
Sample records for sostoyanie del po

  1. Una poética del pliegue

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    Ana Porrúa


    Full Text Available La producción de Juan Gelman-de Violín y otras cuestiones a Relaciones- puede inscribirse dentro de la poética sesentista caracterizada por la hegemonía de la narración y la apertura del discurso poético al resto de los discursos sociales, pero también establece una compleja relación con las vanguardias históricas. La noción de pliegue permite revisar las articulaciones de este conflicto; como espacio el pliegue separa ambas poéticas, la "coloquialista" y vanguardista, que pueden leerse en el interior del corpus propuesto en estado puro, yuxtapuestas, o bajo la forma del cruce que instala la polémica entre libros o textos de un mismo libro. La idea depliegue como rasgo operatorio permite, por su parte, revisar la relación entre ambas poéticas en el interior de un poema, focalizando la materia, el lenguaje. En este caso la poética vanguardista funciona como cuestionamiento de la linealidad del texto sesentista.

  2. Una poética del pliegue

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    Ana Porrúa


    Full Text Available La producción de Juan Gelman-de Violín y otras cuestiones a Relaciones- puede inscribirse dentro de la poética sesentista caracterizada por la hegemonía de la narración y la apertura del discurso poético al resto de los discursos sociales, pero también establece una compleja relación con las vanguardias históricas. La noción de pliegue permite revisar las articulaciones de este conflicto; como espacio el pliegue separa ambas poéticas, la "coloquialista" y vanguardista, que pueden leerse en el interior del corpus propuesto en estado puro, yuxtapuestas, o bajo la forma del cruce que instala la polémica entre libros o textos de un mismo libro. La idea depliegue como rasgo operatorio permite, por su parte, revisar la relación entre ambas poéticas en el interior de un poema, focalizando la materia, el lenguaje. En este caso la poética vanguardista funciona como cuestionamiento de la linealidad del texto sesentista.

  3. Studies of the balance 210Pb - 210Po in glasses; Estudios del equilibrio 210Pb - 210Po en vidrios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torre Pérez, J. de la; Martín Sánchez, A.; Ruano Sánchez, A.B.


    Retrospective dosimetry requires measurement methods allowing the determination of Radon concentration in the past. One of the such methods is based on the direct measurement of 210Po implanted on the surface of objects, whose activity concentration (Bq/m2), is directly related to the cumulative exposure due to the concentration of 222Rn (Bq/m3) for long time. These determinations are possible taking into consideration the equilibrium between 210Po (T1/2 = 138.378 days) and its parent 210Pb (T1/2 = 22.3 years), being both radionuclides from the 222Rn progeny. In previous works about the determination of the conversion factor (ratio between the concentration of 210Po in objects and the retrospective 222Rn concentration in air), Corresponding equilibria between descendants were assumed. In this work, an experimental study about the equilibrium 210Pb - 210Po in glasses, which were previously exposed to some radon concentrations, has been performed. Two scenarios were studied: a place with, and another place without, continuous cumulative 222Rn concentration. Results were compared with those reached by theoretical calculations from the (Bateman) activity evolution equations. [Spanish] La dosimetría retrospectiva requiere métodos de medida que permitan la determinación de la concentración de radón en el pasado. Uno de estos métodos está basado en la medida directa del 210Po implantado sobre la superficie de objetos, cuya concentración de actividad (Bq/m2), está directamente relacionada con la exposición acumulativa debida a la concentración de 222Rn (Bq/m3) durante largos períodos de tiempo. Estas determinaciones son posibles gracias al equilibrio entre el 210Po (T1/2 = 138,378 días) y su progenitor, el 210Pb (T1/2 = 22,3 años), siendo ambos radionúclidos descendientes del 222Rn. En trabajos anteriores sobre la determinación del factor de conversión (relación entre la concentración de 210Po en los objetos y la concentración de 222Rn retrospectivo en

  4. La Poética del "pathos" en la iconografía de la pintura mejicana del siglo XX


    Medina Prado, Rebeca


    [spa] En este trabajo se investiga la "Poética del Pathos en la iconografía de la pintura mexicana del siglo XX". Uno de los motivos de dicha investigación ha sido la enorme expectación que se creó en México en la década de los años veinte del siglo XX frente al renacimiento artístico de la pintura mural y de caballete, creada bajo el patrocinio del Gobierno de México. El Ministro de Educación José Vasconcelos convocó a los pintores que se encontraban en Europa o Estados Unidos de Norteaméric...

  5. Poética del "pathos" en la iconografía de la pintura mejicana del siglo XX, La


    Medina Prado, Rebeca


    En este trabajo se investiga la "Poética del Pathos en la iconografía de la pintura mexicana del siglo XX". Uno de los motivos de dicha investigación ha sido la enorme expectación que se creó en México en la década de los años veinte del siglo XX frente al renacimiento artístico de la pintura mural y de caballete, creada bajo el patrocinio del Gobierno de México. El Ministro de Educación José Vasconcelos convocó a los pintores que se encontraban en Europa o Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, par...

  6. La obra lírica de César Simón: Poética del paisaje y de la conciencia.


    Pozo Sánchez, Begoña


    RESUMEN La poesía de César Simón (1932-1997) se presenta como una rareza dentro del panorama de la poesía española del último tercio del siglo XX. La excepcionalidad de su escritura reside en su marcado carácter filosófico, así como en la articulación de un universo compacto y clausurado desde las primeras publicaciones. Dándose a conocer de forma tardía y periférica, la obra de Simón ha supuesto un desafío para la estructura jerárquica del canon poético; situación que se está viendo modif...

  7. Angelberga: il monastero di San Sisto di Piacenza e il corso del fiume Po Angelberga: the monastery of St. Sisto of Piacenza and the course of Po river

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    Roberta Cimino


    Full Text Available Il contributo analizza il dotario of Angelberga (ca. 831-891, moglie dell’imperatore Ludovico II. Angelberga rivestì un importante ruolo politico sia durante il suo matrimonio, sia dopo la morte del marito, e riuscì inoltre a costruire un impressionante patrimonio. Angelberga acquisì infatti un grande numero di beni fondiari, in parte tramite donazioni del consorte e in parte grazie ad acquisizioni personali. Nell’877 l’imperatrice assegnò il suo patrimonio al monastero di San Sisto, da lei fondato a Piacenza. Il contributo esamina in dettaglio l’ubicazione dei beni di Angelberga, dimostrando che gran parte di tali beni era situata in prossimità del corso del fiume Po: tale collocazione consentiva il controllo delle principali vie di comunicazione del regno d’Italia. Inoltre le proprietà di Angelberga si trovavano per lo più in aree controllate dai Supponidi, la potente famiglia di origine dell’imperatrice. Il saggio conclude che la costruzione del patrimonio di Angelberga, e del monastero che ne derivò, dimostra una convergenza di interessi economici e politici tra il potere regio e le aristocrazie locali rappresentate dalla potente famiglia d’origine dell’imperatrice.

    This study analyzes the dower of Angelberga (ca. 831-891, wife of emperor Louis II. Angelberga played a significant political role during her marriage and after her husband’s death; moreover she accumulated an impressive patrimony. Angelberga gathered a great number of landed properties, partly through donations from her husband and partly thanks to personal acquisitions. In 877 the empress left her wealth to the monastery of St. Sisto, which she had founded in Piacenza. This article offers a detailed analysis of the location of Angelberga’s properties, showing that most of these properties were situated in the proximity of the Po river: this location allowed for the control of the main communication routes of the Italic Kingdom. Moreover

  8. Hacia la necesaria integración de la canción de autor en el sistema poético español del último tercio del siglo XX: propuestas teóricas y metodológicas

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    Javier García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El principal objetivo de este trabajo es realizar algunas propuestas teóricas y metodológicas en torno a la necesidad de integrar la canción de autor en el sistema poético español del último tercio del siglo XX.

  9. Las palabras ciegas: acercamiento a la poética de Antonio Gamoneda

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    María Pérez Heredia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se plantea la búsqueda de la poética de Antonio Gamoneda. Se trata de una poética que parte del dolor para buscar la luz, siempre centrándose en la reflexión metaliteraria. El poeta aprende a mirarse a sí mismo, en versos puramente introspectivos, para poder así mirar el mundo. Para exponer el hecho de que la lirica gamonediana es en sí misma metaliteraria, se parte del análisis de diversos poemas, que abarcan la mayor parte de la trayectoria poética del poeta. El silencio como elemento previo a la creación, expresado en la página en blanco, será fundamental, así como el hecho de nombrar, de dar nombre a las cosas. Gamoneda, a través de la contemplación de la adquisición del habla de su nieta Cecilia, explorará el poder creador de la palabra.

  10. A la búsqueda de la soledad sonora. Formas del silencio en la poética de Alejandra Pizarnik

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    Núria Calafell Sala


    Full Text Available Surgiendo de la dolorosa conciencia de una falta múltiple –de lenguaje, de amor, de individualidad–, la poética de Alejandra Pizarnik se define como una pugna para lograr superarla a través del trabajo con la página en blanco. Ésta se tensa, se retuerce y se atraviesa, en lo que se revela como una práctica del límite que enfrenta al sujeto consigo mismo y con el lenguaje. Ello favorece la visualización de distintas y contradictorias formas de silencio: desde un silencio que se experimenta mediante del cuerpo y sus metamorfosis hasta un silencio místico, pasando por sus manifestaciones escriturales y autorreflexivas, todas ellas nos hablan de una “única tentación y la más alta promesa”

  11. Una aproximación al poema “Arte Poética” de Jorge Luis Borges

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    Lorena Chaves Salgado


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una lectura del poema 'Arte poética' de Jorge Luis Borges desarrollando aspectos teóricos relacionados con el análisis poético. El poema describe la labor del poeta y que significa escribir poesía, entendido para Borges como un acto y proceso creativo.

  12. Una aproximación al poema “Arte Poética” de Jorge Luis Borges

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    Lorena Chaves Salgado


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una lectura del poema 'Arte poética' de Jorge Luis Borges desarrollando aspectos teóricos relacionados con el análisis poético. El poema describe la labor del poeta y qué significa escribir poesía, entendido para Borges como un acto y proceso creativo.

  13. Los rasgos de la lírica del exilio en la poética de Luis Cernuda

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    Ana Martínez García


    Full Text Available La obra literaria creada en el destierro por los españoles tuvo ciertos caracteres esenciales que le llevan a formar parte de una tendencia distinta, a no ligarse a los movimientos literarios coetáneos que se manifestaban en la península. La lírica fue el género más influenciado por la situación que los exiliados estaban experimentando, razón por la que sus textos pueden dividirse en periodos, con diferentes rasgos, dependientes de la situación histórica que experimentaban: Segunda Guerra Mundial, final de la guerra y afianzamiento del Franquismo, etc. Entre los muchos autores exiliados, Luis Cernuda fue uno de los más reconocidos, donde los rasgos de la poética del destierro estaban presentes, de una forma velada, trágica y sucinta, como era propio de toda su producción.

  14. El adulterio y la violencia femenina en algunos pliegos sueltos poéticos del siglo XVI

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    Sánchez-Pérez, María


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to study the depiction of adultery and female violence in poetic chapbooks of the 16th century. By going over several cases we will show that adulterous women perform all kinds of atrocities and killings to enjoy her lover freely. Occasionally she will murder her husband, but also anyone who comes between their relationship. The image we get, then, is that of a lustful, cruel and dangerous woman, according to the mentality of the time.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el tratamiento del adulterio y la violencia femenina en pliegos sueltos poéticos del siglo XVI. Mediante un recorrido por varios casos veremos cómo la mujer adúltera comete todo tipo de atrocidades y asesinatos para gozar libremente de su amante. En ocasiones asesinará al marido, pero también a todos aquellos que se interpongan en su relación. Se nos presenta así la imagen de una mujer libidinosa, cruel y peligrosa, de acuerdo con la concepción y la mentalidad de la época.

  15. Llenguatge jurídic i llenguatge poètic: les gosadies del comte-bisbe Miró Bonfill

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    Quetglas, Pere J.


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the poetic originality of Miró Bonfill, count of Besalú and bishop of Girona (tenth century, in one of the documents attributed to him: the provision certificate of the church of Sant Pere de Besalú. The analysis of the 27 verses contained in this document shows an evident dependence on poets like Paulinus of Aquileia and Venantius Fortunatus, but it also allows to trace connections with other contemporary and later works. This fact poses new questions on the literary links between Catalonia and Europe in the tenth century.[ct] En aquest treball s’estudia l’originalitat poètica del comte de Besalú i Bisbe de Girona, Miró Bonfill (segle X, en un dels documents que hom li atribueix: l’acta de confirmació de la dotació de l’església de Sant Pere de Besalú. L’anàlisi dels 27 versos identificats en aquest document posen en relleu una clara dependència de Miró Bonfill d’altres poetes com Paulí d’Aquileia o Venanci Fortunat, però també l’existència de relacions amb altres obres, anteriors, contemporànies i posteriors, circumstància que obre nous interrogants sobre les relacions literàries de Catalunya amb Europa al segle X.

  16. "La cultura del bienestar. Poéticas del confort en la arquitectura de los siglos XIX y XX" = The Welfare Culture. Poetics of Comfort in Architecture of the 19th and 20th-centuries

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    Eduardo Prieto González


    Full Text Available ResumenLejos de ser un concepto de índole técnica —el simple equilibrio higrotérmico entre las condiciones del clima y las constantes fisiológicas humanas— el confort es una idea culturalmente construida, que concierne a factores heteróclitos, como la relación de la arquitectura con el cuerpo, o el modo en que se conciben a través de este la naturaleza, el espacio y la materialidad. Sin embargo, la noción de confort no ha merecido toda la atención historiográfica que merece, de ahí la necesidad de una nueva perspectiva de índole estética y multidisciplinar. Tal punto de vista se ensaya en el artículo a través de una parcial y brevísima historia del confort que recoge los diferentes sentidos asignados al concepto a lo largo de los dos últimos siglos de acuerdo a una suerte de ‘poéticas’: la añeja poética del fuego, vinculada al confort regenerativo; las poéticas de la higiene y del hábitat, desarrolladas durante la modernidad como dogmas cientificistas y a la vez como coartadas estéticas, y, finalmente, la poética de las atmósferas, que da cuenta de las inquietudes contemporáneas sobre la percepción, la memoria y la sociabilidad. De tal repaso histórico puede concluirse que el bienestar no es un concepto objetivable ni aislable en la probeta del técnico o el científico, sino una noción compleja, formada por capas diversas que se entremezclan: fisiológicas, constructivas, estéticas, existenciales, sociales. La historia del confort es, de este modo, una suerte de versión reducida de la historia de la cultura.Palabras claveconfort, arquitectura, higiene, hábitat, atmósferaAbstractArchitectural history of the last two centuries shows that welfare, far from being a purely technical issue – a balance between weather and the physiological human constants – is a culturally constructed idea concerning diverse factors, such as the relationship between space and human body or the ways of conceiving nature in

  17. A tientas por el laberinto poético de León de Greiff

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    Otto Morales Benítez


    Full Text Available Ensayo de ensayo, llama Lino Gil Jaramillo su libro, A tientas por el laberinto poético de León de Greiff. Es un estudio serio, haciendo rodeos y aproximaciones en torno a uno de los grandes valores poéticos de América Latina. Conocedor profundo de su obra, por estudio y análisis permanente, y por la misma cercanía a la amistad de León de Greiff, este testimonio es uno de los más ambiciosos tendiente a descubrir todo el intrincado valor del mensaje del poeta.

  18. Nota biobibliográfica + poética + creaciones («angel fieramente humano», «antología del bienestar», «el sueño de una nación», «La flecha del amor», «el comienzo de la soledad» y «comunicacion» + cuestionario (Victoria Pineda

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    Pablo del Barco


    Full Text Available Nota biobibliográfica + poética + creaciones («angel fieramente humano», «antología del bienestar», «el sueño de una nación», «La flecha del amor», «el comienzo de la soledad» y «comunicacion» + cuestionario (Victoria Pineda

  19. Role of PO4 tetrahedron in LiFePO4 and FePO4 system. (United States)

    Zeng, Yuewu


    Using high resolution transmission electron microscopy with image simulation and Fourier analysis, the Li1- x FePO4 (x < 0.01), Li1- x FePO4 (x ∼ 0.5), and FePO4 particles, prepared by charging or discharging the 053048 electrochemical cells (thickness: 5 mm, width: 30 mm, height: 48 mm) and dismantled inside an Ar-filled dry box, were investigated. The high resolution images reveal: (1) the solid solution of Li1- x FePO4 (x < 0.01) contains some missing Li ions leading PO4 group distorted around M1 tunnel of the unit cell; (2) the texture of the particles of Li1- x FePO4 (x ∼0.5) has homogeneously distributed compositional domains of LiFePO4 and FePO4 resulting from spinodal decomposition which promote Li ion easily getting into the particle due to uphill diffusion, (3) the particles of FePO4 formed in charging have heavily distorted lattice and contain some isolated LiFePO4 , (4) interface between LiFePO4 and FePO4 and between amorphous and crystal region provides the lattice distortion of small polarons. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. La poética de la reescritura en Leónidas Lamborghini: significación cultural y vínculos con poéticas de la traducción “posesiva” en la poesía latinoamericana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX

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    Gerardo Jorge


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se propone describir y conceptualizar el procedimiento de “reescritura” en el contexto de la obra del poeta argentino Leónidas Lamborghini (1927-2009, y a partir de allí reflexionar sobre los procesos de producción por la vía de la reescritura y de la traducción “creativa” en la poesía latinoamericana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, los cuales fueron cultivados no sólo por Lamborghini, sino también por otros contemporáneos suyos como Haroldo de Campos, Augusto de Campos y Nicanor Parra. De esta manera, se busca ofrecer una entrada para reflexionar alrededor del modo de relación con la tradición que un conjunto de poéticas desarrolladas durante dicho período propusieron, y del posible significado cultural de sus operaciones.

  1. « In medio mihi Cæsar erit » : Charles-Quint et la poésie impériale

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    Roland Béhar


    Full Text Available Le règne de Charles-Quint fut célébré dans toutes les villes et dans toutes les langues du vaste Empire dont il hérita. À partir du couronnement de 1530, le recours aux modèles rhétoriques et poétiques antiques célébrant son adventus devint plus sensible : Charles-Quint reprit alors à son compte la « propagande poétique » qui avait accompagné les règnes de son aïeul Maximilien Ier et des papes d’avant le Sac de Rome (1527. Comment faire l’éloge du prince ? Si l’opinion critique d’un Érasme s’oppose à celle d’un Girolamo Balbi, les poètes, désireux de refléter dans leurs vers la gloire du Prince, sont menés à reprendre les formes poétiques antiques. Deux cas sont étudiés. D’une part, Jean Second renouvelle l’élégie. De l’autre, les héritiers de Sannazar donnent une nouvelle légitimité au recours à la fiction, créant ainsi un modèle poétique qui influence Minturno, Garcilaso de la Vega ou même Du Bellay.El reinado Carlos V fue celebrado en todas la ciudades y lenguas del gran Imperio que heredó. A partir de la coronación del 1530, se propagó el uso de los modelos retóricos y poéticos antiguos para la celebración del adventus del Emperador: Carlos V retomó entonces para si la «propagande poética» que había acompañado los reinados de su abuelo Maximiliano I y de los Papas anteriores al Saco de Roma (1527. ¿Como alabar al príncipe? Si la opinión de Erasmo se muestra más crítica que la de un Girolamo Balbi, son los poetas que, deseos de reflejar en sus versos la gloria del Príncipe, reanudan con las formas poéticas antiguas. Se estudian dos casos aquí: por un lado, la renovación de la elegía en la obra de Jean Second; por el otro, los herederos de Sannazaro confieren una nueva legitimidad al recurso a la ficción poética, en un modelo poético que influencia a Minturno, a Garcilaso de la Vega y hasta a Du Bellay.

  2. Systems of Ba(PO3)2-Sr(Pu3)2, Cd(PO3)2-Ca(PO3)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokman, I.A.; Bukhalova, G.A.


    Phase diagrams of the Ba(PO 3 ) 2 -Sr(PO 3 ) 2 and Cd(PO 3 ) 2 -Ca(PO 3 ) 2 systems have been studied and plotted by the methods of differential-thermal analysis (DTA), visual-polythermal, X-ray phase and infrared spectroscopy. The Ba(PO 3 ) 2 -Sr(PO 3 ) 2 system is of the eutectic type. In the binary system Cd(PO 3 ) 2 -Ca(PO 3 ) 2 the existence of a continuous series of solid solutions with a minimum at 858 deg C and 27.5 mol.% Ca(PO 3 ) 2 has been established

  3. Hobbes en Sinaloa, o del corrido como resolución poética a un orden social marcado por la violencia

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    María Luisa De la Garza Chávez


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra cómo una veta de la producción actual de corridos constituye una forma tan innovadora como radical de actuar frente a una realidad social que tiene mucho en común con el «estado de naturaleza» que Hobbes imaginó como causante del primer pacto político de la historia de la humanidad. En el México de hoy, en el que no se observa otra cosa que el fracaso de la política, la única opción para garantizar la conservación de sí parece radicar en la poética.

  4. El timbre como elemento formal en la obra de Messiaen: la orquestación en el Saint François d'Assise, una poética del color.


    Minguet, Vicent


    Presentamos en este artículo una aproximación al estudio de la noción de “sonido-color” del compositor francés Olivier Messiaen, de una gran importancia para la comprensión de su obra. La relación entre timbre, armonía y forma que en ella se establece es muy estrecha, instalando la idea de forma como resultado de una poética del color que permite a su vez aflorar la manifestación exterior de la significación interior. El estudio específico de algunas texturas observadas en su ópera Saint F...

  5. Las cruces del olvido

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    Carla Fernandes


    Full Text Available Les tragiques événements du « mars paraguayen » ont signifié la disparition de l’espoir en la transition démocratique dans laquelle le pays s’était engagé depuis presque une dizaine d’années. Renée Ferrer, poète, dramaturge, auteur de plusieurs recueils de contes et de deux romans, consigne alors le témoignage poétique de ce drame national dans le recueil Las cruces del olvido (2001. Elle a auparavant publié d’autres textes qui peuvent rentrer dans la catégorie de la poésie sociale : c’est le cas en particulier de Viaje a destiempo (1989 dédié aux victimes de la dictature. Las cruces del olvido, dès son paratexte, insiste sur la fonction de témoignage que l’auteur souhaite assigner à ses vers et sur le rôle que ceux-ci peuvent jouer dans la transmission d’une mémoire collective. La voix d’un jeune disparu de ce « mars paraguayen », le dédoublement qu’il subit et travers lequel il évoque son entrée dans la mort et son absence du monde des vivants, rendent possible l’écriture de cette expérience de l’indicible qu’est la disparition.Los trágicos acontecimientos del «marzo paraguayo» significaron la desaparición de la esperanza en la transición democrática que el país está viviendo desde unos diez años. Renée Ferrer, poeta, dramaturga, autora de varios libros de cuentos y de dos novelas, escribe entonces el testimonio poético de ese drama nacional en su poemario Las cruces del olvido (2001. Ya había publicado antes textos que se pueden considerar como poesía social: es el caso de Viaje a destiempo (1989 dedicado a las víctimas de la dictadura. Desde el texto apertural, Las cruces del olvido potencia la función de testimonio que la autora desea conceder a sus versos y el papel que éstos pueden desempeñar en la transmisión de una memoria colectiva. La voz de un joven desaparecido del «marzo paraguayo», el desdoblamiento que sufre y a través del cual evoca su entrada en la

  6. Poéticas feministas de la abyección en la literatura

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    Cristina Castellano


    Full Text Available La violencia siempre está vinculada al terror físico, material, emocional; pero ¿qué sucede cuando las y los escritores expresan las potencialidades emancipadoras del horror? Este artículo muestra cómo desde la literatura latinoamericana y del Caribe se generan poéticas de emancipación feministas que permiten comprender de otra manera la conquista de la dignidad de las mujeres y las conversiones subjetivas fuera de la heteronormatividad. Se cuestionan las lógicas y los principios de higiene de la modernidad por medio del análisis de textos literarios y a partir del uso del término « abyección » teorizado por la escritora y psicoanalista Julia Kristeva.

  7. L'ampliamento della teoria del linguaggio letterario e l'analisi del fatto letterario


    Albaladejo Mayordomo, Tomás; Chico Rico, Francisco


    El presente estudio aborda el problema de la ampliación de la teoría del lenguaje literario hacia lo que podemos llamar una «teoría del hecho literario» a lo largo del siglo XX. Dicha ampliación ha tenido lugar gracias al desarrollo de la Poética lingüística como teoría del texto literario de amplitud semiótica y abarcadora, por tanto, del conjunto del hecho literario y mediante el empleo de otras perspectivas teórico-críticas de raigambre no lingüístico-inmanentista que potencian la atención...

  8. Lenguaje publicitario, una poética del consumo

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    Eulalia Ferrer


    Full Text Available En "Auge y caída de los vÍdeo juegos" el autor señala que las tecnologías digitales cambian aceleradamente. Cada cambio impacta en el entorno de la sociedad y la cultura ¿Cómo adaptarse a estos retos? ¿Cómo controlarlos? se responde en el artículo. Otro artículo hace alusión a la conmemoración de los 10 años de la Declaración del Nuevo Orden Internacional de la Información y Comunicación - NOIIC-. Radio boletín informativo para niños cita las recomendaciones dadas en el Seminario realizado por el CIESPAL, la O E A , Radio Nederland y la Fundación Friedrich E. y confirma la necesidad de que si se va a comunicar a los niños, es necesario capacitarse. Se analiza el decálogo del comunicador infantil, enfatizando en que los niños valen y exigen. "Avances psicológicos de la publicidad" es un resumen del libro de William Meyers "Los creadores de imagen" trata básicamente del poder de persuasión de Madison Avenue en sus campañas publicitarias y explica la cultura consumista en Estados Unidos, luego de la segunda guerra Mundial.

  9. Las Poáceas del Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén (Oxapampa, Perú. Parte II: Pooideae, Centothecoideae, Arundinoideae, Chloridoideae y Panicoideae

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    María I. La-Torre


    Full Text Available Se presenta la segunda parte de un estudio taxonómico de la Familia Poaceae del Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén y zonas aledañas (Oxapampa, Pasco, Perú. Se presentan 63 especies de Poáceas de las subfamilias Pooideae, Centothecoideae, Arundinoideae, Chloridoideae y Panicoideae, las cuales están incluidas en 37 géneros y 12 tribus. Se incluye una breve descripción de los géneros. Se ha elaborado claves para diferenciar los géneros y especies. Para cada especie se indica su ecología, distribución y el material estudiado.

  10. Metabolism of 210Po in rats: Volatile 210Po from faeces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadi, B. B.; Li, C.; Wyatt, H.; Bugden, M.; Wilkinson, D.; Kramer, G.


    The metabolic formation of volatile 210 Po species in a rat that was intravenously administered with 210 Po-citrate was investigated in this study. A slurry of the faecal sample was prepared in water and was bubbled with nitrogen gas in a closed system. The discharged gas was passed through a trapping device filled with liquid scintillation cocktail in order to capture any volatile 210 Po species. The amount of 210 Po trapped in the scintillation cocktail was measured by a liquid scintillation analyser that provided evidence of the presence of volatile 210 Po species in the faeces. The presence of volatile 210 Po in the faeces indicates that the metabolic formation of volatile 210 Po is likely to occur in the gut due to bacterial activity. The amount of volatile 210 Po species was compared with the daily faecal excretion of 210 Po. After 2 h of bubbling, the volatile 210 Po collected from the faeces sample was found to be between 1.0 and 1.7 % of the daily faecal excretion for the 4 d following 210 Po-citrate administration. (authors)

  11. Palabra creadora y visión poética del mundo. Los comienzos de la fantasía épica en C. S. Lewis

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    Omar David Gutiérrez Bautista


    Full Text Available La enorme difusión de la serie de libros Las Crónicas de Narnia del autor británico C. S. Lewis, invita al estudio de la calidad artística de la obra que forma parte de los comienzos de la fantasía épica; no sólo porque representa un hito en la historia literaria, sino porque sigue siendo una expresión de necesidades humanas fundamentales que, si bien se ubicaron en la etapa de posguerra en el siglo XX, actualmente se observan en los grandes cuestionamientos de la posmodernidad. La crisis de los grandes relatos expresados generalmente por las religiones y la disolución cultural de grandes referentes literarios, producen un campo propicio para la aparición de obras literarias que, como Las Crónicas de Narnia, proponen una visión del mundo y un proyecto de futuro. En el presente trabajo analizaremos el valor artístico de El sobrino del mago (1955, libro con que se abre la colección de libros infantiles, como obra que propone una visión poética del mundo con el trasfondo religioso judeocristiano de la creación.

  12. A non-invasive genetic survey of the Pine marten (Martes martes in the western river Po plain (italy: preliminary results

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    Alessandro Balestrieri


    Full Text Available Abstract Riassunto Monitoraggio genetico non invasivo della martora (Martes martes nella pianura padana occidentale: risultati preliminari. Tra il 2003 e il 2004, due esemplari di martora (Martes martes sono stati investiti da automezzi sulla sponda sinistra del fiume Po (R. N. Garzaia di Valenza, Piemonte. Per accertare la presenza stabile della specie nella Riserva e lungo il tratto vercellese-alessandrino del Parco fluviale del Po, è stato applicato un metodo PCR-RFLP per l’analisi di mtDNA di origine fecale. A partire da gennaio 2007, sono state raccolte 212 feci attribuibili al genere Martes in base a forma e dimensioni. L’analisi di un campione di 117 feci (55% ha permesso di identificare 10 feci di martora e 15 di faina (M. foina, confermando la presenza della martora nella Riserva e accertandola per la prima volta in un’area collinare in sponda destra del Po (Camino, AL, circa 32 km a monte della Riserva. Resta da valutare se la scarsa resa dell’amplificazione del DNA (21,4% sia dovuta alla degradazione del materiale genetico o ad un numero elevato di feci di volpe (Vulpes vulpes erroneamente attribuite a Martes durante la fase di raccolta.

  13. Complex phosphates in the Li(Na)3PO4-InPO4 systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potapova, A.M.; Zimina, G.V.; Smirnova, I.N.; Novoselov, A.V.; Spiridonov, F.M.; Stefanovich, S.Yu.


    Subsolidus sections in the systems Li 3 PO 4 -InPO 4 (950 deg C) and Na 3 PO 4 -InPO 4 (800, 900, and 1000 deg C) have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction. The compound Li 3 In(PO 4 ) 2 has been synthesized, and the NASICON-type solid solution Li 3(1-x) In 2+x (PO 4 ) 3 (0.67 ≤ x ≤ 0.80) has been found to exist. In the system Na 3 PO 4 -InPO 4 , the solid solution Na 3(1-x) In x/3 PO 4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) and two complex phosphates exist: Na 3 In(PO 4 ) 2 and Na 3 In 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . These complex phosphates are dimorphic, with the irreversible-transition temperature equal to 675 and 820 deg C, respectively. Na 3 In(PO 4 ) 2 degrades at 920 deg C. Ionic conductivity has been measured in some phases in the system [ru

  14. The Ca(PO3)2-Sr(PO3)2 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bukhalova, G.A.; Tokman, I.A.


    Phase diagram of the system Ca(PO 3 ) 2 -Sr(PO 3 ) 2 has been studied and plotted with the aid of differential thermal, visual polythermal, X-ray analysis, and infrared spectroscopy. Continuous solid solutions are formed in the system with a minimum at 968 deg C and 25 mol.% of Sr(PO 3 ) 2 . Solid solutions decompose with the formation of about 30 mol.% of Sr(PO 3 ) 2

  15. Ñe’êpoty, lenguas ocultas y poetas migrantes: bitácora sobre la escritura poética en la escuela secundaria, a partir del contacto con lenguas indígenas


    Castro, Valeria


    El presente trabajo pretende describir cómo la escritura poética a partir del contacto con lenguas indígenas, se recontextualiza poniendo en escena nuevos sentidos y nuevos saberes que no son los enunciados por el discurso disciplinar escolar, en un grupo de alumnos pertenecientes al ámbito de la educación secundaria. Departamento de Letras

  16. Análisis de las formaciones dunares activas de la flecha del Fangar (Delta del Ebro)


    Rodríguez, Inmaculada; Sánchez, M. J.; Montoya, I.; Serra, J.; Moreno, L.; Gracia, F.J.; Muñoz-Perez, Juan J.


    Este artículo muestra los trabajos realizados sobre los campos de dunas activas de la Flecha del Fangar al amparo del Proyecto de Investigación “Cuantificación y Contribución del Transporte Eólico en los Procesos Dinámicos y Ambientales en el Delta del Ebro. Aplicación a su Gestión Integrada y a la Conservación de los Ambientes Marginales” (AGITE), concedido por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia 473 dentro del Plan Nacional de I+D+i (2005-2008). En dicho proyecto se ha po...

  17. In-beam spectroscopy of 198Po and 200Po nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maj, A.


    The main purpose of this thesis is to answer the question whether any signs of collectivity or deformation are evident in 198 Po and 200 Po nuclei, situated on the border of the predicted new region of oblate deformation. Bearing this in mind spectroscopic investigations were performed. The level schemes of 198 Po and 200 Po were established, transition rates were determined and g-factors of isomeric states and, for 200 Po, the quadrupole moment of the 8 + - state were measured. The experimental techniques are described and the methods of evaluating the obtained data are presented. 74 refs., 7 figs., 9 tabs. (M.F.W.)

  18. Nota biobibliográfica + poética + creaciones («Uves migratorias», «Fronteras del hambre», «Puntos de sutura», «Paisaje urbano 2», «El intruso» y «Mirada rota» + cuestionario (Victoria Pineda

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    Julián Alonso


    Full Text Available Nota biobibliográfica + poética + creaciones («Uves migratorias», «Fronteras del hambre», «Puntos de sutura», «Paisaje urbano 2», «El intruso» y «Mirada rota» + cuestionario (Victoria Pineda

  19. Administración de la base de datos del CENACE para la modelación del Sistema Nacional Interconcectado


    Uquillas Vallejo, Gonzalo; Grijalva Silva, Carlos Santiago


    Presenta la administración de bases de datos, necesesarios para actualizar, expandir o depurar la implementación del modelo del sistema de po-tencia en el sistema de manejo de bases de datos del Centro de Control. El modelo del sistema eléctrico es usado intensivamente para el control supervisorio en tiempo real, análisis de seguridad y planificación del Sistema Nacional Interconectado. La actualización se lleva a cabo mediante el trabajo en un ambiente de alta seguridad, desarrollando anális...

  20. Crystal structures of Th(OH)PO4, U(OH)PO4 and Th2O(PO4)2. Condensation mechanism of M(IV)(OH)PO4 (M= Th, U) into M2O(PO4)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dacheux, N.; Clavier, N.; Wallez, G.; Quarton, M.


    Three new crystal structures, isotypic with β-Zr 2 O(PO 4 ) 2 , have been resolved by the Rietveld method. All crystallize with an orthorhombic cell (S.G.: Cmca) with a = 7.1393(2) Angstroms, b = 9.2641(2) Angstroms, c 12.5262(4) Angstroms, V = 828.46(4) (Angstroms) 3 and Z = 8 for Th(OH)PO 4 ; a = 7.0100(2) Angstroms, b = 9.1200(2) Angstroms, c = 12.3665(3) Angstroms, V 790.60(4) (Angstroms) 3 and Z = 8 for U(OH)PO 4 ; a 7.1691(3) Angstroms, b 9.2388(4) Angstroms, c = 12.8204(7) Angstroms, V 849.15(7) (Angstroms) 3 and Z = 4 for Th 2 O(PO 4 ) 2 . By heating, the M(OH)PO 4 (M Th, U) compounds condense topotactically into M 2 O(PO 4 ) 2 , with a change of the environment of the tetravalent cation that lowers from 8 to 7 oxygen atoms. The lower stability of Th 2 O(PO 4 ) 2 compared to that of U 2 O(PO 4 ) 2 seems to result from this unusual environment for tetravalent thorium. (authors)

  1. El mundo del libro : septiembre de 1969

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available Se presentan reseñas de los siguientes  autores y textos: -Autobiografía de Juan Miguel Acevedo. Separata del Boletín Bilbiográfico. -Suma poética por Helcías Martán Góngora -Orígenes del complejo de Edipo por Roberto de Zubiría

  2. On thermal expansion of RbD2PO4, CsH2PO4 and CsDrPO4 crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlokh, O.G.; Shchur, Ya.I.; Klymiv, I.M.


    Thermal expansion of RbD 2 PO 4 , CsH 2 PO 4 , CsD 2 PO 4 crystals in a wide range of temperatures embracing points of phase transitions was studied. An explanation of anomalous behaviour of thermal expansion factor along directions b and c in the course of RbD 2 PO 4 transfer into intermediate phase was suggested. 10 refs., 4 figs

  3. Crystal structure of 4-RbHo(PO3)4, 4-RbTm(PO3)4 and 4-CsEr(PO3)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maksimova, S.I.; Palkina, K.K.; Chibiskova, N.T.


    X-ray structural study of 4-RbLn(PO 3 ) 4 (Ln=Mo, Tm) and 4-CsEr(PO 3 ) 4 is carried out. The compounds are crystallized in monoclinic crystal system, sp. gr P2 1 /n. Parameters of their unit cell, atom coordinates, anisotropic heat parameters, interatomic distances and valent angles are given. 4-RbHo(PO 3 ) 4 , 4-RbTm(PO 3 ) 4 , 4-CsEr(PO 3 ) 4 are isostructural to previously studied TlNd(PO 3 ) and 4-RbNd(PO 3 ) 4 . Using as an example the structural type 4-M 1 Ln(PO 3 ) 4 it is shown that the change of the shortest distances Ln-Ln, M 1 -M 1 and M 1 -Ln, as well as of degree of polymorphous chain corrugation to a higher extent depends on rare earth atom dimensions, than on monovalent metal ion dimensions [ru

  4. Del hecho al dicho hay un poético trecho. Prolegómenos para una investigación social literaria

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    Jairo Hernando Gómez-Esteban


    Full Text Available Este artículo constituye uno de los núcleos teóricos y metodológicos de mi tesis doctoral Testigos de sí mismos: narrativas políticas de jóvenes bogotanos. En él se proporcionan los argumentos teóricos y epistemológicos para transitar de una escritura teórica a una escritura literaria como estrategia para acceder a los pliegues más ocultos de la subjetividad tanto del investigador como de los informantes y, sobre todo, para desvanecer las fronteras de dos tipos de escritura (o, si se quiere, de dos géneros discursivos, el científico y el literario. El texto está dividido en cinco partes. En la primera se discute la relación entre metáfora y concepto, en la segunda, el lugar que ocupan la autobiografía y el testimonio en esta discusión, en la tercera, se debate el agotamiento de las categorías sociales y el papel que eventualmente juega aquí la escritura literaria, en la cuarta se describen y establecen las limitaciones del papel de la antropología poética chilena como precursora de este planteamiento, y finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones metodológicas de la propuesta.

  5. El lugar de la sátira en la poética: los tratados españoles del siglo XIX

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    González Alcázar, Felipe


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyse the satirical genre and its connections with Poetics in the Spanish Poetry and Rhetoric precept treatises of the nineteenth century. Throughout that century, literary theory was subject to major changes, such as the success of Hegel’s postulates on literary genres. Satire faces these changes and its own evolution: it was first identified with the Roman satura and afterwards through its various forms, it became a mixed or transitional genre. Its fragile nature seems to confront directly the normative perpetuity of treatises that, in spite of their rupture with romanticism, may be considered inheritors of the classicist principles.Se propone en este artículo investigar el género satírico y sus relaciones con la Poética a través de los tratados poético-retóricos de preceptiva españoles del siglo XIX. A lo largo de toda esa centuria la teoría literaria estuvo sujeta a grandes transformaciones, entre ellas, el triunfo de los principios hegelianos acerca de los géneros literarios. La sátira se enfrenta a esas mismas transformaciones y a su propia evolución: primero, identificada con la satura romana, y luego, a través de sus numerosas formas, convertida en un género mixto o de transición. Su lábil naturaleza parece enfrentarse directamente con la perennidad normativa de los tratados que, a pesar de la ruptura romántica, pueden considerarse herederos de los principios clasicistas.

  6. The system La(PO3)3-Ca(PO3)2-P2O5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jungowska, W.; Znamierowska, T.


    Ternary system La(PO 3 ) 3 -Ca(PO 3 ) 2 -P 2 O 5 has been studied by means of thermal and roentgenography analysis. The existence of single intermediate compound CaLa(PO 3 ) 5 has been observed. The phase diagrams for the ternary system as well as for two binary systems La(PO 3 ) 3 -Ca(PO 3 ) 2 and CaLa(PO 3 ) 5 -LaP 5 O 11 have been shown. 7 refs, 3 figs

  7. Irrigación arterial del músculo interóseo y del ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo en la mano del caballo Arterial blood supply to the interosseus muscle and accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon in the horse hand




    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio del origen y distribución de las ramas arteriales al músculo interóseo y al ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo de la mano del caballo. Se disecaron 20 manos a las que les fue inyectada la arteria mediana con látex coloreado. Las ramas arteriales entran al músculo interóseo por la cara dorsal y palmar del cuerpo y por sus bordes medial y lateral. Cada tendón de inserción del músculo interóseo recibió importantes ramas arteriales po...

  8. Poéticas de la reescritura: Héctor Viel Temperley y Leónidas Lamborghini

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    Biviana Hernández O.


    Full Text Available En el presente ensayo se contrastan las poéticas de Héctor Viel Temperley y Leónidas Lamborghini a partir de las nociones de subjetividad y experiencia que los autores construyen en dos textos claves de sus respectivas obras, en el contexto de la poesía argentina de los 60’s: Hospital Británico (1986 de Viel Temperley, y Carroña última forma (2001 de Lamborghini. Ambas operan como una summa poética que actualiza su trayectoria desde de una visión carnavalesca y autoparódica de la figura del poeta y la poesía, por un lado; intimista y confesional, por otro, pero de acuerdo con un horizonte de sentido común: el de la reescritura como un modo de producción de la textualidad en tanto que dispositivo de mediación entre la obra y la vida del escritor.

  9. La poética iluminada de la locura: Francisco Matos Paoli contra el imperio

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    María Giulianna Zambrano Murillo


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone una exégesis del poema carcelario “Canto de la locura” (1962 del puertorriqueño Francisco Matos Paoli (1915-2000 como una defensa de la locura como posibilidad epistémica y poética liberadora frente a la biopolítica carcelaria y colonial. En los años cincuenta, el nacionalismo puertorriqueño, además de ser proscrito mediante la Ley 53, conocida como la Mordaza, fue estigmatizado como una amenaza delirante a la estabilidad del Gobierno en la isla. Con una voz poética hiperlúcida que desborda los límites del lenguaje, Matos Paoli insiste en la pregunta por la libertad de la isla mientras denuncia la violencia colonial estadounidense. This article proposes a reading of the poem “Canto de la locura” (1962, written by Puerto Rican Francisco Matos Paoli (1915-2000, as defending madness as an epistemic possibility as well as an emancipatory poetics in the face of penitentiary and colonial biopolitics. In the 1950s, Puerto Rican nationalism, in addition to being prohibited by Law 53, known as la Mordaza (Gag Law, was stigmatized as a delirious threat to the stability of the island’s government. With a hyperlucid poetic voice that exceeds the limits of language, Matos Paoli insists on the question of freedom for Puerto Rico while denouncing the colonial violence of the United States.


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    Luis Quintana Tejera


    Full Text Available La poesia de Pablo Neruda destaca en el marco de la literatura del siglo XX. En particular hemos analizado "Una canción desesperada" y dos poemas de Residencia en la tierra: "Arte poética" y "No hay olvido (Sonata". Mediante el análisis estilístico parcial de estos tres poemas llevamos a cabo una revisión crítica de la Poética del chileno desde la observación del "Yo", la cual refleja los conflictos íntimos de un alma muy peculiarPablo Neruda's poetry stands out in the literature of the XX century. In particular, the poem "A Song of Despair" plus two other poems from the poet's 'Residence on Earth" are analysed here, "Poetic Art" and "There is no Forgetful ness" (sonnets. Through a partial stylistic study of these three poems, we make a critical version of the "Poetics" of the Chilean from the observation of the "self" reflecting the intimate conflicts of a unique soul

  11. Poéticas andinas: Willanakuy willanakuy kasqan, Cuento es cuento

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    Gonzalo Espino Relucé


    Full Text Available Este texto se ubica dentro de lo que se conoce como epistemologías del Sur. El enunciado básico que trabajaré será: las formas discursivas andinas están plegadas a la cosmovisión andina. La narración en los Andes está asociada a la manera como la gente concibe y vive su cotidianidad y la expresa como poética andina. La comprensión de esta supone cuatro aspectos mutuamente relacionados: (1 los relatos orales aparecen soldados a la comprensión del ser cultural andino; (2 la naturaleza distintiva del relato corresponde a la dimensión de un discurso que se justifica como ejercicio de la palabra; (3 las estrategias propias del relato andino quechua (aymara o en castellano andino enmarcan la situación del relato (un tiempo narrativo –sqa– y una manera de validar lo que se dice –s ~ –si; (4 la palabra viene acompañada de un conjunto de lenguajes que hacen posible su realización. La voz no es posible si no va acompañada del cuerpo. En nuestro artículo apelaremos a relatos que actualmente se escuchan y que provienen de la lengua quechua,  aymara y del castellano andino.

  12. Mixed phosphates of the Na3PO4 - LnPO4 systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slivko, T.A.; Smirnova, I.N.; Zimina, G.V.; Spiridonov, F.M.; Chudinova, N.N.


    The phase relationships in the systems Na 3 PO 4 - LnPO 4 (subsolidus 950 Deg C cross-sections), where Ln=Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb, Lu, were studied by X-ray analysis. Reactions of the components were deduced, formed phases were separated and identified. The Na 6 Ln 3 (PO 4 ) 5 (Ln=Dy, Ho, Tm), Na 3 Ln 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (Ln=Tm, Yb, Lu) compounds and phases of the unstable composition Na 6+x Ln 3-x/3 (PO 4 ) 5 (Ln=Yb, Lu, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5) were detected for the first time. In all systems the existence of the Na 3-x Ln x/3 PO 4 unstable composition phase on the basis of the high temperature modification of sodium phosphate (sp. gr. Fm3m) is established, suggesting that stabilization of this modification by rare earth ions is possible [ru

  13. Sopapo Poético: sarau de poesia negra no extremo sul do Brasil

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    Pâmela Amaro Fontoura


    Full Text Available Presentamos el Sopapo Poético, sarau de poesía negra que se celebra en Porto Alegre desde 2012. Entendemos que en este evento se da el encuentro de dos tendencias: por un lado la reciente difusión de los saraus periféricos en São Paulo y otras ciudades de Brasil, y por el otro la tradición de la poesía negra brasileña, especialmente la producida desde la década de 1970. Este encuentro ocurre en un contexto específico que condiciona la actuación del movimiento negro gaúcho: Porto Alegre, significativa “ciudad letrada” y capital de Rio Grande do Sul, un estado marcado por una identidad regional racializada en el mito del gaucho europeizado. Describimos el sarau, que se desarrolla en tres momentos: la rueda de poesía, con la participación espontánea de la audiencia; la presentación del Sopapinho, en el que los niños y niñas son llevados al centro del círculo; y el homenajeado de la noche, que combina el relato de trayectoria personal con el performance artístico. Entre los homenajeados, destacamos dos figuras relevantes para la estética del sarau: el poeta Oliveira Silveira y el sopapeiro Giba Giba. Analizando las intervenciones poéticas en sus dimensiones textual y performática, pensamos en la íntima relación entre lo estético y lo político que se construye en el sarau. Las ideas de Paul Gilroy sobre la política cultural diaspórica en el Atlántico Negro nos sirven para comprender el contexto de conflicto y las formas de elaboración de la identidad cultural afro-gaucha.

  14. Evaluation of socio-economic impact of drought events: the case of Po river basin

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    Musolino Dario


    Full Text Available Il paper si focalizza sugli impatti socioeconomici degli eventi siccitosi. Obiettivo del paper è in particolare quello di analizzare gli effetti distributivi degli eventi siccitosi nell’agricoltura, studiando il caso del bacino del Po, l’area agricola più grande ed estesa in Italia. L’approccio teorico e metodologico utilizzato si basa sulla teoria del surplus del consumatore. I risultati più rilevanti delle analisi svolte mostrano che gli effetti delle siccità sono socialmente differenziati. Nel settore agricolo si osserva infatti come l’impatto economico sugli agricoltori è diverso da quello che si registra sui consumatori. Gli agricoltori possono perfino guadagnare dalle siccità, a causa del cosiddetto “effetto prezzo”, causato dalla scarsità di beni agricoli in periodi siccitosi; mentre i consumatori perdono sempre, a causa del sommarsi dell’ “effetto prezzo” e dell’ “effetto quantità”. Impatti di segno e magnitudine diversa sono stati anche stimati tra gli stessi agricoltori, quando distinti per tipologia di coltivazione e per sub-area geografica.

  15. Poéticas del intruso. Jacques Rancière, lector de Mallarmé

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    Alberto Bejarano


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el significado de la figura del poeta como “intruso” en la obra de Stéphane Mallarmé, tal como es estudiada por el filósofo y ensayista francés Jacques Rancière en La política de la sirena y La palabra muda. Nuestra intención apunta a mostrar otras definiciones del rol del poeta y del espacio literario en uno de los creadores más destacados del arte contemporáneo.

  16. Una lengua común: poéticas y políticas de la enfermedad


    Martínez García, Miguel Ángel


    La tesis "Una lengua común: poéticas y políticas de la enfermedad" analiza un corpus de textos literarios recientes (publicados en su mayoría después del año 2000) en los que se tematiza el motivo de la enfermedad. La tesis interroga la dimensión social y política de las formas actuales de la enfermedad a partir de sus representaciones literarias. El punto de partida de la tesis consiste en la constatación de que algunas enfermedades (como el cáncer o las llamadas "enfermedades del vacío" o "...

  17. Electronic Properties of LiFePO4 and Li doped LiFePO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang, G.V.; Allen, J.L.; Ross, P.N.; Guo, J.-H.; Jow, T.R.


    The potential use of different iron phosphates as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries has recently been investigated.1 One of the promising candidates is LiFePO4. This compound has several advantages in comparison to the state-of-the-art cathode material in commercial rechargeable lithium batteries. Firstly, it has a high theoretical capacity (170 mAh/g). Secondly, it occurs as mineral triphylite in nature and is inexpensive, thermally stable, non-toxic and non-hygroscopic. However, its low electronic conductivity (∼10-9 S/cm) results in low power capability. There has been intense worldwide research activity to find methods to increase the electronic conductivity of LiFePO4, including supervalent ion doping,2 introducing non-carbonaceous network conduction3 and carbon coating, and the optimization of the carbon coating on LiFePO4 particle surfaces.4 Recently, the Li doped LiFePO4 (Li1+xFe1-xPO4) synthesized at ARL has yield electronic conductivity increase up to 106.5 We studied electronic structure of LiFePO4 and Li doped LiFePO4 by synchrotron based soft X-ray emission (XES) and X-ray absorption (XAS) spectroscopies. XAS probes the unoccupied partial density of states, while XES the occupied partial density of states. By combining XAS and XES measurements, we obtained information on band gap and orbital character of both LiFePO4 and Li doped LiFePO4. The occupied and unoccupied oxygen partial density of states (DOS) of LiFePO4 and 5 percent Li doped LiFePO4 are presented in Fig. 1. Our experimental results clearly indicate that LiFePO4 has wideband gap (∼ 4 eV). This value is much larger than what is predicted by DFT calculation. For 5 percent Li doped LiFePO4, a new doping state was created closer to the Fermi level, imparting p-type conductivity, consistent with thermopower measurement. Such observation substantiates the suggestion that high electronic conductivity in Li1.05Fe0.95 PO4 is due to available number of charge carriers in the material

  18. α-decay properties of 190Po and the identification of 191Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batchelder, J.C.; Batchelder, J.C.; Zganjar, E.F.; Toth, K.S.; Bingham, C.R.; Bingham, C.R.; Wauters, J.; Brown, L.T.; Davids, C.N.; Seweryniak, D.; Brown, L.T.; Conticchio, L.F.; Seweryniak, D.; Conticchio, L.F.; Wood, J.L.


    The α-decay properties of 190 Po were investigated through the use of a fragment mass analyzer in conjunction with a double-sided Si strip detector. The isotope was produced via the 96 Mo( 96 Mo,2n) reaction, and its α-decay energy and T 1/2 were measured as 7529(10) keV and 2.4 -0.3 +0.4 ms, respectively. The resulting reduced width is nearly identical to that of the 192,194 Po isotopes. This is believed to result from significant mixing between the ground state π(2p) and the low-lying 0 + π(4p-2h) intruder state in the Po parent. The result provides further evidence for shape coexistence in the light Po isotopes. In addition, 191 Po was unambiguously identified, and the 186 Pb α-decay branch was determined experimentally for the first time. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  19. Le corps poétique ou la poétique du corps

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    Yvonne Goga


    Full Text Available Les réflexions sur la poésie de Valéry sont illustrées dans deux volumes : Album de vers anciens et Charmes. Parmi les images les plus représentatives est celle du corps de la femme. Par l’analyse des images sur le corps de la femme, le but de notre étude est celui de souligner l’un des principes de la poétique de Valéry : la relation entre le monde extérieur, le corps et l’esprit, pour créer le poème et le poète.

  20. Inelastic neutron scattering and lattice dynamics studies of AlPO4 and GaPO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mittal, R.; Chaplot, S.L.; Kolesnikov, A.I.; Loong, C.-K.; Jayakumar, O.D.; Kulshreshtha, S.K.


    The compounds AlPO 4 and GaPO 4 show phase transitions at high pressure depending on the compressibility of the constituent tetrahedra. Semi-empirical interatomic potentials are available for AlPO 4 and GaPO 4 . Molecular dynamics simulations have been reported using these potentials to understand the nature of phase transitions in different polymorphs of these compounds. In order to check these potentials we have carried out lattice dynamical studies for AlPO 4 and GaPO 4 . The phonon density of states measurements from the polycrystalline samples of low-cristobalite phase of AlPO 4 and GaPO 4 are carried out using High-Resolution Medium-Energy Chopper Spectrometer at ANL in the energy transfer range 0-160 meV. The calculated phonon spectra for both the compounds using the available potentials show fair agreement with the experimental data. However, the agreement between the two is improved by including the polarizibility of the oxygen atoms in the framework of the shell model. The lattice dynamical model is used for the calculation of specific heat and thermal expansion

  1. Encarnaciones poéticas. Cuerpo, arte y necropolítica

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    Ileana Dieguez Caballero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo discuto la emergencia de la sangre como mimesis de la pérdida de cuerpos y vidas en un contexto de necropolítica, pero también como impregnación espectral de la ausencia a través de acciones artísticas. La presencia de la sangre ha comprometido estrategias metafóricas, como figuras de semejanza con las escenas de la violencia. Y también ha comprometido a la sangre misma como flujo abyecto, implicando estrategias metonímicas que generan poéticas secrecionales. A partir de las elaboraciones teóricas de Georges Didi-Huberman, me interesa abordar el imaginativo vínculo entre encarnar y sangrar a través del efecto del rojo cinabrio. Este texto aborda acciones de tres artistas. Ricardo Wiesse, Rosa María Robles y Teresa Margoles. Pero más allá de los escenarios del arte, busco pensar lo que se pinta, lo que se trastorna, en los escenarios abyectos, teñidos por la catástrofe de los cuerpos desencarnados.

  2. Gelman: El salario del impío

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    Jorge José Monteleone


    Full Text Available En su "Discurso sobre lírica y sociedad", Theodor W Adorno señala que el poema lírico debe presentar un alto "grado de interiorización y una radical individuación". Es decir, que el contenido del poema será tanto más objetivo y motivado socialmente cuanto menos se "tematice" en el la relación entre el yo y la sociedad y que el sujeto estará menos ausente de la forma poética que lo presenta, cuanto mas se sumerja y olvide en la objetividad social del lenguaje. A k luz de esas nociones pueden leerse dos libros de Juan Gelman, que se refieren explícitamente al exilio: Bajo la lluvia ajena (notas al pie de una derrota (1984 y Salarios del impío (1993. Entre uno y otro se percibe una progresiva individuación que permite alcanzar formalmente en el lenguaje poético una eficaz representación imaginaria del hecho histórico opresivo, que elude la reducción temática. Asimismo, la noción de posterioridad, con k cual se reinscribe y reorganiza la significación de un hecho traumático del pasado en un trabajo de la memoria, permitiría revisar aquella célebre advertencia de Adorno según la cual seria imposible escribir poesía después de un genocidio.

  3. Gelman: El salario del impío

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    Jorge José Monteleone


    Full Text Available En su "Discurso sobre lírica y sociedad", Theodor W Adorno señala que el poema lírico debe presentar un alto "grado de interiorización y una radical individuación". Es decir, que el contenido del poema será tanto más objetivo y motivado socialmente cuanto menos se "tematice" en el la relación entre el yo y la sociedad y que el sujeto estará menos ausente de la forma poética que lo presenta, cuanto mas se sumerja y olvide en la objetividad social del lenguaje. A k luz de esas nociones pueden leerse dos libros de Juan Gelman, que se refieren explícitamente al exilio: Bajo la lluvia ajena (notas al pie de una derrota (1984 y Salarios del impío (1993. Entre uno y otro se percibe una progresiva individuación que permite alcanzar formalmente en el lenguaje poético una eficaz representación imaginaria del hecho histórico opresivo, que elude la reducción temática. Asimismo, la noción de posterioridad, con k cual se reinscribe y reorganiza la significación de un hecho traumático del pasado en un trabajo de la memoria, permitiría revisar aquella célebre advertencia de Adorno según la cual seria imposible escribir poesía después de un genocidio.

  4. The small mammals of an upper piedmontese Po plain site (Leinì, Turin prov. / La micromammalofauna di una stazione planiziaria piemontese

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    Giuseppe Osella


    Full Text Available Abstract The 24 small mammals listed as living in Leinì (Piedmontese Po plain, near Turin, 245 m on sea level (only the red fox, Vulpes vulpes is not sure, are briefly analysed (Chiroptera excepted. List and analysis are the results of studies pursued for about 35 years. However, in Verona's Museum of Natural History, the housed materials are related to the last eighteen years (1966-1984 (Tab. I. For a complete analysis, this fauna is compared with the Veronese Po plain one, especially with the Busatello one (Gazzo Veronese-Ostiglia. This site is a stretch of marshes named "Valli Grandi Veronesi and Ostigliesi" (Tab. II. In this analysis, if we don't consider the not native species (Myocastor coypus and Mustela vison, the estinguished species (Lutra lutra, the Mediterranean species (living only along the border of the Po plain basin (Suncus etruscus and the hunting species (Lepus europaeus and Oryctolagus cuniculus we have 23 taxa for Lein and only 17 and 13, respectively, for Veronese Po plain and Busatello. The richer small mammal fauna of the Piedmontese Po plain is, above all, supported by different ecological conditions but the preservation of some species (e.g. Glis glis and Muscardinus avellanarius in Leinì is surely related also to historical problems and to a land anthropization pushed forward to a lesser degree. Riassunto Vengono elencate e brevemente commentate tutte le specie di micromammiferi presenti a Leinì (Torino, Chirotteri esclusi. Si tratta di un complesso di 24 specie (solo la volpe non è del tutto sicura per ognuna delle quali gli autori, sinteticamente, espongono le osservazioni raccolte in circa 35 anni. A maggior chiarimento del significato faunistico del popolamento, viene presa in esame anche la micromammalofauna della pianura padano veneta, precisamente la pianura veronese ed in particolar modo la

  5. Contra lo discreto: Mauro Césari y las poéticas de desreferenciabilización

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    Agustin Federico Berti


    Full Text Available Desde la reflexión sobre la ciencia y la técnica del filósofo Bernard Stiegler, introducimos el concepto de estándar como la base del progreso de la sociedad hiperindustrial contemporánea. A partir de una aproximación a las consideraciones de Stiegler sobre la incidencia del estándar en los regímenes de atención y memoria, es decir, en el rol activo que los objetos técnicos asumen en la constitución de las identidades particulares y en la configuración de ciertas obras de arte, se discute la obra del poeta experimental argentino Mauro Césari. Su obra permite proponer el concepto de “poéticas da desrreferenciabilización” para explicar prácticas artísticas por las que un texto, pierde esa posibilidad por la acción deliberada de su autor, para volverse imagen técnica. El efecto es la destrucción del estándar precedente poniendo de relieve el aspecto material del texto, su visualidad y su presencia como imagen a ser vista y no necesariamente como texto a ser leído. La poética de desrreferenciabilización atenta contra la reproducción seriada de las experiencias de lectura propiciando no sólo obras singulares sino también la elaboración de nuevas categorías que las tornen legibles. La práctica de desrreferenciabilización tiene la potencia de lo que Stiegler llama “invención categorial”. El artículo concluye con una propuesta de obras en las que se difumina el límite entre las distintas artes y el modo en el que éstas permiten discutir las delimitaciones y los problemas que se plantean en la ciencia y la técnica contemporáneas que pueden ser abordadas desde nuestra propuesta teórica.

  6. Radiochemical determination of 210Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarence, J.


    By spontaneous deposition of Po onto silver, and with the use of Po 208 as a tracer, the accurate spectrographic measurements are made possible. Quantitative recovery of Po 210 from radioactive cellulose filters is obtained by burning of samples in a golden lined calorimetric bomb. (author) [fr


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    Geovannys Montero Zayas


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda la incidencia del método semiótico para el análisis del texto poético en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la literatura; demuestra cómo el estudiante interpreta las múltiples determinaciones socio-históricas, culturales, psicológicas y hasta biológicas de los códigos lingüístico y poético; explica la decodificación de los códigos culturales individuales y sociales plasmados por el sistema emisor en el poema lírico y la forma en que el estudiante configura los códigos culturales propios en beneficio de la sociedad. Los autores ilustran las múltiples determinaciones de los fenómenos que conforman el código poético, entre los que destacan la métrica, la rima, los recursos expresivos, el tiempo, el espacio y el color, con referencias a obras líricas de autores cubanos y de la literatura para niños. A modo de conclusiones se enumera una serie de insuficiencias presentes en la didáctica de la literatura y trianguladas en intercambios académicos con maestros y profesores.

  8. "Festas" y "desafíos" en una comarca rural del sur de Galicia: Solidaridades y rivalidades poéticofestivas en la representación simbólica de dos niveles de identidad comunitario-vecinal

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    Couceiro Domínguez, Enrique


    Full Text Available Not available.

    Este estudio trata de ser una reflexión en torno a determinados aspectos estructurales de diversas configuraciones festivo-ceremoniales y poético- verbales propias de unas comunidades vecinales del sur de Galicia, en cuanto que tales configuraciones constituyen modos de representar y formalizar simbólicamente la identidad comunitaria de los colectivos que en ellas participan y, en particular, la de aquellos que actúan como organizadores y anfitriones de cada ocasión festiva.

  9. Enhanced photo-stability and photocatalytic activity of Ag3PO4 via modification with BiPO4 and polypyrrole (United States)

    Cai, Li; Jiang, Hui; Wang, Luxi


    Ag3PO4 photocatalysts modified with BiPO4 and polypyrrole (PPy) were successfully synthesized via a combination of co-precipitation hydrothermal technique and oxidative polymerization method. Their morphologies, structures and optical and electronic properties were characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), transmission electron microscope (TEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas, X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR), X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-vis diffuse reflection spectra (UV-vis DRS), photocurrent technique and electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS). The typical triphenylmethane dye (malachite green) was chosen as a target organic contaminants to estimate the photocatalytic activities and photo-stabilities of Ag3PO4-BiPO4-PPy heterostructures under visible light irradiation. The results indicated that the existence of BiPO4 and PPy not only showed great influences on the photocatalytic activity, but also significantly enhanced photo-stability of Ag3PO4 in repeated and long-term applications. The degradation conversion of Ag3PO4-BiPO4-PPy heterostructures (ABP-3) was 1.58 times of that of pure Ag3PO4. The photo-corrosion phenomenon of Ag3PO4 was effectively avoided. The photocatalytic activity of up to 87% in the Ag3PO4-BiPO4-PPy heterostructures (ABP-3) can be remained after five repeated cycles, while only about 33% of the degradation efficiency can be reserved in pure Ag3PO4. The possible mechanism of enhanced photo-stability and photocatalytic activity of Ag3PO4-BiPO4-PPy heterostructures was also discussed in this work.

  10. La multimedia como herramienta para el aprendizaje autónomo del vocabulario del inglés por parte de los niños


    Mosquera, Francisco Moreno


    Este artículo describe una Investigación pedagógica realizada en la Universidad del Chocó orientada a comprobar el grado de efectividad de la multimedia como herramienta para el aprendizaje autónomo del vocabulario del inglés por parte de los niños. El problema a investigar se planteó en términos de los interrogantes: ¿qué tan efectivo es el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera a través de la tecnología?, ¿qué tanto pueden aprender los niños chocoanos por sí solos el vocabulario del inglés po...

  11. Efecto hipolipidémico del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Artocarpus altilis "árbol del pan" en Rattus norvegicus con hiperlipidemia inducida


    Julio Campos Florián


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo demostrar la actividad hipolipidémica del extracto acuoso de las hojas del árbol del pan, Artocarpus altilis, en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón X-305, utilizando como especímenes Rattus norvegicus machos, peso promedio 204,5 g, a los que se les administró por vía oral 0,05 g/100 g y 0,2 g/100 g del extracto acuoso de A. altilis; se incluyó un grupo control negativo que recibió solución salina fisiológica y un grupo control po...

  12. Mechanical and thermal-expansion characteristics of Ca10(PO46(OH2-Ca3(PO42 composites

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    Ruseska G.


    Full Text Available Three types of composites consisting of Ca10(PO46(OH2 and Ca3(PO42 with composition: 75% (wt Ca10(PO46(OH2: 25%(wt Ca3(PO42; 50%(wt Ca10(PO46(OH2: 50%(wtCa3(PO42 and 25 %(wt Ca10(PO46(OH2: 75%(wt Ca3(PO42 were the subject of our investigation. Sintered compacts were in thermal equilibrium, which was proved by the absence of hysteresis effect of the dependence ΔL/L=f(T during heating /cooling in the temperature interval 20-1000-200C. Sintered compacts with the previously mentioned composition possess 26-50% higher values of the E-modulus, G-modulus and K-modulus indicating the presence of a synergism effect. Several proposed model equations for predicting the thermal expansion coefficient in dependence of the thermal and elastic properties of the constitutive phases and their volume fractions, given by: Turner, Kerner, Tummala and Friedberg, Thomas and Taya, were used for making correlations between mechanical and thermal-expansion characteristics of the Ca10(PO46(OH2 - Ca3(PO42 composites. Application of the previously mentioned model equations to all kinds of composites leads to the conclusion that the experimentally obtained results for the thermal expansion coefficient are in an excellent agreement with the theoretical calculated values on account of the volume fraction of each constitutive phase and with all applied model equations, with a coefficient of correlation from 98.16-99.86 %.

  13. In vitro cell culture pO2 is significantly different from incubator pO2. (United States)

    Bambrick, L L; Kostov, Y; Rao, G


    Continuous noninvasive monitoring of peri-cellular liquid phase pO2 in adherent cultures is described. For neurons and astrocytes, this approach demonstrates that there is a significant difference between predicted and observed liquid phase pO2. Particularly at low gas phase pO2s, cell metabolism shifts liquid phase pO2 significantly lower than would be predicted from the O2 gas/air equilibrium coefficient, indicating that the cellular oxygen uptake rate exceeds the oxygen diffusion rate. The results demonstrate the need for direct pO2 measurements at the peri-cellular level, and question the widely adopted current practice of relying on setting the incubator gas phase level as means of controlling pericellular oxygen tension, particularly in static culture systems that are oxygen mass transfer limited. Copyright © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

  14. Luminescent properties of LuPO4-Pr and LuPO4-Eu nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vistovskyy, V.; Malyi, T.; Vas’kiv, A.; Chylii, M.; Mitina, N.; Zaichenko, A.; Gektin, A.; Voloshinovskii, A.


    Spectral-luminescence parameters of LuPO 4 -Eu and LuPO 4 -Pr nanoparticles of different sizes are studied upon excitation by the synchrotron radiation with photon energies 4–40 eV. Influence of the nanoparticle size on Eu 3+ and Pr 3+ impurity luminescence is analyzed for intracenter and recombination excitation. It is shown that the luminescence intensity of impurities in the case of recombination excitation significantly stronger decreases with decreasing of nanoparticle size compared to intracenter excitation. This feature is explained by the influence of thermalization length to nanoparticle size ratio on the recombination luminescence. Electron recombination luminescence inherent for LuPO 4 -Eu nanoparticles shows a weaker dependence on the nanoparticle size than the hole one in LuPO 4 -Pr nanoparticles. The difference between energy states of praseodymium impurity ions in nanoparticles of different sizes is revealed.

  15. Kinetics of neutralization of Po-218

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chu, K.D.


    In a well-defined experimental system the neutralization of polonium-218 ions was investigated as a function of the physical and chemical properties of the controlled composition atmosphere. The mobilities of Po + and PoO 2 + are determined by combining experimental results with a computer model of the system. Three neutralization mechanisms were individually studied. The small ion recombination rate has been found to be proportional to the square root of radon concentration. The electron scavenging mechanism is responsible for the neutralization of Po + in NO 2 or H 2 O in nitrogen. When PoO 2 + is formed, the electron transfer mechanism dominates the neutralization process. The electron is transferred to PoO 2 + from molecules with lower ionization potentials. The ionization potential of PoO 2 + is also determined to be 10.44 +/- 0.05 eV

  16. La palabra humanizada en la madurez poética de Jaime Siles

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    Cecilia Castro Lee


    Full Text Available Este análisis de la poesía de Jaime Siles (Valencia 1951 se concentra en los poemarios, Himnos tardíos (1999 y Pasos en la nieve (2004, considerados por el autor mismo como su madurez poética. Su poesía temprana, de alta calidad estética, culta e intelectual, se orienta hacia la búsqueda de esencias y absolutos de la poesía pura. Los poemarios de su madurez revelan a un nuevo yo poético que toma conciencia de su humanidad. Su nueva poesía, intensamente lírica y rica en recursos estilísticos, ahonda en el misterio del tiempo, el ayer perdido y recobrado por la memoria, la nostalgia y la incertidumbre del ser en el mundo.The focal point of this essay on the poetry of Jaime Siles (Valencia 1951 is the analysis of two books of poetry, Himnos tardios (1999 and Pasos en la Nieve (2004, which the author himself considers his mature work. In his early poetry, Siles seeks purity of form through a learned and intellectual poetic expression of high aesthetic quality and originality. His mature work reveals a new poetic identity concerned with his own human condition. His new poetic voice becomes a lyrical meditation on the perils of humankind, the mystery of time, nostalgia and uncertainty, the loss of the past, death and the beyond.

  17. Crystal structure of polyphosphates NaCd(PO3)3 and NaMn(PO3)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murashova, E.V.; Chudinova, N.N.


