
Sample records for sos como ensayo

  1. Ensayos argumentativos en inglés como lengua extranjera y su escritura como una práctica social situada: revisión de conceptos

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    Pedro Antonio Chala


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una discusión sobre las tendencias teóricas que ven la escritura de ensayos argumentativos en inglés lengua extranjera como práctica social situada. Los conceptos que se exploran en este documento constituyen la base de una propuesta de investigación que aborda la escritura argumentativa desde una perspectiva innovadora, social, situada, y basada en la enseñanza de géneros que se puede ver como una alternativa para fomentar la escritura de ensayos en inglés lengua extranjera como una práctica social situada que trascienda los límites del salón de clase. La discusión de los conceptos se visualiza primero desde la teoría de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y los dominios de la lingüística aplicada que fundamentan la propuesta. Luego se presentan, se exploran y se explican los conceptos centrales; éstos incluyen, primero, la escritura como práctica social situada, segundo, la escritura de ensayos argumentativos como un proceso dinámico de creación, y tercero, el género como acción social situada. Finalmente, el artículo presenta una reflexión sobre cómo estos conceptos se pueden entender e interrelacionar para que la escritura de ensayos argumentativos sea abordada como una práctica de alfabetización que contribuya a la formación de estudiantes de inglés lengua extranjera como escritores reflexivos, críticos y sociales.

  2. El ensayo como filosofía: Arte y filosofìa en Theodor W. Adorno


    Gutiérrez Pozo, Antonio


    Frente al positivismo dominante en su tiempo para el que el ensayo era una filosofía sin rigor, Adorno recupera el ensayo como una nueva forma de hacer filosofía, como un nuevo logos. Esta racionalidad ensayística, sin abandonar el concepto, incluye en la filosofía el elemento estético, que es precisamente el que permite a la razón filosófica superar la identidad impuesta por el idealismo, constituirse en dialéctica y pensar justo lo que no se puede pensar, lo concreto. In contrast to the ...

  3. Con Ortega: el ensayo como alternativa a una filosofía de funámbulos

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    Enrique Ferrari Nieto


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Tanto el ensayo, como género literario, como el ensayo español, en su concreción histórica, son temas de estudio con un vigor extraordinario en la crítica contemporánea. Como posibilidad estilística para una reflexión que renuncia a ser estrictamente sistemática, este trabajo apuntala en la literatura en español sus orígenes en Ortega y Gasset porque, a pesar de haber otros precedentes destacados, anteriores a Ortega, con el escritor madrileño el ensayo toma conciencia de ser forma de un nuevo planteamiento filosófico que se justifica, precisamente, en su dinamicidad frente al sistema. ABSTRACT: The essay (as literary genre and the Spanish essay (in its historical specificity are subjects of study with a special force in contemporary criticism. This paper examines the origins of the essay in Spanish literature in Ortega y Gasset, understanding it as a stylistic form of reflection that is not strictly systematic. Despite the existence of important predecessors, with Ortega the essay comes to recognize itself as the form of a new philosophical approach that is justified precisely in its dynamism.

  4. A la hora de escribir ensayos

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    Juan Alberto Blanco Puentes


    Full Text Available Hoy, los ejercicios académicos parten del escribir ensayos. Como género académico es útil tanto para escritores como para lectores; apaleando a lo anterior, el presente artículo tiene como tema de reflexión el Ensayo, y está encaminado a facilitar al lector la escritura de este tipo de textos, sin hacer diferencia –pero manteniendo la independencia de saberes– entre ciencias, estilos, temas e intenciones. De hecho, la estructura del texto, está diseñada para desarrollar el ejercicio de composición, permitiendo el acceso al tema desde sus antecedentes, su estructura formal, el lenguaje y el desarrollo del aprendizaje desde el ensayo.

  5. El ensayo en la teoría de los géneros

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    Carles Besa Camprubí


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el problema de la caracterización del ensayo literario tomando como punto de mira la teoría de los géneros. En primer lugar, se integra el ensayo dentro de la poética condicionalista postulada por Genette en Fiction et diction, que permite dar cabida a la literatura en prosa no ficcional. En segundo lugar, se procede a una revisión de las construcciones teóricas que han dado cuenta del ensayo como género; estas construcciones oscilan entre la consideración del ensayo como “género débil” o incluso “mal género” (género mixto, apátrida, antegénero o antigénero y su categorización del ensayo como “género fuerte” o cuarto modo, al lado de los modos épico, lírico y dramático repertoriados por las poéticas constitutivistas o esencialistas. Finalmente, se razona a propósito del fracaso de la teoría por aprehender el ensayo como género y se alude al desafío que plantea a la teoría de la literatura el desplazamiento de un pensamiento de la genericidad hacia un pensamiento de la literariedad.

  6. El ensayo lírico como experiencia estética-hermenéutica (The Lyric Essay as an Aesthetic-Hermeneutical Experience

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    Luis Javier Hernández Carmona


    Full Text Available Se plantea la teorización sobre el ensayo lírico y la generación de la experiencia estética-hermenéutica, a partir de la aplicación de la ontosemiótica como perspectiva metodológica. Con ello, se analizan las prácticas discursivo-literarias que contienen la metarreflexión que desde la extratextualidad da respuesta a los planteos metaforizados, dado que la autonomía del texto y los desdoblamientos del sujeto enunciador implican estrategias de análisis centradas en el cuadrante referencial autor-texto-lector-contexto. Se analizan teorías sobre el ensayo según Montaigne, Lukács, Adorno y Nicol, hasta proponer el ensayo como balance entre lo objetivo y lo subjetivo trascendente.  Abstract A theorization is proposed for the lyric essay and the generation of the aesthetic-hermeneutic experience from the application of ontosemiotics as a methodological perspective. A discussion is presented of discursive-literary practices containing meta-reflection which, from extratextuality, responds to metaphorized approaches that for the autonomy of the text and the splits of the enunciating subject require analytical strategies focusing on the referential quadrant author-text-reader-context. Theories on the essay are reviewed, including those of Montaigne, Lukács, Adorno and Nicol, to propose the essay as a balance between the objective and transcendental subjectivity.

  7. en los ensayos clínicos

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    Medardo Ávila Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se estudia el modo en que se manifiesta la relación entre los investigadores clínicos y los pacientes incorporados a protocolos; cuáles son las percepciones que tienen los médicos en la "relación médico-paciente" transfigurada en "relación investigadorobjeto de ensayo"; para ello se analizan dos casos de amplia difusión pública. El primero está referido a ensayos destinado a disminuir la transmisión perinatal del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV en países en desarrollo. En estos se estableció un doble standard de tratamiento para las poblaciones de embarazadas africanas y latinoamericanas reconociéndolas como "diferentes". Se marcó un límite étnico, para utilizarlas como grupo control. El segundo caso se refiere al análisis del proceso de ensayos clínicos comerciales llevados a cabo en el Hospital Municipal Infantil de Córdoba, éstos se sustentaron ideológicamente en las identidades y valores neoliberales que promueve la globalización, rompiendo de esta manera con identidades generadas históricamente.

  8. La secuencia didáctica como estratégica en la enseñanza del ensayo argumentativo

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    Full Text Available Este artículo es producto de una investigación realizada en el Colegio Gimnasio Gran Colombiano con estudiantes de grado undécimo. El trabajo está enfocado en el desarrollo de una secuencia didáctica de talleres orientada a la escritura de textos argumentativos. Es una estrategia metodológica, por medio de la cual el alumno puede aprender a escribir ensayos argumentativos con el fin de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en diversas situaciones comunicativas y en el contexto que lo rodea. Esta secuencia didáctica de talleres permite evaluar y reconocer si el proceso llevado a cabo fue efectivo o no. Para el desarrollo de esta propuesta se tuvo en cuenta variables como comprensión, coherencia, cohesión, argumentación y ensayo. Se realizaron diferentes actividades dentro de las cuales se incluyó el contexto de los jóvenes (vivencias personales, el entorno, el ambiente familiar y escolar y la sociedad, lo que implicó más atención e interés por parte de ellos.

  9. Ensayos argumentativos en inglés como lengua extranjera y su escritura como una práctica social situada: revisión de conceptos EFL argumentative essay writing as a situated-social practice: review of concepts

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    Pedro Antonio Chala

    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo presenta una discusión sobre las tendencias teóricas que ven la escritura de ensayos argumentativos en inglés lengua extranjera como práctica social situada. Los conceptos que se exploran en este documento constituyen la base de una propuesta de investigación que aborda la escritura argumentativa desde una perspectiva innovadora, social, situada, y basada en la enseñanza de géneros que se puede ver como una alternativa para fomentar la escritura de ensayos en inglés lengua extranjera como una práctica social situada que trascienda los límites del salón de clase. La discusión de los conceptos se visualiza primero desde la teoría de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y los dominios de la lingüística aplicada que fundamentan la propuesta. Luego se presentan, se exploran y se explican los conceptos centrales; éstos incluyen, primero, la escritura como práctica social situada, segundo, la escritura de ensayos argumentativos como un proceso dinámico de creación, y tercero, el género como acción social situada. Finalmente, el artículo presenta una reflexión sobre cómo estos conceptos se pueden entender e interrelacionar para que la escritura de ensayos argumentativos sea abordada como una práctica de alfabetización que contribuya a la formación de estudiantes de inglés lengua extranjera como escritores reflexivos, críticos y sociales.Abstract This article presents a discussion on the theoretical trends that see EFL argumentative essay writing as a situated social practice. The concepts explored in this paper constitute the basis for a research-based proposal that approaches argumentative writing from an innovative social, situated, and genre-based perspective and that can be viewed as an alternative to encourage EFL essay writing as a social practice in and beyond the classroom bounds. The conceptual discussion is first viewed from the second language learning theory and applied linguistics domains

  10. La ANT tal como yo la imagino. Breve ensayo sobre el cosmos semafórico

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    Carlos Enrique Silva Rios


    Full Text Available Hace tres años llegué a Barcelona con una intención firme que pasados unos dos meses tuve que echar por tierra. Quería estudiar a la gente cruzando la calle en esta ciudad y luego comparar sus actos con los de la gente de mi ciudad de origen, Caracas. Mis evaluadores, apenas se enteraron de mi propósito, me desaconsejaron, ya que comparar requería de un tiempo que no tenía. Debía dedicarme sólo a una de las ciudades. Escogí Barcelona. Más tarde, en una segunda consulta, volvieron a desaconsejarme: en lugar de estudiar a la gente que cruza la calle, me recomendaban que tomara como punto de partida el semáforo; específicamente, el cambio de luz y si era posible la luz misma. Esta especie de atomización del interés, en lugar de amilanarme, redefinió y acicateó mi entusiasmo cogitativo, y con ese impulso emprendí la tarea de elaborar un diario de campo. Como no se podía hacer eso de una manera ingenua, tomé la decisión de asumir una mirada y luego una escritura sesgada por algunas de las nociones de la Teoría del Actor-Red tal como las plantea Bruno Latour. Su manera de ver el mundo, más que recibirla como un conjunto sistemático de conceptos, la he incorporado muy lentamente como un dispositivo de imaginación, es decir, como una serie de formas que promueven y facilitan la re-creación de los acontecimientos mundanos. En este ensayo hablo brevemente de parte de esa experiencia investigativa, centrándome en una idea que para mí no deja de ser fascinante: es posible componer un mundo común, un cosmos, partiendo de una entidad aparentemente discreta; en mi caso, el semáforo.

  11. Ensayo y humanismo


    Weinberg, Liliana


    En el siguiente artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre las relaciones entre ensayo, humanismo y humanidades. Se procura caracterizar cada uno de estos términos a partir de una breve revisión de su etimología y su historia, así como también reparar en el estrecho vínculo que los une. Se detiene en particular en la figura de Miguel de Montaigne, ensayista y humanista, cuyo legado se considera de enorme actualidad. Se propone meditar sobre los alcances de la declaración de buena fe con que se ...

  12. El ensayo lírico como experiencia estética-hermenéutica (The Lyric Essay as an Aesthetic-Hermeneutical Experience)


    Luis Javier Hernández Carmona


    Se plantea la teorización sobre el ensayo lírico y la generación de la experiencia estética-hermenéutica, a partir de la aplicación de la ontosemiótica como perspectiva metodológica. Con ello, se analizan las prácticas discursivo-literarias que contienen la metarreflexión que desde la extratextualidad da respuesta a los planteos metaforizados, dado que la autonomía del texto y los desdoblamientos del sujeto enunciador implican estrategias de análisis centradas en el cuadrante referencial auto...

  13. La ceguera como motivo en Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato


    Fonseca, Marco Antonio


    El trabajo de investigación, El motivo de la ceguera en el Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato, analiza desde el área y la metodología de la literatura comparada el uso del motivo literario de la ceguera en los dos textos mencionados, resaltando las similitudes y diferencias del tratamiento del motivo dentro de las dos obras y como éste sostiene una serie de obsesiones e ideas sobre el estado actual del mundo que comparten los autores de las dos n...

  14. Sensibilización de placas para ensayos inmunoenzimáticos con antígenos vacunales

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    Rolando Ochoa


    Full Text Available Se describe un procedimiento de sensibilización de placas para ensayos inmunoenzimáticos (ELISA con antígenos vacunales. Se define como concentración óptima de sensibilización aquella donde se alcanza la mayor densidad óptica con los sueros estándares y la menor con los sueros negativos y el blanco reactivo. Como modelo se emplean ensayos indirectos correspondientes a los antígenos de captura: toxoide tetánico, diftérico y la vesícula de membrana externa de meningococo B, materia prima activa de la vacuna antimeningocócica VA-MENGOC-BC. Esta metodología permite alcanzar un mayor recubrimiento de la fase sólida, lo cual incrementa la sensibilidad de los ensayos. La ocupación de espacios libres en la placa se hizo más evidente con antígenos de menor peso molecular, como los toxoides diftérico y tetánico.

  15. La metáfora como factor de textualidad en Ensayo sobre la lucidez, de José Saramago.

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    Olívia Maria Figueiredo


    Full Text Available La metáfora como factor de textualidad es una reflexión sobre el modo como el sistema de la lengua se operacionaliza en el discurso. En este caso concreto, como es que en la obra literaria Ensayo sobre la lucidez las expresiones idiomáticas (expresiones compósitas son transformadas de nuevo en expresiones metafóricas (expresiones componenciales. La incidencia del análisis se focaliza en la apreciación de cómo la expresión idiomática recupera su energía creadora y el primer impulso que la pone en circulación. Teniendo por fundamento las teorías de la anáfora (ampliada y de la reconceptualización, se muestra que tal reconversión se va haciendo a lo largo de la obra en un proceso de ampliación del enfoque cognitivo de que el recurso a las implicaturas es un trazo necesario para la comprensión de las explicaturas. Es preciso que el lector seleccione el contexto oportuno para entender pertinentemente el sentido comunicado. Y el sentido comunicado no es más que el cuestionamiento de la relación del hombre con el mundo por medio de la amplitud de escenarios metafóricos que sólo la lengua permite instaurar.

  16. Introducción de un ELISA como ensayo alternativo en la determinación de la potencia de vacunas antitetánicas

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    Juan Carlos Ramírez


    Full Text Available Por más de medio siglo de uso, la vacunación con el toxoide tetánico ha mostrado un elevado porcentaje de eficacia en la prevención del tétanos. Este trabajo pretende introducir un ensayo inmunoenzimático en fase sólida (ELISA como método alternativo a la prueba de seroneutralización in vivo utilizada en la evaluación de la potencia de las vacunas antitetánicas.Se desarrolló un ELISA de tipo indirecto para la cuantificación de antitoxina tetánica en suero de curiel a partir de un estándar con 29 UI/mL, previamente calibrado. Se determinó la precisión, exactitud y linealidad del ensayo. Se analizó la correlación entre el ELISA y la prueba biológica mediante la evaluación de un total de 75 muestras de sueros por ambos métodos. Por último, se estudió la respuesta individual de un grupo de animales contra 15 lotes de toxoide tetánico. El ensayo demostró ser preciso y exacto, con imprecisiones inferiores al 20% y valores de recuperación entre el 90–110%. Las desviaciones del paralelismo mostraron coeficientes de variación alrededor del 10%. El análisis por regresión lineal mostró una buena correlación entre el ELISA y el ensayo biológico (R2= 0,989. El método alternativo desarrollado probó ser una herramienta útil para la determinación de la potencia de vacunas antitetánicas a partir de la evaluación independiente de la respuesta de cada animal contra el toxoide tetánico.Los niveles de seroprotección alcanzados se encontraron entre el 83–100%.

  17. [SOS-repair--60 years]. (United States)

    Zavil'gel'skiĭ, G B


    This review integrates 60 years of research on SOS-repair and SOS-mutagenesis in procaryotes and eucaryotes, from Jean Weigle experiment in 1953 year (mutagenesis of lambda bacteriophage in UV-irradiated bacteria) to the latest achievements in studying SOS-mutagenesis on all living organisms--Eukarya, Archaea and Bacteria. A key role in establishing of a biochemical basis for SOS-mutagenesis belonges to the finding in 1998-1999 years that specific error-prone DNA polymerases (PolV and others) catalysed translesion synthesis on damaged DNA. This review focuses on recent studies addressing the new models for SOS-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli and Home sapiens cells.

  18. NOAA NDBC SOS - waves (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NDBC SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have waves data. Because of the nature of SOS requests, requests for data...

  19. Ensayo de aptitud desarrollado por laboratorios de calibración en la magnitud electricidad

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    Elia Isabel Guevara-Guerrero


    Full Text Available Los ensayos de aptitud constituyen un control externo de la calidad de los servicios que prestan los laboratorios, ofreciéndoles a estos un gran número de ventajas. El trabajo incluye la realización del ensayo de aptitud de un voltímetro de corriente alterna, mediante comparaciones interlaboratorios en el cual la Oficina Territorial de Normalización de Holguín se desempeñó como coordinadora de un programa de ensayos de aptitud de participación secuencial. Se utilizaron los métodos de análisis documental y síntesis para el tratamiento, resumen de la información y la elaboración de las conclusiones y el método estadístico para el tratamiento y el cálculo de los resultados de las mediciones. El resultado del ensayo posibilitó conocer el desempeño de los laboratorios participantes y sirvió como evidencia al Órgano Nacional de Acreditación de la República de Cuba (ONARC de que ellos realizan sus calibraciones de forma correcta, permitiéndoles obtener o mantener su acreditación.

  20. The Arabidopsis SOS2 protein kinase physically interacts with and is activated by the calcium-binding protein SOS3


    Halfter, Ursula; Ishitani, Manabu; Zhu, Jian-Kang


    The Arabidopsis thaliana SOS2 and SOS3 genes are required for intracellular Na+ and K+ homeostasis and plant tolerance to high Na+ and low K+ environments. SOS3 is an EF hand type calcium-binding protein having sequence similarities with animal neuronal calcium sensors and the yeast calcineurin B. SOS2 is a serine/threonine protein kinase in the SNF1/AMPK family. We report here that SOS3 physically interacts with and activates SOS2 protein kinase. Genetically, sos2sos3 double mutant analysis ...

  1. Vesiculation from Pseudomonas aeruginosa under SOS. (United States)

    Maredia, Reshma; Devineni, Navya; Lentz, Peter; Dallo, Shatha F; Yu, Jiehjuen; Guentzel, Neal; Chambers, James; Arulanandam, Bernard; Haskins, William E; Weitao, Tao


    Bacterial infections can be aggravated by antibiotic treatment that induces SOS response and vesiculation. This leads to a hypothesis concerning association of SOS with vesiculation. To test it, we conducted multiple analyses of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild type in which SOS is induced by ciprofloxacin and from the LexA noncleavable (lexAN) strain in which SOS is repressed. The levels of OMV proteins, lipids, and cytotoxicity increased for both the treated strains, demonstrating vesiculation stimulation by the antibiotic treatment. However, the further increase was suppressed in the lexAN strains, suggesting the SOS involvement. Obviously, the stimulated vesiculation is attributed by both SOS-related and unrelated factors. OMV subproteomic analysis was performed to examine these factors, which reflected the OMV-mediated cytotoxicity and the physiology of the vesiculating cells under treatment and SOS. Thus, SOS plays a role in the vesiculation stimulation that contributes to cytotoxicity.

  2. La Locura de Epifanio y otros Ensayos

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    Renato D. Alarcón


    Full Text Available

    307 pp. Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Bogotá, 1987.

    Consistencia en la producción y en la calidad es un logro de difícil emulación en el nuestro o en cualquier continente.

    América latina y su psiquiatría son afortunadas, al contar con Humberto Rosselli, de Colombia, de cuya trayectoria como docente, investigador, clínico, historiador y líder, no es necesario ocuparse ahora. El comentario de esta colección de catorce ensayos de historia, medicina, psiquiatría y psicoanálisis confornta, lamentablemente, las constricciones de espacio. Como señala el prologuista Gómez Valderrama, el libro destila la “doble vida” de Rosselli, que yo llamaría más bien “doble pasión”: la medicina como ciencia de entrega y de saber, la literatura (que es historia, que es humanismo como arte de búsqueda y de intuiciones sugerentes.

    Los temas del libro transcurren en terrenos de los que Rosselli es un consumado conocedor. Psicobiografía, historia de la psiquiatría y de la medicina, historia de las ideas, violencia. El ensayo que da título al volumen detalla con virtuosismo y objetividad lo que muchos modernos psicohistoriadores tratan pero no logran: la recreación de la experiencia íntima a través de la conjetura serena y balanceada, la clara comprobación documental o la iluminadora discusión clínica. El estudio sobre el papel del uso crónico de marihuana en la vida y obra del poeta colombiano Porfiro Barba refleja erudición pero también simpatía por los trágicos designios del protagonista. El artículo “Sigmund Freud en Colombia” bien podría substituir el nombre del país con el del subcontinente, sin violentar los alcances del texto. Y la inevitable humanidad del mismo Freud no escapa al estudio inquisidor de Rosselli, analista no aborregado, para encontrar algún sentido al “olvido inexplicable” de las contribuciones del leal Karl Abraham

  3. Paraísos fiscales en la globalización financiera

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    Alberto Garzón Espinosa


    Full Text Available Los paraísos fiscales son espacios financieros caracterizados ante todo por su baja o nula tributación. En este artículo examinaremos con detalle el uso de los mismos por parte de los agentes económicos, centrándonos especialmente en los bancos y los fondos de inversión colectiva. No obstante, como elementos clave de un nuevo contexto financiero los paraísos fiscales han tenido un papel fundamental en la gestación y expansión de todas las crisis financieras recientes, razón por la cual también estudiaremos las consecuencias que la existencia misma de los paraísos fiscales tiene sobre la economía y el sistema financiero.Palabras clave: Paraísos fiscales, globalización financiera, neoliberalismo_______________Abstract:The tax haven are financial spaces which it characterize for its shorts taxations. In this article we will analyze the use of that by the economic agent, specially the banks and the funds of collective investment. However, like key elements of the new financial context, the tax haven was been a leading role in gestation and expansion of all financial crisis of our days. For that, we will study the consequences of this fact in the economy and financial system.Keywords: tax haven, financial globalization, neoliberalism.

  4. NOAA NDBC SOS, 2007-present, currents (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NDBC SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have currents data. Because of the nature of SOS requests, requests for...

  5. NOAA NDBC SOS, 2006-present, winds (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NDBC SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have winds data. Because of the nature of SOS requests, requests for data...

  6. The investigation of SOS-response of Escherichia coli after γ-irradiation by means of SOS-chromotest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozubek, S.; Ogievetskaya, M.M.; Krasavin, E.A.; Drasil, V.; Soska, J.


    The kinetics of the E.coli PQ37 SOS-system induction by γ-radiation has been studied by the SOS-chromotest technique. The experimental data are consistent with the following hypotheses. The production of DNA damages inducing the SOS-system is 0,021 Gy -1 per genome. The SOS-system is switched off approximately 200 min after γ-irradiation. The spontaneous triggering of the SOS-system is induced in the exponentially growing cells. The probability of its induction is independent of time up to 180 min of incubation. The synthesis of constitutive alkaline phosphatase proceeds for some time in the cells that suffered lethal damages from γ-irradiation. A correction has been proposed for the calculation of the induction factor. 5 refs.; 11 figs

  7. Ras activation by SOS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iversen, Lars; Tu, Hsiung-Lin; Lin, Wan-Chen


    Activation of the small guanosine triphosphatase H-Ras by the exchange factor Son of Sevenless (SOS) is an important hub for signal transduction. Multiple layers of regulation, through protein and membrane interactions, govern activity of SOS. We characterized the specific activity of individual ...

  8. Los Nuevos Ensayos. Ensayo de un diálogo pretendido

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    Full Text Available La lectura de los Nuevos Ensayos sobre el Entendimiento Humano de Leibniz supone el encuentro con una obra de madurez, redactada entre el verano de 1703 y enero de 1704. A estas alturas de su vida, Leibniz tiene plenamente desarrollado su sistema, y, sin embargo, sorprende que esta obra no sea una exposición sistemática de su pensamiento. La sorpresa procede, en primer lugar, de su estructura y articulación, y, en segundo lugar, de la finalidad de su escritura. Los Nuevos Ensayos no transcriben el sistema de Leibniz en su orden estructural, sino siguiendo el orden expositivo del Ensayo sobre el Entendimieto Humano de Locke. Así pues, los Nuevos Ensayos, siguiendo la obra de Locke, además del Prefacio, está dividida en cuatro libros, dedicados respectivamente al estudio del problema de lo innato, las ideas, el lenguaje y el conocimiento. La propia estructura delata claramente lo que en el Prefacio confiesa Leibniz: beneficiarse del trabajo ajeno, y no sólo para disminuir el propio, sino sobre todo para aportar algo a lo ya escrito por aquél, lo cual siempre es más fácil que empezar desde el principio, además de beneficiarse de su reputación; era, según Leibniz, una buena ocasión para publicar algo bajo el título de Nuevos Ensayos sobre el Entendimiento Humano, consiguiendo así una acogida favorable para sus pensamientos, el ponerlos en tan buena compañía.

  9. Importancia de los ensayos de compactibilidad, resistencia en verde y humedad en mezclas de moldeo

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    Alain Valdés-Crúz


    Full Text Available A partir de la teoría del agua rígida y de los trabajos desarrollados por Wenninger se alcanzó una concepción más clara sobre los mecanismos de aglutinación en verde de las mezclas de moldeo. Al mismo tiempo, se presta una particular atención a los ensayos de compactibilidad, resistencia a la compresión en verde y humedad, como índices más representativos de dicho proceso de aglutinación. Se demuestra la relación que existe entre estos ensayos y las consecuencias de los trabajos de Wenninger. Se hace particular énfasis en el ensayo de compactibilidad por considerarlo de aplicación limitada.

  10. A Modular SOS for Action Notation - Revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mosses, Peter David

    A draft modular SOS for the new version of AN, referred to as AN-2, has been available since 2000. It is written in CASL and has been checked for well-formedness using CATS (CASL Tool Set). It appears to be significantly more accessible than the original SOS of AN-1. However, it now appears......-notation for the modular SOS rules. After discussing the issues, we look at some illustrative examples taken from an improved modular SOS of AN-2 (in preparation). We also look at the possibility of empirical testing of the modular SOS by a straightforward translation to Prolog....

  11. SoS contract verification using statistical model checking

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    Alessandro Mignogna


    Full Text Available Exhaustive formal verification for systems of systems (SoS is impractical and cannot be applied on a large scale. In this paper we propose to use statistical model checking for efficient verification of SoS. We address three relevant aspects for systems of systems: 1 the model of the SoS, which includes stochastic aspects; 2 the formalization of the SoS requirements in the form of contracts; 3 the tool-chain to support statistical model checking for SoS. We adapt the SMC technique for application to heterogeneous SoS. We extend the UPDM/SysML specification language to express the SoS requirements that the implemented strategies over the SoS must satisfy. The requirements are specified with a new contract language specifically designed for SoS, targeting a high-level English- pattern language, but relying on an accurate semantics given by the standard temporal logics. The contracts are verified against the UPDM/SysML specification using the Statistical Model Checker (SMC PLASMA combined with the simulation engine DESYRE, which integrates heterogeneous behavioral models through the functional mock-up interface (FMI standard. The tool-chain allows computing an estimation of the satisfiability of the contracts by the SoS. The results help the system architect to trade-off different solutions to guide the evolution of the SoS.

  12. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) related to chemotherapy for colorectal liver metastases: factors predictive of severe SOS lesions and protective effect of bevacizumab. (United States)

    Hubert, Catherine; Sempoux, Christine; Humblet, Yves; van den Eynde, Marc; Zech, Francis; Leclercq, Isabelle; Gigot, Jean-François


    The most frequent presentation of chemotherapy-related toxicity in colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) is sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS). The purpose of the present study was to identify preoperative factors predictive of SOS and to establish associations between type of chemotherapy and severity of SOS. A retrospective study was carried out in a tertiary academic referral hospital. Patients suffering from CRLM who had undergone resection of at least one liver segment were included. Grading of SOS on the non-tumoral liver parenchyma was accomplished according to the Rubbia-Brandt criteria. A total of 151 patients were enrolled and divided into four groups according to the severity of SOS (grades 0-3). Multivariate analysis identified oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil as chemotherapeutic agents responsible for severe SOS lesions (P SOS lesions (P = 0.005). Univariate analysis identified the score on the aspartate aminotransferase : platelets ratio index (APRI) as the most significant biological factor predictive of severe SOS lesions. Splenomegaly is also significantly associated with the occurrence of severe SOS lesions. The APRI score and splenomegaly are effective as factors predictive of SOS. Bevacizumab has a protective effect against SOS. © 2013 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association.

  13. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Currents (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have currents data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  14. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Wind (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have wind data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use only*...


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    Gerardo Palmeiro Fernández


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Actualmente se acepta que el mayor nivel de evidencia científica lo proporcionan los metaanálisis y los ensayos clínicos aleatorios. Dada la existencia de diversas formas de presentación de los resultados de ensayos clínicos, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si dicha presentación influye en la intención de prescripción de los médicos de Atención Primaria. Métodos: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado, multicéntrico y cruzado. Tras un muestreo aleatorio de 8 Equipos de Atención Primaria de la provincia de Ourense (España, se entrevistó a dos grupos de médicos de familia (nA = 45 y nB = 51 con un cuestionario en el que se reflejaban los datos de cinco ensayos clínicos publicados (tres sobre prevención de patología cardiovascular, uno sobre beneficio cognitivo en un síndrome demencial y otro sobre prevención de fracturas en ancianos. A un grupo se le presentaban los datos como reducción relativa del riesgo y al otro como número necesario de personas a tratar. Se preguntaban además edad, sexo y años de ejercicio. Tras un período de blanqueo de 3 semanas se invirtió la intervención. La intención de prescribir se recogió en una escala tipo Likert graduada de 0 a 10. Se utilizaron pruebas de c2, t de Student simple o para datos apareados y correlación de Pearson según cumpliera, con un error a de 0,05. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias respecto a sexo, edad o experiencia profesional. Respecto al efecto global, excepto en uno de los ensayos presentados, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la intención de prescripción de los fármacos implicados en función de la forma de presentación de los datos: ensayo A: IC95% (- 1,55~0,17, B: IC95% (-2,75 ~ -1,20, C: IC95% (-0,16~1,65, D: IC95% (-0,30~1,44, E: IC95% (-1,22 ~ 0,35. Conclusiones: La presentación de los datos de los ensayos clínicos no influye por sí sola en la intención de prescripción de medicamentos.

  16. Diseño de una máquina para los ensayos de desllantado y punzonado de neumáticos según la FMVSS139


    Cruz Uceda, Carmelo


    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño de dos máquinas para realizar ensayos de desllantado y punzonado de neumáticos de vehículos de turismo e industriales ligeros con una masa máxima de 4.436 kg (10.000 lb). Estos ensayos forman parte de las pruebas de seguridad necesarias del estándar FMVSS139 que deben cumplir los neumáticos comercializados en los Estados Unidos de América. El ensayo de punzonado simula la aplicación de una carga puntual en la banda de rodadura y el ensayo de desl...

  17. The meaning of ordered SOS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mousavi, M.R.; Phillips, I.C.C.; Reniers, M.A.; Ulidowski, I.; Arun-Kumar, S.; Garg, N.


    Structured Operational Semantics (SOS) is a popular method for defining semantics by means of deduction rules. An important feature of deduction rules, or simply SOS rules, are negative premises, which are crucial in the definitions of such phenomena as priority mechanisms and time-outs. Orderings


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    Victor Morales


    Full Text Available El uso del diseño en bloques y la aleatori - zación de las diferentes progenies en cada uno de los bloques puede ser insuficiente para el control local de la variación dentro del área del ensayo. La presencia de micro-sitios dispersos influyen en el crecimiento de los individuos, incidiendo de forma importante sobre los resultados del análisis de varianza convencional. El presente trabajo propone y describe una metodología de análisis para ensayos de progenie en la investigación forestal, que compara varios procedimientos de análisis espacial de varianzas con referencia a incorporar o no el efecto de bloque y el modelado de la tendencia superficial sobre datos registra - dos provenientes de un ensayo de Progenies de Pachira quinata (Jacq. W.S. Alverson por un periodo de 3 años de evaluación. Se estableció un protocolo de análisis que incluye diagnósti - co de correlación de los residuales, modelado de la estructura de correlación-variación y un análisis de varianza espacial. Se demostró la existencia de residuales o errores experimentales que no cumplen el supuesto de independencia, requisito fundamental para realizar un análisis de la varianza basado en diseño. El modelo con mejor ajuste fue aquel que capturó la variación superficial mediante el polinómico cúbico con el modelado de los errores correlacionados (modelo geoestadístico esférico. Las pruebas de medias de progenies estimadas por el modelo espacial con tendencia polinómica arrojó un ordenamiento diferente a las pruebas de medias estimadas bajo el análisis basado en diseño en bloques.

  19. NOAA NDBC SOS, 2006-present, sea_water_temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NDBC SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have sea_water_temperature data. Because of the nature of SOS requests,...

  20. SNAP Operating System (SOS) user's guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabuda, J.D.; Polito, J.; Walker, J.L.; Grant, F.H. III.


    The SNAP Operating System (SOS) is a FORTRAN 77 program which provides assistance to the safeguards analyst who uses the Safeguards Automated Facility Evaluation (SAFE) and the Safeguards Network Analysis Procedure (SNAP) techniques. Features offered by SOS are a data base system for storing a library of SNAP applications, computer graphics representation of SNAP models, a computer graphics editor to develop and modify SNAP models, a SAFE-to-SNAP interface, automatic generation of SNAP input data, and a computer graphics postprocessor for SNAP. The SOS User's Guide is designed to provide the user with the information necessary to use SOS effectively. Examples are used throughout to illustrate the concepts. The format of the user's guide follows the same sequence as would be used in executing an actual application

  1. Valoración de dos métodos de tinción en ensayos de citotoxicidad sobre líneas celulares tumorales

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    Linamaría Escobar M


    Full Text Available En la estimación de la posible citotoxicidad de extractos o compuestos en proceso de prospección se emplean métodos de tinción celular como aproximación indirecta para la medición masa celular viable. En ensayos de citotoxicidad sobre las líneas celulares SiHa, MCF-7 y MKN-45 se comparan el método de tinción sulforoda-mina B (SRB, que es un ensayo de tipo terminal, con el uso de resazurina propuesta como poco tóxica para las células. La comparación de los métodos se hizo en términos de porcentaje de supervivencia donde se evaluó la sensibilidad de las líneas a tres compuestos sintéticos durante un periodo de tratamiento de 48 horas usando como referencia de actividad doxorrubicina HCl, un medicamento empleando en cáncer. Los datos obtenidos en los dos tipos de ensayos sometidos a una prueba de correlación mostraron que no hay diferencias significati-vas en ambos métodos permitiendo la comparación entre estos bajo las condiciones usadas.

  2. One-way membrane trafficking of SOS in receptor-triggered Ras activation. (United States)

    Christensen, Sune M; Tu, Hsiung-Lin; Jun, Jesse E; Alvarez, Steven; Triplet, Meredith G; Iwig, Jeffrey S; Yadav, Kamlesh K; Bar-Sagi, Dafna; Roose, Jeroen P; Groves, Jay T


    SOS is a key activator of the small GTPase Ras. In cells, SOS-Ras signaling is thought to be initiated predominantly by membrane recruitment of SOS via the adaptor Grb2 and balanced by rapidly reversible Grb2-SOS binding kinetics. However, SOS has multiple protein and lipid interactions that provide linkage to the membrane. In reconstituted-membrane experiments, these Grb2-independent interactions were sufficient to retain human SOS on the membrane for many minutes, during which a single SOS molecule could processively activate thousands of Ras molecules. These observations raised questions concerning how receptors maintain control of SOS in cells and how membrane-recruited SOS is ultimately released. We addressed these questions in quantitative assays of reconstituted SOS-deficient chicken B-cell signaling systems combined with single-molecule measurements in supported membranes. These studies revealed an essentially one-way trafficking process in which membrane-recruited SOS remains trapped on the membrane and continuously activates Ras until being actively removed via endocytosis.

  3. La auditoría interna y la calidad de la documentación de los ensayos clínicos en Cuba

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    Zoe González Hernández

    Full Text Available Introducción: el Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos, garantiza la calidad de la documentación generada en los ensayos clínicos que realiza, con el uso de herramientas como la auditoria. Detecta y/o previene las dificultades, con lo que garantiza la toma de decisiones para eliminar las deficiencias y cumple así con los requisitos establecidos en las normativas nacionales e internacionales. Objetivo: mostrar las principales "no conformidades" o deficiencias detectadas en auditorías a documentación. Métodos: se analizaron las 29 auditorias realizadas a la documentación de los ensayos clínicos en el período desde el año 2007 hasta el 2011. Se extrajeron las "no conformidades" de los tres acápites que conforman el informe: revisión del completamiento de todos los capítulos, revisión de la calidad de la documentación que se está archivando y ordenamiento cronológico de la información. Resultados: las principales deficiencias se encontraron en el completamiento documental de los capítulos de la carpeta del ensayo; a su vez se detectaron informaciones desactualizadas o incompletas, así como documentos archivados fuera de lugar. Conclusiones: persisten deficiencias en la documentación que se genera durante el ensayo clínico, por lo que se incumplen de este modo con los requisitos establecidos en las Directrices sobre Buenas Prácticas Clínicas en Cuba emitidas por el Centro para el Control Estatal de los Medicamentos (CECMED que se relacionan con el protocolo del ensayo.


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    Carlos Salgado


    Full Text Available Este ensayo trata de llamar la atención sobre los problemas del agro hoy, colocando especial énfasis en la disrupción entre las razones tecnológicas -que se asumen como ideológicas-, económicas y políticas que han inspirado el desarrollo del agro, o mejor, sobre las cuales se han basado las políticas de crecimiento agropecuario.

  5. An orthosteric inhibitor of the RAS-SOS interaction. (United States)

    Nickerson, Seth; Joy, Stephen T; Arora, Paramjit S; Bar-Sagi, Dafna


    Rat sarcoma (RAS) proteins are signaling nodes that transduce extracellular cues into precise alterations in cellular physiology by engaging effector pathways. RAS signaling thus regulates diverse cell processes including proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival. Owing to this central role in governing mitogenic signals, RAS pathway components are often dysregulated in human diseases. Targeted therapy of RAS pathways has generally not been successful, largely because of the robust biochemistry of the targets and their multifaceted network of molecular regulators. The rate-limiting step of RAS activation is Son of Sevenless (SOS)-mediated nucleotide exchange involving a single evolutionarily conserved catalytic helix from SOS. Structure function data of this mechanism provided a strong platform to design an SOS-derived, helically constrained peptide mimic as an inhibitor of the RAS-SOS interaction. In this chapter, we review RAS-SOS signaling dynamics and present evidence supporting the novel paradigm of inhibiting their interaction as a therapeutic strategy. We then describe a method of generating helically constrained peptide mimics of protein surfaces, which we have employed to inhibit the RAS-SOS active site interaction. The biochemical and functional properties of this SOS mimic support the premise that inhibition of RAS-nucleotide exchange can effectively block RAS activation and downstream signaling. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Prototyping SOS meta-theory in Maude

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mousavi, M.R.; Reniers, M.A.; Mosses, P.D.; Ulidowski, I.


    We present a prototype implementation of SOS meta-theory in the Maude term rewriting language. The prototype defines the basic concepts of SOS meta-theory (e.g., transition formulae, deduction rules and transition system specifications) in Maude. Besides the basic definitions, we implement methods

  7. Semantics and expressiveness of ordered SOS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mousavi, M.R.; Phillips, I.C.C.; Reniers, M.A.; Ulidowski, I.


    Structured Operational Semantics (SOS) is a popular method for defining semantics by means of transition rules. An important feature of SOS rules is negative premises, which are crucial in the definitions of such phenomena as priority mechanisms and time-outs. However, the inclusion of negative

  8. Absence of both Sos-1 and Sos-2 in peripheral CD4+ T cells leads to PI3K pathway activation and defects in migration (United States)

    Guittard, Geoffrey; Kortum, Robert L; Balagopalan, Lakshmi; Çuburu, Nicolas; Nguyen, Phan; Sommers, Connie L; Samelson, Lawrence E


    Sos-1 and Sos-2 are ubiquitously expressed Ras-Guanine Exchange Factors involved in Erk-MAP kinase pathway activation. Using mice lacking genes encoding Sos-1 and Sos-2, we evaluated the role of these proteins in peripheral T-cell signaling and function. Our results confirmed that TCR-mediated Erk activation in peripheral CD4+ T cells does not depend on Sos-1 and Sos-2, although IL-2-mediated Erk activation does. Unexpectedly, however, we show an increase in AKT phosphorylation in Sos-1/2dKO CD4+ T cells upon TCR and IL-2 stimulation. Activation of AKT was likely a consequence of increased recruitment of PI3K to Grb2 upon TCR and/or IL-2 stimulation in Sos-1/2dKO CD4+ T cells. The increased activity of the PI3K/AKT pathway led to downregulation of the surface receptor CD62L in Sos-1/2dKO T cells and a subsequent impairment in T-cell migration. PMID:25973715

  9. El último urbanismo de Antonio Bonet: el poblado SOS (1970

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    Juan Fernando Ródenas García


    Full Text Available El poblado SOS de Aldeas Infantiles, Sant Feliu de Codines, Barcelona (1970, junto al poblado Hifrensa (realizado y los planes urbanísticos de Prat I y II (no realizados, constituyen los últimos conjuntos urbanísticos de cierto calado proyectados por Antonio Bonet, si exceptuamos su producción turística. Bonet plantea un conjunto residencial para alojar a niños huérfanos con equipamientos comunitarios educacionales y deportivos. Bonet recrea en el poblado SOS la atmósfera, a escala humana, que se respira en aquellos pueblos que aparecen fotografiados en el número 18 (1935 de la revista del GATEPAC, AC Documentos de Actividad Contemporánea, dedicado a la arquitectura popular. Pabellones encalados, bóvedas, porches, patios, muros y plataformas de piedra dispuestas como bancales agrícolas, constituyen los elementos que construyen el paisaje de un poblado de trazo moderno y formas arcaicas. Se propone el análisis de una obra inédita que, aunque no se llevó a cabo, expresa la singular lectura del autor de las condiciones de habitabilidad para niños huérfanos, del paisaje, y al mismo tiempo, la obra condensa la experiencia de Bonet como urbanista ya experimentado que en los años 70 pone a prueba con perspectiva histórica su credo teórico fundamental: la Carta de Atenas.

  10. Surgimiento, evolución y principales resultados del Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos

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    María Amparo Pascual López


    Full Text Available En la década de los 90, el desarrollo acelerado de la Industria Médico Farmacéutica cubana impuso la necesidad de crear estructuras que garantizaran la evaluación clínica de productos para su introducción a la práctica médica y posterior comercialización. Uno de los centros fundados para contribuir con estos fines fue el Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos. El presente trabajo recoge en síntesis las razones que motivaron la creación del centro y muestra, brevemente, su desarrollo organizacional por más de 17 años. Describe, además, los principales componentes del sistema de diseño y conducción de ensayos clínicos; así como los aportes más significativos de cada uno de ellos para el cumplimiento de sus objetivos como centro.

  11. Ribonuclease E modulation of the bacterial SOS response.

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    Robert Manasherob

    Full Text Available Plants, animals, bacteria, and Archaea all have evolved mechanisms to cope with environmental or cellular stress. Bacterial cells respond to the stress of DNA damage by activation of the SOS response, the canonical RecA/LexA-dependent signal transduction pathway that transcriptionally derepresses a multiplicity of genes-leading to transient arrest of cell division and initiation of DNA repair. Here we report the previously unsuspected role of E. coli endoribonuclease RNase E in regulation of the SOS response. We show that RNase E deletion or inactivation of temperature-sensitive RNase E protein precludes normal initiation of SOS. The ability of RNase E to regulate SOS is dynamic, as down regulation of RNase E following DNA damage by mitomycin C resulted in SOS termination and restoration of RNase E function leads to resumption of a previously aborted response. Overexpression of the RraA protein, which binds to the C-terminal region of RNase E and modulates the actions of degradosomes, recapitulated the effects of RNase E deficiency. Possible mechanisms for RNase E effects on SOS are discussed.

  12. Ribonuclease E modulation of the bacterial SOS response. (United States)

    Manasherob, Robert; Miller, Christine; Kim, Kwang-sun; Cohen, Stanley N


    Plants, animals, bacteria, and Archaea all have evolved mechanisms to cope with environmental or cellular stress. Bacterial cells respond to the stress of DNA damage by activation of the SOS response, the canonical RecA/LexA-dependent signal transduction pathway that transcriptionally derepresses a multiplicity of genes-leading to transient arrest of cell division and initiation of DNA repair. Here we report the previously unsuspected role of E. coli endoribonuclease RNase E in regulation of the SOS response. We show that RNase E deletion or inactivation of temperature-sensitive RNase E protein precludes normal initiation of SOS. The ability of RNase E to regulate SOS is dynamic, as down regulation of RNase E following DNA damage by mitomycin C resulted in SOS termination and restoration of RNase E function leads to resumption of a previously aborted response. Overexpression of the RraA protein, which binds to the C-terminal region of RNase E and modulates the actions of degradosomes, recapitulated the effects of RNase E deficiency. Possible mechanisms for RNase E effects on SOS are discussed.

  13. Ensayos sobre gabinete de incendio clase I

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    Jorge Armando Granados Robayo


    Full Text Available La idea de realizar unas pruebas a los gabinetes de protección contra incendios surgió de la diferencia en los requisitos de presión para un caudal determinado, dados por la norma ICONTEC 1669 Y los encontrados analíticamente, en especial para boquillas de chorro directo. Sin embargo, presentada la oportunidad de efectuar los ensayos, estos se hicieron extensivos a las boquillas de chorro-niebla y al conjunto boquilla manguera. Los resultados se dan para la posición más favorable en cuanto a presión de las boquillas chorro-niebla que, como se sabe, son graduables para diferentes ángulos de cobertura.

  14. NOAA NDBC SOS, 2007-present, sea_water_practical_salinity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NDBC SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have sea_water_practical_salinity data. Because of the nature of SOS...

  15. The Salt Overly Sensitive (SOS) pathway: established and emerging roles. (United States)

    Ji, Hongtao; Pardo, José M; Batelli, Giorgia; Van Oosten, Michael J; Bressan, Ray A; Li, Xia


    Soil salinity is a growing problem around the world with special relevance in farmlands. The ability to sense and respond to environmental stimuli is among the most fundamental processes that enable plants to survive. At the cellular level, the Salt Overly Sensitive (SOS) signaling pathway that comprises SOS3, SOS2, and SOS1 has been proposed to mediate cellular signaling under salt stress, to maintain ion homeostasis. Less well known is how cellularly heterogenous organs couple the salt signals to homeostasis maintenance of different types of cells and to appropriate growth of the entire organ and plant. Recent evidence strongly indicates that different regulatory mechanisms are adopted by roots and shoots in response to salt stress. Several reports have stated that, in roots, the SOS proteins may have novel roles in addition to their functions in sodium homeostasis. SOS3 plays a critical role in plastic development of lateral roots through modulation of auxin gradients and maxima in roots under mild salt conditions. The SOS proteins also play a role in the dynamics of cytoskeleton under stress. These results imply a high complexity of the regulatory networks involved in plant response to salinity. This review focuses on the emerging complexity of the SOS signaling and SOS protein functions, and highlights recent understanding on how the SOS proteins contribute to different responses to salt stress besides ion homeostasis.

  16. Absence of both Sos-1 and Sos-2 in peripheral CD4(+) T cells leads to PI3K pathway activation and defects in migration. (United States)

    Guittard, Geoffrey; Kortum, Robert L; Balagopalan, Lakshmi; Çuburu, Nicolas; Nguyen, Phan; Sommers, Connie L; Samelson, Lawrence E


    Sos-1 and Sos-2 are ubiquitously expressed Ras-guanine exchange factors involved in Erk-MAP kinase pathway activation. Using mice lacking genes encoding Sos-1 and Sos-2, we evaluated the role of these proteins in peripheral T-cell signaling and function. Our results confirmed that TCR-mediated Erk activation in peripheral CD4(+) T cells does not depend on Sos-1 and Sos-2, although IL-2-mediated Erk activation does. Unexpectedly, however, we show an increase in AKT phosphorylation in Sos-1/2dKO CD4(+) T cells upon TCR and IL-2 stimulation. Activation of AKT was likely a consequence of increased recruitment of PI3K to Grb2 upon TCR and/or IL-2 stimulation in Sos-1/2dKO CD4(+) T cells. The increased activity of the PI3K/AKT pathway led to downregulation of the surface receptor CD62L in Sos-1/2dKO T cells and a subsequent impairment in T-cell migration. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  17. Ensayo de disolución para las tabletas de Tilo ® elaboradas con extracto seco de Justicia pectoralis Jacq

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    Jorge Enrique Rodríguez Chanfrau


    Full Text Available Introducción: el ensayo de disolución es una técnica analítica de empleo común en un laboratorio farmacéutico. Un proceso tecnológico para la elaboración de tabletas fue desarrollado. El ingrediente farmacéutico activo usado fue Tilo ® extracto seco. Objetivo: el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar y validar un ensayo de disolución para evaluar la estabilidad y la calidad de dicho producto. Método: se utilizaron muestras de un lote experimental, un lote placebo y lotes pilotos de tabletas de Tilo ® de 100 mg. Se evaluaron como medios de disolución agua destilada y solución de ácido clorhídrico 0,1 mol/L, realizándose perfiles de disolución a 50, 75 y 100 rpm, empleándose los dos tipos de aparatos establecidos en la literatura para este ensayo (cesta y paleta. El contenido de cumarina fue analizado por HPLC. El ensayo fue validado según la USP. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que el agua destilada fue un medio de disolución adecuado, alcanzándose porcientos de disolución de la droga por encima del 85 % a los 30 minutos, no existiendo diferencias significativas entre los tipos de aparatos recomendados por la USP. Mientras que, los perfiles de disolución a diferentes tiempos y velocidades de agitación mostraron una liberación gradual del principio activo en el tiempo, donde a medida que se incrementa la velocidad de agitación, se incrementa el porcentaje de disolución de la droga en el medio. La validación del ensayo demostró que el mismo era específico y preciso. Conclusiones: se estableció como ensayo de disolución las siguientes condiciones de trabajo: Aparato: paleta, 100 rpm; medio: agua destilada, 500 mL; tiempo: 60 minutos y Temperatura: 37 ± 0,5 ºC.

  18. Nominal SOS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cimini, M.; Mousavi, M.R.; Reniers, M.A.; Gabbay, M.J.


    Plotkin's style of Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) has become a de facto standard in giving operational semantics to formalisms and process calculi. In many such formalisms and calculi, the concepts of names, variables and binders are essential ingredients. In this paper, we propose a formal

  19. Inhibitors of Ras-SOS Interactions. (United States)

    Lu, Shaoyong; Jang, Hyunbum; Zhang, Jian; Nussinov, Ruth


    Activating Ras mutations are found in about 30 % of human cancers. Ras activation is regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors, such as the son of sevenless (SOS), which form protein-protein interactions (PPIs) with Ras and catalyze the exchange of GDP by GTP. This is the rate-limiting step in Ras activation. However, Ras surfaces lack any evident suitable pockets where a molecule might bind tightly, rendering Ras proteins still 'undruggable' for over 30 years. Among the alternative approaches is the design of inhibitors that target the Ras-SOS PPI interface, a strategy that is gaining increasing recognition for treating Ras mutant cancers. Herein we focus on data that has accumulated over the past few years pertaining to the design of small-molecule modulators or peptide mimetics aimed at the interface of the Ras-SOS PPI. We emphasize, however, that even if such Ras-SOS therapeutics are potent, drug resistance may emerge. To counteract this development, we propose "pathway drug cocktails", that is, drug combinations aimed at parallel (or compensatory) pathways. A repertoire of classified cancer, cell/tissue, and pathway/protein combinations would be beneficial toward this goal. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Reconstitution in yeast of the Arabidopsis SOS signaling pathway for Na+ homeostasis


    Quintero, Francisco J.; Ohta, Masaru; Shi, Huazhong; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Pardo, José M.


    The Arabidopsis thaliana SOS1 protein is a putative Na H antiporter that functions in Na extrusion and is essential for the NaCl tolerance of plants. sos1 mutant plants share phenotypic similarities with mutants lacking the protein kinase SOS2 and the Ca2 sensor SOS3. To investigate whether the three SOS proteins function in the same response pathway, we have reconstituted the SOS system in yeast cells. Expression of SOS1 improved the Na tolerance of yeast mutants la...

  1. Evelin Ilves avas SOS Lasteküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    SOS Lasteküla patroon proua Evelin Ilves avas 1. juunil 2010 Põltsamaal Eesti teise SOS Lasteküla. Presidendi abikaasa tõi kingiks õunapuuistikuid ja lasteraamatuid. Ilmunud ka: Eesti Päevaleht 2. juuni 2010, lk. 4

  2. Ensayo de abrasión de Darmstadt para tuberías de alcantarillado pluvial: revisión de condiciones experimentales


    Andrés Eduardo Torres Abello; Juan Dionisio Zambrano Ramírez


    El ensayo de abrasión de Darmstadt se ha utilizado principalmente para comparar la abrasión de diferentes tipos de tuberías. Sin embargo, no se han evidenciado claramente aún relaciones entre los resultados obtenidos mediante dicho ensayo y variables como la vida útil de los materiales o la composición del agua transportada. A partir de un montaje experimental, similar al de Darmstadt, se ensayaron tubos de concreto sin revestimiento, haciendo variar las condiciones experimentales. Se observó...

  3. Ensayos de semillas en Argentina: normativas para su acreditación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Gally


    Full Text Available Debido a las exigencias del país o por las pautas requeridas en comercialización, en la República Argentina, en los últimos años se ha incrementado el número de laboratorios de diagnóstico acreditados en el sector agrícola. Asimismo, éstos tienen –en su mayoría– relación directa con la calidad de alimentos y, generalmente, evalúan residuos de plaguicidas. La norma IRAM 301: “Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayos y de calibración” (equivalente a ISO/ IEC 17025: 2005, es la norma empleada para acreditar ensayos a través del ente de acreditación correspondiente y asegurar, de este modo, la competencia técnica del laboratorio. Se puede también optar por aplicar los lineamientos de las reglas ISTA, que tienen como objetivo verificar si el laboratorio de ensayos es técnicamente competente para llevar a cabo los procedimientos declarados en el alcance. En esta investigación se realizará una descripción de la norma ISO 17025 y de las reglas ISTA aplicada a semillas, destacando fortalezas, limitaciones y dificultades en su implementación. Se concluye que la acreditación es conveniente y necesaria para agregar valor y confiabilidad a los resultados.

  4. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1902-present, Salinity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have salinity data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  5. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1902-present, Conductivity (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have conductivity data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  6. Comportamiento de mezclas asfálticas densas a partir del ensayo de viga semicircular simplemente apoyada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Paredes Chérrez


    Full Text Available La caracterización mecánica y dinámica de mezclas asfálticas es costosa y demorada por la complejidad y el número de ensayos necesarios para su ejecución. Sin embargo, algunas investigaciones han tratado de establecer correlaciones con ensayos más sencillos, rápidos y económicos. Por esta razón, el objetivo principal de esta investigación fue establecer la viabilidad del uso del ensayo de Viga Semicircular Simplemente Apoyada (SCB en la caracterización de mezclas asfálticas cerradas con granulometrías del Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano (IDU y del Instituto Nacional de Vías (Invias, con diferentes propiedades. El estudio inició con la fabricación de probetas SCB con diferentes materiales (agregados, asfaltos, asfaltita, asfalto reciclado y cal y procesos de compactación (vibrocompación y con prensa giratoria. Los ensayos se realizaron a una velocidad de 1 mm/min, una temperatura de 15 °Cy con la medición de los parámetros carga máxima, desplazamiento a carga máxima, energía liberada durante el proceso de fisuración, índice de rigidez a tracción e índice de tenacidad y variables definidas en el ensayo Fénix. De los resultados obtenidos, se pudo establecer que irrelevantemente del material empleado, el periodo de envejecimiento, el nivel de compactación y el reemplazo de filler, el ensayo SCB y los parámetros calculados evidencian el comportamiento de las mezclas asfálticas estudiadas y plantear su uso como herramienta.

  7. El ensayo latinoamericano entre la forma de la moral y la moral de la forma


    Weinberg, Liliana


    Se presenta un panorama de las distintas manifestaciones del ensayo escrito en el ámbito latinoamericano de las últimas décadas del siglo XX, y se considera que ha seguido un proceso por el que el género pasa de una etapa de normalización que identificamos como “tierra firme" a una etapa de fuertes cambios y transformaciones que nos llevan a hablar de “un género sin orillas". Se propone una interpretación de conjunto de sus principales tendencias, entre esos dos extremos que reconocemos como ...

  8. Bacterial SOS response: a food safety perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veen, van der S.; Abee, T.


    The SOS response is a conserved inducible pathway in bacteria that is involved in DNA repair and restart of stalled replication forks. Activation of the SOS response can result in stress resistance and mutagenesis. In food processing facilities and during food preservation, bacteria are exposed to

  9. SOS-projektet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blomhøj, Morten; Jensen, Tomas Højgaard


    Artiklen beretter om og analyserer det såkaldte SOS-projekt, hvor matematiklærere fra grundskolen, gymnasiet og læreruddannelsen har samarbejdet med matematikdidaktiske forskere om at undersøge og afhjælpe nogle af de udfordringer som danske elever møder i matematik ved overgangen fra grundskole...

  10. Motility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa contributes to SOS-inducible biofilm formation. (United States)

    Chellappa, Shakinah T; Maredia, Reshma; Phipps, Kara; Haskins, William E; Weitao, Tao


    DNA-damaging antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin induce biofilm formation and the SOS response through autocleavage of SOS-repressor LexA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, the biofilm-SOS connection remains poorly understood. It was investigated with 96-well and lipid biofilm assays. The effects of ciprofloxacin were examined on biofilm stimulation of the SOS mutant and wild-type strains. The stimulation observed in the wild-type in which SOS was induced was reduced in the mutant in which LexA was made non-cleavable (LexAN) and thus SOS non-inducible. Therefore, the stimulation appeared to involve SOS. The possible mechanisms of inducible biofilm formation were explored by subproteomic analysis of outer membrane fractions extracted from biofilms. The data predicted an inhibitory role of LexA in flagellum function. This premise was tested first by functional and morphological analyses of flagellum-based motility. The flagellum swimming motility decreased in the LexAN strain treated with ciprofloxacin. Second, the motility-biofilm assay was performed, which tested cell migration and biofilm formation. The results showed that wild-type biofilm increased significantly over the LexAN. These results suggest that LexA repression of motility, which is the initial event in biofilm development, contributes to repression of SOS-inducible biofilm formation. Copyright © 2013 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. CMOS/SOS processing (United States)

    Ramondetta, P.


    Report describes processes used in making complementary - metal - oxide - semiconductor/silicon-on-sapphire (CMOS/SOS) integrated circuits. Report lists processing steps ranging from initial preparation of sapphire wafers to final mapping of "good" and "bad" circuits on a wafer.





    En Chile, la generación de energía a partir de cultivos dendroenergéticos aún no ha sido implementada operativamente, por lo cual, tanto las actividades silvícolas asociadas a estos cultivos como su rendimiento son aún desconocidas; recientemente sólo áreas experimentales están siendo destinadas a la producción de biomasa para dendroenergía. Dos ensayos fueron establecidos en sitios del secano interior de la VIII Región, los cuales se caracterizan por poseer importantes déficits nutriciona...

  13. Valoración de la calidad metodológica y ética de los ensayos clínicos publicados en revistas de medicina de familia (2010-2013). (United States)

    Castaño-García, Alberto; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; León-Sanz, Pilar

    Evaluar algunas variables sobre la calidad metodológica y ética de los ensayos clínicos publicados en 10 revistas de medicina de familia. Estudio descriptivo de calidad sobre 10 revistas de medicina de familia incluyendo ensayos clínicos en humanos publicados entre 2010 y 2013. Obtuvimos 141 ensayos clínicos y fueron excluidos 2447. Ensayos clínicos controlados paralelos en el 92,9% (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC 95%]: 92.0-93.9). Aleatorización enmascarada en el 72.3% (IC 95%: 71.7-73.1), descentralizada en el 51.8% (IC 95%: 51.4-52…4) y utilizando como control un tratamiento activo el 82.2% (IC 95%: 81.5-83.1). Consentimiento informado escrito en el 48.9% (IC 95%: 48.5-49.5) y no fue retirado en el 56.0% (IC 95%: 55.5-56.7). En 134 ensayos clínicos se contó con la aprobación por un comité ético de investigación clínica (CEIC), y en 117 no hubo conflicto de intereses. Se obtuvo un κ medio de 0,96 (IC 95%: 0.93-0.99). Observamos, tras considerar las normas CONSORT, un aumento en algunas variables de calidad, como la aleatorización enmascarada (19.6%) y la aprobación por un CEIC (75%), en los ensayos clínicos publicados en 10 revistas de medicina de familia (2010-2013). Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  14. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Barometric Pressure (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have barometric pressure data. *These services are for testing and...

  15. Mathematical model of the SOS response regulation in wild-type Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aksenov, S.V.


    Regulation of the SOS response in Escherichia coli, which is a set of inducible cellular reactions introduced after DNA damage, is due to specific interaction of LexA and RecA proteins. LexA protein is a common repressor of the genes of the SOS system, and RecA protein, once transiently activated by the so-called SOS-inducing signal, promotes LexA protein destruction. We have described the SOS regulation by means of differential equations with regard to LexA and RecA concentrations elsewhere. The 'input' function for model equations is the level of the SOS-inducing signal against time. Here we present a means for calculating the concentration of single-stranded DNA (SOS-inducing signal) as a function of time in wild-type cells after ultraviolet irradiation. With model equations one can simulate kinetic curves of SOS regulatory proteins after DNA damage to survey the SOS response kinetics. Simulation of LexA protein kinetics agrees with experimental data. We compare simulated LexA kinetic curves in wild-type and uνr - mutant bacteria, which is useful in investigating the way uνrABC-dependent excision repair modulates the SOS response kinetics. Possible applications of the model to investigating various aspects of the SOS induction are discussed

  16. Quinolone Resistance Reversion by Targeting the SOS Response. (United States)

    Recacha, E; Machuca, J; Díaz de Alba, P; Ramos-Güelfo, M; Docobo-Pérez, F; Rodriguez-Beltrán, J; Blázquez, J; Pascual, A; Rodríguez-Martínez, J M


    Suppression of the SOS response has been postulated as a therapeutic strategy for potentiating antimicrobial agents. We aimed to evaluate the impact of its suppression on reversing resistance using a model of isogenic strains of Escherichia coli representing multiple levels of quinolone resistance. E. coli mutants exhibiting a spectrum of SOS activity were constructed from isogenic strains carrying quinolone resistance mechanisms with susceptible and resistant phenotypes. Changes in susceptibility were evaluated by static (MICs) and dynamic (killing curves or flow cytometry) methodologies. A peritoneal sepsis murine model was used to evaluate in vivo impact. Suppression of the SOS response was capable of resensitizing mutant strains with genes encoding three or four different resistance mechanisms (up to 15-fold reductions in MICs). Killing curve assays showed a clear disadvantage for survival (Δlog 10 CFU per milliliter [CFU/ml] of 8 log units after 24 h), and the in vivo efficacy of ciprofloxacin was significantly enhanced (Δlog 10 CFU/g of 1.76 log units) in resistant strains with a suppressed SOS response. This effect was evident even after short periods (60 min) of exposure. Suppression of the SOS response reverses antimicrobial resistance across a range of E. coli phenotypes from reduced susceptibility to highly resistant, playing a significant role in increasing the in vivo efficacy. IMPORTANCE The rapid rise of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens is now considered a major global health crisis. New strategies are needed to block the development of resistance and to extend the life of antibiotics. The SOS response is a promising target for developing therapeutics to reduce the acquisition of antibiotic resistance and enhance the bactericidal activity of antimicrobial agents such as quinolones. Significant questions remain regarding its impact as a strategy for the reversion or resensitization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. To address this

  17. The application of single cell gel electrophoresis or comet assay to human monitoring studies Aplicacion de la electroforesis unicelular o ensayo cometa en estudios de monitoreo humano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahara Valverde


    Full Text Available Objective. In the search of new human genotoxic biomarkers, the single cell gel electrophoresis assay has been proposed as a sensible alternative. Material and methods. This technique detects principally single strand breaks as well as alkali-labile and repair-retarded sites. Results. Herein we present our experience using the single cell gel electrophoresis assay in human population studies, both occupationally and environmentally exposed. Conclusions. We discuss the assay feasibility as a genotoxic biomarker.Objetivo. En la búsqueda de nuevos marcadores genotóxicos aplicables a estudios de poblaciones humanas expuestos a xenobióticos, la utilización del ensayo de electroforesis en una sola célula se ha propuesto como un método sensible y una buena alternativa. Material y métodos. Esta técnica detecta rompimientos en el ADN de cadena sencilla, así como sitios álcali lábiles y sitios retardados de reparación. Resultados. En este trabajo, presentamos nuestra experiencia utilizando este ensayo en poblaciones humanas expuestas ocupacionalmente o ambientalmente a diferentes xenobióticos. Conclusiones. Se discute la posible utilidad de este ensayo como un biomarcador de efecto genotóxico.

  18. SOS, the formidable strategy of bacteria against aggressions. (United States)

    Baharoglu, Zeynep; Mazel, Didier


    The presence of an abnormal amount of single-stranded DNA in the bacterial cell constitutes a genotoxic alarm signal that induces the SOS response, a broad regulatory network found in most bacterial species to address DNA damage. The aim of this review was to point out that beyond being a repair process, SOS induction leads to a very strong but transient response to genotoxic stress, during which bacteria can rearrange and mutate their genome, induce several phenotypic changes through differential regulation of genes, and sometimes acquire characteristics that potentiate bacterial survival and adaptation to changing environments. We review here the causes and consequences of SOS induction, but also how this response can be modulated under various circumstances and how it is connected to the network of other important stress responses. In the first section, we review articles describing the induction of the SOS response at the molecular level. The second section discusses consequences of this induction in terms of DNA repair, changes in the genome and gene expression, and sharing of genomic information, with their effects on the bacteria's life and evolution. The third section is about the fine tuning of this response to fit with the bacteria's 'needs'. Finally, we discuss recent findings linking the SOS response to other stress responses. Under these perspectives, SOS can be perceived as a powerful bacterial strategy against aggressions. © 2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Air Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have air temperature data. *These services are for testing and evaluation...

