
Sample records for supremo tribunal federal

  1. Liberdade de imprensa no Supremo Tribunal Federal: análise comparativa com a Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos

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    Carlo José Napolitano

    Full Text Available ResumoO presente trabalho analisa o entendimento do Supremo Tribunal Federal e da Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos acerca da liberdade de imprensa. A pesquisa objetiva comparar o posicionamento das Cortes sobre esse direito fundamental. Usando o método comparativo, analisa os argumentos utilizados pelas Cortes nos julgamentos de processos que tinham por objeto a liberdade de imprensa. O trabalho também apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica da teoria brasileira sobre a liberdade de expressão do pensamento. Ao final, apontamos as possíveis influências da Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos nas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal, em especial, a primazia da liberdade de imprensa em relação aos demais direitos fundamentais.

  2. Como levar o Supremo Tribunal Federal a sério: sobre a suspensão de tutela antecipada n. 91 How to take the Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazilian Federal Supreme Court seriously: on the suspension of advance claim rights' concession n. 91

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    Vera Karam de Chueiri


    Full Text Available O presente artigo analisa a suspensão da tutela antecipada n. 91 pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, sob a perspectiva da teoria de Ronald Dworkin, relativamente à compreensão da necessária adoção de uma postura crítico-construtiva (política pelo Poder Judiciário, especialmente pela jurisdição constitucional. Neste sentido, toda decisão proferida pela Corte em favor de um direito fundamental deve prevalecer, desde que fundamentada em argumentos de princípio e que seja coerente com o sistema constitucional. Daí a idéia de que existem respostas certas no direito e que estas são melhores do que as que oferece tanto o convencionalismo jurídico, quanto o pragmatismo jurídico. A questão que se coloca é acerca da legitimidade da Corte, leia-se do Supremo Tribunal Federal, para ter a última palavra sobre as decisões (políticas do executivo e do legislativo, especialmente em relação às políticas públicas de governo por eles promovidas.This article aims at analyzing the suspension by Brazilian Federal Supreme Court of the suspension of advance claim rights' concession n. 91 under the perspective of Ronald Dworkin's theory, concerning the understanding that it is necessary for judiciary power to have a critical and construtive (political attitude in order to decide, especially for constitutional courts. In this sense, every decision rendered by the court in favor of a fundamental right must prevail, once it is founded on arguments of principle and it is coherent with the constitutional system. There, it follows the idea that there are right answers in law and that these are better than those offered by legal conventionalism or legal pragmatism. Then, ir also follows the question about the legitimacy of the court, that is, does the Supremo Tribunal Federal should have the last word on decisions of the executive and legislative powers, especially concerning their public policies?

  3. Límites en las competencias entre la Sala Constitucional y el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones

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    Bernal Arias Ramirez


    Full Text Available Ponencia que en tres partes analiza las competencias del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones y de la Sala Constitucional, y el posible roce que existe entre ambos. En la primera analiza las competencias del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, mientras que en la segunda se centra en las competencias de la Sala Constitucional en materia electoral y por último, el tercer apartado expone el peligro que a criterio del ponente representa la anulación de resoluciones del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones por parte de la Jurisdicción Constitucional


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    Anna Candida da Cunha Ferraz


    Full Text Available Resumo: Conflitos e tensões permeiam a jurisdição constitucional no Brasil. Em organização estatal fundada na separação de poderes, que é disciplinada de modo expresso e, por vezes, taxativo na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, e que tem como guardião o Supremo Tribunal Federal, um dos poderes constituídos, conflitos entre poderes são possíveis ou mesmo inevitáveis. Vários exemplos demonstram essa realidade. Neste artigo alguns exemplos de conflitos entre o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Poder Legislativo são examinados em razão do nível da polêmica que suscitam e por envolverem sério questionamento sobre a força normativa da Constituição brasileira. Palavras-chave: Conflitos entre Poderes. Tensões na Jurisdição Constitucional. Poder Legislativo. Supremo Tribunal Federal. Força normativa da Constituição.

  5. La desaplicación de normas estatutarias por parte del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones

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    Víctor Orozco Solano


    Full Text Available Estudio sobre el mecanismo de la desaplicación de normas estatuarias por inconstitucionalidad utilizado por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones y su posible intromisión en la esfera de competencia de la Sala Constitucional. Expone la naturaleza del recurso de amparo, el control de constitucionalidad y la aplicación del instrumento procesal en materia electoral con el objetivo de determinar la procedencia o no de dicha atribución en manos del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones.

  6. A atuação normativa do supremo Tribunal Federal : limites de intervenção no poder legislativo


    Martins, Ana Cristina de Holanda


    A presente dissertação trata da atuação normativa do Supremo Tribunal Federal em face dos limites de intervenção no Poder Legislativo. Nela, destacamos o tratamento dado à Suprema Corte, desde a primeira Carta Constitucional brasileira, a Constituição Imperial de 1824, à atual Carta Republicana, de 1988, passando por momentos de autoritarismo e até de supressão de direitos constitucionais. Investigamos o pensamento dos dois maiores teóricos sobre a questão de competência sobre o guardião da C...

  7. Dispersão de Fundamentos no Supremo Tribunal Federal / Scattered Arguments in Federal Supreme Court

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    Fábio Carvalho Leite


    Full Text Available Resumo: O trabalho analisa, em duas partes, o fenômeno conhecido por dispersão de fundamentos, prática decisória que por vezes marca o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF no controle de constitucionalidade. A primeira parte é descritiva e sugere que a dispersão de fundamentos é fenômeno que ocorre pela presença necessária da regra de maioria decisória simples (RMDS associada à presença contingente do princípio da causa de pedir aberta e da indeterminação relativa do texto constitucional. A segunda parte é normativa e analisa criticamente os problemas resultantes da adoção da RMDS. Partindo-se do tradicional debate sobre a legitimidade do controle de constitucionalidade, porém não se alinhando a um modelo normativo em particular, o trabalho põe em xeque a proximidade do processo decisório do STF com a ideia de “resposta certa”, aborda a dificuldade de se formar jurisprudência capaz de uniformizar o tratamento de casos a respeito de um assunto e questiona a desconsideração da presunção de constitucionalidade nos casos difíceis do direito em que se verifiquem desacordos morais razoáveis. Por fim, a confiabilidade de intuições morais invocadas pelos ministros no processo decisório do STF é questionada a partir das ciências cognitivas e da psicologia moral. Palavras-chave: Supremo Tribunal Federal; Controle de constitucionalidade; Processo decisório; Dispersão de fundamentos.   Abstract: The work analyzes, in two parts, a phenomenon known as argument scatter, a decision-making practice that sometimes characterizes judicial review in the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF. The first part is descriptive, and suggests that argument scatter occurs in the necessary presence of a simple majority decision-making rule (SMDMR, associated to the contingent presence of the open cause of action principle and of the relative indeterminacy of constitutional text. The second part is normative, and critically analyzes the problems that

  8. O supremo tribunal federal e a lei maria da penha – uma lamentável decisão

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    Rômulo de Andrade Moreira


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa duas decisões tomadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal na sessão do último dia 09 de fevereiro. A primeira, por maioria, julgou procedente a ADIn nº. 4424 quanto aos artigos 12, I, 16 e 41 da Lei nº. 11.340/06. Na mesma sessão, por unanimidade, os Ministros acompanharam o voto do relator da ADC nº. 19, Ministro Marco Aurélio, e declararam constitucionais os arts. 1º., 33 e 41 da lei. Discordando do entendimento da Suprema Corte, procuramos confrontar alguns dispositivos da Lei Maria da Penha com a Constituição Federal, concluindo que os seus arts. 17 e 41, além do art. 313, IV do Código de Processo Penal, não devem ser aplicados, pois incompatíveis com a Constituição Federal.

  9. Límites en las competencias entre la Sala Constitucional y el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones

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    Luis Paulino Mora


    Full Text Available : La ponencia se propone establecer la importante distinción entre órgano y función, con el fin de exponer algunas nociones que deben servir como orientación para la respuesta que pueda darse a la cuestión planteada de la delimitación de competencias entre la Sala Constitucional y el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en lo que respecta a los derechos y las libertades de carácter político-electoral. Explica la base jurídica que la Sala Constitucional ha empleado para abordar los temas de su relación competencial con el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones

  10. Biblioteca Digital do Supremo Tribunal Federal: uma proposta em desenvolvimento

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    Maria Tereza Machado Teles Walter


    Full Text Available As t e c n o l o g i as d e i nf o rm a ç ã o e d e c om u n i c a ç ã o revolucionaram as formas de organização e de mediação de informação em todas as instituições prestadoras de serviço, sejam elas bibliotecas ou centros de documentação. Seu desenvolvimento passou a ser uma questão estratégica de planejamento para as instituições que desejem manter-se em consonância com demandas cada vez mais especializadas e atender usuários que têm modelos mentais e conhecimentos de uso de informação em ambientes digitais. Reconhecendo esse cenário, foi elaborado, pela Coordenadoria de Biblioteca do Supremo Tribunal Federal, o projeto de desenvolvimento de sua Biblioteca Digital, cuja definição foi a de se tratava de um ambiente em meio eletrônico, para prestação de serviços e oferta de produtos, que incluem textos integrais e que independem da presença física dos usuários. O histórico desse projeto é apresentado incluindo as etapas e os perfis profissionais que atuaram no desenvolvimento do trabalho. Em função das características das propostas, todo o projeto foi modularizado visando facilitar sua implantação, de forma que independesse de mudanças na alta gestão do órgão. Alguns resultados dessa proposição são relacionados ao final.

  11. Judiciário e Política no Brasil Contemporâneo: Um Retrato do Supremo Tribunal Federal a partir da Cobertura do Jornal Folha de S. Paulo

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    Fabiana Luci de Oliveira

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é discutir a visibilidade do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF, qualificando-a a partir da cobertura da grande imprensa. Buscamos descrever como o jornal Folha de S. Paulo (FSP retratou a atuação do Supremo no período de 1999-2014, enfocando o tipo de cobertura predominante (política ou jurídica, os temas de maior recorrência no enquadramento da instituição, e os fatores que determinam a cobertura. Verificamos em que medida essa cobertura acompanha as ações efetivas do tribunal, examinando quais decisões viraram notícia. Para isso, trabalhamos com a análise de conteúdo de 6.271 notícias. A partir desses dados problematizamos a construção da imagem pública do tribunal e a forma pela qual a mídia vem posicionando a instituição no sistema político brasileiro. Concluímos que a FSP construiu uma imagem eminentemente política do STF, com sua cobertura exacerbando a personalização da instituição, o perfil individual dos seus ministros, e enfatizando excessivamente os casos de judicialização anticorrupção.

  12. A sentença normativa na jurisdição constitucional: análise da atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal como legislador positivo


    Pelicioli, Angela Cristina


    Nesta tese objetiva-se examinar um tipo de atuação excepcional do Supremo Tribunal Federal em sede de controle de constitucionalidade, consiste em proferir decisão criadora de norma geral e abstrata, transformando, adequando, modificando e integrando o texto de lei ou ato normativo, com o objetivo de garantir os direitos fundamentais e o princípio da igualdade previstos na Constituição. O modelo kelseniano do controle de constitucionalidade restrito ao desempenho do papel de legislador negati...

  13. A modulação dos efeitos dos julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal na seara tributária: o substrato moral das decisões judiciais


    Toyoda , Hisashi


    Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o propósito de analisar o teor das decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal, nas quais foi aplicado o instituto da modulação de efeitos de normas tributárias declaradas inconstitucionais, para verificar se foram observados os requisitos da devida motivação e da adequabilidade moral desses julgados em face da exigência fundamental da materialização do justo por meio da máxima efetividade dos direitos dos cidadãos contribuintes. O estudo tem embasamento em um leva...

  14. O guardião da Constituição: o Supremo Tribunal Federal como poder autônomo no julgamento da Lei da Ficha Limpa


    Rossi, Luís Antônio


    A presente tese, subsumindo a decisão diante do debate entre os juristas Hans Kelsen e Carl Schmitt sobre o controle de constitucionalidade pátrio, tem o escopo de analisar o comportamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento da constitucionalidade da Lei da Ficha Limpa. A tese, ao analisar e refletir sobre quem deve ser o guardião da Constituição , pretende demonstrar que o sistema constitucional brasileiro adotou o positivismo de Hans Kelsen, mas a amplitude da Constituição de 1988, o...

  15. La Competencia de la Justicia Militar del Gobierno Federal en la Jurisprudencia Actual del Tribunal Supremo.

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    Saulo de Tarso Fernandes Dias


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de la competencia de la Justicia Militar del Gobierno Federal para procesar y juzgar los delitos militares. El objetivo es ver cuáles son los principales aspectos orientadores de la definición de la competencia de la justicia militar usados por el Tribunal Supremo cuando evalúa los juicios de los conflictos de competencia y divergencias de las decisiones  de  los  Juzgados  y  Tribunales. Para lograr  este  objetivo,  se  realizó  una investigación doctrinal y un análisis de los principales fallos de la Corte Suprema en los últimos 04 (cuatro años. Se ha observado un cambio en la interpretación dada al artículo noveno del Código Penal Militar, llegando a la conclusión, entonces, que hay aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta en cada situación para que sea posible definir si un hecho es delito militar, ello, justifica por lo tanto la competencia de la justicia militar.

  16. De las aulas universitarias a la toga: la trayectoria académica de los ministros del Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileño (1988-2013

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    Rafael Mafei Rabelo Queiroz


    Full Text Available A través del estudio de las trayectorias académicas de los ministros de Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil y mediante la inclusión del requisito del “notorio saber jurídico”, impuesto por la Constitución de 1988 a todos los miembros de la corte, este artículo pretende desvelar patrones o criterios, hoy poco claros, de lo que en la práctica ha sido considerada una trayectoria de vida sobresaliente de los ministros elegidos, y su mayor o menor relación con el pasado académico de los magistrados. De tal forma se propone adentrarse en el interrogante sobre cómo los cambios en el mercado jurídico de las últimas décadas han impactado en la forma en que se han provisto los cargos de magistrados en este tribunal.

  17. Jurisdição Constitucional Brasileira: O Papel dos Princípios Constitucionais na Construção do Direito pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal

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    Isabella Karla Lima dos Santos


    Full Text Available O trabalho aborda o papel do Supremo Tribunal Federal diante da nova realidade da Jurisdição Constitucional brasileira, a qual prioriza uma Interpretação Constitucional mais valorativa, dando destaque aos Princípios, como forma de garantir o exercício dos Direitos Fundamentais previstos na Constituição Federal de 1988. Como guardião da constituição, o STF tem tido posicionamentos mais concretistas, garantindo o respeito aos Princípios Fundamentais da Ordem Jurídica brasileira, mesmo diante da inercia do Legislativo em exercer a sua função de editar leis integrativas infraconstitucionais para regulamentar normas constitucionais de eficacia limitada, isto e, que precisam de regulamentação para produzir todos os seus efeitos.

  18. Los desafíos de la consolidación electoral: El caso del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones

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    José Fabián Ruiz Valerio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el desempeño del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones de Costa Rica y los desafíos que se le presentan a un órgano electoral consolidado. Efectivamente, el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones es una institución de referencia en la región. Creado en la Constitución de 1949, desde entonces se ha desempeñado sin interferencias en el cumplimiento de sus funciones. A su vez, la democracia en el país se erige como una de las más antiguas de América Latina. Por consiguiente, la interrogante central que guía esta investigación es ¿cuáles son los principales desafíos que enfrenta en sus actividades una institución electoral consolidada dentro de un régimen democrático estable? Para responder, se realizaron 5 entrevistas a profundidad, semiestructuradas, con funcionarios del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (magistrados titulares, personal del IFED. A estos se agregaron funcionarios y ex funcionarios del IIDH-CAPEL, que nos brindaron una visión comparada del caso de Costa Rica en relación con el contexto latinoamericano. A partir del análisis de la información, se plantean algunas reflexiones sobre el caso de estudio.

  19. Judicialização da saúde e a audiência pública convocada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal em 2009: o que mudou de lá para cá?


    Gomes,Dalila F.; Souza,Camila Rufino; Silva,Felipe Luiz da; Pôrto,Julianna Alves; Morais,Indyara de Araújo; Ramos,Maíra Catharina; Silva,Everton Nunes da


    Em 2009, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) convocou uma Audiência Pública para discutir a judicialização, quando foram ministradas 51 palestras. Utilizando o método descritivo-analítico, sistematizaram-se os argumentos, visando identificar potenciais medidas para contornar o problema e analisar o que foi feito até então. As políticas públicas possuem algumas falhas ao aplicar, no caso concreto, os princípios do SUS, e a judicialização deve ser vista como um instrumento excepcional, não como re...

  20. O supremo tribunal federal e a cidadania à luz da influência comunitarista The federal supreme court and the citizenship in the light of the communitarism influence

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    Julia Maurmann Ximenes


    Full Text Available A constituição de 1988 atribuiu ao supremo um desenho institucional que reflete uma valorização do texto constitucional e uma tentativa de aproximação do exercício da cidadania na linha de uma democracia participativa, à luz da teoria filosófica-política do comunitarismo. Contudo, é possível perceber elementos que acarretaram uma crise de identidade no exercício das atividades do supremo. Essa crise de identidade se intensifica com o instituto do amicus curiae questionando o papel como tribunal constitucional propriamente dito.The 1988 constitution conferred to the supreme court an institutional design that reflects a valorization of the constitutional text and an effort to bring it near to a citizenship practice due to a participative democracy movement, in the light of the of the communitarian philosophical-political theory. However, it is possible to see elements that unloose an identity crisis on the activities done by the supreme. This identity crisis is sharpened by the institute of the amicus curiae, questioning the role as a constitutional tribunal itself.

  1. Judicialização da saúde e a audiência pública convocada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal em 2009: o que mudou de lá para cá?

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    Dalila F. Gomes

    Full Text Available Em 2009, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF convocou uma Audiência Pública para discutir a judicialização, quando foram ministradas 51 palestras. Utilizando o método descritivo-analítico, sistematizaram-se os argumentos, visando identificar potenciais medidas para contornar o problema e analisar o que foi feito até então. As políticas públicas possuem algumas falhas ao aplicar, no caso concreto, os princípios do SUS, e a judicialização deve ser vista como um instrumento excepcional, não como regra do sistema. As principais medidas adotadas foram o uso de evidência científica na tomada de decisão do Executivo e do Judiciário e a sustentabilidade do financiamento das aúde. Em ambos os casos, houve avanços significativos.

  2. A decisão judicial no Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil e a aplicação da teoria dos princípios de Robert Alexy : a ponderação como estratégia de argumentação jurídica


    Peixoto, Fabiano Hartmann


    A temática da justificação e da correção das decisões judiciais colocou um interesse ainda maior na compreensão das conexões entre decidir e argumentar. A partir da teoria da argumentação jurídica e da teoria dos direitos fundamentais de Robert Alexy desenvolveram-se a ponderação e o so pesamento, direcionados à contribuição aos que buscam uma forma de racionalidade das opções decisórias. O Supremo Tribunal Federal, em especial, é frequentemente associado à ponderação e a Alexy quando enfrent...

  3. Avaliação do acervo de periódicos da Biblioteca Ministro Victor Nunes Leal, do Supremo Tribunal Federal: relato de experiência da atuação do Grupo de Trabalho “GT-Periódicos”

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    Fabiana Oliveira Feitosa


    Full Text Available Relata a experiência da atuação de grupo de trabalho na avaliação da coleção de periódicos da Biblioteca Ministro Victor Nunes Leal do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Apresenta o histórico de crescimento do acervo e como surgiu a necessidade de avaliar a coleção de periódicos levando-se em conta custos, espaço físico e conservação, dentre outros tópicos. Ressalta a adoção de Política de desenvolvimento de coleções para nortear as decisões do Grupo. Conclui sobre a importância do trabalho em equipe, com destaque também para a necessidade de a avaliação de coleções ser um processo contínuo e programado.

  4. Discursos proferidos na audiência pública da saúde no Supremo Tribunal Federal: uma análise à luz da teoria dos sistemas sociais

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    Alethele Oliveira SANTOS


    Full Text Available RESUMO Os tribunais brasileiros estão sendo convocados para julgar sobre direitos prestacionais sociais e sobre a compreensão da obrigatoriedade do Estado de dar-lhes cumprimento por intermédio das políticas públicas. Com o direito social da saúde não é diferente. A esse fenômeno convencionou-se chamar de judicialização das políticas públicas de saúde. Em vista do número excessivo de decisões nas políticas setoriais da saúde, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF, convocou, entre abril e maio de 2009, a Audiência Pública da Saúde. O STF vem adotando esse novo instituto jurídico, como metodologia de oitiva da sociedade para angariar subsídios para suas decisões em temas considerados de repercussão geral e de relevante interesse público. Este artigo apresenta resultado de pesquisa em que se analisaram 33 discursos proferidos na Audiência Pública da Saúde tomando-se como unidade de pesquisa a categoria sobre a importância jurídica e política da audiência e os argumentos fortes e não fortes encontrados nos discursos analisados. ABSTRACT Brazilian courts are being called on to judge fundamental social rights and the understanding of the State’s obligation to fulfill these rights through public policies. With the social right of health is not different. This phenomenon is usually called of judicialization of public health policies. Considering the excessive number of decisions in the health sectoral policies, the Supreme Court (STF, convened a Public Hearing on Health between April and May 2009. The Supreme Court has adopted this new legal institute, as the methodology to hear the society to raise subsidies for their decisions on issues considered of general repercussion and relevant public interest. This paper presents results of a research, which analyzed 33 speeches given at the Public Hearing on Health taking as a research unit the category about the legal and political importance of the Hearing and the strong or weak

  5. La convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente por la vía del referéndum. Apuntes a propósito de la resolución del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones n.° 6187-E9-2016

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    Mario Matarrita Arroyo


    Full Text Available Explica los fundamentos utilizados por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, en la resolución que da respuesta a la gestión tendiente a convocar un referéndum, por iniciativa ciudadana, para convocar a una Asamblea Constituyente.

  6. O princípio da capacidade contributiva na jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal The ability to pay principle in the decisions of the Brazilian Supreme Court

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    Leonel Cesarino Pessôa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a aplicação do princípio da capacidade contributiva pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. A partir de uma pesquisa realizada no site do tribunal, foram verificadas setenta ocorrências das palavras-chave " capacidade contributiva" nos acórdãos da suprema corte brasileira até novembro de 2008. Para analisar as decisões, partiu-se dos trabalhos de alguns juristas italianos, em especial de Pietro Boria, que procuraram mostrar como, na itália, o princípio da capacidade contributiva foi aplicado tanto na proteção do interesse do contribuinte, como na proteção do interesse do fisco. Os acórdãos foram divididos em cinco grupos de acordo com o interesse protegido e a matéria envolvida. Concluiu-se que, no Brasil, ainda que, às vezes, o princípio tenha sido utilizado na proteção do interesse do contribuinte, foi quase sempre aplicado para a proteção do interesse do fisco.The objective of this paper is to analyze the application of the 'ability to pay' principle to decisions of the Brazilian Supreme Court. In research carried out on the court website, the term 'ability to pay' appeared 70 times in court decisions, until November, 2008. In order to analyze the decisions, I began with texts from Italian jurists, especially Pietro Boria, who sought to demonstrate that the ability to pay principle in Italy is applied both in the protection of taxpayer interests as well as the protection of the state. Decisions were divided into five groups, according to the interest protected and the subject involved. I concluded that, although some times the principle has been applied in the protection of the taxpayer interests, it was almost always applied in the protection of the state interests.

  7. A ponderação de direitos fundamentais como critério para o controle jurisdicional de políticas públicas: decisionismo (leia-se ativismo judicial ou juízo fundamentado? uma análise da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal

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    Mônia Clarissa Leal


    Full Text Available Em tempos de neoconstitucionalismo, em que os ordenamentos jurídico-constitucionais são marcados por um caráter principiológico, os Tribunais Constitucionais ganham destaque, sendo, contudo, objeto de críticas, pautadas, sobretudo, na ausência de critérios objetivos para a ponderação e na extensão dada à atuação do magistrado, que abriria caminho para o assim chamado “ativismo judicial”. Neste contexto é que se pretende analisar a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro, a fim de verificar-se até que ponto suas decisões observam os elementos da ponderação, constituindo-se em juízos fundamentados, ou se caracterizam como simples “decisionismo”, que poderia ser classificado como uma espécie de ativismo judicial.

  8. El trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad en la jurisprudencia penal del Tribunal Supremo español

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    Maria Penado


    Full Text Available El trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad se presenta como un patrón de desconexión del sujeto de las relaciones sociales y fundamentalmente interpersonales, con un serio déficit de su capacidad de expresión emocional. El presente artículo analiza la delictología asociada a las personas que padecen el citado trastorno y la repercusión que dicha dolencia tiene a la hora de determinar la imputabilidad del acusado. Una vez analizadas las 26 sentencias emitidas por el Tribunal Supremo a partir de la entrada en vigor del Código Penal, se puede observar cómo el padecimiento de un trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad no es considerado con suficiente entidad como para eximir de responsabilidad penal (eximente completa, pero sí para disminuir dicha responsabilidad con la consideración de una eximente incompleta o una atenuante analógica, en función de si además del citado trastorno se dan otro tipo de circunstancias como la embriaguez o el consumo de drogas.

  9. Uma breve análise crítica da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal na ADI nº 4.029/2012

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    José Eduardo Sabo Paes


    Full Text Available A supremacia e a rigidez constitucional pressupõem observância irrestrita das normas infraconstitucionais para com a Constituição de um Estado. O controle de constitucionalidade possui o condão de analisar a compatibilização entre a Constituição e as normas infraconstitucionais, sendo o texto constitucional um verdadeiro paradigma de validade e eficácia das leis. No Brasil, atualmente, a teoria de que a norma inconstitucional é nula de pleno direito, vem sendo mitigada, inclusive por força de lei, admitindo-se, a modulação temporal dos efeitos que assim a declaram, aproximando-a, assim, da teoria da anulabilidade do ato normativo inconstitucional. Em determinadas situações, a inconstitucionalidade da norma, apesar de ser reconhecida, não é declarada formalmente pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal que assim o faz em razão da segurança jurídica. Nesses casos, tendo em vista a densidade axiológica dos valores constitucionais que permitem a mitigação da teoria da nulidade do ato normativo inconstitucional, a decisão que assim é exarada deve possuir argumentação jurídica suficiente a ponto de não causar contradição interna na ordem normativo-constitucional. Na ADI nº 4.029 de 2012, a Suprema Corte brasileira, apesar de reconhecer que a Lei nº 11.516/2007 era inconstitucional, a manteve no ordenamento jurídico, sob pena de que a declaração formal de sua inconstitucionalidade trouxesse um panorama de insegurança jurídica em razão de outras normas que se encontravam na mesma situação e mantém plena eficácia. Assim, o presente artigo busca de analisar, de forma crítica, a argumentação e a racionalidade do voto do ministro relator que manteve uma norma, anteriormente reconhecida inconstitucional, no ordenamento jurídico.

  10. La creación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones de Costa Rica en 1949: sus antecedentes y significado en la institucionalidad nacional

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    Carolina Mora Chinchilla


    Full Text Available La administración de los procesos electorales en Costa Rica, sufrió desde el siglo XIX, un largo y lento proceso de sucesivas reformas que se analizarán en este trabajo, con el fin de comprender la estructuración de un modelo político-electoral que tiene a la democracia como norte, al menos en su discurso, pero que no la alcanza, en su modalidad electoral, hasta después de 1949, cuando a raíz de la creación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, se logró finalmente separar, por completo al Poder Ejecutivo de los procesos electorales y se alcanza la pureza del sufragio. Para comprender el desarrollo de un modelo electoral como el costarricense, se hace necesaria la sistematización de las diversas reformas que tomaron muchos años en perfeccionarse, hasta llegar a lo que se tiene en la actualidad, modelo que sigue en constante estudio y transformación. Los resultados de este cambio, serán observados a la luz de los sesenta años del nacimiento del Tribunal, institución emblemática de Costa Rica, después de 1949

  11. Análisis de la comunicación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones con su público externo a través de redes sociales

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    Jazmín Granados Leal


    Full Text Available : El desarrollo de este tema tiene como objetivo analizar la incursión del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en las nuevas tendencias sobre comunicación como las redes sociales, con el fin de llegar a todos sus públicos externos, brindando información relativa a las funciones institucionales que sean de interés para la ciudadanía. La investigación forma parte de un proyecto de tesis de graduación para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en Comunicación de Mercadeo. Se muestran los resultados de una encuesta realizada a seguidores del perfil institucional en Facebook y una entrevista a funcionarios de la institución.

  12. Revista de Derecho Electoral del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones de Costa Rica: Diez años de aportar a la reflexión sobre democracia y elecciones

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    Ileana Aguilar Olivares


    Full Text Available La gestión de conocimiento es una tarea inherente en la función pública. La necesidad de propiciar espacios para la divulgación de ese conocimiento ha llevado a varias instituciones a la creación de publicaciones para su difusión. El Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, consciente de dicha necesidad, crea en el año 2006 la Revista de Derecho Electoral en formato digital y de acceso abierto, con el objetivo de propiciar y difundir el conocimiento que día a día se genera en el área de democracia y elecciones. El artículo realiza un repaso por los principales aportes de la Revista durante sus diez años de existencia.

  13. O recurso extraordinário e a emenda constitucional nº 45/2004: uma abordagem teleológica da nova configuração constitucional e processual civil


    Costa, Hélio Rubens Batista Ribeiro


    Tal como desenvolveremos a presente dissertação, focaremos o estudo do próprio papel do Supremo Tribunal Federal, como órgão de cúpula do Judiciário brasileiro e sua vocação moderna de se tornar um Tribunal Constitucional. Para alcançar o desiderato pretendido, desenvolver-se-á um estudo a respeito do Supremo Tribunal Federal que abordará dados históricos e, conforme previsão da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, a competência, a organização, a estrutura e a ...


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    Oksandro Osdival Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente artigo teve como objetivo examinar os efeitos da decisão proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no benefício previdenciário denominado aposentadoria especial. Para tanto, fez-se uso da hermenêutica histórica, haja vista a sua capacidade de reconstruir elementos motivadores de uma teoria. Com isso, puderam ser observadas as mudanças ocorridas nessa prestação até chegar à forma com que é concedida hoje. Atualmente, o segurado deve comprovar, mediante formulário denominado perfil profissiográfico previdenciário, a efetiva exposição a agentes nocivos por 15, 20 ou 25 anos. Ocorre que a autarquia previdenciária condiciona a redução no tempo de contribuição a um aumento no custeio, sob pena de ofensa ao equilíbrio econômico. Com essas premissas em mente, a matéria chegou à Suprema Corte brasileira e duas teses foram criadas. Nessa toada, o artigo buscou examinar de forma pormenorizada quais foram as proposições e como estas podem conferir novos rumos à matéria utilizando o ferramental da análise econômica do direito. Palavras-chave: Aposentadoria especial. Empresas. Tributação. Análise econômica do direito.

  15. Responsabilidad civil derivada de la inclusión indebida en un registro de morosos


    Lagunas Reyes, Lucia


    El presente trabajo se aborda con motivo de la reciente Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo (Sala de lo Civil) núm. 176/2013, de 6 marzo. Avanzando en la línea marcada por sentencias precedentes, el Tribunal Supremo declara que “la inclusión de datos personales en un registro de morosos por una deuda dudosa vulnera el derecho al honor”. La citada sentencia del Tribunal Supremo asume como propia la doctrina del Tribunal Supremo ya consolidada, según la cual la inclusión incorrecta de datos en u...

  16. The Brazilian Audit Tribunal's role in improving the federal environmental licensing process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima, Luiz Henrique; Magrini, Alessandra


    This article describes the role played by the Brazilian Audit Tribunal (Tribunal de Contas da Uniao - TCU) in the external auditing of environmental management in Brazil, highlighting the findings of an operational audit conducted in 2007 of the federal environmental licensing process. Initially, it records the constitutional and legal framework of Brazilian environmental licensing, describing the powers and duties granted to federal, state and municipal institutions. In addition, it presents the responsibilities of the TCU in the environmental area, comparing these with those of other Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) that are members of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). It also describes the work carried out in the operational audit of the Brazilian environmental licensing process and its main conclusions and recommendations. Finally, it draws a parallel between the findings and recommendations made in Brazil with those of academic studies and audits conducted in other countries.

  17. International Justice through Domestic Courts:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tang, Yi Shin


    In April 2010, the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal, or STF) controversially decided to uphold the country’s amnesty law, which currently prevents prosecutions for violations of human rights committed during the military dictatorship. However, the Inter-American Court...

  18. O Supremo Individual: mecanismos de atuação direta dos Ministros sobre o processo político / The Supreme Individuals: how Brazilian Supreme Court Justices can directly influence the political process

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    Diego Werneck Arguelhes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Estudos e críticas à participação do Supremo Tribunal Federal na vida política nacional costumam assumir, ainda que implicitamente, que a decisão do tribunal a ser analisada ou criticada é obtida após um processo decisório interno colegiado. Mesmo que esse processo seja imperfeito, ele é visto como condição necessária para que os inputs individuais dos Ministros possam produzir efeitos relevantes sobre o mundo fora do tribunal. Neste trabalho, mostramos que os Ministros do STF podem agir individualmente, sem passar pelo colegiado, de modo a produzir efeitos sobre o comportamento de atores externos ao tribunal. Mapeamos conceitualmente esse tipo de poder individual, a partir de um marco teórico da análise institucional, para então identificar alguns exemplos na prática decisória do tribunal: a antecipação de posições na imprensa, o uso de pedidos de vista de longa duração e o uso de decisões monocráticas para avançar posições jurisprudenciais. Com base nesses três exemplos, apontamos e discutimos algumas implicações da existência desses poderes individuais para estudos sobre judicialização da política e comportamento judicial. Em especial, destacamos os problemas normativos que surgem quando se reconhece a possibilidade de que uma ação judicial internamente minoritária (isto é, uma ação que não expressa a preferência da maioria dos Ministros produza resultados externamente contramajoritários. Palavras-chave: Supremo Tribunal Federal; Poderes Individuais; Comportamento Judicial; Processo Decisório; Análise Institucional.                                                 Abstract: Existing studies on the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court tend to assume, even if implicitly, that decisions they analyze are the outcome of an internal, collective decision-making process. Even when this process is criticized as problematic in itself, it is seen as a necessary condition for the

  19. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”


    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras norma...





    O presente estudo tem por objeto analisar o guardião da Constituição no Brasil, partindo da análise das bases teóricas, da história do controle de constitucionalidade brasileiro e mesmo das críticas ao modelo consagrado na Constituição de 1988. Desse modo, o trabalho pretende investigar como o Supremo Tribunal Federal tornou-se o guardião da Constituição brasileira, bem como, através de análise jurisprudencial, o que a referida Corte extrai de tão relevante competência. T...

  1. Una encrucijada judicial y una reforma legal por hacer: problemas jurídicos de la gestación por sustitución en España. A propósito del auto del Tribunal Supremo de 2 de febrero de 2015

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    Full Text Available The Supreme Court has stated in its order of February 2, 2015 why it considers that its judgment of February 2014 which determines that it is not possible to access the Spanish Civil Registry the certificates of birth of two children, sons of Spaniards, born in the United States through surrogacy arrangements on the grounds that are contrary to Spanish international public order, it does not conflict with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in this area, mainly due to the different scope that the prohibition of surrogacy arrangements in France and Spain. El Tribunal Supremo ha precisado en su auto de 2 de febrero de 2015 por qué considera que su sentencia de febrero de 2014, en la que determina que no es posible que accedan al Registro Civil español las actas registrales de nacimiento de dos menores, hijos de españoles, nacidos en Estados Unidos mediante gestación por sustitución por contrariar el orden público internacional español, no se contrapone con la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en esta materia, principalmente por el distinto alcance que tiene la prohibición de la gestación por sustitución en Francia y en España.

  2. Saúde suplementar no Distrito Federal: o que pensa o Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios.

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    Sandra Mara CAMPOS ALVES


    Full Text Available A pesquisa procurou avaliar o entendimento do Poder Judiciário no enfrentamento de demandas envolvendo a assistência à saúde suplementar, através da análise de decisões judiciais do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios – TJDFT. A pesquisa coletou e analisou as decisões judiciais de 2ª instância proferidas pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios, publicadas no período de 2009 a 2011. Observou-se que a regulamentação expedida pela ANS não encontra eco nas decisões judiciais, sendo as decisões fundamentadas prioritariamente com base no Código de Defesa do Consumidor, Código de Processo Civil, e outros textos legais. Concluiu-se que o Poder Judiciário vem se mostrando atento à defesa do direito à saúde, na dimensão da saúde suplementar.

  3. Un criterio propuesto para distinguir las competencias de control de la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en el caso de las normas sometidas a referéndum en Costa Rica

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    Alejandro Robles Leal


    Full Text Available El proceso referendario de 2007, previo a la aprobación del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Centroamérica, significó una gran fiesta cívica para nuestro país, fue la primera vez que, a nivel nacional, el pueblo fue llamado a decidir sobre una propuesta normativa. Sin embargo, entrañó también enormes dudas respecto de las competencias para controlar la constitucionalidad de las normas sometidas a referéndum, y hasta que punto ese control podría acarrear una invasión en el ámbito de competencias por parte de la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia al Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, o viceversa. En este breve trabajo se pretende esbozar un posible criterio para distinguir las competencias de control de ambos órganos, en aras de evitar una invasión, por parte de cualquiera de los dos órganos, en la esfera competencial del otro.

  4. Estudio comparativo de las decisiones de los magistrados del Tribunal Supremo español y los resultados de estudios empíricos sobre las implicaciones psicológicas en menores en situación de guarda y custodia compartida

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    Marta Marín


    Full Text Available Se toma como referencia la modificación de la Ley 15/2005 en el Código Civil español, donde se introduce el concepto de guarda y custodia compartida por primera vez en España. El objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer si existe una relación entre los resultados de las investigaciones con base empírica y las decisiones judiciales acerca de los efectos que producen en menores la guarda y custodia compartidas. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo de las investigaciones relativas a las consecuencias de la custodia compartida, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Posteriormente, se han comparado los resultados de las investigaciones con las decisiones de los magistrados, obtenidas tras realizar un análisis de la jurisprudencia de las sentencias del Tribunal Supremo desde el año 2005 hasta el año 2015.

  5. Overcoming Obstacles to Peace: Local Factors in Nation-Building (United States)


    Cambodia Abbreviations xliii SRSG Special Representative of the Secretary-General TSE Tribunal Supremo Electoral (Supreme Electoral Court) UDT União...Building expansionism (see Figure 3.1).10 Early Khmer empires ruled over what are today large portions of Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos . But, over the...electoral code enacted in 1993 and the creation of a Supreme Electoral Court (Tribunal Supremo Electoral, or TSE ). Substantial irregularities were

  6. Diferença de Classe no SUS é inconstitucional!

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    Alethele de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available A discussão sobre a ‘diferença de classe’ decorre do Recurso Extraordinário (RE 581488 interposto pelo Conselho Regional de Medicina do Rio Grande do Sul (Cremers em face da decisão do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ªRegião (TRF –4ª, em favor do município de Canela (RS (1 junto ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF, com repercussão geral  reconhecida sob o número 579. Trata-se da possibilidade de que paciente do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS pague valor financeiro por hotelaria diferenciada, ou ainda, médico de sua preferência.

  7. The Supreme Federal Court of Brazil and the law of oil; O Supremo Tribunal Federal e a Lei do petroleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reis, Marcio Monteiro


    The following paper aims to analyze the local oil legal framework and the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court ('STF') footprint pursuant Constitutional Amendment n. 5. Such Amendment allowed local and international companies to act in the Brazilian oil market. This paper also analyses Law 9.478, which created the National Oil Agency ('ANP') with great innovations to the market. Therefore, a historic timeline comparing the enactment of such rules 'vis-a-vis' certain issues raised before STF through Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality will be presented (author)

  8. O pedido de cooperação do Tribunal Penal Internacional ao Brasil na captura do presidente do Sudão (The request for cooperation on the capture of the president of Sudan submitted to Brazil by the International Criminal Court

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    João Irineu de Resende Miranda


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo tem como tema a relação de cooperação entre o Tribunal Penal Internacional e o Brasil. Partindo das questões levantadas pelo despacho referente à Petição 4625-1, redigido pelo presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, seu objetivo é saber se as dificuldades em harmonizar certas disposições do Estatuto do Tribunal Penal Internacional com a Constituição brasileira podem impedir o Brasil de cooperar com o Tribunal Penal Internacional no tocante à detenção e posterior entrega do presidente do Sudão, Omar al-Bashir. Analisando o fundamento jurídico do pedido de cooperação e os pontos de conflito apontados pela doutrina, conclui-se que não há obstáculo para o atendimento do pedido de cooperação, sendo este, pelo contrário, uma obrigação jurídica do Estado brasileiro.Abstract: This work discusses the cooperation relationship between the International Criminal Court and Brazil. From the issues raised by the order on the Petition 4625-1, as written by the President of the Supreme Court, its goal is to establish whether or not the difficulties in harmonizing certain provisions of the Statute of the International Criminal Court with the Brazilian Constitution may prevent the latter to cooperate with the International Criminal Court in relation to the arrest and surrender of the President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir. Analyzing the legal basis of the request for cooperation and the conflict points highlighted by the doctrine, our research concludes that there is no obstacle to comply with the request for cooperation, which is actually a legal obligation of the Brazilian state.

  9. O poder dos juízes: Supremo Tribunal Federal e o desenho institucional do Conselho Nacional de Justiça The power of judges: the Supreme Court and the institutional design of the National Council of Justice

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    Ernani Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este artigo desenvolve o argumento de que o Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ, criado no Brasil em 2004, foi fruto de um arranjo político com base na concretização da Reforma do Poder Judiciário. Neste arranjo os interesses do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF prevaleceram sobre os demais e, por consequência, o resultado da emenda constitucional de número 45 foi um CNJ dirigido por integrantes da Corte maior brasileira. Para sua consecução utilizamos uma revisão da literatura especializada e análise de dados. O argumento é desenvolvido a partir da lógica de que aprovar um desenho institucional do CNJ atrelado aos interesses do STF é a melhor estratégia a ser desenvolvida pelos membros da Corte. Isto pode ser justificado por: 1 Os juízes do STF são importantes atores políticos; 2 A existência de uma independência judicial garantida por prerrogativas institucionais reforça ainda mais sua importância política; 3 Sistemas políticos com alto grau de fragmentação aumentam a probabilidade dos juízes (do STF emplacarem seus interesses; 4 A existência do mecanismo de revisão judicial amplia o grau de influência das Supremas Cortes e 5 Por fim, a existência de mecanismos informais de persuasão facilitam o êxito dos juízes do STF. A partir do caso estudado podemos constatar que: o desenho institucional brasileiro, que potencializa a possibilidade de intervenção judicial no processo decisório, e o sistema político altamente fragmentado geraram, em grande medida, uma Suprema Corte (STF poderosa e centralizadora do policy-making Judiciário, se tornando, neste aspecto, uma terceira câmara do processo decisório.This article argues that the National Council of Justice (CNJ, created in Brazil in 2004, was the result of a political arrangement based on the achievement of the Reform of the Judiciary. In this arrangement the interests of the Federal Supreme Court (STF prevailed over the others and therefore the result of a

  10. ¡La competencia electoral de la Sala Constitucional de Costa Rica!

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    Bernal Arias Ramírez


    Full Text Available Ensayo que en tres partes analiza el deslinde de competencias entre la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones. La primera desarrolla cuáles son las competencias dadas por la Constitución y por la ley a la Sala Constitucional frente al Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones. En segundo lugar, analiza, si la jurisdicción constitucional violentó con su voto de mayoría el Derecho de la Constitución al emitir la sentencia que anula la resolución del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, que autorizaba la recolección de firmas para convocar un referéndum sobre el proyecto de ley denominado “Ley de unión civil entre personas del mismo sexo”. Posteriormente, en una tercera parte, aborda un asunto reciente como es lo relativo a la acción de inconstitucionalidad de la ex diputada Mauren Ballestero Vargas contra el artículo 262 del Código Electoral.


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    Iriana Munhoz


    Full Text Available El concepto de familia no puede estar vinculada sólo a "el matrimonio, el sexo y la reproducción." El concepto de familia moderna debe comprenderse en uno más amplio, que se debe reconocer sin prejuicios ni discriminación, el afecto y la felicidad son básicos para su definición. Habida cuenta de la omisión legislativa, la reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema reconoce que la unión homosexual estable va al encuentro de este nuevo paradigma. Con cuidado para proteger a este grupo vulnerable, nuestro Tribunal Constitucional rompe "tabúes" y respeta los principios fundamentales de nuestra ley suprema, lo que demuestra que la libertad de la libre orientación sexual forma parte de la dignidad humana.

  12. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”

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    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    Full Text Available En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras normas constitucionales. El segundo aspecto que analizamos desde el punto de vista jurídico es a quién corresponde el peso de la prueba. A nuestro parecer, lo que se prueba en cualquier juicio son hechos positivos, no hechos negativos, y quien debe probar es quien alega la ocurrencia de estos hechos. En consecuencia, consideramos que el Tribunal Constitucional debió haber exigido que los recurrentes probaran que el levonorgestrel impide el implante o anidación de un óvulo fecundado y no exigir al recurrido probar un hecho negativo, cual es que el mencionado producto no impide esta anidación. Reflexionamos además sobre ciertas imprecisiones del fallo, como aquellas relacionadas con el comienzo de la vida humana y la constitucionalidad de la consejería a menores.


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    Lydia Stewart Ferreira


    Full Text Available The health tribunal process is assumed to be neutral and allow for the tribunal’s focus to be on the parties’ legal arguments. This study quantitatively examined approximately 400 decisions over a five-year period to determine whether or not health tribunal hearings are neutral or whether the hearing process itself affects the tribunal’s decision independent of the parties’ legal arguments. Certain tribunal procedures affected tribunal decisions independent of legal arguments. This novel quantitative research matrix, which analysed cases over a five year time period, identified trends which are overlooked in traditional legal analysis of judicial review.   Il est présumé que le processus d’audience du tribunal de la santé est neutre et permet au tribunal de se concentrer sur les arguments juridiques des parties. Cette étude porte sur l’analyse quantitative d’environ 400 décisions et s’est étendue sur une période de cinq années; elle visait à déterminer si les audiences du tribunal de la santé sont neutres ou non, ou si le processus d’audience même influence les décisions du tribunal indépendamment des arguments juridiques des parties. Cette nouvelle matrice de données quantitatives, qui a analysé des causes sur une période de cinq années, a permis de constater des tendances qui sont mises de côté dans les analyses juridiques traditionnelles du processus de contrôle judiciaire.


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    Márcia Mazo Santos de Miranda


    Full Text Available A quick, effective and powerful alternative for knowledge management is the systematic sharing of best practices. This study identified in the literature recommendations for structuring a best practices database and summarized the benefits of its deployment to the Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região TRF - 1ª Região. A It was conducted a quantitative research was then carried out, with the distribuition of where questionnaires were distributed to federal judges of the TRF- 1ª Região, which was divided into 4 parts: magistrate profile, flow of knowledge / information, internal environment, organizational facilitator. As a result, we identified the need to have a best practices database in the Institution for the organizational knowledge identification, transfer and sharing. The conclusion presents recommendations for the development of the database and highlights its importance for knowledge management in an organization.

  15. O STF e a construção institucional das autoridades reguladoras do financeiro: um estudo de caso das ADIns The Brazilian Supreme Court and the institutional design of the public authorities of the National Financial System: an ADIns' empirical study

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    Camila Duran-Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende avaliar a atuação da corte constitucional brasileira, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, como verdadeiro ator no desenho institucional das autoridades reguladoras do sistema financeiro nacional, o Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN e o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB. Sua interação com os poderes políticos, por meio do julgamento de Ações Diretas de Inconstitucionalidade (ADIns, ao longo dos últimos 20 anos, forneceu balizas jurídicas para a construção dessas autoridades. Esta pesquisa, que parte de uma análise qualitativa das decisões do Tribunal como estudo de caso, mapeou os temas e atores interessados na regulação do sistema financeiro e na estrutura dessas entidades, assim como procurou demonstrar como a atuação da corte reforçou a competência normativa desses órgãos. Ao final, este artigo delineia parâmetros para eventual edição de futura legislação, que vise regular o sistema financeiro, revogando a Lei 4594 de 1964, e conceder eventual autonomia ao Banco Central do Brasil.The purpose of this study is to analyse the manner the Brazilian Supreme Court's (Supremo Tribunal Federal - STF decisions have influenced the institutional design of the national monetary council and the Brazilian Central Bank. During the last 20 years, STF provided limits to the power of these public authorities, by judging Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADIns. This research is based on empirical study that intends to identify the actors and the issues submitted to the court and how its decision enforced their power of regulating the financial system. As a result, it is possible to perceive directions to enact the law that intends to regulate the financial system and eventually to attribute the independence to the Brazilian Central Bank.





