
Sample records for starye ligandy sintez



    Goljat, Leja


    Koordinacijske spojine so dandanes pogosto sintetizirane in imajo širok spekter uporabnosti. Namen raziskave je bil sintetizirati nove in že znane koordinacijske spojine z bakrom, kobaltom in nikljem. V sklopu diplomskega dela smo izvedli 27 reakcij sinteze koordinacijskih spojin z bakrom, kobaltom in nikljem ter ligandi nikotinsko, izonikotinsko in pikolinsko kislino. Kot topila smo uporabili vodo, N,N-dimetilformamid in mešanico metanola in acetonitrila. Produkte sintez smo nato analizirali...

  2. Crucible-Free Synthesis of Silicides and Borides; Synthese de siliciures et de borures sans creuset; Bestigel'nyj sintez silitsidov i boridov; Sintesis de siliciuros y boruros sin crisol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ban, Z.; Sikirica, M. [Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Yugoslavia (Croatia)


    The laboratory method for preparing pure silicides and borides, reducing the corresponding oxides of metals, has been developed. Synthesis of silicides was carried out in the floating zone of molten silicon. The floating zone was obtained by means of electron bombardment. Synthesis of borides is similar but reactions are generally of the solid-solid type. Initial heating of the reaction mixture was also obtained by means of the electron beam but further heating was produced by the ionized gaseous products of the reaction. (author) [French] On a mis au point une methode pour la preparation en laboratoire de siliciures et de borures purs, par reduction des oxydes des metaux correspondants. La synthese des siliciures a pu etre faite dans la ''zone flottante'' du silicium fondu. Cette zone flottante a ete obtenue par bombardement electronique. La synthese des borures est analogue, mais les reactions ont lieu generalement a Tetat solide. Le chauffage initial du melange reactionnel a egalement ete obtenu pai bombardement electronique, mais le chauffage ulterieur etait assure par les electrons diffuses des produits ionises gazeux de la reaction. (author) [Spanish] Los autores idearon un metodo de laboratorio para preparar siliciuros y boruros puros por reduccion de los respectivos oxidos metalicos. La sintesis de los siliciuros se llevo a cabo en la zona flotante del silicio fundido. Esa zona se obtuvo por bombardeo electronico. La sintesis de los boruros se llevo a cabo de manera similar, pero generalmente las reacciones son del tipo solido-solido. El calentamiento inicial de la mezcla se efectuo tambien mediante un haz electronico, pero el calentamiento ulterior es producido por la dispersion electronica en los productos de reaccion ionizados en estado gaseoso. (author) [Russian] Razrabotan laboratornyj metod prigotovleniya chistykh silitsidov i boridov putem vosstanovleniya sootvetstvennykh okislov metalla. Sintez, silitsidov provodili v plavayushchej zone

  3. Preparative Radiation Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes; Radiosynthese de complexes de metaux de transition; Radiatsionno-khimicheskij sintez kompleksnykh soedinenij perekhodnykh metallov; Radiosintesis de complejos de los metales de transicion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gustorf, E. Koerner Von; Jun, M. -J.; Koller, H.; Schenck, G. O. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kohlenforschung, Abteilung Strahlenchemie, Muelheim-Ruhr, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    aktivnosti. Provedeny sleduyushchie issledovaniya: 1) Radiatsionno-khimicheskij sintez {pi}-kompleksov metallov peremennoj valentnosti. Primerom mozhet sluzhit' poluchenie kompleksov angidrid maleinovoj kisloty + tetrakarbonil zheleza, diametilovyj ehfir fumarovoj kisloty + tetrakarbonil zheleza, metilovyj ehfir metakrilovoj kisloty + tetrakarbonil zheleza, vinilatsetat + tetrakarbonil zheleza i t.d. pri gamma-obluchenii ot kobal'tovogo istochnika Fe(CO){sub 5} s sootvetstvuyushchimi nenasyshchennymi soedineniyami. 2) Khimicheskie reaktsii v sluchae {pi}-kompleksov, poluchennykh pri radiatsionno-khimicheskom sinteze. Primerom mozhet sluzhit' polimerizatsiya vinilovykh soedinenij pri komnatnoj temperature pod dejstviem organicheskikh galogenovykh soedinenij na takie kompleksy, kak metilovyj ehfir metakrilovoj kisloty - tetrakarbonil zheleza, vinilatsetat - tetrakarbonil zheleza i t.d. 3) Sintez {pi}-kompleksov i karbonil'nykh soedinenij metallov peremennoj valentnosti pri obluchenii. Primerom mozhet sluzhit' gamma-obluchenie ot istochnika Co{sup 60} v srede galogenovykh uglevodorodov sleduyushchikh {pi}-kompleksov: [(C{sub 5}H{sub 5}) Fe], [(C{sub 5}H{sub 5}){sub 2}Ni], CH{sub 3}C{sub 5}H{sub 4}Mn(CO){sub 3}, (C{sub 5}H{sub 5})TiCl{sub 2}, Fe(CO){sub 5}, Ni(CO){sub 4}.

  4. Olei̇n turşusunun ami̇dləri̇ni̇n sulfat TÖRƏMƏLƏRİNİN duzlarinin SİNTEZİ və məhlullarinin XASSƏLƏRİNİN TƏDQİQİ




    Olein turşusunun N-dimetil, N-dietil, N-tsikloheksilamidləri sintez edilb və onların sulfat törəmələri alınıb. Daha sonra alınmış sulfat törəmələrinin Na, K və NH4 duzları sintez olunub. Duzların izopropil spirtinin suda 30%-li məhlulunda 20%-li məhlulları hazırlanıb və fiziki-kimyəvi xassələri öyrənılıb. Məhlulların sıxlıqları bir-birinə yaxın olub 0.9431-0.9579 qr/sm3 arasında dəyişir. Məhlulların donma temperaturları amid qrupunda olan N-alkildən asılı olaraq fərqlənir. Belə ki, N-dimetil ...

  5. Sinteza bakrovih, kobaltovih in nikljevih koordinacijskih spojin z izoniazidom


    Hrastar, Sabina


    V diplomskem delu sem se ukvarjala s sintezo in karakterizacijo novih bakrovih, kobaltovih in nikljevih koordinacijskih spojin. Za sintezo smo uporabili bakrov acetat monohidrat, kobaltov acetat tetrahidrat in nikljev acetata tetrahidrat ter ligand izoniazid. Izvedli smo sedemdeset sinteznih reakcij, pri čemer smo spreminjali različne parametre: čas sinteze, temperaturo, topilo (destilirana voda, metanol, etanol, aceton, acetonitril, tetrahidrofuran, diklorometan, N,N-dimetilformamid) in post...

  6. The Beneficial Biological Properties of Salicylic Acid

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    Randjelović Pavle


    Full Text Available Salicilna kiselina je fitohemikalija sa povoljnim efektima na ljudsko zdravlje. Salicilna kiselina je fenolna komponenta i prisutna je u različitim biljkama, gde ima važnu ulogu u zaštiti od patogenih agenasa. U prirodi se nalazi u voću, povrću i začinima. Najpoznatiji i najbolje proučen efekat salicilne kiseline je inhibicija sinteze prostanglandina. Salicilna kiselina ostvaruje anti-zapaljensko dejstvo preko supresije gena za ciklooksigenazu. Većina farmakoloških svojstava salicilne kiseline mogu se objasniti inhibicijom sinteze prostanglandina. Otkriveno je da salicilna kiselina pored ovog ima i druga in vivo dejstva. Pošto salicilna kiselina ne inhibira značajno ciklooksigenazu, anti-zapaljensko dejstvo nije posledica direktne inhibicije ovog enzima. Predloženo je da je inhibicija nuklearnog faktora kapa B od strane salicilata jedno od glavnih mehanizama anti-zapaljenskog dejstva salicilata. Jedno od najviše proučavanih svojstava salicilne kiseline je antioksidativna aktivnost. Salicilna kiselina je dokazani inhibitor oksidativnog stresa. Salicilna kiselina ima sposobnost vezivanja gvožđa. Ova činjenica je značajna za antioksidativno dejstvo salicilne kiseline zbog toga što gvožđe ima važnu ulogu u procesu lipidne peroksidacije.

