
Sample records for somatotropina bovina bst

  1. Somatotropina bovina recombinante en sincronización de estros y prolificidad de ovejas Pelibuey


    Sosa-Pérez, G; Pérez-Hernández, P.; Vaquera-Huerta, H.; Salazar-Ortiz, J.; Sánchez-del-Real, C.; Cadena-Villegas, S.; Gallegos-Sánchez, J.


    Con la finalidad de estudiar si la administración de la Somatotropina Bovina Recombinante (bST) dos días antes del retiro del progestágeno, tiene efecto en la sincronización de estros, inicio del estro, fertilidad, prolificidad y tipo de parto en ovejas Pelibuey, a 180 ovejas de 4,0 ± 0,32 años de edad, se les inserto un dispositivo intravaginal impregnado con progesterona (CIDR P4 0,3 g), por nueve días. Dos días antes del retiro del dispositivo, las ovejas se asignaron aleatoriamente a uno ...

  2. Efeito da utilização da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST sobre a produção de leite em búfalas Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST utilization on milk production from buffaloes

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    André Mendes Jorge


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o resultado da utilização da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST atuando na produção de leite em búfalas da raça Murrah. Empregaram-se 28 búfalas multíparas da raça Murrah, divididas em dois grupos homogêneos de 14 animais, recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: Grupo 1 ¾ Controle (solução salina e Grupo 2 ¾ 500 mg de bST/cabeça a cada 14 dias, durante 7 meses. Búfalas tratadas com bST exibiram incrementos de 48,52%, 32,80% e 32,80% nas produções total de leite, corrigida, depois, para 4% de gordura e média diária, respectivamente. A somatotropina elevou a produção total de gordura sem alterar a porcentagem dela no leite. A administração de bST não afetou a porcentagem de proteína do leite todavia, a produção total de proteína foi aumentada. Quanto à duração da lactação, o tratamento com bST diferiu do controle, o que demonstra a maior persistência da lactação de búfalas tratadas com bST.The objective of this work was to study the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST utilization on milk production from Murrah buffaloes. Twenty eight multiparous Murrah buffaloes were used and divided into two homogeneous groups of 14 animals, receiving the following treatments: Group 1 ¾ Control (salt solution and Group 2 ¾ 500 mg of bST/head every 14 days during 7 months. Buffaloes treated with bST presented increase of 48.52%, 32.80% and 32.80% on total milk yield, adjusted to 4% of fat and average daily milk yield, respectively. Somatotropin increased total fat milk yield without alter fat percentage of milk. Administration of bST did not affect protein percentage of milk while total protein milk yield increased. As for the lactating period, the treatment with bST differed of the control, what might have denoted in larger persistence of the lactation from buffaloes treated with bST.

  3. Balance energético y capacidad gluconeogénica de vacas lecheras a pastoreo tratadas con una baja dosis de somatotropina recombinante bovina en el período de transición


    JL Sánchez; CA Wagemann; C Strieder-Barboza; M Noro


    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto de la dosis baja (250 mg/vaca) de somatotropina recombinante bovina (rbST) en vacas lecheras a pastoreo en período de transición sobre los indicadores energético-proteínicos y capacidad gluconeogénica. Se realizaron 3 ensayos: Preparto, se utilizaron 10 vacas preparto, grupo bST (n = 5): dosis única de rbST el día (d) 26 preparto, y control (n = 5); se obtuvieron muestras de sangre y se registró la condición corporal (CC) cada 3 d desde el 26 d...

  4. Administração de somatotropina bovina no período pré-parto sobre parâmetros produtivos, sanitários e reprodutivos da primeira lactação de vacas holandesas Bovine somatotropin administration during pre-delivery period to productive, sanitary and reproductive parameters of holstein cows' first lactation

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    Laerte Dagher Cassoli


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a administração de somatotropina bovina (bST no período pré-parto, sobre o desempenho na primeira lactação, foram utilizadas 18 novilhas gestantes, de modo que 9 receberam injeções subcutâneas de 500mg de bST nos dias 21 e 9 antes da data prevista para o parto. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta total, 2 vezes ao dia, e os dados coletados foram relativos a parâmetros sanitários, produtivos e reprodutivos na primeira lactação. A administração de bST não afetou os parâmetros sanitários (retenção de placenta, metrite, deslocamento de abomaso, febre do leite e cetose e reprodutivo (cisto folicular. Entretanto, o uso de bST no pré-parto levou à variação de escore de condição corporal (ECC 65% maior, adiantou o pico de produção de leite em 9,7 dias e diminuiu os dias em lactação em 21,8 dias em relação ao controle (P The effects of pre-delivery administration of bovine somatotropin (bST on first lactation performance were evaluated in this study, which involved eighteen Holstein pregnant heifers. Nine animals were supplemented with subcutaneous injections of 500 mg of bST, on days 21 and 9 prior expected delivery, and 9 were not supplemented (control group. Animals were fed total mixed ration, twice daily. Data evaluated in this experiment were related to sanitary, reproductive and productive parameters during first lactation. Administration of bST did not affect parameters related to sanity (retained placenta, metritis, displacement abomasum, milk fever, ketosis, reproduction (follicular cysts. However, heifers supplemented with bST showed changes of body condition score 65% greater, anticipated milk production peak in 9.7 days and decreased number of days in lactation in 21,8 days, compared to the non-supplemented ones (p < 0.05. Milk production peak and milk production corrected for 305 days were not affected by bST administration.

  5. Respuesta estral y tasa de preñez en cabras en anestro estacional tratadas con progestágenos y somatotropina bovina

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    Margarita Martínez Aguilar


    Full Text Available Se probó si la administración de la hormona del crecimiento bovino (bST durante el tratamiento para inducir la ovulación en cabras en anestro mejora la fertilidad. A 109 cabras adultas de 1 a 5 partos se les insertó una esponja intravaginal de acetato de fluorogestona (FGA durante 12 días. Al retirar la esponja todas las cabras recibieron 300 UI de gonadotropina coriónica equina (eCG. Cinco días antes de retirar el progestágeno, las cabras fueron asignadas al azar a dos grupos, 1 125 mg de bST vía subcutánea (n=53, 2 Testigo (n=56 sin bST. En siete cabras de cada grupo se determinaron las concentraciones de factor de crecimiento parecido a la insulina tipo I (IGF-I y de insulina diariamente a partir de la inyección de bST hasta el día 7 post estro. Una proporción mayor (P<0.05 de animales del grupo bST (73.5 % mostraron estro (testigo, 51.7 %. El porcentaje de concepción fue similar (P=0.12 entre grupos (bST, 82.0 % vs testigo, 65.5 %. La tasa de preñez fue mayor (P<0.01 en el grupo bST (60.3 % que en el testigo (33.9 %. La proporción de partos múltiples fue igual (P=0.9 entre los grupos (bST, 59 % vs testigo, 63 %. Las concentraciones de IGF-I e insulina fueron más altas (P<0.01 en el grupo bST. Se concluye que la administración de la hormona del crecimiento bovina durante el tratamiento para inducir la ovulación en cabras en anestro aumentó la proporción de animales en estro y la tasa de preñez.

  6. BST2/Tetherin enhances entry of human cytomegalovirus.

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    Kasinath Viswanathan


    Full Text Available Interferon-induced BST2/Tetherin prevents budding of vpu-deficient HIV-1 by tethering mature viral particles to the plasma membrane. BST2 also inhibits release of other enveloped viruses including Ebola virus and Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV, indicating that BST2 is a broadly acting antiviral host protein. Unexpectedly however, recovery of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV from supernatants of BST2-expressing human fibroblasts was increased rather than decreased. Furthermore, BST2 seemed to enhance viral entry into cells since more virion proteins were released into BST2-expressing cells and subsequent viral gene expression was elevated. A significant increase in viral entry was also observed upon induction of endogenous BST2 during differentiation of the pro-monocytic cell line THP-1. Moreover, treatment of primary human monocytes with siRNA to BST2 reduced HCMV infection, suggesting that BST2 facilitates entry of HCMV into cells expressing high levels of BST2 either constitutively or in response to exogenous stimuli. Since BST2 is present in HCMV particles we propose that HCMV entry is enhanced via a reverse-tethering mechanism with BST2 in the viral envelope interacting with BST2 in the target cell membrane. Our data suggest that HCMV not only counteracts the well-established function of BST2 as inhibitor of viral egress but also employs this anti-viral protein to gain entry into BST2-expressing hematopoietic cells, a process that might play a role in hematogenous dissemination of HCMV.

  7. AA, mating of BST magnet halves

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The AA had 2 types of bending magnets: BLG (window-frame,long and narrow) and BST (H-type, short and wide). The BST had a steel length of 2.71 m, a "good field" width of 0.564 m, and a weight of about 75 t. Here we see the mating of two BST halves.

  8. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra diarrea viral bovina, virus sincitial bovino, rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina, leucosis bovina, Neospora caninum, parainfluenza bovina (PI3 y paratuberculosis, en ganadería bovina de fincas ubicadas en Aguachica y Rio de Oro, Cesar

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    Tatiana Gálvis García


    Full Text Available Introducción: En el área de la ganadería los problemas caracterizados por infertilidad, abortos, muerte embrionaria, crías con malformaciones neurológicas y físicas son de gran importancia, ya que hay múltiples etiologías y se encuentran ampliamente distribuidos a nivel mundial. Lo anterior ocasiona serias pérdidas económicas y afectando la exportación de carne de los bovinos debido a la restricción de normas de sanidad, donde se encuentran las enfermedades como diarrea viral bovina, rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina, leucosis bovina y Neospora caninum. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra diarrea viral bovina (DVB, virus sincitial respiratorio bovino (BRSV, virus de la rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (IBR, leucosis enzoótica bovina (BLV, N. caninum, Parainfluenza bovina (PI3 y paratuberculosis (ParaTBC, en bovinos de Aguachica y Rio de Oro, Cesar. Materiales y métodos: Tipo de estudio: Descriptivo de corte transversal, se realizó en 27 fincas ubicadas en zona rural de los municipios de Aguachica y Rio de Oro, Cesar. El Tamaño de la muestra se estimó en 905 bovinos. De cada animal se tomó sangre por punción venosa de la vena coccígea en tubos sin anticoagulante mediante el uso de sistema de vacío Vacutainer®. Cada muestra fue etiquetada adecuadamente con los códigos de identificación asignada, las muestras se centrifugaron a 1500 rpm y se transportó al laboratorio en recipientes con hielo. Se realizó alícuotas en viales de 1,5 ml y se almacenaron a -20 ° C para su posterior procesamiento. Determinación de anticuerpos específicos: Las pruebas para detectar anticuerpos específicos fue mediante ensayo de inmunoabsorción enzimática (ELISA, de las casas comerciales INGEZIM (BRSV, DBV, BLV, N. caninum, IBR, PARACHEK 2 (ParaTBC y BIO-X DIAGNOSTIC (PI3. La validación de las pruebas se realizó mediante los respectivos controles positivos y negativos los cuales se procesaron por duplicado. Resultados

  9. Lamination sheet of AA BST magnet

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The AA had 2 types of bending magnets: BLG (window-frame, long and narrow)and BST (H-type, short and wide). The BST had a very wide aperture, 0.564 m of "good field". To demonstrate the size, the petite AA secretary, Val Mansfield, poses with a lamination sheet. See also 7811105, 7906163, 8006050.

  10. Campilobacteriose genital bovina e tricomonose genital bovina: epidemiologia, diagnóstico e controle

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    T.M. Alves


    Full Text Available A presente atualização trata de duas das mais importantes doenças sexualmente transmitidas de bovinos, a campilobacteriose genital bovina e a tricomonose genital bovina. São abordados aspectos relacionados à epidemiologia destas doenças, principalmente em relação a sua distribuição no Brasil. Também são revisados aspectos importantes de diagnóstico, incluindo as técnicas e interpretação dos resultados, além de medidas de controle para ambas as doenças.

  11. The great escape: viral strategies to counter BST-2/tetherin.

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    Janet L Douglas


    Full Text Available The interferon-induced BST-2 protein has the unique ability to restrict the egress of HIV-1, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV, Ebola virus, and other enveloped viruses. The observation that virions remain attached to the surface of BST-2-expressing cells led to the renaming of BST-2 as "tetherin". However, viral proteins such as HIV-1 Vpu, simian immunodeficiency virus Nef, and KSHV K5 counteract BST-2, thereby allowing mature virions to readily escape from infected cells. Since the anti-viral function of BST-2 was discovered, there has been an explosion of research into several aspects of this intriguing interplay between host and virus. This review focuses on recent work addressing the molecular mechanisms involved in BST-2 restriction of viral egress and the species-specific countermeasures employed by various viruses.

  12. Caracterização das fibras musculares do músculo Semitendinosus de bezerros mestiços Angus-Nelore recebendo somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST até a desmama Characterization of Semitendinosus muscle fibers in pre-weaning Angus-Nellore crossbred calves receiving recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST

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    Rafael da Costa Cervieri


    Full Text Available Objetivando-se estudar o efeito da somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST sobre a freqüência de distribuição e o diâmetro das fibras musculares do músculo Semitendinosus, 36 bezerros mestiços ½Angus-Nelore, com idade inicial de 63 ± 17 dias e pesando 76,8 ± 14,7 kg, criados em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens e suplementados em creep feeding, foram submetidos a dois tratamentos até a desmama (217 dias: 18 bezerros receberam 1,4 mg/kg de rbST (Boostin® a cada 14 dias e 18 receberam solução salina (controle. As amostras de músculo foram coletadas aos 117 (biópsia e aos 217 dias de idade, quando foram abatidos cinco animais por tratamento. Os animais suplementados apresentaram maior diâmetro para as fibras do tipo glicolítica de contração rápida (FG aos 117 dias e tendência de aumento aos 217 dias e não diferiram em relação ao grupo controle quanto ao diâmetro das fibras oxidativas-glicolíticas de contração rápida (FOG e oxidativas de contração lenta (SO e à frequência de FG, FOG e SO aos 117 e 217 dias de idade. Independentemente da aplicação de rbST, houve significativo aumento do diâmetro das fibras SO e FOG, tendência de aumento de diâmetro das fibras FG, maior frequência de SO e redução da frequência de FG entre 117 e 217 dias de idade. A utilização de somatotropina exógena possibilitou maior hipertrofia das fibras musculares brancas de contração rápida em bezerros suplementados em creep feeding durante a fase de cria, sem interferir na frequência de distribuição dos tipos de fibras no músculo Semitendinosus.The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of the recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST on the percentage distribution and diameter of semitendinosus muscle fibers. Thirty-six ½ Angus-Nellore crossbred bull calves, 63 ± 17 days old and weighting 76.8 ± 14.7 kg, raised in Brachiaria decumbens pastures and creep fed, were assigned to one of two treatments until weaning

  13. Improved flexoelectricity in PVDF/barium strontium titanate (BST) nanocomposites (United States)

    Hu, Xinping; Zhou, Yang; Liu, Jie; Chu, Baojin


    The flexoelectric effect of polymers is normally much weaker than that of ferroelectric oxides. In order to improve the flexoelectric response of the poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) ferroelectric polymer, PVDF/Ba0.67Si0.33TiO3 (BST) nanocomposites were fabricated. BST nanofibers were prepared by the electrospinning method, and the fibers were further surface modified with H2O2 to achieve a stronger interfacial interaction between the fibers and polymer matrix. Due to the high dielectric properties and strong flexoelectric effect of the BST, both dielectric constant and flexoelectric response of the composite with 25 vol. % surface modified BST are 3-4 times higher than those of PVDF. The dependence of the dielectric constant and the flexoelectric coefficient on the composition of the nanocomposites can be fitted by the empirical Yamada model, and the dielectric constant and the flexoelectric coefficient are correlated by a linear relationship. This study provides an approach to enhance the flexoelectric response of PVDF-based polymers.

  14. Somatotropina Bovina Recombinante (rbST no desempenho e características corporais de bezerros mestiços alimentados em creep-feeding Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (Rbst on performance and body characteristics of creep-fed crossbred calves

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    Mário de Beni Arrigoni


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou avaliar o desempenho e características corpóreas de bezerros mestiços submetidos à somatotropina bovina recombinate, e alimentados em “creep-feeding”. Sessenta e quatro animais com 60 dias de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos: T1 (16 fêmeas com rbST, T2 (17 fêmeas controle, T3 (15 machos com rbST e T4 (16 machos controle. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado fatorial 2 X 2, sendo “A” o sexo e “B”, o rbST. Os animais foram alimentados a pasto “ad libitum” e em “creep-feeding”. A cada quatorze dias os animais receberam doses de rbST (0,15 mg kg/PV/dia de 60 até 210 dias. O peso vivo e o crescimento ósseo foram avaliados com pesagens e mensuração de perímetro de canela a cada 14 dias. Para se avaliar a área do músculo Longissimus dorsi (AOL e espessura de gordura (EGS foi realizada ultra-sonografia aos 150 e 210 dias. Os resultados demostram que não houve diferença signicativa (p > 0,05 entre os machos para o ganho de peso, mas para as fêmeas houve diferença (p 0,05 entre os animais rbST e controle, mas houve diferença entre os sexos. O uso de rbST (0,15 mg kg/Kg/dia aumentou em 9% o peso vivo das fêmeas alimentadas em creep-feeding.This study aimed to evaluate performance and body characteristics of crossbred calves submitted to recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST and creep-feeding. Sixty-four animals aging 60 days were divided in four groups: T1 (16 heifers rbST, T2 (17 heifers control, T3 (15 steers rbST, T4 (16 steers control. Randomized factorial 2 x 2 design used as “A” sex and “B” rbST. The animals were fed in pasture “ad libitun” and creep. Every 14 days animals received rbST doses (0,15 mg kg/BW/day from 60 until 210 days. Body weight and bone development were evaluated by weighting and measurement of ankle perimeter every 14 days. For Longissimus dorsi muscle area and thickness fat, ultrasonography at 150 and 210 days was used. Results showed

  15. Endogenous Murine BST-2/Tetherin Is Not a Major Restriction Factor of Influenza A Virus Infection.

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    Sarah L Londrigan

    Full Text Available BST-2 (tetherin, CD317, HM1.24 restricts virus growth by tethering enveloped viruses to the cell surface. The role of BST-2 during influenza A virus infection (IAV is controversial. Here, we assessed the capacity of endogenous BST-2 to restrict IAV in primary murine cells. IAV infection increased BST-2 surface expression by primary macrophages, but not alveolar epithelial cells (AEC. BST-2-deficient AEC and macrophages displayed no difference in susceptibility to IAV infection relative to wild type cells. Furthermore, BST-2 played little role in infectious IAV release from either AEC or macrophages. To examine BST-2 during IAV infection in vivo, we infected BST-2-deficient mice. No difference in weight loss or in viral loads in the lungs and/or nasal tissues were detected between BST-2-deficient and wild type animals. This study rules out a major role for endogenous BST-2 in modulating IAV in the mouse model of infection.

  16. Optical Modulation of BST/STO Thin Films in the Terahertz Range (United States)

    Zeng, Ying; Shi, Songjie; Zhou, Ling; Ling, Furi; Yao, Jianquan


    The {Ba}_{0.7} {Sr}_{0.3} {TiO}3 (BST) thin film (30.3 nm) deposited on a {SrTiO}3 (STO) film/silicon substrate sample was modulated by 532 nm continuous-wave laser in the range of 0.2-1 THz at room temperature. The refractive index variation was observed to linearly increase at the highest 3.48 for 0.5 THz with the pump power increasing to 400 mW. It was also found that the BST/STO sample had a larger refractive index variation and was more sensitive to the external optical field than a BST monolayer due to the epitaxial strain induced by the STO film. The electric displacement-electric field loops results revealed that the increasing spontaneous polarization with the STO film that was induced was responsible for the larger refractive index variation of the BST/STO sample. In addition, the real and imaginary part of the permittivity were observed increasing along with the external field increasing, due to the soft mode hardening.

  17. Mastitis bovina causada por Staphylococcus coagulasa negativos


    Bonetto, César C.


    El presente Trabajo de Tesis se desprende como una línea de investigación del grupo de la UNRC dedicado al estudio de la problemática de la mastitis bovina tanto en aspectos básicos como aplicados con estudios genéticos, epidemiológicos y de virulencia de los principales microorganismos involucrados en la mastitis bovina. Staphylococccus coagulasa negativo (SCN) es un grupo bacteriano formado por varias especies que por lo general eran considerados flora oportunista de la piel y age...

  18. Up-regulation of bone marrow stromal protein 2 (BST2) in breast cancer with bone metastasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Dongqing; Cao, Jie; Li, Zhen; Zheng, Xin; Yao, Yao; Li, Wanglin; Yuan, Ziqiang


    Bone metastases are frequent complications of breast cancer. Recent literature implicates multiple chemokines in the formation of bone metastases in breast cancer. However, the molecular mechanism of metastatic bone disease in breast cancer remains unknown. We have recently made the novel observation of the BST2 protein expression in human breast cancer cell lines. The purpose of our present study is to investigate the expression and the role of BST2 in bone metastatic breast cancer. cDNA microarray analysis was used to compare the BST2 gene expression between a metastatic to bone human breast cancer cell line (MDA-231BO) and a primary human breast cancer cell line (MDA-231). The BST2 expression in one bone metastatic breast cancer and seven non-bone metastatic breast cancer cell lines were also determined using real-time RT-PCR and Western blot assays. We then employed tissue array to further study the BST2 expression in human breast cancer using array slides containing 20 independent breast cancer tumors that formed metastatic bone lesions, 30 non-metastasis-forming breast cancer tumors, and 8 normal breast tissues. In order to test the feasibility of utilizing BST2 as a serum marker for the presence of bone metastasis in breast cancer, we had measured the BST2 expression levels in human serums by using ELISA on 43 breast cancer patients with bone metastasis, 43 breast cancer patients without bone metastasis, and 14 normal healthy controls. The relationship between cell migration and proliferation and BST2 expression was also studied in a human breast recombinant model system using migration and FACS analysis. The microarray demonstrated over expression of the BST2 gene in the bone metastatic breast cancer cell line (MDA-231BO) compared to the primary human breast cancer cell line (MDA-231). The expression of the BST2 gene was significantly increased in the bone metastatic breast cancer cell lines and tumor tissues compared to non-bone metastatic breast cancer

  19. Gas Sensing Performance of Pure and Modified BST Thick Film Resistor

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    G. H. JAIN


    Full Text Available Barium Strontium Titanate (BST-(Ba0.87Sr0.13TiO3 ceramic powder was prepared by mechanochemical process. The thick films of different thicknesses of BST were prepared by screen-printing technique and gas-sensing performance of these films was tested for various gases. The films showed highest response and selectivity to ammonia gas. The pure BST film was surface modified by surfactant CrO3 by using dipping technique. The surface modified film suppresses the response to ammonia and enhances to H2S gas. The surface modification of films changes the adsorption-desorption relationship with the target gas and shifts its selectivity. The gas response, selectivity, response and recovery time of the pure and modified films were measured and presented.

  20. Ginseng Purified Dry Extract, BST204, Improved Cancer Chemotherapy-Related Fatigue and Toxicity in Mice

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    Hyun-Jung Park


    Full Text Available Cancer related fatigue (CRF is one of the most common side effects of cancer and its treatments. A large proportion of cancer patients experience cancer-related physical and central fatigue so new strategies are needed for treatment and improved survival of these patients. BST204 was prepared by incubating crude ginseng extract with ginsenoside-β-glucosidase. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of BST204, mixture of ginsenosides on 5-fluorouracil (5-FU-induced CRF, the glycogen synthesis, and biochemical parameters in mice. The mice were randomly divided into the following groups: the naïve normal (normal, the HT-29 cell inoculated (xenograft, xenograft and 5-FU treated (control, xenograft + 5-FU + BST204-treated (100 and 200 mg/kg (BST204, and xenograft + 5-FU + modafinil (13 mg/kg treated group (modafinil. Running wheel activity and forced swimming test were used for evaluation of CRF. Muscle glycogen, serum inflammatory cytokines, aspartic aminotransferase (AST, alanine aminotransferase (ALT, creatinine (CRE, white blood cell (WBC, neutrophil (NEUT, red blood cell (RBC, and hemoglobin (HGB were measured. Treatment with BST204 significantly increased the running wheel activity and forced swimming time compared to the control group. Consistent with the behavioral data, BST204 markedly increased muscle glycogen activity and concentrations of WBC, NEUT, RBC, and HGB. Also, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α and interleukin-6 (IL-6, AST, ALT, and CRE levels in the serum were significantly reduced in the BST204-treated group compared to the control group. This result suggests that BST204 may improve chemotherapy-related fatigue and adverse toxic side effects.

  1. BST2/CD317 counteracts human coronavirus 229E productive infection by tethering virions at the cell surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Shiu-Mei [Department of Medical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei 11217, Taiwan (China); Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Huang, Kuo-Jung [Department of Medical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei 11217, Taiwan (China); Wang, Chin-Tien, E-mail: [Department of Medical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei 11217, Taiwan (China); Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (China)


    Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST2), an interferon-inducible antiviral factor, has been shown to block the release of various enveloped viruses from cells. It has also been identified as an innate immune system component. Most enveloped viruses subject to BST2 restriction bud at the plasma membrane. Here we report our findings that (a) the production of human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) progeny viruses, whose budding occurs at the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC), markedly decreases in the presence of BST2; and (b) BST2 knockdown expression results in enhanced HCoV-229E virion production. Electron microscopy analyses indicate that HCoV-229E virions are tethered to cell surfaces or intracellular membranes by BST2. Our results suggest that BST2 exerts a broad blocking effect against enveloped virus release, regardless of whether budding occurs at the plasma membrane or intracellular compartments. - Highlights: • BST2 knockdown expression results in enhanced HCoV-229E egress. • HCoV-229E virions are tethered to cell surfaces or intracellular membranes by BST2. • HCoV-229E infection at high MOI can significantly downregulate HeLa BST2 and rescue HIV-1 egress.


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    Marcia Dutra de Barcellos


    Full Text Available As transformações ocorridas na economia mundial nos últimos anos têm se refletido no comportamento do consumidor de alimentos, particularmente em relação ao seu processo decisório de compra. A crescente preocupação com o consumo de produtos de origem animal, em especial de carne bovina, posicionou a qualidade como um diferencial competitivo. Nesse sentido, informar ao consumidor sobre a qualidade do produto torna-se um desafio. Em carne bovina, a qualidade pode ser inferida pelas características intrínsecas do produto (cor, sabor, aroma, mas também pelas informações disponibilizadas. Este artigo objetiva, então, identificar o grau de importância de informações diretamente relacionadas à qualidade de carne bovina, a partir de uma amostra de 400 consumidores. Além disso, utilizando-se a estatística multivariada através da análise fatorial, foram identificados fatores relacionados à informação como indicadores de qualidade. Os resultados sugerem que os consumidores em Porto Alegre apresentam interesse por informações ainda não disponibilizadas pelos fornecedores de carne bovina, sinalizando que a oferta não está em acordo com a demanda. Assim, o produto oferecido no mercado não fornece elementos suficientes para que o consumidor possa inferir sobre sua qualidade, com base nas informações disponíveis.

  3. Identification of novel key amino acids at the interface of the transmembrane domains of human BST-2 and HIV-1 Vpu. (United States)

    Pang, Xiaojing; Hu, Siqi; Li, Jian; Xu, Fengwen; Mei, Shan; Zhou, Jinming; Cen, Shan; Jin, Qi; Guo, Fei


    BST-2 (bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2) is an interferon-inducible protein that inhibits virus release by tethering viral particles to the cell surface. This antiviral activity of BST-2 is antagonized by HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu. Vpu physically interacts with BST-2 through their mutual transmembrane (TM) domains. In this study, we utilized the BRET assay and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method to further characterize the interaction of BST-2 and Vpu. Amino acids I34, L37, P40 and L41 in the TM domain of BST-2, and L11, A18 and W22 in the TM domain of Vpu were identified to be critical for the interaction between BST-2 and Vpu. The residues P40 in the TM domain of BST-2 and L11 in the TM domain of Vpu were shown, for the first time, to be important for their interaction. Furthermore, triple-amino-acid substitutions, 14-16 (AII to VAA) and 26-28 (IIE to AAA) in Vpu TM, not the single-residue mutation, profoundly disrupted BST-2/Vpu interaction. The results of MD simulation revealed significant conformational changes of the BST-2/Vpu complex as a result of mutating P40 of BST-2 and L11, 14-16 (AII to VAA) and 26-28 (IIE to AAA) of Vpu. In addition, disrupting the interaction between BST-2 and Vpu rendered BST-2 resistant to Vpu antagonization. Through use of the BRET assay, we identified novel key residues P40 in the TM domain of BST-2 and L11 in the TM domain of Vpu that are important for their interaction. These results add new insights into the molecular mechanism behind BST-2 antagonization by HIV-1 Vpu.

  4. Viral Restriction Activity of Feline BST2 Is Independent of Its N-Glycosylation and Induction of NF-κB Activation.

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    Weiran Wang

    Full Text Available BST2 (CD317, tetherin, HM1.24 is an interferon-inducible transmembrane protein which can directly inhibit the release of enveloped virus particles from infected cells, and its anti-viral activity is reported to be related to the specific topological arrangement of its four structural domains. The N-terminal cytoplasmic tail of feline BST2 (fBST2 is characterized by a shorter N-terminal region compared to those of other known homologs. In this study, we investigated the functional impact of modifying the cytoplasmic tail region of fBST2 and its molecular mechanism. The fBST2 protein with the addition of a peptide at the N-terminus retained anti-release activity against human immunodeficiency virus type-1 and pseudovirus based on feline immunodeficiency virus at a weaker level compared with the wild-type fBST2. However, the fBST2 protein with addition of a peptide internally in the ectodomain proximal to the GPI anchor still retained its anti-viral activity well. Notably, the N-glycosylation state and the cell surface level of the N-terminally modified variants were unlike those of the wild-type protein, while no difference was observed in their intracellular localizations. However, in contrast to human BST2, the wild-type fBST2 did not show the ability to activate NF-κB. Consistent with previous reports, our findings showed that adding a peptide in the cytoplasmic tail region of fBST2 may influence its anti-viral activity. The shorter N-terminal cytoplasmic region of fBST2 compared with human BST2 did not apparently affect its anti-viral activity, which is independent of its N-glycosylation and ability to activate NF-κB.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcia Dutra de Barcellos


    Full Text Available As transformações ocorridas na economia mundial nos últimos anos têm se refletido no comportamento do consumidor de alimentos, particularmente em relação ao seu processo decisório de compra. A crescente preocupação com o consumo de produtos de origem animal, em especial de carne bovina, posicionou a qualidade como um diferencial competitivo. Nesse sentido, informar ao consumidor sobre a qualidade do produto torna-se um desafio. Em carne bovina, a qualidade pode ser inferida pelas características intrínsecas do produto (cor, sabor, aroma, mas também pelas informações disponibilizadas. Este artigo objetiva, então, identificar o grau de importância de informações diretamente relacionadas à qualidade de carne bovina, a partir de uma amostra de 400 consumidores. Além disso, utilizando-se a estatística multivariada através da análise fatorial, foram identificados fatores relacionados à informação como indicadores de qualidade. Os resultados sugerem que os consumidores em Porto Alegre apresentam interesse por informações ainda não disponibilizadas pelos fornecedores de carne bovina, sinalizando que a oferta não está em acordo com a demanda. Assim, o produto oferecido no mercado não fornece elementos suficientes para que o consumidor possa inferir sobre sua qualidade, com base nas informações disponíveis.

  6. Integration of BST varactors with surface acoustic wave device by film transfer technology for tunable RF filters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirano, Hideki; Tanaka, Shuji; Kimura, Tetsuya; Koutsaroff, Ivoyl P; Kadota, Michio; Hashimoto, Ken-ya; Esashi, Masayoshi


    This paper presents a film transfer process to integrate barium strontium titanate (BST) metal–insulator–metal (MIM) structures with surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices on a lithium niobate (LN) substrate. A high-quality BST film grown on a Si substrate above 650 °C was patterned into the MIM structures, and transferred to a LN substrate below 130 °C by Ar-plasma-activated Au–Au bonding and the Si lost wafer process. Simple test SAW devices with the transferred BST variable capacitors (VCs) were fabricated and characterized. The resonance frequency of a one-port SAW resonator with the VC connected in series changed from 999 to 1018 MHz, when a dc bias voltage of 3 V was applied to the VC. Although the observed frequency tuning range was smaller than expected due to the degradation of BST in the process, the experimental result demonstrated that a tunable SAW filter with the transferred BST VCs was feasible. (paper)

  7. Bst1 is required for Candida albicans infecting host via facilitating cell wall anchorage of Glycosylphosphatidyl inositol anchored proteins (United States)

    Liu, Wei; Zou, Zui; Huang, Xin; Shen, Hui; He, Li Juan; Chen, Si Min; Li, Li Ping; Yan, Lan; Zhang, Shi Qun; Zhang, Jun Dong; Xu, Zheng; Xu, Guo Tong; An, Mao Mao; Jiang, Yuan Ying


    Glycosylphosphatidyl inositol anchored proteins (GPI-APs) on fungal cell wall are essential for invasive infections. While the function of inositol deacylation of GPI-APs in mammalian cells has been previously characterized the impact of inositol deacylation in fungi and implications to host infection remains largely unexplored. Herein we describe our identification of BST1, an inositol deacylase of GPI-Aps in Candida albicans, was critical for GPI-APs cell wall attachment and host infection. BST1-deficient C. albicans (bst1Δ/Δ) was associated with severely impaired cell wall anchorage of GPI-APs and subsequen unmasked β-(1,3)-glucan. Consistent with the aberrant cell wall structures, bst1Δ/Δ strain did not display an invasive ability and could be recognized more efficiently by host immune systems. Moreover, BST1 null mutants or those expressing Bst1 variants did not display inositol deacylation activity and exhibited severely attenuated virulence and reduced organic colonization in a murine systemic candidiasis model. Thus, Bst1 can facilitate cell wall anchorage of GPI-APs in C. albicans by inositol deacylation, and is critical for host invasion and immune escape. PMID:27708385

  8. Prevalencia de brucelosis bovina en el periodo 2004-2012 y tuberculosis bovina en el periodo 2006-2012 en hatos lecheros del Cantón Mejía


    Fuentes Quisiguano, O.; Paredes Muñoz, J.; Mosquera, J.; Universidad de Cuenca; Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca; DIUC


    Brucelosis y tuberculosis bovina son dos enfermedades que causan importantes pérdidas productivas y reproductivas en la ganadería local, nacional e internacional. En el Ecuador, desde hace varios años se viene trabajando en un programa para el control y erradicación de estas dos enfermedades. En el año 2006, por primera vez, siete predios de producción lechera consiguieron la certificación de predio libre de Brucelosis bovina, otorgada por el Servicio Ecuatoriano de Sanidad Animal (SESA) de e...

  9. Sexagem de carcaça bovina pelo método de PCR

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    Rogério Abdallah Curi


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que permitisse a sexagem de carne bovina pronta para comercialização. Para tanto, utilizou-se primers seqüência macho-específica e posterior análise do produto amplificado. O método proposto mostrou-se eficiente para verificar o sexo, bem como sua utilização prática, a fim de evitar fraudes na comercialização de carne bovina.

  10. Optical study of BST films combining ellipsometry and reflectivity

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Železný, Vladimír; Chvostová, Dagmar; Pajasová, Libuše; Jelínek, Miroslav; Kocourek, Tomáš; Daniš, S.; Valvoda, V.


    Roč. 255, č. 10 (2009), s. 5280-5283 ISSN 0169-4332 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : BST thin films * optical properties Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.616, year: 2009

  11. BST-PINK PANTHER. An intelligent CAMAC crate controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Troester, D.A.


    A technical and functional description of the PINK system for intelligent, distributed data acquisition, data formatting, and data reduction is presented. The system has been developed to bypass some of the constraints of CAMAC when collecting data with the high-resolution π 0 spectrometers of the Basel-Stockholm-Thessaloniki (BST) Collaboration at CERN. (orig.)

  12. Etching characteristic and mechanism of BST thin films using inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma with additive CF4 gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Gwan-Ha; Kim, Kyoung-Tae; Kim, Dong-Pyo; Kim, Chang-Il


    BST thin films were etched with inductively coupled CF 4 /(Cl 2 +Ar) plasmas. The maximum etch rate of the BST thin films was 53.6 nm/min for a 10% CF 4 to the Cl 2 /Ar gas mixture at RF power of 700 W, DC bias of -150 V, and chamber pressure of 2 Pa. Small addition of CF 4 to the Cl 2 /Ar mixture increased chemical effect. Consequently, the increased chemical effect caused the increase in the etch rate of the BST thin films. To clarify the etching mechanism, the surface reaction of the BST thin films was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

  13. Análise comparativa da competividade do Brasil e EUA no mercado internacional da carne bovina

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    Matheus Dhein Dill


    Full Text Available O Brasil e os EUA estão entre os principais produtores mundiais de carne bovina. Entretanto, distorções no mercado alimentar decorrentes da presença de barreiras comerciais podem comprometer a competitividade desses países. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a competitividade da carne bovina brasileira e norte-americana, no mercado internacional, entre 1990 e 2008. Para isso, foi utilizado o Índice de Competitividade Revelada (CR para inferir sobre os efeitos que subsídios, acordos comercias e barreiras sanitárias exercem sobre a competitividade da carne bovina dos respectivos países. Os resultados indicaram que o Brasil obteve vantagens competitivas no período de 1991 a 2008, enquanto que os EUA apresentaram vantagens entre 1993 e 2003. Os acordos comerciais elevaram a competitividade dos países envolvidos, contudo ocorreram diminuições dos índices quando problemas sanitários foram identificados. Em suma, os EUA, mesmo com os altos subsídios fornecidos aos produtores rurais, apresentou desempenho inferior em comparação ao Brasil no mercado mundial da carne bovina.

  14. Effects of BST and high energy diet on gene expression in mammary parenchyma of dairy heifers

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    Betina Joyce Lew


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dietary energy and recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST injection to identify genes that might control mammogenesis. Total RNA was extracted from the parenchymal tissue of 32 heifers randomly assigned to one of four treatments: two diets (a standard diet and a high energy, high protein diet, each with or without bST. To perform microarray experiments, RNA samples were pooled (2 animals/pool before reverse transcription and labeling with Cy3 or Cy5. A 4-node loop design was used to examine the differential gene expression among treatments using a bovine-specific cDNA microarray (National Bovine Functional Genomics Consortium Library, NBFGC containing 18,263 unique expressed sequence tags (EST. Significance levels of differential gene expression among treatments were assessed using a mixed model approach. Injection of bST altered the expression of 12 % of the genes on NBFGC slide related to tissue development, whereas 6% were altered by diet. Administration of bST increases the expression of genes positively related to cell proliferation and mammary parenchyma to a greater extent than a high energy diet.

  15. Miniaturized and reconfigurable notch antenna based on a BST ferroelectric thin film

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, Hung Viet [Institut d' Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR), IUT Saint-Brieuc, Université de Rennes 1, 22004 Saint-Brieuc (France); CEA-LETI, Minatec, 17 avenue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Benzerga, Ratiba, E-mail: [Institut d' Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR), IUT Saint-Brieuc, Université de Rennes 1, 22004 Saint-Brieuc (France); Borderon, Caroline [IETR, Université de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssinière, 44322 Nantes (France); Delaveaud, Christophe [CEA-LETI, Minatec, 17 avenue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Sharaiha, Ala [Institut d' Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR), IUT Saint-Brieuc, Université de Rennes 1, 22004 Saint-Brieuc (France); Renoud, Raphael [IETR, Université de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssinière, 44322 Nantes (France); Paven, Claire Le [Institut d' Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR), IUT Saint-Brieuc, Université de Rennes 1, 22004 Saint-Brieuc (France); Pavy, Sabrina; Nadaud, Kevin; Gundel, Hartmut W. [IETR, Université de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssinière, 44322 Nantes (France)


    Highlights: • A miniature and agile antenna based on a BST MIM capacitor is simulated and made. • Mn{sup 2+} doped BST thin films are synthesized by chemical deposition and spin coating. • Permittivity and losses of the BST thin film are respectively 225 and 0.02 at 1 GHz. • A miniaturization rate of 70% is obtained with a MIM capacitance of 3.7 pF. • A frequency tunability of 14.5% and a tunability performance of 0.04 are measured. - Abstract: This work deals with the design, realization and characterization of a miniature and frequency agile antenna based on a ferroelectric Ba{sub 0,80}Sr{sub 0,20}TiO{sub 3} thin film. The notch antenna is loaded with a variable metal/insulator/metal (MIM) capacitor and is achieved by a monolithic method. The MIM capacitance is 3.7 pF, which results in a resonant frequency of 670 MHz compared to 2.25 GHz for the unloaded simulated antenna; the resulting miniaturization rate is 70%. The characterization of the antenna prototype shows a frequency tunable rate of 14.5% under an electric field of 375 kV/cm, with a tunability performance η = 0.04.

  16. (BST) and some bioassays using Neem ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss )

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The leaves of Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) and Wild custard-apple (Annona senegalensis Pers) were extracted using ethanol and extracts were screened for bioactivity against brine shrimp larvae. The bioactive extracts in the brine shrimp test (BST) were investigated for correlation with aphid nematode and ...

  17. Ultrahigh frequency tunability of aperture-coupled microstrip antenna via electric-field tunable BST (United States)

    Du, Hong-Lei; Xue, Qian; Gao, Xiao-Yang; Yao, Feng-Rui; Lu, Shi-Yang; Wang, Ye-Long; Liu, Chun-Heng; Zhang, Yong-Cheng; Lü, Yue-Guang; Li, Shan-Dong


    A composite ceramic with nominal composition of 45.0 wt%(Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3-55.0 wt%MgO (acronym is BST-MgO) is sintered for fabricating a frequency reconfigurable aperture-coupled microstrip antenna. The calcined BST-MgO composite ceramic exhibits good microwave dielectric properties at X-band with appropriate dielectric constant ɛr around 85, lower dielectric loss tan δ about 0.01, and higher permittivity tunability 14.8% at 8.33 kV/cm. An ultrahigh E-field tunability of working frequency up to 11.0% (i.e., from 9.1 GHz to 10.1 GHz with a large frequency shift of 1000 MHz) at a DC bias field from 0 to 8.33 kV/cm and a considerably large center gain over 7.5 dB are obtained in the designed frequency reconfigurable microstrip antenna. These results demonstrate that BST materials are promising for the frequency reconfigurable antenna. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11074040) and the Key Project of Shandong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. ZR2012FZ006).

  18. Tunable dielectric properties of Barium Magnesium Niobate (BMN) doped Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) thin films by magnetron sputtering (United States)

    Alema, Fikadu; Reinholz, Aaron; Pokhodnya, Konstantin


    We report on the tunable dielectric properties of Mg and Nb co-doped Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 (BST) thin film prepared by the magnetron sputtering using BST target (pure and doped with BaMg0.33Nb0.67O3 (BMN)) on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Al2O3 4'' wafers at 700 °C under oxygen atmosphere. The electrical measurements are conducted on 2432 metal-ferroelectric-metal capacitors using Pt as the top and bottom electrode. The crystalline structure, microstructure, and surface morphology of the films are analyzed and correlated to the films dielectric properties. The BMN doped and undoped BST films have shown tunabilities of 48% and 52%; and leakage current densities of 2.2x10-6 A/cm2 and 3.7x10-5 A/cm2, respectively at 0.5 MV/cm bias field. The results indicate that the BMN doped film exhibits a lower leakage current with no significant decrease in tunability. Due to similar electronegativity and ionic radii, it was suggested that both Mg2+ (accepter-type) and Nb5+ (donor-type) dopants substitutTi4+ ion in BST. The improvement in the film dielectric losses and leakage current with insignificant loss of tunability is attributed to the adversary effects of Mg2+ and Nb5+ in BST.