    Crystal structure of NaCd(PO 3 ) 3 (1) and NaMn(PO 3 ) 3 (2) isostructural polyphosphates was determined for twin samples. Rhombic lattice parameters of (1): a = 14.678, b = 14.669, c = 14.705 A, sp. gr. P2 1 2 1 2 1 , Z = 16. The structure of compounds is of frame type. Polyphosphate chain with repetition period of 24 PO 4 tetrahedrons contacts with NaO 6 and M 2 O 6 octahedrons by means of common oxygen vertices. Similarities and differences in structure of mentioned polyphosphates and earlier analyzed NaMg(PO 3 ) 3 polyphosphate are noted [ru

  18. Neutralization of Na2PO4: Reaction between Na3PO4 and CaCL2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xia Shenglan; Wang Luning


    The results of reaction Na 3 PO 4 with CaCl 2 in water at ambient and higher temperature are described. The reaction rate of Na 3 PO 4 with CaCl 2 is slow at ambient temperature and the reaction is complete at 260 deg C after 2 h. The products are Ca(OH) 2 and Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 (OH). The quantity of them is dependent upon the quanity of Na 3 PO 4 and CaCl 2 contained in water, all of them control pH of water

  19. pO2 measurements in arteriolar networks. (United States)

    Torres Filho, I P; Kerger, H; Intaglietta, M


    Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that the average arteriolar pO2 in the hamster skinfold preparation is lower than arterial systemic pO2. In the present work we tested the hypothesis that there is a longitudinal gradient of pO2 along precapillary vessels. Experiments were performed in Syrian golden hamsters bearing a dorsal skin chamber. The oxygen-dependent quenching of phosphorescence of palladium-porphyrin complexes was used to measure intravascular pO2 in the microcirculation. Arterioles were classified in four orders according to their position in the network, first-order vessels being the entrance points. Simultaneous determinations of diameter (D), red blood cell velocity, and systemic blood gases were also made. There was a significant fall of pO2 between vessels of different orders. First-order arterioles (mean D = 64 microns) had pO2 of 51.8 +/- 9.8 mm Hg (mean +/- SD) which was equivalent to approximately equal to 73% of the arterial systemic pO2. Within the arteriolar network, further decreases of intravascular pO2 were measured, leading to a pO2 of 34.0 +/- 7.9 mm Hg in terminal arterioles (mean D = 7.7 microns). In some vessels pO2 was measured in different positions of the same arteriole. The average longitudinal arteriolar oxygen saturation gradient was 3.4 +/- 0.4 delta %/mm (range 0.8-7.2). A significant and positive correlation was found between pO2 and microhemodynamic parameters when arterioles were grouped according to their order. This relation was not significant for venules which showed a mean pO2 of 30.8 +/- 10.8 mm Hg. Tissue pO2 averaged 24.6 +/- 5.8 mm Hg. We conclude that: (1) There is an oxygen loss in arterial vessels larger than 100 micrograms in diameter, (2) arteriolar pO2 in this preparation depends on the position of the vessel within the network, (3) a substantial portion of oxygen delivery to the hamster skin is provided by the arteriolar network, and (4) only a small pO2 gradient exists between terminal

  20. Rhenium(V) and technetium(V) complexes of bis(o-hydroxyphenyl)phenylphosphine (PO22-) and (o-hydroxyphenyl)diphenylphosphine (PO-) ligands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Hongyan; Setyawati, Ika; Rettig, S.J.; Orvig, C.


    The synthesis of several phosphine-based chelating compounds and chelates formed between these compounds and rhenium or technetium is discussed. Four categories of products result, (i) bis-(o-hydroxyphenyl) diphenylphosphine (PO) complexes, (ii) mono- (PO) complexes, (iii) bis-bis(o-hydroxyphenyl)-phenylphosphine (PO 2 ) complexes, and mixed-(PO) and (PO 2 ) complexes. Molecular structures of these compounds (including isomers) were probed by NMR, MS, and IR spectroscopies and by X-ray crystallography

  1. A simulation study on the topotactic transformations from aluminophosphate AlPO(4)-21 to AlPO(4)-25. (United States)

    Li, J; Yu, J; Wang, K; Zhu, G; Xu, R


    Aluminophosphate AlPO(4)-21 (AWO), formulated /(CH(3))(2)NH(2)/[Al(3)P(3)O(12)(OH)], has been synthesized solvothermally by using dimethylamine as the template. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis shows that AlPO(4)-21 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 8.687(2) A, b = 17.428(5) A, c = 9.159(2) A, beta = 109.60(2) degrees, V = 1306.3(5) A(3), and Z = 4. XRD analysis shows that AlPO(4)-21 transforms to AlPO(4)-25 (ATV) upon calcination at 500 degrees C. The molecular dynamics simulation approach was used to investigate the topotactic transformations from AlPO(4)-21. The simulation study suggests that AlPO(4)-21 is energetically favored to transform to AlPO(4)-25, as well as other hypothetical forms, by the changing of the UUDD chains to the UDUD chains.

  2. Po2 temperature blood factor for blood gas apparatus. (United States)

    Teisseire, B P; Hérigault, R A; Teisseire, L J; Laurent, D N


    PO2 temperature formulae supplied by manufacturers on automatic blood gas apparatus, PO2 corr. = PO2 37 degrees C X 10F X delta T were studied and compared to the experimental determination of the delta log PO2/delta T ratio (Hérigault et al. [10]). Acid-base status at 37 degrees C appeared to have a measurable influence on the PO2 temperature factor; alkalosis increased the delta log PO2/delta T ratio, and the contrary was found for acidosis in comparison with normal acid-base status at 37 degrees C. For the same PO2, measured at 37 degrees C, all the proposed formulae of commercial blood gas automatic apparatus did not give the same temperature corrected PO2. The observed difference between the corrected PO2 may be important and greater than the precision of the initial measurement. To correct the measured PO2 for temperature, a relationship between delta log PO2/delta T and PO2 is proposed, between PO2 zero and PO2 180 mmHg, which takes into account measured pH and PO2 values at 37 degrees C:delta log PO2/delta T = [(-0.35 pH + 0.658) X 10(-4) X PO2] + 0.035.

  3. Superacid univalent metal phosphites (MH2PO3)2·H3PO3 (M Rb, Tl+) and MH2PO3·H3PO3 (M = K, Cs): synthesis and structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosterina, E.V.; Troyanov, S.I.; Aslanov, L.A.; Kemnits, Eh.


    Crystal superacid phosphites α-CsH 2 PO 3 ·H 3 PO 3 (1) and β-CsH 2 PO 3 ·H 3 PO 3 (2) were prepared by means of interaction between cesium carbonate and phosphoric acid excess. The structure of the compounds, i.e.: 1-rhombic crystal system, P2 1 2 1 2 1 , a = 6.033 (1), b = 6.444 (1), c = 18.345 (4) A: 2-monoclinic crystal system, C2/c, a = 9.990 (3), b = 12.197 (4), c = 6.866 (2) A, β = 118.14 (3) deg, was determined by the method of X-ray diffraction analysis of monocrystals at 150 K. Comparative analysis of the crystal structure and hydrogen bond systems in acid phosphites of different composition was conducted [ru

  4. Synthesis and crystal structure of hydrogen phosphites RbH2PO3, CsH2PO3, and TlH2PO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosterina, E.V.; Troyanov, S.I.; Kemnits, Eh.; Aslanov, L.A.


    The crystal acid phosphites RbH 2 PO 3 , CsH 2 PO 3 and TlH 2 PO 3 were separated during reaction of Rb, Cs and Tl carbonates with phosphorous acid solution. The crystal structure of the compounds was analyzed by X-ray diffraction method at 150 K. CsH 2 PO 3 has a monoclinic system, a = 7.930(2), b = 8.929(2), c = 13.163(3) A, β = 104.84(3) Deg, V = 900.9(4) A 3 , Z 8, sp. gr. P2 1 /c, R 1 = 0.239. In the structure hydrogen bonds integrate the PHO 3 tetrahedrons in the unlimited zigzag chains [HPHO 3 ] n n- laying at the layers, which are alternate to the layers of metal cations. The layers of anion chains have a wavy form [ru

  5. Langage et culture dans la poésie de William Blake Language and Culture in William Blake’s Poetry Lenguaje y cultura en la poesía de Blake

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick Menneteau


    Full Text Available Au-delà de l'opposition traditionnelle entre poésie et culture au sens scientifique du terme, le lecteur des œuvres de William Blake est amené à découvrir une nouvelle définition de la culture et un nouveau type de langage. Il s'agit d'une connaissance qui se situe au-delà des mots – fussent-ils poétiques, à l'opposé de la connaissance empirique.Beyond the traditional opposition between the language of poetry and culture in the scientific sense of the word, the reader of William Blake’s works is led to discover a new definition of culture and a new kind of language, with a different function. What is at stake in the poems is a knowledge which lies beyond the grasp of words, be they poetic, and is the opposite extreme of empirical knowledge.Más allá de la oposición tradicional entre el lenguaje de la poesía y la cultura en el sentido científico de la palabra, el lector de las obras de W. Blake descubre una nueva definición de la cultura y una nueva clase de lenguaje, con otra función. La meta de los poemas es un conocimiento que se sitúa más allá del poder de las palabras, aunque sean poéticas, y es todo el contrario del conocimiento empírico.

  6. ¿A qué Recorte Territorial Podemos Llamar Barrio?: el caso de Apipucos y Poço da Panela en Recife / What we call neighborhood?: the case of Apipucos and Poço da Panela, Recife

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leão Barros, Sandra A.


    Full Text Available La escala barrio hace mucho se hace presente en el paisaje urbano recifense. Desde los primeros ingenios de azúcar en la cuenca del río Capibaribe, pasando por las parroquias y pueblos, arrabales, hoy Regiones Político-Administrativas y barrios componentes. Esos contornos todavía parecen ser los mismos. Ingenios que viraron a barrios. Barrios que son verdaderos ‘genius loci’ del Recife. Apipucos y Casa Forte ‘ingenios’, Poço da Panela ‘parroquia’; Apipucos, Casa Forte y Poço da Panela ‘arrabales’; todos ‘barrios’ hoy. Es en esta escala donde hay más convergencia entre el espacio geométrico y el espacio social, donde es más fuerte el sentido de lugar urbano. Es un módulo espacio-social, otrora parroquial, asociado a un soporte físico que lo encierra. Además, presenta siempre tres características simultáneas e integrantes entre sí: una forma y un tamaño, un límite político-administrativo que lo representa frente al Estado y una carga histórico-cultural de la sociedad a que pertenencen. Así lo son Apipucos y Poço da Panela. Relacionar esas características con los barrios estudiados en un biés histórico-temporal es la propuesta de este artículo./For a long time, the district scale appears in the urban landscape from Recife. Since the first mills in Capibaribe’s valley, passing through the parishes and villages, suburbs, today Politic-Administrative Regions and components districts. Theses outlines still seem to be the same. Mills that became districts. Districts which are Recife’s true ‘genius loci’. Apipucos and Casa Forte ‘mills’; Poço da Panela ‘parish’; Apipucos, Casa Forte and Poço da Panela ‘suburbs’; all ‘districts’ today. It is in this scale where there is larger convergence between the geometric space and the social space, where the sense of urban place is stronger. It is a space-social module, formely parochial, associated to a physical support which concludes it

  7. Materialismo e idealismo en la poética y en el pensamiento político de Percy B. Shelley

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    Pablo San Martín Varela


    Full Text Available Este ensayo es una lectura de las relaciones que hay entre el pensamiento político y estético del poeta romántico inglés Percy Bysshe Shelley. Su análisis se centra en las principales obras teóricas de este autor, pero también intenta establecer algunas relaciones generales con distintos momentos de su producción poética. La lectura desarrolla la contradicción que plantea la conjunción de un materialismo histórico de ascendencia godwiniana y un idealismo político de tradición humanista. En este contexto, propone que el vaso comunicante entre el pensamiento político y estético de Shelley es el presupuesto idealista de una continuidad entre conciencia, voluntad y realidad social, que le permite identifi car su proyecto poético con su política. Por último, entiende esta contradicción dentro de la lógica del socialismo utópico tal y como éste ha sido explicado por Perry Anderson.

  8. Po-210 excretion and radon exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breuer, F.; Clemente, G.F.


    A mathematical model is given to describe the metabolism of the 210 Po introduced into the systemic compartiments of the human body. The model has been based on the experimental data referred to the 210 Pb- 210 Po intake, excretion and body burden of members of the general italian population. The model fits also very well the experimental data of 210 Pb- 210 Po intake and excretion reported by other authors. The retention function of 210 Po in total body, soft tissue and bone has been evaluated together with the urinary excretion function and the absorbed fraction by ingestion. The model is very valuable to evaluate the lung exposure to Radon decay products on the basis of the 210 Pb- 210 Po urinary excretions

  9. Especiación de tierras raras en las soluciones ácidas y neutras del sistema de drenaje del Arroyo del Val (Zaragoza

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    Zamora, A.


    -90 % of LREE and for 100 % of HREE. LnPO04 and Ln(PO43-2 complexes are quite significant compared to carbonate complexes, mainly in the speciation of HREE. These results il1ustrate the importance of phosphate ion concentration and REE phosphate complexation reactions in REEs speciation calculations.Las soluciones de la cuenca de drenaje del Arroyo del Val (Zaragoza presentan unas características geoquímicas muy diferenciadas, lo que las hace especialmente apropiadas para el estudio de diferentes aspectos acerca del comportamiento de los elementos de las Tierras Raras. Esta cuenca está constituida por un curso principal (Arroyo del Val de aguas ácidas (con valores de pH entre 3 y 4.5 e importantes concentraciones de sulfato, Al, Fe y distintos metales pesados al que desaguan varios afluentes de aguas bicarbonatadas (sulfatadas cálcicas (con valores de pH de hasta 7.5, alcalinidad apreciable y notables concentraciones de fosfato. En los puntos de confluencia del Arroyo del Val con los afluentes se producen espectaculares procesos de floculación de coloides ricos en aluminio, hierro y sulfato que tapizan el fondo del curso principal. Los elementos de las Tierras Raras fueron analizados en distintas muestras de aguas ácidas tomadas a lo largo de la cabecera del Arroyo del Val y en dos muestras de aguas neutras correspondientes a dos de los afluentes del sistema. Las concentraciones de estos elementos determinadas en las soluciones ácidas son, cuando menos, dos órdenes de magnitud superiores a las de las soluciones neutras y sus pautas de distribución (normalizadas frente a NASC muestran un marcado enriquecimiento en las Tierras Raras Intermedias (IREE; Eu-Tb. Los cálculos de especiación de REE realizados en las aguas ácidas muestran que estos elementos se encuentran de forma dominante como especies iónicas libres (Ln3+ ≈ 35 % y especialmente formando complejos con sulfato (LnSO+4 ≈ 60% y en menor proporción como Ln(SO4-2 ≈ 5%. Estos porcentajes

  10. Studies of {sup 194,195,197}Po

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carpenter, M.P.; Ahmad, I.; Crowell, B. [and others


    The energy systematics of low-lying polonium states show sudden changes near N = 114. The observed drops in the low-lying levels of {sup 196,198}Po relative to the heavier isotopes indicate significant changes in the underlying structure of these nuclei. It is thought that this change is due to the onset of vibrational collectivity brought about by the quadrupole interaction between neutron and proton-pairs. In order to extend the Po systematics even further, we measured, for the first time, states in {sup 194,195,197}Po using the {sup 28}Si + {sup 170}Yb reaction at a beam energy of 142 MeV. The beam was supplied by ATLAS, and the data were taken with 10 Compton-suppressed Ge detectors placed at the target position of the Fragment Mass Analyzer. Preliminary level schemes were constructed for {sup 194,195,197}Po based on {gamma}-{gamma} and {gamma}-FMA coincidences. The results for {sup 194}Po show that the 2{sup +} - 0{sup +} transition energy decreased in energy by 140 keV relative to {sup 196}Po suggesting that this nucleus moved beyond the vibrational limit to more collective motion. An extrapolation of the systematics predicts that the 2{sup +} energy could drop another 140 keV between {sup 194}Po and {sup 192}Po which would indicate the onset of rotational motion. Currently, we have an approved experiment to investigate the decay of yrast isomers in {sup 194}Po which will allow us to (1) confirm our earlier level scheme of {sup 194}Po, and (2) assess the experimental conditions needed for a future study of {sup 192}Po.

  11. Concentration of 210Po in cigars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelecom, Alphonse; Gouvea, Rita C.S.; Santos, Pedro L.


    210 Po concentrations have been determined in 57 different cigar brands manufactured in 11 countries. Cuban and American cigars showed the lowest 210 Po content. The mean levels of 210 Po in Brazilian cigars were almost equal to those of European and Dominican cigars, and somewhat lower than cigars from Central American countries. (author)

  12. The system Ba(H2PO4)2-Sr(H2PO4)2-H3PO4(30%)-H2O at 25, 40 and 60 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taranenko, N.P.; Serebrennikova, G.M.; Stepin, B.D.; Oboznenko, Yu.V.


    The system Ba(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 -Sr(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 -H 3 PO 4 (30%)-H 2 O (25 deg C) belongs to eutonic type systems. Solubility isotherms of salt components at 40 and 60 deg C are calculated. Polytherms (25-60 deg C) of solubility of monosubstituted barium and strontium phosphates in 30-60% H 3 PO 4 are obtained. The value of cocrystallization coefficient of Sr 2 + and Ba(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 Dsub(Sr)=0.042+-0.005 remains stable in the temperature range of 25-60 deg C and concentrations 30-60% phosphoric acid at initial content [Sr 2 + ]=1x10 - 2 mass%

  13. Heat capacity of Sr10(PO4)6Cl2 and Ca10(PO4)6Cl2 by DSC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venkata Krishnan, R.; Jena, Hrudananda; Govindan Kutty, K.V.; Nagarajan, K.


    Strontium and calcium chloroapatites were synthesized by wet chemical method, characterized by X-ray diffraction and are found to be phase pure materials. The measured room temperature lattice parameter of Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 is a = 9.523 A, c = 6.855 A and for Sr 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 is a = 9.876 A, c = 7.188 A. Heat capacity measurements were carried out on Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 and Sr 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 by DSC in the temperature range 298-800 K. The heat capacity values of Sr 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 is higher at all temperatures than Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 . Enthalpy and entropy increments were computed. Heat capacity values of Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 and Sr 10 (PO 4 ) 6 Cl 2 at 298 K are 758 and 868 J K -1 mol -1 , respectively

  14. Half-life of 214Po and 212Po measured with CTF at LNGS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellini, G.; Benziger, J.; Bick, D.


    Polonium isotopes 214 Po and 212 Po are part of the 238 U and 232 Th decay chains, respectively. There exist only a few measurements of these two mean lifetimes with precision better than one or two percent. Since we have been studying decay spectra of 214 Bi and 212 Bi with the purpose of experimentally constraining anti-neutrino spectral shape important for geoneutrino studies, we have a large statistics of decays of 214 Po and 212 Po collected with the Counting Test Facility (CTF), which was operational in the underground I.N.F.N. Gran Sasso National Laboratory. The apparatus consisted of an external cylindrical water tank (diameter ∼ 11 m, high ∼ 10 m; ∼ 1000 tons of water) serving as passive shielding for 4.8 m 3 of liquid organic scintillator contained in an inner spherical vessel with a diameter of ∼ 2 m. The inner vessel was realized with a nylon membrane (∼ 500 ?m thick), with excellent optical clarity, which allowed the effective transmission of the scintillation light to the 100 phototubes (PMTs) forming the optical read-out, anchored on a 7 m diameter support structure inside the water tank. The high purity and low background in CTF allows a favourable signal to background ratio for these measurements. More specifically the ratio of signal to background of the present measurements is more than three orders of magnitude larger than the best existing measurements. We have studied the decays of 214 Po into 210 Pb and of 212 Po into 208 Pb tagged by the coincidence with the previously decays from 214 Bi and 212 Bi by using 222 Rn, 232 Th and 220 Rn sources sealed inside quartz vials and inserted in the CTF

  15. “Quiero ser una máquina de escribir”: el Alfabeto Dactilar (2014 del artista, activista y poeta Cristian Forte como nuevo orden poético en el caos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Hettmann


    Full Text Available En un primer paso, el artículo presentará al poeta Cristian Forte para situar su trabajo artístico y, a la vez, esbozar la formación del Alfabeto Dactilar. En un segundo paso, se aclarará la afirmación de que el Alfabeto Dactilar constituye más bien un sistema para captar el flujo de apariencias de una obra literaria en sí. En este contexto, se esbozará una breve discusión sobre la dactiloscopia, las técnicas de control y poder. Por último, se discutirán dos poemas dactilares de Cristian Forte que se acaban de publicar. En el marco de las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo aplicar lecturas y escrituras dactilares con el alfabeto?, y ¿en qué medida se establecen nuevos vínculos entre cuerpos, cosas y palabras?, se sitúa la hipótesis de que la dactiloscopia poética de Forte genera una novedosa literatura corporal y, al mismo tiempo, una visibilidad plástica que ponen en marcha una caligrafía del cuerpo íntegramente performativa y semánticamente transgresora.

  16. Dispositivos poéticos para nuevos sentidos sobre el trabajo y la cultura

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    Alicia K. Valente


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se abordarán algunas prácticas artísticasentendidas como parte de la construcción de procesoscolectivos. De forma particular se trabajará a partir de lasimágenes plasmadas en dos murales realizados en la fachadadel Centro Social y Cultural Olga Vázquez, un espacioautónomo de la ciudad de La Plata. A partir de estas imágenesy poniendo en juego diferentes repertorios poéticos, seexplicitaron concepciones disruptivas sobre el trabajo y lacultura, así como formas de reinstauración del vínculo social yafectivo, ligadas principalmente a nuevas formas políticas ysociales postcrisis del 2001 en Argentina.Se buscará dar cuenta de diferentes aspectos de dichosmurales, quiénes los realizaron y en qué contextos. Por otraparte, serán también abordados a partir de la noción dedispositivo, y en relación con una nueva visualidad urbana, portratarse de imágenes que ocupan los muros externos delinmueble y, de este modo, participan del espacio público.

  17. Effect of excitation energy and angular momentum on the characteristics of 208Po and 210Po compound nucleus fission fragments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itkis, M.G.; Kalpakchieva, R.; Okolovich, V.N.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.Eh.; Tolstikov, V.N.


    To study characteristics of fissioning nucleus fragments, investigated were reactiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH8Pt+ 12 C → 210 Po in the 12 C ion energy range of 86-110.5 MeV, of 192 Os+ 16 O → 208 Po in 90-131 MeV range, 204 Pb+ 3 He → 207 Po, 206 Pb+ 3 He → 209 Po, 207 Pb+ 3 He → 210 Po with 60 MeV 3 He ion energy. Using a correlation technique for measuring energies of two fragments mass and energy distributions of fission fragments of 208 Po and 210 Po compound nuclei produced in the reactions have been studied. Mass and energy distributions of fragments from fission of 208 Po and 210 Po in the reactions with ions 16 O, 12 C and 3 He were investigated in an ample energy range, using the correlational techniques for measurement of energies of two fragments. An increase in the total kinetic energy with rise of the angular momentum was observed, the fact indicating a weak coupling of one-particle and collective modes of motion in the fissile nucleus resulting in that the rolational energy is transfered mainly to translation energies of the fragments

  18. Personal monitoring of 218Po and 214Po radionuclide deposition onto individuals under normal environmental exposure conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eatough, J.P.; Worley, A.; Moss, G.R.


    Personal dosemeters have been utilized to monitor the deposition of the radon decay products 218 Po and 214 Po onto individuals under normal environmental exposure conditions. Each detector consists of TASTRAK alpha-sensitive plastic incorporated into an ordinary working wristwatch. Subsequent analysis provides energy discrimination of the detected alpha-particle decays, and allows events from the individual radon decay products 218 Po and 214 Po, attached to the detector surface, to be uniquely identified. Assuming similar deposition onto skin and detector surfaces, the activity per unit area of deposited radionuclides can be determined for exposed skin. Forty-one personal dosemeters were issued to volunteers selected through the hospital medical physics departments at Reading, Northampton, Exeter and Plymouth. Each volunteer was also issued with a personal radon dosemeter to determine their individual radon exposure. The volunteers wore the two dosemeters simultaneously and continuously for a period of around one month. Correlations were observed between the radon exposure of the individual and the activity per unit area of 218 Po and 214 Po on the detector surface. From these correlations it can be estimated that at the UK average radon exposure of 20 Bq m -3 , the number of decays/cm 2 /year on continuously exposed skin surface is between 3500 and 28 000 for 218 Po, and between 7000 and 21 000 for 214 Po. These results can be combined with theoretical modelling of the dose distribution in the skin to yield the alpha-particle radiation dose to any identified target cells. (author)

  19. Aberrant PO2 values in proficiency testing. (United States)

    Fonzi, C E; Clausen, J L; Mahoney, J


    We prospectively determined the frequency of aberrant vials of fluorocarbon/buffer used for proficiency testing of measurements of pH, PCO2, and PO2, using 20 duplicate vials from 12 lots of fluorocarbon/buffer and two arterial blood gas analyzers in eight reference laboratories. We defined aberrant vials as vials for which both duplicate measurements differed from the mean value of repeated measurements for the specific instrument (for each lot of testing materials) by > 0.04 for pH, > 10% of the mean or 3.0 mm Hg, whichever was greater, for PCO2; or > 10% of the mean or 6 mm Hg, whichever was greater, for PO2. Four of 1620 vials (0.25%) were aberrant, all based on PO2 measurements (range of mean values: pH, 7.181-7.631; PCO2, 12.7-65.9; PO2, 32.5-150.1) were 0.0055 for pH, 0.67 mm Hg for PCO2, and 1.65 mm Hg for PO2. Deliberate contamination of the fluorocarbon emulsion with room air, as might occur during sampling from the vial, indicated that only minor increases in PO2 (e.g., 1.0 mm Hg at PO2 of 56 mm Hg) occur when samples are aspirated. Larger increases in PO2 (mean 7.1 mm Hg at a PO2 of 66 mm Hg) occurred when the syringe samples were contaminated with room air. We conclude that isolated aberrant measurements of PO2 in blood gas proficiency testing attributable to vial contents can occur, but the frequency is very low.

  20. Accumulation of 210Po in Baltic invertebrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skwarzec, B.; Falkowski, L.


    This paper presents the results of an investigation of the 210 Po contents of Baltic marine invertebrates. The 210 Po concentrations fall within the range 11.3-78.9 Bq kg -1 (dry wt), the higher values relating to polychaeta, priapulida and malacostraca and the lower levels to bivalvia. It is demonstrated that 210 Po is non-uniformly distributed within the isopod Mesidotea entomon and the bivalve Mya arenaria. The 210 Po contents of the internal organs decreasing in the order-hepatopancreas > alimentary tract > gill > muscle. Moreover, the results indicate the dominant role of the digestive organs of these invertebrates in controlling absorption and elimination of 210 Po. (author)

  1. Metarretórica, conceito e aplicação: a poética de Augusto de Campos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Expedito Ferraz Júnior


    Full Text Available La forma más frecuente de actualización retórica que hemos identificado en la poética de Augusto de Campos consiste en la reformulación de ciertos procedimientos estéticos ya convencionales, dándoles una forma inesperada. El poeta somete ciertas figuras a un tipo de traducción intersemiótica que, como afirma la función poética de Décio Pignatari, implica la presencia de un sistema icónico “infra intra e super impuesto” en el lenguaje verbal. Éste trabajo propone un enfoque de estos aspectos en la poesia en estudio, que denominamos metarretórica, aplicándolo en el análisis de algunos poemas ilustrativos del poeta brasileño.

  2. Specific absorption spectra of hemoglobin at different PO2 levels: potential noninvasive method to detect PO2 in tissues. (United States)

    Liu, Peipei; Zhu, Zhirong; Zeng, Changchun; Nie, Guang


    Hemoglobin (Hb), as one of main components of blood, has a unique quaternary structure. Its release of oxygen is controlled by oxygen partial pressure (PO2). We investigate the specific spectroscopic changes in Hb under different PO2 levels to optimize clinical methods of measuring tissue PO2. The transmissivity of Hb under different PO2 levels is measured with a UV/Vis fiber optic spectrometer. Its plotted absorption spectral curve shows two high absorption peaks at 540 and 576 nm and an absorption valley at 560 nm when PO2 is higher than 100 mm Hg. The two high absorption peaks decrease gradually with a decrease in PO2, whereas the absorption valley at 560 nm increases. When PO2 decreases to approximately 0 mm Hg, the two high absorption peaks disappear completely, while the absorption valley has a hypochromic shift (8 to 10 nm) and forms a specific high absorption peak at approximately 550 nm. The same phenomena can be observed in visible reflectance spectra of finger-tip microcirculation. Specific changes in extinction coefficient and absorption spectra of Hb occur along with variations in PO2, which could be used to explain pathological changes caused by tissue hypoxia and for early detection of oxygen deficiency diseases in clinical monitoring.

  3. Radioactive 210Po in magnesium supplements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Struminska-Parulska, Dagmara Ida


    The aim of this pioneer study was to determine polonium 210 Po in the most popular magnesium supplements in Poland and estimate the possible related dose assessment to the consumers. The analyzed magnesium pharmaceutics contained organic or inorganic magnesium compounds; some from natural sources. The objectives of this research were to investigate the naturally occurring 210 Po activity concentrations in magnesium supplements, find the correlations between 210 Po concentration in medicament and magnesium chemical form, and calculate the effective radiation dose connected to analyzed magnesium supplement consumption. The highest 210 Po activity concentrations were determined in mineral tablets made from sedimentary rocks, namely dolomite - 3.84 ± 0.15 mBq g -1 (sample Mg17). The highest annual radiation dose from 210 Po taken with 1 tablet of magnesium supplement per day or with 400 mg of pure Mg daily would come from sample Mg17 (dolomite) - 1.35 ± 0.5 and 8.44 ± 0.33 μSv year -1 respectively.

  4. The phase transition of the incommensurate phases β-Ln(PO3)3(Ln=Y,Tb…Yb), crystal structures of α-Ln(PO3)3(Ln=Y,Tb…Yb) and Sc(PO3)3 (United States)

    Höppe, Hennig A.


    The incommensurately modulated room-temperature phases β-Ln(PO3)3(Ln=Y,Tb…Yb) undergo a topotactic phase transition monitored by vibrational spectroscopy below 180 K leading to α-Ln(PO3)3(Ln=Y,Dy…Yb), above 200 K the incommensurate phases are reobtained. The low-temperature phases exhibit a new structure type (α-Dy(PO3)3, P21/c, Z=12,a=14.1422(6), b=20.0793(9),c=10.1018(4) A˚, β=127.532(3)∘). α-Tb(PO3)3 is isotypic with Gd(PO3)3(α-Tb(PO3)3, I2/a,Z=16,a=25.875(6), b=13.460(3), c=10.044(2) A˚, β=119.13(3)∘). The symmetry relations between the involved phases of the phase transition are discussed. The crystal structure of Sc(PO3)3 is isotypic with that of Lu(PO3)3 and C-type phosphates. The polyphosphates consist of infinite zig-zag chains of corner-sharing PO4 tetrahedra, the cations are coordinated sixfold in an almost octahedral arrangement. To confirm the quality of the determined crystal structures the deviation of the phosphate tetrahedra from ideal symmetry was determined and discussed.

  5. Conductivity And Thermal Stability of Solid Acid Composites CsH2PO4 /NaH2PO4/ SiO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norsyahida Mohammad; Abu Bakar Mohamad; Abu Bakar Mohamad; Abdul Amir Hassan Kadhum


    Solid acid composites CsH 2 PO 4 / NaH 2 PO 4 / SiO 2 with different mole ratios of CsH 2 PO 4 and NaH 2 PO 4 to SiO 2 were synthesized and characterized. Preliminary infrared measurements of CsH 2 PO 4 and its composites indicated that hydrogen bonds breaking and formation were detected between 1710 to 2710 cm -1 , while the rotation of phosphate tetrahedral anions occurred between 900 and 1200 cm -1 . The superprotonic transition of CsH 2 PO 4 / NaH 2 PO 4 / SiO 2 composite was identified at superprotonic temperatures between 230 and 260 degree Celcius, under atmospheric pressure. This study reveals higher conductivity values for composites with higher CsH 2 PO 4 (CDP) content. Solid acid composite CDP 613 appeared as the composite with the highest conductivity that is 7.2x10 -3 S cm -1 at 230 degree Celcius. Thermal stability of the solid acid composites such as temperature of dehydration, melting and decomposition were investigated. The addition of NaH 2 PO 4 lowers the dehydration temperature of the solid acid composites. (author)

  6. 210Pb and 210Po in tobacco - with a special focus on estimating the doses of 210Po to man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takizawa, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, L.


    Inhalation of tobacco smoke is ranked second to food as a source of 210 Pb and 210 Po exposure to man. assay of 210 Pb and 210 Po in commercially available tobacco collected from many countries have been carried out to assess the potential risk from 210 Po present in tobacco. The range of 210 Po contained in the tobacco grands varied from 10.08 to 15.0 mBq/tob or 13.0 to 20.1 mBq/g and the mean was 11.6 mBq/tob or 15.4 mBq/g. During the International Standard Smoking process about 50% of 210 Po present in tobaccos was transferred into the smoke and the other 50% remained in the ash and butt. About 10% of the total 210 Po of tobacco was inhaled by smoke through mainstream smoke. One pack-a-day smoker inhaled 24 mBq of 210 Po per day through smoking and the annual inhalation was 8.8 Bq. The risk of mortality from lung cancer caused by 210 Po in tobaccos was 18 per million persons for the above model. (author) 6 refs.; 1 fig.; 4 tabs

  7. Teoría de la comedia en la Poética Toscana de Sebastiano Minturno

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    Bobes, Carmen


    Full Text Available The theory of comedy, a «mentioned but not discussed» genre in Aristotle's Poetics, has great interest in the Italian Poetics of the Renaissance, for two main reasons: to complete the Aristotelian text and to dignify some works, specially by Terence, that were represented with great success in the Italian palaces. In the Second Dialogue of A. S. Minturno's Poetica Toscana, dedicated to Scenic Poetry, Aristotle’s theory of tragedy is commented on and a theory of comedy is proposed. This study aims to analyse this Dialogue.La teoría de la Comedia, género «citado pero no tratado» en la Poética de Aristóteles, tiene gran interés en las Poéticas italianas del Renacimiento, por dos razones: completar el texto aristotélico y dignificar unas obras, sobre todo de Terencio, que se representaban con gran éxito en los palacios italianos. La Poética toscana de A. S. Minturno dedica el segundo de sus Diálogos a la Poesía Escénica, donde glosa la teoría de la tragedia de Aristóteles y crea una teoría de la comedia. Ésta es el objeto de este estudio.

  8. The phase transition of the incommensurate phases β-Ln(PO3)3(Ln=Y,Tb...Yb), crystal structures of α-Ln(PO3)3(Ln=Y,Tb...Yb) and Sc(PO3)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeppe, Hennig A.


    The incommensurately modulated room-temperature phases β-Ln(PO 3 ) 3 (Ln=Y,Tb...Yb) undergo a topotactic phase transition monitored by vibrational spectroscopy below 180 K leading to α-Ln(PO 3 ) 3 (Ln=Y,Dy...Yb), above 200 K the incommensurate phases are reobtained. The low-temperature phases exhibit a new structure type (α-Dy(PO 3 ) 3 ,P2 1 /c,Z=12,a=14.1422(6),b=20.0793(9),c=10.1018(4)A, β=127.532(3) 0 ). α-Tb(PO 3 ) 3 is isotypic with Gd(PO 3 ) 3 (α-Tb(PO 3 ) 3 ,I2/a,Z=16,a=25.875(6),b=13.460(3),c=10.044(2)A, β=119.13(3) 0 ). The symmetry relations between the involved phases of the phase transition are discussed. The crystal structure of Sc(PO 3 ) 3 is isotypic with that of Lu(PO 3 ) 3 and C-type phosphates. The polyphosphates consist of infinite zig-zag chains of corner-sharing PO 4 tetrahedra, the cations are coordinated sixfold in an almost octahedral arrangement. To confirm the quality of the determined crystal structures the deviation of the phosphate tetrahedra from ideal symmetry was determined and discussed. - Abstract: Basic structure from which all crystal structures of the late lanthanoids' polyphosphates at room temperature and below can be derived.

  9. A high-temperature Raman scattering study of the phase transitions in GaPO{sub 4} and in the AlPO{sub 4}-GaPO{sub 4} system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angot, E [Laboratoire des Colloides, des Verres et des Nanomateriaux, UMR CNRS 5587, Universite Montpellier II, cc026, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France); Parc, R Le [Laboratoire des Colloides, des Verres et des Nanomateriaux, UMR CNRS 5587, Universite Montpellier II, cc026, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France); Levelut, C [Laboratoire des Colloides, des Verres et des Nanomateriaux, UMR CNRS 5587, Universite Montpellier II, cc026, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France); Beaurain, M [Laboratoire de Physicochimie de la Matiere Condensee, UMR CNRS 5617, Universite Montpellier II, cc003, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France); Armand, P [Laboratoire de Physicochimie de la Matiere Condensee, UMR CNRS 5617, Universite Montpellier II, cc003, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France); Cambon, O [Laboratoire de Physicochimie de la Matiere Condensee, UMR CNRS 5617, Universite Montpellier II, cc003, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France); Haines, J [Laboratoire de Physicochimie de la Matiere Condensee, UMR CNRS 5617, Universite Montpellier II, cc003, Place E Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France)


    Al{sub 1-x}Ga{sub x}PO{sub 4} solid solutions (x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.38, 0.7) and the pure AlPO{sub 4} (x = 0) and GaPO{sub 4} (x = 1) end members with the {alpha}-quartz-type structure were studied by Raman scattering. An investigation as a function of composition enabled the various modes to be assigned, in particular coupled and decoupled vibrations. The tetrahedral tilting modes, which have been linked to high-temperature phase transitions to {beta}-quartz-type forms, were found to be decoupled. In addition, it is shown that Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique for determining the gallium content of these solid solutions. Single crystals with x = 0.2, 0.38, and 1.0 (GaPO{sub 4}) were investigated at high temperature. The composition Al{sub 0.8}Ga{sub 0.2}PO{sub 4} was found to exhibit sequential transitions upon heating to the {beta}-quartz and {beta}-cristobalite forms at close to 993 K and 1073 K, respectively. Direct {alpha}-quartz-{beta}-cristobalite transitions were observed for the two other compositions at close to 1083 K and 1253 K, respectively, upon heating. The spectra of the {beta}-quartz and {beta}-cristobalite forms indicate the presence of significant disorder. Back transformation to the {alpha}-quartz-type form occurred readily with a hysteresis of less than 100 K for the composition x = 0.38 and for pure GaPO{sub 4}. Rapid cooling was necessary to obtain the metastable {alpha}-cristobalite form. In contrast, for Al{sub 0.80}Ga{sub 0.20}PO{sub 4}, the {alpha}-cristobalite form was obtained even upon slow cooling.

  10. Comparison of electrochemical performances of olivine NaFePO4 in sodium-ion batteries and olivine LiFePO4 in lithium-ion batteries. (United States)

    Zhu, Yujie; Xu, Yunhua; Liu, Yihang; Luo, Chao; Wang, Chunsheng


    Carbon-coated olivine NaFePO(4) (C-NaFePO(4)) spherical particles with a uniform diameter of ∼80 nm are obtained by chemical delithiation and subsequent electrochemical sodiation of carbon-coated olivine LiFePO(4) (C-LiFePO(4)), which is synthesized by a solvothermal method. The C-NaFePO(4) electrodes are identical (particle size, particle size distribution, surface coating, and active material loading, etc.) to C-LiFePO(4) except that Li ions in C-LiFePO(4) are replaced by Na ions, making them ideal for comparison of thermodynamics and kinetics between C-NaFePO(4) cathode in sodium-ion (Na-ion) batteries and C-LiFePO(4) in lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. In this paper, the equilibrium potentials, reaction resistances, and diffusion coefficient of Na in C-NaFePO(4) are systematically investigated by using the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV), and compared to those of the well-known LiFePO(4) cathodes in Li-ion batteries. Due to the lower diffusion coefficient of Na-ion and higher contact and charge transfer resistances in NaFePO(4) cathodes, the rate performance of C-NaFePO(4) in Na-ion batteries is much worse than that of C-LiFePO(4) in Li-ion batteries. However, the cycling stability of C-NaFePO(4) is almost comparable to C-LiFePO(4) by retaining 90% of its capacity even after 100 charge-discharge cycles at a charge-discharge rate of 0.1 C.

  11. Ternary phosphates in Ca3(PO4)2-Na3Ln(PO4)2 (Ln-Nd, Eu, Er) systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazoryak, B.I.; Ivanov, L.N.; Strunenkova, T.V.; Golubev, V.N.; Viting, B.N.


    Ternary phosphates, formed in Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 -Na 3 Ln(PO 4 ) 2 (Ln-Nd, Eu, Er) systems were investigated by the methods of X-ray phase, luminescent analyses and IR spectroscopy. 5 regions of homogeneity were found. Two of them (I and II) were distinguished for all systems. Samples in the region of up to 14.285 mol.% Na 3 Ln(PO 4 ) 2 crystallize on the basis of β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 structure, and in other homogeneity regions - on the basis of β-K 2 SO 4 structure

  12. Poétique de l’invective dans les Poèmes aristophanesques de Laurent Tailhade

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    Laurent Robert


    Full Text Available Parmi l’abondant corpus traité par Marc Angenot dans La Parole pamphlétaire, les ouvrages de Laurent Tailhade Au Pays du mufle et À travers les Grouins [sic] constituent les seuls recueils poétiques. L’essayiste y voit une illustration du genre de la satire poétique, revivifié dès la fin du xviiie siècle avec les Iambes d’André Chénier, puis au xixe notamment par Auguste Barbier et Victor Hugo. Tailhade pourrait ainsi, superficiellement, être considéré comme le poète satiriste de la Troisième...

  13. Escritos en el lenguaje del exilio

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    Mónica Marinone


    Full Text Available El ensayo explora textos de Augusto Roa Bastos, un escritor modélico respecto de una experiencia de exilio compleja, siempre refigurada en su escritura. Si cualquier exilio geográfico implica un exilio de la lengua (Roa escribió su narrativa completa lejos del Paraguay, su propio sistema cultural se ve marcado, desde el dominio colonial hispánico, por una situación de “diglosia” como exilio (lingüístico/cultural constitutivo. Por ello apelo al concepto “lenguaje del exilio” y reviso desde un texto poético a una serie de relatos, ciertas  imágenes y metáforas que se alzan como signos del  trabajo de Roa sobre el castellano, una retórica que propicia el trazo de líneas y núcleos de resonancia y anclaje o  escritura superpuesta, entramada a la convencional.

  14. Measurement of 210Po in vegetables of Gudalore

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selvasekarapandian, S.; Sivakumar, R.; Mugunthamanikandan, N.; Ragunath, V.M.; Meenashisundaram, V.


    Intake of 210 Po with food was determined for the population in Gudalore taluka of Nilgiri district. The content of 210 Po in different vegetable samples was determined. The annual intake of 210 Po due different vegetables was estimated on the basis of their average annual consumption. The intake of 210 Po varied from 0.056 to 11.97 Bq/kg. The largest intake of 210 Po was with tapioca. From the intake annual effective dose was calculated. Effective dose equivalent due to polonium in different vegetables varied between 0.0121 to 2.872 μSv/Y. (author)

  15. PO2 cycling reduces diaphragm fatigue by attenuating ROS formation. (United States)

    Zuo, Li; Diaz, Philip T; Chien, Michael T; Roberts, William J; Kishek, Juliana; Best, Thomas M; Wagner, Peter D


    Prolonged muscle exposure to low PO2 conditions may cause oxidative stress resulting in severe muscular injuries. We hypothesize that PO2 cycling preconditioning, which involves brief cycles of diaphragmatic muscle exposure to a low oxygen level (40 Torr) followed by a high oxygen level (550 Torr), can reduce intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as attenuate muscle fatigue in mouse diaphragm under low PO2. Accordingly, dihydrofluorescein (a fluorescent probe) was used to monitor muscular ROS production in real time with confocal microscopy during a lower PO2 condition. In the control group with no PO2 cycling, intracellular ROS formation did not appear during the first 15 min of the low PO2 period. However, after 20 min of low PO2, ROS levels increased significantly by ∼30% compared to baseline, and this increase continued until the end of the 30 min low PO2 condition. Conversely, muscles treated with PO2 cycling showed a complete absence of enhanced fluorescence emission throughout the entire low PO2 period. Furthermore, PO2 cycling-treated diaphragm exhibited increased fatigue resistance during prolonged low PO2 period compared to control. Thus, our data suggest that PO2 cycling mitigates diaphragm fatigue during prolonged low PO2. Although the exact mechanism for this protection remains to be elucidated, it is likely that through limiting excessive ROS levels, PO2 cycling initiates ROS-related antioxidant defenses.

  16. PO2 cycling reduces diaphragm fatigue by attenuating ROS formation.

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    Li Zuo

    Full Text Available Prolonged muscle exposure to low PO2 conditions may cause oxidative stress resulting in severe muscular injuries. We hypothesize that PO2 cycling preconditioning, which involves brief cycles of diaphragmatic muscle exposure to a low oxygen level (40 Torr followed by a high oxygen level (550 Torr, can reduce intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS as well as attenuate muscle fatigue in mouse diaphragm under low PO2. Accordingly, dihydrofluorescein (a fluorescent probe was used to monitor muscular ROS production in real time with confocal microscopy during a lower PO2 condition. In the control group with no PO2 cycling, intracellular ROS formation did not appear during the first 15 min of the low PO2 period. However, after 20 min of low PO2, ROS levels increased significantly by ∼30% compared to baseline, and this increase continued until the end of the 30 min low PO2 condition. Conversely, muscles treated with PO2 cycling showed a complete absence of enhanced fluorescence emission throughout the entire low PO2 period. Furthermore, PO2 cycling-treated diaphragm exhibited increased fatigue resistance during prolonged low PO2 period compared to control. Thus, our data suggest that PO2 cycling mitigates diaphragm fatigue during prolonged low PO2. Although the exact mechanism for this protection remains to be elucidated, it is likely that through limiting excessive ROS levels, PO2 cycling initiates ROS-related antioxidant defenses.

  17. La visión de Laṅkā en el Rāmāyaṇa de Vālmīki: una poética de la vida secular


    Figueroa, Óscar


    Resumen: Este artículo estudia la descripción de Laṅkā, la capital del reino demoníaco, en el libro quinto del Rāmāyaṇa. Aun subrayando la importancia del ethos y los valores brahmánicos, esta descripción introduce una especie de consagración poética de la vida secular que sugiere una dinámica social más heterogénea. Por último, se ofrecen, además, ejemplos de versiones posteriores del Rāmāyaṇa donde esa heterogeneidad se contrae a favor de una visión puramente religiosa. Abstract: This pa...

  18. Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of Pure LiFePO4 and Nanocomposite C-LiFePO4 Cathodes for Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries

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    Arun Kumar


    Full Text Available Pure lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4 and carbon-coated LiFePO4 (C-LiFePO4 cathode materials were synthesized for Li-ion batteries. Structural and electrochemical properties of these materials were compared. X-ray diffraction revealed orthorhombic olivine structure. Micro-Raman scattering analysis indicates amorphous carbon, and TEM micrographs show carbon coating on LiFePO4 particles. Ex situ Raman spectrum of C-LiFePO4 at various stages of charging and discharging showed reversibility upon electrochemical cycling. The cyclic voltammograms of LiFePO4 and C-LiFePO4 showed only a pair of peaks corresponding to the anodic and cathodic reactions. The first discharge capacities were 63, 43, and 13 mAh/g for C/5, C/3, and C/2, respectively for LiFePO4 where as in case of C-LiFePO4 that were 163, 144, 118, and 70 mAh/g for C/5, C/3, C/2, and 1C, respectively. The capacity retention of pure LiFePO4 was 69% after 25 cycles where as that of C-LiFePO4 was around 97% after 50 cycles. These results indicate that the capacity and the rate capability improved significantly upon carbon coating.


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    Jorge Fernández Gonzalo


    Full Text Available Nuestro estudio trata de analizar el concepto de memoria y olvido en la producción poética de Antonio Gamoneda a través de obras como Descripción de la mentira, Lápidas, Libro del frío o Arden las pérdidas, y en relación al período histórico que le tocó vivir al autor.

  20. Zorrilla y la poética del éxito: Sancho García

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    Prieto Lasa, J. Ramón


    Full Text Available The Drama Sancho García (1842, well received at the time by the public and by the critics, occupies a strategic position in the trajectories of Spanish Romanticism and of Zorrilla’s oeuvre. However, it has not received enough attention, overshadowed as it has been by more popular works of this author. The article underlines some keys of this particularity, in its historical and cultural context. These keys outline certain features of the author’s formula or art of drama, arisen from a conjunction of good choices, at the different levels and stages of his playwriting, these choices seeking to satisfy the requirements of the popular and conservative public they were meant for. Sustaining theatricality, the principal virtue of Zorrilla’s dramaturgy, he chose, among other options, 1 an adequate dramatic model (tragic composition, closer to romantic drama than to classic tragedy; 2 a narrative frame —historical-legendary, medieval and Spanish—, with high doses of suspense and excitement, 3 his skilful recreation by means of proceedings and materials that were very well known —particularly in the legendary tradition of narration and in the theatre of that time and of Zorrilla himself—, attaining great effect, and 4 the skilful performances of the actors, etc.El drama Sancho García (1842, bien acogido por el público de su tiempo y por la crítica, ocupa una posición estratégica en las trayectorias del romanticismo español y de la obra de Zorrilla. Sin embargo, no ha recibido suficiente atención, eclipsado por títulos más populares de su autor. El artículo destaca algunas claves de esa notoriedad, en su contexto histórico-cultural. Perfilan determinados rasgos del arte o fórmula dramática / de la fórmula o arte dramático del autor, surgida de la conjunción de una serie de aciertos, en los distintos niveles y etapas de la producción teatral, encaminados a satisfacer las demandas del público, popular y conservador, al que

  1. (Solid + liquid) phase equilibria of (Ca(H2PO2)2 + CaCl2 + H2O) and (Ca(H2PO2)2 + NaH2PO2 + H2O) ternary systems at T = 323.15 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Hong-yu; Zhou, Huan; Bai, Xiao-qin; Ma, Ruo-xin; Tan, Li-na; Wang, Jun-min


    Graphical abstract: Solubility diagram of the (Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + NaH 2 PO 2 + H 2 O) system at T = (323.15 and 298.15) K. - Highlights: • Phase diagrams of Ca 2+ -H 2 PO 2 − -Cl − -H 2 O, Ca 2+ -Na + -H 2 PO 2 − -H 2 O at 323.15 K were obtained. • Incompatible double salt of NaCa(H 2 PO 2 ) 3 in Ca 2+ -Na + -H 2 PO 2 − -H 2 O system was determined. • Density diagram of the corresponding liquid were simultaneously measured. - Abstract: Calcium hypophosphite has been widely used as an anti-corrosive agent, flame retardant, fertilizer, assistant for Ni electroless plating, and animal nutritional supplement. High purity calcium hypophosphite can be synthesized via the replacement reaction of sodium hypophosphite and calcium chloride. In this work, the (solid + liquid) phase equilibria of (Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + CaCl 2 + H 2 O) and (Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + NaH 2 PO 2 + H 2 O) ternary systems at T = 323.15 K were studied experimentally via the classical isothermal solubility equilibrium method, and the phase diagrams for these two systems were obtained. It was found that two solid salts of CaCl 2 ·2H 2 O and Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 exist in the (Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + CaCl 2 + H 2 O) system, and three salts of Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 , NaH 2 PO 2 ·H 2 O and one incompatible double salt, NaCa(H 2 PO 2 ) 3 occur in the (Ca(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + NaH 2 PO 2 + H 2 O) system.

  2. Density functional theory study of lithium diffusion at the interface between olivine-type LiFePO4 and LiMnPO4 (United States)

    Shi, Jianjian; Wang, Zhiguo; Qing Fu, Yong


    Coating LiMnPO4 with a thin layer of LiFePO4 shows a better electrochemical performance than the pure LiFePO4 and LiMnPO4, thus it is critical to understand Li diffusion at their interfaces to improve the performance of electrode materials. Li diffusion at the (1 0 0)\\text{LiFeP{{\\text{O}}4}} //(1 0 0)\\text{LiMnP{{\\text{O}}4}} , (0 1 0)\\text{LiFeP{{\\text{O}}4}} //(0 1 0)\\text{LiMnP{{\\text{O}}4}} , and (0 0 1)\\text{LiFeP{{\\text{O}}4}} //(0 0 1)\\text{LiMnP{{\\text{O}}4}} interfaces between LiFePO4 and LiMnPO4 was investigated using density functional theory. The calculated diffusion energy barriers are 0.55 eV for Li to diffuse along the (0 0 1) interface, 0.44 and 0.49 eV for the Li diffusion inside the LiMnPO4 and along the (1 0 0) interface, respectively. When Li diffuses from the LiFePO4 to LiMnPO4 by passing through the (0 1 0) interfaces, the diffusion barriers are 0.45 and 0.60 eV for the Li diffusions in both sides. The diffusion barriers for Li to diffuse in LiMnPO4 near the interfaces decrease compared with those in the pure LiMnPO4. The calculated diffusion coefficient of Li along the (1 0 0) interface is in the range of 3.65  ×  10-11-5.28  ×  10-12 cm2 s-1, which is larger than that in the pure LiMnPO4 with a value of 7.5  ×  10-14 cm2 s-1. Therefore, the charging/discharging rate performance of the LiMnPO4 can be improved by surface coating with the LiFePO4.

  3. Assessment of 210Po in foodstuffs consumed in Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang Woo Lee; Mun Ja Kang; Wanno Lee; Geun Sik Choi; Young Hyun Cho; Hee Reyoung Kim; Kun Ho Chung


    210 Po in the daily diet in Korea was analyzed and the ingestion dose from an intake of 210 Po was estimated by considering the dietary habit of a Korean person. The 210 Po concentrations of a leafy vegetable (0.36 Bq x kg -1 for lettuce) in the terrestrial food were higher than those of grain, whereas Chinese cabbage had a lesser 210 Po concentration (0.019 Bq x kg -1 ). The 210 Po concentration of the animal product was similar to those detected in the grain and vegetable. The 210 Po concentrations in the shell and crustaceous were high from 19.1 to 33.0 Bq x kg -1 , however, its value fell in the overall range of the reported values. The effective dose from 210 Po for an adult from the Korean population was about 269.4 μSv x y -1 . Nearly 80% of the ingestion dose from the intake of 210 Po was attributed to the consumption of seafood. It suggests that the marine food ingestion is a critical pathway for natural 210 Po to the Korean population. (author)

  4. Vibrational modes of deuterium in KD2PO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizoguchi, Kohji; Agui, Akane; Tominaga, Yasunori; Nakai, Yusuke; Ikeda, Susumu.


    In order to study the deuteration effect in hydrogen-bonded compounds such as KH 2 PO 4 , hydrogen and deuterium modes in KH 2 PO 4 and K(D x H 1-x ) 2 PO 4 (x = 95 %) were investigated by means of inelastic neutron-scattering measurements over a wide energy range. By comparing Raman spectra of KH 2 PO 4 and KD 2 PO 4 with neutron-scattering spectra, the vibrational modes of deuterium and those of PO 4 tetrahedrons in the energy range of 30 < ε < 150 meV have been investigated. At least two deuterium modes have been found at 87 meV and 106 meV. (author)

  5. Temporal changes of 210Po in temperate coastal waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wildgust, M.A.; White, K.N.; McDonald, P.


    The temporal variation of Polonium-210 ( 210 Po) was examined in coastal sea water, the mussel Mytilus edulis, the winkle Littorina littorea and green algae Ulva lactuca in order to investigate the entry of 210 Po into the marine food chain. More than 99% of 210 Po in the water column occurred in the particulate phase. Dissolved 210 Po concentrations peaked during the spring phytoplankton bloom and it is suggested this is related to preferential scavenging of 210 Po by the increased numbers of bacteria, viruses and small dissolved particulates. Changes in L. Littorea 210 Po specific activity are thought not to be related to food, but to a drop in body weight following spawning. Much of the 210 Po accumulated by M. edulis was located in the digestive gland. The specific activity of 210 Po in the digestive gland of M. edulis was shown to be strongly correlated with changes in sea water suspended particulate specific activity. Examination of other trace metal (Ag, Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni Sb, Se, Sn and Zn) variations in the digestive gland revealed that class B and borderline metals had a strong positive correlation with 210 Po. On-going work is investigating whether the accumulation and loss of 210 Po is affected by the presence of metallothioneins

  6. Temporal changes of 210Po in temperate coastal waters. (United States)

    Wildgust, M A; McDonald, P; White, K N


    The temporal variation of Polonium-210 (210Po) was examined in coastal sea water, the mussel Mytilus edulis, the winkle Littorina littorea and green alga Ulva lactuca in order to investigate the entry of 210Po into the marine food chain. More than 99% of 210Po in the water column occurred in the particulate phase. Dissolved 210Po concentrations peaked during the spring phytoplankton bloom and it is suggested this is related to preferential scavenging of 210Po by the increased numbers of bacteria, viruses and small dissolved particulates. Changes in L. littorea 210Po specific activity are thought not to be related to food, but to a drop in body weight following spawning. Much of the 210Po accumulated by M. edulis was located in the digestive gland. The specific activity of 210Po in the digestive gland of M. edulis was shown to be strongly correlated with changes in sea water suspended particulate specific activity. Examination of other trace metal (Ag, Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Sb, Se, Sn and Zn) variations in the digestive gland revealed that class B and borderline metals had a strong positive correlation with 210Po. On-going work is investigating whether the accumulation and loss of 210Po is affected by the presence of metallothioneins.

  7. RbCuFe(PO42

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mongi Ben Amara


    Full Text Available A new iron phosphate, rubidium copper(II iron(III bis(phosphate, RbCuFe(PO42, has been synthesized as single crystals by the flux method. This compound is isostructural with KCuFe(PO42 [Badri et al. (2011, J. Solid State Chem. 184, 937–944]. Its structure is built up from Cu2O8 units of edge-sharing CuO5 polyhedra, interconnected by FeO6 octahedra through common corners to form undulating chains that extend infinitely along the [011] and [01-1] directions. The linkage of such chains is ensured by the PO4 tetraedra and the resulting three-dimensional framework forms quasi-elliptic tunnels parallel to the [101] direction in which the Rb+ cations are located.

  8. Effect of Phosphate Salts (Na3PO4, Na2HPO4, and NaH2PO4) on Ag3PO4 Morphology for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation under Visible Light and Toxicity of the Degraded Dye Products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amornpitoksuk, P; Intarasuwan, K; Suwanboon, S; Baltrusaitis, Jonas


    Ag3PO4 was synthesized by the precipitation method using three different types of phosphate salts (Na3PO4, Na2HPO4, and NaH2PO4) as a precipitating agent. Hydrolysis of each phosphate salt gave a specific pH that affected the purity and morphology of the prepared Ag3PO4. The Ag3PO4 prepared from

  9. Aspects on the analysis of 210Po. (United States)

    Henricsson, F; Ranebo, Y; Holm, E; Roos, P


    There has been little development regarding analysis of polonium (Po) in environmental samples since the 1960 ies. This is due to the straightforward spontaneous deposition of this element on silver (Ag), nickel (Ni) or copper (Cu) without any radiochemical separation. For many years, no radiochemical yield determinant was used and it was generally supposed that the yield was 100% after two depositions. Counting was often done using ZnS scintillation counter coupled to a photomultiplier tube. However, the use of the yield determinants (208)Po and (209)Po and the development of alpha spectrometry showed that the yield was lower. Furthermore, the tendency of Po to volatilize at low temperatures constrains the sample preparation techniques; dry-ashing cannot be used. But during the wet-ashing procedure, there are still some losses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Po losses during wet-ashing by the use of a double-tracer technique. We have found that the losses were about 30% when open glass beakers were used and about 17% when the samples were digested in microwave oven. When long-necked bottles (Kjeldahl flasks) were used, a loss of about 20% was registered. It has also been observed that (210)Pb to some extent is plating out together with its daughter nuclide Po during the electrochemical deposition. This will result in a systematic error since an unknown amount of supported (210)Po will be produced from the (210)Pb decay depending on the fraction of (210)Pb being deposited on the disc and the waiting time between deposition and measurement of the sample. A further consequence of this is that in the assessment of the (210)Pb content in the sample, very often the remaining liquid is stored after deposition for build-up of (210)Po. Since some (210)Pb is lost on the disc, the result for (210)Pb will be too low. Both these systematic errors give rise to a too high (210)Po/(210)Pb ratio. The fraction of (210)Pb which is plating out has been assessed in this

  10. Rate-dependent, Li-ion insertion/deinsertion behavior of LiFePO4 cathodes in commercial 18650 LiFePO4 cells. (United States)

    Liu, Qi; He, Hao; Li, Zhe-Fei; Liu, Yadong; Ren, Yang; Lu, Wenquan; Lu, Jun; Stach, Eric A; Xie, Jian


    We have performed operando synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction (XRD) to obtain nonintrusive, real-time monitoring of the dynamic chemical and structural changes in commercial 18650 LiFePO4/C cells under realistic cycling conditions. The results indicate a nonequilibrium lithium insertion and extraction in the LiFePO4 cathode, with neither the LiFePO4 phase nor the FePO4 phase maintaining a static composition during lithium insertion/extraction. On the basis of our observations, we propose that the LiFePO4 cathode simultaneously experiences both a two-phase reaction mechanism and a dual-phase solid-solution reaction mechanism over the entire range of the flat voltage plateau, with this dual-phase solid-solution behavior being strongly dependent on charge/discharge rates. The proposed dual-phase solid-solution mechanism may explain the remarkable rate capability of LiFePO4 in commercial cells.

  11. Une poétique du vœu : inspiration poétique et mystique impériale dans le poème XIX (et quelques autres d’Optatianus Porfyrius

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    Marie-Odile Bruhat


    Full Text Available La majorité des poèmes d’Optatianus Porfyrius qui nous sont parvenus est dédiée à l’empereur Constantin et consacrée à son éloge. Mais dans cette poésie visuelle d’un nouveau genre, la célébration de l’art poétique tient une place aussi importante que la célébration impériale. Comment considérer le discours proprement poétique d’Optatianus ? Est-il simplement juxtaposé au discours politique ? Relève-t-il d’une pure convention ornementale ? Ces questions sont d’autant plus pertinentes que, loin de présenter le procédé visuel dont il est l’inventeur comme un art technicien, Optatianus revendique le double titre de poiètès et de uates et convoque les divinités de l’inspiration, Phébus et les Muses, alors même que ses poèmes se font l’écho de la nouvelle théologie chrétienne du pouvoir. La réponse apparaît double. D’une part, la poésie d’Optatianus peut être définie comme votive. Ses poèmes s’inscrivent dans la liturgie du pouvoir, c’est-à-dire dans le cadre d’une théologie impériale qui repose sur l’affirmation de l’éternité de la victoire et sur le renouvellement du charisme victorieux à travers le rituel des voeux. Par son discours sur Phébus et les Muses, Optatianus met en place une véritable poétique du voeu, qui consiste à couler la mystique de l’inspiration dans le moule de la mystique impériale. D’autre part, ce projet poétique répond à bien des égards à l’attente impériale. Il rencontre la volonté de Constantin de développer une politique culturelle, et se plie à quelques traits caractéristiques de sa religiosité : conviction de la nécessité du secours divin dans les actions humaines, d’une inspiration divine dont Constantin a fait lui-même l’expérience, attention aux signes et aux visions, attachement à un charisme solaire qui coexiste sous une forme « neutralisée » avec sa foi chrétienne. Le poème XIX, composé à l

  12. The determination of 210Po in urine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bale, W.F.; Helmkamp, R.W.; Hrynyszyn, V.; Contreras, M.A.


    To measure 210 Po present in normal human urine a technique was developed in which a 4.5 x 11cm silver foil was shaken at room temperature for 48-hr periods in each of two successive volumes of 1.7 l. of urine acidified to 0.5N with HCl. Alpha rays were counted with an ionization chamber, coupled to a vibrating reed electrometer, and capable of measuring α-ray pulses originating on both sides of the silver foil serving as a central electrode. The background α-count was less than 2/hr. Analyses of human urine spiked with 0.29 to 0.58pCi of 210 Po, together with studies of urine from dogs carrying significant body burdens of 210 Pb, indicated that the average recovery of added 210 Po from 1.7 l. volumes of spiked human urine was 72%. If it is assumed that the same percentage of 210 Po is extracted from non-spiked urine, then the average 210 Po concentration found in 13 analyses of 2 x 1.7 l. samples from 26 different pools of fresh human urine was 0.023pCi/l. Substantial additional 210 Po was generated on short aging of the urine through radioactive decay of excreted 210 Bi. (author)

  13. Memoria de mamífero y mirada irónica: texto poético e imagen en clases de E/LE

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    Tomás Ortega García


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo nos proponemos desarrollar el aprendizaje del español con la ayuda de actividades relacionadas con la Literatura, el Arte y la memoria, además de fomentar la escritura creativa y ampliar habilidades gramaticales y léxicas utilizando como elemento discursivo la opinión personal y la ironía a través de recursos textuales poéticos, mapas, fotografías y viñetas en la clase de español para extranjeros. Está dirigido a estudiantes de niveles entre B1 y C1 del MCER.

  14. 210Po behaviour in terrestrial environment: a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coppin, F.; Roussel-Debet, S.


    This bibliographical review illustrates the behaviour of 210 polonium in the terrestrial environment. Sources of 210 Po in the atmosphere vary especially with the geographical localization and the occurrence or the absence of mining activities. In soils, polonium, because of its atmospheric origin, is concentrated in the first upper centimeters. 210 Po is rather immobile and adsorbed on mineral surfaces; it can (co)precipitate with metallic (oxi)hydroxides or in the form of sulphide. The main transfer pathway of 210 Po to vegetation is foliar deposit, which is not, or only slightly, followed by incorporation or translocation. 210 Po is transferred to animals mainly by ingestion, with relatively high transfer factors. In fresh waters, 210 Po is generally immobile in the form of insoluble Po(IV) and/or associated with the particulate or colloidal phase. Plankton, invertebrates and fish concentrate the 210 Po, especially in soft tissues. Polonium, which is an omnipresent natural radionuclide, is likely to occasion a significant exposure to man, compared with other natural or artificial radioisotopes. Nearly all studies derive from in situ measurements and are very descriptive, therefore experimental work aiming at a better knowledge and modeling of its behaviour in the terrestrial environment would be useful. (author)

  15. Insectos acuáticos y calidad del agua en la cuenca y embalse del río Peñas Blancas, Costa Rica

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    Meyer Guevara Mora


    Full Text Available La población de insectos acuáticos y la calidad del agua fueron caracterizadas tomando en cuenta las alteraciones humanas y naturales en el área de estudio. Durante los muestreos mensuales, el pH, OD, temperatura, nivel del agua, DBO, PO4 y NO3 fueron medidos. Los índices biológicos (abundancia, riqueza de especies y el BMWP-CR se evaluaron para determinar la calidad del agua. No se detectaron relaciones entre las variables ambientales y los insectos acuáticos, pero las diferencias espaciales y temporales en la abundancia y riqueza fueron asociadas con las crecidas del río (temporal y a la presencia del embalse Peñas Blancas (espacial. En el futuro las investigaciones en la cuenca Peñas Blancas deben de ser dirigidas a determinar la magnitud de la influencia de los caudales, liberación de sedimentos y la posible degradación de la calidad del agua por efluentes de aguas servidas que se lleguen a ubicar en la cuenca.Aquatic insects and water quality in Peñas Blancas watershed and reservoir. The aquatic insects have been used to evaluate water quality of aquatic environments. The population of aquatic insects and the water quality of the area were characterized according to the natural and human alterations present in the study site. During the monthly-survey, pH, DO, temperature, water level, DBO, PO4 and NO3 were measured. Biological indexes (abundance, species richness and the BMWP-CR were used to evaluate the water quality. No relation between environmental and aquatic insects was detected. Temporal and spatial differences attributed to the flow events (temporal and the presence of Peñas Blancas reservoir (spatial. In the future, the investigations in Peñas Blancas watershed need to be focused on determining the real influence of the flows, sediment release and the possible water quality degradation because of agriculture activities. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2: 635-654. Epub 2011 June 01.

  16. Blanca Wiethüchter: des-nombrando el paisaje. Políticas y poéticas de la representación en la década de los 80 en Bolivia

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    Mauricio Duarte


    Full Text Available This article examines the relationship between poetic writing and the discourse of landscape in Madera Viva y árbol difunto (1982 by Blanca Wiethüchter (1947-2004. Landscape is often understood as a modern device of normative representation in which people and places are classified merely as private property. I argue that Wiethüchter’s poetry establishes a counter-narrative of the landscape through the use of a poetic gaze that reinstates social and marginal imaginaries by recognizing the materiality of such landscape and, most importantly, the political role of imagination in shaping the sense of the real. In doing so, I show how Wiethüchter uses poetic language to claim multiple and conflictive realities that lie beneath the names and harmonic appearances of things. Finally, by analyzing Wiethüchter’ poetic and critical work in dialogue with thinkers and scholars such as García Linera, Mamani, Zavaleta Mercado, and Rivera Cusicanqui, this article contributes to the understanding of the politics of representation during the 1980s in Bolivia.ResumenEste artículo examina la relación entre la escritura poética y el discurso del paisaje en Madera Viva y árbol difunto (1982 de Blanca Wiethüchter (1947-2004. A menudo el paisaje es entendido como un mecanismo moderno de representación normativa en la cual los sujetos y los lugares son clasificados simplemente como propiedad privada. Nuestro argumento propone que la poesía de Wiethüchter establece una contra-narrativa del paisaje a través del uso de una mirada poética que reinstala imaginarios sociales y marginales al reconocer la materialidad del paisaje y, más aún, el rol político de la imaginación en la configuración del sentido de realidad. Al proponer lo anterior, se muestra cómo Wiethüchter usa el lenguage poético para reclamar realidades múltiples y conflictivas anquilosadas bajo la armónica apariencia de las cosas. Finalmente, al analizar la obra poética y cr


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    Horst Nitschack


    Full Text Available En la novela La Guerra del fin del mundo Mario Vargas Llosa presenta una reescritura y ficcionalización del texto fundacional Os Sertdes de Euclides da Cunha. El presente artículo sitúa esta novela en el momento de un cambio radical de las convicciones ideológicas y políticas de Mario Vargas Llosa en la década de los 70 y se propone analizar de qué manera las nuevas posiciones neoliberales asumidas por el autor se reflejan en la poética de la novela. Como argumento central se sostiene que en el proceso de ficcionalización del texto referencial de Euclides da Cunha se dejan descubrir dos estrategias: la primera es la individualización de la Historia, es decir, la narración privilegia las experiencias subjetivas de los protagonistas para explicar sus disposiciones a la violencia; en la segunda, la ficcionalización asume una paradoja: finge representar lo irrepresentable advirtiendo al mismo tiempo al lector que se trata solamente de ficción, es decir, ella responsabiliza al propio lector en qué medida él está dispuesto a identificar la narración con la 'verdad' histórica. En los dos casos nos encontramos frente a una poética que valoriza la responsabilidad individual y lo subjetivo en vez de la dependencia individual de lo colectivo y del compromiso de la narración con la historia objetiva.In the novel The War of the End of the World (La guerra del fin del mundo Mario Vargas Llosa presents a rewriting and fictionalization of Euclides da Cunha's foundational text Os Sertdes. The article relates this novel to the radical change in Mario Vargas Llosa's ideological and political convictions in the 1970s and intends to analyze how the author's neo-liberal positions are reflected in the poetics of this novel. The central argument is that in this process of fictionalization of Euclides da Cunha's text, two strategies can be discovered: the first being the individualization of History, that is, the narrative privileges the subjective

  18. Radioactive {sup 210}Po in magnesium supplements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Struminska-Parulska, Dagmara Ida [Gdansk Univ. (Poland). Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry Chair


    The aim of this pioneer study was to determine polonium {sup 210}Po in the most popular magnesium supplements in Poland and estimate the possible related dose assessment to the consumers. The analyzed magnesium pharmaceutics contained organic or inorganic magnesium compounds; some from natural sources. The objectives of this research were to investigate the naturally occurring {sup 210}Po activity concentrations in magnesium supplements, find the correlations between {sup 210}Po concentration in medicament and magnesium chemical form, and calculate the effective radiation dose connected to analyzed magnesium supplement consumption. The highest {sup 210}Po activity concentrations were determined in mineral tablets made from sedimentary rocks, namely dolomite - 3.84 ± 0.15 mBq g{sup -1} (sample Mg17). The highest annual radiation dose from {sup 210}Po taken with 1 tablet of magnesium supplement per day or with 400 mg of pure Mg daily would come from sample Mg17 (dolomite) - 1.35 ± 0.5 and 8.44 ± 0.33 μSv year{sup -1} respectively.

