
Sample records for struktury plazmy vch-generatora

  1. Optimalizace organizační struktury


    Marquardt, Petr


    Cílem této diplomové práce „Optimalizace organizační struktury“ je analýza organizačního uspořádání společnosti Bosch Rexroth, s. r. o. zaměřená na soulad organizační struktury s firemními procesy a strategickým zaměřením a návrh nové optimální organizační struktury na základě literární analýzy zásad pro vytváření optimálních organizačních struktur. The aim of this diploma thesis “Optimalization of organization structure” is the analysis of the current organization form of the company Bosc...


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    Przemysław LEŃ

    Full Text Available Celem pracy jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania narzędzi GIS w analizie struktury przestrzennej obszarów wiejskich. Badania przeprowadzono w 34 wsiach gminy Sławno położonej w powiecie opoczyńskim, województwo łódzkie. W pracy przeprowadzono analizy dotyczące struktury władania gruntami, analizy użytkowania gruntami, jak również analizę rozdrobnienia gruntów gospodarstw indywidualnych. Otrzymane wyniki pozwolą określić stan struktury przestrzennej obszarów wiejskich Polski centralnej.

  3. Advanced oxidation technologies H{sub 2}O{sub 2}/UV evaluation in the treatment of effluent containing VCH (Vinylcyclohexene); Avaliacao do processo oxidativo avancado H{sub 2}O{sub 2}/UV no tratamento de efluente contendo VCH (Vinilciclohexeno)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lenise, V.F.G.; Dezotti, M. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia (COPPE). Programa de Engenharia Quimica; Aquino Neto, F.R. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Quimica


    The study of vinylcyclohexene (VCH) degradation by the advanced oxidation technology H{sub 2}O{sub 2} /UV was researched in a pilot plant containing two Germetec, PFR reactors, with 0.7 L of useful volume. VCH is a persistent organic compound generated by thermal dimerization of 1,3-butadiene. One of the reactors had a warming/colding jacket and a low-pressure mercury vapor lamp, germicidal, of 25 W and the another had a medium-pressure mercury vapor lamp of 1.7 KW. Synthetic effluents containing VCH, VCH and ethanol and real hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) effluent were researched under different temperature and pH conditions. The aqueous effluent generated in HTPB plant was composed by 10-100 mg/L of VCH, others organic compounds like ethanol, butadiene and polymer, acidic pH, residual peroxide and a mean content of soluble organic carbon of 25000 mg/L. After 30 minutes of H{sub 2}O{sub 2}/UV treatment with a germicidal lamp , VCH was completely degradated while in the reactor with a medium pressure lamp after 5 minutes the complete VCH degradation happened. The degradation of others organic compounds in the effluent was observed with soluble organic carbon content reduction about 80%. The Kinetics of VCH degradation was monitored by GC/MS. (author)

  4. Model Podejmowania Decyzji w Oparciu o Wartości Służący Ocenie Wariantów Systemu Monitorowania Stanu Technicznego Struktury Statków Powietrznych z Punktu Widzenia Wymagań Użytkownika Wojskowego

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    Klimaszewski Sławomir


    Full Text Available Niniejszy artykuł opisuje model podejmowania decyzji w oparciu o wartości (ang. Value-Focused Thinking - VFT opracowany w celu oceny różnych wariantów wdrożenia systemu monitorowania stanu technicznego struktury (ang. Structural Health Monitoring - SHM wojskowego statku powietrznego. Rozpatruje się cztery warianty wspomnianego systemu (SHM oparte na: kontroli wzrokowej (aktualne podejście, czujnikach piezoelektrycznych (PZT, czujnikach światłowodowych z siatką Bragga (FBG i czujnikach próżniowych (Comparative Vacuum Monitoring - CVM. Przedstawiono przykład numeryczny w celu zilustrowania możliwości modelu. Analizy wrażliwości są wykonane dla takich wartości jak koszt, wydajność, dostępność statku powietrznego oraz poziom gotowości technologicznej (Technology Readiness Level - TRL, aby zbadać wpływ tych parametrów na całkowitą wartość informacji z zakresu stanu technicznego struktury dostarczanych przez określony wariant systemu SHM.

  5. Przyczynek do postrzegania struktury współczesnego systemu rachunkowości

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    Irena Sobańska


    Full Text Available Głównym celem artykułu jest objaśnienie procesu ewoluowania elementów systemu rachunkowości organizacji gospodarczej pod wpływem zmian zachodzących w różnicach informacji oczekiwanych przez odbiorców wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych. Dla zrealizowania tego celu przedstawiono zamęt regu- lacyjny w obszarze rachunkowości i jego skutki dla rozwoju systemów rachunkowości w praktyce w Polsce oraz przeanalizowano zmiany w potrzebach informacyjnych interesariuszy w kontekście wprowadzanych zmian w sprawozdaniach finansowych, zintegrowanych raportach biznesowych i zmian w stosowanych metodach rachunkowości zarządczej w organizacjach społecznie odpowiedzialnych. Następnie przedsta- wiona została autorska propozycja nowej struktury systemu rachunkowości odpowiadająca jego współczesnej funkcjonalności w warunkach obecnego poziomu rozwoju globalizacji, zmierzającego w kierun- ku zrównoważonej gospodarki oraz szereg wniosków ogólnych wynikających z przedstawionych rozwa- żań. W propozycji nowej struktury przyjęto, że system rachunkowości organizacji społecznie odpowie- dzialnej powinien być zbudowany z podsystemu rachunkowości biznesowej, emitującego zintegrowany raport biznesowy (sprawozdanie finansowe + raporty niefinansowe i wewnętrzne raporty dla zarządu oraz podsystemu rachunkowości podatkowej, emitującego informacje dla agend podatkowych. W opra- cowaniu artykułu zastosowano analizę treści i opinii autorów wybranych publikacji, metodę analizy dokumentów oraz wiedzę uzyskaną metodą obserwacji bezpośredniej i wyniki badań empirycznych innych autorów. The main goal of the article is to explain the process of evolution of the organization's accounting system elements as a result of changes taking place in information expected by internal and external users. To achieve this goal, regulatory uncertainties in the area of accounting and their consequences for the devel- opment of accounting systems in

  6. Transverse Injection Experiment; Injection Transversale; Poslednie dostizheniya v oblasti inzhektirovaniya plazmy poperek magnitnogo polya; Inyeccion Transversal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammel, J. E.; Baker, D. A. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    ) [Russian] Dvizhenie plazmy, inzhektiruemoj poperek magnitnogo polja, rassmatrivalos' rjadom avtorov. V rannih jeksperimentah s inzhektirovaniem bystroj (5 Division-Sign 7 * 10{sup 7} sm/sek) i plotnoj (10{sup 14} cm{sup -3}) plazmy poperek magnitnogo polja nabljudalos' pojavlenie poljarizacionnogo jelektricheskogo polja,i struja plazmy peresekala magnitnoe pole s E x B drejfom. Magnitnoe pole slabo vozmushhalos' plazmoj (| {Delta}B/B | <0.1), v to vremja kak skorost' drejfa poperek magnitnogo polja naprjazhennost'ju do 5 kgs byla priblizitel'no ravna skorosti inzhektirovannoj strui. Struja szhimalas' v napravlenii perpendikuljarnom V i V po mere prodvizhenija v oblast' sil'nogo magnitnogo polja. V to zhe vremja izmerenija plotnosti jelektronov interferometricheskim metodom s pomoshh'ju He-Ne lazera pokazyvajut, chto poperechnoe pole naprjazhennost'ju do 7 kgs ne vyzyvaet zametnogo smeshhenija strui v napravlenii polja. Predstavljaet interes povedenie strui, kogda ona peresekaet oblast', v kotoroj magnitnoe pole menjaet svoe napravlenie otnositel'no linii nulevogo polja. Pri peresechenii struej . separatrissy mezhdu dvumja magnitnymi silovymi linijami jelektricheskoe pole dolzhno menjat' napravlenie, esli drejf prodolzhaetsja. Struja ostaetsja v oblasti separatrissy, togda kak vdol' silovyh linij magnitnogo polja izmerjajutsja bol'shie toki, svjazyvajushhie perednjuju chast' strui s posledujushhimi chastjami. Izoljatory, postavlennye dlja preryvanija jetogo toka, pozvoljajut strue dvigat'sja v oblast' polja obratnoj poljarnosti. Ispol'zuja induktivnost', svjazannuju s tokom depoljarizacii strui, mozhno proizvesti razdelenie bystryh i medlennyh komponentov strui. Otsechka medlennogo komponenta strui nabljudaetsja s pomoshh'ju interfe- rometricheskih metodov s primeneniem He-Ne lazera. Izmerenija jelektricheskogo polja v neskol'kih tochkah vdol' techenija pokazyvajut nekotorye iz naibolee slozhnyh osobennostej potoka plazmy. (author)

  7. Sensitivity of UF-R, UF-VCh, UF-VR films used for soft x-ray (lambda=2+10A) detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aglitskij, E.V.; Bojko, V.A.; Kalinkina, T.A.


    The sensitometric characteristics of the following types of photographic film were measured in the range of wavelengths 2-10A: UF-R, UF-VCh, and UF-VR. It was demonstrated that UF-VR photographic film is four times as sensitive as UF-R film and 1.6 times as sensitive as UF-VCh film; it is also most suitable film for x-ray spectroscopy of multiply charged ions and for diagnosing high-temperature laser plasma

  8. Badania stanowiskowe instalacji HHO w układzie z silnikiem spalinowym Volvo Penta D5A T.

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    Piotr Dobrzaniecki,


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań układu, składającego się z generatora HHO współpracującego z silnikiem spalinowym, wyposażonym w górniczy układ dolotowo-wylotowy. Celem badań była identyfikacja parametrów użytkowych silnika, takich jak moc i moment obrotowy oraz określenie zawartości substancji szkodliwych w spalinach. Na podstawie wyników badań dokonano analizy wpływu generatora na pracę silnika spalinowego.

  9. Stable and Unstable Behaviour of Preheated Plasma in Linear and Cusped Theta Pinches; Comportement de Plasmas Prechauffes Stables et Instables Soumis a des Strictions Azimutales Lineaires et Cuspidees; Ustojchivoe i neustojchivoe povedenie predvaritel'no nagretoj plazmy v teta-pinch razryadakh s linejnoj i antiprobkovoj geometriej; Comportamiento de Plasmas Precalentados, Estables e Inestables, Sometidos a Constricciones Azimutales de Geometria Lineal y Cuspidal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belitz, R. J.; Bogen, P.; Dippel, K. H.; Jordan, H. L.; Kugler, E.; Miyahara, A.; Noll, P.; Schlueter, J.; Witulski, H. [Association EURATOM-Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich (Germany)


    10,5 sm f, dlina 128 sm, B{sub max} = 100 kG, T{sub Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half} = 17 {mu}sec. 3. Teta-pinch razrjad v prostranstvennoj antiprobkovoj geometrii pri 10 kdzh s B{sub max} =45 kgs na osi vershinah i v oblasti shheli, radius 5,2 sm, dlina 8,5 sm. Na vseh ustanovkah prisposobleny: predvaritel'naja ionizacija s pomoshh'ju vysokochastotnogo generatora maloj moshhnosti s emkostnoj svjaz'ju, magnitnoe pole smeshhenija s peremennoj naprjazhennost'ju i poljarnost'ju, predvaritel'nyj nagrev s pomoshh'ju impul'snogo.kolebatel'nogo bezjelektrodnogo kol'cevogo razrjada, szhatie plazmy s pomoshh'ju bystrodejstvujushhej kondensatornoj batarei. Dlja nabljudenij ispol'zovalis' fotografirovanie razrjada s nepreryvnoj i kadrovoj razvertkoj vo vremeni, opticheskaja interferometrija s pomoshh'ju interferometra Maha-Cendera i differencial'nogo in- terferometra, spektroskopija v vidimoj oblasti i v oblasti mjagkih rentgenovskih luchej i magnitnye zondy. Jeti metody dajut informaciju o strukture plazmy, o profiljah plotnosti, o raspredelenii jelektronnyh i dopplerovskih ionnyh temperatur i ih izmenenii vo vremeni. V ustanovkah s linejnoj geometriej nabljudalis' kak ustojchivye tak i neustojchivye sostojanija plazmy. Putem izmenenija davlenija, polja smeshhenija, predvaritel'noj ionizacii, predvaritel'nogo nagreva i koncentracii primesej i putem narushenija simmetrii razrjadnoj trubki okazalos' vozmozhnym poluchit' informaciju ob oblastjah s ustojchivymi i neustojchivymi parametrami. Otklonenija ot simmetrii plazmennogo stolba mogut imet' mesto iz-za: 1) smeshhenij, svjazannyh s prostranstvennoj neodnorodnost'ju uderzhivajushhego magnitnogo polja, 2) osevyh dvizhenij i szhatij v plazme s zahvachennym antiparallel'nym polem i voln razrezhenija iz-za poter' na koncah, 3) vrashhenij i deformacionnyh kolebanij poperechnogo sechenija plazmy, 4) zvezdoobraznoj neustojchivosti i izverzhenij. V to vremja kak smeshhenija i osevye dvizhenija neposredstvenno svjazany s konfiguraciej

  10. Plasma Containment and Stability in a Megajoule Theta-Pinch Experiment; Confinement et Stabilite du Plasma dans un Dispositif a Striction Azimutale de un Megajoule; Uderzhanie i ustojchivost' plazmy pri provedenii ehksperimenta s' megadzhoulevym teta-pinchem; Confinamiento y Estabilidad del Plasma en un Experimento de Estriccion Azimutal de 1 MJ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bodin, H. A.B.; Green, T. S.; Newton, A. A.; Niblett, G. B.F.; Reynolds, J. A. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    tecnicas: las principales son la interferometrta optica para evaluar el numero total de particulas capturadas, un analisis de la emision en la zona continua del espectro visible para obtener la densidad de lineas en funcion de la posicion axial, y el empleo de microsondas piezoelectricas de presion para medir el tamaflo de la abertura de perdidas. Los resultados muestran que el plasma sufre difusion del campo magnetico en las fases iniciales y enfriamiento de los electrones por irradiacion debida a impurezas o por conduccion termica a lo largo de las lineas de fuerza. Como consecuencia, el valor {beta} del plasma desciende a 0,5 aproximadamente, a la densidad magnetica maxima, con lo que se agrandan las aberturas magneticas de los extremos de la bobina, originando asi el escape axial del plasma. Los principales problemas aun pendientes de solucion se refieren al perfeccionamiento de un dispositivo de precalentamiento que permita obtener un plasma de temperatura mas elevada con un valor {beta} proximo a la unidad, y a la reduccion de la velocidad de perdida de energia delos electrones. (author) [Russian] Pri provedenii poslednih jeksperimentov po polucheniju vysokotemperaturnoj plazmy na tetatrone byla ispol'zovana bystraja megadzhoulevaja batareja kondensatorov. Odnozahodnaja katushka, dlinoj 200 sm i diametrom 10 sm, sozdaet pole intensivnost'ju 76 kg s poluperiodom 12 mksek. Dejterievyj gaz ispol'zuetsja pri nachal'nyh davlenijah v diapazone 10-50 militor. i predvaritel'no ioniziruetsja aksial'nym tokom. Posledujushhee smeshhenie plazmy k stenkam kvarcevoj razrjadnoj trubki ustranjaetsja v rezul'tate umen'shenija izgiba uderzhivajushhih magnitnyh silovyh linij s ispol'zovaniem linii parallel'nogo polosnogo propuskanija mezhdu katushkoj i kollektorom. Budet obsuzhden vopros o proishozhdenii krugovogo dvizhenija plazmy s maloj amplitudoj vokrug central'noj osi ravnovesija, tak nazyvaemogo javlenija ''kachanija''. Obshhie osobennosti razrjada analizirovalis' putem

  11. Accumulation of a Hot Ion Plasma in PR-5; Accumulation d'un Plasma a Ions Chauds dans l'Installation PR-5; Nakoplenie plazmy s goryachimi ionami na ustanovke PR-5; Acumulacion de un Plasma con Iones Calientes en la Instalacion PR-5

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gott, Ju. V.; Ioffe, M. S.; Jushmanov, E. E. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    neustojchivost' plazmy v lovushke s magnitnymi zerkalami polnost'ju podavljaetsja, kogda sozdaetsja gibridnoe magnitnoe pole, narastajushhee v radial'nom napravlenii (lovushka s minimumom N). V jetih jeksperimentah vodorodnaja plazma s gorjachimi ionami (T{sub i} Asymptotically-Equal-To 5 keV) i plotnost'ju p do 10{sup 10} sm{sup -3} sozdavalas' metodom magnetronnoj inzhekcii; vremja uderzhanija t sostavljalo desjatki millisekund i ono opredeljalos' tol'ko perezarjadochnymi poterjami. Jeffekt podavlenija zhelobkovoj neustojchivosti nabljudalsja takzhe v rjade drugih rabot, odnako na osnovanii imejushhihsja rezul'tatov nel'zja sdelat' kakoe-libo zakljuchenie ob ustojchivosti plazmy pri plotnostjah, znachitel'no bolee vysokih chem 10{sup 10}sm{sup -3} . U. Bige i dr. pri p = 10{sup 13} - 10{sup 14} sm{sup -3} t sostavljalo 60 mksek i avtory predpolagajut, chto stol''maloe t svjazano s perezarjadkoj bystryh ionov na nejtral'nom gaze, vydeljajushhemsja so stenok vo vremja inzhekcii. V nastojashhej rabote issleduetsja vozmozhnost' poluchenija i dlitel'nogo uderzhanija plazmy pri plotnostjah n Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To 10{sup 11} cm{sup -3} and T{sub i} Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To 5 keV. Jeksperimental'noe izuchenie povedenija takoj plazmy predstavljaet interes v svjazi s tem, chto soglasno teorii Mihajlovskogo-Timofeeva pri ukazannyh {rho} i T{sub i} sleduet ozhidat' pojavlenija drejfovo-ciklotronnoj neustojchivosti. Jeta neustojchivost', obuslovlennaja radial'noj neodnorodnost'ju plotnosti, dolzhna nastupat' pri uslovii: ({rho}/a){sup 2} > 4[(H{sup 2}/4{pi}m{sub i}c{sup 2}) + (m{sub e}/m{sub i})] {rho}{sub i} - larmorovskij radius ionov, a - harakternyj razmer neodnorodnosti. Dlja tipichnyh uslovij ustanovki PR-5 (N = 4000 e, {rho}{sub i}/ a Asymptotically-Equal-To 0,25) jetot kriterij vypolnjaetsja, nachinaja s gt- 5-10{sup 10} sm{sup -3} . Dlja poluchenija plazmy s takimi parametrami primenjaetsja modificirovannyj metod magnetronnoj inzhekcii, v kotorom uskorenie ionov iz stolba

  12. Optimalizace experimentálních parametrů v sestavě dvoupulzní LIBS


    Roščák, Michal


    V diplomovej práci je opísaná metóda spektroskopie laserom indukovanej plazmy (LIBS) ako aj možnosť zníženia detekčných limitov použitím metódy dvojpulznej LIBS (DP-LIBS). Práca taktiež pojednáva o vlastnostiach laserom indukovanej plazmy (LIP). Obsahuje opis DP-LIBS aparatúry laboratória laserovej spektroskopie Fakulty strojního inženýrství, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, ako aj postup optimalizácie jej parametrov. Optimalizácia bola vykonaná pre detekciu chrómu v oceli s ohľadom na detekčné...

  13. Flute Characteristics of and Microwave Emission from a Plasma in a Mirror; Instabilite en Cannelures et Emission de Micro-Ondes par un Plasma dans une Machine a Miroirs; Zhelobkovye kharakteristiki i ehmissiya mikrovoln iz plazmy v zerkale; Caracteristicas del Estriado y Emision de Microondas por un Plasma en un Espejo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scott, F. R.; Jensen, T. H.; Wharton, C. B. [General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corporation, San Diego, CA (United States)


    , intensa e irregular emision de microondas y rapida disminucion de la densidad. Se identifica en la memoria la estrfa de m = 1 y se sigue su fase hasta abarcar 4{pi}. La velocidad de fase coincide con la direccion de la deriva B de los electrones. El signo de esta velocidad de fase puede explicarse mediante la teorfa de Krall si la energfa de los electrones es mucho mayor que la energfa de los iones. El agregado de placas conductoras despues del espejo, atempero la violencia de la inestabilidad en forma de.estrias. Esta atenuacion solo depende de la resistencia superficial de dichas placas. El efecto se estudio midiendo el espectro de frecuencias de las sefiales provenientes de sondas de centelleo provistas de revestimiento y colocadas en la proximidad del recipiente de vacfo. (author) [Russian] Postroen impul'snyj probkotron dlja issledovanija ustojchivosti plazmy s umerennoj jenergiej. Plazma s jenergiej 70 jev inzhektiruetsja iz plazmennoj pushki v probkotron s pomoshh'ju linejnogo vos'mipoljusnogo napravljajushhego polja. Probochnoe pole sozdaetsja v moment prohozhdenija plazmy. V central'noj ploskosti probkotrona nabljudajutsja plotnosti plazmy 10{sup 13} jelektronov cm{sup -3}. Nabljudajutsja dva razlichnyh rezhima raboty, kotorye zavisjat tol'ko ot uslovij, sozdannyh v napravljajushhem pole. Pri pervom rezhime raboty plazma v probko- trone, po-vidimomu, javljaetsja ustojchivoj k zhelobkam, bol'shaja chast' plazmy uhodit vdol' osi, nabljudaetsja medlennaja anomal'naja radial'naja diffuzija i voznikaet mikrovolnovoe izluchenie na jelektronno-ciklotronnyh garmonikah v diapazone ot p = 1 i po krajnej mere do p = 19. Mikrovolnovoe izluchenie ne soglasuetsja s jelektronnoj vetv'ju neustojchivosti Garrisa. Schitaetsja, chto ustojchivost' jetogo tipa vyzvana provodimost'ju za schet holodnoj plazmy, istekajushhej iz oblasti napravljajushhego polja. Nabljudajutsja plotnosti svyshe 10{sup 11} jelektronov cm{sup -3} v techenie 200 mksek v oblasti mezhdu probkoj i

  14. Struktura kapitałowa przedsiębiorstw w świetle wyników badań

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    Full Text Available W artykule poruszono kwestie wyboru między wewnętrznymi a zewnętrznymi źródłami finansowania przedsiębiorstw i czynników go determinujących z punktu widzenia rachunkowości, teorii finansów i wyników badań empirycznych. Celem artykułu jest systematyzacja i ocena aktualnego stanu badań nad determinantami struktury kapitałowej przedsiębiorstw z uwzględnieniem konstrukcji miar dźwigni i czynników wpływających na decyzje w zakresie wyboru źródeł finansowania, tj. zmiennych objaśniających stosowanych w regresjach struktury kapitałowej badanych przedsiębiorstw. Teorie finansów przedsiębiorstw nie dają jednoznacznej odpowiedzi co do determinant struktury kapitałowej, czego przykładem są wykluczające się teorie hierarchii źródeł finansowania (pecking order i substytucji (trade-off. Dlatego też determinanty struktury kapitałowej przedsiębiorstw pobudzają zainteresowanie licznych badaczy weryfikujących aplikowalność teorii finansów, wpływ systemu prawnego i gospodarczego, sytuacji makroekonomicznej, ale też zróżnicowanie determinant w zależności od terminu zapadalności długu, fazy cyklu życia i jakości sprawozdawczości.

  15. Joule Heating of Plasma in the Toroidal Tokamak-3 Device; Chauffage du Plasma par Effet Joule, dans l'Installation Torique; Dzhoulev nagrev plazmy na toroidal'noj ustanovke Tokamak-3; Calentamiento de un Plasma por Efeto Joule en la Instalacion Toroidal Tokamak

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arcimovich, L. A.; Afrosimov, V. V.; Gladkovskij, I. P.; Mirnov, S. V.; Petrov, M. P.; Strelkov, V. S. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii, Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    jekvatorial'noj ploskosti tora i nabljudalsja drejf plazmennogo shnura ''naruzhu'' (uvelichenie bol'shogo radiusa vitka). Jeto dvizhenie mozhet byt' vyzvano izmeneniem radiusa tokovogo shnura, nagrevom plazmy ili zatuhaniem tokov Fuko v provodjashhem kozhuhe. V jetih uslovijah na ustanovke Tokamak-3 udalos' poluchit' makroskopicheski ustojchivyj plazmennyj shnur, odnako temperatura plazmy okazalas' men'she, chem. sledovalo ozhidat' pri otsutstvii anomal'nyh poter' jEhnergii. K bol'shim poterjam jEhnergii dolzhny privodit' processy, proishodjashhie pri vzaimodejstvii plazmennogo shnura s diafragmoj. Jeto vzaimodejstvie udalos' oslabit', primeniv diafragmu special'noj formy i ispol'zovav svojstvo shnura smeshhat'sja naruzhu v techenie processa. Zadachej issledovanij javljalos' opredelenie razlichnyh parametrov plazmy v jetih uslovijah, v tom chisle jelektronnoj i ionnoj temperatur. Dlja opredelenija jelektronnoj temperatury po izmeneniju soprotivlenija plazmy neobhodimo, krome jelektricheskih harakteristik shnura znat' zakon izmenenija vo vremeni radiusa shnura. Reshenie na schetnoj mashine sistemy uravnenij, vkljuchajushhej jelektrotehnicheskoe uravnenie i uravnenie ravnovesija, pozvoljaet opredelit' izmenenie vo vremeni temperatury plazmy i ee koncentracii, a takzhe radiusa i smeshhenija plazmennogo shnura na osnovanii, jeksperimental'no izmerennyh zavisimostej ot vremeni toka v plazme, naprjazhenija, signalov magnitnyh zondov i radiointerferometra. Vychislennaja funkcija temperatury vozrastaet za vremja processa i dostigaet 100-200 jev. Spektroskopicheskie izmerenija jelektronnoj temperatury dajut znachenija blizkie k vychislennym. Rezul'taty izmerenij jenergeticheskogo spektra potoka bystryh nejtral'nyh atomov horosho soglasujutsja s predlozheniem o tom, chto spektr ionov plazmy blizok k maksvellovsko- mu s temperaturoj okolo 100 jev. Sushhestvennoe otklonenie haraktera spektra ot maksvel- lovskogo nabljudaetsja v neustojchivom rezhime razrjada v momenty, sootvetstvujushhie

  16. Dynamika kształtowania się struktury narodowościowej Białorusi po II wojnie światowej

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    Eugeniusz Mironowicz


    Full Text Available The dynamics of development of the ethnic structure of Belarus after World War II During the Second World War, Belarus lost more than 1.5 million inhabitants. In 1944–1946, as part of the repatriation process, 226,000 Poles left for Poland. With the construction industry in Belarus, deploying units of the Red Army and the creation of the Soviet system of government, to Belarus poured in hundreds of thousands of Russians and dozens of thousands of Ukrainians. At the same time, the Soviet authorities pursue policies conducive to resettlement Belarusians to other republics, especially to Russia. Widespread census was held every 10 years since 1959. It shows a systematic process of strengthening the Russian factor in the ethnic structure of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. This was accompanied by assimilation in Russian culture of the Belarusian youth, expelling from the countryside to the cities. The creation of the independent Belarusian state after the collapse of the Soviet Union reversed these trends. The percentage of people declaring Russian nationality, but also Jewish, Ukrainian and Polish, began to rapidly decline in the ethnic structure. This was accompanied, however, by a stronger presence of the Russian language, both in the public and private life of people in Belarus.   Dynamika kształtowania się struktury narodowościowej Białorusi po II wojnie światowej W czasie II wojny światowej Białoruś utraciła ponad 1,5 mln mieszkańców. W latach 1944–1946 w ramach akcji repatriacyjnej do Polski wyjechało 226 tys. Polaków. Wraz z budową przemysłu na Białorusi, rozmieszczaniem jednostek Armii Czerwonej i tworzeniem radzieckiego systemu władzy do Białorusi napływały setki tysięcy Rosjan i dziesiątki tysięcy Ukraińców. Jednocześnie władze radzieckie prowadziły politykę sprzyjającą przesiedlaniu Białorusinów do innych republik, a zwłaszcza do Rosji. Powszechne spisy ludności organizowane co 10 lat od

  17. Containment of Plasma Trapped in a Magnetic Well; Confinement d'un Plasma Piege dans un Puits Magnetique; Uderzhanie plazmy, zakhvachennoj v magnitnoj yame; Confinamiento de un Plasma Atrapado en un Pozo Magnetico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Francis, G.; Hill, J. W.; Mason, D. W. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    -Operator 5 keV) han confirmado esos Besultados. En dichos experimentos, el flujo de atomos rapidos duro 140-200 {mu}s, tanto en espejos sencillos como en campos complejos. La senal debida a la emision por intercambio de carga alcanzo su maximo unos 30 (is despues del instante de la captura. Esta senal mide el producto de las densidades de iones rapidos y de gas neutro. Un aumento deliberado de la presion residual hasta 10{sup 5} Torr'no altero mayormente la amplitud de la sellai. Los intentos de modificar la afluencia de gas calentando la camara en un homo y evaporando litio no dieron resultados, pero el revestimiento de litio mostro indicios de severo bombardeo segun las lineas cuspidales entre las barras de Ioffe. Un lazo diamagnetico compensado, colocado dentro de la camara de vacio, indico que el valor de {beta} correspondiente al plasma atrapado era igual a por lo menos 0,1; el diamagnetismo disminuyo abruptamente al cabo de 50 {mu}s, confirmando que la serial del atomo neutro, de mayor duracion, debe provenir en gran medida de la afluencia de gas neutro. (author) [Russian] Pazma iz koaksial'noj pushki napravljaetsja shodjashhimsja magnitnym polem v central'nuju stekljannuju vakuumnuju kameru. Zdes' chast' plazmy otrazhaetsja ot magnitnogo zerkala i zatem zahvatyvaetsja v rezul'tate primenenija drugogo bystro narastajushhego zerkal'nogo polja. Mozhno takzhe primenjat' stabilizirujushhie polja, sozdavaemye tokami, v shesti palkah Ioffe, raspolozhennyh parallel'no osi. Bystro narastajushhie polja ostajutsja priblizitel'no postojannymi v techenie 1 millisekundy. V ranee provedennyh jeksperimentah s plazmoj so srednej plotnost'ju 4 x 10{sup 10} cm{sup -3} energiej ionov 1 kjev pri prostoj zerkal'noj geometrii voznikala zhelobkovaja neustojchivost' i vrashhenie plazmy; pri jetom plazma terjalas' cherez 60 mksek. Pri primenenii stabilizirujushhih polej vremja zhizni jenergichnyh ionov (izmerjaemoe po potoku jemissii perezarjazhennyh nejtral'nyh atomov) uvelichivalos' do 250

  18. Propozycja wykorzystania wysokorozdzielczej mikrotomografii komputerowej do analizy gruntu spoistego w badaniach pełzania

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    Łukasz Kaczmarek


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań z wykorzystaniem wysokorozdzielczej mikrotomografii komputerowej (μCT zastosowanej w celu uzyskania obrazu struktury wewnętrznej gruntu. Wyniki prześwietlań μCT zostały wykorzystane do selekcji miarodajnych próbek do badań, a także do oceny zmian struktury w analizie pełzania gruntu podczas badań trójosiowych. Badania przeprowadzono na pastach gruntowych wykonanych z iłów mio-polioceńskich pobranych z Warszawy oraz próbkach NNS mioceńskiego iłołupka pochodzącego z zapadliska przedkarpackiego. Pierwszą serię badań przeprowadzono na iłowych pastach gruntowych, a następnie na iłołupkach, prowadząc standardowe badania typu CU z określeniem maksymalnych parametrów wytrzymałościowych oraz naprężeń niszczących wykorzystywanych w późniejszych badaniach pełzania. W kolejnym etapie badań, z wykorzystaniem próbek wstępnie przebadanych w mikrotomografie, przeprowadzono badania pełzania gruntu w aparacie trójosiowego ściskania przy naprężeniach osiowych nieprzekraczających maksymalnej wartości dewiatora naprężenia. Na podstawie uzyskanych obrazów struktury wewnętrznej gruntu określono typy zniszczeń w poszczególnych próbkach oraz obliczono zawartość szczelin naturalnych i pozniszczeniowych. Dodatkowo uzyskano trójwymiarowe modele próbek, które można wykorzystać do dalszych symulacji badań laboratoryjnych. Obrazy 2D i 3D wewnętrznej struktury gruntów spoistych stwarzają nowe możliwości w poznawaniu procesów zmian właściwości gruntów.

  19. Plasma Equilibrium in a Torus with High-Frequency Fields and Plasma Heating Resulting from the Development of a Powerful Beam of ''Escaping Electrons''; Plasma Torique: Stabilisation au Moyen de Champs de Haute Frequence et Chauffage par Formation d'un Flux Intense d'Electrons 'Emballes'; Ehksperimental'noe issledovanie ravnovesiya plazmy v tore pri nalichii vysokochastotnykh polej i nagreva plazmy za schet razvitiya moshchnogo puchka ''ubegayushchikh ehlektronov''; Equilibrio del Plasma en un Toro, en Presencia de Campos de Alta Frecuencia, y Calentamiento del Plasma por el Desarrollo de un Haz Potente de 'Electrones Desbocados '

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Demirkhanov, R. A.; Kirov, A. G.; Stotland, M. A.; Malykh, N. I.; Horasanov, G. L.; Vishnevskij, N. K.; Gutkin, T. I.; Jampol' skij, I. R. [Fiziko-Tehnicheskij Institut Gosudarstvennogo Komiteta po Ispol' zovaniju Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Sukhumi, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    la corriente, es decir, en 1 {mu}s, aproximadamente, es de unos 20 J, lo que indica que la conductividad del plasma es anormalmente pequena. Cuando el calentamiento se efectua por un campo electrico intenso, se observa una fuerte emision de rayos X, cuya energfa es del orden de 100 keV, acompanada por radiacion parasita de microondas, de frecuencias proximas a la del plasma. (author) [Russian] Daetsja opisanie jeksperimentov, provedennyh na ustanovke ''RT-0''. Ustanovka predstavljaet soboj tor s bol'shim diametrom 100 sm i malym - 10 sm. Vdol' kamery sozdaetsja toroidal'noe magnitnoe pole velichinoj okolo 6 * 10{sup 3} je. Plazma podzhigaetsja pri davlenii R Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To 5 * 10{sup -4} tor posredstvom prodol'nogo vihrevogo jelektricheskogo polja (f = 8,3 Mgc). Imeetsja vrashhajushheesja po malomu diametru vysokochastotnoe (f = 540 kgc) kvadrupol'noe pole s H{sub {phi}} =200 je u stenok kamery. Pri razrjade batarei maloinduktivnyh kondensatorov na vitki, ulozhennye vdol' tora, v ob{sup e}me kamery mozhet generirovat'sja vihrevoe jelektricheskoe pole zatuhajushhego tipa s maksimal'noj naprjazhennost'ju E{sub z} =200 v/sm pri dlitel'nosti poluperioda okolo 1 mksek. Cel'ju jeksperimentov javljaetsja: 1) vyjasnenie ravnovesija i stabilizacii plazmy v kvazipostojannom toroidal'nom magnitnom pole s pomoshh'ju vrashhajushhihsja mul'tipol'nyh vysokochastotnyh polej, predpolagaja, chto sila toroidal'nogo drejfa, ravnaja Tilde-Operator (r/R)nkT dolzhna kompensirovat'sja davleniem jelektromagnitnoj volny H{sup 2}/8{pi} 2) issledovanie nagreva plazmy za schet dissipacii ''puchkovoj'' neustojchivosti, vozbuzhdaemoj moshhnym potokom 'ubegajushhih jelektronov' pri jelektricheskih poljah v plazme E{sub z} >> E{sub c} Na ustanovke provodilis': a) mikrovolnovye izmerenija plotnosti plazmy s pomoshh'ju interferometra s dlinoj volny {lambda} = 2 mm i nabljudenie granicy plazmy po otrazhennomu signalu na volne {lambda} = 17 mm; b) registracija provedenija linii vo vremeni i

  20. Finite Element Thermal Study of the Linac4 Plasma Generatora

    CERN Document Server

    Faircloth, D; Kuchler, D; Lettry, L; Scrivens, R; CERN. Geneva. BE Department


    The temperature distribution and heat flow at equilibrium of the plasma generator of the RF-powered non-cesiated Linac4 H- ion source have been studied with a finite element model. It is shown that the equilibrium temperatures obtained in the Linac4 nominal operation mode (100 kW RF power, 2 Hz, 0.4 ms pulse duration) are within material specifications except for the magnet cage, where a redesign may be necessary. To assess the upgrade of the Linac4 source for operation in the high-power operation mode of SPL, an extrapolation of the heat load towards 100 kW RF power, 50 Hz repetition rate and 0.4 ms pulse duration has been performed. The results indicate that a significant improvement of the source cooling is required to allow for operation in HP-SPL.

  1. Search for the end of the cosmic ray energy spectrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linsley, John


    The title I was asked to speak about expresses an idea that occurred rather recently in the history of cosmic ray studies. I argue that the idea of a possible end of the cosmic ray energy spectrum came into being after a sequence of three rapid advances in knowledge which I describe, calling them 'breakthroughs'. I suggest that the present workshop be regarded as a step toward a fourth breakthrough. I argue that this may occur through application of the Space Airwatch concept--the earth atmosphere as target and signal generator--as embodied in the NASA OWL project

  2. Injection of Plasma Blobs into A Mirror Trap With Adiabatic Plasma Compression: ''ASPA'' Device; Injection d'Amas de Plasma dans un Piege a Miroirs avec Compression Adiaba Tique - Machine 'ASPA'; Inzhektsiya plazmennykh sgustkov v probochnuyu lovushku s adiabaticheskim szhatiem plazmy. Ustanovka ''ASPA''; Inyeccion de Plasmoides en una Trampa de Espejos con Compresion Adiabatica. La Instalacion 'ASPA'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babichev, A. P.; Burjak, E. M.; Gorbunova, E. F.; Karchevskij, A. I.; Muromkin, Ju. A. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii, Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    compresion. Investigaron tambien el paso del plasmoide a traves del espejo magnetico, para una intensidad del campo de 20 kOe como maximo. En algunos experimentos, el campo del espejo era paralelo al campo magnetico guia, en otros, antiparalelo, es decir, se creo un campo desviador con dos regiones de intensidad nula. Pudo comprobarse que el plasmoide inyectado (con un inyector de titanio o con uno coaxial) atraviesa con bastante facilidad el espejo magnetico cuando la direccion del campo del espejo coincide con la del campo magnetico guia, que no lo atraviesa cuando el campo es de tipo desviador. Basandose en estos experimentos, los autores demostraron la posibilidad de eliminar las impurezas pesadas de un plasma inyectado, utilizando una puerta magnetica pulsada que crea regiones en las que la intensidad del campo magnetico es nula y las fuerza magnetica se dirigen hacia las paredes de la camara. En los experimentos provisionales sobre compresion adiabatica del plasma en una trampa de espejo los autores observaron rayos X duros (de 30 keV de energia); investigaron la influencia ejercida por el campo magnetico inicial y los parametros del plasmoide sobre la intensidad y la dureza de estos rayos. (author) [Russian] Privedeny osnovnye harakteristiki ustanovki ''Aspa'', postroennoj dlja issledovanija adiabaticheskogo szhatija plazmy v lovushke s probochnoj-konfiguraciej magnitnogo polja. Vakuumnaja kamera ustanovki pomeshhaetsja v solenoide (dlina 4 metra, diametr 1 metr), na osi kotorogo mozhet sozdavat'sja prodol'noe vedushhee kvazistacionarnoe magnitnoe pole s naprjazhennost'ju do 5 kje. V kachestve istochnika dejterievoj plazmy ispol'zovalis' titanovyj inzhektor ili koaksial'naja plazmennaja pushka. Plazmennyj sgustok inzhektirovalsja vdol' osi ustanovki i postupal v rabochuju oblast' szhatija, kotoraja predstavljala soboj stekljannuju trubu diametrom 10 sm. Impul'snoe magnitnoe pole probochnoj konfiguracii sozdavalos' dvumja katushkami, rasstojanie mezhdu

  3. Struktura polskiego eksportu wyrobów czekoladowych: ujęcie wartościowe i przestrzenne

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    Krystian Bigos


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników przeprowadzonej analizy empirycznej struktury polskiego eksportu wyrobów czekoladowych. Problem badawczy podjęty w artykule wiąże się z identyfikacją wartości oraz struktury geograficznej polskiego eksportu wyrobów czekoladowych. Metodą badawczą jest analiza ilościowa w odniesieniu do danych uzyskanych ze źródeł Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych oraz WTO. Przeprowadzono analizę danych opisujących rozwój światowego i polskiego eksportu wyrobów czekoladowych. W polskiej literaturze naukowej przedmiotu autor nie zna badań, które podejmowałyby analizę polskiego eksportu wyrobów czekoladowych, stąd jest ona zdecydowanie utrudniona. Analiza ta opiera się w głównej mierze na wyciąganiu wniosków z danych empirycznych uzyskanych z powszechnie dostępnych baz danych.

  4. Wpływ zmęczenia cieplnego żeliwa GJS(Ni1,5MoCu -bazowego do wytwarzania ADI - na strukturę i wytrzymałość

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    J. Wróbel


    Full Text Available W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zmęczenia cieplnego żeliwa sferoidalnego GJS Ni1,5MoCu, bazowego przy wytwarzaniu ADI.Określono wpływ maksymalnej temperatury cyklu (Tmax na odporność na zmęczenie cieplne wyznaczane metodą L.F. Coffina. W pracyopisano przemiany struktury powodowane procesem zmęczenia cieplnego. Również w tym niskostopowym żeliwie obserwuje sięzjawisko ferrytyzacji osnowy i spadku wytrzymałości Rm w procesie narastania liczby cykli cieplno-naprężeniowych. Żeliwo w końcowejfazie zmęczenia zachowuje jedynie około 60% początkowej wytrzymałości Rm, a struktura wyjściowa czysto perlityczna ulega pełnejferrytyzacji. Dodatki stopowe podnoszą znacząco wytrzymałość na zmęczenie cieplne, jednak nie stabilizują struktury przy jej cyklicznym nagrzewaniu.

  5. Inter-Diffusion of Plasma and Magnetic Fields in Pinch and Hardcore Discharges; Interdiffusion d'un Plasma et de Champs Magnetiques dans la Striction Rectiligne et la Striction Tubulaire; Vzaimnaya diffuziya plazmy i magnitnogo polya v pinch-razryadakh i razryadakh v tverdoj serdtsevine; Interdifusion Plasma-Campo Magnetico en Descargas de Estriccion y de Nucleo Rigido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reynolds, P.; Lees, D. J.; Bickerton, R. J.; Hardcastle, R. A.; Wetherell, A. T.; White, B. M. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    The inter-diffusion of plasma and magnetic field is studied in pinch and hardcore discharges in a large bore, linear discharge tube (TIBER). The variation with magnetic field configuration, initial pressure, peak current, pre-heat conditions and rise time is found. The rapid ('anomalous') field diffusion found in the pinch case is due to a hydromagnetic rather than an electrostatic instability. (author) [French] Les auteurs etudient l'interdiffusion d'un plasma et de champs magnetiques dans la striction rectiligne et la striction tubulaire, au moyen d'une chambre a decharge droite de grand diametre (TIBER). Ils en determinent les variations selon la configuration du champ magnetique, la pression initiale, le courant maximum, les conditions de preechauffage et le temps de montee. La diffusion du champ rapide (anormale) constatee dans le cas de la striction rectiligne s'explique par une instabilite hydromagnetique et non par une instabilite electrostatique. (author) [Spanish] Se estudia la interdifusion plasma-campo magnetico en descargas de estriccion y de nucleo rigido utilizando una camara lineal de descarga de gran diametro interno (TIBER). Se determina la variacion segun la configuracion del campo magnetico, la presion inicial, la intensidad maxima de corriente, las condiciones de precalentamiento y el tiempo de crecimiento. La rapida difusion de los campos ('difusion anomala') observada en el caso de la estriccion se debe mas a una inestabilidad hidromagnetica que a una electrostatica. (author) [Russian] Vzaimnaja diffuzija plazmy i magnitnogo polja issleduetsja v pinch-razrjadah i razrjadah v tverdoj serdcevine v linejnoj razrjadnoj trubke bol'shogo diametra (Tiber). Opredeljajutsja izmenenie konfiguracii magnitnogo polja, nachal'noe davlenie, pikovyj tok, uslovija predvaritel'nogo nagreva i vremja pod'ema. Pokazyvaetsja, chto bystraja (''anomal'naja'') diffuzija polja, ustanovlennaja pri pinche, imeet mesto skoree iz-za gidromagnitnoj, chem iz

  6. Optimalizace kapitálové struktury


    TÁCHOVÁ, Ivana


    Assess the capital structure of the company, including influencing factors. Further evaluate various concepts cost of capital, cost of analyzing individual components of equity in a particular company and assess their impact on business performance.

  7. Optimalizace kapitálové struktury


    Průdek, Jakub


    Thesis on The capital structure of the company deals with the most suitable form of financing business activities. The aim is to clarify the most important types of capital that businesses can use to raise funds and to summarize the main theories about optimal capital structure, including their impact on the Czech market. The practical part is dedicated to find a weight average cost of capital function based on the classical theory of capital structure and the subsequent search for her optima...

  8. Dislocation structures, effective and internal stresses of cyclic stained ferritic stainless steel

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrenec, Martin; Polák, Jaroslav


    Roč. 72, č. 279 (2001), s. 129-133 ISSN 1429-6055. [Medzynarodowe Sympozjum - Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasnosci materialów i wyrobów /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : dislocation * cyclicling * stresses Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  9. Algoritmus detekující změny průběhu experimentálních dat

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zezulka, Petr


    Roč. 72, č. 279 (2001), s. 97-100 ISSN 1429-6055. [Międzynarodowe Sympozjum - Metody oceny struktury oraz własnosci materiałow i wyroboów /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : algorithm Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrenec, Martin; Man, Jiří; Obrtlík, Karel; Polák, Jaroslav

    308/2005, č. 86 (2005), s. 269-274 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasności materialów i wyrobów. Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 07.12.2005-09.12.2005] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : low cycle fatigue * superalloy * cyclic strain localization Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  11. Određivanje krutosti planetarnog prenosnika / Determination of gear mesh stiffness in planetary gearing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vojislav Batinić


    Full Text Available Kontaktna krutost zubaca jedan je od glavnih generatora unutrašnjih dinamičkih sila u spregama zupčanika planetarnih prenosnika. Neophodan je pri opisivanju dinamičkog ponašanja planetarnih prenosnika, tj. pri postavljanju jednačina dinamičke ravnoteže. U radu je prikazan metodološki pristup analitičkom i eksperimentalnom određivanju krutosti posmatranog planetarnog prenosnika. / Gear mesh stiffness in planetary gearing is one of the main generators of internal dynamic forces. It is necessary in describing dynamic behavior of planetary trains, i.e. in defining their equations of dynamic balance. This paper presents a methodological approach to experimental and analytical calculation of stiffness in planetary gearing.

  12. Vývoj struktury devizového trhu


    Hakobyan, Ani


    This thesis describes the instruments of the foreign exchange market and analyses the trend of its single elements over the past 15 years. The work is divided into two parts. The first part includes the description of the global foreign exchange market,its history, geografical concentration, participants and financial instruments. The second part analyses the foreign exchange market in the Czech Republic and its comparison with transition economies such as Poland, Hungary and The Slovak Repub...

  13. Optimalizace organizační struktury organizace


    David, Zdeněk


    The purpose of this thesis is to propose an optimal organizational structure of Správa železniční dopravní cesty (Railway Infrastructure Administration), Czech state organization. Since its establishment in 1993, this organization as well as its predecessor Czech Railways, state organization, have gone through changes in organizational structure more often than other state organizations and companies in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, theoretical and ...

  14. Synthesis, Microstructure and the Crystalline Structure of the Barium Titanate Ceramics Doped with Lanthanum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wodecka-Duś B.


