
Sample records for st implicaciones pronosticas

  1. Condicionantes e implicaciones

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    Humberto González Galbán


    tiene como objetivo mostrar la problemática del embarazo adolescente en términos sociodemográficos relacionados con su diferente grado de manifestación, condicionantes e implicaciones sociales en el contexto cubano.

  2. Implicaciones jurídicas de los alimentos transgénicos en Colombia

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    Mario Ernesto García Martínez


    Full Text Available Las implicaciones juridicas de los alimentos transgénicos en Colombia demuestra que es necesario que se establezca un marco legal de Bioseguridad sólido. Es imperativo que la autoridad medioambiental, entendiendo por éstá no sólo el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente sino también, el Ministerio de Salud, el Ministerio de Agricultura, el lCA y ellNVlMA, desarrollen una política integral de Bioseguridad y Biotecnología, y como consecuencia de ello presenten cuanto antes un proyecto de Ley Marco que se encargue de regular la Biotecnología en Colombia

  3. Sobre las implicaciones normativas de la neurociencia social


    Salles, Arleen


    En las últimas décadas, la neurociencia y la psicología cognitiva nos ha permitido comenzar a entender la relación entre procesos psicológicos diversos y hasta sobre las bases neurológicas de las creencias, las emociones, los juicios y las decisiones morales. Pese a la aceptada distinción entre el carácter descriptivo de la ciencia y el normativo de la moralidad, algunos autores afirman que los resultados de los estudios neurocientíficos tienen implicaciones normativas. No es c...

  4. Implicaciones teóricas y empíricas de la nueva definición de desempleo en Colombia.


    Guataquí, Juan; Taborda, Rodrigo


    En junio de 2000 Colombia adoptó una nueva definición de desempleo siguiendo los estándares de la OIT. Este cambio implicó una reducción de la tasa de desempleo del orden de dos puntos porcentuales. En este documento contrastamos el caso Colombiano con las experiencias de otros países en términos de la transformación metodológica y sus implicaciones empíricas. Posteriormente, evaluamos el soporte empírico del cambio de metodología. Nuestros resultados sugieren implicaciones esp...

  5. Accesibilidad universal: sentido normativo e implicaciones en la educación y la práctica profesional

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    Manuel Aparicio Payá


    Full Text Available En la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, aprobada por la ONU en 2006, se incluye el derecho a la accesibilidad universal y el diseño para todas las personas. En este trabajo nos ocupamos, en primer lugar, de clarificar el sentido normativo que tiene este derecho. Posteriormente, analizamos sus implicaciones en el ámbito de la ética de las profesiones, mostrando la responsabilidad de los profesionales en el diseño de un espacio social diverso y común. Finalmente, analizamos las implicaciones en la educación universitaria que ha de preparar a los profesionales para realizar tal diseño.

  6. Carcinoma de cérvix y embarazo Carcinoma of the cervix associated with pregnancy

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    Gildardo Gallego Noreña


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica de la asociación entre cáncer de cerviz y embarazo. Se analizan los siguientes puntos: diagnóstico, manejo, Influencia del embarazo sobre el comportamiento del cáncer e Implicaciones que éste tiene para la gestación. Se concluye que el factor pronóstico más Importante es el estadio del cáncer al momento de iniciar el tratamiento y que variables como el trimestre cuando se hace el diagnóstico, la edad y la paridad no tienen Influencia pronostica.

    This is a review of the literature on the association of cervical cancer and pregnancy; the following aspects are Included: diagnosis, treatment and the reciprocal influence of pregnancy and cancer. It is concluded that the main prognostical variable Is the stage of the cancer when treatment Is started, while gestational age, chronological age and parity have no prognostical influence.

  7. Implicaciones de las nanotecnologías en el empleo

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    Noela Invernizzi


    Full Text Available Las investigaciones sobre las implicaciones sociales de las nanotecnologías no han abordado el tema del empleo, a pesar de su importancia social. A partir del análisis de las características de los productos de la nanotecnología que están en el mercado, este artículo muestra que las nanotecnologías tendrán un impacto considerable en la distribución del empleo entre los sectores, en la división internacional del trabajo y en las calificaciones para las actividades, causando efectos desestabilizadores en el empleo a nivel nacional y global.

  8. Implicaciones teóricas y empíricas de la nueva definición de desempleo en Colombia.

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    Juan Carlos Guataqui


    Full Text Available En junio de 2000 Colombia adoptó una nueva definición de desempleo siguiendo los estándares de la OIT. Este cambio implicó una reducción de la tasa de desempleo del orden de dos puntos porcentuales. En este documento contrastamos el caso Colombiano con las experiencias de otros países en términos de la transformación metodológica y sus implicaciones empíricas. Posteriormente, evaluamos el soporte empírico del cambio de metodología. Nuestros resultados sugieren implicaciones específicas sobre el desempleo estructural y su relación con el perfil educativo de los desempleados; por lo tanto, cuestionan la aplicación práctica de la definición estándar de desempleo de la OIT al caso colombiano.

  9. Don Quijote y los eruditos: Sobre una polémica crítica y sus implicaciones metacríticas


    Pardo García, Pedro Javier


    [ES]Este trabajo trata sobre Don Quijote y los eruditos: una polémica crítica y sus implicaciones metacríticas. [EN]This paper deals with Don Quixote and scholars: a critical controversy and its implications metacritica.

  10. Reflexiones sobre la guerra y sus implicaciones en la salud humana

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    . Luis Angel Pérez Flerima


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo está dirigido a la reflexión de un fenómeno complejo y dramático para la vida de millones de seres humanos en el mundo como es la guerra, que con el avance científico- tecnológico ha hecho más terrible su impacto con la correspondiente secuela para la humanidad. Este artículo expresa sucintamente los orígenes de la guerra, el papel que los Estados Unidos desempeñan en los diferentes conflictos regionales como principal potencia imperialista. Por ello se valora el fenómeno de la guerra y sus implicaciones en la salud humana.

  11. Implicaciones del endotelio en la insuficiencia cardiaca

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    Beatriz Wills Sanín


    Full Text Available El papel del endotelio en la insuficiencia cardíaca (IC ha sido el centro de intensa investigación, puesto que tiene importantes implicaciones sistémicas expresadas en su efecto vasomotor, hemostático e inflamatorio. Existen diferencias individuales en el patrón de la disfunción endotelial de acuerdo a la etiología y severidad de la IC. La disfunción endotelial tiene un importante valor pronóstico en la IC y, aunque aún necesitamos conocer más aspectos de relevancia clínica, es evidente que esta condición se relaciona con desenlaces negativos en estos pacientes. Estamos a la espera de nuevos agentes farmacéuticos dirigidos específicamente al endotelio vascular. En esta revisión, nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un análisis crítico y contemporáneo de la evidencia disponible sobre las consecuencias patológicas y pronóstico de las anomalías endoteliales que definen el inicio, la historia natural y, en última instancia, los desenlaces en la IC.

  12. Aspectos fisiológicos del catión cinc y sus implicaciones cardiovasculares


    Díaz García, Carlos Manlio; Álvarez González, Julio L.


    Introducción La versatilidad del catión cinc en la fisiología de diversos tipos celulares ha conllevado a una creciente atención de la comunidad científica sobre sus roles funcionales y la regulación a la que se encuentran sus niveles. Objetivos Presentar una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, con énfasis en las implicaciones cardiovasculares de este catión. Fuente de Datos El buscador Pubmed del Servicio Central de Información Biotecnológica de los Institutos Nacionales para la Ciencia, c...

  13. Seguridad en el mar, algunas implicaciones de los códigos IGS y PBIB.


    José Vicente Guzmán Escobar


    La expedición del Código Internacional de Gestión de la Seguridad Marítima (Código IGS) y del Código de Protección de Buques e Instalaciones Portuarias (Código PBIB), en el contexto del Convenio SOLAS, tiene especiales implicaciones legales en diferentes figuras del derecho marítimo internacional, tales como la limitación de responsabilidad de los armadores de buques por reclamaciones marítimas, la limitación de responsabilidad de los armadores por contaminación por derrames de hidrocarburos,...

  14. El concepto de materialidad: implicaciones para gerentes e inversionistas

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    Ahmad Hussein Juma’h


    Full Text Available Se discuten las implicaciones de la materialidad de la información financiera sobre “manejo de los ingresos”. Implica la descripción y el análisis del contenido de la Codificación de Normas Contables™. Las perspectivas profesionales fueron utilizadas para confirmar la ausencia de directrices de importancia relativa en los Principios de Contabilidad Generalmente Aceptados (en inglés, PCGA de los EE. UU. Los términos “materialidad”, “significancia” e “importancia” fueron usados para determinar la inclusión de materialidad en las codificaciones. Las principales conclusiones indican que, primero, los factores determinantes y las motivaciones internas y externas influyen en las prácticas de “manejos de ganancias” y, segundo, los PCGA de EE. UU. no cuentan con directrices bien definidas para aplicar la materialidad en la toma de decisiones.

  15. Los Residuos Sólidos en el Sur de Tamaulipas y sus implicaciones socioeconómicas


    Treviño Hernández, Raúl


    La presente investigación aborda, desde la perspectiva de la planeación territorial, uno de los principales problemas de las ciudades, como es la Gestión Integral de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) y sus implicaciones socioeconómicas; esto es debido al constante crecimiento de la población y al continuo cambio en los patrones de consumo. Este trabajo se organiza en una presentación de la investigación y cuatro partes: La presentación se inicia con una introducción donde se aborda de ...

  16. Desarrollo multinivel: Implicaciones macro-regional, local y micro- regional

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    José Guadalupe Vargas Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propone analizar las implicaciones del desarrollo en los niveles macro-regional, local y micro- regional, a partir de la hipótesis central de la teoría del desarrollo que plantea que el desarrollo económico traerá consigo el desarrollo político y social. Después de hacer de un acercamiento conceptual al desarrollo, se repasan brevemente las teorías del desarrollo existentes como herramientas de análisis de la realidad. En la discusión se concluye que los procesos de desarrollo locales y regionales requieren de una transformación sustancial de las relaciones negociadas entre los agentes económicos y los actores políticos. Ante el paulatino retroceso que en las sociedades contemporáneas está teniendo el Estado de bienestar, uno de los principales retos es el empoderamiento de las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias para que desempeñen activamente su rol en los procesos de desarrollo local y regional.


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    Ruiz Mafé, C.


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los factores que influyen en el uso de buscadores y su incidencia en el comportamiento de compra en Internet. El análisis de resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra representativa de 485 compradores por Internet españoles, pone de manifiesto que los consumidores que consideran la comodidad, reducciones de precio y amplitud de surtido como motivaciones relevantes para realizar compras online presentan una mayor predisposición al uso de buscadores en la realización de sus compras virtuales. La experiencia como internauta y como comprador en Internet son factores que influyen negativamente en el uso de buscadores para la realización de compras virtuales. En cuanto a las implicaciones, los resultados no muestran una influencia significativa del uso de buscadores en el volumen de gasto en Internet.

  18. Implicaciones del marco teórico de lo imaginario en la Psicología Social

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    Teresa Aracena Vicente


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio abordaremos dos de las principales concepciones sobre los mecanismos implicados en la construcción significativa del mundo. Hablamos de la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales (TRS, formulada desde la psicología, y del marco teórico de lo imaginario, formulado principalmente desde la antropología y la filosofía. Procederemos exponiendo, primero, la TRS y, posteriormente, los acercamientos al marco teórico de lo imaginario desde diferentes disciplinas, para señalar las aportaciones que ofrece este último a la psicología social, aportaciones éstas que complementan las de la TRS. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivos realizar un análisis teórico de la TRS y del marco teórico de lo imaginario y especificar las contribuciones e implicaciones del marco teórico de lo imaginario a la psicología social (y, más concretamente, a la psicología cultural de modo a observar cómo el concepto de imaginario social incluye y trasciende al de representación social(RS. Consideraremos las implicaciones ontológicas, epistemológicas, metodológicas y para la salud de la utilización del marco teórico de lo imaginario en la psicología cultural. En este sentido, propondremos la adopción de dicho concepto por la psicología, considerando que el mismo es fundamental por su capacidad explicativa, comprensiva, interpretativa y crítica.

  19. La mecánica cuántica de David Bohm: formalismo matemático e implicaciones epistemológicas

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    Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista


    Full Text Available La interpretación bohmiana de la Mecánica Cuántica representa una de las principales alternativas al modelo hegemónico propuesto por la Escuela de Copenhague, permitiendo una descripción determinista de los eventos ocurridos a nivel cuántico. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar sucintamente sus principales aspectos matemáticos y conceptuales —y sus respectivas implicaciones epistemológicas.


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    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Ante la necesidad mundial por encontrar fuentes de energía alternativas, los biocombustibles se han constituido en la última década como una posible respuesta. Su creciente demanda se ha visto reflejada en la expansión de los cultivos utilizados como materias primas, lo cual tiene implicaciones en varios frentes: los cambios de uso de la tierra, servicios ecosistémicos relacionados con el recurso hídrico, las emisiones de Gases Efecto Invernadero (GEI, la seguridad alimentaria y la propiedad de la tierra. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un análisis crítico de estos temas a partir de la revisión de la literatura internacional y abordar el caso colombiano, en particular la expansión de los cultivos de palma africana y sus implicaciones sociales. Los principales resultados dejan ver que la expansión de los cultivos se direccionará hacia los países del trópico, lo cual genera  impactos negativos al intensificar la competencia por el agua y la tierra en regiones caracterizadas por su alta vulnerabilidad ecosistémica y social. Adicionalmente se observa la necesidad de mejorar los sistemas de información y de refinar metodologías y modelos que permitan evaluar con mayor precisión los impactos de la producción de biocombustibles sobre el bienestar humano.

  1. Segregación socioespacial urbana. Debates contemporáneos e implicaciones para las ciudades mexicanas

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    Enrique Pérez-Campuzano


    Full Text Available La segregación socioespacial es un tema recurrente en disciplinas como la sociología y la geografia; sin embargo ha sido poco tratado en la literatura especializada en lWéxico, quizás por su falta de anclaje teó¡ico claro o por la escasez de datos específicos para medirla. En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación a la temática con especial atención en la construcción teórica y empírica en los países desarrollados y en las posibles implicaciones para los estudios sobre ciudades mexicanas.

  2. Estudio del significado de las malformaciones congénitas y sus implicaciones en los programas de salud


    Struck, Adelaida; Struck Vidal -Aguilera, Mony  de Lourdes; Chávez, Yohanna; Fernández, Francisco J


    En el siguiente artículo se realiza un estudio acerca del significado de las malformaciones congénitas y sus implicaciones en los programas de prevención para la población venezolana. Se hace uso de metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas, utilizando como técnica para la recolección de los datos, el cuestionario. Su aplicación se lleva a cabo en dos centros maternos, Maternidad Concepción Palacios y Centro Materno Leopoldo Aguerrevere en Caracas-Venezuela. Se analizan como variables: el con...

  3. El desarrollo turístico en la isla de Lanzarote: las implicaciones económicas y ecológicas

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    Alejandro González Morales


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo versa sobre las implicaciones medioambientales del desarrollo turístico en la isla de Lanzarote. En este sentido hemos comprobado como su crecimiento afecta al resto de las actividades y ha terciarizado de forma considerable la economía insular.The present article is on turist's develop of Lanzarote Island (Lanary Island. The agriculture is going down, whole than the tourist is over. The economy of island is very third.

  4. Implicaciones para el Ecuador del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos en relación a los medicamentos y a la salud.


    Logroño Barrionuevo, Milton Efraín



  5. La comprensión de las organizaciones empresariales y su ambiente como sistemas de complejidad creciente: rasgos e implicaciones

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    Luz Esperanza Bohórquez


    Método: en el documento se revisan las características de los sistemas de complejidad creciente y se identifican los elementos que explican su capacidad de auto-organización. A partir de esta revisión se plantean las implicaciones de comprender a las organizaciones como sistemas de complejidad creciente, las cuales se articulan con recientes investigaciones que en ingeniería organizacional y gestión buscan incrementar la capacidad de adaptación del sistema. Resultados: se desarrolla una apreciación sobre las implicaciones en la ingeniería organizacional de diseñar organizaciones empresariales con mayor capacidad para auto-organizarse y de manera amplia de aprovechar la complejidad creciente del entorno. Conclusiones: la comprensión de las organizaciones empresariales como sistemas de complejidad creciente ofrece una perspectiva notoriamente distinta al paradigma tradicional el cual se han caracterizado por el enfoque reduccionista. A la fecha la investigación al respecto se encuentra en etapas tempranas y no existen modelos o evidencias empíricas que permitan corroborar de manera amplia y completa la fuerza de tales ideas. Sin embargo, los altos niveles de agilidad, flexibilidad y robustez que exhiben los sistemas auto-organizados permiten proyectar importantes campos de investigación alrededor del diseño de estructuras organizacionales flexibles, formas de gobernanza, toma decisiones en ausencia de controlador central, etc.

  6. Desarrollo histórico de la primera ley de la termodinámica y algunas implicaciones didácticas


    Jenny Muñoz Pérez


    En el presente ensayo se realiza una breve descripción histórica relacionada con el desarrollo de la primera ley de la termodinámica y su debate entre los principales investigadores de la época, en relación con los conceptos de calor, energía libre y entalpía. Además sus implicaciones didácticas con relación a los errores conceptuales que los estudiantes presentan al momento de abordar esta temática.

  7. Roegneria alashanica Keng: a species with the StStStYStY genome constitution. (United States)

    Wang, Richard R-C; Jensen, Kevin B


    The genome constitution of tetraploid Roegneria alashanica Keng has been in question for a long time. Most scientific studies have suggested that R. alashanica had two versions of the St genome, St 1 St 2 , similar to that of Pseudoroegneria elytrigioides (C. Yen & J.L. Yang) B.R. Lu. A study, however, concluded that R. alashanica had the StY genome formula typical for tetraploid species of Roegneria. For the present study, R. alashanica, Elymus longearistatus (Bioss.) Tzvelev (StY genomes), Pseudoroegneria strigosa (M. Bieb.) Á. Löve (St), Pseudoroegneria libanoctica (Hackel) D.R. Dewey (St), and Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve (St) were screened for the Y-genome specific marker B14(F+R) 269 . All E. longearistatus plants expressed intense bands specific to the Y genome. Only 6 of 10 R. alashanica plants exhibited relatively faint bands for the STS marker. Previously, the genome in species of Pseudoroegneria exhibiting such faint Y-genome specific marker was designated as St Y . Based on these results, R. alashanica lacks the Y genome in E. longearistatus but likely possess two remotely related St genomes, St and St Y . According to its genome constitution, R. alashanica should be classified in the genus Pseudoroenera and given the new name Pseudoroegneria alashanica (Keng) R.R.-C. Wang and K.B. Jensen.

  8. Algunas implicaciones jurídicas del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en la Ciudad de México


    Rojas Martínez, Alejandro


    El artículo analiza y expone el reconocimiento del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en la Ciudad de México, así como sus implicaciones primarias a partir de su concreción en el sistema jurídico mexicano. El estudio contiene el análisis de la "Sociedad de Convivencia" como un mecanismo de reconocimiento de derechos de carácter civil a personas con relaciones personales de convivencia permanente, entre las que se encuentran las personas con identidad de género distinta de la correspondi...

  9. Crecimiento, acumulación y empleo en una economia con tasa de inflación constante: implicaciones de política económica


    Luis Alberto Alonso González; Jorge Uxó González


    Análisis teórico del problema del desempleo elevado y persistente que caracteriza a la mayoría de las economías europeas. Se hace un enfoque dinámico, y al final del artículo se extraen las implicaciones de política económica más relevantes.

  10. Impact of human-associated Escherichia coli clonal groups in Antarctic pinnipeds: presence of ST73, ST95, ST141 and ST131. (United States)

    Mora, Azucena; García-Peña, Francisco Javier; Alonso, María Pilar; Pedraza-Diaz, Susana; Ortega-Mora, Luis Miguel; Garcia-Parraga, Daniel; López, Cecilia; Viso, Susana; Dahbi, Ghizlane; Marzoa, Juan; Sergeant, Martin J; García, Vanesa; Blanco, Jorge


    There is growing concern about the spreading of human microorganisms in relatively untouched ecosystems such as the Antarctic region. For this reason, three pinniped species (Leptonychotes weddellii, Mirounga leonina and Arctocephalus gazella) from the west coast of the Antartic Peninsula were analysed for the presence of Escherichia spp. with the recovery of 158 E. coli and three E. albertii isolates. From those, 23 harboured different eae variants (α1, β1, β2, ε1, θ1, κ, ο), including a bfpA-positive isolate (O49:H10-A-ST206, eae-k) classified as typical enteropathogenic E. coli. Noteworthy, 62 of the 158 E. coli isolates (39.2%) exhibited the ExPEC status and 27 (17.1%) belonged to sequence types (ST) frequently occurring among urinary/bacteremia ExPEC clones: ST12, ST73, ST95, ST131 and ST141. We found similarities >85% within the PFGE-macrorrestriction profiles of pinniped and human clinic O2:H6-B2-ST141 and O16:H5/O25b:H4-B2-ST131 isolates. The in silico analysis of ST131 Cplx genomes from the three pinnipeds (five O25:H4-ST131/PST43-fimH22-virotype D; one O16:H5-ST131/PST506-fimH41; one O25:H4-ST6252/PST9-fimH22-virotype D1) identified IncF and IncI1 plasmids and revealed high core-genome similarities between pinniped and human isolates (H22 and H41 subclones). This is the first study to demonstrate the worrisome presence of human-associated E. coli clonal groups, including ST131, in Antarctic pinnipeds.

  11. Surveys in 1961 on St. Thomas & St. Croix

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Thorkel; Licht, Kjeld de Fine

    Registration of towns and buildings erected during the Danish reign of the Caribbean Isles of St. Thomas, St. Jan and St. Croix 1671-1917 (now belonging to the USA under the name of Virgin Islands)....

  12. Implicaciones sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología movilizadas en investigaciones STSPs. La visión del alumnado y del profesorado


    Lupión Cobos, Teresa; Franco-Mariscal, Antonio Joaquín


    Se muestran los resultados de un estudio con profesores y estudiantes de secundaria que participaron en investigaciones que implican un modelo colaborativo estudiante-profesor-científico (STPSs) en el marco Science IES, referido a las implicaciones sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología movilizadas por estas investigaciones. Como instrumento se usaron varias cuestiones del cuestionario TOSRA sobre actitudes hacia la ciencia. Los resultados evidencian avances importantes en el cambio de actitu...

  13. Microsoft Windows Xp. El último neonato de Microsoft

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    Francisco Ficarra


    Full Text Available Se estrena una nueva era de la informática con la llegada del Windows XP, mas al mismo tiempo se pronostica que eclosionará en el primer quinquenio de este siglo. Se afirma que sin embargo los sistemas operativos seguirán siendo los pilares fundamentales de esta nueva época.

  14. Three members of Medicago truncatula ST family are ubiquitous during development and modulated by nutritional status (MtST1) and dehydration (MtST2 and MtST3). (United States)

    Albornos, Lucía; Martín, Ignacio; Labrador, Emilia; Dopico, Berta


    ShooT specific/Specific Tissue (ST) belong to a protein family of unknown function characterized by the DUF2775 domain and produced in specific taxonomic plant families, mainly Fabaceae and Asteraceae, with the Medicago truncatula ST family being the largest. The putative roles proposed for this family are cell elongation, biotic interactions, abiotic stress and N reserve. The aim of this work was to go deeper into the role of three M. truncatula ST proteins, namely ST1, ST2 and ST3. Our starting hypothesis was that each member of the family could perform a specific role, and hence, each ST gene would be subjected to a different type of regulation. The search for cis-acting regulatory elements (CREs) in silico in pST1, pST2 and pST3 promoters showed prevalence of tissue/organ specific motifs, especially root- and seed-specific ones. Light, hormone, biotic and abiotic related motifs were also present. None of these pSTs showed the same combination of CREs, or presented the same activity pattern. In general, pST activity was associated with the vascular cylinder, mainly in roots. Promoter activation was highly specific and dissimilar during reproductive development. The ST1, ST2 and ST3 transcripts accumulated in most of the organs and developmental stages analysed - decreasing with age - and expression was higher in the roots than in the aerial parts and more abundant in light-grown plants. The effect of the different treatments on transcript accumulation indicated that ST1 behaved differently from ST2 and ST3, mainly in response to several hormones and dehydration treatments (NaCl or mannitol), upon which ST1 transcript levels decreased and ST2 and ST3 levels increased. Finally, the ST1 protein was located in the cell wall whereas ST2 and ST3 were present both in the cytoplasm and in the cell wall. The ST proteins studied are ubiquitous proteins that could perform distinct/complementary roles in plant biology as they are encoded by differentially regulated genes

  15. Implicaciones ambientales de las tecnologías de energía renovable

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    Jan Mahirt-Smith


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de energía renovable como la eólica, la solar y la biomasa, hacen un uso del suelo más intenso que las de combustibles fósiles tradicionales y, geográficamente, sus implicaciones ambientales son más heterogéneas, por lo que presentan un gran desafío para las técnicas de evaluación de su ciclo de vida. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación bibliográfica alrededor de los siguientes temas: 1 cambios en el uso del suelo debido a la mayor producción de energía renovable; 2 impactos del uso de suelo; 3 variabilidad geográfica en el inventario de datos; y 4 efectos de la distribución de energía. Además, se revisa el grado de investigación que actualmente se aplica acerca de las tecnologías de energía renovable en campos como el eólico, el solar y la bioenergía y en la evaluación del ciclo de vida en general.


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    Rubén Bueno Marí


    Full Text Available La expansión de Aedes albopictus por el Levante español no ha cesado desde su primigenia detección en nuestro país en el año 2004, habiéndose constatado ya su presencia en las provincias de Girona, Barcelona, Tarragona, Castellón, Alicante y Murcia. La elevada sinantropía de la especie, unida al alto grado de antropofília y extensa capacidad vectorial para transmitir diversas arbovirosis, han propiciado el retorno al sur de Europa de ciclos de transmisión activa de enfermedades frecuentes en el pasado como el Dengue o la aparición de virosis tropicales inéditas hasta entonces como Chikungunya. El presente manuscrito analiza de forma pormenorizada las implicaciones para la salud pública de la previsible expansión de Ae. albopictus por gran parte del territorio peninsular, en el contexto climático y sociodemográfico actual. Adicionalmente, también se discuten diversas cuestiones relativas al control poblacional de la especie en ambientes urbanos y periurbanos, así como los datos preliminares existentes acerca de otros aedinos invasores de reciente hallazgo en el continente europeo.

  17. Peter St. John | NREL (United States)

    St. John Photo of Peter St. John Peter St. John Researcher III-Chemical Engineering Peter.StJohn | 303-384-7969 Orcid ID Education Peter St. John received his engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 2015. During his Ph.D., St. John applied

  18. Las dictaduras de Vargas y Franco: implicaciones de la consagración de la maternidad para la enfermería


    Tânia Cristina Franco Santos; Ieda de Alencar Barreira; Antonio José de Almeida Filho; Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira


    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características históricas y sociales de Brasil y España en el contexto de los regímenes dictatoriales instaurados por Vargas y Franco, y analizar las representaciones sobre la maternidad en el contexto de esos regímenes y sus implicaciones para la enfermería. Es un estudio histórico y social cuyo método consideró como fuentes: documentos escritos brasileños y españoles. La recolección de los datos se hizó en el período de 13 de mayo a 29 de agost...

  19. Precipitaciones extremas y sus implicaciones en procesos de remoción en masa en la planificación urbana de Tampico, México

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    Diego Sánchez González


    Full Text Available La investigación analiza la peligrosidad y exposición de las precipitaciones extremas y sus implicaciones en la evaluación y zonificación de los procesos de remoción en masa en la ciudad de Tampico, localizada en la cuenca baja del río Pánuco, México. La metodología emplea un Sistema de Información Geográfica para la agregación de los datos hidrometeorológicos y geomorfológicos, posibilitando el análisis de las variaciones espacio-temporales de las precipitaciones extremas, y sus implicaciones en la evaluación y zonificación de los procesos de remoción en masa, necesarios para la planificación urbana de Tampico. Los resultados indican que la distribución de las precipitaciones extremas favorece la alta agresividad climática, determinante de los procesos de erosión del suelo y de los peligros geomorfológicos, como desprendimientos y flujos de detritos, en el área de estudio. Asimismo, en los próximos años se prevé el aumento de los procesos de remoción en masa asociados a factores ambientales, por un incremento de la ocurrencia e intensidad de las precipitaciones extremas, y a factores antrópicos, por el crecimiento de la población y viviendas expuestas a áreas inestables.

  20. Seguridad en el mar, algunas implicaciones de los códigos IGS y PBIB.

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    José Vicente Guzmán Escobar


    Full Text Available La expedición del Código Internacional de Gestión de la Seguridad Marítima (Código IGS y del Código de Protección de Buques e Instalaciones Portuarias (Código PBIB, en el contexto del Convenio SOLAS, tiene especiales implicaciones legales en diferentes figuras del derecho marítimo internacional, tales como la limitación de responsabilidad de los armadores de buques por reclamaciones marítimas, la limitación de responsabilidad de los armadores por contaminación por derrames de hidrocarburos, la limitación de responsabilidad del transportador marítimo de mercancías, la obligación del armador y del transportador marítimo en relación con la navegabilidad del buque, los contratos de fletamento y las coberturas de los Clubes de Protección e Indemnización. El presente artículo hace una descripción de las posibles consecuencias jurídicas que los citados códigos internacionales pueden tener respecto de cada una de estas instituciones y contratos.

  1. Seguridad en el mar, algunas implicaciones de los códigos IGS y PBIB.

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    José Vicente Guzmán Escobar


    Full Text Available La expedición del Código Internacional de Gestión de la Seguridad Marítima (Código IGS y del Código de Protección de Buques e Instalaciones Portuarias (Código PBIB, en el contexto del Convenio SOLAS, tiene especiales implicaciones legales en diferentes figuras del derecho marítimo internacional, tales como la limitación de responsabilidad de los armadores de buques por reclamaciones marítimas, la limitación de responsabilidad de los armadores por contaminación por derrames de hidrocarburos, la limitación de responsabilidad del transportador marítimo de mercancías, la obligación del armador y del transportador marítimo en relación con la navegabilidad del buque, los contratos de fletamento y las coberturas de los Clubes de Protección e Indemnización. El presente artículo hace una descripción de las posibles consecuencias jurídicas que los citados códigos internacionales pueden tener respecto de cada una de estas instituciones y contratos.

  2. Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior e implicaciones para las titulaciones de Magisterio en España

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    Juan José MONGE MIGUEL


    Full Text Available En esta comunicación se presenta la evolución de la Convergencia Europea de la Educación Superior (Proceso de Bolonia en su doble vertiente: política basada en las sucesivas declaraciones de los Ministros de Educación de los diferentes países de la Unión Europea y académica, por otra parte, respuestas o pasos dados fundamentalmente por las universidades a las declaraciones anteriores. En su última parte se trata de las implicaciones y planteamientos para la titulaciones de Magisterio en España, a la vez que se insiste en las dificultades e incluso crisis que los cambios (reformadores e innovadores que supone esta convergencia puede conllevar para la enseñanza superior europea.

  3. Implicaciones de los conceptos actuales neuropsicológicos de la memoria en el aprendizaje y en la enseñanza

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    Javier de la Fuente Rocha


    Full Text Available Se hace una revisión de los conocimientos neuropsicológicos de procesos involucrados en el aprendizaje y, a partir de ellos, se aplica el método analítico-sintético para comentar algunas de sus implicaciones en la metodología pedagógica. Esta revisión presenta conceptos actuales que relacionan los centros nerviosos participantes, las vías que los conectan y su integración con otras funciones cerebrales importantes en el proceso de aprendizaje. Estos conocimientos tienen importancia en el área educativa debido a su potencial para dar sustento a diversas estrategias útiles en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

  4. Los tipos de contratación laboral y sus implicaciones en el contrato psicológico

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    Juan Javier Vesga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones, con bases teóricas y empíricas, acerca de las implicaciones que están teniendo lugar en la conformación de los contratos psicológicos de los trabajadores que se encuentran vinculados mediante empleo y formas contemporáneas de contratación, como el outsourcing y las cooperativas de trabajo asociado. Estudios recientes muestran cómo estas otras formas de contratación afectan aspectos psicosociales de los trabajadores, impactando de manera negativa la gestión de las organizaciones. El artículo finaliza con una serie de interrogantes acerca de la confluencia entre los efectos negativos en el contrato psicológico de las formas de tercerización de la fuerza de trabajo, y tendencias actuales de gestión como los equipos de alto desempeño y la gestión del conocimiento.

  5. Stāstu stāstīšanas izmantošana lasīšanas veicināšanas pasākumos


    Mežjāne, Signe


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai stāstu stāstīšana ir efektīvs lasīšanas veicināšanas paņēmiens bērniem. Pētījuma problēma ir mūsdienu bērnu nevēlēšanās lasīt, lasīšanu varētu veicināt stāstu stāstīšana bibliotēkās. Darbā tiek analizēts stāstu stāstīšanas process atbilstoši bērnu vecumposmam, izmantojot dažādus runas stilus. Teorētiskā bāze ir balstīta uz Lasītāja reakcijas kritikas teoriju un Runas darbības teoriju. Galvenie pētījuma uzdevumi ir noskaidrot, vai Latvijas bibliotē...

  6. Migración irregular de haitianos hacia república dominicana y sus implicaciones socio-económicas en el desarrollo de ambas naciones


    Ovalles Mejía, José Manuel; Uribe Mendoza, Cristhian José


    84 páginas : gráficos. Esta investigación analiza la migración irregular de haitianos hacia la República Dominicana y sus implicaciones socio-económicas en el desarrollo de ambas naciones durante el período 2010-2015. Este tema reviste gran importancia en el entendido de que los dos países analizados, con condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales y culturales con marcadas diferencias, hoy día comparten y conviven en una misma isla a causa del fenómeno de la migración. Se hace una des...

  7. 75 FR 51945 - Safety Zone; Potomac River, St. Mary's River, St. Inigoes, MD (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Potomac River, St. Mary's River, St. Inigoes, MD AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION... of the St. Mary's River, a tributary of the Potomac River. This action is necessary to provide for.... Navy helicopter located near St. Inigoes, Maryland. This safety zone is intended to protect the...

  8. Creando subjetividades laborales: implicaciones del discurso psicológico en el mundo del trabajo y las organizaciones

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    Verónica Andrade


    Full Text Available El presente documento tiene como propósito explorar aportes de la psicología crítica al entendimiento de las dinámicas que se mueven en el mundo del trabajo y las organizaciones, y algunas críticas que esta aporta a la psicología organizacional y del trabajo moderna. Para tal fin, se plantean algunos elementos conceptuales de base para clarificar la acepción al respecto del concepto subjetividad y las implicaciones de la psicología crítica; igualmente se exponen algunas reflexiones que explicitan las formas en que el discurso psicológico -reflejado además en prácticas- está embebido en el mundo del trabajo y las organizaciones, y que en gran medida contribuye a construir las subjetividades de personas que trabajan, y las relaciones que se establecen al interior de las organizaciones de trabajo.

  9. burnout y estrategias de inteligencia emocional en profesores universitarios: implicaciones en la salud laboral educativa

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    Betsy Ilaja


    Full Text Available Diversos estudios sitúan a la docencia universitaria como una de las profesiones con mayor riesgo a experimentar inestabilidad y estrés laboral. La presente investigación exploró el ni- vel de burnout y las habilidades en inteligencia emocional en una muestra de 60 profesores universitarios de tiempo completo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Ambato. Se realizaron análisis de mediación múltiple y se encontró que: a las tareas de in- vestigación y vinculación se asocian significativamente a burnout, y la tarea de docencia es percibida como desempeño óptimo, b la salud actúa como variable mediadora entre estrés laboral y burnout, y el género solo se relaciona con burnout, y c la regulación emocional media la relación entre desempeño docente y satisfacción laboral. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos hallazgos en la salud laboral de docentes universitarios.

  10. Competencia cognitiva en penados primarios y reincidentes: implicaciones para la reeducación

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    Ramón Arce


    Full Text Available La probabilidad de reincidencia delictiva es aproximadamente tres veces mayor para los penados reincidentes que para los primarios. En esta línea, se sugiere una relación entre el grado de comportamiento antisocial y delictivo, y el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia cognitiva. Así, se prevé que los penados reincidentes presenten un menor desarrollo de la competencia cognitiva que los primarios. Para comprobar esta hipótesis, 104 penados, 54 primarios y 50 reincidentes, que no habían sido previamente objeto de un tratamiento penitenciario, fueron evaluados en atribución de la responsabilidad, autoconcepto, afrontamiento e inteligencia emocional. Los resultados mostraron que los penados reincidentes tenían menos desarrollado el autoconcepto y la inteligencia emocional que los primarios. Además, se observó una mayor tendencia en los reincidentes a afrontar las situaciones estresantes y de riesgo a través de estrategias no adaptativas (, centradas en las emociones, evitativas. Sin embargo, primarios y reincidentes se atribuyen por igual la responsabilidad. En suma, los penados reincidentes son menos competentes cognitivamente que los primarios. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para la reeducación, resocialización y reinserción social de los penados.

  11. Perspectiva no androcéntrica en los estudios sobre familias monoparentales. Reflexiones e implicaciones metodológicas

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    Dino Di Nella


    Full Text Available En este trabajo realizamos una reflexión sobre el proceso que nos llevó a la progresiva configuración de un modelo de abordaje metodológico específico para la investigación sobre las familias monoparentales. Un proceso construido y sistematizado a partir de los aportes de las epistemologías feministas al diseño metodológico y a las formas de trabajo participativas. De ello derivo una contribución científico-técnica relevante e inédita hasta la actualidad a nivel internacional: la Encuesta sobre Monoparentalidad y diversidad familiar (EMODIF, la cual proponemos como un instrumento de medición no androcéntrico de las monoparentalidades, sus perfiles, experiencias, expectativas y realidades. Con este artículo queremos ofrecer una sistematización de las implicaciones que ha tenido nuestra aplicación y materialización de la perspectiva feminista en los estudios de las familias monoparentales.

  12. Contexto e implicaciones en la vivencia de mujeres autoras de un delito violento ejercido hacia su pareja. Un estudio desde la perspectiva de género


    Alvarado Sánchez, Patricia


    En este proyecto se analiza el contexto e implicaciones de mujeres cualificadas como sujeto activo de un delito violento contra su pareja. La problematización del fenómeno investigado se enmarca en un contexto jurídico-social. Comprende los objetivos sobre a) Visualizar la dinámica relacional entre la mujer (género femenino) y su compañero varón (género masculino) previa al delito, b) Comprender los significados atribuidos al episodio y a las circunstancias del delito hacia su pareja, c) Ente...

  13. La ética y la técnica contemporánea: Implicaciones en el Área de la Salud

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    Gladys Santos-Falcón


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene el objetivo de propiciar, a partir de las ideas de algunos autores, una reflexión y discusión en los profesionales de la salud sobre las implicaciones en la práctica cotidiana de los avances de la técnica, así como sobre el papel de la ética como ente regulador de estos avances. También se propone analizar los cambios que se han generado en las relaciones entre los profesionales y las personas/clientes de los servicios de salud, a partir de la biotecnología. Se propone este análisis con la finalidad de incorporar en nuestra práctica cotidiana la ética por la vida, por la libertad de vivir mejor, respetando la naturaleza y la dignidad humana.

  14. 78 FR 19632 - Special Local Regulations; St. Thomas Carnival Watersport Activities, Charlotte Amalie Harbor; St... (United States)


    ...-AA08 Special Local Regulations; St. Thomas Carnival Watersport Activities, Charlotte Amalie Harbor; St... proposes to establish a special local regulation on the waters of Charlotte Amalie Harbor in St Thomas, USVI during the St. Thomas Carnival Watersport Activities, a high speed boat race. The event is...

  15. ACRR fission product release tests: ST-1 and ST-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, M.D.; Stockman, H.W.; Reil, K.O.; Grimley, A.J.; Camp, W.J.


    Two experiments (ST-1 and ST-2) have been performed in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNLA) to obtain time-resolved data on the release of fission products from irradiated fuels under light water reactor (LWR) severe accident conditions. Both experiments were conducted in a highly reducing environment at maximum fuel temperatures of greater than 2400 K. These experiments were designed specifically to investigate the effect of increased total pressure on fission product release; ST-1 was performed at approximately 0.16 MPa and ST-2 was run at 1.9 MPa, whereas other parameters were matched as closely as possible. Release rate data were measured for Cs, I, Ba, Sr, Eu, Te, and U. The release rates were higher than predicted by existing codes for Ba, Sr, Eu, and U. Te release was very low, but Te did not appear to be sequestered by the zircaloy cladding; it was evenly distributed in the fuel. In addition, in posttest analysis a unique fuel morphology (fuel swelling) was observed which may have enhanced fission product release, especially in the high pressure test (ST-2). These data are compared with analytical results from the CORSOR correlation and the VICTORIA computer model

  16. Galleria mellonella infection model demonstrates high lethality of ST69 and ST127 uropathogenic E. coli.

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    Majed F Alghoribi

    Full Text Available Galleria mellonella larvae are an alternative in vivo model for investigating bacterial pathogenicity. Here, we examined the pathogenicity of 71 isolates from five leading uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC lineages using G. mellonella larvae. Larvae were challenged with a range of inoculum doses to determine the 50% lethal dose (LD50 and for analysis of survival outcome using Kaplan-Meier plots. Virulence was correlated with carriage of a panel of 29 virulence factors (VF. Larvae inoculated with ST69 and ST127 isolates (10(4 colony-forming units/larvae showed significantly higher mortality rates than those infected with ST73, ST95 and ST131 isolates, killing 50% of the larvae within 24 hours. Interestingly, ST131 isolates were the least virulent. We observed that ST127 isolates are significantly associated with a higher VF-score than isolates of all other STs tested (P≤0.0001, including ST69 (P<0.02, but one ST127 isolate (strain EC18 was avirulent. Comparative genomic analyses with virulent ST127 strains revealed an IS1 mediated deletion in the O-antigen cluster in strain EC18, which is likely to explain the lack of virulence in the larvae infection model. Virulence in the larvae was not correlated with serotype or phylogenetic group. This study illustrates that G. mellonella are an excellent tool for investigation of the virulence of UPEC strains. The findings also support our suggestion that the incidence of ST127 strains should be monitored, as these isolates have not yet been widely reported, but they clearly have a pathogenic potential greater than that of more widely recognised clones, including ST73, ST95 or ST131.

  17. Epidemic potential of Escherichia coli ST131 and Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258: a systematic review and meta-analysis (United States)

    Dautzenberg, M J D; Haverkate, M R; Bonten, M J M; Bootsma, M C J


    Objectives Observational studies have suggested that Escherichia coli sequence type (ST) 131 and Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 have hyperendemic properties. This would be obvious from continuously high incidence and/or prevalence of carriage or infection with these bacteria in specific patient populations. Hyperendemicity could result from increased transmissibility, longer duration of infectiousness, and/or higher pathogenic potential as compared with other lineages of the same species. The aim of our research is to quantitatively estimate these critical parameters for E. coli ST131 and K. pneumoniae ST258, in order to investigate whether E. coli ST131 and K. pneumoniae ST258 are truly hyperendemic clones. Primary outcome measures A systematic literature search was performed to assess the evidence of transmissibility, duration of infectiousness, and pathogenicity for E. coli ST131 and K. pneumoniae ST258. Meta-regression was performed to quantify these characteristics. Results The systematic literature search yielded 639 articles, of which 19 data sources provided information on transmissibility (E. coli ST131 n=9; K. pneumoniae ST258 n=10)), 2 on duration of infectiousness (E. coli ST131 n=2), and 324 on pathogenicity (E. coli ST131 n=285; K. pneumoniae ST258 n=39). Available data on duration of carriage and on transmissibility were insufficient for quantitative assessment. In multivariable meta-regression E. coli isolates causing infection were associated with ST131, compared to isolates only causing colonisation, suggesting that E. coli ST131 can be considered more pathogenic than non-ST131 isolates. Date of isolation, location and resistance mechanism also influenced the prevalence of ST131. E. coli ST131 was 3.2 (95% CI 2.0 to 5.0) times more pathogenic than non-ST131. For K. pneumoniae ST258 there were not enough data for meta-regression assessing the influence of colonisation versus infection on ST258 prevalence. Conclusions With the currently available data


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    Agustín Malón Marco


    Full Text Available Se lleva a cabo una revisión crítica de la hipótesis traumática en el estudio de las experiencias eróticas tempranas con personas más mayores. Esta hipótesis, la más habitual en la literatura científica, consiste en dar por cierto que son en su mayoría experiencias graves y de serias consecuencias negativas a corto y/o largo plazo. Cuestionaremos su fundamentación empírica, para después pasar a las implicaciones científicas y profesionales surgidas de otra lectura de los datos disponibles. Para ello se analizan críticamente nueve revisiones previas sobre la cuestión, publicadas entre 1981 y 1998. Esta revisión de revisiones sugiere que estaría perfectamente sustentada la hipótesis de que en la gran mayoría de los casos no suelen producirse daños serios ni mucho menos permanentes en los implicados. El análisis invita a un replanteamiento teórico, epistemológico y tecnológico de la investigación y la intervención social.

  19. Rasgos psicopáticos infanto-juveniles: evaluación e implicaciones en un estudio prospectivo

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    Estrella Romero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan los datos de un estudio longitudinal a largo plazo con el objetivo de examinar las implicaciones de los rasgos psicopáticos infanto-juveniles, evaluados a través de la mCPS (modified Child Psychopathy Scale, en la conducta antisocial en la adolescencia. Se analizan los datos recogidos en 141 niños (edad media = 7.80, que fueron seguidos seis y diez años más tarde. Los resultados muestran que los niños con altas puntuaciones en rasgos psicopáticos presentan en la adolescencia temprana niveles relativamente altos de problemas de conducta. Además, a lo largo de la adolescencia se produce en ellos un mayor incremento en implicación con amigos antisociales, consumo de cannabis y agresión proactiva. Así, los resultados muestran que los rasgos psicopáticos medidos en la niñez se asocian con un desarrollo más desfavorable, particularmente en indicadores que, como la agresión proactiva, se han vinculado clásicamente a la personalidad psicopática en adultos.

  20. Implicaciones de la securitización en América desde la particularidad Colombiana

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    Nathaly Jiménez Reynales


    Full Text Available Este artículo da cuenta de las implicaciones que surgen a partir de un análisis constructivista de la relación constitutiva entre los temas de agenda de la política exterior de un país como Colombia y el resultado de su integración en la región. Ello explica que mientras exista un condicionante como la securitización en la política de un país será difícil concertar políticas comunes con otras naciones. El caso de las drogas ilícitas, por ejemplo, le ha generado al Estado colombiano problemas de coordinación entre la política antidrogas que adelanta y su capacidad de maniobra en un escenario específico como el andino. Igualmente, la actual política de defensa y seguridad democrática manifiesta una ruptura entre lo que se entiende como seguridad democrática y la percepción que la sociedad tiene de ella. Ambos casos ayudarán a comprender cómo al securitizar un asunto político el Estado puede perder su dirección tanto en el ámbito internacional como en el doméstico.

  1. 33 CFR 100.915 - St. Clair River Classic Offshore Race, St. Clair, MI. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false St. Clair River Classic Offshore Race, St. Clair, MI. 100.915 Section 100.915 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY REGATTAS AND MARINE PARADES SAFETY OF LIFE ON NAVIGABLE WATERS § 100.915 St. Clair River...

  2. Generación y recreación de contenidos digitales por los jóvenes: implicaciones para la alfabetización mediática


    Soep, Elisabeth


    La era digital ha reconfigurado las relaciones entre productores y usuarios. Las acciones en red son potencialmente reinterpretadas por otros usuarios. La intención de los productores mediáticos adquiere su sentido en este contexto que denominamos «el más allá digital». En este artículo analizamos cómo ha influido este fenómeno en las implicaciones de los medios y los jóvenes. El estudio se lleva a cabo a través del análisis etnográfico de las actividades llevadas a cabo por un grupo de jóven...

  3. St2-80: a new FISH marker for St genome and genome analysis in Triticeae. (United States)

    Wang, Long; Shi, Qinghua; Su, Handong; Wang, Yi; Sha, Lina; Fan, Xing; Kang, Houyang; Zhang, Haiqin; Zhou, Yonghong


    The St genome is one of the most fundamental genomes in Triticeae. Repetitive sequences are widely used to distinguish different genomes or species. The primary objectives of this study were to (i) screen a new sequence that could easily distinguish the chromosome of the St genome from those of other genomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and (ii) investigate the genome constitution of some species that remain uncertain and controversial. We used degenerated oligonucleotide primer PCR (Dop-PCR), Dot-blot, and FISH to screen for a new marker of the St genome and to test the efficiency of this marker in the detection of the St chromosome at different ploidy levels. Signals produced by a new FISH marker (denoted St 2 -80) were present on the entire arm of chromosomes of the St genome, except in the centromeric region. On the contrary, St 2 -80 signals were present in the terminal region of chromosomes of the E, H, P, and Y genomes. No signal was detected in the A and B genomes, and only weak signals were detected in the terminal region of chromosomes of the D genome. St 2 -80 signals were obvious and stable in chromosomes of different genomes, whether diploid or polyploid. Therefore, St 2 -80 is a potential and useful FISH marker that can be used to distinguish the St genome from those of other genomes in Triticeae.

  4. 76 FR 44531 - Safety Zone; Fourth Annual Chillounge Night St. Petersburg Fireworks Display, Tampa Bay, St... (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Fourth Annual Chillounge Night St. Petersburg Fireworks Display, Tampa Bay, St... proposes to establish a temporary safety zone on the waters of Tampa Bay in St. Petersburg, Florida during the Fourth Annual Chillounge Night St. Petersburg Fireworks Display on Saturday, November 19, 2011...

  5. 76 FR 68098 - Safety Zone; Fourth Annual Chillounge Night St. Petersburg Fireworks Display, Tampa Bay, St... (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Fourth Annual Chillounge Night St. Petersburg Fireworks Display, Tampa Bay, St... Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on the waters of Tampa Bay in St. Petersburg, Florida during the Fourth Annual Chillounge Night St. Petersburg Fireworks Display on Saturday, November 19, 2011...

  6. ST peak during percutaneous coronary intervention serves as an early prognostic predictor in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønborg, Jacob; Kelbæk, Henning; Engstrøm, Thomas


    AIMS: To evaluate the clinical importance of the ST peak phenomenon during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). METHODS AND RESULTS: Continuous ST monitoring was performed in 942 STEMI patients from arrival until 90...... minutes after revascularisation. ST peak was defined as ≥1 mm increase in the ST-segment during PCI compared with the ST elevation before intervention. ST peak was observed in 26.9% of patients. During median follow-up of 4.1 years, 20.7% of patients experienced a major adverse cardiac event (MACE). ST...... and ST peak including ST resolution and epicardial flow, ST peak remained significantly associated with MACE: adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 1.40 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-1.95) and 1.41 (95% CI: 1.02-1.96). CONCLUSIONS: In the largest study hitherto evaluating the ST peak phenomenon during primary...

  7. Implicaciones de la teoría motivacional de la Autodeterminación en el ámbito laboral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Alberto Vargas Téllez


    Full Text Available Dada su importancia y pertinencia para la motivación en el trabajo, se aborda la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD en relación con el ámbito laboral. Se argumenta sobre las implicaciones positivas que puede tener para esclarecer algunas controversias que generaron los con ceptos de motivación extrínseca e intrínseca, así como para abordar ciertos temas fundamentales de la organización contemporánea: los sistemas de incentivos, la cultura organizacional, el aprendizaje organizacional y la gestión del conocimiento; se concluy e que estos procesos organizacionales contribuirán más a la productividad en la medida que sean congruentes con un cultura laboral que favorezca la satisfacción de tres necesidades psicológicas básicas relacionadas con el trabajo: la autonomía, la competen cia y la socialización o relación, conceptos que postula la Teoría de la Autodeterminación.

  8. From 21st century skills to 21st century human being

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjøllund, Niels-Peder Osmundsen; Jørgensen, Tobias Heiberg


    In Denmark, in Scandinavia and in all of Europe there is a lot of talk about the skills of the future. But if we want our students to aim for and gain a different learning outcome, we must set new and different standards for the way we teach – and start to walk the talk. The focus of the presenta...... CLD and we must take the next step, where we stop thinking about skills and competencies and start thinking and acting on the fundamental existential implication of the 21st century. What we need now is not more 21st century skills, but 21st century human beings....


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    Álvaro Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available El trauma ocular cerrado según su grado puede ser ligero moderado o severo. En algunos casos permanece inadvertido o enmascarado y crea consecuencias por lo que debe ser investigado. El trauma tiene características y deja huellas, algunas evidentes y otras ocultas que pueden aparecer en la historia clínica o deben ser buscadas en el segmento anterior ocular en donde se pueden observar trastornos del reflejo pupilar, (incluye midriasis paralítica, laceraciones palpebrales, hemorragia orbitaria, hifema (hemorragia en cámara anterior y fracturas óseas, orbitaria o maxilofacial. En biomicroscopía, pueden observarse laceraciones corneanas, a veces sutiles, otras veces son cicatrices perforantes enmascaradas, acompañadas interiormente de sinequia anterior del iris a la cicatriz de la córnea. También, heridas corneanas recientes, diálisis del iris, a veces extensas en su base, con retroinserción angular de variable extensión y tunelización supracoroidea que inducen, bien a hipotonía ocular o a elevación de la tensión ocular y establecimiento de glaucomas. El trauma ocular cerrado es importante por haberse convertido en un problema de salud pública dadas sus implicaciones en niños, en trabajadores y en aficionados y profesionales en los deportes.