  19. Topotactic insertion of lithium in the layered structure Li4VO(PO4)2: The tunnel structure Li5VO(PO4)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satya Kishore, M.; Pralong, V.; Caignaert, V.; Malo, S.; Hebert, S.; Varadaraju, U.V.; Raveau, B.


    A new V(III) lithium phosphate Li 5 VO(PO 4 ) 2 has been synthesized by electrochemical insertion of lithium into Li 4 VO(PO 4 ) 2 . This phase, which crystallizes in the space group I4/mcm, exhibits a tunnel structure closely related to the layered structure of Li 4 VO(PO 4 ) 2 and to the tunnel structure of VO(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 . The topotactic reactions that take place during lithium exchange and intercalation, starting from VO(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 and going to the final phase Li 5 VO(PO 4 ) 2 are explained on the basis of the flexible coordinations of V 4+ and V 3+ species. The electrochemical and magnetic properties of this new phase are also presented and explained on the basis of the structure dimensionality. - Graphical abstract: Electrochemical synthesis of a new 3D V(III) lithium phosphate, Li 5 VO(PO 4 ) 2 . Starting from the 2D Li 4 VO(PO 4 ) 2 , the topotactic reaction that take place during lithium intercalation is explained on the basis of the flexible coordinations of V 4+ and V 3+ species

  20. Doncel según Doncel: pensamiento poético y reinvención de autor

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    Fernando Andú Resano


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende mostrar la deriva del pensamiento poético de Diego Doncel (Malpartida, Cáceres, 1964 desde la meditación serena de índole filosófico-religiosa característica de sus primeras obras hasta la asunción de una fuerte conciencia crítica social y política en sus últimas entregas. Por encima de la utilización de estrategias antagónicas en la autorrepresentación del yo, un permanente ejercicio de reinvención de autor parece subyacer en el conjunto de la producción lírica de Doncel, tal vez explicable en función de la ironía, reivindicada con insistencia por el poeta extremeño, o, tal vez, para espectadores más escépticos con respecto a una evolución tan singular, simplemente en términos de palinodia.

  1. Sistem Informasi Pada Perusahaan Otobus (Po) Waspada Bengkulu Berbasis Web


    -, Khairil; Koesoemanegara, Eddy


    Web Sistem Informasi pada PO. Waspada Bengkulu berguna sebagai pusat informasi dan sarana promosi untuk mempilkan profil Perusahaan dan juga untuk menawarkan produk dan pelayanan yang ditawarkan oleh PO. Waspada. Sistem informasi ini ditujukan agar PO. Waspada lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat dan akhirnya dapat meningkatkan jumlah penumpang yang menggunakan jasa PO. Waspada Bengkulu.Web Sistem Informasi PO. Waspada Bengkulu dikembangkan menggunakan web editor Adobe Dreamweaver dengan web promgra...

  2. Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of the catena-metaphosphates Ce(PO3)4 and U(PO3)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeppe, Henning A.; Daub, Michi


    The catena-metaphosphates of tetravalent cerium and tetravalent uranium were obtained as phase pure crystalline powders by reaction of the respective dioxides with phosphoric acid at 500 C. Ce(PO 3 ) 4 and U(PO 3 ) 4 crystallise in space group C2/c (Z = 16, a Ce = 13.7696(3) Aa, b Ce = 29.7120(7) Aa, c Ce = 8.9269(2) Aa, β Ce = 90.00(1) Aa 3 and a U = 13.786(3) Aa, b U = 29.843(6) Aa, c U = 8.9720(18) Aa, β U = 90.01(3) Aa 3 ). The vibrational and optical spectra of pale yellow Ce(PO 3 ) 4 and emerald-greenish U(PO 3 ) 4 are also reported. (orig.)

  3. Rescribir el horror. Historia y poética de la memoria en la obra de Roberto Bolaño

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    Alba Solà Garcia


    Full Text Available Con los horrores del siglo XX, el mal ha caído en un vacío ontológico que lo hace ininteligible: la desemantización de su lenguaje y la atrofia de sus fórmulas niegan la posibilidad de erigir un discurso válido, sea éste en el plano moral, político o filosófico. La literatura, sin embargo, se aventura a resignificar el espacio del mal a partir de su reelaboración en la dimensión simbólica de la ficción. Roberto Bolaño reconstruye el discurso histórico chileno en Estrella distante y Nocturno de Chile, denunciando el fenómeno del mal y su reiterada aparición en la Historia y resignificando su lenguaje a partir de una poética del ocultamiento y la sugerencia que permite visibilizar el horror y sus espacios, convirtiendo sus ficciones en documentos testimoniales que reelaboran la memoria histórica latinoamericana y reivindican sus episodios olvidados.

  4. Sol–gel synthesis and electrochemical properties of 9LiFePO4·Li3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode material for lithium ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Shengkui; Wu Ling; Liu Jiequn


    Highlights: ► Nano-sized 9LiFePO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C powders are prepared by a sol–gel method. ► Mutual doping in 9LiFePO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C can improve its electronic conductivity. ► The addition of Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 can improve the ionic diffusivity of LiFePO 4 . ► LiFePO 4 , Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 and LiFePO 4 –Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 unit cells coexist in the composite. - Abstract: 9LiFePO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C composite cathode material is prepared by a sol–gel method, using ferric citrate, V 2 O 5 , Li 2 CO 3 , NH 4 H 2 PO 4 and citric acid as raw materials. The composite material is composed of the olivine LiFePO 4 and monoclinic Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phases. XRD results indicate that most of the iron and vanadium in the raw materials tend to form the LiFePO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phases, and only small amounts of Fe and V as the dopants enter into the lattice of Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 and LiFePO 4 , respectively. The electronic conductivity and Li + diffusion coefficient of 9LiFePO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C are 6.615 × 10 −3 S cm −1 and ∼10 −10 cm 2 s −1 , which are three orders of magnitude and one order of magnitude larger than those of the LiFePO 4 /C, respectively. The composite material shows a first discharge specific capacity of 131.3 mAh g −1 and capacity retention of 95.1% after 200 cycles at 10 C rate. Compared with the LiFePO 4 /C, its rate capability and cycle performance are both remarkably improved.

  5. Forenzika elektronske pošte

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    Milorad S. Markagić


    Full Text Available U najopštijem smislu digitalna forenzika može se definisati kao skup metoda za prikupljanje, analizu i prezentaciju digitalnih dokaza koji se mogu pronaći na računarima, serverima, u računarskim mrežama, bazama podataka, mobilnim uređajima i svim drugim elektronskim uređajima na kojima se čuvaju podaci. U ovom radu su opisane metode prikupljanja digitalnih dokaza u elektronskoj pošti i njihova analiza. Uvod Elektronska pošta se kao dokazni materijal pojavljuje u velikom broju kako građanskih tako i kriminalnih forenzičkih istraga. Elektronska pošta i elektronska pošta zasnovana na internet serverima  širi se veoma brzo, pa lako i brzo završi i na računaru korisnika kome nije namenjena. Prvu elektronsku poruku poslao je Ray Tomilson 1971. godine, a deset godina kasnije u kombinaciji sa personalnim računarima i internetom prerasta u globalni način komuniciranja i personalnog i poslovnog. Takođe se koristi i u svrhu zabave, načina razmene podataka, ali predstavlja i nezamenjiv izvor digitalnih dokaza, kada dodje do računarskog incidenta. Analiza elektronske pošte Svaka elektronska poruka sastoji se od dva dela: zaglavlja i teksta poruke. Iz zaglavlja je moguće saznati izvorišnu i odredišnu adresu, pošiljaoca i namenjenog primaoca, a telo poruke sadrži tekst poruke. Ekstenzije dokumenata elektronske pošte U slučajevima kada je potrebno otkriti samo dokumente potrebne za pregled elektronskih poruka, ili kopirati pojedinačni dokument sačuvan unutar elektronske pošte, moguće je koristiti sistem na istraživanom računaru ili specijalizovani softver kao što je Outlook Extract Pro ili Outlook Export. Mnogo ispravniji, sigurniji i jednostavniji način je korišćenje forenzičkih alata kao što su EnCase ili FTK, sa ugrađenim pregledačima koji omogućavaju pregled i snimanje sadržaja baze podataka kao i njihovo kopiranje na druge medije za dalju analizu. Forenzički alati automatizuju proces skidanja i kopiranja

  6. Porto Tolle thermoelectric power station and aquatic environment of Po Delta (Italy): Synthesis of data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambrogi, R.


    The 2400 MW, oil-fueled power station of Porto Tolle (Italy) potentially affects riverine, lagoon and marine sectors of the Po Delta. A synthesis is provided of the data gathered by several research lines, which studied different aspects of the environment during the pre-operational and operational period. Comparisons are made between the two periods and between stations more or less influenced by cooling water discharge. When river water is used for cooling (the majority of cases), some effects on water quality characteristics and on plankton community abundances are evident in the immediate vicinity of the outlet. In the lagoon (Sacca del Canarin) and in the stretch of sea in front of it, effects directly connected with the thermal effluent could not be detected. The geomorphological evolution of the lagoon, however, was influenced by the hydraulic modification brought about by the cooling circuit. This resulted in an enhancement of the biological production of the lagoon. The sea area is not affected in a significant way, but concern is raised about the interaction of cooling discharge and the eutrophic load from the Po River

  7. Quantitative determination of 210Po in geochemical samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dyck, W.; Bristow, Q.


    To test the usefulness of 210 Po in soils as a means of detecting buried U mineralization, methods for the determination of 210 Po were investigated and adapted for routine production of 210 Po data from geochemical samples. A number of conditions affecting autodeposition and detection of 210 Po were investigated. The optimum area of deposition with a 450 mm 2 solid state detector was found to be 300 mm 2 . Convenience dictated room temperature over-night deposition times, although increased temperature increased speed and efficiency of deposition. A clear inverse relationship was observed between volume of solution and deposition efficiency with stirring times of less than 2 hours. For routine analysis, soil and rock powders were dissolved by leaching 1 g samples in teflon beakers successively with conc. HNO 3 , HF, and HNO 3 -HClO 4 , evaporating the solution to dryness between leaches, and taking the residue up in 20 mL 0.5 M HCl. The 210 Po was deposited on 19 mm diameter Ni discs and counted with an alpha spectrometer system employing 450 mm 2 ruggedized surface barrier detectors. The method achieved 90 percent recovery of 210 Po from solution and a detection efficiency of 30 percent. With a counting time of 3 hours, the method is capable of detecting 0.2 pCi of 210 Po per gram of sample

  8. Tres lecciones de tinieblas, de José Ángel Valente: naturaleza musical, claves de poética e implicaciones simbólicas

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    Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego


    Full Text Available El presente artículo ofrece un estudio circunscrito a la caracterización musical de Tres lecciones de tinieblas (1980, de José Ángel Valente (1929-2000. Para ello, se parte, en primer lugar, del análisis de las claves de poética que ofrece el escritor en distintos textos (entrevistas, ensayos, discursos, diario … para, con posterioridad, identificar las fuentes de dicho poemario, ya sean musicales –desde el canto gregoriano hasta Webern, Boulez o Schenker–, literarias (Gonzalo de Berceo, filosóficas (Miguel de Molinos, etc. En el conjunto de modelos presentado sobresale, en particular, la asimilación por parte de Valente del género de las Leçons des Ténèbres –sobre todo, Couperin y Charpentier–, así como de la tradición áurea española, con ecos de Tomás Luis de Victoria, Quevedo y sus Lágrimas de Hieremías castellanas, la «música silente» de San Juan de la Cruz o la «poesía musical» de Góngora, entre otros señeros referentes. Por último, dada la compleja naturaleza genérica de Tres lecciones, se presta especial atención, en fin, tanto al simbolismo pitagórico como a las propiedades musicales de las letras-números para concluir con unas notas sobre la poética del fragmento.

  9. Evaluación del potencial energético del oleaje en la costa sur del Golfo de México

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    Alejandro González-Carrillo


    Full Text Available Hallar nuevas fuentes de energía es uno de los retos que trajo consigo el siglo XXI. En este tr abajo se hace un análisis sobre la energía de las olas, la cual presenta varia s ventajas significativas con r especto a otras fuentes de energ ías basadas en combustibles fós iles e, inclusive, otras fuentes renovables de energía. De entre estas ventajas de stacan el bajo impacto ambiental y su alta densidad energética, respectivamente. La energía de las olas del mar se considera ca da vez en más países como un recurso renovable importante y sob re todo prometedor. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación del po tencial energético de las olas en la costa sur del Golfo de Méx ico; en él se observó el comportamiento del olea je y se obtuvo que la potenci a media anual disponible es de 55.91 W/m. Adicionalmente, se de staca el comportamiento estacional de las olas en la región; pues, en es te punto, la estación más energética es otoño y la menos energé tica es primavera, lo cual difiere de la tendencia mundial, en la que i nvierno y verano son la más y la menos energética, respectivamente.

  10. Levels of 210Po and 210Pb in cigars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelecom, A.; Gouvea, R.C.S.; Santos, P.L.


    210 Po and 210 Pb concentrations have been determined in 58 cigar brands manufactured in 11 countries. Cuban and American cigars showed the lowest 210 Po content. The mean levels of 210 Po in Brazilian, European and Dominican cigars were almost identical and somewhat lower than the levels observed for cigars from other Latin American countries. Cuban, American and European cigars contained low levels of 210 Pb. Cigars from the remaining countries contained twice as much 210 Pb. The mean 210 Po/ 210 Pb ratio showed an excess of polonium. In the case of one cigar-a-day smoker, the calculated annual absorbed dose due to 210 Po is ∼16 μGy. (author)

  11. Equilibrium diagram of KPO3-Y(PO3)3 system, chemical preparation and characterization of KY(PO3)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jouini, Anis; Ferid, Mokhtar; Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika


    Microdifferential thermal analysis (μ-DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were used for the first time to investigate the liquidus and solidus relations in the KPO 3 -Y(PO 3 ) 3 system. The only compound observed within the system was KY(PO 3 ) 4 melting incongruently at 1033 K. An eutectic appears at 13.5 mol% Y(PO 3 ) 3 at 935 K, the peritectic occurs at 1033 K and the phase transition for potassium polyphosphate KPO 3 was observed at 725 K. Three monoclinic allotropic phases of the single crystals were obtained. KY(PO 3 ) 4 polyphosphate has the P2 1 space group with lattice parameters: a=7.183(4) A, b=8.351(6) A, c=7.983(3) A, β=91.75(3) deg. and Z=2 is isostructural with KNd(PO 3 ) 4 . The second allotropic form of KY(PO 3 ) 4 belongs to the P2 1 /n space group with lattice parameters: a=10.835(3) A, b=9.003(2) A, c=10.314(1) A, β=106.09(7) deg. and Z=4 and is isostructural with TlNd(PO 3 ) 4 . The IR absorption spectra of the two forms show a chain polyphosphates structure. The last modification of KYP 4 O 12 crystallizes in the C2/c space group with lattice parameters: a=7.825(3) A, b=12.537(4) A, c=10.584(2) A, β=110.22(7) deg. and Z=4 is isostructural with RbNdP 4 O 12 and contains cyclic anions. The methods of chemical preparations, the determination of crystallographic data and IR spectra for these compounds are reported

  12. “Ese fantasma es el capitalismo”: poéticas e imaginarios de la crisis en Fagocitosis y Lo que (me está pasando

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    Xavier Dapena


    Full Text Available El presente artículo traza una poética de la crisis, por la que se ven atravesadas dos novelas gráficas Fagocitosis (2011 de Marcos Prior y Danide y Lo que (me está pasando (2015 de Miguel Brieva. En el estadio avanzado del capitalismo en su época neoliberal, se alteran los modos de producción de sentido y las poéticas de la crisis se articulan en los artefactos culturales en diferentes regímenes, como el paradigma de financiarización y de precarización. Partiendo de estudiosos como Laval y Dardot, Butler, Rancière o el Comité Invisible, estas dos novelas gráficas nos permiten rastrear dichos patrones.

  13. Concentrations of 210Po in fish and shellfish from southern region of Japan and evaluation of 210Po intake from seafood for Japanese people

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momoshima, N.; Sugihara, S.; Nakao, H.


    Concentrations of 210 Po in fish and shellfish, mostly collected from southern region of Japan were analyzed. Values ranged from 0.2 to 229 Bq/kg fresh weight and higher concentrations were observed in samples analyzed with viscera. Intake of 210 Po through fish and shellfish was evaluated at different Japanese cities based on statistical consumption data. Phytoplankton, Heterosigma akashiwo was collected during a harmful algal bloom and 210 Po was analyzed. The phytoplankton occupied only 4.4% of 210 Po in seawater and a large fraction of 210 Po was observed in the particulate form. (orig.)

  14. Low Frequency Hydrogen Vibrations in Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate; Vibrations de l'hydrogene a basse frequence dans le phosphate monopotassique; Nizkochastotnye kolebaniya atomov vodoroda v pervichnom kislom fosfate kaliya.; Vibraciones de baja frecuencia del hidrogeno en el fosfato diacido de potasio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palevsky, H.; Otnes, K.; Wakuta, Y. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    variation del'intensite de diffusion due A la deuteration. Par ce moyen, on montre qu'une bande de frequences centree autour de 180 cm{sup -1} est associee aux vibrations de l*hydrogene. Les auteurs ont trouve que pour des temperatures inferieures aux temperatures de la transition ferroelectrique, les spectres de KH{sub 2}PO{sub 4} et KD{sub 2}PO{sub 4} ont la meme forme generale que les donnees correspondantes relatives A la temperature ambiante, les changements de forme les plus importants s'expliquant par le facteur de population de Boltzman. Les auteurs comparent les resultats relatifs A la diffusion inelastique des neutrons et ceux que l'on obtient par la diffraction neutronique et par des mesures avec les rayons infrarouges. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han utilizado el aparato de neutrones frios del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven para investigar los estados de baja energia del KH{sub 2}PO{sub 4} y del KD{sub 2}PO{sub 4} a temperatura ambiente y por debajo de las temperaturas de transicion. El intervalo de energia abarcado (8 a 170 x 10{sup -3} eV) corresponde a nuemeros de onda de 25 a 1300 cm{sup -1}, esto es, a una region que es dificil de investigar por procedimientos de absorcion infrarroja. A energias muy bajas, se observan picos apianados correspondientes a los modos acusticos del cristal; en el extremo correspondiente a las energias elevadas, aparecen las vibraciones caracteristicas de la molecula de PO{sub 4} . Los modos de excitacion asociados al hidrogeno se identifican por la variacion de la intensidad de dispersion con el contenido de deuterio. Por este medio, se demuestra que hay una banda de frecuencia centrada en torno a 180 cm{sup -1} , asociada a las vibraciones del hidrogeno. Se ha observado que por debajo de sus temperaturas de transicion ferroelectrica los espectros del KH{sub 2}PO{sub 4} y del KD{sub 2}PO{sub 4} presentan la misma forma general que los datos respectivos correspondientes a la temperatura ambiente, debiendose al factor de

  15. Assessment of 210Po exposure for the Italian population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clemente, G.F.; Renzetti, A.; Santori, G.; Breuer, F.


    A summary is given of the data required to evaluate the 210 Po internal burden and the relative dose given to the members of the Italian general public and to those groups of subjects who are exposed in non-uranium mines and spas to high radon and daughter product air concentrations. Data on the daily intake, daily excretion, total body burden and skeletal burden of 210 Pb and 210 Po for the general public provide the components of the 210 Pb- 210 Po metabolic balance. A mathematical model has been developed on the basis of this data and can be used to evaluate the 210 Pb- 210 Po body burden of subjects exposed to high levels of radon and daughter products on the basis of their 210 Pb- 210 Po daily excretion. Data is presented for the 210 Pb- 210 Po skeletal and soft tissue burden and the yearly dose rate to the skeleton in non-smokers, smokers, non-uranium miners and spa employees. (UK)

  16. Crystal structure of CsTb(PO3)4 compound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palkina, K.K.; Maksimova, S.I.; Kuznetsov, V.G.; Chibiskova, N.T.


    The X-ray structural study of compounds of the CsLn(PO 3 ) 4 series has been made. Found is the presence of two structural types for CsPr(PO 3 ) 4 (cubic and monoclinic modifications), one type for CsNd(PO 3 ) 4 (cubic modification) and for CsTb(PO 3 ) 4 (monoclinic modification). For the CsTb(PO 3 ) 4 monocrystal the lattice parameters are determined: a=7.032 +- 0.001; b=8.705 +- 0.001; c=9.051 +- 0.001 A; α=90 deg, β=90 deg, γ=100 deg, Z=2, V=545.68 A 3 , dsub(exp)=3.70 g/cm 3 . The structure character is presented as infinite chains of (PO 4 ) tetrahedrons, stretched along the ''C'' period. Tb and Cs atoms are rounded by 8 atoms of oxygen. Tb polyhedron are irregular octaapexes or strongly deformed tetragonal antiprisms. Tb-Tb shortest distance is 6.59 A

  17. La relación entre arte y política como un entramado : La poética de Edgardo Antonio Vigo


    Bugnone, Ana


    En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre arte y política a través de la poética del artista Edgardo Antonio Vigo en una época convulsionada en términos artísticos y políticos: las décadas de 1960 y 1970. Más que a un nexo en el que el contexto político determina y encuadra la politicidad del arte, se apela a una interpretación en la que esa vinculación es múltiple, compleja e inestable, lo que configura un entramado. Para ello se analizan tres zonas de su obra -la poesía visual, las accio...

  18. Research Update: Retardation and acceleration of phase separation evaluated from observation of imbalance between structure and valence in LiFePO4/FePO4 electrode

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    Kazuya Tokuda


    Full Text Available LiFePO4 is a potential positive electrode material for lithium ion batteries. We have experimentally observed an imbalance between the valence change of Fe ions and the structure change from the LiFePO4 phase to the FePO4 phase during delithiation by simultaneous in situ XRD and XANES measurements in an LiFePO4/FePO4 electrode. The ratio of structure change to valence change clearly indicates that the phase separation from LiFePO4 to FePO4 is suppressed at the beginning of delithiation, while it is accelerated at the latter stage, which is due to the coherent strain caused by the lattice misfit between the two phases.

  19. Synthesis and luminescence of CePO4 and CePO4:Tb hollow and core-shell microspheres composed of single-crystal nanorods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Mingyun; Sun Jianhua; Han Min; Xu Zheng; Tao Feifei; Yin Gui; Wei Xianwen; Zhu Jianmin; Jiang Xiqun


    Lanthanide phosphate microspheres composed of single-crystal CePO 4 and CePO 4 :Tb nanorods were successfully synthesized, respectively, using the functionalized composite aggregate as a template, which is composed of P123, H 6 P 4 O 13 and Ce 3+ , and also as a resource of reaction species with high chemical potential. The shape and the phase structure of the CePO 4 nanocrystal can be easily controlled via adjusting reaction temperature, monomer concentration and annealing temperature. SEM images show the spherical superstructure composed of nanorods. HRTEM and SAED images reveal the single-crystalline nature of nanorod and TEM images show the hollow interiors of the superstructure. XRD patterns indicate that the crystal structure of the nanorods is hexagonal before and monoclinic after annealing. The formation mechanism was proposed. Strong UV and green luminescence were observed for the CePO 4 and CePO 4 :Tb microspheres, respectively. The synthesis method can be extended to the fabrication of NRHS and core-shell microspheres of other rare-earth or doped LnPO 4 materials for wide applications

  20. Biogeochemical factors affecting the presence of 210Po in groundwater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seiler, Ralph L.; Stillings, Lisa L.; Cutler, Nichole; Salonen, Laina; Outola, Iisa


    Research highlights: → 210 Po activities in numerous domestic wells in Fallon NV exceed 500 mBq/L. → 210 Po levels in sediment are not the primary determinant on levels in groundwater. → δ 34 S measurements indicate SO 4 reduction occurred in all 210 Po contaminated wells. → 210 Po contaminated wells are anoxic, have high pH and low Ca. → Po mobilization probably involves an anaerobic S cycle in which H 2 S dissolves MnO 2 . - Abstract: The discovery of natural 210 Po enrichment at levels exceeding 500 mBq/L in numerous domestic wells in northern Nevada, USA, led to a geochemical investigation of the processes responsible for its mobilization. 210 Po activities in 63 domestic and public-supply wells ranged from below 1 mBq/L to 6590 ± 590 mBq/L, among the highest reported levels in the USA. There is little spatial or depth variability in 210 Pb activity in study-area sediments and mobilization of a few percent of the 210 Po in the sediments would account for all of the 210 Po in water. Stable-isotope measurements indicate SO 4 reduction has occurred in all 210 Po contaminated wells. Sulfide species are not accumulating in the groundwater in much of Lahontan Valley, probably because of S cycling involving microbial SO 4 reduction, abiotic oxidation of H 2 S to S 0 by Mn(IV), followed by microbial disproportionation of S 0 to H 2 S and SO 4 . The high pH, Ca depletion, MnCO 3 saturation, and presence of S 0 in Lahontan Valley groundwater may be consequences of the anaerobic S cycling. Consistent with data from naturally-enriched wells in Florida, 210 Po activities begin to decrease when aqueous sulfide species begin to accumulate. This may be due to formation and precipitation of PoS, however, Eh-pH diagrams suggest PoS would not be stable in study-area groundwater. An alternative explanation for the study area is that H 2 S accumulation begins when anaerobic S cycling stops because Mn oxides are depleted and their reduction is no longer releasing 210 Po

  1. Determination of 210 Po in cigarettes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peres, Ana Claudia; Hiromoto, Goro


    A radiochemical procedure for the determination of 110 Po in cigarettes is presented. The method is based on solvent extraction, followed by spontaneous deposition on copper disks and counting by alpha spectrometry. Some commercial cigarette brands available in the national market were analysed, obtaining 210 Po concentrations ranging from 15 to 26 mBq per gram of dry tobacco. (author)

  2. 210Po and 210Pb variations in fish species from the Aegean Sea and the contribution of 210Po to the radiation dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mat Çatal, Ebru; Uğur, Aysun; Özden, Banu; Filizok, Işık


    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the significance of natural radionuclides, particularly 210 Po, in the marine environment. 210 Po, a naturally occurring alpha emitter, accumulates in marine organisms and reflects differences in their diets. In the literature, there is no data for 210 Po and 210 Pb activity concentrations for fish species on the Turkish coast of Aegean Sea. Therefore, in this study, multiple fish species were collected from six stations seasonally on the Turkish coast of Aegean Sea and were analyzed for their 210 Po and 210 Pb content. The 210 Po and 210 Pb concentrations in the fish samples were found to vary from undetectable levels to 499 ± 44 Bq kg −1 dry weight (dw) and from 1.0 ± 0.3 Bq kg −1 to 35 ± 4.0 Bq kg −1 (dw), respectively. There were no significant differences in the activity concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb in fish samples between seasons (ANOVA, P > 0.05). The highest dose contribution of 210 Po to humans was calculated to be 10,530 μSv year −1 .

  3. Nuclear orientation and NMR/ON of sup(205,207)Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herzog, P.; Walitzki, H.; Freitag, K.; Hildebrand, H.; Schloesser, K.


    sup(205,207)Po have been implanted with an isotope separator on-line into cold host matrices of Fe, Ni, Zn and Be. Nuclear magnetic resonance of oriented 207 Po has been observed in Fe and Ni, of 205 Po in Fe. From the dependence of the resonance frequency on external magnetic field the g-factor of 207 Po was derived. Using this value the magnetic hyperfine fields of Po in Fe and Ni were obtained. From the temperature dependence of the anisotropies of #betta#-lines in the decay of sup(205,207)Po the multipole mixing of several transitions was derived. The electric interaction frequencies #betta#sub(Q)=eQVsub(zz)/h in the hosts Zn and Be were measured. (orig./WL)

  4. Radiochemical determination of 210 Po in tobacco and farm food

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, K. H.; Lee, H. P.; Cho, Y. H.; Choi, G. S.; Kim, C. K.; Lee, C. W.


    A method for measuring 210 Po in tobacco (cigarette and leaf) and farm food has been studied by alpha- spectrometry. Polonium was separated from HCl solution in the presence of other radionuclides and ascorbic acid (reduction of Fe 3+ ) by spontaneous deposition onto a silver disc. To determine the optimum conditions for plating polonium on a disc, the effects of reducing agent, plating time etc. were investigated. In the method, the samples are spiked with 208 Po (or 209 Po) as a chemical yield tracer. Because the main sources of 210 Po in the human body are food and cigarette smoke, this procedure to determine 210 Po has been applied to tobacco and farm food samples. Analyses of 210 Po in tobacco leaves and farm food samples using this method are in progress. The concentrations of 210 Po in cigarettes were ranged from 17 to 21 mBq/g and compared with published data on this natural radionuclide

  5. Volatilization of Po by microorganisms at laboratory culture experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momoshima, N.; Ishida, A.; Yoshinaga, C.; Fukuda, A.


    The previous experiments proved the volatility of polonium form culture medium in which microorganisms were propagated from seed of seawater, river water or pond water, therefore we did not know what kind of species are responsible to Po volatility. To search microorganisms, which concerned with Po emission we carried out culture experiments using known microorganisms. Three microorganisms were examined; Escherichia coli K-12, Bacillus subtilis and Chromobacterium violaceum. The microorganisms were pre-cultured in LB medium at 30 degree C and a small portion of the pre-cultured was transferred to a culture bottle in which LB medium and 208 Po tracer were contained. The culture was done at 30 degree C with shaking the culture bottle and air passed through a filter was introduced. The Po volatilized was transferred into the trap vials in which scintillator for liquid scintillation counting (LSC) was contained. The Po activity was measured by LSC. All of the microorganisms examined volatilized Po but their ability was quite different each other. Highest ability was observed on Chromobacterium violaceum and then Escherichia coli K-12 followed by Bacillus subtilis, the relative magnitude of the ability was 10 2 , 10, 1, respectively. Chromobacterium violaceum and Escherichia coli K-12 showed high volatility for the first 24 h but Escherichia coli K-12 showed a decrease thereafter. However high volatility was continued on Chromobacterium violaceum during the culture. The low culture temperature suppressed Po volatility, supporting biologically mediated Po emission from the culture.

  6. Neutron diffraction studies of the Na-ion battery electrode materials NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yahia, H. Ben [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar); Essehli, R., E-mail: [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar); Avdeev, M. [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights NSW 2234 (Australia); Park, J-B.; Sun, Y-K. [Department of Energy Engineering Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of); Al-Maadeed, M.A. [Center for Advanced Materials (CAM), Qatar University, 2713 Doha (Qatar); Belharouak, I., E-mail: [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar)


    The new compounds NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method and their crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. These compounds were characterized by galvanometric cycling and cyclic voltammetry. NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. The structure consists of a 3D-framework made of octahedra and tetrahedra that are sharing corners and/or edges generating channels along [100] and [010], in which the sodium atoms are located. Of significance, in the structures of NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} a statistical disorder Ni{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was observed on both the 8g and 4a atomic positions, whereas in NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} the statistical disorder Co{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was only observed on the 8g atomic position. When tested as negative electrode materials, NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} delivered specific capacities of 352, 385, and 368 mA h g{sup −1}, respectively, which attests to the electrochemical activity of sodium in these compounds. - Highlights: • NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method. • The crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. • The three compounds crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. • The three compounds were tested as anodes in sodium-ion batteries. • Relatively high specific capacities were obtained for these compounds.

  7. High-spin yrast states in the 206Po, 208Po, 209At and 210At nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahkonen, Vesa.


    High-spin yrast states in the 206 , 208 Po and 209 , 210 At nuclei have been studied with methods of in-beam γ-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy and with the (α,3n), (α,4n), (p,2n) and ( 3 He,3n) reactions. Several new high-spin states have been identified up to angular momenta of 18-19 h/2π in these nuclei except in 206 Po where the highest spin was (13 - ). In the course of this work two new isomers with half-lives of 15+-3 ns and 4+-2 μs have been observed at 1689 and 4028 keV in 210 At, which have been interpreted as (10 - ) and 19 + states. The previously-known half-lives of 29+-2 and 680+-75 ns have been established for the three-proton states of Jsup(π)=21/2 - and 29/2 + at 1428 and 2429 keV in 209 At, respectively. A half-life of 1.0+-0.2 μs was measured for the 9 - isomer in 206 Po. Shell-model calculations based on the use of the empirical single- and two-particle interaction energies or of the experimental excitation energies belonging to the relevant one-, two- and three-particle states, have been carried out for these 4-6 particle nuclei. Most of the medium-spin yrast states in 206 Po, 208 Po and 209 At have been successfully described assuming the core for these nuclei being 204 Pb or 206 Pb rather than 208 Pb, and including an extra core polarization interaction described by the P 2 force. (author)

  8. El diccionario contrastivo portugués-español (DiCoPoEs en la lexicografía bilingüe portugués-español: aportaciones, limitaciones y expectativas

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    María Ángeles Sastre Ruano


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se describen algunos aspectos del Diccionario Contrastivo Portugués-Español (DiCoPoEs, un diccionario concebido como un diccionario de aprendizaje de español dirigido a individuos que tienen el portugués como lengua materna y, más exactamente, la variante brasileña del portugués. El equipo que está elaborando el DiCoPoEs ha apostado por el diccionario bilingüe contrastivo para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras y pretende demostrar cómo puede combinarse la instrucción en el uso de una lengua extranjera (el español por medio de los llamados equivalentes del diccionario bilingüe con información contrastiva relativa a las diferencias semánticas entre las unidades de la lengua materna (el portugués que figuran como punto de partida en los artículos lexicográficos (los lemas y las voces que se presentan como correspondientes en la lengua de destino (los equivalentes.

  9. Les poèmes ragusains de Dejan Despic

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    Stefanović Ana


    Full Text Available (francuski Les œuvres de Dejan Despic (1930, inspirées par Dubrovnik: Jadranski soneti op. 17 (1951-1954, Dubrovacki divertimento op. 18 (1952 et Dubrovacki kanconijer op. 96 (1989, révèlent, outre leur thème commun, une parenté supplémentaire importante. Elles sont incitées et, d'une manière essentielle, médiatisées par la poésie: soit par les vers de Jovan Ducic (1871-1943, poète du Parnasse et symbolisme serbe, soit par la poésie pétrarquiste ragusaine. Or, ces compositions ne se montrent pas seulement en tant qu` issues de l`inspiration par la poésie sur Dubrovnik, mais aussi d'un conditionnement spirituel plus profond: de l`inspiration poétique du compositeur lui-même par Dubrovnik. C`est le sentiment poétique du monde, en tant que constante de la vision créatrice de Dejan Despic, qui provient de cette inspiration particulière. Ce monde ragusain du compositeur est le monde classique dans une signification universelle du concept, selon la nature même du milieu évoqué. Or, cela n implique pas une monochromie stylistique des compositions considérées. Au contraire, les perspectives musicales de l`impressionnisme, du néoclassicisme, voire, de la néorennaissance, varient ce cadre stylistique général, tout en marquant les traits distincts d'une poétique de composition très individualisée.


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    Mauricio Ostria González


    Full Text Available La lógica imaginaria de la poesía nerudiana, regida por el agua, asume como antipaisaje, como espacio infernal, la figura del desierto nortino: es el lugar del dolor, del silencio, de la muerte, de la nada. Se establece, entonces, una distancia entre el hablante y el desierto, que es superada, en un segundo momento de la meditación poética, por el sentimiento solidario que despierta en el poeta el precario vivir de las gentes y las luchas obreras en medio del desierto. Finalmente, ese sentimiento permite la conciliación de la piedra y el agua, del poeta y el desierto, a través de imágenes construidas a base de oxímorosThe imaginary logic of Nerudian poetry, governed by water assumes as antilandscape, as infernal space, the figure of the northern desert: it is the place of pain, of silence, of death, of emptyness. A distance is then established between the lyric voice and the desert surpassed, in a secondary moment of the poetic meditation, by the precarious lives of the people and the workers' strife in the middle of the desert At the end, that sentiment permits the reconciliation of stone and water, of the poet and the desert throught images constructed on oxymorons

  11. La problematización del Epicureísmo en la tragedia de Séneca


    Vizzotti, Martín


    Es bien sabido que Séneca, en sus tragedias, no busca ofrecer una exposición doctrinaria de los conceptos propios del estoicismo, tal como cierta crítica decimonónica y de la primera mitad del siglo XX lo ha querido ver (cf. especialmente Marti, B. 1945 & 1947), sino que en realidad busca exponer y representar poéticamente ciertos aspectos particularmente paradójicos de su pensamiento (Rosenmeyer, Th. (1989), Tarrant (1976 & 1985), Fantham, E. (1982), inter al. En este trabajo intentamos comp...

  12. LiHo(PO34

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    Mokhtar Férid


    Full Text Available Lithium holmium(III polyphosphate(V, LiHo(PO34, belongs to the type I of polyphosphates with general formula ALn(PO34, where A is a monovalent cation and Ln is a trivalent rare earth cation. In the crystal structure, the polyphosphate chains spread along the b-axis direction, with a repeat period of four tetrahedra and 21 internal symmetry. The Li and Ho atoms are both located on twofold rotation axes and are surrounded by four and eight O atoms, leading to a distorted tetrahedral and dodecahedral coordination, respectively. The HoO8 polyhedra are isolated from each other, the closest Ho...Ho distance being 5.570 (1 Å.

  13. LiFePO4 Nanostructures Fabricated from Iron(III) Phosphate (FePO4 x 2H2O) by Hydrothermal Method. (United States)

    Saji, Viswanathan S; Song, Hyun-Kon


    Electrode materials having nanometer scale dimensions are expected to have property enhancements due to enhanced surface area and mass/charge transport kinetics. This is particularly relevant to intrinsically low electronically conductive materials such as lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), which is of recent research interest as a high performance intercalation electrode material for Li-ion batteries. Many of the reported works on LiFePO4 synthesis are unattractive either due to the high cost of raw materials or due to the complex synthesis technique. In this direction, synthesis of LiFePO4 directly from inexpensive FePO4 shows promise.The present study reports LiFePO4 nanostructures prepared from iron (III) phosphate (FePO4 x 2H2O) by precipitation-hydrothermal method. The sintered powder was characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Inductive coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), and Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Two synthesis methods, viz. bulk synthesis and anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) template-assisted synthesis are reported. By bulk synthesis, micro-sized particles having peculiar surface nanostructuring were formed at precipitation pH of 6.0 to 7.5 whereas typical nanosized LiFePO4 resulted at pH ≥ 8.0. An in-situ precipitation strategy inside the pores of AAO utilizing the spin coating was utilized for the AAO-template-assisted synthesis. The template with pores filled with the precipitate was subsequently subjected to hydrothermal process and high temperature sintering to fabricate compact rod-like structures.

  14. LiFePO4 mesocrystals for lithium-ion batteries. (United States)

    Popovic, Jelena; Demir-Cakan, Rezan; Tornow, Julian; Morcrette, Mathieu; Su, Dang Sheng; Schlögl, Robert; Antonietti, Markus; Titirici, Maria-Magdalena


    Olivine LiFePO(4) is considered one of the most promising cathode materials for Li-ion batteries. A simple one-step, template-free, low-temperature solvothermal method is developed for the synthesis of urchinlike hierarchical mesocrystals of pristine LiFePO(4) as well as carbon-coated LiFePO(4) composites. Each urchinlike mesocrystal consists of LiFePO(4) sheets self-assembled via a dipolar field in spheres during a solvothermal process under the influence of Cl(-) anions. The obtained primary sheets of LiFePO(4) are single crystalline in nature and can be coated in situ with an amorphous nitrogen-doped carbonaceous layer several nanometers in thickness. To increase the conductivity of the carbon coating, the materials are subjected to further temperature treatment (700 °C) under an inert atmosphere. The lithium storage performance of the pure LiFePO(4) is compared with that of its carbon-coated counterparts. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Appello Catania - sezione lavoro Sent. 27. X. 2011 n. 933sull'improcedibilità del giudizio di primo grado

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    Calogero Massimo Cammalleri


    Full Text Available Lavoro (controversie di- ricorso di primo grado – noti­ficazione - inesistenza materiale o giuridica - conseguen­ze - assegnazione di un nuovo termine – sanatoria – esclusione. *L’omessa notificazione del ricorso introduttivo del giudizio di primo grado e del pedissequo decreto di fissazione dell’udien­za, impone al giudice di dichiarare l’improcedibilità del ricor­so definendo il giudizio con una sentenza di mero rito non po­tendo più il processo proseguire per non essere consentita - in ragione del principio costituzionalizzato della "ragionevole durata" del processo - la fissazione di un nuovo termine per la notificazione del ricorso e del decreto di fissazione dell'udien­za, mai in precedenza effettuata, attesa l’inapplicabilità in tal caso degli artt. 291 e 421 c.p.c. * massima a cura della redazione

  16. Moderní počítačové viry


    Malina, Lukáš


    Bakalářská práce Moderní počítačové viry se skládá ze dvou hlavních cílů (Analýza počítačových virů a návrh zabezpečení střední počítačové sítě) rozdělených na tři části: Analýza počítačových virů, Vlastní návrh zabezpečení osobního počítače koncového uživatele (Terminálu) a Vlastní návrh zabezpečení střední počítačové sítě. V první části jsou analyzovány metody šíření a infekce, specifické vlastnosti a dopady počítačových virů na osobní počítače. V druhé části je uvedeno řešení zabezpečení o...

  17. Canted antiferromagnetism in KNi3[PO3(F,OH)]2[PO2(OH)2]F2 with a stair-case Kagomé lattice (United States)

    Liu, Li-Chen; Ren, Wei-Jian; Huang, Ya-Xi; Pan, Yuanming; Mi, Jin-Xiao


    A new nickel phosphate KNi3[PO3(F,OH)]2[PO2(OH)2]F2 has been synthesized using a modified hydrothermal method. Structural characterizations show that it adopts a 3D framework structure with 2D layers of Ni octahedra in a stair-case Kagomé lattice. The Ni2 octahedron at the inversion center shares two trans-faces with Ni1 octahedra to form a linear trimer (Ni3O8F6) as the basic structural unit. The Ni-trimers are linked between themselves by sharing F-corners and to [PO3(F,OH)] tetrahedral groups by sharing O-corners to form 2D stair-case Kagomé layers, which are parallel to the (100) plane and are stacked along the a-axis. Successive Kagomé layers are combined together by [PO2(OH)2] tetrahedral groups and interstice cations K+. Magnetic measurements reveal that KNi3[PO3(F,OH)]2[PO2(OH)2]F2 exhibits a canted antiferromagnetic ordering with a ferromagnetic component at low temperatures.

  18. Concentration of Po-210 and Pb-210 in human tissues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Lancai; Takizawa, Y.; Yamamoto, M.


    The levels of Pb-210 and Po-210 in human tissues of people in Japan were determined. Various tissue samples were obtained at autopsy from the cadavers of 22 oncologic cases, mainly in Niigata Prefecture in northern Japan during the period of 1986 to 1988. Wet ashing, followed by electrochemical deposition and alpha-ray spectrometry were used to separate and determine the Pb-210 and Po-210 presented. Among the tissues analyzed the highest concentrations of Pb-210 and Po-210 were observed in bone, liver and kidneys: 1.29, 1.69 and 1.22 -1 respectively for Po-210, and 1.27, 0.56 and 0.43 Bq/kg for Pb-210 respectively. The Po-210/Pb-210 ratios in liver and kidney are 3.0 and 2.9 respectively. Po-210/Pb-210 ratios in other tissues are close to one. The total body burden of Pb-210 and Po-210 was found to be approximately 15.8 Bq and 19.1 Bq respectively

  19. Poética, erótica y políticas del nombre propio: de la magia a la autobiografía Poetic, Erotic and Politics of the Proper Name: from Magic to Autobiography

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    Lorena Amaro


    Full Text Available Desde diversas disciplinas, Occidente se ha interrogado sobre las implicancias mágicas, poéticas y políticas del nombre propio. El siguiente artículo aborda desde las relaciones de analogía que en torno a él tejen la cabala y la magia, hasta conceptualizaciones modernas y contemporáneas sobre su lugar en la literatura, particularmente en lo referente a sus relaciones con el sujeto y el texto, como también a sus proyecciones en el nombre de autor y su firma, aparentemente centrales en la construcción del discurso autobiográfico.From a wide range of disciplines, the Western world has asked itself the question regarding the magic, poetic and political implications of the proper name. The following article raises issues that start with the analogies that both cabbala and magic weave around the proper name, to the modern and contemporary conceptualizations about the place of the proper name in literature. This latter is achieved particularly in reference to its connections with the subject and text, and also in reference to its projections on the name of the author and his signature, both apparently central in the construction of the autobiographical discourse.

  20. Lifetime measurement in {sup 195}Po

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grahn, T.; Page, R.D. [University of Liverpool, Department of Physics, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Liverpool (United Kingdom); Dewald, A.; Jolie, J.; Melon, B.; Pissulla, T. [Universitaet zu Koeln, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Koeln (Germany); Greenlees, P.T.; Jakobsson, U.; Jones, P.; Julin, R.; Juutinen, S.; Ketelhut, S.; Leino, M.; Nyman, M.; Peura, P.; Rahkila, P.; Saren, J.; Scholey, C.; Sorri, J.; Uusitalo, J. [University of Jyvaeskylae, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35, Jyvaeskylae (Finland); Kroell, T.; Kruecken, R.; Maierbeck, P. [TU Muenchen, Physik-Department E12, Garching (Germany)


    The lifetime of the 17/2{sup +} yrast state in {sup 195}Po has been measured using the recoil distance Doppler-shift technique to be {tau}=43(11) ps. The lifetime was extracted from the singles {gamma}-ray spectra obtained by using the recoil-decay tagging method. The present work provides more information of the coupling schemes, shapes and configuration mixing in neutron-deficient odd-mass Po nuclei. (orig.)

  1. Leaching of 210Po in human saliva from smokeless tobacco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syed, U.F.; Bari, A.; Husain, L.; Husain, L.


    Use of smokeless tobacco (SLT) is associated with cancer of the oral cavity. 210 Po, a known carcinogen present in SLT may leach into the saliva when the snuff is held in the mouth. Alpha emission from leached 210 Po can cause oral tissue damage, especially in the presence of non healing ulcers seen frequently in snuff users' mouth. Leaching of 210 Po from SLT in human saliva was determined for six popular US snuff brands. 210 Po was leached into human saliva for 30 min, separated radiochemically and its activity was determined by α-counting. Approximately 2-10% of 210 Po present in SLT was observed to leach. Annual exposure from leached 210 Po, based on average daily consumption of 15 g of SLT, was calculated to range from 1.1 to 3.8 Bq year -1 . (author)

  2. Local structure of vanadium in doped LiFePO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Ting; Xu, Wei; Ye, Qing; Cheng, Jie; Zhao, Haifeng; Chu, Wangsheng; Wu, Ziyu; Univ. of Science and Technology of China, Hefei; Xia, Dingguo


    LiFePO 4 composites with 5 at.% vanadium doping are prepared by solid state reactions. X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy is used as a novel technique to identify vanadium sites. Both experimental analyses and theoretical simulations show that vanadium does not enter into the LiFePO 4 crystal lattice. When the vanadium concentration is lower then 1 at.%, the dopant remains insoluble. Thus, a single-phase vanadium-doped LiFePO4 cannot be formed and the improved electrochemical properties of vanadium doped LiFePO 4 previously reported cannot be associated with crystal structure changes of the LiFePO 4 via vanadium doping. (orig.)

  3. Synthesis of xLiMnPO4·yLi3V2(PO43/C Nanocomposites for Lithium Ion Batteries Using Tributyl Phosphate as Phosphor Source

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    Yanming Wang


    Full Text Available The xLiMnPO4·yLi3V2(PO43/C (x/y = 1 : 0, 12 : 1, 8 : 1, 6 : 1, 4 : 1, 0 : 1 composite cathode materials are synthesized using tributyl phosphate as a novel organic phosphor source via a solid-state reaction process. All obtained xLiMnPO4·yLi3V2(PO43/C composites present similar particles morphology with an average size of ca. 100 nm and low extent agglomeration. The electrochemical performance of pristine LiMnPO4/C can be effectively improved by adding small amounts of Li3V2(PO43 additives. The 4LiMnPO4·Li3V2(PO43/C has a high discharge capacity of 143 mAh g−1 at 0.1 C and keeps its 94% at the end of 100 cycles.

  4. An Alpha spectrometer for measuring radon daughter individual activity concentration; Spettrometro Alfa per la misura delle concentrazioni individuali in attivita' della progenie del radon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berico, M.; Formignani, M. [ENEA, Div. Protezione dell' Uomo e degli Ecosistemi, Centro Ricerche E. Clementel, Bologna (Italy); Mariotti, F. [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy). Dipt. di Fisica


    In the frame of the program of the Institute for Radiation Protection of ENEA, related to the evaluation of dose from radon and thoron progeny, an alpha spectrometer for the continuous air monitoring (CAM type) of radon and thoron has been realized. The constructive characteristics of the device are here presented together with energy and efficiency calibration. The device allows, by means of a screen type diffusion battery and a filter, to determinate the single radioactivity of each radionuclide of the progeny selecting them in relation to their diffusive behaviour (dichotomous particle size selection). The three-count filter method has been employed to measure the concentrations of {sup 218}Po, {sup 214}Pb and {sup 214}Bi in air. Radon and thoron effective doses using a dosimetric, instead of an epidemiologic approach, will be then evaluated. [Italian] Presso l'Istituto per la Radioprotezione, nell'ambito del programma di valutazione di dose da radon e' stato progettato e realizzato uno spettrometro alfa per il monitoraggio continuo in aria (CAM) della progenie del radon e del toron. Le caratteristiche costruttive dello strumento permettono, tramite l'utilizzo di batterie a diffusione a reti, di determinare l'attivita' individuale della progenie per diverse dimensioni granulometriche in particolare per la frazione attaccata e non al particolato amosferico con un taglio granulometrico di qualche nanometro. E' stato inoltre applicato un metodo spettrometrico a tre conteggi per il calcolo delle concentrazioni individuali della progenie del radon, {sup 218}Po, {sup 214}Pb and {sup 214}Bi, effettuando un conteggio alfa di {sup 218}Po e due conteggi alfa di {sup 214}Po. Tale informazione consentira' una valutazione della dose di radon utilizzando il modello dosimetrico in alternativa a quello epidemiologico.

  5. Revisión y estudio de la obra poética de Micer Francisco Imperial


    Garrigós Llorens, Laura


    Se reconoce unánimemente que la obra poética de Francisco Imperial (c. 1372-c. 1409), fue fundamental para el inicio y desarrollo de la poesía alegórica en España, teniendo en cuenta su esfuerzo ímprobo por asimilar y dar a conocer en verso castellano la riqueza de sabiduría y estilo de la Divina Comedia de Dante. Después de casi cuarenta años de publicación de la única edición conjunta de la obra del poeta genovés, a cargo de Colbert I. Nepaulsingh (1976), y habiéndose realizado grandes avan...

  6. Las claves de la razón poética de María Zambrano


    Marín Cuenca, Manuel


    La filosofía de María Zambrano busca la sintonía en un lenguaje que se dirige más hacia el interior de las cosas y la intimidad del propio hombre más que a la superficialidad y a la apariencia de lo real, es lo que ella define como razón poética. Teniendo en cuenta que el lenguaje siempre distorsiona la realidad debemos buscar la claridad, volver a la inocencia de las cosas. Para ella la realidad esta en una mezcla de lo racional, lo emocional y lo afectivo, le da mucho valor a la intuición,...

  7. Poéticas del cuerpo monstruoso en la Ilíada y la Odisea

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    Mariano Nava Contreras


    Full Text Available Si bien la tradición ha considerado que los poemas homéricos son una fuente determinante en la creación y el desarrollo de la estética griega clásica fundamentada en los ideales de belleza y armonía, también es posible identificar allí una estética de la fealdad y de lo monstruoso, basada en la desmesura y la deformidad. A través de una revisión de la descripción de criaturas como Gorgona, Quimera, Escila, los Cíclopes o el Can Cerbero, es posible elaborar una poética de lo monstruoso que opera en la Ilíada y la Odisea como recurso patémico, pero también como instrumento narrativo.

  8. Importancia de la excreción biliar en la farmacocinética del paracetamol en la rata


    Schaiquevich, Paula S.; Niselman, Ada Viviana; Rubio, Modesto Carlos


    El presente trabajo reporta el estudio de la farmacocinética del paracetamol en ratas (100 mg/kg, p.o) con flujo biliar modificado, interrumpido por canulación del conducto biliar o estimulado por acción farmacológica con ácido ursodesoxicólico. A pesar de que el paracetamol sufre recirculación enterohepática y que la excreción biliar de la droga es una vía importante de eliminación en la rata, la alteración del flujo biliar no provocó diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el tiempo ...

  9. Reconstrucción épica, poesía digital y material de archivo: ‘Perón, sinfonía del sentimiento’, de Leonardo Favio

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    Wolfgang Bongers


    Full Text Available Leonardo Favio (1938-2012, una figura destacada del cine argentino, realiza su opus magnum Perón, sinfonía del sentimiento a fines de los años noventa, resultado de un largo trabajo de investigación en los archivos audiovisuales del país. Luego de presentar algunos ejes conceptuales del cine de Favio, este ensayo indaga en las estrategias del documental de revelar y ocultar hechos políticos ocurridos en Argentina (1916-1974, en función de transformar y (reconstruir la historia del peronismo en clave épica y poética.

  10. Natural levels of {sup 210}Po in human urine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz-Frances, I.; Manjon, G.; Mantero, J.; Diaz, J. [Departament of Applied Phisic II, University of Seville, P.O. Box 41012 Seville (Spain); Garcia-Tenorio, R. [Departament of Applied Phisic II, University of Seville, P.O. Box 41012 Seville (Spain); National Accelerator Centre, P.O. Box 41092 Seville (Spain)


    Since the secret agent Alexander Litvinenko was murdered in 2006 by a {sup 210}Po lethal dose, presumably ingested, there is renovated interest on the toxicity of this radionuclide in humans. {sup 210}Po is a radioactive isotope naturally found in nature, mainly incorporated by humans via food and water ingestion, as well as inhaled through its progenitor, the {sup 222}Rn. The total amount of natural {sup 210}Po in the human body can vary from person to person depending on their lifestyle: dietary habits, drinking water source, place of residence (associated with exposure to {sup 222}Rn), etc- and therefore in the concentrations of this element to be found in urine. To analyze the influence of dietary habits on the amount of {sup 210}Po excreted in urine, two volunteers in Seville had a well-defined and time-varying diet for a month, following a daily collection of their urine and determination of the concentrations therein of this radionuclide. The results obtained and the conclusions derived from them form the core of this communication. {sup 210}Po determinations were performed daily in 200 ml aliquots of urine using the technique of high resolution alpha spectrometry. This has involved the application of a single radiochemical method for the concentration and isolation {sup 210}Po, followed by its auto-deposition on copper planchets for proper measure. Daily {sup 210}Po activity concentrations in voluntary urine analyzed during the month of study show high variability with a difference of up to an order of magnitude between maximum and minimum values obtained, and a clear dependence on the diet type followed in the various stages of the experiment. The lowest concentrations obtained are associated with a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins 'terrestrial' (pork, beef,...), while the highest concentrations were obtained in the final phase of the experiment when the diet was enriched with presence of marine products in fair correspondence with the

  11. Investigation of the Na2(H2PO2)2 - Ba(H2PO2)2 - H2O Water-Salt Ternary System at Room Temperature


    Erge, Hasan; Turan, Hakan; Kul, Ali Riza


    Objective: In this study, the solubility, density, conductivity and phase equilibria of the Na2(H2PO2)2-Ba(H2PO2)2-H2O ternary system located in the structure of the Na+, Ba2+, (H2PO2)-//H2O quaternary reciprocal water-salt system were investigated using physicochemical analysis methods. Material and Methods: Riedel-de Haen and Merck salts were used to investigate the solubility and phase equilibria of the Na2(H2PO2)2 -Ba(H2PO2)2-H2O ternary water–salt system at room temperature Res...

  12. PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere (United States)

    Reimuller, J. D.; Fritts, D. C.; Thomas, G. E.; Taylor, M. J.; Mitchell, S.; Lehmacher, G. A.; Watchorn, S. R.; Baumgarten, G.; Plane, J. M.


    Project PoSSUM ( is a suborbital research project leveraging imaging and remote sensing techniques from Reusable Suborbital Launch Vehicles (rSLVs) to gather critical climate data through use of the PoSSUM Observatory and the PoSSUM Aeronomy Laboratory. An acronym for Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere, PoSSUM grew from the opportunity created by the Noctilucent Cloud Imagery and Tomography Experiment, selected by the NASA Flight Opportunities Program as Experiment 46-S in March 2012. This experiment will employ an rSLV (e.g. the XCOR Lynx Mark II) launched from a high-latitude spaceport (e.g. Eielson AFB, Alaska or Kiruna, Sweden) during a week-long deployment scheduled for July 2015 to address critical questions concerning noctilucent clouds (NLCs) through flights that transition the cloud layer where the clouds will be under direct illumination from the sun. The 2015 Project PoSSUM NLC campaign will use the unique capability of rSLVs to address key under-answered questions pertaining to NLCs. Specifically, PoSSUM will answer: 1) What are the small-scale dynamics of NLCs and what does this tell us about the energy and momentum deposition from the lower atmosphere? 2) What is the seasonal variability of NLCs, mesospheric dynamics, and temperatures? 3) Are structures observed in the OH layer coupled with NLC structures? 4) How do NLCs nucleate? and 5) What is the geometry of NLC particles and how do they stratify? Instrumentation will include video and still-frame visible cameras (PoSSUMCam), infrared cameras, a mesospheric temperatures experiment, a depolarization LiDAR, a mesospheric density and temperatures experiment (MCAT), a mesospheric winds experiment, and a meteoric smoke detector (MASS). The instrument suite used on PoSSUM will mature through subsequent campaigns to develop an integrated, modular laboratory (the ';PoSSUM Observatory') that will provide repeatable, low cost, in-situ NLC and aeronomy observations as well

  13. Removal of FePO4 and Fe3(PO4)2 crystals on the surface of passive fillers in Fe0/GAC reactor using the acclimated bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai, Bo; Zhou, Yuexi; Yang, Ping; Wang, Juling; Yang, Jinghui; Li, Huiqiang


    Highlights: ► Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals would weaken treatment efficiency of Fe 0 /GAC reactor. ► Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals could be removed by the acclimated bacteria. ► FeS and sulfur in the passive film would be removed by the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. ► Develop a cost-effective bio-regeneration technology for the passive fillers. - Abstract: As past studies presented, there is obvious defect that the fillers in the Fe 0 /GAC reactor begin to be passive after about 60 d continuous running, although the complicated, toxic and refractory ABS resin wastewater can be pretreated efficiently by the Fe 0 /GAC reactor. During the process, the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals with high density in the passive film are formed by the reaction between PO 4 3− and Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ . Meanwhile, they obstruct the formation of macroscopic galvanic cells between Fe 0 and GAC, which will lower the wastewater treatment efficiency of Fe 0 /GAC reactor. In this study, in order to remove the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals on the surface of the passive fillers, the bacteria were acclimated in the passive Fe 0 /GAC reactor. According to the results, it can be concluded that the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals with high density in the passive film could be decomposed or removed by the joint action between the typical propionic acid type fermentation bacteria and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), whereas the PO 4 3− ions from the decomposition of the Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and FePO 4 crystals were released into aqueous solution which would be discharged from the passive Fe 0 /GAC reactor. Furthermore, the remained FeS and sulfur (S) in the passive film also can be decomposed or removed easily by the oxidation of the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. This study provides some theoretical references for the further study of a cost-effective bio-regeneration technology to solve the passive problems of the fillers in the zero-valent iron (ZVI) or Fe 0 /GAC reactor.

  14. Evaluation of uncertainty and detection limits in 210Pb and 210Po measurement in water by alpha spectrometry using 210Po spontaneous deposition onto a silver disk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernández, Pedro L.; Gómez, José; Ródenas, Carmen


    An easy and accurate method for the determination of 210 Pb and 210 Po in water using 210 Po spontaneous deposition onto a silver disk is proposed and assessed for its detection capabilities according to the ISO Guide for the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and ISO Standard 11929-7 concerning the evaluation of the characteristic limits for ionizing radiation measurements. The method makes no assumption on the initial values of the activity concentrations of 210 Pb, 210 Bi and 210 Po in the sample to be analyzed, and is based on the alpha spectrometric measurement of 210 Po in two different aliquots: the first one measured five weeks after the sampling date to ensure radioactive equilibrium between 210 Pb and 210 Bi and the second after a sufficient time for the ingrowth of 210 Po from 210 Pb to be significant. As shown, for a recommended time interval of seven months between 210 Po measurements, the applicability of the proposed method is limited to water samples with a 226 Ra to 210 Pb activity ratio C Ra /C Pb ≤4, as usual in natural waters. Using sample and background counting times of 24 h and 240 h, respectively, the detection limit of the activity concentration of each radionuclide at the sampling time for a 1 L sample typically varies between 0.7 and 16 mBq L −1 for 210 Pb in water samples with an initial activity of 210 Po in the range 0–200 mBq L −1 , and between 0.6 and 8.5 mBq L −1 for 210 Po in water samples with an initial activity of 210 Pb in the same range. - Highlights: ► 210 Pb and 210 Po measurement in water by 210 Po spontaneous deposition onto silver disks. ► 210 Pb and 210 Po determination based on 210 Po measurement in two different aliquots. ► Evaluation of characteristic limits in radioactivity measurements using ISO 11929-7. ► 10 Pb - 210 Po detection limits decrease with time elapsed between 210 Po measurements.

  15. Los epitextos virtuales en la difusión del libro infantil: Hacia una poética del book-trailer. Un modelo de análisis

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    Rosa Tabernero-Sala


    Full Text Available En el marco de la definición del book-trai - ler como epitexto virtual en la categoría de paratexto incorporado (Gray, 2010 o de lite - ratura digital en aumento (Unsworth, 2006, en este trabajo presentamos el análisis de las principales características del book-trai - ler partiendo del estudio de un corpus de 80 ejemplos seleccionados del material que apa - rece en la red. De este análisis se desprende - rá una serie de categorías que constituirán las referencias necesarias para analizar un book-trailer desde los parámetros de calidad y de la alfabetización multimodal. Asimismo ejemplificamos el modelo de análisis con el objeto de constatar su paradigma.

  16. Influencia de la variación de la presión de oxígeno ambiental en la formación ósea en cuyes nativos del nivel del mar

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    Elías Ernesto Aguirre Siancas


    Full Text Available Introducción: La hipoxia caracteriza a los tejidos inicialmente injuriados; la variación en la disposición del oxígeno tisular en el proceso de reparación ósea determina la aparición de diversas moléculas implicadas en la sanación del tejido. Objetivos: Determinar si la variación de la presión de oxígeno ambiental influirá en la formación ósea posterior a una osteotomía en cuyes nativos del nivel del mar. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú, e Instituto Veterinario de Investigaciones Tropicales y de Altura, Mantaro, Perú. Material biológico: Cuyes. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 5 grupos de 10 cuyes cada uno, uno sin inducción de osteotomía (grupo control y cuatro grupos experimentales: mar 15 días y mar 30 días (expuestos a PO2 ambiental de 157 mmHg, altura 15 días y altura 30 días (expuestos a PO2 ambiental de 107 mmHg. Principales medidas de resultados: Conteo de osteocitos. Resultados: El grupo mar 15 días presentó menor número de osteocitos comparado con el grupo altura 15 días (63 180 vs. 80 310, p< 0,05. A su vez, el grupo mar 30 días presentó también menor número de osteocitos comparado con el grupo altura 30 días (160 640 vs. 167 370, p< 0,05. Conclusión: La menor presión de oxígeno ambiental favoreció una mayor formación ósea en cuyes nativos del nivel mar.

  17. Diversity in growth and expression pattern of PoHKT1 and PoVHA transporter genes under NaCl stress in Portulaca oleracea taxa

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    El-Bakatoushi R.


    Full Text Available Plant growth and the expression of two transporter genes; PoHKT1 and PoVHA transcripts in root and shoot tissues were studied under salt stress of three Portulaca oleracea s.l. taxa. The study showed no significant differences in ratios between root lengths in saline and non-saline treatments of the three taxa, which was correlated with a clear down-regulation of the PoHKT1 transcripts in the root after 150mM NaCl. All measured growth parameters except root length increased in P. oleraceae, decreased in P. granulatostellulata and remain unchanged after 100mM NaCl in P. nitida compared to control under saline conditions. The result was consistent with the type of taxon which had significant effect on the shoot length, number of leaves and dry weight (P< 0.05. All measured growth parameters except root length showed a significant negative correlation with the shoot fold change of PoHKT1 transcripts (r = -0.607, -0.693 and -0.657 respectively. The regulation of PoVHA in root and shoot tissues in the three taxa are significantly different. Under salt stress, both decreased uptake of Na+ into the cytosol by decreasing the expression of PoHKT1 and increased vascular compartmentalization ability of Na+ by inducing the expression of PoVHA seem to work more efficiently in P. oleraceae and P. nitida than in P. granulato-stellulata.

  18. Nota breve del editor y traductor de la «Ética nicomaquea»


    Batalla, Josep


    Una breu exposició de les dificultats en l'edició de l'Ètica nicomaquea d'Aristòtil i una breu presentació del mode de resoldre-les escollit per l'editor. This note provides a summary explanation of the difficulties in editing the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle and a brief presentation of the way the editor has chosen to resolve them. Una breve exposición de las dificultades en la edición de la Ética nicomaquea de Aristóteles y una breve presentación del modo de resolverlas escogido po...

  19. Ana Enriqueta Terán o el corazón del águila

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    José Carlos De Nóbrega


    Full Text Available Apuntes y congojas de una decadencia novelada en tres muertes (2014 de Doña Ana Enriqueta Terán, primera incursión novelística publicada por la Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana, nos obsequió una experiencia inigualable y harto placentera: El discurso narrativo excede la historia del clan familiar e incluso la reivindicación de la voz femenina; su tersa y franca urdimbre está enclavada en la celebración conmovedora del habla de la infancia y el lenguaje poético que construye túneles de amor y memoria

  20. Para una entrada en la imaginación poética alimentaria chilena

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    Magda Sepúlveda


    Full Text Available Las comidas y las bebidas recreadas en la poesía chilena ofrecen un espacio alternativo para reflexionar sobre la etnia, la clase social, el género y la violencia política. Cada uno de estos nudos define una ruta alimenticia donde las historias diferenciales se toman la palabra. Este artículo propone una cartografía de las imágenes alimentarias poéticas, caracterizando cuatro grandes rutas: aquellas donde la escritura privilegia la construcción de comunidades indígenas alrededor de la comida y aquellas donde los proyectos estéticos elaboran un patrimonio provinciano y/o rural alrededor de las comidas como defensa frente a las legitimidades centristas. Más aquellos itinerarios cuyas simbolizaciones erigen o deconstruyen los deseos caníbales entre diversas subjetividades y; aquellas donde los linajes lingüísticos hacen del hambre un motivo de descontento político, ya sea imaginando la abundancia a través del tópico de la tierra de Jauja o elaborando el hambre de los dioses que piden sacrificios humanos.

  1. Synthesis of flower-like LiMnPO4/C with precipitated NH4MnPO4·H2O as precursor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jiali; Hu Dongge; Huang Tao; Yu Aishui


    Highlights: ► Flower-like NH 4 MnPO 4 ·H 2 O is obtained by novel precipitating method. ► It is used as the precursor to synthesize LiMnPO 4 /C. ► Subsequent heat treatment would not destroy the precursor morphology. ► As-prepared LiMnPO 4 /C showed discharge capacity of 85 mAh/g at 0.05 C. - Abstract: Ammonium magnesium phosphate monohydrate (NH 4 MnPO 4 ·H 2 O) precursor was prepared by a novel precipitating process with manganese citrate complexes as intermediate. The morphology of the precursor observed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was flower-like which was self-assembled by plate-like particles. Further analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed that the lattice of the plate crystal was orientated along (0 1 0) plane. By solid-state reaction of the precursor, with lithium acetate and glucose as carbon source, pure olivine structured LiMnPO 4 /C composite was obtained and meanwhile, the original flower-like morphology could be retained.

  2. poCAMon personal online continuous airmonitor; poCAMon online Personen Aerosolmonitor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Streil, T.; Oeser, V. [SARAD GmbH, Dresden (Germany)


    The poCAMon combines a very compact design with a high flow rate and long battery life. Its size and weight are still acceptable for carrying by one person. The unit measures long-lived aerosols as well as short-lived Radon/Thoron daughters by alpha spectroscopy and beta counting. The radioactive aerosols and particles are collected on the surface of a high resolution membrane filter. The alpha and beta decays on the filter are measured by a high-end semiconductor radiation detector (400 mm@). This allows a perfect separation of the different decay products. The increased pump rate (more than 3 l/ min) is suitable for lower detection limits. A sensor measures permanently the pressure drop on the filter in order to recognize an exhausted or perforated filter instantly. With the 3.8 Ah NiMH battery pack the poCAMon achieves an operation time of more than 30 hours. The quality control is a main issue of any radiation measurement. Therefore the poCAMon records a complete alpha spectrum for each measured value. This allows the monitoring of the device's perfect operation in each moment of the measurement. There are options for additional sensors for carbon monoxide and combustible gases as needed in underground mines. All measured data are stored in a 2GB memory card and can be accessed with a PC or laptop via a USB interface. Data transmission and device control can also be done via wireless ZigBee network or via a server for stationary operation with network access. A barometric pressure sensor and a GPS receiver are optional features of the device.