    O presente trabalho de dissertação tem como objetivo a compreensão do Controle Abstrato e Concentrado de Constitucionalidade, exercido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal via ADI e ADC, sobre a Regra Matriz de Incidência Tributária, enquanto norma geral e abstrata, bem como os efeitos deste tipo de tutela constitucional sobre as relações jurídico-tributárias fundadas na norma tributária objeto de controle. Mais especificamente, tratar-se-á da influência das decisões de mérito que ...

  17. As razões de flexibilização dos efeitos da decisão de Inconstitucionalalidade.


    CABRAL, M. F.


    Trata do estudo da questão da decisão de inconstitucionalidade e sua eficácia no tempo proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no exercício do controle de constitucionalidade abstrato. Inicia, no Capítulo 1, uma abordagem acerca do Constitucionalismo e da Constituição, destacando, dentre suas características, a imortalidade normativa e a indisponibilidade política. Após, no Capítulo 2, introduz considerações acerca da jurisdição constitucional e alguns modelos de controle de constitucionalida...

  18. Título V de la Constitución de Cádiz : poder judicial, origen del Tribunal Supremo, y unidad de códigos

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    Pedro J. Tenorio Sánchez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia el Título V de la Constitución de Cádiz de 1812, regulador del Poder Judicial, de algunos derechos fundamentales y del principio de unidad de códigos. Tiene una introducción sobre la doctrina de la división del poder en LOCKE y MONTESQUIEU. El Poder Judicial en la Constitución de Cádiz tuvo gran importancia porque fue el que enfrentó a las Cortes con los antiguos Consejos de la Administración borbónica. El trabajo comienza analizando la plasmación en la Constitución del principio de división de poderes. La recepción de este principio se hace bajo la influencia de MONTESQUIEU y de la Constitución francesa de 1791. No obstante, en el Discurso Preliminar con el que los constituyentes explicaban la Constitución, presentan a ésta como una recuperación de antiguas leyes de la Monarquía Hispánica. Por lo que se refiere a las características del Poder judicial, la Constitución sienta las bases y las paredes maestras del mismo. En particular, aunque no reconocen explícitamente la independencia judicial, la garantiza a lo largo de varios de sus preceptos. En la estructura judicial se sitúa en la base a los Alcaldes, y en el vértice, al Tribunal Supremo. Es de destacar que no se recoge la figura del jurado. Por lo que se refiere al Tribunal Supremo, hay que señalar que no es la institución típica de un Estado de Derecho liberal. No lo llegará a ser hasta 1838, cuando se regule el recurso de nulidad, convirtiéndolo en una especie de recurso de casación. El Título V contiene, por otra parte, una serie variada de garantías de la libertad personal, procesales, de la propiedad, del domicilio, y humaniza el tratamiento penitenciario. Una característica del mismo que hay que destacar es que recoge la propia posibilidad de que esos derechos y garantías sean suspendidos. La Constitución recoge en el Título V, art. 258, el principio de unidad de códigos. Toda la Constitución está inspirada por la

  19. The European Nuclear Energy Tribunal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchetti, D.


    The European Nuclear Energy Tribunal was set up within the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (now the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) on 20th December 1957 under the Convention on Security Control. Seven independent judges are appointed for five years by decision of the Council of the Organisation; if the Tribunal includes no judge of the nationality of a party in a dispute submitted to it, the Government concerned may select an additional judge in that case. The Tribunal is competent in matters of security control, third party liability and activities of one of the Organisation's joint undertakings. At the request of any Government party to the Security Control Convention, to the Eurochemic Convention or to the Paris Convention and Brussels Supplementary Convention it may be convened to resolve any dispute concerning the interpretation or application thereof. While the Tribunal has not yet been called upon to exercise its judgment it is nonetheless an important and necessary instrument for Member States engaged in nuclear activities at international level. (NEA) [fr

  20. Cooperation challenges for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Swart, B.


    While the Agreement between the United Nations and Lebanon provides a solid framework for cooperation between the Special Tribunal and Lebanon, Security Council Resolution 1757 (2007) is silent on the duty of third states to assist the Tribunal. As a result, the Special Tribunal will be confronted

  1. 20th Anniversary Conference on World Bank Administrative Tribunal

    CERN Document Server


    Contents :"Review of discretionary power by international administrative tribunals" by Michel Gentot, "Checks exerted by administrative tribunals over the discretionary powers of international organizations" by Nicolas Valticos, "Comments" by Ranjan (C.F.) Amerasinghe, "The review of managerial discretion by international administrative tribunals" by Francisco Orrego Vicuña, "Some practical issue arising in international administrative tribunals" by Nassib G. Ziadé, "Aspects of judicial review of administrative action in the WBAT with comparative remarks" by Spyridon Flogaitis, "The International Monetary Fund Administrative Tribunal : its first six years" by Celia Goldman

  2. Arbitrating a fiction: Canadian federalism and the Nova Scotia/Newfoundland and Labrador boundary dispute

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baier, G. [University of British Columbia, Dept. of Political Science, Vancouver, BC(Canada); Groarke, P.


    The dispute between the provinces of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador, regarding ownership of natural resources to be found in the offshore area lying between the two provinces is discussed. Constitutionally, ownership of offshore natural resources belongs to the federal government. In this instance, the intention was to share control over development and revenues with the provinces through joint management accords, however, a dispute over offshore boundary arose, which eventually resulted in an arbitration tribunal. This paper analyzes the terms of reference for the tribunal and its findings, and concludes that the tribunal process was flawed. The authors cast doubts on the appropriateness of the tribunal's role, the method by which it reached its decision, and the legality of its findings. They conclude that the tribunal merely cloaks a political decision in legal garb since there are no genuine boundaries between the provinces, and the tribunal process simply apportioned federal resources between two provinces. The authors ultimately conclude that by resorting to the tribunal process the federal minister of natural resources was able to avoid political responsibility for making an unpopular decision by relying on a pseudo-judicial body for technical recommendations, and in so doing undermined the legitimacy of the Canadian federal system by obscuring the already murky lines of accountability of the federal and provincial governments. 57 end notes.

  3. El deslinde competencia entre el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones y la Sala constitucional: una historia inconclusa en cuatro capítulos

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    Luis Antonio Sobrado González


    Full Text Available Inicia con una breve introducción en donde señala las funciones y atribuciones de cada uno de los órganos (Sala y Tribunal dadas por la Constitución Política. Seguidamente señala cómo por medio de la jurisprudencia emitida por ambas instancias, se han delineado criterios que paulatinamente han ido clarificando los respectivos ámbitos de competencia en materia electoral, no obstante por sentencia n.º 13313 de 2010, la Sala Constitucional comprometió la autonomía y autoridad del TSE, al desconocer el carácter obligatorio y exclusivo de sus interpretaciones normativoelectorales y la naturaleza irrecurrible de sus decisiones.



    Dettmam, Deborah; Matos, Nelson Juliano Cardoso


    Este artigo discute se o recurso ao povo ou ao legislador, como instrumento de resolução dos conflitos entre os poderes, viola a separação de poderes e a independência do poder judiciário ou se, antes disso, dá fiel execução à separação de poderes. Para alcançar esse objetivo, esse artigo investiga se existe relação entre o recurso ao legislador e os regimes autoritários; se a Constituição Federal de 1988 proíbe outro guardião constitucional, que não o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e quais as con...

  5. Reflexões acerca da modulação de efeitos: decisões proferidas pelo STF em matéria tributária


    Farias, Érika Dias Machado Costa de


    Atualmente tem-se verificado grande número de julgados contendo a modulação de efeitos da decisão de inconstitucionalidade em matéria tributária no Supremo Tribunal Federal, conforme disposto do artigo 27 da Lei 9.868/99. Para o exame do tema, faz-se uma análise das teorias da anulabilidade e nulidade. A modulação dos efeitos temporais é uma forma de atenuação à teoria da nulidade do ato inconstitucional, pois impede a adoção de eficácia retroativa das decisões de inconstitu...

  6. La costumbre no es fuente del Derecho Procesal


    Gascón Inchausti, Fernando


    Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 28 de abril de 1998. Se analiza el valor jurídico que cabe atribuir a ciertos usos forenses, dado que la costumbre no es fuente del Derecho Procesal.

  7. Challenging international criminal tribunals before domestic courts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    d' Aspremont, J.; Brölmann, C.; Reinisch, A.


    International courts, despite the wide-ranging means that have been put at their disposal, need the cooperation of various domestic actors. The cooperation of States with international criminal tribunals has not always been without difficulty, as these tribunals have been the object of various


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    Alessandra Rapacci Mascarenhas Prado


    Full Text Available A Constituição Federal brasileira veda a utilização de provas ilícitas e suas derivadas no processo penal. Enquanto dispositivo do Código de Processo Penal, com base na teoria da descoberta inevitável, permite a valoração de provas ilícita em determinados casos. Questiona-se, portanto, se a vedação pode ser relativizada quando confrontada com a presunção da inocência e direito à liberdade. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar se, de fato, e em que medida, esta teoria respeita direitos e garantias fundamentais. A metodologia empregada foi a revisão bibliográfica e a pesquisa documental (julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal.

  9. Maçonaria: associação de pessoas ou templo para fins de imunidade tributária


    Silva, Denise Viana França da


    Trata-se da avaliação do instituto da imunidade tributária, prevista no Texto Constitucional no artigo 150, inciso VI, alínea b, o qual versa sobre a imunidade dos templos de qualquer culto. Ademais, será estudado o Recurso Extraordinário nº 562.351/RS o qual discorre sobre a previsão de beneficio tributário (isenção de IPTU) a Loja Maçonica Grande Oriente do Rio Grande do Sul. O Supremo Tribunal Federal entendeu que a imunidade dos templos não abrange a maçonaria, vez que esta...

  10. Diálogos hermenêuticos em Direitos Humanos: em busca da(s) pergunta(s) adequadas(s) para a aplicação dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos no Brasil


    Ferreira, Rafael Fonseca


    A temática da tese é a relação entre Constituição e Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos como expressão de internacionalização do Direito. A tese dedicou-se a elaboração de uma proposta de solução à problemática de como estabelecer outra racionalidade capaz de responder a dificuldade do emprego da visão hierárquico-normativa (difundida na doutrina e no Supremo Tribunal Federal) na relação Constituição-Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos, com direta repercussão no âmbito pragmát...

  11. Semblanza Cuerpo Nacional de Delegados

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    Elena Isabel Alonso Quesada


    Full Text Available Presenta una breve reseña historia de la creación del Cuerpo Nacional de Delegados del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, así como una descripción de las labores realizadas por el mismo durante sus sesenta años de existencia

  12. Decolonizing the Archives: The Work of New Zealand's Waitangi Tribunal

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    Rachel Buchanan


    Full Text Available If history is to be decolonized, then the archives it is made from must be too. This article uses the work of the Waitangi Tribunal in Aotearoa New Zealand to explore how this might be possible. The tribunal is a permanent commission of inquiry that investigates contemporary and historical breaches of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. Tribunal hearings are rich sites of public history-making. A hearing involves the research and production of ‘traditional’ and ‘historical’ tribal narratives as well as the performance of dozens of individual testimonies from Maori. By collecting and archiving the family and tribal histories that Maori claimants have chosen to speak, write or sing before it, the tribunal has made the private public. In the process, the colonial archive has been expanded, democratised and decolonised. This article argues that while the work of the tribunal is necessarily constrained by its brief to investigate post-contact grievances, the voluminous and precious archive generated by inquiries and by the settlement process that sometimes follows, provide the seeds for other more satisfying and challenging stories about New Zealand’s past and present. It reads the archives generated by the Taranaki inquiry to demonstrate how a significant feature of claimant testimony is the challenge it poses to conceptions of time that are central to academic history-making. The subaltern histories shared at tribunal hearings collapse the distinctions between past and present, placing ‘historical actors’ and ‘historical events’ on the same stage as present ones. Tribunal archives, then, are a new and overlooked collection of documentary evidence that refuses to locate colonisation in the past. The tribunal archives challenge historians to rethink ‘history’ and ‘the colonial archive’. If colonisation is something that is not over yet then the colonial archive is still being created (by bodies like the tribunal. It is a collection

  13. Naturaleza normativa de las relaciones de puestos de trabajo. A propósito de la nueva jurisprudencia sentada por la sentencia de la sala 3.ª, sección 7.ª, del Tribunal Supremo, de 5 de febrero de 2014

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    Agustín Gil Franco


    Full Text Available Con este comentario se viene a señalar el significativo cambio de rumbo en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo en relación con las relaciones de puestos de trabajo, a las que incluso se les ha arrebatado el carácter figurado de norma para que pudieran ser objeto de recurso de casación. La sentencia pretende zanjar una cuestión largamente tratada tanto por la jurisprudencia como por la propia doctrina, sobre lo que es en sí una relación de puestos de trabajo: si realmente son normas jurídicas o simplemente actos administrativos dentro de esa doble función que realizan como instrumento de ordenación de recursos humanos y como último eslabón de la cadena organizativa de una Administración determinada. El voto particular formulado vuelve a incidir en que la cuestión no parece estar definitivamente cerrada, desde el punto de vista de la caracterización de dichos instrumentos, añadiendo lo que precisamente se trataba de combatir: la inseguridad jurídica en los funcionarios. This comment has been to point out the significant shift in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court concerning relations jobs, which even has robbed the figurative nature of rule so that they could be subject to appeal. The judgment seeks to settle a question treated at length by both case law and the doctrine itself, what is in a relationship of jobs: if they really are or just legal rules within administrative acts performing this dual role as an instrument of management of human resources and as the last link in the organizational chain of a particular administration. The dissent raised again stressed that the issue does not seem to be definitely closed from the point of view of the characterization of these instruments adding precisely what it was combat: the legal uncertainty officials.

  14. La obligación de investigar las desapariciones forzadas y su aplicación a los crímenes del franquismo en España


    Galella, Patricio


    La sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de España en el caso por prevaricato contra el juez Garzón por pretender investigar los crímenes del franquismo ha cerrado la vía judicial como medio para canalizar las reclamaciones de los familiares de víctimas del franquismo. En su lugar, el Tribunal sostuvo que otros mecanismos eran los apropiados. La práctica indica, sin embargo, que los juzgados competentes han archivado sistemáticamente las causas y la Ley de Memoria Histórica es insuficiente, colocand...

  15. Legitimidade e governabilidade na regulação do sistema financeiro Legitimacy and governability in financial regulation

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    Ademir Antonio Pereira Júnior


    Full Text Available A relação entre direito e economia pode resultar numa oposição entre governabilidade e legitimidade legal-racional, uma vez que se baseiam em diferentes racionalidades. A revisão judicial da regulação do sistema financeiro evidencia esse conflito, observado neste trabalho sob a perspectiva da jurisprudência constitucional do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF. O objetivo deste trabalho resume-se então em identificar o conflito entre governabilidade e a exigência de legitimidade legal das decisões analisadas pela corte no que concerne à regulação financeira. O estudo de casos evidencia que o STF tem rejeitado argumentos econômicos, entretanto, tem preservado a lógica da governabilidade com decisões contraditórias e incoerentes pautadas em argumentos formais. Dessa forma, possível identificar o papel institucional conferido pelo STF à Constituição Federal de 1988, considerando o contexto das crises econômicas vividas pelo Brasil a partir da metade da década de 1980 e sua nova conformação a partir da Emenda Constitucional n. 40.The relation between law and economics might result in an opposition between governability and legal-rational legitimacy, since they are based in different rationalities. Judicial review of financial regulation shows that coflict, which is here analysed from the viewpoint of the constitutional jurisprudence of the Brazilian Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal - STF. In brief, the purpose of this article is to identify the oppostion between governability and the need for legal-legitimacy in the cases analysed by the court concerning financial regulation. The case studies show that the judicial review by STF has rejected economic aspects of the case, however it has preserved governability rationality with incoherent and contradictory decisions based on formal arguments. Thereby, it is possible to identify the institutional role granted by stf to the Brazilian Constitution dated from 1988, considering

  16. The Copyright Royalty Tribunal. (United States)

    Brylawski, E. Fulton


    The regulatory and adjudicative structure of the newly-created Copyright Royalty Tribunal is described and guidelines for its functioning are examined. Problems in data reporting and in the determination of ownership of copyrights of works used by compulsory licensees are among the issues addressed. (LBH)

  17. Introducción al tema monográfico

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    Sofía Salas Ibarra


    Full Text Available Este número de Ars Medica está por entero dedicado al tema de Anticoncepción de Emergencia (AE y a la discusión de sus aspectos biológicos, éticos, sociales y jurídicos, incluyendo un análisis sobre los aspectos científicos y jurídicos contenidos en el reciente fallo del Tribunal Constitucional de Chile. Como es de conocimiento público, con fecha 18 de abril de 2008 dicho tribunal dictó sentencia sobre el requerimiento presentado por un grupo de diputados en contra del decreto supremo Nº 48 de 2007 del Ministerio de Salud, el cual prohíbe la entrega de AE en los servicios públicos de salud. Pocos días después, el Gobierno de Chile declaró la supresión de las normas sobre AE de las Normas Nacionales sobre Regulación de la Fertilidad, que forman parte del decreto supremo Nº 48, de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud, por ser inconstitucionales de acuerdo al fallo antes señalado1

  18. Relaciones de puestos de trabajo. ¿Reglamento o acto administrativo? STS de 05 de febrero de 2014 (JUR 2014\\1572

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    Belén Andrés Segovia


    Full Text Available La Sentencia que ocupará las siguientes páginas, es objeto de un punto de inflexión a través del cual, el Tribunal Supremo cambia años de doctrina jurisprudencial. La figura por excelencia era el Reglamento en las Relaciones de Puesto de Trabajo. A través de este análisis podremos observar, como los criterios han cambiado, y ya no es el régimen normativo a seguir según el Tribunal Supremo. Para terminar realizaremos un análisis a modo de conclusiones extraídas a raíz de su régimen comparativo con la figura jurídica anterior. The Sentence analyzed a turning point through which the Supreme Court changed years of jurisprudence. The figure par excellence was the Regulation on Workplace Relations. Through this analysis we can see, the criteria have changed, and is no longer the regulatory regime to follow according to the Supreme Court. Finally make an analysis by way of conclusions drawn following its comparative legal regime with the previous figure.

  19. Regimén Jurídico de la Prescripción en el Código Penal español


    Pastor Alcoy, Francisco José


    La presente tesis tiene como objeto el régimen jurídico de la prescripción en el código penal español para lo cual presenta la evolución legislativa de la misma en el ordenamiento jurídico desde el CP de 1822 hasta la LO 1/2015. Importantes cambios en la prescripción supuso el Código Penal de 1995 a los que se unieron nuevas interpretaciones jurisprudenciales y un diálogo entre el Tribunal Constitucional y el Tribunal Supremo y la doctrina científica que ha germinado en importantes cambio...

  20. Ruling Against the Executive in Amparo Cases: Evidence from the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal Fallando en Contra del Ejecutivo en los Casos de Amparo: Evidencia del Tribunal Constitucional Peruano

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    Lydia Brashear Tiede


    Full Text Available In this paper, we systematically analyze decisions made by the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal from 1996 to 2006 in amparo cases, which significantly impact individual rights. We ask the following question: in these types of cases, what conditions led the Tribunal to assert itself against the executive? Through an analysis of Tribunal decisions during the presidencies of Alberto Fujimori and Alejandro Toledo, we find that the Tribunal is more likely to rule against the executive, as the public’s confidence in the executive decreases and as the share of congressional seats of the president’s party declines. Further, the Tribunal is more willing to decide cases against the executive in areas that most pervade its docket, specifically in the areas of pensions and employment. These findings add to the comparative and American judicial politics literature by showing that high courts, even relatively weak ones, follow politics, but that case subject area and prevalence may temper this tendency.En este artículo presentamos un análisis sistemático de las decisiones del Tribunal Constitucional del Perú, específicamente las decisiones tomadas respecto a los casos de amparo entre 1996 y 2006. Estos casos son los de mayor relevancia para proteger los derechos individuales. Para este tipo de casos, buscamos contestar la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué determinantes políticos llevan al Tribunal Constitucional a fallar en contra del ejecutivo en este tipo de casos? Del análisis de todas las decisiones de amparo adoptadas por el Tribunal durante las presidencias de Alberto Fujimori y Alejandro Toledo, encontramos más probable que el Tribunal falle en contra del gobierno cuando la confianza del público en el ejecutivo declina y el número de legisladores del partido de gobierno en el congreso disminuye. Sin embargo, es más probable que el Tribunal decida en contra del ejecutivo en áreas o tipo de casos en los que más favorezcan sus intereses, espec

  1. Clear and compelling evidence: the Polish tribunal on abortion rights. (United States)

    Girard, Françoise; Nowicka, Wanda


    On 25 July 2001 the Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning organised a Tribunal on Abortion Rights in Warsaw, to publicize the negative consequences of the criminalization of abortion in Poland. A panel of Polish and foreign experts heard the testimonials of seven Polish women's experiences under the 1993 "Anti-Abortion Act". Only two of the seven women were able to tell their stories in person. One died in 2001, at the age of 21, of an unsafe abortion. One is legally blind after having carried her last pregnancy to term. One is in prison for infanticide, which in all likelihood was committed by her boyfriend. National and foreign journalists were in attendance, as well as observers from all walks of life--writers, students, mothers, activists, feminists, husbands. The evidence was clear and compelling. Restrictive abortion laws make abortion unsafe by pushing it underground, endanger women's health, create a climate where even those services that are allowed by law-become unavailable, and contravene standards set by international human rights law. The restrictive abortion law in Poland has not increased the number of births; it has only caused women and their families suffering. The Tribunal brought the issue of abortion into the media prior to an election campaign and galvanised Polish and other Eastern European women's groups to become more active in defence of abortion rights.

  2. La reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Tribunal Constitucional

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    Manuel Aragón


    Full Text Available i. Objetivo y estructura del presente trabajo. ii. La pertinencia de la reforma. iii. El estatus del Tribunal Constitucional. iv. El recurso de amparo. v. Los asuntos de Pleno. vi. El funcionamiento interno del Tribunal. Reglas comunes de procedimiento y régimen del personal. vii. Consideraciones generales: el significado de la reforma. A. El alcance de la reforma. 1. Una reforma intensa de la lotc. 2. Lo que la reforma no incluye. B. La importancia de la reforma. 1. Transformación radical del recurso de amparo. 2. Cambios en el sistema de justicia constitucional. 3. Una precisión necesaria: el nuevo amparo-control no significa que el Tribunal Constitucional pierda por completo su dimensión de tribunal de tutela de los derechos fundamentales, sino que se transforma el significado de dicha función. 4. Eficacia de la reforma

  3. La reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Tribunal Constitucional

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    Manuel Aragón


    Full Text Available i. Objetivo y estructura del presente trabajo. ii. La pertinencia de la reforma. iii. El estatus del Tribunal Constitucional. iv. El recurso de amparo. v. Los asuntos de Pleno. vi. El funcionamiento interno del Tribunal. Reglas comunes de procedimiento y régimen del personal. vii. Consideraciones generales: el significado de la reforma. A. El alcance de la reforma. 1. Una reforma intensa de la lotc. 2. Lo que la reforma no incluye. B. La importancia de la reforma. 1. Transformación radical del recurso de amparo. 2. Cambios en el sistema de justicia constitucional. 3. Una precisión necesaria: el nuevo amparo-control no significa que el Tribunal Constitucional pierda por completo su dimensión de tribunal de tutela de los derechos fundamentales, sino que se transforma el significado de dicha función. 4. Eficacia de la reforma

  4. Investor-state tribunals and constitutional courts: The Mexican sweeteners saga


    Puig, Sergio


    This article tackles the complex question of the relationship between international and domestic adjudicatory bodies. It does so by analyzing the debate between liberals and developmentalists over the effects of investor-state arbitration tribunals on domestic courts. For liberals, investor-state tribunals are a positive complement to domestic judicial institutionsfor their ability to "de-politicize" investment disputes, leading to economic policy stability that encourages foreign investment....

  5. A Constitucionalidade do Projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil

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    Janaina Pontes Cerqueira


    Full Text Available A escassez de profissionais médicos em determinadas áreas no Brasil é tema que sempre mereceu atenção especial do Estado. O Projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil, implementado por meio da Medida Provisória nº 621, de 8 de julho de 2013, autoriza a atuação de médicos estrangeiros sob regime especial de aperfeiçoamento profissional no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, na Atenção Básica, possibilitando a cobertura médica assistencial em  regiões prioritárias e vulneráveis do país, e foi fruto de questionamento judicial junto ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, por meio de ação direta de inconstitucionalidade, que colocou em confronto os limites constitucionais de autorização para essa forma de atuação profissional. O estudo objetivou identificar os argumentos jurídicos utilizados pelos diversos atores que atuaram nas ADINs 5035-DF e 5037-DF, notadamente no que se refere ao Projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil, ajuizadas no Supremo Tribunal Federal e analisá-los à luz da Teoria dos Direitos Fundamentais de Robert Alexy. Os resultados apontam que o Projeto, na sua estruturação legal, encontra legitimidade na medida em que não se confunde com a abertura de mercado de trabalho, institui regime específico de atuação profissional, com garantias essenciais dos indivíduos, atenta para diretrizes de cooperação internacional em saúde da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS e demonstra eficácia social com a concreta ampliação de acesso da população na cobertura assistencial até que medidas conjunturais e estruturantes da formação médica no Brasil sejam implementadas e alcancem resultados diretos à população usuária do SUS.

  6. Elections and Electoral Tribunal in Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 19, 2011 ... 'pulpits' were angels that may shun the acceptance of gratification to uphold or upturn ..... INEC in the 2007 election, it will be out of place for election tribunal to use .... Democratic theory and practice: The Nigerian experience.

  7. Triblex thematic analysis of the case law of the ILO Administrative Tribunal

    CERN Document Server

    International Labour Organization. Geneva

    Triblex is a thematic database on the case law of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization, which hears complaints from serving and former officials of the ILO, or of one of the thirty-odd international organizations that recognise its jurisdiction, about breach of the terms of their appointment or staff rules or regulations. Relevant passages of the Tribunal's reasoning can be located in the Triblex database in various ways, mainly using terms (descriptors) from the Triblex Thesaurus. The database is in English and French and can be searched in either language. It is intended for litigants, counsel, staff representatives, personnel managers and anyone with an interest in the law of the international civil service. Triblex est une base de données thématique sur la jurisprudence du Tribunal administratif de l'Organisation internationale du Travail. La saisine du Tribunal est ouverte aux fonctionnaires ou anciens fonctionnaires du Bureau international du ou des normes statutaires o...



    Eugen HURUBÃ; Luminita GABURA


    The main aim of the paper work is to determine whether the Constitutional Court of Romania could be notified by international tribunals in relation to cases tried under Romanian law. On 5 March 2013 the Constitutional Court of Romania decided, for the first time, on a case concerning an exception of unconstitutionality raised before an international tribunal of commercial arbitration. The exception of unconstitutionality of a Government Emergency Ordinance was raised in an arbitration case pe...

  9. Tribunal Supremo de justicia, Tokio –Japón

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    Okada, Shinichi


    Full Text Available The building consists of a main body, made up by three parallel blocks and two L-shaped blocks which are connected to these by corridors and thus forming great patios. The space is distributed over four storeys which, depending on their function, have different heights. Below the main body there is a basement with the installation machinery. Two other basements, situated below one of the patios between the L blocks, will provide sufficient parking space for the future needs. This construction comprises: main court room; secondary court rooms; waiting rooms and premises for the Information services; library; reading rooms; offices for the judges, lawyers and attorneys; offices for the jury; secretariat plus a great number of additional premises. The construction was made with a combination of reinforced steel and iron. Both the inside as well as the outside is covered by white granite, which emphasizes the great volume of the building. With its original and vivid design, within the sober elegance required by its function the complex is a clear exponent of the new tendencies of the present Japanese architecture.La edificación consta de un cuerpo principal, formado por tres bloques paralelos adosados, y dos bloques en L, unidos a los anteriores mediante pasillos, creando grandes patios. Está organizada en cuatro plantas de distintas alturas, según su función, más un sótano bajo el cuerpo principal que aloja la maquinaria de las instalaciones. Otros dos sótanos, situados bajo la plaza peatonal conformada entre los bloques en L, proveen de aparcamiento suficiente para las necesidades previstas. Esta edificación comprende: una sala principal de justicia; tribunales secundarlos; salas de espera y gabinetes para los servicios informativos; biblioteca; salas de lectura; despachos para jueces, abogados y procuradores; oficinas del juzgado; diversas salas de reunión; administración; secretaría, y toda una larga serie de locales complementarios y de servicio. La construcción se realizó con una estructura mixta de hormigón armado y hierro. Va revestida, tanto interior como exteriormente, con mampostería de granito blanco, subrayando los marcados volúmenes de la edificación. El conjunto, con su original y movido diseño, dentro de la sobriedad que exige su función, es un claro exponente de las nuevas tendencias de la arquitectura japonesa actual.

  10. A constituição de 1988, vinte anos depois: suprema corte e ativismo judicial "à brasileira" The Brazilian 1988 constitution twenty years on: supreme court and activism in a "Brazilian mode"

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    Marcos Paulo Verissimo


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina as transformações por que vem passando o Supremo Tribunal Federal nos últimos anos, relacionando-as à sua reconfiguração institucional ocorrida por ocasião da Constituição de 1988. essas transformações são apresentadas como respostas a um duplo fenômeno (impulsionado por essa mesma reconfiguração institucional de incremento do papel político do tribunal, por um lado, e de sobrecarga extraordinária de seu volume de trabalho, por outro. Essa tensão reflete no modelo misto de controle de constitucionalidade no Brasil e parece apontar para mudanças iminentes nesse mesmo modelo, algumas das quais já vêm sendo concebidas pelo próprio tribunal.The Brazilian Supreme Court is currently changing. This process of change seems to aim at solving a important contradiction caused by the institutional redesign of the court in the 1988 Constitution that, on the one hand, has transformed it into one of the country's major political actors, but, on the other hand, has also caused its dockets to get incredibly overloaded, forcing the court to deal with more then 100,000 cases a year. The solution for such paradox will probably lead to changes in the Brazilian mixed model of judicial review, and some of these changes are already been conceived by the jurisprudence of the court itself.

  11. FIT to be tied : Ontario's environmental review tribunal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atcheson, A.E. [Miller Thompson LLP, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    This PowerPoint presentation discussed amendments and changes to the Green Energy Act and Environmental Protection Act that were required to accommodate the new renewable energy approval (REA) system. Separate appeal requirements are now needed for REAs. Written notice must be supplied within 15 days after posting to the environmental registry, and the appeal must prove that the project in question will cause serious harm to human health, or serious and irreversible harm to plant life, animal life, or the natural environment. The tribunal must make a decision within 6 months when parties do not agree. If no decision is agreed in the time frame, the REA is deemed confirmed. Ontario residents with no connection to a project are able to cause delays even after the Ministry of the Environment has endorsed a project through issuance of the REA. The appeals timeline causes tribunal members to make decisions on short notice. Preliminary hearings are held to determine the parties involved, define issues, and hear preliminary motions. Hearings are held 8 weeks after the appeal expiry date and within 6 months of the tribunal appeal notice. Solutions to the appeals process include the pre-qualifications of appeals based on prima facie evidence of serious harm, the restriction of appellants to those within a particular geographic area, and increased direction to environmental review tribunal members on the appropriate minimum evidence of serious harm. tabs., figs.

  12. A interdisciplinaridade entre legislação e aplicação: a “efetiva” materialidade na aplicação das cotas

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    Mayron Morais Damasceno


    Full Text Available O ponto primordial do presente artigo é o de deflagrar se a política de cotas respeita a igualdade jurídica e consegue condensar a efetiva materialidade almejada em sua aplicabilidade frente à sociedade brasileira. Em um primeiro momento é preciso expor como as cotas passaram a ser parte dos programas universitários brasileiro, momento oportuno para abordar sua aplicação, criação, execução, fundamentos e discussões. Continuamente se abordará a colocação dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal quando da aplicação de tais políticas. Possibilitando, ao final, esclarecer se a aplicação da política específica de ações afirmativas, as cotas, recrudesce a igualdade ou apenas serve para estruturar a exorbitante desigualdade.

  13. Aborto e inviabilidad fetal: el debate brasileño

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    Diniz Debora


    Full Text Available La Argumentación de Descumplimiento del Precepto Fundamental sobre la anencefalia presentada al Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF es un marco para el debate sobre el aborto en América Latina. Desde la edición del Código Penal Brasileño, en 1940, hubo fuertes resistencias cualquier modificación en la política de aborto en el país. En este artículo serán discutidas las estrategias argumentativas y políticas utilizadas para la acción de anencefalia en el STF, en especial la tesis ética y jurídica utilizada de que la interrupción de la gestación en casos de anencefalia no constituye aborto, debiendo ser considerada una anticipación terapéutica de parto.

  14. Aborto na Suprema Corte: o caso da anencefalia no Brasil Abortion at the Supreme Court: the anencephaly case in Brazil

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    Debora Diniz


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o desafio jurídico e ético imposto pela anencefalia ao debate sobre direitos reprodutivos no Brasil. O fio condutor da análise é a ação de anencefalia apresentada ao Supremo Tribunal Federal em 2004. O artigo demonstra como o debate sobre o aborto provoca os fundamentos constitucionais da laicidade do Estado brasileiro e expõe a fragilidade da razão pública em temas de direitos reprodutivos, em especial sobre o aborto.This paper analyses the ethical and legal challenges of the anencephaly case in Brazil. The case study is the Supreme Court case on anencephaly proposed in 2004. This paper shows how the abortion debate forces the fundamentals of the Brazilian secular state and demonstrates the weakness of the public reason to mediate reproductive rights, mainly abortion, in Brazil.

  15. A (In Constitucionalidade da Súmula 385 Superior Tribunal de Justiça

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    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca analisar, à luz do fundamento da dignidade da pessoa humana e dos direitos e garantias fundamentais consagrados pela Constituição Federal de 1988, a constitucionalidade da Súmula 385, editada do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ. Este enunciado veda ao consumidor que possua pelo menos um registro legítimo em órgão de proteção crédito exigir judicialmente indenização por dano moral em face de posterior anotação, ainda esta última seja irregular. O método de abordagem utilizado nesta pesquisa é o dedutivo, de procedimento cientifico, com utilização de técnicas de pesquisas bibliográfica e jurisprudencial.

  16. No longer in suspense: Clarifying the Human Rights Jurisdiction of the SADC Tribunal

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    Moses R Phooko


    Full Text Available The Southern African Development Community Tribunal's (SADC Tribunal decision in the matter of Mike Campbell (Pvt Ltd v Republic of Zimbabwe 2008 SADCT 2 (28 November 2008 demonstrated its ability to utilise the principles contained in the Treaty of the Southern African Development Community when it ruled that it had the power and competency to adjudicate over a human rights case. The aforesaid decision was hailed by many scholars as a progressive judgment in the SADC region that would promote the rule of law and ensure that member states respected their treaty obligations in their own territories. Unfortunately, the same judgment resulted in the suspension of the SADC Tribunal in 2010 because it had purportedly acted beyond its mandate when it adjudicated over a case concerning a human rights dispute. This article investigates whether the SADC Tribunal had jurisdiction to deal with cases involving allegations of human rights violations. In addressing this question, this article will discuss the powers (implied and tacit of international organisations as understood within international law. In addition, the study will ascertain how the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia have dealt with cases that involved disputes concerning a tribunal or an international organisation that was said to have acted beyond its mandate. The study will also make reference to the East African Court of Justice and the Economic Community of West African States Court of Justice as they have also dealt with implied powers when they were confronted with cases concerning human rights abuses. Certain decisions of the SADC Summit of Heads of States or Government (Summit and the Council of Ministers whose roles include the control of functions and/or overseeing the functioning of the SADC will also be referred to in this study.

  17. José Figueres Ferrer y su aporte al sistema electoral costarricense

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    Oscar Fonseca Montoya


    Full Text Available El artículo describe los aportes del Expresidente de la República y Benemérito de la Patria José Figueres Ferrer para el desarrollo y estabilidad del sistema electoral costarricense. Repasa la emisión de Decretos-Ley que desde la Junta Fundadora de la Segunda República aseguraron la estructura que hoy ostenta tanto la legislación electoral como el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones.

  18. Procedural lawmaking at the International Criminal Tribunals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sluiter, G.; Darcy, S.; Powderly, J.


    This chapter examines the role played by the judges in creating the procedural rules which govern the functioning of the ad hoc Tribunals. Noting that the bench had been tasked with devising its own rules of procedure and evidence, it queries whether judicial lawmaking in this context at the

  19. Identidad nacional y legitimidad del tribunal de justicia


    Azpitarte Sánchez, Miguel


    El presente trabajo plantea en qué medida la identidad nacional es utilizada para articular por parte del Tribunal de Justicia el conflicto centro/periferia. A estos efectos el núcleo central del trabajo estructura y analiza la jurisprudencia, intenta

  20. An audit of nursing reports for First-Tier Tribunals in a secure inpatient service. (United States)

    Haw, C


    Very little research has been conducted into the role of nurses in relation to patients' mental health tribunals (known in some countries as review panels). In England nurses are playing an increasingly important role in giving evidence at tribunals and, since October 2013, are required to provide much more detailed written reports than previously. This is the first published study to examine the content of nursing tribunal reports. Overall, the quality of nursing reports was patchy and not as good as those of psychiatrists or social workers, but there was improvement when the audit was repeated. Writing reports for tribunals is a comparatively new and perhaps unfamiliar requirement for nursing staff. Nurses need training in report writing and protected time and a quiet area to write reports. Providing these things is a real challenge on busy inpatient wards. In October 2013, the Tribunals Judiciary of England issued a new practice direction stipulating how tribunal reports should be completed. This paper aimed to study the quality of nursing tribunal reports in a secure inpatient service before and after the introduction of the latest practice direction and the issuing of a local template to aid report writing. A total of 160 reports (80 written in 2013 and 80 in 2014) were scored on the presence of 24 key items derived from the latest practice direction. The quality of nursing reports improved in the re-audit from an average of 36.3% of key items present to 51.3% but still lagged behind that of medical and social circumstances reports. Even in the second audit, few reports were signed or commented on why the patient should remain detained. Report length increased from a mean of 2.9 to 4.0 pages but only 27.5% of reports used the template despite widespread publicity. Use of the template resulted in better quality reports. Among other interventions, a training programme in report writing is now underway to assist nurses with meeting the new practice direction

  1. Cervantes, Twain e Lobato: reflexões sobre direito, literatura e censura

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    André Karam Trindade


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo, que tiene como marco teorico la tradición del movimiento Derecho y Literatura, es hacer un analisis de la censura perpetrada contra la literatura en las democracias constitucionales. Son utilizados tres ejemplos ilustrativos del peligro que representa la prática de perseguicion a los libros en los sistemas democráticos: (a la censura del cuento La Gitanilla, de Miguel de Cervantes, en España; (b la reciente reedición didáctica de Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer y Huckleberry Finn; (c y la también reciente contestación en el Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil de parte de la obra del escritor brasileño Monteiro Lobato. En síntesis, es intentado hacer una crítica al desarollo de nuevas formas de censura en las democracias contemporáneas.

  2. El recurso de amparo electoral

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    Luis Diego Brenes Villalobos


    Full Text Available Analiza la figura procesal del recurso de amparo electoral, su génesis, naturaleza jurídica,carácter residual, y otras características propias de su evolución y desarrollo, que lo diferencian con el recurso contencioso-electoral, para lo cual se realiza un amplio análisis de la jurisprudencia emanada tanto del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, como de la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia

  3. Reflexiones en torno a la pensión de alimentos: la irretroactividad de la modificación de una pensión de alimentos. Comentario a la STS núm. 162/2014, de 26 de marzo (Rj 2014, 2035)


    Chaparro Matamoros, Pedro


    El Tribunal Supremo ha declarado que la modificación de una pensión de alimentos únicamente surge efecto desde el momento en que se dicta la sentencia que la acuerda, y no desde la fecha de interposición de la demanda inicial. The Supreme Court has held that the modification of an alimony takes effect only from the time of the judgment that establishes it, and not from the date of filing of the initial claim.

  4. Garantías constitucionales y principios democráticos en los debate electorales en Costa Rica

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    Arlette Bolaños Barquero


    Full Text Available En este artículo se exponen las garantías constitucionales vigentes en Costa Rica para la realización de los debates electorales y se refiere a los principios y valores democráticos como sustento de los criterios que rigen para el desarrollo de estas actividades electorales, los cuales se detallan junto con la jurisprudencia de la Sala Constitucional y del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones que los han propugnado con amplitud.

  5. Primera experiencia de referéndum en Costa Rica: regulación y alcances

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    Luis Antonio Sobrado González


    Full Text Available Estudio del instituto del referéndum desde la legislación costarricense. Repasa la génesis del referéndum en la esfera nacional, cual resultado de reformas constitucionales y la promulgación de una ley específica que lo regula. Asimismo, analiza la jurisprudencia electoral dictada por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones y expone un decálogo sobre ética política a regir en estos procesos.

  6. La prestación por maternidad. Su evolución y la aparición de nuevos casos


    Santamaría Sogorb, Eva


    El trabajo de fin de grado se desarrolla en dos grandes bloques. El primero es un análisis referente a la evolución histórica sobre la legislación española de la prestación por maternidad y el segundo está basado en las sentencias de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia y Tribunal Supremo acerca de la novedosa protección sobre la prestación de maternidad por gestación subrogada.

  7. O direito à vida no contexto do aborto e da pesquisa com células-tronco embrionárias: disputas de agentes e valores religiosos em um estado laico

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    Naara Luna


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o debate público sobre o direito à vida no contexto da autorização da pesquisa com células-tronco embrionárias e no debate sobre o aborto, enfocando a participação de atores religiosos e seus valores. Serão examinados o debate legislativo e judiciário da Lei de Biossegurança e a audiência pública da ADPF 54, referente à antecipação de parto de anencéfalo. Esta pesquisa documental analisa a transcrição da audiência pública da ADPF 54, e os registros do processo legislativo no Congresso Nacional e da ADI 3510 no Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os resultados revelam, além da centralidade do argumento do valor da vida, a diversidade na atuação dos agentes religiosos, com hegemonia da Igreja Católica e a emergência de evangélicos e espíritas.

  8. Controvérsia científica no telejornalismo brasileiro: um estudo sobre a cobertura das células-tronco no Jornal Nacional

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    Carla Almeida


    Full Text Available Em 1998, pesquisas com células-tronco tornaram-se objeto de intensa controvérsia. No Brasil, a polêmica atingiu seu ápice em 2008, quando o Supremo Tribunal Federal iniciou julgamento de ação legal, questionando a nova Lei de Biossegurança por permitir o uso de embriões humanos em pesquisas. Analisa-se aqui a cobertura sobre as células-tronco embrionárias humanas realizada pelo Jornal Nacional . Observa-se tom positivo, marcado pela ênfase nos potenciais benefícios oferecidos pela pesquisa e omissão de limitações e riscos envolvidos. O pequeno índice de sucesso obtido até então como resultado de pesquisas com células-tronco embrionárias e os riscos de elas induzirem a formação de tumores foram omitidos, fazendo crer que a única barreira a novos tratamentos e curas era a legislação.

  9. Controle abstrato e concentrado de constitucionalidade comparado (Brasil, Portugal e Angola e seus efeitos nas instituições sociais e jurídicas

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    Ilton Norberto Robl Filho


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa, empírica e comparativamente, as decisões dos Tribunais Constitucionais de Portugal e de Angola e do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro no controle concentrado/abstrato, verificando a validade empírica de duas hipóteses sobre o abstract judicial review: 1 a proposição sobre a regra da absorção (TSEBELIS, 2009, com tribunais não atuando contramajoritariamente ao decidir sobre legislação aprovada pela coalizão majoritária, e 2 nas decisões que envolvem atores de diversos níveis governamentais (BZDERA, 1993, se o controle abstrato restringe a descentralização a partir de prerrogativas consolidadas constitucionalmente pelo poder central. Conclusões preliminares indicam validade empírica da primeira hipótese no Brasil e da segunda hipótese no Brasil e em Portugal. Em Angola, a segunda hipótese é completamente negada.

  10. Diversidade Sexual: políticas públicas e igualdade de direitos

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    Henrique Caetano Nardi


    Full Text Available Este ensaio apresenta uma reflexão interdisciplinar conjugando as perspectivas do direito, da antropologia, da sociologia, da medicina e da psicologia social para pensar o contexto político, as bases epistemológicas, as tendências e os riscos presentes na configuração das políticas públicas direcionadas às questões relativas à diversidade sexual, às expressões de gênero e à diversidade corporal no Brasil. Exploram-se também os paradoxos da atualidade política a partir da recente decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal referente à igualdade de direitos entre casais de sexos diferentes e do mesmo sexo e da suspensão da distribuição pelo Ministério da educação do material pedagógico produzido por organizações não governamentais destinado a apoiar ações de combate à homofobia nas escolas.

  11. La ilegítima mutación de la Constitución por el juez constitucional y la demolición del estado de derecho en Venezuela


    Allan R Brewer-Carías


    Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar algunas de las ilegítimas mutaciones constitucionales efectuadas por la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela, al decidir recursos autónomos de interpretación constitucional que han sido interpuestos por el Poder Ejecutivo, y que han trastocado los cimientos del Estado de derecho. Un recurso judicial como el de interpretación abstracta de la Constitución, creado por la Sala Constitucional sin soporte en la Constitución, en ma...

  12. Reglas electorales claras: el objetivo de todo organismo encargado de organizar un torneo comicial

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    Alejandro J. Robles Leal


    Full Text Available La importancia de establecer reglas claras y que estas sean conocidas por todos los actores electorales coadyuva al desarrollo exitoso de una contienda electoral. El artículo analiza las sentencias 1532-E1-2017 y 2173-E1-2017 del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones las cuales, en términos generales, han dejado clara la obligación que tienen los partidos políticos de definir las reglas que regirán las contiendas electorales dentro de las agrupaciones políticas.

  13. International criminal tribunals and human rights law: Adherence and contextualization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeegers, K.J.


    Given their mandate to prosecute persons responsible for the most atrocious of human rights violations, International Criminal Tribunals (ICTs) are generally hailed as welcome enforcers of international human rights law: a new instrument in the toolkit of human rights protectors. However, ICTs

  14. Mainstreaming Investment Treaty Jurisprudence: The Contribution of Investment Treaty Tribunals to the Consolidation and Development of General International Law

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schill, S.W.B.; Tvede, K.R.


    The use of internal and external precedent has been studied in relation to numerous international courts and tribunals. The participation of investment treaty tribunals in judicial dialogues or judicial cross-fertilization, by contrast, has remained underexplored. The present article closes this gap

  15. La continua fragmentación político electoral costarricense, elecciones 2014


    Camino, Juan Francisco


    [ES] El 2 de febrero del 2014 se llevó a cabo la décimo séptima elección consecutiva en Costa Rica, donde se eligieron Presidente, Vicepresidentes y 57 Diputados a la Asamblea Legislativa para el período 2014-2018 (Decreto de Convocatoria a Elecciones Generales No. 11; 2013). En esta elección, de acuerdo con los resultados emitidos por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones para las elecciones presidenciales, el ganador fue el Partido Acción Ciudadana (PAC), con el 30,64% seguido del gobernante Pa...

  16. Aplicación del principio pro participación en los procesos de renovación de estructuras partidarias


    Diego González Fernández


    Esta recensión jurisprudencial expone y analiza tres sentencias que el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones emitió y en las que interpretó las normas que regulan el proceso de renovación de las estructuras partidarias a partir del principio pro participación. Con ello, la Autoridad Electoral facilita que la mayor cantidad de partidos políticos, como únicos mediadores legítimos entre el poder político y los ciudadanos, puedan postular candidatos a puestos de elección popular y, por ende, participar ...

  17. La convocatoria de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente vía Referéndum. Consideraciones de cara al principio de rigidez constitucional

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    Owen Alejandro Gooden Morales


    Full Text Available El artículo procura demostrar que la posible aprobación de una ley que convoque a una Asamblea Constituyente por vía de referendo resultaría contraria a los principios de rigidez constitucional y supremacía de la Constitución, los cuales procuró resguardar el constituyente para la preservación del orden constitucional. Para esto, el autor realiza un análisis de las resoluciones del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones y de la Sala Constitucional, así como de la doctrina relativa al tema

  18. Testing detachment of international criminal tribunals: Empirical evidence from the ICTY

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Onderco, M.; Hola, B.; Ruiter, S.