  10. Reforma, cultura democrática y transversalidad Implicaciones en la relación universidad-sociedad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suleima Bustamante Uzcátegui


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es analizar los procesos de:reforma, diversidad, cultura democrática y transversalidad, y sus implicaciones en la relación universidad y sociedad. Estudio que se realiza bajo la modalidad del paradigma crítico reflexivo, en tanto que el nuevo ordenamiento social hace de las universidades, entidades más complejas, de variadas funciones, de mayor consumo de recursos, diluyendo su identidad en nuevas perspectivas. Se evidencia al currículo como el eje central del proceso de reforma, centrado en valores, el cual abre la posibilidad de abordar aspectos vitales tanto individual como grupal, transferibles a la sociedad en su conjunto. La reforma implica la diversidad y la transversalidad, reflejada en la concreción de un conjunto de medidas y de acciones, que reconoce la heterogeneidad de los grupos, de los valores, de la solidaridad, la tolerancia y el respeto a lo individual. La discusión revela el compromiso de las universidades para desarrollar un profundo trabajo epistemológico de investigación y redefinición de su actuar, como mecanismo para conectar los saberes a la complejidad del tejido de una realidad impregnada por los cambios, la complementariedad y la multiculturalidad.

  11. 76 FR 55158 - Approval of Noise Compatibility Program for Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, St. Louis, MO (United States)


    ... Program for Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, St. Louis, MO AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration... noise compatibility program submitted by the St. Louis Airport Authority under the provisions of 49 U.S...''). On April 5, 2011, the FAA determined that the noise exposure maps submitted by the St. Louis Airport...

  12. The spread of KPC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Spain: WGS analysis of the emerging high-risk clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST11/KPC-2, ST101/KPC-2 and ST512/KPC-3. (United States)

    Oteo, Jesús; Pérez-Vázquez, María; Bautista, Verónica; Ortega, Adriana; Zamarrón, Pilar; Saez, David; Fernández-Romero, Sara; Lara, Noelia; Ramiro, Raquel; Aracil, Belén; Campos, José


    We analysed the microbiological traits and population structure of KPC-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates collected in Spain between 2012 and 2014. We also performed a comparative WGS analysis of the three major KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clones detected. Carbapenemase and ESBL genes were sequenced. The Institut Pasteur MLST scheme was used. WGS data were used to construct phylogenetic trees, to identify the determinants of resistance and to de novo assemble the genome of one representative isolate of each of the three major K. pneumoniae clones. Of the 2443 carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates identified during the study period, 111 (4.5%) produced KPC. Of these, 81 (73.0%) were K. pneumoniae and 13 (11.7%) were Enterobacter cloacae. Three major epidemic clones of K. pneumoniae were identified: ST11/KPC-2, ST101/KPC-2 and ST512/KPC-3. ST11/KPC-2 differed from ST101/KPC-2 and ST512/KPC-3 by 27 819 and 6924 SNPs, respectively. ST101/KPC-2 differed from ST512/KPC-3 by 28 345 SNPs. Nine acquired resistance genes were found in ST11/KPC-2, 11 in ST512/KPC-3 and 13 in ST101/KPC-2. ST101/KPC-2 had the highest number of virulence genes (20). An 11 bp deletion at the end of the mgrB sequence was the cause of colistin resistance in ST512/KPC-3. KPC-producing Enterobacteriaceae are increasing in Spain. Most KPC-producing K. pneumoniae isolates belonged to only five clones: ST11 and ST512 caused interregional spread, ST101 caused regional spread and ST1961 and ST678 produced independent hospital outbreaks. ST101/KPC-2 had the highest number of resistance and virulence genes. ST101/KPC-2 and ST512/KPC-3 were recently implicated in the spread of KPC in Italy. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  13. Team Danmarks støttekoncept

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Rasmus K.

    Evaluering af Team Danmarks støttekoncept 2005-2008 med omfattende analyser af Team Danmarks virke, dets støttekoncept og de samarbejdsrelationer med specialforbund, udøvere, politisk valgte ledere, trænere mv., som udmøntningen af støttekonceptet forudsætter. Herunder analyse af...

  14. Ocular Toxicity Profile of ST-162 and ST-168 as Novel Bifunctional MEK/PI3K Inhibitors. (United States)

    Smith, Andrew; Pawar, Mercy; Van Dort, Marcian E; Galbán, Stefanie; Welton, Amanda R; Thurber, Greg M; Ross, Brian D; Besirli, Cagri G


    ST-162 and ST-168 are small-molecule bifunctional inhibitors of MEK and PI3K signaling pathways that are being developed as novel antitumor agents. Previous small-molecule and biologic MEK inhibitors demonstrated ocular toxicity events that were dose limiting in clinical studies. We evaluated in vitro and in vivo ocular toxicity profiles of ST-162 and ST-168. Photoreceptor cell line 661W and adult retinal pigment epithelium cell line ARPE-19 were treated with increasing concentrations of bifunctional inhibitors. Western blots, cell viability, and caspase activity assays were performed to evaluate MEK and PI3K inhibition and dose-dependent in vitro toxicity, and compared with monotherapy. In vivo toxicity profile was assessed by intravitreal injection of ST-162 and ST-168 in Dutch-Belted rabbits, followed by ocular examination and histological analysis of enucleated eyes. Retinal cell lines treated with ST-162 or ST-168 exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of MEK and PI3K signaling. Compared with inhibition by monotherapies and their combinations, bifunctional inhibitors demonstrated reduced cell death and caspase activity. In vivo, both bifunctional inhibitors exhibited a more favorable toxicity profile when compared with MEK inhibitor PD0325901. Novel MEK and PI3K bifunctional inhibitors ST-162 and ST-168 demonstrate favorable in vitro and in vivo ocular toxicity profiles, supporting their further development as potential therapeutic agents targeting multiple aggressive tumors.

  15. St. John's Wort (image) (United States)

    The herb St. John's Wort is believed to be helpful in relieving mild to moderate depression, but should only be taken under a physician's supervision. St. John's Wort may clash with other medications or ...

  16. ACHP | News | St. Elizabeths Programmatic Agreement Signed (United States)

    Search skip specific nav links Home arrow News arrow St. Elizabeths Programmatic Agreement Signed St redevelopment of the St. Elizabeths West Campus, which is part of the St. Elizabeths National Historic Landmark this project, due to the historic significance of the NHL. GSA's client for the St. Elizabeths

  17. First genome report on novel sequence types of Neisseria meningitidis: ST12777 and ST12778. (United States)

    Veeraraghavan, Balaji; Lal, Binesh; Devanga Ragupathi, Naveen Kumar; Neeravi, Iyyan Raj; Jeyaraman, Ranjith; Varghese, Rosemol; Paul, Miracle Magdalene; Baskaran, Ashtawarthani; Ranjan, Ranjini


    Neisseria meningitidis is an important causative agent of meningitis and/or sepsis with high morbidity and mortality. Baseline genome data on N. meningitidis, especially from developing countries such as India, are lacking. This study aimed to investigate the whole genome sequences of N. meningitidis isolates from a tertiary care centre in India. Whole-genome sequencing was performed using an Ion Torrent™ Personal Genome Machine™ (PGM) with 400-bp chemistry. Data were assembled de novo using SPAdes Genome Assembler v. Sequence annotation was performed through PATRIC, RAST and the NCBI PGAAP server. Downstream analysis of the isolates was performed using the Center for Genomic Epidemiology databases for antimicrobial resistance genes and sequence types. Virulence factors and CRISPR were analysed using the PubMLST database and CRISPRFinder, respectively. This study reports the whole genome shotgun sequences of eight N. meningitidis isolates from bloodstream infections. The genome data revealed two novel sequence types (ST12777 and ST12778), along with ST11, ST437 and ST6928. The virulence profile of the isolates matched their sequence types. All isolates were negative for plasmid-mediated resistance genes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of ST11 and ST437 N. meningitidis isolates in India along with two novel sequence types (ST12777 and ST12778). These results indicate that the sequence types circulating in India are diverse and require continuous monitoring. Further studies strengthening the genome data on N. meningitidis are required to understand the prevalence, spread, exact resistance and virulence mechanisms along with serotypes. Copyright © 2017 International Society for Chemotherapy of Infection and Cancer. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. 78 FR 7663 - SLR; 2013 International Rolex Regatta; St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (United States)


    ... 1625-AA08 SLR; 2013 International Rolex Regatta; St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands... special local regulations on the waters of St. Thomas Harbor in St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands during... 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. The telephone number is 202-366-9329. See...

  19. Isolation and characterization of styrene metabolism genes from styrene-assimilating soil bacteria Rhodococcus sp. ST-5 and ST-10. (United States)

    Toda, Hiroshi; Itoh, Nobuya


    Styrene metabolism genes were isolated from styrene-assimilating bacteria Rhodococcus sp. ST-5 and ST-10. Strain ST-5 had a gene cluster containing four open reading frames which encoded styrene degradation enzymes. The genes showed high similarity to styABCD of Pseudomonas sp. Y2. On the other hand, strain ST-10 had only two genes which encoded styrene monooxygenase and flavin oxidoreductase (styAB). Escherichia coli transformants possessing the sty genes of strains ST-5 and ST-10 produced (S)-styrene oxide from styrene, indicating that these genes function as styrene degradation enzymes. Metabolite analysis by resting-cell reaction with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that strain ST-5 converts styrene to phenylacetaldehyde via styrene oxide by styrene oxide isomerase (styC) reaction. On the other hand, strain ST-10 lacked this enzyme, and thus accumulated styrene oxide as an intermediate. HPLC analysis showed that styrene oxide was spontaneously isomerized to phenylacetaldehyde by chemical reaction. The produced phenylacetaldehyde was converted to phenylacetic acid (PAA) in strain ST-10 as well as in strain ST-5. Furthermore, phenylacetic acid was converted to phenylacetyl-CoA by the catalysis of phenylacetate-CoA ligase in strains ST-5 and ST-10. This study proposes possible styrene metabolism pathways in Rhodococcus sp. strains ST-5 and ST-10. Copyright © 2011 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Identifying 21st Century Capabilities (United States)

    Stevens, Robert


    What are the capabilities necessary to meet 21st century challenges? Much of the literature on 21st century skills focuses on skills necessary to meet those challenges associated with future work in a globalised world. The result is a limited characterisation of those capabilities necessary to address 21st century social, health and particularly…

  1. Desafíos de la gobernanza ambiental: una aproximación a las implicaciones de la Gestión Integrada del Recurso Hídrico en Colombia

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    Nicolás González


    Full Text Available En búsqueda de realizar una aproximación a las implicaciones de la gobernanza del agua en Colombia, este trabajo (1 indaga acerca del concepto en cuestión, (2 su relación con la Gestión Integrada del Recurso Hídrico (GIRH, (3 expone brevemente el marco institucional que soporta el patrón de gestión de aguas vigente en Colombia, (4 lo analiza críticamente y (5 finalmente, presenta algunas consideraciones pertinentes a cerca de las posibilidades y desafíos que, desde las instituciones, supone la implementación de modelos de GIRH en Colombia.

  2. If F(ST) does not measure neutral genetic differentiation, then comparing it with Q(ST) is misleading. Or is it? (United States)

    Edelaar, Pim; Björklund, Mats


    The comparison between neutral genetic differentiation (F(ST) ) and quantitative genetic differentiation (Q(ST) ) is commonly used to test for signatures of selection in population divergence. However, there is an ongoing discussion about what F(ST) actually measures, even resulting in some alternative metrics to express neutral genetic differentiation. If there is a problem with F(ST) , this could have repercussions for its comparison with Q(ST) as well. We show that as the mutation rate of the neutral marker increases, F(ST) decreases: a higher within-population heterozygosity (He) yields a lower F(ST) value. However, the same is true for Q(ST) : a higher mutation rate for the underlying QTL also results in a lower Q(ST) estimate. The effect of mutation rate is equivalent in Q(ST) and F(ST) . Hence, the comparison between Q(ST) and F(ST) remains valid, if one uses neutral markers whose mutation rates are not too high compared to those of quantitative traits. Usage of highly variable neutral markers such as hypervariable microsatellites can lead to serious biases and the incorrect inference that divergent selection has acted on populations. Much of the discussion on F(ST) seems to stem from the misunderstanding that it measures the differentiation of populations, whereas it actually measures the fixation of alleles. In their capacity as measures of population differentiation, Hedrick's G'(ST) and Jost's D reach their maximum value of 1 when populations do not share alleles even when there remains variation within populations, which invalidates them for comparisons with Q(ST) . © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  3. Las implicaciones de la convergencia económica en la industria del periodismo: el caso de Grupo Imagen

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    María Elena de Jesús Meneses Rocha


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es dar cuenta y analizar las transformaciones que ocurren a causa de la convergencia económica y corporativa en la industria periodística, así como sus implicaciones en la cultura profesional de los hasta ahora agentes validados socialmente para informar, es decir, los periodistas; también se analizan las consecuencias en la calidad de la información que reciben los ciudadanos de un país en proceso de consolidación democrática como es el caso de México proveniente los medios que han adoptado reingenierías convergentes, basadas en la digitalización de la base material de la producción noticiosa. Para ello, se toma como caso de estudio el Grupo Imagen, el primero en México en haber adoptado una reingeniería convergente, que a finales de la primera década del siglo parece ser una tendencia mundial en la industria del periodismo.

  4. St. Thomas and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands Coastal Digital Elevation Model (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The 1/3 arc-second St. Thomas and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands Coastal Digital Elevation Model will be used to support NOAA's tsunami forecast system and for...

  5. Radioimmunoimaging of human colon and gastric cancers xenografts by NCC-ST-439 and NCC-ST-433 monoclonal antibodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Kayoko; Tsukatani, Yasushi; Nishiguchi, Iku


    Both NCC-ST-439 and NCC-ST-433 are monoclonal antibodies raised against human gastric cancer (St-4) xenografts in nude mice. Imaging and localization experiments were performed by injecting I-125 labeled antibodies into nude mice bearing CO-4 (colon carcinoma) and H-111 (gastric carcinoma). There was uptake of NCC-ST-439 (polymer) into the CO-4, though it was not clearly visualized until 5 days post injection. By injecting NCC-ST-439 (monomer), CO-4 was better seen at day 3, while average accumulation into the tumors decreased compared with NCC-ST-439 (polymer). High radioactivities were observed in the liver and spleen, which was probably due to the immunocomplex with the antigen in the blood. NCC-ST-433 was selectively accumulated into the H-111 with tumor to blood ratio 7.8 at day 7, without significant uptake into the liver and spleen. Significant correlation was also found between the tumor uptake level of NCC-ST-433 and size of tumors. Excellent images of H-111 were obtained 3 days after the injection. NCC-ST-433 holds promise for the radioimmunodetection of gastric cancers. (author)

  6. Draft Genome Sequences of Staphylococcus aureus AMRF1 (ST22) and AMRF2 (ST672), Ocular Methicillin-Resistant Isolates

    KAUST Repository

    Velusamy, Nithya


    Sequence type 22 (ST22) and ST672 are the two major emerging clones of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in India. ST672 strains were found to cause severe ocular infections. We report the draft genome sequences of two emerging strains of methicillin-resistant S. aureus, AMRF1 (ST22) and AMRF2 (ST672), isolated from patients with ocular infections.

  7. Draft Genome Sequences of Staphylococcus aureus AMRF1 (ST22) and AMRF2 (ST672), Ocular Methicillin-Resistant Isolates

    KAUST Repository

    Velusamy, Nithya; Prakash, Logambiga; Neelamegam, Sivakumar; Antony, Aju; Prajna, Lalitha; Mohankumar, Vidyarani; Devarajan, Bharanidharan


    Sequence type 22 (ST22) and ST672 are the two major emerging clones of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in India. ST672 strains were found to cause severe ocular infections. We report the draft genome sequences of two emerging strains of methicillin-resistant S. aureus, AMRF1 (ST22) and AMRF2 (ST672), isolated from patients with ocular infections.

  8. 78 FR 16211 - Safety Zone, Corp. Event Finale UHC, St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (United States)


    ... 1625-AA00 Safety Zone, Corp. Event Finale UHC, St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands... establish a temporary safety zone on the waters of St. Thomas Harbor in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands... through Friday, except federal holidays. The telephone number is 202-366-9329. See the ``Public...

  9. 78 FR 23489 - Safety Zone; V.I. Carnival Finale, St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. (United States)


    ... waters of St. Thomas Harbor in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands during the V.I. Carnival Finale, a... through Friday, except Federal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this... event. The event will be held on the waters of St. Thomas Harbor, St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands...

  10. 78 FR 22778 - Safety Zone; Corp. Event Finale UHC, St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. (United States)


    ... waters of St. Thomas Harbor in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands during the Corp. Event Finale UHC, a.... and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you..., St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands. The fireworks will be launched from a barge stationed near the St...

  11. Los valores éticos y sus implicaciones en la gestión administrativa

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    Edith Rodriguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar los valores éticos que poseen los estudiantes de cuarto curso de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Guayaquil y sus implicaciones en la Gestión Administrativa. El problema se genera a partir de las observaciones realizadas por la autora de este artículo, a los estudiantes de la Carrera de Gestión Empresarial de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas de la Universidad de Guayaquil en los procesos de clase. La metodología utilizada corresponde a un estudio de campo de tipo descriptivo y explicativo, se utilizó un instrumento de recolección de datos tipo encuesta fue aplicado a una población constituida por 120 estudiantes de la carrera de gestión empresarial. Los resultados del estudio  evidenciaron un bajo nivel en el cumplimiento de los códigos de ética por parte de los estudiantes, la relación entre las variables de investigación resultó ser positiva muy débil, lo que significa que mientras el estudiante mejore el cumplimiento de la ética en su actividad áulica, se evidenciará en estos un mejor  desempeño profesional. La investigación concluye proponiendo una serie de estrategias a fin de proporcionar al estudiante la posibilidad de participación a cursos de capacitación, talleres o charlas donde se compartan conocimientos entre los integrantes de la universidad, planificados y organizados por la carrera.

  12. Violencia de Pareja en Mujeres Hispanas: Implicaciones para la Investigación y la Práctica (United States)

    Gonzalez-Guarda, Rosa Maria; Becerra, Maria Mercedes


    Las investigaciones sobre la violencia entre parejas sugieren que las mujeres hispanas están siendo afectadas desproporcionadamente por la ocurrencia y consecuencias de este problema de salud pública. El objetivo del presente artículo es dar a conocer el estado del arte en relación a la epidemiologia, consecuencias y factores de riesgo para VP entre mujeres Hispanas, discutiendo las implicaciones para la investigación y la práctica. Investigaciones han demostrado una fuerte asociación del status socioeconómico, abuso de droga y el alcohol, la salud mental, aculturación, inmigración, comportamientos sexuales riesgosos e historia de abuso con la violencia entre parejas. Sin embargo, más estudios se deben llevar a cabo para identificar otros factores de riesgos y de protección a poblaciones hispanas no clínicas. Mientras que el conocimiento sobre la etiología de la VP entre mujeres Hispanas se expanda, enfermeras y otros profesionales de la salud deben desarrollar, implementar y evaluar estrategias culturalmente adecuadas para la prevención primaria y secundaria de la violencia entre pareja. PMID:26166938

  13. Different properties of polysialic acids synthesized by the polysialyltransferases ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4. (United States)

    Mori, Airi; Hane, Masaya; Niimi, Yuki; Kitajima, Ken; Sato, Chihiro


    Polysialic acid (polySia) is mainly found as a modification of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in whole embryonic brains, as well as restricted areas of adult vertebrate brains, including the hippocampus. PolySia shows not only repulsive effects on NCAM-involved cell-cell interactions due to its bulky and hydrated properties, but also attractive effects on the interaction with neurologically active molecules, which exerts a reservoir function. Two different polysialyltransferases, ST8SIA2 and ST8SIA4, are involved in the synthesis of polySia chains; however, to date, the differences of the properties between polySia chains synthesized by these two enzymes remain unknown. In this study, to clarify this point, we first prepared polySia-NCAMs from HEK293 cells stably expressing ST8SIA4 and ST8SIA2, or ST8SIA2 (SNP-7), a mutant ST8SIA2 derived from a schizophrenia patient. The conventional sensitive chemical and immunological characterizations showed that the quantity and quality (structural features) of polySia are not so much different between ST8SIA4- and ST8SIA2-synthesized ones, apart from those of ST8SIA2 (SNP-7). Then, we assessed the homophilic and heterophilic interactions mediated by polySia-NCAM by adopting a surface plasmon resonance measurement as an in vitro analytical method. Our novel findings are as follows: (i) the ST8SIA2- and ST8SIA4-synthesized polySia-NCAMs exhibited different attractive and repulsive effects than each other; (ii) both polySia- and oligoSia-NCAMs synthesized by ST8SIA2 were able to bind polySia-NCAMs; (iii) the polySia-NCAM synthesized by a ST8SIA2 (SNP-7) showed markedly altered attractive and repulsive properties. Collectively, polySia-NCAM is suggested to simultaneously possess both attractive and repulsive properties that are highly regulated by the two polysialyltransferases. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  14. 77 FR 59035 - Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property at the St. George Airport, St... (United States)


    ... To Release Airport Property at the St. George Airport, St. George, UT AGENCY: Federal Aviation... rule and invite public comment on the release of land at St. George Airport under the provisions of..., City of St. George, Utah, at the following address: Mr. Gary Esplin, City Manager, City of St. George...

  15. Pronóstico 2013 de las remesas familiares en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Plinio Hernández Barriga


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pronostica el comportamiento de las remesas familiares en México. El estudio identifica tendencias y movimientos estacionales que permiten la modelización estadística y el pronóstico empleando la metodología de series de tiempo de Box-Jenkins. Los resultados indican que se espera una caída de las remesas en el 2013, de alrededor un 2.95%, de forma paralela a las pobres expectativas de desempeño de la economía norteamericana.

  16. Filosofía del aula inteligente del S. XXI: críticas urgentes y necesarias


    Sánchez-Bayón, Antonio


    Este estudio trata el aula inteligente (especialmente, el modelo SEK), evaluándose sus fundamentos filosóficos y educativos, además de profundizar en sus principales problemas y retos actuales, con el tránsito al nuevo estadio de la globalización (globalización 2.0). Se diagnostican los fallos coyunturales y paradigmáticos (desmontándose inferencias, imposturas y falacias), y se pronostica acerca de los riesgos de no tomar medidas correctoras. Se presta especial atención al rie...

  17. 78 FR 16208 - Safety Zone; V. I. Carnival Finale; St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (United States)


    ... 1625-AA00 Safety Zone; V. I. Carnival Finale; St. Thomas Harbor; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands AGENCY... establish a safety zone on the waters of St. Thomas Harbor in St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands during the V... between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. The telephone number is 202-366...

  18. St. Lucia. (United States)


    The population of St Lucia was 123,000 in 1986, with an annual growth rate of 2%. The infant mortality rate stands at 22.2/1000 live births, and life expectancy is 70.3 years for males and 74.9 years for females. The literacy rate is 78%. St Lucia's labor force is allocated as follows: agriculture, 36.6%; industry and commerce, 20.1%; and services, 18.1%. The gross national product (GNP) was US$146 million in 1985, with an annual growth rate of 3% and a per capita GNP of $1071. St Lucia is a parliamentary democracy modeled on the British Westminster system. The island is divided into 16 parishes and 1 urban area (the capital, Castries). St Lucia is currently a politically stable country, although the high level of youth unemployment is a cause for concern. Ongoing stability may depend on the government's ability to provide services such as jobs and housing. The economy has evolved from a monocrop sugar plantation type to a diversified economy based on agriculture, industry, and tourism. Agriculture, dominated by the banana industry, is characterized by the participation of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. Industry is being encouraged through the provision of incentives such as tax rebates. The government is attempting to maintain a sound investment climate through a tripartite dialogue with the private sector and trade unions. Overall economic policy is predicated on the attraction of sound investments, by both local and foreign entities, to accelerate the rate of economic growth, solve the unemployment problem, and generate a solid balance-of-payments position.

  19. Development of HANARO ST3 shield

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, K. N.; Lee, J. S.; Shim, H. S.


    This report contains the design, fabrication and accurate installation of ST3 shield, which would be installed at ST3 beam port of HANARO. At first, we designed and fabricated ST3 shield casemate composed of 14 blocks. We filled it with heavy concrete, lead ingot and polyethylene that mixed B 4 C powder and epoxy. The average filling density of total shield casemate was 4.7g/cm 3 . The developed ST3 shield was installed at the ST3 beam port and the accuracy of installation for each beam path and channel was evaluated. We found that the extraction of neutron beam to meet the requirement of neutron spectrometer is possible. Also, we developed ancillary equipment such as BGU, quick shutter and exterior shield door for the effective opening and closing of neutron beam. As a result of this study, it was found that neutron spectrometer such as neutron reflectometer and high intensity powder diffractomater can be installed at the ST3 beam port

  20. Multicultura e interculturalidad: implicaciones de una ausencia en la educación

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    Fernando Carlos Aguero-Contreras


    Full Text Available Resumen Reflexión teórica desde las perspectivas sociológica – antropológica de la educación, sustentada en los enfoques de la multicultura e interculturalidad. Se parte de varios estudios realizados en la residencia estudiantil de la Universidad de Cienfuegos, al centro - sur de Cuba. Estos han combinados análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos, considerando variables e indicadores socio demográficos, relacionados con la satisfacción en el acceso a la cultura, la salud, las relaciones y dinámicas sociales, mediadas por una estructura social clasista y sociocultural que distingue especificidades en la biografía cultural de individuos y grupos. Se concedió importancia a la significación dada a la residencia como escenario relevante de la vida educacional, las percepciones de las relaciones múltiples y diversas entre los grupos que tienen presencia en ella, así como los niveles de diálogos en los ámbitos académicos, científicos y sociales. Se analizaron varios documentos, y se realizaron observaciones, entrevistas estructuradas y en profundidad. Desde este contexto se muestran las implicaciones del déficit teórico en la gestión formativa en la residencia universitaria, limitando el alcance del proyecto educativo como concreción curricular, para el desarrollo de procesos socializadores más coherentes. Se concluye que la ausencia de estas perspectivas teóricas en la educación superior posibilitaron que la visión política ocupara la primera interpretación del proceso, expresada en la acción solidaria y aun cuando se muestran resultados concretos de importancia en cuanto al número de alumnos graduados, el proceso formativo fue limitado en el diálogo profundo, la socialización cultural para la lograr la unidad en la diversidad.

  1. Tendencias de especialización maquiladora: implicaciones de la configuración socio-técnica en Nogales, Sonora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Araceli Almaraz Alvarado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se discute la posibilidad de incluir en el análisis de la industria maquiladora de exportación (I M E , las implicaciones de la movilidad espacial de las empresas en el proceso de especialización. Partiendo de la importancia del proceso de configuración socio-técnica en la I M E, se busca identificar su correspondencia con el proceso de interacción y expansión de las plantas, a través de las particularidades locales y diferencias entre los tipos de firmas de la I M E concentrada en la ciudad de Nogales, Sonora. A lo largo del artículo se desarrolla la idea de que debe existir una diferenciación entre localidades y / o regiones donde la IME se ha venido desenvolviendo, la cual, finalmente, deberá responder a la urgencia de presentar tipologías de trayectorias industriales que reflejen las tendencias de organización de la producción local y regional, y sus conexiones al ámbito de las cadenas globales.

  2. Teknisk Ståbi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Teknisk Ståbi er de bygningsprojekterendes og entreprenørers håndbog. Den dækker matematik, fysik, statestik, laster og sikkerhed samt beggematerialerne: beton, stål, træ, murværk, letbeton, glas og endelig fundering. Denne udgave er en næsten totalrevision, baseret på de nye Eurocodes, der afløs...


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    Full Text Available Este documento examina el constructo de Comunicaciones Integradas de Marketing (CIM, desde su definición hasta su aplicación a partir de la perspectiva del mercadeo verde en la estrategia organizacional. El texto presenta tres grandes discusiones, primero, una reflexión particular sobre los aportes e implicaciones más importantes de las Comunicaciones Integradas de Marketing y de cada uno de sus instrumentos a la estrategia de gestión ambiental de las organizaciones. Luego, una caracterización general del consumidor verde y de otros stakeholders de la organización, en particular, de su papel en el proceso estratégico de la comunicación verde. Finalmente, como conclusión de este trabajo, se plantean algunas consideraciones sobre la necesaria aplicación de este concepto en la propuesta de gestión ambiental organizacional en la actualidad.

  4. Diversidad genética de Plasmodium falciparum y sus implicaciones en la epidemiología de la malaria.

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    Judy Natalia Jiménez


    Full Text Available La diversidad genética le confiere a Plasmodium falciparum la capacidad de evadir la respuesta inmune del hospedero y producir variantes resistentes a medicamentos y a vacunas, aspectos que juegan un papel importante en el establecimiento de medidas de control contra la malaria. Diferentes autores han documentado la existencia de diversas cepas o clones de P. falciparum, cuya diversidad genética se ha confirmado a través de distintos ensayos de PCR (reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. Numerosas investigaciones realizadas en poblaciones con diferente grado de transmisión de malaria han mostrado la relación existente entre la estructura de la población de P. falciparum y la epidemiología de la enfermedad. En este artículo se describen las fases del ciclo de vida en las que los eventos de recombinación originan la diversidad genética de P. falciparum, se revisan los estudios realizados sobre este aspecto en regiones con diferentes grados de endemicidad, así como sobre sus implicaciones en la adquisición de inmunidad y en el desarrollo de medidas de control.

  5. Algunas implicaciones jurídicas del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en la Ciudad de México

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    Alejandro Rosas Martínez


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza y expone el reconocimiento del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en la Ciudad de México, así como sus implicaciones primarias a partir de su concreción en el sistema jurídico mexicano. El estudio contiene el análisis de la “Sociedad de Convivencia” como un mecanismo de reconocimiento de derechos de carácter civil a personas con relaciones personales de convivencia permanente, entre las que se encuentran las personas con identidad de género distinta de la correspondiente a su sexo y las personas con preferencia sexual distinta de la heterosexual. También se estudia la reforma por la que el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo es posible y el criterio que la Suprema Corte de Justicia de México emitió sobre aquélla con base en una acción de inconstitucionalidad en la que se planteó el alcance del principio de igualdad en el constitucionalismo mexicano a partir de los conceptos de familia, matrimonio, heterosexualidad, homosexualidad, adopción e interés superior del menor.

  6. La hipótesis del trauma en el abuso sexual: revisión crítica e implicaciones

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    Agustín Malón Marco


    Full Text Available Se lleva a cabo una revisión crítica de la hipótesis traumática en el estudio de las experiencias eróticas tempranas con personas más mayores. Esta hipótesis, la más habitual en la literatura científica, consiste en dar por cierto que son en su mayoría experiencias graves y de serias consecuencias negativas a corto y/o largo plazo. Cuestionaremos su fundamentación empírica, para después pasar a las implicaciones científicas y profesionales surgidas de otra lectura de los datos disponibles. Para ello se analizan críticamente nueve revisiones previas sobre la cuestión, publicadas entre 1981 y 1998. Esta revisión de revisiones sugiere que estaría perfectamente sustentada la hipótesis de que en la gran mayoría de los casos no suelen producirse daños serios ni mucho menos permanentes en los implicados. El análisis invita a un replanteamiento teórico, epistemológico y tecnológico de la investigación y la intervención social.

  7. Cabeza hacia adelante: una mirada desde la biomecánica y sus implicaciones sobre el movimiento corporal humano

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    Iván Darío Pinzón Ríos


    Full Text Available Las condiciones ergonómicas de mobiliario y de equipos, como también la postura incorrecta al estar en posición sedente, de pie o cargando algún peso pueden generar dolores o complicaciones osteomusculares. Dentro de estas, la cabeza hacia adelante es una alteración común detectada en la evaluación postural realizada por los fisioterapeutas. Esta suele asociarse a cambios mecánicos del cuello y columna vertebral, los cuales alteran la funcionalidad de los individuos, causándole discapacidad pues compromete el movimiento de hombros, la movilidad de la articulación temporomandibular, la mecánica respiratoria, desarrollando imbalances musculares, mareos, disfunción vestibular, aumenta el riesgo de fracturas y se asocia con procesos dolorosos como la cervicalgia, dorsalgia y lumbalgia. Por tanto el siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo revisar la fisiopatogénia de la cabeza hacia adelante, desde una perspectiva biomecánica, analizando las implicaciones de esta alteración postural sobre el movimiento corporal humano, proporcionando así herramientas de análisis para el abordaje fisioterapéutico.

  8. The marine Algal Vegetation of St. Martin, St. Eustatius and Saba (Netherlands Antilles)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vroman, M.


    Along the coast of St. Martin, St. Eustatius and Saba the rocks above sea-level often show a number of differently coloured zones. This is clearly visible when the coast over a larger distance is formed by one type of rock, as for instance on Saba. In many places a light-coloured belt is seen above

  9. Delivering happiness at UEM: aprendiendo a ser feliz en el trabajo


    Vidal García, Marta Esmeralda; Linati, Andrea


    El objetivo último de cualquier persona es ser feliz, todo aquello que hacemos está encaminado a alcanzar dicha meta. La felicidad es el pilar sólido que nos permitirá alcanzar el éxito tanto en lo personal como en lo profesional. Cuando somos felices en el trabajo, estamos más motivados, rendimos más, somos más productivos, mejores compañeros, tenemos mejores ideas, etc., y todo ello aumenta enormemente las probabilidades de tener éxito. La felicidad pronostica importantes res...

  10. Teoría de los marcos relacionales: algunas implicaciones para la psicopatología y la psicoterapia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serafín Gómez-Martín


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio teórico es destacar las posibilidades aplicadas de la Teoría de los Marcos Relacionales (RFT en el ámbito clínico. En primer lugar, describiremos de manera muy breve algunos de los principales conceptos técnicos de la teoría (por ejemplo, los conceptos de transformación de funciones y de operante generalizada. Posteriormente, propondremos cuatro causas por las cuales se generan los problemas psicológicos derivadas de una aproximación a la psicopatología humana generada desde la RFT. Dichas causas tienen que ver con los contextos verbales de la literalidad, la formación de categorías y por consiguiente la evaluación y comparación, el contexto de la búsqueda de coherencia y de dar razones y finalmente con el control de los eventos privados. Por último, se expondrán las amplias implicaciones clínicas de los conceptos de contexto relacional y contexto funcional, usando ejemplos clínicos relevantes y clasificando diferentes terapias en función de cual es su objetivo principal: la alteración del contexto funcional o del contexto relacional de redes relacionales.

  11. El interrogante de lo vivo y sus respuestas ahistóricas: desarrollo histórico del concepto de lo vivo y algunas implicaciones didácticas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Correa (Página 153-163


    Full Text Available El  presente trabajo muestra  el desarrollo histórico y epistemológico del concepto de lo vivo, en términos de las diferentes corrientes de pensamiento que han guiado su estudio, como son: El animismo, el mecanicismo, el vitalismo, el organicismo, el pensamiento sistémico y el neomecanicismo. Además, relacionando lo  anterior con  la formación docente y buscando una reflexión acerca de la importancia de vincular la historia y la epistemología en la enseñanza de las ciencias, se hace una revisión de algunas  implicaciones  didácticas del abordaje ahistórico de de este concepto en la escuela.

  12. 75 FR 38723 - Safety Zone; St. Ignace 4th of July Fireworks, East Moran Bay, Lake Huron, St. Ignace, MI (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; St. Ignace 4th of July Fireworks, East Moran Bay, Lake Huron, St. Ignace, MI AGENCY... safety zone on East Moran Bay, Lake Huron, St. Ignace, Michigan. This zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of East Moran Bay during the St. Ignace 4th of July Fireworks display, July 4, 2010...

  13. Trayectorias de persistencia y abandono de estudiantes universitarios no convencionales: implicaciones para la orientación

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    Pilar Figuera Gazo


    Full Text Available Uno de los objetivos de la política universitaria a nivel nacional e internacional ha sido la diversificación de las vías de entrada a la universidad para favorecer el acceso más generalizado a la educación superior. Sin embargo, el establecimiento de políticas de acceso debe ir acompañado de medidas para garantizar la permanencia en el sistema. La orientación es uno de los instrumentos más significativos. El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación longitudinal sobre los procesos de transición y persistencia de una cohorte de estudiantes de ADE y Pedagogía de la Universidad de Barcelona que iniciaron los estudios en el año 2010. Los datos confirman que las situaciones de retraso académico, fracaso y abandono son significativamente superiores entre los estudiantes que accedieron a través de las vías no convencionales (específicamente aquellos procedentes de las vías CFGS, mayores de 25 años y 45 años. A partir de los resultados procedentes de las bases de datos institucionales y de los cuestionarios de seguimiento, se discute las implicaciones para el establecimiento de acciones de orientación y tutoría que contribuyan a la verdadera equidad del sistema.

  14. Trabajo creativo y reestructuración productiva en la industria cultural de la publicidad farmacéutica online en el marco del capitalismo contemporáneo : implicaciones socioeconómicas en Argentina, 2008 - 2012


    Ruiz, Silvina


    Esta Tesis se propone contribuir al conocimiento sobre la organización productiva y del trabajo que denominamos “Creativo / Original” vs. "Creativo / Comercial”, en la producción de contenidos informacionales en la Industria Cultural de la Publicidad Farmacéutica online en la Argentina, y sus implicaciones para el desarrollo de los/as trabajadores/as y del país. Con ese objetivo nuestra investigación -si bien se concentra en el nivel micro social en base a la experiencia de una empresa trasna...

  15. The Role of the st313-td Gene in Virulence of Salmonella Typhimurium ST313

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herrero-Fresno, Ana; Wallrodt, Inke; Leekitcharoenphon, Pimlapas


    Multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ST313 has emerged in sub-Saharan Africa causing severe infections in humans. Therefore, it has been speculated that this specific sequence type, ST313, carries factors associated with increased pathogenicity. We assessed the role in viru...

  16. ST-intuitionistic fuzzy metric space with properties (United States)

    Arora, Sahil; Kumar, Tanuj


    In this paper, we define ST-intuitionistic fuzzy metric space and the notion of convergence and completeness properties of cauchy sequences is studied. Further, we prove some properties of ST-intuitionistic fuzzy metric space. Finally, we introduce the concept of symmetric ST Intuitionistic Fuzzy metric space.

  17. Henkilöstövoimavarojen johtamista megamarketissa


    Setälä, Minna


    Henkilöstö on lähes kaikkien organisaatioiden tärkein voimavara ja menestyksen perusta. Ilman henkilöstön olemassaoloa ja osaamista, ei mikään organisaatio pystyisi toimimaan. Henkilöstövoimavarojen johtamisen tulisikin olla keskeinen osa yrityksen strategista toimintaa. Osaava ja hyvinvoiva henkilöstö tuottaa luonnollisesti vastinetta siihen sijoitetulle pääomalle. Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin Vantaalla sijaitsevalle elintarvike- ja päivittäistavaraketjun myymälälle, supermarketille. Tavo...

  18. Baseline risk assessment for exposure to contaminants at the St. Louis Site, St. Louis, Missouri

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The St. Louis Site comprises three noncontiguous areas in and near St. Louis, Missouri: the St. Louis Downtown Site (SLDS), the St. Louis Airport Storage Site (SLAPS), and the Latty Avenue Properties. The main site of the Latty Avenue Properties includes the Hazelwood Interim Storage Site (HISS) and the Futura Coatings property, which are located at 9200 Latty Avenue. Contamination at the St. Louis Site is the result of uranium processing and disposal activities that took place from the 1940s through the 1970s. Uranium processing took place at the SLDS from 1942 through 1957. From the 1940s through the 1960s, SLAPS was used as a storage area for residues from the manufacturing operations at SLDS. The materials stored at SLAPS were bought by Continental Mining and Milling Company of Chicago, Illinois, in 1966, and moved to the HISS/Futura Coatings property at 9200 Latty Avenue. Vicinity properties became contaminated as a result of transport and movement of the contaminated material among SLDS, SLAPS, and the 9200 Latty Avenue property. This contamination led to the SLAPS, HISS, and Futura Coatings properties being placed on the National Priorities List (NPL) of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The US Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for cleanup activities at the St. Louis Site under its Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). The primary goal of FUSRAP is the elimination of potential hazards to human health and the environment at former Manhattan Engineer District/Atomic Energy Commission (MED/AEC) sites so that, to the extent possible, these properties can be released for use without restrictions. To determine and establish cleanup goals for the St. Louis Site, DOE is currently preparing a remedial investigation/feasibility study-environmental impact statement (RI/FS-EIS). This baseline risk assessment (BRA) is a component of the process; it addresses potential risk to human health and the environment associated wi

  19. Herrens röst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Om språket är gränsen mellan djur och människor, vad innebär det när hundar talar? I filmen Upp pratar de animerade hundarna, men med sin husses röst. Lilian Munk Rösing ser filmen i sällskap av bland andra Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Žižek och Renata Salecl och finner en röst utan kropp, en kropp besj...

  20. Differences in symptoms, first medical contact and pre-hospital delay times between patients with ST- and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Ängerud, Karin H; Sederholm Lawesson, Sofia; Isaksson, Rose-Marie; Thylén, Ingela; Swahn, Eva


    In ST-elevation myocardial infarction, time to reperfusion is crucial for the prognosis. Symptom presentation in myocardial infarction influences pre-hospital delay times but studies about differences in symptoms between patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction are sparse and inconclusive. The aim was to compare symptoms, first medical contact and pre-hospital delay times in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. This multicentre, observational study included 694 myocardial infarction patients from five hospitals. The patients filled in a questionnaire about their pre-hospital experiences within 24 h of hospital admittance. Chest pain was the most common symptom in ST-elevation myocardial infarction and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (88.7 vs 87.0%, p=0.56). Patients with cold sweat (odds ratio 3.61, 95% confidence interval 2.29-5.70), jaw pain (odds ratio 2.41, 95% confidence interval 1.04-5.58), and nausea (odds ratio 1.70, 95% confidence interval 1.01-2.87) were more likely to present with ST-elevation myocardial infarction, whereas the opposite was true for symptoms that come and go (odds ratio 0.58, 95% confidence interval 0.38-0.90) or anxiety (odds ratio 0.52, 95% confidence interval 0.29-0.92). Use of emergency medical services was higher among patients admitted with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The pre-hospital delay time from symptom onset to first medical contact was significantly longer in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (2:05 h vs 1:10 h, p=0.001). Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction differed from those with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction regarding symptom presentation, ambulance utilisation and pre-hospital delay times. This knowledge is important to be aware of for all healthcare personnel and the general public especially in order to recognise symptoms suggestive of ST-elevation myocardial infarction and

  1. La suavidad de la carne: implicaciones físicas y bioquímicas asociadas al manejo y proceso agroindustrial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Chac\\u00F3n


    Full Text Available La suavidad de la carne: implicaciones físicas y bioquímicas asociadas al manejo y proceso agroindustrial. Actualmente, el problema de la suavidad de la carne representa una gran preocupación entre los productores, dado que esta variable ha demostrado ser el principal criterio con base al cual los consumidores juzgan la calidad de la carne. El problema es especialmente importante si se considera que una de cada cuatro degustaciones de la carne resultan insatisfactorias para el consumidor. Este trabajo abordó los principales aspectos asociados con la suavidad de la carne tales como la estructura y composición de la carne, el fenómeno de la contracción muscular, los cambios bioquímicos post mortem como el rigor mortis y la maduración, y el efecto general debido a las operaciones del procesamiento industrial como la cocción y el congelamiento. Métodos generales para el mejoramiento de la suavidad son discutidos, así como la actividad bioquímica e importancia de las enzimas CALPAINAS (calcium ion dependent papain like cisteine proteases.

  2. Identification and characterization of two novel cytosolic sulfotransferases, SULT1 ST7 and SULT1 ST8, from zebrafish

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, T.-A. [Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 (United States); Department of Biological Science and Technology, College of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (China); Bhuiyan, Shakhawat [Division of Arts and Sciences, Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, TX 75765 (United States); Snow, Rhodora [School of Mathematics and Science, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Richmond, VA 23285 (United States); Yasuda, Shin; Yasuda, Tomoko [Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 (United States); Yang, Y.-S. [Department of Biological Science and Technology, College of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (China); Williams, Frederick E.; Liu, M.-Y.; Suiko, Masahito [Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 (United States); Carter, Glendora [School of Mathematics and Science, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Richmond, VA 23285 (United States); Liu, M.-C. [Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 (United States)], E-mail:


    Cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULTs) constitute a family of Phase II detoxification enzymes that are involved in the protection against potentially harmful xenobiotics as well as the regulation and homeostasis of endogenous compounds. Compared with humans and rodents, the zebrafish serves as an excellent model for studying the role of SULTs in the detoxification of environmental pollutants including environmental estrogens. By searching the expressed sequence tag database, two zebrafish cDNAs encoding putative SULTs were identified. Sequence analysis indicated that these two putative zebrafish SULTs belong to the SULT1 gene family. The recombinant form of these two novel zebrafish SULTs, designated SULT1 ST7 and SULT1 ST8, were expressed using the pGEX-2TK glutathione S-transferase (GST) gene fusion system and purified from transformed BL21 (DE3) cells. Purified GST-fusion protein form of SULT1 ST7 and SULT1 ST8 exhibited strong sulfating activities toward environmental estrogens, particularly hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), among various endogenous and xenobiotic compounds tested as substrates. pH-dependence experiments showed that SULT1 ST7 and SULT1 ST8 displayed pH optima at 6.5 and 8.0, respectively. Kinetic parameters of the two enzymes in catalyzing the sulfation of catechin and chlorogenic acid as well as 3-chloro-4-biphenylol were determined. Developmental expression experiments revealed distinct patterns of expression of SULT1 ST7 and SULT1 ST8 during embryonic development and throughout the larval stage onto maturity.

  3. St. James marine terminal facility description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) currently owns and operates a marine terminal on the west bank of the Mississippi River at St. James, Louisiana. The St. James facility was constructed by the Department to provide marine services associated with the fill and drawdown of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) crude oil storage facilities located at Bayou Choctaw and Weeks Island, Louisiana. Although strategic to the mission of the SPR in the event of a national emergency, the St. James terminal is situated such that it has a high potential to also serve the commercial industry`s needs for crude oil terminalling and storage. The St. James terminal is located approximately 45 miles west of New Orleans and 30 miles southeast of Baton Rouge, and approximately 160 miles upstream from the mouth of the Mississippi River. Construction of the St. James terminal was initiated in 1978 and was completed in 1980. Since then, the terminal has received and transferred over 125 million barrels of crude oil to the SPR sites for storage. For crude oil distribution, the St. James terminal was connected to the neighboring LOCAP terminal by a 0.1 mile 36-inch pipeline in 1981 and to the Capline terminal by a 0.5 mile 30-inch pipeline in 1988. The terminal also has a 30-inch pipeline connection to the Koch oil terminal which was used for initial fill purposes; however, this pipeline has been disconnected and is currently inactive. A complete description of the St. James terminal facilities, operational capabilities, operational certifications, and future Government requirements are presented in Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

  4. Meteor detection on ST (MST) radars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avery, S.K.


    The ability to detect radar echoes from backscatter due to turbulent irregularities of the radio refractive index in the clear atmosphere has lead to an increasing number of established mesosphere - stratosphere - troposphere (MST or ST) radars. Humidity and temperature variations are responsible for the echo in the troposphere and stratosphere and turbulence acting on electron density gradients provides the echo in the mesosphere. The MST radar and its smaller version, the ST radar, are pulsed Doppler radars operating in the VHF - UHF frequency range. These echoes can be used to determine upper atmosphere winds at little extra cost to the ST radar configuration. In addition, the meteor echoes can supplement mesospheric data from an MST radar. The detection techniques required on the ST radar for delineating meteor echo returns are described

  5. Stereospecificity (ST) of the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alderman, J.; Kato, S.; Lasker, J.; Lieber, C.S.


    The ST of MEOS for the ethanol 1R hydrogen has been variously reported as absolute, partial or absent, with free radical involvement postulated in the latter case. To determine both the ST of MEOS and the participation of free radicals in the reaction, they investigated MEOS ST using 1R[1- 3 H] ethanol as substrate. ST is expressed as the fraction of 3 H labeling in acetaldehyde formed, relative to that in ethanol, and ranges from 0.5 to 0. Partial ST was observed using liver microsomes from both rats and hamsters; it significantly decreased after ethanol feeding. 0.1 mM desferrioxamine (dfx) did not increase ST in any of these microsomal preparations while ferric EDTA decreased it, suggesting that ethanol treatment induces a cytochrome P-450 with lower ST rather than increasing free radical involvement. This is supported by a virtual absence of ST observed in a reconstituted system containing purified hamster P-450/sub ALC/, a liver cytochrome P-450 isozyme induced in hamsters by ethanol treatment. Their results indicate that, unlike other enzymes that oxidize ethanol, MEOS has only partial ST. Thus, ST alone cannot be used as an index of free radical involvement but, when evaluated with the response of ST to dfx, it indicated that MEOS is unlikely to involve free radical attack on ethanol in solution

  6. Reciprocal ST-Segment Changes in Myocardial Infarction: Ischemia at Distance Versus Mirror Reflection of ST-Elevation. (United States)

    Vaidya, Gaurang Nandkishor; Antoine, Steve; Imam, Syed Haider; Kozman, Hani; Smulyan, Harold; Villarreal, Daniel


    Reciprocal ST-depression in the electrocardiograms (ECGs) of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) results from either true ischemia at a distance via collateral circulation diverting blood to the infarcted region or an electrical phenomenon that results from a mirror reflection of ST-elevation. We aimed to identify the role of reciprocal ECG changes in predicting collateral circulation to the infarcted area determined angiographically. In a retrospective study, ECG and angiography of 53 STEMI patients admitted to SUNY Upstate Medical University in 2014 were reviewed independently by experts blinded to the results of ECG and coronary angiography. Reciprocal changes (RC) in ECG were present in 41 patients (77%) and on angiography, 14 patients (26%) exhibited collateral vessels to the ischemic areas. No correlation was found between the presence of RC and collateral circulation (P = 0.384), or between the depth of reciprocal ST-depression and the degree of the collateral circulation (P = 0.195). However, 84% of patients without collaterals exhibited resolution of RC after successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (P = 0.036), suggesting that the ST depressions that resolved after reperfusion were directly caused by the culprit vessel. Patients without RC presented late after symptom onset (9.25 versus 3.83 hours, P = 0.004), also suggesting time related resolution. RC had no relation to or predictive value for collaterals on angiography. Among late presenting patients, RC were less frequent. Thus, reciprocal ST-depression may represent subendocardial ischemia from the primary coronary event or simply an electrical phenomenon, rather than ischemia at distance from impaired collateral circulation. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  7. Firmaets Største Bedrift

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peer Henrik

    fortæller, hvordan de tidligere modstandsfolk Arne Sejr og Niels Frommelt få år efter befrielsen etablerede deres såkaldte Firma for med støtte fra ledende danske politikere, Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste og CIA at organisere en hemmelig krig mod Sovjetunionens danske støtter. Meget tyder på, at både...

  8. Escherichia coli ST131, an Intriguing Clonal Group (United States)

    Bertrand, Xavier; Madec, Jean-Yves


    SUMMARY In 2008, a previously unknown Escherichia coli clonal group, sequence type 131 (ST131), was identified on three continents. Today, ST131 is the predominant E. coli lineage among extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) isolates worldwide. Retrospective studies have suggested that it may originally have risen to prominence as early as 2003. Unlike other classical group B2 ExPEC isolates, ST131 isolates are commonly reported to produce extended-spectrum β-lactamases, such as CTX-M-15, and almost all are resistant to fluoroquinolones. Moreover, ST131 E. coli isolates are considered to be truly pathogenic, due to the spectrum of infections they cause in both community and hospital settings and the large number of virulence-associated genes they contain. ST131 isolates therefore seem to contradict the widely held view that high levels of antimicrobial resistance are necessarily associated with a fitness cost leading to a decrease in pathogenesis. Six years after the first description of E. coli ST131, this review outlines the principal traits of ST131 clonal group isolates, based on the growing body of published data, and highlights what is currently known and what we need to find out to provide public health authorities with better information to help combat ST131. PMID:24982321

  9. Role of myocardial ischemia on exercise-induced ST elevation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Muneyasu; Sumiyoshi, Tetsuya; Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Hayashida, Kouhei; Haze, Kazuo; Fukami, Ken-ichi; Hiramori, Katsuhiko


    Exercise-induced ST elevation in patients with previous myocardial infarction (MI) has been recognized to be related to left ventricular (LV) asynergy, however it is also recognized that myocardial ischemia can induce ST elevation. In this study, factors which determine the extent of ST elevation, with special reference to myocardial ischemia, was re-evaluated using quantitative analysis of stress myocardial scintigraphy (S-SG). Among 65 patients with previous anterior myocardial infarction and documented single vessel disease of left anterior descending artery (LAD), 19 patients who had exercise-induced ST elevation (ΔST ≥ 2.0 mm) had more abnormal Q waves (p < 0.01), lower LV ejection fraction (EF) (p < 0.01), more severe LV asynergy (p < 0.05) and less incidence of post-MI angina pectoris (AP) (p < 0.01), compared to those with ΔST < 2.0 mm, indicating that ST elevation is primarily related to LV asynergy. Correlation studies among clinical, angiographic and scintigraphic parameters show that ΔST was significantly related to a size of MI represented by Tl score or relative defect Tl activity and number of abnormal Q waves (No.Q), the magnitude of work load expressed by changes in double product (ΔDP) and intervals between the onset and exercise test, as well as myocardial ischemia expressed by the extent of redistribution (%RD) in S-SG. Among 23 patients with post-MI AP, ΔST significantly correlated with %RD (r = 0.47), indicating that myocardial ischemia can be a mechanism of exercise-induced ST elevation in patients with previous MI. Furtheremore, among those with ST elevation, concave-type ST elevation was more related to myocardial ischemia compared to convex-type ST elevation as expressed by the incidence of post-MI AP and/or significant redistribution. (J.P.N.)

  10. 21st Century Skills Map: Geography (United States)

    Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2009


    This 21st Century Skills Map is the result of hundreds of hours of research, development and feedback from educators and business leaders across the nation. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has issued this map for the core subject of Geography.