  3. Spectroscopy and measurement of electromagnetic moments in sup(198,200,210)Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maier, K.H.


    The quadrupole coupling constants for the 210 Po Isup(π)=8 + , 11 - , 13 - isomers in Bi have been measured, and Q(11 - )=82(2) fm 2 and Q(13 - )=90(2) fm 2 normalized to Q( 210 Po8 + )=57 fm 2 are deduced. In beam γ-spectroscopy of sup(198,) 200 Po showed the (πh 2 sub(9/2) 8 + ) π(hsub(9/2)isub(13/2) 11 - ) and (visub(13/2) 12 + ) isomers. The B(E2 8 + ->6 + ) and Q(8 + ) in 198 Po to 210 Po are discussed, a sudden drop is found for the B(E2) in 198 Po. The B(E3, 11 - ->8 + ) rises very steeply in the light Po isotopes. (orig.)

  4. Assessment of Po-210 exposure for the Italian population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clemente, G.F.; Renzetti, A.; Santori, G.; Breuer, F.


    Most of the natural internal dose of the general population due to alpha particles is associated with 210 Po exposure. The experimental data obtained to evaluate the levels of 210 Po exposure to members of the general Italian population and to some critical population groups exposed to high radon and daughter air concentration are summarized. The 210 Po content was measured in the following: a) daily diets; b) urinary excretions from members of the general population, both non-smokers and smokers; c) urinary excretions from workers in radioactive spas and non-uranium mines; d) teeth and bone samples from the general population. In most samples the content of 210 Pb, was also measured to assess the behaviour of 210 Po in man. A mathematical model fitting the experimental data was developed to describe the metabolism of systemic 210 Po. Four different levels of 210 Po exposure were detected according to the internal burden measured in the considered subjects. The corresponding dose rate to cortical and trabecular bone and soft tissue was evaluated. The values of the mean dose to the skeleton (cortical bone) were found to range from about 70 μGy/year for non-smokers of the general population to about 2 mGy/year for individuals working inside radioactive spas. (H.K.)

  5. Stability of luminescence in LaPO4, LaPO4 :RE(3+) (RE = Dy, Eu) nanophosphors. (United States)

    Pimpalshende, D M; Dhoble, S J


    The property of high refractive index, low solubility in water as well as stability to high temperature variation of lanthanum phosphate (LaPO4 ) proved it was the most effective candidate for the production of display lamps, and plasma display panel devices and sensors. The morphological and nanostructural characteristics play a key role in the working efficiency of the luminescent material. These properties can be controlled by the synthesis method, which we have adopted in this paper. We have prepared LaPO4 nanoparticles at a relatively low temperature (110 ºC) in polyethylene glycol medium by using a wet chemical one-step synthesis. The phase composition and structural properties of the sample have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared, transmission electron microscopy and the luminescent property by photoluminescence and thermoluminescence. The samples were well crystallized and the average crystallite size of 15 nm has been calculated for pure LaPO4 using the Debye-Scherrer equation. The result from heat-treated samples shows the phase combination and morphological structure of the powder depend on the annealing temperature. The heat treatment changes the structure of LaPO4 from cuboid rods to fine grains at about 600 °C. The emission spectrum of LaPO4 shows the broad emission band at 368 nm and shoulder at 465 nm with emission of blue color when monitored at an excitation wavelength at 256 nm. The stability of phosphor has been studied with respect to humidity, temperature, doping, doping concentration, γ-ray exposures, etc. The prepared nanosized phosphors were thermally stable and may be a promising blue phosphor for lighting technology as well as radiation dosimetry. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. Towards a construction grammar account of the distributive PO in Polish

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    Adam Przepiórkowski


    Full Text Available Towards a construction grammar account of the distributive PO in Polish Polish distributive constructions involving the form po are well known for their syntactic and semantic idiosyncrasy. The aim of this paper is to show that, contrary to the received wisdom, two different lexemes po take part in such constructions: a preposition and an adnumeral operator. This explains some of the idiosyncratic behaviour, namely, the apparent ability of po to combine with different grammatical cases. A preliminary Construction Grammar analysis is proposed which eschews the potential problem of missed generalisations that such a dual account of po might engender.

  7. The onset collectivity in {sup 196}Po

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernstein, L A; Cizewski, J A; Jin, H Q; Henry, R G; Farris, L P [Rutgers--the State Univ., New Brunswick, NJ (United States); Khoo, T L; Carpenter, M P; Janssens, R V.F.; Lauritsen, T [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States); Bearden, I G [Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN (United States); Ye, D [Notre Dame Univ., IN (United States)


    We have studied the in-beam {gamma}-ray spectroscopy of {sup 196}Po, which is the first Po isotope to exhibit collective vibrational structure. The onset of collective motion occurs in this isotope because of the large overlap between valence protons in h{sub 9/2} and valence neutrons in i{sub 13/2} orbitals. (author). 7 refs., 2 tabs., 3 figs.

  8. 210Po in Nevada groundwater and its relation to gross alpha radioactivity (United States)

    Seiler, R.L.


    Polonium-210 (210Po) is a highly toxic alpha emitter that is rarely found in groundwater at activities exceeding 1 pCi/L. 210Po activities in 63 domestic and public-supply wells in Lahontan Valley in Churchill County in northern Nevada, United States, ranged from 0.01 ± 0.005 to 178 ± 16 pCi/L with a median activity of 2.88 pCi/L. Wells with high 210Po activities had low dissolved oxygen concentrations (less than 0.1 mg/L) and commonly had pH greater than 9. Lead-210 activities are low and aqueous 210Po is unsupported by 210Pb, indicating that the 210Po is mobilized from aquifer sediments. The only significant contributors to alpha particle activity in Lahontan Valley groundwater are 234/238U, 222Rn, and 210Po. Radon-222 activities were below 1000 pCi/L and were uncorrelated with 210Po activity. The only applicable drinking water standard for 210Po in the United States is the adjusted gross alpha radioactivity (GAR) standard of 15 pCi/L. 210Po was not volatile in a Nevada well, but volatile 210Po has been reported in a Florida well. Additional information on the volatility of 210Po is needed because GAR is an inappropriate method to screen for volatile radionuclides. About 25% of the samples had 210Po activities that exceed the level associated with a lifetime total cancer risk of 1× 10−4 (1.1 pCi/L) without exceeding the GAR standard. In cases where the 72-h GAR exceeds the uranium activity by more than 5 to 10 pCi/L, an analysis to rule out the presence of 210Po may be justified to protect human health even though the maximum contaminant level for adjusted GAR is not exceeded.

  9. Electric quadruple moments of high-spin isomers in 209Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, E.A.; Nicolescu, G.; Plostinaru, D.


    The electric quadrupole interaction of the 209 Po (17/2) - and (13/2) - isomers in a Bi single-crystal was measured. The results for the quadrupole moments are connected with studies of isomers in Po isotopes. A two level analysis procedure was employed for the combined data of (17/2) - and (13/2) - isomers. The quadrupole moments of the Po isotopes are of special interest for testing nuclear models because of supposed simple nuclear structure with two protons outside a closed magic number shell. While the g-factors are significant for the predominant few-particle structures often present at high spins, the quadrupole moments are sensitive to additional contributions arising from core deformation effects. A systematic study of quadrupole moments of 12 + isomers in Pb isotopes has indeed demonstrated that the valence neutron effective charge increases as more particle pairs are removed from the 208 Pb core. In the present work, quadrupole coupling constants were measured for the isomers by the time-differential perturbed angular distribution (TDPAD) technique, in the presence of quadrupole interactions from the internal electric field gradient (EFG) in Bi crystal. The experiments were performed using a pulsed deuteron-beam of 13 MeV. The (17/2) - isomer state (T 1/2 = 88 ns) and the (13/2) - isomer state (T 1/2 = 24 ns) were populated and aligned by the 209 Bi(d,2n) reaction. The repetition time of the pulse was 10 μs and the width was around 5 ns (FWHM). The rather low bombardment energy was chosen to reduce population of higher spin isomers and to optimize the population of 209 Po((17/2) - ) and 209 Po((13/2) - ). The 209 Po single crystal target was held at a temperature of 470 K in order to reduce possible radiation damage effects. The experiments have been performed with the c axis of the single crystal at 45 angle and 90 angle to the beam direction. We chose to use a calibration based on isomers with well-understood nuclear structure allowing a reliable

  10. Synthesis and characterization of the novel rare earth orthophosphates Y0.5Er0.5PO4 and Y0.5Yb0.5PO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schildhammer, Daniel; Petschnig, Lucas L.; Fuhrmann, Gerda; Heymann, Gunter; Schottenberger, Herwig; Huppertz, Hubert; Tribus, Martina


    The new mixed rare earth (RE) orthophosphates Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 were synthesized by a classical solid state reaction in an electrical furnace at 1200 C. As starting materials, the corresponding rare earth oxides and diammonium hydrogen phosphate were used. The powder diffraction analyses revealed that the new compounds Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 crystallize in a zircon-type structure being isostructural with the rare earth orthophosphate YPO 4 . Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 crystallize in the tetragonal space group I4 1 /amd (no. 141) with four formula units in the unit cell. The structural parameters based on Rietveld refinements are a = 687.27(2), c = 601.50(2) pm, V = 0.28412(1) nm 3 , R p = 0.0143, and R wp = 0.0186 (all data) for Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and a = 684.61(2), c = 599.31(2) pm, V = 0.28089(2) nm 3 , R p = 0.0242, and R wp = 0.0313 (all data) for Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 . Furthermore, the structure of Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data: a = 687.78(5), c = 601.85(4) pm, V = 0.28470(5) nm 3 , R 1 = 0.0165, and wR 2 = 0.0385 (all data). In both compounds, the rare earth metal ions are eightfold coordinated by oxygen atoms, forming two unique interlocking tetrahedra with two individual RE-O distances. The tetrahedral phosphate groups [PO 4 ] 3- are slightly distorted in both compounds. The individual rare earth ions share a common position (Wyckoff site 4a). The presence of two rare earth ions in the structures of the new orthophosphates Y 0.5 Er 0.5 PO 4 and Y 0.5 Yb 0.5 PO 4 was additionally confirmed by single-crystal EDX spectroscopy revealing a ratio of 1:1.

  11. Les poèmes ragusains de Dejan Despic


    Stefanović Ana


    (francuski) Les œuvres de Dejan Despic (1930), inspirées par Dubrovnik: Jadranski soneti op. 17 (1951-1954), Dubrovacki divertimento op. 18 (1952) et Dubrovacki kanconijer op. 96 (1989), révèlent, outre leur thème commun, une parenté supplémentaire importante. Elles sont incitées et, d'une manière essentielle, médiatisées par la poésie: soit par les vers de Jovan Ducic (1871-1943), poète du Parnasse et symbolisme serbe, soit par la poésie pétrarquiste ragusaine. Or, ces compositions ne se mon...

  12. Neo-No-Barroco o barrococó: Hacia una perspectiva menos inexacta del neobarroco

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    Eduardo Espina


    Full Text Available Este ensayo analiza las nociones estéticas principales que definen la llamada poética neobarroca. Al respecto, presenta elementos para justificar la utilización de los vocablos neo-no-barroco y barrococó en vez de “neobarroco”, por considerar a este término erróneo, pues proyecta la idea –por el uso del prefijo– que es descendiente directo del barroco español, algo que es una verdad incompleta. La relación del neo-no-barroco/barrococó con la idea fundacional del Romanticismo, de que la poesía debe pensar sobre el pensamiento, es obvia y sin embargo no ha sido debidamente analizada. Por lo tanto, al haber una reconfiguración etimológica de la estética asociada con la dificultad y la superposición de escollos retóricos que le exigen al acto de la lectura una mayor concentración, la poética neo-no-barroca o barrococó podrá alcanzar una más exacta definición y permitirá incluir voces poéticas hasta ahora no consideradas neobarrocas. This essay reflects upon the principal aesthetic notions that define the so-called Neobaroque poetic. In this regard, new evidence is presented in order to justify the use of two words (synonymous, neo-no-barroco and barrococó instead of “Neo-baroque”, considering this term a misnomer since it projects the idea –by the use of the prefix– that it is a direct descendent of the Spanish Baroque, which is an incomplete truth. The relationship of the neo-no-barroco / barrococó with the foundational idea of Romanticism; that poetry should think about thinking is obvious and yet, it has not been adequately analyzed. Therefore, having an etymological reconfiguration of the aesthetic associated with difficulty and with the overlapping rhetorical pitfalls that demand the act of reading at a higher concentration level, the neo-no-barroco or barrococó poetic will be able to reach a more precise definition and allow the inclusion of poetic voices hitherto unconsidered as Neobaroque.

  13. En busca de la unidad perdida: sobre dos autoficciones poéticas argentinas

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    Enzo Cárcano


    Full Text Available La producción poética de Juan Gelman y de Olga Orozco coinciden en que, no obstante su distinto carácter, pueden ser leídas como la búsqueda de una unidad perdida: por la violencia política en un caso; por la caída del hombre en la contingencia, en el otro. Dos poemas con nombre propio (“x”, de Gelman, y “Olga Orozco”, de la pampeana condensan ese afán de restituir lo perdido a través de la palabra y, al mismo tiempo, el fracaso de tal empresa. A partir del concepto de autoficción, me propongo analizar cómo estos poemas subrayan la escisión intrínseca del hablante lírico. The poetry of Juan Gelman and Olga Orozco coincide in one aspect: in spite of their different nature, they can both be read as a search for lost unity because of political violence in one case, or due to the fall of men in contingency, in the other. Two poems in which the name of the author appears (Gelman’s “x” and Orozco’s “Olga Orozco” embody that will for restoring —through poetic language— what is lost, and, at the same time, the failure of that endeavor. From the concept of autofiction, I will analyze how these poems stress the inner rupture of the lyric I.

  14. Effect of VO43− substitution for PO43− on electrochemical properties of the Li3Fe2(PO4)3 cathode materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Yonggang; Zhang, Yongguang; Hua, Zhengshen; Wang, Xin; Peng, Huifen; Bakenov, Zhumabay


    Graphical abstract: VO 4 3− –substituted Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 samples were prepared by sol-gel method. The VO 4 3− substitution remarkably improves the rate capability and cycling performance of the Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 due to improved conductivity and enhanced lithium ion diffusion. - Highlights: • Mixed anion effect was used to improve electrochemical properties of Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . • The VO 4 3− substitution improved rate capability and cyclability of Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . • The Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 2.55 (VO 4 ) 0.45 material shows the excellent electrochemical performance. - Abstract: In this research, VO 4 3− substitution was used to improve electrochemical properties of the Nasicon Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 cathode material. The VO 4 3− substitution resulted in formation of a homogeneous compound Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3-x (VO 4 ) x in a composition range of x ≤ 0.45; further introduction of VO 4 3− led to precipitation of some other phases. It was shown that the VO 4 3− substituted samples presented discharging capacity higher than that of bare non-substituted Nasicon and the reported Ti 4+ and Mn 2+ doped ones. The Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 2.55 (VO 4 ) 0.45 material exhibited excellent cycling stability and rate capability, and retained a capacity of 91.8 mAh g −1 after 60 cycles at 2C charge-discharge rate. This value is one of the highest reported to date for the Li 3 Fe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 compound, and was about 48% higher than that of the latter. The electrochemical performance enhancements for the VO 4 3− substituted samples were attributed to the reduction of charge transfer resistance, increase of electrical conductivity, and fast lithium ion diffusion behavior. Hence, the obtained results proved that the VO 4 3− anion substitution for PO 4 3− is a powerful technique to improve the electrochemical performance of the studied Nasicon compound.

  15. Poética de la interrogación en el romancero tradicional panhispánico

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    Charo Moreno Jiménez


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. The traditional romancero holds se- veral versions ending with an interrogative sentence (with either a rhetorical, exclamatory or adverse function…. This final part reflects the doubts of a character, its perplexity, his anger; even it criticizes certain lacks of internal logic in the narration. This ending, which is accepted by the community transmiting the poem, increases the poetic expression and the reaction of the listenerreader to the poem, rather than be just the result of a memory failure of the informant. RESUMEN. El Romancero tradicional presenta ciertas versiones que tienen como final una oración interrogativa (retórica, exclamativa, de reacción adversa…. Este desenlace manifiesta la duda de un personaje, su perplejidad, su ira, incluso aporta una crítica a alguna falta de lógica interna narrativa. Lejos de deberse únicamente a fallos de memoria del informante, estos finales, aceptados por el conjunto de la comunidad transmisora, incrementan la carga poética y la reacción del oyente-lector ante el poema.

  16. Electroweak Higgs production with HiggsPO at NLO QCD (United States)

    Greljo, Admir; Isidori, Gino; Lindert, Jonas M.; Marzocca, David; Zhang, Hantian


    We present the HiggsPO UFO model for Monte Carlo event generation of electroweak VH and VBF Higgs production processes at NLO in QCD in the formalism of Higgs pseudo-observables (PO). We illustrate the use of this tool by studying the QCD corrections, matched to a parton shower, for several benchmark points in the Higgs PO parameter space. We find that, while being sizable and thus important to be considered in realistic experimental analyses, the QCD higher-order corrections largely factorize. As an additional finding, based on the NLO results, we advocate to consider 2D distributions of the two-jet azimuthal-angle difference and the leading jet p_T for new physics searches in VBF Higgs production. The HiggsPO UFO model is publicly available.

  17. Supervalent doping of LiFePO4 for enhanced electrochemical performance

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    N. V. Kosova


    Full Text Available The orthophosphates LiFe0.9M0.1PO4 with the structure of olivine doped with vanadium and titanium were obtained by mechanochemically stimulated solidphase synthesis using high-energy planetary mill AGO-2 and subsequent annealing at 750 °C. It is shown that V- and Ti- ions do not completely substitute for Fe2+ ions in the LiFePO4 structure. The remaining part of these ions involve in the formation of second phase with nashiko-like structure: monoclinic Li3V2(PO43 (space group P21/n and rhombohedral LiTi2(PO43 (space group R-3c. According to TEM, the average size of the particle of nanocomposites is about 100-300 nm. EMF of microanalysis showed that the small particles of secondary phases are segregated at the surface of larger particles of LiFePO4. On the charge-discharge curves of LiFe0.9M0.1PO4 there are plateau corresponding to LiFePO4 and the second phase. The doping with vanadium increases the resistance of the cycling of LiFePO4 and improves its cyclability at high speeds to a greater extent than in the case of doping with titanium.

  18. Unlocking the energy capabilities of micron-sized LiFePO4. (United States)

    Guo, Limin; Zhang, Yelong; Wang, Jiawei; Ma, Lipo; Ma, Shunchao; Zhang, Yantao; Wang, Erkang; Bi, Yujing; Wang, Deyu; McKee, William C; Xu, Ye; Chen, Jitao; Zhang, Qinghua; Nan, Cewen; Gu, Lin; Bruce, Peter G; Peng, Zhangquan


    Utilization of LiFePO4 as a cathode material for Li-ion batteries often requires size nanonization coupled with calcination-based carbon coating to improve its electrochemical performance, which, however, is usually at the expense of tap density and may be environmentally problematic. Here we report the utilization of micron-sized LiFePO4, which has a higher tap density than its nano-sized siblings, by forming a conducting polymer coating on its surface with a greener diazonium chemistry. Specifically, micron-sized LiFePO4 particles have been uniformly coated with a thin polyphenylene film via the spontaneous reaction between LiFePO4 and an aromatic diazonium salt of benzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate. The coated micron-sized LiFePO4, compared with its pristine counterpart, has shown improved electrical conductivity, high rate capability and excellent cyclability when used as a 'carbon additive free' cathode material for rechargeable Li-ion batteries. The bonding mechanism of polyphenylene to LiFePO4/FePO4 has been understood with density functional theory calculations.

  19. Hydrothermal synthesis of LiFePO4 nanorods composed of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    LiFePO4 nanorods composed of nanoparticles were synthesized from ... olivine structure; belongs to Pnma space group. ... LiFePO4 has one-dimensional (1D) channel along the ... phases of LiFePO4 ... Among the various synthesis techniques available, the .... Prosini P, Lisi M, Zane D and Pasquali M 2002 Solid State. Ion.

  20. Prevalencia de citología anormal e inflamación y su asociación con factores de riesgo para neoplasias del cuello uterino en el cauca, colombia


    Sierra-Torres, Carlos H.; Tafurt-Cardona, Yaliana; Acosta-Astaiza, Claudia P


    Objetivos Establecer la prevalencia del resultado de citología anormal e inflamación y su asociación con factores de riesgo para neoplasias del cuello uterino en mujeres del departamento del Cauca, Colombia. Metodología Después de la firma voluntaria del consentimiento informado, las mujeres fueron entrevistadas a través de un cuestionario para colectar variables de tipo sociodemográfico y clínico, incluyendo historia reproductiva, actividad sexual, historia de citología y hábito de fumar. Po...

  1. New equations to calculate temperature correction factors for PO2 in human blood. (United States)

    Inaba, H; Ohwada, T; Sato, J; Mizuguchi, T; Hirasawa, H


    Effects of hemoglobin concentration (Hb), pH, and body temperature (T) on the relationships between delta log PO2/delta T and PO2 were studied by means of a mathematical model using a Newton-Raphson iteration method. The functions between delta log PO2/delta T and PO2 were affected by the above three factors. New equations considering the effects of Hb, pH, and T were proposed by modifying the equation reported by Severinghaus: delta log PO2/delta T = (L +(U-L)/(A(vPO237)B + 1))(10(-2) where U = 3.15-0.45(7.4-pH37) L = 0.68-0.09(7.4-pH37) A = 5.86(exp10(0.074(T)-0.294(7.4-pH37)-11))((Hb)0.913) B = 6.33(exp10(-0.0051(T)))((Hb)-0.113) + 0.24(7.4-pH37) and vPO237 is virtual PO237 which may exist when PO237 is corrected to standard conditions (pH = 7.4, BE = 0) by the following equations: vPO237 = PO237(exp10(fB(7.4-pH37)-0.0013(BE))) fB = (PO237/26.6)0.08-1.52 where fB is the Bohr factor. The above equations provided values of delta log PO2/delta T which fit closely to those obtained by the complex iteration method with maximum differences of less than 1.3 X 10(-3) at T = 27, indicating that maximum % errors for PO2 at T (PO2T) are less than 3.0% at T = 27 and that our equations can be applied over a wide range of Hb, pH37 and T.

  2. Los Derechos Humanos Después del 11 de Septiembre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Paul Marthoz


    Full Text Available La guerra con tra el terrorismo marca un cambio de paradigma y la afirmación de otra cosmovisión. Ciertos vaticinan que la democracia, tal como se vivía o se soñaba después del derrumbe del comunismo soviético, ha llegado a un peak y que el 11 de septiembre ha detenido el avance que se creía ir re vers ible del imperio de la ley y del derecho en el concierto de las naciones. La proliferación de medidas restrictivas o represivas, el recurso a la fraseología y la lógica de la guerra, el endurecimiento de una opinión pública angustiada e insegura, el re torno al discurso de la re al po li tik, han debilitado el movimiento de los derechos humanos, fragilizado sus argumentaciones y marginado sus acciones. Las ONG’s de derechos humanos tienen que acordarse que la batalla por los derechos no se hace únicamente sobre el terreno le gal y con las armas del derecho internacional. La lucha por los derechos humanos es también una batalla política, es decir, intelectual, que implica desarrollar cuadros interpretativos del mundo.

  3. Biological reduction-deposition and luminescent properties of nanostructured CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) and CePO{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Xiaoniu [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189 (China); Research Institute of Green Construction Materials, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189 (China); Qian, Chunxiang, E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189 (China); Research Institute of Green Construction Materials, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189 (China)


    Nano-sized CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) and CePO{sub 4} with hexagonal phase have been prepared by simply varying the reactant P/Ce molar ratio in bacterial liquid. The phase composition of two samples was checked via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, displaying the presence of CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) and CePO{sub 4} with average crystallite size are 32.34 and 15.61 nm, respectively. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show that nano-clusters and sphere-like in shape with a narrow diameter distribution were observed in two samples. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photographs further indicate obtained CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) and CePO{sub 4} nanoparticles correspond to nanosheets and nanorods, respectively. The emission spectra of CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) and CePO{sub 4} display a broad band of 300–380 nm range with the strongest emission at 342 nm in the violet region. - Highlights: • A new method was found to synthesize CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) and CePO{sub 4} nanoparticles. • CePO{sub 4}@NaCe(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O) nanoparticles have good luminescent properties. • Size and luminescent properties of two samples have been studied and compared.

  4. Po-210 distribution in uranium-mill circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKlveen, J.W.; Hubele, N.D.; McDowell, W.J.; Case, G.N.


    Greater than 99% of all incoming Po-210 reports to the tailing piles for both the acid and the alkaline leach uranium circuits. Leached Po-210 may be carried along on small particles rather than dissolved in solution. There does not appear to be any radiologically significant buildup or accumulation in the acid leach circuit, but there are noteworthy amounts in the molybdenum recovery solution

  5. Degradation Studies on LiFePO4 cathode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scipioni, Roberto; Jørgensen, Peter Stanley; Hjelm, Johan


    In this paper we examine a laboratory LiFePO4 (LFP) cathode and propose a simple model that predicts the electrode capacity as function of C-rate, number of cycles and calendar time. Microcracks were found in Li1-xFePO4 particles in a degraded LFP electrode and low-acceleration voltage (1 kV) FIB....../SEM analysis allowed us to obtain phase contrast between FePO4 and LiFePO4. The evolution of micro-cracks is expected to increase the concentration of LFP particles which are not electronically accessible and thus cause a loss in capacity....

  6. Doticaj moderne kozmologije i religije: poimanje početka svemira


    Petković, Tomislav


    Ujedinjenje velikih teorija fizike − teorije relativnosti, kvantne mehanike i fizike svemira i čestica − ostaje snom fizike i filozofije znanosti i na početku 21. stoljeća. Sve se one u pogledu konačnih zakona svemira (teorija svega) slažu da je početak bio, te da su konačni zakoni oni koji su već vladali u početku evolucije svemira. Početak svemira podrazumijeva njegovo stvaranje i nužno upućuje na Stvoritelja−religijskog Boga, na uspostavljanje mosta između moderne kozmologije i religije. U...

  7. Structural studies of the high-temperature modifications of sodium and silver orthophosphates, II-Na3PO4 and II-Ag3PO4, and of the low-temperature form I-Ag3PO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newsam, J.M.; Cheetham, A.K.; Tofield, B.C.


    The crystal structures of the high-temperature modifications of sodium and silver orthophosphates have been determined using powder neutron diffraction (PND) data. II-Na 3 PO 4 adopts the space group Fm3m with a = 7.512(3) A at 400 0 C. The PO 4 3- group is centred around the origin, but it shows high orientational disorder. The sodium ions occupy the (1/4, 1/4, 1/4) and (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) sites. II-Ag 3 PO 4 , at 650 0 C, is similar with a = 7.722 (5) A. The structure of I-Ag 3 PO 4 at room temperature (P4 - 3n, a = 6.0095 (6) A) has been re-examined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The derived model, with R = 0.019 for 116 independent reflections, is in agreement with the latest work reported in the literature. The structure of I-Ag 3 PO 4 at 375 0 C, as determined by PND, has a = 6.061(1) A, and displays no gross modifications from that observed at 25 0 C, although the anisotropic nature of the silver sites is markedly more pronounced at this higher temperature. The cation mobility is discussed in relation to the high-temperature structures. (Auth.)

  8. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of xLiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4·yLi3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode materials for lithium–ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Ling; Lu, JiaJia; Wei, Gui; Wang, Pengfei; Ding, Hao; Zheng, Junwei; Li, Xiaowei; Zhong, Shengkui


    Highlights: • xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO4·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C composites are prepared by a solid-state method. • The addition of Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 can improve the properties of LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 . • Mutual doping occurrs between the LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phases. • 5LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C shows the best electrochemical properties. - Abstract: The xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (x:y=1:0, 9:1 5:1, 3:1, 1:1 and 0:1) cathode materials are synthesized by a ball–milling and post–calcination method. XRD results reveal that the xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (x,y≠0) composites are composed of LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phases, and no impurities are detected. In LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 –Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 system, most of the manganese, iron and vanadium elements in the raw materials tend to form the two major phases, and only small amounts of V, Mn and Fe as dopants enter into the lattice of LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 and Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . Electrochemical tests show that the xLiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·yLi 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (x,y≠0) composites exhibit much better performance than the single LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 /C. Among the samples, 5LiMn 0.9 Fe 0.1 PO 4 ·Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 /C shows the best electrochemical performance. The sample delivers the specific capacities of 158.1, 140.7 and 100.2 mAh g −1 at 0.05, 1 and 4 C rates in the potential range of 2.5–4.5 V, and exhibits very long and flat discharge plateau around 4.0 V up to 1 C rate. The sample also shows good cycling performance at various C–rates

  9. Separation and electrodeposited of {sup 210} Po; Separacion y electrodeposito de {sup 210} Po

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ordonez R, E.; Iturbe G, J.L


    Presently work it was determined the selective separation of the {sup 210} Po that is in an uraniferous mineral, by means of acid leaching of the mineral and the purification was carried out by means of partition chromatography whose stationary phase is 2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid (D{sub 2}EHPA), it has been possible to isolate the {sup 210} Po of the rest of the radioactive elements that conform the family 4 N{sup +2}, the optimal elutriation conditions of this element were settled down of manner of not dragging other radioelements. Another of the achievements presented in this communication has been the electrodeposition of this element has more than enough stainless steel discs with a superior yield to 95%. (Author)

  10. Low collectivity of the first 2+ states of 212,210Po (United States)

    Kocheva, D.; Rainovski, G.; Jolie, J.; Pietralla, N.; Blazhev, A.; Astier, A.; Altenkirch, R.; Bast, M.; Beckers, M.; Ansari, S.; Braunroth, Th.; Cappellazzo, M.; Cortés, M. L.; Dewald, A.; Diel, F.; Djongolov, M.; Fransen, C.; Gladnishki, K.; Goldkuhle, A.; Hennig, A.; Karayonchev, V.; Keatings, J. M.; Kluge, E.; Kröll, Th.; Litzinger, J.; Moschner, K.; Müller-Gatermann, C.; Petkov, P.; Rudigier, M.; Scheck, M.; Spagnoletti, P.; Scholz, Ph.; Schmidt, T.; Spieker, M.; Stahl, C.; Stegmann, R.; Stolz, A.; Vogt, A.; Stoyanova, M.; Thöle, P.; Warr, N.; Werner, V.; Witt, W.; Wölk, D.; Zamora, J. C.; Zell, K. O.; Van Isacker, P.; Ponomarev, V. Yu.


    The lifetimes of the first 2+ excited states of 212,210Po were measured in two transfer reactions 208Pb(12C,8Be)212Po and 208Pb(12C,10Be)210Po by the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift (RDDS) method and by the Doppler Shift Attenuation method (DSAM), respectively. The derived absolute B(E2) values of 2.6(3) W.u. for 212Po and 1.83(28) W.u. for 210Po indicate low collectivity. It is shown that the properties of the yrast {2}1+, {4}1+, {6}1+ and {8}1+ states in both nuclei cannot be described consistently in the framework of nuclear shell models. It is also demonstrated in the case of 210Po that Quasi-particle Phonon Model (QPM) calculations cannot overcome this problem thus indicating the existence of a peculiarity which is neglected in both theoretical approaches.

  11. Investigations of the potential bioavailability of 210Po in some foodstuffs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulman, Robert A.; Ewers, Leon W.; Matsumoto, Kiyoshi


    Extraction of 210 Po from lamb's liver, pig's kidneys, mussel flesh and brown crabmeat with a series of solvent systems has been used to gain some insight into the uncertainty about the gastrointestinal absorption factor for Po incorporated into foodstuffs. By extracting the tissues with diethyldithiocarbamate dissolved in chloroform, and also in methanol, it has been shown that 210 Po is more effectively extracted from lamb's liver and crabmeat than it is from each of the other tissues. A similar pattern of extractability is also evident for aqueous solutions of citric acid on crabmeat and mussel flesh. Of particular note is the low extractability by dimethylsulphoxide (3%) of 210 Po in mussel flesh as opposed to 24% extractability of 210 Po from crabmeat. 210 Po-binding macromolecules of about 10 kDa have been released from crabmeat and mussel flesh by digestion with pepsin

  12. A radiochemical procedure for the determination of Po-210 in environmental samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godoy, J.M.; Schuettelkopf, H.


    A radiochemical procedure for the determination of Po-210 in environmental samples was developed. Soil, sediments, filter materials, plants, water and food samples can be analyzed for Po-210. Wet ashing is achieved with HNO 3 + H 2 O 2 or HCl + HNO 3 . To separate disturbing substances, a coprecipitation with Te is used for sample materials containing silica. Po-210 deposition from HCl solution on Ag platelets with other sample materials is possible directly. Deposited Po-210 is counted by α-spectrometry. For chemical yield determination Po-208 is added, yields range between 60% and 100%. A lower detection limit of about 0,002 pCi Po-210/sample is achievable. (orig./HP) [de

  13. Accumulation of 210Po by benthic marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gouvea, R.C.; Branco, M.E.C.; Santos, P.L.


    The accumulation of polonium 210 Po by various species of benthic marine seaweeds collected from 4 different points on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, showed variations by species and algal groups. The highest value found was in red alga, Plocamium brasiliensis followed by other organisms of the same group. In the group of the brown alga, the specie Sargassum stenophylum was outstanding. The Chlorophyta presented the lowest content of 210 Po. The algae collected in open sea, revealed greater concentration factors of 210 Po than the same species living in bays. The siliceous residue remaining after mineralization of the algae did not interfere with the detection of polonium. (author)

  14. Electroweak Higgs production with HiggsPO at NLO QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greljo, Admir; Isidori, Gino; Zhang, Hantian; Lindert, Jonas M.; Marzocca, David


    We present the HiggsPO UFO model for Monte Carlo event generation of electroweak VH and VBF Higgs production processes at NLO in QCD in the formalism of Higgs pseudo-observables (PO). We illustrate the use of this tool by studying the QCD corrections, matched to a parton shower, for several benchmark points in the Higgs PO parameter space. We find that, while being sizable and thus important to be considered in realistic experimental analyses, the QCD higher-order corrections largely factorize. As an additional finding, based on the NLO results, we advocate to consider 2D distributions of the two-jet azimuthal-angle difference and the leading jet p T for new physics searches in VBF Higgs production. The HiggsPO UFO model is publicly available. (orig.)

  15. Electroweak Higgs production with HiggsPO at NLO QCD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greljo, Admir [Universitaet Zuerich, Physik-Institut, Zurich (Switzerland); Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, PRISMA Cluster of Excellence and Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mainz (Germany); University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Isidori, Gino; Zhang, Hantian [Universitaet Zuerich, Physik-Institut, Zurich (Switzerland); Lindert, Jonas M. [Durham University, Department of Physics, Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham (United Kingdom); Marzocca, David [Universitaet Zuerich, Physik-Institut, Zurich (Switzerland); INFN, Sezione di Trieste(Italy); SISSA, Trieste (Italy)


    We present the HiggsPO UFO model for Monte Carlo event generation of electroweak VH and VBF Higgs production processes at NLO in QCD in the formalism of Higgs pseudo-observables (PO). We illustrate the use of this tool by studying the QCD corrections, matched to a parton shower, for several benchmark points in the Higgs PO parameter space. We find that, while being sizable and thus important to be considered in realistic experimental analyses, the QCD higher-order corrections largely factorize. As an additional finding, based on the NLO results, we advocate to consider 2D distributions of the two-jet azimuthal-angle difference and the leading jet p{sub T} for new physics searches in VBF Higgs production. The HiggsPO UFO model is publicly available. (orig.)

  16. Tema y efectos: semántica y pragmática en el comentario de textos poéticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luján Atienza, Ángel Luis


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the problems that arise from the consideration of «subject» as the element that unifies text meaning in poetry. The author suggest the replacement of this purely semantic category with a pragmatic one that allows to consider the poetic effects of the poem. This «rhetorical» way of reading is illustrated with the teories about writing poetry which Dante sets out in his Vita Nuova.El presente artículo pone de manifiesto los problemas que plantea la categoría de «tema», como elemento unificador del significado, dentro del comentario de textos de poemas líricos, y propone sustituirlo por una categoría de naturaleza pragmática encaminada a desvelar los efectos pretendidos por el poema, superando así las limitaciones que supone la búsqueda de sentido del poema en un plano puramente semántico. Se postula, en definitiva, una lectura «retórica» de la poesía; actitud que viene ejemplificada por las consideraciones teóricas de Dante sobre su propio quehacer poético en la Vita Nuova.

  17. LiFePO4/C nanocomposites for lithium-ion batteries (United States)

    Eftekhari, Ali


    LiFePO4, as the most famous member of the family of olivine-type lithium transition metal phosphates, is one of the promising candidates for the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries. However, its battery performance is limited by its low electrical conductivity and slow Li solid-state diffusion. Various methods have been attempted to improve the battery performance of lithium iron phosphate. Among them, compositing the LiFePO4 with carbon nanomaterials seems to be the most promising, as it is facile and efficient. Carbon nanomaterials usually serve as a conductive agent to improve the electrical conductivity while increasing the material porosity in which the solid-state diffusion distances are significantly shortened. Owing to the popularity of various carbonaceous nanomaterials, there is no straightforward line of research for comparing the LiFePO4/C nanocomposites. This review aims to provide a general perspective based on the research achievements reported in the literature. While surveying the research findings reported in the literature, controversial issues are also discussed. The possible contribution of pseudocapacitance as a result of functionalized carbon or LiFePO4 lattice defects is described, since from a practical perspective, a LiFePO4/C electrode can be considered as a supercapacitor at high C rates (with a specific capacitance as large as 200 F g-1). The Li diffusion in LiFePO4 has not been well understood yet; while the Li diffusion within the LiFePO4 lattice seems to be quite fast, the peculiar interfacial electrochemistry of LiFePO4 slows down the diffusion within the entire electrode by a few orders of magnitude.

  18. Relational Aggression in Children with Preschool Onset (PO) Psychiatric Disorders (United States)

    Belden, Andy C.; Gaffrey, Michael S.; Luby, Joan L.


    Objective The role of preschool onset (PO) psychiatric disorders as correlates and/or risk factors for relational aggression during kindergarten or 1st grade was tested in a sample of N = 146 preschool-age children (3 to 5.11). Method Axis-I diagnoses and symptom scores were derived using the Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment. Children’s roles in relational aggression as aggressor, victim, aggressive-victim, or non-aggressor/non-victim were determined at preschool and again 24 months later at elementary school entry. Results Preschoolers diagnosed with PO-psychiatric disorders were 3 times as likely as the healthy preschoolers to be classified aggressors, victims, or aggressive-victims. Children diagnosed with PO-disruptive, depressive, and/or anxiety disorders were at least 6 times as likely as children without PO-psychiatric disorders to become aggressive-victims during elementary school after covarying for other key risk factors. Conclusions Findings suggested that PO-psychiatric disorders differentiated preschool and school-age children’s roles in relational aggression based on teacher-report. Recommendations for future research and preventative intervention aimed at minimizing the development of relational aggression in early childhood by identifying and targeting PO-psychiatric disorders are made. PMID:22917202

  19. Ion conductivity and phase transitions in the Na3Sc2(PO4)3 - NaGe2(PO4)3 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nogaj, A.S.


    Influence of heteropolyvalent substitution on dipole ordering of sodium-scandium phosphate, as well as on ion conductivity and phase transitions in the system Na 3 Sc 2 (PO 4 ) 3 - NaGe 2 (PO 4 ) 3 , was studied using the methods of solid phase synthesis, X-ray diffraction, laser spectroscopy and measurement of electric conductivity. Boundaries of the dipole-ordered and superionic phases existence ranges in the given system were identified. It is shown that expansion of the dipole-ordered phase existence range with increase in substituent cation concentration is characteristic of the phase on the basis of α-Na 3 Sc 2 (PO 4 ) 3 [ru

  20. Synthesis of spherical LiMnPO4/C composite microparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakenov, Zhumabay; Taniguchi, Izumi


    Highlights: → We could prepare LiMnPO 4 /C composites by a novel preparation method. → The LiMnPO 4 /C composites were spherical particles with a mean diameter of 3.65 μm. → The LiMnPO 4 /C composite cathode exhibited 112 mAh g -1 at 0.05 C. → It also showed a good rate capability up to 5 C at room temperature and 55 o C. -- Abstract: Spherical LiMnPO 4 /C composite microparticles were prepared by a combination of spray pyrolysis and spray drying followed by heat treatment and examined as a cathode material for lithium batteries. The structure, morphology and electrochemical performance of the resulting spherical LiMnPO 4 /C microparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electronic microscopy and standard electrochemical techniques. The final sample was identified as a single phase orthorhombic structure of LiMnPO 4 and spherical powders with a geometric mean diameter of 3.65 μm and a geometric standard deviation of 1.34. The electrochemical cells contained the spherical LiMnPO 4 /C microparticles exhibited first discharge capacities of 112 and 130 mAh g -1 at 0.05 C at room temperature and 55 o C, respectively. These also showed a good rate capability up to 5 C at room temperature and 55 o C.

  1. PoET: Polarimeters for Energetic Transients (United States)

    McConnell, Mark; Barthelmy, Scott; Hill, Joanne


    This presentation focuses on PoET (Polarimeters for Energetic Transients): a Small Explorer mission concept proposed to NASA in January 2008. The principal scientific goal of POET is to measure GRB polarization between 2 and 500 keV. The payload consists of two wide FoV instruments: a Low Energy Polarimeter (LEP) capable of polarization measurements in the energy range from 2-15 keV and a high energy polarimeter (Gamma-Ray Polarimeter Experiment - GRAPE) that will measure polarization in the 60-500 keV energy range. Spectra will be measured from 2 keV up to 1 MeV. The PoET spacecraft provides a zenith-pointed platform for maximizing the exposure to deep space. Spacecraft rotation will provide a means of effectively dealing with systematics in the polarization response. PoET will provide sufficient sensitivity and sky coverage to measure statistically significant polarization for up to 100 GRBs in a two-year mission. Polarization data will also be obtained for solar flares, pulsars and other sources of astronomical interest.

  2. 210Po radiation dose due to cigarette smoking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godwin, Wesley S.; Subha, Vincila R.; Feroz, Khan M.


    The level of 210 Po in eight brands of cigarettes and four brands of bidis popular in and around Nagercoil town was determined to evaluate the annual effective dose. The 210 Po activity in a full cigarette ranged from 32.8±3.6 to 68.4±5.9 mBq and from 34.3±3.5 to 62.9±5.8 mBq in a bidi. In tobacco, the highest 210 Po content was recorded in the brand C4 (23.0±1.2 mBq) whereas for bidis it was the highest in the brand B2 (21.1±1.1 mBq). The activity in mainstream varied from 15.2±0.75 to 36.8±2.1 mBq in a cigarette and from 20.7±3.1 to 39.8±4.0 mBq in a bidi. With regard to 210 Po activity concentration, not much specificity was noted with respect to the tobacco brand. The data showed a relatively wide range of activity concentration of 210 Po in the different cigarette/bidi brands and even within the same brand. The bidis showed a higher activity when compared to cigarettes. The popular brands concentrated more activity than the fine brands. Smokers who smoke one pack (10 cigarettes/bidis) per day may inhale about 100-300 mBq d -1 (0.1-0.3 Bq d -1 ) of 210 Po. In this study, radiation dose values in the range of 153.5-372.9 μSv Y - '1 from cigarettes and from 209.2 to 402.7 μSvY -1 from bidis was estimated for the whole body. (author)

  3. Infrared-active optical phonons in LiFePO4 single crystals (United States)

    Stanislavchuk, T. N.; Middlemiss, D. S.; Syzdek, J. S.; Janssen, Y.; Basistyy, R.; Sirenko, A. A.; Khalifah, P. G.; Grey, C. P.; Kostecki, R.


    Infrared-active optical phonons were studied in olivine LiFePO4 oriented single crystals by means of both rotating analyzer and rotating compensator spectroscopic ellipsometry in the spectral range between 50 and 1400 cm-1. The eigenfrequencies, oscillator strengths, and broadenings of the phonon modes were determined from fits of the anisotropic harmonic oscillator model to the data. Optical phonons in a heterosite FePO4 crystal were measured from the delithiated ab-surface of the LiFePO4 crystal and compared with the phonon modes of the latter. Good agreement was found between experimental data and the results of solid-state hybrid density functional theory calculations for the phonon modes in both LiFePO4 and FePO4.

  4. Grafting to Polymethylmethacrylate by the Radiation-Peroxidation Method; Greffage sur le polymethacrylate de methyle par la methode de la radioperoxydation radiochimique; Privivanie k polimetilmetakripatu po metodu radiatsionnogo peroksidirovaniya; Injertos en el polimetilmetacrilato por el metodo de peroxidacion radioinducida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kircher, J. F.; Markle, R. A.; Lieberman, R.; Sleimers, F. A.; Leininger, R. I. [Batelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH (United States)


    e injerta con mayor facilidad que un polimero de peso molecular relativamente elevado. Se observa tambien que al elevar la temperatura hasta alcanzar al punto de transicion de la fase vidriosa aumenta el grado de peroxidacion y de injerto. Los autores proponen una explicacion de los resultados, basada en los efectos de la temperatura y del peso molecular sobre la movilidad del polimero y de los radicales. (author) [Russian] Issledovano radiatsionnoe okislenie polimetilmetakrilata (RMMA) v perekisnoe soedinenie v svyazi s posleduyushchim privivaniem pirrolidonvinila k perekisnomu polimeru. Peroksidirovanie issledovano v zavisimosti ot velichiny dozy, molekulyarnogo vesa RMMA i temperatury izlucheniya. Pokazano, chto RMMA s malym molekulyarnym vesom bolee ehffektivno okislyaetsya do perekisi i privivaetsya pri obluchenii dozami v neskol'ko megarad, chem polimer so sravnitel'no bol'shim molekulyarnym vesom. Otmecheno takzhe, chto povyshenie temperatury primerno do temperatury perekhoda stekla v zhidkoe sostoyanie intensifitsiruet protsessy okisleniya do perekisej i privivaniya. Rezul'taty ob{sup y}asneny, iskhodya iz vliyaniya temperatury i molekulyarnogo vesa na podvizhnost' polimera i oskolochnye radikaly. (author)

  5. Temporal annual changes of 210Po concentrations in coastal seawater at Kyushu Island

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tolmachyov, S.; Maeda, Y.; Momoshima, N.


    Polonium-210 ( 210 Po, T 1/2 =138.4 d) arises from the decay of 210 Pb (T 1/2 =22.3 yr) via intermediary 210 Bi (T 1/2 =5.03 d). Virtually, all of 210 Po in seawater is originated by in situ decay of 210 Pb, which in turn originated due to in situ decay of 226 Ra, and decay of 222 Rn in the sea and in the atmosphere followed by deposition. In seawater, 210 Po is considered an insoluble element, therefore the concentration of dissolved 210 Po is very low. The concentration levels of 210 Po in marine environmental samples are well documented, however, scanty information is available about long-scale 210 Po behavior in open oceans and/or coastal seawater. Few studies have quantified temporal variation of 210 Po concentrations with relation to environmental parameters and seasonality. Nevertheless, seasonal detail allows us to make inferences about what geochemical parameters can effected on 210 Po behavior in the marine environment that will obviously improve our present understanding of the rates and mechanisms of 210 Po scavenging from seawater column. This paper presents the results of annual observation of 210 Po concentration in the coastal seawater at Kyushu Island (Japan). Besides the 210 Po concentrations, concentration of Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), which is generally used as an indicator of plankton activity, fluctuations of loaded suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration (C p ) and monthly rainfall collected at the place close to the sampling area were examined to confirm if their behavior mirrors that of 210 Po. (author)

  6. O álbum poético em português e em espanhol: sinergia estética entre palavras e ilustrações

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este estudio ha tenido como objetivo discutir la relación textual que existe entre la palabra y la imagen en un tipo texto especialmente creado para niños: el álbum poético. Para ello, utilizamos algunos ejemplos textuales significativos de un subgénero literario en emergencia tanto en Portugal cuanto en España, y hemos propuesto una definición de este subgénero y su caracterización a partir del comentario de secuencias poéticas en las cuales la imagen sustenta el contenido verbal. De hecho, centrando la atención en el álbum poético de potencial recepción infantil y juvenil, proponemos un análisis de diversos títulos de autoría portuguesa y española basado en la lectura dialógica entre el texto verbal y el texto ilustrativo. La sinergia que se establece entre estos dos componentes enunciados facilita una nueva construcción estética que da pie, en su esencia, a un tipo de poesía que, en gran medida, es deudora de los efectos expresivos de la metáfora.

  7. Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposite thin-film electrodes for ethanol electrooxidation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Yuhong; Kang, Joonhyeon; Nam, Seunghoon; Byun, Sujin [WCU Hybrid Materials Program, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744 (Korea, Republic of); Park, Byungwoo, E-mail: [WCU Hybrid Materials Program, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744 (Korea, Republic of)


    The enhanced catalytic properties toward ethanol electrooxidation on Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposite thin-film electrodes were investigated. The Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposites with various Al/Pt ratios (0.27, 0.57, and 0.96) were fabricated by a co-sputtering method. All of the Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposites showed a negative shift in the onset potential and a higher current density than those of pure Pt electrode for the electrooxidation of ethanol. Among the various Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposite thin-film electrodes, the electrode with an atomic ratio of Al to Pt of 0.57 showed the highest electrocatalytic activity for ethanol electrooxidation. The activation enthalpy for the optimum Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposite was approximately 0.05 eV lower than that of pure Pt. It is believed that the enhancement in catalytic activity is due to the electron-rich Pt resulting from the Fermi-energy difference between Pt and AlPO{sub 4}. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The enhanced ethanol electrooxidation on Pt/AlPO{sub 4} nanocomposites is investigated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The Pt/AlPO{sub 4} exhibits higher current density and lower onset potential than pure Pt. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The activation enthalpy for optimum Pt/AlPO{sub 4} electrode is {approx}0.05 eV lower than pure Pt. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer XPS shows electron-rich Pt due to Fermi-energy difference between Pt and AlPO{sub 4}.

  8. Spirit Pluralisme dalam Klenteng Sam Po Kong Semarang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edi Nurwahyu Julianto


    Full Text Available Klenteng Sam Po Kong has very deep meaning as a symbol of multi cultural; multi ethnic and multi religious. Klenteng Sam Po Kong has a different function, not only used by people with background religious Tri Dharma (Budha, Tao and Konghuchu, but also used by Javanese ethnic with different religious backgrounds. Between ethnic China and Java, mutual respect and tolerance run beliefs and rituals of each. More over, Klenteng Sam Po Kong is a form of pluralism which reflected the fact Sino Javanese Muslim Culture is preserved to date both of sightings physical culture and system cultural in the form of religious rites performed by ethnic China and Java.

  9. Concentration and distribution of 210Po in rats exposed to radon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Peng; Yang Zhanshan; Wang Tianchang; Tong Jian; Zhou Jianwei


    Objective: To study the concentration and distribution of 210 Po in rats exposed to radon and its daughters. Methods: Fifteen male wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups, including one control group and two radon exposed groups with the cumulative doses of 100 WLM (low dose) and 200 WLM (high dose), respectively. Tissue samples containing 210 Po were spontaneously deposited onto silvery discs with the diameter of 20 mm by means of wet ashing and electrodeposition. The concentration of 210 Po in tissues were measured by α spectroscopy, and tissue burden were calculated. Results: The concentrations of 210 Po were significantly different among the three dose groups in femur, liver, sex gland and hair (P 210 Po were different between the exposed groups and the control group in lung and soleus muscle (P 210 Po in lung, spleen and hair were higher than that in liver, bone and sex gland, the lowest was in intestine. The tissue burdens of liver, bone and sex gland were significantly different from those in other organs or tissues. Conclusions: 210 Po was mainly distributed in lung, liver, spleen, femur and sex gland. The concentrations of 210 Po in organs or tissues and the tissue burdens were correspondingly increased with the exposure dose of radon and its daughters. The results of this experiment provide a dosimetric basis for further studies on the carcinogenic effect of radon and its daughters. (authors)

  10. Baseline concentration of {sup 210}Po in Sargassum from the Northern Gulf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uddin, S.; Bebhehani, M.; Talebi, L. [Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (Kuwait)


    The concentration of the {sup 210}Po is of enormous interest because of its large contribution to the natural radiation dose received by marine organisms and human populations consuming seafood. In fact natural {sup 210}Po is responsible for higher radiation doses to humans consuming marine products than is plutonium and other man-made radionuclides. Many marine organisms are capable of concentrating {sup 210}Po in their tissues. {sup 210}Po is an alpha emitter in the {sup 238}U series, with 138-d half-life, that is supplied to seawater from atmospheric inputs and river runoff, however, the main source of {sup 210}Po in the environment is {sup 222}Rn exhalation from the ground. Assessing the impact of radionuclides in the environment requires the establishment of baseline levels in the environmental compartments. The objective of this study was to establish baseline levels in Sargassum. Two most common species of Sargassum found in the northern Gulf were analysed for {sup 210}Po. These macro-algae were collected from three different locations during January 2013. This study sets the baseline for {sup 210}Po concentration in northern Gulf, {sup 210}Po is absorbed from water and concentrated by Phytoplankton and macro-algae. This concentrated {sup 210}Po can then be passed along to the next trophic level of the marine food web. The {sup 210}Po concentration measured in Sargassum boveanum (4.405 - 4.952 BqKg{sup -1}) was significantly higher (p>0.084) than Sargassum oligocystum (3.838 - 4.358 BqKg{sup -1}). The {sup 210}Po concentration in these seaweeds from the Arabian/Persian Gulf were substantially lower than those found in various Phytoplankton and macro-algae species from other regions; this may be due to the lower background {sup 210}Po concentration in the Kuwait marine waters (0.282 - 0.382 mBq l{sup -1}). The {sup 210}Po concentrations in seawater measured at the 3 stations during January 2013 were less than those reported previously from the same region

  11. Luminescence and scintillation properties of LuPO4-Ce nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vistovskyy, V.; Malyy, T.; Pushak, A.; Vas’kiv, A.; Shapoval, A.; Mitina, N.; Gektin, A.; Zaichenko, A.; Voloshinovskii, A.


    Study of the spectral-luminescence parameters of LuPO 4 -Ce nanoparticles upon the excitation by X-ray quanta and synchrotron radiation with photon energies of 4–25 eV was performed. Nanoparticles with mean size about a=35 nm and nanoparticles with size less than 12 nm reveal the different structures of cerium centers. Luminescence efficiency of LuPO 4 -Ce nanoparticles of a 4 -Ce nanoparticles studied using synchrotron and X-ray excitation. • Different structure of Ce 3+ -centers has been revealed for LuPO 4 -Ce nanoparticles. • Luminescence of LuPO 4 -Ce with size less than 12 nm is strongly quenched upon the X-ray excitation

  12. Anode property of carbon coated LiFePO4 nanocrystals (United States)

    Ni, Jiangfeng; Jiang, Jiaxing; Savilov, S. V.; Aldoshin, S. M.


    Nanostructured LiFePO4 is appealing cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries. Herein, however, we report the intriguing anode properties of carbon coated LiFePO4 nanocrystals. In the potential range of 0-3.0 V, the LiFePO4 nanocrystal electrodes afford high reversible capacity of 373 mAhg-1 at a current rate of 0.05 Ag-1 and retains 239 mAhg-1 at a much higher rate of 1.25 Ag-1. In addition, it is capable of sustaining 1000 cycles at 1.25 Ag-1 without any capacity fading. Such superior properties indicate that nanostructured LiFePO4 could also be promising anode for rechargeable battery applications.

  13. Structure determination of AgPO3 and (AgPO3)0.5(AgI)0.5 glasses by neutron diffraction and small angle neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tachez, M.; Mercier, R.; Malugani, J.P.; Chieux, P.


    Neutron diffraction and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) were performed on AgPO 3 and (AgPO 3 ) 0.5 (AgI) 0.5 glasses. AgPO 3 glass is made up of long chains of PO 4 tetrahedra joined together by Ag atoms. When silver iodide is added, the radial distribution function shows a large peak at 2.83 A, due to Ag-I interactions. AgI does not modify the network forming unit. The existence of small clusters is confirmed by analysing the coordination number of Ag-I pairs obtained by subtracting the experimental structure function of the AgPO 3 glass from that of the corresponding AgI-doped glasses. A rough estimation of their size is given by SANS experiments. Not all the AgI pairs are involved in AgI cluster units. The compatibility of the results obtained with recent structural investigations by non diffractometric techniques is examined. 23 refs.; 5 figs.; 3 tabs

  14. Scintillation characteristics of LiPO3:Ce3+ glass scintillators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, S. W.; Hwang, J. H.


    LiPO 3 :Ce 3+ glass scintillators doped with 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5wt% cerium as an activator were fabricated. For the best transparency of the LiPO 3 glasses, optimum heating conditions were investigated. Optimum heating temperature and time is 950 .deg. C and 90 min with 1wt% sugar add as reductant. The lattice structure of LiPO 3 :Ce 3+ glass scintillator was monoclinic, its lattice constants(a 0 , b 0 , c 0 ) being 16,490λ, 5.427λ and 13.120λ. Photo-refraction index of LiPO 3 :Ce 3 + measured by SE(Spectroscopic ellipsometry) was 1.45 ∼ 1.5 and its bandgap energy was 2.342 eV. The absorption spectral range of LiPO 3 :Ce 3+ measured by UV-VIS spectrophotometry was 350∼ 375nm and the spectral ranges of photoluminescence(PL) were 400∼450nm and 750∼900nm, its maximum PL intensity appeared at 417nm and 791nm. LiPO 3 :Ce 3 + glass scintillator doped with 0.75wt% cerium showed the best PL intensity. The PL intensity increased until cerium content reaches 0.75wt% above which ir decreased

  15. Synthesis and vibrational spectrum of antimony phosphate, SbPO4. (United States)

    Brockner, Wolfgang; Hoyer, Lars P


    SbPO4 was synthesized via a new route by reacting antimony metal with meta-phosphoric acid, (HPO3)n at high temperatures. The Raman and IR spectra of the title compound were recorded and the vibrational modes assigned on the basis of a factor group analysis. The internal vibrations are derived from tetrahedral PO4 units (approaching Sb[PO4]) by the correlation method, although the structure is polymeric and not ionic.

  16. Dynamic PROOF clusters with PoD: architecture and user experience (United States)

    Manafov, Anar


    PROOF on Demand (PoD) is a tool-set, which sets up a PROOF cluster on any resource management system. PoD is a user oriented product with an easy to use GUI and a command-line interface. It is fully automated. No administrative privileges or special knowledge is required to use it. PoD utilizes a plug-in system, to use different job submission front-ends. The current PoD distribution is shipped with LSF, Torque (PBS), Grid Engine, Condor, gLite, and SSH plug-ins. The product is to be extended. We therefore plan to implement a plug-in for AliEn Grid as well. Recently developed algorithms made it possible to efficiently maintain two types of connections: packet-forwarding and native PROOF connections. This helps to properly handle most kinds of workers, with and without firewalls. PoD maintains the PROOF environment automatically and, for example, prevents resource misusage in case when workers idle for too long. As PoD matures as a product and provides more plug-ins, it's used as a standard for setting up dynamic PROOF clusters in many different institutions. The GSI Analysis Facility (GSIAF) is in production since 2007. The static PROOF cluster has been phased out end of 2009. GSIAF is now completely based on PoD. Users create private dynamic PROOF clusters on the general purpose batch farm. This provides an easier resource sharing between interactive local batch and Grid usage. The main user communities are FAIR and ALICE.

  17. Enhanced electrochemical performance of different morphological C/LiMnPO4 nanoparticles from hollow-sphere Li3PO4 precursor via a delicate polyol-assisted hydrothermal method (United States)

    Cui, Yu-Ting; Xu, Ning; Kou, Li-Qin; Wu, Meng-Tao; Chen, Li


    With the hollow-sphere Li3PO4 as precursor, a delicate polyol-assisted hydrothermal method is devised to synthesize high-performance LiMnPO4. Orthorhombic shaped, irregular flaky shaped and sphere-like LiMnPO4 are sequentially prepared by decreasing the water-diethylene glycol (DEG) ratio. The capacity, cycling stability and rate performance of all samples prepared by the new synthesis method are improved significantly. And the C/LiMnPO4 with irregular flaky shape exhibits a capacity of 154.1 mA h g-1 at C/20, 147.4 mA h g-1 at C/10 and 102.5 mA h g-1 at 2 C, which is the best performance ever reported for LiMnPO4 active material with similar carbon additives.

  18. Características microestructurales de varistores del sistema ZnO-BaO-P2O5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández, J. F.


    Full Text Available Ceramic materials based on the system ZnO-BaO show a great potential for varistor applications. However, the BaO rich phase located at the grain boundaries shows high solubility in water which causes severe damage of the materials. In order to overcome this problem, doping with P2O5 to form BaZn2(PO42 and Zn3(PO42 has been studied. The resistance of these materials to degradation by moisture has been evaluated by lixiviation experiments. Sintering has been followed by means of dilatometric technique and microstructure was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM. The electrical properties of these materials evidence a varistor behaviour similar to that observed for materials in the system ZnO-BaO.Los materiales basados en el sistema ZnO-BaO presentan unas propiedades de gran interés para su aplicación como varistores. Sin embargo, la fase rica en BaO localizada en el borde de grano exhibe una solubilidad elevada en agua que origina una rápida degradación del material. Para soslayar este problema se ha estudiado la incorporación adicional de P2O5 con el objeto de formar las fases BaZn2(PO42 y Zn3(PO42. La estabilidad de estos nuevos materiales frente a la humedad se ha evaluado mediante ensayos de lixiviación. La sinterización se ha seguido mediante dilatometría y la microestructura de los materiales sinterizados se ha analizado por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido, MEB. La respuesta eléctrica de los materiales muestra un comportamiento varistor comparable al que se observa en los del sistema binario ZnO-BaO.

  19. 210Pb and 210Po activities in French foodstuffs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Renaud, Ph.; Roussel-Debet, S.; Pourcelot, L.; Thebault, H.; Loyen, J.; Gurriaran, R.


    The data on 210 Pb and 210 Po activities in French foodstuffs acquired during the last 15 years are numerous enough to derive reference values which will be usable to assess the dose to the French population due to the intake of these two natural radionuclides. The means and ranges are close to those observed in various countries and are most often higher than the reference values proposed by UNSCEAR. Mussels and oysters exhibit the highest 210 Po activities of all kinds of foodstuffs, with a mean value of 27 -1 fresh weight, followed by crustaceans and small fish species (anchovies, mullets, sardines, etc.) with 210 Po activities in the order of 3 to 10 Bq.k -1 fresh weight; cephalopods and other fish species presenting activities around 1 to 3 -1 fresh, close to the UNSCEAR reference value. Below these highest 210 Po activities are those of 210 Po and 210 Pb in terrestrial kinds of foodstuffs, by decreasing order: meats (around 1 -1 fresh), cereals (0.4 -1 ), leafy vegetables (0.3 -1 ), other vegetables and fruits (0.1 -1 ), and milk (from 0.03 to 0.1 Bq.L -1 ). (authors)

  20. Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of LiFePO4/C for Lithium Ion Batteries. (United States)

    Gao, Hong; Wang, Jiazhao; Yin, Shengyu; Zheng, Hao; Wang, Shengfu; Feng, Chuanqi; Wang, Shiquan


    LiFePO4/C was prepared through a facile rheological phase reaction method by using Fe3(PO4)2, Li3PO4 · 8H2O, and glucose as reactants. The LiFePO4/C samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The electrochemical properties of the samples were investigated. The results show that the LiFePO4/C samples have single-phase olivine-type structure, and their particles feature a spherical shape. The carbon coating on the particles of LiFePO4 is about 1.8% of the LiFePO4/C by weight. The particle size was distributed from 0.2 to 1 µm. The initial discharge capacity of LiFePO4/C reached 154 mA h/g at 0.1 C. The retained discharge capacity of LiFePO4/C was 152.9 mA h g(-1) after 50 cycles. The LiFePO4/C also showed better cycling performance than that of the bare LiPeO4 at a higher charge/discharge rate (1 C). The LIFePO4/C prepared in this way could be a promising cathode material for lithium ion battery application.

  1. Phase equilibria in the system Nd(PO3)3 - KPO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Znamierowska, T.; Mizer, D.


    The system Nd(PO 3 ) 3 - KPO 3 has been investigated by differential thermal analysis (during heating), thermogravimetric analysis, mass spectrometry, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction and its phase diagram was proposed. It was discovered that initial metaphosphates react at a 1:1 molar ratio forming intermediate compound KNd(PO 3 ) 4 . It was found that it melts incongruently at 854 o C giving Nd(po)3) 3 and a liquid rich in KPO 3 . Phosphate KNd(PO 3 ) 4 is stable down to room temperature and does not show any polymorphic transitions. (author)

  2. Accumulation of /sup 210/Po in selected species of Baltic fish

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skwarzec, B


    Results are presented here for the /sup 210/Po contents of selected species of Baltic fish. It is shown that /sup 210/Po is non-uniformly distributed within these fish, the highest levels being found in the digestive organs, particularly within the intestine. It is found that the proportional contribution by the digestive organs to the total accumulation of /sup 210/Po is correlated with the degree of repletion of the stomach and that this decreases if food is lacking. Moreover, it is observed that fish represent an important source of supply of /sup 210/Po to humans.

  3. PO2 Cycling Reduces Diaphragm Fatigue by Attenuating ROS Formation


    Zuo, Li; Diaz, Philip T.; Chien, Michael T.; Roberts, William J.; Kishek, Juliana; Best, Thomas M.; Wagner, Peter D.


    Prolonged muscle exposure to low PO2 conditions may cause oxidative stress resulting in severe muscular injuries. We hypothesize that PO2 cycling preconditioning, which involves brief cycles of diaphragmatic muscle exposure to a low oxygen level (40 Torr) followed by a high oxygen level (550 Torr), can reduce intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as attenuate muscle fatigue in mouse diaphragm under low PO2. Accordingly, dihydrofluorescein (a fluorescent probe) was used to monito...

  4. Efficient UV-emitting X-ray phosphors: octahedral Zr(PO4)6 luminescence centers in potassium hafnium-zirconium phosphates K2Hf1-xZrx(PO4)2 and KHf2(1-x)Zr2x(PO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torardi, C.C.; Miao, C.R.; Li, J.


    Potassium hafnium-zirconium phosphates, K 2 Hf 1-x Zr x (PO 4 ) 2 and KHf 2(1-x) Zr 2x (PO 4 ) 3 , are broad-band UV-emitting phosphors. At room temperature, they have emission peak maxima at approximately 322 and 305 nm, respectively, under 30 kV peak molybdenum X-ray excitation. Both phosphors demonstrate luminescence efficiencies that make them up to ∼60% as bright as commercially available CaWO 4 Hi-Plus. The solid-state and flux synthesis conditions, and X-ray excited UV luminescence of these two phosphors are discussed. Even though the two compounds have different atomic structures, they contain zirconium in the same active luminescence environment as that found in highly efficient UV-emitting BaHf 1-x Zr x (PO 4 ) 2 . All the three materials have hafnium and zirconium in octahedral coordination via oxygen-atom corner sharing with six separate PO 4 tetrahedra. This octahedral Zr(PO 4 ) 6 moiety appears to be an important structural element for efficient X-ray excited luminescence, as are the edge-sharing octahedral TaO 6 chains for tantalate emission

  5. H-PoP and H-PoPG: heuristic partitioning algorithms for single individual haplotyping of polyploids. (United States)

    Xie, Minzhu; Wu, Qiong; Wang, Jianxin; Jiang, Tao


    Some economically important plants including wheat and cotton have more than two copies of each chromosome. With the decreasing cost and increasing read length of next-generation sequencing technologies, reconstructing the multiple haplotypes of a polyploid genome from its sequence reads becomes practical. However, the computational challenge in polyploid haplotyping is much greater than that in diploid haplotyping, and there are few related methods. This article models the polyploid haplotyping problem as an optimal poly-partition problem of the reads, called the Polyploid Balanced Optimal Partition model. For the reads sequenced from a k-ploid genome, the model tries to divide the reads into k groups such that the difference between the reads of the same group is minimized while the difference between the reads of different groups is maximized. When the genotype information is available, the model is extended to the Polyploid Balanced Optimal Partition with Genotype constraint problem. These models are all NP-hard. We propose two heuristic algorithms, H-PoP and H-PoPG, based on dynamic programming and a strategy of limiting the number of intermediate solutions at each iteration, to solve the two models, respectively. Extensive experimental results on simulated and real data show that our algorithms can solve the models effectively, and are much faster and more accurate than the recent state-of-the-art polyploid haplotyping algorithms. The experiments also show that our algorithms can deal with long reads and deep read coverage effectively and accurately. Furthermore, H-PoP might be applied to help determine the ploidy of an organism. CONTACT: xieminzhu@hotmail.comSupplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Bioaccumulation of polonium 210Po in marine birds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skwarzec, B.; Fabisiak, J.


    The aim of this work was to determine the 210 Po content in marine birds which permanently or temporally live in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. We chose 11 species of sea birds: three species permanently residing at southern Baltic Sea, four species of wintering birds and three species of migrating birds. The results show that the polonium is non-uniformly distributed in the marine birds. The highest activities of 210 Po were observed in feathers, muscles and liver and the lowest in skin and skeleton. Species of birds that eat crustaceans, molluscs, fish and plants (long-tailed duck Clangula hyemalis, white-winged scoter Melanitta fusca) accumulated more polonium than species that eat mainly fish (great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, common guillemot Uria aalge) or plants (tufted duck Aythya fuligula). Moreover, about 63% of the 210 Po that was located in feathers of razorbil (Alca torda) and long-tailed duck (C. hyemalis) was apparently adsorbed, suggesting an external source such as the air. It means that the adsorption of 210 Po on the feather surface may be an important transfer from air to water

  7. Experiments for detection of gaseous Po-210 originated from microbial activity in the environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishimoto, A.; Momoshima, N.