    International criminal tribunals (ICTs) constitute one of the primary examples of international institutions vested with undisputable international authority. The decisions of ICTs are final, binding on the parties to the proceedings and cannot be overturned politically. Given the proliferation of





    Uno de los principales avances científicos de las últimas décadas ha sido la reproducción asistida. Ello ha provocado la aparición de nuevos problemas jurídicos que han sido resueltos en Europa por sus Estados miembro de manera heterogénea, convirtiendo la interpretación del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en estos últimos años en necesaria y crucial para entender la regulación europea al respecto. En este trabajo se muestra la labor de interpretación realizada por el Tribunal respec...

  20. The claiming of the principle of proportionality: the acces of justice in the constitution O (re clamar do princípio da proporcionalidade: acesso à justiça na constituição

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    Valéria Ribas do Nascimento


    Full Text Available The constitutional principles possess determinative action in the effectiveness of all legal system. They act as the starting point for the interpretation of the constitutional and infraconstitutional rules. Amongst the principles that integrate the Constitutional Law, the principle of the proportionality receives more prominence, also in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Federal Court. This principle is not approved explicitly by the Constitution, but it exists in the legal world through hermeneutic process. Therefore is the necessity of verifying the effectiveness of this principle and its relation with the basic rights, through the study of the Constitution and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Federal Court. Thus, the present subject is of great relevance, so that, it approaches, regarding the solution of conflicts referent to the basic rights, as well as the access to justice in the Constitution. It acts, therefore in the protection of rights considered relevant for individuals and, consequently for the society. Being this afore stated, the importance of this principle is observed, directly related to the effectiveness of the guarantees of the individuals and to the promises of the Brazilian Democratic State. The used methodology is the dialectic that starts from the contraposition of ideas between different authors.Os princípios constitucionais possuem ação determinante na efetivação de todo o ordenamento jurídico. Eles atuam como ponto de partida para a interpretação das normas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais. Dentre os princípios que integram o Direito Constitucional, ganha cada vez mais destaque, inclusive na jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, o princípio da proporcionalidade. Este princípio não é consagrado explicitamente pela Carta Constitucional, mas existe no mundo jurídico através do processo hermenêutico. Por isso a necessidade de se verificar a efetividade desse princípio e sua relação com os

  1. ANONIMATO DEL PROGENITOR Y DERECHO A LA IDENTIDAD DEL HIJO: DECISIONES JUDICIALES ENCONTRADAS SOBRE RESERVA DE IDENTIDAD EN LOS CASOS DE MADRE SOLTERA Y DONANTE DE ESPERMA Anonymity of genetic parents and the children's right to know own biological identity: Opossed judicial decisions about the secrecy of identity in the cases of single mother and sperm donors

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    Ramón Duran Rivacoba


    Full Text Available El trabajo discute las soluciones que han dado en España el Tribunal Supremo y el Tribunal Constitucional a casos en los que se ven enfrentados la facultad de mantener el anonimato del progenitor y el derecho del hijo a conocer su identidad biológica. Se confronta la decisión del Tribunal Supremo de declarar inconstitucionales las normas legales que permiten a la madre no matrimonial resguardar su anonimato, con la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional, emitida pocos meses antes, que declara constitucionalmente legítimo el anomimato del donante de esperma en el contexto de la aplicación de una técnica de reproducción humana asistida. Se argumenta en contra de ambas soluciones, sobre la base de que en la primera el anonimato materno cumple una función dirigida no directamente a proteger a la madre, sino a proteger al niño frente a un posible aborto o infanticidio por lo que el derecho a la identidad debe ser moderado. Para ilustrar la conveniencia y viabilidad de este razonamiento se hace un amplio análisis del caso "Odiévre" por el que el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos concluyó que el sistema francés de reserva de la identidad de la madre no era contrario al Convenio Europeo. En cambio, se critica la solución del Tribunal Constitucional sobre el donante de esperma por sobredimensionar el derecho a la intimidad del progenitor en desmedro del interés del hijo. La puesta en contraste de estas soluciones permite constatar que la madre, que contaba con medidas de apoyo en concretas situaciones que pudieran poner en riesgo la vida del hijo, las pierde; mientras el padre que, a partir de la reforma del año 1981 que impuso la libertad de investigación de la paternidad, había perdido sus antiguos privilegios, se ve beneficiado de la misma dispensa que ahora se niega para la madre.The present paper discuss the solutions that Spain's Constitutional Tribunal and Spain's Supreme Court have issued in filiation cases, in which the



    Carvalho, Márcia Haydée Porto de; Murad, Rakel Dourado


    Analisa-se teorias dos diálogos institucionais a partir do caso "Vaquejada", tendo marco inicial a Lei nº 15.299/2013 do Ceará, declarada inconstitucional em ADI 4983/CE, e edição da Emenda Constitucional nº 96/2017. Assim, questiona-se a legitimidade do Poder Judiciário ter a última palavra em interpretação constitucional. Pressupõe-se constitucional a legitimidade deste para exercer fiscalização dos atos do Poder Legislativo, desde que provocado. Assim, estuda-se a repartição de poderes, de...

  3. Decision-Making Behaviour under the Mental Health Act 1983 and Its Impact on Mental Health Tribunals: An English Perspective

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    Nicola Glover-Thomas


    Full Text Available In England and Wales, the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA 1983 provides the legal framework which governs decisions made concerning the care and treatment of those suffering from mental disorders, where they may pose a risk to themselves or others. The perspective of the patient and the care provider may conflict and can be a source of tension and challenge within mental health law. Through access to a mental health tribunal, patients are offered the apparatus to review and challenge their detention. With detention rates under the mental health legislation rising exponentially, this is having a knock-on effect upon tribunal application numbers. As there is a legal requirement to review all cases of individuals detained under the MHA 1983, understanding the key drivers for this increase in detention is essential in order to understand how to better manage both detention rates and the upsurge in tribunal caseloads. With the increase in overall activity, mental health tribunal workloads present significant practical challenges and has downstream cost implications.

  4. Crítica ao Direito Sumular: a necessidade de democratização processual

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    Gabriela Soares Balestero


    Full Text Available

    A finalidade deste estudo é estudar, analisar a questão do ativismo judicial, ou seja, a degeneração de um processo criado de forma solipsista pelo magistrado, sem a participação das partes para a construção do provimento. Portanto, o presente estudo possui dois objetivos específicos: 1 a reformulação processual sob uma perspectiva democrática; 2 a construção do provimento Jurisdicional pelos sujeitos do processo em simétrica paridade de armas. A criação das Súmulas Vinculantes pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal comprova o desgaste do processo jurisdicional ao trazer o comportamento ativista do Poder Judiciário atuando de forma legiferante, criando o direito de maneira antidemocrática. A análise de tal questão é o objetivo deste artigo.

  5. Lo registral civil desde lo electoral


    Arlette Bolaños Barquero


    En este trabajo se aborda la naturaleza jurídica del Registro Civil de Costa Rica y se intenta proveer elementos para comprender la decisión de los constituyentes, en 1949, acerca de su adscripción en definitiva al Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (también lo llamaremos TSE) y de cómo, con el devenir del tiempo y en la práctica actual, se ha estrechado la relación e interdependencia entre este organismo y el TSE, para la correcta ejecución de las tareas que se deben cumplir en las diferentes di...

  6. Transformaciones en el sistema de cédulas y su impacto


    Óscar Fernando Mena Carvajal


    Breve reseña del trayecto histórico del documento de identidad costarricense desde 1923 año de su primera emisión, hasta su última modificación en 2016. El artículo expone cómo nació el documento de identidad y la participación activa del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en su modernización, integración de elementos de seguridad y el mejoramiento en el servicio de expedición de la cédula, con base en la competencia otorgada en la Constitución Política vigente desde 1949.

  7. Guatemala y los retos de las elecciones 2015

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    Carmen Ortiz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo resaltar los retos que a criterio de su autora, son especialmente relevantes de cara al proceso electoral 2015 en Guatemala, en el cual se elegirán presidente, diputados y autoridades municipales. Se valoran las experiencias de 2007 y 2011, sus avances y dificultades con la finalidad de llamar la atención de los nuevos magistrados electos, sobre aquellos aspectos que requieren mayor atención en aras de salvaguardar la integridad del proceso, así como de mejorar la imagen del Tribunal Supremo Electoral.

  8. Análisis del fallo del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la píldora del día después


    Andrés Bordalí Salamanca; Yanira Zúñiga Añazco


    Los autores analizan críticamente la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional relativa a la anticoncepción de emergencia, centrando su análisis, por una parte, en el rol del tribunal en el juego de poderes democráticos, y por otra, en la omisión de las mujeres como un sujeto de derechos relevante en la sentencia.

  9. La motivación del veredicto en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo


    Vegas Torres, Jaime


    1. Introducción. 2. Alcance de la exigencia de motivación del veredicto. 2.1. Extensión de la motivación. 2.1.1. Hechos no controvertidos. 2.1.2. Hechos que el jurado encuentra no probados. 2.2. Profundidad de la motivación. 2.2.1. Admisibilidad de la explicación conjunta de todas las respuestas del jurado a las cuestiones del objeto del veredicto. 2.2.2. Contenido de la motivación. 3. Motivación del veredicto y prueba por indicios. 3.1. Motivación del veredicto basado en prueba de indicios. ...

  10. Case note: Supreme Court (Netherlands) [HR] (Spaans v Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Final appeal judgment, Case No 12627: Decision No LJN: AC9158)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brölmann, C.


    Subject(s): Privileges — Immunity from jurisdiction, international organizations — International courts and tribunals, admissibility — Compensation — International courts and tribunals, admissibility of claims. Core Issue(s): Whether under customary international law an international organization

  11. Provisions on waiting periods in international investment protection treaties and their impact on the jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals

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    Đundić Petar


    Full Text Available Provisions on so-called waiting periods in international investment protection treaties give an investor from one contracting state an opportunity to initiate arbitration against the host state provided that the time designated by the treaty from the date on which the dispute arose has elapsed. The aim of those provisions is to enable parties to the dispute to use this time for consultations and attempt to reach a negotiated settlement. The paper analyzes the attitude of contemporary arbitral practice towards the legal nature and effect of those provisions on tribunals' jurisdiction in investment disputes. The analysis shows gradual and clear shift of position taken by the tribunals in cases in which claimants did not comply with waiting periods. Because arbitral tribunals today are more resolved to penalize premature submission of the dispute to arbitration than they were one decade ago, in the future one can expect much more cautious conduct of potential claimants in this regard.

  12. Compensation for the victims of the Marshall Islands nuclear testing programme: the Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Briscoe, W.


    The Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal was established in 1988 pursuant to legislation enacted by the Republic of the Marshall Islands as part of its obligations under the Compact of Free Association between it and the United States (ratified 1986) and an associated Compact implementation agreement. The Tribunal is generally considered to be the last hope for compensation for a large number of Marshallese who claim to have suffered injury or damage as a result of the United States Nuclear Testing Programme in the Marshall Islands, 1946 - 1958. Under the Compact, the United States admitted liability for injuries and damages suffered by Marshallese as a result of the Testing Programme and made provision for the payment of compensation. In return, the Republic agreed to espouse, on behalf of it and its citizens, all current and future claims for compensation against the United States. The Tribunal has been given a most challenging and unique assignment: - to identify and compensate the victims of the Testing Programme, with a potentially limited sum of money, an indefinite number of victims, and with cultural, environmental and political circumstances which are not altogether conducive to Western concepts associated with compensating people for damages and personal injuries suffered as a result of a wrongful act. The paper will describe the Tribunal's role in compensating the victims of the Testing Programme. It will highlight a number of legal, social and cultural difficulties in establishing and operating a scheme to compensate people for damages and injuries suffered or commenced up to forty years previously. (author)

  13. The politics of international law and compliance : Serbia, Croatia and The Hague Tribunal

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    Rajkovic, Nikolas


    Leading the debate on the domestic effect of the growing influence of international adjudication, this invaluable text examines Serbia and Croatia's erratic record of compliance with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Since the demise of the Milosevic and Tudjman

  14. The Indian power sector - Role of appellate tribunal

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    Bajaj, Harbans; Sharma, Deepak


    India's electricity-supply industry mainly owned and operated by the public sector has been facing endemic energy and peaking shortages with huge commercial losses. Power sector reforms initiated in 1990s culminated with enactment of The Electricity Act, 2003 is briefly discussed here. Appellate Tribunal for Electricity - a unique feature of the Act - constituted to redress grievances of stakeholders has set ground rules for the power sector having harmonizing effect on the various power sector issues and have reduced the element of uncertainty which was prevalent hitherto fore as revealed by the several case studies this paper presents.

  15. Las implicaciones de la era tecnológica en el Derecho Registral Civil costarricense

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    Luis Bolaños Bolaños


    Full Text Available A partir de los conceptos y construcciones prácticas del Derecho Registral Civil, el artículo pretende, de la forma más práctica posible, dar a conocer el nuevo norte del Derecho Registral Civil en nuestro país, al describir los logros, esfuerzos y proyectos que el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones ha desarrollado al incorporar las nuevas tecnologías en el registro de los hechos vitales. Pone especial interés en los cambios en los envíos de los datos registrales a la Institución y la forma de darles publicidad.

  16. Ubutabera : Facts and case files from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouwknegt, Thijs Bastiaan; van der Heijde, Hannah


    Twenty-two years ago, immediately after the genocide in Rwanda, the United Nations set up the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UN/ICTR). In December 2015, the Appeals Chamber rendered the tribunal’s last decision in the case of the ‘Butare 6’. Meanwhile, some ‘residual’ work has been

  17. El derecho a la vivienda en Europa : deberes prositivos y derechos exigibles (según la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos

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    Padraic Kenna


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo expone el desarrollo experimentado en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos respecto de la perspectiva de los derechos humanos como obligaciones positivas en el contexto de la vivienda. En este sentido, se traza la evolución desde el concepto liberal tradicional de los derechos de carácter negativo, pasando por la influencia de los modelos de Estado de bienestar durante la posguerra, hasta el Estado contemporáneo, desde 1980. El estudio, cuyo eje viene constituido por los derechos de propiedad, se centra en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Se destaca el articulado del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, centrándose en los artículos, 3, 6 y 8, así como en las obligaciones positivas que de ellos se derivan. El autor presta especial atención a determinados artículos del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos sobre los que el Tribunal ha fijado obligaciones positivas. El autor concluye que el tribunal tiene aún una larga tarea respecto de la redefinición de las obligaciones positivas referentes a los derechos de vivienda, debiéndose basar en la valiosa jurisprudencia del Consejo de Europa.

  18. Constitucionalidade das convalidações de incentivos fiscais acordadas entre os estados

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    José Roberto Afonso


    Full Text Available O Supremo Tribunal Federal julgará se é possível perdoar créditos tributários decorrentes de incentivos concedidos unilateralmente pelos Estados e Distrito Federal, no passado, se houver posterior concordância do CONFAZ sobre a matéria. Considerando que a inconstitucionalidade formal é sanável, legislação superveniente que tenha obedecido ao procedimento previsto constitucionalmente não poderia ser taxada de inconstitucional em razão de vícios de forma presentes nas legislações anteriores. Não se trata de modular a eficácia das leis anteriormente declaradas inconstitucionais. As leis mais recentes, com amparo no princípio da separação dos poderes e no pacto federativo, tratam de outra matéria, isto é, do tratamento normativo dos créditos tributários nascidos em decorrência da utilização dos benefícios fiscais declarados inconstitucionais. Impedir a referida remissão retiraria dos Estados que compõem a Federação um dos instrumentos que, no contexto do federalismo de coordenação e cooperação, possibilitam a negociação em torno dos problemas relativos à Guerra Fiscal em busca do bem-estar coletivo e em respeito às expectativas dos contribuintes.

  19. KONVERGENSI MEDIA SURAT KABAR LOKAL (Studi Deskriptif Pemanfaatan Internet Pada Koran Tribun Jogja dalam Membangun Industri Media Cetak Lokal

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    Khadziq Khadziq


    Full Text Available Abstrak Persaingan media dan perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK yang membawa tren baru dalam dunia industri komunikasi. Instrument untuk menghadapinya adalah konvergensi yang berorientasi pada kepentingan konsumen dan pemilik media. Media yang telah terkonvergensi juga berpengaruh terhadap besarnya kepentingan ekonomi politik dalam penerapan konvergensi. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam serta kajian literatur. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa strategi 3M (Multimedia, Multichannel dan Multiplatform digunakan Tribun Jogja menjadi salah satu alternative strategi untuk menerapkan konvergensi dan mentransformasikan dirinya menuju full convergence. Sedangkan pada ekonomi politik nya terlihat bahwa melalui penerapan konvergensi media ini, maka dengan komodifikasi yaitu adanya pengambilan dan penyeragaman konten di antara sesama media yang berada di bawah jaringan Tribun akan mendapatkan keuntungan melalui pasokan pengiklan, begitu pula spasialisasi yang memungkinkan penyaluran konten berita secara realtime dapat mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja, administratif, dan material. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah konvergensi yang dilakukan adalah konvergensi kontekstual yaitu konvergensi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi budaya perusahaan dan masyarakat. Ini terbukti konvergensi dapat terlaksana tanpa melakukan perubahan radikal dengan menyatukan newsroom cetak dan online, media sudah dapat melakukan konvergensi. Kata-kata kunci: Konvergensi media, Rangkaian Konvergensi, Ekonomi politik media dan Tribun Jogja Abstract Media competition and the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT, which brings a new trend in the world of the communications industry. Instrument to deal with it is the convergence oriented to the interests of consumers and media owners. Media who had converged also affect the amount of economic and political interests in the application

  20. Performance and institucional identity: the Electoral Tribunal in the 2000 electoral alternance Desempeño e identidad institucional: el tribunal electoral en la alternancia del 2000

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    Full Text Available In this article we want to analyse the work made by the "Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF" and its relation, in its grade and identity, within the presidential elections on the July 2sd, 2000. Our hypothesis is that TEPJF had started an institutional blackmail, which put several doubts on the process, and could limit the democratic advances built until today but also generate a post electoral conflict with political instability consequences in the country.Analizamos el desempeño del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF relacionándolo con su grado y tipo de identidad en la coyuntura de las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio del 2000. Para ello partimos de la premisa que las instituciones no sólo deben tener un buen desempeño, sino que éste debe ser trasmitido ante la ciudadanía. Nuestra hipótesis es que el TEPJF tuvo un buen desempeño pero carecía de identidad lo que facilitó la puesta en marcha de un "chantaje" institucional que marcó la incertidumbre del proceso, pudo limitar los avances democratizadores construidos hasta la fecha, y generar un conflicto postelectoral con consecuencias para la estabilidad política del país.

  1. La conservación de los fondos del Archivo del Tribunal Militar Territorial Segundo

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    Joaquín Gil Honduvilla


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo describe el proceso por el que los fondos del archivo del Tribunal Militar Territorial Segundo fueron objeto de un convenio colaboración entre el Ministerio de Defensa, la Consejería de la Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía y la Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces para su informatización y conservación. Se muestra la importancia del archivo, así como su organización y la legislación por la que se rige. El interés de la administración autonómica por colaborar en la ordenación de esta documentación no puede disociarse tampoco del proceso de recuperación de memoria histórica que existe actualmente en nuestra sociedad._____________________ABSTRACT:This work describes the process which led to the fact that the funds of the archive of the Tribunal Militar Territorial Segundo (The Second Territorial Military Tribunal became the object of a collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Defence, the Consejería de la Presidencia (Regional Ministry of Presidency of Junta de Andalucía and the Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces (Centre of Andalusian Studies Foundation concerning its computerisation and maintenance. The paper shows the importance of the archive, as well as its organisation and the laws it is subject to. The interest of the autonomous public administration in collaborating in the organisation of that documentation cannot be separated from the process of recuperation of the historical memory which is present in our society today.  

  2. The heritage of the Nuremberg tribunal

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    Jovašević Dragan


    Full Text Available As a system of legal rules contained in the documents of the international community and in the national (internal criminal legislation, the International Criminal Law envisages the criminal liability and punishment for a vast number of international crimes. These criminal acts imply a violation of laws of war and customs of warfare (the International Humanitarian Law as well as the acts of disturbing or endangering peace among nations and the security of mankind. The contemporary International Criminal Law envisages the most severe forms of punishment and penal measures for these criminal offences. The perpetrators of these crimes are, in certain cases, subject to the primary jurisdiction of one of international criminal court (supranational authorities, such as the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. In this paper, the author analyzes the importance of the Nuremberg court for the development of international criminal law, including the notion and characteristics of international crimes and the principles of criminal liability.

  3. Performance and institucional identity: the Electoral Tribunal in the 2000 electoral alternance Desempeño e identidad institucional: el tribunal electoral en la alternancia del 2000




    In this article we want to analyse the work made by the "Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF)" and its relation, in its grade and identity, within the presidential elections on the July 2sd, 2000. Our hypothesis is that TEPJF had started an institutional blackmail, which put several doubts on the process, and could limit the democratic advances built until today but also generate a post electoral conflict with political instability consequences in the country.Analiza...

  4. Funções de autoridade pública: sobre a constitucionalidade de sua delegação a particulares e a análise do Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS nº 280, de 2017 / Public Authority’s Functions: About the Constitutionality of Private Delegation and the Analysis of the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017

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    Rafael Rodrigues Pessoa de Melo Camara


    Full Text Available Purpose – This article aims to analyze the compatibility of the private exercise of public authority functions to the Brazil´s Constitution, and if the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017, is constitutional. Methodology – The article implements a review of the literature and the constitutional rules about the subject, a research of the jurisprudence of Brazil’s Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice, and also performs an analysis of comparative law to the American experience. Findings – The article concludes that it is constitutional the private exercise of public authority functions provided that certain requirements are met to ensure the due process of law; the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017, partially meets the requirements. Resumo Propósito – Este artigo tem o propósito de examinar a compatibilidade do exercício privado de funções de autoridade pública com a Constituição brasileira, bem como se o Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS nº 280, de 2017 é constitucional. Metodologia – Faz-se revisão bibliográfica, análise do texto constitucional e pesquisa da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre o tema, além de análise de direito comparado com a experiência estadunidense. Resultados – O artigo conclui que é constitucional a delegação do exercício de funções de autoridade pública a particulares, desde que atendidos alguns pressupostos que garantam o respeito ao devido processo legal; o PLS nº 280, de 2017, atende parcialmente a esses pressupostos.

  5. Mental incapacity defenses at the War Crimes Tribunal: questions and controversy. (United States)

    Sparr, Landy F


    Following a report from the Secretary General in May 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 827 and its Statute establishing an International War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) located in The Hague, The Netherlands. Although such action has been discussed in the past, this is the first time the international community has established a tribunal to indict and try individuals for war crimes. The crimes had been previously "created" by multilateral international treaties. The ICTY Rules of Procedure and Evidence allowed for "any special defense, including that of diminished or lack of mental responsibility." Precise legal parameters of the defense were not specified. In 1998, a defendant at the ICTY "Celebici" Trial named Esad Landzo raised the defense of diminished mental responsibility. The Celebici Trial Chamber thus became the first legal body to consider reduced mental capacity as it applies to international criminal law. This article is an examination of the application of the affirmative defense of diminished responsibility at the ICTY and relates the process to the need for further definition of mental incapacity defenses at the newly established International Criminal Court (ICC). At the ICC preparatory commission, drafting material elements of crimes was emphasized, with less consideration given to mental elements. That diminished capacity and diminished-responsibility defenses have often confused scholars and practitioners alike is explored in this article with suggestions for further directions.

  6. La detención preventiva y la libertad personal en la práctica del Tribunal Especial para el Líbano

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    Francesco Agnello


    Full Text Available The present article analyzes the order CH/PTJ/09/06, issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, on 29 April 2009, in terms of pre-trial detention, personal freedom, presumption of innocence and right to a fair and expeditious trial. From this point of view the article extend the reflection in considering the principal acts delivered by the Tribunal – Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Rules on Detention, Prosecutor’s applications and Pre-Trial Judge’s decisions – appraising its deep and concrete contribution in human rights protection.

  7. As agências reguladoras independentes e o Tribunal de Contas da União: conflito de jurisdições? The independent regulatory agencies and the Federal Court of Accounts: a jurisdictional conflict?

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    Eduardo Granha Magalhães Gomes


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a emergência, no Brasil, de agências reguladoras independentes (ARIs e suas especificidades quanto ao desenho institucional; analisa ainda a evolução recente da atuação do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU no contexto da nova gestão pública. No desenho das ARIs têm destaque os mecanismos que lhes conferem independência política, dada a natureza de suas atribuições e competências. Por outro lado, o TCU vem ampliando seu campo de atuação, passando a avaliar não mais apenas os aspectos formais da legalidade de procedimentos, mas também o desempenho e resultados alcançados por órgãos e entidades públicas. O TCU passa a atuar no acompanhamento e avaliação do desempenho das agências. O artigo analisa a interface entre independência e controle, discutindo possíveis conflitos institucionais entre as agências reguladoras e o TCU.This article analyzes the emergence of the independent regulatory agencies (IRAs in Brazil and their specificities as to their institutional design. It also discusses the recent developments in the Federal Court of Accounts' actions within the new public management context. IRAs were designed with emphasis on the features that give them political independence, considering the nature of their attributions and capabilities. On the other hand, the Federal Court of Accounts (FCA has broadened its area of activities, assessing not only the formal aspects of the legality of procedures, but also the performance and the results of organisms and public institutions. The FCA is tracking and assessing the agencies' performance. The article analyzes the interface between independence and control, discussing possible institutional conflicts between regulatory agencies and the FCA.

  8. Acomodo razonable en Canadá y discriminación indirecta en Europa como garantía del principio de igualdad

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    Ángeles Solanes


    Full Text Available Este artículo lleva a cabo un estudio comparado entre la noción de acomodo razonable desarrollada por el Tribunal Supremo de Canadá y la de discriminación indirecta utilizada por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, aplicadas ambas en contextos multiculturales como garantía del principio de igualdad. El análisis del recorrido jurisprudencial de ambos tribunales, a través de casos que pueden considerarse paradigmáticos, permite estudiar el criterio de razonabilidad. Se ahonda así en los límites de estos instrumentos como, por una parte, la carga excesiva y el interés preponderante del Estado, y por otra, la proporcionalidad y el margen de apreciación estatal. Con ello, se apuesta por la necesidad inaplazable de articular políticas de gestión de la diferencia que hagan de ella un valor positivo, en lugar de un problema a gestionar. Al mismo tiempo, se aboga por conceptos que permitan llegar a la igualdad efectiva en el uso y disfrute de los derechos, fortaleciendo la pluralidad democrática que requieren las sociedades actuales.

  9. La reforma realizada en el año 2002 al artículo 195 de la constitución política: La posibilidad de someter a referéndum una reforma constitucional

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    Esteban Alfaro Calderón


    Full Text Available Análisis de la reforma realizada al inciso 8 del artículo 195 de la Constitución Política en el año 2002; sobre la posibilidad de someter a referéndum las reformas constitucionales después de ser aprobadas en una legislatura y antes de la siguiente, esto si dos terceras partes de los miembros de la Asamblea así lo acuerdan. Hace un estudio desde la perspectiva de quienes la apoyan, así como de sus detractores. Adicionalmente realiza una investigación de doctrina y jurisprudencia de la Sala Constitucional y del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, en lo que al referéndum y al principio de participación se refiere.

  10. La inclusión: mecanismo para dar contenido a los Derechos Humanos. El caso de Costa Rica

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    Arturo Fournier Facio


    Full Text Available Expone la experiencia de Costa Rica en el proceso de inclusión, no solo de la población con discapacidad sino, también, de las minorías étnicas como lo son los grupos indígenas del país; en los procesos sociales, como lo son la educación, el trabajo y el derecho a elegir y se electo. Ofrece una especial explicación de los esfuerzos realizados por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en el cumplimiento de la Ley de Igualdad de Oportunidades de las Personas con Discapacidad, al crear un programa electoral específico que permita la equiparación del derecho al sufragio de esta población

  11. El régimen electoral en la Constitución de 1949

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    Luis Antonio Sobrado González


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el régimen electoral costarricense sobre la base de tres líneas de evolución que confluyen en la Constitución Política de 1949, a saber: la democratización de los procesos electorales, la institucionalización de esos procesos -con la creación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones- y la partidización de los mismos. Evolución que ha sido factor crucial para la historia democrática costarricense de las últimas seis décadas, caracterizada por una ininterrumpida vigencia democrática en lo electoral, altas tasas de participación ciudadana y una elevada adhesión de los costarricenses a las instituciones republicanas.

  12. Elecciones presidenciales 2006: una aproximación a los actores del proceso

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    Recalde , Paulina


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda las elecciones presidenciales de 2006 en Ecuador a partir del análisis de los escenarios y actores principales. A más de los dos candidatos finalistas, Rafael Correa y Álvaro Noboa (con propuestas y concepciones del país totalmente antagónicas, las elecciones tuvieron como protagonistas a un Tribunal Supremo Electoral, organismo rector del proceso bajo sospecha, a encuestas de intención de voto, como idealizados referentes, y a medios de comunicación figurando en actividades proselitistas. Estos se interrelacionaron en dos tipos de escenarios en los que se desarrolló el proceso electoral: el del status quo y el de la reforma política.

  13. Desempeño e identidad institucional: el tribunal electoral en la alternancia del 2000 Performance and institucional identity: the Electoral Tribunal in the 2000 electoral alternance




    Analizamos el desempeño del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) relacionándolo con su grado y tipo de identidad en la coyuntura de las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio del 2000. Para ello partimos de la premisa que las instituciones no sólo deben tener un buen desempeño, sino que éste debe ser trasmitido ante la ciudadanía. Nuestra hipótesis es que el TEPJF tuvo un buen desempeño pero carecía de identidad lo que facilitó la puesta en marcha de un "chantaje" ...

  14. El Tribunal Constitucional como “supremo intérprete” de la Ley de Aguas

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    Francisco Balaguer Callejón


    Full Text Available In the STC 30/2011 nothing is as it should be, if viewed from a legal standpoint.The control of constitutionality over the Statute of Autonomy becomesa matter of plain legal control, twisting the line followed to date by theConstitutional Court to demarcate powers between State and autonomouscommunities. It also blurs the borders between material and formal controlof constitutionality. Material control is not justified by itself but by formalcontrol, which in turn refers ultimately to material control in a circular andtautologous argument lacking all real content. All this revolves around itsalleged connection with the Court’s earlier doctrine, especially with the STC227/1988, which becomes absolutely twisted both methodologically and substantively.The distortion results in a legal reasoning which, for all the continuousappeals of STC 227/1988 to the Statutes of Autonomy as referencestandards for constitutional interpretation as regards the demarcation ofpowers, is based solely on State water law and which, compared to constitutionallyacceptable range of criteria as in STC 227/1988, hinges only uponthat of watershed as established by State water law. The result is that theconstitutional status of the Autonomy Statute is downplayed, even furtherdown than the status of plain law, as derived from STC 31/2010, given thatit is subjected to the determinations of the “State water lawmaker” andgiven that the Constitutional Court is downplayed as well as “supreme interpreter”of Water Law, all this to settle a constitutional issue which, whicheverthe court decision may have been, should have been taken on parametersdifferent from the ones it was built on. The Court should haveconducted its own opinion on the constitutionality of art. 51 of the Statueof Autonomy according to the material criteria in Water Law -not becausethey were contained therein but because they were constitutionally permissible-and any others drawn from the Constitution and based on the logic,the technology and the experience to which the STC 227/1988 appealed, witha teleological inspiration and taking into account the change in the block ofconstitutionality effected by the lawmaker of the statute of autonomy, whichis also State lawmaker. These criteria may have allowed for a different opinionbased on the assessment of the Constitutional Court itself and the analysisof all the elements constitutionally liable and because of that, due toproper consideration.

  15. A informalidade como forma: os acordos no fazer judicial do Tribunal do Júri.

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    Izabel Saenger Nuñez


    Full Text Available Resumo:  O presente paper trata dos acordos informais, entre defesa e acusação, que acontecem nos processos em trâmite no Tribunal do Júri. A análise desses mecanismos informais mostra como os processos são administrados e fala sobre a “sensibilidade jurídica” inquisitorial presente no “fazer judicial” brasileiro. Analisar os “acordos” informais e a maneira como eles se estabelecem mostra como as decisões formais no processo judicial são, muitas vezes, informadas por “valores morais” e “moralidades situacionais” em contexto e determinam a ação dos agentes no campo. Para sustentar meu argumento, portanto, parto da descrição de três “acordos” presenciados em audiências de instrução e julgamento e um caso de estupro, no qual não houve acordo, embora houvesse “convergência moral” quanto ao seu desfecho. Palavras-chave: Tribunal do Júri; Moralidades; Valores Morais; Interação  *** Resumen: Este artículo trata sobre los "acuerdos" informales entre defensa y acusación que ocurren en los casos en trámite en el Tribunal do Juri. El análisis de estos mecanismos informales da cuenta, en primer lugar, de la administración judcial de los casos y, en segundo lugar, de la presencia de la "sensiblidad jurídica" inquisitorial en el "hacer judicial" brasileño. Analizar los "acuerdos" informales y la forma como ellos se establecen muestra cómo las decisiones formales en el proceso judicial son, frecuentemente, informadas por "valores morales" y "moralidades situacionales" construídas en un contexto particular, las cuales determinan la acción de los agentes en el campo. Para dar cuenta de ello, describo tres "acuerdos" observados en audiencias de "instrucción" y "juicio" en un caso de violación, en el cual no hubo acuerdo consenso a pesar de existir "convergencia moral" en relación a su desenlace. Palabras clave: Tribunal do Juri, Moralidades situacionales, Valores morales, Interacción  *** Abstract

  16. Concepções de identidade nacional, a ditadura civil-militar, a conciliação e o “homem cordial”

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    Moraes, Thiago Aguiar de


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as concepções de identidade nacional no livro Brasil: sempre, de Marco Pollo Giordani, e relacionar estas concepções com seu contexto de produção pautado pela guerra da memória entre militares e militantes, a Lei da Anistia de 1979, e a redemocratização. O autor enfatizou o “coração grande” como essência do povo brasileiro, caracterizando a ideia de “homem cordial” preconizada por Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. A mobilização desta ideia remete à conciliação e à concórdia, que acabaram por justificar, no livro de Giordani, a vitória dos militares sobre os “comunistas” em 1964 devido ao fato da essência do brasileiro ser contrária ao “comunismo”, pois seria um regime baseado no “ódio”. A concórdia também pautou a recente opção do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF por não revisar a Lei da Anistia, contemplando a ideia de conciliação através do voto de Cezar Peluso, atual presidente do STF


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    Paulo Afonso Brum Vaz


    Full Text Available Resumo: Enfrenta-se no presente ensaio a questão da publicação nominal dos salários dos servidores públicos via internet. Tendo-se estabelecido indeterminação sobre a norma que se deve extrair dos princípios aparentemente conflitantes (vida privada e publicidade ou transparência, intenta-se demonstrar que a solução mais adequada pode ser alcançada pela Hermenêutica Filosófica de Gadamer, acoplada à Teoria da Integridade e Coerência dos Princípios de Dworkin, sem recursividade à ponderação, sustentada pelas Teorias dos Princípios, da Colisão e da Argumentação, de Robert Alexy. Defendo que existem maneiras de compatibilizar os direitos fundamentais em aparente conflito sem que haja necessidade de sacrifício do núcleo essencial de qualquer deles. Estando ausente a necessidade de uma investida sobre a vida privada dos agentes públicos para alcançar a publicidade, as decisões judiciais sobre a matéria, inclusive do Supremo Tribunal Federal, padecem do vício de inconstitucionalidade.   Palavras-chave: Direitos fundamentais. Vida privada. Proporcionalidade. Teoria da Colisão. Hermenêutica Filosófica.


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    Ozana Rodrigues Boritza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho possui a finalidade de discutir acerca da necessidade de efetuação da representação criminal da vítima, em casos de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, sob o enfoque da decisão proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 4.424/DF. Procurar-se-á demonstrar quão antiga é a condição de submissão da mulher, através de um estudo das sociedades ao longo da história, abordando suas características, a fim de identificar a herança deixada por estas para a sociedade atual. Será apreciada a Lei 11.340/06 (Maria da Penha, destacando as razões de sua criação, seus objetivos, fins sociais e as modificações que efetuou no ordenamento jurídico nacional ao entrar em vigor. Buscar-se-á entender no que consiste a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, suas formas de expressão, as peculiaridades presentes em tal situação, vislumbrando elencar também os motivos que impedem muitas vítimas de denunciar seus agressores.

  19. Elementos de la soberanía y del tribunal penal internacional


    Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni


    Com o título de Elementos da Soberania e do Tribunal Penal Internacional procuramos demonstrar a ligação e pontos conflitantes entre o poder soberano e a Corte Internacional Criminal. No capítulo I, abordamos o conceito de soberania e seu enfoque de concepção política, realizado por Jean Bodin. Vimos o Estado-Leviatã de Thomas Hobbes e a soberania inalienável e indivisível de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. A relação entre Umberto Campagnolo e seu professor, Hans Kelsen, também foi abordada, nota...

  20. Identidad institucional. El Tribunal Electoral ante las elecciones presidenciales de 2000

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    David H. Corrochano


    En este artículo analizamos la identidad del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF en la coyuntura electoral del 2000, porque sirve como ejemplo de una institución sin identidad, que oscila entre evocaciones positivas y negativas, que se vio en una situación crítica (lo que podemos llamar un "escándalo institucional". La dificultad de la sociedad para diferenciar a esta institución de otras puso en peligro la estabilidad del sistema polÌtico mexicano y la confianza en el proceso de cambio democratizador.

  1. Relationship between the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in respect of the adjudication of genocide

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    Kreća Milenko


    Full Text Available By opting for the approach based on the dichotomy of individual criminal responsibility for the act of genocide and the responsibility of the State in both the Bosnian and Croatian Genocide cases, the International Court of Justice enabled the establishment of a jurisprudential connection with the judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. After outlining the reasons for adopting such an approach, which are classified as both positive and negative, the author offers an extensive analysis of the differences between the ICJ and ICTY, stressing the necessity to take these differences into account when considering the interconnection between the 'World Court' and the ICTY as a specialized tribunal. The paper focuses on the need for a balanced and critical approach to the jurisprudence of the ICTY as regards genocide, by differentiating between the Tribunal s factual and legal findings. The author insists that a substantive criterion, not a formal one, must be applied with a view to the proper assessment of the factual findings of the Tribunal in accordance with the standards of judicial reasoning of the ICJ. As regards the treatment of the ICTY's legal findings which relate to genocide, it is stressed that their uncritical acceptance would compromise the determination of the relevant rules of the Genocide Convention by the Court. Namely, the law applied by the ICTY as regards the crime of genocide is not equivalent to the relevant law established by the Convention and may be understood as its progressive development rather than its application.

  2. Defining Terrorism at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

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    Prakash Puchooa


    Full Text Available On 16 February 2011, the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL issued an interlocutory decision regarding the legal definition of terrorism.This decision was in response to a Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC list of questions requesting,' inter alia', an elaboration of the elements of this crime.In exploring this matter, the Appeals Chamber defined the subjective ('mens rea' and objective elements ('actus reus' of terrorism by referring to domestic Lebanese law and international law. It thereby set out the applicable law for the court. The consequence of this decision however is not limited to the law of STL but may be seen as having far-reaching consequences for the conception of terrorism under both international law and International Criminal Law (ICL. Given the significance of the Appeals Chamber judgment, this paper will scrutinise three areas of concern regarding its propriety:

  3. The Permanent People’s Tribunals and indigenous people’s struggles in Mexico : Between coloniality and epistemic justice?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R.A. Icaza Garza (Rosalba)


    markdownabstractOn 21 October 2011, hundreds of Mexican civil society organizations formally submitted a petition to the Lelio e Lisli Basso Foundation in Rome to justify the opening of a Mexican Chapter of the Permanent People’s Tribunals (PPT). The PPT was established in 1979 as the successor to

  4. O STF e a regulação dos meios de comunicação social: a metalinguagem adotada pela Corte na decisão da ADPF 130/DF / The Federal Supreme Court and the regulation of the social media: the metalanguage adopted by the court in the decision of the ADPF 130/DF

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    Oona de Oliveira Cajú


    Full Text Available Resumo Propósito – Este artigo apresenta uma análise dos votos proferidos pelos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento da ADPF 130/DF, quando foi declarada a não recepção em bloco da Lei de Imprensa, e, a partir dos elementos conceituais extraídos da construções argumentativas das decisões, revela a metalinguagem sobre a qual a Corte, majoritariamente, sustenta suas concepção acerca de regulação do setor da comunicação social. Metodologia/abordagem/design – A primeira seção do trabalho apresenta os paradigmas teóricos mais influentes nas reflexões acerca da regulação do setor da comunicação social para, na segunda seção, confrontá-los com os votos apresentados no julgamento da ADPF 130/DF e extrair as sínteses conceituais orientadoras dos ministros, identificando o paradigma regulatório do campo comunicacional ao qual se alinham. Resultados – Foi possível identificar que o discurso majoritário no STF sobre questões regulatórias referentes ao setor da comunicação social está mais próxima do paradigma libertariano e sua síntese de free flow of information. Abstract Purpose – This article analyzes the votes uttered by the Federal Supreme Court justices at the trial of ADPF 130/DF, in which it was denied value to the Press Law. It also tackles the reasoning behind the Court’s decision, which clarifies its conception of regulation of the social media. Methodology/approach/design – The first section of the article presents the most influent theoretical paradigms on the social media regulation. The second section confronts them with votes presented at the trial of the ADPF 130/DF and extract the guiding conceptual syntheses of the justices, identifying the regulatory paradigm of communicational field to which they align themselves. Findings – It was possible to identify that the libertarian paradigm of free flow of informartion is the predominant mindset guiding the rulings concerning

  5. A garantia da ordem pública como fundamento para a prisão preventiva e o desenvolvimento de seu conceito no Supremo Tribunal Federal


    Soares, Antonio Marcos


    Resumo: Esta monografia tem como objetivo tratar de forma pormenorizada a garantia da ordem pública, circunstância legal autorizadora da decretação da prisão preventiva do imputado trazida pelo artigo 312, do Código de Processo Penal. Trata-se de instituto dotado de um conceito vago que enseja custódia provisória, a qual deveria apresentar natureza cautelar, porém, assume contornos diversos da instrumentalidade lhe exigida. No mais das vezes é adotada como medida de defesa social, assumindo a...

  6. The Role of International Criminal Tribunals in Shaping the Historical Accounts of Genocide

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    Aksenova, Marina


    An international consensus on the need to prosecute and punish mass atrocities is arguably the strongest evidence of the existence of the global collective consciousness. The Nuremberg Tribunal challenged traditional world order centering on states and their intentions and overlooking abuses...... domestic criminal law process. It was rather a way of expressing international outrage with Germany’s aggression through judicial means. Ever since this historic shift occurred, the field of international criminal law has been increasingly vested with the mounting number of objectives – deterrence...

  7. La Transparencia Administrativa y el Derecho de Accesso a la Información Pública en Constitucionalismo Periférico de Brasil: Bancos Públicos y Beneficios Privados en el Fallo de caso BNDES.

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    Leonel Pires Ohlweiler


    Full Text Available En este artículo se investiga el tema de la transparencia administrativa y el acceso a la información pública. El caso del Banco de Desarrollo Económico y Social juzgado por el Tribunal Supremo y examinados en el estudio es paradigmático. La metodología utilizada fue la investigación bibliográfica y jurisprudencial.La constitucionalización del Derecho Administrativo y la institucionalización de estándares hermenéuticos del Estado democrático de derecho determinan el ejercicio de la autoridad pública de forma visible. La decisión de la Corte Suprema adoptó el mejor diseño de la transparencia administrativa como consecuencia de la integridad y la coherencia del conjunto de virtudes constitucionales.

  8. La participación del Poder Ejecutivo en los procesos de referéndum: análisis de derecho comparado

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    Nicolás Prado Hidalgo


    Full Text Available : Al terminar el primer referéndum celebrado recientemente en Costa Rica, surgió la duda con respecto a la participación que deberían tener en este tipo de procesos los funcionarios pertenecientes al Poder Ejecutivo. Además, se originó la consideración de si a estos mismos funcionarios se les debe aplicar la prohibición que establece el Código Electoral; de igual forma que se hace durante los procesos de carácter electivo o bien si se les debe permitir su participación. El presente trabajo pretende analizar, a la luz de la doctrina y la normativa internacional con respecto al referendum, las disposiciones que dictó el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones respecto al tema.

  9. Breve examen del Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia y de su proceso

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    Fairén Guillén, Víctor


    Full Text Available Se me pide, de parte de mi compañero y amigo de la Academia, Dr José M" Castán Vázquez, que elabore un pequeño trabajo para la revista «Arbor» —a cuyas líneas tuve vedado el acceso por muchos años; mientras duró aquella ordenación y aquella Nomenklatura al frente del CSIC— ; por su director actual. Prof. Dr. PEDRO GARCÍA BARRENO, al que trato casi constantemente-, Y sobre el Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia, organismo jurídico jurisdiccional —pese a incluso enfurecidos adversarios— único, y admirado por todo el mundo, menos por quienes aspiran a transformar una de las huertas españolas mejor cuidadas, en una selva de hormigón.
    Ahí van esas líneas, resumen de un libro que, a pie de obra, me costó más de 25 años de elaboración allá en Valencia, y sin ayuda práctica de nadie sino del referido Tribunal. Desafío a que las críticas que se me hagan, se funden en observaciones directas; y no enlatadas en «ordenadores» del terreno y de sus habitantes. No admito «realidades visuales», que no son sino ficciones inmerecidamente decoradas con ese equívoco nombre, lo que ya está dando sus frutos.

  10. Desempeño e identidad institucional: el tribunal electoral en la alternancia del 2000


    Corrochano, David H.; Díaz-santana, Héctor


    In this article we want to analyse the work made by the "Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF)" and its relation, in its grade and identity, within the presidential elections on the July 2sd, 2000. Our hypothesis is that TEPJF had started an institutional blackmail, which put several doubts on the process, and could limit the democratic advances built until today but also generate a post electoral conflict with political instability consequences in the country. Ana...

  11. La Orden de Medidas Provisionales del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso del buque de guerra ARA Libertad

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    Martin Cabrera Mirassou


    Full Text Available El presente comentario tiene por finalidad describir la reciente orden de medidas provisionales emitida por el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso relativo a la detención de la Fragata ARA Libertad. La controversia contiene un complejo trasfondo político, económico y jurídico, en el cual se destaca el alcance de la inmunidad de los buques de guerra, el funcionamiento del sistema de solución de controversias de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar y, en particular, la competencia del Tribunal. Con la finalidad de lograr un entendimiento más profundo de su jurisprudencia se abordan los principales aspectos que permitan comprender el valor de la decisión para los actores del régimen de los océanos.

  12. La discriminación racial en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos


    Fernando Rey Martínez


    I. Introducción: ¿Qué significa la prohibición de discriminación según el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos?II. Escenarios de conflicto de la discriminación racial examinados en la jurisprudencia1. Agresiones racistas por agentes de la autoridad2. Agresiones racistas vecinales y deficiente tutela judicial posterior3. Expulsión de caravanas4. Segregación escolar5. Discriminación en frontera6. Discriminación racial e imparcialidad judicial en juicio por jurados7. Discurso racista y libertad ...

  13. A prescrição tributária nos tributos sujeitos a homologação

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    Nedson Fernandes Brilhante da Silva


    Full Text Available A prescrição tributária, objeto deste trabalho, tem como fundamento legal o artigo 174 do Código Tributário Nacional e, por conta disto, à guisa do que muitos imaginam,possui regras e natureza jurídica própria que lhe distingue da prescrição civil. A pesquisa segue como sendo descritiva quanto aos objetivos, quanto aos procedimentos bibliográfico e documental, numa abordagem qualitativa e embasamento teórico.Sendo ainda de método dedutivo se fazendo análise do conteúdo.Assim, conclui-se que toda a celeuma jurídica que envolvia otema prescrição tributária, em tributos sujeitos a homologação,somente ficou superada a partir de 04 de agosto de 2011,oportunidade em que o Supremo Tribunal Federal proferiu decisão, nos autos do Recurso Extraordinário nº. 556.621,submetido ao regime de repercussão geral, firmando o entendimento de que o prazo prescricional quinquenal tão somente deve ser aplicado às ações ajuizadas após a entrada em vigor da LC n. 118/2005, e não aos valores indevidamente recolhidos antes de sua vigência da referida lei, conforme o STJ vinha concluindo.