    Full Text Available W prezentowanej pracy przeprowadzono badania ceramiki BaTiO3 i Ba1-xLąxTi1-x/4O3 (BLT dla koncentracji z prze- działu 0,001< x <0,004 (0,l-0,4mol.% La. Ceramikę BLT wytworzono z mieszaniny prostych tlenków La203, TiOi i BaCOj (wszystkie o czystości 99,9+%, Aldrich Chemical Co. Proszki ceramiczne otrzymano metodą konwencjonalną w stanie stałym (metodą MOM i poddano badaniu mikrostruktury i struktury krystalicznej. Mieszaniny proszków poddano analizie termicznej. Wyniki analizy termicznej określiły optymalną temperaturę syntezy oraz procesy zachodzące podczas ogrzewania proszków. Następnie proszki formowano w dyski pod ciśnieniem 300MPa w matrycach ze stali nierdzewnej o średnicy 10 mm. Syntezę przeprowadzono w Ts =950°C t =2godz. Ostatnim krokiem technologii było bezciśnieniowe spiekanie metodą swobodnego spiekania w T = 1350^ przez / =2 godziny. Morfologię otrzymanego materiału ceramicznego obserwowano metodą skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej. Ceramikę BLT badano również pod względem składu chemicznego metodą EDS. Analizę strukturalną przeprowadzono metodą dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej. Badania mikrostruktury i struktury krystalicznej ceramiki przeprowadzono w temperaturze pokojowej. Badania EDS potwierdziły zachowanie stechiometrii otrzymanych próbek według wzoru chemicznego. Rentgenowska analiza dyfrakcyjna potwierdziły wytworzenie pożądanej struktury krystalicznej zarówno czystej ceramiki BaTiOj jak i z domieszką Lau. Otrzymana ceramika wykazuje strukturę typu perowskitu A BO? o symetrii tetragonalnej P4 mm. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem stężenia La3* w BaTiOj następuje zmniejszenie wielkości ziam krystalicznych, zmniejszenie średniego wymiaru krystalitów, zmniejszenie objętości komórki elementarnej oraz wzrost obliczonej rentgenowskiej gęstości.

  15. Characteristics of the Beam-Plasma Discharge; Caracteristiques de la 'Decharge Faisceau-Plasma'; ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ РАЗРЯДА ПУЧКА В ПЛАЗМЕ; Caracteristicas de la Descarga Haz-Plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smullin, L. D.; Getty, W. D. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    annotacii my podvodim itog nedavnej raboty po izucheniju vzaimodejstvija jelektronnogo puchka s plazmoj, prodelannoj v Massachuzetskom tehnologicheskom institute. Kogda jelektronnyj puchok prohodit cherez plazmu, on vozbuzhdaet kolebanija na plazmennoj chastote. Jeti mikrovolnovye kolebanija podderzhivajut mikrovolnovyj razrjad, i my nazvali ves' process ''puchkovym razrjadom'. Ionizacija okruzhajushhego gaza osushhestvljaetsja jelektronami vysokoj jEhnergii iz plazmy, kotorye uskorjajutsja poljami kolebanij. Rezul'tatom javljaetsja obrazovanie gorjachej jelektronnoj plazmy vnutri ustanovki s magnitnymi probkami. Poskol'ku parametry razrjada puchka v plazme predstavljajutsja neblagoprijatnymi dlja neposredstvennogo ionnogo nagreva vzaimodejstviem puchka s plazmoj, my pristupili k jeksperimentam, v kotoryh dopolnitel'naja radiochastotnaja jenergija nakladyvaetsja s cel'ju vozbuzhdenija ciklotronnyh kolebanij ionov dlja ionnogo nagreva. Rassmotreniju podlezhat ustojchivost' plazmy; plotnost', srednjaja jenergija i maksimal'naja jenergija jelektronov plazmy; i predvaritel'nye rezul'taty po ionnomu nagrevu. Provodjatsja jeksperimenty s pul'sirujushhim jelektronnym puchkom v 10-15 kv i 10 - 15 A, kotoryj inzhektiruetsja vdol' osi magnitnyh probok v'oblast' drejfa, soderzhashhuju H{sub 2} np 10{sup -5}-10{sup -4} torr. Plotnost' jelektronov plazmy ob{sup e}mom v 1 litr obychno sostavljaet 10{sup 12}-10{sup 13} sm{sup -3} i plotnost' poperechnoj jEhnergii obychno sostavljaet 10{sup 15} jev/sm{sup 3}, chto sootvetstvuet temperature poperechnyh jelektronov v 10{sup 2}-10{sup 3} jev. Izmerenie jenergij rentgenovskih luchej ukazyvaet na sushhestvovanie' jelektronov s jenergiej 50-100 kjev. Spad plazmy posle vykljuchenija puchka proishodit v dva jetapa: otnositel'no bystraja poterja jelektronov nizkoj jEhnergii, {tau} Less-Than-Or-Equal-To 1000 mksek, i medlennyj spad jelektronov vysokoj jEhnergii s {tau} = 10-50 msek. Vtoroj jeksperiment provoditsja s temi zhe parametrami

  16. Vliv povrchové vrstvy Al-Si na nízkocyklovou únavu superslitiny in 713LC pri teplotě 800°C

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Juliš, M.; Obrtlík, Karel; Podrábský, T.


    Roč. 327, - (2008), s. 197-202 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasności materiálow i wyrobow. Svratka, 01.10.2008-03.10.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1QS200410502; GA ČR GA106/07/1507 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : low cycle fatigue * Inconel 713LC * surface treatment Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  17. Zlepšování limitů detekce spektroskopie laserem indukovaného plazmatu (LIBS) pomocí aplikace nanočástic


    Képeš, Erik


    Bakalárska práca popisuje možnosti zlepšovania detekčných limít metódy spektroskopie laserom indukovanej plazmy (LIBS). Zhŕňa modifikácie klasickej aparatúry, ktoré využívajú metódy double-pulsed LIBS (DPLIBS), Townsend effect plasma sectroscopy (TEPS), resonance enhanced LIBS (RELIBS), spark discharge LIBS (SDLIBS), flame-enhanced LIBS (FELIBS) aj nové postupy pri príprave vzoriek, ktoré používa metóda nanoparticle enhanced LIBS (NELIBS). Popisuje mechanizmy, ktoré využívajú jednotlivé metód...

  18. Drift Instabilities and Electron Cyclotron Oscillations for Arbitrary Plasma Pressure; Instabilites de Derive et Oscillations Cyclotroniques des Electrons pour des Pressions de Plasma Arbitraires; Drejfovaya neustojchivost' i ehlektronno-tsiklotronnye kolebaniya pri proizvol'nom davlenii plazmy; Inestabilidades de Deriva y Oscilaciones Ciclotronicas de los Electrones en un Plasma de Presion Arbitraria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krall, N. A.; Pearlstein, L. D. [General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corporation, San Diego, CA (United States)


    )/(massa iona) ili esli {beta}<(k{sub II}r{sub p}){sup 2} , gde r{sub p} - radius plazmy i 1/k{sub II} Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To dliny plazmy, to poluchajut predel nulevogo {beta}. Poskol'ku neustojchivost' sushhestvuet tol'ko dlja (k{sub II}r{sub p}){sup 2} < 0.01, umerennoe davlenie plazmy narushaet predel nulevogo {beta}. Rasschitano sobstvennoe znachenie dlja {beta} >(k{sub ll}r{sub p}){sup 2} i polucheny uslovija dlja stabilizacii'v ostrokone'chnoj geometrii zerkal'noj neustojchivosti. Preobladajushhie vysokochastotnye nereljativistskie kolebanija ustojchivoj plazmy s nulevym {beta} javljajutsja prodol'nymi volnami pri jelektronnoj girochastotnoj garmonike. V sluchae vozbuzhdenija jetih kolebanij, oni mogut rasprostranjat'sja tol'ko togda, kogda svjazany.s poperechnymi volnami; pri'nulevom {beta} jeta svjaz' proishodit na poverhnosti ili v lokal'noj neodnorodnosti. Poskol'ku znachitel'noe vlijanie konechnogo {beta} dolzhno soedinjat' prodol'nye i poperechnye volny, to spektr i svjaz' jelektronno-ciklotronnyh kolebanij rasschityvajutsja pri proizvol'nom {beta}. (author)

  19. Analýza organizační struktury


    ZÍSKALOVÁ, Lucie


    The subject of this thesis is to analyse the organizational structure. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part of the study was used literature. The theoretical part describes the public administration and its executor. Another part of the file is dedicated to organization of public administration, organizational principles and describes the types of organizational structure. Based on the literature review of literature has been created r...

  20. Nanovlákenné struktury pro filtraci vody

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lev, J.; Holba, Marek; Kimmer, D.; Došek, M.; Kalhotka, L.; Mikula, Přemysl


    Roč. 63, č. 12 (2013), s. 409-413 ISSN 1211-0760 R&D Projects: GA TA ČR TA01010356 Institutional support: RVO:67985939 Keywords : electrospinning * nanofibres * filtration Subject RIV: EF - Botanics

  1. The additive congruential random number generator--A special case of a multiple recursive generator (United States)

    Wikramaratna, Roy S.


    This paper considers an approach to generating uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers which works well in serial applications but which also appears particularly well-suited for application on parallel processing systems. Additive Congruential Random Number (ACORN) generators are straightforward to implement for arbitrarily large order and modulus; if implemented using integer arithmetic, it becomes possible to generate identical sequences on any machine. Previously published theoretical analysis has demonstrated that a kth order ACORN sequence approximates to being uniformly distributed in up to k dimensions, for any given k. ACORN generators can be constructed to give period lengths exceeding any given number (for example, with period length in excess of 230p, for any given p). Results of empirical tests have demonstrated that, if p is greater than or equal to 2, then the ACORN generator can be used successfully for generating double precision uniform random variates. This paper demonstrates that an ACORN generator is a particular case of a multiple recursive generator (and, therefore, also a special case of a matrix generator). Both these latter approaches have been widely studied, and it is to be hoped that the results given in the present paper will lead to greater confidence in using the ACORN generators.

  2. Příspěvek k modelování teplotní závislosti difuzních koeficientů ve svarovém spoji ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Million, Bořivoj; Dobrovská, J.; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 78, č. 298 (2004), s. 119-124 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody hodnocení struktury a vlastností materiálů /19./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 30.11.2004-02.12.2004] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : carbon diffusion coefficient * steel weldments Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  3. Razvoj suvremenog menadžmenta trgovine na malo


    Segetlija, Zdenko


    Razvoj koncentracije u trgovini na malo doveo je do daljnjih promjena u njezinoj strukturi te, u skladu s tim, i do promjena u upravljanju gospodarskim subjektima u trgovini na malo. S tim u svezi mijenja se i dosadašnja paradigma marketinga trgovine na malo, budući da sve važnijim postaje oblikovanje asortimana temeljem programa category managementa i drugih oblika vertikalnoga marketinga. S druge pak strane, osim poznavanja zakonitosti razvoja novih oblika poslovnih jedinica, no...

  4. Development of tearing instability in a current sheet forming by sheared incompressible flow (United States)

    Tolman, Elizabeth A.; Loureiro, Nuno F.; Uzdensky, Dmitri A.


    Sweet-Parker current sheets in high Lundquist number plasmas are unstable to tearing, suggesting they will not form in physical systems. Understanding magnetic reconnection thus requires study of the stability of a current sheet as it forms. Formation can occur due to sheared, sub-Alfvénic incompressible flows which narrow the sheet. Standard tearing theory (Furth et al. Phys. Fluids, vol. 6 (4), 1963, pp. 459-484, Rutherford, Phys. Fluids, vol. 16 (11), 1973, pp. 1903-1908, Coppi et al. Fizika Plazmy, vol. 2, 1976, pp. 961-966) is not immediately applicable to such forming sheets for two reasons: first, because the flow introduces terms not present in the standard calculation; second, because the changing equilibrium introduces time dependence to terms which are constant in the standard calculation, complicating the formulation of an eigenvalue problem. This paper adapts standard tearing mode analysis to confront these challenges. In an initial phase when any perturbations are primarily governed by ideal magnetohydrodynamics, a coordinate transformation reveals that the flow compresses and stretches perturbations. A multiple scale formulation describes how linear tearing mode theory (Furth et al. Phys. Fluids, vol. 6 (4), 1963, pp. 459-484, Coppi et al. Fizika Plazmy, vol. 2, 1976, pp. 961-966) can be applied to an equilibrium changing under flow, showing that the flow affects the separable exponential growth only implicitly, by making the standard scalings time dependent. In the nonlinear Rutherford stage, the coordinate transformation shows that standard theory can be adapted by adding to the stationary rates time dependence and an additional term due to the strengthening equilibrium magnetic field. Overall, this understanding supports the use of flow-free scalings with slight modifications to study tearing in a forming sheet.

  5. Řezání plazmou pomocí zařízení TransCut 300


    Bergauer, Radek


    Tepelné dělení plazmou je progresivní technologie řezání materiálů. Kromě běžných zařízení s plynovou stabilizací je nová metoda založena na stabilizaci plazmy vodní parou. V této diplomové práci jsou ověřeny možnosti řezání parou stabilizovanou plazmou a výsledky jsou porovnány s klasickou vzduchovou plazmou. The thermal parting by plasma is progressive technology of material cutting. There is a new method based on the plasma stabilization by the steam, beyond common systems with gas stab...

  6. Steam Line Break Analysis in CAREM-25 Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanocco, Pablo; Gimenez, Marcelo; Vertullo, Alicia; Garcia, A; Schlamp, Miguel


    The main objective of this report is to analyze the reactor response during a steam line break postulated accident with RELAP5, a plant code using a separated flow model.The steam line break caused a rapid blowdown of the secondary coolant increasing the heat removal in the steam generator.As a consequence and due to reactor features the core power is also increased.As maximum removed power in the secondary side is highly dependant on the total water volume evaporated during the accident a detailed model of feed water and outlet steam pipes is provided.Different cases are analyzed with and without feedwater system and considering the fail or success of the First Shutdown System.In all the sequences the DNBR and CPR remain above the minimum safety values established by design.Further calculations concerning depressurization ramps and steam generator feed water pumps response during depressurization are advised

  7. "Poezja Religijna i Sakralna", nr 2


    Tytko, Marek Mariusz


    Wstęp do "Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education" dotyczy głównie profilu czasopisma, jego struktury i zespołu autorskiego. Redaktor naczelny (Marek Mariusz Tytko) opisuje treść kwartalnika i jego program. Chrześcijańska kultura, religijna kultura literacka, chrześcijańska poezja religijna i poezja sakralna są głownym obszarem badawczym autorów tego kwartalnika. This introduction to Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly ...

  8. Sustav obrazovanja kadrova za hotelijersko-turističko gospodarstvo


    Peršić, Milena


    Kadrovi su osnovni društveni i gospodarski resurs razvoja svake djelatnosti, pa tako i pojedinih segmenata u strukturi hotelijersko-turističkog gospodarstva. Iz te spoznaje proizlazi potreba ustroja takvog obrazovnog sustava koji će postojećim i potencijalnim djelatnicima pružiti odgovarajuća znanja za što kvalitetnije uključivanje u sve segmente izvođačkog, informacijskog i upravljačkog sustava hotelskog poduzeća. Neusklađenost nastavnih planova, programa i obrazovnih profila sa stvarnim zah...

  9. Znovusjednocení popisu acidobazické fyziologie a chemie krevní plazmy


    Matoušek, Stanislav


    This thesis addresses an important problem of biomedical acid-base theory, where there are two apparently contradictory ways of describing the acid-base status of blood plasma, while the underlying physiology and chemistry obviously has to be only one. The two descriptions are called the traditional approach, based mainly on the work of Ole Siggaard-Andersen and the modern approach, based on the work of Peter Stewart and his followers. This work has three starting points. First are generally ...

  10. Determinación de la capacitancia de autoexcitación de un generador asincrónico empleando MATLAB; Determination of the capacitor for standalone operation of an asynchronous generator using Matlab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor Brito Socarrás


    Full Text Available Se analiza uno de los métodos matemáticos empleados para el cálculo del valor de la capacitancianecesaria para la autoexcitación de un generador asincrónico; se reflejan los coeficientes del polinomiocaracterístico por ellos obtenidos y la diferencia existente con la fuente de referencia, así como se realizauna valoración de los resultados obtenidos y los que se obtuvieron con los coeficientes de la fuentebibliográfica.  Presently work the authors make a brief analysis of one of the methods mathematical employees for thecalculation of the value of the necessary capacitor for the self-excitation of an asynchronous generator,as well as they reflect the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial for them obtained and the existentdifference with the reference source, as well as they carry out a valuation the results obtained by themand those that were obtained with the coefficients of the bibliographical source.

  11. Presoja sistema notranjih kontrol obračuna potnih nalogov v splošni bolnišnici Celje


    Žerjav, Klavdija


    Poslovni subjekti so izpostavljeni različnim tveganjem, kar velja tudi za javne zavode oz. Splošno bolnišnico Celje. Poslovna tveganja so nepredvidljivi dogodki, ki vplivajo na doseganje zastavljenih ciljev, z notranjimi kontrolami pa se ta tveganja odpravljajo oz. nadzorujejo. Eno izmed tveganj v Splošni bolnišnici Celje je področje kadrov oz. strošek dela, ki v strukturi celotnih stroškov predstavlja zelo pomemben delež. Za učinkovito in uspešno obvladovanje teh stroškov so izrednega pomena...



    Krajnc, Matej


    V diplomskem delu so predstavljene novosti, ki jih prinaša nov predlog za standard HTML5, obdelane so bistvene razlike med starejšim HTML-standardom in novim HTML5-predlogom, prednosti in slabosti. Bistvena razlika med starejšim standardom in novim predlogom za standard je v sami zgradbi oz. strukturi spletne aplikacije. HTML5 uporablja nove strukturne elemente. V samem HTML-ju ni bilo mogoče prikazati medijev, iger in animacij. HTML5 pa že v osnovi omogoča prikazovanje medijev, iger in ani...

  13. Stability of a Magnetically Confined 20-KeV Steady-State Plasma; Stabilite d'un Plasma Stationnaire de 20 KeV Confine par un Champ Magnetique; Ustojchivost' 20 KehV-statsionarnoj plazmy, uderzhivaemoj magnitnym polem; Estabilidad en Regimen Estacionario de un Plasma de 20 KeV Confinado Magneticamente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Futch, Jr., A. H.; Damm, C. C.; Foote, J. H.; Freis, R.; Gordon, F. J.; Hunt, A. L.; Killeen, J.; Moses, K. G.; Post, R. F.; Steinhaus, J. F. [Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States)


    ''Alisa'' (Livermor) issledovalas' ustojchivost' 20-kilovol'tovoj stacionarnoj vodorodnoj plazmy pri razlichnyh konfiguracijah uderzhivajushhih magnitnyh polej. Dlja sozdanija plazmy ispol'zovalsja metod inzhekcii nejtral'nyh chastic v lovushku. V magnitnom pole prostoj probochnoj konfiguracii nabljudalis' kolebanija nizkoj chastoty, i plotnost' zahvachennyh chastic byla ogranichennoj. Jeti fakty ob{sup j}asnjajutsja dejstviem mehanizma nizkochastotnoj drejfovoj neustojchivosti. Teoreticheskoe izuchenie jetoj neustojchivosti provodilos' s uchetom jeffektov, svjazannyh s konechnym razmerom ionnyh orbit, s jelektricheskim polem nulevogo priblizhenija i s neravnymi znachenijami ionnyh i jelektronnyh plotnostej. V nastojashhem issledovanii kak jelektricheskoe, tak i magnitnoe pole mogut byt' proizvol'nymi funkcijami prostranstvennoj koordinaty g. Poskol'ku poluchit' analiticheskoe reshenie dlja poluchennyh differencial'nyh uravnenij voobshhe nevozmozhno, to osnovnye uravnenija byli resheny chislenno metodom konechnyh raznostej. Rezul'taty soglasujutsja s analiticheskimi reshenijami, poluchennymi dlja chastnogo sluchaja jelektricheskogo polja ne nulevogo priblizhenija i uspeshno ob{sup j}asnjajut variacii plotnosti i drejfa, nabljudavshiesja jeksperimental'no v uslovijah slabogo jelektricheskogo polja. Poskol'ku dannoe teoreticheskoe issledovanie polagaet, chto magnitnoe pole dolzhno javljat'sja proizvol'noj funkciej g, mozhno poluchit' reshenija dlja polej s pervonachal'no otricatel'nym gradientom, kotoryj potom stanovitsja polozhitel'nym po mere uvelichenija koordinaty g. Rezul'taty jetih raschetov sravnivajutsja s jeksperimental'nymi nabljudenijami stabilizacii, poluchennymi pri dobavlenii k prostomu probkovomu polju giperbolicheskih polej. Jeksperimental'no pokazano, chto dobavlenie kak dodekapol'nyh, tak i oktupol'nyh polej jeffektivno podavljaet poteri ionov, vyzvannyh drejfovoj neustojchivost'ju. Ostavshiesja ionnye poteri voznikajut iskljuchitel'no za schet ih

  14. Concluding Remarks; Zaklyuchitel'noe slovo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Budker, G. I. [Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian Federation)


    I feel that the changes which have taken place in science in the last few years open up new possibilities, about which I should like to say a few words. In 1951 we began work on thermonuclear reactions in the confident belief that we would solve the problem with a rush and immediately. I was assigned the task of ensuring that our future thermonuclear reactor would not get too much out of hand. It was like the story of the man who wished to invent a perpetual motion machine and had taken out a patent on a method for keeping it under control. This attitude stemmed from the successes in developing ''explosive thermonuclear reactors'', a task which was achieved within a very short period of time, leaving physicists with the impression that they could do everything - and do it fast. However, experience soon showed that here we had a scientific rather than a technological problem and that it would be necessary to study in detail the physics of plasmas - which we have now been doing for over ten years. [Russian] Mne kazhetsja, chto za poslednie gody- v nauke proizoshli izmenenija, otkryvshie novye vozmozhnosti, na kotoryh ja hotel by ostanovit'sja. Ja hochu napomnit', chto v 1951 godu my nachali raboty po fizike plazmy i termojadernym reakcijam. U nas byla uverennost', chto my reshim jetu problemu s hodu, srazu. Mne bylo porucheno obespechivat' regulirovanie budushhego termojadernogo reaktora, chtoby tot ne ochen' ''razognalsja'' i ne vyshel iz-pod kontrolja. Sejchas jeto poruchenie napominaet istoriju o tom, kak odin hotel izobresti vechnyj dvigatel' i vzjal patent na to, chtoby tot ne razgonjalsja do beskonechnyh skorostej. . . Bol'shie uspehi v razrabotke ''vzryvchatyh termojadernyh reaktorov'', kotorye byli sozdany za ochen' korotkoe vremja, porodili u fizikov uverennost' v to, chto oni mogut sdelat' vse i sdelat' bystro. Odnako ochen' skoro zhizn' pokazala, chto jetim delom nuzhno zanimat'sja ne kak konstruirovaniem, a kak naukoj, chto nado razvivat' plazmennuju

  15. Struktura przestrzenna nowych inwestycji budowlanych w małych miastach województwa łódzkiego


    Turczyn, Marcin


    Tematem rozprawy doktorskiej jest „Struktura przestrzenna nowych inwestycji budowlanych w małych miastach województwa łódzkiego”. Całość składa się ze wstępu oraz 5 rozdziałów i liczy niemal 300 stron. W pracy wyznaczono 3 cele główne: analiza struktury przestrzennej nowych inwestycji budowlanych pod względem rodzaju, okresu realizacji, własności inwestycji oraz pochodzenia inwestorów; określenie czynników determinujących powstanie nowych inwestycji budowlanych; określenie miejsca nowych inwe...

  16. Przestępczość zorganizowana


    Karpiel, Dorota


    Problematyka przestępczości zorganizowanej od kilkudziesięciu lat jest przedmiotem rozmaitych debat na forach międzynarodowych. Dokonanie analizy zjawiska przestępczości zorganizowanej, jej stanu, dynamiki i struktury łączy się w pierwszym rzędzie z potrzeby wypracowania odpowiedniej definicji tego pojęcia. Autorka bada orzeczenia sądów na temat przestępczości zorganizowanej, skupiając się także na rozmiarze i strukturze tego zjawiska, zgłębiając źródła prawa polskiego. Celem niniejszej pracy...

  17. Vliv organizační struktury na ekonomickou strukturu podniku


    Vaníková, Lucie


    The goal of the diploma thesis is to analyse the influence of an organizational structure on an economic structure of an organization. The theoretical part summarises basic features of responsibility accounting and tries to find out whether the economic structure is determined only by the organizational structure or by more features. The case of a change of the particular company´s organizational structure proves the influence of the organizational structure on the economic structure in pract...

  18. Turbulent Heating of Plasma by a Direct-Current Discharge; Chauffage Turbulent du Plasma par le Courant d'une Decharge Directe; ТУРБУЛЕНТНЫЙ НАГРЕВ ПЛАЗМЫ ТОКОМ ПРЯМОГО РАЗРЯДА; Calentamiento Turbulento del Plasma por una Corriente de Descarga Directa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babykin, M. V.; Gavrin, P. P.; Zavojskij, E. K.; Rudakov, L. I.; Skorjupin, V. A. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    , durante la inestabilidad de la corriente. Se ha observado que, en un plasma con turbulencia intensa, el espesor de la capa superficial es considerablemente mayor que c/{omega}{rho}. Se propone una explicacion de este hecho. Se estudia el mecanismo de calentamiento del plasma durante la inestabilidad de la corriente. En la memoria se expone una teoria detallada de este fenomeno. (author) [Russian] V doklade izlagajutsja rezul'taty jeksperimentov po turbulentnomu nagrevu plazmy tokom prjamogo razrjada v lovushke s magnitnymi probkami. Issledovalis' takzhe adiabaticheskoe szhatie nagretoj plazmy i nekotorye svojstva turbulentnoj plazmy. Magnitnoe pole narastalo do 9 kje za 1,75 msek. Pri poljah ot 0,5 do 9 kje lovushka zapolnjalas' dejterievoj plazmoj plotnost'ju 10{sup 12}-10{sup 13} sm-3 iz titanovyh inzhektorov. Odnovremenno mezhdu ih koncevymi jelektrodami vkljuchalas' emkost' prjamogo razrjada, zarjazhennaja do 10 Division-Sign 30 kv i sostavljajushhaja v razlichnyh opytah 0,2, 0,8 i 2,65 mkf. Razrjad nachinalsja v moment vstrechi plazmennyh struj. Vnachale on aperiodicheskij, s medlennym narastaniem toka, i na oscillogrammah nabljudajutsja kolebanija, svidetel'stvujushhie o neustojchivosti toka. Soprotivlenie plazmy, opredelennoe po toku i naprjazheniju na plazme, znachitel'no bol'she rasschitannogo po vremeni kulonovskih stolknovenij. Vnachale ono ravno 50-60 om i po mere zapolnenija lovushki i nagreva plazmy padaet do desjatyh dolej oma. Shumy na oscillogrammah toka prekrashhajutsja i razrjad stanovitsja kolebatel'nym. Pokazano, chto dlitel'nost' aperiodicheskogo rezhima opredeljaetsja vremenem zapolnenija. Iz izmerenij raspredelenija potenciala sleduet, chto do perehoda razrjada v kolebatel'nyj rezhim osnovnoe padenie potenciala proishodit v seredine lovushki, v oblasti ponizhennoj plotnosti. Zdes' tokovye skorosti maksimal'ny, i dolzhna razvivat'sja intensivnaja turbulentnost'. V rezul'tate voznikaet anomal'noe soprotivlenie plazmy i pogloshhaetsja znachitel

  19. Astma w badaniach spirometrycznych


    Iwona Grzelewska-Rzymowska; Joanna Mikołajczyk; Jadwiga Kroczyńska-Bednarek


    Astma i POChP to choroby charakteryzujące się zmiennym zwężeniem dróg oddechowych określanym jako „obturacja oskrzeli". Obturacja wywołana jest przez zapalenie błony śluzowej i przebudowę, które wynikają z napływu komórek zapalnych oraz działania różnorodnych mediatorów i cytokin. W procesie zapalnym zaangażowane są różne struktury i procesy określane jako „jednostka nabłonkowo-mezenchymalna". Rozpoznanie astmy opiera się na wywiadzie, badaniu alergologicznym i ocenie wskaźników s...

  20. Lipodystrofia jako problem czasów współczesnych


    Frandofert, Monika; Goździalska, Anna; Jaśkiewicz, Jerzy


    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paper Lipodystrofia dotyka coraz większą część społeczeństwa, dlatego konieczne jest szerokie uświadomienie tego problemu i sposobów jego zwalczania. Lipodystrofi a to nie tylko nieestetyczny wygląd zewnętrzny skóry, ale istotne zaburzenia wewnątrz organizmu. Ważnym czynnikiem wpływającym na wygląd cellulitu są zmiany na poziomie tkanki tłuszczowej i w obrębie macierzy śródmiąższowej, uwarunkowania płciowe dotyczące dymorficznej struktury skóry, oso...

  1. Fast Plasma from a Coaxial Gun; Plasma Rapide Produit par un Canon Coaxial; Bystraya plazma iz koaksial'nogo inzhektora; Produccion de Plasma Rapido Mediante un Inyector Coaxial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marshall, J.; Henins, I. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    vzaimodejstvija radial'nogo toka plazmy i magnitnogo polja toka, protekajushhego vdol' central'nogo jelektroda. Vozmushhenie toka dvizhetsja cherez inzhektirovannyj gaz v napravlenii sopla inzhektora so skorost'ju Tilde-Operator 2,5 x 10{sup 7} sm/sek., akkumuliruja za soboj jenergiju magnitnogo polja i kineticheskuju jenergiju plazmy. Inzhektor so svoej akkumulirovannoj jenergiej vypolnjaet funkciju generatora moshhnosti s nizkim impedansom, vybrasyvajushhego v vakuum za predely sopla struju toka, kotoraja javljaetsja istochnikom bystroj plazmy ( Tilde-Operator 5 x 10{sup 17} dejtronov, Tilde-Operator 10{sup 8} sm/sek). V jetih jeksperimentah issledujutsja struja toka i plazma, kotoruju ona obrazuet. Mehanizm uskorenija slozhen i nedostatochno izuchen, odnako v obshirnoj serii jeksperimentov poluchena znachitel'naja informacija. Dlja diagnostiki ispol'zovalis' sledujushhie metody: vneshnie odnovitkovye diamagnitnye zondy, pojasa Rogovskogo vnutri vakuumnoj kamery, jelektricheskie zondy, vneshnie emkostnye zondy, magnitnyj i jelektrostaticheskij analiz chastic, spektroskopija, fotografija svetovyh izobrazhenij na misheni, vremja proleta s napravljajushhim polem i bez nego, d-d nejtrony iz ob{sup e}ma plazmy i dr. Skladyvaetsja predstavlenie, chto pered soplom inzhektora proishodit slozhnyj jelektromagnitnyj process- Process uskorenija zavisit ot nizkoj plotnosti gaza tam v protivopolozhnost' vysokoj plotnosti vnutri prozhektora. Bystraja plazma v osnovnom poluchaetsja iz gaza , adsorbirovannogo na jelektrodah. Jeto vyzyvaet neobhodimost' v chistom vakuume s tem, chtoby izbezhat' zagrjaznenija sil'no ionizirovannymi bystrymi ionami primesej (C{sup 5+}, 10{sup 8} sm/sek). Material jelektroda isparjaetsja, odnako ne vyzyvaet sil'nogo zagrjaznenija, poskol'ku ono pojavljaetsja pozdno. Vysokoe naprjazhenie, uskorjajushhee iony, svjazano s bystrym rasshireniem v vakuum magnitnogo potoka, vmorozhennogo v struju. Bystraja plazma imeet uzkoe konicheskoe raspredelenie s provalom v centre

  2. Architektura organizační struktury ve vybraném podniku


    JAREŠOVÁ, Jana


    The theoretical part is intent on organization, organizational structure and types of organizational structure. The practical part contains analysis of organization structure of the pharmaceutical wholesale trade. According to the realized analyse, propose improvements.

  3. Analýza struktury trhu práce: MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER


    Hrdina, Martin


    This thesis deals with the determination of the player labour market for the American professional sports league Major League Soccer (MLS). In the theoretical part I focus on the description of the league's development along with the salary politics rules. Using the two stages least square method in the empirical part I then provide the model for the estimation of player's marginal productivity (MRP). In the first step I explain the correlation between the percentages of obtained points by te...

  4. Heating of a Dense Plasma in a Metallic Chamber; Chauffage d'un Plasma dense dans une Chambre Metallique; 041d 0410 0413 0420 0415 0412 041f 041b 041e 0422 041d 041e 0419 041f 041b 0410 0417 041c 042b 0412 041c 0415 0422 0410 041b 041b 0418 0427 0415 0421 041a 041e 0419 041a 0410 041c 0415 0420 0415 ; Calentamiento de un Plasma Denso en una Camara Metalica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shvets, O. M.; Tarasenko, V. F.; Ovchinnikov, S. S.; Tolok, V. T. [Fiziko-Tehnicheskij Institut AN USSR, Khar' kov, USSR (Ukraine)


    vacio, de cobre, en la que se han insertado axialmente electrodos de alimentacion con terminales de aluminio. Los electrodos estan acoplados a un generador de alta frecuencia por medio de un condensador. La camara esta situada dentre de un solenoide que produce el campo magnetico cuya intensidad puede regularse de forma continua entre 0 y 2500 Oe. La configuracion del campo se eligio teniendo en cuenta las condiciones necesarias para la generacion y absorcion de ondas ionico-ciclotronicas (la region del gradiente magnetico maximo se encuentra en el centro del solenoide). Como gas de trabajo se utilizo hidrogeno. Su presion se mantuvo constante en el intervalo de 10{sup -4} a 10{sup -2} Torr por medio de bombas. Para obtener un plasma separado de las paredes de la camara se utiliza una descarga de alta frecuencia, que debido a las propiedades del plasma crea una diferencia de potencial constante entre los electrodos y la camara. Esto da lugar a la aparicion entre los electrodos de electrones que oscilan a lo largo de las lineas de fuerza del campo magnetico y provocan un elevado grado de ionizacion del gas en el espacio comprendido entre los electrodos. En el eje de la camara de vacfo se forma una columna de plasma denso, cuyo diametro esta determinado por el de los electrodos. Los autores examinan el espectro de la radiacion de descarga, evaluan la densidad del plasma por el ensanchamiento de Stark de la linea H{sub {beta}}; la temperatura de los electrones del plasma se determino segun la razon de las intensidades a los singletes y tripletes del helio. Se midieron los flujos de atomos neutros rapidos que se forman durante el proceso de intercambio de cargas de los iones hidrogeno en el gas neutro-, con ayuda de sondas especiales se midieron las energias transversales de los iones en funcion de la intensidad del campo magnetico y de otros parametros. (author) [Russian] V doklade privodjatsja rezul'taty jeksperimentov po vysokochastotnomu nagrevu plazmy. Ustanovka

  5. Rachunek dochodów i wydatków budżetu jednostki samorządu terytorialnego na przykładzie gminy Chełmiec w latach 2011-2013


    Rodak, Anna


    Przedłożona praca ma na celu wskazanie źródeł i struktury dochodów budżetowych oraz charakteru wydatkowania środków budżetowych gminy Chełmiec, a także dokonanie rzetelnej oceny sytuacji finansowej wymienionej powyżej jednostki. Analiza budżetu obejmuje zakres czasowy od 2011 do 2013 roku. Szczegółowe pytania, na które starano się w niniejszej pracy odpowiedzieć są następujące: Czy gmina Chełmiec jest gospodarna w wykorzystywaniu środków budżetowych? oraz jak gmina Chełmiec mając do dyspozycj...

  6. Enzymová a neenzymová složka antioxidační kapacity plazmy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Koudelová, J.; Rauchová, Hana; Novotná, M.; Paclt, I.


    Roč. 5, Suplementum 2 (2001), s. 58-59 ISSN 1211-7579. [Celostátní konference biologické psychiatrie /10./. Luhačovice, 06.06.2001-09.06.2001] R&D Projects: GA MŠk LN00A069 Grant - others:GA UK(CZ) 22/2001/C/1.LF Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5011922 Keywords : catalase * antioxidant potential * hypobaric hypoxia Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry

  7. Wytrzymałość na ścinanie odpadów komunalnych a stateczność skarp składowisk


    Tymoteusz Zydroń; Mariusz Cholewa; Piotr Demczuk


    W pierwszej części pracy dokonano analizy literatury tematycznej dotyczącej parametrów charakteryzujących wytrzymałość na ścinanie odpadów komunalnych. Wykazała ona, że odpady komunalne charakteryzują się bardzo zróżnicowanymi warto­ściami kąta tarcia wewnętrznego i spójności, które zależą od ich struktury, stopnia rozkładu, metody badań, w tym zakresu odkształceń. Wpływ tych czynników na wytrzyma­łość na ścinanie odpadów jest często niejednoznaczny, co powoduje, że dobór...

  8. Mikroekonomická analýza odběratelů společnosti


    Voháňková, Petra


    Práce se zabývá analýzou vývoje a struktury odběratelů společnosti, která vyrábí růžový porcelán. V práci je popsána pozice společnosti na trhu z hlediska dostupnosti zdrojů, možnosti ovlivnění cen výrobků a vyráběného množství. Poslední část práce je zaměřena na zjednodušenou analýzu elasticity poptávky po produktech společnosti a je vysloven názor na možnosti jejího ovlivnění.

  9. Migracii i process transformacii polijetnichnoj struktury naselenija Kaliningradskoj oblasti v postsovetskij period

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    Zimovina E. P.


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the migration processes and their influence on the transformation of multiethnic population structure in the Kaliningrad region. The author uses official statistics (current statistics and census data, as well as interviews with the representatives of ethnic cultural associations as information sources. Special attention is paid to the migration features associated with different ethnic groups. The author identifies major reasons behind the incoming and outgoing movement of population. In the post-Soviet period the Kaliningrad region has experienced positive net migration. This active migration into the region has contributed to the development of “migration networks” and established a new basis for further population increase through migration. The article describes changes in the regional multiethnic population structure and identifies key factors behind them. It is concluded that migration has played the decisive role in the process of multiethnic population structure transformation in the Kaliningrad region in the post-Soviet period. The author views migration as a serious test for both the migrants and the receiving society. On the one hand, migrants have to adapt to a different national, cultural, and linguistic environment and look for the ways of successful integration into the receiving society. On the other hand, the receiving society also faces a serious transformation as a result of the changing population size and structure, the emergence of new elements in culture, rules of behaviour, and the development of new attitudes.

  10. Severokorejská kulturní krajina II. Struktury a vztahy v krajině

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sádlo, Jiří; Kolbek, Jiří


    Roč. 54, č. 2 (2006), s. 70-72 ISSN 0044-4812 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA206/05/0119 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60050516 Keywords : plant communities * management * landscape Subject RIV: EF - Botanics

  11. Moderní teoretické metody analýzy elektronové struktury molekul.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ponec, Robert


    Roč. 10, č. 5 (2016), s. 323-329 ISSN 0009-2770 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : molecular structure * chemical bond * pair population analysis Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 0.387, year: 2016

  12. Pilot testing of the Czech versions of the Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire structure [Pilotní testování struktury české verze dotazníku Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Musálek


    Martin a Kelly Barnes vytvořili v roce 1999 dotazník Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire, který vychází z CBAS (Smith a kol., 1977 a LSS (Chelladurai & Saleh, 1978, 1980. V současné době není v České republice podobný diagnostický nástroj pro hodnocení chování trenéra. CÍLE: Cílem této pilotní studie bylo přeložit a ohodnotit strukturu dotazníku CBAQ metodou strukturálního modelování pro populaci dětí ve věku 10 – 16 let. METODIKA: Pro účel překladu dotazníku byla použita modifikovaná metoda přímého překladu (Behling & Law, 2000. Dotazník vyplnilo 100 účastníků ve věku 10 – 16 let, 63 děvčat (průměrný věk 13,02; SD = 2,10, 37 chlapců (průměrný věk 13,27; SD = 1,37. Pro analýzu dat byla použita exploratorní a konfirmační faktorová analýza. VÝSLEDKY: Původní model byl testován za účelem ověření struktury a diagnostické kvality tohoto nástroje. Výsledky původního 12-faktorového modelu CBAQ ukázaly slabý fit modelu s podprůměrnými hodnotami indexů fitu RMSEA = 0,082, CFI = 0,600 a také nízké koeficienty generické reliability. Z tohoto důvodu jsme se rozhodli pro re-analýzu dat, ze které byla vytvořena modifikovaná 5-faktorová struktura CBAQ. Tento 5-faktorový model s omezeným počtem položek ukázal nejlepší hodnoty indexů fitu RMSEA = 0,056; CFI = 0.964 a také akceptovatelné hodnoty generické reliability. ZÁVĚRY: Tato studie měla pilotní charakter, uvědomujeme si proto, že snížení velkého počtu položek u této modifikované verze vedlo ke ztrátě informace. Přesto se domníváme, že by tato finální 5-faktorová verze s 15 položkami mohla tvořit základ pro budoucí připravovanou plně standardizovanou českou verzi CBAQ.

  13. Funkcje białek bakteriofagowych

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    Ewa Brzozowska


    Full Text Available Bakteriofagi (fagi stanowią naturalny czynnik regulujący liczebność populacji bakteryjnych w przyrodzie. Zainteresowanie bakteriofagami ciągle wzrasta ze względu na ich ogromną liczebność w naturalnym środowisku, a tym samym wpływ na funkcjonowanie organizmów żywych oraz zastosowanie w terapii przeciwko patogennym bakteriom opornym na stosowane antybiotyki. Za swoistość i za zjadliwość fagów wobec bakterii odpowiadają białka wchodzące w skład cząstki fagowej. Białkami tymi są adhezyny rozpoznające receptory na komórkach gospodarzy oraz enzymy degradujące określone struktury ściany komórkowej lub otoczki bakterii. Inne białka fagowe pełnią funkcję strukturalną, wchodząc w skład kapsydów. Białka te chronią fagowy kwas nukleinowy oraz umożliwiają przekazanie wirusowego genomu do wnętrza komórki bakteryjnej, a tym samym odpowiadają za proces infekcji i namnażania fagów potomnych. Enzymy fagowe są ważną grupą białek, które degradują struktury ścian i otoczek bakteryjnych od zewnętrznej, a także od wewnętrznej strony komórki gospodarza. Są to enzymy lityczne hydrolizujące komponenty cukrowe oraz białkowe. Bliższe poznanie natury bakteriofagów oraz pojawienie się lekooporności wśród patogennych bakterii, spowodowało wzrost zainteresowania fagami, jako czynnikami leczniczymi. Bakteriofagi coraz częściej wykorzystywane są także w innych dziedzinach życia człowieka. Testowano je nie tylko w terapii roślin, zwierząt i ludzi, ale także zaproponowano ich użycie do odkażania żywności i środowiska.

  14. Struktury významu. Karel Kosík a problém kultury

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Landa, Ivan


    Roč. 14, č. 1 (2017), s. 7-42 ISSN 1214-7249 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-26686S Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Kosík * Lukács * Marx * Goldmann * Materialism * Politics * Culture Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion OBOR OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology

  15. Analýza spokojenosti a motivační struktury společnosti


    BRŮŽKOVÁ, Simona


    The main object of the diploma thesis is to analysis work satisfaction and motivation structure in selected company. The theoretical part deals with components of motivation structures, theoretical backgrounds of work motivation, and its relationship to job. The subject of the practical part is questionnaire survey and analysis of the current state of satisfaction and motivation of employees in selected company. Based on the obtained data will be defined aspects of the problem and proposed me...

  16. Structural Optimization of Box Wing Aircraft

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kalinowski Miłosz J.


    Full Text Available Układ zamkniętych skrzydeł to niekonwencjonalne rozwiązanie połączenia powierzchni nośnych, które coraz częściej konstruktorzy starają się stosować w prototypach nowych konstrukcji. Ten artykuł prezentuje przykładowy sposób realizacji optymalizacji strukturalnej struktury nośnej skrzydeł w rozpatrywanym układzie, który może być użyteczny w trakcie projektowania wstępnego samolotu. Na wstępie zaprezentowano metody oraz teorię wykorzystane do stworzenia algorytmu optymalizacji. Struktura analizowana jest przy użyciu belkowego modelu MES. Optymalizacja została przeprowadzona z wykorzystaniem połączenia metod iteracji prostych i gradientowych. Wyniki działania algorytmu przedstawione są na prostym przypadku obliczeniowym.

  17. KAIZEN Application


    Špavor, Peter


    V teoretické části této diplomové práce je nejprve rozebrán pojem KAIZEN, v následující kapitole jsou popsány jednotlivé struktury v organizacích. Dále jsou v práci uvedeny požadavky příslušných norem (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, OHSAS 18001). V závěru teoretické části je vysvětlen audit, jeho typy, druhy a samotný průběh auditu. Praktická část obsahuje Projekt škola – certifikační orgán – organizace. V projektu je řešeno zapojení studentů do interních auditů ve vybraných organizacích, je...

  18. „Biblioteka ucząca się” – zmiany w organizacji i systemie zarządzania w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Finlandii Wschodniej

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    Hanna Grabowska


    Full Text Available Zmieniające się, dynamiczne i wymagające otoczenie współczesnej biblioteki naukowej wywiera nacisk na procesy innowacyjne związane ze zmianami modelu zarządzania. Tematem artykułu są zmiany w organizacji i systemie zarządzania w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Finlandii Wschodniej przeprowadzone w związku z fuzją poszczególnych jednostek bibliotecznych. W artykule opisano przeobrażenia na poziomie struktury organizacyjnej, polityki gromadzenia, przechowywania i udostępniania zbiorów oraz w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w kontekście koncepcji organizacji uczącej się, która potrafi funkcjonować w niestabilnym otoczeniu, dostosowuje się do zmian, ale także poszukuje alternatywy zapewniającej ciągłość i rozwój organizacji.

  19. Vývoj osídlení a kulturní krajiny dolního Podyjí v raném středověku


    Dresler Petr; Macháček Jiří


    Článek seznamuje s výsledky systematické archeologické prospekce na území dolního Podyjí. Zájmové území je charakterizováno z hlediska přírodního prostředí i dějin archeologického bádání. Hlavní pozornost je věnována výzkumu z let 2004–2012. Popsána je jak metoda, která kombinuje analytické povrchové sběry, prediktivní modelování, leteckou archeologii a prospekci detektorem kovů, tak výstupy projektu. Prezentovaný výzkum přispěl k hlubšímu poznání vývoje sídlištní struktury v dolním Podyjí v ...

  20. „Jak naprawdę pali palacz?” – wyniki wstępne badań topografii palenia populacji palaczy w Polsce (United States)

    Czogała, Jan; Goniewicz, Maciej Łukasz; Czubek, Agnieszka; Koszowski, Bartosz; Sobczak, Andrzej


    Na stężenie substancji toksycznych w dymie papierosowym w sposób oczywisty wpływać muszą warunki tlenowo-temperaturowe generowania dymu. Warunki te zależne są od sposobu palenia papierosa (topografii palenia). Topografię palenia charakteryzują następujące parametry: głębokość i szybkość zaciągania, czas przerw między zaciągnięciami i liczba zaciągnięć. W zdecydowanej większości dotychczasowych badań dotyczących składu dymu papierosowego, dym generowano w standardowych warunkach zalecanych przez Międzynarodową Organizację Normalizacyjną ISO i Federalną Komisję Handlu FTC. Obecnie coraz częściej kwestionuje się wykorzystanie standardowych metod laboratoryjnych, jako narzędzi do oceny dawek substancji toksycznych pobieranych przez palaczy w wyniku palenia Określenie rzeczywistych dawek substancji odtytoniowych na jakie narażeni są palacze określonej populacji wymaga zatem w pierwszej kolejności określenia topografii palenia palaczy należących do tej populacji. Celem pracy była kompleksowa charakterystyka parametrów topografii palenia papierosów populacji palaczy w Polsce i jej rozkładu statystycznego. Do badań zakwalifikowano reprezentatywną grupę 129 palaczy. Aby spełnić założenia reprezentatywności badanej grupy palących dokonano analizy struktury demograficznej palaczy papierosów w Polsce posługując się danymi GUS dotyczącymi ogólnej struktury ludności (płeć, profil wiekowy) oraz szczegółowej struktury populacji palaczy papierosów przeprowadzonych według kryteriów profilu wiekowego i liczby wypalanych papierosów. Pomiar indywidualnych parametrów topografii palenia przeprowadzono przy pomocy profesjonalnego przenośnego urządzenia CreSSmicro. Średnia objętość zaciągania się dymem zmierzona w badanej grupie wynosiła 60 ml, była, więc 78% wyższa od wartości normatywnej zalecanej do badań przez ISO (35 ml). Średnia szybkość zaciągania mierzona w badanej populacji wynosząca 48

  1. MHD equilibrium of toroidal fusion plasma with stationary flows; Rownowaga MHD toroidalnej plazmy termojadrowej z przeplywami

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galkowski, A. [Institute of Atomic Energy, Otwock-Swierk (Poland)


    Non-linear ideal MHD equilibria in axisymmetric system with flows are examined, both in 1st and 2nd ellipticity regions. Evidence of the bifurcation of solutions is provided and numerical solutions of several problems in a tokamak geometry are given, exhibiting bifurcation phenomena. Relaxation of plasma in the presence of zero-order flows is studied in a realistic toroidal geometry. The field aligned flow allows equilibria with finite pressure gradient but with homogeneous temperature distribution. Numerical calculations have been performed for the 1st and 2nd ellipticity regimes of the extended Grad-Shafranov-Schlueter equation. Numerical technique, alternative to the well-known Grad`s ADM methods has been proposed to deal with slow adiabatic evolution of toroidal plasma with flows. The equilibrium problem with prescribed adiabatic constraints may be solved by simultaneous calculations of flux surface geometry and original profile functions. (author). 178 refs, 37 figs, 5 tabs.