  19. Validação de radioimunoensaio para quantificação de leptina plasmática bovina

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    Maria Paula Beltran


    Full Text Available Devido à necessidade de compreender melhor as interações entre leptina e reprodução, um RIA específico para a leptina bovina foi validado. Primeiro, um protocolo para produção de anticorpos foi desenvolvido por meio da inoculação de leptina recombinante equina em um coelho, que resultou em 28,05% de ligação máxima (MB 105 dias após o inicio do protocolo. Os testes de validação verificaram paralelismo entre a curva-padrão e as diluições dos controles alto e baixo (p; 0,2, no entanto, temperaturas acima de 37 °C interferiram negativamente na recuperação da leptina bovina. O uso do tampão de ensaio com ou sem a adição de plasma não apresentou diferenças (p >; 0,3. Esses resultados demonstraram que o anticorpo produzido em coelho contra leptina equina foi capaz de detectar a leptina plasmática bovina, e que o RIA para a quantificação da leptina bovina apresentou características adequadas para o desenvolvimento de um ensaio válido.

  20. Análise comparativa da competividade do Brasil e EUA no mercado internacional da carne bovina


    Matheus Dhein Dill; Vitor Francisco Dalla Corte; Júlio Otávio Jardim Barcellos; Maria Eugênia Andrighetto Canozzi; Tamara Esteves de Oliveira


    O Brasil e os EUA estão entre os principais produtores mundiais de carne bovina. Entretanto, distorções no mercado alimentar decorrentes da presença de barreiras comerciais podem comprometer a competitividade desses países. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a competitividade da carne bovina brasileira e norte-americana, no mercado internacional, entre 1990 e 2008. Para isso, foi utilizado o Índice de Competitividade Revelada (CR) para inferir sobre os efeitos que subsídios, acordos come...

  1. Extension model of lactation curves to evaluate the effect of the recombinant bovine somatotropin on milk yield in Holstein cows Modelo de extensão de curvas de lactação para avaliar o efeito da somatotropina bovina recombinante sobre a produção de leite em vacas Holstein

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    A. Palacios-Espinosa


    Full Text Available An extension model of lactation curves was used to determine the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST-r on milk yield in Holstein dairy cattle. This model use the fitted values obtained by the Wood model, and was tested on the records of 66 cows. The milk yield predicted with the extension model and the observed yield were compared and no significant differences were observed (P>0.05. Once the extension model was validated, the milk yield tests of 199 cows were used. The cows received bST-r 500mg by subcutaneous injections. The injections were applied after 100 days in milk at 14-day intervals (seven injections. The observed milk yield was compared with the yield expected by the extension model. An increase of 5.3% was observed in milk yield in response to the bST-r. This increase is lower than that reported in the literature in response to the growth hormone in dairy cattle. It is concluded that extension model used in the present work is reliable for extending the lactation curve in Holstein cows, and the increase in milk yield in response to the application of bST-r, determined in the same animal using the extension model, was lower than that reported by other authors.Um modelo de extensão de curvas de lactância foi utilizado para determinar o efeito da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST-r sobre a produção de leite em vacas Holstein. Este modelo, que utiliza os valores ajustados obtidos pelo modelo de Wood, foi testato nos registros de 66 vacas. A produção de leite predita com o modelo de extensão e a produção observada foram comparadas e não se observaram diferenças significativas (P>0,05. Uma vez validado o modelo de extensão, utilizaram-se os controles de produção de leite (de cada 15 dias de 199 vacas. As vacas receberam injeções de 500mg de bST-r via subcutânea. As injeções fora aplicadas a partir dos 100 dias de lactação a intervalos de 14 dias (sete injeções. A produção de leite observada foi

  2. Análise de polimorfismo do gene da somatotropina em vacas Nelore e seu efeito sobre o peso à desmama de suas progênies Polimorphism analisys of somatotropin gene on Nelore cows and effect on weaning weight of the calf

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    F.J.C. Faria


    Full Text Available Informações sobre peso à desmama de um rebanho Nelore foram utilizadas após ajuste para idade padrão de 205 dias, sexo da cria, idade da mãe, touro e mês de desmama, para separar as reprodutrizes em dois grupos, cujos filhos diferiam nesse peso. As médias ajustadas pelo método dos quadrados mínimos foram para os grupos pesado (P e leve (L de 163,21± 2,18kg e 134,44± 2,18kg, respectivamente, com 41 animais em cada grupo. Essas reprodutrizes foram submetidas à coleta de sangue para estudo de polimorfismos do gene da somatotropina bovina, pela técnica de PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. A amplificação de uma região entre o éxon III e V do gene da somatotropina permitiu analisar dois sítios de restrição. Para o sítio do éxon V, todos os animais foram identificados como monomórficos (Leu-Leu. Quanto ao sítio do íntron 3, foi possível identificar os seguintes genótipos 21 (+/- e 60 (-/-, com as freqüências de 0,13 e 0,87 para os alelos (+ e (-, respectivamente. O peso dos filhos dos animais com o genótipo +/- foi de 152,42± 4,41kg e os -/- 147,60± 2,61kg. Os grupos P e L não diferiram entre si quanto às freqüências alélicas apresentadas. O genótipo das reprodutrizes não afetou o peso à desmama de suas crias, existindo portanto outros efeitos genéticos e não genéticos de maior magnitude.Data from a Nelore herd were used after adjustment of the weaning weight for 205 days of age, sex, age of dam, sire and weaning month and resulted into two groups of cows according to the in weaning weight of their calves (heavy and light groups. The least square means (LSM for weaning weights were 163.21± 2,18kg and 134,44± 2.18kg, for heavy (H and light (L groups, with 41 animals each one. These animals were genotyped for DNA polymorphisms of the bovine somatotropin gene, using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Amplification of a

  3. Situation of bovine tuberculosis in Ecuador Situación de la tuberculosis bovina en el Ecuador

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    Freddy Proaño-Pérez


    Full Text Available Bovine tuberculosis (BTB is a chronic and contagious disease that affects domestic animals, wildlife, and humans. Caused by Mycobacterium bovis, BTB causes major economic losses and poses a serious constraint to international livestock trade. Moreover, in developing countries where BTB controls are lacking, M. bovis is a public health concern. In most developing countries, the prevalence of BTB in livestock is unknown because the information is either not reported or not available. In Ecuador, there is no national BTB control program. This article reviews the BTB situation in Ecuador by examining exhaustive data from tuberculin testing surveys and slaughterhouse surveillance studies conducted in 1972-2008 in a variety of the country's geographic areas. In Ecuador, several factors, including the dairy industry's expansion (preempted by the high demand for milk and its by-products, intensified efforts to increase the cattle population, the presence of M. bovis, and a lack of BTB controls, have caused a rise in BTB prevalence, and consequently, a growing push for the implementation of a national BTB control program.La tuberculosis bovina es una enfermedad contagiosa crónica que afecta a los animales domésticos, los animales salvajes y los seres humanos. Es producida por Mycobacterium bovis; causa grandes pérdidas económicas y plantea una grave limitación para el comercio ganadero internacional. Por otro lado, en los países en desarrollo donde no hay controles de la tuberculosis bovina, la infección por M. bovis representa un problema de salud pública. En la mayoría de los países en desarrollo, la prevalencia de tuberculosis en el ganado se desconoce porque la información no se comunica o no se consigue. En el Ecuador no hay un programa nacional de control de la tuberculosis bovina. En este artículo se revisa la situación de la tuberculosis bovina en el Ecuador, sobre la base de un análisis de los datos exhaustivos obtenidos de

  4. Middleware Cerberus usando RFID para rastreabilidade bovina


    Silva, Márcio Roberto


    A gerência na zootecnia de precisão é cada vez mais necessária para garantia de lucros e a conquista de novos mercados os quais exigem qualidade e certificação. Nesta dissertação é abordado um sistema de rastreabilidade para o controle na bovinocultura utilizando chips RFID. Sendo que a identificação segura dos animais é a base para a rastreabilidade bovina e bubalina. Em vista as exigências do mercado consumidor o governo brasileiro instituiu o Sistema Brasileiro de Identificação e Certifica...

  5. Association Study between the CD157/BST1 Gene and Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Japanese Population

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    Shigeru Yokoyama


    Full Text Available CD157, also referred to as bone marrow stromal cell antigen-1 (BST-1, is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored molecule that promotes pre-B-cell growth. Previous studies have reported associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs of the CD157/BST1 gene with Parkinson’s disease. In an attempt to determine whether SNPs or haplotypes in the CD157/BST1 are associated with other brain disorders, we performed a case-control study including 147 autism spectrum disorder (ASD patients at Kanazawa University Hospital in Japan and 150 unselected Japanese volunteers by the sequence-specific primer-polymerase chain reaction method combined with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Of 93 SNPs examined, two SNPs showed significantly higher allele frequencies in cases with ASDs than in unaffected controls (rs4301112, OR = 6.4, 95% CI = 1.9 to 22, p = 0.0007; and rs28532698, OR = 6.2, 95% CI = 1.8 to 21, p = 0.0012; Fisher’s exact test; p < 0.002 was considered significant after multiple testing correction. In addition, CT genotype in rs10001565 was more frequently observed in the ASD group than in the control group (OR = 15, 95% CI = 2.0 to 117, p = 0.0007; Fisher’s exact test. The present data indicate that genetic variation of the CD157/BST1 gene might confer susceptibility to ASDs.

  6. Bienestar animal durante el transporte y su relación con la calidad de la carne bovina


    Marlyn Romero P.; Jorge Sánchez V.


    RESUMENEl bienestar animal (BA) es un elemento diferenciador en la comercialización de la carne bovina a nivel internacional, aunque no forma parte de los acuerdos comerciales, se pueden citar ejemplos de las experiencias de Chile, Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay con la Unión Europea, que los ha privilegiado para la exportación de carne fresca bovina con este valor agregado. Durante el transporte, cargue y descargue los bovinos son sometidos a factores estresantes que afectan su bienestar y la ca...

  7. Determinantes da demanda internacional de carne bovina brasileira: evidências de quebras estruturais

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    Laércio Juarez Melz


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é verificar as variáveis de impacto na demanda internacional por carne bovina entre janeiro de 1995 e junho de 2013. O método utilizado foi de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários com Quebras, obtendo-se quatro quebras, cinco regimes. As variáveis independentes na regressão foram os preços de exportação e internos das carnes de bovinos, frangos e suínos, além da renda e da taxa de câmbio. No primeiro regime, a demanda por carne bovina foi elástica em relação aos preços, tanto interno quanto externo, da carne de frango e preço interno da carne bovina. Porém, a elasticidade-renda foi mais significativa. No segundo regime, a relação de preços externos foi inelástica. A elasticidade-renda foi significativa neste regime e houve impacto da taxa de câmbio. No terceiro regime, a demanda foi inelástica em relação aos preços externos das carnes de frango e bovina e elástica aos preços internos das mesmas carnes. A taxa de câmbio também teve impacto significativo. No quarto regime, a demanda foi elástica em relação ao preço interno e inelástica em relação aos preços externos e internos do frango. A renda passa a ser novamente significativa. No quinto regime, a demanda é elástica em relação ao preço externo dos suínos, interno do bovino e à renda. Houve tendência significativa de crescimento no segundo regime e de recessão no primeiro e terceiro regimes.

  8. Effect of farm and simulated laboratory cold environmental conditions on the performance and physiological responses of lactating dairy cows supplemented with bovine somatotropin (BST) (United States)

    Becker, B. A.; Johnson, H. D.; Li, R.; Collier, R. J.


    A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of bovine somatotropin (BST) supplementation in twelve lactating dairy cows maintained in cold environmental conditions. Six cows were injected daily with 25 mg of BST; the other six were injected with a control vehicle. Cows were maintained under standard dairy management during mid-winter for 30 days. Milk production was recorded twice daily, and blood samples were taken weekly. Animals were then transferred to environmentally controlled chambers and exposed to cycling thermoneutral (15° to 20° C) and cycling cold (-5° to +5° C) temperatures for 10 days in a split-reversal design. Milk production, feed and water intake, body weights and rectal temperatures were monitored. Blood samples were taken on days 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10 of each period and analyzed for plasma triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), cortisol, insulin and prolactin. Under farm conditions, BST-treated cows produced 11% more milk than control-treated cows and in environmentally controlled chambers produced 17.4% more milk. No differences due to BST in feed or water intake, body weights or rectal temperatures were found under laboratory conditions. Plasma T3 and insulin increased due to BST treatment while no effect was found on cortisol, prolactin or T4. The results showed that the benefits of BST supplementation in lactating dairy cows were achieved under cold environmental conditions.

  9. Osteochondral Biopsy Analysis Demonstrates That BST-CarGel Treatment Improves Structural and Cellular Characteristics of Cartilage Repair Tissue Compared With Microfracture (United States)

    Méthot, Stéphane; Changoor, Adele; Tran-Khanh, Nicolas; Hoemann, Caroline D.; Stanish, William D.; Restrepo, Alberto; Shive, Matthew S.; Buschmann, Michael D.


    Objective The efficacy and safety of BST-CarGel, a chitosan-based medical device for cartilage repair, was compared with microfracture alone at 1 year during a multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) in the knee. The quality of repair tissue of osteochondral biopsies collected from a subset of patients was compared using blinded histological assessments. Methods The international RCT evaluated repair tissue quantity and quality by 3-dimensional quantitative magnetic resonance imaging as co-primary endpoints at 12 months. At an average of 13 months posttreatment, 21/41 BST-CarGel and 17/39 microfracture patients underwent elective second look arthroscopies as a tertiary endpoint, during which ICRS (International Cartilage Repair Society) macroscopic scoring was carried out, and osteochondral biopsies were collected. Stained histological sections were evaluated by blinded readers using ICRS I and II histological scoring systems. Collagen organization was evaluated using a polarized light microscopy score. Results BST-CarGel treatment resulted in significantly better ICRS macroscopic scores (P = 0.0002) compared with microfracture alone, indicating better filling, integration, and tissue appearance. Histologically, BST-CarGel resulted in a significant improvement of structural parameters—Surface Architecture (P = 0.007) and Surface/Superficial Assessment (P = 0.042)—as well as cellular parameters—Cell Viability (P = 0.006) and Cell Distribution (P = 0.032). No histological parameters were significantly better for the microfracture group. BST-CarGel treatment also resulted in a more organized repair tissue with collagen stratification more similar to native hyaline cartilage, as measured by polarized light microscopy scoring (P = 0.0003). Conclusion Multiple and independent analyses in this biopsy substudy demonstrated that BST-CarGel treatment results in improved structural and cellular characteristics of repair tissue at 1 year posttreatment compared with

  10. Análisis del potencial exportador colombiano de carne bovina y porcina a la Federación Rusa


    Bautista Díaz, Camilo Andrés; Rojas Mesa, Camilo Andrés


    El estudio del potencial exportador colombiano de carne bovina y porcina a la Federación Rusa en función de su oferta y demanda es un proyecto que pertenece a la línea de realidad dentro del área de investigación de la Universidad del Rosario. Es una investigación tipo exploratoria con un enfoque cualitativo que buscará dar respuesta a si Colombia cuenta con el potencial exportador de carne bovina y porcina al mercado de la Federación Rusa. El marco teórico que justifica el proyecto de inv...

  11. The Homolog of the Gene bstA of the BTP1 Phage from Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium ST313 Is an Antivirulence Gene in Salmonella enterica Serovar Dublin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herrero-Fresno, Ana; Espinel, Irene Cartas; Spiegelhauer, Malene Roed


    -pathogen interaction in S. Dublin, a mutant where this gene was deleted (S. Dublin ΔbstA) and a mutant which was further genetically complemented with bstA (S. Dublin 3246-C) were constructed and tested in models of in vitro and in vivo infection as well as during growth competition assays in M9 medium, Luria...... macrophages and higher net replication within human THP-1 cells. Furthermore, during mouse infections, S. Dublin ΔbstA was more virulent than the wild type following a single intraperitoneal infection and showed an increased competitive index during competitive infection assays. Deletion of bstA did...... not affect either the amount of cytokines released by THP-1 macrophages or the cytotoxicity toward these cells. The histology of the livers and spleens of mice infected with the wild-type strain and the S. Dublin ΔbstA mutant revealed similar levels of inflammation between the two groups. The gene...

  12. Distribuição e identificação das regiões de risco para a cisticercose bovina no estado do Paraná

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    Rafaella P.M. Guimarães-Peixoto


    Full Text Available A cisticercose bovina é um problema de saúde pública e animal amplamente difundido no Brasil, que repercute negativamente na produção de carne em diversos estados do país. Trata-se de uma das afecções mais ocorrentes nos abates sob inspeção sanitária tornando-se motivo de preocupação para frigoríficos e produtores, devido os prejuízos que acarreta. Pouco se conhece sobre a distribuição e a evolução do número de casos de cisticercose bovina no estado do Paraná. Diante do exposto este trabalho teve o objetivo realizar um levantamento retrospectivo sobre a ocorrência da cisticercose bovina, diagnosticada através do exame post-mortem pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal do Estado do Paraná entre os anos de 2004 a 2008, além de determinar a distribuição dos casos no Estado, identificar as regiões com maiores chances de apresentarem casos da doença e analisar a perda econômica do Estado por conta das condenações por esta parasitose. Foi constatada prevalência de 2,23% cisticercose bovina no estado do Paraná. Durante o período analisado ocorreu uma redução estatisticamente significante (p<0,05 da prevalência de cisticercose bovina no estado. Nos anos de 2004-2008 foram condenadas 29.708.550 kg de carne bovina por cisticercose, acarretando prejuízos de ordem econômica. O estado do Paraná está conseguindo através da implantação do programa de controle do complexo teníase-cisticercose, uma evolução positiva já que conseguiu durante o período analisado diminuir a prevalência desta parasitose nos bovinos e consequentemente diminuir as perdas econômicas.


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    Full Text Available The use of antibiotics to treat bovine mastitis, produces antibiotic residues in milk and decreased quality of dairy products. Lactic acid bacteria have been proposed as an alternative to avoid the use of antibiotics. This paper reports the antimicrobial activity against pathogens responsible of bovine mastitis, of 4 lactic acid strains isolated from cattle in a state of acidosis ruminal. It also evaluated the specific growth rate (m and antimicrobial activity of one of the strains, using two concentrations of carbon source (20 and 60 gl-1 in the commercial substrate MRS. The strains were biochemically identified as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus fermen-tum and Weissella confusa. Weissella confusa showed the best antimicrobial activity against the major pathogens responsible of bovine mastitis. When has been used 60 gl-1 of total sugars in the fermentation substrate, was obtained diameter of inhibition of 31 mm for Staphylococcus aureus and 36 mm for Streptococcus agalactiae. The antimicrobial activity of Weissella confusa is superior antimicrobial activity reported by many other lactic acid bacteria, therefore Weissella confusa could potentially be used to prevent bovine mastitis.El uso de antibióticos para el tratamiento de mastitis bovina, genera residuos de antibióticos en la leche y disminuye la calidad de los subproductos lácteos. Las bacterias ácido lácticas se han propuesto como una alternativa para evitar el uso de antibióticos. En este artículo se reporta la actividad antimicrobiana contra patógenos productores de mastitis bovina, de 4 cepas acido lácticas aisladas de bovinos en estado de acidosis ruminal. Se evaluó además la velocidad especifica de crecimiento (m y la actividad antimicrobiana de una de las cepas, utilizando dos concentraciones de fuente de carbono (20 y 60 gl-1 en el sustrato comercial MRS. Las cepas se identificaron bioquímicamente como Lactobacillus acidophilus

  14. TLR-4 engagement of dendritic cells confers a BST-2/tetherin-mediated restriction of HIV-1 infection to CD4+ T cells across the virological synapse

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    Blanchet Fabien P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Dendritic cells and their subsets, located at mucosal surfaces, are among the first immune cells to encounter disseminating pathogens. The cellular restriction factor BST-2/tetherin (also known as CD317 or HM1.24 potently restricts HIV-1 release by retaining viral particles at the cell surface in many cell types, including primary cells such as macrophages. However, BST-2/tetherin does not efficiently restrict HIV-1 infection in immature dendritic cells. Results We now report that BST-2/tetherin expression in myeloid (myDC and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC can be significantly up-regulated by IFN-α treatment and TLR-4 engagement with LPS. In contrast to HeLa or 293T cells, infectious HIV-1 release in immature DC and IFN-α–matured DC was only modestly affected in the absence of Vpu compared to wild-type viruses. Strikingly, immunofluorescence analysis revealed that BST-2/tetherin was excluded from HIV containing tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs in both immature DC and IFN-α–matured DC. In contrast, in LPS-mediated mature DC, BST-2/tetherin exerted a significant restriction in transfer of HIV-1 infection to CD4+ T cells. Additionally, LPS, but not IFN-α stimulation of immature DC, leads to a dramatic redistribution of cellular restriction factors to the TEM as well as at the virological synapse between DC and CD4+ T cells. Conclusions In conclusion, we demonstrate that TLR-4 engagement in immature DC significantly up-regulates the intrinsic antiviral activity of BST-2/tetherin, during cis-infection of CD4+ T cells across the DC/T cell virological synapse. Manipulating the function and potency of cellular restriction factors such as BST-2/tetherin to HIV-1 infection, has implications in the design of antiviral therapeutic strategies.

  15. X-ray diffraction and surface acoustic wave analysis of BST/Pt/TiO{sub 2}/SiO{sub 2}/Si thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mseddi, Souhir; Hedi Ben Ghozlen, Mohamed [Laboratoire de Physique des Materiaux, Faculte des Sciences de Sfax, Universite de Sfax, 3018 Sfax (Tunisia); Njeh, Anouar [Unite de Physique, Informatique et Matematiques, Faculte des Sciences de Gafsa, Universite de Gafsa, 2112 Gafsa (Tunisia); Schneider, Dieter [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Material- und Strahltechnologie, Winterbergstrasse 28, 1277 Dresden (Germany); Fuess, Hartmut [Institute of Materials Science, University of Technology, Petersenstr.23, 64287 Darmstadt (Germany)


    High dielectric constant and electrostriction property of (Ba, Sr)Ti0{sub 3} (BST) thin films result in an increasing interest for dielectric devices and microwave acoustic resonator. Barium strontium titanate (Ba{sub 0.645}Sr{sub 0.355}TiO{sub 3}) films of about 300 nm thickness are grown on Pt(111)/TiO{sub 2}/SiO{sub 2}/Si(001) substrates by rf magnetron sputtering deposition techniques. X-ray diffraction is applied for the microstructural characterization. The BST films exhibit a cubic perovskite structure with a dense and smooth surface. A laser acoustic waves (LA-waves) technique is used to generate surface acoustic waves (SAW) propagating in the BST films. Young's modulus E and the Poisson ratio {nu} of TiO{sub 2,} Pt and BST films in different propagation directions are derived from the measured dispersion curves. Estimation of BST elastics constants are served in SAW studies. Impact of stratification process on SAW, propagating along [100] and [110] directions of silicon substrate, has been interpreted on the basis of ordinary differential equation (ODE) and stiffness matrix method (SMM). A good agreement is observed between experimental and calculated dispersion curves. The performed calculations are strongly related to the implemented crystallographic data of each layer. Dispersion curves are found to be sensitive to the SAW propagation direction and the stratification process for the explored frequency ranges 50-250 MHz, even though it corresponds to a wave length clearly higher than the whole films thickness.

  16. Agripec : um modelo para estimar custos economicos e emissões de gases efeito-estufa para a pecuaria bovina brasileira


    Costa, Thelmo Vergara de Almeida Martins


    A criação bovina é um importante emissor de Gases Efeito Estufa (GEE) do Brasil. A maior parte das emissões de metano vem da fermentação entérica, resultado normal do processo digestivo dos animais ruminantes como os bovinos. No entanto, a tarefa de analisar a contribuição da pecuária bovina nas emissões de GEEs necessita da identificação dos contextos regionais em que ocorrem os diferentes sistemas de produção no Brasil. Assim, para se comparar diferentes sistemas produtivos, é necessário se...

  17. Efeito da somatotropina sobre a cicatrização de feridas cutâneas, em ratos Effect of somatotropin on skin wound healing in rats

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    Luciana de Oliveira Marques dos Santos


    Full Text Available A somatotropina, além do efeito anabolizante, age no processo de cicatrização acelerando a formação local de tecido de granulação, síntese e deposição de colágeno, quando administrada por via subcutânea. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da somatotropina sobre a cicatrização de feridas cutâneas, em ratos. Métodos: Utilizaram-se 53 ratos Wistar, machos, com idade média de 145,19 dias e peso inicial médio de 287,72 g, divididos em dois grupos: controle (n=26 que recebeu 1,2 ml/dia de água destilada pela via subcutânea e experimento (n=27 que recebeu 0,2 UI/kg/dia de somatotropina humana pela mesma via. Fez-se uma ferida cutânea no dorso do animal, que diariamente era medida, procedendo-se ao final do experimento o cálculo de contração da ferida. Os tempos de aferição foram 3, 7 e 14 dias, quando de 9 animais de cada grupo, coletou-se sangue para dosagem bioquímica de proteínas plasmáticas e ressecou-se a ferida para estudo histológico. À microscopia avaliou-se: epitelização, reação inflamatória local, tecido de granulação, neovascularização e fibrose. Resultados: O cálculo de contração da ferida, nos 3 tempos de aferição, não demonstrou diferenças entre os grupos controle e experimento. Na dosagem bioquímica encontrou-se diminuição das proteínas totais (p=0,007 e aumento da relação albumina/globulina (p=0,03 no 14º dia no grupo controle, enquanto o grupo experimento manteve-as constantes. Na avaliação histológica observou-se significante aumento da fibrose no 7º dia no grupo experimento (pSomatotropin, in addition to having an anabolizing effect, also acts on the healing process by accelerating the local formation of granulation tissue and collagen synthesis and deposition when administered subcutaneously (SC. Objective: To evaluate the effect of somatotropin on skin wound healing in rats. Methods: Fifty-three male Wistar rats aged on average 145.19 days and weighing 287.27 g at the beginning of


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    Antonio Bento Mancio


    Full Text Available Dentre as características de qualidade da carne bovina, a maciez assume posição de destaque, sendo considerada a característica organoléptica de maior influência na aceitação da carne por parte dos consumidores. A dureza da carne pode ser dividida em dureza residual, causada pelo tecido conjuntivo e outras proteínas do estroma, e dureza de actomiosina, causada pelas proteínas miofibrilares. Dentre os fatores que influenciam a maciez da carne, podem ser destacados a genética, a raça, a idade ao abate, o sexo, a alimentação, o uso de agentes hormonais (?-adrenérgicos e os tratamentos post-mortem. A qualidade final da carne é resultante de tudo o que aconteceu com o animal durante toda a cadeia produtiva. Devem-se assegurar procedimentos adequados de transporte, armazenamento, manipulação, exposição e preparo da carne, a fim de se obter um produto de melhor qualidade. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Calpaínas, calpastatina, qualidade da carne, rigor mortis, tecido muscular.


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    Cristiane Maria de BORBA


    Full Text Available Neste experimento, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade físico-química de hambúrgueres de carne bovina e de frango submetidos a diferentes tratamentos térmicos: cozimento em micro-ondas, forno convencional e fritura. Composição centesimal e rendimento, percentual de perda de peso e grau de encolhimento (retração, foram avaliados. As análises foram realizadas em triplicata. O método micro-ondas foi o que apresentou as maiores perdas de umidade, peso e maior grau de retração para os dois tipos de carne estudados. Tanto para hambúrguer de carne bovina como de frango o maior percentual de proteínas e cinzas foi encontrado no método micro-ondas, no entanto o percentual de lipídios foi maior no método micro-ondas para hambúrguer de frango e no frito para hambúrguer de carne bovina.

  20. Electrical Properties of Photodiode Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 (BST Thin Film Doped with Ferric Oxide on p-type Si (100 Substrate using Chemical Solution Deposition Method

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    Full Text Available In this paper we have grown pure Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 (BST and BST doped by Ferric Oxide Fe2O3 (BFST with doping variations of 5%, 10%, and 15% above type-p Silicon (100 substrate using the chemical solution deposition (CSD method with spin coating technique at rotation speed of 3000 rpm, for 30 seconds. BST thin film are made with a concentration of 1 M 2-methoxyethanol and annealing temperature of 850OC for the Si (100 substrate. Characterization of the thin film is performed for the electrical properties such as the current-voltage (I-V curve using Keithley model 2400 as well as dielectric constant, time constant, pyroelectric characteristics, and depth measurement. The results show that the thin film depth increases if the concentration of the Ferric Oxide doping increases. The I-V characterization shows that the BST and BFST thin film has photodiode properties. The dielectric constant increases with the addition of doping. The maximum dielectric constant value is obtained for 15 % doping concentration namely 83.1 for pure BST and 6.89, 11.1, 41.63 and 83.1, respectively for the Ferric Oxide doping based BST with concentration of 5%, 10%, and 15%. XRD spectra of 15 % of ferric oxide doped BST thin film tetragonal phase, we carried out the lattice constant were a = b = 4.203 Å; c = 4.214 Å; c/a ratio = 1.003


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    RESUMO: A matriz protéica da carne bovina foi enzimaticamente alterada visando seu uso potencial em formulações de dietas especiais ou por sonda. Determinou-se a viscosidade de amostras de hidrolisado em diferentes tempos de processo e testou-se a aplicabilidade do modelo de Ostwald-de-Waele no tratamento dos resultados. Na faixa de velocidades angulares ensaiadas o hidrolisado protéico de carne bovina comportou-se como um fluído não-newtoniano, pseudoplástico. A viscosidade média do hidrolisado é de 1,7 a –52,7 poise. Os valores máximos para a viscosidade são alcançados aos 90 minutos de processo. PALAVRAS – CHAVE: Carne Bovina; hidrolisados protéicos; viscosidade.


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    Olízio Claudino da Silva


    Full Text Available A dermatite digital bovina é uma enfermidade de etiologia multifatorial e patogenia complexa que representa grande entrave produtivo e econômico à pecuária mundial.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar aspectos relacionados à evolução clínica da enfermidade após antibioticoterapia parenteral. Foram utilizadas 28 fêmeas bovinas, da raça Girolando, com idade entre quatro a dez anos, portadoras de lesões digitais clinicamente caracterizadas como dermatite digital. Os bovinos enfermos foram distribuídos em dois grupos (I e II de quatorze animais. Aqueles pertencentes ao grupo I constituíram o grupo-controle, em que,portanto, não foi utilizada antibioticoterapia. Nas vacas que compuseram o grupo II, aplicaram-se, por via intramuscular,20 mg/kg de peso corporal de oxitetraciclina, em intervalos de 48 horas, até completar quatro aplicações. Ao final de um ano de observação, a maioria das lesões na pele do espaço interdigital entre os talões evoluiu para a forma clínica erosiva e aquelas localizadas nos pontos limítrofes entre apele e o cório coronário dos talões, na parede abaxial do estojo córneo ou no espaço interdigital dorsal, evoluíram para a forma proliferativa. Não houve cura de nenhum animal em ambos os grupos, porém a antibioticoterapia parenteral reduziu a gravidade das lesões. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Antibioticoterapia, bovinos, dermatite digital, evolução clínica.

  3. Antiviral Inhibition of Enveloped Virus Release by Tetherin/BST-2: Action and Counteraction

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    Stuart J. D. Neil


    Full Text Available Tetherin (BST2/CD317 has been recently recognized as a potent interferon-induced antiviral molecule that inhibits the release of diverse mammalian enveloped virus particles from infected cells. By targeting an immutable structure common to all these viruses, the virion membrane, evasion of this antiviral mechanism has necessitated the development of specific countermeasures that directly inhibit tetherin activity. Here we review our current understanding of the molecular basis of tetherin’s mode of action, the viral countermeasures that antagonize it, and how virus/tetherin interactions may affect viral transmission and pathogenicity.


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    Farida Huriawati


    Full Text Available In this research thin films of Barium Strontium Titanate (BST has been synthesis with different compositions Ba0,5Sr0,5TiO3 and Ba0,25Sr0,75TiO3 which doped by Nb2O5 (Niobium and Ta2O5 (Tantalum on Si (100 type-p substrate. Thin films were produced by chemical solution deposition technique (CSD and spin coating technique with annealing temperature at 850oC, 900oC dan 950oC. Rotation velocity at 3000 rpm and time of rotation is 30 seconds. Characterization of Films is optic Characterization (absorbance ana reflectance. From the Characterizations were obtained BNST thin film with 5% doping and anneling temperature at 8500C as photodiode light sensor which applied in electronic circuit.

  5. Bovine S protein (vitronectin increases phagocytosis of Streptococcus dysgalactiae Aumento na fagocitose de Streptococcus dysgalactiae pela ação da proteína S bovina (vitronectina

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    Laerte Francisco Filippsen


    Full Text Available The effects of bovine S protein (vitronectin on phagocytosis of Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains isolated from cattle with mastitis were investigated. Phagocytized streptococci were determined by a fluorometric microassay using glass adherent polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN. Preincubation of S. dysgalactiae with bovine S protein significantly increased their phagocytosis by PMN. Bovine S protein had no effect on phagocytic killing of non-S protein binding S. pyogenes cultures. Enzymatic digestion of the bovine S protein binding sites on S. dysgalactiae with pronase resulted in a significative reduction of the effects of S protein on phagocytosis. It could thus be concluded that in addition to its role as a promoter of cellular adhesion and complement inhibitor, bovine S protein may also influence the phagocytosis of S. dysgalactiae during inflammatory processes.Foram investigados os efeitos da proteína S bovina (vitronectina na fagocitose de amostras de Streptococcus dysgalactiae isoladas de bovinos com mastite. A determinação do número de estreptococos fagocitados foi realizada pelo método fluorométrico utilizando neutrófilos polimorfonucleares (NPM aderidos em lâminas de vidro. A pré-incubação do S. dysgalactiae com a proteína S bovina aumentou significativamente a sua fagocitose por NPM. A proteína S bovina não causou efeito na fagocitose de culturas de S. pyogenes, já que não apresentam sítios de ligação para esta proteína. A digestão enzimática com pronase dos sítios de ligação S. dysgalactiae para a proteína S bovina resultou numa significativa redução do efeito da proteína S na fagocitose. Pode-se concluir que além do papel como promotor da adesão celular e inibidor do complemento, a proteína S bovina pode também influir na fagocitose do S. dysgalactiae durante os processos inflamatórios.

  6. A somatotrofina bovina recombinante sobre a ovulação, condição corporal e níveis séricos de colesterol e glicose em ovinos Bovine recombinant somatotropin on ovulation, body condition score and cholesterol and glucose serum levels in sheep

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    Andréa Azevedo Pires de Castro


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de avaliar o efeito da somatotrofina bovina recombinante (BSTr sobre a taxa de ovulação após a indução, sobre o metabolismo intermediário do colesterol e da glicose em ovelhas, e no o ganho de peso de cordeiros lactentes cujas mães foram tratadas com BSTr bem como as variações do peso e escore corporal das mesmas. Utilizou-se para tanto 3mg/kg de BSTr em formulação de liberação prolongada em dose única para o primeiro experimento e, 4mg/kg para o segundo. No primeiro experimento, os resultados obtidos mostraram que a incidência de estro foi de 100% nos grupos controle e tratado, onde o número de corpos lúteos encontrados foi de 0,9 ± 0,18 no grupo controle e 1,18 ± 0,12 no grupo tratado, não sendo diferentes estatisticamente. Também não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto aos níveis de colesterol e glicose. No experimento 2, houve uma diminuição na condição corporal das ovelhas do grupo tratado entre os dias 1 e 10 e seu aumento entre os dias 10 e 20, (pThe aim of the present study was to investigate if the rBST was able to improve ovulation rates in ewes syncronizated with progesterone, to verify its effects on cholesterol and glucose metabolism (experiment one and to evaluate weight gain in lactating ewes and their products (experiment two. Ewes were treated with 3mg/kg of rBST in the first experiment and 4mg/kg in the second. Ovulation rates were 0.9 ± 0.18 for the control group and 1.18 ± 0.12 for the treated group, and were not statisticaly different. Additionally, no differences between the groups were found in glucose and cholesterol serum levels in the first experiment. On the second experiment, body conditions scores in the treated group were decreased between days 1 to 10, then, increased between days 10 to 20 (p<0.05. Weight gain of lambs and ewes and body condition scores variations between days 1 and 20 were not different. In conclusion, rBST is not able to affect

  7. BstXI RFLP in the human inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor light chain gene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leveillard, T; Bourguignon, J; Sesbouee, R; Hanauer, A; Salier, J P; Diarra-Mehrpour, M; Martin, J P


    The 1.2 kb EcoRI/SmaI fragment of lambdaHuLITI2 was used as probe. lambdaHuLITI2 is a full length cDNA clone coding for human inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor light chain isolated from immunochemical screening of a lambdagt11 library. Its sequence coding for HI-30 and alpha-1-microglobulin is in agreement. BstXI identifies five invariant bands at 5.0 kb, 2.3 kb, 1.5 kb, 1.1 kb, and 0.7 kb and a diallelic polymorphism with DNA fragments at 2.0 kb or 1.7 kb.

  8. Three-dimensional supercapacitors composed of Ba{sub 0.65}Sr{sub 0.35}TiO{sub 3} (BST)/NiSi{sub 2}/silicon microchannel plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Tao; Zhang Huayan; Wang Fei; Shi Jing; Ci Pengliang [Laboratory of Polar Materials and Devices, Ministry of Education, and Department of Electronic Engineering, East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200241 (China); Wang Lianwei, E-mail: [Laboratory of Polar Materials and Devices, Ministry of Education, and Department of Electronic Engineering, East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200241 (China); Ge Shuli; Wang Qingjiang [Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241 (China); Chu, Paul K. [Department of Physics and Material Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon (Hong Kong)


    Three-dimensional (3D) supercapacitors consisting of Ba{sub 0.65}Sr{sub 0.35}TiO{sub 3} (BST)/NiSi{sub 2}/silicon microchannel plate (MCP) stacked structure have been fabricated. The silicon MCP produced by electrochemical etching is utilized as a backbone of the 3D structure on which a nickel silicide current collector layer and Ba{sub 0.65}Sr{sub 0.35}TiO{sub 3} dielectric layer are deposited successively by electroless plating and the sol-gel method, respectively. The morphology and structure of the 3D BST/NiSi{sub 2}/Si-MCP structure are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the electrochemical properties are determined by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronopotentiometry. The structure exhibits excellent capacitive behavior with a maximum capacitance of 784 F g{sup -1}. After 700 charging/discharging cycles, the C{sub f} decreases slightly with only a 5.7% loss and is stable after more than 700 cycles. The BST/NiSi{sub 2}/Si-MCP 3D structure is a potential supercapacitor in industrial applications.

  9. El mecanismo de muerte celular programada y su importancia en el proceso de maduración de la carne bovina

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    Janeth Ortega Torres


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el mecanismo de muerte celular programada y las evidencias que apoyan su relación con el proceso de maduración de la carne bovina. La terneza de la carne bovina es quizá una de las características más importantes para los consumidores, pues hace de la carne un producto deseable en los mercados mundiales e influye en su precio y calidad. Estas características dependen de factores genéticos, nutricionales y ambientales. Aunque en Colombia aún no existe la cultura de la trazabilidad de los productos cárnicos en los supermercados, se prevé que en un futuro cercano aumente el número de consumidores en América Latina y que ellos tendrán también la posibilidad de exigir las mejores carnes. Descifrar los factores bioquímicos y moleculares que influyen en la maduración de la carne bovina es una tarea amplia que está en sus primeras etapas. Se han descifrado algunas vías implicadas, como la de la calpaína-calpastatina, la proteosómica y la de las catepsinas, proteínas que han sido reconocidas como de influencia positiva en el proceso de degradación de la fibra muscular durante su proceso de maduración. La conversión del músculo en carne es un proceso que comienza una vez el animal ha sido sacrificado y, por lo tanto, está asociado a los procesos de necrosis y muerte celular. En los últimos años muchos estudios se han orientado hacia la importancia y el aporte del mecanismo de muerte celular programada o apoptosis sobre la terneza de la carne.

  10. Factores asociados con la mastitis subclínica bovina en fincas lecheras de Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca


    Rojas Rodríguez, Carolina


    Introducción: Una de las enfermedades que más afecta el ganado a nivel mundial es la mastitis. Objetivo: Identificar la asociación entre la presentación de mastitis subclínica bovina con factores del hato, factores intrínsecos del sistema productivo y prácticas de manejo en fincas lecheras de Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca. Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico transversal a partir de fuente de información secundaria. Se analizaron variables relacionadas con el manejo de la mastitis clínica y sub...

  11. Atividade antibacteriana in vitro e in vivo de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi no controle da mastite bovina


    Faccin, ângela


    O interesse científico pela fitoterapia levou ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas baseadas nas práticas populares. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antibacteriana do extrato hidroalcoólico e óleo essencial das folhas e frutos de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi em dois estádios fenológicos frente a bactérias relacionadas a mastite bovina, além de testar um extrato da planta, com ação antibacteriana, para ser utilizado na antissepsia da ordenha. A dissertação está apresentada em ...


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    Francisco Ariclenes Olinto


    Full Text Available A brucelose bovina é uma doença bacteriana causada pela Brucella abortus, como também é uma zoonose e enfermidade infecto-contagiosa de importância econômica e em saúde pública, estando presente na lista da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE, sendo de notificação obrigatória. Com o objetivo de avaliar essa enfermidade na Microrregião de Pau dos Ferros, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, foi realizado um Estudo Retrospectivo compreendendo os municípios de Alexandria, Antonio Martins, Encanto, José da Penha, Major Sales, Marcelino Vieira, Paraná, Pilões, Riacho de Santana e Tenente Ananias. Analisando os dados dos relatórios mensais de exames realizados por médicos veterinários habilitados pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA, no que diz respeito ao Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal (PNCEBT. Foram analisados os resultados dos exames de brucelose bovina de 1077 animais de 189 propriedades, destas, quatro apresentaram animais positivos (2,12%, realizados durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a dezembro de 2009.

  13. Processo Decisório e Rastreabilidade para a Carne Bovina Brasileira

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    Fernanda Scharnberg Brandão


    Full Text Available A crescente preocupação com a segurança do alimento criou mercados promissores para produtos certificados. Partindo desta premissa o estudo teve por objetivo – fundamentado nas teorias de tomada de decisão e da informação – apresentar e discutir as possibilidades de adequação dos produtores de carne bovina no Brasil às novas exigências como a rastreabilidade, incluindo a transmissão da informação deste processo aos consumidores. Utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa exploratória e bibliográfica, são apresentados resultados que demonstram a complexidade envolvida na tomada de decisão e os diversos fatores (econômicos e não econômicos que interferem nessas decisões, haja vista que os produtores sofrem influências internas e externas, referentes ao mercado e ao sistema produtivo.

  14. Mastite bovina causada por Staphylococcus spp. resistentes à meticilina: revisão de literatura

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    José Givanildo Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Staphylococcus spp. são os micro-organismos mais relacionados a casos de mastite bovina. Algumas cepas destes micro-organismos têm apresentado fatores de virulência como genes de resistência a antimicrobianos com destaque para a resistência à meticilina que é um problema de saúde pública. Esta revisão de literatura tem o objetivo de compilar dados sobre a mastite bovina causada por Staphylococcus spp. resistente à meticilina (MRS. Apesar desse antimicrobiano não ser comumente utilizado no tratamento das mastites, a frequência de casos de infecção da glândula mamária causada por MRS tem variado entre 1,34 a 47,6%. Acredita-se que o contato dos humanos com animais positivos para MRS e vice-versa favoreça a transmissão deste patógeno entre as espécies, contribuindo para a variação nas taxas de infecção. A detecção de MRS pode ser realizada por meio de provas fenotípicas, moleculares ou sorológicas e as medidas de controle devem contemplar a identificação dos casos, segregação dos animais, estudo epidemiológico da fonte de infecção do rebanho, além da constante limpeza e higienização do ambiente de confinamento, equipamentos e utensílios de ordenha. Casos de mastite ocasionados por esse patógeno assumem relevância para a saúde pública, pois a ingestão de leite e/ou derivados contaminados podem desencadear a transferência de MRS para seres humanos. Com isso, é necessário um alerta constante quanto à vigilância epidemiológica em fazendas leiteiras.