  14. Carácter jurisdiccional de las resoluciones de la Dirección General del Registro Electoral en materia de faltas electorales: especial referencia a la facultad de recabar datos personales protegidos por el secreto bancario o tributario en el marco de una investigación por faltas en materia de financiamiento de los partidos políticos

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    Ruy López González


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda el concepto y características distintivas de la función jurisdiccional del Estado. Con este marco teórico se analiza la función jurisdiccional del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en materia electoral y se esboza como tesis la delegación legislativa de competencias jurisdiccionales que operó a favor de la Dirección General del Registro Electoral y de Financiamiento de Partidos Políticos en el trámite y sanción de las faltas electorales tipificadas en el nuevo Código Electoral. Bajo esta premisa, se infiere la facultad de la Dirección de recabar pruebas que contengan datos de carácter confidencial protegidos bajo los institutos del secreto bancario o tributario con el objeto de ejercer su competencia sancionadora

  15. Entre la ley y el cariño: normatividad jurídica y disputas familiares sobre la patria potestad en México (1870-1890

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    Carmen Ramos Escandón


    Full Text Available Este ensayo rastrea los cambios que la legislación liberal mexicana introdujo en la distribución del poder familiar entre las dos generaciones claves de la vida familiar, padres e hijos, a través de las modificaciones a la institución de la patria potestad. Para ello comparo en la primera parte del artículo las modificaciones que se llevaron a cabo en la legislación familiar liberal con relación a la sociedad colonial y más adelante ilustro la pregunta sobre las formas específicas de impartición de justicia a través del análisis de casos específicos de disputas sobre patria potestad tomados del archivo histórico del Supremo Tribunal de Justicia de la ciudad de Guadalajara entre 1870 y 1890.

  16. La ilegítima mutación de la Constitución por el juez constitucional y la demolición del estado de derecho en Venezuela

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    Allan R Brewer-Carías


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar algunas de las ilegítimas mutaciones constitucionales efectuadas por la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela, al decidir recursos autónomos de interpretación constitucional que han sido interpuestos por el Poder Ejecutivo, y que han trastocado los cimientos del Estado de derecho. Un recurso judicial como el de interpretación abstracta de la Constitución, creado por la Sala Constitucional sin soporte en la Constitución, en manos de un Juez Constitucional totalmente dependiente del mismo Poder Ejecutivo, sin autonomía ni independencia algunas, ha resultado ser un instrumento utilizado para cambiar y ajustar la Constitución a la voluntad del Ejecutivo, al margen de los procedimientos de reforma y de la voluntad del poder, afianzando el autoritarismo

  17. Comentarios de jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema y el Tribunal Constitucional sobre derechos humanos de las personas migrantes durante el año 2013

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    Rodrigo Godoy Araya


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo comentar algunas sentencias de la Corte Suprema y del Tribunal Constitucional de Chile en materias de derecho de extranjería y derechos humanos de las personas migrantes. Para ello se estudian sentencias que han sido dictadas en casos tramitados por la Oficina Especializada en Derechos Humanos de la Corporación de Asistencia Judicial durante el año 2013, las cuales se comentan en relación a cinco ámbitos de análisis: 1 derecho a ingresar al territorio nacional; 2 expulsiones del país; 3 nacionalidad y apatridia; 4 privaciones de libertad de extranjeros en situación irregular y; 5 jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional.

  18. Unethical conduct by the nurse: a critical discourse analysis of Nurses Tribunal inquiries. (United States)

    Dixon, Kathleen A


    The aim of this study was to uncover and critically examine hidden assumptions that underpin the findings of nurses' unethical conduct arising from inquiries conducted by the Nurses Tribunal in New South Wales. This was a qualitative study located within a post-structural theoretical framework. Transcripts of five inquiries conducted between 1998 and 2003 were analysed using critical discourse analysis. The findings revealed two dominant discourses that were drawn upon in the inquiries to construct nurses' conduct as unethical. These were discourses of trust and accountability. The way the nurses were spoken about during the inquiries was shaped by normalising judgements that were used to discursively position the nurse through narrative.

  19. Participation of a non-disputing party in arbitration and protection of the public interest before an ICSID Tribunal

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    Đundić Petar


    Full Text Available The paper discusses the need to protect the legitimacy of decision-making process in investment arbitration through public access to the proceedings. Unlike commercial arbitration, investment arbitration entails decisions on state responsibility for measures directed towards protection of environment, lives and health of its population or human rights. Presence of the public interest in such disputes brings under strong criticism a traditional characteristic of arbitration process - its confidentiality. The problem of democratic deficit of decision-making can be resolved, inter alia, by allowing persons who are not parties to the dispute to participate in the proceedings if they consider that their interest might be affected by arbitral award. The 2006 Arbitration Rules of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes envisage, subject to approval of the Tribunal, the right of a non-disputing party to file a written submission with the Tribunal regarding a factual or legal issue connected with the subject matter of the dispute. However, without right of those entities to attend arbitral hearings and, more importantly, without their access to documents submitted during the proceedings, this is not by far enough to give 'friends of the court' a meaningful and significant role.

  20. Racismo ou injúria racial? Como o Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais se posiciona diante dos conflitos raciais

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    Andrea Franco Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentaremos uma análise dos acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais sobre os processos que tenham, como ponto central, práticas identificadas como racismo, discriminação ou preconceito de raça ou de cor. Com isso, buscamos responder às seguintes questões: que tipos de conflitos envolvendo raça ou cor são julgados, em segunda instância, pelo Tribunal; que atos, palavras e expressões estão presentes nesses casos; e quais são os argumentos utilizados e as estratégias discursivas empregadas pelos réus, pelos autores e pelos juízes na administração do conflito. Nossos resultados indicam que o sistema jurídico mineiro tende a descontextualizar expressões historicamente racistas, negando que a origem do conflito seja o preconceito racial, o que mantém a desigualdade característica de nossa sociedade.

  1. Desempeño e identidad institucional: el tribunal electoral en la alternancia del 2000




    Analizamos el desempeño del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) relacionándolo con su grado y tipo de identidad en la coyuntura de las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio del 2000. Para ello partimos de la premisa que las instituciones no sólo deben tener un buen desempeño, sino que éste debe ser trasmitido ante la ciudadanía. Nuestra hipótesis es que el TEPJF tuvo un buen desempeño pero carecía de identidad lo que facilitó la puesta en marcha de un "chantaje" ...

  2. Análisis argumentativo de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional en el caso PUCP

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    Felix Morales Luna


    Full Text Available Analizar la argumentación jurídica contenida en la sentencia recaída en el Expediente 03347-2009-PA/TC expedida por el Tribunal Constitucional del Perú el pasado 17 de marzo de 2010, y suscrita por cuatro magistrados, a propósito del recurso de agravio constitucional presentado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú contra la sentencia de la Octava Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima en la controversia que mantiene contra el señor Walter Muñoz Cho

  3. El Tribunal de la Inquisición de Valladolid y el control de las ideas en la España del siglo XVIII

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    Ángel de PRADO MOURA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El tribunal inquisitorial de Valladolid, al igual que el resto de los tribunales que formaban el Santo Oficio español, mostró durante el siglo XVIII una especial preocupación por el control de las ideas, particularmente aquellas que quedaban reflejadas en obras manuscritas e impresas. Los inquisidores vallisoletanos se esforzaron para evitar que en su distrito penetraran las obras que tanto éxito estaban teniendo fuera de nuestras fronteras, pero la existencia de una fuerte demanda, probablemente por ubicarse en él las universidades de Valladolid y Salamanca, hizo que la censura no fuera tan eficaz como ellos hubieran querido. Tal como queda reflejado en este artículo, no se impidió, pero sí se dificultó la difusión de libros total o parcialmente prohibidos.ABSTRACT: The Tribunal of the Inquisition of Valladolid —similarly to the rest of the tribunals of the Spanish Holy Office— showed a special concern for the control of ideas, mostly those ideas expressed in manuscript and printed works. The Inquisitors of Valladolid took pains to avoid the entrance of texts that were succesful abroad, but the existence of an important demand —probably due to the foundation of the Universities of Valladolid and Salamanca— decreased the efficiency of the censorship they wanted to impose. This paper intends to show that the reading and commerce of completely or partially forbidden books was not prevented, but it was certainly hindered.

  4. Les competències. La doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definició de les competències. Les competències exclusives, les compartides i les executives. - Las competencias. La doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definición de las competencias. Competencias exclusivas, compartidas y ejecutivas.

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    Ramon Riu


    Full Text Available La doctrina de la Sentència 31/2010 sobre la definició estatutària de les categories competencials (251-257 Mercè Barceló i SerramaleraLa doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la definició de competències. Les competències exclusives, les compartides i les executives (258-261Antoni Bayona RocamoraLa doctrina de la Sentència 31/2010 sobre les competències executives (Xavier Bernadí GilLa doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definició de les competències. Les ompetències exclusives, les compartides i les executives (270-276Marc Carrillo LópezEls efectes de la Sentència sobre la definició estatutària de les competències: la «devaluació» jurídica dels estatuts d’autonomia (277-281Mercè Corretja TorrensLes categories funcionals de competències a l’Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya. Comentaris a la Sentència 31/2010 (282-287Ramon Riu FortunyTipologia de les competències. El seu abast funcional: els articles 110 a 112 (288-294Joaquín Tornos Massostenella e no enmendalla (262-269 La doctrina de la Sentencia 31/2010 sobre la definición estatutaria de las categorías competenciales (251-257Mercè Barceló i SerramaleraLa doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la definición de competencias. Las competencias exclusivas, las compartidas y las ejecutivas (258-261Antoni Bayona RocamoraLa doctrina de la Sentencia 31/2010 sobre las competencias ejecutivas (sostenella e no enmendalla (262-270 Xavier Bernadí GilLa doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definición de las competencias. Las competencias exclusivas, las compartidas y las ejecutivas (271-277Marc Carrillo LópezLos efectos de la Sentencia sobre la definición estatutaria de las competencias:la «devaluación» jurídica de los estatutos de autonomía (278-283Mercè Corretja TorrensLas categorías funcionales de competencias en el Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña. Comentarios a la Sentencia 31/2010 (284-289Ramon Riu FortunyTipología de las competencias. Su alcance

  5. Liberdade de expressão e direito à informação: os limites da atividade jornalística sob a ótica do STF e do STJ

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    Andressa de Bittencourt Vieira Dantas


    Full Text Available Liberdade de expressão e direito à informação são os direitos fundamentais que balizam a atividade jornalística. Por seu caráter relativo, no entanto, podem entrar em rota de colisão com outros direitos, como a honra, a imagem e a privacidade. Este trabalho tem como objetivos, portanto, explicitar os limites éticos legais e as responsabilidades jurídicas atribuíveis a jornalistas e veículos de comunicação em razão do exercício profissional; estudar a regra da proporcionalidade como método de resolução de conflitos entre direitos fundamentais; analisar o entendimento jurisprudencial dos tribunais superiores acerca do conflito entre liberdade de expressão e direito à informação versus outros direitos fundamentais e como tais princípios têm sido relativizados. Dessa forma, são analisadas 41 decisões proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal e pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça no período entre 30/04/2009 e 30/04/2015, com o intuito de esclarecer quais dos direitos em conflito têm ou não prevalecido nos casos concretos, buscando chegar uma resposta o mais fidedigna possível quanto aos reais limites da atuação jornalística e compreender se o que tem sido julgado tem criado precedentes. A pesquisa é feita de forma quali-quantitativa, descritiva e indutiva. O trabalho justifica-se pelo ineditismo da abordagem da temática e pela carência de estudos acadêmicos que tratem do embate entre liberdade de expressão e direito à informação versus outros direitos fundamentais pelo viés empírico. Os resultados buscam auxiliar a reflexão acerca do exercício midiático, avaliando de que forma a atividade jornalística pode servir à sociedade sem cometer atos ilícitos ou abusar de seus direitos balizadores.

  6. Symposium in honour of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization : 90 year of contribution to the creation of international civil service law

    CERN Document Server

    Colloque en l'honneur du Tribunal administratif de l'Organisation internationale du Travail : une contribution de 90 ans à la création d'un droit de la fonction publique internationale; 90 years of contribution of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization to the creation of international civil service law; Une contribution de 90 ans du Tribunal administratif de l'Organisation internationale du Travail à la création d'un droit de la fonction publique internationale; Une contribution de 90 ans du TAOIT; 90 years of contribution of the ILOAT


    The present book arises out of a symposium that the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization organized on 5 May 2017 to celebrate the 90 years of its existence and its 125th Session held in 2017.

  7. Interface of the Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Laws, Administrative Tribunal and Economic Analysis: the Injury and Causality Tests in Canada

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    O. Yul Kwon


    Full Text Available In the consequence analyzing methods which are frequently used by the Canadian administrative tribunal, there are dualistic approximation method which uses the trend analysis and unitary approximation method which uses economic analysis. The disadvantage of the dualistic approximation method is that it cannot separate the effect out of dumping and the effect of dumping. In the contrary, the unitary approximation method includes methods like the countable partial equipoise model and computation model which could overcome the similar question. This thesis made comments on the advantages and disadvantages of the above two economic analysis by way of analyzing the Canadian case used in the damage arbitration process. And found that both the two methods could enhance the objectivity, transparency and fairness in the damage arbitration, meanwhile, the countable partial equipoise model is more practical under the restriction of time and resources. Especially, this thesis definitely brought forward the conjunction between the trade regulation and the economic analysis in the process of the damage arbitration of the Canadian administrative tribunal.

  8. El principio ne bis in idem en Europa : el tribunal de justicia y los derechos fundamentales en el espacio judicial europeo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vervaele, J.A.E.


    Durante años el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas (TJCE) ha elaborado una serie completa de principios generales del Derecho comunitario, también en el área del Derecho penal y del Derecho procesal penal. Con la entrada en vigor de la cooperación en los ámbitos de la Justicia y de los

  9. Laverne A. Jacobs & Justice Anne L. Mactavish, eds., Dialogue Between Court And Tribunals – Essays In Administrative Law And Justice (2001- 2007

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    Gerald P. Heckman


    Full Text Available “Dialogue between Courts and Tribunals,” a title that could describe the interplay between judges and decision-makers in the context of the judicial review of administrative decisions, in fact refers to a series of annual roundtables organized by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice [CIAJ].

  10. Recuperação inteligente de jurisprudência: uma avaliação do raciocínio baseado em casos aplicado a recuperação de jurisprudências no Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Distrito Federal

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    Symball Rufino de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa cujo objeto é avaliar a medida de precisão de um sistema de recuperação de informação jurídica (jurisprudência que utiliza técnica de inteligência artificial conhecida como Raciocínio Baseado em Casos (RBC. Nesse modelo as jurisprudências são organizadas sob a forma de casos jurídicos concretos. O raciocínio baseado em casos tem como princípio a idéias de que um caso jurídico passado pode ser útil para resolver um problema atual, desde que exista entre eles algum grau de semelhança. Para estabelecer semelhanças entre casos atuais e passados o modelo estudado propõe o uso de cálculo de similaridade que é realizado com base na comparação de índices temáticos obtidos a partir do processo de indexação realizado por especialistas utilizando-se como apoio um tesauro jurídico. Esta pesquisa utiliza como universo as jurisprudências produzidas pelo Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Distrito Federal. A amostra foi composta, considerando o recorte dado à pesquisa, por jurisprudências eleitorais produzidas nas eleições gerais de 2006 no Distrito Federal. Para realizar a avaliação do modelo, foi construído um protótipo do sistema de recuperação de informação baseado em casos. Em seguida, avaliou-se o protótipo quanto ao grau de precisão obtido no resultado de um conjunto de buscas. O método adotado para as avaliações foi o mesmo utilizado na Text REtrieval Conference (TREC de 2007, tarefa Legal Track. Após a coleta dos dados foi elaborado um relatório discutindo a possibilidade do sistema de recuperação de informação baseado em casos ser considerado um paradigma para a recuperação de informação jurídica eleitoral.


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    Francisco Zúñiga Urbina


    Full Text Available La ponencia se refiere a la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional en el período 1981-1989 con especial análisis de las sentencias referentes a los contenidos de los derechos de libertad de conciencia, libertad de opinión y derechos políticos.This paper deals with the opinions of the Chilean Constitutional Court in the period 1981-1989, with emphasis on the decisions handed out on matters of freedom of conscience, free speech, and political rights.

  12. El principio ne bis in idem en Europa. El Tribunal de Justicia y los derechos fundamentales en el espacio judicial europeo, IUSTEL

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vervaele, J.A.E.


    Durante años el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas (TJCE) ha elaborado una serie completa de principios generales del Derecho comunitario, también en el área del Derecho penal y del Derecho procesal penal. Con la entrada en vigor de la cooperación en los ámbitos de la Justicia y de los

  13. A vedação de tratamento cruel contra os animais versus direitos culturais: breve análise da ótica do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento do Recurso Extraordinário nº 153531/SC

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    Nicanor Henrique Netto Armando


    Full Text Available This paper developed a brief analysis on the performance of the Supreme Court judgment in the Extraordinary Appeal No. 153531/SC that sought to settle the dispute arising from the realization of a cultural manifestation allegedly performed in the State of Santa Catarina (binge ox, which raised the collision between the protection of the right to culture, on the one hand, and protection of animals on the other. Our goal was to investigate whether, in the light of the aforementioned judgment, the Supreme Court comes to identify a legal protection of animals in Brazilian constitutional law and determine what would be the meaning or scope attributed to this protection regarding the meaning of the constitutional prohibition of cruelty. The research investigated what interpretation the Supreme Court gives to the content of protection standard, that is, the understanding that the Supreme Court has about the objective proposed by this rule and what is the constitutional sense of the prohibited practice (cruelty. The conclusion of the paper points out that the decision of the supreme court of settling the superiority of animal protection over a cultural event when the practice of cruelty against those mattered supports the view of the section VII, § 1 of Art. 225 of the Federal Constitution. Breaking anthropocentric perspective of Kantian inspiration, this enshrines the biocentric view that, unlike the first one, gives the animals their own intrinsic value and dignity, regardless of their usefulness to the achievement of human ends. Through the comparison of sequences of the judgment with doctrinal expositions we noticed, even to some extent, the assignment of an ecological dimension to human dignity and the proclamation of an ecologically balanced environment as a fundamental human right.

  14. MERCOSUR ambiental. El aporte del Laudo 1/2012 del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión

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    Alberto Cesar Moreira


    Full Text Available El trabajo reflexiona acerca de la dimensión ambiental del MERCOSUR, identificando los desarrollos institucionales y normativos más significativos e intentando desentrañar algunas de las causas que dificultan su consolidación. En ese orden de ideas, destaca la escasa utilización que los Estados han hecho del sistema de solución de controversias de este esquema y pone de resalto el aporte del laudo 1/2012 del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión, ya que al resolver sobre su competencia en razón de la materia, reconoce y acompaña a las distintas dimensiones que el MERCOSUR ha ido desarrollado, entre ellas la ambiental.

  15. The Advisory Opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Matters related to the determination of effective link between the States and the legal persons they sponsor to carry out activities in the Area

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    Juan Nicolás Guerrero Peniche


    Tribunal for the Law of the Sea so it could be clarified. The advisory opinion of the Tribunal advanced conclusions particularly relevant for the determination of a nationality link between the legal persons and the States that sponsor them. This matter, which plays an essential role for achieving an effective protection of the marine environment within the sponsorship mechanisms for exploration and exploitation of the resources of the Area, also has some relevant consequences for the activities in reserved areas.

  16. Los negros esclavos y el Tribunal de la Santa Inquisición en Lima y en Cartagena de Indias (1570-1650)


    Rosas Navarro, Ruth


    Tesis (Maestría en Educación. Mención en Historia)--Universidad de Piura. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2009. Texto: Introducción. Cap. I: La Inquisición en Europa y en América. Cap. II: La esclavitud negra en el siglo XVI y su relación con el Tribunal de la Santa Inquisición. Conclusiones. Referencias bibliográficas. Anexos.

  17. Los colegios diferenciados por sexo en Estados Unidos: constitucionalidad y actualidad de una tendencia imparable = Single-sex education in the United States: constitutionality and current developments of an unstoppable trend

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    María Calvo Charro


    Full Text Available En los últimos años Estados Unidos ha experimentado el resurgir de la educación diferenciada por sexo con el apoyo de políticos de muy diferentes tendencias, educadores, padres, ciertos sectores feministas, así como asociaciones de defensa de los derechos de los afroamericanos y otras minorías. Esta tendencia, lenta pero implacable, entre los colegios públicos, como consecuencia de los excelentes resultados obtenidos, ha generado un encendido debate en ámbitos académicos, legales y políticos. La legislación norteamericana federal los motiva, incentiva y apoya, con ciertas condiciones relativas a garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades entre los sexos y la libertad de elección de los padres del modelo educativo que consideren apropiado para sus hijos. No obstante, la American Civil Liberties Union sigue mostrando su abierta oposición a estos centros educativos a los que considera discriminatorios. En este marco, hasta el momento, el Tribunal Supremo no ha encontrado en estos centros tacha alguna de inconstitucionalidad. In recent years the U.S. has experienced a resurgence of single-sex education with the support of politicians of very different tendencies, educators, parents, some feminist sectors and associations defending the rights of African Americans and other minorities. This trend, slowly but relentlessly, including public schools, has generated a heated debate in academic, legal and political fields. The federal U.S. legislation motivates, encourages and supports, with certain conditions relating to ensuring equality of opportunity between the sexes and freedom of parental choice of educational model they consider appropriate for their children. However, the American Civil Liberties Union continues to show his outspoken opposition to these schools to which they considered discriminatory. In this framework, so far, the Supreme Court has found these centers absolutely constitutional.

  18. Le tribunal d’opinion de Tôkyô pour les « femmes de réconfort » The Tokyo opinion trial in help to former “comfort women”

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    Rumiko Nishino


    Full Text Available Dès les années 1930, le Japon a organisé l’enlèvement et la déportation massive de jeunes femmes asiatiques dans les bordels militaires de campagne des territoires occupés. Or, bien que les faits aient été connus au moment du procès de Tôkyô (Tribunal militaire international pour l’Extrême-Orient, l’affaire fut largement passée sous silence, ces violences sexuelles envers les femmes n’étant pas reconnues comme des crimes de guerre à part entière. Suite à la mobilisation engagée par les survivantes coréennes et celles d’autres pays d’Asie au cours des années 1990, un tribunal d’opinion s’est tenu à Tôkyô en décembre 2000, à l’initiative de VAWW-NET (Violence Against Women in War Network, pour juger les responsables et envisager des mesures de réparation. L’article revient sur le sens de ce tribunal et dresse les perspectives à venir.Since the 1930s, Japan had organized the kidnapping and mass deportation of young Asian women into military brothels campaign in the occupied territories. Although the facts were known at the time of the Tokyo trial (the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and trials of BC war criminals, sexual violence against women were not recognized as full war crimes, and the whole story remained was largely ignored until the coming out of Korean victims in the 1990s. Following the mobilization by those women from Korea and other Asian countries, an opinion court was held in Tokyo in December 2000, at the initiative of VAWW-NET (Violence against Women in War Network. The goal was to indict those responsible and to consider remedial measures. The article presents the meaning of the court and examines further perspectives.

  19. El derecho fundamental a la libertad física: reflexiones a partir de la Constitución, el Código Procesal Penal y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional

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    Luis Alberto Huerta Guerrero


    Full Text Available El autor analiza lo dispuesto en la Constitución Política de 1993, así como en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional peruano, incluyendo algunos artículos del Código Procesal Penal de 1991 del 2004.

  20. Dezessete anos de judicialização da política Seventeen years of judicializing politics

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    Luiz Werneck Vianna


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda a judicialização da política no Brasil com base na análise de um banco de dados composto por 3.648 Adins, ajuizadas entre 1988 e 2005. A percepção mais geral que se impõe é a de que as Adins já fazem parte do cotidiano da moderna democracia brasileira, afirmando, ao longo de quase duas décadas, em sucessivos e diferentes governos, a sua presença institucional, e mais fortemente ainda no atual governo Lula, em que funciona como escoadouro dos conflitos entre sociedade e Estado, e dos que surgem no interior da própria administração pública e da federação. Assim, além de ser instrumento da defesa de minorias, sua origem constitucional clássica, a pesquisa revela que a Adin também é recurso institucional estratégico de governo, instituindo, na prática, o Supremo Tribunal Federal como um Conselho de Estado do tipo prevalecente em países de configuração unitária.This article studies the judicialization of politics in Brazil, based on an analysis of a database containing 3.648 ADINs filed between 1988 and 2005. Examining this data, the overall impression gained is that ADINs are now a normal part of the everyday running of the modern Brazilian democracy, their institutional presence consolidated over almost two decades through successive and different governments - and even more firmly in the current Lula government. Over this time, they have functioned as a channel for the conflicts between society and the State, as well as conflicts within the Public Administration and the Federation. Hence, as well as being an instrument for the defence of minorities, their original constitutional function, the research shows that the ADINs are also a strategic institutional resource for government, turning the Federal Supreme Court in practice into a kind of Council of State prevalent in countries with unitary governments.

  1. O Supremo Tribunal Federal e a anencefalia: uma reflexão sobre a legitimidade democrática do Judiciário à luz de Rawls, Habermas e Nino

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    Maria Eugenia Bunchaft


    Full Text Available O debate entre Habermas e Rawls representa uma contribuição fundamental para a compreensão das questões sobre reconhecimento, multiculturalismo e pós-secularismo, introduzindo diferentes concepções filosóficas que podem contribuir sobre a temática acerca do uso público da razão, a fim de elucidar as diferentes percepções teóricas capazes de atender aos desafios propostos pelas sociedades pluralistas. Carlos Santiago Nino, por sua vez, estabeleceu uma estratégia teórica denominada “construtivismo epistemológico”, delineada a partir do debate Habermas-Rawls. Por conseguinte, pretendemos articular os fundamentos filosóficos atinentes à concepção de razão pública delineada por Rawls e Habermas e ao construtivismo epistemológico de Carlos Santiago Nino com a análise da legitimidade democrática do STF na resolução de uma questão moral controvertida que é objeto de um desacordo moral razoável: o aborto de fetos anencéfalos.

  2. Desempeño e identidad institucional: el tribunal electoral en la alternancia del 2000

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    Full Text Available Analizamos el desempeño del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF relacionándolo con su grado y tipo de identidad en la coyuntura de las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio del 2000. Para ello partimos de la premisa que las instituciones no sólo deben tener un buen desempeño, sino que éste debe ser trasmitido ante la ciudadanía. Nuestra hipótesis es que el TEPJF tuvo un buen desempeño pero carecía de identidad lo que facilitó la puesta en marcha de un "chantaje" institucional que marcó la incertidumbre del proceso, pudo limitar los avances democratizadores construidos hasta la fecha, y generar un conflicto postelectoral con consecuencias para la estabilidad política del país.

  3. Das citações (indiretas na discursividade do voto de Carlos Ayres Britto acerca da união homoafetiva: efeitos de sentido possíveis

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    Lígia NEGRI


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, trazemos o acontecimento que o voto do ministro relator Carlos Ayres Britto funda pela sua enunciação, no Supremo Tribunal Federal, referente à recente (2011 questão da união homoafetiva no Brasil, tendo como corpus de análise as citações (indiretas extraídas de afirmações de personalidades célebres (Platão, Max Scheler, Descartes, Fernando Pessoa, Nietzsche, Hegel, Jung, Caetano Veloso, Rui Barbosa, Spinoza, Sartre e Chico Xavier, postas em jogo na materialidade linguística. Discutimos os efeitos de sentido possíveis delas decorrentes, mediante a perspectiva da Análise do Discurso de orientação francesa, tendo em conta os aspectos relevantes das condições de produção do discurso, sem deixarmos de aventar os efeitos de articulação entre citações e enunciados que as circunscrevem no voto, paralelismos etc. Lançaremos, ainda, breve olhar sobre o ethos do sujeito do discurso, a partir dos efeitos de sentido das citações. Dentre outras avaliações e reflexões, concluiremos que o discurso tem como argumento maior o amor, confrontando uma FD (Formação Discursiva prototípica do judiciário, inclusive nas menções a interdiscursos religiosos. Para nosso exercício analítico, contamos especialmente com Possenti (2009, 2002, Eni Orlandi (2009, 2006, Foucault (2010, 2009, Maingueneau (1997 e Pêcheux (2009, para que constituam nosso aporte teórico.

  4. Los conflictos entre libertades económicas yderechos fundamentales en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de laUnión Europea

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    Joaquín Sarrión Esteve


    Full Text Available Como es sabido, la protección de los derechos fundamentales ha cambiado mucho en la Unión Europea. En un primer momento, los Tratados constitutivos de las Comunidades Europeas guardaban silencio sobre la protección de los derechos humanos, y fue el Tribunal de Justicia el que la hizo posible. A diferencia de los derechos fundamentales, las libertades económicas han gozado siempre de una relevancia explícita en los Tratados como instrumentos al servicio de la realización del mercado y de la integración económica. Sin embargo, los derechos fundamentales han ganado importancia con los años, tanto en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justica como en el Derecho de la Unión Europea. Y finalmente han comenzado a colisionar con las libertades económicas. Realmente, existen dos tipos de relación entre libertades económicas y derechos fundamentales: una positiva en la que los derechos fundamentales sirven para proteger a las libertades económicas; y una negativa con situaciones de conflicto entre libertades económicas y derechos fundamentales que debe ponderar el Tribunal de Justicia. En el primer tipo de relación, los casos más representativos comienzan con Elliniki (1991 y continúan con Carpenter (2002 y Karner (2004. En estas sentencias, el Tribunal de Justicia establece que los Estados miembros deben respetar los derechos fundamentales no sólo cuando aplican el Derecho comunitario, sino también cuando pretenden establecer una excepción a las obligaciones derivadas del Tratado. En este sentido, una medida restrictiva de una libertad económica no solamente debe estar justificada, sino que también debe respetar los derechos fundamentales como principios generales del Derecho comunitario. En cualquier caso, una relación de sinergia positiva no plantea problemas para la protección de los derechos fundamentales. Es en los casos de conflicto como Schmidberger (2003, Omega (2004, Viking (2007, o Laval (2007, donde podemos encontrar

  5. Indigenous Storytelling and Participatory Action Research: Allies Toward Decolonization? Reflections From the Peoples' International Health Tribunal. (United States)

    Caxaj, C Susana


    Storytelling, in its various forms, has often been described as a practice with great emancipatory potential. In turn, Indigenous knowledge shows great promise in guiding a participatory action research (PAR) methodology. Yet these two approaches are rarely discussed in relation to one another, nor, has much been written in terms of how these two approaches may work synergistically toward a decolonizing research approach. In this article, I report on a community-driven knowledge translation activity, the Peoples' International Health Tribunal, as an exemplar of how narrative and PAR approaches, guided by local Indigenous knowledge, have great potential to build methodologically and ethically robust research processes. Implications for building globally relevant research alliances and scholarship are further discussed, particularly in relation to working with Indigenous communities.

  6. La emigración y el exilio en la vida de Saturnino Tejera García, entre la Fraternidad y el Periodismo

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    Victoria María Sueiro Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Saturnino Tejera García (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1900-Cienfuegos, 1956; emigró a Cuba alrededor de 1916 o 1917 y se estableció en Yaguajay, y, posteriormente, en Cienfuegos. Escritor, linotipista y periodista no profesional. Se inició en la Masonería en 1929 a la logia “Fernandina de Jagua”; en 1930 al Oddfelismo “Caballeros de la Luz”. Regresó a Canarias a principios de la década del 1930; lo sorprendió la Guerra Civil Española y fue procesado por el Tribunal Supremo de la Masonería de Madrid por defender sus postulados; se exilió en Cienfuegos en 1945 y dedicó su ejecutoria a la Fraternidad y a la cultura; tuvo una sección periodística Fraternales, fundólaHoraRadial Fraternal y la logia “Federico Capdevila”, donde resultó electo Primer Vigilante y representante ante la Gran Logia de Cuba; por lo que el objetivo del trabajo ha sido valorar sus marcados aportes a la Masonería y Periodismo locales.

  7. La figura del litisconsorcio activa en los juicios laborales

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    Julio Cesar lvarez


    Full Text Available La intención de la investigación es proporcionar una versión sobre las diferencias experimentada en la doctrina nacional, cuando varios trabajadores se presenten como actores ante la jurisdiccional laboral, e intente una demanda en forma conjunta y acumulen sus pretensiones en una sola causa. Esta posición la ha denominado la doctrina “acumulación subjetiva de pretensiones”, lo cual pretende en sentido pragmático, la presentación de varias pretensiones en una sola basado en el principio de economía y celeridad procesal. Sobre el punto en cuestión, la Sala Constitucional, del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, ha negado tal posibilidad, colisionando con la posición de la Sala Social, que reiteradamente la ha venido admitiendo. Visto así, esta colisión doctrinal, se estima, que con la entrada en vigencia de la Ley Orgánica Procesal del Trabajo (2002, la cual consagra la posibilidad de que se plantee este tipo de demandas acumuladas (Art. 49, se superen las posiciones encontradas en la doctrina.

  8. Justicia electoral y revocación de mandato de alcaldes e intendentes en Costa Rica

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    Hubert Fernández Argüello


    Full Text Available La revocación del mandato de alcaldes e intendentes municipales es un instituto de la democracia participativa, mediante el cual, el electorado puede decidir, en las urnas, sobre la remoción de dichos funcionarios antes de que concluya el período para el que fueron designados. El plebiscito revocatorio, mecanismo de naturaleza electoral, debe ajustarse sustancialmente al ordenamiento jurídico y garantizar, además, los derechos fundamentales de participación política de la persona sometida a consulta y de los habitantes del respectivo cantón. Para que condiciones ocurran, el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones cuenta con amplias atribuciones de orden jurisdiccional, mediante procedimientos específicos; cuyo objeto, naturaleza y trámites se analizan en este trabajo, a partir de la definición de los rasgos esenciales del instituto revocatorio. Se enfatiza en el ejercicio concreto de esas competencias, a través del análisis minucioso de la jurisprudencia electoral existente en la materia

  9. Ciudadanía costarricense: Un rompecabezas incompleto

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    Larissa Arroyo Navarrete


    Full Text Available El Estado de Costa Rica ha violado los derechos humanos de las poblaciones lésbicas, bisexuales, gais y trans (en adelante LBGT durante décadas, al no reconocer jurídicamente las uniones de personas del mismo sexo, así como al denegar la identificación a las personas trans ya fuera a través de la imposición de un rol de género por la imagen exigida o por la denegación del cambio de nombre o del “conocido como” (“c.c.”. Para solventar esto, se requiere de la voluntad política de quienes están en puestos de decisión tal y como ocurrió en el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE, al aprobar su política de no discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género cuyo objetivo es cumplir las obligaciones estatales que emergen del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y, en particular, del derecho a la igualdad y no discriminación

  10. Singularidad de las elecciones costarricenses de 2014 y el reto que dejan planteado

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    Luis Antonio Sobrado González


    Full Text Available Costarricense. Licenciado y doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Costa Rica y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, respectivamente. Magistrado propietario del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE a partir de 1999. Ocupa la presidencia del organismo electoral costarricense desde el año 2007 y es el director de su Revista de Derecho Electoral. Con anterioridad a su ingreso al TSE, había desempeñado otros cargos públicos en la Procuraduría General de la República y en el Ministerio de la Presidencia. Tiene tres décadas de ser profesor de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Costa Rica y desde 1993 coordina la respectiva Cátedra de su Facultad de Derecho. Autor de los libros La justicia electoral en Costa Rica (San José: IJSA, 2005, Democratización interna de los partidos políticos en Costa Rica (San José: FLACSO, 2007, Elecciones y democracia (San José: IFED/KAS, 2104 y de numerosos artículos en revistas especializadas. Direccion electrónica:

  11. A temática das uniões homoafetivas no Supremo Tribunal Federal à luz do debate Honneth-Fraser The issue of homosexual unions in the Federal Supreme Court in light of the debate Honneth-Fraser

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    Maria Eugenia Bunchaft


    Full Text Available O debate sobre os direitos das uniões homoafetivas constitui um dos tópicos mais controversos do direito constitucional. Como se sabe, a união homoafetiva não foi reconhecida expressamente no § 3º do artigo 226 da CF, inexistindo norma específica. O presente artigo pretende investigar a posição de ministros do STF em relação ao tema das uniões homoafetivas, em conexão com as filosofias do reconhecimento propostas por Axel Honneth e Nancy Fraser. Nesse sentido, os fundamentos filosóficos das teorias do reconhecimento podem ser um instrumental teórico fundamental para a compreensão de determinadas formas de ativismo judicial que objetivam a proteção de minorias estigmatizadas cujas pretensões normativas são desconsideradas pelo processo político. Pretendemos demonstrar que o paradigma da autorrealização proposto por Honneth é impreciso e incapaz de legitimar formas de ativismo judicial voltadas para a proteção dos direitos das uniões homoafetivas.The homosexual union rights are debated as one of the most controversial topics of Constitutional Law. It is known that the homosexual union was not explicitly recognized by the article 226 § 3º from FC, as there is no specific regulation for this subject. This paper intends to investigate STF ministers' position in relation to homosexual union according to Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser philosophies of recognition. In this sense, the philosophical basis from recognition theories may be a theoretical instrument to comprehend some forms of judicial activism which aims are to protect stigmatized minorities whose regulatory intentions are disregarded by the political process. We intend to demonstrate that the Honneth's paradigm of achievement is imprecise and can't legitimate forms of judicial activism aimed to protect the rights of homosexual unions.

  12. La jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la acción de inconstitucionalidad de la ley entre los años 2006 y 2012


    Navarro Beltrán, Enrique


    El artículo analiza los antecedentes históricos de la acción de inconstitucionalidad en Chile, los principales casos en que ha sido aceptada, los requisitos para su procedencia, la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional a su respecto y los efectos de la sentencia. This article analyzes the historical background of the action of unconstitutionality in Chile, as well as the main cases in which it was accepted, the requirements for its admissibility, the doctrine of the Constitutional Court the...

  13. Entendimento do Tribunal de Justiça do Pará sobre o erro médico na esfera penal

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    Isabel de Fátima Alvim Braga


    Full Text Available Introdução: O processo por erro médico costuma ter impacto profundo tanto na vida profissional como na vida pessoal do médico. Entretanto, como a judicialização da medicina é recente, carece de estudos com análise dos fatos a partir da dupla perspectiva da Medicina e do Direito. Objetivo: Analisar os processos da esfera penal do Tribunal de Justiça do Pará. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa por palavra-chave no site do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Pará (TJPA com o termo de pesquisa: “erro médico”. Resultados: Foram encontrados 42 julgados jurisprudenciais. Desses, 24 foram excluídos, pois: 4 eram repetições; 19 eram crimes não cometidos por médicos e 1 por tratar de difamação. Ocorreu uma prescrição e três processos ainda não haviam sido julgados na primeira instância. Dos 14 processos julgados, houve 6 condenações e 8 absolvições. A distribuição por especialidades se deu da seguinte maneira: 8 na ginecologia-obstetrícia (GO; 4 na emergência clínica; 2 na cirurgia geral; 1 em anestesiologia/cirurgia plástica; 1 em oftalmologia; 1 em ortopedia; e 1 em radiologia. Conclusão: Os casos de acusação de supostos erros cometidos por médicos no exercício de suas especialidades ainda são raros no panorama geral do Pará. As especialidades ligadas à cirurgia e às situações de emergência, principalmente GO, foram as principais envolvidas nesse tipo de processo.

  14. Doble enjuiciamientos y Derechos Humanos en el Perú contemporáneo. Estudio de casos

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    Ana Alejandra Báez


    Full Text Available En una realidad que nos muestra la importancia de algunos procesos judiciales que llegan a ser tratados por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, cobra relevancia el estudio de casos planteado en este artículo. El mismo apunta –en términos generales- a realizar un interpretación de distintos hechos acaecidos en Perú, durante la década de 1980 y hasta aproximadamente el año 1994. Hechos trascendentales no sólo para la historia de ese país, sino también para el resto de América Latina. Así, el texto analiza diversos casos en los cuales existió una violación a las garantías y a los derechos humanos y por lo tanto, se trata de vincular las recomendaciones esbozadas en los fallos del Tribunal Supremo de la Corte con los presupuestos del principio de derecho “non bis in ídem”; teniéndose en cuenta su aplicabilidad, las contradicciones de dicho organismo y la postura del Estado peruano. En ese sentido, se observa cómo, en alguna medida la Corte otorgó plena validez al proceso llevado a cabo por la justicia militar, entendiendo que el Estado violó el principio del non bis in idem al haber condenado a posteriori en la justicia ordinaria un mismo hecho. Aunque, en otra circunstancia, dicho organismo consideró que la no violación de ese principio por cuanto el juicio llevado a cabo en el tribunal militar fue derivada a la justicia ordinaria por falta de competencia.

  15. La Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración Pública con Fundamento en la Declaración de Inconstitucionalidad de una Ley

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    Clemente Checa González


    Full Text Available En este artículo se trata un tema de capital importancia, si es posible, o no, llegar a declarar la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado-legislador como consecuencia de leyes que hayan sido declaradas inconstitucionales, y, más en concreto, qué ocurre en el supuesto de que de la previa aplicación de tal ley se haya derivado el abono de una serie de ingresos a cargo de los ciudadanos. Se analiza al respecto, en este trabajo, la naturaleza de las sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional, diferenciando entre las que tienen carácter retrospectivo o prospectivo, y con relación a estas últimas se examina la doctrina aplicada por el Tribunal Supremo español de que en estos casos es procedente la declaración de indemnización a los afectados, toda vez que concurren plenamente los requisitos para decretar la responsabilidad patrimonial de los entes públicos.This article examines whether the Government is liable for property damage for the action of its Legislative Branch, when one of its acts is declared unconstitutional. Special attention is given to the case of acts under the provisions of which revenues are collected from the citizens prior to the declaration of unconstitutionality. The relevant retrospective and prospective decisions of the Spanish Constitutional Court are discussed. In the case of the latter type of decisions, we examine the doctrine of the Spanish Supreme Court that authorizes compensations to the aggrieved party, insofar as all requirements to declare the liability of government agencies for property damage are fully met.

  16. Novedades en la reagrupación de los progenitores extranjeros por parte de un menor comunitario.

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    Lucía Aparicio Chofré


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza las últimas novedades, producidas tanto en la jurisprudencia comunitaria como en el ordenamiento jurídico español, relativas al régimen jurídico aplicable a los menores nacionales comunitarios en el ejercicio del derecho a la reagrupación de sus ascendientes cuando son nacionales de un tercer Estado. En concreto el artículo se detiene en el estudio de la sentencia Zambrano del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y en la Sentencia de la Sala de lo Contencioso- Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo de 1 de junio de 2010 y las repercusiones que las mismas han supuesto el régimen de ciudadanía de la Unión Europea y en los derechos de los menores en España en el ámbito de la extranjeríaThis paper analyses the last novelties both in the EU law and in the spanish legal system concerning the legal status of those minors that enjoy citizenship of a member state and try to exercise their rights to family reunification with their anscestor, when these ancestors are national of athird Country. Specifically, the paper focuses on the analisis of two judgments: the Zambrano Case of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the ruling of the Courtfor contentious administrative proceedings of the Spanish Suprem Court of the1 of june 2010. Finally, the paper sheds light on the consequences of thesetwo rulings in the EU nationality law and in the field of minor rights inSpanish nationality law


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    Full Text Available Access to justice is a core fundamental right and a central concept in the broader field of justice. The case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on Article 6 is a complex body of rules. Article 6 of the Convention was inspired by Article 10 and 11(1 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights of 1948. It has also its counterpart – with minor differences in Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on 1966. Article 6, which guarantees the right to fair trial, occupies a central place in the system of the Convention. it is a generally agreed that this provision is the most frequently cited one of the Convention, both at the national and international levels. This Article contains a variety of rights which are all related to the good administration of justice, not only criminal, but also in the civil and administrative matters. The ‘independent and impartial tribunal established by law’ is one of textual elements of the Fair Trial Right, as long as it has direct and explicit expression in the text of Convention. Even in simple logical way it can be considered as a suite of requirements referring to 1 the notion of tribunal 2 its attribute of being established by law 3 being independent and 4 being impartial.

  18. The doctrine of joint criminal action in the ad hoc tribunals and its scope in the Rome Statute

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    Miren Odriozola-Gurrutxaga


    Full Text Available The first judgment of the International Criminal Court has confirmed that article 25 (3 of the Rome Statute adopts the theory of control of the act to distinguish between principals and accessories. On the contrary, since 2003, the ad hoc tribunals’ case law bases the notion of co-perpetration on the Joint Criminal Enterprise doctrine, using a subjective criterion approach. In this article we will first analyze the problems raised by that case law of the ad hoc tribunals, and then, we will study the article of the Rome Statute which apparently most resembles the Joint Criminal Enterprise doctrine: article 25 (3 (d. The article concludes that none of the three categories of that doctrine is included in the said provision.

  19. Reviewing Tribunal cases and nurse behaviour: putting empathy back into nurse education with Bloom's taxonomy. (United States)

    Doyle, Kerrie; Hungerford, Catherine; Cruickshank, Mary


    Recent events in the UK and Australia have shown how poor patient outcomes are achieved when the behaviour of nurses lacks empathy. The UK's Francis Inquiry and the Keogh Report both call for an increase in the 'caring and compassion' of health care workers. A review of cases presented to the nurses' disciplinary tribunal in New South Wales' (Australia) also suggests that the majority of complaints against nurses in this jurisdiction is the result of callousness or lack of empathy. Such events reinforce the need for nurse educators to support nursing students to develop the affective attributes of caring and empathy. This paper considers how to raise the awareness of undergraduate students as a first step to developing empathy by using Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives; and includes a description of how to facilitate interactions with undergraduate nursing students about caring with empathy. Enculturating empathy is an evidence-based method of increasing compassionate care in health organisations generally. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Tribunal Constitucional y ley migratoria chilena: examen de compatibilidad con los estándares internacionales

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    Regina Ingrid Díaz Tolosa


    Full Text Available El Tribunal Constitucional dictó dos sentencias en requerimientos de inaplicabilidad por inconstitucionalidad del Decreto Ley n° 1.094, que establece normas sobre los extranjeros en Chile, el 4 de julio y el 10 de septiembre de 2013. Nacionales haitianos ingresaron al país con visa temporal de trabajo, pero ésta con posterioridad les fue revocada por estimarse que los contratos de trabajo invocados eran falsos. De los argumentos vertidos, tanto en el voto de mayoría como en los votos de prevención, es posible colegir la urgente necesidad de una nueva Ley de Migración y Extranjería, pues la norma actualmente vigente no sólo es preconstitucional y contraría varios preceptos de la Constitución, sino también vulnera el estándar internacional en materia de protección de derechos de las personas migrantes.

  1. Homosexualidad y Constitución (Comentario a propósito de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional peruano de 24 de noviembre de 2004)


    Fernando Rey Martínez


    1. La emergencia y centralidad del problema relativo al lugar constitucional de la homosexualidad 2. La homosexualidad en el derecho europeo 2.1 La homosexualidad ante el tribunal europeo de derechos humanos 2.2 La homosexualidad en el ordenamiento jurídico comunitario 3. ¿Está protegida la homosexualidad por la Constitución? 3.1 Homosexualidad, intimidad y libertad 3.2 Homosexualidad e igualdad 4. El contenido de la prohibición de discriminación por razón de orientación sexual. El problema d...

  2. A inconstitucionalidade da (DRU sob a luz do inciso XI do artigo 167 da Constituição Social e a falsa idéia do déficit previdenciário

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    Karen Costa Braga


    Full Text Available O presente estudo científico tem o nítido propósito de realizar um estudo científico sobre a desvinculação das receitas públicas, no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, que extirpa do orçamento da Seguridade Social uma parcela de toda a sua arrecadação. Longe de querer esgotar o tema, esta pesquisa faz uma abordagem do constitucionalismo moderno e a figura dos princípios como fonte de interpretação das normas jurídicas além de realizar uma análise dos critérios jurídicos e temporais da instituição da DRU e a sua inconstitucionalidade sob o enfoque do artigo 167 inciso XI do texto constitucional que veda a utilização dos recursos provenientes das contribuições sociais previstas no artigo 195 para pagamento de outras despesas que não os benefícios previdenciários. A tendência seguida no presente artigo científico é a de que, apesar de já decidido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal a constitucionalidade da DRU, esta questão foi analisada sob o enfoque tributário e não sob o enfoque constitucional-social. É vezo da cultura legislativa-tributária brasileira ignorar a supremacia da Constituição Federal e há, atualmente, recordes de receitas desvinculadas dos cofres do Regime Geral da Previdência Social. Por derradeiro, faz-se uma análise integrativa dos mecanismos utilizados, indevidamente para operacionalizar a atividade estatal e ainda o debate entre o possível engessamento da prática orçamentária rígida e a defasagem dos direitos prestacionais que garantiriam, sob o enfoque dos direitos sociais, o mínimo existencial e a completude da dignidade da pessoa humana.