  7. Application of Tritiated Compounds to the Midge Chironomus and some Aspects of the Metabolism of Salivary Gland Chromosomes; Emploi de Composes Trities pour l'Etude du Chironome et de Certains Aspects du Metabolisme des Chromosomes des Glandes Salivaires; 041f 0440 0438 043c 0414 ; Aplicacion de Compuestos Tritiados a la Mosca Cbironomus y Algunos Aspectos del Metabolismo en los Cromosomas de las Glandulas Salivares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pelling, C. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Biologie, Tuebingen, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    vysokoj stepen'ju razdelenija. Sintez DNK (timidin), sintez RNK (uridin) i proteinovyj sintez v kletke mozhno prosledit' putem opredelenija vremeni i priblizitel'- nogo kolichestva pogloshhenija. V protivopolozhnost' proteinovomu sintezu sintez-DNK i sintez RNK javlja- jutsja ogranichennymi dlja hromosom. Sushhestvennaja fiziologicheskaja aktivnost' hromosom, vidimo, predstavlena sintezom RNK, kotoryj imeet mesto pri opre- delennyh otchetlivyh mestopolozhenijah (nukleoljarnye obrazovateli, kol'ca 'Balbiani' odutlovatosti i drugie hromosomye svjazi). I doklade rassmatrivajutsja nekotorye osobennosti sinteza NIK. (author)


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    F. A. Khabirov


    Full Text Available Objective. Comparison of Axoglatiran® FS (F-Sintez,  Russia and Copaxone®-Teva (Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.,  Israel efficiency and safety in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Materials and methods. In the study 150 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis were randomized into 2 groups: patients in the 1st group (n = 100 received treatment with Axoglatiran® FS, patients in the 2nd group (n = 50 received treatment with Copaxone®-Teva. Vital signs of every patient in the study were monitored accompanied by physical examinations, neurological examinations with EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale and MSFC (Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite evaluations, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and lab tests. Results. Mean age (M ± SD of the patients in the 1st group was 32.8 ± 8.7 years (20–54  years, percentages of men and women were 34 and 66 % respectively, mean age of multiple sclerosis onset was 27.93 ± 7.72 years (11–48 years. Median (Me, lower and upper quartiles estimates [LQ; UQ] on the EDSS scale were 2 [1.5; 3.0] steps (1.0–4.5  steps. In the 2nd group mean age of the patients was 35.2 ± 9.5 years (18–57  years, percentages of men and women were 24 and 76 % respectively, mean age of multiple sclerosis onset was 26.5 ± 6.9 years (18–47  years, EDSS estimates were 2.25 [1.5; 3.5] steps (1–5  steps. In the 1st group 88 (88 % patients completed the study, in the 2nd  group 44 (88 % patients completed the study. Among them in 73 (82.95 % patients in the 1st group and 34 (77.27 % patients in the 2nd  group the disease didn’t exacerbate (p > 0.05. In both groups no progression according to the EDSS and MSFC scale was observed (p > 0.05. Magnetic resonance imaging data showed that dynamics of the total number of T2 lesions, contrast-enhancing T1 lesions, atrophy degree estimated using internuclear index were comparable in both groups (p > 0.05. Safety profiles of

  9. Synthesis of methyl 3-O-{alpha}-d-glucopyranosyl-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-{beta}-d-xylopyranoside and methyl 2-O-{alpha}-d-Glucopyranosyl-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-l-noviopyranoside; Synthese de methyl-3-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-C{sup 14}-beta-D-xylophranoside et methyl-2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-L-noviopyranoside; Sintez metil-3-O-{alpha}-D-glyukopiranozila-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-{beta}-D-ksilopiranozid i metil 2-O-{alpha}-D-glyukopiranozil-C{sub 6}{sup 14}-L-noviopiranozid; Sintesis de la metil 3-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-{beta}-D-xilopiranosido y de la metil 2-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-L-noviopiranosido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barker, S A; Keith, M C; Stacey, M; Stroud, D B.E. [Chemistry Department, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)


    microbianas. Como ejemplo de la aplicacion de esta tecnica, los autores describen las sintesis siguientes: Maltosa-{sup 14}C{sub 12} + metil-{beta}-D-xilopiranosido Transglucosilasa del/Penicillium lilacinum {yields} Metil 3-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-{beta}-D-xilopiranosido (I) Glucosa-{sup 14}C{sub 6} Maltosa-{sup 14}C{sub 12} + Metil L-noviopiranosido Transglucosilasa del/Fusarium moniliforme {yields} Metil 2-O-{alpha}-D-glucopiranosil-{sup 14}C{sub 6}-L-noviopiranosido (II) + Glucosa-{sup 14}C{sub 6}. Se puede esperar que en estas sintesis se conserve en el disacarico obtenido por sintesis el caracter anomerico del enlace glucosidico del disacarido donor y que el resto glucosido transferido se una por su grupo reductor al glucomonosacarido receptor. Si se emplea un disacarido donor o un glucosido receptor marcados con {sup 14}C, se puede sintetizar un disacarido mareado solamente en uno de los dos azucares que lo componen. En la sintesis del compuesto II, el unico grupo oxhidrilo libre en el metilnoviosido receptor se encuentra en el C{sub 2} y el resto glucosido que se transfiere solo puede unirse en ese punto. En la sintesis del compuesto I, el metilxilosido posee grupos oxhidrilo libres en C{sub 2}, C{sub 3} y C{sub 4}, y se ha encontrado que la enzima microbiana transfiere el resto glucosido especificamente al grupo oxhidrilo en el C{sub 3}. Se han determinado las estructuras de los compuestos I y II por analisis elemental, asi como por estudio de la actividad optica de los espectros infrarrojos y de los productos obtenidos por hidrolisis en medio acido y por oxidacion con peryodato. (author) [Russian] V sluchae zatrudneniya provedeniya khimicheskogo sinteza disakharida glikozida, mechennogo uglerodom-14, osobenno tol'ko v odnoj iz grupp sakhara chasto tselesoobrazno ispol'zovat' katalizirovannyj sintez s pomoshch'yu mikrobial'nogo transglikozilasa. V doklade soobshchaetsya o dvukh primerakh ispol'zovaniya dannogo metoda: Mal'toza-C{sub 12}{sup 14



    Jelenc, Lara


    Znanstvenici i menadžeri proces strateškog menadžmenta promatraju, kao osnovni predmet izučavanja strateškog menadžmenta, na disperzan i pomalo kontradiktoran način. Različito pristupaju osmišljavanju procesa strateškoga menadžmenta, stvarajući mnogobrojne kombinacije, sugestije i nudeći recepte uspjeha strategija u praksi. Osim toga, postoje i različiti pogledi na razvitak discipline strateškog menadžmenta. Škole strateškog menadžmenta, osobito klasična škola, pokušaji su sinteze tih ideja i...

  11. Grafikos ir knygos sintezė. Iliustracijų knyga - "Laiko pasaka"


    Plieniūtė, Rasa


    The length of human life is compared with a book. The closed book shows the end of life. To me a book is the source of inspiration, imagination and intention. Some time after reading a book I get a lot of impulses for my new creations. My book of illustrations ”The Tale of Time” is a book about the everlasting circle of life. My book has no reading function as a normal book. The meaning of my book “The Tale of Time” is expressed visually through my emotions about the temporality of human life...

  12. Augimo reguliatoriaus trineksapak-etilo ir jo mišinių įtaka žieminių kviečių stiebų biometriniams rodikliams


    Auškalnienė, Ona


    Augimo reguliatoriai naudojami javų išgulimui išvengti ir užima svarbią vietą javų auginimo technologijoje. Augimo reguliatorių bei jų mišinių ir derinių efektyvumo tyrimai daryti 2002-2003 metais Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto Dirvožemio ir augalininkystės skyriaus sėjomainų žieminių kviečių 'Širvinta' laukuose. Dirvožemis - giliau karbonatingas sekliau glėjiškas rudžemis, lengvas priemolis, drenuotas, neutralaus rūgštumo. Žieminiai kviečiai purkšti giberalinu sintezės inhibitoriais cykocel...

  13. Hidrotermālās apstrādes procesa ietekme uz Ca un Sr hidroksilapatītiem un to analīze


    Aksjonova, Viktorija


    Hidrotermālās apstrādes procesa ietekme uz Ca un Sr hidroksilapatītiem un to analīze. Aksjonova V., zinātniskā vadītāja: docente Dr.chem. Osīte A.. Bakalaura darbs, 28 lpp., 7 attēli, 25 literatūras avoti, 6 pielikumi, latviešu valodā. Darbā veikta ar stronciju aizvietotu hidroksilapatītu un hidroksilapatītu sintēze, sintezēto paraugu hidrotermāla apstrāde un iegūto paraugu raksturošana ar XRD un FTIR metodēm. Bakalaura darbā apkopota literatūra par hidroksilapatītu, stroncija hidrok...