  15. Detección del virus de la leucosis bovina en ganado criollo colombiano mediante PCR-anidado

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    Darwin Yovanny Hernández-Herrera


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la presencia del virus de la leucosis bovina (VLB en 360 muestras de ADN de ocho razas bovinas criollas: Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS y San Martinero (SM, dos Razas Sintéticas Colombianas: Lucerna (LUC y Velásquez (VEL y dos razas foráneas: Brahmán (B y Holstein (H. Para la detección del pro-virus se amplificó una región del gen env viral, mediante PCR anidada. La presencia del VLB fue mayor en la raza HV seguido por ChS (83.3% y 60% respectivamente, VEL y LUC tuvieron el mismo porcentaje (50%, en CAS, CCC y CQT la presencia del virus fue de 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectivamente; no se encontró el virus en BON, SM y RS. En las razas foráneas la presencia fue de 83.3% para H y 6.7% para B. Se encontró dependencia altamente significativa entre la presencia del VLB y la raza, el sexo y región de origen de la muestra. El promedio de presencia en las razas criollas fue menor que en las foráneas, menor en los machos que en las hembras y en la región norte que en el suroccidente y el centro del país.


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    Iang Rondón


    Full Text Available La diarrea viral bovina (DVB representa un problema de ámbito mundial que causa considerables pérdidastanto en ganado de carne como lechero, afectándolo de diversas formas las cuales están supeditadas ala edad del animal, estado inmunológico y momento de la gestación en el que se produce la infección.La DVB es causada por un virus ARN, género Pestivirus, familia Flaviviridae, el cual ha sido clasificado en2 biotipos (citopático y no citopático según su comportamiento en células de cultivo y en 2 genotipos (Iy II basados en su secuencia genética. Dependiendo de las cepas infectantes se presenta un cuadroclínico particular variando en severidad desde una forma subclínica, pasando por la forma clínica eincluso produciendo la fatal enfermedad de las mucosas o causando efectos deletéreos sobre el feto. Apesar de que en nuestro medio ya existen estudios sobre esta entidad, la implementación de metodologíasdiagnósticas constituye una limitante para el manejo de la misma. La presente revisión se enfoca en lapatogenia e inmunopatología de la DVB.

  17. Fatores associados à percepção e atitude de consumidores de carne bovina com certificação de origem em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais

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    Marcos Aurélio Lopes

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os fatores socioeconômicos relacionados com a decisão de compra de carne com certificação de origem, além de levantar os perfis de percepção e de atitude dos consumidores de carne bovina, em Uberlândia, MG. Foi realizada a descrição das variáveis e construído um modelo múltiplo Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE de regressão logística, para testar as possíveis associações entre as características socioeconômicas dos consumidores e os principais atributos da carne que influenciam a decisão sobre sua compra. As informações foram levantadas por meio de entrevistas com 213 consumidores, de abril a maio de 2012. A presença do carimbo do serviço de inspeção federal (SIF ou estadual é o atributo que mais influencia a decisão de compra dos consumidores. A maioria dos entrevistados já ouviu falar sobre rastreabilidade bovina. Dentre estes, a maior parte está disposta a pagar mais pela carne com certificação de origem. Apesar disso, muitos consideram que o aumento do preço da carne é uma desvantagem da rastreabilidade. Consumidores com maior grau de escolaridade e renda apresentaram melhor conhecimento sobre este tipo de certificação, sendo esses fatores os de grande influência sobre a aceitação dos consumidores em pagar mais caro pela carne bovina rastreada.

  18. Empezando a conocer el mercado doméstico: Análisis de la oferta de productos de carne bovina.


    Lanfranco, Bruno A.; Reyes, Maria L.; Risso, Juan M.


    El presente estudio procura conocer mejor la demanda de productos de carne bovina para tres áreas geográficas de Montevideo que representan diferentes niveles socioeconómicos de la población, a través de la oferta observada en los dos principales formatos de comercialización: supermercados y carnicerías. En la zona de mayor nivel socioeconómico (AG1) se comercializa el 21% del volumen total de estos productos mientras que en la de nivel medio (AG2), con mayor concentración poblacional, se com...

  19. Detección, identificación y cuantificación de residuos de cuatro antimicrobianos en carne bovina destinada al consumo humano como contribución al sistema de gestión de inocuidad alimentaria en el marco de aplicación de medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias


    Vela Perdomo, Karen Lorena


    El control de residuos de sustancias antimicrobianas en productos de origen animal como la carne bovina, es de gran importancia porque los residuos pueden generar en las personas que los consumen problemas de salud como alergias, cambios en la flora intestinal y resistencia antimicrobiana en bacterias. En Colombia, la vigilancia del cumplimiento de los Límites Máximos de Residuos LMRs de antimicrobianos veterinarios en carne bovina es limitada, debido a que la capacidad analítica es insuficie...

  20. Influencia de las hormonas metabólicas y la nutrición en el desarrollo folicular en el ganado bovino: implicaciones prácticas

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    Piedad Cristina Rivas López


    Full Text Available La nutrición tiene una influencia en el comportamiento reproductivo de la hembra bovina, pero el mecanismo por el cual se ve afectado dicho desempeño es poco conocido. Aunque las investigaciones se han centrado en la influencia de la nutrición sobre el eje hipotálamo-hipófisis, estudios más recientes han probado la hipótesis que las hormonas metabólicas, como señales nutricionales, ejercen un efecto directo en el ovario. En el ganado, el tratamiento con somatotropina bovina recombinante (rGH aumenta la población de pequeños folículos ováricos; esto está asociado con el aumento en las concentraciones circulantes de insulina y con el factor de crecimiento insulínico I (IGF-I. Otros estudios, tanto in vitro como in vivo, demuestran la importancia de la acción conjunta del IGF-I o la insulina con la FSH y la LH. También, se han obtenido evidencias de que al alimentar novillas supliendo el 200% de las necesidades de mantenimiento durante un corto periodo, se aumentan las concentraciones circulantes de insulina y la población de pequeños folículos ováricos. Teniendo en cuenta los últimos hallazgos, los trabajos se han encaminado a resolver algunos problemas prácticos en la reproducción del ganado de leche. En primer lugar, tanto el tratamiento previo con rGH como el aumento de la ingesta alimentaria mejoran la viabilidad embrionaria. En segundo lugar, al formular dietas destinadas a aumentar la concentración de insulina durante la lactancia temprana, se nota un pequeño aumento del consumo voluntario y que estos animales llegan más prontamente a la primera ovulación posparto, lo cual, además, muestra un aumento de la tasa de concepción al primer servicio.

  1. Mastitis Bovina: Resistencia a antibióticos de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus asiladas de leche (Bovine Mastitis: Antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from milk)


    Pellegrino, MS; Frola, ID; Odierno, LM; Bogni, CI


    ResumenLa mastitis bovina es considerada la enfermedad infecciosa del ganado lechero de mayor impacto económico mundial, siendo Staphylococcus aureus el principal agente patógeno en muchos países.SummaryBovine mastitis is a frequent cause of economic loss in worldwide dairy herds, being Staphylococcus aureus the main etiological agent in many countries.

  2. Epidemiological survey of the taeniasis/cysticercosis complex in cattle farms in Viçosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil Inquérito epidemiológico sobre o complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina no município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais

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    Tatiane O. Santos


    Full Text Available Despite the importance of human taeniasis/bovine cysticercosis for public and animal health and the economy, its actual epidemiological status in Brazil is not well-studied. We sought to assess the epidemiological profile of this zoonosis in the rural area of Viçosa County, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The prevalence of bovine cysticercosis was 0.42%, whereas no case of human taeniasis was diagnosed. Factors favoring the persistence of zoonosis were identified. These included the supply of untreated water to animals, animals raised for slaughter without sanitary supervision, poor mechanization of raising techniques, and the use of untreated water for human consumption. Bovine meat for human consumption acquired in the city or from the farm itself was characterized as a risk factor for bovine cysticercosis (Odds Ratio (OR =16.77; pApesar da importância do complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina para a saúde pública, animal e para a economia, a realidade epidemiológica da ocorrência dessas zoonoses no Brasil é pouco conhecida. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil epidemiológico desta zoonose na zona rural do município de Viçosa, MG. A prevalência encontrada de cisticercose bovina foi de 0,42%, e nenhum caso de teníase humana foi diagnosticado. Foi verificada presença de fatores favoráveis a manutenção dessa zoonose, como fornecimento de água sem tratar aos animais, criação de animais destinados ao abate sem inspeção sanitária, criação de bovinos com baixa adoção de tecnologia, e utilização de água sem tratamento. O consumo de carne bovina oriunda da propriedade e da cidade foi caracterizado como variável de risco (OR=16,77; p<0,05 para a cisticercose bovina. Apesar disso, as famílias das propriedades pesquisadas possuíam hábitos favoráveis como medida de controle para o desenvolvimento desta parasitose, como a quase ausência de esgoto a céu aberto e a ingestão de carne bovina bem passada. A

  3. Phylogenetic reconstruction and the identification of ancient polymorphism in the Bovini tribe (Bovidae, Bovinae

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    MacEachern Sean


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Bovinae subfamily incorporates an array of antelope, buffalo and cattle species. All of the members of this subfamily have diverged recently. Not surprisingly, a number of phylogenetic studies from molecular and morphological data have resulted in ambiguous trees and relationships amongst species, especially for Yak and Bison species. A partial phylogenetic reconstruction of 13 extant members of the Bovini tribe (Bovidae, Bovinae from 15 complete or partially sequenced autosomal genes is presented. Results We identified 3 distinct lineages after the Bovini split from the Boselaphini and Tragelaphini tribes, which has lead to the (1 Buffalo clade (Bubalus and Syncerus species and a more recent divergence leading to the (2 Banteng, Gaur and Mithan and (3 Domestic cattle clades. A fourth lineage may also exist that leads to Bison and Yak. However, there was some ambiguity as to whether this was a divergence from the Banteng/Gaur/Mithan or the Domestic cattle clade. From an analysis of approximately 30,000 sites that were amplified in all species 133 sites were identified with ambiguous inheritance, in that all trees implied more than one mutation at the same site. Closer examination of these sites has identified that they are the result of ancient polymorphisms that have subsequently undergone lineage sorting in the Bovini tribe, of which 53 have remained polymorphic since Bos and Bison species last shared a common ancestor with Bubalus between 5–8 million years ago (MYA. Conclusion Uncertainty arises in our phylogenetic reconstructions because many species in the Bovini diverged over a short period of time. It appears that a number of sites with ambiguous inheritance have been maintained in subsequent populations by chance (lineage sorting and that they have contributed to an association between Yak and Domestic cattle and an unreliable phylogenetic reconstruction for the Bison/Yak clade. Interestingly, a number of these

  4. Phylogenetic reconstruction and the identification of ancient polymorphism in the Bovini tribe (Bovidae, Bovinae). (United States)

    MacEachern, Sean; McEwan, John; Goddard, Mike


    The Bovinae subfamily incorporates an array of antelope, buffalo and cattle species. All of the members of this subfamily have diverged recently. Not surprisingly, a number of phylogenetic studies from molecular and morphological data have resulted in ambiguous trees and relationships amongst species, especially for Yak and Bison species. A partial phylogenetic reconstruction of 13 extant members of the Bovini tribe (Bovidae, Bovinae) from 15 complete or partially sequenced autosomal genes is presented. We identified 3 distinct lineages after the Bovini split from the Boselaphini and Tragelaphini tribes, which has lead to the (1) Buffalo clade (Bubalus and Syncerus species) and a more recent divergence leading to the (2) Banteng, Gaur and Mithan and (3) Domestic cattle clades. A fourth lineage may also exist that leads to Bison and Yak. However, there was some ambiguity as to whether this was a divergence from the Banteng/Gaur/Mithan or the Domestic cattle clade. From an analysis of approximately 30,000 sites that were amplified in all species 133 sites were identified with ambiguous inheritance, in that all trees implied more than one mutation at the same site. Closer examination of these sites has identified that they are the result of ancient polymorphisms that have subsequently undergone lineage sorting in the Bovini tribe, of which 53 have remained polymorphic since Bos and Bison species last shared a common ancestor with Bubalus between 5-8 million years ago (MYA). Uncertainty arises in our phylogenetic reconstructions because many species in the Bovini diverged over a short period of time. It appears that a number of sites with ambiguous inheritance have been maintained in subsequent populations by chance (lineage sorting) and that they have contributed to an association between Yak and Domestic cattle and an unreliable phylogenetic reconstruction for the Bison/Yak clade. Interestingly, a number of these aberrant sites are in coding sections of the genome

  5. Comportamiento epidemiológico de la rabia paralítica bovina en la región central de México, 2001-2013

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    Isabel Bárcenas-Reyes

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Determinar la distribución geoespacial de los casos de rabia paralítica bovina transmitida por Desmodus rotundus en los estados de Guanajuato, Querétaro y San Luis Potosí, México. MÉTODOS: Estudio epidemiológico transversal a partir de los casos notificados por las campañas estatales de control de la rabia paralítica bovina en Guanajuato (2008-2013, Querétaro (2005-2013 y San Luis Potosí (2001-2013. Se confirmaron los casos por inmunofluorescencia directa. Se elaboraron mapas de distribución de los casos por año y por especie, mediante el software ArcMap versión 10.1. Para identificar áreas con condiciones apropiadas para la presencia de casos se combinaron las variables bioclimáticas con los casos georreferenciados, mediante el programa MaxEnt versión 3.3.3. RESULTADOS: Se registraron 1 037 casos, de los cuales, 911 (87,9% ocurrieron en San Luis Potosí, 82 (7,9% en Querétaro y 44 (4,2% en Guanajuato. Del total, 87,4% ocurrió en alturas menores de 1 500 msnm. En Guanajuato y Querétaro, 77,3% y 42,3% de los casos, respectivamente, ocurrieron en alturas mayores de 1 500 msnm. Los meses de mayor incidencia fueron de diciembre a marzo. La variante antigénica viral V11 fue la más frecuente (173 casos, presente en los tres estados estudiados. En el canal endémico, el promedio de casos se mantiene en la zona de seguridad de enero a marzo, pero de abril a junio excede la mediana. La distribución espacial de los casos muestra la diseminación reciente de la enfermedad, lo que coincide con la presencia del murciélago vampiro. CONCLUSIONES: La rabia paralítica bovina se ha extendido a regiones anteriormente libres de esta enfermedad. Las características ambientales y la altura sobre el nivel del mar no limitan la presentación de casos. Se debe mantener un monitoreo constante para la detección oportuna de casos. La vacunación se debe realizar antes del comienzo de las lluvias, sin esperar la aparición de brotes.

  6. Efectividad del Caldo Lactosado con Azul de Bromotimol en el control bacteriológico de las desinfecciones profilácticas en instalaciones bovinas


    Cepero Rodríguez, Omelio:; Silveira Prado, Enrique A.:; Suárez Fernández, Yolanda E.:; González García, Oraida:


    Con la finalidad de evaluar la efectividad del medio de cultivo CaldoLactosado con Azul de Bromotimol (CLAB) en el control bacteriológico de las desinfecciones profilácticas se realizó un estudio en unidades bovinas cuyos resultados se compararon en paralelo con los obtenidos con el medio de Heifetz Modificado (HM), establecido en Cuba para esta actividad. Previa limpieza mecánica se aplicaron las soluciones desinfectantes mediante una unidad móvil y después de tres horas de exposición se rea...

  7. The role of BST2/tetherin in infection with the feline retroviruses (United States)

    Dietrich, Isabelle; Hosie, Margaret J.; Willett, Brian J.


    The recently identified host restriction factor tetherin (BST-2, CD317) potently inhibits the release of nascent retrovirus particles from infected cells. Recently, we reported the identification and characterization of tetherin as a novel feline retroviral restriction factor. Based on homology to human tetherin we identified a putative tetherin gene in the genome of the domestic cat (Felis catus) which was found to be expressed in different feline cell lines both prior to and post treatment with either type I or type II interferon (IFN). The predicted structure of feline tetherin (feTHN) was that of a type II single-pass transmembrane protein encoding an N-terminal transmembrane anchor, central predicted coiled-coil bearing extracellular domain to promote dimerization, and a C-terminal GPI-anchor, consistent with conservation of structure between human and feline tetherin. FeTHN displayed potent inhibition of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particle release in single-cycle replication assays. Notably, feTHN activity was resistant to antagonism by HIV-1 Vpu. However, stable ectopic expression of feTHN mRNA in different feline cell lines had no inhibitory effect on the growth of diverse primary or cell culture-adapted strains of FIV. Hence, whereas feline tetherin efficiently blocks viral particle release in single-cycle replication assays, it might not prevent dissemination of feline retroviruses in vivo. PMID:21715020


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    César Betancur H


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estudiar la sero prevalencia de IBR en ganado bovino con antecedentes de infertilidad.Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron 150 muestras de sangre de hembras con antecedentes deinfertilidad y sin historia de vacunación contra IBR, pertenecientes a 32 fincas distribuidas en elmunicipio de Montería. Adicionalmente, se obtuvieron muestras al azar de 20 toros pertenecientesa las mismas fincas. Se analizaron anticuerpos contra IBR mediante la prueba de ELISA. Resultados.Los resultados mostraron una seroprevalencia de 74.7% para rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina. Seencontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a prevalencía para las variables sexo y edad de losanimales (p0.05. Conclusión. La alta prevalencia de lainfección por IBR en vacas podrían correlacionarse con la infección en toros, lo cual tiene unsignificado relevante, ya que la infección es de transmisión venérea. Estos resultados deben alertara las autoridades sanitarias para que implementen estrategias de prevención y control.


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    Janaína Holanda Lopes


    Full Text Available Com o incremento das exportações, estimulado pela globalização da economia, o Brasil vem conseguindo aumentar expressivamente a comercialização de produtos cárneos para o exterior. Os órgãos de fiscalização e regulamentação têm a necessidade de estabelecer padrões bacteriológicos para esses produtos, visando garantir que eles cheguem à prateleira sem risco à saúde de consumidor ou mesmo com aspecto repugnante. Muitos são os padrões bacteriológicos adotados pelos países importadores com o intuito de verificar a qualidade da carne bovina importada.Dentre esses padrões, em boa parte desses países, estão incluídas análises bacteriológicas, tais como contagens e determinações do número mais provável (NMP dos microrganismos indicadores, além de contagens e pesquisa de patógenos. O presente estudo buscou avaliar a qualidade bacteriológica das meias-carcaças oriundas de matadouros-frigoríficos do Estado de Goiás, habilitados à exportação, e oferecer informações para que os órgãos federais de regulamentação e fiscalização possam especificar padrões para essas carnes. Foram avaliadas 160 meias-carcaças bovinas, quentes e refrigeradas, no período de junho a setembro de 2004. Realizaram-se as seguintes análises: determinação do NMP de coliformes totais, coliformes fecais e Escherichia coli; contagem padrão de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos, estritos ou facultativos viáveis, contagem de microrganismos psicrófilos, contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase-positivo e contagem de Clostridia sulfito-redutor. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a qualidade bacteriológica das meias-carcaças é aceitável, mostraram os microrganismos eleitos importantes para a avaliação do “status bacteriológico” e também que não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os resultados das análises bacteriológicas das meias-carcaças quentes e refrigeradas. Contudo, há necessidade de vigil

  10. Diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de paratuberculosis bovina en un hato lechero en Colombia

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    Nicolás Ramírez V.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar retrospectiva y sistemáticamente los hallazgos clínicos e histopatológicos de paratuberculosis bovina Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (MAP. Los datos fueron obtenidos en diferentes momentos durante un periodo de 8 años (2000-2008 en unhato lechero en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se analizó la información documental en 5 casos compatibles con paratuberculisis bovina, así como la información procedente de otros estudios efectuados en el hato sobre la enfermedad realizados paralelamente enel periodo 2000-2008. Resultados. Los 5 animales afectados, presentaron diarrea crónica intermitente, disminución en la producción de leche, enflaquecimiento progresivo, apetito normal, consumo aumentado de agua y constantes fisiológicas normales. A la necropsia se observó engrosamiento de la mucosa intestinal del íleon y de la porción proximal del intestino grueso con múltiples levantamientos y depresiones, que no desaparecían al estirarel tejido. Los vasos sanguíneos mesentéricos se encontraron dilatados y congestivos. Los ganglios linfáticos mesentéricos se encontraron aumentados hasta tres veces, sin clara delimitación de la corteza y de la médula. Las alteraciones histológicas fueron enteritis ylinfadenitis granulomatosa. En tres de los animales se evidenciaron abundantes bacilos ácido alcohol resistentes (BAAR intracelulares en macrófagos, células gigantes y en el intersticio a la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen. En otros tejidos evaluados no se encontró inflamación de tipo granulomatoso. Conclusiones. Los criterios diagnósticos empleados, así como el análisis de la información diagnóstica generada en otros estudios, permiten confirmar la presencia, circulación y mantenimiento del Mycobacterium avium subsp.paratuberculosis en el hato con un aparente número elevado de animales infectados.

  11. Comparación de ácido láctico, ácido peroxiacético e hipoclorito de sodio en la desinfección de canales bovinas en un frigorífico de Bogotá, Colombia

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    Verónica Valencia Montero


    Full Text Available Los sistemas de desinfección desempeñan un papel importante en la disminución de peligros microbiológicos en canales bovinas. La desinfección allí es utilizada en las plantas de beneficio con el objeto de disminuir el número de microorganismos patógenos presentes en la superficie del producto. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de tres desinfectantes: ácido láctico (0,9 ± 2 %, ácido peroxiacético (100 ± 20 ppm e hipoclorito de sodio (100 ± 20 ppm en la reducción de Escherichia coli y Salmonella spp. en la superficie de canales bovinas, dentro de las instalaciones de un frigorífico de la sabana de Bogotá. Se seleccionaron 78 canales bovinas visualmente contaminadas durante el proceso de faenado, ya fuera con materia fecal o con ingesta; se muestrearon antes e inmediatamente después de aplicado el desinfectante mediante aspersión con máquina dosificadora. En la reducción de E. coli no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tres tratamientos (p > 0,05. El ácido láctico, el ácido peroxiacético y el hipoclorito de sodio obtuvieron un promedio de reducción de E. coli de 1,05, 1,38 y 1,01 log10 UFC/cm2, respectivamente. De las muestras tomadas ninguna obtuvo resultados positivos para Salmonella spp. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de eficacia, el bajo costo a concentraciones de 0,9 ± 2 % y las ventajas de manipulación, se recomienda la implementación de ácido láctico como desinfectante de canales dentro de las instalaciones de frigoríficos de bovinos, y este tipo de prácticas se puede repetir en plantas de aves y porcinos.


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    C. S. COSTA


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    O trabalho avaliou a sobrevivência de Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC 14028 em carnes bovinas, moída crua e resfriada (2 ºC, através do tratamento com radiação gama (Co60, utilizando doses de 0; 1,5; 2,5 e 3,5 kGy. Além do fator dose de radiação foram avaliadas as influências do emprego de vácuo e de dois teores de gordura da carne bovina moída: baixo (2-4% e alto (11-13%, bem como a interação dos fatores, na redução ou eliminação da bactéria patogênica inoculada. Os resultados demonstraram que os teores de gordura da carne e o emprego de vácuo não influenciaram significativamente a sobrevivência da Salmonella. A dose de radiação gama influenciou a inativação de Salmonella de forma dose dependente até 2,5 kGy, com reduções de 4 ciclos logarítmicos. A dose de 2,5 kGy é suficiente para exercer um controle efetivo de Salmonella em carne bovina moída independentemente do seu teor de gordura e da presença de oxigênio.


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    Rogério Elias Rabelo


    Full Text Available Descrição de duas técnicas cirúrgicas de castração de fêmeas bovinas, com análise das complicações pós-operatórias, em que se utilizaram 1.232 animais de diferentes raças e idades, procedentes de várias propriedades rurais do estado de Goiás. Os bovinos foram alocados em três grupos, assim constituídos: grupo I – 436 bezerras, com idade entre oito e 12 meses, castradas via flanco; grupo II –397 novilhas e vacas, que foram esterilizadas pelo mesmo método do grupo I; grupo III – 399 vacas ovariectomizadas por via vaginal, utilizando-se o emasculador de Chassaignac.Em avaliação das técnicas cirúrgicas, concluiu-se que a castração pelo flanco foi o método de mais fácil execução e que demandou o menor tempo de transoperatório. A análise pelo teste c2 indicou que a cirurgia via vaginal implicou menos complicações pós-operatórias que a via flanco, porém levou a um maior número de óbitos. A castração via flanco é,– portanto, a técnica mais apropriada para a esterilização de fêmeas bovinas PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ovariectomia, bovinos, pós-operatório.

  14. Determinantes dos arranjos contratuais: o caso da transação produtor-processador de carne bovina no Uruguai

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    Mario Mondelli


    Full Text Available Quais os determinantes da escolha do arranjo contratual nas transações entre produtores e processadores de carne bovina? A pergunta problema se insere no estudo dos mecanismos associados à coordenação da produção para dar respostas às preocupações dos consumidores. Observa-se a coexistência de arranjos contratuais nos sistemas produtivos de carne bovina, entre os quais a transação direta entre o pecuarista e o frigorífico, ou via intermediário especializado. A Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT pode ser utilizada para explicar a escolha dos arranjos contratuais observados, como resposta aos desafios de ganhos de eficiência "economizando" nos custos das transações. O presente estudo focaliza o sistema agroindustrial de carne bovina uruguaio, sendo estruturado em três partes. Primeiro a análise do histórico das relações entre produtores e processadores, e mudanças do ambiente institucional. A seguir, a partir das dimensões da transação (freqüência, especificidade de ativo e incerteza geram-se hipóteses a respeito dos determinantes da escolha dos arranjos contratuais. Finalmente as hipóteses são testadas a partir de um modelo logit. Utiliza-se um painel de dados com a totalidade de transações realizadas entre produtores e processadores fornecidos pelo Ministério de Agricultura do Uruguai (77.000 transações. Os resultados validam estatisticamente as hipóteses levantadas a respeito dos determinantes da escolha do arranjo contratual entre produtores e processadores. Uma transação tem maior probabilidade de se alinhar com o arranjo contratual direto (mais coordenado quanto maior o grau de ativos específicos envolvidos no produto, quanto menor a distância entre o produtor e o processador e quanto maior a freqüência de transações entre as partes envolvidas, corroborando a teoria de ECT.What are the determinants of the commercial channel choice in the beef producers-processors transactions? The question

  15. Factores determinantes de la oferta regional de carne bovina en México, 1994-2013

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    Sergio Puebla Albiter


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las variables que determinan la oferta regional de carne bovina en México, en el periodo 1994-2013, en las regiones centro-occidente, oriente, norte, noroeste y sur. Para hacerlo se utilizaron cinco modelos lineales multivariables, y los resultados indican que en cada región la oferta fue inelástica al precio de la carne; inversa e inelástica al precio del maíz y al del sorgo; directa e inelástica a la tasa de extracción; positiva e inelástica en cuanto a la precipitación pluvial y los subsidios. Tales resultados predicen que los aumentos en los precios de la carne reflejan un incremento en la producción; pero que ésta se restringe si aumenta el costo de los insumos. La conclusión es que los subsidios gubernamentales y la precipitación pluvial incidieron en que la inelasticidad fuera menor, y que su papel es importante para contrarrestar el efecto del precio de los insumos sobre la producción de esta carne.

  16. Uso de inóculo padronizado de Anaplasma marginale e da quimioprofilaxia no controle da anaplasmose bovina

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    Ribeiro M.F.B.


    Full Text Available O uso de inóculo homólogo padronizado de Anaplasma marginale foi comparado à prática de quimioprofilaxia com diidrato de oxitetraciclina na redução da riquetsemia e do volume globular (VG causada pela anaplasmose bovina. Os animais que receberam o inóculo (10(7 hemácias com Anaplasma marginaleapresentaram, ao serem desafiados em campo, riquetsemia média de 1,2% e redução média de VG de 23,0%, significativamente inferiores às do grupo-controle (P<0,05. No experimento de quimioprofilaxia os animais que receberam três doses de diidrato de oxitetraciclina (20mg/kg, com intervalos de 25 dias, apresentaram riquetsemia de 2,7% e redução de 36,3% no VG, significativamente inferiores às do grupo-controle (P<0,05. Ambas as medidas preventivas testadas foram eficientes na redução da intensidade da riquetsemia e na queda do VG.

  17. O comércio potencial brasileiro de carne bovina no contexto de integração regional

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    Luciane da Silva Rubin


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa o potencial exportador do setor brasileiro de carne bovina frente à suposição de futuros acordos de integração regional. Os países ou blocos escolhidos são: União Européia (UE, Acordo de Livre Comércio da América do Norte (Nafta, Comunidade dos Estados Independentes (CEI, República Popular da China (RPC e Japão. Para analisar o potencial exportador do setor de carnes, foram desenvolvidos quatro generalizações metodológicas: o potencial importador dos países, o cálculo da evolução do Índice de Vantagem Revelada das Exportações do Brasil e de seus principais concorrentes, pesquisa bibliográfica das principais barreiras existentes e cálculo do Índice de Orientação Regional. Os resultados, quanto ao potencial importador, indicam que a União Européia (UE constitui-se altamente atrativo para a carne bovina. Os resultados do cálculo das vantagens comparativas revelaram que o Brasil tem alta e crescente competitividade no setor de carnes para o período 1990 a 2003. Quanto aos concorrentes no interior de cada bloco ou país, a União Européia é que apresentou o maior concorrente. Quanto às barreiras impostas, estas revelaram ser, de modo geral, extremamente elevadas e, em alguns casos, impeditivas. Portanto, o setor brasileiro de carnes teria muito a ganhar caso fossem eliminadas tais barreiras. Enfim, na última relação, constata-se alto grau de aceitação das exportações brasileiras de carne bovina àqueles blocos que não têm barreiras sanitárias impeditivas. Contudo, ao cruzar os resultados para o setor, observa-se que, a partir da efetivação de acordos de livre comércio inter-regionais, via Mercosul, ou por acordos bilaterais, com os blocos ou países em estudo, estes trarão ganhos efetivos para o setor brasileiro de carnes.This study analyses the Brazilian beef exportation potential considering the supposition of future agreements of regional integration. The countries or blocks that


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    Andrea Polidori Celia


    Full Text Available AAs cadeias de produção de leites de origem não bovina estão em crescimento no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os tipos de produtos lácteos não bovinos mais consumidos e sua origem (se caprina, ovina ou bubalina, bem como avaliar as características do consumidor que adquire esses produtos. Verificou-se, ainda, a frequência de consumo de leite bovino e derivados. Realizou-se uma pesquisa tipo survey, pela internet, com 636 respondentes. O produto derivado de leite não bovino mais citado é o queijo, seguido do leite e do iogurte. A espécie mais citada é a cabra, seguida pela búfala e a ovelha. Os consumidores que mais tendem a já ter consumido esses tipos de produtos são pessoas com mais de 45 anos, renda superior a três salários mínimos e formação superior. Os consumidores diários de queijo bovino demonstram já ter consumido produtos de leite de outra espécie. Os resultados obtidos poderão subsidiar decisões de marketing das cadeias de produção de

  19. Efeito da idade, sexo, altura do cupim e tipos de carcaça sobre características quantitativas e qualitativas da carcaça e da carne bovina


    Luciane Correia Ribeiro


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da idade, sexo, altura de cupim e tipificação de carcaças sobre as características quantitativas e qualitativas da carcaça e da carne bovina. Foram avaliados os pesos de carcaça quente, peso do quarto traseiro resfriado, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura de cobertura e grau de acabamento de 36 bovinos machos castrados de diferentes idades, avaliadas pela cronologia dentária, e 10 fêmeas adultas, escolhidos ao acaso na linha de matan...

  20. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers in traceability of retail beef samples Marcadores de DNA nuclear e mitocondrial para rastreabilidade da carne bovina comercializada

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    Aline S.M. Cesar


    ém de dados da cadeia produtiva. Em geral, a empresa certificadora dispõe das informações do animal que está sendo abatido, porém não tem condições de garantir se houve erro entre abate, desossa, processamento e a distribuição dos produtos. Existe diferenciação no custo e na qualidade dos produtos cárneos, especialmente no mercado internacional, em virtude do sexo e composição racial dos animais. Os marcadores genéticos permitem identificar as características que são controladas num programa de rastreabilidade bovina tais como sexo e composição racial, permitindo identificar e avaliar corretamente para o consumidor, o produto final. A hipótese deste estudo foi que a maioria das amostras de carne bovina vendida no mercado local seria proveniente de fêmeas e com grande participação de raças Zebu. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar amostras de carne bovina com marcadores de DNA para identificar o sexo e a composição racial. Em dez pontos comerciais da cidade de Pirasssununga, SP, Brasil, foram coletadas 61 amostras e todas foram genotipadas como possuindo DNA mitocondrial Bos taurus e 18 foram positivos para amplificação do cromossomo Y (macho. Para o marcador sat1711b-Msp I a frequência alélica do A foi 0.278 e para o marcador Lhr-Hha I a frequência alélica do T foi 0.417. Os resultados das frequências alélicas do sat1711b-Msp I e Lhr-Hha I apresentaram menor proporção do genoma Bos indicus em relação ao Bos taurus quando comparado ao rebanho Nelore. Com a metodologia descrita neste trabalho foi possível avaliar o sexo e as características de subespécie das amostras de carne bovina, tendo uma importante aplicação para a certificação de produtos cárneos especialmente, em programas de rastreabilidade animal.

  1. Determinación serológica de leucosis bovina enzoótica en novillas de levante y vacas adultas de la vereda Morichal, Yopal, Casanare

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    Nelly Andrea Bautista-R.


    Full Text Available La investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de realizar una determinación serológica de leucosis bovina enzoótica en novillas de levante y vacas adultas. Se recolectaron 100 muestras de sangre de hembras escogidas al azar, pertenecientes a tres fincas del sector La Guafilla, de la vereda Morichal, en Yopal, Casanare, las cuales fueron analizadas para anticuerpos contra el LVB (virus de la Leucosis Viral Bovina; adicionalmente, se obtuvieron 100 muestras de los mismos animales para realización de hemograma, con el fin de observar cambios a nivel sanguíneo de aquellos que resultaran positivos. La técnica serológica empleada fue la prueba de ELISA indirecta. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo tabulando la información con datos de seropositividad y seronegatividad obtenidos de cada animal; los resultados se interpretaron de acuerdo con las variables raza, edad y variaciones del cuadro hemático. Para determinar la relación entre seropositividad y cada una de las variables se utilizó la prueba de Probabilidad de Fisher. Las pruebas arrojaron una seroprevalencia del 15% para LVB. No se encontraron diferencias significativas de prevalencia asociadas a las variables raza, edad o resultados del hemograma (p>=0.05. Se demuestra la presencia del virus LBE en La Guafilla. Se confirma la importancia de implementar un programa de control y prevención de la diseminación de la infección, con el fin de evitar las pérdidas económicas asociadas, y, dentro de lo posible, la eliminación de los animales seropositivos para lograr la erradicación de la infección en esta zona del país.

  2. Brotes de babesiosis y anaplasmosis bovina diagnosticados en el INTA Salta, Argentina: período 2006-2016

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    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de brotes de babesiosis y anaplasmosis (tristeza parasitaria bovina, TPB ocurridos entre 2006 y 2016 en el Noroeste argentino (NOA para evaluar algunos aspectos epidemiológicos y clínicos de estas enfermedades. De 4.398 muestras para diagnóstico, 238 (5,4% tuvieron sospechas de TPB, las cuales se confirmaron en 106 (44,3% casos por observación microscópica de los agentes causales. Cuarenta y siete (44,3% brotes se debieron a Anaplasma marginale, 40 (37,7% a Babesia bovis y 14 (13,2% a Babesia bigemina. En cinco (4,7% focos de babesiosis no se determinó la especie causal de Babesia. Los brotes se diagnosticaron en 62 establecimientos ganaderos de cuatro provincias (Salta, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero y Chaco. La mayoría ocurrieron en verano y otoño, con máxima incidencia en abril y nula en setiembre para ambas noxas. Las vacas adultas fueron la categoría de ganado más afectada. En 58% (61/106 de los brotes murió al menos un bovino, con un número promedio de cuatro muertes por brote. Se concluye que la TPB continúa incidiendo negativamente en la producción bovina del NOA. SUMMARY. Bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis outbreaks diagnosed at INTA Salta, Argentina: 2006-2016. A retrospective study of babesiosis and anaplasmosis outbreaks (tick fever, TF was made, which occurred from 2006 to 2016 in Northwest Argentina (NWA, to evaluate clinical and epidemiological aspects of these diseases. From 4,398 specimens, 238 (5.4% were associated with suspicions of TF and 106 of these cases (44.3% were confirmed as TF outbreaks by microscopic observation of causal agents. Forty seven (44.3% were due to Anaplasma marginale, 40 (37.7% to Babesia bovis and 14 (13.2% to Babesia bigemina. In five (4.7% outbreaks of babesiosis, Babesia species were not determined. Outbreaks were diagnosed at 62 different cattle ranches in four provinces (Salta, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero and Chaco. The outbreaks occurred mostly during

  3. Tristeza parasitária bovina no Sertão da Paraíba

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    V.M.M. Costa


    Full Text Available Descrevem-se 24 surtos de tristeza parasitária bovina no sertão paraibano, sendo 18 de anaplasmose por Anaplasma margimale, dois de babesiose por Babesia bigemina, dois por Babesia não identificada e dois por infecção mista de A. marginale e Babesia sp. Os surtos ocorreram entre agosto de 2007 a outubro de 2009, porém, com uma concentração dos surtos no final do período chuvoso e início do período seco de cada ano, sendo 22 em animais adultos e dois em bezerros de aproximadamente 11 meses. Dois surtos ocorreram em bovinos da raça Nelore, um em animais da raça Gir e os 21 restantes ocorreram em animais das raças Holandês, Pardo Suiço e mestiços das mesmas com zebuínos. Conclui-se que no sertão da Paraíba há áreas de instabilidade enzoótica, ocorrendo surtos de tristeza no final da época de chuvas, principalmente nas áreas de planaltos e serras da região da Borborema e em áreas úmidas como a Bacia do Rio do Peixe, Rio Piranhas e Rio Espinharas em que há a formação de microclimas favoráveis à sobrevivência do carrapato.

  4. Uso da terra como determinante da distribuição da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais, Brasil Use of the land as determinant of the distribution of the bovine rabies in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    J.A. Silva


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo observacional retrospectivo com o objetivo de avaliar variáveis do uso da terra como determinante da distribuição da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais. Foram analisadas 7.526 fichas de diagnóstico de raiva por imunofluorescência direta, de 1976 a 1997. Utilizaram-se os dados dos Censos Agropecuários de Minas Gerais- FIBGE, anos de 1970, 1985 e 1995-1996. Empregou-se o método da análise fatorial de componentes principais, com auxílio do programa Minitab versão 9.0. A raiva bovina apresentou-se mais associada às lavouras permanentes e temporárias, às pastagens naturais e plantadas e ao efetivo bovino, e menos associada às matas naturais e plantadas, às lavouras em descanso e às terras produtivas não utilizadas. Concluiu-se que as transformações antrópicas no espaço agrário, especialmente no uso da terra, influenciaram de modo determinante a distribuição espacial e temporal da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais.A retrospective observational study was performed to evaluate variables of the use of the land to determine space and time distribution of bovine rabies in Minas Gerais State - Brazil, from 1976 to 1997. The analysis of 7526 records for bovine rabies diagnosis used direct immunofluorescence was performed. For analysis of the use of the land the data of the Agricultural Censuses of Minas Gerais - FIBGE, years of 1970, 1985 and 1995-1996 were studied. Factorial analysis of the main components, with the aid of the Minitab Program version 9.0, was used to investigate the behavior of rabies and variables of the use of the land. This disease was more associated to the permanent and temporary crops, natural and artificial pastures, and size of the bovine herds. On the other hand, it was less associated to the artificial and natural forests, resting crop areas or unused productive land. It was concluded that anthropics transformations in agrarian space, especially related to the use of the land had a determinant

  5. Fatores associados à percepção e atitude de consumidores de carne bovina com certificação de origem em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais


    Lopes, Marcos Aurélio; Maia, Érica Mariz; Bruhn, Fábio Raphael Pascoti; Custódio, Izadora Alvarenga; Rocha, Christiane Maria Barcellos Magalhães da; Faria, Peter Bittencout


    RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os fatores socioeconômicos relacionados com a decisão de compra de carne com certificação de origem, além de levantar os perfis de percepção e de atitude dos consumidores de carne bovina, em Uberlândia, MG. Foi realizada a descrição das variáveis e construído um modelo múltiplo Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) de regressão logística, para testar as possíveis associações entre as características socioeconômicas dos consumidores e os principais...

  6. Prevalência da mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii em rebanhos leiteiros, na região norte do Paraná Prevalence of bovine mastitis due to Prototheca zopfii in dairy cattle in north Paraná, Brazil

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    Laerte Francisco Filippsen


    Full Text Available Algas do gênero Prototheca têm sido relacionadas como agente etiológico na ocorrência de mastite bovina, entretanto, nenhum caso foi relatado no estado do Paraná. O presente trabalho objetivou determinar a prevalência desta alga, enquanto agente etiológico nas mastites bovinas, em rebanhos leiteiros, na região norte do Paraná. Foram visitadas 20 propriedades produtoras de leite e realizados exames clínicos e teste do CMT (California Mastitis Test em todos os animais em lactação. A alga Prototheca zopfii foi isolada de dois animais de uma das propriedades. Todas as cepas isoladas de Prototheca zopfii mostraram-se resistentes aos antimicrobianos testados.Prototheca has been reported as an etiological agent in the occurrence of bovine mastitis, although no case has been noticed in Paraná. The aim of this work was to determine the prevalence of this algae as an etiological agent of the bovine mastitis in dairy cattle in north Paraná. Clinical exams and CMT (California Mastitis Test were done in all lactation animals raised in 20 dairy farms. The algae Prototheca zopfii was found in two animals of one farm. All the Prototheca zopfii strains were resistent against the antimicrobial agents tested.

  7. Iodometric and Molecular Detection of ESBL Production Among Clinical Isolates of E. coli Fingerprinted by ERIC-PCR: The First Egyptian Report Declares the Emergence of E. coli O25b-ST131clone Harboring blaGES. (United States)

    El-Badawy, Mohamed F; Tawakol, Wael M; Maghrabi, Ibrahim A; Mansy, Moselhy S; Shohayeb, Mohamed M; Ashour, Mohammed S


    The extensive use of β-lactam antibiotics has led to emergence and spread of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs). This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of 7 different ESBL genes (bla TEM , bla SHV , bla CTX-M , bla VEB , bla PER , bla GES , and bla OXA-10 ) and O25b-ST131 high-risk clone among 61 clinical isolates of Escherichia coli. Also, one broad-spectrum β-lactamase (bla OXA-1 ) was investigated. This study was also constructed to evaluate iodometric overlay method in detection of ESBL production. Phenotypic identification of E. coli isolates using API 20E revealed 18 distinct biotypes. DNA fingerprinting using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) differentiated all isolates into 2 main phylogenetic groups with 60 distinct genetic profiles. Elevated values of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) 50 and MIC 90 for third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins were observed. Phenotypic tests revealed that 85.24% of isolates were ESBL producers. The incidence rates of bla TEM , bla SHV , bla CTX-M , bla GES , bla OXA-1 , and bla OXA-10 among E. coli ESBL producer phenotype were 69.23%, 25%, 96.15%, 3.85%, 11.54%, and 48%, respectively. On the other hand, bla VEB and bla PER were not detected. Sequencing of bla TEM and bla SHV revealed that bla TEM-214 and bla SHV-11 were the most prevalent variants. Group characterization of bla CTX-M revealed that bla CTX-M-1 was the most prevalent group of bla CTX-M family. It was found that 30.77% of E. coli ESBL producers belonged to O25b-ST131 clone harboring bla CTX-M-15 . This study concluded that iodometric overlay method was 100% sensitive in detection of ESBL production. To our knowledge, this is the first Egyptian study that declares the emergence of E. coli O25b-ST131 harboring bla GES .

  8. Epidemiología y caracterización de los factores de riesgo de diarrea viral bovina y neosporosis en bovinos del valle del Mantaro – región Junín


    Arauco Villar, Fernando


    Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico de Diarrea viral bovina (DVB) y neosporosis en 425 vacas en producción de 37 hatos del Valle del Mantaro-Región Junín, Perú, mediante ELISA e identificando sus factores de riesgo aplicando una encuesta. Para DVB se encontraron prevalencias: muestral 66.33%, predial 97.3% (36/37) y promedio/hato 64.78%, Concepción tuvo las prevalencias promedio/hato y muestral más altas, luego Jauja, Chupaca y Huancayo; la prevalencia de animales persistentement...