  20. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Water Temperature (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have water temperature data. *These services are for testing and evaluation...

  1. Theoretical model of the SOS effect

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Darznek, S A; Mesyats, G A; Rukin, S N; Tsiranov, S N [Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Division, Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation). Institute of Electrophysics


    Physical principles underlying the operation of semiconductor opening switches (SOS) are highlighted. The SOS effect occurs at a current density of up to 60 kA/cm{sup 2} in silicon p{sup +}-p-n-n{sup +} structures filled with residual electron-hole plasma. Using a theoretical model developed for plasma dynamic calculations, the mechanism by which current passes through the structure at the stage of high conduction and the processes that take place at the stage of current interruption were analyzed. The dynamics of the processes taking place in the structure was calculated with allowance for both diffusive and drift mechanisms of carrier transport. In addition, two recombination types, viz. recombination via impurities and impact Auger recombination, were included in the model. The effect of the structure on the pumping-circuit current and voltage was also taken into account. The real distribution of the doped impurity in the structure and the avalanche mechanism of carrier multiplication were considered. The results of calculations of a typical SOS are presented. The dynamics of the electron-hole plasma is analyzed. It is shown that the SOS effect represents a qualitatively new mechanism of current interruption in semiconductor structures. (author). 4 figs., 7 refs.

  2. Control de la tenacidad de los hormigones reforzados con fibras usando el ensayo de doble punzonamiento (ensayo barcelona Quality control of fiber reinforced concretes by mean of double punshing test (barcelona test

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Carmona Malatesta


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente, se utiliza el ensayo de vigas prismáticas sometidas a flexión para caracterizar la resistencia y el comportamiento en el régimen post fisuración del hormigón reforzado con fibras (HRF. Sin embargo, estos ensayos presentan una alta dispersión en sus resultados cuestionando su empleo para el control sistemático del HRF en obras; tienen, además el inconveniente de tratarse de ensayos complejos que requieren de probetas pesadas y de personal de laboratorio altamente calificado. Alternativamente, se ha propuesto el uso de otros ensayos normalizados de tracción directa e indirecta para realizar la caracterización de propiedades de los HRF, pero éstos han resultado ser muy complejos de ejecutar, sin obtener grandes mejoras en relación a la alta dispersión de los resultados. Con la finalidad de solucionar esta serie de inconvenientes, se ha propuesto el uso de un ensayo de tracción indirecta basado en una configuración del ensayo de doble punzonamiento, al que se ha denominado "Ensayo Barcelona". Este ensayo requiere de probetas de pequeñas dimensiones, con una alta superficie específica de fractura, permitiendo obtener valores representativos de la resistencia y de la tenacidad del material, con un coeficiente de variación de los resultados inferior al 13%, valor que es considerablemente menor a los alcanzados con otras metodologías experimentales. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de diferentes campañas experimentales, que permiten validar el uso del ensayo Barcelona como una metodología experimental adecuada para la sistemática caracterización del HRF en obras.Traditionally, flexural testing of prismatic beams is used to characterize the strength and behavior in post - cracking regime of fiber - reinforced concretes (FRC. These tests exhibit a high dispersion in their results, and therefore invalidate the use of such tests for the systematic control of FRCs works. Also, they have the disadvantage

  3. The complex between SOS3 and SOS2 regulatory domain from Arabidopsis thaliana: cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sánchez-Barrena, María José; Moreno-Pérez, Sandra; Angulo, Iván; Martínez-Ripoll, Martín; Albert, Armando, E-mail: [Grupo de Cristalografía Macromolecular y Biología Estructural, Instituto de Química Física ‘Rocasolano’, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Serrano 119, E-28006 Madrid (Spain)


    Recombinant SOS3 and SOS2 regulatory domain from A. thaliana have been coexpressed in E. coli, purified and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. An X-ray data set has been collected at 2.0 Å resolution. The salt-tolerance genes SOS3 (salt overly sensitive 3) and SOS2 (salt overly sensitive 2) regulatory domain of Arabidopsis thaliana were cloned into a polycistronic plasmid and the protein complex was expressed in Escherichia coli, allowing purification to homogeneity in three chromatographic steps. Crystals were grown using vapour-diffusion techniques. The crystals belonged to space group P2{sub 1}2{sub 1}2{sub 1}, with unit-cell parameters a = 44.14, b = 57.39, c = 141.90 Å.

  4. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL, 1853-present, Water Level (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have water surface height above a reference datum. *These services are for...

  5. SNAP/SOS: a package for simulating and analyzing safeguards systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grant, F.H. III; Polito, J.; Sabuda, J.


    The effective analysis of safeguards systems at nuclear facilities requires significant effort. The Safeguards Network Analysis Procedure (SNAP) and the SNAP Operating System (SOS) reduce that effort to a manageable level. SNAP provides a detailed analysis of site safeguards for tactical evaluation. SOS helps the analyst organize and manage the SNAP effort effectively. SOS provides a database for model storage, automatic model generation, and computer graphics. The SOS/SNAP combination is a working example of a simulation system including executive-level control, database system, and facilities for model creation, editing, and output analysis

  6. Freno de corrientes parásitas para ensayo de motores eléctricos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar D. Gallo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo trata distintos aspectos referidos al diseño, construcción y puesta en marcha de un freno dinamométrico de corrientes parásitas, destinado al ensayo de motores eléctricos. La introducción aborda los antecedentes y las experiencias previas con máquinas similares, además de precisiones constructivas sobre el freno y su fuente de alimentación. La sección de ensayos describe los valores de temperaturas de bobinas y discos y las pruebas bajo estados de carga. Los parámetros tales como fuerzas magnetomotrices, corrientes en discos, momentos y pérdidas, se calculan en la sección referida a valores de funcionamiento. Finalmente, en las conclusiones, se abordan las ventajas y desventajas de este tipo constructivo, y las mejoras que deberían realizarse para mejorar el desempeño de la máquina.

  7. Revisión crítica del ensayo de cristalización de sales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valdeón, L.


    Full Text Available The salt crystallisation test is, for its simplicity and aggressivity, one of the most suitable ageing tests to evaluate the durability of rock materials. However the results of this test could be conditioned by differences in their experimental procedure. In this article the principal variables involved in the salt crystallisation test are reviewed: concentration of the solution, type of immersion, temperature and time of drying of the specimens, etc.; as well as the criteria used in the evaluation of induced damages. The knowledge and control of these factors facilitates the optimization of the test, and the correct interpretation of the obtained data.

    Dentro de los ensayos de alterabilidad o de envejecimiento artificial acelerado, el ensayo de cristalización de sales es —por su sencillez y agresividad— uno de los más idóneos para la evaluación de la durabilidad de los materiales rocosos. No obstante, los resultados obtenidos pueden verse condicionados por las diferencias en cuanto al procedimiento experimental. En este trabajo se revisan las principales variables que intervienen en dicho ensayo, entre las cuales pueden mencionarse: concentración de la solución salina, características de la inmersión, temperatura y tiempo de secado de las muestras, etc.; así como los criterios utilizados en la valoración de los daños generados. El conocimiento y control de estos factores facilita la optimización de este ensayo, y la correcta interpretación de los resultados obtenidos.

  8. Corrosión de refractarios: Puesta a punto de un ensayo de laboratorio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caro, I.


    Full Text Available In the scope of refractories the characterisation of its behaviour faced with slag corrosive attacks that can appear during service has a great significance. However, satandarized laboratory tests for this characterization are not generally accepted by manufacturers and users of these refractories. The present report shows the development works for an inmersion type corrosion test. This test keeps the samples continuously moving inside the melt slag bath in order to accelerate (never modifying the corrosion mechanisms, since this motion avoids the generation of a “non-active” slag zone all around the samples. The results of the first proofs show the suitability of this test as a laboratory test. It allows to achieve high corrosion levels in a very short time. Also, the ability for testing several samples simultaneously allows to get comparative results with high rapidity and reliability.

    En el campo de los refractarios resulta de gran importancia la caracterización de su comportamiento ante el ataque corrosivo por escorias a que pueden estar sometidos en servicio. Sin embargo no existen ensayos de laboratorio normalizados que sean generalmente aceptados por los fabricantes y usuarios de estos refractarios. En este artículo se exponen los trabajos de puesta a punto de un ensayo de corrosión por inmersión. En dicho ensayo, las probetas se mantienen en continuo movimiento dentro del baño con objeto de acelerar los mecanismos de corrosión (nunca modificarlos que aparecen en servicio, al evitar la formación de un zona de escoria “inactiva” al rededor de dichas probetas. Los resultados de las pruebas realizadas muestran la idoneidad del ensayo propuesto como ensayo de laboratorio, ya que permite obtener grandes niveles de corrosión en tiempos muy cortos. Además la capacidad para ensayar varias probetas de manera simultánea permite obtener resultados comparativos muy rápidamente y de forma muy fiable.

  9. NOAA NDBC SOS, 2008-present, sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NDBC SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface data. Because of the nature of SOS...

  10. Ras activation by SOS: Allosteric regulation by altered fluctuation dynamics (United States)

    Iversen, Lars; Tu, Hsiung-Lin; Lin, Wan-Chen; Christensen, Sune M.; Abel, Steven M.; Iwig, Jeff; Wu, Hung-Jen; Gureasko, Jodi; Rhodes, Christopher; Petit, Rebecca S.; Hansen, Scott D.; Thill, Peter; Yu, Cheng-Han; Stamou, Dimitrios; Chakraborty, Arup K.; Kuriyan, John; Groves, Jay T.


    Activation of the small guanosine triphosphatase H-Ras by the exchange factor Son of Sevenless (SOS) is an important hub for signal transduction. Multiple layers of regulation, through protein and membrane interactions, govern activity of SOS. We characterized the specific activity of individual SOS molecules catalyzing nucleotide exchange in H-Ras. Single-molecule kinetic traces revealed that SOS samples a broad distribution of turnover rates through stochastic fluctuations between distinct, long-lived (more than 100 seconds), functional states. The expected allosteric activation of SOS by Ras–guanosine triphosphate (GTP) was conspicuously absent in the mean rate. However, fluctuations into highly active states were modulated by Ras-GTP. This reveals a mechanism in which functional output may be determined by the dynamical spectrum of rates sampled by a small number of enzymes, rather than the ensemble average. PMID:24994643

  11. Adaptive symbiotic organisms search (SOS algorithm for structural design optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghanshyam G. Tejani


    Full Text Available The symbiotic organisms search (SOS algorithm is an effective metaheuristic developed in 2014, which mimics the symbiotic relationship among the living beings, such as mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism, to survive in the ecosystem. In this study, three modified versions of the SOS algorithm are proposed by introducing adaptive benefit factors in the basic SOS algorithm to improve its efficiency. The basic SOS algorithm only considers benefit factors, whereas the proposed variants of the SOS algorithm, consider effective combinations of adaptive benefit factors and benefit factors to study their competence to lay down a good balance between exploration and exploitation of the search space. The proposed algorithms are tested to suit its applications to the engineering structures subjected to dynamic excitation, which may lead to undesirable vibrations. Structure optimization problems become more challenging if the shape and size variables are taken into account along with the frequency. To check the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms, six different planar and space trusses are subjected to experimental analysis. The results obtained using the proposed methods are compared with those obtained using other optimization methods well established in the literature. The results reveal that the adaptive SOS algorithm is more reliable and efficient than the basic SOS algorithm and other state-of-the-art algorithms.

  12. Research reactor fuel bundle design review by means of hydrodynamic testing; Ensayos hidrodinamicos para verificacion de diseno de un elemento combustible para reactores de investigacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pastorini, A; Belinco, C [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Martin (Argentina). Centro Atomico Constituyentes


    During the design steps of a fuel bundle for a nuclear reactor, some vibration tests are usually necessary to verify the prototype dynamical response characteristics and the structural integrity. To perform these tests, the known hydrodynamic loop facilities are used to evaluate the vibrational response of the bundle under the different flow conditions that may appear in the reactor. This paper describes the tests performed on a 19 plate fuel bundle prototype designed for a low power research reactor. The tests were done in order to know the dynamical characteristics of the plates and also of the whole bundle under different flow rate conditions. The paper includes a description of the test facilities and the results obtained during the dynamical characterization tests and some preliminary comments about the tests under flowing water are also presented. (author) 4 refs., 12 figs., 4 tabs. [Espanol] Durante el diseno de un elemento combustible para un reactor nuclear se requiere de la realizacion de ensayos con el objeto de verificar el comportamiento de ese diseno y permitir, de ser necesario, la introduccion de modificaciones al mismo. Para verificar las caracteristicas de respuesta dinamica e integridad estructural, se realizan ensayos de vibraciones que incluyen someter al prototipo a condiciones de circulacion del fluido similares a las que soportara durante la operacion del reactor. Estos ensayos se realizan en facilidades de ensayos conocidas como circuitos hidrodinamicos, que permiten no solo someter el prototipo al flujo de fluido, sino tambien obtener una adecuada caracterizacion de la respuesta del mismo a traves del luso de sensores de distinto tipo. En este trabajo se describen los ensayos realizados sobre un prototipo de elemento combustible de 19 placas destinado a un reactor de investigacion multiproposito de baja potencia. Los ensayos tuvieron como objetivo conocer la respuesta dinamica de las placas individuales y del elemento combustible en su

  13. Evaluación de tratamientos de hidrofugación aplicados a piedras de catedrales andaluzas. II. Ensayo de cristalización de sales


    Villegas Sánchez, R.; Vale Parapar, J. F.


    En un artículo anterior se han evaluado los cambios producidos en las propiedades relacionadas con el acceso y movimiento de agua en la piedra como consecuencia de la aplicación de tratamientos de hidrofugación. En este trabajo se compara la resistencia a la alteración producida por sales de las probetas tratadas y sin tratar, sometiéndolas al ensayo de cristalización de sulfato sódico. Tras finalizar el ensayo (75 ciclos) se han medido nuevamente las propiedades relacionadas con el a...

  14. SOS response and its regulation on the fluoroquinolone resistance. (United States)

    Qin, Ting-Ting; Kang, Hai-Quan; Ma, Ping; Li, Peng-Peng; Huang, Lin-Yan; Gu, Bing


    Bacteria can survive fluoroquinolone antibiotics (FQs) treatment by becoming resistant through a genetic change-mutation or gene acquisition. The SOS response is widespread among bacteria and exhibits considerable variation in its composition and regulation, which is repressed by LexA protein and derepressed by RecA protein. Here, we take a comprehensive review of the SOS gene network and its regulation on the fluoroquinolone resistance. As a unique survival mechanism, SOS may be an important factor influencing the outcome of antibiotic therapy in vivo.

  15. Mapping Modular SOS to Rewriting Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braga, Christiano de Oliveira; Haeusler, Erik Hermann; Meseguer, José

    Modular SOS (MSOS) is a framework created to improve the modularity of structural operational semantics specifications, a formalism frequently used in the fields of programming languages semantics and process algebras. With the objective of defining formal tools to support the execution and verif......Modular SOS (MSOS) is a framework created to improve the modularity of structural operational semantics specifications, a formalism frequently used in the fields of programming languages semantics and process algebras. With the objective of defining formal tools to support the execution...

  16. Mapping Modular SOS to Rewriting Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braga, Christiano de Oliveira; Haeusler, Edward Hermann; Meseguer, José


    Modular SOS (MSOS) is a framework created to improve the modularity of structural operational semantics specifications, a formalism frequently used in the fields of programming languages semantics and process algebras. With the objective of defining formal tools to support the execution and verif......Modular SOS (MSOS) is a framework created to improve the modularity of structural operational semantics specifications, a formalism frequently used in the fields of programming languages semantics and process algebras. With the objective of defining formal tools to support the execution...

  17. Quinolone Resistance Reversion by Targeting the SOS Response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Recacha


    Full Text Available Suppression of the SOS response has been postulated as a therapeutic strategy for potentiating antimicrobial agents. We aimed to evaluate the impact of its suppression on reversing resistance using a model of isogenic strains of Escherichia coli representing multiple levels of quinolone resistance. E. coli mutants exhibiting a spectrum of SOS activity were constructed from isogenic strains carrying quinolone resistance mechanisms with susceptible and resistant phenotypes. Changes in susceptibility were evaluated by static (MICs and dynamic (killing curves or flow cytometry methodologies. A peritoneal sepsis murine model was used to evaluate in vivo impact. Suppression of the SOS response was capable of resensitizing mutant strains with genes encoding three or four different resistance mechanisms (up to 15-fold reductions in MICs. Killing curve assays showed a clear disadvantage for survival (Δlog10 CFU per milliliter [CFU/ml] of 8 log units after 24 h, and the in vivo efficacy of ciprofloxacin was significantly enhanced (Δlog10 CFU/g of 1.76 log units in resistant strains with a suppressed SOS response. This effect was evident even after short periods (60 min of exposure. Suppression of the SOS response reverses antimicrobial resistance across a range of E. coli phenotypes from reduced susceptibility to highly resistant, playing a significant role in increasing the in vivo efficacy.

  18. Contribuciones al preprocesado, procesado y análisis en termografía infrarroja aplicados a ensayos no destructivos


    Hidalgo-Gato García, Rafael


    RESUMEN: El empleo de las técnicas de medida mediante ensayos no destructivos por Termografía Infrarroja (TI) permite la evaluación y control de todo tipo de materiales y procesos de forma rápida, sencilla y sin contacto. Por ello, se estableció como objetivo general de este trabajo de tesis el desarrollo de contribuciones al conocimiento de las diferentes etapas del tratamiento digital de los termogramas, así como su aplicación a problemáticas reales y solución a las carencias detectadas. Es...

  19. Ciclo de vida de Triatoma dimidiata Latreille, 1811 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) en condiciones de laboratorio: producción de ninfas para ensayos biológicos


    Marlene Reyes; Víctor Manuel Angulo


    Introducción. A pesar de la importancia de Triatoma dimidiata como vector de la enfermedad de Chagas, poco se conoce de su ciclo biológico y de la producción eficiente de insectos disponibles para ensayos biológicos. Objetivo. Determinar las características del ciclo de vida en el laboratorio y establecer las condiciones del estado nutricional para la producción eficiente de ninfas de V estadio para ensayos biológicos. Materiales y métodos. Se determinaron los tiempos de desarrollo de l...

  20. SOS - Der kaldes på Smartere Offentlig Styring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjortdal, Henrik


    Smartere Offentlig Styring eller SOS. Det var temaet da over hundrede kommunale direktører drøftede offentlig ledelse med en lang række toneangivende danske forskere.......Smartere Offentlig Styring eller SOS. Det var temaet da over hundrede kommunale direktører drøftede offentlig ledelse med en lang række toneangivende danske forskere....

  1. Mutational specificity of SOS mutagenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, Takeshi


    In an approach to the isolation of mutants of E. coli unable to produce mutations by ultraviolet light, the author has found new umuC-mutants. Their properties could be explained by ''SOS hypothesis of Radman and Witkin'', which has now been justified by many investigators. Analysis of the umuC region of E. coli chromosome cloned in pSK 100 has led to the conclusion that two genes, umuD and umuC, having the capacity of mutation induction express in the same mechanism as that of SOS genes, which is known to be inhibited by LexA protein bonding to ''SOS box'' found at promotor region. Suppressor analysis for mutational specificity has revealed: (i) umuDC-independent mutagens, such as EMS and (oh) 4 Cy, induce selected base substitution alone; and (ii) umuDC-dependent mutagens, such as X-rays and gamma-rays, induce various types of base substitution simultaneously, although they have mutational specificity. In the umuDC-dependent processes of basechange mutagenesis, the spectra of base substitution were a mixture of base substitution reflecting the specific base damages induced by individual mutagens and nonspecific base substitution. In conclusion, base substitution plays the most important role in umuDC-dependent mutagenesis, although mutagenesis of umuDC proteins remains uncertain. (Namekawa, K.)

  2. Advances/applications of MAGIC and SOS (United States)

    Warren, Gary; Ludeking, Larry; Nguyen, Khanh; Smithe, David; Goplen, Bruce


    MAGIC and SOS have been applied to investigate a variety of accelerator-related devices. Examples include high brightness electron guns, beam-RF interactions in klystrons, cold-test modes in an RFQ and in RF sources, and a high-quality, flexible, electron gun with operating modes appropriate for gyrotrons, peniotrons, and other RF sources. Algorithmic improvements for PIC have been developed and added to MAGIC and SOS to facilitate these modeling efforts. Two new field algorithms allow improved control of computational numerical noise and selective control of harmonic modes in RF cavities. An axial filter in SOS accelerates simulations in cylindrical coordinates. The recent addition of an export/import feature now allows long devices to be modeled in sections. Interfaces have been added to receive electromagnetic field information from the Poisson group of codes and from EGUN and to send beam information to PARMELA for subsequent tracing of bunches through beam optics. Post-processors compute and display beam properties including geometric, normalized, and slice emittances, and phase-space parameters, and video. VMS, UNIX, and DOS versions are supported, with migration underway toward windows environments.

  3. Thymineless death is inhibited by CsrA in Escherichia coli lacking the SOS response. (United States)

    Hamilton, Holly M; Wilson, Ray; Blythe, Martin; Nehring, Ralf B; Fonville, Natalie C; Louis, Edward J; Rosenberg, Susan M


    Thymineless death (TLD) is the rapid loss of colony-forming ability in bacterial, yeast and human cells starved for thymine, and is the mechanism of action of common chemotherapeutic drugs. In Escherichia coli, significant loss of viability during TLD requires the SOS replication-stress/DNA-damage response, specifically its role in inducing the inhibitor of cell division, SulA. An independent RecQ- and RecJ-dependent TLD pathway accounts for a similarly large additional component of TLD, and a third SOS- and RecQ/J-independent TLD pathway has also been observed. Although two groups have implicated the SOS-response in TLD, an SOS-deficient mutant strain from an earlier study was found to be sensitive to thymine deprivation. We performed whole-genome resequencing on that SOS-deficient strain and find that, compared with the SOS-proficient control strain, it contains five mutations in addition to the SOS-blocking lexA(Ind(-)) mutation. One of the additional mutations, csrA, confers TLD sensitivity specifically in SOS-defective strains. We find that CsrA, a carbon storage regulator, reduces TLD in SOS- or SulA-defective cells, and that the increased TLD that occurs in csrA(-) SOS-defective cells is dependent on RecQ. We consider a hypothesis in which the modulation of nucleotide pools by CsrA might inhibit TLD specifically in SOS-deficient (SulA-deficient) cells. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Lastekaitsepäeval avati Põltsamaal SOS-peremajad / Raivo Feldmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Feldmann, Raivo


    Eesti teise SOS Lasteküla ametlikul avamisel Põltsamaal 1. juunil 2010. a. osalesid ka Norra suursaadik Eestis Stein Vegard Hagen ja SOS Lasteküla patroon proua Evelin Ilves. Presidendi abikaasa kinkis igale perele pereõunapuu ja koos kirjastusega Varrak igale peremajale väikese koduraamatukogu

  5. Analysis of the sensitivity of the impact resonance frequency test as a tool to determine the elastic properties of bituminous materials; Análisis de la sensibilidad del ensayo de resonancia por impacto como herramienta para determinar las propiedades elásticas de materiales bituminosos.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tauste, R.; Moreno-Navarro, F.; Gallego, R.; Rubio-Gámez, M.C.


    The modulus value of bituminous materials is a key factor in the design of road pavements and the estimation of their life service. This parameter can be measured in laboratory but, unfortunately, this requires the deterioration of the pavement so as the consumption of time and resources. Therefore, this study analyses the feasibility of using impact resonance frequency tests as an alternative to traditional methods for determining the dynamic modulus of bituminous mixtures. The sensitivity of this technique has been studied by analyzing its repeatability and reproducibility, studying the variations in the values measured by modifying the dimensions of the specimens, test temperatures and types of mixture tested. In addition, this non-destructive technique has been compared with other traditional tests used to determine the elastic properties of bituminous materials. The results show that this test could be an interesting tool to characterize the properties and damage state of asphalt layers. [Spanish] El valor de módulo de los materiales bituminosos es un factor clave en el diseño de pavimentos y la estimación de su vida de servicio. Este parámetro puede ser medido en laboratorio pero, desafortunadamente, esto requiere deteriorar el pavimento así como el consumo de tiempo y recursos. Por ello, este estudio analiza la viabilidad de usar el ensayo de frecuencia de resonancia mediante impacto como alternativa a los métodos tradicionales para determinar el módulo dinámico de mezclas bituminosas. La sensibilidad de esta técnica se ha estudiado analizando su repetibilidad y reproducibilidad, estudiando variaciones en los valores medidos al modificar dimensiones de probetas, temperaturas y tipos de mezcla ensayados. Además, esta técnica no destructiva se ha comparado con otros ensayos tradicionales empleados para determinar propiedades elásticas de materiales bituminosos. Los resultados muestran este ensayo como una herramienta interesante para caracterizar

  6. Suppression of the E. coli SOS response by dNTP pool changes. (United States)

    Maslowska, Katarzyna H; Makiela-Dzbenska, Karolina; Fijalkowska, Iwona J; Schaaper, Roel M


    The Escherichia coli SOS system is a well-established model for the cellular response to DNA damage. Control of SOS depends largely on the RecA protein. When RecA is activated by single-stranded DNA in the presence of a nucleotide triphosphate cofactor, it mediates cleavage of the LexA repressor, leading to expression of the 30(+)-member SOS regulon. RecA activation generally requires the introduction of DNA damage. However, certain recA mutants, like recA730, bypass this requirement and display constitutive SOS expression as well as a spontaneous (SOS) mutator effect. Presently, we investigated the possible interaction between SOS and the cellular deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pools. We found that dNTP pool changes caused by deficiencies in the ndk or dcd genes, encoding nucleoside diphosphate kinase and dCTP deaminase, respectively, had a strongly suppressive effect on constitutive SOS expression in recA730 strains. The suppression of the recA730 mutator effect was alleviated in a lexA-deficient background. Overall, the findings suggest a model in which the dNTP alterations in the ndk and dcd strains interfere with the activation of RecA, thereby preventing LexA cleavage and SOS induction. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research 2015. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.

  7. Ensayo no destructivo de soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante inspección acústica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aznar, A.


    Full Text Available Headed studs are nowadays the standard steel-concrete connectors because of their competitive advantages. Firstly, they provide a high degree of safety thanks to semiautomatic electric arc welding. These welds are not suitable for typical non-destructive tests. The analytical study comprises several models. The first vibration modes have been obtained. The experimental research has developed first the measurement of the natural frequencies of 28 headed-studs in the sonic range. Then they have been tested by non-destructive and destructive tests. Finally theirs tests have been compared with their respective frequency measurements. A clear relationship between the measured frequencies and the lack of penetration of the welds has been established, that confirms the analytical prediction of this effect of the internal weld imperfections. Therefore, the feasibility of simple and absolutely non-destructive tests of welded studs by in site measurement of natural frequencies in the sonic range has been clearly established in this work.

    Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. El presente estudio plantea la inspección de soldaduras de pernos conectores mediante su espectro acústico. Analíticamente, la investigación se ha centrado en el cálculo de los primeros modos propios de vibración. Experimentalmente se han medido las frecuencias propias de resonancia de 28 pernos, en los que posteriormente se han llevado a cabo ensayos tanto no destructivos como destructivos. Se ha obtenido, tanto teórica como experimentalmente, una relación entre la frecuencia de vibración de los pernos conectores y la calidad de la soldadura. Por ello se verifica la posibilidad de inspección de estas

  8. Factors limiting SOS expression in log-phase cells of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Massoni, Shawn C; Leeson, Michael C; Long, Jarukit Edward; Gemme, Kristin; Mui, Alice; Sandler, Steven J


    In Escherichia coli, RecA-single-stranded DNA (RecA-ssDNA) filaments catalyze DNA repair, recombination, and induction of the SOS response. It has been shown that, while many (15 to 25%) log-phase cells have RecA filaments, few (about 1%) are induced for SOS. It is hypothesized that RecA's ability to induce SOS expression in log-phase cells is repressed because of the potentially detrimental effects of SOS mutagenesis. To test this, mutations were sought to produce a population where the number of cells with SOS expression more closely equaled the number of RecA filaments. Here, it is shown that deleting radA (important for resolution of recombination structures) and increasing recA transcription 2- to 3-fold with a recAo1403 operator mutation act independently to minimally satisfy this condition. This allows 24% of mutant cells to have elevated levels of SOS expression, a percentage similar to that of cells with RecA-green fluorescent protein (RecA-GFP) foci. In an xthA (exonuclease III gene) mutant where there are 3-fold more RecA loading events, recX (a destabilizer of RecA filaments) must be additionally deleted to achieve a population of cells where the percentage having elevated SOS expression (91%) nearly equals the percentage with at least one RecA-GFP focus (83%). It is proposed that, in the xthA mutant, there are three independent mechanisms that repress SOS expression in log-phase cells. These are the rapid processing of RecA filaments by RadA, maintaining the concentration of RecA below a critical level, and the destabilizing of RecA filaments by RecX. Only the first two mechanisms operate independently in a wild-type cell.


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    Héctor Mario Cenoz


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo los autores registran los resultados obtenidos en tres años consecutivos de ensayos comparativos de variedades de sorgos graníferos, incluyendo sorgos de doble propósito, con el objeto de determinar su adaptación a las condiciones ecológicas de la zona y sus rendimientos en granos y forraje verde.Los ensayos fueron sembrados en el campo experimental del Instituto de Botánica Aplicada, ubicado en la Escuela Regional de Agricultulra, Ganadería e Industrias Afines anexa a esta Facultad, cuyo suelo es arenoso, con un subsuelo arcilloso con pH 5,7 a 6,5, pobres en materias orgánicas, nitrógeno total, calcio y fósforo.Los resultados han sido interpretados mediante el análisis de la variancia, considerando los tres años en serie, mostrándose una neta superioridad de los sorgos de doble propósito sobre los sorgos graníferos, tanto en lo referente a rendimientos en granos: como en forraje verde, y observándose  también que los sorgos graníferos híbridos no han superado estadísticamente a las variedades de sorgos graníferos no híbridos, pudiendo considerarse de un valor similar para las condiciones ecológicas de la zona.

  10. Systematically Altering Bacterial SOS Activity under Stress Reveals Therapeutic Strategies for Potentiating Antibiotics. (United States)

    Mo, Charlie Y; Manning, Sara A; Roggiani, Manuela; Culyba, Matthew J; Samuels, Amanda N; Sniegowski, Paul D; Goulian, Mark; Kohli, Rahul M


    The bacterial SOS response is a DNA damage repair network that is strongly implicated in both survival and acquired drug resistance under antimicrobial stress. The two SOS regulators, LexA and RecA, have therefore emerged as potential targets for adjuvant therapies aimed at combating resistance, although many open questions remain. For example, it is not well understood whether SOS hyperactivation is a viable therapeutic approach or whether LexA or RecA is a better target. Furthermore, it is important to determine which antimicrobials could serve as the best treatment partners with SOS-targeting adjuvants. Here we derived Escherichia coli strains that have mutations in either lexA or recA genes in order to cover the full spectrum of possible SOS activity levels. We then systematically analyzed a wide range of antimicrobials by comparing the mean inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and induced mutation rates for each drug-strain combination. We first show that significant changes in MICs are largely confined to DNA-damaging antibiotics, with strains containing a constitutively repressed SOS response impacted to a greater extent than hyperactivated strains. Second, antibiotic-induced mutation rates were suppressed when SOS activity was reduced, and this trend was observed across a wider spectrum of antibiotics. Finally, perturbing either LexA or RecA proved to be equally viable strategies for targeting the SOS response. Our work provides support for multiple adjuvant strategies, while also suggesting that the combination of an SOS inhibitor with a DNA-damaging antibiotic could offer the best potential for lowering MICs and decreasing acquired drug resistance. IMPORTANCE Our antibiotic arsenal is becoming depleted, in part, because bacteria have the ability to rapidly adapt and acquire resistance to our best agents. The SOS pathway, a widely conserved DNA damage stress response in bacteria, is activated by many antibiotics and has been shown to play central role in

  11. Analysis of the SOS response of Vibrio and other bacteria with multiple chromosomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanchez-Alberola Neus


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The SOS response is a well-known regulatory network present in most bacteria and aimed at addressing DNA damage. It has also been linked extensively to stress-induced mutagenesis, virulence and the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance determinants. Recently, the SOS response has been shown to regulate the activity of integrases in the chromosomal superintegrons of the Vibrionaceae, which encompasses a wide range of pathogenic species harboring multiple chromosomes. Here we combine in silico and in vitro techniques to perform a comparative genomics analysis of the SOS regulon in the Vibrionaceae, and we extend the methodology to map this transcriptional network in other bacterial species harboring multiple chromosomes. Results Our analysis provides the first comprehensive description of the SOS response in a family (Vibrionaceae that includes major human pathogens. It also identifies several previously unreported members of the SOS transcriptional network, including two proteins of unknown function. The analysis of the SOS response in other bacterial species with multiple chromosomes uncovers additional regulon members and reveals that there is a conserved core of SOS genes, and that specialized additions to this basic network take place in different phylogenetic groups. Our results also indicate that across all groups the main elements of the SOS response are always found in the large chromosome, whereas specialized additions are found in the smaller chromosomes and plasmids. Conclusions Our findings confirm that the SOS response of the Vibrionaceae is strongly linked with pathogenicity and dissemination of antibiotic resistance, and suggest that the characterization of the newly identified members of this regulon could provide key insights into the pathogenesis of Vibrio. The persistent location of key SOS genes in the large chromosome across several bacterial groups confirms that the SOS response plays an

  12. Analysis of the SOS response of Vibrio and other bacteria with multiple chromosomes. (United States)

    Sanchez-Alberola, Neus; Campoy, Susana; Barbé, Jordi; Erill, Ivan


    The SOS response is a well-known regulatory network present in most bacteria and aimed at addressing DNA damage. It has also been linked extensively to stress-induced mutagenesis, virulence and the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance determinants. Recently, the SOS response has been shown to regulate the activity of integrases in the chromosomal superintegrons of the Vibrionaceae, which encompasses a wide range of pathogenic species harboring multiple chromosomes. Here we combine in silico and in vitro techniques to perform a comparative genomics analysis of the SOS regulon in the Vibrionaceae, and we extend the methodology to map this transcriptional network in other bacterial species harboring multiple chromosomes. Our analysis provides the first comprehensive description of the SOS response in a family (Vibrionaceae) that includes major human pathogens. It also identifies several previously unreported members of the SOS transcriptional network, including two proteins of unknown function. The analysis of the SOS response in other bacterial species with multiple chromosomes uncovers additional regulon members and reveals that there is a conserved core of SOS genes, and that specialized additions to this basic network take place in different phylogenetic groups. Our results also indicate that across all groups the main elements of the SOS response are always found in the large chromosome, whereas specialized additions are found in the smaller chromosomes and plasmids. Our findings confirm that the SOS response of the Vibrionaceae is strongly linked with pathogenicity and dissemination of antibiotic resistance, and suggest that the characterization of the newly identified members of this regulon could provide key insights into the pathogenesis of Vibrio. The persistent location of key SOS genes in the large chromosome across several bacterial groups confirms that the SOS response plays an essential role in these organisms and sheds light into the


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    Dora Piñeres De la Ossa


    Full Text Available Este Ensayo da cuenta de la experiencia de la Universidad de Cartagena en los procesosde formación del profesorado y como hoy, la pertenencia a proyectos en red como elSUE Caribe, ha consolidado una comunidadad académica investigativa de lasUniversidades Estatales del Caribe Colombiano que posibilita la generación de procesosde integración y sinergias investigativas y de conocimientos evidenciando desde ya,transformaciones de las practicas en el campo de la cultura, la ciencia y la tecnologíay en las practicas de los docentes y su gestión por la calidad de las instituciones.

  14. Construct Validity of the Societal Outreach Scale (SOS). (United States)

    Fike, David S; Denton, Jason; Walk, Matt; Kish, Jennifer; Gorman, Ira


    The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has been working toward a vision of increasing professional focus on societal-level health. However, performance of social responsibility and related behaviors by physical therapists remain relatively poorly integrated into practice. Promoting a focus on societal outreach is necessary for all health care professionals to impact the health of their communities. The objective was to document the validity of the 14-item Societal Outreach Scale (SOS) for use with practicing physical therapists. This study used a cross-sectional survey. The SOS was transmitted via email to all therapists who were licensed and practicing in 10 states in the United States that were purposefully selected to assure a broad representation. A sample of 2612 usable responses was received. Factor analysis was applied to assess construct validity of the instrument. Of alternate models, a 3-factor model best demonstrated goodness of fit with the sample data according to conventional indices (standardized root mean squared residual = .03, comparative fit index .96, root mean square error of approximation = .06). The 3 factors measured by the SOS were labeled Societal-Level Health Advocacy, Community Engagement/Social Integration, and Political Engagement. Internal consistency reliability was 0.7 for all factors. The 3-factor SOS demonstrated acceptable validity and reliability. Though the sample included a broad representation of physical therapists, this was a single cross-sectional study. Additional confirmatory factor analysis, reliability testing, and word refinement of the tool are warranted. Given the construct validity and reliability of the 3-factor SOS, it is recommended for use as a validated instrument to measure physical therapists' performance of social responsibility and related behaviors.

  15. Comparación entre dos biomodelos murinos (ratones Balb/c y ratas Sprague Dawley en el ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentarios

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    Daniel Francisco Arencibia Arrebola


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar fetos de ratones Balb/c y ratas Sprague Dawley como biomodelos en el ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentarios, determinando la frecuencia espontánea e inducida, y vincular el efecto genotóxico y reproductivo. Métodos: se formaron tres grupos experimentales/especie: control negativo (simulacro, control solvente NaCl (0,9 % y ciclofosfamida 50 mg/kg. Todos los grupos se administraron por vía intraperitoneal los días 14, 15 y 16 de la gestación, y 24 h después de la última inoculación en ratones y 48 h en ratas se procedió a realizar la eutanasia de las gestantes, para obtener las muestras de hígado fetal. Resultados: los fetos de ratas Sprague Dawley demostraron tener menores índices de citotoxicidad y de genotoxicidad, y se obtuvieron los resultados más bajos de micronúcleos endógenos. Los mejores resultados de inducción de citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad por la alta formación de micronúcleos con ciclofosfamida fueron en fetos de ratas Sprague Dawley, los que resultaron más susceptibles al daño genotóxico de este mutágeno. Se corroboró el poder clastogénico transplacentario de la ciclofosfamida, vinculando este ensayo de genotoxicidad a toxicología de la reproducción. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren el mejor uso de fetos de ratas Sprague Dawley como biomodelo en este ensayo cuando es utilizada la ciclofosfamida como control positivo por la vía y dosis estudiada; además, se pudieran utilizar en la evaluación de nuevas drogas con carácter antigenotóxico por vía transplacentaria.

  16. Bevacizumab exacerbates sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) in the animal model and increases MMP 9 production. (United States)

    Jafari, Azin; Matthaei, Hanno; Wehner, Sven; Tonguc, Tolga; Kalff, Jörg C; Manekeller, Steffen


    Thanks to modern multimodal treatment the ouctome of patients with colorectal cancer has experienced significant improvements. As a downside, agent specific side effects have been observed such as sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) after oxaliplatin chemotherapy (OX). Bevazicumab targeting VEGF is nowadays comprehensively used in combination protocols with OX but its impact on hepatotoxicity is thus far elusive and focus of the present study. After MCT administration 67% of animals developed SOS. GOT serum concentration significantly increased in animals developing SOS ( p SOS. In contrast, animals receiving VEGF developed SOS merely in 40% while increasing the VEGF dose led to a further decrease in SOS development to 25%. MMP 9 concentration in animals developing SOS was significantly higher compared to controls ( p SOS paralleled by MMP 9 production. Therefore, OX-Bevacizumab combination therapies should be administered with caution, especially if liver parenchyma damage is apparent. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged Monocrotaline (MCT) to induce SOS. Recombinant VEGF or an Anti-VEGF antibody was administered to MCT-treated rats and the hepatotoxic effect monitored in defined time intervals. MMP 9 expression in the liver was measured by ELISA.

  17. A flow cytometry-optimized assay using an SOS-green fluorescent protein (SOS-GFP) whole-cell biosensor for the detection of genotoxins in complex environments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norman, Anders; Hansen, Lars H.; Sørensen, Søren Johannes


    /mL, and proved far more sensitive than a previously published assay using the same biosensor strain. By applying the SOS-green fluorescent protein (GFP) whole-cell biosensor directly to soil microcosms we were also able to evaluate both the applicability and sensitivity of a biosensor based on SOS...

  18. Molecular kinetics. Ras activation by SOS: allosteric regulation by altered fluctuation dynamics. (United States)

    Iversen, Lars; Tu, Hsiung-Lin; Lin, Wan-Chen; Christensen, Sune M; Abel, Steven M; Iwig, Jeff; Wu, Hung-Jen; Gureasko, Jodi; Rhodes, Christopher; Petit, Rebecca S; Hansen, Scott D; Thill, Peter; Yu, Cheng-Han; Stamou, Dimitrios; Chakraborty, Arup K; Kuriyan, John; Groves, Jay T


    Activation of the small guanosine triphosphatase H-Ras by the exchange factor Son of Sevenless (SOS) is an important hub for signal transduction. Multiple layers of regulation, through protein and membrane interactions, govern activity of SOS. We characterized the specific activity of individual SOS molecules catalyzing nucleotide exchange in H-Ras. Single-molecule kinetic traces revealed that SOS samples a broad distribution of turnover rates through stochastic fluctuations between distinct, long-lived (more than 100 seconds), functional states. The expected allosteric activation of SOS by Ras-guanosine triphosphate (GTP) was conspicuously absent in the mean rate. However, fluctuations into highly active states were modulated by Ras-GTP. This reveals a mechanism in which functional output may be determined by the dynamical spectrum of rates sampled by a small number of enzymes, rather than the ensemble average. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  19. Zinc blocks SOS-induced antibiotic resistance via inhibition of RecA in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Bunnell, Bryan E; Escobar, Jillian F; Bair, Kirsten L; Sutton, Mark D; Crane, John K


    Zinc inhibits the virulence of diarrheagenic E. coli by inducing the envelope stress response and inhibiting the SOS response. The SOS response is triggered by damage to bacterial DNA. In Shiga-toxigenic E. coli, the SOS response strongly induces the production of Shiga toxins (Stx) and of the bacteriophages that encode the Stx genes. In E. coli, induction of the SOS response is accompanied by a higher mutation rate, called the mutator response, caused by a shift to error-prone DNA polymerases when DNA damage is too severe to be repaired by canonical DNA polymerases. Since zinc inhibited the other aspects of the SOS response, we hypothesized that zinc would also inhibit the mutator response, also known as hypermutation. We explored various different experimental paradigms to induce hypermutation triggered by the SOS response, and found that hypermutation was induced not just by classical inducers such as mitomycin C and the quinolone antibiotics, but also by antiviral drugs such as zidovudine and anti-cancer drugs such as 5-fluorouracil, 6-mercaptopurine, and azacytidine. Zinc salts inhibited the SOS response and the hypermutator phenomenon in E. coli as well as in Klebsiella pneumoniae, and was more effective in inhibiting the SOS response than other metals. We then attempted to determine the mechanism by which zinc, applied externally in the medium, inhibits hypermutation. Our results show that zinc interferes with the actions of RecA, and protects LexA from RecA-mediated cleavage, an early step in initiation of the SOS response. The SOS response may play a role in the development of antibiotic resistance and the effect of zinc suggests ways to prevent it.

  20. Zinc blocks SOS-induced antibiotic resistance via inhibition of RecA in Escherichia coli.

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    Bryan E Bunnell

    Full Text Available Zinc inhibits the virulence of diarrheagenic E. coli by inducing the envelope stress response and inhibiting the SOS response. The SOS response is triggered by damage to bacterial DNA. In Shiga-toxigenic E. coli, the SOS response strongly induces the production of Shiga toxins (Stx and of the bacteriophages that encode the Stx genes. In E. coli, induction of the SOS response is accompanied by a higher mutation rate, called the mutator response, caused by a shift to error-prone DNA polymerases when DNA damage is too severe to be repaired by canonical DNA polymerases. Since zinc inhibited the other aspects of the SOS response, we hypothesized that zinc would also inhibit the mutator response, also known as hypermutation. We explored various different experimental paradigms to induce hypermutation triggered by the SOS response, and found that hypermutation was induced not just by classical inducers such as mitomycin C and the quinolone antibiotics, but also by antiviral drugs such as zidovudine and anti-cancer drugs such as 5-fluorouracil, 6-mercaptopurine, and azacytidine. Zinc salts inhibited the SOS response and the hypermutator phenomenon in E. coli as well as in Klebsiella pneumoniae, and was more effective in inhibiting the SOS response than other metals. We then attempted to determine the mechanism by which zinc, applied externally in the medium, inhibits hypermutation. Our results show that zinc interferes with the actions of RecA, and protects LexA from RecA-mediated cleavage, an early step in initiation of the SOS response. The SOS response may play a role in the development of antibiotic resistance and the effect of zinc suggests ways to prevent it.

  1. Congruence for SOS with data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mousavi, M.R.; Reniers, M.A.; Groote, J.F.


    Abstract While studying the specification of the operational semantics of different programming languages and formalisms, one can observe the following three facts. Firstly, Plotkin¿s style of Structured Operational Semantics (SOS) has become a standard in defining operational semantics. Secondly,

  2. Talco y carbonato básico de magnesio como aportantes de magnesio disponible al suelo

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    Carmen Rosa Goméz Laverde


    Full Text Available Mediante dos ensayos de laboratorio se realizó un estudio sobre la solubilización de carbonato básico de magnesio y de talco para juzgar estas fuentes como aportantes de magnesio disponible. Los minerales finamente molidos se aplicaron en dosis equivalente a 3,6 meq/100 g a muestras de tres suelos de pH diferente. En el ensayo I las muestras de suelo más la fuente de magnesio se Incubaron en recipientes cerrados, a 18

  3. [SOS response of DNA repair and genetic cell instability under hypoxic conditions]. (United States)

    Vasil'eva, S V; Strel'tsova, D A


    The SOS DNA repair pathway is induced in E. coli as a multifunctional cell response to a wide variety of signals: UV, X or gamma-irradiation, mitomycin C or nalidixic acid treatment, thymine starvation, etc. Triggering of the system can be used as a general and early sign of DNA damage. Additionally, the SOS-response is known to be an "error-prone" DNA repair pathway and one of the sources of genetic instability. Hypoxic conditions are established to be the major factor of genetic instability as well. In this paper we for the first time studied the SOS DNA repair response under hypoxic conditions induced by the well known aerobic SOS-inducers. The SOS DNA repair response was examined as a reaction of E. coli PQ37 [sfiA::lacZ] cells to UVC, NO-donating agents and 4NQO. Here we provide evidence that those agents were able to induce the SOS DNA repair response in E. coli at anaerobic growth conditions. The process does not depend on the transcriptional activity of the universal protein of E. col anaerobic growth Fnr [4Fe-4S]2+ or can not be referred to as an indicator of genetic instability in hypoxic conditions.

  4. Specificity in suppression of SOS expression by recA4162 and uvrD303. (United States)

    Massoni, Shawn C; Sandler, Steven J


    Detection and repair of DNA damage is essential in all organisms and depends on the ability of proteins recognizing and processing specific DNA substrates. In E. coli, the RecA protein forms a filament on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) produced by DNA damage and induces the SOS response. Previous work has shown that one type of recA mutation (e.g., recA4162 (I298V)) and one type of uvrD mutation (e.g., uvrD303 (D403A, D404A)) can differentially decrease SOS expression depending on the type of inducing treatments (UV damage versus RecA mutants that constitutively express SOS). Here it is tested using other SOS inducing conditions if there is a general feature of ssDNA generated during these treatments that allows recA4162 and uvrD303 to decrease SOS expression. The SOS inducing conditions tested include growing cells containing temperature-sensitive DNA replication mutations (dnaE486, dnaG2903, dnaN159, dnaZ2016 (at 37°C)), a del(polA)501 mutation and induction of Double-Strand Breaks (DSBs). uvrD303 could decrease SOS expression under all conditions, while recA4162 could decrease SOS expression under all conditions except in the polA strain or when DSBs occur. It is hypothesized that recA4162 suppresses SOS expression best when the ssDNA occurs at a gap and that uvrD303 is able to decrease SOS expression when the ssDNA is either at a gap or when it is generated at a DSB (but does so better at a gap). Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Consequences of SOS1 deficiency: Intracellular physiology and transcription

    KAUST Repository

    Ha, OhDong


    As much as there is known about the function of the sodium/proton antiporter SOS1 in plants, recent studies point towards a more general role for this protein. The crucial involvement in salt stress protection is clearly one of its functions –confined to the N-terminus, but the modular structure of the protein includes a segment with several domains that are functionally not studied but comprise more than half of the protein’s length. Additional functions of the protein appear to be an influence on vesicle trafficking, vacuolar pH and general ion homeostasis during salt stress. Eliminating SOS1 leads to the expression of genes that are not strictly salinity stress related. Functions that are regulated in sos1 mutants included pathogen responses, and effects on circadian rhythm.

  6. Collection for SOS animaux

    CERN Multimedia


    The Pays de Gex animal shelter is collecting funds. There will be things to buy. You will be able to make a donation and/or become a member of the association or simply get information. SOS Animaux stall (Hall, Build. 60, next to restaurant 1) On Wednesday 23 November 2005 (from 9h - 17h non-stop)

  7. El Bibliotecólogo como animador a la lectura desde la Biblioteca Escolar

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    Lorena Chaves Salgado


    Full Text Available Este ensayo aborda la importancia de desarrollar el hábito lector en la vida de los niños, y el compromiso del Bibliotecólogo escolar como un animador a la lectura que impulse esta experiencia.

  8. The SOS Suicide Prevention Program: Further Evidence of Efficacy and Effectiveness. (United States)

    Schilling, Elizabeth A; Aseltine, Robert H; James, Amy


    This study replicated and extended previous evaluations of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) prevention program in a high school population using a more rigorous pre-test post-test randomized control design than used in previous SOS evaluations in high schools (Aseltine and DeMartino 2004; Aseltine et al. 2007). SOS was presented to an ethnically diverse group of ninth grade students in technical high schools in Connecticut. After controlling for the pre-test reports of suicide behaviors, exposure to the SOS program was associated with significantly fewer self-reported suicide attempts in the 3 months following the program. Ninth grade students in the intervention group were approximately 64% less likely to report a suicide attempt in the past 3 months compared with students in the control group. Similarly, exposure to the SOS program resulted in greater knowledge of depression and suicide and more favorable attitudes toward (1) intervening with friends who may be exhibiting signs of suicidal intent and (2) getting help for themselves if they were depressed or suicidal. In addition, high-risk SOS participants, defined as those with a lifetime history of suicide attempt, were significantly less likely to report planning a suicide in the 3 months following the program compared to lower-risk participants. Differential attrition is the most serious limitation of the study; participants in the intervention group who reported a suicide attempt in the previous 3 months at baseline were more likely to be missing at post-test than their counterparts in the control group.


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    Olga Cabrera García


    Full Text Available Este ensayo se propone analizar algunas cuestiones acerca de la perspectiva multidisciplinar en la metodología de la historia oral. Las investigaciones de historia oral tienen algunas características que le dan su especificidad pero, el artículo se concentra sobre dos de ellas: la entrevista y la construcción del documento oral. Se presentan algunas experiencias de ambas etapas de la investigación aunque el énfasis recae sobre el segundo aspecto. Se estudia la vida cotidiana así como la memoria, vinculadas al tiempo, con el propósito de comprender la historia oral.

  10. Perspectivas del ensayo de Potencial Bioquímico de Metano - PBM para el control del proceso de digestión anaerobia de residuos

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    Lina Marcela Cárdenas Cleves


    Full Text Available La digestión anaerobia es un proceso biológico que permite lograr dos propósitos de manera simultánea, el tratamiento de residuos para el control de la contaminación ambiental y el aprovechamiento y valorización de los subproductos generados: el metano como fuente de energía renovable y el material digerido con potencial de aplicación agrícola. Con el fi n de determinar la capacidad de producción de metano, la biodegradabilidad anaerobia de un sustratoorgánico, seleccionar sustratos e inóculos potenciales y predecir el funcionamiento de digestores a escala real, se realizan ensayos a escala de laboratorio en reactores batch como el de Potencial Bioquímico de Metano (PBM. En este artículo se presenta una refl exión sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con este importante ensayo, como la diversidad en la denominación del experimento, las diferentes modifi caciones en las condiciones operacionales y experimentales, el uso de diferentes unidades de medición, las ecuaciones de cálculo usadas para la cuantifi cación del metano, entre otros, que han dado lugar a diversas propuestas metodológicas las cuales difi eren en factores que condicionan su aplicación y la comparación de los resultados con otros estudios. Con esta refl exión se ratifi ca la utilidad de este ensayo pero también la necesidad de estandarizarlo, por lo cual es recomendable reportar las condiciones experimentales y operacionales y las unidades adecuadas, para evitar confusiones metodológicas y permitir una mayor reproducibilidad. Adicionalmente, se debe profundizar en el análisis metodológico de los diferentes métodos de medición y así obtener resultados comparables.

  11. Registro de ensayos con vacunas del Programa Mundial de Vacunas e Inmunización de la OMS

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    Robertson S. E.


    Full Text Available En 1995, el Programa Mundial de Vacunas e Inmunización de la OMS estableció un registro para ensayos con vacunas. En septiembre de 1996, este registro contenía 50 ensayos de vacunación patrocinados por la OMS, de los cuales 25 (50% eran estudios ya terminados. Las vacunas que se habían estudiado con mayor frecuencia fueron las de sarampión (9 ensayos, poliovirus (8 ensayos, cólera (8 ensayos, Escherichia coli enterotoxígena (4 ensayos y neumococo (4 ensayos. Casi 80% de estos ensayos se llevaron a cabo en países en desarrollo, principalmente en el África. En los 25 ensayos ya terminados, los resultados investigados fueron la respuesta inmunitaria (24 ensayos, las reacciones adversas (13 ensayos, la morbilidad (4 ensayos y la mortalidad (1 ensayo. La OMS contribuyó a estos ensayos con el aporte indirecto de fondos, ayuda con el diseño metodológico, visitas a las localidades, el análisis de los datos, la adquisición de vacunas y la investigación de su potencia.

  12. Biorremediación de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos en clima frío y templado : Ensayo y evaluación de distintas estrategias


    Dias, Romina Laura


    Objetivo general Aportar nuevos conocimientos que contribuyan al desarrollo y la optimización de estrategias de biorremediación de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos, tanto en áreas de clima frío extremo (Antártida) como templado (La Plata). Objetivos específicos - Estudiar a escala laboratorio y en ensayos “on site”, tanto en suelos provenientes de áreas de clima frío extremo (Antártida) como de áreas de clima templado (La Plata), el efecto de la utili...

  13. Paraísos artificiales. La imagen drogada en la pintura europea del entresiglos XIX-XX


    Barrón, Sofía


    Paraísos artificiales. La imagen drogada en la pintura europea del entresiglos XIX-XX. La presente investigación recopila y analiza la imagen pictórica drogada en el entresiglos XIX-XX europeo, prestando especial atención al caso español, desde la exposición descriptiva; un trabajo elaborado con voluntad de catálogo. Las conclusiones teóricas dan cuenta no sólo de que el leitmotiv tóxico puede convertirse en una temática cambiosecular en sí misma, también pone de manifiesto como el uso y ...

  14. Essays on Eclipses, Transits and Occultations as Teaching Tools in the Introductory Astronomy College Course. (Spanish Title: Ensayos sobre Eclipses, Tránsitos y Ocultaciones Como Herramientas de Enseñanza en el Curso Universitario Introductorio a la Astronomía.) Ensaios sobre Eclipses, Trânsitos e Ocultações Como Ferramentas de Ensino em um Curso Universitário Introdutório de Astromomia (United States)

    Dcruz, Noella L.


    estudiantes que escribieran dos ensayos cortos de tres que se proponían. Los ensayos contenían partes descriptivas y conceptuales. Los mismos estaban destinados a servir como herramientas de enseñanza. 62% de los 106 ensayos de 55 estudiantes obtuvo grados A, B o C. 21% de los 47 encuestados que respondieron al cuestionario posterior consideró que los ensayos aumentaron su interés por la astronomía. 49% de los encuestados consideró que los ensayos no eran educacionalmente útiles y que no deben ser propuestos de nuevo. Las respuestas escritas más comunes a nuestra encuesta indicaran que los estudiantes necesitan más orientación y una mejor preparación en la redacción de ensayos exitosos. Dado que los estudiantes encontraron las piezas conceptuales de los ensayos difíciles, en el futuro vamos a ofrecer actividades pertinentes antes de los plazos de redacción para ayudar a los estudiantes a crear ensayos de mayor calidad. Nós ocasionalmente incluímos projetos em nosso curso universitário introdutório centrado no aluno para permitir aos estudantes que pertencem às carreiras não científicas explorar alguns conceitos astronômicos em mais detalhes do que o normal. Tais projetos também enfatizam eventos astronômicos em curso ou futuros. Esperamos que os alunos se sintam mais interessados na astronomia através de projetos ligados a eventos astronômicos. No termo de Primavera de 2012 (EUA), propomos ensaios curtos focados em eclipses, trânsitos e ocultações para promover o raro trânsito de Vênus que ocorreu no dia 5 de junho de 2012. Pedimos aos alunos que escrevessem dois ensaios curtos dentre três que foram propostos. Os ensaios continham partes descritivas e conceituais. Eles foram feitos para servir como ferramentas de ensino. 62% de 106 ensaios de 55 alunos ganhou graus A, B ou C. 21% dos 47 entrevistados que responderam ao levantamento posterior sentiu que os ensaios aumentaram seu interesse na astronomia. 49% dos inquiridos consideraram que os

  15. Differential requirements of two recA mutants for constitutive SOS expression in Escherichia coli K-12.

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    Jarukit Edward Long

    Full Text Available Repairing DNA damage begins with its detection and is often followed by elicitation of a cellular response. In E. coli, RecA polymerizes on ssDNA produced after DNA damage and induces the SOS Response. The RecA-DNA filament is an allosteric effector of LexA auto-proteolysis. LexA is the repressor of the SOS Response. Not all RecA-DNA filaments, however, lead to an SOS Response. Certain recA mutants express the SOS Response (recA(C in the absence of external DNA damage in log phase cells.Genetic analysis of two recA(C mutants was used to determine the mechanism of constitutive SOS (SOS(C expression in a population of log phase cells using fluorescence of single cells carrying an SOS reporter system (sulAp-gfp. SOS(C expression in recA4142 mutants was dependent on its initial level of transcription, recBCD, recFOR, recX, dinI, xthA and the type of medium in which the cells were grown. SOS(C expression in recA730 mutants was affected by none of the mutations or conditions tested above.It is concluded that not all recA(C alleles cause SOS(C expression by the same mechanism. It is hypothesized that RecA4142 is loaded on to a double-strand end of DNA and that the RecA filament is stabilized by the presence of DinI and destabilized by RecX. RecFOR regulate the activity of RecX to destabilize the RecA filament. RecA730 causes SOS(C expression by binding to ssDNA in a mechanism yet to be determined.

  16. Characterization of the SOS meta-regulon in the human gut microbiome. (United States)

    Cornish, Joseph P; Sanchez-Alberola, Neus; O'Neill, Patrick K; O'Keefe, Ronald; Gheba, Jameel; Erill, Ivan


    Data from metagenomics projects remain largely untapped for the analysis of transcriptional regulatory networks. Here, we provide proof-of-concept that metagenomic data can be effectively leveraged to analyze regulatory networks by characterizing the SOS meta-regulon in the human gut microbiome. We combine well-established in silico and in vitro techniques to mine the human gut microbiome data and determine the relative composition of the SOS network in a natural setting. Our analysis highlights the importance of translesion synthesis as a primary function of the SOS response. We predict the association of this network with three novel protein clusters involved in cell wall biogenesis, chromosome partitioning and restriction modification, and we confirm binding of the SOS response transcriptional repressor to sites in the promoter of a cell wall biogenesis enzyme, a phage integrase and a death-on-curing protein. We discuss the implications of these findings and the potential for this approach for metagenome analysis.

  17. CMOS/SOS 4k Rams hardened to 100 Krads (s:)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Napoli, L.S.; Heagerty, W.F.; Smeltzer, R.K.; Yeh, J.L.


    Two CMOS/SOS 4K memories were fabricated with a recently developed, hardened SOS process. Memory functionality after radiation doses well in excess of 100 Krads(Si) was demonstrated. The critical device processing steps were identified. The radiationinduced failure mode of the memories is understood in terms of the circuit organization and the radiation behavior of the individual transistors in the memories

  18. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS): A light and electron microscopy study in human liver. (United States)

    Vreuls, C P H; Driessen, A; Olde Damink, S W M; Koek, G H; Duimel, H; van den Broek, M A J; Dejong, C H C; Braet, F; Wisse, E


    Oxaliplatin is an important chemotherapeutic agent, used in the treatment of hepatic colorectal metastases, and known to induce the sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS). Pathophysiological knowledge concerning SOS is based on a rat model. Therefore, the aim was to perform a comprehensive study of the features of human SOS, using both light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). Included were all patients of whom wedge liver biopsies were collected during a partial hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases, in a 4-year period. The wedge biopsy were perfusion fixated and processed for LM and EM. The SOS lesions were selected by LM and details were studied using EM. Material was available of 30 patients, of whom 28 patients received neo-adjuvant oxaliplatin. Eighteen (64%) of the 28 patients showed SOS lesions, based on microscopy. The lesions consisted of sinusoidal endothelial cell detachment from the space of Disse on EM. In the enlarged space of Disse a variable amount of erythrocytes were located. Sinusoidal endothelial cell detachment was present in human SOS, accompanied by enlargement of the space of Disse and erythrocytes in this area. These findings, originally described in a rat model, were now for the first time confirmed in human livers under clinically relevant settings. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Investigación en Terapéutica clínica: Ensayos clínicos con medicamentos Research in Therapeutics: Clinical trials with drugs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio Durán Quintana


    Full Text Available La investigación biomédica mediante ensayos clínicos ofrece rasgos propios: finalidad concreta, aplicabilidad inmediata y efectuarse sobre seres humanos. Está sometida al ordenamiento jurídico, y en nuestro país específicamente al Real Decreto 223/2.004. Se puede definir al ensayo clínico como una prueba científica de un fármaco, aceptada por el enfermo y amparada por la ley. En cualquier caso, siempre deben respetarse los postulados éticos básicos: autonomía, justicia, beneficencia y no maleficencia. Los protagonistas de un ensayo clínico son: promotor, monitor, investigador y los sujetos del ensayo, todos ellos ensamblados por las autoridades sanitarias. Para su aprobación, el ensayo clínico necesita la existencia de un protocolo específico. El principal problema en la realización de ensayos clínicos es conseguir la coordinación de todas las personas e instituciones participantes en el mismo.Biomedical research via clinical trials offers certain features: defined aim, immediate applicability, and implementation on human beings. It is subject to the legal system - in Spain, specifically to the Real Decreto 223/2.004. The clinical trial can be defined as the scientific testing of a drug, accepted by the patient and safeguarded by law. In all cases, the basic ethical postulates of independence, equity, virtue, and non-harmfulness must always be respected. The participants in a clinical trial are the promoter, the supervisor, the researcher, and the subjects under trial - all convened by the health authorities. The approval of a clinical trial requires the existence of a specific protocol. The main problem in carrying out clinical trials is to achieve the co-ordination of all the people and institutions taking part.

  20. Overexpression of SOS genes in ciprofloxacin resistant Escherichia coli mutants. (United States)

    Pourahmad Jaktaji, Razieh; Pasand, Shirin


    Fluoroquinolones are important antibiotics for the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli. Mutational studies have shown that ciprofloxacin, a member of fluoroquinolones induces SOS response and mutagenesis in pathogenic bacteria which in turn develop antibiotic resistance. However, inhibition of SOS response can increase recombination activity which in turn leads to genetic variation. The aim of this study was to measure 5 SOS genes expressions in nine E. coli mutants with different MICs for ciprofloxacin following exposure to ciprofloxacin. Gene expression was assessed by quantitative real time PCR. Gene alteration assessment was conducted by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Results showed that the expression of recA was increased in 5 mutants. This overexpression is not related to gene alteration, and enhances the expression of polB and umuCD genes encoding nonmutagenic and mutagenic polymerases, respectively. The direct relationship between the level of SOS expression and the level of resistance to ciprofloxacin was also indicated. It was concluded that novel therapeutic strategy that inhibits RecA activity would enhance the efficiency of common antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Influence of the gene xthA in the activation of SOS response of Escherichia coli; Influencia del gen xthA en la activacion de la respuesta SOS de Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dominguez M, V.


    The SOS response is one of the strategies that has Escherichia coli to counteract the lesions in the genetic material. The response is integrated for approximately 60 genes that when are activated they provide to the cell a bigger opportunity to survive. For the activation of this system is necessary that DNA regions of simple chain are generated, in such a way that most of the lesions should be processed, to be able to induce this answer. Some genes that intervene in this procedure, as recO, recB and recJ are recognized since when being exposed to the radiation, their activity SOS is smaller than in a wild strain. In previous works has been studied that to inactivate the genes that are involves in the lesions processing to generate DNA of simple chain, the SOS induction level diminishes with regard to a wild strain, but that when eliminating the genes that are involves directly in the repair, the SOS response increases. In this work a strain with defects in the gene xthA was built, which encodes for an endonuclease AP that participates in the repair mechanism by base excision and was evaluated their sensibility as the activity of the SOS response when exposing it to UV light and gamma radiation. The results showed that the lethality of the strain with the defect is very similar to the wild strain; while the activation level of the SOS response is bigger in comparison with the wild strain when being exposed to UV light; suggesting the existence of an enzyme that recognizes the lesions that produces this radiation, however, is not this the main repair channel, since the survival is similar to that of the wild strain. On the contrary, the results obtained with gamma radiation showed that the lethality diminishes in comparison to that of the wild strain, like the SOS activity; due surely to that the gene product intervenes in the repair for base excision, participating in the formation of the previous substrate to the activation of the SOS response. (Author)

  2. Switching of the positive feedback for RAS activation by a concerted function of SOS membrane association domains. (United States)

    Nakamura, Yuki; Hibino, Kayo; Yanagida, Toshio; Sako, Yasushi


    Son of sevenless (SOS) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that regulates cell behavior by activating the small GTPase RAS. Recent in vitro studies have suggested that an interaction between SOS and the GTP-bound active form of RAS generates a positive feedback loop that propagates RAS activation. However, it remains unclear how the multiple domains of SOS contribute to the regulation of the feedback loop in living cells. Here, we observed single molecules of SOS in living cells to analyze the kinetics and dynamics of SOS behavior. The results indicate that the histone fold and Grb2-binding domains of SOS concertedly produce an intermediate state of SOS on the cell surface. The fraction of the intermediated state was reduced in positive feedback mutants, suggesting that the feedback loop functions during the intermediate state. Translocation of RAF, recognizing the active form of RAS, to the cell surface was almost abolished in the positive feedback mutants. Thus, the concerted functions of multiple membrane-associating domains of SOS governed the positive feedback loop, which is crucial for cell fate decision regulated by RAS.