  2. Životní cyklus podniku a vliv na volbu finanční struktury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zdeněk Konečný


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: Companies during their existence pass through the phases of their life cycle. Every phase is among others characterized by different availability of financial sources and this fact will significantly influence the financial structure of a company. Previous researches were aimed mostly on availability and usability of external financial sources during the life cycle of a company. The financial structure in context of the life cycle of a company was so far most researched by Marc Reiners. This author viewed the financial structure only in accordance with the legal status of the investors and he did´nt consider other important criterions like origin, usable life and bribability of financial sources. According to all these criterions is the financial structure in context of the life cycle of a company considered in this article. Scientific aim: The companies are classified into three groups into companies that are in phases of growth, stabilisation and decline. The financial structure is separately within these groups under review. Financial sources are divided always according to the criterion, which is selected to consider the financial structure. Methodology/methods: To implementing the research is used the method of analysing the secondary data that are extracted from the financial reports of surveyed firms. Phases of the life cycle of a company are identified on the basis of the growth indicator, developed by Marc Reiners. All the selected companies are from the Czech automotive industry, they are small or middle, and they have some history, because for companies in the phase of foundation isn´t this growth indicator usable. Findings: In the financial structure of all selected companies, regardless of the phase of their life cycle, dominate long-dated and bribable financial sources. The companies in phase of stabilisation are at least indebted and have the highest share of internal sources. Conclusions: (limits, implications etc It can be said, that the fact, that especially companies in phase of stabilisation have most available external sources and they can most indebt, wasn´t approved oneself on financial structure of these companies. The limitation of this finding is that only few companies are in the phase of stabilisation according to the used growth indicator.

  3. Paralelní robotické struktury a moderní metody jejich řízení

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Belda, Květoslav


    Roč. 52, č. 5 (2009), s. 296-300 ISSN 0005-125X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10750506 Keywords : Parallel robotic structures * industrial robotic s * predictive control * real-time control Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory

  4. BiBTeX styl pro ČSN ISO 690 a ČSN ISO 690-2


    Pyšný, Radek


    Tato práce popisuje průběh vytváření bibliografického stylu pro nástroj BibTeX, pomocí něhož lze v LaTeXu sázet bibliografické citace v souladu s normou ČSN ISO 690. V úvodu práce je proveden rozbor ČSN ISO 690. Následuje popis spolupráce mezi systémem LaTeX a nástrojem BibTeX. Podstatná část práce je věnována popisu struktury souborů, které BibTeX potřebuje pro svou funkci, tj. bibliografická databáze a bibliografický styl. Závěr této práce je věnovaný popisu vlastností vytvořeného bibliogra...

  5. Mezinárodní daňová optimalizace s využitím offshore a onshore jurisdikcí v Evropské unii


    Skalická, Magdaléna


    Cílem diplomové práce je navržení korporátní struktury s využitím offshore a onshore center v Evropské unii pro optimalizaci daně z příjmu právnických osob. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou, analytickou a praktickou s vlastními návrhy řešení. V teoretické části je popsána problematika mezinárodního daňového plánování i zdanění se zaměřením na offshore a onshore finanční centra. V analytické části jsou nejprve jednotlivá offshore a onshore finanční centra v Evropské unii identifikována a...

  6. Comparison of Alkali Plasma Loss Rates in a Stellarator and in a Toroidal Device with Minimum Mean-B Properties; Comparaison des Taux de Perte d'un Plasma Alcalin dans un Stellarator et dans un Appareil Toroidal Ayant des Proprietes de B Moyen Minimum; Comparaison des Taux de Perte d'un Plasma Alcalin dans un Stellarator et dans un Appareil Toroidal Ayant des Proprietes de B Moyen Minimum; СРАВНЕНИЕ СКОРОСТЕЙ ПОТЕРЬ ЩЕЛОЧНОЙ ПЛАЗМЫ В СТЕЛЛАРАТОРЕ И В ТОРОИДАЛЬНОЙ УСТАНОВКЕ С МИНИМУМОМ СРЕДНЕГО В; Comparacion de las Velocidades de Perdida de Plasmas Alcalinos en un Stellarator y en un Aparato Toroidal con Propiedades de B Medio Minimo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eckhartt, D.; Von Gierke, G.; Grieger, G. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    necesarios para asegurar el equilibrio en un Stellarator en el cual el campo de confinamiento esta dirigido principalmente en direccion azimutal. Sin embargo, en un aparato toroidal de simetria azimutal, con un campo magnetico puramente meridiano, se puede conseguir el equilibrio sin comentes ni movimientos macroscopicos a lo largo de B. Ademas, las inestabilidades estriadas pueden evitarse en los plasmas de 6 pequeno si {nabla} Contour-Integral d Script-Small-L /B napravleno parallel {nabla}{sub p} es paralelo a {nabla}p. Los autores han construido un aparato que reune las propiedades antes mencionadas. En esencia, consta de cuatro conductores anulares, por los que circula la corriente y que estan sumergidos en el plasma (la disposicion es similar a la de Okhawa y colaboradores). La corriente que circula por dichos conductores es continua, para evitar, dentro del plasma, los campos electricos azimutales. Se estudia el confinamiento del plasma en este aparato utilizando plasmas alcalinos termicos que se producen por ionizacion de contacto. Se pueden elegir las condiciones de funcionamiento de modo que las perdidas de plasma debidas a mecanismos 'clasicos'(difusion por colision hacia las paredes y los conductores anulares, perdidas de particulas en los soportes, recombinacion en volumen, etc. ) sean pequenas en Comparacion con las elevadas velocidades de perdidas atribuidas al 'bombee'. Los resultados iniciales de caracter experimental obtenidos con el stellarator de Wendelstein y con el aparato octopolar indican que en ambos dispositivos las velocidades observadas de perdida de partfculas concuerdan satisfactoriamente con los calculos teoricos que se basan en la difusion resistiva y en la recombinacion de las superficies en los soportes. Las perdidas por 'bombeo' parecen indicar velocidades de perdida de partfculas superiores en uno o dos ordenes de magnitud a las observadas. (author) [Russian] S pomoshh'ju termicheskoj cezievoj plazmy v stellaratore s trehzahodnymi

  7. Anomalous Plasma Diffusion in Magnetic Wells; Diffusion Anormale de Plasma dans des Puits Magnetique; Anomal'naya diffuziya plazmy v magnitnykh yamakh; Difusion Anomala de Plasma en Pozos Magneticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fowler, T. K.; Guest, G. E. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    examinan aplicaciones a diversos sistemas de confinamiento termonuclear. En algunos casos, los resultados son alentadores y complementan la conclusion anterior de los autores, segfin la cual tambien la difusion estocastica es admisible para la fusion. Subsiste el interrogante del valor limite de {beta} y el comportamiento no lineal de ciertas inestabilidades en el espacio de las velocidades para {omega} Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To {omega}{sub ci}, la frecuencia de giro de los iones. Al deducir la ecuacion (IX los autores consideran que D{sub Up-Tack} = {lambda}(cE{sub Up-Tack }/B), donde {lambda} es la 'longitud de mezcla' radial. Estiman el valor de E{sub Up-Tack} a partir de la energia libre disponible, compuesta por dos terminos, Greek-Small-Letter-Delta W = Greek-Small-Letter-Delta W{sub 0} + Greek-Small-Letter-Delta W{sub 1}. El primero, Greek-Small-Letter-Delta W{sub 1}, es el termino corriente de estabilizacion en un pozo magnetico o un pozo 'promedio' si se conservan el momento magnetico {mu} y el invariante longitudinal J. El termino Greek-Small-Letter-Delta W{sub 1}, tiene en cuenta los casos en que no se cumple la invariancia adiabatica. Los autores estiman su valor sobre la base de la termodinamica no lineal. Puede haber una considerable contribucion positiva a 6W proveniente de la liberacion de energia termica, analogamente al enfriamiento de un gas por expansion, lo que explica la difusion anomala en varios experimentos con dB/dr Less-Than-Or-Equal-To 0. Cuando dB/dr es positiva y suficientemente grande, Greek-Small-Letter-Delta W{sub 0} es negativa y supera aquella. Unicamente en ese caso la pequena energia de deriva azimutal provoca el crecimiento del campo. Los autores comparan los resultados obtenidos con la teoria lineal, despreciando la energia de deriva. (author) [Russian] Obsuzhdaetsja radial'noe peremeshhenie plazmy v magnitnyh jamah (magnitnyj gradient dB/dr> 0), osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja nizkochastotnym neustojchivostjam, ne stabilizirujushhimsja za

  8. Observations of Mercury Flowing along a Trough in a Transverse Magnetic Field; Nekotorye nablyudeniya techeniya rtuti v lotke v poperechnom magnitnom pole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vulis, L. A.; Jaglenko, V. T. [Akademija Nauk SSSR, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    diverging duct when certain relationships held. Limitations associated with the superposition of a magnetic field were established, in addition to the usual hydro-gas analogy. (author) [Russian] Privodjatsja nekotorye rezul'taty nabljudenija stacionarnogo techenija rtuti v gorizontal'nom lotke pri nalichii poperechnogo magnitnogo polja. Izuchenie takogo vida dvizhenija provodjashhej sredy so svobodnoj poverhnost'ju v magnitnom pole predstavljaet dvojakij interes - dlja sopostavlenija rezul'tatov opytov i rascheta MGD techenij neszhimaemoj zhidkosti, s odnoj storony, i v kachestve priblizhennoj modeli dvizhenija plazmy v svete izvestnoj gidrogazovoj analogii dlja MGD techenij, s drugoj storony. Rassmotreny rezul'taty opytov, ohvatyvajushhih dokriticheskie i sverhkriticheskie techenija rtuti v oblasti znachenija chisel Fruda OD -3,0 pri ves'ma malyh znachenijah magnitnogo chisla Rejnol'dsa i bol'shih znachenijah chisla Gartmana (svyshe 100). Osnovnye parametry ustanovki sledujushhie: razmery kanala 40x 200 mm, skorost' techenija rtuti do 1,2 m/sek, magnitnaja indukcija do 1,2 tl. Dlja nepreryvnyh (dokriticheskih i sverhkriticheskih) techenij v kanalah postojannogo i peremennogo sechenija sravnivajutsja opytnye dannye po izmeneniju mestnoj i polnoj vysoty urovnja zhidkosti s raschetom, vypolnennym v odnomernom priblizhenii. Polucheny podrobnye harakteristiki gidravlicheskogo pryzhka v poperechnom pole, ego struktury i modifikacii, poter' polnoj vysoty i dr. V opytah izuchalos' dvizhenie rtuti v kanale s izolirovannymi stenkami i pri nalichii jelektrodov s vneshnim soprotivleniem. Osnovnoj metod nabljudenija - fotograficheskij, narjadu s jetim proizvodilis' izmerenija jelektricheskih (raspredelenie potenciala i dr.) i gidravlicheskih harakteristik. V rezul'tate issledovanija pokazano, chto odnomernaja raschetnaja shema udovletvoritel'no opisyvaet nepreryvnoe techenie v kanale (osobenno postojannogo sechenija). Vyjavlen rjad osobennostej, prisushhih rassmatrivaemym javlenijam i

  9. Ocena Nośności Konstrukcji Nawierzchni Lotniskowych Metodą Acn-Pcn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wesołowski Mariusz


    Full Text Available Konstrukcje nawierzchni lotniskowych są projektowane na określony okres eksploatacji przy założeniu prognozowanego natężenia i struktury ruchu lotniczego. Bezpieczeństwo wykonywania operacji lotniczych przez statki powietrzne na nawierzchniach lotniskowych zależy przede wszystkim od stanu nośności ich konstrukcji. W związku z tym, kontrolne badania nośności należy przeprowadzać okresowo, gdyż informacja o aktualnym stanie eksploatacyjnym nawierzchni lotniskowej stanowi podstawę do podejmowania decyzji o rodzajach statków powietrznych dopuszczonych do ruchu, intensywności ruchu lotniczego oraz terminach rozpoczęcia prac remontowych lub modernizacyjnych. Aktualnie do oceny nośności nawierzchni lotniskowych stosuje się metodę ACN-PCN, która została wprowadzona przez Organizację Międzynarodowego Lotnictwa Cywilnego ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization. W artykule przedstawiony został sposób wyznaczania i opisu wskaźnika PCN

  10. Podnikatelský záměr – rozšíření výrobních kapacit společnosti Industrial Engineering s. r. o.


    Valová, Zuzana


    Předmětem diplomové práce je sestavení podnikatelského záměru pro rozšíření výrobních kapacit společnosti Industrial Engineering s. r. o. pořízením nových technologií. V teoretické části práce je popsán význam podnikatelského záměru, význam podnikání a základní právní formy podniku. Součástí je popis struktury a sestavení podnikatelského záměru. V praktické části je na základě analýzy současného stavu a marketingové analýzy společně se zpracováním podnikatelského záměru posouzena realizovatel...

  11. Adaptivna digitalna sita v strukturi porazdeljene aritmetike: Adaptive digital filter implementation with distributed arithmetic structure:


    Babič, Rudolf; Horvat, Bogomir; Osebik, Davorin


    Adaptive digital filters have a wide range of applications in the area of signal processing where only minimum a priori knowledge of signal characteristics is available. In this article the adaptive FIR digital filter implementation based on the distributed arithmetic technique is described. The major problem with conventional adaptive digital filter is the need for fast multipliers. When using a hardware implementation. These multipliers take up the disproportional amount of the overall cost...

  12. Využití komputačních metod při studiu struktury

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Drahokoupil, Jan


    Roč. 20, č. 2 (2013), s. 85-86 ISSN 1211-5894. [Struktura 2013 - Kolokvium Krystalografické společnosti. 09.09.2013-13.09.2013, Češkovice (Blansko)] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : X-ray * structure * computer simulation Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

  13. Teoretické výpočty stability a elektronové struktury povrchů Si


    Krejčí, Ondřej



  14. Nonequilibrium statistical physics of small systems: fluctuation relations and beyond (annual reviews of nonlinear dynamics and complexity (vch))

    CERN Document Server


    This book offers a comprehensive picture of nonequilibrium phenomena in nanoscale systems. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, this book strikes a balance between theory and experiment, and includes in-depth introductions to nonequilibrium fluctuation relations, nonlinear dynamics and transport, single molecule experiments, and molecular diffusion in nanopores. The authors explore the application of these concepts to nano- and biosystems by cross-linking key methods and ideas from nonequilibrium statistical physics, thermodynamics, stochastic theory, and dynamical s

  15. Kvantifikace vlivu struktury ekonomiky na strukturu středního školství v Praze

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Benáček, Vladimír; Brzobohatý, F.


    Roč. 6, č. 9 (2008), s. 3-5 ISSN 1214-1720 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA700280803 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70280505 Keywords : structure of production * education * productivity Subject RIV: AO - Sociology, Demography

  16. Analiza poluprovodničkih kvantnih generatora tipa A3B5 po nano nivoima / Analysis of semiconductor quantum generators of A3B5 type at nano levels / Наноуровневый анализ полупроводниковых квантовых генераторов типа A3B5

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    Leonid I. Grečihin


    Full Text Available U članku se obrazlaže formiranje klasterne rešetkaste strukture poluprovodničkog kristala tipa A3B5. Predstavljen je način deformacije elektronskih opni atoma koji su u sastavu elemenata poluprovodničke kristalne strukture. Na primeru kristala iz jedinjenja indijuma i elemenata pete grupe Mendeljejeve tablice, utvrđeno je među kakvim energetskim nivoima dolazi do generisanja poluprovodničkog kvantnog generatora. Definisani su tehnološki uslovi za izradnju lasera tipa A3B5. / The article describes the formation of the cluster grid structure of semiconductor crystals of A3B5 type. The deformation of the electron shells of the atoms in semiconductor crystal structure elements has been presented. Crystals of the Indium compounds and the elements from Group 5 of the Mendeleev periodic table have been used to show the energy levels where a semiconductor quantum generator is generated. The technological conditions for an A3B5 type laser realisation have been defined. / Обосновано образование кластерной решеточной структуры полупроводниковых кристаллов типа А3В5. Показано, каким образом происходит деформация электронных оболочек атомов составных элементов полупроводниковой кристаллической структуры. На примере кристаллов из соединений индия с элементами пятой группы таблицы Менделеева установлено, между какими энергетическими уровнями реализуется генерация полу- проводникового квантового генератора. Сформулированы тре бования к технологии изготовления лазеров на основе А3В5.

  17. Instability and Related Macroscopic Effects in Toroidal Discharges; Instabilites et Effets Macroscopiques qui les Accompagnent dans les Decharges Toroidales; Neustojchivost' i svyazannye s nej makroskopicheskie ehffekty v toroidal'nykh razryadakh; Inestabilidad y Efectos Macroscopicos Conexos, en las Descargas Toroidales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kadomcev, B. B.; Pogutse, O. P. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    de particulas, pueden ser considerablemente mayores que los flujos clasicos determinados por las colisiones binarias. Al aumentar la presion del plasma, las celdas de conveccion dejan de superponerse y el efecto macroscopico de la inestabilidad por corriente convectiva se hace pequeno. A presiones del plasma aun mayores, las oscilaciones inestables del plasma son independientes del potencial y van acompanadas de una curvatura de las lineas de fuerza, como consecuencia de lo cual se produce un reordenamiento de las superficies magneticas. Junto con la inestabilidad por corriente convectiva, en un plasma de baja presion se desarrolla una inestabilidad por deriva, de la cual tambien se presenta en la'memoria un examen, basado en la teoria no lineal. Se examina asimismo la interaccion de las oscilaciones por deriva con las celdas de conveccion. (author) [Russian] Rassmatrivajutsja s edinoj tochki zrenija osnovnye vidy neustojchivosti plazmy v toroidal'nyh razrjadah i te makroskopicheskie jeffekty, k kotorym privodjat razvivshiesja za schet neustojchivosti nelinejnye kolebanija plazmy. Prezhde vsego rassmatrivaetsja linejnaja zadacha ob ustojchivosti osesimmetrichnogo razrjada (toroidal'nost' imitiruetsja granichnymi uslovijami sshivki na torcah) na osnove kineticheskogo uravnenija s uchetom stolknovenij i konechnosti larmorovskogo radiusa ionov, daetsja klassifikacija neustojchi- vostej. Rezul'taty reshenija linejnoj zadachi sluzhat osnovoj dlja posledujushhego rassmotrenija nelinejnyh processov v razrjade. Pri rassmotrenii nelinejnoj zadachi osnovnoe vnimanie udeljaetsja bolee prostomu sluchaju razrjada v sil'nom prodol'nom magnitnom pole, kogda davlenie plazmy znachitel'no men'she davlenija magnitnogo polja. Esli prenebrech' nepotencial'nost'ju kolebanij, to ostaetsja tol'ko dve neustojchivosti - drejfovaja i tokovo-konvektivnaja. V rabote pokazano, chto to- kovo-konvektivnaja neustojchivost' privodit k razvitiju bol'shogo chisla konvekcionnyh jacheek, v kotoryh teplo

  18. Plasma Stability in Magnetic Mirror Machine with Stabilizing Rods; Stabilite du Plasma dans une Machine a Miroirs Magnetiques avec Barreaux de Stabilisation; Ustojchivost' plazmy v probkotrone so stabiliziruyushchimi sterzhnyami; Estabilidad del Plasma en una Trampa de Espejos con Barras Estabilizadoras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trubnikov, B. A. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    indica en la memoria, se puede conseguir la estabilizacion incluso en el caso limite de barras muy cortas, en el cual se las puede considerar como un sistema de 2n dipplos magneticos puntiformes, situados en, el plano central de la trampa de espejos, en una circunferencia de radio a y dirigidos en sentido radial desde el eje (o hacia el eje - las direcciones alternan). Estos sistemas, que hemos considerado a propuesta de Artsimovich, pueden ofrecer muy buenas perspectivas, ya que su estructura simplifica el acceso al plasma y permite instalar un equipo complementario para el diagnostico o el calentamiento del plasma. (author) [Russian] V nastojashhej rabote izvestnyj kriterij Greek-Small-Letter-Delta {integral} Script-Small-L / B < 0 obobshhaetsja na proizvol'nyj sluchaj aksial'no- nesimmetrichnyh polej. Dlja jetogo ego sleduet predstavit' v vide {integral}( Greek-Small-Letter-Delta B/B{sup 2}) (P{sub 0} + P{sub Up-Tack }) d Script-Small-L > 0. Zdes Greek-Small-Letter-Delta B = s x {Delta}B prirashhenie modulja polja na sosednej (vneshnej) silovoj linii, prichem s Up-Tack B. Ukazannyj kriterij primenjaetsja dlja issledovanija ustojchivosti plazmy v probkotrone so stabilizirujushhimi sterzhnjami. Pole vblizi osi opisyvaetsja skaljarnym potencialom: {psi} = {integral} B{sub 0} (z) dz - B{sub 0}{sup 1} (z) r 2/4 + g (z) r{sup n} cos n{phi} prichem dlja polja na samoj osi prinimaetsja parabolicheskaja approksimacija B{sub 0}(z) = B{sub 0}{sup 0} (1 + z{sup 2} /1{sup 2}). Esli 2p sterzhnej s tokom J v kazhdom raspolozheny na okruzhnosti'radiusa a, to ispol'zuja malost' velichiny r{sub 0}/1 << 1 mozhno privesti kriterij ustojchivosti k takomu vidu, chto v nem ostaetsja lish' parametr {alpha} = 4nJ Script-Small-L r{sub 0}{sup n-2}/ca{sup n} B{sup 0}{sub 0} i velichina x = z{sub max}/ Script-Small-L , where z{sub max} -maksimal'naja tochka otrazhenija chastic (z = 0 sootvetstvuet central'noj ploskosti probkotrona). Byli rassmotreny dva raspredelenija chastic: maksvellovskoe s

  19. Effect of bcl-2 overexpression in mice on ovotoxicity caused by 4-vinylcyclohexene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flaws, Jodi A.; Marion, Samuel L.; Miller, Kimberly P.; Christian, Patricia J.; Babus, Janice K.; Hoyer, Patricia B.


    The occupational chemical 4-vinylcyclohexene (VCH) destroys small preantral ovarian follicles in mice following repeated daily dosing. The cell survival gene bcl-2 is thought to protect against follicular death during embryogenesis because primordial follicle numbers in newborn bcl-2 overexpressing (OE) mice are greater than in wild-type (WT) controls. Thus, this study was designed to determine if overexpression of bcl-2 protects against VCH-induced follicle loss during embryonic development. Pregnant bcl-2 OE or WT mice were dosed (p.o.) daily with VCH (500 mg/kg) or sesame oil (vehicle control) on days 8-18 of pregnancy. Ovaries were collected from moms and female pups on pup postnatal day (PND) 8. Nonpregnant OE and WT females were also treated with VCH (500 mg/kg p.o.) or vehicle and evaluated in the same manner. As previously reported, ovaries from PND8 OE female pups contained 50% more primordial follicles than WT pups (P < 0.05). Unlike WT pups, relative to vehicle controls, in utero exposure to VCH resulted in a reduction in primordial (25% of control), primary (38% of control), and secondary (33% of control) follicles in ovaries of OE pups (P < 0.05). VCH had no significant effect on follicle numbers in OE or WT moms. Conversely, in nonpregnant adults, VCH did not affect WT mice but caused loss of primordial (55% of control), primary (51% of control), and secondary (69% of control) follicles in OE mice (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that bcl-2 overexpression does not protect against, but instead increases susceptibility to VCH-induced follicle loss in transplacentally exposed or in nonpregnant mice

  20. Proměny organizační struktury Ústavu pro jazyk český (1946-1989)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dvořáčková, Věra


    Roč. 3, č. 1 (2011), s. 37-52 ISSN 1803-9448 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90610521 Keywords : The Institute of the Czech Language, organisational structure * organisational structure * Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics

  1. Podnikové organizační a řídící struktury na rozcestí

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    Petra Pártlová


    Full Text Available In the system concept of the enterprise, organization and management and their structures are its functional, spatial integrating elements that create relations and links of corporate architecture. The paper focuses on organizational and management structures in the current market economy conditions of the Czech Republic. The theoretical basis of the issue is defined as the theory of organizing with organizational behaviour. It contains important definitions of the terms, including the basic configuration of organizational structures. Based on a large sample of mostly South Bohemian enterprises, the current level of organizational and management structures is analysed, basic comparisons according to the size categories of enterprises with sectoral differentiation is carried out. The outputs of the analysis revealed that there is a decline of classical management structures such as the divisional and combined structure at the expense of unit structures with the trend being the most intense in the largest enterprises. Such transformation provably relates to business orientation, and the industrial sector is more pronounced. In terms of the number of management levels, there was no causal relation to the focus of the enterprise, unlike its size. At the same time, the results revealed a significant lack of knowledge of organizational and managerial skills of business managers, particularly in micro and small enterprises. The overriding opinion of all the executives in the sample should be a requirement for the gradual reorganization of the existing organizational and management structures with an individual approach for each enterprise. The conclusion of the paper summarizes the results achieved and indicates the expected trend of the corporate architecture.

  2. A Study of the Impact of Power Supply Parameters on Metal Flow Velocity in the Channel of a Device for Washing out Precious Metals from of the Automotive Catalytic Converters

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    Fornalczyk A.


    Full Text Available Czas życia katalizatorów samochodowych jest ograniczony. Dzisiejsze przepisy środowiskowe wymagają aby były one poddawane procesowi recyklingu jako cenne źródło platynowców, AI2O3 i złomu stalowego. Metale szlachetne stosowane w tych urządzeniach pełnią funkcje katalityczne, naniesione są na ceramiczny lub metalowy nośnik. Artykuł ten dotyczy procesu odzyskiwania metali szlachetnych ze zużytych katalizatorów samochodowych przy wykorzystaniu metody metalu-zbieracza. W celu przyspieszenia procesu wymywania metali szlachetnych ze struktury kapilarnej katalizatora, przepływ ciekłego metalu-zbieracza zmuszony został przez pole elektromagnetyczne. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki modelowania mające na celu poprawę skuteczności przepływu ciekłego metalu przez nośniki katalizatora za pomocą urządzenia z podwójnym uzwojeniem. Przeanalizowano także różne sposoby zasilania urządzenia. Eksperyment obliczeniowy został zrealizowany jako słabosprzężona analiza pola elektromagnetycznego i pola przepływu.

  3. Some Non-Destructive Testing Methods Applicable to Sintered Materials; Quelques Methodes d'Essais Non Destructifs Applicables aux Materiaux Frittes; Nekotorye metody nedestruktivnykh ispytanii, primenimye k spechennym materialam; Algunos Metodos de Ensayo No Destructivo Aplicables a los Materiales Sinterizados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labusca, Elena; Mirion, I.; Andreescu, N.; Alecu, M.; Biscoveanu, I. [Institut de Physique Atomique, Bucarest (Romania)


    y orientacion de los granos, la presencia de defectos diversos (inclusiones, poros), y tambien la evolucion misma del proceso de sinterizacion, incluyendo la formacion de los cristales, el crecimiento granular, etc. En algunos casos, el examen microscopico se puede combinar con ensayos de microdureza. Este examen de la estructura micro- cristalina representa uno de los principales metodos de control cualitativo de los materiales sinterizados, y ningun otro medio de investigacion puede reemplazarlo. 2. El grado de consolidacion, factor esencial que determina la calidad de los materiales sinterizados, se verifica tambien midiendo algunas propiedades, por ejemplo la conductividad electrica y termica, en funcion de la densidad, teniendo presente que en el caso de los materiales sinterizados, la conductividad es directamente proporcional al grado de sinterizacion. Tambien se ha ensayado un metodo adecuado para verificar la porosidad, obteniendose datos experimentales interesantes, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la porosidad libre, que es afectada por las inclusiones gaseosas. La memoria contiene datos experimentales sobre la aplicacion de estos metodos de control a algunos materiales sinterizados, de interes para la tecnologia nuclear. (author) [Russian] S uchetom specifichnoj zernistoj struktury spechennyh materialov, razrabotannyh na osnove poroshkov, dlja kotoryh process uplotnenija zavisit ot spekanija, ispol'zovalis' metody kontrolja za stepen'ju spekanija i za nekotorymi svojstvami. Ispol'zovalis' sledujushhie metody bez razrushenija: 1. Izuchenie kristallicheskoj struktury spechennyh tverdyh tel s pomoshh'ju metallo- grafik i jelektronnoj mikroskopii. Jeti metody pozvoljajut obnaruzhit' odnorodnost' struktury, razmery i orientaciju zeren, nalichie razlichnyh defektov (vkraplenija, pustoty), a takzhe razvitie processa spekanija, vkljuchaja obrazovanie kristallov, uvelichenie zeren i pr. V nekotoryh sluchajah mozhno sovmeshhat' mikroskopicheskoe issledovanie

  4. Structural requirements of cholesterol for binding to Vibrio cholerae hemolysin. (United States)

    Ikigai, Hajime; Otsuru, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Koichiro; Shimamura, Tadakatsu


    Cholesterol is necessary for the conversion of Vibrio cholerae hemolysin (VCH) monomers into oligomers in liposome membranes. Using different sterols, we determined the stereochemical structures of the VCH-binding active groups present in cholesterol. The VCH monomers are bound to cholesterol, diosgenin, campesterol, and ergosterol, which have a hydroxyl group at position C-3 (3betaOH) in the A ring and a C-C double bond between positions C-5 and C-6 (C-C Delta(5)) in the B ring. They are not bound to epicholesterol and dihydrocholesterol, which form a covalent link with a 3alphaOH group and a C-C single bond between positions C-5 and C-6, respectively. This result suggests that the 3betaOH group and the C-CDelta(5) bond in cholesterol are required for VCH monomer binding. We further examined VCH oligomer binding to cholesterol. However, this oligomer did not bind to cholesterol, suggesting that the disappearance of the cholesterol-binding potential of the VCH oligomer might be a result of the conformational change caused by the conversion of the monomer into the oligomer. VCH oligomer formation was observed in liposomes containing sterols with the 3betaOH group and the C-C Delta(5) bond, and it correlated with the binding affinity of the monomer to each sterol. Therefore, it seems likely that monomer binding to membrane sterol leads to the assembly of the monomer. However, since oligomer formation was induced by liposomes containing either epicholesterol or dihydrocholesterol, the 3betaOH group and the C-C Delta(5) bond were not essential for conversion into the oligomer.

  5. Involvement of oxidative stress in 4-vinylcyclohexene-induced toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster. (United States)

    Abolaji, Amos Olalekan; Kamdem, Jean Paul; Lugokenski, Thiago Henrique; Nascimento, Thallita Kalar; Waczuk, Emily Pansera; Farombi, Ebenezer Olatunde; Loreto, Élgion Lúcio da Silva; Rocha, João Batista Teixeira


    4-Vinylcyclohexene (VCH) is a dimer of 1,3-butadiene produced as a by-product of pesticides, plastic, rubber, flame retardants, and tire production. Although, several studies have reported the ovotoxicity of VCH, information on a possible involvement of oxidative stress in the toxicity of this occupational chemical is scarce. Hence, this study was carried out to investigate further possible mechanisms of toxicity of VCH with a specific emphasis on oxidative stress using a Drosophila melanogaster model. D. melanogaster (both genders) of 1 to 3 days old were exposed to different concentrations of VCH (10 µM-1 mM) in the diet for 5 days. Subsequently, the survival and negative geotaxis assays and the quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation were determined. In addition, we evaluated RT-PCR expressions of selected oxidative stress and antioxidant mRNA genes (HSP27, 70, and 83, SOD, Nrf-2, MAPK2, and catalase). Furthermore, catalase, glutathione-S-transferase (GST), delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (δ-ALA-D), and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities were determined. VCH exposure impaired negative geotaxic behavior and induced the mRNA of SOD, Nrf-2, and MAPK2 genes expressions. There were increases in catalase and ROS production, as well as inhibitions of GST, δ-ALA-D, and AChE activities (Pbalance, and possible neurotoxic consequences due to decreased AChE activity, and impairments in negative geotaxic behavior. Thus, we conclude that D. melanogaster is a useful model for investigating the toxicity of VCH exposure, and here, we have provided further insights on the mechanism of VCH-induced toxicity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Dopady vlastnické struktury, firemních charakteristik a krize na efektivitu českých podniků

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hanousek, J.; Kočenda, Evžen


    Roč. 65, č. 1 (2017), s. 3-25 ISSN 0032-3233 Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : global financial crisis * efficiency * ownership structure * firms * panel data * stochastic frontier * Czech Republic Subject RIV: AH - Economics OBOR OECD: Finance Impact factor: 0.589, year: 2016

  7. Dopady vlastnické struktury, firemních charakteristik a krize na efektivitu českých podniků

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hanousek, Jan; Kočenda, E.


    Roč. 65, č. 1 (2017), s. 3-25 ISSN 0032-3233 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-15927S Institutional support: Progres-Q24 Keywords : global financial crisis * efficiency * ownership structure Subject RIV: AH - Economics OBOR OECD: Finance Impact factor: 0.589, year: 2016

  8. Interaction Between Hf Waves and Plasma in Delta-2; Interaction dans 'Delta-2' d'une Onde Progressive Electromagnetique de Haute Frequence et d'un Plasma; Vzaimodejstvie vysokochastotnoj ehlektromagnitnoj begushchej volny s plazmoj na ustanovke ''Del'ta-2'; Interaccion de una Onda Progresiva Electromagnetica de Alta Frecuencia con el Plasma en la Instalacion 'Delta-2'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breus, S. N.; Kurdjumov, V. N.; Levin, M. L.; Osovec, S. M.; Popova, N. Ja.; Popov, I. A.; Hodataev, K. V.; Shimchuk, V. P. [Radiotehnicheskij Institut AN SSSR, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    las corrientes transversales en el plasma. Este campo tiene una estructura compleja y, posiblemente, esta determinado, como indica una teorfa aproximada, por el efecto toroidal. La existencia de los campos magneticos cuasi-estacionarios guarda al parecer una relacion con las oscilaciones del plasma que se han observado, de 200 a 500 kHz, correspondientes, aproximadamente, a las oscilaciones de Alfven en dichos campos. La presencia de campos y de corrientes cuasi-estacionarios hace que sea mas diffcil separar el plasma de las paredes de la camara de descarga y lograr la constriccion ulterior. Sin embargo, las corrientes constantes axiales, por si mismas, no pueden dar lugar a la aparicion de inestabilidades del tipo cinetico, ya que las velocidades electronicas que les corresponden son menores que la velocidad de fase de la onda progresiva, la cual es, aproximadamente, igual a 5 * 10{sup 7} cm/s, es decir, apreciablemente menor que la velocidad termica de los electrones. (author) [Russian] Izlagajutsja rezul'taty issledovanija vzaimodejstvija plotnoj plazmy s vysokochastotnym polem magnitnoj volny, begushhej vdol' toroidal'noj razrjadnoj kamery (bol'shoj diametr - 700 mm, malyj - 85 mm). Begushhaja volna vozbuzhdaetsja na chastote f = 2,4 Mgc trehfaznym avtogeneratorom moshhnost'ju okolo 50 Mvt s dlitel'nost'ju impul'sa okolo 250 i 350 mksek. Pri jeksperimentah diapazon nachal'nyh davlenij sostavljal 0,1 - 0,001 tor, a amplituda vysokochastotnogo magnitnogo polja na poverhnosti plazmy dostigala 500-600 je. V jetih uslovijah osnovnye javlenija, opredeljajushhie vzaimodejstvie plazmy s polem begushhej volny, svjazany s nalichiem nelinejnyh jeffektov i, prezhde vsego, s pojavleniem postojannoj sostavljajushhej prodol'nogo toka, kotoraja dostigala znachenij neskol'kih tysjach amper. V centre kamery v oblasti malyh polej provodimost' plazmy byla porjadka (3 - 4)*10{sup 14} CGSE, chto pri stepeni ionizacii, blizkoj k 100%, sootvetstvuet jelektronnoj temperature 8 - 12 jev. V

  9. Jakou informaci poskytuje aterogenní index plazmy (AIP) o kardiovaskulárním riziku pacienta a jeho prognóze?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dobiášová, Milada


    Roč. 1, č. 1-2 (2006), s. 56-59 ISSN 1802-1298 R&D Projects: GA MZd(CZ) NR8328; GA MZd(CZ) NA6590; GA ČR(CZ) GV306/96/K220 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50110509 Keywords : AIP * Log (TG/HDL-C) * particle size of lipoproteins Subject RIV: FA - Cardiovascular Diseases incl. Cardiotharic Surgery

  10. Numerical Analysis of Test Embankment on Soft Ground Using Multi-Laminate Type Model with Destructuration / Analiza Numeryczna Nasypu Drogowego Posadowionego Na Gruncie Słabonosnym Z Zastosowaniem Modelu Wielopłaszczyznowego Z Destrukturyzacja

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    Cundi M.


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono model wielopłaszczyznowy (multi-laminate uwzgledniajacy anizotropie struktury słabonosnych gruntów drobnoziarnistych. Anizotropia indukowana naprezeniem, która otrzymuje sie przy zastosowaniu modeli wielopłaszczyznowych, jest dodatkowo wzmocniona poprzez wprowadzene prekonsolidacji zaleznej od orientacji przestrzennej. Model przedstawiono w wersji sprezysto-plastycznej, w której mozliwa jest symulacja anizotropii wytrzymałosci słabonosnych gruntów drobnoziarnistych oraz zjawiska destrukturyzacji. Działanie modelu pokazano w symulacjach numerycznych wybranych badan elementarnych oraz przy zastosowaniu w modelowaniu numerycznym odkształcenia słabonosnego podłoza gruntowego pod próbnym nasypem drogowym w Haarajoki, Finlandia. Symulacje numeryczna przeprowadzono przy uzyciu komercyjnego programu metody elementów skonczonych pozwalajacego na analize sprzezonych zagadnien brzegowych statyki i konsolidacji. Omówiono zagadnienia zwiazane z przyjeciem warunków poczatkowych stanu naprezenia in situ oraz warunków prekonsolidacji, jak równiez przedstawiono problemy zwiazane z przyjeciem parametrów modelu. Pomimo przyjecia prostych zasad dotyczacych warunków poczatkowych oraz przy pominieciu efektów lepkosci w modelu konstytutywnym, otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły na osiagniecie wystarczajacej w praktyce geotechnicznej dokładnosci w stosunku do wartosci pomierzonych.

  11. Migracja i edukacja: czy transnarodowe rodzicielstwo wpływa na osiągnięcia szkolne niemobilnych dzieci?

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    Bartłomiej Walczak


    Full Text Available W artykule została podjęta kwestia wpływu transnarodowej mobilności rodziców na osiągnięcia edukacyjne ich rezydentnych dzieci. Wyniki badań opisywanych w międzynarodowej literaturze nie są jednoznaczne, co wynika ze zróżnicowania wskaźników sukcesu edukacyjnego, specyfiki systemów edukacyjnych i struktury zmiennych niezależnych oraz pośredniczących uwzględnianych w analizach. Polskie badania opierają się niemal wyłącznie na nielosowych próbach nauczycieli i dyrektorów oraz nielicznych, regionalnych badaniach prowadzonych na próbach uczniów. W artykule wykorzystano dane zebrane w 2014 r. w ramach badania sondażowego przeprowadzonego na ogólnopolskiej losowej próbie 4169 uczniów w wieku 10–19 lat. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na niekorzystny wpływ migracji pojedynczych rodziców (szczególnie matek w przypadku uczniów szkół podstawowych na wyniki oceniania wewnątrzszkolnego. W tej kategorii wieku wpływ jest porównywalny z dziedziczonym statusem wykształceniowym, lecz praktycznie zanika w starszych kohortach.

  12. Influence of the Selected Factors on Thermal Fatigue of the ADI in an Aspect of its Suitability as the Material for Metal Moulds

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    Zych J.


    Full Text Available W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań odporności na zmęczenie cieplne dwóch gatunków żeliwa ADI (EN-GJS-1200-2 i EN-GJS-800-8. Badania prowadzono na autorskim stanowisku badawczym stosując oporowe nagrzewanie próbek, wg metody L.F. Cottina. Odporność na zmęczenie cieplne jest podstawowym kryterium w ocenie przydatności tworzywa (materiału na formy metalowe, które podlegają cyklicznemu nagrzewaniu. Oceniono wpływ maksymalnej temperatury (Tmax, cykli cieplnych na ich liczbę do pęknięcia próbki, analizowano zmiany struktury żeliwa ADI. zmiany twardości i wytrzymałości. Stwierdzono, iż przy cyklicznym nagrzewaniu do <500°C, żeliwo ADI zachowuje swoją pierwotną strukturę ausferrytu nawet po wykonaniu ponad 10.000 cykli cieplnych. Takie zachowanie żeliwa ADI predysponuje go jako materiał na formy metalowe stosowane w odlewnictwie ciśnieniowym, a więc przy odlewaniu głównie stopów Mg i Zn, ale również dla mniejszych odlewów wykonywanych ze stopów Al.

  13. Zakurzone białe kruki – niemieckie roczniki oficerskie (Ranglisty w zbiorach Książnicy Kopernikańskiej

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    Barbara Centek


    Full Text Available Od początku istnienia Prus armia cieszyła się w tym kraju wielkim poważaniem wśród obywateli, a kolejni władcy dbali o to, by jej wartość bojowa wciąż rosła. Jedną z charakterystycznych cech wojskowości pruskiej jest wydawanie co roku wykazu oficerów wszystkich oddziałów wraz z informacjami na temat struktury czy dyslokacji wojska. Przy każdym oficerze znajdowała się nie tylko informacja o jego aktualnym stopniu czy przydziale służbowym, ale także o dacie otrzymania patentu czy posiadanych odznaczeniach.Niniejszy artykuł przybliża specyfikę i dzieje pruskich roczników oficerskich, a także analizuje treść oraz cechy formalne tych woluminów, które znalazły się w posiadaniu Książnicy Kopernikańskiej. Nacisk położono przy tym na ukazanie ich wartości źródłowej dla historyka. Ustalono również drogi, którymi roczniki oficerskie trafiły do zbiorów biblioteki.