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    Fontenla M


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue diseñar un modelo experimental de Glomerulonefritis Membranosa (GM en ratas Wistar, inducida con Seroalbúmina Bovina (BSA, y validarlo mediante la determinación de parámetros bioquímicos, histológicos, ultraestructurales y detección de inmunocomplejos por inmunofluorescencia (IF. Los animales del grupo experimental fueron inmunizados por vía subcutánea, con dosis de 3 mg c/u de BSA/PBS con adyuvante de Freund. Se efectuaron diferentes esquemas de inmunización. Cuando el título de anticuerpos fue ≥1/2, comenzó la administración diaria de 2 mg, por vía endovenosa de BSA/PBS, durante 15 días. Se evaluó la funcionalidad renal por la proteinuria; después de la 5° semana, desde su aparición, se determinó: depuración (clearance de creatinina, uremia, proteinemia y perfil lipídico. Los dos riñones se usaron para estudios histológicos, ultraestructurales y detección de inmunocomplejos por IF. Los resultados mostraron que la inmunización fue efectiva con 5 R E S U M E N inoculaciones c/15 días. En los animales nefróticos la proteinuria, depuración (clearance de creatinina, proteinemia , uremia y el perfil lipídico presentaron alteraciones significativas (p<0.0001. Al microscopio óptico se observó hipercelularidad, engrosamiento difuso de las membranas basales de los capilares glomerulares y diferentes grados de atrofia, esclerosis e hialinización de los glomérulos. Por IF se detectó inmunocomplejos IgG en el 100 % de los glomérulos. Ultraestructuralmente, se observaron depósitos subepiteliales electrodensos en la membrana basal engrosada, compatibles con inmunocomplejos . Se encontraron alteraciones en la estructura de los podocitos. En conclusión, los estudios bioquímicos, estructurales y ultraestructurales permitieron inferir la inducción de un síndrome nefrótico experimental. Concluimos que el protocolo utilizado tiene validez para la inducción de una glomerulonefritis

  10. EnBovinOs: Diseño de una red de ontologías en el dominio de las enfermedades bovinas

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    Javier Antonio Ballesteros-Ricaurte


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el proceso de desarrollo de la red de ontologías: especificación de requisitos, la aplicación de la Metodología NeOn, la reutilización de recursos ontológicos y no ontológicos, aplicado al conocimiento de enfermedades en bovinos. Para el proceso de desarrollo de la red de ontologías, se contó con el apoyo de médicos veterinarios, expertos en Mastitis Bovina que aportan su conocimiento; utilizando herramientas informáticas y tecnologías, teniendo en cuenta que el desarrollo cumpla con las características, y que de la integración de los diferentes recursos se obtenga EnBovinos. Aplicando diferentes escenarios de la metodología, se encuentran recursos que se pueden reutilizar y de la misma forma entregar una red de ontologías que se pueda utilizar en otros proyectos.

  11. SÍNTESIS, COMPOSICIÓN Y MODIFICACIÓN DE LA GRASA DE LA LECHE BOVINA: Un nutriente valioso para la salud humana

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    Joaquín Angulo A, M.Sc


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión sobre la composición, estructura y mecanismo de síntesis de la grasa de la leche en la glándula mamaria bovina y del efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos insaturados (AGI sobre la cantidad y calidad de la grasa. Se resalta la importancia de la suplementación con aceites vegetales más aceite de pescado; se sugiere no generalizar el efecto de AGI como negativo sobre la cantidad de grasa de la leche; se muestra la necesidad de relacionar diferentes AGI con la vía regulatoria SREBP y con diferentes enzimas lipogénicas; y se incentiva la investigación del efecto de AGI sobre la composición de ácidos grasos de la leche y su distribución posicional dentro de la estructura lipídica.

  12. Effect of BST film thickness on the performance of tunable interdigital capacitors grown by MBE (United States)

    Meyers, Cedric J. G.; Freeze, Christopher R.; Stemmer, Susanne; York, Robert A.


    Voltage-tunable, interdigital capacitors (IDCs) were fabricated on Ba0.29Sr0.71TiO3 grown by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). In this growth technique, we utilize the metal-organic precursor titanium tetraisopropoxide rather than solid-source Ti as with conventional MBE. Two samples of varying BaxSr(1-x)TiO3 (BST) thicknesses were fabricated and analyzed. High-quality, epitaxial Pt electrodes were deposited by sputtering from a high-purity Pt target at 825 °C. The Pt electrodes were patterned and etched by argon ion milling, passivated with reactively sputtered SiO2, and then metallized with lift-off Ti/Au. The fabricated devices consisted of two-port IDCs embedded in ground-signal-ground, coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines to enable radio-frequency (RF) probing. The sample included open and thru de-embedding structures to remove pad and CPW parasitic impedances. Two-port RF scattering (S) parameters were measured from 100 MHz to 40 GHz while DC bias was stepped from 0 V to 100 V. The IDCs exhibit a high zero-bias radio-frequency (RF) quality factor (Q) approaching 200 at 1 GHz and better than 2.3:1 capacitance tuning for the 300-nm-thick sample. Differences in the Q(V) and C(V) response with varying thicknesses indicate that unknown higher order material phenomena are contributing to the loss and tuning characteristics of the material.

  13. Avaliação da estabilidade e da qualidade do patê de presunto, adicionado de globina bovina e de caseinato de sódio, como agente emulsionante


    Silva Janaína Guernica; Morais Harriman Aley; Junqueira Roberto Gonçalves; Oliveira Afonso de Liguori; Silvestre Marialice Pinto Coelho


    Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da incorporação das globinas bovina extraída pelo método da acetona acidificada (GT) e pelo da carboximetilcelulose (GCMC) e do caseinato de sódio (CA) sobre a composição química e as qualidades microbiológica e sensorial do patê de presunto. Foi, ainda, avaliada a estabilidade do produto durante os 45 dias de estocagem sob refrigeração, por meio das determinações de pH e do grau de oxidação lipídica. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pôde-...

  14. Caracterização de biótipos de Staphylococcus aureus isolados de mastite bovina Biotyping of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis

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    M.A.V.P. Brito


    Full Text Available Duzentos e dezoito amostras de Staphylococcus aureus, isoladas de infecção intramamária de vacas de 44 rebanhos leiteiros, foram classificadas em biótipos de acordo com os testes de produção de estafiloquinase (K, beta-hemolisina (beta , coagulação do plasma bovino (Pl e crescimento na presença de cristal violeta (CV. As amostras foram distribuídas em 10 biótipos e 63 delas foram classificadas nas ecovariedades bovina (35, ovina (17, aviária (10 e humana (1 e 155 não apresentaram características específicas de hospedeiro. Estas últimas podem ser isoladas de homem, cabra, coelho, suíno, alimentos e de mastite bovina. O biótipo 1, encontrado com maior freqüência (37,2%, apresentou o padrão K (-, beta (+, Pl (- e CV (azul. Em sete rebanhos nos quais se examinaram 10 ou mais amostras, verificou-se que, apesar da ocorrência simultânea de mais de um biótipo por rebanho, houve predominância de um sobre os demais.Two hundred and eighteen strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine intramammary infections, obtained from 44 different dairy herds, were classified in biotypes based on staphylokinase (K and beta-haemolysin (beta production, bovine plasma coagulation (Pl and growth on crystal violet agar (CV. The strains were assigned to 10 different types, with 63 in the bovine (35, ovine (17, poultry (10 and human (1 ecovars and 155 in non-host specific biotypes. The latter can be isolated from man, goat, rabbit, pig, food, and bovine mastitis. The biotype 1, with reaction pattern K (-, beta (+, Pl (- and CV (blue, was the most frequently found (37,2%. From seven herds ten or more strains were examined. It was found that in spite of the presence of different biotypes per herd, there was always one prevalent biotype.

  15. A Utilização da Informação Contábil na Gestão da Pecuária Bovina de Corte: Uma Pesquisa Empírica

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    Anisio Candido Pereira


    Full Text Available A pecuária bovina de corte representa uma atividade econômica de grande importância para a economia nacional e, como qualquer entidade, sua administração necessita de informações confiáveis e úteis para a tomada de decisão. Dessa forma, este trabalho aborda qual o estágio de utilização das informações contábeis pelo gestor pecuarista de gado de corte na Região de Nova Andradina, MS, bem como os benefícios passíveis de serem obtidos com o uso freqüente das informações geradas pela Contabilidade por esses gestores. Assim, o artigo explana conceitos básicos da pecuária bovina de corte e aborda o mercado dessa atividade, visando introduzir o leitor no assunto e também situá-lo quanto ao cenário do negócio. Posteriormente são evidenciados conceitos sobre Contabilidade Pecuária, e apresentada uma pesquisa realizada junto aos escritórios de contabilidade numa cidade do Mato Grosso do Sul, buscando entender qual o grau de utilização da Contabilidade pelos pecuaristas, finalizando com a argumentação da contribuição da Contabilidade como ferramenta de apoio à gestão do negócio pecuária de corte, bem como para o agronegócio de forma geral, visto que a Contabilidade, por suas informações e controles é fundamental para o processo de crescimento e manutenção de qualquer atividade econômica.

  16. Nuevos enfoques en el diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de la mastitis bovina a través del uso de moléculas con acción antimicrobiana


    Chaneton, Luciano


    El objetivo de esta tesis fue caracterizar el papel de lactoferrina (LF) y otros factores solubles endógenos, en la defensa de la glándula mamaria contra la infección. También, se buscó analizar la potencial aplicación de estos elementos para el diagnóstico y la predicción de la mastitis bovina y para la generación de ganado resistente a esta enfermedad. Para abordar estos objetivos se realizaron estudios bioquímicos, microbiológicos y epidemiológicos que se presentan en 4 apartados de result...


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    Paulo César Moreira


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    There is an estimate that the mastitis in dairy herds causes production losses between 5 and 35%, equivalent from 85 to 500 million dollars per year. 231 milk samples from 231 cows on different stages of lactation, with clinic mastitis, from 35 farms of Goiânia, were analyzed in order to map the pathogens implicated in these process and to discover the microorganisms with major prevalence. All the samples had positive growth. The principal agents were Staphylococcus coagulase positive (32.90%, Streptococcus sp. (22.07%, Pseudomonas sp. (12.12%, Enterobacter sp. (10.38%, Corynebacterium sp. (8.65%, Escherichia coli (8.22%, Bacillus sp. (8.22%, Proteus sp. (6.49%, Klebsiella sp. (4.32% and Staphylococcus coagulase negative (3.46%. The Nocardia genus was isolated in 0.86% of the cases.

    KEY-WORDS: Bovine mastitis; etiology; isolated microorganisms.

    Estima-se que a presença de mastite bovina em rebanhos produtores provoque perdas de produção entre 5 e 35%, o que equivale de 85 a 500 milhões de dólares ao ano. Com o objetivo de mapear os patógenos envolvidos nesse processo e evidenciar os microrganismos com maior freqüência foram examinadas amostras de leite de 231 vacas, em diferentes estágios de lactação, que apresentaram sinais de mastite clínica e eram pertencentes a 35 propriedades rurais da bacia leiteira de Goiânia. Todas as amostras tiveram crescimento bacteriano positivo. Os principais agentes isolados foram o Staphylococcus coagulase positiva (32,90%, Streptococcus sp. (22,07%, Pseudomonas sp. (12,12%, Enterobacter sp. (10,38%, Corynebacterium sp. (8,65%, Escherichia coli (8,22%, Bacillus sp. (8,22%,

  18. Anxiety- and depression-like behavior in mice lacking the CD157/BST1 gene, a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease

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    Olga eLopatina


    Full Text Available CD157, known as bone marrow stromal cell antigen-1, is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored ADP-ribosyl cyclase that supports the survival and function of B-lymphocytes and hematopoietic or intestinal stem cells. Although CD157/Bst1 is a risk locus in Parkinson’s disease (PD, little is known about the function of CD157 in the nervous system and contribution to PD progression. Here, we show that no apparent motor dysfunction was observed in young knockout (CD157-/- male mice under less aging-related effects on behaviors. CD157-/- mice exhibited anxiety-related and depression-like behaviors compared with wild-type mice. These behaviors were rescued through treatment with anti-psychiatric drugs and oxytocin. CD157 was weakly expressed in the amygdala and c-Fos immunoreactivity was less evident in CD157-/- mice than in wild-type mice. These results demonstrate for the first time that CD157 plays a role as a neuro-regulator and suggest a potential role in pre-motor symptoms in PD.

  19. Proliferação de linfócitos e apoptose de células CD5+ de bovinos infectados pelo vírus da leucose enzoótica bovina

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    F.N Souza


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se a proliferação de linfócitos e a apoptose de células CD5+ de bovinos naturalmente infectados pelo vírus da leucose enzoótica bovina. Para tal, 100 vacas da raça Holandesa, em lactação, foram triadas quanto ao sorodiagnóstico para a leucose enzoótica bovina e o perfil hematológico, e 15 foram escolhidos e distribuídos uniformemente entre os três grupos, a saber: animais negativos, animais positivos alinfocitóticos e animais positivos e que manifestaram linfocitose persistente (LP. Para a avaliação da proliferação de linfócitos, procedeu-se ao isolamento das células mononucleares por gradiente de centrifugação, em que 2x10(6 linfócitos por mL foram plaqueados por poço e analisados por citometria de fluxo utilizando-se o fluorocromo CFSE-DA. A apoptose do sangue periférico deu-se utilizando a anexina V-FITC, e para a identificação das células CD5+, utilizaram-se anticorpos monoclonais. Ocorreu menor proliferação de linfócitos nos animais infectados e que manifestavam LP, e menor apoptose de células CD5+ do sangue periférico. Pode-se sugerir que o desenvolvimento da LP, resultante do aumento de linfócitos B, deve-se à redução do processo apoptótico das células CD5+, principal população infectada, e que a maior proliferação linfocitária pode se restringir apenas ao estádio inicial do desenvolvimento da LP.

  20. Atividade in vitro do extrato de própolis contra agentes bacterianos da mastite bovina In vitro activity of propolis extract against bovine mastitis bacterial agents

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    Andrea Pinto Loguercio


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade in vitro do extrato alcoólico de própolis, contra agentes da mastite bovina, comparando-o aos principais antimicrobianos utilizados no tratamento convencional. Foram utilizados 36 isolados coagulase-positivos de Staphylococcus sp. e 27 isolados de Streptococcus sp.; 94,4% dos Staphylococcus sp. e 85,2% dos Streptococcus sp. foram susceptíveis ao extrato de própolis.The present study aimed to determine the in vitro activity of propolis extract, comparing it to the most common antibacterial drugs against bovine mastitis bacterial agents. Thirty-six isolates of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus sp. and twenty-seven of Streptococcus sp. were analyzed. Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (94.4% and Streptococcus sp. (85.2% showed susceptibility to propolis extract.

  1. Nuevos casos de coccidiosis bovina en León. Denuncia de Eimeria bovis (Züblin,1908) Fiebiger, 1912, E. auburnensis Christensen y Porter, 1939 y E. ellipsoidalis Becker y Frye, 1929


    Cordero del Campillo, Miguel


    P. 61-72 Se estudian nuevos focos de coccidiosis bovina en la provincia de León. En la zona montañosa del NE, se identifica, nuevamente Eimeria zürni más Eimeria auburnensis. En las cercanías de la ciudad de León se comprobó la existencia de Eimeria bovis, Eimeria auburnensis y Eimeria ellipsoidalis. La máxima frecuencia corre a cargo de Eimeria zürni y Eimeria bovis, dotadas también de mayor poder patógeno. Los datos morfológicos de Eimeria zürni concuerdan con los estudiados por el autor...

  2. Estrategias genómicas y moleculares para el control de la babesiosis bovina

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    Juan Joel Mosqueda Gualito


    Full Text Available El control de la babesiosis bovina en muchas partes del mundo está restringido al tratamiento quimioterapéutico y al control de la población de garrapatas con agentes acaricidas. No hay programas de control basados en estudios de inmunidad de hato, control integral de la garrapata y las enfermedades que transmite, ni vacunas contra la babesiosis disponibles comercialmente. Para poder desarrollar estas herramientas es necesario utilizar tecnologías que incluyan conocimientos de genómica, proteómica y bioinformática, apoyadas en la investigación de genes con potencial diagnóstico o vacunal. El estudio de la función de los genes, y de la conservación o variabilidad son indispensables para determinar su utilidad. Es necesario, primero identificar los genes con potencial a incluirse en el desarrollo de estas herramientas, y después, evaluar su variabilidad o conservación en distintas poblaciones de parásitos. En segundo término, es necesario seleccionar regiones específicas de estos genes, que cumplan la función deseada, ya sean regiones conservadas o diferentes entre cepas. Finalmente, es necesario utilizar el método adecuado de evaluación de estos candidatos para el desarrollo de métodos de control adecuados. A pesar de que hay ciertos avances en el estudio de genes de B. bovis, hay prácticamente nula información respecto a B. bigemina. Es necesario aprovechar las nuevas estrategias genómicas y de bioinformática para identificar nuevos genes con potencial diagnóstico y de vacunación. El desarrollo de la ganadería mexicana está supeditado al establecimiento e implementación de estas herramientas.

  3. Principios generados a partir de la evolución del manejo en pastoreo para la producción de leche bovina en Cuba

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    Milagros de la C Milera

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución de los resultados científicos más importantes durante los últimos 40 años de investigación, obtenidos en estudios sobre sistemas de manejo con pastos para la producción de leche bovina en Cuba. La recopilación realizada permitió generar un grupo de principios que rigen el manejo con gramíneas mejoradas, leguminosas volubles y árboles para ramoneo. Se analizaron los retos en la concepción de los sistemas para la producción de leche en Cuba, que constituyen el nuevo paradigma: la producción de alimento y de energía a partir de gramíneas mejoradas, en pastoreo o en asociación con árboles forrajeros, energéticos, maderables y otros, que cubran el 80 % de los requerimientos de los animales.


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    Albenones José de Mesquita


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    To the present study, the capacity of food grade trissodic phosphate to reduce bacterial spoiling and pathogenic effect on bovine meat from three different categories of abattoirs was estimated, as well as shelf life of bovine meat kept under refrigeration. Trissodic phosphate was efficient to reduce bacterial spoiling and pathogenic effect, represented by mesophils and psychrotrophs, indicator microorganisms, fecal coliforms and pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella. The shelf life of treated bovine meat was influenced by the abattoir category and by the treatment with 10% solution of trissodic phosphate which represented an increase of 26.66%, 27.77% and 31.03% in the durability of meat coming from abattoirs A, B and C, respectively.

    KEY-WORDS: Trissodic phosphate; shelf life; bovine meat.

    No presente estudo verificou-se a capacidade do fosfato trissódico grau alimentício de reduzir a carga bacteriana deteriorante e patogênica da carne bovina proveniente de três categorias diferentes de estabelecimentos de abate, bem como estimou-se a vida do produto mantido sob refrigeração. O fosfato trissódico mostrou-se eficiente na redução da carga bacteriana deteriorante, representada por mesófilos e psicrotróficos, microrganismos indicadores, coliformes fecais e patogênicos como o Staphylococcus aureus e a Salmonella. A vida de prateleira da carne tratada foi influenciada pela categoria do estabelecimento e pelo tratamento com fosfato trissódico em solução a 10% que representou um acréscimo de 26,66%, 27,77% e 31,03% na durabilidade das carnes oriundas dos

  5. Primeiro relato no Brasil de mastite necrótica bovina por Clostridium perfringens tipo A First report in Brazil of bovine necrotic mastitis due to Clostridium perfringens type A

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    Luciana Aramuni Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Relata-se o primeiro caso no Brasil de mastite bovina por Clostridium perfringens tipo A. O quadro clínico caracterizou-se por necrose da papila mamária e porção ventral do quarto afetado. O agente foi isolado em cultura pura e identificado como tipo A por PCR a partir do leite do quarto mamário afetado.This report describes a case of bovine mastitis due to Clostridium perfringens type A for first time in Brazil. The unical case showed necrosis of papilla mammary and ventral portion of the affected quarter. The microorganism was isolated in pure culture and identified as type A by PCR from milk of the affected mammary quarter.


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    Marco Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue cuantificar la diversidad genética entre 16 subpoblaciones raciales bovinas de Costa Rica, con base en 1412 muestras de ADN bovino de todo el país, evaluadas mediante 18 marcadores microsatélites. El número promedio de alelos (Na por locus dentro de raza fue de 10,3, que varían entre 8 (Holstein×Jersey y 13 (Criolla para doble propósito. El número promedio de alelos efectivo (Ne fue de 5,04, con cambios entre 4,18 (Jersey y 5,64 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad observada promedio fue de 0,77, variando entre 0,73 (Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad esperada (He promedio fue de 0,78, que oscilan entre 0,74 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El contenido de información polimórfica (PIC fue de 0,76, con variaciones entre 0,71 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,79 (Criollas para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El FIS promedio fue de 0,02, con oscilaciones entre -0,03 (Holstein×Jersey a 0,04 (Brahman, Criolla para carne y Cruces para leche. La desviación del equilibrio Hardy Weinberg no fue significativa (p>0,05 en la mayoría de los loci para las subpoblaciones raciales. El subgrupo con mayor número de loci en desequilibrio fue Jersey (8 loci, mientras que los subgrupos Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para leche y Holstein×Jersey presentaron solo 1 locus en desequilibrio. Los índices de fijación FIS (0,02, FIT (0,05 y FST (0,03 indicaron cierta tendencia hacia la homocigosidad. Los dendrogramas mostraron 3 agrupaciones raciales claramente diferenciadas que coinciden con las razas de origen Bos taurus, Bos indicus y sus respectivos cruces. Los resultados del análisis indicaron que el número de microsatélites empleados sí permitió establecer una discriminación clara a nivel de las frecuencias alélicas y en la distribución del tamaño de los alelos entre las

  7. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis in Argentine dairy herds Sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos de Staphylococcus aureus causantes de mastitis bovina en rodeos lecheros de Argentina

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    N.B. Russi


    Full Text Available We assessed the in vitro activity of selected antimicrobial agents against 95 Staphylococcus aureus strains causing both clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis belonging to 61 dairy farms from the Central dairy area of Argentina. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs of penicillin, oxacillin, gentamicin, erythromycin, enrofloxacin and florfenicol were estimated. In addition, the agar diffusion test was performed. MIC50 and MIC90 were as follows: penicillin, 0.05 and 4 µg/ml; oxacillin, 0.25 and 0.25 µg/ml; gentamicin, 0.25 and 0.5 µg/ml; erythromycin 0.125 and 0.25 µg/ml; enrofloxacin 0.25 and 0.5 µg/ml, and florfenicol 4 and 8 µg/ml. b-lactamase activity was detected in 89% of 46 penicillin- resistant strains. Apart from penicillin, antimicrobial resistance in S. aureus causing bovine mastitis remains rare in Argentine dairy farms.Se evaluó la actividad in vitro de un grupo seleccionado de antimicrobianos contra 95 aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus obtenidos de casos de mastitis bovina clínica y subclínica, en 61 rodeos lecheros de la cuenca central de Argentina. Fueron estimadas las concentraciones inhibitorias mínimas (CIM de penicilina, oxacilina, gentamicina, eritromicina, enrofloxacina y florfenicol. Además se realizó la prueba de difusión en agar. Las CIM50 y CIM90 obtenidas fueron: penicilina 0,05 y 4 µg/ml; oxacilina 0,25 y 0,25 µg/ml; gentamicina 0,25 y 0,5 µg/ml; eritromicina 0,125 y 0,25 µg/ml; enrofloxacina 0,25 y 0,5 µg/ml y florfenicol 4 y 8 µg/ml. Se detectó actividad de b-lactamasa en el 89% de las cepas resistentes a la penicilina. A excepción de lo observado para penicilina, la resistencia a los antimicrobianos en S. aureus causantes de mastitis bovina en Argentina parece ser un fenómeno poco frecuente.

  8. O efeito país de origem na comercialização da carne bovina brasileira na Europa: um estudo com estudantes e funcionários de universidades europeias, importador europeu e exportadores brasileiros


    Fernanda de Tavares Canto Guina


    Estudos têm demonstrado que idéias pré-estabelecidas e estereotipadas dos indivíduos com relação a países podem afetar suas atitudes em relação a produtos oriundos dessas nações. Tal fato é conhecido como efeito país de origem. Nesse contexto, vale destacar que apesar de o Brasil ter assumido nesta década a posição de maior exportador de carne bovina do mundo, seu papel de liderança nesse campo é criticado por muitos europeus, que acreditam que a pecuária brasileira é responsável por grande p...


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    Full Text Available Se evaluó el recuento de coliformes totales y Escherichia coli en canales bovinas sometidas a diferentes tratamientos que incluyeron combinaciones de los métodos de lavado, desinfección y vaporización, utilizando el diseño completamente aleatorizado de un factor con 3 repeticiones. El muestreo se realizó mediante frotis de superficie en tres áreas diferentes de la muestra (espalda, pecho y anca, que fueron posteriormente analizadas mediante el método de recuento en placa. Al aplicar secuencialmente los métodos de remoción microbiana se apreció la disminución progresiva en el recuento de coliformes totales y E. coli, y en la variabilidad de los datos, principalmente en los tratamientos C, D y E. La prueba de contrastes múltiples de Friedman mostró la inexistencia de diferencias estadísticas entre los recuentos de los tratamientos C y E en la muestra 2, indicando la ineficacia de la vaporización como coadyuvante de la acidificación para disminuir el recuento de los microorganismos de estudio. Las pruebas de comparación en muestras independientes mostraron resultados idénticos a la prueba de Friedman, excepto para el recuento de E. coli entre los tratamientos D y E, sugiriendo que la vaporización tiene efecto significativo para potenciar la disminución del recuento del microorganismo en las canales.

  10. Seroprevalencia de babesiosis bovina en la hacienda Vegas de la Clara, Gómez Plata (Antioquia, 2008

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    Richard Zapata Salas


    Full Text Available La babesiosis es una enfermedad del ganado bovino transmitida por la garrapata Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus y causada por los parásitos protozoarios Babesia bovis y B. bigemina. Una zona se considera epizootiológicamente estable frente a Babesia spp, cuando el 75% de los bovinos entre las edades de 3 a 9 meses son serorreactivos (IgG frente a Babesia bovis y Babesia bigemina y no hay evidencia de signos clínicos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la seroprevalencia de Babesia bovis y Babesia bigemina en el ganado bovino de la hacienda Vegas de la Clara (Universidad de Antioquia, Gómez Plata, Antioquia, por medio de inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo con análisis de corte transversal. Fue evaluada toda la población bovina de la hacienda Vegas de la Clara (n = 118. Las muestras fueron evaluadas por inmunofluorescencia indirecta para la detección de anticuerpos tipo IgG específicos contra Babesia bovis y B. bigemina. La serorreactividad obtenida en los bovinos evaluados, para al menos una especie de Babesia fue del 89,8%, para Babesia bovis del 83,8%, mientras que para B. bigemina del 61%. Se obtuvo una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la serorreactividad para B. bigemina y la frecuencia del tratamiento garrapaticida. La serorreactividad indica estabilidad enzoótica en el hato para B. bovis, mientras que para B. bigemina se encontró que la frecuencia del tratamiento garrapaticida interrumpe su ciclo de transmisión.

  11. Programa hormonal associado ao desmame temporário, na indução de ovulação em vacas de corte durante o pós-parto Hormonal program associated to temporary weaning in the induction of ovulation in beef cows during post-partum

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    Marlon Nadal Maciel


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de tratamentos hormonais, associados ao desmame temporário, na indução de ovulação após o parto, em fêmeas de corte criadas extensivamente. Foram utilizadas 143 vacas (Hereford e cruzas Hereford x Nelore, pluríparas, entre 50 e 70 dias após o parto, com condição corporal (CC 2 e 3 (1-5. O grupo SEMED (somatotropina, estradiol, medroxiprogesterona, gonadotrofina e desmame foi constituído por 50 vacas, as quais receberam (dia 0 500mg de somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST-r, 5mg de benzoato de estradiol e um pessário intravaginal contendo 250mg de acetato de medróxiprogesterona (MAP e, seis dias após, (dia 6 500UI de gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina (eCG. No momento da retirada dos pessários (dia 7, os terneiros foram separados totalmente das vacas por 96h. No grupo EMED (estradiol, medroxiprogesterona, gonadotrofina e desmame, constituído de 48 vacas, adotou-se um tratamento semelhante ao do grupo anterior, diferindo apenas na não utilização da somatotrofina. No grupo CONTROLE, 43 vacas foram unicamente separadas dos seus filhos por 96h. Logo após a retirada dos pessários vaginais e de realizado o aparte dos terneiros, as vacas foram colocadas em um piquete com touros (1:10. Após 53 dias, foi realizado o diagnóstico de gestação por palpação retal e ultra-sonografia, para detectar as vacas que conceberam no estro subseqüente aos tratamentos. Obtiveram-se índices de prenhez de 11,1% , 38,0% e 56,2% respectivamente, para os grupos CONTROLE, SEMED e EMED, cujas diferenças foram significativas (pThe purpose of this experiment was to assess the efficiency of hormonal treatments on the fertility of beef cows raised extensively on the west border region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. A hundred and forty-three cows (Hereford and Crossing breeds which were between 50 and 70 days after delivery were used and, after being classified according to their

  12. Cloning, identification, and functional analysis of bone marrow stromal cell antigen-2 from sika deer (Cervus nippon). (United States)

    Wang, Jiawen; Bian, Shuai; Liu, Meichun; Zhang, Xin; Wang, Siming; Bai, Xueyuan; Zhao, Daqing; Zhao, Yu


    BST-2(tetherin/CD317/HM1.24) has been identified as a cellular antiviral factor that inhibits the release of a wide range of enveloped viruses from infected cells. Orthologs of BST-2 have been identified in several species including humans, monkeys, cows, sheep, pigs, and mice. In this study, we cloned the gene and characterized the protein of the BST-2 homolog from sika deer (Cervus nippon). cnBST-2 shares 37.8% and 74.2% identity with the BST-2 homologs from Homo sapiens and Ovis aries, respectively. The extracellular domain of cnBST-2 has two putative N-linked glycosylation sites and three potential dimerization sites. cnBST-2 was shown to be expressed on the cell surface, like human BST-2. Exogenous expression of cnBST-2 resulted in potent inhibition of HIV-1 particle release in 293T cells; however, this activity resisted antagonism by HIV-1 Vpu. Moreover, cnBST-2 was not able to activate nuclear factor-κB, in contrast to human BST-2. This study is the first report of the isolation and characterization of BST-2 from C. nippon. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. The Expression of BTS-2 Enhances Cell Growth and Invasiveness in Renal Cell Carcinoma. (United States)

    Pham, Quoc Thang; Oue, Naohide; Yamamoto, Yuji; Shigematsu, Yoshinori; Sekino, Yohei; Sakamoto, Naoya; Sentani, Kazuhiro; Uraoka, Naohiro; Tiwari, Mamata; Yasui, Wataru


    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most common types of cancer in developed countries. Bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST2) gene, which encodes BST2 transmembrane glycoprotein, is overexpressed in several cancer types. In the present study, we analyzed the expression and function of BST2 in RCC. BST2 expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in 123 RCC cases. RNA interference was used to inhibit BST2 expression in a RCC cell line. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that 32% of the 123 RCC cases were positive for BST2. BST2 expression was positively associated with tumour stage. Furthermore, BST2 expression was an independent predictor of survival in patients with RCC. BST2 siRNA-transfected Caki-1 cells displayed significantly reduced cell growth and invasive activity relative to negative control siRNA-transfected cells. These results suggest that BST2 plays an important role in the progression of RCC. Because BST2 is expressed on the cell membrane, BST2 is a good therapeutic target for RCC. Copyright© 2017, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  14. Neoplasmas da bexiga associados à hematúria enzoótica bovina Urinary bladder neoplasms associated with bovine enzootic hematuria

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    Marione de Albuquerque Moreira Souto


    Full Text Available Relatam-se três casos de hematúria enzoótica bovina (HEB em animais provenientes do município de Jaguari, RS, Brasil. As pastagens de todas as propriedades de origem estavam altamente infestadas por samambaia (Pteridium aquilinum. Três bovinos, com idades entre 4 e 7 anos, apresentaram sinais clínicos que incluíam emagrecimento progressivo, hematúria intermitente e palidez das mucosas. As principais lesões foram observadas na bexiga e consistiam de três tipos de neoplasmas: hemangioma capilar, hemangiossarcoma e carcinoma de células escamosas. A epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos e as lesões macroscópicas e microscópicas observadas nos três bovinos são consistentes com o diagnóstico de HEB.Three cases of bovine enzootic hematuria (BHE are described in cattle from the municipality of Jaguari, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The pastures of all affected farms were highly infested with bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum. Three 4-7-year-old bovine had clinical signs of progressive weight loss, intermittent hematuria, and mucosal pallor. The main lesions were observed in the urinary bladder and consisted of three types of neoplasms: capillary hemangioma, hemangiosarcoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The epidemiology, the clinical signs, and the gross and microscopic lesions observed in all three bovine were of BHE.

  15. Screening of medicinal plants for antibacterial activities on Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis Screening de plantas medicinais com atividade antimicrobiana contra cepas de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas de mastite bovina

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    Marisa A. N. Diaz


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus is the main causative agent of bovine mastitis. The activity of several extracts from ten medicinal plants traditionally used in Brazil as antiseptic was investigated against fifteen strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from animals with mastitis manifestation by the disc diffusion method and broth microdilution assay. The interference of the extracts on cell in the form of adherent colonies was also evaluated. MIC values ranged from 0.5 mg/mL to 1.0 mg/mL and biofilm inhibitory concentration (BIC were between 0.25 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL. Results revealed the potential of extracts of Senna macranthera, Artemisia absinthium, Cymbopogon nardus and Baccharis dracunculifolia as antibacterial agents against S. aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis and support the possible use of these phytotherapic agents in the clinical management of the disease.Staphylococcus aureus é o principal agente causador de mastite bovina. A atividade de diversos extratos de dez plantas medicinais tradicionalmente usadas no Brasil como anti-sépticas foi investigada contra quinze cepas de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas de animais com manifestação de mastite pelo método de difusão em ágar e ensaio de microdiluição. A interferência dos extratos na célula bacteriana em forma de colônias aderidas também foi avaliada. Os valores de MIC variaram de 0.5 mg/mL a 1.0 mg/mL e a concentração inibitória de biofilme (BIC variou de 0.25 mg/mL a 0.8 mg/mL. Os resultados revelaram o potencial dos extratos de Senna macranthera, Artemisia absinthium, Cymbopogon nardus e Baccharis dracunculifolia como agentes antibacterianos contra cepas de S. aureus isolados de mastite bovina e suportam o possível uso destas plantas no manejo clínico da doença.

  16. Species-specific activity of SIV Nef and HIV-1 Vpu in overcoming restriction by tetherin/BST2.

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    Bin Jia


    Full Text Available Tetherin, also known as BST2, CD317 or HM1.24, was recently identified as an interferon-inducible host-cell factor that interferes with the detachment of virus particles from infected cells. HIV-1 overcomes this restriction by expressing an accessory protein, Vpu, which counteracts tetherin. Since lentiviruses of the SIV(smm/mac/HIV-2 lineage do not have a vpu gene, this activity has likely been assumed by other viral gene products. We found that deletion of the SIV(mac239 nef gene significantly impaired virus release in cells expressing rhesus macaque tetherin. Virus release could be restored by expressing Nef in trans. However, Nef was unable to facilitate virus release in the presence of human tetherin. Conversely, Vpu enhanced virus release in the presence of human tetherin, but not in the presence of rhesus tetherin. In accordance with the species-specificity of Nef in mediating virus release, SIV Nef downregulated cell-surface expression of rhesus tetherin, but did not downregulate human tetherin. The specificity of SIV Nef for rhesus tetherin mapped to four amino acids in the cytoplasmic domain of the molecule that are missing from human tetherin, whereas the specificity of Vpu for human tetherin mapped to amino acid differences in the transmembrane domain. Nef alleles of SIV(smm, HIV-2 and HIV-1 were also able to rescue virus release in the presence of both rhesus macaque and sooty mangabey tetherin, but were generally ineffective against human tetherin. Thus, the ability of Nef to antagonize tetherin from these Old World primates appears to be conserved among the primate lentiviruses. These results identify Nef as the viral gene product of SIV that opposes restriction by tetherin in rhesus macaques and sooty mangabeys, and reveal species-specificity in the activities of both Nef and Vpu in overcoming tetherin in their respective hosts.

  17. Caracterização das áreas hemófagas da placenta bovina Characterization of hemophagous areas of the bovine placenta

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    Susana M.M. Cazerta


    Full Text Available A região específica da interface materno-fetal corresponde à zona arcada do placentônio ovino e caprino. Em pequenos ruminantes esta área é também caracterizada por sangue materno extravasado (áreas hemófagas. É possível que o ferro seja transferido para o feto por eritrofagocitose trofoblástica nestas áreas. Para investigar as áreas hemófagas na placenta bovina, foram analisados placentônios de 34 vacas zebuínas gestantes (dois a três, quatro a seis, sete a oito, e nove meses de prenhez. O material foi fixado com solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e paraformaldeído a 4%, em tampão fosfato, pH 7,4, 0,1M, sendo processado e corado para microscopia de luz e histoquímica. Os hematomas placentários foram observados entre o epitélio uterino e trofoblástico, a partir de três meses de prenhez. A presença de eritrócitos nas células trofoblásticas elucidou a eritrofago-citose. A reação histoquímica de Perl's permitiu provar a existência de ferro férrico no trofoblasto. A reação de PAS foi po-sitiva, marcando substância mucóide nas células epiteliais e, principalmente, nas células binucleadas do epitélio fetal. Baseando-se nas características histológicas e histoquímicas, inferimos que as áreas hemófagas são sítios importantes para a transferência de ferro na placenta bovina.The specific region of maternal fetal interface needs to be clarified and corresponds to the "arcade zone" of sheep and goat placentomes. In small ruminants that area is also characterized by macroscopic blood extravasation (hemophagous areas. This occurs possibly because the iron is transferred to the embryo by trophoblastic erytrophagocytosis in these hemophagous placental areas. In order to investigate the hemophagous placental areas in cattle, placentomes of 34 pregnant Bos indicus cows (2-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9 months of gestation were analyzed. They were fixed by perfusion with 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution and 4

  18. Valores de referência e influência da idade no eritrograma de fêmeas bovinas da raça Aquitânica Reference values and age effect on the erythrogram of bovine females of the Aquitanian breed

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    R.F. Dias Junior


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se os valores de referência e estudou-se a influência da idade sobre o eritrograma em fêmeas bovinas da raça Aquitânica. Amostras de sangue de 80 fêmeas bovinas, acima de 12 meses de idade, e não reagentes ao antígeno do vírus da leucose dos bovinos, foram colhidas utilizando-se EDTA como anticoagulante para realização das seguintes provas: contagem global das hemácias, determinação do volume globular, concentração de hemoglobina, cálculo dos índices hematimétricos absolutos - volume corpuscular médio (VCM, hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM. A idade exerceu influência significativa (PThe reference values and the influence of the age factor on the erytrogram in bovine females of the Aquitanian breed were evaluated. Blood samples of 80 healthy females, all tested negative for bovine leucose virus, were utilized for the analysis. Erythrocyte counts, determination of the packed cell volume, concentration of hemoglobin, calculation of hematimetric absolute rates of mean corpuscular volume (MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC were evaluated. Significant influence (P<0.05 of age was observed for most of the hematological characteristics, with decreased of the number of erythrocytes and increase of packed cell volume, quantity of hemoglobin, MCV, MCH. The reference values were: erythrocytes counting 6.68±0.58×10(6/mm³, packed cell volume 41.2±4.5%, hemoglobin 12.8±1.31g/dl, VCM 61.83±6.54fl, HCM 19.28±2.25pg, CHCM 31.4±2.3%.


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    César Betancur H


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la seroprevalencia de Leucosis Viral Bovina (LVB en animales con trastornos reproductivos. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron 137 muestras de sangre de hembras con antecedentes de infertilidad, pertenecientes a 28 fincas distribuidas en el municipio de Montería; adicionalmente, se obtuvieron muestras al azar de 26 toros pertenecientes a las mismas fincas que fueron analizadas para anticuerpos contra LVB. La técnica serológica empleada fue la prueba de ELISA. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo tabulando la información con datos de seropositividad y seronegatividad obtenidos de cada animal; los resultados se interpretaron de acuerdo a las variables: raza, edad, sexo, zona, tipo de explotación y evento o problema reproductivo detectado. Para determinar la asociación entre seropositividad y cada una de las variables se utilizó la prueba de c2. Resultados. Las pruebas arrojaron una seroprevalencia del 21% para LVB. No se encontraron diferencias significativas de prevalencia asociadas a las variables raza, edad o estado reproductivo de los animales (p³0.05, pero si entre la presencia de anticuerpos contra LVB y las variables zona, tipo de explotación y sexo. Conclusiones. Se demuestra la circulación del virus de la LVB en Montería, (Colombia. Se confirma la importancia de implementar un programa de control y prevención de la diseminación de la infección, con el fin de evitar las pérdidas económicas asociadas, y dentro de lo posible, la eliminación de los especímenes seropositivos para lograr la erradicación de la infección en esta zona del país.

  20. Innovación en valor en la industria cárnica bovina mexicana: estrategias que adoptan los líderes de mercado

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    María Guadalupe López Palacios


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados del análisis de las estrategias de innovación en valor que permiten el posicionamiento competitivo de las empresas cárnicas mexicanas líderes de mercado en carne de bovino. Con base en la metodología propuesta por W. C. Kim y R. Mauborgne (2005, conocida como la estrategia del océano azul, se diseñaron nueve categorías con sus respectivas variables para la construcción de los mapas estratégicos de diez empresas seleccionadas. En los mapas se muestran los rubros en que más invierte la industria cárnica bovina en México: los factores de la producción animal que inciden directamente en la calidad de la carne (raza, edad, peso, finalización, la presentación del producto y la diversificación de mercados. Sin embargo, lo que distingue a estas empresas es la forma en que integran su cadena productiva, la gama de productos que ofrecen, los programas y certificaciones en materia de inocuidad que han aplicado u obtenido, los servicios que ofrecen a sus clientes, y las estrategias de mercado que emplean.

  1. Atividade antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de erva-cidreira e manjericão frente a bactérias de carnes bovinas
    Antimicrobial activity of essential oils of cidreira-herb and basil against bacteria from bovine meat

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    G. G. SANTOS


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana, in vitro, dos óleos essenciais extraídos de Lippia alba (Mill N. E. Brown e Ocimum basilicum frente a microrganismos isolados de carnes bovinas. Os óleos foram extraídos por hidrodestilação e caracterizados quanto à composição por cromatografi a gasosa. A concentração inibitória mínima (CIM e concentração bactericida mínima dos óleos (CBM foram determinadas pelo método de microplacas utilizando concentrações de óleos entre 0,39 e 25μg/mL. Foram utilizadas suspensões de diferentes cepas de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella sp. na concentração de 0,5x104 UFC/mL. O óleo de Lippia alba N.E. Brown apresentou maior efi ciência como agente bacteriostático e bactericida frente às diferentes cepas de Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella sp. isoladas de carnes bovinas do que o óleo essencial de Ocimum basilicum (cultivar “Maria Bonita”, o qual foi mais efetivo frente às cepas de Escherichia coli. Além disto, os óleos essenciais apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana em concentrações muito menores do que as obtidas por outros pesquisadores.