  3. Characterization of Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) gene homoeologs in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). (United States)

    Maughan, P J; Turner, T B; Coleman, C E; Elzinga, D B; Jellen, E N; Morales, J A; Udall, J A; Fairbanks, D J; Bonifacio, A


    Salt tolerance is an agronomically important trait that affects plant species around the globe. The Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) gene encodes a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter that plays an important role in germination and growth of plants in saline environments. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a halophytic, allotetraploid grain crop of the family Amaranthaceae with impressive nutritional content and an increasing worldwide market. Many quinoa varieties have considerable salt tolerance, and research suggests quinoa may utilize novel mechanisms to confer salt tolerance. Here we report the cloning and characterization of two homoeologous SOS1 loci (cqSOS1A and cqSOS1B) from C. quinoa, including full-length cDNA sequences, genomic sequences, relative expression levels, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, and a phylogenetic analysis of SOS1 genes from 13 plant taxa. The cqSOS1A and cqSOS1B genes each span 23 exons spread over 3477 bp and 3486 bp of coding sequence, respectively. These sequences share a high level of similarity with SOS1 homologs of other species and contain two conserved domains, a Nhap cation-antiporter domain and a cyclic-nucleotide binding domain. Genomic sequence analysis of two BAC clones (98 357 bp and 132 770 bp) containing the homoeologous SOS1 genes suggests possible conservation of synteny across the C. quinoa sub-genomes. This report represents the first molecular characterization of salt-tolerance genes in a halophytic species in the Amaranthaceae as well as the first comparative analysis of coding and non-coding DNA sequences of the two homoeologous genomes of C. quinoa.

  4. SoS Notebook: An Interactive Multi-Language Data Analysis Environment. (United States)

    Peng, Bo; Wang, Gao; Ma, Jun; Leong, Man Chong; Wakefield, Chris; Melott, James; Chiu, Yulun; Du, Di; Weinstein, John N


    Complex bioinformatic data analysis workflows involving multiple scripts in different languages can be difficult to consolidate, share, and reproduce. An environment that streamlines the entire processes of data collection, analysis, visualization and reporting of such multi-language analyses is currently lacking. We developed Script of Scripts (SoS) Notebook, a web-based notebook environment that allows the use of multiple scripting language in a single notebook, with data flowing freely within and across languages. SoS Notebook enables researchers to perform sophisticated bioinformatic analysis using the most suitable tools for different parts of the workflow, without the limitations of a particular language or complications of cross-language communications. SoS Notebook is hosted at and is distributed under a BSD license.

  5. The SOS system like model to study the response to the ionizing radiation; El sistema SOS como modelo para estudiar la respuesta a la radiacion ionizante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serment G, J.; Brena V, M., E-mail: jorge.serment@inin.gob.m [ININ, Departamento de Radiobiologia, Laboratorio de Genetica Microbiana, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    One of the important aspects in the radiobiology is the study of the strategies that the alive beings follow to counteract the genetic lesions generated by ionizing radiation. Among these is the SOS response of the bacteria, a group of 60 genes approximately that is activated when they happen lesions in the DNA and whose causes and structural diversity are multiple. So, an interest point in this response is to elucidate as all this lesions diversity activates this response in turn since, the protein that begins the process only recognizes simple ruptures of the double helix. For this is comes off that in the great majority of the cases is required of a previous prosecution of the damages so that the structure is generated that shoots this system. In this work a brief summary of the contributions in this field is made by part of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ). (Author)

  6. Effect of radiation doses rate on SOS response induction in irradiated Escherichia coli Cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuetara Lugo, Elizabeth B.; Fuentes Lorenzo, Jorge L.; Almeida Varela, Eliseo; Prieto Miranda, Enrique F.; Sanchez Lamar, Angel; Llagostera Casal, Montserrat


    The present work is aimed to study the effect of radiation dose rate on the induction of SOS response in Escherichia coli cells. We measured the induction of sul A reporter gene in PQ-37 (SOS Chromotest) cells. Lead devises were built with different diameter and these were used for diminishing the dose rate of PX- -30M irradiator. Our results show that radiation doses rate significantly modifies the induction of SOS response. Induction factor increases proportionally to doses rate in Escherichia coli cells defective to nucleotide excision repair (uvrA), but not in wild type cells. We conclude that the dose rate affects the level of induction of SOS response

  7. SOS response activation and competence development are antagonistic mechanisms in Streptococcus thermophilus. (United States)

    Boutry, Céline; Delplace, Brigitte; Clippe, André; Fontaine, Laetitia; Hols, Pascal


    Streptococcus includes species that either contain or lack the LexA-like repressor (HdiR) of the classical SOS response. In Streptococcus pneumoniae, a species which belongs to the latter group, SOS response inducers (e.g., mitomycin C [Mc] and fluoroquinolones) were shown to induce natural transformation, leading to the hypothesis that DNA damage-induced competence could contribute to genomic plasticity and stress resistance. Using reporter strains and microarray experiments, we investigated the impact of the SOS response inducers mitomycin C and norfloxacin and the role of HdiR on competence development in Streptococcus thermophilus. We show that both the addition of SOS response inducers and HdiR inactivation have a dual effect, i.e., induction of the expression of SOS genes and reduction of transformability. Reduction of transformability results from two different mechanisms, since HdiR inactivation has no major effect on the expression of competence (com) genes, while mitomycin C downregulates the expression of early and late com genes in a dose-dependent manner. The downregulation of com genes by mitomycin C was shown to take place at the level of the activation of the ComRS signaling system by an unknown mechanism. Conversely, we show that a ComX-deficient strain is more resistant to mitomycin C and norfloxacin in a viability plate assay, which indicates that competence development negatively affects the resistance of S. thermophilus to DNA-damaging agents. Altogether, our results strongly suggest that SOS response activation and competence development are antagonistic processes in S. thermophilus.

  8. Limitaciones del ensayo de toxicidad específica para el componente pertussis de células completas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Landys Chovel


    Full Text Available Las vacunas que contienen células inactivadas de Bordetella pertussis se han utilizado con efectividad en los Programas Nacionales de Inmunización de todo el mundo. Pese a su reconocida eficacia, ellas se caracterizan por su elevada reactogenicidad, atribuible a la presencia de componentes como toxina pertussis y endotoxinas. Para monitorear la seguridad de estas vacunas existe el ensayo de ganancia en peso en ratones, el cual ha sido criticado por su inespecificidad, poca sensibilidad y alta variabilidad. Basado en lo anterior, el Laboratorio Nacional de Biológicos del Centro Estatal para el Control de de la Calidad de los Medicamentos en Cuba, decidió evaluar la relevancia de esta prueba para la liberación de los lotes de la vacuna DPT. Para ello se estimó la sensibilidad del método para detectar diferentes concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, así como la variabilidad entre ensayos. Los resultados de este trabajo mostraron que sólo altas concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, muy superiores a las habituales en las vacunas DPT, provocan una disminución de la ganancia en peso promedio y un fallo en la especificación de la prueba. Este elemento y la inherente variabilidad de este método resultaron claves en la decisión de no utilizarlo para la liberación nacional de lotes de la vacuna DPT.

  9. Limitaciones del ensayo de toxicidad específica para el componente pertussis de células completas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Perdomo


    Full Text Available Las vacunas que contienen células inactivadas de Bordetella pertussis se han utilizado con efectividad en los Programas Nacionales de Inmunización de todo el mundo. Pese a su reconocida eficacia, ellas se caracterizan por su elevada reactogenicidad, atribuible a la presencia de componentes como toxina pertussis y endotoxinas. Paramonitorear la seguridad de estas vacunas existe el ensayo de ganancia en peso en ratones, el cual ha sido criticado por su inespecificidad, poca sensibilidad y alta variabilidad. Basado en lo anterior, el Laboratorio Nacional de Biológicos del Centro Estatal para el Control de de la Calidad de los Medicamentos en Cuba, decidió evaluar la relevancia de esta prueba para la liberación de los lotes de la vacuna DPT. Para ello se estimó la sensibilidad del método para detectar diferentes concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, así como la variabilidad entre ensayos. Los resultados de este trabajo mostraron que sólo altas concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, muy superiores a las habituales en las vacunas DPT, provocan una disminución de la ganancia en peso promedio y un fallo en la especificación de la prueba. Este elemento y la inherente variabilidad de este método resultaron claves en la decisión de no utilizarlo para la liberación nacional de lotes de la vacuna DPT.

  10. Curso virtual de educación continuada para los profesionales de la salud vinculados a los ensayos clínicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Migdacelys Arboláez Estrada


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental para elevar la competencia y desempeño de profesionales de la salud vinculados a ensayos clínicos. El estudio contó de 3 fases: diagnóstico de las necesidades de información sobre la temática e identificación de las dificultades en el desempeño de la actividad; diseño y valoración de un curso virtual de ensayos clínicos; y aplicación y evaluación de la efectividad del curso. En el diagnóstico el 92,0 % de los evaluados presentaron altas necesidades de información y el 52 % fueron evaluados con un desempeño malo. En función de estos resultados se diseñó un curso virtual de ensayos clínicos a través de un sitio Web. La implementación del curso fue aprobada por los expertos con un porcentaje de aceptación general del 95 %. Una vez finalizado, el curso fue evaluado como efectivo pues más del 80 % de los profesionales fueron evaluados sin necesidades de información y un desempeño bueno.

  11. Escherichia coli DinB inhibits replication fork progression without significantly inducing the SOS response. (United States)

    Mori, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Tatsuro; Okazaki, Naoto; Furukohri, Asako; Maki, Hisaji; Akiyama, Masahiro Tatsumi


    The SOS response is readily triggered by replication fork stalling caused by DNA damage or a dysfunctional replicative apparatus in Escherichia coli cells. E. coli dinB encodes DinB DNA polymerase and its expression is upregulated during the SOS response. DinB catalyzes translesion DNA synthesis in place of a replicative DNA polymerase III that is stalled at a DNA lesion. We showed previously that DNA replication was suppressed without exogenous DNA damage in cells overproducing DinB. In this report, we confirm that this was due to a dose-dependent inhibition of ongoing replication forks by DinB. Interestingly, the DinB-overproducing cells did not significantly induce the SOS response even though DNA replication was perturbed. RecA protein is activated by forming a nucleoprotein filament with single-stranded DNA, which leads to the onset of the SOS response. In the DinB-overproducing cells, RecA was not activated to induce the SOS response. However, the SOS response was observed after heat-inducible activation in strain recA441 (encoding a temperature-sensitive RecA) and after replication blockage in strain dnaE486 (encoding a temperature-sensitive catalytic subunit of the replicative DNA polymerase III) at a non-permissive temperature when DinB was overproduced in these cells. Furthermore, since catalytically inactive DinB could avoid the SOS response to a DinB-promoted fork block, it is unlikely that overproduced DinB takes control of primer extension and thus limits single-stranded DNA. These observations suggest that DinB possesses a feature that suppresses DNA replication but does not abolish the cell's capacity to induce the SOS response. We conclude that DinB impedes replication fork progression in a way that does not activate RecA, in contrast to obstructive DNA lesions and dysfunctional replication machinery.

  12. A syntactic commutativity format for SOS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mousavi, M.R.; Reniers, M.A.; Groote, J.F.


    Considering operators defined using Structural Operational Semantics (SOS), commutativity axioms are intuitive properties that hold for many of them. Proving this intuition is usually a laborious task, requiring several pages of boring and standard proof. To save this effort, we propose a syntactic

  13. A Small-Molecule Inducible Synthetic Circuit for Control of the SOS Gene Network without DNA Damage. (United States)

    Kubiak, Jeffrey M; Culyba, Matthew J; Liu, Monica Yun; Mo, Charlie Y; Goulian, Mark; Kohli, Rahul M


    The bacterial SOS stress-response pathway is a pro-mutagenic DNA repair system that mediates bacterial survival and adaptation to genotoxic stressors, including antibiotics and UV light. The SOS pathway is composed of a network of genes under the control of the transcriptional repressor, LexA. Activation of the pathway involves linked but distinct events: an initial DNA damage event leads to activation of RecA, which promotes autoproteolysis of LexA, abrogating its repressor function and leading to induction of the SOS gene network. These linked events can each independently contribute to DNA repair and mutagenesis, making it difficult to separate the contributions of the different events to observed phenotypes. We therefore devised a novel synthetic circuit to unlink these events and permit induction of the SOS gene network in the absence of DNA damage or RecA activation via orthogonal cleavage of LexA. Strains engineered with the synthetic SOS circuit demonstrate small-molecule inducible expression of SOS genes as well as the associated resistance to UV light. Exploiting our ability to activate SOS genes independently of upstream events, we further demonstrate that the majority of SOS-mediated mutagenesis on the chromosome does not readily occur with orthogonal pathway induction alone, but instead requires DNA damage. More generally, our approach provides an exemplar for using synthetic circuit design to separate an environmental stressor from its associated stress-response pathway.

  14. Gain-of-function SOS1 mutations cause a distinctive form of noonansyndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tartaglia, Marco; Pennacchio, Len A.; Zhao, Chen; Yadav, KamleshK.; Fodale, Valentina; Sarkozy, Anna; Pandit, Bhaswati; Oishi, Kimihiko; Martinelli, Simone; Schackwitz, Wendy; Ustaszewska, Anna; Martin, Joes; Bristow, James; Carta, Claudio; Lepri, Francesca; Neri, Cinzia; Vasta,Isabella; Gibson, Kate; Curry, Cynthia J.; Lopez Siguero, Juan Pedro; Digilio, Maria Cristina; Zampino, Giuseppe; Dallapiccola, Bruno; Bar-Sagi, Dafna; Gelb, Brude D.


    Noonan syndrome (NS) is a developmental disordercharacterized by short stature, facial dysmorphia, congenital heartdefects and skeletal anomalies1. Increased RAS-mitogenactivated proteinkinase (MAPK) signaling due to PTPN11 and KRAS mutations cause 50 percentof NS2-6. Here, we report that 22 of 129 NS patients without PTPN11 orKRAS mutation (17 percent) have missense mutations in SOS1, which encodesa RAS-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). SOS1 mutationscluster at residues implicated in the maintenance of SOS1 in itsautoinhibited form and ectopic expression of two NS-associated mutantsinduced enhanced RAS activation. The phenotype associated with SOS1defects is distinctive, although within NS spectrum, with a highprevalence of ectodermal abnormalities but generally normal developmentand linear growth. Our findings implicate for the first timegain-of-function mutations in a RAS GEF in inherited disease and define anew mechanism by which upregulation of the RAS pathway can profoundlychange human development.

  15. SOS hotline for women victims of discrimination at the workplace


    Dobrosavljević-Grujić Ljiljana S.


    SOS hotline for women victims of discrimination at the workplace offers free legal assistance to women, whenever their labor rights are endangered. If the dispute cannot be resolved peacefully by mediation between employer and employees, female lawyer skilled for the labor law starts up judicial proceedings. Some characteristic cases of discrimination of women from the practice of SOS telephone, such as dismissal from the work, physical violence and sexual blackmail, are presented in the paper.

  16. Activation of the plasma membrane Na/H antiporter salt-overly-sensitive 1 (SOS1) by phosphorylation of an auto-inhibitory C-terminal domain

    KAUST Repository

    Quintero, Francisco J.; Martí nez-Atienza, Juliana; Villalta, Irene; Jiang, Xingyu; Kim, Woeyeon; Ali, Zhair; Fujii, Hiroaki; Mendoza, Imelda; Yun, Daejin; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Pardo, José Manuel


    The plasma membrane sodium/proton exchanger Salt-Overly-Sensitive 1 (SOS1) is a critical salt tolerance determinant in plants. The SOS2-SOS3 calcium-dependent protein kinase complex upregulates SOS1 activity, but the mechanistic details of this crucial event remain unresolved. Here we show that SOS1 is maintained in a resting state by a C-terminal auto-inhibitory domain that is the target of SOS2-SOS3. The auto-inhibitory domain interacts intramolecularly with an adjacent domain of SOS1 that is essential for activity. SOS1 is relieved from auto-inhibition upon phosphorylation of the auto-inhibitory domain by SOS2-SOS3. Mutation of the SOS2 phosphorylation and recognition site impeded the activation of SOS1 in vivo and in vitro. Additional amino acid residues critically important for SOS1 activity and regulation were identified in a genetic screen for hypermorphic alleles.

  17. Activation of the plasma membrane Na/H antiporter salt-overly-sensitive 1 (SOS1) by phosphorylation of an auto-inhibitory C-terminal domain

    KAUST Repository

    Quintero, Francisco J.


    The plasma membrane sodium/proton exchanger Salt-Overly-Sensitive 1 (SOS1) is a critical salt tolerance determinant in plants. The SOS2-SOS3 calcium-dependent protein kinase complex upregulates SOS1 activity, but the mechanistic details of this crucial event remain unresolved. Here we show that SOS1 is maintained in a resting state by a C-terminal auto-inhibitory domain that is the target of SOS2-SOS3. The auto-inhibitory domain interacts intramolecularly with an adjacent domain of SOS1 that is essential for activity. SOS1 is relieved from auto-inhibition upon phosphorylation of the auto-inhibitory domain by SOS2-SOS3. Mutation of the SOS2 phosphorylation and recognition site impeded the activation of SOS1 in vivo and in vitro. Additional amino acid residues critically important for SOS1 activity and regulation were identified in a genetic screen for hypermorphic alleles.



    Nelly Bibiana Morales Posada; Gema Eunice Acosta Niño


    El presente artículo muestra la segunda fase del proyecto "Implementación y evaluación de un sistema piloto de electrocoagulación como tratamiento de aguas residuales con fines de reuso. Estudio de caso: aguas residuales industriales de origen galvánico". Para su desarrollo, se valoró y optimizó un prototipo existente en la Universidad, a partir de ensayos realizados en aguas residuales con contenido de metales, implementando un porcentaje mayor al 47% para la remoción de metales pesados como...

  19. Design rules for RCA self-aligned silicon-gate CMOS/SOS process (United States)


    The CMOS/SOS design rules prepared by the RCA Solid State Technology Center (SSTC) are described. These rules specify the spacing and width requirements for each of the six design levels, the seventh level being used to define openings in the passivation level. An associated report, entitled Silicon-Gate CMOS/SOS Processing, provides further insight into the usage of these rules.

  20. Rare variants in SOS2 and LZTR1 are associated with Noonan syndrome. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Guilherme Lopes; Aguena, Meire; Gos, Monika; Hung, Christina; Pilch, Jacek; Fahiminiya, Somayyeh; Abramowicz, Anna; Cristian, Ingrid; Buscarilli, Michelle; Naslavsky, Michel Satya; Malaquias, Alexsandra C; Zatz, Mayana; Bodamer, Olaf; Majewski, Jacek; Jorge, Alexander A L; Pereira, Alexandre C; Kim, Chong Ae; Passos-Bueno, Maria Rita; Bertola, Débora Romeo


    Noonan syndrome is an autosomal dominant, multisystemic disorder caused by dysregulation of the RAS/mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Heterozygous, pathogenic variants in 11 known genes account for approximately 80% of cases. The identification of novel genes associated with Noonan syndrome has become increasingly challenging, since they might be responsible for very small fractions of the cases. A cohort of 50 Brazilian probands negative for pathogenic variants in the known genes associated with Noonan syndrome was tested through whole-exome sequencing along with the relatives in the familial cases. Families from the USA and Poland with mutations in the newly identified genes were included subsequently. We identified rare, segregating or de novo missense variants in SOS2 and LZTR1 in 4% and 8%, respectively, of the 50 Brazilian probands. SOS2 and LZTR1 variants were also found to segregate in one American and one Polish family. Notably, SOS2 variants were identified in patients with marked ectodermal involvement, similar to patients with SOS1 mutations. We identified two novel genes, SOS2 and LZTR1, associated with Noonan syndrome, thereby expanding the molecular spectrum of RASopathies. Mutations in these genes are responsible for approximately 3% of all patients with Noonan syndrome. While SOS2 is a natural candidate, because of its homology with SOS1, the functional role of LZTR1 in the RAS/MAPK pathway is not known, and it could not have been identified without the large pedigrees. Additional functional studies are needed to elucidate the role of LZTR1 in RAS/MAPK signalling and in the pathogenesis of Noonan syndrome. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  1. SOS reaction kinetics of bacterial cells induced by ultraviolet radiation and α particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonev, M.; Kolev, S.


    It is the purpose of the work to apply the SOS lux test for detecting α particles, as well as to study the SOS system kinetics. Two strains with plasmid pPLS-1 are used: wild type C600 lux and its isogen lysogen with α prophage one. Irradiation is done on dacron nuclear filters. The source of α particles is Am 241 with power 5 Gy/min, and the ultraviolet source - a lamp emitting rays with wave length 254 nm. The light yield is measured by installations made up of scintilometer VA-S-968, High-voltage electric power, and one channel analyzer Strahlugsmessgerat 20046. The SOS lux text is based on the recombinant plasmid pPLS-1 which is a derivative of pBR322 where the lux gene is set under the control of an SOS promoter. E coly recA + strains containing the construction produce considerable amount of photons in the visible zone following treatment with agents damaging the DNA of cells. The kinetic curves of SOS response are obtained after irradiation with α particles and UV rays. DNA damaging agents cause an increase in the initial SOS response rate in the range od smaller doses, and a decrease reaching to block of the one in the high doses range. The light yield of lysogenic cells is lower. As compared to nonelysogene ones. DNA damage caused by α particles are more difficult to repair as compared to pyrimidine dimers. (author)

  2. A hierarchy of SOS rule formats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groote, J.F.; Mousavi, M.R.; Reniers, M.A.; Mosses, P.D.; Ulidowski, I.


    In 1981 Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) was introduced as a systematic way to define operational semantics of programming languages by a set of rules of a certain shape [G.D. Plotkin. A structural approach to operational semantics. Technical Report DAIMI FN-19, Computer Science Department,

  3. Hydrothermal Carbonization of Spent Osmotic Solution (SOS Generated from Osmotic Dehydration of Blueberries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaushlendra Singh


    Full Text Available Hydrothermal carbonization of spent osmotic solution (SOS, a waste generated from osmotic dehydration of fruits, has the potential of transformation into hydrochars, a value-added product, while reducing cost and overall greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste disposal. Osmotic solution (OS and spent osmotic solution (SOS generated from the osmotic dehydration of blueberries were compared for their thermo-chemical decomposition behavior and hydrothermal carbonization. OS and SOS samples were characterized for total solids, elemental composition, and thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA. In addition, hydrothermal carbonization was performed at 250 °C and for 30 min to produce hydrochars. The hydrochars were characterized for elemental composition, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET surface area, particle shape and surface morphology. TGA results show that the SOS sample loses more weight in the lower temperature range than the OS sample. Both samples produced, approximately, 40%–42% (wet-feed basis hydrochar during hydrothermal carbonization but with different properties. The OS sample produced hydrochar, which had spherical particles of 1.79 ± 1.30 μm diameter with a very smooth surface. In contrast, the SOS sample produced hydrochar with no definite particle shape but with a raspberry-like surface.

  4. SOS hotline for women victims of discrimination at the workplace

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dobrosavljević-Grujić Ljiljana S.


    Full Text Available SOS hotline for women victims of discrimination at the workplace offers free legal assistance to women, whenever their labor rights are endangered. If the dispute cannot be resolved peacefully by mediation between employer and employees, female lawyer skilled for the labor law starts up judicial proceedings. Some characteristic cases of discrimination of women from the practice of SOS telephone, such as dismissal from the work, physical violence and sexual blackmail, are presented in the paper.

  5. Expansion of the SOS regulon of Vibrio cholerae through extensive transcriptome analysis and experimental validation. (United States)

    Krin, Evelyne; Pierlé, Sebastian Aguilar; Sismeiro, Odile; Jagla, Bernd; Dillies, Marie-Agnès; Varet, Hugo; Irazoki, Oihane; Campoy, Susana; Rouy, Zoé; Cruveiller, Stéphane; Médigue, Claudine; Coppée, Jean-Yves; Mazel, Didier


    The SOS response is an almost ubiquitous response of cells to genotoxic stresses. The full complement of genes in the SOS regulon for Vibrio species has only been addressed through bioinformatic analyses predicting LexA binding box consensus and in vitro validation. Here, we perform whole transcriptome sequencing from Vibrio cholerae treated with mitomycin C as an SOS inducer to characterize the SOS regulon and other pathways affected by this treatment. Comprehensive transcriptional profiling allowed us to define the full landscape of promoters and transcripts active in V. cholerae. We performed extensive transcription start site (TSS) mapping as well as detection/quantification of the coding and non-coding RNA (ncRNA) repertoire in strain N16961. To improve TSS detection, we developed a new technique to treat RNA extracted from cells grown in various conditions. This allowed for identification of 3078 TSSs with an average 5'UTR of 116 nucleotides, and peak distribution between 16 and 64 nucleotides; as well as 629 ncRNAs. Mitomycin C treatment induced transcription of 737 genes and 28 ncRNAs at least 2 fold, while it repressed 231 genes and 17 ncRNAs. Data analysis revealed that in addition to the core genes known to integrate the SOS regulon, several metabolic pathways were induced. This study allowed for expansion of the Vibrio SOS regulon, as twelve genes (ubiEJB, tatABC, smpA, cep, VC0091, VC1190, VC1369-1370) were found to be co-induced with their adjacent canonical SOS regulon gene(s), through transcriptional read-through. Characterization of UV and mitomycin C susceptibility for mutants of these newly identified SOS regulon genes and other highly induced genes and ncRNAs confirmed their role in DNA damage rescue and protection. We show that genotoxic stress induces a pervasive transcriptional response, affecting almost 20% of the V. cholerae genes. We also demonstrate that the SOS regulon is larger than previously known, and its syntenic organization is

  6. Inhibitors of LexA Autoproteolysis and the Bacterial SOS Response Discovered by an Academic-Industry Partnership. (United States)

    Mo, Charlie Y; Culyba, Matthew J; Selwood, Trevor; Kubiak, Jeffrey M; Hostetler, Zachary M; Jurewicz, Anthony J; Keller, Paul M; Pope, Andrew J; Quinn, Amy; Schneck, Jessica; Widdowson, Katherine L; Kohli, Rahul M


    The RecA/LexA axis of the bacterial DNA damage (SOS) response is a promising, yet nontraditional, drug target. The SOS response is initiated upon genotoxic stress, when RecA, a DNA damage sensor, induces LexA, the SOS repressor, to undergo autoproteolysis, thereby derepressing downstream genes that can mediate DNA repair and accelerate mutagenesis. As genetic inhibition of the SOS response sensitizes bacteria to DNA damaging antibiotics and decreases acquired resistance, inhibitors of the RecA/LexA axis could potentiate our current antibiotic arsenal. Compounds targeting RecA, which has many mammalian homologues, have been reported; however, small-molecules targeting LexA autoproteolysis, a reaction unique to the prokaryotic SOS response, have remained elusive. Here, we describe the logistics and accomplishments of an academic-industry partnership formed to pursue inhibitors against the RecA/LexA axis. A novel fluorescence polarization assay reporting on RecA-induced self-cleavage of LexA enabled the screening of 1.8 million compounds. Follow-up studies on select leads show distinct activity patterns in orthogonal assays, including several with activity in cell-based assays reporting on SOS activation. Mechanistic assays demonstrate that we have identified first-in-class small molecules that specifically target the LexA autoproteolysis step in SOS activation. Our efforts establish a realistic example for navigating academic-industry partnerships in pursuit of anti-infective drugs and offer starting points for dedicated lead optimization of SOS inhibitors that could act as adjuvants for current antibiotics.

  7. Stent-over-sponge (SOS): a novel technique complementing endosponge therapy for foregut leaks and perforations. (United States)

    Valli, Piero V; Mertens, Joachim C; Kröger, Arne; Gubler, Christoph; Gutschow, Christian; Schneider, Paul M; Bauerfeind, Peter


     Endoluminal vacuum therapy (EVT) has evolved as a promising option for endoscopic treatment of foregut wall injuries in addition to the classic closure techniques using clips or stents. To improve vacuum force and maintain esophageal passage, we combined endosponge treatment with a partially covered self-expandable metal stent (stent-over-sponge; SOS).  Twelve patients with infected upper gastrointestinal wall defects were treated with the SOS technique.  Indications for SOS were anastomotic leakage after surgery (n = 11) and chronic foregut fistula (n = 1). SOS treatment was used as a first-line treatment in seven patients with a success rate of 71.4 % (5/7) and as a second-line treatment after failed previous EVT treatment in five patients (success rate 80 %; 4/5). Overall, SOS treatment was successful in 75 % of patients (9/12). No severe adverse events occurred. CONCLUSION : SOS is an effective method to treat severely infected foregut wall defects in patients where EVT has failed, and also as a first-line treatment. Comparative prospective studies are needed to confirm our preliminary results. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  8. The Latin American Ongoing Clinical Trial Register (LATINREC El Registro Latinoamericano de Ensayos Clínicos en Curso (LATINREC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ludovic Reveiz


    Full Text Available Debido a los sesgos que afectan a la publicación de ensayos clínicos y sus resultados, los estudios cuyos resultados son positivos son más fáciles de encontrar que los que tienen resultados sin significación estadística y a ello se debe que los primeros estén sobrerrepresentados. Para contrarrestar este tipo de sesgo se ha propuesto ingresar en un registro toda investigación, desde sus comienzos. No obstante, estos registros se encuentran en distintas fases de evolución, especialmente en países en desarrollo, de tal manera que la Red Cochrane Iberoamericana, parte de la Colaboración Cochrane, ha establecido el Registro Latinoamericano de Ensayos Clínicos en Curso (LATINREC, por Latin American Clinical Trial Registry con la idea de facilitar el registro de los datos contenidos en el protocolo de todo ensayo clínico que se esté llevando a cabo en un momento dado y poner esa información a la disposición del público. El LATINREC, que viene a respaldar los objetivos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, representa un intento por reducir la duplicación de trabajo y el financiamiento poco equitativo de la investigación sobre enfermedades rezagadas al olvido; por evitar que se efectúen investigaciones sobre asuntos de poca cuantía o que se midan resultados poco útiles; y por fomentar las prácticas éticas y la transparencia. Se han detectado algunos obstáculos mayores que hasta ahora han impedido crear un registro único y común de ensayos clínicos. Con el fin de franquearlos, LATINREC será un registro gratuito que permitirá hacer búsquedas y que se ceñirá a la Plataforma Internacional de Registro de Ensayos Clínicos (ICTRP de la OMS. Además, LATINREC permitirá que los investigadores ingresen en el registro cualquier modificación del protocolo, así como los resultados preliminares. LATINREC ofrecerá grandes ventajas para los consumidores, el gobierno, los profesionales de la salud pública y la industria

  9. [Expressions of Ras and Sos1 in epithelial ovarian cancer tissues and their clinical significance]. (United States)

    Xiao, Zheng-Hua; Linghu, Hua; Liu, Qian-Fen


    To detect the expressions of Ras and Sos1 proteins in human epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) tissues and explore their correlation with the clinicopathological features of the patients. The expressions of Ras and Sos1 proteins were detected immunohistochemically in 62 EOC tissues, 5 borderline ovarian cancer tissues, 15 benign epithelial ovarian neoplasm tissues, and 18 normal ovarian tissues. The EOC tissues showed significantly higher expression levels of both Ras and Sos1 than the other tissues tested (Ptissues, Ras and Sos1 proteins were expressed mostly on the cell membrane and in the cytoplasm. The expression level of Ras was correlated with pathological types of the tumor (Ptissue-specific variation of Ras expression can lend support to a specific diagnosis of ovarian serous adenocarcinoma. The association of Ras and Sos1 protein expression with the tumor-free survival time of the patients awaits further investigation with a larger sample size.

  10. Genetic analysis of the SOS response of Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mount, D.W.; Wertman, K.F.; Ennis, D.G.; Peterson, K.R.; Fisher, B.L.; Lyons, G.


    In the SOS response, a large number of E. coli genes having different functions are derepressed when the cellular DNA is damaged. This derepression occurs through inactivation of a repressor, the product of the lexA gene, by a protease activity of the recA gene product. The protease is thought to be activated in response to changes in DNA metabolism which follow the damage. After the SOS functions have acted, the protease activity declines and repression is again established. Because the DNA sequence of both lexA and recA have been determined, it is possible to induce many mutations in their regulatory and structural regions in order to analyze further the control of the SOS response. We are studying the effects of mutations in both the lexA and recA regulatory regions, and mutations which affect the protease activity or the sensitivity of repressor to the protease. Finally, we are using genetic methods to analyze a newly identified requirement for recA protein, induced mutagenesis in cells lacking repressor. 16 references, 3 figures

  11. Phenomenology of an inducible mutagenic DNA repair pathway in Escherichia coli: SOS repair hypothesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radman, M.


    A hypothesis is proposed according to which E. coli possesses an inducible DNA repair system. This hypothetical repair, which we call SOS repair, is manifested only following damage to DNA, and requires de novo protein synthesis. SOS repair in E. coli requires some known genetic elements: recA + , lex + and probably zab + . Mutagenesis by ultraviolet light is observed only under conditions of functional SOS repair: we therefore suspect that this is a mutation-prone repair. A number of phenomena and experiments is reviewed which at this point can best be interpreted in terms of an inducible mutagenic DNA repair system. Two recently discovered phenomena support the proposed hypothesis: existence of a mutant (tif) which, after a shift to elevated temperature, mimicks the effect of uv irradiation in regard to repair of phage lambda and uv mutagenesis, apparent activation of SOS repair by introduction into the recipient cell of damaged plasmid or Hfr DNA. Several specific predictions based on SOS repair hypothesis are presented in order to stimulate further experimental tests. (U.S.)

  12. Estudio contrastivo del género discursivo del ensayo argumentativo: español-inglés

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    Pauline Moore


    Full Text Available Para identificar los modelos utilizados por estudiantes universitarios mexicanos en el género discursivo valorado del ensayo argumentativo, se analizaron 36 ejemplares producidos por 18 estudiantes en español y en inglés como segunda lengua. Se analizaron las tesis y reiteración de tesis con la teoría de la valoración (Martin & White, 2005 y se clasificaron en cerradas y abiertas. Esta clasificación sirvió para caracterizar cinco estructuras genéricas; 1 tesis cerrada, reiteración en conclusiones; 2 tesis abierta, reiteración cerrada; 3 tesis cerrada, reiteración abierta; 4 tesis abierta, sin postura; 5 tesis cerrada al final, sin reiteración. Se encontró una preferencia para el patrón 2, ‘tesis abierta/reiteración cerrada’, utilizado en siete ensayos en español y seis en inglés. Además se observó una variación considerable en los patrones utilizados, indicando una falta de acuerdo en esta comunidad discursiva acerca de la norma en cuanto a la estructura genérica.

  13. Genetic characterization of the inducible SOS-like system of Bacillus subtilis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Love, P.E.; Yasbin, R.E.


    The SOS-like system of Bacillus subtilis consists of several coordinately induced phenomena which are expressed after cellular insult such as DNA damage of inhibition of DNA replication. Mutagenesis of the bacterial chromosomes and the development of maintenance of competence also appear to be involved in the SOS-like response in this bacterium. The genetic characterization of the SOS-like system has involved an analysis of (i) the effects of various DNA repair mutations on the expression of inducible phenomena and (ii) the tsi-23 mutation, which renders host strains thermally inducible for each of the SOS-like functions. Bacterial filamentation was unaffected by any of the DNA repair mutations studied. In contrast, the induction of prophage after thermal or UV pretreatment was abolished in strains carrying the recE4, recA1, recB2, or recG13 mutation. The Weigle reactivation of UV-damaged bacteriophage was also inhibited by the recE4, recA1, recB2, or recG13 mutation, whereas levels of Weigle reactivation were lower in strains which carried the uvrA42, polA5, or rec-961 mutation than in the DNA repair-proficient strain. Strains which carried the recE4 mutation were incapable of chromosomal DNA-mediated transformation, and the frequency of this event was decreased in strains carrying recA1, recB2, or tsi-23 mutation. Plasmid DNA transformation efficiency was decreased only in strains carrying the tsi-23 mutation in addition to the recE4, recA1, or recB2 mutation. The results indicate that the SOS-like system of B. subtilis is regulated at different levels by two or more gene products. In this report, the current data regarding the genetic regulation of inducible phenomena are summarized, and a model is proposed to explain the mechanism of SOS-like induction in B. subtillis. 50 references, 3 figures, 6 tables.

  14. Genetic requirements for high constitutive SOS expression in recA730 mutants of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Vlašić, Ignacija; Šimatović, Ana; Brčić-Kostić, Krunoslav


    The RecA protein in its functional state is in complex with single-stranded DNA, i.e., in the form of a RecA filament. In SOS induction, the RecA filament functions as a coprotease, enabling the autodigestion of the LexA repressor. The RecA filament can be formed by different mechanisms, but all of them require three enzymatic activities essential for the processing of DNA double-stranded ends. These are helicase, 5'-3' exonuclease, and RecA loading onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). In some mutants, the SOS response can be expressed constitutively during the process of normal DNA metabolism. The RecA730 mutant protein is able to form the RecA filament without the help of RecBCD and RecFOR mediators since it better competes with the single-strand binding (SSB) protein for ssDNA. As a consequence, the recA730 mutants show high constitutive SOS expression. In the study described in this paper, we studied the genetic requirements for constitutive SOS expression in recA730 mutants. Using a β-galactosidase assay, we showed that the constitutive SOS response in recA730 mutants exhibits different requirements in different backgrounds. In a wild-type background, the constitutive SOS response is partially dependent on RecBCD function. In a recB1080 background (the recB1080 mutation retains only helicase), constitutive SOS expression is partially dependent on RecBCD helicase function and is strongly dependent on RecJ nuclease. Finally, in a recB-null background, the constitutive SOS expression of the recA730 mutant is dependent on the RecJ nuclease. Our results emphasize the importance of the 5'-3' exonuclease for high constitutive SOS expression in recA730 mutants and show that RecBCD function can further enhance the excellent intrinsic abilities of the RecA730 protein in vivo. Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  15. Ensayo experimental de la relación de gradiente para determinar el potencial de colmatación de un sistema suelo-geotextil

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    Ernesto A. Parra P.


    Full Text Available Es bien conocida, por la ingeniería geotécnica, la necesidad de drenar cuanto más sea posible las masas coluviales para mantenerlas en equilibrio y disminuir la reptación de éstas. Como estrategia rutinaria para mejorar la estabilidad de estos taludes, se utilizan geotextiles como medio filtrante para el desarrollo de sistemas de drenaje. Es sabido que la correcta selección del geotextil candidato, no debe depender de las presiones comerciales ejercidas, sino de la aplicación metodológica de procedimientos de diseño, para definir unas condiciones de operación del sistema y evitar que el medio filtrante, en este caso el geotextil, se colmate o tapone con las partículas finas del suelo. Como resultados de este trabajo, se definen los riegos de colmatación de dos tipos de geotextiles, con diferentes suelos, encontrándose diferencias apreciables en su comportamiento, como resultado, se obliga a los diseñadores, que usen geotextiles, a tener en cuenta los dos en “Evaluation of geotextile filter behavior using the gradient ratio test” por Jonathan Fannin, Yoginder Vaid y P. Shi. Posteriormente se realizaron ensayos para evaluar el potencial de colmatación de varios sistemas suelo- geotextil e inferir las condiciones más favorables bajo las cuales la colmatación disminuye. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se adoptó la metodología de ensayo propuesta por la ASTM D 5101-90, referida en el manual instructivo para el uso del permeámetro. La investigación está limitada a 8 tipos de suelo encontrados en la sabana de Bogotá susceptibles de ser utilizados con geotextiles (tejido de trama inserta y no tejido punzonado por agujas en la construcción de obras civiles con aplicaciones filtrantes. Seis de estos suelos fueron utilizados para la calibración del permeámetro. Las propiedades de los suelos y los geotextiles empleados se encuentran especificadas en el numeral cuatro de este trabajo. La utilidad de este proyecto radica en

  16. Approach for targeting Ras with small molecules that activate SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange. (United States)

    Burns, Michael C; Sun, Qi; Daniels, R Nathan; Camper, DeMarco; Kennedy, J Phillip; Phan, Jason; Olejniczak, Edward T; Lee, Taekyu; Waterson, Alex G; Rossanese, Olivia W; Fesik, Stephen W


    Aberrant activation of the small GTPase Ras by oncogenic mutation or constitutively active upstream receptor tyrosine kinases results in the deregulation of cellular signals governing growth and survival in ∼30% of all human cancers. However, the discovery of potent inhibitors of Ras has been difficult to achieve. Here, we report the identification of small molecules that bind to a unique pocket on the Ras:Son of Sevenless (SOS):Ras complex, increase the rate of SOS-catalyzed nucleotide exchange in vitro, and modulate Ras signaling pathways in cells. X-ray crystallography of Ras:SOS:Ras in complex with these molecules reveals that the compounds bind in a hydrophobic pocket in the CDC25 domain of SOS adjacent to the Switch II region of Ras. The structure-activity relationships exhibited by these compounds can be rationalized on the basis of multiple X-ray cocrystal structures. Mutational analyses confirmed the functional relevance of this binding site and showed it to be essential for compound activity. These molecules increase Ras-GTP levels and disrupt MAPK and PI3K signaling in cells at low micromolar concentrations. These small molecules represent tools to study the acute activation of Ras and highlight a pocket on SOS that may be exploited to modulate Ras signaling.

  17. Validation of the Chinese Version of the Sense of Self (SOS) Scale (United States)

    King, Ronnel B.; Ganotice, Fraide A., Jr.; Watkins, David A.


    This study explored the cross-cultural applicability of the Sense of Self (SOS) Scale in the Hong Kong Chinese cultural context. The SOS Scale is a 26-item questionnaire designed to measure students' sense of purpose, self-reliance, and self-concept in school. Six hundred ninety-seven Hong Kong Chinese high school students participated in the…

  18. Modelado del Ensayo ILTS mediante Modelos de Elementos Finitos


    Rus Gelo, Leyre


    La finalidad de este proyecto consiste en modelar el comportamiento que presenta una viga de material compuesto en L , sometida a flexión en cuatro puntos , siguiendo la normativa AITM1 - 0069 creada por Airbus. Con el objetivo de poderlo comparar con los ensayos experimentales y con otros modelos numéricos y analíticos. Para ello se realizan diferentes ensayos virtuales haciendo uso de la herramienta Patran - Nastran, empleando el Método de los Elementos Finitos. A partir de de los datos pr ...

  19. Functional consequences of inducible genetic elements from the p53 SOS response in a mammalian organ system. (United States)

    Guthrie, O'neil W


    In response to DNA damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, bacteria deploy the SOS response in order to limit cell death. This bacterial SOS response is characterized by an increase in the recA gene that transactivates expression of multiple DNA repair genes. The current series of experiments demonstrate that a mammalian organ system (the cochlea) that is not evolutionarily conditioned to UV radiation can elicit SOS responses that are reminiscent of that of bacteria. This mammalian SOS response is characterized by an increase in the p53 gene with activation of multiple DNA repair genes that harbor p53 response elements in their promoters. Furthermore, the experimental results provide support for the notion of a convergent trigger paradox, where independent SOS triggers facilitate disparate physiologic sequelae (loss vs. recovery of function). Therefore, it is proposed that the mammalian SOS response is multifunctional and manipulation of this endogenous response could be exploited in future biomedical interventions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Identification of a novel streptococcal gene cassette mediating SOS mutagenesis in Streptococcus uberis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Varhimo, Emilia; Savijoki, Kirsi; Jalava, Jari; Kuipers, Oscar P.; Varmanen, Pekka

    Streptococci have been considered to lack the classical SOS response, defined by increased mutation after UV exposure and regulation by LexA. Here we report the identification of a potential self-regulated SOS mutagenesis gene cassette in the Streptococcaceae family. Exposure to UV light was found

  1. The SOS response increases bacterial fitness, but not evolvability, under a sublethal dose of antibiotic. (United States)

    Torres-Barceló, Clara; Kojadinovic, Mila; Moxon, Richard; MacLean, R Craig


    Exposure to antibiotics induces the expression of mutagenic bacterial stress-response pathways, but the evolutionary benefits of these responses remain unclear. One possibility is that stress-response pathways provide a short-term advantage by protecting bacteria against the toxic effects of antibiotics. Second, it is possible that stress-induced mutagenesis provides a long-term advantage by accelerating the evolution of resistance. Here, we directly measure the contribution of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa SOS pathway to bacterial fitness and evolvability in the presence of sublethal doses of ciprofloxacin. Using short-term competition experiments, we demonstrate that the SOS pathway increases competitive fitness in the presence of ciprofloxacin. Continued exposure to ciprofloxacin results in the rapid evolution of increased fitness and antibiotic resistance, but we find no evidence that SOS-induced mutagenesis accelerates the rate of adaptation to ciprofloxacin during a 200 generation selection experiment. Intriguingly, we find that the expression of the SOS pathway decreases during adaptation to ciprofloxacin, and this helps to explain why this pathway does not increase long-term evolvability. Furthermore, we argue that the SOS pathway fails to accelerate adaptation to ciprofloxacin because the modest increase in the mutation rate associated with SOS mutagenesis is offset by a decrease in the effective strength of selection for increased resistance at a population level. Our findings suggest that the primary evolutionary benefit of the SOS response is to increase bacterial competitive ability, and that stress-induced mutagenesis is an unwanted side effect, and not a selected attribute, of this pathway. © 2015 The Authors.

  2. SOS score: an optimized score to screen acute stroke patients for obstructive sleep apnea. (United States)

    Camilo, Millene R; Sander, Heidi H; Eckeli, Alan L; Fernandes, Regina M F; Dos Santos-Pontelli, Taiza E G; Leite, Joao P; Pontes-Neto, Octavio M


    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is frequent in acute stroke patients, and has been associated with higher mortality and worse prognosis. Polysomnography (PSG) is the gold standard diagnostic method for OSA, but it is impracticable as a routine for all acute stroke patients. We evaluated the accuracy of two OSA screening tools, the Berlin Questionnaire (BQ), and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) when administered to relatives of acute stroke patients; we also compared these tools against a combined screening score (SOS score). Ischemic stroke patients were submitted to a full PSG at the first night after onset of symptoms. OSA severity was measured by apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). BQ and ESS were administered to relatives of stroke patients before the PSG and compared to SOS score for accuracy and C-statistics. We prospectively studied 39 patients. OSA (AHI ≥10/h) was present in 76.9%. The SOS score [area under the curve (AUC): 0.812; P = 0.005] and ESS (AUC: 0.789; P = 0.009) had good predictive value for OSA. The SOS score was the only tool with significant predictive value (AUC: 0.686; P = 0.048) for severe OSA (AHI ≥30/h), when compared to ESS (P = 0.119) and BQ (P = 0.191). The threshold of SOS ≤10 showed high sensitivity (90%) and negative predictive value (96.2%) for OSA; SOS ≥20 showed high specificity (100%) and positive predictive value (92.5%) for severe OSA. The SOS score administered to relatives of stroke patients is a useful tool to screen for OSA and may decrease the need for PSG in acute stroke setting. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Induction of the SOS system in Escherichia coli after UVA (320 - 400 nm) irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batbyamba, G.; Drasil, V.


    Induction of the SOS repair system in E. coli caused by broad-band (320 - 400 nm) UVA radiation and an oxygen effect in this induction were studied using the sfiA::lacZ operon fusion. Moreover, an oxygen effect on the broad-band UVA radiation-induced cell killing was studied. The experiments indicate that: (1) Broad-band UVA light can produce lethal damage to cells as well as DNA damage able to generate an SOS-inducing signal. This damage is O 2 -dependent to a significant extent: SOSIP (O 2 )/ SOSIP (Ar) = 1.61 and OER = 1.96; (2) After UVA irradiation the SOS induction factor increases monotonously in the time interval longer than 4 h indicating that the SOS-inducing DNA damage caused by UVA irradiation has a 'long-lived' character; (3) Oxic and hypoxic incubation following UVA irradiation carried out under aerobic and anaerobic conditions resulted in a strong oxygen effect: SOSIP(O 2 )/SOSIP(Ar) ∼ 5. On the basis of these results and literary data it was concluded that one of the main toxic photoproducts formed as a result of UVA irradiation of the cells in a culture medium might be hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ). H 2 O 2 decays gradually during post-irradiation incubation and yields reactive radical species, mainly OH radical, that result in a formation of SOS-inducing DNA damages and contribute to cell lethality, and prolonged SOS induction. (author)

  4. SOS Children's Friendly Community Historical Overview (United States)

    Lukaš, Mirko; Lenard, Ivan


    SOS Children's Village Croatia is categorized as a children's home whose primary goal is taking care of children without an adequate parental care or parents themselves. Moreover, it aims at providing children, regardless of their racial, national or religious affiliation, with affection and love in a safe family environment. In addition, SOS…

  5. Rol del estado en los ensayos clínicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Mazzetti

    Full Text Available La regulación de los ensayos clínicos por el Estado es un proceso en constante cambio y adecuación, cuyo reto actual consiste en salvaguardar la seguridad de los participantes y equilibrar la carga administrativa. El desarrollo y la regulación de los ensayos clínicos en los distintos países varían según la realidad, el contexto, su ejecución nacional o multinacional, condicionando que la regulación puramente nacional resulte insuficiente y se precise conocer parte de la regulación internacional. El objetivo de esta publicación es mostrar una visión global del rol de Estado en la regulación de los ensayos clínicos en distintas realidades. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión de la regulación en la Unión Europea, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y algunos países de Latinoamérica, para llegar finalmente al Perú. La tendencia actual en la regulación de los ensayos clínicos, se caracteriza por el incremento en los estándares de calidad, el garantizar la seguridad de los participantes, promover la transparencia, la disminución de los procesos burocráticos y el fortalecimiento de los comités de ética, en el marco de procesos democráticos abiertos, que convoquen e integren a todos los interesados en procesos dinámicos basados en el conocimiento actual y los cambios que se suceden. El reto actual es promover el desarrollo de ensayos clínicos desde el Estado (universidades, centros de investigación, institutos especializados, hospitales, etc. para los aspectos que el país necesita, incluidos medicamentos huérfanos, enfermedades prevalentes y abandonadas, y el uso terapéutico de los principios activos originarios.

  6. Rol del estado en los ensayos clínicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Mazzetti


    Full Text Available La regulación de los ensayos clínicos por el Estado es un proceso en constante cambio y adecuación, cuyo reto actual consiste en salvaguardar la seguridad de los participantes y equilibrar la carga administrativa. El desarrollo y la regulación de los ensayos clínicos en los distintos países varían según la realidad, el contexto, su ejecución nacional o multinacional, condicionando que la regulación puramente nacional resulte insuficiente y se precise conocer parte de la regulación internacional. El objetivo de esta publicación es mostrar una visión global del rol de Estado en la regulación de los ensayos clínicos en distintas realidades. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión de la regulación en la Unión Europea, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y algunos países de Latinoamérica, para llegar finalmente al Perú. La tendencia actual en la regulación de los ensayos clínicos, se caracteriza por el incremento en los estándares de calidad, el garantizar la seguridad de los participantes, promover la transparencia, la disminución de los procesos burocráticos y el fortalecimiento de los comités de ética, en el marco de procesos democráticos abiertos, que convoquen e integren a todos los interesados en procesos dinámicos basados en el conocimiento actual y los cambios que se suceden. El reto actual es promover el desarrollo de ensayos clínicos desde el Estado (universidades, centros de investigación, institutos especializados, hospitales, etc. para los aspectos que el país necesita, incluidos medicamentos huérfanos, enfermedades prevalentes y abandonadas, y el uso terapéutico de los principios activos originarios.

  7. Glyceride structure and sterol composition of SOS-7 halophyte oil

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    El-Shami, S. M.


    Full Text Available Glyceride structure of SOS-7 halophyte oil was studied using the lipase hydrolysis technique. This halophyte sample was obtained from 1988 harvest planted in Ghardaka, on the border of the Red Sea, Egypt. The oilseed was ground and extracted for its oil using commercial hexane in Soxhlet extractor. The unsaturated fatty acids were found centralized in the 2-position of triglycerides, whereas oleic and linolenic acids showed more preference for this position. It was found that P3 was the major component of GS3, whereas P2L and PStL; PL2, POL and StL2 are predominating among GS2U and GSU3 respectively. L3 manifested itself as the principal constituent of GU3 type. Sterol composition of the halophyte oil was determined by GLC as TMS derivative. It was found that the oil contains campsterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and 7-stigmasterol of which 7-stigmasterol is the major sterol and constitute 52.4%.

    Se ha estudiado usando la técnica de hidrólisis mediante lipasa la estructura glicerídica de aceite de halofito SOS-7. Esta muestra de halofito fue obtenida a partir de una cosecha de 1988 plantada en Ghardaka, en la orilla del Mar Rojo, Egipto. Para la extracción del aceite de la semilla molida se utilizó hexano comercial en extractor Soxhlet. Los ácidos grasos insaturados se encontraron centralizados en la posición 2 de los triglicéridos, siendo los ácidos oleico y linolénico los que mostraron mayor preferencia por esta posición. Se encontró que P3 fue el componente mayoritario de GS3, mientras que P2L y PStL; PL2 POL y StL2 son los predominantes para GS2U y GSU3 respectivamente. L3 se manifestó como el principal constituyente de los GU3. La composición esterólica del aceite de halofito se determinó por GLC como derivados del

  8. A metabonomic evaluation of the monocrotaline-induced sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conotte, R.; Colet, J.-M.


    The main curative treatment of colorectal cancer remains the surgery. However, when metastases are suspected, surgery is followed by a preventive chemotherapy using oxaliplatin which, unfortunately, may cause liver sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS). Such hepatic damage is barely detected during or after chemotherapy due to a lack of effective diagnostic procedures, but liver biopsy. The primary objective of the present study was to identify potential early diagnosis biomarkers of SOS using a metabonomic approach. SOS was induced in rats by monocrotaline, a prototypical toxic substance. 1 H NMR spectroscopy analysis of urine samples collected from rats treated with monocrotaline showed significant metabolic changes as compared to controls. During a first phase, cellular protective mechanisms such as an increased synthesis of GSH (reduced taurine) and the recruitment of cell osmolytes in the liver (betaine) were seen. In the second phase, the disturbance of the urea cycle (increased ornithine and urea reduction) leading to the depletion of NO, the alteration in the GSH synthesis (increased creatine and GSH precursors (glutamate, dimethylglycine and sarcosine)), and the liver necrosis (decrease taurine and increase creatine) all indicate the development of SOS. - Highlights: • Urine metabonomic profiles of SOS have been identified. • Urine osmoprotectants and anti-oxidants indicated an initial liver protection. • Liver necrosis was demonstrated by increased urine levels of taurine and creatine. • NO depletion was suggested by changes in ornithine and urea

  9. Atomic orbital-based SOS-MP2 with tensor hypercontraction. II. Local tensor hypercontraction (United States)

    Song, Chenchen; Martínez, Todd J.


    In the first paper of the series [Paper I, C. Song and T. J. Martinez, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 174111 (2016)], we showed how tensor-hypercontracted (THC) SOS-MP2 could be accelerated by exploiting sparsity in the atomic orbitals and using graphical processing units (GPUs). This reduced the formal scaling of the SOS-MP2 energy calculation to cubic with respect to system size. The computational bottleneck then becomes the THC metric matrix inversion, which scales cubically with a large prefactor. In this work, the local THC approximation is proposed to reduce the computational cost of inverting the THC metric matrix to linear scaling with respect to molecular size. By doing so, we have removed the primary bottleneck to THC-SOS-MP2 calculations on large molecules with O(1000) atoms. The errors introduced by the local THC approximation are less than 0.6 kcal/mol for molecules with up to 200 atoms and 3300 basis functions. Together with the graphical processing unit techniques and locality-exploiting approaches introduced in previous work, the scaled opposite spin MP2 (SOS-MP2) calculations exhibit O(N2.5) scaling in practice up to 10 000 basis functions. The new algorithms make it feasible to carry out SOS-MP2 calculations on small proteins like ubiquitin (1231 atoms/10 294 atomic basis functions) on a single node in less than a day.

  10. Onderzoek naar de toepasbaarheid van SOS-chromotest

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voogd CE; van der Stel JJ; Verharen HW; van Bruchem MC


    Met 35 stoffen werd de mutagene activiteit onderzocht met een SOS-chromotest kit, de Ames-test en de fluctuatietest met Klebsiella pneumoniae. Voorzover het alkylerende stoffen betreft die basenpaar substituties veroorzaken, blijkt er een goede overeenstemming te bestaan met de resultaten van


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    Servio Tulio Salazar Valencia


    Full Text Available Si la inteligencia se concibe como un conjunto de habilidades de pensamiento y de aprendizaje, utilizados para solucionar problemas tanto académicos como de la cotidianidad, constituye ésta un centro de especial interés para quienes hemos asumido la delicada tarea de intentar formar, y si es posible, transformar las conductas de las juventudes estudiosas de nuestro país. En el presente ensayo se critican algunos comportamientos de los docentes que, esconociendo que la inteligencia "es una extensión de algunas características biológicas fundamentales del ser" (Piaget, pretenden poseer una metodología única e irrefutable en su labor pedagógica.

  12. Survival and SOS response induction in ultraviolet B irradiated Escherichia coli cells with defective repair mechanisms. (United States)

    Prada Medina, Cesar Augusto; Aristizabal Tessmer, Elke Tatjana; Quintero Ruiz, Nathalia; Serment-Guerrero, Jorge; Fuentes, Jorge Luis


    Purpose In this paper, the contribution of different genes involved in DNA repair for both survival and SOS induction in Escherichia coli mutants exposed to ultraviolet B radiation (UVB, [wavelength range 280-315 nm]) was evaluated. Materials and methods E. coli strains defective in uvrA, oxyR, recO, recN, recJ, exoX, recB, recD or xonA genes were used to determine cell survival. All strains also had the genetic sulA::lacZ fusion, which allowed for the quantification of SOS induction through the SOS Chromotest. Results Five gene products were particularly important for survival, as follows: UvrA > RecB > RecO > RecJ > XonA. Strains defective in uvrA and recJ genes showed elevated SOS induction compared with the wild type, which remained stable for up to 240 min after UVB-irradiation. In addition, E. coli strains carrying the recO or recN mutation showed no SOS induction. Conclusions The nucleotide excision and DNA recombination pathways were equally used to repair UVB-induced DNA damage in E. coli cells. The sulA gene was not turned off in strains defective in UvrA and RecJ. RecO protein was essential for processing DNA damage prior to SOS induction. In this study, the roles of DNA repair proteins and their contributions to the mechanisms that induce SOS genes in E. coli are proposed.

  13. Estandarización del ensayo del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL:: método de gelificación

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available Entre las principales aplicaciones del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL está el control de endotoxinas en producto final de drogas parenterales. Para la aplicación exitosa del ensayo se requiere del dominio de un conjunto de habilidades, por lo que usualmente se corre en laboratorios especializados que ya cuentan con una basta experiencia. Aunque ya es un método ampliamente establecido y conocido, la aplicación del ensayo puede ser laborioso, consumir tiempo y reactivos hasta la obtención de resultados correctos. En el presente trabajo se describe la estandarización del ensayo del LAL por el método de gelificación. Se evalúan varias estrategias con la finalidad de optimizar y/o reducir el tiempo total de ensayo, el empleo de materiales como puntas certificadas libres de endotoxinas, tubos de ensayo y la sustitución de agua libre de endotoxinas suministrada por los fabricantes de reactivo LAL por agua para inyección. El procedimiento estandarizado produce resultados válidos según los criterios de la Farmacopea de EE.UU.The control of endotoxins in the final product of parenteral drugs is among the main applications of the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL. For the successful application of this test, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of a series of abilities. That's why, it is usually made at specialized laboratories having a vast experience. In spite of the fact that it is already a widely established and known method, the application of the assay may be laborious, take time and consume reagents until the obtention of the right results. In the present paper, it is described the standardization of the LAL assay by the gelification method. Various strategies are evaluated in order to optimize and/or reduce the total time of the assay, the use of materials as certified endotoxin-free points, test tubes, and the substitution of endotoxin-free water, supplied by the manufacturers of LAL reagent, by injection water

  14. Influence of the gene xthA in the activation of SOS response of Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominguez M, V.


    The SOS response is one of the strategies that has Escherichia coli to counteract the lesions in the genetic material. The response is integrated for approximately 60 genes that when are activated they provide to the cell a bigger opportunity to survive. For the activation of this system is necessary that DNA regions of simple chain are generated, in such a way that most of the lesions should be processed, to be able to induce this answer. Some genes that intervene in this procedure, as recO, recB and recJ are recognized since when being exposed to the radiation, their activity SOS is smaller than in a wild strain. In previous works has been studied that to inactivate the genes that are involves in the lesions processing to generate DNA of simple chain, the SOS induction level diminishes with regard to a wild strain, but that when eliminating the genes that are involves directly in the repair, the SOS response increases. In this work a strain with defects in the gene xthA was built, which encodes for an endonuclease AP that participates in the repair mechanism by base excision and was evaluated their sensibility as the activity of the SOS response when exposing it to UV light and gamma radiation. The results showed that the lethality of the strain with the defect is very similar to the wild strain; while the activation level of the SOS response is bigger in comparison with the wild strain when being exposed to UV light; suggesting the existence of an enzyme that recognizes the lesions that produces this radiation, however, is not this the main repair channel, since the survival is similar to that of the wild strain. On the contrary, the results obtained with gamma radiation showed that the lethality diminishes in comparison to that of the wild strain, like the SOS activity; due surely to that the gene product intervenes in the repair for base excision, participating in the formation of the previous substrate to the activation of the SOS response. (Author)

  15. Mechanism of SOS PR-domain autoinhibition revealed by single-molecule assays on native protein from lysate. (United States)

    Lee, Young Kwang; Low-Nam, Shalini T; Chung, Jean K; Hansen, Scott D; Lam, Hiu Yue Monatrice; Alvarez, Steven; Groves, Jay T


    The guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Son of Sevenless (SOS) plays a critical role in signal transduction by activating Ras. Here we introduce a single-molecule assay in which individual SOS molecules are captured from raw cell lysate using Ras-functionalized supported membrane microarrays. This enables characterization of the full-length SOS protein, which has not previously been studied in reconstitution due to difficulties in purification. Our measurements on the full-length protein reveal a distinct role of the C-terminal proline-rich (PR) domain to obstruct the engagement of allosteric Ras independently of the well-known N-terminal domain autoinhibition. This inhibitory role of the PR domain limits Grb2-independent recruitment of SOS to the membrane through binding of Ras·GTP in the SOS allosteric binding site. More generally, this assay strategy enables characterization of the functional behaviour of GEFs with single-molecule precision but without the need for purification.


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    Liliana Pérez Mendoza


    Full Text Available El ensayo presenta un análisis acerca de la educación superior en Trabajo Socialpara lo cual se fundamenta en los desafíos para la intervención social y la educaciónsuperior que surgen del contexto social contemporáneo Latinoamericano y Colombiano,que da cuenta de contradicciones y diferenciaciones, producto del proceso modernidad/modernización que ha traído como consecuencias inequidades, desigualdades,injusticias y violación de los derechos en la sociedad moderna, además delindividualismo exacerbado, la ruptura de lazos sociales y comunicativos, que tiendena perpetuarse en el tiempo. Este análisis acerca de educar en una sociedad en crisis como la nuestra, es realizadodesde la perspectiva ética, teórica y epistemológica, de la ética del discurso, la teoríade la acción comunicativa y el método de investigación reconstructivo, los cuales dancuenta de una forma de entender la autonomía como competencia que en lacomunicación permite potenciar la libertad, igualdad y solidaridad de todas y cadauna de las personas que en ella participan, a fin de permitir una comprensión delcontexto, una mayor complejización de la intervención social y la reconstrucción dela sociedad y de la educación superior en Trabajo Social.

  17. Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de un sistema recubierto mediante simulación computacional del ensayo de rayado//Mechanical Behavior study of a coated system by computer simulation of the scratch test

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo A. Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available Una forma de evaluar un sistema recubierto es a través del ensayo de rayado. Los resultados obtenidos dependen de variables como: propiedades y geometría del indentador, tasa de carga, tasa de desplazamiento, propiedades de los materiales del sistema a evaluar como dureza, módulo elástico, microestructura, rugosidad superficial, espesor, entre otras. El presente trabajo analizó, a través de simulación computacional del ensayo de rayado, el efecto que tiene la geometría del indentador (cónica y esférica, la carga de rayado (20 N y 50 N, el espesor del recubrimiento (2,1 µm y 4,6 µm y el coeficiente de fricción (0,3 y 0,5 en el comportamiento de los esfuerzos y la deformación plástica en la superficie de un sistema recubierto. Los resultados sugieren que el coeficiente de fricción como variable de ensayo tiene una alta importancia en el comportamiento mecánico del sistema recubierto.Palabras claves: ensayo de rayado, simulación computacional, sistema recubierto.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractOne way to evaluate a coated system is through the scratch test. The results obtained depend of the variables including mechanical properties and geometry of indenter, loading, displacement, material properties in the system as hardness, elastic modulus, microstructure, roughness surface, thickness, among others, which are indicated in ASTM C1624 / 05. This paper analyzes through scratch test simulation, the effect of the indenter geometry (conical and spherical, the loading (20 N and 50 N, the thickness coating (2,1 µm and 4,6 µm and the friction coefficient values (0,3 and 0,5 in the stresses and plastic deformation behavior at the surface of a coated system. The results suggest that the coefficient of friction has a high importance in the mechanical performance of the coated system.Key words: scratch test, computacional simulation, coated system.

  18. A plasmid-encoded UmuD homologue regulates expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa SOS genes. (United States)

    Díaz-Magaña, Amada; Alva-Murillo, Nayeli; Chávez-Moctezuma, Martha P; López-Meza, Joel E; Ramírez-Díaz, Martha I; Cervantes, Carlos


    The Pseudomonas aeruginosa plasmid pUM505 contains the umuDC operon that encodes proteins similar to error-prone repair DNA polymerase V. The umuC gene appears to be truncated and its product is probably not functional. The umuD gene, renamed umuDpR, possesses an SOS box overlapped with a Sigma factor 70 type promoter; accordingly, transcriptional fusions revealed that the umuDpR gene promoter is activated by mitomycin C. The predicted sequence of the UmuDpR protein displays 23 % identity with the Ps. aeruginosa SOS-response LexA repressor. The umuDpR gene caused increased MMC sensitivity when transferred to the Ps. aeruginosa PAO1 strain. As expected, PAO1-derived knockout lexA-  mutant PW6037 showed resistance to MMC; however, when the umuDpR gene was transferred to PW6037, MMC resistance level was reduced. These data suggested that UmuDpR represses the expression of SOS genes, as LexA does. To test whether UmuDpR exerts regulatory functions, expression of PAO1 SOS genes was evaluated by reverse transcription quantitative PCR assays in the lexA-  mutant with or without the pUC_umuD recombinant plasmid. Expression of lexA, imuA and recA genes increased 3.4-5.3 times in the lexA-  mutant, relative to transcription of the corresponding genes in the lexA+ strain, but decreased significantly in the lexA- /umuDpR transformant. These results confirmed that the UmuDpR protein is a repressor of Ps. aeruginosa SOS genes controlled by LexA. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays, however, did not show binding of UmuDpR to 5' regions of SOS genes, suggesting an indirect mechanism of regulation.