    We attempted to detect gaseous Po-210 (half-life 138d) emitted from organisms in the environment. Gaseous Po-210 was tried to collect in 0.5 M nitric acid solution after passing the atmospheric air through filters and a distilled water bubbler, which would remove aerosols existing in the air. The activity of Po-210 was determined by alpha spectrometry after radiochemical separation and electrolytic deposition of Po-210 on a silver disk. Twenty seven point four mBq of Po-210 was observed when 800 m 3 atmospheric air was sampled. Blank of Po-210 in regents and the sampling system was 4.9-6.8 mBq. The concentration of Po-210 observed in the atmospheric air was, thus about 5 times higher than the background; the results strongly support existence of gaseous Po-210 in the environment. (author)

  8. Equilibrium diagram of KPO{sub 3}-Y(PO{sub 3}){sub 3} system, chemical preparation and characterization of KY(PO{sub 3}){sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jouini, Anis; Ferid, Mokhtar; Trabelsi-Ayadi, Malika


    Microdifferential thermal analysis ({mu}-DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were used for the first time to investigate the liquidus and solidus relations in the KPO{sub 3}-Y(PO{sub 3}){sub 3} system. The only compound observed within the system was KY(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} melting incongruently at 1033 K. An eutectic appears at 13.5 mol% Y(PO{sub 3}){sub 3} at 935 K, the peritectic occurs at 1033 K and the phase transition for potassium polyphosphate KPO{sub 3} was observed at 725 K. Three monoclinic allotropic phases of the single crystals were obtained. KY(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} polyphosphate has the P2{sub 1} space group with lattice parameters: a=7.183(4) A, b=8.351(6) A, c=7.983(3) A, {beta}=91.75(3) deg. and Z=2 is isostructural with KNd(PO{sub 3}){sub 4}. The second allotropic form of KY(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} belongs to the P2{sub 1}/n space group with lattice parameters: a=10.835(3) A, b=9.003(2) A, c=10.314(1) A, {beta}=106.09(7) deg. and Z=4 and is isostructural with TlNd(PO{sub 3}){sub 4}. The IR absorption spectra of the two forms show a chain polyphosphates structure. The last modification of KYP{sub 4}O{sub 12} crystallizes in the C2/c space group with lattice parameters: a=7.825(3) A, b=12.537(4) A, c=10.584(2) A, {beta}=110.22(7) deg. and Z=4 is isostructural with RbNdP{sub 4}O{sub 12} and contains cyclic anions. The methods of chemical preparations, the determination of crystallographic data and IR spectra for these compounds are reported.

  9. Ra-226, Pb-210, and Po-210 in the Black Forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuettelkopf, H.; Kiefer, H.


    By measuring Pb-210, Po-210 and Ra 226 in air, water, ground, plants, and food samples the concentration ranges of the radionuclide and the transfer factor important for the calculation of the ingestion dose of man were determined. Po 210 was found to have the lowest radiotoxicity. The highest Po-210 concentrations were found in protein-containing food. (DG) [de

  10. 210Po content in human urine of people living in south of Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Díaz-Francés, I.; García-Tenorio, R.; Mantero, J.; Manjón, G.


    The death of the former secret service agent Alexander Livitnenko in 2006 due to a lethal intake of 210 Po, presumably via ingestion, sparked renewed interest in the field of 210 Po toxicity to humans. 210 Po occurs widely in nature and is an important component of man' s natural radiation background. The main route of 210 Po intake by the human body is the ingestion with foodstuffs, although ingestion with drinking water especially of underground origin represents another route of 210 Po intakes. Inhalation of 222 Rn released from the soil also contributes in 210 Po body burden. However, the body burden of 210 Po in normal human body may differ from one person to another depending upon the mode life including diet habits, origin of drinking water, residence place (radon exposure rate) and also smoking habits. Therefore, many factors may affect the 210 Po intake and lead to variations in the body burden in different individuals, and consequently in their urine. To see the influence of the diet habits in the amount of 210 Po excreted by urine, some volunteers in Seville (south of Spain) follow defined diets during approximately one month, with daily urine collection followed by 210 Po determination by alpha-particle spectrometry. Depending on the type of diet ingested by the different volunteers, it was observed differences approaching even an order of magnitude in their levels of 210 Po in urine. This fact difficult enormously the adoption of a predefined value of this nuclide in urine with natural origin with the consequence difficulties for screening through urine the possible anthropogenic intake of this element. (author)

  11. Study about excretion of 210 Po in urine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonseca Azeredo, A.M.G. da.


    The urine of mines's workers are analysed to detect the presence of 210 Po. The results was compared with the workers and with a control population. Cigarettes samples was analysed two and confirmed the 210 presence. The control population individuals were divided in smokers and non smokers and them urine was investigated the influence of the smoke in the 210 Po excretion. (L.M.J.)

  12. Levels of 210 Pb and 210 Po in Brazilian cigarettes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, Pedro Lopes dos; Kelecom, Alphonse; Gouvea, Rita de Cassia dos Santos; Dutra, Iedo Ramos


    210 Po and 210 Pb concentrations have been determined in 18 Brazilian cigarette samples and compared with known data on U content. U is respectively 3-fold less and 4-fold less abundant than 210 Po or 210 Pb. No correlation could be observed between U concentration and those of Po or Pb. The mean concentration of 210 Pb is higher than that of 210 Pb observed in many other plants, even in plants frown in high background areas. (author)

  13. Electrochemical performances of LiMnPO4 synthesized from non-stoichiometric Li/Mn ratio. (United States)

    Xiao, Jie; Chernova, Natasha A; Upreti, Shailesh; Chen, Xilin; Li, Zheng; Deng, Zhiqun; Choi, Daiwon; Xu, Wu; Nie, Zimin; Graff, Gordon L; Liu, Jun; Whittingham, M Stanley; Zhang, Ji-Guang


    In this paper, the influences of the lithium content in the starting materials on the final performances of as-prepared Li(x)MnPO(4) (x hereafter represents the starting Li content in the synthesis step which does not necessarily mean that Li(x)MnPO(4) is a single phase solid solution in this work.) are systematically investigated. It has been revealed that Mn(2)P(2)O(7) is the main impurity when Li Li(3)PO(4) begins to form once x > 1.0. The interactions between Mn(2)P(2)O(7) or Li(3)PO(4) impurities and LiMnPO(4) are studied in terms of the structural, electrochemical, and magnetic properties. At a slow rate of C/50, the reversible capacity of both Li(0.5)MnPO(4) and Li(0.8)MnPO(4) increases with cycling. This indicates a gradual activation of more sites to accommodate a reversible diffusion of Li(+) ions that may be related to the interaction between Mn(2)P(2)O(7) and LiMnPO(4) nanoparticles. Among all of the different compositions, Li(1.1)MnPO(4) exhibits the most stable cycling ability probably because of the existence of a trace amount of Li(3)PO(4) impurity that functions as a solid-state electrolyte on the surface. The magnetic properties and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) of the MnPO(4)·H(2)O precursor, pure and carbon-coated Li(x)MnPO(4) are also investigated to identify the key steps involved in preparing a high-performance LiMnPO(4). This journal is © the Owner Societies 2011

  14. PEMODELAN KONDUKTIVITAS ION DALAM STRUKTUR Li2Sc3(PO43 (Modeling Ionic Conductivity in Li2Sc3(PO43 Structure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akram La Kilo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Fasa Li2Sc3(PO43 merupakan material konduktor superionik yang dapat diaplikasikan sebagai baterai yang dapat diisi ulang (rechargeable. Ion Li+ dalam struktur Li2Sc3(PO4 dapat mengalami migrasi dari posisi terisi ke posisi kosong. Penelitian ini telah memodelkan migrasi ion Li+ dalam struktur Li2Sc3(PO4 dengan menggunakan metode bond valence sum (BVS. Metode ini dapat memprediksi bilangan oksidasi suatu atom berdasarkan jarak dengan atom-atom tetangga. Source code berbasis BVS yang digunakan adalah JUMPITER yang mensimulasi efek gaya listrik eksternal yang bertindak pada ion litium sehingga nilai BVS litium dapat dipetakan terhadap jarak. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa konduksi ion Li+ dapat terjadi pada arah [010], [101], dan [120]. Namun, lintasan konduksi ion Li+ lebih mudah terjadi pada arah [120] atau bidang ab dengan nilai maksimum BVS adalah 0,982. ABSTRACT g-phase of Li2Sc3(PO43 is a lithium super ionic conductor which can be applied as a rechargeable lithium battery. Lithium ions of g-Li2Sc3(PO43 can migrate from occupied site to vacant site. In this research, simulation of Li+ ions migration in the structure of g-Li2Sc3(PO43 carried out using bond valence sum (BVS to predict the oxidation state of Li+ion based on the distance of the ion to neighboring atoms. BVS-based code used JUMPITER to simulate the effect of external electrical force acting on the lithium ions to produce the lithium BVS value which can be mapped to the distance. The simulation results shows that Li+ ion conduction can be occurred on [010], [101], and [120] directions. However, the Li ion conduction pathway occur more easily in the direction of [120] or ab plane with the BVS maximum value is 0.982.

  15. Quantum-Chemical Approach to NMR Chemical Shifts in Paramagnetic Solids Applied to LiFePO4 and LiCoPO4. (United States)

    Mondal, Arobendo; Kaupp, Martin


    A novel protocol to compute and analyze NMR chemical shifts for extended paramagnetic solids, accounting comprehensively for Fermi-contact (FC), pseudocontact (PC), and orbital shifts, is reported and applied to the important lithium ion battery cathode materials LiFePO 4 and LiCoPO 4 . Using an EPR-parameter-based ansatz, the approach combines periodic (hybrid) DFT computation of hyperfine and orbital-shielding tensors with an incremental cluster model for g- and zero-field-splitting (ZFS) D-tensors. The cluster model allows the use of advanced multireference wave function methods (such as CASSCF or NEVPT2). Application of this protocol shows that the 7 Li shifts in the high-voltage cathode material LiCoPO 4 are dominated by spin-orbit-induced PC contributions, in contrast with previous assumptions, fundamentally changing interpretations of the shifts in terms of covalency. PC contributions are smaller for the 7 Li shifts of the related LiFePO 4 , where FC and orbital shifts dominate. The 31 P shifts of both materials finally are almost pure FC shifts. Nevertheless, large ZFS contributions can give rise to non-Curie temperature dependences for both 7 Li and 31 P shifts.

  16. Efecto del uso de quitosano en el mejoramiento del cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.

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    José Alejandro Molina Zerpa


    Full Text Available En la actualidad existen alternativas tecnológicas para el aprovechamiento de los desechos de crustáceos y su conversión en productos de utilidad como lo son la quitina y su derivado el quitosano.  En esta investigación, se utilizó gel de quitosano para aplicarlo a la variedad de arroz SD20 para mejorar su cultivo. El análisis mediante IR del quitosano utilizado mostró similitud con los espectros para cada una de las muestras, confirmando con estos resultados que la utilización de diferentes quitinas obtenidas por la desmineralización con HCl y H3PO4 no afectó la identidad del producto, pues se mantienen las bandas de los grupos funcionales más importantes, demostrándose así que las quitinas se transformaron en una nueva materia prima como el quitosano. Las plantas tratadas con quitosano presentaron alturas mayores, con incrementos de altura hasta de 16,57% en comparación al testigo. Además, produjo un incremento de la raíz de 52% para los 12 días de siembra en comparación con el testigo. Se observó en las plantas de arroz un color verde más intenso que en lote testigo, estos resultados se deben a la capacidad estimulante del quitosano, ya que actúa mejorando el enraizamiento y la producción de área foliar de la planta. Se encontró una diferencia de 1025 kg/ha, y un incremento en la cosecha de 16,21% con respecto al tratamiento sin quitosano. Se concluye que el cultivo de arroz, variedad SD20A, tuvo un desarrollo vegetativo mejor con el tratamiento con quitosano.

  17. Annual dose of Taiwanese from the ingestion of 210Po in oysters. (United States)

    Lee, Hsiu-wei; Wang, Jeng-Jong


    Oysters around the coast of Taiwan were collected, dried, spiked with a (209)Po tracer for yield, digested with concentrated HNO(3) and H(2)O(2), and finally dissolved in 0.5 N HCl. The polonium was then spontaneously deposited onto a silver disc, and the activity of (210)Po was measured using an alpha spectrum analyzer equipped with a silicon barrier detector. Meanwhile, the internal effective dose of (210)Po coming from the intake of oysters by Taiwanese was evaluated. The results of the present study indicate that (210)Po average activity concentrations ranged from 23.4 ± 0.4 to 126 ± 94 Bq kg(-1) of fresh oysters. The oysters coming from Penghu island and Kinmen island regions contain higher concentrations of (210)Po in comparison with oysters from other regions of Taiwan. The value of (210)Po weighted average activity concentrations for all oyster samples studied is 25.9 Bq kg(-1). The annual effective dose of Taiwanese due to the ingestion of (210)Po in oysters was estimated to be 4.1 × 10(-2) mSv y(-1). Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  18. The electrical and diffusive properties of unattached 218Po in argon gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leung, H.M.-Y.; Phillips, C.R.


    Electrical and diffusive properties of unattached 218 Po were investigated in argon Parameters determined in electrostatic collection experiments were radon concentration, the fraction of 218 Po having a positive charge at the end of the recoil path, the diffusion coefficient of the neutral 218 Po species, and the ratio of the neutralisation rate constant of charged 218 Po species to the electrical mobility of charged 218 Po species. Independent electrical mobility data were obtained using a pulse width modulated ion mobility analyser. The neutralisation rate constant for charged 218 Po species was then determined from the electrostatic collection data together with the independent mobility data. Relative humidity (RH) and radon concentration were found to affect the neutralisation mechanism. Following recoil of the charged 218 Po species, neutralisation through recombination with small negative ions is important for radon concentrations greater than about 1.0 x 10 5 atoms cm -3 . The neutralisation rate constant is proportional to about the 0.6 power of the radon concentration for all relative humidities. At a radon concentration less than about 1.0 x 10 5 atoms cm -3 , the neutralisation rate constant is independent of radon concentration. (author)

  19. Modeling Li-ion conductivity in LiLa(PO3)4 powder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mounir, Ferhi; Karima, Horchani-Naifer; Khaled, Ben Saad; Mokhtar, Férid


    Polycrystalline powder and single-crystal of LiLa(PO 3 ) 4 are synthesized by solid state reaction and flux technique, respectively. A morphological description of the obtained product was made based on scanning electron microscopy micrographs. The obtained powder was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, FTIR and Raman spectroscopies. Ionic conductivity of the LiLa(PO 3 ) 4 powder was measured and evaluated over a temperature range from 553 to 913 K. Single crystals of LiLa(PO 3 ) 4 are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The LiLa(PO 3 ) 4 structure was found to be isotypic with LiNd(PO 3 ) 4 . It crystallizes in the monoclinic system with space group C2/c and cell parameters: a=16.635(6) Å, b=7.130(3) Å, c=9.913(3) Å, β=126.37(4)°, V=946.72(6) Å 3 and Z=4. The LiLa(PO 3 ) 4 structure was described as an alternation between spiraling chains (PO 3 ) n and (La 3+ , Li + ) cations along the b direction. The small Li + ions, coordinated to four oxygen atoms, were located in the large connected cavities created between the LaO 8 polyhedra and the polyphosphate chains. The jumping of Li + through tunnels of the crystalline network was investigated using complex impedance spectroscopy. The close value of the activation energies calculated through the analysis of conductivity data and loss spectra indicate that the transport in the investigated system is through hopping mechanism. The correlation between ionic conductivity of LiLa(PO 3 ) 4 and its crystallographic structure was investigated and the most probably transport pathway model was determined.

  20. Inelastic neutron scattering and lattice dynamics of GaPO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mittal, R.; Chaplot, S.L.; Kolesnikov, A.I.; Loong, C.K.; Jayakumar, O.D.; Kulshreshtha, S.K.


    We report here measurements of phonon spectrum and lattice dynamical calculations for GaPO 4 . The measurements in low-cristobalite phase of GaPO 4 are carried out using high-resolution medium-energy chopper spectrometer at ANL, USA in the energy transfer range 0-160 MeV. Semiempirical interatomic potential in GaPO 4 , previously determined using ab-initio calculations have been widely used in studying the phase transitions among various polymorphs. The calculated phonon spectrum using the available potential show fair agreement with the experimental data. However, the agreement between the two is improved by including the polarisability of the oxygen atoms in the framework of the shell model. The lattice dynamical models are also exploited for calculations of various thermodynamic properties of GaPO 4 . (author)

  1. Study on the excretion of pb-210 and po-210

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okabayashi, Hiroyuki [National Inst. of Radiological Sciences, Chiba (Japan)


    The amount of Po-210 excreted in urine and feces was more influenced by Po-210 that was taken with food and drink than taken through inhalation. The amount of Pb-210 in urine of mining workers among uranium mine workers was higher than that of the non-uranium mine workers. It was thought that this fact was due to the working environment in uranium mine the amount of Pb-210 being a few tens times higher than that in normal environment. The activity ratios of Po-210 of faecal to urinary excretion are widely distributed, however, the average value of many samples approached to 10. Urinary excretion of Po-210 was highest after 24 hours of ingestion, but for faecal excretion, it was highest after 3 day.

  2. Use of Neutron Irradiations in the Brookhaven Mutations Programme; Irradiation Neutronique dans le Cadre du Programme de Mutations Radioinduites de Brookhaven; Primenenie nejtronnogo izlucheniya v brukkhejvenskoj programme po ispol'zovaniyu mutatsij; La Irradiacion Neutronica en el Marco del Programa de Mutaciones Radioinducidas de Brookhaven

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miksche, J. P.; Shapiro, S. [Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    colaboracion con expertos de Australia, Belgica, Costa Rica, Chile, Dinamarca, Ecuador, Formosa, Grecia, Guatemala, India, Irlanda, Italia, japon, Kenia, Mexico, Paises Bajos, Pakistan, Peru, Filipinas, Rumania, Sudafrica, Tailandia, Venezuela, Alemania Occidental y Yugoeslavia. Los autores presentaran una resefla de los proyectos precitados, deteniendose ante todo en el uso de los neutrones para inducir mutaciones. EBR, por ejemplo, la capacidad de restablecimiento y la manifestacion del efecto oxigeno, principalmente para dosis correspondientes a valores reducidos de la TLE. Si bien esta interpretacion debe considerarse provisional, la distribucion de la dosis en funcion de la TLE proporciona una base para la realizacion de nuevos experimentos sobre la relacion existente entre la EBR y la TLE. (author) [Russian] Programma sotrudnichestva po ispol'zovaniju radiomutacij byla razrabotana v Brukhejvenskoj nacional'noj laboratorii primerno desjat' let nazad, chtoby predostavit' vozmozhnost' rastenievodam i agronomam primenjat' metody obluchenija po programme uluchshenija sortov rastenija. V kachestve ustanovki dlja obluchenija po programme ispol'zovalis' teplovaja kolonna v Brukhejvenskom grafitovom jeksperimental'nom reaktore, rentgenovskij apparat (pikovoe naprjazhenie 250 kv) biologicheskogo otdela jadernoj tehniki, gamma-istochnik moshhnost'ju 12 kjuri v teplicah i istochnik Co{sup 60}, raspolozhennyj v pole ploshhad'ju 13 akrov. V jetoj programme sotrudnichestva na dolju Brukhejvenskoj laboratorii prihoditsja razrabotka oborudovanija metodov i teoreticheskih polozhenij, v to vremja kak rastitel'nyj material i semena predostavljajutsja jekspertami po sel'skomu hozjajstvu, o t vetstvennymi za vyrashhivanie obluchennogo materiala i otbor mutacij. Bo le e 150 uchenyh iz 45 shtatov i Pujerto-Riko uchastvujut v vypolnenii programmy. Nachato takzhe vypolnenie proektov s Avstraliej, Bel'giej, Chili, Ko sta'Rika, Daniej, Jekvadorom, Tajvanem, Greciej, G vatem a loj, Indiej

  3. Determination and distribution of 210Po in tobacco plants from Poland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skwarzec, B.; Struminska, D.I.; Ulatowski, J.; Golebiowski, M.


    One of the most radiotoxic elements, 210 Po in different parts of tobacco plant from Poland was determined. Investigation revealed that polonium is non-uniformly distributed within tobacco plant. Tobacco leaves constituting about 50% of the wet mass, contain 87.1% of the total burden of 210 Po. Among the analyzed leaves about 66% of polonium is located in the oldest, over-ground part. It was indicated that 210 Po is generally taken up by tobacco from the dry or wet deposition of the radioactive fall-out onto the plant. Moreover, 210 Po concentration in tobacco leaves from Poland are higher than that in the other countries. (author)

  4. Skeletal muscle microvascular and interstitial PO2 from rest to contractions. (United States)

    Hirai, Daniel M; Craig, Jesse C; Colburn, Trenton D; Eshima, Hiroaki; Kano, Yutaka; Sexton, William L; Musch, Timothy I; Poole, David C


    Oxygen pressure gradients across the microvascular walls are essential for oxygen diffusion from blood to tissue cells. At any given flux, the magnitude of these transmural gradients is proportional to the local resistance. The greatest resistance to oxygen transport into skeletal muscle is considered to reside in the short distance between red blood cells and myocytes. Although crucial to oxygen transport, little is known about transmural pressure gradients within skeletal muscle during contractions. We evaluated oxygen pressures within both the skeletal muscle microvascular and interstitial spaces to determine transmural gradients during the rest-contraction transient in anaesthetized rats. The significant transmural gradient observed at rest was sustained during submaximal muscle contractions. Our findings support that the blood-myocyte interface provides substantial resistance to oxygen diffusion at rest and during contractions and suggest that modulations in microvascular haemodynamics and red blood cell distribution constitute primary mechanisms driving increased transmural oxygen flux with contractions. Oxygen pressure (PO2) gradients across the blood-myocyte interface are required for diffusive O 2 transport, thereby supporting oxidative metabolism. The greatest resistance to O 2 flux into skeletal muscle is considered to reside between the erythrocyte surface and adjacent sarcolemma, although this has not been measured during contractions. We tested the hypothesis that O 2 gradients between skeletal muscle microvascular (PO2 mv ) and interstitial (PO2 is ) spaces would be present at rest and maintained or increased during contractions. PO2 mv and PO2 is   were determined via phosphorescence quenching (Oxyphor probes G2 and G4, respectively) in the exposed rat spinotrapezius during the rest-contraction transient (1 Hz, 6 V; n = 8). PO2 mv was higher than PO2 is in all instances from rest (34.9 ± 6.0 versus 15.7 ± 6.4) to contractions (28.4 ± 5

  5. The electrical and diffusive properties of unattached 218Po in air systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leung, H.M.-Y.; Phillips, C.R.


    The electrical and diffusive properties of unattached 218 Po were determined in air environments containing traces of other gases. Of particular interest was the neutralisation of charged, unattached 218 Po. An electrostatic collection apparatus and a pulse width modulated ion mobility analyser were used to determine the fraction of the unattached 218 Po having a positive charge at the end of the recoil path (f); the diffusion coefficient of the neutral, unattached 218 Po Dsub(Α): the mobility of the charged, unattached 218 Po (B); and the neutralisation rate constant of charged, unattached 218 Po (K). Average values found for f, Dsub(Α), B and K were similar to those determined earlier for the argon system. Two mechanisms may be responsible for neutralisation, namely, scavenging of electrons from trace gases (charge transfer), and recombination with negative small ions. Which neutralisation mechanism is dominant depends on the amount and type of trace gas or organic vapour present and the degree of gas ionisation. (author)

  6. Ecología poblacional del ratón Peromyscus mexicanus (Rodentia: Muridae en el Parque Nacional Volcán Poás, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Licidia Rojas Rojas


    Full Text Available Se estudió el tamaño poblacional, la proporción de sexos, el peso y el número de adultos e inmaduros de Peromyscus mexicanus en tres sitios, durante 14 meses, en el Parque Nacional volcán Poás, Costa Rica. Se colocaron 30 trampas Sherman en cada sitio, para un estudio de captura-recaptura durante seis días consecutivos de cada mes, desde marzo de 2002 hasta abril de 2003. Se hicieron 2 393 capturas, hallándose en Tierra Fría, además de P. mexicanus, Reithrodontomys creper, R. rodriguezi, Scotinomys teguina y Oryzomys devius (Muridae. En Potrero Grande se capturaron P. mexicanus, R. creper, R. sumichrasti, S. teguina y O. devius. En Canto de las Aves se capturaron P. mexicanus, R. creper, R. rodriguezi y O. devius. El 34.77 % del total de ratones capturados fueron P. mexicanus. Se capturaron en promedio 34 individuos por mes por hectárea en Tierra Fría y 11 en Potrero Grande; en Canto de las Aves sólo se capturaron 4 individuos en todo el muestreo. El tamaño estimado de la población de P. mexicanus no varió mensualmente en Tierra Fría, pero si en Potrero Grande. No se observó variación en la proporción de sexos en ninguno de los dos sitios. El valor promedio de peso en Tierra Fría fue de 43.83+1.93 g machos 39.29+2.07 g hembras. En Potrero Grande fue 43.54+3.42 g machos y 42.08+3.45 g hembras. En ninguno de los dos sitios se encontraron diferencias en la cantidad de individuos inmaduros a través del tiempo.Population ecology of the mouse Peromyscus mexicanus (Rodentia: Muridae in Poas Volcano National Park, Costa Rica. The Mexican Deer Mouse has been reported as an abundant wild mouse in Costa Rica; nevertheless, it has not been studied as well as other Peromyscus species. Thirty Sherman traps were placed on three habitats during six consecutive days of each month, from March 2002 through April 2003 in three sites of Poás volcano National Park, Costa Rica. A total of 2 393 mice were captured. Other species such as

  7. Effects of middle-term land reclamation on nickel soil-water interaction: a case study from reclaimed salt marshes of Po River Delta, Italy. (United States)

    Di Giuseppe, Dario; Melchiorre, Massimiliano; Faccini, Barbara; Ferretti, Giacomo; Coltorti, Massimo


    Reclaimed salt marshes are fragile environments where water salinization and accumulation of heavy metals can easily occur. This type of environment constitutes a large part of the Po River Delta (Italy), where intensive agricultural activities take place. Given the higher Ni background of Po River Delta soils and its water-soluble nature, the main aim of this contribution is to understand if reclamation can influence the Ni behavior over time. In this study, we investigated the geochemical features of 40 soils sampled in two different localities from the Po River Delta with different reclamation ages. Samples of salt marsh soils reclaimed in 1964 were taken from Valle del Mezzano while soils reclaimed in 1872 were taken nearby Codigoro town. Batch solubility tests and consecutive determination of Ni in pore-water were compared to bulk physicochemical compositions of soils. Bulk Ni content of the studied soils is naturally high, since these soils originated from Po River sediments derived from the erosion of ultramafic rocks. Moreover, it seems that Ni concentration increases during soil evolution, being probably related to the degradation of serpentine. Instead, the water-soluble Ni measured in the leaching tests is greater in soils recently reclaimed compared to the oldest soils. Soil properties of two soil profiles from a reclaimed wetland area were examined to determine soil evolution over one century. Following reclamation, pedogenic processes of the superficial horizons resulted in organic matter mineralization, pH buffer, and a decrease of Ni water solubility from recently to evolved reclaimed soil.

  8. Multi-year Surface Deposition of {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po at Lisbon - Atmospheric Depositions of {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po in Lisbon, Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, Fernando P.; Oliveira, Joao M.; Alberto, G. [Instituto Superior Tecnico/ Campus Tecnologico e Nuclear, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem (Portugal)


    The long lived radon daughters {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po were determined in samples of total atmospheric depositions obtained with surface collectors continuously operated during 5 years, near Lisbon. The average annual {sup 210}Pb flux was 66±12 Bq m{sup -2}, and the average annual {sup 210}Po flux was 8±3 Bq m{sup -2}, with an overall {sup 210}Po/{sup 210}Pb activity ratio of 0.15±0.06. Direct determination of the {sup 210}Pb atmospheric flux was compared with the {sup 210}Pb excess determined in soil surface layers along with atmospheric depositions of {sup 137}Cs. The deposition of atmospheric {sup 210}Pb was positively correlated with seasonal rainfall, while {sup 210}Po was mainly originated in soil particles re-suspension throughout the year and also in seasonal forest fires. Unusually high {sup 210}Po/{sup 210}Pb activity ratios, higher than unity, were occasionally recorded in atmospheric depositions and the sources and causes are discussed. Long time-series of {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po deposition fluxes, as presented herein are useful to test and constrain parameters of the atmospheric Global Circulation Models. (authors)

  9. El lenguaje poético

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    Alfonso Hanssen


    Full Text Available Me parece absurdo pretender hallar la intención poética en cualesquiera rastros de la historia, por el solo hecho de que en ellos se afirma cierta reconditez que los hace misteriosos.

  10. Synthesis of superior fast charging-discharging nano-LiFePO4/C from nano-FePO4 generated using a confined area impinging jet reactor approach. (United States)

    Liu, Xiao-min; Yan, Pen; Xie, Yin-Yin; Yang, Hui; Shen, Xiao-dong; Ma, Zi-Feng


    LiFePO4/C nanocomposites with excellent electrochemical performance is synthesized from nano-FePO4, generated by a novel method using a confined area impinging jet reactor (CIJR). When discharged at 80 C (13.6 Ag(-1)), the LiFePO4/C delivers a discharge capacity of 95 mA h g(-1), an energy density of 227 W h kg(-1) and a power density of 34 kW kg(-1).

  11. Low Po2 conditions induce reactive oxygen species formation during contractions in single skeletal muscle fibers (United States)

    Shiah, Amy; Roberts, William J.; Chien, Michael T.; Wagner, Peter D.; Hogan, Michael C.


    Contractions in whole skeletal muscle during hypoxia are known to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS); however, identification of real-time ROS formation within isolated single skeletal muscle fibers has been challenging. Consequently, there is no convincing evidence showing increased ROS production in intact contracting fibers under low Po2 conditions. Therefore, we hypothesized that intracellular ROS generation in single contracting skeletal myofibers increases during low Po2 compared with a value approximating normal resting Po2. Dihydrofluorescein was loaded into single frog (Xenopus) fibers, and fluorescence was used to monitor ROS using confocal microscopy. Myofibers were exposed to two maximal tetanic contractile periods (1 contraction/3 s for 2 min, separated by a 60-min rest period), each consisting of one of the following treatments: high Po2 (30 Torr), low Po2 (3–5 Torr), high Po2 with ebselen (antioxidant), or low Po2 with ebselen. Ebselen (10 μM) was administered before the designated contractile period. ROS formation during low Po2 treatment was greater than during high Po2 treatment, and ebselen decreased ROS generation in both low- and high-Po2 conditions (P Po2. Force was reduced >30% for each condition except low Po2 with ebselen, which only decreased ∼15%. We concluded that single myofibers under low Po2 conditions develop accelerated and more oxidative stress than at Po2 = 30 Torr (normal human resting Po2). Ebselen decreases ROS formation in both low and high Po2, but only mitigates skeletal muscle fatigue during reduced Po2 conditions. PMID:23576612

  12. PO2 measurements in the microcirculation using phosphorescence quenching microscopy at high magnification. (United States)

    Golub, Aleksander S; Pittman, Roland N


    In phosphorescence quenching microscopy (PQM), the multiple excitation of a reference volume produces the integration of oxygen consumption artifacts caused by individual flashes. We analyzed the performance of two types of PQM instruments to explain reported data on Po2 in the microcirculation. The combination of a large excitation area (LEA) and high flash rate produces a large oxygen photoconsumption artifact manifested differently in stationary and flowing fluids. A LEA instrument strongly depresses Po2 in a motionless tissue, but less in flowing blood, creating an apparent transmural Po2 drop in arterioles. The proposed model explains the mechanisms responsible for producing apparent transmural and longitudinal Po2 gradients in arterioles, a Po2 rise in venules, a hypothetical high respiration rate in the arteriolar wall and mesenteric tissue, a low Po2 in lymphatic microvessels, and both low and uniform tissue Po2. This alternative explanation for reported paradoxical results of Po2 distribution in the microcirculation obviates the need to revise the dominant role of capillaries in oxygen transport to tissue. Finding a way to eliminate the photoconsumption artifact is crucial for accurate microscopic oxygen measurements in microvascular networks and tissue. The PQM technique that employs a small excitation area (SEA) together with a low flash rate was specially designed to avoid accumulated oxygen photoconsumption in flowing blood and lymph. The related scanning SEA instrument provides artifact-free Po2 measurements in stationary tissue and motionless fluids. Thus the SEA technique significantly improves the accuracy of microscopic Po2 measurements in the microcirculation using the PQM.

  13. [Experimental branch vein occlusion: the effect of carbogen breathing on preretinal PO2]. (United States)

    Pournaras, J-A C; Poitry, S; Munoz, J-L; Pournaras, C J


    To evaluate the variations in preretinal PO2 in normal and in ischemic postexperimental branch vein occlusion (BRVO) retinal areas during normoxia, hyperoxia (100% O2) and carbogen (95% O2, 5% CO2) breathing. Preretinal PO2 measurements were obtained in intervascular retinal areas far from the retinal vessels of 13 anesthetized miniature pigs with oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes (10 microm tip diameter) introduced through the vitreous cavity by a micromanipulator. The microelectrode tip was placed at 50 microm from the vitreoretinal interface in the preretinal vitreous. PO2 was measured continuously for 10 minutes in systemic normoxia, hyperoxia (100% O2 breathing) and carbogen (95% O2, 5% CO2) breathing. A BRVO was induced with an argon green laser, and oxygen measurements were repeated in normoxia, hyperoxia and carbogen breathing. In hyperoxia, preretinal PO2 remained almost constant in both normal retinas (DeltaPO2=1.33 mmHg +/- 3.39; n=13) and ischemic retinas (DeltaPO2=3.73 mmHg +/- 2.84; n=8), although systemic PaO2 significantly increased. Carbogen breathing induced a significant increase in systemic PaO2 and PaCO2. Furthermore, it significantly increased preretinal PO2: DeltaPO2=23.05 mmHg +/- 17.06 (n=12) in normal retinas, and DeltaPO2=22.54 mmHg +/- 5.96 (n=6) in ischemic retinal areas. Systemic hyperoxia does not increase preretinal PO2 significantly in normal and ischemic post-BRVO retinal areas of miniature pigs, as hyperoxia induces a decrease in the retinal blood flow. Carbogen breathing significantly increases preretinal PO2 in normal and in ischemic post-BRVO retinal areas. This effect is probably due to the vasodilatation of the retinal arterioles induced by the intravascular PaCO2 increase.

  14. Conductivity of Composite Material Based on System NdPO4·nH2OCsH2PO4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Anfimova, Tatiana; Bjerrum, Niels J.; Li, Qingfeng


    The goal of the present study was to obtain a comprehensive knowledge about synthesis conditions, structure, thermal behavior and conductivity properties of neodymiumorthophosphates in order to analyze of use this material in intermediate temperature fuel cells due to their thermal and chemical...... stability properties.The impedance spectroscopy technique (IS) was used to measure the conductivity. The conductivity of composites observed to be lower than conductivity of pure CsH2PO4 but had improved sufficiently conductivity of pure NdPO4·nH2O...

  15. High efficient multifunctional Ag_3PO_4 loaded hydroxyapatite nanowires for water treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yaling; Zhou, Hangyu; Zhu, Genxing; Shao, Changyu; Pan, Haihua; Xu, Xurong; Tang, Ruikang


    Highlights: • The multifunctional Ag_3PO_4 loaded hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanowires were synthesized via a facile in-situ precipitation method. • By optimizing the initial concentration of AgNO_3, the well-distributed Ag_3PO_4/HAP composites could be achieved. • The Ag_3PO_4/HAP composites showed excellent photocatalytic performance for the decomposition of dyes under visible light irradiation. • The maximum absorption capacity of the Ag_3PO_4/HAP composites for Pb(II) was 250 mg/g, approximately three times as that of pure HAP. • The Ag_3PO_4/HAP composites also exhibited excellent antibacterial activities even at relative low concentrations. - Abstract: Organic, inorganic, and biological pollutants are typical water contaminants and they seriously affect water quality. In this study, we suggested that a novel multifunctional Ag_3PO_4 loaded hydroxyapatite (HAP) material can remove the typical pollutants from water. The Ag_3PO_4/HAP composites were synthesized facilely via in-situ precipitation of Ag_3PO_4 on the pre-existing HAP nanowires. By optimizing the composition of Ag_3PO_4 and HAP, the material could achieve an optimal photocatalytic activity to decompose rhodamine B (RhB), methyl orange (MO) and methylene blue (MB) under visible light irradiations with enhanced pH stability. Besides, the adsorption of Pb(II) on the Ag_3PO_4/HAP reached a maximum capacity of 250 mg/g and this value was approximately three times as that of pure HAP. Furthermore, the composite material exhibited excellent antibacterial activities towards gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli) and gram-positive bacterium (Stphylococcus aureus). The results highlighted the cooperative effect between Ag_3PO_4 and hydroxyapatite (HAP). The simultaneous removals of dyes, toxic metal ions, and bacteria with a high efficiency followed an easy approach for the purification of contaminated water via the rationally designed material, in which the Ag_3PO_4/HAP composite might be developed

  16. Experimental Evaluation of the Transport Mechanisms of PoIFN-α in Caco-2 Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xin Liu


    Full Text Available For the development of an efficient intestinal delivery system for Porcine interferon-α (PoIFN-α, the understanding of transport mechanisms of which in the intestinal cell is essential. In this study, we investigated the absorption mechanisms of PoIFN-α in intestine cells. Caco-2 cells and fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled (FITC-PoIFN-α were used to explore the whole transport process, including endocytosis, intracellular trafficking, exocytosis, and transcytosis. Via various techniques, the transport pathways of PoIFN-α in Caco-2 cells and the mechanisms were clarified. Firstly, the endocytosis of PoIFN-α by Caco-2 cells was time, concentration and temperature dependence. And the lipid raft/caveolae endocytosis was the most likely endocytic pathway for PoIFN-α. Secondly, both Golgi apparatus and lysosome were involved in the intracellular trafficking of PoIFN-α. Thirdly, the treatment of indomethacin resulted in a significant decrease of exocytosis of PoIFN-α, indicating the participation of cyclooxygenase. Finally, to evaluate the efficiency of PoIFN-α transport, the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER value was measured to investigate the tight junctional integrity of the cell monolayers. The fluorescence microscope results revealed that the transport of PoIFN-α across the Caco-2 cell monolayers was restricted. In conclusion, this study depicts a probable picture of PoIFN-α transport in Caco-2 cells characterized by non-specificity, partial energy-dependency and low transcytosis.

  17. Bioassay of 210Po in human urine and internal contamination of man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.


    The deliberate poisoning of A. Litvinenko in London in late 2006 with 210 Po, attracted attention to the difficulties in identifying internal contamination with alpha emitting radionuclides and to the limited knowledge available on the cycling of many naturally occurring radioisotopes in the body and their baseline concentration values in humans. To cope with the emergency caused by the spread of high 210 Po activity, which contaminated several people and places in London, we were called upon to analyze urine samples in potentially contaminated people. A reference group of adult humans was also selected for determination of baseline 210 Po values to be used for comparative purposes. Concentrations of 210 Po in urine samples from three Portuguese citizens that have been at contaminated places, in London, ranged from 2.3 to 4.1 mBq x L -1 while in the reference group 210 Po concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 4.8 mBq x L -1 . Analytical quality of results was ensured through participation in an international inter laboratory comparison exercise on 210 Po determination in aqueous samples. Results indicated that people potentially exposed to 210 Po in London were not internally contaminated with the radionuclide used as a poisoning agent, and the levels of this radionuclide measured in the urine were similar to the naturally occurring levels in the reference group. Polonium levels in urine and in man are discussed in the light of 210 Po levels in the human diet. (author)

  18. Characterization of quasi-one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets Sr2Cu(PO4)2 and Ba2Cu(PO4)2 with magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and thermal analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belik, A.A.; Azuma, M.; Takano, M.


    Properties of Sr 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 and Ba 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 having [Cu(PO 4 ) 2 ] ∞ linear chains in their structures with Cu-O-P-O-Cu linkages were studied by magnetic susceptibility (T=2-400 K, H=100 Oe) and specific heat measurements (T=0.45-21 K). Magnetic susceptibility versus temperature curves, χ(T), showed broad maxima at T M =92 K for Sr 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 and T M =82 K for Ba 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 characteristic of quasi-one-dimensional systems. The χ(T) data were excellently fitted by the spin susceptibility curve for the uniform S=1/2 chain (plus temperature-independent and Curie-Weiss terms) with g=2.153(4) and J/k B =143.6(2) K for Sr 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 and g=2.073(4) and J/k B =132.16(9) K for Ba 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 (Hamiltonian H=JΣS i S i+1 ). The similar J/k B values were obtained from the specific heat data. No anomaly was observed on the specific heat from 0.45 to 21 K for both compounds indicating that the temperatures of long-range magnetic ordering, T N , were below 0.45 K. Sr 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 and Ba 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 are an excellent physical realization of the S=1/2 linear chain Heisenberg antiferromagnet with k B T N /J 2 CuO 3 (k B T N /J∼0.25%) and γ-LiV 2 O 5 (k B T N /J 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 and Ba 2 Cu(PO 4 ) 2 were stable in air up to 1280 and 1150 K, respectively

  19. Sky Fest: A Model of Successful Scientist Participation in E/PO (United States)

    Dalton, H.; Shipp, S. S.; Shaner, A. J.; LaConte, K.; Shupla, C. B.


    Participation in outreach events is an easy way for scientists to get involved with E/PO and reach many people with minimal time commitment. At the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) in Houston, Texas, the E/PO team holds Sky Fest outreach events several times a year. These events each have a science content theme and include several activities for children and their parents, night sky viewing through telescopes, and scientist presentations. LPI scientists have the opportunity to participate in Sky Fest events either by helping lead an activity or by giving the scientist presentation (a short lecture and/or demonstration). Scientists are involved in at least one preparation meeting before the event. This allows them to ask questions, understand what activity they will be leading, and learn the key points that they should be sharing with the public, as well as techniques for effectively teaching members of the public about the event topic. During the event, each activity is run by one E/PO specialist and one scientist, enabling the scientist to learn about effective E/PO practices from the E/PO specialist and the E/PO specialist to get more science information about the event topic. E/PO specialists working together with scientists at stations provides a more complete, richer experience for event participants. Surveys of event participants have shown that interacting one-on-one with scientists is often one of their favorite parts of the events. Interviews with scientists indicated that they enjoyed Sky Fest because there was very little time involved on their parts outside of the actual event; the activities were created and/or chosen by the E/PO professionals, and setup for the events was completed before they arrived. They also enjoyed presenting their topic to people without a background in science, and who would not have otherwise sought out the information that was presented.

  20. Cation mobility in NASICON compounds Li1-xZr2-xNbx(PO4)3 and Li1+xZr2-xScx(PO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stenina, I.A.; Yaroslavtsev, A.B.; Aliev, A.D.; Antipov, E.V.; Velikodnyj, Yu.A.; Rebrov, A.I.


    Compounds featuring NASICON structure of the composition Li 1-x Zr 2-x Nb x (PO 4 ) 3 and Li 1+x Zr 2-x Sc x (PO 4 ) 3 were studied by the method of X-ray phase analysis and 7 Li and 31 P NMR. Structure of Li 0.8 Zr 1.8 Nb 0.2 (PO 4 ) 3 was refined on the basis of X-ray powder pattern. It is shown that cationic disordering in LiZr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 is stimulated both by cationic vacancies and interstitial atoms formation. The cationic vacancies are characterized by a higher mobility. The level of intrinsic disordering was estimated and the Frenkel constant for the compound was calculated [ru

  1. Papel de la diplomacia cultural de corea del sur para consolidar su marca país en Colombia en el periodo 2011- 2013


    Pedraza Moreno, Daniela


    El presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar el papel de la Diplomacia Cultural de Corea del Sur en el posicionamiento de su marca país en Colombia en el periodo 2011-2013. Se pretende demostrar que desde el 2011 la diplomacia cultural de Corea del Sur ha sido usada como estrategia sistemática y armónica del Gobierno de Lee Myung Bak en alianza con los sectores público y privado, a fin de posicionar su marca país en Colombia y promover a través de la llamada “Ola Coreana” la demanda po...

  2. Measurement of airborne 218Po - A Bayesian approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Groer, P.G.; Lo, Y.


    The standard mathematical treatment of the buildup and decay of airborne radionuclides on a filter paper uses the solutions of the so-called bateman equations adapted to the sampling process. The equations can be interpreted as differential equations for the expectation of an underlying stochastic process, which describes the random fluctuations in the accumulation and decay of the sampled radioactive atoms. The process for the buildup and decay of airborne 218 Po can be characterized as an open-quotes immigration-death processclose quotes in the widely adopted, biologically based jargon. The probability distribution for the number of 218 Po atoms, accumulated after sampling time t, is Poisson. We show that the distribution of the number of counts, registered by a detector with efficiency ε during a counting period T after the end of sampling, it also Poisson, with mean dependent on ε,t,T, the flowrate and N o , the number of airborne 218 Po atoms per unit volume. This Poisson distribution was used to construct the likelihood given the observed number of counts. After inversion with Bayes' Theorem we obtained the posterior density for N o . This density characterizes the remaining uncertainty about the measured under of 218 Po atoms per unit volume of air. 6 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  3. Characterization of Carbon Composite LiMn1-xFexPO4 Cathodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mishima, Y; Honda, S; Sadamura, H; Nakayama, N; Moriyoshi, C; Kuroiwa, Y


    The discharge capacities of 148 mAh/g (87 % theoretical value) at C/10 and 114mAh/g at 5C between 2.0 and 4.5 V at 25 deg. C were achieved for the carbon composite LiMn 0.8 Fe 0.2 PO 4 (C-LiMn 0.8 Fe 0.2 PO 4 ) cathode material of lithium-ion batteries (LIB), synthesized by a hydrothermal and annealing process. To improve the battery properties, we investigated the characteristics of C-LiMn 1-x Fe x PO 4 powders (x = 0.2 and 1) and the delithiated compound. While it was easier to form the homogeneous carbon layer on the surface of LiFePO 4 particles from the pyrolysis of sucrose, there was a tendency to form the particulate carbon on the LiMn 0.8 Fe 0.2 PO 4 particles. The lattice distortion of Mn 0.8 Fe 0.2 PO 4 was revealed by electron charge density study because of the Jahn-Teller active Mn 3+ ion associated with the phosphate ion. The surface and size of C- LiMn 0.8 Fe 0.2 PO 4 had to be modified because of these phenomena.

  4. Measuring interstitial pH and pO2 in mouse tumors. (United States)

    Jain, Rakesh K; Munn, Lance L; Fukumura, Dai


    This protocol outlines methods to measure two extravascular parameters, interstitial pH and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), in mouse tumors. The method for measuring interstitial pH uses fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy (FRIM) of the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). The method for measuring interstitial pO2 is based on the oxygen-dependent quenching of the phosphorescence of albumin-bound palladium meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin, and can be used to measure microvascular as well as interstitial pO2. In addition, the two methods can be used sequentially to measure both pH and pO2 in the same tissues.

  5. Ocio estético valioso en la Poética de Aristóteles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª Luisa Amigo Fernández De Arroyabe


    Full Text Available Este artículo se centra en el ocio estético valioso en Aristóteles, partiendo del análisis de la Poética y, específicamente, de la comprensión de la experiencia estética como actividad mental. Se destaca su dimensión ética, realzando su valor en el desarrollo del ser humano, así como el de la propia obra de arte, en la medida en que el poeta ha sabido construirla, encarnando en la trama los hechos y universalizándolos, al modo que le es propio. Aristóteles se refiere a la tragedia, pero por extensión esta valoración proporciona una pauta de lectura de la experiencia de ocio estético. El marco autónomo para el ámbito estético, que inaugura Aristóteles, y su valoración vinculada a la dimensión ética, a la comprensión intelectual y al placer estético proporcionan la base para sostener que el ocio estético se confirma como un horizonte enmarcado en la senda de lo valioso y adecuado para realizar la vida que le es propia al ser humano.

  6. Separation and electrodeposited of 210 Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ordonez R, E.; Iturbe G, J.L.


    Presently work it was determined the selective separation of the 210 Po that is in an uraniferous mineral, by means of acid leaching of the mineral and the purification was carried out by means of partition chromatography whose stationary phase is 2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid (D 2 EHPA), it has been possible to isolate the 210 Po of the rest of the radioactive elements that conform the family 4 N +2 , the optimal elutriation conditions of this element were settled down of manner of not dragging other radioelements. Another of the achievements presented in this communication has been the electrodeposition of this element has more than enough stainless steel discs with a superior yield to 95%. (Author)

  7. Use of offensive coefficient to analyse sport performance in indoor soccer UTILIZACIÓN DE COEFICIENTES OFENSIVOS PARA EL ANÁLISIS DEL RENDIMIENTO DEPORTIVO EN EL FÚTBOL SALA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. De Bortoli


    Full Text Available The objective was the study of the game action of indoor soccer teams through the analysis of offensive coefficients, verifying its relationship with field performance estimated by the final result of games. Competitions by the Federación Gaúcha de Fútbol Sala (Brasil were followed for 9 years. Shots were divided into three different categories: 1 LAN: shots+finish line shots+goals; 2 MET: finish line shots+goals; and 3 GOL: goals. From those data the following indexes were obtained: 1 Offensive Outpout: (PO: ratio LAN of team 'A'/LAN of antagonist {PO = (LAN 'A'*100 / (LAN 'A'+LAN 'B'}; 2 Objectivity Index (IO: percentage of shots that reached the finish line {IO=(MET*100/LAN}; 3 Proficiency Index (IA: percentage of shots transformed into goals {IA=(GOL*100/LAN}; 4 Proficiency/Objectivity Rate (TA/O: percentage of shots reaching the finish line (MET transformed into goals {TA/O=(GOL*100/MET}; and 5 Game Volume (VJ: TA/O+PO+IO. Results obtained show that PO, IA and VJ were higher in winner than in loser teams. Ratio of PO corresponding to winners and losers was higher than those for IA or VJ. This study confirms the validity of the evaluation of performance through shot characterization and allows to conclude that IA is a better predictor of performance than PO; that is, the quality of shots is more important than its quantity.



    Nuestro objetivo fue el estudio de las acciones de juego de los equipos de fútbol sala a través de la obtención de una serie de coeficientes ofensivos, verificando se existe alguna relación entre éstos y el rendimiento en el campo estimado en función del resultado final de los partidos. Durante un período de nueve años se ha realizado un seguimiento de los lanzamientos en partidos oficiales disputados por equipos de la Federación Gaúcha de Fútbol Sala (Brasil. Los

  8. Structural and dielectric studies of LiNiPO4 and LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Vijaya Babu


    Full Text Available Olivine-type LiNiPO4 has been considered as a most competitive positive electrode active material for lithium-ion batteries. In the present paper, the LiNiPO4 and Co-doped LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 are synthesized by solid-state reaction method under air atmosphere. All the X-ray diffraction peaks of both the compounds are indexed and it is found that the samples are well crystallized in orthorhombic olivine structure belonging to the space group Pnma. The crystallite size is calculated from the Scherrer formula and it is found to be 6.918 and 4.818 nm for pure and doped samples, respectively. The surface morphology and grain sizes of the materials are investigated through scanning electron microscope. Presence of preferred local cation environment is understood from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR studies. The conductivity and dielectric analysis of the samples are carried out at different temperatures and frequencies using the complex impedance spectroscopy technique. The electrical conductivity of LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 is higher than that of pure LiNiPO4.

  9. Biología floral y polinización artificial del guanábano Annona muricata L. en condiciones del Valle del Cauca, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Escobar T. William


    Full Text Available Aunque la flor es hermafrodita presenta protoginia y existe un período de 36 a 48 horas durante el cual pueden encontrarse maduros ambos órganos sexuales, la disposición apretada del cuerpo de estambres, aún estando dehiscentes, no permite disponibilidad de polen. Los insectos asociados con las flores no tienen influencia en el proceso de polinización. Se presume que los frutos se forman a partir de autopolinización (autogamia que ocurre al retener los estambres desprendidos algunos pétalos interiores. En razón a que esta forma es esporádica ya que el tiempo desde la polinización de los estigmas hasta su desprendimiento en muchos casos puede no ser suficiente para que ocurra la fecundación, se presenta bajo prendimiento o cuajamiento de las flores. La polinización manual de las flores aumenta la producción. El tamaño y la velocidad del crecimiento de los frutos están en relación directa con el número de pistilos fecundados.A field study was conducted on floral biology and artificial pollination in soursop (Annona muricata L.. Although flowers are apparently adapted to cross pollination despite being anatomically hermaphrodite, the bunched arrangement of stamens does not results in available fertil pollen. There is a period from 36 to 48 hours in which both sexual organs are simultaneusly, however guanabana flowers functions as physiologically protogineous. None insect genera has any influency on poIlination. It is assumed that generally fruits are formed by autogamy after stigmas get in contact with stamens retained by lower petals. Because this way of pollination is rather sporadic and sometimes stigmas shed after pollination but before fertilization, only a low number of fruit setting is observed as many flowers fall out due to the low number that get fertilized. Manual poIlination resulted in an effective way to increase production. The size and growth rate of these fruits are correlated with the number of pistiIs get

  10. Ultralong Lifespan and Ultrafast Li Storage: Single-Crystal LiFePO4 Nanomeshes. (United States)

    Zhang, Yan; Zhang, Hui Juan; Feng, Yang Yang; Fang, Ling; Wang, Yu


    A novel LiFePO4 material, in the shape of a nanomesh, has been rationally designed and synthesized based on the low crystal-mismatch strategy. The LiFePO4 nanomesh possesses several advantages in morphology and crystal structure, including a mesoporous structure, its crystal orientation that is along the [010] direction, and a shortened Li-ion diffusion path. These properties are favorable for their application as cathode in Li-ion batteries, as these will accelerate the Li-ion diffusion rate, improve the Li-ion exchange between the LiFePO4 nanomesh and the electrolyte, and reduce the Li-ion capacitive behavior during Li intercalation. So the LiFePO4 nanomesh exhibits a high specific capacity, enhanced rate capability, and strengthened cyclability. The method developed here can also be extended to other similar systems, for instance, LiMnPO4 , LiCoPO4 , and LiNiPO4 , and may find more applications in the designed synthesis of functional materials. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Hexamethylenetetramine assisted hydrothermal synthesis of BiPO4 and its electrochemical properties for supercapacitors (United States)

    Nithya, V. D.; Kalai Selvan, R.; Vasylechko, Leonid


    The well defined microstructures of BiPO4 were successfully synthesized by the facile hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) assisted hydrothermal method. The low temperature monoclinic BiPO4 structure with space group P21/n, were obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) for the pristine and HMT-assisted BiPO4 with 1, 3, 5 and 10 mmole concentration. A transformation from low temperature monazite-type phase to the high temperature SbPO4-type phase of BiPO4 was observed at the 10 mmole concentration. There was a variation in the morphology from polyhedron to octahedra-like and finally into cube shape upon an increase in concentration of HMT. The role of reaction time in the morphology of BiPO4 particles was investigated. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern elucidated the ordered dot pattern and the calculated d-spacing revealed the formation of BiPO4. An increased specific capacitance of HMT assisted materials (202 F/g) compared with pristine BiPO4 (89 F/g) at 5 mA/cm2 was observed upon morphological variation due to HMT addition.

  12. Determination of the PO2 temperature blood factor from oxygen dissociation curves. (United States)

    Hérigault, R A; Soulard, C D; Teisseire, B P; Laurent, D N


    The variation with saturation of the temperature coefficient of PO2 in human blood (delta log PO2/delta T) was determined by continuous recording of the oxygen dissociation curve (ODC), at 37 degrees C and 25 degrees C, on the same blood samples. PCO2 and pH were held constant through an ODC run, and PCO2 was reduced at 25 degrees C to the value measured by anaerobic cooling of the same sample. delta log PO2/delta T was calculated from isosaturation points on the 37 and 25 degrees C curves. The temperature coefficient was also computed as an independent check on this method by determination of the effects of temperature (25, 30, 37 and 40 degrees C) on hemoglobin ligand interaction: fixed acid Bohr effect (delta log PO2/delta pH), carbamino-formation (delta log PO2/delta log PCO2) and hemoglobin oxygen affinity. The values of delta log PO2/delta T ratio obtained from the two different approaches were found to be in good agreement. The coefficient decreased when [H+] concentration was increased. A linear relationship between the Bohr factor and the temperature was found: delta log PO2/delta pH = 0.00267 T-0.520 (r = 0.85; n = 40) At 25 degrees C, the carbamino-formation was one order of magnitude lower than at 37 degrees C. Acid-base state and saturation value appeared to be major determinant factors for the temperature correction coefficient to be applied to blood PO2 values measured at standard (37 degrees C) temperature.

  13. Occurrence of 210Po and Biological Effects of Low-Level Exposure: The Need for Research (United States)

    Wiemels, Joseph L.


    Background: Polonium-210 (210Po) concentrations that exceed 1 Bq/L in drinking-water supplies have been reported from four widely separated U.S. states where exposure to it went unnoticed for decades. The radionuclide grandparents of 210Po are common in sediments, and segments of the public may be chronically exposed to low levels of 210Po in drinking water or in food products from animals raised in contaminated areas. Objectives: We summarized information on the environmental behavior, biokinetics, and toxicology of 210Po and identified the need for future research. Methods: Potential linkages between environmental exposure to 210Po and human health effects were identified in a literature review. Discussion: 210Po accumulates in the ovaries where it kills primary oocytes at low doses. Because of its radiosensitivity and tendency to concentrate 210Po, the ovary may be the critical organ in determining the lowest injurious dose for 210Po. 210Po also accumulates in the yolk sac of the embryo and in the fetal and placental tissues. Low-level exposure to 210Po may have subtle, long-term biological effects because of its tropism towards reproductive and embryonic and fetal tissues where exposure to a single alpha particle may kill or damage critical cells. 210Po is present in cigarettes and maternal smoking has several effects that appear consistent with the toxicology of 210Po. Conclusions: Much of the important biological and toxicological research on 210Po is more than four decades old. New research is needed to evaluate environmental exposure to 210Po and the biological effects of low-dose exposure to it so that public health officials can develop appropriate mitigation measures where necessary. PMID:22538346

  14. Crystal structures of lazulite-type oxidephosphates TiIIITiIV3O3(PO4)3 and MIII4TiIV27O24(PO4)24 (MIII=Ti, Cr, Fe)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoeneborn, M.; Glaum, R.; Reinauer, F.


    Single crystals of the oxidephosphates Ti III Ti IV 3 O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 (black), Cr III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (red-brown, transparent), and Fe III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (brown) with edge-lengths up to 0.3 mm were grown by chemical vapour transport. The crystal structures of these orthorhombic members (space group F2dd ) of the lazulite/lipscombite structure family were refined from single-crystal data [Ti III Ti IV 3 O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 : Z=24, a=7.3261(9) A, b=22.166(5) A, c=39.239(8) A, R 1 =0.029, wR 2 =0.084, 6055 independent reflections, 301 variables; Cr III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 : Z=1, a=7.419(3) A, b=21.640(5) A, c=13.057(4) A, R 1 =0.037, wR 2 =0.097, 1524 independent reflections, 111 variables; Fe III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 : Z=1, a=7.4001(9) A, b=21.7503(2) A, c=12.775(3) A, R 1 =0.049, wR 2 =0.140, 1240 independent reflections, 112 variables). For Ti III Ti IV O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 a well-ordered structure built from dimers [Ti III,IV 2 O 9 ] and [Ti IV,IV 2 O 9 ] and phosphate tetrahedra is found. The metal sites in the crystal structures of Cr 4 Ti 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 and Fe 4 Ti 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 , consisting of dimers [M III Ti IV O 9 ] and [Ti IV,IV 2 O 9 ], monomeric [Ti IV O 6 ] octahedra, and phosphate tetrahedra, are heavily disordered. Site disorder, leading to partial occupancy of all octahedral voids of the parent lipscombite/lazulite structure, as well as splitting of the metal positions is observed. According to Guinier photographs Ti III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (a=7.418(2) A, b=21.933(6) A, c=12.948(7) A) is isotypic to the oxidephosphates M III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (M III : Cr, Fe). The UV/vis spectrum of Cr 4 Ti 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 reveals a rather small ligand-field splitting Δ o =14,370 cm -1 and a very low nephelauxetic ratio β=0.72 for the chromophores [Cr III O 6 ] within the dimers [Cr III Ti IV O 9 ]. - Graphical abstract: Single crystals of the oxidephosphates Ti III Ti IV 3 O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 (black), Cr III 4 Ti IV 27 O

  15. Po-210 and other radionuclides in terrestrial and freshwater environments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gjelsvik, Runhild; Brown, Justin [eds.; Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (Norway); Holm, Elis [Univ. of Lund (Sweden); Roos, Per [Risoe DTU (Denmark); Saxen, Ritva; Outola, Iisa [STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)


    This report provides new information on Po-210 (and where appropriate its grandparent Pb-210) behaviour in environmental systems including humans. This has primarily been achieved through measurements of Po-210 in aquatic and terrestrial environments that has led to the derivation of information on the levels of this radioisotope in plants, animals and the biotic components of their habitat (i.e. water, soil) providing basic information on transfer where practicable. For freshwater environments, Po-210 concentration ratios derived for freshwater benthic fish and bivalve mollusc were substantially different to values collated from earlier review work. For terrestrial environments, activity concentrations of Po-210 in small mammals (although of a preliminary nature because no correction was made for ingrowth from Pb-210) were considerably higher than values derived from earlier data compilations. It was envisaged that data on levels of naturally occurring radionuclides would render underpinning data sets more comprehensive and would thus allow more robust background dose calculations to be performed subsequently. By way of example, unweighted background dose-rates arising from internal distributions of Po-210 were calculated for small mammals in the terrestrial study. The biokinetics of polonium in humans has been studied following chronic and acute oral intakes of selected Po radioisotopes. This work has provided information on gastrointestinal absorption factors and biological retention times thus improving the database upon which committed effective doses to humans are derived. The information generated in the report, in its entirety, should be of direct relevance for both human and non-human impact assessments. (au)

  16. Po-210 and other radionuclides in terrestrial and freshwater environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gjelsvik, Runhild; Brown, Justin; Roos, Per; Saxen, Ritva; Outola, Iisa


    This report provides new information on Po-210 (and where appropriate its grandparent Pb-210) behaviour in environmental systems including humans. This has primarily been achieved through measurements of Po-210 in aquatic and terrestrial environments that has led to the derivation of information on the levels of this radioisotope in plants, animals and the biotic components of their habitat (i.e. water, soil) providing basic information on transfer where practicable. For freshwater environments, Po-210 concentration ratios derived for freshwater benthic fish and bivalve mollusc were substantially different to values collated from earlier review work. For terrestrial environments, activity concentrations of Po-210 in small mammals (although of a preliminary nature because no correction was made for ingrowth from Pb-210) were considerably higher than values derived from earlier data compilations. It was envisaged that data on levels of naturally occurring radionuclides would render underpinning data sets more comprehensive and would thus allow more robust background dose calculations to be performed subsequently. By way of example, unweighted background dose-rates arising from internal distributions of Po-210 were calculated for small mammals in the terrestrial study. The biokinetics of polonium in humans has been studied following chronic and acute oral intakes of selected Po radioisotopes. This work has provided information on gastrointestinal absorption factors and biological retention times thus improving the database upon which committed effective doses to humans are derived. The information generated in the report, in its entirety, should be of direct relevance for both human and non-human impact assessments. (au)

  17. Interplay of tumor vascular oxygenation and tumor pO2 observed using near-infrared spectroscopy, an oxygen needle electrode, and 19F MR pO2 mapping. (United States)

    Kim, Jae G; Zhao, Dawen; Song, Yulin; Constantinescu, Anca; Mason, Ralph P; Liu, Hanli


    This study investigates the correlation of tumor blood oxygenation and tumor pO(2) with respect to carbogen inhalation. After having refined and validated the algorithms for calculating hemoglobin concentrations, we used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure changes of oxygenated hemoglobin concentration (delta[HbO(2)]) and used an oxygen needle electrode and (19)F MRI for pO(2) measurements in tumors. The measurements were taken from Dunning prostate R3327 tumors implanted in rats, while the anesthetized rats breathed air or carbogen. The NIRS results from tumor measurements showed significant changes in tumor vascular oxygenation in response to carbogen inhalation, while the pO(2) electrode results showed an apparent heterogeneity for tumor pO(2) response to carbogen inhalation, which was also confirmed by (19)F MR pO(2) mapping. Furthermore, we developed algorithms to estimate hemoglobin oxygen saturation, sO(2), during gas intervention based on the measured values of delta[HbO(2)] and pO(2). The algorithms have been validated through a tissue-simulating phantom and used to estimate the values of sO(2) in the animal tumor measurement based on the NIRS and global mean pO(2) values. This study demonstrates that the NIRS technology can provide an efficient, real-time, noninvasive approach to monitoring tumor physiology and is complementary to other techniques, while it also demonstrates the need for an NIR imaging technique to study spatial heterogeneity of tumor vasculature under therapeutic interventions. Copyright 2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

  18. La banda sonora del programa «Rá-Tim-Bum»


    Almeida Duarte, Mônica de


    Esta comunicación trata de los resultados parciales de la investigación vuelta para el análisis de la banda sonora del programa televisivo Rá-Tim-Bum, de TV Educativa, empresa gubernamental. Se utiliza un cuadro teórico-metodológico de análisis de los discursos aplicado a la música propuesto por Amparo Porta por medio de tres niveles de aproximación: verosimilitud referencial (las calidades sonoras), poética (tratamiento de frases y de finalización) y tópica (ideologia difundida). El...

  19. AgI/Ag3PO4 hybrids with highly efficient visible-light driven photocatalytic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katsumata, Hideyuki; Hayashi, Takahiro; Taniguchi, Masanao; Suzuki, Tohru; Kaneco, Satoshi


    Highlights: • AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 hybrid was prepared via an in situ anion-exchange method. • AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 displays the excellent photocatalytic activity under visible light. • AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 readily transforms to be Ag@AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 system. • h + and O 2 ·− play the major role in the AO 7 decolorization over AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 . • The activity enhancement is ascribed to a Z-scheme system composed of Ag 3 PO 4 , Ag and AgI. - Abstract: Highly efficient visible-light-driven AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 hybrid photocatalysts with different mole ratios of AgI were prepared via an in situ anion-exchange method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and photoluminescence (PL) technique. Under visible light irradiation (>420 nm), the AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 photocatalysts displayed the higher photocatalytic activity than pure Ag 3 PO 4 and AgI for the decolorization of acid orange 7 (AO 7). Among the hybrid photocatalysts, AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 with 80% of AgI exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity for the decolorization of AO 7. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results revealed that AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 readily transformed to be Ag@AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 system while the photocatalytic activity of AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 remained after 5 recycling runs. In addition, the quenching effects of different scavengers displayed that the reactive h + and O 2 ·− play the major role in the AO 7 decolorization. The photocatalytic activity enhancement of AgI/Ag 3 PO 4 hybrids can be ascribed to the efficient separation of electron–hole pairs through a Z-scheme system composed of Ag 3 PO 4 , Ag and AgI, in which Ag nanoparticles act as the charge separation center

  20. The sources and fate of (210)Po in the urban air: A review. (United States)

    Długosz-Lisiecka, Magdalena


    The origin of (210)Po activity and its fluctuations in the air are discussed in this paper. In the case of atmospheric aerosol samples, a comparison of the (210)Po/(210)Pb and (210)Bi/(210)Pb activity ratios makes it possible not only to determine aerosol residence times but also to appraise the contribution of the unsupported (210)Po coming from other sources than (222)Rn decay, such as human industrial activities, especially coal combustion. A simple mathematical method makes it possible to observe the seasonal fluctuations of the anthropogenic excess of (210)Po in the urban air. The average doses of (210)Po intake with food (including drinking water) and inhalation of urban aerosols are usually lower than those from (210)Po intake by cigarette smokers and negligible in comparison to total natural radiation exposure. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Energetics of cobalt phosphate frameworks: α, β, and red NaCoPO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le, So-Nhu; Eng, Hank W.; Navrotsky, Alexandra


    Thermal behavior, relative stability, and enthalpy of formation of α (pink phase), β (blue phase), and red NaCoPO 4 are studied by differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, and high-temperature oxide melt drop solution calorimetry. Red NaCoPO 4 with cobalt in trigonal bipyramidal coordination is metastable, irreversibly changing to α NaCoPO 4 at 827 K with an enthalpy of phase transition of -17.4±6.9 kJ mol -1 . α NaCoPO 4 with cobalt in octahedral coordination is the most stable phase at room temperature. It undergoes a reversible phase transition to the β phase (cobalt in tetrahedra) at 1006 K with an enthalpy of phase transition of 17.6±1.3 kJ mol -1 . Enthalpy of formation from oxides of α, β, and red NaCoPO 4 are -349.7±2.3, -332.1±2.5, and -332.3±7.2 kJ mol -1 ; standard enthalpy of formation of α, β, and red NaCoPO 4 are -1547.5±2.7, -1529.9±2.8, and -1530.0±7.3 kJ mol -1 , respectively. The more exothermic enthalpy of formation from oxides of β NaCoPO 4 compared to a structurally related aluminosilicate, NaAlSiO 4 nepheline, results from the stronger acid-base interaction of oxides in β NaCoPO 4 (Na 2 O, CoO, P 2 O 5 ) than in NaAlSiO 4 nepheline (Na 2 O, Al 2 O 3 , SiO 2 ). - Graphical abstract: Relative stability of NaCoPO 4 polymorphs compared to the most stable phase, α NaCoPO 4

  2. La huella del folclore en la literatura infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La huella del folclore es abundante en la literatura infantil y adquiere su presencia viva en lo que Cervera denomina «literatura ganada» (cuentos tradicionales, rimas y juegos con soporte literario. Pero también lo imaginario en la «literatura creada» enlaza a menudo con el folclore y, aunque no participe del carácter tradicional, popular y anónimo del mismo, responde a idénticos componentes de psiquismo profundo y a la necesidad de simbolizarlos, y posee similar estructura a los relatos del pasado. Trataremos del valor educativo de este tipo de composiciones poéticas o narrativas, sin olvidarnos del «teatro de animación», ni de su más válida manifestación en el aula: la dramatización o juegos de libre expresión dramática abierta a la imaginación y a la creatividad del niño.SUMMARY: Traces of folklore are abundant in children's literature and they acquire a living presence in what Cervera calls «earned literature» (traditional stories, rhymes and games with a literaty support. But the imaginary aspect in «creative literature » also ties in with folklore and, although it is not a part of its traditional, popular and anonymous character, it does respond to identical components of the deep psyche and the need to symbolize them, and has a structure similar to the stories of the past. Our study also deals with the educational value of folklbric narratives and verse, without overlooking «participatory drama», or its most important expression in the classroom: dramatization or games of free dramatic open to the imagination and creativity of the child.