  11. ST Elevation in aVR with Coexistent Multilead ST Depression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin Cooper


    Full Text Available History of present illness: An 80-year-old female with a history of Crohn’s disease presented to the emergency department with chest pain. She had two weeks of exertional chest pain that preceded an episode of chest pain immediately prior to arrival associated with diaphoresis. Her pain nearly completely resolved with sublingual nitroglycerin provided by pre-hospital personnel. She was hemodynamically stable with normal vital signs on arrival. An ECG was immediately obtained. Significant findings: The ECG shows ST-segment depressions in precordial leads V3 through V6, and limb leads I, II, and aVL, and 1 mm of ST-segment elevation in aVR. The initial troponin I was elevated at 1.37 ng/mL (upper limit of normal 0.40. Cardiology decided to delay catheterization until the next day when diffuse coronary disease was discovered (including 90% of the left circumflex stenosis, 60% proximal and 75% mid-left anterior descending stenosis, 75% third diagonal branch stenosis, and 90% posterior descending artery stenosis. The following day, the patient went to the operating room for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG. Discussion: Traditionally, lead aVR has not received attention when interpreting acutely ischemic changes on ECG, leading some to refer to it as “the forgotten lead.”1 Current guidelines acknowledge the significance of multilead ST depression with coexistent ST elevation in aVR, and this pattern has been identified as the strongest predictor of severe left main coronary artery and/or 3-vessel disease (LM/3VD.2-3 When this ECG pattern is recognized in patients with ischemic symptoms, the emergency physician should involve cardiology early. When managing patients with suspected LM/3VD, it is important to withhold dual anti-platelet therapy as CABG is likely to be indicated,1,3 and guidelines recommend discontinuing P2Y12 inhibitors like clopidogrel or ticagrelor at least 24 hours prior to urgent CABG.2

  12. The cognitive status of stød

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Sara Juul; Kristensen, Line Burholt


    marked. Keeping in mind the cross-distribution between phonetic/phonological markedness and distributional patterns, we investigate here whether stød is also related to accent 1 when it comes to cognitive markedness. We present the results of a psycholinguistic study in which participants attended...... for words with non-stød stems, indicating that the cognitive markedness status of stød corresponds to that of accent 2....

  13. Spot Støjbergs støj

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Christian Erik J


    Inger Støjberg er placeret på en af de mest profilerede poster i Løkkes regering. Spørger du hende om fortiden, taler hun om fremtiden. Spørger du hende om fremtiden, taler hun om fortiden. Ergo: Hun taler udenom, og hun er god til det. Hun er så god, at det skader demokratiet. Lær at spotte hend...

  14. VaST: A variability search toolkit (United States)

    Sokolovsky, K. V.; Lebedev, A. A.


    Variability Search Toolkit (VaST) is a software package designed to find variable objects in a series of sky images. It can be run from a script or interactively using its graphical interface. VaST relies on source list matching as opposed to image subtraction. SExtractor is used to generate source lists and perform aperture or PSF-fitting photometry (with PSFEx). Variability indices that characterize scatter and smoothness of a lightcurve are computed for all objects. Candidate variables are identified as objects having high variability index values compared to other objects of similar brightness. The two distinguishing features of VaST are its ability to perform accurate aperture photometry of images obtained with non-linear detectors and handle complex image distortions. The software has been successfully applied to images obtained with telescopes ranging from 0.08 to 2.5 m in diameter equipped with a variety of detectors including CCD, CMOS, MIC and photographic plates. About 1800 variable stars have been discovered with VaST. It is used as a transient detection engine in the New Milky Way (NMW) nova patrol. The code is written in C and can be easily compiled on the majority of UNIX-like systems. VaST is free software available at

  15. Chicago-St. Louis high speed rail plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stead, M.E.


    The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), in cooperation with Amtrak, undertook the Chicago-St. Louis High Speed Rail Financial and Implementation Plan study in order to develop a realistic and achievable blueprint for implementation of high speed rail in the Chicago-St. Louis corridor. This report presents a summary of the Price Waterhouse Project Team's analysis and the Financial and Implementation Plan for implementing high speed rail service in the Chicago-St. Louis corridor

  16. Chicago-St. Louis high speed rail plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stead, M.E.


    The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), in cooperation with Amtrak, undertook the Chicago-St. Louis High Speed Rail Financial and Implementation Plan study in order to develop a realistic and achievable blueprint for implementation of high speed rail in the Chicago-St. Louis corridor. This report presents a summary of the Price Waterhouse Project Team`s analysis and the Financial and Implementation Plan for implementing high speed rail service in the Chicago-St. Louis corridor.

  17. Data Abstraction Mechanisms in Sina/st

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meyrowitz, N.K.; Aksit, Mehmet; Tripathi, Anand


    This paper describes a new data abstraction mechanism in an object-oriented model of computing. The data abstraction mechanism described here has been devised in the context of the design of Sina/st language. In Sina/st no language constructs have been adopted for specifying inheritance or

  18. Pretreatment with soluble ST2 reduces warm hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin Hui; Huang Baojun; Yang Heng; Huang Yafei; Xiong Ping; Zheng Fang; Chen Xiaoping; Chen Yifa; Gong Feili


    The interleukin-1 receptor-like protein ST2 exists in both membrane-bound (ST2L) and soluble form (sST2). ST2L has been found to play an important regulatory role in Th2-type immune response, but the function of soluble form of ST2 remains to be elucidated. In this study, we report the protective effect of soluble ST2 on warm hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury. We constructed a eukaryotic expression plasmid, psST2-Fc, which expresses functional murine soluble ST2-human IgG1 Fc (sST2-Fc) fusion protein. The liver damage after ischemia/reperfusion was significantly attenuated by the expression of this plasmid in vivo. sST2-Fc remarkably inhibited the activation of Kupffer cells and the production of proinflammatory mediators TNF-α and IL-6. Furthermore, the levels of TLR4 mRNA and the nuclear translocation of NF-κB were also suppressed by pretreatment with sST2-Fc. These results thus identified soluble ST2 as a negative regulator in hepatic I/R injury, possibly via ST2-TLR4 pathway

  19. ST segment/heart rate slope as a predictor of coronary artery disease: comparison with quantitative thallium imaging and conventional ST segment criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finkelhor, R.S.; Newhouse, K.E.; Vrobel, T.R.; Miron, S.D.; Bahler, R.C.


    The ST segment shift relative to exercise-induced increments in heart rate, the ST/heart rate slope (ST/HR slope), has been proposed as a more accurate ECG criterion for diagnosing significant coronary artery disease (CAD). Its clinical utility, with the use of a standard treadmill protocol, was compared with quantitative stress thallium (TI) and standard treadmill criteria in 64 unselected patients who underwent coronary angiography. The overall diagnostic accuracy of the ST/HR slope was an improvement over TI and conventional ST criteria (81%, 67%, and 69%). For patients failing to reach 85% of their age-predicted maximal heart rate, its diagnostic accuracy was comparable with TI (77% and 74%). Its sensitivity in patients without prior myocardial infarctions was equivalent to that of thallium (91% and 95%). The ST/HR slope was directly related to the angiographic severity (Gensini score) of CAD in patients without a prior infarction (r = 0.61, p less than 0.001). The ST/HR slope was an improved ECG criterion for diagnosing CAD and compared favorably with TI imaging

  20. E-st@r-I experience: Valuable knowledge for improving the e-st@r-II design (United States)

    Corpino, S.; Obiols-Rabasa, G.; Mozzillo, R.; Nichele, F.


    Many universities all over the world have now established hands-on education programs based on CubeSats. These small and cheap platforms are becoming more and more attractive also for other-than-educational missions, such as technology demonstration, science applications, and Earth observation. This new paradigm requires the development of adequate technology to increase CubeSat performance and mission reliability, because educationally-driven missions have often failed. In 2013 the ESA Education Office launched the Fly Your Satellite! Programme which aims at increasing CubeSat mission reliability through several actions: to improve design implementation, to define best practices for conducting the verification process, and to make the CubeSat community aware of the importance of verification. Within this framework, the CubeSat team at Politecnico di Torino developed the e-st@r-II CubeSat as follow-on of the e-st@r-I satellite, launched in 2012 on the VEGA Maiden Flight. E-st@r-I and e-st@r-II are both 1U satellites with educational and technology demonstration objectives: to give hands-on experience to university students and to test an active attitude determination and control system based on inertial and magnetic measurements with magnetic actuation. This paper describes the know-how gained thanks to the e-st@r-I mission, and how this heritage has been translated into the improvement of the new CubeSat in several areas and lifecycle phases. The CubeSat design has been reviewed to reduce the complexity of the assembly procedure and to deal with possible failures of the on-board computer, for example re-coding the software in the communications subsystem. New procedures have been designed and assessed for the verification campaign accordingly to ECSS rules and with the support of ESA specialists. Different operative modes have been implemented to handle some anomalies observed during the operations of the first satellite. A new version of the on-board software is

  1. Electrocardiogram ST-Segment Morphology Delineation Method Using Orthogonal Transformations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miha Amon

    Full Text Available Differentiation between ischaemic and non-ischaemic transient ST segment events of long term ambulatory electrocardiograms is a persisting weakness in present ischaemia detection systems. Traditional ST segment level measuring is not a sufficiently precise technique due to the single point of measurement and severe noise which is often present. We developed a robust noise resistant orthogonal-transformation based delineation method, which allows tracing the shape of transient ST segment morphology changes from the entire ST segment in terms of diagnostic and morphologic feature-vector time series, and also allows further analysis. For these purposes, we developed a new Legendre Polynomials based Transformation (LPT of ST segment. Its basis functions have similar shapes to typical transient changes of ST segment morphology categories during myocardial ischaemia (level, slope and scooping, thus providing direct insight into the types of time domain morphology changes through the LPT feature-vector space. We also generated new Karhunen and Lo ève Transformation (KLT ST segment basis functions using a robust covariance matrix constructed from the ST segment pattern vectors derived from the Long Term ST Database (LTST DB. As for the delineation of significant transient ischaemic and non-ischaemic ST segment episodes, we present a study on the representation of transient ST segment morphology categories, and an evaluation study on the classification power of the KLT- and LPT-based feature vectors to classify between ischaemic and non-ischaemic ST segment episodes of the LTST DB. Classification accuracy using the KLT and LPT feature vectors was 90% and 82%, respectively, when using the k-Nearest Neighbors (k = 3 classifier and 10-fold cross-validation. New sets of feature-vector time series for both transformations were derived for the records of the LTST DB which is freely available on the PhysioNet website and were contributed to the LTST DB. The

  2. Home of the 151st Air Refueling Wing (United States)

    History HRA Alley Public Affairs SAPR Units Contact Us Search 151st ARW: 151st ARW The Roland R. Wright woman in the profession of arms President Trump visits Roland R. Wright Air National Guard Base 151st Commentaries Women's History Month: looking around as important as looking back Veterans Day: Pay tribute with

  3. St. Louis Airport site environmental report for calendar year 1989, St. Louis, Missouri

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The environmental monitoring program, which began in 1984, continued during 1989 at the St. Louis Airport Site (SLAPS) in St. Louis County, Missouri. SLAPS and its vicinity properties, including ditches north and south of the site, were designated for cleanup as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), a United States Department of Energy (DOE) program to identify and decontaminate or otherwise control sites where residual radioactive material remains from the early years of the nation's atomic energy program. The monitoring program at SLAPS measures radon concentrations in air; external gamma dose rates; and uranium, thorium, and radium concentrations in surface water, groundwater, and sediment. Additionally, several nonradiological parameters are measured in groundwater. To assess the potential effect of SLAPS on public health, the potential radiation dose was estimated for a hypothetical maximally exposed individual. This report presents the findings of the environmental monitoring program conducted at the St. Louis Airport Site (SLAPS) during calendar year 1989. 19 refs., 13 figs., 14 tabs.

  4. Virulence of invasive Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 in animal models of infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Girish Ramachandran


    Full Text Available Salmonella Typhimurium sequence type (ST 313 produces septicemia in infants in sub-Saharan Africa. Although there are known genetic and phenotypic differences between ST313 strains and gastroenteritis-associated ST19 strains, conflicting data about the in vivo virulence of ST313 strains have been reported. To resolve these differences, we tested clinical Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 and ST19 strains in murine and rhesus macaque infection models. The 50% lethal dose (LD50 was determined for three Salmonella Typhimurium ST19 and ST313 strains in mice. For dissemination studies, bacterial burden in organs was determined at various time-points post-challenge. Indian rhesus macaques were infected with one ST19 and one ST313 strain. Animals were monitored for clinical signs and bacterial burden and pathology were determined. The LD50 values for ST19 and ST313 infected mice were not significantly different. However, ST313-infected BALB/c mice had significantly higher bacterial numbers in blood at 24 h than ST19-infected mice. ST19-infected rhesus macaques exhibited moderate-to-severe diarrhea while ST313-infected monkeys showed no-to-mild diarrhea. ST19-infected monkeys had higher bacterial burden and increased inflammation in tissues. Our data suggest that Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 invasiveness may be investigated using mice. The non-human primate results are consistent with clinical data, suggesting that ST313 strains do not cause diarrhea.

  5. Virulence of invasive Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 in animal models of infection. (United States)

    Ramachandran, Girish; Panda, Aruna; Higginson, Ellen E; Ateh, Eugene; Lipsky, Michael M; Sen, Sunil; Matson, Courtney A; Permala-Booth, Jasnehta; DeTolla, Louis J; Tennant, Sharon M


    Salmonella Typhimurium sequence type (ST) 313 produces septicemia in infants in sub-Saharan Africa. Although there are known genetic and phenotypic differences between ST313 strains and gastroenteritis-associated ST19 strains, conflicting data about the in vivo virulence of ST313 strains have been reported. To resolve these differences, we tested clinical Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 and ST19 strains in murine and rhesus macaque infection models. The 50% lethal dose (LD50) was determined for three Salmonella Typhimurium ST19 and ST313 strains in mice. For dissemination studies, bacterial burden in organs was determined at various time-points post-challenge. Indian rhesus macaques were infected with one ST19 and one ST313 strain. Animals were monitored for clinical signs and bacterial burden and pathology were determined. The LD50 values for ST19 and ST313 infected mice were not significantly different. However, ST313-infected BALB/c mice had significantly higher bacterial numbers in blood at 24 h than ST19-infected mice. ST19-infected rhesus macaques exhibited moderate-to-severe diarrhea while ST313-infected monkeys showed no-to-mild diarrhea. ST19-infected monkeys had higher bacterial burden and increased inflammation in tissues. Our data suggest that Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 invasiveness may be investigated using mice. The non-human primate results are consistent with clinical data, suggesting that ST313 strains do not cause diarrhea.

  6. Implicaciones ambientales del uso de leña como combustible doméstico en la zona rural de Usme / Environmental implications of the use of wood as domestic fuel in the rural area of Usme


    Mejía Barragán, Fabiola


    Este trabajo analiza las implicaciones ambientales del uso de la leña como combustible doméstico, tomando como caso de estudio la zona rural de Usme, Bogotá, Colombia, desde tres aspectos: el socio-cultural, el ecosistémico y el tecnológico. A través de trabajo de campo, de encuestas aplicadas y de la información recolectada por experimentación directa en algunas cocinas de la zona, se identificaron los impactos que el uso de la leña para cocción genera sobre la salud, la economía y aspectos...

  7. Sylos Labini sobre Marx: implicaciones para la política económica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Massimo Cingolani


    Full Text Available La presente colaboración aborda algunos aspectos postulados por Sylos Labini en su interpretación de la economía de Carlos Marx, sin duda polémica pero necesaria. Para ello se retoma la amplia discusión teórica realizada en torno a esos temas por varios académicos, que de una manera u otra, han participado e influido en dicho debate. Esta reflexión, importante en sí misma, se vuelve imprescindible en referencia a determinadas implicaciones de gran envergadura sobre la aplicación de la política económica impuesta en los últimos más de 25 años en la Unión Europea, bajo los estrechos criterios de la política fiscal y monetaria impuesta. El autor expresa su opinión a título personal. Este ensayo es una traducción realizada por Glenda Lao Largaespada y Michele Cingolani y revisada por el autor de un artículo publicado con el mismo título en el vol. 68, n. 269 (2015, pp. 81- 147 de Moneta e Credito. El trabajo desarrolla un informe presentado el 25 de Octubre de 2013 en Bolonia en la 54a Reunión Científica Anual de la Sociedad Italiana de los Economistas, que se desarrolló en una lección en la Universidad de Bérgamo el 9 de Mayo de 2014. Sin implicar su adhesión a las tesis presentadas, el autor desea agradecer a Jean-Luc Bailly, Riccardo Bellofiore, Claude Berthomieu, Luca Cefisi, Nadia Garbellini, Lorenzo Esposito, Joseph Halevi, Eckhard Hein, Stefano Lucarelli, Fabio Petri, Antonella Rancan, Roberto Romano, Alessandro Roncaglia, Andrea Salanti, Claudio Sardoni, Andrew Trigg, Jan Toporowski, Ariel Wirkierman, los referees anónimos y los traductores por los comentarios, críticas y apoyo recibidos. El autor asume plena responsabilidad por los errores que persistan.

  8. Henkilöstötilinpäätös konsultointiyritykselle


    Halmesvaara, Riikka


    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli antaa Konsultointiyritykselle kokonaiskuvaa henkilöstöstä tekemällä ilmapiirikartoitustutkimus sekä kirjallinen henkilöstötilinpäätös, joka koostui henkilöstötuloslaskelmasta ja henkilöstökertomuksesta. Työ suoritettiin tutkimuksellisena kehittämishankkeena konsultointiyritykselle. Tutkimusongelmana oli kuvata Konsultointiyrityksen osaamispääomaa ja henkilöstön rakennetta sekä luoda työkalu strategiassa määriteltyjen henkilöstöä koskevien o...

  9. St. John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) and Pregnancy (United States)

    ... best live chat Live Help Fact Sheets Share St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Tuesday, 01 May 2018 ... risk. This sheet talks about whether exposure to St. John’s Wort may increase the risk for birth ...

  10. ¿Fue Wittgenstein un conductista? La necesidad de criterios públicos para el juego de lenguaje de lo ?interno? y sus implicaciones para la Psicología

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Crego Díaz


    Full Text Available Se argumenta a favor de una interpretación conductista de Wittgenstein, caracterizando esta postura como ?conductismo epistemológico? ?referido a juegos de lenguaje-, que no niega ?en el plano ontológico- la existencia de lo mental, que interpreta la conducta en sentido amplio y que tiene un marcado carácter social. En la base de este conductismo se encuentra la idea de que para establecer el juego de lenguaje de lo interno se precisa de criterios públicos, intersubjetivos. Se explora la posibilidad de elaborar una epistemología sociopsicológica naturalizada a partir del análisis lingüístico skinneriano y en consonancia con las observaciones de Wittgenstein. Se comentan las implicaciones del conductismo epistemológico para el lenguaje de los términos psicológicos.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. P. Shevchenko


    Full Text Available This review summarizes the current literature devoted to the analysis of prognostic role of ST2 biomarker in rejection of the transplanted heart. ST2 is one of the most promising diagnostic markers of the development and severity of heart failure as well as the mortality risk in patients with cardiovascular diseases. ST2 is expressed in cardiomyocytes in response to a variety of pathological processes and mechanical damage to the heart, which allows diagnosing cardiovascular diseases before clinical manifestations. Presumably, measuring the level of ST2 in heart transplant may have diagnostic and prognostic value in the assessment of graft and risk of rejection. Currently, accumulated clinical data on the role of given biomarker in heart transplantation are not enough, and further research on the relation of ST2 levels with different clinical and laboratory parameters in heart recipients is necessary. 

  12. Dimensionering af stålrammebygninger mod kipning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borchersen, E.; Frederiksen, J.O.; Skov, K.

    Rapporten beskriver en metode til dimensionering af stålrammebygninger mod kipning. Metoden er baseret dels på elasticitetsteoretiske overvejelser, dels på forsøg udført med 3-charniers stålrammmer i fuld skala....

  13. GeoTIFF of 3x3 m Bathymetry for St. Thomas & St. John, 2011, UTM 20N NAD83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 3x3 meter resolution bathymetric surface for an area of shallow seabed surrounding St. Thomas and St....

  14. Plutonium-induced osteosarcomas in the St. Bernard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, G.N.; Thurman, G.B.; Mays, C.W.; Shabestari, L.; Angus, W.; Eaton, J.; Hitchman, J.


    Thirteen osteosarcomas have been observed among the 7 St. Bernards that have died following the injection of 239 Pu. Preliminary data indicate that the St. Bernard is about 6 times more sensitive than the Beagle, and about 150 times more sensitive than the average person is to 239 Pu-induced bone sarcomas. Thus, the St. Bernard may be an excellent model to study the pathogenesis of bone cancer induction, to evaluate the relationship between spontaneous susceptibility and radiosensitivity, and to determine whether or not radiosensitivity significantly affects the toxicity ratio


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    Andrea Alarcón Peña


    Full Text Available El artículo consigna un ejercicio de revisión jurídica sobre las características del modelo de economía social de mercado, reconocido como modelo económico por la Corte Constitucional, dentro del subsistema constitucional económico colombiano. l a primera parte del escrito de - talla las particularidades e implicaciones de este modelo y las consecuencias que su estructura supone para la libre competencia económica, habida consideración del marco normativo de protección. Posteriormente, se describen las generalidades de los sistemas de protección del derecho a la competencia anglosajón y europeo tomando como referencia las normas más importantes en cada uno de ellos, con el fin de comprender el impacto que dichos sistemas tuvieron en el modelo colombiano. Por último se presentan las propiedades más relevantes del régimen de protección de competencia en Colombia a partir de un bosquejo general del marco normativo existente.

  16. Las dictaduras de Vargas y Franco: implicaciones de la consagración de la maternidad para la enfermería

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    Tânia Cristina Franco Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características históricas y sociales de Brasil y España en el contexto de los regímenes dictatoriales instaurados por Vargas y Franco, y analizar las representaciones sobre la maternidad en el contexto de esos regímenes y sus implicaciones para la enfermería. Es un estudio histórico y social cuyo método consideró como fuentes: documentos escritos brasileños y españoles. La recolección de los datos se hizó en el período de 13 de mayo a 29 de agosto de 2008. Para el análisis se realizaron las etapas de organización y clasificación de las fuentes elegidas. Como resultado, se evidencio que la glorificación de la mujer por sus virtudes físicas como la maternidad y por sus atributos morales legitimó su inserción honorable en el espacio público, para reproducir en ese espacio, como enfermeras, las cualidades femeninas necesarias al cuidado. Se concluye que la consagración de la maternidad ha determinado posibilidades y límites para la enfermera.

  17. St. Louis FUSRAP Lessons Learned

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eberlin, J.; Williams, D.; Mueller, D.


    The purpose of this paper is to present lessons learned from fours years' experience conducting Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action activities at the St. Louis Downtown Site (SLDS) under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). Many FUSRAP sites are experiencing challenges conducting Remedial Actions within forecasted volume and budget estimates. The St. Louis FUSRAP lessons learned provide insight to options for cost effective remediation at FUSRAP sites. The lessons learned are focused on project planning (budget and schedule), investigation, design, and construction

  18. 21st Century Skills Map: The Arts (United States)

    Dean, Colleen; Ebert, Christie M. Lynch; McGreevy-Nichols, Susan; Quinn, Betsy; Sabol, F. Robert; Schmid, Dale; Shauck, R. Barry; Shuler, Scott C.


    This 21st Century Skills Map is the result of hundreds of hours of research, development and feedback from educators and business leaders across the nation. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has issued this map for the core subject of the Arts.

  19. Characterisation of Australian MRSA strains ST75- and ST883-MRSA-IV and analysis of their accessory gene regulator locus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Monecke

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus have become a major problem in Australia. These strains have now been isolated throughout Australia including remote Indigenous communities that have had minimal exposure to healthcare facilities. Some of these strains, belonging to sequence types ST75 and ST883, have previously been reported to harbour highly divergent alleles of the housekeeping genes used in multilocus sequence typing. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: ST75-MRSA-IV and ST883-MRSA-IV isolates were characterised in detail. Morphological features as well as 16S sequences were identical to other S. aureus strains. Although a partial rnpB gene sequence was not identical to previously known S. aureus sequences, it was found to be more closely related to S. aureus than to other staphylococci. Isolates also were screened using diagnostic DNA microarrays. These isolates yielded hybridisation results atypical for S. aureus. Primer directed amplification assays failed to detect species markers (femA, katA, sbi, spa. However, arbitrarily primed amplification indicated the presence of unknown alleles of these genes. Isolates could not be assigned to capsule types 1, 5 or 8. The allelic group of the accessory gene regulator (agr locus was not determinable. Sequencing of a region of agrB, agrC and agrD (approximately 2,100 bp revealed a divergent sequence. However, this sequence is more related to S. aureus agr alleles I and IV than to agr sequences from other Staphylococcus species. The predicted auto-inducing peptide (AIP sequence of ST75 was identical to that of agr group I, while the predicted AIP sequence of ST883 was identical to agr group IV. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The genetic properties of ST75/ST883-MRSA may be due to a series of evolutionary events in ancient insulated S. aureus strains including a convergent evolution leading to agr group I- or IV-like AIP sequences and a recent acquisition of SCCmec IV

  20. Plutonium-induced osteosarcomas in the St. Bernard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, G.N.; Thurman, G.B.; Mays, C.W.; Shabestari, L.; Angus, W.; Atherton, D.R.


    Fourteen osteosarcomas were observed among the eight St. Bernards that died following the injection of 239 Pu. Early data tentatively indicate that the St. Bernard is about 5 times more sensitive than the beagle and about 130 times more sensitive than the average person is estimated to be to 239 Pu-induced bone sarcomas. Thus the St. Bernard may be an excellent model in which to study the pathogenesis of bone cancer induction, to evaluate the relationship between spontaneous susceptibility and radiosensitivity, and to determine whether radiosensitivity significantly affects the toxicity ration of 239 Pu/ 226 Ra

  1. St. Vicent Ferrer’s Catalán sermon on St. Martin of Tours

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    Ferreiro, Alberto


    Full Text Available One of the most widely venerated saints in the Middle Ages was St. Martin of Tours whose cult continues to this day in many parts of the world. In the Middle Ages, he became as popular as other major saints such as Thomas Becket, Santiago de Compostela and the Virgin Mary. St. Martin’s cult became very prominent in the Iberian Peninsula before and after the emergence of the cult of Santiago de Compostela. In St. Vicent Ferrer’s voluminous sermons this one in Catalán is dedicated to this most venerated Gallic saint. The most important late antique and early medieval sources that form the background of this sermon are by Sulpicius Severus- the Gallus and Vita Sancti Martini. In the high Middle Ages, however, his cult was popularized through the Legenda Aurea written by the Dominican Jacobus of Voragine, who synthesized Sulpicius’ two works on St. Martin. Moreover, St. Vicent preached not to make any major doctrinal breakthroughs- his main interest was to evangelize, not to write academic theology- he nevertheless exhibited great creativity. The object of this study is St. Vicent’s Catalán sermon Alius Sermo Sancti Martini, CXXXIV.Uno de los santos más venerados en la edad media fue San Martín de Tours, cuyo culto continúa hasta hoy en muchas partes del mundo. En la edad media, se hizo tan popular como otros grandes Santos: Thomas Becket, Santiago de Compostela y la Virgen María. El culto de San Martín se hizo prominente en la Península Ibérica antes y después de la aparición del culto a Santiago de Compostela. En los sermones voluminosos de San Vicente Ferrer esta uno en Catalán que está dedicado a este santo tan venerado de Galia. Las fuentes más importantes procedentes de la antigu.edad tardía y principios medievales que forma el fondo de este sermón son Gallus y la Vita Sancti Martini de Sulpicio Severo. Sin embargo, en la alta edad media, su culto se popularizó a través de la Legenda Aurea escrita por el dominico

  2. Frauen mit Eßstörungen im Ausdauersport


    Bös, Annette


    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Phänomen Eßstörungen bei Ausdauersportlerinnen. Auf dem Hintergrund des identitätstheoretischen Ansatzes von Stahr et al. (1995) geht es um die Frage nach den Hauptverursachungsmomenten der Eßstörungen von sieben jungen Sportlerinnen. Im Rahmen einer qualitativen Sozialforschungsarbeit wurden sieben Athletinnen in einem problemzentrierten Interview zur Phase ihrer Eßstörungserkrankung befragt. Die Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zur systematisch...

  3. Avistamientos recientes del águila real (Aquila chrysaetos en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato, México, y sus implicaciones en el plan de manejo de la reserva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ismael Campos-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Documentamos por primera vez la presencia del águila real (Aquila chrysaetos dentro de la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato (rbsgg en el estado de Guanajuato, México. En mayo de 2015 observamos una pareja de águila real cazando en la localidad de Mesita del Tigre, municipio de Victoria, Guanajuato. Nuestro registro tiene implicaciones en las políticas de uso de suelo contenidas en el Plan de Manejo de la rbsgg, donde sugerimos incluir medidas explícitas de protección del hábitat de la especie y el establecimiento de programas de monitoreo en aquellas subzonas donde se ha registrado al águila real o existe potencial para la anidación de la especie.

  4. Kirjallisuuskatsaus tiimityöstä


    Uimi, Jutta


    Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu Tiivistelmä Laurea Lohja Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma Uimi Jutta Kirjallisuuskatsaus tiimityöstä Vuosi 2012 Sivumäärä 43 Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kuvata kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa, miten tiimityö määritellään terveydenhuollon organisaatiossa ja tiimityön käytettävyyttä sekä millaisissa yhteyksissä tiimityötä käytetään. Tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tutkittua tietoa tiimityöstä Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiriin (HUS) kuulu...

  5. ST-segment resolution with bivalirudin versus heparin and routine glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors started in the ambulance in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients transported for primary percutaneous coronary intervention: The EUROMAX ST-segment resolution substudy. (United States)

    Van't Hof, Arnoud; Giannini, Francesco; Ten Berg, Jurrien; Tolsma, Rudolf; Clemmensen, Peter; Bernstein, Debra; Coste, Pierre; Goldstein, Patrick; Zeymer, Uwe; Hamm, Christian; Deliargyris, Efthymios; Steg, Philippe G


    Myocardial reperfusion after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) can be assessed by the extent of post-procedural ST-segment resolution. The European Ambulance Acute Coronary Syndrome Angiography (EUROMAX) trial compared pre-hospital bivalirudin and pre-hospital heparin or enoxaparin with or without GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors (GPIs) in primary PCI. This nested substudy was performed in centres routinely using pre-hospital GPI in order to compare the impact of randomized treatments on ST-resolution after primary PCI. Residual cumulative ST-segment deviation on the single one hour post-procedure electrocardiogram (ECG) was assessed by an independent core laboratory and was the primary endpoint. It was calculated that 762 evaluable patients were needed to show non-inferiority (85% power, alpha 2.5%) between randomized treatments. A total of 871 participated with electrocardiographic data available in 824 patients (95%). Residual ST-segment deviation one hour after PCI was 3.8±4.9 mm versus 3.9±5.2 mm for bivalirudin and heparin+GPI, respectively ( p=0.0019 for non-inferiority). Overall, there were no differences between randomized treatments in any measures of ST-segment resolution either before or after the index procedure. Pre-hospital treatment with bivalirudin is non-inferior to pre-hospital heparin + GPI with regard to residual ST-segment deviation or ST-segment resolution, reflecting comparable myocardial reperfusion with the two strategies.

  6. St. Sofia in Ohrid, space, structure, forms: Sources

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    Korać Vojislav


    Full Text Available This work comments in particular on studies dealing with the church of St. Sofia in Ohrid. Among them are the monographs of two authors, Barbara Maria Schellewald (Die Arhitektur der Sophien Kirchen in Ohrid, Bon 1986 and Boris Čipan (Sveta Sofija, katedralen hram na ohridskata arhiepiskopija, Skopje 1995. Special attention is devoted to the typological interpretation of St. Sofia, to its initial design as a triple-nave basilica with a dome at the centre. Insightful descriptions are given about the older monuments in the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. Special attention is paid to the external architectonic workmanship. The western façade of St. Sofia demonstrates the features of Late Byzantine architecture, while the eastern façade directly reveals the triple-nave spatial design. That is why this article on St. Sofia contains sketches of the western and the eastern façades, illustrating the features of its architectonic specificities. On the whole, the author presents St. Sofia in Ohrid as a unique work of architecture of the Byzantine region. .

  7. The 21st Century as Whose Century?

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    David Scott


    Full Text Available Macro-analysis and East-West encounter are shown through consideration of objective yet subjective constructed concepts for the international system and international economy in the 21st century. Three paradigms are considered, namely the 21st century as the ‘Pacific Century’, as ‘China’s Century’ and as the ‘Asian Century’. Overlaps are shown between these three paradigms, as also developments in time, and gradually shift in geographical location. The ‘Pacific Century’, and its associated Rimspeak, was the paradigm emerging in the late 1970s, knitting together America’s West Coast and the Japanese economy. By the late 1980s this was already shifting to talk of the 21st century likely to be an ‘Asian Century’ model, mark-1, based on the Pacific Asia dynamism shown by the ‘Asian Tigers’ and Japan. However, the Asian financial crash of 1997-8, and the economic downturn in Japan, meant that such an ‘Asian Century’ seemed premature as the 21st century arrived. Instead, it was China’s economic growth that seemed most evident, and with it the concept of the 21st century as ‘China’s Century’. However, in turn that has already been modified during the first decade of the century by India’s arrival as a rapidly growing economy. Consequently the 21st century as ‘China’s Century’ and as ‘India’s Century’ has been combined into talk of an ‘Asian Century’, mark-2.

  8. St Sava and the cloud-chasers


    Loma Aleksandar


    A gloss in the Nomocanon of St Sava condemns folk superstitions related to magically provoking hailstorms and eclipses. St Sava’s miracle with the king of Hungary as described in his Vitae seems to go back to the same complex of popular beliefs. Its acceptance by the hagiography was probably due to the influence of the figure of prince magician as common to the Serbian and the Russian oral epics.

  9. St. Augustine in Twentieth-Century Music

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nils Holger


    A discussion - in a cultural historical perspective - of primarily two important twentieth-century musical works setting texts by St Augustine: Klaus Huber's Soliloquia Sancti Aurelii Augustini and Michael Tippett's The Vision of Saint Augustine.......A discussion - in a cultural historical perspective - of primarily two important twentieth-century musical works setting texts by St Augustine: Klaus Huber's Soliloquia Sancti Aurelii Augustini and Michael Tippett's The Vision of Saint Augustine....

  10. An??lisis de costos de las Instituciones Privadas de Ense??anza Superior del Estado de Amazonas: implicaciones para la Gesti??n Acad??mica = Cost Analysis of Private Institutions of Higher Education in the State of Amazonas: Implications for Academic Management


    Reis Camelo, Mar??a dos


    342 p. Se considera la importancia de la dimensi??n econ??mica en la sociedad contempor??nea, y siendo la educaci??n un factor clave en el desarrollo de la econom??a de las naciones, el binomio econom??a y educaci??n es el tema central de este trabajo. Sus objetivos son analizar los costos de Instituciones de Educaci??n Superior (IES) y sus implicaciones en la gesti??n acad??mica, contrastar el potencial del mercado para la expansi??n de Ense??anza Superior en el Estado teni...

  11. Henkilöstötilinpäätös Yritys Oy


    Turunen, Tytti


    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli Yritys Oy:n henkilöstötilinpäätös vuodelta 2009. Henkilöstötilinpäätös jaetaan kahteen osaan, henkilöstötuloslaskelmaan ja henkilöstökertomukseen. Tavoitteena oli laatia Yritys Oy:lle henkilöstötilinpäätöksestä malli, jota yritys voi käyttää ja hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa henkilöstötilinpäätöstä laatiessa. Tavoitteena oli myös antaa kehittämisehdotuksia, minkälaista tietoa kannattaa kerätä seuraavia henkilöstötilinpäätöksiä varten. Henkilöstötilinpäätöksen tavoit...

  12. Desarrollo de proveedores locales en el sector extractivo colombiano: cuellos de botella, factores de éxito e implicaciones de política pública

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    Juan David Gutiérrez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Las sociedades que cuentan con abundantes recursos naturales no renovables pueden transformar dicho capital natural en otros tipos de capital (p. ej. humano, producido, infraestructura a través de diferentes canales. Para los gobiernos que deben administrar la riqueza de los recursos naturales, la sustitución de un tipo de capital –que se agota a medida que se explota– por otros capitales sostenibles, es un reto de política pública. Uno de los canales de transformación lo constituye la creación de encadenamientos productivos –“hacia adelante” y “hacia atrás”– entre el sector extractivo y otros sectores económicos. Este artículo tiene dos objetivos: i identificar los principales cuellos de botella y factores de éxito para el desarrollo de proveedores nacionales y locales para el sector extractivo colombiano y ii las implicaciones de política pública relacionadas con la promoción de encadenamientos productivos entre los sectores mineros y de hidrocarburos, y otros sectores en Colombia.

  13. 21st Century Skills Map: World Languages (United States)

    Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011


    This 21st Century Skills Map is the result of hundreds of hours of research, development and feedback from educators and business leaders across the nation. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has issued this map for the core subject of World Languages. [Funding for this paper was provided by EF Education.

  14. Clinically Relevant ESBL-Producing K. pneumoniae ST307 and E. coli ST38 in an Urban West African Rat Population

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    Katharina Schaufler


    Full Text Available High-risk ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-E have been described in wild birds and rodents worldwide. Rats are of special interest not only due to their indicator role for environmental pollution with multi-resistant bacteria but also as possible infection source. Data on the presence of high-risk ESBL-E in urban wildlife from Africa remain scarce, however. Twenty-nine animals from three different rat (Rattus species were captured in the city of Conakry (Guinea, West Africa in 2015. Rectal swabs were analyzed for ESBL-E using selective media. Species typing and phenotypic antimicrobial resistance analysis to broad-spectrum beta-lactams and other classes of antimicrobials was performed for Enterobacteriaceae-like isolates using the VITEK®2 system (BioMérieux, Germany. Confirmed ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae were whole-genome sequenced and resistance genes, phylogenetic background and genes related to bacterial fitness and virulence were analyzed. In total, six of twenty-nine rats (20% carried ESBL-E (K. pneumoniae and E. coli. All ESBL-producers were multi-drug resistant with blaCTX−M−15 as the dominating ESBL-type. Interestingly, ESBL-associated clonal lineages E. coli ST38 and K. pneumoniae ST307 were found. The ESBL-plasmid in K. pneumoniae ST307 revealed high sequence similarities to pKPN3-307_TypeC, a >200 kbp IncFII plasmid originating from a human clinical ST307 isolate. This was in contrast to the core genome: the rat isolate was distantly related to the human clinical ST307 isolate (27 SNPs/Mbp. In addition, we identified π-fimbrial, capsule 2, and glycogen synthesis clusters in the rodent ST307 isolate, whose involvement in the adaptation to survival outside the host and in human urinary tracts has been suggested. Our results demonstrate the presence of clinically relevant, ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae ST307 and E. coli ST38 clonal lineages in an urban West African rat population. The human community is likely

  15. St Sava and the cloud-chasers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loma Aleksandar


    Full Text Available A gloss in the Nomocanon of St Sava condemns folk superstitions related to magically provoking hailstorms and eclipses. St Sava’s miracle with the king of Hungary as described in his Vitae seems to go back to the same complex of popular beliefs. Its acceptance by the hagiography was probably due to the influence of the figure of prince magician as common to the Serbian and the Russian oral epics.

  16. Manufacturing and Design Engineering Students St. Mary's Hospital, Phoenix Park.


    Mitchell, Leah


    Poster with details of project to improve ease of movement for Kirton Stirling chairs in St. Mary's Hospital, Phoenix Park, Dublin. Third year students in the B Eng (Honours) Manufacturing and Design Engineering course at Bolton St. completed a project in conjunction with St. Mary‟s Hospital, Phoenix Park. The staff in St Mary‟s were experiencing difficulty in moving the Kirton Stirling chairs (pictured above). These chairs are used to transport elderly patients from one location to another. ...

  17. Multidimensional Space-Time Methodology for Development of Planetary and Space Sciences, S-T Data Management and S-T Computational Tomography (United States)

    Andonov, Zdravko

    This R&D represent innovative multidimensional 6D-N(6n)D Space-Time (S-T) Methodology, 6D-6nD Coordinate Systems, 6D Equations, new 6D strategy and technology for development of Planetary Space Sciences, S-T Data Management and S-T Computational To-mography. . . The Methodology is actual for brain new RS Microwaves' Satellites and Compu-tational Tomography Systems development, aimed to defense sustainable Earth, Moon, & Sun System evolution. Especially, extremely important are innovations for monitoring and protec-tion of strategic threelateral system H-OH-H2O Hydrogen, Hydroxyl and Water), correspond-ing to RS VHRS (Very High Resolution Systems) of 1.420-1.657-22.089GHz microwaves. . . One of the Greatest Paradox and Challenge of World Science is the "transformation" of J. L. Lagrange 4D Space-Time (S-T) System to H. Minkovski 4D S-T System (O-X,Y,Z,icT) for Einstein's "Theory of Relativity". As a global result: -In contemporary Advanced Space Sciences there is not real adequate 4D-6D Space-Time Coordinate System and 6D Advanced Cosmos Strategy & Methodology for Multidimensional and Multitemporal Space-Time Data Management and Tomography. . . That's one of the top actual S-T Problems. Simple and optimal nD S-T Methodology discovery is extremely important for all Universities' Space Sci-ences' Education Programs, for advances in space research and especially -for all young Space Scientists R&D!... The top ten 21-Century Challenges ahead of Planetary and Space Sciences, Space Data Management and Computational Space Tomography, important for successfully de-velopment of Young Scientist Generations, are following: 1. R&D of W. R. Hamilton General Idea for transformation all Space Sciences to Time Sciences, beginning with 6D Eukonal for 6D anisotropic mediums & velocities. Development of IERS Earth & Space Systems (VLBI; LLR; GPS; SLR; DORIS Etc.) for Planetary-Space Data Management & Computational Planetary & Space Tomography. 2. R&D of S. W. Hawking Paradigm for 2D

  18. The significance of early post-exercise ST segment normalization. (United States)

    Chow, Rudy; Fordyce, Christopher B; Gao, Min; Chan, Sammy; Gin, Kenneth; Bennett, Matthew


    The persistence of ST segment depression in recovery signifies a strongly positive exercise treadmill test (ETT). However, it is unclear if early recovery of ST segments portends a similar prognosis. We sought to determine if persistence of ST depression into recovery correlates with ischemic burden based on myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI). This was a retrospective analysis of 853 consecutive patients referred for exercise MPI at a tertiary academic center over a 24-month period. Patients were stratified into three groups based on the results of the ETT: normal (negative ETT), persistence (positive ETT with >1mm ST segment depression at 1minute in recovery) and early normalization (positive ETT with normalization, while 105 patients met criteria for persistence. The persistence group had a significantly greater SSS (8.48±7.77) than both the early normalization (4.34±4.98, pnormal (4.47±5.31, pnormalization and normal groups were not statistically different and met the prespecified non-inferiority margin (mean difference 0.12, -0.66=lower 95% CI, pnormal and 7.4% of early normalization groups. Among patients with an electrically positive ETT, recovery of ST segment depression within 1minute was associated with a lower SSS than patients with persistence of ST depression beyond 1minute. Furthermore, early ST segment recovery conferred a similar SSS to patients with a negative ETT. These results suggest that among patients evaluated for chest pain with a positive ETT, early recovery of the ST segment during recovery is associated with a significantly less ischemic burden on subsequent MPI and thus may represent a false positive finding in exercise treadmill testing. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Serum soluble ST2 is associated with ER-positive breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Da-peng; Zhou, Xiang-yu; Yao, Lu-tian; Liu, Cai-gang; Ma, Wei; Jin, Feng; Wu, Yun-fei


    ST2, a member of the interleukin (IL)-1receptor family, regulates Th1/Th2 immune responses in autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. However, the role of ST2 signaling in tumor growth and metastasis of breast cancers has not been investigated. This study investigated the possible role of soluble ST2 (sST2) in breast cancer. The serum levels of IL-33, sST2, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in 150 breast cancer patients and 90 healthy women were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Estrogen receptor(ER), progesterone receptor, human epithelial receptor (HER)-2, and cell cycle regulated protein Ki-67 were measured. Clinical stage, tumor size, lymph node metastasis, and histological type were also recorded. The serum levels of sST2, IL-33, and VEGF were significantly higher in breast cancer patients than in the control group (P < 0.05, each). Serum sST2 levels in ER-positive breast cancer patients were significantly associated with age, histological type, clinical stage, tumor size, and Ki-67 status (P < 0.05, each). Moreover, the serum levels of IL-33 and sST2 in breast cancers significantly correlated with VEGF levels (IL-33: r = 0.375, P < 0.0001; sST2: r = 0.164, P = 0.045). Serum levels of sST2, IL-33, and VEGF decreased after modified radical mastectomy in ER-positive breast cancers. Serum levels of IL-33, sST2, and VEGF and clinicopathological factors were not significantly correlated with disease-free survival and overall survival of ER-positive breast cancer women during follow-up. Serum sST2 levels in ER-positive breast cancer patients are significantly associated with factors that indicate poor prognosis

  20. 78 FR 22416 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; St. Helena, CA (United States)


    ... more above the surface of the earth. * * * * * AWP CA E5 St. Helena, CA [Amended] Napa County Fire... the name of the heliport listed in the Class E airspace for St. Helena, CA. St. Helena Fire Department Heliport has been changed to Napa County Fire Department Heliport, St. Helena, CA. This action does not...

  1. Environmental Assessment on the leasing of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, St. James Terminal, St. James Parish, Louisiana

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to lease the Strategic Petroleum Reserve's (SPR) St. James Terminal to private industry. The St. James Terminal consists of six storage tanks, a pumping station, two maine docks and ancillary facilities. DOE believes that the St. James Terminal presents an opportunity to establish a government- industry arrangement that could more effectively use this asset to serve the nations's oil distribution needs, reduce the operational cost of the SPR, and provide a source of revenue for the Government. DOE solicited interest in leasing its distribution facilities in a notice published March 16, 1994. In response, industry has expressed interest in leasing the St. James Terminal, as well as several DOE pipelines, to enhance the operation of its own facilities or to avoid having to construct new ones. Under such a lease, industry use would be subordinate to DOE use in the event of a national energy emergency. This Environmental Assessment describes the proposed leasing operation, its alternatives, and potential environmental impacts. Based on this analyses, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) OF 1969 and has issued the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

  2. Danmarks Største Fossiler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindow, Bent Erik Kramer; Cuny, Gilles Guy Roger


    For 8 millioner år siden myldrede Nordsøen af en mangfoldighed af hajer, hvaler, havskildpadder og sæler, mange flere end i dag. Blandt dem finder man Danmarks største fossiler som er udstillet på Museum Sønderjylland - Naturhistorie og Palæontologi i Gram.......For 8 millioner år siden myldrede Nordsøen af en mangfoldighed af hajer, hvaler, havskildpadder og sæler, mange flere end i dag. Blandt dem finder man Danmarks største fossiler som er udstillet på Museum Sønderjylland - Naturhistorie og Palæontologi i Gram....

  3. Generación y recreación de contenidos digitales por los jóvenes: implicaciones para la alfabetización mediática The Digital Afterlife of Youth-Made Media: Implications for Media Literacy Education


    Elisabeth Soep


    La era digital ha reconfigurado las relaciones entre productores y usuarios. Las acciones en red son potencialmente reinterpretadas por otros usuarios. La intención de los productores mediáticos adquiere su sentido en este contexto que denominamos «el más allá digital». En este artículo analizamos cómo ha influido este fenómeno en las implicaciones de los medios y los jóvenes. El estudio se lleva a cabo a través del análisis etnográfico de las actividades llevadas a cabo por un grupo de jóven...

  4. Diagnostics of ST Plasmas in NSTX: Challenges and Opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, D.; Efthimion, P.; Foley, J.; Jones, B.; Mazzucato, E.; Park, H.; Taylor, G.; Levinton, F.; Luhmann, N.


    This paper will highlight some of the challenges and opportunities present in the diagnosis of spherical torus (ST) plasmas on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) and discuss the corresponding diagnostic development that is presently underway. After a brief description of diagnostic systems currently installed, examples of ST-specific diagnostic challenges will be highlighted, as will another case, where the ST configuration offers opportunities for new measurements

  5. Detection of ST772 Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (Bengal Bay clone and ST22 S. aureus isolates with a genetic variant of elastin binding protein in Nepal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.H. Pokhrel


    Full Text Available Genetic characteristics were analysed for recent clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant and -susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and MSSA respectively in Kathmandu, Nepal. MRSA isolates harbouring Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL genes were classified into ST1, ST22 and ST88 with SCCmec-IV and ST772 with SCCmec-V (Bengal Bay clone, while PVL-positive MSSA into ST22, ST30 and ST772. ST22 isolates (PVL-positive MRSA and MSSA, PVL-negative MRSA possessed a variant of elastin binding protein gene (ebpS with an internal deletion of 180 bp, which was similar to that reported for ST121 S. aureus previously outside Nepal. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the ebpS variant in ST22 might have occurred independently of ST121 strains. This is the first report of ST772 PVL-positive MRSA in Nepal and detection of the deletion variant of ebpS in ST22 S. aureus.

  6. ST Safety What's on?

    CERN Document Server

    Jacot, C


    Du premier coup de pioche jusqu'à la mise en place de la tente abritant le buffet offert lors de la cérémonie d'achèvement d'un projet, la division ST est sur les rangs et apporte son savoir faire. Ces projets nombreux et pluridisciplinaires sont étudiés, se réalisent, s'exploitent et font l'objet de maintenance jusqu'à leur démantèlement. Durant leurs cycles de vie, la division ST avance les compétences professionnelles spécifiques à chaque corps de métiers incluant le recours à de nombreux contrats avec des entreprises extérieures pour réaliser les travaux sur les sites du CERN. Pour en conserver la maîtrise, la division ST applique une gestion de projet, une assurance de la qualité et s'attache tout particulièrement à la sécurité, à la réglementation, à la prévention des risques et la gestion de ceux-ci. Sous la supervision du DSO, un ensemble de procédures et de démarches a été développé afin de faciliter les tâches du maître d'ouvrage et des entreprises contractantes, c...

  7. Simulation of ground-water flow in the St. Peter aquifer in an area contaminated by coal-tar derivatives, St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Water Resources Investigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorenz, D.L.; Stark, J.R.


    A model constructed to simulate ground-water flow in part of the Prairie du Chien-Jordan and St. Peter aquifers, St. Louis Park, Minnesota, was used to test hypotheses about the movement of ground water contaminated with coal-tar derivatives and to simulate alternatives for reducing the downgradient movement of contamination in the St. Peter aquifer. The model, constructed for a previous study, was applied to simulate the effects of current ground-water withdrawals on the potentiometric surface of the St. Peter aquifer. Model simulations predict that the multiaquifer wells have the potential to limit downgradient migration of contaminants in the St. Peter aquifer caused by cones of depression created around the multiaquifer wells. Differences in vertical leakage to the St. Peter aquifer may exist in areas of bedrock valleys. Model simulations indicate that these differences are not likely to affect significantly the general patterns of ground-water flow

  8. Moving towards first science with the St. George recoil separator (United States)

    Meisel, Zachary; Berg, G. P. A.; Gilardy, G.; Moran, M.; Schmitt, J.; Seymour, C.; Stech, E.; Couder, M.


    The St. George recoil mass separator has recently been coupled to the 5MV St. Ana accelerator at the University of Notre Dame's Nuclear Science Lab. St. George is a unique tool designed to measure radiative alpha-capture reactions for nuclei up to A = 40 in inverse kinematics in order to directly obtain cross sections required for astrophysical models of stellar and explosive helium burning. Commissioning of St. George is presently taking place with primary beams of hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. In this presentation, results will be shown for the measured energy acceptance of St. George, which compare favorably to COSY results when employing the calculated optimal ion-optical settings. Additionally, future plans will be discussed, such as assessing the angular acceptance of St. George and the re-integration of HiPPO at the separator target position to provide a dense, windowless helium gas-jet target. The material presented in this work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 1419765.

  9. St. Bernard Parish : la crise d’un territoire suburbain St. Bernard Parish, the crisis of a suburban territory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Marc Zaninetti


    Full Text Available Situé à l’est de La Nouvelle-Orléans, St. Bernard Parish est l’un des territoires les plus vulnérables au risque d’ondes de tempêtes de toute la région métropolitaine. Après avoir été ravagée par le cyclone Katrina en 2005, St. Bernard peine à se redresser et montre le plus faible niveau de reprise de toute la région du Golfe du Mexique frappée par Katrina. De plus, la reconstruction est freinée par des polémiques virulentes qui nous rappellent les pires années des tensions raciales des années 1960. Cet article s’intéresse aux relations supposées entre les fragmentations urbaines et la faculté d’adaptation aux risques naturels. L’étude du cas de St. Bernard illustre la force d’inertie des territoires et comment de vieilles querelles ville-banlieue affaiblissent la résilience urbaine.Located east of New Orleans, St. Bernard Parish is one of the most vulnerable parts of the greater New Orleans metropolitan area to storm surges. After having been devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, St. Bernard still struggles to recover from the storm, and displays the lowest recovery level of the entire Katrina-hit Gulf Coast area so far. Moreover, reconstruction is hampered by loud polemics that remind us of the worst years of racial polarization during the 1960’s. This paper explores the possible linkage between urban fragmentations and adaptive capacity to natural hazard. The St. Bernard case-study illustrates the strength of path dependency, and how long-entrenched suburb-central city mistrust hampers urban resilience.