  14. Syntéza modifikovaných nukleozidov a oligonukleotidov nesúcich bipyridínové alebo fenantrolínové ligandy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vrábel, Milan; Hocek, Michal


    Roč. 100, č. 5 (2006), s. 411 ISSN 0009-2770. [Mezioborové setkání mladých vědeckých a výzkumných pracovníků z oboru chemie, biochemie, molekulární biologie a oborů příbuzných. Konference Sigma-Aldrich /6./. 14.06.2006-17.06.2006, Devět skal] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/03/0035 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40550506 Keywords : oligonucleotides * electrochemistry * cross coupling reactions Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry

  15. Development and Experimental Study of Phantoms for Mapping Skin Chromophores

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    Silapetere A.


    Full Text Available Mūsdienās multispektrālās attēlošanas iekārtas izmanto ādas parametru un fizioloģisko procesu aprakstīšanai gan pētniecības, gan diagnostikas nolūkiem. Iekārtu darbības uzlabošanai ir nepieciešams labāk saprast gaismas mijiedarbību ar audiem, kā arī veikt šo iekārtu kalibrēšanu ar ādas maketu. Redzamā un tuvā infrasarkanā optiskā diapazona spektroskopijā ir svarīgi ādas maketi, kas simulē audu slāņaino struktūru un ķīmiskās īpašības, kā arī maketi, kas ir bioloģiski līdzvērtīgi. Šajā pētījumā tika izveidots ādas makets no bioloģiskām un ķīmiski sintezētām struktūrām. Ādas maketa izveidei tika izmantota fibrīna matrica ar dermālo un epidermālo šūnu piejaukumu, lai imitētu ādas slāņaino struktūru. Fibrīna matrica tiek veidota no 0,47 ml asins plazmas, 0,4 ml fizioloģiskā šķīduma, 0,8 μl treneksāmskābes un 89,4 μl kalcija glukanāta. Izveidoto matricu ievieto šūnu inkubatorā, lai tā polimerizētos. Nākošais slānis tiek veidots ar dermālo šūnu piejaukumu (180-270 šūnas, un pēdējais fibrīna matriksa slānis tiek veidots ar epidermālo šūnu piejaukumu (270 šūnas un šūnu augšanu veicinošu serumu (FBS. Šūnu kultivēšanai nepieciešamas vismaz divas nedēļas. Šajā slāņainajā struktūrā ir iespējams pievienot ādas hromoforu simulējošus iekļāvumus. Optiskajā diapazonā no 450-900 nm ādas hromoforas, kurām ir visizteiktākais spektrs, ir bilirubīns, melanīns un hemoglobīns. Lai simulētu ādas hromoforu spektrālās īpašības, tika izmantots sintezēts bilirubīns, eritrocītu masa un nigrozīns. Lai izpētītu šī maketa iekārtu kalibrēšanas potenciālu, tika izveidoti 76 paraugi, kur katros 24 paraugos bija pievienots viens no absorbentiem ar dažādām koncentrācijām. Pilna ādas maketa audzēšanai nepieciešamas divas nedēļas, lai ātrāk tiktu iegūti pirmie rezultāti tika veidoti maketi bez dermālo un epiderm


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    Mihail SECU


    Full Text Available Au fost scoşi în evidenţă compuşi coordinativi ai manganului(III cu liganzi tip Salen ce posedă proprietăţi de magneţi moleculari (SMM sau lanţuri magnetice (SCM. A fost relatat principiul de asamblare a bis(salicilidenizotiosemi­car­ba­zi­da­ţilor similari liganzilor de tip Salen, pentru identificarea şi descrierea unor noi metode raţionale de sinteză a mole­culelor magnetice şi a lanţurilor magnetice, având în calitate de building block aceşti complecşi de mangan(III. SINGLE MOLECULE MAGNETS– Switching from SALEN type ligands to thiosemicarbazonesThere were highlighted manganese(III coordination compounds with Salen type ligands, which exhibit single molecule magnet (SMM and single chain magnet (SCM behaviour. It was narrated the principle of assembly bis(salicylideneisothio­semicarbazide similar with Salen type ligands, for identify and describe the new methods of rational synthesis of single molecule magnets and single chain magnets, which have as building blocks these manganese(III complexes. 


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    Tudor BRAGARU


    Full Text Available În condiţiile utilizării în masă a reţelelor informatice şi desfăşurării diverselor activităţi profesionale mediate de reţele şi dispozitivele mobile conectate, conştientizarea şi contracararea riscurilor devine foarte importantă atât pentru mediul de afaceri, mediul social, cât şi pentru cel personal, privat. Lucrarea prezintă o privire de sinteză asupra cerin­ţelor de securitate, metodelor de atac/ameninţărilor, riscurilo-r, vulnerabilităţilor şi tehnicilor de atenuare şi prevenire a riscurilor informatice preponderent pentru reţele corporative.NETWORKS SECURITYÎn terms of mass use of computer networks and the deployment of various professional activities mediated by networks and connected mobile devices, risk awareness and counseling becomes very important, both for the business environment, the social environment and for the private and private ones. The paper presents a summary of security requirements, attack/threats, risks, vulnerabilities, and mitigation and prevention techniques predominantly for corporate networks.

  18. Radiation Synthesis of Stannous Dibromodibutyl; Synthese radiochimique de l'etain dibromopibutyle; Radiatsionno-khimicheskij sintez dibromdibutilolova; Sintesis radioquimica del dffiromodibutilestano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abramova, L. V.; Vereshchinskij, I. V.; Kocheshkov, K. A.; Miretskij, V. Yu.; Pozdneev, V. V.; Ryabukhin, Yu. S.; Sheverdina, N. I.