  2. Impact of global warming on beef cattle production cost in Brazil Impacto do aquecimento global no custo de produção de carne bovina no Brasil

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    Irenilza de Alencar Nääs


    Full Text Available Global warming is affecting agribusiness in its economic aspects. Therefore, the prediction of the evolution of Brazilian beef cattle production cost was made using the IPCC forecast scenario for global warming. The methodology consisted of two steps: (i the development of a fuzzy model that estimated the grazing land capacity (RP decrease risk as a function of the changes in the average total rain index, air temperature and increase in extension of the dry season; and (ii the design of an algorithm for predicting the decrease in production as function of the RPfuzzy model, that results in the impact in beef cattle productivity, and consequent increase in production costs. Historical environmental data from important producing counties in the Cerrado were organized and a set of fuzzy Gaussian functions were developed, and three possible settings (optimistic, medium and pessimistic were considered. The decrease in beef cattle productivity was estimated using the losses in production due to the increase in air temperature and vulnerability of pasture capacity. The boundary settings for the total increase of production cost scenario used the number of animals per area of grazing land, the adoption of grain supplement and its future scenario; and the result output function pointed to a threshold within a variation from an increase in production cost of 80% (optimistic to 160% (pessimistic. Under the optimistic scenario the total cost of Brazilian beef cattle production in the Cerrado became near to US$ 2.88 kg-1, while in the pessimistic scenario this cost reached US$ 4.16 kg-1, challenging the international competitiveness of this economic segment.O aquecimento global afeta o agronegócio em seus aspectos econômicos. Foi feita previsão daevolução do custo de produção de carne bovina brasileira usando a predição de aquecimento global do IPCC. A metodologia consistiu de duas etapas: (i o desenvolvimento de modelo fuzzy que estimou o risco de

  3. The Moderating Influence of Broad-Scope Trust on Customer-Seller Relationships

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Torben


    , respectively, this study investigates the moderating influence of BST on relationships between satisfaction, narrow-scope trust, and loyalty and also examines the direct influence of BST on these variables. The results indicate that whereas BST negatively moderates relationships between satisfaction and narrow......-scope trust and between narrow-scope trust and loyalty, BST positively moderates the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, it is demonstrated that BST positively influences customer satisfaction and narrow-scope trust...

  4. Farinha de linhaça dourada como substituto de gordura animal em hambúrguer de carne bovina com redução de sódio

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    Débora Francielly De Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os consumidores costumam associar os produtos cárneos processados a uma imagem negativa em função dos teores de gordura saturada, sódio e aditivos químicos que apresentam. O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a influência da adição de farinha de semente de linhaça dourada (Linum usitatissimum L. como substituto de gordura suína e da utilização de sal com teor reduzido de sódio nas características físicas, químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais de hambúrgueres de carne bovina. Visando tornar o hambúrguer mais saudável, seis formulações foram desenvolvidas mudando as concentrações de sal light e de farinha de linhaça. Os resultados demonstraram que a adição de 10,0% de farinha de semente de linhaça dourada em substituição a 100,0% do toucinho contribuiu para o aumento (p < 0,05 do teor de proteínas. A adição de 5,0% de farinha de linhaça dourada em substituição a 50,0% do toucinho refletiu em boas notas para todos os atributos sensoriais avaliados. Houve aumento (p < 0,05 dos percentuais de ômega-3 e cinzas, e redução (p < 0,05 dos lipídios totais e valor calórico, independente dos níveis de adição da farinha. A substituição de toucinho por farinha de semente de linhaça contribuiu para o menor encolhimento e melhor rendimento, bem como para maior retenção de umidade e de gordura dos hambúrgueres. O sal light não interferiu negativamente nas características microbiológicas dos hambúrgueres e quando associado com a adição de 5,0% de farinha de linhaça contribuiu para melhor (p < 0,05 sabor e aroma. Os resultados sugeriram que a adição de 5,0% de farinha de semente de linhaça dourada como substituto de 50,0% da gordura suína, bem como a redução de 60,1% do sódio em hambúrgueres de carne bovina, se caracterizou alternativa viável do ponto de vista nutricional e sensorial, contribuindo ainda para o maior rendimento do produto após o cozimento.

  5. Repetibilidade de variáveis produtivas e qualitativas da forragem e da excreta bovina em pastagem de braquiária

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    Vicente Imbroisi Teixeira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a repetibilidade e o número de avaliações necessárias para se obter coeficiente de determinação superior a 90% em variáveis produtivas e qualitativas de forragem e de excreta bovina, em pastagem de capim-braquiária (Urochloa decumbens. As variáveis avaliadas foram: produção fecal, composição mineral das fezes e da forragem ao redor, biometria das fezes, massa e rejeição de forragem ao redor das fezes, volume urinário e composição mineral da urina. Utilizou-se lotação intermitente fixa, com três dias de ocupação e 32 ou 67 de descanso, nas épocas chuvosa e seca, respectivamente. As análises de repetibilidade foram obtidas pelo programa Genes, com o método dos componentes principais baseado na matriz de covariância. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade (r foram elevados, e os R² iguais ou superiores a 90%, exceto quanto à massa de forragem (20-40 cm, diferença de altura da forragem com fezes entre o pré e pós-pastejo e teor de N na urina, no tratamento com 3,2 unidades animais por hectare (r90%, seriam necessárias 11, 9 e 9 avaliações para as variáveis forragem, fezes e urina, respectivamente.


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    Riana Jordão Barrozo Heinemann


    Full Text Available É bem conhecido o fato de que o encurtamento pelo frio pode influenciar negativamente a textura da carne. Por isso, a determinação do grau de contração do tecido muscular é um recurso analítico de grande importância quando se estuda a otimização dos procedimentos industriais. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas comparativamente duas metodologias de microscopia. Para isso, os músculos Biceps femoris, Longissimus dorsi e Semimembranosus obtidos de nove carcaças bovinas com três diferentes graus de acabamento foram analisados de forma pareada por ambos os métodos. O músculo Longissimus dorsi apresentou menor comprimento de sarcômero e o m. Semimembranosus o maior (p0,05, revelando a possibilidade de emprego do método mais simples.The negative influence of cold shortening on meat texture is well known. Because of that, the determination of the muscle contraction extent represents an important analytical tool for the optimization of the industrial procedures. In this work, two methodologies to evaluate cold shortening were compared. Biceps femoris, Longissimus dorsi and Semimembranosus muscles from 9 cattle carcasses with three different fat thickness grades were paired analyzed by both methodologies. Longissimus dorsi muscle showed the shortest sarcomere length while Semimembranosus m. showed the longest one (p0.05, which suggests the possibility of using the simpler method for cold shortening evaluation.

  7. Evaluación de la tasa de concepción de tres razas bovinas receptoras de embriones en el Trópico Alto

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    Oscar Orlando Farfan-Rojas


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar la eficiencia reproductiva, medida en porcentaje de novillas preñadas, de tres razas bovinas, como receptoras de embriones. En el altiplano Cundiboyacense se han realizado pocos estudios tendientes a determinar cuáles razas, aptas para el medio, son las que pueden brindar mejores tasas de concepción, como receptoras, en transferencia de embriones. Los resultados se sometieron a un análisis estadístico descriptivo, utilizando los programas Excel y Minitab (Chi cuadrado x2, con variables de tipo cuantitativo. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo, CC entre 2 y 3 en una escala de 1 (muy flaca a 5 (cebada. La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo un porcentaje de gestación en la raza Normando de 63%; en la Holstein, de 55.5%, y en la raza Brangus, de 44.4%. El protocolo utilizado fue Ovisynch, y los embriones transferidos fueron congelados y descongelados para el momento de transferirlos.

  8. Redes, alianças estratégicas e intercooperação: o caso da cadeia produtiva de carne bovina Networks, strategic alliances and cooperation: the case of production chain of beef meat

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    Marcelo José Braga


    Full Text Available O objetivo neste trabalho é discutir a formação de parcerias, redes e alianças estratégicas na cadeia de produção de carne bovina brasileira. É apresentada discussão acerca dos conceitos básicos de rede, alianças estratégicas e intercooperação. São analisados quatro casos, baseados na literatura existente. Finalmente, conclui-se apontando as razões de sucesso em uma aliança na cadeia analisada.The objective of this paper is to discuss the formation of partnerships, networks and strategic alliances in the production chain of Brazilian beef. The basic concepts of networks, strategic alliances and, cooperation are discussed. Four cases of alliances are analyzed, based on the existent literature. Finally, the work is finished pointing the success reasons in an alliance.

  9. Disposição dos consumidores porto-alegrenses à compra de carne bovina com certificação Willingness of consumers from Porto Alegre county, Rio Grande do Sul state, for purchasing beef meat with certification

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    João Pedro Velho


    Full Text Available Analisou-se o perfil de consumidores de carne bovina e determinou-se o consumo de carne com certificação visando obter dados sobre a importância e o valor da certificação da carne na hora da compra. Avaliou-se ainda o conhecimento do consumidor de carne bovina quanto à certificação da carne e quanto esse consumidor paga por este processo. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma rede de supermercados, mediante a aplicação de questionários dirigidos às pessoas próximas aos balcões com carne, independentemente da espécie animal. Os consumidores exigem alimentos com qualidade e certificados confiáveis que demonstrem e garantam a qualidade dos alimentos, porém, estão dispostos a pagar somente um pouco a mais pela certificação, em comparação ao valor atual de mercado, provavelmente pelo fato de sua renda mensal não permitir maior valorização desse atributo.The profile of beef meat consumers was analyzed, as well as the consumption of certificated meat, with the objective of obtaining data on the importance the of certification value at the purchasing occasion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the beef meat consumers awareness regarding the meat certification and how much they are willing to pay for this process. The data survey was carried out in only one supermarket chain from the city of Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil, which authorized the research interviewing people through questionnaires, close to refrigerator counters of any meat species. It was observed that consumers are demanding for food with quality attributes, with trustful certifications that testify these quality attributes. However, the data obtained from interviews with consumers showed that they are willing to pay only little more for certification than the current price, probably due to the fact that their average monthly income ranges from one to six minimum wages.

  10. Efeito da injeção de diferentes concentrações de cloreto de cálcio na textura e aceitabilidade de carne bovina maturada Effeet of different concentration of calcium chloride in texture and aceitability of aged beef

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    Riana Jordão Barrozo Heinemann


    Full Text Available A maturação a vácuo é uma das alternativas tecnológicas mais utilizadas para melhorar e padronizar a textura da carne bovina. Nesse processo, o amaciamento decorre da ação de enzimas proteolíticas endógenas, dentre as quais se destacam as calpaínas, cuja atividade depende da presença de íons cálcio livres no sarcoplasma. Por isso, a adição de soluções de cloreto de cálcio promove um incremento na proteólise durante a maturação. No entanto, dependendo da concentração, esse sal pode causar a formação de sabor desagradável. Assim, neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da adição, na razão de 5% (v/p, de soluções 100, 200 e 300mM de CaCl2, seguida de maturação por 14 dias, na proteólise, maciez e sabor de amostras de carne bovina (m. Longissimus dorsi. A fragmentação miofibrilar foi intensificada e a força de cisalhamento diminuída pelo aumento da concentração salina. O efeito da concentração de cloreto de cálcio sobre a aceitabilidade das amostras foi melhor representado por uma curva de resposta de efeito quadrático, cuja equação indicou que a concentração mais adequada para a aplicação desse procedimento tecnológico é de 181,14mM. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a adição de solução de cloreto de cálcio, seguida de maturação, representa uma possibilidade tecnológica para melhoria de qualidade de carne bovina in natura.Vacuum aging is one of the technological alternatives to improve and standard beef texture. In this process, the tenderization derives from endogenous proteolytic enzymes action, where calpains are involved and their activity is dependent on the level of free calcium in the sarcoplasm. The direct addition of calcium increases proteolysis during aging, but in some concentrations may cause off-flavor. This work evaluated the effect of addition, on a 5% (v/w basis, of 100, 200 and 300mM of CaCl2 solutions followed by vacuum aging for 14 days, on fragmentation, tenderness and

  11. Modified E-test by the addition of EDTA-Tris and dimethyl sulfoxide on the potentiation of the effects of some antimicrobials in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from bovine mastitis E-test modificado pela adição de Tris-EDTA e dimetilsulfóxido na potencialização do efeito de antimicrobianos em linhagens de Pseudomonas aeruginosa isoladas de mastite bovina

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    M.G. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A concentração inibitória mínima-MIC em 30 estirpes de Pseudomonas aeruginosa isoladas de mastite bovina foi avaliada utilizando o E-test padrão e o método modificado, pela adição de Tris-EDTA e DMSO. Os métodos modificados apresentaram redução significativa da MIC das estirpes utilizando a gentamicina, a ciprofloxacina e a norfloxacina.


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    D. Piedrahita


    Full Text Available La Rinotraqueitis Infecciosa Bovina (RIB es una enfermedad, altamente contagiosa, de distribución mundial, de origen viral, causada por el Herpesvirus Bovino-1 (BoHV-1. Produce alteraciones en el sistema respiratorio y reproductivo, lo que la convierte en una enfermedad con un gran impacto económico para los sistemas de producción ganadera. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar, mediante técnicas de biología molecular, tres aislamientos colombianos del BoHV-1 (dos de la sabana de Bogotá y uno de los Llanos Orientales. Los aislamientos fueron analizados con las enzimas de restricción Bam HI, Bst EII, Eco RI Pst I y Hind III. En este estudio también se implementó una rápida, sensitiva y específica prueba de PCR para la detección de tres glicoproteínas de superficie del Herpesvirus Bovino-1 (BoHV-1, cuyos fragmentos fueron secuenciados, lo que permitió encontrar homologías del 100% comparadas con los reportes del Gene Bank. Por medio del análisis con la enzima de restricción Hind III se clasificaron los aislamientos de la sabana de Bogotá como subtipo BoHV-1.2a y el de los Llanos Orientales como subtipo BoHV-1.1.


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    Vera V.


    Full Text Available La Rinotraqueitis Infecciosa Bovina (RIB es una enfermedad, altamente contagiosa, de distribución mundial, de origen viral, causada por el Herpesvirus Bovino-1 (BoHV-1. Produce alteraciones en el sistema respiratorio y reproductivo, lo que la convierte en una enfermedad con un gran impacto económico para los sistemas de producción ganadera. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar, mediante técnicas de biología molecular, tres aislamientos colombianos del BoHV-1 (dos de la sabana de Bogotá y uno de los Llanos Orientales. Los aislamientos fueron analizados con las enzimas de restricción Bam HI, Bst EII, Eco RI Pst I y Hind III. En este estudio también se implementó una rápida, sensitiva y específica prueba de PCR para la detección de tres glicoproteínas de superficie del Herpesvirus Bovino-1 (BoHV-1, cuyos fragmentos fueron secuenciados, lo que permitió encontrar homologías del 100% comparadas con los reportes del Gene Bank. Por medio del análisis con la enzima de restricción Hind III se clasificaron los aislamientos de la sabana de Bogotá como subtipo BoHV-1.2a y el de los Llanos Orientales como subtipo BoHV-1.1.

  14. Avaliação da transferência de citocinas para bezerros neonatos via ingestão de colostro de fêmeas bovinas Holandesas

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    Carolina L. Shecaira


    Full Text Available Para a avaliação da transferência de citocinas para o sangue de bezerros neonatos via ingestão de colostro de fêmeas bovinas holandesas, foram utilizados 15 bezerros nascidos de parto eutócico, distribuídos igualmente por três grupos experimentais (n=5: G1- receberam dois litros de colostro fresco provenientes de suas próprias mães; G2- receberam dois litros de colostro provenientes de "pool" de colostro congelado e o G3- foram alimentados apenas com leite. Nestes grupos foram coletadas amostras de sangue em cinco tempos durante os primeiros quinze dias de vida e mensuradas as concentrações das citocinas Interleucina-1 β (IL-1b, Interleucina-6 (IL-6, Fator de necrose tumoral- α (TNF-a e Interferon-γ (IFN-γ. Também se mensurou tais citocinas (IL-1 β, IL-6 e TNF-α nos sobrenadantes do colostro de do "pool" de colostro fornecidos aos bezerros dos grupos G1 e G2 respectivamente. Verificou-se a transferência das citocinas IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a e IFN-γ pela presença no soro dos bezerros do grupo G1, enquanto que nos demais grupos (G2 e G3 não foram detectadas.

  15. Emergência de Haematobia irritans em fezes bovinas no município de Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro Emergence of Haematobia irritans in cattle dung pats in Seropédica county, Rio de Janeiro

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    Douglas Marques de Macedo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a emergência de Haematobia irritans em fezes de bovinos mantidas a campo e em laboratório, além de observar a presença de outros dípteros associados às massas fecais. Foram utilizados dois grupos de fezes bovinas, um à campo e outro em laboratório, sendo cada grupo formado por cinco bolos fecais frescos de tamanho mediano (cerca de 30 cm de diâmetro, aparência opaca, cor esverdeada, presença de fina crosta externa e consistência firme. As fezes foram cobertas com gaiolas de emergência de formato piramidal, apresentando na parte superior um orifício onde foi acoplado um frasco removível; a substituição das fezes foi realizada quinzenalmente. Foram coletados um total de 355 espécimens de H. irritans, sendo 151 provenientes das gaiolas mantidas no campo e 204 em laboratório. Estas diferenças deveram-se provavelmente à menores oscilações de temperatura verificadas no laboratório do que àquelas ocorridas no campo, além da ação de artrópodes predadores, competidores e parasitóides que, provavelmente, interferiram na emergência de H. irritans nas fezes bovinas mantidas no campo. Foi observado maior número de fêmeas em comparação com machos em ambas as condições investigadas. Além de H. irritans, obteve-se outros dípteros associados às fezes bovinas, pertencentes as seguintes famílias: Aulacigastridae, Muscidae, Psychodidae, Sarcophagidae, Sepsidae, Tachinidae e Ulidiidae. Sepsidae foi a mais abundante, com 5.224 exemplares do total de 8.928 dípteros obtidos, seguida por Sarcophagidae com 2.235 espécimens coletados, Muscidae com 1.357, Aulacigastridae com 54, Psychodidae com 46, Ulidiidae com 6 e Tachinidae com 5 exemplares.This study was carried out in order to investigate the emergence of adult flies of Haematobia irritans in cattle dung maintained in the field and in the laboratory, as well as other flies associated with dung pats. Two groups of cattle dung were

  16. 39% access time improvement, 11% energy reduction, 32 kbit 1-read/1-write 2-port static random-access memory using two-stage read boost and write-boost after read sensing scheme (United States)

    Yamamoto, Yasue; Moriwaki, Shinichi; Kawasumi, Atsushi; Miyano, Shinji; Shinohara, Hirofumi


    We propose novel circuit techniques for 1 clock (1CLK) 1 read/1 write (1R/1W) 2-port static random-access memories (SRAMs) to improve read access time (tAC) and write margins at low voltages. Two-stage read boost (TSR-BST) and write word line boost (WWL-BST) after the read sensing schemes have been proposed. TSR-BST reduces the worst read bit line (RBL) delay by 61% and RBL amplitude by 10% at V DD = 0.5 V, which improves tAC by 39% and reduces energy dissipation by 11% at V DD = 0.55 V. WWL-BST after read sensing scheme improves minimum operating voltage (V min) by 140 mV. A 32 kbit 1CLK 1R/1W 2-port SRAM with TSR-BST and WWL-BST has been developed using a 40 nm CMOS.

  17. Perfil genotípico e antigênico de amostras do vírus da diarréia viral bovina isoladas no Rio Grande do Sul (2000-2010

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    Eloisa Bianchi


    Full Text Available Isolados do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV apresentam grande diversidade genética e antigênica, o que pode dificultar o diagnóstico e a formulação de vacinas. O presente trabalho apresenta um perfil genotípico e antigênico de 20 amostras do BVDV isoladas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre 2000 e 2010. As amostras foram oriundas de uma variedade de condições clínicas, que incluíam doença respiratória ou gastroentérica aguda ou crônica, lesões cutâneas, abortos, animais com crescimento retardado, além de animais persistentemente infectados (PI. A maioria das amostras (19 ou 95% pertence ao biótipo não-citopático (NCP; enquanto um isolado apresentou uma mistura de vírus NCP e citopático (CP. O sequenciamento e análise filogenética de uma região de 270 nucleotídeos da região 5' não-traduzida do genoma viral permitiu identificar 9 isolados de BVDV-2 (45% e 8 isolados de BVDV-2 (40%. Três amostras não agruparam filogeneticamente com nenhum dos genótipos, sendo classificados como pestivírus atípicos. Não foi possível associar os genótipos ou subgenótipos com as condições clínicas e, tanto os BVDV-1 quanto os BVDV-2 estavam envolvidos em diferentes síndromes clínico-patológicas. Análise de reatividade com um painel de 19 anticorpos monoclonais (AcMs revelou uma variabilidade marcante na glicoproteína principal do envelope (E2 entre vírus do mesmo genótipo, e sobretudo, entre vírus de genótipos diferentes. Testes de neutralização viral (SN com anti-soro de cepas de referência de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2 frente às amostras isoladas revelaram níveis variáveis de reatividade cruzada entre vírus do mesmo genótipo, e reatividade muito baixa ou ausente entre vírus de genótipos diferentes. Esses resultados indicam uma frequência semelhante de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2 na população estudada, confirmam a marcante variabilidade antigênica e reforçam a necessidade de se incluir vírus dos dois genótipos nas

  18. Canada continues use prohibition of gene recombination cattle somatotropin; Kanada wa idenshikumikaegyu seicho horumon no shiyo kinshi wo keizoku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Canada continued use prohibition of gene recombination cattle somatotropin (BST) which stimulated milk increased production of this company in spite of request of Monsanto Co.. The cow that BST was administered is based on the report of veterinary surgeon that causes reproductive function and lowering in the life, dysbasia and increase in the mastitis on this. From the research report that BST causes thyroid gland cyst of the male rat in U.S.A., consumer organization and environment group petition FDA for the elimination of BST from the U.S.A. market. In the meantime, Monsanto Co. in the report which Canada adopted, chemical structure is different, and it reports that it uses BST of other company in which dosing method and dosing frequency differ and disregards the report of Cornell university in which the life of the cow administered more and more does not lower BST. (translated by NEDO)

  19. Improvement in crystallization and electrical properties of barium strontium titanate thin films by gold doping using metal-organic deposition method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, H.-W.; Nien, S.-W.; Lee, K.-C.; Wu, M.-C.


    The effect of gold (Au) on the crystallization, dielectric constant and leakage current density of barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films was investigated. BST thin films with various gold concentrations were prepared via a metal-organic deposition process. The X-ray diffraction shows enhanced crystallization as well as expanded lattice constants for the gold-doped BST films. Thermal analysis reveals that the gold dopant induces more complete decomposition of precursor for the doped films than those of undoped ones. The leakage current density of BST films is greatly reduced by the gold dopant over a range of biases (1-5 V). The distribution of gold was confirmed by electron energy loss spectroscopy and found to be inside the BST grains, not in the grain-boundaries. Gold acted as a catalyst, inducing the nucleation of crystallites and improving the crystallinity of the structure. Its addition is shown to be associated to the improvement of the electrical properties of BST films

  20. Uso de la inmunohistoquímica como herramienta epidemiológica para el diagnóstico de rabia bovina a partir de casos no conclusivos

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    Gloria Jurado G.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar el virus de la rabia en casos de encefalitis bovina a partir de muestras archivadas en el laboratorio sin diagnóstico conclusivo. Materiales y métodos. Doce muestras de cerebro bovino sospechosas de rabia, fueron procesadas por la técnica de inmunoperoxidasa indirecta, usando anticuerpos policlonales contra el agente viral. Resultados. Se demostró la presencia de antígenos virales en tres casos en forma de agregados pequeños en el citoplasma de las neuronas, con un patrón de forma redonda u oval y un número variable de corpúsculos de inclusión viral. Se discute sobre la importancia de los resultados en Colombia, la utilidad de la técnica en las difíciles condiciones de envío de muestras al laboratorio, además la posible relación de los casos negativos con herpesvirus bovino 5. Conclusiones. La utilización de la técnica de inmunohistoquímica para demostrar antígenos del virus rábico en encéfalos bovinos fijados en formol, puede ayudar en el perfeccionamiento del mapa epidemiológico de la enfermedad de la rabia en Colombia y puede disminuir el alto subdiagnóstico de otras enfermedades que afectan el sistema nervioso de los bovinos.

  1. Calidad de carnes bovinas. Aspectos nutritivos y organolépticos relacionados con sistemas de alimentación y prácticas de elaboración

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Teira


    Full Text Available Los sistemas extensivos de alimentación ofrecen carnes bovinas con características físicas, químicas y nutritivas que presentan una mayor diferenciación con aquellas obtenidas bajo sistemas intensivos cuanto mayor resulta el período de terminación en confinamiento. En algunos aspectos como el color de la grasa, terneza, insaturación lipídica y velocidad de crecimiento, las dietas basadas en granos, altamente energéticas, resultan muy interesantes. Sin embargo, aparecen también algunos problemas que deberían ser considerados, tales como eventuales alteraciones organolépticas, disminución de su vida útil, menor concentración en isómeros del ácido linoleico conjugado y una mayor relación de ácidos grasos n6/n3. Además, la no aplicación o aplicación incorrecta de procedimientos tecnológicos por la industria frigorífica pueden conducir al desmejoramiento y aumento en la variabilidad de los atributos más apreciados por el consumidor. Éste debería disponer de información en relación al tipo de carne que adquiere y cómo debería ser preparada para obtener la máxima satisfacción.

  2. A single dose of bovine somatotropin 5 days before the end of progestin-based estrous synchronization increases prolificacy in sheep. (United States)

    Carrillo, F; Hernández-Cerón, J; Orozco, V; Hernández, J A; Gutiérrez, C G


    Bovine somatotropin (bST) enhances ovarian follicular and embryonic development in sheep and cattle. In the present study, the objective was to assess whether bST given 5 days before the end of progestin-based estrous synchronization improves prolificacy and lambing rate in sheep. Pelibuey ewes (n=92) exhibiting estrous cycles at regular intervals received an intravaginal sponge containing 45mg of FGA for 12 days. Five days before sponge withdrawal, ewes were treated with either 125mg of bST sc (bST group; n=47) or saline solution (control; n=45). After the sponge was removed, ewes were observed for estrus and subsequently mated twice. Lambing rate and prolificacy was determined at birth. Blood samples were taken from the time of treatment until day 15 after estrus in eight ewes from the bST group and nine from the control group. Concentrations of IGF-I were determined by immunoradiometric assay and progesterone by RIA. Treatment with bST increased (P0.05). IGF-I concentrations were greater (PProgesterone concentrations did not vary (P>0.05) between groups. It is concluded that a single dose of bST 5 days before progestin withdrawal increases lambing rate and prolificacy in sheep. These effects are associated with an increase in circulating concentrations of IGF-I.

  3. Infecção em humanos por varíola bovina na microrregião de Itajubá, Estado de Minas Gerais: relato de caso Human infection by the cowpox virus in the microregion of Itajubá, state of Minas Gerais: case report

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    Afonso Carlos da Silva


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam três casos de varíola bovina em humanos, ordenhadores manuais em vacas infectadas, na microrregião de Itajubá, MG. As técnicas diagnósticas foram: isolamento de amostra semelhante ao vírus vaccinia de secreções das lesões cutâneas, reação em cadeia de polimerase, microscopia eletrônica e anticorpos para Orthopoxvirus no sangue dos pacientes.The authors report three human cases of cowpox infection, among farm workers who were manually milking infected cows, in the microregion of Itajubá, Minas Gerais. The diagnostic techniques used were: isolation of samples similar to the vaccinia virus, from skin lesion secretions; polymerase chain reaction; electronic microscopy; and antibodies for Orthopoxvirus in the patients' blood.

  4. Detección del virus de la leucosis bovina en ganado criollo colombiano mediante PCR-anidado Bovine leukemia virus detection in Creole Colombian breeds using nested-PCR

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    Darwin Yovanny Hernández-Herrera


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la presencia del virus de la leucosis bovina (VLB en 360 muestras de ADN de ocho razas bovinas criollas: Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS y San Martinero (SM, dos Razas Sintéticas Colombianas: Lucerna (LUC y Velásquez (VEL y dos razas foráneas: Brahmán (B y Holstein (H. Para la detección del pro-virus se amplificó una región del gen env viral, mediante PCR anidada. La presencia del VLB fue mayor en la raza HV seguido por ChS (83.3% y 60% respectivamente, VEL y LUC tuvieron el mismo porcentaje (50%, en CAS, CCC y CQT la presencia del virus fue de 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectivamente; no se encontró el virus en BON, SM y RS. En las razas foráneas la presencia fue de 83.3% para H y 6.7% para B. Se encontró dependencia altamente significativa entre la presencia del VLB y la raza, el sexo y región de origen de la muestra. El promedio de presencia en las razas criollas fue menor que en las foráneas, menor en los machos que en las hembras y en la región norte que en el suroccidente y el centro del país.Using 360 DNA samples from eight Creole bovine breeds Blanco Orejinegro (BON, Casanareño (CAS, Costeño con Cuernos (CCC, Chino Santandereano (ChS, Caqueteño (CQT, Hartón del Valle (HV, Romosinuano (RS and San Martinero (SM, two synthetic Colombian breeds: Lucerna (LUC and Velásquez (VEL and two introduced breeds Brahmán (B and Holstein (H; the presence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV was evaluated through the amplification of a viral gene region env (provirus detection - nested-PCR. The percentage of presence and independence test were calculated (X². Presence of BLV was higher in HV breed, followed by ChS (83.3% and 60% respectively; VEL and LUC breeds showed the same percentage (50%. In CAS, CCC and CQT the presence of virus was 26.7%, 23.3% y 16.7% respectively. On the other hand, no virus presence was

  5. Polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis Reação em cadeia da polimerase para o diagnóstico de campilobacteriose genital bovina

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    Ana C.M. Groff


    Full Text Available Bovine genital campylobacteriosis is a common venereal disease of cattle; the prevalence of this disease can be underestimated mostly because of the nature of the etiological agent, the microaerobic Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the utilization of polymerase chain reaction (PCR in the diagnosis of genital campylobacteriosis in samples obtained from bull prepuce aspirate, cow cervical mucus, and abomasum contents of aborted fetuses, collected into enrichment medium. Five different DNA extraction protocols were tested: thermal extraction, lysis with proteinase K, lysis with guanidine isothiocyanate, lysis with DNAzol, and lysis with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB. The specificity, sensitivity, and technical application of the PCR assay were also evaluated with clinical samples and compared to bacterial isolation by standard culture. DNA extraction by the CTAB protocol provided better results in PCR, and it was able to detect 63 colony-forming units per ml of C. fetus. Out of 277 clinical samples tested, 68 (24% were positive for Campylobacter fetus using PCR, while only 8 (2.8% of the samples were positive by bacterial isolation in solid medium, proving the superiority of the PCR technique when compared to the standard isolation method, and providing evidence for its usefulness as a better screening test in cattle for the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis.Campilobacteriose genital bovina é uma doença venérea comum em bovinos. A prevalência desta doença pode ser subestimada na maioria das vezes pela natureza microaeróbica do agente etiológico, Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis. O propósito do presente estudo foi avaliar a utilização da reação de polimerase em cadeia (PCR no diagnóstico de campilobacteriose genital em amostras obtidas de aspirado prepucial de touros, muco cervical de vacas e conteúdo abomasal de fetos abortados, coletados em

  6. Brief Report: Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Skateboarding Skills to a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (United States)

    Thomas, Benjamin R.; Lafasakis, Michael; Spector, Vicki


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of behavioral skills training (BST) on the skateboarding skills of an 11-year-old male with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). BST was used in a multiple-probe across skills design to teach five target skateboarding skills. Imitation of an additional skill was also assessed outside of BST sessions.…

  7. Development of a metrology method for composition and thickness of barium strontium titanate thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remmel, Thomas; Werho, Dennis; Liu, Ran; Chu, Peir


    Thin films of barium strontium titanate (BST) are being investigated as the charge storage dielectric in advanced memory devices, due to their promise for high dielectric constant. Since the capacitance of BST films is a function of both stoichiometry and thickness, implementation into manufacturing requires precise metrology methods to monitor both of these properties. This is no small challenge, considering the BST film thicknesses are 60 nm or less. A metrology method was developed based on X-ray Fluorescence and applied to the measurement of stoichiometry and thickness of BST thin films in a variety of applications

  8. Increased production of peptide deformylase eliminates retention of formylmethionine in bovine somatotropin overproduced in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Warren, W C; Bentle, K A; Schlittler, M R; Schwane, A C; O'Neil, J P; Bogosian, G


    In Escherichia coli and most other microorganisms, peptide synthesis is started at methionine start codons which are read only by N-formyl-methionine-tRNA. The formyl group is normally removed from the N-terminal Met residue of the peptide by peptide deformylase (PDF). However, it has been observed that overproduction of proteins in recombinant bacteria often yields protein products which are incompletely deformylated. Certain proteins could be poor substrates for PDF and exhibit incomplete deformylation, particularly when they are overproduced. Strains of E. coli which overproduce bovine somatotropin (BST) have a significant fraction of the BST with the formyl group retained. The PDF gene was isolated and positioned into a BST production vector in such a way that the BST and PDF genes were coexpressed. In strains containing this coexpression vector, the levels of PDF were increased and formylated BST was undetectable.

  9. Feline tetherin is characterized by a short N-terminal region and is counteracted by the feline immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein. (United States)

    Celestino, Michele; Calistri, Arianna; Del Vecchio, Claudia; Salata, Cristiano; Chiuppesi, Flavia; Pistello, Mauro; Borsetti, Alessandra; Palù, Giorgio; Parolin, Cristina


    Tetherin (BST2) is the host cell factor that blocks the particle release of some enveloped viruses. Two putative feline tetherin proteins differing at the level of the N-terminal coding region have recently been described and tested for their antiviral activity. By cloning and comparing the two reported feline tetherins (called here cBST2(504) and cBST2*) and generating specific derivative mutants, this study provides evidence that feline tetherin has a shorter intracytoplasmic domain than those of other known homologues. The minimal tetherin promoter was identified and assayed for its ability to drive tetherin expression in an alpha interferon-inducible manner. We also demonstrated that cBST2(504) is able to dimerize, is localized at the cellular membrane, and impairs human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particle release, regardless of the presence of the Vpu antagonist accessory protein. While cBST2(504) failed to restrict wild-type feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) egress, FIV mutants, bearing a frameshift at the level of the envelope-encoding region, were potently blocked. The transient expression of the FIV envelope glycoprotein was able to rescue mutant particle release from feline tetherin-positive cells but did not antagonize human BST2 activity. Moreover, cBST2(504) was capable of specifically immunoprecipitating the FIV envelope glycoprotein. Finally, cBST2(504) also exerted its function on HIV-2 ROD10 and on the simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239. Taken together, these results show that feline tetherin does indeed have a short N-terminal region and that the FIV envelope glycoprotein is the predominant factor counteracting tetherin restriction.

  10. Critical evaluation of a badminton-specific endurance test. (United States)

    Fuchs, Michael; Faude, Oliver; Wegmann, Melissa; Meyer, Tim


    To overcome the limitations of traditional 1-dimensional fitness tests in analyzing physiological properties of badminton players, a badminton-specific endurance test (BST) was created. This study aimed at analyzing the influence of various fitness dimensions on BST performance. 18 internationally competing male German badminton players (22.4 ± 3.2 y, 79.2 ± 7.7 kg, 1.84 ± 0.06 m, world-ranking position [WRP] 21-501) completed a straight-sprint test, a change-of-direction speed test, various jump tests (countermovement jump, drop jump, standing long jump), a multistage running test (MST), and the BST. During this on-court field test players have to respond to a computerized sign indicating direction and speed of badminton-specific movements by moving into the corresponding corners. Significant correlations were found between performance in MST and BST (individual anaerobic threshold [IAT], r = .63, P = .005; maximum velocity [Vmax], r = .60, P = .009). A negative correlation (r = -.59, P = .014) was observed between IAT in BST and drop-jump contact time. No further associations between performance indices could be detected. Apart from a small portion explained by MST results (IAT, R2 = .40; Vmax, R2 = .36), the majority of BST performance cannot be explained by the determined physiological correlates. Moreover, it was impossible to predict the WRP of a player on the basis of BST results (r = -.15, P = .55). Neither discipline-specific performance nor basic physiological properties were appropriately reflected by a BST in elite badminton players. This does not substantiate its validity for regular use as a testing tool. However, it may be useful for monitoring on-court training sessions.

  11. Fabrication and characterization of Ba sub x Sr sub 1 sub - sub x TiO sub 3 /YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub x /SrTiO sub 3 structure

    CERN Document Server

    Choi, J; Park, S Y; Lee Jae Sik; No, K; Sung, T H; Park, Y


    Ba sub x Sr sub 1 sub - sub x TiO sub 3 (BST)/YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub x (YBCO)/SrTiO sub 3 (STO) structures were deposited, and the microstructure, orientation and electrical characteristics were investigated. (00l) oriented YBCO thin films were deposited on STO substrates using pulsed laser deposition, and (h00) oriented BST thin films were deposited on YBCO/STO substrates using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma assisted metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). A new phase was formed at the interface between YBCO and BST films and was speculated to be (Ba sub x Y sub 1 sub - sub x)(Ti sub y Y sub 1 sub - sub y)O sub 3. Ba-rich BST films showed a higher dielectric loss than Sr-rich BST films did, which indicates that Sr-rich BST films are more suited for application to microwave devices. The dielectric loss of the films was reduced as temperature decreased, which may be due to the conductivity change of YBCO film and the formation of a conduction path rather than a dielectric property change ...

  12. Decreased absorption of midazolam in the stomach due to low pH induced by co-administration of Banha-sasim-tang

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    Jun Hyeon Jo


    Full Text Available Objectives Banha-sasim-tang (BST, which consists of seven different herbs, is one of the most popular herbal formulae for treating gastrointestinal disorders in Eastern Asia. The commonly used herbal medicine is often co-administered with other therapeutic drugs, which raises the possibility of herb–drug interactions and may modify the clinical safety profile of therapeutic drugs. Methods We investigated the potential herb–drug interactions between BST extract and midazolam (MDZ in mice. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC of MDZ and 1ʹ-hydroxymidazolam (1ʹ-OH-MDZ was evaluated for both oral and intraperitoneal administration of MDZ, following oral administration of BST (0.5 and 1 g/kg. Results It was found that the AUC of MDZ and 1ʹ-OH-MDZ was lower in case of oral administration of MDZ. Administration of BST extract was not associated with hepatic cytochrome P450 activity. BST extract induced a strong reduction in pH and it has been reported that oral mucosal absorption of MDZ is lower at low pH. The decreased absorption rate of MDZ might be caused by the ingredients of BST and may not be related to other factors such as increased excretion of MDZ by P-glycoprotein. Conclusions The altered pharmacokinetics of midazolam caused by co-administration with BST in vivo could be attributed to a decrease in pH and subsequent reduction of MDZ absorption rate.

  13. Effect of bovine somatotropin (500 mg) administered at ten-day intervals on ovulatory responses, expression of estrus, and fertility in dairy cows. (United States)

    Rivera, F; Narciso, C; Oliveira, R; Cerri, R L A; Correa-Calderón, A; Chebel, R C; Santos, J E P


    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of administering 500 mg of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) every 10 d on ovulatory responses, estrous behavior, and fertility of lactating Holstein cows. Lactating dairy cows were assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: a control with no administration of bST (73 primiparous and 120 multiparous cows) or 6 consecutive administrations of 500 mg of bST (83 primiparous and 123 multiparous cows) given subcutaneously at 10-d intervals starting 61+/-3 d postpartum (study d 0), concurrent with the initiation of the timed artificial insemination (AI). Blood samples were collected thrice weekly from 61+/-3 to 124+/-3 d in milk (DIM), and plasma samples were analyzed for concentrations of estradiol, glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1, and progesterone. The estrous cycle of cows was presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF(2alpha) at 37+/-3 and 51+/-3 DIM, and the Ovsynch timed AI protocol was initiated at 61+/-3 DIM. Ovaries were scanned to determine ovulatory responses during the Ovsynch protocol. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 33 and 66 d after AI. Body condition was scored on study d 0, 10, 42, and 76. Sixty-four cows were fitted with a pressure mounting sensor with radiotelemetric transmitters to monitor estrous behavior. Treatment of lactating dairy cows with 500 mg of bST at 10-d intervals increased yields of milk and milk components in the first 2 mo after treatment. Body condition of bST-treated cows remained unaltered, whereas control cows gained BCS. Treatment with bST increased concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 chronically, but concentrations of insulin and glucose increased only transiently in the first 7 d after the first injection of bST. Concentrations of progesterone during and after the Ovsynch protocol remained unaltered after treatment with bST; likewise, ovulatory responses during the Ovsynch protocol were mostly unaltered by treatment. Concentration of estradiol tended to be

  14. Properties of barium strontium titanate at millimeter wave frequencies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Osman, Nurul [Department of Physics, Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia); Free, Charles [Department of Engineering and Design, University of Sussex (United Kingdom)


    The trend towards using higher millimetre-wave frequencies for communication systems has created a need for accurate characterization of materials to be used at these frequencies. Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) is a ferroelectric material whose permittivity is known to change as a function of applied electric field and have found varieties of application in electronic and communication field. In this work, new data on the properties of BST characterize using the free space technique at frequencies between 145 GHz and 155 GHz for both thick film and bulk samples are presented. The measurement data provided useful information on effective permittivity and loss tangent for all the BST samples. Data on the material transmission, reflection properties as well as loss will also be presented. The outcome of the work shows through practical measurement, that BST has a high permittivity with moderate losses and the results also shows that BST has suitable properties to be used as RAM for high frequency application.

  15. Ce-doping effects on electronic structures of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S Y; Cheng, B L; Wang, Can; Button, T W; Dai, S Y; Jin, K J; Lu, H B; Zhou, Y L; Chen, Z H; Yang, G Z


    In order to clarify the basic reason why Ce doping can dramatically decrease the leakage current in Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 (BST) as reported in our previous work (Wang et al 2005 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 2253), we have employed x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the optical transmittance technique to study the electronic structure of undoped and 1.0 at% Ce-doped BST (CeBST) films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. XPS results show that Ce doping has a strong influence on the valence band and core levels of BST films, and that the Fermi level is lowered by about 0.35 eV by Ce doping. Optical transmittance measurements demonstrate that the energy gap is expanded with Ce doping. These Ce-doping effects can induce an increase in the barrier height for the thermionic emission and eventually reduce leakage current in CeBST thin films

  16. Preferential growth and enhanced dielectric properties of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films with preannealed Pt bottom electrode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Xiaohong; Ren Yinjuan; Zhang Caiyun; Zhu Jiliang; Zhu Jianguo; Xiao Dingquan; Defaÿ, Emmanuel; Aïd, Marc


    Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 TiO 3 (BST) thin films, about 100 nm in thickness, were prepared on unannealed and 700 °C-preannealed Pt bottom electrodes by the ion beam sputtering and post-deposition annealing method. It was found that the preannealed Pt layer has a more compact structure, making it not only a bottom electrode but also a good template for high-quality BST thin film growth. The BST films deposited on preannealed Pt bottom electrodes showed (0 0 l)-preferred orientation, dense and uniform microstructure with no intermediate phase formed at the film/electrode interface, and thus enhanced dielectric properties. As a result, the typical relative dielectric constant and tunability (under a dc electric field of 1 MV cm −1 ) reach 180 and 50.1%, respectively, for the BST thin films with preannealed Pt bottom electrodes, which are significantly higher than those (166 and 41.3%, respectively) for the BST thin films deposited on unannealed Pt bottom electrodes. (paper)

  17. Preferential growth and enhanced dielectric properties of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films with preannealed Pt bottom electrode (United States)

    Zhu, Xiaohong; Defaÿ, Emmanuel; Aïd, Marc; Ren, Yinjuan; Zhang, Caiyun; Zhu, Jiliang; Zhu, Jianguo; Xiao, Dingquan


    Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 (BST) thin films, about 100 nm in thickness, were prepared on unannealed and 700 °C-preannealed Pt bottom electrodes by the ion beam sputtering and post-deposition annealing method. It was found that the preannealed Pt layer has a more compact structure, making it not only a bottom electrode but also a good template for high-quality BST thin film growth. The BST films deposited on preannealed Pt bottom electrodes showed (0 0 l)-preferred orientation, dense and uniform microstructure with no intermediate phase formed at the film/electrode interface, and thus enhanced dielectric properties. As a result, the typical relative dielectric constant and tunability (under a dc electric field of 1 MV cm-1) reach 180 and 50.1%, respectively, for the BST thin films with preannealed Pt bottom electrodes, which are significantly higher than those (166 and 41.3%, respectively) for the BST thin films deposited on unannealed Pt bottom electrodes.