  19. Genotoxicity risk assessment of diversely substituted quinolines using the SOS chromotest. (United States)

    Duran, Leidy Tatiana Díaz; Rincón, Nathalia Olivar; Galvis, Carlos Eduardo Puerto; Kouznetsov, Vladimir V; Lorenzo, Jorge Luis Fuentes


    Quinolines are aromatic nitrogen compounds with wide therapeutic potential to treat parasitic and microbial diseases. In this study, the genotoxicity of quinoline, 4-methylquinoline, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO), and diversely functionalized quinoline derivatives and the influence of the substituents (functional groups and/or atoms) on their genotoxicity were tested using the SOS chromotest. Quinoline derivatives that induce genotoxicity by the formation of an enamine epoxide structure did not induce the SOS response in Escherichia coli PQ37 cells, with the exception of 4-methylquinoline that was weakly genotoxic. The chemical nature of the substitution (C-5 to C-8: hydroxyl, nitro, methyl, isopropyl, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine atoms; C-2: phenyl and 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl rings) of quinoline skeleton did not significantly modify compound genotoxicities; however, C-2 substitution with α-, β-, or γ-pyridinyl groups removed 4-methylquinoline genotoxicity. On the other hand, 4-NQO derivatives whose genotoxic mechanism involves reduction of the C-4 nitro group were strong inducers of the SOS response. Methyl and nitrophenyl substituents at C-2 of 4-NQO core affected the genotoxic potency of this molecule. The relevance of these results is discussed in relation to the potential use of the substituted quinolines. The work showed the sensitivity of SOS chromotest for studying structure-genotoxicity relationships and bioassay-guided quinoline synthesis. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. SOS System Induction Inhibits the Assembly of Chemoreceptor Signaling Clusters in Salmonella enterica. (United States)

    Irazoki, Oihane; Mayola, Albert; Campoy, Susana; Barbé, Jordi


    Swarming, a flagellar-driven multicellular form of motility, is associated with bacterial virulence and increased antibiotic resistance. In this work we demonstrate that activation of the SOS response reversibly inhibits swarming motility by preventing the assembly of chemoreceptor-signaling polar arrays. We also show that an increase in the concentration of the RecA protein, generated by SOS system activation, rather than another function of this genetic network impairs chemoreceptor polar cluster formation. Our data provide evidence that the molecular balance between RecA and CheW proteins is crucial to allow polar cluster formation in Salmonella enterica cells. Thus, activation of the SOS response by the presence of a DNA-injuring compound increases the RecA concentration, thereby disturbing the equilibrium between RecA and CheW and resulting in the cessation of swarming. Nevertheless, when the DNA-damage decreases and the SOS response is no longer activated, basal RecA levels and thus polar cluster assembly are reestablished. These results clearly show that bacterial populations moving over surfaces make use of specific mechanisms to avoid contact with DNA-damaging compounds.

  1. Endovascular stentectomy using the snare over stent-retriever (SOS technique: An experimental feasibility study.

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    Tareq Meyer

    Full Text Available Feasibility of endovascular stentectomy using a snare over stent-retriever (SOS technique was evaluated in a silicon flow model and an in vivo swine model. In vitro, stentectomy of different intracranial stents using the SOS technique was feasible in 22 out of 24 (92% retrieval maneuvers. In vivo, stentectomy was successful in 10 out of 10 procedures (100%. In one case self-limiting vasospasm was observed angiographically as a technique related complication in the animal model. Endovascular stentectomy using the SOS technique is feasible in an experimental setting and may be transferred to a clinical scenario.

  2. Sos - response induction by gamma radiation in Escherichia coli strains with different repair capacities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serment Guerrero, J.H.


    The Sos - response in Escherichia coli is formed by several genes involved in mechanisms of tolerance and/or repair, and only activates when a DNA - damage appears. It is controlled by recA and lexA genes. In normal circumstances, LexA protein is linked in every Sos operators, blocking the transcription. When a DNA damage occurs, a Sos signal is generated, Rec A protein changes its normal functions, starts acting as a protease and cleaves Lex A, allowing the transcription of all Sos genes. This response can be quantified by means of Sos Chromo test, performed by Quillardet and Ofnung (1985). In using the Chromo test, it has been observed that the DNA damage made by gamma radiation in Escherichia coli depends on both the doses and the doses rate. It has been shown that the exposure of Escherichia coli PQ37 strain (uvrA) to low doses at low dose rate appears to retard the response, suggesting the action of a repair mechanism. (Brena 1990). In this work, we compare the response in Escherichia coli strains deficient in different mechanisms of repair and/or tolerance. It is observed the importance of rec N gene in the repair of DNA damage produced by gamma radiation. (Author)



    Daniela Alessio; Sandra Robles; Lilian Moro; René Molina


    En este estudio se efectúa el análisis de dos metodologías de ensayo para evaluar el comportamiento de un material al creep o fluencia por activación térmica o termofluencia. Se realizaron en laboratorio dos tipos de ensayos, por torsión y por tracción, bajo combinaciones de temperatura y tensión comparables, de un acero austenítico, de uso habitual en los equipos de la industria petroquímica de la región. Con los registros adquiridos, se graficaron las diferentes curvas deformación-tiempo de...

  4. Monitoring Ras Interactions with the Nucleotide Exchange Factor Son of Sevenless (Sos) Using Site-specific NMR Reporter Signals and Intrinsic Fluorescence* (United States)

    Vo, Uybach; Vajpai, Navratna; Flavell, Liz; Bobby, Romel; Breeze, Alexander L.; Embrey, Kevin J.; Golovanov, Alexander P.


    The activity of Ras is controlled by the interconversion between GTP- and GDP-bound forms partly regulated by the binding of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Son of Sevenless (Sos). The details of Sos binding, leading to nucleotide exchange and subsequent dissociation of the complex, are not completely understood. Here, we used uniformly 15N-labeled Ras as well as [13C]methyl-Met,Ile-labeled Sos for observing site-specific details of Ras-Sos interactions in solution. Binding of various forms of Ras (loaded with GDP and mimics of GTP or nucleotide-free) at the allosteric and catalytic sites of Sos was comprehensively characterized by monitoring signal perturbations in the NMR spectra. The overall affinity of binding between these protein variants as well as their selected functional mutants was also investigated using intrinsic fluorescence. The data support a positive feedback activation of Sos by Ras·GTP with Ras·GTP binding as a substrate for the catalytic site of activated Sos more weakly than Ras·GDP, suggesting that Sos should actively promote unidirectional GDP → GTP exchange on Ras in preference of passive homonucleotide exchange. Ras·GDP weakly binds to the catalytic but not to the allosteric site of Sos. This confirms that Ras·GDP cannot properly activate Sos at the allosteric site. The novel site-specific assay described may be useful for design of drugs aimed at perturbing Ras-Sos interactions. PMID:26565026

  5. Overexpression of the PtSOS2 gene improves tolerance to salt stress in transgenic poplar plants. (United States)

    Yang, Yang; Tang, Ren-Jie; Jiang, Chun-Mei; Li, Bei; Kang, Tao; Liu, Hua; Zhao, Nan; Ma, Xu-Jun; Yang, Lei; Chen, Shao-Liang; Zhang, Hong-Xia


    In higher plants, the salt overly sensitive (SOS) signalling pathway plays a crucial role in maintaining ion homoeostasis and conferring salt tolerance under salinity condition. Previously, we functionally characterized the conserved SOS pathway in the woody plant Populus trichocarpa. In this study, we demonstrate that overexpression of the constitutively active form of PtSOS2 (PtSOS2TD), one of the key components of this pathway, significantly increased salt tolerance in aspen hybrid clone Shanxin Yang (Populus davidiana × Populus bolleana). Compared to the wild-type control, transgenic plants constitutively expressing PtSOS2TD exhibited more vigorous growth and produced greater biomass in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl. The improved salt tolerance was associated with a decreased Na(+) accumulation in the leaves of transgenic plants. Further analyses revealed that plasma membrane Na(+) /H(+) exchange activity and Na(+) efflux in transgenic plants were significantly higher than those in the wild-type plants. Moreover, transgenic plants showed improved capacity in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by salt stress. Taken together, our results suggest that PtSOS2 could serve as an ideal target gene to genetically engineer salt-tolerant trees. © 2015 Society for Experimental Biology, Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. 77 FR 65896 - Award of a Single-Source Replacement Grant to SOS Children's Villages Illinois in Chicago, IL (United States)


    ....623] Award of a Single-Source Replacement Grant to SOS Children's Villages Illinois in Chicago, IL... (FYSB) announces the award of a single-source replacement grant to SOS Children's Villages Illinois in... grant. ACYF/FYSB has designated SOS Children's Villages Illinois, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization...

  7. “La calle es un río”: el público de los (narcocorridos como “el pueblo”

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    Rihan Yeh


    Full Text Available Mediante el análisis detallado de las letras de algunos (narcocorridos, junto con la prácti - ca de retomarlas y relacionarlas con la vida cotidiana, este ensayo explora cómo este género musical y narrativo interpela a su público oyente como “el pueblo”. Parte de la perspectiva lingüístico-antropológica sobre los públicos como entes reflexivos, formados en la circulación del discurso, para plantear la emergencia paradójica de “el pueblo”, entre ideologías que resaltan el papel del poder —ya sea del crimen organizado o del esta - do—, en la comunicación pública. Etnográ - ficamente, el ensayo se sitúa en la ciudad de Tijuana, en la frontera de México con Estados Unidos, un lugar crucial para el imaginario del mundo que proyectan los corridos.

  8. A metabonomic evaluation of the monocrotaline-induced sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conotte, R.; Colet, J.-M., E-mail:


    The main curative treatment of colorectal cancer remains the surgery. However, when metastases are suspected, surgery is followed by a preventive chemotherapy using oxaliplatin which, unfortunately, may cause liver sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS). Such hepatic damage is barely detected during or after chemotherapy due to a lack of effective diagnostic procedures, but liver biopsy. The primary objective of the present study was to identify potential early diagnosis biomarkers of SOS using a metabonomic approach. SOS was induced in rats by monocrotaline, a prototypical toxic substance. {sup 1}H NMR spectroscopy analysis of urine samples collected from rats treated with monocrotaline showed significant metabolic changes as compared to controls. During a first phase, cellular protective mechanisms such as an increased synthesis of GSH (reduced taurine) and the recruitment of cell osmolytes in the liver (betaine) were seen. In the second phase, the disturbance of the urea cycle (increased ornithine and urea reduction) leading to the depletion of NO, the alteration in the GSH synthesis (increased creatine and GSH precursors (glutamate, dimethylglycine and sarcosine)), and the liver necrosis (decrease taurine and increase creatine) all indicate the development of SOS. - Highlights: • Urine metabonomic profiles of SOS have been identified. • Urine osmoprotectants and anti-oxidants indicated an initial liver protection. • Liver necrosis was demonstrated by increased urine levels of taurine and creatine. • NO depletion was suggested by changes in ornithine and urea.

  9. Effect of the SOS response on the mean fitness of unicellular populations: a quasispecies approach. (United States)

    Kama, Amit; Tannenbaum, Emmanuel


    The goal of this paper is to develop a mathematical model that analyzes the selective advantage of the SOS response in unicellular organisms. To this end, this paper develops a quasispecies model that incorporates the SOS response. We consider a unicellular, asexually replicating population of organisms, whose genomes consist of a single, double-stranded DNA molecule, i.e. one chromosome. We assume that repair of post-replication mismatched base-pairs occurs with probability , and that the SOS response is triggered when the total number of mismatched base-pairs is at least . We further assume that the per-mismatch SOS elimination rate is characterized by a first-order rate constant . For a single fitness peak landscape where the master genome can sustain up to mismatches and remain viable, this model is analytically solvable in the limit of infinite sequence length. The results, which are confirmed by stochastic simulations, indicate that the SOS response does indeed confer a fitness advantage to a population, provided that it is only activated when DNA damage is so extensive that a cell will die if it does not attempt to repair its DNA.

  10. Dynamic studies of H-Ras•GTPγS interactions with nucleotide exchange factor Sos reveal a transient ternary complex formation in solution. (United States)

    Vo, Uybach; Vajpai, Navratna; Embrey, Kevin J; Golovanov, Alexander P


    The cycling between GDP- and GTP- bound forms of the Ras protein is partly regulated by the binding of Sos. The structural/dynamic behavior of the complex formed between activated Sos and Ras at the point of the functional cycle where the nucleotide exchange is completed has not been described to date. Here we show that solution NMR spectra of H-Ras∙GTPγS mixed with a functional fragment of Sos (Sos(Cat)) at a 2:1 ratio are consistent with the formation of a rather dynamic assembly. H-Ras∙GTPγS binding was in fast exchange on the NMR timescale and retained a significant degree of molecular tumbling independent of Sos(Cat), while Sos(Cat) also tumbled largely independently of H-Ras. Estimates of apparent molecular weight from both NMR data and SEC-MALS revealed that, at most, only one H-Ras∙GTPγS molecule appears stably bound to Sos. The weak transient interaction between Sos and the second H-Ras∙GTPγS may provide a necessary mechanism for complex dissociation upon the completion of the native GDP → GTP exchange reaction, but also explains measurable GTP → GTP exchange activity of Sos routinely observed in in vitro assays that use fluorescently-labelled analogs of GTP. Overall, the data presents the first dynamic snapshot of Ras functional cycle as controlled by Sos.


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    Ana María Gómez Londoño


    Full Text Available Ya no puedo decir que ";pienso, luego existo"; sino ";creo lenguaje para existir";. Este posicionamiento que exige la práctica artística contemporánea condiciona centralmente la concepción misma de Escritura, y las modalidades de relación textual que usa el artista para hacer existir ";su proceso"; en el Lenguaje. De manera nodal, determina el lugar desde dónde se escribe la imagen. Por tal razón, el interés de este ensayo, gira en torno a las intervenciones: ";Traducciones y Traductores"; y ";Texturas y Textualidades";, que hicieron parte del ciclo del Seminario Especial: La Escritura como práctica en la Maestría Artes Plásticas y Visuales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, me activan a formular una reflexión en torno a la práctica de escribir en Artes a partir de un genero textual: El ensayo. Éste, como  género de escritura es hibrido y plural pues contiene y combina diferentes tipos de discursividades. Así mismo, su escritura- exige una manera de operación inter-medial: entre la dimensión estética (arte y la dimensión epistémica (ciencia. En esta perspectiva, El Ensayo como el centauro de los géneros (Skirius, J, 1989, me permite establecer una modalidad textual de relación del artista con el texto escrito y me sirve como metáfora de la práctica artística contemporánea.

  12. Plataforma de ensayo de inductancias para convertidores estáticos


    Román Lumbreras, Manuel; Velasco Quesada, Guillermo; Conesa Roca, Alfons; Pérez Delgado, Raúl; Codina, Albert; González, Jaime


    Reproducido con autorización del Grupo Tecnipublicaciones Este artículo presenta una plataforma para la realización de ensayos, en condiciones reales, sobre las inductancias que se instalarán en serie entre los convertidores estáticos y la red eléctrica en centrales solares fotovoltaicas con un consumo mínimo sin necesidad de convertidores y paneles para la generación fotovoltaica. Su finalidad es servir tanto para el ensayo y el control de la calidad de las inductancias fabric...

  13. Monitoring Ras Interactions with the Nucleotide Exchange Factor Son of Sevenless (Sos) Using Site-specific NMR Reporter Signals and Intrinsic Fluorescence. (United States)

    Vo, Uybach; Vajpai, Navratna; Flavell, Liz; Bobby, Romel; Breeze, Alexander L; Embrey, Kevin J; Golovanov, Alexander P


    The activity of Ras is controlled by the interconversion between GTP- and GDP-bound forms partly regulated by the binding of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Son of Sevenless (Sos). The details of Sos binding, leading to nucleotide exchange and subsequent dissociation of the complex, are not completely understood. Here, we used uniformly (15)N-labeled Ras as well as [(13)C]methyl-Met,Ile-labeled Sos for observing site-specific details of Ras-Sos interactions in solution. Binding of various forms of Ras (loaded with GDP and mimics of GTP or nucleotide-free) at the allosteric and catalytic sites of Sos was comprehensively characterized by monitoring signal perturbations in the NMR spectra. The overall affinity of binding between these protein variants as well as their selected functional mutants was also investigated using intrinsic fluorescence. The data support a positive feedback activation of Sos by Ras·GTP with Ras·GTP binding as a substrate for the catalytic site of activated Sos more weakly than Ras·GDP, suggesting that Sos should actively promote unidirectional GDP → GTP exchange on Ras in preference of passive homonucleotide exchange. Ras·GDP weakly binds to the catalytic but not to the allosteric site of Sos. This confirms that Ras·GDP cannot properly activate Sos at the allosteric site. The novel site-specific assay described may be useful for design of drugs aimed at perturbing Ras-Sos interactions. © 2016 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  14. Normalización del cemento. Características químicas: Algunos comentarios sobre los métodos de ensayo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaspar-Tebar, Demetrio


    Full Text Available El Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales para la Recepción de Cementos (RC-75, Decreto 1.064/1975 de 23 de mayo de 1975, publicado en los B.O.E. núms. 206 y 207, de fechas 28 y 29 de agosto, respectivamente, del mismo año, incluye la clasificación de los cementos, las prescripciones relativas a las características químicas y físicas, así como los métodos de ensayo que se deben utilizar para determinar dichas características.

  15. Suppressive effects of coffee on the SOS responses induced by UV and chemical mutagens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obana, Hirotaka; Nakamura, Sei-ichi; Tanaka, Ryou-ichi


    SOS-inducing activity of UV or chemical mutagens was strongly suppressed by instant coffee in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. As decaffeinated instant coffee showed a similarly strong suppressive effect, it would seem that caffeine, a known inhibitor of SOS responses, is not responsible for the effect observed. The suppression was also shown by freshly brewed coffee extracts. However, the suppression was absent in green coffee-bean extracts. These results suggest that coffee contains some substance(s) which, apart from caffeine, suppresses SOS-inducing activity of UV or chemical mutagens and that the suppressive substance(s) are produced by roasting coffee beans. (Auth.)

  16. Viral and cellular SOS-regulated motor proteins: dsDNA translocation mechanisms with divergent functions. (United States)

    Wolfe, Annie; Phipps, Kara; Weitao, Tao


    DNA damage attacks on bacterial cells have been known to activate the SOS response, a transcriptional response affecting chromosome replication, DNA recombination and repair, cell division and prophage induction. All these functions require double-stranded (ds) DNA translocation by ASCE hexameric motors. This review seeks to delineate the structural and functional characteristics of the SOS response and the SOS-regulated DNA translocases FtsK and RuvB with the phi29 bacteriophage packaging motor gp16 ATPase as a prototype to study bacterial motors. While gp16 ATPase, cellular FtsK and RuvB are similarly comprised of hexameric rings encircling dsDNA and functioning as ATP-driven DNA translocases, they utilize different mechanisms to accomplish separate functions, suggesting a convergent evolution of these motors. The gp16 ATPase and FtsK use a novel revolution mechanism, generating a power stroke between subunits through an entropy-DNA affinity switch and pushing dsDNA inward without rotation of DNA and the motor, whereas RuvB seems to employ a rotation mechanism that remains to be further characterized. While FtsK and RuvB perform essential tasks during the SOS response, their roles may be far more significant as SOS response is involved in antibiotic-inducible bacterial vesiculation and biofilm formation as well as the perspective of the bacteria-cancer evolutionary interaction.

  17. Unexpected Cartilage Phenotype in CD4-Cre-Conditional SOS-Deficient Mice. (United States)

    Guittard, Geoffrey; Gallardo, Devorah L; Li, Wenmei; Melis, Nicolas; Lui, Julian C; Kortum, Robert L; Shakarishvili, Nicholas G; Huh, Sunmee; Baron, Jeffrey; Weigert, Roberto; Kramer, Joshua A; Samelson, Lawrence E; Sommers, Connie L


    RAS signaling is central to many cellular processes and SOS proteins promote RAS activation. To investigate the role of SOS proteins in T cell biology, we crossed Sos1 f/f Sos2 -/- mice to CD4-Cre transgenic mice. We previously reported an effect of these mutations on T cell signaling and T cell migration. Unexpectedly, we observed nodules on the joints of greater than 90% of these mutant mice at 5 months of age, especially on the carpal joints. As the mice aged further, some also displayed joint stiffness, hind limb paralysis, and lameness. Histological analysis indicated that the abnormal growth in joints originated from dysplastic chondrocytes. Second harmonic generation imaging of the carpal nodules revealed that nodules were encased by rich collagen fibrous networks. Nodules formed in mice also deficient in RAG2, indicating that conventional T cells, which undergo rearrangement of the T cell antigen receptor, are not required for this phenotype. CD4-Cre expression in a subset of cells, either immune lineage cells (e.g., non-conventional T cells) or non-immune lineage cells (e.g., chondrocytes) likely mediates the dramatic phenotype observed in this study. Disruptions of genes in the RAS signaling pathway are especially likely to cause this phenotype. These results also serve as a cautionary tale to those intending to use CD4-Cre transgenic mice to specifically delete genes in conventional T cells.

  18. Sensor Data from the NERACOOS SOS Server, 2000-present (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS) Sensor Observation Service (SOS) The OCEANS IE -- formally approved as an OGC...

  19. High-throughput screening identifies small molecules that bind to the RAS:SOS:RAS complex and perturb RAS signaling. (United States)

    Burns, Michael C; Howes, Jennifer E; Sun, Qi; Little, Andrew J; Camper, DeMarco V; Abbott, Jason R; Phan, Jason; Lee, Taekyu; Waterson, Alex G; Rossanese, Olivia W; Fesik, Stephen W


    K-RAS is mutated in approximately 30% of human cancers, resulting in increased RAS signaling and tumor growth. Thus, RAS is a highly validated therapeutic target, especially in tumors of the pancreas, lung and colon. Although directly targeting RAS has proven to be challenging, it may be possible to target other proteins involved in RAS signaling, such as the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Son of Sevenless (SOS). We have previously reported on the discovery of small molecules that bind to SOS1, activate SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange on RAS, and paradoxically inhibit ERK phosphorylation (Burns et al., PNAS, 2014). Here, we describe the discovery of additional, structurally diverse small molecules that also bind to SOS1 in the same pocket and elicit similar biological effects. We tested >160,000 compounds in a fluorescence-based assay to assess their effects on SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange. X-Ray structures revealed that these small molecules bind to the CDC25 domain of SOS1. Compounds that elicited high levels of nucleotide exchange activity in vitro increased RAS-GTP levels in cells, and inhibited phospho ERK levels at higher treatment concentrations. The identification of structurally diverse SOS1 binding ligands may assist in the discovery of new molecules designed to target RAS-driven tumors. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Physical modeling of SOS P channel MOSFET and comparison with bulk devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merckel, G.; Gris, Y.


    The main technological steps applied to P channel MOSFET's on SOS are recalled. A large-signal model derived from a physical analysis is presented. Gate-source and gate-drain capacitors have been linearized versus drain voltage. Due to low injection, the only diffusion capacitance of the source-substrate forward biased diode, and the depletion capacitance of the drain-substrate reverse biased diode were taken into account. Some typical parameters measured on SOS and bulk devices are given [fr


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    Mariano Yedro


    Full Text Available Este texto busca dar cuenta de algunas ideas en torno al ensayo el caso particular de Nicolás Casullo, figura intelectual relevante del ensayismo del medio cultural argentino en las últimas décadas. Particularmente en su método de rememoración, esto es la crítica esbozada contra lógicas neoliberales apelando a saberes de la historia moderna. El texto tiene tres partes: la primera aborda, sucintamente, algunas ideas sobre el ensayo que aparecen en el medio intelectual argentino en el siglo XX. La segunda atiende al género del ensayo en la perspectiva de Casullo. Finalmente, tomando la figura del autor nos centraremos en su crítica al neoliberalismo desde la rememoración de la historia moderna. / This paper explores some ideas about the essay seen as cultural policy of resistance and transformation that in the Argentine intellectual scene operated in the form of criticism towards certain logics unfolded during the years of neoliberalism. We focus on the particular case of Nicolás Casullo, a relevant intellectual figure of essayism in the Argentine cultural scenario in the last decades. Particularly, in his method of reminiscence there is a criticism against neoliberal logics referring to instances of knowledge from modern history. The article is organized into three parts: the first one examines some ideas on the essay in the Argentine intellectual scene in the Twentieth Century. The second one deals with the genre of the essay from the perspective of Casullo. Finally, taking the figure of the author into account we concentrate on his critique towards neoliberalism from the reminiscence of modern history.

  2. First evidence on the validity and reliability of the Safety Organizing Scale-Nursing Home version (SOS-NH). (United States)

    Ausserhofer, Dietmar; Anderson, Ruth A; Colón-Emeric, Cathleen; Schwendimann, René


    The Safety Organizing Scale is a valid and reliable measure on safety behaviors and practices in hospitals. This study aimed to explore the psychometric properties of the Safety Organizing Scale-Nursing Home version (SOS-NH). In a cross-sectional analysis of staff survey data, we examined validity and reliability of the 9-item Safety SOS-NH using American Educational Research Association guidelines. This substudy of a larger trial used baseline survey data collected from staff members (n = 627) in a variety of work roles in 13 nursing homes (NHs) in North Carolina and Virginia. Psychometric evaluation of the SOS-NH revealed good response patterns with low average of missing values across all items (3.05%). Analyses of the SOS-NH's internal structure (eg, comparative fit indices = 0.929, standardized root mean square error of approximation = 0.045) and consistency (composite reliability = 0.94) suggested its 1-dimensionality. Significant between-facility variability, intraclass correlations, within-group agreement, and design effect confirmed appropriateness of the SOS-NH for measurement at the NH level, justifying data aggregation. The SOS-NH showed discriminate validity from one related concept: communication openness. Initial evidence regarding validity and reliability of the SOS-NH supports its utility in measuring safety behaviors and practices among a wide range of NH staff members, including those with low literacy. Further psychometric evaluation should focus on testing concurrent and criterion validity, using resident outcome measures (eg, patient fall rates). Copyright © 2013 American Medical Directors Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Kinetic and dose dependencies of the SOS-induction in E.coli K-12 (uvrA) cells exposed to different UV doses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komova, O.V.; Kandiano, E.S.; Malavina, G.; )


    Kinetic and dose dependencies of the SOS-induction in E. coli (uvrA) cells exposed to UV light were investigated. below 2 J/m 2 the rate of the SOS-induction increased with dose. Maximal level of the SOS-response was proportional to the UV dose. Pyrimidine dimers were necessary for the induction. In the dose range 2-10 J/m 2 the rate of SOS-induction decreased with dose. Dose-maximum response curve was non-linear. Pyrimidine dimers were not required for the induction. nature of the molecular events leading to the SOS-induction at low and high doses was discussed [ru

  4. Chemical trapping and characterization of small oxoacids of sulfur (SOS) generated in aqueous oxidations of H2S. (United States)

    Kumar, Murugaeson R; Farmer, Patrick J


    Small oxoacids of sulfur (SOS) are elusive molecules like sulfenic acid, HSOH, and sulfinic acid, HS(O)OH, generated during the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, H 2 S, in aqueous solution. Unlike their alkyl homologs, there is a little data on their generation and speciation during H 2 S oxidation. These SOS may exhibit both nucleophilic and electrophilic reactivity, which we attribute to interconversion between S(II) and S(IV) tautomers. We find that SOS may be trapped in situ by derivatization with nucleophilic and electrophilic trapping agents and then characterized by high resolution LC MS. In this report, we compare SOS formation from H 2 S oxidation by a variety of biologically relevant oxidants. These SOS appear relatively long lived in aqueous solution, and thus may be involved in the observed physiological effects of H 2 S. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Cuatro palabras sobre ensayos clínicos: ciencia/negocio, riesgo/beneficio

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    Antonio Ugalde


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan las limitaciones de los ensayos clínicos para determinar la seguridad y eficacia de los medicamentos en América Latina. Una de ellas es la falta de transparencia que rodea la implementación de los ensayos clínicos. No hay acceso a la información que obtienen los comités de ética en investigación, las agencias reguladoras y las empresas farmacéuticas, y el secretismo no responde a la necesidad de proteger los secretos industriales sino a permitir que los medicamentos en experimentación puedan comercializarse lo antes posible. El encubrimiento de las violaciones éticas, errores y en algunos casos fraudes es una condición tácita que imponen las empresas para que se sigan haciendo ensayos. Los gobiernos han aceptado la racionalización de la industria de que los ensayos clínicos transfieren conocimiento científico, benefician a los participantes, aportan divisas a la economía del país y sus descubrimientos contribuyen a mejorar la salud de todas las naciones. Con base en la información obtenida en varios países de América Latina y de investigadores independientes de otras partes del mundo, los autores refutan los argumentos de la industria farmacéutica.

  6. Ensayo EBADE: evaluación de la resistencia a la fisuración de las mezclas bituminosas


    Pérez Jiménez, Félix Edmundo; Botella Nieto, Ramón; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée


    La fisuración por fatiga es uno de los procesos de deterioro más frecuentes e importantes que tienen lugar en los firmes flexibles. Para evaluar la resistencia a fatiga que tienen las mezclas bituminosas que componen estos pavimentos se realizan ensayos de larga duración que requieren un equipamiento específico. Por esta razón algunos investigadores están estudiando procedimientos alternativos más sencillos de implementar y que reduzcan el tiempo de ensayo. El ensayo EBADE (Ensayo de BArrido ...

  7. Evaluation of effects of busulfan and DMA on SOS in pediatric stem cell recipients. (United States)

    Kerl, Kornelius; Diestelhorst, Christian; Bartelink, Imke; Boelens, Jaap; Trame, Mirjam N; Boos, Joachim; Hempel, Georg


    Busulfan (Bu) is a DNA-alkylating agent used for myeloablative conditioning in stem cell transplantation in children and adults. While the use of intravenous rather than oral administration of Bu has reduced inter-individual variability in plasma levels, toxicity still occurs frequently after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Toxicity (especially hepatotoxic effects) of intravenous (IV) Bu may be related to both Bu and/or N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), the solvent of Bu. In this study, we assessed the relation between the exposure of Bu and DMA with regards to the clinical outcome in children from two cohorts. In a two-centre study Bu and DMA AUC (area under the curve) were correlated in pediatric stem cell recipients to the risk of developing SOS and to the clinical outcome. In patients receiving Bu four times per day Bu levels >1,500 µmol/L minute correlate to an increased risk of developing a SOS. In the collective cohort, summarizing data of all 53 patients of this study, neither high area under the curve (AUC) of Bu nor high AUC of DMA appears to be an independent risk factor for the development of SOS in children. In this study neither Bu nor DMA was observed as an independent risk factor for the development of SOS. To identify subgroups (e.g., infants), in which Bu or DMA might be risk factors for the induction of SOS, larger cohorts have to be evaluated. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. SOS formats and meta-theory : 20 years after

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mousavi, M.R.; Reniers, M.A.; Groote, J.F.


    In 1981 Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) was introduced as a systematic way to define operational semantics of programming languages by a set of rules of a certain shape [G.D. Plotkin, A structural approach to operational semantics, Technical Report DAIMI FN-19, Computer Science Department,

  9. Characterization of the Burkholderia thailandensis SOS response by using whole-transcriptome shotgun sequencing. (United States)

    Ulrich, Ricky L; Deshazer, David; Kenny, Tara A; Ulrich, Melanie P; Moravusova, Anna; Opperman, Timothy; Bavari, Sina; Bowlin, Terry L; Moir, Donald T; Panchal, Rekha G


    The bacterial SOS response is a well-characterized regulatory network encoded by most prokaryotic bacterial species and is involved in DNA repair. In addition to nucleic acid repair, the SOS response is involved in pathogenicity, stress-induced mutagenesis, and the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Using high-throughput sequencing technology (SOLiD RNA-Seq), we analyzed the Burkholderia thailandensis global SOS response to the fluoroquinolone antibiotic, ciprofloxacin (CIP), and the DNA-damaging chemical, mitomycin C (MMC). We demonstrate that a B. thailandensis recA mutant (RU0643) is ∼4-fold more sensitive to CIP in contrast to the parental strain B. thailandensis DW503. Our RNA-Seq results show that CIP and MMC treatment (P SOS response were induced and include lexA, uvrA, dnaE, dinB, recX, and recA. At the genome-wide level, we found an overall decrease in gene expression, especially for genes involved in amino acid and carbohydrate transport and metabolism, following both CIP and MMC exposure. Interestingly, we observed the upregulation of several genes involved in bacterial motility and enhanced transcription of a B. thailandensis genomic island encoding a Siphoviridae bacteriophage designated E264. Using B. thailandensis plaque assays and PCR with B. mallei ATCC 23344 as the host, we demonstrate that CIP and MMC exposure in B. thailandensis DW503 induces the transcription and translation of viable bacteriophage in a RecA-dependent manner. This is the first report of the SOS response in Burkholderia spp. to DNA-damaging agents. We have identified both common and unique adaptive responses of B. thailandensis to chemical stress and DNA damage.

  10. RpoS plays a central role in the SOS induction by sub-lethal aminoglycoside concentrations in Vibrio cholerae. (United States)

    Baharoglu, Zeynep; Krin, Evelyne; Mazel, Didier


    Bacteria encounter sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in various niches, where these low doses play a key role for antibiotic resistance selection. However, the physiological effects of these sub-lethal concentrations and their observed connection to the cellular mechanisms generating genetic diversification are still poorly understood. It is known that, unlike for the model bacterium Escherichia coli, sub-minimal inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) of aminoglycosides (AGs) induce the SOS response in Vibrio cholerae. SOS is induced upon DNA damage, and since AGs do not directly target DNA, we addressed two issues in this study: how sub-MIC AGs induce SOS in V. cholerae and why they do not do so in E. coli. We found that when bacteria are grown with tobramycin at a concentration 100-fold below the MIC, intracellular reactive oxygen species strongly increase in V. cholerae but not in E. coli. Using flow cytometry and gfp fusions with the SOS regulated promoter of intIA, we followed AG-dependent SOS induction. Testing the different mutation repair pathways, we found that over-expression of the base excision repair (BER) pathway protein MutY relieved this SOS induction in V. cholerae, suggesting a role for oxidized guanine in AG-mediated indirect DNA damage. As a corollary, we established that a BER pathway deficient E. coli strain induces SOS in response to sub-MIC AGs. We finally demonstrate that the RpoS general stress regulator prevents oxidative stress-mediated DNA damage formation in E. coli. We further show that AG-mediated SOS induction is conserved among the distantly related Gram negative pathogens Klebsiella pneumoniae and Photorhabdus luminescens, suggesting that E. coli is more of an exception than a paradigm for the physiological response to antibiotics sub-MIC.

  11. Integral formula for elliptic SOS models with domain walls and a reflecting end

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamers, Jules, E-mail:


    In this paper we extend previous work of Galleas and the author to elliptic SOS models. We demonstrate that the dynamical reflection algebra can be exploited to obtain a functional equation characterizing the partition function of an elliptic SOS model with domain-wall boundaries and one reflecting end. Special attention is paid to the structure of the functional equation. Through this approach we find a novel multiple-integral formula for that partition function.

  12. Atomic orbital-based SOS-MP2 with tensor hypercontraction. I. GPU-based tensor construction and exploiting sparsity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Chenchen; Martínez, Todd J. [Department of Chemistry and the PULSE Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 (United States); SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025 (United States)


    We present a tensor hypercontracted (THC) scaled opposite spin second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (SOS-MP2) method. By using THC, we reduce the formal scaling of SOS-MP2 with respect to molecular size from quartic to cubic. We achieve further efficiency by exploiting sparsity in the atomic orbitals and using graphical processing units (GPUs) to accelerate integral construction and matrix multiplication. The practical scaling of GPU-accelerated atomic orbital-based THC-SOS-MP2 calculations is found to be N{sup 2.6} for reference data sets of water clusters and alanine polypeptides containing up to 1600 basis functions. The errors in correlation energy with respect to density-fitting-SOS-MP2 are less than 0.5 kcal/mol for all systems tested (up to 162 atoms).

  13. Atomic orbital-based SOS-MP2 with tensor hypercontraction. I. GPU-based tensor construction and exploiting sparsity. (United States)

    Song, Chenchen; Martínez, Todd J


    We present a tensor hypercontracted (THC) scaled opposite spin second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (SOS-MP2) method. By using THC, we reduce the formal scaling of SOS-MP2 with respect to molecular size from quartic to cubic. We achieve further efficiency by exploiting sparsity in the atomic orbitals and using graphical processing units (GPUs) to accelerate integral construction and matrix multiplication. The practical scaling of GPU-accelerated atomic orbital-based THC-SOS-MP2 calculations is found to be N(2.6) for reference data sets of water clusters and alanine polypeptides containing up to 1600 basis functions. The errors in correlation energy with respect to density-fitting-SOS-MP2 are less than 0.5 kcal/mol for all systems tested (up to 162 atoms).

  14. istSOS, a new sensor observation management system: software architecture and a real-case application for flood protection

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    M. Cannata


    Full Text Available istSOS (Istituto scienze della Terra Sensor Observation Service is an implementation of the Sensor Observation Service (SOS standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium. The development of istSOS started in 2009 in order to provide a simple implementation of the SOS for the management, provision and integration of hydro-meteorological data collected in Canton Ticino (Southern Switzerland. istSOS is an Open Source, entirely written in Python and based on reliable software like PostgreSQL/PostGIS and Apache/mod_wsgi. This paper illustrates the latest software enhancements, including a RESTful Web service and a Web-based graphical user interface, which enable a better and simplified interaction with measurements and SOS service settings. The robustness of the implemented solution has been validated in a real-case application: the Verbano Lake Early Warning System. In this application, near real-time data have to be exchanged by inter-regional partners and used in a hydrological model for lake level forecasting and flooding hazard assessment. This system is linked with a dedicated geoportal used by the civil protection for the management, alert and protection of the population and the assets of the Locarno area. Practical considerations, technical issues and foreseen improvements are presented and discussed.

  15. Mutation-Specific Mechanisms of Hyperactivation of Noonan Syndrome SOS Molecules Detected with Single-molecule Imaging in Living Cells. (United States)

    Nakamura, Yuki; Umeki, Nobuhisa; Abe, Mitsuhiro; Sako, Yasushi


    Noonan syndrome (NS) is a congenital hereditary disorder associated with developmental and cardiac defects. Some patients with NS carry mutations in SOS, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase RAS. NS mutations have been identified not only in the GEF domain, but also in various domains of SOS, suggesting that multiple mechanisms disrupt SOS function. In this study, we examined three NS mutations in different domains of SOS to clarify the abnormality in its translocation to the plasma membrane, where SOS activates RAS. The association and dissociation kinetics between SOS tagged with a fluorescent protein and the living cell surface were observed in single molecules. All three mutants showed increased affinity for the plasma membrane, inducing excessive RAS signalling. However, the mechanisms by which their affinity was increased were specific to each mutant. Conformational disorder in the resting state, increased probability of a conformational change on the plasma membrane, and an increased association rate constant with the membrane receptor are the suggested mechanisms. These different properties cause the specific phenotypes of the mutants, which should be rescuable with different therapeutic strategies. Therefore, single-molecule kinetic analyses of living cells are useful for the pathological analysis of genetic diseases.

  16. La terapia celular como tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica

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    Ricardo Sanz


    Full Text Available Hasta hace poco tiempo se pensaba que el miocardio era un tejido sin capacidad de regeneración. El descubrimiento de progenitores celulares en el corazón de mamíferos adultos y la evidencia científica de que la reparación cardíaca existe han cambiado esta creencia, abriendo una nueva vía de investigación en el tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Durante años, circunscrita al ámbito de la investigación básica y de los ensayos preclínicos, esta nueva línea de investigación se ha trasladado al ámbito clínico, donde se están desarrollando ensayos en humanos para evaluar la seguridad, factibilidad y eficacia de dicha terapia celular en la regeneración miocárdica. En esta revisión nos centraremos en la terapia celular de la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica en humanos, recogiendo los antecedentes, tipos de células y vías de administración, así como los principales ensayos clínicos publicados hasta el momento.

  17. DinB Upregulation Is the Sole Role of the SOS Response in Stress-Induced Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli (United States)

    Galhardo, Rodrigo S.; Do, Robert; Yamada, Masami; Friedberg, Errol C.; Hastings, P. J.; Nohmi, Takehiko; Rosenberg, Susan M.


    Stress-induced mutagenesis is a collection of mechanisms observed in bacterial, yeast, and human cells in which adverse conditions provoke mutagenesis, often under the control of stress responses. Control of mutagenesis by stress responses may accelerate evolution specifically when cells are maladapted to their environments, i.e., are stressed. It is therefore important to understand how stress responses increase mutagenesis. In the Escherichia coli Lac assay, stress-induced point mutagenesis requires induction of at least two stress responses: the RpoS-controlled general/starvation stress response and the SOS DNA-damage response, both of which upregulate DinB error-prone DNA polymerase, among other genes required for Lac mutagenesis. We show that upregulation of DinB is the only aspect of the SOS response needed for stress-induced mutagenesis. We constructed two dinB(oc) (operator-constitutive) mutants. Both produce SOS-induced levels of DinB constitutively. We find that both dinB(oc) alleles fully suppress the phenotype of constitutively SOS-“off” lexA(Ind−) mutant cells, restoring normal levels of stress-induced mutagenesis. Thus, dinB is the only SOS gene required at induced levels for stress-induced point mutagenesis. Furthermore, although spontaneous SOS induction has been observed to occur in only a small fraction of cells, upregulation of dinB by the dinB(oc) alleles in all cells does not promote a further increase in mutagenesis, implying that SOS induction of DinB, although necessary, is insufficient to differentiate cells into a hypermutable condition. PMID:19270270

  18. Motion-insensitive carotid intraplaque hemorrhage imaging using 3D inversion recovery preparation stack of stars (IR-prep SOS) technique. (United States)

    Kim, Seong-Eun; Roberts, John A; Eisenmenger, Laura B; Aldred, Booth W; Jamil, Osama; Bolster, Bradley D; Bi, Xiaoming; Parker, Dennis L; Treiman, Gerald S; McNally, J Scott


    Carotid artery imaging is important in the clinical management of patients at risk for stroke. Carotid intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH) presents an important diagnostic challenge. 3D magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo (MPRAGE) has been shown to accurately image carotid IPH; however, this sequence can be limited due to motion- and flow-related artifact. The purpose of this work was to develop and evaluate an improved 3D carotid MPRAGE sequence for IPH detection. We hypothesized that a radial-based k-space trajectory sequence such as "Stack of Stars" (SOS) incorporated with inversion recovery preparation would offer reduced motion sensitivity and more robust flow suppression by oversampling of central k-space. A total of 31 patients with carotid disease (62 carotid arteries) were imaged at 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with 3D IR-prep Cartesian and SOS sequences. Image quality was determined between SOS and Cartesian MPRAGE in 62 carotid arteries using t-tests and multivariable linear regression. Kappa analysis was used to determine interrater reliability. In all, 25 among 62 carotid plaques had carotid IPH by consensus from the reviewers on SOS compared to 24 on Cartesian sequence. Image quality was significantly higher with SOS compared to Cartesian (mean 3.74 vs. 3.11, P SOS acquisition yielded sharper image features with less motion (19.4% vs. 45.2%, P SOS (kappa = 0.89), higher than that of Cartesian (kappa = 0.84). By minimizing flow and motion artifacts and retaining high interrater reliability, the SOS MPRAGE has important advantages over Cartesian MPRAGE in carotid IPH detection. 1 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2017;45:410-417. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  19. Ensayo de neutralización in vitro de aplicación en la evaluación de inmunógenos contra la hepatitis A, obtenidos mediante la tecnología de expresión en fagos filamentosos

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    Alicia Aguilar


    Full Text Available La inmunidad contra el virus de la hepatitis A (VHA se debe en primera instancia a la inducción de anticuerpos neutralizantes. Disponer de ensayos de neutralización es indispensable para evaluar nuevos candidatos vacunales contra este patógeno. En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un ensayo de neutralización in vitro que permitió evaluar la inmunogenicidad de mimotopos del VHA obtenidos mediante la tecnología de expresión en fagos al ser inmunizados ratones Balb/c. Diferentes diluciones de anticuerpos se incubaron con 103 o 102 Dosis Infecciosas en Cultivo de Tejidos 50% (DICT50 del clon citopático HM175/18f de VHA, y se inocularon en placas con células FRhK4. Después de 7 días de incubación el título neutralizante se determinó como el recíproco de la dilución del suero capaz de reducir la multiplicación viral al 50%. Tanto 103 como 102 DICT50 fueron neutralizadas por el anticuerpo monoclonal 7E7 y los sueros humanos (A12 y A31 positivos a anticuerpos anti-VHA. Los controles negativos del ensayo no neutralizaron al virus. Los títulos neutralizantes de los sueros de ratones inmunizados con fagos portadores de mimotopos de VHA oscilaron entre 4 y 16, mientras que los sueros preinmunes y los de ratones inmunizados con fago salvaje M13 no neutralizaron la infectividad viral. Este ensayo de neutralización resultó adecuado para la evaluación de los inmunógenos propuestos

  20. Diseño de un banco de ensayos de bombas manuales


    Arroyo Fernández-Rañada, Jaime


    Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de la iniciativa de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid para construir un laboratorio de tecnologías apropiadas al abastecimiento de agua. Este laboratorio se ubicará en un espacio habilitado en Escuela Politécnica Superior de la UC3M e incluirá, en una primera etapa, un banco de ensayo de bombas manuales, cuyo diseño se llevará a cabo en este proyecto, un banco de ensayos para sistemas de bombeo alimentados con paneles fotovoltaicos, y un banco ...

  1. Mechanism of SOS-induced targeted and untargeted mutagenesis in E. coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maenhaut-Michel, G.


    This paper retraces the evolution of hypotheses concerning mechanisms of SOS induced mutagenesis. Moreover, it reports some recent data which support a new model for the mechanism of targeted and untargeted mutagenesis in E. coli. In summary, the SOS mutator effect, which is responsible for untargeted mutagenesis and perhaps for the misincorporation step in targeted mutagenesis, is believed to involve a fidelity function associated with DNA polymerase III and does not require the umuC gene product. umuC and umuD gene products are probably required specifically for elongation of DNA synthesis past blocking lesions, i.e. to allow mutagenic replication of damaged DNA

  2. Induction of the SOS response in ultraviolet-irradiated Escherichia coli analyzed by dynamics of LexA, RecA and SulA proteins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aksenov, S.V.


    The SOS response in Escherichia coli is induced after DNA-damaging treatments including ultraviolet light. Regulation of the SOS response is accomplished through specific interaction of the two SOS regulator proteins, LexA and RecA. In ultraviolet light treated cells nucleotide excision repair is the major system that removes the induced lesions from the DNA. Here, induction of the SOS response in Escherichia coli with normal and impaired excision repair function is studied by simulation of intracellular levels of regulatory LexA and RecA proteins, and SulA protein. SulA protein is responsible for SOS-inducible cell division inhibition. Results of the simulations show that nucleotide excision repair influences time-courses of LexA , RecA and SulA induction by modulating the dynamics of RecA protein distribution between its normal and SOS-activated forms

  3. Kinetic and dose dependences of the SOS-induction in E.coli K-12 (uvrA) cells exposed to the different UV doses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komova, O.V.; Kandiano, E.S.; Malavya, G.


    The kinetic and dose dependences of the SOS-induction in E.coli (uvrA) cells exposed to UV light were investigated. Below 2 J/m 2 the rate of the SOS-induction increased with dose. The maximal level of the SOS-response was proportional to the UV dose. Pyrimidine dimers were necessary for the induction. In the dose range 2-10 J/m 2 the rate of the SOS-induction decreased with dose. The dose-response curve was non-linear. Pyrimidine dimers were not required for the induction. The nature of the molecular events leading to the SOS-induction at low and high UV doses was discussed. (author)


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    Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available En un pavimento, cada una de las capas de la estructura experimenta bajo una carga vehicular ciclos de esfuerzo con componentes vertical, horizontal y de corte. Para el estudio de materiales granulares no tratados (utilizados para conformar capas de base y subbase, la mayor parte de las investigaciones se realizan empleando equipos triaxiales cíclicos en donde sólo la carga vertical es cíclica y la presión de confinamiento permanece constante durante el ensayo. Un ensayo que reproduce mejor la forma como se distribuyen los esfuerzos en estas capas es el ensayo triaxial cíclico con presión de confinamiento variable. En este ensayo se pueden modelar las componentes cíclicas tanto en el sentido vertical como horizontal. A pesar que son ensayos distintos, la ingeniería de pavimentos supone que la respuesta que experimentan estos materiales en estos ensayos es similar, lo anterior basado en algunos estudios realizados en la década de los setenta. En la presente investigación se diseña y desarrolla un programa experimental más detallado, para comparar el comportamiento que desarrolla un material granular no tratado en estos ensayos. De los resultados se evidencia que sólo para algunas trayectorias de esfuerzo, la dirección y la acumulación de la deformación vertical y volumétrica es similar.In a pavement structure, passing wheel loads impose cyclic stresses consisting of vertical, horizontal and shear components. Studies of the behavior of unbound granular materials (UGM, used for base and sub-base layers under cyclic loading are mostly performed using the axisymmetric triaxial test with constant confining pressure (CCP test and a cyclic variation of the axial stress. However, in this type of test only the vertical component of the cyclic stress path is considered. The oscillation of the horizontal stress can be reproduced by an additional cyclic variation of the confining pressure (VCP test. CCP and VCP tests are sometimes assumed to

  5. Ensayos de calefacción por «glorias»

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    Laorden, J.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describen los ensayos realizados haciendo circular los humos de una chimenea a través de un suelo hueco para calentarlo. Los humos salen de la chimenea, recorren el suelo de las habitaciones y vuelven a la chimenea para ser expulsados al exterior. Esta circulación indirecta de los humos se hace, bien por tiro natural de los humos o mediante un tiro forzado provocando por un ventilador axial. Los ensayos han demostrado que los humos pueden calentar una superficie de unos 40 metros cuadrados de suelo. Volviendo otra vez al origen, pero hace falta emplear el ventilador para conseguir que no haya revoco de los humos dentro de la habitación en que está el hogar.

  6. Ensamble, diseño y ensayo de un potenciometro computarizado

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    Rocio Bojacá B.


    Full Text Available Se ha ensamblado una unidad potenciométrica (U.P. para mediciones de pH y fuerza electromotriz en procesos estáticos y de titulación. La reproducibilidad en mediciones de pH es de 0.013 unidades de pH y 0.01 mi en volumen. El potenciómetro consta de un acoplador de impedancias, un amplificador de ganancia variable y una interfase (convertidor análogico/Digital. El computador utilizado es un Kaypro II y et graficador es Phillips 8154. El software desarrollado incluye tos programas calibra (estandarización de la U.P. en dos pH diferentes, titula, tit140 y Tit1400 (titulaciones ácido-base y Redox y Ajus (cálculos de volimen como función de pH o potencial. En los ensayos de la U.P. se insiste en las diferencias que se observan en las gráficas cuando se titula un Acido Fuerte o un Acido Débil. En el primer caso se propone la denominación Zona Estabilizadora y en et segundo Zona Buffer o amortiguadora, donde se forma el típico sistema Acido/Sal.

  7. Detailed studies on seed oil of Salicornia SOS-7 cultivated at the egyptian border of Red Sea

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    El-Mallah, M. Hassan


    Full Text Available Eight lipid patterns of Salicornia seed oil have been elucidated using HPLC as the main tool of analysis in conjunction with capillary GLC. The whole oil is rich in linoleic (66.5% with lower amount of linolenic acid (1.4%. Of the 22 triglycerides (TG determined, three major TG containing 3 and 2 linoleic acyls were detected by HPLC. The total tocopherols content (720 ppm was determined directly in the oil by HPLC and it was found that alpha-T (49.1% and gamma-T (48.2% are predominating.
    The whole sterol profile, as determined by GLC, includes cholesterol (1.0%, brassicasterol (1.4%, campesterol (2.4%, 5-stigmasterol (8.7%, beta-sitosterol (23.0%, spinasterol (17.0%, isofucosterol (0.8%, 7-stigmastenol (42.0% and 7-avenasterol (3.7%. Furthermore, sterols patterns of the free (nonacylated sterols (FS, acylated sterols (AS, free sterylglycosides (FSG and acylated sterylglycosides (ASG were determined by HPLC as their anthroylnitriles. FS and AS were determined as their steryl-9-anthroylnitriles (S-9-AN whereas FSG and ASG were analysed as their sterylglycosidyl-1-anthroylnitriles (SG-1-AN at nanogram level.
    Comparing Salicornia SOS-7 oil with traditional freshwater seed oils, Salicornia exhibits mostly a unique lipids constitution.

    Se han dilucidado ocho perfiles lipídicos de aceite de semilla de Salicornia usando HPLC como principal herramienta de análisis junto con la CGL capilar. El aceite completo es rico en linoleico (66.5% con bajo contenido en ácido linolénico (1.4%. De los 22 triglicéridos (TG determinados, los tres mayoritarios que contenían 3 y 2 cadenas de linoleico se detectaron por HPLC. El contenido en tocoferoles totales (720 ppm se determinó directamente en el aceite por HPLC y se encontró al alfa-T (49.1% y al gamma-T (48.2% como predominantes. El perfil de esteroles completo, determinado por CGL, incluyó colesterol (1.0%, brasicasterol (1.4%, campesterol (2.4%, 5-estigmasterol (8.7%, beta

  8. The SOS Chromotest applied for screening plant antigenotoxic agents against ultraviolet radiation. (United States)

    Fuentes, J L; García Forero, A; Quintero Ruiz, N; Prada Medina, C A; Rey Castellanos, N; Franco Niño, D A; Contreras García, D A; Córdoba Campo, Y; Stashenko, E E


    In this work, we investigated the usefulness of the SOS Chromotest for screening plant antigenotoxic agents against ultraviolet radiation (UV). Fifty Colombian plant extracts obtained by supercritical fluid (CO 2 ) extraction, twelve plant extract constituents (apigenin, carvacrol, β-caryophyllene, 1,8-cineole, citral, p-cymene, geraniol, naringenin, pinocembrin, quercetin, squalene, and thymol) and five standard antioxidant and/or photoprotective agents (curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, resveratrol, α-tocopherol, and Trolox®) were evaluated for their genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity against UV using the SOS Chromotest. None of the plant extracts, constituents or agents were genotoxic in the SOS Chromotest at tested concentrations. Based on the minimal extract concentration that significantly inhibited UV-genotoxicity (CIG), five plant extracts were antigenotoxic against UV as follows: Baccharis nítida (16 μg mL -1 ) = Solanum crotonifolium (16 μg mL -1 ) > Hyptis suaveolens (31 μg mL -1 ) = Persea caerulea (31 μg mL -1 ) > Lippia origanoides (62 μg mL -1 ). Based on CIG values, the flavonoid compounds showed the highest antigenotoxic potential as follows: apigenin (7 μM) > pinocembrin (15 μM) > quercetin (26 μM) > naringenin (38 μM) > epigallocatechin gallate (108 μM) > resveratrol (642 μM). UV-genotoxicity inhibition with epigallocatechin gallate, naringenin and resveratrol was related to its capability for inhibiting protein synthesis. A correlation analysis between compound antigenotoxicity estimates and antioxidant activity evaluated by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay showed that these activities were not related. The usefulness of the SOS Chromotest for bioprospecting of plant antigenotoxic agents against UV was discussed.


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    Claudia P. Tinjacá


    Full Text Available Se describe la estandarización de un ensayo de actividad para la ATPasa de calcio del eritrocito. De acuerdo con el ensayo, la actividad máxima de la enzima corresponde a 3.79 micromoles de fosfato por miligramo de proteína de membrana por hora y la actividad basal representa aproximadamente el 10% de la actividad máxima. El comportamiento de la curva de actividad contra el tiempo es lineal durante los primeros 30 minutos y se presenta una alta correlación entre aumento en la actividad de la enzima y concentración de Calmodulina. Gracias al ensayo es posible cuantificar Calmodulina en concentraciones menores a I^iM.

  10. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  11. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  12. Is the S.O.S. diagnostic algorithm applicable to creating highly safe protective systems?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drab, F.


    The S.O.S. diagnostic system is analyzed and compared with KOMPARACE and MIN-MAX type diagnostic systems. Designed for the identification of failed sensors, the S.O.S. dynamic algorithm is based on a digital monitoring of output signals from a pair of sensors measuring the same technological parameter. The last 3 output signal data from the two sensors are stored in the algorithm memory. The analysis indicates that S.O.S. is no major achievement in the field of diagnosis because its properties are nearly identical with those of the conventional MIN-MAX system. Some degradation failures of the sensor are incorrectly interpreted by the new algorithm, some failures are not detected at all. From this point of view the new algorithm is inferior to the KOMPARACE type algorithm. (J.B.). 2 figs., 5 refs

  13. Identification of genes involved in low aminoglycoside-induced SOS response in Vibrio cholerae: a role for transcription stalling and Mfd helicase. (United States)

    Baharoglu, Zeynep; Babosan, Anamaria; Mazel, Didier


    Sub-inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) of antibiotics play a very important role in selection and development of resistances. Unlike Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae induces its SOS response in presence of sub-MIC aminoglycosides. A role for oxidized guanine residues was observed, but the mechanisms of this induction remained unclear. To select for V. cholerae mutants that do not induce low aminoglycoside-mediated SOS induction, we developed a genetic screen that renders induction of SOS lethal. We identified genes involved in this pathway using two strategies, inactivation by transposition and gene overexpression. Interestingly, we obtained mutants inactivated for the expression of proteins known to destabilize the RNA polymerase complex. Reconstruction of the corresponding mutants confirmed their specific involvement in induction of SOS by low aminoglycoside concentrations. We propose that DNA lesions formed on aminoglycoside treatment are repaired through the formation of single-stranded DNA intermediates, inducing SOS. Inactivation of functions that dislodge RNA polymerase leads to prolonged stalling on these lesions, which hampers SOS induction and repair and reduces viability under antibiotic stress. The importance of these mechanisms is illustrated by a reduction of aminoglycoside sub-MIC. Our results point to a central role for transcription blocking at DNA lesions in SOS induction, so far underestimated.

  14. Apoptosis-like death, an extreme SOS response in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Erental, Ariel; Kalderon, Ziva; Saada, Ann; Smith, Yoav; Engelberg-Kulka, Hanna


    In bacteria, SOS is a global response to DNA damage, mediated by the recA-lexA genes, resulting in cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and mutagenesis. Previously, we reported that Escherichia coli responds to DNA damage via another recA-lexA-mediated pathway resulting in programmed cell death (PCD). We called it apoptosis-like death (ALD) because it is characterized by membrane depolarization and DNA fragmentation, which are hallmarks of eukaryotic mitochondrial apoptosis. Here, we show that ALD is an extreme SOS response that occurs only under conditions of severe DNA damage. Furthermore, we found that ALD is characterized by additional hallmarks of eukaryotic mitochondrial apoptosis, including (i) rRNA degradation by the endoribonuclease YbeY, (ii) upregulation of a unique set of genes that we called extensive-damage-induced (Edin) genes, (iii) a decrease in the activities of complexes I and II of the electron transport chain, and (iv) the formation of high levels of OH˙ through the Fenton reaction, eventually resulting in cell death. Our genetic and molecular studies on ALD provide additional insight for the evolution of mitochondria and the apoptotic pathway in eukaryotes. Importance: The SOS response is the first described and the most studied bacterial response to DNA damage. It is mediated by a set of two genes, recA-lexA, and it results in DNA repair and thereby in the survival of the bacterial culture. We have shown that Escherichia coli responds to DNA damage by an additional recA-lexA-mediated pathway resulting in an apoptosis-like death (ALD). Apoptosis is a mode of cell death that has previously been reported only in eukaryotes. We found that E. coli ALD is characterized by several hallmarks of eukaryotic mitochondrial apoptosis. Altogether, our results revealed that recA-lexA is a DNA damage response coordinator that permits two opposite responses: life, mediated by the SOS, and death, mediated by the ALD. The choice seems to be a function of the degree

  15. Refined functional relations for the elliptic SOS model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galleas, W., E-mail: [ARC Centre of Excellence for the Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 (Australia)


    In this work we refine the method presented in Galleas (2012) [1] and obtain a novel kind of functional equation determining the partition function of the elliptic SOS model with domain wall boundaries. This functional relation arises from the dynamical Yang-Baxter relation and its solution is given in terms of multiple contour integrals.

  16. Refined functional relations for the elliptic SOS model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galleas, W.


    In this work we refine the method presented in Galleas (2012) [1] and obtain a novel kind of functional equation determining the partition function of the elliptic SOS model with domain wall boundaries. This functional relation arises from the dynamical Yang–Baxter relation and its solution is given in terms of multiple contour integrals.

  17. Tolerance of Escherichia coli to fluoroquinolone antibiotics depends on specific components of the SOS response pathway. (United States)

    Theodore, Alyssa; Lewis, Kim; Vulic, Marin


    Bacteria exposed to bactericidal fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics can survive without becoming genetically resistant. Survival of these phenotypically resistant cells, commonly called "persisters," depends on the SOS gene network. We have examined mutants in all known SOS-regulated genes to identify functions essential for tolerance in Escherichia coli. The absence of DinG and UvrD helicases and the Holliday junction processing enzymes RuvA and RuvB leads to a decrease in survival. Analysis of the respective mutants indicates that, in addition to repair of double-strand breaks, tolerance depends on the repair of collapsed replication forks and stalled transcription complexes. Mutation in recF results in increased survival, which identifies RecAF recombination as a poisoning mechanism not previously linked to FQ lethality. DinG acts upstream of SOS promoting its induction, whereas RuvAB participates in repair only. UvrD directly promotes all repair processes initiated by FQ-induced damage and prevents RecAF-dependent misrepair, making it one of the crucial SOS functions required for tolerance.

  18. The SOS response is permitted in Escherichia coli strains deficient in the expression of the mazEF pathway. (United States)

    Kalderon, Ziva; Kumar, Sathish; Engelberg-Kulka, Hanna


    The Escherichia coli (E. coli) SOS response is the largest, most complex, and best characterized bacterial network induced by DNA damage. It is controlled by a complex network involving the RecA and LexA proteins. We have previously shown that the SOS response to DNA damage is inhibited by various elements involved in the expression of the E. coli toxin-antitoxin mazEF pathway. Since the mazEF module is present on the chromosomes of most E. coli strains, here we asked: Why is the SOS response found in so many E. coli strains? Is the mazEF module present but inactive in those strains? We examined three E. coli strains used for studies of the SOS response, strains AB1932, BW25113, and MG1655. We found that each of these strains is either missing or inhibiting one of several elements involved in the expression of the mazEF-mediated death pathway. Thus, the SOS response only takes place in E. coli cells in which one or more elements of the E. coli toxin-antitoxin module mazEF or its downstream pathway is not functioning.

  19. Calidad metodológica de ensayos clínicos sobre periodoncia publicados en revistas ISI

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    Katherine Morales

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la calidad metodológica de los ensayos clínicos de periodoncia en revistas indexadas en el Institute for Scientific Information. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo en el que se evaluaron los ensayos clínicos publicados entre Enero de 2008 y Diciembre de 2012, de las cuatro revistas de periodoncia indexadas a ISI, con mayor factor de impacto en los últimos 5 años según Journal Citation Reports. Se realizó una estrategia de búsqueda en PubMed para cada revista. Sólo los ensayos clínicos fueron seleccionados para el análisis cualitativo por medio de una escala de calidad metodológica. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el paquete estadístico SPSS Statistics 20 para Windows (IBM., Chicago, USA. y presentados mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: De las revistas que cumplieron los criterios de selección, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Periodontology, Journal of Periodontal Research e International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, se analizaron 387 ensayos clínicos. De los 24 puntos máximos obtenibles de la escala, la media alcanzada por los manuscritos evaluados fue de 17,45 puntos. Conclusión: La calidad metódológica de los ensayos clínicos en periodoncia, indexados en revistas ISI, fue deficiente.

  20. Influence of very short patch mismatch repair on SOS inducing lesions after aminoglycoside treatment in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Baharoglu, Zeynep; Mazel, Didier


    Low concentrations of aminoglycosides induce the SOS response in Vibrio cholerae but not in Escherichia coli. In order to determine whether a specific factor present in E. coli prevents this induction, we developed a genetic screen where only SOS inducing mutants are viable. We identified the vsr gene coding for the Vsr protein of the very short patch mismatch repair (VSPR) pathway. The effect of mismatch repair (MMR) mutants was also studied. We propose that lesions formed upon aminoglycoside treatment are preferentially repaired by VSPR without SOS induction in E. coli and by MMR when VSPR is impaired. Copyright © 2014 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Glutathione S-transferase M1-null genotype as risk factor for SOS in oxaliplatin-treated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Vreuls, C P H; Olde Damink, S W M; Koek, G H; Winstanley, A; Wisse, E; Cloots, R H E; van den Broek, M A J; Dejong, C H C; Bosman, F T; Driessen, A


    Oxaliplatin is used as a neo-adjuvant therapy in hepatic colorectal carcinoma metastasis. This treatment has significant side effects, as oxaliplatin is toxic to the sinusoidal endothelial cells and can induce sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS), which is related to decreased overall survival. Glutathione has an important role in the defence system, catalysed by glutathione S-transferase (GST), including two non-enzyme producing polymorphisms (GSTM1-null and GSTT1-null). We hypothesise that patients with a non-enzyme producing polymorphism have a higher risk of developing toxic injury owing to oxaliplatin. In the nontumour-bearing liver, the presence of SOS was studied histopathologically. The genotype was determined by a semi-nested PCR. Thirty-two of the 55 (58%) patients showed SOS lesions, consisting of 27% mild, 22% moderate and 9% severe lesions. The GSTM1-null genotype was present in 25 of the 55 (46%). Multivariate analysis showed that the GSTM1-null genotype significantly correlated with the presence of (moderate-severe) SOS (P=0.026). The GSTM1-null genotype is an independent risk factor for SOS. This finding allows us, in association with other risk factors, to conceive a potential risk profile predicting whether the patient is at risk of developing SOS, before starting oxaliplatin, and subsequently might result in adjustment of treatment.

