Text Available Les recherches des hydrogéomorphologues ont des applications nombreuses dans le vaste champ des sciences géoarchéologiques. Elles fournissent des réponses précises sur la façon dont l’environnement des anciens lieux de passage et de vie humaine a évolué. Le propos n’est pas seulement de définir les causes des grands changements environnementaux, mais aussi de juger de la vulnérabilité sociétale face aux contraintes hydroclimatiques. Pour cela, les méthodes d’étude doivent nécessairement prendre en compte les trois facettes de la géomorphologie fluviale : la paléohydrographie, la paléohydrologie et la paléohydraulique. La pertinence de cette approche est montrée en milieu rural et urbain dans les plaines deltaïques du Rhône (France du Sud et de l’Isonzo (Italie du Nord.Current research led by hydrogeomorphologists has numerous applications in the vast field of geoarchaeological sciences. It brings precise answers on environmental characteristics around the ancient places of passage and human life. The goal is not only to define the causes of global environmental changes, but also to precise the links between river dynamics and human societies in terms of fluvial risk. Therefore, the studied methods should simultaneously take into account the three facets of the fluvial geomorphology, i.e., the palaeohydrography, the palaeohydrology, and the palaeohydraulics. The pertinence of this combinatorial approach is deduced from the work of the author led both in rural and urban areas of the deltaic plains of the Rhône (South of France and Isonzo (northern Italy rivers.

  19. Migration des civelles d'anguilles (Anguilla anguilla L. dans les estuaires, modalités du phénomène et caractéristiques des individus

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    ELIE P.


    Full Text Available Nous avons réalisé une analyse de la littérature consacrée à la migration estuarienne de la civelle d'anguille (Anguilla anguilla L. et nous l'avons confrontée à des chroniques de données originales (abondance, structure en poids et en stades pigmentaires issues de l'estuaire de la Gironde. Ceci nous a permis de dégager la façon dont se déroule la migration. Il en ressort que les modalités du déroulement de la migration sont bien connues et relativement stables d'une année à l'autre, mais nous en sommes encore réduits à des hypothèses en ce qui concerne l'explication de son allure générale et de sa variabilité interannuelle. L'analyse des caractéristiques des individus montre une haute régularité interannuelle, on peut même parler d'un patron standard de l'évolution des individus en migration. L'action des principaux facteurs environnementaux sur les individus en migration apparaît assez nette, même si nous ne sommes pas en mesure actuellement de hiérarchiser leurs effets sur des flux migrants. Ce travail met en évidence la nécessité, pour appréhender les phénomènes migratoires et à plus forte raison pour établir un prémodèle de migration, de tenir compte de l'ensemble des aspects de la migration (tendance, facteurs modulateurs, épiphénomènes et caractéristiques des individus e n migration et d'utiliser des horloges écologiques adaptées.

  20. Internet use during childhood and the ecological techno-subsystem

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    Genevieve Marie Johnson


    Full Text Available Research findings suggest both positive and negative developmental consequences of Internet use during childhood (e.g., playing video games have been associated with enhanced visual skills as well as increased aggression. Several studies have concluded that environmental factors mediate the developmental impact of childhood online behaviour. From an ecological perspective, we propose the techno-subsystem, a dimension of the microsystem (i.e., immediate environments. The techno-subsystem includes child interaction with both living (e.g., peers and nonliving (e.g., hardware elements of communication, information, and recreation technologies in direct environments. By emphasizing the role of technology in child development, the ecological techno-subsystem encourages holistic exploration of the developmental consequences of Internet use (and future technological advances during childhood. L’usage d’Internet chez les enfants et le sous-système Techno écologique Résumé : Les résultats de recherche semblent indiquer que l’usage d’Internet chez les enfants aurait des conséquences développementales qui soit à la fois positives et négatives (ex. : l’usage des jeux vidéo auraient été associés à un accroissement des habileté visuelles ainsi qu’à un accroissement de l’agressivité. Plusieurs études ont aussi conclue que l’impact du comportement des enfants quand il sont en ligne sur leur développement serait affecté par des facteurs environnementaux. Dans une perspective écologique, nous proposons le sous-système Techno, une dimension du microsystème (ex :. les environnements immédiats. Le sous-système Techno comprend l’interaction de l’enfant avec des éléments vivants (e. : les paires et non vivants (ex; les ordinateurs de communication, d’information et de technologie de jeux dans des environnements directes.

  1. Écologie des stomoxes (Diptera : Muscidae au Gabon. I – Premier inventaire dans différentes zones écologiques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mavoungou J.F.


    Full Text Available Les stomoxes (Stomoxys spp. sont des diptères hématophages, vecteurs potentiels de divers agents pathogènes. Comme ceux de la région afrotropicale en général, les stomoxes du Gabon demeurent mal connus. Pour ces raisons, une enquête entomologique a été conduite de façon transversale dans huit localités représentatives des diverses zones écologiques du Gabon. L’enquête est basée sur l’utilisation de pièges Vavoua. Divers facteurs environnementaux pouvant influer sur les captures ont été relevés et inclus dans une analyse canonique des correspondances. Au total, 15 966 stomoxes, appartenant à sept espèces ou sous-espèces, ont été capturés. Les densités apparentes (DAP, exprimées en nombre de stomoxes par piège et par jour, sont importantes dans les localités de Franceville (41, Bakoumba (40, Makokou (25 et Mouila (21. Les espèces les plus abondantes sont Stomoxys n. niger (33,4 % de l’ensemble des captures, S. transvittatus (33 % puis S. calcitrans (17 %. Les principaux facteurs qui expliquent la variabilité des captures sont le degré d’anthropisation du milieu, le faciès botanique (savane ou forêt, la présence de la faune sauvage et domestique et la nature de la couverture végétale du sol. S. calcitrans et S. n. niger sont abondants dans les zones où la présence humaine est manifeste. S. xanthomelas est inféodé aux zones forestières. S. transvittatus, S. omega, et S. inornatus sont des espèces ubiquistes. S. niger bilineatus se retrouve dans les zones de savane.

  2. Profiling Systems Using the Defining Characteristics of Systems of Systems (SoS) (United States)


    system exhaust and emissions system gas engine heating and air conditioning system fuel system regenerative braking system safety system...overcome the limitations of these fuzzy scales, measurement scales are often divided into a relatively small number of disjoint categories so that the...precision is not justified. This lack of precision can typically be addressed by breaking the measurement scale into a set of categories , the use of

  3. Superspeed Maglev system Transrapid. System decription

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, L [Thyssen Henschel AG,, Maglev Transportation Technology, Muenchen (Germany)


    The superspeed maglev system Transrapid is a track-bound transportation system for passengern and priority freight transport. The transrapid trainsets are composed of self-sufficient vehicle section coupled together. The superspeed maglev system Transrapid is capable of revenue operation at speeds of 100 to 500 km/h. Besides the description of the system concept and system characteristics safety and availability are discussed. (HW)

  4. Linking Political Systems and War Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harste, Gorm


    Decisive parts of the Western political system have demonstrated a seemingly surprising misinterpretation of military might. As Madelaine Albright has suggested, the mighty perceived themselves as "almighty". Political power seems to have invested in instrumental coercive power relations and found...... military coercion to be the appropriate mean. Using the system theory and the theory of systemic risks displayed by the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann the article demonstrates how military systems due to their own autonomy and autopoiesis do not fit into the idea of political government....... The Clausewitzian ideal of a political system that could continue its power games by means of war was moderated by Clausewitz' own analysis of "friction". How can a political system be so blind towards the possibilities of another system? What are the risks of systemic blind spots? The argument of the paper...

  5. From systems biology to systems biomedicine. (United States)

    Antony, Paul M A; Balling, Rudi; Vlassis, Nikos


    Systems Biology is about combining theory, technology, and targeted experiments in a way that drives not only data accumulation but knowledge as well. The challenge in Systems Biomedicine is to furthermore translate mechanistic insights in biological systems to clinical application, with the central aim of improving patients' quality of life. The challenge is to find theoretically well-chosen models for the contextually correct and intelligible representation of multi-scale biological systems. In this review, we discuss the current state of Systems Biology, highlight the emergence of Systems Biomedicine, and highlight some of the topics and views that we think are important for the efficient application of Systems Theory in Biomedicine. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Computer System Design System-on-Chip

    CERN Document Server

    Flynn, Michael J


    The next generation of computer system designers will be less concerned about details of processors and memories, and more concerned about the elements of a system tailored to particular applications. These designers will have a fundamental knowledge of processors and other elements in the system, but the success of their design will depend on the skills in making system-level tradeoffs that optimize the cost, performance and other attributes to meet application requirements. This book provides a new treatment of computer system design, particularly for System-on-Chip (SOC), which addresses th

  7. The systems integration modeling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danker, W.J.; Williams, J.R.


    This paper discusses the systems integration modeling system (SIMS), an analysis tool for the detailed evaluation of the structure and related performance of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and its interface with waste generators. It's use for evaluations in support of system-level decisions as to FWMS configurations, the allocation, sizing, balancing and integration of functions among elements, and the establishment of system-preferred waste selection and sequencing methods and other operating strategies is presented. SIMS includes major analysis submodels which quantify the detailed characteristics of individual waste items, loaded casks and waste packages, simulate the detailed logistics of handling and processing discrete waste items and packages, and perform detailed cost evaluations

  8. System specifications for the NDS Dictionary System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Attree, P.M.; Smith, P.M.


    The NDS Dictionary System is a computerized system for maintaining and distributing the EXFOR dictionaries and for preparing internal versions of these dictionaries for use in the NDS EXFOR System and other NDS systems. This document is an internal manual for the system specifications of the NDS Dictionary System. It includes flow charts, system and program summaries, input and output specifications and file and record descriptions. This manual is updated from time to time when system modifications are made; this is the version of January 1979

  9. Protecting Information in Systems of Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trivellato, Daniel; Zannone, Nicola; Etalle, Sandro


    Systems of Systems (SoS) are dynamic, distributed coalitions of autonomous and heterogeneous systems that collaborate to achieve a common goal. While offering several advantages in terms of scalability and flexibility, the SoS paradigm has a strong impact on system interoperability and on the

  10. Expert Systems: What Is an Expert System? (United States)

    Duval, Beverly K.; Main, Linda


    Describes expert systems and discusses their use in libraries. Highlights include parts of an expert system; expert system shells; an example of how to build an expert system; a bibliography of 34 sources of information on expert systems in libraries; and a list of 10 expert system shells used in libraries. (Contains five references.) (LRW)

  11. Hot Spot Removal System: System description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Hazardous wastes contaminated with radionuclides, chemicals, and explosives exist across the Department of Energy complex and need to be remediated due to environmental concerns. Currently, an opportunity is being developed to dramatically reduce remediation costs and to assist in the acceleration of schedules associated with these wastes by deploying a Hot Spot Removal System. Removing the hot spot from the waste site will remove risk driver(s) and enable another, more cost effective process/option/remedial alternative (i.e., capping) to be applied to the remainder of the site. The Hot Spot Removal System consists of a suite of technologies that will be utilized to locate and remove source terms. Components of the system can also be used in a variety of other cleanup activities. This Hot Spot Removal System Description document presents technologies that were considered for possible inclusion in the Hot Spot Removal System, technologies made available to the Hot Spot Removal System, industrial interest in the Hot Spot Removal System`s subsystems, the schedule required for the Hot Spot Removal System, the evaluation of the relevant technologies, and the recommendations for equipment and technologies as stated in the Plan section.

  12. Hot Spot Removal System: System description

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Hazardous wastes contaminated with radionuclides, chemicals, and explosives exist across the Department of Energy complex and need to be remediated due to environmental concerns. Currently, an opportunity is being developed to dramatically reduce remediation costs and to assist in the acceleration of schedules associated with these wastes by deploying a Hot Spot Removal System. Removing the hot spot from the waste site will remove risk driver(s) and enable another, more cost effective process/option/remedial alternative (i.e., capping) to be applied to the remainder of the site. The Hot Spot Removal System consists of a suite of technologies that will be utilized to locate and remove source terms. Components of the system can also be used in a variety of other cleanup activities. This Hot Spot Removal System Description document presents technologies that were considered for possible inclusion in the Hot Spot Removal System, technologies made available to the Hot Spot Removal System, industrial interest in the Hot Spot Removal System''s subsystems, the schedule required for the Hot Spot Removal System, the evaluation of the relevant technologies, and the recommendations for equipment and technologies as stated in the Plan section

  13. D0 Cryo System Control System Autodialer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urbin, J.; /Fermilab


    The DO cryogenic system is controlled by a TI565-PLC based control system. This allows the system to be unmanned when in steady state operation. System experts will need to be contacted when system parameters exceed normal operating points and reach alarm setpoints. The labwide FIRUS system provides one alarm monitor and communication link. An autodialer provides a second and more flexible alarm monitor and communication link. The autodialer monitors contact points in the control system and after receiving indication of an alarm accesses a list of experts which it calls until it receives an acknowledgement. There are several manufacturers and distributors of autodialer systems. This EN explains the search process the DO cryo group used to fmd an autodialer system that fit the cryo system's needs and includes information and specs for the unit we chose.

  14. Networked control of microgrid system of systems (United States)

    Mahmoud, Magdi S.; Rahman, Mohamed Saif Ur; AL-Sunni, Fouad M.


    The microgrid has made its mark in distributed generation and has attracted widespread research. However, microgrid is a complex system which needs to be viewed from an intelligent system of systems perspective. In this paper, a network control system of systems is designed for the islanded microgrid system consisting of three distributed generation units as three subsystems supplying a load. The controller stabilises the microgrid system in the presence of communication infractions such as packet dropouts and delays. Simulation results are included to elucidate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.

  15. System program for MICRO-CAMAC terminal system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasajima, Yoji; Yamada, Takayuki; Yagi, Hideyuki; Ishiguro, Misako


    A JAERI on-line network system was developed and exists for on-line data processing of nuclear instrumentation. As terminal systems for the network system, the one with a Micro -8 micro-computer is used. By modifying the control program for Micro-8 terminal system, a system program has been developed for a MICRO-CAMAC terminal system, which is controlled by a micro-computer framed within the CAMAC Crate Controller. In this report are described software specifications of the MICRO -CAMAC terminal system and its operation method. (author)

  16. System design in an evolving system-of-systems architecture and concept of operations (United States)

    Rovekamp, Roger N., Jr.

    Proposals for space exploration architectures have increased in complexity and scope. Constituent systems (e.g., rovers, habitats, in-situ resource utilization facilities, transfer vehicles, etc) must meet the needs of these architectures by performing in multiple operational environments and across multiple phases of the architecture's evolution. This thesis proposes an approach for using system-of-systems engineering principles in conjunction with system design methods (e.g., Multi-objective optimization, genetic algorithms, etc) to create system design options that perform effectively at both the system and system-of-systems levels, across multiple concepts of operations, and over multiple architectural phases. The framework is presented by way of an application problem that investigates the design of power systems within a power sharing architecture for use in a human Lunar Surface Exploration Campaign. A computer model has been developed that uses candidate power grid distribution solutions for a notional lunar base. The agent-based model utilizes virtual control agents to manage the interactions of various exploration and infrastructure agents. The philosophy behind the model is based both on lunar power supply strategies proposed in literature, as well as on the author's own approaches for power distribution strategies of future lunar bases. In addition to proposing a framework for system design, further implications of system-of-systems engineering principles are briefly explored, specifically as they relate to producing more robust cross-cultural system-of-systems architecture solutions.

  17. Lighting system with thermal management system (United States)

    Arik, Mehmet; Weaver, Stanton; Stecher, Thomas; Seeley, Charles; Kuenzler, Glenn; Wolfe, Jr., Charles; Utturkar, Yogen; Sharma, Rajdeep; Prabhakaran, Satish; Icoz, Tunc


    Lighting systems having unique configurations are provided. For instance, the lighting system may include a light source, a thermal management system and driver electronics, each contained within a housing structure. The light source is configured to provide illumination visible through an opening in the housing structure. The thermal management system is configured to provide an air flow, such as a unidirectional air flow, through the housing structure in order to cool the light source. The driver electronics are configured to provide power to each of the light source and the thermal management system.

  18. Intelligent car guidance system (parking support system); Chiteki sharyo yudo system (chusha shien system)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This system enables a driver to park the car at a predetermined spot without the driver seeing the outside scene. The system shows on a driver seat display the steps that the driver is to follow and thereby supports the driver when visibility is poor, when the parking space is difficult to approach, when the driver is a novice, or when the driver is aged. The system ensures accurate positioning of the car by showing the steering direction and angle, the car speed, and the force of braking to the driver. For this purpose, the system knows the absolute car position by the use of an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag which is a kind of IC (Integrated Circuit) card and D-GPS (Differential-Global Positioning System), grasps the relative car position by the use of a gyroscope, and collects data from plural sensors, which are complementary to each other, such as a car-speed sensor and a steering sensor. (translated by NEDO)

  19. SystemC and systemC-AMS in practice systemC 2.3, 2.2 and systemC-AMS 1.0

    CERN Document Server

    Banerjee, Amal


    This book describes how engineers can make optimum use of the two industry standard analysis/design tools, SystemC and SystemC-AMS.  The authors use a system-level design approach, emphasizing how SystemC and SystemC-AMS features can be exploited most effectively to analyze/understand a given electronic system and explore the design space. The approach taken by this book enables system engineers to concentrate on only those SystemC/SystemC-AMS features that apply to their particular problem, leading to more efficient design. The presentation includes numerous, realistic and complete examples,

  20. Systems engineering for very large systems (United States)

    Lewkowicz, Paul E.

    Very large integrated systems have always posed special problems for engineers. Whether they are power generation systems, computer networks or space vehicles, whenever there are multiple interfaces, complex technologies or just demanding customers, the challenges are unique. 'Systems engineering' has evolved as a discipline in order to meet these challenges by providing a structured, top-down design and development methodology for the engineer. This paper attempts to define the general class of problems requiring the complete systems engineering treatment and to show how systems engineering can be utilized to improve customer satisfaction and profit ability. Specifically, this work will focus on a design methodology for the largest of systems, not necessarily in terms of physical size, but in terms of complexity and interconnectivity.

  1. Mapping biological systems to network systems

    CERN Document Server

    Rathore, Heena


    The book presents the challenges inherent in the paradigm shift of network systems from static to highly dynamic distributed systems – it proposes solutions that the symbiotic nature of biological systems can provide into altering networking systems to adapt to these changes. The author discuss how biological systems – which have the inherent capabilities of evolving, self-organizing, self-repairing and flourishing with time – are inspiring researchers to take opportunities from the biology domain and map them with the problems faced in network domain. The book revolves around the central idea of bio-inspired systems -- it begins by exploring why biology and computer network research are such a natural match. This is followed by presenting a broad overview of biologically inspired research in network systems -- it is classified by the biological field that inspired each topic and by the area of networking in which that topic lies. Each case elucidates how biological concepts have been most successfully ...

  2. Man-systems distributed system for Space Station Freedom (United States)

    Lewis, J. L.


    Viewgraphs on man-systems distributed system for Space Station Freedom are presented. Topics addressed include: description of man-systems (definition, requirements, scope, subsystems, and topologies); implementation (approach, tools); man-systems interfaces (system to element and system to system); prime/supporting development relationship; selected accomplishments; and technical challenges.

  3. Systems Biology as an Integrated Platform for Bioinformatics, Systems Synthetic Biology, and Systems Metabolic Engineering (United States)

    Chen, Bor-Sen; Wu, Chia-Chou


    Systems biology aims at achieving a system-level understanding of living organisms and applying this knowledge to various fields such as synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, and medicine. System-level understanding of living organisms can be derived from insight into: (i) system structure and the mechanism of biological networks such as gene regulation, protein interactions, signaling, and metabolic pathways; (ii) system dynamics of biological networks, which provides an understanding of stability, robustness, and transduction ability through system identification, and through system analysis methods; (iii) system control methods at different levels of biological networks, which provide an understanding of systematic mechanisms to robustly control system states, minimize malfunctions, and provide potential therapeutic targets in disease treatment; (iv) systematic design methods for the modification and construction of biological networks with desired behaviors, which provide system design principles and system simulations for synthetic biology designs and systems metabolic engineering. This review describes current developments in systems biology, systems synthetic biology, and systems metabolic engineering for engineering and biology researchers. We also discuss challenges and future prospects for systems biology and the concept of systems biology as an integrated platform for bioinformatics, systems synthetic biology, and systems metabolic engineering. PMID:24709875

  4. Systems Biology as an Integrated Platform for Bioinformatics, Systems Synthetic Biology, and Systems Metabolic Engineering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bor-Sen Chen


    Full Text Available Systems biology aims at achieving a system-level understanding of living organisms and applying this knowledge to various fields such as synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, and medicine. System-level understanding of living organisms can be derived from insight into: (i system structure and the mechanism of biological networks such as gene regulation, protein interactions, signaling, and metabolic pathways; (ii system dynamics of biological networks, which provides an understanding of stability, robustness, and transduction ability through system identification, and through system analysis methods; (iii system control methods at different levels of biological networks, which provide an understanding of systematic mechanisms to robustly control system states, minimize malfunctions, and provide potential therapeutic targets in disease treatment; (iv systematic design methods for the modification and construction of biological networks with desired behaviors, which provide system design principles and system simulations for synthetic biology designs and systems metabolic engineering. This review describes current developments in systems biology, systems synthetic biology, and systems metabolic engineering for engineering and biology researchers. We also discuss challenges and future prospects for systems biology and the concept of systems biology as an integrated platform for bioinformatics, systems synthetic biology, and systems metabolic engineering.

  5. Cascade system using both trough system and dish system for power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Cheng; Zhang, Yanping; Arauzo, Inmaculada; Gao, Wei; Zou, Chongzhe


    Highlights: • A novel solar cascade system using both trough and dish collectors is proposed. • Heat rejected by the Stirling engines is collected by the condensed water. • The directions to increase the efficiency improvement has been pointed out • Influence of flow type of heating/cooling fluids of Stirling engines is considered. - Abstract: This paper represents a novel solar thermal cascade system using both trough and dish systems for power generation. An effective structure using the condensed fluid of Rankine cycle to cool the Stirling engines to use the heat released by Stirling engines was proposed. The cascade system model with different fluid circuits was developed. The models of some important components of the system, such as dish collector, trough collector and Stirling engine array, are presented with detail explanation in this paper. Corresponding stand-alone systems were also developed for comparison. Simulations were conducted with the models to find out efficiency difference between cascade system and corresponding stand-alone systems. The directions to increase the efficiency difference were also considered. Results show that the cascade system can achieve a higher efficiency with a high solar irradiance (>550 W/m"2). The flow type of fluids between heating and cooling Stirling engine array is also required to concern on designing a cascade system with Stirling engine array.

  6. Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mithun Abdul Sathar Eqbal


    Full Text Available The development of more efficient propulsion systems for aerospace vehicles is essential to achieve key objectives. These objectives are to increase efficiency while reducing the amount of carbon-based emissions. Hybrid electric propulsion (HEP is an ideal means to maintain the energy density of hydrocarbon-based fuels and utilize energy-efficient electric machines. A system that integrates different propulsion systems into a single system, with one being electric, is termed an HEP system. HEP systems have been studied previously and introduced into Land, Water, and Aerial Vehicles. This work presents research into the use of HEP systems in Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS. The systems discussed in this paper are Internal Combustion Engine (ICE–Electric Hybrid systems, ICE–Photovoltaic (PV Hybrid systems, and Fuel-Cell Hybrid systems. The improved performance characteristics in terms of fuel consumption and endurance are discussed.

  7. System Budgets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Palle


    The lecture note is aimed at introducing system budgets for optical communication systems. It treats optical fiber communication systems (six generations), system design, bandwidth effects, other system impairments and optical amplifiers.......The lecture note is aimed at introducing system budgets for optical communication systems. It treats optical fiber communication systems (six generations), system design, bandwidth effects, other system impairments and optical amplifiers....

  8. Systems Biology, Systems Medicine, Systems Pharmacology: The What and The Why. (United States)

    Stéphanou, Angélique; Fanchon, Eric; Innominato, Pasquale F; Ballesta, Annabelle


    Systems biology is today such a widespread discipline that it becomes difficult to propose a clear definition of what it really is. For some, it remains restricted to the genomic field. For many, it designates the integrated approach or the corpus of computational methods employed to handle the vast amount of biological or medical data and investigate the complexity of the living. Although defining systems biology might be difficult, on the other hand its purpose is clear: systems biology, with its emerging subfields systems medicine and systems pharmacology, clearly aims at making sense of complex observations/experimental and clinical datasets to improve our understanding of diseases and their treatments without putting aside the context in which they appear and develop. In this short review, we aim to specifically focus on these new subfields with the new theoretical tools and approaches that were developed in the context of cancer. Systems pharmacology and medicine now give hope for major improvements in cancer therapy, making personalized medicine closer to reality. As we will see, the current challenge is to be able to improve the clinical practice according to the paradigm shift of systems sciences.

  9. A contemporary view of systems engineering. [definition of system and discussion of systems approach (United States)

    Miles, R. F., Jr.


    The concept of a 'system' is defined, and the 'systems approach' is discussed. Four contemporary examples of the systems approach are presented: an operations research project, the planning-programming-budgeting system, an information processing system, and aerospace programs.

  10. A security framework for systems of systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trivellato, D.; Zannone, N.; Etalle, S.


    Systems of systems consist of a wide variety of dynamic, distributed coalitions of autonomous and heterogeneous systems that collaborate to achieve a common goal. While offering several advantages in terms of scalability and flexibility, this new paradigm has a strong impact on system

  11. A Security Framework for Systems of Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trivellato, Daniel; Zannone, Nicola; Etalle, Sandro


    Systems of systems consist of a wide variety of dynamic, distributed coalitions of autonomous and heterogeneous systems that collaborate to achieve a common goal. While offering several advantages in terms of scalability and flexibility, this new paradigm has a strong impact on system

  12. Smart electromechanical systems the central nervous system

    CERN Document Server

    Kurbanov, Vugar


    This book describes approaches to solving the problems of developing the central nervous system of robots (CNSR) based on smart electromechanical systems (SEMS) modules, principles of construction of the various modules of the central nervous system and variants of mathematical software CNSR in control systems for intelligent robots. It presents the latest advances in theory and practice at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Developers of intelligent robots to solve modern problems in robotics are increasingly addressing the use of the bionic approach to create robots that mimic the complexity and adaptability of biological systems. These have smart electromechanical system (SEMS), which are used in various cyber-physical systems (CPhS), and allow the functions of calculation, control, communications, information storage, monitoring, measurement and control of parameters and environmental parameters to be integrated. The behavior of such systems is based on the information received from the central nervous syst...

  13. Non linear system become linear system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petre Bucur


    Full Text Available The present paper refers to the theory and the practice of the systems regarding non-linear systems and their applications. We aimed the integration of these systems to elaborate their response as well as to highlight some outstanding features.

  14. Epilogue: Systems Approaches and Systems Practice (United States)

    Reynolds, Martin; Holwell, Sue

    Each of the five systems approaches discussed in this volume: system dynamics (SD), the viable systems model (VSM), strategic options development and analysis (SODA), soft systems methodology (SSM) and critical systems heuristics (CSH) has a pedigree. Not in the sense of the sometimes absurd spectacle of animals paraded at dog shows. Rather, their pedigree derives from their systems foundations, their capacity to evolve and their flexibility in use. None of the five approaches has developed out of use in restricted and controlled contexts of either low or high levels of complicatedness. Neither has any one of them evolved as a consequence of being applied only to situations with either presumed stakeholder agreement on purpose, or courteous disagreement amongst stakeholders, or stakeholder coercion. The compilation is not a celebration of abstract ‘methodologies', but of theoretically robust approaches that have a genuine pedigree in practice.

  15. Systems theory of interconnected port contact systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eberard, D.; Maschke, B.M.; Schaft, A.J. van der


    Port-based network modeling of a large class of complex physical systems leads to dynamical systems known as port-Hamiltonian systems. The key ingredient of any port-Hamiltonian system is a power-conserving interconnection structure (mathematically formalized by the geometric notion of a Dirac

  16. System specifications for the NDS EXFOR System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Attree, P.M.; Smith, P.M.


    EXFOR is the agreed exchange format for the magnetic-tape exchange of nuclear reaction data between national and international nuclear data centres for the benefit of nuclear data users in all countries. The NDS EXFOR System is a computerized system for the storage and retrieval of EXFOR information compiled or received by the IAEA. This document is an internal manual for the system specifications of the NDS EXFOR System. It includes flow charts, system and program summaries, input and output specifications and file and record descriptions. The manual is updated from time to time when system modifications are made

  17. A Systems Thinking Approach to Engineering Challenges of Military Systems-of-Systems (United States)


    as part of organizational thinking , processes and practice; and 2) an adequate SoSE practice supporting environment created and used to enable SoS...UNCLASSIFIED UNCLLASIFIED A Systems Thinking Approach to Engineering Challenges of Military Systems-of-Systems Pin Chen and Mark...their products and outcomes. This report introduces a systems thinking -based approach, SoS thinking , which offers a language and a thoughtful process

  18. Activity System Theory Approach to Healthcare Information System


    Bai, Guohua


    Healthcare information system is a very complex system and has to be approached from systematic perspectives. This paper presents an Activity System Theory (ATS) approach by integrating system thinking and social psychology. First part of the paper, the activity system theory is presented, especially a recursive model of human activity system is introduced. A project ‘Integrated Mobile Information System for Diabetic Healthcare (IMIS)’ is then used to demonstrate a practical application of th...

  19. Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASOS) engineering environment.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Detry, Richard Joseph; Linebarger, John Michael; Finley, Patrick D.; Maffitt, S. Louise; Glass, Robert John, Jr.; Beyeler, Walter Eugene; Ames, Arlo Leroy


    Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems, or CASoS, are vastly complex physical-socio-technical systems which we must understand to design a secure future for the nation. The Phoenix initiative implements CASoS Engineering principles combining the bottom up Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems view with the top down Systems Engineering and System-of-Systems view. CASoS Engineering theory and practice must be conducted together to develop a discipline that is grounded in reality, extends our understanding of how CASoS behave and allows us to better control the outcomes. The pull of applications (real world problems) is critical to this effort, as is the articulation of a CASoS Engineering Framework that grounds an engineering approach in the theory of complex adaptive systems of systems. Successful application of the CASoS Engineering Framework requires modeling, simulation and analysis (MS and A) capabilities and the cultivation of a CASoS Engineering Community of Practice through knowledge sharing and facilitation. The CASoS Engineering Environment, itself a complex adaptive system of systems, constitutes the two platforms that provide these capabilities.

  20. Power Systems Integration Laboratory | Energy Systems Integration Facility (United States)

    | NREL Power Systems Integration Laboratory Power Systems Integration Laboratory Research in the Energy System Integration Facility's Power Systems Integration Laboratory focuses on the microgrid applications. Photo of engineers testing an inverter in the Power Systems Integration Laboratory

  1. Automatic TLI recognition system. Part 1: System description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Partin, J.K.; Lassahn, G.D.; Davidson, J.R.


    This report describes an automatic target recognition system for fast screening of large amounts of multi-sensor image data, based on low-cost parallel processors. This system uses image data fusion and gives uncertainty estimates. It is relatively low cost, compact, and transportable. The software is easily enhanced to expand the system`s capabilities, and the hardware is easily expandable to increase the system`s speed. This volume gives a general description of the ATR system.

  2. Systems integration of business systems. Business system ni kanshite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furukawa, H [Nippon Steel Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    System integration (SI) is defined as combining hardwares and softwares as the infrastructures with know-hows for their use comprehensively to respond to high-level needs of users. This paper reports the features of an SI being developed by a company (E Company), its concept on the systematized development methodology, and the conceptual models. With the primary policy placed on creative integration standing on customers positions, the SI concept comprises three parts of models for evaluations as seen from the customers, evaluations as seen from the E Company, and the development object systems to link both parts. The third part is further consisted of several lower hierarchies including a customer controlled system hierarchy (this enables customers to control the system through visualization, for example, and includes three logic models (multiple solution selection, optimal solution under restricted conditions, and numerical solution)). 2 refs., 9 figs.

  3. Fiscal system analysis - contractual systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaiser, M.J.


    Production sharing contracts are one of the most popular forms of contractual system used in petroleum agreements around the world, but the manner in which the fiscal terms and contract parameters impact system measures is complicated and not well understood. The purpose of this paper is to quantify the influence of private and market uncertainty in contractual fiscal systems. A meta-modelling approach is employed that couples the results of a simulation model with regression analysis to construct numerical functionals that quantify the fiscal regime. Relationships are derived that specify how the present value, rate of return, and take statistics vary as a function of the system parameters. The deepwater Girassol field development in Angola is taken as a case study. (author)

  4. System Entropy Measurement of Stochastic Partial Differential Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bor-Sen Chen


    Full Text Available System entropy describes the dispersal of a system’s energy and is an indication of the disorder of a physical system. Several system entropy measurement methods have been developed for dynamic systems. However, most real physical systems are always modeled using stochastic partial differential dynamic equations in the spatio-temporal domain. No efficient method currently exists that can calculate the system entropy of stochastic partial differential systems (SPDSs in consideration of the effects of intrinsic random fluctuation and compartment diffusion. In this study, a novel indirect measurement method is proposed for calculating of system entropy of SPDSs using a Hamilton–Jacobi integral inequality (HJII-constrained optimization method. In other words, we solve a nonlinear HJII-constrained optimization problem for measuring the system entropy of nonlinear stochastic partial differential systems (NSPDSs. To simplify the system entropy measurement of NSPDSs, the global linearization technique and finite difference scheme were employed to approximate the nonlinear stochastic spatial state space system. This allows the nonlinear HJII-constrained optimization problem for the system entropy measurement to be transformed to an equivalent linear matrix inequalities (LMIs-constrained optimization problem, which can be easily solved using the MATLAB LMI-toolbox (MATLAB R2014a, version 8.3. Finally, several examples are presented to illustrate the system entropy measurement of SPDSs.

  5. System specifications for the NDS EXFOR System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Attree, P M; Smith, P M


    EXFOR is the agreed exchange format for the magnetic-tape exchange of nuclear reaction data between national and international nuclear data centers for the benefit of nuclear data users in all countries. The NDS EXFOR System is a computerized system for the storage and retrieval of EXFOR information compiled or received of the IAEA. This document is an internal manual for the system specifications of the NDS EXFOR System. It includes flow charts, system and program summaries, input and output specifications and file and record descriptions. The manual is updated from time to time when system modifications are made; the first version was issued in July 1979. (author)

  6. Performance of integrated systems of automated roller shade systems and daylight responsive dimming systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Byoung-Chul; Choi, An-Seop; Jeong, Jae-Weon [Department of Architectural Engineering, Sejong University, Kunja-Dong, Kwangjin-Gu, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Eleanor S. [Building Technologies Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Daylight responsive dimming systems have been used in few buildings to date because they require improvements to improve reliability. The key underlying factor contributing to poor performance is the variability of the ratio of the photosensor signal to daylight workplane illuminance in accordance with sun position, sky condition, and fenestration condition. Therefore, this paper describes the integrated systems between automated roller shade systems and daylight responsive dimming systems with an improved closed-loop proportional control algorithm, and the relative performance of the integrated systems and single systems. The concept of the improved closed-loop proportional control algorithm for the integrated systems is to predict the varying correlation of photosensor signal to daylight workplane illuminance according to roller shade height and sky conditions for improvement of the system accuracy. In this study, the performance of the integrated systems with two improved closed-loop proportional control algorithms was compared with that of the current (modified) closed-loop proportional control algorithm. In the results, the average maintenance percentage and the average discrepancies of the target illuminance, as well as the average time under 90% of target illuminance for the integrated systems significantly improved in comparison with the current closed-loop proportional control algorithm for daylight responsive dimming systems as a single system. (author)

  7. Reliability-Based Optimization of Series Systems of Parallel Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enevoldsen, I.; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard


    Reliability-based design of structural systems is considered. In particular, systems where the reliability model is a series system of parallel systems are treated. A sensitivity analysis for this class of problems is presented. Optimization problems with series systems of parallel systems...... optimization of series systems of parallel systems, but it is also efficient in reliability-based optimization of series systems in general....