  18. Effect of rare earth substitution on properties of barium strontium titanate ceramic and its multiferroic composite with nickel cobalt ferrite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pahuja, Poonam; Kotnala, R.K.; Tandon, R.P.


    Highlights: • Rare earth ions Dy 3+ , Gd 3+ and Sm 3+ have been substituted in Ba 0.95 Sr 0.05 TiO 3 (BST). • Ni 0.8 Co 0.2 Fe 2 O 4 has been used as ferrimagnetic phase to obtain composites. • Substitution of these ions increases dielectric constant of BST and composites. • Magnetoelectric coefficient of composites increases on substitution of these ions. - Abstract: Effect of substitution of rare earth ions (Dy 3+ , Gd 3+ and Sm 3+ ) on various properties of Ba 0.95 Sr 0.05 TiO 3 (BST) i.e. the composition Ba 0.95−1.5x Sr 0.05 R x TiO 3 (where x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03 and R are rare earths Dy, Gd, Sm) and that of their multiferroic composite with Ni 0.8 Co 0.2 Fe 2 O 4 (NCF) has been studied. Shifting of peaks corresponding to different compositions in the X-ray diffraction pattern confirmed the substitution of rare earth ions at both Ba 2+ and Ti 4+ sites in BST. It is clear from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images that rare earth substitution in BST increases its grain size in both pure and composite samples. Substitution of rare earth ions results in increase in value of dielectric constant of pure and composite samples. Sm substitution in BST significantly decreases its Curie temperature. Dy substituted pure and composite samples possess superior ferroelectric properties as confirmed by polarization vs electric field (P–E) loops. Composite samples containing Dy, Gd and Sm substituted BST as ferroelectric phase possess lower values of remanent and saturation magnetizations in comparison to composite sample containing pure BST as ferroelectric phase (BSTC). Rare earth substituted composite samples possess higher value of magnetoelectric coefficient as compared to that for BSTC

  19. Caracterização química e funcional do caseinato de sódio e da globina bovina Chemical and functional characterization of sodium caseinate and bovine globin

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    Janaína Guernica SILVA


    Full Text Available Visando à aplicação industrial de proteínas do sangue bovino, foram testadas duas metodologias de extração da globina. Determinou-se, também, a composição química dessa proteína e o efeito da adição de NaCl sobre algumas propriedades fun-cionais, sendo os resultados obtidos comparados com os do caseinato de sódio comercial. O método de extração pela acetona acidificada apresentou maiores rendimentos e recuperação protéica do que o da carboximetilcelulose, entretanto, devido à presença de resíduos de solventes orgânicos na proteína obtida, seu uso não é recomendável em alimentos. Observaram-se, ainda, diferenças entre as composições químicas da globina bovina em função do procedimento de extração utilizado. Na avaliação das propriedades funcionais das proteínas, a adição de sal exerceu efeitos variados, tendo sido verificada uma redução da solubilidade da globina bovina, da capacidade emulsionante (EC e do índice de atividade emulsionante (EAI, sendo essa mais acentuada na concentração salina próxima à dos produtos cárneos (0,25mol/L. Para o caseinato de sódio, esse nível de sal prejudicou todas as propriedades funcionais estudadas, exceto a estabilidade da emulsão (ES. Por outro lado, o emprego de uma concentração de NaCl 10 vezes menor contribuiu para melhorar o EAI e a ES.With the aim of finding an industrial utilization for proteins from bovine blood, two methodologies for globin extraction were tested. Also, the chemical composition of this protein and the effect of the addition of NaCl on some functional properties were evaluated. The results were compared to those obtained for commercial sodium caseinate. The extraction method using acidified acetone showed a better yield and protein recuperation when compared to the carboxymethyl cellulose method. However, the former is not recommended for food use, due to the presence of organic solvent residues in the protein. Moreover, the

  20. Internacionalização de empresas russas no Brasil: configurações de transação para o fornecimento de carne bovina

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    Karim Marini Thomé


    Full Text Available O presente artigo é um estudo exploratório, em que as variáveis estudadas têm natureza qualitativa. O objetivo é caracterizar como firmas russas atuantes no comércio de carne bovina internacionalizaram seus negócios em direção ao mercado produtor brasileiro. Com a aplicação de 14 entrevistas,chegou-se à construção de quatro configurações de transações que são realizadas por organizações russas no mercado brasileiro. A primeira configuração discutida é a que apresenta o maior número de organizações envolvidas, tem a vantagem de permitir alta especialização das mesmas e de possibilitar as transações com empresas atacadistas e varejistas russas por meio da internacionalização de terceiros (trading companies em negócios internacionais. Na segunda configuração, observa-se uma maior responsabilidade por parte da empresa atacadista russa, o que se deve ao fato de que esta categoriade organização conseguiu internalizar operações inicialmente atribuídas à trading company. A terceira configuração observada é uma situação transitória em que a trading company com habilitação para varejo russo toma a frente e é o elo entre a organização de varejo russo e a empresa frigorífica exportadora brasileira. A quarta configuração de transação mostrou-se muito eficiente, vez que permite uma grande integração de atividades, eliminando assim intermediários.

  1. Actividad biológica e inmunológica de las isoformas de carga de la hormona luteinizante bovina

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    Álvaro Ortega


    Full Text Available La hormona luteinizante (LH sufre modificaciones postraduccionales que dan origen a isoformas de carga. El estudio determinó la actividad biológica (B e inmunológica (I de distintas isoformas de LH bovina. Las isoformas se aislaron mediante el cromatoenfoque a partir del extracto glicoprotéico obtenido de lóbulos anteriores de hipófisis de bovino. La actividad biológica se evaluó en un bioensayo in vitro midiendo la producción de AMPc. La actividad inmunológica se midió con un radioinmunoensayo (RIA específico para LH. El USDA-bLH-B5 se utilizó como referencia. Las isoformas se agruparon tomando como referencia el rango de pH de elución, en básicas (A, pH, 10.75-9.75; B, pH, 9.58-8.41, neutras (C, pH, 7.98-6.89 y ácidas (D, pH, 6.88-5.41; E, pH, 5.36-3.46. El peso molecular del heterodímero de cada isoforma y del estándar fue similar, estimado en 36.5 kDa. La actividad inmunológica y biológica se comportó de forma dosis-dependiente. Con respecto al estándar, se requirió una mayor concentración de proteína de cada isoforma para obtener el IC50 en la curva de inhibición. En el bioensayo, el valor EC50 para la producción de AMPc fue significativamente diferente entre isoformas; la isoforma neutra mostró un EC50 inferior lo que se interpretó como la proteína más bioactiva, en contraste, la isoforma ácida, mostró un valor de EC50 superior y resultó ser la menos bioactiva; la básica tuvo un comportamiento intermedio (P<0.05. En conclusión, los resultados sugieren un efecto diferenciado de las isoformas de carga, sobre la producción cuantitativa de AMPc por unidad de LH inmunoreactiva.

  2. Composition-control of magnetron-sputter-deposited (BaxSr1-x)Ti1+yO3+z thin films for voltage tunable devices (United States)

    Im, Jaemo; Auciello, O.; Baumann, P. K.; Streiffer, S. K.; Kaufman, D. Y.; Krauss, A. R.


    Precise control of composition and microstructure is critical for the production of (BaxSr1-x)Ti1+yO3+z (BST) dielectric thin films with the large dependence of permittivity on electric field, low losses, and high electrical breakdown fields that are required for successful integration of BST into tunable high-frequency devices. Here, we present results on composition-microstructure-electrical property relationships for polycrystalline BST films produced by magnetron-sputter deposition, that are appropriate for microwave and millimeter-wave applications such as varactors and frequency triplers. Films with controlled compositions were grown from a stoichiometric Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 target by control of the background processing gas pressure. It was determined that the (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratios of these BST films could be adjusted from 0.73 to 0.98 by changing the total (Ar+O2) process pressure, while the O2/Ar ratio did not strongly affect the metal ion composition. Film crystalline structure and dielectric properties as a function of the (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratio are discussed. Optimized BST films yielded capacitors with low dielectric losses (0.0047), among the best reported for sputtered BST, while still maintaining tunabilities suitable for device applications.

  3. Composition-control of magnetron-sputter-deposited (BaxSr1-x)Ti1+yO3+z thin films for voltage tunable devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Im, Jaemo; Auciello, O.; Baumann, P. K.; Streiffer, S. K.; Kaufman, D. Y.; Krauss, A. R.


    Precise control of composition and microstructure is critical for the production of (Ba x Sr 1-x )Ti 1+y O 3+z (BST) dielectric thin films with the large dependence of permittivity on electric field, low losses, and high electrical breakdown fields that are required for successful integration of BST into tunable high-frequency devices. Here, we present results on composition-microstructure-electrical property relationships for polycrystalline BST films produced by magnetron-sputter deposition, that are appropriate for microwave and millimeter-wave applications such as varactors and frequency triplers. Films with controlled compositions were grown from a stoichiometric Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 target by control of the background processing gas pressure. It was determined that the (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratios of these BST films could be adjusted from 0.73 to 0.98 by changing the total (Ar+O 2 ) process pressure, while the O 2 /Ar ratio did not strongly affect the metal ion composition. Film crystalline structure and dielectric properties as a function of the (Ba+Sr)/Ti ratio are discussed. Optimized BST films yielded capacitors with low dielectric losses (0.0047), among the best reported for sputtered BST, while still maintaining tunabilities suitable for device applications. (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics

  4. Efecto de lactoferrina bovina en la formación de biofilms en cepas clínicas de E. coli enteroagregativa

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    Cecilia Coveñas

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar el efecto de lactoferrina bovina (bLf en la formación de biofilms en cepas clínicas de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa (EAEC, y si este efecto es independiente del hierro. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron dos métodos: (a cualitativo, mediante observación directa por microscopia óptica, y (b cuantitativo, lecturas de los valores de absorbancia mediante lector de ELISA en presencia de bLf en concentraciones de 0,01mg/mL y 1mg/mL, con y sin hierro, y no bLf (control, en 122 cepas de EAEC para el método cuantitativo (60 cepas de niños con diarrea y 62 de niños sanos y 31 cepas para el método cualitativo. Resultados. (a Método cualitativo: se evaluaron 31 cepas, con y sin hierro. Sin hierro la formación de biofilms fue de 77% (24/31 en el grupo control versus 58% (14/31 con bLf de 0,01 mg/mL y 4% (1/31 con 1 mg/mL. Con hierro la formación de biofilms fue 90% (28/31 en el grupo control versus 55% (17/31 con bLf de 0,01 mg/mL y 4% (1/31 a 1 mg/mL. (b Método cuantitativo: sin hierro la absorbancia medida a OD 560 nm del grupo control fue 0,7 ± 0,5 versus 0,4 ± 0,3 con bLf 0,01mg/mL y 0,3 ± 0,2 con bLf de 1 mg/mL (p<0,0001. Esta disminución en presencia de bLf incluso se dio con hierro. Conclusiones. La bLf tiende a disminuir la formación de biofilms, mostrando un efecto inhibitorio en las cepas clínicas de EAEC, este efecto no es hierro-dependiente


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    Emma Danielly Torres Navarrete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue proporcionar información sobre las características del mercadeo de leche bovina en la parroquia Guasaganda, cantón La Maná, provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador. La metodología consistió en la identificación de los canales de comercialización y establecimiento de los márgenes de comercialización en la zona. Se inició con la identificación del origen del producto, sus características, y la observación sistemática de todos los procesos que incluyeron cambios en su forma y propiedad hasta llegar al consumidor final. Se diseñó y aplicó una encuesta a los diferentes agentes que realizan funciones de comercialización; productores (P, acopiadores (A, industria pasteurizadora (IP y artesanal (IA y, detallistas (D. Se obtuvo el margen bruto de comercialización (MBC, margen neto de comercialización (MNC y la participación del productor (PDP. Además, se obtuvieron costos de producción y rentabilidad de un litro de leche a nivel de productores. Los resultados muestran la comercialización de tres productos: leche cruda, fluida y queso. Se determinaron dos canales de comercialización: el canal corto 40% de pequeños productores: productor-consumidor final y el canal convencional (100% de medianos y grandes productores y 60% de pequeños productores: productor-acopiador rural - industria pasteurizadora – detallista - consumidor final (leche fluida; productor - acopiador rural - industria artesanal de queso – detallista - consumidor final. Los márgenes obtenidos en la comercialización de leche fluida, en promedio, son: MBC (60%, PDP (40%, y MNC (38.7% y los márgenes en la comercialización de queso en promedio son: MBC (40.34%, PDP (59.66%, y MNC (29.8%.

  6. The Antiproton Accumulator (AA)

    CERN Multimedia


    Section 06 - 08*) of the AA where the dispersion (and hence the horizontal beam size) is large. One can distinguish (left to right): A vacuum-tank, two bending magnets (BST06 and BST07 in blue) with a quadrupole (QDN07, in red) in between, another vacuum-tank, a wide quadrupole (QFW08) and a further tank . The tanks are covered with heating tape for bake-out. The tank left of BST06 contained the stack core pickup for stochastic cooling (see 7906193, 7906190, 8005051), the two other tanks served mainly as vacuum chambers in the region where the beam was large. Peter Zettwoch works on BST06. *) see: H. Koziol, Antiproton Accumulator Parameter List, PS/AA/Note 84-2 (1984)

  7. Materials science and integration bases for fabrication of (BaxSr1-x)TiO3 thin film capacitors with layered Cu-based electrodes (United States)

    Fan, W.; Kabius, B.; Hiller, J. M.; Saha, S.; Carlisle, J. A.; Auciello, O.; Chang, R. P. H.; Ramesh, R.


    The synthesis and fundamental material properties of layered TiAl/Cu/Ta electrodes were investigated to achieve the integration of Cu electrodes with high-dielectric constant (κ) oxide thin films for application to the fabrication of high-frequency devices. The Ta layer is an excellent diffusion barrier to inhibit deleterious Cu diffusion into the Si substrate, while the TiAl layer provides an excellent barrier against oxygen diffusion into the Cu layer to inhibit Cu oxidation during the growth of the high-κ layer in an oxygen atmosphere. Polycrystalline (BaxSr1-x)TiO3 (BST) thin films were grown on the Cu-based bottom electrode by rf magnetron sputtering at temperatures in the range 400-600 °C in oxygen, to investigate the performance of BST/Cu-based capacitors. Characterization of the Cu-based layered structure using surface analytical methods showed that two amorphous oxide layers were formed on both sides of the TiAl barrier, such that the oxide layer on the free surface of the TiAl layer correlates with TiAlOx, while the oxide layer at the TiAl/Cu interface is an Al2O3-rich layer. This double amorphous barrier layer structure effectively prevents oxygen penetration towards the underlying Cu and Ta layers. The TiAlOx interfacial layer, which has a relatively low dielectric constant compared with BST, reduced the total capacitance of the BST thin film capacitors. In addition, the layered electrode-oxide interface roughening observed during the growth of BST films at high temperature, due to copper grain growth, resulted in large dielectric loss on the fabricated BST capacitors. These problems were solved by growing the BST layer at 450 °C followed by a rapid thermal annealing at 700 °C. This process significantly reduced the thickness of the TiAlOx layer and interface roughness resulting in BST capacitors exhibiting properties suitable for the fabrication of high-performance high-frequency devices. In summary, relatively high dielectric constant (280), low

  8. Materials science and integration bases for fabrication of (BaxSr1-x)TiO3 thin film capacitors with layered Cu-based electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan, W.; Kabius, B.; Hiller, J.M.; Saha, S.; Carlisle, J.A.; Auciello, O.; Chang, R.P.H.; Ramesh, R.


    The synthesis and fundamental material properties of layered TiAl/Cu/Ta electrodes were investigated to achieve the integration of Cu electrodes with high-dielectric constant (κ) oxide thin films for application to the fabrication of high-frequency devices. The Ta layer is an excellent diffusion barrier to inhibit deleterious Cu diffusion into the Si substrate, while the TiAl layer provides an excellent barrier against oxygen diffusion into the Cu layer to inhibit Cu oxidation during the growth of the high-κ layer in an oxygen atmosphere. Polycrystalline (Ba x Sr 1-x )TiO 3 (BST) thin films were grown on the Cu-based bottom electrode by rf magnetron sputtering at temperatures in the range 400-600 deg. C in oxygen, to investigate the performance of BST/Cu-based capacitors. Characterization of the Cu-based layered structure using surface analytical methods showed that two amorphous oxide layers were formed on both sides of the TiAl barrier, such that the oxide layer on the free surface of the TiAl layer correlates with TiAlO x , while the oxide layer at the TiAl/Cu interface is an Al 2 O 3 -rich layer. This double amorphous barrier layer structure effectively prevents oxygen penetration towards the underlying Cu and Ta layers. The TiAlO x interfacial layer, which has a relatively low dielectric constant compared with BST, reduced the total capacitance of the BST thin film capacitors. In addition, the layered electrode-oxide interface roughening observed during the growth of BST films at high temperature, due to copper grain growth, resulted in large dielectric loss on the fabricated BST capacitors. These problems were solved by growing the BST layer at 450 deg. C followed by a rapid thermal annealing at 700 deg. C. This process significantly reduced the thickness of the TiAlO x layer and interface roughness resulting in BST capacitors exhibiting properties suitable for the fabrication of high-performance high-frequency devices. In summary, relatively high

  9. Comparación de la técnica de Dennis con los hallazgos hepáticos post - mortem para el diagnóstico de la fasciolosis bovina

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    Alejandra Alvarez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio hace una comparación entre los resultados de la técnica de Dennis para diagnóstico de Fasciolosis bovina, frente a hallazgos post mortem, en hígados de bovinos faenados en la empresa Matadero de Tunja. Es un estudio experimental descriptivo, por cuanto expone los hallazgos en matadero frente a los arrojados por el método de Dennis. La población total de bovinos adultos fue de 2800, de los cuales se tomó una muestra de 139 animales. El muestreo se llevó a cabo durante el mes de febrero del año 2009. Los resultados indican que la técnica de Dennis no es lo suficientemente sensible para el diagnóstico de Fasciola hepática, por lo que se debe evaluar su uso rutinario.La técnica coprológica se fundamenta en el principio de sedimentación delos huevos, por lo tanto depende la salida de éstos en la materia fecal, lo que la hace poco efectiva para la detección del parásito. La razón de este estudiose sustenta en que la enfermedad se encuentra ampliamente distribuida en la región y en el país. Su diagnóstico se realiza rutinariamente mediante técnicas coprológicas aplicadas a los animales en los que se sospecha la enfermedad.

  10. Fabrication and Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of Alumina Nanoparticle-Dispersed Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Matrix Composites

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    Kyung Tae Kim


    Full Text Available Alumina nanoparticle-dispersed bismuth-antimony-tellurium matrix (Al2O3/BST composite powders were fabricated by using ball milling process of alumina nanoparticle about 10 nm and p-type bismuth telluride nanopowders prepared from the mechanochemical process (MCP. The fabricated Al2O3/BST composite powders were a few hundreds of nanometer in size, with a clear Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 phase. The composite powders were consolidated into p-type bulk composite by spark plasma sintering process. High-resolution TEM images reveal that alumina nanoparticles were dispersed among the grain boundary or in the matrix grain. The sintered 0.3 vol.% Al2O3/BST composite exhibited significantly improved power factor and reduced thermal conductivity in the temperature ranging from 293 to 473 K compared to those of pure BST. From these results, the highly increased ZT value of 1.5 was obtained from 0.3 vol.% Al2O3/BST composite at 323 K.

  11. Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Graphite/Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Composites (United States)

    Hu, Wenhua; Zhou, Hongyu; Mu, Xin; He, Danqi; Ji, Pengxia; Hou, Weikang; Wei, Ping; Zhu, Wanting; Nie, Xiaolei; Zhao, Wenyu


    Bismuth telluride zone-melting alloys are the most commercially used thermoelectric materials. However, the zone-melting ingots have weak machinability due to the strong preferred orientation. Here, non-textured graphite/Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 (G/BST) composites were prepared by a powder metallurgy method combined with cold-pressing and annealing treatments. The composition, microstructure, and thermoelectric properties of the G/BST composites with different mass percentages of G were investigated. It was found that G addition could effectively reduce the thermal conductivity and slightly improve the electrical properties of the BST, which resulted in a large enhancement in the figure-of-merit, ZT. The largest ZT for the xG/BST composites with x = 0.05% reached 1.05 at 320 K, which is increased by 35% as compared with that of the G-free BST materials. This work provided an effective method for preparing non-textured Bi2Te3-based TE materials with a simple process, low cost, and large potential in scale production.


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    Full Text Available Se caracterizó la interacción colibrí-planta en tres remanentes de bosque tropical seco (BsT, ubicados en el municipio de Chimichagua (Cesar, Colombia con base en la observación de las visitas a los recursos florales y en los análisis de las cargas de polen en el pico y en otras partes del cuerpo de las aves. Se registró la época de floración y la abundancia de flores producidas por las plantas utilizadas por los colibríes y se midió la cantidad y calidad del néctar. En cinco muestreos que cubrieron la variabilidad de la precipitación en la zona de estudio, se capturaron a 17 individuos. Se realizaron 218 observaciones (visitas de dos especies de colibríes Lepidopyga goudoti y Phaethornis anthophilus, los cuales visitaron a 31 especies de plantas. Para el caso de las observaciones sobre visitas de los colibríes a las plantas, Arrabidaea cf. corallina fue la más importante (IVIR=0.14840 en los tres remanentes de vegetación estudiados, seguida por Aphelandra pulcherrima (IVIR=0.05356 y Pogonopus speciosus (IVIR=0.02773. Otra especie importante pero con valores bajos fue Cochlospermum vitifolium. De acuerdo con los análisis de cargas de polen, el recurso más importante fue Pogonopus speciosus con un valor de IVIR=0.29643, seguido por Aphelandra pulcherrima (IVIR=0.09286 y Hemistylus cf. odontophylla (IVIR=0.03294. En el análisis general para los tres sitios (Tabla 3, los recursos más importantes para los colibríes fueron Pogonopus speciosus (IVIR=0.06207, Aphelandra pulcherrima (IVIR=0.06021 y Cochlospermum vitifolium (IVIR=0.01095. Lepidopyga goudoti utiliza 22 especies de plantas, mientras que P. anthophilus solamente utiliza siete. Las flores visitadas fueron en su mayoría tubulares con colores brillantes y contrastantes como el rojo, el morado y el violeta y se encontró buen ajuste entre su tamaño y la longitud y la forma del pico de los colibríes. También se presentaron visitas a flores de color blanco y amarillo como

  13. The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Narrative Abilities in a Group of Italian Normally Developing Children. (United States)

    Mozzanica, Francesco; Ambrogi, Federico; Salvadorini, Renata; Sai, Elena; Pozzoli, Raffaella; Barillari, Maria Rosaria; Scarponi, Letizia; Schindler, Antonio


    Only limited and conflicting information is available regarding the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and narrative abilities. Besides, the role fathers' SES plays in the development of their children's narrative abilities has never been investigated. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between fathers' and mothers' SES and narrative abilities of their children assessed with the Italian version of the Bus Story Test (I-BST). A total of 505 normally developing Italian children were enrolled in the study. Information regarding parents' educational level and employment was collected for each child. Narrative abilities were evaluated using the I-BST. The relationships between parents' employment, educational level, and I-BST scores were analyzed by univariate and multivariate regression analysis. In univariate analysis, both fathers' and mothers' education and employment were associated with most I-BST subscale scores, especially when higher educational and employment levels were contrasted with the lowest educational and employment levels. In multiple regression analysis, significant associations were found only between the fathers' working status and educational level and I-BST subscale scores. Parental education and employment might impact narrative abilities of children. When both fathers' and mothers' SES variables are considered together, only fathers' education and working status seemed to be associated with I-BST scores. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. Sistemas de terminação em confinamento: perspectivas para dinamização da cadeia produtiva da carne bovina em Minas Gerais

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    Moisés de Andrade Resende Filho


    Full Text Available A terminação de bovinos em confinamento vem-se apresentando como meio de expandir a oferta de carne bovina na entressafra, incrementando a produtividade do rebanho no estado de Minas Gerais. Este artigo se propõe a avaliar a viabilidade financeira de se intensificar a utilização da infra-estrutura disponivel para confinar, considerando a atual forma de comercialização. São contrastados três projetos de confinamento mutuamente exclusivos, considerando uma mesma instalação, épocas distintas de venda e o nivel de utilização da capacidade instalada. Utiliza-se a análise de fluxo de caixa associada à técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo, visando quantificar a rentabilidade e o risco associados a cada um dos projetos. Apesar da viabilidade financeira observada para a alternativa de intensificação do uso da capacidade instalada para confinar, não se verifica dominância estocástica desta em relação à estratégia de uso menos intensiva.The finishing of cattle in feedlots has been presented as a way to increase the beef meat supply in the inter-harvest as well as the cattle productivity in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This paper appraises the financial possibility of enhancing the use of the available feedlot infrastructure, considering the current commercialization form. Three mutually exclusive projects are contrasted, taking into account the same facilities, different months of sales and the level of use of the infrastructure. The cash flow analysis associated with the Monte Carlo simulation technique is used to quantify the projects' revenue and risk. Despite the financial viability observed in the intensive infrastructure use strategy, its stochastic dominance with respect to the less intensive strategy is not observed.

  15. Dielectric properties of BaMg1/3Nb2/3O3 doped Ba0.45Sr0.55Tio3 thin films for tunable microwave applications (United States)

    Alema, Fikadu; Pokhodnya, Konstantin


    Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (BMN) doped and undoped Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 (BST) thin films were deposited via radio frequency magnetron sputtering on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Al2O3 substrates. The surface morphology and chemical state analyses of the films have shown that the BMN doped BST film has a smoother surface with reduced oxygen vacancy, resulting in an improved insulating properties of the BST film. Dielectric tunability, loss, and leakage current (LC) of the undoped and BMN doped BST thin films were studied. The BMN dopant has remarkably reduced the dielectric loss (˜38%) with no significant effect on the tunability of the BST film, leading to an increase in figure of merit (FOM). This is attributed to the opposing behavior of large Mg2+ whose detrimental effect on tunability is partially compensated by small Nb5+ as the two substitute Ti4+ in the BST. The coupling between MgTi″ and VO•• charged defects suppresses the dielectric loss in the film by cutting electrons from hopping between Ti ions. The LC of the films was investigated in the temperature range of 300-450K. A reduced LC measured for the BMN doped BST film was correlated to the formation of defect dipoles from MgTi″, VO•• and NbTi• charged defects. The carrier transport properties of the films were analyzed in light of Schottky thermionic emission (SE) and Poole-Frenkel (PF) emission mechanisms. The result indicated that while the carrier transport mechanism in the undoped film is interface limited (SE), the conduction in the BMN doped film was dominated by bulk processes (PF). The change of the conduction mechanism from SE to PF as a result of BMN doping is attributed to the presence of uncoupled NbTi• sitting as a positive trap center at the shallow donor level of the BST.

  16. Pregnancy, bovine somatotropin, and dietary n-3 fatty acids in lactating dairy cows: I. Ovarian, conceptus, and growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor system responses. (United States)

    Bilby, T R; Sozzi, A; Lopez, M M; Silvestre, F T; Ealy, A D; Staples, C R; Thatcher, W W


    The objective was to examine effects of bovine somatotropin (bST), pregnancy, and dietary fatty acids on reproductive responses in lactating dairy cows. Beginning at approximately 17 d in milk (DIM), a comparison was made of isoenergetic diets comprising supplementary lipids of whole cottonseed vs. calcium salts of fish oil enriched lipid (FO). Ovulation was synchronized in cows with a presynchronization plus Ovsynch protocol, and cows were inseminated artificially by appointment or not inseminated (d 0 = time of synchronized ovulation; 77 +/- 12 DIM). On d 0 and 11, cows received bST (500 mg) or no bST. All cows were slaughtered on d 17. Number of cows in each group was as follows: control diet had 5 bST-treated cyclic (bST-C), 5 non-bST-treated cyclic (no bST-C), 4 bST-treated pregnant (bST-P), and 5 non-bST-treated pregnant (no bST-P) cows; and cyclic cows fed FO diet had 4 bST-treated (bST-FO) and 5 non-bST-treated cyclic (no bST-FO-C) cows. Feeding FO increased milk production, number of class 1 follicles (2 to 5 mm), and decreased insulin during the period before d 0 compared with control-fed cows. The bST increased milk production, pregnancy rate [83% (5/6) vs. 40% (4/10)], conceptus length (45 vs. 34 cm), and interferon-tau in the uterine luminal flushings (9.4 vs. 5.3 microg) with no effect on interferon-tau mRNA concentration in the conceptus. Treatment with bST increased plasma growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I. Among control-fed cows (cyclic and pregnant), bST decreased progesterone concentration in plasma. Cows fed FO had less plasma insulin than control-fed cyclic cows, and FO altered the plasma GH (bST-FO > bST-C) and IGF-I (bST-C > bST-FO-C) responses to bST injections. Endometrial IGF-I mRNA was reduced in pregnant cows and tended to decrease in those fed FO. The IGF-II mRNA was increased in the endometrium of pregnant and bST-treated cows fed the control diet. Cows fed FO had increased concentrations of IGF-II mRNA, when bST

  17. Breed and selection line differences in the temperament of beef cattle - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i2.16426

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    Mateus José Rodrigues Paranhos da Costa


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The temperament of four beef cattle breeds were measured using a flight time test (FT and a behavior score test (BST. FT was defined as the time taken by animals to cross a distance of 2 m after weight scale. The BST used a visual assessment of cattle behavior in which the results of four categories defined the score: movements, breathing intensity, vocalization and kicking. FT and BST coefficients of heritability were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood, considering half siblings. Caracu presented a lower BST value than the other breeds. Nellore presented intermediate results, followed by Guzerat and Gyr with similar and higher means (p p= -0.36; p s = -0.63; p Bos indicus cattle.  

  18. Emergence in Taiwan of novel imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ST455 causing bloodstream infection in critical patients. (United States)

    Lee, Hao-Yuan; Huang, Chih-Wei; Chen, Chyi-Liang; Wang, Yi-Hsin; Chang, Chee-Jen; Chiu, Cheng-Hsun


    Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important nosocomial pathogens worldwide. This study aimed to use multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for the epidemiological surveillance of A. baumannii isolates in Taiwan and analyze the clinical presentations and patients' outcome. MLST according to both Bartual's PubMLST and Pasteur's MLST schemes was applied to characterize bloodstream imipenem-resistant A. baumannii (IRAB) infection in intensive care units in a medical center. A total of 39 clinical IRAB bloodstream isolates in 2010 were enrolled. We also collected 13 imipenem-susceptible A. baumannii (ISAB) bloodstream isolates and 30 clinical sputum isolates (24 IRAB and 6 ISAB) for comparison. Clinical presentations and outcome of the patients were analyzed. We found that infection by ST455(B)/ST2(P) and inappropriate initial therapy were statistically significant risk factors for mortality. More than one-third of the IRAB isolates belonged to ST455(B)/ST2(P). Most ST455(B)/ST2(P) (80%) carried ISAba1-blaOXA-23, including 10 (66.7%) with Tn2006 (ISAba1-blaOXA-23-ISAba1) in an AbaR4-type resistance island. ST455(B)/ST2(P) appears to evolve from ST208(B)/ST2(P) of clonal complex (CC) 92(B)/CC2(P). In this hospital-based study, A. baumannii ST455 accounted for 38.5% of IRAB bacteremia, with a high mortality of 86.7%. Approximately 85% of ST455(B)/ST2(P)bacteremia had a primary source of ventilation-associated pneumonia. We report the emergence in Taiwan of IRAB ST455(B)/ST2(P), which is the current predominant clone of IRAB in our hospital and has been causing bacteremia with high mortality in critical patients. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. In situ study of interface reactions of ion beam sputter deposited (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 films on Si, SiO2, and Ir

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Y.; Mueller, A.H.; Irene, E.A.; Auciello, O.; Krauss, A.; Schultz, J.A.


    (Ba 0.5 ,Sr 0.5 )TiO 3 (BST) thin films were deposited on MgO, Si, SiO 2 and Ir surfaces by ion beam sputter deposition in oxygen at 700 degree C. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) has been used to investigate the evolution of the BST films on different surfaces during both deposition and postannealing processes. First, the optical constants of the BST films in the photon energy range of 1.5 - 4.5 eV were determined by SE analysis on crystallized BST films deposited on MgO single crystal substrates. The interfaces in BST/Si and BST/SiO 2 /Si structure were examined by SE and Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiles. Subcutaneous oxidation in the BST/Ir structure was observed by in situ SE during both ion beam sputter deposition and postdeposition annealing in oxygen at 700 degree C. A study of the thermal stability of the Ir/TiN/SiO 2 /Si structure in oxygen at 700 degree C was carried out using in situ SE. The oxidation of Ir was confirmed by x-ray diffraction. The surface composition and morphology evolution after oxidation were investigated by time of flight mass spectroscopy of recoiled ions (TOF-MSRI) and atomic force microscopy. It has been found that Ti from the underlying TiN barrier layer diffused through the Ir layer onto the surface and thereupon became oxidized. It was also shown that the surface roughness increases with increasing oxidation time. The implications of the instability of Ir/TiN/SiO 2 /Si structure on the performance of capacitor devices based on this substrate are discussed. It has been shown that a combination of in situ SE and TOF-MSRI provides a powerful methodology for in situ monitoring of complex oxide film growth and postannealing processes. copyright 1999 American Vacuum Society

  20. Structure and optical band-gap energies of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films fabricated by RF magnetron plasma sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Zhimou; Suzuki, Masato; Yokoyama, Shin


    The structure and optical band-gap energies of Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 (BST0.5) thin films prepared on SiO 2 /Si and fused quartz substrates by RF magnetron plasma sputtering were studied in terms of deposition temperature and film thickness. Highly (100)-oriented BST0.5 thin films were successfully sputtered on a Si substrate with an approximately 1.0-μm-thick SiO 2 layer at a deposition temperature of above 450degC. The optical transmittance of BST0.5 thin films weakly depended on the magnitude of X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak intensity. This is very helpful for monolithic integration of BST0.5 films for electrooptical functions directly onto a SiO 2 /Si substrate. The band-gap energies showed a strong dependence on the deposition temperature and film thickness. It was mainly related to the quantum size effect and the influence of the crystallinity of thin films, such as grain boundaries, grain size, oriented growth, and the existence of an amorphous phase. The band-gap energy values, which were much larger than those of single crystals, decreased with the increase in the deposition temperature and the thickness of BST0.5 thin films. The band-gap energy of 311-nm-thick amorphous BST0.5 thin film was about 4.45 eV and that of (100)-oriented BST0.5 thin film with a thickness of 447 nm was about 3.89 eV. It is believed that the dependence of the band-gap energies of the thin films on the crystallinity for various values of deposition temperature and film thickness means that there could be application in integrated optical devices. (author)

  1. Novel speed test for evaluation of badminton-specific movements. (United States)

    Madsen, Christian M; Karlsen, Anders; Nybo, Lars


    In this study, we developed a novel badminton-specific speed test (BST). The test was designed to mimic match play. The test starts in the center of the court and consists of 5 maximal actions to sensors located in each of the 4 corners of the court. The 20 actions are performed in randomized order as dictated by computer screen shots displayed 1 second after completion of the previous action. We assessed day-to-day variation in elite players, and specificity of the test was evaluated by comparing 30-m sprint performance and time to complete the BST in 20 elite players, 21 skilled players, and 20 age-matched physical active subjects (non-badminton players). Sprint performance was similar across groups, whereas the elite players were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) faster in the BST (total test time: 32.3 ± 1.1 seconds; average: 1.6 seconds per action) than the skilled (34.1 ± 2.0 seconds) and non-badminton players (35.7 ± 1.7 seconds). Day-to-day coefficient of variation (CV) of the BST was 0.7% for the elite players, whereas CV for repeated tests on the same day was 1.7% for elite, 2.6% for skilled, and 2.5% for non-badminton players. On this basis, we suggest that the BST may be valuable for evaluation of short-term maximal movement speed in badminton players. Thus, the BST seems to be sport specific, as it may discriminate between groups (elite, less trained players, and non-badminton players) with similar sprinting performance, and the low test-retest variation may allow for using the BST to evaluate longitudinal changes, for example, training effects or seasonal variations.

  2. Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 Is a Novel Plasma Biomarker and Prognosticator for Colorectal Carcinoma: A Secretome-Based Verification Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sum-Fu Chiang


    Full Text Available Background. The cancer cell secretome has been recognized as a valuable reservoir for identifying novel serum/plasma biomarkers for different cancers, including colorectal cancer (CRC. This study aimed to verify four CRC cell-secreted proteins (tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2/trophoblast cell surface antigen 2 (TACSTD2/TROP2, tetraspanin-6 (TSPAN6, bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST2, and tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 16 (NGFR as potential plasma CRC biomarkers. Methods. The study population comprises 152 CRC patients and 152 controls. Target protein levels in plasma and tissue samples were assessed by ELISA and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Results. Among the four candidate proteins examined by ELISA in a small sample set, only BST2 showed significantly elevated plasma levels in CRC patients versus controls. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed the overexpression of BST2 in CRC tissues, and higher BST2 expression levels correlated with poorer 5-year survival (46.47% versus 65.57%; p=0.044. Further verification confirmed the elevated plasma BST2 levels in CRC patients (2.35 ± 0.13 ng/mL versus controls (1.04 ± 0.03 ng/mL (p<0.01, with an area under the ROC curve (AUC being 0.858 comparable to that of CEA (0.867. Conclusion. BST2, a membrane protein selectively detected in CRC cell secretome, may be a novel plasma biomarker and prognosticator for CRC.

  3. Diamagnetism to ferromagnetism in Sr-substituted epitaxial BaTiO{sub 3} thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singamaneni, Srinivasa Rao, E-mail:; Prater, John T. [Materials Science Division, Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 (United States); Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 (United States); Punugupati, Sandhyarani; Narayan, Jagdish [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 (United States)


    We report on the ferromagnetic-like behavior in otherwise diamagnetic BaTiO{sub 3} (BTO) thin films upon doping with non-magnetic element Sr having the composition Ba{sub 0.4}Sr{sub 0.6}TiO{sub 3} (BST). The epitaxial integration of BST (∼800 nm) thick films on Si (100) substrate was achieved using MgO (40 nm) and TiN (20 nm) as buffer layers to prepare BST/MgO/TiN/Si (100) heterostructure by pulsed laser deposition. The c-axis oriented and cube-on-cube epitaxial BST is formed on Si (100) as evidenced by the in-plane and out-of-plane X-ray diffraction. All the deposited films are relaxed through domain matching epitaxy paradigm as observed from X-ray diffraction pattern and A{sub 1}TO{sub 3} mode (at 521.27 cm{sup −1}) of Raman spectra. As-deposited BST thin films reveal ferromagnetic-like properties, which persist up to 400 K. The magnetization decreases two-fold upon oxygen annealing. In contrast, as-deposited un-doped BTO films show diamagnetism. Electron spin resonance measurements reveal no evidence of external magnetic impurities. XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra show significant changes influenced by Sr doping in BTO. The ferromagnetic-like behavior in BST could be due to the trapped electron donors from oxygen vacancies resulting from Sr-doping.

  4. Roles of grain boundary and oxygen vacancies in Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO{sub 3} films for resistive switching device application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Xiaobing, E-mail:, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering of Hebei Province, College of Electron and Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002 (China); Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 117576 (Singapore); Li, Yucheng; Zhao, Jianhui; Li, Yan [Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering of Hebei Province, College of Electron and Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002 (China); Bai, Gang [College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023 (China); Zhu, Siqi [Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information and Sensing Technologies of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 (China)


    Oxygen vacancies are widely thought to be responsible for resistive switching (RS) effects based on polycrystalline oxides films. It is also well known that grain boundaries (GB) serve as reservoirs for accumulating oxygen vacancies. Here, Ar gas was introduced to enlarge the size of GB and increase the quantity of oxygen vacancies when the Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO{sub 3} (BST) films were deposited by pulse laser deposition technique. The experimental results indicate that the RS properties of the device exhibits better in the Ar-introduced BST films than in the O{sub 2}-grown BST films. High resolution transmission electron microscopy images show that an amorphous region GB with large size appears between two lattice planes corresponding to oxygen vacancies defects in the Ar-introduced BST. Fourier-transform infrared reflectivity spectroscopy results also reveal highly accumulated oxygen vacancies in the Ar-introduced BST films. And we propose that the conduction transport of the cell was dominantly contributed from not ions migration of oxygen vacancies but the electrons in our case according to the value of activation energies of two kinds of films.


    Xu, Jing; He, Bo; Liu, Han Xing

    It is a common and effective method to enhance the dielectric properties of BST ceramics by adding rare-earth elements. In this paper, it is important to analyze the cause of the high dielectric constant behavior of La-doped BST ceramics. The results show that proper rare earth La dopant (0.2≤x≤0.7) may greatly increase the dielectric constant of BST ceramics, and also improve the temperature stability, evidently. According to the current-voltage (J-V) characteristics, the proper La-doped BST ceramics may reach the better semiconductivity, with the decrease and increase in La doping, the ceramics are insulators. By using the Schottky barrier model and electric microstructure model to find the surface or grain boundary potential barrier height, the width of the depletion layer and grain size do play an important role in impacting the dielectric constant.

  6. A Systematic Review of Literature Using Business Systems Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Morgan, Glenn


    , international business (IB) studies do not tend to borrow much from this sub-field. This paper reviews BST literature from 1992 to 2015 and seeks to identify its contributions and gaps, in ways that can be helpful for future research in IB. Trend analysis of BST literature and mapping this sub-field suggests......Business system theory (BST) lies at the intersection of organization theory, political economy and sociology. It is gaining incremental attention in the field of management, particularly in cross-border and comparative studies of the structure, strategy and management of multinationals. Yet...... that the BST research stream can be identified in relation to four ‘broad themes’ which we describe as junctures- i.e. comparative business systems, internationalisation and MNC management, organizational capability and innovation, and transnational communities. Mapping and pattern recognition of the ‘themes...

  7. Effects of a Supervised versus an Unsupervised Combined Balance and Strength Training Program on Balance and Muscle Power in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Lacroix, André; Kressig, Reto W; Muehlbauer, Thomas; Gschwind, Yves J; Pfenninger, Barbara; Bruegger, Othmar; Granacher, Urs


    Losses in lower extremity muscle strength/power, muscle mass and deficits in static and particularly dynamic balance due to aging are associated with impaired functional performance and an increased fall risk. It has been shown that the combination of balance and strength training (BST) mitigates these age-related deficits. However, it is unresolved whether supervised versus unsupervised BST is equally effective in improving muscle power and balance in older adults. This study examined the impact of a 12-week BST program followed by 12 weeks of detraining on measures of balance and muscle power in healthy older adults enrolled in supervised (SUP) or unsupervised (UNSUP) training. Sixty-six older adults (men: 25, women: 41; age 73 ± 4 years) were randomly assigned to a SUP group (2/week supervised training, 1/week unsupervised training; n = 22), an UNSUP group (3/week unsupervised training; n = 22) or a passive control group (CON; n = 22). Static (i.e., Romberg Test) and dynamic (i.e., 10-meter walk test) steady-state, proactive (i.e., Timed Up and Go Test, Functional Reach Test), and reactive balance (e.g., Push and Release Test), as well as lower extremity muscle power (i.e., Chair Stand Test; Stair Ascent and Descent Test) were tested before and after the active training phase as well as after detraining. Adherence rates to training were 92% for SUP and 97% for UNSUP. BST resulted in significant group × time interactions. Post hoc analyses showed, among others, significant training-related improvements for the Romberg Test, stride velocity, Timed Up and Go Test, and Chair Stand Test in favor of the SUP group. Following detraining, significantly enhanced performances (compared to baseline) were still present in 13 variables for the SUP group and in 10 variables for the UNSUP group. Twelve weeks of BST proved to be safe (no training-related injuries) and feasible (high attendance rates of >90%). Deficits of balance and lower extremity muscle power can be

  8. An FPGA Based Multiprocessing CPU for Beam Synchronous Timing in CERN's SPS and LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Ballester, F J; Gras, J J; Lewis, J; Savioz, J J; Serrano, J


    The Beam Synchronous Timing system (BST) will be used around the LHC and its injector, the SPS, to broadcast timing meassages and synchronize actions with the beam in different receivers. To achieve beam synchronization, the BST Master card encodes messages using the bunch clock, with a nominal value of 40.079 MHz for the LHC. These messages are produced by a set of tasks every revolution period, which is every 89 us for the LHC and every 23 us for the SPS, therefore imposing a hard real-time constraint on the system. To achieve determinism, the BST Master uses a dedicated CPU inside its main Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) featuring zero-delay hardware task switching and a reduced instruction set. This paper describes the BST Master card, stressing the main FPGA design, as well as the associated software, including the LynxOS driver and the tailor-made assembler.