  14. Plasma Confinement in Low-Density C Stellarator Discharges; Confinement du Plasma dans des Decharges a Faible Densite dans le Stellarator C; УДЕРЖАНИЕ ПЛАЗМЫ В ''СТЕЛЛАРАТОРЕ С'' ПРИ НИЗКОЙ ПЛОТНОСТИ РАЗРЯДА; Confinamiento de Plasma en Descargas de Baja Densidad en el Stellarator C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stodiek, W.; Grove, D. J.; Kessler, J. O. [Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (United States)


    skorosti poteri plazmy (otkachka) mogut imet' mesto iz-za omicheskih tokov nagreva. Odnako ranee provedennye jeksperimenty pokazali, chto otkachka sushhestvuet dazhe togda, kogda toki (normal'no neobhodimye dlja predotvrashhenija ohlazhdenija i rekombinacii) namnogo nizhe kriticheskih znachenij dlja vozbuzhdenija ionnyh voln. Odin jeksperiment, kotoryj, kazalos', podtverzhdaet gipotezu ionnyh volnovyh kolebanij, dopuskaet al'ternativnoe tolkovanie. Nastojashhij doklad posvjashhen jeksperimentam na ''stellaratore S'', v kotoryh provedeny izmerenija pri blizkih k nulju omicheskih tokah nagreva. Oni provodilis' pri nizkih nachal'nyh davlenijah (2-3 x 10{sup -6} tor) vodoroda i temperaturah jelektronov 1-2 jev. Uderzhivajushhee pole ravnjalos' obychno 12,3 kg; nebol'shoe kolichestvo izmerenij provodilos' pri 35 kg. Vrashhatel'noe preobrazovanie, ravnoe 0,75 {pi} bylo osushhestvleno s pomoshh'ju spiral'nyh obmotok s Script-Small-L =2 i Script-Small-L = 3. V jetih jeksperimentah s nizkoj plotnost'ju i nizkoj temperaturoj v''stellaratore S''sushhestvuet anomal'naja skorost' poter' pri chetyreh uslovijah raboty: 1) omicheskij nagrev, 2) nagrev za schet jelektronnogo ciklotronnogo rezonansa, 3) mikrovolnovyj omicheskij nagrev i 4) bez nagreva. My prihodim k vyvodu, chto ni nalichie aksial'nogo toka maloj velichiny, ni izmenenie plotnosti v predelah 5 x 10{sup 9} Less-Than-Or-Equal-To n{sub e} Less-Than-Or-Equal-To 2 x 10{sup 11} sm{sup -3} ne vlijajut, kak predstavljaetsja, na postojannuju vremeni poter' plazmy poperek uderzhivajushhego magnitnogo polja. Skorost' poter' nel'zja otnesti za schet otsutstvija ravnovesija, svjazannogo s konechnoj provodimost'ju. Vremja polnogo ischeznovenija plazmy vychisljaetsja po formule t 0,9 v/T{sub e} msek (V v kg, T{sub e} v jev; radius plazmy = 5 sm), pravil'nost' kotoroj nabljudalas' Hinnovom i Bishopom pri plotnostjah okolo 10{sup 13} sm{sup -3}. (author)

  15. Injection Experiments in Jutphaas; Injection au Centre de Jutphaas; Ehksperimenty s inzhektsiej v institute fiziki plazmy v yutfaas; Experimentos de Inyeccion en Jutphaas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Kluiver, H.; Brandt, H. B.; Strijland, W.; Huizenga, W. [Fom-Instituut voor Plasma-Fysica, Runhuizen, Jutphaas (Netherlands)


    Experiments have been performed on injection parallel to the axis of a cusped magnetic field in a nonadiabatic regime. In a model experiment using an electron beam, half of the injected current gets temporarily trapped. Confiinement time versus magnetic field is found to agree with orbit analysis. With external electrostatic fields complete confinement was obtained except for losses associated with collisions with the background gas. Proton beams of 75 mA at 15 kV were extracted from a protruding plasma ion source in pulses with falloff times of 2 {mu}sec. At a field strength of 13 kG, a net current of 35 mA entered the cusp, of which 15 mA penetrated the opposite end. A collector in the ring cusp measured loss currents. Decay time was 50 {mu}sec, being about two times our best estimate of the charge exchange time, and ten times the value deduced from the analysis of nonadiabatic orbits. Integration of these currents over the ring cusp gives there a loss of 10 to 20 mA. From these figures follows an average density of 0.5 x 10{sup 9} ion cm{sup -3}. A probe of special geometry, collecting only hot ions, showed generally the same current history as ordinary probes. At an H{sub 2} pressure of 10{sup -5} Torr, X-rays have been observed which are ascribed to beam-plasma effects. Within 10 to 20 {mu}sec, they fall to 20% of their value before beam turn-off, followed by a slower decay with an e-folding time of 50 {mu}sec. Radial probing of the plasma showed a considerable increase in collected current towards the centre with a simultaneous decrease in decay time. The measurements suggest that during injection a positive space charge is built up in the centre. This fills continuously the outer, more adiabatic, region of the cusp. After beam turn-off, the particles in the nonadiabatic region are quickly depleted, while particles in the adiabatic region leave much more slowly (50 {mu}sec). (author) [French] Les auteurs ont procede a des experiences sur l'injection parallele a l'axe d'un champ magnetique a points de rebroussement en regime non adiabatique. Dans une experience type avec un faisceau d'electrons, la moitie du courant injecte est temporairement piege. La courbe du temps de confinement en fonction du champ magnetique concorde avec les resultats de l'analyse des orbites. Avec des champs electrostatiques externes, on obtient un confinement total, compte non tenu des pertes associees aux collisions avec le gaz residuel. Des courants de protons de 75 mA sous une tension de 15 kV ont ete extraits d'une source d'ions a plasma saillant, sous forme d'impulsions avec des temps de chute de 2 {mu}s. Pour un champ de 13 kG, un courant d'intensite nette de 35 mA penetre dans le champ a pointes, 15 mA atteignant l'extremite opposee. Un collecteur place dans le champ annulaire a points de rebroussement permet de mesurer les courants de pertes. Le temps de decroissance est de 50 {mu}s, ce qui est environ deux fois plus que la meilleure estimation des auteurs du temps d'echange des charges et dix fois la valeur deduite de l'analyse des orbites non adiabatiques. L'integration de ces courants sur tout le champ annulaire a points de rebroussement donne une perte de 10 a 20 mA. De ces chiffres on peut deduire une densite moyenne d'ions de 0,5 * 10{sup 9}cm{sup -3}. Une sonde ayant une geometrie particuliere, qui ne recueille que des ions chauds, permet d'obtenir la meme description generale de l'evolution du courant que les sondes ordinaires. Pour une pression de H{sub 2} de 10{sup -5} Torr, les auteurs ont observe des raies X qui sont attribues aux effets faisceau-plasma. En 10 a 20 {mu}s, ces signaux tombent a 20% de leur valeur avant que le courant ne soit coupe, puis il y a une decroissance plus faible, avec une constante de temps de 50 {mu}s. Le sondage radial du plasma accuse une augmentation considerable du courant collecte vers le centre avec une diminution du temps de decroissance. Les mesures donnent a penser que pendant l'injection, une charge spatiale positive s'accumule au centre. Elle remplit de maniere continue la region exterieure plus adiabatique du champ a points de rebroussement. Apres la coupure du courant, le nombre de particules dans la region non adiabatique diminue rapidement, tandis que les particules de la region adiabatique disparaissent beaucoup plus lentement (50 {mu}s). (author) [Spanish] Se han realizado experimentos sobre la inyeccion paralela al eje de un campo magnetico cuspidal en regimen no adiabatico. En un experimento tipo en el que se utilizaba un haz de electrones, la mitad de la corriente inyectada queda temporalmente capturada. Se ha observado que le curva del tiempo de contencion en funcion del campo magnetico concuerda con los resultados del analisis de las orbitas. Con campos electrostaticos externos, se ha obtenido una contencion completa, excepto las perdidas correspondientes a las colisiones con el gas residual. Se han extraido haces de protones de 75 mA a 15 kV, de una fuente ionica de plasma protuberante en forma de impulsos con tiempos de decrecimiento de 2 {mu}s. Con un campo de 13 kGs, una comente de 35 mA de intensidad neta penetra en el campo cuspidal, de los cuales, 15 mA alcanzan el extremo opuesto. Un colector situado en la cuspide anular media las comentes de perdidas. El tiempo de decrecimiento era de 50 us, que es aproximadamente el doble que la mejor estimacion de los autores del tiempo de intercambio de carga, y diez veces el valor deducido del analisis de orbitas no adiabaticas. Por integracion de estas corrientes en la cuspide anular se obtiene una perdida de 10 a 20 mA. De estos valores se deduce una densidad media de 0,5 x 10{sup 9} iones cm{sup -3}. Una sonda de geometria especial, que solo colecta iones calientes, permite obtener la misma descripcion de la evolucion de la corriente que las sondas ordinarias. Con una presion de H{sub 2} de 10{sup -5} Torr., se han observado senales de rayos X, que se atribuyen a interacciones haz-plasma. En 10 a 20 {mu}s disminuyen al 20% del valor que tenian antes de la interrupcion del haz; a continuacion decrecen mas lentamente, con una constante de tiempo de 50 {mu}s. El sondeo radial del plasma acusaba un aumento considerable de la corriente colectada hacia el centro, con una disminucion simultanea del tiempo de decrecimiento. Las mediciones sugieren que, durante la inyeccion, se acumula una carga espacial positiva en el centro, que va llenando continuamente la region exterior, mas adiabatica, de la cuspide. Despues de interrumpir el haz, el numero de particulas de la region no adiabatica disminuye con rapidez, mientras que las particulas de la region adiabatica desaparecen mas lentamente (50 {mu}s). (author) [Russian] Provodilis' jeksperimenty po inzhekcii parallel'no osi magnitnogo polja antiprobochnoj geometrii v neadiabaticheskom rezhime. Na modeli s jelektronnym puchkom polovina inzhektirovannogo toka vremenno zahvatyvaetsja. Ustanovleno, chto zavisimost' vremeni uderzhanija ot magnitnogo polja soglasuetsja s raschetom traektorij. Pri vneshnih jelektrostaticheskih poljah bylo dostignuto polnoe uderzhanie za iskljucheniem poter', svjazannyh s rassejaniem na ostatochnom gaze. Byli polucheny protonnye puchki v 75 ma pri 17 kv iz ionnogo istochnika s impul'sami dlitel'nost'ju 2 mksek. Pri naprjazhennosti polja 13 kGs v lovushku vhodil polnyj tok v 35 ma, iz kotoryh 15 ma vyhodili cherez protivopolozhnyj konec ee. Kol'cevoj kollektor v shheli lovushki izmerjal poteri. Ustanovleno, chto vremja spada sostavljalo 50 mksek, chto primerno v dva raza prevyshaet nashu luchshuju ocenku vremeni perezarjadki i v desjat' raz - velichinu, poluchennuju iz analiza neabatichnosti orbit. Integrirovanie tokov po kol'cevoj shheli daet poterju v 10-20 ma. Iz jetih dannyh vytekaet srednjaja plotnost' 0,5 x 10{sup 9} ionov/sm{sup 3}. Zond special'noj formy, sobirajushhij tol'ko gorjachie iony, pokazal v obshhem to zhe povedenie toka, chto i obychnye zondy. Pri davlenii H{sub 2} v 10{sup -5} tor nabljudalos' rentgenovskoe izluchenie, kotoroe my pripisyvaem vzaimodejstviju puchka s plazmoj. V techenie 10-20 mksek ego intensivnost' spadala do 20% ot pervonachal'nogo znachenija pered vykljucheniem puchka. Zatem sledoval bolee medlennyj jeksponencial'nyj spad so vremenem 50 mksek. Pri vdviganii kollektora po radiusu znachitel'no uvelichivaetsja tok na nego i odnovremenno umen'shaetsja vremja spada. Izmerenija pokazyvajut, chto vo vremja inzhekcii v centre obrazuetsja polozhitel'nyj prostranstvennyj zarjad. Jeto privodit k zapolneniju vneshnej, bolee adiabaticheskoj oblasti lovushki. Posle vykljuchenija puchka chasticy v neadiabaticheskoj oblasti bystro ischezajut, v to vremja kak chasticy v adiabaticheskoj oblasti terjajutsja gorazdo medlennee (50 mksek). (author)

  16. Frecuencia de anticuerpos contra el virus C de la hepatitis en pacientes con cirrosis hepática en Yucatán, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Góngora-Biachi Renán A


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: En este estudio reportamos la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus C de la hepatitis (Ac-VCH en un grupo de pacientes con cirrosis hepática (CH. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se hizo un estudio prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo, de marzo de 1998 a mayo de 1999. Se estudiaron a 153 pacientes (117 (76% hombres y 36 (24% mujeres con diagnóstico de CH, que eran atendidos en el Hospital General Agustín O' Horan y en el Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Doctor Hideyo Noguchi, en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México. Se aplicó un cuestionario con datos clínico-epidemiológicos y se determinó la presencia de Ac-VCH (ELISA de 2ª generación y RIBA-2 para confirmar el diagnóstico a cada paciente. Se determinó también el antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B (AgsHB y anticuerpos contra el antígeno central de la hepatitis B (Anti-HBc mediante el método de ELISA. La presencia de Ac-VCH fue relacionada con las variables epidemiológicas de los sujetos. La prevalencia de anti-HCV y la frecuencia de características se compararon entre los pacientes positivos y negativos con las pruebas de c² y exacta de Fisher. RESULTADOS: El 32% de los pacientes con CH (35/117 (30% hombres y 14/36 (39% mujeres fueron positivos para los Ac-VCH. El alcoholismo estuvo presente en todos los hombres serorreactivos y en ninguna de las mujeres positivas (p< 0.001. Ninguna de las variables epidemiológicas analizadas estuvo asociada con la seropositividad. Los anti-HBc se encontraron en 16% de los pacientes positivos para Ac-VCH y en 12% de los seronegativos (p=0.69. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia encontrada fue mayor a los reportes previos realizados en población general de la Península de Yucatán (1.3%. La alta prevalencia de Ac-VCH en este grupo de pacientes sugiere que la CH está más frecuentemente asociada con el VCH en Yucatán, México, que con el virus B de la hepatitis. El alcoholismo probablemente actúa como un cofactor en el

  17. Egzemplifikacja Tomograficznej Metody Do Oceny Jakości Połączeń Spawanych Ze Stopu EN 5754 H22

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Błachnio Józef


    Full Text Available Jakość połączeń spawanych zależna jest od wielu czynników. Przedmiotowe normy określają warunki techniczne oceny jakościowej spawów, co stanowi podstawę do uznania połączenia za zgodne z wymaganiami lub wadliwe. W praktyce wykonanie połączenia spawanego całkowicie pozbawionego wad jest trudne. Do kontroli wewnętrznej struktury połączenia wykorzystać można nieniszczącą metodę z zastosowaniem przemysłowego tomografu komputerowego. Ta nowoczesna metoda diagnozowania łączy badanie rentgenowskie z zaawansowaną technologią komputerową. Podstawową zaletą tomografii komputerowej jest badanie obiektów w trzech wymiarach oraz możliwość wykonania rekonstrukcji przestrzennych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie wykorzystania tej metody do oceny jakości połączeń spawanych stopów aluminium. Możliwości tomografii komputerowej przedstawiono na przykładzie próbek spawalniczych wykonanych metodą TIG przy różnych parametrach procesu. Dokonano analizy jakości próbek wykazujących najmniejsze i największe zewnętrzne, jak również wewnętrzne wady spawalnicze.

  18. Vývoj struktury osobnosti od adolescence do stáří: předběžné výsledky

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hřebíčková, Martina; Čermák, Ivo; Osecká, Lída


    Roč. 42, č. 3 (2000), s. 163-166 ISSN 0039-3320 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA406/99/1155 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7025918 Keywords : five -factor model of personality * NEO-FFI * developmental trends of Big Five Subject RIV: AN - Psychology Impact factor: 0.292, year: 2000

  19. Ovotoxicants 4-vinylcyclohexene 1,2-monoepoxide and 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide disrupt redox status and modify different electrophile sensitive target enzymes and genes in Drosophila melanogaster

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amos O. Abolaji


    Full Text Available The compounds 4-vinylcyclohexene 1,2-monoepoxide (VCM and 4-Vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (VCD are the two downstream metabolites of 4-vinylcyclohexene (VCH, an ovotoxic agent in mammals. In addition, VCM and VCD may be found as by-products of VCH oxidation in the environment. Recently, we reported the involvement of oxidative stress in the toxicity of VCH in Drosophila melanogaster. However, it was not possible to determine the individual contributions of VCM and VCD in VCH toxicity. Hence, we investigated the toxicity of VCM and VCD (10–1000 µM in flies after 5 days of exposure via the diet. Our results indicated impairments in climbing behaviour and disruptions in antioxidant balance and redox status evidenced by an increase in DCFH oxidation, decreases in total thiol content and glutathione-S-transferase (GST activity in the flies exposed to VCM and VCD (p<0.05. These effects were accompanied by disruptions in the transcription of the genes encoding the proteins superoxide dismutase (SOD1, kelch-like erythroid-derived cap-n-collar (CNC homology (ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap-1, mitogen activated protein kinase 2 (MAPK-2, catalase, Cyp18a1, JAFRAC 1 (thioredoxin peroxidase 1 and thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR-1 (p<0.05. VCM and VCD inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE and delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (δ-ALA D activities in the flies (p<0.05. Indeed, here, we demonstrated that different target enzymes and genes were modified by the electrophiles VCM and VCD in the flies. Thus, D. melanogaster has provided further lessons on the toxicity of VCM and VCD which suggest that the reported toxicity of VCH may be mediated by its transformation to VCM and VCD.

  20. POSSIBLE USES OF PLASMA IN POWDER METALLURGY, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO SPHEROIDIZATION. Mozliwosci wykorzystania plazmy w zaganieniach metalurgii proszkow, ze szczegolnym uwzglednieniem procesu sferoidyzacji

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rutkowski, Wladyslaw; Szteke, Witold


    The present work contains a discussion of the problems of applying plasma in powder-metallurgical processes, application of powders to other processes with the use of plasma, and the application of other products of powder metallurgy in the plasma process. Results obtained with the spheroidization of AL{sub 2}O{sub 3}, Ta, and Ni powders are presented, as are the results of metallographic and microscopic investigations on these powders.

  1. AIP – Aterogenní index plazmy jako významný prediktor kardiovaskulárního rizika: od výzkumu do praxe

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dobiášová, Milada


    Roč. 52, č. 1 (2006), s. 64-71 ISSN 0042-773X. [Pokroky ve farmakoterapii 2005 pro lékaře v praxi. Zlín, 07.09.2005-09.09.2005] R&D Projects: GA MZd(CZ) NR8328; GA MZd(CZ) NA6590; GA ČR(CZ) GV306/96/K220 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50110509 Keywords : AIP * Log (TG/HDL-C) * particle size of lipoproteins Subject RIV: FA - Cardiovascular Diseases incl. Cardiotharic Surgery

  2. Construction of boundary-surface-based Chinese female astronaut computational phantom and proton dose estimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Wenjuan; Xie Tianwu; Liu Qian; Jia Xianghong; Xu Feng


    With the rapid development of China's space industry, the importance of radiation protection is increasingly prominent. To provide relevant dose data, we first developed the Visible Chinese Human adult Female (VCH-F) phantom, and performed further modifications to generate the VCH-F Astronaut (VCH-FA) phantom, incorporating statistical body characteristics data from the first batch of Chinese female astronauts as well as reference organ mass data from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP; both within 1% relative error). Based on cryosection images, the original phantom was constructed via Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) boundary surfaces to strengthen the deformability for fitting the body parameters of Chinese female astronauts. The VCH-FA phantom was voxelized at a resolution of 2 x 2 x 4 mm 3 for radioactive particle transport simulations from isotropic protons with energies of 5000 - 10 000 MeV in Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) code. To investigate discrepancies caused by anatomical variations and other factors, the obtained doses were compared with corresponding values from other phantoms and sex-averaged doses. Dose differences were observed among phantom calculation results, especially for effective dose with low-energy protons. Local skin thickness shifts the breast dose curve toward high energy, but has little impact on inner organs. Under a shielding layer, organ dose reduction is greater for skin than for other organs. The calculated skin dose per day closely approximates measurement data obtained in low-Earth orbit (LEO). (author)

  3. Construction of boundary-surface-based Chinese female astronaut computational phantom and proton dose estimation (United States)

    Sun, Wenjuan; JIA, Xianghong; XIE, Tianwu; XU, Feng; LIU, Qian


    With the rapid development of China's space industry, the importance of radiation protection is increasingly prominent. To provide relevant dose data, we first developed the Visible Chinese Human adult Female (VCH-F) phantom, and performed further modifications to generate the VCH-F Astronaut (VCH-FA) phantom, incorporating statistical body characteristics data from the first batch of Chinese female astronauts as well as reference organ mass data from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP; both within 1% relative error). Based on cryosection images, the original phantom was constructed via Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) boundary surfaces to strengthen the deformability for fitting the body parameters of Chinese female astronauts. The VCH-FA phantom was voxelized at a resolution of 2 × 2 × 4 mm3for radioactive particle transport simulations from isotropic protons with energies of 5000–10 000 MeV in Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) code. To investigate discrepancies caused by anatomical variations and other factors, the obtained doses were compared with corresponding values from other phantoms and sex-averaged doses. Dose differences were observed among phantom calculation results, especially for effective dose with low-energy protons. Local skin thickness shifts the breast dose curve toward high energy, but has little impact on inner organs. Under a shielding layer, organ dose reduction is greater for skin than for other organs. The calculated skin dose per day closely approximates measurement data obtained in low-Earth orbit (LEO). PMID:23135158

  4. Silicon: the gulf between crystalline and amorphous

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drabold, D.A. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, OH (United States)


    The Expert Opinion is written by a distinguished scientist and presents his personal view on important and relevant new results of research, highlighting their significance and putting the work into perspective for a broader audience. Please send comments to pss.rapid rate at or to the author. The text by D. A. Drabold refers to the Rapid Research Letter by F. Kail et al., published in this issue of Phys. Status Solidi RRL 5(10-11), 361-363 (2011). (copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  5. Radiation defect production in quartz crystals with various structure perfectness degree; Radiatsionnoe defektoobrazovanie v kristallakh kvartsa s razlichnoj stepen`yu sovershenstva struktury

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khushvakov, O B


    Radiation defects production processes in pure and doped quartz crystals with various structure defectness, caused by preliminary irradiation with neutrons, protons, deuterons and {alpha}-particles, during various electron excitation densities were investigated. The distribution of colour centres along the thickness of irradiated quartz crystals was measured. It was supposed that colour centres are produced on account of inelastic energy losses as the result of collective decay of two or more interacting excitons. It was shown that in quartz crystals under the actions of protons with overthreshold energy 18 MeV and electrons with subthreshold energy 100 keV the same structure defects are formed. It was established that radiation defect production process has two stages. The first stage reveals radiation defects produced by preliminary irradiation. The second one reveals additional intrinsic defects formed under the action of gamma-rays and electrons. The probability dependence of defect production on neutron fluence and masses of incident particles was studied. It was supposed that the creation of additional defects in preliminary irradiated crystals is due to non-radiative decay of electron excitations near radiation-induced defects. It was shown that increase of impurity concentration leads to rate growth of accumulation of radiation induced defects. (A.A.D.) 15 refs. 4 figs.

  6. Ocena sprawności działania państwa w odniesieniu do skali wydatków publicznych

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    Marta Postuła


    Full Text Available Cel: Celem artykułu jest potwierdzenie tezy, że skala wydatkowania środków publicznych nie wpływa na sprawność działania państwa, która w większej skali jest uzależniona od efektywności ich wydatkowania.Metodologia: Autorka opiera się na przeglądzie literatury, przeprowadzonym na podstawie baz artykułów naukowych, oraz na analizie konkretnych rozwiązań obowiązujących w Unii Europejskiej i krajach członkowskich OECD, odnoszących się do konsolidacji funduszy w kontekście sprawności działania państwa.Oryginalność: Na bazie analizy przeprowadzonej w artykule autorka dowodzi, że optymalna polityka fiskalna powinna wykorzystywać dobrze dobrane narzędzia pozwalające na osiągnięcie maksymalnie dobrego sposobu gospodarowania środkami publicznymi w danym otoczeniu zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym, w jakim znajduje się dana gospodarka. Czynnikiem decydującym o sprawności państwa (pomijając czynniki pozafinansowe nie są absolutne i względne rozmiary wydatków publicznych. Poziom sprawności jest uzależniony od struktury tych wydatków oraz procedur związanych zarówno z procesem planowania, realizacji, ewidencji i sprawozdawczości dotyczącej wydatków publicznych, jak i z poziomem systemu oceny efektywności i skuteczności.

  7. Zysk na jedną akcję i jego determinanty w publicznych spółkach produkcyjnych w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcin Kędzior


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest próba oceny kształtowania się wartości wskaźnika EPS oraz jego determinantów w giełdowych spółkach produkcyjnych w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, w tym Polski. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono na podstawie 110 publicznych spółek produkcyjnych z Polski, Litwy, Łotwy, Słowacji i Słowenii. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice między wartościami wskaźnika EPS w przedsiębiorstwach z wybranych państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Analizowano wpływ płynności finansowej, intensywności kapitałowej, obrotowości aktywów, zadłużenia, ryzyka, stoso- wania MSSF, wielkości jednostki gospodarczej, wieku przedsiębiorstwa, możliwości wzrostu, działalno- ści międzynarodowej, koncentracji udziałów rynkowych oraz udziałów rynkowych na wskaźnik EPS. Za najważniejsze czynniki uznano wielkość przedsiębiorstwa, działalność międzynarodową, stosowanie MSSF i zadłużenie. W pracy wykorzystywano metody statystyki opisowej: analizę struktury, analizę korelacji i regresji oraz metody statystyki matematycznej: wybrane testy nieparametryczne. W artykule przedsta- wiono jedne z pierwszych wyników empirycznych dotyczących wartości wskaźnika EPS i jego czynni- ków w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej.

  8. Transition Processes in Superconducting Magnetic Systems; ПЕРЕХОДНЫЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ В СВЕРХПРОВОДЯЩИХ МАГНИТНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sychev, V. V.; Zenkevich, V. B.; Andrianov, V. V. [Nauchno-Issledovatel' skij Institut Vysokih Temperatur, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    processami, svjazannymi s perehodom chasti obmotki v normal'noe sostojanie. V svjazi s jetim programma rabot po sozdaniju sverhprovodjashhej magnitnoj sistemy MGD generatora predusmatrivala issledovanie processov, v kotoryh ukazannaja specifika projavljaetsja naibolee polno. Jeksperimenty provodilis' s nebol'shimi solenoidami. Poluchennye rezul'taty vyjavljajut nekotorye zakonomernosti processa perehoda sverhprovodjashhej obmotki v normal'noe sostojanie. Issledovany takzhe processy, svjazannye s izmeneniem toka v sverhprovodjashhem solenoide. V chastnosti, jeksperimental'no opredeljalis' zavisimost' mezhdu potokoscepleniem solenoida i tokom, ostatochnoe potokosceplenie, svjaz' mezhdu induktivnost'ju i tokom, poteri pri peremagnichivanii solenoida i dr. Rassmatrivaetsja vozmozhnost' teoreticheskogo obob- shhenija poluchennyh rezul'tatov. (author)

  9. Involvement of CYP 2E1 enzyme in ovotoxicity caused by 4-vinylcyclohexene and its metabolites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajapaksa, Kathila S.; Cannady, Ellen A.; Sipes, I. Glenn; Hoyer, Patricia B.


    4-Vinylcyclohexene (VCH) is bioactivated by hepatic CYP 2A and 2B to a monoepoxide (VCM) and subsequently to an ovotoxic diepoxide metabolite (VCD). Studies suggest that the ovary can directly bioactivate VCH via CYP 2E1. The current study was designed to evaluate the role of ovarian CYP 2E1 in VCM-induced ovotoxicity. Postnatal day 4 B6C3F 1 and CYP 2E1 wild-type (+/+) and null (-/-) mouse ovaries were cultured (15 days) with VCD (30 μM), 1,2-VCM (125-1000 μM), or vehicle. Twenty-eight days female CYP 2E1 +/+ and -/- mice were dosed daily (15 days; ip) with VCH, 1,2-VCM, VCD or vehicle. Following culture or in vivo dosing, ovaries were histologically evaluated. In culture, VCD decreased (p 1 and CYP 2E1 +/+ ovaries, but not in CYP 2E1 -/- ovaries in culture. 1,2-VCM did not affect primary follicles in any group of mouse ovaries. Conversely, following in vivo dosing, primordial and primary follicles were reduced (p < 0.05) by VCD and VCM in CYP2E1 +/+ and -/-, and by VCH in +/+ mice. The data demonstrate that, whereas in vitro ovarian bioactivation of VCM requires CYP 2E1 enzyme, in vivo CYP 2E1 plays a minimal role. Thus, the findings support that hepatic metabolism dominates the contribution made by the ovary in bioactivation of VCM to its ovotoxic metabolite, VCD. This study also demonstrates the use of a novel ovarian culture system to evaluate ovary-specific metabolism of xenobiotics

  10. Dosimetry Characteristics of Coupled Fast-Thermal Core 'HERBE'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pesic, M.; Milosevic, M.; Milovanovic, S.


    The 'HERBE' is new coupled fast-thermal core, designed in 1991, at the 'RB' reactor in the 'Vinca' Institute. It is used for verification of designed oriented computer codes developed in the Institute, training and sample irradiation in fast neutron field. For the last purpose a vertical experimental channel (VCH) is placed in the central axis of the fast core. Neutron spectrum in the centre of the VCR is calculated in 44 energy groups. Space distributions of two energy group neutron flux in the 'HERBE' are measured using gold foils and converted into the neutron absorbed dose (in air and tissue) using group flux-dose conversion factors. Gamma absorption doses in the air in the centre of the VCH are measured using calibrated small ionisation chamber filled with air. Determined dose rates are related to the reactor power. The first preliminary irradiations of silicon diodes (designed for production of the neutron dosemeters) in the centre of the VCH of the 'HERBE' fast core are carried out in 1994 and 1995. This paper describes calculation methods and measurement techniques applied to determination of the irradiation performance and dosimetry characteristics of the 'HERBE' system. (author)

  11. An Assessment of those Metabolites Considered to be of Value in the Diagnosis of Exposure to Radiation; Evaluation des Metabolites Consideres Comme Utiles dans le Diagnostic des Expositions aux Rayonnements; 041e 0426 0414 ; Evaluacion de los Metabolitos Considerados Utiles para Diagnosticar la Exposicion a las Radiaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, H.; Bates, T. H. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Chapelcross, Annan, Scotland (United Kingdom)


    -oblucheniju v terapevticheskih celjah. Jeti pacienty poluchili dozy do 5000 r za period ot treh do pjati nedel'. Vydelenie s mochej kreatina, kreatinina, obshhego {alpha}-amidnogo azota, {beta} aminoizom asljanoj kisloty, pirolle-2- karbonovoj kisloty, 5-oksiindoleaciticheskoj kisloty i indoksil-sul'fata soprovozhdalis' kolichestvenno v techenie vsego hoda lechenija. Nikto iz pacientov ne podvergalsja oblucheniju vsego organizma, no ochevidno, chto izmenenija v metabolicheskoj funkcii v rezul'tate povrezhdenija, vyzvannogo izlucheniem, mozhet skazat'sja na mochevom vydelenii. Obsuzhdaetsja biohimicheskaja ocenka i interpretacija jetih obrazcov vydelenija v otnoshenii toj chasti obluchennogo organizma, no na jetoj stadii issledovanija delaetsja vyvod, chto kolichestvennaja ocenka biologicheskogo povrezhdenija ne vozmozhna. Odnako takie opyty mogut byt' poleznymi v kachestve rukovodstva dlja klinicista otnositel'no jetogo vida terapii. Predvaritel'nye opyty na osnove izmenenij v nekotoryh metabolitah plazmy u krys, obluchennyh edinymi subletal'nymi dozami rentgenovskogo obluchenija, dostojny jekstrapoljacii dlja izuchenija chelovecheskogo organizma. Izmerjalis' koncentracii plazmy 5-oksitrip- taminovoj mochevoj kisloty, SGOT, SGPT, frakcii globulina proteina, fosfokinaza kreatina, aminopeptidaza lejcina, aminopeptidaza lizila, kalikreina, kallidina, cinka i marganca. Nabljudalis vse zhe znachitel'nye kolichestvennye izmenenija v urovnjah plazmy mochevoj kisloty, aminopeptidaza lejcina, aminopeptidaza lizila i marganca posle obluchenija. O b suzhdaetsja znachenie jetih dannyh. Vnimanie koncentriruetsja na prostyh i bystryh metodah. (author)

  12. The impact of twinning on the local texture of chalcopyrite-type thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abou-Ras, Daniel; Pantleon, Karen


    Twinning in a CuInS 2 layer in a completed thin-film solar cell was analyzed by means of electron backscatter diffraction. This technique revealed the microstructure of the CuInS 2 thin films and local orientation relationships between the grains. At various locations within the layer it was possible to retrace how twinning occurred comparing the local orientations with the theoretically possible changes in orientation by twinning. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) EBSD map of a CuInS 2 cross-section with Σ3 boundaries highlighted by red lines. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  13. Inhibition of the α-carbonic anhydrase from Vibrio cholerae with amides and sulfonamides incorporating imidazole moieties. (United States)

    De Vita, Daniela; Angeli, Andrea; Pandolfi, Fabiana; Bortolami, Martina; Costi, Roberta; Di Santo, Roberto; Suffredini, Elisabetta; Ceruso, Mariangela; Del Prete, Sonia; Capasso, Clemente; Scipione, Luigi; Supuran, Claudiu T


    We discovered novel and selective sulfonamides/amides acting as inhibitors of the α-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC from the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae (VchCA). This Gram-negative bacterium is the causative agent of cholera and colonises the upper small intestine where sodium bicarbonate is present at a high concentration. The secondary sulfonamides and amides investigated here were potent, low nanomolar VchCA inhibitors whereas their inhibition of the human cytosolic isoforms CA I and II was in the micromolar range or higher. The molecules represent an interesting lead for antibacterial agents with a possibly new mechanism of action, although their CA inhibition mechanism is unknown for the moment.

  14. Distribution, abundance, breeding parameters, threats and prey preferences of the eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca in European Turkey

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    Demerdzhiev Dimitar


    Full Text Available V období 2008-201 3 bolo orlami královskými obsadených 32 rôznych hniezdnych teritórií. Tieto územia sa nachádzajú najmä v dvoch oblastiach: pohorie Derventa/Yıldız a územie na sever od Marmarského mora. Najbližšia vzdialenost medzi hniezdiskami bola 4,2 km. Stredná vzdialenost medzi pármi bola 1 0,44 ± 2,95 km. Priemerná hodnota hniezdnej úspešnosti v období 2008-201 3 vrátane 1 07 prípadov inkubácii bola 1 ,01±0,1 0. Priemerná hniezdna úspešnost vtákov v Marmarskom regióne (1 ,05±0,78 bola vyššia ako v oblasti pohorí Derventa/Yıldız (0,91±0,84. Predkladaná štúdia potravy orla královského bola založená na 582 zvyškoch koristi, obsahujúcej minimálne 70 taxónov. Cicavce boli najrozšírenejšie skupinou (46.5 %, nasledované vtákmi (32,4 % a plazmi (20,3 %. Najcastejšou koristou bol jež bledý (Erinaceus roumanicus a dva druhy korytnaciek - korytnacka zelenkastá (Eurotestudo hermanni a korytnacka grécka (Testudo graeca, ktoré dohromady predstavovali celkom 1 4,4 % z ulovenej koristi. Potravné spektrum sledovaných párov obsahoval tieto druhy koristi: cajka žltonohá (Larus michahellis, sysel pasienkový (Spermophilus citellus, domáca sliepka (Gallus gallus f. domestica a bocian biely (Ciconia ciconia. Tieto druhy dohromady tvorili 67,8 % z ulovenej koristi. Bol preukázaný štatisticky významný rozdiel (Z=2,52, p=0,01 v preferencii potravy orlov královských v oboch študovaných oblastiach.

  15. Anomalous Escape of Ions into the ''Loss Cone''; Sortie Anormale d'Ions dans Le Cone de Pert; Anomal'nyj ukhod ionov v konus poter'; Escape Anomalo de Iones al Cono de Perdid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galeev, A. A. [Institut Jadernoj Fiziki so AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    , fundamentalmente en las pulsaciones de gran escala, depende esencialmente de la longitud de la instalacion ({Omega}{sub H}{tau}-10{sup 5}R{sub H}/L; R{sub H} = radio de Larmor de los iones termicos). El tiempo de escape de las particulas, desde la trampa, a traves de los espejos magneticos queda determinado por el tiempo maximo ({tau}, T Almost-Equal-To L/v{sub i}; v{sub i} = velocidad termica del ion). Los resultados obtenidos sirven para estimar la posibilidad de lograr una fusion termonuclear regulada en una trampa con espejos magneticos. Para hacer esta estimacion se han utilizado los valores de los parametros optimos de la trampa, obtenidos por Post mediante la comparacion de las perdidas de energia de un plasma en calma, en un sistema de espejos, y de las perdidas en los sistemas auxiliares, con la produccion total de energia en la reaccion termonuclear. Se muestra que la vida del plasma en dicha trampa esta determinada por el tiempo de transito de los iones termicos entre los espejos magneticos y que no es suficiente para el aprovechamiento de la fusion termonuclear en condiciones economicas. (author) [Russian] Neravnovesnost' plazmy, uderzhivaemoj v lovushke s magnitnymi probkami, privodit k vozniknoveniju zhelobkovoj, universal'noj i anizotropnoj neustojchivosti, kotorye sushhestvenno ogranichivajut vremja uderzhanija chastic. Zhelobkovaja neustojchivost', kak sejchas schitajut, mozhet byt' podavlena special'nym vyborom geometrii magnitnogo polja (tak nazyvaemye minimum V - konfiguracii). Universal'naja neustojchivost', objazannaja neodnorodnosti raspredelenija plazmy poperek magnitnogo polja takzhe stabiliziruetsja pri sravnitel'no maloj perekreshhennosti silovyh linij magnitnogo polja. S drugoj storony, Rozenbljut i Post nedavno zametili, chto v plazme dostatochnoj plotnosti ni n Greater-Than-Or-Equivalent-To 10{sup 13} cm{sup -3} i dostatochnoj dliny L Greater-Than-Or-Equivalent-To 10{sup 4{lambda}}{sub D} (gde {lambda}{sub D} - debaevskij radius) uzhe slabaja

  16. Diagnozowanie skręcenia stawu skokowego = Diagnosis of ankle sprain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Urszula Kaźmierczak


      Słowa kluczowe: staw skokowy, diagnozowanie, skręcenie, skręcenie stawu skokowego   Keywords: ankle, diagnosis, sprain, ankle sprain     Streszczenie   Postawienie prawidłowej diagnozy po skręceniu stawu skokowego jest kluczowym elementem pozwalającym zaplanować i wdrożyć odpowiednie leczenie. Należy w tym celu przeprowadzić dokładne badanie podmiotowe, czyli szczegółowy wywiad z pacjentem, a następnie badanie przedmiotowe. Jego elementami są obserwacja i palpacja, testy funkcjonalne oraz badania dodatkowe. Działanie takie pozwala nabrać pewności na temat tego, które struktury i w jakim stopniu zostały uszkodzone.Uraz skrętny stawu skokowego może wiązać się nie tylko z uszkodzeniem więzadeł czy torebki stawowej, ale również powstawanie ukrytych problemów.  W przypadku przeoczenia, mogą znacznie przedłużyć proces powrotu do zdrowia.   Abstract   Making the right diagnosis after spraining an ankle is a key element that allows to plan and implement appropriate treatment. A medical history which is a detailed interview with a patient and then physical examination should be undertaken. The components of the latter are observation and palpation, functional tests and additional examinations. Such a proceeding enables ensuring which structures and to which extend got damaged. The torsion injury of the ankle may be associated with not only the damage of the joint capsule or ligaments, but also the formation of hidden problems. Those, when overlooked, may substantially extend the process of recovery.

  17. Wytrzymałość na ścinanie odpadów komunalnych a stateczność skarp składowisk

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    Tymoteusz Zydroń


    Full Text Available W pierwszej części pracy dokonano analizy literatury tematycznej dotyczącej parametrów charakteryzujących wytrzymałość na ścinanie odpadów komunalnych. Wykazała ona, że odpady komunalne charakteryzują się bardzo zróżnicowanymi warto­ściami kąta tarcia wewnętrznego i spójności, które zależą od ich struktury, stopnia rozkładu, metody badań, w tym zakresu odkształceń. Wpływ tych czynników na wytrzyma­łość na ścinanie odpadów jest często niejednoznaczny, co powoduje, że dobór parametrów wytrzymałościowych dla prognozowania stateczności składowisk jest zadaniem złożonym. W drugiej części pracy dokonano obliczeń stateczności skarpy kwatery składowiska od­ padów komunalnych w Chełmku, wykorzystując wartości parametrów wytrzymałościowych przyjętych z przedmiotowej literatury. Wykazano, że tradycyjna metoda obliczeń stateczności skarpy składowiska, z zastosowaniem uśrednionych parametrów wytrzyma­łościowych odpadów, dała wysoką wartość współczynnika stateczności, natomiast analiza probabilistyczna wykazała, że bezpieczeństwo konstrukcji można uznać jako sytuujące się pomiędzy słabym, a przeciętnym.

  18. Raportowanie społecznej odpowiedzialności w Państwowym Gospodarstwie Leśnym „Lasy Państwowe”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Śnieżek


    Full Text Available W dzisiejszych czasach przedsiębiorstwa, oprócz realizacji postawionych przed nimi celów gospodar- czych, powinny zaangażować się we wdrażanie koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. Pań- stwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne „Lasy Państwowe” (dalej Lasy Państwowe nie stanowi pod tym względem wyjątku, przeciwnie, z samej definicji jego istnienia wynika wpisana w misję, wizję i strategię odpowie- dzialność przed społeczeństwem, przed obecnym i przyszłymi pokoleniami. Do tej pory w Lasach Pań- stwowych nie zostały opracowane jednolite ramy raportowania działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych. Mimo wielu rozproszonych dokumentów wskazujących na ich wkład w tym zakresie, Lasy Państwowe nie mają w swoim raporcie zbioru informacji poświęconych zagadnieniom społecznej odpowiedzialności. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie, że społeczna odpowiedzialność w takim podmiocie, jakim są Lasy Pań- stwowe, jest obszarem niezwykle istotnym i w konsekwencji działań brzemiennym w skutki długofalowe dla współczesnego i przyszłych pokoleń. W artykule uzasadniono potrzebę i przedstawiono propozycję ogólnej struktury raportu o odpowiedzialności społecznej Lasów Państwowych wobec obecnych i przy- szłych interesariuszy. Jako podstawową metodę badawczą, oprócz studiów literaturowych, zastosowano metodę dedukcyjną, wspomaganą wnioskowaniem przez analogię.

  19. Czaszkogardlak – rzadki łagodny guz nowotworowy - opis przypadku = Craniopharyngioma – rare benign tumor – case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamila Woźniak


    • 2.        Katedra i Klinika Rehabilitacji, Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu     Streszczenie Czaszkogardlak (guz Erdheima, łac. craniopharyngioma to stosunkowo rzadki, łagodny guz nowotworowy o lokalizacji wewnątrzczaszkowej, wywodzący się z pozostałości kieszonki Rathkego. Nazwę craniopharyngioma wprowadził Harvey Cushing w 1932. Jedne z pierwszych prób operacyjnego leczenia guza podjął Ludvig Puusepp w 1923 roku. Objawy kliniczne zależą od lokalizacji guza. Są to przede wszystkim objawy wynikające z ucisku masy guza na sąsiadujące struktury anatomiczne. Autorzy przedstawiają opis przypadku klinicznego, leczonego operacyjnie w Klinice Neurochirurgii, Neurotraumatologii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego nr 1 im. dr A. Jurasza w Bydgoszczy z rozpoznanym w badaniu histopatologicznym craniopharyngioma.   Słowa kluczowe: czaszkogardlak, craniopharyngioma, guz Erdheima, nowotwór łagodny.     Abstract Craniopharyngioma (Erdheima tumor is a relatively rare benign tumor of intracranial location, derived from the remnants of Rathke's pouch. The name craniopharyngioma introduced Harvey Cushing in 1932. One of the first attempts at surgical treatment of the tumor took Ludvig Puusepp in 1923. Clinical symptoms depend on the site of a tumor. These are primarily the symptoms resulting from the comppression of the tumor mass on adjacent anatomical structures. The authors present a clinical case operating treated in the Department of Neurosurgery, Neurotraumatology and Pediatric Neurosurgery, Dr Antoni Jurasz University Hospital No.1 in Bydgoszcz histopathological diagnosed with craniopharyngoma.   Key words: craniopharyngioma, Erdheima tumor, benign tumor.

  20. The starting point of Bulgaria in national mythology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolay Aretov


    Charakterystyczne dla każdego nacjonalizmu, każdej struktury ideologicznej (ale nie tylko, jest to, że się rozszerza, w naszym przypadku – szuka swoich początków coraz bardziej wstecz w czasie. Proces ten można zaobserwować i w konstrukcjach nacjonalizmu bułgarskiego, ale z o wiele późniejszego okresu. W drugiej połowie XX wieku i na początku XXI wieku widać wyraźny zwrot ku czasom sprzed rządów założyciela chana Asparucha (VII w., tj. kiedy powstawały inne bułgarskie organizmy państwowe (zob. Р. Даскалов, Чудният свят на прабългарите, София 2011. Natomiast przed wyzwoleniem (1878 i powstaniem Księstwa Bułgarii można zaobserwować tendencję przeciwną. Przedstawiciele ruchu rewolucyjnego, a przynajmniej część z nich, odrzuca okres średniowiecza i kieruje swą uwagę ku innym początkom, o wiele bliższym w czasie, nawet pokrywającym się czasem aktualnym lub wręcz odnoszącym się do niedalekiej przyszłości. Wyobrażenie to – mniej lub bardziej nieoczekiwa­nie – zostało zreaktualizowane przez często powtarzającą pod koniec XX wieku frazę „czas najbardziej bułgarski” (E. Karanfiłow, odsyłającą do lat 70. XIX wieku.

  1. Spin-polarized electron gas in Co2MSi/SrTiO3(M= Ti, V, Cr, Mn, and Fe) heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Nazir, S.


    Spin-polarized density functional theory is used to study the TiO2 terminated interfaces between the magnetic Heusler alloys Co2Si (M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, and Fe) and the non-polar band insulator SrTiO3. The structural relaxation at the interface turns out to depend systematically on the lattice mis- match. Charge transfer from the Heusler alloys (mainly the M 3d orbitals) to the Ti dxy orbitals of the TiO2 interface layer is found to gradually grow from M = Ti to Fe, resulting in an electron gas with increasing density of spin-polarized charge carriers. (© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim). © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

  2. CO2 capture by Li-functionalized silicene

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Jiajie


    CO2 capture and storage technology is of key importance to reduce the greenhouse effect. By its large surface area and sp3 hybridization, Li-functionalized silicene is demonstrated to be a promising CO2 absorbent that is stable up to at least 500 K and has a very high storage capacity of 28.6 mol/kg (55.7 wt%). The adsorption energy of CO2 on Li-functionalized silicene is enhanced as compared to pristine silicene, to attain an almost ideal value that still facilitates easy release. In addition, the band gap is found to change sensitively with the CO2 coverage. (© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim). © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

  3. Well-Defined Copper(I) Fluoroalkoxide Complexes for Trifluoroethoxylation of Aryl and Heteroaryl Bromides

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Ronglu; Huang, Yangjie; Lin, Xiaoxi; Rong, Mingguang; Weng, Zhiqiang


    © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Copper(I) fluoroalkoxide complexes bearing dinitrogen ligands were synthesized and the structure and reactivity of the complexes toward trifluoroethoxylation, pentafluoropropoxylation

  4. Redox-Enabled, pH-Disabled Pyrazoline-Ferrocene INHIBIT Logic Gates. (United States)

    Scerri, Glenn J; Cini, Miriam; Schembri, Jonathan S; da Costa, Paola F; Johnson, Alex D; Magri, David C


    Pyrazoline-ferrocene conjugates with an "electron-donor-spacer-fluorophore-receptor" format are demonstrated as redox-fluorescent two-input INHIBIT logic gates. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. A New Polynuclear Coordination Type for (Salicylaldoxime)copper(II) Complexes: Structure and Magnetic Properties of an (Oxime)Cu6 Cluster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wenzel, Marco; Forgan, Ross S.; Faure, Anaëlle


    A previously unseen coordination mode is reported for (salicylaldoxime)copper complexes utilising a linked zwitterionic NO22- donor set. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)...

  6. Electron Acceptor Materials Engineering in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells

    KAUST Repository

    Liu, Huan; Tang, Jiang; Kramer, Illan J.; Debnath, Ratan; Koleilat, Ghada I.; Wang, Xihua; Fisher, Armin; Li, Rui; Brzozowski, Lukasz; Levina, Larissa; Sargent, Edward H.


    -ion-doped sol-gel-derived titanium dioxide electrodes produce a tunable-bandedge, well-passivated materials platform for CQD solar cell optimization. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Biotechnology essay competition: biotechnology and sustainable food practices. (United States)

    Peng, Judy; Schoeb, Helena; Lee, Gina


    Biotechnology Journal announces our second biotechnology essay competition with the theme "biotechnology and sustainable food practices", open to all undergraduate students. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. The prevalence of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 16, 2007 ... attention (including hospitalized patients) in Vom Christain Hospital (VCH), ... phosphate buffered saline prior to subculture onto selective solid culture media ... young children and has been known as the major cause.

  9. Dvě zprávy o raně křesťanské liturgii. Pokus o analýzu narativní struktury

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fialová, Radka

    -, č. 24 (2014), s. 83-111 ISSN 1805-2762 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GBP401/12/G168 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Early Christian liturgy * baptism and Eucharist in the 2nd Century * Didache * Justin Martyr's Apology Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion sat /2014-1.html

  10. Effects of heavy metal adsorption on silicene

    KAUST Repository

    Kaloni, Thaneshwor P.; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    the case. (© 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Carbon nanotube flexible sponge was manufactured as high performance electromagnetic shielding material. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) synthesized sponges with extreme light weight show

  11. Effect of TiN particulate reinforcement on corrosive behaviour of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ‡Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. MS received ..... aerospace engineering (Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & ... select metal matrix composites: A state of the art review (ed.).


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

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    unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy, HOMO-LUMO gap energy, RHF energy, some of important bond ..... Sobczak, J.M.; Glowiak, T.; Zio, J.J. Transition Met.Chem. ... Wiley-VCH: Velang GmbH, Weinheim (Germany); 2000. (b) Becke ...

  13. 3D WO3 /BiVO4 /Cobalt Phosphate Composites Inverse Opal Photoanode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. (United States)

    Zhang, Haifeng; Zhou, Weiwei; Yang, Yaping; Cheng, Chuanwei


    A novel 3D WO 3 /BiVO 4 /cobalt phosphate composite inverse opal is designed for photoeletrochemical (PEC) water splitting, yielding a significantly improved PEC performance. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Amphiphilic polymer promoted assembly of macroporous graphene/SnO2 frameworks with tunable porosity for high-performance lithium storage. (United States)

    Huang, Yanshan; Wu, Dongqing; Wang, Jinzuan; Han, Sheng; Lv, Lu; Zhang, Fan; Feng, Xinliang


    3D macroporous graphene/SnO2 frameworks (MGTFs) are fabricated by amphiphilic polymer-promoted assembly method, which exhibit controllable macroporous structure and outstanding lithium storage performance. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Efficient Generation of Long-Lived Triplet Excitons in 2D Hybrid Perovskite. (United States)

    Younts, Robert; Duan, Hsin-Sheng; Gautam, Bhoj; Saparov, Bayrammurad; Liu, Jie; Mongin, Cedric; Castellano, Felix N; Mitzi, David B; Gundogdu, Kenan


    Triplet excitons form in quasi-2D hybrid inorganic-organic perovskites and diffuse over 100 nm before radiating with >11% photoluminescence quantum efficiency (PLQE) at low temperatures. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Block Copolypeptoids with C 2 -C 5 Side Chains in Aqueous Solution

    KAUST Repository

    Fetsch, Corinna; Flecks, Silvana; Gieseler, Dan; Marschelke, Claudia; Ulbricht, Juliane; van Pé e, Karl-Heinz; Luxenhofer, Robert


    © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Nowadays, amphiphilic molecules play an important role in our life. In medical applications, amphiphilic block copolymers have attracted much attention as excipients in drug delivery systems. Here

  17. Pentalenes--from highly reactive antiaromatics to substrates for material science. (United States)

    Hopf, Henning


    Antimatter: Once studied primarily for their antiaromatic properties, pentalenes are rapidly becoming important π-systems for novel electronic materials. Recent developments in this area are summarized. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Profilaktyka, monitorowanie i leczenie raka gruczołu krokowego na podstawie aktualnego przeglądu literatury urologicznej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Ząbkowski


    Full Text Available Wśród nowotworowych przyczyn zgonów w Polsce rak stercza zajmuje trzecie miejsce, po raku płuc i żołądka. W Stanach Zjednoczonych jest na pierwszym miejscu. W Unii Europejskiej z powodu raka gruczołu krokowego umiera każdego roku ponad 85 000 mężczyzn. Dotyka on często mężczyzn w sile wieku, a długi i złożony proces jego leczenia negatywnie wpływa na efektywność i stabilność życiową. W początkowym stadium choroba przebiega często bezobjawowo, co powoduje, że mężczyźni nie są świadomi zagrożenia i nie podejmują czynności profilaktyczno-leczniczych. Uwzględniając wymienione zagrożenia, celowe jest podjęcie działań zmierzających do uruchomienia systemu profilaktyki, leczenia i monitorowania chorych z rakiem gruczołu krokowego, co będzie stanowić gwarancję utrzymania wymaganego poziomu stanu zdrowia. Funkcjonowanie takiego systemu oparte jest na podstawach naukowych. Jeden z jego elementów to opracowanie wskaźników (funkcji zdrowia i zachorowań pacjentów płci męskiej z uwzględnieniem ich struktury wiekowej. Realizując pracę badawczą, autorzy artykułu starali się umiejscowić podjęty problem profilaktyki i leczenia raka gruczołu krokowego na tle istniejących już osiągnięć naukowych. Dokonano pogłębionej analizy opracowań w aspekcie rozwiązań praktycznych. Zauważono, że dotyczą one dwóch zasadniczych obszarów, odnoszą się do badań podstawowych i rozwiązań aplikacyjnych.