    It was first established in 1958 by Abramova, Koeheshkov and Sheverdina that stannous organic compounds could in principle be synthesized by the action of Co{sup 60} gamma irradiation on mixtures of stannous metal and the corresponding alkyl halides. Under the conditions in which the experiments were carried out, in glass equipment without mixing, it was not possible to clarify the kinetic formation-mechanism of this type of organo-metallic compound. The present experiment was carried out in order to discover the effects of a number of factors on the irradiation synthesis velocity of stannous organic compounds in a stannous dibromodibutyl sample. For this purpose a special device with periodic loading of the components and unloading of the reaction products was designed and manufactured. Its excellent features included thermo-setting, effective mixing, and the periodical selection of test-samples for analysis. The main loop - a 2-1 stainless-steel reaction vessel - was provided with a mixer. The device was mounted on a Co{sup 60} gamma irradiation source. Experiments were carried out at a temperature of 80 {+-} 5''S and at atmospheric pressure. The dose intensity amounted to {approx} 50 rad/s (ferrous sulphate dosimeter). Powdered stannous metal and butyl bromide, differing in degree of purity, were employed. The reactivity components were applied in different ratios. It was established that under these conditions a controlled radiation-chemistry reaction takes place, the main result of which is a high yield of stannous dibromodibutyl. It was shown that the process has an induction period whose duration depends upon the purity of the initial butyl bromide; this has a notable effect on the formation velocity of the end product. It was found that the tin, not used up in the reaction, can be repeatedly used for the purpose of obtaining stannous dibromodibutyl and the induction period entirely eliminated. The features described provide the pre- requisites for an uninterrupted process. A reaction mechanism is proposed to explain the principles of the process which give a substantial irradiation yield. (author) [French] Le fait qu'il est, en principe, possible de realiser la synthese de composes organiques de l'etain en soumettant un melange d'etain metallique et d'halogenures appropries a l'action des rayons gamma du {sup 60}Co a ete etabli pour la premiere fois par Abramova, Kotchechkov et Cheverdina en 1958. Les conditions des experiences, qui etaient executees a l'aide d'un appareillage en vene depourvu de melangeur, ne permettait pas de determiner les lois cinetiques qui president a la formation des composes organometalliques de cette categorie. L'etude consideree a ete entreprise pour elucider l'influence qu'exercent plusieurs facteurs sur la vitesse a laquelle se produit la synthese radiochimique des composes organiques de l'etain, en prenant comme exemple l'etain dibromodibutyle. A cette fin, les auteurs ont concu et construit une installation speciale assurant le chargement periodique des composants et l'evacuation des produits de la reaction. Cette installation permettait de maintenir une temperature constante, d'assurer une agitation efficace et de prelever periodiquement des echantillons aux fins d'analyse. Son element essentiel - un recipient en acier inoxydable d'une contenance de deux litres ou se produisait la reaction - etait equipe d'un melangeur. Elle comprenait une source de rayons y{gamma} au {sup 60}Co. Les experiences ont eu lieu a une temperature de 80 {+-} 5{sup o}C, sous pression atmospherique. Le debit de dose, mesure a l'aide d'un dosimetre au sulfate ferreux, etait d'environ 50 rad/s. On a utilise de la poudre d'etain metallique et du bromure de butyle de puretes differentes. Les substances entrant dans la reaction ont ete employees en proportions diverses. On a constate qu'il se produisait, dans ces conditions, une reaction radiochimique orientee au cours de laquelle se formait essentiellement de l'etain dibromodibutyle en grande quantite. Les auteurs montrent que le processus comporte une periode d'amorcage dont la duree depend du degre de purete du bromure de butyle initial. Ce facteur exerce en outre une influence sensible sur la vitesse, de formation du produit final. On a constate que l'etain qui n'est pas entre dans la reaction peut etre utilise de nouveau pour la production d'etain dibromodibutyle, mais que dans ce cas la periode d'amorcage est totalement inexistante. Les particularites mentionnees creent les conditions necessaires pour la realisation d'un processus continu. Les auteurs proposent un mecanisme reactionnel pour expliquer la regularite du processus dont le rendement radiochimique est eleve. (author) [Spanish] La posibilidad de efectuar la sintesis de compuestos organicos del estafio por irradiacion con los rayos gamma del {sup 60}Co de mezclas de estano y de los respectivos haluros alquilicos fue establecida por primera vez en 1958 por Abramova, Kocheshkovy Sheverdina. Las condiciones en que se realizaron los experimentos, en aparatos de vidrio, sin agitadores, no permitieron determinar las leyes cineticas de la formacion de ese tipo de compuestos organo-metalicos. El presente trabajo sirvio para aclarar la influencia de una serie de factores sobre la velocidad de la sintesis radioquimica de los compuestos organicos del estafio tomando como ejemplo el dibromodibutilestaflo. Con ese objeto, se construyo un aparato especial que facilita la carga periodica de los reactivos y la descarga de los productos de reaccion. Dicho aparato permite estabilizar la temperatura, agitar eficazmente los reactivos y extraer periodicamente muestras para analisis. El elemento esencial es el recipiente de reaccion, de acero inoxidable, de 2-1 de capacidad, provisto de un agitador. El aparato se coloca sobre una fuente gamma de {sup 60}Co. Los experimentos se efectuaron a temperaturas de 80 {+-}5{sup o}C y a presion atmosferica. La intensidad de dosis medida con ayuda de un dosimetro de sulfato de hierro es de {approx}50 rad/s. Se utilizaron diversas proporciones de estafio metalico en polvo y bromuro de butilo de distintos grados de pureza. Se comprobo que en tales condiciones se desarrolla una reaccion radioquimica orientada en virtud de la cual se produce basicamente dibromodibutilestaflo con elevado rendimiento. Se demostro que el proceso tiene un periodo de induccion cuya duracion depende de la pureza del bromuro de butilo inicial. Este mismo factor influye tambien notablemente en la velocidad de formacion del producto final. Se comprobo que el estafio que no interviene en la reaccion puede volver a utilizarse para obtener dibromodibutilestaflo, pero en ese caso se anula por completo el periodo de induccion. Estas propiedades satisfacen los requisitos para la realizacion de un proceso continuo. Los autores proponen un mecanismo de reaccion, para explicar las leyes de este proceso que se desarrolla con un elevado rendimiento radioquimico. (author) [Russian] Printsipial'naya vozmozhnost' sinteza olovoorganicheskikh soedinenij pri dejstvii {gamma}-izlucheniya Co{sup 60} na smesi metallicheskogo olova i sootvetstvuyushchikh galoidalkilov vpervye byla ustanovlena Abramovoj, Kocheshkovym i SHeverdinoj v 1956 g. Usloviya provedeniya opytov v steklyannoj apparature bez peremeshivaniya ne pozvolyali vyyavit' kineticheskie zakonomernosti obrazovaniya ehtogo klassa metalloorganicheskikh soedinenij. Nastoyashchaya rabota byla postavlena dlya vyyasneniya vliyaniya ryada faktorov na skorost' radiatsionno-khimicheskogo sinteza olovoorganicheskikh soedinenij na primere dibromdibutilolova. S ehtoj tsel'yu byla skonstruirovana i izgotovlena spetsial'naya ustanovka s periodicheskoj zagruzkoj komponentov i vygruzkoj produktov reaktsii. Otlichitel'nymi osobennostyami ustanovki yavlyalis' vozmozhnost' ee termostatirovaniya, osushchestvlenie ehffektivnogo peremeshivaniya i periodicheskogo otbora prob dlya analizov. Osnovnoj uzel ustanovki (reaktsionnyj sosud iz nerzhaveyushchej stali ob''emom 2-1) byl snabzhen meshalkoj. Ustanovka montirovalas' na istochnike {gamma}-izlucheniya Co{sup 60}. Opyty provodilis' pri temperature 80 {+-} 5{sup o}C i atmosfernom davlenii. Moshchnost' dozy sostavlyala {approx}50 rad/sek (po ferrosul'fatnomu dozimetru). Primenyalos' metallicheskoe poroshkoobraznoe olovo i bromistyj butil raznoj stepeni ochistki. Komponenty reaktsii bralis' v razlichnykh sootnosheniyakh. Ustanovlennoe chto v dannykh usloviyakh protekaet napravlennaya radiatsionnokhimicheskaya reaktsiya, v rezul'tate kotoroj v osnovnom obrazuetsya dibromdibutilolovo s vysokim kolichestvennym vykhodom. Pokazano, chto protsess protekaet s induktsionnym periodom, dlitel'nost' kotorogo zavisit ot chistoty iskhodnogo bromistogo butila. EHtot zhe faktor zametno vliyaet ne skorost' obrazovaniya tselevogo produkta. Najdeno, chto olovo, ne voshedshee v reaktsiyu, mozhet povtorno ispol'zovat'sya dlya polucheniya dibromdibutilolova. Pri ehtom polnost'yu ustranyaetsya induktsionnyj period. Otmechennye osobennosti sozdayut predposylki dlya provedeniya nepreryvnogo protsessa. Predlozhen mekhanizm reaktsij dlya ob{sup y}asneniya zakonomernostej protsessa, protekayushchego so znachitel'nym radiatsionno-khimicheskim vykhodom. (author)

  19. Influence of radiant heating treatments on fusion of high-temperature superconducting yttrium ceramics; Vliyanie termoradiatsionnykh obrabotok na sintez vysokotempiraturnykh sverkhprovodyaschikh ittrievykh keramik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bitenbaev, M I; Polyakov, A I [Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki Natsionalnogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan)


    Regardless of the fact that the materials made of HTSC-ceramics are promising, there is no any information about their successful practical application in publications. To our opinion, it is explained by the fact, first of all, that the conservative technologies of the powder metallurgy do not allow producing HTSC systems with excellent operating performance (structure homogeneity, long-term stability of Sc properties and etc.). This report presents outcomes of experiments on fusion of yttrium ceramics containing raw components irradiated by g-rays {sup 60}Co under the temperature exceeding 500 degrees C. HTSC properties of ceramics were studied according to their differential spectra of radio-frequency (RF) field absorption. The RF absorption spectrum of yttrium ceramics samples produced according to conservative technology is sufficiently permitted triplet with the Sc transition temperatures range of 80 K, 90 K, 95 K. Irradiation under the increased temperatures and mechanical limitation allow producing samples of yttrium HTSC-ceramics with sufficient homogeneous structure and superconducting properties that are stable to air conditions for not less than one year.