  9. 78 FR 28275 - Office of Commercial Space Transportation; Safety Approval Performance Criteria (United States)


    ... provide as a service, scenario based physiology training, which includes hypobaric chamber training. BST may offer its scenario based physiology altitude training as a service to a prospective launch and...: Notification of criteria used to evaluate the Black Sky Training, Inc. (BST) safety approval application...

  10. Emergence of the sub-THz central peak at phase transitions in artificial BaTiO3/(Ba,Sr)TiO3 superlattices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tikhonov, Yu.A.; Razumnaya, A.G.; Torgashev, V.I.; Zakharchenko, I.N.; Yuzyuk, Yu.I.; El Marssi, M.; Ortega, N.; Kumar, A.; Katiyar, R.S.


    A prominent central peak in the sub-THz frequency range was observed in the Raman spectra of BaTiO 3 /(Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BT/BST) superlattice grown on (001)MgO substrate. Both soft and central mode show an anomaly around 200 K and 280 K, which can be correlated with orthorhombic to monoclinic phase transition of BST and BT, respectively. The observed temperature dependence of the central mode enabled us to explain rather broad temperature dependence of the dielectric permittivity previously observed in BT/BST superlattices. (copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  11. Evolution of the mammary capillary network and carbonic anhydrase activity throughout lactation and during somatotropin treatment in goats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mette Benedicte Olaf; Cvek, Katarina; Dahlborn, Kristina


    involved in the coordination of mammary blood flow (MBF) and metabolic activity. Milk vein blood velocity was determined as a measure of MBF, and fine needle mammary biopsies were obtained at different time points during lactation and by the end of a 14-d bovine somatotropin (BST) treatment initiated 3...... almost tripled in size, whereas number of capillaries surrounding each alveolus decreased by 1/3, and CA activity more than halved. BST treatment did not affect capillary traits but increased number of alveoli in mammary sections, and BST thus appeared to be targeted mostly towards the mammary epithelial...

  12. Prevalência e etiologia da mastite bovina na bacia leiteira de Rondon do Pará, estado do Pará

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Magno C. Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi pesquisar a prevalência e a etiologia da mastite bovina na bacia leiteira do município de Rondon do Pará, bem como avaliar o perfil de sensibilidade e resistência dos agentes isolados frente aos antimicrobianos. Foram avaliadas 237 vacas mestiças de aptidão leiteira, pertencentes a nove propriedades, as quais utilizavam ordenha manual uma vez ao dia e sistema de criação extensivo em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha, com fornecimento de sal mineral e água ad libitum. Realizou-se o exame clínico da glândula mamária, o teste da caneca telada e o California Mastitis Test. Dos 935 quartos mamários avaliados, 6,6% apresentaram mastite subclínica, 1,3% mastite clínica e 92,1% foram negativos. As bactérias isoladas na mastite clínica foram Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo (25%, Staphylococcus aureus (16,7%, Streptococcus spp. (8,3% e Corynebacterium spp. (8,3%. Na mastite subclínica foram Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo (32,3%, Staphylococcus aureus (17,7%, Staphylococcus intermedius (1,6%, Streptococcus spp. (4,8%, Corynebacterium spp. (4,8% e Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo/S. aureus (1,6%. Não houve crescimento microbiano em 41,7% das amostras com mastite clínica e 37,1% com mastite subclínica. No antibiograma, 100% dos isolados de Staphylococcus spp. coagulase negativo, S. aureus, S. intermedius, e Streptococcus spp. foram sensíveis ao sulfazotrim. Por outro lado Corynebacterium spp. foi 100% resistente ao mesmo antimicrobiano. A cefalotina, cefoxitina e gentamicina, apresentaram eficácia frente às bactérias isoladas do gênero Staphylococcus spp., as quais neste trabalho representam a grande maioria dos agentes causadores de mastite. A mastite foi diagnosticada em todos os rebanhos pesquisados, contudo o número de animais acometidos foi considerado baixo; isso provavelmente deve-se à baixa produção de leite dos animais e a permanência do bezerro ao pé após a

  13. Microwave-hydrothermal synthesis of barium strontium titanate nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simoes, A.Z.; Moura, F.; Onofre, T.B.; Ramirez, M.A.; Varela, J.A.; Longo, E.


    Research highlights: → Barium strontium titanate nanoparticles were obtained by the Hydrothemal microwave technique (HTMW) → This is a genuine technique to obtain nanoparticles at low temperature and short times → Barium strontium titanate free of carbonates with tetragonal structure was grown at 130 o C. - Abstract: Hydrothermal-microwave method (HTMW) was used to synthesize crystalline barium strontium titanate (Ba 0.8 Sr 0.2 TiO 3 ) nanoparticles (BST) in the temperature range of 100-130 o C. The crystallization of BST with tetragonal structure was reached at all the synthesis temperatures along with the formation of BaCO 3 as a minor impurity at lower syntheses temperatures. Typical FT-IR spectra for tetragonal (BST) nanoparticles presented well defined bands, indicating a substantial short-range order in the system. TG-DTA analyses confirmed the presence of lattice OH- groups, commonly found in materials obtained by HTMW process. FE/SEM revealed that lower syntheses temperatures led to a morphology that consisted of uniform grains while higher syntheses temperature consisted of big grains isolated and embedded in a matrix of small grains. TEM has shown BST nanoparticles with diameters between 40 and 80 nm. These results show that the HTMW synthesis route is rapid, cost effective, and could serve as an alternative to obtain BST nanoparticles.

  14. Molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine Ludden


    Full Text Available Objectives: E. coli O25b-ST131 has disseminated worldwide in hospitals and the community. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which E. coli O25b-ST131 accounts for extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBLproducing E. coli from clinical samples from all sources in this region. Methods: Between January and June 2010 ESBL-producing E. coli were collected from 94 routine samples including 47 from residents of 25 nursing homes, 15 categorized as hospital acquired and 32 others. PCR was performed for detection of bla CTX-M, bla OXA-1, bla TEM, bla SHV and for the identification of members of the E. coli O25b:ST131 clonal group. PFGE was carried out using Xba I in accordance with PulseNet protocols. Results: The majority (97% of isolates harbored a bla CTX-M gene.E. coli O25b-ST131 accounted for 87% of all ESBL-producing E. coliand for 96% of isolates from nursing home residents. Conclusion:The E. coli O25b-ST131 clonal group predominated in the collection of ESBL-producing E. coli, particularly in nursing home isolates. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2014; 4(3: 92-96

  15. Bedside Teaching in Australian Clinical Schools: A National Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Praveen L. Indraratna


    Full Text Available Purpose. Bedside teaching (BST of medical students has become less common in recent years; however, there have been strong recommendations made in the literature to continue this teaching modality for the valued benefits it provides. The purpose of the present study is to explore the perceptions and opinions of bedside teaching among senior Australian medical students. Methods. Medical students at Australian universities were surveyed by means of an electronic questionnaire. The results were collected and analysed. Results. A total of 517 responses were received from students at 15 universities and 94 different clinical sites. The percentage of students who identified BST as very important ranged from 62.5% in psychiatry to 90.4% in internal medicine. The optimal class size was nominated as 3-4 students, and students favoured a style where one individual performs a complete examination, with the remainder allowed to elicit the key sign afterwards. Students felt 3-4 hours of BST per week to be ideal. Advantages identified to BST included provision of feedback and elicitation of clinical signs. Disadvantages included time constraints and excessive class sizes. Conclusions. The unique benefits of BST result in its high demand by students, regardless of the discipline being taught.

  16. Aspectos de la respuesta inmune innata en las infecciones intramamarias causadas por Staphylococcus aureus en bovinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabet A.L Pereyra


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es el principal agente causante de mastitis bovina en Argentina y en el mundo. Esta bacteria ocasiona infecciones crónicas que generan importantes pérdidas a los productores y la industria lechera. El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar los mecanismos que intervienen en la infección causada por S. aureus en la glándula mamaria bovina, evaluando dos aspectos diferentes del proceso infeccioso: por un lado, lo vinculado con la respuesta inmune innata por parte del hospedador, y por otro, la capacidad de la bacteria para evadir el sistema inmune e interactuar con diferentes tipos celulares. La exploración de la interacción de S. aureus con el sistema inmune de la glándula mamaria bovina permitirá identificar blancos para delinear nuevas alternativas preventivas o curativas, que contribuyan a evitar o eliminar las infecciones causadas por este organismo.

  17. Selegiline Ameliorates Depression-Like Behavior in Mice Lacking the CD157/BST1 Gene, a Risk Factor for Parkinson’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satoka Kasai


    Full Text Available Parkinson’s disease (PD, a neurodegenerative disorder, is accompanied by various non-motor symptoms including depression and anxiety, which may precede the onset of motor symptoms. Selegiline is an irreversible monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B inhibitor, and is widely used in the treatment of PD and major depression. However, there are few reports about the effects of selegiline on non-motor symptoms in PD. The aim of this study was to explore the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of selegiline, using CD157/BST1 knockout (CD157 KO mouse, a PD-related genetic model displaying depression and anxiety, compared with other antiparkinsonian drugs and an antidepressant, and was to investigate the effects of selegiline on biochemical parameters in emotion-related brain regions. A single administration of selegiline (1–10 mg/kg dose-dependently reduced immobility time in the forced swimming test (FST in CD157 KO mice, but not C57BL/6N wild-type (WT mice. At 10 mg/kg, but not 3 mg/kg, selegiline significantly increased climbing time in CD157 KO mice. A single administration of the antiparkinsonian drugs pramipexole (a dopamine (DA D2/D3 receptor agonist or rasagiline (another MAO-B inhibitor, and repeated injections of a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA, mirtazapine, also decreased immobility time, but did not increase climbing time, in CD157 KO mice. The antidepressant-like effects of 10 mg/kg selegiline were comparable to those of 10 mg/kg rasagiline, and tended to be stronger than those of 1 mg/kg rasagiline. After the FST, CD157 KO mice showed decreases in striatal and hippocampal serotonin (5-HT content, cortical norepinephrine (NE content, and plasma corticosterone concentration. A single administration of selegiline at 10 mg/kg returned striatal 5-HT, cortical NE, and plasma corticosterone levels to those observed in WT mice. In the open field test (OFT, repeated administration of mirtazapine had anxiolytic effects

  18. Evaluation of Efficiency of Schoenly Trap for Collecting Adult Sarcosaprophagous Dipterans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ordonez Gloria, Alejandro


    Communities of adult sarcosaprophagous dipterans were evaluated using both Schoenly traps (BST) baited with rabbit carcasses and the traditional forensic methodology (TradC) in the Sabana de Bogota ́ , Colombia. During 42 sampling days, 2,726 adult dipterans were collected (2,291 by BST and 435...

  19. Evaluation of efficiency of Schoenly trap for collecting adult sarcosaprophagous dipterans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ordonez, A.; Garcia, M. D.; Fagua, G.

    Communities of adult sarcosaprophagous dipterans were evaluated using both Schoenly traps (BST) baited with rabbit carcasses and the traditional forensic methodology (TradC) in the Sabana de Bogota, Colombia. During 42 sampling days, 2,726 adult dipterans were collected (2,291 by BST and 435 by

  20. Influence of rare-earth addition on microstructure and dielectric behavior of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jingji; Zhai Jiwei; Chou Xiujian; Yao Xi


    Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 (BST) ceramics with 0.5 mol% various trivalent rare-earth additions prepared by a solid-state route are investigated. A strong correlation is observed between the microstructure, dielectric properties and rare-earth element dopant. The results display that comparing with the lattice constants of undoped and doped rare-earth BST, the structure transforms from cubic to tetragonal structure. In addition, the dopant improves the tetragonal distortion with the ionic radius of rare earth decreasing, and then deteriorates it with further decreasing. Large ions rare-earth additions effectively suppress the grain growth of BST. It is found that the temperature-permittivity characteristics for the BSTR (R, namely, rare earth) system could be controlled using various rare-earth elements. Especially, such as Sm, Eu, Gd dopants are effective to satisfy the tunable microwave devices application due to the decrease of permittivity and the improvement of dissipation factors of BST ceramic with the accompanying high-tunability



    N. E. Arenas; V. Moreno


    La brucelosis bovina es una de las enfermedades zoonóticas de mayor prevalencia enColombia y su impacto económico es poco conocido. El objetivo del presente estudiofue evaluar los costos generados por los casos de brucelosis registrados entre pequeñosy medianos productores ganaderos de la región del Sumapaz, Colombia. Se realizó unestudio descriptivo basado en una encuesta que incluyó egresos registrados por los casosde brucelosis bovina con diagnóstico confirmado en 25 unidades productivas g...



    Arenas, N. E; Moreno, V


    La brucelosis bovina es una de las enfermedades zoonóticas de mayor prevalencia en Colombia y su impacto económico es poco conocido. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los costos generados por los casos de brucelosis registrados entre pequeños y medianos productores ganaderos de la región del Sumapaz, Colombia. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo basado en una encuesta que incluyó egresos registrados por los casos de brucelosis bovina con diagnóstico confirmado en 25 unidades producti...

  3. Listeria spp. occurrence in equipments and processing plants of meat/ Listeria spp. ocorrência em equipamentos e ambientes de processamento de carne bovina

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    Luís Augusto Nero


    Full Text Available Exopolysaccharides, biopolymers or hydrosolubles gums, are produced by a great variety of microorganisms and possess physical, structural and chemical properties quite homogeneous, in relation to derived from algae and plants. The production is relatively independent on climatic conditions, faster obtaining of the finished product and need small space. Biopolymers have been studied thoroughly in the last years. Due to wide diversity in structure and physical properties, the microbial polysaccharides possess a lot of applications in food, pharmaceutical, oil, cosmetics, textile, inks and agricultural products among others industries. Some of those applications, include uses as emulsifying, stabilizing, binding, jellifying, clotting, lubricants, film coated, thickening and suspender agents. The parameters that have most influenced the process of exopolysaccharides biosyntheses have been the microorganism, the culture medium composition, pH and temperature of incubation. The exopolysaccharide production can be developed by species of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, some microalgae and many moulds. This work discusses the influence of these parameters during the production process and exopolysaccharides biosyntheses by bacteria.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estabelecer a ocorrência de Listeria monocytogenes em diversos pontos de plantas de processamento de carne bovina em 01 abatedouro e 05 casas de carnes localizados na região norte do Paraná. Para a detecção de Listeria spp. em 124 amostras de equipamentos/utensílios e instalações, utilizou-se a metodologia preconizada pelo United States Departament of Agriculture (USDA, com identificação das espécies por testes bioquímicos e posterior confirmação pelo API Listeria (bioMérieux. Os resultados obtidos indicaram freqüências de 6,25% de L. monocytogenes; 68,75% de L. innocua; 18,75% de L. welshimeri; 4,17% de L. seeligeri e 2,08% de L. grayi. As amostras positivas para L

  4. Comparison of Computer Based Instruction to Behavior Skills Training for Teaching Staff Implementation of Discrete-Trial Instruction with an Adult with Autism (United States)

    Nosik, Melissa R.; Williams, W. Larry; Garrido, Natalia; Lee, Sarah


    In the current study, behavior skills training (BST) is compared to a computer based training package for teaching discrete trial instruction to staff, teaching an adult with autism. The computer based training package consisted of instructions, video modeling and feedback. BST consisted of instructions, modeling, rehearsal and feedback. Following…

  5. Apoptosis during sexual differentiation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the rat brain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chung, W. C.; Swaab, D. F.; de Vries, G. J. [=Geert J.


    The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) in the rat forebrain differs between males and females. To test whether apoptosis may contribute to the development of sex differences in the BST, the incidence of apoptosis was determined in sham-treated males and sham-treated females sacrificed on


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    Diogo Del Fiori


    Full Text Available A União Europeia (UE coloca em prática grandes níveis de barreiras tarifárias e não tarifárias sobre as importações de produtos agroindustriais em que o bloco europeu detém menor nível de competitividade. No presente trabalho, o período de análise englobou os anos de 1996 a 2013 e, a princípio, o objetivo foi estimar o Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada (IVCR, cujos resultados mostram que o Brasil possui maior nível de competitividade frente aos produtos europeus de carne bovina fresca (SH 0201, carne bovina congelada (SH 0202, carne suína (SH 0203, carne de frango (SH 0207, açúcar bruto (SH 1701 e suco de fruta (SH 2009, que foram os produtos selecionados para a análise por receberem a incidência de pico tarifário. A seguir, empregou-se o Índice de Orientação Regional (IOR, que aponta para uma tendência de exportação fora da UE para carne de frango (SH 0207 e carne suína (SH 0202 e uma diminuição do potencial das exportações do Brasil de carne bovina fresca (SH 0201 e carne bovina congelada (SH 0202. Por fim, o Índice de Introversão ao Comércio e o Índice de Propensão Relativa ao Comércio, desenvolvidos por Iapadre (2004, capturaram um maior nível de comércio no âmbito intrabloco em detrimento do comércio extrabloco, sendo de forma mais intensa para a carne bovina fresca, carne bovina congelada, carne suína e carne de frango, de acordo com os resultados do índice de introversão ao comércio e do índice de Propensão Relativa do Comércio Intrarregional, o que mostra a presença do efeito de desvio de comércio das importações desses produtos do bloco europeu com relação aos seus parceiros comerciais. Esse resultado impacta diretamente o Brasil, que ocupa a primeira colocação dentre os 48 principais parceiros comerciais da UE para esses produtos analisados.

  7. Evaluación de un antígeno de Brucella abortus para aglutinación en placa como prueba tamiz en el diagnóstico de la brucelosis bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Rajme-Manzur


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo obtener y validar un antígeno buferado de Brucella abortus para la prueba de aglutinación en placa como prueba diagnóstica de base de la brucelosis bovina. Se formularon tres lotes de antígeno a partir de la multiplicación de la cepa 99 de Brucella abortus. Se realizaron los controles de calidad correspondientes (determinación de pH, volumen celular, esterilidad, capacidad buferante y las pruebas serológicas para la evaluación del desempeño. Se emplearon 1070 muestras de suero bovino (350 positivas y 720 negativas previamente controladas con las pruebas de diagnóstico establecidas. Se determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica y relativa, los valores predictivos positivos y negativos, la eficacia y la concordancia. En los tres lotes todas las características evaluadas resultaron estar dentro de los parámetros establecidos para este tipo de producto. La especificidad y sensibilidad diagnósticas fueron de 99,5% y 100% respectivamente. El valor predictivo positivo fue de 99,1%, el valor predictivo negativo fue de 100% y la eficacia de un 99,7%. El antígeno mostró una sensibilidad y especificidad relativas de un 100% y la concordancia resultó ser clasificada como muy buena. La evaluación del desempeño arrojó resultados satisfactorios, demostrando que el método de producción empleado es factible para la obtención de un producto con adecuada eficacia.

  8. Valor nutritivo y utilización para producción de leche del bagazo de alfalfa ensilado con diferentes aditivos


    Gonzalez, V.; Fernández, E.; González, G.; Remón, J.


    Mediante pruebas de ingestión, digestibilidad de la materia orgánica (DMO) y lactación se ha estudiado el valor nutritivo del bagazo de alfalfa ensilado sin aditivos (BST), tratado con ácido fórmico (BF) y con formaldehído-sulfúrico (BFS). En la prueba de lactación el bagazo de alfalfa se comparó con heno de alfalfa de calidad media.La ingestión de MO en corderos fue mayor para los bagazos BFS y BF, un 16,4 y 9,3 % respectivamente, que la de BST. La DMO fue 54,4; 60,7 y 61,8 % para BST, BF y ...

  9. Restriction genes for retroviruses influence the risk of multiple sclerosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nexø, Bjørn A; Hansen, Bettina; Nissen, Kari K


    known for a long time. Today human restriction genes for retroviruses include amongst others TRIMs, APOBEC3s, BST2 and TREXs. We have therefore looked for a role of these retroviral restriction genes in MS using genetic epidemiology. We here report that markers in two TRIMs, TRIM5 and TRIM22...... and a marker in BST2, associated statistically with the risk of getting MS, while markers in or near APOBEC3s and TREXs showed little or no effect. This indicates that the two TRIMs and BST2 influence the risk of disease and thus supports the hypothesis of a viral involvement....

  10. Transient Response in Monolithic Mach-Zehnder Optical Modulator Using (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Film Sputtered at Low Temperature on Silicon (United States)

    Suzuki, Masato; Nagata, Kazuma; Tanushi, Yuichiro; Yokoyama, Shin


    We have fabricated Mach-Zhender interferometers (MZIs) using the (Ba,Sr)TiO3 (BST) film sputter-deposited at 450 °C, which is a critical temperature for the process after metallization. An optical modulation of about 10% is achieved when 200 V is applied (electric field in BST is 1.2× 104 V/cm). However, the response time of optical modulation to step function voltage is slow (1.0-6.3 s). We propose a model for the slow transient behavior based on movable ions and a long dielectric relaxation time for the BST film, and good qualitative agreement is obtained with experimental results.

  11. Real-time observations of interface formation for barium strontium titanate films on silicon (United States)

    Mueller, A. H.; Suvorova, N. A.; Irene, E. A.; Auciello, O.; Schultz, J. A.


    Ba.5Sr.5TiO3 (BST) film growth by ion sputtering on bare and thermally oxidized silicon was observed in real time using in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and time of flight ion scattering and recoil spectrometry techniques. At the outset of BST film deposition on silicon, an approximately 30 Å film with intermediate static dielectric constant (K˜12) and refractive index (n˜2.6 at photon energies of 1.5-3.25 eV) interface layer formed on bare silicon. The interface layer growth rate was greatly reduced on an oxidized silicon substrate. The results have profound implications on the static dielectric constant of BST.

  12. Real-time observations of interface formation for barium strontium titanate films on silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, A.H.; Suvorova, N.A.; Irene, E.A.; Auciello, O.; Schultz, J.A.


    Ba .5 Sr .5 TiO 3 (BST) film growth by ion sputtering on bare and thermally oxidized silicon was observed in real time using in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and time of flight ion scattering and recoil spectrometry techniques. At the outset of BST film deposition on silicon, an approximately 30 Aa film with intermediate static dielectric constant (K∼12) and refractive index (n∼2.6 at photon energies of 1.5-3.25 eV) interface layer formed on bare silicon. The interface layer growth rate was greatly reduced on an oxidized silicon substrate. The results have profound implications on the static dielectric constant of BST

  13. Exposure level from selected base station tower around Kuala Nerus

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Health risk due to RF radiation exposure from base station tower (BST) has been debated for years leading to public concerns. Thus, this preliminary study aims to measure, evaluate and analyze the exposure level on three selected BST around Kuala Nerus. The measurement of exposure level in terms of voltage ...

  14. Problematica del mal de las vacas locas y consecuencias


    Fernandez Boj, Olga


    El presente trabajo se basa en el estudio sobre una enfermedad que causa una especie de locura en los bovinos denominada encefalitis espongiforme bovina, (EEB) y que también puede afectar al hombre con el nombre de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. La EEB (enfermedad espongiforme bovina) esta vinculada con el scrapie una enfermedad también prionica que se conoce desde hace 250 años y que afecta a las ovejas. Todo comenzó 1883 cuando una vaca tenia los mismos signos clínicos que las ovejas, per...

  15. Factores asociados a mastitis en vacas de la microcuenca lechera del altiplano norte de Antioquia, Colombia


    Ramírez Vásquez, Nicolás; Arroyave Henao, Ofelia; Cerón-Muñoz, Mario; Jaramillo, Manuel; Cerón, Juan; Palacio, Luis Guillermo


    Se efectuó un estudio de corte sobre la prevalencia de mastitis bovina en una muestra representativa de las granjas lecheras del altiplano norte de Antioquia, Colombia. Se evaluaron los resultados del California Mastitis Test (CMT), Recuento de Células Somáticas (RCS) y cultivo bacteriológico de leche, y se analizaron los factores de riesgo asociados a mastitis bovina. El análisis estadístico de la información se efectuó por medio de estadística descriptiva, análisis de razón de prevalencias ...

  16. Effect of Detergents on Galactoside Binding by Melibiose Permeases. (United States)

    Amin, Anowarul; Hariharan, Parameswaran; Chae, Pil Seok; Guan, Lan


    The effect of various detergents on the stability and function of the melibiose permeases of Escherichia coli (MelBEc) and Salmonella typhimurium (MelBSt) was studied. In n-dodecyl-β-d-maltoside (DDM) or n-undecyl-β-d-maltoside (UDM), WT MelBSt binds melibiose with an affinity similar to that in the membrane. However, with WT MelBEc or MelBSt mutants (Arg141 → Cys, Arg295 → Cys, or Arg363 → Cys), galactoside binding is not detected in these detergents, but binding to the phosphotransferase protein IIA(Glc) is maintained. In the amphiphiles lauryl maltose neopentyl glycol (MNG-3) or glyco-diosgenin (GDN), galactoside binding with all of the MelB proteins is observed, with slightly reduced affinities. MelBSt is more thermostable than MelBEc, and the thermostability of either MelB is largely increased in MNG-3 or GDN. Therefore, the functional defect with DDM or UDM likely results from the relative instability of the sensitive MelB proteins, and stability, as well as galactoside binding, is retained in MNG-3 or GDN. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry of melibiose binding with MelBSt shows that the favorable entropic contribution to the binding free energy is decreased in MNG-3, indicating that the conformational dynamics of MelB is restricted in this detergent.

  17. Electronic structure of barium strontium titanate by soft-x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uehara, Y. [Mitsubishi Electric Co., Hyogo (Japan); Underwood, J.H.; Gullikson, E.M.; Perera, R.C.C. [Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (United States)


    Perovskite-type titanates, such as Strontium Titanate (STO), Barium Titanate (BTO), and Lead Titanate (PTO) have been widely studied because they show good electric and optical properties. In recent years, thin films of Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) have been paid much attention as dielectrics of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) capacitors. BST is a better insulator with a higher dielectric constant than STO and can be controlled in a paraelectric phase with an appropriate ratio of Ba/Sr composition, however, few studies have been done on the electronic structure of the material. Studies of the electronic structure of such materials can be beneficial, both for fundamental physics research and for improving technological applications. BTO is a famous ferroelectric material with a tetragonal structure, in which Ti and Ba atoms are slightly displaced from the lattice points. On the other hand, BST keeps a paraelectric phase, which means that the atoms are still at the cubic lattice points. It should be of great interest to see how this difference of the local structure around Ti atoms between BTO and BST effects the electronic structure of these two materials. In this report, the authors present the Ti L{sub 2,3} absorption spectra of STO, BTO, and BST measured with very high accuracy in energy of the absorption features.

  18. Electronic structure of barium strontium titanate by soft-x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uehara, Y.; Underwood, J.H.; Gullikson, E.M.; Perera, R.C.C.


    Perovskite-type titanates, such as Strontium Titanate (STO), Barium Titanate (BTO), and Lead Titanate (PTO) have been widely studied because they show good electric and optical properties. In recent years, thin films of Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) have been paid much attention as dielectrics of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) capacitors. BST is a better insulator with a higher dielectric constant than STO and can be controlled in a paraelectric phase with an appropriate ratio of Ba/Sr composition, however, few studies have been done on the electronic structure of the material. Studies of the electronic structure of such materials can be beneficial, both for fundamental physics research and for improving technological applications. BTO is a famous ferroelectric material with a tetragonal structure, in which Ti and Ba atoms are slightly displaced from the lattice points. On the other hand, BST keeps a paraelectric phase, which means that the atoms are still at the cubic lattice points. It should be of great interest to see how this difference of the local structure around Ti atoms between BTO and BST effects the electronic structure of these two materials. In this report, the authors present the Ti L 2,3 absorption spectra of STO, BTO, and BST measured with very high accuracy in energy of the absorption features

  19. Ion beam sputter deposited TiAlN films for metal-insulator-metal (Ba,Sr)TiO{sub 3} capacitor application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, S.-Y. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, No. 1, Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan, Taiwan (China); Wang, S.-C. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University of Technology, No. 1, Nantai St, Yung-Kang City, Tainan, Taiwan (China); Chen, J.-S. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, No. 1, Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan, Taiwan (China); Huang, J.-L. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, No. 1, Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan, Taiwan (China)], E-mail:


    The present study evaluated the feasibility of TiAlN films deposited using the ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD) method for metal-insulator-metal (MIM) (Ba,Sr)TiO{sub 3} (BST) capacitors. The BST films were crystallized at temperatures above 650 deg. C. TiAlN films deposited using the IBSD method were found having smooth surface and low electrical resistivity at high temperature conditions. TiAlN films showed a good diffusion barrier property against BST components. The J-E (current density-electric field) characteristics of Al/BST/TiAlN capacitors were good, with a high break down electric field of {+-} 2.5 MV/cm and a leakage current density of about 1 x 10{sup -5} A/cm{sup 2} at an applied field of {+-} 0.5 MV/cm. Thermal stress and lateral oxidation that occurred at the interface damaged the capacitor stacking structure. Macro holes that dispersed on the films resulted in higher leakage current and inconsistent J-E characteristics. Vacuum annealing with lower heating rate and furnace cooling, and a Ti-Al adhesion layer between TiAlN and the SiO{sub 2}/Si substrate can effectively minimize the stress effect. TiAlN film deposited using IBSD can be considered as a potential electrode and diffusion barrier material for MIM BST capacitors.

  20. Ion beam sputter deposited TiAlN films for metal-insulator-metal (Ba,Sr)TiO3 capacitor application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, S.-Y.; Wang, S.-C.; Chen, J.-S.; Huang, J.-L.


    The present study evaluated the feasibility of TiAlN films deposited using the ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD) method for metal-insulator-metal (MIM) (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BST) capacitors. The BST films were crystallized at temperatures above 650 deg. C. TiAlN films deposited using the IBSD method were found having smooth surface and low electrical resistivity at high temperature conditions. TiAlN films showed a good diffusion barrier property against BST components. The J-E (current density-electric field) characteristics of Al/BST/TiAlN capacitors were good, with a high break down electric field of ± 2.5 MV/cm and a leakage current density of about 1 x 10 -5 A/cm 2 at an applied field of ± 0.5 MV/cm. Thermal stress and lateral oxidation that occurred at the interface damaged the capacitor stacking structure. Macro holes that dispersed on the films resulted in higher leakage current and inconsistent J-E characteristics. Vacuum annealing with lower heating rate and furnace cooling, and a Ti-Al adhesion layer between TiAlN and the SiO 2 /Si substrate can effectively minimize the stress effect. TiAlN film deposited using IBSD can be considered as a potential electrode and diffusion barrier material for MIM BST capacitors


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Septian Williyanto


    Full Text Available The type of this research is a quantitative with descriptive approach/ survey. Based on result of the research, it know that the founding program in the ABS Club, BST, Indoraya, and Tunas Perkasa have run well. Whereas for Baker Club and Mutiara haven’t run well because both of club haven’t do tryout program. The management system in a BST club have good management because it have a good active organization.While, for the ABS club, Baker, Indoraya, Mutiara, and Tunas Perkasa haven’t run well because of personal managed. The program of exercise that be done of ABS club, Baker, BST, Indoraya and Tunas Perkasa have run well. While for a Mutiara club haven’t run well and must add some exercise schedule. Facilities and Infrastructures of the ABS and BST club have a good because it facilitate by fitness center for supporting exercise program. Although, for Baker club, Indoraya, Mutiara, and Tunas Perkasa is still not enough and need some add some facilities. Funding in ABS and Baker club have good because it have sponsor however for BST club, Indoraya, Mutiara, and Tunas Perkasa haven’t not good. The conclusion of the research is the founding management that running by badminton club in Wonosobo Regency in years 2015 not maximumenough

  2. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The thick films of different thicknesses of BST were prepared by screen-printing technique and gas-sensing performance of these films was tested for various gases. The films showed highest response and selectivity to ammonia gas. The effect of film thickness on gas response was also studied. As prepared BST thick films ...

  3. Modelagem matemática do controle de brucelose bovina por vacinação Mathematical modeling of bovine brucellosis control by vaccination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Amaku


    Full Text Available As fêmeas bovinas, por sua importância na transmissão e na manutenção da brucelose, constituíram o alvo dos inquéritos do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e da Tuberculose Animal. Com base em informações obtidas em unidades federativas onde foram realizados inquéritos sorológicos e observadas prevalências de animais acima de 2%, elaborou-se um modelo para simular a dinâmica da brucelose em rebanhos bovinos formados exclusivamente por fêmeas, analisando o efeito de estratégias de vacinação. Para baixa cobertura vacinal, da ordem de 30%, o tempo para reduzir a prevalência a 2%, valor adotado como referência, pode ser longo, aproximando-se do dobro do tempo necessário para uma cobertura mais alta, de 90%. De acordo com o modelo, o tempo para reduzir a prevalência a 1% ou 2%, que permitam passar à fase de erradicação, pode chegar a uma década. Recomenda-se a intensificação do esforço para a vacinação de fêmeas, procurando atingir alta cobertura vacinal.Due to the important role played by female bovines in the transmission and maintenance of brucellosis, they were the target of the serological surveys of the Brazilian National Program for the Control and Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. Based on the information obtained in Brazilian states, where the serological surveys were carried out and prevalences higher than 2% were observed, a model to simulate the dynamics of brucellosis in herds of female bovines was developed to analyze the effects of vaccination strategies. For low vaccination coverage (around 30%, the time to reduce the prevalence to 2%, adopted as a reference, may be long, approximately twice as long as the time observed for a higher coverage (90%. According to the model, the time to reduce the prevalence to levels of 1% or 2%, adequate to start the eradication phase, may reach a decade. It is recommended an intensification of the effort to vaccinate females

  4. Eliminação de resistência a drogas por fluorquinolonas em Staphylococcus aureus de origem bovina Elimination of resistance to drugs by fluoroquinolones in bovine strains of Staphylococcus aureus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria S.V. Pereira


    Full Text Available Cepas de Staphylococcus aureus de origem bovina foram submetidas ao tratamento com quatro fluoquinolonas na concentração subinibitória (1/2 x CMI, para avaliar a influência desses agentes sobre plasmídios. A ciprofloxacina mostrou ser a fluorquinolona mais eficiente, eliminando marcas de resistência para estreptomicina, tetraciclina, penicilina e cádmio. A norfloxacina e a pefloxacina eliminaram resistência para penicilina e tetraciclina, respectivamente; no entanto, não foi evidenciada a eliminação de plasmídio com ofloxacina. Os resultados confirmam a eficácia das fluor-quinolonas em eliminar plasmídios de resistência mostrando a importância desses estudos como contribuição para o entendimento da prevenção de linhagens multiresistentes, uma vez que as quinolonas em concentrações subinibitórias podem aumentar a sensibilidade das linhagens a outros agentes antimicrobianos.Bovine strains of Staphylococcus aureus were submitted to treatment with four fluoro-quinolones in subinhibitory concentrations (1/2 x MICs to evaluate their influence on the curing of plasmids. Ciprofloxacin showed to be the most efficient by eliminating resistance to streptomycin, tetracyclin, penicillin, and cadmium nitrate. Norfloxacin and pefloxacin eliminated penicillin- and tetracyclin-resistance respectively. Otherwise, plasmids elimination by ofloxacin was not evidenced. The results obtained in this study confirm the potential of fluoroquinolones to eliminate antibiotic-resistant plasmids, and showed to be a valuable contribution for the prevention of multi-resistant strains, and may even enhance their sensitivity to other chemotherapeutic agents.

  5. Increased cleavage and blastocyst rate in ewes treated with bovine somatotropin 5 days before the end of progestin-based estrous synchronization. (United States)

    Montero-Pardo, A; Hernández-Cerón, J; Rojas-Maya, S; Valencia, J; Rodríguez-Cortez, A; Gutiérrez, C G


    Treatment with bovine somatotropin (bST) during estrous synchronization increased fertility and prolificacy in sheep. In the present study, a single dose of bST 5 days before the end of progestin treatment improved cleavage and embryo development. Stage of estrous cycle was synchronized in ewes (n=32) with progestin and superovulation was induced by use of FSH. Five days before the end of progestin treatment, ewes were randomly assigned to two groups: bST group (n=16) received a depot injection of 125 mg of bST sc (Lactotropina, Elanco, México) and the control group (n=16) received saline solution. Estrous was detected with rams fitted with an apron every 2 h and estrous sheep were mated every 8 h whilst in estrous. Embryos were recovered on Day 7 post mating, assessed microscopically and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Cell number in blastocysts was counted after Hoechst 33342 staining. Plasma concentrations of IGF-I, insulin and progesterone were determined in eight sheep per group from the day of bST treatment to the day of embryo recovery. Cleavage rate, percentage of transferable embryos (transferable embryos/cleaved) and percentage of embryos reaching the blastocyst stage (blastocyst/cleaved) were compared between groups by logistic regression. IGF-I, insulin and progesterone plasma concentrations were analyzed by ANOVA for repeated measurements and cell number by ANOVA. Cleavage rate was greater (Psheep. Plasma concentrations of IGF-I and insulin were greater (Pprogesterone concentrations (P=0.5). It is concluded that bST injection 5 days before progestin removal increases cleavage rate and the proportion of embryos that reach the blastocyst stage. These effects are associated with an increase in IGF-I and insulin concentrations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Optical properties of amorphous Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films obtained by metal organic decomposition technique (United States)

    Qiu, Fei; Xu, Zhimou


    In this study, the amorphous Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 (BST0.7) thin films were grown onto fused quartz and silicon substrates at low temperature by using a metal organic decomposition (MOD)-spin-coating procedure. The optical transmittance spectrum of amorphous BST0.7 thin films on fused quartz substrates has been recorded in the wavelength range 190~900 nm. The films were highly transparent for wavelengths longer than 330 nm; the transmission drops rapidly at 330 nm, and the cutoff wavelength occurs at about 260 nm. In addition, we also report the amorphous BST0.7 thin film groove-buried type waveguides with 90° bent structure fabricated on Si substrates with 1.65 μm thick SiO2 thermal oxide layer. The design, fabrication and optical losses of amorphous BST0.7 optical waveguides were presented. The amorphous BST0.7 thin films were grown onto the SiO2/Si substrates by using a metal organic decomposition (MOD)-spin-coating procedure. The optical propagation losses were about 12.8 and 9.4 dB/cm respectively for the 5 and 10 μm wide waveguides at the wavelength of 632.8 nm. The 90° bent structures with a small curvature of micrometers were designed on the basis of a double corner mirror structure. The bend losses were about 1.2 and 0.9 dB respectively for 5 and 10 μm wide waveguides at the wavelength of 632.8 nm. It is expected for amorphous BST0.7 thin films to be used not only in the passive optical interconnection in monolithic OEICs but also in active waveguide devices on the Si chip.

  7. A Comparison of Staff Training Methods for Effective Implementation of Discrete Trial Teaching for Learners with Developmental Disabilities (United States)

    Geiger, Kaneen Barbara


    Discrete trial teaching is an effective procedure for teaching a variety of skills to children with autism. However, it must be implemented with high integrity to produce optimal learning. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) is a staff training procedure that has been demonstrated to be effective. However, BST is time and labor intensive, and with…

  8. Evaluating Behavioral Skills Training with and without Simulated in Situ Training for Teaching Safety Skills to Children (United States)

    Miltenberger, Raymond; Gross, Amy; Knudson, Peter; Bosch, Amanda; Jostad, Candice; Breitwieser, Carrie Brower


    This study compared the effectiveness of behavioral skills training (BST) to BST plus simulated in situ training (SIT) for teaching safety skills to children to prevent gun play. The results were evaluated in a posttest only control group design. Following the first assessment, participants in both training groups and the control group who did not…

  9. A mathematical model of insulin resistance in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Braatz, Elise M; Coleman, Randolph A


    This paper introduces a mathematical model representing the biochemical interactions between insulin signaling and Parkinson's disease. The model can be used to examine the changes that occur over the course of the disease as well as identify which processes would be the most effective targets for treatment. The model is mathematized using biochemical systems theory (BST). It incorporates a treatment strategy that includes several experimental drugs along with current treatments. In the past, BST models of neurodegeneration have used power law analysis and simulation (PLAS) to model the system. This paper recommends the use of MATLAB instead. MATLAB allows for more flexibility in both the model itself and in data analysis. Previous BST analyses of neurodegeneration began treatment at disease onset. As shown in this model, the outcomes of delayed, realistic treatment and full treatment at disease onset are significantly different. The delayed treatment strategy is an important development in BST modeling of neurodegeneration. It emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, and allows for a more accurate representation of disease and treatment interactions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Porous (Ba,SrTiO3 ceramics for tailoring dielectric and tunability properties: Modelling and experiment

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    Roxana E. Stanculescu


    Full Text Available 3D Finite Element Method simulations were employed in order to describe tunability properties in anisotropic porous paraelectric structures. The simulations predicted that properties of a ceramic can be tailored by using various levels of porosity. Porous Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 (BST ceramics have been studied in order to investigate the influence of porosity on their functional properties. The BST ceramics with various porosity levels have been obtained by solid-state reaction. Lamellar graphite in different concentration of 10, 20 and 35 vol.% was added as sacrificial pore forming agent. The structural, microstructural, dielectric and tunability properties were investigated. By comparison with dense BST ceramic, porous samples present a fracture mode transformation from intragranular to an intergranular fracture and a decrease of grain size. Lower dielectric constants, low dielectric losses, but higher values of tunability than in the dense material were obtained in the porous BST structures as a result of local field inhomogeneity generated by the presence of air pores-ceramic interfaces.

  11. Preparation of cauliflower-like shaped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 powders by modified oxalate co-precipitation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Mingli; Xu Mingxia


    The quantitative barium-strontium titanyl oxalate (Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .4H 2 O, BSTO) precursor powders were prepared by the modified oxalate co-preparation method. It was based on the cation-exchange reaction between the stoichiometric solutions of oxalotitanic acid (H 2 TiO(C 2 O 4 ) 2 , HTO) and barium + strontium nitrate solution containing stoichiometric quantities of Ba and Sr ions. The pyrolysis of BSTO at 800 deg. C/4 h in air produced the homogeneous cauliflower-like shaped barium-strontium titanate (Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 , BST) powders. The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on morphology of BSTO and BST powders was also investigated. The characterization studies were carried on the as-dried BSTO and calcined BST powders by various physicochemical techniques, IR, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), etc. The BSTO and BST powders obtained by aforementioned technique without PEG were homogeneous with spherical shape. The particles grew into spindle shape with the effect of PEG

  12. Raman and X-ray diffraction study of (Ba,Sr)TiO3/(Bi,Nd)FeO3 multilayer heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anokhin, A.S.; Bunina, O.A.; Golovko, Yu I.; Mukhortov, V.M.; Yuzyuk, Yu I.; Simon, P.