  10. Materials for the 21st century

    CERN Document Server

    Segal, David


    The book is a general text that shows how materials can contribute to solving problems facing nations in the 21st century. It is illustrated with diverse applications and highlights the potential of existing materials for everyday life, healthcare and the economies of nations. There are 13 chapters and a glossary of 500 materials with their descriptions, historical development, their use or potential use and a range of references. Specific areas include synthetic polymers (e.g. nylon), natural polymers (e.g. proteins, cellulose) and the role of materials in the development of digital computers and in healthcare. Solid-state lighting, energy supplies in the 21st century, disruptive technologies and intellectual property, in particular patents, are discussed. The book concludes by asking how the 21st century will be characterised. Will it be the Silicon Age, Genomic Age or New Polymer Age, as examples?

  11. Analyse of Maintenance Cost in ST

    CERN Document Server

    Jenssen, B W


    An analyse has been carried out in ST concerning the total costs for the division. Even though the target was the maintenance costs in ST, the global budget over has been analysed. This has been done since there is close relation between investments & consolidation and the required level for maintenance. The purpose of the analyse was to focus on maintenance cost in ST as a ratio of total maintenance costs over the replacement value of the equipment, and to make some comparisons with other industries and laboratories. Families of equipment have been defined and their corresponding ratios calculated. This first approach gives us some "quantitative" measurements. This analyse should be combined with performance indicators (more "qualitative" measurements) that are telling us how well we are performing. This will help us in defending our budget, make better priorities, and we will satisfy the requirements from our external auditors.

  12. St. Croix trap study (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data set contains detailed information about the catch from 600 trap stations around St. Croix. Data fields include species caught, size data, trap location...

  13. Church of St. Peter and Paul in the village under Kopaonik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raičević Slobodan


    Full Text Available In the border of the municipality towards Kosovo, Kuršumlija preserved the St. Cemetery's church of Peter and Paul in village Lukovo near the famous rehabilitation center Lukovo's spa. Church is one nave with a semicircular apse at the east vaults with semicircular arch reinforced with cross sec­tion curve, which relies on a few strong pilasters placed inside long walls. According to folk tradition the church was built in the middle ages and served to diggers and foundries of lead ores of King Milutin. Upon termination of exploitation ore the church neglected and in the 19th century it suffered its first renewal 1871st and another 1895th year. Saved epigraphic inscription with carved year of renewal (1895th, icons and wall decor of the church provide information about reliably judging its recent history and artistic value. Soon after the bricklaying work 1895th Church has received from the altar wall of icons, and after that, and mural painting small artistic value. The crown of the vault is painted Pantocrator, about whose performances are painted scenes of the Transfiguration, Ascension of Christ, Vavedenje and Entry into Jerusalem. On the western wall are shown the Dormition of the Mother of God and in the first zone are shown standing figures of Sts. Constantine and Helena, St. Simon Mir refills and St. Prince Lazar - kefaloforos. On the triumphal arch are Old. Testament scenes of hospitality and sacrifice of Abraham and in the apse bust of God Savaot. In the zone of standing figures are shown Sts. Druid, St. Czar Uroš and St. King Stephen, St. Sunday, St. Petka, St. Procopius, and St. George. From the figures standing at the altar of bishops are shown St. John Chrysostom, St. Sava Serbian, St. Basil the Great and St. Athanasius. There was saved the altar compartments with icons. At the czar's gate are shown Blagovesti and in the order of main icons: Christ Almighty, Mother of God with Christ, St. John the Forerunner, icons of patron St

  14. Principal Component Surface (2011) for St. Thomas East End Reserve, St. Thomas (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a 0.3x0.3 meter principal component analysis (PCA) surface for areas the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI)....

  15. Clinical significance of stress-induced ST segment changes in patients with previous myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Futagami, Yasuo; Hamada, Masayuki; Makino, Katsutoshi; Ichikawa, Takehiko; Konishi, Tokuji


    To explain the clinical significance of stress(st)-induced ST-segment (ST) changes postinfarction, 93 patients with previous myocardial infarction (MI) were performed st- 201 Tl myocardial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and compared ST changes with SPECT, coronary arteriographic and left ventriculographic findings. 30 out of 93 cases (32%) had ST depression, 20 (21.5%) had ST elevation, 9 (10%) had both ST depression and elevation and remaining 34 (36.5 %) had no significant ST changes. In single vessel disease, ST depression were noted in 29% (12/42), while in multivessel disease, 53% (27/51). 35 out of 39 cases (90%) with ST depression had transient perfusion defect but no apparent relation was noted between location of ST depression on ECG and region of transient perfusion defect in SPECT. All of 28 cases with ST elevation were noted in anterior MI cases, and 26 out of these showed severe LV wall motion abnormality in contrast left ventriculography and broad anterior permanent defect in SPECT. Only 15 cases (54%) showed slight redistribution. Thus, we conclude that in patients with previous MI, st-induced ST depression seems to reflect myocardial ischemia and ST elevation possibly related abnormal LV wall motion. (author)

  16. ST-segment depression in aVR as a predictor of culprit artery in acute inferior wall ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed Hafez el-neklawy


    Conclusions: ST depression in aVR is common in patients with LCX-related acute inferior myocardial infarction. The ST changes in this lead are associated with an excellent specificity and a good sensitivity in differentiating LCX from RCA as the IRA.

  17. At stå i det åbne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn

    Bogen At stå i det åbne: Dannelse gennem filosofisk undren og nævær er en pædagogisk-filosofisk undersøgelse af, hvad det vil sige at stå i et "undringsfællesskab" i en undervisnings- og vejledningssituation. Ved at trække på den eksistentiel-fænomenologiske og filosofisk-hermeneutiske forskning ...

  18. Three centuries of multi-storied St. Petersburg (United States)

    Lavrov, Leonid; Perov, Fedor; Eremeeva, Aleksandra; Temnov, Vladimir


    The article is devoted to assessment of the role of high-rise buildings in the St. Petersburg historic city's ensemble. Features of formation of city architectural look, the conditions of city typical silhouette's appearance which is characterized by the contrast of a small number of high-rise structures with a low horizontal mass building are observed. The consequences of the emergence of a significant number of great height buildings, the silhouette of which conflicts with the traditional St. Petersburg landscape's compositional principles, are analyzed. The economic reasons of high-rise construction of residential and office buildings are given. The conclusions about the prospects of St. Petersburg high-rise construction in the light of city-building and economic factors are made.

  19. Orthodoxy and Islam. St. Cyril and St. Gregory Palamas in Dialogue with Muslims

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grzegorz Makal


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to present the role of the Holy Fathers in the dialogue between the Orthodox and theMuslims. The first part of the article talks about the mission of St. Cyril in Baghdad Caliphate in historical perspective. Itdeals with his dialogue with Islam and presents an analysis of the arguments used by both sides. In the second part I talkabout the dialogue of St. Gregory Palamas with Muslims in the context of the mission of Cyril, comparing the argumentsof both fathers and their attitudes towards the dialogue with Islam. Finally, the theory of the “biblical roots of Europe” isaddressed, drawing on the example of the abovementioned Holy Fathers. In the article some excerpts from Palamas’worksare published in Polish for the first time.

  20. Increased serum concentrations of soluble ST2 predict mortality after burn injury. (United States)

    Hacker, Stefan; Dieplinger, Benjamin; Werba, Gregor; Nickl, Stefanie; Roth, Georg A; Krenn, Claus G; Mueller, Thomas; Ankersmit, Hendrik J; Haider, Thomas


    Large burn injuries induce a systemic response in affected patients. Soluble ST2 (sST2) acts as a decoy receptor for interleukin-33 (IL-33) and has immunosuppressive effects. sST2 has been described previously as a prognostic serum marker. Our aim was to evaluate serum concentrations of sST2 and IL-33 after thermal injury and elucidate whether sST2 is associated with mortality in these patients. We included 32 burn patients (total body surface area [TBSA] >10%) admitted to our burn intensive care unit and compared them to eight healthy probands. Serum concentrations of sST2 and IL-33 were measured serially using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. The mean TBSA was 32.5%±19.6%. Six patients (18.8%) died during the hospital stay. Serum analyses showed significantly increased concentrations of sST2 and reduced concentrations of IL-33 in burn patients compared to healthy controls. In our study cohort, higher serum concentrations of sST2 were a strong independent predictor of mortality. Burn injuries cause an increment of sST2 serum concentrations with a concomitant reduction of IL-33. Higher concentrations of sST2 are associated with increased in-hospital mortality in burn patients.

  1. Characterization of StABF1, a stress-responsive bZIP transcription factor from Solanum tuberosum L. that is phosphorylated by StCDPK2 in vitro. (United States)

    Muñiz García, María Noelia; Giammaria, Verónica; Grandellis, Carolina; Téllez-Iñón, María Teresa; Ulloa, Rita María; Capiati, Daniela Andrea


    ABF/AREB bZIP transcription factors mediate plant abiotic stress responses by regulating the expression of stress-related genes. These proteins bind to the abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive element (ABRE), which is the major cis-acting regulatory sequence in ABA-dependent gene expression. In an effort to understand the molecular mechanisms of abiotic stress resistance in cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), we have cloned and characterized an ABF/AREB-like transcription factor from potato, named StABF1. The predicted protein shares 45-57% identity with A. thaliana ABFs proteins and 96% identity with the S. lycopersicum SlAREB1 and presents all of the distinctive features of ABF/AREB transcription factors. Furthermore, StABF1 is able to bind to the ABRE in vitro. StABF1 gene is induced in response to ABA, drought, salt stress and cold, suggesting that it might be a key regulator of ABA-dependent stress signaling pathways in cultivated potato. StABF1 is phosphorylated in response to ABA and salt stress in a calcium-dependent manner, and we have identified a potato CDPK isoform (StCDPK2) that phosphorylates StABF1 in vitro. Interestingly, StABF1 expression is increased during tuber development and by tuber-inducing conditions (high sucrose/nitrogen ratio) in leaves. We also found that StABF1 calcium-dependent phosphorylation is stimulated by tuber-inducing conditions and inhibited by gibberellic acid, which inhibits tuberization.

  2. Environmental Assessment on the leasing of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, St. James Terminal, St. James Parish, Louisiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The US Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to lease the Strategic Petroleum Reserve`s (SPR) St. James Terminal to private industry. The St. James Terminal consists of six storage tanks, a pumping station, two maine docks and ancillary facilities. DOE believes that the St. James Terminal presents an opportunity to establish a government- industry arrangement that could more effectively use this asset to serve the nations`s oil distribution needs, reduce the operational cost of the SPR, and provide a source of revenue for the Government. DOE solicited interest in leasing its distribution facilities in a notice published March 16, 1994. In response, industry has expressed interest in leasing the St. James Terminal, as well as several DOE pipelines, to enhance the operation of its own facilities or to avoid having to construct new ones. Under such a lease, industry use would be subordinate to DOE use in the event of a national energy emergency. This Environmental Assessment describes the proposed leasing operation, its alternatives, and potential environmental impacts. Based on this analyses, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) OF 1969 and has issued the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

  3. Carl Størmer Auroral Pioneer

    CERN Document Server

    Egeland, Alv


    This biography summarizes the seminal contributions to auroral and space science of Carl Størmer (1874 - 1957). He was the first to develop precise photographic methods to calculate heights and morphologies of diverse auroral forms during four solar cycles. Størmer independently devised numerical techniques to determine the trajectories of high-energy charged particles allowed and forbidden in the Earth’s magnetic field. His theoretical analyses explained cosmic ray access to the upper atmosphere, 20 years before they were identified by other scientists. Størmer’s crowning achievement, “The Polar Aurora,” published when he was 81 years old, stands to this day as a regularly cited guide in graduate-level courses on space physics.   The authors present the life of this prodigious scientist in relation to the cultural life of early 20th century in Norway and to the development of the space sciences in the post-Sputnik era.

  4. Implicaciones de la resolución espacial sobre la estimación de modelos de distribución, evaluación de hábitat y cuotas de aprovechamiento del chigüiro (Hydrochaerus hydrochaeris), en las sabanas inundables de la Orinoquía Colombiana


    Sarmiento Pinzón, Carlos Enrique


    Evaluamos diferentes aspectos relativos a la escala espacial que pueden influir sobre la variabilidad, precisión y confiabilidad de los modelos de distribución geográfica (presencia y densidad) del chigüiro en las Sabanas Inundables de la Orinoquía Colombiana. Dichos aspectos abarcan la resolución espacial y cubrimiento geográfico de las variables independientes y de las localidades de presencia y abundancia, así como las posibles implicaciones del uso de imágenes satelitales de diferente re...

  5. GeoTIFF of 3x3 m Bathymetry for St. Thomas & St. John, 2011, UTM 20N NAD83 (NCEI Accession 0131858) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 3x3 meter resolution bathymetric surface for an area of shallow seabed surrounding St. Thomas and St....

  6. 21st Century leadership skills for learning networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Basten, Floor; Evers, Arnoud; Geijsel, Femke; Vermeulen, Marjan


    Ultimate goal: to prepare pupils for a life in a society that requires 21st century skills and actions Immediate focus: teachers and principals develop 21st century skills in the practice of their work → together with researchers principals co-create tools to support teacher learning.

  7. St. Louis encephalitis virus possibly transmitted through blood transfusion-Arizona, 2015. (United States)

    Venkat, Heather; Adams, Laura; Sunenshine, Rebecca; Krow-Lucal, Elisabeth; Levy, Craig; Kafenbaum, Tammy; Sylvester, Tammy; Smith, Kirk; Townsend, John; Dosmann, Melissa; Kamel, Hany; Patron, Roberto; Kuehnert, Matthew; Annambhotla, Pallavi; Basavaraju, Sridhar V; Rabe, Ingrid B


    St. Louis encephalitis virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that infrequently causes epidemic central nervous system infections. In the United States, blood donors are not screened for St. Louis encephalitis virus infection, and transmission through blood transfusion has not been reported. During September 2015, St. Louis encephalitis virus infection was confirmed in an Arizona kidney transplant recipient. An investigation was initiated to determine the infection source. The patient was interviewed, and medical records were reviewed. To determine the likelihood of mosquito-borne infection, mosquito surveillance data collected at patient and blood donor residences in timeframes consistent with their possible exposure periods were reviewed. To investigate other routes of exposure, organ and blood donor and recipient specimens were obtained and tested for evidence of St. Louis encephalitis virus infection. The patient presented with symptoms of central nervous system infection. Recent St. Louis encephalitis virus infection was serologically confirmed. The organ donor and three other organ recipients showed no laboratory or clinical evidence of St. Louis encephalitis virus infection. Among four donors of blood products received by the patient via transfusion, one donor had a serologically confirmed, recent St. Louis encephalitis virus infection. Exposure to an infected mosquito was unlikely based on the patient's minimal outdoor exposure. In addition, no St. Louis encephalitis virus-infected mosquito pools were identified around the patient's residence. This investigation provides evidence of the first reported possible case of St. Louis encephalitis virus transmission through blood product transfusion. Health care providers and public health professionals should maintain heightened awareness for St. Louis encephalitis virus transmission through blood transfusion in settings where outbreaks are identified. © 2017 AABB.

  8. Fusion power core engineering for the ARIES-ST power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tillack, M.S.; Wang, X.R.; Pulsifer, J.; Malang, S.; Sze, D.K.; Billone, M.; Sviatoslavsky, I.


    ARIES-ST is a 1000 MWe fusion power plant based on a low aspect ratio 'spherical torus' (ST) plasma. The ARIES-ST power core was designed to accommodate the unique features of an ST power plant, to meet the top-level requirements of an attractive fusion energy source, and to minimize extrapolation from the fusion technology database under development throughout the world. The result is an advanced helium-cooled ferritic steel blanket with flowing PbLi breeder and tungsten plasma-interactive components. Design improvements, such as the use of SiC inserts in the blanket to extend the outlet coolant temperature range were explored and the results are reported here. In the final design point, the power and particle loads found in ARIES-ST are relatively similar to other advanced tokamak power plants (e.g. ARIES-RS [Fusion Eng. Des. 38 (1997) 3; Fusion Eng. Des. 38 (1997) 87]) such that exotic technologies were not required in order to satisfy all of the design criteria. Najmabadi and the ARIES Team [Fusion Eng. Des. (this issue)] provide an overview of ARIES-ST design. In this article, the details of the power core design are presented together with analysis of the thermal-hydraulic, thermomechanical and materials behavior of in-vessel components. Detailed engineering analysis of ARIES-ST TF and PF systems, nuclear analysis, and safety are given in the companion papers

  9. Molecular evidence for the thriving of Campylobacter jejuni ST-4526 in Japan.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hiroshi Asakura

    Full Text Available Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. This study aimed at a better understanding of the genetic diversity of this pathogen disseminated in Japan. We performed multilocus sequence typing (MLST of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from different sources (100 human, 61 poultry, and 51 cattle isolates in Japan between 2005 and 2006. This approach identified 62 sequence types (STs and 19 clonal complexes (CCs, including 11 novel STs. These 62 STs were phylogenetically divided into 6 clusters, partially exhibiting host association. We identified a novel ST (ST-4526 that has never been reported in other countries; a phylogenetic analysis showed that ST-4526 and related STs showed distant lineage from the founder ST, ST-21 within CC-21. Comparative genome analysis was performed to investigate which properties could be responsible for the successful dissemination of ST-4526 in Japan. Results revealed that three representative ST-4526 isolates contained a putative island comprising the region from Cj0737 to Cj0744, which differed between the ST-4526 isolates and the reference strain NCTC11168 (ST-43/CC-21. Amino acid sequence alignment analyses showed that two of three ST-4526 isolates expressed 693aa- filamentous hemagglutination domain protein (FHA, while most of other C. jejuni strains whose genome were sequenced exhibited its truncation. Correspondingly, host cell binding of FHA-positive C. jejuni was greater than that of FHA-truncated strains, and exogenous administration of rFHA protein reduced cell adhesion of FHA-positive bacteria. Biochemical assays showed that this putative protein exhibited a dose-dependent binding affinity to heparan sulfate, indicating its adhesin activity. Moreover, ST-4526 showed increased antibiotic-resistance (nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolones and a reduced ability for DNA uptake. Taken together, our data suggested that these combined features contributed to the clonal thriving of ST

  10. CDC WONDER: Population - Bridged-Race July 1st Estimates (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Population - Bridged-Race July 1st Estimates online databases report bridged-race population estimates of the July 1st resident population of the United States,...

  11. Perinnöstä luopuminen


    Skoutti, Miia


    Tämän opinnäytetyön keskeisenä aiheena oli tutkia perinnöstä luopumiseen liittyviä edellytyksiä ja seurauksia. Tarkoituksena oli käsitellä perinnöstä luopumista erilaisista näkökulmista sekä miettiä joitakin siihen johtavia syitä. Opinnäytetyöhön sisältyy olennaisesti myös yleisesti perintöoikeudellisten asioiden selvittäminen. Opinnäytetyön alussa lukijalle selitetään lyhyesti sitä, mitä on lakimääräinen perimysjärjestys, ja miten perintöä voi Suomessa saada. Lisäksi huomiota kiinnitetään lu...

  12. Omsorg/støtte i ungdomsskolen


    Vasseng, Eli Dahl


    Master's thesis in Special education Denne studien handler om forholdet mellom lærer-elev og ser på hvordan ungdomsskoleelever beskriver omsorgsfulle/støttende lærere og den betydning det har for motivasjon i skolearbeid og læringsmiljø. Jeg har tatt utgangspunkt i ungdomsskoleelevenes forståelse av fenomenet omsorg/støtte og brukt en fenomenologisk tilnærming med intervju som metode. Seks elever fra ungdomstrinnet ble intervjuet og jeg har brukt en intervjuguide som er bygget på det teore...

  13. Statistics in the 21st century

    CERN Document Server

    Wells, Martin T; Wells, Martin T


    Exactly what is the state of the art in statistics as we move forward into the 21st century? What promises, what trends does its future hold? Through the reflections of 70 of the world's leading statistical methodologists, researchers, theorists, and practitioners, Statistics in the 21st Century answers those questions. Originally published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, this collection of vignettes examines our statistical past, comments on our present, and speculates on our future. Although the coverage is broad and the topics diverse, it reveals the essential intell

  14. Energirenovering af større bygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Lone Hedegaard; Birck Laustsen, Jacob; Vorre, Mette Havgaard

    involverede parter i et renoveringsprojekt om, hvordan energirenoveringsprojekter gennemføres i alle faser. SBi-anvisning 269 kan bruges som styringsredskab for bygherrer og kravgrundlag for rådgivere, entreprenører og andre parter, der leverer ydelser til bygherren. For institutioner, der stiller kapital til......​SBi-anvisning 269 omhandler metode og proces for gennemførelse af energirenoveringsprojekter for større bygninger fra idefase til driftsfase. Større bygninger omfatter etageboliger, bygninger til privat handel- og service samt offentlige institutioner. Anvisningen giver vejledning for de...

  15. Sobrepeso y obesidad en estudiantes de medicina. ¿Un nuevo reto al sistema de salud peruano?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Smith Torres-Roman


    Full Text Available Señor editor: La obesidad representa un desafío para la salud pública en todo el mundo.1 Entre 1975 y 2014, la prevalencia global de obesidad en adultos aumentó de 3.2 a 10.8% en hombres, y de 6.5 a 14.9% en mujeres. De continuar esta tendencia, se pronostica que para 2025 la prevalencia alcanzará 18% en los hombres y superará 21% en mujeres a nivel mundial. Este panorama es preocupante puesto que la obesidad se ha visto asociada a diversas enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles que en conjunto ocasionan cerca de 38 millones de muertes cada año.

  16. 31st Annual conference and the 21st annual theoretical seminar of the South African Institute of Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 31st annual conference and the 21st annual theoretical seminar of the South African Institute of Physics was held from 7-11 July 1986 at the Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg. This publication contains only the abstracts of seminars delivered on the conference. The topics that were covered include the various facets of physics such as solid state physics, nuclear and particle physics, optics and spectroscopy, solar-terrestrial physics, education, and applied and industrial physics

  17. Book of specifications (StLB) and solar technology in data processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaehnig, W; Schiemann, W


    The book of specifications (StLB) is to create a common language for a system of integrated data processing in building construction to be used by all those participating in the process of construction. The StLB comprises e.g. special sectors from the field of framework construction and extension as well as of technical extension. Special performance sectors concerning solar energy are not yet included in the StLB. It can be expected that relevant texts for solar technology shall be included along with other editorial work. At present, analogous texts from various performance sectors can be transferred to solar technology. Different user programmes are available for the data-related utilization of the StLlB. The article illustrates the fields of application of the StLB and its data-related utilization procedure including text input as well as the various devices which are suitable for the individual processes of the StLB.

  18. The mean, the median, and the St. Petersburg paradox. (United States)

    Hayden, Benjamin Y; Platt, Michael L


    The St. Petersburg Paradox is a famous economic and philosophical puzzle that has generated numerous conflicting explanations. To shed empirical light on this phenomenon, we examined subjects' bids for one St. Petersburg gamble with a real monetary payment. We found that bids were typically lower than twice the smallest payoff, and thus much lower than is generally supposed. We also examined bids offered for several hypothetical variants of the St. Petersburg Paradox. We found that bids were weakly affected by truncating the gamble, were strongly affected by repeats of the gamble, and depended linearly on the initial "seed" value of the gamble. One explanation, which we call the median heuristic , strongly predicts these data. Subjects following this strategy evaluate a gamble as if they were taking the median rather than the mean of the payoff distribution. Finally, we argue that the distribution of outcomes embodied in the St. Petersburg paradox is so divergent from the Gaussian form that the statistical mean is a poor estimator of expected value, so that the expected value of the St. Petersburg gamble is undefined. These results suggest that this classic paradox has a straightforward explanation rooted in the use of a statistical heuristic.

  19. Geology of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands (United States)

    Rankin, Douglas W.


    The rocks of St. John, which is located near the eastern end of the Greater Antilles and near the northeastern corner of the Caribbean plate, consist of Cretaceous basalt, andesite, keratophyre, their volcaniclastic and hypabyssal intrusive equivalents, and minor calcareous rocks and chert. These rocks were intruded by Tertiary mafic dikes and tonalitic plutons. The oldest rocks formed in an extensional oceanic environment characterized by abundant keratophyre and sheeted dikes. Subduction-related volcanism of the east-west-trending marine Greater Antilles volcanic arc began on St. John near the transition between the Early and Late Cretaceous. South-directed compression, probably caused by the initial collision between the Greater Antilles arc of the Caribbean plate and the Bahama platform of the North American plate, deformed the Cretaceous strata into east-west-trending folds with axial-plane cleavage. Late Eocene tonalitic intrusions, part of the Greater Antilles arc magmatism, produced a contact aureole that is as much as two kilometers wide and that partly annealed the axial-plane cleavage. East-west compression, possibly related to the relative eastward transport of the Caribbean plate in response to the beginning of spreading at the Cayman Trough, produced long-wavelength, low-amplitude folds whose axes plunge gently north and warp the earlier folds. A broad north-plunging syncline-anticline pair occupies most of St. John. The last tectonic event affecting St. John is recorded by a series of post-late Eocene sinistral strike-slip faults related to the early stages of spreading at the Cayman Trough spreading center and sinistral strike-slip accommodation near the northern border of the Caribbean plate. Central St. John is occupied by a rhomb horst bounded by two of these sinistral faults. Unlike other parts of the Greater Antilles, evidence for recent tectonic movement has not been observed on St. John.

  20. Alternative Fuels Data Center: St. Louis Airport Relies on Biodiesel and (United States)

    Natural Gas Vehicles St. Louis Airport Relies on Biodiesel and Natural Gas Vehicles to someone by E-mail Share Alternative Fuels Data Center: St. Louis Airport Relies on Biodiesel and Natural Gas Vehicles on Facebook Tweet about Alternative Fuels Data Center: St. Louis Airport Relies on Biodiesel and

  1. Bovine-associated MRSA ST398 in The Netherlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tavakol Mehri


    Full Text Available Abstract During routinely screening (50.000 milk samples on an annual basis 14 MRSA ST398 strains were identified in the period of January 2008 to September 2008 in 14 different dairy herds located in the provinces Overijssel and Gelderland, The Netherlands. Molecular analysis was performed by Cfr9I PFGE, ST398-specific diagnostic PCR, spa typing, SCCmec typing and Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL gene PCR. The molecular analyses of 14 MRSA (one MRSA strain per herd strains revealed that all strains belong to ST398 with 3 closely related spa types (t011, t108 and t889, all commonly found in pigs and carry 2 different SCCmec types, IVa and V. All MRSA strains were resistant to two or more classes of antibiotics and also PVL negative. The majority of farms (n = 9, 64% harboured combined livestock with both cows and pigs present. Our study contributes to the growing evidence that MRSA ST398 is transmitted among various animal species and can be considered as an etiological agent of mastitis in dairy cows.

  2. Methylphenidatinduceret ST-elevations-myokardieinfarkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruwald, Martin Huth; Ruwald, Anne-Christine Huth; Tønder, Niels


    Adult attention deficit and hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD) is increasingly diagnosed and treated with methylphenidate. We present the case of an 20 year-old man, who was diagnosed with ADHD and suffered a ST elevation acute myocardial infarction due to coronary vasospasm related to an overdose...

  3. Simple stålrammebygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellum, J.C.

    Anvisningen gennemgår dimensioneringen og bringer detaljerede konstruktionstegninger til simple stålrammebygninger, dvs. lukkede, fritliggende bygninger i én etage, hvor tagkonstruktionen ud over egenlast kun er påvirket af naturlaster, dvs. sne og vind. Dimensioneringen sker ved at udfylde et di...

  4. Right bundle branch block and anterior wall ST elevation myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Trofin, Monica; Israel, Carsten W; Barold, S Serge


    We report the case of an acute anterior wall ST elevation myocardial infarction with new left anterior fascicular block and pre-existing right bundle branch block. Due to a wide right bundle branch block, no ST segment elevation was visible in lead V1. The left anterior fascicular block was caused by proximal occlusion of the left artery descending and disappeared after acute revascularization. However, also the R' of the right bundle branch block became significantly shorter after revascularization, dismanteling a minor ST segment elevation. The ST elevation in lead V1 in anterior wall infarction and right bundle branch block may merge with the R' and cause a further QRS widening as an "equivalent" to the ST elevation.

  5. MHD simulation of relaxation to a flipped ST configuration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kagei, Y [Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Himeji Institute of Technology, Himeji, Hyogo (Japan); Nagata, M [Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Himeji Institute of Technology, Himeji, Hyogo (Japan); Suzuki, Y [Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taito-ku, Tokyo (Japan); Kishimoto, Y [Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka-machi, Ibaraki (Japan); Hayashi, T [National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu (Japan); Uyama, T [Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Himeji Institute of Technology, Himeji, Hyogo (Japan)


    The dynamics of spherical torus (ST) plasmas, when the external toroidal magnetic field is decreased to zero and then increased in the opposite direction, has been investigated using three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulations. It has been found that the flipped ST configuration is self-organized after the ST configuration collapses because of the growth of the n = 1 mode in the open flux region and a following magnetic reconnection event. During the transition between these configurations, not only the paramagnetic toroidal field but also the poloidal field reverses polarity spontaneously. (letter to the editor)

  6. Bathymetry (2011) of the St. Thomas East End Reserve (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 0.3x0.3 meter resolution depth surface for the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER), St. Thomas in the...

  7. Policy perspective on the global use of Smokeless Tobacco (ST: a literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamran Siddiqi


    gaps in the implementation of key demand-reduction measures with regard to ST. Methods A series of focused literature reviews was conducted and findings were synthesized by relevant Articles (6 - 14 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC. Results We found sufficient evidence to support implementation of key demand-reduction measures for ST. For example, raising taxes can reduce ST consumption, with price elasticity on a par with, or sometimes higher than, cigarettes. Similarly, graphic pictorial warnings on ST packaging are far more effective than text-only warning labels. But despite supportive evidence, countries have either not implemented measures or have kept the bar much lower than that for cigarettes. For example, very few countries regulate the contents of ST products. Some have raised ST taxes but not to the extent of cigarette taxes, risking product substitution. Similarly, health-warning requirements for ST are less strict than those for cigarettes. Even where strong policies exist, compliance has been poor. For example, despite bans on ST advertising, most suppliers continue to promote products, especially at points of sale and via print and digital media. Consequently, ST demand-reduction measures have had limited impact. Conclusions The full implementation of FCTC Articles 6-14 is likely to reduce the global demand for ST, but their current state of implementation lags behind that for cigarettes. The existing policy gaps can be addressed through better knowledge of ST products, setting unambiguous standards, innovative systems for tax administration, building capacity in testing ST products and undertaking targeted research.

  8. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Rio de Janeiro hospitals: dissemination of the USA400/ST1 and USA800/ST5 SCCmec type IV and USA100/ST5 SCCmec type II lineages in a public institution and polyclonal presence in a private one. (United States)

    Caboclo, Roberta Mello Ferreira; Cavalcante, Fernanda Sampaio; Iorio, Natalia Lopes Pontes; Schuenck, Ricardo Pinto; Olendzki, André Nogueira; Felix, Maria José; Chamon, Raiane Cardoso; dos Santos, Kátia Regina Netto


    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections have changed since certain non-multiresistant MRSA lineages have emerged in hospitals. In this study, 99 MRSA isolates, 77 from a public and 22 from a private hospital, were characterized. Isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility, whereas staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) typing and Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes were assessed by polymerase chain reaction. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing analyses were carried out to determine the MRSA lineages. High rates of resistance were found to erythromycin (96%), ciprofloxacin (93%), and clindamycin (90%). The SCCmec types found were as follows: type II (14.2%), III (62.6%), and IV (23.2%). Approximately 85% of type III isolates was related to the Brazilian epidemic clone in both hospitals. For type IV isolates, 94.4% were related to both USA400/ sequence type (ST) 1 and USA800/ST5 lineages in the public hospital, whereas the USA400/ST1, USA800/ST5, USA1100/ST30, and EMRSA (Epidemic MRSA)-15/ST22 lineages were detected in the private hospital. Among the SCCmec II isolates, approximately 85% were related to the USA100/ST5 lineage. Three MRSA isolates were positive to Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes. The study showed that there was an emergence of USA400/ST1, USA800/ST5 SCCmec IV, and USA100/ST5 SCCmec II MRSA lineages in both hospitals. There was a dissemination of them in the public hospital and a polyclonal presence of the MRSA isolates in the private hospital. The spread of these lineages can be facilitated by the characteristics of the health institution. Copyright © 2013 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Doppler derived gradient of ST Jude Mechanical Prosthesis, early postoperative assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaikh, A.H.; Hanif, B.; Adil, A.; Hashimi, S.; Qazi, H.A.; Mujtaba, I.


    Objective: To determine the doppler derived mean gradients of St Jude mechanical prosthesis in early postoperative period in patients undergoing valve replacement at a tertiary care cardiac centre. Methods: Medical records of 190 consecutive patients who underwent 233 mitral, aortic or dual (mitral and aortic) valve replacement by St Jude bileaflet mechanical prosthesis at Tabba Heart Institute, between March 2006 to December 2008 were reviewed. Doppler derived mean gradients were assessed predischarge and recorded. Results: There were 98 (51.5%) males and 92 (48.5%) females in the study cohort. The mean age was 40 +- 14 years. Of the total, 101 (53%) had mitral, 46 (24.2%) had aortic and 43 (22.6%) patients had dual valve replacement. Doppler derived mean gradient was assessed across 144 mitral and 89 aortic St Jude mechanical prosthesis. Doppler derived mean gradient for St Jude mitral prosthesis was 3.5 mm Hg and for St Jude aortic prosthesis was 10.2 mm Hg. Conclusions: The study determines baseline gradients across mitral and aortic St Jude mechanical prosthesis in our population. These can be used as reference gradients to assess St Jude prosthetic valve function in patients who did not have early postoperative doppler assessment. (author)

  10. Organ accumulation and subcellular location of Cicer arietinum ST1 protein. (United States)

    Albornos, Lucía; Cabrera, Javier; Hernández-Nistal, Josefina; Martín, Ignacio; Labrador, Emilia; Dopico, Berta


    The ST (ShooT Specific) proteins are a new family of proteins characterized by a signal peptide, tandem repeats of 25/26 amino acids, and a domain of unknown function (DUF2775), whose presence is limited to a few families of dicotyledonous plants, mainly Fabaceae and Asteraceae. Their function remains unknown, although involvement in plant growth, fruit morphogenesis or in biotic and abiotic interactions have been suggested. This work is focused on ST1, a Cicer arietinum ST protein. We established the protein accumulation in different tissues and organs of chickpea seedlings and plants and its subcellular localization, which could indicate the possible function of ST1. The raising of specific antibodies against ST1 protein revealed that its accumulation in epicotyls and radicles was related to their elongation rate. Its pattern of tissue location in cotyledons during seed formation and early seed germination, as well as its localization in the perivascular fibres of epicotyls and radicles, indicated a possible involvement in seed germination and seedling growth. ST1 protein appears both inside the cell and in the cell wall. This double subcellular localization was found in every organ in which the ST1 protein was detected: seeds, cotyledons and seedling epicotyls and radicles. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Communication from ST Group

    CERN Multimedia

    TS Department


    In order to prepare the organization of the Open Days, please note that FM Group will not able to take into account either specific requests for waste collection from 2nd to 6th of April, either removal or PC transport requests between the 31st and the 11th of March. We kindly ask you to plan the collection of any type of waste and the urgent transport of office furniture or PC before the 31st of March. Waste collection requests shall be formulated contacting FM Support at 77777 or at the email address; removal of office furniture or PC transport requests must be made using the EDH ‘Transport request’ form selecting the "Removals" or the "PC transport" category from the drop-down menu. For any question concerning the waste sorting, please consult the following web address: Thank you for your understanding and collaboration. TS/FM Group

  12. Neutron flux distribution measurement in the Fort St. Vrain initial core (results of Fort St. Vrain start-up test A-7)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marshall, A.C.; Brown, J.R.


    A description is given of a test to measure the axial flux distribution at several radial locations in the Fort St. Vrain core representing unrodded, rodded, and partially rodded regions. The measurements were intended to verify the calculational accuracy of the three-dimensional calculational model used to compute axial power distributions for the Fort St. Vrain core. (U.S.)

  13. Control Strategy Tool (CoST) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The EPA Control Strategy Tool (CoST) is a software tool for projecting potential future control scenarios, their effects on emissions and estimated costs. This tool...

  14. Genomic Epidemiology of Hypervirulent Serogroup W, ST-11 Neisseria meningitidis. (United States)

    Mustapha, Mustapha M; Marsh, Jane W; Krauland, Mary G; Fernandez, Jorge O; de Lemos, Ana Paula S; Dunning Hotopp, Julie C; Wang, Xin; Mayer, Leonard W; Lawrence, Jeffrey G; Hiller, N Luisa; Harrison, Lee H


    Neisseria meningitidis is a leading bacterial cause of sepsis and meningitis globally with dynamic strain distribution over time. Beginning with an epidemic among Hajj pilgrims in 2000, serogroup W (W) sequence type (ST) 11 emerged as a leading cause of epidemic meningitis in the African 'meningitis belt' and endemic cases in South America, Europe, Middle East and China. Previous genotyping studies were unable to reliably discriminate sporadic W ST-11 strains in circulation since 1970 from the Hajj outbreak strain (Hajj clone). It is also unclear what proportion of more recent W ST-11 disease clusters are caused by direct descendants of the Hajj clone. Whole genome sequences of 270 meningococcal strains isolated from patients with invasive meningococcal disease globally from 1970 to 2013 were compared using whole genome phylogenetic and major antigen-encoding gene sequence analyses. We found that all W ST-11 strains were descendants of an ancestral strain that had undergone unique capsular switching events. The Hajj clone and its descendants were distinct from other W ST-11 strains in that they shared a common antigen gene profile and had undergone recombination involving virulence genes encoding factor H binding protein, nitric oxide reductase, and nitrite reductase. These data demonstrate that recent acquisition of a distinct antigen-encoding gene profile and variations in meningococcal virulence genes was associated with the emergence of the Hajj clone. Importantly, W ST-11 strains unrelated to the Hajj outbreak contribute a significant proportion of W ST-11 cases globally. This study helps illuminate genomic factors associated with meningococcal strain emergence and evolution.

  15. The Changing Pattern of Population Structure of Staphylococcus aureus from Bacteremia in China from 2013 to 2016: ST239-030-MRSA Replaced by ST59-t437. (United States)

    Li, Shuguang; Sun, Shijun; Yang, Chentao; Chen, Hongbin; Yin, Yuyao; Li, Henan; Zhao, Chunjiang; Wang, Hui


    To investigate the epidemiology and genetic structure of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in China, a total of 416 isolates from 22 teaching hospitals in 12 cities from 2013 and 2016 were characterized by antibiogram analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCC mec ) typing. The predominant meticillin-susceptible (MSSA) genotypes in 2013 were ST188 (19.1%), ST7 (8.7%), and ST398 (7.8%), respectively, and they continued to be the main genotypes in 2016. The prevalence of meticillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) were 36.5% (66/181) and 36.6% (86/235) in 2013 and 2016, respectively. Interestingly, the susceptibility rates of MRSA to rifampicin and fluoroquinolones increased significantly from 2013 to 2016 ( P competition and fitness measurements were performed. Importantly, ST239-t030-MRSA displayed lower growth rate and lower competitive advantage compared to ST59-t437-MRSA. Together, our findings reveal that fitness advantage of ST59-t437-MRSA over ST239-t030-MRSA may lead to changes in genetic structure and increased susceptibility of MRSA to rifampicin and fluoroquinolones in Chinese patients with S. aureus bacteremia. Our study supports temporal dynamics in MRSA clone diversities, further providing critical insights into the importance of continued monitoring of MRSA.

  16. Housing Service: Receptions of the CERN and St.-Genis-Pouilly Hostels

    CERN Multimedia


    Opening times Please note the new and definitive opening times of the Receptions of the hostels on the Swiss site of CERN and in St. Genis : CERN hostels St.-Genis hostel from Monday to Friday 7:30 - 19:30 8:00 - 12:00 16:00 - 19:00 Saturday 9:00 - 13:00 closed Sunday 9:00 - 13:00 closed Outside these times keys to rooms reserved in advance can be obtained from the guards on duty at the main entrance to the Meyrin, Switzerland, CERN site (Gate B), where they are deposited some fifteen minutes after the closure of the Reception. As for the St. Genis hostel, for arrivals on Saturdays and Sundays, the keys are deposited with the guards in advance on the preceding Friday evening. Reminder : reservations, whether for the CERN hostels or the St. Genis hostel, are available through the Reception of the CERN hostels. Once the reservation has been confirmed, in the case of St. Genis, all other business, including payment, is dealt with by the St. Genis hostel reception. As far as possible, all r...

  17. Exercise induced ST elevation and residual myocardial ischemia in previous myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimonagata, Tsuyoshi; Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Hayashida, Kohei; Saito, Muneyasu; Sumiyoshi, Tetsuya


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical significance of stress induced ST elevation on infarcted area in 65 patients with previous myocardial infarction (single vessel disease) who had stress thallium scan. Stress induced ST changes on infarcted area were compared with quantitative assessment of myocardial ischemia (thallium ischemic score; TIS) and extent of myocardial infarction (defect score; DS) derived from circumferential profile analysis. In patients with previous myocardial infarction in less than 3 month from the onset (n = 36), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and extent of abnormal LV wall motion were not significantly different between patients with stress induced ST elevation ( ≥ 2 mm, n = 26) and those with stress induced ST elevation ( < 2 mm, n = 10), while, in patients with previous myocardial infarction in more than 3 month (n = 29), patients with stress induced ST elevation ( ≥ 2 mm, n = 15) showed left ventricular dyskinesis more frequently than those with ST elevation ( < 2 mm, n = 14). In addition, the former showed significantly higher DS and significantly lower TIS than the latter. In patients with previous myocardial infarction in less than 3 month, patients with ST elevation ( ≥ 2 mm, n = 15) with prominent upright T wave (n = 15) had transient thallium defect in infarcted area in 73 % and they had significantly higher LVEF and TIS than those with ST elevation ( < 2 mm, n = 11). These results indicated that ST elevation in infarcted area reflect different significance according to the recovery of injured myocardium and stress induced ST elevation with prominent upright T wave in infarcted area reflect residual myocardial ischemia in less than 3 month from the onset of myocardial infarction. (author)

  18. The First Outbreak Caused by Acinetobacter baumannii ST208 and ST195 in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junyan Qu


    Full Text Available This study aimed to analyze the clinical characteristics of patients and molecular mechanisms of the first outbreak mainly caused by sequence types (STs 208 multidrug resistant (MDR Acinetobacter baumannii in China. A total of 10 clinical samples were collected from 5 patients who were involved in the outbreak. Bacterial identification and antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed by the VITEK-2 COMPACT automated system. MICs of tigecycline for clinical isolates were determined using broth microdilution. The clonal relatedness of A. baumannii clinical isolates in our local settings was determinated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE and multilocus sequence typing (MLST. A total of 7 A. baumannii strains were isolated and all were MDR strains; two of them were carbapenem-nonsusceptible strains. blaOXA-23 was the only acquired carbapenemase gene in the isolates. The isolates belonged to a single clonal pulsotype determined by PFGE and two sequences types (STs determined by MLST. The isolates belonged to the globally disseminated clonal complex 92, among which ST195 and ST208 were the most common sequence types (71.43% and 28.57%. The outbreak was successfully controlled by stringent infection control measures, especially improving the hand hygiene compliance and enhancing antimicrobial stewardship. In conclusion, this is the first description of an outbreak caused mainly by A. baumannii of ST208 in China. Infection control measures should be strengthened when infection outbreaks in hospital.

  19. Henkilöstöjohtamisella vaikutusta työhyvinvointiin : Henkilöstöjohtamisen käsikirja tukena esimiestyön haasteissa


    Viitasaari, Tuomas


    Yhteiskunnallisesti katsottuna työhyvinvointi on tärkeässä asemassa. Hyvällä johtamisella voidaan vaikuttaa työhyvinvointiin ja sen parantamiseen. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan käytännön henkilöstöjohtamista ja henkilöstöjohtamisen käsikirjan merkitystä esimiestyössä. Opinnäytteeni ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on vastata siihen, mikä on hyvää henkilöstöjohtamista ja miten sitä voidaan tukea. Toinen tavoite on työpaikkani SPR Kontti kierrätystavarataloketjun toimeksiannon mukaisesti tutkia henki...

  20. St. Anselm and Teaching (United States)

    Evans, Gillian R.


    Discusses the educational principles and methods of the medieval philosopher and theologian, St. Anselm. Educational practices of medieval monastic schools, town schools, private tutors, and pastoral teaching are discussed. Available from: Taylor & Francis Ltd., P.O. Box 9137, Church Street Station, New York, N.Y. 10049. (Author/DB)

  1. Using SDI-12 with ST microelectronics MCU's

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saari, Alexandra [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Hinzey, Shawn Adrian [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Frigo, Janette Rose [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Proicou, Michael Chris [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Borges, Louis [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    ST Microelectronics microcontrollers and processors are readily available, capable and economical processors. Unfortunately they lack a broad user base like similar offerings from Texas Instrument, Atmel, or Microchip. All of these devices could be useful in economical devices for remote sensing applications used with environmental sensing. With the increased need for environmental studies, and limited budgets, flexibility in hardware is very important. To that end, and in an effort to increase open support of ST devices, I am sharing my teams' experience in interfacing a common environmental sensor communication protocol (SDI-12) with ST devices.

  2. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398 from Human Patients, Upper Austria (United States)

    Metz-Gercek, Sigrid; Mittermayer, Helmut


    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal type ST398 is usually associated with animals. We examined 1,098 confirmed MRSA samples from human patients and found that 21 were MRSA ST398. Most (16) patients were farmers. Increasing prevalence from 1.3% (2006) to 2.5% (2008) shows emergence of MRSA ST398 in humans in Austria. PMID:19402964

  3. The mean, the median, and the St. Petersburg paradox

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin Y. Hayden


    Full Text Available The St.~Petersburg Paradox is a famous economic and philosophical puzzle that has generated numerous conflicting explanations. To shed empirical light on this phenomenon, we examined subjects' bids for one St.~Petersburg gamble with a real monetary payment. We found that bids were typically lower than twice the smallest payoff, and thus much lower than is generally supposed. We also examined bids offered for several hypothetical variants of the St.~Petersburg Paradox. We found that bids were weakly affected by truncating the gamble, were strongly affected by repeats of the gamble, and depended linearly on the initial ``seed'' value of the gamble. One explanation, which we call the extit{median} extit{heuristic}, strongly predicts these data. Subjects following this strategy evaluate a gamble as if they were taking the median rather than the mean of the payoff distribution. Finally, we argue that the distribution of outcomes embodied in the St.~Petersburg paradox is so divergent from the Gaussian form that the statistical mean is a poor estimator of expected value, so that the expected value of the St.~Petersburg gamble is undefined. These results suggest that this classic paradox has a straightforward explanation rooted in the use of a statistical heuristic.

  4. Fossil fuels in the 21st century. (United States)

    Lincoln, Stephen F


    An overview of the importance of fossil fuels in supplying the energy requirements of the 21st century, their future supply, and the impact of their use on global climate is presented. Current and potential alternative energy sources are considered. It is concluded that even with substantial increases in energy derived from other sources, fossil fuels will remain a major energy source for much of the 21st century and the sequestration of CO2 will be an increasingly important requirement.

  5. Fort St. Vrain circulator operating experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brey, H.L.


    Fort St. Vrain, on the system of Public Service Company of Colorado, is the only high-temperature gas-cooled power reactor in the United States. Four helium circulators are utilized in this plant to transfer heat from the reactor to the steam generators. These unique machines have a single stage axial flow helium compressor driven by a single stage steam turbine. A single stage water driven (pelton wheel) turbine is the back-up drive utilizing either feed water, condensate, or fire water as the driving fluid. Developmental testing of the circulators was accomplished prior to installation into Fort St. Vrain. A combined machine operating history of approximately 250,000 hours has shown these machines to be of conservative design and proven mechanical integrity. However, many problems have been encountered in operating the complex auxiliaries which are necessary for successful circulator and plant operation. It has been 15 years since initial installation of the circulators occurred at Fort St. Vrain. During this time, a number of significant issues had to be resolved dealing specifically with machine performance. These events include cavitation damage of the pelton wheels during the initial plant hot functional testing, cracks in the water turbine buckets and cervic coupling, static shutdown seal bellows failure, and, most recently, degradation of components within the steam drive assembly. Unreliable operation particularly with the circulator auxiliaries has been a focus of attention by Public Service Company of Colorado. Actions to replace or significantly modify the existing circulators and their auxiliaries are currently awaiting decisions concerning the long-term future of the Fort St. Vrain plant. (author). 10 refs, 7 figs, 2 tabs

  6. Fort St. Vrain circulator operating experience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brey, H. L.


    Fort St. Vrain, on the system of Public Service Company of Colorado, is the only high-temperature gas-cooled power reactor in the United States. Four helium circulators are utilized in this plant to transfer heat from the reactor to the steam generators. These unique machines have a single stage axial flow helium compressor driven by a single stage steam turbine. A single stage water driven (pelton wheel) turbine is the back-up drive utilizing either feed water, condensate, or fire water as the driving fluid. Developmental testing of the circulators was accomplished prior to installation into Fort St. Vrain. A combined machine operating history of approximately 250,000 hours has shown these machines to be of conservative design and proven mechanical integrity. However, many problems have been encountered in operating the complex auxiliaries which are necessary for successful circulator and plant operation. It has been 15 years since initial installation of the circulators occurred at Fort St. Vrain. During this time, a number of significant issues had to be resolved dealing specifically with machine performance. These events include cavitation damage of the pelton wheels during the initial plant hot functional testing, cracks in the water turbine buckets and cervic coupling, static shutdown seal bellows failure, and, most recently, degradation of components within the steam drive assembly. Unreliable operation particularly with the circulator auxiliaries has been a focus of attention by Public Service Company of Colorado. Actions to replace or significantly modify the existing circulators and their auxiliaries are currently awaiting decisions concerning the long-term future of the Fort St. Vrain plant. (author). 10 refs, 7 figs, 2 tabs.

  7. St. Lawrence action plan meter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this bulletin is to report on the progress achieved under the St. Lawrence Action Plan. Under each of the Action Plan`s five objectives, it outlines environmental management indicators which identify actions taken and shows the results. This report presents the data collected in late August 1992 on the activities carried out by all partners of both governments involved in SLAP. The objectives examined in the bulletin are: to reduce by 90% the liquid toxic waste discharged by the 50 plants targeted for priority action; to prepare remediation plans for contaminated federal sites and restore wetlands; to conserve 5000 additional hectares of habitat and create a marine park; to develop and implement recovery plans for mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and plants; and to determine the state of the St. Lawrence River.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trinidad García Fernández


    Full Text Available Las funciones ejecutivas implican un amplio rango de habilidades relacionadas con la regulación del pensamiento, el comportamiento y el propio estado emocional. Teniendo en cuenta la variedad de componentes que forman este constructo, no es sorprendente que su evaluación plantee ciertas dificultades. En este sentido, pese a que numerosos estudios han mostrado la importancia de dichos componentes como determinantes del desempeño académico y social, así como su utilidad en el diagnóstico y la intervención en diversas problemáticas durante la infancia y la adolescencia, aspectos como la validez ecológica de las medidas tradicionalmente empleadas para su evaluación, imponen hoy ciertas limitaciones a la validez y generalización de los resultados obtenidos en este ámbito. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las características de las medidas de evaluación más ampliamente empleadas y su grado de aplicabilidad en contextos clínicos y educativos, de lo cual se desprenden una serie de implicaciones prácticas.

  9. Influence of ST-segment recovery on infarct size and ejection fraction in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hallén, Jonas; Ripa, Maria Sejersten; Johanson, Per


    In patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with fibrinolytics, electrocardiogram-derived measures of ST-segment recovery guide therapy decisions and predict infarct size. The comprehension of these relationships in patients undergoing mechanical reperfusion is limited. We...

  10. Examining the 21st Century Classroom: Developing an Innovation Configuration Map (United States)

    Donovan, Loretta; Green, Tim D.; Mason, Candice


    Despite it being the second decade of the 21st century, there still exists a range of definitions of what a 21st century learning environment is. This can be troublesome for teacher educators as we strive to prepare teachers for environments we can't clearly describe. In order to describe a 21st century learning environment, we developed an IC Map…

  11. Cleavage of ST6Gal I by Radiation-Induced BACE1 Inhibits Golgi-Anchored ST6Gal I-Mediated Sialylation of Integrin β1 and Migration in Colon Cancer Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Minyoung; Park, Jung-Jin; Ko, Young-Gyu; Lee, Yun-Sil


    Previously, we found that β-galactoside α2,6-sialyltransferase (ST6Gal I), an enzyme that adds sialic acids to N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins and is frequently overexpressed in cancer cells, is up-regulated by ionizing radiation (IR) and cleaved to a form possessing catalytic activity comparable to that of the Golgi-localized enzyme. Moreover, this soluble form is secreted into the culture media. Induction of ST6Gal I significantly increased the migration of colon cancer cells via sialylation of integrin β1. Here, we further investigated the mechanisms underlying ST6Gal I cleavage, solubilization and release from cells, and addressed its functions, focusing primarily on cancer cell migration. We performed immunoblotting and lectin affinity assay to analyze the expression of ST6 Gal I and level of sialylated integrin β1. After ionizing radiation, migration of cells was measured by in vitro migration assay. α2, 6 sialylation level of cell surface was analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell culture media were concentrated and then analyzed for soluble ST6Gal I levels using an α2, 6 sialyltransferase sandwich ELISA. We found that ST6Gal I was cleaved by BACE1 (β-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme), which was specifically overexpressed in response to IR. The soluble form of ST6Gal I, which also has sialyltransferase enzymatic activity, was cleaved from the Golgi membrane and then released into the culture media. Both non-cleaved and cleaved forms of ST6Gal I significantly increased colon cancer cell migration in a sialylation-dependent manner. The pro-migratory effect of the non-cleaved form of ST6Gal I was dependent on integrin β1 sialylation, whereas that of the cleaved form of ST6Gal I was not, suggesting that other intracellular sialylated molecules apart from cell surface molecules such as integrin β1 might be involved in mediating the pro-migratory effects of the soluble form of ST6Gal I. Moreover, production of soluble form ST6Gal I by

  12. Influence of ST-segment recovery on infarct size and ejection fraction in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hallén, Jonas; Ripa, Maria Sejersten; Johanson, Per


    percutaneous coronary intervention. Three methods for calculating and categorizing ST-segment recovery were used: (1) summed ST-segment deviation (STD) resolution analyzed in 3 categories (> or = 70%, > or = 30% to or = 2 mm). Infarct size and ejection fraction were assessed at 4 months by cardiac magnetic...... resonance imaging. All 3 ST-segment recovery algorithms predicted the final infarct size and cardiac function. Worst-lead residual STD performed the same as, or better than, the more complex methods and identified large subgroups at either end of the risk spectrum (median infarct size from the lowest...