  19. Wykrywanie białka prionu w płynach ustrojowych – nowe perspektywy w diagnostyce choroby Creutzfeldta-Jakoba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Golańska


    Full Text Available Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD należy do grupy chorób wywołanych przez priony, których diagnostyka nastręcza trudności ze względu na brak nieinwazyjnych metod umożliwiających przyżyciowe definitywne rozpoznanie. Rutynowe badania laboratoryjne wspomagające diagnostykę polegają na oznaczaniu obecności białka 14-3-3 w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym. Białko to jest jednak jedynie nieswoistym markerem rozpadu neuronów. Również badania obrazowe oraz EEG są niewystarczające do pewnego potwierdzenia rozpoznania. Obecnie duże nadzieje wiąże się z rozwojem czułych i swoistych metod wykrywania śladowych ilości nieprawidłowych konformerów białka PrPSc – markera jednoznacznie związanego z chorobami wywołanymi przez priony – znajdujących się w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym lub krwi chorych z CJD. W artykule omówiono opracowane w ostatnich latach metody, w których wykorzystuje się zdolność białka prionu do indukowania przekształcenia struktury przestrzennej cząsteczek PrPc w patologiczną izoformę PrPSc. Największe nadzieje na praktyczne zastosowanie budzi obecnie metoda konwersji indukowanej przez wytrząsanie (quaking-induced conversion, QuIC, oparta na amplifikacji nieprawidłowych konformerów białka prionu w warunkach in vitro z zastosowaniem oczyszczonego zrekombinowanego białka PrPc jako substratu. Omówiono zasadę metody, wyniki najnowszych badań nad jej optymalizacją oraz perspektywy wykorzystania w celach diagnostycznych i naukowych.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Systemy zbiorowego zaopatrzenia w wodę składają się z połączonych ze sobą elementów (podsystemów stanowiących integralna całość, współpracujących ze sobą w sposób ciągły w celu zapewnienia dla konsumentów wody o odpowiedniej jakości. W przypadku gdy jakość wody w źródle nie odpowiada normatywom stawianym wodzie przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi, woda musi być poddana procesom uzdatniania. Niezawodność funkcjonowania stacji uzdatniania wody jest jednym z podstawowych elementów szeroko rozumianej analizy niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa całego systemu zbiorowego zaopatrzenia w wodę. Niezawodność dostawy wody polega na zapewnieniu stabilnych warunków, umożliwiających pokrycie bieżącego i perspektywicznego zapotrzebowania na wodę w odpowiedniej ilości i wymaganej jakości w dowolnym, dogodnym dla konsumentów wody czasie. W pracy przedstawiono podstawy analizy niezawodności, podano podstawowe miary oraz zasady wykorzystania struktur niezawodnościowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla stacji uzdatniania wody na podstawie schematu niezwodnościowego metodą jednoparametryczną. Na podstawie danych z eksploatacyjnych stacji uzdatniania wody (SUW wchodzącej w skład systemu zbiorowego zaopatrzenia w wodę miasta liczącego ok 80 tys. mieszkańców sporządzono schemat niewodności stacji oraz przeprowadzono obliczenia wskaźnika gotowości K. W metodzie wykorzystano podstawowe struktury niezawodnościowe. Wyznaczoną miarę niezawodności porównano z wartościami kryterialnymi.

  1. A route to ultrathin quantum gases at polar perovskite heterointerfaces

    KAUST Repository

    Nazir, Safdar; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    that is confined to an ultrathin slab of only 5.6 Å thickness. Electronegative cations therefore are a promising way to enhance the quantum nature of hole gases. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Nitrogen-containing hydrothermal carbons with superior performance in supercapacitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, Li [Colloid Chemistry Department, Max-Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Am Muehlenberg 1, 14424 Potsdam (Germany); Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 27th Taoyuan South Road, 030001 Taiyuan (China); Fan, Li-Zhen; Zhou, Meng-Qi; Guan, Hui; Qiao, Suyan [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 100083 Beijing (China); Antonietti, Markus; Titirici, Maria-Magdalena [Colloid Chemistry Department, Max-Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Am Muehlenberg 1, 14424 Potsdam (Germany)


    Microporous nitrogen-doped carbons produced by hydrothermal carbonization of biomass derivative followed by chemical activation showed excellent supercapacitive capacitance performance both in acid and base electrolytes. (Copyright copyright 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  3. Schottky-Gated Probe-Free ZnO Nanowire Biosensor

    KAUST Repository

    Yeh, Ping-Hung; Li, Zhou; Wang, Zhong Lin


    figure) and is much more sensitive than the device based on the symmetric ohmic contact. This approach serves as a guideline for designing more practical chemical and biochemical sensors. © 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  4. Dálkový průzkum a GIS při hodnocení vztahů krajinné struktury a koncentrace živin v povodí Lipna

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žaloudík, Jiří; Hejzlar, Josef; Rohlík, V.

    - (2004), s. 77-80 ISSN 1212-4311 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IBS6017004; GA ČR GA103/98/0281 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6087904; CEZ:AV0Z6017912 Keywords : water quality * remote sensing * GIS Subject RIV: DJ - Water Pollution ; Quality

  5. Více-kvantová NMR spektroskopie pevného stavu: způsob, jak nahlédnout do struktury anorganických materiálů

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kobera, Libor; Urbanová, Martina; Brus, Jiří


    Roč. 106, č. 9 (2012), s. 802-808 ISSN 0009-2770 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP108/10/1980 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505 Keywords : NMR spectroscopy * structural analysis * NMR crystalography Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials Impact factor: 0.453, year: 2012

  6. Straightforward Generation of Pillared, Microporous Graphene Frameworks for Use in Supercapacitors. (United States)

    Yuan, Kai; Xu, Yazhou; Uihlein, Johannes; Brunklaus, Gunther; Shi, Lei; Heiderhoff, Ralf; Que, Mingming; Forster, Michael; Chassé, Thomas; Pichler, Thomas; Riedl, Thomas; Chen, Yiwang; Scherf, Ullrich


    Microporous, pillared graphene-based frameworks are generated in a simple functionalization/coupling procedure starting from reduced graphene oxide. They are used for the fabrication of high-performance supercapacitor devices. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Toward Additive-Free Small-Molecule Organic Solar Cells: Roles of the Donor Crystallization Pathway and Dynamics

    KAUST Repository

    Abdelsamie, Maged; Treat, Neil D.; Zhao, Kui; McDowell, Caitlin; Burgers, Mark A.; Li, Ruipeng; Smilgies, Detlef M.; Stingelin, Natalie; Bazan, Guillermo C.; Amassian, Aram


    processing to promote crystallization, phase separation, and efficient light harvesting. A donor material (X2) that crystallizes directly from solution yields additive-free solar cells with an efficiency of 7.6%. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGa

  8. Capacitance for carbon capture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landskron, Kai


    Metal recycling: A sustainable, capacitance-assisted carbon capture and sequestration method (Supercapacitive Swing Adsorption) can turn scrap metal and CO 2 into metal carbonates at an attractive energy cost. (copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  9. Green synthesis of Ni-Nb oxide catalysts for low-temperature oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. (United States)

    Zhu, Haibo; Rosenfeld, Devon C; Anjum, Dalaver H; Caps, Valérie; Basset, Jean-Marie


    The straightforward solid-state grinding of a mixture of Ni nitrate and Nb oxalate crystals led to, after mild calcination (Tethane to ethylene at a relatively low temperature (Tethane. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Study of the modifications on the synchronous generators, heavy water pumps and condenser batteries of the RA reactor - Annex 17; Prilog 17 - Elaborat o izmenama u semama sinhronih generatora, teskovodnih pumpi i kondenzatorskih baterija reaktora RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Reaktor RA, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Modifications done on the synchronous generators are related to the emergency power supply system, meaning one of the most important devices responsible for reactor safety. Without reducing the efficiency of the heavy water pumps the improved stability of generators operation was achieved by reducing the possibility of errors and simplifying manipulation. Condensator batteries were improved in order to decrease the leakage currents.

  11. Salty vs. Fresh Water

    KAUST Repository

    Peinemann, Klaus-Viktor


    One possibility of obtaining sustainable energy from seawater is the use of osmosis. The key to this technology is the development of efficient membranes which allow water to pass through, but not salt. © 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  12. Direct observation of surface reconstruction and termination on a complex metal oxide catalyst by electron microscopy

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Yihan


    On the surface: The surface reconstruction of an MoVTeO complex metal oxide catalyst was observed directly by various electron microscopic techniques and the results explain the puzzling catalytic behavior. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Salty vs. Fresh Water

    KAUST Repository

    Peinemann, Klaus-Viktor


    One possibility of obtaining sustainable energy from seawater is the use of osmosis. The key to this technology is the development of efficient membranes which allow water to pass through, but not salt. © 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  14. Capacitance for carbon capture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Landskron, Kai [Department of Chemistry, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (United States)


    Metal recycling: A sustainable, capacitance-assisted carbon capture and sequestration method (Supercapacitive Swing Adsorption) can turn scrap metal and CO{sub 2} into metal carbonates at an attractive energy cost. (copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  15. Morphing Metal and Elastomer Bicontinuous Foams for Reversible Stiffness, Shape Memory, and Self-Healing Soft Machines. (United States)

    Van Meerbeek, Ilse M; Mac Murray, Benjamin C; Kim, Jae Woo; Robinson, Sanlin S; Zou, Perry X; Silberstein, Meredith N; Shepherd, Robert F


    A metal-elastomer-foam composite that varies in stiffness, that can change shape and store shape memory, that self-heals, and that welds into monolithic structures from smaller components is presented. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. The efficiency challenge of nitride light-emitting diodes for lighting

    KAUST Repository

    Weisbuch, Claude; Piccardo, Marco; Martinelli, Lucio; Iveland, Justin; Peretti, Jacques; Speck, James S.


    © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. We discuss the challenges of light-emitting diodes in view of their application to solid-state lighting. The requirement is to at least displace the quite efficient fluorescent, sodium, and high

  17. Room temperature aerobic oxidation of amines by a nanocrystalline ruthenium oxide pyrochlore nafion composite catalyst. (United States)

    Venkatesan, Shanmuganathan; Kumar, Annamalai Senthil; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Chan, Ting-Shan; Zen, Jyh-Myng


    The aerobic oxidation of primary amines to their respective nitriles has been carried out at room temperature using a highly reusable nanocrystalline ruthenium oxide pyrochlore Nafion composite catalyst (see figure). Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Are Nanoparticles Spherical or Quasi-Spherical? (United States)

    Sokolov, Stanislav V; Batchelor-McAuley, Christopher; Tschulik, Kristina; Fletcher, Stephen; Compton, Richard G


    The geometry of quasi-spherical nanoparticles is investigated. The combination of SEM imaging and electrochemical nano-impact experiments is demonstrated to allow sizing and characterization of the geometry of single silver nanoparticles. © 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. E-learning Programmes and Courses Evaluation Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badger, Merete; Prag, Sidsel-Marie Winther; Monaco, Lucio

    the development, testing, and evaluation of a series of applications for training and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy (project work package 2, 3, and 4). This report describes the project outcomes related to this work stream with focus on E-learning programmes and courses. It represents...... the project deliverable “D3.4 E-learning Programmes and Courses Evaluation Report”. The applications developed for entrepreneurship will be described and evaluated in the project deliverable “D4.3 e-link evaluation report”. The second work stream (work package 5) covers the development of E......-infrastructure eduGAIN2. The access point is a web portal – the VCH Portal – which is used to manage users and groups. The E-infrastructure of VCH will be described and evaluated in the project deliverable “5.4 Virtual Campus Hub Technology Evaluation Report”. The E-learning applications described in this report...

  20. Frontiers in neurodegeneration--new insights and prospects--20th HUPO BPP Workshop: 15 September 2013, Yokohama, Japan. (United States)

    Schrötter, Andreas; El Magraoui, Fouzi; Gröttrup, Bernd; Heinsen, Helmut; Marcus, Katrin; Meyer, Helmut E; Park, Young Mok; Grinberg, Lea T


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 20th workshop in Yokohama, Japan, September 15, 2013. The focus of the autumn workshop was on new insights and prospects of neurodegenerative diseases. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. All-solid-state flexible ultrathin micro-supercapacitors based on graphene. (United States)

    Niu, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Li; Liu, Lili; Zhu, Bowen; Dong, Haibo; Chen, Xiaodong


    Flexible, compact, ultrathin and all-solid-state micro-supercapacitors are prepared by coating H₃PO₄/PVA gel electrolyte onto micro-patterned rGO interdigitated electrodes prepared by combining photolithography with selective electrophoretic deposition. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. The Catalytic Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Liphagal

    KAUST Repository

    Day, Joshua J.; McFadden, Ryan M.; Virgil, Scott C.; Kolding, Helene; Alleva, Jennifer L.; Stoltz, Brian M.


    Ring a ding: The meroterpenoid natural product (+)-liphagal has been synthesized enantioselectively in 19 steps from commercially available materials. The trans-homodecalin system was achieved by ring expansion followed by stereoselective hydrogenation. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Highly flexible sub-1 nm tungsten oxide nanobelts as efficient desulfurization catalysts. (United States)

    He, Jie; Liu, Huiling; Xu, Biao; Wang, Xun


    Ultrathin tungsten oxide nanobelts are successfully synthesized via a facile solvothermal method. Sub-1 nm thickness and hydrophobic surface property endow the nanobelts with flexibility, viscosity, gelation, and good catalytic performance in oxidative desulfurization. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Infrared Colloidal Quantum Dots for Photovoltaics: Fundamentals and Recent Progress

    KAUST Repository

    Tang, Jiang; Sargent, Edward H.


    of the solar radiation enable potential efficient and low-cost photovoltaic devices. Careful optimization of quantum dot passivation and device configuration leads to solar cells with AM1.5G efficiency as high as 5.1% Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co

  5. The Catalytic Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Liphagal

    KAUST Repository

    Day, Joshua J.


    Ring a ding: The meroterpenoid natural product (+)-liphagal has been synthesized enantioselectively in 19 steps from commercially available materials. The trans-homodecalin system was achieved by ring expansion followed by stereoselective hydrogenation. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Muscle-Driven In Vivo Nanogenerator

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Zhou; Zhu, Guang; Yang, Rusen; Wang, Aurelia C.; Wang, Zhong Lin


    of such a nanogenerator in a live rat where it harvests energy generated by its breathing or heart beating. This study shows the potential of applying these nanogenerators for driving in vivo nanodevices. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KCaA, Weinheim.

  7. Forward-Osmosis Desalination with Poly(Ionic Liquid) Hydrogels as Smart Draw Agents. (United States)

    Fan, Xuelin; Liu, Huili; Gao, Yating; Zou, Zhu; Craig, Vincent S J; Zhang, Guangzhao; Liu, Guangming


    The combination of high desalination efficiency, negligible draw-solute leakage, nontoxicity, ease of regeneration, and effective separation to produce liquid water makes the smart draw agents developed here highly suited for forward-osmosis desalination. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. A Long Journey from Childhood to Senility: The 23rd HUPO BPP Workshop: 16-17 April 2015, São Paulo, Brazil. (United States)

    Magraoui, Fouzi El; Schrötter, Andreas; Heinsen, Helmut; Leite, Renata; Park, Young Mok; Meyer, Helmut E; Grinberg, Lea T


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 23rd workshop in São Paulo, Brazil, April 16-17, 2015. The focus of the spring workshop was on strategies and predictive therapies concerning neurodegenerative diseases. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Systematic molecular-level design of binders incorporating Meldrum's acid for silicon anodes in lithium rechargeable batteries. (United States)

    Kwon, Tae-woo; Jeong, You Kyeong; Lee, Inhwa; Kim, Taek-Soo; Choi, Jang Wook; Coskun, Ali


    Covalent or Noncovalent? Systematic investigation of polymeric binders incorporating Meldrum's acid reveals most critical binder properties for silicon -anodes in lithium ion batteries, that is self-healing effect facilitated by a series of noncovalent interactions. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Shifting from Ziegler-Natta to Philips-type catalyst? A simple and safe access to reduced titanium systems for ethylene polymerization

    KAUST Repository

    Popoff, Nicolas


    Silica-supported titanium(IV) chloride is readily reduced by Mashima and co-workers\\' reagent (1-methyl-3,6-bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,4-cyclohexadiene) to afford materials active in ethylene polymerisation without need of aluminum alkyl cocatalyst. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Copper-promoted oxidative coupling of enamides and alkynes for the synthesis of substituted pyrroles. (United States)

    Zhao, Mi-Na; Ren, Zhi-Hui; Wang, Yao-Yu; Guan, Zheng-Hui


    An efficient copper-promoted oxidative coupling of enamides with alkynes has been developed for the synthesis of substituted pyrroles. The reaction proceeded through C-H and N-H bond functionalization of enamides under mild conditions. Copyright © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Ultrafast Digital Printing toward 4D Shape Changing Materials. (United States)

    Huang, Limei; Jiang, Ruiqi; Wu, Jingjun; Song, Jizhou; Bai, Hao; Li, Bogeng; Zhao, Qian; Xie, Tao


    Ultrafast 4D printing (printing converts the structure into 3D. An additional dimension can be incorporated by choosing the printing precursors. The process overcomes the speed limiting steps of typical 3D (4D) printing. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Formulation of Extended-Release Metformin Hydrochloride Matrix ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... of diclofenac sodium by non-solvent addition technique. Trop J Pharm. Res 2010; 9(2): 187-195. 17. Hadjiioannou TP, Christian GD, Koupparis MA,. Macheras PE. Quantitative Calculations in. Pharmaceutical Practice and Research, VCH. Publishers Inc, New York: 1993; p 345-348. 18. Bourne DWA. Pharmacokinetics.

  14. Self-generated etchant for synthetic sculpturing of Cu 2O-Au, Cu 2O@Au, Au/Cu 2O, and 3D-Au nanostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Pang, Maolin; Wang, Qingxiao; Zeng, Huachun


    Structures of Gold: A simple transformative method for nanoscale sculpturing has been developed. Five different types of complex nanocomposites of cuprite and gold have been formed by using this self-etching approach (see figure). Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Conjugated polymer dots for ultra-stable full-color fluorescence patterning. (United States)

    Chang, Kaiwen; Liu, Zhihe; Chen, Haobin; Sheng, Lan; Zhang, Sean Xiao-An; Chiu, Daniel T; Yin, Shengyan; Wu, Changfeng; Qin, Weiping


    Stable full-color fluorescence patterning are achieved by multicolor polymer-dot inks. The fluorescent patterns show extraordinary stability upon various treatments, offering a superior combination of bright fluorescence, excellent photostability, chemical resistance, and eco-friendship. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Polygons and Faceted Polyhedra and Nanoporous Networks. (United States)

    Lu, Jianjiang; Mondal, Arunendu; Moulton, Brian; Zaworotko, Michael J


    Small rhombihexahedra and small cubicuboctahedra, namely faceted polyhedra, form the basis of two novel low-density framework solids that are afforded by the self-assembly of molecular squares only or molecular squares and triangles, respectively. © 2001 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Fed. Rep. of Germany.

  17. Self-generated etchant for synthetic sculpturing of Cu 2O-Au, Cu 2O@Au, Au/Cu 2O, and 3D-Au nanostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Pang, Maolin


    Structures of Gold: A simple transformative method for nanoscale sculpturing has been developed. Five different types of complex nanocomposites of cuprite and gold have been formed by using this self-etching approach (see figure). Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Bootstrap methods in CFT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rastelli, Leonardo [C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY (United States)


    This contribution collects background material and references for the overview talk that was delivered in the 21st European string workshop and 3rd COST MP1210 meeting, 'The String Theory Universe'. (copyright 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  19. Analýza struktury návštěvníků hudebních festivalů a návrh nového projektu


    ŠERPÁN, Adam


    The master thesis analyzes the structure of multi-genre music festivals´ visitors and on the base of this analysis, a part of marketing mix of concrete festival is proposed to be modified. This modification is primarily focused on communication mix. Music festivals are the product of tourism. This is one of the essential ideas of this master thesis. Festival is a service - nonmaterial product, so there must be reached the maximal efectivaty of the communication with the music festival custome...

  20. Effects of heavy metal adsorption on silicene

    KAUST Repository

    Kaloni, Thaneshwor P.


    Based on first-principles calculations, we study the effects of heavy metal atoms (Au, Hg, Tl, and Pb) adsorbed on silicene. We find that the hollow site is energetically favorable in each case. We particulary address the question how the adsorption modifies the band structure in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. Our results demonstrate that the heavy metal adatoms result in substantial energy gaps and band splittings in the silicene sheet as long as the binding is strong, which, however, is not always the case. (© 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Carbon nanotube flexible sponge was manufactured as high performance electromagnetic shielding material. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) synthesized sponges with extreme light weight show an electromagnetic shielding above 20 dB and a specific electromagnetic shielding as high as 1100 dB cm3g-1 in the whole 1-18 GHz range. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. RBE of some Sodium, Water and Bioelectric Parameters of Gastro-Intestinal Absorption; L'EBR pour le Transport du Sodium et de l'Eau et pour Certains Parametre Bioelectriques dans l'Absorption Gastro-Intestinale; Obeh v otnoshenii nekotorykh natrievykh, vodnykh i bioehlektricheskikh parametrov vsasyvaniya v zheludochno-kishechnom trakte; La EBR Para el Transporte del Sodio y del Agua y Para Ciertos Parametros Bioelectricos en la Absorcion Gastrointestinal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vaughan, B. E.; Davis, A. K.; Cummins, J. T.; Alpen, E. L. [US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA (United States)


    permeabilidad decrece al aumentar las dosis de irradiacion. (author) [Russian] Ranee soobshhalos' o biojelektricheskih izmerenijah i izmerenii potoka v odnom napravlenii. Krys i sobak pod- vergali rentgenovskomu oblucheniju pri pikovym naprjazhenii 250 kv (krysy) ili 1000 kv (sobaki) i oblucheniju bystrymi nejtronami. Obluchenie bylo obshhim, dvustoronnim, v kazhdom sluchae proizvodilas' glubinnaja dozimetrija. U hrys cherez 7 dnej posle obluchenija biojelektricheskaja aktivnost' zheludka znachitel'no snizhalas' po sravneniju s normoj, no v nizhnih otdelah zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta takogo snizhenija ne bylo. Dlja pozdnego snizhenija biojelektricheskoj aktivnosti zheludka ustanovlena velichina OBJe porjadka 2-3, jetot jeffekt otchetlivo zameten pri doze nejtronov v 160 rad (1-e stolknovenie). U sobak cherez tri dnja posle obluchenija skorost' odnostoronnego perehoda natrija i vody iz plazmy v prosvet kishechnika snizhalas'. Jeto nabljudaetsja posle rentgenovskogo obluchenija pri 1200 rentgen (doza v vozduhe) i posle nejtronnogo obluchenija pri 300 rad ili 600 rad (1-e stolknovenie). Odnako pri doze rentgenovyh luchej 600 rad (v vozduhe) jeti skorosti perehoda ne izmenjajutsja i imejut drugoe napravlenie. Velichina OBJe dlja pozdnego snizhenija perehoda iz plazmy v prosvet kishechnika budet ravnjat'sja 2 - 6. Izuchenie jelektrogennogo mehanizma na zheludke krysy ukazyvaet na specifichnost' iona natrija v otlichie ot dannyh, poluchennyh na zheludke ljagushki. Velichiny potencialov, poluchennye in vitro, sootvetstvujut velichinam, poluchennym in vivo, i menjajutsja lish' pod vlijaniem metabolicheskogo otravlenija ili zameshhanija natrija. V protivopolozhnost' biojelektricheskim parametram opredelenija potoka javljajutsja bolee specifichnymi; odnako znachitel'naja biologicheskaja variabil'nost' ogranichivaet ih ispol'zovanie. Odnostoronnie toki iz plazmy v prosvet kishechnika obnaruzhivajut znachitel'nye izmenenija pod vlijaniem radiacii, chto ukazyvaet na snizhenie

  2. Early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases - the long awaited Holy Grail and bottleneck of modern brain research - 19th HUPO BPP workshop: May 22-24, 2013, Dortmund, Germany. (United States)

    Schrötter, Andreas; Magraoui, Fouzi El; Gröttrup, Bernd; Wiltfang, Jens; Heinsen, Helmut; Marcus, Katrin; Meyer, Helmut E; Grinberg, Lea T; Park, Young Mok


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 19th workshop in Dortmund, Germany, from May 22 to 24, 2013. The focus of the spring workshop was on strategies and developments concerning early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Anisotropic Adhesion Properties of Triangular-Tip-Shaped Micropillars

    KAUST Repository

    Kwak, Moon Kyu


    Directional dry adhesive microstructures consisting of high-density triangular-tip-shaped micropillars are described. The wide-tip structures allow for unique directional shear adhesion properties with respect to the peeling direction, along with relatively high normal adhesion. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. A highly efficient and selective polysilsesquioxane sorbent for heavy metal removal

    KAUST Repository

    Duan, Xiaonan; Qi, Genggeng; Wang, Peng; Giannelis, Emmanuel P.


    Suited for heavy stuff: An efficient mesoporous sorbent based on a pure ethylendiamine-bridged polysilsesquioxane is presented. This material, with both a high amine loading and a high surface area, is applied for heavy metal ion removal. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Shifting from Ziegler-Natta to Philips-type catalyst? A simple and safe access to reduced titanium systems for ethylene polymerization. (United States)

    Popoff, Nicolas; Espinas, Jeff; Gouré, Eric; Boyron, Olivier; Le Roux, Erwan; Basset, Jean-Marie; Gauvin, Régis M; De Mallmann, Aimery; Taoufik, Mostafa


    Silica-supported titanium(IV) chloride is readily reduced by Mashima and co-workers' reagent (1-methyl-3,6-bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,4-cyclohexadiene) to afford materials active in ethylene polymerisation without need of aluminum alkyl cocatalyst. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. An Extraordinary Sulfonated-Graphenal-Polymer-Based Electrolyte Separator for All-Solid-State Supercapacitors. (United States)

    Liu, Xubo; Men, Chuanling; Zhang, Xiaohua; Li, Qingwen


    Sulfonated graphenal polymers can be assembled up by poly(vinyl alcohol) adhesion. The porous assembly structure results in a remarkably improved ionic conductivity and thus enhances electrochemical performances such as specific capacitance, capacitance retention, and cycling stability. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. N-Heterocyclic-Carbene-Catalysed Diastereoselective Vinylogous Mukaiyama/Michael Reaction of 2-(Trimethylsilyloxy)furan and Enones

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Ying; Du, Guang Fen; Xing, Fen; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Dai, Bin; He, Lin


    N-heterocyclic carbenes have been utilised as highly efficient nucleophilic organocatalysts to mediate vinylogous Mukaiyama/Michael reactions of 2-(trimethylsilyloxy)furan with enones to afford γ-substituted butenolides in 44-99% yield with 3:1-32:1 diastereoselectivity. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. N-Heterocyclic-Carbene-Catalysed Diastereoselective Vinylogous Mukaiyama/Michael Reaction of 2-(Trimethylsilyloxy)furan and Enones

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Ying


    N-heterocyclic carbenes have been utilised as highly efficient nucleophilic organocatalysts to mediate vinylogous Mukaiyama/Michael reactions of 2-(trimethylsilyloxy)furan with enones to afford γ-substituted butenolides in 44-99% yield with 3:1-32:1 diastereoselectivity. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. A highly efficient and selective polysilsesquioxane sorbent for heavy metal removal

    KAUST Repository

    Duan, Xiaonan


    Suited for heavy stuff: An efficient mesoporous sorbent based on a pure ethylendiamine-bridged polysilsesquioxane is presented. This material, with both a high amine loading and a high surface area, is applied for heavy metal ion removal. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. High-performance non-volatile organic ferroelectric memory on banknotes

    KAUST Repository

    Khan, Yasser


    High-performance non-volatile polymer ferroelectric memory are fabricated on banknotes using poly(vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene). The devices show excellent performance with high remnant polarization, low operating voltages, low leakage, high mobility, and long retention times. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. A General and Selective Rhodium-Catalyzed Reduction of Amides, N-Acyl Amino Esters, and Dipeptides Using Phenylsilane. (United States)

    Das, Shoubhik; Li, Yuehui; Lu, Liang-Qiu; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias


    This article describes a selective reduction of functionalized amides, including N-acyl amino esters and dipeptides, to the corresponding amines using simple [Rh(acac)(cod)]. The catalyst shows excellent chemoselectivity in the presence of different sensitive functional moieties. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Synthesis of Small Au-Ag Core-Shell Cubes, Cuboctahedra, and Octahedra with Size Tunability and Their Optical and Photothermal Properties. (United States)

    Chiang, Chieh; Huang, Michael H


    Aqueous phase synthesis of small Au-Ag core-shell nanocubes, cuboctahedra, and octahedra is achieved through the deposition of Ag shells on small octahedral Au cores. These nanocrystals show efficient photothermal activity and can assemble into supercrystals. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Schema Modes in a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    papers, a phenomenological account of her Child and Parent modes are presented and discussed. This is the first of two .... down emotional distress in the VCh mode, processes traditionally ... implicitly accept negative beliefs associated with the. EMSs and ...... of parent voices are typically separated in the ST literature, they.

  14. High-performance non-volatile organic ferroelectric memory on banknotes. (United States)

    Khan, M A; Bhansali, Unnat S; Alshareef, H N


    High-performance non-volatile polymer ferroelectric memory are fabricated on banknotes using poly(vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene). The devices show excellent performance with high remnant polarization, low operating voltages, low leakage, high mobility, and long retention times. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Heavy metal determination and pollution of the soil and plants of Southeast Tavsanli (Kuetahya, Turkey)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arik, Fetullah [Selcuk University, Engineering Architecture Faculty, Geological Engineering Department, Selcuklu, Konya (Turkey); Yaldiz, Tahsin [Emergency Service, State Hospital, Hospital St. Selcuklu, Konya (Turkey)


    An area around metallic are deposits was studied regarding heavy metal pollution and the distribution to plants. The element concentration in plants depends not only on the plant type but also on the sample type. (Copyright copyright 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  16. Anisotropic Adhesion Properties of Triangular-Tip-Shaped Micropillars

    KAUST Repository

    Kwak, Moon Kyu; Jeong, Hoon Eui; Bae, Won Gyu; Jung, Ho-Sup; Suh, Kahp Y.


    Directional dry adhesive microstructures consisting of high-density triangular-tip-shaped micropillars are described. The wide-tip structures allow for unique directional shear adhesion properties with respect to the peeling direction, along with relatively high normal adhesion. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Highly Manufacturable Deep (Sub-Millimeter) Etching Enabled High Aspect Ratio Complex Geometry Lego-Like Silicon Electronics. (United States)

    Ghoneim, Mohamed Tarek; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    A highly manufacturable deep reactive ion etching based process involving a hybrid soft/hard mask process technology shows high aspect ratio complex geometry Lego-like silicon electronics formation enabling free-form (physically flexible, stretchable, and reconfigurable) electronic systems. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. The Intrinsic Fragility of DNA (Nobel Lecture). (United States)

    Lindahl, Tomas


    Our cells contain common molecules, such as water or oxygen, that can damage DNA. In his studies Tomas Lindahl has shown how specific repair enzymes remove and replace damaged parts of DNA in a process of vital importance. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Polarisation-sensitive switch: An integrated intensity-independent solution for 1.3 μm based on the polarisation anisotropy of ordered InGaAsP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kraemer, S.; Malzer, S.; Doehler, G.H.; Neumann, S.; Prost, W.; Tegude, F.J.


    Ordered materials provide new possibilities for optical device applications. Through a strong polarisation anisotropy of absorption a high functional polarisation-sensitive switch can be fabricated which in addition is nearly independent on the optical power. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  20. Investigations on the structure of complex compounds by radioisotope exchange. The structure of cyanonitrosyl complexes; Recherches sur la structure des complexes par echange de radioisotopes - Structure des complexes cyanonitrosyliques; Issledovanie struktury slozhnykh soedinenij pri pomoshchi radioizotopnogo obmena - struktura slozhnykh tsianonitrozilovykh soedinenij; Estudio de la estructura de complejos por intercambio radioisotopico - Estructura de los complejos cianonitrosilicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jezowska-Trzeblatowska, B; Ziolkowski, J [University of Wroclaw (Poland)


    central y la capa p del atomo de nitrogeno. (author) [Russian] V kachestve slozhnogo svyazuyushchego zvena nitrozilovaya gruppa predstavlyaet osobyj interes kak po svoej strukture, tak i blagodarya svoemu svojstvu obrazovyvat' gruppy NO{sup -} i NO{sup +}. Dlya issledovaniya ehlektronnoj struktury K{sub 3}Mn(CN){sub 6} i K{sub 3}Mn(CN){sub 6}NO, valentnosti metalla i kharaktera soedinenij byli proizvedeny issledovaniya pri pomoshchi metoda radioizotopnogo obmena, a takzhe i drugikh fiziko-khimicheskikh metodov. Bylo obnaruzheno, chto dobavlenie nitrozilovoj gruppy k ionam geksatsionata znachitel'no uvelichivaet ustojchivost' soedineniya kak v tverdom sostoyanii, tak i v rastvore. EHto nablyudenie bylo podtverzhdeno issledovaniem kinetiki obmena v sistemakh: (I) K{sub 3}Mn(CN){sub 6} + KC{sup 14}N; (II) K{sub 3}Mn(CN){sub 5}NO + KC{sup 14}N. V oboikh sluchayakh reaktsii obmena v funktsii vremeni yavlyayutsya reaktsiyami pervogo poryadka, no oni znachitel'no otlichayutsya drug ot druga po skorosti. EHnergii aktivatsii ehtikh reaktsij ravny E{sub 1}=8,5 kilokalorij na molekulu i E{sub 11}=22,8 kilokalorij na molekulu. Anion Mn(CN){sub 5}NO{sub 3} svetochuvstvitelen, tak chto reaktsiya obmena nosit fotokhimicheskij kharakter. Sootnoshenie postoyannykh skorostej obmena v temnote i pri standartizirovannom osveshchenii ravno 1:100. Pervaya reaktsiya obmena (I) proiskhodit po tipu assotsiatsii, togda kak vtoraya reaktsiya (II) sleduet slozhnomu mekhanizmu assotsiatsii i dissotsiatsii. Analiz raspredeleniya aktivnosti mezhdu tsianistymi gruppami, podvergayushchimisya obmenu v sostoyanii izotopnogo ravnovesiya, obnaruzhil identichnost' po men'shej mere chetyrekh tsianistykh grupp. Bol'shaya ustojchivost' nitrozilovykh soedinenij po sravneniyu s geksatsianatami, a takzhe otsutstvie vtorichnykh dissotsiatsij byli podtverzhdeny razlichnymi metodami. Vse ehto ukazyvaet na strukturu NO{sup -} kompleksa. Predydushchie issledovaniya pokazali, chto nitrozilovaya gruppa koordiniruetsya v

  1. Alq3 nanorods: promising building blocks for optical devices. (United States)

    Chen, Wei; Peng, Qing; Li, Yadong


    Monodisperse Alq3 nanorods with hexagonal-prism-like morphology are produced via a facile, emulsion based synthesis route. The photoluminescence of individual nanorods differs from the bulk material. These nanorods are promising building blocks for novel optical devices. Copyright © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Key players in neurodegenerative disorders in focus-New insights into the proteomic profile of Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, ALS, and multiple sclerosis-24th HUPO BPP Workshop: September 29, 2015, Vancouver, Canada. (United States)

    Schrötter, Andreas; Park, Young Mok; Marcus, Katrin; Martins-de-Souza, Daniel; Nilsson, Peter; Magraoui, Fouzi El; Meyer, Helmut E; Grinberg, Lea T


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 24th workshop in Vancouver, Canada, September 29, 2015. The focus of the autumn workshop was on new insights into the proteomic profile of Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, ALS and multiple sclerosis. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Copper-Catalyzed Heteroarylboration of 1,3-Dienes with 3-Bromopyridines: A cine Substitution. (United States)

    Smith, Kevin B; Huang, Yuan; Brown, M Kevin


    A method for the heteroarylboration of 1,3-dienes is presented. The process involves an unusual cine substitution of 3-bromopyridine derivatives to deliver highly functionalized heterocyclic products. Mechanistic studies are included that clarify the details of this unusual process. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Promising carbons for supercapacitors derived from fungi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Hui; Wang, Xiaolei; Yang, Fan; Yang, Xiurong [State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, 130022 (China)


    Activated carbons with promising performance in capacitors are produced from fungi via a hydrothermal assistant pyrolysis approach. This study introduces a facile strategy to discover carbonaceous materials and triggers interest in exploring fungi for material science applications. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Temperature and composition dependence of birefringence of lithium-tantalate crystals determined by holographic scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bastwoeste, K.; Schwalenberg, S.; Baeumer, Ch.; Kraetzig, E.


    Iron-doped lithium-tantalate samples with different compositions ranging from the congruently melting to the stoichiometric one are analyzed by anisotropic holographic scattering. The temperature dependence of the birefringence yields information on the composition of the crystals. (copyright 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  6. Temperature and composition dependence of birefringence of lithium-tantalate crystals determined by holographic scattering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bastwoeste, K.; Schwalenberg, S.; Baeumer, Ch.; Kraetzig, E. [Fachbereich Physik, Universitaet Osnabrueck, D-49069 Osnabrueck (Germany)


    Iron-doped lithium-tantalate samples with different compositions ranging from the congruently melting to the stoichiometric one are analyzed by anisotropic holographic scattering. The temperature dependence of the birefringence yields information on the composition of the crystals. (copyright 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  7. Hemifluorinated maltose-neopentyl glycol (HF-MNG) amphiphiles for membrane protein stabilisation. (United States)

    Cho, Kyung Ho; Byrne, Bernadette; Chae, Pil Seok


    SOAP OPERA: Fluorinated amphiphile F4-MNG confers greater stability on Rhodobacter capsulatus superassembly relative to conventional detergents and nonfluorinated MNGs. Such amphiphiles are attractive as tools for membrane science because of their ease of preparation and structure variation. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. A comment on continuous spin representations of the Poincare group and perturbative string theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Font, A. [Departamento de Fisica, Centro de Fisica Teorica y Computacional, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Quevedo, F. [Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste (Italy); DAMTP/CMS, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Theisen, S. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Golm (Germany)


    We make a simple observation that the massless continuous spin representations of the Poincare group are not present in perturbative string theory constructions. This represents one of the very few model-independent low-energy consequences of these models. (Copyright copyright 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  9. Mechanism and stem-cell activity of 5-carboxycytosine decarboxylation determined by isotope tracing. (United States)

    Schiesser, Stefan; Hackner, Benjamin; Pfaffeneder, Toni; Müller, Markus; Hagemeier, Christian; Truss, Matthias; Carell, Thomas


    Eraserhead: Stem cells seem to erase epigenetic information by decarboxylation of the newly discovered epigenetic base 5-carboxycytosine (caC; see picture). This reaction is likely to involve a nucleophilic attack of the C5-C6 double bond. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Current developments in silicene and germanene

    KAUST Repository

    Kaloni, T. P.; Schreckenbach, G.; Freund, M. S.; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    Exploration of the unusual properties of the two-dimensional materials silicene and germanene is a very active research field in recent years. This paper therefore reviews the latest developments, focusing both on the fundamental materials properties and on possible applications. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Optimizing TiO2 nanotube top geometry for use in dye-sensitized solar cells. (United States)

    Mir, Nooshin; Lee, Kiyoung; Paramasivam, Indhumati; Schmuki, Patrik


    Recombination dynamics: For TiO(2) nanotube-based dye-sensitized solar cells, the efficiency can be drastically enhanced by a synergetic effect that occurs when using nanowire-ended nanotubes in combination with an adequate nanoparticle decoration (see figure). Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Current developments in silicene and germanene

    KAUST Repository

    Kaloni, T. P.


    Exploration of the unusual properties of the two-dimensional materials silicene and germanene is a very active research field in recent years. This paper therefore reviews the latest developments, focusing both on the fundamental materials properties and on possible applications. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. A Furan-Thiophene-Based Quinoidal Compound: A New Class of Solution-Processable High-Performance n-Type Organic Semiconductor. (United States)

    Xiong, Yu; Tao, Jingwei; Wang, Ruihao; Qiao, Xiaolan; Yang, Xiaodi; Wang, Deliang; Wu, Hongzhuo; Li, Hongxiang


    The furan-thiophene-based quinoidal organic semiconductor, TFT-CN, is designed and synthesized. TFT-CN displays a high electron mobility of 7.7 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) , two orders of magnitude higher than the corresponding thiophene-based derivative. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Lipase-supported metal-organic framework bioreactor catalyzes warfarin synthesis. (United States)

    Liu, Wan-Ling; Yang, Ni-Shin; Chen, Ya-Ting; Lirio, Stephen; Wu, Cheng-You; Lin, Chia-Her; Huang, Hsi-Ya


    A green and sustainable strategy synthesizes clinical medicine warfarin anticoagulant by using lipase-supported metal-organic framework (MOF) bioreactors (see scheme). These findings may be beneficial for future studies in the industrial production of chemical, pharmaceutical, and agrochemical precursors. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Formation of HgSe thin films using electrochemical atomic Layer epitaxy

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mathe, MK


    Full Text Available . Bard and I. Rubenstein, Edi- tors, Vol. 21, p. 75, Marcel Dekker, New York �1999�. 38. J. L. Stickney, in Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, D. M. Kolb and R. Alkire, Editors, Vol. 7, p. 1, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim �2002�. 39. S. Bedair...

  16. Pronounced Effects of a Triazine Core on Photovoltaic Performance-Efficient Organic Solar Cells Enabled by a PDI Trimer-Based Small Molecular Acceptor. (United States)

    Duan, Yuwei; Xu, Xiaopeng; Yan, He; Wu, Wenlin; Li, Zuojia; Peng, Qiang


    A novel-small molecular acceptor with electron-deficient 1,3,5-triazine as the core and perylene diimides as the arms is developed as the acceptor material for efficient bulk heterojunction organic solar cells with an efficiency of 9.15%. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Highly efficient tandem polymer solar cells with a photovoltaic response in the visible light range. (United States)

    Zheng, Zhong; Zhang, Shaoqing; Zhang, Maojie; Zhao, Kang; Ye, Long; Chen, Yu; Yang, Bei; Hou, Jianhui


    Highly efficient polymer solar cells with a tandem structure are fabricated by using two excellent photovoltaic polymers and a highly transparent intermediate recombination layer. Power conversion -efficiencies over 10% can be realized with a photovoltaic response within 800 nm. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Synthesis and crystal structure of a wheel-shaped supramolecular ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    41-218/2012 (SR)), India for financial support. DG and BS thank the Council of Scientific and Indus- trial Research (CSIR) for Senior Research Fellowship. We are grateful to Perkin-Elmer for ESI-Mass analysis. References. 1. (a) Lehn J M 1995 In Supramolecular Chem- istry, Concepts and Perspectives (Weinheim: VCH);.

  19. Schottky Quantum Dot Solar Cells Stable in Air under Solar Illumination

    KAUST Repository

    Tang, Jiang


    (Figure Presented) The air stability and power conversion efficiency of solution-processed PbS quantum dot solar cells is dramatically improved by the insertion of 0.8 nm LiF between the PbS nanoparticle film and the Al contact. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  20. Arc in a Gas Flowing Through a Magnetic Field; Duga v potoke gaza pri nalichii magnitnogo polya

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baranov, V. Ju.; Vasil' eva, I. A.; Ul' janov, K. N. [Vsesojuznyj Jelektrotehnicheskij Institut Im.V.I. Lenina, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    The authors have previously shown that ad.c. electric arc can be used in the pre-ionizer of a non-equilibrium MHD generator. The pre-ionizer must be located immediately before the duct inlet, where the magnetic field is fairly strong and may have a substantial effect on the current in the gas flow. In the present paper they consider the behaviour of an electric arc in a gas flowing through a magnetic field. The experiments were carried out with argon, using the apparatus described in Ref. [1] of the paper. The flow was set up in a closed glass loop by means of an electromagnetic accelerator (MHD motor). By suitably treating and adjusting the loop it was possible to conduct the investigations in spectrally pure argon. The pressure varied between 1 and 100 mm Hg, and the flow velocity V{sub 0}{<=} 10{sup 4} cm/sec. The magnetic field in the accelerator (B{sub 1}) and near the arc (B{sub 2}) varied between zero and 7 x 10{sup 3} Oe. The spatial distribution of the electron concentration (n{sub e}) and the electron temperature (T{sub e}) were measured using probe and spectrum analysis methods. The gas temperature (T{sub g} ) was measured by the hot wire method and the flow velocity with the help of pitot tubes. Experiments were carried out in both decelerating and accelerating magnetic fields. (author) [Russian] Jelektricheskaja duga postojannogo toka mozhet byt' ispol'zovana v kachestve jelementa predionizatora v neravnovesnom MGDG. Predionizator dolzhen byt' raspolozhen neposredstvenno pered kanalom generatora v oblasti dostatochno sil'nogo magnitnogo polja, kotoroe mozhet sushhestvenno povlijat' na protekanie toka v potoke. Issledovano povedenie jelektricheskoj dugi v potoke pri nalichii magnitnogo polja. Jeksperimenty byli vypolneny v argone na ustanovke, opisannoj v rabote [1] . Potok v zamknutom stekljannom konture sozdavalsja pri pomoshhi jelektromagnitnogo uskoritelja (MGD dvigatelja). Sootvetstvujushhaja obrabotka i trenirovka kontura davala vozmozhnost

  1. Advances in Functional Assemblies for Regenerative Medicine. (United States)

    Palma, Matteo; Hardy, John G; Tadayyon, Ghazal; Farsari, Maria; Wind, Shalom J; Biggs, Manus J


    The ability to synthesise bioresponsive systems and selectively active biochemistries using polymer-based materials with supramolecular features has led to a surge in research interest directed towards their development as next generation biomaterials for drug delivery, medical device design and tissue engineering. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Two Novel Thermal Biradical Cyclizations of Enyne-Ketenimines: Theory, Experiment, and Synthetic Potential. (United States)

    Schmittel, Michael; Steffen, Jens-Peter; Wencesla Ángel, Miguel Á; Engels, Bernd; Lennartz, Christian; Hanrath, Michael


    Both benzocarbazoles and quinolines can be synthesized from enyne ketenimines 1 generated in situ via biradical intermediates (see reaction below). Which of the heterocyclic ring systems is formed depends on the choice of the substituent R 1 at the alkyne terminus. © 1998 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Fed. Rep. of Germany.

  3. Programmed photodegradation of polymeric/oligomeric materials derived from renewable bioresources. (United States)

    Rajendran, Saravanakumar; Raghunathan, Ramya; Hevus, Ivan; Krishnan, Retheesh; Ugrinov, Angel; Sibi, Mukund P; Webster, Dean C; Sivaguru, Jayaraman


    Renewable polymeric materials derived from biomass with built-in phototriggers were synthesized and evaluated for degradation under irradiation of UV light. Complete decomposition of the polymeric materials was observed with recovery of the monomer that was used to resynthesize the polymers. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. High-performance supercapacitors based on nanocomposites of Nb{sub 2}O{sub 5} nanocrystals and carbon nanotubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Xiaolei; Chen, Zheng; Lu, Yunfeng [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Li, Ge [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai (China); Augustyn, Veronica; Dunn, Bruce [Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Ma, Xueming [Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai (China); Wang, Ge [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing (China)


    Nanocomposites of CNTs and Nb{sub 2}O{sub 5} nanocrystals were fabricated exhibiting excellent conductivity, high specific capacitance, and large voltage window, which led to successful fabrication of asymmetric supercapacitors with high energy densities, power densities, and cycling stability. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Selective wetting-induced micro-electrode patterning for flexible micro-supercapacitors. (United States)

    Kim, Sung-Kon; Koo, Hyung-Jun; Lee, Aeri; Braun, Paul V


    Selective wetting-induced micro-electrode patterning is used to fabricate flexible micro-supercapacitors (mSCs). The resulting mSCs exhibit high performance, mechanical stability, stable cycle life, and hold great promise for facile integration into flexible devices requiring on-chip energy storage. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. A General Approach to the Basiliolide/Transtaganolide Natural Products: Total Syntheses of Basiliolide B, epi-8-Basiliolide B, Transtaganolide C, and Transtaganolide D

    KAUST Repository

    Nelson, Hosea M.