  8. Cobit system in the audit processes of the systems of computer systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Jhovany Santacruz Espinoza


    Full Text Available The present research work has been carried out to show the benefits of the use of the COBIT system in the auditing processes of the computer systems, the problem is related to: How does it affect the process of audits in the institutions, use of the COBIT system? The main objective is to identify the incidence of the use of the COBIT system in the auditing process used by computer systems within both public and private organizations; In order to achieve our stated objectives of the research will be developed first with the conceptualization of key terms for an easy understanding of the subject, as a conclusion: we can say the COBIT system allows to identify the methodology by using information from the IT departments, to determine the resources of the (IT Information Technology, specified in the COBIT system, such as files, programs, computer networks, including personnel that use or manipulate the information, with the purpose of providing information that the organization or company requires to achieve its objectives.

  9. Chaos synchronization between Chen system and Genesio system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Xianyong; Guan Zhihong; Wu Zhengping; Li Tao


    This Letter presents two synchronization schemes between two different chaotic systems. Active control synchronization and adaptive synchronization between Chen system and Genesio system are studied, different controllers are designed to synchronize the drive and response systems, active control synchronization is used when system parameters are known; adaptive synchronization is employed when system parameters are unknown or uncertain. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes

  10. Embedded systems design with special arithmetic and number systems

    CERN Document Server

    Sousa, Leonel; Chang, Chip-Hong


    This book introduces readers to alternative approaches to designing efficient embedded systems using unconventional number systems. The authors describe various systems that can be used for designing efficient embedded and application-specific processors, such as Residue Number System, Logarithmic Number System, Redundant Binary Number System Double-Base Number System, Decimal Floating Point Number System and Continuous Valued Number System. Readers will learn the strategies and trade-offs of using unconventional number systems in application-specific processors and be able to apply and design appropriate arithmetic operations from these number systems to boost the performance of digital systems. • Serves as a single-source reference to designing embedded systems with unconventional number systems • Covers theory as well as implementation on application-specific processors • Explains mathematical concepts in a manner accessible to readers with diverse backgrounds.

  11. Expert systems in process control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wittig, T.


    To illustrate where the fundamental difference between expert systems in classical diagnosis and in industrial control lie, the work of process control instrumentation is used as an example for the job of expert systems. Starting from the general process of problem-solving, two classes of expert systems can be defined accordingly. (orig.) [de

  12. Amotosalen: Allogeneic Cellular Immunotherapies system, INTERCEPT Plasma System, INTERCEPT Platelet System, S 59. (United States)


    Adis CommentsCerus Corporation is developing a variety of pathogen-inactivation systems, based on its Helinx technology. Three of the systems include amotosalen [S 59] as the inactivation compound. Amotosalen is a light-activated, DNA-, RNA-crosslinking psoralen compound, which is used to neutralise pathogens. The systems that utilise amotosalen are called the INTERCEPT Platelet System, the INTERCEPT Plasma System and the Allogeneic Cellular Immunotherapies (ACIT) system. The INTERCEPT Platelet System and INTERCEPT Plasma System are two of the systems that make up Cerus' INTERCEPT Blood Systems. The other system is the INTERCEPT Red Blood Cell System, which contains S 303 as the inactivation compound rather than amotosalen. Cerus' Helinx technology is able to prevent replication of DNA or RNA that is present in pathogens but not in the blood components being treated (e.g. platelets and plasma). When added to the blood components, the inactivation agent (in this case amotosalen) crosses the membrane or cell wall of the pathogen. When activated by light, amotosalen binds to the nucleic acid of the pathogen and prevents replication. This process prevents infection. INTERCEPT Platelet System: Cerus developed its INTERCEPT Platelet System, in collaboration with Baxter Healthcare, for use in blood centres. Platelets are an essential component of the coagulation process and may be required by patients undergoing surgery, cancer chemotherapy, transplantation or with bleeding disorders. The system is made up of an illuminator device, a compound absorption device and a processing kit containing amotosalen. In October 2002, the two companies announced that CE Mark approval had been received for the illuminator device for the INTERCEPT trade mark Blood System. Application of this technology to platelets is the first to be approved. As it is a new technology, the system is currently undergoing process validation in accordance with European Blood Bank GMP requirements. This

  13. Manager's assistant systems for space system planning (United States)

    Bewley, William L.; Burnard, Robert; Edwards, Gary E.; Shoop, James


    This paper describes a class of knowledge-based 'assistant' systems for space system planning. Derived from technology produced for the DARPA/USAF Pilot's Associate program, these assistant systems help the human planner by doing the bookkeeping to maintain plan data and executing the procedures and heuristics currently used by the human planner to define, assess, diagnose, and revise plans. Intelligent systems for Space Station Freedom assembly sequence planning and Advanced Launch System modeling will be presented as examples. Ongoing NASA-funded work on a framework supporting the development of such tools will also be described.

  14. Systems of Systems: Scaling Up the Development Process

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Humphrey, Watts


    ... of massive systems into system-of-systems structures Section 3 points out how large-scale systems development efforts have typically failed because of project-management and not technical problems...

  15. Digital processing data communication systems (bus systems)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleck, K.


    After an introduction to the technology of digital processing data communication systems there are the following chapters: digital communication of processing data in automation technology, the technology of biserial communication, the implementaiton of a bus system, the data transmission of the TDC-2000 system of Honeywell's and the process bus CS 275 in the automation system TELEPERM M of Siemens AG. (WB) [de

  16. System-of-Systems Approach for Integrated Energy Systems Modeling and Simulation: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mittal, Saurabh; Ruth, Mark; Pratt, Annabelle; Lunacek, Monte; Krishnamurthy, Dheepak; Jones, Wesley


    Today’s electricity grid is the most complex system ever built—and the future grid is likely to be even more complex because it will incorporate distributed energy resources (DERs) such as wind, solar, and various other sources of generation and energy storage. The complexity is further augmented by the possible evolution to new retail market structures that provide incentives to owners of DERs to support the grid. To understand and test new retail market structures and technologies such as DERs, demand-response equipment, and energy management systems while providing reliable electricity to all customers, an Integrated Energy System Model (IESM) is being developed at NREL. The IESM is composed of a power flow simulator (GridLAB-D), home energy management systems implemented using GAMS/Pyomo, a market layer, and hardware-in-the-loop simulation (testing appliances such as HVAC, dishwasher, etc.). The IESM is a system-of-systems (SoS) simulator wherein the constituent systems are brought together in a virtual testbed. We will describe an SoS approach for developing a distributed simulation environment. We will elaborate on the methodology and the control mechanisms used in the co-simulation illustrated by a case study.

  17. Linear Actuator System for the NASA Docking System (United States)

    Dick, Brandon N.; Oesch, Christopher; Rupp, Timothy W.


    The Linear Actuator System (LAS) is a major sub-system within the NASA Docking System (NDS). The NDS Block 1 will be used on the Boeing Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) system to achieve docking with the International Space Station. Critical functions in the Soft Capture aspect of docking are performed by the LAS. This paper describes the general function of the LAS, the system's key requirements and technical challenges, and the development and qualification approach for the system.

  18. Methods, apparatus, and systems for monitoring transmission systems (United States)

    Polk, Robert E [Idaho Falls, ID; Svoboda, John M [Idaho Falls, ID; West, Phillip B [Idaho Falls, ID; Heath, Gail L [Iona, ID; Scott, Clark L [Idaho Falls, ID


    A sensing platform for monitoring a transmission system, and method therefor, may include a sensor that senses one or more conditions relating to a condition of the transmission system and/or the condition of an environment around the transmission system. A control system operatively associated with the sensor produces output data based on an output signal produced by the sensor. A transmitter operatively associated with the control system transmits the output data from the control system.

  19. System Engineering of Photonic Systems for Space Application (United States)

    Watson, Michael D.; Pryor, Jonathan E.


    The application of photonics in space systems requires tight integration with the spacecraft systems to ensure accurate operation. This requires some detailed and specific system engineering to properly incorporate the photonics into the spacecraft architecture and to guide the spacecraft architecture in supporting the photonics devices. Recent research in product focused, elegant system engineering has led to a system approach which provides a robust approach to this integration. Focusing on the mission application and the integration of the spacecraft system physics incorporation of the photonics can be efficiently and effectively accomplished. This requires a clear understanding of the driving physics properties of the photonics device to ensure proper integration with no unintended consequences. The driving physics considerations in terms of optical performance will be identified for their use in system integration. Keywords: System Engineering, Optical Transfer Function, Optical Physics, Photonics, Image Jitter, Launch Vehicle, System Integration, Organizational Interaction

  20. Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Papers in this session describe the concept of mined geologic disposal system and methods for ensuring that the system, when developed, will meet all technical requirements. Also presented in the session are analyses of system parameters, such as cost and nuclear criticality potential, as well as a technical analysis of a requirement that the system permit retrieval of the waste for some period of time. The final paper discusses studies under way to investigate technical alternatives or complements to the mined geologic disposal system. Titles of the presented papers are: (1) Waste Isolation System; (2) Waste Isolation Economics; (3) BWIP Technical Baseline; (4) Criticality Considerations in Geologic Disposal of High-Level Waste; (5) Retrieving Nuclear Wastes from Repository; (6) NWTS Programs for the Evaluation of Technical Alternatives or Complements to Mined Geologic Repositories - Purpose and Objectives

  1. systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Leonessa


    Full Text Available A nonlinear robust control-system design framework predicated on a hierarchical switching controller architecture parameterized over a set of moving nominal system equilibria is developed. Specifically, using equilibria-dependent Lyapunov functions, a hierarchical nonlinear robust control strategy is developed that robustly stabilizes a given nonlinear system over a prescribed range of system uncertainty by robustly stabilizing a collection of nonlinear controlled uncertain subsystems. The robust switching nonlinear controller architecture is designed based on a generalized (lower semicontinuous Lyapunov function obtained by minimizing a potential function over a given switching set induced by the parameterized nominal system equilibria. The proposed framework robustly stabilizes a compact positively invariant set of a given nonlinear uncertain dynamical system with structured parametric uncertainty. Finally, the efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a jet engine propulsion control problem with uncertain pressure-flow map data.

  2. Ventilation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The present paper deals with - controlled area ventilation systems - ventilation systems for switchgear-building and control-room - other ventilation systems for safety equipments - service systems for ventilation systems. (orig./RW)

  3. SSDL personel dosimetry system: migration from a client - server system into a web-based system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maizura Ibrahim; Rosnah Shariff; Ahmad Bazlie Abdul Kadir; John Konsoh Sangau; Mohd Amin Sharifuldin Salleh; Taiman Kadni; Noriah Mod Ali


    Personnel Dosimetry System has been used by the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL), Nuclear Malaysia since ten years ago. The system is a computerized database system with a client-server concept. This system has been used by Film Badge Laboratory, SSDL to record details of clients, calculation of Film Badge dosage, management of radiation workers data's, generating of dosage report, retrieval of statistical reports regarding film badge usage for the purpose of reporting to monitoring bodies such as Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB), Ministry of Health and others. But, due to technical problems that frequently occurs, the system is going to be replaced by a newly developed web- based system called e-SSDL. This paper describe the problems that regularly occurs in the previous system, explains how the process of replacing the client-server system with a web-based system is done and the differences between the previous and current system. This paper will also present details architecture of the new system and the new process introduced in processing film badges. (Author)

  4. Real-Time Operating Systems for Multicore Embedded Systems


    Tomiyama, Hiroyuki; Honda, Shinya; Takada, Hiroaki


    Multicore systems-on-chip have become popular inthe design of embedded systems in order to simultaneously achieve high performance and low power consumption. On the software side, real-time operating systems are necessary in orderto handle growing complexity of embedded software. This paper describes requirements, design principles and implementation techniques for real-time operating systems to be used inasymmetric multicore systems.



    Georgiana Marin; Mihai Catalin Andrei


    In recent decades IT and computer systems have evolved rapidly in economic informatics field. The goal is to create user friendly information systems that respond promptly and accurately to requests. Informatics systems evolved into decision assisted systems, and such systems are converted, based on gained experience, in expert systems for creative problem solving that an organization is facing. Expert systems are aimed at rebuilding human reasoning on the expertise obtained from experts, sto...

  6. A master system for power system fault phenomena

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoo, Myung Ho; Jang, Sang Ho; Hong, Joon Hee; Min, Wan Ki; Yoo, Chang Hwan [Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO), Taejon (Korea, Republic of). Research Center


    This report includes as follows - Real time digital simulator - Remote measuring, analyzing and reproducing system of power system fault data -Power system reduction method program using EMTP -Test system for protection device. (author). 22 refs., 38 figs.

  7. T-systems and Y-systems in integrable systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuniba, Atsuo; Nakanishi, Tomoki; Suzuki, Junji


    T- and Y-systems are ubiquitous structures in classical and quantum integrable systems. They are difference equations having a variety of aspects related to commuting transfer matrices in solvable lattice models, q-characters of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of quantum affine algebras, cluster algebras with coefficients, periodicity conjectures of Zamolodchikov and others, dilogarithm identities in conformal field theory, difference analog of L-operators in KP hierarchy, Stokes phenomena in 1D Schroedinger problem, AdS/CFT correspondence, Toda field equations on discrete spacetime, Laplace sequence in discrete geometry, Fermionic character formulas and combinatorial completeness of Bethe ansatz, Q-system and ideal gas with exclusion statistics, analytic and thermodynamic Bethe ansaetze, quantum transfer matrix method and so forth. This review is a collection of short reviews on these topics which can be read more or less independently. (topical review)

  8. T-systems and Y-systems in integrable systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuniba, Atsuo [Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Nakanishi, Tomoki [Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8604 (Japan); Suzuki, Junji, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University, Ohya 836 (Japan)


    T- and Y-systems are ubiquitous structures in classical and quantum integrable systems. They are difference equations having a variety of aspects related to commuting transfer matrices in solvable lattice models, q-characters of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of quantum affine algebras, cluster algebras with coefficients, periodicity conjectures of Zamolodchikov and others, dilogarithm identities in conformal field theory, difference analog of L-operators in KP hierarchy, Stokes phenomena in 1D Schroedinger problem, AdS/CFT correspondence, Toda field equations on discrete spacetime, Laplace sequence in discrete geometry, Fermionic character formulas and combinatorial completeness of Bethe ansatz, Q-system and ideal gas with exclusion statistics, analytic and thermodynamic Bethe ansaetze, quantum transfer matrix method and so forth. This review is a collection of short reviews on these topics which can be read more or less independently. (topical review)

  9. Sail GTS ground system analysis: Avionics system engineering (United States)

    Lawton, R. M.


    A comparison of two different concepts for the guidance, navigation and control test set signal ground system is presented. The first is a concept utilizing a ground plate to which crew station, avionics racks, electrical power distribution system, master electrical common connection assembly and marshall mated elements system grounds are connected by 4/0 welding cable. An alternate approach has an aluminum sheet interconnecting the signal ground reference points between the crew station and avionics racks. The comparison analysis quantifies the differences between the two concepts in terms of dc resistance, ac resistance and inductive reactance. These parameters are figures of merit for ground system conductors in that the system with the lowest impedance is the most effective in minimizing noise voltage. Although the welding cable system is probably adequate, the aluminum sheet system provides a higher probability of a successful system design.

  10. Multiple Energy System Analysis of Smart Energy Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thellufsen, Jakob Zinck


    thermal grids and smart gas grids, Smart Energy Systems moves the flexibility away from the fuel as is the case in current energy systems and into the system itself. However, most studies applying a Smart Energy System approach deals with analyses for either single countries or whole continents......To eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the energy sector it is necessary to transition to future 100% renewable energy systems. One approach for this radical change in our energy systems is Smart Energy Systems. With a focus on development and interaction between smart electricity grids, smart......, but it is unclear how regions, municipalities, and communities should deal with these national targets. It is necessary to be able to provide this information since Smart Energy Systems utilize energy resources and initiatives that have strong relations to local authorities and communities, such as onshore wind...

  11. Cooling system for the IFMIF-EVEDA radiofrequency system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez Pichel, G. D.


    The IFMIF-EVEDA project consists on an accelerator prototype that will be installed at Rokkasho (Japan). Through CIEMAT, that is responsible of the development of many systems and components. Empresarios Agrupados get the responsibility of the detailed design of the cooling system for the radiofrequency system (RF system) that must feed the accelerator. the RF water cooling systems is the water primary circuit that provides the required water flow (with a certain temperature, pressure and water quality) and also dissipates the necessary thermal power of all the radiofrequency system equipment. (Author) 4 refs.

  12. Tritium system test assembly control system cost estimate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stutz, R.A.


    The principal objectives of the Tritium Systems Test Assembly (TSTA), which includes the development, demonstration and interfacing of technologies related to the deuterium--tritium fuel cycle for fusion reactor systems, are concisely stated. The various integrated subsystems comprising TSTA and their functions are discussed. Each of the four major subdivisions of TSTA, including the main process system, the environmental and safety systems, supporting systems and the physical plant are briefly discussed. An overview of the Master Data Acquisition and Control System, which will control all functional operation of TSTA, is provided

  13. Site systems engineering: Systems engineering management plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grygiel, M.L. [Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA (United States)


    The Site Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) is the Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) implementation document for the Hanford Site Systems Engineering Policy, (RLPD 430.1) and Systems Engineering Criteria Document and Implementing Directive, (RLID 430.1). These documents define the US Department of Energy (DOE), Richland Operations Office (RL) processes and products to be used at Hanford to implement the systems engineering process at the site level. This SEMP describes the products being provided by the site systems engineering activity in fiscal year (FY) 1996 and the associated schedule. It also includes the procedural approach being taken by the site level systems engineering activity in the development of these products and the intended uses for the products in the integrated planning process in response to the DOE policy and implementing directives. The scope of the systems engineering process is to define a set of activities and products to be used at the site level during FY 1996 or until the successful Project Hanford Management Contractor (PHMC) is onsite as a result of contract award from Request For Proposal DE-RP06-96RL13200. Following installation of the new contractor, a long-term set of systems engineering procedures and products will be defined for management of the Hanford Project. The extent to which each project applies the systems engineering process and the specific tools used are determined by the project`s management.

  14. System safety education focused on system management (United States)

    Grose, V. L.


    System safety is defined and characteristics of the system are outlined. Some of the principle characteristics include role of humans in hazard analysis, clear language for input and output, system interdependence, self containment, and parallel analysis of elements.

  15. Modeling Power Systems as Complex Adaptive Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chassin, David P.; Malard, Joel M.; Posse, Christian; Gangopadhyaya, Asim; Lu, Ning; Katipamula, Srinivas; Mallow, J V.


    Physical analogs have shown considerable promise for understanding the behavior of complex adaptive systems, including macroeconomics, biological systems, social networks, and electric power markets. Many of today's most challenging technical and policy questions can be reduced to a distributed economic control problem. Indeed, economically based control of large-scale systems is founded on the conjecture that the price-based regulation (e.g., auctions, markets) results in an optimal allocation of resources and emergent optimal system control. This report explores the state-of-the-art physical analogs for understanding the behavior of some econophysical systems and deriving stable and robust control strategies for using them. We review and discuss applications of some analytic methods based on a thermodynamic metaphor, according to which the interplay between system entropy and conservation laws gives rise to intuitive and governing global properties of complex systems that cannot be otherwise understood. We apply these methods to the question of how power markets can be expected to behave under a variety of conditions.

  16. Integrated Systems Health Management for Intelligent Systems (United States)

    Figueroa, Fernando; Melcher, Kevin


    The implementation of an integrated system health management (ISHM) capability is fundamentally linked to the management of data, information, and knowledge (DIaK) with the purposeful objective of determining the health of a system. It is akin to having a team of experts who are all individually and collectively observing and analyzing a complex system, and communicating effectively with each other in order to arrive at an accurate and reliable assessment of its health. In this paper, concepts, procedures, and approaches are presented as a foundation for implementing an intelligent systems ]relevant ISHM capability. The capability stresses integration of DIaK from all elements of a system. Both ground-based (remote) and on-board ISHM capabilities are compared and contrasted. The information presented is the result of many years of research, development, and maturation of technologies, and of prototype implementations in operational systems.

  17. Systems Measures of Water Distribution System Resilience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klise, Katherine A. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Murray, Regan [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Walker, La Tonya Nicole [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Resilience is a concept that is being used increasingly to refer to the capacity of infrastructure systems to be prepared for and able to respond effectively and rapidly to hazardous events. In Section 2 of this report, drinking water hazards, resilience literature, and available resilience tools are presented. Broader definitions, attributes and methods for measuring resilience are presented in Section 3. In Section 4, quantitative systems performance measures for water distribution systems are presented. Finally, in Section 5, the performance measures and their relevance to measuring the resilience of water systems to hazards is discussed along with needed improvements to water distribution system modeling tools.

  18. Instrument air system - Aging impact on system availability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villaran, M.; Subudhi, M.


    As part of ongoing efforts to understand and manage the effects of aging in nuclear power plants, an aging assessment was performed for the Instrument Air (IA) system, a system that has been the subject of much scrutiny in recent years. Despite its non-safety classification, instrument air has been a factor in a number of potentially serious events. This report presents the results of the assessment and discusses the impact of instrument air system aging on system availability and plant safety. This work was performed for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as part of the Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) program. To perform the complex task of analyzing an entire system, the Aging and Life Extension Assessment Program (ALEAP) System Level Plan was developed by Brookhaven National Laboratory and applied successfully in previous system aging studies. The work presented herein was performed using two parallel work paths, as described in the ALEAP plant. One path used deterministic techniques to assess the impact of aging on compressed air system performance, while the second path used probabilistic methods. Results from both paths then were used to characterize aging in the instrument air system. Some conclusions from this work are: compressors, air system valves, and air dryers were found to make up the majority of failures; the effectiveness and quantity of preventive maintenance devoted to a component significantly affected the amount of failures experienced; review of compressed air system designs and studies using a PRA-based system model revealed that the redundancy of key components (compressors, dryers, IA/SA crossconnect valve) was an important factor in system availability; total loss of air events are uncommon

  19. Airport Information Retrieval System (AIRS) System Design (United States)


    This report presents the system design for a prototype air traffic flow control automation system developed for the FAA's Systems Command Center. The design was directed toward the immediate automation of airport data for use in traffic load predicti...

  20. System description of the Basic MRS System for the FY 1990 Systems Integration Program studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKee, R.W.; Young, J.R.; Konzek, G.J.


    This document provides both functional and physical descriptions of a conceptual high-level waste management system defined as a Basic MRS System. Its purpose is to provide a basis for required system computer modeling and system studies initiated in FY 1990 under the Systems Integration Program of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Office (OCRWM). Two specific systems studies initiated in FY 1990, the Reference System Performance Evaluation and the Aggregate Receipt Rate Study, utilize the information in this document. The Basic MRS System is the current OCRWM reference high-level radioactive wastes repository system concept. It is designed to accept 3000 MTU per year of spent fuel and 400 equivalent MTU per year of high-level wastes. The Basic MRS System includes a storage-only MRS that provides for a limited amount of commercial spent fuel storage capacity prior to acceptance by the geologic repository for disposal. This document contains both functional descriptions of the processes in the waste management system and physical descriptions of the equipment and facilities necessary for performance of those processes. The basic MRS system contains all system components, from the waste storage facilities of the waste generators to the underground facilities for final disposal of the wastes. The major facilities in the system are the waste generator waste storage facilities, an MRS facility that provides interim storage wastes accepted from the waste generators, a repository facility that packages the wastes and then emplaces them in the geologic repository, and the transportation equipment and facilities for transporting the waste between these major facilities

  1. Systems Biology and Health Systems Complexity in;

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Donald Combs, C.; Barham, S.R.; Sloot, P.M.A.


    Systems biology addresses interactions in biological systems at different scales of biological organization, from the molecular to the cellular, organ, organism, societal, and ecosystem levels. This chapter expands on the concept of systems biology, explores its implications for individual patients

  2. Triggering system innovation in agricultural innovation systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turner, James A.; Williams, Tracy; Nicholas, Graeme; Foote, Jeff; Rijswijk, Kelly; Barnard, Tim; Beechener, Sam; Horita, Akiko


    This article describes a process for stimulating engagement among change agents to develop a shared understanding of systemic problems in the agricultural innovation system (AIS), challenge prevalent institutional logics and identify actions they might undertake to stimulate system innovation.

  3. Port contact systems for irreversible thermodynamical systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eberard, D.; Maschke, B.M.; Schaft, A.J. van der


    In this paper we propose a definition of control contact systems, generalizing input-output Hamiltonian systems, to cope with models arising from irreversible Thermodynamics. We exhibit a particular subclass of these systems, called conservative, that leaves invariant some Legendre submanifold (the

  4. Lectures on algebraic system theory: Linear systems over rings (United States)

    Kamen, E. W.


    The presentation centers on four classes of systems that can be treated as linear systems over a ring. These are: (1) discrete-time systems over a ring of scalars such as the integers; (2) continuous-time systems containing time delays; (3) large-scale discrete-time systems; and (4) time-varying discrete-time systems.

  5. IDAPS (Image Data Automated Processing System) System Description (United States)


    This document describes the physical configuration and components used in the image processing system referred to as IDAPS (Image Data Automated ... Processing System). This system was developed by the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) for Eglin Air Force Base. The system is designed

  6. A semantic security framework for systems of systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trivellato, Daniel; Zannone, Nicola; Glaundrup, Maurice; Skowronek, Jacek; Etalle, Sandro


    Systems of systems (SoS) are dynamic coalitions of distributed, autonomous and heterogeneous systems that collaborate to achieve a common goal. While offering several advantages in terms of scalability and flexibility, the SoS paradigm has a strong impact on systems interoperability and on the

  7. Thermal Distribution System | Energy Systems Integration Facility | NREL (United States)

    Thermal Distribution System Thermal Distribution System The Energy Systems Integration Facility's . Photo of the roof of the Energy Systems Integration Facility. The thermal distribution bus allows low as 10% of its full load level). The 60-ton chiller cools water with continuous thermal control

  8. Seamless integrated network system for wireless communication systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wu, Gang; Mizuno, Mitsuhiko; Hase, Yoshihiro; Havinga, Paul J.M.


    To create a network that connects a plurality of wireless communication systems to create optimal systems for various environments, and that seamlessly integrates the resulting systems together in order to provide more efficient and advanced service in general. A network system that can seamlessly

  9. Seamless integrated network system for wireless communication systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wu, Gang; Mizuno, Mitsuhiko; Hase, Yoshihiro; Havinga, Paul J.M.


    To create a network that connects a plurality of wireless communication systems to create optimal systems for various environments, and that seamlessly integrates the resulting systems together in order to provide more efficient and advanced service in general. A network system that can seamlessly

  10. Modeling learning technology systems as business systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Avgeriou, Paris; Retalis, Symeon; Papaspyrou, Nikolaos


    The design of Learning Technology Systems, and the Software Systems that support them, is largely conducted on an intuitive, ad hoc basis, thus resulting in inefficient systems that defectively support the learning process. There is now justifiable, increasing effort in formalizing the engineering

  11. Database management system for large container inspection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Wenhuan; Li Zheng; Kang Kejun; Song Binshan; Liu Fang


    Large Container Inspection System (LCIS) based on radiation imaging technology is a powerful tool for the Customs to check the contents inside a large container without opening it. The author has discussed a database application system, as a part of Signal and Image System (SIS), for the LCIS. The basic requirements analysis was done first. Then the selections of computer hardware, operating system, and database management system were made according to the technology and market products circumstance. Based on the above considerations, a database application system with central management and distributed operation features has been implemented

  12. Verification and Validation Issues in Systems of Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric Honour


    Full Text Available The cutting edge in systems development today is in the area of "systems of systems" (SoS large networks of inter-related systems that are developed and managed separately, but that also perform collective activities. Such large systems typically involve constituent systems operating with different life cycles, often with uncoordinated evolution. The result is an ever-changing SoS in which adaptation and evolution replace the older engineering paradigm of "development". This short paper presents key thoughts about verification and validation in this environment. Classic verification and validation methods rely on having (a a basis of proof, in requirements and in operational scenarios, and (b a known system configuration to be proven. However, with constant SoS evolution, management of both requirements and system configurations are problematic. Often, it is impossible to maintain a valid set of requirements for the SoS due to the ongoing changes in the constituent systems. Frequently, it is even difficult to maintain a vision of the SoS operational use as users find new ways to adapt the SoS. These features of the SoS result in significant challenges for system proof. In addition to discussing the issues, the paper also indicates some of the solutions that are currently used to prove the SoS.

  13. Systems Theory and Systems Approach to Leadership

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr.Sc. Berim Ramosaj


    Full Text Available Systems theory is product of the efforts of many researchers to create an intermediate field of coexistence of all sciences. If not for anything else, because of the magnitude that the use of systemic thinking and systemic approach has taken, it has become undisputed among the theories. Systems theory not only provides a glossary of terms with which researchers from different fields can be understood, but provides a framework for the presentation and interpretation of phenomena and realities. This paper addresses a systematic approach to leadership, as an attempt to dredge leadership and systems theory literature to find the meeting point. Systems approach is not an approach to leadership in terms of a manner of leader’s work, but it’s the leader's determination to factorize in his leadership the external environment and relationships with and among elements. Leader without followers is unable to exercise his leadership and to ensure their conviction he should provide a system, a structure, a purpose, despite the alternative chaos. Systems approach clarifies the thought on the complexity and dynamism of the environment and provides a framework for building ideas. If the general system theory is the skeleton of science (Boulding: 1956, this article aims to replenish it with leadership muscles by prominent authors who have written on systems theory and leadership, as well as through original ideas. In this work analytical methods were used (by analyzing approaches individually as well as synthetic methods (by assaying individual approaches in context of entirety. The work is a critical review of literature as well as a deductive analysis mingled with models proposed by authors through inductive analysis. Meta-analysis has been used to dissect the interaction and interdependence between leadership approaches.

  14. Peripheral Nervous System Manifestations in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases


    COJOCARU, Inimioara Mihaela; COJOCARU, Manole; SILOSI, Isabela; VRABIE, Camelia Doina


    The peripheral nervous system refers to parts of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. Systemic autoimmune diseases can affect both the central and peripheral nervous systems in a myriad of ways and through a heterogeneous number of mechanisms leading to many different clinical manifestations. As a result, neurological complications of these disorders can result in significant morbidity and mortality. The most common complication of peripheral nervous system (PNS) involvement ...

  15. Multibody Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Falko Jens


    Multibody Systems is one area, in which methods for solving DAEs are of special interst. This chapter is about multibody systems, why they result in DAE systems and what kind of problems that can arise when dealing with multibody systems and formulating their corresponding DAE system....

  16. Engineering Elegant Systems: Postulates, Principles, and Hypotheses of Systems Engineering (United States)

    Watson, Michael D.


    Definition: System Engineering is the engineering discipline which integrates the system functions, system environment, and the engineering disciplines necessary to produce and/or operate an elegant system; Elegant System - A system that is robust in application, fully meeting specified and adumbrated intent, is well structured, and is graceful in operation. Primary Focus: System Design and Integration: Identify system couplings and interactions; Identify system uncertainties and sensitivities; Identify emergent properties; Manage the effectiveness of the system. Engineering Discipline Integration: Manage flow of information for system development and/or operations; Maintain system activities within budget and schedule. Supporting Activities: Process application and execution.

  17. Applying System of Systems Engineering(SoSE) to VIVO?


    Wang, Jing


    System of systems (SoS) refers to a set of operational and managerial independent systems interacting with each other to provide capabilities which cannot be accomplished by any single system. SoS has its own characteristics and challenges, such as emergent behavior and evolutionary development. This presentation will: Introduce the concepts and characteristics of system of systems (SoS) and system thinking practice. discuss SoS challenges using SoS case studies such as Global Earth Observati...

  18. Systems integration. (United States)

    Siemieniuch, C E; Sinclair, M A


    The paper presents a view of systems integration, from an ergonomics/human factors perspective, emphasising the process of systems integration as is carried out by humans. The first section discusses some of the fundamental issues in systems integration, such as the significance of systems boundaries, systems lifecycle and systems entropy, issues arising from complexity, the implications of systems immortality, and so on. The next section outlines various generic processes for executing systems integration, to act as guides for practitioners. These address both the design of the system to be integrated and the preparation of the wider system in which the integration will occur. Then the next section outlines some of the human-specific issues that would need to be addressed in such processes; for example, indeterminacy and incompleteness, the prediction of human reliability, workload issues, extended situation awareness, and knowledge lifecycle management. For all of these, suggestions and further readings are proposed. Finally, the conclusions section reiterates in condensed form the major issues arising from the above.

  19. Formal heterogeneous system modeling with SystemC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Niaki, Seyed Hosein Attarzadeh; Jakobsen, Mikkel Koefoed; Sulonen, Tero


    Electronic System Level (ESL) design of embedded systems proposes raising the abstraction level of the design entry to cope with the increasing complexity of such systems. To exploit the benefits of ESL, design languages should allow specification of models which are a) heterogeneous, to describe...

  20. System description of the Repository-Only System for the FY 1990 systems integration program studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKee, R.W.; Young, J.R.; Konzek, G.J.


    This document provides both functional and physical descriptions of a conceptual high-level waste management system defined as a Repository-Only System. Its purpose is to provide a basis for required system computer modeling and system studies initiated in FY 1990 under the Systems Integration Program of the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM). The Repository-Only System is designed to accept 3000 MTU per year of spent fuel and 400 equivalent MTU per year of high-level wastes disposal in the geologic repository. This document contains both functional descriptions of the processes in the waste management system and physical descriptions of the equipment and facilities necessary for performance of those processes. These descriptions contain the level of detail needed for the projected systems analysis studies. The Repository-Only System contains all system components, from the waste storage facilities of the waste generators to the underground facilities for final disposal of the wastes. The major facilities in the system are the waste generator waste storage facilities, a repository facility that packages the wastes and than emplaces them in the geologic repository, and the transportation equipment and facilities for transporting the wastes between these major facilities. 18 refs., 39 figs

  1. Tank waste remediation system systems engineering management plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peck, L.G.


    This Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) describes the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) implementation of the US Department of Energy (DOE) systems engineering policy provided in 97-IMSD-193. The SEMP defines the products, process, organization, and procedures used by the TWRS Project to implement the policy. The SEMP will be used as the basis for tailoring the systems engineering applications to the development of the physical systems and processes necessary to achieve the desired end states of the program. It is a living document that will be revised as necessary to reflect changes in systems engineering guidance as the program evolves. The US Department of Energy-Headquarters has issued program management guidance, DOE Order 430. 1, Life Cycle Asset Management, and associated Good Practice Guides that include substantial systems engineering guidance

  2. JOSHUA system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honeck, H.C.


    A major computational system called JOSHUA has been under development at the Savannah River Laboratory since 1968. The JOSHUA System has two major parts: the Operating System and the Application System. The Operating System has been in production use since 1970 and provides data management, terminal, and job execution facilities. The Application System uses these facilities in solving problems in reactor physics and engineering. Features of the Application System are the two-dimensional lattice physics and three-dimensional transient reactor physics capabilities, which have been in use since 1971 and 1974, respectively. The capabilities of the JOSHUA System are summarized, and statistics on size, use, and development effort are provided. (U.S.)