  2. Phosphotyrosine-mediated LAT assembly on membranes drives kinetic bifurcation in recruitment dynamics of the Ras activator SOS. (United States)

    Huang, William Y C; Yan, Qingrong; Lin, Wan-Chen; Chung, Jean K; Hansen, Scott D; Christensen, Sune M; Tu, Hsiung-Lin; Kuriyan, John; Groves, Jay T


    The assembly of cell surface receptors with downstream signaling molecules is a commonly occurring theme in multiple signaling systems. However, little is known about how these assemblies modulate reaction kinetics and the ultimate propagation of signals. Here, we reconstitute phosphotyrosine-mediated assembly of extended linker for the activation of T cells (LAT):growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2):Son of Sevenless (SOS) networks, derived from the T-cell receptor signaling system, on supported membranes. Single-molecule dwell time distributions reveal two, well-differentiated kinetic species for both Grb2 and SOS on the LAT assemblies. The majority fraction of membrane-recruited Grb2 and SOS both exhibit fast kinetics and single exponential dwell time distributions, with average dwell times of hundreds of milliseconds. The minor fraction exhibits much slower kinetics, extending the dwell times to tens of seconds. Considering this result in the context of the multistep process by which the Ras GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) activity of SOS is activated indicates that kinetic stabilization from the LAT assembly may be important. This kinetic proofreading effect would additionally serve as a stochastic noise filter by reducing the relative probability of spontaneous SOS activation in the absence of receptor triggering. The generality of receptor-mediated assembly suggests that such effects may play a role in multiple receptor proximal signaling processes.

  3. Architecture and performance of radiation-hardened 64-bit SOS/MNOS memory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kliment, D.C.; Ronen, R.S.; Nielsen, R.L.; Seymour, R.N.; Splinter, M.R.


    This paper discusses the circuit architecture and performance of a nonvolatile 64-bit MNOS memory fabricated on silicon on sapphire (SOS). The circuit is a test vehicle designed to demonstrate the feasibility of a high-performance, high-density, radiation-hardened MNOS/SOS memory. The array is organized as 16 words by 4 bits and is fully decoded. It utilizes a two-(MNOS) transistor-per-bit cell and differential sensing scheme and is realized in PMOS static resistor load logic. The circuit was fabricated and tested as both a fast write random access memory (RAM) and an electrically alterable read only memory (EAROM) to demonstrate design and process flexibility. Discrete device parameters such as retention, circuit electrical characteristics, and tolerance to total dose and transient radiation are presented

  4. El romanticismo como mito fundacional de lo joven

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    Jairo Hernando Gómez Esteban


    Full Text Available El propósito principal de este ensayo es el de contribuir a la configuración y delimitación del corpus conceptual sobre juventud desde una perspectiva histórica, asumiendo el romanticismo como mito fundacional de lo joven, es decir, como el movimiento estético-político que ha logrado incrustarse y prevalecer no sólo en los imaginarios y rituales sino en las prácticas políticas y culturales de los jóvenes y las jóvenes de los dos últimos siglos. La hipótesis que me propongo demostrar es que las fuentes de las diversas formas de expresión ético-estéticas y políticas de la subjetividad contemporánea encarnadas en lo joven, no sólo se encuentran en el romanticismo, sino que siguen manifestándose con toda su fuerza y plenitud.

  5. Ensayos acelerados de resistencia del hormigón

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    Krishna Iyer, R.


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    Las normas para proyectar las estructuras de hormigón se basan, en cuanto a calidad se refiere, en los resultados del ensayo de la compresión de probetas preparadas y curadas en condiciones normalizadas, rotas a 28 días de edad. Este largo plazo causa dificultades pues sus indicaciones se conocen cuando ya han sido colocadas grandes cantidades de hormigón; esto es trágico si el resultado acusa una calidad defectuosa. Se impone utilizar métodos acelerados que permitan aplicar inmediatos correctivos en casos necesarios. Los métodos acelerados permiten, además, conocer rápidamente si la proporción proyectada alcanza las resistencias requeridas. Los autores estudian tres modos de operar, limitándose principalmente al estudio de la relación entre los resultados obtenidos para la resistencia a la compresión alcanzada por el método normalizado a 28 días y la que arrojan los ensayos acelerados, por el hormigón preparado con cemento portland ordinario.

  6. Mapping Modular SOS to Rewriting Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braga, Christiano de Oliveira; Haeusler, Edward Hermann; Meseguer, José


    and verification of MSOS specifications, we have defined a mapping, named , from MSOS to rewriting logic (RWL), a logic which has been proposed as a logical and semantic framework. We have proven the correctness of and implemented it as a prototype, the MSOS-SL Interpreter, in the Maude system, a high......Modular SOS (MSOS) is a framework created to improve the modularity of structural operational semantics specifications, a formalism frequently used in the fields of programming languages semantics and process algebras. With the objective of defining formal tools to support the execution...

  7. SOS: Observation, Intervention, and Scaffolding towards Successful Online Students (United States)

    Ainsa, Trisha


    Research, reflection, and evaluation of online classes indicated a need for graduated scaffolding for first time students experiencing distance learning. In order to promote student engagement in the online learning process, I designed SOS for beginning online students. Sixty-three online students were offered an opportunity to participate in a…

  8. Laplace: ensayo filosófico sobre las probabilidades


    Campos, Alberto


    Una lectura del Ensayo filosófico. Ideas claves de Laplace: Todo está perfectamente determinado. El azar es ignorancia de cómo están determinados los sucesos. La teoría del azar o cálculo de probabilidades es el cálculo de las posibilidades de algunos sucesos dentro de un conjunto de ellos.

  9. Estudio osteoarqueológico de la cremación romana de Sos del Rey Católico (Zaragoza

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    M.ª Paz de MIGUEL IBÁÑEZ


    Full Text Available Presentamos el estudio osteoarqueológico de los restos humanos procedentes del enterramiento romano recuperado en Sos del Rey Católico (Zaragoza. Se ha procedido a la identificación y descripción de las diferentes partes anatómicas, según la metodología descrita para las incineraciones. Hemos tenido en consideración la coloración de los huesos, su estado de fragmentación, su representación dentro del conjunto, etc., como elementos informadores sobre el proceso ritual. Las características antropológicas nos indican que se trata de un individuo adulto, sometido a alta temperatura, bastante bien conservado, con artropatía en la columna vertebral, cuyo sexo, sin embargo, no ha podido ser identificado.

  10. The SbSOS1 gene from the extreme halophyte Salicornia brachiata enhances Na(+) loading in xylem and confers salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. (United States)

    Yadav, Narendra Singh; Shukla, Pushp Sheel; Jha, Anupama; Agarwal, Pradeep K; Jha, Bhavanath


    Soil salinity adversely affects plant growth and development and disturbs intracellular ion homeostasis resulting cellular toxicity. The Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) gene encodes a plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) antiporter that plays an important role in imparting salt stress tolerance to plants. Here, we report the cloning and characterisation of the SbSOS1 gene from Salicornia brachiata, an extreme halophyte. The SbSOS1 gene is 3774 bp long and encodes a protein of 1159 amino acids. SbSOS1 exhibited a greater level of constitutive expression in roots than in shoots and was further increased by salt stress. Overexpressing the S. brachiata SbSOS1 gene in tobacco conferred high salt tolerance, promoted seed germination and increased root length, shoot length, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll, K(+)/Na(+) ratio, membrane stability index, soluble sugar, proline and amino acid content relative to wild type (WT) plants. Transgenic plants exhibited reductions in electrolyte leakage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and MDA content in response to salt stress, which probably occurred because of reduced cytosolic Na(+) content and oxidative damage. At higher salt stress, transgenic tobacco plants exhibited reduced Na(+) content in root and leaf and higher concentrations in stem and xylem sap relative to WT, which suggests a role of SbSOS1 in Na(+) loading to xylem from root and leaf tissues. Transgenic lines also showed increased K(+) and Ca(2+) content in root tissue compared to WT, which reflect that SbSOS1 indirectly affects the other transporters activity. Overexpression of SbSOS1 in tobacco conferred a high degree of salt tolerance, enhanced plant growth and altered physiological and biochemical parameters in response to salt stress. In addition to Na(+) efflux outside the plasma membrane, SbSOS1 also helps to maintain variable Na(+) content in different organs and also affect the other transporters activity indirectly. These

  11. Lex marks the spot: the virulent side of SOS and a closer look at the LexA regulon. (United States)

    Kelley, William L


    The SOS response that responds to DNA damage induces many genes that are under LexA repression. A detailed examination of LexA regulons using genome-wide techniques has recently been undertaken in both Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. These extensive and elegant studies have now charted the extent of the LexA regulons, uncovered many new genes, and exposed a limited overlap in the LexA regulon between the two bacteria. As more bacterial genomes are analysed, more curiosities in LexA regulons arise. Several notable examples include the discovery of a LexA-like protein, HdiR, in Lactococcus lactis, organisms with two lexA genes, and small DNA damage-inducible cassettes under LexA control. In the cyanobacterium Synechocystis, genetic and microarray studies demonstrated that a LexA paralogue exerts control over an entirely different set of carbon-controlled genes and is crucial to cells facing carbon starvation. An examination of SOS induction evoked by common therapeutic drugs has shed new light on unsuspected consequences of drug exposure. Certain antibiotics, most notably fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin, can induce an SOS response and can modulate the spread of virulence factors and drug resistance. SOS induction by beta-lactams in E. coli triggers a novel form of antibiotic defence that involves cell wall stress and signal transduction by the DpiAB two-component system. In this review, we provide an overview of these new directions in SOS and LexA research with emphasis on a few themes: identification of genes under LexA control, the identification of new endogenous triggers, and antibiotic-induced SOS response and its consequences.


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    Aida G. Rodríguez Hernández


    Full Text Available

    El Instituto Finlay en la última década ha impulsado el desarrollo y comercialización de nuevas vacunas para uso humano, entre las que se destaca la vacuna contra la meningitis meningocóccica BC, la cual constituye el único producto de su tipo en el mundo. Entre sus metas se halla introducir en su sistema de calidad elementos que permitan perfeccionar la función de control brindando vías más eficaces para el mejoramiento de la calidad de sus procesos. En este trabajo se diseña un Sistema de Control de la Calidad para los resultados de los ensayos que se llevan a cabo en la Dirección de Calidad de dicho instituto. Los elementos que forman parte del sistema de control han sido concebidos de modo tal que este cumpla con los objetivos enunciados en la ISO 9001:2000 para los sistemas de medición: demostrar la conformidad de los resultados de ensayo, seguir el desempeño de los procesos de ensayo, determinar el nivel de satisfacción del cliente y mejorar continuamente la eficacia del sistema de gestión de la calidad.

  13. Bloque de tierra comprimida como material constructivo

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    Óscar Javier Gutiérrez Junco


    Full Text Available La construcción con tierra es poco usada en la actualidad debido a la falta de difusión e investigación, y a que es relacionada con la pobreza; por ende, se desaprovechan muchas de sus ventajas, como la abundancia demateria prima, la localización, la disponibilidad, el reciclaje, la producción sin consumo de energía (calorífica, el bajo costo y la resistencia –con un adecuado estudio del material tierra, de la estructuración y del suelo de fundación–; otras de sus ventajas son el aislamiento térmico y acústico. Con el paso del tiempo se han mejorado las técnicas constructivas con tierra, realizando estabilizaciones e implementando el uso de maquinaria y herramienta mecánica para elaborar bloques de tierra comprimida, y así facilitar el trabajo y obtener mayor rendimiento. Este artículo presenta la tierra como material constructivo, las técnicas o sistemas constructivos, los bloques de tierra comprimida (BTC y algunos ensayos realizados a estos bloques.

  14. NKS1, Na+- and K+-sensitive 1, regulates ion homeostasis in an SOS-independent pathway in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Choi, Wonkyun


    An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, nks1-1, exhibiting enhanced sensitivity to NaCl was identified in a screen of a T-DNA insertion population in the genetic background of Col-0 gl1 sos3-1. Analysis of the genome sequence in the region flanking the T-DNA left border indicated two closely linked mutations in the gene encoded at locus At4g30996. A second allele, nks1-2, was obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center. NKS1 mRNA was detected in all parts of wild-type plants but was not detected in plants of either mutant, indicating inactivation by the mutations. Both mutations in NKS1 were associated with increased sensitivity to NaCl and KCl, but not to LiCl or mannitol. NaCl sensitivity was associated with nks1 mutations in Arabidopsis lines expressing either wild type or alleles of SOS1, SOS2 or SOS3. The NaCl-sensitive phenotype of the nks1-2 mutant was complemented by expression of a full-length NKS1 allele from the CaMV35S promoter. When grown in medium containing NaCl, nks1 mutants accumulated more Na+ than wild type and K +/Na+ homeostasis was perturbed. It is proposed NKS1, a plant-specific gene encoding a 19 kDa endomembrane-localized protein of unknown function, is part of an ion homeostasis regulation pathway that is independent of the SOS pathway. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. NKS1, Na+- and K+-sensitive 1, regulates ion homeostasis in an SOS-independent pathway in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Choi, Wonkyun; Baek, Dongwon; Oh, Dongha; Park, Jiyoung; Hong, Hyewon; Kim, Woeyeon; Bohnert, Hans Jü rgen; Bressan, Ray Anthony; Park, Hyeongcheol; Yun, Daejin


    An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, nks1-1, exhibiting enhanced sensitivity to NaCl was identified in a screen of a T-DNA insertion population in the genetic background of Col-0 gl1 sos3-1. Analysis of the genome sequence in the region flanking the T-DNA left border indicated two closely linked mutations in the gene encoded at locus At4g30996. A second allele, nks1-2, was obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center. NKS1 mRNA was detected in all parts of wild-type plants but was not detected in plants of either mutant, indicating inactivation by the mutations. Both mutations in NKS1 were associated with increased sensitivity to NaCl and KCl, but not to LiCl or mannitol. NaCl sensitivity was associated with nks1 mutations in Arabidopsis lines expressing either wild type or alleles of SOS1, SOS2 or SOS3. The NaCl-sensitive phenotype of the nks1-2 mutant was complemented by expression of a full-length NKS1 allele from the CaMV35S promoter. When grown in medium containing NaCl, nks1 mutants accumulated more Na+ than wild type and K +/Na+ homeostasis was perturbed. It is proposed NKS1, a plant-specific gene encoding a 19 kDa endomembrane-localized protein of unknown function, is part of an ion homeostasis regulation pathway that is independent of the SOS pathway. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Proceedings CORENDE: Regional congress on nondestructive and structural evaluation; Actas CORENDE: Congreso regional de ensayos no destructivos y estructurales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Works are presented at the CORENDE: Regional Congress on Nondestructive and Structural Evaluation organized by the National Atomic Energy Commission and the National Technological University (Mendoza). This congress wants to be the forum where people from research, industry and marketing might meet and discuss ideas towards the fostering of these new cultural habits. Papers covering all disciplines contributing to the evaluation of components, systems and structures are welcome: nondestructive evaluation methods and techniques (ultrasound, eddy currents and other electromagnetic methods, acoustic emission, radiography, thermography, leak testing, dye-penetrants, visual inspection, etc.), personnel certification, welding inspection, nondestructive metallography, optics and lasers, fluid-structure interaction, vibrations, extensometry, modelling of structures refs., ills. [Espanol] Se presentan trabajos de CORENDE: Congreso Regional de Ensayos no Destructivos y Estructurales organizado por la Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica y la Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Mendoza). Este congreso se propone como un foro de discusion, donde, desde la investigacion hasta la produccion y comercializacion, se intercambien y discutan ideas que sirvan de guia para fomentar ese necesario cambio cultural. Los topicos de discusion incluyen a todas las disciplinas presentes en la evaluacion de componentes, sistemas y estructuras: tecnicas no destructivas (ultrasonido, corrientes inducidas, radiografia industrial, emision acustica, particulas magnetizables, termografia, liquidos penetrantes, ensayos de perdidas, inspeccion visual, etc.), certificacion de personal, inspeccion en soldaduras, replicas metalograficas, tecnicas opticas y laser, interaccion fluido-estructura, vibraciones, extensometria, modelado de estructuras

  17. Novel Escherichia coli umuD′ Mutants: Structure-Function Insights into SOS Mutagenesis (United States)

    McLenigan, Mary; Peat, Thomas S.; Frank, Ekaterina G.; McDonald, John P.; Gonzalez, Martín; Levine, Arthur S.; Hendrickson, Wayne A.; Woodgate, Roger


    Although it has been 10 years since the discovery that the Escherichia coli UmuD protein undergoes a RecA-mediated cleavage reaction to generate mutagenically active UmuD′, the function of UmuD′ has yet to be determined. In an attempt to elucidate the role of UmuD′ in SOS mutagenesis, we have utilized a colorimetric papillation assay to screen for mutants of a hydroxylamine-treated, low-copy-number umuD′ plasmid that are unable to promote SOS-dependent spontaneous mutagenesis. Using such an approach, we have identified 14 independent umuD′ mutants. Analysis of these mutants revealed that two resulted from promoter changes which reduced the expression of wild-type UmuD′, three were nonsense mutations that resulted in a truncated UmuD′ protein, and the remaining nine were missense alterations. In addition to the hydroxylamine-generated mutants, we have subcloned the mutations found in three chromosomal umuD1, umuD44, and umuD77 alleles into umuD′. All 17 umuD′ mutants resulted in lower levels of SOS-dependent spontaneous mutagenesis but varied in the extent to which they promoted methyl methanesulfonate-induced mutagenesis. We have attempted to correlate these phenotypes with the potential effect of each mutation on the recently described structure of UmuD′. PMID:9721309

  18. Diagnóstico y acciones para la acreditación del laboratorio de ensayo de la Refinería Sergio Soto.

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    Senia Figueroa García


    Full Text Available La necesidad de resultados confiables en el laboratorio de ensayos de la empresa Refinería de Petróleo de Cabaiguán y la importancia de sus producciones como portadores energéticos utilizados fundamentalmente en el transporte automotor y la generación de energía eléctrica, constituyen las premisas de este trabajo, que propone un diagnóstico de la situación actual del laboratorio para enfrentar la acreditación. Se identifican las principales causas que influyen en este proceso, se utilizan herramientas básicas de la calidad; se destaca la tormenta de ideas, el Diagrama Causa-Efecto y de Pareto. El resultado muestra la necesidad de enfocar los esfuerzos en resolver los problemas relacionados con las causas de la categoría Equipos: falta de equipos y piezas de repuesto, equipos obsoletos y mantenimiento preventivo; también se destaca lo relativo a las causas de la categoría Métodos: falta de un Programa de Auditorías Internas, y de procedimientos documentados que aseguran la calidad de sus resultados. Se tomaron un grupo de acciones que contribuyen a resolver las dificultades detectadas, con vistas a solicitar la acreditación del laboratorio de ensayos a las autoridades competentes.

  19. Starvation, Together with the SOS Response, Mediates High Biofilm-Specific Tolerance to the Fluoroquinolone Ofloxacin (United States)

    Bernier, Steve P.; Lebeaux, David; DeFrancesco, Alicia S.; Valomon, Amandine; Soubigou, Guillaume; Coppée, Jean-Yves; Ghigo, Jean-Marc; Beloin, Christophe


    High levels of antibiotic tolerance are a hallmark of bacterial biofilms. In contrast to well-characterized inherited antibiotic resistance, molecular mechanisms leading to reversible and transient antibiotic tolerance displayed by biofilm bacteria are still poorly understood. The physiological heterogeneity of biofilms influences the formation of transient specialized subpopulations that may be more tolerant to antibiotics. In this study, we used random transposon mutagenesis to identify biofilm-specific tolerant mutants normally exhibited by subpopulations located in specialized niches of heterogeneous biofilms. Using Escherichia coli as a model organism, we demonstrated, through identification of amino acid auxotroph mutants, that starved biofilms exhibited significantly greater tolerance towards fluoroquinolone ofloxacin than their planktonic counterparts. We demonstrated that the biofilm-associated tolerance to ofloxacin was fully dependent on a functional SOS response upon starvation to both amino acids and carbon source and partially dependent on the stringent response upon leucine starvation. However, the biofilm-specific ofloxacin increased tolerance did not involve any of the SOS-induced toxin–antitoxin systems previously associated with formation of highly tolerant persisters. We further demonstrated that ofloxacin tolerance was induced as a function of biofilm age, which was dependent on the SOS response. Our results therefore show that the SOS stress response induced in heterogeneous and nutrient-deprived biofilm microenvironments is a molecular mechanism leading to biofilm-specific high tolerance to the fluoroquinolone ofloxacin. PMID:23300476

  20. El barco como un espacio pre-ocupado: un enfoque comparativo de las culturas migrantes entre Italia y Estados Unidos

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    Teresa Fiore


    Full Text Available Este ensayo propone una lectura de varios textos que se asocian a la emigración italiana a través de la inclusión del tropo del barco migrante: el libro de viajes En el océano, de De Amicis, la novela de educación de di Donato, Cristo de cemento, el cuento “El largo viaje” de Sciascia y el filme Lamerica de Amelio. La adopción y el enriquecimiento del término "heterotopía" de Foucault (utopías reales que representan, desafían y revierten espacios existentes y su aplicación al barco busca identificar la función transnacional del éste como un medio para narrar la historia de la emigración italiana. La lectura que se hace de estos textos ve al barco como un espacio pre-ocupado. Este concepto se presenta con el fin de enfatizar la constante ocupación y reocupación de este espacio por migrantes a través del tiempo, así como su condición de transporte de preocupaciones tanto de los migrantes como de los países de partida y de llegada. En este ensayo interdisciplinario el barco no es solo la "más grande reserva de imaginación", como dice la poderosa definición de Foucault, sino también un espacio en el que las relaciones étnicas y de clase, los destinos individuales y colectivos, y la explotación y la agencia se intersectan de complejas maneras a lo largo de las rutas migrantes.

  1. Procedimiento para el diseño de un sistema de calentamiento solar-mixto de aire que utiliza agua como fluido de trabajo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Francisco Boada E.


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe un sistema solar-mixto de calefacción de aire que incorpora colectores planos calentadores del agua, un tanque acumulador de calor y un dispositivo para el intercambio de calor agua-aire. Se presentan los ensayos que determinaron la disposición óptima del equipo para el intercambio de calor con flujo de agua por termosifón y el comportamiento térmico para diferentes flujos de aire, así como los ensayos para conocer el comportamiento del sistema de calentamiento solar de agua. Finalmente, el diseño se efectúa mediante un programa de computador adaptado para tal fin.

  2. Regulation of the E. coli SOS response by the lexA gene product

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brent, R.


    In an Escherichia coli that is growing normally, transcription of many genes is repressed by the product of the lexA gene. If cellular DNA is damaged, proteolytically competent recA protein (recA protease) inactivates lexA protein and these genes are induced. Many of the cellular phenomena observed during the cellular response to DNA damage (the SOS response) are the consequence of the expression of these lexA-prepressed genes. Since the SOS response of E. coli has recently been the subject of a comprehensive review, in this paper I would like to concentrate on some modifications to the picture based on new data. 12 references, 2 figures

  3. La celda Avesta: Un método para evitar problemas de corrosión por resquicios en los ensayos electroquímicos de corrosión por picaduras

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    Fosca, C.


    Full Text Available A very common problem, that occurs during the electrochemical pitting corrosion tests of CRAs (corrosion resistant alloys as stainless steels, is the simultaneous occurrence of crevice corrosion that difficults the evaluation of the electrochemical behaviour in presence of pitting corrosion mechanism only. Crevice corrosion appears as a consequence of the formation of crevices during the mountage of the specimen in the electrochemical cell. Several forms have been developed to avoid the presence of crevice during the electrochemical pitting corrosion test, but without satisfactory results. In the present study a relatively new and innovative method to eliminate the risk of crevice corrosion in the electrochemical tests is evaluated the Avesta cell. Anodic polarization electrochemical tests were carried out in a high alloy stainless steel in 3 % NaCl solution. The experimental results obtained using the Avesta cell were more reliable, reproducible and representative of the electrochemical behaviour of the material that those obtained using other methods of samples preparation to avoid the crevice formation.

    Uno de los grandes problemas que suelen presentarse en los ensayos electroquímicos ideados para evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión por picaduras de materiales como los aceros inoxidables es la presencia simultánea de corrosión por resquicios, que suele dificultar e impedir muchas veces la interpretación de los resultados electroquímicos. Este mecanismo de corrosión localizada se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de resquicios en el ensamble de la muestra con la celda electroquímica de ensayo. Se han ideado numerosas formas de evitar este inconveniente, pero ninguna ha resultado completamente satisfactoria. En el presente estudio se evalúa uno de los más nuevos e ingeniosos procedimientos para eliminar el riesgo de corrosión por resquicios en los ensayos de corrosión por picaduras: la celda Avesta. Se efectuaron

  4. Enseñanza de Teoría de Estructuras mediante el diseño, cálculo, construcción y ensayo de modelos


    Galvín, Pedro; Solís Muñiz, Mario; Romero Ordóñez, Antonio


    CNIM 2010 : Ciudad Real, 3-5 noviembre 2010. Anales de ingeniería mecánica, 2010, 18: 1-7 Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una experiencia de innovación docente dentro de la docencia en el ámbito de las estructuras en la titulación de Ingeniería Industrial en la Universidad de Sevilla. La metodología docente aplicada pretende motivar al alumno al aprendizaje promoviendo el diseño, cálculo, construcción y ensayo de estructuras. De esta forma, el alumnado se forma no sólo como cal...

  5. Simultaneous Scheduling of Jobs, AGVs and Tools Considering Tool Transfer Times in Multi Machine FMS By SOS Algorithm (United States)

    Sivarami Reddy, N.; Ramamurthy, D. V., Dr.; Prahlada Rao, K., Dr.


    This article addresses simultaneous scheduling of machines, AGVs and tools where machines are allowed to share the tools considering transfer times of jobs and tools between machines, to generate best optimal sequences that minimize makespan in a multi-machine Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). Performance of FMS is expected to improve by effective utilization of its resources, by proper integration and synchronization of their scheduling. Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) algorithm is a potent tool which is a better alternative for solving optimization problems like scheduling and proven itself. The proposed SOS algorithm is tested on 22 job sets with makespan as objective for scheduling of machines and tools where machines are allowed to share tools without considering transfer times of jobs and tools and the results are compared with the results of existing methods. The results show that the SOS has outperformed. The same SOS algorithm is used for simultaneous scheduling of machines, AGVs and tools where machines are allowed to share tools considering transfer times of jobs and tools to determine the best optimal sequences that minimize makespan.

  6. DNA compaction in the early part of the SOS response is dependent on RecN and RecA. (United States)

    Odsbu, Ingvild; Skarstad, Kirsten


    The nucleoids of undamaged Escherichia coli cells have a characteristic shape and number, which is dependent on the growth medium. Upon induction of the SOS response by a low dose of UV irradiation an extensive reorganization of the nucleoids occurred. Two distinct phases were observed by fluorescence microscopy. First, the nucleoids were found to change shape and fuse into compact structures at midcell. The compaction of the nucleoids lasted for 10-20 min and was followed by a phase where the DNA was dispersed throughout the cells. This second phase lasted for ~1 h. The compaction was found to be dependent on the recombination proteins RecA, RecO and RecR as well as the SOS-inducible, SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes)-like protein RecN. RecN protein is produced in high amounts during the first part of the SOS response. It is possible that the RecN-mediated 'compact DNA' stage at the beginning of the SOS response serves to stabilize damaged DNA prior to recombination and repair.

  7. Sociedades prehistóricas o históricas en las Californias. Ensayo de un momento de su historicidad

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    Felipe I. Echenique March


    Full Text Available En la actualidad un buen número de textos que refieren descripciones de tiempos pretéritos son considerados como obras historiográficas de primera mano. Lo anterior los cubre con un halo de intocabilidad en cualquiera de sus partes, hasta no dejamos distinguir lo que son apreciaciones convertidas en dogma y juicios de valor de lo que sólo son descripciones más o menos plausibles de lo visto. El autor de este ensayo pretende desprenderse de esos prejuicios y se arriesga a proponer otra lectura de los clásicos, donde rescata de los textos las partes y referencias que considera alumbran una nueva manera de ver la historia de los naturales que poblaban y dominaban las Californias antes de la llegada de los españoles.

  8. The SbSOS1 gene from the extreme halophyte Salicornia brachiata enhances Na+ loading in xylem and confers salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco

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    Yadav Narendra


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Soil salinity adversely affects plant growth and development and disturbs intracellular ion homeostasis resulting cellular toxicity. The Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1 gene encodes a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter that plays an important role in imparting salt stress tolerance to plants. Here, we report the cloning and characterisation of the SbSOS1 gene from Salicornia brachiata, an extreme halophyte. Results The SbSOS1 gene is 3774 bp long and encodes a protein of 1159 amino acids. SbSOS1 exhibited a greater level of constitutive expression in roots than in shoots and was further increased by salt stress. Overexpressing the S. brachiata SbSOS1 gene in tobacco conferred high salt tolerance, promoted seed germination and increased root length, shoot length, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, relative water content (RWC, chlorophyll, K+/Na+ ratio, membrane stability index, soluble sugar, proline and amino acid content relative to wild type (WT plants. Transgenic plants exhibited reductions in electrolyte leakage, reactive oxygen species (ROS and MDA content in response to salt stress, which probably occurred because of reduced cytosolic Na+ content and oxidative damage. At higher salt stress, transgenic tobacco plants exhibited reduced Na+ content in root and leaf and higher concentrations in stem and xylem sap relative to WT, which suggests a role of SbSOS1 in Na+ loading to xylem from root and leaf tissues. Transgenic lines also showed increased K+ and Ca2+ content in root tissue compared to WT, which reflect that SbSOS1 indirectly affects the other transporters activity. Conclusions Overexpression of SbSOS1 in tobacco conferred a high degree of salt tolerance, enhanced plant growth and altered physiological and biochemical parameters in response to salt stress. In addition to Na+ efflux outside the plasma membrane, SbSOS1 also helps to maintain variable Na+ content in different organs and also affect the other

  9. The SbSOS1 gene from the extreme halophyte Salicornia brachiata enhances Na+ loading in xylem and confers salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco (United States)


    Background Soil salinity adversely affects plant growth and development and disturbs intracellular ion homeostasis resulting cellular toxicity. The Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) gene encodes a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter that plays an important role in imparting salt stress tolerance to plants. Here, we report the cloning and characterisation of the SbSOS1 gene from Salicornia brachiata, an extreme halophyte. Results The SbSOS1 gene is 3774 bp long and encodes a protein of 1159 amino acids. SbSOS1 exhibited a greater level of constitutive expression in roots than in shoots and was further increased by salt stress. Overexpressing the S. brachiata SbSOS1 gene in tobacco conferred high salt tolerance, promoted seed germination and increased root length, shoot length, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll, K+/Na+ ratio, membrane stability index, soluble sugar, proline and amino acid content relative to wild type (WT) plants. Transgenic plants exhibited reductions in electrolyte leakage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and MDA content in response to salt stress, which probably occurred because of reduced cytosolic Na+ content and oxidative damage. At higher salt stress, transgenic tobacco plants exhibited reduced Na+ content in root and leaf and higher concentrations in stem and xylem sap relative to WT, which suggests a role of SbSOS1 in Na+ loading to xylem from root and leaf tissues. Transgenic lines also showed increased K+ and Ca2+ content in root tissue compared to WT, which reflect that SbSOS1 indirectly affects the other transporters activity. Conclusions Overexpression of SbSOS1 in tobacco conferred a high degree of salt tolerance, enhanced plant growth and altered physiological and biochemical parameters in response to salt stress. In addition to Na+ efflux outside the plasma membrane, SbSOS1 also helps to maintain variable Na+ content in different organs and also affect the other transporters activity indirectly

  10. Proceedings of the NKS/SOS-2 seminar on risk informed principles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pulkkinen, U.; Simola, K.


    The aim of this NKS/SOS-2 seminar was to present the status and plans of applications of Risk Informed Principles both by nuclear authorities and industry in Finland and Sweden. Furthermore, views from the off-shore industry were presented. (EHS)

  11. La fuerza de los lazos creativos: las redes sociales de un ensayo de danza

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    Dafne Mutanyola Saura


    Full Text Available Este artículo formaliza las pautas de actividad de un ensayo de danza neoclásica. El objetivo es iniciar la construcción de una representación relacional de la mirada bailada, parafraseando a Simmel (1908 y su teoría del control social relacional. A partir de un trabajo etnográfico de los procesos de ensayo de una compañía de danza, explicaremos cómo los bailarines toman decisiones. La distribución de un cuestionario sobre las interacciones durante los ensayos permite mostrar el habitus que se configura en la interacción local y social. Ellos y ellas miran, hablan, y se relacionan en una red de conocimiento distribuido. El análisis de la centralidad, de los cliques y de lazos simmelianos, realizados gracias a Ucinet, cristalizan la multiplicidad de roles y de grupos de afiliación de los y las bailarinas.

  12. The SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test on the International Space Station (ISS). (United States)

    Rabbow, E; Rettberg, P; Baumstark-Khan, C; Horneck, G


    In the 21st century, an increasing number of astronauts will visit the International Space Station (ISS) for prolonged times. Therefore it is of utmost importance to provide necessary basic knowledge concerning risks to their health and their ability to work on the station and during extravehicular activities (EVA) in free space. It is the aim of one experiment of the German project TRIPLE-LUX (to be flown on the ISS) to provide an estimation of health risk resulting from exposure of the astronauts to the radiation in space inside the station as well as during extravehicular activities on one hand, and of exposure of astronauts to unavoidable or as yet unknown ISS-environmental genotoxic substances on the other. The project will (i) provide increased knowledge of the biological action of space radiation and enzymatic repair of DNA damage, (ii) uncover cellular mechanisms of synergistic interaction of microgravity and space radiation and (iii) examine the space craft milieu with highly specific biosensors. For these investigations, the bacterial biosensor SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test will be used, combining the SOS-LUX-Test invented at DLR Germany (Patent) with the commercially available LAC-FLUORO-Test. The SOS-LUX-Test comprises genetically modified bacteria transformed with the pBR322-derived plasmid pPLS-1. This plasmid carries the promoterless lux operon of Photobacterium leiognathi as a reporter element under control of the DNA-damage dependent SOS promoter of ColD as sensor element. This system reacts to radiation and other agents that induce DNA damages with a dose dependent measurable emission of bioluminescence of the transformed bacteria. The analogous LAC-FLUORO-Test has been developed for the detection of cellular responses to cytotoxins. It is based on the constitutive expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) mediated by the bacterial protein expression vector pGFPuv (Clontech, Palo Alto, USA). In response to cytotoxic agents, this system

  13. Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase but Not of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in Lymphocytes Requires Allosteric Activation of SOS (United States)

    Jun, Jesse E.; Yang, Ming; Chen, Hang; Chakraborty, Arup K.


    Thymocytes convert graded T cell receptor (TCR) signals into positive selection or deletion, and activation of extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK), p38, and Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) has been postulated to play a discriminatory role. Two families of Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RasGEFs), SOS and RasGRP, activate Ras and the downstream RAF-MEK-ERK pathway. The pathways leading to lymphocyte p38 and JNK activation are less well defined. We previously described how RasGRP alone induces analog Ras-ERK activation while SOS and RasGRP cooperate to establish bimodal ERK activation. Here we employed computational modeling and biochemical experiments with model cell lines and thymocytes to show that TCR-induced ERK activation grows exponentially in thymocytes and that a W729E allosteric pocket mutant, SOS1, can only reconstitute analog ERK signaling. In agreement with RasGRP allosterically priming SOS, exponential ERK activation is severely decreased by pharmacological or genetic perturbation of the phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ)-diacylglycerol-RasGRP1 pathway. In contrast, p38 activation is not sharply thresholded and requires high-level TCR signal input. Rac and p38 activation depends on SOS1 expression but not allosteric activation. Based on computational predictions and experiments exploring whether SOS functions as a RacGEF or adaptor in Rac-p38 activation, we established that the presence of SOS1, but not its enzymatic activity, is critical for p38 activation. PMID:23589333

  14. Physics Teacher SOS: Supporting New Teachers without Pushing an Agenda (United States)

    Baird, Dean


    Few workshops for teachers focus primarily on instruction methods for basic high school physics. In Northern California, Physics Teacher SOS (PTSOS) has gained popularity doing just that. PTSOS workshops are directed toward early-career science teachers, though veterans are welcome too. The program is not influenced by scientific supply companies,…

  15. Ensayo no destructivo de soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante inspección acústica


    Aznar, A.; Cervera, J.; Ortiz, J.; Hernando, J. I.


    Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. Aparte de la inspección visual, que aporta gran información sobre la calidad de ejecución de la soldadura, el resto de ensayos no destructivos (líquidos penetrantes, partículas magnéticas, ultrasonidos, radiogr...

  16. Influencia del medio de ensayo y dirección de aplicación de la carga en el comportamiento a corrosión bajo tensiones de la aleación de aluminio 7075

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    Badía, J. M.


    Full Text Available The goal of this work is to prove the validity of using synthetic sea water as an alternative method instead of the NaCl solution used in stress corrosion crack growth tests in aluminium alloys, according to ASTM G 44. Several samples of 7075 alloy have been tested in different conditions and directions in both environments, which can be considered as equivalent. Only the samples tested in thickness direction have shown crack growth during the test. The use of sea water entails a great advantage in practice, by less superficial alteration, and lets therefore a much more reliable measure of the crack.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar la validez del empleo de agua de mar sintética como método alternativo a la solución de NaCl utilizada en los ensayos de crecimiento de grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones en aleaciones de aluminio, según la norma ASTM G- 44. Para ello, se ha procedido al ensayo de muestras de aleación 7075 en diferentes estados de tratamiento y con distintas orientaciones en ambos medios, comprobándose que pueden considerarse equivalentes. Sólo las probetas ensayadas en la dirección del espesor mostraron crecimiento de grieta durante los ensayos. La utilización del agua de mar representa una gran ventaja práctica ya que altera mucho menos la superficie de las muestras y permite, por tanto, una medida mucho más fiable de la grieta durante el ensayo.

  17. Radiation-hardened CMOS/SOS LSI circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aubuchon, K.G.; Peterson, H.T.; Shumake, D.P.


    The recently developed technology for building radiation-hardened CMOS/SOS devices has now been applied to the fabrication of LSI circuits. This paper describes and presents results on three different circuits: an 8-bit adder/subtractor (Al gate), a 256-bit shift register (Si gate), and a polycode generator (Al gate). The 256-bit shift register shows very little degradation after 1 x 10 6 rads (Si), with an increase from 1.9V to 2.9V in minimum operating voltage, a decrease of about 20% in maximum frequency, and little or no change in quiescent current. The p-channel thresholds increase from -0.9V to -1.3V, while the n-channel thresholds decrease from 1.05 to 0.23V, and the n-channel leakage remains below 1nA/mil. Excellent hardening results were also obtained on the polycode generator circuit. Ten circuits were irradiated to 1 x 10 6 rads (Si), and all continued to function well, with an increase in minimum power supply voltage from 2.85V to 5.85V and an increase in quiescent current by a factor of about 2. Similar hardening results were obtained on the 8-bit adder, with the minimum power supply voltage increasing from 2.2V to 4.6V and the add time increasing from 270 to 350 nsec after 1 x 10 6 rads (Si). These results show that large CMOS/SOS circuits can be hardened to above 1 x 10 6 rads (Si) with either the Si gate or Al gate technology. The paper also discusses the relative advantages of the Si gate versus the Al gate technology

  18. Utilización de la leucaena leucocephala como suplemento en cabras en crecimiento


    Clavero, Tyrone; Razz, Rosa


    Con el objeto de evaluar el crecimiento de cabras mestizas (Nubian x Criollo) suplementadas con Leucaena leucocephala, se realizó un ensayo en el Occidente de Venezuela en una zona caracterizada como Bosque muy Seco Tropical. Se evaluaron tres raciones: T1 (pastoreo en gramínea-Cenchrus cillaris), T2 (pastoreo en gramínea + 2 h/día en Leucaena), T3 (pastoreo en gramínea + alimento concentrado comercial, 300 g/animal/día). El diseño experimental fue de bloques completamente al azar. El peso de...

  19. Género: femenino. Un ensayo autobiográfico


    Thomas, Florence


    "Me gusta escribir pero no soy, ni nunca lo seré, una escritora. Trato de escribir desde mi ser mujer, desde una creciente conciencia de ser mujer en Colombia. Tratar de imprimir este ser mujer en mi escritura es, hoy por hoy, suficiente. Y ahí está mi acento, para no olvidar."... son algunos de los apartes de la escritora plasma en este ensayo autobiográfico

  20. Specificity determinants for autoproteolysis of LexA, a key regulator of bacterial SOS mutagenesis. (United States)

    Mo, Charlie Y; Birdwell, L Dillon; Kohli, Rahul M


    Bacteria utilize the tightly regulated stress response (SOS) pathway to respond to a variety of genotoxic agents, including antimicrobials. Activation of the SOS response is regulated by a key repressor-protease, LexA, which undergoes autoproteolysis in the setting of stress, resulting in derepression of SOS genes. Remarkably, genetic inactivation of LexA's self-cleavage activity significantly decreases acquired antibiotic resistance in infection models and renders bacteria hypersensitive to traditional antibiotics, suggesting that a mechanistic study of LexA could help inform its viability as a novel target for combating acquired drug resistance. Despite structural insights into LexA, a detailed knowledge of the enzyme's protease specificity is lacking. Here, we employ saturation and positional scanning mutagenesis on LexA's internal cleavage region to analyze >140 mutants and generate a comprehensive specificity profile of LexA from the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa (LexAPa). We find that the LexAPa active site possesses a unique mode of substrate recognition. Positions P1-P3 prefer small hydrophobic residues that suggest specific contacts with the active site, while positions P5 and P1' show a preference for flexible glycine residues that may facilitate the conformational change that permits autoproteolysis. We further show that stabilizing the β-turn within the cleavage region enhances LexA autoproteolytic activity. Finally, we identify permissive positions flanking the scissile bond (P4 and P2') that are tolerant to extensive mutagenesis. Our studies shed light on the active site architecture of the LexA autoprotease and provide insights that may inform the design of probes of the SOS pathway.

  1. Regulated expression of the dinR and recA genes during competence development and SOS induction in Bacillus subtilis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haijema, BJ; vanSinderen, D; Winterling, K; Kooistra, J; Venema, G; Hamoen, LW


    It has been hypothesized that the dinR gene product of Bacillus subtilis acts as a repressor of the SOS regulon by binding to DNA sequences located upstream of SOS genes, including dinR and recA. Following activation as a result of DNA damage, RecA is believed to catalyse DinR-autocleavage, thus

  2. Activation of multiple signaling pathways causes developmental defects in mice with a Noonan syndrome–associated Sos1 mutation (United States)

    Chen, Peng-Chieh; Wakimoto, Hiroko; Conner, David; Araki, Toshiyuki; Yuan, Tao; Roberts, Amy; Seidman, Christine E.; Bronson, Roderick; Neel, Benjamin G.; Seidman, Jonathan G.; Kucherlapati, Raju


    Noonan syndrome (NS) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by short stature, unique facial features, and congenital heart disease. About 10%–15% of individuals with NS have mutations in son of sevenless 1 (SOS1), which encodes a RAS and RAC guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). To understand the role of SOS1 in the pathogenesis of NS, we generated mice with the NS-associated Sos1E846K gain-of-function mutation. Both heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice showed many NS-associated phenotypes, including growth delay, distinctive facial dysmorphia, hematologic abnormalities, and cardiac defects. We found that the Ras/MAPK pathway as well as Rac and Stat3 were activated in the mutant hearts. These data provide in vivo molecular and cellular evidence that Sos1 is a GEF for Rac under physiological conditions and suggest that Rac and Stat3 activation might contribute to NS phenotypes. Furthermore, prenatal administration of a MEK inhibitor ameliorated the embryonic lethality, cardiac defects, and NS features of the homozygous mutant mice, demonstrating that this signaling pathway might represent a promising therapeutic target for NS. PMID:21041952

  3. Indianización como proceso y como discurso en Chiapas, México

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    Full Text Available ESTE ENSAYO BUSCA COMPRENDER UN PROCESO SOCIAL EN EL QUE LOS indígenas mayas del centro de Chiapas, México, muestran su avance territorial, demográfico, laboral y político por medio del discurso de sus líderes. Se trata de un movimiento étnico que integra las dos dimensiones del proceso de globalización: la homogeneización y la heterogeneización cultural mundial. La perspectiva adoptada integra el análisis del discurso desde un punto de vista flexible y comprensivo de la producción cultural con el análisis del proceso de indianización regional como un sistema interétnico complejo, en el sentido melucciano de sistema. El objetivo principal es explicar cómo los líderes indígenas utilizan el discurso -para persuadir a sus huestes y a los otros- construyendo uno de identidad basado en un pasado significativo ordenado en y para el presente político.

  4. Description and use of the SOS Plabord code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morera, J.P.; Samain, A.; Capes, H.; Ghendrih, P.


    The SOS Plabord code calculates the local steady states at the plasma edge. Plasma impurities and neutral particles freed from the wall are included in the calculations. The coordinates of the two axes that limit the plasma edge layer are defined in the program. Three sorts of ions and electrons are considered. The physical parameters, the equations and the boundary conditions are given. The method chosen for solving the nonlinear differential equations and the computer program are presented [fr

  5. La videoconferencia de escritorio como apoyo para la educación de personas con diversidad funcional

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    Vidal Martínez, Ana Aurora


    Full Text Available En el presente ensayo se expone el contexto del desarrollo educativo de las personas con diversidad funcional para caminar en México y el apoyo que reciben de organismos internacionales y del Gobierno Mexicano ya que dicho desarrollo se ve truncado por diversas causas, siendo una de ellas, la dificultad para asistir a una institución educativa, principalmente por la deficiente infraestructura urbana y de transporte. Este trabajo se fundamenta en investigaciones realizadas por varias instituciones como: INEGI, UNESCO, Observatorio Regional de la Sociedad de la Información, CONADIS, entre otras. Complementa este ensayo los resultados positivos de experiencias utilizando los desarrollos tecnológicos actuales, que hacen posible presentar una propuesta basada en videoconferencia de escritorio, la cual es económica, de fácil y rápida implementación y que puede utilizarse para atender la educación de las personas con diversidad funcional para caminar en búsqueda de su integración educativa.

  6. CMOS/SOS RAM transient radiation upset and ''inversion'' effect investigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikiforov, A.Y.; Poljakov, I.V.


    The Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor/Silicon-on-Sapphire Random Access Memory (CMOS/SOS RAM) transient upset and inversion effect were investigated with pulsed laser, pulsed voltage generator and low-intensity light simulators. It was found that the inversion of information occurs due to memory cell photocurrents simultaneously with the power supply voltage drop transfer to memory cells outputs

  7. Non-equilibrium repressor binding kinetics link DNA damage dose to transcriptional timing within the SOS gene network. (United States)

    Culyba, Matthew J; Kubiak, Jeffrey M; Mo, Charlie Y; Goulian, Mark; Kohli, Rahul M


    Biochemical pathways are often genetically encoded as simple transcription regulation networks, where one transcription factor regulates the expression of multiple genes in a pathway. The relative timing of each promoter's activation and shut-off within the network can impact physiology. In the DNA damage repair pathway (known as the SOS response) of Escherichia coli, approximately 40 genes are regulated by the LexA repressor. After a DNA damaging event, LexA degradation triggers SOS gene transcription, which is temporally separated into subsets of 'early', 'middle', and 'late' genes. Although this feature plays an important role in regulating the SOS response, both the range of this separation and its underlying mechanism are not experimentally defined. Here we show that, at low doses of DNA damage, the timing of promoter activities is not separated. Instead, timing differences only emerge at higher levels of DNA damage and increase as a function of DNA damage dose. To understand mechanism, we derived a series of synthetic SOS gene promoters which vary in LexA-operator binding kinetics, but are otherwise identical, and then studied their activity over a large dose-range of DNA damage. In distinction to established models based on rapid equilibrium assumptions, the data best fit a kinetic model of repressor occupancy at promoters, where the drop in cellular LexA levels associated with higher doses of DNA damage leads to non-equilibrium binding kinetics of LexA at operators. Operators with slow LexA binding kinetics achieve their minimal occupancy state at later times than operators with fast binding kinetics, resulting in a time separation of peak promoter activity between genes. These data provide insight into this remarkable feature of the SOS pathway by demonstrating how a single transcription factor can be employed to control the relative timing of each gene's transcription as a function of stimulus dose.

  8. Ética y bioética en las investigaciones médicas y en los ensayos clínicos, una alternativa de capacitación en la facultad "Finlay-Albarrán"

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    Francisco Borjas Borjas

    Full Text Available Se ha diseñado y desarrollado un curso de posgrado con el objetivo de contribuir a elevar la preparación de los profesionales de la salud para las investigaciones médicas y los ensayos clínicos desde los principios de la ética y la bioética. El diseño del curso se realizó a partir del análisis, en el Comité de Ética, de la investigación de los proyectos presentados, y de los trabajos defendidos en el tribunal para el ejercicio de Problemas Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. El curso ha quedado conformado por 9 temas y un taller final integrador, para un total de 64 horas. Se han realizado dos ediciones. La segunda tuvo como sede el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer". El criterio de los participantes, recogido de manera anónima, fue muy favorable. Finalmente ha quedado diseñada una alternativa de capacitación que contribuye a lograr un mejor desempeño profesional en el campo de las investigaciones médicas y en los ensayos clínicos, así como en la docencia, desde los principios de la ética y la bioética, con una concepción interactiva y participativa.

  9. Banco de ensayos para materiales piezoeléctricos en aplicaciones viales

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    de Frutos, J.


    Full Text Available The test bench system described in this paper performs experiments on piezoelectric materials used in road traffic applications, covering a range between 14 and 170 km/h, which is considered enough for testing under standard traffic conditions. A software has been developed to control the three phase induction motor driver and to acquire all the measurement data of the piezoelectric materials. The mass over each system’s axis can be selected, with a limit of 60 kg over each wheel. The test bench is used to simulate the real behaviour of buried piezoelectric cables in road traffic applications for both light and heavy vehicles. This new test bed system is a powerful research tool and can be applied to determine the optimal installation and configuration of the piezoelectric cable sensors and opens a new field of research: the study of energy harvesting techniques based on piezoelectric materials.

    En este trabajo se define y propone un banco de ensayos que permite testar materiales piezoeléctricos para aplicaciones viales en sus diferentes configuraciones en un rango de velocidad entre los 14 y los 170 km/h, lo que cubre sobradamente las condiciones de tráfico real. Tanto el control del variador de velocidad del motor trifásico que realiza el accionamiento del banco, como la recogida de resultados de medida en las pruebas de excitación y de fatiga de los compuestos piezoeléctricos, se realiza de forma automatizada mediante código informatico. El peso que soporta cada eje del banco es configurable, permitiendo reproducir las señales obtenidas en aplicaciones donde los materiales piezoeléctricos actúan de sensores enterrados en la calzada para vehículos tanto pesados como ligeros. Gracias a esta nueva herramienta se facilita la investigación con materiales de este tipo en aplicaciones viales optimizando tanto el tipo como la disposición e instalación de los mismos, además de abrir el camino a la novedosa investigación sobre

  10. Primeros ensayos para el cultivo y caracterización del aceite esencial de Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. para el Pacífico colombiano

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    Robert Tulio González Mina


    Full Text Available Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. es una planta silvestre de humedales de la que no hay antecedentes de su cultivo o domesticación. El presente trabajo intenta obtener resultados preliminares para su reproducción en condiciones experimentales de siembras simulando su entorno natural contrastada con siembras en materas. Como se ha reportado previamente interés por esta especie como fuente de aceites esenciales ricos en timol, sustancia valiosa de uso industrial y medicinal, se analiza la composición cromatográfica de los volátiles para una población local. Se enuncia un nuevo quimiotipo para el aceite esencial de C. scoparioides procedente de los humedales del Pacífico colombiano. Se presentan los resultados de los ensayos sobre la reproducción vegetativa y por semillas de la especie en cuestión, aunque los resultados reproductivos indican un limitado potencial agrícola para esta especie.

  11. Primeros ensayos para el cultivo y caracterización del aceite esencial de Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. para el Pacífico colombiano

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    Robert Tulio González Mina


    Full Text Available Conobea scoparioides (Cham. & Schltdl. Benth. es una planta silvestre de humedales de la que no hay antecedentes de su cultivo o domesticación. El presente trabajo intenta obtener resultados preliminares para su reproducción en condiciones experimentales de siembras simulando su entorno natural contrastada con siembras en materas. Como se ha reportado previamente interés por esta especie como fuente de aceites esenciales ricos en timol, sustancia valiosa de uso industrial y medicinal, se analiza la composición cromatográfica de los volátiles para una población local. Se enuncia un nuevo quimiotipo para el aceite esencial de C. scoparioides procedente de los humedales del Pacífico colombiano. Se presentan los resultados de los ensayos sobre la reproducción vegetativa y por semillas de la especie en cuestión, aunque los resultados reproductivos indican un limitado potencial agrícola para esta especie.

  12. Evaluating the management strategies of a forestland estate--the S-O-S approach. (United States)

    Kangas, Jyrki; Kurttila, Mikko; Kajanus, Miika; Kangas, Annika


    Connecting Multiple Criteria Decision Support (MCDS) methods with SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis yields analytical priorities for the factors included in SWOT analysis and makes them commensurable. In addition, decision alternatives can be evaluated with respect to each SWOT factor. In this way, SWOT analysis provides the basic frame within which to perform analyses of decision situations. MCDS methods, in turn, assist in carrying out SWOT more analytically and in elaborating the results of the analyses so that alternative strategic decisions can be prioritized also with respect to the entire SWOT. The A'WOT analysis is an example of such hybrid methods. It makes combined use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and SWOT. In this study, a hybrid method of the Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis with Ordinal criteria (SMAA-O) and SWOT is developed as an elaboration of the basic ideas of A'WOT. The method is called S-O-S (SMAA-O in SWOT). SMAA-O enables the handling of ordinal preference information as well as mixed data consisting of both ordinal and cardinal information. Using SMAA-O is enough to just rank decision elements instead of giving them cardinal preference or priority ratios as required by the most commonly used MCDS methods. Using SMAA-O, in addition to analyzing what the recommended action is under certain priorities of the criteria, enables one to analyze what kind of preferences would support each action. The S-O-S approach is illustrated by a case study, where the shareholders of a forest holding owned by a private partnership prepared the SWOT analysis. Six alternative strategies for the management of their forest holding and of old cottage located on the holding were formed. After S-O-S analyses were carried out, one alternative was found to be the most recommendable. However, different importance orders of the SWOT groups would lead to different recommendations, since three of the six alternatives

  13. Estándares de calidad en los ensayos clínicos: ISO 9001-Buena Práctica Clínica Quality standards in clinical tests. ISO 9001: Good Clinical Practice

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    Sandra Álvarez Guerra


    Full Text Available La calidad en los ensayos clínicos conducidos por los centros de investigación por contrato , constituye un factor de suma importancia. En la actualidad estas instituciones usan como estándar de calidad la Buena Práctica Clínica. Sin embargo, su combinación con la Norma ISO 9001:2000, estándar de calidad, internacionalmente utilizado, no se ha generalizado. Para demostrar la factibilidad que el uso conjunto de estas normas brindan a las organizaciones se decidió establecer reflexiones para demostrar cómo se complementan ambos estándares de calidad en la realización de ensayos clínicos. Para esto se revisó bibliografía actualizada en dichos temas. Se valoraron aspectos en común como: clientes, responsabilidad, tratamiento de datos generados, estadística, control de la calidad y documentos esenciales. Por medio de estos aspectos ambas normas tributan a la calidad del ensayo clínico, para una mejor protección al paciente, resultados confiables, satisfacción de los clientes, internos y externos, que garanticen la mejora continua, y establecer planes de contingencia y medidas preventivas. Se concluye que ambas normativas no están en contraposición y pueden ser utilizadas como vía capaz de garantizar excelencia en el servicio brindado.The quality of clinical tests conducted by the research centers on contract is a very important factor. Nowadays, these institutions use Good Clinical Practice as the quality standard. However, the combination of the latter with internationally used ISO 9001:2000 quality standard has not yet been generalized. In order to prove the feasibility that the joint use of these standards offers to organizations, it was decided to reflect on the way both quality standards complement each other in the performance of clinical tests. To this end, updated literature review was made. Common aspects such as clients, responsibility, treatment of data, statistics, quality control and essential documents were

  14. Effect of SOS-induced levels of imuABC on spontaneous and damage-induced mutagenesis in Caulobacter crescentus. (United States)

    Alves, Ingrid R; Lima-Noronha, Marco A; Silva, Larissa G; Fernández-Silva, Frank S; Freitas, Aline Luiza D; Marques, Marilis V; Galhardo, Rodrigo S


    imuABC (imuAB dnaE2) genes are responsible for SOS-mutagenesis in Caulobacter crescentus and other bacterial species devoid of umuDC. In this work, we have constructed operator-constitutive mutants of the imuABC operon. We used this genetic tool to investigate the effect of SOS-induced levels of these genes upon both spontaneous and damage-induced mutagenesis. We showed that constitutive expression of imuABC does not increase spontaneous or damage-induced mutagenesis, nor increases cellular resistance to DNA-damaging agents. Nevertheless, the presence of the operator-constitutive mutation rescues mutagenesis in a recA background, indicating that imuABC are the only genes required at SOS-induced levels for translesion synthesis (TLS) in C. crescentus. Furthermore, these data also show that TLS mediated by ImuABC does not require RecA, unlike umuDC-dependent mutagenesis in E. coli. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Declaración SPIRIT 2013: definición de los elementos estándares del protocolo de un ensayo clínico* (United States)

    Chan, An-Wen; Tetzlaff, Jennifer M.; Altman, Douglas G.; Laupacis, Andreas; Gøtzsche, Peter C.; Krleža-Jerić, Karmela; Hrobjartsson, Asbjørn; Mann, Howard; Dickersin, Kay; Berlin, Jesse A.; Dore, Caroline J.; Parulekar, Wendy R.; Summerskill, William S.M.; Groves, Trish; Schulz, Kenneth F.; Sox, Harold C.; Rockhold, Frank W.; Rennie, Drummond; Moher, David


    Resumen El protocolo de un ensayo clínico es la base para planificar, ejecutar, publicar y evaluar el ensayo. Sin embargo, los protocolos y las guías que existen para su elaboración varían enormemente en cuanto a su calidad y contenido. En este artículo se describe la elaboración sistemática y el alcance de la Declaración SPIRIT 2013 (denominada así por la sigla en inglés de Standard Protocol items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials o Elementos estándares de un protocolo: recomendaciones para los ensayos de intervención), una guía en la que se establecen los contenidos mínimos que debe tener el protocolo de un ensayo clínico. La lista de comprobación de la declaración SPIRIT, que consta de 33 elementos, se aplica a los protocolos de todos los ensayos clínicos y se centra más en el contenido que en el formato. En esta lista se recomienda hacer una descripción completa de lo que se ha planificado, aunque no se establece cómo diseñar o ejecutar un ensayo. Al brindar orientación sobre los contenidos fundamentales, las recomendaciones SPIRIT procuran facilitar la redacción de protocolos de alta calidad. El cumplimiento de las recomendaciones SPIRIT debería mejorar la transparencia y la exhaustividad de los protocolos de los ensayos en beneficio de los investigadores, los participantes, los pacientes, los patrocinadores, los financiadores, los comités de ética de la investigación o las juntas de revisión institucionales, los revisores, las revistas biomédicas, los registros de ensayos, los formuladores de políticas, los organismos reguladores y otras partes interesadas clave. PMID:27440100

  16. Effect of an umuC-mutation on the SOS-response in E.coli cells exposed to UV-light and γ-radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komova, O.V.; Candiano, E.S.; Krasavin, E.A.


    Kinetics dependences of the SOS-induction in E.coli cells of wild type and deficient in umuC gene exposed to UV and γ-rays were analyzed. In the presence of UmuC protein SOS-induction was 3 -- 5.5 times lower and delayed for about 30 minutes after both UV and γ-rays. It was shown that the decrease of the SOS-induction in wild type cells irradiated by UV was due to more effective elimination of the photolesions from DNA by excision repair system. UmuCD-dependent inhibition of DNA replication was discussed as a possible mechanism allowing additional time for error-free repair. (author)

  17. Structural inhibition and reactivation of Escherichia coli septation by elements of the SOS and TER pathways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dopazo, A.; Tormo, A.; Aldea, M.; Vicente, M.


    The inhibition of cell division caused by induction of the SOS pathway in Escherichia coli structurally blocks septation, as deduced from two sets of results. Potential septation sites active at the time of SOS induction became inactivated, while those initiated during the following doubling time were active. Penicillin resistance increased in wild-type UV light-irradiated cells, a behavior similar to that observed in mutants in which structural blocks were introduced by inactivation of FtsA. Potential septation sites that have been structurally blocked by either the SOS division inhibitor, furazlocillin inhibition of PBP3, or inactivation of a TER pathway component, FtsA3, could be reactivated one doubling time after removal of the inhibitory agent in the presence of an active lon gene product. Reactivation of potential septation sites blocked by the presence of an inactivated FtsA3 was significantly lower when the lon protease was not active, suggesting that Lon plays a role in the removal of inactivated TER pathway products from the blocked potential septation sites

  18. Mestizaje y nacionalismo en la tierra en armas de Dávalos / Serrano y en algunos ensayos de Juan Carlos Dávalos.

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    Elisa Moyano


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo realiza un análisis de La tierra en armas, Los gauchos y “Gauchos y collas” en los que algunos personajes se presentan elaborados desde el paradigma del mestizaje. Los textos no constituyen descripciones del mestizo, del mestizaje o del proceso de su constitución (aunque los ensayos hacen pequeños aportes en este sentido como las realizadas por Uslar Pietri o por Fernando Ortiz. Se trata (y ésta es nuestra hipótesis de textos donde se construyen mestizos ideales para proponerlos como figuras de identificación en el marco de una doctrina política: el nacionalismo. El análisis se hizo siguiendo el modelo teórico-metodológico que Cornejo Polar utiliza para “desenmascarar” el hispanismo de la tesis de Riva Agüero sobre el Inca Garcilaso. A partir de comparaciones con las figuras mestizas construidas en otros textos, se encontraron similitudes con las de Riva Agüero con lo que se pensó en una posible raíz andina de los textos davalianos; pero se llegó a la conclusión de que éstos: 1.- están informados por un nacionalismo fuertemente hispanista a la manera de Manuel Gálvez y no al modo helenizante de Lugones 2.- están atravesados por un tenaz antiindigenismo, en las antípodas de una posición como la de Ricardo Rojas que daba importancia también a la vertiente indígena del mestizaje. Finalmente y a manera de conclusión se discute si, a comienzos del siglo XXI, tiene sentido “denunciar” hispanismo. O si, realizada en tantos ensayos la ponderación del mestizaje como característica de Hispanoamérica (aún cuando se haga sobresalir la vertiente hispana del mismo no sería preferible: 1.- ubicar los textos en sus condiciones productivas; 2.- preguntar por el lugar enunciativo desde dónde se “desenmascara” el hispanismo; 3.- ver si en los enunciados no se está estigmatizando todavía a España que —a diferencia de otras potencias imperiales— hizo posible la mezcla, y finalmente 4.- observar si, al

  19. La peste de la ceguera. Notas a "Ensayo sobre la ceguera" de José Saramago


    Ferrero Hernández, Cándida


    La obra de José Saramago es una obra comprometida ideológicamente con la crítica al sistema de la globalización y del pensamiento único. Su novela Ensayo sobre la ceguera, la primera de la trilogía que componen también Todos los nombres y La caverna, basa su argumentación en universales que entroncan, claramente, con la tradición del mundo clásico. Jose Saramago's work is ideologically compromised in a criticism to globalization and global thought. His novel Ensayo sobre la ceguera, the fi...

  20. Influencia de la humedad en el ensayo de resistencia de los ladrillos de suelo-cemento


    Lima, José I.; Escobar Martín, Dunia


    A través de un diseño experimental adecuado se pretende mostrar la influencia de la humedad en el ensayo a compresión de los ladrillos de suelo-cemento, obteniendo las ecuaciones que muestran esta relación. Su generalización posterior permitió elaborar una matriz de correlación de las resistencias con las diferentes humedades de ensayo, de forma tal que se pueda ensayar con una humedad dada y estimar la resistencia que tendrá esa muestra para diferentes valores de humedad, con un buen nive...

  1. The SH2 and SH3 domains of mammalian Grb2 couple the EGF receptor to the Ras activator mSos1. (United States)

    Rozakis-Adcock, M; Fernley, R; Wade, J; Pawson, T; Bowtell, D


    Many tyrosine kinases, including the receptors for hormones such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), nerve growth factor and insulin, transmit intracellular signals through Ras proteins. Ligand binding to such receptors stimulates Ras guanine-nucleotide-exchange activity and increases the level of GTP-bound Ras, suggesting that these tyrosine kinases may activate a guanine-nucleotide releasing protein (GNRP). In Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila, genetic studies have shown that Ras activation by tyrosine kinases requires the protein Sem-5/drk, which contains a single Src-homology (SH) 2 domain and two flanking SH3 domains. Sem-5 is homologous to the mammalian protein Grb2, which binds the autophosphorylated EGF receptor and other phosphotyrosine-containing proteins such as Shc through its SH2 domain. Here we show that in rodent fibroblasts, the SH3 domains of Grb2 are bound to the proline-rich carboxy-terminal tail of mSos1, a protein homologous to Drosophila Sos. Sos is required for Ras signalling and contains a central domain related to known Ras-GNRPs. EGF stimulation induces binding of the Grb2-mSos1 complex to the autophosphorylated EGF receptor, and mSos1 phosphorylation. Grb2 therefore appears to link tyrosine kinases to a Ras-GNRP in mammalian cells.

  2. Coronary artery ectasia in Noonan syndrome: Report of an individual with SOS1 mutation and literature review. (United States)

    Calcagni, Giulio; Baban, Anwar; De Luca, Enrica; Leonardi, Benedetta; Pongiglione, Giacomo; Digilio, Maria Cristina


    Noonan syndrome (NS) is the second most frequent hereditary syndrome with cardiac involvement. Pulmonary valve stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are the most prevalent cardiovascular abnormalities. We report on a 14-year-old girl with NS due to SOS1 mutation with pulmonary stenosis and idiopathic coronary ectasia. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing coronary ectasia in a patient with NS secondary to a SOS1 mutation. We include a literature review of this rare association. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Evelin Ilves ja kirjastus "Varrak" kinkisid SOS Lastekülale jõuludeks raamatuid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Proua Evelin Ilves ja kirjastus "Varrak" viisid 21. detsembril 2009 Keila SOS Lastekülale jõulukingiks raamatuid. Kingitud raamatud valiti välja laste soovide põhjal, nende hulgas on nii lastekirjandust kui ka teatmeteoseid

  4. Stellar parameters and H α line profile variability of Be stars in the BeSOS survey (United States)

    Arcos, C.; Kanaan, S.; Chávez, J.; Vanzi, L.; Araya, I.; Curé, M.