    (Figure Presented) In a flash: The total synthesis of transtaganolide and basiliolide natural products is achieved in three steps from achiral, monocyclic esters (see scheme). Featured in the syntheses are an Ireland-Claisen/Diels- Alder cascade and a novel methoxyacetylide coupling/cyclization sequence. © 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  7. Straightforward uranium-catalyzed dehydration of primary amides to nitriles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enthaler, Stephan


    The efficient uranium-catalyzed dehydration of a variety of primary amides, using N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) as a dehydration reagent, to the corresponding nitriles has been investigated. With this catalyst system, extraordinary catalyst activities and selectivities were feasible. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  8. Nanoparticle Netpoints for Shape-Memory Polymers

    KAUST Repository

    Agarwal, Praveen


    Forget-me-not: Nanoparticle fillers in shape-memory polymers usually improve mechanical properties at the expense of shape-memory performance. A new approach overcomes these drawbacks by cross-linking the functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) tethers on silica nanoparticles (see picture). Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Simultaneous detection of multiple DNA targets by integrating dual-color graphene quantum dot nanoprobes and carbon nanotubes. (United States)

    Qian, Zhaosheng; Shan, Xiaoyue; Chai, Lujing; Chen, Jianrong; Feng, Hui


    Simultaneous detection of multiple DNA targets was achieved based on a biocompatible graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) platform through spontaneous assembly between dual-color GQD-based probes and CNTs and subsequently self-recognition between DNA probes and targets. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Schema Modes in a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Research and clinical implications of the findings are discussed, and links are made ... contrast to the experience of her Vulnerable Child. (VCh), which it ... almost kick into like this restricting type frame of mind or want to .... and resulting in her “not being connected”. .... work, and, within a cognitive behavioural framework,.

  11. Piezoelectricity in Two-Dimensional Materials

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Tao


    Powering up 2D materials: Recent experimental studies confirmed the existence of piezoelectricity - the conversion of mechanical stress into electricity - in two-dimensional single-layer MoS2 nanosheets. The results represent a milestone towards embedding low-dimensional materials into future disruptive technologies. © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  12. Books Noted (United States)

    Walsh, Edward J.


    The Colloidal Domain: Where Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Technology Meet, 2nd edition D. Fennell Evans and Hakan Wennerstroem. Advances in Interfacial Engineering Series. Wiley-VCH: New York, 1999. xl + 632 pp. ISBN 0-471-24247-0. 89.95. Commercial Nuclear Power: Assuring Safety for the Future Charles B. Ramsey and Mohammed Modarres. Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1998. xxviii + 508 pp. ISBN 0-471-29186-2. 79.95. Advances in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 4 Bruce E. Maryanoff and Allen B. Reitz, Eds. JAI Press: Stamford, CT, 1999. ISBN 1-7623-0064-7. 109.50. Advances in Strained and Interesting Organic Molecules, Vol. 7 Brian Halton, Ed. JAI Press: Stamford, CT, 1999. xii + 259 pp. ISBN 0-7623-0530-4. 109.50. Advances in Electron Transfer Chemistry, Vol. 6 Patrick S. Mariano, Ed. JAI Press: Stamford, CT, 1999. x + 171 pp. ISBN 0-7623-0213-5. 109.50. Automating Science and Engineering Laboratories with Visual Basic Mark F. Russo and Martin M. Echols. Wiley-Interscience Series on Laboratory Automation. Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1999. xx + 355 pp. ISBN 0-471-25493-2. 49.95. Plantwide Process Control Kelvin T. Erickson and John L. Hedrick. Wiley Series in Chemical Engineering. Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1999. xii + 547 pp. ISBN 0-471-17835-7. 89.95. Heme Peroxidases H. Brian Dunford. Wiley-VCH: New York, 1999. xiii + 507 pp. ISBN 0-471-24244-6. 195.00. Industrial Ecology: Environmental Chemistry and Hazardous Wastes Stanley E. Manahan. Lewis: Boca Raton, FL, 1999. 318 pp. ISBN 1-56670-381-6. 69.95. Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Vol. 13 Kenny B. Lipkowitz and Donald B. Boyd. Wiley-VCH: New York, 1999. xxxiii + 426 pp. ISBN 0-471-33135-x. 135.00. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Colloids: Principles and Applications, 2nd edition Drew Myers. Wiley-VCH: New York, 1999. xx + 501 pp. ISBN 0-471-33060-4. 94.95. Onium Ions George A. Olah, Kenneth K. Laali, Qi Wang, and G. K. Surya Prakash. Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1998. xv + 509 pp. ISBN 0-471-14877-6. 110

  13. Corneal refractive index-hydration relationship by objective refractometry. (United States)

    Patel, Sudi; Alió, Jorge L


    To compare an objective (VCH-1) with a manual subjective Abbé refractometer (MSAR) and evaluate the refractive index (RI)-hydration (H) relationship for the corneal stroma. Epithelial and endothelial layers were removed from a fresh postmortem ovine corneal buttons. RI was measured at both surfaces using (i) MSAR then (ii) VCH-1. The sample was weighed, slowly dehydrated under controlled conditions (2 h), and RI measures were repeated. Sample was oven dried (90°C) for 3 d to obtain dry weight and hydration at each episode of RI measurement. Average difference between individual pairs of measurements obtained using the two refractometers (ΔRI) was 0.00071 (standard deviation ± 0.0029, 95% confidence interval ± 0.0058). Root mean square difference between measurements obtained by the refractometers was 0.0024. There was no relationship between ΔRI and the mean of each measurement pair (r = 0.201, n = 40, p = 0.214). Linear regression revealed a significant relationship between RI and reciprocal of H at both surfaces as follows: anterior (i) RI = 1.355 + 0.111/H (r = -0.852, n = 20, p = <0.001), (ii) RI = 1.357 + 0.105/H (r = -0.849, n = 20, p = <0.001) and posterior (i) RI = 1.353 + 0.085/H (r = -0.882, n = 20, p = <0.001), (ii) RI = 1.350 + 0.088/H (r = -0.813, n = 20, p = <0.001). VCH-1 measurements are in good agreement with MSAR. RI at the anterior stroma was consistently higher suggesting hydration is lower by 1.10 units (6%) compared with the posterior stroma. Dehydration increased RI at both surfaces by similar rates. Current hypothetical models are useful for predicting RI from H for the posterior, but not the anterior, stroma.

  14. Water-free transfer method for CVD-grown graphene and its application to flexible air-stable graphene transistors. (United States)

    Kim, Hyun Ho; Chung, Yoonyoung; Lee, Eunho; Lee, Seong Kyu; Cho, Kilwon


    Transferring graphene without water enables water-sensitive substrates to be used in graphene electronics. A polymeric bilayer (PMMA/PBU) is coated on graphene as a supporting layer for the water-free transfer process and as an excellent passivation layer that enhances device operation. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Bicyclic Guanidine Catalyzed Asymmetric Tandem Isomerization Intramolecular-Diels-Alder Reaction: The First Catalytic Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-alpha-Yohimbine. (United States)

    Feng, Wei; Jiang, Danfeng; Kee, Choon-Wee; Liu, Hongjun; Tan, Choon-Hong


    Hydroisoquinoline derivatives were prepared in moderate to good enantioselectivities via a bicyclic guanidine-catalyzed tandem isomerization intramolecular-Diels-Alder (IMDA) reaction of alkynes. With this synthetic method, the first enantioselective synthesis of (+)-alpha-yohimbine was completed in 9 steps from the IMDA products. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Novel Organic Synthesis through Ultrafast Chemistry. (United States)

    Wirth, Thomas


    How fast are flashes? The field of flow chemistry has recently received increasing attention owing to the availability of commercial flow equipment. New syntheses with very short-lived intermediates have been enabled by sub-millisecond mixing and reaction regimes in tailor-made flow devices. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Photocontrol in Complex Polymeric Materials: Fact or Illusion? (United States)

    Jerca, Valentin Victor; Hoogenboom, Richard


    Photoswitches: Exciting recent progress realized in the field of light-controlled polymeric materials is highlighted. It is discussed how the rational choice of azobenzene molecules and their incorporation into complex materials by making use of physical interactions can lead to genuine photocontrollable polymeric systems. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. 3D Dewetting for Crystal Patterning: Toward Regular Single-Crystalline Belt Arrays and Their Functionality. (United States)

    Wu, Yuchen; Feng, Jiangang; Su, Bin; Jiang, Lei


    Arrays of unidirectional dewetting behaviors can be generated by using 3D-wettability-difference micropillars, yielding highly ordered organic single-crystalline belt arrays. These patterned organic belts show an improved mobility record and can be used as flexible pressure sensors with high sensitivity. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Bioinspired effective prevention of restacking in multilayered graphene films: towards the next generation of high-performance supercapacitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Xiaowei; Zhu, Junwu; Qiu, Ling; Li, Dan [Department of Materials Engineering, ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science, Monash University, VIC 3800 (Australia)


    A simple, bioinspired approach to effectively prevent the restacking of chemically converted graphene sheets in multilayered films is presented. The method enables the creation of a new generation of supercapacitors that combine high energy density, high power density, and high operation rates. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  20. Smart, stretchable supercapacitors. (United States)

    Chen, Xuli; Lin, Huijuan; Chen, Peining; Guan, Guozhen; Deng, Jue; Peng, Huisheng


    Smart supercapacitors are developed by depositing conducting polymers onto aligned carbon-nanotube sheets. These supercapacitors rapidly and reversibly demonstrate color changes in response to a variation in the level of stored energy and the chromatic transitions can be directly observed by the naked eye. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. The Origin of Life--Out of the Blue. (United States)

    Sutherland, John D


    Either to sustain autotrophy, or as a prelude to heterotrophy, organic synthesis from an environmentally available C1 feedstock molecule is crucial to the origin of life. Recent findings augment key literature results and suggest that hydrogen cyanide--"Blausäure"--was that feedstock. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Harvesting the Full Potential of Photons with Organic Solar Cells. (United States)

    Ran, Niva A; Love, John A; Takacs, Christopher J; Sadhanala, Aditya; Beavers, Justin K; Collins, Samuel D; Huang, Ye; Wang, Ming; Friend, Richard H; Bazan, Guillermo C; Nguyen, Thuc-Quyen


    A low-bandgap polymer:fullerene blend that has significantly reduced energetic losses from photon absorption to VOC is described. The charge-transfer state and polymer singlet are of nearly equal energy, yet the short-circuit current still reaches 14 mA cm(-2). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Concept of Quantum Geometry in Optoelectronic Processes in Solids: Application to Solar Cells. (United States)

    Nagaosa, Naoto; Morimoto, Takahiro


    The concept of topology is becoming more and more relevant to the properties and functions of electronic materials including various transport phenomena and optical responses. A pedagogical introduction is given here to the basic ideas and their applications to optoelectronic processes in solids. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Hybrid helical magnetic microrobots obtained by 3D template-assisted electrodeposition. (United States)

    Zeeshan, Muhammad A; Grisch, Roman; Pellicer, Eva; Sivaraman, Kartik M; Peyer, Kathrin E; Sort, Jordi; Özkale, Berna; Sakar, Mahmut S; Nelson, Bradley J; Pané, Salvador


    Hybrid helical magnetic microrobots are achieved by sequential electrodeposition of a CoNi alloy and PPy inside a photoresist template patterned by 3D laser lithography. A controlled actuation of the microrobots by a rotating magnetic field is demonstrated in a fluidic environment. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. (Methyl 2-(cyclohexylamino)-1-cyclopentene-1-dithiocarboxylato)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 W.A. Herrmann, Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds. (B. Cornils and W.A. Herrmann, eds.), VCH Weinheim, 1995. 3 G.J.J. Steyn, A. Roodt and J.G. Leipoldt, Inorg. Chem., 1992, 31, 3477. 4 A. Roodt and G.J.J. Steyn, Recent Research Developments in Inorganic. Chemistry (S.G. Pandalai ...

  6. PSL Chemical Biology Symposia First 2016 Edition: When Chemistry and Biology Share the Language of Discovery. (United States)

    Gautier, Arnaud; Rodriguez, Raphaël


    Chemical biology, the science of understanding biological processes at the molecular level, has grown exponentially with the development of chemical strategies to manipulate and quantify biology with unprecedented precision. Recent advances presented at the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres symposium are discussed. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Toward quantitative prediction of charge mobility in organic semiconductors: tunneling enabled hopping model. (United States)

    Geng, Hua; Peng, Qian; Wang, Linjun; Li, Haijiao; Liao, Yi; Ma, Zhiying; Shuai, Zhigang


    A tunneling-enabled hopping mechanism is proposed, providing a pratical tool to quantitatively assess charge mobility in organic semiconductors. The paradoxical phenomena in TIPS-pentacene is well explained in that the optical probe indicates localized charges while transport measurements show bands of charge. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. High-performance and low-power rewritable SiOx 1 kbit one diode-one resistor crossbar memory array. (United States)

    Wang, Gunuk; Lauchner, Adam C; Lin, Jian; Natelson, Douglas; Palem, Krishna V; Tour, James M


    An entire 1-kilobit crossbar device based upon SiOx resistive memories with integrated diodes has been made. The SiOx -based one diode-one resistor device system has promise to satisfy the prerequisite conditions for next generation non-volatile memory applications. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Use of magnetic forces to promote stem cell aggregation during differentiation, and cartilage tissue modeling. (United States)

    Fayol, D; Frasca, G; Le Visage, C; Gazeau, F; Luciani, N; Wilhelm, C


    Magnetic forces induce cell condensation necessary for stem cell differentiation into cartilage and elicit the formation of a tissue-like structure: Magnetically driven fusion of aggregates assembled by micromagnets results in the formation of a continuous tissue layer containing abundant cartilage matrix. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Ebola Vaccination Using a DNA Vaccine Coated on PLGA-PLL/γPGA Nanoparticles Administered Using a Microneedle Patch. (United States)

    Yang, Hung-Wei; Ye, Ling; Guo, Xin Dong; Yang, Chinglai; Compans, Richard W; Prausnitz, Mark R


    Ebola DNA vaccine is incorporated into PLGA-PLL/γPGA nanoparticles and administered to skin using a microneedle (MN) patch. The nanoparticle delivery system increases vaccine thermostability and immunogenicity compared to free vaccine. Vaccination by MN patch produces stronger immune responses than intramuscular administration. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Translational proteomics in neurodegenerative diseases--16th HUPO BPP workshop September 5, 2011 Geneva, Switzerland. (United States)

    Gröttrup, Bernd; Böckmann, Miriam; Stephan, Christian; Marcus, Katrin; Grinberg, Lea T; Meyer, Helmut E; Park, Young Mok


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 16th workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, on September 5, 2011 during the 10th HUPO World Congress. The focus was on launching the Human Brain Proteome Atlas as well as ideas, strategies and methodological aspects in clinical neuroproteomics. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Challenges in modern biomarker discovery--17th HUPO BPP workshop: May 24-25, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (United States)

    Gröttrup, Bernd; Esselmann, Hermann; May, Caroline; Schrötter, Andreas; Woitalla, Dirk; Heinsen, Helmut; Marcus, Katrin; Wiltfang, Jens; Meyer, Helmut E; Grinberg, Lea T; Park, Young Mok


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 17(th) workshop in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on May 24 and 25, 2012. The focus was on the progress on the Human Brain Proteome Atlas as well as ideas, strategies and methodological aspects in clinical neuroproteomics. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Progresses in neuroproteomics of neurodegenerative diseases--18th HUPO BPP workshop: September 12, 2012, Boston, USA. (United States)

    Gröttrup, Bernd; May, Caroline; Meyer, Helmut E; Grinberg, Lea T; Park, Young Mok


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 18(th) workshop in Boston, USA, September 12(th) 2012 during the HUPO 11th Annual Word Congress. The focus was on the progress on the Human Brain Proteome Atlas as well as ideas, strategies and methodological aspects. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Soft grippers using micro-fibrillar adhesives for transfer printing. (United States)

    Song, Sukho; Sitti, Metin


    The adhesive characteristics of fibrillar adhesives on a soft deformable membrane are reported. A soft gripper with an inflatable membrane covered by elastomer mushroom-shaped microfibers have a superior conformation to non-planar 3D part geometries, enabling the transfer printing of various parts serially or in parallel. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Ultraporous Electron-Depleted ZnO Nanoparticle Networks for Highly Sensitive Portable Visible-Blind UV Photodetectors. (United States)

    Nasiri, Noushin; Bo, Renheng; Wang, Fan; Fu, Lan; Tricoli, Antonio


    A hierarchical nano- and microstructured morphology for visible-blind UV photo-detectors is developed, which provides record-high milliampere photocurrents, nanoampere dark currents, and excellent selectivity to ultralow UV light intensities. This is a significant step toward the integration of high-performance UV photodetectors in wearable devices. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. 3D Printing of Shape Memory Polymers for Flexible Electronic Devices. (United States)

    Zarek, Matt; Layani, Michael; Cooperstein, Ido; Sachyani, Ela; Cohn, Daniel; Magdassi, Shlomo


    The formation of 3D objects composed of shape memory polymers for flexible electronics is described. Layer-by-layer photopolymerization of methacrylated semicrystalline molten macromonomers by a 3D digital light processing printer enables rapid fabrication of complex objects and imparts shape memory functionality for electrical circuits. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. A Wearable All-Solid Photovoltaic Textile. (United States)

    Zhang, Nannan; Chen, Jun; Huang, Yi; Guo, Wanwan; Yang, Jin; Du, Jun; Fan, Xing; Tao, Changyuan


    A solution is developed to power portable electronics in a wearable manner by fabricating an all-solid photovoltaic textile. In a similar way to plants absorbing solar energy for photosynthesis, humans can wear the as-fabricated photovoltaic textile to harness solar energy for powering small electronic devices. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Multidirectional Artificial Muscles from Nylon. (United States)

    Mirvakili, Seyed M; Hunter, Ian W


    Multidirectional artificial muscles are made from highly oriented nylon filaments. Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of nylon and its anisotropic thermal expansion, bending occurs when a nylon beam is differentially heated. This heat can be generated via a Joule heating mechanism or high power laser pulses. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Thermoluminescence in some copper-doped compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patil, R.R.; Moharil, S.V.; Dhopte, S.M.; Muthal, P.L.; Kondawar, V.K.


    Thermoluminescence (TL) in various Cu + -doped materials is studied. A good correlation between the presence of copper in the Cu + form and TL sensitivity is observed. Correlation between TL emission spectra and photoluminescence suggests that Cu + acts as the emission center in the TL process. (copyright 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  20. (quinolin-5-yl)urea as a host for distinction of phthalic acid and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, North Guwahati 781 039, India e-mail: ... well-known in both in solid and in solution state.1–5. Hosts having urea ..... References. 1. Byrne P, Turner D R, Lloyd G O, Clarke N and Steed ... 2002 In Handbook of pharmaceutical salts (New-York: Wiley-VCH). 9.

  1. Rewarming the Primordial Soup: Revisitations and Rediscoveries in Prebiotic Chemistry. (United States)

    Saladino, Raffaele; Šponer, Judit E; Šponer, Jiří; Di Mauro, Ernesto


    A short history of Campbell's primordial soup: In this essay we try to disclose some of the historical connections between the studies that have contributed to our current understanding of the emergence of catalytic RNA molecules and their components from an inanimate matter. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  2. Molecular Dynamics of Flexible Polar Cations in a Variable Confined Space: Toward Exceptional Two-Step Nonlinear Optical Switches. (United States)

    Xu, Wei-Jian; He, Chun-Ting; Ji, Cheng-Min; Chen, Shao-Li; Huang, Rui-Kang; Lin, Rui-Biao; Xue, Wei; Luo, Jun-Hua; Zhang, Wei-Xiong; Chen, Xiao-Ming


    The changeable molecular dynamics of flexible polar cations in the variable confined space between inorganic chains brings about a new type of two-step nonlinear optical (NLO) switch with genuine "off-on-off" second harmonic generation (SHG) conversion between one NLO-active state and two NLO-inactive states. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Functionalized graphene hydrogel-based high-performance supercapacitors. (United States)

    Xu, Yuxi; Lin, Zhaoyang; Huang, Xiaoqing; Wang, Yang; Huang, Yu; Duan, Xiangfeng


    Functionalized graphene hydrogels are prepared by a one-step low-temperature reduction process and exhibit ultrahigh specific capacitances and excellent cycling stability in the aqueous electrolyte. Flexible solid-state supercapacitors based on functionalized graphene hydrogels are demonstrated with superior capacitive performances and extraordinary mechanical flexibility. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Anti-solvent derived non-stacked reduced graphene oxide for high performance supercapacitors. (United States)

    Yoon, Yeoheung; Lee, Keunsik; Baik, Chul; Yoo, Heejoun; Min, Misook; Park, Younghun; Lee, Sae Mi; Lee, Hyoyoung


    An anti-solvent for graphene oxide (GO), hexane, is introduced to increase the surface area and the pore volume of the non-stacked GO/reduced GO 3D structure and allows the formation of a highly crumpled non-stacked GO powder, which clearly shows ideal supercapacitor behavior. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Nanostructured graphene composite papers for highly flexible and foldable supercapacitors. (United States)

    Liu, Lili; Niu, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Li; Zhou, Weiya; Chen, Xiaodong; Xie, Sishen


    Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and polyaniline (PANI) assemble onto the surface of cellulose fibers (CFs) and into the pores of CF paper, to form a hierarchical nanostructured PANI-rGO/CF composite paper. Based on these composite papers, flexible and foldable all-solid-state supercapacitors are achieved. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Alkylation of terminal alkynes with transient σ-alkylpalladium(II) complexes: a carboalkynylation route to alkyl-substituted alkynes. (United States)

    Zhou, Ming-Bo; Huang, Xiao-Cheng; Liu, Yan-Yun; Song, Ren-Jie; Li, Jin-Heng


    A mild and general alkylation of terminal alkynes with transient σ-alkylpalladium(II) complexes for assembling alkyl-substituted alkynes is described. This method represents a new way to the use of transient σ-alkylpalladium(II) complexes in organic synthesis through 1,2-carboalkynylation of alkenes. Copyright © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Lawn Structured Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Scavenging Sweeping Wind Energy on Rooftops. (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Binbin; Chen, Jun; Jin, Long; Deng, Weili; Tang, Junfeng; Zhang, Haitao; Pan, Hong; Zhu, Minhao; Yang, Weiqing; Wang, Zhong Lin


    A novel triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is designed, based on flexible and transparent vertical-strip arrays, for environmental wind-energy harvesting. Given the low cost, simple structure, and wide applicability, the TENGs present a green alternative to traditional methods used for large-scale wind-energy harvesting. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. The extension of a DNA double helix by an additional Watson-Crick base pair on the same backbone. (United States)

    Kumar, Pawan; Sharma, Pawan K; Madsen, Charlotte S; Petersen, Michael; Nielsen, Poul


    Additional base pair: The DNA duplex can be extended with an additional Watson-Crick base pair on the same backbone by the use of double-headed nucleotides. These also work as compressed dinucleotides and form two base pairs with cognate nucleobases on the opposite strand. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Multifunctional response of anatase nanostructures based on 25 nm mesocrystal-like porous assemblies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tartaj, Pedro; Amarilla, Jose M. [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), Campus Universitario de Cantoblanco, Madrid (Spain)


    Ultrasmall porous anatase mesocrystals show good electrochemical performance and good capabilities for enzyme immobilization and photocatalytic degradation of contaminants. These materials are potential candidates for energy storage devices, photocatalysis, enzyme immobilization, and, when properly functionalized, could be used for photoelectrochemistry and healthcare applications. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  10. Highly Stretchable, Strain Sensing Hydrogel Optical Fibers. (United States)

    Guo, Jingjing; Liu, Xinyue; Jiang, Nan; Yetisen, Ali K; Yuk, Hyunwoo; Yang, Changxi; Khademhosseini, Ali; Zhao, Xuanhe; Yun, Seok-Hyun


    A core-clad fiber made of elastic, tough hydrogels is highly stretchable while guiding light. Fluorescent dyes are easily doped into the hydrogel fiber by diffusion. When stretched, the transmission spectrum of the fiber is altered, enabling the strain to be measured and also its location. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. We are Family (Chemistry Smash Hits). (United States)

    Ross, Haymo


    Time after time: Another new year, a new editorial and a new Editor-in-Chief. This editorial provides you with all the latest exciting news from Chemistry-A European Journal, with a review of the past year and looking forward to the one to come. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Syntheses of the hexahydroindene cores of indanomycin and stawamycin by combinations of iridium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylations and intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions. (United States)

    Gärtner, Martin; Satyanarayana, Gedu; Förster, Sebastian; Helmchen, Günter


    Short and concise syntheses of the hexahydroindene cores of the antibiotics indanomycin (X-14547 A) and stawamycin are presented. Key methods used are an asymmetric iridium-catalyzed allylic alkylation, a modified Julia olefination, a Suzuki-Miyaura coupling, and an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. B_2S_2O_9. A boron sulfate with phyllosilicate topology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logemann, Christian; Wickleder, Mathias S.


    The condensation of [BO_4] and [SO_4] tetrahedra in the first binary boron sulfate B_2S_2O_9, leads to a structure with typical layered phyllosilicate topology. The compound is obtained from the hydrolysis of B(OH)_3 and HSO_3Cl. (Copyright copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  14. Enantioselective Synthesis of Aminodiols by Sequential Rhodium-Catalysed Oxyamination/Kinetic Resolution: Expanding the Substrate Scope of Amidine-Based Catalysis. (United States)

    Guasch, Joan; Giménez-Nueno, Irene; Funes-Ardoiz, Ignacio; Bernús, Miguel; Matheu, M Isabel; Maseras, Feliu; Castillón, Sergio; Díaz, Yolanda


    Regio- and stereoselective oxyamination of dienes through a tandem rhodium-catalysed aziridination-nucleophilic opening affords racemic oxazolidinone derivatives, which undergo a kinetic resolution acylation process with amidine-based catalysts (ABCs) to achieve s values of up to 117. This protocol was applied to the enantioselective synthesis of sphingosine. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. The isomerization of allylrhodium intermediates in the rhodium-catalyzed nucleophilic allylation of cyclic imines. (United States)

    Hepburn, Hamish B; Lam, Hon Wai


    Allylrhodium species generated from potassium allyltrifluoroborates can undergo isomerization by 1,4-rhodium(I) migration to give more complex isomers, which then react with cyclic imines to provide products with up to three new stereochemical elements. High enantioselectivities are obtained using chiral diene-rhodium complexes. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Influence of surface-imprinted nanoparticles on trypsin activity. (United States)

    Guerreiro, António; Poma, Alessandro; Karim, Kal; Moczko, Ewa; Takarada, Jessica; de Vargas-Sansalvador, Isabel Perez; Turner, Nicholas; Piletska, Elena; de Magalhães, Cristiana Schmidt; Glazova, Natalia; Serkova, Anastasia; Omelianova, Aleksandra; Piletsky, Sergey


    Here, the modulation of enzyme activity is presented by protein-imprinted nanoparticles produced using a solid-phase approach. Using trypsin as target, binding of the nanoparticles to the enzyme results in its inhibition or in stabilization, depending on the orientation of the immobilized enzyme used during imprinting. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Efficient Nazarov cyclization/Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement terminated by a Cu(II)-promoted oxidation: synthesis of 4-alkylidene cyclopentenones. (United States)

    Lebœuf, David; Theiste, Eric; Gandon, Vincent; Daifuku, Stephanie L; Neidig, Michael L; Frontier, Alison J


    The discovery and elucidation of a new Nazarov cyclization/Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement/oxidation sequence is described that constitutes an efficient strategy for the synthesis of 4-alkylidene cyclopentenones. DFT computations and EPR experiments were conducted to gain further mechanistic insight into the reaction pathways. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Palladium-Catalyzed Atom-Transfer Radical Cyclization at Remote Unactivated C(sp3 )-H Sites: Hydrogen-Atom Transfer of Hybrid Vinyl Palladium Radical Intermediates. (United States)

    Ratushnyy, Maxim; Parasram, Marvin; Wang, Yang; Gevorgyan, Vladimir


    A novel mild, visible-light-induced palladium-catalyzed hydrogen atom translocation/atom-transfer radical cyclization (HAT/ATRC) cascade has been developed. This protocol involves a 1,5-HAT process of previously unknown hybrid vinyl palladium radical intermediates, thus leading to iodomethyl carbo- and heterocyclic structures. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of 4-Substituted Isoxazolidin-5-ones: Straightforward Access to β2,2 -Amino Acids. (United States)

    Nascimento de Oliveira, Marllon; Arseniyadis, Stellios; Cossy, Janine


    We report here an unprecedented and highly enantioselective palladium-catalyzed allylic alkylation applied to 4-substituted isoxazolidin-5-ones. Ultimately, the process provides a straightforward access to β 2,2 -amino acids bearing an all-carbon quaternary stereogenic center in great yields and a high degree of enantioselectivity. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotube forests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robertson, J.; Zhong, G.; Esconjauregui, S.; Zhang, C.; Fouquet, M.; Hofmann, S. [Engineering Department, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1PZ (United Kingdom)


    We review the growth mechanisms of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests, in terms of what controls the growth rate and control of the catalyst lifetime. We also review the production of very high-density forests, in terms of increasing the catalyst particle density. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. Chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotube forests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robertson, J.; Zhong, G.; Esconjauregui, S.; Zhang, C.; Fouquet, M.; Hofmann, S.


    We review the growth mechanisms of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests, in terms of what controls the growth rate and control of the catalyst lifetime. We also review the production of very high-density forests, in terms of increasing the catalyst particle density. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  2. A ditopic fluorescence sensor for saccharides and mercury based on a boronic-acid receptor and desulfurisation reaction. (United States)

    Xing, Zhitao; Wang, Hui-Chen; Cheng, Yixiang; James, Tony D; Zhu, Chengjian


    Two boron-contained fluorescent sensors, 1 and 2, based on coumarin have been prepared. The fluorescence response of the two systems was investigated with addition of saccharide and mercury ions. Sensor 2 behaves as a bifunctional fluorescent switch with chemical inputs of D-fructose and mercury ions. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. High-surface-area silica nanospheres (KCC-1) with a fibrous morphology

    KAUST Repository

    Polshettiwar, Vivek; Cha, Dong Kyu; Zhang, Xixiang; Basset, Jean-Marie


    Fibrous nanosilica: A new family of high-surface-area silica nanospheres (KCC-1) have been prepared (see picture). KCC-1 features excellent physical properties, including high surface area, unprecedented fibrous surface morphology, high thermal (up to 950 °C) and hydrothermal stabilities, and high mechanical stability. Copyright © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. The asc trinodal platform: Two-step assembly of triangular, tetrahedral, and trigonal-prismatic molecular building blocks

    KAUST Repository

    Schoedel, Alexander; Cairns, Amy; Belmabkhout, Youssef; Wojtas, Łukasz; Mohamed, Mona Hassan; Zhang, ZhenJie; Proserpio, Davide Maria; Eddaoudi, Mohamed; Zaworotko, Michael J.


    The self-assembly of triangular, tetrahedral, and trigonal-prismatic molecular building blocks affords the first example of a trinodal family of metal-organic materials. Four examples of isoreticular expanded and functionalized frameworks are detailed. Gas adsorption experiments validated the permanent porosity of the parent structure. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. A green approach to ethyl acetate: Quantitative conversion of ethanol through direct dehydrogenation in a Pd-Ag membrane reactor

    KAUST Repository

    Zeng, Gaofeng


    Pincers do the trick: The conversion of ethanol to ethyl acetate and hydrogen was achieved using a pincer-Ru catalyst in a Pd-Ag membrane reactor. Near quantitative conversions and yields could be achieved without the need for acid or base promoters or hydrogen acceptors (see scheme). © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Catalytic Ketone Hydrodeoxygenation Mediated by Highly Electrophilic Phosphonium Cations. (United States)

    Mehta, Meera; Holthausen, Michael H; Mallov, Ian; Pérez, Manuel; Qu, Zheng-Wang; Grimme, Stefan; Stephan, Douglas W


    Ketones are efficiently deoxygenated in the presence of silane using highly electrophilic phosphonium cation (EPC) salts as catalysts, thus affording the corresponding alkane and siloxane. The influence of distinct substitution patterns on the catalytic effectiveness of several EPCs was evaluated. The deoxygenation mechanism was probed by DFT methods. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Form Follows Function: Designer Chemistry at the 52nd Bürgenstock Conference. (United States)

    Heretsch, Philipp


    The 52nd Bürgenstock Conference on Stereochemistry took place from April 30-May 4, 2017, and showed how chemistry and design go hand-in-hand (as reflected in the image of the Bauhausarchiv in Berlin). In this Conference Report, Philipp Heretsch outlines the program. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. An iron/amine-catalyzed cascade process for the enantioselective functionalization of allylic alcohols. (United States)

    Quintard, Adrien; Constantieux, Thierry; Rodriguez, Jean


    Three is a lucky number: An enantioselective transformation of allylic alcohols into β-chiral saturated alcohols has been developed by combining two distinct metal- and organocatalyzed catalytic cycles. This waste-free triple cascade process merges an iron-catalyzed borrowing-hydrogen step with an aminocatalyzed nucleophilic addition reaction. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Generalized synthesis of mesoporous shells on zeolite crystals

    KAUST Repository

    Han, Yu


    A simple and generalized synthetic approach is developed for creating mesoporous shells on zeolite crystals. This method allows for the tailoring of thickness, pore size, and composition of the mesoporous shell, and can be applied to zeolites of various structures, compositions, and crystal sizes. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Electrical and Structural Origin of Self-Healing Phenomena in Pentacene Thin Films. (United States)

    Kang, Evan S H; Zhang, Hongbin; Donner, Wolfgang; von Seggern, Heinz


    Self-healing induced by structural phase transformation is demonstrated using pentacene field-effect transistors. During the self-healing process, the electrical properties at the pentacene interfaces improve due to the phase transformation from monolayer phase to thin-film phase. Enhanced mobility is confirmed by first-principles calculations. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Sustainable Phosphorus Chemistry: A Silylphosphide Synthon for the Generation of Value-Added Phosphorus Chemicals. (United States)

    Slootweg, J Chris


    Avoiding white phosphorus: Cummins and Geeson have recently described the conversion of phosphoric acid into the novel bis(trichlorosilyl)phosphide anion, which serves as a key intermediate in the synthesis of organophosphines, hexafluorophosphate, and phosphine gas in a reaction sequence that does not rely on white phosphorus. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. High-surface-area silica nanospheres (KCC-1) with a fibrous morphology

    KAUST Repository

    Polshettiwar, Vivek


    Fibrous nanosilica: A new family of high-surface-area silica nanospheres (KCC-1) have been prepared (see picture). KCC-1 features excellent physical properties, including high surface area, unprecedented fibrous surface morphology, high thermal (up to 950 °C) and hydrothermal stabilities, and high mechanical stability. Copyright © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Rhodium-Catalyzed Regioselective C7-Olefination of Indazoles Using an N-Amide Directing Group. (United States)

    Guo, Lei; Chen, Yanyu; Zhang, Rong; Peng, Qiujun; Xu, Lanting; Pan, Xianhua


    A rhodium-catalyzed regioselective C-H olefination of indazole is described. This protocol relies on the use of an efficient and removable N,N-diisopropylcarbamoyl directing group, which offers facile access to C7-olefinated indazoles with high regioselectivity, ample substrate scope and broad functional group tolerance. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Spherical aberration from trajectories in real and hard-edge ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Accelerator Conference (InPAC-11) , New Delhi, 15–18 Feb., 2011. [11] Thomas P Wangler, RF Linear accelerators, 2nd edn (Wiley-VCH, 2008) p. 194. [12] L Serafini, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. A 340, 40 (1994). [13] A V Bondarenko and A N Matveenko, Proc. IPAC2011 (San Sebastian, Spain) pp. 1497–1499.

  15. The asc trinodal platform: Two-step assembly of triangular, tetrahedral, and trigonal-prismatic molecular building blocks

    KAUST Repository

    Schoedel, Alexander


    The self-assembly of triangular, tetrahedral, and trigonal-prismatic molecular building blocks affords the first example of a trinodal family of metal-organic materials. Four examples of isoreticular expanded and functionalized frameworks are detailed. Gas adsorption experiments validated the permanent porosity of the parent structure. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justyna PIETRASZEK

    Full Text Available Cienkowarstwowe ogniwa fotowoltaiczne wykonane na bazie struktury CIGS (mieszaniny pierwiastków miedzi, indu, galu oraz selenu należą do II generacji ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Wykazują one efektywność na poziomie zbliżonym do ogniw I generacji, lecz ze względu na niższe zużycie materiału, coraz częściej wypierają z rynku ogniwa krzemowe Artykuł przedstawia rezultaty badań dotyczących sposobu otrzymywania warstwy buforowej CdS (siarczku kadmu, zastosowanej w cienkowarstwowych ogniwach fotowoltaicznych typu CIGS. Przyjęto dwa rozwiązania technologii nanoszenia: warstwa okna CdS uzyskana metodą rozpylenia magnetronowego oraz warstwa okna CdS uzyskana metodą kąpieli chemicznej (CBD– Chemical Bath Deposition. Struktura ta powinna posiadać odpowiednią wielkość przerwy energetycznej, która pozwali na większą absorpcję fotonów, a także wymaga się, aby była cienka (mniej niż 100 nm i jednolita. Warstwy CdS zostały nałożone przez osadzanie w kąpieli chemicznej CBD na szklanych podłożach pokrytych Mo/CIGS (naniesione warstwy metodą sputteringu magnetronowego. Uzyskano dzięki temu warstwę emitera o grubości 80 nm po czasie osadzania 35 minut. Dla porównania warstwy CdS zostały nałożone poprzez sputtering magnetronowy na podłożu Mo/CIGS, uzyskanym tą samą metodą. Następnie oba rozwiązania zostały przebadane pod względem morfologii powierzchni na elektronowym mikroskopie skaningowym, jak również przeprowadzono analizy składu pierwiastkowego warstw. Zarówno jedna, jak i druga metoda prowadzi do otrzymania warstwy emitera CdS dla zastosowań w ogniwach CIGS.

  17. Current and simulated structure, growth parameters and regeneration of beech forests with different game management in the Lány Game Enclosure / Struktura, růstové parametry, obnova a modelový vývoj bukových porostů s odlišným způsobem mysliveckého hospodaření v podmínkách Lánské obory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ambrož Robin


    Full Text Available V příspěvku jsou prezentovány výsledky studia struktury a dynamiky vývoje bukových porostů v Lánské oboře, která se nachází v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Křivoklátsko v České republice. Výzkum se uskutečnil v dospělém bukovém porostu na dvou trvalých výzkumných plochách (TVP, každá o velikosti 0,25 ha s použitím technologie FieldMap. Typologické, půdní, fytocenologické i porostní charakteristiky obou porovnávaných TVP jsou srovnatelné, odlišují se pouze způsobem ochrany proti zvěři. Výsledky ukázaly, že limitujícím faktorem zdárného vývoje přirozené obnovy buku (Fagus sylvatica L. je vysoká zvěř, a to jelen evropský (Cervus elaphus L. - 300 ks, jelen sika (Cervus nippon nippon Temm. - 300 ks, muflon (Ovis musimon Pallas - 250 ks a daněk skvrnitý (Dama dama L. - 300 ks. Přirozená obnova na TVP 1 s černou zvěří (Sus scrofa L. - 150 ks je dostatečná vzhledem ke stanovištním a porostním poměrům. Naproti tomu na TVP 2 s ostatními druhy zvěře se obnova nevyskytuje. Z výsledků biometrických měření a následných vizualizací pomocí simulátoru biodynamiky lesa Sibyla vyplývá, že se jedná o nevýrazně strukturované, dospělé, produktivní bukové porosty s absencí jedinců spodního stromového patra.

  18. Zastosowanie artefaktu świetlika w ultrasonograficznej diagnostyce kamicy moczowej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Małgorzata Placzyńska


    Full Text Available Artefakt świetlika jest zjawiskiem stosowanym w diagnostyce ultrasonograficznej przy użyciu kolorowego Dopplera. Obraz artefaktu świetlika zależy w dużym stopniu od ustawienia aparatu. Zwykle uwydatnia się przy niskich częstotliwościach transmitowanej wiązki ultradźwiękowej i wysokich ustawieniach skali Dopplera. Mimo coraz szerszego zastosowania w diagnostyce ultrasonograficznej artefakt ten wciąż pozostaje zjawi‑ skiem mało znanym. Bywa pomocny w rozpoznawaniu kamicy pęcherzyka żółciowego i dróg żółciowych, ade‑ nomiomatozy pęcherzyka żółciowego oraz wszelkich zwapnień w innych narządach. Przy jego użyciu można też stwierdzić obecność gazów w jelitach czy metalowych ciał obcych. Najczęściej jednak artefakt migotania wykorzystywany jest do identyfikacji złogów w drogach moczowych. W porównaniu z badaniem radiologicz‑ nym jamy brzusznej i urografią badanie ultrasonograficzne z zastosowaniem artefaktu świetlika pozwala na wykrycie około 80% przypadków kamicy układu moczowego. Charakter struktury złogu, jego chropowa‑ tość i wielkość są najważniejszymi elementami uczestniczącymi w tworzeniu tego zjawiska. Artefakt migota‑ nia umożliwia wczesne wykrycie złogów, które nie dają cienia akustycznego, złogów małych rozmiarów oraz tych zlokalizowanych w moczowodzie. Przypuszcza się, że obecność lub brak migoczącego artefaktu koreluje również ze składem chemicznym kamienia. Badanie ultrasonograficzne z jednoczesnym zastosowaniem arte‑ faktu świetlika powinno być procedurą wstępną w rozpoznawaniu kamicy układu moczowego, monitorowa‑ niu ewolucji złogów oraz ocenie wydalania złogów poddawanych zabiegom ESWL.

  19. Problemy rewitalizacji małych miast na przykładzie Międzyrzecza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanda Kononowicz


    Full Text Available W artykule zaprezentowano metodę rewitalizacji Starego Miasta wraz z zamkiem i zespołem folwarcznym w Między-rzeczu, zastosowaną w projekcie dyplomowym, wykonanym w 2016 roku na Uniwersytecie Zielonogórskim, w Katedrze Architektury i Urbanistyki [1]. Projekt ten został wyróżniony w międzynarodowym konkursie konserwatorskim im. Prof. Jana Zachwatowicza, organizowanym dorocznie przez PKN ICOMOS, a także zdobył nagrodę w Konkursie o Nagrodę Ministra Infrastruktury [2]. Metoda rewitalizacji polegała na przywróceniu generalnych cech przestrzennej struktury średniowiecznego miasta, przy dopuszczalnej różnorodności elementów drugoplanowych kompozycji. Pojęcie różnorodności odnosi się tu zarówno do obiektów objętych ochroną konserwatorską, jak też do nowoprojektowanych o nowoczesnej formie, harmonizującej z otoczeniem, a także rekonstruowanych. Wschodnia pierzeja rynku jak i duża część pierzei południowej, uległy zniszczeniu na skutek II wojny światowej i nigdy nie zostały odbudowane, a ich miejsce oraz sąsiadujących kwartałów zabudowy wypełniła zieleń. Większość mieszkańców, szczególnie młodych, akceptuje taki stan. Projekt stanowi przykład kompleksowego opracowania konserwatorskiego od skali urbanistycznej do architektonicznej, Wykonane studium historyczno-urbanistyczne oraz staranne analizy stanu istniejącego, w różnych aspektach pozwoliły skonstruować wytyczne konserwatorskie, które dały podstawę do projektu rewitalizacji historycznego miasta. W ramach rewitalizacji, uzupełniono strukturę miejską o brakujące kwartały zabudowy, przywrócono Rynkowi jego rangę i historyczne proporcje, zaprojektowano nową posadzkę w Rynku, ożywiono nową funkcją zabudowania folwarczne oraz zaprojektowano park krajobrazowy na sąsiadującym zdegradowanym terenie.

  20. Analiza funkcjonowania systemów ABCw przedsiębiorstwach działających w Polsce

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Wnuk-Pel


    Full Text Available Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza stanu rozpowszechnienia rachunku kosztów działań w przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce, w szczególności zaś analiza problemów pojawiających się w procesie wdrożenia, struktury systemów ABC oraz sposobów wykorzystania informacji z systemów rachunku kosztów działań. Wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań mają znaczenie zarówno teoretyczne, jak i praktyczne. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia, przedsiębiorstwa rozważające implementację ABC w przyszłości powinny mieć świadomość czynników wpływających na implementację ABC, jak również problemów, które mogą się w procesie implementacji pojawić. Menedżerowie rozważający implementację ABC muszą zdawać sobie sprawę z poziomu szczegółowości i sposobów budowy systemu informacyjnego rachunku kosztów działań. Mogą oni również skorzystać z wiedzy o sposobach wykorzystania informacji z systemów rachunku kosztów działań. Wiedza ta może sprzyjać podejmowaniu lepszych decyzji dotyczących implementacji systemów ABC, a jeżeli decyzja o implementacji zostanie podjęta, może się przyczynić do zwiększenia prawdopodobieństwa zakończenia procesu wdrożenia sukcesem. Z teoretycznego punktu widzenia, przeprowadzone badania mogą się przyczynić do określenia ogólnej tendencji: modyfikacje systemów rachunku kosztów w przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce oraz wdrażanie nowoczesnych metod rachunkowości zarządczej, takich jak ABC, zmierza w podobnym kierunku jak praktyka rachunkowości zarządczej na świecie.

  1. Od fyzikálních základů studia struktury pevných látek k monokrystalům superslitin pro plynové turbíny

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lukáš, Petr; Kunz, Ludvík; Svoboda, Milan


    Roč. 58, č. 2 (2008), s. 81-83 ISSN 0009-0700 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : solid state physics * superalloy single crystals Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

  2. Clinical aspects of neurodegenerative diseases - 15th HUPO BPP Workshop April 8-9, 2011, Bochum, Germany. (United States)

    Gröttrup, Bernd; Böckmann, Miriam; Marcus, Katrin; Wiltfang, Jens; Grinberg, Lea T; Meyer, Helmut E; Park, Young M


    The HUPO Brain Proteome Project (HUPO BPP) held its 15th workshop in Bochum, Germany, from April 8th to 9th, 2011 directly after the Proteomic Forum 2011 in Berlin. Like on every spring workshop, the focus was more on clinical aspects, so that especially clinicians participated in this workshop. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. The direct asymmetric vinylogous aldol reaction of furanones with α-ketoesters: Access to chiral γ-Butenolides and glycerol derivatives

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Jie; Wang, Haifei; Han, Xiao; Xu, Liwen; Kwiatkowski, Jacek; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Lu, Yixin


    Twice as good: The title reaction using the tryptophan-derived bifunctional organic catalyst 1 has been developed. The reported method led to the synthesis of chiral γ-substituted butenolides in excellent yields, with high diastereo- and enantioselectivities. Facile synthesis of chiral glycerol derivatives containing a tertiary hydroxy group has also been demonstrated. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Dual platinum and pyrrolidine catalysis in the direct alkylation of allylic alcohols: selective synthesis of monoallylation products. (United States)

    Shibuya, Ryozo; Lin, Lu; Nakahara, Yasuhito; Mashima, Kazushi; Ohshima, Takashi


    A dual platinum- and pyrrolidine-catalyzed direct allylic alkylation of allylic alcohols with various active methylene compounds to produce products with high monoallylation selectivity was developed. The use of pyrrolidine and acetic acid was essential, not only for preventing undesirable side reactions, but also for obtaining high monoallylation selectivity. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Freestanding Artificial Synapses Based on Laterally Proton-Coupled Transistors on Chitosan Membranes. (United States)

    Liu, Yang Hui; Zhu, Li Qiang; Feng, Ping; Shi, Yi; Wan, Qing


    Freestanding synaptic transistors are fabricated on solution-processed chitosan membranes. A short-term memory to long-term memory transition is observed due to proton-related electrochemical doping under repeated pulse stimulus. Moreover, freestanding artificial synaptic devices with multiple presynaptic inputs are investigated, and spiking logic operation and logic modulation are realized. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Single-Step Fabrication of High-Density Microdroplet Arrays of Low-Surface-Tension Liquids. (United States)

    Feng, Wenqian; Li, Linxian; Du, Xin; Welle, Alexander; Levkin, Pavel A


    A facile approach for surface patterning that enables single-step fabrication of high-density arrays of low-surface-tension organic-liquid microdroplets is described. This approach enables miniaturized and parallel high-throughput screenings in organic solvents, formation of homogeneous arrays of hydrophobic nanoparticles, polymer micropads of specific shapes, and polymer microlens arrays. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. A tunable ratiometric pH sensor based on carbon nanodots for the quantitative measurement of the intracellular pH of whole cells. (United States)

    Shi, Wen; Li, Xiaohua; Ma, Huimin


    The whole picture: Carbon nanodots labeled with two fluorescent dyes have been developed as a tunable ratiometric pH sensor to measure intracellular pH. The nanosensor shows good biocompatibility and cellular dispersibility. Quantitative determinations on intact HeLa cells and pH fluctuations associated with oxidative stress were performed. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    role in understanding the behaviour of ligand substitution of vitamin B12 and the role of the Co–C bond in the ... the vitamin B12 coenzyme to mimic either the nature of the active site or a specific function of the enzyme. ..... Kraulter B, Arigoni D and Golding B T 1998 Vitamin B12 and B12 proteins (Weinkheim: Wiley-VCH). 2.