  3. Integrating system safety into the basic systems engineering process (United States)

    Griswold, J. W.


    The basic elements of a systems engineering process are given along with a detailed description of what the safety system requires from the systems engineering process. Also discussed is the safety that the system provides to other subfunctions of systems engineering.

  4. A behavioral framework for compositionality: linear systems, discrete event systems and hybrid systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Anak Agung Julius, A.A.J.; van der Schaft, Arjan


    In this paper we formulate a general framework based on the behavioral approach to dynamical systems, in which various issues regarding interconnection of systems can be addressed. The main part of the framework is that interconnections or compositions of systems can be modelled with interconnection

  5. The Creation of Differential Correction Systems and the Systems of Global Navigation Satellite System Monitoring

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Polishchuk, G. M; Kozlov, V. I; Urlichich, Y. M; Dvorkin, V. V; Gvozdev, V. V


    ... for the Russian Federation and a system of global navigation satellite system monitoring. These projects are some of the basic ones in the Federal program "Global Navigation System," aimed at maintenance and development of the GLONASS system...

  6. Solar power satellite system; Uchu hatsuden system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sasaki, S [Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Tokyo (Japan)


    The solar power satellite system is a system that converts solar energy into electric energy in the space, transmits power to earth through wireless resort such as microwave and supplies energy of new concept. In order to realize this system it is necessary to have new technologies such as space power transmission at low cost, construction of large space buildings and wireless high power transmission. In this paper, the principles, characteristics and the necessary technology of this system were explained. Besides Japan`s SPS2000 Plan (cooperative research by universities, government agencies and private corporations on the model of solar power satellite) the group of Europe, Russia and the United States has also proposed some ideas concerning the solar power satellite system. As far as the microwave power transmission, which is the key technology for solar power satellite system, is concerned, ground demonstration tests at the level of several tens of kW are discussed in Canada and France. 3 refs., 3 figs.

  7. System Analysis and Risk Assessment (SARA) system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krantz, E.A.; Russell, K.D.; Stewart, H.D.; Van Siclen, V.S.


    Utilization of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) related information in the day-to-day operation of plant systems has, in the past, been impracticable due to the size of the computers needed to run PRA codes. This paper discusses a microcomputer-based database system which can greatly enhance the capability of operators or regulators to incorporate PRA methodologies into their routine decision making. This system is called the System Analysis and Risk Assessment (SARA) system. SARA was developed by EG and G Idaho, Inc. at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory to facilitate the study of frequency and consequence analyses of accident sequences from a large number of light water reactors (LWRs) in this country. This information is being amassed by several studies sponsored by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). To meet the need of portability and accessibility, and to perform the variety of calculations necessary, it was felt that a microcomputer-based system would be most suitable

  8. Dynamic Systems Modeling in Educational System Design & Policy (United States)

    Groff, Jennifer Sterling


    Over the last several hundred years, local and national educational systems have evolved from relatively simple systems to incredibly complex, interdependent, policy-laden structures, to which many question their value, effectiveness, and direction they are headed. System Dynamics is a field of analysis used to guide policy and system design in…

  9. Optimization of large-scale heterogeneous system-of-systems models.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parekh, Ojas; Watson, Jean-Paul; Phillips, Cynthia Ann; Siirola, John; Swiler, Laura Painton; Hough, Patricia Diane (Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA); Lee, Herbert K. H. (University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA); Hart, William Eugene; Gray, Genetha Anne (Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA); Woodruff, David L. (University of California, Davis, Davis, CA)


    Decision makers increasingly rely on large-scale computational models to simulate and analyze complex man-made systems. For example, computational models of national infrastructures are being used to inform government policy, assess economic and national security risks, evaluate infrastructure interdependencies, and plan for the growth and evolution of infrastructure capabilities. A major challenge for decision makers is the analysis of national-scale models that are composed of interacting systems: effective integration of system models is difficult, there are many parameters to analyze in these systems, and fundamental modeling uncertainties complicate analysis. This project is developing optimization methods to effectively represent and analyze large-scale heterogeneous system of systems (HSoS) models, which have emerged as a promising approach for describing such complex man-made systems. These optimization methods enable decision makers to predict future system behavior, manage system risk, assess tradeoffs between system criteria, and identify critical modeling uncertainties.

  10. System Design of the SWRL Financial System. (United States)

    Ikeda, Masumi

    To produce various management and accounting reports in order to maintain control of SWRL (Southwest Regional Laboratory) operational and financial activities, a computer-based SWRL financial system was developed. The system design is outlined, and various types of system inputs described. The kinds of management and accounting reports generated…

  11. Test System Impact on System Availability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pau, L. F.


    The specifications are presented for an imperfect automatic test system (ATS) (test frequency distribution, reliability, false alarm rate, nondetection rate) in order to account for the availability, readiness, mean time between unscheduled repairs (MTBUR), reliability, and maintenance of the sys......The specifications are presented for an imperfect automatic test system (ATS) (test frequency distribution, reliability, false alarm rate, nondetection rate) in order to account for the availability, readiness, mean time between unscheduled repairs (MTBUR), reliability, and maintenance...... of the system subject to monitoring and test. A time-dependent Markov model is presented, and applied in three cases, with examples of numerical results provided for preventive maintenance decisions, design of an automatic test system, buffer testing in computers, and data communications....

  12. Cognitive Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The tutorial will discuss the definition of cognitive systems as the possibilities to extend the current systems engineering paradigm in order to perceive, learn, reason and interact robustly in open-ended changing environments. I will also address cognitive systems in a historical perspective...... to be modeled within a limited set of predefined specifications. There will inevitably be a need for robust decisions and behaviors in novel situations that include handling of conflicts and ambiguities based on the capability and knowledge of the artificial cognitive system. Further, there is a need...... in cognitive systems include e.g. personalized information systems, sensor network systems, social dynamics system and Web2.0, and cognitive components analysis. I will use example from our own research and link to other research activities....

  13. What Is Energy Systems Integration? | Energy Systems Integration Facility | (United States)

    NREL What Is Energy Systems Integration? What Is Energy Systems Integration? Energy systems integration (ESI) is an approach to solving big energy challenges that explores ways for energy systems to Research Community NREL is a founding member of the International Institute for Energy Systems Integration

  14. MARBLE: A system for executing expert systems in parallel (United States)

    Myers, Leonard; Johnson, Coe; Johnson, Dean


    This paper details the MARBLE 2.0 system which provides a parallel environment for cooperating expert systems. The work has been done in conjunction with the development of an intelligent computer-aided design system, ICADS, by the CAD Research Unit of the Design Institute at California Polytechnic State University. MARBLE (Multiple Accessed Rete Blackboard Linked Experts) is a system of C Language Production Systems (CLIPS) expert system tool. A copied blackboard is used for communication between the shells to establish an architecture which supports cooperating expert systems that execute in parallel. The design of MARBLE is simple, but it provides support for a rich variety of configurations, while making it relatively easy to demonstrate the correctness of its parallel execution features. In its most elementary configuration, individual CLIPS expert systems execute on their own processors and communicate with each other through a modified blackboard. Control of the system as a whole, and specifically of writing to the blackboard is provided by one of the CLIPS expert systems, an expert control system.

  15. System dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Do Hun; Mun, Tae Hun; Kim, Dong Hwan


    This book introduces systems thinking and conceptual tool and modeling tool of dynamics system such as tragedy of single thinking, accessible way of system dynamics, feedback structure and causal loop diagram analysis, basic of system dynamics modeling, causal loop diagram and system dynamics modeling, information delay modeling, discovery and application for policy, modeling of crisis of agricultural and stock breeding products, dynamic model and lesson in ecosystem, development and decadence of cites and innovation of education forward system thinking.

  16. Thermal systems; Systemes thermiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lalot, S. [Valenciennes Univ. et du Hainaut Cambresis, LME, 59 (France); Lecoeuche, S. [Ecole des Mines de Douai, Dept. GIP, 59 - Douai (France)]|[Lille Univ. des Sciences et Technologies, 59 - Villeneuve d' Ascq (France); Ahmad, M.; Sallee, H.; Quenard, D. [CSTB, 38 - Saint Martin d' Heres (France); Bontemps, A. [Universite Joseph Fourier, LEGI/GRETh, 38 - Grenoble (France); Gascoin, N.; Gillard, P.; Bernard, S. [Laboratoire d' Energetique, Explosion, Structure, 18 - Bourges (France); Gascoin, N.; Toure, Y. [Laboratoire Vision et Robotique, 18 - Bourges (France); Daniau, E.; Bouchez, M. [MBDA, 18 - Bourges (France); Dobrovicescu, A.; Stanciu, D. [Bucarest Univ. Polytechnique, Faculte de Genie Mecanique (Romania); Stoian, M. [Reims Univ. Champagne Ardenne, Faculte des Sciences, UTAP/LTM, 51 (France); Bruch, A.; Fourmigue, J.F.; Colasson, S. [CEA Grenoble, Lab. Greth, 38 (France); Bontemps, A. [Universite Joseph Fourier, LEGI/GRETh, 38 - Grenoble (France); Voicu, I.; Mare, T.; Miriel, J. [Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA), LGCGM, IUT, 35 - Rennes (France); Galanis, N. [Sherbrooke Univ., Genie Mecanique, QC (Canada); Nemer, M.; Clodic, D. [Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre Energetique et Procedes, 75 (France); Lasbet, Y.; Auvity, B.; Castelain, C.; Peerhossaini, H. [Nantes Univ., Ecole Polytechnique, Lab. de Thermocinetiquede Nantes, UMR-CNRS 6607, 44 (France)


    This session about thermal systems gathers 26 articles dealing with: neural model of a compact heat exchanger; experimental study and numerical simulation of the thermal behaviour of test-cells with walls made of a combination of phase change materials and super-insulating materials; hydraulic and thermal modeling of a supercritical fluid with pyrolysis inside a heated channel: pre-dimensioning of an experimental study; energy analysis of the heat recovery devices of a cryogenic system; numerical simulation of the thermo-hydraulic behaviour of a supercritical CO{sub 2} flow inside a vertical tube; mixed convection inside dual-tube exchangers; development of a nodal approach with homogenization for the simulation of the brazing cycle of a heat exchanger; chaotic exchanger for the cooling of low temperature fuel cells; structural optimization of the internal fins of a cylindrical generator; a new experimental approach for the study of the local boiling inside the channels of exchangers with plates and fins; experimental study of the flow regimes of boiling hydrocarbons on a bundle of staggered tubes; energy study of heat recovery exchangers used in Claude-type refrigerating systems; general model of Carnot engine submitted to various operating constraints; the free pistons Stirling cogeneration system; natural gas supplied cogeneration system with polymer membrane fuel cell; influence of the CRN coating on the heat flux inside the tool during the wood unrolling process; transport and mixture of a passive scalar injected inside the wake of a Ahmed body; control of a laser welding-brazing process by infrared thermography; 2D self-adaptative method for contours detection: application to the images of an aniso-thermal jet; exergy and exergy-economical study of an 'Ericsson' engine-based micro-cogeneration system; simplified air-conditioning of telephone switching equipments; parametric study of the 'low-energy' individual dwelling; brief synthesis of

  17. Embedded Systems

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Embedded system, micro-con- troller ... Embedded systems differ from general purpose computers in many ... Low cost: As embedded systems are extensively used in con- .... operating systems for the desktop computers where scheduling.

  18. Understanding Patterns for System-of-Systems Integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kazman, Rick; Nielsen, Claus Ballegård; Schmid, Klaus

    Creating a successful system of systems—one that meets the needs of its stakeholders today and can evolve and scale to sustain those stakeholders into the future—is a very complex engineering challenge. In a system of systems (SoS), one of the biggest challenges is in achieving cooperation and in...

  19. Cold Vacuum Drying (CVD) Facility Vacuum Purge System Chilled Water System Design Description. System 47-4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    IRWIN, J.J.


    This system design description (SDD) addresses the Vacuum Purge System Chilled Water (VPSCHW) system. The discussion that follows is limited to the VPSCHW system and its interfaces with associated systems. The reader's attention is directed to Drawings H-1-82162, Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Process Equipment Skid PandID Vacuum System, and H-1-82224, Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Mechanical Utilities Process Chilled Water PandID. Figure 1-1 shows the location and equipment arrangement for the VPSCHW system. The VPSCHW system provides chilled water to the Vacuum Purge System (VPS). The chilled water provides the ability to condense water from the multi-canister overpack (MCO) outlet gases during the MCO vacuum and purge cycles. By condensing water from the MCO purge gas, the VPS can assist in drying the contents of the MCO

  20. Power system protection 2 systems and methods

    CERN Document Server


    The worldwide growth in demand for electricity has forced the pace of developments in electrical power system design to meet consumer needs for reliable, secure and cheap supplies. Power system protection, as a technology essential to high quality supply, is widely recognised as a specialism of growing and often critical importance, in which power system needs and technological progress have combined to result in rapid developments in policy and practice in recent years. In the United Kingdom, the need for appropriate training in power system protection was recognised in the early 1960s with t

  1. Degradable Systems: A Survey of Multistate System Theory. (United States)


    and Subtitle) S. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED C. O DEGRADABLE SYSTEMS: A SURVEY OF MULTISTATE TECHNICAL SYSTEM THEORY 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT...THIS PAGE(R7,en Date £nt.,.d) AEoS-T- 8- 9 2 0 Degradable Systems: A Survey of Multistate System Theory by 1 2Emad El-Neweihi and Frank Proschan

  2. Holographic representation of space-variant systems: system theory. (United States)

    Marks Ii, R J; Krile, T F


    System theory for holographic representation of linear space-variant systems is derived. The utility of the resulting piecewise isoplanatic approximation (PIA) is illustrated by example application to the invariant system, ideal magnifier, and Fourier transformer. A method previously employed to holographically represent a space-variant system, the discrete approximation, is shown to be a special case of the PIA.

  3. General Systems Theory and Instructional Systems Design. (United States)

    Salisbury, David F.


    Describes basic concepts in the field of general systems theory (GST) and identifies commonalities that exist between GST and instructional systems design (ISD). Models and diagrams that depict system elements in ISD are presented, and two matrices that show how GST has been used in ISD literature are included. (11 references) (LRW)

  4. Rôle des acteurs dans le processus d’élaboration de projets routiers. Analyse de l’approche opérationnelle et recherche de critères décisionnels.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahinaz Sayagh


    Full Text Available Depuis le stade des études préliminaires jusqu’à la réalisation des travaux, un projet routier fait l’objet de décisions successives (opportunité, budget, tracé…, selon une procédure progressive et réglementée. Cette succession de choix s’insère dans un faisceau de contraintes environnementales, techniques et financières. Ceci rend le processus décisionnel complexe, du fait notamment de la multiplicité des acteurs potentiellement impliqués. Dans ce contexte, la contribution de chercheurs peut consister à fournir des méthodes, permettant d’apporter un éclairage sur les conséquences potentielles en terme de développement durable, des décisions successives prises depuis la conception d’un projet routier jusqu’à sa réalisation. Dans cette perspective, une analyse des critères décisionnels propres à chacun des acteurs au sein du processus décisionnel, est nécessaire. L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser sur quels enjeux généraux reposent les critères décisionnels intervenant dans les différents choix successifs d’un projet routier. Il s’agit d’une part d’effectuer l’examen détaillé du processus décisionnel régi par des éléments factuels imposés par la réglementation, et d’autre part de mieux appréhender les critères non réglementaires, propres à chaque acteur sous la forme de témoignages. Sur la base de la synthèse réalisée, une discussion propose ensuite de mettre en perspective l’analyse effectuée au regard des enjeux environnementaux et de concertation. L’analyse montre la difficulté à définir une liste de critères décisionnels relatifs à la prise en compte des enjeux du développement durable. D’autre part, la réflexion menée met en lumière la meilleure prise en compte des enjeux environnementaux lorsqu’une démarche de concertation est menée en amont du projet, ce qui va au-delà du simple cadre réglementaire et reste à l’initiative de la ma

  5. Construction of test-bed system of voltage management system to ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Construction of test-bed system of voltage management system to apply physical power system. ... Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences ... system of voltage management system (VMS) in order to apply physical power system.

  6. Comment réduire le taux de contaminants environnementaux dans les huiles de poisson sans en affecter les caractéristiques nutritionnelles ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gibon Véronique


    Full Text Available Crude fish oil is an important ingredient in fish feed for fish farming; it can be used as functional food or neutraceutical (cod liver oil, EPA/DHA concentrates or incorporated in healthy foods after refining. Major components of fish oil have positive nutritional properties. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can go up to 40% with variable proportions of EPA (C20:5 and DHA (C22-6 [ω-3 fatty acids]. Content of fat soluble vitamins is usually high. Unfortunately, fish oil is also sensitive to degradation products (polymeric and oxidized fat, increased polar content, off-flavor problems…. The beneficial nutritional properties of fish oil are in great contrast with the presence of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs such as polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans (PCDDs/PCDFs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, mainly originating from the environment. Usual steps for fish oil refining are neutralization, bleaching, winterization (optional and deodorization. Processing difficulties consist in finding the best operating conditions for an effective removal of unwanted contaminants and a maximal preservation of the nutritional qualities (processing duality. In this work, different adsorbents (filter aid, silica powder, bleaching earth and active carbon were tested for the best removal of PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs; it was shown that filter aid, silica and bleaching earth have no significant effect on decontamination while removal of majority non ortho PCBs and PCDDs/PCDFs was possible with active carbon. Mono-ortho PCBs were significantly less absorbed by active carbon. Deodorization was further investigated. Processing temperature had a very pronounced effect on the reduction of PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs. Already at 210 °C, all of them were removed efficiently to a level below the limit set by European Legislation. But temperature increase was limited by the risk of degradation of EPA/DHA (ω-3. Combination of active carbon treatment and deodorization was shown to be the best compromise to remove majority of the contaminants and to preserve the nutritional quality of fish oil. At low active carbon dosage and deodorization temperature below 200 °C, the total contamination level of PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs can be reduced below level imposed by European Legislation.

  7. Next generation railway system. ; Control system for JR Maglev. Jisedai tetsudo system. ; Rinia shinkansen no seigyo system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsuda, K [Central Japan Railway Company, Nagoya (Japan)


    Aiming at achieving a maglev Shinkansen that links Tokyo with Osaka at a speed of 500 km/h, an experimental maglev line is being constructed in Yamanashi Prefecture. This paper explains a train control system as the main subject. The system mounts superconductive magnets directly on bogies to propel a train using actions of moving magnet fields generated from propulsion coils paved on ground. Because of its mechanism to levitate and guide the train using induction coils superposed on the propulsion coils, no special control device is required for the levitation and guidance. This is a difference from a normal conduction magnet levitation system. Its speed control also differs from the conventional railway systems. It uses a ground primary control system that controls supply currents from substations on the ground, including braking control. One substation controls one train only. Automatic control is made on all controls related to travelling, including a control from train movement start to stops at predetermined positions, scheduled-time operation control, and jerk control. The construction of the experimental line is under steady progress. 5 figs.

  8. 78 FR 18252 - Prevailing Rate Systems; North American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System... (United States)


    ...-AM78 Prevailing Rate Systems; North American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System... applicable sections. The Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee, the national labor- management committee... proposing to amend 5 CFR part 532 as follows: PART 532--PREVAILING RATE SYSTEMS 0 1. The authority citation...

  9. Systems engineering simplified

    CERN Document Server

    Cloutier, Robert; Bone, Mary Alice


    IntroductionOverviewDiscussion of Common TerminologyThe Case for Systems EngineeringA Brief History of Systems EngineeringSystem ExamplesSummaryThe System Life CycleManaging System Development-The Vee ModelSystem ProductionSystem Utilization and SupportSystem Retirement and DisposalOther Systems Engineering Development ModelsSpiral ModelAgile Model for Systems EngineeringSystem of InterestAbstraction and DecompositionIntegrationDeveloping and Managing RequirementsCyclone Requiremen

  10. Expert Systems for auditing management information systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gheroghe Popescu


    Full Text Available Expert systems are built with the help of: specialised programming languages or expert system generators (shell. But this structure was reached after tens of years of work and research, because expert systems are nothing but pragmatic capitalisation of the results of research carried out in artificial intelligence and theory of knowledge.

  11. System and method for creating expert systems (United States)

    Hughes, Peter M. (Inventor); Luczak, Edward C. (Inventor)


    A system and method provides for the creation of a highly graphical expert system without the need for programming in code. An expert system is created by initially building a data interface, defining appropriate Mission, User-Defined, Inferred, and externally-generated GenSAA (EGG) data variables whose data values will be updated and input into the expert system. Next, rules of the expert system are created by building appropriate conditions of the rules which must be satisfied and then by building appropriate actions of rules which are to be executed upon corresponding conditions being satisfied. Finally, an appropriate user interface is built which can be highly graphical in nature and which can include appropriate message display and/or modification of display characteristics of a graphical display object, to visually alert a user of the expert system of varying data values, upon conditions of a created rule being satisfied. The data interface building, rule building, and user interface building are done in an efficient manner and can be created without the need for programming in code.

  12. Bitcoin System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Lánský


    Full Text Available Cryptocurrency systems are purely digital and decentralized systems that use cryptographic principles to confirm transactions. Bitcoin is the first and also the most widespread cryptocurrency. The aim of this article is to introduce Bitcoin system using a language understandable also to readers without computer science education. This article captures the Bitcoin system from three perspectives: internal structure, network and users. Emphasis is placed on brief and clear definitions (system components and their mutual relationships. A new system view of the stated terms constitutes author’s own contribution.

  13. Waste receiving and processing plant control system; system design description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    LANE, M.P.


    The Plant Control System (PCS) is a heterogeneous computer system composed of numerous sub-systems. The PCS represents every major computer system that is used to support operation of the Waste Receiving and Processing (WRAP) facility. This document, the System Design Description (PCS SDD), includes several chapters and appendices. Each chapter is devoted to a separate PCS sub-system. Typically, each chapter includes an overview description of the system, a list of associated documents related to operation of that system, and a detailed description of relevant system features. Each appendice provides configuration information for selected PCS sub-systems. The appendices are designed as separate sections to assist in maintaining this document due to frequent changes in system configurations. This document is intended to serve as the primary reference for configuration of PCS computer systems. The use of this document is further described in the WRAP System Configuration Management Plan, WMH-350, Section 4.1.

  14. Waste receiving and processing plant control system; system design description

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    LANE, M.P.


    The Plant Control System (PCS) is a heterogeneous computer system composed of numerous sub-systems. The PCS represents every major computer system that is used to support operation of the Waste Receiving and Processing (WRAP) facility. This document, the System Design Description (PCS SDD), includes several chapters and appendices. Each chapter is devoted to a separate PCS sub-system. Typically, each chapter includes an overview description of the system, a list of associated documents related to operation of that system, and a detailed description of relevant system features. Each appendice provides configuration information for selected PCS sub-systems. The appendices are designed as separate sections to assist in maintaining this document due to frequent changes in system configurations. This document is intended to serve as the primary reference for configuration of PCS computer systems. The use of this document is further described in the WRAP System Configuration Management Plan, WMH-350, Section 4.1

  15. Supporting Space Systems Design via Systems Dependency Analysis Methodology (United States)

    Guariniello, Cesare

    The increasing size and complexity of space systems and space missions pose severe challenges to space systems engineers. When complex systems and Systems-of-Systems are involved, the behavior of the whole entity is not only due to that of the individual systems involved but also to the interactions and dependencies between the systems. Dependencies can be varied and complex, and designers usually do not perform analysis of the impact of dependencies at the level of complex systems, or this analysis involves excessive computational cost, or occurs at a later stage of the design process, after designers have already set detailed requirements, following a bottom-up approach. While classical systems engineering attempts to integrate the perspectives involved across the variety of engineering disciplines and the objectives of multiple stakeholders, there is still a need for more effective tools and methods capable to identify, analyze and quantify properties of the complex system as a whole and to model explicitly the effect of some of the features that characterize complex systems. This research describes the development and usage of Systems Operational Dependency Analysis and Systems Developmental Dependency Analysis, two methods based on parametric models of the behavior of complex systems, one in the operational domain and one in the developmental domain. The parameters of the developed models have intuitive meaning, are usable with subjective and quantitative data alike, and give direct insight into the causes of observed, and possibly emergent, behavior. The approach proposed in this dissertation combines models of one-to-one dependencies among systems and between systems and capabilities, to analyze and evaluate the impact of failures or delays on the outcome of the whole complex system. The analysis accounts for cascading effects, partial operational failures, multiple failures or delays, and partial developmental dependencies. The user of these methods can

  16. Embedded systems handbook networked embedded systems

    CERN Document Server

    Zurawski, Richard


    Considered a standard industry resource, the Embedded Systems Handbook provided researchers and technicians with the authoritative information needed to launch a wealth of diverse applications, including those in automotive electronics, industrial automated systems, and building automation and control. Now a new resource is required to report on current developments and provide a technical reference for those looking to move the field forward yet again. Divided into two volumes to accommodate this growth, the Embedded Systems Handbook, Second Edition presents a comprehensive view on this area

  17. Modern system architectures in embedded systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korhonen, T.


    Several new technologies are making their way also in embedded systems. In addition to the FPGA technology which has become commonplace, multi-core CPUs and I/O virtualization (the implementation of the tasks of a software hyper-visor in hardware to improve the efficiency) are being introduced to the embedded systems. In this paper we review the trends and discuss how to take advantage of these features in control systems. Some potential application examples like parallelization, data streaming, high-speed data acquisition and virtualization are discussed

  18. Nonlinearity of colloid systems oxyhydrate systems

    CERN Document Server

    Sucharev, Yuri I


    The present monograph is the first systematic study of the non-linear characteristic of gel oxy-hydrate systems involving d- and f- elements. These are the oxyhydrates of rare-earth elements and oxides - hydroxides of d- elements (zirconium, niobium, titanium, etc.) The non-linearity of these gel systems introduces fundamental peculiarities into their structure and, consequently, their properties. The polymer-conformational diversity of energetically congenial gel fragments, which continu-ously transform under the effect of, for instance, system dissipation heat, is central to the au-thor's hy

  19. Systems of Systems: Scaling up the Development Program

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Humphrey, Watts


    ... into system-of-systems structures. Section 3 points out how large-scale systems development efforts have typically failed because of project-management and not technical problems, and that the solutions to these problems...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana-Aderina MOISUC


    Full Text Available Cognitive systems appeared as a response to the real challenges brought by the Big Data phenomenon. It was found that the solutions for solving difficult problems caused by this phenomenon could be brought by using artificial intelligence tools. In this context a convergence between Big Data and Artificial Intelligence happened, which determined the start of a new stage in system development, namely the era of cognitive systems. The potential of these systems is given by the characteristics that differentiate them from other systems. The cognitive systems offered solutions and were used with success in complex projects from the medical and financial sectors. The architecture of cognitive systems is complex. These systems are designed so that they use artificial intelligence tools when processing source content, producing analytical solutions which can be used in the decision process. In this paper base concepts, the characteristics and architecture of cognitive systems, the benefits brought by the development and use of them were presented.

  1. Systems effectiveness

    CERN Document Server

    Habayeb, A R


    Highlights three principal applications of system effectiveness: hardware system evaluation, organizational development and evaluation, and conflict analysis. The text emphasizes the commonality of the system effectiveness discipline. The first part of the work presents a framework for system effectiveness, partitioning and hierarchy of hardware systems. The second part covers the structure, hierarchy, states, functions and activities of organizations. Contains an extended Appendix on mathematical concepts and also several project suggestions.

  2. Auxiliary systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, P.J.


    Systems included under the heading ''Reactor Auxillary Systems'' are those immediately involved with the reactor operation. These include the systems for dosing and letdown of reactor coolant, as well as for the chemical dosing, purification and treatment of the reactor coolant and the cooling system in the controlled area. The ancillary systems are mainly responsible for liquid and gaseous treatment and the waste treatment for final storage. (orig.)

  3. Situation Awareness with Systems of Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laar, P. van de; Tretmans, J.; Borth, M.


    This book discusses various aspects, challenges, and solutions for developing systems-of-systems for situation awareness, using applications in the domain of maritime safety and security. Topics include advanced, multi-objective visualization methods for situation awareness, stochastic outlier

  4. 3S - Systematic, systemic, and systems biology and toxicology. (United States)

    Smirnova, Lena; Kleinstreuer, Nicole; Corvi, Raffaella; Levchenko, Andre; Fitzpatrick, Suzanne C; Hartung, Thomas


    A biological system is more than the sum of its parts - it accomplishes many functions via synergy. Deconstructing the system down to the molecular mechanism level necessitates the complement of reconstructing functions on all levels, i.e., in our conceptualization of biology and its perturbations, our experimental models and computer modelling. Toxicology contains the somewhat arbitrary subclass "systemic toxicities"; however, there is no relevant toxic insult or general disease that is not systemic. At least inflammation and repair are involved that require coordinated signaling mechanisms across the organism. However, the more body components involved, the greater the challenge to reca-pitulate such toxicities using non-animal models. Here, the shortcomings of current systemic testing and the development of alternative approaches are summarized. We argue that we need a systematic approach to integrating existing knowledge as exemplified by systematic reviews and other evidence-based approaches. Such knowledge can guide us in modelling these systems using bioengineering and virtual computer models, i.e., via systems biology or systems toxicology approaches. Experimental multi-organ-on-chip and microphysiological systems (MPS) provide a more physiological view of the organism, facilitating more comprehensive coverage of systemic toxicities, i.e., the perturbation on organism level, without using substitute organisms (animals). The next challenge is to establish disease models, i.e., micropathophysiological systems (MPPS), to expand their utility to encompass biomedicine. Combining computational and experimental systems approaches and the chal-lenges of validating them are discussed. The suggested 3S approach promises to leverage 21st century technology and systematic thinking to achieve a paradigm change in studying systemic effects.

  5. Smart power systems and renewable energy system integration

    CERN Document Server


    This monograph presents a wider spectrum of researches, developments, and case specific studies in the area of smart power systems and integration of renewable energy systems. The book will be for the benefit of a wider audience including researchers, postgraduate students, practicing engineers, academics, and regulatory policy makers. It covers a wide range of topics from fundamentals, and modelling and simulation aspects of traditional and smart power systems to grid integration of renewables; Micro Grids; challenges in planning and operation of a smart power system; risks, security, and stability in smart operation of a power system; and applied research in energy storage. .

  6. An algebraic method for system reduction of stationary Gaussian systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D. Jibetean; J.H. van Schuppen (Jan)


    textabstractSystem identification for a particular approach reduces to system reduction, determining for a system with a high state-space dimension a system of low state-space dimension. For Gaussian systems the problem of system reduction is considered with the divergence rate criterion. The

  7. Open systems dependability dependability engineering for ever-changing systems

    CERN Document Server

    Tokoro, Mario


    The book describes a fundamentally new approach to software dependability, considering a software system as an ever-changing system due to changes in service objectives, users' requirements, standards and regulations, and to advances in technology. Such a system is viewed as an Open System since its functions, structures, and boundaries are constantly changing. Thus, the approach to dependability is called Open Systems Dependability. The DEOS technology realizes Open Systems Dependability. It puts more emphasis on stakeholders' agreement and accountability achievement for business/service cont

  8. System of Systems Analytic Workbench - 2017 (United States)


    Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization with Type-2 Fuzzy Sets for Generating Systems of Systems Architectures. Procedia Computer Science...The application effort involves modeling an existing messaging network to perform real-time situational awareness. The Analytical Workbench’s

  9. System Modeling and Trust Evaluation of Distributed Systems


    Alhadad , Nagham; Serrano-Alvarado , Patricia; Busnel , Yann; Lamarre , Philippe


    International audience; Nowadays, digital systems are connected through complex architectures. These systems involve persons, physical and digital resources such that we can consider that a system consists of elements from two worlds, the social world and the digital world, and their relations. Users perform activities like chatting, buying, sharing data, etc. Evaluating and choosing appropriate systems involve aspects like functionality, performance, QoS, ease of use, or price. Recently, tru...

  10. Systems thinking. (United States)

    Cabrera, Derek; Colosi, Laura; Lobdell, Claire


    Evaluation is one of many fields where "systems thinking" is popular and is said to hold great promise. However, there is disagreement about what constitutes systems thinking. Its meaning is ambiguous, and systems scholars have made diverse and divergent attempts to describe it. Alternative origins include: von Bertalanffy, Aristotle, Lao Tsu or multiple aperiodic "waves." Some scholars describe it as synonymous with systems sciences (i.e., nonlinear dynamics, complexity, chaos). Others view it as taxonomy-a laundry list of systems approaches. Within so much noise, it is often difficult for evaluators to find the systems thinking signal. Recent work in systems thinking describes it as an emergent property of four simple conceptual patterns (rules). For an evaluator to become a "systems thinker", he or she need not spend years learning many methods or nonlinear sciences. Instead, with some practice, one can learn to apply these four simple rules to existing evaluation knowledge with transformative results.

  11. Physical system requirements: Overall system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 assigned to the Department of Energy (DOE) the responsibility for managing the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste and established the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) for that purpose. The Secretary of Energy, in his November 1989 report to Congress (DOE/RW-0247), announced three new initiatives for conduct of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (CRWM) program. One of these initiatives was to establish improved management structure and procedures. In response, OCRWM performed a management study and the Direct subsequently issued the Management Systems Improvement Strategy (MSIS) on August 10, 1990, calling for a rigorous implementation of systems engineering principles with a special emphasis on functional analysis. This approach establishes a framework for integrating the program management efforts with the technical requirements analysis into a single, unified, and consistent program. The functional analysis approach recognizes that just the facilities and equipment comprising the physical waste management system must perform certain functions, so must certain programmatic and management functions be performed within the program in order to successfully bring the physical system into being

  12. Using system dynamics simulation for assessment of hydropower system safety (United States)

    King, L. M.; Simonovic, S. P.; Hartford, D. N. D.


    Hydropower infrastructure systems are complex, high consequence structures which must be operated safely to avoid catastrophic impacts to human life, the environment, and the economy. Dam safety practitioners must have an in-depth understanding of how these systems function under various operating conditions in order to ensure the appropriate measures are taken to reduce system vulnerability. Simulation of system operating conditions allows modelers to investigate system performance from the beginning of an undesirable event to full system recovery. System dynamics simulation facilitates the modeling of dynamic interactions among complex arrangements of system components, providing outputs of system performance that can be used to quantify safety. This paper presents the framework for a modeling approach that can be used to simulate a range of potential operating conditions for a hydropower infrastructure system. Details of the generic hydropower infrastructure system simulation model are provided. A case study is used to evaluate system outcomes in response to a particular earthquake scenario, with two system safety performance measures shown. Results indicate that the simulation model is able to estimate potential measures of system safety which relate to flow conveyance and flow retention. A comparison of operational and upgrade strategies is shown to demonstrate the utility of the model for comparing various operational response strategies, capital upgrade alternatives, and maintenance regimes. Results show that seismic upgrades to the spillway gates provide the largest improvement in system performance for the system and scenario of interest.