  3. El debate de la sucesión del Líder Supremo en Irán: La influencia de los Pāsdārān en el imaginario político post ‘Alī Jamenehēī


    Garduño García, Moisés


    Este artículo aborda el debate de la sucesión de ‘Alī Jamenēī como Líder Supremo en Irán. Se pretende demostrar que el cargo político más importante de la República Islámica lo ostentará un personaje que actúe a favor de los intereses de los Pāsdārān y no a favor del principio del “más docto” que, constitucionalmente, es el prioritario y más deseable para tener el cargo. Los candidatos de los Pāsdārān deberán competir con los candidatos provenientes de otros centros de poder importantes en Ir...

  4. La Judicialización del Derecho A Una Alimentación Adecuada: Un Nuevo Debate Sobre la Prestación de los Derechos Fundamentales

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    Marcelo Lessa da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artículo tuvo como objetivo examinar la posibilidad de la judicialización del derecho a una alimentación adecuada mediante la construcción de un nuevo pensamiento, basado en procesos judiciales de solicitación del cumplimiento de los derechos sociales fundamentales   contra la Administración Pública, necesaria para la supervivencia de los solicitantes, teniendo en cuenta el principio de igualdad en la protección judicial de los derechos fundamentales. Así, se utilizó el método de la investigación teórica y dogmática, exploratoria y explicativa, tomando una investigación jurídica y social de naturaleza aplicada, con la técnica de recolección y análisis, documental y bibliográfica. Se concluye que el derecho a la alimentación es un derecho humano y fundamental reconocido por las normas internacionales de derechos humanos y por la constitución federal brasileña. El derecho a la alimentación es un auténtico y genuino derecho fundamental, accionable, exigible y demanda seria y responsable observancia. Se verificó la posibilidad de judicialización para garantizarse la efectivación del derecho a la alimentación adecuada con base en las decisiones de los Tribunales Superiores, inclusive del Supremo Tribunal Federal, que autorizan el bloqueo de valores para asegurar, por ejemplo, tratamiento médico o medicamentos como formas de respetar el principio de la dignidad de la persona humana y el derecho fundamental a la vida. Así, en respeto al principio de la igualdad donde todos tienen los mismos derechos al acceso a los bienes y servicios considerados esenciales, el derecho a la alimentación se vincula de forma semejante a los derechos a la vida, a la salud y la educación, pues son derechos humanos y fundamentales, oriundos del fundamento de la dignidad de la persona humana. De forma acertada, por lo tanto, debe el judicial apreciar lesión o amenaza a derecho conforme dispone la constitución federal para garantizar

  5. A Incompatibilidade da Substituição Tributária do ICMS com a Opção pelo Simples Nacional

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    Fábio Pugliesi


    Full Text Available This article examines the compatibility of the provisions of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil concerning the replacement tax and progressive legal framework for simplified and unique collection which includes the tax on circulation ofmerchandises and services on the interstate transportation and communication - ICMS. Analyze the subject of scrutiny by the simplified scheme introduced by Complementary Law 123 of 14 December 2006, called Simple National, means of control, collection andmonitoring of National Simple. Exposes the historical of power to tax and the principle of non-cumulative ICMS. Exposes the replacementtax forms allowed, in particular the progressive tax replacement, and the Supreme Court ruling in the Federal Direct Action ofUnconstitutionality n. 1851-4. Finally, it considers that the exercise is of replacing incompatible with the Single National tax.Resumo: Este artigo estuda a compatibilidade das disposições da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, relativas à substituição tributária progressiva e ao regime jurídico de recolhimento simplificado e único em que se inclui o imposto sobre operações relacionadas à circulação de mercadorias e sobre prestações de serviços de transporte interestadual, intermunicipal e de comunicação (ICMS. Analisa-se a disciplina da apuração pelo regime simplificado instituído pela Lei Complementar n. 123, de 14 de dezembro de 2006, denominado Simples Nacional, os meios de controle da arrecadação e da fiscalização do Simples Nacional. Expõe o histórico, competência tributária, hipótese de incidência e o princípio da não cumulatividade do ICMS. Expõe as formas de substituição tributárias admitidas, em particular a substituição tributária progressiva, e o acórdão do Supremo Tribunal Federal na Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade n. 1.851-4. Por fim, considera que é incompatível o exercício da substituição tributária com

  6. Ações judiciais, conteúdos políticos: uma proposta de análise para o caso brasileiro Lawsuits, political content: a proposed analysis for the Brazilian case

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    Fabiano Engelmann


    Full Text Available Ações judiciais demandando políticas públicas são recorrentes nas democracias ocidentais. Este artigo pretende analisar a especificidade dos embates em torno deste tema no Brasil a partir da categorização dos significados políticos presentes nos argumentos mobilizados no espaço jurídico. Os dados apresentados foram construídos a partir de uma série de decisões judiciais do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e do Supremo Tribunal Federal em torno das demandas fundadas no "direito à saúde". Os perfis de argumentos presentes nas decisões evidenciam que o ativismo do Judiciário é balizado em concepções jurídicas que opõem a "unidade do Estado" e a "interpretação da Constituição" à dinâmica das administrações públicas. O fenômeno que se pode denominar de "juridicização da política" no Brasil comporta diversos problemas que precisam ser melhor explorados pela ciência política, entre os quais destacamos a emergência de uma "interpretação jurídica" da dinâmica da execução de políticas com forte repercussão pública.Lawsuits which demand public policies are recurrent in Western democracies. This article aims to analyze the specificity of clashes around this topic in Brazil parting from the categorization of political meanings that are present in the arguments deployed in the legal environment. The data presented were constructed from a series of judgments of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the Supreme Court around the demands based on the "right to health". The profiles of arguments present in decisions show that the activism of the judiciary is marked out in legal concepts that oppose the "unity of the state" and "interpretation of the Constitution" to the dynamics of public administration. The phenomenon that can be termed "juridicization of politics" in Brazil entails several problems that need to be better explored by the political science, among which we


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    Marilia Wesseler Jung


    Full Text Available A pesquisa estabeleceu e analisou a evolução temporal do entendimento do Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina quanto à efetivação do direito fundamental ao ensino infantil diante das restrições orçamentárias. O método consiste no levantamento de decisões relativas ao fornecimento de vagas em creches e pré-escolas exaradas pelo Tribunal por meio de pesquisa no website oficial, sem corte temporal e selecionadas as que direta ou indiretamente se referiam a objeções orçamentárias. Foram encontradas 154 decisões entre 2001 e 2012, organizadas por ano de julgamento e, em cada ano, pelo binômio efetivação/não efetivação do direito, fornecendo a análise quantitativa. A análise qualitativa consiste na extração da argumentação jurídica a favor ou contra a efetivação do direito à educação infantil, explicitando o entendimento do Tribunal no que se refere à esfera orçamentária e à sua arguição, a fim de obstar o direito em análise. Verificou-se que até 2006, o Tribunal posicionava-se pela prevalência das restrições, furtando-se a interferir nas políticas orçamentárias. A partir do referido ano, com poucas exceções, as decisões são no sentido de assegurar o direito ao ensino infantil como um direito absoluto. Concluiu-se que a melhor forma de o Poder Judiciário assegurar o direito à educação infantil é ordenando a inclusão de recursos necessários à ampliação da oferta de vagas nos programas orçamentários dos Entes Públicos, possibilitando um fornecimento homogêneo. Palavras-chave: Direitos sociais. Ensino infantil. Restrições orçamentárias. Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina. Ativismo judicial.

  8. Capacitación a partidos políticos desde el organismo electoral: La experiencia costarricense de cara a las Elecciones Municipales 2016

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    Jennifer Gutiérrez Barboza


    Full Text Available En Costa Rica, a partir del año 2011, el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE asumió la tarea de brindar asesoría y acompañamiento a los partidos políticos; desde ese momento se han ejecutado varias acciones de diagnóstico y evaluación que han permitido la construcción de agendas anuales de capacitación, las cuales han contemplado tanto los intereses de los partidos políticos, como los del Organismo Electoral. El 2015 -como año preelectoral- constituyó un periodo clave para la capacitación a partidos políticos por dos motivos principales, el primero de ellos la celebración de las primeras elecciones municipales completamente separadas de los comicios nacionales; y en segundo lugar, el aumento significativo en el número de organizaciones partidarias, inscritas todas ellas, con condiciones organizacionales y necesidades de capacitación diversas. Por esta razón, el artículo centra su análisis en la reconstrucción del camino transitado durante la capacitación de las estructuras partidarias de cara a las Elecciones Municipales 2016

  9. Je rozhodčí soud pro sport v Lausanne ideálním vzorem sportovní arbitráže?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hamerník, Pavel


    Roč. 4, 3 - 4 (2014), s. 43-49 ISSN 1338-5569 Institutional support: RVO:68378122 Keywords : Court of Arbitration for Sport * Swiss federal tribunal * arbitration Subject RIV: AG - Legal Sciences

  10. Governance in Córdoba’s Mixed Tribunal: A Study on Microphysics of Power Governance in Córdoba’s Mixed Tribunal: A Study on Microphysics of Power

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    Santiago Abel Amietta


    Full Text Available Córdoba is the first province of Argentina to adopt lay participation for the decision of criminal cases. Since 2005, a mixed tribunal of 8 lays and 3 judges decide some criminal cases by the rule of majority. Drawing on in-depth interviews with judges, other officials and jurors, this thesis explores this unique encounter of legal professionals and lays from the perspective of “microphysics of power” as put forward by Michel Foucault. The analysis first focuses on legal professionals’ perceptions of jurors and unveils how these perceptions construct jurors as a problem that needs to be governed. Secondly I discuss the tools of governance put into practice by legal professionals and the Judiciary to direct jurors’ conduct and argue that the interaction between lays and professionals is largely demarked by the mutual operation of power relations and knowledge. Next I look to jurors’ narratives to unravel their practices of self-governance and finally I trace the possibility of the emergence of resistant discourses by focusing on the narrative of a single juror. All in all this thesis constitutes an important departure from the previous body of work about lay participation in criminal justice by its theoretical approach and methodological advantages. It aims to make, by the theoretically informed analysis of relevant qualitative data, fruitful contributions both to the field of inquiries on jury trials and to more general discussions on how power in its myriad forms shapes subjectivities and governs conducts whilst circulates and is resisted against.

  11. Tribunal simulado: efeito da ordem das teses e do antecedente do réu

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    Ronaldo Pilati


    Full Text Available Dois estudos experimentais de tribunal simulado tiveram como objetivo avaliar o efeito do antecedente criminal do réu e da ordem de apresentação das teses de acusação e defesa na deliberação de jurados. No primeiro foi realizado um delineamento fatorial 2 (ordem das teses X 2 (perfil do réu do qual participaram 123 estudantes, que assistiram a um julgamento simulado gravado em vídeo. Os resultados indicaram que houve tendência de condenação e que a ordem e o perfil não influenciam na deliberação, mas que o desempenho dos atores do vídeo exerceu efeito significativo na deliberação. No segundo estudo o caso foi apresentado de forma textual, sem apoio do vídeo. Apenas a variável perfil fez parte do delineamento e participaram do estudo 54 estudantes. Os resultados indicaram que o perfil não exerceu efeito na deliberação, mas a amostra tendeu a absolver o réu. Processos sócio-cognitivos precisam ser melhor investigados em estudos futuros.

  12. A CPMI da Violência Contra a Mulher e a Implementação da Lei Maria Da Penha

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as conclusões da Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito da Violência contra a Mulher, criada pelo Congresso Nacional Brasileiro em 2012, no que tange à aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha. Após um ano e meio de trabalho, o relatório da CPMI apontou a fragilidade das políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra mulheres e os obstáculos na implementação da Lei Maria da Penha, dentre os quais, destacam-se: a precariedade da rede de serviços e o reduzido número de juizados especializados em atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e familiar; o descumprimento da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que proíbe a aplicação da suspensão condicional do processo; a resistência de operadores/as do direito em entender a proposta da nova lei e romper com a lógica familista e o insuficiente orçamento para o desenvolvimento e a manutenção das políticas públicas de enfrentamento a essas situações de violência. A análise do relatório da CPMI permite concluir que os estados brasileiros investem muito pouco em políticas públicas específicas e que a implementação integral da Lei Maria da Penha depende de uma nova compreensão jurídica, da articulação entre os poderes públicos e de uma política orçamentária de gênero.

  13. Diferença de Classe no SUS: Discursos favoráveis em audiência pública no STF em 2014.

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    Mayara Mota Martins


    Full Text Available Diante do pedido do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que demanda a instituição da chamada ‘Diferença de classe no SUS’, o Supremo Tribunal Federal convocou audiência pública para a oitiva de especialistas e pessoas com experiência na área da saúde a fim de subsidiar a decisão desta corte. A diferença de classe consiste na melhoria de acomodação recebida pelo usuário no caso da sua internação, e a contratação do profissional médico de sua preferência mediante o pagamento da respectiva diferença. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os argumentos favoráveis à diferença de classe no SUS proferidos na audiência pública ‘Internação Hospitalar com diferença de classe no SUS’ realizada no dia 26 de maio de 2014 no STF, e fazer uma reflexão sobre de que forma essa medida poderia impactar o SUS frente aos seus princípios e diretrizes, por meio da análise de discurso. Verificou-se que a diferença de classe se mostra incompatível com o SUS, já que este tem como diretrizes a igualdade e universalidade do atendimento sem privilégios de qualquer espécie. Ademais, a instituição da diferença de classe no SUS não somente fere a legislação brasileira, como representa um retrocesso no que tange os direitos sociais. Com esse entendimento a Suprema Corte aboliu a diferença de classe julgando favoravelmente ao SUS.


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    Graça Druck

    Full Text Available Resumo Apresentam-se, neste ensaio, algumas reflexões sobre a terceirização no serviço público a partir da ótica da sociologia do trabalho. Toma-se como referência a implantação das organizações sociais, que se tornou forte realidade na saúde pública nos últimos 15 anos, e que, a partir de 2015, por decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal, foi validada como constitucional, com o que se negou o pedido de ação direta de inconstitucionalidade. Dessa forma, liberou-se a terceirização para todos os serviços essenciais sob responsabilidade do Estado. Também é objeto de discussão a implantação da Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares, que, embora mais recente que as organizações sociais, já apresenta resultados tão nocivos quanto elas. A tese defendida é que a terceirização do serviço público no Brasil é um dos mecanismos mais eficientes de desmonte do conteúdo social do Estado e de sua privatização, que ocorre mediante formas diversas de precarização do trabalho, pois a terceirização — por meio de organizações sociais, organizações da sociedade civil de interesse público, empresas privadas, empresas públicas de direito privado, parcerias, dentre outras — é o meio principal que as forças políticas neoliberais encontraram para atacar o coração de um Estado social e democrático: os trabalhadores que constituem o funcionalismo público.

  15. Bibliotecas digitais jurídicas: estudo comparado de produtos e serviços oferecidos em meio eletrônico nos países do Mercosul

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    Maria Tereza Machado Teles Walter


    Full Text Available Análise das bibliotecas digitais dos tribunais superiores e do Poder Legislativo dos países do Mercosul, com relação à existência delas nas instituições, sua posição nos portais institucionais, se existem opções com relação à acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiência, idiomas utilizados, ambiente de pesquisa, resultados e qualidade de imagens. Verificou-se que a maioria dos 12 países do Mercosul não possuem biblioteca digital em suas páginas, que os que dispõem desse serviço estão anco rados nas bibliotecas t radicionais e que aparentemente, ainda que o conceito de biblioteca digital seja semelhante ao da biblioteca tradicional, poder-se-ia dizer que, em realidade, o que todas oferecem é uma coleção em meio digital, mas não uma gama de produtos e serviços. No caso do Poder Legislativo, em alguns países, que possuem Câmara e Senado, existe apenas uma biblioteca do Congresso. Quase todas as instituições, exceção para o Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brasil, utilizam redes sociais para comunicação como Facebook e Twitter. Outras ferramentas ou páginas, como RSS, YouTube, entre outros, são mais comumente utilizados se não pelas bibliotecas, nos portais institucionais. Para aquelas que permitem o acesso externo aos conteúdos das bibliotecas digitais, a qualidade da imagem é boa, o conteúdo das info rmações pe rpassa os documentos institucionais, especialmente normas, ou obras de domínio público e destacase a opção da Câmara dos Deputados (Brasil para download utilizando o QR Code.

  16. A atuação do Tribunal de Contas da União na concretização do direito à saúde

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    Deane D’Abadia Morais


    Full Text Available O Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU é o órgão constitucional a quem cabe exercer, em auxílio ao Congresso Nacional, a fiscalização contábil, financeira, orçamentária, operacional e patrimonial da União e das entidades da administração direita e indireta, sob os aspectos da legalidade, legitimidade e economicidade. A Constituição Federal de 1998, além de elencar o direito à saúde como um dos direitos fundamentais, ampliou as atribuições e competências do TCU, o que contribuiu para a fiscalização da efetivação deste direito por este órgão de controle. O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a atuação fiscalizatória do TCU na área da saúde por meio da análise dos processos de fiscalização autuados durante os anos de 2011 a 2013. Constatou-se que os processos do tipo monitoramento foram os mais representativos (47,6%, seguidos dos de auditoria (31,9%. Quanto às temáticas tratadas nesses processos, a Atenção de Média e Alta Complexidade Ambulatorial e Hospitalar foi o objeto mais abordado pelas fiscalizações (32% e a de Investimentos na Rede de Serviços de Saúde, a segunda (12%. Há uma diversidade na atuação do TCU, o que reforça o seu papel na concretização do direito à saúde.

  17. The development and effectiveness of international administrative law on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal

    CERN Document Server


    International administrative law, or more precisely the law of the international civil service, has been the focus of increased attention in recent years. A part of the discussion has focused on the design of the justice mechanisms of international organizations, exemplified by the overhaul of the internal justice system of the United Nations in 2009. The internal justice systems of some international organizations have been subjected to scrutiny before some national courts, and the role and contribution of international administrative tribunals to the development of the law continue to be an important part of discussions of good governance and accountability of international organizations. The essays in this book, written by judges, practitioners, academics and other experts, address these and other issues.

  18. Threats to bioethical principles in medical practice in Brazil: new medical ethics code period. (United States)

    Gracindo, G C L; da Silva Gallo, J H; Nunes, R


    We aimed to outline the profile of medical professionals in Brazil who have violated the deontological norms set forth in the ethics code of the profession, and whose cases were judged by the higher tribunal for medical ethics between 2010 and 2016. This survey was conducted using a database formed from professional ethics cases extracted from the plenary of the medical ethics tribunal of the Federal Council of Medicine. These were disciplinary ethics cases that were judged at appeal level between 2010 and 2016. Most of these professionals were male (88.5%) and their mean age was 59.9 years (SD=11.62) on the date of judgment of their appeals, ranging from 28 to 95 years. Most of them were based in the southeastern region of Brazil (50.89%). Articles 1 and 18 of the medical ethics code were the rules most frequently violated. The sentence given most often was the cancellation of their professional license (37.6%) and the acts most often sentenced involved malpractice, imprudence, and negligence (18.49%). It is acknowledged that concern for the principles of bioethics was present in the appeal decisions made by the plenary of the medical ethics tribunal of the Federal Council of Medicine.

  19. Threats to bioethical principles in medical practice in Brazil: new medical ethics code period

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    G.C.L. Gracindo


    Full Text Available We aimed to outline the profile of medical professionals in Brazil who have violated the deontological norms set forth in the ethics code of the profession, and whose cases were judged by the higher tribunal for medical ethics between 2010 and 2016. This survey was conducted using a database formed from professional ethics cases extracted from the plenary of the medical ethics tribunal of the Federal Council of Medicine. These were disciplinary ethics cases that were judged at appeal level between 2010 and 2016. Most of these professionals were male (88.5% and their mean age was 59.9 years (SD=11.62 on the date of judgment of their appeals, ranging from 28 to 95 years. Most of them were based in the southeastern region of Brazil (50.89%. Articles 1 and 18 of the medical ethics code were the rules most frequently violated. The sentence given most often was the cancellation of their professional license (37.6% and the acts most often sentenced involved malpractice, imprudence, and negligence (18.49%. It is acknowledged that concern for the principles of bioethics was present in the appeal decisions made by the plenary of the medical ethics tribunal of the Federal Council of Medicine.


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    Camila Soares Lippi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretendeu estudar o caso Akayesu, do Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda, sob uma perspectiva de gênero, mais especificamente a sua decisão, pioneira no Direito Internacional, de considerar que o estupro pode constituir genocídio. Pretendeu-se analisar quais são as implicações desse caso para o Direito Internacional e para as abordagens feministas do Direito, e se elas são adequadas para explicar esse fenômeno. O método escolhido foi o estudo de caso. Isto garante um estudo mais profundo da decisão. A fonte primária utilizada foi o julgado de primeiro grau do caso Akayesu. Além disso, empreendeu-se revisão bibliográfica não somente sobre o caso em tela, mas também sobre o crime de genocídio. Também se empreendeu mapeamento da opinião de autores feministas sobre o caso Akayesu e sobre o estupro enquanto genocídio, de forma a verificar se os conceitos utilizados por essas autoras dão conta de explicar esse fenômeno. Palavras-chave: Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda. Caso Akayesu. Gênero. Genocídio. Estupro.

  1. Mexico-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress (United States)


    Mexico adopted a series of economic, political, and foreign policy reforms. It opened its economy to trade and investment, adopted electoral ...institutions and election agency. The Federal Election Institute (IFE) and Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) were well-regarded going into the 2006...Investiga PGR Crímenes Cometidos durante Conflicto en Oaxaca,” Notimex, January 4, 2007; Gerardo Soriano and Paulina I. Valencia, “Asegura APPO que

  2. O assassinato de um homossexual diante de um tribunal da Capital da República em meados do século XX

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    Rivail Carvalho Rolim


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar como o assassinato de um homossexual foitratado em um tribunal da Capital da República em meados do século XX. Os autos criminaispodem revelar aspectos significativos sobre a aplicação do direito nas instâncias judiciais.Ressaltamos como a cultura jurídico-penal no país continuou reproduzindo os mesmos padrõessocioculturais das culturas jurídico-penais ocidentais; em última instância, condenando o prazerou pelo menos determinadas formas de senti-lo. Da mesma forma, inferimos que, por intermédioda legalidade processual, se reprimiu determinado comportamento sexual, já que a legalidadeformal não preceituava a homossexualidade como crime.

  3. Un acercamiento al modelo de fiscalización de las finanzas partidarias: su robustecimiento a partir de la ley No. 8765

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    Ronald Chacón Badilla


    Full Text Available Mediante este artículo se describe el modelo de fiscalización sobre las finanzas partidarias, implementado por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, y que encuentra asidero en las principales atribuciones que se derivan de la promulgación del nuevo Código Electoral (Ley N.º 8765 del 2 de setiembre de 2009. Para tales efectos, se analizan las nuevas atribuciones del Órgano Electoral en materia de financiamiento partidario, entre las que destaca la realización de auditorías, tramitación de denuncias y elaboración de estudios especiales, revisión de liquidaciones de gastos y análisis de estados financieros, lo cual se complementa con la exposición de los principales resultados de su puesta en práctica. Las consideraciones realizadas en este artículo en relación con el modelo de cita, deben ser entendidas dentro de un escenario que obliga a una reflexión permanente, con miras a un mejoramiento continuo, de la legislación actual y de la condición técnica de las instancias involucradas en el desafiante proceso de fiscalización del régimen económico de los partidos políticos

  4. Bases de datos genealógicas costarricenses: un servicio de información base para estudios sociales y antropológicos

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    Mauricio Arroyo Herrera Arroyo Herrera


    Full Text Available El registro de genealogías familiares es de suma importancia para los estudios genéticos, sociológicos e históricos. Costa Rica, por medio del Registro Nacional y del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, cuenta con una base de datos digitalizada a partir de mediados de los años 60 del siglo XX y con registros completos en papel desde finales del siglo XIX. Los registros nacionales en materia de genealogías tienen un valor potencial incalculable; sin embargo, no se encuentran en formato utilizable o de fácil acceso para estudios genealógicos, históricos, sociales o antropológicos. Este estudio presenta diferentes enfoques de aplicación de las bases de datos genealógicas y es parte de la propuesta, el disponer de dicha información de tal forma que permita propiciar un servicio nacional de información, el cual posibilite soportar los trabajos de campo para proyectos de investigación en diferentes disciplinas científicas.Para lograr lo anterior, se presenta un conjunto de consideraciones técnicas informáticas que posibilitarían el establecimiento de dicho servicio.

  5. 76 FR 38000 - Removal of Certain Sanctions Regulations Relating to the Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (United States)


    ... introduce new measures to support the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (``ICTY''), address the illegitimate control over FRY(S&M) political institutions and economic resources...) political processes or institutions or economic resources or enterprises. To implement the new measures...

  6. Los efectos jurídicos del fallo del Excelentísimo Tribunal Constitucional sobre la llamada “píldora del día después”


    Ángela Vivanco M.


    El tema de la llamada “píldora del día después” o “píldora del día siguiente” se inició en Chile con una serie de acciones ante los tribunales ordinarios con resultados muy contradictorios, tras lo cual el fallo del Tribunal Constitucional de abril de 2008 resultó una importante definición acerca del estatuto del embrión humano, la protección de la vida y el principio precautorio aplicado a ella, aunque no pudo extenderse a todas las materias relacionadas con la PDD por ser la competencia del...

  7. A teoria argumentativa de Robert Alexy e o princípio da proporcionalidade: uma análise do balanceamento de princípios e sua aplicação no Supremo Tribunal Federal.


    Arabi, Abhner Youssif Mota


    DOI: artigo pretende tratar da importância do método da ponderação, elaborado pro Robert Alexy e seu uso dentro do contexto das decisões atuais do Tribunais Constitucionais. Traz também a ponderação como um caminho para a resolução do conflito de princípios.

  8. La descongestión en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa. Una visión desde el Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca

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    Leonardo Augusto Torres Calderón


    Full Text Available La Jurisdicción de lo Contencioso Administrativo está muy congestionada. Para solucionar esta situación son necesarias varias medidas: 1. Disminuir los términos de caducidad (plazo legal dentro del cual la persona perjudicada debe presentar la demanda, vencido el cual ya no es posible formularla de las acciones contenciosas ordinarias; 2. Exigir a los abogados litigantes la presentación, como anexos de la demanda o de su contestación, de la mayoría de los documentos que quieran hacer valer en el proceso para disminuir el periodo probatorio y de las pruebas practicadas dentro del mismo; 3. Aumentar tanto los gastos que debe sufragar el demandante para que se le tramite el proceso, como la imposición de costas (multa pecuniaria que se impone a una de las partes para la parte vencida en el pleito; 4. Transferir a la Jurisdicción Ordinaria Civil, asuntos actualmente asignados a la Contenciosa y en especial los procesos ejecutivos, los de restitución de inmueble arrendado y los de responsabilidad por falla médica; 5. Eliminar acciones constitucionales mal diseñadas por el legislador, que no han tenido una eficacia real, como la acción de repetición (cuando la entidad pública condenada a pagar una indemnización demanda al servidor público causante de la condena, las acciones populares por moralidad pública y las acciones de grupo; 6. Equilibrar las cargas dentro de las secciones del Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca, de tal suerte que parte de los asuntos de las muy congestionadas secciones Segunda y Tercera (el nombre de las Salas de decisión dentro del Tribunal, pase a la Primera y la Cuarta, bastante descongestionadas; 7. Extender la perención (terminación anormal del proceso por inactividad de la parte demandante en contra de las entidades públicas demandantes cuando estas no cumplen con sus cargas procesales; 8. Eliminar la aprobación de las conciliaciones prejudiciales por parte de los Tribunales Administrativos

  9. Yuran: una herramienta informática para el fortalecimiento del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en el Honorable Tribunal de Cuentas de la provincia de Buenos Aires


    Coronel, Juan Enrique; Pardo, Sebastián; Groizard, Mariano; Márquez, Germán


    Se presenta a Yuran, como una solución informática para facilitar la comunicación y el conocimiento de todos los procesos y procedimientos documentados que exige el estándar ISO 9001, en el ámbito del Honorable Tribunal de Cuentas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Esta herramienta facilita la interacción y trazabilidad entre los responsables de procesos y el área de Gestión de Calidad, en pos de difundir la gestión por procesos, fortalecer el Sistema de Gestión de Calidad y promover la mejora ...

  10. The BIG 2.04 MRC/EORTC SUPREMO Trial: pathology quality assurance of a large phase 3 randomised international clinical trial of postmastectomy radiotherapy in intermediate-risk breast cancer. (United States)

    Thomas, J S; Hanby, A M; Russell, N; van Tienhoven, G; Riddle, K; Anderson, N; Cameron, D A; Bartlett, J M S; Piper, T; Cunningham, C; Canney, P; Kunkler, I H


    SUPREMO is a phase 3 randomised trial evaluating radiotherapy post-mastectomy for intermediate-risk breast cancer. 1688 patients were enrolled from 16 countries between 2006 and 2013. We report the results of central pathology review carried out for quality assurance. A single recut haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) tumour section was assessed by one of two reviewing pathologists, blinded to the originally reported pathology and patient data. Tumour type, grade and lymphovascular invasion were reviewed to assess if they met the inclusion criteria. Slides from potentially ineligible patients on central review were scanned and reviewed online together by the two pathologists and a consensus reached. A subset of 25 of these cases was double-reported independently by the pathologists prior to the online assessment. The major contributors to the trial were the UK (75%) and the Netherlands (10%). There is a striking difference in lymphovascular invasion (LVi) rates (41.6 vs. 15.1% (UK); p = grade 3 carcinomas (54.0 vs. 42.0% (UK); p = grade and/or lymphovascular invasion status. Following online consensus review, this fell to 70 cases (16.3% of N- cases, 4.1% of all cases). These data have important implications for the design, powering and interpretation of outcomes from this and future clinical trials. If critical pathology criteria are determinants for trial entry, serious consideration should be given to up-front central pathology review.

  11. Análisis de la Disclosure de los Requerimientos de Pagos Públicos: Influencia de la legislación y fundamentos de la teoría contable

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    Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira


    Full Text Available La finalidad del estudio es analizar la disclosure de los requerimientos de pagos públicos a la luz de la Teoría Contable, además de verificar si la legislación vigente interfiere en el tratamiento contable de esos valores. En ese sentido, fue realizada investigación bibliográfica y documental sobre el armazón legal y procedimientos contables adoptados y efectuada colecta de datos en el Sistema de Colecta de Datos de la Secretaría del Tesoro Nacional (SISTN, en el período de 2004 a 2009, además de estudio realizado por el Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF en 2004. La justificativa del estudio está en la percepción de que más de la mitad de los requerimientos de pago públicos no está registrada en las cuentas públicas. Como consecuencia, considerando que los reque - rimientos de pago configuran (1 derecho líquido y cierto al requirente en el proceso, y (2 deuda efectiva del ente público, la falta de disclosure perjudica tanto al beneficiado por la decisión judicial - que no ve reflejado su derecho en las cuentas públicas y tampoco tiene expectativa para cobrar -, en lo referente al gestor guberna - mental y a la sociedad - que no disponen de informaciones confiables que permitan gerenciar esos valores de manera eficaz. La innovación consiste en la discusión sobre la identificación del adecuado momento del hecho generador de los requerimientos de pago públicos y de la propuesta de disclosure considerando la clasificación de riesgo. Concluye que la influencia de la legislación vigente y la no observancia de los fundamentos de la doctrina contable están entre los probables factores que han afectado la adecuada contabilización de los reque - rimientos de pago en el ámbito de la Administración Pública brasileña


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    Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira


    Full Text Available La finalidad del estudio es analizar la disclosure de los requerimientos de pagos públicos a la luz de la Teoría Contable, además de verificar si la legislación vigente interfiere en el tratamiento contable de esos valores. Em ese sentido, fue realizada investigación bibliográfica y documental sobre el armazón legal y procedimentos contables adoptados y efectuada colecta de datos en el Sistema de Colecta de Datos de la Secretaría del Tesoro Nacional (SISTN, en el período de 2004 a 2009, además de estudio realizado por el Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF en 2004. La justificativa del estudio está en la percepción de que más de la mitad de los requerimentos de pago públicos no está registrada en las cuentas públicas. Como consecuencia, considerando que los requerimentos de pago configuran (1 derecho líquido y cierto al requirente en el proceso, y (2 deuda efectiva del ente público, la falta de disclosure perjudica tanto al beneficiado por la decisión judicial - que no ve reflejado su derecho en las cuentas públicas y tampoco tiene expectativa para cobrar -, en lo referente al gestor gubernamental y a la sociedad - que no disponen de informaciones confiables que permitan gerenciar esos valores de manera eficaz. La innovación consiste en la discusión sobre la identificación del adecuado momento del hecho generador de los requerimientos de pago públicos y de la propuesta de disclosure considerando la clasificación de riesgo. Concluye que la influencia de la legislación vigente y la no observancia de los fundamentos de la doctrina contable están entre los probables factores que han afectado la adecuada contabilización de los requerimentos de pago en el ámbito de la Administración Pública brasileña.

  13. Trends in the Mental Health Act Review Tribunals: a Welsh experience 2004-2008. (United States)

    Aziz, V M


    This study aims at identifying any local trend in the appeal process and to determine if we are complying with the MHA 1983 and the Code of Practice by reviewing all the appeals to Mental Health Review Tribunals in a psychiatric hospital in South Wales for the period from 2004 to 2008. The total numbers of sections and appeals remain steady over the years. Men are slightly more detained than women mainly under Sections 2 and 3 of the MH Act 1983. The main diagnoses for detention were: bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and psychosis. 95% of cases had appeals and 5% referrals. A hearing was held in 52% of cases (n=60), the RMO discharged 38% of patients and the patient withdrew appeal in 10% of cases. 95% of cases were British White ethnicity. Single men tended to appeal more than women 68% vs. 32%. There was no observed trend in the result of the appeals and the proportions of appeal discharged by the hearing remained unchanged. The results of the appeals were not associated with gender, ethnicity, marital status, age or the type of section involved. The patients who were previously detained tend to appeal more, i.e. the more number of detentions, the more number of appeals. In only 12% of cases who had the hearings, the appeal was successful and the patients were discharged from their sections. The study shows steady volume of sections and appeals and the appeals are no more likely to result in discharge. The amendments of the Act 2007 also attract an increase in the appeal process especially in relation to the Community Treatment Orders and the Deprivation of Liberty. The use of both the Act and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 will increase workload for all involved practitioners. 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine.

  14. Los riesgos psicosociales y su reconocimiento como enfermedad ocupacional: consecuencias legales y económicas

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    Pedro Álvarez Briceño


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis de los riesgos psicosociales desde una perspectiva legal y sus implicaciones para el empleador o patrono luego del reconocimiento como enfermedad ocupacional por parte del Inpsasel. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, clasificándose el estudio como una investigación documental, no experimental. El diseño de investigación fue documental explicativo.Las unidades de análisis para el desarrollo de los tópicos investigados fueron las leyes y normas que rigen la materia de salud y seguridad laboral en nuestro país:LOPCYMAT (2005; Reglamento de la LOPCYMAT (2007; la norma técnicas de INPSASEL NT- 02-2008; las Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (2008, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2000; la Ley Orgánica del Trabajo (1997; el Código Civil (1982 y el Código Penal (2005 y los diferentes estudios e investigaciones desarrollados por instituciones e investigadores de prestigio internacional y nacional en materia de riesgos psicosociales. Se concluye, en primer lugar, que la responsabilidad legal de prevención de los riesgos psicosociales, recae sobre los mandos superiores: Gerentes, Ejecutivos, que actúan a nombre y por la empresa y finalmente se hace necesaria una adecuada comprensión de los riesgos psicosociales y sus factores para una prevención efectiva.

  15. The Relevance of Bustani Judgment of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO for the consecration of the Principle of Autonomy of International Organizations

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    Karine de Souza Silva


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of the judgment “Bustani” delivered by the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization (ILOAT, to consolidate the principle of autonomy, considered as one of the constitutive elements of the legal personality of International Organizations. The first topic presents the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW and explains the case that culminated in the dismissal of the Director-General and led to the postulation of the demand before the ILOAT. The second topic shows the main outlines of the process, including the parties’ arguments, the legal basis and the decision of the Court. Finally, the article analyses the way of affirmation of autonomy as a raison d’être of International Organizations and presents the relevance of Bustani jurisprudence.

  16. La Protección de bienes culturales en el Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia

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    Marina Lostal Becerril


    Full Text Available Since the outbreak of the Balkan war, three major events have taken place in what regards the protection of cultural property in armed conflict: the adoption of the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia which gives this court jurisdiction to try crimes against cultural and religious property; the approval of the Second Protocol to confirm and upgrade the obligations of the "1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict"; and, finally, the "2003 UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage" motivated by the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in 2001. While the latter two instruments have been exhaustively examined in scholarly literature, no updated study of the ICTY case-law exists yet. In this paper I go through all such cases and underline the following idea: the interpretation of ICTY has given rise to an involution and an evolution vis-à-vis the treaty law for the protection of cultural property in armed conflict; as well as to a doctrinal revolution by linking the destruction of cultural and religious property to the crimes of persecution and genocide. Since the interpretation of the ICTY largely diverges from the treatment afforded to cultural property in treaty law, I conclude that the protection of cultural property in armed conflict has by now a double life: one conventional and one jurisprudential

  17. Regulation of health practitioners by trade practices and fair trading legislation. (United States)

    Freckelton, Ian


    In a variety of situations, particularly those characterised by commerciality, corporate structures and unregistered practitioners, there are major limitations to traditional regulation by health boards and councils, as well as hearings by external tribunals. Part of the difficulty lies with the ability of external bodies to award compensation to complainants/notifiers proved to have suffered adverse consequences from proven unprofessional conduct. This column advances suggestions for reform of the powers of external tribunals to redress this deficit. It also reviews the benefits of an associated form of regulation by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and offices of fair trading to enable consumer protection. It reviews recent decisions in the Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of Victoria in such matters as well as recommendations in 2008 by the Victorian Health Services Commissioner.

  18. A (in)constitucionalidade do modelo de cotas para negros : quem somos nós, os brasileiros? : Horizonte da questão da desigualdade racial no Brasil, depois do entendimento proclamado pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal - STF


    Bezerra Júnior, João Alberto Mendes


    presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o modelo de cotas para negros no Brasil, à luz do princípio da igualdade insculpido na Constituição da República, passando em revista a evolução do instituto da ação afirmativa, em matéria racial, oriundo da Índia –, mas plenamente desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos da América, o que serviu de inspiração para que fosse aqui praticado –, e discutindo a questão precípua sobre ser juridicamente possível a adoção de critério exclusivamente étnico-racial pa...

  19. La ciudad de México, un espacio sociourbano no sustentable. Caso de estudio: Los problemas del agua en la ciudad. Una propuesta de sustentabilidad hídrica en el Distrito Federal


    Simental Franco, Victor Amaury


    La manera en que es concebido el acceso al agua está determinado por la ideología imperante. El agua sin duda es un bien, que tiene características únicas que determinan el modo en que debe ser aprovechada por la humanidad. La historia demuestra que en diferentes etapas de la historia bienes especiales y esenciales para la supervivencia de la humanidad han sido concentrados en unas cuantas manos, quienes han adquirido por ello un supremo poder. En ese tenor tenemos al agua, ...

  20. Jurisdição constitucional e legitimidade (algumas observações sobre o Brasil

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    Paulo Bonavides


    Full Text Available DUAS são as condições da justiça constitucional: uma de caráter jurídico-formal (teórica; outra de caráter político-substancial (pragmática. Cresce a relevância do controle da constitucionalidade, pois ela é uma premissa da democracia. Daí a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma instância neutra, mediadora e imparcial dos conflitos constitucionais. Toda legitimidade em matéria constitucional é mais política que jurídica. No Brasil, o Poder Executivo busca fazer o controle da constitucionalidade cada vez mais no interesse do grupo governante e cada vez menos no interesse da ordem constitucional. Disso resultam as Medidas Provisórias que, com freqüência, ferem princípios constitucionais da essência do sistema. Graves reparos à independência e à legitimidade da justiça constitucional no país giram ao redor de dois pontos cruciais: a pelo presidente da Repœblica e a necessidade de desmembrar do Poder Judiciário a corte de justiça que exerce o papel de guarda da Constituição. A crise do Judiciário brasileiro tem sido em grande parte a crise do Supremo Tribunal Federal.CONSTITUCIONAL justice comprises two conditions: one with a judicial-formal character (theoretical, the other of political-substantial character (pragmatic. The preservation of constitutionality, being a premise of democracy, becomes ever more relevant, and gives rise to the need of establishing a neutral and impartial court to mediate constitutional conflicts. Legitimacy in constitutional issues is altogether more political than judicial. In Brazil, the Executive Branch increasingly seeks to preserve constitutionality in the interests of the governing group, rather than for the sake of constitutional order. This leads to the so-called Provisional Executive Orders, which frequently go against constitutional principles of the system's essence. Grave cautionary warnings regarding the independence and legitimacy of the country's constitutional justice

  1. The journalist’s identity in the social media: discursive practices and subjectification = A identidade do jornalista na midia: as práticas discursivas e a subjetificação

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    Vinícius Durval Dorne


    Full Text Available Current essay analyzes the materialization of media discursive practices which give identity to the journalist as a subject. The discursive event of such production is investigated within the context of the voting held at the Brazilian Federal Court of Justice on the 17th June 2009 which ruled on the non-obligatory of a journalist university diploma to warrant the profession. Since it is an event beyond the casual range, it enhances the rise and transformation of knowledge in society and in new forms of power. Enunciation sequences in six articles published by the magazines Veja and IstoÉ and by the newspapers Folha de S. Paulo on-line and O Estado de São Paulo are analyzed. Foregrounded on the French Discourse Analysis (DA, especially on Michel Foucault’s theoretical presuppositions, the journalists’ identity is built on notions of the freedom of speech and of the press. Further, in the enunciations, the ‘ability myth’, as an innate and/or acquired factor received throughexperience in the exercise of the profession, also produces effects on identity. Neste artigo, buscamos compreender como se materializam as práticasdiscursivas midiáticas que produzem identidades do sujeito jornalista, considerando-se como acontecimento discursivo dessa produção a votação do Supremo Tribunal Federal, realizada em 17 de junho de 2009, que decidiu pela não obrigatoriedade do diploma de Jornalismo para o exercício da profissão. Trata-se de um acontecimento que foge à rede casual, promovendo o surgimento e a transformação dos saberes em nossa sociedade e em novas formas de exercício de poder. A análise apresentada incide sobre algumas sequências enunciativas presentes em seis matérias produzidas pelas revistas Veja e IstoÉ e pelos jornais Folha on-line e O Estadão. Sob omirante da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa (AD, especialmente de pressupostos teóricos desenvolvidos por Michel Foucault, observamos que a identidade do

  2. La jurisdicción del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en casos de extradición. A propósito del caso Klein c. Rusia

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    Jan Schneider


    Full Text Available Analizamos la decisión del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos –TEDH– en el caso Klein c. Rusia de un ciudadano israelí requerido en extradición por Colombia para la ejecución de una sentencia por entrenamiento de grupos paramilitares. La decisión es presentada en el marco más amplio de la jurisprudencia del TEDH en casos de extradición desde Estados europeos a terceros Estados donde existe el riesgo de violación de los derechos humanos. Desarrollamos los principios que el TEDH aplica en estos casos y verificamos su aplicación en el caso Klein c. Rusia, tomando en cuenta también la opinión separada de los jueces minoritarios. En las conclusiones presentamos una perspectiva sobre cómo evitar la impunidad de perpetradores de violaciones de derechos humanos que no pueden ser extraditados por razones humanitarias.

  3. La representación popular y los desafíos del sistema electoral salvadoreño, 25 años después de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz, un extracto

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    Félix Ulloa Garay


    Full Text Available Un cuarto de siglo después de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz, El Salvador enfrenta una serie de desafíos democráticos que demandan reformas a su sistema político y electoral. Para comprender la urgencia de dichas reformas, se requiere un análisis prospectivo que proyecte ese nuevo sistema; pero que, a su vez, integre la visión retrospectiva donde se explican los hechos del pasado que dieron origen al conflicto armado. El sistema electoral fue uno de los 7 puntos de la Agenda de Caracas que guio la negociación hasta el acuerdo final de paz. Su desarrollo más pragmático que doctrinario, comprendió las reformas a la Constitución en 1991, cuando se creó la actual autoridad electoral, mediante un Tribunal Supremo Electoral, que sustituyó al viejo Consejo Central de Elecciones y un Código Electoral, que estableció rudimentarias reglas con las cuales se administraron cuatro elecciones presidenciales y seis elecciones legislativas y municipales. En este artículo se plantea la preocupación por la calidad de la representación popular y los mecanismos para su obtención, finalizando con recomendaciones para garantizar legítimamente su ejercicio. Estas propuestas, por venir del jurista italiano Luigi Ferrajoli, adquieren un valor universal y una aplicación a cualquier modelo de democracia liberal.


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    Antonio Gil Olcina


    Full Text Available Se analiza en este artículo el desmoronamiento y desintegració n de las Pías Fundaciones creadas por el Cardenal Belluga en e l B a j o Segura durante la primera mitad del XVIII. Merced a su enorme influencia, el prelado obtuvo mediante cesio nes diversas una superficie en torno a 40.000 tahúllas (4.472 ha. de humedales y terrenos pantanosos, que fueron saneados y en su gran mayoría establecidos a censo enfitéutico. Una serie de valiosos estudios han analizado la vida y la o bra de Belluga, pero apenas se había investigado el desmantelamiento por las disposiciones desamortizadoras de las Pías Fundaciones. Mermadas con motivo de la real orden de 25 de septiembre de 1798 y declarado en estado de venta el patrimonio subsistente por ley de 1 de mayo de 1855, la consolidación de dominios se efectuó, empero, al amparo de la poco conocida ley de 11 de marzo de 1859. A través de la Contaduría de Hipotecas se ha podido documentar el pro ceso de redención de censos por los enfiteutas. Objeto de consideración es asimismo la problemática planteada en el término de Dolores por la devolución a la Casa de Rafal, en cumplimiento de sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, de las tierras de Majada Vieja.

  5. Supremocracia Supremocracy

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    Oscar Vilhena Vieira


    Full Text Available o STF está hoje no centro de nosso sistema político, fato que demonstra a fragilidade de nosso sistema representativo. tal tribunal vem exercendo, ainda que subsidiariamente, o papel de criador de regras, acumulando a autoridade de intérprete da constituição com o exercício de poder legislativo, tradicionalmente exercido por poderes representativos. Este texto mostra como o supremo, de fato, tem exercido tais funções pela análise de alguns de seus julgados mais recentes. Em seguida, propõe mecanismos capazes de lidar com as tensões produzidas pela supremocracia, sem caracterizá-la como algo necessariamente bom ou ruim, mas buscando compreender seu sentido e apontar para seus perigos.The text shows how the fsc is located at the heart of our political system and warns of the dangers to democracy inherent in this stance. Such a danger lies in the fact that the aforementioned court is fulfilling, albeit in a subsidiary manner, the role of rule-maker, accumulating the authority of constitutional interpreter while retaining exercise of legislative power, which traditionally belonged to the representative powers. The text attempts to prove that the supreme court has carried out such functions within an analysis of some of its recently tried cases. It also suggests mechanisms capable of dealing with the tensions generated by supremocracy, without characterizing them as something good or bad for our political system.