  9. Iridium-Catalyzed Dynamic Kinetic Isomerization: Expedient Synthesis of Carbohydrates from Achmatowicz Rearrangement Products. (United States)

    Wang, Hao-Yuan; Yang, Ka; Bennett, Scott R; Guo, Sheng-rong; Tang, Weiping


    A highly stereoselective dynamic kinetic isomerization of Achmatowicz rearrangement products was discovered. This new internal redox isomerization provided ready access to key intermediates for the enantio- and diastereoselective synthesis of a series of naturally occurring sugars. The nature of the de novo synthesis also enables the preparation of both enantiomers. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Hydrogen-Bonding Catalysis of Tetraalkylammonium Salts in an Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction. (United States)

    Kumatabara, Yusuke; Kaneko, Shiho; Nakata, Satoshi; Shirakawa, Seiji; Maruoka, Keiji


    A piperidine-derived tetraalkylammonium salt with a non-coordinating counteranion worked as an effective hydrogen-bonding catalyst in an aza-Diels-Alder reaction of imines and a Danishefsky diene. The hydrogen-bonding interaction between the ammonium salt and an imine was observed as part of a (1) H NMR titration study. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Solvent-cast three-dimensional printing of multifunctional microsystems. (United States)

    Guo, Shuang-Zhuang; Gosselin, Frédérick; Guerin, Nicolas; Lanouette, Anne-Marie; Heuzey, Marie-Claude; Therriault, Daniel


    The solvent-cast direct-write fabrication of microstructures is shown using a thermoplastic polymer solution ink. The method employs the robotically controlled microextrusion of a filament combined with a rapid solvent evaporation. Upon drying, the increased rigidity of the extruded filament enables the creation of complex freeform 3D shapes. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Pyroprotein-Based Electronic Textiles with High Stability. (United States)

    Jeon, Jun Woo; Cho, Se Youn; Jeong, Yu Jin; Shin, Dong Seok; Kim, Na Rae; Yun, Young Soo; Kim, Hyun-Tae; Choi, Soo Bong; Hong, Won G; Kim, Hae Jin; Jin, Hyoung-Joon; Kim, Byung Hoon


    Thermally reducible pyroprotein-based electronic textiles (e-textiles) are fabricated using graphene oxide and a pyroprotein such as cocoon silk and spider web without any chemical agents. The electrical conductivity of the e-textile is 11.63 S cm -1 , which is maintained even in bending, washing, and temperature variation. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Highly Stereoselective Gold-Catalyzed Coupling of Diazo Reagents and Fluorinated Enol Silyl Ethers to Tetrasubstituted Alkenes. (United States)

    Liao, Fu-Min; Cao, Zhong-Yan; Yu, Jin-Sheng; Zhou, Jian


    We report a highly stereoselective synthesis of all-carbon or fluorinated tetrasubstituted alkenes from diazo reagents and fluorinated enol silyl ethers, using C-F bond as a synthetic handle. Cationic Au I catalysis plays a key role in this reaction. Remarkable fluorine effects on the reactivity and selectivity was also observed. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Computation-Guided Design of a Stimulus-Responsive Multienzyme Supramolecular Assembly. (United States)

    Yang, Lu; Dolan, Elliott M; Tan, Sophia K; Lin, Tianyun; Sontag, Eduardo D; Khare, Sagar D


    The construction of stimulus-responsive supramolecular complexes of metabolic pathway enzymes, inspired by natural multienzyme assemblies (metabolons), provides an attractive avenue for efficient and spatiotemporally controllable one-pot biotransformations. We have constructed a phosphorylation- and optically responsive metabolon for the biodegradation of the environmental pollutant 1,2,3-trichloropropane. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Polymer/boron nitride nanocomposite materials for superior thermal transport performance. (United States)

    Song, Wei-Li; Wang, Ping; Cao, Li; Anderson, Ankoma; Meziani, Mohammed J; Farr, Andrew J; Sun, Ya-Ping


    Boron nitride nanosheets were dispersed in polymers to give composite films with excellent thermal transport performances approaching the record values found in polymer/graphene nanocomposites. Similarly high performance at lower BN loadings was achieved by aligning the nanosheets in poly(vinyl alcohol) matrix by simple mechanical stretching (see picture). Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Magnesium borohydride: from hydrogen storage to magnesium battery. (United States)

    Mohtadi, Rana; Matsui, Masaki; Arthur, Timothy S; Hwang, Son-Jong


    Beyond hydrogen storage: The first example of reversible magnesium deposition/stripping onto/from an inorganic salt was seen for a magnesium borohydride electrolyte. High coulombic efficiency of up to 94 % was achieved in dimethoxyethane solvent. This Mg(BH(4))(2) electrolyte was utilized in a rechargeable magnesium battery. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Chlorine-induced assembly of a cationic coordination cage with a μ5-carbonato-bridged Mn(II)24 core. (United States)

    Xiong, Ke-Cai; Jiang, Fei-Long; Gai, Yan-Li; Yuan, Da-Qiang; Han, Dong; Ma, Jie; Zhang, Shu-Quan; Hong, Mao-Chun


    Chlorine caged in! The chlorine-induced assembly of six shuttlecock-like tetranuclear Mn(II) building blocks generated in situ based on p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene and facial anions gave rise to a novel truncated distorted octahedral cationic coordination cage with a μ(5)-carbonato-bridged Mn(II)(24) core. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. "Hydro-metathesis" of olefins: A catalytic reaction using a bifunctional single-site tantalum hydride catalyst supported on fibrous silica (KCC-1) nanospheres

    KAUST Repository

    Polshettiwar, Vivek


    Tantalizing hydrocarbons: Tantalum hydride supported on fibrous silica nanospheres (KCC-1) catalyzes, in the presence of hydrogen, the direct conversion of olefins into alkanes that have higher and lower numbers of carbon atoms (see scheme). This catalyst shows remarkable catalytic activity and stability, with excellent potential of regeneration. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Paper-based supercapacitors for self-powered nanosystems. (United States)

    Yuan, Longyan; Xiao, Xu; Ding, Tianpeng; Zhong, Junwen; Zhang, Xianghui; Shen, Yue; Hu, Bin; Huang, Yunhui; Zhou, Jun; Wang, Zhong Lin


    Energy storage on paper: paper-based, all-solid-state, and flexible supercapacitors were fabricated, which can be charged by a piezoelectric generator or solar cells and then discharged to power a strain sensor or a blue-light-emitting diode, demonstrating its efficient energy management in self-powered nanosystems. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Template-directed synthesis of pillared-porous carbon nanosheet architectures: High-performance electrode materials for supercapacitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fan, Zhuangjun; Liu, Yang; Yan, Jun; Wang, Qian; Wei, Tong [Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology, Ministry of Education College of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin (China); Ning, Guoqing [State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, Changping (China); Zhi, Linjie [National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, Zhongguancun, Beijing (China); Wei, Fei [Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China)


    3D pillared-porous carbon nanosheets with supporting carbon pillars between the carbon layers is prepared by the carbonization of pitch on porous MgO templates. This unique structure endows the high-rate transportation of electrolyte ions and electrons throughout the electrode matrix, resulting in excellent electrochemical performance. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. Three-dimensional nitrogen and boron co-doped graphene for high-performance all-solid-state supercapacitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Zhong-Shuai; Chen, Long; Sun, Yi; Muellen, Klaus [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Polymerforschung, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz (Germany); Winter, Andreas; Turchanin, Andrey [Universitaet Bielefeld, Fakultaet fuer Physik, Physik Supramolekularer Systeme und Oberflaechen, Universitaetsstr. 25D, 33615 Bielefeld (Germany); Feng, Xinliang [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Polymerforschung, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz (Germany); School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240, Shanghai (China)


    A simplified prototype device of high-performance all-solid-state supercapacitors (ASSSs) based on 3D nitrogen and boron co-doped monolithic graphene aerogels (BN-GAs) is demonstrated for the first time. The resulting ASSSs show high specific capacitance, good rate capability, and enhanced energy density or power density. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  2. Vertically oriented graphene bridging active-layer/current-collector interface for ultrahigh rate supercapacitors. (United States)

    Bo, Zheng; Zhu, Weiguang; Ma, Wei; Wen, Zhenhai; Shuai, Xiaorui; Chen, Junhong; Yan, Jianhua; Wang, Zhihua; Cen, Kefa; Feng, Xinliang


    Dense networks of graphene nanosheets standing vertically on a current collector can work as numerous electrically conductive bridges to facilitate charge transport and mitigate the constriction/spreading resistance at the interface between the active material and the current collector. The vertically oriented graphene-bridged supercapacitors present excellent rate and power capabilities. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Layer-by-layer assembled heteroatom-doped graphene films with ultrahigh volumetric capacitance and rate capability for micro-supercapacitors. (United States)

    Wu, Zhong-Shuai; Parvez, Khaled; Winter, Andreas; Vieker, Henning; Liu, Xianjie; Han, Sheng; Turchanin, Andrey; Feng, Xinliang; Müllen, Klaus


    Highly uniform, ultrathin, layer-by-layer heteroatom (N, B) co-doped graphene films are fabricated for high-performance on-chip planar micro-supercapacitors with an ultrahigh volumetric capacitance of ∼488 F cm(-3) and excellent rate capability due to the synergistic effect of nitrogen and boron co-doping. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. A Novel Slicing Method for Thin Supercapacitors. (United States)

    Sun, Hao; Fu, Xuemei; Xie, Songlin; Jiang, Yishu; Guan, Guozhen; Wang, Bingjie; Li, Houpu; Peng, Huisheng


    Thin and flexible supercapacitors with low cost and individual variation are fabricated by a new and efficient slicing method. Tunable output voltage and energy can be realized with a high specific capacitance of 248.8 F g(-1) or 150.8 F cm(-3) , which is well maintained before and after bending. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Enhanced Charge Collection with Passivation Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells. (United States)

    Lee, Yong Hui; Luo, Jingshan; Son, Min-Kyu; Gao, Peng; Cho, Kyung Taek; Seo, Jiyoun; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M; Grätzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja


    The Al2 O3 passivation layer is beneficial for mesoporous TiO2 -based perovskite solar cells when it is deposited selectively on the compact TiO2 surface. Such a passivation layer suppressing surface recombination can be formed by thermal decomposition of the perovskite layer during post-annealing. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence in Polymers: A New Route toward Highly Efficient Solution Processable OLEDs. (United States)

    Nikolaenko, Andrey E; Cass, Michael; Bourcet, Florence; Mohamad, David; Roberts, Matthew


    Efficient intermonomer thermally activated delayed fluorescence is demonstrated for the first time, opening a new route to achieving high-efficiency solution processable polymer light-emitting device materials. External quantum efficiency (EQE) of up to 10% is achieved in a simple fully solution-processed device structure, and routes for further EQE improvement identified. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. See-Through Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Photonic Reflectors for Tandem and Building Integrated Photovoltaics

    KAUST Repository

    Heiniger, Leo-Philipp


    See-through dye-sensitized solar cells with 1D photonic crystal Bragg reflector photoanodes show an increase in peak external quantum efficiency of 47% while still maintaining high fill factors, resulting in an almost 40% increase in power conversion efficiency. These photoanodes are ideally suited for tandem and building integrated photovoltaics. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Toward systems metabolic engineering of Aspergillus and Pichia species for the production of chemicals and biofuels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caspeta, Luis; Nielsen, Jens


    trends in systems biology of Aspergillus and Pichia species, highlighting the relevance of these developments for systems metabolic engineering of these organisms for the production of hydrolytic enzymes, biofuels and chemicals from biomass. Metabolic engineering is moving from traditional methods...... for the production of hydrolytic enzymes, biofuels and chemicals from biomass. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim....

  9. Aqueous dye-sensitized solar cell electrolytes based on the ferricyanide-ferrocyanide redox couple

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daeneke, Torben; Spiccia, Leone [School of Chemistry and ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science, Monash University, Victoria (Australia); Uemura, Yu.; Koumura, Nagatoshi [Research Institute for Photovoltaic Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology AIST, Ibaraki (Japan); Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Duffy, Noel W. [CSIRO Energy Technology, Clayton, VIC (Australia); Mozer, Attila J. [School of Chemistry and ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science, University of Wollongong, NSW (Australia); Bach, Udo [Department of Materials Engineering, Monash University, Victoria (Australia)


    Solar energy conversion efficiencies of over 4% have been achieved in DSCs constructed with aqueous electrolytes based on the ferricyanide-ferrocyanide redox couple, thereby avoiding the use of expensive, flammable and toxic solvents. This paradigm shift was made possible by the use of a hydrophobic organic carbazole dye. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  10. Photovoltaic wire derived from a graphene composite fiber achieving an 8.45 % energy conversion efficiency. (United States)

    Yang, Zhibin; Sun, Hao; Chen, Tao; Qiu, Longbin; Luo, Yongfeng; Peng, Huisheng


    Wired for light: Novel wire-shaped photovoltaic devices have been developed from graphene/Pt composite fibers. The high flexibility, mechanical strength, and electrical conductivity of graphene composite fibers resulted in a maximum energy conversion efficiency of 8.45 %, which is much higher than that of other wire-shaped photovoltaic devices. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Mechanistic switch in dual gold catalysis of diynes: C(sp(3))-H activation through bifurcation--vinylidene versus carbene pathways. (United States)

    Hansmann, Max M; Rudolph, Matthias; Rominger, Frank; Hashmi, A Stephen K


    The other side of the mountain: Changing the framework of diyne systems opens up new cyclization modes for dual gold catalysis. Instead of a 5-endo cyclization and gold vinylidenes a 6-endo cyclization gives rise to gold-stabilized carbenes as key intermediates for selective C-H insertions. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Single grain boundary break junction for suspended nanogap electrodes with gapwidth down to 1-2 nm by focused ion beam milling. (United States)

    Cui, Ajuan; Liu, Zhe; Dong, Huanli; Wang, Yujin; Zhen, Yonggang; Li, Wuxia; Li, Junjie; Gu, Changzhi; Hu, Wenping


    Single grain boundary junctions are used for the fabrication of suspended nanogap electrodes with a gapwidth down to 1-2 nm through the break of such junctions by focused ion beam (FIB) milling. With advantages of stability and no debris, such nanogap electrodes are suitable for single molecular electronic device construction. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. The direct asymmetric vinylogous aldol reaction of furanones with α-ketoesters: Access to chiral γ-Butenolides and glycerol derivatives

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Jie


    Twice as good: The title reaction using the tryptophan-derived bifunctional organic catalyst 1 has been developed. The reported method led to the synthesis of chiral γ-substituted butenolides in excellent yields, with high diastereo- and enantioselectivities. Facile synthesis of chiral glycerol derivatives containing a tertiary hydroxy group has also been demonstrated. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Large-Scale Nanophotonic Solar Selective Absorbers for High-Efficiency Solar Thermal Energy Conversion. (United States)

    Li, Pengfei; Liu, Baoan; Ni, Yizhou; Liew, Kaiyang Kevin; Sze, Jeff; Chen, Shuo; Shen, Sheng


    An omnidirectional nanophotonic solar selective absorber is fabricated on a large scale using a template-stripping method. The nanopyramid nickel structure achieves an average absorptance of 95% at a wavelength range below 1.3 μm and a low emittance less than 10% at wavelength >2.5 μm. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Hydrogen-bonding-mediated synthesis of atomically thin TiO2 films with exposed (001) facets and applications in fast lithium insertion/extraction. (United States)

    Zhang, Hongye; Yang, Zhenzhen; Gan, Wei; Zhao, Yanfei; Yu, Bo; Xu, Huanjun; Ma, Zhishuang; Hao, Leiduan; Chen, Dechao; Miao, Shiding; Liu, Zhimin


    Ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) crystalline materials show high specific surface area (SA) of high energy (HE) facets, imparting a significant improvement in their performances. Herein we report a novel route to synthesize TiO2 nanofilms (NFs) with atomic thickness (lithium insertion/extraction, demonstrating foreseeable applications in the energy storage. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Customization of Protein Single Nanowires for Optical Biosensing. (United States)

    Sun, Yun-Lu; Sun, Si-Ming; Wang, Pan; Dong, Wen-Fei; Zhang, Lei; Xu, Bin-Bin; Chen, Qi-Dai; Tong, Li-Min; Sun, Hong-Bo


    An all-protein single-nanowire optical biosensor is constructed by a facile and general femtosecond laser direct writing approach with nanoscale structural customization. As-formed protein single nanowires show excellent optical properties (fine waveguiding performance and bio-applicable transmission windows), and are utilized as evanescent optical nanobiosensors for label-free biotin detection. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Ultra-microporous triptycene-based polyimide membranes for high-performance gas separation

    KAUST Repository

    Ghanem, Bader


    A highly permeable and highly selective polyimide of intrinsic microporosity is prepared using a 9,10-diisopropyl-triptycene contortion center. The three-dimensionality and shape-persistence of triptycene afford exceptional sieving-based gas separation performance transcending the latest permeability/selectivity trade-offs for industrial gas separations involving oxygen and hydrogen. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. "Hydro-metathesis" of olefins: A catalytic reaction using a bifunctional single-site tantalum hydride catalyst supported on fibrous silica (KCC-1) nanospheres

    KAUST Repository

    Polshettiwar, Vivek; Thivolle-Cazat, Jean; Taoufik, Mostafa; Stoffelbach, Franç ois; Norsic, Sé bastien; Basset, Jean-Marie


    Tantalizing hydrocarbons: Tantalum hydride supported on fibrous silica nanospheres (KCC-1) catalyzes, in the presence of hydrogen, the direct conversion of olefins into alkanes that have higher and lower numbers of carbon atoms (see scheme). This catalyst shows remarkable catalytic activity and stability, with excellent potential of regeneration. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Enantioselective Construction of 3-Hydroxypiperidine Scaffolds by Sequential Action of Light and Rhodium upon N-Allylglyoxylamides. (United States)

    Ishida, Naoki; Nečas, David; Masuda, Yusuke; Murakami, Masahiro


    3-Hydroxypiperidine scaffolds were enantioselectively constructed in an atom-economical way by sequential action of light and rhodium upon N-allylglyoxylamides. In a formal sense, the allylic C-H bond was selectively cleaved and enantioselectively added across the ketonic carbonyl group with migration of the double bond (carbonyl-ene-type reaction). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Stretchable Active Matrix Temperature Sensor Array of Polyaniline Nanofibers for Electronic Skin. (United States)

    Hong, Soo Yeong; Lee, Yong Hui; Park, Heun; Jin, Sang Woo; Jeong, Yu Ra; Yun, Junyeong; You, Ilhwan; Zi, Goangseup; Ha, Jeong Sook


    A stretchable polyaniline nanofiber temperature sensor array with an active matrix consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube thin-film transistors is demonstrated. The integrated temperature sensor array gives mechanical stability under biaxial stretching of 30%, and the resultant spatial temperature mapping does not show any mechanical or electrical degradation. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Piezotronically modified double Schottky barriers in ZnO varistors. (United States)

    Raidl, Nadine; Supancic, Peter; Danzer, Robert; Hofstätter, Michael


    Double Schottky barriers in ZnO are modified piezotronically by the application of mechanical stresses. New effects such as the enhancement of the potential barrier height and the increase or decrease of the natural barrier asymmetry are presented. Also, an extended model for the piezotronic modification of double Schottky barriers is given. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Ronald Breslow (1931-2017). (United States)

    Schepartz, Alanna; Bergman, Robert; Grubbs, Robert H


    Ronald Breslow, Samuel Latham Mitchill Professor of Chemistry at Columbia University, passed away on October 25, 2017, at the age of 86. Breslow made remarkable contributions to the fields of physical-organic and bioorganic chemistry, including biological and biomimetic transformations, and the use of molecular recognition to control reaction selectivity. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Re-evaluating the role of sterics and electronic coupling in determining the open-circuit voltage of organic solar cells

    KAUST Repository

    Graham, Kenneth; Erwin, Patrick; Nordlund, Dennis; Vandewal, Koen; Li, Ruipeng; Ngongang Ndjawa, Guy Olivier; Hoke, Eric T.; Salleo, Alberto; Thompson, Mark E.; McGehee, Michael D.; Amassian, Aram


    The effects of sterics and molecular orientation on the open-circuit voltage and absorbance properties of charge-transfer states are explored in model bilayer organic photovoltaics. It is shown that the open-circuit voltage correlates linearly with the charge-transfer state energy and is not significantly influenced by electronic coupling. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Three-dimensional charge transport in organic semiconductor single crystals. (United States)

    He, Tao; Zhang, Xiying; Jia, Jiong; Li, Yexin; Tao, Xutang


    Three-dimensional charge transport anisotropy in organic semiconductor single crystals - both plates and rods (above and below, respectively, in the figure) - is measured in well-performing organic field-effect transistors for the first time. The results provide an excellent model for molecular design and device preparation that leads to good performance. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Engineered Asymmetric Composite Membranes with Rectifying Properties. (United States)

    Wen, Liping; Xiao, Kai; Sainath, Annadanam V Sesha; Komura, Motonori; Kong, Xiang-Yu; Xie, Ganhua; Zhang, Zhen; Tian, Ye; Iyoda, Tomokazu; Jiang, Lei


    Asymmetric composite membranes with rectifying properties are developed by grafting pH-stimulus-responsive materials onto the top layer of the composite structure, which is prepared by two novel block copolymers using a phase-separation technique. This engineered asymmetric composite membrane shows potential applications in sensors, filtration, and nanofluidic devices. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Solvent-free directed patterning of a highly ordered liquid crystalline organic semiconductor via template-assisted self-assembly for organic transistors. (United States)

    Kim, Aryeon; Jang, Kwang-Suk; Kim, Jinsoo; Won, Jong Chan; Yi, Mi Hye; Kim, Hanim; Yoon, Dong Ki; Shin, Tae Joo; Lee, Myong-Hoon; Ka, Jae-Won; Kim, Yun Ho


    Highly ordered organic semiconductor micropatterns of the liquid-crystalline small molecule 2,7-didecylbenzothienobenzothiophene (C10 -BTBT) are fabricated using a simple method based on template-assisted self-assembly (TASA). The liquid crystallinity of C10 -BTBT allows solvent-free fabrication of high-performance printed organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. B13+ : a photodriven molecular Wankel engine. (United States)

    Zhang, Jin; Sergeeva, Alina P; Sparta, Manuel; Alexandrova, Anastassia N


    Revved-up rotary: A molecular Wankel motor, the dual-ring structure B(13)(+), is driven by circularly-polarized infrared electromagnetic radiation. Calculations show that this illumination leads to a guided unidirectional rotation of the outer ring, which is achieved with rotational frequency of the order of 300 GHz. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Sequential continuous flow processes for the oxidation of amines and azides by using HOF·MeCN. (United States)

    McPake, Christopher B; Murray, Christopher B; Sandford, Graham


    The generation and use of the highly potent oxidising agent HOF·MeCN in a controlled single continuous flow process is described. Oxidations of amines and azides to corresponding nitrated systems by using fluorine gas, water and acetonitrile by sequential gas-liquid/liquid-liquid continuous flow procedures are reported. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Fast-Response Photonic Device Based on Organic-Crystal Heterojunctions Assembled into a Vertical-Yet-Open Asymmetric Architecture. (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Pavlica, Egon; Zhong, Xiaolan; Liscio, Fabiola; Li, Songlin; Bratina, Gvido; Orgiu, Emanuele; Samorì, Paolo


    Crystalline dioctyl-3,4,9,10-perylenedicarboximide nanowires and 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene microplates are integrated into a vertical-yet-open asymmetrical heterojunction for the realization of a high-performance organic photovoltaic detector, which shows fast photoresponse, ultrahigh signal-to-noise ratio, and high sensitivity to weak light. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. A Vertical Organic Transistor Architecture for Fast Nonvolatile Memory. (United States)

    She, Xiao-Jian; Gustafsson, David; Sirringhaus, Henning


    A new device architecture for fast organic transistor memory is developed, based on a vertical organic transistor configuration incorporating high-performance ambipolar conjugated polymers and unipolar small molecules as the transport layers, to achieve reliable and fast programming and erasing of the threshold voltage shift in less than 200 ns. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. By-Product Carrying Humidified Hydrogen: An Underestimated Issue in the Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride. (United States)

    Petit, Eddy; Miele, Philippe; Demirci, Umit B


    Catalyzed hydrolysis of sodium borohydride generates up to four molecules of hydrogen, but contrary to what has been reported so far, the humidified evolved gas is not pure hydrogen. Elemental and spectroscopic analyses show, for the first time, that borate by-products pollute the stream as well as the vessel. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Piezo-Catalytic Effect on the Enhancement of the Ultra-High Degradation Activity in the Dark by Single- and Few-Layers MoS2 Nanoflowers. (United States)

    Wu, Jyh Ming; Chang, Wei En; Chang, Yu Ting; Chang, Chih-Kai


    Single- and few-layer MoS2 nanoflowers are first discovered to have a piezo-catalyst effect, exhibiting an ultra-high degradation activity in the dark by introducing external mechanical strains. The degradation ratio of the Rhodamine-B dye solution reaches 93% within 60 s under ultrasonic-wave assistance in the dark. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Ultra-microporous triptycene-based polyimide membranes for high-performance gas separation

    KAUST Repository

    Ghanem, Bader; Swaidan, Raja; Litwiller, Eric; Pinnau, Ingo


    A highly permeable and highly selective polyimide of intrinsic microporosity is prepared using a 9,10-diisopropyl-triptycene contortion center. The three-dimensionality and shape-persistence of triptycene afford exceptional sieving-based gas separation performance transcending the latest permeability/selectivity trade-offs for industrial gas separations involving oxygen and hydrogen. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Re-evaluating the role of sterics and electronic coupling in determining the open-circuit voltage of organic solar cells

    KAUST Repository

    Graham, Kenneth


    The effects of sterics and molecular orientation on the open-circuit voltage and absorbance properties of charge-transfer states are explored in model bilayer organic photovoltaics. It is shown that the open-circuit voltage correlates linearly with the charge-transfer state energy and is not significantly influenced by electronic coupling. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Introducing Barium in Transition Metal Oxide Frameworks: Impact upon Superconductivity, Magnetism, Multiferroism and Oxygen Diffusion and Storage. (United States)

    Raveau, Bernard


    The role of barium in the structural chemistry of some transition metal oxides of the series "Cu, Mn, Fe,Co" is reviewed, based on its size effect and its particular chemical bonding. Its impact upon various properties, superconductivity, magnetism, multiferroism, oxygen storage is emphasized. © 2017 The Chemical Society of Japan & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Rational design of atomic-layer-deposited LiFePO4 as a high-performance cathode for lithium-ion batteries. (United States)

    Liu, Jian; Banis, Mohammad N; Sun, Qian; Lushington, Andrew; Li, Ruying; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Sun, Xueliang


    Atomic layer deposition is successfully applied to synthesize lithium iron phosphate in a layer-by-layer manner by using self-limiting surface reactions. The lithium iron phosphate exhibits high power density, excellent rate capability, and ultra-long lifetime, showing great potential for vehicular lithium batteries and 3D all-solid-state microbatteries. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Regioselective C2 Oxidative Olefination of Indoles and Pyrroles through Cationic Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed C-H Bond Activation. (United States)

    Li, Bin; Ma, Jianfeng; Xie, Weijia; Song, Haibin; Xu, Shansheng; Wang, Baiquan


    Be economic with your atoms! An efficient Rh-catalyzed oxidative olefination of indoles and pyrroles with broad substrate scope and tolerance is reported. The catalytic reaction proceeds with excellent regio- and stereoselectivity. The directing group N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl was crucial for the reaction and could be removed easily. Copyright © 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. N-oxide as a traceless oxidizing directing group: mild rhodium(III)-catalyzed C-H olefination for the synthesis of ortho-alkenylated tertiary anilines. (United States)

    Huang, Xiaolei; Huang, Jingsheng; Du, Chenglong; Zhang, Xingyi; Song, Feijie; You, Jingsong


    Double role: A traceless directing group also acts as an internal oxidant in a novel Rh(III) -catalyzed protocol developed for the synthesis of ortho-alkenylated tertiary anilines. A five-membered cyclometalated Rh(III) complex is proposed as a plausible intermediate and confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. The seven sins in academic behavior in the natural sciences. (United States)

    van Gunsteren, Wilfred F


    "Seven deadly sins" in modern academic research and publishing can be condensed into a list ranging from poorly described experimental or computational setups to falsification of data. This Essay describes these sins and their ramifications, and serves as a code of best practice for researchers in their quest for scientific truth. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Depleted Bulk Heterojunction Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics

    KAUST Repository

    Barkhouse, D. Aaron R.


    The first solution-processed depleted bulk heterojunction colloidal quantum dot solar cells are presented. The architecture allows for high absorption with full depletion, thereby breaking the photon absorption/carrier extraction compromise inherent in planar devices. A record power conversion of 5.5% under simulated AM 1.5 illumination conditions is reported. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. A holmium(III)-based single-molecule magnet with pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kajiwara, Takashi [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Nara Women' s University (Japan)


    The right environment: The remarkable properties of a recently reported holmium(III)-based single-ion magnet have been ascribed to the hyperfine interactions with the half-integer nuclear spin in combination with the pentagonal-bipyramidal coordination environment. These results provide insight into the complicated magnetic properties of nanosized magnetic materials. (copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  2. Oxide nanomembrane hybrids with enhanced mechano- and thermo-sensitivity for semitransparent epidermal electronics. (United States)

    Park, Minjoon; Do, Kyungsik; Kim, Jaemin; Son, Donghee; Koo, Ja Hoon; Park, Jinkyung; Song, Jun-Kyul; Kim, Ji Hoon; Lee, Minbaek; Hyeon, Taeghwan; Kim, Dae-Hyeong


    Oxide nanomembrane hybrids with enhanced mechano- and thermo-sensitivity for semitransparent epidermal electronics are developed. The use of nanomaterials (single wall nanotubes and silver nanoparticles) embedded in the oxide nanomembranes significantly enhances mechanical and thermal sensitivities. These mechanical and thermal sensors are utilized in wheelchair control and hypothermia detection, which are useful for patients with strokes. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Base-Mediated Generation of Ketenimines from Ynamides: Direct Access to Azetidinimines by an Imino-Staudinger Synthesis. (United States)

    Romero, Eugénie; Minard, Corinne; Benchekroun, Mohamed; Ventre, Sandrine; Retailleau, Pascal; Dodd, Robert H; Cariou, Kevin


    Ynamides were used as precursors for the in situ generation of highly reactive ketenimines that could be trapped with imines in a [2+2] cycloaddition. This imino-Staudinger synthesis led to a variety of imino-analogs of β-lactams, namely azetidinimines (20 examples), that could be further functionalized through a broad range of transformations. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Cold (and hot) wars: Superconductivity and society, from Weissberg-Cibulsky 1931 to the 2003 Nobel prize

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waysand, Georges


    Far from being a continous flow from its discovery down to its explanation, the actual history of superconductivity has been affected by numerous socio-political turbulences all along the XXth century, through hot and Cold wars. From the 30's to the 2003 Nobel prize for physics most of these turbulences are overviewed. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  5. Construction of 3D Metallic Nanostructures on an Arbitrarily Shaped Substrate. (United States)

    Chen, Fei; Li, Jingning; Yu, Fangfang; Zhao, Di; Wang, Fan; Chen, Yanbin; Peng, Ru-Wen; Wang, Mu


    Constructing conductive/magnetic nanowire arrays with 3D features by electrodeposition remains challenging. An unprecedented fabrication approach that allows to construct metallic (cobalt) nanowires on an arbitrarily shaped surface is reported. The spatial separation of nanowires varies from 70 to 3000 nm and the line width changes from 50 to 250 nm depending on growth conditions. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. The Silicon:Colloidal Quantum Dot Heterojunction

    KAUST Repository

    Masala, Silvia; Adinolfi, Valerio; Sun, Jon Paul; Del Gobbo, Silvano; Voznyy, Oleksandr; Kramer, Illan J.; Hill, Ian G.; Sargent, Edward H.


    A heterojunction between crystalline silicon and colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) is realized. A special interface modification is developed to overcome an inherent energetic band mismatch between the two semiconductors, and realize the efficient collection of infrared photocarriers generated in the CQD film. This junction is used to produce a sensitive near infrared photodetector. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Fourfold Diels-Alder reaction of tetraethynylsilane. (United States)

    Geyer, Florian L; Rode, Alexander; Bunz, Uwe H F


    A series of ethynylated silanes, including tetraethynylsilane, was treated with tetraphenylcyclopentadienone at 300 °C under microwave irradiation to give the aromatized Diels-Alder adducts as sterically encumbered mini-dendrimers with up to 20 benzene rings. The sterically most congested adducts display red-shifted emission through intramolecular π-π interactions in the excited state. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. High-resolution patterning of graphene by screen printing with a silicon stencil for highly flexible printed electronics. (United States)

    Hyun, Woo Jin; Secor, Ethan B; Hersam, Mark C; Frisbie, C Daniel; Francis, Lorraine F


    High-resolution screen printing of pristine graphene is introduced for the rapid fabrication of conductive lines on flexible substrates. Well-defined silicon stencils and viscosity-controlled inks facilitate the preparation of high-quality graphene patterns as narrow as 40 μm. This strategy provides an efficient method to produce highly flexible graphene electrodes for printed electronics. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-R-3-hydroxyhexanoate) nanoparticles with polyethylenimine coat as simple, safe, and versatile vehicles for cell targeting: population characteristics, cell uptake, and intracellular trafficking. (United States)

    Wu, Lin-Ping; Wang, Danyang; Parhamifar, Ladan; Hall, Arnaldur; Chen, Guo-Qiang; Moghimi, Seyed M


    A simple and highly safe poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-R-3-hydroxyhexanoate) nanoparticulate delivery system that targets different cell types is developed. A sub-cytotoxic level of polyethylenimine coat mediates universal cell targeting. Internalized nanoparticles traffic along endolysosomal compartments, endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex. Nanoparticles have no detrimental effects on cell morphology and respiration. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Direct Electron Transfer of Enzymes in a Biologically Assembled Conductive Nanomesh Enzyme Platform. (United States)

    Lee, Seung-Woo; Lee, Ki-Young; Song, Yong-Won; Choi, Won Kook; Chang, Joonyeon; Yi, Hyunjung


    Nondestructive assembly of a nanostructured enzyme platform is developed in combination of the specific biomolecular attraction and electrostatic coupling for highly efficient direct electron transfer (DET) of enzymes with unprecedented applicability and versatility. The biologically assembled conductive nanomesh enzyme platform enables DET-based flexible integrated biosensors and DET of eight different enzyme with various catalytic activities. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. How High Local Charge Carrier Mobility and an Energy Cascade in a Three-Phase Bulk Heterojunction Enable >90% Quantum Efficiency

    KAUST Repository

    Burke, Timothy M.


    Charge generation in champion organic solar cells is highly efficient in spite of low bulk charge-carrier mobilities and short geminate-pair lifetimes. In this work, kinetic Monte Carlo simulations are used to understand efficient charge generation in terms of experimentally measured high local charge-carrier mobilities and energy cascades due to molecular mixing. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Preparation and self-folding of amphiphilic DNA origami. (United States)

    Zhou, Chao; Wang, Dianming; Dong, Yuanchen; Xin, Ling; Sun, Yawei; Yang, Zhongqiang; Liu, Dongsheng


    Amphiphilic DNA origami is prepared by dressing multiple hydrophobic molecules on a rectangular single layer DNA origami, which is then folded or coupled in sandwich-like structures with two outer DNA origami layer and one inner hydrophobic molecules layer. The preference to form different kinds of structures could be tailored by rational design of DNA origami. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. The beginning of time observed in quantum jumps

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bohm, Arno [CCQS, Physics Department, University of Texas, Austin, TX (United States); Bryant, Peter W. [IBM Research, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Uncu, Haydar [Department of Physics, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin (Turkey); Wickramasekara, Sujeev [Department of Physics, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA (United States); Schleich, Wolfgang P. [Institut fuer Quantenphysik and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology, Universitaet Ulm (Germany); Hagler Institute for Advanced Study, Texas A and M University, College Station, TX (United States); Texas A and M AgriLife, Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (IQSE) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A and M University, College Station, TX (United States)


    The phenomenon of quantum jumps observed in a single ion stored in a trap brings to light intimate connections between three different concepts of quantum physics: (i) quantum state trajectories, (ii) Gamow states, and (iii) the arrow of time. In particular, it allows us to identify the starting time of the semigroup time evolution. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  14. Photoionization and Electron Transfer of Biphenyl within the Channels of Al-ZSM-5 Zeolites. (United States)

    Gener, Isabelle; Buntinx, Guy; Brémard, Claude


    Evidence of the photogenerated long-lived biphenyl radical and a trapped electron in the void space of aluminated nonacidic ZSM-5 zeolites has been obtained from the time-resolved UV/Vis absorption, Raman scattering, and EPR spectra. The restoration of the ground states implicates the existence of long-lived positive holes in the framework. © 1999 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Fed. Rep. of Germany.

  15. Guided Growth of Horizontal ZnSe Nanowires and their Integration into High-Performance Blue-UV Photodetectors. (United States)

    Oksenberg, Eitan; Popovitz-Biro, Ronit; Rechav, Katya; Joselevich, Ernesto


    Perfectly aligned horizontal ZnSe nano-wires are obtained by guided growth, and easily integrated into high-performance blue-UV photodetectors. Their crystal phase and crystallographic orientation are controlled by the epitaxial relations with six different sapphire planes. Guided growth paves the way for the large-scale integration of nanowires into optoelectronic devices. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Rapid Asymmetric Synthesis of Disubstituted Allenes by Coupling of Flow-Generated Diazo Compounds and Propargylated Amines. (United States)

    Poh, Jian-Siang; Makai, Szabolcs; von Keutz, Timo; Tran, Duc N; Battilocchio, Claudio; Pasau, Patrick; Ley, Steven V


    We report herein the asymmetric coupling of flow-generated unstabilized diazo compounds and propargylated amine derivatives, using a new pyridinebis(imidazoline) ligand, a copper catalyst and base. The reaction proceeds rapidly, generating chiral allenes in 10-20 minutes with high enantioselectivity (89-98 % de/ee), moderate yields and a wide functional group tolerance. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Hierarchical Fabrication of Engineered Vascularized Bone Biphasic Constructs via Dual 3D Bioprinting: Integrating Regional Bioactive Factors into Architectural Design. (United States)

    Cui, Haitao; Zhu, Wei; Nowicki, Margaret; Zhou, Xuan; Khademhosseini, Ali; Zhang, Lijie Grace


    A biphasic artificial vascularized bone construct with regional bioactive factors is presented using dual 3D bioprinting platform technique, thereby forming a large functional bone grafts with organized vascular networks. Biocompatible mussel-inspired chemistry and "thiol-ene" click reaction are used to regionally immobilize bioactive factors during construct fabrication for modulating or improving cellular events. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Non-Topotactic Transformation of Silicate Nanolayers into Mesostructured MFI Zeolite Frameworks During Crystallization. (United States)

    Berkson, Zachariah J; Messinger, Robert J; Na, Kyungsu; Seo, Yongbeom; Ryoo, Ryong; Chmelka, Bradley F


    Mesostructured MFI zeolite nanosheets are established to crystallize non-topotactically through a nanolayered silicate intermediate during hydrothermal synthesis. Solid-state 2D NMR analyses, with sensitivity enhanced by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), provide direct evidence of shared covalent 29 Si-O- 29 Si bonds between intermediate nanolayered silicate moieties and the crystallizing MFI zeolite nanosheet framework. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Torsion method for measuring piezooptic coefficients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skab, I.; Smaga, I.; Savaryn, V.; Vasylkiv, Yu.; Vlokh, R. [Institute of Physical Optics, Lviv (Ukraine)


    We develop and describe analytically a torsion method for measuring piezooptic coefficients associated with shear stresses. It is shown that the method enables to increase significantly the accuracy of determination of piezooptic coefficients. The method and the appropriate apparatus are verified experimentally on the example of LiNbO{sub 3} crystals. (copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  20. Soft-Template Construction of 3D Macroporous Polypyrrole Scaffolds. (United States)

    Liu, Shaohua; Wang, Faxing; Dong, Renhao; Zhang, Tao; Zhang, Jian; Zheng, Zhikun; Mai, Yiyong; Feng, Xinliang


    A bottom-up approach toward 3D hierarchical macroporous polypyrrole aerogels is demonstrated via soft template-directed synthesis and self-assembly of ultrathin polypyrrole nanosheets in solution, which present interconnected macropores, ultrathin walls, and large specific surface areas, thereby exhibiting a high capacity, satisfactory rate capability, and excellent cycling stability for Na-ion storage. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Anomalous Surface Wave Launching by Handedness Phase Control

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Xueqian


    Anomalous launch of a surface wave with different handedness phase control is achieved in a terahertz metasurface based on phase discontinuities. The polarity of the phase profile of the surface waves is found to be strongly correlated to the polarization handedness, promising polarization-controllable wavefront shaping, polarization sensing, and environmental refractive-index sensing. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Breaking Down Chemical Weapons by Metal-Organic Frameworks. (United States)

    Mondal, Suvendu Sekhar; Holdt, Hans-Jürgen


    Seek and destroy: Filtration schemes and self-detoxifying protective fabrics based on the Zr(IV)-containing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) MOF-808 and UiO-66 doped with LiOtBu have been developed that capture and hydrolytically detoxify simulants of nerve agents and mustard gas. Both MOFs function as highly catalytic elements in these applications. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Assembly of barcode-like nucleic acid nanostructures. (United States)

    Wang, Pengfei; Tian, Cheng; Li, Xiang; Mao, Chengde


    Barcode-like (BC) nanopatterns from programmed self-assembly of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are reported. BC nanostructures are generated by the introduction of open spaces at selected sites to an otherwise closely packed, plain, rectangle nucleic acid nanostructure. This strategy is applied to nanostructures assembled from both origami approach and single stranded tile approach. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Anomalous Surface Wave Launching by Handedness Phase Control

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Xueqian; Xu, Yuehong; Yue, Weisheng; Tian, Zhen; Gu, Jianqiang; Li, Yanfeng; Singh, Ranjan; Zhang, Shuang; Han, Jiaguang; Zhang, Weili


    Anomalous launch of a surface wave with different handedness phase control is achieved in a terahertz metasurface based on phase discontinuities. The polarity of the phase profile of the surface waves is found to be strongly correlated to the polarization handedness, promising polarization-controllable wavefront shaping, polarization sensing, and environmental refractive-index sensing. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. A Porous Perchlorate-Doped Polypyrrole Nanocoating on Nickel Nanotube Arrays for Stable Wide-Potential-Window Supercapacitors. (United States)

    Chen, Gao-Feng; Li, Xian-Xia; Zhang, Li-Yi; Li, Nan; Ma, Tian Yi; Liu, Zhao-Qing


    A bottom-up synthetic strategy is developed to fabricate a highly porous wave-superposed perchlorate-doped polypyrrole nanocoating on nickel nanotube arrays. The delicate nanostructure and the unique surface chemistry synergistically endow the obtained electrode with revealable pseudocapacitance, large operating potential window, and excellent cycling stability, which are highly promising for both asymmetric and symmetric supercapacitors. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Network diversity through decoration of trigonal-prismatic nodes: Two-step crystal engineering of cationic metal-organic materials

    KAUST Repository

    Schoedel, Alexander


    MOMs the word! In a two-step process, first a trigonal-prismatic Primary Molecular Building Block ([Cr3O(isonic)6]+, tp-PMBB-1) was formed and then it was connected to linear linkers or square-planar nodes to afford three novel highly charged cationic metal-organic materials (MOMs) with snx, snw, and stp topologies. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. New infrared transmitting material via inverse vulcanization of elemental sulfur to prepare high refractive index polymers. (United States)

    Griebel, Jared J; Namnabat, Soha; Kim, Eui Tae; Himmelhuber, Roland; Moronta, Dominic H; Chung, Woo Jin; Simmonds, Adam G; Kim, Kyung-Jo; van der Laan, John; Nguyen, Ngoc A; Dereniak, Eustace L; Mackay, Michael E; Char, Kookheon; Glass, Richard S; Norwood, Robert A; Pyun, Jeffrey


    Polymers for IR imaging: The preparation of high refractive index polymers (n = 1.75 to 1.86) via the inverse vulcanization of elemental sulfur is reported. High quality imaging in the near (1.5 μm) and mid-IR (3-5 μm) regions using high refractive index polymeric lenses from these sulfur materials was demonstrated. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Selective C(sp2)-C(sp) bond cleavage: the nitrogenation of alkynes to amides. (United States)

    Qin, Chong; Feng, Peng; Ou, Yang; Shen, Tao; Wang, Teng; Jiao, Ning


    Breakthrough: A novel catalyzed direct highly selective C(sp2)-C(sp) bond functionalization of alkynes to amides has been developed. Nitrogenation is achieved by the highly selective C(sp2)-C(sp) bond cleavage of aryl-substituted alkynes. The oxidant-free and mild conditions and wide substrate scope make this method very practical. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Neutron detection with cryogenics and semiconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, Zane W.; Carpenter, D.A.; Cristy, S.S.; Lamberti, V.E.; Burger, Arnold; Woodfield, Brian F.; Niedermayr, Thomas; Dragos Hau, I.; Labov, Simon E.; Friedrich, Stephan; Geoffrey West, W.; Pohl, Kenneth R.; Berg, Lodewijk van den


    The common methods of neutron detection are reviewed with special attention paid to the application of cryogenics and semiconductors to the problem. The authors' work with LiF- and boron-based cryogenic instruments is described as well as the use of CdTe and HgI 2 for direct detection of neutrons. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  10. Electrolyte Engineering: Optimizing High-Rate Double-Layer Capacitances of Micropore- and Mesopore-Rich Activated Carbon. (United States)

    Chen, Ting-Hao; Yang, Cheng-Hsien; Su, Ching-Yuan; Lee, Tai-Chou; Dong, Quan-Feng; Chang, Jeng-Kuei


    Various types of electrolyte cations as well as binary cations are used to optimize the capacitive performance of activated carbon (AC) with different pore structures. The high-rate capability of micropore-rich AC, governed by the mobility of desolvated cations, can outperform that of mesopore-rich AC, which essentially depends on the electrolyte conductivity. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. High-performance macroporous bulk silicon anodes synthesized by template-free chemical etching

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bang, Byoung Man; Lee, Jung-In; Kim, Hyunjung; Cho, Jaephil; Park, Soojin [Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Three-dimensional porous silicon particles can be produced via the combination of a galvanic displacement reaction and a metal-assisted chemical etching process. This simple synthetic route can be applied to make high-performance anode materials, including high specific capacity, stable cycling retention, and high rate capability, in lithium-ion batteries. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  12. Facile synthetic method for pristine graphene quantum dots and graphene oxide quantum dots: origin of blue and green luminescence. (United States)

    Liu, Fei; Jang, Min-Ho; Ha, Hyun Dong; Kim, Je-Hyung; Cho, Yong-Hoon; Seo, Tae Seok


    Pristine graphene quantum dots and graphene oxide quantum dots are synthesized by chemical exfoliation from the graphite nanoparticles with high uniformity in terms of shape (circle), size (less than 4 nm), and thickness (monolayer). The origin of the blue and green photoluminescence of GQDs and GOQDs is attributed to intrinsic and extrinsic energy states, respectively. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Soviet Dissident Scientists, 1966-78: A Study. (United States)


    could be meaning.ully determined. Other factors, such s marital status, career aspirations , or previous military service, mignt have bec-. as relevant...LNT0VCh, LOEOSAa T. VZMAO VAp VOL’PIN, GESh0ICh, 14~i LAVUTl’, IMLAM3ICh, MLI~hch, PODrapOL’ =, RUDAID, THAChZV. 5DB v9 15696 p 2-3. 88. 8DB v24 AS1283

  14. Cold (and hot) wars: Superconductivity and society, from Weissberg-Cibulsky 1931 to the 2003 Nobel prize

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Waysand, Georges [Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universites Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and Denis Diderot Paris 7, Campus Boucicaut, 140 rue de Lourmel, 75015 Paris (France); Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit de Rustrel-Pays d' Apt (Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis), La Grande Combe, 84400 Rustrel (France)


    Far from being a continous flow from its discovery down to its explanation, the actual history of superconductivity has been affected by numerous socio-political turbulences all along the XXth century, through hot and Cold wars. From the 30's to the 2003 Nobel prize for physics most of these turbulences are overviewed. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  15. High Charge-Carrier Mobility of 2.5 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) from a Water-Borne Colloid of a Polymeric Semiconductor via Smart Surfactant Engineering. (United States)

    Cho, Jangwhan; Cheon, Kwang Hee; Ahn, Hyungju; Park, Kwang Hun; Kwon, Soon-Ki; Kim, Yun-Hi; Chung, Dae Sung


    Semiconducting polymer nanoparticles dispersed in water are synthesized by a novel method utilizing non-ionic surfactants. By developing a smart surfactant engineering technique involving a selective post-removal process of surfactants, an unprecedentedly high mobility of 2.51 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) from a water-borne colloid is demonstrated for the first time. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. The Mechanism of Burn-in Loss in a High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cell

    KAUST Repository

    Peters, Craig H.