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    E. A. Ryabikhin


    Full Text Available Aim. To compare the antihypertensive and metabolic effects of combined therapy (carvedilol reception and «School of the hypertensive patient» with these of the carvedilol monotherapy in young patients with arterial hypertension (HT of 1-2 degrees with overweight and obesity.Material and methods. 63 out-patients with HT of 1-2 degrees (aged 18-27 y.o. with overweight and obesity were included in the open parallel randomized clinical preventive trail. Patients wеre randomized into 2 groups. All hypertensive patients received the carvedilol (Vedicardol, Sintez, Russia 25 mg daily. Carvedilol dose was enlarged twice in case of insufficient antihypertensive effect. Patients of the main group (n=32 also passed through the special educational program «School for hypertensive patients». Changes in blood pressure (BP level, body mass index, biochemical markers and risk factors were evaluated initially and in 24 weeks of therapy.Results. Patients of the main group had more significant risk factor manifestations decrease than in group of comparison. More significant body mass index decrease was also observed in the main group in comparison with group of comparison: from 32,5±0,4 to 26,4±0,7 kg/m2 (p<0,01 and from 31,8±0,8 to 28,9±1,18 kg/m2 (p<0,05, respectively. In patients of the main group systolic and diastolic BP decreased by 20,1% and 25,6%, respectively, wile in patients of the group of comparison – by 18,9% and 26%, respectively.Conclusion. It is reasonable to combine carvedilol therapy with special training in the young hypertensive patients with overweight and obesity.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. A. Ryabikhin


    Full Text Available Aim. To compare the antihypertensive and metabolic effects of combined therapy (carvedilol reception and «School of the hypertensive patient» with these of the carvedilol monotherapy in young patients with arterial hypertension (HT of 1-2 degrees with overweight and obesity.Material and methods. 63 out-patients with HT of 1-2 degrees (aged 18-27 y.o. with overweight and obesity were included in the open parallel randomized clinical preventive trail. Patients wеre randomized into 2 groups. All hypertensive patients received the carvedilol (Vedicardol, Sintez, Russia 25 mg daily. Carvedilol dose was enlarged twice in case of insufficient antihypertensive effect. Patients of the main group (n=32 also passed through the special educational program «School for hypertensive patients». Changes in blood pressure (BP level, body mass index, biochemical markers and risk factors were evaluated initially and in 24 weeks of therapy.Results. Patients of the main group had more significant risk factor manifestations decrease than in group of comparison. More significant body mass index decrease was also observed in the main group in comparison with group of comparison: from 32,5±0,4 to 26,4±0,7 kg/m2 (p<0,01 and from 31,8±0,8 to 28,9±1,18 kg/m2 (p<0,05, respectively. In patients of the main group systolic and diastolic BP decreased by 20,1% and 25,6%, respectively, wile in patients of the group of comparison – by 18,9% and 26%, respectively.Conclusion. It is reasonable to combine carvedilol therapy with special training in the young hypertensive patients with overweight and obesity.

  2. Autoradiographic Study of Incorporation of Tritiated Thymidine in the Rat; Etude Autoradiographique de l'Incorporation de Thymidine Tritiee chez le Rat; 0420 0430 0434 0438 043e 0430 0432 0442 043e 0414 ; Estudio Autorradiografico de la Incorporacion de Timidina Tritiada en la Rata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maldague, P.; Hong-Que, Pham; Maisin, J. [Laboratoire de Radiobiologie, Institut du Cancer, Louvain (Belgium)


    The authors used tritiated thymidine to evaluate desoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in various rat organs. They show by autoradiographs that this synthesis takes place mainly in tissue having intensive mitotic activity (bone marrow, seminiferous tubules of the testis, mucous membrane of the intestine, oesophagus and tongue). The authors also studied the regeneration of the convoluted renal tubules during the months following local irradiation of the kidney at various doses. (author) [French] Les auteurs ont utilise de la thymidine tritiee pour evaluer la synthese de l'acide desoxyribonucleique au niveau de differents organes chez le rat. Ils montrent par autoradiographies que cette synthese s'effectue principalement au niveau des tissus presentant une activite mitotique intense (moelle osseuse, tubes seminiferes du testicule, muqueuse intestinale, oesophagienne et de la lingue). Les auteurs ont en outre etudie la regeneration des tubes contournes du rein apres irradiation locale de cet organe, a differentes doses et dans les mois qui suivent cette irradiation. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han utilizado timidina tritiada para evaluar la sintesis del acido desoxirribonucleico en distintos organos de la rata. Demuestran mediante autorradiografias que esta sintesis se produce principalmente en los tejidos de intensa actividad mitotica (medula osea, tubos seminiferos de los testiculos, mucosas intestinal, del esofago y de la lengua). Finalmente, los autores han estudiado la regeneracion de los tubos y convolvulados del rinon en los meses que siguen a la irradiacion local de este organo con distintas dosis. (author) [Russian] Avtory pol'zovalis' mechennym tritiem timidinom dlja ocenki sin- teza dezoksiribonukleinovoj kisloty v razlichnyh organah krysy. Pri po- moshhi radioavtografii avtory pokazyvajut, chto jetot sintez proishodit glavnym obrazom v tkanjah s intensivnoj mitoticheskoj dejatel'nost'ju (kostnyj mozg, semenenosnye kanaly testikula, slizistaja obolochka

  3. Juditos ir Salomėjos mitologinių įvaizdžių metamorfozė: nuo antitezės iki sintezės = The metamorphosis of Judith's and Salome's mythological images: from antithesis to synthesis


    Jekentaitė-Kuzmickienė, Leonarda


    The famous representative of the Vienna Secession, Gustav Klimt, painted two pictures that show a beautiful woman holding a man’s head in her hand. The paintings are called Judith I and Judith II, but sometimes one of them is called ‘Salome’. This article uses Biblical mythology as the basis of an analysis of the paradoxical coalescing of these two different characters. Judith – a Jewish heroine – has seduced and killed Holofern to save her nation from inevitable destruction. In the Old Testa...

  4. Synthesis of the phase with T sub c =110 K in Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting ceramics. Sintez fazy T sub c =110 K sverkhprovodyashchej keramiki sostava Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubovitskij, A V; Makarov, E F; Makova, M K; Merzhanov, V A; Topnikov, V N [AN SSSR, Moscow (USSR). Inst. Khimicheskoj Fiziki


    Synthesis of 110 K single-phase bismuth ceramics (BiPb){sub 2}Sr{sub 2}Ca{sub n-1}Cu{sub n}O{sub x} was conducted in narrow temperature and time range. Diffusion of bismuth ions is proposed to be the decisive factor of synthesis of bismuth ceramics. The diffusion depends on prehistory of basic burden preparation and on its dispersivity and homogeneity in particluar. Optimal time of synthesis for lead doped ceramics of 2223 composition, synthesized from initial nitrate components, is equal to 65 h at 850 deg C. The role of Pb{sup 2+} ions is probably reduced to decrease of diffusion mobility of Bi{sup 3+} ions over the bismuth sublattice. Ceramics doping with CdO and CdCl{sub 2} compounds instead of lead stabilizes superconductivity in bismuth ceramics, but with worth superconducting parameters.

  5. Synthesis of 1,3-bis(organylchalcogeno)propanes and 1,2-dichalcogenolanes having different chalcogen atoms in the molecule; Sintez 1,3-bis(organilkhal'kogeno)propanov i 1,2-dikhal'kogenolanov s razlichnymi atomami khal'kogenov v molekule

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elaev, A V; Grabel' nykh, V A; Russavskaya, N V; Klyba, L V; Zhanchipova, E R; Levanova, E P; Sukhomazova, Eh N; Albanov, A I; Mamaseva, T V; Korchevin, N A [SO RAN, Irkutskij Inst. Khimii im. A.E. Favorskogo, Irkutsk (Russian Federation)


    Oligomeric trimethylene dichalcogenides and the corresponding 1,2-dichalcogenolanes having both similar and different chalcogen atoms in the molecule were synthesized by reactions of 1-bromo-3-chloropropanes with two elemental chalcogens (S, Se; S, Te; Se, Te) activated by the system hydrazine hydrate-alkali. Reductive cleavage of the oligomeric products in the system hydrazine hydrate-alkali, followed by alkylation with methyl io or ethyl bromide gave 1,3-bis(alkylchalcogeno)propanes. The latter were also obtained from the corresponding dialkyl dichalcogenides and 1-bromo-3-chloropropane in the alkaline reducing systemRuss.