  6. The international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the forensic pathologist: ethical considerations (United States)

    Lorin De La Grandmaison, Geoffroy; Durigon, Michel; Moutel, Grégoire; Hervé, Christian


    War crimes in the former Yugoslavia since 1991 have been subjected to several international medico-legal investigations of mass graves within the framework of inquiries led by the ICTY. Forensic pathologists involved in the ICTY missions could be subjected to ethical tensions due to the difficulties of the missions, the emergent conflicts between forensic scientists of the teams and the original nature of the ICTY proceedings. In order to study the nature of such ethical tensions, we sent a questionnaire to 65 forensic pathologists who have been involved in the ICTY missions. The rate of answer was 38%. The majority of the forensic pathologists questioned (n=18) did not know how the medico-legal data were exploited by the ICTY. Three of them have been subjected to pressures. Three of them were aware of mass grave sites wittingly not investigated by the ICTY. Fifteen considered that the ICTY respected the elementary rules of the law and four of them questioned the impartiality of the justice led by the ICTY. Two conflicting types of ethics can be drawn from these results: a conviction ethics which is shared by most of the forensic pathologists questioned and a responsibility ethics. In the first, the forensic pathologist completely agrees with the need for an international war crime tribunal even if such justice can be challenged regarding the respect of human rights and impartiality. In the second, he or she needs to conduct himself in ways that do not infringe impartiality. As medical deontology duty requires an impartiality ethics, discursive ethics are needed to ease ethical tensions and to suggest ethical guidelines. Alternatives to international justice through a truth and reconciliation commission and by the way of humanitarian mission of victims’ identification combined with forensic investigations for historical purposes could be considered. PMID:16909642

  7. Caminhos para uma análise discursiva da voz na defesa do tribunal do júri: o excesso, a falta, o estranhamento

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    Clóris Freire Dorow


    Full Text Available O referido artigo discute a questão da falta, do excesso e do estranhamento, tendo como materialidade discursiva o discurso jurídico da defesa em um tribunal do júri. A vertente teórica, que embasa esta discussão, é a Análise de Discurso francesa. No discurso jurídico escolhido, observou-se uma argumentação bastante puderam-se observar dois aspectos que sobressaem na argumentação: as formações imaginárias que tentam prever quem é o interlocutor e os esquecimentos número um e número dois que propiciam a ilusão de que o sujeito articula seu discurso de forma criativa e única, sendo que a grande meta do sujeito discursivo da defesa é destruir a argumentação de seu opositor. A partir dessas constatações, procurou-se então partir para a análise, e na escolha do corpus, foi essencial o aporte teórico trazido pelos aspectos abordados por Ernst, que constituem percursos eivados de perspectivas para o analista de discurso.

  8. A família, a violência e a justiça: conflitos violentos familiares, Lei Maria da Penha e concepções jurídicas no Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul = Family, violence and justice: violent conflicts in the familiar context, Maria da Penha law and juridical conceptions a the Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Vasconcellos, Fernanda Bestetti de


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca trazer dados acerca das modificações no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, relacionadas com os processos de democratização e transformações sociais nas relações familiares no contexto nacional, no sentido de apresentar algumas das limitações burocráticas do estado em categorizar e legitimar diferentes configurações familiares. Para tanto, são observadas decisões judiciais apresentadas em diferentes âmbitos do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul (TJ/RS sobre conflitos de competências entre juizados criminais, de família e de infância e ju- ventude para a administração de conflitos violentos familiares enquadrados pela Lei Maria da Penha

  9. PingFederate (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — PingFederate Server provides Identity Federation and Single Sign On Capabilities. Federated identity management (or identity federation) enables enterprises to...

  10. 77 FR 66087 - Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education Loan Program, and William D. Ford Federal... (United States)


    ..., and 685 Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education Loan Program, and William D. Ford... 685 RIN 1840-AD05 [Docket ID ED-2012-OPE-0010] Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education... (Perkins Loan) program, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, and William D. Ford Federal Direct...

  11. La opinión consultiva del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar: Aspectos relativos a la determinación del vínculo efectivo entre los Estados y las personas jurídicas a las que patrocinan para llevar a cabo actividades en la Zona

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    Juan Nicolás Guerrero Peniche


    Full Text Available No obstante la existencia de un instrumento convencional en la ma­teria, el derecho del mar en general, y lo relativo a la explotación de minerales en la Zona, se encuentra aún en una fase de puesta en práctica y de definición fina de los derechos y obligaciones de los Estados. Uno de los ejemplos que se ha hecho patente es lo relativo a las obligaciones de aquellos Estados que pa­trocinan a particulares a fin de llevar actividades de exploración y explotación de los recursos de la Zona. Esta cuestión fue remitida en 2010 por la Autoridad Internacional de Fondos Marinos al Tribunal Internacional de Derecho del Mar a fin de que este la dilucidara. La Opinión Consultiva que emitió el Tribunal presenta conclusiones de particular relevancia en materia de la de­terminación de un vínculo efectivo entre las personas jurídicas y los Estados que las patrocinan. Esta cuestión, que juega un papel determinante a fin de lograr una eficaz protección del medio marino en el marco del mecanismo de patrocinio para la exploración y explotación de los recursos en la Zona, conlleva importantes consecuencias para las actividades en áreas reservadas.

  12. Introduction to Juries and Mixed Tribunals across the Globe: New Developments, Common Challenges and Future Directions

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    Nancy S. Marder


    Full Text Available The introduction to the special issue describes the goals of the conference on Juries and Mixed Tribunals across the Globe, and identifies themes that emerged as jury scholars from all over the world examined different forms of lay participation in legal decision-making. The introduction focuses on common challenges that different systems of lay participation face, including the selection of impartial fact finders and the presentation of complex cases to lay citizens. The introduction and special issue articles also highlight new developments and innovative practices to address these challenges, including some tools, like decision trees, that remain highly controversial. The introduction closes by emphasizing the enduring political importance of citizen participation in law. La introducción a este número especial describe los objetivos de la conferencia sobre jurados y tribunales mixtos en el mundo, e identifica los temas que surgieron cuando académicos de todo el mundo especializados en jurados analizaron diferentes formas de participación de legos en la toma de decisiones jurídicas. La introducción se centra en los desafíos comunes a los que se enfrentan los diferentes sistemas de participación de legos, incluyendo la selección de jurados imparciales y la presentación de casos complejos a ciudadanos profanos en la materia. La introducción y el número especial también destacan nuevos desarrollos y prácticas innovadoras para afrontar estos retos, incluyendo algunas herramientas, como los árboles de decisiones, que todavía son muy controvertidas. La introducción finaliza, haciendo hincapié en la importancia política duradera de la participación ciudadana en el derecho. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM:

  13. Produção de pepino para conserva no Vale do São Francisco Yield of pickling cucumber in the São Francisco Valley

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    Geraldo Milanez de Resende


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de identificar as cultivares mais produtivas de pepino para conserva, instalou-se um experimento no período de setembro a novembro de 1996, no Campo Experimental de Bebedouro/Petrolina (PE. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 22 cultivares (Flurry, Francipak, Nautillus, Primepak, Navigator, Vlasstar, Vlaspik, Vlasset, Calypso, Eureka, Panorama, Imperial, Prêmio, Supremo, HE-671, HE-713, HE-601, HE-657, Premier, Pioneiro, Ginga AG-77 e Wisconsin SMR 18 e três repetições. A parcela experimental foi composta de quatro linhas de 3,0 m de comprimento, com espaçamento de 1,0 x 0,30 m. As cultivares Supremo (39,78 t/ha, Vlasset (39,72 t/ha, Ginga AG-77 (39,58 t/ha, Vlaspik (39,21 t/ha, Calypso (37,89 t/ha, Francipak (37,87 t/ha, Navigator (37,59 t/ha, Primepak (36,95 t/ha, Imperial (36,77 t/ha, Panorama (35,99 t/ha e Eureka (35,13 t/ha apresentaram as produtividades estatisticamente mais elevadas. A cultivar Wisconsin SMR 18 foi a que apresentou a produtividade significativamente mais baixa (21,29 t/ha. Com relação ao número de frutos por planta, as cultivares Vlasset (13,90 frutos, Ginga AG-77 (13,83, Primepak (13,58, Panorama (13,55, Supremo (13,54, Calypso (13,01, Vlaspik (12,83, Francipak (12,59 e Navigator (12,16 apresentaram estatisticamente os melhores resultados. As cultivares Supremo (83,13%, HE-657 (82,23%, Flurry (81,55%, Ginga AG-77 (81,31%, e Eureka (81,24% apresentaram as proporções significativamente mais altas de produção de frutos comerciais do tipo 1, com comprimento entre 6 e 9 cm e maior valor comercial. Todas as cultivares apresentaram ciclo entre 72 e 75 dias, do plantio à última colheita.The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Field of Bebedouro, Petrolina, Brazil, from September to november, 1996. The purpose of this study was to identify the highest yielding pickling cucumber cultivars. The experiment was Iaid out in a complete randomized block design

  14. No olho do furacão: conjugalidades homossexuais e o direito à visita íntima na Penitenciária Feminina da Capital In the eye of the hurricane: homosexual conjugality and the conjugal visit right in the Female Prison of São Paulo Capital

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    Natália Corazza Padovani


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, analiso o direito à visita íntima em uma unidade penal específica: a Penitenciária Feminina da Capital (PFC. As visitas estão caracterizadas na Lei de Execução Penal (LEP como forma de manutenção de relações familiares e matrimoniais das pessoas privadas de liberdade. Cabe questionar, entretanto, quais relações têm sido consideradas familiares e matrimoniais pelo corpo administrativo prisional. Essa questão tornou-se ainda mais complexa depois do dia 5 de maio de 2011, data em que o Supremo Tribunal Federal decidiu pela equalização legal das Uniões Civis Homossexuais às Heterossexuais. Argumento que esse acontecimento reitera uma lógica que empreende violência às relações sexuais não consideradas conjugais e que, ao mesmo tempo, responde a um desejo de sujeitos alijados de reconhecimento estatal. A disputa pelo direito à visita íntima homossexual está no centro desta contenda.In this article I analyze the conjugal visits rights inside the Female Prison of São Paulo Capital, Brazil. These visits are characterized in the Brazilian Penal Execution Legislation as the main way of maintaining family relationships and marriage for persons deprived of liberty. My aim is to comprehend which relations have been considered familiar and conjugal by the administrative staff of the female prison unit. This question became even more complex after May 5, 2011 when the Supreme Court ruled the legal equalization of Heterosexual and Homosexual Civil Unions. I argued that this event reiterates a logic that undertakes violence to sexual relations which are not considered conjugal or love relations. On the other hand, the Supreme Court decision responds to a desire of adequacy of people who maintained homosexual love relationships that, until May 5, were not recognized by the State. The dispute for conjugal visit rights is in the center of this dilemma which is related to the recognition demands; however, this struggle does

  15. Federalism, Agenda Setting, and the Dynamics of Federal Education Policy. (United States)

    Manna, Paul

    This paper is part of a larger project on agenda setting in the U.S. federal system and the development of the federal education agenda since 1965. Two questions motivate the paper, one theoretical and the other empirical: (1) how does federalism affect the federal agenda?; and (2) what explains the development of federal involvement in K-12…

  16. Federal Holidays (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes the following public holidays for Federal employees. Please note that most Federal employees work on a Monday through Friday...

  17. Assessing Consent through External Signs. Three Cases of Madness, Repulsion and Love before the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (1579-1619

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    Isabelle Poutrin


    Full Text Available How can it be assumed that an individual is incapable of giving consent or does not give it freely? This article analyses three cases handled by the Tribunal of the Roman Rota between 1579 and 1619: the case of a nun from the monastery of Odivelas (Portugal suffering from mental disorders, and two demands for nullification of marriage based on the grounds of duress exerted by immediate family; the case of Doña Antonia Portocarrero y Cárdenas, of the diocese of Seville, married to Don Felipe de Guzman y Aragón; and the case of Manuel de Meneses and Branca de Baredo of the diocese of Coimbra. The testimonies on file relate the words and actions of the main parties involved, revealing affects and intentions. Auditors embarked on a complex operation to translate this information into the language of the law, in the light of legal experts’ theories on individual responsibility and the nature of violence or constraints that may alter freedom of consent. Yet this also encompassed social practices and representations in which individual behaviours exist. This study illustrates the contrast between judges’ know-how in assessing the absence of consent regarding marriage or religious profession and the fact that these notions were not taken into account regarding consent to baptism.

  18. La descongestión en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa. Una visión desde el tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca

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    Leonardo Augusto Torres-Calderón


    Full Text Available La jurisdicción de lo contencioso administrativo está muy congestionada. Para solucionar esta situación, son necesarias varias medidas: La disminución de los términos de caducidad de las acciones contenciosas ordinarias; la disminución del  periodo  probatorio  y  de las pruebas practicadas dentro del mismo; el aumento de los gastos del proceso que debe sufragar el demandante para que se le tramite el proceso, y la imposición de costas para la parte vencida en el pleito; la transferencia de asuntos que actualmente están asigna­ dos a la jurisdicción contenciosa,  a la  jurisdicción  ordinaria  civil; la eliminación de acciones constitucionales mal diseñadas por el legislador, que no han tenido una eficacia real; la redistribución de competencias en las secciones del Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca, para disminuir la carga laboral de las Secciones congestionadas; extensión de la perención en contra de las entidades públicas demandantes, cuando éstas no cumplen con sus car­ gas procesales; eliminación de la aprobación de las conciliaciones prejudiciales por parte de los tribunales administrativos, para que estas sean  aprobadas  en  sede administrativa.

  19. De las fosas comunes a los derechos humanos: El descubrimiento de las desapariciones forzadas en la España contemporánea1

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    Francisco FERRÁNDIZ


    Full Text Available Este texto se basa en una investigación de campo “multi–situada” de siete años sobre el impacto del ciclo más reciente de exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil española, llevada a cabo en diversos escenarios: exhumaciones, actos conmemorativos, conferencias académicas sobre la memoria, presentaciones de libros, conciertos musicales, encierros universitarios, asambleas, diversas ONG, grupos de trabajo con apoyo institucional, laboratorios forenses, exposiciones de arte, manifestaciones, etc. Explora la forma en la que los discursos y conceptos transnacionales de los derechos humanos se han ido convirtiendo paulatinamente en guías fundamentales de la acción de muchas de las asociaciones que promueven la conocida como “recuperación de la memoria histórica”, a medida que el debate ha ido creciendo, se ha sofisticado, institucionalizado y, finalmente, judicializado. En este sentido, la secuencia de informes de Amnistía Internacional sobre el proceso o el auto dictado por Baltasar Garzón el 16 de septiembre de 2008, la controversia generada por él hasta su inhibición el 18 de noviembre de 2008, y los sucesos derivados del proceso que se le ha abierto en el Tribunal Supremo han actuado como catalizadores de esta irrupción de los derechos humanos en los debates sobre la memoria, a través de figuras jurídicas como las de los “crímenes contra la humanidad”, las “desapariciones forzadas”, y otras.

  20. La justicia del accidente, variaciones sobre el síndrome del Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español

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    Javier Izquierdo-martín


    Full Text Available El 1 de mayo de 2001 se celebró oficialmente en España el veinte aniversario del primer fallecimiento ocasionado por el llamado «Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español» (Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome o STOS, una desconocida y mortal patología médica, asociada con un extraño episodio de intoxicación alimentaria a gran escala, cuyo agente causal, presumiblemente de origen industrial, sigue sin ser identificado. Con sus más de 1.100 muertos y 25.000 afectados, la catástrofe sanitaria del STOS está considerada el más grave envenenamiento masivo ocurrido en Europa durante el siglo XX. La carrera judicial del «caso» STOS, donde destacan dos importantes sentencias dictadas por la Audiencia Nacional (1989 y 1996 y sus correspondientes recursos de casación resueltos por el Tribunal Supremo (1992 y 1997, ofrece, por su parte, uno de los expedientes legales más complejos y controvertidos de la moderna historia jurídica española. La disputa sobre las causas materiales y las responsabilidades legales del caso se aborda aquí desde el punto de vista de los estudios culturales sobre el derecho. Para iluminar con otra luz los dilemas cognitivos y morales anudados en el expediente del STOS me serviré de la jurisprudencia narrativa extraída del filme Dulce Porvenir y de la novela homónima de la que fue adaptado.

  1. Evaluación económica del daño moral en el ámbito de los accidentes de trabajo: un método basado en indicadores estadísticos normalizados

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    José Luis Navarro Espigares


    Full Text Available Dos recientes pronunciamientos de la Sala 4 ª de lo Social del Tribunal Supremo han puesto fin a la doctrina jurisprudencial por la que, para evitar el "enriquecimiento injusto" del trabajador accidentado, se exoneraba al empresario del deber de reparar los perjuicios causados en un accidente de trabajo o enfermedad profesional, por el incumplimientos de sus obligaciones en materia de seguridad. Este cambio jurisprudencial obliga a abordar la cuantificación económica de los distintos componentes indemnizatorios. En este trabajo ofrecemos un novedoso método para la evaluación económica directa del daño moral basado los años de vida ajustados por calidad perdidos por los trabajadores que sufren un accidente de trabajo. El método propuesto se ofrece como una alternativa ventajosa frente a la utilización del baremo de tráfico.Two recent Social Supreme Court rulings have put an end to the jurisprudential doctrine that prevented the "unfair enrichment" of an injured worker. This doctrine exempted the employer from the obligation of repairing the damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases, stemming from breaches of the employer’s security obligations. The jurisprudential change requires addressing the economic quantification of the various components of workers’ compensation. Our study offers a novel method for assessing the economic value of moral damage based on Quality Adjusted Life Years lost by workers who suffer a work accident. The proposed method is presented as an alternative that is more appropriate than the use of the traffic scale.

  2. A compensação ambiental prevista pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC: a ADI nº 3.378 e o decreto nº 6.848/09 The environmental compensation concerning the National System of Conservation Units ("SNUC": the unconstitutionality action ADI n. 3,378 and the decree n. 6,848/09

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    José Marcos Domingues


    Full Text Available O trabalho traça a trajetória da compensação ambiental instituída pela Lei do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC, da sua criação, passando pelo julgamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal na ADI nº 3.378/DF (que a julgou parcialmente inconstitucional, com redução de texto, até a última regulamentação da matéria pelo Poder Executivo (Decreto nº 6.848, de 2009, pretensamente em consonância com a decisão da Corte. Da análise deste Decreto, depreende-se que foram previstos critérios para o cálculo da compensação ambiental os quais, na verdade, retomam a noção de percentual e vínculo ao custo do empreendimento impactante, em afronta à decisão proferida pelo STF, configurando violação à Separação de Poderes. Por outro lado, a nova redação do art. 31 do regulamento anterior, introduzida pelo Decreto citado, prevê a competência do IBAMA, órgão federal de licenciamento ambiental, para a fixação do valor da compensação, daí se deduzindo que apenas aos empreendimentos sujeitos a licenciamento pelo IBAMA, no exercício de competência federal exclusiva, poderá ser aplicada a compensação ambiental. Em síntese, este ensaio analisa as inovações trazidas pelo Decreto nº 6.848/09, assim como sustenta a natureza tributária da compensação SNUC, ainda não debatida pelo STF, mas que não deve ser olvidada.The work features the environmental compensation established by the Law on the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC, since its creation, the Supreme Court ruling of the Unconstitutionality Direct Action-ADI nº 3.378/df (that declared its partial unconstitutionality with text reduction, and the last regulation on the matter by the Administration as per Decree nº 6.848/09, intended to be in harmony with the Supreme Court decision. From the analysis of the Decree, we can infer that some standards set for the environmental compensation calculation, in fact retake the notion of a percentage

  3. Understanding Federalism. (United States)

    Hickok, Eugene W., Jr.


    Urges returning to the original federalist debates to understand contemporary federalism. Reviews "The Federalist Papers," how federalism has evolved, and the centralization of the national government through acts of Congress and Supreme Court decisions. Recommends teaching about federalism as part of teaching about U.S. government…

  4. 41 CFR 102-79.40 - Can Federal agencies allot space in Federal buildings to Federal credit unions? (United States)


    ... Federal credit unions without charge for rent or services if— (a) At least 95 percent of the membership of... presently Federal employees or were Federal employees at the time of admission into the credit union, and...

  5. Federated Identity Management


    Chadwick, David W.


    Abstract. This paper addresses the topic of federated identity management. It discusses in detail the following topics: what is digital identity, what is identity management, what is federated identity management, Kim Camerons 7 Laws of Identity, how can we protect the users privacy in a federated environment, levels of assurance, some past and present federated identity management systems, and some current research in FIM.

  6. [Criminology and victimology of rape in context with war-like conflicts using the example of the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda]. (United States)

    Nittmann, Christian; Franke, Barbara; Augustin, Christa; Püschel, Klaus


    The topic of this article is sexual violence in context with war-like conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The fundamental categories of sexual violence in war-like conflicts are described. The authors discuss the types of sexual violence as defined in the report of the UN Commission of Experts on the war-like conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. Four criminal trials were evaluated: three held before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague/Netherlands and one before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha/Tansania. The defendants were found guilty of torture, crime against humanity and genocide. Potential procedures with respect to similar crimes in current or prospective conflicts are discussed. An alternative may be the assignment of medical personnel (for example of the German Federal Armed Forces). Finally, the post-war cooperation between the Institute of Legal Medicine at the University Medical Centre of Hamburg-Eppendorf as well as the medical and government institutions in Rwanda is presented, which has been going on since 2005.

  7. Upholding pregnant women's right to life. (United States)

    Cook, Rebecca J; Dickens, Bernard M


    Recent decisions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the High Court of Delhi have shown how the pregnancy-related deaths of individual women have been bases on which these authoritative tribunals have held Brazil, Paraguay, and India respectively accountable for avoidable maternal mortality not only in these cases, but also among their populations more generally. The right to life is the most fundamental of women's human rights, recognized in international human rights treaties and national laws. Failure of governments to apply their resources adequately to address, respect, and protect this right violates the law of human rights. These cases show, however, that governments may fail to allocate adequate resources to women's survival of pregnancy. Tribunals can build on the failures in individual cases to set standards of performance to which governments will legally be held to achieve safe motherhood. Copyright © 2012 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 78 FR 45617 - Student Assistance General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education... (United States)


    ..., et al. Student Assistance General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education... General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education Loan Program, and William D... General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL...


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    Mercedes Novo Pérez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo, desde el marco integrador de la Psicología Jurídica, planteamos una revisión histórica de la institución del Tribunal del Jurado desde sus antecedentes remotos hasta la regulación actual reflejada en tres arquetipos: el modelo estadounidense, el modelo francés y el modelo español. Además destacamos algunos hallazgos de la Psicología Jurídica que arrojan luz sobre el funcionamiento de la institución. Asimismo, reflexionamos sobre la situación actual en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico valorando, desde una óptica de propuestas de mejora, algunos puntos débiles en su funcionamiento. En este sentido, apelamos al rol de la educación institucionalizada, como medio privilegiado de culturización del ciudadano y de formación en valores relacionados con la justicia. La escuela se nos antoja como un canal de transmisión de valores y de formación de actitudes.

  10. Federalism Lives. (United States)

    Howard, A. E. Dick


    Examines the concept of federalism in terms of its past history and its encouraging future. Calls for a revival of concern for federalism not simply as a convenient administrative arrangement but as a fundamental constitutional value. (BSR)

  11. Administrative Appeals and ADR in Danish Administrative Law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conradsen, Inger Marie; Gøtze, Michael


    Administrative Appeals, review, administrative tribunals, ombudsman, alternative dispute resolution......Administrative Appeals, review, administrative tribunals, ombudsman, alternative dispute resolution...

  12. Framing Canadian federalism

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Saywell, John; Anastakis, Dimitry; Bryden, Penny E


    ... the pervasive effects that federalism has on Canadian politics, economics, culture, and history, and provide a detailed framework in which to understand contemporary federalism. Written in honour of John T. Saywell's half-century of accomplished and influential scholarly work and teaching, Framing Canadian Federalism is a timely and fitting t...

  13. Nuclear supervision - Administration by the federal states on behalf of the Federal Government or direct federal administration for optimum achievement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Renneberg, W.


    One year ago, Federal Minister for the Environment Juergen Trittin expressed doubt about the long-term viability of the federal states' acting on behalf of the federal government in the field of atomic energy law administration. An alternative to this type of administration was mentioned, namely direct execution by the feral government, and a thorough examination was announced. This was to show which type of administration would achieve maximum safety for the residual operating lives of nuclear power plants. Kienbaum Management Consultants were commissioned to evaluate the current status and potential alternative structures. That study was performed within the framework of one of the key projects in reactor safety of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), namely the reform of nuclear administration. Further steps to be taken by the BMU by the end of this parliamentary term are presented. The federal state are to be approached in an attempt to conduct an unbiased discussion of the pros and cons of the alternatives to administration by the federal states on behalf of the federal government. Questions will be clarified which need to be examined in depth before direct administration by the federal government can be introduced. These include constitutional matters and matters of costing in financing the higher-level federal authority as well as specific questions about the organization of that authority. The purpose is to elaborate, by the end of this parliamentary term, a workable concept of introducing direct federal administration of nuclear safety. (orig.)

  14. Acepciones de la responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado

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    María Eugenia Soto


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo consiste en determinar las acepciones de la responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado previstas en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela de 1999. La metodología utilizada es la investigación documental, sustentada en el método analítico y la técnica del análisis de contenido. Las fuentes para la recolección de información atienden a tres ámbitos: constitucional, doctrinal y jurisprudencial. Se concluye que la responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado es un sistema de acepciones entendido como valor superior, principio general del derecho público, deber constitucional del Estado en ejercicio de cualquier función pública, derecho subjetivo público de fuerza, rango o valor constitucional, garantía constitucional perteneciente al particular o administrado,integrante de cualquier sociedad democrática y de justicia, para exigir por vía administrativa o jurisdiccional la indemnización de daños y perjuicios, materiales y morales, causados en su situación jurídica -derecho subjetivo e interés legítimo o interés jurídico actual- o en sus bienes muebles o inmuebles imputables al funcionamiento, normal o anormal, de los entes y órganos del Estado.El Tribunal Supremo de Justicia en Sala Político-Administrativa establece una doctrina jurisprudencial iuspublicista sobre las acepciones de la responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado. El calificativo iuspublicista obedece a la circunstancia de que la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela de 1999 constituye el instrumento normativo contentivo de las determinadas acepciones o significados.

  15. Guidance for Federal Agencies on Executive Order 13693 - Federal Fleet Management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    Document contains guidance on the federal fleet requirements of Executive Order 13693: Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade and helps federal agencies subject to the executive order develop an overall approach for reducing total fleet greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fleet-wide per-mile GHG emissions.

  16. Teaching about American Federal Democracy. (United States)

    Schechter, Stephen L., Ed.

    Ten essays discuss federal democracy, the form of government of the United States. The first essay discusses the origins of American federalism. The second examines why we have a federal system, the functions federalism serves, and the consequences of federalism for the American political system. Federalism in the Constitution and constitutional…

  17. El proceso electoral de 2006 y las reformas electorales necesarias


    Cárdenas, Jaime


    En este artículo se abordan los principales acontecimientos del proceso electoral de 2006 y algunos previos como la integración del actual Consejo General del Instituto Federal Electoral. El autor considera que la elección del 2 de julio de 2006 debió anularse por que no cumplió con los principios constitucionales de libertad y autenticidad. También señala que las autoridades electorales de México, incluyendo al Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación, no estuvieron a la altura...

  18. Trans health in courts


    Rieger, Pedro Gustavo


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2016. Abstract : This study investigates practices of misgendering by the judiciary and by medical institutions in appellate decisions involving claims for gender identity rights at the Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina (TJSC), Brazil. To do so, it relies on theoretical and analytical frameworks from S...

  19. Federal Student Loan Programs (United States)

    Federal Student Aid, US Department of Education, 2014


    For those needing a loan to attend college, think federal aid first. Federal student loans usually offer borrowers lower interest rates and have more flexible repayment terms and options than private student loans. This brief report answers the following questions about federal aid: (1) What is a federal student loan?; (2) What is a private…

  20. Federal Personnel: Federal/Private Sector Pay Comparisons (United States)


    Choices of Both Government and Union Status," Journal of Labor Economics , Vol. 6 (1988), pp. 229-53; Alan B. Krueger, "Are Public Sector Workers Paid...Differential in the United States," Journal of Labor Economics , Vol. 38, No. 2 (1990), pp. 270-293. 5A discussion of these explanations can be found in...federal earnings, one can obtain an estimate of the pay gap that is attributable to federal employment In labor economics research, both methods are

  1. Ronald Reagan's "New Federalism." (United States)

    Parker, Joseph B.


    Describes how changes in federal fiscal policies affect the federal government's relationship to state and local government. Franklin D. Roosevelt's and Ronald Reagan's formulas for "New Federalism" are compared. (AM)

  2. Federal Investment (United States)

    Campbell, Sheila; Tawil, Natalie


    The federal government pays for a wide range of goods and services that are expected to be useful some years in the future. Those purchases, called investment, fall into three categories: physical capital, research and development (R&D), and education and training. There are several economic rationales for federal investment. It can provide…

  3. Comparative federal health care policy: evidence of collaborative federalism in Pakistan and Venezuela. (United States)

    Baracskay, Daniel


    Collaborative federalism has provided an effective analytical foundation for understanding how complex public policies are implemented in federal systems through intergovernmental and intersectoral alignments. This has particularly been the case in issue areas like public health policy where diseases are detected and treated at the local level. While past studies on collaborative federalism and health care policy have focused on federal systems that are largely democratic, little research has been conducted to examine the extent of collaboration in authoritarian structures. This article applies the collaborative federalism approach to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Evidence suggests that while both nations have exhibited authoritarian governing structures, there have been discernible policy areas where collaborative federalism is embraced to facilitate the implementation process. Further, while not an innate aspect of their federal structures, Pakistan and Venezuela can potentially expand their use of the collaborative approach to successfully implement health care policy and the epidemiological surveillance and intervention functions. Yet, as argued, this would necessitate further development of their structures on a sustained basis to create an environment conducive for collaborative federalism to flourish, and possibly expand to other policy areas as well.

  4. 78 FR 65767 - Student Assistance General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education... (United States)


    ... Assistance General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education Loan Program, and... Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, and... Vol. 78 Friday, No. 212 November 1, 2013 Part II Department of Education 34 CFR Parts 668, 674...

  5. Federal Fleet Report (United States)

    General Services Administration — Annual report of Federal agencies' motor vehicle fleet data collected in the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST), a web-based reporting tool cosponsored by...

  6. Adoção Homoparental, um direito omitido, reivindicado por famílias invisíveis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adilson Lucio da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available ResumoO presente artigo tem como proposta, contribuir para a compreensão sobre a adoção por famílias homoafetivas através de um levantamento bibliográfico, revisando outras produções científicas e literaturas no campo da psicologia e direito. Propondo uma reflexão sobre as novas maneiras de se pensar em famílias, respeitando suas diversas possibilidades de configurações e suas interações com a sociedade, reconhecendo a importância de se preservar as estruturas e os estilos de vida de cada indivíduo. O estudo trata ainda os principais impactos da omissão legal quanto a existência das famílias homoparentais, principalmente nas garantias de seus direitos, onde nos deparamos com um Estado omisso e uma série de projetos, como o estatuto da família, por exemplo, que além de limitar a entidade familiar ao núcleo formado por um homem, uma mulher e seus filhos, coloca em risco a adoção por casais do mesmo sexo, passando por cima do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal que já reconhece a união estável homoafetiva, negando o direito da igualdade e dignidade a famílias, além de diminuir as chances de crianças e adolescentes em situação de abrigo, serem adotadas e possuírem uma família.Palavras-chave: famílias, famílias homoparentais, adoção, omissão, igualdade.AbstractThis article aims to contribute to the understanding of adoption by gay families, by reviewing through scientific publications and other literatures of psychology and rights. Proposing a reflection on the new ways of thinking about families, respecting their different possibilities of settings and their interactions with society, recognizing the importance of preserving individuals’ structures and lifestyle. This study also deals with the main impacts of the legal omission regarding the existence of  gay families, especially the guarantees of their rights, in which we stumble upon an omissive State and a number of projects, such as family statute, for

  7. 78 FR 27968 - Federal Management Regulation; Redesignations of Federal Buildings (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; Redesignations of Federal Buildings AGENCY: Public Buildings Service (PBS), General... designation and redesignation of six Federal buildings. DATES: Expiration Date: This bulletin announcement expires July 30, 2013. The building designations and redesignations remains in effect until canceled or...

  8. 49 CFR 268.7 - Federal/State share and restrictions on the uses of Federal Maglev Funds. (United States)


    ... of Federal Maglev Funds. 268.7 Section 268.7 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to... Federal Maglev Funds. (a) Federal share. The Federal share of Full Projects Costs shall be not more than 2...) Restrictions on the uses of Federal Maglev Funds. (1) Federal Maglev Funds may be applied only to Eligible...

  9. ACHP | Unified Federal Review (United States)

    Search skip specific nav links Home arrow Unified Federal Review Three logos: 1) Executive Office of the Homeland Security. Unified Federal Environmental and Historic Preservation Review Process Please visit the new location for the Unified Federal Review located here:

  10. Federal Buildings Supplemental Survey 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the US Department of Energy (DOE) is mandated by Congress to be the agency that collects, analyzes, and disseminates impartial, comprehensive data about energy including the volume consumed, its customers, and the purposes for which it is used. The Federal Buildings Supplemental Survey (FBSS) was conducted by EIA in conjunction with DOE`s Office of Federal Energy Management Programs (OFEMP) to gain a better understanding of how Federal buildings use energy. This report presents the data from 881 completed telephone interviews with Federal buildings in three Federal regions. These buildings were systematically selected using OFEMP`s specifications; therefore, these data do not statistically represent all Federal buildings in the country. The purpose of the FBSS was threefold: (1) to understand the characteristics of Federal buildings and their energy use; (2) to provide a baseline in these three Federal regions to measure future energy use in Federal buildings as required in EPACT; and (3) to compare building characteristics and energy use with the data collected in the CBECS.

  11. Federal environmental inspections handbook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Federal Environmental Inspection Handbook has been prepared by the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Environmental Guidance, RCRA/CERCLA Division (EH-231). It is designed to provide DOE personnel with an easily accessible compilation of the environmental inspection requirements under Federal environmental statutes which may impact DOE operations and activities. DOE personnel are reminded that this Handbook is intended to be used in concert with, and not as a substitute for, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Federal Register (FR), and other applicable regulatory documents

  12. Nuclear supervision - Administration by the federal states on behalf of the Federal Government or direct federal administration? Evaluation from a practical point of view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cloosters, W.


    The organization of supervisory authorities under the Atomic Energy Act is not a new issue. In fact, it was discussed vehemently in the Federal Republic of Germany as far back as in the early fifties. Federal legislation in late 1959 decided to have the Atomic Energy Act executed in part under direct federal responsibility and, as far as the important supervision of the nuclear power plants operated in the Federal Republic of Germany was concerned, by the federal states on behalf of the federal government. Federal Minister for the Environment Trittin reopened the debate about the organization of nuclear administration by announcing his intention to transfer the supervision of nuclear power plants to direct federal administration. This announcement not only raises the question of legal permissibility of transferring nuclear power plant oversight to federal administration, but also requires a critical review, as presented in this article, of practical regulatory supervision to ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities. In this connection, both the actual content of supervisory activities and the way in which they are carried out must be examined in an effort to find an answer based on solid premises to the question raised above. For reasons explained in the contribution, oversight of nuclear power plants cannot be carried out as a centralized function. Instead, the legislative decision of 1959 in favor of the federal states exercising supervision on behalf of the federal government continues to be correct at the present stage also in the light of the steps initiated to opt out of the peaceful uses of nuclear power. (orig.)

  13. 77 FR 47374 - Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford Federal... (United States)


    ...; William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program/ Federal Family Loan (FFEL) Program: Deferment... which borrowers in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) and Federal Family Education... considered public records. Title of Collection: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program...

  14. Toward the full and proper implementation of Jordan's Principle: An elusive goal to date. (United States)

    Blackstock, Cindy


    First Nations children experience service delays, disruptions and denials due to jurisdictional payment disputes within and between federal and provincial/territorial governments. The House of Commons sought to ensure First Nations children could access government services on the same terms as other children when it unanimously passed a private members motion in support of Jordan's Principle in 2007. Jordan's Principle states that when a jurisdictional dispute arises regarding public services for a First Nations child that are otherwise available to other children, the government of first contact pays for the service and addresses payment disputes later. Unfortunately, the federal government adopted a definition of Jordan's Principle that was so narrow (complex medical needs with multiple service providers) that no child ever qualified. This narrow definition has been found to be unlawful by the Federal Court of Canada and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. The present commentary describes Jordan's Principle, the legal cases that have considered it and the implications of those decisions for health care providers.

  15. El poder de la palabra en el Popol Vuh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Sanchez


    Full Text Available La Palabra en su esencia divina se nos presenta en el Popol Vuh, Libro Sagrado Quiche-Maya, con toda una dimension fisologica, esgrimada en el lenguaje poctico y simbolico propio de esa cultura precolombina. Esto es plasmado en la presencia de un Dios supremo, Kabawil, mostrado a lo largo de todo proceso que sigue la creacion. Lo cual se lleca a cabo en el norte de una inteligibilidad universal, demostrada en la potencialidad de la palabra, fuerza de la razon y de la mediacion. El acto creador del Dios Supremo se funda en el poder de la palabra, razonada, pensada que se desplaza a lo largo del acto creador, concebido a traves de varios ensayos hasta lograr el ser humano perfecto, creado a imagen y semenjanza de su creador


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    Markov L. S.


    Full Text Available The article reviews the history of cluster policy in Russia at the federal and regional levels. The federal cluster policy is realized in three directions, studying which allowed us to outline the main features of a formalized cluster that claims state support. The trend of reorientation of the cluster policy from supporting clusters and their infrastructure to cluster projects is revealed. Systematization and comparative analysis of the cluster policy in the regions of the country leading in terms of cluster development is carried out. It is established that the regional cluster policy is at a nascent stage and is a projection of the federal programs. At the regional level, there is no institutional basis for the cluster policy in Russia. The regional cluster policy is characterized by homogeneity of organizational structures.

  17. Vancouver shopping mall liable for discrimination against Aboriginal and disabled people. (United States)

    Betteridge, Glenn


    In a decision released on 13 July 2005, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (the Tribunal) found that the owners of a mall and the security company contracted by the mall had engaged in both individual and systemic discrimination. Among other findings, the Tribunal determined that Henderson Development (Canada) Limited (Henderson) and Securiguard Services Limited (Securiguard) discriminated against mall patrons who were Aboriginal, or who were perceived to be living with a disability, including drug dependence and HIV/AIDS.

  18. Richard Weaver's Untraditional Case for Federalism


    Jeremy David Bailey


    Although Richard M. Weaver's political writings do not offer a systematic examination of federalism, they include a defense of federalist arrangements. Because Weaver's federalism is central to his conservatism, and because his argument for federalism differs from more common conservative defenses of federalism offered in the twentieth century, his writings allow students of federalism to examine possible connections between federalism and conservative political thought. Copyright 2004, Oxfor...

  19. 77 FR 66482 - Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2012 Under the Federal... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2012 Under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act AGENCY: Employment and Training... Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 26 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., thereby enabling employers who make contributions to...

  20. 75 FR 68001 - Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2010 under the Federal... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2010 under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act AGENCY: Employment and Training... Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 26 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., thereby enabling employers who make contributions to...

  1. 78 FR 67200 - Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2013 Under the Federal... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2013 Under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act AGENCY: Employment and Training... Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 26 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., thereby enabling employers who make contributions to...

  2. 76 FR 68790 - Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2011 Under the Federal... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Certifications for 2011 Under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act AGENCY: Employment and Training... Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 26 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., thereby enabling employers who make contributions to...

  3. Information Asymmetry in Federations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Mikhailovich Libman


    Full Text Available The paper investigates the problems of information transmission between levels of government in a federal state. The central government in a federation typically faces serious difficulties while collecting information on economic and political situation in the regions. There are two types of problems: lack of incentives for the regions to accurately collect information and strategic manipulation of information, which are discussed in the paper along with possible solutions. In particular, overcoming information asymmetry would require the development of national parties or informal coalitions of bureaucrats and politicians of the center and of the regions, creating incentives for regional politicians to back the successful functioning of the federal level. Furthermore, the paper discusses the issue of «informal decentralization», which emerges as a result of information asymmetry, and its consequences for the functioning of a federal state, including both advantages and disadvantages. We conclude that under information asymmetry the organization of the federation will inevitably turn into an issue of permanent negotiations and bargaining between the center and the regions, which functions as the information acquisition tool for optimal allocation of authorities in a federation

  4. 11 CFR 102.5 - Organizations financing political activity in connection with Federal and non-Federal elections... (United States)


    ...: Accounts and accounting. 102.5 Section 102.5 Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL... connection with non-Federal elections. Administrative expenses for State, district, and local party... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Organizations financing political activity in...

  5. Federal Energy Resources Modernization Coordinating Committee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, G. B.


    This report summarizes the broad range of activities supported by Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and other federal agencies focused on meeting the President's Executive Order on Federal Energy Management promulgated to meet energy savings goals and encourage more efficient management of all federal energy resources. These activities are reported semiannually under the auspices of the FERM Coordinating Committee, and as such include activities undertaken from October 1, 1991, through March 31, 1992. The activities reported are classified into four major categories: (1) technology-base support, which includes development of processes, software, metering and monitoring equipment and strategies, and other tools for the federal energy manager to better understand and characterize their energy resources; (2) federal energy systems testing and monitoring; (3) federal energy systems modernization projects at federal installations in cooperation with the utilities serving the sites; and (4) energy supply, distribution and end-use conservation assessment for federal agencies and/or facilities.

  6. 78 FR 9771 - Federal Highway Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Highway Administration Notice of Final Federal Agency Action on Proposed Transportation Project in Illinois and Indiana AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration...., Acting Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, 3250 Executive Park Drive, Springfield...

  7. El propio veredicto : Farsa en un acto de 30 minutos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Andrade Rivera


    Full Text Available -l Hola ! Como ya se habrán dado cuenta, estamos en un tribunal. Pero no un tribunal cualquiera. Es un tribunal de guerra. Se va a juzgar a alguien. (Por el escenario. Parece que todo está bien. Es mi responsabilidad porque soy el Ujier. Además, ya lo ven, soy el narrador. Cosas del autor de la obra dizque para economizar actores. Pueden llamarme entonces, Ujier-narrador. Si alguno me necesita, llámeme: ¡Ujier narrador! y vendré enseguida.

  8. Tax incentives in fiscal federalism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kelders, Christian; Köthenbürger, Marko


    Models of fiscal federalism rarely account for the efficiency implications of intergovernmental fiscal ties for federal tax policy. This paper shows that fiscal institutions such that federal tax deductibility, vertical revenue-sharing, and fiscal equalization (being common features of existing...

  9. 76 FR 31393 - Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-52; Introduction (United States)


    ... 2010-017 Robinson. Ethics Programs. VI Technical Amendments... SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Summaries for... interim rule amends the FAR to implement Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, and Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy...

  10. 77 FR 43084 - Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings; Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act... (United States)


    ... Federal High-Performance Green Buildings; Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act; Notification of... High- Performance Green Buildings, Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services Administration... download from the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Building Web site Library at-- http://www.gsa...

  11. Federal Register in XML (United States)

    National Archives and Records Administration — The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and...

  12. Health care reform and federalism. (United States)

    Greer, Scott L; Jacobson, Peter D


    Health policy debates are replete with discussions of federalism, most often when advocates of reform put their hopes in states. But health policy literature is remarkably silent on the question of allocation of authority, rarely asking which levels of government ought to lead. We draw on the larger literatures about federalism, found mostly in political science and law, to develop a set of criteria for allocating health policy authority between states and the federal government. They are social justice, procedural democracy, compatibility with value pluralism, institutional capability, and economic sustainability. Of them, only procedural democracy and compatibility with value pluralism point to state leadership. In examining these criteria, we conclude that American policy debates often get federalism backward, putting the burden of health care coverage policy on states that cannot enact or sustain it, while increasing the federal role in issues where the arguments for state leadership are compelling. We suggest that the federal government should lead present and future financing of health care coverage, since it would require major changes in American intergovernmental relations to make innovative state health care financing sustainable outside a strong federal framework.

  13. 11 CFR 106.7 - Allocation of expenses between Federal and non-Federal accounts by party committees, other than... (United States)


    ... Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL ALLOCATIONS OF CANDIDATE AND COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES... Federal election activities. State, district, and local party committees that choose to allocate expenses... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Allocation of expenses between Federal and non...

  14. Federal Technology Alert: Ground-Source Heat Pumps Applied to Federal Facilities-Second Edition; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadley, Donald L


    This Federal Technology Alert, which was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Federal Energy Management Programs, provides the detailed information and procedures that a Federal energy manager needs to evaluate most ground-source heat pump applications. This report updates an earlier report on ground-source heat pumps that was published in September 1995. In the current report, general benefits of this technology to the Federal sector are described, as are ground-source heat pump operation, system types, design variations, energy savings, and other benefits. In addition, information on current manufacturers, technology users, and references for further reading are provided

  15. New directions in federal energy management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ginsberg, M.


    The fuel embargo of 1973, followed by the oil disruption of 1979 heightened national security concerns over the availability and price of foreign oil to sustain all sectors of the U.S. economy. As a result of our growing dependence on foreign oil and diminishing resources at home, the Federal government has worked since 1974 to identify and implement a variety of measures to reduce energy consumption in Federal buildings and operations. Federal energy expenditures peaked at almost $14 billion in 1982 but has now been reduced to approximately $10 billion a year. However, much more needs to be done. Since the 1973 oil embargo, a series of legislative initiatives and Presidential authorities established the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and then expanded it to address a broad range of energy-related issues affecting the Federal sector. Administered by the U.S. Department of Energy, FEMP coordinates the design and implementation of energy-saving programs for Federal buildings and operations. This includes working with other Federal agencies through interagency committees to interpret and implement Federal policy, to provide technical assistance to other Federal agencies, and to collect and report Federal energy consumption data to Congress. In addition, with the passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, concerns over global climate change and a range of man-made and natural pollutants, environmental issues now play a critical role in our nation's energy policy. As a major consumer of energy, the Federal sector can serve as an important model for other sectors of the economy as a result of some of the innovative and cost-effective measures planned or currently underway. My talk today will focus on the Federal government's plans to ensure the energy efficient design and operation of Federal facilities, with an emphasis on life-cycle cost analyses

  16. Natural gas: federal versus state competence; Competencia federal versus competencia estadual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fonseca, Rodrigo Garcia da; Correia, Andre de Luizi [Wald Associados Advogados, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This article highlights the difficulties in regulating the natural gas sector in Brazil, which has hindered the development of the full potential of this industry. It analyzes the partition of competencies between the federative entities according to the Federal Constitution, the 'Law of oil' and the project of the 'Law of gas'.

  17. SUPREMO (Selective Use of Postoperative Radiotherapy aftEr MastectOmy) - a phase III randomised trial assessing the role of postmastectomy chest wall irradiation in 'intermediate risk' women with operable breast cancer receiving adjuvant systemic therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunkler, I.H.; Price, A.; Dixon, M.; Canney, P.; Prescott, R.; Sainsbury, R.; Aird, E.


    Danish and Canadian randomised trials of postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) have shown the importance of loco-regional control to survival in 'high risk' pre and postmenopausal women receiving adjuvant systemic therapy. The effects of radiotherapy (RT) in terms of improving survival are similar to those of systemic therapy. International consensus now supports the use of postmastectomy chest wall irradiation in women with 4 or more involved axillary nodes or primary tumour size=/> 5cm. The role of PMRT in women at intermediate risk' with 1-3 involved nodes or node negative with other risk factors is controversial. The absolute reduction in risk of loco-regional recurrence varies widely (3-23%) in trials of PMRT in women with 1-3 involved nodes receiving systemic therapy. A UK survey of clinical oncologists (Kunkler et al,The Breast 1999;8:235) showed wide variations in opinion on the use of radiotherapy in these subgroups. It is possible that while RT may confer most benefit in loco-regional control, a greater survival benefit might accrue in patients with smaller tumours and fewer involved nodes. The 2000 Oxford overview of randomised trials of postoperative RT identifies non breast cancer deaths from RT related vascular morbidity as counterbalancing the benefits of RT in reducing breast cancer mortality. With the more extensive use of potentially cardiotoxic anthracycline containing adjuvant systemic therapy there are concerns about greater cardiac morbidity in patients receiving PMRT in addition. A large randomised international trial (SUPREMO) is proposed to recruit 3500 patients with (a) 1-3 involved axillary nodes or (b) node negative with other risk factors (grade 3 or lymphovascular invasion) treated by mastectomy, axillary clearance and appropriate systemic therapy for T0-3,N0-1,MO breast cancer. The primary endpoint is overall survival. Secondary endpoints are disease free survival, quality of life, morbidity (including cardiac), cost per life year saved

  18. Sull’efficacia giuridica delle risoluzioni dell’Organo di soluzione delle controversie dell’OMC nel diritto comunitario ed il mancato riconoscimento di responsabilità extracontrattuale della Comunità Europea


    Di Comite, Valeria


    Las modalidades de coordinación entre el derecho OMC y el derecho comunitario han sido objeto de numerosas pronuncias del Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidades Europeas desde la época del GATT de 1947. El Tribunal ya en 1972 puso de manifiesto que aunque el GATT vinculara la Comunidad Europea, sus disposiciones no podían ser invocadas por parte de los particulares delante de los jueces internos. Las importantes modificaciones producidas con la creación de la OMC no han llevado el Tribunal a ...