    Degradation in a high efficiency polymer solar cell is caused by the formation of states in the bandgap. These states increase the energetic disorder in the system. The power conversion efficiency loss does not occur when current is run through the device in the dark but occurs when the active layer is photo-excited. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Protein-like Nanoparticles Based on Orthogonal Self-Assembly of Chimeric Peptides. (United States)

    Jiang, Linhai; Xu, Dawei; Namitz, Kevin E; Cosgrove, Michael S; Lund, Reidar; Dong, He


    A novel two-component self-assembling chimeric peptide is designed where two orthogonal protein folding motifs are linked side by side with precisely defined position relative to one another. The self-assembly is driven by a combination of symmetry controlled molecular packing, intermolecular interactions, and geometric constraint to limit the assembly into compact dodecameric protein nanoparticles. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Giese Reaction: Decarboxylative Addition of Amino Acid Derived α-Amino Radicals to Electron-Deficient Olefins

    KAUST Repository

    Millet, Anthony


    A tin- and halide-free, visible-light photoredox-catalyzed Giese reaction was developed. Primary and secondary α-amino radicals were generated readily from amino acids in the presence of catalytic amounts of an iridium photocatalyst. The reactivity of the α-amino radicals has been evaluated for the functionalization of a variety of activated olefins. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

  19. Rapid conversion of sorbitol to isosorbide in hydrophobic ionic liquids under microwave irradiation. (United States)

    Kamimura, Akio; Murata, Kengo; Tanaka, Yoshiki; Okagawa, Tomoki; Matsumoto, Hiroshi; Kaiso, Kouji; Yoshimoto, Makoto


    Sorbitol was effectively converted to isosorbide by treatment with [TMPA][NTf2 ] in the presence of catalytic amounts of TsOH under microwave heating at 180 °C. The reaction completed within 10 min and isosorbide was isolated to about 60%. Ionic liquids were readily recovered by an extraction treatment and reused several times. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Simulation of long-wave phonon ({lambda}> b) scattering at geometric imperfections in nanowires by FDTD method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salamatov, E.I. [Physico-Technical Institute, UrB RAS, 132 Kirov Street, Izhevsk (Russian Federation)


    Elementary acts of acoustic phonon scattering in nanowires are studied numerically by the FDTD method. The points of bifurcation of the main waveguide are considered as defects. The particularities of the reflection/transmission coefficient of phonons of different polarizations are studied as a function of the frequency and geometrical parameters of the problem. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. High-gain subnanowatt power consumption hybrid complementary logic inverter with WSe2 nanosheet and ZnO nanowire transistors on glass. (United States)

    Shokouh, Seyed Hossein Hosseini; Pezeshki, Atiye; Ali Raza, Syed Raza; Lee, Hee Sung; Min, Sung-Wook; Jeon, Pyo Jin; Shin, Jae Min; Im, Seongil


    A 1D-2D hybrid complementary logic inverter comprising of ZnO nanowire and WSe2 nanosheet field-effect transistors (FETs) is fabricated on glass, which shows excellent static and dynamic electrical performances with a voltage gain of ≈60, sub-nanowatt power consumption, and at least 1 kHz inverting speed. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Giese Reaction: Decarboxylative Addition of Amino Acid Derived α-Amino Radicals to Electron-Deficient Olefins

    KAUST Repository

    Millet, Anthony; Lefebvre, Quentin; Rueping, Magnus


    A tin- and halide-free, visible-light photoredox-catalyzed Giese reaction was developed. Primary and secondary α-amino radicals were generated readily from amino acids in the presence of catalytic amounts of an iridium photocatalyst. The reactivity of the α-amino radicals has been evaluated for the functionalization of a variety of activated olefins. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

  3. Transformation of Nickelalactones to Methyl Acrylate: On the Way to a Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide

    KAUST Repository

    Lee, S. Y. Tina


    Mu-nick: The methyl iodide-mediated ring opening of nickelalactones, which can be formed by oxidative coupling of carbon dioxide and ethylene at Ni 0 complexes, induces β-H elimination, producing methyl acrylate in yields of up to 56 %. This reaction is found to be very sensitive to the ligands coordinated to the central nickel atom. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Moire superlattice effects in graphene/boron-nitride van der Waals heterostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wallbank, John R.; Chen, Xi; Fal' ko, Vladimir I. [Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster (United Kingdom); Mucha-Kruczynski, Marcin [Department of Physics, University of Bath (United Kingdom)


    Van der Waals heterostructures of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride feature a moire superlattice for graphene's Dirac electrons. Here, we review the effects generated by this superlattice, including a specific miniband structure featuring gaps and secondary Dirac points, and a fractal spectrum of magnetic minibands known as Hofstadter's butterfly. (copyright 2015 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Bioinspired hybrid materials from spray-formed ceramic templates. (United States)

    Dwivedi, Gopal; Flynn, Katherine; Resnick, Michael; Sampath, Sanjay; Gouldstone, Andrew


    Thermally sprayed ceramics, when infiltrated with polymer, exhibit synergistic increases in strength and toughness. The structure of such composites-a dense, brick-mortar arrangement-is strikingly similar to that of nacre, as are the mechanisms underlying the robust mechanical behavior. This industrial-scale process thus presents an exciting tool for bio-mimetic exploration. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. B{sub 2}S{sub 2}O{sub 9}. A boron sulfate with phyllosilicate topology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Logemann, Christian; Wickleder, Mathias S. [Carl von Ossietzky University, Institute for Chemistry, Oldenburg (Germany)


    The condensation of [BO{sub 4}] and [SO{sub 4}] tetrahedra in the first binary boron sulfate B{sub 2}S{sub 2}O{sub 9}, leads to a structure with typical layered phyllosilicate topology. The compound is obtained from the hydrolysis of B(OH){sub 3} and HSO{sub 3}Cl. (Copyright copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  7. Virtual Campus Hub technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vercoulen, Frank; Badger, Merete; Monaco, Lucio

    This deliverable briefly describes which technological components have been delivered for the Virtual Campus Hub and how they can be used. A detailed discussion of the technical details of the components, how they were realized and how they fit the VCH concept can be found in deliverables D5.......4. Virtual Campus Hub Technology Evaluation Report and D6.7 The Virtual Campus Hub Concept....

  8. A Quasi-Solid-State Sodium-Ion Capacitor with High Energy Density. (United States)

    Wang, Faxing; Wang, Xiaowei; Chang, Zheng; Wu, Xiongwei; Liu, Xiang; Fu, Lijun; Zhu, Yusong; Wu, Yuping; Huang, Wei


    A quasi-solid-state sodium-ion capacitor is demonstrated with nanoporous disordered carbon and macroporous graphene as the negative and positive electrodes, respectively, using a sodium-ion-conducting gel polymer electrolyte. It can operate at a cell voltage as high as 4.2 V with an energy density of record high 168 W h kg(-1). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. 3D Printed Microtransporters: Compound Micromachines for Spatiotemporally Controlled Delivery of Therapeutic Agents. (United States)

    Huang, Tian-Yun; Sakar, Mahmut Selman; Mao, Angelo; Petruska, Andrew J; Qiu, Famin; Chen, Xue-Bo; Kennedy, Stephen; Mooney, David; Nelson, Bradley J


    Functional compound micromachines are fabricated by a design methodology using 3D direct laser writing and selective physical vapor deposition of magnetic materials. Microtransporters with a wirelessly controlled Archimedes screw pumping mechanism are engineered. Spatiotemporally controlled collection, transport, and delivery of micro particles, as well as magnetic nanohelices inside microfluidic channels are demonstrated. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. An unusually strong resonant phonon scattering by 3-d impurities in II-VI semiconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lonchakov, A.T.; Sokolov, V.I.; Gruzdev, N.B. [Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, S. Kovalevskaya Str. 18, 620219 Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation)


    Low temperature phonon heat conductivity was measured for ZnSe and ZnS crystals, doped with 3-d impurities. A strong resonance-like phonon scattering by 3-d ions with orbitally degenerate ground state was observed. The Jahn-Teller effect is proposed as the reason of the strong resonance-like behaviour of heat conductivity. (copyright 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  11. Soft photo structuring of porous silicon in water

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juan, M.; Bouillard, J.S.; Plain, J.; Bachelot, R.; Adam, P.M.; Lerondel, G.; Royer, P. [ICD - Laboratoire de Nanotechnologie et d' Instrumentation Optique, CNRS FRE 2848, Universite de Technologie de Troyes, 12 rue Marie Curie, BP 2060, 10010 Troyes (France)


    We report on local photo-induced patterning of porous silicon in water. Scanning probe microscopy images of the sample surface after illumination show that the emission properties as well as the topography are modified according to the interferometric illumination pattern. Local photo-oxidation is believed to be at the origin of these modifications. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  12. Rhodium-catalyzed NH insertion of pyridyl carbenes derived from pyridotriazoles: a general and efficient approach to 2-picolylamines and imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines. (United States)

    Shi, Yi; Gulevich, Anton V; Gevorgyan, Vladimir


    A general and efficient NH insertion reaction of rhodium pyridyl carbenes derived from pyridotriazoles was developed. Various NH-containing compounds, including amides, anilines, enamines, and aliphatic amines, smoothly underwent the NH insertion reaction to afford 2-picolylamine derivatives. The developed transformation was further utilized in a facile one-pot synthesis of imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Rhodium(III)-catalyzed three-component reaction of imines, alkynes, and aldehydes through C-H activation. (United States)

    Huang, Ji-Rong; Song, Qiang; Zhu, Yu-Qin; Qin, Liu; Qian, Zhi-Yong; Dong, Lin


    An efficient rhodium(III)-catalyzed tandem three-component reaction of imines, alkynes and aldehydes through CH activation has been developed. High stereo- and regioselectivity, as well as good yields were obtained in most cases. The simple and atom-economical approach offers a broad scope of substrates, providing polycyclic skeletons with potential biological properties. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Impact of Membrane-Induced Particle Immobilization on Seeded Growth Monitored by In Situ Liquid Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. (United States)

    Weiner, Rebecca G; Chen, Dennis P; Unocic, Raymond R; Skrabalak, Sara E


    In situ liquid cell scanning transmission electron microscopy probes seeded growth in real time. The growth of Pd on Au nanocubes is monitored as a model system to compare growth within a liquid cell and traditional colloidal synthesis. Different growth patterns are observed due to seed immobilization and the highly reducing environment within the liquid cell. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. CdS/CdSe quantum dot shell decorated vertical ZnO nanowire arrays by spin-coating-based SILAR for photoelectrochemical cells and quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Ran; Luo, Qiu-Ping; Chen, Hong-Yan; Yu, Xiao-Yun; Kuang, Dai-Bin; Su, Cheng-Yong


    A CdS/CdSe composite shell is assembled onto the surface of ZnO nanowire arrays with a simple spin-coating-based successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method. The as-prepared photoelectrode exhibit a high photocurrent density in photoelectrochemical cells and also generates good power conversion efficiency in quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. High-efficiency amorphous silicon solar cell on a periodic nanocone back reflector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hsu, Ching-Mei; Cui, Yi [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Durand Building, 496 Lomita Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4034 (United States); Battaglia, Corsin; Pahud, Celine; Haug, Franz-Josef; Ballif, Christophe [Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Institute of Microengineering (IMT), Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory, Rue Breguet 2, 2000 Neuchatel (Switzerland); Ruan, Zhichao; Fan, Shanhui [Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (United States)


    An amorphous silicon solar cell on a periodic nanocone back reflector with a high 9.7% initial conversion efficiency is presented. The optimized back-reflector morphology provides powerful light trapping and enables excellent electrical cell performance. Up-scaling to industrial production of large-area modules should be possible using nanoimprint lithography. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  17. Aligned carbon nanotube-silicon sheets: a novel nano-architecture for flexible lithium ion battery electrodes. (United States)

    Fu, Kun; Yildiz, Ozkan; Bhanushali, Hardik; Wang, Yongxin; Stano, Kelly; Xue, Leigang; Zhang, Xiangwu; Bradford, Philip D


    Aligned carbon nanotube sheets provide an engineered scaffold for the deposition of a silicon active material for lithium ion battery anodes. The sheets are low-density, allowing uniform deposition of silicon thin films while the alignment allows unconstrained volumetric expansion of the silicon, facilitating stable cycling performance. The flat sheet morphology is desirable for battery construction. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Comment on "Tunable Design of Structural Colors Produced by Pseudo-1D Photonic Crystals of Graphene Oxide" and Thin-Film Interference from Dried Graphene Oxide Film. (United States)

    Hong, Seung-Ho; Song, Jang-Kun


    The mechanism of the iridescent color reflection from dried thin graphene oxide (GO) film on Si wafer is clarified. Dissimilarly to the photonic crystalline reflection in aqueous GO dispersion, the color reflection in dried GO film originates from the thin film interference. The peak reflection can reach 23% by optimizing the GO thickness and the substrate. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. The Crystal Hotel: A Microfluidic Approach to Biomimetic Crystallization. (United States)

    Gong, Xiuqing; Wang, Yun-Wei; Ihli, Johannes; Kim, Yi-Yeoun; Li, Shunbo; Walshaw, Richard; Chen, Li; Meldrum, Fiona C


    A "crystal hotel" microfluidic device that allows crystal growth in confined volumes to be studied in situ is used to produce large calcite single crystals with predefined crystallographic orientation, microstructure, and shape by control of the detailed physical environment, flow, and surface chemistry. This general approach can be extended to form technologically important, nanopatterned single crystals. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Microstructural Control via Copious Nucleation Manipulated by In Situ Formed Nucleants: Large-Sized and Ductile Metallic Glass Composites. (United States)

    Song, Wenli; Wu, Yuan; Wang, Hui; Liu, Xiongjun; Chen, Houwen; Guo, Zhenxi; Lu, Zhaoping


    A novel strategy to control the precipitation behavior of the austenitic phase, and to obtain large-sized, transformation-induced, plasticity-reinforced bulk metallic glass matrix composites, with good tensile properties, is proposed. By inducing heterogeneous nucleation of the transformable reinforcement via potent nucleants formed in situ, the characteristics of the austenitic phase are well manipulated. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. More Speed, More Color, More Visibility, More Chemistry, More Fun! (United States)

    Compton, Neville


    More competitive than ever: Chemistry-A European Journal now offers Accepted Article options for more speed, free color for more distinction, and more engagement with the scientific community through social media for more visibility. In addition, to cater for the growing number of excellent submissions, the journal will publish 72 issues over the coming year. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Blooming Knit Flowers: Loop-Linked Soft Morphing Structures for Soft Robotics. (United States)

    Han, Min-Woo; Ahn, Sung-Hoon


    A loop-linked structure, which is capable of morphing in various modes, including volumetric transformation, is developed based on knitting methods. Morphing flowers (a lily-like, a daffodil-like, gamopetalous, and a calla-like flower) are fabricated using loop patterning, and their blooming motion is demonstrated by controlling a current that selectively actuates the flowers petals. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. How High Local Charge Carrier Mobility and an Energy Cascade in a Three-Phase Bulk Heterojunction Enable >90% Quantum Efficiency

    KAUST Repository

    Burke, Timothy M.; McGehee, Michael D.


    Charge generation in champion organic solar cells is highly efficient in spite of low bulk charge-carrier mobilities and short geminate-pair lifetimes. In this work, kinetic Monte Carlo simulations are used to understand efficient charge generation in terms of experimentally measured high local charge-carrier mobilities and energy cascades due to molecular mixing. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Oxygen-assisted charge transfer between ZnO quantum dots and graphene. (United States)

    Guo, Wenhao; Xu, Shuigang; Wu, Zefei; Wang, Ning; Loy, M M T; Du, Shengwang


    Efficient charge transfer between ZnO quantum dots (QDs) and graphene is demonstrated by decorating ZnO QDs on top of graphene, with the assistance of oxygen molecules from the air. The electrical response of the device to UV light is greatly enhanced, and a photoconductive gain of up to 10(7) can be obtained. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Increasing Polymer Solar Cell Fill Factor by Trap-Filling with F4-TCNQ at Parts Per Thousand Concentration. (United States)

    Yan, Han; Manion, Joseph G; Yuan, Mingjian; García de Arquer, F Pelayo; McKeown, George R; Beaupré, Serge; Leclerc, Mario; Sargent, Edward H; Seferos, Dwight S


    Intrinsic traps in organic semiconductors can be eliminated by trap-filling with F4-TCNQ. Photovoltaic tests show that devices with F4-TCNQ at parts per thousand concentration outperform control devices due to an improved fill factor. Further studies confirm the trap-filling pathway and demonstrate the general nature of this finding. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Molecularly Designed Stabilized Asymmetric Hollow Fiber Membranes for Aggressive Natural Gas Separation. (United States)

    Liu, Gongping; Li, Nanwen; Miller, Stephen J; Kim, Danny; Yi, Shouliang; Labreche, Ying; Koros, William J


    New rigid polyimides with bulky CF 3 groups were synthesized and engineered into high-performance hollow fiber membranes. The enhanced rotational barrier provided by properly positioned CF 3 side groups prohibited fiber transition layer collapse during cross-linking, thereby greatly improving CO 2 /CH 4 separation performance compared to conventional materials for aggressive natural gas feeds. © 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Towards colorless transparent organic transistors: potential of benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene-based wide-gap semiconductors. (United States)

    Moon, Hanul; Cho, Hyunsu; Kim, Mincheol; Takimiya, Kazuo; Yoo, Seunghyup


    Colorless, highly transparent organic thin-film transistors (TOTFTs) with high performance are realized based on benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene (BTBT) derivatives that simultaneously exhibit a wide energy gap and high transport properties. Multilayer transparent source/drain electrodes maintain the transparency, and ultrathin fluoropolymer dielectric layers enable stable, low-voltage operation of the proposed TOTFTs. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Low-voltage self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistors on flexible substrates. (United States)

    Schmaltz, Thomas; Amin, Atefeh Y; Khassanov, Artoem; Meyer-Friedrichsen, Timo; Steinrück, Hans-Georg; Magerl, Andreas; Segura, Juan José; Voitchovsky, Kislon; Stellacci, Francesco; Halik, Marcus


    Self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistors (SAMFETs) of BTBT functionalized phosphonic acids are fabricated. The molecular design enables device operation with charge carrier mobilities up to 10(-2) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) and for the first time SAMFETs which operate on rough, flexible PEN substrates even under mechanical substrate bending. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. A novel base-induced isomerization gives access to unprecedented (E)-exo-glycals. (United States)

    Eppe, Guillaume; Dumitrescu, Lidia; Pierrot, Olivier; Li, Tianlei; Pan, Weidong; Vincent, Stéphane P


    Bump the base: This study reports the discovery of the base-induced Z-to-E isomerization of exo-glycals bearing an electron-withdrawing group (EWG). The scope of this novel transformation regarding the carbohydrate unit is also discussed. After elucidating the mechanism, preparation of novel (E)-exo- glycals was performed (TBS = tert-butyldimethylsilyl). Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Characterisation of InAs-based epilayers by FTIR spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baisitse, T.R.; Forbes, A.; Katumba, G.; Botha, J.R.; Engelbrecht, J.A.A.


    In this paper, infrared reflectance spectroscopy was employed to extract information on the optical and electrical properties of metal organic vapour phase epitaxial (MOVPE) grown InAs and InAsSb epilayers. These epitaxial layers were grown on InAs and GaAs substrates and characterised by infrared reflectance spectroscopy and Hall measurements. (copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  11. Gallium Nitride Crystals: Novel Supercapacitor Electrode Materials. (United States)

    Wang, Shouzhi; Zhang, Lei; Sun, Changlong; Shao, Yongliang; Wu, Yongzhong; Lv, Jiaxin; Hao, Xiaopeng


    A type of single-crystal gallium nitride mesoporous membrane is fabricated and its supercapacitor properties are demonstrated for the first time. The supercapacitors exhibit high-rate capability, stable cycling life at high rates, and ultrahigh power density. This study may expand the range of crystals as high-performance electrode materials in the field of energy storage. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Hierarchical NiCo2 O4 nanosheets grown on Ni nanofoam as high-performance electrodes for supercapacitors. (United States)

    Gao, Guoxin; Wu, Hao Bin; Ding, Shujiang; Liu, Li-Min; Lou, Xiong Wen David


    A high-performance electrode for supercapacitors is designed and synthesized by growing electroactive NiCo2 O4 nanosheets on conductive Ni nanofoam. Because of the structural advantages, the as-prepared Ni@NiCo2 O4 hybrid nanostructure exhibits significantly improved electrochemical performance with high capacitance, excellent rate capability, and good cycling stability. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Using magnetic levitation for non-destructive quality control of plastic parts. (United States)

    Hennek, Jonathan W; Nemiroski, Alex; Subramaniam, Anand Bala; Bwambok, David K; Yang, Dian; Harburg, Daniel V; Tricard, Simon; Ellerbee, Audrey K; Whitesides, George M


    Magnetic levitation (MagLev) enables rapid and non-destructive quality control of plastic parts. The feasibility of MagLev as a method to: i) rapidly assess injection-molded plastic parts for defects during process optimization, ii) monitor the degradation of plastics after exposure to harsh environmental conditions, and iii) detect counterfeit polymers by density is demonstrated. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Solvent-free synthesis of C10 and C11 branched alkanes from furfural and methyl isobutyl ketone. (United States)

    Yang, Jinfan; Li, Ning; Li, Guangyi; Wang, Wentao; Wang, Aiqin; Wang, Xiaodong; Cong, Yu; Zhang, Tao


    Our best results jet: C10 and C11 branched alkanes, with low freezing points, are synthesized through the aldol condensation of furfural and methyl isobutyl ketone from lignocellulose, which is then followed by hydrodeoxygenation. These jet-fuel-range alkanes are obtained in high overall yields (≈90%) under solvent-free conditions. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. A mechanistic understanding of processing additive-induced efficiency enhancement in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells

    KAUST Repository

    Schmidt, Kristin


    The addition of processing additives is a widely used approach to increase power conversion efficiencies for many organic solar cells. We present how additives change the polymer conformation in the casting solution leading to a more intermixed phase-segregated network structure of the active layer which in turn results in a 5-fold enhancement in efficiency. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Strongly luminescent InP/ZnS core-shell nanoparticles. (United States)

    Haubold, S; Haase, M; Kornowski, A; Weller, H


    The wide-bandgap semiconducting material, zinc sulfide, has been coated on indium phosphide nanoclusters to a 1-2-Å thickness. The resulting InP-ZnS core-shell particle (as shown in the TEM image; scale 1 cm=5 nm) exhibits bright luminescence at room temperature with quantum efficiencies as high as 23 %. © 2001 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Fed. Rep. of Germany.

  17. Nanoporous Polymer-Ceramic Composite Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries

    KAUST Repository

    Tu, Zhengyuan


    A nanoporous composite material that offers the unique combination of high room-temperature ionic conductivity and high mechanical modulus is reported. When used as the separator/electrolyte in lithium batteries employing metallic lithium as anode, the material displays unprecedented cycling stability and excellent ability to prevent premature cell failure by dendrite-induced short circuits © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Development of the Vinylogous Pictet-Spengler Cyclization and Total Synthesis of (±)-Lundurine A. (United States)

    Nash, Aaron; Qi, Xiangbing; Maity, Pradip; Owens, Kyle; Tambar, Uttam K


    A novel vinylogous Pictet-Spengler cyclization has been developed for the generation of indole-annulated medium-sized rings. The method enables the synthesis of tetrahydroazocinoindoles with a fully substituted carbon center, a prevalent structural motif in many biologically active alkaloids. The strategy has been applied to the total synthesis of (±)-lundurine A. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Cobalt-catalyzed hydrogenation of esters to alcohols: unexpected reactivity trend indicates ester enolate intermediacy. (United States)

    Srimani, Dipankar; Mukherjee, Arup; Goldberg, Alexander F G; Leitus, Gregory; Diskin-Posner, Yael; Shimon, Linda J W; Ben David, Yehoshoa; Milstein, David


    The atom-efficient and environmentally benign catalytic hydrogenation of carboxylic acid esters to alcohols has been accomplished in recent years mainly with precious-metal-based catalysts, with few exceptions. Presented here is the first cobalt-catalyzed hydrogenation of esters to the corresponding alcohols. Unexpectedly, the evidence indicates the unprecedented involvement of ester enolate intermediates. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Toward Applications for DNA Nanotechnology-More Bricks To Build With. (United States)

    Dietz, Hendrik


    Another brick in the wall: DNA nanotechnology has come a long way since its initial beginnings. This would not be possible without the continued development of methods for DNA assembly and new uses for DNA as a material. This Special Issue highlights some of the newest building blocks for nanodevices based on DNA. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Enhanced Photoresponse from Phosphorene-Phosphorene-Suboxide Junction Fashioned by Focused Laser Micromachining. (United States)

    Lu, Junpeng; Carvalho, Alexandra; Wu, Jing; Liu, Hongwei; Tok, Eng Soon; Neto, Antonio H Castro; Özyilmaz, Barbaros; Sow, Chorng Haur


    Enhanced photoresponse is obtained from phosphorene-phosphorene-suboxide. A scanning focused laser beam is employed as a straightforward approach to convert part of a phosphorene film into phosphorene suboxide, creating a functional junction in situ on an optoelectronic device based on phosphorene. As a result, the photoelectrical properties of the optoelectronic device are significantly improved. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Supramolecular Lego assembly towards three-dimensional multi-responsive hydrogels. (United States)

    Ma, Chunxin; Li, Tiefeng; Zhao, Qian; Yang, Xuxu; Wu, Jingjun; Luo, Yingwu; Xie, Tao


    Inspired by the assembly of Lego toys, hydrogel building blocks with heterogeneous responsiveness are assembled utilizing macroscopic supramolecular recognition as the adhesion force. The Lego hydrogel provides 3D transformation upon pH variation. After disassembly of the building blocks by changing the oxidation state, they can be re-assembled into a completely new shape. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. High-performance hybrid white organic light-emitting devices without interlayer between fluorescent and phosphorescent emissive regions. (United States)

    Sun, Ning; Wang, Qi; Zhao, Yongbiao; Chen, Yonghua; Yang, Dezhi; Zhao, Fangchao; Chen, Jiangshan; Ma, Dongge


    By using mixed hosts with bipolar transport properties for blue emissive layers, a novel phosphorescence/fluorescence hybrid white OLED without using an interlayer between the fluorescent and phosphorescent regions is demonstrated. The peak EQE of the device is 19.0% and remains as high as 17.0% at the practical brightness of 1000 cd m(-2) . © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Robust microfluidic encapsulation of cholesteric liquid crystals toward photonic ink capsules. (United States)

    Lee, Sang Seok; Kim, Bomi; Kim, Su Kyung; Won, Jong Chan; Kim, Yun Ho; Kim, Shin-Hyun


    Robust photonic microcapsules are created by microfluidic encapsulation of cholesteric liquid crystals with a hydrogel membrane. The membrane encloses the cholesteric core without leakage in water and the core exhibits pronounced structural colors. The photonic ink capsules, which have a precisely controlled bandgap position and size, provide new opportunities in colorimetric micro-thermometers and optoelectric applications. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. On demand: The singular rht net, an ideal blueprint for the construction of a metal-organic framework (mof) platform

    KAUST Repository

    Eubank, Jarrod F.


    The exceptional nature of the rht-MOF platform, based on a singular edge-transitive net (the only net for the combination of 3- and 24-connected nodes), makes it an ideal target in crystal chemistry. The high level of control indicates an unparalleled blueprint for isoreticular functional materials (without concern for interpenetration) for targeted applications. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Rh(III) -Catalyzed C-H Olefination of Benzoic Acids under Mild Conditions using Oxygen as the Sole Oxidant. (United States)

    Jiang, Quandi; Zhu, Changlei; Zhao, Huaiqing; Su, Weiping


    Phthalide skeletons have been synthesized for the first time through a Rh(III) -catalyzed C-H olefination of benzoic acids under mild conditions using oxygen as the sole oxidant. Aromatic acids bearing a variety of functional groups could react with diverse alkenes to afford the desired cyclized lactones or uncyclized alkenylarenes in moderate-to-excellent yields. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Remote meta-C-H olefination of phenylacetic acids directed by a versatile U-shaped template. (United States)

    Deng, Youqian; Yu, Jin-Quan


    meta-C-H olefination of phenylacetic acid derivatives has been achieved using a commercially available nitrile-containing template. The identification of N-formyl-protected glycine as the ligand (Formyl-Gly-OH) was crucial for the development of this reaction. Versatility of the template approach in accommodating macrocyclopalladation processes with different ring sizes is demonstrated. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Direct catalytic olefination of alcohols with sulfones. (United States)

    Srimani, Dipankar; Leitus, Gregory; Ben-David, Yehoshoa; Milstein, David


    The synthesis of terminal, as well as internal, olefins was achieved by the one-step olefination of alcohols with sulfones catalyzed by a ruthenium pincer complex. Furthermore, performing the reaction with dimethyl sulfone under mild hydrogen pressure provides a direct route for the replacement of alcohol hydroxy groups by methyl groups in one step. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Sir John Meurig Thomas. (United States)

    Thomas, John Meurig


    "My greatest achievement has been to combine being a teacher, a researcher, and a popularizer of science for over 50 years. My worst nightmare is to find myself dumbstruck when I am about to give a lecture …︁" This and more about Sir John Meurig Thomas can be found on page 10938. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Investigation of Prins reaction for the synthesis of 2, 4- disubstituted ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    (a) Nicolaou K C and Sorensen E J 1996 Classics in Total Synthesis, VCH, Weinheim; (b) Molinski T F. 1996 Tetra. Lett. 37 7879; Fusetani N, Shimoda K and. Matsunaga S 1993 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 3977. 5. (a) Yadav J S, Reddy B V S, Sekhar K C and Gunasekar. D 2001 Synthesis 6 885; (b) Zhang W-C and Li C-J 2000.

  11. Semi-transparent polymer solar cells with excellent sub-bandgap transmission for third generation photovoltaics

    KAUST Repository

    Beiley, Zach M.


    Semi-transparent organic photovoltaics are of interest for a variety of photovoltaic applications, including solar windows and hybrid tandem photovoltaics. The figure shows a photograph of our semi-transparent solar cell, which has a power conversion efficiency of 5.0%, with an above bandgap transmission of 34% and a sub-bandgap transmission of 81%. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. The Silicon:Colloidal Quantum Dot Heterojunction

    KAUST Repository

    Masala, Silvia


    A heterojunction between crystalline silicon and colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) is realized. A special interface modification is developed to overcome an inherent energetic band mismatch between the two semiconductors, and realize the efficient collection of infrared photocarriers generated in the CQD film. This junction is used to produce a sensitive near infrared photodetector. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Lead-Salt Quantum-Dot Ionic Liquids

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Liangfeng


    PbS quantum dots (QDs) are functionalized using ionic liquids with thiol moieties as capping ligands. The resulting amphiphilic QD ionic liquids exhibit fluidlike behavior at room temperature, even in the absence of solvents. The photostability of the QDs is dramatically improved compared to the as-synthesized oleic acid-capped QDs dispersed in toluene. © 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. "Cut-and-Paste" Manufacture of Multiparametric Epidermal Sensor Systems. (United States)

    Yang, Shixuan; Chen, Ying-Chen; Nicolini, Luke; Pasupathy, Praveenkumar; Sacks, Jacob; Su, Becky; Yang, Russell; Sanchez, Daniel; Chang, Yao-Feng; Wang, Pulin; Schnyer, David; Neikirk, Dean; Lu, Nanshu


    Multifunctional epidermal sensor systems (ESS) are manufactured with a highly cost and time effective, benchtop, and large-area "cut-and-paste" method. The ESS made out of thin and stretchable metal and conductive polymer ribbons can be noninvasively laminated onto the skin surface to sense electrophysiological signals, skin temperature, skin hydration, and respiratory rate. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Efficiency increase in flexible bulk heterojunction solar cells with a nano-patterned indium zinc oxide anode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Dong Hwan; Seifter, Jason; Heeger, Alan J. [Center for Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106-5090 (United States); Park, Jong Hyeok [School of Chemical Engineering and SAINT, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Dae-Geun [Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), 171 Jang-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-343 (Korea, Republic of)


    Efficient flexible bulk-heterojunction polymer solar cells based on PCDTBT/PC{sub 70}BM were successfully fabricated by a simple nano-imprint technique. The flexible nano-patterned IZO anode with ordered periodic dot structures led to improved light absorption and increased interfacial contact area between the anode and polymer as well as between the polymer and cathode. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  16. Scalable 3D bicontinuous fluid networks: polymer heat exchangers toward artificial organs. (United States)

    Roper, Christopher S; Schubert, Randall C; Maloney, Kevin J; Page, David; Ro, Christopher J; Yang, Sophia S; Jacobsen, Alan J


    A scalable method for fabricating architected materials well-suited for heat and mass exchange is presented. These materials exhibit unprecedented combinations of small hydraulic diameters (13.0-0.09 mm) and large hydraulic-diameter-to-thickness ratios (5.0-30,100). This process expands the range of material architectures achievable starting from photopolymer waveguide lattices or additive manufacturing. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Mogul-Patterned Elastomeric Substrate for Stretchable Electronics. (United States)

    Lee, Han-Byeol; Bae, Chan-Wool; Duy, Le Thai; Sohn, Il-Yung; Kim, Do-Il; Song, You-Joon; Kim, Youn-Jea; Lee, Nae-Eung


    A mogul-patterned stretchable substrate with multidirectional stretchability and minimal fracture of layers under high stretching is fabricated by double photolithography and soft lithography. Au layers and a reduced graphene oxide chemiresistor on a mogul-patterned poly(dimethylsiloxane) substrate are stable and durable under various stretching conditions. The newly designed mogul-patterned stretchable substrate shows great promise for stretchable electronics. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Epidermal electronics with advanced capabilities in near-field communication. (United States)

    Kim, Jeonghyun; Banks, Anthony; Cheng, Huanyu; Xie, Zhaoqian; Xu, Sheng; Jang, Kyung-In; Lee, Jung Woo; Liu, Zhuangjian; Gutruf, Philipp; Huang, Xian; Wei, Pinghung; Liu, Fei; Li, Kan; Dalal, Mitul; Ghaffari, Roozbeh; Feng, Xue; Huang, Yonggang; Gupta, Sanjay; Paik, Ungyu; Rogers, John A


    Epidermal electronics with advanced capabilities in near field communications (NFC) are presented. The systems include stretchable coils and thinned NFC chips on thin, low modulus stretchable adhesives, to allow seamless, conformal contact with the skin and simultaneous capabilities for wireless interfaces to any standard, NFC-enabled smartphone, even under extreme deformation and after/during normal daily activities. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Materials and optimized designs for human-machine interfaces via epidermal electronics. (United States)

    Jeong, Jae-Woong; Yeo, Woon-Hong; Akhtar, Aadeel; Norton, James J S; Kwack, Young-Jin; Li, Shuo; Jung, Sung-Young; Su, Yewang; Lee, Woosik; Xia, Jing; Cheng, Huanyu; Huang, Yonggang; Choi, Woon-Seop; Bretl, Timothy; Rogers, John A


    Thin, soft, and elastic electronics with physical properties well matched to the epidermis can be conformally and robustly integrated with the skin. Materials and optimized designs for such devices are presented for surface electromyography (sEMG). The findings enable sEMG from wide ranging areas of the body. The measurements have quality sufficient for advanced forms of human-machine interface. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Sunlight absorption engineering for thermophotovoltaics: contributions from the optical design. (United States)

    Míguez, Hernán


    Nowadays, solar thermophotovoltaic systems constitute a platform in which sophisticated optical material designs are put into practice with the aim of achieving the long sought after dream of developing an efficient energy conversion device based on this concept. Recent advances demonstrate that higher efficiencies are at reach using photonic nanostructures amenable to mass production and scale-up. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. 5-HT7 Receptor Antagonists with an Unprecedented Selectivity Profile. (United States)

    Ates, Ali; Burssens, Pierre; Lorthioir, Olivier; Lo Brutto, Patrick; Dehon, Gwenael; Keyaerts, Jean; Coloretti, Francis; Lallemand, Bénédicte; Verbois, Valérie; Gillard, Michel; Vermeiren, Céline


    Selective leads: In this study, we generated a new series of serotonin 5-HT 7 receptor antagonists. Their synthesis, structure-activity relationships, and selectivity profiles are reported. This series includes 5-HT 7 antagonists with unprecedented high selectivity for the 5-HT 7 receptor, setting the stage for lead optimization of drugs acting on a range of neurological targets. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Temperature-dependent polarized luminescence of exciton polaritons in a ZnO film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toropov, A.A.; Nekrutkina, O.V.; Shubina, T.V. [Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg 194021 (Russian Federation); Gruber, Th.; Kirchner, C. [Department of Semiconductor Physics, Ulm University, 89081 Ulm (Germany); Waag, A. [Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Braunschweig Technical University, 38106 Braunschweig (Germany); Karlsson, K.F.; Monemar, B. [Linkoeping University, 581 83 Linkoeping (Sweden)


    We report on the studies of linearly polarized photoluminescence (PL) in a (0001) oriented ZnO epitaxial film, grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on a GaN template. The emission of mixed longitudinal-transverse exciton polariton modes was observed up to 130 K that evidences polaritonic nature of the excitonic spectrum up to this elevated temperature. (copyright 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  3. A highly selective and self-powered gas sensor via organic surface functionalization of p-Si/n-ZnO diodes. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Martin W G; Mayrhofer, Leonhard; Casals, Olga; Caccamo, Lorenzo; Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco; Lilienkamp, Gerhard; Daum, Winfried; Moseler, Michael; Waag, Andreas; Shen, Hao; Prades, J Daniel


    Selectivity and low power consumption are major challenges in the development of sophisticated gas sensor devices. A sensor system is presented that unifies selective sensor-gas interactions and energy-harvesting properties, using defined organic-inorganic hybrid materials. Simulations of chemical-binding interactions and the consequent electronic surface modulation give more insight into the complex sensing mechanism of selective gas detection. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Rational Design and Enhanced Biocompatibility of a Dry Adhesive Medical Skin Patch

    KAUST Repository

    Kwak, Moon Kyu


    A new type of medical skin patch is developed that contains high-density, mushroom-like micropillars. Such dry-adhesive micropillars are highly biocompatible, have minimized side effects, and provide reasonable normal adhesion strength. To arrive at optimal conditions for the dry adhesive skin patch, the proper design of various structural and material parameters of micropillars is investigated. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Designing Efficient Solar-Driven Hydrogen Evolution Photocathodes Using Semitransparent MoQxCly(Q = S, Se) Catalysts on Si Micropyramids

    KAUST Repository

    Ding, Qi


    © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Silicon micropyramids with n+pp+ junctions are demonstrated to be efficient absorbers for integrated solar-driven hydrogen production systems enabling significant improvements in both photocurrent and onset potential. When conformally coated with MoSxCly, a catalyst that has excellent catalytic activity and high optical transparency, the highest photocurrent density for Si-based photocathodes with earth-abundant catalysts is achieved.

  6. Autoclave Sterilization of PEDOT:PSS Electrophysiology Devices. (United States)

    Uguz, Ilke; Ganji, Mehran; Hama, Adel; Tanaka, Atsunori; Inal, Sahika; Youssef, Ahmed; Owens, Roisin M; Quilichini, Pascale P; Ghestem, Antoine; Bernard, Christophe; Dayeh, Shadi A; Malliaras, George G


    Autoclaving, the most widely available sterilization method, is applied to poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) electrophysiology devices. The process does not harm morphology or electrical properties, while it effectively kills E. coli intentionally cultured on the devices. This finding paves the way to widespread introduction of PEDOT:PSS electrophysiology devices to the clinic. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. A 11-Steps Total Synthesis of Magellanine through a Gold(I)-Catalyzed Dehydro Diels-Alder Reaction. (United States)

    McGee, Philippe; Bétournay, Geneviève; Barabé, Francis; Barriault, Louis


    We have developed an innovative strategy for the formation of angular carbocycles via a gold(I)-catalyzed dehydro Diels-Alder reaction. This transformation provides rapid access to a variety of complex angular cores in excellent diastereoselectivities and high yields. The usefulness of this Au I -catalyzed cycloaddition was further demonstrated by accomplishing a 11-steps total synthesis of (±)-magellanine. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Fluxionally chiral DMAP catalysts: kinetic resolution of axially chiral biaryl compounds. (United States)

    Ma, Gaoyuan; Deng, Jun; Sibi, Mukund P


    Can organocatalysts that incorporate fluxional groups provide enhanced selectivity in asymmetric transformations? To address this issue, we have designed chiral 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) catalysts with fluxional chirality. These catalysts were found to be efficient in promoting the acylative kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols and axially chiral biaryl compounds with selectivity factors of up to 37 and 51, respectively. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Photoinduced local heating in silica photonic crystals for fast and reversible switching. (United States)

    Gallego-Gómez, Francisco; Blanco, Alvaro; López, Cefe


    Fast and reversible photonic-bandgap tunability is achieved in silica artificial opals by local heating. The effect is fully reversible as heat rapidly dissipates through the non-irradiated structure without active cooling and water is readsorbed. The performance is strongly enhanced by decreasing the photoirradiated opal volume, allowing bandgap shifts of 12 nm and response times of 20 ms. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. pH-Responsive Fe(III)-Gallic Acid Nanoparticles for In Vivo Photoacoustic-Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy. (United States)

    Zeng, Jianfeng; Cheng, Ming; Wang, Yong; Wen, Ling; Chen, Ling; Li, Zhen; Wu, Yongyou; Gao, Mingyuan; Chai, Zhifang


    pH-responsive biocompatible Fe(III)-gallic acid nanoparticles with strong near-infrared absorbance are very stable in mild acidic conditions, but easily decomposed in neutral conditions, which enables the nanoparticles to be stable in a tumor and easily metabolized in other organs, thus providing a safe nanoplatform for in vivo photoacoustic imaging/photothermal therapy theranostic applications. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. 3D-printing of lightweight cellular composites. (United States)

    Compton, Brett G; Lewis, Jennifer A


    A new epoxy-based ink is reported, which enables 3D printing of lightweight cellular composites with controlled alignment of multiscale, high-aspectratio fiber reinforcement to create hierarchical structures inspired by balsa wood. Young's modulus values up to 10 times higher than existing commercially available 3D-printed polymers are attainable, while comparable strength values are maintained. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. A general approach to mesoporous metal oxide microspheres loaded with noble metal nanoparticles

    KAUST Repository

    Jin, Zhao; Xiao, Manda; Bao, Zhihong; Wang, Peng; Wang, Jianfang


    Catalytic microspheres: A general approach is demonstrated for the facile preparation of mesoporous metal oxide microspheres loaded with noble metal nanoparticles (see TEM image in the picture). Among 18 oxide/noble metal catalysts, TiO 2/0.1 mol Pd microspheres showed the highest turnover frequency in NaBH 4 reduction of 4-nitrophenol (see picture). Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Written-in conductive patterns on robust graphene oxide biopaper by electrochemical microstamping. (United States)

    Hu, Kesong; Tolentino, Lorenzo S; Kulkarni, Dhaval D; Ye, Chunhong; Kumar, Satish; Tsukruk, Vladimir V


    The silk road: By employing silk fibroin as a binder between graphene oxide films and aluminum foil for a facile, highly localized reduction process, conductive paper is reinvented. The flexible, robust biographene papers have high toughness and electrical conductivity. This electrochemical written-in approach is readily applicable for the fabrication of conductive patterned papers with complex circuitries. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Cyclic Polymers: From Scientific Curiosity to Advanced Materials for Gene Delivery and Surface Modification. (United States)

    Verbraeken, Bart; Hoogenboom, Richard


    Cyclic versus linear: The superiority of cyclic polymers over their linear counterparts is highlighted. Cyclic poly(2-oxazoline)s have been shown to provide excellent shielding properties when grafted to TiO 2 surfaces and Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles owing to their ultrahigh grafting densities leading to low friction surfaces, superior antifouling properties, and extreme nanoparticle stabilization. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Reaction of Diazo Compounds with Difluorocarbene: An Efficient Approach towards 1,1-Difluoroolefins. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhikun; Yu, Weizhi; Wu, Chenggui; Wang, Chengpeng; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo


    A transition-metal-free difluoromethylenation of diazo compounds that proceeds under mild conditions has been developed and is based on the use of TMSCF2 Br as the difluoromethylene source and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) as the promoter. The chemoselective formal carbene dimerization reaction is achieved owing to the electronic properties and the relative stability of the difluorocarbene intermediate. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. High-performance broadband photodetector using solution-processible PbSe-TiO(2)-graphene hybrids. (United States)

    Manga, Kiran Kumar; Wang, Junzhong; Lin, Ming; Zhang, Jie; Nesladek, Milos; Nalla, Venkatram; Ji, Wei; Loh, Kian Ping


    Highly sensitive, multicomponent broadband photodetector devices are made from PbSe/graphene/TiO(2). TiO(2) and PbSe nanoparticles act as light harvesting photoactive materials from the UV to IR regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, while the graphene acts as a charge collector for both photogenerated holes and electrons under an applied electric field. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Nanoparticles and peptides: a fruitful liaison for biomimetic catalysis. (United States)

    Stodulski, Maciej; Gulder, Tanja


    Inspired by nature: self-assembled peptide nanoparticles have been designed that accelerate ester hydrolysis (see picture; Cbz=carbobenzyloxy, NP=p-NO(2)-C(6) H(4)). The concerted interplay of the multivalent surface with the catalytically active peptide and the substrate at the same time combines several aspects decisive for the catalyst's efficiency, a property characteristic of enzymes. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Bioinspired conical copper wire with gradient wettability for continuous and efficient fog collection. (United States)

    Ju, Jie; Xiao, Kai; Yao, Xi; Bai, Hao; Jiang, Lei


    Inspired by the efficient fog collection on cactus spines, conical copper wires with gradient wettability are fabricated through gradient electrochemical corrosion and subsequent gradient chemical modification. These dual-gradient copper wires' fog-collection ability is demonstrated to be higher than that of conical copper wires with pure hydrophobic surfaces or pure hydrophilic surfaces, and the underlying mechanism is also analyzed. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Sulfur and Nitrogen Co-Doped Graphene Electrodes for High-Performance Ionic Artificial Muscles. (United States)

    Kotal, Moumita; Kim, Jaehwan; Kim, Kwang J; Oh, Il-Kwon


    Sulfur and nitrogen co-doped graphene electrodes for bioinspired ionic artificial muscles, which exhibit outstanding actuation performances (bending strain of 0.36%, 4.5 times higher than PSS electrodes, and 96% of initial strain after demonstration over 18 000 cycles), provide remarkable electro-chemo-mech anical properties: specific capacitance, electrical conductivity, and large surface area with mesoporosity. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Dramatic inversion of charge polarity in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based organic field-effect transistors via a simple nitrile group substitution. (United States)

    Yun, Hui-Jun; Kang, Seok-Ju; Xu, Yong; Kim, Seul Ong; Kim, Yun-Hi; Noh, Yong-Young; Kwon, Soon-Ki


    A record-breaking high electron mobility of 7.0 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) for n-channel polymer OFETs is reported. By the incorporation of only one nitrile group as an electron-withdrawing function in the vinyl linkage of the DPP-based copolymer, a dramatic inversion of majority charge-carriers from holes to electrons is achieved. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.