  13. Evolutionary history of the alpha2,8-sialyltransferase (ST8Sia) gene family: tandem duplications in early deuterostomes explain most of the diversity found in the vertebrate ST8Sia genes. (United States)

    Harduin-Lepers, Anne; Petit, Daniel; Mollicone, Rosella; Delannoy, Philippe; Petit, Jean-Michel; Oriol, Rafael


    The animal sialyltransferases, which catalyze the transfer of sialic acid to the glycan moiety of glycoconjugates, are subdivided into four families: ST3Gal, ST6Gal, ST6GalNAc and ST8Sia, based on acceptor sugar specificity and glycosidic linkage formed. Despite low overall sequence identity between each sialyltransferase family, all sialyltransferases share four conserved peptide motifs (L, S, III and VS) that serve as hallmarks for the identification of the sialyltransferases. Currently, twenty subfamilies have been described in mammals and birds. Examples of the four sialyltransferase families have also been found in invertebrates. Focusing on the ST8Sia family, we investigated the origin of the three groups of alpha2,8-sialyltransferases demonstrated in vertebrates to carry out poly-, oligo- and mono-alpha2,8-sialylation. We identified in the genome of invertebrate deuterostomes, orthologs to the common ancestor for each of the three vertebrate ST8Sia groups and a set of novel genes named ST8Sia EX, not found in vertebrates. All these ST8Sia sequences share a new conserved family-motif, named "C-term" that is involved in protein folding, via an intramolecular disulfide bridge. Interestingly, sequences from Branchiostoma floridae orthologous to the common ancestor of polysialyltransferases possess a polysialyltransferase domain (PSTD) and those orthologous to the common ancestor of oligosialyltransferases possess a new ST8Sia III-specific motif similar to the PSTD. In osteichthyans, we have identified two new subfamilies. In addition, we describe the expression profile of ST8Sia genes in Danio rerio. Polysialylation appeared early in the deuterostome lineage. The recent release of several deuterostome genome databases and paralogons combined with synteny analysis allowed us to obtain insight into events at the gene level that led to the diversification of the ST8Sia genes, with their corresponding enzymatic activities, in both invertebrates and vertebrates. The

  14. Evolutionary history of the alpha2,8-sialyltransferase (ST8Sia gene family: Tandem duplications in early deuterostomes explain most of the diversity found in the vertebrate ST8Sia genes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petit Jean-Michel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The animal sialyltransferases, which catalyze the transfer of sialic acid to the glycan moiety of glycoconjugates, are subdivided into four families: ST3Gal, ST6Gal, ST6GalNAc and ST8Sia, based on acceptor sugar specificity and glycosidic linkage formed. Despite low overall sequence identity between each sialyltransferase family, all sialyltransferases share four conserved peptide motifs (L, S, III and VS that serve as hallmarks for the identification of the sialyltransferases. Currently, twenty subfamilies have been described in mammals and birds. Examples of the four sialyltransferase families have also been found in invertebrates. Focusing on the ST8Sia family, we investigated the origin of the three groups of α2,8-sialyltransferases demonstrated in vertebrates to carry out poly-, oligo- and mono-α2,8-sialylation. Results We identified in the genome of invertebrate deuterostomes, orthologs to the common ancestor for each of the three vertebrate ST8Sia groups and a set of novel genes named ST8Sia EX, not found in vertebrates. All these ST8Sia sequences share a new conserved family-motif, named "C-term" that is involved in protein folding, via an intramolecular disulfide bridge. Interestingly, sequences from Branchiostoma floridae orthologous to the common ancestor of polysialyltransferases possess a polysialyltransferase domain (PSTD and those orthologous to the common ancestor of oligosialyltransferases possess a new ST8Sia III-specific motif similar to the PSTD. In osteichthyans, we have identified two new subfamilies. In addition, we describe the expression profile of ST8Sia genes in Danio rerio. Conclusion Polysialylation appeared early in the deuterostome lineage. The recent release of several deuterostome genome databases and paralogons combined with synteny analysis allowed us to obtain insight into events at the gene level that led to the diversification of the ST8Sia genes, with their corresponding enzymatic

  15. Bulding and Ornamental Stone in the History of St Petersburg Architecture (United States)

    Bulakh, Andrey


    First, the Our Lady of Kazan Orthodox Cathedral and some mansions are used to demonstrate Russian stones in the architectural décor of St Petersburg, XVIII-XX cc. These rocks are granites from Vyborg and Sortavala, lime tufa from Gatchina, marbles from Ruskeala and Juven at the Ladoga Lake, Tivdian marble, Shokshian quartzite, and black aspid slate of the Onega Lake. Later German and Polish sandstones and Finnish soap stone came to the city. Second, there is given a review of rock types used in St Petersburg at XX-XXI cc. margins. They are granites, granosyenites, syenites, gneisses, marbles, limestones both from Russia and from abroad. Which ones are more usual? From what regions did Russian stone come? References: 1) A.G.Bulakh, N.B.Abakumova, J.V.Romanovsky. St Petersburg: a History in Stone. 2010. Print. House of St Petersburg State University. 173 p. 2) A.Ya. Tutakova, A.Z. Romanovskiy, A.G. Bulakh, V.I. Leer. Dimension Stone of the Leningrad Region. Granites of the Karelia Isthmus in Architecture of the Modern St Petersburg. 2011. St Petersburg. 78 p. (In Russian).

  16. Simple stålrammebygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellum, J.C.; Buhelt, M.

    Ved en simpel stålrammebygning forstås i anvisningen en lukket, fritliggende bygning i én etage, hvor tagkonstruktionen ud over egenlast kun er påvirket af naturlaster, dvs. sne og vind. Dimensioneringen af de bærende konstruktioner gennemføres ved at benytte publikationens omfattende tabeldata o...

  17. The structural features of the sulfated heteropolysaccharide (ST-1) from Sargassum thunbergii and its neuroprotective activities. (United States)

    Jin, Weihua; Liu, Bing; Li, Shuai; Chen, Jing; Tang, Hong; Jiang, Di; Zhang, Quanbin; Zhong, Weihong


    Polysaccharide (ST) was prepared from Sargassum thunbergii using hot water. Two fractions (ST-1 and ST-2) were prepared using anion exchange chromatography. One desulfated polysaccharide (ST-1-DS) was also prepared. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) performed on ST-1-DS showed that the desulfated polysaccharides contained methyl glycosides of mono-sulfated and di-sulfated galacto-fucooligosaccharides. This result suggested that ST-1 might contain sulfated galactofucan, which consists of a backbone of alternating (Gal) n and (Fuc) n and sulfated randomly on Gal and mainly on C-2 in Fuc. In addition, ST-1 was degraded in 1M sulfuric acid. The solution was centrifuged, and the supernatant was concentrated and precipitated in ethanol to obtain the precipitate (ST-1-P). ST-1-P was then separated using gel chromatography and anion exchange chromatography to obtain the oligomers. ESI-MS spectra of oligomers indicated that ST-1 mostly contained sulfated glucuronomannan and fucoglucuronan. ESI-MS with collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-CID-MS/MS) suggested that glucuronomannan contained alternating 2-linked Man and 4-linked GlcA, while fucoglucuronan contained 4-linked glucuronan with branched Fuc at C-3. Finally, the neuroprotective activities of ST, ST-1, ST-2 and MIX (a mixture of ST-1 and ST-2) were determined. ST showed the most neuroprotective activity, which indicated that ST might be a good candidate for curing neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Inferior ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Associated with Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliver Koeth


    Full Text Available Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM is usually characterized by transient left ventricular apical ballooning. Due to the clinical symptoms which include chest pain, electrocardiographic changes, and elevated myocardial markers, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is frequently mimicking ST-elevation myocardial infarction in the absence of a significant coronary artery disease. Otherwise an acute occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery can produce a typical Takotsubo contraction pattern. ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI is frequently associated with emotional stress, but to date no cases of STEMI triggering TCM have been reported. We describe a case of a female patient with inferior ST-elevation myocardial infarction complicated by TCM.

  19. Detection of ST-T Episode Based on the Global Curvature of Isoelectric Level in ECG

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, D. W.; Jun, D. G.; Lee, K. J.; Yoon, H. R. [Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea)


    This paper describes an automated detection algorithm of ST-T episodes using global curvature which can connect the isoelectric level in ECG and can eliminate not only the slope of ST segment, but also difference of the baseline and global curve. This above method of baseline correction is very faster than classical baseline correction methods. The optimal values of parameters for baseline correction were found as the value having the highest detection rate of ST episode. The features as input of backpropagation Neural Network were extracted from the whole ST segment. The European ST-T database was used as training and test data. Finally, ST elevation, ST depression and normal ST were classified. The average ST episode sensitivity and predictivity were 85.42%, 80.29%, respectively. This result shows the high speed and reliability in ST episode detection. In conclusion, the proposed method showed the possibility in various applications for the Holter system. (author). 17 refs., 5 figs., 4 tabs.

  20. Kalkgraslandvegetaties van de St. Pietersberg ten zuiden van Maastricht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Willems, J.H.; Blanckenborg, F.G.


    In this publication the authors describe the grassland communities rich in species especially those which occur on basic soils. The investigation was done in the Belgian part as well as in the Dutch part of St. Pietersberg situated south of the Dutch town of Maastricht. See map – fig. 1. St.

  1. Merging formation of FRC and its application to high-beta ST formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Y.; Inomoto, M.; Ueda, Y.; Matsuyama, T.; Ohshima, Y.; Katsurai, M.


    Merging formation of field-reversed configuration (FRC) explored not only a new scenario of highly-efficient FRC formation/amplification experiment but also a new boundary research between FRC, spheromak and spherical tokamak (ST). A new finding is that the produced FRC is transformed stably into an ultra-high-β ST by applying external toroidal field B t,ext . The toroidal field was observed to vanish around magnetic axis after the B t,ext application to the FRC, indicating formation of diamagnetic ST. The hollow current profile of FRC was maintained during the equilibrium transition, eliminating a need for the difficult hollow-current-formation process of start-up discharge of high-β ST. The energy-conversion effect of merging transformed the force-free merging spheromaks with paramagnetic current into the FRC with diamagnetic current and the further application of B t,ext did the FRC into the ultra-high-β (>60%)/diamagnetic ST, indicating the close relationship between FRC and ST in second stability. (author)

  2. ST Elevation in AVR: When Time May Not Mean Muscle (United States)


    REPORT TYPE 1013112017 Presentation 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE ST Elevation in AVR: When Thne May Not Mean !Vfu&cle 6. AUTHOR{S) Capt \\Villiam T...ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of ST -Elevation Myocardial Infarction A Report of the Arnerican College of C ardiology Foundation/ Ameri can...C7Q n ([) G) ro )::>t w :J r+ c.. < -· ro ti) ti) ro ti) OJ m ti) -ro n Take home points •Don’t ignore ST elevation in aVR •Look closely

  3. LiDAR Relative Reflectivity Surface (2011) for the St. Thomas East End Reserve, St. Thomas (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 0.3x0.3 meter resolution relative seafloor reflectivity surface for the St. Thomas East End Reserve...

  4. La problematica de la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia y sus implicaciones en la educacion cientifica (United States)

    Jimenez Tolentino, Dinorah


    En la sociedad prevalece una tendencia generalizada hacia la inclusion de creencias y practicas pseudocientificas. Esta investigacion responde a la necesidad de analizar como la proliferacion de las pseudociencias afecta la vision que tienen los estudiantes universitarios sobre las ciencias naturales. A tales efectos, la investigadora describe las concepciones epistemologicas que tienen los estudiantes sobre las ciencias y las pseudociencias e identifica los criterios de demarcacion, entre un area y otra, que se derivan de estas concepciones. De igual modo, esta identifica las creencias y practicas pseudocientificas de mayor arraigo entre los estudiantes, destacando, a su vez, la razon de ser de las mismas. Por ultimo, la investigadora analiza las implicaciones educativas de la problematica de la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia. La investigacion es de naturaleza mixta, enmarcada en los paradigmas empirico- analitico y cualitativo. El proceso investigativo se llevo a cabo mediante la administracion del cuestionario Criterios para la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia. La parte cualitativa estuvo enmarcada en el diseno de estudio de caso, recopilando informacion mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas en dos grupos focales. La poblacion de estudio estuvo constituida por estudiantes universitarios del nivel subgraduado de la Universidad Central de Bayamon. Los resultados del estudio reflejaron las concepciones erroneas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de las ciencias y las pseudociencias. Con respecto a la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia, el criterio imperante entre los universitarios es el de la verificabilidad, considerando la aplicacion del metodo cientifico como el metodo para demostrar la veracidad de las teorias cientificas. Las creencias y practicas pseudocientificas no son muy frecuentes entre los universitarios. Estos atribuyen las mismas a la prevalencia de elementos supersticiosos y al engano a que es sometida la poblacion

  5. "Vi er ikke støttepædagoer"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Louise Stjerne


    Hvilket talent(udviklings)miljø har talentfulde gymnasieelever brug for, og hvordan ’plejer’ man dem bedst muligt, så de ikke føler, at de bliver ’støttepædagoger’?......Hvilket talent(udviklings)miljø har talentfulde gymnasieelever brug for, og hvordan ’plejer’ man dem bedst muligt, så de ikke føler, at de bliver ’støttepædagoger’?...

  6. The Danish St. Croix Project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    J. Douma, Michael; Rasmussen, Anders Bo


    H. Seward, commonly viewed as an anti-colonizationist, was at least a mild proponent of colonization in its earliest stages. The paper demonstrates further that in the summer of 1862 the St. Croix colonization project was an important stepping stone in the Lincoln administration’s legal......Working from previously unknown sources in Danish archives, this article establishes for the first time the important role that the island of St. Croix played in the Lincoln Administration’s considerations on colonizing African Americans abroad. The paper argues that U.S. Secretary of State William....... The substantial conclusion of the paper is that, contrary to earlier perceptions in the historiography, African American colonization during the Civil War was not led and directed entirely from Washington. Rather, in this case, the Danish minister proposed a colonization plan and then worked with the United...

  7. 46 CFR 7.85 - St. Simons Island, GA to Little Talbot Island, FL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false St. Simons Island, GA to Little Talbot Island, FL. 7.85... BOUNDARY LINES Atlantic Coast § 7.85 St. Simons Island, GA to Little Talbot Island, FL. (a) A line drawn from latitude 31°04.1′ N. longitude 81°16.7′ W. (St. Simons Lighted Whistle Buoy “ST S”) to latitude 30...

  8. Aligning Business and Education: 21st Century Skill Preparation (United States)

    Campbell, Charles L., Jr.; Kresyman, Shelley


    The purpose of this paper is to explore stakeholder perceptions concerning four key 21st century skills required for graduates to be successful in today's workplace, and to report on common themes surrounding how a post-secondary school in the Southwest United States is preparing graduates with predominant 21st Century skills: interpersonal…

  9. Preparing Students for the Future--21st Century Skills (United States)

    Velez, Alejandra


    The 21st century economy is driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). This change has made innovation, manufacturing and production of products and services, rather than manufacturing of material goods, the driving force of economies of leading countries (Wagner, 2008). Due to this shift, today's 21st century society and…

  10. Hmong Political Involvement in St. Paul, Minnesota and Fresno, California

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Lor


    Full Text Available Over the past several years, Hmong in the United States have gained prominence for their increasing involvement in politics. Most of the attention has understandably focused on Fresno, California and St. Paul, Minnesota, home to the two largest Hmong populations in this country. While the Hmong communities in both cities are similar in size and have made significant political progress as evidenced by the election of Hmong candidates, the Hmong community in St. Paul has made greater inroads in the political realm. In addition to the elections of two Hmong candidates to the Minnesota State Legislature and two to the St. Paul School Board, the Hmong community in St. Paul has been able to engage local and state governments in Minnesotato address issues that affect the Hmong community. Through interviews, census data, and newspaper coverage of political campaigns, I show that Hmong in St. Paul have achieved greaterrepresentation in local and state governments and received greater support from government officials than Hmong in Fresno because Minnesota offers a social, economic, and politicalcontext that is favorable to fostering Hmong political involvement. Compared to Hmong in Fresno, Hmong in St. Paul have higher levels of socioeconomic resources and are more visible given their large size relative to other minority groups. They live in a region with consistently high levels of political participation and have political candidates who devote resources to mobilizing the Hmong community. Moreover, the Hmong vote has been critical to the success of Hmong candidates in St. Paul, an indication of the increasing political clout of the Hmong community there and a major reason why politicians in Minnesota are more willing to respond toissues that affect the Hmong community. Overall, this study highlights the importance of local and regional context in understanding the political incorporation of immigrants.

  11. Projections of Climate Change over China for the 21st Century

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LUO Yong; ZHAO Zongci; XU Ying; GAO Xuejie; DING Yihui


    The projections of climate changes in China for the 21st century by about 40 climate scenarios and multi-model ensembles have been investigated in this research. All the models with the different scenarios project a warming of 1.2℃ to 9.2℃ in China by the end of 21st century. Most of the projections point show the increasing of precipitation in China for the 21st century.

  12. Molecular Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Outpatients in Northern Japan: Increasing Tendency of ST5/ST764 MRSA-IIa with Arginine Catabolic Mobile Element. (United States)

    Aung, Meiji Soe; Kawaguchiya, Mitsuyo; Urushibara, Noriko; Sumi, Ayako; Ito, Masahiko; Kudo, Kenji; Morimoto, Shigeo; Hosoya, Shino; Kobayashi, Nobumichi


    Arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME) is a genomic island of staphylococcus and is considered to confer enhanced ability to survive and growth on host bacterial cells. ACME has been typically identified in Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL)-positive ST8 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with SCCmec type IVa (USA300 clone), and it is also found in other lineages at low frequency. Prevalence and molecular characteristics of PVL + and/or ACME + MRSA were investigated for 624 clinical isolates collected from outpatients in northern Japan from 2013 to 2014. Both PVL genes and ACME type I were detected in nine isolates (1.4%), which were ST8-MRSA-SCCmec IVa/spa type t008/agr-I; whereas solely PVL genes were positive in two isolates, ST30-MRSA-SCCmec IV and ST59-MRSA-SCCmec V. ACME type II' (previously referred to as ACME ΔII) was detected in 36 isolates (5.8%) with SCCmec II and V (32 and 4 isolates, respectively), exhibiting an increased rate within SCCmec II-MRSA (7.1%) compared with our previous studies (0.86-4.5%, 2008-2011). ACME II'-positive MRSA strains were classified into ST5-SCCmec IIa/V or ST764-SCCmec IIa belonging to five different spa types, with t002 being dominant. They harbored mostly enterotoxin gene clusters (seg-sei-sem-sen-seo-seu) and some more enterotoxin genes (seb1, seb2, sec3, sel, sep), showing resistance to more antimicrobials than ST8-MRSA-SCCmec IVa. ACME-SCCmec composite island (CI) of the 36 ACME II'-positive MRSA was classified into five types (ii)-(vi), among which type (ii) (orfX-ΨSCC ΔJ1 SCCmec I -ACME II'-SCCmec II) was dominant and subdivided into the A3 variant and the less common A2 variant. CI types (v) and (vi) were considered novel genetic organizations having speG (acetyltransferase genes for polyamines) in inserted SCC4610/SCC266-like genetic elements. The present study revealed increased prevalence and genetic diversity of the ST5/ST764-MRSA-SCCmec II with ACME II' in northern Japan.

  13. 21st centuries skill implication on educational system (United States)

    Wrahatnolo, T.; Munoto


    The purpose of this article is to identify skill needed in 21st centuries and its implication on Indonesia’s educational system. This research found that the 21st centuries skill application has more measurable benefits in some sections of life, such as critical thinking and problem solving, initiative, creativity, and entrepreneurship, communication, teamwork, metacognition (change of mindset), digital literature. This study applied qualitative data analysis. The data were taken from different sources and literature. The analysis showed that The 21st centuries education concept’s implementation can be applied in the curriculum of the required subject that is addressed to achieve learning and innovation skills competence and also technology and information media skills competence. While supporting subject group directed to achieve life and career skills competence. All subjects are the derivation from core subject 3R, which are reading, writing, and arithmetic. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that 21st centuries skill needs; (1) a life planning; (2) flexibility and adaptability; (3) initiative and self-management (4) entrepreneurship; (5) social and cultural interaction; (6) productivity and accountability; (7) leadership; (8) critical thinking, (9) problem solving; (10) communication; (11) collaboration and teamwork; (12) lifelong learning; and (13) digital literation.

  14. Anstrengelsesinduceret ST-segmentdepression efter akut myokardieinfarkt. Forekomst og prognostisk betydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mickley, H; Pless, P; May, O


    On the basis of a review of 20 investigations (3,587 patients), the prevalence of significant ST-segment-depression (ST-depr) in patients performing an exercise test 9-30 days after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was found to be 33% (3-70%). The reason for the considerable variation is due...... to a combination of several factors: 1) different and frequently incomplete definition of significant ST-depr; 2) heterogenically composed patient groups (first vs subsequent AMI, different prevalence of infarct types and localization, consecutive vs selected patients, +/- cardioactive drugs during the exercise...

  15. Constructive singularities and energy efficiency of St. Petersburg historic circuses (United States)

    Sysoeva, Elena; Trushina, Ekaterina


    The article is devoted to the design and construction of St. Petersburg circuses during the period since 1822 till nowadays. The article presents the characteristics of all eight historic buildings of St. Petersburg and their structural and architectural features. The article raises some issues of energy-optimal shape of a building on the example of St. Petersburg modern circus building. There are several historical drawings and photographs of the circus buildings. The article includes overview of normative regulation of circus buildings in Russia since the middle of the twentieth century and prospects for the future.

  16. Department of Energy: Nuclear S&T workforce development programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bingham, Michelle; Bala, Marsha; Beierschmitt, Kelly; Steele, Carolyn; Sattelberger, Alfred P.; Bruozas, Meridith A.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories use their expertise in nuclear science and technology (S&T) to support a robust national nuclear S&T enterprise from the ground up. Traditional academic programs do not provide all the elements necessary to develop this expertise, so the DOE has initiated a number of supplemental programs to develop and support the nuclear S&T workforce pipeline. This document catalogs existing workforce development programs that are supported by a number of DOE offices (such as the Offices of Nuclear Energy, Science, Energy Efficiency, and Environmental Management), and by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the Naval Reactor Program. Workforce development programs in nuclear S&T administered through the Department of Homeland Security, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Department of Defense are also included. The information about these programs, which is cataloged below, is drawn from the program websites. Some programs, such as the Minority Serving Institutes Partnership Programs (MSIPPs) are available through more than one DOE office, so they appear in more than one section of this document.

  17. Orthophoto Mosaic (2012) of the St. Thomas East End Reserve (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This 0.3x0.3 meter imagery mosaic of the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER), St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands was created by the National Oceanic and...

  18. Building a Stückelberg portal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feng, Wan-Zhe [Center for Fundamental Physics and Institute for Advanced Study,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong); Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut),80805 München (Germany); Shiu, Gary; Soler, Pablo; Ye, Fang [Center for Fundamental Physics and Institute for Advanced Study,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong); Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin,Madison, WI 53706 (United States)


    We construct explicit string theory models realizing the recently proposed “Stückelberg Portal” scenario, a framework for building Z{sup ′} mediation models without the need to introduce unwanted exotic matter charged under the Standard Model. This scenario can be viewed purely field-theoretically, although it is particularly well motivated from string theory. By analyzing carefully the Stückelberg couplings between the Abelian gauge bosons and the RR axions, we construct the first global intersecting brane models which extend the Standard Model with a genuine hidden sector, to which it is nonetheless connected via U(1) mass mixings. Utilizing the explicit models we construct, we discuss some broad phenomenological properties and experimental implications of this scenario such as Z−Z{sup ′} mixings, dark matter stability and relic density, and supersymmetry mediation. With an appropriate confining hidden sector, our setup also provides a minimal realization of the hidden valley scenario. We further explore the possibility of obtaining small Z{sup ′} masses from a large ensemble of U(1) bosons. Related to the Stückelberg portal are two mechanisms that connect the visible and the hidden sectors, namely mediation by non-perturbative operators and the hidden photon scenario, on which we briefly comment.

  19. AM-37 and ST-36 Are Small Molecule Bombesin Receptor Antagonists. (United States)

    Moody, Terry W; Tashakkori, Nicole; Mantey, Samuel A; Moreno, Paola; Ramos-Alvarez, Irene; Leopoldo, Marcello; Jensen, Robert T


    While peptide antagonists for the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (BB 2 R), neuromedin B receptor (BB 1 R), and bombesin (BB) receptor subtype-3 (BRS-3) exist, there is a need to develop non-peptide small molecule inhibitors for all three BBR. The BB agonist (BA)1 binds with high affinity to the BB 1 R, BB 2 R, and BRS-3. In this communication, small molecule BBR antagonists were evaluated using human lung cancer cells. AM-37 and ST-36 inhibited binding to human BB 1 R, BB 2 R, and BRS-3 with similar affinity ( K i = 1.4-10.8 µM). AM-13 and AM-14 were approximately an order of magnitude less potent than AM-37 and ST-36. The ability of BA1 to elevate cytosolic Ca 2+ in human lung cancer cells transfected with BB 1 R, BB 2 R, and BRS-3 was antagonized by AM-37 and ST-36. BA1 increased tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR and ERK in lung cancer cells, which was blocked by AM-37 and ST-36. AM-37 and ST-36 reduced the growth of lung cancer cells that have BBR. The results indicate that AM-37 and ST-36 function as small molecule BB receptor antagonists.

  20. 76 FR 77208 - Affirmation of Vertical Datum for Surveying and Mapping Activities for the Islands of St. Croix... (United States)


    ... Datum for Surveying and Mapping Activities for the Islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas... datum for surveying and mapping activities for the islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas of the... by other Federal surveying and mapping agencies on St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas, with the...

  1. Hemodialysis Infection Prevention Protocols Ontario—Shower Technique (HIPPO-ST: A Pilot Randomized Trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Daisy Kosa


    Discussion: This HIPPO-ST pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of the larger HIPPO-ST study, especially given the high levels of education success with the HIPPO-ST arm and the low levels of contamination in the control arm.

  2. The non-marine Mollusca of St. Martin (Lesser Antilles)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coomans, H.E.


    After our studies about the marine mollusks of St. Martin, (COOMANS 1963a, 1963b), this publication will deal with the land and freshwater shells of the island. The non-marine mollusks of St. Martin were already fairly well known at the end of the last century (MAZÉ 1890, p. 22—34), who mentioned 36

  3. 33 CFR 165.762 - Security Zone; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Security Zone; St. Thomas, U.S....762 Security Zone; St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. (a) Location. Moving and fixed security zones are established 50 yards around all cruise ships entering, departing, moored or anchored in the Port of St. Thomas...

  4. Axial Fatigue Tests at Zero Mean Stress of 24S-T and 75S-T Aluminum-alloy Strips with a Central Circular Hole (United States)

    Brueggeman, W C; Mayer, M JR


    Axial fatigue tests at zero mean stress have been made on 0.032- and 0.064-inch 24S-T and 0.032-inch 75S-T sheet-metal specimens 1/4, 1/2, 1, and 2 inches wide without a hole and with central holes giving a range of hole diameter D to specimen width W from 0.01 to 0.95. No systematic difference was noted between the results for the 0.032-inch and the 0.064-inch specimens although the latter seemed the more consistent. In general the fatigue strength based on the minimum section dropped sharply as the ration D/W was increased from zero to about 0.25. The plain specimens showed quite a pronounced decrease in fatigue strength with increasing width. The holed specimens showed only slight and rather inconclusive evidence of this size effect. The fatigue stress-concentration factor was higher for 75S-T than for 24S-T alloy. Evidence was found that a very small hole would not cause any reduction in fatigue strength.

  5. ST product characteristics and relationships with perceptions and behaviors among rural adolescent males: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Couch, Elizabeth T; Darius, Ellen F; Walsh, Margaret M; Chaffee, Benjamin W


    Although smoking declines in the United States, the prevalence of male adolescent smokeless tobacco (ST; moist snuff and chewing tobacco) use remains unchanged. ST product characteristics, such as flavoring, packaging, and branding, could influence adolescents' ST initiation and continued use. This qualitative study examines the potential role of product characteristics in shaping ST-related perceptions and behaviors among rural adolescent males. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted at three California rural high schools. ST users were asked about their experiences and perceptions related to product characteristics. Interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using a general inductive approach. Participants associated flavored ST with appealing non-tobacco products, such as chewing gum and alcohol. Availability of different varieties and flavors stimulated interest and curiosity in sampling or switching between ST products. Time-limited promotional flavors and packaging also enhanced product appeal. Adolescent ST users preferred certain brands based on perceived brand features and perceived nicotine content, associating higher-strength brands as better suited for experienced ST users. Brand preferences frequently reflected perceived ST brand popularity within peer groups. Based on these observations, potential ST regulation and health education campaigns to address misconceptions about ST characteristics could influence adolescents' ST-related perceptions and reduce ST use among this vulnerable population. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  6. Minor Electrocardiographic ST-T Change and Risk of Stroke in the General Japanese Population. (United States)

    Ishikawa, Joji; Hirose, Hideo; Schwartz, Joseph E; Ishikawa, Shizukiyo


    Minor ST-T changes are frequently observed on the electrocardiogram (ECG), but the risk of stroke associated with such changes is unclear.Methods and Results:In 10,642 subjects from the Japanese general population, we evaluated minor and major ST-T changes (major ST depression ≥0.1 mV) on ECGs obtained at annual health examinations. At baseline, minor ST-T changes were found in 10.7% of the subjects and 0.5% had major ST-T changes. Minor ST-T changes were associated with older age, female gender, higher systolic blood pressure, presence of hyperlipidemia, and use of antihypertensive medication. There were 375 stroke events during the follow-up period (128.7±28.1 months). In all subjects, minor ST-T changes (HR, 2.10; 95% CI: 1.57-2.81) and major ST-T changes (HR, 8.64; 95% CI: 4.44-16.82) were associated with an increased risk of stroke, but the stroke risk associated with minor ST-T changes had borderline significance after adjustment for conventional risk factors (P=0.055). In subgroup analysis, the risk of stroke was significantly associated with minor ST-T changes in subjects who had hyperlipidemia (HR, 1.75; 95% CI: 1.15-2.67) compared to those without hyperlipidemia (HR, 1.01; 95% CI: 0.64-1.59; P for interaction=0.016), even after adjustment for ECG-diagnosed left ventricular hypertrophy. Minor ST-T changes were particularly associated with a higher risk of stroke in subjects with hyperlipidemia and this association was independent of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy.

  7. Topical application of ST266 reduces UV-induced skin damage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guan L


    Full Text Available Linna Guan,1 Amanda Suggs,1 Emily Galan,1 Minh Lam,1 Elma D Baron1,2 1Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University, 2Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA Abstract: Ultraviolet radiation (UVR has a significant impact on human skin and is the major environmental factor for skin cancer formation. It is also believed that 80% of the signs of skin aging are attributed to UVR. UVR induces inflammatory changes in the skin via the increase in oxidative stress, DNA damage vascular permeability, and fluctuation in a myriad of cytokines. Acutely, UVR causes skin inflammation and DNA damage, which manifest as sunburn (erythema. ST266 is the secretome of proprietary amnion-derived cells that have been shown to reduce inflammation and accelerate healing of various wounds by promoting migration of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in preclinical animal studies. We hypothesized that ST266 has anti-inflammatory effects that can be used to reduce ultraviolet (UV erythema and markers of inflammation. In this study, we examined the in vivo effects of ST266 on post UV-irradiated skin by measuring erythema, level of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD, and expression level of xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A (XPA. We demonstrated that ST266 has the potential to reduce the acute effects of UV-induced skin damage when applied immediately after the initial exposure. In addition, ST266 is shown to reduce erythema, increase XPA DNA repair protein, and decrease damaged DNA. Keywords: ST266, photoaging, erythema, CPD, XPA, UV-induced DNA damage

  8. Reliability and Validity of Michigan School Libraries for the 21st Century Measurement Benchmarks (United States)

    Floyd, Natosha N.


    The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Michigan School Libraries for the 21st Century Measurement Benchmarks (SL21). The instrument consists of 19 items with three subscales: Building the 21st Century Learning Environment Subscale, Teaching for 21st Century Learning Subscale, and Leading the Way to 21st Century…

  9. 75 FR 32813 - St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin Alcoholic Beverage Control Ordinance (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin...: This notice publishes the Secretary's certification of the amended St. Croix Chippewa Indians of... Country. The St. Croix Tribal Council of the adopted this amended Liquor Ordinance on December 3, 2009...

  10. 75 FR 21243 - Marine Mammals; Subsistence Taking of Northern Fur Seals; St. George (United States)


    ... Mammals; Subsistence Taking of Northern Fur Seals; St. George AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service... (APA). The Pribilof Island Community of St. George Island, Traditional Council (Council) petitioned... St. George Island to take male fur seal young of the year during the fall. NMFS solicits public...

  11. AM-37 and ST-36 Are Small Molecule Bombesin Receptor Antagonists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Terry W. Moody


    Full Text Available While peptide antagonists for the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (BB2R, neuromedin B receptor (BB1R, and bombesin (BB receptor subtype-3 (BRS-3 exist, there is a need to develop non-peptide small molecule inhibitors for all three BBR. The BB agonist (BA1 binds with high affinity to the BB1R, BB2R, and BRS-3. In this communication, small molecule BBR antagonists were evaluated using human lung cancer cells. AM-37 and ST-36 inhibited binding to human BB1R, BB2R, and BRS-3 with similar affinity (Ki = 1.4–10.8 µM. AM-13 and AM-14 were approximately an order of magnitude less potent than AM-37 and ST-36. The ability of BA1 to elevate cytosolic Ca2+ in human lung cancer cells transfected with BB1R, BB2R, and BRS-3 was antagonized by AM-37 and ST-36. BA1 increased tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR and ERK in lung cancer cells, which was blocked by AM-37 and ST-36. AM-37 and ST-36 reduced the growth of lung cancer cells that have BBR. The results indicate that AM-37 and ST-36 function as small molecule BB receptor antagonists.

  12. AM-37 and ST-36 Are Small Molecule Bombesin Receptor Antagonists (United States)

    Moody, Terry W.; Tashakkori, Nicole; Mantey, Samuel A.; Moreno, Paola; Ramos-Alvarez, Irene; Leopoldo, Marcello; Jensen, Robert T.


    While peptide antagonists for the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (BB2R), neuromedin B receptor (BB1R), and bombesin (BB) receptor subtype-3 (BRS-3) exist, there is a need to develop non-peptide small molecule inhibitors for all three BBR. The BB agonist (BA)1 binds with high affinity to the BB1R, BB2R, and BRS-3. In this communication, small molecule BBR antagonists were evaluated using human lung cancer cells. AM-37 and ST-36 inhibited binding to human BB1R, BB2R, and BRS-3 with similar affinity (Ki = 1.4–10.8 µM). AM-13 and AM-14 were approximately an order of magnitude less potent than AM-37 and ST-36. The ability of BA1 to elevate cytosolic Ca2+ in human lung cancer cells transfected with BB1R, BB2R, and BRS-3 was antagonized by AM-37 and ST-36. BA1 increased tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR and ERK in lung cancer cells, which was blocked by AM-37 and ST-36. AM-37 and ST-36 reduced the growth of lung cancer cells that have BBR. The results indicate that AM-37 and ST-36 function as small molecule BB receptor antagonists. PMID:28785244

  13. The Gadaba and the "non-ST" Desia of Koraput, Orissa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berger, P.; Pfeffer, G.; Dehera, D.K.


    ABSTRACT: "Tribal studies" in Orissa (India) mainly focus on that part of the indigenous population of the hills, which is defined as " Scheduled Tribe" ("ST") by the administration. The southern-most Koraput District is no exception to that custom and the "non-ST" population of the region,

  14. Tritium stripping in a nitrogen glovebox using SAES St 198

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, J.E.; Wermer, J.R.


    SAES metal getter material St 198 was chosen for glovebox stripper tests to evaluate its effectiveness of removing tritium from a nitrogen atmosphere. The St 198 material is unique from a number of other metal hydride-based getter materials in that it is relatively inert to nitrogen and can thus be used in nitrogen glovebox atmospheres. Six tritium stripper experiments which mock-up the use of a SAES St 198 stripper bed for a full-scale (10,500 liter) nitrogen glovebox have been completed. Experiments consisted of a release of small quantity of protium/deuterium spiked with tritium which were scaled to simulate tritium releases of 0.1 g., 1.0 g., and 10 g. into the glovebox. The tritium spike allows detection using tritium ion chambers. The St 198 stripper system produced a reduction in tritium activity of approximately two orders of magnitude in 24 hours (6--8 atmosphere turn-overs) of stripper operation

  15. File list: His.Lar.05.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Lar.05.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 Histone Larvae 1st instar SRX013088,SRX013009,SRX01...3064,SRX013044,SRX013097 ...

  16. File list: His.Lar.20.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Lar.20.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 Histone Larvae 1st instar SRX013009,SRX013088,SRX01...3044,SRX013064,SRX013097 ...

  17. File list: His.Lar.50.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Lar.50.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 Histone Larvae 1st instar SRX013009,SRX013088,SRX01...3044,SRX013064,SRX013097 ...

  18. File list: His.Lar.10.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Lar.10.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 Histone Larvae 1st instar SRX013088,SRX013064,SRX01...3044,SRX013009,SRX013097 ...

  19. 76 FR 38357 - Reorganization of Foreign-Trade Zone 102, Under Alternative Site Framework; St. Louis, MO (United States)


    ... Zone 102, Under Alternative Site Framework; St. Louis, MO Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign.../2010) as an option for the establishment or reorganization of general-purpose zones; Whereas, the St... the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri, within and adjacent to the St. Louis Customs and...

  20. Mount St. Helens aerosol evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oberbeck, V.R.; Farlow, N.H.


    Stratospheric aerosol samples were collected using a wire impactor during the year following the eruption of Mount St. Helens. Analysis of samples shows that aerosol volume increased for 6 months due to gas-to-particle conversion and then decreased to background levels in the following 6 months.

  1. Mount St. Helens aerosol evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oberbeck, V.R.; Farlow, N.H.; Fong, W.; Snetsinger, K.G.; Ferry, G.V.; Hayes, D.M.


    Stratospheric aerosol samples were collected using a wire impactor during the year following the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Analysis of samples show that aerosol volume increased for 6 months due to gas-to-particle conversion and then decreased to background levels in the following 6 months.

  2. Interleukin-33 Receptor (ST2 Deficiency Improves the Outcome of Staphylococcus aureus-Induced Septic Arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larissa Staurengo-Ferrari


    Full Text Available The ST2 receptor is a member of the Toll/IL-1R superfamily and interleukin-33 (IL-33 is its agonist. Recently, it has been demonstrated that IL-33/ST2 axis plays key roles in inflammation and immune mediated diseases. Here, we investigated the effect of ST2 deficiency in Staphylococcus aureus-induced septic arthritis physiopathology. Synovial fluid samples from septic arthritis and osteoarthritis individuals were assessed regarding IL-33 and soluble (s ST2 levels. The IL-33 levels in samples from synovial fluid were significantly increased, whereas no sST2 levels were detected in patients with septic arthritis when compared with osteoarthritis individuals. The intra-articular injection of 1 × 107 colony-forming unity/10 μl of S. aureus American Type Culture Collection 6538 in wild-type (WT mice induced IL-33 and sST2 production with a profile resembling the observation in the synovial fluid of septic arthritis patients. Data using WT, and ST2 deficient (−/− and interferon-γ (IFN-γ−/− mice showed that ST2 deficiency shifts the immune balance toward a type 1 immune response that contributes to eliminating the infection due to enhanced microbicide effect via NO production by neutrophils and macrophages. In fact, the treatment of ST2−/− bone marrow-derived macrophage cells with anti-IFN-γ abrogates the beneficial phenotype in the absence of ST2, which confirms that ST2 deficiency leads to IFN-γ expression and boosts the bacterial killing activity of macrophages against S. aureus. In agreement, WT cells achieved similar immune response to ST2 deficiency by IFN-γ treatment. The present results unveil a previously unrecognized beneficial effect of ST2 deficiency in S. aureus-induced septic arthritis.

  3. Expression of interleukin-33 and its receptor ST2 in periapical granulomas and radicular cysts. (United States)

    Velickovic, Milena; Pejnovic, Nada; Petrovic, Renata; Mitrovic, Slobodanka; Jeftic, Ilija; Kanjevac, Tatjana; Lukic, Aleksandra


    Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is a recently identified cytokine belonging to the IL-1 family and ligand for the IL-1 receptor-related protein ST2. IL-33/ST2 signaling plays a critical role in allergy, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammatory disorders, but its role in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions is unknown. We aimed to investigate the expression patterns of IL-33 and ST2 in human periapical lesions. Periapical lesions (n = 36) and healthy periapical tissues (n = 10) were evaluated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies specific for human IL-33 and ST2. Lesion samples were further analyzed by double immunofluorescence to assess IL-33/ST2 co-expression. The numbers of IL-33- and ST2-positive fibroblasts were significantly higher in periapical lesions compared to healthy periapical tissues (both P 0.05). There were no significant differences in the numbers of IL-33- and ST2-positive fibroblasts and endothelial cells between periapical granulomas and radicular cysts (all P > 0.05). Similarly, numbers of ST2-positive mononuclear cells did not differ between periapical granulomas and radicular cysts (P > 0.05). The majority of epithelial cells in radicular cysts were IL-33 positive, while the small proportion of epithelial cells was ST2 positive. Double immunofluorescence analysis revealed IL-33/ST2 co-expression in fibroblasts and endothelial cells. IL-33 and ST2 are expressed in periapical granulomas and radicular cysts. Increased numbers of IL-33- and ST2-positive fibroblasts in periapical lesions when compared to healthy periapical tissues suggest that IL-33/ST2 signaling may be involved in periapical inflammation and tissue fibrosis. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. 77 FR 32391 - Building a 21st Century Digital Government (United States)


    ... of May 23, 2012 Building a 21st Century Digital Government Memorandum for the Heads of Executive... century digital Government that delivers better digital services to the American people. Today, the CIO is releasing that strategy, entitled ``Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the...

  5. Army Research Laboratory S&T Campaign Plans 2015-2035 (United States)


    for micro-robotics, and high quality factor communications, electronic warfare. Efforts focus on the maturation of LEAD zirconium titanate ( PZT ) and...spectrums (multiple impact, high energy impact, and high to low cycle fatigue ) to meet the needs of current and future Army platforms and structures...MATERIALS RESEARCH CAMPAIGN’s Polymer Coatings S&T Footprint S&T AREA POSTURE Polymer Coatings LEAD Corrosion & Fatigue research explores corrosion

  6. Audiovisuaalinen koulutuspaketti ensihoitohenkilöstölle peruselintoimintojen mittaamisesta


    Pelkonen, Juha


    Tiivistelmä Tämä opinnäyteyö oli kehittämistyö, jonka tarkoituksena oli laatia audiovisuaalinen koulutuspaketti peruselintoimintojen mittaamisesta Pohjois-Savon pelastuslaitokselle ensihoitohenkilöstölle. Kehittämistyön tavoitteena oli vahvistaa pelastuslaitoksen ensihoitohenkilöstön osaamista peruselintoimintojen mittaamisessa. Koulutuspaketin tavoitteena oli antaa vaihtoehtoinen tapa kerrata jo vanhaa opittua sekä motivoida uuteen oppimiseen audiovisuaalisesti demonstraati...

  7. Construction: first of St. Lucie unit 2 successes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conway, W.F.


    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) granted a full power operating license for St. Lucie Unit 2 on June 10, 1983, just six years after construction began. The industry average for nuclear power plant construction during this time was approximately ten years. The rate of completion had a positive effect on the cost of the facility. The price of the unit was $1.42 billion as compared to the $2 billion to $5 billion range experienced by other utilities for nuclear plants. These accomplishments were not serendipitous but the results of management techniques and personnel attitudes involved in the construction of the unit. More importantly, many of these same techniques and attitudes have now become part of a quality improvement program at St Lucie and are reflected in its performance indicators. This paper analyzes the construction success of St Lucie Unit 2 and demonstrates that excellent performance in the construction phase can be carried over to the operation of a facility

  8. Advanced ST plasma scenario simulations for NSTX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kessel, C.E.; Synakowski, E.J.; Gates, D.A.; Kaye, S.M.; Menard, J.; Phillips, C.K.; Taylor, G.; Wilson, R.; Harvey, R.W.; Mau, T.K.


    Integrated scenario simulations are done for NSTX that address four primary milestones for developing advanced ST configurations: high β and high β N inductive discharges to study all aspects of ST physics in the high beta regime; non-inductively sustained discharges for flattop times greater than the skin time to study the various current drive techniques; non-inductively sustained discharges at high βfor flattop times much greater than a skin time which provides the integrated advanced ST target for NSTX; and non-solenoidal startup and plasma current rampup. The simulations done here use the Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC) and are based on a discharge 109070. TRANSP analysis of the discharge provided the thermal diffusivities for electrons and ions, the neutral beam (NB) deposition profile and other characteristics. CURRAY is used to calculate the High Harmonic Fast Wave (HHFW) heating depositions and current drive. GENRAY/CQL3D is used to establish the heating and CD deposition profiles for electron Bernstein waves (EBW). Analysis of the ideal MHD stability is done with JSOLVER, BALMSC, and PEST2. The simulations indicate that the integrated advanced ST plasma is reachable, obtaining stable plasmas with β ∼ 40% at β N 's of 7.7-9, I P = 1.0 MA and B T = 0.35 T. The plasma is 100% non-inductive and has a flattop of 4 skin times. The resulting global energy confinement corresponds to a multiplier of H 98(y,2 ) = 1.5. The simulations have demonstrated the importance of HHFW heating and CD, EBW off-axis CD, strong plasma shaping, density control, and early heating/H-mode transition for producing and optimizing these plasma configurations (author)

  9. National Dam Safety Program. Eaton Dam (MO 31163), Mississippi - Kaskaskia - St. Louis Basin, St. Francois County, Missouri. Phase I Inspection Report. (United States)


    located near the north end of the Simms Mountain Fault System. The site is actually within this system which is about 5 mi wide and 40 mi long, in a...oLegon I V Roubidoux Formation u aleA "Z.Gasconade Dolomite Gunter Sandstone Member Of Eminence Dolomite m~neY, jrk-Potosi Dolomite Derby-Doerufl...westnMsoui Vow" Lamotte Sandstone Diabese (dikes and sills) St. Francois Mountains Intrusive Suite St. Francois Mountains Volcanic Supergiroup 0 10 20

  10. Oliver St John Gogarty. (United States)

    Clarke, R W


    Oliver St John Gogarty--Otolaryngologist to fashionable Edwardian Dublin--was a distinguished poet and a Senator in the fledgling Irish Free State after its establishment in 1922. He numbered amongst his acquaintances the poet William Butler Yeats, the novelist James Joyce and a host of political and literary persona who helped to shape modern Ireland. He was satirised as 'stately plump Buck Mulligan' in Joyce's novel Ulysses.

  11. Smart Social Networking: 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills (United States)

    Boholano, Helen B.


    Education in the 21st century highlights globalization and internationalization. Pre-service teachers in the 21st century are technology savvy. To effectively engage and teach generation Z students, preservice teachers will help the educational system meet this requirement. The educational systems must be outfitted with a prerequisite of ICT…

  12. Imaging QRS complex and ST segment in myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bacharova, Ljuba; Bang, Lia E; Szathmary, Vavrinec


    BACKGROUND: Acute myocardial infarction creates regions of altered electrical properties of myocardium resulting in typical QRS patterns (pathological Q waves) and ST segment deviations observed in leads related to the MI location. The aim of this study was to present a graphical method for imaging...... the changes in the sequence of depolarization and the ST segment deviations in myocardial infarction using the Dipolar ElectroCARdioTOpography (DECARTO) method. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Simulated ECG data corresponding to intramural, electrically inactive areas encircled by transmural areas with slowed impulse...... propagation velocity in anteroseptal and inferior locations were used for imaging the altered sequence of depolarization and the ST vector. The ECGs were transformed to areas projected on the image surface so as to image the process of ventricular depolarization based on the orientation and magnitude...

  13. 76 FR 30018 - Safety Zone; Marysville Days Fireworks, St. Clair River, Marysville, MI (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Marysville Days Fireworks, St. Clair River, Marysville, MI AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Temporary final rule. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on St. Clair River, Marysville, MI. This zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of St. Clair River...

  14. 77 FR 29901 - Safety Zone; Marysville Days Fireworks, St. Clair River, Marysville, MI (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Marysville Days Fireworks, St. Clair River, Marysville, MI AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Temporary final rule. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on the St. Clair River, Marysville, Michigan. This zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of the St...

  15. St. John le calviniste, ou l’émule de Gil-Martin Charlotte Brontë’s Calvinist St. John Emulating James Hogg’s Gil-Martin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Berton


    Full Text Available This article aims to show how far Hogg’s archetypal character, Gil-Martin, influenced Charlotte Brontë’s enigmatic character, St. John, who appears in chapters XXVI to XXXV and is mentioned again in the conclusion of Jane Eyre. Some unexpected words, like “glen”, in a greater Yorkshire area, operate as keywords to a “deep context” study in a neo-contextualist approach. Even though St. John cannot be mistaken for a double of Gil-Martin, a fair number of details tend to prove that James Hogg’s Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner deeply influenced Charlotte Brontë—both pride-driven St. John and Gil-Martin stand for demonic despotism. Yet, if Gil-Martin is a straightforward Gothic illustration of Satan, St. John is a reincarnation of a marble-cold Apollo in a dogma-trapped Calvinist. Brontë’s intention was not so much to denounce noxious excesses in religious beliefs as to set her heroine’s wise independence against nefarious male domination: whereas victimised Robert Wringhim is driven to despair and suicide, self-reliant Jane Eyre escapes from St. John’s grip. In both narratives relationships between men and women are shown as tragically warped by religious behavioural extravagance, but only the female character is granted a positive outcome to serve an optimistic view on life: Robert Wringhim is violently wrung out of the society of men and women, St. John Rivers, from “Marsh End”, blindly drifts away to his death in India, and airy Jane, of “Moor House”, wafts away to anchor to Edward Rochester, the sender of the airwave-born call.

  16. Differentiating ST elevation myocardial infarction and nonischemic causes of ST elevation by analyzing the presenting electrocardiogram

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jayroe, Jason B; Spodick, David H; Nikus, Kjell


    Guidelines recommend that patients with suggestive symptoms of myocardial ischemia and ST-segment elevation (STE) in > or =2 adjacent electrocardiographic leads should receive immediate reperfusion therapy. Novel strategies aimed to reduce door-to-balloon time, such as prehospital wireless...

  17. ST ECS error handling and detector safety

    CERN Document Server

    Esperante Pereira, D


    This note describes the automatic operation sequences that the ECS implements in order to operate the ST detector in a safe and reliable way. First, the start-up sequences to set the detector in a well known state are described. In addition the possible ST detector states based on the status of the different detector elements will be defined. The states are of crucial interest for the safe operation of the detector when the LHC beam is ready. Besides, the ECS automatic actions taken in case of abnormal status of any of the detector elements are reported. Next, the operational alarm ranges and the error recovery mechanisms are mentioned.

  18. Unintended and unwanted pregnancy in St. Lucia. (United States)

    Denton, A B; Chase, W M; Scott, K


    Among 200 mothers interviewed in St. Lucia, 82.5% described their pregnancy as unintended and 44% as unwanted; 80% of women having an intended pregnancy and 94.6% having an unintended pregnancy were unmarried and 18.5% were teenagers. Mothers of unintended pregnancies were significantly younger, were of significantly higher parity and had begun sexual relations at a significantly earlier age than mothers of intended pregnancies; and, unlike mothers of planned pregnancies, their desired interpregnancy interval was significantly longer than the actual interval. These results and the sporadic and ineffective use of contraception in St. Lucia emphasize the need for improvements in fertility regulation in that country.

  19. El lenguaje oficial en las instancias de participación local y algunas de sus implicaciones en la legitimación de la desigualdad política

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Augusto González Vélez


    En este panorama, la pregunta central es ¿qué implicaciones tiene la interiorización del lenguaje oficial en el mantenimiento de unas relaciones asimétricas entre los agentes de la participación política y las instituciones públicas?, este uno de los cuestionamientos que impulsó la investigación: “Organizaciones comunitarias e instancias de participación política de Engativá”, proyecto financiado en el 2014 por la III Convocatoria Interna de Investigación de la Universidad Minuto de Dios, sede principal y del cual se publicó el libro Los convidados de piedra de la participación local. En suma, la tesis que se defiende a lo largo del artículo es que si bien los agentes de la participación (especialmente los representantes populares conciben la interiorización del lenguaje oficial como una “ganancia”, en su proceso de reivindicación ante el Gobierno local, este mismo lenguaje limita la posibilidad instituyente de sus agencias y termina desvirtuando sus saberes, metodologías, intenciones y prácticas.