  3. Synthesis and Characterization of New Nickel Phosphates, ANi4(PO4)3 (A=K, Rb)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Im, Yoonmi; Kim, Pilsoo; Yun, Hoseop


    Quaternary nickel orthophosphates, ANi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 (A=Alkali metals) have been extensively investigated because they show interesting properties such as ionic conductivities, optical, and magnetic behaviors. They are built up from NiO 6 octahedra and PO 4 tetrahedra. These basic building blocks are connected via common oxygen atoms to form the three-dimensional frameworks and the alkali metal ions reside in the empty space. For NaNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 , two different structures have been reported and this can be caused by the different reaction conditions. While NaNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 prepared as single crystals with the use of NaCl flux at 1373 K crystallizes in the space group Amam and show a partial disorder of one of the PO 4 tetrahedra, NaNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 and KNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 synthesized with alkali metal nitrate at 1073 K as powders adopt an ordered structure with the space group Pnnm. As far as we know, no structural studies of KNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 from single crystal diffraction data have been reported yet and RbNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 is a new compound. In this paper we report on the synthesis and structural investigations using single crystals of two nickel orthophosphates, KNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3 and RbNi 4 (PO 4 ) 3

  4. 210Pb and 210Po in Finnish cereals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turtiainen, Tuukka; Kostiainen, Eila; Hallikainen, Anja


    A survey was carried out on the activity concentrations of 210 Pb and 210 Po in cereal grains produced in Finland. The cereal species were wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), which account for 90% of the Finnish consumption of cereal products. The survey consisted of 18 flour and 13 unprocessed cereal samples and one hulled grain sample from 22 flour mills. According to the results, the mean 210 Pb/ 210 Po concentrations in wheat grains, wheat flour, rye flour, oat grains and barley grains were 0.29, 0.12, 0.29, 0.36 and 0.36 Bq kg -1 , respectively. Combined with the consumption rates of the products, we assess that the mean effective doses from 210 Pb and 210 Po in cereal products for the adult male and female population are 22 and 17 μSv per year, respectively.

  5. Annual effective dose of 210Po from sea food origin (Oysters and Mussels) in Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Bo Eum; Hong, Gi Hoon; Kim, Suk Hyun; Lee, Hyun Mi


    Ingestion of 210 Po laden seafood accounts for a substantial amount of the effective dose of 210 Po. Among seafood items, mollusks, especially domestically produced oysters and mussels, are highly enriched in 210 Po and are consumed in large quantities in Korea. Oysters and mussels around the Korean coasts were collected from major farm areas in November 2013. Samples were spiked with an aliquot of 210 Po as a yield tracer, and they were digested with 6 mol·L -1 HNO 3 and H 2 O 2 . The 210 Po and 209 Po were spontaneously deposited onto a silver disc in an acidic solution of 0.5 mol·L -1 HCl and measured using an alpha spectrometer. The activity concentrations of 210 Pb and 210 Po were decay corrected to the sampling date, accounting for the possible in-growth and decay of 210 Po. 210 Po activity concentrations in oysters were in a range from 41.3 to 206 Bq·(kg-ww -1 and mussels in a range from 42.9 to 46.7 Bq·(kg-ww) -1 . The 210 Po activity concentration of oysters in the turbid Western coast was higher than the Southern coast. The 210 Po activity concentration of the oysters was positively correlated (R2=0.89) with those of the suspended particulate matter in the surface water. The calculated annual effective dose of 210 Po from oysters and mussels consumed by the Korean population was 21-104 and 5.01-5.46 μSv·y -1 . The combined effective dose due to the consumption of oysters and mussels appears to account for about 35±19% of that arising from seafood consumption in the Korean population. The annual effective dose of 210 Po for oysters in the Korean population was found to be higher than other countries. The total annual effective dose of 210Po 210 Po due to consumption of oysters and mussels consumed in Korea was found to be 76±42 μSv·y -1 , accounting for 28±16% of the total effective dose of 210 Po from food in Korea

  6. Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harteck, P; Dondes, S [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (United States)


    initiales dans le systeme; reactions apres fixation d'une certaine quantite d'azote; et enfin cinetique d'equilibre sous irradiation. Les auteurs etudient les conditions de formation de N{sub 2}0{sub 5}, N{sub 2}0{sub 4} et O{sub 3}, ainsi que leurs effets sur l'ensemble du processus. (author) [Spanish] En las investigaciones que, por espacio de varios anos, se vienen realizando, en el Instituto Politecnico Rensselaer y en el Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven sobre la fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores, se utiliza directamente la energia de las particulas de retroceso de fision como radiaciones ionizantes; para ello, se dispersa uranio-235 en fibras de vidrio de cinco mieras de diametro aproximadamente . Los autores determinaron los efectos de la temperatura y de la presion, asi como la influencia de la razon nitrogeno/oxigeno, sobre el valor de G 'para la fijacion del nitrogeno y publicaron un informe sobre sus trabajos, que se resumen brevemente en la presente memoria. Las mencionadas investigaciones se realizaron utilizando sistemas estaticos;, mas recientemente, se emplearon tanto sistemas estaticos como de circulacion. En los primeros se ha prestado particular atencion a los efectos ejercidos por la intensidad de la radiacion sobre la cinetica del equilibrio alcanzado en presencia de radiaciones, habiendose comprobado que en las mezclas en que: la razon de nitrogeno a oxigeno es de 4 : 1 y de 2 : 1, la formacion de N0{sub 2} y de N{sub 2}O continua hasta el agotamiento total del oxigeno presente. Actualmente funciona un sistema de circulacion continua en un circuito' colocado en el interior del reactor de Brookhaven. Los autores analizan los efectos de los siguientes factores: temperatura, presion, razon nitrogeno/oxi geno e intensidad de la radiacion; todos estos datos seran de utilidad para disenar un futuro reactor de quimica nuclear. El actual sistema funciona a la presion de 10 atmosferas y 150{sup o}C. La temperatura es funcion de la energia de

  7. Study of the solubility, viscosity and density in Na+, Zn2+/Cl− − H2O, Na+ − Zn2+ − (H2PO2)− − H2O, Na+, Cl−/(H2PO2)− − H2O, and Zn2+, Cl−/(H2PO2)− − H2O ternary systems, and in Na+, Zn2+/Cl−, (H2PO2)−//H2O reciprocal quaternary system at 273.15 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adiguzel, Vedat; Erge, Hasan; Alisoglu, Vahit; Necefoglu, Hacali


    Highlights: • The physicochemical properties of ternary and one quaternary have been studied. • Reciprocal quaternary systems’ solubility and phase equilibrium have been studied. • In all systems the solid phases have been found. • It was found that Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 salt contains 70% of the general crystallization field. - Abstract: The solubility and the physicochemical properties (density, viscosity) in the Na-Zn- Cl-H 2 O), (Na + Zn + H 2 PO 2 + H 2 O), (Na + Cl + H 2 PO 2 + H 2 O), and (Zn + Cl + H 2 PO 2 + H 2 O) ternaries, and in Na + , Zn 2+ /Cl − , (H 2 PO 2 ) − //H 2 O reciprocal quaternary systems at T = 273.15 K were investigated by using the isothermal method. The diagrams of ternary salts systems, (NaCl + ZnCl 2 + H 2 O), (NaCl + NaH 2 PO 2 + H 2 O), (NaH 2 PO 2 + Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + H 2 O), (ZnCl 2 + Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + H 2 O), are plotted in figures 1–4. However, whole ions of reciprocal quaternary salt systems are plotted in figure 5. Additionally, the density and viscosity values of ternary systems vs. their corresponding composition values in weight per cent are plotted in figures 6–10. At the (i) (ZnCl 2 + Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + H 2 O), (ii) (NaCl + ZnCl 2 + H 2 O), (iii) (NaCl + NaH 2 PO 2 + H 2 O), (iv) (NaH 2 PO 2 + Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 + H 2 O) ternary systems the solid phase compositions have been determined as: (i) Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 ⋅ H 2 O, Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 , ZnCl 2 ⋅ 2H 2 O, (ii) NaCl, 2NaCl ⋅ ZnCl 2 ⋅ 2H 2 O, and ZnCl 2 ⋅ 2H 2 O, (iii) NaCl and NaH 2 PO 2 ⋅ H 2 O, (iv) Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 ⋅ H 2 O and NaH 2 PO 2 ⋅ H 2 O, respectively. On the other hand reciprocal quaternary system was observed as: ZnCl 2 ⋅ 2H 2 O, 2NaCl ⋅ ZnCl 2 ⋅ 2H 2 O, Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 ⋅ H 2 O, NaH 2 PO 2 ⋅ H 2 O, NaCl. According to results, the least soluble salt was Zn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 . The crystallization field of this salt, being the largest in comparison with those of other salts, occupied 70% of the general crystallization field

  8. Crystal structures and magnetic properties of iron (III)-based phosphates: Na4NiFe(PO4)3 and Na2Ni2Fe(PO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Essehli, Rachid; Bali, Brahim El; Benmokhtar, Said; Bouziane, Khalid; Manoun, Bouchaib; Abdalslam, Mouner Ahmed; Ehrenberg, Helmut


    Graphical abstract: A perspective view of the Na 2 Ni 2 Fe(PO 4 ) 3 structure along the [0 0 1] direction. Both compounds seem to exibit antiferromagnetic interactions between magnetic entities at low temperature. Display Omitted Research highlights: → Nasicon and Alluaudite compounds, Iron(III)-based phosphates, Crystal structures of Na 4 NiFe(PO 4 ) 3 and Na 2 Ni 2 Fe(PO 4 ) 3 . → Magnetism behaviours of Na 4 NiFe(PO 4 ) 3 and Na 2 Ni 2 Fe(PO 4 ) 3 . → Antiferromagnetism interactions. → Mossbauer spectroscopy. - Abstract: Crystal structures from two new phosphates Na 4 NiFe(PO 4 ) 3 (I) and Na 2 Ni 2 Fe(PO 4 ) 3 (II) have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Compound (I) crystallizes in a rhombohedral system (S. G: R-3c, Z = 6, a = 8.7350(9) A, c = 21.643(4) A, R 1 = 0.041, wR 2 =0.120). Compound (II) crystallizes in a monoclinic system (S. G: C2/c, Z = 4, a = 11.729(7) A, b = 12.433(5) A, c = 6.431(2) A, β = 113.66(4) o , R 1 = 0.043, wR 2 =0.111). The three-dimensional structure of (I) is closely related to the Nasicon structural type, consisting of corner sharing [(Ni/Fe)O 6 ] octahedra and [PO 4 ] tetrahedra forming [NiFe(PO 4 ) 3 ] 4+ units which align in chains along the c-axis. The Na + cations fill up trigonal antiprismatic sites within these chains. The crystal structure of (II) belongs to the alluaudite type. Its open framework results from [Ni 2 O 10 ] units of edge-sharing [NiO 6 ] octahedra, which alternate with [FeO 6 ] octahedra that form infinite chains. Coordination of these chains yields two distinct tunnels in which site Na + . The magnetization data of compound (I) reveal antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions by the onset of deviations from a Curie-Weiss behaviour at low temperature as confirmed by Moessbauer measurements performed at 4.2 K. The corresponding temperature dependence of the reciprocal susceptibility χ -1 follows a typical Curie-Weiss behaviour for T > 105 K. A canted AFM state is proposed for

  9. Determination of 210Pb and 210Po in cigarette tobacco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peres, Ana Claudia


    Cigarette smoking is one of the important pathways that could contribute to enhance the radiation dose to man, due to the relatively large concentrations of 210 Pb and 210 Po found in tobacco leaves. In this work, concentrations of these two radionuclides were determined in eight of the most commercialized cigarette brands produced in Brazil. The samples analyzed were bought randomly in the market. The 210 Pb was determined by counting the beta activity of the 210 Bi in a gas flow proportional detector, after radiochemical separation and precipitation of the PbCr0 4 . The 210 Po was determined by alpha spectrometry, using a surface barrier detector, after radiochemical separation and spontaneous deposition of Po in copper disk. The results showed concentrations ranging from 11,9 to 30,2 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for 210 Pb and from 10,9 to 27,4 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for 210 Po. (author)

  10. High pressure experimental studies on Na3Fe(PO4)(CO3) and Na3Mn(PO4)(CO3): Extensive pressure behaviors of carbonophosphates family (United States)

    Gao, Jing; Huang, Weifeng; Wu, Xiang; Qin, Shan


    Carbon-bearing phases in the Earth's interior have profound implications for the long-term Earth carbon cycle. Here we investigate high-pressure behaviors of carbonophosphates bonshtedtite Na3Fe(PO4)(CO3) and sidorenkite Na3Mn(PO4)(CO3) in diamond anvil cells up to ∼12 GPa at room temperature. Modifications in in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction patterns and Raman spectra confirm the structural stability of carbonophosphates within the pressure region. Fitting the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the volume compression curve, the isothermal bulk modulus parameters are obtained to be K0 = 56(1) GPa, K0' = 3.3(1), V0 = 303.3(3) Å3 for Na3Fe(PO4)(CO3) and K0 = 54(1) GPa, K0' = 3.4(1), V0 = 313.4(2) Å3 for Na3Mn(PO4)(CO3). Crystallographic axes exhibit an elastic anisotropy with a more compressible c-axis relative to the ab-plane. An inverse linear correlation between the K0 value and the ionic radius of M2+ (M = Mg, Fe, Mn) is well determined for carbonophosphates. The pressure-dependence responsiveness of [PO4] and [CO3] in carbonophosphates show a negative relationship to the M2+ radius. We also discussed the effect of [PO4] group on the structural variations and high-pressure behaviors of carbonates. Furthermore, the geochemical properties of carbonophosphates hold implications to diamond genesis.

  11. Surfactant mediated hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and luminescent properties of GdPO{sub 4}: Ce{sup 3+}/Tb{sup 3+} @ GdPO{sub 4} core shell nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khajuria, Heena; Ladol, Jigmet; Khajuria, Sonika; Shah, Mohd Syed; Sheikh, H.N., E-mail:


    Highlights: • Core shell nanorods were synthesised by surfactant assisted hydrothermal method. • Morphology of core shell nanorods resembles those of core nanorods indicating coating of shell on cores. • More uniform and non-aggregated core shell nanorods were prepared in presence of surfactants. • Surfactant assisted prepared core shell nanorods show intense emission as compared to uncoated core nanorods. - Abstract: Core shell GdPO{sub 4}: Ce{sup 3+}/Tb{sup 3+} @ GdPO{sub 4} nanorods were synthesized via hydrothermal route in the presence of different surfactants [cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)]. The nanorods were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and photoluminescence (PL) studies. The X-ray diffraction results indicate good crystallinity and effective doping in core and core shell nanorods. SEM and TEM micrographs show that all of the as prepared gadolinium phosphate products have rod like shape. The compositional analysis of GdPO{sub 4}: Ce{sup 3+}/Tb{sup 3+} core was done by EDS. The emission intensity of the GdPO{sub 4}: Ce{sup 3+}/Tb{sup 3+} @ GdPO{sub 4} core shell increased significantly with respect to those of GdPO{sub 4}: Ce{sup 3+}/Tb{sup 3+} core nanorods. The effect of surfactant on the uniformity, thickness and luminescence of the core shell nanorods was investigated.

  12. Rat muscle microvascular PO2 kinetics during the exercise off-transient. (United States)

    McDonough, P; Behnke, B J; Kindig, C A; Poole, D C


    Dependent upon the relative speed of pulmonary oxygen consumption (VO2) and blood flow (Q) kinetics, the exercise off-transient may represent a condition of sub- or supra-optimal perfusion. To date, there are no direct measurements of the dynamics of the VO2/Q relationship within the muscle at the onset of the work/recovery transition. To address this issue, microvascular PO2 (PO2,m) dynamics were studied in the spinotrapezius muscles of 11 female Sprague-Dawley rats (weight approximately 220 g) during and following electrical stimulation (1 Hz) to assess the adequacy of Q. relative to VO2 post exercise. The exercise blood flow response (radioactive microspheres: muscle Q increased approximately 240 %), and post-exercise arterial blood pH (7.40 +/- 0.02) and blood lactate (1.3 +/- 0.4 mM x l(-1)) values were consistent with moderate-intensity exercise. Recovery PO2,m (i.e. off-transient) rose progressively until baseline values were achieved ((Delta)end-recovery exercise PO2,m, 14.0 +/- 1.9 Torr) and at no time fell below exercising PO2,m. The off-transient PO2,m was well fitted by a dual exponential model with both fast (tau = 25.4 +/- 5.1 s) and slow (tau = 71.2 +/- 34.2 s) components. Furthermore, there was a pronounced delay (54.9 +/- 10.7 s) before the onset of the slow component. These data, obtained at the muscle microvascular level, support the notion that muscle VO2 falls with faster kinetics than muscle Q during the off-transient, such that PO2,m increases systematically, though biphasically, during recovery.

  13. $^{206}$ Po sources for production and release studies relevant for high power spallation targets

    CERN Multimedia

    The knowledge of the evaporation behaviour of Po is of essential importance for several scientific and technological applications, like accelerator driven systems (ADS) or the LIEBE project at CERN-ISOLDE. Fundamental investigations on the experimental conditions for the formation of volatile Po species as well as on the chemical composition of the volatile compounds are necessary for a safe operation of such facilities. $^{206}$Po, a mainly $\\gamma$- ray-emitting Po isotope with a half-life of 8.8 d, is best suited for model studies, due to the lower radiation hazard compared to the longer-lived $\\alpha$-emitting isotopes $^{208-210}$Po as well as the easy-to-measure $\\gamma$-ray emission. We propose the production of $^{206}$Po samples in several matrices via the implantation of its precursor $^{210}$Fr into selected metal foils at CERN-ISOLDE. Using these samples, experiments will be carried out at PSI studying the volatilization of Po from different matrices under varying chemical conditions.

  14. Thinner abuse alters peak of frequency of EEG spectra analyses El abuso de tíner altera el pico de frecuencia del análisis espectral del EEG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrián Poblano


    Full Text Available STUDY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the investigation was to use electroencephalography (EEG to study whether long-term thinner abuse may result in the slowing, disorganization and asymmetry of the EEG cortical rhythms. METHOD: Twenty-two patients attending with antecedent of thinner abuse only, and twenty two controls without alcohol, smoking, and drug abuse in the same age range and gender were studied. EEG recording were compared by means of the analyses of peak of frequency (POF, frequency of disorganization, and asymmetry of the background activity in patients and controls at rest eyes-closed condition in electrodes P3, P4, O1, and O2. RESULTS: Significant differences in POF among groups was observed in P3 and P4 location showing lower values in thinner abusers, but not in O1 and O2 locations. Frequencies of disorganization and asymmetry showed significantly higher proportions in thinner abusers. Bivariate correlations among POF at the four electrode location and time of thinner abuse showed significant values. However after partial correlation calculation correcting for age, significant values disappeared. CONCLUSION: Thus thinner abuse relates with slowing of POF in the EEG of patients with thinner abuse associated with disorganization, and asymmetry depending on time of abuse.OBJETIVO: Utilizar el electroencefalograma (EEG para estudiar si el abuso o intoxicación crónica por tíner produce lentificación, desorganización y asimetría de la actividad eléctrica cortical. MÉTODO: Se estudiaron 22 pacientes con antecedentes de intoxicación crónica por tíner y 22 sujetos sin antecedentes de abuso de tíner, alcohol, cigarro o drogas en el mismo rango de edad y en igual número de acuerdo al género. Se registro el EEG cuantitativo y se compararon: el promedio del pico de frecuencia (PoF, la frecuencia de desorganización de la actividad de fondo y la presencia de asimetría inter-hemisférica en la condición de reposo físico y mental entre

  15. Variation of 210Po daily urinary excretion for male subjects at environmental level

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoelgye, Z.; Hyza, M.; Mihalik, J.; Rulik, P.; Skrkal, J.


    210 Po was determined in 24-h urine of seven healthy males from Prague, Czech Republic, for ten consecutive days. The results show that for each volunteer, the urinary excretion of 210 Po changed only little from day to day in the studied time period. For two volunteers, the difference in the daily excreted 210 Po activity for two consecutive days was not significant, given the 95 % confidence interval (two sigma) of the activity measurements. The same is valid for the excretion data of the other volunteers, except for some days where the differences were slightly higher. The range of daily urinary excretion of 210 Po of each volunteer in the studied time period was quite narrow. Among the volunteers, the maximum daily urinary excretion value of 210 Po was at most about a factor of 2.5 higher than the lowest excretion value. An attempt to explain the observed small inter-individual variability of 210 Po excretion in daily urine is made. (orig.)

  16. Origin of Activity and Stability Enhancement for Ag3PO4 Photocatalyst after Calcination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pengyu Dong


    Full Text Available Pristine Ag3PO4 microspheres were synthesized by a co-precipitation method, followed by being calcined at different temperatures to obtain a series of calcined Ag3PO4 photocatalysts. This work aims to investigate the origin of activity and stability enhancement for Ag3PO4 photocatalyst after calcination based on the systematical analyses of the structures, morphologies, chemical states of elements, oxygen defects, optical absorption properties, separation and transfer of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and active species. The results indicate that oxygen vacancies (VO˙˙ are created and metallic silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs are formed by the reaction of partial Ag+ in Ag3PO4 semiconductor with the thermally excited electrons from Ag3PO4 and then deposited on the surface of Ag3PO4 microspheres during the calcination process. Among the calcined Ag3PO4 samples, the Ag3PO4-200 sample exhibits the best photocatalytic activity and greatly enhanced photocatalytic stability for photodegradation of methylene blue (MB solution under visible light irradiation. Oxygen vacancies play a significantly positive role in the enhancement of photocatalytic activity, while metallic Ag has a very important effect on improving the photocatalytic stability. Overall, the present work provides some powerful evidences and a deep understanding on the origin of activity and stability enhancement for the Ag3PO4 photocatalyst after calcination.

  17. Highly-efficient photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by PoPD-modified TiO 2 nanocomposites due to photosensitization-synergetic effect of TiO2 with PoPD. (United States)

    Yang, Chuanxi; Dong, Wenping; Cui, Guanwei; Zhao, Yingqiang; Shi, Xifeng; Xia, Xinyuan; Tang, Bo; Wang, Weiliang


    Poly-o-phenylenediamine modified TiO 2 nanocomposites were successfully synthesized via an 'in situ' oxidative polymerization method. The modified nanocomposites were characterized by BET, XRD, TEM, FT-IR, TGA, XPS, EA and UV-Vis DRS. The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue was chosen as a model reaction to evaluate the photocatalytic activities of TiO 2 and PoPD/TiO 2 . The results indicated that PoPD/TiO 2 nanocomposites exhibited good photocatalytic activity and stability. The photocatalytic activity of PoPD/TiO 2 increased as the initial pH increased because of electrostatic adsorption between the photocatalyst and MB as well as the generation of ·OH, whereas it exhibited an earlier increasing and later decreasing trend as the concentration of the photocatalyst increased owing to the absorption of visible light. The photocatalytic stability of the PoPD/TiO 2 nanocomposite was dependent on the stability of its structure. Based on radical trapping experiments and ESR measurements, the origin of oxidizing ability of PoPD/TiO 2 nanocomposites on photocatalytic degradation of MB was proposed, which taking into account of ·OH and ·O 2 - were the first and second important ROS, respectively. The possible photocatalytic mechanism and photocatalytic activity enhanced mechanism has been proposed, taking into account the photosensitization effect and synergetic effect of TiO 2 with PoPD.

  18. Los cuentos de Armonía Somers: una poética del derrumbamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noelia Montoro Martínez


    Full Text Available Tras el pseudónimo de Armonía Somers (1914-1994 se oculta una narradora que puede calificarse de “rara”. Su dificultad, así como dicha “rareza”, parecen convertirla en una autora marginal, sobre todo en comparación con otras figuras de su misma generación, la del 45. Con respecto a su obra, la crítica ha estado enfrentada, sosteniendo posturas antagónicas. Su osadía narrativa, tanto en las novelas como en los cuentos, ha generado un mundo latente poblado de personajes, de situaciones y de ...

  19. 210Po and 210Pb activity concentration in the coral bands of Pulau Tuba, Langkawi

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee Jen Nie; Che Abdul Rahim Mohamed; Zaharuddin Ahmad


    We examined the concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb in each layers of coral banding of coral skeletons. Concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb in massive corals (i.e. Porites, Favites, Platygyra and Goniostrea) from Pulau Tuba, Langkawi were measured using the Alpha-Spectrometry. The concentrations of 210 Po were higher than the concentrations of 210 Pb. This may due to continuing source of 210 Po from 210 Pb. Highest concentration on 210 Po in coral banding was 48.30 ± 28.53 Bq/ kg, meanwhile for 210 Pb was 12.86 ± 5.80 Bq/ kg. The ratios of 210 Po/ 210 Pb were in the range of 2.21 to 5.49. The variation activity concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb in the coral bands are important to consider in using coral as retrospective study of environmental changes. The coral can represent the total of 210 Po and 210 Pb in the surrounding water for the past few years. (author)

  20. Tools for Scientist Engagement in E/PO: NASA SMD Community Workspace and Online Resources (United States)

    Dalton, H.; Shipp, S. S.; Grier, J.; Gross, N. A.; Buxner, S.; Bartolone, L.; Peticolas, L. M.; Woroner, M.; Schwerin, T. G.


    The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Science Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Forums are here to help you get involved in E/PO! The Forums have been developing several online resources to support scientists who are - or who are interested in becoming - involved in E/PO. These include NASA Wavelength, EarthSpace, and the SMD E/PO online community workspace. NASA Wavelength is the one-stop shop of all peer-reviewed NASA education resources to find materials you - or your audiences - can use. Browse by audience (pre-K through 12, higher education, and informal education) or topic, or choose to search for something specific by keyword and audience. EarthSpace, an online clearinghouse of Earth and space materials for use in the higher education classroom, is driven by a powerful search engine that allows you to browse the collection of resources by science topic, audience, type of material or key terms. All materials are peer-reviewed before posting, and because all submissions receive a digital object identifier (doi), submitted materials can be listed as publications. The SMD E/PO online community workspace contains many resources for scientists. These include one-page guides on how to get involved, tips on how to make the most of your time spent on E/PO, and sample activities, as well as news on funding, policy, and what's happening in the E/PO community. The workspace also provides scientists and the public pathways to find opportunities for participation in E/PO, to learn about SMD E/PO projects and their impacts, to connect with SMD E/PO practitioners, and to explore resources to improve professional E/PO practice, including literature reviews, information about the Next Generation Science Standards, and best practices in evaluation and engaging diverse audiences.

  1. Estimación del gasto cardíaco: Utilidad en la práctica clínica. Monitorización disponible invasiva y no invasiva


    García, X.; Mateu, L.; Maynar, J.; Mercadal, J.; Ochagavía, A.; Ferrandiz, A.


    Esta revisión pretende profundizar en el conocimiento del gasto cardíaco, sus variables y sus condicionantes, así como repasar exhaustivamente las diferentes técnicas disponibles para su monitorización y establecer las situaciones en que el conocimiento del gasto cardíaco nos aporta una información fundamental en el manejo del paciente crítico. La técnica de Fick, utilizada en los inicios para calcular el gasto cardíaco de los pacientes, ha sido sustituida hoy en día en la práctica clínica po...

  2. Synthesis of g-C3N4/Ag3PO4 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He, Peizhi; Song, Limin; Zhang, Shujuan; Wu, Xiaoqing; Wei, Qingwu


    Graphical abstract: g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 heterojunction photocatalyst with visible-light response was prepared by a facile coprecipitation method. The results show that g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 possesses a much higher activity for the decomposition of RhB than that of the pure Ag 3 PO 4 particles. The most mechanism is that g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 heterojunction photocatalyst can efficiently separate the photogenerated electron–hole pairs, enhancing the photocatalytic activity of g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 composites. - Highlights: • g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 heterojunction showed much higher activity than that of Ag 3 PO 4 . • The high activity could be attributed to g-C 3 N 4 for modifying Ag 3 PO 4 . • More ·OH radicals may be significant reason to improve Ag 3 PO 4 activity. - Abstract: g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 heterojunction photocatalyst with visible-light response was prepared by a facile coprecipitation method. The photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, UV–vis absorption spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activities of the obtained samples were tested by using Rhodamine B (RhB) as the degradation target under visible light irradiation. g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 decomposed RhB more effectively than the pure Ag 3 PO 4 particles did, and 2 wt.% g-C 3 N 4 had the highest activity. Furthermore, 2 wt.% g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 degraded high-concentration RhB more potently than unmodified Ag 3 PO 4 did, probably because g-C 3 N 4 /Ag 3 PO 4 heterojunction photocatalyst enhanced the photocatalytic activity by efficiently separating the photogenerated electron–hole pairs

  3. Silica-modified luminescent LaPO4 :Eu@LaPO4 @SiO2 core/shell nanorods: Synthesis, structural and luminescent properties. (United States)

    Ansari, Anees A


    Monoclinic-type tetragonal LaPO 4 :Eu (core) and LaPO 4 :Eu@LaPO 4 (core/shell) nanorods (NRs) were successfully prepared using a urea-based co-precipitation process under ambient conditions. An amorphous silica layer was coated around the luminescent core/shell NRs via the sol-gel process to improve their solubility and colloidal stability in aqueous and non-aqueous media. The prepared nano-products were systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction pattern, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and FTIR, UV/Vis, and photoluminescence spectroscopy to examine their phase purity, crystal phase, surface chemistry, solubility and luminescence characteristics. The length and diameter of the nano-products were in the range 80-120 nm and 10-15 nm, respectively. High solubility of the silica-modified core/shell/Si NRs was found for the aqueous medium. The luminescent core NRs exhibited characteristic excitation and emission transitions in the visible region that were greatly affected by surface growth of insulating LaPO 4 and silica layers due to the multiphonon relaxation rate. Our luminescence spectral results clearly show a distinct difference in intensities for core, core/shell, and core/shell/Si NRs. Highly luminescent NRs with good solubility could be useful candidates for a variety of photonic-based biomedical applications. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. An evaluation of the exposure to 210Pb-210Po in italian population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clemente, G.F.; Santori, G.; Renzetti, A.


    Following an introduction on the behaviour in the environment and in man of 210 Pb- 210 Po, experimental data are reported on 210 Pb- 210 Po exposure of the italian population. The analytical methods used to measure 210 Pb- 210 Po activity in the many biological and environmental samples analyzed are also reported. The data collected refer to the intake, excretion, internal burden and metabolism both in a group of subjects representative of the general population and in other critical groups exposed to high internal contamination of 210 Pb- 210 Po, as the radioactive spa wopkes and the miners. The absorbed dose due to 210 Pb- 210 Po has also been evaluated, on the basis of data referring to the various population groups

  5. Ocena urodynamiczna nietrzymania moczu po radykalnej prostatektomii - studium przypadku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafał Święcicki


    Full Text Available Nietrzymanie moczu po radykalnej prostatektomii we wczesnym okresie po zabiegu występuje u około 30% operowanych, natomiast w okresie późnym, ponad rok po zabiegu, objawy wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu utrzymują się u około 5% badanych chorych. Obiektywnych danych na temat przyczyn i nasilenia nietrzymania moczu może dostarczyć kompleksowe badanie urodynamiczne. Zasadnicze znaczenie dla rokowania zależne jest od stopnia dysfunkcji aparatu zwieraczowego. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena możliwości diagnostycznych pooperacyjnego nietrzymania moczu u chorego po prostatektomii radykalnej, na podstawie diagnostyki urodynamicznej. Materia! i metody: W pracowni urodynamicznej 10. Wojskowego Szpitala Klinicznego z Polikliniką (WSKzP wykonano kompleksowe badanie urodynamiczne u chorego skarżącego się na nietrzymanie moczu 12 miesięcy po radykalnej prostatektomii. W ramach badania wykonano przepływ cewkowy, cystometrię, badanie ciśnieniowo-przepływowe oraz profiłometrię spoczynkową. Wyniki: Maksymalne ciśnienie zamknięcia cewki moczowej było wyraźnie obniżone, do wartości 8 cm H20, c o sugerowało obecność wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu. Stwierdzono również objawy niestabilności wypieracza oraz cechy uszkodzenia mechanizmu zwieraczowego. Wynik ten miał duże znaczenie dla dalszych możliwości leczenia chorego. Wnioski: Kompleksowe badanie urodynamiczne ma istotne znaczenie w diagnozowaniu chorych z pooperacyjnym nietrzymaniu moczu.

  6. Environmental radioactivity of radon daughter's radionuclides 210Pb-210Bi-210Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momoshima, N.


    Radionuclide, 210 Pb(22.3 y)- 210 Bi(5.013 d)- 210 Po(138.4 d) belongs to the uranium decay chain and widely distributed in the environment. 222 Rn escaped from the earth surface is a major source of atmospheric 210 Pb. These nuclides attach with atmospheric aerosols and are removed to the ground as wet and dry depositions. The residence time of the atmospheric aerosol, thus, was obtained by activity ratios of 210 Bi/ 210 Pb and 210 Po/ 210 Pb, showing different values. The discrepancy on the residence times are explained with inputs of 210 Po to the atmosphere other than 222 Rn emanated from the earth surface. The removal of aerosol as wet deposition occupies a significant fraction, which reaches 72% on 210 Pb and 89% on 7 Be. In the ocean, the radionuclides are used as tracer to examine dynamic processes occurring in the ocean, such as removal of particulate matter from seawater column to bottom. The 210 Pb and 210 Po concentrations in the ocean water collected off continent decreased from surface toward bottom, and the shortage on 210 Po content relative to that of 210 Po was observed at shallow ocean layers, however, the 210 Po/ 210 Pb activity ratio closed to the radioactive equilibrium at deeper layers. The 210 Pb is a very good tracer to evaluate an accumulation rate of bottom sediment in ocean, lake and river. This is called as 210 Pb dating and is successfully applicable to accumulation circumstances that bottom sediment deposits at constant rate. Most of the actual cases, simultaneous 137 Cs dating is carried out, which uses 137 Cs peak in the core as originated from radioactive fallout of nuclear tests, showing the maximum in 1963. Recently new findings on source of atmospheric 210 Po are report by laboratory experiments and environmental measurements, which proves biologically supported emission of volatile Po compounds to the atmosphere. (author)

  7. Study of 210Po and 210Pb in the riverine environments of coastal Karnataka

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayana, Y.; Rajashekara, K.M.


    Activity of 210 Po and 210 Pb were measured in soil and sediment samples collected from the major rivers Kali, Sharavathi and Netravathi of Coastal Karnataka. The activity of these two radionuclides were determined by radiochemical separation of 210 Po and counting the activity using a ZnS(Ag) Alpha counter. The activity of 210 Pb was higher than that of 210 Po in the riverine environs. The 210 Po and 210 Pb content in sediment was found to increase with silt/clay and organic matter contents. However no significant correlation was found between the activity 210 Po and 210 Pb with pH in sediments. The activity of 210 Po and 210 Pb and influence of physico-chemical parameters on these radionuclides were studied and discussed in this paper.

  8. Structural and electrochemical studies of PPy/PEG-LiFePO4 cathode material for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedorkova, Andrea; Nacher-Alejos, Ana; Gomez-Romero, Pedro; Orinakova, Renata; Kaniansky, Dusan


    A simple chemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole (Py) directly onto the surface of LiFePO 4 particles was applied to the synthesis of polypyrrole-LiFePO 4 (PPy-LiFePO 4 ) powder. The LiFePO 4 sample without carbon coating was synthesized by a solvothermal method. The polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used as additive during Py polymerization for increasing the PPy-LiFePO 4 conductivity. Properties of resulting LiFePO 4 , PPy-LiFePO 4 and PPy/PEG-LiFePO 4 samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, TGA and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements. These methods confirmed the presence of polypyrrole on LiFePO 4 particles and its homogeneous distribution in the resulting powder material. The PPy/PEG-LiFePO 4 composites show higher discharge capacity than pure LiFePO 4 , as PPy/PEG network improves the electron conductivity. It presents specific discharge capacity of 153 mAh/g at C/5 rate.

  9. 210Pb and 210Po in Finnish cereals. (United States)

    Turtiainen, Tuukka; Kostiainen, Eila; Hallikainen, Anja


    A survey was carried out on the activity concentrations of (210)Pb and (210)Po in cereal grains produced in Finland. The cereal species were wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), which account for 90% of the Finnish consumption of cereal products. The survey consisted of 18 flour and 13 unprocessed cereal samples and one hulled grain sample from 22 flour mills. According to the results, the mean (210)Pb/(210)Po concentrations in wheat grains, wheat flour, rye flour, oat grains and barley grains were 0.29, 0.12, 0.29, 0.36 and 0.36 Bq kg(-1), respectively. Combined with the consumption rates of the products, we assess that the mean effective doses from (210)Pb and (210)Po in cereal products for the adult male and female population are 22 and 17 μSv per year, respectively. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopy properties of Na 3AZr(PO 4) 3 ( A=Mg, Ni) and Li 2.6Na 0.4NiZr(PO 4) 3 phosphates (United States)

    Chakir, M.; El Jazouli, A.; de Waal, D.


    Na 3AZr(PO 4) 3 ( A=Mg, Ni) phosphates were prepared at 750 °C by coprecipitation route. Their crystal structures have been refined at room temperature from X-ray powder diffraction data using Rietveld method. Li 2.6Na 0.4NiZr(PO 4) 3 was synthesized through ion exchange from the sodium analog. These materials belong to the Nasicon-type structure. Raman spectra of Na 3AZr(PO 4) 3 ( A=Mg, Ni) phosphates present broad peaks in favor of the statistical distribution in the sites around PO 4 tetrahedra. Diffuse reflectance spectra indicate the presence of octahedrally coordinated Ni 2+ ions.

  11. On a framework for generating PoD curves assisted by numerical simulations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Subair, S. Mohamed, E-mail:; Agrawal, Shweta, E-mail:; Balasubramaniam, Krishnan, E-mail:; Rajagopal, Prabhu, E-mail: [Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai, T.N. (India); Kumar, Anish; Rao, Purnachandra B.; Tamanna, Jayakumar [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Metallurgy and Materials Group, Kalpakkam, T.N. (India)


    The Probability of Detection (PoD) curve method has emerged as an important tool for the assessment of the performance of NDE techniques, a topic of particular interest to the nuclear industry where inspection qualification is very important. The conventional experimental means of generating PoD curves though, can be expensive, requiring large data sets (covering defects and test conditions), and equipment and operator time. Several methods of achieving faster estimates for PoD curves using physics-based modelling have been developed to address this problem. Numerical modelling techniques are also attractive, especially given the ever-increasing computational power available to scientists today. Here we develop procedures for obtaining PoD curves, assisted by numerical simulation and based on Bayesian statistics. Numerical simulations are performed using Finite Element analysis for factors that are assumed to be independent, random and normally distributed. PoD curves so generated are compared with experiments on austenitic stainless steel (SS) plates with artificially created notches. We examine issues affecting the PoD curve generation process including codes, standards, distribution of defect parameters and the choice of the noise threshold. We also study the assumption of normal distribution for signal response parameters and consider strategies for dealing with data that may be more complex or sparse to justify this. These topics are addressed and illustrated through the example case of generation of PoD curves for pulse-echo ultrasonic inspection of vertical surface-breaking cracks in SS plates.

  12. Poésie et philosophie dans Faust I de Goethe


    Abraham, Bénédicte


    L’interrogation qui porte sur l’alliance ou la mésalliance entre la philosophie et la poésie n’est pas nouvelle. Elle remonte à l’Antiquité, mais la fascination réciproque de ces deux champs du langage et de la pensée n’en est pas moins restée vive pour autant. Dans sa Poétique, Aristote consacre plusieurs pages à la personne du poète dont il considère l’activité comme étant plus noble et plus philosophique que celle de l’historien. Ce qui constitue, aux yeux d’Aristote, la supériorité de la ...

  13. Correlation of regional disease and in vivo PO2 in rat mammary adenocarcinoma. (United States)

    Cole, M A; Crawford, D W; Warner, N E; Puffer, H W


    A knowledge of the distribution of oxygen tension (PO2) and vascularization in neoplasia has been fundamental to understanding relationships between tumor growth, hypoxia, and therapy. We have combined recessed oxygen microcathode and freeze-substitution techniques to correlate in situ PO2 profiles and morphologic features in 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) tumors in rats. Overlying connective tissue of transplanted tumor was exposed by a 1-2 mm incision and a cross-stitch pattern demarcated electrode puncture sites for histologic reference. Three buffered salt solutions (BSS) with different PO2 were each allowed to flow through a well over the tumor where electrodes were placed for calibration. Zero electrode oxygen current was recorded from a buffered yeast-agar mixture of zero torr. PO2 was recorded at 5-mu intervals to approximately 1-2 mm. Atmospheric contamination was eliminated by continuous well flow of BSS, 30 torr. Finally, the tumor and surrounding tissues were quick-frozen in vivo with Freon 22 and liquid nitrogen. The tissue block was freeze-substituted and sectioned. PO2 profiles were superimposed onto correspondingly scaled photomicrographs. A viable periphery with a PO2 range of 50-82 torr and a transition to necrotic areas of PO2, 2-13 torr were observed. This transition was characterized by PO2 gradients within distances of 50-300 mu at variable puncture depths. This technique should be useful in further studies of growth, necrosis, and therapy.

  14. Development of a Portable Motor Learning Laboratory (PoMLab). (United States)

    Takiyama, Ken; Shinya, Masahiro


    Most motor learning experiments have been conducted in a laboratory setting. In this type of setting, a huge and expensive manipulandum is frequently used, requiring a large budget and wide open space. Subjects also need to travel to the laboratory, which is a burden for them. This burden is particularly severe for patients with neurological disorders. Here, we describe the development of a novel application based on Unity3D and smart devices, e.g., smartphones or tablet devices, that can be used to conduct motor learning experiments at any time and in any place, without requiring a large budget and wide open space and without the burden of travel on subjects. We refer to our application as POrtable Motor learning LABoratory, or PoMLab. PoMLab is a multiplatform application that is available and sharable for free. We investigated whether PoMLab could be an alternative to the laboratory setting using a visuomotor rotation paradigm that causes sensory prediction error, enabling the investigation of how subjects minimize the error. In the first experiment, subjects could adapt to a constant visuomotor rotation that was abruptly applied at a specific trial. The learning curve for the first experiment could be modeled well using a state space model, a mathematical model that describes the motor leaning process. In the second experiment, subjects could adapt to a visuomotor rotation that gradually increased each trial. The subjects adapted to the gradually increasing visuomotor rotation without being aware of the visuomotor rotation. These experimental results have been reported for conventional experiments conducted in a laboratory setting, and our PoMLab application could reproduce these results. PoMLab can thus be considered an alternative to the laboratory setting. We also conducted follow-up experiments in university physical education classes. A state space model that was fit to the data obtained in the laboratory experiments could predict the learning curves

  15. Development of a Portable Motor Learning Laboratory (PoMLab.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ken Takiyama

    Full Text Available Most motor learning experiments have been conducted in a laboratory setting. In this type of setting, a huge and expensive manipulandum is frequently used, requiring a large budget and wide open space. Subjects also need to travel to the laboratory, which is a burden for them. This burden is particularly severe for patients with neurological disorders. Here, we describe the development of a novel application based on Unity3D and smart devices, e.g., smartphones or tablet devices, that can be used to conduct motor learning experiments at any time and in any place, without requiring a large budget and wide open space and without the burden of travel on subjects. We refer to our application as POrtable Motor learning LABoratory, or PoMLab. PoMLab is a multiplatform application that is available and sharable for free. We investigated whether PoMLab could be an alternative to the laboratory setting using a visuomotor rotation paradigm that causes sensory prediction error, enabling the investigation of how subjects minimize the error. In the first experiment, subjects could adapt to a constant visuomotor rotation that was abruptly applied at a specific trial. The learning curve for the first experiment could be modeled well using a state space model, a mathematical model that describes the motor leaning process. In the second experiment, subjects could adapt to a visuomotor rotation that gradually increased each trial. The subjects adapted to the gradually increasing visuomotor rotation without being aware of the visuomotor rotation. These experimental results have been reported for conventional experiments conducted in a laboratory setting, and our PoMLab application could reproduce these results. PoMLab can thus be considered an alternative to the laboratory setting. We also conducted follow-up experiments in university physical education classes. A state space model that was fit to the data obtained in the laboratory experiments could predict the

  16. La obra de Aníbal Núñez en el contexto de la poética posmoderna española (Notas para una restitución generacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vives Pérez, Vicente


    Full Text Available After decades of seclusion in the shadow of its promotion, Aníbal Núñez’s poetry is starting a recovery process in recent critical studies. After overcoming the restrictive premises used by poetry criticism to reduce the authors´ list and poetical tendencies of 68, the isolation of those poets —whose works did not fit in the dominant canon— is object of review in current historiography of Spanish contemporary poetry. This return to the once-excluded poets is essential to understand the plurality of discourses which make up the generation of 68: it is necessary to revive their voices of discord in order to outline their whole aesthetic scene. In the light of the innovative theoretic-critical paradigm of Spanish postmodern poetry, the works by Aníbal Núñez may be fully part of the creative scene of his generation, without forgetting the peculiarities which distinguish his poetic writing.Tras décadas de reclusión en la zona umbrosa de su promoción, la poesía de Aníbal Núñez está iniciando un proceso de recuperación en los estudios críticos recientes. Superadas ya las restrictivas premisas con que la crítica redujo la nómina de autores y tendencias poéticas del 68, el aislamiento de los poetas cuya obra no encajaba en el canon hegemónico es objeto de revisión en la actual historiografía de la poesía española contemporánea. Esta restitución de los excluidos es esencial para entender la pluralidad de los discursos que componen la generación del 68: recuperar sus voces discordantes es necesario para trazar su escenario estético completo. A la luz del innovador paradigma teórico-crítico de la poética posmoderna española, los libros de Aníbal Núñez pueden insertarse plenamente en el panorama creador de su generación, sin menoscabo de las peculiaridades que singularizan su escritura poética.

  17. Notas sobre poética em andamento

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    Mauro Faccioni Filho


    Full Text Available 1.1. A aflição poética não desapareceu nem abandonou o cenário da produção, mas é evidente que esse mesmo cenário está invadido por demonstrações artificiais. Tais demonstrações podem ser respostas inconscientes às expectativas de uma historiografia da literatura. Ou respostas a uma estratégia de contextualização da produção organizada pela própria crítica que a sustenta. 1.2. As notas que seguem são reflexões para discutir disparidades e distorções em três diferentes tipos de poética que, para muitos, apontam como sendo caminhos de referência para uma certa continuidade da poesia, hoje, no Brasil. Pode-se representar tais poéticas em três linhas bastante distintas, três tendências gerais. São linhas que podem ser definidas como vetores defasados agindo como forças centrífugas, que serão denominadas aqui de pré-modernismo-contemporâneo, modernismo e pós-modernismo.

  18. Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Li Intercalation in LiFePO4. (United States)

    Xiao, Penghao; Henkelman, Graeme


    Even as a commercial cathode material, LiFePO 4 remains of tremendous research interest for understanding Li intercalation dynamics. The partially lithiated material spontaneously separates into Li-poor and Li-rich phases at equilibrium. Phase segregation is a surprising property of LiFePO 4 given its high measured rate capability. Previous theoretical studies, aiming to describe Li intercalation in LiFePO 4 , include both atomic-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations of static Li distributions and entire-particle-scale phase field models, based upon empirical parameters, studying the dynamics of the phase separation. Little effort has been made to bridge the gap between these two scales. In this work, DFT calculations are used to fit a cluster expansion for the basis of kinetic Monte Carlo calculations, which enables long time scale simulations with accurate atomic interactions. This atomistic model shows how the phases evolve in Li x FePO 4 without parameters from experiments. Our simulations reveal that an ordered Li 0.5 FePO4 phase with alternating Li-rich and Li-poor planes along the ac direction forms between the LiFePO 4 and FePO 4 phases, which is consistent with recent X-ray diffraction experiments showing peaks associated with an intermediate-Li phase. The calculations also help to explain a recent puzzling experiment showing that LiFePO 4 particles with high aspect ratios that are narrower along the [100] direction, perpendicular to the [010] Li diffusion channels, actually have better rate capabilities. Our calculations show that lateral surfaces parallel to the Li diffusion channels, as well as other preexisting sites that bind Li weakly, are important for phase nucleation and rapid cycling performance.

  19. Po Superconducting Magnet:detail of the windings

    CERN Multimedia


    The Po superconducting dipole was built as a prototype beam transport magnet for the SPS extracted proton beam Po. Its main features were: coil aperture 72 mm, length 5 m, room-temperature yoke, NbTi cable conductor impregnated with solder, nominal field 4.2 T at 4.7 K (87% of critical field). It reached its nominal field without any quench. The photo shows a detail of the inner layer winding before superposing the outer layer to form the complete coil of a pole. Worth noticing is the interleaved glass-epoxy sheet (white) with grooved channels for the flow of cooling helium. See also 8307552X.

  20. Determination of 210Pb and 210Po in Brazilian cigarette tobacco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peres, A.C.; Hiromoto, G.


    Cigarette smoking is one of the important pathways that could contribute to enhance the radiation dose to man, due to the relatively large concentrations of 210 Pb and 210 Po found in tobacco leaves. In this work, concentrations of these two radionuclides were determined in eight of the most commercialized cigarette brands produced in Brazil. The samples analyzed were bought randomly in the market. The 210 Pb was determined by counting the beta activity of the 210 Bi in a gas flow proportional detector, after radiochemical separation and precipitation of the PbCrO 4 . The 210 Po was determined by alpha spectrometry, using a surface barrier detector, after radiochemical separation and spontaneous deposition of Po in copper disk. The results showed concentrations ranging from 15,8 to 30,2 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for 210 Pb and from 18,8 to 27,4 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for 210 Po. Taking in account the experimental error of the measurements, radioactive equilibrium between 210 Pb and 210 Po is observed for all analyzed samples. This result was expected, since the delayed time from the harvest of tobacco leaves to the introduction of cigarettes in the market is enough to reach that equilibrium. Assuming a 20 cigarettes per day consumption, and a 10% of Pb and 20% of Po being inhaled by the primary smokers, it is obtained a value of yearly intake of 11,3 Bq of 210 Pb and 21,2 Bq of 210 Po, due to cigarette consumption. These values lead to an increment to the committed effective dose of 0,025 mSv year -1 and an increment to the probability of getting cancer of 1 x 10 -6 per year. (author)

  1. Natural occurring radionuclide 210Po in the components of the Black Sea ecosystem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazorenko, G. G.; Polikarpov, G. G.


    The interest to study of the behavior of naturally occurring radionuclide 2 10Po in marine ecosystem was caused by its main contribution to the doses of irradiation to hydrobionts. This work presents own data of 2 10Po concentrations determined in water, bottom sediments and hydrobionts of the Black Sea in 1998-2004. 2 10Po concentrations in water varied from 0.58 to 1.02 Bqxm - 3. Their range in bottom sediments from shelf zone and open part of the Black Sea was 11.5-496.5 Bqxkg - 1 dry weight with maximum in the North-West region. The range of 2 10Po concentrations in bottom sediments from the Eastern part of the Black Sea was 4.5-220 Bqxkg-1 dry weight. Concentration factors (CF) of 2 10Po in bottom sediments reached 10 4 -10 5 . 2 10Po concentrations in the Black Sea hydrobionts are reported and compared with published data in the same taxa. The range of 2 10Po concentrations in the Black Sea mesozooplankton was 1.7-3.5 Bqxkg - 1 wet weight. It was 1.9-2.9 Bqxkg - 1 wet weight in the representative species of macro plankton community, namely the ctenophore Beroe ovata. 2 10Po concentrations in the Black Sea fishes depend on their belonging to different ecological groups and decrease from pelagic species to demersal and bottom ones. 2 10Po concentrations in the Black Sea mollusks excluding small species Nana nerithea were on the highest levels determined in hydrobionts inhabiting in this region. Concentration factors of this radionuclide, estimated on a wet weight basis, reached values of 1.5x10 3 for macrophytes, 4x10 3 for total zooplankton, 10 3 -10 4 for the entire fishes, depending on their ecological groups affiliation and (3.0-6.7) x10 4 for mollusks. So, the ability of the Black Sea hydrobionts to accumulate natural radionuclide 2 10Po is comparable with that of similar species from others marine and oceanic areas

  2. Una síntesis poética entre nacionalismo y tercer mundo: a propósito de Sur de Fernando E. Solanas

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    Casimiro TORREIRO


    Full Text Available La inclusión de un filme como Sur, segunda parte del discutido, aunque provechoso díptico que, junto con Tangos, el exilio de Gardel, realizara el argentino Fernando Ezequiel Solanas para hablar del exilio, dentro de un texto más general que aborde la cuestión de “cine y nacionalismo” necesita de alguna precisión previa. Película militantemente peronista, como peronista era,hasta aquella fecha, su director, y eslabón en una cadena de productos políticamente comprometidos con la causa de la liberación nacional y el antiimperialismo, que arranca en la fundacional, y fundamental, La hora de los hornos, Sur se eleva, no obstante, por encima de las contingencias de lo inmediato para intentar trazar un retrato subjetivo, a la vez político y poético de una realidad de la que el autor, después del trauma colectivo y personal que supuso la dictadura militar impuesta en la Argentina en 1976, estuvo física,aunque no sentimentalmente, alejado durante casi veinte años.

  3. El coloquio de los Perros a la luz de la poética del Pinciano

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    Jordi Canals Piñas


    Full Text Available La novela cervantina que conocemos con el título de Coloquio de los Pe"os  (CP, cierra la colección de Novelas Ejemplares publicadas en 1613. Aunque puede considerarse parte integrante de el casamiento Engañoso (CE, penúltima narración del volumen, mantienen ambas una casi total autonomía.

  4. One-pot synthesis and electrochemical reactivity of carbon coated LiFePO4 spindles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Juanjuan; Hu Juncheng; Li Jinlin


    Highlights: ► Carbon coated LiFePO 4 spindles have been successfully synthesized via a novel supercritical method. ► The concentrations of lithium have an effect on the morphology of carbon coated LiFePO 4 . ► Amorphous carbon layer formed on the surface of LiFePO 4 by adding glucose. ► The carbon coating is responsible for the enhanced electrochemical performance. - Abstract: Spindle-like carbon coated LiFePO 4 (LiFePO 4 /C) composites have been successfully synthesized via a novel one-pot supercritical methanol method. The products were characterized by X-ray power diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The particle size, morphology and electrochemical reactivity changed with the concentration of lithium and carbon source. A possible morphology evolution process was also proposed. The glucose not only facilitates the formation of single crystalline LiFePO 4 , but also gives an amorphous carbon layer on the surface LiFePO 4 spindles.

  5. pO2 and regional blood flow in a rabbit model of limb ischemia. (United States)

    Grinberg, Oleg Y; Hou, Huagang; Grinberg, Stalina A; Moodie, Karen L; Demidenko, Eugene; Friedman, Bruce J; Post, Mark J; Swartz, Harold M


    Oxygen tension (pO2) in muscles and regional blood flow were measured in a rabbit model of limb ischemia. pO2 was measured repetitively by EPR oximetry with EMS char in four different muscle groups in the same animals. Blood flow in the same muscles at several time points was measured using microspheres. A linear mixed effects model was developed to analyze the data on pO2 and blood flow. The results suggest that while under normal conditions pO2 in muscles does not depend significantly on blood flow, immediately after arterial occlusion pO2 correlates linearly with blood flow. Within two weeks of occlusion the pO2 is recovered to 45% of baseline. This study demonstrates, for the first time, the applicability of EPR oximetry in animals larger than rodents.

  6. Bulk Superconductivity and Disorder in Single Crystals of LaFePO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Analytis, James G.; Chu, Jiun-Haw; Erickson, Ann S.; Kucharczyk, Chris; /Stanford U., Appl. Phys. Dept.; Serafin, Alessandro; Carrington, Antony; /Bristol U.; Cox, Catherine; Kauzlarich, Susan M.; Hope, Hakon; /UC, Davis. Dept. Chem.


    We have studied the intrinsic normal and superconducting properties of the oxypnictide LaFePO. These samples exhibit bulk superconductivity and the evidence suggests that stoichiometric LaFePO is indeed superconducting, in contrast to other reports. We find that superconductivity is independent of the interplane residual resistivity {rho}{sub 0} and discuss the implications of this on the nature of the superconducting order parameter. Finally we find that, unlike T{sub c}, other properties in single-crystal LaFePO including the resistivity and magnetoresistance, can be very sensitive to disorder.

  7. “Yo soy del Son a la Salsa”: La re-edición de nuevas expresiones interculturales caribeñas en el espacio cinematográfico


    Maydi Estrada Bayona


    “Yo soy del Son a la Salsa”: La re-edición de nuevasexpresiones interculturales caribeñas en el espacio cinematográfico,es un artículo reflexivo que forma parte dela investigación titulada: Claves Interculturales Caribeñasen la poética cinematográfica de Rigoberto López. El mismoconstituye un acercamiento al tratamiento del temade la diáspora cubana y caribeña en el contexto del Caribeafro-hispánico insular y en Nueva York. El estudio tomacomo antecedente el largometraje de ficción La Últimac...

  8. ‘Muchas artes’: escultura, teatro y literatura en la poética de Sergio Chejfec

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    Mariana Catalin


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca analizar las formas en que dialogan literatura y teatro en la poética de Sergio Chejfec partiendo de la hipótesis de que esta relación debe pensarse como una confrontación, un “hacer contra”, que implica un movimiento de proximidad y exclusión, antes que un mero uso, asimilación u homogeneización. Para esto, vuelve a Baroni: un viaje para observar cómo se plantea esta interacción en el contexto de la puesta en contacto del narrador-escritor con toda una serie de artistas. Luego, muestra cómo, a partir de esa articulación inicial, la misma se torna central en La experiencia dramática como modo de armar el relato y de dramatizar sus posibilidades.

  9. Morphology and conductivity study of solid electrolyte Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prayogi, Lugas Dwi, E-mail:; Faisal, Muhamad [Engineering Physics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology ITS Campus, Sukolilo, Surabaya 6011 (Indonesia); Kartini, Evvy, E-mail:; Honggowiranto, Wagiyo; Supardi [Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang Selatan15314, Banten (Indonesia)


    The comparison between two different methods of synthesize of solid electrolyte Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} as precursor material for developing lithium ion battery, has been performed. The first method is to synthesize Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} prepared by wet chemical reaction from LiOH and H{sub 3}PO{sub 4} which provide facile, abundant available resource, low cost, and low toxicity. The second method is solid state reaction prepared by Li{sub 2}CO{sub 3} and NH{sub 4}H{sub 2}PO{sub 4.} In addition, the possible morphology identification of comparison between two different methods will also be discussed. The composition, morphology, and additional identification phase and another compound of Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} powder products from two different reaction are characterized by SEM, EDS, and EIS. The Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} powder produced from wet reaction and solid state reaction have an average diameter of 0.834 – 7.81 µm and 2.15 – 17.3 µm, respectively. The density of Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} prepared by wet chemical reaction is 2.238 gr/cm{sup 3}, little bit lower than the sample prepared by solid state reaction which density is 2.3560 gr/cm{sup 3}. The EIS measurement result shows that the conductivity of Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} is 1.7 x 10{sup −9}{sup −1} for wet chemical reaction and 1.8 x 10{sup −10}{sup −1} for solid state reaction. The conductivity of Li{sub 3}PO{sub 4} is not quite different between those two samples even though they were prepared by different method of synthesize.

  10. Postępowanie z chorym po zawale serca

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    Kalina Niedolaz


    Full Text Available Choroba wieńcowa, czyli choroba niedokrwienna serca na podłożu miażdżycy tętnic wieńcowych, stanowi niezwykle istotny problem kliniczny. Jej bezpośrednim i często nieuchronnym następstwem jest zawał mięśnia serca. Zawał najczęściej jest spowodowany zamknięciem tętnicy wieńcowej w wyniku uszkodzenia blaszki miażdżycowej (jej pęknięcia lub erozji z następowym wytworzeniem dystalnego zakrzepu i powoduje zniszczenie prawidłowo działającego mięśnia sercowego. Chory po przebytym zawale mię- śnia serca należy do grupy pacjentów obciążonych wysokim ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym, a więc zagrożony jest wystąpieniem kolejnych incydentów, takich jak zawał, udar mózgu i zgon. Prawidłowe postępowanie po przebytym zawale pozwala na istotną redukcję ryzyka i korzystnie wpływa na rokowanie. Prewencja wtórna po zawale serca obejmuje postępowanie niefarmakologiczne, czyli modyfikację stylu życia, i leczenie farmakologiczne. Największe znaczenie ma wyeliminowanie czynników ryzyka, tj. zaprzestanie palenia papierosów, prawidłowa kontrola ciśnienia tętniczego i normalizacja poziomu cholesterolu, a także redukcja nadwagi i systematyczna aktywność fizyczna. Świadomość pacjentów i zaangażowanie lekarzy są decydujące dla osiągnięcia korzystnych efektów prewencji wtórnej po zawale serca. Artykuł przedstawia zasady, którym powinien podlegać każdy chory po zawale mięśnia serca, uwzględnia zalecenia dotyczące postępowania niefarmakologicznego, wytyczne dotyczące odpowiedniej farmakoterapii według aktualnych standardów. W pracy uwzględniono również zasady postępowania z chorym po zawale w sytuacjach szczególnych, jakimi są choroby współistniejące, takie jak nadciśnienie tętnicze, cukrzyca, dysfunkcja lewej komory i niewydolność serca, przewlekła choroba nerek, przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc.

  11. Geoffrey Hill as Lord of Limit: the Kenosis as a Theological Context of his Poetry and Thought Note sur la kénose dans la poésie et la pensée de Geoffrey Hill

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    Adrian Grafe


    Full Text Available L’hymne kénotique pré-paulinienne (cf l’épître aux Philippiens, 2: 5-11 est un contexte pertinent pour situer la poésie et la poétique de Hill. Et la poésie et la prose de Hill montrent qu’il réfléchit sur cette notion (la kénose depuis au moins les sonnets de « Lachrimae » (1978 ; en passant par le titre et certains aspects du contenu de l’ouvrage critique The Lords of Limit (1984, ainsi que par l’appendice rédigé pour Christ : The Self-Emptying of God (1997 de Lucien Richard, jusqu’à The Triumph of Love (1998 et au-delà. Dans l’appendice de l’ouvrage de Richard, Hill évoque la « poésie kénotique » de Herbert, qui marie la maîtrise (la dimension seigneuriale et l’humilité (l’aspect limité. Dans la mesure où le terme « kénotique » est théologique, cette remarque sous-tend la lecture poético-théologique de l’œuvre de Hill lui-même qui est ici proposée sous une forme brève comme son titre l’indique.

  12. BaO-Nd2O3-CuOx subsolidus equilibria under carbonate-free conditions at pO2=100 Pa and at pO2=21 kPa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong-Ng, W.; Cook, L.P.; Suh, J.; Coutts, R.; Stalick, J.K.; Levin, I.; Huang, Q.


    Subsolidus phase equilibria of the BaO-Nd 2 O 3 -CuO x system at pO 2 =100 Pa (0.1% O 2 volume fraction, 810 deg. C) and at pO 2 =21 kPa (21% O 2 volume fraction, 930 deg. C) have been investigated by applying controlled-atmosphere methods to minimize the presence of carbonate and CO 2 and H 2 O contamination. Under carbonate-free conditions, the BaO-Nd 2 O 3 -CuO x phase diagrams at pO 2 =100 Pa and at pO 2 =21 kPa are similar to one another except for differences in the extent of the solid solutions. Apart from the limiting binary phases, the ternary system consists of three solid solutions and one stoichiometric ternary compound. The first solid solution is the high T c series, Ba 2-x Nd 1+x Cu 3 O 6+z (0.3≥x≥0 at pO 2 =100 Pa; 0.95≥x≥ 0 at pO 2 =21 kPa). At pO 2 =21 kPa, a compositionally dependent phase change was detected, from tetragonal (0.7>x≥0) to orthorhombic (0.95≥x≥0.7). The second solid solution series, the 'brown-phase' Ba 1+x Nd 2-x CuO z , has a narrow homogeneity region (0.10>x≥0 at pO 2 =100 Pa; 0.15>x≥0 at pO 2 =21 kPa). In the high BaO part of the phase diagram, a third solid solution (Ba 2-x Nd x )CuO 3+z (x=0 to ∼ 0.3 at pO 2 =100 Pa; x=0-0.45 at pO 2 =21 kPa) was confirmed, as well as a nominally stoichiometric phase, Ba 4 Nd 2 Cu 2 O z . The latter phase is an insulator, with a structure comprised of unusual CuO 5 linear chains. A significant difference in tie line distribution involving the Ba 2-x Nd 1+x Cu 3 O 6+z superconductor was found under carbonate-free conditions relative to literature studies completed in air. Instead of the BaCuO 2+x -Ba 2+x Nd 4-x Cu 2 O z tie line normally encountered in air, a Ba 2-x Nd 1+x Cu 3 O 6+z -(Ba,Nd) 2 CuO 3+x tie line was established. This tie line substantially expands the field of stability of the Ba 2-x Nd 1+x Cu 3 O 6+z superconductor phase into the BaO-rich region of the phase diagram. Implications for the processing of materials based on the Ba 2-x Nd 1+x Cu 3 O 6+z

  13. (Recortes de infancia: Invenciones del recuerdo de Silvina Ocampo

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    Cynthia Carggiolis Abarza


    Full Text Available Este artículo focaliza el tema de la niñez desde la metáfora de las manualidades infantiles tales como (recortar, calcar, trazar, dibujar y pegar para simbolizar la escritura de la infancia y el origen de la creación poética. A partir de la imagen de una textualidad cortada y p(legada se abordan los diversos diálogos desprendidos de las labores textiles femeninas, de la memoria y sus relaciones intra e intertextuales, determinando así una compleja estructura textil fragmentada, caracterizada por el pliego y el doblez de la tela desde donde se narra la infancia palindrómicamente. La representación del relato autobiográfico y la construcción de la niña desde un sujeto lírico distante, separado y cortado de su niñez nos acerca a un relato lúdico lleno de simulacros del narrar la infancia.

  14. High-pressure structural, elastic, and thermodynamic properties of zircon-type HoPO4 and TmPO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomis, O; Lavina, B; Rodríguez-Hernández, P; Muñoz, A; Errandonea, R; Errandonea, D; Bettinelli, M


    Zircon-type holmium phosphate (HoPO 4 ) and thulium phosphate (TmPO 4 ) have been studied by single-crystal x-ray diffraction and ab initio calculations. We report on the influence of pressure on the crystal structure, and on the elastic and thermodynamic properties. The equation of state for both compounds is accurately determined. We have also obtained information on the polyhedral compressibility which is used to explain the anisotropic axial compressibility and the bulk compressibility. Both compounds are ductile and more resistive to volume compression than to shear deformation at all pressures. Furthermore, the elastic anisotropy is enhanced upon compression. Finally, the calculations indicate that the possible causes that make the zircon structure unstable are mechanical instabilities and the softening of a silent B 1u mode. (paper)

  15. Pb-210 and Po-210 from active volcanoes in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komura, K.; Uchida, K.; Yamamoto, M.; Ueno, K.


    The concentration of Pb-210 and Po-210 in the surface air of volcanic areas is of considerable interest from the viewpoints of geochemistry, geophysics and also health physics, because these nuclides are the useful tracers for the estimation of the residence time or life time of aerosols, and give the significant radiation dose due to inhalation and ingestion through food stuffs. Since the establishment of Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, Kanazawa University, in 1976, the measurement of environmental radioactivity has been one of the main subjects, and the measurement of Pb-210 and Po-210 in the surface air of Kagoshima was begun in 1987 to estimate the contribution from Volcano Sakurajima. In this study, the measurement of Pb-210 and Po-210 in air borne particles collected with air samplers, volcanic ash and lava of volcano Sakurajima of which the age of eruption is known. Moreover, the Po-210 in the volcanic gas and sulfur sublimate in the samples collected in four active volcanoes in Hokkaido was measured. The experiment and the results are reported. (K.I.)

  16. Pb-210 and Po-210 from active volcanoes in Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komura, K; Uchida, K; Yamamoto, M; Ueno, K [Kanazawa Univ. (Japan)


    The concentration of Pb-210 and Po-210 in the surface air of volcanic areas is of considerable interest from the viewpoints of geochemistry, geophysics and also health physics, because these nuclides are the useful tracers for the estimation of the residence time or life time of aerosols, and give the significant radiation dose due to inhalation and ingestion through food stuffs. Since the establishment of Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, Kanazawa University, in 1976, the measurement of environmental radioactivity has been one of the main subjects, and the measurement of Pb-210 and Po-210 in the surface air of Kagoshima was begun in 1987 to estimate the contribution from Volcano Sakurajima. In this study, the measurement of Pb-210 and Po-210 in air borne particles collected with air samplers, volcanic ash and lava of volcano Sakurajima of which the age of eruption is known. Moreover, the Po-210 in the volcanic gas and sulfur sublimate in the samples collected in four active volcanoes in Hokkaido was measured. The experiment and the results are reported. (K.I.).

  17. Formation of condensed phosphates when heating CdO with NH4H2PO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atstinya, L.Zh.; Dindune, A.P.; Konstant, Z.A.


    A study was made on process of CdO thermal condensation with NH 4 H 2 PO 4 depending on the ratio of basic substances and temperature synthesis conditions. It was established that reaction between CdO and NH 4 H 2 PO 4 of pure for analysis grade was initiated when basic mixtures were pounded with a pestle. Heating of cadmium-ammonium triphosphate with products of ammonium dihydrophosphate polycondensation in 330-350 deg C range resulted to CdNH 4 (PO 3 ) 3 formation. Exoeffect on DTA curves corresponded at 540 deg C to formation of α-Cd(PO 3 ) 2 . α-Cd(PO 3 ) 2 → β-Cd(PO 3 ) 2 transition took place at 810 deg C with successive melting of β-Cd(PO 3 ) 2 at 850 deg C, which was supported by the DTA curve and sharp change of the relative electric conductivity

  18. El camino de Jerez y la antropología del cante jondo

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    Manuel Lorente Rivas


    Full Text Available El estudio del cante jondo en Jerez de la Frontera desde la antropología social y cultural, posibilita explicar su proceso de configuración poética y su desenvolvimiento local de forma original e inédita. Tanto por el establecimiento de relaciones de correspondencia entre diferentes sistemas simbólicos, como por el desarrollo de procesos rituales que contrarrestan las tensiones producidas por el establecimiento y permanencia de jerarquías y estructuras latifundistas de reminiscencias feudales.

  19. Poéticas de la mirada en Frazadas del Estadio Nacional de Jorge Montealegre

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    María Luisa Fischer


    Full Text Available This study suggests a close reading of Jorge Montealegre's Frazadas del Estadio Nacional (2003, focusing on the poetics of gaze and visual metaphors. The dialectics of seeing and blindness is studied as the narrator's tool to overcome traumatic experiences of the past, connect it to the present, and rebuild his identity. Montealegre's literary testimony allows exploring a social experience recalled as an intimate and personal event. The text's poetic of gaze allows discerning the past in its complexities and silences.

  20. Increased intraretinal PO2 in short-term diabetic rats. (United States)

    Lau, Jennifer C M; Linsenmeier, Robert A


    In diabetic retinopathy, neovascularization is hypothesized to develop due to hypoxia in the retina. However, evidence for retinal hypoxia is limited, and the progressive changes in oxygenation are unknown. The objective of this study was to determine if retinal hypoxia occurs early in the development of diabetes. Intraretinal oxygen (PO2) profiles were recorded with oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes in control and diabetic Long-Evans rats at 4 and 12 weeks after induction of diabetes. Diabetes did not affect oxygen consumption in the photoreceptors in either dark or light adaptation. Oxygenation of the inner retina was not affected after 4 weeks of diabetes, although vascular endothelial growth factor levels increased. At 12 weeks, average inner retinal PO2, normalized to choriocapillaris PO2, was higher in diabetic rats than in age-matched controls, which was opposite to what was expected. Thus retinal hypoxia is not a condition of early diabetes in rat retina. Increased inner retinal PO2 may occur because oxygen consumption decreases in the inner retina. © 2014 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered.