  13. System Study: Emergency Power System 1998-2014

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schroeder, John Alton [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Risk Assessment and Management Services Dept.


    This report presents an unreliability evaluation of the emergency power system (EPS) at 104 U.S. commercial nuclear power plants. Demand, run hours, and failure data from fiscal year 1998 through 2014 for selected components were obtained from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Consolidated Events Database (ICES). The unreliability results are trended for the most recent 10 year period while yearly estimates for system unreliability are provided for the entire active period. An extremely statistically significant increasing trend was observed for EPS system unreliability for an 8-hour mission. A statistically significant increasing trend was observed for EPS system start-only unreliability.

  14. A Sustainable, Reliable Mission-Systems Architecture that Supports a System of Systems Approach to Space Exploration (United States)

    Watson, Steve; Orr, Jim; O'Neil, Graham


    A mission-systems architecture based on a highly modular "systems of systems" infrastructure utilizing open-standards hardware and software interfaces as the enabling technology is absolutely essential for an affordable and sustainable space exploration program. This architecture requires (a) robust communication between heterogeneous systems, (b) high reliability, (c) minimal mission-to-mission reconfiguration, (d) affordable development, system integration, and verification of systems, and (e) minimum sustaining engineering. This paper proposes such an architecture. Lessons learned from the space shuttle program are applied to help define and refine the model.

  15. Conceptual System of Systems Enabling Maritime Dominance in the Littorals

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Holmes, Matt


    .... Focusing on only system-of systems (SoS) concepts, we consider a system of only manned platforms, a system of primarily unmanned platforms, and a balanced hybrid system of manned and unmanned platforms...

  16. Airport Information Retrieval System (AIRS) System Support Manual (United States)


    This handbook is a support manual for prototype air traffic flow control automation system developed for the FAA's Systems Command Center. The system is implemented on a time-sharing computer and is designed to provide airport traffic load prediction...

  17. Reliability-Based Optimization of Series Systems of Parallel Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enevoldsen, I.; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard

    Reliability-based design of structural systems is considered. Especially systems where the reliability model is a series system of parallel systems are analysed. A sensitivity analysis for this class of problems is presented. Direct and sequential optimization procedures to solve the optimization...

  18. NASA Advanced Exploration Systems: Advancements in Life Support Systems (United States)

    Shull, Sarah A.; Schneider, Walter F.


    The NASA Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Life Support Systems (LSS) project strives to develop reliable, energy-efficient, and low-mass spacecraft systems to provide environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) critical to enabling long duration human missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). Highly reliable, closed-loop life support systems are among the capabilities required for the longer duration human space exploration missions assessed by NASA’s Habitability Architecture Team.

  19. Supervisory Control and Diagnostics System Distributed Operating System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGoldrick, P.R.


    This paper contains a description of the Supervisory Control and Diagnostics System (SCDS) Distributed Operating System. The SCDS consists of nine 32-bit minicomputers with shared memory. The system's main purpose is to control a large Mirror Fusion Test Facility

  20. Optimization of System Maturity and Equivalent System Mass for Exploration Systems Development Planning (United States)

    Magnaye, Romulo; Tan, Weiping; Ramirez-Marquez, Jose; Sauser, Bruce


    The Exploration Systems Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is currently pursuing the development of the next generation of human spacecraft and exploration systems throughout the Constellation Program. This includes, among others, habitation technologies for supporting lunar and Mars exploration. The key to these systems is the Exploration Life Support (ELS) system that composes several technology development projects related to atmosphere revitalization, water recovery, waste management and habitation. The proper functioning of these technologies is meant to produce sufficient and balanced resources of water, air, and food to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for long-term human habitation and exploration of space.

  1. Measurement system as a subsystem of the quality management system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ľubica Floreková


    Full Text Available Each measurement system and a control principle must be based on certain facts about the system behaviour (what, operation (how and structure (why. Each system is distributed into subsystems that provide an input for the next subsystem. For each system, start is important the begin, that means system characteristics, collecting of data, its hierarchy and the processes distribution.A measurement system (based on the chapter 8 of the standard ISO 9001:2000 Quality management system, requirements defines the measurement, analysis and improvement for each organization in order to present the products conformity, the quality management system conformity guarantee and for the continuously permanent improvement of effectivity, efficiency and economy of quality management system.

  2. Emergent nested systems a theory of understanding and influencing complex systems as well as case studies in urban systems

    CERN Document Server

    Walloth, Christian


    This book presents a theory as well as methods to understand and to purposively influence complex systems. It suggests a theory of complex systems as nested systems, i. e. systems that enclose other systems and that are simultaneously enclosed by even other systems. According to the theory presented, each enclosing system emerges through time from the generative activities of the systems they enclose. Systems are nested and often emerge unplanned, and every system of high dynamics is enclosed by a system of slower dynamics. An understanding of systems with faster dynamics, which are always guided by systems of slower dynamics, opens up not only new ways to understanding systems, but also to effectively influence them. The aim and subject of this book is to lay out these thoughts and explain their relevance to the purposive development of complex systems, which are exemplified in case studies from an urban system. The interested reader, who is not required to be familiar with system-theoretical concepts or wit...

  3. Quality management system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Mu Sung


    This book deals with ISO9001 quality management system which includes summary of this system such as classification of quality, principle of quality management, and definition, requirement and procedure of quality management system, introduction of ISO9001 system like model of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO certificate system, structure of ISO9001 standard, requirement of ISO9001 quality management system, process approach and documentation of system, propel cases of ISO9001 quality management system.

  4. Quality management system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Mu Sung


    This book deals with ISO9001 quality management system which includes summary of this system such as classification of quality, principle of quality management, and definition, requirement and procedure of quality management system, introduction of ISO9001 system like model of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO certificate system, structure of ISO9001 standard, requirement of ISO9001 quality management system, process approach and documentation of system, propel cases of ISO9001 quality management system.

  5. Proposing a Process-Oriented Systems Research for Systems Thinking Development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jae Eon Yu


    Full Text Available This paper discusses systems thinking development from Churchman’s systems ideas related to critical systems practice that appreciates the use of systems methods from sociolinguistic perspectives and poststructuralist thought. Systems research enabled us to understand and reinterpret Churchman’s philosophy and systems approach through the works of Deleuze and Foucault. Based upon the interpretation of Churchman’s philosophy and systems approach, I propose ‘process-oriented systems research’ developed from the use of social appreciative process and Churchman’s metasystem approach. By applying a metasystem approach into practice, I basically appreciate Deleuzian ethics and Foucault’s theory of discourse in order to deal with issues of power and knowledge, and metaethics or moral epistemology, where the meaning of good or bad is discussed. A detailed account of an application of process-oriented systems research is given to demonstrate how I use systems methods to examine the usefulness of the systems research in practice.

  6. Measurement system as a subsystem of the quality management system


    Ľubica Floreková; Ján Terpák; Marcela Čarnogurská


    Each measurement system and a control principle must be based on certain facts about the system behaviour (what), operation (how) and structure (why). Each system is distributed into subsystems that provide an input for the next subsystem. For each system, start is important the begin, that means system characteristics, collecting of data, its hierarchy and the processes distribution.A measurement system (based on the chapter 8 of the standard ISO 9001:2000 Quality management system, requirem...

  7. Study on Korean Radiological Emergency System-Care System- and National Nuclear Emergency Preparedness System Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhmad Khusyairi; Yudi Pramono


    Care system; Radiological Emergency Supporting System. Environmental radiology level is the main aspect that should be concerned deal with the utilization of nuclear energy. The usage of informational technology in nuclear area gives significant contribution to anticipate and to protect human and environment. Since 1960, South Korea has developed environment monitoring system as the effort to protect the human and environment in the radiological emergency condition. Indonesia has possessed several nuclear installations and planned to build and operate nuclear power plants (PLTN) in the future. Therefore, Indonesia has to prepare the integrated system, technically enables to overcome the radiological emergency. Learning from the practice in South Korea, the system on the radiological emergency should be prepared and applied in Indonesia. However, the government regulation draft on National Radiological Emergency System, under construction, only touches the management aspect, not the technical matters. Consequently, when the regulation is implemented, it will need an additional regulation on technical aspect including the consideration on the system (TSS), the organization of operator and the preparation of human resources development of involved institution. For that purpose, BAPETEN should have a typical independence system in regulatory frame work. (author)

  8. System-level musings about system-level science (Invited) (United States)

    Liu, W.


    In teleology, a system has a purpose. In physics, a system has a tendency. For example, a mechanical system has a tendency to lower its potential energy. A thermodynamic system has a tendency to increase its entropy. Therefore, if geospace is seen as a system, what is its tendency? Surprisingly or not, there is no simple answer to this question. Or, to flip the statement, the answer is complex, or complexity. We can understand generally why complexity arises, as the geospace boundary is open to influences from the solar wind and Earth’s atmosphere and components of the system couple to each other in a myriad of ways to make the systemic behavior highly nonlinear. But this still begs the question: What is the system-level approach to geospace science? A reductionist view might assert that as our understanding of a component or subsystem progresses to a certain point, we can couple some together to understand the system on a higher level. However, in practice, a subsystem can almost never been observed in isolation with others. Even if such is possible, there is no guarantee that the subsystem behavior will not change when coupled to others. Hence, there is no guarantee that a subsystem, such as the ring current, has an innate and intrinsic behavior like a hydrogen atom. An absolutist conclusion from this logic can be sobering, as one would have to trace a flash of aurora to the nucleosynthesis in the solar core. The practical answer, however, is more promising; it is a mix of the common sense we call reductionism and awareness that, especially when strongly coupled, subsystems can experience behavioral changes, breakdowns, and catastrophes. If the stock answer to the systemic tendency of geospace is complexity, the objective of the system-level approach to geospace science is to define, measure, and understand this complexity. I will use the example of magnetotail dynamics to illuminate some key points in this talk.

  9. Open System Architecture design for planet surface systems (United States)

    Petri, D. A.; Pieniazek, L. A.; Toups, L. D.


    The Open System Architecture is an approach to meeting the needs for flexibility and evolution of the U.S. Space Exploration Initiative program of the manned exploration of the solar system and its permanent settlement. This paper investigates the issues that future activities of the planet exploration program must confront, defines the basic concepts that provide the basis for establishing an Open System Architecture, identifies the appropriate features of such an architecture, and discusses examples of Open System Architectures.

  10. System theory as applied differential geometry. [linear system (United States)

    Hermann, R.


    The invariants of input-output systems under the action of the feedback group was examined. The approach used the theory of Lie groups and concepts of modern differential geometry, and illustrated how the latter provides a basis for the discussion of the analytic structure of systems. Finite dimensional linear systems in a single independent variable are considered. Lessons of more general situations (e.g., distributed parameter and multidimensional systems) which are increasingly encountered as technology advances are presented.

  11. Data monitoring system of technical diagnosis system for EAST

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qian Jing; Weng Peide; Chen Zhuomin; Wu Yu; Xi Weibin; Luo Jiarong


    Technical diagnosis system (TDS) is an important subsystem to monitor status parameters of EAST (experimental advanced superconducting tokamak). The upgraded TDS data monitoring system is comprised of management floor, monitoring floor and field floor.. Security protection, malfunction record and analysis are designed to make the system stable, robust and friendly. During the past EAST campaigns, the data monitoring system has been operated reliably and stably. The signal conditioning system and software architecture are described. (authors)

  12. Systems engineering: A formal approach. Part 1: System concepts (United States)

    Vanhee, K. M.


    Engineering is the scientific discipline focused on the creation of new artifacts that are supposed to be of some use to our society. Different types of artifacts require different engineering approaches. However, in all these disciplines the development of a new artifact is divided into stages. Three stages can always be recognized: Analysis, Design, and Realization. The book considers only the first two stages of the development process. It focuses on a specific type of artifacts, called discrete dynamic systems. These systems consist of active components of actors that consume and produce passive components or tokens. Three subtypes are studied in more detail: business systems (like a factory or restaurant), information systems (whether automated or not), and automated systems (systems that are controlled by an automated information system). The first subtype is studied by industrial engineers, the last by software engineers and electrical engineers, whereas the second is a battlefield for all three disciplines. The union of these disciplines is called systems engineering.

  13. Systems integration processes for space nuclear electric propulsion systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, C.S.; Rice, J.W.; Stanley, M.L.


    The various components and subsystems that comprise a nuclear electric propulsion system should be developed and integrated so that each functions ideally and so that each is properly integrated with the other components and subsystems in the optimum way. This paper discusses how processes similar to those used in the development and intergration of the subsystems that comprise the Multimegawatt Space Nuclear Power System concepts can be and are being efficiently and effectively utilized for these purposes. The processes discussed include the development of functional and operational requirements at the system and subsystem level; the assessment of individual nuclear power supply and thruster concepts and their associated technologies; the conduct of systems integration efforts including the evaluation of the mission benefits for each system; the identification and resolution of concepts development, technology development, and systems integration feasibility issues; subsystem, system, and technology development and integration; and ground and flight subsystem and integrated system testing

  14. Airborne Collision Avoidance System as a Cyber-Physical System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrei C. NAE


    Full Text Available In this paper the key concepts of ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems, CPS - Cyber-Physical Systems and SM - Smart Mobility are defined and correlated with the need for ACAS – Airborne Collision Avoidance System, as the last resort safety net and indispensable ingredient in civil aviation. Smart Mobility is addressed from a Cyber Physical-Systems perspective, detailing some of the elements that this entails. Here we consider the Air Transportations System of the future as a Cyber-Physical System and analyze the implications of doing so from different perspectives. The objective is to introduce a 4D collision avoidance shield technology which forms a last resort safety net technology for the next generation air transport (2050 and beyond. The new system will represent a step change over the performance of current technology. As conclusions, the benefits of implementing Transport Cyber-Physical Systems are discussed, as well as what this would require for future deployment.

  15. Photovoltaic systems engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Messenger, Roger A


    BackgroundPopulation and Energy DemandEnergy UnitsCurrent World Energy Use PatternsExponential GrowthHubbert's Gaussian ModelNet Energy, Btu Economics, and the Test for SustainabilityDirect Conversion of Sunlight to Electricity with PhotovoltaicsThe SunThe Solar SpectrumThe Effect of Atmosphere on SunlightSunlight SpecificsCapturing SunlightIntroduction to PV SystemsThe PV CellThe PV ModuleThe PV ArrayEnergy StoragePV System LoadsPV System AvailabilityAssociated System Electronic ComponentsGeneratorsBalance of System (BOS) ComponentsGrid-Connected Utility-Interactive PV SystemsApplicable Codes and StandardsDesign Considerations for Straight Grid-Connected PV SystemsDesign of a System Based on Desired Annual System PerformanceDesign of a System Based on Available Roof SpaceDesign of a Microinverter-Based SystemDesign of a Nominal 21 kW System that Feeds a Three-Phase Distribution PanelDesign of a Nominal 250 kW SystemSystem Performance MonitoringMechanical ConsiderationsImportant Properties of MaterialsEstabli...

  16. Ternary systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kagan, D.N.; Hubberstey, P.; Barker, M.G.


    The paper reviews the experimental and theoretical studies carried out on multicomponent alkali metal systems. Solid-liquid phase equilibria studies are mainly concerned with the systems Na-K-Rb and Na-K-Cs, and data on the liquidus temperatures in these systems are presented. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary Na-K-Cs eutectic system have been determined experimentally, and the enthalpy, heat capacity and excess functions of the alloy are given. An analysis of calculational methods used in determining thermodynamic functions of ternary liquid metals systems is described. Finally, data are tabulated for the density, compressibility, saturated vapour pressure, viscosity and thermal conductivity of the ternary Na-K-Cs eutectic system. (UK)

  17. System Frequency as Information Carrier in AC Power Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Douglass, Philip James; Heussen, Kai; You, Shi


    Power generators contain control systems able to regulate system frequency, but the frequency setpoint values are only rarely modified from nominal values. This paper describes design considerations for a communication system from generators to frequency sensitive distributed energy resourc es (FS......-DER) using changes to frequency setpoint values of genera- tors. Signaling discrete system states by generating off-nominal system frequency values can be used as a novel narrowband unidirectional broadcast communications channel. This paper describes two protocols for utilizing off-nominal frequencies...... to carry information: First, a protocol for dispatching blocks of FS- DER that is suitable for systems restricted to relatively slow rates of change of frequency (ROCOF). Second, for systems that allow higher ROCOF values, the feasibility of using power generation resources as a power line communication...

  18. Operating systems

    CERN Document Server

    Tsichritzis, Dionysios C; Rheinboldt, Werner


    Operating Systems deals with the fundamental concepts and principles that govern the behavior of operating systems. Many issues regarding the structure of operating systems, including the problems of managing processes, processors, and memory, are examined. Various aspects of operating systems are also discussed, from input-output and files to security, protection, reliability, design methods, performance evaluation, and implementation methods.Comprised of 10 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of what constitutes an operating system, followed by a discussion on the definition and pr

  19. Systems design methodology to develop chrysanthemum growing systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blok, C.; Vermeulen, T.


    When chrysanthemum growers change soil for a soilless growing system they aim for labour cost reduction, quality and yield improvement and reduced emissions of nutrients. Because many attempts to come up with a viable soilless system failed, improvements and systemizations of the design process were

  20. Supermarket Refrigeration System - Benchmark for Hybrid System Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sloth, Lars Finn; Izadi-Zamanabadi, Roozbeh; Wisniewski, Rafal


    This paper presents a supermarket refrigeration system as a benchmark for development of new ideas and a comparison of methods for hybrid systems' modeling and control. The benchmark features switch dynamics and discrete valued input making it a hybrid system, furthermore the outputs are subjected...

  1. On Mario Bunge's Definition of System and System Boundary (United States)

    Cavallo, Andrew M.


    In this short paper we discuss Mario Bunge's definition of system boundary. It is quickly discovered that Bunge's definition of system and system boundary are both deficient. We thus propose new definitions, which (hopefully) improve the situation. Our definition of system boundary works off the same intuition behind Bunge's.

  2. ERP–systems


    Shustova I.


    In this work, we analyzed the existing ERP–systems of foreign and domestic manufacturers. Popular ERP–systems in the Republic of Belarus were considered. The leading ERP-systems in the domestic market and their features were described in detail. Finally, we described the steps that must be taken to select the most suitable ERP-system for a particular company.

  3. Infinite Particle Systems: Complex Systems III

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Editorial Board


    Full Text Available In the years 2002-2005, a group of German and Polish mathematicians worked under a DFG research project No 436 POL 113/98/0-1 entitled "Methods of stochastic analysis in the theory of collective phenomena: Gibbs states and statistical hydrodynamics". The results of their study were summarized at the German-Polish conference, which took place in Poland in October 2005. The venue of the conference was Kazimierz Dolny upon Vistula - a lovely town and a popular place for various cultural, scientific, and even political events of an international significance. The conference was also attended by scientists from France, Italy, Portugal, UK, Ukraine, and USA, which predetermined its international character. Since that time, the conference, entitled "Infinite Particle Systems: Complex Systems" has become an annual international event, attended by leading scientists from Germany, Poland and many other countries. The present volume of the "Condensed Matter Physics" contains proceedings of the conference "Infinite Particle Systems: Complex Systems III", which took place in June 2007.

  4. L-system fractals

    CERN Document Server

    Mishra, Jibitesh


    The book covers all the fundamental aspects of generating fractals through L-system. Also it provides insight to various researches in this area for generating fractals through L-system approach & estimating dimensions. Also it discusses various applications of L-system fractals. Key Features: - Fractals generated from L-System including hybrid fractals - Dimension calculation for L-system fractals - Images & codes for L-system fractals - Research directions in the area of L-system fractals - Usage of various freely downloadable tools in this area - Fractals generated from L-System including hybrid fractals- Dimension calculation for L-system fractals- Images & codes for L-system fractals- Research directions in the area of L-system fractals- Usage of various freely downloadable tools in this area

  5. Operating System for Runtime Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Göhringer


    Full Text Available Operating systems traditionally handle the task scheduling of one or more application instances on processor-like hardware architectures. RAMPSoC, a novel runtime adaptive multiprocessor System-on-Chip, exploits the dynamic reconfiguration on FPGAs to generate, start and terminate hardware and software tasks. The hardware tasks have to be transferred to the reconfigurable hardware via a configuration access port. The software tasks can be loaded into the local memory of the respective IP core either via the configuration access port or via the on-chip communication infrastructure (e.g. a Network-on-Chip. Recent-series of Xilinx FPGAs, such as Virtex-5, provide two Internal Configuration Access Ports, which cannot be accessed simultaneously. To prevent conflicts, the access to these ports as well as the hardware resource management needs to be controlled, e.g. by a special-purpose operating system running on an embedded processor. For that purpose and to handle the relations between temporally and spatially scheduled operations, the novel approach of an operating system is of high importance. This special purpose operating system, called CAP-OS (Configuration Access Port-Operating System, which will be presented in this paper, supports the clients using the configuration port with the services of priority-based access scheduling, hardware task mapping and resource management.

  6. Business system: Sustainable development and anticipatory system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vojko Potočan


    Full Text Available The existence and development of humankind depends mainly upon the co-ordinated operation of all areas and levels of human activity. However, in theory and in practice there is no model of operation, which would provide a harmonized and target oriented development. A partial solution is offered by sustainable development, which tries to define and carry out common goals of mankind with a harmonized implementation of human activities at all levels of its living and behaviour. Companies belong to central institutions of modern society which essentially co–create the sustainability of society. The company’s endeavour by simulation to prepare models of their goals concerning their internal and external environment. On the base of systemic treatment, we can define companies as business system, which can survive in a log-run only on the basis of sustainable development. The business system can also be supported by the application of the anticipatory systems. The anticipatory systems can be, in this sense, understood as an entity of the methodological approach, techniques and modes of work. Their characteristics have, a direct impact on the determination of goals, on the orientation of operation, and hence on the achievement of the business system results.

  7. Ecological and general systems an introduction to systems ecology

    CERN Document Server

    Odum, Howard T.


    Using an energy systems language that combines energetics, kinetics, information, cybernetics, and simulation, Ecological and General Systems compares models of many fields of science, helping to derive general systems principles. First published as Systems Ecology in 1983, Ecological and General Systems proposes principles of self-organization and the designs that prevail by maximizing power and efficiency. Comparisons to fifty other systems languages are provided. Innovative presentations are given on earth homeostasis (Gaia); the inadequacy of presenting equations without network relationships and energy constraints; the alternative interpretation of high entropy complexity as adaptive structure; basic equations of ecological economics; and the energy basis of scientific hierarchy.

  8. Composite Socio-Technical Systems: A Method for Social Energy Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Yingchen [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); He, Fulin [Huazhong University of Science & Technology; Hao, Jun [University of Denver; Dai, Xiaoxiao [University of Denver; Zhang, Jun Jason [University of Denver; Wei, Jiaolong [Huazhong University of Science & Technology


    In order to model and study the interactions between social on technical systems, a systemic method, namely the composite socio-technical systems (CSTS), is proposed to incorporate social systems, technical systems and the interaction mechanism between them. A case study on University of Denver (DU) campus grid is presented in paper to demonstrate the application of the proposed method. In the case study, the social system, technical system, and the interaction mechanism are defined and modelled within the framework of CSTS. Distributed and centralized control and management schemes are investigated, respectively, and numerical results verifies the feasibility and performance of the proposed composite system method.

  9. Operating System Security

    CERN Document Server

    Jaeger, Trent


    Operating systems provide the fundamental mechanisms for securing computer processing. Since the 1960s, operating systems designers have explored how to build "secure" operating systems - operating systems whose mechanisms protect the system against a motivated adversary. Recently, the importance of ensuring such security has become a mainstream issue for all operating systems. In this book, we examine past research that outlines the requirements for a secure operating system and research that implements example systems that aim for such requirements. For system designs that aimed to

  10. Energy Systems Integration News | Energy Systems Integration Facility | (United States)

    the Energy Systems Integration Facility as part of NREL's work with SolarCity and the Hawaiian Electric Companies. Photo by Amy Glickson, NREL Welcome to Energy Systems Integration News, NREL's monthly date on the latest energy systems integration (ESI) developments at NREL and worldwide. Have an item

  11. System Architecture Design for Electric Vehicle (EV) Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xu, Zhao; Wu, Qiuwei; Nielsen, Arne Hejde


    The electric vehicle (EV) system should fulfill the energy needs of EVs to meet the EV users’ driving requirements and enable the system service from EVs to support the power system operation with high penetration of renewable energy resources (RES) by providing necessary infrastructures. In orde...

  12. Analyzing Systemic Risk in the Chinese Banking System

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huang, Qiubin; de Haan, Jakob; Scholtens, Bert

    We examine systemic risk in the Chinese banking system by estimating the conditional value at risk (CoVaR), the marginal expected shortfall (MES), the systemic impact index (SII) and the vulnerability index (VI) for 16 listed banks in China. Although these measures show different patterns, our

  13. Systems analysis of a security alarm system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiff, A.


    When the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory found that its security alarm system was causing more false alarms and maintenance costs than LLL felt was tolerable, a systems analysis was undertaken to determine what should be done about the situation. This report contains an analysis of security alarm systems in general and ends with a review of the existing Security Alarm Control Console (SACC) and recommendations for its improvement, growth and change. (U.S.)

  14. System Identification, Environmental Modelling, and Control System Design

    CERN Document Server

    Garnier, Hugues


    System Identification, Environmetric Modelling, and Control Systems Design is dedicated to Professor Peter Young on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Professor Young has been a pioneer in systems and control, and over the past 45 years he has influenced many developments in this field. This volume is comprised of a collection of contributions by leading experts in system identification, time-series analysis, environmetric modelling and control system design – modern research in topics that reflect important areas of interest in Professor Young’s research career. Recent theoretical developments in and relevant applications of these areas are explored treating the various subjects broadly and in depth. The authoritative and up-to-date research presented here will be of interest to academic researcher in control and disciplines related to environmental research, particularly those to with water systems. The tutorial style in which many of the contributions are composed also makes the book suitable as ...

  15. Human performance modeling for system of systems analytics.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dixon, Kevin R.; Lawton, Craig R.; Basilico, Justin Derrick; Longsine, Dennis E. (INTERA, Inc., Austin, TX); Forsythe, James Chris; Gauthier, John Henry; Le, Hai D.


    A Laboratory-Directed Research and Development project was initiated in 2005 to investigate Human Performance Modeling in a System of Systems analytic environment. SAND2006-6569 and SAND2006-7911 document interim results from this effort; this report documents the final results. The problem is difficult because of the number of humans involved in a System of Systems environment and the generally poorly defined nature of the tasks that each human must perform. A two-pronged strategy was followed: one prong was to develop human models using a probability-based method similar to that first developed for relatively well-understood probability based performance modeling; another prong was to investigate more state-of-art human cognition models. The probability-based modeling resulted in a comprehensive addition of human-modeling capability to the existing SoSAT computer program. The cognitive modeling resulted in an increased understanding of what is necessary to incorporate cognition-based models to a System of Systems analytic environment.

  16. Millimeter-scale MEMS enabled autonomous systems: system feasibility and mobility (United States)

    Pulskamp, Jeffrey S.


    Millimeter-scale robotic systems based on highly integrated microelectronics and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) could offer unique benefits and attributes for small-scale autonomous systems. This extreme scale for robotics will naturally constrain the realizable system capabilities significantly. This paper assesses the feasibility of developing such systems by defining the fundamental design trade spaces between component design variables and system level performance parameters. This permits the development of mobility enabling component technologies within a system relevant context. Feasible ranges of system mass, required aerodynamic power, available battery power, load supported power, flight endurance, and required leg load bearing capability are presented for millimeter-scale platforms. The analysis illustrates the feasibility of developing both flight capable and ground mobile millimeter-scale autonomous systems while highlighting the significant challenges that must be overcome to realize their potential.

  17. NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System - EOSDIS (United States)

    Ramapriyan, Hampapuram K.


    This slide presentation reviews the work of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), a petabyte-scale archive of environmental data that supports global climate change research. The Earth Science Data Systems provide end-to-end capabilities to deliver data and information products to users in support of understanding the Earth system. The presentation contains photographs from space of recent events, (i.e., the effects of the tsunami in Japan, and the wildfires in Australia.) It also includes details of the Data Centers that provide the data to EOSDIS and Science Investigator-led Processing Systems. Information about the Land, Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) and some of the uses that the system has made possible are reviewed. Also included is information about how to access the data, and evolutionary plans for the future of the system.

  18. Optimum Design Of On Grid Pv System Using Tracking System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saeed Mansour


    Full Text Available Abstract The fossil fuel is a main issue in the world due to the increase of fossil fuel cost and the depletion of the fossil fuel with continuous increasing demand on electricity. With continuous decrease of PV panels cost it is interesting to consider generation of electricity from PV system. To provide electric energy to a load in a remote area where electric grid utility is not available or connection with grid utility is available there are two approaches of photovoltaic system PV without tracking system Fixed System and PV with tracking systems. The result shows that the energy production by using PV with tracking system generates more energy in comparison with fixed panels system. However the cost per produced KWH is less in case of using fixed panels. This is the backbone in choice between two approaches of photovoltaic system. In this work a system design and cost analysis for two approaches of photovoltaic system are considered.

  19. Preliminary System Design of the SWRL Financial System. (United States)

    Ikeda, Masumi

    The preliminary system design of the computer-based Southwest Regional Laboratory's (SWRL) Financial System is outlined. The system is designed to produce various management and accounting reports needed to maintain control of SWRL operational and financial activities. Included in the document are descriptions of the various types of system…

  20. System-Awareness for Agent-based Power System Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heussen, Kai; Saleem, Arshad; Lind, Morten


    transition. This paper presents a concept for the representation and organization of control- and resource-allocation, enabling computational reasoning and system awareness. The principles are discussed with respect to a recently proposed Subgrid operation concept.......Operational intelligence in electric power systems is focused in a small number of control rooms that coordinate their actions. A clear division of responsibility and a command hierarchy organize system operation. With multi-agent based control systems, this control paradigm may be shifted...... to a more decentralized openaccess collaboration control paradigm. This shift cannot happen at once, but must fit also with current operation principles. In order to establish a scalable and transparent system control architecture, organizing principles have to be identified that allow for a smooth...

  1. Is the system really the solution? Operating costs in hospital systems. (United States)

    Burns, Lawton Robert; McCullough, Jeffrey S; Wholey, Douglas R; Kruse, Gregory; Kralovec, Peter; Muller, Ralph


    Hospital system formation has recently accelerated. Executives emphasize scale economies that lower operating costs, a claim unsupported in academic research. Do systems achieve lower costs than freestanding facilities, and, if so, which system types? We test hypotheses about the relationship of cost with membership in systems, larger systems, and centralized and local hub-and-spoke systems. We also test whether these relationships have changed over time. Examining 4,000 U.S. hospitals during 1998 to 2010, we find no evidence that system members exhibit lower costs. However, members of smaller systems are lower cost than larger systems, and hospitals in centralized systems are lower cost than everyone else. There is no evidence that the system's spatial configuration is associated with cost, although national system hospitals exhibit higher costs. Finally, these results hold over time. We conclude that while systems in general may not be the solution to lower costs, some types of systems are. © The Author(s) 2015.

  2. Real-time reactor coolant system pressure/temperature limit system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newton, D.G.; Schemmel, R.R.; Van Scooter, W.E. Jr.


    This patent describes an system, used in controlling the operating of a nuclear reactor coolant system, which automatically calculates and displays allowable reactor coolant system pressure/temperature limits within the nuclear reactor coolant system based upon real-time inputs. It comprises: means for producing signals representative of real-time operating parameters of the nuclear reactor cooling system; means for developing pressure and temperature limits relating the real-time operating parameters of the nuclear reactor coolant system, for normal and emergency operation thereof; means for processing the signals representative of real-time operating parameters of the nuclear reactor coolant system to perform calculations of a best estimate of signals, check manual inputs against permissible valves and test data acquisition hardware for validity and over/under range; and means for comparing the representative signals with limits for the real-time operating parameters to produce a signal for a real-time display of the pressure and temperature limits and of the real-time operating parameters use an operator in controlling the operation of the nuclear reactor coolant system

  3. SAMS--a systems architecture for developing intelligent health information systems. (United States)

    Yılmaz, Özgün; Erdur, Rıza Cenk; Türksever, Mustafa


    In this paper, SAMS, a novel health information system architecture for developing intelligent health information systems is proposed and also some strategies for developing such systems are discussed. The systems fulfilling this architecture will be able to store electronic health records of the patients using OWL ontologies, share patient records among different hospitals and provide physicians expertise to assist them in making decisions. The system is intelligent because it is rule-based, makes use of rule-based reasoning and has the ability to learn and evolve itself. The learning capability is provided by extracting rules from previously given decisions by the physicians and then adding the extracted rules to the system. The proposed system is novel and original in all of these aspects. As a case study, a system is implemented conforming to SAMS architecture for use by dentists in the dental domain. The use of the developed system is described with a scenario. For evaluation, the developed dental information system will be used and tried by a group of dentists. The development of this system proves the applicability of SAMS architecture. By getting decision support from a system derived from this architecture, the cognitive gap between experienced and inexperienced physicians can be compensated. Thus, patient satisfaction can be achieved, inexperienced physicians are supported in decision making and the personnel can improve their knowledge. A physician can diagnose a case, which he/she has never diagnosed before, using this system. With the help of this system, it will be possible to store general domain knowledge in this system and the personnel's need to medical guideline documents will be reduced.

  4. System for Collecting Biosignal Data from Multiple Patient Monitoring Systems. (United States)

    Yoon, Dukyong; Lee, Sukhoon; Kim, Tae Young; Ko, JeongGil; Chung, Wou Young; Park, Rae Woong


    Biosignal data include important physiological information. For that reason, many devices and systems have been developed, but there has not been enough consideration of how to collect and integrate raw data from multiple systems. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a system for collecting and integrating biosignal data from two patient monitoring systems. We developed an interface to extract biosignal data from Nihon Kohden and Philips monitoring systems. The Nihon Kohden system has a central server for the temporary storage of raw waveform data, which can be requested using the HL7 protocol. However, the Philips system used in our hospital cannot save raw waveform data. Therefore, our system was connected to monitoring devices using the RS232 protocol. After collection, the data were transformed and stored in a unified format. From September 2016 to August 2017, we collected approximately 117 patient-years of waveform data from 1,268 patients in 79 beds of five intensive care units. Because the two systems use the same data storage format, the application software could be run without compatibility issues. Our system collects biosignal data from different systems in a unified format. The data collected by the system can be used to develop algorithms or applications without the need to consider the source of the data.

  5. Standard diffusive systems are well-posed linear systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Matignon, Denis; Zwart, Heiko J.


    The class of well-posed linear systems as introduced by Salamon has become a well-understood class of systems, see e.g. the work of Weiss and the book of Staffans. Many partial partial differential equations with boundary control and point observation can be formulated as a well-posed linear system.

  6. A Ground Systems Template for Remote Sensing Systems (United States)

    McClanahan, Timothy P.; Trombka, Jacob I.; Floyd, Samuel R.; Truskowski, Walter; Starr, Richard D.; Clark, Pamela E.; Evans, Larry G.