    The Be phenomenon is present in about 20 per cent of B-type stars. Be stars show variability on a broad range of time-scales, which in most cases is related to the presence of a circumstellar disc of variable size and structure. For this reason, a time-resolved survey is highly desirable in order to understand the mechanisms of disc formation, which are still poorly understood. In addition, a complete observational sample would improve the statistical significance of the study of stellar and disc parameters. The `Be Stars Observation Survey' (BeSOS) is a survey containing reduced spectra obtained using the Pontifica Universidad Católica High Echelle Resolution Optical Spectrograph (PUCHEROS) with a spectral resolution of 17 000 in the range 4260-7300 Å. BeSOS's main objective is to offer consistent spectroscopic and time-resolved data obtained with one instrument. The user can download or plot the data and obtain stellar parameters directly from the website. We also provide a star-by-star analysis based on photometric, spectroscopic and interferometric data, as well as general information about the whole BeSOS sample. Recently, BeSOS led to the discovery of a new Be star HD 42167 and facilitated study of the V/R variation of HD 35165 and HD 120324, the steady disc of HD 110335 and the Be shell status of HD 127972. Optical spectra used in this work, as well as the stellar parameters derived, are available online at

  5. Colaboración Cochrane Iberoamericana-Colombia región Antioquia y viejo Caldas. Identificación y descripción de los ensayos clínicos controlados publicados durante el período 1948 -1998

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    Jorge Pérez


    Full Text Available Objective: To locate with the highest possible exhaustiveness and then to describe the clinical trials (CT with random distribution published in the region. This information may allow a larger knowledge of this type of scientific activity, and constitute the departure base for the tasks of the Cochrane Ibero-American Collaboration. Methodology: Manual search of possible controlled clinical trials in the main titles of medical journals in the region. Results: 23 publications were reviewed, in which 53 controlled clinical trials and three randomized clinical trials were found. Conclusions: This is a pioneer work in Antioquia and old Caldas in the search for controlled clinical trials in the main publications between 1948-1998; this work is part of the study “Identification of controlled clinical studies and meta-analysis in Colombian health magazines 1948-1998”, started with the goal of creating a Latin American database specialized in clinical trials, and in this way to be able to compete with the international indexes. Entidades: Escuela de Investigaciones Médicas Aplicadas, Biblioteca Médica, Facultad de Medicina; Sistema de Bibliotecas, Universidad de Antioquia. Objetivo: localizar y describir los ensayos clínicos (EC con distribución aleatoria publicados en la región. Se pretende que esta información permita un mayor conocimiento de este tipo de actividad científica, así como que constituya la base de partida para los trabajos de la Colaboración Cochrane Iberoamericana. Metodología: búsqueda manual en los principales títulos de revistas médicas de la región de los posibles ensayos clínicos controlados. Resultados: se revisaron 23 revistas, en las cuales se encontraron 52 ensayos clínicos controlados y tres ensayos clínicos aleatorizados. Conclusiones: este trabajo es pionero en Antioquia y el viejo Caldas en la búsqueda de ensayos clínicos controlados en las principales publicaciones entre 1948-1998. Hace parte del

  6. Metodología de evaluación ecotoxicológica empleando germinación de semillas en gel nutriente como medio de cultura

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    Ronaldo Teixeira Pelegrini


    Full Text Available Los estudios dirigidos al desarrollo de evaluaciones ecotoxicológicas deben llevar a cabo los testes necesariamente en el mismo valor de pH. Ensayos para ser confiable deben ser realizado en medio de cultivo con valores de pH iguales, incluso después de la adición de los agentes estresores. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo desarrollar una técnica de ensayos ecotoxicológicos utilizando semillas como organismos testes en medio de cultivo usando gel como camada soporte. La preparación del gel fue desarrollado por una Agua de Dilución que contenía concentraciones optimizadas de nutrientes cuyo valor de pH se ha preseleccionado y fijado por una solución tampón que contenía parte de los nutrientes deseados. Para las evaluaciones ecotoxicológicos fueran añadidas concentraciones del agente estresor en la preparación de la Agua de Dilución (una para cada concentración del agente estresor, se añadieron AGAR (17 g L -1 calentándose a 85°C para la disolución completa. Volúmenes de la solución, todavía caliente (20 mL, se colocaron en recipientes de vidrio (250 mL dejándola enfriar hasta temperatura ambiente para formar una camada de gel firme. Cerca de 50 semillas se añadieron en la camada de gel cerrando herméticamente el recipiente y colocándolo en un lugar con luz ambiente (sin incidencia directa de la luz solar. La metodología se presentó como una técnica de operación sencilla que no requiere manipulaciones durante el desarrollo de los embriones, lo que permite a costo analítico muy bajo (0,04 dólares EE.UU., evaluaciones eficaces de los ensayos ecotoxicológicos con análisis seguras de la germinación de semillas y desarrollo de las estructuras esenciales de las plántulas con los valores de pH idénticos.

  7. Interaction of caffeine with the SOS response pathway in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Whitney, Alyssa K; Weir, Tiffany L


    Previous studies have highlighted the antimicrobial activity of caffeine, both individually and in combination with other compounds. A proposed mechanism for caffeine's antimicrobial effects is inhibition of bacterial DNA repair pathways. The current study examines the influence of sub-lethal caffeine levels on the growth and morphology of SOS response pathway mutants of Escherichia coli. Growth inhibition after treatment with caffeine and methyl methane sulfonate (MMS), a mutagenic agent, was determined for E. coli mutants lacking key genes in the SOS response pathway. The persistence of caffeine's effects was explored by examining growth and morphology of caffeine and MMS-treated bacterial isolates in the absence of selective pressure. Caffeine significantly reduced growth of E. coli recA- and uvrA-mutants treated with MMS. However, there was no significant difference in growth between umuC-isolates treated with MMS alone and MMS in combination with caffeine after 48 h of incubation. When recA-isolates from each treatment group were grown in untreated medium, bacterial isolates that had been exposed to MMS or MMS with caffeine showed increased growth relative to controls and caffeine-treated isolates. Morphologically, recA-isolates that had been treated with caffeine and both caffeine and MMS together had begun to display filamentous growth. Caffeine treatment further reduced growth of recA- and uvrA-mutants treated with MMS, despite a non-functional SOS response pathway. However, addition of caffeine had very little effect on MMS inhibition of umuC-mutants. Thus, growth inhibition of E. coli with caffeine treatment may be driven by caffeine interaction with UmuC, but also appears to induce damage by additional mechanisms as evidenced by the additive effects of caffeine in recA- and uvrA-mutants.

  8. El ensayo de interpretación del ser nacional: su problemática y el caso de 'Nosotros' de Luis López de Mesa

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    Juan Camilo Galeano


    Full Text Available Este texto se divide en dos partes: la primera aborda el ensayo de interpretación del ser nacional, las voces que lo han desarrollado en América Latina y cuestiona la falta de reconocimiento de este género en Colombia. La segunda considera a Luis López de Mesa: partiendo de su obra De cómo se ha formado la nación colombiana, analiza las estrategias literarias de las que éste se vale en Nosotros para mostrar la identidad antioqueña como resultado de una debacle moral. En el desarrollo del análisis se encuentra que la industrialización de Antioquia hizo mundanos su valores humanos.

  9. Detection of early psychotic symptoms: Validation of the Spanish version of the "Symptom Onset in Schizophrenia (SOS) inventory". (United States)

    Mezquida, Gisela; Cabrera, Bibiana; Martínez-Arán, Anabel; Vieta, Eduard; Bernardo, Miguel


    The period of subclinical signs that precedes the onset of psychosis is referred to as the prodrome or high-risk mental state. The "Symptom Onset in Schizophrenia (SOS) inventory" is an instrument to characterize and date the initial symptoms of a psychotic illness. The present study aims to provide reliability and validity data for clinical and research use of the Spanish version of the SOS. Thirty-six participants with a first-episode of psychosis meeting DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia/schizoaffective/schizophreniform disorder were administered the translated SOS and other clinical assessments. The internal validity, intrarater and interrater reliability were studied. We found strong interrater reliability. To detect the presence/absence of prodromal symptoms, Kappa coefficients ranged between 0.8 and 0.7. Similarly, the raters obtained an excellent level of agreement regarding the onset of each symptom and the duration of symptoms until first treatment (intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.9 and 1.0). Cronbach's alpha was 0.9-1.0 for all the items. The interrater reliability and concurrent validity were also excellent in both cases. This study provides robust psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the SOS. The translated version is adequate in terms of good internal validity, intrarater and interrater reliability, and is as time-efficient as the original version. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. El docente universitario como agente de dinamizacion intercultural y la administracion de la educacion

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    Hernandez, D. A.


    Full Text Available El objetivo primordial del presente ensayo es el proporcionar una base conceptual que colabore al estudio y comprensión del tópico alusivo a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de pregrado, lo anterior inscrito dentro del marco de la pluralidad intercultural, la cual es definida por factores de tipo movilidad migratoria, sociales, culturales, lingüísticos, ideológicos, adaptabilidad, familiares, gestión del tiempo libre y de ocio, entre otros. Al respecto, el documento intenta responder a preguntas como ¿Qué son los centros educativos como organizaciones? ¿Hacia dónde hay que orientar su reestructuración? ¿Cuál es la importancia de la gestión educativa en un escenario de competencia global? para luego acercarse a definir el rol que puedan jugar los profesores en las instituciones educativas.

  11. The Verrucomicrobia LexA-binding Motif: Insights into the Evolutionary Dynamics of the SOS Response

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    Ivan Erill


    Full Text Available The SOS response is the primary bacterial mechanism to address DNA damage, coordinating multiple cellular processes that include DNA repair, cell division and translesion synthesis. In contrast to other regulatory systems, the composition of the SOS genetic network and the binding motif of its transcriptional repressor, LexA, have been shown to vary greatly across bacterial clades, making it an ideal system to study the co-evolution of transcription factors and their regulons. Leveraging comparative genomics approaches and prior knowledge on the core SOS regulon, here we define the binding motif of the Verrucomicrobia, a recently described phylum of emerging interest due to its association with eukaryotic hosts. Site directed mutagenesis of the Verrucomicrobium spinosum recA promoter confirms that LexA binds a 14 bp palindromic motif with consensus sequence TGTTC-N4-GAACA. Computational analyses suggest that recognition of this novel motif is determined primarily by changes in base-contacting residues of the third alpha helix of the LexA helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif. In conjunction with comparative genomics analysis of the LexA regulon in the Verrucomicrobia phylum, electrophoretic shift assays reveal that LexA binds to operators in the promoter region of DNA repair genes and a mutagenesis cassette in this organism, and identify previously unreported components of the SOS response. The identification of tandem LexA-binding sites generating instances of other LexA-binding motifs in the lexA gene promoter of Verrucomicrobia species leads us to postulate a novel mechanism for LexA-binding motif evolution. This model, based on gene duplication, successfully addresses outstanding questions in the intricate co-evolution of the LexA protein, its binding motif and the regulatory network it controls.

  12. The Verrucomicrobia LexA-Binding Motif: Insights into the Evolutionary Dynamics of the SOS Response. (United States)

    Erill, Ivan; Campoy, Susana; Kılıç, Sefa; Barbé, Jordi


    The SOS response is the primary bacterial mechanism to address DNA damage, coordinating multiple cellular processes that include DNA repair, cell division, and translesion synthesis. In contrast to other regulatory systems, the composition of the SOS genetic network and the binding motif of its transcriptional repressor, LexA, have been shown to vary greatly across bacterial clades, making it an ideal system to study the co-evolution of transcription factors and their regulons. Leveraging comparative genomics approaches and prior knowledge on the core SOS regulon, here we define the binding motif of the Verrucomicrobia, a recently described phylum of emerging interest due to its association with eukaryotic hosts. Site directed mutagenesis of the Verrucomicrobium spinosum recA promoter confirms that LexA binds a 14 bp palindromic motif with consensus sequence TGTTC-N4-GAACA. Computational analyses suggest that recognition of this novel motif is determined primarily by changes in base-contacting residues of the third alpha helix of the LexA helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif. In conjunction with comparative genomics analysis of the LexA regulon in the Verrucomicrobia phylum, electrophoretic shift assays reveal that LexA binds to operators in the promoter region of DNA repair genes and a mutagenesis cassette in this organism, and identify previously unreported components of the SOS response. The identification of tandem LexA-binding sites generating instances of other LexA-binding motifs in the lexA gene promoter of Verrucomicrobia species leads us to postulate a novel mechanism for LexA-binding motif evolution. This model, based on gene duplication, successfully addresses outstanding questions in the intricate co-evolution of the LexA protein, its binding motif and the regulatory network it controls.

  13. Analysis of SOS-Induced Spontaneous Prophage Induction in Corynebacterium glutamicum at the Single-Cell Level (United States)

    Nanda, Arun M.; Heyer, Antonia; Krämer, Christina; Grünberger, Alexander; Kohlheyer, Dietrich


    The genome of the Gram-positive soil bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 contains three integrated prophage elements (CGP1 to -3). Recently, it was shown that the large lysogenic prophage CGP3 (∼187 kbp) is excised spontaneously in a small number of cells. In this study, we provide evidence that a spontaneously induced SOS response is partly responsible for the observed spontaneous CGP3 induction. Whereas previous studies focused mainly on the induction of prophages at the population level, we analyzed the spontaneous CGP3 induction at the single-cell level using promoters of phage genes (Pint2 and Plysin) fused to reporter genes encoding fluorescent proteins. Flow-cytometric analysis revealed a spontaneous CGP3 activity in about 0.01 to 0.08% of the cells grown in standard minimal medium, which displayed a significantly reduced viability. A PrecA-eyfp promoter fusion revealed that a small fraction of C. glutamicum cells (∼0.2%) exhibited a spontaneous induction of the SOS response. Correlation of PrecA to the activity of downstream SOS genes (PdivS and PrecN) confirmed a bona fide induction of this stress response rather than stochastic gene expression. Interestingly, the reporter output of PrecA and CGP3 promoter fusions displayed a positive correlation at the single-cell level (ρ = 0.44 to 0.77). Furthermore, analysis of the PrecA-eyfp/Pint2-e2-crimson strain during growth revealed the highest percentage of spontaneous PrecA and Pint2 activity in the early exponential phase, when fast replication occurs. Based on these studies, we postulate that spontaneously occurring DNA damage induces the SOS response, which in turn triggers the induction of lysogenic prophages. PMID:24163339


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    helber de jesús barbosa barbosa


    Full Text Available La investigación se desarrolló con el fin de implementar una metodología que permitiera la realización de ensayos de interacciones alelopáticas entre corales y esponjas, minimizando la interacción física provocada por el uso de dispositivos que producen roce y efecto abrasivo sobre los pólipos del coral. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de preformulación utilizando polímeros con características mucoadhesivas sobre mucus que recubre los pólipos de coral, con el fin de obtener un gel, incorporando en las formulaciones  un extracto de la esponja Cliona delitrix. Se caracterizaron propiedades reológicas como extensibilidad y adherencia, así como la capacidad mucoadhesiva de las formulaciones propuestas. Estas  mostraron una  buena estabilidad física frente a las condiciones del medio marino tanto in vitro como in situ. De igual manera, se diseñó un dispositivo que facilitó la aplicación del gel sobre la superficie de los corales por parte de los buzos en el arrecife coralino. Finalmente se estudió el comportamiento de liberación al medio acuoso simulado del gel con el extracto de la esponja objeto de estudio

  15. Estimación de La Incertidumbre en los Ensayos Microbiológicos de Coliformes Totalesy Fecales en Aguas y Aguas Residuales mediante La Tecnica de Tubos Múltiples de Fermentación.


    Marlen Robert Pullés; Rogelio Mayarí Navarro; María del C. Espinosa


    En la microbiología ambiental es de vital importancia contar con un control de la calidad, dentro del cual, debe considerarse el método de ensayo para garantizar una óptima calidad de los datos resultantes. El cálculo de la incertidumbre está siendo abordado por la comunidad de laboratorios y se espera que en un futuro se disponga de directrices más claras en este campo. La incertidumbre, como un atributo cuantificable, es un concepto relativamente nuevo en la historia de las mediciones, a pe...


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    Beatriz Fernández Herrero


    Full Text Available Partiendo de la idea de que la educación ha de ser integral, es decir, que debe atender todos los ámbitos de la persona (en su doble faceta individual y social, este ensayo aborda un aspecto que consideramos clave para el desarrollo de la competencia social y ciudadana: la competencia comunicativa, entendida como promotora de la convivencia en las sociedades democráticas, plurales y multiculturales, como medio para resolver los conflictos interpersonales y de posibilidad de participación ciudadana. En este sentido, partiendo de los recursos de la argumentación, el diálogo y la discusión, se señalan las características metodológicas y las principales técnicas que pueden ser empleadas para su trabajo en el aula.

  17. SOS1 gene polymorphisms are associated with gestational diabetes mellitus in a Chinese population: Results from a nested case-control study in Taiyuan, China. (United States)

    Chen, Qiong; Yang, Hailan; Feng, Yongliang; Zhang, Ping; Wu, Weiwei; Li, Shuzhen; Thompson, Brian; Wang, Xin; Peng, Tingting; Wang, Fang; Xie, Bingjie; Guo, Pengge; Li, Mei; Wang, Ying; Zhao, Nan; Wang, Suping; Zhang, Yawei


    Gestational diabetes mellitus is a growing public health concern due to its large disease burden; however, the underlying pathophysiology remains unclear. Therefore, we examined the relationship between 107 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in insulin signalling pathway genes and gestational diabetes mellitus risk using a nested case-control study. The SOS1 rs7598922 GA and AA genotype were statistically significantly associated with reduced gestational diabetes mellitus risk ( p trend  = 0.0006) compared with GG genotype. At the gene level, SOS1 was statistically significantly associated with gestational diabetes mellitus risk after adjusting for multiple comparisons. Moreover, AGGA and GGGG haplotypes in SOS1 gene were associated with reduced risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Our study provides evidence for an association between the SOS1 gene and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus; however, its role in the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus will need to be verified by further studies.

  18. Induction of sos response in Escherichia Coli cells by gamma rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuentes Lorenzo, J.L.; Padron Soler, E.; Martin Hernandez, G.; Perez Tamayo, N.; del Sol Abascal, E.R.; Almeida Varela, E.


    The kinetics of sos response induction in Escherichia Coli cells was studied by means of the gene fusion SfiA:LacZ. In these cells, the specific beta galactosidase activity and the cellular growth rate showed an exponential behaviour. The sensitivity of the GC 2181 starin to gamma irradiation is equal to Do -1= 0.00088/Gy. The beta galactosidase activity

  19. Effects of subinhibitory concentrations of antimicrobial agents on Escherichia coli O157:H7 Shiga toxin release and role of the SOS response. (United States)

    Nassar, Farah J; Rahal, Elias A; Sabra, Ahmad; Matar, Ghassan M


    Treatment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by certain antimicrobial agents often exacerbates the patient's condition by increasing either the release of preformed Shiga toxins (Stx) upon cell lysis or their production through the SOS response-triggered induction of Stx-producing prophages. Recommended subinhibitory concentrations (sub-MICs) of azithromycin (AZI), gentamicin (GEN), imipenem (IMI), and rifampicin (RIF) were evaluated in comparison to norfloxacin (NOR), an SOS-inducer, to assess the role of the SOS response in Stx release. Relative expression of recA (SOS-inducer), Q (late antitermination gene of Stx-producing prophage), stx1, and stx2 genes was assessed at two sub-MICs of the antimicrobials for two different strains of E. coli O157:H7 using reverse transcription-real-time polymerase chain reaction. Both strains at the two sub-MICs were also subjected to Western blotting for LexA protein expression and to reverse passive latex agglutination for Stx detection. For both strains at both sub-MICs, NOR and AZI caused SOS-induced Stx production (high recA, Q, and stx2 gene expression and high Stx2 production), so they should be avoided in E. coli O157:H7 treatment; however, sub-MICs of RIF and IMI induced Stx2 production in an SOS-independent manner except for one strain at the first twofold dilution below MIC of RIF where Stx2 production decreased. Moreover, GEN caused somewhat increased Stx2 production due to its mode of action rather than any effect on gene expression. The choice of antimicrobial therapy should rely on the antimicrobial mode of action, its concentration, and on the nature of the strain.

  20. Ensayo de inmunogenicidad y toxicidad local del cocleato de Neisseriameningitidis en ratas Sprague Dawley

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    Juan F. Infante


    Full Text Available Los estudios de tolerancia local para productos vacunales resultan fundamentales como requisitos regulatorios para los estudios preclínicos. En este ensayo se utilizaron 48 ratas Sprague Dawley, de ambos sexos, con un peso corporal de 180-220 g, suministradas por el Centro Nacional para la Producción de Animales de Laboratorio, y una duración de 17 días. Las ratas fueron distribuidas en 5 grupos: 3 con diferentes concentraciones de cocleatos, uno sin inocular y otro que recibió el diluente del producto en prueba. A estas se les realizaron las observaciones clínicas necesarias, tales como: mediciones de incremento de peso, consumo de alimentos y agua, así como la evaluación anatomopatológica en los dos tiempos de sacrificio, uno a los 12 y otro a los 17 días; se enfatizó en el estudio histopatológico de encéfalo y las fosas nasales en tres niveles de su extensión. Se hicieron investigaciones inmunológicas consistentes en la determinación de IgG en suero, saliva y líquido cefalorraquídeo. Los resultados arrojaron un incremento del peso. En el consumo de agua y alimento no se observaron alteraciones clínicas, la anatomopatología evidenció discretos cambios inflamatorios que guardaron una relación directa con el aumento de las concentraciones del producto, los títulos de IgG en la saliva y suero de las ratas inoculadas con los cocleatos difirieron de forma significativa (P < 0,05 respecto a los grupos controles, el líquido cefalorraquídeo resultó negativo a la presencia de anticuerpos específicos IgG. Se concluye que los cocleatos aplicados por esta vía en ratas resultaron inmunogénicos e inocuos para el referido producto.

  1. Síntesis y ensayo de un ionómero como catalizador de epoxidación de olefinas

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    Alejandro Boyacá Mendivelso


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente trabajo es la preparación de un ionómero, con base en Molibdeno y evaluar su actividad como catalizador de epoxidación de olefinas como alternativa de síntesis de catalizadores del proceso Halcon. Se sintetiza un polímero con grupos funcionales disponibles para estabilizar el metal a partir de molibdato de sodio, la caracterización se hace por absorción atómica, espectroscopia I.R. y X.P.S. La caracterización indica que efectivamente se logra estabilizar el Mo en la matriz polimérica. La evaluación en reacción en fase liquida permits conversiones similares a las de un catalizador homogéneo. La epoxidación selectiva de olefinas por alquil hidroperóxidos, ha adquirido gran importancia dentro de los procesos de obtención industrial de óxido de propileno debido a la reciente utilización del alcohol terbutílico (coproducido junto con el epóxido, como aditivo en gasolinas libres de plomo. En el ámbito de estos procesos, y en particular en el proceso Halcon, existen posibilidades de innovación tecnológica, en 10 concerniente a la heterogenizaci6n de catalizadores convencionales, actualmente empleados en fase homogénea. EI presente trabajo se suma a algunas tentativas que buscan generar alternativas de preparación de catalizadores para el proceso Halcon, sintetizando y probando la actividad de un ionómero como catalizador de epoxidación, el cual intenta reproducir la estructura química de los complejos organo-metálicos pero suprimir las etapas de separación y recuperación necesarias posibilitando su reutilización cíclica con eventuales repercusiones económicas en el proceso industrial. Se describe el procedimiento de síntesis del ionómero, la caracterización y la evaluación de la actividad en reacción en diversas condiciones. Dela caracterización efectuada se desprende que la heterogenización de catalizadores para opoxidación de olefinas, según el proceso Halcon, es posible mediante


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    Elmys Escribano Hervis


    Full Text Available En enero de 1891 José Martí publicó el ensayo "Nuestra América", obra esencial de su prosa. Se establece como hipótesis que esta obra es poseedora de una notable significación para la educación y la cultura en Latinoamérica. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar el ensayo de referencia en estrecha relación con el contexto histórico social que lo condicionó y en consonancia con la integralidad del discurso de su autor. La metodología empleada se sustenta en la revisión, análisis e interpretación de las fuentes bibliográficas disponibles, en este caso la totalidad de la obra escrita de José Martí, ubicada en la edición de 1963, organizadas en 28 tomos. Se trabajó con la edición crítica de este ensayo editada en el año 2000 sobre la base de la investigación y las notas aportadas por CintioVitier. Se concluye que la concepción y escritura de Nuestra América a fines de la penúltima década del siglo XIX, es un hito esencial para el estudio del desarrollo histórico de la educación y la cultura latinoamericanas. Nuestra América convida a hacer causa común con los oprimidos y conceptualiza en el mestizaje, la esencialidad de nuestra cultura. Concibe la educación del hombre natural de América en acomodo con la Naturaleza, con la cultura, con su tiempo y aspiraciones de libertad y desarrollo de nuestras naciones. Es un discurso auténtico y coherente que favorece la determinación de referentes culturales necesarios para la educación del hombre latinoamericano.

  3. Compact pulse topology for adjustable high-voltage pulse generation using an SOS diode

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Driessen, A.B.J.M.; Heesch, van E.J.M.; Huiskamp, T.; Beckers, F.J.C.M.; Pemen, A.J.M.


    In this paper, a compact circuit topology is presented for pulsed power generation with a semiconductor opening switch (SOS). Such circuits require the generation of a fast forward current through the diode, followed by a reverse current that activates the recovery process. In general, magnetic

  4. La utilidad como satisfacción de sí

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    Ángel Emilio Muñoz Cardona


    Full Text Available El fin del presente ensayo es mostrar cómo debería ser entendido hoy el término utilitarismo desde la economía política y desde la filosofía moral. Generalmente se asocia el término utilitario a una persona o a una acción política o social con una calificación despectiva, que da a entender una posición altamente egoísta de utilización fría y calculadora. Lo que no debería de ser así, ya que el fin que perseguían los filósofos y economistas del siglo XVIII como: Francis Hutcheson, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham y John Stuart Mill fue la de ilustrar cuál es la importancia social de buscar en cada una de las acciones particulares el bienestar general. Es decir, encontrar la mejor manera de mostrar el mal que representa tanto para sí mismo como para la construcción de una sociedad prospera y pujante el egoísmo (selfishness. Por lo tanto, el utilitarismo debería ser visto y entendido como la preocupación filosófica y de la economía política más importante (desde el siglo XVIII hasta nuestros días en la búsqueda por el bienestar social como un todo. En otras palabras, lo bueno que por naturaleza significa para el hombre la satisfacción en el cuidado de su yo social, en su self love.

  5. Managing the SOS Response for Enhanced CRISPR-Cas-Based Recombineering in E. coli through Transient Inhibition of Host RecA Activity. (United States)

    Moreb, Eirik Adim; Hoover, Benjamin; Yaseen, Adam; Valyasevi, Nisakorn; Roecker, Zoe; Menacho-Melgar, Romel; Lynch, Michael D


    Phage-derived "recombineering" methods are utilized for bacterial genome editing. Recombineering results in a heterogeneous population of modified and unmodified chromosomes, and therefore selection methods, such as CRISPR-Cas9, are required to select for edited clones. Cells can evade CRISPR-Cas-induced cell death through recA-mediated induction of the SOS response. The SOS response increases RecA dependent repair as well as mutation rates through induction of the umuDC error prone polymerase. As a result, CRISPR-Cas selection is more efficient in recA mutants. We report an approach to inhibiting the SOS response and RecA activity through the expression of a mutant dominant negative form of RecA, which incorporates into wild type RecA filaments and inhibits activity. Using a plasmid-based system in which Cas9 and recA mutants are coexpressed, we can achieve increased efficiency and consistency of CRISPR-Cas9-mediated selection and recombineering in E. coli, while reducing the induction of the SOS response. To date, this approach has been shown to be independent of recA genotype and host strain lineage. Using this system, we demonstrate increased CRISPR-Cas selection efficacy with over 10 000 guides covering the E. coli chromosome. The use of dominant negative RecA or homologues may be of broad use in bacterial CRISPR-Cas-based genome editing where the SOS pathways are present.

  6. Modeling of kinetics of the inducible protein complexes of the SOS system in bacteria E. coli which realize TLS process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belov, O.V.


    The mathematical model describing kinetics of the inducible genes of the protein complexes, formed during SOS response in bacteria Escherichia coli is developed. Within the bounds of developed approaches the auxiliary mathematical model describing changes in concentrations of the dimers, which are the components of final protein complexes, is developed. The solutions of both models are based on the experimental data concerning expression of the basic genes of the SOS system in bacteria Escherichia coli

  7. Estimación de la Incertidumbre en los Ensayos Microbiológicos de Coliformes Totales y Fecales en Aguas Y Aguas Residuales Mediante la Técnica de Tubos Múltiples de Fermentación.


    Marlen Robert Pullés; Rogelio Mayarí Navarro; María del C. Espinosa


    En la microbiología ambiental es de vital importancia contar con un control de la calidad, dentro del cual, debe considerarse el método de ensayo para garantizar una óptima calidad de los datos resultantes. El cálculo de la incertidumbre está siendo abordado por la comunidad de laboratorios y se espera que en un futuro se disponga de directrices más claras en este campo. La incertidumbre, como un atributo cuantificable, es un concepto relativamente nuevo en la historia de las mediciones, a pe...


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    María Celina Chavarría González


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo indaga acerca de las raíces de la educación montessoriana, pionera de concepciones holistas. Como resultado, se evidencia que únicamente puede ser abordada desde un paradigma de la complejidad y del compromiso con el destino de la humanidad. Solo una comprensión más amplia de su teleología, antropología y epistemología, nos proporcionará la perspectiva que permita integrar estas dimensiones. Con una introducción que parte de la primera costarricense en poner en práctica su filosofía, la preclara Carmen Lyra, se aborda la multi-texualidad, complejidad y trasdisciplinareidad de Montessori, así como sus contingencias y su época, indagación necesaria para sopesar su necesidad hoy.

  9. Ensayos preliminares de germinación en Puya raimondii Harms (Bromeliaceae

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    Mery L. Suni


    Full Text Available Puya raimondii Harms es una especie endémica de la zona altoandina de Perú y Bolivia, cuyas poblaciones y área de distribución se están reduciendo. Con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento de los mecanismos de propagación de la especie se realizaron estudios del efecto de la iluminación y estratificación en la germinación de sus semillas. Éstas se colectaron en el rodal de P. raimondii de Huashta Cruz (Pueblo Libre, Áncash en diciembre de 1999 y fueron almacenadas bajo condiciones de laboratorio en Lima, Perú, hasta el momento de los ensayos. Las semillas fueron desinfectadas con hipoclorito de sodio 2,6% y la germinación se realizó en placas petri con agua destilada estéril durante el año 2000. Los resultados preliminares muestran que las semillas de P. raimondii tienen altos valores de porcentaje e índice de velocidad de germinación al ser iluminadas. Efecto semejante tuvo estratificarlas por dos meses a 11 °C o incrementar el tiempo de almacenamiento hasta 8 meses pero resultó negativo aplicar los dos tratamientos a la vez. Se plantea que los altos contenidos de humedad de la semilla, temperatura de almacenamiento así como temperatura de germinación afectan negativamente los valores de germinación.

  10. SOS gene induction and possible mutagenic effects of freeze-drying in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. (United States)

    Rosen, Rachel; Buchinger, Sebastian; Pfänder, Ramona; Pedhazur, Rami; Reifferscheid, Georg; Belkin, Shimshon


    We report the results of a study of the potential negative effects of the freeze-drying process, normally considered a benign means for long-term conservation of living cells and the golden standard in bacterial preservation. By monitoring gene induction using a whole-cell Escherichia coli bioreporter panel, in which diverse stress-responsive gene promoters are fused to luminescent or fluorescent reporting systems, we have demonstrated that DNA repair genes belonging to the SOS operon (recA, sulA, uvrA, umuD, and lexA) were induced upon resuscitation from the freeze-dried state, whereas other stress-responsive promoters such as grpE, katG, phoA, soxS, and sodA were not affected. This observation was confirmed by the UMU-chromotest (activation of the umuD gene promoter) in Salmonella typhimurium, as well as by real-time PCR analyses of selected E. coli SOS genes. We further show that a functional SOS operon is important in viability maintenance following resuscitation, but that at the same time, this repair system may introduce significantly higher mutation rates, comparable to those induced by high concentrations of a known mutagen. Our results also indicate that the entire freeze-drying process, rather than either freezing or drying separately, is instrumental in the induction of DNA damage.

  11. SOS! Ayuda para Padres: Una Guia Practica para Manejar Problemas de Conducta Comunes y Corrientes. (SOS! Help for Parents: A Practical Guide for Handling Common Everyday Behavior Problems.) Leader's Guide. (United States)

    Clark, Lynn

    This Spanish-language version of "SOS" provides parents with guidance for handling a variety of common behavior problems based on the behavior approach to child rearing and discipline. This approach suggests that good and bad behavior are both learned and can be changed, and proposes specific methods, skills, procedures, and strategies…

  12. Ensayo de disolución para las tabletas de Tilo ® elaboradas con extracto seco de Justicia pectoralis Jacq Dissolution Assay for Tilo ® tablets prepared with dry extract of Justicia pectoralis Jacq

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    Jorge Enrique Rodríguez Chanfrau


    Full Text Available Introducción: el ensayo de disolución es una técnica analítica de empleo común en un laboratorio farmacéutico. Un proceso tecnológico para la elaboración de tabletas fue desarrollado. El ingrediente farmacéutico activo usado fue Tilo ® extracto seco. Objetivo: el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar y validar un ensayo de disolución para evaluar la estabilidad y la calidad de dicho producto. Método: se utilizaron muestras de un lote experimental, un lote placebo y lotes pilotos de tabletas de Tilo ® de 100 mg. Se evaluaron como medios de disolución agua destilada y solución de ácido clorhídrico 0,1 mol/L, realizándose perfiles de disolución a 50, 75 y 100 rpm, empleándose los dos tipos de aparatos establecidos en la literatura para este ensayo (cesta y paleta. El contenido de cumarina fue analizado por HPLC. El ensayo fue validado según la USP. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que el agua destilada fue un medio de disolución adecuado, alcanzándose porcientos de disolución de la droga por encima del 85 % a los 30 minutos, no existiendo diferencias significativas entre los tipos de aparatos recomendados por la USP. Mientras que, los perfiles de disolución a diferentes tiempos y velocidades de agitación mostraron una liberación gradual del principio activo en el tiempo, donde a medida que se incrementa la velocidad de agitación, se incrementa el porcentaje de disolución de la droga en el medio. La validación del ensayo demostró que el mismo era específico y preciso. Conclusiones: se estableció como ensayo de disolución las siguientes condiciones de trabajo: Aparato: paleta, 100 rpm; medio: agua destilada, 500 mL; tiempo: 60 minutos y Temperatura: 37 ± 0,5 ºC.Introduction: dissolution testing is one of the most common analytical techniques performed in a pharmaceutical analytical laboratory. A technological process for the production of tablets was developed. The active pharmaceutical ingredient used was

  13. Ensayos pedagógicos para la planificación y uso del suelo de Quito. Plan Bicentenario

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    María Dolores Montaño Huerta


    Full Text Available Quito se enfrenta al desafío de resolver la planificación de su territorio. A través del proyecto urbano "Plan especial Bicentenario: Consolidación del Parque de la Ciudad y Redesarrollo de su Entorno Urbano" implementado por la Alcaldía del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito 2009/2014 alrededor del espacio vacío que quedó desde la salida del aeropuerto de Quito se realizó investigación en aula con reflexiones, análisis y soluciones arquitectónicas, desde el Taller de Arquitectura 7/8 de la FADA-PUCE3. Los estudios, análisis y ensayos del documento se basan en la experiencia académica en dos semestres, ene/mayo y ago/dic de 2013 en el Taller para probar la validez del Plan, estudiando volúmenes y anteproyectos arquitectónicos que permitieron analizar, evaluar, sopesar y criticar el Plan Bicentenario, así como las posibles opciones para la ocupación del territorio.

  14. Inteligencias artificiales y ensayos ultrasónicos para la detección de defectos

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    Barrera Cardiel, Gerardo


    ón de ondas ultrasónicas. El método de rayos X, además de ser peligroso al trabajar con radiación, requiere de personal, que además de su especialización tenga licencia del organismo oficial correspondiente,, por lo que su uso es restringido. El método de ultrasonido, a pesar de ser el que más se usa como ensayo no destructivo para la detección de defectos volumétricos, y sin contar con la limitación que supone el aspecto geométrico de la pieza, requiere también de personal con amplia experiencia en la interpretación de los ecogramas que, sin embargo, no necesita requisitos de autorización oficial, además de que su ejecución podría consumir mucho más tiempo que la alternativa de rayos X, lo que necesariamente encarece el ensayo. La técnica propuesta demuestra ser un método libre de riesgos personales, fiable, barata y sencilla de implantar para la solución de este importante problema.

  15. NKS/SOS-1 seminar on safety analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lauridsen, K. [Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark); Anderson, K. [Karinta-Konsult (Sweden); Pulkkinen, U. [VTT Automation (Finland)


    The report describes presentations and discussions at a seminar held at Risoe on March 22-23, 2000. The title of the seminar was NKS/SOS-1 - Safety Analysis. It dealt with issues of relevance for the safety analysis for the entire nuclear safety field (notably reactors and nuclear waste repositories). Such issues were: objectives of safety analysis, risk criteria, decision analysis, expert judgement and risk communication. In addition, one talk dealt with criteria for chemical industries in Europe. The seminar clearly showed that the concept of risk is multidimensional, which makes clarity and transparency essential elements in risk communication, and that there are issues of common concern between different applications, such as how to deal with different kinds of uncertainty and expert judgement. (au)

  16. Historiando a Montessori: Desde el feminismo y socialismo utópico hacia su compromiso como pionera del holismo


    Chavarría González, María Celina


    Resumen: El presente ensayo indaga acerca de las raíces de la educación montessoriana, pionera de concepciones holistas. Como resultado, se evidencia que únicamente puede ser abordada desde un paradigma de la complejidad y del compromiso con el destino de la humanidad. Solo una comprensión más amplia de su teleología, antropología y epistemología, nos proporcionará la perspectiva que permita integrar estas dimensiones. Con una introducción que parte de la primera costarricense en poner en pr...

  17. Evaluación de alternativas al uso del polietileno como cubierta del suelo para el manejo de malas hierbas y otros aspectos agronómicos en el cultivo del tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum P. Mill.) en España y Venezuela


    Anzalone Graci, Alvaro Luciano; Zaragoza Larios, Carlos; Aibar Lete, Joaquín


    Se llevaron a cabo ensayos durante tres años en Zaragoza (España) y Quíbor (Venezuela) con el objetivo de evaluar el potencial uso de diferentes restos vegetales, plástico biodegradable y papel como cubiertas de suelo para el control de malas hierbas como alternativa al uso de polietileno no degradable, utilizando al tomate como cultivo modelo. Las cubiertas evaluadas en Zaragoza fueron paja de arroz, paja de cebada, restos de cosecha de maíz, restos frescos Artemisia absinthium, plástico bio...

  18. Estudios Experimentales 1 Parte: El Ensayo Clínico


    Manterola, Carlos; Otzen, Tamara


    Los estudios experimentales, se caracterizan por la valoración del efecto de una o más intervenciones, habitualmente de forma comparativa con otra intervención, o un placebo; y el carácter prospectivo, de la recolección de los datos y el seguimiento de los grupos en estudio. Bajo la denominación de estudios experimentales, existe una diversidad de diseños, desde los ensayos clínicos (EC) y sus variantes, hasta los estudios cuasi-experimentales y los experientos naturales. El objetivo de este ...

  19. Adherence to abiotic surface induces SOS response in Escherichia coli K-12 strains under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. (United States)

    Costa, Suelen B; Campos, Ana Carolina C; Pereira, Ana Claudia M; de Mattos-Guaraldi, Ana Luiza; Júnior, Raphael Hirata; Rosa, Ana Cláudia P; Asad, Lídia M B O


    During the colonization of surfaces, Escherichia coli bacteria often encounter DNA-damaging agents and these agents can induce several defence mechanisms. Base excision repair (BER) is dedicated to the repair of oxidative DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by chemical and physical agents or by metabolism. In this work, we have evaluated whether the interaction with an abiotic surface by mutants derived from E. coli K-12 deficient in some enzymes that are part of BER causes DNA damage and associated filamentation. Moreover, we studied the role of endonuclease V (nfi gene; 1506 mutant strain) in biofilm formation. Endonuclease V is an enzyme that is involved in DNA repair of nitrosative lesions. We verified that endonuclease V is involved in biofilm formation. Our results showed more filamentation in the xthA mutant (BW9091) and triple xthA nfo nth mutant (BW535) than in the wild-type strain (AB1157). By contrast, the mutant nfi did not present filamentation in biofilm, although its wild-type strain (1466) showed rare filaments in biofilm. The filamentation of bacterial cells attaching to a surface was a consequence of SOS induction measured by the SOS chromotest. However, biofilm formation depended on the ability of the bacteria to induce the SOS response since the mutant lexA Ind(-) did not induce the SOS response and did not form any biofilm. Oxygen tension was an important factor for the interaction of the BER mutants, since these mutants exhibited decreased quantitative adherence under anaerobic conditions. However, our results showed that the presence or absence of oxygen did not affect the viability of BW9091 and BW535 strains. The nfi mutant and its wild-type did not exhibit decreased biofilm formation under anaerobic conditions. Scanning electron microscopy was also performed on the E. coli K-12 strains that had adhered to the glass, and we observed the presence of a structure similar to an extracellular matrix that depended on the

  20. Differential expression of SOS genes in an E. coli mutant producing unstable lexA protein enhances excision repair but inhibits mutagenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, K.R.; Ganesan, A.K.; Mount, D.W.; Stanford Univ., CA)


    The SOS response is displayed following treatments which damage DNA or inhibit DNA replication. Two associated activities include enhanced capacity for DNA repair resulting from derepression of the recA, uvrA, uvrB and uvrD genes and increased mutagenesis due to derepression of recA, umuC and umuD. These changes are the consequence of the derepression of at least seventeen unlinked operons negatively regulated by LexA repressor. Following treatments that induce the SOS response, a signal molecule interacts with RecA protein, converting it to an activated form. Activated RecA protein facilitates the proteolytic cleavage of LexA repressor, which results in derepression of the regulon. The cell then enters a new physiological state during which time DNA repair processes are augmented. The lexA41 mutant of E. coli is a uv-resistant derivative of another mutant, lexA3, which produces a repressor that is not cleaved following inducing treatments. The resultant protein is unstable. Lac operon fusions to most of the genes in the SOS regulon were used to show that the various damage-inducible genes were derepressed to different extents. uvrA, B, and D were almost fully derepressed. Consistent with this finding, the rate of removal of T4 endonuclease V-sensitive sites was more rapid in the uv-irradiated lexA41 mutant than in normal cells, suggesting a more active excision repair system. We propose that the instability of the LexA41 protein reduces the intracellular concentration of repressor to a level that allows a high level of excision repair. The additional observation that SOS mutagenesis was only weakly induced in a lexA41 uvrA - mutant implies that the mutant protein partially represses one or more genes whose products promote SOS mutagenesis. 17 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab


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    Nelly Bibiana Morales Posada


    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra la segunda fase del proyecto "Implementación y evaluación de un sistema piloto de electrocoagulación como tratamiento de aguas residuales con fines de reuso. Estudio de caso: aguas residuales industriales de origen galvánico". Para su desarrollo, se valoró y optimizó un prototipo existente en la Universidad, a partir de ensayos realizados en aguas residuales con contenido de metales, implementando un porcentaje mayor al 47% para la remoción de metales pesados como Cr+6, Pb y Zn de tales aguas, mediante proceso de electrocoagulación. Para el estudio, se utilizaron 10L de agua residual correspondientes al vertimiento de la empresa Compañía Eléctrica Ltda. Los análisis se hicieron, mediante la confrontación de parámetros de Cu, Cr, Cr+6, Ni, Pb y Zn, antes y después del tratamiento de electrocoagulación. Se obtuvo una reducción en Cr del 51.65%, donde el valor arrojado está por debajo de los estándares establecidos en materia de vertimientos (Res. No 1074 28 Oct. 1997, Ni del 18.09%, Pb del 50%, Zn del 47.37%, los cuales a pesar de la remoción producida, tienen valores superiores a lo estipulado en esta normativa. El Cu tuvo un aumento del 519.48%, debido a la placa empleada para el tratamiento. Los valores promedio obtenidos durante los ensayos fueron: pH: 3.18, conductividad: 21.83 mS/m y temperatura: 48.5 ºC. A pesar de que los valores de las variables y los parámetros no se encuentran dentro de los rangos generalmente expuestos por la literatura consultada para sistemas de electrocoagulación con aguas residuales, se obtuvo una reducción relevante en cuanto a la presencia de los metales estudiados.

  2. Leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni harbors two lexA genes involved in SOS response.

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    Luciane S Fonseca

    Full Text Available Bacteria activate a regulatory network in response to the challenges imposed by DNA damage to genetic material, known as the SOS response. This system is regulated by the RecA recombinase and by the transcriptional repressor lexA. Leptospira interrogans is a pathogen capable of surviving in the environment for weeks, being exposed to a great variety of stress agents and yet retaining its ability to infect the host. This study aims to investigate the behavior of L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni after the stress induced by DNA damage. We show that L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni genome contains two genes encoding putative LexA proteins (lexA1 and lexA2 one of them being potentially acquired by lateral gene transfer. Both genes are induced after DNA damage, but the steady state levels of both LexA proteins drop, probably due to auto-proteolytic activity triggered in this condition. In addition, seven other genes were up-regulated following UV-C irradiation, recA, recN, dinP, and four genes encoding hypothetical proteins. This set of genes is potentially regulated by LexA1, as it showed binding to their promoter regions. All these regions contain degenerated sequences in relation to the previously described SOS box, TTTGN 5CAAA. On the other hand, LexA2 was able to bind to the palindrome TTGTAN10TACAA, found in its own promoter region, but not in the others. Therefore, the L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni SOS regulon may be even more complex, as a result of LexA1 and LexA2 binding to divergent motifs. New possibilities for DNA damage response in Leptospira are expected, with potential influence in other biological responses such as virulence.

  3. Construcción narrativa de los vínculos de familias sustitutas permanentes del programa aldeas infantiles SOS Bogotá

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    Carlos Arturo Castelblanco


    Full Text Available Abstract This article presents a research intervention from a systemic approach-constructivist-constructionist based on the conversational narrative - the phenomenon is to understand the narrative construction of permanent substitute families of the ONG children’s villages SOS Bogota-Colombia in relation to the senses of family identity, belonging, permanence and organizational process associated with the construction of possibilities of welfare and autonomy. Participated two foster families consisting of mother, aunt, nine children or young people, as well as juvenile companions, the psychosocial team and management of the organization. The approach is qualitative design of conversational scenarios and reflective equipment. As results is understandable experience to link families based in the relational discursive dynamics, narrated, lived and validated in multiple ways and strategies against the dilemmas that live to build family in an organizational context. It redefines the concept of family as well, seeing it now as a metaphor, generative system where they develop and strengthen the dimensions of being, allowing their emancipation. It also covers the conversational narrative as reflective gear construction itself, which accounts for the self-adaptive learning context recursive structures in language. Resumen El presente artículo expone una investigación-intervención desde un enfoque sistémico-constructivista-construccionista basado en la narrativa conversacional, cuyo objeto consistió en comprender la construcción narrativa de los vínculos de las familias sustitutas permanentes de la ONG Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá-Colombia, en relación con los sentidos de identidad familiar, pertenencia, permanencia y proceso organizacional, asociados a la construcción de posibilidades de bienestar y autonomía. Participaron dos familias sustitutas, constituidas por madre, tía social y nueve niños o jóvenes, además de acompa

  4. The role of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) routines and rituals in men with cancer and their significant others (SOs): a qualitative investigation. (United States)

    Klafke, Nadja; Eliott, Jaklin A; Olver, Ian N; Wittert, Gary A


    Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is frequently used in cancer patients, often with contribution of the significant others (SOs), but without consultation of healthcare professionals. This research explored how cancer patients integrate and maintain CAM use in their everyday life, and how SOs are involved in it. In this qualitative study, male participants were selected from a preceding Australian survey on CAM use in men with cancer (94 % response rate and 86 % consent rate for follow-up interview). Semistructured interviews were conducted with 26 men and 24 SOs until data saturation was reached. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed thematically, thereby paying close attention to participants' language in use. A major theme associated with high CAM use was "CAM routines and rituals," as it was identified that men with cancer practiced CAM as (1) functional routines, (2) meaningful rituals, and (3) mental/spiritual routines or/and rituals. Regular CAM use was associated with intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits: CAM routines provided men with certainty and control, and CAM rituals functioned for cancer patients and their SOs as a means to create meaning, thereby working to counter fear and uncertainty consequent upon a diagnosis of cancer. SOs contributed most to men's uptake and maintenance of dietary-based CAM in ritualistic form resulting in interpersonal bonding and enhanced closeness. CAM routines and rituals constitute key elements in cancer patients' regular and satisfied CAM use, and they promote familial strengthening. Clinicians and physicians can convey these benefits to patient consultations, further promoting the safe and effective use of CAM.

  5. The recX gene product is involved in the SOS response in Herbaspirillum seropedicae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galvao, C.W.; Pedrosa, F.O.; Souza, E.M.; Yates, M.G.; Chubatsu, L.S.; Steffens, M.B.R.


    The recA and the recX genes of Herbaspirillum seropedicae were sequenced. The recX is located 359 bp downstream from recA. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of a putative operator site overlapping a probable σ 70 -dependent promoter upstream of recA and a transcription terminator downstream from recX, with no apparent promoter sequence in the intergenic region. Transcriptional analysis using lacZ promoter fusions indicated that recA expression increased three- to fourfold in the presence of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The roles of recA and recX genes in the SOS response were determined from studies of chromosomal mutants. The recA mutant showed the highest sensitivity to MMS and UV, and the recX mutant had an intermediate sensitivity, compared with the wild type (SMR1), confirming the essential role of the RecA protein in cell viability in the presence of mutagenic agents and also indicating a role for RecX in the SOS response. (author)

  6. The recX gene product is involved in the SOS response in Herbaspirillum seropedicae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galvao, C.W.; Pedrosa, F.O.; Souza, E.M.; Yates, M.G.; Chubatsu, L.S.; Steffens, M.B.R. [Univ. Federal do Parana, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Curitiba (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The recA and the recX genes of Herbaspirillum seropedicae were sequenced. The recX is located 359 bp downstream from recA. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of a putative operator site overlapping a probable {sigma}{sup 70}-dependent promoter upstream of recA and a transcription terminator downstream from recX, with no apparent promoter sequence in the intergenic region. Transcriptional analysis using lacZ promoter fusions indicated that recA expression increased three- to fourfold in the presence of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The roles of recA and recX genes in the SOS response were determined from studies of chromosomal mutants. The recA mutant showed the highest sensitivity to MMS and UV, and the recX mutant had an intermediate sensitivity, compared with the wild type (SMR1), confirming the essential role of the RecA protein in cell viability in the presence of mutagenic agents and also indicating a role for RecX in the SOS response. (author)

  7. The recX gene product is involved in the SOS response in Herbaspirillum seropedicae. (United States)

    Galvão, Carolina W; Pedrosa, Fábio O; Souza, Emanuel M; Yates, M Geoffrey; Chubatsu, Leda S; Steffens, Maria Berenice R


    The recA and the recX genes of Herbaspirillum seropedicae were sequenced. The recX is located 359 bp downstream from recA. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of a putative operator site overlapping a probable sigma70-dependent promoter upstream of recA and a transcription terminator downstream from recX, with no apparent promoter sequence in the intergenic region. Transcriptional analysis using lacZ promoter fusions indicated that recA expression increased three- to fourfold in the presence of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The roles of recA and recX genes in the SOS response were determined from studies of chromosomal mutants. The recA mutant showed the highest sensitivity to MMS and UV, and the recX mutant had an intermediate sensitivity, compared with the wild type (SMR1), confirming the essential role of the RecA protein in cell viability in the presence of mutagenic agents and also indicating a role for RecX in the SOS response.

  8. Investigation of potential genotoxic activity using the SOS Chromotest for real paracetamol wastewater and the wastewater treated by the Fenton process. (United States)

    Kocak, Emel


    The potential genotoxic activity associated with high strength real paracetamol (PCT) wastewater (COD = 40,000 mg/L, TOC = 12,000 mg/L, BOD5 = 19,320 mg/L) from a large-scale drug-producing plant in the Marmara Region, was investigated in pre- and post- treated wastewater by the Fenton process (COD = 2,920 mg/L, TOC = 880 mg/L; BOD5 = 870 mg/L). The SOS Chromotest, which is based on Escherichia coli PQ37 activities, was used for the assessment of genotoxicity. The corrected induction factors (CIF) values used as quantitative measurements of the genotoxic activity were obtained from a total of four different dilutions (100, 50, 6.25, and 0.078 % v/v.) for two samples, in triplicate, to detect potentially genotoxic activities with the SOS Chromotest. The results of the SOS Chromotest demonstrated CIFmax value of 1.24, indicating that the PCT effluent (non-treated) is genotoxic. The results of the SOS Chromotest showed an CIFmax value of 1.72, indicating that the wastewater treated by Fenton process is genotoxic. The findings of this study clearly reveal that the PCT wastewater (non-treated) samples have a potentially hazardous impact on the aquatic environment before treatment, and in the wastewater that was treated by the Fenton process, genotoxicity generally increased.

  9. Structural landscape of the proline-rich domain of Sos1 nucleotide exchange factor. (United States)

    McDonald, Caleb B; Bhat, Vikas; Kurouski, Dmitry; Mikles, David C; Deegan, Brian J; Seldeen, Kenneth L; Lednev, Igor K; Farooq, Amjad


    Despite its key role in mediating a plethora of cellular signaling cascades pertinent to health and disease, little is known about the structural landscape of the proline-rich (PR) domain of Sos1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Herein, using a battery of biophysical tools, we provide evidence that the PR domain of Sos1 is structurally disordered and adopts an extended random coil-like conformation in solution. Of particular interest is the observation that while chemical denaturation of PR domain results in the formation of a significant amount of polyproline II (PPII) helices, it has little or negligible effect on its overall size as measured by its hydrodynamic radius. Our data also show that the PR domain displays a highly dynamic conformational basin in agreement with the knowledge that the intrinsically unstructured proteins rapidly interconvert between an ensemble of conformations. Collectively, our study provides new insights into the conformational equilibrium of a key signaling molecule with important consequences on its physiological function. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Analogía y metáfora en el análisis organizacional. Un ejemplo: la organización como cárcel

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    Jairo E. Carrillo G.


    Full Text Available Este ensayo busca mostrar cómo la analogía y la metáfora constituyen recursos metodológicos adecuados para describir y comprender aspectos centrales de la dinámica organizacional, no accesibles por otros métodos. Como ilustración se hará énfasis en la metáfora que asocia las organizaciones con el concepto de prisión psíquica o cárcel virtual

  11. Analytical gradients for tensor hyper-contracted MP2 and SOS-MP2 on graphical processing units (United States)

    Song, Chenchen; Martínez, Todd J.


    Analytic energy gradients for tensor hyper-contraction (THC) are derived and implemented for second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), with and without the scaled-opposite-spin (SOS)-MP2 approximation. By exploiting the THC factorization, the formal scaling of MP2 and SOS-MP2 gradient calculations with respect to system size is reduced to quartic and cubic, respectively. An efficient implementation has been developed that utilizes both graphics processing units and sparse tensor techniques exploiting spatial sparsity of the atomic orbitals. THC-MP2 has been applied to both geometry optimization and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations. The resulting energy conservation in micro-canonical AIMD demonstrates that the implementation provides accurate nuclear gradients with respect to the THC-MP2 potential energy surfaces.

  12. Dominant negative umuD mutations decreasing RecA-mediated cleavage suggest roles for intact UmuD in modulation of SOS mutagenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battista, J.R.; Ohta, Toshihiro; Nohmi, Takehiko; Sun, W.; Walker, G.C.


    The products of the SOS-regulated umuDC operon are required for most UV and chemical mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. The UmuD protein shares homology with a family of proteins that includes LexA and several bacteriophage repressors. UmuD is posttranslationally activated for its role n mutagenesis by a RecA-mediated proteolytic cleavage that yields UmuD'. A set of missense mutants of umuD was isolated and shown to encode mutant UmuD proteins that are deficient in RecA-mediated cleavage in vivo. Most of these mutations are dominant to umuD + with respect to UV mutagenesis yet do not interfere with SOS induction. Although both UmuD and UmuD' form homodimers, the authors provide evidence that they preferentially form heterodimers. The relationship of UmuD to LexA, λ repressor, and other members of the family of proteins is discussed and possible roles intact UmuD in modulating SOS mutagenesis are discussed

  13. Comparación entre los diagramas TTS obtenidos mediante los ensayos normalizados Huey y Strauss modificado para el acero inoxidable AISI 304

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    Otero, E.


    Full Text Available This work presents a comparison of Temperature-Time-Sensitization TTS diagrams obtained by Huey and modified Strauss standard, for detecting susceptibility to intergranular attack. The difference between these tests is the use of a strong or a slightly smooth oxidizing electrolyte. The diagrams obtained are different and if a sample tested by modified Strauss is sensitized, then it will be sensitized in the Huey test, but the contrary is not always true. This difference is because a sensitized sample has to have a continuous band lacking in chromium along the grain boundary in order to be sensitized in the modified Strauss test. This condition is not necessary in the Huey test.

    Se comparan los diagramas Temperatura-Tiempo-Sensibilización TTS, obtenidos mediante los ensayos normalizados de corrosión intergranular Huey y Strauss modificado, que, respectivamente, utilizan electrólitos fuerte y suavemente oxidantes, mostrándose que los diagramas obtenidos son diferentes. Si una muestra evaluada mediante el ensayo Strauss modificado se encuentra sensibilizada, entonces lo estará también en el ensayo Huey, pero no necesariamente ocurrirá lo contrario; esta diferencia se asocia a la necesidad de la existencia de una zona continua empobrecida en cromo a lo largo del límite de grano para que el material se sensibilice con respecto al ensayo Strauss modificado, condición innecesaria para el caso del ensayo Huey.


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    Daniel Holgado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestra cómo se utiliza la evaluación de la preparación comunitaria para potenciar la participación de mujeres latinas en ensayos clínicos de prevención del cáncer de mama. La experiencia se refiere a dos comunidades rurales y dos comunidades urbanas en Colorado (Estados Unidos. Tradicionalmente los problemas de participación de las minorías étnicas en este tipo de programas preventivos se han explicado recurriendo a factores individuales. Sin embargo, hay factores comunitarios, tales como el clima, el liderazgo, los recursos, el conocimiento y el esfuerzo de la comunidad, que pueden influir en la escasa participación de las mujeres en este tipo de ensayos. Para evaluar la disposición para el cambio comunitario se entrevistó a líderes e informantes clave sobre la disponibilidad de su comunidad para la participación de las mujeres latinas en actividades de prevención. Los resultados mostraron bajos niveles en las cuatro comunidades evaluadas. En ese contexto, se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones. El caso sirve para ilustrar el funcionamiento de un modelo basado en niveles, desarrollado por Oetting et al. (2001.

  15. La violencia como mecanismo del debate público en Venezuela durante el siglo XX

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    Inés Guardia Rolando


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente ensayo es describir los mecanismos por medio de los cuales la violencia política se presenta como uno de los elementos fundamentales del debate público en dos coyunturas históricas en Venezuela: en la Revolución de Octubre y en la Revolución Bolivariana. El trabajo se desarrolla en torno a dos ideas: primero se abordará el problema de la violencia y el miedo desde una perspectiva teórica, luego se describirá cada una de estas coyunturas históricas; finalmente se revisa comparativamente este fenómeno que se repite a lo largo del tiempo en Venezuela.

  16. Pedagogía crítica como medio para desarrollar la autonomía moral

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    Juan Pablo Escobar Galo


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este ensayo es exponer los estudios y las propuestas contemporáneas sobre el surgimiento de la conciencia moral y el ejercicio de la autonomía moral, así como analizar si los planteamientos pedagógicos de Paulo Freire favorecen o no el ejercicio de la libertad y la configuración de la autonomía moral. Para comprender el desarrollo de la autonomía moral es necesario exponer los principios del nacimiento de la conciencia moral de Jean Piaget, los procesos de desarrollo moral de Lawrence Kohlberg y la acción comunicativa y el desarrollo moral desde la perspectiva de Jürgen Habermas. La pedagogía crítica de Freire se orienta en tres ejes: la toma de conciencia de los sujetos (lectura del mundo frente a la realidad, el ejercicio de la libertad desde la acción educativa y la generación del pensamiento crítico desde lo personal y comunitario, lo que implica la comprensión de la historia (personal y comunitaria como posibilidad y no como determinación.

  17. Functional characterization of two SOS-regulated genes involved in mitomycin C resistance in Caulobacter crescentus. (United States)

    Lopes-Kulishev, Carina O; Alves, Ingrid R; Valencia, Estela Y; Pidhirnyj, María I; Fernández-Silva, Frank S; Rodrigues, Ticiane R; Guzzo, Cristiane R; Galhardo, Rodrigo S


    The SOS response is a universal bacterial regulon involved in the cellular response to DNA damage and other forms of stress. In Caulobacter crescentus, previous work has identified a plethora of genes that are part of the SOS regulon, but the biological roles of several of them remain to be determined. In this study, we report that two genes, hereafter named mmcA and mmcB, are involved in the defense against DNA damage caused by mitomycin C (MMC), but not against lesions induced by other common DNA damaging agents, such as UVC light, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and hydrogen peroxide. mmcA is a conserved gene that encodes a member of the glyoxalases/dioxygenases protein family, and acts independently of known DNA repair pathways. On the other hand, epistasis analysis showed that mmcB acts in the same pathway as imuC (dnaE2), and is required specifically for MMC-induced mutagenesis, but not for that induced by UV light, suggesting a role for MmcB in translesion synthesis-dependent repair of MMC damage. We show that the lack of MMC-induced mutability in the mmcB strain is not caused by lack of proper SOS induction of the imuABC operon, involved in translesion synthesis (TLS) in C. crescentus. Based on this data and on structural analysis of a close homolog, we propose that MmcB is an endonuclease which creates substrates for ImuABC-mediated TLS patches. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Structural analyses of polymorphic transitions of sn-1, 3-distearoyl-2-oleoylglycerol (SOS) and sn-1, 3-dioleoyl-2-stearoylglycerol (OSO): assessment on steric hindrance of unsaturated and saturated acyl chain interactions. (United States)

    Yano, J; Sato, K; Kaneko, F; Small, D M; Kodali, D R


    Polymorphic transformations in two saturated-unsaturated mixed acid triacylglycerols, SOS (sn -1,3-distearoyl-2-oleoylglycerol) and OSO (sn -1,3-dioleoyl-2-stearoylglycerol), have been studied by FT-IR spectroscopy using deuterated specimens in which stearoyl chains are fully deuterated. A reversible phase transition between sub alpha and alpha and a series of irreversible transitions (alpha-->gamma-->beta'-->beta (beta2, beta1) for SOS and alpha-->beta'-->beta for OSO) were studied with an emphasis on the conformational ordering process of stearoyl and oleoyl chains. The alpha-->sub alpha reversible transition was due to the orientational change of stearoyl chains in the lateral directions from the hexagonal subcell to a perpendicularly packed one. As the first stage of the series of irreversible transitions from alpha to beta, the conformational ordering of saturated chains took place in the alpha-->gamma transition of SOS and in the alpha-->beta' transition of OSO; one stearoyl chain in SOS and OSO takes the all-trans conformation and the second stearoyl chain in SOS takes the bent conformation like those observed in the most stable beta-type. As the final stage, the ordering of unsaturated chains occurred in the beta'-->beta transition both for SOS and OSO. A conversion in the layered structure from bilayer to trilayer was also accompanied by the conformational ordering in the alpha-->gamma transition of SOS and in the beta'-->beta transition of OSO.

  19. Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT), Broad Band Ultrasound Attenuation (BUA) and Speed of Sound (SOS) in a population of normal females aged from 8 to 20 years

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagni, B.; Corazzari, T.; Bagni, I.; Garuti, F.; Franceschetto, A.; Casolo, A.; Pansini, F.


    Aim: To evaluate, in a population of young healthy females aged from 8 to 20 years the bone mass peak (or density), the normal ranges versus age and menarche-age using two method: pQCT (peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography) and ultrasound absorptiometry. Material and Methods: From 1998 to 2000 selective measurement of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) of trabecular bone at the ultradistal radius using pQCT, BUA (Broad Band Attenuation) and SOS ( Speed Of Sound) was carried out on 426 healthy females (aged from 8 to 20 years) in north Italy. BMD were measured using a single photon miniaturized tomographic scanner in the ultradistal radius, SOS and BUA were measured at the same time, using a water bath device obtaining parametric bidimensional images of BUA and SOS. The population studied refers to normal females free of bone metabolism alteration, in pre and post-pubertal status. Results: A normal range of BMD, BUA and SOS versus age and menarche age were established. A linear correlation was found between BUA and BMD measured with pQCT. SOS does not show any correlation with BMD. The pre-puberty and the post-puberty groups show statistically significant differences between SOS, BUA and BMD. We found the peak bone density (measured with pQCT) in the trabecular bone at the ultradistal radius at 15 years of age (mean menarche age of 10 years). The same position of the peak was found for BUA, for SOS the situation is not well defined. The analytical fitting of the data highlights a polynomial correlation of BMD vs. age, SOS vs. age, BUA vs. age. Conclusions: It appears that the sexual growth influences the position of peak bone density. The results obtained show a statistically significant correlation between BUA and BMD versus age, the menarche-age and the period of exposure of bone tissue to the oestrogen. After all, pQCT and ultrasound are useful techniques to evaluate bone density and structure also in a growing population. The results of this study shows the

  20. No evidence of the genotoxic potential of gold, silver, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the SOS chromotest. (United States)

    Nam, Sun-Hwa; Kim, Shin Woong; An, Youn-Joo


    Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs), silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs), zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) are widely used in cosmetic products such as preservatives, colorants and sunscreens. This study investigated the genotoxicity of Au NPs, Ag NPs, ZnO NPs and TiO2 NPs using the SOS chromotest with Escherichia coli PQ37. The maximum exposure concentrations for each nanoparticle were 3.23 mg l(-1) for Au NPs, 32.3 mg l(-1) for Ag NPs and 100 mg l(-1) for ZnO NPs and TiO2 NPs. Additionally, in order to compare the genotoxicity of nanoparticles and corresponding dissolved ions, the ions were assessed in the same way as nanoparticles. The genotoxicity of the titanium ion was not assessed because of the extremely low solubility of TiO2 NPs. Au NPs, Ag NPs, ZnO NPs, TiO2 NPs and ions of Au, Ag and Zn, in a range of tested concentrations, exerted no effects in the SOS chromotest, evidenced by maximum IF (IFmax) values of below 1.5 for all chemicals. Owing to the results, nanosized Au NPs, Ag NPs, ZnO NPs, TiO2 NPs and ions of Au, Ag and Zn are classified as non-genotoxic on the basis of the SOS chromotest used in this study. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the genotoxicity of Au NPs, Ag NPs, ZnO NPs and TiO2 NPs using the SOS chromotest. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Abonos orgánicos como insumo de nutrición vegetal en un sistema hidropónico alternativo


    Cuervo Osorio, Víctor Daniel


    El presente trabajo se realizó en los invernaderos del Colegio de Postgraduados, estado de México. Se comparó un sistema hidropónico convencional (inorgánico) y otro propuesto como alternativo (orgánico). En este ensayo la planta se ubicó en un sustrato inerte (tezontle) y sobre esté se colocó un abono orgánico, el cual nutre la planta. Los 3 abonos orgánicos fueron gallinaza, lombricomposta y estiércol bovino dosificados a 3 niveles cada uno (100, 200, 300 kg ha-1 de nitrógeno mineral) uti...