  6. Synthesis of Graft Copolymers by Small Doses of Irradiation; Synthese des copolymeres greffes au moyen de petites doses de rayonnements; Sintez privitykh sopolimerov s pomoshch'yu malykh doz oblucheniya; Sintesis de copolimeros de injerto mediante pequenas dosis de radiacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dobo, J; Somogyi, M; Kiss, L


    In addition to grafting, there is often an undesirable alteration in the properties of the original polymer when polymer monomer mixtures are irradiated. As a result of irradiation, grafting occurs not only on the original polymeric backbone, but also on the already grafted side-chains. The result is an acceleration of grafting. The effect is especially pronounced in the case of preformed polymers, if irradiation is carried out intermittently. The grafting of styrene can be accelerated by the addition of some solvents which suppress the protective effect of the styrene on the polymer. Grafting can be accelerated by other additives. The swelling properties of the irradiated films were investigated. (author) [French] Lorsque des melanges de polymeres et de monomeres sont soumis a des rayonnements, il se produit souvent, en meme temps que la greffe, une alteration facheuse des proprietes du polymere original. L'irradiation provoque une reaction de greffage, non seulement sur le polymere original, mais aussi sur les chaines laterales deja greffees. Il en resulte une acceleration du processus de greffage. L'effet est particulierement marque dans le cas des polymeres preformes, lorsque l'irradiation est effectuee par intermittence. On peut accelerer le processus de greffage du styrolene en ajoutant certains solvants qui suppriment l'action protectrice du styrolene sur le polymere. On peut aussi accelerer le processus a l'aide d'autres additifs. Les auteurs ont etudie les proprietes de gonflement des pellicules irradiees. (author) [Spanish] Simultaneamente con el injerto, bajo la accion de las radiaciones se produce frecuentemente una alteracion de las propiedades del polimero original, efecto que convendria evitar. Por lo tanto, quiza ofrezcan interes los elevados grados de injerto obtenidos en nuestros laboratorios con pequenas dosis de radiacion. La irradiacion no solo provoca una reaccion de injerto en la estructura polimerica original, sino tambien en las cadenas laterales injertadas. Ello se traduce en una aceleracion, del proceso de injerto. Este efecto es especialmente pronunciado en el caso de los polimeros preformados, cuando la irradiacion es intermitente. El injerto de las moleculas de estireno puede acelerarse anadiendo algunos solventes que suprimen la accion protectora ejercida por el estireno sobre el polimero. Asimismo, el proceso puede acelerarse agregando otras sustancias. Al injertar moleculas de metacrilato de metilo en el polietileno, hemos conseguido un injerto de 6 400 por ciento con una dosis de 31 400 roentgens. Hemos examinado la estructura de los copolimeros asi obtenidos. (author) [Russian] Grafting (privivanie ) chasto soprovozhdaetsya nezhelatel'nym izmeneniem svojstv pervonachal'nogo polimera pri obluchenii monomernykh smesej polimera. Pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya grafting proiskhodit ne tol'ko v pervonachal'noj polimernoj osnove, no takzhe v bokovoj tsepi, uzhe podvergnuvshejsya graftingu. Grafting v rezul'tate ehtogo uskoryaetsya. EHtot ehffekt osobenno yarko vyrazhen v tverdykh polimerakh, esli obluchenie proizvoditsya periodicheski. Grafting stirola mozhet byt' uskoren dobavleniem nekotorykh rastvoritelej, kotorye blokiruyut zashchitnoe vozdejstvie stirola na dannyj polimer. Grafting mozhet byt' uskoren i drugimi additivami. Issleduyutsya kachestva nabukhaniya obluchennoj plenki. (author)

  7. The Treatment of Cancer by a Radioactive Drug: Tritium-Labelled Tetra-Sodium 2-Methyl-1:4-Naphthaquinol Diphosphate; Traitement du Cancer par un Remede Radioactif: Le Diphosphate Tetrasodique de Methyl-2 Naphtoquinone-1,4 Tritie; 041b 0435 0447 0435 043d 0414 ; Tratamiento del Cancer con la Sal Tetrasodica del Acido 2-Metil-1,4-Naftoquinon Difosforico Marcada con Tritio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marrian, D. H.; Marshall, Barbara; Mitchell, J. S.; Simon-Reuss, I. [Department of Radiotherapeutics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (United Kingdom)


    tetrasodica del acido 2-metil-l,4-naftoquinon-difosforico (''Synkavit'' Roche), asi como algunos de los metodos que se han empleado para marcar este y otros compuestos analogos. Sintetizaron el compuesto tritiado en forma de obtener una substancia radioquimicamente pura de 28 c/mmol (1 atomo de tritio por molecula) de actividad especifica. Demuestran que este producto penetra muy rapidamente en las celulas vivas, tanto in vivo como in vitro y que, en igualdad de condiciones los cultivos de celulas malignas incorporan en grado mucho mayor el compuesto marcado que los cultivos de celulas normales. Describen las investigaciones preliminares del empleo clinico de ese producto en casos avanzados de tumores malignos que suelen ser refractarios a otros tratamientos, observandose que la medula osea absorbe menor cantidad del compuesto que el tumor (en algunas ocasiones, hasta cinco veces menos). (author) [Russian] Dejstvie tetrasoda - 2-metil-1: 4- naftagidrohinondifosfata (Sinkavit - proizvodstvo Roshe) v kachestve radio- senitajzera obsuzhdaetsja narjadu s bolee rannimi metodami mechenija jetih i podob- nyh molekul. Sintez jetogo soedinenija, mechennogo tritiem, byl sdelan dlja togo, chtoby polu- chit' radiohimicheskoe chistoe lekarstvo s udel'noj aktivnost'ju v 28 kjuri/mil- limol' (odin atom tritija na molekulu). Budet pokazano, chto jeto soedinenie bystro vhodit v zhivuju kletku kak v este- stvennyh, tak i i laboratornyh uslovijah i chto kul'tury zlokachestvennyh kletok pogloshhajut mechenye atomy v gorazdo bol'shem ob{sup e}me, chem kul'tury normal'nyh kletok pri teh zhe uslovijah. Budut opisany predvaritel'nye issledovanija primenenija jetogo lekarstva na pacientah, imejushhih zlokachestvennye opuholi i nahodjashhihsja v tjazhelom ili neizlechimom sostojanii; usvoenie kostnym na kojefficient 5 mozgom nizhe, chem usvoenie opuhol'ju. (author)

  8. Sample Preparations Used in Biomedical Research and Training at the Special Training Division of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies; Methodes de Preparation d'Echantillons Employees dans la Recherche et la Formation Biologiques et Medicales a la Division de Formation Speciale de l'Institut d'Etudes Nucleaires d'Oak Ridge; Prigotovlenie obraztsov dlya biomeditsinskikh issledovanij i dlya uchebnykh tselej v otdele spetsial'noj podgotovki okridzhskogo instituta yadernykh issledovanii; Metodos de Preparacion de Muestras Aplicados en las Investigaciones Biomedicas y en la Capacitacion Profesional de la Division de Formacion Especial del Instituto de Estudios Nucleares de Oak Ridge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akers, L. K. [Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    ambientales lleva a cabo una labor considerable de preparacion de muestras muy delgadas que permiten alcanzar una resolucion mas elevada de los espectros alfa. Para ello se utilizan procedimientos de deposito electrolitico a partir de mezclas disolventes. Se efectuan mediciones con una bateria especial de contadores Fairstein-Frisch de rejilla conectados a un analizador de 512 canales para el registro simultaneo de mas de un espectro. Tambien se utilizan detectores de estado solido y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con detectores de rejilla y de semiconductores. (author) [Russian] Pri osushhestvlenii issledovatel'skih i uchebnyh programm Otdela special'noj podgotovki ispol'zujut samye raznoobraznye metody prigotovlenija obrazcov. Oni vkljuchajut kak prostye derzhateli istochnikov, naprimer metallicheskie, kartonnye i plastmassovye, tak i ustrojstva dlja osazhdenija, v kotoryh ispol'zujutsja derzhateli iz nerzhavejushhej stali i steklovolokna, a takzhe special'nye derzhateli istochnikov dlja izmerenija obrazcov v zhidkostnyh schetchikah. Krome jetih metodov, razrabotan rjad metodov, predstavljajushhih osobyj interes pri izuchenii biomedicinskih problem. Odnim iz naibolee vazhnyh iz jetih metodov javljaetsja ispol'zovanie kataliticheskogo sinteza benzola, kotoryj razrabotan do takoj stepeni, chto obshhij vyhod sostavljaet bolee 90% . Jetot sintez mozhno ispol'zovat' dlja uglerodnyh soedinenij, predstavljajushhih interes pri provedenii jeksperimentov s indikatornymi kolichestvami i izuchenii problem opredelenija vozrasta. Poskol'ku sintez svjazan s polucheniem dvuokisi ugleroda na odnoj stadii i s gidrataciej metallicheskogo karbida na drugoj stadii, ego mozhno ispol'zovat' libo dlja izmerenija ugleroda-14 ili tritija, libo ih odnovremennogo izmerenija vo vremja jeksperimentov s dvojnym mecheniem. Znachitel'naja rabota prodelana v oblasti aktivacionnogo analiza biologicheskih materialov, v chastnosti, po osushhestvleniju radiojekologicheskih programm Otdela. Opisyvajutsja

  9. The synthesis of the insecticides Aldrin and Dieldrin labelled with carbon-14 at high specific activity; Synthese des insecticides aldrine et dieldrine marques au carbone-14 de haute activite specifique; Sintez insektitsidnogo aldrina i dildrina, mechennykh uglerodom-14 pri vysokoj udel'noj aktivnosti; Sintesis de los insecticidas aldrin y dieldrin de elevada actividad especifica marcados con carbono-14

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, Daniel J; Kilner, A Edward [Radiochemical Centre, UKAEA, Amersham, Bucks (United Kingdom)