  20. ST/EL and ST/CV services for TI2 & TI8 LHC injection tunnels

    CERN Document Server

    Akhtar, S; CERN. Geneva. ST Division


    This paper describes the ST/EL and ST/CV services for TI2 & TI8 LHC injection tunnels. The cooling and ventilation part describes the requirements for design and installation of more than 10 km of pipeline that is going to be laid down in the tunnels. Main operating parameters as well as manufacture procedures are explained. Preliminary work schedule with the cost estimate is also presented. Electrical power will be distributed from the LHC side and the SPS side for the machine and the general services. All power converters will be installed on surface buildings. The link between the main bend converters and the main bend magnets will be realised with water-cooled cables. Rest of the magnets will be cabled by using conventional copper and aluminium cables. Due to long lengths of the injection tunnels a dry 18kV transformer will be installed in TJ8 to serve the general services for TI8. The same will apply to TI2 by installing a transformer at the bottom of the PMI2 shaft.

  1. File list: ALL.Lar.10.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Lar.10.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 All antigens Larvae 1st instar SRX013088,SRX013064,...SRX013044,SRX013009,SRX013072,SRX013097,SRX013055,SRX013056 ...

  2. File list: ALL.Lar.50.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Lar.50.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 All antigens Larvae 1st instar SRX013009,SRX013072,...SRX013088,SRX013044,SRX013064,SRX013097,SRX013056,SRX013055 ...

  3. File list: ALL.Lar.20.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Lar.20.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 All antigens Larvae 1st instar SRX013009,SRX013072,...SRX013088,SRX013044,SRX013064,SRX013097,SRX013055,SRX013056 ...

  4. File list: ALL.Lar.05.AllAg.1st_instar [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Lar.05.AllAg.1st_instar dm3 All antigens Larvae 1st instar SRX013088,SRX013009,...SRX013064,SRX013044,SRX013072,SRX013055,SRX013097,SRX013056 ...

  5. Multiple protein biomarker assessment for recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST abuse in cattle.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susann K J Ludwig

    Full Text Available Biomarker profiling, as a rapid screening approach for detection of hormone abuse, requires well selected candidate biomarkers and a thorough in vivo biomarker evaluation as previously done for detection of growth hormone doping in athletes. The bovine equivalent of growth hormone, called recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST is (illegally administered to enhance milk production in dairy cows. In this study, first a generic sample pre-treatment and 4-plex flow cytometric immunoassay (FCIA were developed for simultaneous measurement of four candidate biomarkers selected from literature: insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1, its binding protein 2 (IGFBP2, osteocalcin and endogenously produced antibodies against rbST. Next, bovine serum samples from two extensive controlled rbST animal treatment studies were used for in vivo validation and biomarker evaluation. Finally, advanced statistic tools were tested for the assessment of biomarker combination quality aiming to correctly identify rbST-treated animals. The statistical prediction tool k-nearest neighbours using a combination of the biomarkers osteocalcin and endogenously produced antibodies against rbST proved to be very reliable and correctly predicted 95% of the treated samples starting from the second rbST injection until the end of the treatment period and even thereafter. With the same biomarker combination, only 12% of untreated animals appeared false-positive. This reliability meets the requirements of Commission Decision 2002/657/EC for screening methods in veterinary control. From the results of this multidisciplinary study, it is concluded that the osteocalcin - anti-rbST-antibodies combination represent fit-for-purpose biomarkers for screening of rbST abuse in dairy cattle and can be reliably measured in both the developed 4-plex FCIA as well as in a cost-effective 2-plex microsphere-based binding assay. This screening method can be incorporated in routine veterinary monitoring

  6. Postcolonial Identity Politics, Language and the Schools in St. Lucia (United States)

    St. Hilaire, Aonghas


    In the postcolonial era, a cultural nationalist movement has sought to elevate the status of St. Lucia's creole vernacular, Kweyol, and with some success--it is now the most visible symbol of St. Lucian national identity. This relatively new development has altered somewhat the historic linguistic status quo between the official, high status…

  7. Hydrologic data summary for the St. Lucie River Estuary, Martin and St. Lucie Counties, Florida, 1998-2001 (United States)

    Byrne, Michael J.; Patino, Eduardo


    A hydrologic analysis was made at three canal sites and four tidal sites along the St. Lucie River Estuary in southeastern Florida from 1998 to 2001. The data included for analysis are stage, 15-minute flow, salinity, water temperature, turbidity, and suspended-solids concentration. During the period of record, the estuary experienced a drought, major storm events, and high-water discharge from Lake Okeechobee. Flow mainly occurred through the South Fork of the St. Lucie River; however, when flow increased through control structures along the C-23 and C-24 Canals, the North Fork was a larger than usual contributor of total freshwater inflow to the estuary. At one tidal site (Steele Point), the majority of flow was southward toward the St. Lucie Inlet; at a second tidal site (Indian River Bridge), the majority of flow was northward into the Indian River Lagoon. Large-volume stormwater discharge events greatly affected the St. Lucie River Estuary. Increased discharge typically was accompanied by salinity decreases that resulted in water becoming and remaining fresh throughout the estuary until the discharge events ended. Salinity in the estuary usually returned to prestorm levels within a few days after the events. Turbidity decreased and salinity began to increase almost immediately when the gates at the control structures closed. Salinity ranged from less than 1 to greater than 35 parts per thousand during the period of record (1998-2001), and typically varied by several parts per thousand during a tidal cycle. Suspended-solids concentrations were observed at one canal site (S-80) and two tidal sites (Speedy Point and Steele Point) during a discharge event in April and May 2000. Results suggest that most deposition of suspended-solids concentration occurs between S-80 and Speedy Point. The turbidity data collected also support this interpretation. The ratio of inorganic to organic suspended-solids concentration observed at S-80, Speedy Point, and Steele Point


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    Suskandini Ratih Dirmawati .


    Full Text Available Identification of surfactin in Pseudomonas fluorescens ST1 which effectively suppres soybean bacterial pustule.   Identification of surfactin in Pseudomonas fluorescens ST1 filtrate was conducted in Plant Pest and Disease Laboratory, Bogor Agriculture University.  The 48 hours cultured suspension of  P. fluorescens ST1 with 108 CFU/ml density was centrifuged to obtain the supernatant.  The supernatant was analyzed for its surfactin content by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Colum ODS-5 and eluen acetonitril and acetat acid.  The result showed  that  surfactin was producted by P. fluorescens ST1 and this bioactive substance could suppres the bacterial pustule on soybean.

  9. Penaeid prawns in the St Lucia Lake System: Post-larval recruitment ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Penaeid prawns in the St Lucia Lake System: Post-larval recruitment and the bait fishery. ... Recruitment of post-larval penaeid prawns and the bait prawn fishery in the St Lucia Lake System were monitored for ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  10. Immunogenicity of nuclear-encoded LTB:ST fusion protein from Escherichia coli expressed in tobacco plants. (United States)

    Rosales-Mendoza, Sergio; Soria-Guerra, Ruth E; Moreno-Fierros, Leticia; Govea-Alonso, Dania O; Herrera-Díaz, Areli; Korban, Schuyler S; Alpuche-Solís, Ángel G


    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is one of the main causative agents of diarrhea in infants and for travelers. Inclusion of a heat-stable (ST) toxin into vaccine formulations is mandatory as most ETEC strains can produce both heat-labile (LT) and ST enterotoxins. In this study, a genetic fusion gene encoding for an LTB:ST protein has been constructed and transferred into tobacco via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Transgenic tobacco plants carrying the LTB:ST gene are then subjected to GM1-ELISA revealing that the LTB:ST has assembled into pentamers and displays antigenic determinants from both LTB and ST. Protein accumulation of up to 0.05% total soluble protein is detected. Subsequently, mucosal and systemic humoral responses are elicited in mice orally dosed with transgenic tobacco leaves. This has suggested that the plant-derived LTB:ST is immunogenic via the oral route. These findings are critical for the development of a plant-based vaccine capable of eliciting broader protection against ETEC and targeting both LTB and ST. Features of this platform in comparison to transplastomic approaches are discussed.

  11. Analysis and reconstructed modelling of the debris flow event of the 21st of July 2012 of St. Lorenzen (Styria, Austira) (United States)

    Janu, Stefan; Mehlhorn, Susanne; Moser, Markus


    Analysis and reconstructed modelling of the debris flow event of the 21st of July 2012 of St. Lorenzen (Styria, Austria) Authors: Stefan Janu, Susanne Mehlhorn, Markus Moser The village of St. Lorenzen, in the Styrian Palten valley is situated on the banks of the Lorenz torrent, in which a debris flow event occurred in the early morning hours of the 21st of July 2012, causing catastrophic damage to residential buildings and other infrastructural facilities. In the ministry-approved hazard zone map of 2009, the flood water discharge and bedload volume associated with a 150-year event was estimated at 34 m³/s and 25,000 m³ respectively for the 5.84 km² catchment area. The bedload transport capacity of the torrent was classified as ranging from 'heavy' to 'capable of producing debris flows'. The dominant process type of the mass movement event may be described as a fine-grained debris flow. The damage in the residential area of St.Lorenzen was caused by a debris flow pulse in the lower reach of the Lorenz torrent. This debris flow pulse was in turn caused by numerous landslides along the middle reaches of the torrent, some of which caused blockages, ultimately leading to an outburst event in the main torrent. Discharge cross-sections ranging from 65 - 90 m², and over 100 m² in a few instances, were measured upstream of the St. Lorenzen residential area. Back-calculations of velocities yielded an average debris flow velocity along the middle reaches of the torrent between 11 and 16 m/s. An average velocity of 9 m/s was calculated for the debris flow at the neck of the alluvial fan directly behind the center of the village. Due to both the high discharge values as well as to the height of the mass movement deposits, the natural hazard event of 21 July 2012 in St. Lorenzen is clearly to be described as having had an extreme intensity. A total of 67 buildings were damaged along the Lorenz torrent, 7 of were completely destroyed. According to the Austrian Service for

  12. A 3000 yr paleostorm record from St. Catherines Island, Georgia (United States)

    Braun, Erick; Meyer, Brian; Deocampo, Daniel; Kiage, Lawrence M.


    Tropical cyclones (hurricanes in the northern hemisphere) are amongst the most devastating of the world's natural disasters and cause billions of dollars in damage every year. Data on the likelihood of a coastal site being struck by a major hurricane strike can potentially aid in planning and mitigation efforts that could save money and lives. However, forecasting requires data that are currently insufficient for the Georgia Bight. This study provides information to enhance the paleohurricane record by analysis of a 467 cm thick vibracore raised from St. Catherines Island, GA. Sediment geochemistry and foraminiferal assemblages indicate deposits attributable to seven paleohurricane events, five of which were likely major hurricanes when they made landfall on St. Catherines. Magnitudes were estimated by comparison to the overwash deposit left by ;The Sea Islands hurricane of 1893;, a major hurricane recorded by the recent sediment of St. Catherines Island. The St. Catherines record also shows a change in the activity levels on the Georgia coast with two distinct activity regimes over the past 3000 years.


    CERN Multimedia

    Restaurant Supervisory Committee


    1. Restaurants As Tuesday, May 1st, is an official CERN holiday, restaurants no 2 (DSR : Bldg. 504 - Meyrin) and no 3 (Avenance : Bldg. 866 - Prévessin) will be closed as from Monday, April 30 at 18h00. They will reopen on Wednesday, May 2nd at 6h30 (rest. no 2) and at 7h00 (rest. no 3). On May 1st, a limited service will be provided by restaurant no. 1 (COOP : Bldg. 501 - Meyrin) from 8h00 to 21h00 with hot meals served from 11h30 to 14h00 and from 18h00 to 19h30. 2. Satellite cafétérias All satellite cafétérias will be closed on May 1st. They will all operate normally on Monday, April 30, except for buildings 17 (Meyrin), 865 and 892 (Prévessin) which will be closed. 3. Newspaper stand The newspaper kiosque in building 501 will be closed on May 1st.

  14. Apuntes en torno al TLC Centroamérica /Estados Unidos y sus implicaciones para la educación superior

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muñoz Varela, Luis


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito realizar una breve aproximación analítica a los aspectos que, en el marco de la propuesta de Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Centroamérica y Estados Unidos, conciernen o implican a la educación superior y, en especial, a la educación superior pública. El artículo aborda dos ejes de análisis. El primero de ellos, está referido específicamente a los lineamientos y estipulaciones que involucra el texto del TLC Centroamérica/Estados Unidos, en lo relativo a las implicaciones que derivan de esa propuesta para las instituciones de educación superior y, en particular, para la educación superior pública. El segundo eje, por su parte, consiste en una breve revisión de trabajos elaborados por especialistas en torno a los alcances que, en su caso, presentan para la educación superior algunas de las estipulaciones contenidas en el Acuerdo General sobre Comercio de Servicios (AGCS, de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. This article intends to make a brief analysis about the repercussions of the Free Trade Agreement between Central America and The United States (CAFTA on the aspects concerning to the Higher education; especially, public higher education. There are two analysis approaches in this article. The first one deals specifically with the tendencies and regulations of the CAFTA in reference to its proposal to the high educational field. The second approach refers to a brief literary review about some specialists’ works related to the consequences to the higher education of some regulations contained in the Service Trade General Agreement by the World Commerce Organization.

  15. Advanced ST Plasma Scenario Simulations for NSTX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kessel, C.E.; Synakowski, E.J.; Gates, D.A.; Harvey, R.W.; Kaye, S.M.; Mau, T.K.; Menard, J.; Phillips, C.K.; Taylor, G.; Wilson, R.


    Integrated scenario simulations are done for NSTX [National Spherical Torus Experiment] that address four primary milestones for developing advanced ST configurations: high β and high β N inductive discharges to study all aspects of ST physics in the high-beta regime; non-inductively sustained discharges for flattop times greater than the skin time to study the various current-drive techniques; non-inductively sustained discharges at high β for flattop times much greater than a skin time which provides the integrated advanced ST target for NSTX; and non-solenoidal start-up and plasma current ramp-up. The simulations done here use the Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC) and are based on a discharge 109070. TRANSP analysis of the discharge provided the thermal diffusivities for electrons and ions, the neutral-beam (NB) deposition profile, and other characteristics. CURRAY is used to calculate the High Harmonic Fast Wave (HHFW) heating depositions and current drive. GENRAY/CQL3D is used to establish the heating and CD [current drive] deposition profiles for electron Bernstein waves (EBW). Analysis of the ideal-MHD stability is done with JSOLVER, BALMSC, and PEST2. The simulations indicate that the integrated advanced ST plasma is reachable, obtaining stable plasmas with β ∼ 40% at β N 's of 7.7-9, I P = 1.0 MA, and B T = 0.35 T. The plasma is 100% non-inductive and has a flattop of 4 skin times. The resulting global energy confinement corresponds to a multiplier of H 98(y,2) 1.5. The simulations have demonstrated the importance of HHFW heating and CD, EBW off-axis CD, strong plasma shaping, density control, and early heating/H-mode transition for producing and optimizing these plasma configurations

  16. A Correction Formula for the ST Segment Measurements for the AC-coupled Electrocardiograms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmid, Ramun; Isaksen, Jonas; Leber, Remo


    Goal: The ST segment of an electrocardiogram (ECG) is very important for the correct diagnosis of an acute myocardial infarction. Most clinical ECGs are recorded using an AC-coupled ECG amplifier. It is well known, that first-order high-pass filters used for the AC coupling can affect the ST...... segment of an ECG. This effect is stronger the higher the filter's cut-off frequency is and the larger the QRS integral is. We present a formula that estimates these changes in the ST segment and therefore allows for correcting ST measurements that are based on an AC-coupled ECG. Methods: The presented...

  17. [Treatment and management after acute coronary syndrome without ST-elevation]. (United States)

    Drogoul, Laurent; Scarlatti, Didier; Ferrari, Emile


    Coronary syndromes without ST elevation, previously known as unstable angina, are now more frequent than ST elevation myocardial infarction. Evidence-based studies should guide their management after hospital discharge. This management seeks to fulfill precise objectives and has been demonstrated to be effective in terms of survival. Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Flora of St Katherine Protectorate: key to families and genera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An illustrated key to families and genera of the flora of the St Katherine Protectorate is provided to facilitate the identification of the unique flora of the area, based on five years of collecting mainly in the mountains and wadis surrounding the town of St Katherine. The key includes 43 families and 141 genera, the families ...

  19. Transformations in Air Transportation Systems For the 21st Century (United States)

    Holmes, Bruce J.


    Globally, our transportation systems face increasingly discomforting realities: certain of the legacy air and ground infrastructures of the 20th century will not satisfy our 21st century mobility needs. The consequence of inaction is diminished quality of life and economic opportunity for those nations unable to transform from the 20th to 21st century systems. Clearly, new thinking is required regarding business models that cater to consumers value of time, airspace architectures that enable those new business models, and technology strategies for innovating at the system-of-networks level. This lecture proposes a structured way of thinking about transformation from the legacy systems of the 20th century toward new systems for the 21st century. The comparison and contrast between the legacy systems of the 20th century and the transformed systems of the 21st century provides insights into the structure of transformation of air transportation. Where the legacy systems tend to be analog (versus digital), centralized (versus distributed), and scheduled (versus on-demand) for example, transformed 21st century systems become capable of scalability through technological, business, and policy innovations. Where air mobility in our legacy systems of the 20th century brought economic opportunity and quality of life to large service markets, transformed air mobility of the 21st century becomes more equitable available to ever-thinner and widely distributed populations. Several technological developments in the traditional aircraft disciplines as well as in communication, navigation, surveillance and information systems create new foundations for 21st thinking about air transportation. One of the technological developments of importance arises from complexity science and modern network theory. Scale-free (i.e., scalable) networks represent a promising concept space for modeling airspace system architectures, and for assessing network performance in terms of robustness

  20. StAR Enhances Transcription of Genes Encoding the Mitochondrial Proteases Involved in Its Own Degradation (United States)

    Bahat, Assaf; Perlberg, Shira; Melamed-Book, Naomi; Lauria, Ines; Langer, Thomas


    Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) is essential for steroid hormone synthesis in the adrenal cortex and the gonads. StAR activity facilitates the supply of cholesterol substrate into the inner mitochondrial membranes where conversion of the sterol to a steroid is catalyzed. Mitochondrial import terminates the cholesterol mobilization activity of StAR and leads to mounting accumulation of StAR in the mitochondrial matrix. Our studies suggest that to prevent mitochondrial impairment, StAR proteolysis is executed by at least 2 mitochondrial proteases, ie, the matrix LON protease and the inner membrane complexes of the metalloproteases AFG3L2 and AFG3L2:SPG7/paraplegin. Gonadotropin administration to prepubertal rats stimulated ovarian follicular development associated with increased expression of the mitochondrial protein quality control system. In addition, enrichment of LON and AFG3L2 is evident in StAR-expressing ovarian cells examined by confocal microscopy. Furthermore, reporter studies of the protease promoters examined in the heterologous cell model suggest that StAR expression stimulates up to a 3.5-fold increase in the protease gene transcription. Such effects are StAR-specific, are independent of StAR activity, and failed to occur upon expression of StAR mutants that do not enter the matrix. Taken together, the results of this study suggest the presence of a novel regulatory loop, whereby acute accumulation of an apparent nuisance protein in the matrix provokes a mitochondria to nucleus signaling that, in turn, activates selected transcription of genes encoding the enrichment of mitochondrial proteases relevant for enhanced clearance of StAR. PMID:24422629

  1. St 2-22 - Another Symbiotic Star with High-Velocity Bipolar Jets (United States)

    Tomov, T.; Zamanov, R.; Gałan, C.; Pietrukowicz, P.


    We report the detection of high-velocity components in the wings of Hα emission line in spectra of symbiotic binary star St 2-22 obtained in 2005. This finding encouraged us to start the present investigation in order to show that this poorly-studied object is a jet-producing system. We have used high-resolution optical and low-resolution near-infrared spectra, as well as available optical and infrared photometry, to evaluate some physical parameters of the St 2-22 components and characteristics of the jets. We confirm that St 2-22 is a S-type symbiotic star. Our results demonstrate that an unnoticed outburst, similar to those in classical symbiotic systems, occurred in the first half of 2005. During the outburst, collimated bipolar jets were ejected by the hot component of St 2-22 with an average velocity of about 1700 km/s.

  2. Karvian seurakunnan henkilöstötilinpäätös


    Vaskela, Soila


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin yleisesti sekä käytännössä henkilöstötilinpäätöksen tarkoitusta ja sisältöä. Kohdeorganisaation eli Karvian seurakunnan avulla rakennettiin käytännön esimerkki seurakunnan ensimmäisestä henkilöstötilinpäätöksestä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää oikeat ratkaisut henkilöstötilinpäätöksen rakentamiseen organisaatiossa, jossa kyseinen asiakirja ei vielä ole tunnettu. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli laatia seurakunnalle käyttökelpoinen henkilöstötilinpäätösmalli, jota ...

  3. Drinking games and contextual factors of 21st birthday drinking. (United States)

    Neighbors, Clayton; Rodriguez, Lindsey M; Rinker, Dipali V; DiBello, Angelo M; Young, Chelsie M; Chen, Chun-Han


    21st birthday celebrations are among the highest risks for alcohol use throughout emerging adulthood and celebrants often experience a range of alcohol-related consequences. The present research considered what happens when drinking games are paired with an already high-risk event (i.e., 21st birthday celebrations) and how drinking games compare with other contextual factors on 21st birthdays. Approximately four days after turning 21, 1124 college students (55% women) completed an online survey assessing alcohol use and related consequences experienced during their birthday celebrations. Participants were also asked whether drinking games and other contextual factors were associated with their celebrations. Overall, 18% of participants reported playing drinking games during their 21st birthday celebrations. These individuals reported consuming more alcohol, had higher estimated BACs, and experienced more negative consequences than those who did not play drinking games. The association between playing drinking games and alcohol use and negative consequences was stronger for men. The effect of drinking games on negative consequences was mediated through elevated BAC levels. Receiving bar specials, having drinks purchased, playing drinking games, and loud music were uniquely and significantly associated with all alcohol outcomes. Together, these results suggest that drinking games are part of a larger context of risk contributing to extreme drinking on 21st birthdays. Furthermore, these results will help to facilitate interventions that are more individually tailored to target specific contextual risks, behaviors, and events.

  4. Responsiveness summary for the engineering evaluation/cost analysis for decontamination at the St. Louis Downtown Site, St. Louis, Missouri

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Picel, M.H.; Peterson, J.M.; Williams, M.J.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for conducting remedial actions at the Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant, also referred to as the St. Louis Downtown Site (SLDS), located in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. Remedial activities at the SLDS are being carried out under DOE's Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) as part of the overall cleanup planned for three noncontiguous areas in St. Louis, which are collectively referred to as the St. Louis Site. Potential response action alternatives for managing the contaminated material generated at the SLDS have been evaluated in accordance with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance for conducting interim actions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended. An engineering evaluation/cost analysis (EE/CA) report was prepared to document this process. On the basis of the analysis presented in the EE/CA, the preferred alternative for the management of contaminated wastes generated by DOE-supported plant activities is the provision of temporary storage capacity, which can be made available by modifying an existing building (i.e., Building 116) at SLDS. This alternative would enable DOE and Mallinckrodt to coordinate efforts to prevent the uncontrolled relocation of contamination and ensure that ultimate site cleanup objectives are not complicated by plant activities implemented by Mallinckrodt. The EE/CA, dated May 1991, was issued to the general public on June 7, 1991, and a public comment period was held from June 7 through July 10, 1991, in accordance with the public participation process identified in CERCLA. Comments on the proposed action were received in writing from the Missouri Department of Health, private citizen Kay Drey, and the EPA Region 7. This responsiveness summary has been prepared to respond to issues identified in these comment letters on the proposed action

  5. Promoting the 21st century scientific literacy skills through innovative chemistry instruction (United States)

    Rahayu, Sri


    Students need to be equipped with the 21st century skills/capabilities to ensure their competitiveness in the knowledge era. So, it is imperative that education at school should be changed in order to fulfill the need. However, there is not any specified approach on how to educate young students for the 21st century capabilities. Regardless the impediment for ts exist, we need to construct an innovative instruction that can develop the students' 21st century skills by incorporating the skills needed, based on contemporary theory of learning, necessary context of learning and appropriate assessment in a chemistry subject matter. This paper discuss the feasible skills to be promoted through chemistry course. Those skills/capabilities are scientific literacy, higher order thinking, communicationand collaboration and curiosity. The promoted are called the 21st century scientific literacy skills in which it emphasis on scientific literacy and embedded the other 21st century skills into the innovative chemistry instruction. The elements involve in the instruction such as inquiry and constructivist approach, nature of science, contemporary/socioscientific issues, critical thinking (higher order thinking).


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    Maida Norahmi


    Full Text Available The issues regarding the demands of creative, innovative, and professional teachers are certainly on the concern of stakeholders and practitioners in education. Substantial efforts were conducted by the government to meet the 21st-century teachers having the four competencies required for being a teacher and coping with the needs of modern education. A survey research was conducted to collect respondents’ opinion as the main source of data to describe whether the 21st-century teachers are on the demands and to gain information that the students have a similar perception to teacher’s competencies required by the government. Seventy-five questionnaires related to the competencies were given to students of English Education Study Program of 2013 to 2016. The questionnaires were aimed at collecting written information dealing with what the students perceived towards the activities implemented by teachers in the process of teaching and learning. The result of questionnaire analysis revealed that most students expected the 21st-century teachers to have skills in teaching and in connecting it with the development of today’s technology and today’s student characteristics. The data also showed that the students constructed the same characteristics of teacher’s competencies required by the government regarding pedagogy, personality, sociality, and professionality.

  7. Comparative Genomic Characterization of the Highly Persistent and Potentially Virulent Cronobacter sakazakii ST83, CC65 Strain H322 and Other ST83 Strains

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hannah R. Chase


    Full Text Available Cronobacter (C. sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen and has been associated with serious infections with high mortality rates predominantly in pre-term, low-birth weight and/or immune compromised neonates and infants. Infections have been epidemiologically linked to consumption of intrinsically and extrinsically contaminated lots of reconstituted powdered infant formula (PIF, thus contamination of such products is a challenging task for the PIF producing industry. We present the draft genome of C. sakazakii H322, a highly persistent sequence type (ST 83, clonal complex (CC 65, serotype O:7 strain obtained from a batch of non-released contaminated PIF product. The presence of this strain in the production environment was traced back more than 4 years. Whole genome sequencing (WGS of this strain together with four more ST83 strains (PIF production environment-associated confirmed a high degree of sequence homology among four of the five strains. Phylogenetic analysis using microarray (MA and WGS data showed that the ST83 strains were highly phylogenetically related and MA showed that between 5 and 38 genes differed from one another in these strains. All strains possessed the pESA3-like virulence plasmid and one strain possessed a pESA2-like plasmid. In addition, a pCS1-like plasmid was also found. In order to assess the potential in vivo pathogenicity of the ST83 strains, each strain was subjected to infection studies using the recently developed zebrafish embryo model. Our results showed a high (90–100% zebrafish mortality rate for all of these strains, suggesting a high risk for infections and illness in neonates potentially exposed to PIF contaminated with ST83 C. sakazakii strains. In summary, virulent ST83, CC65, serotype CsakO:7 strains, though rarely found intrinsically in PIF, can persist within a PIF manufacturing facility for years and potentially pose significant quality assurance challenges to the PIF manufacturing industry.

  8. Organisation des travaux ST-CV

    CERN Document Server

    Martel, C; CERN. Geneva. ST Division


    Débutée il y a deux ans, la phase de construction des installations de refroidissement du LHC a atteint en 2003 son apogée. De nombreux autres projets sont également gérés par le groupe dans divers secteurs du laboratoire. La spécificité du groupe est de réaliser des installations complexes impliquant des spécificités diverses telles qu’aéraulique, hydraulique, électrique, etc. Pour faire face à ces demandes la section travaux du groupe ST CV a adopté une structure capable de réaliser ces divers projets avec un minimum de personnel. La première partie de ce document décrit l’organisation de la section travaux ST CV. Dans une deuxième partie, les auteurs dressent un état des lieux des chantiers par projet en décrivant plus particulièrement les activités dans les domaines du traitement d’air et de refroidissement par eau.

  9. 76 FR 68101 - Safety Zone; Art Gallery Party St. Pete 2011 Fireworks Display, Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, FL (United States)


    ... questions on this temporary final rule, call or email Marine Science Technician First Class Nolan L. Ammons, Sector St. Petersburg Prevention Department, Coast Guard; telephone (813) 228-2191, email Nolan.L.Ammons...

  10. Emergence in Taiwan of novel imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ST455 causing bloodstream infection in critical patients. (United States)

    Lee, Hao-Yuan; Huang, Chih-Wei; Chen, Chyi-Liang; Wang, Yi-Hsin; Chang, Chee-Jen; Chiu, Cheng-Hsun


    Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important nosocomial pathogens worldwide. This study aimed to use multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for the epidemiological surveillance of A. baumannii isolates in Taiwan and analyze the clinical presentations and patients' outcome. MLST according to both Bartual's PubMLST and Pasteur's MLST schemes was applied to characterize bloodstream imipenem-resistant A. baumannii (IRAB) infection in intensive care units in a medical center. A total of 39 clinical IRAB bloodstream isolates in 2010 were enrolled. We also collected 13 imipenem-susceptible A. baumannii (ISAB) bloodstream isolates and 30 clinical sputum isolates (24 IRAB and 6 ISAB) for comparison. Clinical presentations and outcome of the patients were analyzed. We found that infection by ST455(B)/ST2(P) and inappropriate initial therapy were statistically significant risk factors for mortality. More than one-third of the IRAB isolates belonged to ST455(B)/ST2(P). Most ST455(B)/ST2(P) (80%) carried ISAba1-blaOXA-23, including 10 (66.7%) with Tn2006 (ISAba1-blaOXA-23-ISAba1) in an AbaR4-type resistance island. ST455(B)/ST2(P) appears to evolve from ST208(B)/ST2(P) of clonal complex (CC) 92(B)/CC2(P). In this hospital-based study, A. baumannii ST455 accounted for 38.5% of IRAB bacteremia, with a high mortality of 86.7%. Approximately 85% of ST455(B)/ST2(P)bacteremia had a primary source of ventilation-associated pneumonia. We report the emergence in Taiwan of IRAB ST455(B)/ST2(P), which is the current predominant clone of IRAB in our hospital and has been causing bacteremia with high mortality in critical patients. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. ST6GalNAc-I controls expression of sialyl-Tn antigen in gastrointestinal tissues

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marcos, Nuno T; Bennett, Eric P; Gomes, Joana


    Sialyl-Tn is a simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigen aberrantly expressed in gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas and in the precursor lesion intestinal metaplasia. Sialyl-Tn tumour expression is an independent indicator of poor prognosis. We have previously shown in vitro that ST6GalNAc-I and ST6GalNAc......-II sialyltransferases can synthesize sialyl-Tn. The aim of the present study was to establish whether ST6GalNAc-I is the major enzyme responsible for the expression of sialyl-Tn. We used a model of CHO-ldlD cells producing only MUC1-Tn glycoform and showed that ST6GalNAc-I is the key-enzyme leading to sialyl......-Tn biosynthesis. We developed novel monoclonal antibodies specific for ST6GalNAc-I and evaluated its expression in gastrointestinal tissues. ST6GalNAc-I was detected in normal colon mucosa co-localized with O-acetylated sialyl-Tn. Expression was largely unaltered in colorectal adenocarcinomas. In contrast, we...

  12. Superconducting poloidal field magnet engineering for the ARIES-ST

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bromberg, Leslie; Pourrahimi, S.; Schultz, J.H.; Titus, P.; Jardin, S.; Kessel, C.; Reiersen, W.


    The critical issues of the poloidal systems for the ARIES-ST design have been presented in this paper. Because of the large plasma current and the need of highly shaped plasmas, the poloidal field (PF) coils should be located inside the toroidal field in order to reduce their current. Even then, the divertor coils carry large currents. The ARIES-ST PF coils are superconducting using the internally cooled cable-in-conduit conductor. The peak self field in the divertor coils is about 15 T and the highest field in the non-divertor coils is about 6 T. The PF magnets have built-in margins that are sufficient to survive disruptions without quenching. The costing study indicates that the specific cost of the PF system is $80/kg. Detailed design and trade-off studies of ARIES-ST are presented and remaining R and D issues are identified

  13. Nuevas perspectivas sobre las culturas botánicas precolombinas de Puerto Rico: implicaciones del estudio de almidones en herramientas líticas, cerámicas y de concha

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime R. Pagán Jiménez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra una síntesis de la información arqueobotánica más reciente para Puerto Rico proveniente del estudio de granos de almidón recuperados en artefactos arqueológicos. Dichos artefactos, así como los almidones antiguos presentes en ellos debido a la maceración, a la molienda o a la cocción de órganos vegetales, se ubican cronológicamente en casi todos los períodos culturales precolombinos hasta ahora definidos para la isla. Se discuten brevemente las implicaciones de los resultados arqueobotánicos logrados en torno a tres tópicos altamente generalizados y aceptados en nuestra región, pero actualmente cuestionados: a el carácter de las culturas botánicas de los llamados cazadores-pescadores-recolectores, b la atribuida importancia de la yuca para los pueblos agroceramistas antillanos de origen continental y c la generalizada percepción que se tiene acerca del protagonismo que tuvieron plantas como la yuca y el maíz en el desarrollo de las complejidades culturales tardías de las islas antillanas.

  14. [Observation on therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture at Tianshu (ST 25) with deep needling technique on functional constipation]. (United States)

    Wang, Cheng-Wei; He, Hong-Bo; Li, Ning; Wen, Qian; Liu, Zhi-Shun


    To probe into a better therapeutic method for functional constipation. Ninety-five cases of functional constipation were randomly divided into deep puncture at ST 25 group (48 cases), shallow puncture at ST 25 group (24 cases) and medication group (23 cases). In deep puncture at ST 25 group, Tianshu (ST 25) was punctured deeply to the peritoneum, with electric stimulation. In shallow puncture at ST 25 group, Tianshu (ST 25) was punctured shallowly, 5 mm beneath the skin, with electric stimulation. In medication group, Duphalac was administered orally. These cases were treated continuously for 4 weeks in 3 groups and followed up for 6 months. It was to observe the numbers of person who had defecation 4 times a week, difference in weekly defecation frequency and the difference in the Cleveland Clinic Score (CCS). In deep puncture at ST 25 group, the frequency of weekly defecation and the numbers of person who had defecation 4 times a week increased and CCS decreased, which were similar to the efficacy in shallow puncture at ST 25 group (all P > 0.05). But the efficacy of both ST 25 groups was superior to that in medication group (both P deep puncture at ST 25 group acted more quickly than either shallow puncture at ST 25 group or medication group and its efficacy remained much longer. The deep puncture at ST 25 with electric stimulation presents similar efficacy on functional constipation as shallow puncture at ST 25, but it acts more quickly than shallow puncture at ST 25, both of them are more advantageous than medication and the long-term efficacy is better.

  15. 77 FR 42642 - Safety Zone; City of Ogdensburg Fireworks, St. Lawrence River, Ogdensburg, NY (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; City of Ogdensburg Fireworks, St. Lawrence River, Ogdensburg, NY AGENCY: Coast Guard... portion of the St. Lawrence River during the City of Ogdensburg Fireworks display. This temporary safety... as follows: Sec. 165.T09-0608 Safety Zone; City of Ogdensburg Fireworks, St. Lawrence River...

  16. Innovation through Joint Ventures. Implications and Role of the Top Management Team Innovación a través de Joint Ventures. Implicaciones y papel del Equipo de Alta Dirección

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Ruiz Restrepo,


    Full Text Available Although equity-based arrangements, particularly Joint Ventures, are more effective than the contractual ones when trying to have access to knowledge needed for innovation, research on the factors on how to successfully achieve the development and implementation of this strategy is scarce and scattered. From the Upper Echelon Theory, the objective of this work is to develop a review and integration of the literature about shared control Joint Ventures, top management teams and innovation and to propose a framework of relationships. The role and implications of the top management team in carrying out a Joint Venture created to innovate is analyzed in this article, having as a conclusion that the diversity of the TMT (top management team can positively or negatively influence the results of such innovation. The directive nature of their work in relation to the parent companies may hinder the achievement of the objectives for which they were created. Other factors that may help correct the negative implications about innovation, created by the team composition and the characteristics of their work, are also considered.Aunque los acuerdos basados en capital, especialmente las Joint Ventures, son más efectivos que los contractuales a la hora de acceder al conocimiento necesario para la innovación, la investigación sobre los factores favorables al éxito en el desarrollo y consecución de esta estrategia es escasa y dispersa. A partir de la Upper Echelon Theory, el objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una revisión e integración de las literaturas sobre Joint Ventures de control compartido, equipos de alta dirección e innovación y proponer un marco de relaciones. Se analiza el papel y las implicaciones del equipo de alta dirección en el desempeño de una Joint Venture creada para innovar. Se concluye que la diversidad de los EAD puede incidir positiva o negativamente en los resultados de tal innovación. Las características de su labor

  17. Moscow and St. Petersburgpsychological schools: from opposition to friendship

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    Victor M. Allakhverdov


    Full Text Available The paper is an attempt to summarize the interaction of the two largest schools of psychology in Russia: the psychological schools of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The paper is a sketch dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the psychological faculties of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and should not be appreciated as a historical treatise. Tense ties between the psychological schools, that originate in the distant past, have gone through different historical stages. Slavophilevs Westernizer traditions affected the initial difference in these schoolsemerging into the opposition: either the human being is studied entirety with his/her vast subjective experience, but losing the reliability of our statements (peculiarity of Moscow school, or we study the human being accurately using objective methods, but losing the integrity of our ideas (peculiarity of St.-Petersburg school. Both psychological schools, having gone through the ups and downs, have retained their identity and their emphasis on research. Moscow scholars in their studies are aimed to larger issues and still rely on large-scale Vygotsky-Leontiev approach. Scholars of St.-Petersburgtouch upon more specific issues using empirical methods, but still continue with nostalgia and hope making plans about creating a common concept of human individual according to Ananiev. Nowadays between the two schools there is no opposition, but only one mutual love.

  18. 33 CFR 110.250 - St. Thomas Harbor, Charlotte Amalie, V.I. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false St. Thomas Harbor, Charlotte... SECURITY ANCHORAGES ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Anchorage Grounds § 110.250 St. Thomas Harbor, Charlotte Amalie.... Thomas, V.I. of the United States and approaches thereto, including all waters under its jurisdiction, as...

  19. New FIGO and Swedish intrapartum cardiotocography classification systems incorporated in the fetal ECG ST analysis (STAN) interpretation algorithm: agreements and discrepancies in cardiotocography classification and evaluation of significant ST events. (United States)

    Olofsson, Per; Norén, Håkan; Carlsson, Ann


    The updated intrapartum cardiotocography (CTG) classification system by FIGO in 2015 (FIGO2015) and the FIGO2015-approached classification by the Swedish Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologist in 2017 (SSOG2017) are not harmonized with the fetal ECG ST analysis (STAN) algorithm from 2007 (STAN2007). The study aimed to reveal homogeneity and agreement between the systems in classifying CTG and ST events, and relate them to maternal and perinatal outcomes. Among CTG traces with ST events, 100 traces originally classified as normal, 100 as suspicious and 100 as pathological were randomly selected from a STAN database and classified by two experts in consensus. Homogeneity and agreement statistics between the CTG classifications were performed. Maternal and perinatal outcomes were evaluated in cases with clinically hidden ST data (n = 151). A two-tailed p ST events, heterogeneities were significant and agreements moderate to almost perfect (STAN2007 vs. FIGO2015 0.86, 0.72; STAN2007 vs. SSOG2017 0.92, 0.84; FIGO2015 vs. SSOG2017 0.94, 0.87). Significant ST events occurred more often combined with STAN2007 than with FIGO2015 classification, but not with SSOG2017; correct identification of adverse outcomes was not significantly different between the systems. There are discrepancies in the classification of CTG patterns and significant ST events between the old and new systems. The clinical relevance of the findings remains to be shown. © 2017 The Authors. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFOG).

  20. Diagnostic value for coronary artery disease of ST depression and chest pain during dipyridamole loading

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yonezawa, Yoshihiro; Doi, Yoshinori; Aono, Tadashi; Odawara, Hiroaki; Chikamori, Taishiro; Yamada, Mitsutoshi; Takata, Jun; Ozawa, Toshio; Hamashige, Naohisa.


    The diagnostic significance of both ST depression and chest pain during dipyridamole loading was assessed in 437 patients with coronary artery disease (CRD) who have received dipyridamole-loading thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy and coronary arteriography. ST depression and chest pain were induced in 35% and 42%, respectively. ST depression occurred in 23% for one vessel disease, 55% for two-vessel disease, 67% for three-vessel disease, and 11% for non-significant disease. In the absence of myocardial infarction, it occurred in as many as 78% for two-vessel disease and 94% for three-vessel disease. ST depression had a sensitivity of 51% and a specificity of 89%. Chest pain had a lower specificity (77%), whereas the sensitivity remained the same (51%). In 42 (31%) of 134 patients with ST depression, coronary revascularization was necessary in the early stage. With a median follow up of 29 months, 3 patients (2%) died of cardiac events, and 12 (9%) had nonfatal cardiac complications. There was a significant correlation between reversible defects (RD) on myocardial scintigrams and ST depression; RD were seen in 81% of ST depression cases, and ST depression occurred in 51% of 210 RD cases. The more diseased vessels, the more frequently ST depression occurred in accordance with RD on myocardial scintigrams. Both ST depression and chest pain during dipyridamole loading tended to be associated with myocardial ischemia, suggesting the diagnostic value in CRD patients with limited exercise loading. RD on myocardial scintigrams was considered attributable to coronary steal phenomenon for multi-vessel disease and to the difference in the relative increase of the coronary flow for single vessel disease. (N.K.)

  1. 21st Century Power Partnership: September 2016 Fellowship Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reber, Timothy J. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Rambau, Prudence [Eskom, Pretoria (South Africa); Mdhluli, Sipho [Eskom, Pretoria (South Africa)


    This report details the 21st Century Power Partnership fellowship from September 2016. This Fellowship is a follow-up to the Technical Audit of Eskom's Medium- and Long-term Modelling Capabilities, conducted by U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in April 2016. The prospect and role of variable renewable energy (vRE) in South Africa poses new modelling-related challenges that Eskom is actively working to address by improving the fidelity of PLEXOS LT and ST models.

  2. In Vitro Evaluation of Beneficial Properties of Bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus plantarum ST8Sh. (United States)

    Todorov, Svetoslav Dimitrov; Holzapfel, Wilhelm; Nero, Luis Augusto


    Lactobacillus plantarum ST8Sh, isolated from Bulgarian salami "shpek" and previously characterized as bacteriocin producer, was evaluated for its beneficial properties. Based on the PCR analysis, Lb. plantarum ST8Sh was shown to host a gene related to the production of adhesion proteins such as Mab, Mub, EF, and PrgB. Genetic and physiological tests suggest Lb. plantarum ST8Sh to represent a potential probiotic candidate, including survival in the presence of low levels of pH and high levels of ox bile, production of β-galactosidase, bile salt deconjugation, high level of hydrophobicity, functional auto- and co-aggregation properties, and adhesion to cell lines. Application of semi-purified bacteriocin produced by Lb. plantarum ST8Sh in combination with ciprofloxacin presented synergistic effect on inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A. Based on observed properties, Lb. plantarum ST8Sh can be considered as a potential probiotic candidate with additional bacteriocinogenic properties.

  3. Níveis de PCR são maiores em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda e supradesnivelamento do segmento ST do que em pacientes sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST Niveles de PCR son mayores en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo y supradesnivel del segmento ST que en pacientes sin supradesnivel del segmento ST CRP levels are higher in patients with ST elevation than non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syed Shahid Habib


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Há grande interesse no uso de proteína C-reativa de alta sensibilidade (PCR-as para avaliação de risco. Altos níveis de PCR-as no início da síndrome coronária aguda (SCA, antes da necrose tecidual, pode ser um marcador substituto para comorbidades cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Dessa forma, nosso objetivo foi estudar diferentes medidas de seguimento de níveis de PCR-as em pacientes com SCA e comparar as diferenças entre infarto do miocárdio sem elevação do segmento ST (NSTEMI com pacientes apresentando elevação do segmento ST (STEMI. MÉTODOS: Este é um estudo observacional. Dos 89 pacientes recrutados, 60 apresentavam infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM. Três níveis seriados de PCR-us, a nível basal na hospitalização antes de 12 horas após inicio dos sintomas, níveis de pico 36-48 horas após hospitalização e níveis de acompanhamento após 4 a 6 semanas foram analisados e comparados entre pacientes com (IAMCSST e sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAMSSST. RESULTADOS: Pacientes com IAMCSST tinham IMC significantemente mais alta quando comparados com pacientes IAMSSST. Os níveis de creatino quinase fração MB (CK-MB e aspartato aminotransferase (AST eram significantemente mais altos em pacientes com IAMCSST quando comparados com pacientes com IAMSSST (pFUNDAMENTO: Hay gran interés en el uso de proteína C-reactiva de alta sensibilidad (PCR-as para evaluación de riesgo. Altos niveles de PCR-as en el comienzo del síndrome coronario agudo (SCA, antes de la necrosis tisular, puede ser un marcador sustituto para comorbilidades cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: De esa forma, nuestro objetivo fue estudiar diferentes medidas de seguimiento de niveles de PCR-as en pacientes con SCA y comparar las diferencias entre infarto de miocardio sin elevación del segmento ST (NSTEMI con pacientes presentando elevación del segmento ST (STEMI. MÉTODOS: Este es un estudio observacional. De los 89 pacientes reclutados, 60

  4. Education for Employment in Nigeria in the 21st Century: Some ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper examined education for employment in Nigeria in the 21st Century. This paper therefore looked at the demand of workplace employment skills, learning skills, literacy skills and life skills. This paper concludes by advocating how to teach 21st Century employment skills, how to guarantee gainful employment, and ...

  5. Design assumptions and bases for small D-T-fueled Sperical Tokamak (ST) fusion core

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Y.K.M.; Galambos, J.D.; Fogarty, P.J.


    Recent progress in defining the assumptions and clarifying the bases for a small D-T-fueled ST fusion core are presented. The paper covers several issues in the physics of ST plasmas, the technology of neutral beam injection, the engineering design configuration, and the center leg material under intense neutron irradiation. This progress was driven by the exciting data from pioneering ST experiments, a heightened interest in proof-of-principle experiments at the MA level in plasma current, and the initiation of the first conceptual design study of the small ST fusion core. The needs recently identified for a restructured fusion energy sciences program have provided a timely impetus for examining the subject of this paper. Our results, though preliminary in nature, strengthen the case for the potential realism and attractiveness of the ST approach

  6. The GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network and Service Suite: Linking S&T Communities and GEOSS (United States)

    Plag, Hans-Peter; Jules-Plag, Shelley


    The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) developed by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) aims to provide practice-relevant knowledge in support of decision making in a wide range of societal benefit areas. Generating this practice-relevant knowledge based on Earth observations, socio-economic data and models often depends on research, and utilization of the societal benefits of EOs requires the involvement of science and research communities. Building a GEOSS responding to the needs of a wide range of users necessitates contributions from many science and technology (S&T) communities. In particular, a strong engagement of science and technology (S&T) communities in both the development and use of GEOSS is necessary to address the complex issues associated with the on-going transition out of the Holocene. S&T support is needed to improve interoperability between global observing, modeling, and information systems; to enable data integration across disciplinary boundaries; to facilitate data sharing, archiving, dissemination, and reanalysis; to optimize the recording of observations, assimilation of data into models, and generation of data products; to enhance the value of observations from individual observing systems through their integration in the SBAs; and to harmonize well-calibrated, highly accurate, stable, sustained in-situ and satellite observations of the same variable recorded by different sensors and different agencies. Consequently, the GEO Work Plan includes several Tasks focusing on outreach to S&T communities, and most of the GEO Community of Practice have a strong S&T component. The GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network facilitates input from S&T communities to GEO. Infrastructure serving and linking S&T users communities and GEOSS has been developed and is integrated into a GEOSS S&T Service Suite (GSTSS). The GSTSS has several outreach components for the demonstration of GEOSS and its value for S&T communities, and for services supporting

  7. Středisko volného času Kostka


    Křenková, Romana


    Tématem diplomové práce je novostavba školního zařízení Střediska volného času Kostka. SVČ je samostatně stojící objekt na mírně svažitém pozemku, se dvěma nadzemními podlažími. Objekt není podsklepen. SVČ se nachází vedle mateřské školy a základní školy. Dispozičně zahrnuje objekt 11 učeben a je navržen pro 163 dětí. Obvodové, vnitřní nosné i nenosné stěny jsou navrženy z cihelných bloků. Stropy jsou tvořeny pomocí předpjatých stropních panelů. Objekt je zastřešen jednoplášťovou plochou stře...

  8. A look at S&T Awareness - Enhancements in India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chandra Mohan Nautiyal


    Full Text Available Basing mainly on author's direct involvement in some science communication efforts in India, and other reports, this contribution depicts and analyses the present science communication/ popularization scenario in India. It tries to dispel a myth that rural people don't require or don’t crave for S&T information. It discusses need for science and technology communication, sustaining curiosity and creating role models. Citing cases of some natural, 'unnatural' and organized events, it recounts how S&T popularization efforts have fared during the past decade and a half. It's made possible using print, AV and interactive media which, at times, require lot of financial inputs. However, this contribution shows that a number of natural and other phenomena can be used to convince people about power of S&T and in molding their attitude. The cases cited may be from India, but, with a little variation, are true for most of the developing and under- developed societies.

  9. Bimetal cup hydroforming of Al/St and Cu/St composites: Adaptive finite element analysis and experimental study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hashemi, Abbas; Gollo, Mohammad Hoseinpour [Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Seyedkashi, S. M. [University of Birjand, Birjand (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    An adaptive Finite element analysis (FEA) was proposed in this paper for the industrial design of bimetal conical-cylindrical cup hydroforming. Forming circumstances for the perfect and imperfect parts were concluded through adaptive FEA using the ANSYS parametric design language. Effective parameters, including pressure loading path, layer placement order, and thickness ratio, were investigated for hydroforming of Al/St and Cu/St composite sheets. Experimental tests were implemented to validate adaptive finite element results. Rupture failure upon the pressure path occurred on the contact area between the blank and punch tip radius at low pressures and on the transition area of the conical-cylindrical portion at high pressures. The proposed method is applicable for any cylindrical, conical, or cylindrical/conical shapes with different materials and dimensions. Therefore, this method is beneficial as a practical design tool for engineers and researchers working in the process design of hydroformed shell products.

  10. Severe Hyperthyroidism Presenting with Acute ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    Dayan Zhou


    Full Text Available Introduction. Acute myocardial infarction is life-threatening. A cardiac troponin rise accompanied by typical symptoms, ST elevation or depression is diagnostic of acute myocardial infarction. Here, we report an unusual case of a female who was admitted with chest pain. However, she did not present with a typical profile of an acute myocardial infarction patient. Case Presentation. A 66-year-old Han nationality female presented with chest pain. The electrocardiogram (ECG revealed arched ST segment elevations and troponin was elevated. However, the coronary angiography showed a normal coronary arterial system. Thyroid function tests showed that this patient had severe hyperthyroidism. Conclusion. Our case highlights the possibility that hyperthyroidism may cause a large area of myocardium injury and ECG ST segment elevation. We suggest routine thyroid function testing in patients with chest pain.

  11. St. Laurent Construction Co., Inc. Information Sheet (United States)

    St. Laurent Construction Co., Inc. (the Company) is located in Nashua, New Hampshire. The settlement involves renovation activities conducted at properties constructed prior to 1978, located in Merrimack and Nashua, New Hampshire.

  12. Minimal pneumothorax with dynamic changes in ST segment similar to myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Yeom, Seok-Ran; Park, Sung-Wook; Kim, Young-Dae; Ahn, Byung-Jae; Ahn, Jin-Hee; Wang, Il-Jae


    Pneumothorax can cause a variety of electrocardiographic changes. ST segment elevation, which is mainly observed in myocardial infarction, can also be induced by pneumothorax. The mechanism is presumed to be a decrease in cardiac output, due to increased intra-thoracic pressure. We encountered a patient with ST segment elevation with minimal pneumothorax. Coronary angiography with ergonovine provocation test and echocardiogram had normal findings. The ST segment elevation was normalized by decreasing the amount of pneumothorax. We reviewed the literature and present possible mechanisms for this condition. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Adult Enrichment Learners in St. Cloud, Minnesota: Motivational Reasons for Participation (United States)

    Wallner, Scott David


    The purpose of the study was to identify reasons and motivation of adult stakeholders that influence participation in adult community education enrichment classes in the St. Cloud Public School District, St. Cloud, Minnesota. The study also examined the perceptions about adult learners held by leaders, planners, and facilitators of these programs,…

  14. The effect of porcine somatotropin (pST) and gender on production ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of porcine somatotropin (pST) and gender on production parameters and tissue yield of pigs slaughtered at 135 kg live weight. ... No significant pST effects were found for live weight, carcass weight, % bone, % fat or % lean meat, but a significant increase in percentage skin was found. Keywords: triterpenoid, stem ...

  15. ST peak during primary percutaneous coronary intervention predicts final infarct size, left ventricular function, and clinical outcome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønborg, Jacob Thomsen; Kelbæk, Henning Skov; Holmvang, Lene


    One third of patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for ST-elevation myocardial infarction develop a secondary increase in electrocardiographic ST segment (ST peak) during reperfusion. The purpose was to determine the clinical importance of ST peak during primary PCI....