  2. Complexity of the ultraviolet mutation frequency response curve in Escherichia coli B/r: SOS induction, one-lesion and two-lesion mutagenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doudney, C.O.


    Three distinct sections of the ultraviolet mutation frequency response (MFR) curve toward tryptophan prototrophy have been demonstrated in Escherichia coli B/r WP2 trp thy and its uvrA derivative in log-phase growth in minimal medium. The initial section, which appears fluence-squared, may reflect the necessity, if mutation is to result, for induction of two lesions, one located within the potentially mutated genetic locus and the other damaging deoxyribonucleic acid replication and resulting in induction of the error-prone SOS repair function. A second linear section is ascribed to the continued induction, after exposure above that sufficient for complete SOS expression, of isolated lesions which lead to mutation in potentially mutated loci. The third section demonstrates an increased rate of mutagenesis and suggests the induction of two lesions in proximity which result in additional mutations. Split-exposure studies support the inducible nature of the SOS function and suggest that mutation frequency decline (MFD) is due to excision resulting from or related to the prevention of SOS induction by inhibition of protein synthesis. Preirradiation tryptophan starvation of the uvr + strain for 30 min decreases MFR in the first and second sections of the curve. Reduction of MFR in the third section requires more prestarvation time and is blocked by nalidixic acid. The decreased MFR of the first and second sections is ascribed to promotion of postirradiation MFD based on excision and that of the third section to completion of the chromosome during the prestarvation period

  3. RUNX1 positively regulates the ErbB2/HER2 signaling pathway through modulating SOS1 expression in gastric cancer cells. (United States)

    Mitsuda, Yoshihide; Morita, Ken; Kashiwazaki, Gengo; Taniguchi, Junichi; Bando, Toshikazu; Obara, Moeka; Hirata, Masahiro; Kataoka, Tatsuki R; Muto, Manabu; Kaneda, Yasufumi; Nakahata, Tatsutoshi; Liu, Pu Paul; Adachi, Souichi; Sugiyama, Hiroshi; Kamikubo, Yasuhiko


    The dual function of runt-related transcriptional factor 1 (RUNX1) as an oncogene or oncosuppressor has been extensively studied in various malignancies, yet its role in gastric cancer remains elusive. Up-regulation of the ErbB2/HER2 signaling pathway is frequently-encountered in gastric cancer and contributes to the maintenance of these cancer cells. This signaling cascade is partly mediated by son of sevenless homolog (SOS) family, which function as adaptor proteins in the RTK cascades. Herein we report that RUNX1 regulates the ErbB2/HER2 signaling pathway in gastric cancer cells through transactivating SOS1 expression, rendering itself an ideal target in anti-tumor strategy toward this cancer. Mechanistically, RUNX1 interacts with the RUNX1 binding DNA sequence located in SOS1 promoter and positively regulates it. Knockdown of RUNX1 led to the decreased expression of SOS1 as well as dephosphorylation of ErbB2/HER2, subsequently suppressed the proliferation of gastric cancer cells. We also found that our novel RUNX inhibitor (Chb-M') consistently led to the deactivation of the ErbB2/HER2 signaling pathway and was effective against several gastric cancer cell lines. Taken together, our work identified a novel interaction of RUNX1 and the ErbB2/HER2 signaling pathway in gastric cancer, which can potentially be exploited in the management of this malignancy.


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    Steven Abarca Araya


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo surgió de una revisión bibliográfica que permitió conocer los alcances y las limitaciones de utilizar la Internet y las redes sociales como instrumento de mediación pedagógica. La Internet y las redes sociales han pasado a ocupar un espacio preponderante en la sociedad actual, utilizándose para promover bienes, servicios, entretenimiento y, en algunos casos, como instrumento de mediación pedagógica. Como resultado de la revisión realizada se pudo constatar que la utilización de las redes sociales como instrumento de mediación pedagógica ha permitido identificar sus bondades como mayor cobertura, asincronía en la mediación, aprendizaje colaborativo, aprendizaje autónomo, entre otros. Sin embargo, en contraste con las bondades que presenta, también tiene sus limitación es como la falta de pericia de docentes y estudiantes en el uso de la tecnología, el acceso, mayor inversión de tiempo en la mediación pedagógica, la renuencia de algunas personas al uso de la tecnología, la dificultad para controlar si es realmente el estudiante quien participa en las actividades pedagógicas, entre otros. Se concluye que todavía es muy apresurado hacer conjeturas acerca del futuro que le espera al uso de las redes sociales como instrumento de mediación pedagógica, pues algunos de estos alcances y limitaciones irán desapareciendo conforme vayamos adquiriendo mayor experiencia en su utilización, y su presencia sea cotidiana en nuestro sistema educativo, mientras que otros se seguirán manteniendo o, incluso, se pueden incrementar, por lo que debe analizarse su uso a la luz del contexto y la realidad de cada institución educativa.

  5. Competitive fitness during feast and famine: how SOS DNA polymerases influence physiology and evolution in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Corzett, Christopher H; Goodman, Myron F; Finkel, Steven E


    Escherichia coli DNA polymerases (Pol) II, IV, and V serve dual roles by facilitating efficient translesion DNA synthesis while simultaneously introducing genetic variation that can promote adaptive evolution. Here we show that these alternative polymerases are induced as cells transition from exponential to long-term stationary-phase growth in the absence of induction of the SOS regulon by external agents that damage DNA. By monitoring the relative fitness of isogenic mutant strains expressing only one alternative polymerase over time, spanning hours to weeks, we establish distinct growth phase-dependent hierarchies of polymerase mutant strain competitiveness. Pol II confers a significant physiological advantage by facilitating efficient replication and creating genetic diversity during periods of rapid growth. Pol IV and Pol V make the largest contributions to evolutionary fitness during long-term stationary phase. Consistent with their roles providing both a physiological and an adaptive advantage during stationary phase, the expression patterns of all three SOS polymerases change during the transition from log phase to long-term stationary phase. Compared to the alternative polymerases, Pol III transcription dominates during mid-exponential phase; however, its abundance decreases to SOS induction by exogenous agents and indicate that cell populations require appropriate expression of all three alternative DNA polymerases during exponential, stationary, and long-term stationary phases to attain optimal fitness and undergo adaptive evolution.

  6. Bioética en ensayos clínicos: Su aplicación actual

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    Ilquia Baluja Conde


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica acerca de las regulaciones éticas internacionales que han sido establecidas en el desarrollo de los ensayos clínicos. Se explica la necesidad actual de considerar la relación beneficio/riesgo cuando se va a experimentar en seres humanos. Las buenas prácticas clínicas establecen que los pacientes que participan en investigaciones biomédicas deben dar su consentimiento de forma libre, voluntaria y sin coacción; una vez que hayan sido informados de los objetivos, beneficios y riesgos de éste, así como de las alternativas terapéuticas existentes. El investigador debe registrar y comunicar todos los sucesos adversos que aparecen en el curso de un ensayo clínico a los comités de revisión y ética y a las autoridades regulatorias responsables del control de los medicamentos. A partir de los años 70 el desarrollo acelerado de las industrias medicofarmacéuticas y biotecnológicas en el mundo favoreció la aparición de las organizaciones de investigación por contrato (CROs, las cuales participan de forma parcial o completa en la evaluación clínica del nuevo producto que va a ser registrado y comercializado. En la realización de esta tarea, las CROs deben cumplir estrictamente con las regulaciones éticas establecidas para los ensayos clínicos. Sin embargo, actualmente los países desarrollados tienen la tendencia de llevar a cabo las investigaciones biomédicas en los países en vías de desarrollo, pues pueden disminuir los costos de sus investigaciones, los productores eluden con mayores facilidades las regulaciones éticas que establecen los países desarrollados, y algunos problemas de salud requieren ser estudiados en estos países por ser propios de estas regiones del mundoA literature review on international ethical regulations which have been set for the development of clinical trials together with the explanation of the present need for taking benefit/risk relation into consideration

  7. Análisis de transferencia horizontal de genes en ensayos de biorremediación con grasas recalcitrantes

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    Catalina Rozo


    Full Text Available El empleo de microorganismos como herramienta para la mineralización de contaminantes orgánicos es una práctica que ha tomado mucha fuerza gracias a su eficiencia y bajo costo. La transferencia horizontal vía conjugación de genes es un requerimiento básico para optimizar procesos de biorremediación, por esta razón, además de conocer la diversidad metabólica es fundamental entender las interacciones que ocurren en una comunidad bacteriana para potenciar los procesos de biorremediación en campo. En este estudio se busca evaluar el potencial de transferencia horizontal (TH, tanto in vitro como en microcosmos de suelo, de aislamientos de bacterias obtenidas de un pasivo ambiental de grasas provenientes de la explotación carbonífera del Cerrejón. Inicialmente se agruparon los aislamientos de acuerdo con sus patrones de resistencia a antibióticos: ampicilina, cloramfenicol, gentamicina, tetraciclina y kanamicina. El potencial de TH de las cepas Vlf4, Ot3, Ot6, Pgt4, Blf11 y Vlf13 fue evaluado in vitro en medio sólido Luria-Bertani (LB donde se obtuvieron nuevos fenotipos a partir de los cruces Vlf13xOt6 y Pgt4xOt6, el nuevo fenotipo indica resistencia a los dos marcadores (ampR, kanR y su morfología sugiere que el receptor, en los dos casos, es la cepa Ot6. Los parentales Vlf13, Pgt4 y Ot6 fueron identificados por amplificación del gen RNAr 16S como Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas sp. y Chryseobacterium sp., respectivamente, y los transconjugantes como Chryseobacterium sp. Posteriormente, estos dos cruces fueron sometidos a ensayos de transferencia horizontal en microcosmos de suelos, donde se hizo evidente nuevamente la presencia de TH a una menor tasa. Los resultados obtenidos indican la posibilidad de un potencial de transferencia horizontal de genes entre los aislamientos seleccionados, dando lugar a la probabilidad de formular en futuros estudios un consorcio de bacterias que demuestran tener esta ventaja adaptativa.

  8. Geographical Simulation and Optimization System (GeoSOS and Its Application in the Analysis of Geographic National Conditions

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    LI Xia


    Full Text Available Since the Chinese first survey on geographic national conditions has completed, an urgent need is to analyze these geographical data, such as mining of spatial distribution patterns, land use transition rules, development trends. The analysis is crucial for extracting the knowledge from these big data about geographic national conditions. The remote sensing interpretation data and land use/cover data generated by these geographic national conditions monitoring projects are the basic data sources for a variety of research and applications in terms of land use change detection, urban dynamic analysis, and urban/land use planning. The information can be used for assisting in the coordination of land resource use and decision making for urban and rural development, ecological environment protection and other issues that depends on spatial intelligent decisions. We proposed the theoretical framework of geographical simulation and optimization system (GeoSOS, which coupled geographic process simulation/prediction and spatial optimization, provides powerful theoretical support and practical tools for above researches. This paper develops the extension of GeoSOS software-GeoSOS for ArcGIS, which is an ArcGIS Add-In runs on ArcGIS platform for facilitating the above analyses. We take the urban expansion and ecological protection research in rapid urbanization area as an example, use the software to tackle a series of urbanization issues in the study area. The simulation results show that the predicted land development intensity of Guangdong Province will exceed the constraint index in 2020 according to the national development plan. However, the urbanization expansion based on the constraints of land development intensity and ecological protection can satisfy these constraints, and obtain a more compact landscape pattern. The analysis has shown that GeoSOS can be a useful tool for assisting in the analysis of geographic national conditions information

  9. The role of the bacterial mismatch repair system in SOS-induced mutagenesis: a theoretical background

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belov, O.V.; Kapralov, M.I.; Chuluunbaatar, O.; Sweilam, N.H.


    A theoretical study is performed of the possible role of the methyl-directed mismatch repair system in the ultraviolet-induced mutagenesis of Escherichia coli bacterial cells. For this purpose, a mathematical model of the bacterial mismatch repair system is developed. Within this model, the key pathways of this type of repair are simulated on the basis of modern experimental data related to its mechanisms. Here we have modelled in detail five main pathways of DNA misincorporation removal with different DNA exonucleases. Using our calculations, we have tested the hypothesis that the bacterial mismatch repair system is responsible for the removal of the nucleotides misincorporated by DNA polymerase V (the UmuD' 2 C complex) during ultraviolet-induced SOS response. For the theoretical analysis of the mutation frequency, we have combined the proposed mathematical approach with the model of SOS-induced mutagenesis in the E.coli bacterial cell developed earlier. Our calculations support the hypothesis that methyl-directed mismatch repair influences the mutagenic effect of ultraviolet radiation

  10. Suppression of SOS-inducing activity of chemical mutagens by metabolites from microbial transformation of (-)-isolongifolene. (United States)

    Sakata, Kazuki; Oda, Yoshimitsu; Miyazawa, Mitsuo


    In this study, biotransformation of (-)-isolongifolene (1) by Glomerella cingulata and suppressive effect on umuC gene expression by chemical mutagens 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (furylfuramide) and aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) of the SOS response in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 were investigated. Initially, 1 was carried out the microbial transformation by G. cingulata. The result found that 1 was converted into (-)-isolongifolen-9-one (2), (-)-(2S)-13-hydroxy-isolongifolen-9-one (3), and (-)-(4R)-4-hydroxy-isolongifolen-9-one (4) by G. cingulata, and their conversion rates were 60, 25, and 15%, respectively. The metabolites suppressed the SOS-inducing activity of furylfuramid and AFB(1) in the umu test. Comound 2 showed gene expression by chemical mutagens furylfuramide and AFB(1) was suppressed 54 and 50% at <0.5 mM, respectively. Compound 2 is the most effective compound in this experiment.


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    Ana Rodriguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las propiedades puzolánicas de algunos minerales, como las diatomitas, que potencialmente pueden reaccionar con la portlandita contenida en las pastas y morteros de cemento Portland. También se estudia si estas adiciones minerales pueden incrementar la resistencia térmica y la refractariedad de los morteros. En el comportamiento de estos agregados se sigue midiendo como parámetro el comportamientopuzolánico de las diatomitas en las pastas de cemento Portland, y las variaciones de la resistencia mecánica de probetas estandarizadas construidas con y sin agregado de diatomitas. El desarrollo experimental programado consta de tratamientostérmicos a las diatomitas, reducción de tamaño hasta compatibilidad con la granulometría del cemento Portland, ensayos de DRX, análisis de puzolanidad, construcción de probetas de morteros con y sinagregado, y finalmente la medición de sus propiedades mecánicas residuales después de haber sido sometidas a elevadas temperaturas.Del análisis de los resultados experimentales se puede informar que las diatomitas estudiadas si le confieren propiedadespuzolánicas al cemento Portland, y como consecuencia mejoran la resistencia mecánica residual de las probetas de mortero cuando son sometidas a altas temperaturas.

  12. Ensayos clínicos cubanos publicados en revistas de impacto internacional: estudio bibliométrico del período 1991-2001

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    Araujo Ruiz, Juan Antonio


    seis especialistas. 82 ensayos clínicos fueron producto de la colaboración entre varias instituciones, donde participaron 83 centros de investigación, 47 de ellos cubanos y 36 extranjeros. 96 publicaciones periódicas de 17 países se encargaron de publicar los 172 ensayos clínicos, y los artículos publicados en lengua inglesa constituyeron el 74,4 % del total. 63 productos, técnicas o procedimientos terapéuticos fueron ensayados en los distintos tipos de pacientes, con el objetivo de tratar 41 padecimientos. Los adultos humanos, con relativo equilibrio entre hombres y mujeres, fueron los sujetos que con mayor frecuencia se estudiaron. El análisis bibliométrico permitió confirmar los avances de Cuba en cuanto a la realización de ensayos clínicos para legitimar los productos generados por su industria médico-farmacéutica, así como definir los centros que marchan a la vanguardia en ese sentido.

  13. Contrastación de esquemas de ensayo en carros cesta; Test schemes contrastation in bucket trucks

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    José Á Martínez Barbado


    Full Text Available La verificación de las condiciones dieléctricas de los dispositivos y equipos utilizados en trabajos conlíneas energizadas resulta vital para la seguridad del personal. Los laboratorios de ensayos especializadosen este campo tienen la responsabilidad de aplicar métodos y procedimientos normalizados o validados,con el fin de obtener resultados confiables. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudiodonde se aplicó el método de ensayo de medición de la corriente de filtración en carros cesta, empleandodos esquemas diferentes. Los resultados indican diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los valoresde la corriente de filtración entre ambos esquemas para la sección aislante superior y en dos niveles detensión de ensayo. Verification of the dielectric conditions of devices and equipments used in works with energized lines isimportant for the personnel's security. The specialized test laboratories in this field have the responsibilityof applying methods and normalized or validated procedures, with the purpose of obtaining reliable results.In this paper there are presented the results of a study where the test method of the leakage currentmeasurement is applied in bucket trucks, using two different schemes. The results indicate statisticallysignificant differences between both schemes in the leakage current values for the superior boom and twotest voltage levels.

  14. Comparative study of SOS2 and a novel PMP3-1 gene expression in two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) lines differing in salt tolerance. (United States)

    Saadia, Mubshara; Jamil, Amer; Ashraf, Muhammad; Akram, Nudrat Aisha


    Gene expression pattern of two important regulatory proteins, salt overly sensitive 2 (SOS2) and plasma membrane protein 3-1 (PMP3-1), involved in ion homeostasis, was analyzed in two salinity-contrasting sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) lines, Hysun-38 (salt tolerant) and S-278 (moderately salt tolerant). The pattern was studied at selected time intervals (24 h) under 150 mM NaCl treatment. Using reverse transcription PCR, SOS2 gene fragment was obtained from young leaf and root tissues of opposing lines while that for PMP3-1 was obtained only from young root tissues. Both tolerant and moderately tolerant lines showed a gradual increase in SOS2 expression in sunflower root tissues. Leaf tissues showed the gradually increasing pattern of SOS2 expression in tolerant plants as compared to that for moderately tolerant ones that showed a relatively lower level of expression for this gene. We found the highest level of PMP 3-1 expression in the roots of tolerant sunflower line at 6 and 12 h postsalinity treatment. The moderately tolerant line showed higher expression of PMP3-1 at 12 and 24 h after salt treatment. Overall, the expression of genes for both the regulator proteins varied significantly in the two sunflower lines differing in salinity tolerance.

  15. Resultados de tres años de ensayo en el ajuste de la tecnología de “Tree Row Volume” (TRV para el control de mancha negra en naranja Valencia

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    Full Text Available Actualmente, los consumidores de fruta son altamente exigentes tanto en la calidad externa como interna de la fruta. En el aspecto externo, exigen ausencia de daños causados por plagas y/o enfermedades con énfasis en aquellas consideradas cuarentenarias como es Mancha Negra (MN causada por el hongo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely. Con respecto a los aspectos internos, se considera que debe tener alta calidad organoléptica y, sobre todo, tener mínimos residuos de plaguicidas. Para contribuir con ambos objetivos, se están realizando desde hace varios años tratamientos para optimizar la dosis de fungicidas y volúmenes aplicados a lotes con frutas con destino de exportación. A tal efecto se han realizado ensayos por tres años para el ajuste del volumen de caldo a aplicar por hectárea en función del tamaño de los árboles aplicando la fórmula del TRV (“Tree Row Volume” en un lote de naranja Valencia (Citrus sinensis L. Osb. con alta incidencia de (MN. Los ensayos consistieron en la utilización de picos inyectores de aire ID instalados en turbinas de alto volumen con el fin de reducir el volumen total de caldo de modo similar al logrado con la tecnología de bajo volumen. Los resultadosobtenidos en diferentes campañas con picos ID en tratamientos reducidos al 50% en volumen ejercieron un muy buen control de la enfermedad sin diferencias significativas con respecto a los tratamientos de alto volumen convencionales. Esta estrategia permite optimizar la utilización de equipos existentes con el beneficiodel ahorro de agua, insumos y, además, sustentable con el ambiente.

  16. Cirugía de revascularización miocárdica versus stent farmacoactivos en pacientes con enfermedad de tronco común izquierdo: una revisión sistemática de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y de metaanálisis de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados

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    Stefano Urso


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática es analizar en la literatura los resultados clínicos de cirugía de revascularización coronaria versus la intervención coronaria percutánea con stent farmacoactivos en el tratamiento de la enfermedad del tronco común izquierdo. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica mediante las bases de datos de Pubmed, Google Scholar, Medline, Embase y Cochrane, restringiendo dicha búsqueda a ensayos clínicos aleatorizados o metaanálisis realizados sobre ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, sin restricción de año de publicación ni de idioma. Resultados: Ochenta y dos artículos fueron encontrados usando la metodología de búsqueda descrita. De estos, fueron seleccionados 7 artículos procedentes de 5 ensayos de no inferioridad (SYNTAX, PRECOMBAT, estudio de Boudriot et al., NOBLE y EXCEL y 7 metaanálisis. Los presentes ensayos han comparado stent farmacoactivos de primera generación (SYNTAX: stent con paclitaxel; ensayo de Boudriot et al. y PRECOMBAT: stent con sirolimus y stents farmacoactivos de segunda generación (NOBLE: stent con biolimus; EXCEL: stent con everolimus con cirugía.Con referencia al procedimiento de revascularización coronaria, la utilización de la doble arteria mamaria interna osciló entre el 7,4 y el 54,4%. Todos los ensayos clínicos incluidos en esta revisión reportaron una tasa estadísticamente menor de revascularización repetida en la población quirúrgica. De acuerdo con la revisión de metaanálisis, el riesgo, expresado como razón de probabilidades, de requerir un nuevo procedimiento de revascularización miocárdica por la población percutánea en comparación con el de la población quirúrgica osciló entre 1,68 y 2,21. Conclusiones: Independientemente del tipo de stent farmacoactivo utilizado en los procedimientos percutáneos y a pesar de la baja tasa de utilización de la doble arteria mamaria interna en el grupo quir

  17. Quantification, modelling and design for signal history dependent effects in mixed-signal SOI/SOS circuits; Quantification, modelisation et conception prenant en compte les etats anterieurs des signaux dans les circuits mixtes SOI/SOS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edwards, C.F.; Redman-White, W.; Bracey, M.; Tenbroek, B.M.; Lee, M.S. [Southampton Univ., Dept. of Electronics and Computer Sciences (United Kingdom); Uren, M.J.; Brunson, K.M. [DERA Farnborough, GU, Hants (United Kingdom)


    This paper deals with how the radiation hardness of mixed signal SOI/SOS CMOS circuits is taken into account at both architectural terms as well as the the transistor level cell designs. The primary issue is to deal with divergent transistor threshold shifts, and to understand the effects of large amplitude non stationary signals on analogue cell behaviour. (authors)

  18. Tamaño de Parcela Experimental y Número de Repeticiones para Ensayos de Rendimiento con Caupi, Vigna ungiculata (l Walp

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    Escobar Soto Carlos


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó con el propósito de estimar el tamaño óptimo de parcela experimental y el número de repeticiones para ensayos de rendimiento con caupl Vigna ungiculata (L Walp. El ensayo de campo, ensayo en blanco de 20 surcos de 25 m cada uno, se sembró durante el segundo semestre de 1990, en el Centro de Investigación Cotové, municipio de Santa Fe de Antioquia, propiedad de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Seccional Medellín. La zona de vida corresponde a la de bosque seco tropical (bs -T. Se sembró la variedad experimental Licatur-1 OCA Calamar, a 0,60 m entre surcos y 0,10 m entre plantas dentro de surcos. La unidad básica se consideró de un surco de un metro de longitud. Para la estimación del tamaño óptimo de parcela experimental se combinaron las unidades básicas para obtener arreglos de diferentes tamaños y formas, a los que se determinó el coeficiente de variación GVij: CVij –Sij/Yij i:1,2, ... L;j = 1, 2, ... A Con el conjunto de los CVij se obtuvo un modelo de regresión cuya expresión real se asume que es un modelo cuadrático en (largo y r (ancho, esto es: CVij= β12+β1α +β2γ+β21αˆ2+β22γˆ2+β12αγ El tamaño óptimo de parcela experimental se estimó en unidades de 6 surcos (a 0,60 m. entre sí de 5 m de longitud (0,10 m entre plantas dentro de surcos, con un coeficiente de variación del 16%. El número de repeticiones estimado, para lograr un coeficiente de variación de 16% y una precisión razonable del 25% es de 4, asumiendo que las pruebas de comparación se hagan con un nivel de significancia de 0,05. A partir del modelo de regresión encontrado, para valores constantes del coeficiente de variación y número de surcos se estimó longitud de los mismos y con todos estos datos se generó una familia de curvas, de tal suerte que para un valor deseado de CV se puede escoger entre varias alternativas de tamaño de

  19. Informe sobre Ensayo de Flexión Estática en Postes de Ciprés (Cupressus Lusitánica Miller, para Instalaciones Eléctricas y Telefónicas.

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    Hoheisel Hannes


    Full Text Available Los postes de madera utilizados para tendido de líneas eléctricas y telefónicas están sometidos a dos tipos de esfuerzos: a Esfuerzo de compresión axial, debido al peso del poste y de los hilos. b Esfuerzo de flexión debido a la acción del viento o a una tensión accidental de los hilos. Para efectos de cálculo, la compresión axial no se toma en cuenta por ser muy pequeña; pero la flexión tiene importancia y es el ensayo básico para el diseño de postes. El ensayo de postes a la flexión se realiza en postes de tamaño natural (9-10 m. . Se considera el presente informe como preliminar, debido a que no existe en este momento una clasificación de los postes en cuanto a la resistencia a la flexión. El Laboratorio de Productos Forestales de la Universidad Nacional, Sede de Medellín, tiene en su plan de trabajo un estudio de clasificación de postes con base en la resistencia a la flexión y de acuerdo con el rango de diámetros que puedan utilizarse, para correlacionar datos de resistencia de postes de diferentes tamaños.

  20. Aprendiendo de la informalidad. Participación comunitaria y enfoque situado como marco para la reconstrucción

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    Mónica Aubán Borrell


    Full Text Available Partiendo de dos características propias de los modelos informales: el enfoque situado y la participación comunitaria, esta investigación plantea una reflexión teórica en torno a la definición de estrategias de diseño urbano en contextos de catástrofes naturales. La aproximación propuesta, entiende la reconstrucción como un proceso socioespacial, que no solo debe preocuparse de la rehabilitación material, sino que además, debe promover una vinculación e identificación permanente entre la comunidad y el lugar que habita. Esta lectura se apoya en una conceptualización del ejercicio de diseño como posibilitador de la apertura de un campo afectivo. Bajo estos parámetros, actuar en la emergencia implica ampliar los procedimientos tradicionales del proyecto, siendo este entendido como un sistema relacional, articulado según las necesidades detectadas en terreno. La realidad dual emergencia-oportunidad, que puede ser asociada tanto a los escenarios de catástrofe como a lo informal, habilita el campo de ensayo para esta aproximación conceptual a un diseño urbano fuertemente arraigado en las demandas sociales.

  1. Communication: A reduced scaling J-engine based reformulation of SOS-MP2 using graphics processing units

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maurer, S. A.; Kussmann, J.; Ochsenfeld, C., E-mail: [Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Munich (LMU), Butenandtstr. 7, D-81377 München (Germany); Center for Integrated Protein Science (CIPSM) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Munich (LMU), Butenandtstr. 5–13, D-81377 München (Germany)


    We present a low-prefactor, cubically scaling scaled-opposite-spin second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (SOS-MP2) method which is highly suitable for massively parallel architectures like graphics processing units (GPU). The scaling is reduced from O(N{sup 5}) to O(N{sup 3}) by a reformulation of the MP2-expression in the atomic orbital basis via Laplace transformation and the resolution-of-the-identity (RI) approximation of the integrals in combination with efficient sparse algebra for the 3-center integral transformation. In contrast to previous works that employ GPUs for post Hartree-Fock calculations, we do not simply employ GPU-based linear algebra libraries to accelerate the conventional algorithm. Instead, our reformulation allows to replace the rate-determining contraction step with a modified J-engine algorithm, that has been proven to be highly efficient on GPUs. Thus, our SOS-MP2 scheme enables us to treat large molecular systems in an accurate and efficient manner on a single GPU-server.

  2. Communication: A reduced scaling J-engine based reformulation of SOS-MP2 using graphics processing units. (United States)

    Maurer, S A; Kussmann, J; Ochsenfeld, C


    We present a low-prefactor, cubically scaling scaled-opposite-spin second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (SOS-MP2) method which is highly suitable for massively parallel architectures like graphics processing units (GPU). The scaling is reduced from O(N⁵) to O(N³) by a reformulation of the MP2-expression in the atomic orbital basis via Laplace transformation and the resolution-of-the-identity (RI) approximation of the integrals in combination with efficient sparse algebra for the 3-center integral transformation. In contrast to previous works that employ GPUs for post Hartree-Fock calculations, we do not simply employ GPU-based linear algebra libraries to accelerate the conventional algorithm. Instead, our reformulation allows to replace the rate-determining contraction step with a modified J-engine algorithm, that has been proven to be highly efficient on GPUs. Thus, our SOS-MP2 scheme enables us to treat large molecular systems in an accurate and efficient manner on a single GPU-server.


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    Ana Aurora Vidal Martínez


    Full Text Available En el presente ensayo se describe el contexto en el que se ha dado el desarrollo educativo de las personas con diversidad funcional para caminar en México y el apoyo que reciben de organismos internacionales y del Gobierno Mexicano, ya que el mismo se ve truncado por diversas causas, siendo una de ellas, la dificultad para asistir a una institución educativa, principalmente por la deficiente infraestructura urbana y de transporte. Este trabajo se fundamenta en investigaciones realizadas por varias instituciones como: El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO, Observatorio Regional de la Sociedad de la Información, Consejo Nacional para el Desarrollo y la Inclusión de las Personas con Discapacidad (CONADIS, entre otras. Complementa este ensayo los resultados positivos de experiencias utilizando los desarrollos tecnológicos actuales, que hacen posible presentar una propuesta basada en videoconferencia de escritorio, la cual es económica, de fácil y rápida implementación y que puede utilizarse para atender la educación de las perso nas con diversidad funcional para caminar en búsqueda de su integración educativa.

  4. Assessment of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of "lixeira" (Curatella americanaL. λ using the prophage induction test (SOS inductest

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    Juliana Brandstetter Vilar


    Full Text Available Curatella americana L., commonly known as "lixeira" in Brazil, has been used in folk medicine to treat ulcers and inflammations. The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of the ethanolic extract of C. americana stem bark using the prophage λ induction test (SOS inductest. To evaluate the cytotoxicity of this plant, after treatment with different concentrations of the extract, Escherichia coli WP2s(λ cultures were diluted in M9 buffer, inoculated into LB plates, and incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. To assess genotoxicity, the lysogenic strain E. coli WP2s(λ was treated with different concentrations of the extract. Then, the lysogenic strain was added to the indicator strain (RJF013, LB(1/2(malt/amp, seeded into plates with the matches, and incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. After this period, the total number of colonies and the number of plaques were counted to evaluate C. americana cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, respectively. Our results showed that although the extract of "lixeira" did not modify the survival of bacteria (p > 0.05, it caused a significant increase in prophage λ induction, especially at the higher concentrations (pCuratella americana L., comumente conhecida como "lixeira" no Brasil, é utilizada em medicina popular para tratamento de úlceras e inflamações. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial citotóxico e genotóxico do extrato etanólico das cascas de C. americana utilizando o Induteste SOS. Para avaliar a citotoxicidade da planta, depois de tratadas com diferentes concentrações do extrato, culturas de E. coli WP2s(λ foram diluνdas em tampão M9 e semeadas em placas LB. Para avaliar a genotoxicidade da planta, a cepa lisogênica WP2s(λ de E. coli foi tratada com diferentes concentrações do extrato. Em seguida, esta foi adicionada à cepa indicadora (RJF013 e ambas foram semeadas em placas em meio LB(1/2(malt(amp. Todas as culturas foram incubadas por 24

  5. Estimación del Tamaño Óptimo de Parcela Experimental para Ensayos de Rendimiento con Maíz

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    Escobar Soto Carlos


    Full Text Available En el Centro Experimental Cotové, situado en el municipio de Santa Fé de Antiaquia, se estableció un ensayo en blanco con el híbrido ICA H-207, durante el segundo semestre de 1978, con el fin de estimar el tamaño óptimo de parcela experimental para emplear en ensayos de rendimiento con maíz, empleando para ésto la metodología de superficie de respuesta. Este método permitió obtener una ecuación de regresión en base a los arreglos de las unidades básicas del ensayo en blanco, en donde la variable dependiente fué el coeficiente de variación (CV y las variables independientes fueron el largo y el ancho de las parcelas. Se presentan varias alternativas del tamaño de parcela experimental, dependiendo del valor del CV que fije el investigador. En general, se encontró que el largo de la parcela fué el factor que ejerció mayor influencia a medida que se desea obtener mayor precisión.

  6. Modificaciones de la tensión arterial en pacientes hipertensos sometidos a un ensayo comunitario

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    Raúl Rizo González


    Full Text Available Se realiza un ensayo comunitario con 45 pacientes hipertensos esenciales, de los 2 sexos, mayores de 15 años, dispensarizados en el sector No. 22 del Policlínico Comunitario Docente "Julián Grimau" de Santiago de Cuba, que tuvo como propósito educarles en el conocimiento y la compensación de su enfermedad, lograr cambios en el estilo de vida, enfrentar los factores de riesgo y evaluar el impacto alcanzado sobre el control de la presión arterial. Para la validación de los resultados se utilizaron las pruebas de Mcnemar y las diferencias de medias para observaciones pareadas, las cuales demostraron modificaciones estadísticamente significativas de las cifras tensionales después de la intervenciónA community trial with 45 essential hypertensive patients of both sexes and over 15, who receive attention at the sector No. 22 of the "Julián Grimau" Community Teaching Polyclinic, in Santiago de Cuba, was conducted aimed at helping them to know about their disease and how to control it, t attain changes in their life style, to face the risk factors and to evaluate the impact obtained on the control of blood pressure. To validate the results, Mcnemar's tests and the differences of means for matched observations were used. As a result, statistically siginificane modifications of the readings were obtained


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    Isidoro Mogilner


    Full Text Available Se trataron semillas de algodonero de la variedad Stoneville 2B, con soluciones de distinta concentración de (NH42 Mo O4, durante 24 horas, a dos temperaturas distintas. Tratadas las semillas se sembraron dos ensayos, cada uno con las 8 variantes y utilizando dos testigos (H20 destilada para la variante 1; Y H20 corriente para la variante 2.Los dos ensayos ocuparon un terreno contiguo y similar, cuyo suelo es arcilloso, relativamente pobre en Ca, muy pobre en P, y de una reacción ácida (pH de 5,09 a 5,85. Para los dos ensayos se utilizó la misma disposición experimental, con la diferencia de que el segundo ensayo se sembró con previo abonado de una mezcla comercial (Amino-Phos-Ko, 10-20-20; la siembra se efectuó en el mismo día. Se alcanzó a realizar tres cosechas. Los resultados obtenidos en el segundo ensayo (con abono no fueron tan válidos como en el primero (sin abono, porque no pudimos saber si el abono agregado contenía como impurezas el Mo, presente en muchas fuentes del fósforo utilizados en la preparación de abonos (ej.: fosforita. Del primer ensayo, en suelo no abonado, se extrajeron como conclusiones: 1 que en tipos de suelos como en el que se realizaron los ensayos, el suministro de dosis adecuadas de molibdeno incide satisfactoriamente sobre un aumento de los rindes del algodonero, tanto como de 300 Kgfha; 2 que aunque no podemos decir exactamente cual es la dosis óptima para el tratamiento de la semilla antes de la siembra, parecería que se encuentra entre 0,05 % y 0,02 % de molibdato de amonio; 3 que la temperatura a la que se realice el tratamiento de la semila, parece tener importancia; y en los ensayos realizados fueron superiores los rindes con el tratamiento a 30°C, que a 21°C.

  8. Construction of a ColD cda Promoter-Based SOS-Green Fluorescent Protein Whole-Cell Biosensor with Higher Sensitivity toward Genotoxic Compounds than Constructs Based on recA, umuDC, or sulA Promoters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norman, Anders; Hansen, Lars Hestbjerg; Sørensen, Søren Johannes


    Four different green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based whole-cell biosensors were created based on the DNA damage inducible SOS response of Escherichia coli in order to evaluate the sensitivity of individual SOS promoters toward genotoxic substances. Treatment with the known carcinogen N-methyl-N'-......Four different green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based whole-cell biosensors were created based on the DNA damage inducible SOS response of Escherichia coli in order to evaluate the sensitivity of individual SOS promoters toward genotoxic substances. Treatment with the known carcinogen N......-cell biosensor which is not only able to detect minute levels of genotoxins but, due to its use of the green fluorescent protein, also a reporter system which should be applicable in high-throughput screening assays as well as a wide variety of in situ detection studies....

  9. Quantification, modelling and design for signal history dependent effects in mixed-signal SOI/SOS circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, C.F.; Redman-White, W.; Bracey, M.; Tenbroek, B.M.; Lee, M.S.; Uren, M.J.; Brunson, K.M.


    This paper deals with how the radiation hardness of mixed signal SOI/SOS CMOS circuits is taken into account at both architectural terms as well as the the transistor level cell designs. The primary issue is to deal with divergent transistor threshold shifts, and to understand the effects of large amplitude non stationary signals on analogue cell behaviour. (authors)

  10. Estudio normativo y diseño de un Laboratorio de Ensayos de Materiales Explosivos


    Hernández Rodríguez, José Luis


    Se pretende que el alumno utilice los conocimientos adquiridos durante sus estudios de grado para diseñar un Laboratorio en el que poder realizar los ensayos normalizados de las características de los productos explosivos de utilización industrial. Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos y Minas Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena


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    Full Text Available El presente ensayo tiene como objetivo examinar, desde una perspectiva feminista, las conductas antisociales de los hombres con Trastorno Antisocial de la Personalidad (TAP como actos de violencia feminicida. Desde esta perspectiva, el psicópata, criminal o no, constituye la expresión máxima de la violencia feminicida: es el extremo negativo de la dimensión de la masculinidad hegemónica. Para Russell (2006, estar mentalmente enfermo no libera a los hombres de su misoginia o su racismo; hay una falta de consideración de los factores socioculturales que contribuyen a las causas de los actos criminales. Los actos y las conductas violentas contra las mujeres, entonces, se deben visibilizar como una expresión misógina que atenta contra los derechos humanos de las mujeres (Lagarde, 2008. No es viable la solución del problema del trastorno antisocial sólo por la perspectiva de la psiquiatría, pero sí lo es que el problema de violencia feminicida misógina pueda y deba ser erradicado a través de modificaciones en las estructuras legales y sociales, propuestas por los movimientos feministas.

  12. A System of Systems (SoS) Approach to Sustainable Energy Planning (United States)

    Madani, Kaveh; Hadian, Saeed


    The general policy of mandating fossil fuel replacement with "green" energies may not be as effective and environmental-friendly as perceived, due to the secondary impacts of renewable energies on different natural resources. An integrated systems analysis framework is essential to developing sustainable energy supply systems with minimal unintended impacts on valuable natural resources such as water, climate, and ecosystem. This presentation discusses how a system of systems (SoS) framework can be developed to quantitatively evaluate the desirability of different energy supply alternatives with respect to different sustainability criteria under uncertainty. Relative Aggregate Footprint (RAF) scores of a range of renewable and nonrenewable energy alternatives are determined using their performance values under four sustainability criteria, namely carbon footprint, water footprint, land footprint, and cost of energy production. Our results suggest that despite their lower emissions, some renewable energy sources are less promising than non-renewable energy sources from a SoS perspective that considers the trade-offs between carbon footprint of energies and their effects on water, ecosystem, and economic resources. A new framework based on the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is also proposed for analyzing the overall sustainability of different energy mixes for different risk of return levels with respect to the trade-offs involved. It is discussed how the proposed finance-based sustainability evaluation method can help policy makers maximize the energy portfolio's expected sustainability for a given amount of portfolio risk, or equivalently minimize risk for a given level of expected sustainability level, by revising the energy mix.

  13. Comportamiento de la pendiente en el ensayo de linealidad del Rapigluco-Test

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    María Victoria Licea Tornés


    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento de la pendiente y el coeficiente de determinación en el ensayo de linealidad del RapiGluco-Test, a partir del análisis de los lotes producidos en 1998. Se examinaron las curvas de calibración mediante un análisis de regresión lineal simple; además, se aplicaron otras herramientas de estadística descriptiva para el análisis de los resultados. Para la evaluación de ensayo de linealidad además del coeficiente de determinación (r²³0,98, se propuso incluir la pendiente de la curva y se estableció para la aprobación del RapiGluco-Test un rango de 0,058 a 0,064.The behavior of the slope and the coefficient of determination in the lineality test of the RapiGluco-Test were studied by analyzing those batches produced in 1998. The calibration curves were examined by simple linear regression analysis. Other tools of descriptive statistics were applied to anlyze the results. Besides the coefficient of determination for the evaluation of the lineality test (r² ³0.98, the slope of the curve was also included and a range from 0.058 to 0.064 was established for the approval of the RapiGluco-Test.

  14. Resultados de ensayos de soldadura a tope y por solape, con electrodo, de barras de aceros estirados en frío

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    Calavera Ruiz, José


    Full Text Available The authors report on a series of tests carried out in the welding of reinforced concrete bars. The tested bars were cold drawn, with elastic limits of 4,200 and 5,000 kg/cm2. The tests included butt and overlap welding, involving excentric and axial overlaps, with joint reinforcements. Results of these experiments show that if the indicated method is adopted, including an average standard of workmanship, the weld attains 100 % of the bar strength.Los autores dan cuenta de una serie de ensayos realizados sobre soldadura de barras para hormigón armado. Las barras ensayadas son de acero estirado en frío con límites elásticos de 4.200 y 5.000 kp/cm2. Los ensayos abarcaron la soldadura a tope y la soldadura por solape, con sus variantes de solape excéntrico y solape centrado con cubrejuntas. Los resultados de los ensayos demuestran que siguiendo la técnica indicada, y con una calidad normal de ejecución, la soldadura presenta el 100 % de la resistencia de la barra.

  15. Rol del estado en los ensayos clínicos Role of government in clinical trials

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    Pilar Mazzetti


    Full Text Available La regulación de los ensayos clínicos por el Estado es un proceso en constante cambio y adecuación, cuyo reto actual consiste en salvaguardar la seguridad de los participantes y equilibrar la carga administrativa. El desarrollo y la regulación de los ensayos clínicos en los distintos países varían según la realidad, el contexto, su ejecución nacional o multinacional, condicionando que la regulación puramente nacional resulte insuficiente y se precise conocer parte de la regulación internacional. El objetivo de esta publicación es mostrar una visión global del rol de Estado en la regulación de los ensayos clínicos en distintas realidades. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión de la regulación en la Unión Europea, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y algunos países de Latinoamérica, para llegar finalmente al Perú. La tendencia actual en la regulación de los ensayos clínicos, se caracteriza por el incremento en los estándares de calidad, el garantizar la seguridad de los participantes, promover la transparencia, la disminución de los procesos burocráticos y el fortalecimiento de los comités de ética, en el marco de procesos democráticos abiertos, que convoquen e integren a todos los interesados en procesos dinámicos basados en el conocimiento actual y los cambios que se suceden. El reto actual es promover el desarrollo de ensayos clínicos desde el Estado (universidades, centros de investigación, institutos especializados, hospitales, etc. para los aspectos que el país necesita, incluidos medicamentos huérfanos, enfermedades prevalentes y abandonadas, y el uso terapéutico de los principios activos originarios.The regulation of clinical trials by the Government is a process of continuous change and adaptation, current challenge is to ensure the safety of participants and get balance of administrative procedures. Development and regulation of clinical trials in different countries vary according to the situation

  16. The SOS and RpoS Regulons Contribute to Bacterial Cell Robustness to Genotoxic Stress by Synergistically Regulating DNA Polymerase Pol II. (United States)

    Dapa, Tanja; Fleurier, Sébastien; Bredeche, Marie-Florence; Matic, Ivan


    Mitomycin C (MMC) is a genotoxic agent that induces DNA cross-links, DNA alkylation, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). MMC induces the SOS response and RpoS regulons in Escherichia coli SOS-encoded functions are required for DNA repair, whereas the RpoS regulon is typically induced by metabolic stresses that slow growth. Thus, induction of the RpoS regulon by MMC may be coincidental, because DNA damage slows growth; alternatively, the RpoS regulon may be an adaptive response contributing to cell survival. In this study, we show that the RpoS regulon is primarily induced by MMC-induced ROS production. We also show that RpoS regulon induction is required for the survival of MMC-treated growing cells. The major contributor to RpoS-dependent resistance to MMC treatment is DNA polymerase Pol II, which is encoded by the polB gene belonging to the SOS regulon. The observation that polB gene expression is controlled by the two major stress response regulons that are required to maximize survival and fitness further emphasizes the key role of this DNA polymerase as an important factor in genome stability. Copyright © 2017 by the Genetics Society of America.

  17. Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus Treated With Punicalagin, a Natural Antibiotic From Pomegranate That Disrupts Iron Homeostasis and Induces SOS. (United States)

    Cooper, Bret; Islam, Nazrul; Xu, Yunfeng; Beard, Hunter S; Garrett, Wesley M; Gu, Ganyu; Nou, Xiangwu


    Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterial, food-borne pathogen of humans, can contaminate raw fruits and vegetables. While physical and chemical methods are available to control S. aureus, scientists are searching for inhibitory phytochemicals from plants. One promising compound from pomegranate is punicalagin, a natural antibiotic. To get a broader understanding of the inhibitory effect of punicalagin on S. aureus growth, high-throughput mass spectrometry and quantitative isobaric labeling was used to investigate the proteome of S. aureus after exposure to a sublethal dose of punicalagin. Nearly half of the proteins encoded by the small genome were interrogated, and nearly half of those exhibited significant changes in accumulation. Punicalagin treatment altered the accumulation of proteins and enzymes needed for iron acquisition, and it altered amounts of enzymes for glycolysis, citric acid cycling, protein biosynthesis, and purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis. Punicalagin treatment also induced an SOS cellular response to damaged DNA. Transcriptional comparison of marker genes shows that the punicalagin-induced iron starvation and SOS responses resembles those produced by EDTA and ciprofloxacin. These results show that punicalagin adversely alters bacterial growth by disrupting iron homeostasis and that it induces SOS, possibly through DNA biosynthesis inhibition. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identified through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Man; Li, Yong; Weeks, Olivia


    Genome-wide association studies have identified >50 common variants associated with kidney function, but these variants do not fully explain the variation in eGFR. We performed a two-stage meta-analysis of associations between genotypes from the Illumina exome array and eGFR on the basis of serum...... creatinine (eGFRcrea) among participants of European ancestry from the CKDGen Consortium (nStage1: 111,666; nStage2: 48,343). In single-variant analyses, we identified single nucleotide polymorphisms at seven new loci associated with eGFRcrea (PPM1J, EDEM3, ACP1, SPEG, EYA4, CYP1A1, and ATXN2L; PStage1......associations of functional rare variants in three genes with eGFRcrea, including a novel association with the SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 gene, SOS2 (P=5.4×10(-8) by sequence kernel...

  19. DnaC inactivation in Escherichia coli K-12 induces the SOS response and expression of nucleotide biosynthesis genes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løbner-Olesen, Anders; Slominska-Wojewodzka, Monika; Hansen, Flemming G.


    Background: Initiation of chromosome replication in E. coli requires the DnaA and DnaC proteins and conditionally-lethal dnaA and dnaC mutants are often used to synchronize cell populations. Methodology/Principal Findings: DNA microarrays were used to measure mRNA steady-state levels in initiatio......C genes was increased at the non-permissive temperature in the respective mutant strains indicating auto-regulation of both genes. Induction of the SOS regulon was observed in dnaC2 cells at 38 degrees C and 42 degrees C. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that dnaC2 mutant cells at non......-permissive temperature had completed the early stages of chromosome replication initiation. Conclusion/Significance: We suggest that in dnaC2 cells the SOS response is triggered by persistent open-complex formation at oriC and/or by arrested forks that require DnaC for replication restart....

  20. The Self-help Online against Suicidal thoughts (SOS) trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mühlmann, Charlotte; Madsen, Trine; Hjorthøj, Carsten Rygaard


    -list assignment for 32 weeks. The primary outcomes are frequency and intensity of suicidal thoughts. Secondary outcome measures include depressive symptoms, hopelessness, worrying, quality of life, costs related to health care utilization and production loss. Number of deliberate self-harm episodes, suicides......BACKGROUND: Suicidal thoughts are common, causing distress for millions of people all over the world. However, people with suicidal thoughts might not access support due to financial restraints, stigma or a lack of available treatment offers. Self-help programs provided online could overcome...... these barriers, and previous efforts show promising results in terms of reducing suicidal thoughts. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of an online self-help intervention in reducing suicidal thoughts among people at risk of suicide. The Danish Self-help Online against Suicidal thoughts (SOS) trial...

  1. Optimización de las condiciones de ensayo para la determinación de la voluminosidad y resiliencia de lana merina peinada.


    Naik, Arun; Roig Valls, Sara; Gómez de Paula, Ma Nieves


    En este trabajo se estudian las condiciones óptimas para la realización del ensayo de voluminosidad y resiliencia para cintas de lana merina española peinada mediante la utilización del equipo bulkómeter. Para realizar esta optimización se escogieron tres lanas con diferentes características estructurales y basándonos en el procedimiento descrito en la norma IWS TM 265 para lanas cardadas, se variaron las condiciones de ensayo (carga y tiempo de ciclo), obteniendo unas condiciones óptimas. Fi...

  2. El clasicismo como un concepto instrumental


    Cuevas, Homero


    Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la tecnología y la renta diferencial.

  3. Como una enfermedad. La escritura y la filosofía según Wittgenstein

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    Michael Wood


    Full Text Available Comenzando por algunos comentarios de Giorgio Agamben sobre la relación entre la poesía y la prosa, y por su evocación de la sugerencia de Wittgenstein de que la filosofía debería ser escrita como si fuera poesía, este ensayo explora algunos de los posibles sentidos de escribir filosofía de dicha manera y concluye que el lenguaje literario, tal como se encuentra en la prosa y el pensamiento de Wittgenstein, tiene tres características esenciales: requiere y grati!ca la interpretación; utiliza modismos y otras formas retóricas como argumentación; y la forma de lo dicho es parte esencial de lo que se dice. Starting from some remarks by Giorgio Agamben on the relation between poetry and prose, and from his invocation of Wittgenstein’s recommendation that philosophy should be written as if it were poetry, this essay explores some of the possible meanings of writing philosophy in this way, and concludes that literary language, as exempli!ed in Wittgenstein’s thought and prose, has three essential features: it requires and rewards extensive in terpretation; it uses figures of speech and other rhetorical features as modes of argument; and the form of its saying is an essential part of what is said. What are the consequences for philosophy of such a de!nition?

  4. Desarrollo de un software de reconocimiento de imagen para ensayos EMC de inmunidad


    Cerro Gálvez, Ibán


    Desenvolupar un software de reconeixement d'imatge per a detectar mal funcionaments durant els assaigs d'immunitat d'EMC. [ANGLÈS] Develop an image recognition software to detect errors during EMC immunity test. [CASTELLÀ] Desarrollar un software de reconocimiento de imagen para detectar el mal funcionamiento durante los ensayos de inmunidad del EMC. [CATALÀ] Desenvolupar un software de reconeixement d'imatge per a detectar mal funcionaments durant els assaigs d'immunitat d'EMC.

  5. Ciprofloxacin provokes SOS-dependent changes in respiration and membrane potential and causes alterations in the redox status of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Smirnova, Galina V; Tyulenev, Aleksey V; Muzyka, Nadezda G; Peters, Mikhail A; Oktyabrsky, Oleg N


    An in-depth understanding of the physiological response of bacteria to antibiotic-induced stress is needed for development of new approaches to combatting microbial infections. Fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin causes phase alterations in Escherichia coli respiration and membrane potential that strongly depend on its concentration. Concentrations lower than the optimal bactericidal concentration (OBC) do not inhibit respiration during the first phase. A dose higher than the OBC provokes immediate SOS-independent inhibition of respiration and growth that can contribute to a decreased SOS response and lowered susceptibility to high concentrations of ciprofloxacin. Cells retain their metabolic activity, membrane potential and accelerated K + uptake and produce low levels of superoxide and H 2 O 2 during the first phase. The time before initiation of the second phase is inversely correlated with the ciprofloxacin concentration. The second phase is SOS-dependent and characterized by respiratory inhibition, membrane depolarization, K + and glutathione leakage and cessation of glucose consumption and may be considered as cell death. atpA, gshA and kefBkefC knockouts, which perturb fluxes of protons and K + , can modify the degree and duration of respiratory inhibition and potassium retention. Loss of K + efflux channels KefB and KefC enhances the susceptibility of E. coli to ciprofloxacin. Copyright © 2016 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  6. Los principios éticos universales y su aplicación a los ensayos clínicos de medicamentos

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    Sergio Eduardo Gonorazky


    Full Text Available Desde el año 1931 y, especialmente, desde el Código de Núremberg de 1947, un creciente número de declaraciones, regulaciones, normas, guías, leyes, resoluciones y disposiciones pretenden generar condiciones para una mejor protección de los sujetos que participan en estudios de investigación, aunque también algunas implican retrocesos en el respeto a los derechos de poblaciones vulnerables. Sin embargo, todavía no se ha podido evitar la violación de la dignidad de los sujetos de experimentación en ensayos clínicos. Lo que se investiga, cómo se investiga, la calidad y transparencia de los datos obtenidos, el análisis y la publicación de los resultados (tanto de los datos crudos como de los ya elaborados están sometidos a la lógica del lucro, la cual presenta una tensión permanente con los principios bioéticos y las necesidades de la sociedad. Es necesario el protagonismo activo de los pueblos para que la investigación farmacológica, sus resultados y aplicaciones avancen en un rumbo que subordine el beneficio económico a la protección de los derechos humanos.

  7. Incremento volumétrico de un ensayo con híbridos de Populus spp.

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    Oscar Vallejos-Barra


    Full Text Available El aumento de los requerimientos energéticos demandados por la sociedad ha impulsado el interés por establecer ensayos para seleccionar especies o híbridos que en el menor tiempo posible generen la mayor cantidad de volumen o biomasa. En esta investigación, se determinó el incremento medio anual del volumen de un ensayo con híbridos de Populus con la finalidad de dar a conocer la potencialidad de los híbridos del catálogo del Centro Tecnológico del Álamo (CTA de la Universidad de Talca. De este catálogo se escogieron los seis híbridos más promisorios y se compararon con seis híbridos comerciales. El ensayo se estableció a 10 km al norte de la ciudad de Talca, en la estación experimental Panguilemo de la Universidad de Talca. En terreno se midió el diámetro basal y la altura por tres años a las seis plantas centrales de cada parcela, con cuatro repeticiones por híbrido para ambas densidades de plantación (5.000 y 10.000 plantas por hectárea. El volumen se calculó utilizando el exponente mórfico de un Paracono. El incremento volumétrico varió entre 5,306 y 15,828 m3 ha-1 año-1, detectando diferencias significativas entre los híbridos. El grupo de mayor productividad estuvo compuesto por cinco híbridos todos del catálogo del CTA. Este resultado demuestra que si se desea una mayor productividad en plantaciones dendroenergéticas que utilicen híbridos de Populus se deberían considerar algunos de los híbridos del catálogo del Centro Tecnológico del Álamo (CTA de la Universidad de Talca.

  8. Utilización del ensayo del ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (ATB para evaluar el proceso autooxidativo en alimentos

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    Vicario Romero, I. M.


    Full Text Available In this overview several aspects concerning the application of 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA test for measuring oxidative rancidity in foods are described and discussed. Different factors like food processing, sample induced oxidation and preparation, applied methodologies and interferences, are considered. The application of the TBA test to some foods like meats, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, cereals, infant-foods, animal fats and vegetable oils are described. Correlation between TBA index or TBA number and other oxidation indices (i.e. peroxide value as well as sensory evaluation are also considered.

    En esta revisión científica se recogen diferentes aspectos de la aplicación del ensayo del ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (ATB a la medida del grado de autooxidación de alimentos lipídicos. Se consideran las diferentes formas de procesado del alimento, de inducción voluntaria a la autooxidación, de preparación de las muestras, técnicas empleadas y posibles interferencias. Se contempla el estudio y aplicación del método a muestras de carne, pescados, huevos, leche y derivados lácteos, cereales, productos dietéticos infantiles, grasas animales y aceites vegetales comestibles. Se hace referencia a la posible correlación con otros índices de oxidación ya establecidos, como el índice de peróxidos y otros, así como también la posible correlación favorable entre los valores del índice o número de ATB y la evaluación sensorial del proceso autooxidativo (grado o estado de rancidez.

  9. El clasicismo como un concepto instrumental

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    Cuevas Homero


    Full Text Available Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la tecnología y la renta diferencial.

  10. Gabapentina a dosis de 300 vs. 450 mg como premedicación anestésica para hipertensión reactiva, ansiedad y analgesia. (United States)

    Rascón-Martínez, Dulce María; Guzmán-Sánchez, Joaquín Antonio; Corral-Urdapilleta, Nora Paulina; Arguelles-Uribe, Gema Damaris; Velázquez-Loeza, Jazmín; Soto-Palma, Gustavo; Carrillo-Torres, Orlando


    Observar el comportamiento de la gabapentina para aminorar la hipertensión reactiva secundaria a ansiedad y dolor en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftálmica, así como el consumo de opiáceos entre los grupos. Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y doble ciego que analizó a 125 pacientes divididos en tres grupos: grupo A, gabapentina 300 mg; grupo B, gabapentina 450 mg; grupo C, amaranto en grageas como control 2 horas antes del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se utilizó la prueba de ji al cuadrado para variables sociodemográficas y ANOVA de un factor para variables numéricas continuas. Se consideró como significativo un valor de p consumo de opiáceos en los grupos que usaron gabapentina. La gabapentina por vía oral, 300 o 450 mg, 2 horas antes de la cirugía, reduce el dolor, la ansiedad y el consumo de opiáceos durante el posoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  11. Clinical trial regulation in Argentina: overview and analysis of regulatory framework, use of existing tools, and researchers' perspectives to identify potential barriers Reglamentación de ensayos clínicos en la Argentina: panorama y análisis del marco normativo, uso de los instrumentos existentes y perspectivas de los investigadores para identificar posibles obstáculos

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    Lauren White


    standards from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE and/or the World Association of Medical Editors (WAMEOBJETIVO: Examinar y analizar el marco normativo del registro de ensayos clínicos, el uso de los instrumentos existentes (bases de datos de registro nacionales o internacionales de acceso público, y las perspectivas de los investigadores para determinar posibles obstáculos al cumplimiento del registro por los patrocinadores y los investigadores en la Argentina. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda en el sitio web y en la Plataforma Internacional de Registro de Ensayos Clínicos (ICTRP de los ensayos clínicos registrados en el ámbito internacional que reclutan pacientes en la Argentina y los resultados se compararon con los ensayos clínicos incluidos en el registro de acceso público de la Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT. Se elaboró un cuestionario que abordaba los hipotéticos obstáculos relacionados con la actitud hacia el registro y el conocimiento de este, así como obstáculos idiomáticos, técnicos y económicos que podrían desalentar o dificultar el registro de los ensayos clínicos, y se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas exhaustivas en una muestra de investigadores seleccionada para este fin (investigadores clínicos, patrocinadores y monitores en la Argentina. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo una tasa de respuesta de 74,3% (n = 29 y finalmente se analizaron 27 entrevistas. Los resultados sugieren que la proporción elevada de ensayos clínicos con patrocinadores extranjeros o los ensayos multinacionales (64,8% de los protocolos aprobados por la ANMAT entre 1994 y el 2006 pueden contribuir a una deficiencia de comunicación entre los investigadores locales y los funcionarios administrativos ubicados en el extranjero. También se identificaron como factores limitantes para los investigadores y los patrocinadores locales la falta de conocimiento de los recursos

  12. El portafolio como instrumento clave para la evaluación en educación superior

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    Murillo Sancho, Gabriela


    Full Text Available Resumen: El ensayo presenta una descripción del portafolio como herramienta para evaluar, tanto desempeños docentes como estudiantiles en Educación Superior, además de una reflexión sobre su importancia para la evaluación de docentes y estudiantes. El escrito desarrolla una visión particular sobre el portafolio, su constitución y usos, enfocándose en su valor en el marco de la evaluación. Se elabora como un aporte para la reflexión y las ideas en didáctica evaluativa y, por ende, para el mejoramiento de la docencia universitaria. Se incluye una rúbrica como propuesta para calificar el portafolio. La conclusión principal radica en el rol del portafolio para la evaluación universitaria de docentes y estudiantes.Abstract: This paper presents a description of the portfolio as a tool to evaluate teachers and students performances in higher education. Besides, it presents a reflection about the importance of portfolios in teachers and students evaluation. The document develops a particular vision about the portfolio, its constitution and uses, focusing in its value in the outline of the evaluation. It is elaborated as a contribution to the reflection and the ideas about evaluative didactics and consequently, for the improvement of the university teaching. A rubric is included as a proposal to evaluate the portfolio. The main conclusion consists in the role of the portfolio for the evaluation of university teachers and students.



    Homero Cuevas


    Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la selección de tecnologías y la renta diferencial.

  14. Fracturas de implantes de tibia. Consecuencias para los ensayos de los implantes


    Frei, S.; Ploeg, H.; Reinschmidt, C.; Heuberger, P.


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los modelos de fracturas de prótesis de tibia descritos en la literatura y, sobre la base de dichos conocimientos, desarrollar un ensayo para implantes en la cual se logren simular condiciones fisiológicas. El caso descrito con mayor frecuencia en la literatura es la migración de la parte medial de la prótesis, fenómeno que, a menudo, antecede a la fractura de la prótesis. La posición defectuosa resultante de dicha migración modifica el eje ...

  15. La novela como historia: Cien años de soledad y las bananeras

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    Eduardo Posada Carbó


    Full Text Available El tema de este ensayo me lo sugirió una entrevista con Gabriel García Márquez en un documental de la televisión británica en 1990. En este programa, el periodista barranquillero Julio Roca decide ir en busca de Macondo. Su búsqueda le conduce inevitablemente a interrogar al premio Nobel colombiano sobre la "matanza de las bananeras", sobre Jos trágicos resultados de la famosa huelga de 1928 contra la United Fruit Company. La respuesta del novelista fue para mí la sorpresa Según García Márquez, sólo un pequeño número de personas -3, 5 ó 17- , habrían muerto durante la huelga, cifras significativamente distantes de los 3.000 muertos que aparecen en su novela, la cifra aceptada hoy como verdad histórica en Colombia.


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    María José Ortiz Torres


    Full Text Available El presente artículo desarrolla la relación intrínseca que involucra la educación ambiental con el desarrollo de la educación en el afecto en los jóvenes. A pesar de que el texto desarrolla este planteamiento a partir de una actividad de trabajo emocional en el grado octavo (801, jornada mañana, en el colegio Orlando Fals Borda, como práctica pedagógica, no resulta de interés describir la actividad sino las reflexiones que giran en torno al tema central. La relación entre educación ambiental y educación en el afecto posibilita entender las responsabilidades colectivas que permiten el desarrollo integral de un sujeto en un contexto dado. Este ensayo pretende abordar algunas de estas reflexiones alrededor de la formación de los sujetos con conciencia ambiental

  17. Ensayos toxicológicos y métodos de evaluación de calidad de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ensayos toxicológicos y métodos de evaluación de calidad de aguas: Estandarización, intercalibración, resultados y aplicaciones ... Le CRDI investit dans des solutions locales aux problèmes auxquels l'Inde est confrontée, comme le stress thermique, la gestion de l'eau et les migrations liées aux changements climatiques ...


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    Homero Cuevas


    Full Text Available Este ensayo contrasta algunos aspectos de los modelos clásico y neoclásico en equilibrio general, con especial referencia a los numerarios seleccionados, la endogeneidad de las variables, la selección de tecnologías y la renta diferencial.

  19. Cálculo de la tenacidad de fractura a través de ensayos dinámicos

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    Perosanz, f. J.


    Full Text Available The most critical component of a Nuclear Power Station is the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV, due to safety and integrity requirements. The RPV is subjected to neutron radiation and this phenomenon lead to microstructural changes in the material and modifications in the mechanical properties. Due to this effects, it is necessary to assess the structural integrity of the RPV along the operational life through surveillance programs. The main objetive of this surveillance programs is to determine the fracture toughness of the material. At present this objective is reached combining direct measures and prediction techniques. In this work, direct measures of fracture toughness using instrumented Charpy V impact testing are present using a CIEMAT development on analysis of results.

    Uno de los componentes críticos de una central nuclear es la vasija del reactor, debido a su función de contención del núcleo. Dicha vasija está sometida a irradiación neutrónica, lo que provoca cambios microestructurales en el material y pérdida de propiedades mecánicas. Debido a estos efectos, es necesario monitorizar su integridad estructural a lo largo de su vida de operación. Para ello se establecen los llamados programas de vigilancia. El objetivo final de estos ensayos es el de determinar la tenacidad de fractura del material. Actualmente, esto se consigue indirectamente mediante técnicas de predicción establecidas en diferentes normativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de determinar la tenacidad de fractura del material de la vasija directamente a través del ensayo Charpy V instrumentado. Para ello se ha desarrollado en el CIEMAT una metodología de ensayos y análisis de resultados.

  20. El uso de placebo en ensayos clínicos de fase III en Brasil

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    Gustavo Butzge Rubenich


    Full Text Available El Consejo Federal de Medicina de Brasil (CFM –órgano normativo y fiscalizador del ejercicio ético de la medicina– prohibió, en 2008, la participación de médicos brasileños en investigaciones que utilizaran placebo para enfermedades con tratamiento eficaz y efectivo, en contraposición a la Declaración de Helsinki, que permite su uso en condiciones metodológicamente justificadas. Con el objetivo de verificar si la normativa ética del CFM modificó el uso de placebo en ensayos clínicos de fase III en Brasil, se analizaron varias características de sus registros en el, en los períodos de 2003 a 2007 y de 2009 a 2013. Se concluye que: a la normativa promulgada por el CFM en 2008 fue ineficaz y prevaleció la posición adoptada por la Declaración de Helsinki; b el patrocinio de ensayos con placebo por parte de la industria farmacéutica multinacional fue significativo; c predominaron las investigaciones de fármacos para enfermedades crónicas, y fueron poco significativas para las enfermedades postergadas, de importancia para Brasil.