  1. Determination of {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po in cigarette tobacco; Determinacao de {sup 210}Pb e {sup 210}Po em tabaco de cigarros nacionais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peres, Ana Claudia


    Cigarette smoking is one of the important pathways that could contribute to enhance the radiation dose to man, due to the relatively large concentrations of {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po found in tobacco leaves. In this work, concentrations of these two radionuclides were determined in eight of the most commercialized cigarette brands produced in Brazil. The samples analyzed were bought randomly in the market. The {sup 210}Pb was determined by counting the beta activity of the {sup 210}Bi in a gas flow proportional detector, after radiochemical separation and precipitation of the PbCr0{sub 4}. The {sup 210}Po was determined by alpha spectrometry, using a surface barrier detector, after radiochemical separation and spontaneous deposition of Po in copper disk. The results showed concentrations ranging from 11,9 to 30,2 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for {sup 210}Pb and from 10,9 to 27,4 mBq per gram of dry tobacco for {sup 210}Po. (author)

  2. El palimpsesto infrarrealista: Tras las huellas del manifiesto poético en la narrativa de Roberto Bolaño

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    José González


    Full Text Available En este artículo se pretende rastrear la estética y actitud del movimiento infrarrealista en las novelas de Roberto Bolaño, mostrando su particular traducción a la narrativa en clave de humor. Se le prestará especial atención a las técnicas para posicionarse en contra de la cultura institucionalizada, formando lo que Bajtín denomina una descentralización del lenguaje a favor de un plurilingüismo, donde se distinguen mundos ideológicos en las voces del discurso. Unas de estas voces representan en ocasiones instituciones de la cultura oficial y otras se posicionan en contra, haciendo para ello uso de, por ejemplo, la parodia, la ironía o la caricatura.

  3. Build up of radon, /sup 218/Po and /sup 214/Po in a Karlsruhe diffusion chamber as a function of time

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fazal-ur-Rehman; Jamil, K.; Ali, S.; Khan, H.A.


    Passive radon /sup 222/Rn dosimeters employing particle detectors are widely used in concentration (p Ci/l) measurement in houses, mines and other areas of activity. These dosimeters yield track density which is needed to be converted into physically meaningful parameter of radon concentration in either p Ci/l or Bq m/sup -3/. Therefore, it is required to know the separate contributions of /sup 222/Rn and its progeny. In the present study we have measured the concentration of /sup 222/Rn and its daughters (/sup 218/Po and /sup 214/Po) separately in the Karlsruhe diffusion chamber radon dosimeter, with and without a filter, as a function of time by an active method using a surface barrier detector. The build up behavior of radon and its two daughters (/sup 218/Po and /sup 214/Po) as a function of time was studied by plotting the area under each peak versus collection time. The differential curves and the relative concentration of radon daughters as a function of time were also studied. The concentration of radon and its daughters shows a somewhat linear build up as a function of time for the presently studied time periods. The results of this experiment are expected to be useful in converting the integrated alpha track density as measured by a particle track detector, (used in passive radon dosimetry) to radon concentration levels and for determination of equilibrium factor. (author)

  4. The role of 210Po and 210Pb in low radioactivity experiments and ultrapure water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giammarch, Marco G.


    210 Po and 210 Pb isotopes constitute a major background for low background nuclear physics experiments searching for rare events. Searches for solar neutrinos, double beta decay, dark matter and other rare phenomena need to control and monitor radioactivity from Po and Pb through measurements and purification processes. Ultrapure water is often used in these experiments; therefore the issue of minimizing Po and Pb content in water will also be discussed. Finally, the role of 214 Po and 212 Po in low background experiments will be briefly recalled. (author)

  5. Del libro de las polémicas: La bardolatría, el caracol y los cangrejos: una polémica sobre la poesía de Guillermo Valencia. Una polémica sobre la poesía de Guillermo Valencia

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    Vicente Pérez Silva


    Full Text Available A las plumas de Lope de Azuero y Bernardo Arias Trujillo se agrega ahora la de Eduardo Carranza, entusiasta animador y destacado exponente del grupo de poetas denominado Piedra y Cielo, y "uno de los temperamentos más poéticos que ha tenido nuestro país", al decir atinado de Andrés Holguín. Carranza, dueño de una extraordinaria capacidad para el canto -son múltiples sus creaciones poéticas- también arremetió contr a el maestro Guillermo Valencia, considerado por la mayoría del pueblo culto de Colombia como "el máximo poeta de la patria".

  6. Manejo estomatológico del paciente pediátrico con cardiopatía congénita. Revisión de la literatura


    Zavala Cornejo, Karla Berenice; Práctica privada, Uruapan Michoacán, México; Vinitzky Brener, Ilan; Universidad Tecnológica de México (Unitec), México; Ramírez Bouchan, Daniel; Hospital del Niño y la Mujer, San Luis Potosí, México


    Las cardiopatías congénitas se definen como lesiones anatómicas del corazón y sus componentes que se presentan en el nacimiento y representan un problema de salud pública de primer orden. Los pacientes afectados presentan sintomatología muy diversa y requieren un manejo estomatológico adecuado y de calidad que les permita mantener su salud bucal sin poner en riesgo su salud general. Existe muy poca literatura sobre el manejo estomatológico del paciente pediátrico con cardiopatía congénita, po...

  7. Status of Irradiation Control of Insects in Grain; Radiodesinsection des Cereales; Sostoyanie bor'by s hasekomymi-vreditelyami zerna putem oblucheniya; Radiodesinsectacion de Cereales Almacenados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cornwell, P. B. [Rentokil Laboratories Ltd., East Grinstead, Sussex (United Kingdom)


    des cereales irradiees n'ont fait apparaitre aucun effet defavorable sur les qualites organoleptiques et les qualites meunieres, boulangeres et autres, aux doses necessaires pour la desinsection. Les etudes sur la comestibilite des cereales irradiees n'ont revele aucune perte de valeur nutritive; en consequence, les autorites des Etats-Unis ont permis la consommation par la population de ble et derives irradies. Les considerations techniques semblent indiquer que l'irradiation peut etre consideree, du point de vue economique, comme un concurrent des methodes chimiques pour le traitement des cereales dans les grands centres d'exportation ou de ramassage. A l'heure actuelle, les methodes de stockage en vrac et de transport automatise'se sont imposees comme moyens les plus expeditifs de manipulation des cereales entre le producteur et le consommateur; on peut donc prevoir que l'application de la radiodesinsection au cours des operations de manipulation des cereales ne tardera pas a se generaliser. Partant de renseignements sur les problemes d'infestation et sur les industries des cereales dans les divers pays, l'auteur fait ressortir les possibilites d'avenir en ce qui concerne l'emploi de l'irradiation pour le traitement des cereales a l'echelle internationale. (author) [Spanish] Las investigaciones sobre el empleo de radiaciones ionizantes en la lucha contra los insectos que atacan los alimentos almacenados han demostrado que es tecnicamente posible tratar los granos por irradiacion. Las investigaciones radioentomologicas han permitido determinar la sensibilidad de los principales insectos que atacan los granos y la medida en que los factores ambientales pueden alterar la eficacia del tratamiento. El estudio de las propiedades quimicas y fisicas de los granos sometidos a las dosis de radiaciones que la desinsectacion requiere no muestra ningun efecto adverso sobre las propiedades organolepticas u otras de importancia para la futura utilizacion. Los trabajos sobre la

  8. Prediction of Wind Energy Resources (PoWER) Users Guide (United States)


    ARL-TR-7573● JAN 2016 US Army Research Laboratory Prediction of Wind Energy Resources (PoWER) User’s Guide by David P Sauter...manufacturer’s or trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use thereof. Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do...not return it to the originator. ARL-TR-7573 ● JAN 2016 US Army Research Laboratory Prediction of Wind Energy Resources (PoWER

  9. Water quality in Italy: Po River and its tributaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crosa, G.; Marchetti, R.


    For Italy's Po River hydrological basin, artificial reservoirs have a great importance; water reserve is about 1600 million cubic meters for the hydroelectric reservoirs and about 76 million cubic meters for irrigation. The principal factors determining the water quality of the Po River and its tributaries are examined. Organic micropollutants, metals and the microbial load are the principal parameters altering the quality of the waters; dilution is the prevailing factor reducing this contamination

  10. Role of nitric oxide of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO in the alterations of salivary flow, arterial pressure and heart rate induced by injection of pilocarpine into the MnPO and intraperitoneally

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    Wilson A. Saad


    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of L-NAME, a nitric oxide (NO inhibitor and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, an NO-donating agent, on pilocarpine-induced alterations in salivary flow, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP and heart rate (HR in rats. Male Holtzman rats (250-300 g were implanted with a stainless steel cannula directly into the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO. Pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg injected into the MnPO induced an increase in salivary secretion (P<0.01. Pilocarpine (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 mg/kg ip also increased salivary secretion (P<0.01. Injection of L-NAME (40 µg into the MnPO prior to pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg injected into the MnPO or ip (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 mg/kg increased salivary secretion (P<0.01. SNP (30 µg injected into the MnPO or ip prior to pilocarpine attenuated salivary secretion (P<0.01. Pilocarpine (40 µg injection into the MnPO increased MAP and decreased HR (P<0.01. Pilocarpine (4 mg/kg body weight ip produced a decrease in MAP and an increase in HR (P<0.01. Injection of L-NAME (40 µg into the MnPO prior to pilocarpine potentiated the increase in MAP and reduced HR (P<0.01. SNP (30 µg injected into the MnPO prior to pilocarpine attenuated (100% the effect of pilocarpine on MAP, with no effect on HR. Administration of L-NAME (40 µg into the MnPO potentiated the effect of pilocarpine injected ip. SNP (30 µg injected into the MnPO attenuated the effect of ip pilocarpine on MAP and HR. The present study suggests that in the rat MnPO 1 NO is important for the effects of pilocarpine on salivary flow, and 2 pilocarpine interferes with blood pressure and HR (side effects of pilocarpine, that is attenuated by NO.

  11. Synthesis and characterization of the novel rare earth orthophosphates Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schildhammer, Daniel; Petschnig, Lucas L.; Fuhrmann, Gerda; Heymann, Gunter; Schottenberger, Herwig; Huppertz, Hubert [Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Allgemeine, Anorganische und Theoretische Chemie; Tribus, Martina [Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Mineralogie und Petrographie


    The new mixed rare earth (RE) orthophosphates Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} were synthesized by a classical solid state reaction in an electrical furnace at 1200 C. As starting materials, the corresponding rare earth oxides and diammonium hydrogen phosphate were used. The powder diffraction analyses revealed that the new compounds Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} crystallize in a zircon-type structure being isostructural with the rare earth orthophosphate YPO{sub 4}. Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} crystallize in the tetragonal space group I4{sub 1}/amd (no. 141) with four formula units in the unit cell. The structural parameters based on Rietveld refinements are a = 687.27(2), c = 601.50(2) pm, V = 0.28412(1) nm{sup 3}, R{sub p} = 0.0143, and R{sub wp} = 0.0186 (all data) for Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and a = 684.61(2), c = 599.31(2) pm, V = 0.28089(2) nm{sup 3}, R{sub p} = 0.0242, and R{sub wp} = 0.0313 (all data) for Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4}. Furthermore, the structure of Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data: a = 687.78(5), c = 601.85(4) pm, V = 0.28470(5) nm{sup 3}, R{sub 1} = 0.0165, and wR{sub 2} = 0.0385 (all data). In both compounds, the rare earth metal ions are eightfold coordinated by oxygen atoms, forming two unique interlocking tetrahedra with two individual RE-O distances. The tetrahedral phosphate groups [PO{sub 4}]{sup 3-} are slightly distorted in both compounds. The individual rare earth ions share a common position (Wyckoff site 4a). The presence of two rare earth ions in the structures of the new orthophosphates Y{sub 0.5}Er{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} and Y{sub 0.5}Yb{sub 0.5}PO{sub 4} was additionally confirmed by single-crystal EDX spectroscopy revealing a ratio of 1:1.

  12. Synthesis and magnetic properties of LiFePO4 substitution magnesium (United States)

    Choi, Hyunkyung; Kim, Min Ji; Hahn, Eun Joo; Kim, Sam Jin; Kim, Chul Sung


    LiFe0.9Mg0.1PO4 sample was prepared by using a solid-state reaction method, and the temperature-dependent magnetic properties of the sample were studied. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern showed an olivine-type orthorhombic structure with space group Pnma based on Rietveld refinement method. The effect of Mg substitution in antiferromagnetic LiFe0.9Mg0.1PO4 was investigated using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The temperature-dependence of the magnetization curves of LiFe0.9Mg0.1PO4 shows abnormal antiferromagnetic behavior with ordering temperature. Sudden changes in both the magnetic hyperfine field (Hhf) and its slope below 15 K suggest that magnetic phase transition associated to the abrupt occurrence of spin-reorientation. The Néel temperature (TN) and spin-reorientation temperature (TS) of LiFe0.9Mg0.1PO4 are lower than those of pure LiFePO4 (TN = 51 K, TS = 23 K). This is due to the Fe-O-Fe superexchange interaction being larger than that of the Fe-O-Mg link. Also, we have confirmed a change in the electric quadrupole splitting (ΔEQ) by the spin-orbit coupling effect and the shape of Mössbauer spectrum has provided the evidence for TS and a strong crystalline field. We have found that Mg ions in LiFe0.9Mg0.1PO4 induce an asymmetric charge density due to the presence of Mg2+ ions at the FeO6 octahedral sites.

  13. Structural and spectroscopic properties of MITh2(PO4)32 (M = Cu+, Ag+, Na+, K+)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arsalane, S.; Ziyad, M.


    Phosphates of general formulae M I Th 2 (PO 4 ) 3 where M = Cu + and Ag + were synthesized using sol-gel type methods and Cu + /Ag + ion exchange. Their structures were investigated by X-ray diffraction, FTIR, and 31 P MAS NMR spectroscopies. AgTh 2 (PO 4 ) 3 and NaTh 2 (PO 4 ) 3 were found to be isostructural. Their 31 P NMR spectra exhibit three resonances agreeing with the noncentrosymmetric space group Cc to which they belong. On the other hand, CuTh 2 (PO 4 ) 3 does not show a real crystallographic resemblance with the other M I Th 2 (PO 4 ) 3 phosphates of this family. Its 31 P NMR spectrum is similar to that of KTh 2 (PO 4 ) 3 and exhibits two sharp resonances in good agreement with the C2/c space group. Nevertheless, the [PO 4 ] groups in this phosphate are highly distorted because of the linear coordination of the Cu + copper ions

  14. Syntheses, crystal structures, NMR spectroscopy, and vibrational spectroscopy of Sr(PO{sub 3}F).H{sub 2}O and Sr(PO{sub 3}F)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jantz, Stephan G.; Hoeppe, Henning A. [Lehrstuhl fuer Festkoerperchemie, Institut fuer Physik, Universitaet Augsburg (Germany); Wuellen, Leo van; Fischer, Andreas [Lehrstuhl fuer Chemische Physik und Materialwissenschaften, Institut fuer Physik, Universitaet Augsburg (Germany); Libowitzky, Eugen [Institute for Mineralogy and Crystallography, Faculty of Geosciences, Geography and Astronomy, University of Vienna (Austria); Baran, Enrique J. [Centro de Quimica Inorganica (CEQUINOR/CONICET, UNLP), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina); Weil, Matthias [Institute for Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Division Structural Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)


    Single crystals of Sr(PO{sub 3}F).H{sub 2}O {P2_1/c, Z = 4, a = 7.4844(2) Aa, b = 7.0793(2) Aa, c = 8.4265(2) Aa, β = 108.696(1) , V = 422.91(2) Aa"3, 2391 F_o"2, 70 parameters, R_1[F"2 > 2σ(F"2)] = 0.036; wR_2(F"2 all) = 0.049, S = 1.054} were grown from an aqueous solution by a metathesis reaction. The structure comprises [SrO{sub 8}] polyhedra and PO{sub 3}F tetrahedra that form a layered arrangement parallel to (100). The topotactic dehydration of this phase proceeds between 80 and 140 C to afford Sr(PO{sub 3}F). The monazite-type crystal structure of Sr(PO{sub 3}F) was elucidated from the X-ray powder data by simulated annealing [P2{sub 1}/c, Z = 4, a = 6.71689(9) Aa, b = 7.11774(11) Aa, c = 8.66997(13) Aa, β = 128.0063(7) , V = 326.605(8) Aa{sup 3}, R{sub p} = 0.010, R{sub wp} = 0.015, R{sub F} = 0.030]. During dehydration, the structure of Sr(PO{sub 3}F) .H{sub 2}O collapses along [100] from a layered arrangement into a framework structure, accompanied by a change of the coordination number of the Sr{sup 2+} ions from eight to nine. The magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR and vibrational spectroscopy data of both phases are discussed. (Copyright copyright 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  15. Naturaleza y cultura en la poesía del modernismo latinoamericano

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    Rodrigo Javier Caresani


    Full Text Available Desde una constelación de poemas clave —“Caupolicán” (1888 de Rubén Darío, “Amor de ciudad grande” (1882 de José Martí y “En el campo” (1893 de Julián del Casal—, el análisis traza las diferencias en la articulación de una categoría fundante del siglo XIX latinoamericano en lo que va del romanticismo al modernismo. Si el concepto de “civilización” es el soporte del orden emergente que define roles sociales y nacionales en la nueva distribución global del XIX, su carácter intrínsecamente antinómico produce un racimo de oposiciones binarias —igualmente jerárquicas y valorativas— como cultura-naturaleza y ciudad-campo. Bajo estas condiciones, el romanticismo latinoamericano encontró en la nueva relación de la subjetividad con el entorno un camino para ensayar su estética, al re-culturizar el espacio natural para integrarlo al proceso de construcción de identidades nacionales. Desde las coordenadas de una fractura en esta tradición, los poemas del modernismo reconfiguran la antinomia entre naturaleza y cultura en una nueva inflexión que termina afectando los resortes de legitimación de un proyecto estético. En particular, nuestra hipótesis se aproxima al ritmo poético entendiéndolo como una fisura en la “ciudad letrada”, el elemento propulsor de una nueva institución literaria que —mientras transforma el paradigma opositivo civilización-barbarie, original-copia, local-universal— contribuye a deslindar la autoridad del poeta modernista respecto del modelo del letrado tradicional.

  16. Thermal expansion of phosphates with the NaZr2(PO4)3 structure containing lanthanides and zirconium: R0.33Zr2(PO4)3 (R = Nd, Eu, Er) and Er0.33(1–x) Zr0.25xZr2(PO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volgutov, V. Yu.; Orlova, A. I.


    Phosphates R 0.33 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (R = Nd, Eu, or Er) and Er 0.33(1–x) Zr 0.25 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) of the NaZr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 family have been synthesized and investigated by high-temperature X-ray diffraction. The crystallochemical approach is used to obtain compounds with expected small and controllable thermal-expansion parameters. Phosphates with close-to-zero thermal-expansion parameters, including those with low thermal-expansion anisotropy, have been obtained: Nd 0.33 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 with α a =–2.21 × 10 −6 °C −1 , α c = 0.81 × 10 −6 °C −1 , and Δα = 3.02 × 10 −6 °C –1 and Er 0.08 Zr 0.19 Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 with α a =–1.86 × 10 −6 °C −1 , α c = 1.73 × 10 −6 °C −1 , and Δα = 3.58 × 10 −6 °C −1

  17. The half-life of 207Bi and decays of 211At and 211Po

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanokura, M.; Kudo, H.; Nakahara, H.; Miyano, K.; Ohya, S.; Nitoh, O.


    The half-life of 207 Bi was obtained from the genetic relation between 207 Po and 207 Bi, and between 211 At and 207 Bi. The half-life was found to be 33.4 +- 0.8 y. The half-life of 207 Po was determined to be 5.81 +- 0.04 h by following the decay of the characteristic γ-rays from 207 Po. The half-life of 211 At was determined to be 7.23 +- 0.02 h by following the decay of γ-rays and α-particles from 211 At and 211 Po. The half-lives determined in the present work for 207 Po and 211 At agree with the literature although the half-life of 207 Bi differs considerably from the currently accepted value of 38 y. The branching ratio of 211 At decaying through EC and α-decay modes was determined together with the branching ratios of the three α-particles emitted from 211 Po. (Auth.)

  18. Removal of lead from crude antimony by using NaPo3 as lead elimination reagent

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    Ye L.G.


    Full Text Available In order to solve the shortcomings when removing lead from crude antimony in the traditional antimony smelting, a new process was provided using NaPO3 as lead elimination reagent to yield phosphate slag, and it was removed by floating on the surface of the liquid antimony. Reaction mechanism was clarified by using the TG-DTA and XRD techniques and single factor experiments of removal lead from crude antimony were engaged. The results show that PbO and NaPO3 begin endothermic reaction at 863K (590°C, and the reaction mainly form NaPb4(PO43 and NaPbPO4 below 1123K (850°C and above 1123K (850°C, respectively. Sb2O3 and NaPO3 start the reaction at 773K (500°C and generate an antimonic salt compound. The reaction product of the mixture of PbO, Sb2O3 and NaPO3 show that NaPO3 reacted with PbO prior when NaPO3 was insufficient, amorphous antimony glass will be generated only when NaPO3 was adequate. Single factor experiments were taken with NaNO3 as oxidizing agent under argon, effect of reaction time, reaction temperature and dosage of NaPO3 and NaNO3 on smelting results. The average content of lead in refined antimony was 0.05340% and 98.85% of lead were removed under optimal conditions; the content of lead in antimony have meet the requirements of commercial antimony.

  19. Inhalation of 210Po and 210Pb from cigarette smoking in Poland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skwarzec, B.; Ulatowski, J.; Struminska, D.I.; Borylo, A.


    The carcinogenic effect of 210 Po and 210 Pb with respect to lung cancer is an important problem in many countries with very high cigarette consumption. Poland has one of the highest consumptions of cigarettes in the world. The results of 210 Po determination on the 14 most frequently smoked brands of cigarettes which constitute over 70% of the total cigarette consumption in Poland are presented and discussed. Moreover, the polonium content in cigarette smoke was estimated on the basis of its activity in fresh tobaccos, ash, fresh filters and post-smoking filters. The annual effective doses were calculated on the basis of 210 Po and 210 Pb inhalation with the cigarette smoke. The results of this work indicate that Polish smokers who smoke one pack (20 cigarettes) per day inhale from 20 to 215 mBq of 210 Po and 210 Pb each. The mean values of the annual effective dose for smokers were estimated to be 35 and 70 μSv from 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively. For persons who smoke two packs of cigarettes with higher radionuclide concentrations, the effective dose is much higher (471 μSv yr -1 ) in comparison with the intake in diet. Therefore, cigarettes and the absorption through the respiratory system are the main sources and the principal pathway of 210 Po and 210 Pb intake of smokers in Poland

  20. «Los gritos de la verdad»: una imagen del Arte nuevo (vv. 43-44 y su significado

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    Adrián J. Sáez


    Full Text Available Una de las escasas facetas del Arte nuevo que la crítica no ha atendido como se merece se encuentra en los vv. 43-44, en la imagen de «los gritos que da la verdad en libros mudos». Este trabajo defiende que, pese a su aparente marginalidad, posee una notable importancia en el contexto de la poética y el pulso mantenido con las normas clásicas. Así, está construida sobre una amalgama de significados (iconográficos, simbólicos … y es una estrategia cargada de ironía destinada al doble receptor del texto.

  1. Evaluación del crecimiento y producción de biomasa de dos cepas del género Pleurotus spp., cultivadas en un medio agar con diferentes sustratos

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    Carol Daniela Coello-Loor


    Full Text Available La velocidad de crecimiento radial (VCR (mm.h-1 y la producción de biomasa (PB (g.g-1 de sustrato seco son técnicas que puedan establecer el grado de adaptación y desarrollo de los hongos del género Pleurotus spp., a distintos sustratos que podrían emplearse en una fermentación en medio sólido. Las especies fueron Pleurotus sapidus (Ps y Pleurotus ostreatus IE8 (Po. El medio de cultivo sintético empleado fue el papa dextrosa agar (PDA, con un pH que va de 5.6 a 5.9, ideal para el crecimiento de hongos, tiene todos los componentes nutritivos, y ligera acidez que logran la inhibición del desarrollo de bacterias; diluido en 4 diferentes soluciones preparadas con los materiales residuales (solución cascarilla de arroz CaPDA, solución cáscara de maracuyá CmPDA, solución mezcla 50% Cascarilla de arroz+50% Cáscara de maracuyá CaCmPDA y agua destilada+PDA con el propósito de observar el crecimiento radial cada 24 horas y la producción de biomasa fúngica de estos hongos lignocelulósicos por su periodo de incubación y la adaptación a nivel in vitro. Los tratamientos que presentaron mejor comportamiento VCR fueron el PoCaPDA (0.569 y el PoCaCmPDA (0.549; la cepa que reporto valores más altos en VCR y PB fue el Pleurotus ostreatus y el mejor medio de cultivo fue el CaPDA, en ambas variables; mientras, la mayor producción de biomasa fue en Pleurotus sapidus en CaPDA (0.1727 y el Pleurotus ostreatus IE8 en CmPDA (0.1722, CaPDA (0.1706 y PDA (0.1694.

  2. Americium and plutonium in phosphates of trigonal structure (NZP type) Am1/3[Zr2(PO4)3] and Pu1/4[Zr2(PO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bykov, D.M.; Orlova, A.I.; Tomilin, S.V.; Lizin, A.A.; Lukinykh, A.N.


    Am 1/3 [Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 ] and Pu 1/4 [Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 ] phosphates are synthesized and are investigated by X-ray diffraction method. Compounds have triclinic lattices and lattice parameters are determined. Possibility of actinide inclusion into hollows of framework of NZP type is shown for the first time. It is proposed that inclusion of Pu and Am highly-charged cations into framework hollows decreases crystal structure symmetry up to primitive trigonal one. Rate of Pu leaching from ceramics on Pu 1/4 [Zr 2 (PO 4 ) 3 ] basis are measured [ru

  3. Biocarbon-coated LiFePO4 nucleus nanoparticles enhancing electrochemical performances. (United States)

    Zhang, Xueguang; Zhang, Xudong; He, Wen; Yue, Yuanzheng; Liu, Hong; Ma, Jingyun


    We report a simple, inexpensive green biomimetic way for developing the high performance LiFePO(4) for high-power lithium-ion batteries. Biocarbon-coated LiFePO(4) nucleus nanoparticles are synthesized by using yeast cells as both a structural template and a biocarbon source.

  4. 210Po and 210Pb in food chains lichen - reindeer - man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solatie, D.; Yunttila, M.; Vesterbakka, P.


    Migration of 210 Po and its precursor 210 Pb from radioactive fallout through food chain lichen - reindeer - man is studied. Samples of lichens, leaves, grass, mushrooms, soils, and samples of reindeer tissues are selected; their specific radioactivity and ratio 210 Po/ 210 Pb are determined [ru

  5. 210Po and 210Pb in Forest Soil and in Wild Berries in Finland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vaaramaa, Kaisa; Lehto, Jukka; Solatie, Dina; Aro, Lasse


    The behaviour of 210 Po and 210 Pb was investigated in forests in the Southern Finland site and in the Northern Finland site. Sampling sites were in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests. Maximum activities of 210 Po and 210 Pb in soil columns were found in organic layers. According to preliminary results of wild berry samples, the lowest 210 Po concentrations were found in berries. The highest concentration of 210 Po was found in stems of the blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and the lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) samples

  6. Syntheses and characterizations of LiFePO4 powders


    Jugović, Dragana; Kuzmanović, Maja; Mitrić, Miodrag; Cvjetićanin, Nikola; Uskoković, Dragan


    The olivine type compositions LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Mn, Co) are among the most attractive materials for the positive electrode of lithium-ion battery. The benefits of using LiFePO4 are excellent cycle life, high structural stability, low cost and environmental friendliness. Here will be presented our efforts to obtain LiFePO4 powders through several synthesis methods. The differences in phase purity, microstructure, morphology, and electrochemical performances of synthesized powders were investigat...

  7. Baseline concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in Sargassum from the northern Gulf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uddin, S.; Aba, A.; Bebhehani, M.


    Highlights: • This is the first baseline for 210 Po and 210 Pb in Sargassum from northern Gulf. • 210 Po concentration in Sargassum boveanum is higher than Sargassum oligocystum. • 210 Pb concentrations in two Sargassum species was not statistically significant. • The concentration factor is microalgae is slightly higher than IAEA recommended value. - Abstract: This baseline study highlights the 210 Po and 210 Pb concentration in two species of the benthic macroalgae Sargassum from northern Gulf, also known as the ROPME Sea Area (RSA). Within the marine environment, 210 Po is initially absorbed from water and concentrated by phytoplankton and macroalgae, and this concentrated 210 Po can then readily be passed along to the higher trophic level of the marine food web. The 210 Po concentration measured in Sargassum boveanum (22.5–25.6 Bq kg −1 ) was higher than that in Sargassum oligocystum (20.2–22.5 Bq kg −1 ), but is not statistically significant (p > 0.064), where as the difference between 210 Pb concentrations in Sargassum boveanum (15.3–16.8 Bq kg −1 ) and Sargassum oligocystum (18.4–22.0 Bq kg −1 ) was statistically significant (p > 0.019). The measured concentration factor for 210 Po in Sargassum in the northern Gulf varied between 0.55 and 1.2 × 10 4 , values higher to the IAEA recommended value of 1 × 10 3 . The 210 Po enrichment is observed in both the species of Sargassum, 210 Po/ 210 Pb ratio was >1 at all the stations for all the samples

  8. Annual effective dose of {sup 210}Po from sea food origin (Oysters and Mussels) in Korea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Bo Eum; Hong, Gi Hoon; Kim, Suk Hyun; Lee, Hyun Mi [Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Ansan (Korea, Republic of)


    Ingestion of {sup 210}Po laden seafood accounts for a substantial amount of the effective dose of {sup 210}Po. Among seafood items, mollusks, especially domestically produced oysters and mussels, are highly enriched in {sup 210}Po and are consumed in large quantities in Korea. Oysters and mussels around the Korean coasts were collected from major farm areas in November 2013. Samples were spiked with an aliquot of {sup 210}Po as a yield tracer, and they were digested with 6 mol·L{sup -1} HNO{sub 3} and H{sub 2}O{sub 2}. The {sup 210}Po and {sup 209}Po were spontaneously deposited onto a silver disc in an acidic solution of 0.5 mol·L{sup -1} HCl and measured using an alpha spectrometer. The activity concentrations of {sup 210}Pb and {sup 210}Po were decay corrected to the sampling date, accounting for the possible in-growth and decay of {sup 210}Po. {sup 210}Po activity concentrations in oysters were in a range from 41.3 to 206 Bq·(kg-ww{sup -1} and mussels in a range from 42.9 to 46.7 Bq·(kg-ww){sup -1}. The {sup 210}Po activity concentration of oysters in the turbid Western coast was higher than the Southern coast. The {sup 210}Po activity concentration of the oysters was positively correlated (R2=0.89) with those of the suspended particulate matter in the surface water. The calculated annual effective dose of {sup 210}Po from oysters and mussels consumed by the Korean population was 21-104 and 5.01-5.46 μSv·y{sup -1}. The combined effective dose due to the consumption of oysters and mussels appears to account for about 35±19% of that arising from seafood consumption in the Korean population. The annual effective dose of {sup 210}Po for oysters in the Korean population was found to be higher than other countries. The total annual effective dose of 210Po{sup 210}Po due to consumption of oysters and mussels consumed in Korea was found to be 76±42 μSv·y{sup -1}, accounting for 28±16% of the total effective dose of {sup 210}Po from food in Korea.

  9. Co3(PO42·4H2O

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Kim


    Full Text Available Single crystals of Co3(PO42·4H2O, tricobalt(II bis[orthophosphate(V] tetrahydrate, were obtained under hydrothermal conditions. The title compound is isotypic with its zinc analogue Zn3(PO42·4H2O (mineral name hopeite and contains two independent Co2+ cations. One Co2+ cation exhibits a slightly distorted tetrahedral coordination, while the second, located on a mirror plane, has a distorted octahedral coordination environment. The tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ is bonded to four O atoms of four PO43− anions, whereas the six-coordinate Co2+ is cis-bonded to two phosphate groups and to four O atoms of four water molecules (two of which are located on mirror planes, forming a framework structure. In addition, hydrogen bonds of the type O—H...O are present throughout the crystal structure.

  10. Chemically grafted carbon-coated LiFePO4 using diazonium chemistry (United States)

    Delaporte, Nicolas; Perea, Alexis; Amin, Ruhul; Zaghib, Karim; Bélanger, Daniel


    The effect of surface functionalization of aminophenyl and bromophenyl groups on carbon-coated LiFePO4 and the electrochemical properties of composite electrode containing these materials are reported. The functionalization was performed by spontaneous reduction of the corresponding in situ generated diazonium ions. The resulting chemically grafted LiFePO4/C materials were characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to confirm the presence of the surface organic species. XRD analyses indicated the cathode material was partially oxidized. Thermogravimetric and elemental analyses revealed the loading of grafted molecules was between 0.2 and 1.1 wt.% depending on the reaction conditions. Interestingly, the electrochemical performances of the modified LiFePO4/C are not adversely affected by the presence of either aminophenyl and bromophenyl groups at the carbon surface, and in fact the grafted LiFePO4/C displayed slightly superior discharge capacity at the highest C rate investigated for a low loading of organic molecules.

  11. Quantitative evaluation of 218Po behaviour in air in an artificial environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yajima, K.; Hirao, S.; Moriizumi, J.; Yamazawa, H.


    Experiments were carried out in a small enclosed booth for the purpose of understanding and modelling 218 Po behaviour. The experiment was conducted under two kinds of conditions without and with injection of incense smoke. A working model of 218 Po behaviour was applied to analyse the measured data. Under the condition without incense smoke, temporal changes in aerosol-attached and unattached 218 Po concentrations were successfully reproduced by the model. The deposition rate of unattached fraction and the rate of attachment were determined by the working model. Under the condition with incense smoke, temporal changes in 218 Po concentration were poorly simulated by the model. This can be attributed to the significantly increased aerosol concentration in small size ranges which is not properly considered in the attachment rate calculation in the model. (authors)

  12. Moessbauer study of FePO4 cathode for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tetsuaki Nishida; Masahiro Tokunaga; Toshiharu Nishizumi; Takafumi Yamamoto; Tomoyuki Shiratsuchi; Shigeto Okada; Jun-ichi Yamaki


    LiFePO 4 of olivine type has attracted much interest as a rare-metal free cathode for lithium-ion battery. The present authors' group has found a low-cost preparation method for new cathode material FePO 4 (P 321 ) from an aqueous solution of metallic iron and P 2 O 5 . A cathode pellet was prepared by mixing FePO 4 , acetylene black (AB) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) binder at a mass ratio of 70:25:5. Electrochemical cathode performance was investigated under a constant current density of 0.1 mA/cm 2 with a coin-type cell with an anode of metallic Li and Na for Li- and Na-ion batteries, respectively. Moessbauer spectra were measured by a constant accele- ration method with a Moessbauer source of 57 Co(Pd) and an α-Fe foil as a reference of the isomer shift. Moessbauer spectra of the original cathode pellet top left and right) composed of amorphous FePO 4 indicate that all the Fe III atoms have a tetrahedral symmetry. After discharging the Li-(second left) and Na-batteries (second right), all the Fe III were reduced to octahedral Fe II . The reduction of Fe III to Fe II indicates penetration of Li + and Na + into the FePO 4 cathode which accompanies an electron capture; Li + (or Na + ) + Fe III PO 4 + e - = LiFe II PO 4 (or NaFe II PO 4 ) After charging the Li-cell (bottom left), all the Fen atoms were oxidized to tetrahedral Fe III , while 69 % of Fe II was oxidized to Fe III in the Na-ion cell (bottom right) due to a lower cell voltage: 4.0 V. Oxidation of Fe II to Fe III reflects a release of Li + or Na + ions from the FePO 4 cathode to the electrolyte, i.e., an inverse reaction of eq.

  13. In pursuit of the rhabdophane crystal structure: from the hydrated monoclinic LnPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O to the hexagonal LnPO{sub 4} (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd, Eu and Dy)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mesbah, Adel, E-mail: [ICSM, UMR 5257 CNRS – CEA – ENSCM – Université de Montpellier, Site de Marcoule - Bât 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols/Cèze (France); Clavier, Nicolas [ICSM, UMR 5257 CNRS – CEA – ENSCM – Université de Montpellier, Site de Marcoule - Bât 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols/Cèze (France); Elkaim, Erik [Synchrotron SOLEIL, L' Orme des Merisiers, Saint-Aubin, BP 48, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France); Szenknect, Stéphanie; Dacheux, Nicolas [ICSM, UMR 5257 CNRS – CEA – ENSCM – Université de Montpellier, Site de Marcoule - Bât 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols/Cèze (France)


    The dehydration process of the hydrated rhabdophane LnPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O (Ln = La to Dy) was thoroughly studied over the combination of in situ high resolution synchrotron powder diffraction and TGA experiments. In the case of SmPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O (monoclinic, C2), a first dehydration step was identified around 80 °C leading to the formation of SmPO{sub 4}.0.5H{sub 2}O (Monoclinic, C2) with Z =12 and a =17.6264(1) Å, b =6.9704(1) Å, c =12.1141(1) Å, β=133.74(1) °, V =1075.33(1) Å{sup 3}. In agreement with the TGA and dilatometry experiments, all the water molecules were evacuated above 220 °C yielding to the anhydrous form, which crystallizes in the hexagonal P3{sub 1}21 space group with a =7.0389(1) Å, c =6.3702(1) Å and V =273.34(1) Å{sup 3}. This study was extended to selected LnPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O samples (Ln= Nd, Gd, Eu, Dy) and the obtained results confirmed the existence of two dehydration steps before the stabilization of the anhydrous form, with the transitory formation of LnPO{sub 4}.0.5H{sub 2}O. - Graphical abstract: The dehydration process of the rhabdophane SmPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O was studied over combination of in situ high resolution synchrotron powder diffraction and TGA techniques, a first dehydration was identified around 80 °C leading to the formation of SmPO{sub 4}.0.5H{sub 2}O (Monoclinic, C2). Then above 220 °C, the anhydrous form of the rhabdophane SmPO{sub 4} was stabilized and crystallizes in the hexagonal P3{sub 1}21 space group. - Highlights: • In situ synchrotron powder diffraction was carried out during the dehydration of the rhabdopahe LnPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O. • The heat of the rhabdophane LnPO{sub 4}.0.667H{sub 2}O leads to LnPO{sub 4}.0.5H{sub 2}O then to anhydrous rhabdophane LnPO{sub 4}. • LnPO{sub 4}.0.5H{sub 2}O (monoclinic, C2) and LnPO{sub 4} (Hexagonal, P3{sub 1}21) were solved over the use of direct methods.

  14. A chemically activated graphene-encapsulated LiFePO4 composite for high-performance lithium ion batteries. (United States)

    Ha, Jeonghyun; Park, Seung-Keun; Yu, Seung-Ho; Jin, Aihua; Jang, Byungchul; Bong, Sungyool; Kim, In; Sung, Yung-Eun; Piao, Yuanzhe


    A composite of modified graphene and LiFePO4 has been developed to improve the speed of charging-discharging and the cycling stability of lithium ion batteries using LiFePO4 as a cathode material. Chemically activated graphene (CA-graphene) has been successfully synthesized via activation by KOH. The as-prepared CA-graphene was mixed with LiFePO4 to prepare the composite. Microscopic observation and nitrogen sorption analysis have revealed the surface morphologies of CA-graphene and the CA-graphene/LiFePO4 composite. Electrochemical properties have also been investigated after assembling coin cells with the CA-graphene/LiFePO4 composite as a cathode active material. Interestingly, the CA-graphene/LiFePO4 composite has exhibited better electrochemical properties than the conventional graphene/LiFePO4 composite as well as bare LiFePO4, including exceptional speed of charging-discharging and excellent cycle stability. That is because the CA-graphene in the composite provides abundant porous channels for the diffusion of lithium ions. Moreover, it acts as a conducting network for easy charge transfer and as a divider, preventing the aggregation of LiFePO4 particles. Owing to these properties of CA-graphene, LiFePO4 could demonstrate enhanced and stably long-lasting electrochemical performance.

  15. Pespectivas y planteamientos de una poética: reflexiones sobre poesía y ficción en el comentario a la Divina Comedia de Fernández de Villegas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cinthia M. Hamlin


    Full Text Available En 1515 se difunde en Burgos la primera traducción impresa de la Divina Comedia, edición que contaba con una exhaustiva glosa rodeando cada copla en la que Pedro Fernández de Villegas traducía y amplificaba, a su vez, el “Comento sopra la Comedia” de Landino (1481. En el siguiente trabajo analizaremos las reflexiones sobre poesía y ficción presentes en el comentario, con el objetivo de ponerlas en relación, por un lado, con el Prólogo de Landino y, por otro, con algunas de las concepciones poéticas más importantes del Humanismo peninsular. Adelantamos a manera de conclusión que la particular situación enunciativa desde la que escribe el arcediano, a saber, su calidad de religioso y literato de corte, le confiere a su texto un valor indiscutible en cuanto exponente de las problemáticas culturales más apremiantes del período, en especial la tensión entre la Escolástica y el Humanismo, que su mismo texto, en sus posturas un tanto contradictorias, encarna. Sin embargo, su valor mayor radica en la vital importancia que presenta para la historia de las reflexiones literarias en la Península, pues al mismo tiempo que releva y reformula toda la serie de reflexiones poéticas y tópicos literarios que encuentra en su tradición, presenta actitudes que, a comienzos del siglo XVI, resultan novedosas.La première traduction castillane imprimée de la Divina Commedia (Burgos, 1515 fut accompagnée d'un commentaire exhaustif entourant chaque strophe, dans lequel Pedro Fernández de Villegas a traduit et amplifié le “Comento soprala Commedia” (1481 de Cristoforo Landino. L'objectif du présent article est d'analyser les réflexions concernant la poésie et la fiction que propose le commentaire, afin de les mettre en relation, d'une part, avec le prologue de Landino et, d'autre part, avec certaines des principales conceptions poétiques de l'Humanisme péninsulaire. En guise de conclusion, nous pouvons avancer que la situation

  16. Aporías de la mirada: Tapiz del ciego de José Lezama Lima

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    Kristov Cerda N.


    Full Text Available El breve poemario Aventuras Sigilosas (19451  ha sido señalado tempranamente por la crítica como un punto de inflexión importante en el desarrollo de la obra poética de José Lezama Lima, en la medida en que en aquél parece abandonarse el prurito esteticis- ta de su obra primera a favor de una más explícita concepción de la poesía como herramienta  de  conocimiento  trascendente  (Fernández,  1954.  Poemario  singular,  además, porque los once textos que lo componen trazan una secuencia temática común, definida en una suerte de prólogo antepuesto entre paréntesis por el autor y que narra el devenir de un personaje innominado desde que huye de la aldea materna «para hacer letras armadas» (Lezama, 1999: 91 hasta una oprobiosa agonía. Cada uno de los poemas del libro remite, por lo tanto, a alguno de los eventos o personajes de este recorrido, de modo que la obra adquiere un cariz narrativo que fuerza una interpretación de conjunto. Con todo, aquella debe decidirse por alguna de las múltiples orientaciones que la obra prodiga respec- to de cuál sería la experiencia dominante que determina la totalidad del recorrido, tarea nada sencilla en tanto la sobreabundancia figurativa del lenguaje que –como es sabido– ca- racteriza el discurso lezamiano, ofrece al intérprete una constelación de significados, evocaciones e indicios de toda índole que pueden hacer de pivote para múltiples lecturas. Esta dificultad señala, sin embargo, la posibilidad de una brecha en la aparente clausura hermenéutica impuesta por la secuencia descrita en el prólogo, en tanto si bien los poemas espejean entre sí como estancias diversas de un mismo espacio donde se escenifica el recorrido, cada uno de ellos posee a su vez una textura figurativa distintiva que permite tratarlo como una unidad independiente del conjunto. Como se ha dicho (Prieto, 1991, esta tensión entre texto singular y contexto global de la obra se proyecta sobre la

  17. Continuous flame aerosol synthesis of carbon-coated nano-LiFePO4 for Li-ion batteries (United States)

    Waser, Oliver; Büchel, Robert; Hintennach, Andreas; Novák, Petr; Pratsinis, Sotiris E.


    Core-shell, nanosized LiFePO4-carbon particles were made in one step by scalable flame aerosol technology at 7 g/h. Core LiFePO4 particles were made in an enclosed flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) unit and were coated in-situ downstream by auto thermal carbonization (pyrolysis) of swirl-fed C2H2 in an O2-controlled atmosphere. The formation of acetylene carbon black (ACB) shell was investigated as a function of the process fuel-oxidant equivalence ratio (EQR). The core-shell morphology was obtained at slightly fuel-rich conditions (1.0 < EQR < 1.07) whereas segregated ACB and LiFePO4 particles were formed at fuel-lean conditions (0.8 < EQR < 1). Post-annealing of core-shell particles in reducing environment (5 vol% H2 in argon) at 700 °C for up to 4 hours established phase pure, monocrystalline LiFePO4 with a crystal size of 65 nm and 30 wt% ACB content. Uncoated LiFePO4 or segregated LiFePO4-ACB grew to 250 nm at these conditions. Annealing at 800 °C induced carbothermal reduction of LiFePO4 to Fe2P by ACB shell consumption that resulted in cavities between carbon shell and core LiFePO4 and even slight LiFePO4 crystal growth but better electrochemical performance. The present carbon-coated LiFePO4 showed superior cycle stability and higher rate capability than the benchmark, commercially available LiFePO4. PMID:23407817

  18. Krwotok położniczy – zasady współpracy położnika i anestezjologa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elżbieta Nowacka


    Full Text Available Krwotok położniczy wciąż jest jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn zgonów ciężarnych irodzących. Prawie 88% kobiet umiera w ciągu pierwszych czterech godzin od momentu jego wystąpienia. Znajomość mechanizmów regulują‑ cych homeostazę ustroju ciężarnej ma ogromne znaczenie w postępowaniu terapeutycznym w przypadku wystą‑ pienia krwotoku okołoporodowego. O tym, jak trudno rozpoznać i zdefiniować krwotok położniczy, dowodzi obecność kilkunastu różnych jego definicji. Z punktu widzenia zmian hemodynamicznych, następstw ogólno‑ ustrojowych i konieczności podjęcia określonych decyzji terapeutycznych bardzo użyteczne wydają się pojęcia oceniające szybkość utraty wokreślonym przedziale czasowym: skumulowana utrata krwi wynosząca 150 ml/min lub 1,5 ml/kg m.c./min oraz utrata 50% objętości krwi krążącej w ciągu 3 godzin. Rokowanie w krwotoku położ‑ niczym zależy od wielu elementów, do których zaliczamy: szybkie rozpoznanie, powiadomienie i wdrożenie algo‑ rytmu postępowania terapeutycznego oraz efektywne działanie interdyscyplinarne różnych zespołów biorących udział w procesie diagnostyczno‑leczniczym. Niezbędna jest jednoczasowa, efektywna współpraca doświadczo‑ nego zespołu anestezjologicznego, ginekologiczno‑położniczego, bloku operacyjnego, zespołów pracowni dia‑ gnostyczno‑laboratoryjnych oraz regionalnego centrum krwiodawstwa. Skoordynowanie pracy dużej liczby ludzi, często „rozrzuconych” w strukturach organizacyjnych szpitala na różnych piętrach lub w oddzielnych budyn‑ kach, jest niezmiernie trudne. Opracowanie algorytmu postępowania uwzględniającego kolejność i sposób powiadamiania oraz wdrażanie określonych procedur w poszczególnych jednostkach organizacyjnych decydu‑ ją o przeżyciu pacjentki i późniejszej jakości życia. Większość czynności w ciężkim krwotoku położniczym (resu‑ scytacja, monitorowanie, opanowywanie

  19. Occurrence of ²¹⁰Po and biological effects of low-level exposure: the need for research. (United States)

    Seiler, Ralph L; Wiemels, Joseph L


    Polonium-210 (²¹⁰Po) concentrations that exceed 1 Bq/L in drinking-water supplies have been reported from four widely separated U.S. states where exposure to it went unnoticed for decades. The radionuclide grandparents of ²¹⁰Po are common in sediments, and segments of the public may be chronically exposed to low levels of ²¹⁰Po in drinking water or in food products from animals raised in contaminated areas. We summarized information on the environmental behavior, biokinetics, and toxicology of ²¹⁰Po and identified the need for future research. Potential linkages between environmental exposure to ²¹⁰Po and human health effects were identified in a literature review. ²¹⁰Po accumulates in the ovaries where it kills primary oocytes at low doses. Because of its radiosensitivity and tendency to concentrate ²¹⁰Po, the ovary may be the critical organ in determining the lowest injurious dose for ²¹⁰Po. ²¹⁰Po also accumulates in the yolk sac of the embryo and in the fetal and placental tissues. Low-level exposure to ²¹⁰Po may have subtle, long-term biological effects because of its tropism towards reproductive and embryonic and fetal tissues where exposure to a single alpha particle may kill or damage critical cells. ²¹⁰Po is present in cigarettes and maternal smoking has several effects that appear consistent with the toxicology of ²¹⁰Po. Much of the important biological and toxicological research on ²¹⁰Po is more than four decades old. New research is needed to evaluate environmental exposure to ²¹⁰Po and the biological effects of low-dose exposure to it so that public health officials can develop appropriate mitigation measures where necessary.

  20. 210Po in cigarette and the radiation dose inhaled by smoker

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xin; Chen Xingan; Pan Yingdong


    The contents of Polonium-210 in 16 brands of cigarettes from China and 4 brands of cigarettes from abroad were reported. The method that the authors used for separating Polonium-210 was electrochemical deposition method. The 210 Po contents were analyzed in whole cigarettes from freshly opened packs. The 210 Po contents of the China-made cigarettes ranged from 13.7 to 43.4 mBq/cig, from 18.0 to 67.3 mBq/g respectively, the mean values were 26.5 mBq/cig and 33.7 mBq/g respectively. The content of 210 Po in cigarettes from China is higher than that from abroad. The polonium contents of the ash, butt and main stream smoke were reported. The cigarettes were smoked with the eight-channel smoking machine for determining the concentration of the radionuclides in main stream smoke. ('Main Stream' means smoke taken into the mouth). About 15% of 210 Po contained in a cigarette was transferred into the main stream smoke, 40% of the whole 210 Po content remained in the ash and butt for filter cigarette, 60% for non-filter. The daily intake of the 210 Po from cigarette was 80 mBq, the annual dose equivalent to the lung tissue of human body was 0.46 mSv. In view of present knowledge, it is improbable that this dose is significant for the higher incidence of lung tissue of human body was 0.46 mSv. In view of present knowledge, it is improbable that this dose is significant for the higher incidence of lung cancer in smokers

  1. Dependence of 210Po activity on organic matter in the reverine environs of coastal Kerala

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayana, Y.; Venunathan, N.


    This paper deals with the distribution of 210 Po in the river bank soil samples of three major rivers namely Bharathapuzha, Periyar and Kallada river of Kerala. The dependence of 210 Po activity on organic matter content in the samples was also studied. The soil samples were collected and analyzed for 210 Po radionuclide using standard radiochemical analytical method. Activity of 210 Po increases with increase in organic matter content in samples. Along the Bharathapuzha river bank the 210 Po activity ranges from 2.96 to 12.48 Bq kg -1 with mean 5.62 Bq kg -1 . The organic matter percentage in the samples ranges from 0.4 to 2.8 and a good correlation with correlation coefficient 0.9 was found between activity and organic matter percentage. In the Periyar river environs 210 Po activity ranges from 3.47 to 13.39 Bq kg -1 with mean value 9.27 Bq kg -1 . Organic matter percentage in these samples ranges from 1.20 to 4.10 and the correlation coefficient between 210 Po activity and organic matter percentage was found to be 0.8 In the Kallada river bank soil samples 210 Po activity ranges from 4.46 to 6.45 Bq kg -1 . The organic matter percentage ranges from 1.4 to 3. The correlation coefficient between 210 Po activity and organic matter percentage in the samples was found to be 0.9. (author)

  2. Preparation and photocatalytic degradation performance of Ag_3PO_4 with a two-step approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Jiwen; Ji, Xiaojing; Li, Xian; Hu, Xianghua; Sun, Yanfang; Ma, Jingjun; Qiao, Gaowei


    Highlights: • Ag_3PO_4 photocatalysts were synthesized via one-step and two-step ion-exchange reaction. • Photocatalytic properties of Ag_3PO_4 photocatalysts was investigated, the result indicated the Ag_3PO_4 (2) was higher than that of Ag_3PO_4 (1) under the same experimental condition. • Ag_3PO_4 (2) particles were larger than Ag_3PO_4 (1) particles and many polygonal-shaped surfaces could be clearly observed in the Ag_3PO_4 (2) particles. - Abstract: Ag_3PO_4 photocatalysts were prepared via two and one-step through a facile ion-exchange route. The photocatalysts were then characterized through powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was evaluated on the basis of the photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange (MO) and methylene blue (MB) under solar irradiation. The MO degradation rate of the Photocatalyst synthesized by the two-step ion-exchange route was 89.18% in 60 min. This value was four times that of the Photocatalyst synthesized by the one-step approach.The MB degradation rate was 97% in 40 min. After six cycling runs were completed, the MO degradation rate was 73%

  3. doped LiMgPO4 phosphor

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    attention because of their remarkable luminescence proper- ties and .... Figure 1. (a) X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMgPO4:Tb3+ phosphor and (b) standard data. ICDD file. .... ground signal which affects the signal to noise ratio [17]. MDD was ...

  4. ¡Alucinados por paisajes! Indicadores para una relectura del paisaje regional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Aldemar Gómez Sierra


    Full Text Available Otra forma de administrar las localidades en la globalización, es la vinculación del paisaje con las expresiones culturales. Ese, depende de las miradas naturales o fotografiadas, sometidas ambas a la subjetividad. La acepción aplicada al entorno, se expresa como espectáculo rural, dotado de patrimonios, cuyas concepciones poéticas, románticas y turísticas, obstaculizan más posibilidades. Aunque al departamento de Boyacá se le identifique parcialmente como territorio de paisajes, dicho concepto, alejado de las categorías científicas es pasivo y contemplativo. Enriquecerlo con miradas y procedimientos fundamentados, desde la experiencia de los paisajes vitícolas y hablar de la ciencia del paisaje, articulada con disciplinas científicas y aplicadas, permitiría la movilidad de conocimientos y por ende, una transformación social.

  5. Synthesis, structures and properties of the new lithium cobalt(II) phosphate Li4Co(PO4)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glaum, R.; Gerber, K.; Schulz-Dobrick, M.; Herklotz, M.; Scheiba, F.; Ehrenberg, H.


    α-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 has been synthesized and crystallized by solid-state reactions. The new phosphate crystallizes in the monoclinic system (P2 1 /a, Z=4, a=8.117(3) Å, b=10.303(8) Å, c=8.118(8) Å, β=104.36(8) Å) and is isotypic to α-Li 4 Zn(PO 4 ) 2 . The structure of α-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 has been determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data {R 1 =0.040, wR 2 =0.135, 2278 unique reflections with F o >4σ(F o )}. The crystal structure, which might be regarded as a superstructure of the wurtzite structure type, is build of layers of regular CoO 4 , PO 4 and Li1O 4 tetrahedra. Lithium atoms Li2, Li3 and Li4 are located between these layers. Thermal investigations by in-situ XRPD, DTA/TG and quenching experiments suggest decomposition followed by formation and phase transformation of Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 : α-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 ⟹ 442°C β-Li 3 PO 4 +LiCoPO 4 ⇌ 773°C β-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 ⟹ quenchingto25°C α-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 According to HT-XRPD at θ=850°Cβ-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 (Pnma, Z=2, 10.3341(8) Å, b=6.5829(5) Å, c=5.0428(3) Å) is isostructural to γ-Li 3 PO 4 . The powder reflectance spectrum of α-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 shows the typical absorption bands for the tetrahedral chromophore [Co II O 4 ]. - Graphical abstract: The complex formation and decomposition behavior of Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 with temperature has been elucidated. The crystal structure of its α-phase was determined from single crystal data, HT-XRPD allowed derivation of a structure model for the β-phase. Both modifications belong to the Li 3 PO 4 structure family. Highlights: ► Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 exhibits complex thermal behavior. ► The new phosphate belongs to the Li 3 PO 4 structure family. ► A single-crystal structure analysis is provided for the metastable α-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 . ► From HT-XRPD data a cation distribution model is developed for β-Li 4 Co(PO 4 ) 2 . ► No electrochemical delithiation is observed up to 5 V.

  6. Modeling Li-ion conductivity in LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} powder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mounir, Ferhi, E-mail: [Laboratoire de Physicochimie des Materiaux Mineraux et leurs Applications, Centre National des Recherches en Sciences des Materiaux, BP No. 73, 8027 Soliman (Tunisia); Karima, Horchani-Naifer [Laboratoire de Physicochimie des Materiaux Mineraux et leurs Applications, Centre National des Recherches en Sciences des Materiaux, BP No. 73, 8027 Soliman (Tunisia); Khaled, Ben Saad [Laboratoire de Photovoltaieque, Centre des Recherches et des Technologies de l' Energie, Technopole Borj Cedria, BP No. 95, 2050 Hammam Lif (Tunisia); Mokhtar, Ferid [Laboratoire de Physicochimie des Materiaux Mineraux et leurs Applications, Centre National des Recherches en Sciences des Materiaux, BP No. 73, 8027 Soliman (Tunisia)


    Polycrystalline powder and single-crystal of LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} are synthesized by solid state reaction and flux technique, respectively. A morphological description of the obtained product was made based on scanning electron microscopy micrographs. The obtained powder was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, FTIR and Raman spectroscopies. Ionic conductivity of the LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} powder was measured and evaluated over a temperature range from 553 to 913 K. Single crystals of LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} structure was found to be isotypic with LiNd(PO{sub 3}){sub 4}. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system with space group C2/c and cell parameters: a=16.635(6) A, b=7.130(3) A, c=9.913(3) A, {beta}=126.37(4) Degree-Sign , V=946.72(6) A{sup 3} and Z=4. The LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} structure was described as an alternation between spiraling chains (PO{sub 3}){sub n} and (La{sup 3+}, Li{sup +}) cations along the b direction. The small Li{sup +} ions, coordinated to four oxygen atoms, were located in the large connected cavities created between the LaO{sub 8} polyhedra and the polyphosphate chains. The jumping of Li{sup +} through tunnels of the crystalline network was investigated using complex impedance spectroscopy. The close value of the activation energies calculated through the analysis of conductivity data and loss spectra indicate that the transport in the investigated system is through hopping mechanism. The correlation between ionic conductivity of LiLa(PO{sub 3}){sub 4} and its crystallographic structure was investigated and the most probably transport pathway model was determined.

  7. The subcellular localization of natural 210Po in the hepatopancreas of the rock lobster (Jasus lalandii)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heyraud, M.; Dowdle, E.B.; Cherry, R.D.


    The subcellular localization of the naturally occurring nuclide 210 Po in the hepatopancreas of the South African rock lobster, Jasus lalandii, has been studied using centrifugation, ultrafiltration and chromatography. Just over half of the 210 Po was found to be associated with a component in the microsomal pellet. Most of the 210 Po was tightly bound to a component of high molecular mass. Dissociation of the 210 Po from this component required incubation with sulphydryl-reducing reagents, after which the 210 Po appeared to associate with a fraction having a molecular mass of 1500 daltons or less. A search for negatively-charged, hydrophobic, sulphur-containing membrane proteins which bind 210 Po is suggested. (author)

  8. Subcellular localization of natural /sup 210/Po in the hepatopancreas of the rock lobster (Jasus lalandii)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyraud, M; Dowdle, E B; Cherry, R D


    The subcellular localization of the naturally occurring nuclide /sup 210/Po in the hepatopancreas of the South African rock lobster, Jasus lalandii, has been studied using centrifugation, ultrafiltration and chromatography. Just over half of the /sup 210/Po was found to be associated with a component in the microsomal pellet. Most of the /sup 210/Po was tightly bound to a component of high molecular mass. Dissociation of the /sup 210/Po from this component required incubation with sulphydryl-reducing reagents, after which the /sup 210/Po appeared to associate with a fraction having a molecular mass of 1500 daltons or less. A search for negatively-charged, hydrophobic, sulphur-containing membrane proteins which bind /sup 210/Po is suggested.

  9. Optical and crystal chemistry studies of Na3Ln(PO4)2-K3Ln(PO4)2 (Ln=Eu, Gd)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mesnaoui, M.; Maazaz, M.


    In these systems, large single phase domains are separated by two phase regions. The structural evolution as a function of composition is analysed both by X-ray diffraction and by using Eu 3+ and Gd 3+ as luminescent local structural probes. Due to layer type structure of the K 3 Ln(PO 4 ) 2 phases an exchange reaction resulting in total substitution of sodium for potassium can be carried out with formation of metastable Na 3 Ln(PO 4 ) 2 phases, the structure of which is close to those of the potassium compounds. 10 refs.; 18 figs [fr

  10. Some redox chemistry of HPO2-. and .PO32- radicals. A pulse radiolysis study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Packer, J.E.; Anderson, R.F.


    The HO . radical oxidises hypophosphite and phosphite anions to HPO 2 -. and . PO 3 2- respectively, but Br 2 -. and N 3 . do not. The rates of oxidation of HPO 2 -. by a series of oxidising agents of known one electron redox potentials decrease with decreasing potential while the corresponding rates for oxidation of . PO 3 2- remain close to the diffusion controlled limit. . PO 3 2- will oxidise cysteine but HPO 2 -. does not. . PO 3 2- did not oxidise ABTS, ascorbate, or the anion of the vitamin E analogue, trolox. It reduced traces of TMPD +. in TMPD rather than oxidising the substrate. The one electron redox potentials for oxidation and reduction of . PO 3 2- are calculated in light of recently published redox data on penicillamine. (author)

  11. Structural and electrochemical properties of Cl-doped LiFePO{sub 4}/C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, C.S.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.J.; Zhou, Z. [Institute of New Energy Material Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 (China)


    Cl-doped LiFePO{sub 4}/C cathode materials were synthesized through a carbothermal reduction route, and the microstructure and electrochemical performances were systematically studied. Cl-doped LiFePO{sub 4}/C cathode materials presented a high discharge capacity of {proportional_to}90 mAh g{sup -1} at the rate of 20 C (3400 mA g{sup -1}) at room temperature. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltamperometry indicated the optimized electrochemical reaction and Li{sup +} diffusion in the bulk of LiFePO{sub 4} due to Cl-doping. The improved Li{sup +} diffusion capability is attributed to the microstructure modification of LiFePO{sub 4} via Cl-doping. (author)

  12. Single-crystalline LiFePO4 nanosheets for high-rate Li-ion batteries. (United States)

    Zhao, Yu; Peng, Lele; Liu, Borui; Yu, Guihua


    The lithiation/delithiation in LiFePO4 is highly anisotropic with lithium-ion diffusion being mainly confined to channels along the b-axis. Controlling the orientation of LiFePO4 crystals therefore plays an important role for efficient mass transport within this material. We report here the preparation of single crystalline LiFePO4 nanosheets with a large percentage of highly oriented {010} facets, which provide the highest pore density for lithium-ion insertion/extraction. The LiFePO4 nanosheets show a high specific capacity at low charge/discharge rates and retain significant capacities at high C-rates, which may benefit the development of lithium batteries with both favorable energy and power density.

  13. Photoluminescence and thermoluminescence characterization of Eu3+- and Dy3+ -activated Ca3(PO4)2 phosphor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagpure, I.M.; Saha, Subhajit; Dhoble, S.J.


    Rare-earth-doped polycrystalline Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Dy and Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu,Dy phosphors prepared by a modified solid-state synthesis has been studied for its X-ray diffraction, thermoluminescence (TL) and photoluminescence (PL) characteristics. The PL emission spectra of the phosphor suggest the presence of Eu 3+ ion in Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu and Dy 3+ ion in Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Dy lattice sites. The TL glow curve of the Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu compounds has a simple structure with a prominent peak at 228 deg. C, while Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Dy peaking at 146 and 230 deg. C. TL sensitivity of phosphors are compared with CaSO 4 : Dy and found 1.52 and 1.20 times less in Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu and Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Dy phosphors, respectively. The Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 :Eu,Dy phosphors shows switching behavior under two different excitation wavelengths and enhancement in PL intensity of Dy 3+ ions were reported. The paper discusses the photoluminescence and thermoluminescence behavior of Eu 3+ and Dy 3+ ion in Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 hosts, it may be applicable to solid-state lighting as well as thermoluminescence dosimetry applications.

  14. CdZnTe background measurements at balloon altitudes with PoRTIA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parsons, A.; Barthelmy, S.; Bartlett, L.; Gehrels, N.; Naya, J.; Stahle, C.M.; Tueller, J.; Teegarden, B.


    Measurements of the CdZnTe internal background at balloon altitudes are essential to determine which physical processes make the most important background contributions. We present results from CdZnTe background measurements made by PoRTIA, a small CdZnTe balloon instrument that was flown three times in three different shielding configurations. PoRTIA was passively shielded during its first flight from Palestine, Texas and actively shielded as a piggyback instrument on the GRIS balloon experiment during its second and third flights from Alice Springs, Australia, using the thick GRIS NaI anticoincidence shield. A significant CdZnTe background reduction was achieved during the third flight with PoRTIA placed completely inside the GRIS shield and blocking crystal, and thus completely surrounded by 15 cm of NaI. A unique balloon altitude background data set is provided by CdZnTe and Ge detectors simultaneously surrounded by the same thick anticoincidence shield; the presence of a single coaxial Ge detector inside the shield next to PoRTIA allowed a measurement of the ambient neutron flux inside the shield throughout the flight. These neutrons interact with the detector material to produce isomeric states of the Cd, Zn, and Te nuclei that radiatively decay; calculations are presented to determine the relative contribution of these decays to the fully shielded CdZnTe background measured by PoRTIA

  15. Commissioning Experience from the Agesta Nuclear Power Plant; Experience acquise lors des essais de mise en service de la centrale nucleaire d'Agesta; Opyt po vvedeniyu v ehkspluatatsiyu yadernoj ehnergeticheskoj ustanovki Agesta; Experiencia adquirida con la puesta en marcha de la central nucleoelectrica de Agesta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rydell, N. [Aagesta Kraftvarmewerk, Farsta (Sweden)


    The Agesta Nuclear Power Plant is a pressurized heavy water reactor of the pressure vessel type, fuelled with natural uranium. It was commissioned with light water from December 1962 to May 1963. Observations of a more general interest were made during this commissioning essentially on the following topics; (a) cleanliness of primary circuit (b) valve operation (c) pressurization of the primary circuit (d) water leakage (e) refuelling machinery (f) containment testing. (author) [French] Il s'agit d'un reacteur a uranium naturel et a eau lourde pressurisee, du type a caisson sous pression. Les essais de mise en service ont ete faits avec de l'eau ordinaire, de decembre 1962 a mai 1963. La mise en service a permis de faire des observations d'interet general sur les sujets suivants: a) non-contamination du circuit primaire; b) fonctionnement des vannes; c) maintien sous pression du circuit primaire; d) fuites d'eau; e) appareils de chargement du combustible; f) essais d'isolement. (author) [Spanish] La central nucleoelectrica de Agesta posee un reactor de agua pesada del tipo de recipiente de presion, con combustible de uranio natural. Se mantuvo en funcionamiento con agua ligera entre diciembre de 1962 y mayo de 1963. Durante esta prueba, se efectuaron observaciones de interes mas general, relacionadas esencialmente con las siguientes cuestiones: a) limpieza del circuito primario; b) funcionamiento de las valvulas; c) presion del circuito primario; d) perdidas de agua; e) dosposiciones de reposicion del Combustible; f) ensayos de confinamiento. (author) [Russian] Yadernaya ehnergeticheskaya ustanovka Agesta predstavlyaet soboj tyazhelovodnyj reaktor pod davleniem, ispol'zuyushchij prirodnyj uran v kachestve topliva. Reaktor byl vveden v ehkspluatatsiyu na obychnoj vode v period s dekabrya 1962 goda po maj 1963 goda. Zamechaniya bolee obshchego kharaktera byli sdelany vo vremya ehkspluatatsii v osnovnom po sledukhshchim temam: a) chistota pervichnogo kontura; b

  16. Šausmu estētika E.A.Po darbos


    Pērkone, Jana


    Bailes ir viena no spēcīgākajām cilvēka emocijām, tādēļ tās tiek aplūkotas daudzos literatūras veidos, sākot no folkloras un beidzot ar šausmu stāstiem. Viens no labakājiem šausmu stāstu autoriem ir amerikānis Edgars Alans Po. Viņa devums literatūrā tiek vērtēts pretrunīgi, tādēļ ir interesanti tuvāk izpētīt Po darbu īpatnības. Šajā bakalaura darbā tiek apskatīta šausmu literatūras veidu attīstība un E.A. Po vieta un loma šajā procesā. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir atrast šausmu literatūras e...

  17. Hydroxyapatite supported Ag3PO4 nanoparticles with higher visible light photocatalytic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong Xiaoting; Wu Xiaohui; Zhang Qiuyun; Xiao Mingfeng; Yang Gelin; Qiu Meirong; Han Guocheng


    Hydroxyapatite supported Ag 3 PO 4 nanocomposites have been synthesized by a wet impregnation process. UV-vis absorption spectra show a red shift of the absorption edges for the composite systems compared to pure hydroxyapatite support. The surface structure and morphology of the nanocomposites were characterized by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) apparatus, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results suggest that Ag 3 PO 4 nanoparticles (6-17 nm in diameter) are well dispersed on the hydroxyapatite support and Ag 3 PO 4 nanoparticles density is larger for the higher Ag + loading sample. The as-prepared nanocomposite photocatalysts showed a pronounced photocatalytic activity upon decomposition of methylene blue dye in aqueous solution under both visible light (wavelength > 400 nm) and UV-vis light irradiation. A synergic mechanism of inherent photocatalytic capability of Ag 3 PO 4 and the accelerated electron/hole separation resulting from the photoinduced electrons captured by the slow-released Ag + at the interface of Ag 3 PO 4 and hydroxyapatite is proposed for the nanocomposites on the enhancement of photocatalytic performance in comparison to that of pure Ag 3 PO 4 nanoparticles. The support of hydroxyapatite may also act as an absorbent which favors the mass transfer in heterogeneous photocatalysis reaction.

  18. Levels and transfer of 210Po and 210Pb in Nordic terrestrial ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, J.E.; Gjelsvik, R.; Roos, P.; Kalas, J.A.; Outola, I.; Holm, E.