    Spaceborne remote sensing using gamma and X-ray spectrometers requires particular attention to the design and development of reliable systems. These systems must ensure the scientific requirements of the mission within the challenging technical constraints of operating instrumentation in space. The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft included X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers (XGRS), whose mission was to map the elemental chemistry of the 433 Eros asteroid. A remote sensing system template, similar to a blackboard systems approach used in artificial intelligence, was identified in which the spacecraft, instrument, and ground system was designed and developed to monitor and adapt to evolving mission requirements in a complicated operational setting. Systems were developed for ground tracking of instrument calibration, instrument health, data quality, orbital geometry, solar flux as well as models of the asteroid's surface characteristics, requiring an intensive human effort. In the future, missions such as the Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm (ANTS) program will have to rely heavily on automation to collectively encounter and sample asteroids in the outer asteroid belt. Using similar instrumentation, ANTS will require information similar to data collected by the NEAR X-ray/Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (XGRS) ground system for science and operations management. The NEAR XGRS systems will be studied to identify the equivalent subsystems that may be automated for ANTS. The effort will also investigate the possibility of applying blackboard style approaches to automated decision making required for ANTS.

  7. A ground systems template for remote sensing systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McClanahan, Timothy P.; Trombka, Jacob I.; Floyd, Samuel R.; Truskowski, Walter; Starr, Richard D.; Clark, Pamela E.; Evans, Larry G.


    Spaceborne remote sensing using gamma and X-ray spectrometers requires particular attention to the design and development of reliable systems. These systems must ensure the scientific requirements of the mission within the challenging technical constraints of operating instrumentation in space. The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft included X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers (XGRS), whose mission was to map the elemental chemistry of the 433 Eros asteroid. A remote sensing system template, similar to a blackboard systems approach used in artificial intelligence, was identified in which the spacecraft, instrument, and ground system was designed and developed to monitor and adapt to evolving mission requirements in a complicated operational setting. Systems were developed for ground tracking of instrument calibration, instrument health, data quality, orbital geometry, solar flux as well as models of the asteroid's surface characteristics, requiring an intensive human effort. In the future, missions such as the Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm (ANTS) program will have to rely heavily on automation to collectively encounter and sample asteroids in the outer asteroid belt. Using similar instrumentation, ANTS will require information similar to data collected by the NEAR X-ray/Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (XGRS) ground system for science and operations management. The NEAR XGRS systems will be studied to identify the equivalent subsystems that may be automated for ANTS. The effort will also investigate the possibility of applying blackboard style approaches to automated decision making required for ANTS

  8. Working with Systems and Thinking Systemically--Disentangling the Crossed Wires (United States)

    Fox, Mark


    This article explores two separate traditions that educational psychologists (EPs) in the UK have for working with systems. One of these is "systems work" with organisations such as schools. The other is "systemic thinking" for working with families. Over the years these two traditions, systems work and systemic thinking, have…

  9. Execution Of Systems Integration Principles During Systems Engineering Design (United States)


    application utilized a paper-based approach to systems design. The customer directed utilization of an SE Waterfall process model . These new...regarding requirements, stakeholders, testing, and system boundaries. Additionally, this thesis discusses use of systems architecture frameworks and models ...and the consistent use of model - based systems engineering throughout development. Lastly, it proposes formal methods language for improving models

  10. System solution to improve energy efficiency of HVAC systems (United States)

    Chretien, L.; Becerra, R.; Salts, N. P.; Groll, E. A.


    According to recent surveys, heating and air conditioning systems account for over 45% of the total energy usage in US households. Three main types of HVAC systems are available to homeowners: (1) fixed-speed systems, where the compressor cycles on and off to match the cooling load; (2) multi-speed (typically, two-speed) systems, where the compressor can operate at multiple cooling capacities, leading to reduced cycling; and (3) variable-speed systems, where the compressor speed is adjusted to match the cooling load of the household, thereby providing higher efficiency and comfort levels through better temperature and humidity control. While energy consumption could reduce significantly by adopting variable-speed compressor systems, the market penetration has been limited to less than 10% of the total HVAC units and a vast majority of systems installed in new construction remains single speed. A few reasons may explain this phenomenon such as the complexity of the electronic circuitry required to vary compressor speed as well as the associated system cost. This paper outlines a system solution to boost the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) of a traditional single-speed unit through using a low power electronic converter that allows the compressor to operate at multiple low capacity settings and is disabled at high compressor speeds.

  11. Expert systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haldy, P.A.


    The definitions of the terms 'artificial intelligence' and 'expert systems', the methodology, areas of employment and limits of expert systems are discussed. The operation of an expert system is described, especially the presentation and organization of knowledge as well as interference and control. Methods and tools for expert system development are presented and their application in nuclear energy are briefly addressed. 7 figs., 2 tabs., 6 refs

  12. Expert System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hildebrandt, Thomas Troels; Cattani, Gian Luca


    An expert system is a computer system for inferring knowledge from a knowledge base, typically by using a set of inference rules. When the concept of expert systems was introduced at Stanford University in the early 1970s, the knowledge base was an unstructured set of facts. Today the knowledge b...... for the application of expert systems, but also raises issues regarding privacy and legal liability....

  13. Multifunction system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wauthier, J.; Fiori, R.


    The development, the characteristics and the applications of a multifunction system are presented. The system is used on the RBES laboratory pipes, at Marcoule. The system was developed in order to allow, without time loss, the modification of the circuit function by replacing only one component. The following elements form the multifunction system: a fixed base, which is part of the tube, a removable piece, which is inserted into the base, a cover plate and its locking system. The material, chosen among commercial trade marks, required small modifications in order to be used in the circuit [fr

  14. AutoBayes Program Synthesis System System Internals (United States)

    Schumann, Johann Martin


    This lecture combines the theoretical background of schema based program synthesis with the hands-on study of a powerful, open-source program synthesis system (Auto-Bayes). Schema-based program synthesis is a popular approach toward program synthesis. The lecture will provide an introduction into this topic and discuss how this technology can be used to generate customized algorithms. The synthesis of advanced numerical algorithms requires the availability of a powerful symbolic (algebra) system. Its task is to symbolically solve equations, simplify expressions, or to symbolically calculate derivatives (among others) such that the synthesized algorithms become as efficient as possible. We will discuss the use and importance of the symbolic system for synthesis. Any synthesis system is a large and complex piece of code. In this lecture, we will study Autobayes in detail. AutoBayes has been developed at NASA Ames and has been made open source. It takes a compact statistical specification and generates a customized data analysis algorithm (in C/C++) from it. AutoBayes is written in SWI Prolog and many concepts from rewriting, logic, functional, and symbolic programming. We will discuss the system architecture, the schema libary and the extensive support infra-structure. Practical hands-on experiments and exercises will enable the student to get insight into a realistic program synthesis system and provides knowledge to use, modify, and extend Autobayes.

  15. Expert system for nuclear power plant feedwater system diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meguro, R.; Kinoshita, Y.; Sato, T.; Yokota, Y.; Yokota, M.


    The Expert System for Nuclear Power Plant Feedwater System Diagnosis has been developed to assist maintenance engineers in nuclear power plants. This system adopts the latest process computer TOSBAC G8050 and the expert system developing tool TDES2, and has a large scale knowledge base which consists of the expert knowledge and experience of engineers in many fields. The man-machine system, which has been developed exclusively for diagnosis, improves the man-machine interface and realizes the graphic displays of diagnostic process and path, stores diagnostic results and searches past reference

  16. Modernization of control system using the digital control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrasco, J. A.; Fernandez, L.; Jimenez, A.


    Nowadays, all plant automation tendencies are based on the use of Digital Control System. In big industrial plants the control systems employed are Distributed Control Systems (DCS). The addition of these systems in nuclear power plants,implies an important adaptation process, because most of them were installed using analog control systems. This paper presents the objectives and the first results obtained, in a modernization project, focused in obtaining an engineering platform for making test and analysis of changes prior to their implementation in a nuclear plant. Modernization, Upgrade, DCS, Automation, Simulation, Training. (Author)

  17. Consultation system for image diagnosis: Report formation support system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, M.; Sakuma, S.; Ishigaki, T.; Suzuki, K.; Oikawa, K.


    The authors developed a consultation system for image diagnosis, involving artificial intelligence ideas. In this system, the authors proposed a new report formation support system and implemented it in lymphangiography. This support system starts with the input of image interpretation. The input process is made mainly by selecting items. This system encodes the input findings into the semantic network, which is represented as a directed graph, and it reserves them into the knowledge database in the above structure. Finally, the output (report) is made in the near natural language, which corresponds to the input findings

  18. Software control and system configuration management: A systems-wide approach (United States)

    Petersen, K. L.; Flores, C., Jr.


    A comprehensive software control and system configuration management process for flight-crucial digital control systems of advanced aircraft has been developed and refined to insure efficient flight system development and safe flight operations. Because of the highly complex interactions among the hardware, software, and system elements of state-of-the-art digital flight control system designs, a systems-wide approach to configuration control and management has been used. Specific procedures are implemented to govern discrepancy reporting and reconciliation, software and hardware change control, systems verification and validation testing, and formal documentation requirements. An active and knowledgeable configuration control board reviews and approves all flight system configuration modifications and revalidation tests. This flexible process has proved effective during the development and flight testing of several research aircraft and remotely piloted research vehicles with digital flight control systems that ranged from relatively simple to highly complex, integrated mechanizations.

  19. Dual-systems and the development of reasoning: competence-procedural systems. (United States)

    Overton, Willis F; Ricco, Robert B


    Dual-system, dual-process, accounts of adult cognitive processing are examined in the context of a self-organizing relational developmental systems approaches to cognitive growth. Contemporary adult dual-process accounts describe a linear architecture of mind entailing two split-off, but interacting systems; a domain general, content-free 'analytic' system (system 2) and a domain specific highly contextualized 'heuristic' system (system 1). In the developmental literature on deductive reasoning, a similar distinction has been made between a domain general competence (reflective, algorithmic) system and a domain specific procedural system. In contrast to the linear accounts offered by empiricist, nativist, and/or evolutionary explanations, the dual competence-procedural developmental perspective argues that the mature systems emerge through developmental transformations as differentiations and intercoordinations of an early relatively undifferentiated action matrix. This development, whose microscopic mechanism is action-in-the-world, is characterized as being embodied, nonlinear, and epigenetic. WIREs Cogni Sci 2011 2 231-237 DOI: 10.1002/wcs.120 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. The Norwegian Electric Power System - System Description and Future Developments; Norsk kraftforsyning - dagens system og fremtidig utvikling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagen, Janne Merete; Nystuen, Kjell Olav; Fridheim, Haavard; Rutledal, Frode


    This report presents a description of the present Norwegian electric power system, as well as a discussion of emerging trends and future developments in this system. The report provides the basis for FFI's current vulnerability analysis of the electric power system. Norway's electric power system is getting increasingly complex, due to a large-scale implementation of electronic components and information systems. Workforce reductions and efficiency improvements dominate the development of the electric power sector. Norway is also becoming increasingly dependent on foreign power sources. These trends provide for an entirely different electric power system than just a few years ago. Also, these trends make it virtually impossible to present a ''static'' description of the system. Thus, the report also contains a scenario, describing possible future developments of the system until 2010. (author)

  1. PWR auxiliary systems, safety and emergency systems, accident analysis, operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, P.J.


    The author presents a description of PWR auxiliary systems like volume control, boric acid control, coolant purification, -degassing, -storage and -treatment system and waste processing systems. Residual heat removal systems, emergency systems and containment designs are discussed. As an accident analysis the author gives a survey over malfunctions and disturbances in the field of reactor operations. (TK) [de

  2. Prototype of smart office system using based security system (United States)

    Prasetyo, T. F.; Zaliluddin, D.; Iqbal, M.


    Creating a new technology in the modern era gives a positive impact on business and industry. Internet of Things (IoT) as a new communication technology is very useful in realizing smart systems such as: smart home, smart office, smart parking and smart city. This study presents a prototype of the smart office system which was designed as a security system based on IoT. Smart office system development method used waterfall model. IoT-based smart office system used platform (project builder) cayenne so that. The data can be accessed and controlled through internet network from long distance. Smart office system used arduino mega 2560 microcontroller as a controller component. In this study, Smart office system is able to detect threats of dangerous objects made from metals, earthquakes, fires, intruders or theft and perform security monitoring outside the building by using raspberry pi cameras on autonomous robots in real time to the security guard.

  3. Integrated Knowledge Based Expert System for Disease Diagnosis System (United States)

    Arbaiy, Nureize; Sulaiman, Shafiza Eliza; Hassan, Norlida; Afizah Afip, Zehan


    The role and importance of healthcare systems to improve quality of life and social welfare in a society have been well recognized. Attention should be given to raise awareness and implementing appropriate measures to improve health care. Therefore, a computer based system is developed to serve as an alternative for people to self-diagnose their health status based on given symptoms. This strategy should be emphasized so that people can utilize the information correctly as a reference to enjoy healthier life. Hence, a Web-based Community Center for Healthcare Diagnosis system is developed based on expert system technique. Expert system reasoning technique is employed in the system to enable information about treatment and prevention of the diseases based on given symptoms. At present, three diseases are included which are arthritis, thalassemia and pneumococcal. Sets of rule and fact are managed in the knowledge based system. Web based technology is used as a platform to disseminate the information to users in order for them to optimize the information appropriately. This system will benefit people who wish to increase health awareness and seek expert knowledge on the diseases by performing self-diagnosis for early disease detection.

  4. System for chemical decontamination of nuclear reactor primary systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schlonski, J.S.; McGiure, M.F.; Corpora, G.J.


    This patent describes a method of chemically decontaminating a nuclear reactor primary system, having a residual heat removal system with one or more residual heat removal heat exchangers, each having an upstream and a downstream side, at or above ambient pressure. It comprises: injecting decontamination chemicals using an injection means; circulating the injected decontamination chemicals throughout the primary system; directing the circulated decontamination chemicals and process fluids to a means for removing suspended solids and dissolved materials after the circulated chemicals and process fluids have passed through the residual heat removal heat exchanger; decontaminating the process fluids; and feeding the decontaminated process fluids to the injection means. This patent also describes a chemical decontamination system for use at, or above, ambient pressure in a nuclear reactor primary system having a residual heat removal system. It comprises: means for injecting decontamination chemicals into the primary system; means for removing dissolved and suspended materials and decontamination chemicals from the primary system; one or more residual heat removal pumps; means located downstream of one of the residual heat removal heat exchangers; and a return line connecting the means

  5. Systemic darwinism. (United States)

    Winther, Rasmus Grønfeldt


    Darwin's 19th century evolutionary theory of descent with modification through natural selection opened up a multidimensional and integrative conceptual space for biology. We explore three dimensions of this space: explanatory pattern, levels of selection, and degree of difference among units of the same type. Each dimension is defined by a respective pair of poles: law and narrative explanation, organismic and hierarchical selection, and variational and essentialist thinking. As a consequence of conceptual debates in the 20th century biological sciences, the poles of each pair came to be seen as mutually exclusive opposites. A significant amount of 21st century research focuses on systems (e.g., genomic, cellular, organismic, and ecological/global). Systemic Darwinism is emerging in this context. It follows a "compositional paradigm" according to which complex systems and their hierarchical networks of parts are the focus of biological investigation. Through the investigation of systems, Systemic Darwinism promises to reintegrate each dimension of Darwin's original logical space. Moreover, this ideally and potentially unified theory of biological ontology coordinates and integrates a plurality of mathematical biological theories (e.g., self-organization/structure, cladistics/history, and evolutionary genetics/function). Integrative Systemic Darwinism requires communal articulation from a plurality of perspectives. Although it is more general than these, it draws on previous advances in Systems Theory, Systems Biology, and Hierarchy Theory. Systemic Darwinism would greatly further bioengineering research and would provide a significantly deeper and more critical understanding of biological reality.

  6. System identification of the Arabidopsis plant circadian system (United States)

    Foo, Mathias; Somers, David E.; Kim, Pan-Jun


    The circadian system generates an endogenous oscillatory rhythm that governs the daily activities of organisms in nature. It offers adaptive advantages to organisms through a coordination of their biological functions with the optimal time of day. In this paper, a model of the circadian system in the plant Arabidopsis (species thaliana) is built by using system identification techniques. Prior knowledge about the physical interactions of the genes and the proteins in the plant circadian system is incorporated in the model building exercise. The model is built by using primarily experimentally-verified direct interactions between the genes and the proteins with the available data on mRNA and protein abundances from the circadian system. Our analysis reveals a great performance of the model in predicting the dynamics of the plant circadian system through the effect of diverse internal and external perturbations (gene knockouts and day-length changes). Furthermore, we found that the circadian oscillatory rhythm is robust and does not vary much with the biochemical parameters except those of a light-sensitive protein P and a transcription factor TOC1. In other words, the circadian rhythmic profile is largely a consequence of the network's architecture rather than its particular parameters. Our work suggests that the current experimental knowledge of the gene-to-protein interactions in the plant Arabidopsis, without considering any additional hypothetical interactions, seems to suffice for system-level modeling of the circadian system of this plant and to present an exemplary platform for the control of network dynamics in complex living organisms.

  7. 'System-of-systems' approach for interdependent critical infrastructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eusgeld, Irene; Nan, Cen; Dietz, Sven


    The study of the interdependencies within critical infrastructures (CI) is a growing field of research as the importance of potential failure propagation among infrastructures may lead to cascades affecting all supply networks. New powerful methods are required to model and describe such 'systems-of-systems' (SoS) as a whole. An overall model is required to provide security and reliability assessment taking into account various kinds of threats and failures. A significant challenge associated with this model may be to create 'what-if' scenarios for the analysis of interdependencies. In this paper the interdependencies between industrial control systems (ICS), in particular SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), and the underlying critical infrastructures to address the vulnerabilities related to the coupling of these systems are analyzed. The modeling alternatives for system-of-systems, integrated versus coupled models, are discussed. An integrated model contains detailed low level models of (sub)systems as well as a high level model, covering all hierarchical levels. On the other hand, a coupled model aggregates different simulated outputs of the low level models as inputs at a higher level. Strengths and weaknesses of both approaches are analyzed and a model architecture for SCADA and the 'system under control' are proposed. Furthermore, the HLA simulation standard is introduced and discussed in this paper as a promising approach to represent interdependencies between infrastructures. To demonstrate the capabilities of the HLA standard for the interdependencies study, an exemplary application and some first results are also briefly presented in this paper.

  8. 78 FR 58153 - Prevailing Rate Systems; North American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System... (United States)


    ... American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System Wage Surveys AGENCY: U.S. Office of... in Federal Wage System wage survey industry regulations with the 2012 NAICS revisions published by.... Applicability date: This rule applies for local wage surveys beginning on or after February 21, 2014. FOR...

  9. A coordination model for ultra-large scale systems of systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuela L. Bujorianu


    Full Text Available The ultra large multi-agent systems are becoming increasingly popular due to quick decay of the individual production costs and the potential of speeding up the solving of complex problems. Examples include nano-robots, or systems of nano-satellites for dangerous meteorite detection, or cultures of stem cells for organ regeneration or nerve repair. The topics associated with these systems are usually dealt within the theories of intelligent swarms or biologically inspired computation systems. Stochastic models play an important role and they are based on various formulations of the mechanical statistics. In these cases, the main assumption is that the swarm elements have a simple behaviour and that some average properties can be deduced for the entire swarm. In contrast, complex systems in areas like aeronautics are formed by elements with sophisticated behaviour, which are even autonomous. In situations like this, a new approach to swarm coordination is necessary. We present a stochastic model where the swarm elements are communicating autonomous systems, the coordination is separated from the component autonomous activity and the entire swarm can be abstracted away as a piecewise deterministic Markov process, which constitutes one of the most popular model in stochastic control. Keywords: ultra large multi-agent systems, system of systems, autonomous systems, stochastic hybrid systems.

  10. Multiobjective Collaborative Optimization of Systems of Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wolf, Robert A


    ...; in other words an inefficient design of the system of systems. This thesis examines the simultaneous design of several ships using the sea base concept as an example application of a network of ships working together...

  11. Nova control system: goals, architecture, and system design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suski, G.J.; Duffy, J.M.; Gritton, D.G.; Holloway, F.W.; Krammen, J.R.; Ozarski, R.G.; Severyn, J.R.; Van Arsdall, P.J.


    The control system for the Nova laser must operate reliably in a harsh pulse power environment and satisfy requirements of technical functionality, flexibility, maintainability and operability. It is composed of four fundamental subsystems: Power Conditioning, Alignment, Laser Diagnostics, and Target Diagnostics, together with a fifth, unifying subsystem called Central Controls. The system architecture utilizes a collection of distributed microcomputers, minicomputers, and components interconnected through high speed fiber optic communications systems. The design objectives, development strategy and architecture of the overall control system and each of its four fundamental subsystems are discussed. Specific hardware and software developments in several areas are also covered

  12. Systems Engineering Leadership Development: Advancing Systems Engineering Excellence (United States)

    Hall, Phil; Whitfield, Susan


    This slide presentation reviews the Systems Engineering Leadership Development Program, with particular emphasis on the work being done in the development of systems engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center. There exists a lack of individuals with systems engineering expertise, in particular those with strong leadership capabilities, to meet the needs of the Agency's exploration agenda. Therefore there is a emphasis on developing these programs to identify and train systems engineers. The presentation reviews the proposed MSFC program that includes course work, and developmental assignments. The formal developmental programs at the other centers are briefly reviewed, including the Point of Contact (POC)

  13. Development of brake assist system. Summary of hydraulic brake assist system; Brake assist system no kaihatsu. Ekiatsushiki brake assist system no gaiyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hara, M; Ota, M; Shimizu, S [Toyota, Motor Corp., Aichi (Japan)


    We have already developed vacuum-booster-type Brake Assist System that supplies additional braking power when panic braking is recognized. We are convinced that the expansion of Brake Assist System will become more important issue in the future. Therefore we have developed hydraulic Brake Assist System with increasing its controllability and reducing its discomfort. This system have a brake pressure sensor to detect emergency braking operation and an antilock device to supply additional braking power. 8 refs., 11 figs.

  14. Symmetric linear systems - An application of algebraic systems theory (United States)

    Hazewinkel, M.; Martin, C.


    Dynamical systems which contain several identical subsystems occur in a variety of applications ranging from command and control systems and discretization of partial differential equations, to the stability augmentation of pairs of helicopters lifting a large mass. Linear models for such systems display certain obvious symmetries. In this paper, we discuss how these symmetries can be incorporated into a mathematical model that utilizes the modern theory of algebraic systems. Such systems are inherently related to the representation theory of algebras over fields. We will show that any control scheme which respects the dynamical structure either implicitly or explicitly uses the underlying algebra.

  15. Profil épidémiologique et prise en charge des exacerbations d'asthme chez l'enfant à l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc (United States)

    Boubkraoui, Mohamed El Mahdi; Benbrahim, Fadoua; Assermouh, Abdellah; El Hafidi, Naima; Benchekroun, Soumia; Mahraoui, Chafiq


    Introduction L'exacerbation d'asthme est un phénomène paroxystique qui peut mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Le but de l’étude est d’évaluer le profil épidémiologique et les modalités de prise en charge de l'exacerbation d'asthme chez les enfants âgés de 2 à 15 ans dans l'unité de pneumoallergologie pédiatrique de l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective qui a concerné 1461 enfants hospitalisés pour exacerbation d'asthme modérée à sévère durant une période d'un an allant de décembre 2011 à novembre 2012, les exacerbations légères étant traitées en ambulatoire. Résultats Les hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme chez les enfants ont représenté 34% de l'ensemble des hospitalisations avec trois pics en mai, septembre et décembre. L’âge moyen de survenue était de 3 ans et demi avec une prédominance masculine nette. L'exacerbation d'asthme était inaugurale dans 22% des cas. Les infections respiratoires virales dominaient les facteurs déclenchants des exacerbations d'asthme. Le séjour hospitalier était en moyenne de 3 jours. Un transfert en réanimation a été nécessaire dans 2% des cas. L’évolution sous traitement a toujours été favorable et la mortalité a été nulle. Conclusion La prévalence des hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme suit un profil saisonnier lié aux effets environnementaux. La plupart de ces hospitalisations pourraient cependant être évitées grâce à un meilleur contrôle de l'asthme et à l'amélioration de l’éducation thérapeutique de l'enfant asthmatique et de son entourage. PMID:26090031

  16. Groundwater for urban water supplies in northern China - An overview (United States)

    Zaisheng, Han

    Groundwater plays an important role for urban and industrial water supply in northern China. More than 1000 groundwater wellfields have been explored and installed. Groundwater provides about half the total quantity of the urban water supply. Complete regulations and methods for the exploration of groundwater have been established in the P.R. China. Substantial over-exploitation of groundwater has created environmental problems in some cities. Some safeguarding measures for groundwater-resource protection have been undertaken. Résumé Les eaux souterraines jouent un rôle important dans l'approvisionnement en eau des agglomérations et des industries du nord de la Chine. Les explorations ont conduit à mettre en place plus de 1000 champs de puits captant des eaux souterraines. Les eaux souterraines satisfont environ la moitié des besoins en eau des villes. Une réglementation complète et des méthodes d'exploration des eaux souterraines ont étéétablies en République Populaire de Chine. Une surexploitation très nette est à l'origine de problèmes environnementaux dans certaines villes. Des mesures ont été prises pour protéger la ressource en eau souterraine. Resumen El agua subterránea desempeña un papel importante en el suministro de agua para uso doméstico e industrial en la China septentrional. Se han explorado y puesto en marcha más de 1000 campos de explotación de aguas subterráneas, que proporcionan cerca de la mitad del total del suministro urbano. En la República Popular de China se han definido totalmente la legislación y la metodología para realizar estas explotaciones. La gran sobreexplotación en algunas ciudades ha creado algunos problemas medioambientales. Como consecuencia, se han llevado a cabo algunas medidas de protección de los recursos de aguas subterráneas.

  17. Identification des risques professionnels dans l'industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo


    Introduction Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les facteurs de risques professionnels liés aux conditions de travail. Méthodes Cette étude qualitative basée sur les entretiens de groupe a été réalisée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire dans l'industrie textile de la région du Est de la RDC; comprenant un médecin de travail, un médecin de santé publique, un toxicologue, deux infirmiers du centre hospitalier de l'usine, un représentant du comité d'hygiène et un technicien de prévention. La démarche méthodologique a consisté en des entretiens en groupe, des observations et visites guidées de lieux de travail de l'entreprise. Résultats Dans la culture du coton, les effets d'une forte exposition aux pesticides peuvent entraîner des intoxications aiguës, chroniques et voire le décès. Les autres risques sont les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles, les troubles psychologiques. Dans l'industrie, les travailleurs sont exposés aux risques liés à l'empoussiérage des fibres de coton, aux facteurs des risques traumatiques, physiques (bruits, vibration) et chimiques (acides forts, bases fortes, solvants et colorants minéraux), ainsi qu'aux risques psychosociaux. La pollution de l'environnement et l’écotoxicité inhérente à ces activités restent l'effet de l'usage des grandes quantités d'intrants agricoles, engrais et produits phytosanitaires. Conclusion Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différents facteurs de risques auxquelles sont soumis les travailleurs textiles; ainsi que les risques environnementaux liés à cette activité. Cela est de nature à permettre la mise sur pied d'une stratégie efficace de prévention et de protection des travailleurs. PMID:25977736

  18. International tourism in the Caribbean area: currentstatusand future prospects Le tourisme international dans la Caraïbe : état des lieux et perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier Dehoorne


    Full Text Available In the past the Caribbean was restricted to offering elitist tourist activities, but over the last three decades it has to a large extent opened its doors to international tourism.  The advent of mass tourism has been accompanied by a redistribution of the tourism functions and flows within the region.  The significant growth in tourism, although essential to the economies of the Caribbean islands, has given rise to a number of issues, the first being the necessity to examine the multiplier effect from tourism revenue within these externally-dependent economies.  Next there is both the question of access to resources and the closing of tourist sites in a context where local communities are focusing on coastlines to develop their own numerous tourism and recreational activities.  These developments will inevitably require us to consider environmental issues and the sustainability of today’s predominant tourism activities.Longtemps limité à des pratiques touristiques élitistes, l’espace caribéen s’est largement ouvert au tourisme international au cours des trois dernières décennies. L’avènement du tourisme de masse s’est accompagné d’une redistribution des flux et de fonctions touristiques dans cette région. Les enjeux, qui  accompagnent l’importance croissante du fait touristique, essentiel pour les économies des îles caribéennes, sont de plusieurs ordres : tout d’abord, il convient de s’interroger sur les effets d’entraînement des revenus du tourisme dans le cadre de ces économies extraverties. Se pose également la question de l’accès aux ressources et de la fermeture des lieux touristiques, dans un contexte où les sociétés locales développent aussi leurs propres pratiques touristiques et récréatives ; autant d’usages qui se polarisent sur des ressources littorales et doivent nous interpeller sur les enjeux environnementaux et la durabilité des pratiques touristiques qui prévalent aujourd’hui

  19. Acide alpha-linolénique, anti-oxydants et croissance tumorale mammaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chajes Véronique


    Full Text Available En France, comme dans la plupart des pays occidentaux, le cancer du sein est la première cause de mortalité, avec un nombre annuel de décès proche de 10 000. Chez les femmes, le cancer du sein est celui dont le taux d’incidence est le plus élevé dans la plupart des pays occidentaux. En France, il y a approximativement 35 000 nouveaux cas chaque année. Le taux d’incidence est de 80 pour 100 000 femmes/an. Il existe une disparité géographique dans les taux d’incidence du cancer du sein. Ils sont élevés dans tous les pays développés, à l’exception du Japon et de la Chine. Ajusté sur l’âge, il est le plus élevé aux États-Unis, et le plus bas en Chine, en Inde, au Japon. La France se situe à une position intermédiaire en Europe. L’incidence du cancer du sein est globalement plus faible dans les pays du Sud de l’Europe. Cette disparité géographique ne peut pas être expliquée uniquement par les facteurs génétiques. L’étude des populations migrantes, dont les taux d’incidence du cancer du sein se modifient pour atteindre celui du pays dans lequel elles migrent, a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des facteurs environnementaux dans l’apparition du cancer du sein. Parmi ceux-là, la part de l’alimentation est estimée à environ 35 % (entre 20 à 60 %, en fonction du site du cancer [1]. Il existe donc un réel potentiel de prévention du cancer du sein, sous réserve que les aliments protecteurs soient mis en évidence et que les nutriments responsables de ces effets protecteurs soient individualisés.

  20. Designing information systems

    CERN Document Server

    Blethyn, Stanley G


    Designing Information Systems focuses on the processes, methodologies, and approaches involved in designing information systems. The book first describes systems, management and control, and how to design information systems. Discussions focus on documents produced from the functional construction function, users, operators, analysts, programmers and others, process management and control, levels of management, open systems, design of management information systems, and business system description, partitioning, and leveling. The text then takes a look at functional specification and functiona

  1. Bioregenerative Life Support Systems Test Complex (Bio-Plex) Food Processing System: A Dual System (United States)

    Perchonok, Michele; Vittadini, Elena; Peterson, Laurie J.; Swango, Beverly E.; Toerne, Mary E.; Russo, Dane M. (Technical Monitor)


    A Bioregenerative Life Support Test Complex, BIO-Plex, is currently being constructed at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, TX. This facility will attempt to answer the questions involved in developing a lunar or planetary base. The Food Processing System (FPS) of the BIO-Plex is responsible for supplying food to the crew in coordination with the chosen mission scenario. Long duration space missions require development of both a Transit Food System and of a Lunar or Planetary Food System. These two systems are intrinsically different since the first one will be utilized in the transit vehicle in microgravity conditions with mostly resupplied foods, while the second will be used in conditions of partial gravity (hypogravity) to process foods from crops grown in the facility. The Transit Food System will consist of prepackaged food of extended shelf life. It will be supplemented with salad crops that will be consumed fresh. Microgravity imposes significant limitation on the ability to handle food and allows only for minimal processing. The challenge is to develop food systems similar to the International Space Station or Shuttle Food Systems but with a shelf life of 3 - 5 years. The Lunar or Planetary Food System will allow for food processing of crops due to the presence of some gravitational force (1/6 to 1/3 that of Earth). Crops such as wheat, soybean, rice, potato, peanut, and salad crops, will be processed to final products to provide a nutritious and acceptable diet for the crew. Not only are constraints imposed on the FPS from the crops (e.g., crop variation, availability, storage and shelf-life) but also significant requirements are present for the crew meals (e.g., RDA, high quality, safety, variety). The FPS becomes a fulcrum creating the right connection from crops to crew meals while dealing with issues of integration within a closed self-regenerative system (e.g., safe processing, waste production, volumes, air contaminations, water usage, etc

  2. Solar/electric heating systems for the future energy system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furbo, S.; Dannemand, M.; Perers, B. [and others


    The aim of the project is to elucidate how individual heating units for single family houses are best designed in order to fit into the future energy system. The units are based on solar energy, electrical heating elements/heat pump, advanced heat storage tanks and advanced control systems. Heat is produced by solar collectors in sunny periods and by electrical heating elements/heat pump. The electrical heating elements/heat pump will be in operation in periods where the heat demand cannot be covered by solar energy. The aim is to use the auxiliary heating units when the electricity price is low, e.g. due to large electricity production by wind turbines. The unit is equipped with an advanced control system where the control of the auxiliary heating is based on forecasts of the electricity price, the heat demand and the solar energy production. Consequently, the control is based on weather forecasts. Three differently designed heating units are tested in a laboratory test facility. The systems are compared on the basis of: 1) energy consumption for the auxiliary heating; 2) energy cost for the auxiliary heating; 3) net utilized solar energy. Starting from a normal house a solar combi system (for hot water and house heating) can save 20-30% energy cost, alone, depending on sizing of collector area and storage volume. By replacing the heat storage with a smart tank based on electric heating elements and a smart control based on weather/load forecast and electricity price information 24 hours ahead, another 30-40% can be saved. That is: A solar heating system with a solar collector area of about 10 m{sup 2}, a smart tank based on electric heating element and a smart control system, can reduce the energy costs of the house by at least 50%. No increase of heat storage volume is needed to utilize the smart control. The savings in % are similar for different levels of building insulation. As expected a heat pump in the system can further reduce the auxiliary electricity

  3. Spill operation system decision support system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, R.


    The MSRC Spill Operation System (SOS) is a tool for the support of decision-making at the time of a catastrophic oil spill. SOS provides MSRC decision-makers with access to information about the source of the spill, the spill environment, and the availability of spill response resources. This system is designed to meet the information needs of a Response Supervisor, an Environmental Advisor, Logistics/Maintenance Supervisor, Operations Supervisor, and the MSRC Regional General Manager. The SOS project Objectives are: (1) integrate currently available data, systems, and technologies; (2) develop an application that effectively supports mobilized operations and can be adapted to support normal operations; (3) ensure that the development of computer applications is driven by user needs and not by technology; and (4) coordinate with government and other industry organizations to avoid duplication of effort. Design Objectives for SOS are: (1) centralize management information storage while decentralizing decision making capabilities; (2) boost User confidence by providing a system that is easy to learn, easy to use, and is open-quotes Sailor Proofclose quotes; and (3) use visualization technology in providing spill related information. This approach includes the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology for maps and geographically associated resource; and support MSRC's concept of operation which includes - a swift notification of response personnel; fast mobilization of response resources; and accurate tracking of resources during a spill. MSRC is organized into five responsibility regions

  4. Internet based remote cooperative engineering system for NSSS system design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Y. S.; Lee, S. L.