  16. Improved early risk stratification of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention using a combination of serum soluble ST2 and NT-proBNP.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jongwook Yu

    Full Text Available Although soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2 in serum is known to be associated with ischemic heart disease and heart failure, data regarding its prognostic impact in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI is limited. We evaluated the prognostic impacts of serum sST2 and other serum biomarkers in STEMI patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI.Consecutive all 323 patients with STEMI that underwent primary PCI were enrolled. Blood tests and samples were obtained in an emergency room. The primary endpoint was 1-year major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCEs, defined as a composite of cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, and ischemia-driven revascularization.Mean age was 59.1±13.1 years (men 84%. MACCE (20 cardiovascular deaths, 7 non-fatal MI, 4 non-fatal stroke, 7 ischemia-driven revascularizations occurred in 38 patients (12%. After adjusting for confounding factors, Cox regression analysis revealed that high serum sST2 (>75.8 ng/mL mean value, adjusted hazard ratio 2.098, 95% CI 1.008-4.367, p = 0.048 and high serum NT-proBNP level (>400 pg/mL, adjusted hazard ratio 2.606, 95% CI 1.086-6.257, p = 0.032 at the time of presentation independently predicted MACCE within a year of primary PCI. Furthermore, when high serum sST2 level was combined with high serum NT-proBNP level, the hazard ratio of MACCE was highest (adjusted hazard ratio 7.93, 95% CI 2.97-20.38, p<0.001.Elevated serum levels of sST2 or NT-proBNP at the time of presentation were found to predict 1-year MACCE independently and elevated serum levels of sST2 plus NT-proBNP were associated with even poorer prognosis in patients with STEMI undergoing primary PCI.

  17. 1st quarterly report 1977

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The present report describes the activities carried out in the 1st quarter of 1977 at the Gesellschaft fuer Kernforschung in Karlsruhe or on its behalf in the framework of the fast breeder project (PSB). The problems and main results of the partial projects fuel rod development, materials testing, reactor physics, reactor safety and reactor technology are presented. (RW) [de

  18. 78 FR 71037 - St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad Company-Discontinuance of Service Exemption-in Cumberland County... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. AB 1117X] St. Lawrence..., 2013, St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad Company (SLR) filed with the Surface Transportation Board (Board..., FD 35440 (STB served Dec. 29, 2010); Maine--Acquisition Exemption--Certain Assets of St. Lawrence...

  19. Interobserver reliability of the Amsterdam Severity Scale in Stenosing Tenosynovitis (ASSiST)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peter, W.F.; Steultjens, M.P.M.; Mesman, T.; Dekker, J.; Hoeksma, A.F.


    STUDY DESIGN: Interobserver reliability study. INTRODUCTION: A scale was developed to measure the severity of stenosing tenosynovitis: the Amsterdam Severity Scale in Stenosing Tenosynovitis (ASSiST). PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To study the interobserver reliability of the ASSiST. METHODS: Patients

  20. Association of HS6ST3 gene polymorphisms with obesity and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 3 (HS6ST3) gene is involved in heparan sulphate and heparin metabolism, and has been reported to be associated with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. We hypothesized that HS6ST3 gene polymorphisms might play an important role in obesity and related phenotypes (such ...

  1. The Effect of Artificial Aging on the Tensile Properties of Alclad 24S-T and 24S-T Aluminum Alloy (United States)

    Kotanchik, Joseph N.; Woods, Walter; Zender, George W.


    An experimental study was made to determine the effect of artificial aging on the tensile properties of alclad 24S-T and 24S-T aluminum-alloy sheet material. The results of the tests show that certain combinations of aging time and temperature cause a marked increase in the yield strength and a small increase in the ultimate strength; these increases are accompanied by a very large decrease in elongation. A curve is presented that shows the maximum yield strengths that can be obtained by aging this material at various combinations of time and temperature. The higher values of yield stress are obtained in material aged at relatively longer times and lower temperatures.

  2. Detergents of the 21st century

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ho Tan Tai Louis


    Full Text Available Detergents of the 21st century will depend on evolutions in household appliances, in substrates and in consumer needs. In addition, the environmental constraints, which become more and more stringent, will also play an important role, particularly in the formulations. Surfactants, which constitute one of the main raw materials in detergents, will have to be more environmentally friendly with increasing criteria of biodegradability and renewable materials. Builders (phosphates or zeolithes, heavy metal complexants (EDTA and bleaching agents (combination perborate/TAED are also expected to be replaced by biodegradable compounds, with better performances and lower costs. The real raw materials of the detergents of the 21st century will probably be enzymes (oxidase, hydrolase, peroxidase which present several advantages. At the same time, efforts will be made on biodegradable packaging through the use of micro-organisms able to degrade polymers. Finally, in terms of product forms, the concept of concentration might come back through the use of tablets.

  3. Dream of petroleum and petrochemical industries in the 21st century

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujimoto, Kaoru; Sugioka, Masatoshi; Yoshizumi, Satoshi; Ishida, Kazufumi; Nakagawa, Takashi; Kamiyama, Hiroteru; Nagaoka, Takenori


    This paper summarizes the symposium held on June 6, 1988 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Petroleum Society. The themes discussed are as follows: (1) The oil crisis was a common experience. (2) Petroleum resources will be available by the middle 21st century. (3) The crude oil market will be led by OPEC again. (4) The petroleum demand will remain unchanged because of increase in developing countries and reduction in developed countries. (5) The development of alternative energy will be the key to the third oil crisis. (6) The combination of batch and flow processes is a key to refinery technology. (7) Low-cost refinery technology should be used in response to product import. (8) The main products will still be gasoline and kerosene also in the 21st century. (9) New petroleum refinery technology will focus on separation and reaction under low-temperature and low-pressure conditions. (10) Diversification in material will change petrochemistry. (11) Polymers in the 21st century will be multi-functional. (12) Outlook and dream for the 21st century.

  4. St. John Shallow-water Ground Validation Sites (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Benthic habitat maps of the nearshore marine environment of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands were created by visual interpretation of remotely sensed imagery. The...

  5. Location - Managed Facility - St. Paul District (MVP) (United States)

    Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Department of Defense — St. Paul District - US Army Corps of Engineers Managed Facility locations. District headquarters, Natural Resource, Recreation, Lock and Dam, and Regulatory offices...

  6. Microalbuminuria modifies the mortality risk associated with electrocardiographic ST-T segment changes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Diercks, GFH; Hillege, HL; van Boven, AJ; Kors, JA; Crijns, HJGM; Grobbee, DE; de Jong, PE; van Gilst, WH


    OBJECTIVES We sought to investigate whether microalbuminuria, a proposed marker of generalized vascular damage, enhances the prognostic value of ST-T segment changes for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the general population. BACKGROUND ST-T segment changes on the rest electrocardiogram

  7. Marine geology of the St. Lawrence Estuary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    St-Onge, Guillaume [Canada Research Chair in Marine Geology, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER) and GEOTOP Research Center, 310 allee des Ursulines, Rimouski, Quebec, G5L 3A1 (Canada); Duchesne, Mathieu J [Geological Survey of Canada, Quebec Division, 490 de la Couronne, Quebec City, Quebec, G1K 9A9 (Canada); Lajeunesse, Patrick, E-mail: [Departement de geographie and Centre d' etudes nordiques, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, G1V 0A6 (Canada)


    The St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada, contains a very thick (>450 m) Quaternary sedimentary sequence. The results from recently conducted geophysical surveys in conjunction with piston coring indicate that these sediments were deposited under very high sedimentation rates, sometimes as high as {approx}30 m/ka during the last deglaciation. Results also reveal evidence of large submarine landslides during the Holocene, changes in sedimentation rates and the significant role of submarine canyons and channels to transfer sediments from the coast to the deeper marine environment. Finally, this paper highlights the presence of more than 1900 pockmarks on the seafloor of the St. Lawrence Estuary and discusses their possible origins: active hydrocarbon seeps in the Laurentian Channel and biogenic gas seepage on the northwestern shoulder of the Laurentian Channel.

  8. Marine geology of the St. Lawrence Estuary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    St-Onge, Guillaume; Duchesne, Mathieu J; Lajeunesse, Patrick


    The St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada, contains a very thick (>450 m) Quaternary sedimentary sequence. The results from recently conducted geophysical surveys in conjunction with piston coring indicate that these sediments were deposited under very high sedimentation rates, sometimes as high as ∼30 m/ka during the last deglaciation. Results also reveal evidence of large submarine landslides during the Holocene, changes in sedimentation rates and the significant role of submarine canyons and channels to transfer sediments from the coast to the deeper marine environment. Finally, this paper highlights the presence of more than 1900 pockmarks on the seafloor of the St. Lawrence Estuary and discusses their possible origins: active hydrocarbon seeps in the Laurentian Channel and biogenic gas seepage on the northwestern shoulder of the Laurentian Channel.

  9. Evaluation of the yield, molar mass of exopolysaccharides, and rheological properties of gels formed during fermentation of milk by Streptococcus thermophilus strains St-143 and ST-10255y. (United States)

    Khanal, Som N; Lucey, John A


    The yield and chemical structures of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by many strains of Streptococcus thermophilus have been characterized. However, the kinetics (or production profile) for EPS during milk fermentation is not clear. In this study, we investigated whether any differences existed in the yield and molar mass of EPS when milk was fermented at the same acidification rate by 2 strains of S. thermophilus (St-143 and ST-10255y). The type of EPS produced by these 2 strains is different. Milk samples were analyzed for EPS concentration every 30 min during a fermentation period of 270 min (final pH 4.5) by using a modified quantification method, which was faster and validated for its recovery of added EPS. Rheological properties of milks during fermentation were also analyzed using small-strain dynamic oscillatory rheology. For the determination of molar mass, EPS extracts were isolated by ultrafiltration of whey obtained during fermentation of milk to pH values 5.2, 4.9, 4.7, and 4.5, and molar mass was analyzed using size-exclusion chromatography-multi-angle laser light scattering. During fermentation, both strains appeared to start producing significant amounts of EPS after about ∼150 min, which corresponded to pH ∼5.3, which was close to the point of gelation. During the remainder of the fermentation process (150-270 min), the EPS concentration from strains St-143 and ST-10255y significantly increased from 30 to 72 mg/L and from 26 to 56 mg/L, respectively. The quantity of EPS recovered by our modified method was estimated to represent ∼60% of the total EPS added to milk. The molar mass of EPS produced by both strains appeared to slightly decrease during fermentation. At pH 5.2, EPS from St-143 and ST-10255y had molar masses of 2.9 × 10 6 and 1.4 × 10 6 g/mol, respectively, which decreased to 1.6 × 10 6 and 0.8 × 10 6 g/mol, respectively, when the pH of milk was 4.5. Distinct differences were apparent in the rheological properties of gels

  10. The new Facilities Management contract at CERN from 1st July 2002

    CERN Document Server

    Mauro Nonis


    Within the ST Division, all the Facilities Management activities have been under the ST/TFM group responsibility until the 30th June 2002, who has performed them using around 20 industrial support contracts. Starting from the 1st July 2002 a new unit, ST/FM, will take over these activities that will be unified into one single contract that has been adjudicated to the company Facilities Management Network SA. This contract will be in charge of the maintenance and minor works on tertiary installations (i.e. all structures and installations that have no direct relation to the running of the accelerators) for the following trades: - Technical: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electricity, civil engineering (painting, roofing, glazing, blinds, fencing, masonry etc.), passenger and goods lifts, automatic and powered doors, kitchen equipment, roads, signs, keys and locks, office furniture, - Services: waste collection, security, green areas, cleaning and sanitary supplies, disinfection, rodent cont...


    CERN Multimedia

    Mauro Nonis


    Within the ST Division, all the Facilities Management activities have been under the ST/TFM group responsibility until the 30th June 2002, who has performed them using around 20 industrial support contracts. Starting from the 1st July 2002 a new unit, ST/FM, will take over these activities that will be unified into one single contract that has been adjudicated to the company Facilities Management Network SA. This contract will be in charge of the maintenance and minor works on tertiary installations (i.e. all structures and installations that have no direct relation to the running of the accelerators) for the following trades: Technical: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electricity, civil engineering (painting, roofing, glazing, blinds, fencing, masonry etc.), passenger and goods lifts, automatic and powered doors, kitchen equipment, roads, signs, keys and locks, office furniture, Services: waste collection, security, green areas, cleaning and sanitary supplies, disinfection, rodent contro...

  12. Bakteriochlorophyllvorstufen und Pigment-Protein-Komplexe in Rhodospirillum rubrum ST3 und GN11


    Hammel, Jörg U.


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei Mutanten des Alpha-Proteobakteriums Rhodospirillum rubrum untersucht, die im Bakteriochlorophyll-Biosyntheseweg unterbrochen sind, um einen Beitrag zum genaueren Verständnis der Biosynthese dieser Moleküle und der einzelnen daran beteiligten Schritte zu liefern. Von den beiden Stämmen ST3 und GN11 wurden die ins Kulturmedium ausgeschiedenen Pigmente aufgereinigt und spektroskopisch analysiert. Ebenfalls wurden sowohl von ST3, als auch von GN11 die in int...

  13. ST2 negatively regulates TLR2 signaling, but is not required for bacterial lipoprotein-induced tolerance.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Liu, Jinghua


    Activation of TLR signaling is critical for host innate immunity against bacterial infection. Previous studies reported that the ST2 receptor, a member of the Toll\\/IL-1 receptor superfamily, functions as a negative regulator of TLR4 signaling and maintains LPS tolerance. However, it is undetermined whether ST2 negatively regulates TLR2 signaling and furthermore, whether a TLR2 agonist, bacterial lipoprotein (BLP)-induced tolerance is dependent on ST2. In this study, we show that BLP stimulation-induced production of proinflammatory cytokines and immunocomplex formation of TLR2-MyD88 and MyD88-IL-1R-associated kinase (IRAK) were significantly enhanced in ST2-deficient macrophages compared with those in wild-type controls. Furthermore, overexpression of ST2 dose-dependently attenuated BLP-induced NF-kappaB activation, suggesting a negative regulatory role of ST2 in TLR2 signaling. A moderate but significantly attenuated production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 on a second BLP stimulation was observed in BLP-pretreated, ST2-deficient macrophages, which is associated with substantially reduced IRAK-1 protein expression and downregulated TLR2-MyD88 and MyD88-IRAK immunocomplex formation. ST2-deficient mice, when pretreated with a nonlethal dose of BLP, benefitted from an improved survival against a subsequent lethal BLP challenge, indicating BLP tolerance develops in the absence of the ST2 receptor. Taken together, our results demonstrate that ST2 acts as a negative regulator of TLR2 signaling, but is not required for BLP-induced tolerance.

  14. 76 FR 21939 - Noise Exposure Map; Receipt of Noise Compatibility Program and Request for Review; Lambert-St... (United States)


    ... Compatibility Program and Request for Review; Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, St. Louis, MO AGENCY...) announces its determination that the noise exposure maps submitted by the St. Louis Airport Authority for the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 47501 et seq. (Aviation...

  15. Aiming Talent Development toward Creative Eminence in the 21st Century (United States)

    Olszewski-Kubilius, Paula; Subotnik, Rena F.; Worrell, Frank C.


    Much has been written about the social and scientific problems that face the world in the 21st century, including climate change and economic inequality. In this context, the development of talented individuals who can tackle these problems is most important. In this article, the authors discuss the implications of 21st-century challenges for the…

  16. 2008 St. Johns County, FL Countywide Lidar (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Airborne terrestrial LiDAR was collected for St. Johns County, FL. System Parameters/Flight Plan. The LiDAR system acquisition parameters were developed based on a...

  17. Performance Evaluation and Opportunity Assessment for St. Bernard Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dickson, B.


    This report describes efforts by IBACOS, a Department of Energy Building America research team, in the St. Bernard Project, a nonprofit, community-based organization whose mission is to assist Hurricane Katrina survivors return to their homes in the New Orleans area. The report focuses on energy modeling results of two plans that the St. Bernard Project put forth as 'typical' building types and on quality issues that were observed during the field walk and Best Practice recommendations that could improve the energy efficiency and durability of the renovated homes.

  18. Performance Evaluation and Opportunity Assessment for St. Bernard Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dickson, Bruce [IBACOS, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    This report describes efforts by IBACOS, a Building America research team, in the St. Bernard Project, a nonprofit, community-based organization whose mission is to assist Hurricane Katrina survivors to return to their homes in the New Orleans area. The report focuses on energy modeling results of two plans that the St. Bernard Project put forth as 'typical' building types and on quality issues that were observed during the field walk and best practice recommendations that could improve the energy efficiency and durability of the renovated homes.

  19. Coal into the 21st century

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beecy, D.J.


    The Plenary lecture to the conference addresses coal technologies with improved environmental performance to serve 21st century needs. The US DoE recognises the need for 'premium' processes for all stages of the fuel cycle. This has led to a research focus on fundamental science and technology

  20. Cocaine use is associated with a higher prevalence of elevated ST2 concentrations. (United States)

    van Wijk, Xander M R; Vittinghoff, Eric; Wu, Alan H B; Lynch, Kara L; Riley, Elise D


    Cocaine is a well-known risk factor for acute cardiac events, but the effects in users outside of acute events are less clear. We investigated a possible association between cocaine use and the concentration of a novel biomarker for cardiac stress and heart failure, ST2. A case-control study was conducted to compare ST2 concentrations by the presence of cocaine in patients presenting for care, but not cardiac care, at an urban safety net hospital. In samples taken from 100 cocaine-positive and 100 cocaine-negative patients, the presence of cocaine was associated with ST2 concentrations>35ng/mL. Serum concentrations of benzoylecgonine, a major cocaine metabolite, were significantly correlated with ST2 concentrations. Cocaine use is associated with subclinical cardiac stress and damage outside of acute cardiac events. This information could add to better stratification of cocaine users with elevated ST2 concentrations who may be at higher risk for developing heart failure and other cardiac complications. Copyright © 2017 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. ST2 Deficiency Ameliorates High Fat Diet-Induced Liver Steatosis In BALB/c Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jovicic Nemanja


    Full Text Available Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD is strongly associated with obesity, but the molecular mechanisms of liver steatosis and its progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrosis are incompletely understood. Immune reactivity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. The IL-33/ST2 axis has a protective role in adiposity and atherosclerosis, but its role in obesity-associated metabolic disorders requires further clarification. To investigate the unresolved role of IL-33/ST2 signalling in NAFLD, we used ST2-deficient (ST2-/- and wild type (WT BALB/c mice maintained on a high-fat diet (HFD for 24 weeks. HFD-fed ST2-/- mice exhibited increased weight gain, visceral adipose tissue weight and triglyceridaemia and decreased liver weight compared with diet-matched WT mice. Compared with WT mice on an HFD, ST2 deletion significantly reduced hepatic steatosis, liver inflammation and fibrosis and downregulated the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism in the liver. The frequency of innate immune cells in the liver, including CD68+ macrophages and CD11c+ dendritic cells, was lower in HFD-fed ST2-/- mice, accompanied by lower TNFα serum levels compared with diet-matched WT mice. Less collagen deposition in the livers of ST2-/- mice on an HFD was associated with lower numbers of profibrotic CD11b+Ly6clow monocytes and CD4+IL-17+ T cells in the liver, lower hepatic gene expression of procollagen, IL-33 and IL-13, and lower serum levels of IL-33 and IL-13 compared with diet-matched WT mice.

  2. Case: Yritys X : henkilöstövaihtuvuuden syyt ja organisaatioon sitouttaminen


    Jaatinen, Jenna


    Tämä opinnäytetyö on tehty yhteistyössä Yritys X:n kanssa ja aihe on valittu vastaamaan yrityksen tarpeita. Aiheeksi muodostui henkilöstön vaihtuvuuden syyt ja organisaatioon sitouttaminen, joka on rajattu Yritys X:n tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Heidän yksi neljästä tavoitteesta on saada vapaaehtoinen henkilöstövaihtuuvuus alle kymmeneen prosenttiin. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys käsittää vaihtuvuuden teoriaa yksilö- ja organisaatiotasolla sekä pitää sisällä olennaisia käsitteitä. Vi...

  3. Sound velocity profiles in the St. Clair and St. Mary's Rivers in the Great Lakes area by the National Ocean Service's Navigation Response Team 4, May 2006 (NODC Accession 0006777) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Sound velocity profile data were collected using sound velocimeter in the St. Clair and St. Mary rivers in the Great Lakes area by the NAVIGATION RESPONSE TEAM 4...

  4. Relaciones sexuales en adolescentes colombianos y las implicaciones para la salud pública: una revisión de la prevalencia y algunas variables asociadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adalberto Campo-Arias


    Full Text Available ResumenEl deseo sexual se incrementa significativamente durante la adolescencia, en consecuencia, un número importante de hombres y mujeres adolescentes inician relaciones sexuales antes de la mayoría de edad. Se realizó una revisión de las publicaciones en Pubmed y Google académico que informaban la prevalencia de relaciones sexuales en adolescentes colombianos durante la década más reciente (1999-2008. Las palabras clave que se usaron fueron adolescentes (adolescents, estudiantes (students, comportamiento sexual (sexual behavior y Colombia. La prevalencia de relaciones sexuales estuvo entre 7.7% y 58%, media de 27.2%. Más años de edad, sexo masculino, mayor escolaridad y consumo de sustancias legales o ilegales se relacionaron con historia de relaciones sexuales. Los adolescentes informaron conductas sexuales de riesgo, con diferencias por género, como el uso inconsistente de condón, relaciones sexuales bajo el efecto de sustancias y relaciones sexuales con personas poco conocidas. Estos hallazgos tienen relevancia para salud pública sexual y reproductiva. Se deben diseñar programas integrales de intervención para promover un desarrollo sexual armónico y saludable en adolescentes colombianos. [Campo-Arias A. Relaciones sexuales en adolescentes colombianos y las implicaciones para la salud pública: una revisión de la prevalencia y algunas variables asociadas. MedUNAB 2009; 12:86-90].

  5. Clinical implications of anterior S-T segment depression in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croft, C.H.; Woodward, W.; Nicod, P.; Corbett, J.R.; Lewis, S.E.; Willerson, J.T.; Rude, R.E.


    To assess various factors associated with anterior S-T segment depression during acute inferior myocardial infarction, 47 consecutive patients with electrocardiographic evidence of a first transmural inferior infarction were studied prospectively with radionuclide ventriculography an average of 7.3 hours (range 2.9 to 15.3) after the onset of symptoms. Thirty-nine patients (Group I) had anterior S-T depression in the initial electrocardiogram and 8 (Group II) did not have such reciprocal changes. There was no difference between the two groups in left ventricular end-diastolic or end-diastolic volume index or left ventricular ejection fraction. Stroke volume index was greater in Group I than in Group II. There were no group differences in left ventricular total or regional wall motion scores. A weak correlation existed between the quantities (mV) or inferior S-T segment elevation and reciprocal S-T depression. No relation between anterior S-T segment depression and the left ventricular end-diastolic volume index could be demonstrated; the extent of left ventricular apical and right ventricular wall motion abnormalities, both frequently associated with inferior infarction, did not correlate with the quantity of anterior S-T depression. These data show that anterior S-T segment depression occurs commonly during the early evolution of transmural inferior infarction, is not generally a marker of functionally significant anterior ischemia and cannot be used to predict left ventricular function in individual patients. Anterior S-T segment depression may be determined by reciprocal mechanisms

  6. Efeito da utilização da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST sobre a produção de leite em búfalas Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST utilization on milk production from buffaloes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Mendes Jorge


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o resultado da utilização da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST atuando na produção de leite em búfalas da raça Murrah. Empregaram-se 28 búfalas multíparas da raça Murrah, divididas em dois grupos homogêneos de 14 animais, recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: Grupo 1 ¾ Controle (solução salina e Grupo 2 ¾ 500 mg de bST/cabeça a cada 14 dias, durante 7 meses. Búfalas tratadas com bST exibiram incrementos de 48,52%, 32,80% e 32,80% nas produções total de leite, corrigida, depois, para 4% de gordura e média diária, respectivamente. A somatotropina elevou a produção total de gordura sem alterar a porcentagem dela no leite. A administração de bST não afetou a porcentagem de proteína do leite todavia, a produção total de proteína foi aumentada. Quanto à duração da lactação, o tratamento com bST diferiu do controle, o que demonstra a maior persistência da lactação de búfalas tratadas com bST.The objective of this work was to study the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST utilization on milk production from Murrah buffaloes. Twenty eight multiparous Murrah buffaloes were used and divided into two homogeneous groups of 14 animals, receiving the following treatments: Group 1 ¾ Control (salt solution and Group 2 ¾ 500 mg of bST/head every 14 days during 7 months. Buffaloes treated with bST presented increase of 48.52%, 32.80% and 32.80% on total milk yield, adjusted to 4% of fat and average daily milk yield, respectively. Somatotropin increased total fat milk yield without alter fat percentage of milk. Administration of bST did not affect protein percentage of milk while total protein milk yield increased. As for the lactating period, the treatment with bST differed of the control, what might have denoted in larger persistence of the lactation from buffaloes treated with bST.

  7. Career Development and Social Inclusion at St Patrick's College: A Case Study (United States)

    Hughes, Cathy


    Consistent with the Commonwealth government's social inclusion agenda, the mission statement of St Patrick's College advocates the development and delivery of career development services and programs that promote social justice and social inclusion. This case study describes the evolving career development program at St Patrick's College, which…

  8. Windmill, sugar works, 'Springhall', St. Lucy, Barbados




    204 x 143 mm. Showing the windmill and other refinery buildings with workers leading bullock teams loaded with cane towards the refinery. The Spring Hall Estate lies in the centre of St. Lucy Parish in northern Barbados.

  9. ST Elevation in Lead aVR and Its Association with Clinical Outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eka Ginanjar


    Full Text Available The purpose of this case repots are to evaluate the role of ST elevation in aVR lead and to make analysis between both cases. There are some atypical electrocardiogram (ECG presentations which need prompt management in patient with ischemic clinical manifestation such as ST elevation in aVR lead. In this case study, we report a 68-year old woman with chief symptoms of shortness of breath and chest discomfort. She was diagnosed with cardiogenic shock, with Killip class IV, and TIMI score of 8. The second case is a 57-year-old man with typical chest pain at rest which could not be relieved with nitrate treatment. He was diagnosed with ST elevation in inferior and aVR lead, and occlusion in left circumflex artery (LCX. Both patients underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI. Subsequently, both cases presented remarkable clinical improvements and improved ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI in aVR lead.

  10. The dissemination of ST80-SCCmec-IV community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus clone in Kuwait hospitals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarkhoo Eiman


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA is a global healthcare problem. The purpose of this study was to characterize CA-MRSA clones and their distribution in Kuwait hospitals. Methods In total, 135 CA-MRSA isolates, carrying the SCCmec IV or V genetic elements, isolated in eight hospitals were characterized using antibiogram, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, multilocus sequence typing, and carriage of genes for Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL, capsular polysaccharides types (cap 5 and 8, accessory genes regulators (agr, Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst. Results They were susceptible to vancomycin, teicoplanin and linezolid but resistant to kanamycin (62%, fusidic acid (42.2%, tetracycline (39.3%, erythromycin and clindamycin (21.5%, gentamicin (5.9%, streptomycin (6.7%, trimethoprim (5.9%, mupirocin (6.6% and cadmium acetate (82.2%. They consisted of 10 pulsotypes with the majority belonging to PFGE type I (51.1%, type II (22.2%, type IV (13.3% and type III (3.7%. They belonged to 10 sequence types (ST comprising ST80 (51.1%, ST30 (22.2%, ST5 (14.1%, ST1 (4.45, ST6 (3.7%, ST88 (1.5%, ST834 (1.5%, ST8 (0.7%, ST46 (0.7% and ST950 (0.7%. Genes for PVL, cap 8, cap 5 and agr III, agr I and agr II were detected in 61.5%, 77.3%, 20.7% and 62.2%, 17% and 8.1% of the isolates respectively. Nine (6.7% isolates contained tst while 103 isolates were positive for SE genes with sei (63.0%, seg (41.5% and sed (29.6% as the common SE genes. Conclusions ST80-SCCmecIV was the most common CA-MRSA clone in Kuwait hospitals presenting new challenges for infection control.

  11. FHR patterns that become significant in connection with ST waveform changes and metabolic acidosis at birth. (United States)

    Rosén, Karl G; Norén, Håkan; Carlsson, Ann


    Recent developments have produced new CTG classification systems and the question is to what extent these may affect the model of FHR + ST interpretation? The two new systems (FIGO2015 and SSOG2017) classify FHR + ST events differently from the current CTG classification system used in the STAN interpretation algorithm (STAN2007). Identify the predominant FHR patterns in connection with ST events in cases of cord artery metabolic acidosis missed by the different CTG classification systems. Indicate to what extent STAN clinical guidelines could be modified enhancing the sensitivity. Provide a pathophysiological rationale. Forty-four cases with umbilical cord artery metabolic acidosis were retrieved from a European multicenter database. Significant FHR + ST events were evaluated post hoc in consensus by an expert panel. Eighteen cases were not identified as in need of intervention and regarded as negative in the sensitivity analysis. In 12 cases, ST changes occurred but the CTG was regarded as reassuring. Visual analysis of the FHR + ST tracings revealed specific FHR patterns: Conclusion: These findings indicate FHR + ST analysis may be undertaken regardless of CTG classification system provided there is a more physiologically oriented approach to FHR assessment in connection with an ST event.

  12. Childhood cancer mortality in relation to the St Lucie nuclear power station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boice, John D Jr; Mumma, Michael T; Blot, William J; Heath, Clark W Jr


    An unusual county-wide excess of childhood cancers of brain and other nervous tissue in the late 1990s in St Lucie County, Florida, prompted the Florida Department of Health to conduct a case-control study within the county assessing residential chemical exposures. No clear associations were found, but claims were then made that the release of radioactive substances such as strontium 90 from the St Lucie nuclear power station, which began operating in 1976, might have played a role. To test the plausibility of this hypothesis, we extended by 17 years a previous study of county mortality conducted by the National Cancer Institute. Rates of total cancer, leukaemia and cancer of brain and other nervous tissue in children and across all ages in St Lucie County were evaluated with respect to the years before and after the nuclear power station began operation and contrasted with rates in two similar counties in Florida (Polk and Volusia). Over the prolonged period 1950-2000, no unusual patterns of childhood cancer mortality were found for St Lucie County as a whole. In particular, no unusual patterns of childhood cancer mortality were seen in relation to the start-up of the St Lucie nuclear power station in 1976. Further, there were no significant differences in mortality between the study and comparison counties for any cancer in the time period after the power station was in operation. Relative rates for all childhood cancers and for childhood leukaemia were higher before the nuclear facility began operating than after, while rates of brain and other nervous tissue cancer were slightly lower in St Lucie County than in the two comparison counties for both time periods. Although definitive conclusions cannot be drawn from descriptive studies, these data provide no support for the hypothesis that the operation of the St Lucie nuclear power station has adversely affected the cancer mortality experience of county residents

  13. Multi-Marker Strategy in Heart Failure: Combination of ST2 and CRP Predicts Poor Outcome.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Marie Dupuy

    Full Text Available Natriuretic peptides (BNP and NT-proBNP are recognized as gold-standard predictive markers in Heart Failure (HF. However, currently ST2 (member of the interleukin 1 receptor family has emerged as marker of inflammation, fibrosis and cardiac stress. We evaluated ST2 and CRP as prognostic markers in 178 patients with chronic heart failure in comparison with other classical markers such as clinical established parameters but also biological markers: NT-proBNP, hs-cTnT alone or in combination. In multivariate analysis, subsequent addition of ST2 led to age, CRP and ST2 as the only remaining predictors of all-cause mortality (HR 1.03, HR 1.61 and HR 2.75, respectively as well as of cardiovascular mortality (HR 1.00, HR 2.27 and HR 3.78, respectively. The combined increase of ST2 and CRP was significant for predicting worsened outcomes leading to identify a high risk subgroup that individual assessment of either marker. The same analysis was performed with ST2 in combination with Barcelona score. Overall, our findings extend previous data demonstrating that ST2 in combination with CRP as a valuable tool for identifying patients at risk of death.

  14. Sediment Characterization in St. Alban's Bay, VT (United States)

    Nethercutt, S.; Manley, T.; Manley, P.


    St. Alban's Bay within Lake Champlain is plagued with harmful algal blooms. With future intensification due to climate change, a multidisciplinary program (BREE-Basin Resilience to Extreme Events) was initiated in 2016. In order to assess the mobilization of harmful nutrients from sediment resuspension events and riverine input, 74 sediment samples were collected in a grid fashion throughout St. Alban's Bay. Sediments were deflocculated and analyzed using a LA920 Horiba laser scattering particle size distribution analyzer to define the frequency of sediment sizes from clay to sand. Gridded surfaces of mean sortable silt percentage, silt percentage, sand percentage, and clay percentage were used to represent the sediment distribution of the region. A plot of diameter versus frequency showed the bimodal nature of some of the sediments, with one peak at about 10 microns diameter (silt) and the second at about 525 microns diameter (sand). The data showed an extremely low percentage of clay relative to that of sand and silt. The highest frequencies of sortable silt, which represents the most easily mobilized particle size, are found in the deepest areas of the bay, suggesting that these regions are where dominant bottom flow occurs. The high occurrence of sortable silt in the St. Alban's Bay does suggest that sediment mobilization, and therefore nutrient mobilization has the potential to occur. These data combined with high-resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic data will allow for future models of water flow and remobilization studies in the future.

  15. Caribbean ST Thomas trap Logbook Survey (Vessels) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This data set contains catch (landed catch) and effort for fishing trips made by vessels fishing in St. Thomas. The catch and effort data for the entire trip are...

  16. The electrocardiographic "triangular QRS-ST-T waveform" pattern in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Incidence, pathophysiology and clinical implications. (United States)

    Cipriani, Alberto; D'Amico, Gianpiero; Brunello, Giulia; Perazzolo Marra, Martina; Migliore, Federico; Cacciavillani, Luisa; Tarantini, Giuseppe; Bauce, Barbara; Iliceto, Sabino; Corrado, Domenico; Zorzi, Alessandro

    A specific ECG pattern of presentation of ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI), characterized by "triangular QRS-ST-T waveform" (TW), has been associated with poor in-hospital prognosis but longitudinal data on its incidence and clinical impact are lacking. We prospectively evaluated the incidence and prognostic meaning of the TW pattern in a cohort of consecutive STEMI patients. All STEMI patients who presented within 12h of symptoms onset and showed no complete bundle branch block or paced ventricular rhythm were included. The TW pattern was defined as a unique, giant wave (amplitude≥1mV) resulting from the fusion of the QRS complex, the ST-segment and the T-wave and showing a "triangular" morphology with a positive polarity in the leads exploring the ischemic region. Among 428 consecutive STEMI patients, 367 fulfilled the enrollment criteria. The TW pattern was identified in 5 of 367 patients (1.4%) on the admission ECG. This subset of STEMI patients with TW pattern significantly more often showed a left main coronary artery involvement (2/4, 50% vs 2/322, 0.6%; p<0.001), experienced ventricular fibrillation (5/5, 100% vs 35/362, 9.6% p<0.001), had cardiogenic shock (4/5, 80% vs. 14/362, 3.8%, p<0.001) and died during hospitalization (2/5, 40% vs 15/362, 4.1% p=0.02), compared with those with other ST-segment elevation ECG patterns. The TW pattern is an uncommon ECG finding, which reflects the presence of a large area of transmural myocardial ischemia and predicts cardiogenic shock accounting for high in-hospital mortality. When present, this ECG pattern should prompt aggressive therapeutic strategies, including mechanical support of circulation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. 33 CFR 165.720 - Safety/Security Zone: St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety/Security Zone: St. Johns... OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY REGULATED NAVIGATION AREAS AND LIMITED... § 165.720 Safety/Security Zone: St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL. (a) Location. The water and the land...

  18. Game based learning for 21st century transferable skills: challenges and opportunities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bellotti, Francesco; Bottino, Rosa Maria; Nadolski, Rob; Fernández Manjón, Baltasar


    Bellotti, F., Bottino, R. M., Nadolski, R. J., & Fernández Manjón, B. (2012, 4-6 July). Game based learning for 21st century transferable skills: challenges and opportunities. Presentation at the Workshop Game based learning for 21st century transferable skills: challenges and opportunities, 12th

  19. 78 FR 43064 - Safety Zone; Maritime Heritage Festival Fireworks, St. Helens, OR (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Maritime Heritage Festival Fireworks, St. Helens, OR AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION... associated with fireworks displays. As part of the Maritime Heritage Festival Fireworks in St. Helens, OR, the festival will feature a fireworks display. The Coast Guard expects approximately 1,000 people to...

  20. The Image of St Knud Lavard in his Liturgical Offices and its Historical Impact

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nils Holger


    The offices and masses of St Knud Lavard as preserved in a thirteenth-century manuscript, that was in itself probably a copy of the liturgy composed for the Feast of the Translation of St Knud Lavard in Ringsted Church on 25 June 1170, were edited by Professor John Bergsagel in 2010. Building...... on John Bergsagel’s commentary and findings and on other recent work on the liturgy of St Knud Lavard, a consideration of the texts, as well as the way the texts and music were composed together, forms the immediate background for this investigation of the image of St Knud Lavard as it is expressed...... and justice into the story of Knud Lavard and his personal cult. The historical impact of this image of St Knud in the sixteenth century and its reappropriation for a notion of national identity in the nineteenth century, as well as in different ways in more recent times, is also examined....

  1. Gallbladder Cancer in the 21st Century

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rani Kanthan


    Full Text Available Gallbladder cancer (GBC is an uncommon disease in the majority of the world despite being the most common and aggressive malignancy of the biliary tree. Early diagnosis is essential for improved prognosis; however, indolent and nonspecific clinical presentations with a paucity of pathognomonic/predictive radiological features often preclude accurate identification of GBC at an early stage. As such, GBC remains a highly lethal disease, with only 10% of all patients presenting at a stage amenable to surgical resection. Among this select population, continued improvements in survival during the 21st century are attributable to aggressive radical surgery with improved surgical techniques. This paper reviews the current available literature of the 21st century on PubMed and Medline to provide a detailed summary of the epidemiology and risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, radiology, pathology, management, and prognosis of GBC.

  2. The effects of dominance, regular inbreeding and sampling design on Q(ST), an estimator of population differentiation for quantitative traits. (United States)

    Goudet, Jérôme; Büchi, Lucie


    To test whether quantitative traits are under directional or homogenizing selection, it is common practice to compare population differentiation estimates at molecular markers (F(ST)) and quantitative traits (Q(ST)). If the trait is neutral and its determinism is additive, then theory predicts that Q(ST) = F(ST), while Q(ST) > F(ST) is predicted under directional selection for different local optima, and Q(ST) sampling designs and find that it is always best to sample many populations (>20) with few families (five) rather than few populations with many families. Provided that estimates of Q(ST) are derived from individuals originating from many populations, we conclude that the pattern Q(ST) > F(ST), and hence the inference of directional selection for different local optima, is robust to the effect of nonadditive gene actions.

  3. ST2 is essential for Th2 responsiveness and resistance to pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis. (United States)

    Huang, Xi; Du, Wenjin; Barrett, Ronald P; Hazlett, Linda D


    To elucidate the role of ST2, a member of the TLR/IL-1R (TIR) superfamily, in protecting against Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis in BALB/c mice. ST2 mRNA and protein expression levels were tested by real-time PCR and Western-blot in C57BL/6 (B6; susceptible) versus BALB/c (resistant) mice before and after P. aeruginosa (strain 19660; American Type Culture Collection, Philadelphia, PA) challenge. Infected BALB/c mice also were tested after subconjunctival injection with recombinant murine (rm)ST2 or PBS. Disease was monitored by clinical score, slit lamp, bacterial plate count, a myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay to measure polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) infiltrate, real-time RT-PCR, and ELISA. ST2 mRNA and protein were constitutively expressed in the uninfected normal corneas of both mouse groups. ST2 levels in the cornea of BALB/c compared with B6 mice were elevated significantly at 1 to 3 days post infection (PI), peaked at 3 and decreased at 5 days PI. BALB/c mice treated with rmST2 showed increased corneal opacity and perforation (at 5 days PI) when compared with PBS controls. rmST2- versus PBS-injected mice exhibited increased bacterial load, PMN infiltrate, and higher corneal mRNA levels for IL-1beta, MIP-2, IL-6, IL-1R1, and Th1-type cytokine such as IFN-gamma. Protein levels for IL-1beta, MIP-2, and IL-6 also were significantly upregulated, whereas the Th2 cytokines IL-4 (mRNA), IL-5 (mRNA), and IL-10 (mRNA and protein) were significantly reduced. ST2 is critical in resistance to P. aeruginosa keratitis, functioning to reduce corneal infection (bacterial load) and inflammation by negatively regulating proinflammatory cytokines and inhibiting type-1 immunity, but upregulating type-2 cytokine production, particularly IL-10.

  4. On the History of the Publication of the Menaion Reader by Demetrius of Rostov (the Text On the Year of Death of St. Mary of Egypt as an Additional Article to the Menaion Reader by St. Demetrius

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina A. Fedotova


    The author of the present paper makes available a new, unknown, and unpublished work by St. Demetrius of Rostov, On the Year of Death of St. Mary of Egypt, which was written as an additional calendar text referring to the Life of St. Mary of Egypt. The sources of the Life of St. Mary of Egypt were the Acta Sanctorum and De Probatis Sanctorum Historiis by Laurentius Surius. The text On the Year of Death of St. Mary of Egypt was written by Demetrius for the first edition, but it was not included in the printed edition and is preserved only in manuscript sources.

  5. Making sense of Mount St. Helens (United States)

    Steve Nash


    The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 resulted in "a grand experiment that you could never have gotten anybody to fund," says Forest Service ecologist Charles Crisafulli. "Everything's new. It's a new landform." Unlike most misbehaving volcanoes, this one provided an accessible laboratory right along the Interstate-5 corridor, with the...

  6. 33 CFR 207.440 - St. Marys Falls Canal and Locks, Mich.; use, administration, and navigation. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false St. Marys Falls Canal and Locks... CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE NAVIGATION REGULATIONS § 207.440 St... include all of the natural waters of the St. Marys River on the U.S. side of the International Boundary...

  7. [National Consultant in Cardiology Experts' Group Guidelines on dealing with patients implanted with some St. Jude Medical Riata and Riata ST leads]. (United States)

    Mitkowski, Przemysław; Grabowski, Marcin; Kowalski, Oskar; Kutarski, Andrzej; Mojkowski, Włodzimierz; Przybylski, Andrzej; Sterliński, Maciej; Trusz-Gluza, Maria; Opolski, Grzegorz


    In December 2010 St. Jude Medical informed about higher incidence of silicone insulation abrasion in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator leads Riata/Riata ST. The manifestation of this phenomenon is the externalisation of conductors outside the body of the lead, which is visible in a fluoroscopy. The abrasion could also involve an insulation under high-voltage coil and in the worst case could result in a short circuit within high voltage part of the system. The incidence of this phenomenon varies from part of to several dozen percent according to published papers and becomes higher in a longer follow-up. The highest probability of malfunction in 8 F single coil and the lowest in 7 F dual-coil leads is observed. For the needs of this guidelines all Riata/Riata ST leads were divided into: functioning, damaged but active (visible externalisation but electrically functioning), malfunctioning. In the last case the lead should be removed and a new one implanted (class of indication I) ,although only implantation of a new lead with abandoning malfunctioning one is allowed and should be considered (IIa). In patients with functioning lead extraction with a new lead implantation may be considered during elective replacement only in high risk patients (IIb). In case of damaged but active lead its extraction with the implantation of a new lead during elective replacement of the device should be considered in high risk population (IIa) and may be considered in other patients (IIb). The final decision related to Riata/Riata ST should be individualised and undertaken in co-operation with the patient after detailed assessment of the risk related to each treatment option.

  8. Role of Soluble ST2 as a Marker for Rejection after Heart Transplant. (United States)

    Lee, Ga Yeon; Choi, Jin-Oh; Ju, Eun-Seon; Lee, Yoo-Jung; Jeon, Eun-Seok


    Endomyocardial biopsy is obligatory during the first year after heart transplant (HTx) for the surveillance of acute rejection. Previous attempts using cardiac biomarkers for the detection of rejection failed to show enough evidence to substitute endomyocardial biopsy. Therefore, this study sought the possibility of using soluble ST2 (sST2), a novel cardiovascular marker, as a surrogate marker for acute allograft rejection after HTx. A total of 494 blood samples acquired at the time of endomyocardial biopsy were analyzed in 67 HTx cases from September 2006 to August 2014. Significant rejection was defined as International Society of Heart and Lung Transplant (ISHLT) score ≥2R and humoral rejection accompanied by hemodynamic instability. Twenty cases of HTx with 22 blood samples showed significant rejection in endomyocardial biopsy at 4.0 (2.0-9.0) months after HTx. The level of sST2 showed positive correlation with cardiac troponin I, and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (all prejection) (p=0.003). However, when we studied within-subject effects of sST2 using a mixed model, the sST2 level according to the predefined time point was not different according to the presence of significant rejection (p for interaction=0.94). Although sST2 is known as a promising predictor for cardiovascular events, its role in HTx patients to predict acute allograft rejection seems to be limited.

  9. 4CaaSt : Comprehensive management of Cloud services through a PaaS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia-Gomez, S.; Lelli, F.; Eschriche-Vicente, M.; Arozarena-Llopis, P.; Taher, Y.; Momm, C.; Spriestersbach, A.; Jimenez-Ganan, M.; Le Jeune, G.; Dao, M.; Carrie, S.P.; Niemoller, J.; Mazmanov, D.; Biro, J.; Giesmann, A.; Junker, F.


    The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its lifecycle management, a one stop shop for Cloud services and a

  10. Physical medicine and rehabilitation in the 21st century. (United States)

    Reinstein, L


    In conclusion, physical medicine and rehabilitation in the 21st century will be: new, exciting technologies, different patient populations, different practice settings, fewer PM&R residents, and more physician assistants, all operating under a universal access, single payer, Canadian-style health care system. I began my presentation with a quote from Yogi Berra. I'll close by paraphrasing the immortal words of Charles Dickens in the opening lines of A Tale Of Two Cities. PM&R in the 21st century will be "the best of times, the worst of times, the epoch of belief, the epoch of incredulity."

  11. Rwanda. Dansk støtte er en god investering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Josefine Kühnel


    Danmark fortsætter militær støtte til Rwanda mens andre lande fryser bistand Rwandas regering har siden 2005 bidraget betydeligt til fredsbevarende operationer. Rwanda har gennem sit styrkebidrag til fredsbevarende operationer potentialet til at spille en væsentlig regional rolle pga. landets...... militære styrke og erfaring med forsoning, konfliktløsning og genopbygning efter krigen og folkemordet i 1994. Aktuelt bidrager Rwanda med 4,577 soldater til fredsbevarende missioner i FN-regi, hvilket betyder, at Rwanda er det land i verden, der leverer det sjette største militære styrkebidrag til FN...

  12. 76 FR 39890 - St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge, FL; Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [FWS-R4-R-2011-N053; 40136-1265-0000-S3] St... conservation plan and environmental assessment (Draft CCP/EA) for St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in... Complex, P.O. Box 2683, Titusville, FL 32781, or via e-mail at [email protected] , or St. Johns CCP...

  13. A Case Study of 21st Century Skills in High Achieving Elementary Schools in Pennsylvania (United States)

    Egnor, Gregory P.


    This study examines if practices that advocate for 21st century skills are in conflict with the mandates of NCLB. Interviews with influential school leaders of high achieving elementary schools focused on collecting data about 21st century skills. This study was designed to (a) Determine if 21st century skills are addressed in high achieving…

  14. Genome sequencing and molecular characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus ST772-MRSA-V, "Bengal Bay Clone". (United States)

    Monecke, Stefan; Baier, Vico; Coombs, Geoffrey W; Slickers, Peter; Ziegler, Albrecht; Ehricht, Ralf


    The PVL-positive ST772-MRSA-V is an emerging community-associated (CA-) MRSA clone that has been named Bengal Bay Clone since most patients have epidemiological connections to the Indian subcontinent. It is found increasingly common in other areas of the world. One isolate of ST772-MRSA-V was sequenced using the Illumina Genome Analyzer System. After initial assembling the multiple sequence contigs were analysed using different in-house annotation scripts. Results were compared to microarray hybridisation results of clinical isolates of ST772-MRSA-V, of related strains and to another ST772-MRSA-V genome sequence. According to MLST e-burst analysis, ST772-MRSA-V belongs to Clonal Complex (CC)1, differing from ST1 only in one MLST allele (pta-22). However, there are several additional differences including agr alleles (group II rather than III), capsule type (5 rather than 8), the presence of the egc enterotoxin gene cluster and of the enterotoxin homologue ORF CM14 as well as the absence of the enterotoxin H gene seh. Enterotoxin genes sec and sel are present. ST772-MRSA-V harbours the genes encoding enterotoxin A (sea) and PVL (lukS/F-PV). Both are located on the same prophage. ST772-MRSA-V may have emerged from the same lineage as globally spread CC1 and CC5 strains. It has acquired a variety of virulence factors, and for a CA-MRSA strain it has an unusually high number of genes associated with antibiotic resistance.

  15. Bathymetry (2011) for Fish Bay, St. John (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 0.3x0.3 meter resolution depth surface for Fish Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The...

  16. Bathymetry (2011) for Coral Bay, St. John (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 0.3x0.3 meter resolution depth surface for Coral Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The...

  17. Progressive epicardial coronary blood flow reduction fails to produce ST-segment depression at normal heart rates. (United States)

    de Chantal, Marilyn; Diodati, Jean G; Nasmith, James B; Amyot, Robert; LeBlanc, A Robert; Schampaert, Erick; Pharand, Chantal


    ST-segment depression is commonly seen in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Most authors have attributed it to transient reductions in coronary blood flow due to nonocclusive thrombus formation on a disrupted atherosclerotic plaque and dynamic focal vasospasm at the site of coronary artery stenosis. However, ST-segment depression was never reproduced in classic animal models of coronary stenosis without the presence of tachycardia. We hypothesized that ST-segment depression occurring during acute coronary syndromes is not entirely explained by changes in epicardial coronary artery resistance and thus evaluated the effect of a slow, progressive epicardial coronary artery occlusion on the ECG and regional myocardial blood flow in anesthetized pigs. Slow, progressive occlusion over 72 min (SD 27) of the left anterior descending coronary artery in 20 anesthetized pigs led to a 90% decrease in coronary blood flow and the development of ST-segment elevation associated with homogeneous and transmural myocardial blood flow reductions, confirmed by microspheres and myocardial contrast echocardiography. ST-segment depression was not observed in any ECG lead before the development of ST-segment elevation. At normal heart rates, progressive epicardial stenosis of a coronary artery results in myocardial ischemia associated with homogeneous, transmural reduction in regional myocardial blood flow and ST-segment elevation, without preceding ST-segment depression. Thus, in coronary syndromes with ST-segment depression and predominant subendocardial ischemia, factors other than mere increases in epicardial coronary resistance must be invoked to explain the heterogeneous parietal distribution of flow and associated ECG changes.

  18. Entomologic studies after a St. Louis encephalitis epidemic in Grand Junction, Colorado. (United States)

    Tasi, T F; Smith, G C; Ndukwu, M; Jakob, W L; Happ, C M; Kirk, L J; Francy, D B; Lampert, K J


    In 1986, after a St. Louis encephalitis epidemic in Grand Junction, Colorado, in 1985, vector mosquitoes in the city were surveyed to correlate their bionomics and infection rates with the occurrence of human disease. No human cases were reported, but mosquito surveillance disclosed St. Louis encephalitis virus in Culex tarsalis and Culex pipiens pipiens. Mosquitoes were collected with gravid traps designed to attract Cx. p. pipiens and with Centers for Disease Control light traps. Culex p. pipiens was the predominant vector mosquito collected and was captured chiefly in gravid traps. The Culex tarsalis population emerged and expanded approximately one month earlier than did the Cx. p. pipiens population. Consequently, Cx. p. pipiens was the predominant vector species after August. Infection rates throughout the surveillance period (June to September) were severalfold higher in Cx. tarsalis than in Cx. p. pipiens; however, in late summer, diminished numbers of Cx. tarsalis and a persistent population of Cx. p. pipiens resulted in relatively larger numbers of infected Cx. p. pipiens. Thus, the participation of Cx. p. pipiens as a St. Louis encephalitis vector would have been underestimated in previous studies employing light traps alone. These studies provide further evidence that Cx. p. pipiens-associated urban St. Louis encephalitis and rural Cx. tarsalis-associated St. Louis encephalitis cycles may coexist in the West.

  19. Automated system for ST segment and arrhythmia analysis in exercise radionuclide ventriculography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsia, P.W.; Jenkins, J.M.; Shimoni, Y.; Gage, K.P.; Santinga, J.T.; Pitt, B.


    A computer-based system for interpretation of the electrocardiogram (ECG) in the diagnosis of arrhythmia and ST segment abnormality in an exercise system is presented. The system was designed for inclusion in a gamma camera so the ECG diagnosis could be combined with the diagnostic capability of radionuclide ventriculography. Digitized data are analyzed in a beat-by-beat mode and a contextual diagnosis of underlying rhythm is provided. Each beat is assigned a beat code based on a combination of waveform analysis and RR interval measurement. The waveform analysis employs a new correlation coefficient formula which corrects for baseline wander. Selective signal averaging, in which only normal beats are included, is done for an improved signal-to-noise ratio prior to ST segment analysis. Template generation, R wave detection, QRS window size, baseline correction, and continuous updating of heart rate have all been automated. ST level and slope measurements are computed on signal-averaged data. Arrhythmia analysis of 13 passages of abnormal rhythm by computer was found to be correct in 98.4 percent of all beats. 25 passages of exercise data, 1-5 min in length, were evaluated by the cardiologist and found to be in agreement in 95.8 percent in measurements of ST level and 91.7 percent in measurements of ST slope

  20. ST Elevations and Elevated Cardiac Enzymes Not Always a STEMI: Two Case Reports. (United States)

    Fernández Fernández, Juan; Deliz-Guzmán, Claudia; Andino-Colón, César; Claudio-Hernández, Héctor; Lugo-Amador, Nannette


    Chest pain is a common complaint in the emergency department (ED). Besides a careful history and physical exam; electrocardiogram, laboratory tests and imaging studies are widely available diagnostic tests that are used for patient assessment. When ST elevation and elevated cardiac enzymes are present the most likely diagnosis are ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) or myocarditis. In this case report we present two low risk patients for major adverse cardiac event with ST elevation and elevated cardiac enzymes and how a careful risk assessment and detailed electrocardiogram evaluation could help differentiating between these two diagnoses.