    Aldrin is the trade name given by Shell Chemicals to 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10-hexachloro-1, 4, 4a, 5, 8, 8a-hexahydro-exo-1, 4-endo-5, 8-dimethanonapthalene. Acetylene-1, 2-C{sup 14} is converted successively to tetrachloroethane and trichloroethylene, and this is condensed with carbon tetrachloride by the Prins reaction in the presence of aluminium chloride to octachlorocyclopentene. Dechlorination gives hexachlorocyclopentadiene which undergoes a Diels-Alder addition to bicyclo(2, 2, 1) hepta-2,5-diene to give aldrin-C{sup 14} in 12% yield from barium carbonate. Oxidation of Aldrin gives the 6,7 epoxide, Dieldrin, in 87% yield. The paper includes an account of the separation of octachlorocyclopentene from the crude product of the Prins reaction by gas-liquid chromatography and of the separation of Aldrin and Dieldrin on a small preparative scale by reversed-phase paper chromatography. (author) [French] Aldrine est la denomination commerciale par laquelle la Shell Chemicals designe l'hexachloro-1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10-hexahydro-1, 4, 4a, 5, 8, 8a-exo-endo-1,4- dimethano-5, 8-naphtalene. L'acetylene-1,2-C{sup 14} est successivement transforme en terachloroethane et en trichloroethylene, lequel se condense avec le tetrachlorure de carbone, par la reaction de Prins, en presence de chlorure d'aluminium, pour donner de l'octachlorocyclopentene. La dechloruration fournit de l'hexachlorocyclopentadiene, lequel, par une synthese de Diels-Alder, se transforme en bicyclohepta(2, 2, 1)-diene-2, 5 pour donner de l'aldrine-C{sup 14}, avec un rendement de 12% par rapport au carbonate de baryum. L'oxydation de l'aldrine donne l'epoxyde-6 7-(dieldrine), avec un rendement de 87%. Les auteurs decrivent, en outre, la separation de l'octachlorocyclopentene par chromatographie gaz-liquide, a partir du produit brut de la reaction de Prins, ainsi que la separation de l'aldrine et de la dieldrine, en petite quantite, par chromatographie sur papier a phase renversee. (author) [Spanish] Aldrin es el nombre comercial que la compania Shell Chemicals dio al 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10-hexacloro-1, 4, 4a, 5, 8, 8a-hexabidro-exo-1, 4-endo-5, 8-dimetanonaftaleno. El acetileno-1, 2-{sup 14}C se convierte primero en tetracloroetano y despues en tricloroetileno, y este se condensa con tetracloruro de carbono, por la reaccion de Prins, en presencia de cloruro de aluminio, para dar octaclorociclopenteno. Por decloracion se obtiene hexaclorociclopentadieno que, por una sintesis de Diels-Alder, da biciclo (2, 2, 1) hepta-2, 5-dieno para llegar al aldrin-{sup 14}C con un rendimiento del 12% referido al carbonato de bario. La oxidacion del aldrin da el 6, 7-epoxido, denominado dieldrin, con un rendimiento del 87%. Los autores describen la separacion del octaclorociclopenteno del producto bruto de la reaccion de Prins por cromatografia gas-liquido, y la separacion del aldrin y del dieldrin en pequena escala, por cromatografia sobre el papel, de fase invertida. (author) [Russian] Aldrin - kommercheskoe nazvanie, dannoe SHellom Kemikalom dlya 1 ,2, 3, 4, 10, 10-geksakhloro-1, 4, 4a, 5, 8, 8a-geksagidro ehkso-1,4-ehndo-5,8-dimetanonaftalina. Atsetilen-1,2-C{sup 14} uspeshno prevrashchaetsya v tetrakhloroehtilen i trikhloroehtilen i kondensiruetsya s uglerodistym tetrakhloridom v reaktsii Prinsa v prisutstvii alyuminievogo khlorida v oktakhlorotsiklopentan. Dekhlorizatsiya privodit k geksakhlorotsiklopentadinu, kotoryj dobavlyaetsya v vide Dils-Aldera k bitsiklo (2, 2, 1) gepta-2,5-dinu dlya polucheniya iz barievogo karbonata 12% aldrina-C{sup 14}. Okislenie aldrina privodit k obrazovaniyu ehloksida 6,7 i dildrina v razmere 87%. V dokumente soderzhitsya otchet ob otdelenii oktokhlorotsiklopentana ot syrogo produkta reaktsii Prinsa putem gazozhidkoj khromatografii i ob otdelenii aldrina i dildrina v nebol'shom kolichestve putem obratnoj fazy bumazhnoj khromatografii. (author)

  10. R&D Importance in Improving Automobile Trading Market Perspektyvūs moksliniai tyrimai, skirti tarptautiniam prekybos automobiliais verslui plėtoti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aurelija Mickonytė


    yra jautrus pasauliniams ekonominiams svyravimams, todėl jam 2008–2009 m. finansinė krizė turėjo daug neigiamų pasekmių. Šio darbo tikslas – remiantis mokslinės literatūros šaltiniais bei statistinių duomenų analize pasiūlyti naujausių perspektyvių mokslinių tyrimų kryptis, skirtas tarptautinės prekybos automobiliais verslui plėtoti, leisiančias nustatyti strategines priemones, kurių reikia imtis, norit automobilių gamintojams susigrąžinti rinkos dalį ir buvusių pardavimų apimtį. Straipsnyje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas tokiems klausimams: automobilių rinkos situacijos analizė remiantis statistiniais duomenimis ir moksliniais literatūros šaltiniais; automobilių pardavimų mažėjimo priežastys remiantis skirtingų autorių nuomonėmis; naujausių mokslinių tyrimų, skirtų plėtoti tarptautinės prekybos automobiliais verslui, analizė; mokslinių tyrimų prioritetų, skirtų plėtoti tarptautinės prekybos automobiliais verslui, pagrindimas. Šie klausimai atspindi automobilių pramonę nagrinėjančių autorių nuomonę. Atliekant tyrimus remiamasi teorinių šaltinių, Europos Sąjungos statistinių duomenų analize, jų palyginimu bei sinteze. Darbo rezultatai automobilių gamintojams turi padėti surasti veiklos tobulinimo kryptis, skirtas naujų lengvųjų automobilių gamybos bei pardavimo apimčiai didinti.

  11. Pancreas Scanning with Se{sup 75}-Selenomethionine; Scintigraphie du Pancreas avec de la Selenomethionine Marquee au Selenium-75; Skennirovanie podzheludochnoj zhelezy s pomoshch'yu selenometionina, mechennogo Selenom-75; Exploracion del Pancreas con Selenometionina-{sup 75}Se

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blau, M. [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, NY (United States)


    dosis corporal total imputable a la aplicacion de este procedimiento es inferior a 1 rad. La dosis de selenio es de algunos microgramos solamente y no entrana ningun riesgo de toxicidad. (author) [Russian] Obnaruzhena vysokaja stepen' koncentracii aminokislot v podzheludochnoj zheleze v techenie pervyh neskol'kih chasov posle vvedenija. Jeta osobennost' svjazana s bystrym sintezom i krugooborotom pishhevaritel'nyh fermentov. Poskol'ku ni odin iz jelementov v strukture aminokislot (C,H,N i S) ne imeet sootvetstvujushhih gamma- izluchajushhih izotopov, ih nel'zja ispol'zovat' dlja skennirovanija. Byli podgotovleny i ispytany neskol'ko proizvodnyh aminokislot -jod-131, no v kazhdom sluchae terjalos' svojstvo ishodnoj aminokisloty sosredotochivat'sja v podzheludochnoj zheleze. Himicheskoe shodstvo selena i sery daet osnovanie schitat', chto selenovyj analog meteonina blizok k metioninu po stroeniju v dostatochnoj stepeni, chtoby zanjat' ego mesto pri sinteze belka. Selen-75 (period poluraspada 128 dnej, osnovnye dannye: gamma-luchi, 0,27 Mjev) prigoden dlja skennirovanija. Prigotavlivalsja selenometionin - selen-75 s pomoshh'ju biosinteza drozhzhej. Drozhzhi vyrashhivali na srede s nizkim soderzhaniem sery i vysokoj udel'noj aktivnost'ju selena-75 v vide selenita. Posle jekstragirovanija jefirom i gorjachej trihloruksusnoj kislotoj belkovyj ostatok podvergali gidrolizu s pomoshh'ju soljanoj kisloty. Rezul'tirujushhuju smes' aminokislot razdeljali metodom hromatografii na kolonke. Selenometionin -selen-75, podgotovlennyj takim obrazom, imel biologicheskie svojstva prirodnyh aminokislot. Pogloshhenie v podzheludochnoj zheleze sostavljalo okolo 7%vvedennoj dozy, a koncentracija na gramm podzheludochnoj zhelezy byla v 7 raz bol'she chem na gramm pecheni. Pogloshhenie v krovi i drugih organah bylo eshhe nizhe, pecheni. Pogloshhenie v krovi i drugih organah bylo eshhe nizhe. V nastojashhee vremja proizvoditsja klinicheskaja ocenka metodov skennirovanija podzheludochnoj zhelezy