  19. 6 February 2012 - Supreme Audit Institutions from Norway, Poland, Spain and Switzerland visiting the LHC tunnel at Point 5, CMS underground experimental area, CERN Control Centre and LHC superconducting magnet test hall. Delegations are throughout accompanied by Swiss P. Jenni, Polish T. Kurtyka, Spanish J. Salicio, Norwegian S. Stapnes and International Relations Adviser R. Voss. (Riksrevisjonen, Oslo; Tribunal de Cuentas , Madrid; the Court of Audit of Switzerland and Najwyzsza Izba Kontroli, Varsaw)

    CERN Multimedia

    Jean-Claude Gadmer


    6 February 2012 - Supreme Audit Institutions from Norway, Poland, Spain and Switzerland visiting the LHC tunnel at Point 5, CMS underground experimental area, CERN Control Centre and LHC superconducting magnet test hall. Delegations are throughout accompanied by Swiss P. Jenni, Polish T. Kurtyka, Spanish J. Salicio, Norwegian S. Stapnes and International Relations Adviser R. Voss. (Riksrevisjonen, Oslo; Tribunal de Cuentas , Madrid; the Court of Audit of Switzerland and Najwyzsza Izba Kontroli, Varsaw)

  20. The FY2011 Federal Budget (United States)


    long been the largest source of federal revenues, followed by social insurance (payroll) taxes. Federal individual and corporate income tax revenues...915 billion (6.4% of GDP). Corporate income tax revenues fell from $304 billion in FY2008 to $138 billion in FY2009. Federal revenues from other

  1. 77 FR 42914 - Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance... (United States)


    ... Federal Flexible Benefits Plan: Pre-Tax Payment of Health Benefits Premiums AGENCY: Office of Personnel... this proposed rule; and (4) update the Federal Flexible Benefits Plan: Pre-Tax Payment of Health...--FEDERAL FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN: PRE-TAX PAYMENTS OF HEALTH BENEFITS PREMIUMS PROGRAM 8. The authority...

  2. The Federal Air Pollution Program. (United States)

    National Air Pollution Control Administration (DHEW), Washington, DC.

    Described is the Federal air pollution program as it was in 1967. The booklet is divided into these major topics: History of the Federal Program; Research; Assistance to State and Local Governments; Abatement and Prevention of Air Pollution; Control of Motor Vehicle Pollution; Information and Education; and Conclusion. Federal legislation has…

  3. Nurse-midwives in federally funded health centers: understanding federal program requirements and benefits. (United States)

    Carter, Martha


    Midwives are working in federally funded health centers in increasing numbers. Health centers provide primary and preventive health care to almost 20 million people and are located in every US state and territory. While health centers serve the entire community, they also serve as a safety net for low-income and uninsured individuals. In 2010, 93% of health center patients had incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, and 38% were uninsured. Health centers, including community health centers, migrant health centers, health care for the homeless programs, and public housing primary care programs, receive grant funding and enjoy other benefits due to status as federal grantees and designation as federally qualified health centers. Clinicians working in health centers are also eligible for financial and professional benefits because of their willingness to serve vulnerable populations and work in underserved areas. Midwives, midwifery students, and faculty working in, or interacting with, health centers need to be aware of the regulations that health centers must comply with in order to qualify for and maintain federal funding. This article provides an overview of health center regulations and policies affecting midwives, including health center program requirements, scope of project policy, provider credentialing and privileging, Federal Tort Claims Act malpractice coverage, the 340B Drug Pricing Program, and National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs. © 2012 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

  4. 49 CFR 1325.3 - Federal office. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Federal office. 1325.3 Section 1325.3... FEDERAL OFFICE OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES § 1325.3 Federal office. For the purposes of this section, Federal office means the office of President or Vice President of the United States; or of Senator or...

  5. Chemical regulation on fire: rapid policy advances on flame retardants. (United States)

    Cordner, Alissa; Mulcahy, Margaret; Brown, Phil


    Chemicals that are widely used in consumer products offer challenges to product manufacturers, risk managers, environmental regulators, environmental scientists, and the interested public. However, the factors that cause specific chemicals to rise to the level of regulatory, scientific, and social movement concern and scrutiny are not well documented, and scientists are frequently unclear about exactly how their research impacts policy. Through a case study of advocacy around flame retardant chemicals, this paper traces the pathways through which scientific evidence and concern is marshaled by both advocacy groups and media sources to affect policy change. We focus our analysis around a broad coalition of environmental and public health advocacy organizations and an investigative journalism series published in 2012 in the Chicago Tribune. We demonstrate that the Tribune series both brought the issue to a wider public audience and precipitated government action, including state policy revisions and federal Senate hearings. We also show how a broad and successful flame retardant coalition developed, leveraged a media event, and influenced policy at multiple institutional levels. The analysis draws on over 110 in-depth interviews, literature and Web site reviews, and observations at a flame retardant manufacturing company, government offices, and scientific and advocacy conferences.

  6. 24 CFR 58.14 - Interaction with State, Federal and non-Federal entities. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Interaction with State, Federal and non-Federal entities. 58.14 Section 58.14 Housing and Urban Development Office of the Secretary... ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES General Policy: Responsibilities of Responsible Entities § 58.14 Interaction with...

  7. Querying on Federated Sensor Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zuhal Can


    Full Text Available A Federated Sensor Network (FSN is a network of geographically distributed Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs called islands. For querying on an FSN, we introduce the Layered Federated Sensor Network (L-FSN Protocol. For layered management, L-FSN provides communication among islands by its inter-island querying protocol by which a query packet routing path is determined according to some path selection policies. L-FSN allows autonomous management of each island by island-specific intra-island querying protocols that can be selected according to island properties. We evaluate the applicability of L-FSN and compare the L-FSN protocol with various querying protocols running on the flat federation model. Flat federation is a method to federate islands by running a single querying protocol on an entire FSN without distinguishing communication among and within islands. For flat federation, we select a querying protocol from geometrical, hierarchical cluster-based, hash-based, and tree-based WSN querying protocol categories. We found that a layered federation of islands by L-FSN increases the querying performance with respect to energy-efficiency, query resolving distance, and query resolving latency. Moreover, L-FSN’s flexibility of choosing intra-island querying protocols regarding the island size brings advantages on energy-efficiency and query resolving latency.

  8. Evaluación de la institucionalización de la nueva gobernanza en el desarrollo rural en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Obeimar Balente-Herrera


    Full Text Available La institucionalidad con enfoque de nueva gobernanza es el paradigma dominante en la agenda internacional. La nueva gobernanza tiene como valor supremo la eficiencia económica. Sobre esta institucionalidad descansa lo impulsado en desarrollo rural en México desde hace una década, que ha coincidido con la continuidad de gobiernos de centro-derecha. En la presente investigación se analiza la institucionalización de la nueva gobernanza en el desarrollo rural en México a través de dos estudios de caso: Alianza para el Campo, frente a un proyecto piloto de organismos multilaterales. Los resultados indican que a través de la descentralización se logró un equilibrio de poderes entre el Ejecutivo federal y los estados, pero no se avanzó en la participación de los actores sociales y privados, en la desregulación y la eficacia.

  9. Freedom of communication in the U.S. and Europe = La libertad de comunicación en Estados Unidos y en Europa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro J. Tenorio


    December 16th, the Constitutional Court has suggested the preferential position of freedom of expression. However, the incorporation of the Sullivan doctrine into the Spanish system occurred through STC 6/1988 of January 21st, almost ten years after the passage of the Constitution into law. El trabajo compara la libertad de comunicación en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos y del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, pero partiendo de la primera de ellas. Existen diferencias, que se especifican. Los textos reguladores invitan a hablar de dualidad de modelos. Pero tal vez sea excesivo. Consideraciones finales: 1 existen muchos regímenes de la libertad de expresión compatibles con la democracia: el generado a partir de la Sentencia Sullivan en Estados Unidos (en Europa, Lingens no es el único, aunque en la actualidad se considera el más coherente con ella, lo que no se discute. 2 Los grandes cambios se producen a veces en virtud de detalles aparentemente pequeños. El cambio de la carga de la prueba en la difamación (Sullivan ha supuesto un terremoto en el régimen jurídico de la prensa. La doctrina Sullivan se puede resumir en los siguientes puntos: primero, los errores son inevitables para respirar; segundo: ha de probarse la malicia del difamador; tercero, ha de probarse la falta de veracidad del difamador. Esta doctrina le permite jugar a la prensa su papel de «perro guardián» de las libertades. 3 En España la prensa parece ejercer también ese papel, y esto nos exige preguntarnos si hay o hubo una Sentencia Sullivan en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal constitucional español; se suele atribuir la privilegiada posición de la prensa en España a que el Tribunal Constitucional la ha dotado de posición preferente sobre los derechos que entran en colisión con ella, como honor, intimidad y propia imagen, y se justifica esa posición preferente por su conexión con la democracia; pues bien, ya desde la STC 6/1981, de 16 marzo, nuestro Tribunal

  10. Federal and European Union Policy Making

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dosenrode, Søren

    By using the policy cycle approach, this paper compares the policy-process in a number of Anglo-Saxon type federations with the policy-process in continental-European style federations from within the European Union (EU) area.  The comparison would reveal: a) distinct different styles of policy...... making in European style federations in relation with the Anglo-Saxon ones. b) that the policy-process in the EU resembles that of the European style federations, and c) the Constitutional Treaty (CT) or a possible CT-light would strengthen the federal policy-making characteristics already present...

  11. Dimensions of Modern Federalism. (United States)

    Williams, Robert F.; And Others


    Encapsulates a series of brief essays exploring different aspects of modern federalism. Issues include further protection of individual rights extended through state constitutions and federalism and the world economy. Authors include Robert F. Williams, Earl H. Fry, and Daniel J. Elazar. (MJP)

  12. Criação de mapa de fontes de informação e conhecimento do processo judicial: o caso do Serviço de Documentação do Tribunal do Trabalho da 4ª Região

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Godoy da Silveira Sarmento


    Full Text Available O propósito desta pesquisa foi mapear as fontes de informação e conhecimento necessárias aos juízes do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 4ª Região para tomada de decisões nos processos judiciais, como instrumento gerencial a ser utlizado pelo Serviço de Documentação (SDOC no desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva de cunho qualitativo, fazendo-se uso do procedimento “estudo de caso”. A partir dos resultados, conclui-se que o mapa de fontes de informação e conhecimento é um instrumento que permite conhecer as reais necessidades da clientela do SDOC do TRT4 e adequado para dar suporte aos processos de seleção, organização e criação de produtos e serviços.

  13. Federal laboratories for the 21st century

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gover, J. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States); Huray, P.G. [Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (United States)


    Federal laboratories have successfully filled many roles for the public; however, as the 21st Century nears it is time to rethink and reevaluate how Federal laboratories can better support the public and identify new roles for this class of publicly-owned institutions. The productivity of the Federal laboratory system can be increased by making use of public outcome metrics, by benchmarking laboratories, by deploying innovative new governance models, by partnerships of Federal laboratories with universities and companies, and by accelerating the transition of federal laboratories and the agencies that own them into learning organizations. The authors must learn how government-owned laboratories in other countries serve their public. Taiwan`s government laboratory, Industrial Technology Research Institute, has been particularly successful in promoting economic growth. It is time to stop operating Federal laboratories as monopoly institutions; therefore, competition between Federal laboratories must be promoted. Additionally, Federal laboratories capable of addressing emerging 21st century public problems must be identified and given the challenge of serving the public in innovative new ways. Increased investment in case studies of particular programs at Federal laboratories and research on the public utility of a system of Federal laboratories could lead to increased productivity of laboratories. Elimination of risk-averse Federal laboratory and agency bureaucracies would also have dramatic impact on the productivity of the Federal laboratory system. Appropriately used, the US Federal laboratory system offers the US an innovative advantage over other nations.

  14. 75 FR 67433 - Federal Fiscal Year 2011 Annual List of Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit... (United States)


    ... or exceeds $25,000, (b) is for audit services, or (3) requires the consent of a Federal official, as... of Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit Administration Grants and Cooperative Agreements... is authorized to consolidate the certifications and assurances required by Federal law or regulations...

  15. 77 FR 43276 - Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford Federal... (United States)


    ...; William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program General Forbearance Request SUMMARY: Borrowers who receive loans through the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program will use this form to request forbearance... considered public records. Title of Collection: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program General...

  16. 77 FR 29988 - Notice of Submission for OMB Review; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Notice of Submission for OMB Review; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford... borrowers in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) and Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL... of Collection: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program Deferment Request Forms. OMB Control...

  17. "Our federalism" moves indoors. (United States)

    Ruger, Theodore W


    A great deal of the US Supreme Court's federalism jurisprudence over the past two decades has focused on the outer limits of federal power, suggesting a mutually exclusive division of jurisdiction between the states and the federal government, where subjects are regulated by one sovereign or the other but not both. This is not an accurate picture of American governance as it has operated over the past half century - most important areas of American life are regulated concurrently by both the federal government and the states. The Supreme Court's June 2012 decision clearing the way for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to move forward thus should not be regarded as an affront to state sovereignty but as a realistic embrace of state power in its active, modern form. The PPACA is infused with multiple major roles for the states, and as the statute goes into operation over the next few years, states retain, and are already exercising, substantial policy discretion.

  18. 76 FR 78966 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Approval of Noise Compatibility Program for Kona International Airport at Keahole, Keahole, North Kona, HI AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its findings on...

  19. 75 FR 6433 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Notice of Availability of a Draft... 9, West Chicago, IL AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of... Surveillance Radar, Model 9, West Chicago, Illinois. SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA...

  20. 75 FR 12809 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Notice of Intent To Rule on Request...: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of Request to Release Airport Property. SUMMARY... Nicely, Manager, Federal Aviation Administration, Southwest Region, Airports Division, Texas Airports...

  1. 75 FR 18014 - Federal Highway Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Highway Administration AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of Availability regarding a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI): U.S.... FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Federal Highway Administration, Kentucky Division: Mr. Greg Rawlings...

  2. 78 FR 25524 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Notice of Request To Release Airport Property AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of Intent to Rule on Request to... address: Lynn D. Martin, Airports Compliance Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Airports...

  3. Convention on the establishment of a security control in the field of nuclear energy. Protocol on the tribunal established by the convention on the establishment of a security control in the field of nuclear energy; Convention sur l'etablissement d'un controle de securite dans le domaine de l'energie nucleaire. Protocole relatif au tribunal cree par la Convention sur l'etablissement d'un controle de securite dans le domaine de l'energie nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The governments of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey, having resolved to promote the development of the production and uses of nuclear energy in the Member countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation between these countries and the harmonisation of national measures; considering that the joint action undertaken to this end in the Organisation is intended to develop the European nuclear industry for purely peaceful ends and must not further any military purpose; considering that at its meeting of' 18 July, 1956, the Council of the Organisation decided to establish to this effect an international security control; considering that by a Decision dated this day the Council has established, within the Organisation, a European Nuclear Energy Agency with the task of pursuing the joint action undertaken; have agreed the present convention. The governments party to the Convention, desirous of determining in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention the organisation of the Tribunal established by the said Article and the status of its judges; have agreed upon the provisions which are annexed to the Convention.

  4. Promoting cooperative federalism through state shared savings. (United States)

    Weil, Alan


    The Affordable Care Act is transforming American federalism and creating strain between the states and the federal government. By expanding the scale of intergovernmental health programs, creating new state requirements, and setting the stage for increased federal fiscal oversight, the act has disturbed an uneasy truce in American federalism. This article outlines a policy proposal designed to harness cooperative federalism, based on the shared state and federal desire to control health care cost growth. The proposal, which borrows features of the Medicare Shared Savings Program, would provide states with an incentive in the form of an increased share of the savings they generate in programs that have federal financial participation, as long as they meet defined performance standards.

  5. Model(ing) Law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlson, Kerstin

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was the first and most celebrated of a wave of international criminal tribunals (ICTs) built in the 1990s designed to advance liberalism through international criminal law. Model(ing) Justice examines the case law of the ICTY...

  6. 77 FR 64837 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Fourth Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 227, Standards of Navigation Performance AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S... Operations Group, Federal Aviation Administration. [FR Doc. 2012-26034 Filed 10-22-12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE...

  7. 78 FR 41183 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Meeting: RTCA Program Management Committee AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION... Operations Group, Federal Aviation Administration. [FR Doc. 2013-16464 Filed 7-8-13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE...

  8. 78 FR 13395 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Notice of Availability of Draft...: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of availability and request for comments... 4. U.S. Mail: Leslie Grey--AAL-614, Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Division, 222 West 7th...

  9. La última jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo español en materia de enseñanza de la religión y dos posibles soluciones en el marco del Derecho comparado


    Contreras Mazarío, José María; Llamazares Calzadilla, María Cruz; Celador Angón, Óscar


    SUMARIO: 1. Las manifestaciones religiosas en las escuelas públicas en el ordenamiento jurídico estadounidense, por O. Celador Angón (Ayudante de Escuela Universitaria de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado). 2. El sistema italiano de enseñanza de la religión en los centros públicos docentes, por M.C. Llamazares Calzadilla (Ayudante doctora de Universidad de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado). 3. La enseñanza de la religión en el sistema educativo español: especial referencia a las problemáticas...

  10. A Recepção dos Tratados de Direitos Humanos pelos Tribunais Nacionais: Sentenças Paradigmáticas de Colômbia, Argentina e Brasil / The Reception of Human Rights Treaties by Domestic Courts: Paradigmatic Judicial Decisions from Colombia, Argentina and Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Gomes Moreira Maués


    Full Text Available Resumo: O cumprimento efetivo de tratados internacionais de direitos humanos depende de fatores que não se limitam à sua incorporação ao direito interno. Para que haja uma recepção completa do tratado, os órgãos judiciais devem ser dotados de independência (exercício de suas funções de fiscalização dos demais poderes, os tratados devem possuir efeito direto (qualquer pessoa poderá utilizá-los em tribunais, independente de ação legislativa posterior e os tribunais devem realizar uma interpretação conforme de suas disposições (compatibilização das normas internas com as internacionais, a fim de garantir o cumprimento de obrigações internacionais. Por meio do método comparado utilizado neste artigo, pode-se concluir que Argentina e Colômbia apresentam um grau maior de recepção da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, não apenas porque a elevaram à categoria de norma constitucional, mas, principalmente, porque atribuem a ela efeito direto e aplicam a interpretação conforme. Apesar de atribuir efeito direto à Convenção Americana, o Supremo Tribunal Federal ainda não desenvolveu jurisprudência acerca da interpretação conforme, criando obstáculos à recepção e cumprimento efetivo do tratado. Palavras-chave: Tratados internacionais de direitos humanos; Independência judicial; Efeito direto; Interpretação conforme.   Abstract: The effective implementation of international human rights treaties depends on factors that are not limited to its incorporation into domestic law. In order to have a complete reception of the treaty, courts must be provided with independency (exercise of its functions of government monitoring, treaties must have direct effect (anyone can use them in court, regardless of subsequent legislative action and courts must perform a consistent interpretation of its provisions (internal standards in accordance with international ones, to ensure compliance with international obligations

  11. 75 FR 61552 - Federal Railroad Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Railroad Administration Notice of Informational Filing In accordance with Section 236.913 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), notice is hereby given that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has received an informational filing from the Northeast...

  12. 'Niet-pluis'-gevoel tuchtrechtelijk gewogen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stolper, Erik; Legemaate, Johan; Dinant, Geert Jan


    The sense that 'something does not fit it', which is a form of gut feelings, is frequently mentioned in judgements made by medical disciplinary tribunals as reported in the Dutch medical journal Medisch Contact. Since judgements made by these tribunals are regarded as setting the standard for good

  13. Nous horitzons. La impugnació de la Sentència: vies, òrgans i procediments - Nuevos horizontes. La impugnación de la Sentencia: vías, órganos y procedimientos

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    Argelia Queralt


    Full Text Available La impugnació de la Sentència: possibilitats d’accés al Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans (469-472Antoni Bayona RocamoraLa impugnación de la Sentencia: posibilidades de acceso al Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (475-478Antoni Bayona Rocamora

  14. 48 CFR 6.302-3 - Industrial mobilization; engineering, developmental, or research capability; or expert services. (United States)


    ... investigative findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature; or (iii) Contract for supplies or..., administrative tribunal, or agency, whether or not the expert is expected to testify. Examples of such services... litigation before any court, administrative tribunal, or agency, or (B) Participating in any part of an...

  15. O tribunal televisivo

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    Muniz Sodré


    Full Text Available This text discusses some aspects of the contemporary crisis of the subject of rights and the way Brazilian television changes it into grotesque shows as well as the transformation of the emotional environment in squares and popular fairs into media shows. It also discusses how broadcast TV produces a particular serniosis out of material and psychological problems pertaining to urban lower classes.


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    Tatyana P. Lomakina


    Full Text Available During the past two years (2016–2017, the mass media was engaged in tense discussion about the status and flow of funds within the two reserves – the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation and the National Welfare Fund. The Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation aroused especial worries among the experts. Its funds rapidly declined and by December 2017 they were fully used to cover the deficit of the domestic budget. In accordance with the law “On Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in the Use of Oil and Gas Revenues of the Federal Budget,” from February 1, 2018, the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation will cease to exist. For financial theory, this fact can serve as an illustration of the process of forming the foundations of budgetary financial security, their change over time, circumstances and options the government can take to modify them. At the same time, there are other types of financial resources within the federal budget. Their diversity necessitates their classification in order to identify groups and types with similar characteristics. However, in financial theory, many types of reserves are not described in detail, and some are not described at all. This article introduces the concepts of “perfect” and “imperfect” reserves, for their characterization as part of the federal budget. The Russian Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund (Sovereign Funds are the examples of perfect financial reserves. Imperfect reserves comprise a large group of reserve funds that are included in the federal budget, for example, the Reserve Fund of the President of the Russian Federation and the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the prevention and control of emergencies and impact of natural disasters. The introduction of new typological features largely clarifies the situation with increased attention to one type of reserves

  17. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (United States)

    National Archives and Records Administration — The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive...

  18. Nuclear supervision - Administration by the federal states on behalf of the Federal Government or direct federal administration for optimum achievement; Atomaufsicht - Bundesautragsverwaltung oder Bundeseigenverwaltung aus der Sicht optimaler Aufgabenerfuellung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Renneberg, W. [Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)


    One year ago, Federal Minister for the Environment Juergen Trittin expressed doubt about the long-term viability of the federal states' acting on behalf of the federal government in the field of atomic energy law administration. An alternative to this type of administration was mentioned, namely direct execution by the feral government, and a thorough examination was announced. This was to show which type of administration would achieve maximum safety for the residual operating lives of nuclear power plants. Kienbaum Management Consultants were commissioned to evaluate the current status and potential alternative structures. That study was performed within the framework of one of the key projects in reactor safety of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), namely the reform of nuclear administration. Further steps to be taken by the BMU by the end of this parliamentary term are presented. The federal state are to be approached in an attempt to conduct an unbiased discussion of the pros and cons of the alternatives to administration by the federal states on behalf of the federal government. Questions will be clarified which need to be examined in depth before direct administration by the federal government can be introduced. These include constitutional matters and matters of costing in financing the higher-level federal authority as well as specific questions about the organization of that authority. The purpose is to elaborate, by the end of this parliamentary term, a workable concept of introducing direct federal administration of nuclear safety. (orig.)

  19. 48 CFR Appendix - Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Index (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Index Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CONTRACT... (IFMS) Contract clause. FAR Index Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Index Editorial Note: This...

  20. The Domino Effects of Federal Research Funding. (United States)

    Lanahan, Lauren; Graddy-Reed, Alexandra; Feldman, Maryann P


    The extent to which federal investment in research crowds out or decreases incentives for investment from other funding sources remains an open question. Scholarship on research funding has focused on the relationship between federal and industry or, more comprehensively, non-federal funding without disentangling the other sources of research support that include nonprofit organizations and state and local governments. This paper extends our understanding of academic research support by considering the relationships between federal and non-federal funding sources provided by the National Science Foundation Higher Education Research and Development Survey. We examine whether federal research investment serves as a complement or substitute for state and local government, nonprofit, and industry research investment using the population of research-active academic science fields at U.S. doctoral granting institutions. We use a system of two equations that instruments with prior levels of both federal and non-federal funding sources and accounts for time-invariant academic institution-field effects through first differencing. We estimate that a 1% increase in federal research funding is associated with a 0.411% increase in nonprofit research funding, a 0.217% increase in state and local research funding, and a 0.468% increase in industry research funding, respectively. Results indicate that federal funding plays a fundamental role in inducing complementary investments from other funding sources, with impacts varying across academic division, research capacity, and institutional control.

  1. Campylobacter Antimicrobial Resistance in Peru: A Ten-year Observational Study (United States)


    Laboratorio Gastrolab, Lima, Peru 9 Hospital Apoyo de Iquitos, Iquitos, Peru 10 Hospital Regional, Iquitos, Peru 11 Facultad de Medicina ...index.html:  [cited 2012 May 10]. 40. El Peruano – Normas Legales . Decreto Supremo Nº 015-98-AG: Reglamento de Registro, Control y Comercialización

  2. Federal Aid and State Library Agencies. (United States)

    Shavit, David


    Considers role of states as middlemen between federal government and local public libraries in administration of Library Services and Construction Act funds. An audit of Illinois state library agencies, 1970 federal mandates, state control of federal funds, and state library agencies' use of funds are discussed. Eight references are cited. (EJS)

  3. What the Rule of Law Should Mean in Civics Education: From the "Following Orders" Defence to the Classroom (United States)

    Minow, Martha


    Sixty years after the International Military Tribunal opened in Nuremberg to try "major war criminals", how should soldiers learn not to follow clearly illegal or unconscionable orders? Following the Charter of the International Military Tribunal, judges during the Nuremberg Trials rejected defendants' efforts to avoid punishment on the basis of…

  4. An Old Problem with New Directions: Maori Language Revitalisation and the Policy Ideas of Youth (United States)

    Albury, Nathan John


    Legislative changes are afoot in New Zealand that are formalising an ideological shift in policy that decreasingly positions the Maori language a matter of interethnic national identity but increasingly as one for Maori self-determination. The Waitangi Tribunal (WAI262, Waitangi Tribunal, 2011) established that, from here on, Maori language policy…


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 7, 1991 ... Tribunal3 (the SADC Tribunal), the Economic Community of West ... understand why I spent a lot of time in the study room at home ... Viljoen International Human Rights Law 488, 495-496. 3 .... The constitution or treaty establishing an international organisation indicates the ...... World Trade Appellate Body.

  6. No longer in suspense: Clarifying the human rights jurisdiction of the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Unfortunately, the same judgment resulted in the suspension of the SADC Tribunal in 2010 because it had purportedly acted beyond its mandate when it adjudicated over a case concerning a human rights dispute. This article investigates whether the SADC Tribunal had jurisdiction to deal with cases involving allegations of ...

  7. 2010 Northwest Federal Market Assessment Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scanlon, Tim; Sandusky, William F.


    The primary intent of this market assessment is to provide insights on the effectiveness of current energy efficiency and renewable energy program offerings available to Federal sites in the region. The level of detail, quality and currency of the data used in this market assessment varies significantly by Federal agency and energy efficiency service provider. Limited access to some Federal sites, limited availability of key points of contact, time/resource constraints, and other considerations limited the total number of Federal agencies and energy efficiency service providers participating in the survey.

  8. 41 CFR 102-74.185 - What heating and cooling policy must Federal agencies follow in Federal facilities? (United States)


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What heating and cooling... heating and cooling policy must Federal agencies follow in Federal facilities? Within the limitations of the building systems, Federal agencies must— (a) Operate heating and cooling systems in the most...

  9. 40 CFR 58.60 - Federal monitoring. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Federal monitoring. 58.60 Section 58.60... QUALITY SURVEILLANCE Federal Monitoring § 58.60 Federal monitoring. The Administrator may locate and operate an ambient air monitoring site if the State or local agency fails to locate, or schedule to be...

  10. Russian Federation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the Russian Federation (RF), management of radioactive wastes will be carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program for management of radioactive wastes and used nuclear materials for the period 1996-2005. The agency within the RF responsible for this program is the Ministry of Russian Federation on Atomic Energy. Current radioactive waste disposal activities are focused on creating regional repositories for wastes generated by radiochemical production, nuclear reactors, science centers, and from other sources outside of the nuclear-fuel cycle (the latter wastes are managed by Scientific and Industrial Association, 'RADON'). Wastes of these types are in temporary storage, with the exception of non-fuel cycle wastes which are in long term storage managed by SAI 'RADON'. The criteria for segregating between underground or near-surface disposal of radioactive waste are based on the radiation fields and radionuclide composition of the wastes. The most progress in creating regional repositories has been made in the Northwest region of Russia. However, development of a detailed design has begun for a test facility in the Northeast for disposal of radioactive wastes generated in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk provinces. The feasibility study for construction of this facility is being evaluated by state monitoring organizations, the heads of administrations of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk provinces, and Minatom of Russia

  11. El conocimiento jurídico. Una propuesta tecnológica para su gestión (Legal knowledge. A technological proposal for its management

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    Berenice Guevara Delgado


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente trabajo fue realizado en respuesta a una línea de investigación de un proyecto del Centro de Gobierno Electrónico (CEGEL, en la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas, adscripto al programa ramal de investigación vigente en el Ministerio de Justicia en Cuba. Para la realización de la propuesta, una tecnología informática que permita gestionar el conocimiento jurídico contenido en los documentos que se digitalizan en el marco del proyecto informático “Tribunales Populares Cubanos”, se identificó como ciencia a estudiar la Informática Jurídica Documental. A partir de las búsquedas de información relevantes para la organización (Tribunal Supremo Popular, sobre los documentos que digitaliza el proyecto informático, se observó la necesidad de usar los lenguajes documentales, y su vinculación al diseño de sistemas informáticos para el tratamiento digital de la información judicial. La tecnología de apoyo a la gestión del conocimiento, se concreta en una arquitectura informática que vincula las ontologías a su diseño. Además, se destaca el papel de las ontologías como lenguaje documental desde la ciencia de la documentación, y como herramienta desde la ciencia de la información. Con la finalidad de analizar y describir información desde los documentos jurídicos digitales, para representar el conocimiento presente en los mismos. Abstract This study has been developed as part of a research project at the Centre of Electronic Government (CEGEL, at the University of Information Systems, affiliated to the current research program branch of the Ministry of Justice in Cuba. In order to develop this proposal, a technology management program enabling legal knowledge contained in scanned documents under the computer project "Cuban Popular Tribunals" was identified as a science to study Documentary Legal Informatics. Based on searching relevant information for the organization (SPC on documents previously

  12. Derechos en serio, recurso de amparo, reordenación de lagarantía judicial y reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial = Taking rights seriously, the amparo appeal rearrangement and the reform of the Organic Law of the Judicial Branch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Tenorio


    Full Text Available Con ocasión de comentar la regulación de la protección de los derechos fundamentales la Propuesta de reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial elaborada por la Comisión institucional creada por Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 2 marzo 2012, Propuesta hecha pública en febrero de 2013, se repasan las cuestiones que plantea en la actualidad la ordenación procesal de los referidos derechos en España. Las dos reformas que presenta la Propuesta en el ámbito que interesa son: el establecimiento de un procedimiento para garantizar la ejecución de las Sentencias TEDH en España y la desaparición de un mecanismo procesal que se había establecido en 2007 («nulidad de actuaciones ». Lo primero se valora positivamente, si bien se señala que acaso haya que reformar también la Ley Orgánica del Tribunal Constitucional (LOTC. Lo segundo también se valora favorablemente, pero se considera que exige establecer algunas garantías adicionales más efectivas, como serían Salas especializadas en los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia y una Sala del mismo carácter en el Tribunal Supremo. También se recomienda que se aplique más literalmente el requisito que establece la LOTC de invocar el derecho fundamental tan pronto como el mismo es vulnerado, pues ello a la larga mejoraría el conocimiento de los derechos. In this paper, while discussing the regulation of fundamental rights in the Proposal of Ammendment of the Judicial Branch Act, drafted by the Institutional Committee established by resolution of the Council of Ministers of March 2, 2012, Proposal issued in February 2013, we review the issues raised in the field of the procedural management of fundamental rights in Spain. The two proposed reforms in the area of our interest are: the establishment of a procedure to guarantee the effectiveness of the European Court Judgments in Spain and the disappearance of a procedural mechanism that was established in 2007 («nulidad de actuaciones


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    Xavier Arbós Marín


    Full Text Available This article is a revised analysis ofthe work by Lazar, Telford andWatts (2003 The Impact of Globaland Regional Integration on FederalSystems. A ComparativeAnalysis, Harvey Lazar, HamishTelford and Ronald L. Watts (eds.:The Impact of Global and RegionalIntegration on Federal Systems.A Comparative Analysis,Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003.The article’s starting point is thebook’s mainthesis, that is, an analysisof the consequences that suchdifferent integration processescan have both on the institutionalstructures and on the collectiveidentities of federal systems; inthis sense and in the light of thesechanging pressures on the natureof federalism, the article raises aquestion: to what extent federalismand federal arrangementswould remain a reference for carryingout institutional reforms aswell as for a politically and sociallypracticable system.

  14. Comparing Non-Medical Sex Selection and Saviour Sibling Selection in the Case of JS and LS v Patient Review Panel: Beyond the Welfare of the Child? (United States)

    Smith, Malcolm K; Taylor-Sands, Michelle


    The national ethical guidelines relevant to assisted reproductive technology (ART) have recently been reviewed by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The review process paid particular attention to the issue of non-medical sex selection, although ultimately, the updated ethical guidelines maintain the pre-consultation position of a prohibition on non-medical sex selection. Whilst this recent review process provided a public forum for debate and discussion of this ethically contentious issue, the Victorian case of JS and LS v Patient Review Panel (Health and Privacy) [2011] VCAT 856 provides a rare instance where the prohibition on non-medical sex selection has been explored by a court or tribunal in Australia. This paper analyses the reasoning in that decision, focusing specifically on how the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal applied the statutory framework relevant to ART and its comparison to other uses of embryo selection technologies. The Tribunal relied heavily upon the welfare-of-the-child principle under the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (Vic). The Tribunal also compared non-medical sex selection with saviour sibling selection (that is, where a child is purposely conceived as a matched tissue donor for an existing child of the family). Our analysis leads us to conclude that the Tribunal's reasoning fails to adequately justify the denial of the applicants' request to utilize ART services to select the sex of their prospective child.

  15. Evaluation of Potential Locations for Siting Small Modular Reactors near Federal Energy Clusters to Support Federal Clean Energy Goals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belles, Randy J. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Omitaomu, Olufemi A. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Geographic information systems (GIS) technology was applied to analyze federal energy demand across the contiguous US. Several federal energy clusters were previously identified, including Hampton Roads, Virginia, which was subsequently studied in detail. This study provides an analysis of three additional diverse federal energy clusters. The analysis shows that there are potential sites in various federal energy clusters that could be evaluated further for placement of an integral pressurized-water reactor (iPWR) to support meeting federal clean energy goals.

  16. Convention on the establishment of a security control in the field of nuclear energy. Protocol on the tribunal established by the convention on the establishment of a security control in the field of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The governments of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey, having resolved to promote the development of the production and uses of nuclear energy in the Member countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation between these countries and the harmonisation of national measures; considering that the joint action undertaken to this end in the Organisation is intended to develop the European nuclear industry for purely peaceful ends and must not further any military purpose; considering that at its meeting of' 18 July, 1956, the Council of the Organisation decided to establish to this effect an international security control; considering that by a Decision dated this day the Council has established, within the Organisation, a European Nuclear Energy Agency with the task of pursuing the joint action undertaken; have agreed the present convention. The governments party to the Convention, desirous of determining in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention the organisation of the Tribunal established by the said Article and the status of its judges; have agreed upon the provisions which are annexed to the Convention

  17. Libertad de expresión y el caso del lenguaje del odio. Una aproximación desde la perspectiva norteamericana y la perspectiva alemana

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    Oscar Pérez de la Fuente


    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo analiza las concepciones sobre la libertad de expresión en el caso del lenguaje del odio, centrándose en algunos aspectos de la perspectiva norteamericana y en algunos aspectos de la perspectiva alemana. El primer modelo está basado en la libertad negativa y se corresponde con la visión del mercado de las ideas que ha elaborado la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema norteamericana. Este Tribunal ha otorgado una papel prioritario a la libertad de expresión, que debería limitarse sólo en casos de un peligro claro y presente o amenaza de desordenes públicos. El segundo modelo, centrado en la libertad positiva, otorga un papel prioritario a la dignidad humana frente a la libertad de expresión. El Tribunal Constitucional Federal alemán ha considerado que en el conflicto de derechos fundamentales debe establecerse una ponderación según las circunstancias de caso concreto. Abstract This article analyzes the conceptions on freedom of expression in the case of hate speech, focusing in some aspects of the North American perspective and in some aspects of the German perspective. The first model is based on negative freedom and it corresponds with the vision of marketplace of ideas that has elaborated the jurisprudence of the North American Supreme Court. This Court has given a priority role to the free speech that only must be limited in cases of clear and present danger or a threat of the breach of the peace. The second model is focused in the positive freedom, it gives a priority role to the human dignity in front of free speech. The Federal Constitutional Court has established that the conflict between fundamental rights must be considered according to the circumstances of the specific case. 

  18. Federal databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welch, M.J.; Welles, B.W.


    Accident statistics on all modes of transportation are available as risk assessment analytical tools through several federal agencies. This paper reports on the examination of the accident databases by personal contact with the federal staff responsible for administration of the database programs. This activity, sponsored by the Department of Energy through Sandia National Laboratories, is an overview of the national accident data on highway, rail, air, and marine shipping. For each mode, the definition or reporting requirements of an accident are determined and the method of entering the accident data into the database is established. Availability of the database to others, ease of access, costs, and who to contact were prime questions to each of the database program managers. Additionally, how the agency uses the accident data was of major interest

  19. Health Care in the Russian Federation. (United States)

    Younger, David S


    The Russian Federation health system has its roots in the country's complex political history. The Ministry of Health and Social Development and its associated federal services are the principal Russian institutions subserving the Russian Federation. Funding for the health system goes through 2 channels: the general revenue budget managed by federal, regional, and local health authorities, and the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund. Although the Soviet Union was the first country in the world to guarantee free medical care as a constitutional right to all its citizens, quality and accessibility are in question. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Federal Lands (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This map layer consists of federally owned or administered lands of theUnited States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Only areas of 640 acres or more are...

  1. Environmental policy in the 8th Deutscher Bundestag (Federal Parliament) and Bundesrat (Federal Council) (1976-1980)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This description of environmental policy is the follow-up to Vol 49 of the ''Materialien'' (material) (Environmental policy in the 7th Federal Parliament). It also covers the main dealings in the Bundesrat (Federal Council). References to terms especially when speeches are quoted, are related to the subject index of the ''Verhandlungen des Dt. Bundestages und Bundesrates'' (''Negotiations of the German Federal Parliament and Federal Council) which are the basis for the booklet mentioned above. Contents: general fundamentals, aspects of structural policy, scientific, technical and organisational fundamentals; international and bilateral cooperation, emission control, waste management, environmental chemicals, protection of nature and landscape, coastal and deep sea waters, nuclear energy. (orig./HP) [de

  2. Federal supervisory powers in administrative action on behalf of the Federal Government. Bundesaufsicht in der Bundesauftragsverwaltung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tschentscher, T


    The Federal Government's authority to give instructions in matters of public administration pursuant to Art. 85 III GG has been gaining in significance over the last few years in the course of federal disputes about the licenses issued to the NUKEM company under atomic energy law, or about the licensing of the Kalkar fast breeder reactor. Proceeding from the above federal controversy about issues relating to atomic energy law, the author extends his study to the general constitutional level, investigating the provisions of the German constitution relating to the supervisory power and the authority to give instructions on the part of the Federal Government, and the rights and means of the Laender governments to defend their administrative rights. (orig.).

  3. El régimen disciplinario de la Guardia Civil y su compatibilidad con el Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos: a propósito de la Sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en el caso Dacosta Silva v. España

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    Nicolás Pérez Sola


    Full Text Available La resolución por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (en adelante TEDH del Caso Dacosta Silva con la condena al Reino de España ha puesto en evidencia la posible inadecuación de un sector de nuestro ordenamiento a las exigencias del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos (en adelante CEDH. En efecto, la Sentencia recaída en el Caso Dacosta Silva(en adelante STEDH nos sitúa ante la compatibilidad del ordenamiento disciplinario de la Guardia Civil con las exigencias derivadas del CEDH sobre el control judicial de la privación de la libertad, así como con el alcance efectivo de las reservas formuladas por el Estado español a los artículos 5 y 6 del CEDH. Al objeto de concretar el ámbito en el que se sitúa ante la jurisdicción nacional el Caso Dacosta Silva hemos de precisar que viene referido a la procedencia de la presentación de una solicitud de habeas corpus ante la jurisdicción castrense por la imposición de sanción privativa de libertad a un miembro de la Guardia Civil por sus superiores. Se hace necesario por tanto concretar el alcance de la STEDH en orden a determinar la legalidad de las sanciones disciplinarias que llevan aparejada la privación de libertad en el ámbito de la Guardia Civil. Para ello habrá que realizar el análisis de la especial incidencia del procedimiento de habeas corpus en el régimen disciplinario de la Guardia Civil, a tenor de las reiteradas ocasiones en las que miembros de la Benemérita han impetrado la intervención del juez ante la imposición por sus superiores de sanciones disciplinarias que han conllevado la privación de libertad. Con anterioridad al Caso Dacosta Silva ya había sido objeto de cuestionamiento ante la jurisdicción ordinaria y ante el propio Tribunal Constitucional el régimen disciplinario de la Guardia Civil con especial referencia a la calificación del arresto domiciliario, no como una mera restricción de libertad, sino como una auténtica privación de la misma. Por

  4. Federalism and Health Care

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    G. Alan Tarr


    Full Text Available President Barack Obama proposed a major overhaul of the American healthsystem, and in 2010 the U.S. Congress enacted his proposal, the PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act. Opponents of the Act challenged itsconstitutionality in federal court, claiming that it exceeds the powers grantedto the federal government under the Commerce Clause and the NecessaryProper Clause of the federal Constitution. Some courts have upheldthe law, but others have agreed with the critics, in particular ruling thatthe provision requiring citizens to buy health insurance is unconstitutional.Eventually the U.S. Supreme Court will rule on the issue. This article tracesthe controversy, surveys the interpretation of pertinent constitutional provisionsin past cases, analyzes the constitutional arguments presented byproponents and opponents of the Act, and concludes that the Act is constitutional.

  5. Environmental federalism and US climate change policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaeger, L.M.


    Environmental disputes involving states over the proper state and federal roles have grown in number and magnitude over the last several years, with many disputes engaging dozens of states. States with competing views are fully engaged in the ongoing debate over climate change, a textbook case for testing the contours of environmental federalism. The issue has all the necessary components: transboundary environmental impacts; competing state economic and environmental interests; state self-interest; disagreement on first principles including what is the proper role of the states; and a somewhat ill-defined federal role. With those qualities, one would expect the federal government to step in and regulate. Instead, the federal government has declined to regulate, inviting a national discourse on whether and how to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As of Spring 2004, twenty-eight states have launched or are planning initiatives, some of which will directly regulate sources of GHG emissions. As these programs take root, pressure will build for a greater federal role. This paper will advance the position that even with this building momentum, the federal government is not likely to emulate state programs that mandate CO 2 emission reductions. In the face of high national cost, uncertain environmental benefits, and a history of federal non-regulatory action, federal regulation at this time appears to be a remote possibility. State efforts to address global climate change add value to the debate, but they do not create the cocoon of consensus the federal government seeks before launching mandatory programs of this magnitude. The more likely scenario is that the federal government will continue on its present course, funding research and development, investing in energy efficient technologies, and supporting voluntary measures. Under this scenario, states and the private sector would continue to function as the 'laboratories' to develop new ideas to improve energy

  6. Empire vs. Federation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gravier, Magali


    The article discusses the concepts of federation and empire in the context of the European Union (EU). Even if these two concepts are not usually contrasted to one another, the article shows that they refer to related type of polities. Furthermore, they can be used at a time because they shed light...... on different and complementary aspects of the European integration process. The article concludes that the EU is at the crossroads between federation and empire and may remain an ‘imperial federation’ for several decades. This could mean that the EU is on the verge of transforming itself to another type...

  7. 77 FR 40358 - Federal Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2012-03; Redesignations of Federal Buildings... (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2012-03; Redesignations of Federal Buildings: Correction AGENCY: Public Buildings Service (PBS), General Services Administration (GSA). ACTION: Notice of a bulletin..., 2012, a bulletin announcing the designation and redesignation of three Federal buildings. Inadvertently...

  8. 77 FR 35393 - Federal Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2012-03; Redesignations of Federal Buildings (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2012-03; Redesignations of Federal Buildings AGENCY: Public Buildings... bulletin announces the designation and redesignation of three Federal buildings. Expiration Date: This bulletin announcement expires October 31, 2012. The building designation and redesignations remains in...



    GÓES, Maurício de Carvalho; UNISINOS/RS Faculdade IDC – Instituto de Desenvolvimento Cultural. PUC/RS.; BUBLITZ, Michelle Dias; Universidade Luterana do Brasil – ULBRA – campus Canoas/RS.


    Nos termos do artigo 7º, inciso XXI, da Constituição Federal de 1988, o aviso prévio será proporcional ao tempo de serviço, sendo de, no mínimo, 30 dias, nos termos da lei. Tal dispositivo revogou o inciso I do artigo 487 da CLT, que previa o aviso prévio de 8 dias ao trabalhador. Portanto, ao empregado, o aviso prévio não será inferior a 30 dias. Veja-se que, nos termos da Orientação Jurisprudencial 84 da SDI-1 do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, a proporcionalidade do aviso prévio, com base n...


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    Jéssika Larissa dos Santos Moreira


    Full Text Available A ação penal contra Sebastião Rodrigues de Moura, o Major Curió, é a primeira iniciativa brasileira de responsabilização criminal de agentes da Ditadura civil-militar (1964-1985. Figura emblemática da repressão naquele período autoritário, mantendo-se atuante na redemocratização, é apontado como responsável pelo desaparecimento de militantes políticos, até hoje não localizados, durante a Guerrilha do Araguaia (1972-1975. Assim, o Ministério Público Federal tipificou sua conduta no art. 148, § 2º, do Código Penal, sequestro qualificado. Atualmente a ação encontra-se trancada por acórdão do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região, evidenciando limitações e desafios da Justiça de Transição brasileira.

  11. Integrated vs. Federated Search

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løvschall, Kasper


    Oplæg om forskelle og ligheder mellem integrated og federated search i bibliotekskontekst. Holdt ved temadag om "Integrated Search - samsøgning i alle kilder" på Danmarks Biblioteksskole den 22. januar 2009.......Oplæg om forskelle og ligheder mellem integrated og federated search i bibliotekskontekst. Holdt ved temadag om "Integrated Search - samsøgning i alle kilder" på Danmarks Biblioteksskole den 22. januar 2009....

  12. 77 FR 58819 - Notice of Submission for OMB Review; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Notice of Submission for OMB Review; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford... William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program will use this form to request forbearance on their loans when... of Collection: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program General Forbearance Request. OMB Control...

  13. Experiences that Count: A Comparative Study of the ICTY and SCSL in Shaping the Image of Justice

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    Kristin Xueqin Wu


    Full Text Available The legitimacy of international criminal trials is not automatic: it is conditional upon endorsement by local communities. If the very communities involved do not 'feel' a sense of justice, these trials would not only contribute little to the post-conflict peace process, but also create a backlash against these international courts and tribunals, tarnishing the image of international criminal justice. Despite its critical importance, this image management process is still at the stage of trial and error. The first outreach programme, established by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY, has been fighting a losing battle against the Tribunal's poor image in the former Yugoslavia region. In contrast, the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL has been highly praised for promoting a holistic experience of 'just'. What causes these differences, and what could be learnt from them? After comparing the various undertakings by these two ad-hoc tribunals - in terms of outreach strategies, press strategies and resource management - this paper draws three lessons for the permanent International Criminal Court (ICC: gaining acceptance, smoothing communication and boosting judicial efficiency.

  14. Rethinking Federalism for More Effective Governance


    Alice M. Rivlin


    For common reasons the federal government and most state governments face rising structural deficits even as the economy recovers. An aging population requires retirement income and increasingly expensive health care, while a prosperous economy requires public investment in skills, technology, and infrastructure. However, stressed federal and state tax systems are increasingly inadequate. The author revisits proposals, made twenty years ago, for substantial changes in fiscal federalism design...