    Recent developments regarding environmental impact assessment methodologies for radioactivity have precipitated the need for information on levels of naturally occurring radionuclides within and transfer to wild flora and fauna. The objectives of this study were therefore to determine activity concentrations of the main dose forming radionuclides 210 Po and 210 Pb in biota from terrestrial ecosystems thus providing insight into the behaviour of these radioisotopes. Samples of soil, plants and animals were collected at Dovrefjell, Central Norway and Olkiluoto, Finland. Soil profiles from Dovrefjell exhibited an approximately exponential fall in 210 Pb activity concentrations from elevated levels in humus/surface soils to 'supported' levels at depth. Activity concentrations of 210 Po in fauna (invertebrates, mammals, birds) ranged between 2 and 123 Bq kg -1 d.w. and in plants and lichens between 20 and 138 Bq kg -1 d.w. The results showed that soil humus is an important reservoir for 210 Po and 210 Pb and that fauna in close contact with this media may also exhibit elevated levels of 210 Po. Concentration ratios appear to have limited applicability with regards to prediction of activity concentrations of 210 Po in invertebrates and vertebrates. Biokinetic models may provide a tool to explore in a more mechanistic way the behaviour of 210 Po in this system.

  19. Levels of {sup 210} Pb and {sup 210} Po in Brazilian cigarettes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Pedro Lopes dos; Kelecom, Alphonse; Gouvea, Rita de Cassia dos Santos; Dutra, Iedo Ramos [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Biologia Geral


    {sup 210} Po and {sup 210} Pb concentrations have been determined in 18 Brazilian cigarette samples and compared with known data on U content. U is respectively 3-fold less and 4-fold less abundant than {sup 210} Po or {sup 210} Pb. No correlation could be observed between U concentration and those of Po or Pb. The mean concentration of {sup 210} Pb is higher than that of {sup 210} Pb observed in many other plants, even in plants frown in high background areas. (author) 19 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab.

  20. Volatility of 210Po in airborne dusts in an atmosphere of nitrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Michiko; Abe, Siro; Ikeda, Nagao.


    Volatilization behavior of 210 Po contained in airborne dusts in the temperature range of 200 - 800 0 C was investigated in an atmosphere of nitrogen. It was revealed that the volatilization of 210 Po in airborne dusts in an atmosphere of nitrogen as a function of temperature can be expressed in a stairlike shape with two steps. This tendency is similar to the previous results obtained in air. The previous and present data may suggest that 210 Po in airborne dusts consists of two or more different kinds of chemical species. (auth.)

  1. High efficient multifunctional Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4} loaded hydroxyapatite nanowires for water treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Yaling; Zhou, Hangyu; Zhu, Genxing [Center for Biomaterials and Biopathways, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China); Shao, Changyu; Pan, Haihua; Xu, Xurong [Center for Biomaterials and Biopathways, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China); Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies, Zhejiang University (China); Tang, Ruikang, E-mail: [Center for Biomaterials and Biopathways, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China); Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies, Zhejiang University (China)


    Highlights: • The multifunctional Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4} loaded hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanowires were synthesized via a facile in-situ precipitation method. • By optimizing the initial concentration of AgNO{sub 3}, the well-distributed Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4}/HAP composites could be achieved. • The Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4}/HAP composites showed excellent photocatalytic performance for the decomposition of dyes under visible light irradiation. • The maximum absorption capacity of the Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4}/HAP composites for Pb(II) was 250 mg/g, approximately three times as that of pure HAP. • The Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4}/HAP composites also exhibited excellent antibacterial activities even at relative low concentrations. - Abstract: Organic, inorganic, and biological pollutants are typical water contaminants and they seriously affect water quality. In this study, we suggested that a novel multifunctional Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4} loaded hydroxyapatite (HAP) material can remove the typical pollutants from water. The Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4}/HAP composites were synthesized facilely via in-situ precipitation of Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4} on the pre-existing HAP nanowires. By optimizing the composition of Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4} and HAP, the material could achieve an optimal photocatalytic activity to decompose rhodamine B (RhB), methyl orange (MO) and methylene blue (MB) under visible light irradiations with enhanced pH stability. Besides, the adsorption of Pb(II) on the Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4}/HAP reached a maximum capacity of 250 mg/g and this value was approximately three times as that of pure HAP. Furthermore, the composite material exhibited excellent antibacterial activities towards gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli) and gram-positive bacterium (Stphylococcus aureus). The results highlighted the cooperative effect between Ag{sub 3}PO{sub 4} and hydroxyapatite (HAP). The simultaneous removals of dyes, toxic metal ions, and bacteria with a high efficiency followed an easy approach for the purification

  2. Acid indium strontium phosphate SrIn2[PO3(OH)]4: synthesis and crystal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rusakov, D.A.; Bobylev, A.P.; Komissarova, L.N.; Filaretov, A.A.; Danilov, V.P.


    Acid indium-strontium phosphate SrIn 2 [PO 3 (OH)] 4 is synthesized and characterized. Crystal structure and lattice parameters ate determined. In atoms in SrIn 2 [PO 3 (OH)] 4 structure are in distorted InO 6 octahedrons and form with PO 3 (OH) tetrahedrons mixed paraskeleton {In 2 [PO 3 (OH)] 4 } 3∞ 2- with emptinesses occupied by big Sr 2+ cations. The compound is thermally stable up to 400 Deg C [ru

  3. El mono gramático y el sabio alquimista. Algunas reflexiones en torno a la poética de Octavio Paz en El Mono Gramático

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Óscar Pujol


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una comparación entre la poética de Octavio Paz en El Mono Gramático y un autor indio del siglo XI Abhinavagupta, a quien llamamos el Sabio Alquimista en referencia a la teoría india de la emoción estética: el rasa. Una idea subyacente en ambos autores es que el lenguaje ordinario enmascara la realidad, mientras que el lenguaje poético se resuelve en una abolición de la escritura que nos enfrenta a una realidad indecible. Se comparan un total de seis características distintas y se llega a la conclusión que la mayor discrepancia entre ambos autores es la naturaleza de esa realidad innombrable que revela la poesía. Para el autor indio se trata de una realidad inefable y gozosa: la conciencia pura. Para Paz es una realidad insoportable y enloquecedora, aunque al mismo tiempo fascinante. La diferencia es cultural, pues la tradición india adora a esa realidad innombrable mientras que la modernidad occidental desconfía de un absoluto inmensurable e impositivo. En este sentido Paz ejemplifica el dilema del hombre moderno: angustia ante esa realidad anterior al lenguaje, pero también una fascinación que busca en el arte y la poesía su modo último de expresión.

  4. Phase equilibria in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system at 873 K and crystal structure and physico-chemical characterizations of the new Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F fluorophosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aboussatar, Mohamed [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’État Solide, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Mbarek, Aïcha [Laboratoire de Chimie Industrielle, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP W3038, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Naili, Houcine [Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’État Solide, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); El-Ghozzi, Malika [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Chadeyron, Geneviève [Université Clermont Auvergne, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS/UBP/SIGMA, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Avignant, Daniel [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Zambon, Daniel, E-mail: [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France)


    Isothermal sections of the diagram representing phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system have been investigated by solid state reactions and powder X-ray diffraction. This phase diagram investigation confirms the polymorphism of the NaCdPO{sub 4} side component and the structure of the ß high temperature polymorph (orthorhombic, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=9.3118(2), b=7.0459(1), c=5.1849(1) Å has been refined. A new fluorophosphate, Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F, has been discovered and its crystal structure determined and refined from powder X-ray diffraction data. It exhibits a new 3D structure with orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=5.3731(1), b=6.8530(1), c=12.2691(2) Å. The structure is closely related to those of the high temperature polymorph of the nacaphite Na{sub 2}CaPO{sub 4}F and the fluorosilicate Ca{sub 2}NaSiO{sub 4}F but differs essentially in the cationic repartition since the structure is fully ordered with one Na site (8d) and one Cd site (4c). Relationships with other Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F (M{sup II}=Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) have been examined and the crystal-chemical and topographical analysis of these fluorophosphates is briefly reviewed. IR, Raman, optical and {sup 19}F, {sup 23}Na, {sup 31}P MAS NMR characterizations of Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F have been investigated. - Graphical abstract: The structure of the compound Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F, discovered during the study of the phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system, has been determined and compared with other Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F fluorophosphates. - Highlights: • XRD analysis of the isothermal section of the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system at 923 K. • Rietveld refinement of the high temperature polymorph β-NaCdPO{sub 4}. • Crystal structure of the new Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F fluorophosphate determined from powder XRD. • Crystal structure - composition relationships of Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F compounds

  5. Assessment of 210Po deposition in moss species and soil around coal-fired power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nita Salina Abu Bakar; Ahmad Saat


    In the present study, the depositions of 210 Po were assessed in the surface soil and some mosses species found in the area around coal fired power plant using radiochemical deposition and alpha spectrometry counting system. The purposes of the study were to determine activity concentrations of 210 Po in mosses and surface soil collected around coal-fired power plant in relation to trace the potential source of 210 Po and to identify most suitable moss species as a bio-indicator for 210 Po deposition. In this study, different species of mosses, Orthodontium imfractum, Campylopus serratus and Leucobryum aduncum were collected in May 2011 at the area around 15 km radius from Tanjung Bin coal-fired power plant located in Pontian, Johor. The 210 Po activity concentrations in mosses and soil varied in the range 102 ± 4 to 174 ± 8 Bq/kg dry wt. and 37 ± 2 to 184 ± 8 Bq/kg dry wt., respectively. Corresponding highest activity concentration of 210 Po observed in L. aduncum, therefore, this finding can be concluded this species was the most suitable as a bio-indicator for 210 Po deposition. On the other hand, it is clear the accumulation of 210 Po in mosses might be supplied from various sources of atmospheric deposition such as coal-fired power plant operation, industrial, plantation, agriculture and fertilizer activities, burned fuel fossil and forest; and other potential sources. Meanwhile, the main source of 210 Po in surface soil is supplied from the in situ deposition of radon decay and its daughters in the soil itself. (author)

  6. Voyage: espace et poésie dans un calligramme d'Apollinaire

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    Laurent GRISON


    Full Text Available L'œuvre de Guillaume Apollinaire offre une approche spécifique de la poésie et de l'espace. L'étude d'un calligramme, Voyage, nous permet de souligner à quel point cet auteur mêle travail poétique et réflexion sur la spatialité.

  7. Phase evolution and photoluminescence enhancement of CePO4 nanowires from a low phosphate concentration system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Pengfei; Yu Ranbo; Zong Lingbo; Wang Jiali; Wang Dan; Deng Jinxia; Chen Jun; Xing Xianran


    Uniform CePO 4 nanowires have been successfully synthesized in a low phosphate concentration system through a single-step hydrothermal process. The low phosphate concentration might decrease the surface PO 4 3− adsorption of the as-synthesized CePO 4 nanowires efficiently and benefit their photoluminescence. The CePO 4 nanowires were identified to go through phase evolution from pure monoclinic to mixed hexagonal and monoclinic phase by only increasing the initial molar ratio of cerium and phosphate source (denoted as Ce/P). Interestingly, the strongest photoluminescence was observed in the CePO 4 nanowires synthesized with the initial Ce/P of 4:1, which proved to be the critical phase evolution point between the hexagonal and monoclinic CePO 4 . Therefore, the strong photoluminescence could be explained by the existence of the structure-sensitive energy level in the CePO 4 . This kind of photoluminescence enhancement would be a meaningful reference for design of other photoluminescent materials, in which the photoluminescent emission might be related to the structure-sensitive energy level. Additionally, the growth processes of CePO 4 nanowires based on related well-designed experiments were proposed.

  8. Alain Badiou y la filosofía como presentación didáctica del ser en común

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    García Puchades, Wenceslao


    Full Text Available The following paper deals with the relationship of the French philosopher Alain Badiou with the question of the common. Taking as a starting point the way some philosophers from the 20th century have tackled this subject, we propose an interpretation of Badiou’s work as a project that intends to recover philosophy as universal and egalitarian practice for learning the thought of being in common, taking as a paradigm the formal language of mathematics and poetic language.El siguiente trabajo aborda la relación del filósofo francés Alain Badiou con la cuestión de lo común. Partiendo del modo en que algunos filósofos del siglo XX han tratado esta cuestión, proponemos una lectura de la obra de Alain Badiou como proyecto que pretende recuperar la filosofía como práctica universal e igualitaria para el aprendizaje del pensamiento del ser en común tomando como paradigma el lenguaje formal de las matemáticas y el lenguaje poético.

  9. Effects of neodymium aliovalent substitution on the structure and electrochemical performance of LiFePO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Xian; Tang Xiaozhen; Zhang Li; Zhao Minshou; Zhai Jing


    LiFe 1-x Nd x PO 4 /C (x = 0-0.08) cathode material was synthesized using a solid-state reaction. The synthesis conditions were optimized by thermal analysis of the precursor and magnetic properties of LiFePO 4 /C. The structure and electrochemical performances of the material were studied using XRD, FE-SEM, EDS, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and galvanostatic charge-discharge. The results show that a small amount of aliovalent Nd 3+ ion-dopant substitution on Fe 2+ ions can effectively reduce the particle size of LiFePO 4 /C. Cell parameters of LiFe 1-x Nd x PO 4 (x = 0.04-0.08) were calculated, and the results showed that LiFe 1-x Nd x PO 4 /C had the same olivine structure as LiFePO 4 . LiFe 0.4 Nd 0.6 PO 4 /C delivers the discharge capacity of 165.2 mAh g -1 at rate of 0.2 C and the capacity retention rate is 92.8% after 100 cycles. Charge-transfer resistance decreases with the addition of glucose and Nd 3+ ions. Poly(cyclotriphosphazene-co-4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol) (PZS) was synthesized and PZS nanorods were used as a carbon source to coat LiFePO 4 . All of the results show that aliovalent doping substitution of Fe in LiFePO 4 is well tolerated.

  10. Is ecological food also radioecological? - 210Po and 210Pb studies. (United States)

    Strumińska-Parulska, Dagmara; Olszewski, Grzegorz


    Presented are results of a study on accumulation of naturally occurring 210 Po and 210 Pb in ecological and conventional farming food products in Poland: fruits, vegetables and cereals. The main idea behind this research was to determine the activity concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb in ecological and commercial food as well as calculate and compare the effective dose (radiation) connected to different origin of analyzed food products consumption. The studies showed the majority of all compared food samples contained similar 210 Po and 210 Pb activities and statistically, the consumption of organic and commercial food would give similar annual effective dose. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Variation of 210Po and 210Pb Profile in the Sediment Core of Sarawak Coastal Waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zal U'yun Wan Mahmood; Che Abd Rahim Mohamed; Zaharudin Ahmad; Abdul Kadir Ishak


    This study was performed to observe the variation in the distribution of 210 Po and 210 Pb through their activity vertical profile and 210 Po/ 210 Pb activity ratio in the sediment cores that were taken at some sampling stations in the Sarawak coastal waters. It was found that the distribution profile of those radionuclide in the sediment cores varied depending on the sampling location and ANOVA analysis shows significant difference at 95% confidence level for activities of 210 Po (p = 0.000), 210 Pb (p = 0.035) and 210 Po/ 210 Pb (p = 0.000) at all study locations. Generally, the measured activity of 210 Po and 210 Pb ranged from 337 to 2460 Bq/ kg, 11 to 84 Bq/ kg at SR 01; 224 to 2008 Bq/ kg, 6 to 80 Bq/ kg at SR 02; 119 to 1595 Bq/ kg, 6 to 84 Bq/ kg at SR 03; 241 to 2294 Bq/ kg, 5 to 82 Bq/ kg at SR 04 and 175 to 1340 Bq/ kg, 4 to 44 Bq/ kg at SR 05, respectively. In those range it was found that 210 Po activities were higher than 210 Pb with average of 210 Po/ 210 Pb ratios at all stations were from 20 to 35. The variation in the distribution profile for the radionuclides are believed to be influenced by some environmental factors and have strong correlation between the radionuclide distribution and the sediment composition of silt ( 210 Po: r = 0.701 and 210 Pb: r = 0.648), water depth ( 210 Po: r = -0.647) and the distance from the sampling station to the main land ( 210 Po: r = 0.746 and 210 Pb: r = 0.975). Those factors are a major contributions on the variation of 210 Po and 210 Pb in the samples. (author)

  12. Distribution of Po-210 in two species of predatory marine fish from the Brazilian coast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mársico, E.T.; Ferreira, M.S.; São Clemente, S.C.; Gouvea, R.C.S.; Jesus, E.F.O.; Conti, C.C.; Conte Junior, C.A.; Kelecom, A.G.A.C.


    Polonium-210 ( 210 Po) concentration was quantified in the muscle tissue and organs of two predatory marine fishes (Genypterus brasiliensis and Cynoscion microlepidotus) from Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The species C. microlepidotus, a benthic carnivore, registered higher 210 Po in its tissue. The organs associated with digestion displayed the maximum radionuclide compared with other organs. The average activity was 2 mBq kg −1 for G. brasiliensis and it was 6 mBq kg −1 for C. microlepidotus. The activity concentrations varied significantly between the species and among organs. -- Highlights: • We analyzed the distribution of 210 Po in two species of predator marine fish. • 210 Po tends to accumulate in some organs, which make this radionuclide radiotoxic. • The consumption of small quantities of fish can represent high potential of 210 Po exposure. • Data about 210 Po bioaccumulation in tropical predator marine fish are limited

  13. Lugar de enunciación y procedimientos poéticos de “España, aparta de mí este cáliz” de César Vallejo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson Steven Guáqueta Rocha


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende señalar el contexto o lugar de enunciación del poema España, aparta demí este cáliz (1939 del poeta peruanoCésarVallejo, así como describir algunos de sus procedimientos poéticos, particularmente la apropiación hecha por el autor de la retórica del cristianismo. Se explora la identificación que Vallejo tuvo con España, específicamente con el bando republicano, durante la GuerraCivil (1936-1939, experiencia de la cual surgió la escritura de este poema. La universalidad de este escrito, cuyo sentido trasciende las fronteras geográficas de España yelmarcohistórico del conflicto durante el cual fue hecho, radica en la voluntad de armonizar el cristianismo y el marxismo –corriente a la cual estuvo afiliadopolíticamente el autor, tantoen España como en su natal Perú– en el ideal de redención de los desposeídos. Con este propósito se describe el uso creativo y subversivo hecho porVallejo de expresiones de origen bíblico a lo largo de su poema, así como de oraciones católicas que hacían y siguen haciendo parte del acervo de buena parte de su público lector.

  14. Po-210 and Pb-210 in water and fish from Taboshar uranium mining Pit Lake, Tajikistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skipperud, L.; Jørgensen, A.G.; Heier, L.S.; Salbu, B.; Rosseland, B.O.


    Polonium-210 in water and 210 Pb and 210 Po in different fish organs from 3 different fish species in Taboshar Pit Lake (n = 13), located in the uranium mining area in Tajikistan, and in Kairakkum Reservoir (reference lake, n = 3), have been determined as part of a Joint project between Norway, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The average activity concentration of 210 Pb and 210 Po in liver, muscle and bone of Carassius auratus was higher than the concentration in similar tissues of C. carpio and Sander lucioperca from the reference site. The accumulation of 210 Po was higher than for 210 Pb, and the accumulation of 210 Po was highest in the liver of C. auratus (3673 ± 434 Bq kg −1 ww). Although the average activity concentration of 210 Pb in liver and bones of C. auratus from Pit Lake were fairly similar, a huge variation in the liver activity concentrations (25–327 Bq kg −1 ww) was found. The results confirm direct uptake of unsupported 210 Po into the liver, and that the distributions of 210 Po and 210 Pb in fish organs were different. The BCF (L/kg) for 210 Po in bone, liver and muscle clearly demonstrates high accumulation of 210 Po in C. auratus, especially in the liver. The average BCFs of liver, bone and muscle were >1.4 × 10 5 , >2.5 × 10 4 and >1.4 × 10 4 , respectively. All fish in the Pit Lake were found to be in the same trophic level, however, a linear correlation between log 210 Po in liver and δ 15 N could indicate biomagnification of 210 Po in liver of C. auratus. In regards to the recommended Annual Limit of Intake (ALI) for 210 Po, the concentration of 210 Po in muscle tissues of C. auratus is alarming, as there is a high probability for the local population at risk to exceed the recommended ALI through consumption of fish from Taboshar Pit Lake

  15. [sup 57]Fe Moessbauer spectroscopic studies of the ferrocene molecular reorientation in AlPO[sub 4]-5 and AlPO[sub 4]-8 frameworks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lund, A.; Nicholson, D.G. (Department of Chemistry, University of Trondheim, Dragvoll (Norway)); Parish, R.V.; Wright, J.P. (Department of Chemistry, UMIST, Manchester (United Kingdom))


    [sup 57]Fe Moessbauer spectroscopic studies were carried out on ferrocene guest molecules in some microporous aluminium phosphate host lattices in order to investigate their behaviour in the aluminium phosphate channels. The 300 K spectra show broad single lines with isomer shifts of 0.39 and 0.41 mm s[sup -1] relative to iron for AlPO[sub 4]-5:ferrocene and AlPO[sub 4]-8:ferrocene inclusion compounds, respectively. The absence of quadrupole splittings for these materials contrasts with the large quadrupole splitting observed for ferrocene itself at the same temperature. The low-temperature spectrum (20 K) for AlPO[sub 4]-5:ferrocene shows a doublet with quadrupole splitting of 2.37 mm s[sup -1] and an isomer shift of 0.55 mm s[sup -1]. The collapse of the quadrupole splitting at room temperature is consistent with the ferrocene molecules rotating within the channels. (au).

  16. Spontaneous Fluctuations of PO2 in the Rabbit Somatosensory Cortex. (United States)

    Linsenmeier, Robert A; Aksenov, Daniil P; Faber, Holden M; Makar, Peter; Wyrwicz, Alice M


    In many tissues, PO2 fluctuates spontaneously with amplitudes of a few mmHg. Here we further characterized these oscillations. PO2 recordings were made from the whisker barrel cortex of six rabbits with acutely or chronically placed polarographic electrodes. Measurements were made while rabbits were awake and while anesthetized with isoflurane, during air breathing, and during 100% oxygen inspiration. In awake rabbits, 90% of the power was between 0 and 20 cycles per minute (cpm), not uniformly distributed over this range, but with a peak frequently near 10 cpm. This was much slower than heart or respiratory rhythms and is similar to the frequency content observed in other tissues. During hyperoxia, total power was higher than during air-breathing, and the dominant frequencies tended to shift toward lower values (0-10 cpm). These observations suggest that at least the lower frequency fluctuations represent efforts by the circulation to regulate local PO2. There were no consistent changes in total power during 0.5 or 1.5% isoflurane anesthesia, but the power shifted to lower frequencies. Thus, both hyperoxia and anesthesia cause characteristic, but distinct, changes in spontaneous fluctuations. These PO2 fluctuations may be caused by vasomotion, but other factors cannot be ruled out.

  17. Continuous arterial PO2 profiles in unrestrained, undisturbed aquatic turtles during routine behaviors (United States)

    Hicks, James W.


    ABSTRACT Mammals and birds maintain high arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) values in order to preserve near-complete hemoglobin (Hb) oxygen (O2) saturation. In diving mammals and birds, arterial O2 follows a primarily monotonic decline and then recovers quickly after dives. In laboratory studies of submerged freshwater turtles, arterial O2 depletion typically follows a similar pattern. However, in these studies, turtles were disturbed, frequently tethered to external equipment and confined either to small tanks or breathing holes. Aquatic turtles can alter cardiac shunting patterns, which will affect arterial PO2 values. Consequently, little is known about arterial O2 regulation and use in undisturbed turtles. We conducted the first study to continuously measure arterial PO2 using implanted microelectrodes and a backpack logger in undisturbed red-eared sliders during routine activities. Arterial PO2 profiles during submergences varied dramatically, with no consistent patterns. Arterial PO2 was also lower than previously reported during all activities, with values rarely above 50 mmHg (85% Hb saturation). There was no difference in mean PO2 between five different activities: submerged resting, swimming, basking, resting at the surface and when a person was present. These results suggest significant cardiac shunting occurs during routine activities as well as submergences. However, the lack of relationship between PO2 and any activity suggests that cardiac shunts are not regulated to maintain high arterial PO2 values. These data support the idea that cardiac shunting is the passive by-product of regulation of vascular resistances by the autonomic nervous system. PMID:27618860

  18. Los 'Horizontes poéticos' (1881) de Francisca Sarasate


    Mata-Induráin, C. (Carlos)


    Francisca Sarasate supone una excepción notable en el área de las letras navarras, por la escasez de mujeres en el ámbito literario. Cultivó, entre otros, la novela, el cuento, el teatro y la poesía. Destaca su obra 'Horizontes poéticos'. ------------------ Francisca Sarasate is a notable exception in the area of the letters of Navarra, by the scarcity of women in the literary field. She cultivated the novel, short stories, drama and poetry. She wrote, among others, 'Horizontes poéticos'....

  19. Additional radiation exposure of the smoker from Pb-210 and Po-210

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gloebel, B.


    The content in Pb-210 and Po-210 was measured in 100 packs of cigarettes. Both nuclides exist in a radioactive equilibrium. 4 mBq per cigarette were measured on average. With artificially smoked cigarettes 50% of the Pb and 85% of Po are detectable in the smoke. Smoking, therefore, leads to an increased radiation exposure, in particular of the lungs. Owing to a metabolic behaviour the increased radiation exposure of the lungs is caused by Po. Smoking 30 cigarettes a day will lead to an additional load on the lungs of about 20 mrad/a. (orig.) [de

  20. Connected Lighting Systems Efficiency Study$-$ PoE Cable Energy Losses, Part 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tuenge, Jason [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Kelly, Karsten [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Poplawski, Michael [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    First report in a study of the efficiency of connected lighting systems. The report summarizes the results of an exploratory study investigating power losses in Ethernet cables used between PoE switches and luminaires in PoE connected lighting systems. Testing was conducted at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Connected Lighting Test Bed in September 2017. The results were analyzed to explore the impact of cable selection on PoE lighting system energy efficiency, as well as the effectiveness of guidelines recently introduced by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C137 Lighting Systems Committee.

  1. Determination of 210Pb e 210Po in marine samples and aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Roberto Tatsuya


    In this work the methodologies for 210 Pb e 210 Po analyses in marine samples, such as fish, seaweed, sediment, and aerosol samples are presented. The 210 Pb levels in the samples were obtained by both 210 Bi and 210 Po ingrowth. The 210 Pb analysis via 210 Bi presents the following steps: 210 Pb leaching from samples with 8 M nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide; lead sulphate precipitation; conversion to carbonate; dissolution; lead sulphate precipitation; gravimetric analysis of lead; waiting of time to reach radioactive equilibrium and 210 Bi beta counting by employing a Geiger-Mueller detector with a low background radiation. The 210 Pb analysis via 210 Po presents the following steps: 210 Pb and 210 Po leaching from samples with 8 M nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide; nitric acid elimination by heating and hydrochloric acid addition; spontaneous deposition onto silver disc and alpha counting of polonium in silicon surface-barrier detector. In order to determine 210 Pb activity, the solution was percolated in the Dowex AG 1-X 8 anion exchange resin; preconditioned with 8 M nitric acid; the lead was eluted by 8 M hydrochloric acid; the solution was gently evaporated to dryness and diluted with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. After 3-6 months a second 210 Po spontaneous deposition onto silver disc was carried out. The methodology for 210 Pb analysis via 210 Bi showed lead recoveries from 63 to 100%. In the method via 210 Po the polonium recoveries were varied from 39 to 63% under manual agitation, and from 60 to 100% under mechanical agitation. The radiochemical methods for 210 Po and 210 Pb analyses were applied in reference samples from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the results obtained showed the good precision and accuracy of the established methods. The analysis of marine sediment samples of Antarctica presented 210 Pb and Po levels from 8 to 60 -1 , and fish samples from Sao Paulo Coast presented 210 Po levels from 0.5 to 5.3 -1 . These

  2. Estudio preliminar del potencial bioactivo de la Annona cherimola (anona y Prunus domestica (ciruelo cultivadas en Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirtha Navarro-Hoyos


    Se ubicaron plantas de ambas especies, recolectándose los frutos que luego de su debido procesamiento fueron analizados en laboratorio en cuanto a su contenido de polifenoles y a su bioactividad. Asimismo se extrajeron estacas de las plantas para reproducción vegetativa tradicional y se sembraron en las comunidades de Cabuyal de San Pedro de Poás, Alajuela (Damas Verdes y Llano Bonito de León Cortés, San José (PROAL donde se trabajó con grupos de mujeres organizadas que elaboran productos artesanales como champú, cremas y aceites, contribuyendo con ellas en el adiestramiento con las buenas prácticas en laboratorio y la importancia del cuido del germoplasma.

  3. Optical Properties and Electrochemical Performance of LiFePO4 Thin Films Deposited on Transparent Current Collectors. (United States)

    Lee, HyunSeok; Yim, Haena; Kim, Kwang-Bum; Choi, Ji-Won


    LiFePO4 thin film cathodes are deposited on various transparent conducting oxide thin films on glass, which are used as cathode current collectors. The XRD patterns show that the thin films have the phase of LiFePO4 with an ordered olivine structure indexed to the orthorhombic Pmna space group. LiFePO4 thin film deposited on various TCO glass substrates exhibits transmittance of about 53%. The initial specific discharge capacities of LiFePO4 thin films are 25.0 μAh/cm2 x μm on FTO, 33.0 μAh/cm2 x μm on ITO, and 13.0 μAh/cm2 x μm on AZO coated glass substrates. Interestingly, the retention capacities of LiFePO4 thin films are 76.0% on FTO, 31.2% on ITO, and 37.7% on AZO coated glass substrates at 20th cycle. The initial specific discharge capacity of the LiFePO4/FTO electrode is slightly lower, but the discharge capacities of the LiFePO4/FTO electrode relatively decrease less than those of the others such as LiFePO4/ITO and LiFePO4/AZO with cycling. The results reported here provide the high transparency of LiFePO4 thin films cathode materials and the good candidate as FTO current collector of the LiFePO4 thin film cathode of transparent thin film rechargeable batteries due to its high transparency and cyclic retention.

  4. Efecto de la forma de la distribución y de la media en el índice po de Huynh. [Effect of the shape of distribution and mean in Huynh’s po index

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gonzalo Almerich


    Full Text Available In the field of Educational Evaluation, the Criterion-Referenced Evaluation is a very relevant, though incipient approach. In this paper, we present a simulation study oriented to the analysis of a reliability index: the index po calculated by means of the Huynh’s method for criterion-referenced tests. The simulation study has been carried out with the aid of computer software developed ad hoc. The aim of this paper is to describe the influence of two variables – the distribution shape and the mean- on that index. The conclusion is that both variables consistently affect the reliability index. Furthermore, the obtained evidence brings relevant information about desirable metrical characteristics for applied use of the index in the criterion-referenced tests. En el ámbito de la Evaluación Educativa, la Evaluación Criterial es una corriente muy importante, aunque incipiente. En este artículo, presentamos un estudio de simulación cuyo propósito es el análisis de un índice de fiabilidad: el índice po de Huynh para pruebas de referencia criterial, El estudio de simulación se ha realizado con la ayuda de un programa de ordenador creado para tal fin. El objetivo es describir la influencia de dos variables –la forma de la distribución y la media- en este índice. La conclusión es que ambas variables están afectando consistentemente el índice de fiabilidad. Además, las evidencias obtenidas aportan información relevante sobre características métricas deseables para la posterior utilización del índice en las pruebas criteriales.

  5. poCAMon personal online continuous airmonitor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streil, T.; Oeser, V.


    The poCAMon combines a very compact design with a high flow rate and long battery life. Its size and weight are still acceptable for carrying by one person. The unit measures long-lived aerosols as well as short-lived Radon/Thoron daughters by alpha spectroscopy and beta counting. The radioactive aerosols and particles are collected on the surface of a high resolution membrane filter. The alpha and beta decays on the filter are measured by a high-end semiconductor radiation detector (400 mm@). This allows a perfect separation of the different decay products. The increased pump rate (more than 3 l/ min) is suitable for lower detection limits. A sensor measures permanently the pressure drop on the filter in order to recognize an exhausted or perforated filter instantly. With the 3.8 Ah NiMH battery pack the poCAMon achieves an operation time of more than 30 hours. The quality control is a main issue of any radiation measurement. Therefore the poCAMon records a complete alpha spectrum for each measured value. This allows the monitoring of the device's perfect operation in each moment of the measurement. There are options for additional sensors for carbon monoxide and combustible gases as needed in underground mines. All measured data are stored in a 2GB memory card and can be accessed with a PC or laptop via a USB interface. Data transmission and device control can also be done via wireless ZigBee network or via a server for stationary operation with network access. A barometric pressure sensor and a GPS receiver are optional features of the device.

  6. Content of 210Pb and 210Po in main foods of Hunan province

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Jiaquan


    Investigation results were reported of content of 210 Pb and 210 Po in main foods of Hunan province from 1988 to early 1989. The content of 210 Pb and 210 Po in 17 kinds of foods investigated ranges from 0.02 to 11.8 Bqkg -1 and from 0.04 to 15.6 Bqkg -1 respectively. The estimated committed dose equivalents of residents were 102.6 μSv and 29.6 μSv for 210 Pb and 210 Po taken through foods respectively

  7. 210Po in the marine environment with emphasis on its behaviour within the biosphere. (United States)

    Fowler, Scott W


    The distribution and behaviour of the natural-series alpha-emitter polonium-210 in the marine environment has been under study for many years primarily due to its enhanced bioaccumulation, its strong affinity for binding with certain internal tissues, and its importance as a contributor to the natural radiation dose received by marine biota as well as humans consuming seafoods. Results from studies spanning nearly 5 decades show that (210)Po concentrations in organisms vary widely among the different phylogenic groups as well as between the different tissues of a given species. Such variation results in (210)Po concentration factors ranging from approximately 10(3) to over 10(6) depending upon the organism or tissue considered. (210)Po/(210)Pb ratios in marine species are generally greater than unity and tend to increase up the food chain indicating that (210)Po is preferentially taken up by organisms compared to its progenitor (210)Pb. The effective transfer of (210)Po up the food chain is primarily due to the high degree of assimilation of the radionuclide from ingested food and its subsequent strong retention in the organisms. In some cases this mechanism may lead to an apparent biomagnification of (210)Po at the higher trophic level. Various pelagic species release (210)Po and (210)Pb packaged in organic biodetrital particles that sink and remove these radionuclides from the upper water column, a biogeochemical process which, coupled with scavenging rates of this radionuclide pair, is being examined as a possible proxy for estimating downward organic carbon fluxes in the sea. Data related to preferential bioaccumulation in various organisms, their tissues, resultant radiation doses to these species, and the processes by which (210)Po is transferred and recycled through the food web are discussed. In addition, the main gaps in our present knowledge and proposed areas for future studies on the biogeochemical behaviour of (210)Po and its use as a tracer of

  8. 210Po in the marine environment with emphasis on its behaviour within the biosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fowler, Scott W.


    The distribution and behaviour of the natural-series alpha-emitter polonium-210 in the marine environment has been under study for many years primarily due to its enhanced bioaccumulation, its strong affinity for binding with certain internal tissues, and its importance as a contributor to the natural radiation dose received by marine biota as well as humans consuming seafoods. Results from studies spanning nearly 5 decades show that 210 Po concentrations in organisms vary widely among the different phylogenic groups as well as between the different tissues of a given species. Such variation results in 210 Po concentration factors ranging from approximately 10 3 to over 10 6 depending upon the organism or tissue considered. 210 Po/ 210 Pb ratios in marine species are generally greater than unity and tend to increase up the food chain indicating that 210 Po is preferentially taken up by organisms compared to its progenitor 210 Pb. The effective transfer of 210 Po up the food chain is primarily due to the high degree of assimilation of the radionuclide from ingested food and its subsequent strong retention in the organisms. In some cases this mechanism may lead to an apparent biomagnification of 210 Po at the higher trophic level. Various pelagic species release 210 Po and 210 Pb packaged in organic biodetrital particles that sink and remove these radionuclides from the upper water column, a biogeochemical process which, coupled with scavenging rates of this radionuclide pair, is being examined as a possible proxy for estimating downward organic carbon fluxes in the sea. Data related to preferential bioaccumulation in various organisms, their tissues, resultant radiation doses to these species, and the processes by which 210 Po is transferred and recycled through the food web are discussed. In addition, the main gaps in our present knowledge and proposed areas for future studies on the biogeochemical behaviour of 210 Po and its use as a tracer of oceanographic

  9. Improvement of the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of biodegradable β-Ca3(PO4)2/Mg-Zn composites prepared by powder metallurgy: the adding β-Ca3(PO4)2, hot extrusion and aging treatment. (United States)

    Yan, Yang; Kang, Yijun; Li, Ding; Yu, Kun; Xiao, Tao; Deng, Youwen; Dai, Han; Dai, Yilong; Xiong, Hanqing; Fang, Hongjie


    In this study, 10%β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 /Mg-6%Zn (wt.%) composites with Mg-6%Zn alloy as control were prepared by powder metallurgy. After hot extrusion, the as-extruded composites were aged for 72h at 150°C. The effects of the adding β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , hot extrusion and aging treatment on their microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance were investigated. The XRD results identified α-Mg, MgZn phase and β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 phase in these composites. After hot extrusion, grains were significantly refined, and the larger-sized β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 particles and coarse MgZn phases were broken into linear-distributed β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and MgZn phases along the extrusion direction. After aging treatment, the elements of Zn, Ca, P and O presented a more homogeneous distribution. The compressive strengths of the β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 /Mg-Zn composites were approximately double those of natural bone, and their densities and elastic moduli matched those of natural bone. The immersion tests and electrochemical tests revealed that the adding β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , hot extrusion and aging treatment could promote the formation of protective corrosion product layer on the sample surface in Ringer's solution, which improved corrosion resistance of the β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 /Mg-Zn composites. The XRD results indicated that the corrosion product layer contained Mg(OH) 2 , β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and hydroxyapatite (HA). The cytotoxicity assessments showed the as-extruded β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 /Mg-Zn composite aged for 72h was harmless to L-929 cells. These results suggested that the β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 /Mg-Zn composites prepared by powder metallurgy were promising to be used for bone tissue engineering. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Poéticas del imaginario técnico: arte, mercado, universidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anahí Alejandra Ré


    Full Text Available Nos interesa señalar la importancia de la poesía experimental que apela a la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías, para el estudio de consumos culturales e imaginarios colectivos, con especial atención en la circulación de lenguajes y el recurso recíproco entre producciones literarias o artísticas y publicitarias. Desde su especificidad, estas producciones contribuyen a afirmar, negar o poner en duda símbolos y significados sociales, y a instituir temporalidades, regímenes de sensibilidad, de atención, entre otros. ¿Qué impactos tienen estas tecnologías en los discursos del arte y la crítica? ¿Qué lugar ocupan estas preocupaciones específicas en la academia? We want to stress the importance of experimental poetry that appeals to the incorporation of new technologies for the study of cultural consumption and collective imagination, with focus on the movement of languages —and the reciprocal recourse between literary or artistic productions and advertising. From its specificity, these productions contribute to affirm, deny or doubt social meanings and symbols, and to institute temporalities, sensitivity and attention regimes, among others. What is the impact of these technologies in the discourses of art criticism? What place takes up these concerns in the academy?

  11. Ratio of 210Po and 210Pb in fresh, brackish and saline water in Kuala Selangor river

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Chin Siang; Che Abdul Rahim Mohamed; Zaharuddin Ahmad


    Sediment cores were carried out from Kuala Selangor river to amine sea water via coastal and brackish water ambient. Sample size fraction with size less than 125 μm was spiked with tracer 209 Po and leached with mix concentrated nitric acid, perchloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid and mineralized with 50 ml of 0.5M HCl. The sample solution was used for spontaneously deposit polonium on a silver disk at 80-85 degree Celsius and measured with the Alpha Spectrometry. The distribution of two radionuclides especially 210 Po, 210 Pb and 210 po/ 210 Pb were useful in identifying the origin of 210 Po. Ratio values of 210 Po/ 210 Pb in the freshwater, brackish water and saline water were 3.3459, 5.8385 and 2.9831, respectively. From the high ratio of 210 Po/ 210 Pb, the widespread occurrence of excess 210 Po in Kuala Selangor river water may came from the atmosphere sources such as stratospheric aerosols, sea spray of the surface micro layer and bio-volatile 210 Po organism from productive species. (author)

  12. Supercapacitors studies on BiPO4 nanoparticles synthesized via a simple microwave approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Vadivel


    Full Text Available BiPO4 nanomaterial was synthesized using EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid as the surfactant via a simple microwave method. The structure and morphology of BiPO4 were systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR, and scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM studies. The obtained BiPO4 nanoparticles were, on average, 150–300 nm. The electrochemical results showed that the specific capacitance of BiPO4 obtained using the microwave route was up to 104 Fg−1 at a current density of 1 Ag−1 with a large potential window of 1.7 V. The material showed excellent cycling stability (92% capacitance retention after 500 cycles at a current density of 1 Ag−1.

  13. Ultrasound guided pO2 measurement of breast cancer reoxygenation after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hyperthermia treatment. (United States)

    Vujaskovic, Z; Rosen, E L; Blackwell, K L; Jones, E L; Brizel, D M; Prosnitz, L R; Samulski, T V; Dewhirst, M W


    The objective of this study was to determine whether neoadjuvant chemotherapy in combination with hyperthermia (HT) would improve oxygenation in locally advanced breast tumours. The study describes a new optimized ultrasound guided technique of pO2 measurement using Eppendorf polarographic oxygen probes in 18 stage IIB-III breast cancer patients. Prior to treatment, tumour hypoxia (median pO2pO2=3.2 mmHg). Seven patients had well oxygenated tumours (median pO2 of 48.3 mmHg). Eight patients with hypoxic tumours prior to treatment had a significant improvement (p=0.0008) in tumour pO2 after treatment (pO2 increased to 19.2 mmHg). In three patients, tumours remained hypoxic (average median pO2=4.5 mmHg). The advantages of the ultrasound guided pO2 probe are in the accuracy of the Eppendorf electrode placement in tumour tissue, the ability to monitor electrode movement through the tumour tissue during the measurement and the ability to avoid electrode placement near or in large blood vessels by using colour Doppler imaging. The results of this preliminary study suggest that the combination of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hyperthermia improves oxygenation in locally advanced breast tumours that are initially hypoxic.

  14. Mesoporous LiMnPO4/C nanoparticles as high performance cathode material for lithium ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wen, Fang; Shu, Hongbo; Zhang, Yuanyuan; Wan, Jiajia; Huang, Weihua; Yang, Xiukang; Yu, Ruizhi; Liu, Li; Wang, Xianyou


    LiMnPO 4 has been considered as one of the most promising high voltage cathode materials for next-generation lithium ion batteries. However, LiMnPO 4 suffers from intrinsic drawbacks of extremely low electronic conductivity and ionic diffusivity between LiMnPO 4 /MnPO 4 . In this paper, mesoporous LiMnPO 4 nanoparticles are synthesized successfully via a facile glycine-assisted solvothermal rout. The as-prepared mesoporous LiMnPO 4 /C nanoparticles present well-defined abundant mesoporous structure (diameter of 3 ∼ 10 nm), uniform carbon layer (thickness of 3 ∼ 4 nm), high specific surface area (90.1 m 2 /g). As a result, the mesoporous LiMnPO 4 /C nanoparticles achieve excellent electrochemical performance as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries. It demonstrates a high discharge capacity of 167.7, 161.6, 156.4, 148.4 and 128.7 mAh/g at 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5C, and maintains a discharge capacity of 130.0 mAh/g after 100 cycles at 1C. The good electrochemical performance is attributed to its special interpenetrating mesoporous structure in LiMnPO 4 nanoparticles, which significantly enhances the ionic and electronic transport and additional capacitive behavior to compensate the sluggish kinetics.

  15. Simultaneous measurement of pO2 and perfusion in the rabbit kidney in vivo. (United States)

    O'Connor, Paul M; Anderson, Warwick P; Kett, Michelle M; Evans, Roger G


    Recently, a combined probe has been developed capable of simultaneous measurement of local tissue pO2 (fluorescence oximetry) and microvascular perfusion (laser Doppler flux) within the same local region. The aim of the current study was to test the utility of these combined probes to measure pO2 and perfusion in the kidney. Studies were performed in anesthetized, artificially ventilated rabbits (n=7). Baseline measurements of renal medullary perfusion and pO2 obtained using combined probes (537 +/- 110 units & 28.7 +/- 6.l mmHg, respectively) were indistinguishable from those obtained using independent probes (435 +/- 102 units & 26.9 +/- 6.4 mmHg). Baseline measurements of renal cortical pO2 were also similar between combined (9.7 +/- 1.6 mmHg) and independent probes (9.5 +/- 2.3 mmHg). Baseline levels of cortical perfusion however, were significantly greater when measured using independent probes (1130 +/- 114 units) compared to combined probes (622 +/- 59 units; P pO2 resulting from graded stimulation of the renal nerves were not significantly different when measured using combined probes to those obtained using independent probes. We conclude that combined probes are equally suitable to independent probes for tissue pO2 and microvascular perfusion measurement in the kidney. Our results raise some concerns regarding the accuracy of these OxyLite fluorescence probes for pO2 measurement in the kidney, particularly within the renal cortex.

  16. MW-assisted synthesis of LiFePO 4 for high power applications (United States)

    Beninati, Sabina; Damen, Libero; Mastragostino, Marina

    LiFePO 4/C was prepared by solid-state reaction from Li 3PO 4, Fe 3(PO 4) 2·8H 2O, carbon and glucose in a few minutes in a scientific MW (microwave) oven with temperature and power control. The material was characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and by TGA analysis to evaluate carbon content. The electrochemical characterization as positive electrode in EC (ethylene carbonate)-DMC (dimethylcarbonate) 1 M LiPF 6 was performed by galvanostatic charge-discharge cycles at C/10 to evaluate specific capacity and by sequences of 10 s discharge-charge pulses, at different high C-rates (5-45C) to evaluate pulse-specific power in simulate operative conditions for full-HEV application. The maximum pulse-specific power and, particularly, pulse efficiency values are quite high and make MW synthesis a very promising route for mass production of LiFePO 4/C for full-HEV batteries at low energy costs.

  17. The size distribution of 210Po in the atmosphere around Mt. Sakurajima in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashikawa, N.; Matsuoka, N.; Takashima, Y.; Syojo, N.; Imamura, H.; Fujisaki, M.


    The concentration and size distribution of 210 Po in particulate matters in the atmosphere were measured around the active volcano, Mt. Sakurajima in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan. The samples were collected eight times at four sampling points for the period from June 1994 to January 1996. The highest concentration of 210 Po was 2940 μBq/m 3 at Akamizu located 2 km away from the crater of Mt. Sakurajima. The 210 Po concentrations decreased with the increase of distance form Mt. Sakurajima. The size distribution curves of 210 Po in the particulate matters showed that 210 Po is usually condensed to fine particles smaller than 2 μm in diameter. In addition, it was suggested that the 210 Po concentration in particulate matters collected at Akamizu was affected by the wind direction over Mt. Sakurajima. (author)

  18. Three new d10 transition metal selenites containing PO4 tetrahedron: Cd7(HPO4)2(PO4)2(SeO3)2, Cd6(PO4)1.34(SeO3)4.66 and Zn3(HPO4)(SeO3)2(H2O) (United States)

    Ma, Yun-Xiang; Gong, Ya-Ping; Hu, Chun-li; Mao, Jiang-Gao; Kong, Fang


    Three new d10 transition metal selenites containing PO4 tetrahedron, namely, Cd7(HPO4)2(PO4)2(SeO3)2 (1), Cd6(PO4)1.34(SeO3)4.66 (2) and Zn3(HPO4)(SeO3)2(H2O) (3), have been synthesized by hydrothermal reaction. They feature three different structural types. Compound 1 exhibits a novel 3D network composed of 3D cadmium selenite open framework with phosphate groups filled in the 1D helical tunnels. The structure of compound 2 displays a new 3D framework consisted of 2D cadmium oxide layers bridged by SeO3 and PO4 groups. Compound 3 is isostructural with the reported solids of Co3(SeO3)3-x(PO3OH)x(H2O) when x is equal to 1.0. Its structure could be viewed as a 3D zinc oxide open skeleton with SeO3 and HPO4 polyhedra attached on the wall of the tunnels. They represent the only examples in metal selenite phosphates in addition to the above cobalt compounds. Optical diffuse reflectance spectra revealed that these solids are insulators, which are consistent with the results of band structure computations based on DFT algorithm.

  19. A new semi-invasive method for two dimensional pO2 measurements of cortical structures. (United States)

    Warnat, Jan; Liebsch, Gregor; Stoerr, Eva-Maria; Brawanski, Alexander; Woertgen, Chris


    Measuring brain oxygenation in patients with TBI or SAH is of major interest. We present a new semi-invasive method for two dimensional measurements of cortical pO2. For this feasibility study, a porphyrin containing sensor foil was placed directly on the cortex of intubated and variably ventilated Wistar rats. The sensor was excited with a light pulse and pictures of the foil's pO2 dependant emissions were captured with a CCD camera. After online data processing, two-dimensional maps of cortex oxygenation were displayed and analyzed using ROIs (here: arteriole, vein, parenchyma) with a display rate of 7 Hz. The size of one single measurement pixel was 0.03 x 0.03 mm2. The mean pO2 over cortex arterioles was 20.3 +/- 0.69, over veins 17.1 +/- 0.5 and over parenchyma 9.1 +/- 0.6 (mmHg +/- SD). The arterial pO2 showed a good correlation to the pO2 in the ROIs (r = 0.46-0.72, p pO2 values in the ROIs of the cortex. This prototype is capable of obtaining cortical pO2 maps with excellent temporal and spatial resolution and provides simultaneous imaging of the cortex structures.

  20. A study on 210Po activity concentration in soil at different depths along coastal Kerala

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Primal D'Cunha; Sathyanarayana Bhat, P.; Narayana, Y.


    The paper presents systematic studies on the vertical profiles of 210 Po, an important decay product of 238 U, in soils along coastal Kerala. Soil samples collected from different depth intervals 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 cm were analyzed for 210 Po activity concentration by radiochemical methods. The activity 210 Po in soil samples were counted using a ZnS(Ag) alpha scintillation counting system. The mean values of activity concentrations of 210 Po in soil of various depths were found to be 8.66, 5.63 and 4.95 Bq kg -1 for depth intervals of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm, respectively. The overall activity concentration of 210 Po in soil was found to vary from 2.26 ± 0.19 to 14.02 ± 0.12 Bq kg -1 with a mean value of 6.43 Bq kg -1 . Maximum activity concentration was found in soil samples of Kollam region with the mean value of 10.08 ± 0.92 Bq kg -1 . The activity of 210 Po was found to be comparatively high in surface soil. The variation of 210 Po activity concentration with organic matter contents was studied. 210 Polonium activity concentration was found to increase with increasing organic matter content. (author)

  1. Structural features of AgCaCdMg2(PO4)3 and AgCd2Mg2(PO4)3, two new compounds with the alluaudite-type structure, and their catalytic activity in butan-2-ol conversion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kacimi, Mohammed; Ziyad, Mahfoud; Hatert, Frederic


    AgCaCdMg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 and AgCd 2 Mg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 , two new compounds with the alluaudite-type structure, were synthesized by a solid state reaction in air at 750 deg. C. The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of AgCaCdMg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 indicates the presence of small amounts of (Ca, Mg) 3 (PO 4 ) 2 with the whitlockite structure, as impurity, whereas AgCd 2 Mg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 is constituted by pure alluaudite. The Rietveld refinements of the X-ray powder diffraction patterns indicate an ordered cationic distribution for AgCd 2 Mg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 , with Ag on A(2)', Cd on A(1) and M(1), and Mg on M(2), whereas a disordered distribution of Cd and Ca between the A(1) and M(1) sites is observed for AgCaCdMg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 . The catalytic properties of these compounds has been measured in reaction of butan-2-ol dehydrogenation. In the absence of oxygen, both samples exhibit poor dehydrogenation activity. All samples displayed no dehydration activity. Introduction of oxygen into the feed changed totally the catalytic behavior of the catalysts. The production of methyl ethyl ketone increases with time on stream and the reaction temperature. AgCaCdMg 2 (PO 4 ) 3 is more efficient than AgCd 2 Mg 2 (PO 4 ) 3

  2. Crystal growth and characterization of CeFe{sub 1-x}Ru{sub x} PO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balle, Tanita; Kliemt, Kristin; Krellner, Cornelius [Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt, Kristall- und Materiallabor (Germany)


    CeRuPO is a one of the few heavy fermion systems, which order ferromagnetically at low temperatures (T{sub C} = 15 K), because of dominant RKKY-interaction. CeFePO on the other hand shows no long-range magnetic order even at low temperatures because of dominant Kondo effect (T{sub K} = 10 K). By substituting CeFePO with ruthenium we can reach a quantum critical point, at which the RKKY-interaction and the Kondo effect are equally strong. To study the quantum critical point, and to enlighten the question if the order stays ferromagnetically down to lowest temperatures, high quality crystals are needed. Here, the growth and characterization of the single crystals will be discussed. We obtained mm-sized single crystals of the unsubstituted CeRuPO and CeFePO by a modified Bridgeman method using tin as a flux. The quality of the crystals was verified by Powder-X-Ray-Diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Laue backscattering.

  3. Sodium intercalation in the phosphosulfate cathode NaFe2(PO4)(SO4)2 (United States)

    Ben Yahia, Hamdi; Essehli, Rachid; Amin, Ruhul; Boulahya, Khalid; Okumura, Toyoki; Belharouak, Ilias


    The compound NaFe2(PO4)(SO4)2 is successfully synthesized via a solid state reaction route and its crystal structure is determined using powder X-ray diffraction data. NaFe2(PO4)(SO4)2 phase is also characterized by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic cycling and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. NaFe2(PO4)(SO4)2 crystallizes with the well-known NASICON-type structure. SAED and HRTEM experiments confirm the structural model, and no ordering between the PO4-3 and SO4-2 polyanions is detected. The electrochemical tests indicate that NaFe2(PO4)(SO4)2 is a 3 V sodium intercalating cathode. The electrical conductivity is relatively low (2.2 × 10-6 Scm-1 at 200 °C) and the obtained activation energy is ∼0.60eV. The GITT experiments indicate that the diffusivity values are in the range of 10-11-10-12 cm2/s within the measured sodium concentrations.

  4. The effect of heat preservation time on the electrochemical properties of LiFePO4 (United States)

    He, Rui; Zhang, Lihui; Bai, Xue; Liu, Zhenfa


    LiFePO4 was prepared via high temperature solid-state method at different heat preservation time. XRD and SEM was used to test the structure and morphology of LiFePO4. Land 2001 was used to test the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4. The results illustrated that well-crystallized LiFePO4 composite with homogeneous small particles was obtained by XRD and SEM. And the optimum heat preservation time was 4 hour. From charge/discharge test, it can be seen that at 0.2C, LiFePO4 has initial discharge capacities of 159.1mAh/g at the heat preservation time 4 hour. From the rate capacity, it can be seen that the discharge capacity was of optimum sample remains above 99% after 200 cycles.

  5. Structural Transformation of LiFePO4 during Ultrafast Delithiation. (United States)

    Kuss, Christian; Trinh, Ngoc Duc; Andjelic, Stefan; Saulnier, Mathieu; Dufresne, Eric M; Liang, Guoxian; Schougaard, Steen B


    The prolific lithium battery electrode material lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO 4 ) stores and releases lithium ions by undergoing a crystallographic phase change. Nevertheless, it performs unexpectedly well at high rate and exhibits good cycling stability. We investigate here the ultrafast charging reaction to resolve the underlying mechanism while avoiding the limitations of prevailing electrochemical methods by using a gaseous oxidant to deintercalate lithium from the LiFePO 4 structure. Oxidizing LiFePO 4 with nitrogen dioxide gas reveals structural changes through in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and electronic changes through in situ UV/vis reflectance spectroscopy. This study clearly shows that ultrahigh rates reaching 100% state of charge in 10 s does not lead to a particle-wide union of the olivine and heterosite structures. An extensive solid solution phase is therefore not a prerequisite for ultrafast charge/discharge.

  6. Enhanced electrochemical performance of LiMnPO4 by Li+-conductive Li3VO4 surface coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong, Youzhong; Zhao, Yanming; Duan, He; Liang, Zhiyong


    By a simple wet ball-milling method, Li 3 VO 4 -coated LiMnPO 4 samples were prepared successfully for the first time. The thin Li 3 VO 4 coating layer with a three-dimensional Li + -ion transport path and high mobility of Li + -ion strongly adhered to the LiMnPO 4 material reduces Mn dissolution and increases the Li + flux through the surface of the LiMnPO 4 itself by preventing formation of phases on the surface that would normally block Li + as well as Li + -ion permeation into the surface of the LiMnPO 4 electrode and therefore improve the rate capability as well as the cycling stability of LiMnPO 4 materials. The electrochemical testing shows that the 5% Li 3 VO 4 -coated LiMnPO 4 sample shows a clear voltage plateau in the charge curves and a much higher reversible capacity at different discharge rates compared with the pristine LiMnPO 4 . EIS results also show that the surface charge transfer resistance and Warburg impedance of the Li 3 VO 4 -coated LiMnPO 4 samples significantly decreased. The surface charge transfer resistance and Warburg impedance for the pristine LiMnPO 4 are 955.1 Ω and 400.3 Ω, respectively. While, for the 5% Li 3 VO 4 -coated LiMnPO 4 , the value are only 400.2 Ω and 283.6 Ω, respectively. The surface charge transfer resistance decreases more than half. All of the improved performance will be favorable for application of the LiMnPO 4 in high-power lithium ion batteries

  7. Probing the failure mechanism of nanoscale LiFePO4 for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu, Meng; Yan, Pengfei; Wang, Chongmin; Shi, Wei; Zheng, Jianming; Zhang, Ji-guang


    LiFePO 4 is a high power rate cathode material for lithium ion battery and shows remarkable capacity retention, featuring a 91% capacity retention after 3300 cycles. In this work, we use high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy to study the gradual capacity fading mechanism of LiFePO 4 materials. We found that upon prolonged electrochemical cycling of the battery, the LiFePO 4 cathode shows surface amorphization and loss of oxygen species, which directly contribute to the gradual capacity fading of the battery. The finding can guide the design and improvement of LiFePO 4 cathode for high-energy and high-power rechargeable battery for electric transportation

  8. Intake of 210Po, 234U and 238U radionuclides with beer in Poland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skwarzec, B.; Struminska, D.I.; Borylo, A.; Falandysz, J.


    238 U, 234 U and 210 Po activity concentrations were determined in beer in Poland by alpha-spectrometry with low-level activity silicon detectors. The results revealed that the mean concentrations of 238 U, 234 U and 210 Po in the analyzed beer samples were 4.63, 4.11 and 4.94 mBq x dm -3 , respectively, the highest in Tyskie (5.71 for 210 Po, 5.06 for 234 U and 6.11 for 238 U) and the lowest in Lech (2.49 for 210 Po). The effective radiation dose due to uranium and polonium ingestions by beer was calculated and were compared to the effective radiation dose from drinking water. (author)

  9. Electron-impact study of PO2 using the R-matrix method (United States)

    Bharadvaja, Anand; Kaur, Savinder; Baluja, K. L.


    The R-matrix approach is used to study the electron scattering from PO2 radical at low electron impact energies. The elastic scattering phenomenon is studied in static-exchange, one-state and many-states close-coupling approximation. The elastic differential cross sections, corresponding momentum-transfer cross sections, and collision frequency are calculated in the one-state configuration interaction approximation only. Calculations reveal a stable bound state of PO2- having symmetry 1A1, a configuration of ⋯8a12,⋯2b12,⋯5b22,⋯1a22, and vertical electron affinity of 2.94 eV. The excited state of anion PO2- having symmetry 3B1 is also just bound relative to the ground state of PO2 at its equilibrium geometry. The shape, core-excited, and Feshbach resonances are analyzed in different symmetries up to 7 eV. The partial waves up to l=4 are used to represent continuum electron. The converged cross sections are obtained for the partial waves having l greater than 4 by applying Born correction. Certain interesting spectroscopic properties of radical are also reported.

  10. Evolution of LiFePO4 thin films interphase with electrolyte (United States)

    Dupré, N.; Cuisinier, M.; Zheng, Y.; Fernandez, V.; Hamon, J.; Hirayama, M.; Kanno, R.; Guyomard, D.


    Many parameters may control the growth and the characteristics of the interphase, such as surface structure and morphology, structural defects, grain boundaries, surface reactions, etc. However, polycrystalline surfaces contain these parameters simultaneously, resulting in a quite complicated system to study. Working with model electrode surfaces using crystallographically oriented crystalline thin films appears as a novel and unique approach to understand contributions of preferential orientation and rugosity of the surface. In order to rebuild the interphase architecture along electrochemical cycling, LiFePO4 epitaxial films offering ideal 2D (100) interfaces are here investigated through the use of non-destructive depth profiling by Angular Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS). The composition and structure of the interphase is then monitored upon cycling for samples stopped at the end of charge and discharge for various numbers of cycles, and discussed in the light of combined XPS and X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements. Such an approach allows describing the interphase evolution on a specific model LiFePO4 crystallographic orientation and helps understanding the nature and evolution of the LiFePO4/electrolyte interphase forming on the surface of LiFePO4 poly-crystalline powder.

  11. La boda de penalty: el romance de Los primos romeros o la resolución poética de un conflicto vulgar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baltanás, Enrique


    Full Text Available Although superficially the romance of Los primos romeros could be interpreted since a surrealist, anticlerical and incestuous perspective, here it is offered a lecture coherent with most of the romancistic oral texts: a conflict so familiar and vulgar as the "wedding by penalty", viewed since a poetic and inclosed indulgent perspective. For the purpose of this romance, theoretical questions as the role of the transmitter ¿author or reader? and the nature of oral texts are examined at once.Aunque a simple vista el romance de Los primos romeros pueda entenderse desde una perspectiva surrealista, anticlerical o incestuosa, aquí se propone una lectura coherente con la mayoría de los textos romancísticos orales modernos: un conflicto tan familiar y vulgar como la "boda de penalty", visto desde una perspectiva poética e incluso indulgente. Al mismo tiempo, y a propósito de este romance, se dilucidan algunas cuestiones teóricas como el papel del transmisor (¿autor o lector? y la propia naturaleza del texto oral.

  12. Aree Protette del Po e della Collina Torinese: studi propedeutici alla Candidatura MAB - Man and the Biosphere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cimnaghi Elisabetta


    Full Text Available Il programma MAB fu lanciato dall’UNESCO negli anni ’70 al fine di migliorare il rapporto tra uomo e ambiente. Negli anni il programma ha portato al riconoscimento di Riserve della Biosfera che gli Stati Membri si impegnano a gestire nella prospettiva della conservazione delle risorse. L’Organismo Gestore dell’Area Protetta, partendo, da un lato, dalla consapevolezza della ricchezza ambientale che caratterizza il suo territorio e, dall’altro, del contesto di sviluppo antropico elevato in cui essa è situata, ha riconosciuto nel programma MAB un’opportunità per incrementare le sue attività di protezione e potenziamento delle risorse. Questo articolo descrive i primi risultati ottenuti negli studi preliminari per la Designazione al MAB, con particolare attenzione sia alle opportunità di implementazione di progetti legati al marchio “Collina Po”, creato dall’Organo di Gestione del Parco, si ain termini di scambio di ‘best practices’ con altre Riserve di Biosfera.

  13. Improved analytical procedure for the determination of 210Pb and 210Po using alpha-spectrometric isotope dilution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urnezis, P.W.; Holtzman, R.B.


    An isotope dilution method has been incorporated into the 210 Pb- 210 Po analysis. A known amount of 209 Po is added to the sample before analysis. Then both 209 Po and 210 Po are deposited on a silver planchet which is assayed in an alpha spectrometer to determine the activities of each isotope. The recoveries generally range from 70% to 90%

  14. 210Po measurement of borehole core and its significance for uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chao Xiaolin


    210 Po survey is a tradition method in uranium exploration and has been widely applied to ground reconnaissance survey and detailed survey of uranium. However, it is seldom applied to drilling work. 210 Po measurements of borehole core for granite-type uranium deposit in Miaoershan area indicate that there are high and large range anomaly which greatly exceeds uranium orebody in uranium mineralization area. The investigation suggests that 210 Po measurements of borehole core can judge whether or not exist buried uranium orebody under the borehole depth and its surrounding in the final exploration stage. The method may be used to the exploration of granite-type uranium deposit. (authors)

  15. Résister : les poèmes de guerre de Charles Camproux


    Lassaque, Aurélia


    Charles Camproux, né à Marseille en 1908, fut publiquement reconnu comme poète suite à la parution des Poemas sens poesia. Ce premier recueil portant sur la captivité, composé « sot lo ceu d’Alemanha », fut publié peu après le retour de Camproux en France, par les soins d’Ismaël Girard à la SEO en 1942. Camproux composa au cours des deux années suivantes un ensemble de poèmes réunis tardivement sous le titre de Poëmas de Resistència. Contrairement à L’an quaranta e tres et au Bestiari, écrits...

  16. Analysis of 210Pb and 210Po concentrations in surface air by an α spectrometric method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winkler, R.; Hoetzl, H.; Chatterjee, B.


    A method is presented for determining the concentrations of airborne 210 Pb and 210 Po. The method employs α spectrometry to measure the count rate of 210 Po present on an electrostatic filter sample at two post-sampling times. The individual air concentrations of 210 Po and 210 Pb can be calculated from equations given. Sensitivity of the procedure is about 0.2 fCi 210 Po per m 3 of air. The method was applied to the study of long-term variations and frequency distributions of 210 Po and 210 Pb concentrations in surface air at a nonpolluted location about 10 km outside of Munich, F.R.G., from 1976 through 1979. During this period the average concentration levels were found to be 14.2 fCi 210 Pb per m 3 of air and 0.77 fCi 210 Po per m 3 of air, respectively. (author)

  17. Preparation, characterization and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities of BiPO4/BiVO4 composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Siyuan; Zheng, Hong; Lian, Youwei; Wu, Yiying


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 composites were successfully prepared by the hydrothermal method. • BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 composites exhibited broad absorption in the visible region. • Visible-light photocatalytic activities of BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 composites were enhanced. • P/V molar ratio and pH value of the reaction affect photocatalytic activity. • The mechanism of enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities was discussed. - Abstract: BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 composites with different P/V molar ratios were prepared by the hydrothermal method and the effect of pH values of hydrothermal reaction on photocatalytic activity of BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 composite was investigated. The photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The photocatalytic property of BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 was evaluated by photocatalytic degradation of Methylene blue under visible light irradiation. The results showed that the photocatalytic activity of the composites was much higher than that of pure BiPO 4 and BiVO 4 . The rate constant of Methylene blue degradation over BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 (P/V molar ratio of 5:1 and hydrothermal reaction pH value of 1.5) is 1.7 times that of pure BiVO 4 . The photocatalytic activity enhancement of BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 composite is closely related to the BiVO 4 functioning as a sensitizer to adsorb visible light and the heterojunction of BiPO 4 /BiVO 4 acting as an active center for hindering the rapid recombination of electron–hole pairs during the photocatalytic reaction

  18. Controlled synthesis and photocatalytic properties of rhombic dodecahedral Ag3PO4 with high surface energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie, Yao; Huang, Zhaohui; Zhang, Zhijie; Zhang, Xiaoguang; Wen, Ruilong; Liu, Yangai; Fang, Minghao; Wu, Xiaowen


    Graphical abstract: The high amount of rhombic dodecahedral Ag 3 PO 4 particles with a high exposure of the {110} facets and high surface energy (the surface energy of the {110} facets was 1.31 J/m 2 , greater than that of the {100} facet (1.12 J/m 2 ).) exhibited excellent photocatalytic activity. - Highlights: • High contents of rhombic dodecahedral Ag 3 PO 4 photocatalysts are prepared. • Excessive EG can destroy the morphology of Ag 3 PO 4 in synthesis process. • The rhombic dodecahedral Ag 3 PO 4 exhibits high surface energy. • High surface energy implies high photocatalytic activity. - Abstract: In this study, a series of Ag 3 PO 4 photocatalysts with different contents of rhombic dodecahedral particles were prepared in one pot by a facile, novel hydrothermal method using ethylene glycol (EG), which served as both a morphology modifier and reducing agent. The effects of EG content on the morphologies of Ag 3 PO 4 photocatalysts were discussed. The photocatalytic activity of the Ag 3 PO 4 photocatalysts was evaluated by the degradation of methylene blue trihydrate under visible-light irradiation. With the use of 0.8% EG in the reaction solvent, the sample exhibited excellent photocatalytic activity, attributed to the high amount of rhombic dodecahedral Ag 3 PO 4 particles with a high exposure of the {110} facets and high surface energy. The surface energy of the {110} facets was 1.31 J/m 2 , greater than that of the {100} facet (1.12 J/m 2 ). However, with 1% EG in the reaction solvent, although the Ag 3 PO 4 photocatalysts were composed of a majority of rhombic dodecahedral Ag 3 PO 4 particles, tiny Ag particles formed from Ag + under the action of EG attached on the surface of the sample decreased the absorption of visible light, resulting in low photocatalytic activity.

  19. Luminescence and energy transfer of Sm3+ and Eu3+ in Ca2PO4Cl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Zhijun; Li, Panlai; Yang, Zhiping; Guo, Qinglin


    Sm 3+ , Eu 3+ , and Sm 3+ –Eu 3+ doped Ca 2 PO 4 Cl phosphors are synthesized by a solid-state method. Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Sm 3+ can produce red emission under the 400 nm radiation excitation, and the emission peak is located at 601 nm, which is assigned to the 4 G 5/2 → 6 H 7/2 transition of Sm 3+ . Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Eu 3+ can create red emission under the 392 nm radiation excitation, and the strongest peak is located at 620 nm, which is attributed to the 5 D 0 → 7 F 2 transition of Eu 3+ . The energy transfer from Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl has been validated and the critical distance (R c ) of Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl is calculated to be 1.14 nm. With increasing Eu 3+ doping concentration, the energy transfer efficiency (Sm 3+ →Eu 3+ ) gradually increases to 53.7%. The luminescence property of Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Sm 3+ , Eu 3+ can be tuned by properly tuning the relative ratio of Sm 3+ –Eu 3+ , and the emission intensity of Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Eu 3+ can be greatly enhanced by codoped Sm 3+ . - Highlights: • Ca 2 PO 4 Cl:Sm 3+ , Eu 3+ can produce red emission under the 400 nm radiation excitation. • The energy transfer from Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl has been validated. • The critical distance of Sm 3+ to Eu 3+ in Ca 2 PO 4 Cl is calculated to be 1.14 nm

  20. Provocaciones teóricas para el siglo XXI: la experiencia del poema


    Scarano, Laura


    Quisiera compartir pues en esta ponencia los derroteros críticos que impulsan mi curiosidad por entender los trazos de lo que un sujeto autoral llama su “experiencia” e “intimidad”, transpuestos a lenguaje poético. Y en el acto de esta “escritura del yo íntimo” proponen al lector –no ya su radical ajenidad­ sino un camino interpretativo para construir una experiencia análoga, dentro de las coordenadas de una estética de la proyección y el reconocimiento, que ponga en escena la “vivencia” ideo...