  1. Influence of soil on St3 surface spectroscopic characteristics under cathode protection conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuznetsova, E.G.; Lazorenko-Manevich, R.M.; Sokolova, L.A.; Remezkova, L.V.


    Using electroreflection spectra it is shown, that St3 surface following long holding in cold clay without cathode protection is less heterogeneous relative to water absorption, than surface of initial specimens, as well as, of specimens holded in wet clay. This variation of distribution of adsorption centres by heats of water absorption results from stable absorption of surface-and-active components of clayed soil and is accompanied by increase of St3 corrosion stability. Long-term cathode polarization reduces initial distribution and decreases corrosion stability of St3

  2. Eesti goes St. Etienne / Anna Roomet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roomet, Anna


    Näitus Eesti Kunstiakadeemia tootedisaini osakonna magistrantide viimase kahe aasta projektide paremikust esindas Eestit disainibiennaalil St. Etiennis Prantsusmaal. Näituse panid üles Pent Talvet ja Pavel Sidorenko, näitusel osalejad: Anna-Maria Einla, Kätlin Kangur, Triin Kuusler, Andri Laidre, Veiko Liis, Liina-Kai Raivet, P. Sidorenko, P. Talvet, Ingela Viks, Triin Voss

  3. Genomic Analysis of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli from North Carolina Community Hospitals: Ongoing Circulation of CTX-M-Producing ST131-H30Rx and ST131-H30R1 Strains. (United States)

    Kanamori, Hajime; Parobek, Christian M; Juliano, Jonathan J; Johnson, James R; Johnston, Brian D; Johnson, Timothy J; Weber, David J; Rutala, William A; Anderson, Deverick J


    Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131) predominates globally among multidrug-resistant (MDR) E. coli strains. We used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to investigate 63 MDR E. coli isolates from 7 North Carolina community hospitals (2010 to 2015). Of these, 39 (62%) represented ST131, including 37 (95%) from the ST131- H 30R subclone: 10 (27%) from its H 30R1 subset and 27 (69%) from its H 30Rx subset. ST131 core genomes differed by a median of 15 (range, 0 to 490) single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) overall versus only 7 within H 30R1 (range, 3 to 12 SNVs) and 11 within H 30Rx (range, 0 to 21). The four isolates with identical core genomes were all H 30Rx. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics did not vary significantly by strain type, but many patients with MDR E. coli or H 30Rx infection were critically ill and had poor outcomes. H 30Rx isolates characteristically exhibited fluoroquinolone resistance and CTX-M-15 production, had a high prevalence of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance (89%), sul1 (89%), and dfrA17 (85%), and were enriched for specific virulence traits, and all qualified as extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli The high overall prevalence of CTX-M-15 appeared to be possibly attributable to its association with the ST131- H 30Rx subclone and IncF[F2:A1:B-] plasmids. Some phylogenetically clustered non-ST131 MDR E. coli isolates also had distinctive serotypes/ fimH types, fluoroquinolone mutations, CTX-M variants, and IncF types. Thus, WGS analysis of our community hospital source MDR E. coli isolates suggested ongoing circulation and differentiation of E. coli ST131 subclones, with clonal segregation of CTX-M variants, other resistance genes, Inc-type plasmids, and virulence genes. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  4. Characteristics related to antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation of widespread methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis ST2 and ST23 lineages in Rio de Janeiro hospitals, Brazil. (United States)

    Iorio, Natalia Lopes Pontes; Caboclo, Roberta Ferreira; Azevedo, Milena Borgo; Barcellos, Ariane Guimarães; Neves, Felipe Piedade Gonçalves; Domingues, Regina Maria Cavalcanti Pilotto; dos Santos, Kátia Regina Netto


    Staphylococcus epidermidis is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections, mostly associated with the use of medical devices in seriously ill or immunocompromised patients. Currently, the characteristics of methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis (MRSE) isolates from Rio de Janeiro hospitals are unknown. In this study, staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) types, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, biofilm formation genes, and multilocus sequence types (MLST) were investigated in 35 MRSE clinical isolates. The collection of isolates was previously well characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) into 2 main genotypes (A and B, 22 isolates) and 10 sporadic genotypes (13 isolates). MLST revealed a total of 8 different sequence types (STs), but ST2 and ST23, which were icaAB-positive, represented the majority (71.4%) of MRSE isolates tested. Almost all isolates (91.4%) belonged to clonal complex 2. SCCmec types III and IV were identified among 71.4% of the isolates, while the remaining was nontypeable. The predominant MRSE genotypes were defined as SCCmec type III/ST2 (PFGE type A) and SCCmec type IV/ST23 (PFGE type B) isolates, which were both associated with high antimicrobial resistance and presence of biofilm-related genes. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. A comparative analysis of international frameworks for 21st century competences: implications for national curriculum policies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voogt, Joke; Pareja Roblin, N.N.


    National curricula need to change drastically to comply with the competences needed for the 21st century. In this paper eight frameworks describing 21st century competences were analysed. A comprehensive search for information about 21st century competences was conducted across the official websites

  6. Comparative Genomic Analysis of Globally Dominant ST131 Clone with Other Epidemiologically Successful Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC Lineages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabiha Shaik


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131, a pandemic clone responsible for the high incidence of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC infections, has been known widely for its contribution to the worldwide dissemination of multidrug resistance. Although other ExPEC-associated and extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL-producing E. coli clones, such as ST38, ST405, and ST648 have been studied widely, no comparative genomic data with respect to other genotypes exist for ST131. In this study, comparative genomic analysis was performed for 99 ST131 E. coli strains with 40 genomes from three other STs, including ST38 (n = 12, ST405 (n = 10, and ST648 (n = 18, and functional studies were performed on five in-house strains corresponding to the four STs. Phylogenomic analysis results from this study corroborated with the sequence type-specific clonality. Results from the genome-wide resistance profiling confirmed that all strains were inherently multidrug resistant. ST131 genomes showed unique virulence profiles, and analysis of mobile genetic elements and their associated methyltransferases (MTases has revealed that several of them were missing from the majority of the non-ST131 strains. Despite the fact that non-ST131 strains lacked few essential genes belonging to the serum resistome, the in-house strains representing all four STs demonstrated similar resistance levels to serum antibactericidal activity. Core genome analysis data revealed that non-ST131 strains usually lacked several ST131-defined genomic coordinates, and a significant number of genes were missing from the core of the ST131 genomes. Data from this study reinforce adaptive diversification of E. coli strains belonging to the ST131 lineage and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying clonal diversification of the ST131 lineage.

  7. ST Implications in the CNGS Project

    CERN Document Server

    Wilhelmsson, M


    The CNGS project concerns the construction of a neutrino beam facility (CNGS = CERN Neutrino beam to Gran Sasso). A 450 GeV proton beam will be extracted from the SPS accelerator. This proton beam will hit a target a few hundred metres downstream from the extraction point (BA4). In the debris of the proton beam we will find pions which continue down a 1000 m, evacuated tunnel and a fraction of which decay into a neutrino beam. After this decay tunnel (1.1 km), a 'hadron stop' will separate the neutrinos, after which they will resume their journey down to a detector pit, outside Rome (Gran Sasso). The CERN facility has a total length of approximately 3 km. The ST division has an important share in the construction work, both of the above-mentioned tunnels as well as of all other infrastructure services, and this work concerns most of the groups in the division. This report will outline the technical design of the facility and explain how we, in the ST division, are involved in the project. The CERN council app...

  8. Retendering of ST-CV maintenance contract

    CERN Document Server

    Battistin, M


    During the next three years, the ST/CV group will be deeply involved in the installation works for the LHC project. During this period the need for maintenance activity will decrease. The minimum level will be reached during the “long shutdown” of the PS and SPS machines in 2005. The budget for the maintenance will decrease accordingly, thus the CV group had to review its maintenance strategy. The new contract, which started on January 1st 2003, has been defined to cope with these workload variations during the next years and to guarantee the minimum maintenance activity on the existing equipment. A lump-sum contract based on a win-win strategy has been discarded. The contractor no longer has to guarantee the performance of the CERN cooling and ventilation systems. A new price list strategy based on performance indicators and penalties has been chosen. The contractor now has to guarantee the performance of every maintenance operation demanded by CERN. This modification obliged the Operation section of the...

  9. Special report: Mt. St. Helens (United States)

    Mt. St Helens Volcano, Cascade Range, Southern Washington, USA (46.20°N, 122.18°W.) All times are local (GMT - 7 h through October 24, GMT - 8 h thereafter. Lava extrusion that probably began October 30 added a new lobe to the composite dome in the crater of Mt. St. Helens. After lava extrusion ended September 10 (see September 22 Eos), rates of deformation in the crater remained low for several weeks, as they had after earlier extrusion episodes. Sulfur dioxide emission ranged from 70 to 190 tons per day between October 9 and 24, but showed no particular trends. Inflation of the dome has caused small thrust faults to form in the surrounding crater floor. In early October the most active thrust, south of the dome, was moving at about 1.5 cm/d, and stations on the north crater rampart showed outward movement of about 0.5 cm/d. By October 24 these rates had increased to 14.5 and 3.5-4 cm/d, respectively, and leveling profiles perpendicular to the dome showed that crater floor tilt rates had reached 400-500 μrad/d, prompting the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to issue an advisory prediction of renewed lava extrusion within the next two weeks.

  10. Bigeminy: A result of digoxin and St John’s wort interaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anđelić Slađana


    Full Text Available A case of an by digoxin under unusual circumstances is reported. An 80-year-old man, previously on long-term digoxin treatment, started consuming St John’s wort herbal tea (2 000 ml/daily because of frequent episodes of depression. After the cessation of consuming herbal tea containing Hypericum perforatum, digoxin poisoning developed in our patient. Electrocardiography revealed nodal bradicardia 36/min and bigeminy. Manifested symptoms were the consequence of interaction between digoxin and Hypericum perforatum which were consumed simultaneously, and the cessation of consuming St John’s wort herbal tea afterwards. Therapy was the same as in the standard digitalis poisoning. Consumers of St John’s wort combined with medical products are advised not to discontinue tea consumption on their own, without consulting their physician.

  11. Calibration of HERS-ST for estimating traffic impact on pavement deterioration in Texas. (United States)


    The Highway Economic Requirements System-State Version (or the HERS-ST) is a software package which was developed by the Federal Highway Administration as a tool for evaluating the performance of state highway systems. HERS-ST has the capabilities of...

  12. 78 FR 7387 - Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture; Renewal (United States)


    ...;and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, #0;delegations of authority... Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture; Renewal AGENCY: Agricultural Research Service, USDA. ACTION: Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture Renewal. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given...

  13. Impact of metabolic syndrome on ST segment resolution after thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayşe Saatçı Yaşar


    Full Text Available Objectives: It has been shown that metabolic syndrome is associated with poor short-term outcome and poor long-term survival in patients with acute myocardial infarction. We aimed to investigate the effect of metabolic syndrome on ST segment resolution in patients received thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction.Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 161 patients, who were admitted to our clinics with acute ST-elevated-myocardial infarction and received thrombolytic therapy within 12 hours of chest pain. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Resolution of ST segment elevation was assessed on the baseline and 90-minute electrocardiograms. ST segment resolution ≥70% was defined as complete resolution.Results: Metabolic syndrome was found in 56.5% of patients. The proportion of patients with metabolic syndrome who achieved complete ST segment resolution after thrombolysis was significantly lower than that of patients without metabolic syndrome (32.9% versus 58.6%, p=0.001. On multivariate analysis metabolic syndrome was the only independent predictor of ST segment resolution (p=0.01, Odds ratio=2.543, %95 CI:1.248-5.179Conclusion: The patients with metabolic syndrome had lower rates of complete ST segment resolution after thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction. This finding may contribute to the higher morbidity and mortality of patients with metabolic syndrome.

  14. Smart Social Networking: 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helen B. Boholano


    Full Text Available Education in the 21st century highlights globalization and internationalization. Preservice teachers in the 21st century are technology savvy. To effectively engage and teach generation Z students, preservice teachers will help the educational system meet this requirement. The educational systems must be outfitted with a prerequisite of ICT resources both hardware and software, and curricula must be designed to promote a collaborative learner-centered environment to which students will relate and respond. This study determines the 21st century skills possessed by the pre-service teachers in terms of social networking. Pre-service teachers use computers in very advanced ways, but educators must remember that they still need guidance to use technology safely and effectively. Through social media the pre-service teachers can use a multitude of applications, including Web 2.0, for their projects. Smart social networking requires critical-thinking skills and the ability to integrate and evaluate real-world scenarios and authentic learning skills for validation.

  15. 78 FR 13379 - Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska; Proposed Mining Plan of Operations (United States)


    ...] Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska; Proposed Mining Plan of Operations AGENCY: National...) unpatented placer claims within Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Public Availability: This plan...: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve Headquarters, Mile 106.8 Richardson Highway, Post Office Box...

  16. 77 FR 38488 - Safety Zone; Alexandria Bay Chamber of Commerce, St. Lawrence River, Alexandria Bay, NY (United States)


    ... 1625-AA00 Safety Zone; Alexandria Bay Chamber of Commerce, St. Lawrence River, Alexandria Bay, NY... restrict vessels from a portion of the St. Lawrence River during the Alexandria Bay Chamber of Commerce... of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) entitled Safety Zone; Alexandria Bay Chamber of Commerce, St. Lawrence...

  17. Presence of selected chemicals of emerging concern in water and bottom sediment from the St. Louis River, St. Louis Bay, and Superior Bay, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 2010 (United States)

    Christensen, Victoria G.; Lee, Kathy E.; Kieta, Kristen A.; Elliott, Sarah M.


    The St. Louis Bay of Lake Superior receives substantial urban runoff, wastewater treatment plant effluent, and industrial effluent. In 1987, the International Joint Commission designated the St. Louis Bay portion of the lower St. Louis River as one of the Great Lakes Areas of Concern. Concerns exist about the potential effects of chemicals of emerging concern on aquatic biota because many of these chemicals, including endocrine active chemicals, have been shown to affect the endocrine systems of fish. To determine the occurrence of chemicals of emerging concern in the St. Louis River, the St. Louis Bay, and Superior Bay, the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources collected water and bottom-sediment samples from 40 sites from August through October 2010. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify the extent to which chemicals of emerging concern, including pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic chemicals, occur in the St. Louis River, St. Louis Bay, and Superior Bay, and (2) identify the extent to which the chemicals may have accumulated in bottom sediment of the study area. Samples were analyzed for selected wastewater indicators, hormones, sterols, bisphenol A, and human-health pharmaceuticals. During this study, 33 of 89 chemicals of emerging concern were detected among all water samples collected and 56 of 104 chemicals of emerging concern were detected in bottom-sediment samples. The chemical N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) was the most commonly detected chemical in water samples and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene was the most commonly detected chemical in bottom-sediment samples. In general, chemicals of emerging concern were detected at a higher frequency in bottom-sediment samples than in water samples. Estrone (a steroid hormone) and hexahydrohexamethyl cyclopentabensopyran (a synthetic fragrance) were the most commonly detected endocrine active chemicals in

  18. Sustainable Nuclear Energy for the 21st Century

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Concerns over energy resource availability, energy security and climate change suggest an important role for nuclear power in supplying sustainable energy in the 21st century. The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) was initiated in 2000 by a resolution of the IAEA General Conference to help ensure that nuclear energy is available to contribute to meeting global energy needs of the 21st century in a sustainable manner. It is a mechanism for IAEA Member States that have joined the project as INPRO members to collaborate on topics of joint interest. By 2010, INPRO membership had grown to 30 countries and the European Commission. The results of INPRO's activities, however, are made available to all IAEA Member States

  19. Towards a 21st century ready curriculum

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vloon, N.G.J.; Hammer, M.H.M.; Brahimi, N.


    Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education is generally viewed upon as being important for economic growth in the 21st century. Teaching entrepreneurship however seems to need another approach than regular education to fulfill the professional and ever changing needs. In this perspective active

  20. Morphing into a 21st Century Trainer. (United States)

    Mager, R. F.


    Forces that will affect trainers into the next century include rapid change, information overload, globalization, downsizing, empowerment, and remote worksites. Key characteristics of a 21st-century trainer include performance orientation, technical skills, social skills, self-employability, bilingualism, and international competence. (JOW)

  1. Expression of Functional Human Sialyltransferases ST3Gal1 and ST6Gal1 in Escherichia coli.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Elena Ortiz-Soto

    Full Text Available Sialyltransferases (STs are disulfide-containing, type II transmembrane glycoproteins that catalyze the transfer of sialic acid to proteins and lipids and participate in the synthesis of the core structure oligosaccharides of human milk. Sialic acids are found at the outermost position of glycostructures, playing a key role in health and disease. Sialylation is also essential for the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins (RTPs. Despite their importance, availability of sialyltransferases is limited due to the low levels of stable, soluble and active protein produced in bacterial expression systems, which hampers biochemical and structural studies on these enzymes and restricts biotechnological applications. We report the successful expression of active human sialyltransferases ST3Gal1 and ST6Gal1 in commercial Escherichia coli strains designed for production of disulfide-containing proteins. Fusion of hST3Gal1 with different solubility enhancers and substitution of exposed hydrophobic amino acids by negatively charged residues (supercharging-like approach were performed to promote solubility and folding. Co-expression of sialyltransferases with the chaperon/foldases sulfhydryl oxidase, protein disulfide isomerase and disulfide isomerase C was explored to improve the formation of native disulfide bonds. Active sialyltransferases fused with maltose binding protein (MBP were obtained in sufficient amounts for biochemical and structural studies when expressed under oxidative conditions and co-expression of folding factors increased the yields of active and properly folded sialyltransferases by 20%. Mutation of exposed hydrophobic amino acids increased recovery of active enzyme by 2.5-fold, yielding about 7 mg of purified protein per liter culture. Functionality of recombinant enzymes was evaluated in the synthesis of sialosides from the β-d-galactoside substrates lactose, N-acetyllactosamine and benzyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(β-d-galactopyranosyl-α-d-galactopyranoside.

  2. 21st Century Security Manager


    Stelian ARION


    We live in world of uncertainty that generates major paradigms changing that affect security risk management. Modern organization’s security risks management can’t be done without a profound knowlegde and daily practice for security governance, security risk management and resilience. 21st Century security manager need to deal with several areas of konwledge in order to succesfully manage security risks. The document presents the advantages, disadvantages and challenges for security managers ...

  3. Middle Schools Preparing Young People for 21st Century Life and Work (United States)

    Kay, Ken


    In this article, the author describes how middle schools can prepare young people for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Integrating 21st century skills deliberately and systematically into middle school education will empower educators to accomplish many of the elusive goals they have tried to reach for years. Twenty-first…

  4. Long-Lived Digital Data Collections Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century (United States)


    Collections: Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century40 LoNG-LiVED DiGiTAL DATA CoLLECTioNS AND LARGE FACiLiTiES Workshop participants drew...Long-Lived Digital Data Collections: Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century NSB-05-40 Report Documentation Page Form...COVERED - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Long-Lived Digital Data Collections Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b

  5. St. George Feast: Relation to Eastern Legends and Cults [In Bulgarian

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Rulinski


    Full Text Available The article examines George as a counterpart to the Sumerian god Ninurta. Feast St. George boasts Georgy feat - creation of the world. The date of the feast – 6th of May, is commented in its relation to the astronomical arguments and Sumerian ancient texts. The main rituals of the feast are described. The most typical folk songs devoted to St. Georgy are listed in the paper appendix.

  6. Myocarditis with ST elevation and elevated cardiac enzymes misdiagnosed as an ST-elevation myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Sheldon, Seth H; Crandall, Mark A; Jaffe, Allan S


    Acute myocarditis can mimic ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Quickly determining the correct diagnosis is critical given the "time is muscle" implication with a STEMI and the potential adverse effects associated with use of fibrinolytic therapy. A 46-year-old man presented to a rural emergency department with chest pain, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) read as showing 0.1 mV of ST-segment elevation in leads III and aVF. His initial cardiac troponin T was 0.44 ng/mL. He received fibrinolytic therapy for presumed STEMI. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was later performed and showed epicardial delayed enhancement consistent with myocarditis. Upon further questioning, he acknowledged 3 days of stuttering chest discomfort and a recent upper respiratory infection, as well as similar chest pain in his wife. A systematic evaluation is essential for acute chest pain, including a focused history, identification of cardiac risk factors, and ECG interpretation. A history of recent viral illness, absence of cardiac risk factors, or ECG findings inconsistent with a single anatomic lesion would suggest a potential alternate diagnosis to STEMI. This case emphasizes the importance of a focused history in the initial evaluation of chest pain. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. 78 FR 72056 - Proposed Amendment of Class D and Class E Airspace; Christiansted, St. Croix, VI (United States)


    ... Class D and Class E Airspace; Christiansted, St. Croix, VI AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... Class E Airspace at Christiansted, St. Croix, VI, to adjust the geographic coordinates of Henry E..., Christiansted, St. Croix, VI, to bring it in concert with the FAAs aeronautical database. The coordinates would...

  8. ST Product Characteristics and Relationships with Perceptions and Behaviors among Rural Adolescent Males: A Qualitative Study (United States)

    Couch, Elizabeth T.; Darius, Ellen F.; Walsh, Margaret M.; Chaffee, Benjamin W.


    Although smoking declines in the United States, the prevalence of male adolescent smokeless tobacco (ST; moist snuff and chewing tobacco) use remains unchanged. ST product characteristics, such as flavoring, packaging, and branding, could influence adolescents' ST initiation and continued use. This qualitative study examines the potential role of…

  9. "Four Ways of Writing the City" : St. Petersburg-Leningrad as a Metaphor in the Poetry of Joseph Brodsky


    Könönen, Maija


    The present study discusses the theme of St. Petersburg-Leningrad in Joseph Brodsky's verse works. The chosen approach to the evolving im-age of the city in Brodsky's poetry is through four metaphors: St. Petersburg as "the common place" of the Petersburg Text, St. Petersburg as "Paradise and/or Hell", St. Petersburg as "a Utopian City" and St. Petersburg as "a Void". This examination of the city-image focusses on the aspects of space and time as basic categories underlying the poet's po...

  10. Early Stent Thrombosis and Mortality After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dangas, George D; Schoos, Mikkel M.; Steg, Philippe Gabriel


    BACKGROUND: Early stent thrombosis (ST) within 30 days after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction is a serious event. We sought to determine the predictors of and risk of mortality after early ST according to procedural antithrombotic therapy...... with bivalirudin compared with heparin±GPI because of increased ST within 4 hours after primary percutaneous coronary intervention. However, the mortality attributable to early ST was significantly lower after bivalirudin than after heparin±GPI. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: http....... METHODS AND RESULTS: In a patient-level pooled analysis from the Harmonizing Outcomes With Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction (HORIZONS-AMI) and European Ambulance Acute Coronary Syndrome Angiography (EUROMAX) trials, we examined 30-day outcomes in 4935 patients undergoing primary...

  11. From Imitation to Innovation: A Strategic Adjustment in China's S&T Development

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Fang Xin


    @@ Since the latter half of 2004, China's top leaders have given higher priority to the issue of national capacity building for S&T innovation. Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterates that stress should be placed on the upgrading of innovation capacity when making overall plans for S&T development,and the task should remain the key link in promoting economic structural readjustment and raising national competitiveness. This strategic transition from imitation to innovation is also found in the National Long- &Medium-term Plan for S&T Development,which is being formulated under the leadership of Premier Wen Jiabao. The author explains the reason behind such a transition and the major administrative measures to be adopted for its implementation.

  12. Clinical significance of exercise induced ST segment depression after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aoki, Toshikazu; Konishi, Tokuji; Futagami, Yasuo


    To evaluate the clinical significance of ST segment depression during repeated Treadmill exercise after successful PTCA, Thallium-201 SPECT was performed. The Thallium-201 SPECT was performed before, one week after and 3-6 months after PTCA. All thirty-five patients had one vessel disease and positive Thallium-201 exercise test. During follow-up period for 3-6 months, 11 of 35 patients had persistent ST segment depression. Restenosis of dilated coronary lesion was demonstrated in 6 of 11 patients. In another 3 of 35 patients, exercise induced ST segment depression was disappered during follow-up Treadmill exercise. In 14 patients with persistent or transient ST segment depression after PTCA, Thallium-201 SPECT demonstrated transient ischemia in 5 of 6 patients with restenosis. In other 8 patients without restenosis, SPECT images did not demonstrate myocardial ischemia and coronary arteriographic findings could not verify side branch stenosis or intimal dissection which might cause myocardial ischemia. The etiology of ST segment depression after successful PTCA in one vessel disease is not produced by exercise induced myocardial ischemia but still unknown mechanisms may be present. (author)

  13. The Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes region: An update (United States)

    Spencer, Douglas R.; Hudson, Patrick L.


    An updated oligochaete species list for the Great Lakes region is provided. The list was developed through the reexamination of the taxa reported in a previous report in 1980, addition of new taxa or records collected from the region since 1980, and an update of taxonomy commensurate with systematic and nomenclatural changes over the intervening years since the last review. The authors found 74 papers mentioning Great Lakes oligochaete species. The majority of these papers were published in the 1980s. The literature review and additional collections resulted in 15 species being added to the previous list. Nine taxa were removed from the previous list due to misidentification, synonymies, level of identification, or inability to confirm the identity. Based on this review, 101 species of Oligochaeta are now known from the St. Lawrence Great Lakes watershed. Of these, 95 species are known from the St. Lawrence Great Lakes proper, with an additional 6 species recorded from the inland waters of the watershed. The greatest diversity of oligochaete species was found in the inland waters of the region (81) followed by Lake Huron (72), Lake Ontario (65), Lake Erie (64), Lake Superior (63), Lake Michigan (62), St. Marys River (60), Niagara River (49), Saginaw Bay (44), St. Clair River (37), Lake St. Clair (36), St. Lawrence River (27), and the Detroit River (21). Three species are suspected of being introduced, Branchiura sowerbyi, Gianius aquaedulcisand Ripistes parasita, and two are believed to be endemic, Thalassodrilus hallae andTeneridrilus flexus.

  14. The plasma levels of soluble ST2 as a marker of gut mucosal damage in early HIV infection (United States)

    Mehraj, Vikram; Jenabian, Mohammad-Ali; Ponte, Rosalie; Lebouché, Bertrand; Costiniuk, Cecilia; Thomas, Réjean; Baril, Jean-Guy; LeBlanc, Roger; Cox, Joseph; Tremblay, Cécile; Routy, Jean-Pierre


    Objective: Following tissue barrier breaches, interleukin-33 (IL-33) is released as an ‘alarmin’ to induce inflammation. Soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2), as an IL-33 decoy receptor, contributes to limit inflammation. We assessed the relationship between the IL-33/ST2 axis and markers of gut mucosal damage in patients with early (EHI) and chronic HIV infection (CHI) and elite controllers. Design: Analyses on patients with EHI and CHI were conducted to determine IL-33/sST2 changes over time. Methods: IL-33 and sST2 levels were measured in plasma. Correlations between sST2 levels and plasma viral load, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts, expression of T-cell activation/exhaustion markers, gut mucosal damage, microbial translocation and inflammation markers, as well as kynurenine/tryptophan ratio were assessed. Results: Plasma sST2 levels were elevated in EHI compared with untreated CHI and uninfected controls, whereas IL-33 levels were comparable in all groups. In EHI, sST2 levels were positively correlated with the CD8+ T-cell count and the percentage of T cells expressing activation and exhaustion markers, but not with viral load or CD4+ T-cell count. Plasma sST2 levels also correlated with plasma levels of gut mucosal damage, microbial translocation and kynurenine/tryptophan ratio and for some markers of inflammation. Prospective analyses showed that early antiretroviral therapy had no impact on sST2 levels, whereas longer treatment duration initiated during CHI normalized sST2. Conclusion: As sST2 levels were elevated in EHI and were correlated with CD8+ T-cell count, immune activation, and microbial translocation, sST2 may serve as a marker of disease progression, gut damage and may directly contribute to HIV pathogenesis. PMID:27045377

  15. Ambulatory ST segment monitoring after myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mickley, H


    as important reasons for the inconsistent findings. The precise role of ambulatory ST segment monitoring in clinical practice has yet to be established. Direct comparisons with exercise stress testing may not be appropriate for two reasons. Firstly, the main advantage of ambulatory monitoring may...

  16. 77 FR 26725 - Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture Meeting (United States)


    ...;and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, #0;delegations of authority... Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture Meeting AGENCY: Office of the Under Secretary, Research, Education... announces a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture (AC21). DATES...

  17. Developing 21st Century Skills through a Constructivist-Constructionist Learning Environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lay Ah-Nam


    Full Text Available Science and technology innovation and 21st century skills are increasingly important in the 21st century workplace. The purpose of this study is to propose an instructional strategy that develop constructivist-constructionist learning environment that simultaneously develop chemistry knowledge and 21st century skills. Based on constructivist and constructionist learning theories, we identified three central guiding principles for this study: (1 engage students in discovery and problem solving task through teamwork, (2 provide opportunities for communicating ideas, and (3 involve students in the process of design. An intervention module, Malaysian Kimia (chemistry Digital Game known as MyKimDG, was developed as a mechanism for creating the learning environment. In this study, students were required to work collaboratively to design educational media that help their peers who face difficulty in learning particular concept. They were guided to go through the IDPCR (Inquiry, Discover, Produce, Communicate and Review phases. It is hypothesized that MyKimDG can create learning environment that allows students to deepen subject content knowledge and practice various 21st century skills in real situation. This study employed quasi-experimental study with non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest control group design. Results suggest that this approach is able to improve the acquisition of chemistry knowledge and high productivity skill.

  18. Spatiotemporal Local-Remote Senor Fusion (ST-LRSF) for Cooperative Vehicle Positioning. (United States)

    Jeong, Han-You; Nguyen, Hoa-Hung; Bhawiyuga, Adhitya


    Vehicle positioning plays an important role in the design of protocols, algorithms, and applications in the intelligent transport systems. In this paper, we present a new framework of spatiotemporal local-remote sensor fusion (ST-LRSF) that cooperatively improves the accuracy of absolute vehicle positioning based on two state estimates of a vehicle in the vicinity: a local sensing estimate, measured by the on-board exteroceptive sensors, and a remote sensing estimate, received from neighbor vehicles via vehicle-to-everything communications. Given both estimates of vehicle state, the ST-LRSF scheme identifies the set of vehicles in the vicinity, determines the reference vehicle state, proposes a spatiotemporal dissimilarity metric between two reference vehicle states, and presents a greedy algorithm to compute a minimal weighted matching (MWM) between them. Given the outcome of MWM, the theoretical position uncertainty of the proposed refinement algorithm is proven to be inversely proportional to the square root of matching size. To further reduce the positioning uncertainty, we also develop an extended Kalman filter model with the refined position of ST-LRSF as one of the measurement inputs. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed ST-LRSF framework can achieve high positioning accuracy for many different scenarios of cooperative vehicle positioning.

  19. Perioperative Interrogation of St. Jude Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices: A Guide for Anesthesiologists. (United States)

    Cronin, Brett; Essandoh, Michael K


    Feelings of trepidation or uncertainty regarding cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) in the perioperative period can often be mitigated by a thorough knowledge of societal recommendations, recommended management options, and familiarity with CIEDs. Given that effective interpretation of an interrogation report is vital to determining perioperative management options and applying societal recommendations, the creation and interpretation of St. Jude CIED interrogation reports are discussed. In an effort to increase the familiarity with St. Jude transvenous CIEDs amongst anesthesiologists, basic programming of a St. Jude pacemaker and implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) also are described. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Spolia from the Church of St. Nicholas in Nikoljac

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pejić Svetlana


    Full Text Available Two, so far unknown, spolia with carved interlace ornaments, built into the wall of the Church of St. Nicholas in Nikoljac are analyzed. These spolia are a part of the collection of fragments discovered earlier in the Church of St. Peter in Bijelo Polje. A comparative analysis was performed on a multitude of pre-Romanic material, in order to determine the time when they were made and whether they originated from any specific circle of stonemasons, and also to identify the initial position of the fragments in the liturgical church furniture for which they had been carved. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036

  1. Construction experience on PCRV liners at Fort St. Vrain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cliff, J.O.; Wunderlich, R.G.


    The construction of the steel liners for the Fort St. Vrain prestressed concrete reactor vessel presented many unique problems for which techniques were developed to satisfy the rigid specification requirements. The PCRV cavity liner was fabricated from 1.9cm carbon steel plate. The liners were partially fabricated by Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company at their Pittsburgh manufacturing facility. The liners were then shipped by rail to within approximately five miles of the jobsite and then trucked the remaining distance. The construction techniques, dimensional control, concrete support and testing utilized on the Fort St. Vrain project are presented in detail and demonstrate the flexibility of the PCRV for field construction. (author)

  2. Le stéréotype dans le roman policier

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marion François


    Full Text Available Le roman policier offre à l’étude du stéréotype une grande variété de redondances, lexicales et structurelles, qui permettent d’éclairer le concept même de genre, en fait issu du constat de stéréotypie. Il est également manifeste que contrairement aux idées reçues, les clichés font du texte policier un texte littéraire, parce qu’ils naissent d’images associées, distinctes de la réalité, qui révèlent d’ailleurs le cheminement même de l’écriture. Par ailleurs ces images jouent un rôle fondamental dans le plaisir du lecteur, comme dans les contes de fées de notre enfance. Les clichés ouvrent la porte des fantasmes : le stéréotype rejoignant l’archétype, les clichés policiers réactivent de nombreux mythes, le texte évoquant l’Autre Scène. Le constat de stéréotypie provoque l’écriture, en particulier parodique, et stimule le renouvellement et l’essaimage des clichés dans toutes sortes de textes, qui bénéficieront de la présence du déjà-lu, laquelle donne au lecteur une assise pour affronter l’inconnu et une expérience pour apprécier la nouveauté.

  3. Technical evaluation report of the Fort St. Vrain final draft upgraded technical specifications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, C.Y.


    This report is a technical evaluation of the final draft of the Fort St. Vrain (FSV) Upgraded Technical Specifications (UT/S) as issued by Public Service of Colorado (PSC) on May 27, 1988 with subsequent supplemental updates issued on June 15, 1988 and August 5, 1988. It has been compared for consistency, and safety conservatism with the Fort St. Vrain (FSV) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), the FSV Safety Evaluation Report (SER), the Facility Operating License, DPR-34, and all amendments to the Facility Operating License issued as of June 1, 1988, and Appendix A to the Operating License DPR-34, Technical Specifications. Because of the age of the plant, no supplements to the Fort St. Vrain SER have been issued since the original SER was not issued as a WASH or a NUREG report. This made it necessary to review all amendments to the Facility Operating License since they would contain the safety evaluations done to support changes to the Facility Operating License. The upgraded Fort St. Vrain Technical Specifications were also broadly compared with the latest Westinghouse Standard Technical Specifications (WSTS) to assure that what was proposed for Fort St. Vrain was consistent with the latest NRC staff practices for standard technical specifications

  4. The role of SCUBE1 in the development of late stent thrombosis presenting with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Bolayır, Hasan Ata; Kıvrak, Tarık; Güneş, Hakan; Akaslan, Dursun; Şahin, Ömer; Bolayır, Aslı


    There is an important link between platelets and inflammation, thrombosis, and vascular and tissue repair mechanisms. SCUBE1 (signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein 1) may function as a novel platelet-endothelial adhesion molecule and play pathological roles in cardiovascular biology. Stent thrombosis (ST) following percutaneous coronary intervention is an uncommon and potentially catastrophic event that can manifest as myocardial infarction and sudden death. High platelet reactivity is a risk factor for thrombotic events, including late ST. For this reason, in the current study, we researched the role of SCUBE1 in the development of late coronary ST. We included 40 patients admitted to our hospital with a diagnosis of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and signs of late ST on a coronary angiogram. For the control group, we recruited 50 healthy gender- and age-matched individuals who were seen for health check-ups. We also randomly included 100 patients with a diagnosis of STEMI without ST. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of baseline and demographic characteristics. The mean SCUBE1 level in patients with STEMI with late ST at admission and the STEMI without ST group was significantly higher than in the control group (pST group was significantly higher than in the STEMI without ST group (p=0.03). In multivariate regression analysis, serum SCUBE1 (odds ratio [OR]: 1.022; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.011-1.033, pST. In addition, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the optimal SCUBE1 cut-off value for predicting late ST. The area under the curve was 0.972 (95% CI 0.95-0.98). The SCUBE1 cut-off value was 59.2 ng/ml, with a sensitivity of 95.4% and specificity of 82.9%. The present work is the first clinical study to demonstrate that serum SCUBE1 levels are significantly higher in patients with late ST and serum SCUBE1 was an independent predictor for the presence of late ST in our

  5. St. Louis River water quality assessment 2012, 2013 (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — St. Louis River Area of Concern surface water nutrient (TP, TN, NOx-N, NH4-N), dissolved oxygen, and particulate (TSS, chlorophyll a) concentration data from 2012...

  6. A Comparative Analysis of International Frameworks for 21st Century Competences: Implications for National Curriculum Policies (United States)

    Voogt, Joke; Roblin, Natalie Pareja


    National curricula need to change drastically to comply with the competences needed for the 21st century. In this paper eight frameworks describing 21st century competences were analysed. A comprehensive search for information about 21st century competences was conducted across the official websites of the selected frameworks, resulting in 32…

  7. Promoter polymorphisms of ST3GAL4 and ST6GAL1 genes and associations with risk of premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix. (United States)

    Rivera-Juarez, Maria de Los Angeles; Rosas-Murrieta, Nora Hilda; Mendieta-Carmona, Victoriano; Hernandez-Pacheco, Raquel Esneidy; Zamora-Ginez, Irma; Rodea-Avila, Carlos; Apresa-Garcia, Teresa; Garay-Villar, Onix; Aguilar-Lemarroy, Adriana; Jave-Suarez, Luis Felipe; Diaz-Orea, Maria Alicia; Milflores-Flores, Lorena; Reyes-Salinas, Juan Salvador; Ceja-Utrera, Francisco Javier; Vazquez-Zamora, Victor Javier; Vargas-Maldonado, Tomas; Reyes-Carmona, Sandra; Sosa-Jurado, Francisca; Santos-Lopez, Gerardo; Reyes-Leyva, Julio; Vallejo-Ruiz, Veronica


    Sialyltransferase gene expression is altered in several cancers, including examples in the cervix. Transcriptional regulation of the responsible genes depends on different promoters. We aimed to determine the association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the B3 promoter of the ST3GAL4 gene and the P1 promoter of the ST6GAL1 gene with cervical premalignant lesions or cervical cancer. A blood sample and/or cervical scrapes were obtained from 104 women with normal cytology, 154 with premalignant lesions and 100 with cervical cancer. We also included 119 blood samples of random donors. The polymorphisms were identified by sequencing from PCR products. For the B3 promoter, a fragment of 506 bp (from nucleotide -408 to +98) was analyzed, and for the P1 promoter a 490 bp (-326 to +164) fragment. The polymorphism analysis showed that at SNP rs10893506, genotypes CC and CT of the ST3GAL4 B3 promoter were associated with the presence of premalignant lesions (OR=2.89; 95%CI 1.72-4.85) and cervical cancer (OR=2.23; 95%CI 1.27-3.91). We detected only one allele of each polymorphism in the ST6GAL1 P1 promoter. We did not detect any genetic variability in the P1 promoter region in our study population. Our results suggest that the rs10893506 polymorphism -22C/T may increase susceptibility to premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix.

  8. Learning Analytics for 21st Century Competencies (United States)

    Buckingham Shum, Simon; Crick, Ruth Deakin


    Many educational institutions are shifting their teaching and learning towards equipping students with knowledge, skills, and dispositions that prepare them for lifelong learning, in a complex and uncertain world. These have been termed "21st century competencies." Learning analytics (LA) approaches in general offer different kinds of…

  9. Pneumopyopericardium mimicking an inferior ST elevation myocardial infarction with regional electrocardiogram changes: a case report. (United States)

    Ratnayake, Eranda Chamara; Premaratne, Sandamali; Lokunarangoda, Niroshan; Fernando, Sanduni; Fernando, Nilanthi; Ponnamperuma, Chandrike; Santharaj, W Samuel


    Pneumopyopericardium is a rare disease with poor prognosis. The usual presentation is with fever, shortness of breath and haemodynamic compromise. The Electrocardiogram changes associated with this disease entity would be similar to pericarditis such as concave shaped ST elevations in all leads with PR sagging. Pneumopyopericardium mimicking an acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, with regional Electrocardiogram changes has hitherto not been described in world literature. We describe the case of a 48 year old native Sri Lankan man, presenting with chest pain and Electrocardiogram changes compatible with an Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, subsequently found to have Pneumopyopericardium secondary to an oesophageal tear. Retrospective history revealed repetitive vomiting due to heavy alcohol consumption, prior to presentation. It unfortunately led to a fatal outcome. Pneumopyopericardium may mimic an acute ST elevation myocardial infarction with associated regional Electrocardiogram changes. A high degree of suspicion should be maintained and an adequate history should always be obtained prior to any intervention in all ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction patients.

  10. ST-segment elevation and ventricular fibrillation shortly after transseptal puncture for left atrial catheter ablation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daisuke Ishigaki, MD


    Full Text Available A 47-year-old man with drug-resistant paroxysmal atrial fibrillation underwent left atrial (LA catheter ablation. After sheaths were inserted into the LA using the Brockenbrough method, he complained of angina and developed ST-segment elevation in the II, III, aVF, V5, and V6 leads. Ventricular fibrillation (VF occurred followed by ventricular tachycardia. The VF was successfully treated with direct current shock. Coronary angiography with isosorbide dinitrate showed neither spasm nor embolism in the coronary artery. The chest pain disappeared after 6 min with resolution of the ST-segment elevation. A summarized review of ST-segment elevation associated with transseptal puncture disclosed that ST-segment elevation is often found in inferior leads (87.5%, while concomitant bradyarrhythmia has been reported in 43.8% of patients. Our patient is the first recorded case with potentially lethal tachyarrhythmia. Although ST-segment elevation and VF is a rare complication associated with transseptal puncture, awareness of this complication is important.

  11. Inquiry-based science: Preparing human capital for the 21 st century and beyond (United States)

    Boyd, Yolanda F.

    High school students need to graduate with 21st century skills to be college and career ready and to be competitive in a global marketplace. A positive trend exists favoring inquiry-based instructional practices that purportedly not only increase science content knowledge, but also 21 st century skill development. A suburban school district, Areal Township (pseudonym), implemented an inquiry-based science program based on this trend; however, the degree to which the program has been meeting students' needs for science content knowledge and 21st century skills development has not been explored. If we were to understand the process by which an inquiry-based science program contributes to attainment of science content and 21st century skill development, then we might be able to improve the delivery of the program and provide a model to be adopted by other schools. Therefore, the purpose of this descriptive case study was to engage with multiple stakeholders to formatively assess the successes and obstacles for helping students to achieve science content and 21st century skills through an inquiry-based curriculum. Using constructivist theory, this study aimed to address the following central research question: How does the implementation of an inquiry-based program within the Areal Township School District (ATSD) support the acquisition of science content knowledge and the development of 21st century skills? This study found that 21st century skill development is embedded in inquiry-based instructional practices. These practices engage students in meaningful learning that spirals in content and is measured using diverse assessments. Time to do inquiry-based science and adequate time for collegial collaboration were obstacles for educators in grades K-5. Other obstacles were turnkey professional development and a lack of ongoing program monitoring, as a result of imposed extrinsic factors from state and federal mandates. Lastly, it was discovered that not all parts of

  12. Certificación energética de edificios en España y sus implicaciones económicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruá, M. J.


    Full Text Available Under the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, the Member States must develop methods to certify energy efficiency of buildings. Calener-VYP v1.0 is the only Spanish official tool to certify a high energy efficiency performance of residential buildings, through the general option. It has two indicators implemented, CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption. However, in the process of energy rating a building, only the CO2 emissions indicator is considered. The economic consequences of this are studied, by means of simulating real properties with different construction assemblies and building services in the twelve Spanish climatic zones and calculating their costs. The results show that having a better energy rate in Calener VYP does not necessarily entail a lower consumption cost. Therefore, it is necessary to include the annual primary energy consumption indicator, because its absence involves that costs cannot be used as an argument when promoting energy efficiency among users.

    Bajo la Directiva Europea sobre eficiencia energética de los edificios, los Estados Miembros deben desarrollar procedimientos para certificar energéticamente los edificios. Calener-VYP v1.0 es la única herramienta oficial española para certificar una elevada aptitud en eficiencia energética de edificios residenciales, por el método general. Tiene dos indicadores implementados, emisiones de CO2 y consumo de energía primaria. Sin embargo, en el proceso de otorgar la calificación energética, solamente se consideran las emisiones de CO2. Las implicaciones económicas de esto se estudian simulando viviendas con diferentes características constructivas e instalaciones en las doce zonas climáticas españolas y calculando sus costes. Los resultados muestran que una mejor calificación energética en Calener-VYP no implica necesariamente un menor coste de consumo energético. Por tanto, es necesario

  13. Persist in creating of science and technology (S.T.), promote the development of uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Letian; Yu Dagan


    The modern social production is characterized by high-grade S.T. leading, the guarantee of which are the creating and recreating. Creating is comprehensive, including the thinking, concepts, view points, theories, systems, management, S.T., engineering, etc. The prospecting and exploration of uranium deposits in China also must follow this trend by renewing the strategies, the management system, S.T. studies, the thinking fashion for more, faster, better, finding uranium deposits

  14. 1st Roman Young Researchers Meeting Proceedings

    CERN Document Server

    Cannuccia, E; Pietrobon, D; Stellato, F; Veneziani, M


    During the last few decades scientists have been able to test the bases of the physics paradigms, where the quantum mechanics has to match the cosmological scales. Between the extremes of this scenario, biological phenomena and their complexity take place, challenging the laws we observe in the atomic and sub-atomic world. In order to explore the details of this world, new huge experimental facilities are under construction. These projects involve people coming from several countries and give physicists the opportunity to work together with chemists, biologists and other scientists. The Roman Young Researchers Meeting is a conference, organised by Ph. D. students and young postdocs connected to the Roman area. It is aimed primarily at graduate students and post-docs, working in physics. The 1st conference has been held on the 21st of July 2009 at the University of Roma Tor Vergata. It was organised in three sessions, devoted to Astrophysics and Cosmology, Soft and Condensed Matter Physics and Theoretical and ...

  15. Rapakivi Granite: An architectural emblem of St Petersburg and its utilisation in other world cities (United States)

    Bulakh, Andrey; Gavrilenko, Vladimir; Panova, Helen


    The wide-ranging utilisation of Rapakivi Granite in St Petersburg is typified by the the famous Alexander Column, and 114 stone columns of St Isaac's Cathedralas well as the pedestal of the Nicholas I monument, and portals and basements of buildings of the Admiralty, General Staff, Senate and Synod. The stone is also frequently seen among pavement slabs and in parapets of embankments and bridges around the city. This list of examples where Rapakivi Granite has been used could be expanded further. All Rapakivi Granites used in the buildings of St.Petersburg were quarried from the so-called Vyborg massif. At present it has been found that the massif occupies an area of about 18 000 km2. In the past granite of the Vyborg massif was worked from several quarries in the vicinity of Fredrikshamn (Hamina) in Finland for use in St Peterburg. The best known granite quarries are at Piterlaks (Piuterlahti) and Gimmekyul (Hämeenkylä). Sometimes Rapakivi Granite form Finland differs in appearance from typical varieties. Thus columns of a classical portal in the house at N 7 in Pochtamtskaya Street are hewn from this greyish variety. Other examples are the plinth of the General Staff and Trade Store buildings. After the 1960s varieties from the Leningrad district, and Korosten (Ukraine) massifs were used in St Petersburg. Today it is possible to find examples of Rapakivi Granite from Finland in cities in the USA, South Africa, United Kingdom and Germany. It is a long used stone as demonstrated by its cultural heritage. It is also used as an ornamental or decorative stone in modern architecture. References: 1) Bulakh, A.G., Abakumova, N.B., and Romanovsky, J.V. St Petersburg: a History in Stone. 2010. Print House of St Petersburg State University. 173 p. (In English). 2) Tutakova, A.Ya., Romanovskiy, A.Z., Bulakh, A.G., and Leer, V.I. Dimension Stone of the Leningrad Region. Granites of the Karelia Isthmus in Architecture of the Modern St Petersburg. 2011. St Petersburg. 78 p

  16. Cardiogenic shock with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (ReNa-Shock ST

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yanina Castillo Costa


    Full Text Available Cardiogenic shock (CS in the setting of an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI is a severe complication and constitutes one of the principal causes of death associated with this condition. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics, treatment strategies and hospital outcome of CS associated with STEMI in Argentina. The Argentine Registry of Cardiogenic Shock (ReNA-Shock was a prospective and multicenter registry of consecutive patients with CS hospitalized in 64 centers in Argentina between July 2013 and May 2015. Only those with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI were selected for this analysis. Of the 165 patients included in the ReNa-Shock registry, 124 presented STEMI. Median age was 64 years (IQR 25-75: 56.5-75 and 67% were men; median time from symptom onset to admission was 240 minutes (IQR 25-75: 132-720. 63% of the cases presented CS at admission. Eighty-seven percent underwent reperfusion therapy: 80% primary percutaneous intervention with a median door-to-balloon time of 110 minutes (IQR 25-75: 62-184. Inotropic agents were used in 96%; 79% required mechanical ventilation; a Swan Ganz catheter was inserted in 47% and 35% required intra-aortic balloon pumping. Most patients (59% presented multivessel disease (MV. Hospital mortality was 54%. Multivariate analysis identified that time from symptom onset to admission (> 240 min was the only independent predictor of mortality (OR: 3.04; CI 95%: 1.18-7.9. Despite using treatment strategies currently available, morbidity and mortality of STEMI complicated with CS remains high.

  17. St. Croix: Shore-based Fishing Access Points (2014) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Two local experts delineated access points for shore-based fishing along the shoreline of St. Croix, USVI. The points were documented at different times, and then...

  18. Prognostic Value of Serial ST2 Measurements in Patients With Acute Heart Failure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vark, Laura C.; Lesman-Leegte, Ivonne; Baart, Sara J.; Postmus, Douwe; Pinto, Yigal M.; Orsel, Joke G.; Westenbrink, B. Daan; Brunner-la Rocca, Hans P.; van Miltenburg, Addy J. M.; Boersma, Eric; Hillege, Hans L.; Akkerhuis, K. Martijn


    Several clinical studies have evaluated the association between ST2 and outcome in patients with heart failure (HF). However, little is known about the predictive value of frequently measured ST2 levels in patients with acute HF. This study sought to describe the prognostic value of baseline and

  19. Biomechanics of the cornea evaluated by spectral analysis of waveforms from ocular response analyzer and Corvis-ST.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sushma Tejwani

    Full Text Available In this study, spectral analysis of the deformation signal from Corvis-ST (CoST and reflected light intensity from ocular response analyzer (ORA was performed to evaluate biomechanical concordance with each other.The study was non-interventional, observational, cross-sectional and involved 188 eyes from 94 normal subjects. Three measurements were made on each eye with ORA and CoST each and then averaged for each device. The deformation signal from CoST and reflected light intensity (applanation signal from ORA was compiled for all the eyes. The ORA signal was inverted about a line joining the two applanation peaks. All the signals were analyzed with Fourier series. The area under the signal curves (AUC, root mean square (RMS of all the harmonics, lower order (LO included 1st and 2nd order harmonic, higher order (HO up to 6th harmonic, CoST deformation amplitude (DA, corneal hysteresis (CH and corneal resistance factor (CRF were analyzed.The device variables and those calculated by Fourier transform were statistically significantly different between CoST and ORA. These variables also differed between the eyes of the same subject. There was also statistically significant influence of eyes (left vs. right on the differences in a sub-set of RMS variables only. CH and CRF differed statistically significantly between the eyes of subject (p<0.001 but not DA (p = 0.65.CoST was statistically significantly different from ORA. CoST may be useful in delineating true biomechanical differences between the eyes of a subject as it reports deformation.

  20. Complete Circular Genome Sequence of Successful ST8/SCCmecIV Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (OC8 in Russia: One-Megabase Genomic Inversion, IS256's Spread, and Evolution of Russia ST8-IV.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tsai-Wen Wan

    Full Text Available ST8/SCCmecIV community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA has been a common threat, with large USA300 epidemics in the United States. The global geographical structure of ST8/SCCmecIV has not yet been fully elucidated. We herein determined the complete circular genome sequence of ST8/SCCmecIVc strain OC8 from Siberian Russia. We found that 36.0% of the genome was inverted relative to USA300. Two IS256, oppositely oriented, at IS256-enriched hot spots were implicated with the one-megabase genomic inversion (MbIN and vSaβ split. The behavior of IS256 was flexible: its insertion site (att sequences on the genome and junction sequences of extrachromosomal circular DNA were all divergent, albeit with fixed sizes. A similar multi-IS256 system was detected, even in prevalent ST239 healthcare-associated MRSA in Russia, suggesting IS256's strong transmission potential and advantage in evolution. Regarding epidemiology, all ST8/SCCmecIVc strains from European, Siberian, and Far Eastern Russia, examined had MbIN, and geographical expansion accompanied divergent spa types and resistance to fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol, and often rifampicin. Russia ST8/SCCmecIVc has been associated with life-threatening infections such as pneumonia and sepsis in both community and hospital settings. Regarding virulence, the OC8 genome carried a series of toxin and immune evasion genes, a truncated giant surface protein gene, and IS256 insertion adjacent to a pan-regulatory gene. These results suggest that unique single ST8/spa1(t008/SCCmecIVc CA-MRSA (clade, Russia ST8-IVc emerged in Russia, and this was followed by large geographical expansion, with MbIN as an epidemiological marker, and fluoroquinolone resistance, multiple virulence factors, and possibly a multi-IS256 system as selective advantages.