  15. Fiscal Federalism in Monetary Unions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dreyer, Johannes Kabderian; A. Schmid, Peter


    Net fiscal transfers are commonly seen as a possible means to ensure the wellfunctioning of a currency area. We show that U.S. net fiscal transfers, measured as the difference between gross federal revenues and federal expenditures per state, are enormous. Moreover, we run panel regressions...... a system of fiscal federalism which raises the question whether it should be established in the medium- and long-run. If so, which should be the magnitude of net fiscal transfers? We calculate these transfers hypothetically for 1999-2010, using a relative volume comparable to the one in the USA....

  16. Trying Hissene Habre On Behalf of Africa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlson, Kerstin


    International criminal law is experiencing a time of uncertainty and flux. There is increasing doubt surrounding where the international criminal justice project is heading. The contributions in this multi-disciplinary volume take stock of the situation and explore ways in which the validity of i...... law; improving certain processes and procedures of international criminal tribunals; improving relationships between international criminal tribunals and other organisations; and building trust between international criminal tribunals and African states.......International criminal law is experiencing a time of uncertainty and flux. There is increasing doubt surrounding where the international criminal justice project is heading. The contributions in this multi-disciplinary volume take stock of the situation and explore ways in which the validity...

  17. Will the judgment in the Hague trial constitute a precedent in international law

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    Bojanić Petar


    Full Text Available On the great crime (mala in se; scelus infandum and sovereignty In this text we are attempting to think the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia together, and always with its necessary connection to the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court. By paraphrasing the title of another work, the long forgotten Hans Kelsen text from 1947 (today usually used by detractors of the Tribunal "Will the Judgment in the Nuremberg Trial constitute a Precedent in International Law?", I wish to distinguish between the two Tribunals (as well as The Treaty of Versaille,and in so doing treat international law as legislative history or judicial precedents (and their recognition.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    between the central government and the regional or state governments and the ... government within a federation has its defined duties and it is confined to ...... Osadolor, O.B., 'The Development of the Federal Idea and the Federal. Framework ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valdir Valdivino Cotrim Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar o nível de alinhamento entre importância e domínio de competências gerenciais, segundo a ótica de gerentes do nível operacional em um órgão da Administração Pública Federal do Brasil. Com base Borges-Andrade e Lima (1983, buscaram-se examinar quais competências os gerentes desse órgão consideram como mais importantes ao seu desempenho e qual o nível de domínio que julgam possuir sobre tais competências. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de natureza descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa e a coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário on line. O instrumento de pesquisa foi construído a partir da adaptação do modelo de competências gerenciais do Tribunal de Contas da União – TCU e conteve 20 descritores de competências. De 296 questionários distribuídos, retornaram 183 (61%. Os resultados obtidos a partir do cálculo de gaps de competências mostraram que os gerentes possuem domínio mediano em relação às competências requeridas para o desempenho de seu papel ocupacional. Deste modo, as competências dos gerentes estão parcialmente alinhadas com aquelas necessárias ao desempenho da atividade gerencial. Diante disto, recomenda-se à organização que envide esforços no sentido de promover ações de capacitação para suprir as lacunas de competências do corpo gerencial.

  20. CMS Use of a Data Federation

    CERN Document Server

    Bloom, Kenneth Arthur


    CMS is in the process of deploying an Xrootd based infrastructure to facilitate a global data federation. The services of the federation are available to export data from half the physical capacity and the majority of sites are configured to read data over the federation as a back-up. CMS began with a relatively modest set of use-cases for recovery of failed local file opens, debugging and visualization. CMS is finding that the data federation can be used to support small scale analysis and load balancing. Looking forward we see potential in using the federation to provide more flexibility in the location workflows are executed as the differenced between local access and wide area access are diminished by optimization and improved networking. In this presentation we will discuss the application development work and the facility deployment work, the use-cases currently in production, and the potential for the technology moving forward.

  1. 78 FR 53433 - Annual Notice of Interest Rates of Federal Student Loans Made Under the Federal Family Education... (United States)


    ... Notice of Interest Rates of Federal Student Loans Made Under the Federal Family Education Loan Program... Federal Student Aid announces the interest rates for the period July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014, for..., 2010. The Chief Operating Officer takes this action to give notice of FFEL Program loan interest rates...

  2. Federal Energy Efficiency through Utility Partnerships: Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Program Overview Fact Sheet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beattie, D.; Wolfson, M.


    This Utility Program Overview describes how the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) utility program assists Federal energy managers. The document identifies both a utility financing mechanism and FEMP technical assistance available to support agencies' implementation of energy and water efficiency methods and renewable energy projects

  3. Two Case Histories, Ishbel Ross and Emma Bugbee: Women Journalists Ride the Rail with the Suffragettes. (United States)

    Merrick, Beverly G.

    The rise to prominence of the women's suffrage movement in the World War I years brought women reporters into U.S. newsrooms for the first time. In 1911 Emma Bugbee became the first woman hired as a "hard" news reporter for the "New York Tribune" (later the "Herald Tribune"). Ishbel Ross, author of "Ladies of the…

  4. Environmental federalism and US climate change policy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaeger, L.M. [Bracewell and Patterson, LLP (United States)


    Environmental disputes involving states over the proper state and federal roles have grown in number and magnitude over the last several years, with many disputes engaging dozens of states. States with competing views are fully engaged in the ongoing debate over climate change, a textbook case for testing the contours of environmental federalism. The issue has all the necessary components: transboundary environmental impacts; competing state economic and environmental interests; state self-interest; disagreement on first principles including what is the proper role of the states; and a somewhat ill-defined federal role. With those qualities, one would expect the federal government to step in and regulate. Instead, the federal government has declined to regulate, inviting a national discourse on whether and how to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As of Spring 2004, twenty-eight states have launched or are planning initiatives, some of which will directly regulate sources of GHG emissions. As these programs take root, pressure will build for a greater federal role. This paper will advance the position that even with this building momentum, the federal government is not likely to emulate state programs that mandate CO{sub 2} emission reductions. In the face of high national cost, uncertain environmental benefits, and a history of federal non-regulatory action, federal regulation at this time appears to be a remote possibility. State efforts to address global climate change add value to the debate, but they do not create the cocoon of consensus the federal government seeks before launching mandatory programs of this magnitude. The more likely scenario is that the federal government will continue on its present course, funding research and development, investing in energy efficient technologies, and supporting voluntary measures. Under this scenario, states and the private sector would continue to function as the 'laboratories' to develop new ideas to

  5. 78 FR 63143 - VA Dental Insurance Program-Federalism (United States)


    ...--Federalism AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs. ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: The Department of Veterans... that they are submitted in response to ``RIN 2900-AO86-VA Dental Insurance Program-- Federalism... Order 13132, Federalism Section 6(c) of Executive Order 13132 (entitled ``Federalism'') requires an...

  6. 75 FR 55257 - Definition of Federal Election Activity (United States)


    ..., Assistant General Counsel, or Attorney Mr. David C. Adkins or Attorney Mr. Neven F. Stipanovic, 999 E Street... FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION 11 CFR Part 100 [Notice 2010-18] Definition of Federal Election Activity AGENCY: Federal Election Commission. ACTION: Final rules. SUMMARY: The Federal Election Commission...

  7. Enforcement, Integration, and the Future of Immigration Federalism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Rodriguez


    Full Text Available The federal government has a monopoly over the terms of immigration law, and it superintends the nation’s singular immigration enforcement bureaucracy. But our federalism nonetheless provides a vital playing field for sharp debates over the status of immigrants in American life. The forms of state and local involvement in immigration policy are varied, but they fall into two basic categories of mutually dependent and re-enforcing policies: enforcement federalism and integration federalism. Whereas enforcement federalism concerns the extent to which localities should assist or resist federal removal policies, integration federalism encompasses measures designed to assist immigrants, regardless of status, to plant roots and acculturate to life in the United States. Both forms of immigration federalism take shape through a wide variety of intergovernmental relations, not only between the federal government on the one hand and states and localities on the other, but also between states and the cities within them — an increasingly important dimension of immigration federalism today. These relations have important legal characteristics, and constitutional and statutory law bring them into being and mediate them. But the nature of any given intergovernmental dynamic will be shaped just as much by a combination of ideology and institutional imperatives. These elements can either unite the center and the periphery in common cause or produce the sort of conflict that has made immigration federalism a high-profile issue for decades. Given the density of the intergovernmental dynamics that shape the country’s immigration policy, developing a comprehensive strategy for immigration federalism requires more than a predilection toward or away from centralization of government authority. It requires a clear view on the appropriate metes and bounds of immigration enforcement, as well as a set of beliefs about the proper place in the social order of

  8. Nuclear waste management: a challenge to Federalism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucas, P.


    The controversy over state/Federal authority over waste disposal has already had a significant effect regardless of the choice Congress ultimately makes between an informal deference to state will and a statutory authorization of state control over Federal repositories. The highly emotional issue of local disposal of nuclear waste and the assertions of state control over waste disposal have made the nation and the Federal bureaucracy more aware of the status of the waste management program. State resistance to Federal siting efforts and the passage of state waste disposal legislation has compelled the Federal government to provide the states with a larger role in waste management. State power to exclude Federal repositories would give states additional political leverage. Ideally, public attention and effective state veto power will contribute to a more successful program, without impeding progress toward the immediate goal of siting and developing permanent repositories


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    Stephane Silva de Araujo.


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a educação é um direito de todos. Assim, a Lei de Execução Penal Brasileira determina a obrigatoriedade de o Estado garantir este direito também às pessoas privadas de liberdade. A fim de executar a política educacional e providenciar o cumprimento de outros preceitos legais, em 2009, o Sistema Penitenciário Federal lotou Pedagogos com formação de nível superior em seu quadro funcional. Considerando os instrumentos normativos existentes, os mencionados profissionais constituíram parcerias com instituições educacionais para que o direito à educação de qualidade fosse efetivado no interior das Penitenciárias Federais. Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência acerca da Assistência Educacional desenvolvida na Penitenciária Federal em Porto Velho/Rondônia, com alguns dos presos considerados mais perigosos do país. Tem-se como objetivo focalizar a inserção da Educação no interior de uma Penitenciária Federal, através de parcerias que vêm sendo executadas e alcançam atualmente índices diversos das demais prisões brasileiras, proporcionando assim, gradual inserção social dos apenados.In Brazil, education is a right for all. Thus, the Brazilian criminal law determines the obligation of the State to guarantee this right also to people who are deprived of freedom. To implement educational policy and provide compliance with other law principles, in 2009, the Federal Prison System brought educators with top-level training to its staff. Considering the existing rules, the aforementioned professionals formed partnerships with educational institutions so that the right for quality education was guaranteed within Federal Prisons. This article presents an experience report about the work of Educational Assistance developed at the federal prison of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, where some of the inmates are considered the most dangerous in the country. The aim is to focus on the insertion of Education within a

  10. 76 FR 68044 - Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-54; Small Entity Compliance Guide (United States)


    ... Acquisition Circular 2005-54; Small Entity Compliance Guide AGENCY: Department of Defense (DoD), General... Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-54, which amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR... (FAR Case 2009-006) This final rule amends the FAR to implement Executive Order (E.O.) 13494, Economy...

  11. 75 FR 19179 - Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-41; Small Entity Compliance Guide (United States)


    ... Acquisition Circular 2005-41; Small Entity Compliance Guide AGENCIES: Department of Defense (DoD), General... Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-41 which amends the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR... projects where the total cost to the Government is $25 million or more in order to promote economy and...

  12. 76 FR 29147 - Federal Home Loan Bank Investments (United States)


    ...-AA32 Federal Home Loan Bank Investments AGENCY: Federal Housing Finance Agency; Federal Housing Finance...-adopting existing investment regulations that apply to the Federal Home Loan Banks (Banks) and that were...' investment in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and certain asset-backed securities (ABS) that were previously...

  13. Creeping Federalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sweeney, Richard J.


    that make taxharmonization difficult to impose. Other types of harmonization have a less clear-cut costbenefitanalysis. A federal commercial code that is uniform across member states reducestransaction and information costs, compared to leaving important code issues to memberstates; further, many states may...

  14. Federal coal lease readjustments: will reason prevail

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Margolf, C W


    After 1920, when the US Congress passed the Mineral Lands Leasing Act (MLLA), coal owned by the Federal government could only be developed by leasing under the MLLA. Most Federally owned coal is in the west, where the Federal government enjoys a near monopoly in coal ownership and its development. In 1976, congress enacted the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments ACT (FCLAA), over President Ford's veto, in order to: increase rents and royalties on Federal coal leases; force lessees holding Federal coal leases not in production to open mines on the non-producing leases; and end 'speculation' in Federal coal leases. The book maintains that in passing the FCLAA, Congress did not understand the western coal industry, and neither did the Department of the Interior (DOI) in concluding that Congress had mandated that the FCLAA must be applied to pre-FCLAA leases, even those in production, when such leases are readjusted. In the resulting lawsuits, the western coal industry has not been explained to the Federal courts and the decisions regarding the applicability of the FCLAA upon readjustment of pre-FCLAA leases have consequently been wrong. The book examines the record to date and aims to demonstrate the validity of these conclusions. It also describes which actions the DOI should have taken to accomplish the objectives of congress set forth in the FCLAA, to readjust pre-FCLAA leases without litigation.

  15. Executive Order 13514: Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance; Comprehensive Federal Fleet Management Handbook (Book)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daley, R. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Ahdieh, N. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Bentley, J. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    A comprehensive Federal Fleet Management Handbook that builds upon the "Guidance for Federal Agencies on E.O. 13514 Section 12-Federal Fleet Management" and provides information to help fleet managers select optimal greenhouse gas and petroleum reduction strategies for each location, meeting or exceeding related fleet requirements, acquiring vehicles to support these strategies while minimizing fleet size and vehicle miles traveled, and refining strategies based on agency performance.

  16. Análise dos indicadores de gestão das IFES e o desempenho discente no ENADE Analyzing management indexes of Federal Universities against students' performance at ENADE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glauber de Castro Barbosa


    Full Text Available Em nível mundial há uma tendência de avaliação do ensino superior, considerando-se aspectos institucionais e de desempenho discente. No Brasil, o tema tem sido debatido há algum tempo com processos concretos de avaliação sendo implantados recentemente. As Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES estão sendo avaliadas por meio de indicadores de gestão propostos pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU. Por outro lado, o desempenho discente de graduandos está sendo avaliado através do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (ENADE. De certa forma, os indicadores de gestão podem ser instrumentos adicionais de apoio para a gestão de IFES. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar possíveis relações entre indicadores de gestão e desempenho discente. Para tanto, pesquisou-se uma amostra de 52 IFES no período de 2006 a 2008. Os resultados indicam que, de fato, alguns indicadores de gestão parecem ser capazes de influenciar o desempenho discente. Este é o caso, por exemplo, do custo por aluno que apresentou um efeito positivo sobre o desempenho dos alunos.There a trend toward the evaluation of higher education in many countries, taking into account institutional management and student performance. In Brazil, the topic has been debated for some time with concrete evaluation experiences recently. Federal Universities (IFES are evaluated through management indexes proposed by TCU (Federal Court of Audit. Meanwhile, students are evaluated by ENADE (National Examination of Student Performance. In a certain way, management indexes may be additional instruments for IFES management. The purpose of this work is analyzing possible relations between management indexes and students' performance at ENADE. We have analyzed a sample of 52 IFES in the period 2006-2008. Results signal that, indeed, some management indexes seem to be able to influence students' performance. This is the case, for example, of the cost by student that has shown a

  17. Deceptive Business Practices: Federal Regulations. (United States)

    Rohrer, Daniel Morgan

    Federal regulations to prevent deceptive advertising seek to balance the advertiser's freedom of speech with protection of the consumer. This paper discusses what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has done to regulate advertising and evaluates the adequacy of its controls. The commission uses cease-and-desist orders, affirmative disclosure,…

  18. Complying with the Federal Facilities Compliance Act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavetto, C.S.; Watmore, A.S.


    The Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCA), signed into law on October 6, 1992, amended the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) to place significant additional environmental compliance responsibilities on federal facilities. The federal government has expressly waived sovereign immunity regarding hazardous waste enforcement action taken against these facilities by the states and the EPA. An exception exists for mixed waste violations. The FFCA defines mixed waste as hazardous waste, as defined by RCRA, combined with source, special nuclear or by-product material that is subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. As the majority owner of mixed waste in the United States, the Department of Energy (DOE) must satisfy several new requirements under the FFCA for their facilities. This paper reviews the FFCA's requirements and how they apply to and may affect the DOE and other federal facilities. Included in the review are responsibilities of federal agencies involved and the role of the EPA and the states. In addition, this paper discusses the intent of the FFCA to encourage development of federal facility agreements (FFA) between federal agencies, the EPA and state environmental regulatory agencies

  19. Credibility and trust in federal facility cleanups

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raynes, D.B.


    The most important indicator of a well-managed site cleanup effort may no longer be funding or scientific expertise. While support for federal facility cleanup has included appropriations of more than $10 billion annually, these expenditures alone are unlikely to assure progress toward environmental remediation. open-quotes Trustclose quotes is now overwhelmingly mentioned as a prerequisite for progress with site cleanup in DOE's weapons complex. In part, federal budget deficits are forcing participants to focus on factors that build consensus and lead to cost-effective cleanup actions. In some cases, the stakeholders at cleanup sites are making efforts to work cooperatively with federal agencies. A report by 40 representatives of federal agencies, tribal and state governments, associations, and others developed recommendations to create a open-quotes new era of trust and consensus-building that allows all parties to get on with the job of cleaning up federal facilities in a manner that reflects the priorities and concerns of all stakeholders.close quotes Changes are underway affecting how federal agencies work with federal and state regulators reflecting this concept of shared responsibility for conducting cleanup. This paper addresses these changes and provides examples of the successes and failures underway

  20. Federal Procurement Data System - FPDS API (United States)

    General Services Administration — The Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Next Generation has been re-engineered as a real-time federal enterprise information system. Web services based on SOAP...

  1. Federal Aircraft Cost and Utilization Data (United States)

    General Services Administration — Federal aviation data is submitted quarterly to the Federal Aviation Interactive Reporting System (FARIS) IT application. This is a GSA system which is a secure,...

  2. National monetary policy by regional design: the evolving role of the Federal Reserve banks in Federal Reserve System policy


    David C. Wheelock


    This paper examines the history of Federal Reserve Bank input into Federal Reserve System monetary policymaking. From the Fed's founding in 1914 through the Great Depression, the Reserve Banks held the balance of power. Dissatisfaction with the Fed's performance, however, led to a wholesale reorganization in 1935 that greatly enhanced the authority of the Federal Reserve Board, but retained a role for the Federal Banks through the membership of their presidents on the FOMC, as well as in sett...

  3. 28 CFR 42.414 - Federal agency staff. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Federal agency staff. 42.414 Section 42.414 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NONDISCRIMINATION; EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY... § 42.414 Federal agency staff. Sufficient personnel shall be assigned by a federal agency to its title...

  4. 3 CFR - Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination (United States)


    .... Promoting Compliance with Existing Law Requiring Federal Workplaces to be Free of Discrimination Based on... 3 The President 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination Presidential Documents Other Presidential Documents Memorandum of June 17, 2009 Federal Benefits and Non-Discrimination...

  5. William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. Final Regulations. Federal Register, Department of Education, 34 CFR Part 685 (United States)

    National Archives and Records Administration, 2014


    The purpose of this regulatory action is to amend the regulations governing the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program (§ 685.200 of title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)). These regulations strengthen and improve administration of the Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program authorized under title IV of the Higher Education…

  6. 75 FR 68534 - Federal Home Loan Bank Liabilities (United States)


    ... combine provisions now found in the Finance Board regulations part 965, Sources of Funds, and part 969... FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD 12 CFR Parts 965, 966, 969, and 987 FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY 12 CFR Part 1270 RIN 2590-AA36 Federal Home Loan Bank Liabilities AGENCY: Federal Housing Finance...

  7. Federal Procurement Data System - FAADS API (United States)

    General Services Administration — The Federal Award Assistance Data System (FAADS) has been re-engineered as a real-time federal enterprise information system. Web services based on SOAP and XML,...

  8. 77 FR 66483 - Public Comment on the Draft Federal Urban Design Element and the Draft Update to the Federal... (United States)


    ... NCPC review required by law. The new Federal Urban Design Element provides policies that will guide the... public comment a draft new Federal Urban Design Element and draft revisions to the Preservation and... Features Element articulates policies that guide federal actions preserving Washington's historic character...

  9. 41 CFR 102-80.45 - What are Federal agencies' responsibilities concerning seismic safety in Federal facilities? (United States)


    ... seismic risks in those buildings. Risks and Risk Reduction Strategies ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What are Federal... Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property Management Regulations System (Continued...

  10. 20 CFR 609.20 - Information to Federal civilian employees. (United States)


    ... UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FOR FEDERAL CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES Responsibilities of Federal Agencies § 609.20 Information to Federal civilian employees. Each Federal agency shall: (a) Furnish information to its employees... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Information to Federal civilian employees...

  11. 1 CFR 11.7 - Federal Register Index. (United States)


    ... 1 General Provisions 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Federal Register Index. 11.7 Section 11.7... REGISTER PUBLICATIONS SUBSCRIPTIONS § 11.7 Federal Register Index. The annual subscription price for the monthly Federal Register Index, purchased separately, in paper form, is $29. The price excludes postage...

  12. Code of Federal Regulations in XML (United States)

    National Archives and Records Administration — The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and...

  13. Report of the Federal Internetworking Requirements Panel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Federal Internetworking Requirements Panel (FIRP) was established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to reassess Federal requirements for open systems networks and to recommend policy on the Government`s use of networking standards. The Panel was chartered to recommend actions which the Federal Government can take to address the short and long-term issues of interworking and convergence of networking protocols--particularly the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) and Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol suite and, when appropriate, proprietary protocols. The Panel was created at the request of the Office of Management and Budget in collaboration with the Federal Networking Council and the Federal Information Resources Management Policy Council. The Panel`s membership and charter are contained in an appendix to this report.

  14. Federation in genomics pipelines: techniques and challenges. (United States)

    Chaterji, Somali; Koo, Jinkyu; Li, Ninghui; Meyer, Folker; Grama, Ananth; Bagchi, Saurabh


    Federation is a popular concept in building distributed cyberinfrastructures, whereby computational resources are provided by multiple organizations through a unified portal, decreasing the complexity of moving data back and forth among multiple organizations. Federation has been used in bioinformatics only to a limited extent, namely, federation of datastores, e.g. SBGrid Consortium for structural biology and Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) for functional genomics. Here, we posit that it is important to federate both computational resources (CPU, GPU, FPGA, etc.) and datastores to support popular bioinformatics portals, with fast-increasing data volumes and increasing processing requirements. A prime example, and one that we discuss here, is in genomics and metagenomics. It is critical that the processing of the data be done without having to transport the data across large network distances. We exemplify our design and development through our experience with metagenomics-RAST (MG-RAST), the most popular metagenomics analysis pipeline. Currently, it is hosted completely at Argonne National Laboratory. However, through a recently started collaborative National Institutes of Health project, we are taking steps toward federating this infrastructure. Being a widely used resource, we have to move toward federation without disrupting 50 K annual users. In this article, we describe the computational tools that will be useful for federating a bioinformatics infrastructure and the open research challenges that we see in federating such infrastructures. It is hoped that our manuscript can serve to spur greater federation of bioinformatics infrastructures by showing the steps involved, and thus, allow them to scale to support larger user bases. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  15. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (United States)

    Public Law 109-282, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 as amended (FFATA), requires disclosure of all entities and organizations receiving Federal funds through a single publicly accessible website.

  16. 34 CFR 682.419 - Guaranty agency Federal Fund. (United States)


    ... deposit into the Federal Fund— (1) All funds, securities, and other liquid assets of the reserve fund that... assets of the Federal Fund and the earnings on those assets are, at all times, the property of the United... earnings on the Federal Fund; (8) Revenue derived from the Federal portion of a nonliquid asset, in...

  17. 23 CFR 710.601 - Federal land transfer. (United States)


    ... FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ENVIRONMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY AND REAL ESTATE Federal Assistance Programs § 710.601 Federal land transfer. (a) The provisions of this... agency will be notified and a right-of-entry requested. The land-owning agency shall have a period of...

  18. EPA perspective on federal facility agreements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grundler, C.


    Although DOE's image with Congress and the media concerning environmental compliance may be poor, EPA sees the Department's recent attitude toward the environment as good. DOE and EPA must continue to move forward. In particular, EPA would like to emphasize less study of a problem and more clean-up. Strong, enforceable agreements will allow this goal to be met by letting EPA take more risks in its decision making. Currently EPA is developing an enforcement strategy for Federal facilities. This strategy will address identifying Federal facilities of concern, increasing enforcement and compliance monitoring activities at those facilities, implementing the model agreements, resource planning, and the establishment of an Agency Management System for Federal facilities. There are over 1000 Federal facilities which are listed on the EPA compliance docket. Over 200 Federal facilities are expected to be included on the NPL. Increased EPA attention may increase the ability of the various Federal agencies to obtain the necessary funding. Another subject being addressed by EPA is the liability of government contractors under the environmental statutes. The Agency is developing a GoCo enforcement strategy. In the hazardous waste enforcement program, three criteria are being considered for determining when to proceed against a contractor: Degree of contractor control over the hazardous waste management activity. Who is actually performing the work, and Degree of Departmental cooperation

  19. El mundo del libro: marzo de 1979

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available Se presentan las reseñas de los siguientes libros: -Arturo Uslar Pietri, Oficio de difuntos -Eduardo Santa, El pastor y las estrellas -Roberto Harker Valdivieso, Autores Santandereanos -Felix Restrepo, El castellano naciente y otros estudios filologicos -Augusto Roa Bastos, Yo, el supremo -Vicente Aleixandre, Antología total

  20. 78 FR 53431 - Annual Notice of Interest Rates of Federal Student Loans Made Under the William D. Ford Federal... (United States)


    ... Notice of Interest Rates of Federal Student Loans Made Under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan... Operating Officer for Federal Student Aid announces the interest rates for the period July 1, 2013, through...(b)), provides formulas for determining the interest rates charged to borrowers for loans made under...

  1. ["Podmoskovie"--health resort institution of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation celebrates the 20th anniversary]. (United States)

    Bondar', I V; Minaev, D Iu; Nasretdinov, I N; Petukhov, A E


    The article is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Federal government health resort institution of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FGI "Health resort "Podmoskovie" of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation). In this health resort were developed treatment programs for patients with abnormalities of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems; methods of ultrasonic, laser and magnetic therapy, atmospheric hypoxic, herbal medicine, speleotherapy are employed. Widely used natural healing factors of Ruza district of the Moscow region such as climate therapy, treatment with mineral water group of X type of Smolensk from own wells and balneo-mudtherapy. Over the past 20 years 70 000 patients received an appropriate treatment in this health resort.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    exclusive power of foreign relations by the federal government in federal polity confronts ..... vi) Participation of regional authorities in the international events ... stipulated that, the tiers of government are independent and one should respect.

  3. 78 FR 25337 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Operations Specifications AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice and request for comments...

  4. 76 FR 54772 - Federal Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2011-B2; Redesignations of Federal Buildings (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2011-B2; Redesignations of Federal Buildings AGENCY: Public Buildings... announces the designation and redesignation of two Federal buildings. Expiration Date: This bulletin announcement expires January 31, 2012. The building designation and redesignation remains in effect until...

  5. 75 FR 69080 - Federal Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2010-B5; Redesignations of Federal Buildings (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2010-B5; Redesignations of Federal Buildings AGENCY: Public Buildings... announces the designation and redesignation of two Federal buildings. DATES: Expiration Date: This bulletin announcement expires April 30, 2011. The building designation and redesignation remains in effect until...

  6. 76 FR 6792 - Federal Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2011-B1; Redesignations of Federal Buildings (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2011-B1; Redesignations of Federal Buildings AGENCY: Public Buildings... announces the redesignations of three Federal buildings. DATES: Expiration Date: This bulletin announcement expires June 30, 2011. The building redesignations remain in effect until canceled or superseded by...

  7. 77 FR 58818 - Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford Federal... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests; Federal Student Aid; William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program Regulations-- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act SUMMARY: Upon a... in response to this notice will be considered public records. Title of Collection: William D. Ford...

  8. Nuclear supervision - Administration by the federal states on behalf of the Federal Government or direct federal administration? Evaluation from a practical point of view; Atomaufsicht - Bundesauftragsverwaltung oder Bundeseigenverwaltung? Bewertung aus der Sicht der Praxis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cloosters, W. [Ministerium fuer Soziales, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany). Abt. Reaktorsicherheit


    The organization of supervisory authorities under the Atomic Energy Act is not a new issue. In fact, it was discussed vehemently in the Federal Republic of Germany as far back as in the early fifties. Federal legislation in late 1959 decided to have the Atomic Energy Act executed in part under direct federal responsibility and, as far as the important supervision of the nuclear power plants operated in the Federal Republic of Germany was concerned, by the federal states on behalf of the federal government. Federal Minister for the Environment Trittin reopened the debate about the organization of nuclear administration by announcing his intention to transfer the supervision of nuclear power plants to direct federal administration. This announcement not only raises the question of legal permissibility of transferring nuclear power plant oversight to federal administration, but also requires a critical review, as presented in this article, of practical regulatory supervision to ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities. In this connection, both the actual content of supervisory activities and the way in which they are carried out must be examined in an effort to find an answer based on solid premises to the question raised above. For reasons explained in the contribution, oversight of nuclear power plants cannot be carried out as a centralized function. Instead, the legislative decision of 1959 in favor of the federal states exercising supervision on behalf of the federal government continues to be correct at the present stage also in the light of the steps initiated to opt out of the peaceful uses of nuclear power. (orig.)

  9. 10 CFR 1015.215 - Federal salary offset. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Federal salary offset. 1015.215 Section 1015.215 Energy... Administrative Collection of Claims § 1015.215 Federal salary offset. (a) DOE may authorize Treasury to offset a Federal salary to satisfy delinquent debt in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5514, Installment Deduction for...

  10. Juvenile Justice in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Frías Armenta


    Full Text Available The first tribunal in Mexico was established in the central state of San Luis Potosi in 1926. The Law Regarding Social Prevention and Juvenile Delinquency for the Federal District and Mexican territories was promulgated in 1928. In 2005, Article 18 of the Mexican Constitution was modified to establish a comprehensive system (“Sistema Integral de justicia” in Spanish of justice for juveniles between 12 and 18 years old who had committed a crime punishable under criminal law. Its objective was to guarantee juveniles all the due process rights established for adults, in addition to the special ones recognized for minors. The constitutional reform also provides a framework that includes special tribunals as well as alternative justice options for juveniles. With these reforms, institutionalization of minors was to be considered an extreme measure applicable only to felonies and to juveniles older than 14. In 2006, all states within the Mexican federation enacted the “Law of justice for adolescents”. This system, at both the federal and state levels, formalizes a new global paradigm with regard to the triangular relationship between children, the State and the Law. It recognizes that children are also bearers of the inherent human rights recognized for all individuals, instead of simply objects in need of protection. However, despite formally aligning Mexican juvenile justice law with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, issues of actual substantive rights remained and new ones have appeared. For example, juveniles younger than 14 who have not committed a felony are released from institutions without any rehabilitation or treatment options, and alternative forms of justice were included without evaluating their possibilities of application or their conditions for success. In addition, the economic status of most juvenile detainees continues to be one of the most important determining factors in the administration of justice

  11. 76 FR 77302 - Federal Transit Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Transit Administration FY 2011 Discretionary Sustainability... Administration (FTA), DOT. ACTION: FTA Sustainability Program Funds: Announcement of Project Selections. SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the...

  12. 77 FR 4547 - Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant... (United States)


    ... defined in section 102(2) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C... CONTACT: Kathleen Wicks, Director of Grants & Campus-Based Division, U.S. Department of Education, Federal...: (202) 377-3110 or via email: . If you use a telecommunications device for the...

  13. 75 FR 12217 - Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant... (United States)


    ...-case basis the effect that a major disaster, as defined in section 102(2) of the Robert T. Stafford...: Kathleen Wicks, Director of Grants & Campus-Based Division, U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student...) 377-3110 or via the Internet: . If you use a telecommunications device for the...

  14. 76 FR 5787 - Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant... (United States)


    ... effect that a major disaster, as defined in section 102(2) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and... CONTACT: Kathleen Wicks, Director of Grants & Campus-Based Division, U.S. Department of Education, Federal...: (202) 377-3110 or via the Internet: . If you use a telecommunications device for...

  15. 75 FR 44264 - Federal Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2010-B4; Redesignation of Federal Building (United States)


    ... Management Regulation; FMR Bulletin PBS-2010-B4; Redesignation of Federal Building AGENCY: Public Buildings... announces the redesignation of a Federal building. DATES: Expiration Date: This bulletin expires December 31, 2010. However, the building redesignation announced by this bulletin will remain in effect until...

  16. Teaching about Federalism in the United States. ERIC Digest. (United States)

    Drake, Frederick D.; Nelson, Lynn R.

    Although it was not directly named in the U.S. Constitution, federalism is a central principle of U.S. government. It is important for students to learn about federalism to comprehend the U.S. federal system and recognize examples of federalism in other countries. Teaching and learning about federalism is essential to education for citizenship in…

  17. Environmental Enforcement of Federal Agencies: A Struggle for Power under the ’New Federalism (United States)


    Separation of Powers Dillemma ............ . 55 III. Establishment of Goals...federal power. Currently that countervailing federal 54 power does not exist because of the restraints imposed on EPA. 16 d. Separation of Powers Dilemma...structure and implies a necessary separation of powers . In Federalist 48 Madison discussed the connections necessary to maintain a proper separation of powers :

  18. Exercising the federal radiological emergency response plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gant, K.S.; Adler, M.V.; Wolff, W.F.


    Multiagency exercises were an important part of the development of the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan. This paper concentrates on two of these exercises, the Federal Field Exercise in March 1984 and the Relocation Tabletop Exercise in December 1985. The Federal Field Exercise demonstrated the viability and usefulness of the draft plan; lessons learned from the exercise were incorporated into the published plan. The Relocation Tabletop Exercise examined the federal response in the postemergency phase. This exercise highlighted the change over time in the roles of some agencies and suggested response procedures that should be developed or revised. 8 refs

  19. Draft Federal Act of the Russian Federation 'The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and its Financial Security'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedeva, Yulia


    The use of nuclear power by states in the modern world requires supplements to international law through the development of national legislation on civil liability for nuclear damage and compensation. The situation in the Russian Federation is no exception. Russian law on civil liability for nuclear damage has not fully evolved, and currently, there is no specific law covering liability for nuclear damage, nor is there a law regarding the financial and insurance mechanisms for compensation. Instead, the current laws establish a state system of benefits and compensation for damage to health and property of citizens. Since 1996, Russia has been actively working to develop a draft federal act to cover liability for nuclear damage. A bill was first introduced in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 16 July 1996, and was originally called 'The Compensation for Nuclear Damage and Nuclear Insurance'. In 1997, the official representative of the Government of the Russian Federation, Head of Russian Federal Inspectorate for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Yuri Vishnevsky, was appointed to present this bill for discussion in the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In September 1998, the State Duma rejected the draft federal act and instead adopted in the first reading a different draft federal act: No. 96700118-2, 'The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and its Financial Security' ('the bill'). In this case, the State Duma Committee on Ecology was charged with incorporating the incoming amendments into a final bill and submitting it to the State Duma for a second reading. In 2005, Russia ratified the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. This ratification required significant amendments to 'The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and its Financial Security' bill. But, even though the Russian Federation had not yet ratified the Vienna Convention, the drafters were still careful to take into account the

  20. Europe '92: Consequences of the European Unification for Cultural Federalism in the Federal Republic of Germany. (United States)

    Berggreen, Ingeborg


    Discusses consequences of European unification in the Federal Republic of Germany. Focuses on the relationships between the European Community, the federal government of Germany, and the German states. Suggests that the German states are aware of their responsibility to give education and culture a European dimension. (NL)

  1. An Overview of Justice in Sir Walter Scott Waverley Novels: The Heart of Mid-Lothian

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique García Díaz


    Full Text Available Although Sir Walter Scott is a well-known writer most of his readers know that he became an advocate in 1792, when he was admitted to the bar. Since then Scott and other advocates walked the floor at Parliament House (home of the Faculty of Advocates and the Court of Session waiting to be hired. Scott’s own experiences as a fledgling advocate are echoed in those of Alain Fairford in his novel Redgauntlet (Scott 1824, which provides a vivid picture of Parliament House in the eighteenth century. During his life, Scott combined extensive writing and editing issues with his daily work as Clerk of Session and Sheriff-Depute of Selkirkshire. Walter Scott was not unaware of Justice and Law and The Heart of Mid-Lothian is the novel in which he introduces to the reader the Scottish Legal System during the eighteenth century. However, there are few more examples that I will explain. Aunque Sir Walter Scott es un conocido escritor, la mayoría de sus lectores saben que en 1792 se hizo abogado, cuando fue admitido en el colegio de abogados. Desde entonces Scott y otros abogados rondaron el Parlamento con la esperanza de ser contratados. Las propias experiencias de Scott como un abogado novel se reflejan en las de Alain Fairford en su novela Redgauntlet (Scott 1824, lo que ofrece una vívida imagen del Parlamento (sede de la facultad de Derecho y Tribunal Supremo en el siglo XVIII. Durante su vida, Scott compaginó una profusa actividad como escritor y editor con su trabajo diario como juez en Selkirk. Walter Scott conocía la justicia y el derecho y El corazón de Mid-Lothian es la novela en la presenta al lector el régimen jurídico de Escocia durante el siglo XVIII. Sin embargo, se explicarán algunos otros ejemplos. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  2. State/federal interaction and multistate issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Section 403(f) of the CAAA leaves federal and state jurisdictions unaffected by Title IV, the emissions trading provisions. The CAAA maintains existing state and federal commission jurisdiction for the oversight of utility compliance with emissions trading provisions. With existing state and federal jurisdictions maintained, the CAAA creates a new opportunity for state commissions to cooperate among themselves and with the FERC. Should this opportunity not be realized, a new area of jurisdictional conflict could result. This section describes options for regional regulation and the tax treatment of allowances. 20 refs

  3. 76 FR 2745 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Eighty-Fourth Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning System (GPS) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of RTCA Special Committee 159 meeting: Global Positioning System (GPS). SUMMARY: The FAA is...

  4. Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP)/ Federal Processor Permit (FPP) Permit Program (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP) is required for vessels of the United States which are used to fish for groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska or Bering Sea and...

  5. From federated federalism to converging federalism? The case of EU subsidiarity scrutiny in Spain and Belgium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vandamme, T.


    In political science literature, federal systems may be classified as ‘dual’ or ‘co-operative’ polities. This contribution further explores this dichotomy between dual and co-operative systems from the perspective of Spain and Belgium, two EU member states that may be qualified as ‘dual’ systems.

  6. Stuck in the Terminal with the Gates Firmly Shut: Suspension and Termination of Industrial Action after Qantas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graham Smith


    Full Text Available The foreshadowed lockout by Qantas on Saturday, 29 October 2011 of approximately 3000 employees affecting potentially hundreds of thousands of passengers globally, with no warning to the public, sharply focused the public mind on the powers of the Federal industrial tribunal to intervene in industrial disputes. Scenes of stranded passengers, late night Fair Work Australia (FWA hearings and the interventions by Federal and state governments captured the public's attention in ways reminiscent of some of the nation-stopping oil industry disputes of the 1970s and 1980s.Why, people asked, did Qantas have to act so precipitously? Why couldn't the industrial relations system have avoided such a calamity? Trade unions were quick to claim that Qantas had it all planned, which was denied vigorously by Qantas' CEO, Alan Joyce. Federal minister for Workplace Relations, Bill Shorten MP labelled Qantas' decision as a ‘radical over-reaction [with] certainly no warning.’ Approximately one month later, the unions and the Australian Labour Party (ALP would combine at the ALP National Conference to formally respond to the dispute through policy. A plan to investigate whether FWA should be handed greater powers to arbitrate Qantas-type disputes now forms part of the ALP National Policy Agenda.For practitioners and scholars, the Qantas dispute has created an important debate about FWA’s power to arbitrate these kinds of damaging industrial disputes. FWA's swift response to terminate Qantas' intended lockout, in a decision handed down at 2:00 am on the morning on 31 October 2011, invites analysis of the powers of FWA to deal with protracted disputes and the legislative policy drivers at work.The purpose of this article is to do just that, by first providing the context and history of how such disputes were settled by predecessor industrial tribunals. The authors then summarise FWA's current jurisdiction and give a précis of relevant decisions that have been

  7. Buena fortuna y felicidad en la ética cartesiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marvin Estrada


    Full Text Available En este artículo pretendo principalmente mostrar por qué Descartes afirma que la buena fortuna no es necesaria para alcanzar la felicidad. Primero mostraré la diferencia que  Descartes establece entre felicidad y dicha. Luego mostraré que Descartes considera que la felicidad solo puede obtenerse mediante la práctica de la virtud ya que esta constituye el bien supremo al que puede aspirar cada individuo y expondré las razones que apoyan esta afirmación.  Al estar la virtud enteramente en nuestro poder se ve claramente que el favor de la fortuna no es necesario para alcanzar la felicidad. También mostraré que si bien los bienes de la fortuna pueden producir contento, no son necesarios para lograr la felicidad del individuo. Sin embargo, Descartes indica que estos bienes sí son importantes para lograr alcanzar el bien supremo del conjunto de todos los seres humanos. Finalmente expondré brevemente que, según Descartes, la virtud también es necesaria para poder disfrutar adecuadamente del favor de la fortuna.

  8. Federal Medication Terminologies (United States)

    Federal Medication (FedMed) collaboration of 8 partner agencies agreed on a set of standard, comprehensive, freely and easily accessible FMT terminologies to improve the exchange and public availability of medication information.

  9. Federal Ballpark Estimator (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The Federal Ballpark E$timate(R) was developed by the Employee Benefit Research Institute(R) and its American Savings Education Council(R) (ASEC(R)) program. It is...

  10. Radioactive waste in Federal Germany

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brennecke, P.; Schumacher, J.; Warnecke, E.


    The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is responsible for the long-term storage and disposal of radioactive waste according to the Federal Atomic Energy Act. On behalf of the Federal Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, since 1985, the PTB has been carrying out annual inquiries into the amounts of radioactive waste produced in the Federal Republic of Germany. Within the scope of this inquiry performed for the preceding year, the amounts of unconditioned and conditioned waste are compiled on a producer- and plant-specific basis. On the basis of the inquiry for 1986 and of data presented to the PTB by the waste producers, future amounts of radioactive waste have been estimated up to the year 2000. The result of this forecast is presented. In the Federal Republic of Germany two sites are under consideration for disposal of radioactive waste. In the abandoned Konrad iron mine in Salzgitter-Bleckenstedt it is intended to dispose of such radioactive waste which has a negligible thermal influence upon the host rock. The Gorleben salt dome is being investigated for its suitability for the disposal of all kinds of solid and solidified radioactive wastes, especially of heat-generating waste. Comparing the estimated amount of radioactive wastes with the capacity of both repositories it may be concluded that the Konrad and Gorleben repositories will provide sufficient capacity to ensure the disposal of all kinds of radioactive waste on a long-term basis in the Federal Republic of Germany. 1 fig., 2 tabs

  11. Creating an Ideal State-Federal Data Partnership to Improve Policymaking Related to College Affordability. State-Federal Partnerships in Postsecondary Education (United States)

    Prescott, Brian; Michelau, Demaree; Lane, Patrick


    College affordability, like many other postsecondary policy areas, requires coordinated federal and state policies built on coordinated information. While the potential for partnerships between states and the federal government is endless and often includes missed opportunities, this paper reimagines one form of federalism in higher education…

  12. The Federal Features of the EU: Lessons from Canada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amy Verdun


    Full Text Available There has been a rise and fall in interest in federalism in the context of European integration. This article assesses the federal nature of the EU. It draws in particular on the work of Michael Burgess who has been one of the key thinkers on this issue. Because there are many types of ‘federalisms’ available across the globe, it is helpful to make a comparison with another political system to offer a base line. In this article I explore to what extent the EU already has federal features. With the help of the work of Burgess I seek to look beyond the specific characteristics of the EU and reflect on how a comparison with this other polity can offer us insights into what is going on within the EU political system. Drawing on the comparison with Canada, I seek to identify the characteristics of the EU that are already those of a federation. Therefore, the guiding question of this article is: compared to Canada, what particular features does the EU have that reminds us of a federation and what features is it still lacking? It finds that the EU has a considerable amount of federal features (federation, but that a federal tradition, a federal ideology and advocacy to a federal goal (federalism are mostly absent.

  13. Preference and Priority in Federal Funding: Aligning Federal Resources to Maximize Program Investment Efficiency and Impacts in Communities (United States)

    This page contains the document, Preference and Priority in Federal Funding: Aligning Federal Resources to Maximize Program Investment Efficiency and Impacts in Communities - Lessons from EPA’s Brownfields Program.

  14. New revelations concerning the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, thus the process still meaningful

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seeberg, Peter


    The article describes the background for the establishment of the Special Tri-bunal for Lebanon (STL) and the role it has played since February 2005, where the assassination of Rafiq Hariri took place. The article follows the work of the tribunal, and concludes that the fact that the terror attack...... of the political and institutional structures, which still play a significant role in Lebanon....

  15. Energy report of the Federal German Government

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In its governmental declaration of May 4th, 1983, the Federal German Government has pointed out how it will safeguard the continuous, economical, and non-polluting supply of energy to the Federal Republic of Germany. By that report the Federal Government strikes a balance of its policy and defines its position with regard to topical questions, especially the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The report comprises four chapters: 1. peaceful use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany, 2. Summary statement on energy policy, 3. Current situation in the energy market and long-term perspectives, 4. Points of main emphasis of future energy policy. (orig./UA) [de

  16. 78 FR 65717 - Federal Salary Council (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Federal Salary Council AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: The Federal Salary Council meeting originally scheduled for November... establishment or modification of locality pay areas, the coverage of salary surveys, the process of comparing...

  17. Federal/State Radiation Control Legislation, 1974

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, L.A.


    A review is presented of Federal and State radiation control legislation for calendar year 1974, in Federal-State, subject, and status order. A brief description of each bill introduced in 1974 is included, plus existing laws or statutes governing radiation control. (auth)

  18. Solar Photovoltaic Financing: Deployment by Federal Government Agencies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cory, K.; Coggeshall, C.; Coughlin, J.; Kreycik, C.


    The goal of this report is to examine how federal agencies can finance on-site PV projects. It explains state-level cash incentives available, the importance of solar renewable energy certificate revenues (in certain markets), existing financing structures, as well as innovative financing structures being used by federal agencies to deploy on-site PV. Specific examples from the DOD, DOE, and other federal agencies are highlighted to explain federal project financing in detail.

  19. Greening Federal Facilities: An Energy, Environmental, and Economic Resource Guide for Federal Facility Managers and Designers; Second Edition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilson, A.


    Greening Federal Facilities, Second Edition, is a nuts-and-bolts resource guide compiled to increase energy and resource efficiency, cut waste, and improve the performance of Federal buildings and facilities. The guide highlights practical actions that facility managers, design and construction staff, procurement officials, and facility planners can take to save energy and money, improve the comfort and productivity of employees, and benefit the environment. It supports a national effort to promote energy and environmental efficiency in the nation's 500,000 Federal buildings and facilities. Topics covered include current Federal regulations; environmental and energy decision-making; site and landscape issues; building design; energy systems; water and wastewater; materials; waste management, and recycling; indoor environmental quality; and managing buildings.

  20. Federal Law "On Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation": Conditions of Adoption and Development Trends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boris V. Korobeynikov


    Full Text Available Adoption of the Federal Law "On Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" in 1992 took place in a tough fight in the time of privatization and restructuring. At this time, revealed numerous violations. Prosecution authorities stood on the position of the rule of law and the interests of the state, has become a serious obstacle to the forces that destroy the state and its economy. In the 90 years of the twentieth century, the prosecutor's office declined status in the society, which is reflected in the text of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993, containing only one, 129 article devoted to the prosecuting authorities, while there were five (Article in the Constitution of the USSR of such articles . 164, 165, 166, 167, 168. Also, the law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" does not include an article on the problems of supervision in this direction, as well as Art. 30 "to arrest". These changes to the law the prosecutor's office indicate the desire of the legislator to downplay the independence of the prosecution and its role in countering the massive violation of the law of the initial period of "perestroika". The role of politics in the legal regulation of the activities of the prosecutor's office is determined by the law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and the insertion in the amended. The activities of the prosecution authorities, the powers of prosecutors are regulated by criminal procedure, civil procedure, arbitration procedure and other legislation, which varies due to the effects of many political reasons.