    Implementation of information technology system through the nuclear power plant life cycle which covers site selection, design, construction, operation and decommission has been suggested continually by the reports or guidelines from NIRMA, INPO, NUMARC, USNRC and EPRI since late 1980's, and some of it has been actually implemented and applied partially to the practical design process. However, for the NSSS system design, a high level activity of nuclear power plant design phase, none of the effects has been reported with regard to implementing the information system. In Korea, KAERI studied NuIDEAS(Nuclear Integrated Database and Design Advancement System) in 1995, and KAERI (Korea Electric Power Research Institute) worked with CENP (Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power) for KNGR IMS(Information Management System) in 1997 as trials to adopt information system for NSSS system design. In this paper, after reviewing the pre-studied two information system, we introduce implementation of the information system for NSSS system design which is compatible with the on-going design works and can be used as means of concurrent engineering through internet. With this electronic design system, we expect increase of the design efficiency and productivity by switching from hard copy based design flow to internet based system. In addition, reliability and traceability of the design data is highly elevated by containing the native document file together with all the review, comment and resolution history in one database

  5. Design Flaws and Service System Breakdowns: Learning from Systems Thinking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Ing


    Full Text Available In what ways might systems thinking be helpful to designers?  In the 21st century, the types of project with which designers have become engaged has expanded to include service systems.  Service systems are typically composites of mechanisms, organisms, human beings and ecologies.  Systems thinking is a perspective with theories, methods and practices that enables transcending disciplinary boundaries.  Application of systems thinking in designing a service system can aid in surfacing potential flaws and/or anticipating future breakdowns in functions, structures and/or processes. Designers and systems thinkers should work together to improve the nature of service systems.  As a starter set into these conversations, seven conditions are proposed as a starting context.  These conditions are presented neither as rigourously defined nor as exhaustive, but as an entry point into future joint engagement.

  6. Communication Systems and Study Method for Active Distribution Power systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wei, Mu; Chen, Zhe

    Due to the involvement and evolvement of communication technologies in contemporary power systems, the applications of modern communication technologies in distribution power system are becoming increasingly important. In this paper, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO......) reference seven-layer model of communication systems, and the main communication technologies and protocols on each corresponding layer are introduced. Some newly developed communication techniques, like Ethernet, are discussed with reference to the possible applications in distributed power system....... The suitability of the communication technology to the distribution power system with active renewable energy based generation units is discussed. Subsequently the typical possible communication systems are studied by simulation. In this paper, a novel method of integrating communication system impact into power...

  7. Automation of Aditya vacuum control system based on CODAC Core System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raulji, Vismaysinh D., E-mail:; Pujara, Harshad; Arambhadiya, Bharat; Jadeja, Kumarpalsinh; Bhatt, Shailesh; Rajpal, Rachana


    Highlights: • Monitor and control of vacuum control system based on CODAC Core System. • Communication between SIEMENS PLC and open source software EPICS. • With CODAC Core easy to configure and programming of slow controller. - Abstract: The main objective of vacuum control system is to provide ultrahigh vacuum for Aditya Tokamak operations. Aditya Vacuum vessel is having four vacuum pumping lines. To demonstrate implementation of automation; a study case is under taken by automating single Pumping Line of the Aditya vacuum system using CODAC Core System (CCS). Currently, vacuum system is operated manually. The CCS based control system allows remote control, monitoring, alarm handling of vacuum parameters. The CODAC Core System is the Linux based software package that is distributed by ITER Organization for the development of Plant System I&C software. CODAC Core System includes EPICS, CSS (Control System Studio) etc. CSS is used for HMI (Human Machine Interface), alarms and archives. SDD (Self Description Data) tool is used to configure plant system I&C. SDD Editor is an Eclipse based application to define the plant system, interface, I&C component, interfaced signals, configure variable. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system is developed in CSS. Data is transferred between PLC and CSS through EPICS. The complete system is tested with Aditya Vacuum Control System with process interlocks. Operator interface is also developed using Lab VIEW as a choice of the user. This paper will describe the salient features of the developed control system in detail.

  8. National Ignition Facility system design requirements Laser System SDR002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larson, D.W.; Bowers, J.M.; Bliss, E.S.; Karpenko, V.P.; English, E.


    This System Design Requirement document establishes the performance, design, development, and test requirements for the NIP Laser System. The Laser System generates and delivers high-power optical pulses to the target chamber, and is composed of all optical puke creating and transport elements from Puke Generation through Final Optics as well as the special equipment that supports, energizes and controls them. The Laser System consists of the following WBS elements: 1.3 Laser System 1.4 Beam Transport System 1.6 Optical Components 1.7 Laser Control 1.8.7 Final Optics

  9. 2014 Runtime Systems Summit. Runtime Systems Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarkar, Vivek [US Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC (United States); Budimlic, Zoran [US Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC (United States); Kulkani, Milind [US Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC (United States)


    This report summarizes runtime system challenges for exascale computing, that follow from the fundamental challenges for exascale systems that have been well studied in past reports, e.g., [6, 33, 34, 32, 24]. Some of the key exascale challenges that pertain to runtime systems include parallelism, energy efficiency, memory hierarchies, data movement, heterogeneous processors and memories, resilience, performance variability, dynamic resource allocation, performance portability, and interoperability with legacy code. In addition to summarizing these challenges, the report also outlines different approaches to addressing these significant challenges that have been pursued by research projects in the DOE-sponsored X-Stack and OS/R programs. Since there is often confusion as to what exactly the term “runtime system” refers to in the software stack, we include a section on taxonomy to clarify the terminology used by participants in these research projects. In addition, we include a section on deployment opportunities for vendors and government labs to build on the research results from these projects. Finally, this report is also intended to provide a framework for discussing future research and development investments for exascale runtime systems, and for clarifying the role of runtime systems in exascale software.

  10. A Review of Decisions Support Systems for Manufacturing Systems


    Felsberger, Andreas; Oberegger, Bernhard; Reiner, Gerald


    In the field of manufacturing systems automated data acquisition and development of technological innovations like manufacturing execution systems (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Advanced Planning Systems (APS) and new trends in Big Data and Business Intelligence (BI) have given rise to new applications and methods of existing decisionsupport technologies. Today manufacturers need an adaptive system that helps to react and adapt to the constantly changing business environment. The ...

  11. Novel electro-hydraulic position control system for primary mirror supporting system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiongbin Peng


    Full Text Available In the field of modern large-scale telescope, primary mirror supporting system technology faces the difficulties of theoretically uniform output force request and bias compensation. Therefore, a novel position control system combining hydraulic system with servo motor system is introduced. The novel system ensures uniform output force on supporting points without complicating the mechanical structure. The structures of both primary mirror supporting system and novel position system are described. Then, the mathematical model of novel position control system is derived for controller selection. A proportional–derivative controller is adopted for simulations and experiments of step response and triangle path tracking. The results show that proportional–derivative controller guarantees the system with micrometer-level positioning ability. A modified proportional–derivative controller is utilized to promote system behavior with faster response overshoot. The novel position control system is then applied on primary mirror supporting system. Coupling effect is observed among actuator partitions, and relocation of virtual pivot supporting point is chosen as the decoupling measurement. The position keeping ability of the primary mirror supporting system is verified by rotating the mirror cell at a considerably high rate. The experiment results show that the decoupled system performs better with smaller bias and shorter recovery time.

  12. Expert systems and computer based industrial systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunand, R.


    Framentec is the artificial intelligence subsidiary of FRAMATOME. It is involved in expert-system activities of Shells, developments, methodology and software for maintenance (Maintex) and consulting and methodology. Specific applications in the nuclear field are presented. The first is an expert system to assist in the piping support design prototype, the second is an expert system that assists an ultrasonic testing operator in determining the nature of a welding defect and the third is a welding machine diagnosis advisor. Maintex is a software tool to provide assistance in the repair of complex industrial equipment. (author)

  13. Expert-systems and computer-based industrial systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terrien, J.F.


    Framatome makes wide use of expert systems, computer-assisted engineering, production management and personnel training. It has set up separate business units and subsidiaries and also participates in other companies which have the relevant expertise. Five examples of the products and services available in these are discussed. These are in the field of applied artificial intelligence and expert-systems, in integrated computer-aid design and engineering, structural analysis, computer-related products and services and document management systems. The structure of the companies involved and the work they are doing is discussed. (UK)

  14. Information system development activities and inquiring systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carugati, Andrea


    This article presents a framework that maps information system development (ISD) activities on systems for the creation of knowledge. This work addresses the relevant and persisting problem of improving the chances of ISD success. The article builds upon previous research on knowledge aspects...... based on ISD literature and on Churchman's (1971) inquiring systems. The second part presents the use of the framework in an ISD project. The case is used to show the applicability of the framework and to highlight the advantages of this approach. The main theoretical implication is that the framework...

  15. The Physics of transmutation systems : system capabilities and performances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finck, P. J.


    This document is complementary to a document produced by Prof. Salvatores on ''The Physics of Transmutation in Critical or Subcritical Reactors and the Impact on the Fuel Cycle''. In that document, Salvatores describes the fundamental of transmutation, through basic physics properties and general parametric studies. In the present document we try to go one step further towards practical implementation (while recognizing that the practical issues such as technology development and demonstration, and economics, can only be mentioned in a very superficial manner). Section 1 briefly overviews the possible objectives of transmutation systems, and links these different objectives to possible technological paths. It also describes the overall constraints which have to be considered when developing and implementing transmutation systems. In section 2 we briefly overview the technological constraints which need to be accounted for when designing transmutation systems. In section 3 we attempt to provide a simplified classification of transmutation systems in order to clarify later comparisons. It compares heterogeneous and homogeneous recycle strategies, and single and multi-tier systems. Section 4 presents case analyses for assessing the transmutation performance of various individual systems, starting with LWR's ((1) generic results; (2) multirecycle of plutonium; (3) an alternative: transmutation based on a Thorium fuel cycle), followed by Gas-Cooled Reactors (with an emphasis on the ''deep burn'' approach), and followed by Fast Reactors and Accelerator Driven systems ((1) generic results; (2) homogeneous recycle of transuranics; (3) practical limit between Fast Reactors and Accelerator Driven Systems) Section 5 summarizes recent results on integrated system performances. It focuses first on interface effects between the two elements of a dual tier system, and then summarizes the major lessons learned from recent global physics studies

  16. Development of field navigation system; Field navigation system no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ibara, S; Minode, M; Nishioka, K [Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd., Osaka (Japan)


    This paper describes the following matters on a field navigation system developed for the purpose of covering a field of several kilometer square. This system consists of a center system and a vehicle system, and the center system comprises a map information computer and a communication data controlling computer; since the accuracy for a vehicle position detected by a GPS is not sufficient, an attempt of increasing the accuracy of vehicle position detection is made by means of a hybrid system; the hybrid system uses a satellite navigation method of differential system in which the error components in the GPS are transmitted from the center, and also uses a self-contained navigation method which performs an auxiliary function when the accuracy in the GPS has dropped; corrected GPS values, emergency messages to all of the vehicles and data of each vehicle position are communicated by wireless transmission in two ways between the center and vehicles; and accommodation of the map data adopted a system that can respond quickly to any change in roads and facilities. 3 refs., 13 figs., 1 tab.

  17. GEOMASS system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohyama, Takuya; Saegusa, Hiromitsu


    As a part of the research and development regarding characterisation of deep geological environment, the GEOMASS (GEOLOGICAL MODELLING ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION SOFTWARE) system has been developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in order to carry out geological and hydrogeological modelling and groundwater flow simulation and so on. The GEOMASS system integrates a commercial geological interpretation system (EarthVision), which is used for geological modelling and visualisation, with a proprietary code for groundwater flow (FracAffinity). This integrated system allows users to make rapid improvement of models as data increases. Also, it is possible to perform more realistic groundwater flow simulation due to the capability of modelling the rock mass as a continuum with discrete hydro-structural features in the rock mass. This paper consists of 'Overview of GEOMASS system', FracAffinity Theoretical Background' and 'FracAffinity User Guide' and is edited as a GEOMASS system manual. 'Overview of GEOMASS system' describes the outline of this system. 'FracAffinity Theoretical Background' describes the information of technical background of FracAffinity software. FracAffinity User Guide' describes the structure of the FracAffinity input files, the usage of FracAffinity Interface and flow-solver. Updating of the FracAffinity has been continued as needed and FracAffinity version3.3 is the latest version at present (July 2008). (author)

  18. Automated Information System (AIS) Alarm System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunteman, W.


    The Automated Information Alarm System is a joint effort between Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory to demonstrate and implement, on a small-to-medium sized local area network, an automated system that detects and automatically responds to attacks that use readily available tools and methodologies. The Alarm System will sense or detect, assess, and respond to suspicious activities that may be detrimental to information on the network or to continued operation of the network. The responses will allow stopping, isolating, or ejecting the suspicious activities. The number of sensors, the sensitivity of the sensors, the assessment criteria, and the desired responses may be set by the using organization to meet their local security policies

  19. Automated Information System (AIS) Alarm System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunteman, W.


    The Automated Information Alarm System is a joint effort between Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory to demonstrate and implement, on a small-to-medium sized local area network, an automated system that detects and automatically responds to attacks that use readily available tools and methodologies. The Alarm System will sense or detect, assess, and respond to suspicious activities that may be detrimental to information on the network or to continued operation of the network. The responses will allow stopping, isolating, or ejecting the suspicious activities. The number of sensors, the sensitivity of the sensors, the assessment criteria, and the desired responses may be set by the using organization to meet their local security policies.

  20. Licensing management system prototype system design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Immerman, W.H.; Arcuni, A.A.; Elliott, J.M.; Chapman, L.D.


    This report is a design document for a prototype implementation of a licensing management system (LMS) as defined in SAND83-7080. It describes the concept of operations for full implementation of an LMS in accordance with the previously defined functional requirements. It defines a subset of a full LMS suitable for meeting prototype implementation goals, and proposes a system design for this subset. The report describes overall system design considerations consistent with, but more explicit than the general characteristics required by the LMS functional definition. A high level design is presented for just those functions selected for prototype implementation. The report also provides a data element dictionary describing the structured logical data elements required to implement the selected functions

  1. Study of operational systems of gamma spectrometry systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melo, M.C. de.


    The application of gamma spectrometers is tantamount to the perfect knowledge of their operational characteristics. Thus a study of the most significant characteristics (stability, linearity of response, energy resolution and peak efficiency) was carried out with an NaI(T1) and an (HP)Ge systems. Gamma standards with an energy range of 60 to 1300 KeV were used. Simple numerical methods were applied to the data, and the Behaviour of each system, with regard to the aforementioned characteristics, was observed for several operation voltages. It was evident the superiority of the (HP)Ge system in stability, linearity and resolution, whereas the NaI(T1) system showed a greater efficiency. The results obtained for each system were consistent with the ones found elsewhere, so that it may be concluded that both are working properly, and that the methodology proposed herein is appropriate for the test of such equipments [pt

  2. System importance measures: A new approach to resilient systems-of-systems (United States)

    Uday, Payuna

    Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions. While this attribute has been the focus of research in several fields, in the case of system-of-systems (SoSs), addressing resilience is particularly interesting and challenging. As infrastructure SoSs, such as power, transportation, and communication networks, grow in complexity and interconnectivity, measuring and improving the resilience of these SoSs is vital in terms of safety and providing uninterrupted services. The characteristics of systems-of-systems make analysis and design of resilience challenging. However, these features also offer opportunities to make SoSs resilient using unconventional methods. In this research, we present a new approach to the process of resilience design. The core idea behind the proposed design process is a set of system importance measures (SIMs) that identify systems crucial to overall resilience. Using the results from the SIMs, we determine appropriate strategies from a list of design principles to improve SoS resilience. The main contribution of this research is the development of an aid to design that provides specific guidance on where and how resources need to be targeted. Based on the needs of an SoS, decision-makers can iterate through the design process to identify a set of practical and effective design improvements. We use two case studies to demonstrate how the SIM-based design process can inform decision-making in the context of SoS resilience. The first case study focuses on a naval warfare SoS and describes how the resilience framework can leverage existing simulation models to support end-to-end design. We proceed through stages of the design approach using an agent-based model (ABM) that enables us to demonstrate how simulation tools and analytical models help determine the necessary inputs for the design process and, subsequently, inform decision-making regarding SoS resilience. The second case study considers the urban

  3. Qt based GUI system for EPICS control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rhyder, A.; Fernandes, R.N.; Starritt, A.


    The Qt-based GUI system developed at the Australian Synchrotron for use on EPICS control systems has recently been enhanced to including support for imaging, plotting, user login, logging and configuration recipes. Plans are also being made to broaden its appeal within the wider EPICS community by expanding the range of development options and adding support for EPICS V4. Current features include graphical and non-graphical application development as well as simple 'code-free' GUI design. Additional features will allow developers to let the GUI system handle its own data using Qt-based EPICS-aware classes or, as an alternative, use other control systems data such as PSI's CAFE. (author)

  4. LANL environmental restoration site ranking system: System description. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merkhofer, L.; Kann, A.; Voth, M.


    The basic structure of the LANL Environmental Restoration (ER) Site Ranking System and its use are described in this document. A related document, Instructions for Generating Inputs for the LANL ER Site Ranking System, contains detailed descriptions of the methods by which necessary inputs for the system will be generated. LANL has long recognized the need to provide a consistent basis for comparing the risks and other adverse consequences associated with the various waste problems at the Lab. The LANL ER Site Ranking System is being developed to help address this need. The specific purpose of the system is to help improve, defend, and explain prioritization decisions at the Potential Release Site (PRS) and Operable Unit (OU) level. The precise relationship of the Site Ranking System to the planning and overall budget processes is yet to be determined, as the system is still evolving. Generally speaking, the Site Ranking System will be used as a decision aid. That is, the system will be used to aid in the planning and budgetary decision-making process. It will never be used alone to make decisions. Like all models, the system can provide only a partial and approximate accounting of the factors important to budget and planning decisions. Decision makers at LANL will have to consider factors outside of the formal system when making final choices. Some of these other factors are regulatory requirements, DOE policy, and public concern. The main value of the site ranking system, therefore, is not the precise numbers it generates, but rather the general insights it provides

  5. LANL environmental restoration site ranking system: System description. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merkhofer, L.; Kann, A.; Voth, M. [Applied Decision Analysis, Inc., Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    The basic structure of the LANL Environmental Restoration (ER) Site Ranking System and its use are described in this document. A related document, Instructions for Generating Inputs for the LANL ER Site Ranking System, contains detailed descriptions of the methods by which necessary inputs for the system will be generated. LANL has long recognized the need to provide a consistent basis for comparing the risks and other adverse consequences associated with the various waste problems at the Lab. The LANL ER Site Ranking System is being developed to help address this need. The specific purpose of the system is to help improve, defend, and explain prioritization decisions at the Potential Release Site (PRS) and Operable Unit (OU) level. The precise relationship of the Site Ranking System to the planning and overall budget processes is yet to be determined, as the system is still evolving. Generally speaking, the Site Ranking System will be used as a decision aid. That is, the system will be used to aid in the planning and budgetary decision-making process. It will never be used alone to make decisions. Like all models, the system can provide only a partial and approximate accounting of the factors important to budget and planning decisions. Decision makers at LANL will have to consider factors outside of the formal system when making final choices. Some of these other factors are regulatory requirements, DOE policy, and public concern. The main value of the site ranking system, therefore, is not the precise numbers it generates, but rather the general insights it provides.

  6. Improving electrical equipment and control systems for shield integrated mining systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rabinovich, Z.M.; Starikov, B.Ya.; Kibrik, I.S.


    The design and operation are discussed for electrical equipment and control systems for the 1AShchM, the ANShch and the 2ANShch shield integrated face systems consisting of shield supports, coal plow and chain conveyor. The shield system is used for mining inclined and steep coal seams endangered by coal dust explosions, methane or rock bursts. Control and electrical system for 3 types of shield face mining systems is similar. It cuts energy supply when methane content at working faces exceeds the maximum permissible level, controls haulage rate and cutting rate of a coal plow, controls operation of shield supports (using the Sirena system), controls dust suppression system and its water consumption. The system is also equipped with communications equipment. Tests of the control and electrical system for the integrated shield system carried out in the im. Gagarin mine in the Ukraine are described. The VAUS III control system developed by Dongiprouglemash was tested.

  7. Radiometric system for clinical applications in the National Health System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mesa Perez, G.; Arteche Diaz, R.; Camejo Batista, A.; Fonfria Bragado, C.


    In this paper it is presented the radiometric detection system SRNIC-02, manufactured at CEADEN. The system has three major components: a well-type Nal(TI) scintillator detector with its collimator, a measurement module, and the application software, which allows fixing the working parameters of the system, as well as the acquisition and processing of data. The system has two main applications in the National Health System, one for the quality control in Radiopharmacy, and in RIA/IRMA blood tests. There are 16 systems installed, in 13 provinces of the country up to this date. (Author)

  8. Marketing reporting system


    Hanić Hasan M.


    The main components of a developed and good organized marketing information system are: internal reporting system, marketing reporting system, market research system and analytical marketing system. Marketing reporting system provides data and information about changes in business and micro marketing environment. This component of MIS ensures that marketing managers are up-to-date with what is going on, and to be informed about changes in company marketing environment.

  9. Marketing reporting system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanić Hasan M.


    Full Text Available The main components of a developed and good organized marketing information system are: internal reporting system, marketing reporting system, market research system and analytical marketing system. Marketing reporting system provides data and information about changes in business and micro marketing environment. This component of MIS ensures that marketing managers are up-to-date with what is going on, and to be informed about changes in company marketing environment.

  10. Solar system astrophysics planetary atmospheres and the outer solar system

    CERN Document Server

    Milone, Eugene F


    The second edition of Solar System Astrophysics: Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System provides a timely update of our knowledge of planetary atmospheres and the bodies of the outer solar system and their analogs in other planetary systems. This volume begins with an expanded treatment of the physics, chemistry, and meteorology of the atmospheres of the Earth, Venus, and Mars, moving on to their magnetospheres and then to a full discussion of the gas and ice giants and their properties. From here, attention switches to the small bodies of the solar system, beginning with the natural satellites. Then comets, meteors, meteorites, and asteroids are discussed in order, and the volume concludes with the origin and evolution of our solar system. Finally, a fully revised section on extrasolar planetary systems puts the development of our system in a wider and increasingly well understood galactic context. All of the material is presented within a framework of historical importance. This book and its sist...

  11. Pressurized water reactor system model for control system design and analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, K.F.; Cain, J.T.


    Satisfactory operation of present generation Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Nuclear Power systems requires that several independent and interactive control systems be designed. Since it is not practical to use an actual PWR system as a design tool, a mathematical model of the system must be developed as a design and analysis tool. The model presented has been developed to be used as an aid in applying optimal control theory to design and implement new control systems for PWR plants. To be applicable, the model developed must represent the PWR system in its normal operating range. For safety analysis the operating conditions of the system are usually abnormal and, therefore, the system modeling requirements are different from those for control system design and analysis

  12. Power system reliability memento; Memento de la surete du systeme electrique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The reliability memento of the French power system (national power transmission grid) is an educational document which purpose is to point out the role of each one as regards power system operating reliability. This memento was first published in 1999. Extensive changes have taken place since then. The new 2002 edition shows that system operating reliability is as an important subject as ever: 1 - foreword; 2 - system reliability: the basics; 3 - equipment measures taken in order to guarantee the reliability of the system; 4 - organisational and human measures taken to guarantee the reliability of the system; appendix 1 - system operation: basic concepts; appendix 2 - guiding principles governing the reliability of the power system; appendix 3 - international associations of transmission system operators; appendix 4 - description of major incidents.

  13. Development of personnel dose control system and whole body counter system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ooki, Yasushi; Harato, Kenji


    We delivered Personnel Dose Control System to Higashidohri nuclear plant of Tohoku Electric Power Company, in November 2004. In this system development, we automated the registration of radiation worker with close link between this system and Whole Body Counter System. In addition, this system enables the user to reduce workload for accumulation and notification of personal exposure data, because we adopted the system to extract the data effectively operating the terminal PC which the associate company gets ready in their office. We also delivered Whole body Counter System in December 2004, which was developed to measure internal exposure without feeling of oppression in chair-style device for the first time in Japan. This system enables non-operator system for measurement allowing workers to operate by themselves. (author)

  14. Energy Systems High-Pressure Test Laboratory | Energy Systems Integration (United States)

    Facility | NREL Energy Systems High-Pressure Test Laboratory Energy Systems High-Pressure Test Laboratory In the Energy Systems Integration Facility's High-Pressure Test Laboratory, researchers can safely test high-pressure hydrogen components. Photo of researchers running an experiment with a hydrogen fuel

  15. System Engineering Analysis For Improved Scout Business Information Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Slyke, D. A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The project uses system engineering principles to address the need of Boy Scout leaders for an integrated system to facilitate advancement and awards records, leader training and planning for meetings and activities. Existing products to address needs of Scout leaders and relevant stakeholders function to support record keeping and some communication functions but opportunity exists for a better system to fully integrate these functions with training delivery and recording, activity planning along with feedback and information gathering from stakeholders. Key stakeholders for the sytem include Scouts and their families, leaders, training providers, sellers of supplies and awards, content generators and facilities that serve Scout activities. Key performance parameters for the system are protection of personal information, availability of current information, information accuracy and information content that has depth. Implementation concepts considered for the system include (1) owned and operated by Boy Scouts of America, (2) Contracted out to a vendor (3) distributed system that functions with BSA managed interfaces. The selected concept is to contract out to a vendor to maximize the likelihood of successful integration and take advantage of the best technology. Development of requirements considers three key use cases (1) System facilitates planning a hike with training needed satisfied in advance and advancement recording real time (2) Scheduling and documenting in-person training, (3) Family interested in Scouting receives information and can request follow-up. Non-functional requirements are analyzed with the Quality Function Deployment tool. Requirement addressing frequency of backup, compatibility with legacy and new technology, language support, software update are developed to address system reliability and intuitive interface. System functions analyzed include update of activity database, maintenance of advancement status, archive of documents, and

  16. Adaptive security systems -- Combining expert systems with adaptive technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Argo, P.; Loveland, R.; Anderson, K.


    The Adaptive Multisensor Integrated Security System (AMISS) uses a variety of computational intelligence techniques to reason from raw sensor data through an array of processing layers to arrive at an assessment for alarm/alert conditions based on human behavior within a secure facility. In this paper, the authors give an overview of the system and briefly describe some of the major components of the system. This system is currently under development and testing in a realistic facility setting



    Diana-Aderina MOISUC; Mihai-Constantin AVORNICULUI; Melinda Timea FÜLÖP


    Cognitive systems appeared as a response to the real challenges brought by the Big Data phenomenon. It was found that the solutions for solving difficult problems caused by this phenomenon could be brought by using artificial intelligence tools. In this context a convergence between Big Data and Artificial Intelligence happened, which determined the start of a new stage in system development, namely the era of cognitive systems. The potential of these systems is given by the characteristics t...

  18. Computer systems and software description for gas characterization system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vo, C.V.


    The Gas Characterization System Project was commissioned by TWRS management with funding from TWRS Safety, on December 1, 1994. The project objective is to establish an instrumentation system to measure flammable gas concentrations in the vapor space of selected watch list tanks, starting with tank AN-105 and AW-101. Data collected by this system is meant to support first tank characterization, then tank safety. System design is premised upon Characterization rather than mitigation, therefore redundancy is not required

  19. Micro Information Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulslev Pedersen, Rasmus; Kühn Pedersen, Mogens


    such as medical and manufacturing. These new sensor applications have implications for information systems (IS) and, the authors visualize this new class of information systems as fractals growing from an established class of systems; namely that of information systems (IS). The identified applications...... and implications are used as an empirical basis for creating a model for these small new information systems. Such sensor systems are called embedded systems in the technical sciences, and the authors want to couple it with general IS. They call the merger of these two important research areas (IS and embedded...... systems) for micro information systems (micro-IS). It is intended as a new research field within IS research. An initial framework model is established, which seeks to capture both the possibilities and constraints of this new paradigm, while looking simultaneously at the fundamental IS and ICT aspects...

  20. Systems Thinking : Ancient Maya's Evolution of Consciousness and Contemporary Systems Thinking (United States)

    Jere Lazanski, Tadeja


    Systems thinking as a modern approach for problem solving was revived after WWII even though it had been an ancient philosophy. We can track systems thinking back to antiquity. Making a distinction from Western rationalist traditions of philosophy, C. West Churchman often identified with the I Ching as a systems approach sharing a frame of reference similar to pre-Socratic philosophy and Heraclitus. In this paper, we will compare the evolutionary system of consciousness, which was presented in the Tun calendar of Mayan Indians and contemporary systems theory and systems thinking, which is nothing else but highly evolved human consciousness in society. We will present Mayan calendar systems to contemporary systems thinking principles and explain the answer to the Ackoff's judgment on four hundred years of analytical thinking as the dominant mode of society. We will use the methods of historical comparison and a method of a systems approach. We will point out the big picture and Mayan divine plan as main systems principles. The Mayan numerical system and long count units has been proven as one of the most accurate systems for describing the present and future of the civilization in which we have all evolved. We will also explain the Mayan nine-level pyramids system that represents the evolutionary system, i.e. the consciousness, which in our time shows the actual level of human consciousness. Deriving from all described, we will show the main systems principles, discussed by contemporary systems authors and Mayan systems principles, which differ only in one expression—they named "the big picture" as "the divine plan". The final results can be perfectly applied to the society we live in. Seeing the world from the big picture point of view is reaching a level of awareness, in which linear thinking is replaced by systems thinking. The Mayans explained that the civilization would achieve the system of conscious co-creation. We can claim that linear thinking guides us

  1. 7th Annual Systems Biology Symposium: Systems Biology and Engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galitski, Timothy P.


    Systems biology recognizes the complex multi-scale organization of biological systems, from molecules to ecosystems. The International Symposium on Systems Biology has been hosted by the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, Washington, since 2002. The annual two-day event gathers the most influential researchers transforming biology into an integrative discipline investingating complex systems. Engineering and application of new technology is a central element of systems biology. Genome-scale, or very small-scale, biological questions drive the enigneering of new technologies, which enable new modes of experimentation and computational analysis, leading to new biological insights and questions. Concepts and analytical methods in engineering are now finding direct applications in biology. Therefore, the 2008 Symposium, funded in partnership with the Department of Energy, featured global leaders in "Systems Biology and Engineering."

  2. Cold Vacuum Drying Instrument Air System Design Description. System 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This system design description (SDD) addresses the instrument air (IA) system of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF). This IA system provides instrument quality air to the Cold Vacuum Drying (CVD) Facility. The IA system is a general service system that supports the operation of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, the process equipment skids, and process instruments in the CVD Facility. The following discussion is limited to the compressor, dryer, piping, and valving that provide the IA as shown in Drawings H-1-82222, Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Mechanical Utilities Compressed and Instrument Air PandID, and H-1.82161, Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Process Equipment Skid PandID MCO/Cusk Interface. Figure 1-1 shows the physical location of the 1A system in the CVD Facility

  3. Environmental health surveillance system; Kankyo hoken surveillance system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ono, M. [National Inst. for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba (Japan)


    The Central Environmental Pollution Prevention Council pointed out the necessity to establish an environmental health surveillance system (hereinafter referred to as System) in its report `on the first type district specified by the Environmental Pollution Caused Health Damages Compensation Act,` issued in 1986. A study team, established in Environment Agency, has been discussing to establish System since 1986. This paper outlines System, and some of the pilot surveillance results. It is not aimed at elucidation of the cause-effect relationships between health and air pollution but at discovery of problems, in which the above relationships in a district population are monitored periodically and continuously from long-term and prospective viewpoints, in order to help take necessary measures in the early stage. System is now collecting the data of the chronic obstructive lung diseases on a nation-wide scale through health examinations of 3-year-old and preschool children and daily air pollution monitoring. 6 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  4. Systemic design methodologies for electrical energy systems analysis, synthesis and management

    CERN Document Server

    Roboam, Xavier


    This book proposes systemic design methodologies applied to electrical energy systems, in particular analysis and system management, modeling and sizing tools. It includes 8 chapters: after an introduction to the systemic approach (history, basics & fundamental issues, index terms) for designing energy systems, this book presents two different graphical formalisms especially dedicated to multidisciplinary devices modeling, synthesis and analysis: Bond Graph and COG/EMR. Other systemic analysis approaches for quality and stability of systems, as well as for safety and robustness analysis tools are also proposed. One chapter is dedicated to energy management and another is focused on Monte Carlo algorithms for electrical systems and networks sizing. The aim of this book is to summarize design methodologies based in particular on a systemic viewpoint, by considering the system as a whole. These methods and tools are proposed by the most important French research laboratories, which have many scientific partn...

  5. Review of Recommender Systems Algorithms Utilized in Social Networks based e-Learning Systems & Neutrosophic System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. A. Salama


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present a review of different recommender system algorithms that are utilized in social networks based e-Learning systems. Future research will include our proposed our e-Learning system that utilizes Recommender System and Social Network. Since the world is full of indeterminacy, the neutrosophics found their place into contemporary research. The fundamental concepts of neutrosophic set, introduced by Smarandache in [21, 22, 23] and Salama et al. in [24-66].The purpose of this paper is to utilize a neutrosophic set to analyze social networks data conducted through learning activities.


    Hori, Michihiro; Tsuruta, Takashi; Kaito, Kiyoyuki; Kobayashi, Kiyoshi

    Sewage works facilities consist of various assets groups. And there are many kinds of financial resources. In order to optimize the maintenance plan, and to secure the stability and sustainability of sewage works management, it is necessary to carry out financial simulation based on the life-cycle cost analysis. Furthermore, it is important to develop management accounting system that is interlinked with the financial accounting system, because many sewage administration bodies have their financial accounting systems as public enterprises. In this paper, a management accounting system, which is designed to provide basic information for asset management of sewage works facilities, is presented. Also the applicability of the management accounting system presented in this paper is examined through financial simulations.

  7. Radio frequency tags systems to initiate system processing (United States)

    Madsen, Harold O.; Madsen, David W.


    This paper describes the automatic identification technology which has been installed at Applied Magnetic Corp. MR fab. World class manufacturing requires technology exploitation. This system combines (1) FluoroTrac cassette and operator tracking, (2) CELLworks cell controller software tools, and (3) Auto-Soft Inc. software integration services. The combined system eliminates operator keystrokes and errors during normal processing within a semiconductor fab. The methods and benefits of this system are described.

  8. The System of Systems Architecture Feasibility Assessment Model (United States)


    can be used in conjunction with any specific systems engineering methodology (e.g., the waterfall, vee, or spiral ) (Beery 2016). The MEASA is...DISTRIBUTION CODE 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) This research presents the system of systems (SoS) tradespace definition methodology (SoS-TDM) and...SoSE) methodologies . In particular, they extend the methods of tradespace exploration to considerations of multiple perspectives of an SoS—the physical

  9. System design considerations for fast-neutron interrogation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Micklich, B.J.; Curry, B.P.; Fink, C.L.; Smith, D.L.; Yule, T.J.