  12. Radiation Polymerization of Acetylene Hydrocarbons. Special Features; Particularites de la polymerisation radiochimique des hydrocarbures acetyleniques; Radiatsionnaya polimerizatsiya atsetilenovykh proizvodnykh; Particularidades de la radiopolimerizacion de los hidrocarburos acetilenicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barkalov, I. M.; Gol' danskij, V. I.; Go, Min' -Gao


    de la polimerizacion por radicales (v.g., velocidad de polimerizacion proporcional a la velocidad de iniciacion; energia de activacion muy pequefla; ausencia de inhibicion por el oxigeno). Sin embargo, se trata indudablemente de una polimerizacion por radicales. Los autores llegaron a esa conclusion al estudiar la iniciacion de la polimerizacion de hidrocarburos acetilenicos por compuestos que poseen caracteristicas de radicales, a saber, el peroxido de benzoilo y el dinitrilo del acido azoisobutirico. Estudiaron asi las propiedades cineticas y el mecanismo de degradacion del peroxido en presencia de hidrocarburos acetilenicos (v.g., fenilacetileno, deuterofenilacetileno y metilfenilacetileno). Tambien investigaron la cinetica de la copolimerizacion del fenilacetileno con diferentes monomeros vinilicos y la composicion de los copolimeros producidos a partir de distintas mezclas iniciales. Estos datos, juntamente con los resultados del estudio de la cinetica de la polimerizacion del fenilacetileno (usando benzoquinona como inhibidor) demuestran la escasa capacidad de reaccion del radical fenilacetilenico. La marcada desviacion con respecto a la ley de aditividad observada en la radiopolimerizacion en diversos disolventes, es indice de una considerable transferencia de energia a los hidrocarburos acetilenicos y sus polimeros. (author) [Russian] Sintez i issledovanie svojstv polimerov s sistemoj sopryazhennykh svyazej yavlyaetsya novym i ves'ma perspektivnym napravleniem v khimii vysokomolekulyarnykh soedinenij. Kharakternoj chertoj takikh polimernykh sistem yavlyaetsya bol'shaya stepen' delokalizatsii P-ehlektronov v makromolekule. Umen'shenie ehnergii vozbuzhdeniya v trepletnoe sostoyanie, ravno kak i ponizhenie potentsiala ionizatsii pri bol'shikh tsepyakh sopryazheniya, obuslavlivaet poluprovodnikovye i spetsificheskie magnitnye svojstva ehtikh soedinenij. Krome togo, ehti polimernye sistemy s sopryazhennymi svyazyami okazalis' ves'ma ehffektivnymi stabilizatorami

  13. Tritium and Autoradiography in Cell Biology; Tritium et Autoradiographie en Biologie Cellulaire; 0422 0440 0438 0414 ; El Tritio 0443 la Tecnica Autorradiografica en Citobiologia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taylor, J. H. [Departments of Botany and Zoology, Columbia University, New York, NY (United States)


    ' vysohnut'. Posle obluchenija jemul'sija projavljaetsja eshhe v kontakte s biologicheskim obrazcom. Preparat - radioavtogramma - pri rassmotrenii cherez svetovoj mikroskop pokazyvaet kletochnye struktury i raspredelenie izotopov s razreshajushhej sposobnost'ju menee odnogo mikrona. Takim obrazom udalos' prosledit' cherez dva-tri delenija kletki raspredelenie mechennoj tritiem dezoksiribonuklei- novoj kisloty (DNK) otdel'nyh hromosom. Jeti issledovanija okazalis' vozmozh- nymi v rezul'tate podgotovki tritirovannogo timidina, kotoryj jaljaetsja ves'- ma podhodjashhim metjashhim veshhestvom dlja DNK i bystro istoshhaetsja pri udalenii kletki iz sredy, soderzhashhej mechenyj timidin. Jetot metod dal informaciju o mehanizme vosstanovlenija DNK, strukture i razmnozhenii hromosom, kinetike delenija kletki i sovsem nedavno o sheme i po- sledovatel'nosti vo vremeni razmnozhenija razlichnyh hromosom v odnom i tom zhe jadre i razlichnyh chastjah odnoj hromosomy. Vse izuchennye do sih por hromo- somy imejut dva funkcional'nyh podkomponenta DNK, kotorye rasprostranja- jutsja polukonservativnym obrazom vo vremja razmnozhenija. Jeti dva podkompo- nenta razlichny v opredelennom strukturnom smysle, chto ogranichivaet takoj tip obmena, kotoryj mozhet proishodit' mezhdu chetyr'mja podkomponentami razmno zhajushhejsja hromosomy. Sovremennye dannye o posledovatel'nosti vedut k gipoteze o tom, chto hromosomy razmnozhajutsja v gineticheski kontroliruemoj posledo- vatel'nosti. Vedutsja poiski novyh dannyh po shemam i mehanizmu kontrolja posledovatel'nosti vmeste s prochimi svjazannymi s jetim processami, kotorye zatragivajut sintez hromosomnyh proteinov i drugoj klass nukleinovyh kislot - ribonukleinovye kisloty. (author)

  14. The Technology and Applications of Large Fission Product Beta Sources; Technologie et applications des grandes sources beta de fission; Tekhnologiya i primenenie krupnykh istochnikov beta-izluchenij, ispuskaemykh produktami deleniya; Tecnologia y utilizacion de los productos de fision como fuentes de irradiacion beta de elevada intensidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silverman, Joseph [Radiation Applications Incorporated (United States)


    ) [Russian] Beta-izluchatel i ne vkhodili ran'she v raschet v kachestve krupnykh istochnikov izlucheniya, tak kak v proshlom predstavlyayushchie interes protsessy oblucheniya osnovyvalis' na ispol'zovanii chastits, obladayushchikh sposobnost'yu glubokogo proniknoveniya; poehtomu glavnoe vnimanie sosredotochivalos' na ispol'zovanii gamma-izluchenij i iskusstvenno uskorennykh ehlektronov. Okolo chetyrekh let tomu nazad stalo ochevidnym, chto otkryvaetsya shirokaya oblast' vozmozhnykh primenenij, svyazannykh s poverkhnostnym oblucheniem, kak naprimer, izmenenie poverkhnosti obrazovavshegos ya sloya plastmassy putem sopolimerizatsionnogo narashchivaniya i poverkhnostnoj pasterizatsii pishchevykh produktov. Dlya ehtikh primenenij proniknovenie v glubinu yavlyaetsya neehkonomnym, a vozmozhno i vrednym. Est'eshche dve drugie oblasti, v kotorykh proizvedennye mekhanicheskim putem ehlektrony ne ochen' podkhodyat: khimicheskij sintez v nakhodyashchikhsya pod davleniem sosudakh s primeneniem oblucheniya i nekotorye vidy tsepnykh reaktsij so svobodnymi radikalami, dlya kotorykh proizvoditel'nost ' na kilovatt umen'shaetsya proportsional'no kvadratnomu kornyu moshchnosti dozy. Istochniki beta-izluchenij s shirokim polem pokazali ochevidnye potentsial'ny e preimushchestva dlya vsekh ehtikh operatsij i poskol'ku oni poluchayutsya v bol'shikh kolichestvakh za schet protsessov deleniya, to predstavlyalos ' tselesoobrazny m sdelat' tshchatel'nuyu pereotsenku vozmozhnostej ikh primeneniya. Vvidu ehtogo pod pokrovitel'stvom Komissii po atomnoj ehnergii SSHA bylo proizvedeno issledovanie primenenij i tekhnologii istochnikov beta-izluchenij, ispuskaemykh produktami deleniya. EHto issledovanie privelo k sleduyushchim rezul'tatam: 1. Otkryvayutsya perspektivny e vozmozhnosti primeneniya v kommercheskom masshtabe istochnikov beta-izluchenij, ispuskaemykh produktami deleniya, v oblasti oblucheniya produktov, v osobennosti dlya izmeneniya putem sopolimerizatsionnogo narashchivaniya obrazovavshikhsya