  1. The success of opening single chronic total occlusion lesions to improve myocardialviabilitytrial (SOS-COMEDY) (United States)

    Huang, Rongchong; Song, Xiantao; Zhang, Haishan; Tian, Wen; Huang, Zheng; Zhang, Xingwei; Yang, Junqing; Zhang, Dongfeng; Wu, Jian; Zhong, Lei; Ting, Henry H.


    Abstract Aims: Success of opening single (SOS)-comedy is a prospective multicenter study to compare the improvement in the decrease of myocardial viability by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with that by optimal medical therapy (OMT) alone in patients with chronic total occlusion (CTO) of a single coronary artery. Methods and results: The risks and the benefits of both options (PCI and OMT) were listed in a CTO decision aid (DA). Eligible participants detected by invasive coronary angiography (ICA) or coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) were divided into PCI or OMT groups according to patients’ choice after shared-decision making process with DA. Participants will undergo positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), and proceed to ICA and revascularization if possible. Blinded core laboratory interpretation will be performed for ICA, CCTA, PET/CT, CMR, and TTE. All participants will be followed up for 12 months. The primary endpoint is the improvement to the decrease of myocardial viability from baseline assessed with the use of PET/CT after 12-month follow-up. Conclusions: All of the patients are appropriately consented before enrolling in this study, which has been approved by the Ethics Committee. Results of SOS-COMEDY will be helpful to develop a strategy for single CTO patients. PMID:29668609

  2. SOS Móvel: sistema para auxiliar pessoas na solicitação de socorro

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    Suellem Stephanne Fernandes Queiroz


    Full Text Available Devido aos índices elevados de acidentes, incidentes e ocorrências, qualquer um está vulnerável e pode necessitar de informações sobre centros de saúde mais próximos para o socorro. Na busca de reduzir o alto índice de ocorrências fatais em acidentes e incidentes quaisquer, medidas tecnológicas passaram a ser empregadas para contatar rapidamente o socorro. O SOS móvel é um sistema para auxiliar pessoas na solicitação de socorro. O sistema faz reconhecimento de atividades, utiliza sensores móveis com sensibilidade ao contexto e um agente inteligente para detecção de situações de risco e disparo de solicitações de socorro automáticas. O sistema é composto por uma parte web e uma móvel. O aplicativo móvel é utilizado ativamente pelo usuário, enquanto que a interface web é utilizada pelos familiares ou gestores da saúde que podem monitorar o usuário e visualizar sua localização e alertas. Os experimentos com o SOS Móvel foram realizados em um ambiente de simulações e permitiram concluir que esse apresentou desempenho satisfatório ao detectar riscos e fazer o envio de solicitações de socorro automaticamente.

  3. Gene Expression in Class 2 Integrons Is SOS-Independent and Involves Two Pc Promoters. (United States)

    Jové, Thomas; Da Re, Sandra; Tabesse, Aurore; Gassama-Sow, Amy; Ploy, Marie-Cécile


    Integrons are powerful bacterial genetic elements that permit the expression and dissemination of antibiotic-resistance gene cassettes. They contain a promoter Pc that allows the expression of gene cassettes captured through site-specific recombination catalyzed by IntI, the integron-encoded integrase. Class 1 and 2 integrons are found in both clinical and environmental settings. The regulation of intI and of Pc promoters has been extensively studied in class 1 integrons and the regulatory role of the SOS response on intI expression has been shown. Here we investigated class 2 integrons. We characterized the P intI2 promoter and showed that intI2 expression is not regulated via the SOS response. We also showed that, unlike class 1 integrons, class 2 integrons possess not one but two active Pc promoters that are located within the attI2 region that seem to contribute equally to gene cassette expression. Class 2 integrons mostly encode an inactive truncated integrase, but the rare class 2 integrons that encode an active integrase are associated with less efficient Pc2 promoter variants. We propose an evolutionary model for class 2 integrons in which the absence of repression of the integrase gene expression led to mutations resulting in either inactive integrase or Pc variants of weaker activity, thereby reducing the potential fitness cost of these integrons.

  4. Ensayo a escala de obra sobre fisuración y agrietamiento

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    Martínez Ynzenga, J. I.


    Full Text Available Con objeto de demostrar que el hormigón confeccionado con cemento PA-350 no presenta ninguna anomalía (si se pone en obra y se siguen las reglas elementales de cualquier código de buena práctica y que especifican todas las Normas referentes al hormigón, las cuales se dan para cumplir en todos los hormigones, independientemente del cemento empleado en la confección del mismo, se pensó realizar un ensayo a escala de obra, sobre una losa de pavimento, para reproducir unas condiciones donde la relación superficie a volumen fuera grande.

  5. Tribología y lubricación en ensayo de banco

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    Carlos Losada


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio tribológico de aceites y grasas lubricantes en la "Máquina Shell de 4 Bolas". Se ofrecen resultados para los distintos aceites y grasas, variando las condiciones de prueba para conocer el comportamiento de los valores de desgaste a bajas cargas según el método; se busca hasta qué carga la película de lubricante se mantiene sobre las superficies metálicas de las bolas (sin que ocurra el agripado, y se analiza a qué carga ocurre la soldadura. Con estos ensayos se logra demostrar el comportamiento de distintas formulaciones de aceites y grasas.

  6. Test CMOS/SOS RAM for transient radiation upset comparative research and failure analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikiforov, A.Y.; Poljakov, I.V.


    The test Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor/Silicon-on-Sapphire Random Access Memory (CMOS/SOS RAM) with eight types of memory cells was designed and tested at high dose rates with a flash X-ray machine and laser simulator. The memory cell (MC) design with additional transistors and RC-chain was found to be upset free up to 2 x 10 12 rad(Si)/s. An inversion effect was discovered in which almost 100% logic upset was observed in poorly protected memory cell arrays at very high dose rates


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la simulación computacional del flujo de los principales iones presentes (Cl-, OH-, Na+, y K+ en un ensayo ASTM C1202: "Indicación eléctrica de la resistencia del concreto a la penetración de Iones cloruro". Para la modelación se utilizó un esquema de diferencias finitas definido mediante la ecuación de Nernst - Plank con un campo eléctrico variable, la cual describe los movimientos iónicos en un material poroso saturado. Para lograr esto, los resultados de un nuevo ensayo electroquímico diseñado para medir el potencial de membrana, en compañía de la corriente eléctrica, fueron optimizados para obtener los coeficientes intrínsicos de difusión, la composición inicial de la solución de poros, la capacidad de fijación de cloruros y la porosidad de la mezcla de concreto.

  8. Sequence analysis of the Ras-MAPK pathway genes SOS1, EGFR & GRB2 in silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes): candidate genes for hereditary hyperplastic gingivitis. (United States)

    Clark, Jo-Anna B J; Tully, Sara J; Dawn Marshall, H


    Hereditary hyperplastic gingivitis (HHG) is an autosomal recessive disease that presents with progressive gingival proliferation in farmed silver foxes. Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) is an analogous condition in humans that is genetically heterogeneous with several known autosomal dominant loci. For one locus the causative mutation is in the Son of sevenless homologue 1 (SOS1) gene. For the remaining loci, the molecular mechanisms are unknown but Ras pathway involvement is suspected. Here we compare sequences for the SOS1 gene, and two adjacent genes in the Ras pathway, growth receptor bound protein 2 (GRB2) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), between HHG-affected and unaffected foxes. We conclude that the known HGF causative mutation does not cause HHG in foxes, nor do the coding regions or intron-exon boundaries of these three genes contain any candidate mutations for fox gum disease. Patterns of molecular evolution among foxes and other mammals reflect high conservation and strong functional constraints for SOS1 and GRB2 but reveal a lineage-specific pattern of variability in EGFR consistent with mutational rate differences, relaxed functional constraints, and possibly positive selection.

  9. La empresa como comunidad moral: modelo para armar

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    Leticia Naranjo Galvez


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta una propuesta para considerar la empresa como una comunidad moral. Esto es, como un espacio de interacciones personales dentro del cual no sólo se juega el impacto de la organización en su entorno socioeconómico amplio, sino también la calidad ética de la vida cotidiana de las personas dentro de la empresa. En la primera parte se establecen algunas de las condiciones con las cuales tendría que cumplir una comunidad para que fuera un modelo plausible de comunidad moral empresarial. Para ello, se identifican, en primer lugar, algunas características definitorias de una organización específicamente empresarial y, en segundo lugar, de una comunidad moral en general. Estas últimas se apoyan fundamentalmente en las nociones que Charles Taylor y Ernst Tugendhat tienen, respectivamente, de agencia moral y de comunidad moral. En la segunda parte, se elabora una ficción sobre los posibles modos en que se daría la conformación de una comunidad moral, y sobre lo que esto implica en términos de distintas formas de convivencia. En la tercera sección, se muestran algunas consecuencias que se seguirían del análisis de la anterior ficción, en cuanto a los elementos éticos que configurarían la vida cotidiana de una comunidad empresarial. Con esto se espera, finalmente, llamar la atención sobre la importancia que tendrían estos elementos, a la hora de aproximarse al asunto de la ética empresarial asumiendo la perspectiva de la vida comunitaria en las organizaciones.

  10. Potencial de biodegradación de DDT y sus metabolitos en suelos agrícolas de Chinandega

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    Carlos E. Noguera Solís


    Full Text Available LA PRESENTE INVESTIGACIÓN EVALUÓ EL POTENCIAL DE BIODEGRADACIÓN DEL 1,1,1-Tricloro- 2,2-bis(4-clorofeniletano (DDT y sus metabolitos en suelos agrícolas pertenecientes a fincas del municipio de El Viejo, Chinandega, a través de dos ensayos: ensayo de biodegradación ex situ y ensayo de búsqueda e identificación de microorganismos capaces de biodegradar DDT. En el primer ensayo se determinó el porcentajede biodegradación, bajo condiciones idóneas, durante un período de 100 días en diferentes lotes de suelo con diferentes aditivos (cachaza y estiércol a través de la aplicación de cepas microbianas comerciales Environoc 201®. De ello se obtuvo como resultado un porcentaje de biodegradación mayor para el lote que no presentaba aditivos orgánicos, siendo éste de 23,92%. En el ensayo de búsqueda eidentificación de bacterias se lograron aislar e identificar cepas microbianas nativas de los suelos agrícolas objeto de estudio utilizando medios de cultivo con DDT como única fuente de carbono y energía. Como resultado se lograron identificar los siguientes microorganismos: Pseudomonas sp., Streptomyces sp., Phanerochaetechrysosporium y levaduras.

  11. La influencia de las TIC en la construcción del mestizaje cultural: el otakismo como un fenómeno emergente de la sociedad en red

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    Verónica Paulina Proaño Vallejo


    Full Text Available La complejidad de las relaciones contemporáneas dificulta enormemente la clasificación del locus y la visibilización de los significados imperantes en los imaginarios. En el siglo XXI cobra especial relevancia la ciberesfera, un paradigma emergente que estimula el surgimiento de culturas gestionadas desde el campo virtual, como la del otakismo. Con este ensayo, describimos las principales características de un tipo de cultura que continúa los esfuerzos iniciados durante los siglos XIX y XX y que tiene una vigorosa presencia tanto dentro de la llamada sociedad de consumo como de la sociedad en red. El resultado de la interrelación de estos vectores enunciados produce una integración simbólica identificada por el mestizaje de algunos valores locales japoneses con el lenguaje audiovisual y la tecnología.

  12. Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda desde otro ápice: su labor como prologuista

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    Romero, Cira


    Full Text Available The literary work of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda was devoted mostly to three genres: poetry, narrative and drama. Nevertheless, there remain some important but less considered facets of her writing interests, such as her remarkable work as a columnist —where we can find texts later judged real essays— and as a literary critic. Among the latter I highlight her brief, but no less important, role as a prologue writer, dedicated absolutely to Cuban authors of varying significance: the Countess of Merlín, Luisa Pérez de Zambrana, Teodoro Guerrero and Ángel Mestre. Our contribution analyses the diverse foundations that support these texts, written in different moments between 1844 and 1865, where her literary and civic obsessions, and the theme of the “gender mark” that pervades her works, are exposed.La obra literaria de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda se cumplió fundamentalmente en tres géneros: poesía, narrativa y teatro. Quedan a su favor otros flancos importantes y poco estudiados de su labor, tales como su apreciable quehacer como articulista en trabajos devenidos, a veces, en verdaderos ensayos, y como crítica literaria. En esta última coloco su breve, pero no menos relevante servicio como prologuista, ejercido siempre sobre obras de autores cubanos de mayor o menor relevancia: la condesa de Merlín, Luisa Pérez de Zambrana, Teodoro Guerrero y Ángel Mestre. Nuestra propuesta valora los presupuestos de diverso carácter expuestos en esos trabajos, escritos en diferentes momentos entre 1844 y 1865, donde quedan reveladas sus propias inquietudes literarias, cívicas y también la marca de género, tan presente en el conjunto de su obra.

  13. The Walker A motif mutation recA4159 abolishes the SOS response and recombination in a recA730 mutant of Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Šimatović, Ana; Mitrikeski, Petar T; Vlašić, Ignacija; Sopta, Mary; Brčić-Kostić, Krunoslav


    In bacteria, the RecA protein forms recombinogenic filaments required for the SOS response and DNA recombination. In order to form a recombinogenic filament, wild type RecA needs to bind ATP and to interact with mediator proteins. The RecA730 protein is a mutant version of RecA with superior catalytic abilities, allowing filament formation without the help of mediator proteins. The mechanism of RecA730 filament formation is not well understood, and the question remains as to whether the RecA730 protein requires ATP binding in order to become competent for filament formation. We examined two mutants, recA730,4159 (presumed to be defective for ATP binding) and recA730,2201 (defective for ATP hydrolysis), and show that they have different properties with respect to SOS induction, conjugational recombination and double-strand break repair. We show that ATP binding is essential for all RecA730 functions, while ATP hydrolysis is required only for double-strand break repair. Our results emphasize the similarity of the SOS response and conjugational recombination, neither of which requires ATP hydrolysis by RecA730. Copyright © 2016 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  14. The antimicrobial lysine-peptoid hybrid LP5 inhibits DNA replication and induces the SOS response in Staphylococcus aureus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gottschalk, Sanne; Ifrah, Dan; Lerche, Sandra


    the growth of S. aureus without ATP leakage. Instead, LP5 bound DNA and inhibited macromolecular synthesis. The binding to DNA also led to inhibition of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV and caused induction of the SOS response. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that LP5 may have a dual mode of action against...

  15. La educación en género, como formación de valores

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    Aida Gordillo Cervantes.


    Full Text Available La temática del presente ensayo tiene como premisa fundamental demostrar que la enseñanza de los estudios de género, incorporado al currículo de la universidad desde hace más de diez años, está vinculada con la formación de valores sociales, tales como: la justicia, la democracia, la solidaridad, el respeto del Otro, la igualdad, el pluralismo y Otras cualidades gregarias. Se parte de esta premisa considerando que toda formación en valores persigue más el desarrollo de modelos de comportamientos, actitudes y predisposiciones de orden ético-ideológico, que capacidades puramente cognitivas; situación educativa muy similar a los propósitos y objetivos perseguidos en todos los programas donde se imparte la educación de género, la cual pretende demostrar a través de sus planteamientos cómo la humanidad será incapaz de alcanzar el clima de paz social deseado para su pleno desarrollo, sin la promoción de las mujeres -en todas las dimensiones de la vida humana- y sin la eliminación de las barreras ideológicas y materiales que la obstaculizan


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    Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available La ecuación constitutiva hipoplástica es una herramienta matemática que puede simular de manera confiable el comportamiento que experimentan materiales granulares no tratados (GNT bajo carga estática y monotónica. Sin embargo, para el caso de cargas cíclicas, como las que ocurren en un pavimento, la ecuación sobreestima la acumulación de las deformaciones permanentes. En el presente artículo se presenta una versión extendida de la ecuación constitutiva hipoplástica de Wolffersdorff (1996 (una de las más utilizadas actualmente en el mundo que intenta mejorar dicha limitación. Adicionalmente se presenta la simulación de ensayos triaxiales cíclicos con presión de confinamiento constante y variable (los cuales son los más utilizados en el mundo para estudiar el comportamiento de GNT en pavimentos utilizando la versión extendida. Las simulaciones realizadas demuestran la amplia capacidad que tiene la ecuación hipoplástica para reproducir el comportamiento que el material granular experimenta en los ensayos cíclicos.Hypoplastic constitutive equation is a mathematical tool which offers the possibility to reliably simulate unbound granular materials (UGM behavior under static and monotonic loads. However, such equation overestimates the permanent strain accumulation under cyclic loads (e.g. in a pavement structure. This paper presents an extension of the Wolffersdorff's Hypoplastic constitutive equation (1996 (currently one of the most used equations, aiming for improving its performance under cyclic loads. Beside this, cyclic triaxial tests simulations are presented using the extended version with constant and variable confining pressures. Triaxial tests are the most used when studying UGM behavior in pavements. Simulation results demonstrated the ability of the proposed equation for reproducing the behavior of granular materials under cyclic tests.

  17. Empirical research on complex networks modeling of combat SoS based on data from real war-game, Part I: Statistical characteristics (United States)

    Chen, Lei; Kou, Yingxin; Li, Zhanwu; Xu, An; Wu, Cheng


    We build a complex networks model of combat System-of-Systems (SoS) based on empirical data from a real war-game, this model is a combination of command & control (C2) subnetwork, sensors subnetwork, influencers subnetwork and logistical support subnetwork, each subnetwork has idiographic components and statistical characteristics. The C2 subnetwork is the core of whole combat SoS, it has a hierarchical structure with no modularity, of which robustness is strong enough to maintain normal operation after any two nodes is destroyed; the sensors subnetwork and influencers subnetwork are like sense organ and limbs of whole combat SoS, they are both flat modular networks of which degree distribution obey GEV distribution and power-law distribution respectively. The communication network is the combination of all subnetworks, it is an assortative Small-World network with core-periphery structure, the Intelligence & Communication Stations/Command Center integrated with C2 nodes in the first three level act as the hub nodes in communication network, and all the fourth-level C2 nodes, sensors, influencers and logistical support nodes have communication capability, they act as the periphery nodes in communication network, its degree distribution obeys exponential distribution in the beginning, Gaussian distribution in the middle, and power-law distribution in the end, and its path length obeys GEV distribution. The betweenness centrality distribution, closeness centrality distribution and eigenvector centrality are also been analyzed to measure the vulnerability of nodes.

  18. De navegaciones y atraques: aportes para pensar los talleres en ámbitos participativos y comunitarios


    Bogarín, Diego


    El presente texto es un reto, acaso una invitación, a pensar en las prácticas que muchas veces, como comunicadores y comunicadoras, llevamos adelante en medios comunitarios, alternativos o populares, junto con colectivos sociales que nos suelen acercar como demanda: "vos que sos comunicador/a, (o más frecuentemente, 'vos que sos periodista') podrás darnos un taNercito?" En esta situación, la respuesta más a mano suele ser "sí, claro, por supuesto". Los motivos que nos mueven a este compromiso...


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    Álvaro Orjuela


    Full Text Available A partir de la sulfonación de un carbón antracítico de origen colombiano, se prepararon pastillas catalíticas con las cuales se empacó una columna de destilación semi-continua,  a la cual se alimentaron ácido acético y etanol, con el fin de evaluar experimentalmente la factibilidad de la destilación reactiva para la producción de acetato de etilo. El empaque-catalizador  se caracterizó mediante la determinación de la capacidad total de intercambio, titulación potenciométrica, área BET. Se realizaron ensayos con tres relaciones ácido/etanol para obtener los valores de conversión, concentración de destilado y fondos. El empaque de carbón sulfonado demostró capacidad tanto catalítica, con conversiones entre 29 y 45%, como de separación.

  20. Aspectos computacionales en la estimación de incertidumbres de ensayo por el Método de Monte Carlo

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    Luis Pablo Constantino


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es analizar los distintos aspectos relacionados al desarrollo de una aplicación informáticapara la estimación de incertidumbres de ensayo por el método de Monte Carlo, independiente de plataformas de cálculo como MS Excel, MathLab o R. Se analizan las dificultades y posibles soluciones en cada una de las etapas necesarias para alcanzar este objetivo, el algoritmo para la creación de un intérprete de ecuaciones, la generación de números pseudo-aleatorios con las distribuciones de probabilidad más frecuentes y el tratamiento de incertidumbres Tipo A por este método.Finalmente se hace un estudio comparativo de los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación generada, el método clásico (GUM y la misma simulación realizada con el Software R. Este estudio se realiza sobre el cálculo de la densidad del aire según ecuación CIPM, la presión generada por una balanza de presión y la estandarización de una solución de hidróxido de sodio de acuerdo al ejemplo A2 de la guía EURACHEM / CITEC CG 4.

  1. Eflorescencias y costras sobre areniscas de Villamayor. Ensayos de laboratorio

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    Madruga, F.


    Full Text Available Accelerated tests carried out in the laboratory allow us to study the crystalline material settled over the surface of the sandstones when in contact with watery solutions of different compositions. Sandstone specimens of three different textures were placed on trays containing watery solutions, putting one surface in contact with the liquid. In order to accelarate the capillary absorption, a flow of air was established over the opposite surfaces. The humidity and dryness cycles were repeated 45 times. The crystallized salts were identified by X-ray diffraction, SEM and chemical microanalysis by X-rays dispersive energy. The following results were obtained: gypsum, hexahydrite, picromerite, natrone, arcanite in saline solutions; trone, aftitalite, and presence of gypsy m in cement solutions; gypsum and syngenite in the guano solution test. These salts are analogous to those found in the superficially damaged stones of the Cathedral of Salamanca.

    Ensayos acelerados realizados en el laboratorio, permiten estudiar el material cristalino depositado sobre la superficie de areniscas cuando están en contacto con disoluciones acuosas de diferente composición. Probetas de areniscas de tres texturas diferentes se colocan sobre bandejas que contienen las disoluciones acuosas, de tal forma que una de las superficies esté en contacto con el líquido. Sobre las superficies opuestas se establece una corriente de aire que acelere la absorción capilar del líquido. Ciclos de humedad y secado se repiten 45 veces. Las sales cristalizadas se identifican por difracción de rayos-X, SEM y microanálisis químico por energía dispersiva de rayos-X. Los resultados son los siguientes; yeso, hexahidrita, picromerita, natrón y arcanita cuando se trata de disoluciones salinas; trona, aftitalita y presencia de yeso cuando la disolución es de cemento; yeso y syngenita en el ensayo con disolución de guano. Estas sales son análogas a las encontradas en las

  2. Determinación de los parámetros de corrosión y desgaste del par acero/aluminio en presencia de líquidos iónicos


    Jerez Mesa, Ramón


    El presente proyecto presenta resultados obtenidos en ensayos utilizando LI combinados con aluminio 2011 y acero F-1310, tanto en ensayos de corrosión como de tribología. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial

  3. Effect of rifampicin and gentamicin on Shiga toxin 2 expression level and the SOS response in Escherichia coli O104:H4. (United States)

    Fadlallah, Sukayna M; Rahal, Elias A; Sabra, Ahmad; Kissoyan, Kohar A B; Matar, Ghassan M


    A novel pathotype, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O104:H4, was the cause of a severe outbreak that affected European countries, mainly Germany, in 2011. The effect of different regimens of rifampicin and gentamicin were evaluated to determine possible treatment modes for the novel strain, and to evaluate the SOS response and its effect on toxin release. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was performed on the novel E. coli O104:H4 pathotype and two pre-outbreak E. coli O104:H4 CDC strains. Transcript levels of the stx2 and recA gene (SOS response inducer) were evaluated using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in the novel E. coli O104:H4 samples subjected to different regimens of rifampicin and gentamicin. Consequently, reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) was used to determine the Stx2 titers in these samples. Western blot was performed to determine the LexA levels (SOS response repressor) in E. coli O104:H4. The efficacy of treatment with antimicrobial agents was assessed in BALB/c mice. The outbreak and pre-outbreak strains are closely related as shown by PFGE, which demonstrated slight genomic differences between the three strains. The transcription level of the stx2 gene in the new pathotype was 1.41- and 1.75-fold that of the 2009 EL-2050 and 2009 EL-2071 pre-outbreak strains, respectively. Moreover, the transcription level of the stx2 gene in the new pathotype was substantially decreased as a result of treatment with the different concentrations of the antimicrobial agents, but was enhanced when the antibiotics were administered at two subinhibitory levels. RPLA data were in accordance with the qRT-PCR results. E. coli O104:H4 exposed to gentamicin at both sub-minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) levels led to high transcription levels of the recA gene and lack of expression of the LexA protein, implying that the SOS response was activated. Rifampicin at both sub-MIC levels resulted in low

  4. Criterios básicos de diseño de banco de ensayos para impactos de vidrios de seguridad

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    Postigo, S.


    Full Text Available The Spanish Building Code establishes the essential requirements of safety and habitability that buildings must satisfy. The Basic Document of Safety in Use and Accessibility identifies some critical areas where falling through brittle elements may cause a risk to the user. The document also establishes the minimum performance of glasses located in such areas, according to the impact procedure described in UNE-EN 12600:2003. However, this standard does not provide detailed information about the characteristics of the test equipment, but indicates a final calibration as validation test. The general criteria and conditions of this calibration are also incorporated in the UNE-EN 12600. To better achieve a successful manufacture of a pendulum complying with calibration limits, a proposal of the basic design criteria of a test frame for impacts of safety glazings is presented in this paper. Prototypes and results have been evaluated using dynamic design criteria of the impact phenomenon. Three criteria proposed and applied in the design and manufacture of a real test frame have helped to achieve the calibration required by the UNE-EN 12600:2003. The repeatability and reproducibility of the tests presented in this paper also guaranty the robustness of the set-up.

    El Código Técnico de la Edificación establece las exigencias básicas que deben cumplir los edificios en relación con los requisitos básicos de seguridad y habitabilidad. El Documento Básico de Seguridad de Utilización y Accesibilidad identifica unas áreas críticas en las que el impacto con elementos frágiles supondría un riesgo para el usuario. Además, establece las prestaciones mínimas de los vidrios situados en dichas zonas, según el procedimiento de impacto descrito en la norma UNE-EN 12600:2003. Sin embargo, esta norma no facilita información detallada acerca de las características del equipo de ensayo, sino que indica unos criterios generales y condiciona la

  5. Induction of UV-resistant DNA replication in Escherichia coli: Induced stable DNA replication as an SOS function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kogoma, T.; Torrey, T.A.; Connaughton, M.J.


    The striking similarity between the treatments that induce SOS functions and those that result in stable DNA replication (continuous DNA replication in the absence of protein synthesis) prompted us to examine the possibility of stable DNA replication being a recA + lexA + -dependent SOS function. In addition to the treatments previously reported, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation or treatment with mitomycin C was also found to induce stable DNA replication. The thermal treatment of tif-1 strains did not result in detectable levels of stable DNA replication, but nalidixic acid readily induced the activity in these strains. The induction of stable DNA replication with nalidixic acid was severely suppressed in tif-1 lex A mutant strains. The inhibitory activity of lexA3 was negated by the presence of the spr-5l mutation, an intragenic suppressor of lexA3. Induced stable DNA replication was found to be considerably more resistant to UV irradiation than normal replication both in a uvr A6 strain and a uvr + strain. The UV-resistant replication occurred mostly in the semiconservative manner. The possible roles of stable DNA replication in repair of damaged DNA are discussed. (orig.)

  6. SOS1 and PTPN11 mutations in five cases of Noonan syndrome with multiple giant cell lesions. (United States)

    Beneteau, Claire; Cavé, Hélène; Moncla, Anne; Dorison, Nathalie; Munnich, Arnold; Verloes, Alain; Leheup, Bruno


    We report five cases of multiple giant cell lesions in patients with typical Noonan syndrome. Such association has frequently been referred to as Noonan-like/multiple giant cell (NL/MGCL) syndrome before the molecular definition of Noonan syndrome. Two patients show mutations in PTPN11 (p.Tyr62Asp and p.Asn308Asp) and three in SOS1 (p.Arg552Ser and p.Arg552Thr). The latter are the first SOS1 mutations reported outside PTPN11 in NL/MGCL syndrome. MGCL lesions were observed in jaws ('cherubism') and joints ('pigmented villonodular synovitis'). We show through those patients that both types of MGCL are not PTPN11-specific, but rather represent a low penetrant (or perhaps overlooked) complication of the dysregulated RAS/MAPK signaling pathway. We recommend discarding NL/MGCL syndrome from the nosology, as this presentation is neither gene-nor allele-specific of Noonan syndrome; these patients should be described as Noonan syndrome with MGCL (of the mandible, the long bone...). The term cherubism should be used only when multiple giant cell lesions occur without any other clinical and molecular evidence of Noonan syndrome, with or without mutations of the SH3BP2 gene.

  7. Selective Osmotic Shock (SOS)-Based Islet Isolation for Microencapsulation. (United States)

    Enck, Kevin; McQuilling, John Patrick; Orlando, Giuseppe; Tamburrini, Riccardo; Sivanandane, Sittadjody; Opara, Emmanuel C


    Islet transplantation (IT) has recently been shown to be a promising alternative to pancreas transplantation for reversing diabetes. IT requires the isolation of the islets from the pancreas, and these islets can be used to fabricate a bio-artificial pancreas. Enzymatic digestion is the current gold standard procedure for islet isolation but has lingering concerns. One such concern is that it has been shown to damage the islets due to nonselective tissue digestion. This chapter provides a detailed description of a nonenzymatic method that we are exploring in our lab as an alternative to current enzymatic digestion procedures for islet isolation from human and nonhuman pancreatic tissues. This method is based on selective destruction and protection of specific cell types and has been shown to leave the extracellular matrix (ECM) of islets intact, which may thus enhance islet viability and functionality. We also show that these SOS-isolated islets can be microencapsulated for transplantation.

  8. The SOS model partition function and the elliptic weight functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pakuliak, S; Silantyev, A; Rubtsov, V


    We generalized a recent observation (Khoroshkin and Pakuliak 2005 Theor. Math. Phys. 145 1373) that the partition function of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions can be obtained from a calculation of projections of the product of total currents in the quantum affine algebra U q (sl 2 -hat) in its current realization. A generalization is done for the elliptic current algebra (Enriquez and Felder 1998 Commun. Math. Phys. 195 651, Enriquez and Rubtsov 1997 Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 30 821). The projections of the product of total currents in this case are calculated explicitly and are presented as integral transforms of a product of the total currents. It is proved that the integral kernel of this transform is proportional to the partition function of the SOS model with domain wall boundary conditions

  9. Utilización de neumáticos usados como agregado en el hormigón: caso provincia de Santa Elena, Ecuador

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    Armando Saltos


    Full Text Available El proyecto encontró un diseño de hormigón con partículas provenientes de neumáticos usados, que después de un proceso de selección, trituración controlada, una dosificación acorde con los parámetros de las normas internacionales de diseño de hormigón del Instituto Americano del Concreto (ACI, la Norma Ecuatoriana de Construcción (NEC, la incorporación de hasta 10 % de caucho triturado como sustituto parcial de agregados gruesos en el diseño de hormigón, se obtienen resultados favorables y de buena resistencia lo que hace que  se pueda utilizar cumpliendo todas las normas ecuatorianas de la construcción. También se realizó un ensayo con un 10% de caucho triturado incorporado como sustituto parcial del agregado fino, resultando ser aún más apropiado para fines constructivos y de elaboración de hormigón. En el presente trabajo de investigación se realiza los ensayos como mezclas separadas. Se efectuaron pruebas de vigas con incorporación de agregados gruesos de hasta 15% cumpliendo las normas, pero no se ejecutó una serie completa. Palabras clave: neumático, agregado, hormigón, resistencia. Abstract The project found a concrete design with particles from used tires, which after a selection process, controlled grinding, a dosage in accordance with the parameters of the American Concrete Institute (ICA international standards of concrete design, Standard (NEC, the incorporation of up to 10% of tired rubber as a partial substitute of coarse aggregates in the concrete design, gives favorable results and good resistance which makes it possible to use all the Ecuadorian standards of the building. A test with 10% of crushed rubber incorporated as a partial substitute of the fine aggregate was also performed, making it even more suitable for construction and concrete processing purposes. In the present research work the tests are performed as separate mixtures. Beams were tested with incorporation of coarse aggregates of up to

  10. Observación de las elecciones generales del 2006 en Costa Rica: Un ensayo fotográfico

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    Bruce M. Wilson


    Full Text Available Ensayo fotográfico de las elecciones generales costarricenses del 5 de febrero del 2006. Captura los pormenores de la campaña y la fiesta cívica vivida en las calles del país, dejando en evidencia el alto nivel de quiebre en el voto que caracterizó estas justas electorales.

  11. Indicadores de calidad de las harinas de trigo: índice de calidad industrial y su relación con ensayos predictivos

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    A.E. de la Horra


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar y evaluar la capacidad de diferentes parámetros para predecir la calidad de las harinas de trigo, analizando las relaciones existentes entre éstos y el índice de calidad industrial (ICI. Se utilizaron siete muestras de harina de trigo provistas por la CEI Barrow. Se determinaron parámetros relacionados con la calidad del grano de trigo, la molienda y la composición de las harinas. Además, se llevaron a cabo ensayos relacionados con el comportamiento de las masas (ensayo farinográfico y alveográfico y se elaboró pan. Se calculó el ICI para cada una de las muestras y se estudió su relación con pruebas de predicción y ensayos de calidad. El ICI mostró correlaciones significativas y positivas con el contenido de macropolímero de glutenina, la extensibilidad alveográfica y el tiempo de desarrollo de la masa. Estas relaciones podrían resultar beneficiosas en la evaluación de la aptitud de las harinas para la elaboración de diferentes productos panificados, ya que constituyen determinaciones más sencillas y no requieren de equipamiento de alta tecnología ni grandes cantidades de muestra.


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    Full Text Available El aprovechamiento de residuos generados en procesos agroindustriales, es de interés en el ámbito mundial. En la actualidad se investiga en biomasa lignocelulósica para obtener energía, combustibles, biomateriales y productos químicos, mediante tecnologías limpias y sistemas cerrados que permitan conservar el medio ambiente. En esta investigación, a partir de características de residuos agroindustriales típicos del Departamento del Cauca, bagacillo de caña, polvillo de fique, afrecho de yuca y sus mezclas, se evalúo el aprovechamiento como biorefinería. Se determinaron las propiedades térmicas, físicas químicas y morfológicas en siete muestras de residuos, se realizaron ensayos exploratorios de pre-tratamientos y posibles usos. Se concluye que la muestra M6 con el 9,93% de humedad, 4,12% de ceniza, 43,97% de carbono, 5,86% de hidrogeno, 0,43% nitrógeno, poder calorífico inferior de 15MJ/kg y con 22,25% de celulosa, 9,30% de hemicelulosa y 4,56% de lignina, presenta características apropiadas para ser utilizada en hornos y calderas de menor potencia para el sector rural por la cantidad de ceniza, la cual mantiene estable el poder calorífico inferior y reduce la emisión de material particulado. Por las características térmicas, físicas, químicas y morfológicas, todas las muestras de M1 a M7, pueden ser hidrolizadas, densificadas y aprovechadas como biocombustible y/o biorefinería.

  13. Estimation for aerial detection effectiveness with cooperation efficiency factors of early-warning aircraft in early-warning detection SoS under BSC framework (United States)

    Zhu, Feng; Hu, Xiaofeng; He, Xiaoyuan; Guo, Rui; Li, Kaiming; Yang, Lu


    In the military field, the performance evaluation of early-warning aircraft deployment or construction is always an important problem needing to be explored. As an effective approach of enterprise management and performance evaluation, Balanced Score Card (BSC) attracts more and more attentions and is studied more and more widely all over the world. It can also bring feasible ideas and technical approaches for studying the issue of the performance evaluation of the deployment or construction of early-warning aircraft which is the important component in early-warning detection system of systems (SoS). Therefore, the deep explored researches are carried out based on the previously research works. On the basis of the characteristics of space exploration and aerial detection effectiveness of early-warning detection SoS and the cardinal principle of BSC are analyzed simply, and the performance evaluation framework of the deployment or construction of early-warning aircraft is given, under this framework, aimed at the evaluation issue of aerial detection effectiveness of early-warning detection SoS with the cooperation efficiency factors of the early-warning aircraft and other land based radars, the evaluation indexes are further designed and the relative evaluation model is further established, especially the evaluation radar chart being also drawn to obtain the evaluation results from a direct sight angle. Finally, some practical computer simulations are launched to prove the validity and feasibility of the research thinking and technologic approaches which are proposed in the paper.

  14. Electrical and crystallographic evaluation of SOS implanted with silicon and/or oxygen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Y.; Kobayashi, H.; Takahashi, T.; Inada, T.


    RBS and Hall measurements have revealed that the formation of an amorphous laer in SOS near in the Si/sapphire interface by oxygen implantation at 130 K followed by regrowth by thermal annealing above 800 0 C for 20 min in N 2 is effective in improving crystalline quality and Hall mobility as well as in increasing activation of implanted P. The temperature dependence of the mobility was measured. The mobility increased by 80% and 40% at 77 K and RT, respectively, after improvement in crystalline quality. The costly low temperature implantation of O can be replaced with dual implantation of Si and O; formation of an amorphous layer by Si implantation and Al gettering by oxygen implantation. (orig.)

  15. Determinación de las propiedades mecánicas y mecanismos de fractura de electrolitos soportados de YSZ y GDC mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada

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    Segarra, M.


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the different mechanical properties and the different fracture mechanisms activated during the intrumented indentation process of the electrolytes based on yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ and gadolinia doped ceria (GDC, for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs. Both materials, with a thickness of 200 μm, were shaped by uniaxial pressing at 500 MPa, and sintered at 1400ºC. Mechanical properties such as hardness (H and Young’s modulus (E have been studied at different penetration depths using the Oliver and Pharr equations. The different fracture mechanisms activated during the instrumented indentation process have been studied at constant penetration depth of 500 nm, performed with a diamond Berkovich tip indenter. The residual indentation imprints have been observed with atomic force microscopy (AFM. The hardness and Young’s modulus for YSZ electrolytes are higher than for GDC materials, due to the different fracture mechanism activated during the indentation process. As a result, the electrolytes of YSZ presented trans- and intergranular fracture mechanisms, depending on the place of the residual indentation imprint (in the grain boundary or in the middle of the grain, respectively. However, the GDC electrolyte revealed radical cracks at the corners of the residual nanoindentation imprints, thus producing a phenomenon known as chipping.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar las propiedades mecánicas, así como los diferentes mecanismos de fractura activados mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada, de electrolitos basados en circona estabilizada con itria (“yttria stabilized zirconia”,YSZ y ceria dopada con gadolinia (“gadolinia doped ceria”, GDC, para pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, SOFCs. Ambos materiales, con un espesor final de 200 μm, se conformaron mediante prensado uniaxial a 500 MPa y se sinterizaron a 1400ºC. Propiedades mecánicas tales


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    Akira Casillas De La Vega


    Full Text Available Examen acerca de la importancia de la celebración del día de muertos en el México actual. Se plantea el problema de su posible pervivencia desde los tiempos prehispánicos o no, de acuerdo con las posturas científicas contemporáneas. Para este fin, se analiza brevemente el contexto en elque presuntamente se originó el culto a los muertos en el México actual: los dos últimos tercios del siglo XVI, posteriormente a la conquista del territorio mesoamericano por los españoles. El objetivo del ensayo consiste, pues, en dotar a dicho fenómeno cultural de un significado más ajustado a la realidad (históricamente construido y menos aproximado a la retórica de las“políticas en turno”; en hacer notar su importancia para la Nación mexicana, y las ciencias sociales de la actualidad, como fuente para el conocimiento de formas de vida pasadas. Se llama la atención acerca de la necesidad de realizar estudios transdisciplinarios, en regiones y etnias específicos, según su evolución a lo largo de los siglos. Para, entonces, obtener una mejor perspectiva de cómo pudieron haber sido las sociedades prehispánicas.

  17. Genoma humano. Actualidades y perspectivas bioéticas. (Ensayo I Human genome: Bioethical novelties and perspectives (Essay I

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    Diana Martín Ross


    Full Text Available Una de las investigaciones más fabulosas, sorprendentes y gigantes, comparada por muchos con el Proyecto Apolo o el Proyecto Manhattan, es el Proyecto Genoma Humano (PGH mediante el cual se intenta ubicar y conocer el papel de los genes que constituyen al ser humano. De manera que los genes y el genoma, de forma particular y la Genética en general se han convertido en el “terremoto de la ciencia contemporánea” por ello hemos decidido incursionar en el empeño de conocer mas de cerca lo intrincado y misterioso del “Poder de los Genes” y los dilemas bioéticos que promueven las actuales investigaciones y la aplicación de sus resultados. En esta primera parte de este ensayo exponemos de forma precisa aspectos relacionados con la historia y actualidad del Proyecto Genoma Humano y la Terapia Génica, así como los beneficios y riesgos potenciales que implican, tanto para los países desarrollados como para los países del SurOne of the most fabulous, surprising and enormous investigations, compared by many with the Apollo Project or the Manhattan Project, is the Human Genome Project (HGP by means of which it is intended to locate and to know the role of human genes. In this way, genes and genome, particularly and Genetics in general have become the "earthquake of contemporary science". That's why, we have decided to deepen into people's endeavour of knowing closely the entangled and mysterious world of “Genes' Power", as well as the bioethical dilemmas that the current investigations and the application of their results promote. In this first part of this essay we expose clearly aspects related to the history and novelties of the Human Genome Project and Genic Therapy, and also the benefits and potential risks that they imply, for developed and underdeveloped countries

  18. Ferruleless coupled-cavity traveling-wave tube cold-test characteristics simulated with micro-SOS (United States)

    Schroeder, Dana L.; Wilson, Jeffrey D.


    The three-dimensional, electromagnetic circuit analysis code, Micro-SOS, can be used to reduce expensive and time consuming experimental 'cold-testing' of traveling-wave tube (TWT) circuits. The frequency-phase dispersion and beam interaction impedance characteristics of a ferruleless coupled-cavity traveling-wave tube slow-wave circuit were simulated using the code. Computer results agree closely with experimental data. Variations in the cavity geometry dimensions of period length and gap-to-period ratio were modeled. These variations can be used in velocity taper designs to reduce the radiofrequency (RF) phase velocity in synchronism with the decelerating electron beam. Such circuit designs can result in enhanced TWT power and efficiency.

  19. Development of the software of the data taking system SOS for the SAPHIR experiment. Entwicklung der Software des Datennahmesystems SOS fuer das SAPHIR-Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manns, J.


    The data acquistion system SOS has been developed for the SAPHIR experiment at the Bonn stretcher ring ELSA. It can handle up to 280 kilobytes of data per second or a maximum triggerrate of 200 Hz. The multiprocessor based online system consists of twenty VIP-microprocessors and two VAX-computers. Each component of the SAPHIR experiment has at least one program in the online system to maintain special functions for this specific component. All of these programs can receive event data without interfering with the transfer of events to a mass storage for offline analysis. A special program SOL has been developed to serve as a user interface to the data acquisition system and as a status display for most of the programs of the online system. Using modern features like windowing and mouse control on a VAX-station the SAPHIR online SOL establishes an easy way of controlling the data acquisition system. (orig.).

  20. Blocking the RecA activity and SOS-response in bacteria with a short α-helical peptide. (United States)

    Yakimov, Alexander; Pobegalov, Georgii; Bakhlanova, Irina; Khodorkovskii, Mikhail; Petukhov, Michael; Baitin, Dmitry


    The RecX protein, a very active natural RecA protein inhibitor, can completely disassemble RecA filaments at nanomolar concentrations that are two to three orders of magnitude lower than that of RecA protein. Based on the structure of RecX protein complex with the presynaptic RecA filament, we designed a short first in class α-helical peptide that both inhibits RecA protein activities in vitro and blocks the bacterial SOS-response in vivo. The peptide was designed using SEQOPT, a novel method for global sequence optimization of protein α-helices. SEQOPT produces artificial peptide sequences containing only 20 natural amino acids with the maximum possible conformational stability at a given pH, ionic strength, temperature, peptide solubility. It also accounts for restrictions due to known amino acid residues involved in stabilization of protein complexes under consideration. The results indicate that a few key intermolecular interactions inside the RecA protein presynaptic complex are enough to reproduce the main features of the RecX protein mechanism of action. Since the SOS-response provides a major mechanism of bacterial adaptation to antibiotics, these results open new ways for the development of antibiotic co-therapy that would not cause bacterial resistance. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  1. Molecular Interaction and Cellular Location of RecA and CheW Proteins in Salmonella enterica during SOS Response and Their Implication in Swarming. (United States)

    Irazoki, Oihane; Aranda, Jesús; Zimmermann, Timo; Campoy, Susana; Barbé, Jordi


    In addition to its role in DNA damage repair and recombination, the RecA protein, through its interaction with CheW, is involved in swarming motility, a form of flagella-dependent movement across surfaces. In order to better understand how SOS response modulates swarming, in this work the location of RecA and CheW proteins within the swarming cells has been studied by using super-resolution microscopy. Further, and after in silico docking studies, the specific RecA and CheW regions associated with the RecA-CheW interaction have also been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and immunoprecipitation techniques. Our results point out that the CheW distribution changes, from the cell poles to foci distributed in a helical pattern along the cell axis when SOS response is activated or RecA protein is overexpressed. In this situation, the CheW presents the same subcellular location as that of RecA, pointing out that the previously described RecA storage structures may be modulators of swarming motility. Data reported herein not only confirmed that the RecA-CheW pair is essential for swarming motility but it is directly involved in the CheW distribution change associated to SOS response activation. A model explaining not only the mechanism by which DNA damage modulates swarming but also how both the lack and the excess of RecA protein impair this motility is proposed.

  2. Molecular interaction and cellular location of RecA and CheW proteins in Salmonella enterica during SOS response and their implication in swarming

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    Oihane Irazoki


    Full Text Available In addition to its role in DNA damage repair and recombination, the RecA protein, through its interaction with CheW, is involved in swarming motility, a form of flagella-dependent movement across surfaces. In order to better understand how SOS response modulates swarming, in this work the location of RecA and CheW proteins within the swarming cells has been studied by using super-resolution microscopy. Further, and after in silico docking studies, the specific RecA and CheW regions associated with the RecA-CheW interaction have also been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and immunoprecipitation techniques. Our results point out that the CheW distribution changes, from the cell poles to foci distributed in a helical pattern along the cell axis when SOS response is activated or RecA protein is overexpressed. In this situation, the CheW presents the same subcellular location as that of RecA, pointing out that the previously described RecA storage structures may be modulators of swarming motility. Data reported herein not only confirmed that the RecA-CheW pair is essential for swarming motility but it is directly involved in the CheW distribution change associated to SOS response activation. A model explaining not only the mechanism by which DNA damage modulates swarming but also how both the lack and the excess of RecA protein impair this motility is proposed.

  3. Cohesión social como base para políticas públicas orientadas a la equidad en salud: reflexiones desde el programa EUROsociAL

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    Rita Maria Ferrelli

    Full Text Available EUROsociAL es un programa de la Unión Europea para la cohesión social en América Latina. El objetivo principal de este ensayo es presentar los elementos conceptuales que sustentan las actividades implementadas por el programa EUROsociAL en el área temática de salud, con especial atención a sus aspectos de equidad. Se consideran los conceptos de cohesión social, equidad en salud, la relación entre ambos en EUROsociAL y se abordan el monitoreo de la equidad en salud como base de acción hacia una mejora con enfoque en los determinantes sociales de la salud.

  4. Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap Tegangan Permukaan Sabun Cuci Piring Cair Buatan Sendiri, Sunlight, Dan S.O.S


    Siahaan, Okio Patar


    The effect of temperature on the surface tension of homemade liquid dish soap, Sunlight, and SOS was carried out. The temperatures was variated 280C(without heating), 300C, 400C and 500C. The homemade liquid dish soap was prepared by using an active ingredients. The active ingredient of the liquid dishwashing soap were sodium lauryl ether sulphate, sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate, and sodium lauril ether sulfate, respectively. The determination of surface tension was based the increasing of t...

  5. SOS switch system (SSS) in the radiation treatment room

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komiyama, Takafumi; Motoyama, Tsuyoshi; Nakamura, Koji; Onishi, Hiroshi; Araya, Masayuki; Sano, Naoki


    We applied patient's self-breath hold irradiation system to a device to declare the patient's intentions (SOS switch system: SSS) in the radiation room and examined a utility for problem recognition and improvement of risk management during radiation therapy by induction of SSS. Between May 2005 and October 2006, we used SSS with 65 patients. The study involved 32 men and 33 women with a median age of 65 (range, 26-88) years. The reason for using SSS was as a shell in 57, a history of laryngectomy in 2, a cough in 6, convulsions in 1, and anxiety in 3. The treatment with SSS was performed 1,120 times. The hand switch was pushed 11 times. The reasons the switch was pushed were for nausea, aspiration, pain, and cough one time each. For the others, the reasons were unclear, and it was thought due to the clouding of consciousness from brain metastases. No problems were observed with the use of SSS. SSS was a useful device for improvement of risk management during the radiation therapy. (author)

  6. Ensayo Acerca de la Supervivencia o no del Culto a los Muertos Prehispánico en el México Actual

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    Akira Gustavo Casillas de la Vega


    Full Text Available Examen acerca de la importancia de la celebración del día de muertos en el México actual. Se plantea el problema de su posible pervivencia desde los tiempos prehispánicos o no, de acuerdo con las posturas científicas contemporáneas. Para este fin, se analiza brevemente el contexto en el que presuntamente se originó el culto a los muertos en el México actual: los dos últimos tercios del siglo XVI, posteriormente a la conquista del territorio mesoamericano por los españoles. El objetivo del ensayo consiste, pues, en dotar a dicho fenómeno cultural de un significado más ajustado a la realidad (históricamente construido y menos aproximado a la retórica de las “políticas en turno”; en hacer notar su importancia para la Nación mexicana, y las ciencias sociales de la actualidad, como fuente para el conocimiento de formas de vida pasadas. Se llama la atención acerca de la necesidad de realizar estudios transdisciplinarios, en regiones y etnias específicos, según su evolución a lo largo de los siglos. Para, entonces, obtener una mejor perspectiva de cómo pudieron haber sido las sociedades prehispánicas.

  7. Esclavizada en los Estudios Poscoloniales

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    Nellys Montenegro De la Hoz


    Full Text Available Este ensayo va a centrarse en el análisis de las formas de resis - tencia e identidad esclavizada presentes en Changó, el gran putas de Manuel Zapata Olivella, a través del análisis de los discur - sos hegemónicos y subalternos que hacían parte del sistema de poder, y la intervención de las teorías o estudios poscoloniales que cuestionan dichas perspectivas para redefinir las diferencias de las identidades contradictorias y desarrollar de esta manera literaturas deslindadas de las estructuras ideológicas y hegemónicas.

  8. Ensayo de campo de una nueva formulación de repelente tipo jabón contra mosquitos

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    Marco F. Suárez


    Full Text Available Fue evaluada una formulación tipo jabón de un repelente de mosquitos, el cual contiene 20% de deet y 0,5% de permetrin, comparada con la de un repelente sólido comercial disponible en Colombia y con controles no tratados. Para la evaluación se midió, en condiciones naturales, el porcentaje de reducción de la picadura de los mosquitos o porcentaje de repelencia de varias especies de Anopheles, entre las que se destacan los vectores de malaria An. darlingi, An. nuñeztovari, además de Aedes aegypti y Culex sp. Ambos repelentes mostraron un alto grado de protección que varió en un rango entre 88 a 99% con el repelente tipo jabón y 82 a 100% con el repelente comercial. Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05 entre los porcentajes de repelencia de los dos repelentes en An. darlingi y todos los anofelinos, pero estas diferencias no tienen importancia práctica puesto que persiste el riesgo de sufrir picaduras con el uso de cualquiera de los dos repelentes. Los resultados indican que ambos repelentes son igualmente efectivos para disminuir el contacto con los mosquitos Anopheles, Culex y Aedes aegypti hasta por 4 horas con una reducción mayor al 80%; pero el repelente tipo jabón tiene un mayor efecto residual hasta al menos 7 horas para los anofelinos. Ninguna persona, de las 14 involucradas en el ensayo, manifestó molestias que pudieran sindicar a los repelentes como los causales.

  9. The SOS Response Master Regulator LexA Regulates the Gene Transfer Agent of Rhodobacter capsulatus and Represses Transcription of the Signal Transduction Protein CckA. (United States)

    Kuchinski, Kevin S; Brimacombe, Cedric A; Westbye, Alexander B; Ding, Hao; Beatty, J Thomas


    The gene transfer agent of Rhodobacter capsulatus (RcGTA) is a genetic exchange element that combines central aspects of bacteriophage-mediated transduction and natural transformation. RcGTA particles resemble a small double-stranded DNA bacteriophage, package random ∼4-kb fragments of the producing cell genome, and are released from a subpopulation (SOS response in many bacteria, as a regulator of RcGTA activity. Deletion of the lexA gene resulted in the abolition of detectable RcGTA production and an ∼10-fold reduction in recipient capability. A search for SOS box sequences in the R. capsulatus genome sequence identified a number of putative binding sites located 5' of typical SOS response coding sequences and also 5' of the RcGTA regulatory gene cckA, which encodes a hybrid histidine kinase homolog. Expression of cckA was increased >5-fold in the lexA mutant, and a lexA cckA double mutant was found to have the same phenotype as a ΔcckA single mutant in terms of RcGTA production. The data indicate that LexA is required for RcGTA production and maximal recipient capability and that the RcGTA-deficient phenotype of the lexA mutant is largely due to the overexpression of cckA. This work describes an unusual phenotype of a lexA mutant of the alphaproteobacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus in respect to the phage transduction-like genetic exchange carried out by the R. capsulatus gene transfer agent (RcGTA). Instead of the expected SOS response characteristic of prophage induction, this lexA mutation not only abolishes the production of RcGTA particles but also impairs the ability of cells to receive RcGTA-borne genes. The data show that, despite an apparent evolutionary relationship to lambdoid phages, the regulation of RcGTA gene expression differs radically. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  10. Comparación entre dos biomodelos murinos (ratones Balb/c y ratas Sprague Dawley en el ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentarios Comparison between two murine biomodles (Balb/c mice and Sprague Dawley rats in a transplacental micronucleus assay

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    Daniel Francisco Arencibia Arrebola


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar fetos de ratones Balb/c y ratas Sprague Dawley como biomodelos en el ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentarios, determinando la frecuencia espontánea e inducida, y vincular el efecto genotóxico y reproductivo. Métodos: se formaron tres grupos experimentales/especie: control negativo (simulacro, control solvente NaCl (0,9 % y ciclofosfamida 50 mg/kg. Todos los grupos se administraron por vía intraperitoneal los días 14, 15 y 16 de la gestación, y 24 h después de la última inoculación en ratones y 48 h en ratas se procedió a realizar la eutanasia de las gestantes, para obtener las muestras de hígado fetal. Resultados: los fetos de ratas Sprague Dawley demostraron tener menores índices de citotoxicidad y de genotoxicidad, y se obtuvieron los resultados más bajos de micronúcleos endógenos. Los mejores resultados de inducción de citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad por la alta formación de micronúcleos con ciclofosfamida fueron en fetos de ratas Sprague Dawley, los que resultaron más susceptibles al daño genotóxico de este mutágeno. Se corroboró el poder clastogénico transplacentario de la ciclofosfamida, vinculando este ensayo de genotoxicidad a toxicología de la reproducción. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren el mejor uso de fetos de ratas Sprague Dawley como biomodelo en este ensayo cuando es utilizada la ciclofosfamida como control positivo por la vía y dosis estudiada; además, se pudieran utilizar en la evaluación de nuevas drogas con carácter antigenotóxico por vía transplacentaria.Objectives: to compare fetuses from Balb/c mice and Sprague Dawley rats as biomodels in transplacental micronuclei assay and to determine the spontaneous and induced frequency to link the genotoxic and reproductive effect. Methods: three experimental groups by species were formed: a negative control (simulation, NaCl (0.9 % solvent control and 50 mg/kg cyclophosphamide. All the groups were intraperitoneally administered

  11. Prefabricados de micro-hormigón y su empleo como ligante hidráulico

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    Gastón Barrios, L.


    destinada, en su primera parte, a la aplicación de micro-hormigones, compuestos de desechos industriales o minerales químicamente reactivables, cemento y agua, para obtener pavimentos y ladrillos. Posteriormente se iniciaron ensayos para emplearlo como ligante hidráulico de partículas orgánicas. El conglomerar con resinas partículas orgánicas, provenientes de la agricultura y la agro-industria, ha dado como resultado la obtención de placas de resistencias mecánicas bajo las exigencias estructurales de la edificación, comúnmente permeables y propagadoras del fuego, siendo sólo aceptables como materiales de terminación interior. En la búsqueda de mejorar resistencias y bajar costos, se ha ensayado ocupar pastas o morteros hidráulicos para reemplazar estas resinas, no llegando al objetivo por el bajo porcentaje de partículas que estos aceptan. Observando las cualidades físicas de los micro-hormigones, se intentó ensayarlo como ligante hidráulico y obtener prefabricados para viviendas. Los pavimentos monolíticos y ladrillos, en cuanto a resistencia y costo, no presentaron ventajas sobre los tradicionales. Se podría justificar su aplicación sólo por mejor aspecto de textura y colorido. Las baldosas en módulos de 20 x 20 cm, a 30 X 30 cm a iguales resistencias, resultante un costo 51 % menor a las tradicionales y los ladrillos para muros resultaron de condiciones similares a los mecanizados actuales. Los paneles obtenidos usando el micro-hormigón como ligante de aserrín de madera, de 230 x 50 x 6 cm, dieron como resultado elementos modulares estructurales, de fácil montaje y cualidades térmicas, acústicas e hidrófugas de acuerdo a las normas y a menor costo que sus similares más usados en la construcción, constituyendo así un material nuevo que, continuando en su ensayo para otros prefabricados, puede mejorar las características de los ya conocidos especialmente en viviendas económicas.

  12. De la coerción sobre la propiedad a la propiedad como coerción: una perspectiva historiográfica

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    José Carlos Bermejo Barrera


    Full Text Available En la actualidad la idea de propiedad está prácticamente ausente en la historia y en la teoría económica. En el análisis económico desde Keynes hasta la economía del conocimiento se otorga un privilegio casi exclusivo a la empresa como unidad básica del mercado y de la vida económica de la humanidad. Se olvida prácticamente la existencia de la propiedad porque ésta es imposible sin la existencia del poder de coerción, que es su base y su garantía. La idea de espontaneidad del mercado entraría en contradicción con la de la existencia de mecanismos extraeconómicos en la historia económica de la humanidad. Este es un ensayo historiográfico sobre las relaciones entre los poderes políticos, la propiedad, los mercados y la sociedad en los historiadores del mundo antiguo de los siglos XIX y XX. En dichos siglos, el derecho y la idea de propiedad fueron considerados como la clave secreta del desarrollo de las sociedades humanas.

  13. Evidence for Different Disk Mass Distributions between Early- and Late-type Be Stars in the BeSOS Survey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arcos, C.; Kanaan, S.; Curé, M. [Instituto de Física y Astronomía, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Valparaíso. Av. Gran Bretana 1111, Valparaíso (Chile); Jones, C. E.; Sigut, T. A. A. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 3K7 (Canada)


    The circumstellar disk density distributions for a sample of 63 Be southern stars from the BeSOS survey were found by modeling their H α emission line profiles. These disk densities were used to compute disk masses and disk angular momenta for the sample. Average values for the disk mass are 3.4 × 10{sup −9} and 9.5 × 10{sup −10} M {sub ⋆} for early (B0–B3) and late (B4–B9) spectral types, respectively. We also find that the range of disk angular momentum relative to the star is (150–200) J {sub ⋆}/ M {sub ⋆} and (100–150) J {sub ⋆}/ M {sub ⋆}, again for early- and late-type Be stars, respectively. The distributions of the disk mass and disk angular momentum are different between early- and late-type Be stars at a 1% level of significance. Finally, we construct the disk mass distribution for the BeSOS sample as a function of spectral type and compare it to the predictions of stellar evolutionary models with rapid rotation. The observed disk masses are typically larger than the theoretical predictions, although the observed spread in disk masses is typically large.

  14. A Network of Resistances against a Multiple Crisis. SOS Rosarno and the Experimentation of Socio-Economic Alternative Models

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    Federico Oliveri


    Full Text Available SOS Rosarno was launched in 2011 by a group of small farmers and activists based in the Gioia Tauro Plain, Calabria, Southern Italy. The idea was to sell organic citrus fruits through short self-organized supply chains, essentially based on Solidarity Purchase Groups, in order to allow producers to pay migrant workers according to the law, to receive a fair remuneration, to guarantee healthy and affordable food to consumers, to protect the integrity of the environment. This paper aims to reconstruct the ideological frame and the genealogy, the organization and the practices, the impact and the limits of SOS Rosarno, drawing mainly on the political documents produced by the association and in-depth interviews with its diverse members. It clarifies, on one side, the strategies of alternative economy and the new social alliances implemented in order to challenge those conditions which impoverish small producers and let migrant farmworkers be exploited and become the target of racism in many Italian countrysides. It explores, on the other side, the development of a new peasant civilization as alternative to the current economic and environmental crises, in terms of de-commodification of nature and labour, construction of a convivial democratic society, transition from monoculture to food sovereignty.

  15. Automatización de los ensayos en cámara hiperbàrica en los laboratorios del observatorio Obsea conforme la norma NF X10-812-2013


    Alsamora Borraz, Emma


    La cámara hiperbárica instalada en el Centro Tecnológico de Vilanova i la Geltrú se utiliza para realizar ensayos de presión a equipamiento científico que se instalaran en los observatorios submarinos Obsea. Los ensayos se realizaban de forma manual y nació la necesidad de automatizar el proceso. Para la automatización se ha diseñado un sistema hidráulico compuesto por electroválvulas, bombas y un sensor de presión que se controlan mediante una aplicación de control diseñada con el soft...

  16. Activation of the SOS response increases the frequency of small colony variants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Martin; Paulander, Wilhelm Erik Axel; Ingmer, Hanne


    BACKGROUND: In Staphylococcus aureus sub-populations of slow-growing cells forming small colony variants (SCVs) are associated with persistent and recurrent infections that are difficult to eradicate with antibiotic therapies. In SCVs that are resistant towards aminoglycosides, mutations have been...... with different mechanism of action influence the formation of SCVs that are resistant to otherwise lethal concentrations of the aminoglycoside, gentamicin. We found that exposure of S. aureus to fluoroquinolones and mitomycin C increased the frequency of gentamicin resistant SCVs, while other antibiotic classes...... failed to do so. The higher proportion of SCVs in cultures exposed to fluoroquinolones and mitomycin C compared to un-exposed cultures correlate with an increased mutation rate monitored by rifampicin resistance and followed induction of the SOS DNA damage response. CONCLUSION: Our observations suggest...

  17. Ensayos de rigidez dieléctrica a muestras de papel prensado de la fábrica de transformadores Latino

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    José Guillermo Sánchez Glean


    Full Text Available El ensayo tiene como objetivo determinar la aptitud de las muestras de papel prensado, cuando son sometidas a unincremento de tensión alterna, y comparadas estas con niveles de tensión normalizados, en dependencia de suespesor. Se recibieron muestras de tres espesores diferentes de papel: 0,125 mm; 250 mm y 0,600 mm y se realizaen los laboratorios del Centro de Investigaciones y Pruebas Electroenergéticas (CIPEL, de acuerdo con las normasinternacionales vigentes. Por los resultados alcanzados se puede inferir que los papeles de donde provienen estasmuestras pueden ser utilizados, para los fines que fueron adquiridos. Para hacer una valoración de una población olote mayor de estos materiales, sería necesario realizar un correcto plan de muestreo.  The test has as objective determining the aptitude of the samples of pressed paper, when they are subjected toan increased alternating tension, and compared these with normalized levels of tension, in dependence of itsthickness. Samples of three different thicknesses from paper were received: 0,125 mm; 250 mm and 0,600 mm.It is carried out in the laboratories of the CIPEL in accordance with the effective international standards. For thereached results you can infer that the papers of where these samples come they can be used for the ends thatwere acquired. To make a valuation of a population or lot bigger than these materials, serious necessary to carryout a correct sampling plan.

  18. Algunas propiedades físico-mecánicas y de trabajabilidad de la Acacia melanoxylon

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    Elliot Correcha R.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos de las propiedades físicas como: gravedad especifica anhidra, seca al aire y en estado verde; densidad verde, seca al aire, anhidra y básica; y contracciones radial, tangencial y volumétrica. Propiedades mecánicas tales como: flexión estática en estado verde y seca al aire, compresión paralela al grano en estado verde y seca al aire. Además ensayos de trabajabilidad de cepillado, moldurado, taladrado y torneado de la Acacia melanoxylon. Se usaron metodologías establecidas por ASTM, ICONTEC y COPANT. Estos ensayos se realizaron en los laboratorios del Instituto de Ensayos e Investigación (IEI de la facultad de Ingenleria, Universidad Nacional de Bogotá.

  19. Una ciudad de los vascones en el yacimiento de Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico-Sangüesa

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    Andreu Pintado, Javier


    Full Text Available The following paper deals with the detailed and preliminary study of the archaeological site of Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico/Sangüesa, between today Zaragoza and Navarra provinces specially focusing in its Roman period. The paper exposes a review of the archeological and epigraphical material from the site, proposes an urban condition for it and raises some hypothesis on its identification with one of the cities that ancient sources tribued to Vascones.El presente trabajo aborda el estudio detallado y preliminar del yacimiento arqueológico de Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico/Sangüesa, en el límite entre las actuales provincias de Zaragoza y Navarra con especial atención a su etapa romana. Se procede a la revisión del material arqueológico y epigráfico procedente del lugar, se defiende la condición de enclave urbano del yacimiento y se plantea una hipótesis respecto de su identificación con las ciudades que las fuentes antiguas atribuyen a los Vascones.

  20. Ensayo, Medicina, Ciencia y Humanismo.

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Como se ha podido apreciar en este Simposio, y probablemente también en los 24 que lo han precedido, a medida que se avanza en el nuevo milenio se lucha por hacer de la medicina una profesión cada vez más científica y más conectada con las otras ciencias básicas, al punto que hoy se habla más bien de las “ciencias biomédicas”, enfoque cientificista que se trata de inculcar desde muy temprano en la formación profesional. Por eso en los nuevos modelos curriculares se pretende separar el arte o ejercicio de la medicina como profesión, de las objetivas ciencias básicas, argumentando que los futuros investigadores bien poco necesitarán de formarse en semiología o en clínica o en obstetricia u oftalmología y más bien deberán aprovechar sus años creativos para lograr las verdaderas revoluciones en el conocimiento biomédico, que es lo que en últimas podrá hacer más efectiva la medicina.