    Nonintrusive interrogation techniques that employ fast neutrons are of interest because of their sensitivity to light elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The primary requirement of a fast-neutron inspection system is to determine the value of atomic densities, or their ratios, over a volumetric grid superimposed on the object being interrogated. There are a wide variety of fast-neutron techniques that can provide this information. The differences between the various nuclear systems can be considered in light of the trade-offs relative to the performance requirements for each system's components. Given a set of performance criteria, the operational requirements of the proposed nuclear systems may also differ. For instance, resolution standards will drive scanning times and tomographic requirements, both of which vary for the different approaches. We are modelling a number of the fast-neutron interrogation techniques currently under consideration, to include Fast Neutron Transmission Spectroscopy (FNTS), Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis (PFNA), and its variant, 14-MeV Associated Particle Imaging (API). The goals of this effort are to determine the component requirements for each technique, identify trade-offs that system performance standards impose upon those component requirements, and assess the relative advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches. In determining the component requirements, we will consider how they are driven by system performance standards, such as image resolution, scanning time, and statistical uncertainty. In considering the trade-offs between system components, we concentrate primarily on those which are common to all approaches, for example: source characteristics versus detector array requirements. We will then use the analysis to propose some figures-of-merit that enable performance comparisons between the various fast-neutron systems under consideration. The status of this ongoing effort is presented

  10. Nuclear instrumentation system for the integrated digital I and C system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isobe, Yuji; Nakamura, Shingo


    Development of a new nuclear instrumentation (NI) system has been done. The new system is suitable for the digital instrumentation and control (I and C) systems. Higher reliability and lower development costs have been achieved by applying good performance circuits with sufficient experience of the conventional NI system. Human-system interface (HSI) and maintainability have been improved comparing with the conventional NI system because of the partial digitalisation. The new NI system has been manufactured and validated. We are finally verifying the total performance now

  11. Nuclear instrumentation system for the integrated digital I and C system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Isobe, Yuji [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Tokyo (Japan); Nakamura, Shingo [Mitsubishi, Electric Corporation, Tokyo (Japan)


    Development of a new nuclear instrumentation (NI) system has been done. The new system is suitable for the digital instrumentation and control (I and C) systems. Higher reliability and lower development costs have been achieved by applying good performance circuits with sufficient experience of the conventional NI system. Human-system interface (HSI) and maintainability have been improved comparing with the conventional NI system because of the partial digitalisation. The new NI system has been manufactured and validated. We are finally verifying the total performance now.

  12. Operationalizing sustainability in urban coastal systems: a system dynamics analysis. (United States)

    Mavrommati, Georgia; Bithas, Kostas; Panayiotidis, Panayiotis


    We propose a system dynamics approach for Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) in urban coastal systems. A systematic analysis based on theoretical considerations, policy analysis and experts' knowledge is followed in order to define the concept of ESD. The principles underlying ESD feed the development of a System Dynamics Model (SDM) that connects the pollutant loads produced by urban systems' socioeconomic activities with the ecological condition of the coastal ecosystem that it is delineated in operational terms through key biological elements defined by the EU Water Framework Directive. The receiving waters of the Athens Metropolitan area, which bears the elements of typical high population density Mediterranean coastal city but which currently has also new dynamics induced by the ongoing financial crisis, are used as an experimental system for testing a system dynamics approach to apply the concept of ESD. Systems' thinking is employed to represent the complex relationships among the components of the system. Interconnections and dependencies that determine the potentials for achieving ESD are revealed. The proposed system dynamics analysis can facilitate decision makers to define paths of development that comply with the principles of ESD. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Depth protection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arita, Setsuo; Izumi, Shigeru; Suzuki, Satoru; Noguchi, Atomi.


    Purpose: To previously set a nuclear reactor toward safety side by the reactor scram if an emergency core cooling system is failed to operate. Constitution If abnormality occurs in an emergency core cooling system or an aqueous boric acid injection system, a reactor protection system is operated and, if the reactor protection system shows an abnormal state, a control rod withdrawal inhibition system is operated as a fundamental way. For instance, when the driving power source voltage for the emergency core cooling system is detected and, if it is lower than a predetermined value, the reactor protection system is operated. Alternatively, if the voltage goes lower than the predetermined value, the control rod withdrawal is inhibited. In addition, stopping for the feedwater system is inhibited. Further, integrity of the driving means for the emergency core cooling system is positively checked and the protection function is operated depending on the result of check. Since the nuclear reactor can be set toward the safety side even if the voltage for the driving power source of the aqueous boric acid injection system is lower than a predetermined value, the reactor safety can further be improved. (Horiuchi, T.)

  14. Probabilistic fuzzy systems as additive fuzzy systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Almeida, R.J.; Verbeek, N.; Kaymak, U.; Costa Sousa, da J.M.; Laurent, A.; Strauss, O.; Bouchon-Meunier, B.; Yager, R.


    Probabilistic fuzzy systems combine a linguistic description of the system behaviour with statistical properties of data. It was originally derived based on Zadeh’s concept of probability of a fuzzy event. Two possible and equivalent additive reasoning schemes were proposed, that lead to the

  15. Transdisciplinarity Needs Systemism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfgang Hofkirchner


    Full Text Available The main message of this paper is that systemism is best suited for transdisciplinary studies. A description of disciplinary sciences, transdisciplinary sciences and systems sciences is given, along with their different definitions of aims, scope and tools. The rationale for transdisciplinarity is global challenges, which are complex. The rationale for systemism is the concretization of understanding complexity. Drawing upon Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s intention of a General System Theory, three items deserve attention—the world-view of a synergistic systems technology, the world picture of an emergentist systems theory, and the way of thinking of an integrationist systems method.

  16. System specification for the integrated monitoring and surveillance system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This System Specification establishes the requirements for the Plutonium Focus Area (PFA) Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance System (IMSS). In this document, ''Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance System'' is used to describe the concept of integrated sensors, computers, personnel, and systems that perform the functions of sensing conditions, acquiring data, monitoring environmental safety and health, controlling and accounting for materials, monitoring material stability, monitoring container integrity, transferring data, and analyzing, reporting, and storing data. This concept encompasses systems (e.g. sensors, personnel, databases, etc.) that are already in place at the sites but may require modifications or additions to meet all identified surveillance requirements. The purpose of this System Specification is to provide Department of Energy (DOE) sites that store plutonium materials with a consolidation of all known requirements for the storage and surveillance of 3013 packages of stabilized plutonium metals and oxides. This compilation may be used (1) as a baseline for surveillance system design specifications where 3013 packages of stabilized plutonium metals and oxides will be stored and monitored; (2) as a checklist for evaluating existing surveillance systems to ensure that all requirements are met for the storage and surveillance of 3013 packages of stabilized plutonium metals and oxides; and (3) as a baseline for preparing procurement specifications tailored for site specific storage and surveillance of 3013 packages of stabilized plutonium metals and oxides

  17. Commercial information system of Slovak Electricity Transmission System, Plc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laznicka, L.


    Commercial Information System (CIS), which main role of is to support the commercial activities of the company, is built up by business department of SEPS, Plc in close co-operation with the supplier company Sfera, Plc. The system entries are data from electricity meters obtained by automatized data acquisition and from bugging sheets, contractual hour diagrams, parameters of transmission system like measuring schemes and formulas for calculation of demand and supply, contractual data resulting from agreements, business conditions, URSO decisions and valid legislative. A part of the system is also support of process of data evaluation like calculation of transmitted energy quantity, calculation of actual output diagrams, comparison of actual and contractual diagrams, calculation of system divergence, calculation of demand divergence, etc. The final price for the drawings of services, which are joined with transmission of the electric power will be determined by the accounting process. In this causality there are automatically made out invoices for access, losses, system charges, system services, short-term and long-term transits, divergences and for cross-border transmission auctions. System also generates various specialized synopses and statistics for the evaluation requirements of important aspects and for parameter observations. Successive liberalisation of the electricity power market, changes in legislative and URSO decisions require CIS to be sufficiently configurable and to adapt flexible on the alternating environs. (author)

  18. System architecture for microprocessor based protection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallagher, J.M. Jr.; Lilly, G.M.


    This paper discusses the architectural design features to be employed by Westinghouse in the application of distributed digital processing techniques to the protection system. While the title of the paper makes specific reference to microprocessors, this is only one (and the newest) of the building blocks which constitutes a distributed digital processing system. The actual system structure (as realized through utilization of the various building blocks) is established through considerations of reliability, licensability, and cost. It is the intent of the paper to address these considerations licenstions as they relate to the architectural design features. (orig.) [de

  19. Navigation and Positioning System Using High Altitude Platforms Systems (HAPS) (United States)

    Tsujii, Toshiaki; Harigae, Masatoshi; Harada, Masashi

    Recently, some countries have begun conducting feasibility studies and R&D projects on High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS). Japan has been investigating the use of an airship system that will function as a stratospheric platform for applications such as environmental monitoring, communications and broadcasting. If pseudolites were mounted on the airships, their GPS-like signals would be stable augmentations that would improve the accuracy, availability, and integrity of GPS-based positioning systems. Also, the sufficient number of HAPS can function as a positioning system independent of GPS. In this paper, a system design of the HAPS-based positioning system and its positioning error analyses are described.

  20. Etude de la performance des radars hautes-frequences CODAR et WERA pour la mesure des courants marins en presence partielle de glace de mer (United States)

    Kamli, Emna

    Les radars hautes-frequences (RHF) mesurent les courants marins de surface avec une portee pouvant atteindre 200 kilometres et une resolution de l'ordre du kilometre. Cette etude a pour but de caracteriser la performance des RHF, en terme de couverture spatiale, pour la mesure des courants de surface en presence partielle de glace de mer. Pour ce faire, les mesures des courants de deux radars de type CODAR sur la rive sud de l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent, et d'un radar de type WERA sur la rive nord, prises pendant l'hiver 2013, ont ete utilisees. Dans un premier temps, l'aire moyenne journaliere de la zone ou les courants sont mesures par chaque radar a ete comparee a l'energie des vagues de Bragg calculee a partir des donnees brutes d'acceleration fournies par une bouee mouillee dans la zone couverte par les radars. La couverture des CODARs est dependante de la densite d'energie de Bragg, alors que la couverture du WERA y est pratiquement insensible. Un modele de fetch appele GENER a ete force par la vitesse du vent predite par le modele GEM d'Environnement Canada pour estimer la hauteur significative ainsi que la periode modale des vagues. A partir de ces parametres, la densite d'energie des vagues de Bragg a ete evaluee pendant l'hiver a l'aide du spectre theorique de Bretschneider. Ces resultats permettent d'etablir la couverture normale de chaque radar en absence de glace de mer. La concentration de glace de mer, predite par le systeme canadien operationnel de prevision glace-ocean, a ete moyennee sur les differents fetchs du vent selon la direction moyenne journaliere des vagues predites par GENER. Dans un deuxieme temps, la relation entre le ratio des couvertures journalieres obtenues pendant l'hiver 2013 et des couvertures normales de chaque radar d'une part, et la concentration moyenne journaliere de glace de mer d'autre part, a ete etablie. Le ratio des couvertures decroit avec l'augmentation de la concentration de glace de mer pour les deux types

  1. NASA Advanced Explorations Systems: Advancements in Life Support Systems (United States)

    Shull, Sarah A.; Schneider, Walter F.


    The NASA Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Life Support Systems (LSS) project strives to develop reliable, energy-efficient, and low-mass spacecraft systems to provide environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) critical to enabling long duration human missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). Highly reliable, closed-loop life support systems are among the capabilities required for the longer duration human space exploration missions assessed by NASA's Habitability Architecture Team (HAT). The LSS project is focused on four areas: architecture and systems engineering for life support systems, environmental monitoring, air revitalization, and wastewater processing and water management. Starting with the international space station (ISS) LSS systems as a point of departure (where applicable), the mission of the LSS project is three-fold: 1. Address discrete LSS technology gaps 2. Improve the reliability of LSS systems 3. Advance LSS systems towards integrated testing on the ISS. This paper summarized the work being done in the four areas listed above to meet these objectives. Details will be given on the following focus areas: Systems Engineering and Architecture- With so many complex systems comprising life support in space, it is important to understand the overall system requirements to define life support system architectures for different space mission classes, ensure that all the components integrate well together and verify that testing is as representative of destination environments as possible. Environmental Monitoring- In an enclosed spacecraft that is constantly operating complex machinery for its own basic functionality as well as science experiments and technology demonstrations, it's possible for the environment to become compromised. While current environmental monitors aboard the ISS will alert crew members and mission control if there is an emergency, long-duration environmental monitoring cannot be done in-orbit as current methodologies

  2. Intelligent systems

    CERN Document Server

    Irwin, J David


    Technology has now progressed to the point that intelligent systems are replacing humans in the decision making processes as well as aiding in the solution of very complex problems. In many cases intelligent systems are already outperforming human activities. Artificial neural networks are not only capable of learning how to classify patterns, such images or sequence of events, but they can also effectively model complex nonlinear systems. Their ability to classify sequences of events is probably more popular in industrial applications where there is an inherent need to model nonlinear system

  3. A system of system lenses for leadership decision-making. (United States)

    Cady, Phil


    The sheer volume and dynamics among system agents in healthcare makes decision-making a daunting task at all levels. Being clear about what leaders mean by "healthcare system" is critical in aligning system strategy and leadership decision-making. This article presents an emerging set of lenses (ideology and beliefs, rational and irrational information processing, interpersonal social dynamics, process and value creation, and context) to help frame leadership decision-making in healthcare systems. © 2015 The Canadian College of Health Leaders.

  4. Remote diagnosis system for control and instrumentation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Tetsuo; Suzuki, Satoshi; Nagaoka, Yukio.


    Control and instrumentation (C and I) systems for nuclear power plants tend to consist of many distributed digital controllers connected with transmission networks. Important parts of the C and I systems are redundantly constructed so that the failure of a component does not readily have a critical effect on the plant operation. It is necessary, however, to localize the faulty component for establishing better availability and maintainability of the plant. To diagnose failure of the C and I systems effectively, a remote diagnosis system is required that diagnoses anomalies of their controllers remotely from a central control room and identifies the fault location. Various fault diagnosis methods that apply artificial intelligence have been proposed for electronic circuits. Their knowledge bases are classified into two categories. One is rule-based knowledge, describing relations between anomaly phenomena and causes. The other is structure-based knowledge, which represents the configuration and functions of diagnosed objects. Though the latter is more suitable for deep inference, it is difficult to use for describing the detailed structure of large-scaled digital C and I systems. Then, a fault diagnosis system was developed that uses both knowledge bases and offers substantial man/machine interface functions for practical use

  5. Effects of the Autonomic Nervous System, Central Nervous System ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The gastrointestinal tract is chiefly involved in the digestion of ingested food, facilitation of absorption process and expulsion of the undigested food material through motility process. Motility is influenced by neurohormonal system which is associated with the enteric nervous system , autonomic nervous system and the ...

  6. Cut-and-Paste file-systems : integrating simulators and file systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosch, H.G.P.; Mullender, Sape J.


    We have implemented an integrated and configurable file system called the PFS and a trace-driven file-system simulator called Patsy. Patsy is used for off-line analysis of file-system algorithms, PFS is used for on-line file-system data storage. Algorithms are first analyzed in Patsy and when we are

  7. Transport concept of new waste management system (inner packaging system)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hakozaki, K.; Wada, R.


    Kobe Steel, Ltd. (KSL) and Transnuclear Tokyo (TNT) have jointly developed a new waste management system concept (called ''Inner packaging system'') for high dose rate wastes generated from nuclear power plants under cooperation with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The inner packaging system is designed as a total management system dedicated to the wastes from nuclear plants in Japan, covering from the wastes conditioning in power plants up to the disposal in final repository. This paper presents the new waste management system concept

  8. One-dimensional autonomous systems and dissipative systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, G.


    The Lagrangian and the Generalized Linear Momentum are given in terms of a constant of motion for a one-dimensional autonomous system. The possibility of having an explicit Hamiltonian expression is also analyzed. The approach is applied to some dissipative systems. Copyright copyright 1996 Academic Press, Inc

  9. Energy System Analysis of 100 Per cent Renewable Energy Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik; Mathiesen, Brian Vad


    This paper presents the methodology and results of the overall energy system analysis of a 100 per cent renewable energy system. The input for the systems is the result of a project of the Danish Association of Engineers, in which 1600 participants during more than 40 seminars discussed...... and designed a model for the future energy system of Denmark, putting emphasis on energy efficiency, CO2 reduction, and industrial development. The energy system analysis methodology includes hour by hour computer simulations leading to the design of flexible energy systems with the ability to balance...... the electricity supply and demand and to exchange electricity productions on the international electricity markets. The results are detailed system designs and energy balances for two energy target years: year 2050 with 100 per cent renewable energy from biomass and combinations of wind, wave and solar power...

  10. Land system science and sustainable development of the earth system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Verburg, Peter H.; Crossman, Neville; Ellis, Erle C.


    Land systems are the result of human interactions with the natural environment. Understanding the drivers, state, trends and impacts of different land systems on social and natural processes helps to reveal how changes in the land system affect the functioning of the socio-ecological system...... as a whole and the tradeoff these changes may represent. The Global Land Project has led advances by synthesizing land systems research across different scales and providing concepts to further understand the feedbacks between social-and environmental systems, between urban and rural environments and between...... distant world regions. Land system science has moved from a focus on observation of change and understanding the drivers of these changes to a focus on using this understanding to design sustainable transformations through stakeholder engagement and through the concept of land governance. As land use can...

  11. Embedded System Implementation on FPGA System With μCLinux OS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amin, Ahmad Fairuz Muhd; Aris, Ishak; Abdullah, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja; Sahbudin, Ratna Kalos Zakiah


    Embedded systems are taking on more complicated tasks as the processors involved become more powerful. The embedded systems have been widely used in many areas such as in industries, automotives, medical imaging, communications, speech recognition and computer vision. The complexity requirements in hardware and software nowadays need a flexibility system for further enhancement in any design without adding new hardware. Therefore, any changes in the design system will affect the processor that need to be changed. To overcome this problem, a System On Programmable Chip (SOPC) has been designed and developed using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). A softcore processor, NIOS II 32-bit RISC, which is the microprocessor core was utilized in FPGA system together with the embedded operating system(OS), μClinux. In this paper, an example of web server is explained and demonstrated

  12. Embedded System Implementation on FPGA System With μCLinux OS (United States)

    Fairuz Muhd Amin, Ahmad; Aris, Ishak; Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah, Raja; Kalos Zakiah Sahbudin, Ratna


    Embedded systems are taking on more complicated tasks as the processors involved become more powerful. The embedded systems have been widely used in many areas such as in industries, automotives, medical imaging, communications, speech recognition and computer vision. The complexity requirements in hardware and software nowadays need a flexibility system for further enhancement in any design without adding new hardware. Therefore, any changes in the design system will affect the processor that need to be changed. To overcome this problem, a System On Programmable Chip (SOPC) has been designed and developed using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). A softcore processor, NIOS II 32-bit RISC, which is the microprocessor core was utilized in FPGA system together with the embedded operating system(OS), μClinux. In this paper, an example of web server is explained and demonstrated

  13. Embedded System Implementation on FPGA System With {mu}CLinux OS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amin, Ahmad Fairuz Muhd [Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor (Malaysia); Aris, Ishak [Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor (Malaysia); Abdullah, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja; Sahbudin, Ratna Kalos Zakiah, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor (Malaysia)


    Embedded systems are taking on more complicated tasks as the processors involved become more powerful. The embedded systems have been widely used in many areas such as in industries, automotives, medical imaging, communications, speech recognition and computer vision. The complexity requirements in hardware and software nowadays need a flexibility system for further enhancement in any design without adding new hardware. Therefore, any changes in the design system will affect the processor that need to be changed. To overcome this problem, a System On Programmable Chip (SOPC) has been designed and developed using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). A softcore processor, NIOS II 32-bit RISC, which is the microprocessor core was utilized in FPGA system together with the embedded operating system(OS), {mu}Clinux. In this paper, an example of web server is explained and demonstrated

  14. Fault Diagnosis of Power Systems Using Intelligent Systems (United States)

    Momoh, James A.; Oliver, Walter E. , Jr.


    The power system operator's need for a reliable power delivery system calls for a real-time or near-real-time Al-based fault diagnosis tool. Such a tool will allow NASA ground controllers to re-establish a normal or near-normal degraded operating state of the EPS (a DC power system) for Space Station Alpha by isolating the faulted branches and loads of the system. And after isolation, re-energizing those branches and loads that have been found not to have any faults in them. A proposed solution involves using the Fault Diagnosis Intelligent System (FDIS) to perform near-real time fault diagnosis of Alpha's EPS by downloading power transient telemetry at fault-time from onboard data loggers. The FDIS uses an ANN clustering algorithm augmented with a wavelet transform feature extractor. This combination enables this system to perform pattern recognition of the power transient signatures to diagnose the fault type and its location down to the orbital replaceable unit. FDIS has been tested using a simulation of the LeRC Testbed Space Station Freedom configuration including the topology from the DDCU's to the electrical loads attached to the TPDU's. FDIS will work in conjunction with the Power Management Load Scheduler to determine what the state of the system was at the time of the fault condition. This information is used to activate the appropriate diagnostic section, and to refine if necessary the solution obtained. In the latter case, if the FDIS reports back that it is equally likely that the faulty device as 'start tracker #1' and 'time generation unit,' then based on a priori knowledge of the system's state, the refined solution would be 'star tracker #1' located in cabinet ITAS2. It is concluded from the present studies that artificial intelligence diagnostic abilities are improved with the addition of the wavelet transform, and that when such a system such as FDIS is coupled to the Power Management Load Scheduler, a faulty device can be located and isolated

  15. Small solar system bodies as granular systems (United States)

    Hestroffer, Daniel; Campo Bagatín, Adriano; Losert, Wolfgang; Opsomer, Eric; Sánchez, Paul; Scheeres, Daniel J.; Staron, Lydie; Taberlet, Nicolas; Yano, Hajime; Eggl, Siegfried; Lecomte, Charles-Edouard; Murdoch, Naomi; Radjai, Fahrang; Richardson, Derek C.; Salazar, Marcos; Schwartz, Stephen R.; Tanga, Paolo


    Asteroids and other Small Solar System Bodies (SSSBs) are currently of great scientific and even industrial interest. Asteroids exist as the permanent record of the formation of the Solar System and therefore hold many clues to its understanding as a whole, as well as insights into the formation of planetary bodies. Additionally, SSSBs are being investigated in the context of impact risks for the Earth, space situational awareness and their possible industrial exploitation (asteroid mining). In all these aspects, the knowledge of the geophysical characteristics of SSSB surface and internal structure are of great importance. Given their size, constitution, and the evidence that many SSSBs are not simple monoliths, these bodies should be studied and modelled as self-gravitating granular systems in general, or as granular systems in micro-gravity environments in particular contexts. As such, the study of the geophysical characteristics of SSSBs is a multi-disciplinary effort that lies at the crossroads between Granular Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Aerospace Engineering and Computer Sciences.

  16. Reactive Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aceto, Luca; Ingolfsdottir, Anna; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand

    A reactive system comprises networks of computing components, achieving their goals through interaction among themselves and their environment. Thus even relatively small systems may exhibit unexpectedly complex behaviours. As moreover reactive systems are often used in safety critical systems......, the need for mathematically based formal methodology is increasingly important. There are many books that look at particular methodologies for such systems. This book offers a more balanced introduction for graduate students and describes the various approaches, their strengths and weaknesses, and when...... they are best used. Milner's CCS and its operational semantics are introduced, together with the notions of behavioural equivalences based on bisimulation techniques and with recursive extensions of Hennessy-Milner logic. In the second part of the book, the presented theories are extended to take timing issues...

  17. Creative Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manelius, Anne-Mette; Beim, Anne


    Opsamling af diskussioner på konferencen og udstillingen Creative Systems i september/oktober 2007. Konferencen og Udstillingen Creative Systems sætter fokus på systemer som en positiv drivkraft i den kreative skabelsesproces. CINARK inviterede fire internationale kapaciteter, som indenfor hver...... deres felt har beskæftiget sig med udviklingen af systemer. Kieran Timberlake, markant amerikansk tegnestue; Mark West, Professor på University of Manitoba, Canada, og pioner indenfor anvendelse af tekstilforskalling til betonstøbninger; Matilda McQuaid, Arkitekturhistoriker og kurator på udstillingen...... om Extreme Textiles på amerikanske Cooper Hewit Design Museum, samt Professor Ludger Hovestadt, ved ETH, Zürich der fokuserer på udvikling og anvendelse af logaritmiske systemtilgange. Udstillingen diskuterede ud fra deres meget forskellige arbejder, det kreative potentiale i anvendelsen af systemer...

  18. Gas transfer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oberlin, J.C.; Frick, G.; Kempfer, C.; North, C.


    The state of work on the Vivitron gas transfer system and the system functions are summarized. The system has to: evacuate the Vivitron reservoir; transfer gas from storage tanks to the Vivitron; recirculate gas during operation; transfer gas from the Vivitron to storage tanks; and assure air input. The system is now being installed. Leak alarms are given by SF6 detectors, which set off a system of forced ventilation. Another system continuously monitors the amount of SF6 in the tanks [fr

  19. Battery systems engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Rahn, Christopher D


    A complete all-in-one reference on the important interdisciplinary topic of Battery Systems Engineering Focusing on the interdisciplinary area of battery systems engineering, this book provides the background, models, solution techniques, and systems theory that are necessary for the development of advanced battery management systems. It covers the topic from the perspective of basic electrochemistry as well as systems engineering topics and provides a basis for battery modeling for system engineering of electric and hybrid electric vehicle platforms. This original

  20. Upgrading PABX Infra System and Wiring for Communication System in Selected Block

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sahirudden Mohd Nor; Khairiah Yazid; Lojius Lombigit; Zainuddin Jaafar; Abd Aziz Mhd Ramli


    Infra phone system in Nuclear Malaysia has been operating since its inception. Infra phone system is used to enable the communications process run smoothly. There are two mains phone system which are mannex analog system in the main complex and MD110 systems in Dengkil complex. This system was responsibilities and monitored by Automation and Instrumentation Center, Technical Support Division. Infra phone system and its wiring in the main complexes have not been upgraded and there are a lot of faulty wiring. This phone system requires new wiring system with the addition of new buildings in Nuclear Malaysia. The system also requires new parts to ensure smooth communication system in future. (author)

  1. FY 1986 Report on research and development of super heat pump energy accumulation system. System construction and operational study results (Systemization studies); 1986 nendo super heat pump energy shuseki system kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. System shisaku unten kenkyu (system ka kenkyu)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The studies on combinations of high-performance compression heat pump and chemical heat accumulation systems are conducted to construct the optimum systems for air conditioning/hot water supply for large-sized buildings and local districts, and also for industrial processes. For partial optimization of super heat pump (SPH) accumulation system, the SPH operational mode is changed to find the optimum conditions. As a result, it is found that system efficiency is the highest, and hence the power cost is the lowest, when the system is continuously operated night and day, followed by 2-night/1-day mode and night alone mode, in this order, for office building air conditioning, district air conditioning, and hot water supply. The effects of combination of SHP and chemical heat accumulation systems incorporated in an industrial process for heating are estimated. The results indicate that power load leveling effect is not 100% but 92%, even when the heat required for the daytime operation is totally supplied from the chemical accumulation system. The skeleton of the super heat pump accumulation system simulator is finalized, and the elementary system modules are developed, to allow simulation of general flows. (NEDO)

  2. Experiences with on line fault detection system for protection system logic and decay heat removal system logic in Dhruva

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramkumar, N.; Dutta, P.K.; Darbhe, M.D.; Bharadwaj, G.


    Dhruva is a 100 MW (Thermal) natural uranium fuelled, vertical core, tank type multi purpose research reactor with heavy water acting as moderator, coolant and reflector. Helium is used as cover gas for heavy water system. Reactor Protection System and Decay Heat Removal System (DHRS) have triplicated instrumented channels. The logic for these systems are hybrid in nature with a mixture of relay logic and solid state logic. Fine Impulse Technique(FIT) is employed for On-line fault detection in the solid state logics of these systems. The FIT systems were designed in the early eighties. Operating experiences over the past 15 years has revealed certain deficiencies. In view of this, a microcomputer based state of the art FIT systems for logics of Reactor Protection System and DHRS are being implemented with improved functionalities built into them. This paper describes the operating experience of old FIT systems and improved features of the proposed new FIT systems. (author)

  3. Medical Information Management System (MIMS): A generalized interactive information system (United States)

    Alterescu, S.; Friedman, C. A.; Hipkins, K. R.


    An interactive information system is described. It is a general purpose, free format system which offers immediate assistance where manipulation of large data bases is required. The medical area is a prime area of application. Examples of the system's operation, commentary on the examples, and a complete listing of the system program are included.

  4. Retrofitting Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rose, Jørgen


    This report gives an overview of the different retrofitting possibilities that are available today. The report looks at both external and internal systems for external wall constructions, roof constructions, floor constructions and foundations. All systems are described in detail in respect to use...... and methods, and the efficiency of the different systems are discussed....

  5. ITER cooling systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Natalizio, A.; Hollies, R.E.; Sochaski, R.O.; Stubley, P.H.


    The ITER reference system uses low-temperature water for heat removal and high-temperature helium for bake-out. As these systems share common equipment, bake-out cannot be performed until the cooling system is drained and dried, and the reactor cannot be started until the helium has been purged from the cooling system. This study examines the feasibility of using a single high-temperature fluid to perform both heat removal and bake-out. The high temperature required for bake-out would also be in the range for power production. The study examines cost, operational benefits, and impact on reactor safety of two options: a high-pressure water system, and a low-pressure organic system. It was concluded that the cost savings and operational benefits are significant; there are no significant adverse safety impacts from operating either the water system or the organic system; and the capital costs of both systems are comparable

  6. System performance optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bednarz, R.J.


    The System Performance Optimization has become an important and difficult field for large scientific computer centres. Important because the centres must satisfy increasing user demands at the lowest possible cost. Difficult because the System Performance Optimization requires a deep understanding of hardware, software and workload. The optimization is a dynamic process depending on the changes in hardware configuration, current level of the operating system and user generated workload. With the increasing complication of the computer system and software, the field for the optimization manoeuvres broadens. The hardware of two manufacturers IBM and CDC is discussed. Four IBM and two CDC operating systems are described. The description concentrates on the organization of the operating systems, the job scheduling and I/O handling. The performance definitions, workload specification and tools for the system stimulation are given. The measurement tools for the System Performance Optimization are described. The results of the measurement and various methods used for the operating system tuning are discussed. (Auth.)

  7. Modeling on a PWR power conversion system with system program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Rui; Yang Yanhua; Lin Meng


    Based on the power conversion system of nuclear and conventional islands of Daya Bay Power Station, this paper models the thermal-hydraulic systems of primary and secondary loops for PWR by using the PWR best-estimate program-RELAP5. To simulate the full-scope power conversion system, not only the traditional basic system models of nuclear island, but also the major system models of conventional island are all considered and modeled. A comparison between the calculated results and the actual data of reactor demonstrates a fine match for Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, and manifests the feasibility in simulating full-scope power conversion system of PWR by RELAP5 at the same time. (authors)

  8. LOKI: a practical modelling and support system for telepresence systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, M.; Bridgewater, C.E.


    The use of Virtual Reality headset systems, in combination with a tele-presence ''head'' is discussed. The system is attached to a Unimate Puma robot arm and manipulated by the operator, using information gathered by the camera and auditory system, displayed via the Virtual Reality helmet. Operator commands are cross checked by using a modelling system, held on the Virtual Reality system. This system was found to supply a good sense of spacial awareness of the robot's domain. Actions which might move the robot outside its suitable operating envelope, or create a collision with the environment, were successfully blocked. This approach is seen as useful within the area of tele-operation. (author)

  9. REACTOR - a Concept for establishing a System-of-Systems (United States)

    Haener, Rainer; Hammitzsch, Martin; Wächter, Joachim


    REACTOR is a working title for activities implementing reliable, emergent, adaptive, and concurrent collaboration on the basis of transactional object repositories. It aims at establishing federations of autonomous yet interoperable systems (Systems-of-Systems), which are able to expose emergent behaviour. Following the principles of event-driven service-oriented architectures (SOA 2.0), REACTOR enables adaptive re-organisation by dynamic delegation of responsibilities and novel yet coherent monitoring strategies by combining information from different domains. Thus it allows collaborative decision-processes across system, discipline, and administrative boundaries. Interoperability is based on two approaches that implement interconnection and communication between existing heterogeneous infrastructures and information systems: Coordinated (orchestration-based) communication and publish/subscribe (choreography-based) communication. Choreography-based communication ensures the autonomy of the participating systems to the highest possible degree but requires the implementation of adapters, which provide functional access to information (publishing/consuming events) via a Message Oriented Middleware (MOM). Any interconnection of the systems (composition of service and message cascades) is established on the basis of global conversations that are enacted by choreographies specifying the expected behaviour of the participating systems with respect to agreed Service Level Agreements (SLA) required by e.g. national authorities. The specification of conversations, maintained in commonly available repositories also enables the utilisation of systems for purposes (evolving) other than initially intended. Orchestration-based communication additionally requires a central component that controls the information transfer via service requests or event processing and also takes responsibility of managing business processes. Commonly available transactional object repositories are

  10. Programming languages and operating systems used in data base systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radulescu, T.G.


    Some apsects of the use of the programming languages and operating systems in the data base systems are presented. There are four chapters in this paper. In the first chapter we present some generalities about the programming languages. In the second one we describe the use of the programming languages in the data base systems. A classification of the programming languages used in data base systems is presented in the third one. An overview of the operating systems is made in the last chapter. (author)

  11. SIMS prototype system 1: Design data brochure. [solar heating system (United States)


    A prototype solar heating and hot water system using air as the collector fluid and a pebble bed for heat storage was designed for installation into a single family dwelling. The system, subsystem, and installation requirements are described. System operation and performance are discussed, and procedures for sizing the system to a specific site are presented.

  12. MEA vacuum system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stroo, R.; Schwebke, H.; Heine, E.


    This report describes construction and operation of the MEA vacuum system of NIKHEF (Netherlands). First, the klystron vacuum system, beam transport system, diode pump and a triode pump are described. Next, the isolation valve and the fast valves of the vacuum system are considered. Measuring instruments, vacuum system commands and messages of failures are treated in the last chapter. (G.J.P.)

  13. Quality data systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergman, J.E.; Patterson, R.G.


    General Electric's Nuclear Fuel Department data system strategy of multifunctional system integration and specific applications of data systems for the Quality Assurance Programme is detailed. Descriptions of two manufacturing control systems and their function in satisfying quality data requirements are included. The timesharing quality data system developed for processing laboratory, traceability and material release data in the Fuel Manufacturing Operation is described. In addition, specific references are made to those areas where significant time reductions have been realized through the utilization of mechanized data-handling systems. (author)

  14. NASA Systems Engineering Research Consortium: Defining the Path to Elegance in Systems (United States)

    Watson, Michael D.; Farrington, Phillip A.


    The NASA Systems Engineering Research Consortium was formed at the end of 2010 to study the approaches to producing elegant systems on a consistent basis. This has been a transformative study looking at the engineering and organizational basis of systems engineering. The consortium has engaged in a variety of research topics to determine the path to elegant systems. In the second year of the consortium, a systems engineering framework emerged which structured the approach to systems engineering and guided our research. This led in the third year to set of systems engineering postulates that the consortium is continuing to refine. The consortium has conducted several research projects that have contributed significantly to the understanding of systems engineering. The consortium has surveyed the application of the NASA 17 systems engineering processes, explored the physics and statistics of systems integration, and considered organizational aspects of systems engineering discipline integration. The systems integration methods have included system exergy analysis, Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), State Variable Analysis, Multidisciplinary Coupling Analysis (MCA), Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), System Cost Modelling, System Robustness, and Value Modelling. Organizational studies have included the variability of processes in change evaluations, margin management within the organization, information theory of board structures, social categorization of unintended consequences, and initial looks at applying cognitive science to systems engineering. Consortium members have also studied the bidirectional influence of policy and law with systems engineering.

  15. An analysis of file system and installation of the file management system for NOS operating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Young Jai; Park, Sun Hee; Hwang, In Ah; Kim, Hee Kyung


    In this technical report, we analyze NOS file structure for Cyber 170-875 and Cyber 960-31 computer system. We also describe functions, procedure and how-to-operate and how-to-use of VDS. VDS is used to manage large files effectively for Cyber computer system. The purpose of the VDS installation is to increase the virtual disk storage by utilizing magnetic tape, to assist the users of the computer system in managing their files, and to enhance the performance of KAERI Cyber computer system. (Author)

  16. Intelligent Integrated Health Management for a System of Systems (United States)

    Smith, Harvey; Schmalzel, John; Figueroa, Fernando


    An intelligent integrated health management system (IIHMS) incorporates major improvements over prior such systems. The particular IIHMS is implemented for any system defined as a hierarchical distributed network of intelligent elements (HDNIE), comprising primarily: (1) an architecture (Figure 1), (2) intelligent elements, (3) a conceptual framework and taxonomy (Figure 2), and (4) and ontology that defines standards and protocols. Some definitions of terms are prerequisite to a further brief description of this innovation: A system-of-systems (SoS) is an engineering system that comprises multiple subsystems (e.g., a system of multiple possibly interacting flow subsystems that include pumps, valves, tanks, ducts, sensors, and the like); 'Intelligent' is used here in the sense of artificial intelligence. An intelligent element may be physical or virtual, it is network enabled, and it is able to manage data, information, and knowledge (DIaK) focused on determining its condition in the context of the entire SoS; As used here, 'health' signifies the functionality and/or structural integrity of an engineering system, subsystem, or process (leading to determination of the health of components); 'Process' can signify either a physical process in the usual sense of the word or an element into which functionally related sensors are grouped; 'Element' can signify a component (e.g., an actuator, a valve), a process, a controller, an actuator, a subsystem, or a system; The term Integrated System Health Management (ISHM) is used to describe a capability that focuses on determining the condition (health) of every element in a complex system (detect anomalies, diagnose causes, prognosis of future anomalies), and provide data, information, and knowledge (DIaK) not just data to control systems for safe and effective operation. A major novel aspect of the present development is the concept of intelligent integration. The purpose of intelligent integration, as defined and

  17. Education System, Labour Market and Education System Graduates Employment in Romania


    Adina Popovici (Barbulescu)


    The objective of our paper is to highlight and analyse certain aspects related to the education system, labour market and education system graduates employment in Romania. It starts by pointing out the importance of education and some of the transformations the Romanian education system has undertaken after 1989 and during the process of passage to the Bologna system. It then focuses on the Romanian labour market and education system graduates employment. We conclude that the education system...

  18. Visualization System for Monitoring Data Management Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuel Pinho


    Full Text Available Usually, a Big Data system has a monitoring system for performance evaluation and error prevention. There are some disadvantages in the way that these tools display the information and its targeted approach to physical components. The main goal is to study visual and interactive mechanisms that allow the representation of monitoring data in grid computing environments, providing the end-user information, which can contribute objectively to the system analysis. This paper is an extension of the paper presented at (Pinho and Carvalho 2016 and has the purpose to present the state of the art, carries out the proposed solution and present the achieved goals.

  19. Electricity generating system. [Wind/diesel/flywheel system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moody, R.L.


    An electricity generating system is described which includes a water tank with electric heating elements connected to the water cooling system of a diesel engine which is heated by excess output of the system. Power in excess of that required by a load which is generated by a wind turbine driven generator runs up a flywheel and further excess is absorbed in the tank. A fan associated with a radiator connected to the tank may be operated to dissipate further excess power. When the load requirements exceed the output of the generators linked to the wind turbine and the flywheel the engine operates a synchronous alternator. (author).

  20. Performance Assessment and Active System Monitoring for Refrigeration Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Green, Torben

    to the refrigeration system, is to optimise the total cost of ownership, (TCO). However, directly measuring TCO provides some challenges. It can therefore be beneficial to divide TCO into performance criteria, which can be quantied and measured. For supermarket refrigeration systems the performance criteria can...... is measure by the switch frequency of the compressors in the refrigeration system. The reason is that excessive compressor switching will wear down the compressors too fast and thereby decrease the reliability of the system due to a higher demand for maintenance. The proposed performance function provides...

  1. Mayday system infiniti communicator; Kinkyu tsuho system Infiniti Communicator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iijima, Y.; Ito, T.; Isono, Y.; Sekiya, M.; Koizumi, H.; Miyazaki, S.; Kishore, A.; Lawor, D. [Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    To respond to emergency situations associated with vehicle accidents and mechanical problems on the road, a novel emergency communication system, which combines vehicle electronics, GPS and communication systems, has been developed and is contributing to safety in the U.S. In addition to emergency communication, other features including theft protection, security, convenience features, etc. are to be added to this system in the future. An emergency communication system, `The Infiniti Communicator`, which began its service in March 1998 under such a market trend, is explained in this report. (author)

  2. Incipient fault detection and power system protection for spaceborne systems (United States)

    Russell, B. Don; Hackler, Irene M.


    A program was initiated to study the feasibility of using advanced terrestrial power system protection techniques for spacecraft power systems. It was designed to enhance and automate spacecraft power distribution systems in the areas of safety, reliability and maintenance. The proposed power management/distribution system is described as well as security assessment and control, incipient and low current fault detection, and the proposed spaceborne protection system. It is noted that the intelligent remote power controller permits the implementation of digital relaying algorithms with both adaptive and programmable characteristics.

  3. Hydropneumatic suspension systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Wolfgang


    Hydropneumatic suspensions systems combine the excellent properties of gas springs with the favourable damping properties of hydraulic fluids. The advantages of these systems are particularly appropriate for automotive applications, such as passenger cars, trucks and agricultural equipment. In this book, Dr. Bauer provides an extensive overview of hydropneumatic suspension systems. Starting with a comparison of different types of suspension systems, the author subsequently describes the theoretical background associated with spring and damping characteristics of hydropneumatic systems and furthermore explains the design of the most important system components. Additionally he gives an overview of level control systems and various special functions. Finally the technology is illustrated by design examples and the outlook for future hydropneumatic suspensions is discussed. (orig.)

  4. System floorplanning optimization

    KAUST Repository

    Browning, David W.


    Notebook and Laptop Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) place great emphasis on creating unique system designs to differentiate themselves in the mobile market. These systems are developed from the \\'outside in\\' with the focus on how the system is perceived by the end-user. As a consequence, very little consideration is given to the interconnections or power of the devices within the system with a mentality of \\'just make it fit\\'. In this paper we discuss the challenges of Notebook system design and the steps by which system floor-planning tools and algorithms can be used to provide an automated method to optimize this process to ensure all required components most optimally fit inside the Notebook system. © 2012 IEEE.

  5. System floorplanning optimization

    KAUST Repository

    Browning, David W.


    Notebook and Laptop Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) place great emphasis on creating unique system designs to differentiate themselves in the mobile market. These systems are developed from the \\'outside in\\' with the focus on how the system is perceived by the end-user. As a consequence, very little consideration is given to the interconnections or power of the devices within the system with a mentality of \\'just make it fit\\'. In this paper we discuss the challenges of Notebook system design and the steps by which system floor-planning tools and algorithms can be used to provide an automated method to optimize this process to ensure all required components most optimally fit inside the Notebook system.

  6. Nonlinear Hamiltonian systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Finn


    It is generally very difficult to solve nonlinear systems, and such systems often possess chaotic solutions. In the rare event that a system is completely solvable, it is said to integrable. Such systems never have chaotic solutions. Using the Inverse Scattering Transform Method (ISTM) two...... particular configurations of the Discrete Self-Trapping (DST) system are shown to be completely solvable. One of these systems includes the Toda lattice in a certain limit. An explicit integration is carried through for this Near-Toda lattice. The Near-Toda lattice is then generalized to include singular...

  7. From conventional software based systems to knowledge based systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bologna, S.


    Even if todays nuclear power plants have a very good safety record, there is a continuous search for still improving safety. One direction of this effort address operational safety, trying to improve the handling of disturbances and accidents partly by further automation, partly by creating a better control room environment, providing the operator with intelligent support systems to help in the decision making process. Introduction of intelligent computerised operator support systems has proved to be an efficient way of improving the operators performance. A number of systems have been developed worldwide, assisting in tasks like process fault detection and diagnosis, selection and implementation of proper remedial actions. Unfortunately, the use of Knowledge Based Systems (KBSs), introduces a new dimension to the problem of the licensing process. KBSs, despite the different technology employed, are still nothing more than a computer program. Unfortunately, quite a few people building knowledge based systems seem to ignore the many good programming practices that have evolved over the years for producing traditional computer programs. In this paper the author will try to point out similarities and differences between conventional software based systems, and knowledge based systems, introducing also the concept of model based reasoning. (orig.) (25 refs., 2 figs.)

  8. Design Criteria for Bagless Transfer System (BTS) Packaging System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This document provides the criteria for the design and installation of a Bagless Transfer System (BTS); Blend, Sieve and Balance Equipment; and Supercritical Fluid Extraction System (SFE). The project consists of 3 major modules: (1) Bagless Transfer System (BTS) Module; (2) Blend, Sieve and Balance Equipment; and (3) Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) Module

  9. FY 1983 annual report on the research and development of automatic sewing systems. Total systems; 1983 nendo jido hosei system no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Total system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The automatic sewing system technique research association has been commissioned by the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology for (research and development of automatic sewing systems). This program covers R and D of the elementary techniques for total systems and sewing preparation/processing, sewing/assembling, cloth handling, and system management/control. This report describes the results of the R and D efforts for the total systems. The basic data are collected for a total of 5 representative types of apparels. The technical problems involved in the current and automatic sewing systems are clarified for each apparel type, to collect the data for studying the test plant plans. The automatic sewing system for each apparel type is illustrated by images, for expressing the system concepts. The concept for the basic designs of the total system is drawn for FMS. For achieving the objective of reducing time for producing unit quantity of diversified types of clothes in small quantities at least by 50% from the current level, the study is focused on how the works are (flown) in the system, for which configuration of each device is studied. The basic specifications are drawn, viewed from development of the total system. (NEDO)

  10. Standard-D hydrogen monitoring system, system design description

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, T.C.


    During most of the year, it is assumed that the vapor space in the 177 radioactive waste tanks on the Hanford Project site contain a uniform mixture of gases. Several of these waste tanks (currently twenty-five, 6 Double Shell Tanks and 19 Single Shell Tanks) were identified as having the potential for the buildup of gasses to a flammable level. An active ventilation system in the Double Shell Tanks and a passive ventilation system in the Single Shell Tanks provides a method of expelling gasses from the tanks. A gas release from a tank causes a temporary rise in the tank pressure, and a potential for increased concentration of hydrogen gas in the vapor space. The gas is released via the ventilation systems until a uniform gas mixture in the vapor space is once again achieved. The Standard Hydrogen Monitoring System (SHMS) is designed to monitor and quantify the percent hydrogen concentration during these potential gas releases. This document describes the design of the Standard-D Hydrogen Monitoring System, (SHMS-D) and its components as it differs from the original SHMS

  11. Standard-B Hydrogen Monitoring System, system design description

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, T.C.


    During most of the year, it is assumed that the vapor in the 177 radioactive waste tanks on the Hanford Project site contain a uniform mixture of gases. Several of these waste tanks (currently twenty five, 6 Double Shell Tanks and 19 Single Shell Tanks) were identified as having the potential for the buildup of gases to a flammable level. An active ventilation system in the Double Shell Tanks and a passive ventilation system in the Single Shell Tanks provides a method of expelling gases from the tanks. A gas release from a tank causes a temporary rise in the tank pressure, and a potential for increased concentration of hydrogen gas in the vapor space. The gas is released via the ventilation systems until a uniform gas mixture in the vapor space is once again achieved. This document describes the design of the Standard-B Hydrogen Monitoring System, (SHMS) and its components as it differs from the original SHMS. The differences are derived from changes made to improve the system performance but not implemented in all the installed enclosures

  12. Measuring Systemic Risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Acharya, Viral V.; Heje Pedersen, Lasse; Philippon, Thomas


    We present an economic model of systemic risk in which undercapitalization of the financial sector as a whole is assumed to harm the real economy, leading to a systemic risk externality. Each financial institution’s contribution to systemic risk can be measured as its systemic expected shortfall...... of components of SES to predict emerging systemic risk during the financial crisis of 2007–2009....

  13. Army Secure Operating System: Information Security for Real Time Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Anderson, Eric


    The Army Secure Operating System (ASOS) project, under the management of the U.S. Army CECOM organization, will provide real time systems software necessary for fielding modern Battlefield Automation Systems...

  14. Business System Planning Project, Preliminary System Design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. (CHG) is currently performing many core business functions including, but not limited to, work control, planning, scheduling, cost estimating, procurement, training, and human resources. Other core business functions are managed by or dependent on Project Hanford Management Contractors including, but not limited to, payroll, benefits and pension administration, inventory control, accounts payable, and records management. In addition, CHG has business relationships with its parent company CH2M HILL, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of River Protection and other River Protection Project contractors, government agencies, and vendors. The Business Systems Planning (BSP) Project, under the sponsorship of the CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. Chief Information Officer (CIO), have recommended information system solutions that will support CHG business areas. The Preliminary System Design was developed using the recommendations from the Alternatives Analysis, RPP-6499, Rev 0 and will become the design base for any follow-on implementation projects. The Preliminary System Design will present a high-level system design, providing a high-level overview of the Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) modules and identify internal and external relationships. This document will not define data structures, user interface components (screens, reports, menus, etc.), business rules or processes. These in-depth activities will be accomplished at implementation planning time

  15. An expert system technology for work authorization information systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munchausen, J.H.; Glazer, K.A.


    This paper describes the effort by Southern California Edison Company (SCE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to develop an expert systems work station designed to support the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). The expert systems work station utilizes IntelliCorp KEE (Knowledge Engineering Environment) and EPRI-IntelliCorp PLEXSYS (PLant EXpert SYStem) technology, and SCE Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P and ID's) and host-based computer applications to assist plant operations and maintenance personnel in the development of safety tagout boundaries. Of significance in this venture is the merging of conventional computer applications technology with expert systems technology. The EPRI PLEXSYS work station will act as a front-end for the SONGS Tagout Administration and Generation System (TAGS), a conventional CICS/COBOL mainframe computer application

  16. System Topology Optimization - An Approach to System Design of Electro-Hydraulic-Mechanical Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, T. O.; Hansen, M. R.; Conrad, Finn


    The current paper presents an approach to system design of combined electro-hydraulic-mechanical systems. The approach is based on the concurrent handling of the topology as well as the design parameters of the mechanical, hydraulic and controller sub- systems, respectively. Based on an initial...... design the procedure attempts to find the optimal topology and the related parameters. The topology considerations comprise the type of hydraulic pump, the employment of knee linkages or not as well as the type of hydraulic actuators. The design variables also include the signals to the proportional...... valve in a number of predefined load cases as well as the hydraulic and mechanical parameters....

  17. Systemic Vasculitis During the Course of Systemic Sclerosis (United States)

    Quéméneur, Thomas; Mouthon, Luc; Cacoub, Patrice; Meyer, Olivier; Michon-Pasturel, Ulrique; Vanhille, Philippe; Hatron, Pierre-Yves; Guillevin, Loïc; Hachulla, Eric


    Abstract Although the presence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) has been reported in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), the association of SSc and systemic vasculitis has rarely been described. We obtained information on cases of systemic vasculitis associated with SSc in France from the French Vasculitis Study Group and all members of the French Research Group on Systemic Sclerosis. We identified 12 patients with systemic vasculitis associated with SSc: 9 with ANCA-associated systemic vasculitis (AASV) and 3 with mixed cryoglobulinemia vasculitis (MCV). In all AASV patients, SSc was of the limited type. The main complication of SSc was pulmonary fibrosis. Only 2 patients underwent a D-penicillamine regimen before the occurrence of AASV. The characteristics of AASV were microscopic polyangiitis (n = 7) and renal limited vasculitis (n = 2). Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies were found in 8 of the 9 patients. The Five Factor Score was above 1 in 3 of the 9 patients. Of the 3 patients with MCV, Sjögren syndrome was confirmed in 2. We compared our findings with the results of a literature review (42 previously reported cases of AASV with SSc). Although rare, vasculitis is a complication of SSc. AASV is the most frequent type, and its diagnosis can be challenging when the kidney is injured. Better awareness of this rare association could facilitate earlier diagnosis and appropriate management to reduce damage. PMID:23263715

  18. Heatpipe power system and heatpipe bimodal system design and development options

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Houts, M.G.; Poston, D.I.; Emrich, W.J. Jr.


    The Heatpipe Power System (HPS) is a potential, near-term, low-cost space fission power system. The Heatpipe Bimodal System (HBS) is a potential, near-term, low-cost space fission power and/or propulsion system. Both systems will be composed of independent modules, and all components operate within the existing databases. The HPS and HBS have relatively few system integration issues; thus, the successful development of a module is a significant step toward verifying system feasibility and performance estimates. A prototypic HPS module is being fabricated, and testing is scheduled to begin in November 1996. A successful test will provide high confidence that the HPS can achieve its predicted performance

  19. Solar system astrophysics background science and the inner solar system

    CERN Document Server

    Milone, Eugene F


    Solar System Astrophysics: A Text for the Science of Planetary Systems covers the field of solar system astrophysics beginning with basic tools of spherical astronomy, coordinate frames, and celestial mechanics. Historical introductions precede the development and discussion in most chapters. After a basic treatment of the two- and restricted three-body system motions in Background Science and the Inner Solar System, perturbations are discussed, followed by the Earth's gravitational potential field and its effect on satellite orbits. This is followed by analysis of the Earth-Moon system and the interior planets. In Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System, the atmospheres chapters include detailed discussions of circulation, applicable also to the subsequent discussion of the gas giants. The giant planets are discussed together, and the thermal excesses of three of them are highlighted. This is followed by chapters on moons and rings, mainly in the context of dynamical stability, comets and meteors, m...

  20. Towards 100% renewable energy systems: Uncapping power system flexibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papaefthymiou, G.; Dragoon, Ken


    Relying almost entirely on energy from variable renewable resources such as wind and solar energy will require a transformation in the way power systems are planned and operated. This paper outlines the necessary steps in creating power systems with the flexibility needed to maintain stability and reliability while relying primarily on variable energy resources. These steps are provided in the form of a comprehensive overview of policies, technical changes, and institutional systems, organized in three development phases: an initial phase (penetration up to about 10%) characterized by relatively mild changes to conventional power system operations and structures; a dynamic middle phase (up to about 50% penetration) characterized by phasing out conventional generation and a concerted effort to wring flexibility from existing infrastructure; and the high penetration phase that inevitably addresses how power systems operate over longer periods of weeks or months when variable generation will be in either short supply, or in over-abundance. Although this transition is likely a decades-long and incremental process and depends on the specifics of each system, the needed policies, research, demonstration projects and institutional changes need to start now precisely because of the complexity of the transformation. The list of policy actions presented in this paper can serve as a guideline to policy makers on effectuating the transition and on tracking the preparedness of systems. - Highlights: •100% VRES systems: combined analysis of all related technical and policy challenges. •Transition elements: classification of the complete range of challenges in 9 elements. •Development regimes: policy actions in 3 VRES penetration regimes (low-medium-high). •Policies: comprehensive guideline and detailed presentation of policies per regime. •Roadmap: lists of actions per regime act as transition roadmap to 100% VRES systems.

  1. Systems Approach to Tourism: A Methodology for Defining Complex Tourism System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jere Jakulin Tadeja


    Full Text Available Background and Purpose: The complexity of the tourism system, as well as modelling in a frame of system dynamics, will be discussed in this paper. The phaenomenon of tourism, which possesses the typical properties of global and local organisations, will be presented as an open complex system with all its elements, and an optimal methodology to explain the relations among them. The approach we want to present is due to its transparency an excellent tool for searching systems solutions and serves also as a strategic decision-making assessment. We will present systems complexity and develop three models of a complex tourism system: the first one will present tourism as an open complex system with its elements, which operate inside of a tourism market area. The elements of this system present subsystems, which relations and interdependencies will be explained with two models: causal-loop diagram and a simulation model in frame of systems dynamics.

  2. System analysis and design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Son, Seung Hui


    This book deals with information technology and business process, information system architecture, methods of system development, plan on system development like problem analysis and feasibility analysis, cases for system development, comprehension of analysis of users demands, analysis of users demands using traditional analysis, users demands analysis using integrated information system architecture, system design using integrated information system architecture, system implementation, and system maintenance.

  3. Is the climate system an anticipatory system that minimizes free energy? (United States)

    Rubin, Sergio; Crucifix, Michel


    All systems, whether they are alive or not are structured determined systems, i.e. their present states [x (t)] depends of past states [x (t - α)]. However it has been suggested [Rosen, 1985; Friston, 2013] that systems that contain life are capable of anticipation and active inference. The underlying principle is that state changes in living systems are best modelled as a function of past and future states [ x(t) = f (x (t - α), x(t), x (t + β)) ]. The reason for this is that living systems contain a predictive model of their ambiance on which they are active: they appear to model their ambiance to preserve their integrity and homeorhesis. We therefore formulate the following hypothesis: can the climate system be interpreted as an anticipatory system that minimizes free energy? Can its variability (catastrophe, bifurcation and/or tipping points) be interpreted in terms of active inference and anticipation failure? Here we present a mathematical formulation of the climate system as an anticipatory system that minimizes free energy and its possible implication in the future climate predictability. References Rosen, R. (1985). Anticipatory systems. In Anticipatory systems (pp. 313-370). Springer New York. Friston, K. (2013). Life as we know it. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(86), 20130475.

  4. Development of an Automatic Identification System Autonomous Positioning System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qing Hu


    Full Text Available In order to overcome the vulnerability of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS and provide robust position, navigation and time (PNT information in marine navigation, the autonomous positioning system based on ranging-mode Automatic Identification System (AIS is presented in the paper. The principle of the AIS autonomous positioning system (AAPS is investigated, including the position algorithm, the signal measurement technique, the geometric dilution of precision, the time synchronization technique and the additional secondary factor correction technique. In order to validate the proposed AAPS, a verification system has been established in the Xinghai sea region of Dalian (China. Static and dynamic positioning experiments are performed. The original function of the AIS in the AAPS is not influenced. The experimental results show that the positioning precision of the AAPS is better than 10 m in the area with good geometric dilution of precision (GDOP by the additional secondary factor correction technology. This is the most economical solution for a land-based positioning system to complement the GNSS for the navigation safety of vessels sailing along coasts.

  5. WiMAX OFDM system simulation and sub-system FPGA implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elaskary, A.M.F.


    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been used in many wireless communication systems also it is gaining a lot of attention for the next generations of mobile communication systems. OFDM is considered a good candidate for wireless systems because it has high bandwidth efficiency and can transmit at very high data rate in multi path, interference , and fading environment. in general OFDM has widely been studied and implemented to combat transmission channel impairments, but some challenges still facing OFDM in transmission system implementation especially for recent and future applications. One of these important applications is the worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) system. According to the IEEE 802.16 standards, WiMAX is considered as a good solution for last mile connection at crowded areas and a high-speed internet connection to mobile vehicles with speed of up to 300 km/h. This thesis studies OFDM system in details and proposes simulink models for simulating OFDM impairments and its effects on system performance. This study has been used for building up system level and end to end WiMAX OFDM transmitter/receiver which follows published specifications in IEEE 802.16 standards using mat lab/simulink.

  6. Space reactor electric systems: system integration studies, Phase 1 report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, R.V.; Bost, D.; Determan, W.R.; Harty, R.B.; Katz, B.; Keshishian, V.; Lillie, A.F.; Thomson, W.B.


    This report presents the results of preliminary space reactor electric system integration studies performed by Rockwell International's Energy Systems Group (ESG). The preliminary studies investigated a broad range of reactor electric system concepts for powers of 25 and 100 KWe. The purpose of the studies was to provide timely system information of suitable accuracy to support ongoing mission planning activities. The preliminary system studies were performed by assembling the five different subsystems that are used in a system: the reactor, the shielding, the primary heat transport, the power conversion-processing, and the heat rejection subsystems. The subsystem data in this report were largely based on Rockwell's recently prepared Subsystem Technology Assessment Report. Nine generic types of reactor subsystems were used in these system studies. Several levels of technology were used for each type of reactor subsystem. Seven generic types of power conversion-processing subsystems were used, and several levels of technology were again used for each type. In addition, various types and levels of technology were used for the shielding, primary heat transport, and heat rejection subsystems. A total of 60 systems were studied

  7. Cyber secure systems approach for NPP digital control systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCreary, T. J.; Hsu, A. [HF Controls Corporation, 16650 Westgrove Drive, Addison, TX 75001 (United States)


    Whether fossil or nuclear power, the chief operations goal is to generate electricity. The heart of most plant operations is the I and C system. With the march towards open architecture, the I and C system is more vulnerable than ever to system security attacks (denial of service, virus attacks and others), thus jeopardizing plant operations. Plant staff must spend large amounts of time and money setting up and monitoring a variety of security strategies to counter the threats and actual attacks to the system. This time and money is a drain on the financial performance of a plant and distracts valuable operations resources from their real goals: product. The pendulum towards complete open architecture may have swung too far. Not all aspects of proprietary hardware and software are necessarily 'bad'. As the aging U.S. fleet of nuclear power plants starts to engage in replacing legacy control systems, and given the on-going (and legitimate) concern about the security of present digital control systems, decisions about how best to approach cyber security are vital to the specification and selection of control system vendors for these upgrades. The authors maintain that utilizing certain resources available in today's digital technology, plant control systems can be configured from the onset to be inherently safe, so that plant staff can concentrate on the operational issues of the plant. The authors postulate the concept of the plant I and C being bounded in a 'Cyber Security Zone' and present a design approach that can alleviate the concern and cost at the plant level of dealing with system security strategies. Present approaches through various IT cyber strategies, commercial software, and even postulated standards from various industry/trade organizations are almost entirely reactive and simply add to cost and complexity. This Cyber Security Zone design demonstrates protection from the four classes of cyber security attacks: 1)Threat from

  8. Cyber secure systems approach for NPP digital control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCreary, T. J.; Hsu, A.


    Whether fossil or nuclear power, the chief operations goal is to generate electricity. The heart of most plant operations is the I and C system. With the march towards open architecture, the I and C system is more vulnerable than ever to system security attacks (denial of service, virus attacks and others), thus jeopardizing plant operations. Plant staff must spend large amounts of time and money setting up and monitoring a variety of security strategies to counter the threats and actual attacks to the system. This time and money is a drain on the financial performance of a plant and distracts valuable operations resources from their real goals: product. The pendulum towards complete open architecture may have swung too far. Not all aspects of proprietary hardware and software are necessarily 'bad'. As the aging U.S. fleet of nuclear power plants starts to engage in replacing legacy control systems, and given the on-going (and legitimate) concern about the security of present digital control systems, decisions about how best to approach cyber security are vital to the specification and selection of control system vendors for these upgrades. The authors maintain that utilizing certain resources available in today's digital technology, plant control systems can be configured from the onset to be inherently safe, so that plant staff can concentrate on the operational issues of the plant. The authors postulate the concept of the plant I and C being bounded in a 'Cyber Security Zone' and present a design approach that can alleviate the concern and cost at the plant level of dealing with system security strategies. Present approaches through various IT cyber strategies, commercial software, and even postulated standards from various industry/trade organizations are almost entirely reactive and simply add to cost and complexity. This Cyber Security Zone design demonstrates protection from the four classes of cyber security attacks: 1)Threat from an intruder attempting to

  9. Saturated Switching Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Benzaouia, Abdellah


    Saturated Switching Systems treats the problem of actuator saturation, inherent in all dynamical systems by using two approaches: positive invariance in which the controller is designed to work within a region of non-saturating linear behaviour; and saturation technique which allows saturation but guarantees asymptotic stability. The results obtained are extended from the linear systems in which they were first developed to switching systems with uncertainties, 2D switching systems, switching systems with Markovian jumping and switching systems of the Takagi-Sugeno type. The text represents a thoroughly referenced distillation of results obtained in this field during the last decade. The selected tool for analysis and design of stabilizing controllers is based on multiple Lyapunov functions and linear matrix inequalities. All the results are illustrated with numerical examples and figures many of them being modelled using MATLAB®. Saturated Switching Systems will be of interest to academic researchers in con...

  10. An effectiveness analysis of healthcare systems using a systems theoretic approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inder Kerry


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The use of accreditation and quality measurement and reporting to improve healthcare quality and patient safety has been widespread across many countries. A review of the literature reveals no association between the accreditation system and the quality measurement and reporting systems, even when hospital compliance with these systems is satisfactory. Improvement of health care outcomes needs to be based on an appreciation of the whole system that contributes to those outcomes. The research literature currently lacks an appropriate analysis and is fragmented among activities. This paper aims to propose an integrated research model of these two systems and to demonstrate the usefulness of the resulting model for strategic research planning. Methods/design To achieve these aims, a systematic integration of the healthcare accreditation and quality measurement/reporting systems is structured hierarchically. A holistic systems relationship model of the administration segment is developed to act as an investigation framework. A literature-based empirical study is used to validate the proposed relationships derived from the model. Australian experiences are used as evidence for the system effectiveness analysis and design base for an adaptive-control study proposal to show the usefulness of the system model for guiding strategic research. Results Three basic relationships were revealed and validated from the research literature. The systemic weaknesses of the accreditation system and quality measurement/reporting system from a system flow perspective were examined. The approach provides a system thinking structure to assist the design of quality improvement strategies. The proposed model discovers a fourth implicit relationship, a feedback between quality performance reporting components and choice of accreditation components that is likely to play an important role in health care outcomes. An example involving accreditation

  11. An effectiveness analysis of healthcare systems using a systems theoretic approach. (United States)

    Chuang, Sheuwen; Inder, Kerry


    The use of accreditation and quality measurement and reporting to improve healthcare quality and patient safety has been widespread across many countries. A review of the literature reveals no association between the accreditation system and the quality measurement and reporting systems, even when hospital compliance with these systems is satisfactory. Improvement of health care outcomes needs to be based on an appreciation of the whole system that contributes to those outcomes. The research literature currently lacks an appropriate analysis and is fragmented among activities. This paper aims to propose an integrated research model of these two systems and to demonstrate the usefulness of the resulting model for strategic research planning. To achieve these aims, a systematic integration of the healthcare accreditation and quality measurement/reporting systems is structured hierarchically. A holistic systems relationship model of the administration segment is developed to act as an investigation framework. A literature-based empirical study is used to validate the proposed relationships derived from the model. Australian experiences are used as evidence for the system effectiveness analysis and design base for an adaptive-control study proposal to show the usefulness of the system model for guiding strategic research. Three basic relationships were revealed and validated from the research literature. The systemic weaknesses of the accreditation system and quality measurement/reporting system from a system flow perspective were examined. The approach provides a system thinking structure to assist the design of quality improvement strategies. The proposed model discovers a fourth implicit relationship, a feedback between quality performance reporting components and choice of accreditation components that is likely to play an important role in health care outcomes. An example involving accreditation surveyors is developed that provides a systematic search for

  12. Information system for diagnosis of respiratory system diseases (United States)

    Abramov, G. V.; Korobova, L. A.; Ivashin, A. L.; Matytsina, I. A.


    An information system is for the diagnosis of patients with lung diseases. The main problem solved by this system is the definition of the parameters of cough fragments in the monitoring recordings using a voice recorder. The authors give the recognition criteria of recorded cough moments, audio records analysis. The results of the research are systematized. The cough recognition system can be used by the medical specialists to diagnose the condition of the patients and to monitor the process of their treatment.

  13. SPECT detector system design based on embedded system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Weizheng; Zhao Shujun; Zhang Lei; Sun Yuanling


    A single-photon emission computed tomography detector system based on embedded Linux designed. This system is composed of detector module, data acquisition module, ARM MPU module, network interface communication module and human machine interface module. Its software uses multithreading technology based on embedded Linux. It can achieve high speed data acquisition, real-time data correction and network data communication. It can accelerate the data acquisition and decrease the dead time. The accuracy and the stability of the system can be improved. (authors)

  14. Architecting Joint Command and Control System of System Capability Certifications

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Acosta, Jacob; Hoesly, Scot; Huseth, Scott; Krider, Steven; Lamb, Jeremy; Martin, Calvin; Medina, Vince; Medina, Jorge; Nguyen, Michael; Patel, Jaykant


    Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems, each originally designed to address a single warfighting function, have been assembled into an interdependent C4I System of Systems (SoS...

  15. Diablo Canyon plant information management system and integrated communication system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanley, J.W.; Groff, C.


    The implementation of a comprehensive maintenance system called the plant information management system (PIMS) at the Diablo Canyon plant, together with its associated integrated communication system (ICS), is widely regarded as the most comprehensive undertaking of its kind in the nuclear industry. This paper provides an overview of the program at Diablo Canyon, an evaluation of system benefits, and highlights the future course of PIMS

  16. A Fuzzy Evaluation Method for System of Systems Meta-architectures (United States)


    Procedia Computer Science Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000 procedia Conference on Systems Engineering...boundary includes integration of technical systems as well as cognitive and social processes, which alter system behavior [2]. Most system architects...unclassified c. THIS PAGE unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Pape/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000

  17. Diablo Canyon plant information management system and integrated communication system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stanley, J.W.; Groff, C.


    The implementation of a comprehensive maintenance system called the plant information management system (PIMS) at the Diablo Canyon plant, together with its associated integrated communication system (ICS), is widely regarded as the most comprehensive undertaking of its kind in the nuclear industry. This paper provides an overview of the program at Diablo Canyon, an evaluation of system benefits, and highlights the future course of PIMS.

  18. Product Service Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Departing from Product Development models based on physical artefacts. Moving towards integrated Product Development and System Operations models suited Product/Service-systems......Departing from Product Development models based on physical artefacts. Moving towards integrated Product Development and System Operations models suited Product/Service-systems...

  19. Reliable computer systems. (United States)

    Wear, L L; Pinkert, J R


    In this article, we looked at some decisions that apply to the design of reliable computer systems. We began with a discussion of several terms such as testability, then described some systems that call for highly reliable hardware and software. The article concluded with a discussion of methods that can be used to achieve higher reliability in computer systems. Reliability and fault tolerance in computers probably will continue to grow in importance. As more and more systems are computerized, people will want assurances about the reliability of these systems, and their ability to work properly even when sub-systems fail.

  20. Introducing Systems Approaches (United States)

    Reynolds, Martin; Holwell, Sue

    Systems Approaches to Managing Change brings together five systems approaches to managing complex issues, each having a proven track record of over 25 years. The five approaches are: System Dynamics (SD) developed originally in the late 1950s by Jay Forrester Viable Systems Model (VSM) developed originally in the late 1960s by Stafford Beer Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA: with cognitive mapping) developed originally in the 1970s by Colin Eden Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) developed originally in the 1970s by Peter Checkland Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) developed originally in the late 1970s by Werner Ulrich