    We report synthesis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman scattering characterisation of epitaxial heterostructures containing alternating (Bi 0.98 Nd 0.02 )FeO 3 (BNFO) and (Ba 0.8 Sr 0.2 TiO 3 ) (BST) layers deposited on (100) MgO substrates. A significant shift of the BST soft mode and partial depolarisation in the Raman spectra of multilayer heterostructures caused by epitaxial strains were observed. Satellite peaks typical for superlattices were observed in the XRD patterns of multilayer heterostructures with layer thicknesses below 30 nm. Raman spectra of the BNFO/BST superlattice with a modulation period of 10 nm revealed hardening of the soft mode and a dominating symmetric-stretching mode at 705 cm −1 due to distortion in FeO 6 octahedra enforced by the epitaxial strain in the superlattice. - Highlights: • BNFO and BST multilayers and superlattices on (100) MgO. • Raman spectra of superlattices exhibit features not observed in bulk BFO. • Satellites in XRD patterns when layer thickness below 30 nm

  13. An Evaluation of Behavioral Skills Training for Teaching Caregivers How to Support Social Skill Development in Their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (United States)

    Hassan, Mahfuz; Simpson, Andrea; Danaher, Katey; Haesen, James; Makela, Tanya; Thomson, Kendra


    Limited research has explored how to best train caregivers to support their child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) despite caregivers being well suited to promote generalization and maintenance of their child's skills in the natural environment. Children with ASD have been shown to benefit from social skill training, which is not always conducted in the natural context. This research examined the efficacy of behavioral skills training (BST) with, and without in situ training (IST), for teaching caregivers how to also use BST to support their child's context-specific social skills. Although caregivers met mastery criterion within BST sessions, their skills did not generalize to the natural environment until IST was introduced. The implications of the findings are discussed.

  14. Interfacial characteristics and dielectric properties of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quan Zuci; Zhang Baishun; Zhang Tianjin; Zhao Xingzhong; Pan Ruikun; Ma Zhijun; Jiang Juan


    Ba 0.65 Sr 0.35 TiO 3 (BST) thin films were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO 2 /Si substrates by radio frequency magnetron sputtering technique. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling data show that each element component of the BST film possesses a uniform distribution from the outermost surface to subsurface, but obvious Ti-rich is present to BST/Pt interface because Ti 4+ cations are partially reduced to form amorphous oxides such as TiO x (x -7 A/cm 2 at 1.23 V and lower than 5.66 x 10 -6 A/cm 2 at 2.05 V as well as breakdown strength is above 3.01 x 10 5 V/cm

  15. Diferenciação por qualidade da carne bovina: a ótica do bem-estar animal Differentiation for beef cattle quality: the view of the animal welfare

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    Carolina Balbé de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca enfatizar como o bem-estar animal pode influenciar nos sistemas produtivos pecuários e no produto final - a carne bovina. Surge da preocupação com as condições que os bovinos são manejados e chegam para abate nos frigoríficos, ocasionando prejuízos a todos os agentes da cadeia produtiva e da necessidade de obtenção de produtos seguros, com qualidade, e produzidos de forma sustentável e ambientalmente correta. Um bom manejo durante todo o sistema de criação se reflete na qualidade da carne. Ao se agregar qualidade, mesmo que por meio de características pouco identificáveis, promove-se a diferenciação do produto. Com certeza, assim como os prejuízos ocasionados pelo manejo inadequado, os ganhos da diferenciação, por meio de práticas de bem-estar animal, poderão ser compartilhados por todos os agentes da cadeia produtiva.This paper aims to emphasize how the animal welfare can influence the cattle productive systems and in the final beef product. The study emerges from the preoccupation with the conditions that the cattle is handled and arrive for slaughter in the cold storage room. Impairing all the productive chain agentes, and the necessity to obtain safe products, with quality and produced in a sustainable and environmentally correct way. A good handling during all the breeding systems reflects in the meat quality. Aggregating quality, though by means of not very identifiable characteristics, the product diferenciation is promoted. For sure, as well as the impairment caused by the inadequate handling, the profits of diferenciation, by means of animal welfare practices, could be shared by all the agents of the productive chain.

  16. A rapid and sensitive diagnosis of bovine leukaemia virus infection using the nested shuttle polymerase chain reaction Diagnóstico rápido e sensível da infecção com o vírus da Leucemia Bovina através de Shuttle Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Ester T. González


    Full Text Available Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV is the causative agent of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL. In Argentina, where a program to eradicate EBL has been introduced, sensitive and reliable diagnosis has attained high priority. Although the importance of the agar gel immunodiffusion test remains unchanged for routine work, an additional diagnostic technique is necessary to confirm cases of sera with equivocal results or of calves carrying maternal antibodies.Utilizing a nested shuttle polymerase chain reaction, the proviral DNA was detected from cows experimentally infected with as little as 5 ml of whole blood from BLV seropositive cows that were nonetheless normal in haematological terms. It proved to be a very sensitive technique, since it rapidly revealed the presence of the provirus, frequently at 2 weeks postinoculation and using a two-round procedure of nested PCR taking only 3 hours. Additionally, the primers used flanked a portion of the viral genome often employed to differentiate BLV type applying BamHI digestion. It is concluded that this method might offer a highly promising diagnostic tool for BLV infection.O Vírus da leucemia bovina (BLV é o agente causal da Leucose Enzoótica Bovina (EBL. Na Argentina, iniciou-se um programa de erradicação da EBL. Neste estágio, é prioritário possuir uma ferramenta de diagnóstico confiável. Embora seja indiscutível a importância do teste de agar gel imunodifusão, empregado rotineiramente no diagnóstico serológico da EBL, faz-se necessária uma técnica de diagnóstico adicional capaz de confirmar os resultados duvidosos. Foi possivel detectar ADN proviral aplicando Nested-PCR em novilhos experimentalmente infectados com pequenas doses de sangue total (5ml obtidas de um bovino BLV soropositivo. Esta técnica, cujo procedimento leva 3 horas, demonstrou ser muito sensível, uma vez que foi capaz de detectar a presença do provirus duas semanas após a inoculação. Os primers utilizados são os que

  17. Narrative retelling in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: is there a role for nonverbal temporal-sequencing skills? (United States)

    Johnels, Jakob Åsberg; Hagberg, Bibbi; Gillberg, Christopher; Miniscalco, Carmela


    Oral narrative retelling is often problematic for children with communicative and neurodevelopmental disorders. However, beyond a suggested role of language level, little is known about the basis of narrative performance. In this study we examine whether oral narrative retelling might be associated not just with language level but also with skills related to nonverbal narrative temporal sequencing. A diagnostically heterogeneous sample of Swedish-speaking children with a full scale IQ >70 was included in the study (N = 55; age 6-9 years). Narrative retelling skills were measured using the three subscores from the bus story test (BST). Independent predictors included (1) temporal sequencing skills according to a picture arrangement test and (2) a language skills factor consisting of definitional vocabulary and receptive grammar. Regression analyses show that language skills predicted BST Sentence Length and Subordinate Clauses subscores, while both temporal sequencing and language were independently linked with the BST Information subscore. When subdividing the sample based on nonverbal temporal sequencing level, a significant subgroup difference was found only for BST Information. Finally, a principal component analysis shows that temporal sequencing and BST Information loaded on a common factor, separately from the language measures. It is concluded that language level is an important correlate of narrative performance more generally in this diagnostically heterogeneous sample, and that nonverbal temporal sequencing functions are important especially for conveying story information. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed. © 2013 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations.

  18. Acoustoelastic effect of textured (Ba,Sr)TiO{sub 3} thin films under an initial mechanical stress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamel, Marwa; Mseddi, Souhir; Njeh, Anouar; Ben Ghozlen, Mohamed Hédi [Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Université de Sfax, Sfax (Tunisia); Donner, Wolfgang [Institute of Materials Science, University of Technology, Alarich-Weiss-Strasse.2, 64287 Darmstadt (Germany)


    Acoustoelastic (AE) analysis of initial stresses plays an important role as a nondestructive tool in current engineering. Two textured BST (Ba{sub 0.65}Sr{sub 0.35}TiO{sub 3}) thin films, with different substrate to target distance, were grown on Pt(111)/TiO{sub 2}/SiO{sub 2}/Si(001) substrate by rf-magnetron sputtering deposition techniques. A conventional “sin{sup 2} ψ” method to determine residual stress and strain in BST films by X-ray diffraction is applied. A laser acoustic waves (LA-waves) technique is used to generate surface acoustic waves (SAW) propagating in both samples. Young's modulus E and Poisson ratio ν of BST films in different propagation directions are derived from the measured dispersion curves. Estimation of effective second-order elastic constants of BST thin films in stressed states is served in SAW study. This paper presents an original investigation of AE effect in prestressed Ba{sub 0.65}Sr{sub 0.35}TiO{sub 3} films, where the effective elastic constants and the effect of texture on second and third order elastic tensor are considered and used. The propagation behavior of Rayleigh and Love waves in BST thin films under residual stress is explored and discussed. The guiding velocities affected by residual stresses, reveal some shifts which do not exceed four percent mainly in the low frequency range.

  19. The central extended amygdala in fear and anxiety: Closing the gap between mechanistic and neuroimaging research. (United States)

    Fox, Andrew S; Shackman, Alexander J


    Anxiety disorders impose a staggering burden on public health, underscoring the need to develop a deeper understanding of the distributed neural circuits underlying extreme fear and anxiety. Recent work highlights the importance of the central extended amygdala, including the central nucleus of the amygdala (Ce) and neighboring bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST). Anatomical data indicate that the Ce and BST form a tightly interconnected unit, where different kinds of threat-relevant information can be integrated to assemble states of fear and anxiety. Neuroimaging studies show that the Ce and BST are engaged by a broad spectrum of potentially threat-relevant cues. Mechanistic work demonstrates that the Ce and BST are critically involved in organizing defensive responses to a wide range of threats. Studies in rodents have begun to reveal the specific molecules, cells, and microcircuits within the central extended amygdala that underlie signs of fear and anxiety, but the relevance of these tantalizing discoveries to human experience and disease remains unclear. Using a combination of focal perturbations and whole-brain imaging, a new generation of nonhuman primate studies is beginning to close this gap. This work opens the door to discovering the mechanisms underlying neuroimaging measures linked to pathological fear and anxiety, to understanding how the Ce and BST interact with one another and with distal brain regions to govern defensive responses to threat, and to developing improved intervention strategies. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  20. Implementation of a Molecular System for Traceability of Beef Based on Microsatellite Markers Implementación de un Sistema de Trazabilidad Molecular para la Carne Bovina Basado en Marcadores Microsatélites

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    Ricardo Felmer D


    consumidores de países desarrollados. La aplicación práctica de un sistema de trazabilidad de la carne bovina basado en marcadores moleculares, requiere la elección de microsatélites y optimizar los métodos de muestreo y análisis de ADN. En este trabajo se implementó un sistema de trazabilidad de carne bovina basado en un panel de 10 marcadores microsatélites. Se evaluaron diferentes muestras biológicas como pelo, sangre, tejido y carne de la canal, encontrándose que las muestras de pelo fueron las más idóneas por su facilidad de obtención, manipulación y costo de almacenamiento, mientras que la carne de la canal fue la contramuestra más adecuada, pudiendo obtenerse fácilmente en el frigorífico. El sistema se evaluó en una planta de procesamiento de carne, confirmando con un 100% de certeza la trazabilidad de 150 muestras de pelo con sus respectivas canales, demostrando la confiabilidad del método desarrollado. El sistema evaluado puede ser un importante aporte al sector pecuario del país pues permite garantizar el origen de los productos bovinos y puede ser utilizado como herramienta certificadora de la trazabilidad convencional, aumentando la competitividad y generando mayor confianza en el consumidor.

  1. Identificação espécie-específica de carnes e produtos cárneos de origem bubalina e bovina pela técnica de PCR-RFLP

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    L.V. Teixeira


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a viabilidade da metodologia da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase associada com o Polimorfismo de Fragmentos de DNA (PCR-RFLP na identificação de fraude intencional e contaminação acidental em produtos cárneos de origem bubalina, in natura e processados, foram testadas amostras puras e amostras de carnes com misturas controladas, produzidas em laboratório, com adição de 1%, 5%, 10% e 50% de carne bovina em carne de búfalo, homogeneizada crua e em amostras autoclavada. Foram comparados, ainda, diferentes métodos de extração, usando um kit comercial e a técnica clássica, utilizando fenol/clorofórmio. O resultado estatístico foi obtido por tabela de contingência, analisada pelo teste do qui-quadrado (χ2 e do exato de Fisher. A especificidade encontrada foi altamente significativa (P<0,0001. Observou-se também sensibilidade altamente significativa nas diluições a partir de 10% (P<0,0001. A técnica tem alta especificidade e sensibilidade para detectar até mesmo contaminação de 1%, mas a repetibilidade desse resultado impede a aplicação oficial desse método para a inspeção de contaminação acidental, sendo recomendada somente para inspeção de fraude a partir de 10% de substituição. Em carnes autoclavadas, a eficácia do teste é menor. A técnica pode ser empregada para certificação de produto específico (selo de identidade de espécie.

  2. Co-branding de marcas colectivas de carne de bovino: avaliação do valor atribuído pelos consumidores


    Oliveira, Diana Judite Moura de


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Ocorrendo o Co-branding quando dois ou mais nomes de marcas já estabelecidas de diferentes instituições aparecem num mesmo produto, consideramos como pressuposto para a nossa investigação que uma forma de estimular a produção de carnes bovinas com Denominação de Origem Protegida (DOP) ou produzidas em modo de produção biológico seria pela associação em Co-branding destas duas marcas coletivas de carne bovina (DOP ou Biológica, individualmente ou em simultâ...

  3. Tuberculose bovina no Estado da Paraíba: estudo retrospectivo Bovine tuberculosis in the state of Paraíba: retrospective survey

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    Salomão M. Figueiredo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a frequência de propriedades positivas (focos e de animais positivos para a tuberculose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados dados da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado, coletados de suas 23 microrregiões, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2009. Durante esse período, foram examinadas 10.963 propriedades e 54.472 bovinos foram submetidos ao teste de tuberculinização. Para o diagnóstico foi utilizada, como prova de triagem, a tuberculinização cervical simples para gado de leite e a tuberculinização na prega caudal para gado de corte; como prova confirmatória foi utilizada a tuberculinização cervical comparativa. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. Das propriedades investigadas, 62 (0,57% apresentaram pelo menos um animal positivo e dos animais analisados, 136 (0,25% foram positivos. Houve diferença significativa (pThe aim of this study was to determine the frequency of positive herds (foci and positive animals for bovine tuberculosis in the state of Paraíba, Northeast region of Brazil. Data from the Agency of Agricultural Protection in the state, collected from its 23 microregions, during the January 2008 to July 2009 period, were used. During this period, 10,963 herds were examined and 54,472 cattle were submitted to the tuberculin test. For diagnosis the cervical and caudal-fold tuberculin tests were used as screening tests in dairy and beef cattle, respectively; as confirmatory test, comparative cervical test was used. A herd was considered focus when presented at least one positive animal. Of the herds investigated, 62 (0.57% had at least one positive animal, and of the animals examined, 136 (0.25% were positive. There was significant difference (p<0.001 in the proportion of positivity for females (0.32% and males (0.04%. Despite low frequency of foci of brucellosis and seropositive animals, it is

  4. Utilização da enrofloxacina (Baytril® no tratamento da mastite bovina estafilocócica Utilization of enrofloxacina (Baytril® on staphylococcal bovine mastitis

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    Helio Langoni


    Full Text Available A ação da enrofloxacina pela administração via intramamária e sistêmica na mastite bovina subclínica por Staphylococcus aureus foi avaliada. Como tratamento local, infundiram-se, após as ordenhas da manhã e da tarde, 250mg do produto, diluídos em água estéril, a um volume final de 10ml, durante três dias. O tratamento sistêmico constituiu na aplicação de 5mg/kg do produto, pela via intramuscular, uma vez ao dia, durante o mesmo período. A estimativa de cura deu-se através da realização do California Mastitis Test (CMT e do cultivo bacteriano em agar sangue e MacConkey, três semanas após o término do tratamento. Dos 184 quartos acometidos por Staphylococcus aureus, a droga mostrou-se eficiente em 72,0% e 75,0%, pelas vias intramamária e sistêmica, respectivamente. A análise dos resultados mostrou não haver diferença estatística significante, com pThe activity of Enrofloxacina on bovine subclinical mastitis after systemic and intramammary administration was evaluated. As local treatment, 250mg of the product diluted in sterile distilled water to a final volume of 10ml, was infused into the teat during three days. The systemic treatment was performed with 5mg/kg of product administred intramuscularly, once a day, during the same period. The recovery was estimated three weeks after the treatment had finished through California Mastitis Test (CMT and milk culture on blood agar and MacConkey agar. The drug was effective in 72.0% and 75.0% of 184 quarters with Staphylococcus aureus after intramammary and systemic treatments, respectively. Statystical analysis showed no significant differences (p<0.50 between both forms of treatment.


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    Full Text Available En algunos países la práctica del marinado en carnes ha sido convertida en práctica rutinaria, sin embargo las pérdidas por cocción son considerables. El objetivo de esta investigación fue valorar el comportamiento tixotrópico de hidrocoloides como agentes espesantes en la salmuera utilizada para el marinado de carnes. Los hidrocoloides utilizados fueron: xantan, guar y carragenina I; Inicialmente fue propuesto un diseño de mezclas para elegir la mejor mezcla de hidrocoloides. Posteriormente fue evaluado el efecto que sobre la tixotropía presentó la mezcla óptima de hidrocoloides incluidas en una salmuera estándar para marinado de carnes rojas. La mezcla óptima de hidrocoloides encontrada fue de 87% de xantan y 13% de carragenina, utilizada en la salmuera en tres concentraciones 0,5%, 1,0% y 7,5%. Esta salmuera fue utilizada para marinar muestras de carne bovina de músculo semitendinoso. Las muestras de los tratamientos fueron refrigeradas en cava durante 3 días. Fueron determinadas pérdidas de peso antes y después de cocción a80°C de temperatura interna y realizados los análisis de perfil de textura. Los resultados indican que la mejor concentración de hidrocoloides fue para el tratamiento con 1,5%. Solamente fue encontrada diferencia significativa (pEm alguns países, a pràtica de carnes marinadas transformou-se em pràtica rotineira, entretanto as perdas de cozimento são consideráveis. 0 objetivo desta pesquisa foi avallar o comportamento tixotrópico de très hidrocolóides como espessantes na salmoura usado para marinara carne. Os hidrocolóides utilizados foram: goma xantana, goma guar e goma carragena I, foi inicialmente proposto um projeto de mistura de escolhera melhor combinaçáo de hidrocolóides. Foi entáo avallado o efeito da tixotropia que apresentou a mistura ideal de hidrocolóides incluídos em urna salmoura carnes marinadas. A combinaçáo óptima de hidrocolóides encontrada foi de 87% e 13% xantana e

  6. Investigation of Voltage-Activated BAW Devices and Filters (United States)


    strontium titanate (STO) and barium-strontium titanate (BST), with the ultimate objective of creating high- performance, reconfigurable filters and...induced piezoelectricity in thin-film strontium titanate (STO) and barium-strontium titanate (BST), with the ultimate objective of creating high...this work 1. The effect of patterned vs. unpatterned acoustic Bragg reflector on barium strontium titanate solidly mounted resonator. Authors: George

  7. The Effects of Postprocessing on Physical and Solution Deposition of Complex Oxide Thin Films for Tunable Applications (United States)


    BST film capacitor devices were fabricated using physical and chemical solution deposition techniques. The typical dielectric constant of the...electrode loss, and the parallel resistor- capacitor circuit represents the capacitance and the dielectric loss, assuming lead inductance is...Thin barium strontium titanate (BST) films are being developed as dielectric film for use in tunable radio frequency (RF)/microwave applications. Thin


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    Juan José Romero


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal y analítico para determinar la relación entre el estado serológico al virus de la leucosis bovina enzoótica (VLBE y los parámetros reproductivos, en 26 fincas lecheras de Costa Rica usuarias del programa VAMPP Bovino. Se realizó un primer muestreo en 2006-2007 en animales mayores de 6 meses de edad; luego, en 2009, se realizó el segundo muestreo en las vacas seronegativas del 2006-2007. Se calculó la incidencia acumulada (IA global y por finca y, mediante Chi-cuadrado, se realizó la comparación de IA, según raza y número de lactancia. La relación entre el estado serológico al VLBV y el intervalo entre partos (IEP, servicios por concepción (SPC y días abiertos (DA por grupos de lactancia y raza, se determinó con la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. La incidencia global fue de 21,8% (173/794, con 38,5% de las fincas con incidencias mayores al 40%. La tasa de seroconversión en vacas con 1-2 lactancias (23,5% fue diferente a la de ≥ 6 lactancias (p=0,03. Las medias raza Holstein x Jersey (H4J4 presentaron la mayor incidencia (33,3%, seguidas por las Holstein (27,1%. Según los finqueros, en las 26 fincas (100% se utilizaba una aguja y un guante de palpación por animal; sin embargo, el 53,8% mostraron incidencias superiores al 15%. En general, hubo tendencia a menores IEP en seronegativas con respecto a seropositivas y seroconvertidas, especialmente en seropositivas de 1-2 lactancias (p=0,017 y de 3-5 lactancias (p=0,038. Sin clasificar por número de lactancia o raza, las seropositivas y seroconvertidas necesitan más SPC (p=0,03; esta misma tendencia (no significativa, se observó en DA. Así, se pudo comprobar alguna relación entre el estado a VLBE y el IEP y SPC, no así con DA, aunque no hubo significancia estadística en algunas de las diferencias encontradas, al ser mejores los parámetros en las seronegativas.

  9. Structural and optical properties of electro-optic material. Sputtered (Ba,Sr)TiO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Masato; Xu, Zhimou; Tanushi, Yuichiro; Yokoyama, Shin


    In order to develop a novel ring resonator optical switch, we have studied the structural and optical properties of the electro-optic material (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BST) deposited by RF sputtering on a SiO 2 cladding layer (1.0 μm). The crystallinity of the BST films is evaluated by X-ray diffraction and the optical propagation loss of the waveguides is measured using a He-Ne laser. As a result, it is found that there is a strong relationship between the optical propagation loss and crystallinity of the sputtered film. It is suggested that the propagating light is influenced by the crystal property, for example, the grain size and density of the polycrystalline BST film. (author)

  10. Plasma etching of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films using inductively coupled Cl2/Ar and BCl3/Cl2/Ar plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Gwan-Ha; Kim, Kyoung-Tae; Kim, Dong-Pyo; Kim, Chang-Il


    BST thin films were etched with inductively coupled plasmas. A chemically assisted physical etch of BST was experimentally confirmed by ICP under various gas mixtures. After a 20% addition of BCl 3 to the Cl 2 /Ar mixture, resulting in an increased the chemical effect. As increases of RF power and substrate power, and decrease of working pressure, the ion energy flux and chlorine atoms density increased. The maximum etch rate of the BST thin films was 90.1 nm/min, and at the RF power, substrate power, and working pressure were 700 W, 300 W, and 1.6 Pa, respectively. It was proposed that sputter etching is dominant etching mechanism while the contribution of chemical reaction is relatively low due to low volatility of etching products

  11. Brief strategic therapy in first myocardial infarction patients with increased levels of stress: a randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Rakowska, Jadwiga Małgorzata


    Little is known about the impact of interventions targeting chronic stress levels on clinical outcomes among myocardial infarction (MI) patients with increased levels of stress. To examine the impact of the addition of brief strategic therapy (BST) to usual care (UC) on clinical outcomes in first MI patients with increased levels of stress. Eighty-one patients were randomly assigned to BST in conjunction with UC (medical treatment, risk factor information, and guidance on unhealthy behavior change) or to UC. The outcome measures were scores on the Perceived Stress Scale, reinfarction and cardiac mortality rates, and scores on the Health Survey. Measures were taken before, post-treatment, and at two follow-ups. Patients subjected to BST showed reduced perceived stress at post-treatment and maintained decreased levels at follow-ups. At 1-year follow-up, they had a lower rate of non-fatal reinfarction, and at 2.5-year follow-up, they had a lower rate of fatal reinfarction. Their mental and physical health was improved at post-treatment and this was sustained at follow-ups. The addition of BST to UC favorably influences the disease course after MI in patients with increased levels of stress.

  12. Contingency management adapted for African-American adolescents with obesity enhances youth weight loss with caregiver participation: a multiple baseline pilot study. (United States)

    Hartlieb, Kathryn Brogan; Naar, Sylvie; Ledgerwood, David M; Templin, Thomas N; Ellis, Deborah A; Donohue, Bradley; Cunningham, Phillippe B


    Contingency management (CM) interventions, which use operant conditioning principles to encourage completion of target behavioral goals, may be useful for improving adherence to behavioral skills training (BST). Research-to-date has yet to explore CM for weight loss in minority adolescents. To examine the effects of CM in improving adolescent weight loss when added to BST. The study utilized an innovative experimental design that builds upon multiple baseline approaches as recommended by the National Institutes of Health. Six obese African-American youth and their primary caregivers living in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Adolescents received between 4 and 12 weeks of BST during a baseline period and subsequently received CM targeting weight loss. Youth weight. Linear mixed effects modeling was used in the analysis. CM did not directly affect adolescent weight loss above that of BST (p=0.053). However, when caregivers were involved in CM session treatment, contingency management had a positive effect on adolescent weight loss. The estimated weight loss due to CM when caregivers also attended was 0.66 kg/week (pcontingency management for minority youth weight loss. Lessons learned from contingency management program implementation are also discussed in order to inform practice.

  13. Large dielectric constant ({epsilon}/{epsilon}{sub 0}>6000) Ba{sub 0.4}Sr{sub 0.6}TiO{sub 3} thin films for high-performance microwave phase shifters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlson, C. M. [Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 (United States); Rivkin, T. V. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401 (United States); Parilla, P. A. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401 (United States); Perkins, J. D. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401 (United States); Ginley, D. S. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401 (United States); Kozyrev, A. B. [Electrotechnical University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia 197376 (Russian Federation); Oshadchy, V. N. [Electrotechnical University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia 197376 (Russian Federation); Pavlov, A. S. [Electrotechnical University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia 197376 (Russian Federation)


    We deposited epitaxial Ba{sub 0.4}Sr{sub 0.6}TiO{sub 3} (BST) films via laser ablation on MgO and LaAlO{sub 3} (LAO) substrates for tunable microwave devices. Postdeposition anneals ({approx}1100 degree sign C in O{sub 2}) improved the morphology and overall dielectric properties of films on both substrates, but shifted the temperature of maximum dielectric constant (T{sub max}) up for BST/LAO and down for BST/MgO. These substrate-dependent T{sub max} shifts had opposite effects on the room-temperature dielectric properties. Overall, BST films on MgO had the larger maximum dielectric constant ({epsilon}/{epsilon}{sub 0}{>=}6000) and tunability ({delta}{epsilon}/{epsilon}{>=}65%), but these maxima occurred at 227 K. 30 GHz phase shifters made from similar films had figures of merit (ratio of maximum phase shift to insertion loss) of {approx}45 degree sign /dB and phase shifts of {approx}400 degree sign under 500 V ({approx}13 V/{mu}m) bias, illustrating their utility for many frequency-agile microwave devices. (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics.

  14. A quantitative analysis on the interfacial effect in the Pt/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 heterostructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miao, J; Wang, Y; Tian, H Y; Zhou, X Y; Chan, H L W; Choy, C L; Cao, L X; Zhao, B R


    The heterostructure of Pt/Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 /La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3 (Pt/BST/LSMO) with the BST thickness ranging from 120 to 550 nm was fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. The dielectric constant (ε) of the heterostructure was measured under different electrical fields (E) and frequency (f). A strong thickness dependence of the value of ε, the ε-E dependence and the ε-f dependence were observed, which can be well explained by the series-capacitor model, based on the assumption that the heterostructure electrically consists of a 'bulk' layer and an interfacial layer between the Pt and BST layers. The dielectric properties of the 'bulk' layer and the interface layer were obtained. At room temperature, the dielectric constant of the 'bulk' layer was 1204 (at 100 kHz) and had a power law dependence on frequency. The ratio of thickness over the dielectric constant (d i /ε i ) of the interface layer, which was used to characterize the property of the Pt/BST interface, was found to be around 0.08 nm at room temperature and to be independent of frequency

  15. Low temperature perovskite crystallization of highly tunable dielectric Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thick films deposited by ion beam sputtering on platinized silicon substrates (United States)

    Zhu, X. H.; Guigues, B.; Defaÿ, E.; Dubarry, C.; Aïd, M.


    Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 (BST) thick films with thickness up to 1 μm were deposited on Pt-coated silicon substrates by ion beam sputtering, followed by an annealing treatment. It is demonstrated that pure well-crystallized perovskite phase could be obtained in thick BST films by a low temperature process (535 °C). The BST thick films show highly tunable dielectric properties with tunability (at 800 kV/cm) up to 51.0% and 66.2%, respectively, for the 0.5 and 1 μm thick films. The relationship between strains and dielectric properties was systematically investigated in the thick films. The results suggest that a comparatively larger tensile thermal in-plane strain (0.15%) leads to the degradation in dielectric properties of the 0.5 μm thick film; besides, strong defect-related inhomogeneous strains (˜0.3%) make the dielectric peaks smearing and broadening in the thick films, which, however, preferably results in high figure-of-merit factors over a wide operating temperature range. Moreover, the leakage current behavior in the BST thick films was found to be dominated by the space-charge-limited-current mechanism, irrespective of the film thickness.

  16. Low temperature perovskite crystallization of highly tunable dielectric Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thick films deposited by ion beam sputtering on platinized silicon substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, X. H.; Defaye, E.; Aied, M.; Guigues, B.; Dubarry, C.


    Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 TiO 3 (BST) thick films with thickness up to 1 μm were deposited on Pt-coated silicon substrates by ion beam sputtering, followed by an annealing treatment. It is demonstrated that pure well-crystallized perovskite phase could be obtained in thick BST films by a low temperature process (535 deg. C). The BST thick films show highly tunable dielectric properties with tunability (at 800 kV/cm) up to 51.0% and 66.2%, respectively, for the 0.5 and 1 μm thick films. The relationship between strains and dielectric properties was systematically investigated in the thick films. The results suggest that a comparatively larger tensile thermal in-plane strain (0.15%) leads to the degradation in dielectric properties of the 0.5 μm thick film; besides, strong defect-related inhomogeneous strains (∼0.3%) make the dielectric peaks smearing and broadening in the thick films, which, however, preferably results in high figure-of-merit factors over a wide operating temperature range. Moreover, the leakage current behavior in the BST thick films was found to be dominated by the space-charge-limited-current mechanism, irrespective of the film thickness

  17. Preparation of cauliflower-like shaped Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO{sub 3} powders by modified oxalate co-precipitation method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Mingli [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory for Advanced Ceramics and Machining Technology of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 (China)], E-mail:; Xu Mingxia [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory for Advanced Ceramics and Machining Technology of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 (China)


    The quantitative barium-strontium titanyl oxalate (Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO(C{sub 2}O{sub 4}){sub 2}.4H{sub 2}O, BSTO) precursor powders were prepared by the modified oxalate co-preparation method. It was based on the cation-exchange reaction between the stoichiometric solutions of oxalotitanic acid (H{sub 2}TiO(C{sub 2}O{sub 4}){sub 2}, HTO) and barium + strontium nitrate solution containing stoichiometric quantities of Ba and Sr ions. The pyrolysis of BSTO at 800 deg. C/4 h in air produced the homogeneous cauliflower-like shaped barium-strontium titanate (Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO{sub 3}, BST) powders. The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on morphology of BSTO and BST powders was also investigated. The characterization studies were carried on the as-dried BSTO and calcined BST powders by various physicochemical techniques, IR, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), etc. The BSTO and BST powders obtained by aforementioned technique without PEG were homogeneous with spherical shape. The particles grew into spindle shape with the effect of PEG.

  18. Identification of the S-transferase like superfamily bacillithiol transferases encoded by Bacillus subtilis (United States)

    Perera, Varahenage R.; Lapek, John D.; Newton, Gerald L.; Gonzalez, David J.; Pogliano, Kit


    Bacillithiol is a low molecular weight thiol found in Firmicutes that is analogous to glutathione, which is absent in these bacteria. Bacillithiol transferases catalyze the transfer of bacillithiol to various substrates. The S-transferase-like (STL) superfamily contains over 30,000 putative members, including bacillithiol transferases. Proteins in this family are extremely divergent and are related by structural rather than sequence similarity, leaving it unclear if all share the same biochemical activity. Bacillus subtilis encodes eight predicted STL superfamily members, only one of which has been shown to be a bacillithiol transferase. Here we find that the seven remaining proteins show varying levels of metal dependent bacillithiol transferase activity. We have renamed the eight enzymes BstA-H. Mass spectrometry and gene expression studies revealed that all of the enzymes are produced to varying levels during growth and sporulation, with BstB and BstE being the most abundant and BstF and BstH being the least abundant. Interestingly, several bacillithiol transferases are induced in the mother cell during sporulation. A strain lacking all eight bacillithiol transferases showed normal growth in the presence of stressors that adversely affect growth of bacillithiol-deficient strains, such as paraquat and CdCl2. Thus, the STL bacillithiol transferases represent a new group of proteins that play currently unknown, but potentially significant roles in bacillithiol-dependent reactions. We conclude that these enzymes are highly divergent, perhaps to cope with an equally diverse array of endogenous or exogenous toxic metabolites and oxidants. PMID:29451913

  19. Cost-of-illness in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis: a cross-sectional survey in Hungarian dermatological centres. (United States)

    Balogh, Orsolya; Brodszky, Valentin; Gulácsi, László; Herédi, Emese; Herszényi, Krisztina; Jókai, Hajnalka; Kárpáti, Sarolta; Baji, Petra; Remenyik, Éva; Szegedi, Andrea; Holló, Péter


    Despite the widespread availability of biological drugs in psoriasis, there is a shortage of disease burden studies. To assess the cost-of-illness and quality of life of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis in Hungary. Consecutive patients with Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) > 10 and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) > 10, or treated with traditional systemic (TST) or biological systemic treatment (BST) were included. Demographic data, clinical characteristics, psoriasis related medication, health care utilizations and employment status in the previous 12 months were recorded. Costing was performed from the societal perspective applying the human capital approach. Quality of life was assessed using DLQI and EQ-5D measures. Two-hundred patients were involved (females 32%) with a mean age of 51 (SD 13) years, 103 (52%) patients were on BST. Mean PASI, DLQI and EQ-5D scores were 8 (SD 10), 6 (SD 7) and 0.69 (SD 0.3), respectively. The mean total cost was €9,254/patient/year (SD 8,502) with direct costs accounting for 86%. The main cost driver was BST (mean €7,339/patient/year). Total costs differed significantly across treatment subgroups, mean (SD): no systemic therapy €2,186 (4,165), TST €2,388 (4,106) and BST €15,790 (6,016) (p costs than patients with or without traditional systemic treatment. Our study is the largest in Europe and the first in the CEE region that provides cost-of-illness data in psoriasis involving patients with BST.

  20. Assessment of therapeutic effect in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism using bone scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaida, Hayato; Ishibashi, Masatoshi; Baba, Kenkichi; Okuda, Seiya; Hayabuchi, Naofumi; Nishida, Hidemi; Hiromatsu, Yuji


    The semi-quantitative method of bone scintigraphy [bone to soft tissue (B/ST) ratio] has been used in diagnosing and evaluating systemic metabolic bone diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluate of the therapeutic effect of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHP). The subjects were ten hemodialysis patients with SHP. Seven patients underwent parathyroidectomy (PTX), and 22-Oxacalcitoriol (derivative of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3 ) (OCT) was given to three patients. Bone scintigraphy and blood tests [intact parathyroid hormone (PTH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP), and deoxypridinoline (DPYD)] were performed before and after treatment. Regions of interest were drown around cranium, lumbar vertebrae, femoral neck and soft tissue of left medial thigh to calculate the B/ST ratio. The B/ST ratios of cranium, lumbar vertebrae, and femoral neck were reduced significantly after PTX (cranium, p=0.0079, lumbar vertebrae, p=0.0282, femoral neck, p=0.0252). Intact PTH, ALP, Ca, P, BALP and DPYD levels were reduced significantly after PTX (intact PTH, p=0.003, Ca, p=0.0005, P, p=0.0393, ALP, p=0.005 1, DPYD, p=0.0232, BALP, p=0.0324). After OCT administration, the B/ST ratio of each bony region showed tendency to diminish, although not significantly. Intact PTH levels were reduced significantly, although ALP, BALP, and DPYD levels were not. Ca and P levels were increased significantly because of the medicinal action of OCT. The B/ST ratio of cranium may be non-invasive method and have potential in evaluating the therapeutic effect of SHP. (author)

  1. AA, bending magnet, BLG

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The very particular lattice of the AA required 2 types of dipole (bending magnets; BLG, long and narrow; BST, short and wide). The BLG had a steel length of 4.70 m, a good field width of 0.24 m, and a weight of about 70 t. Jean-Claude Brunet inspects the lower half of a BLG. For the BST magnets see 7811105 and 8006036.

  2. Selective angiographic embolization of blunt splenic traumatic injuries in adults decreases failure rate of nonoperative management. (United States)

    Bhullar, Indermeet S; Frykberg, Eric R; Siragusa, Daniel; Chesire, David; Paul, Julia; Tepas, Joseph J; Kerwin, Andrew J


    To determine whether angioembolization (AE) in hemodynamically stable adult patients with blunt splenic trauma (BST) at high risk for failure of nonoperative management (NOM) (contrast blush [CB] on computed tomography, high-grade IV-V injuries, or decreasing hemoglobin) results in lower failure rates than reported. The records of patients with BST from July 2000 to December 2010 at a Level I trauma center were retrospectively reviewed using National Trauma Registry of the American College of Surgeons. Failure of NOM (FNOM) occurred if splenic surgery was required after attempted NOM. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with FNOM. A total of 1,039 patients with BST were found. Pediatric patients (age <17 years), those who died in the emergency department, and those requiring immediate surgery for hemodynamic instability were excluded. Of the 539 (64% of all BST) hemodynamically stable patients who underwent NOM, 104 (19%) underwent AE and 435 (81%) were observed without AE (NO-AE). FNOM for the various groups were as follows: overall NOM (4%), NO-AE (4%), and AE (4%). There was no significant difference in FNOM for NO-AE versus AE for grades I to III: grade I (1% vs. 0%, p = 1), grade II (2% vs. 0%, p = 0.318), and grade III (5% vs. 0%, p = 0.562); however, a significant decrease in FNOM was noted with the addition of AE for grades IV to V: grade IV (23% vs. 3%, p = 0.04) and grade V (63% vs. 9%, p = 0.03). Statistically significant independent risk factors for FNOM were grade IV to V injuries and CB. Application of strictly defined selection criteria for NOM and AE in patients with BST resulted in one of the lowest overall FNOM rates (4%). Hemodynamically stable BST patients are candidates for NOM with selective AE for high-risk patients with grade IV to V injuries, CB on initial computed tomography, and/or decreasing hemoglobin levels. III, therapeutic study.

  3. Caracterização fenogenotípica da resistência antimicrobiana em Staphylococcus spp. isolados de mastite bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elaine C.L. Mendonça


    Full Text Available A utilização de antibióticos no controle das infecções intramamárias e na eliminação de prováveis fontes de infecção nas fazendas leiteiras se constitui em importante medida de controle. No entanto, o uso inadequado de antibióticos no tratamento da doença pode selecionar cepas resistentes e comprometer a eficiência do tratamento. Bactérias do gênero Staphylococcus spp. estão entre os principais agentes etiológicos da mastite bovina e são freqüentemente resistentes aos antimicrobianos, em especial aos beta-lactâmicos, principalmente por dois mecanismos distintos: a produção da enzima extracelular beta-lactamase, codificada pelo gene blaZ, e a produção de PBP2a ou PBP2´, uma proteína ligante de penicilina de baixa afinidade, codificada pelo gene mecA. A expressão do gene mecA é constitutiva ou induzida por antibióticos betalactâmicos, como a oxacilina e cefoxitina. O gene mecA está inserido no cromossomo através de um elemento genético móvel, denominado cassete estafilocócico cromossômico mec (SCCmec. O presente estudo avaliou o perfil fenogenotípico de resistência aos beta-lactâmicos em 250 isolados de Staphylococcus spp., utilizando os marcadores oxacilina e cefoxitina, de modo a produzir dados que possam contribuir para o conhecimento da resistência antimicrobiana em algumas propriedades leiteiras das regiões Sul-Fluminense e Metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro com o objetivo de subsidiar a implementação de medidas de controle dessa enfermidade. A avaliação da resistência foi feita a partir de 8 diferentes testes fenotípicos, sendo obtidos 54 perfis. Os testes de difusão em disco simples e ágar screen com oxacilina foram utilizados como "padrão ouro" para os cálculos dos valores de sensibilidade, especificidade e predição por serem preconizados pelo CLSI veterinário. O teste de difusão em disco simples com cefoxitina foi o de melhor desempenho na predição da resistência a

  4. Perfil lipídico da gordura intramuscular de cortes e marcas comerciais de carne bovina Lipid profile of intramuscular fat in meat cattle cuts of commercial brands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica Pereira dos Santos Pinho


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi realizado para caracterizar a gordura intramuscular dos cortes contrafilé, picanha e costela de seis marcas comerciais (A, B, C, D, E e F de carne bovina comercializadas no município de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. As amostras foram coletadas em uma rede de hipermercados. As marcas A e B foram associadas a animais de raças britânicas, as marcas C e D de animais de raças européias produzidos em sistema convencional e orgânico, respectivamente, e provenientes do Uruguai e as marcas E e F de animais sem raça definida e sistema de alimentação não identificado, obtidas em um frigorífico regional e em uma rede de hipermercados, respectivamente. As amostras foram desossadas, moídas, embaladas a vácuo e armazenadas em temperatura de resfriamento até o momento das análises. Em cada amostra foram realizadas a extração dos lipídios e a identificação dos ácidos graxos. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial 6 × 3 e os dados analisados pelo procedimento GLM do aplicativo computacional SAS. Não houve interação significativa entre cortes e marcas para o perfil lipídico dos cortes comerciais. O percentual lipídico foi de 0,95; 3,01 e 0,97% nos cortes contrafilé, costela e picanha, respectivamente. A costela apresentou maior percentual de ácidos graxos (AG saturados e maior estimativa da D9 desaturase a partir do C16:0 e C18:0. O maior percentual de C18:2 cis-9, trans 11, ácido linoleico conjugado, CLA, n-6 e n-3 foi encontrado na picanha. A marca F apresentou maior grau de saturação e a marca D, maior valor de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, relação poliinsaturados/saturados e trans18 e menor valor de ácidos graxos saturados. Houve interação significativa entre corte e marca para o conteúdo de CLA, sendo o maior conteúdo encontrado no contrafilé da marca F. As características da gordura intramuscular da carne bovina dependem do corte e da marca comercial

  5. Flexoelectricity in Nanostructures: Theory, Nanofabrication and Characterization (United States)


    of BST samples was measured by a thermocouple (Fluke, 179, Everett, WA) and validated with the 1D, steady-state heat conduction model [35...where , are the ambient and heat source temperature, and L, h, P, k, Ac are the length, convective heat transfer coefficient, plate perimeter...thermal conductivity, and cross-section area of BST samples, respectively. Fig. 4 represents the schematic of 1D, steady-state heat conduction model and

  6. Købstadens navn - navne i Købstaden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Rikke Steenholt


    De vestsjællandske købstæders navne har forskellig oprindelse. Byens navne er stereotype, men enkelte navne skiller sig ud, f.eks. Grundvig i Nykøbing og Kordilgade i Kalundborg.......De vestsjællandske købstæders navne har forskellig oprindelse. Byens navne er stereotype, men enkelte navne skiller sig ud, f.eks. Grundvig i Nykøbing og Kordilgade i Kalundborg....

  7. Neosporosis bovina: conceptos generales, inmunidad y perspectivas para la vacunación Bovine neosporosis: general concepts, immunity and perspectives for vaccination

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D.P. Moore


    Full Text Available Neospora caninum es agente causal de aborto en bovinos de regiones ganaderas de todo el mundo. Su ciclo de vida es heteroxeno siendo el perro (Canis familiaris y el coyote (Canis latrans los hospedadores definitivos reconocidos hasta el presente. La infección transplacentaria es un eficiente mecanismo de transmisión de la enfermedad pero existe evidencia que demuestra la transmisión postnatal en los bovinos. Debido a las pérdidas económicas que causa la neosporosis, diversas técnicas diagnósticas han sido desarrolladas. La fisiopatología del aborto causado por N. caninum no ha sido completamente esclarecida. La modulación del sistema inmune por efecto de la preñez ocasiona un período de susceptibilidad al aborto por N. caninum. Aunque la resistencia al parásito ha sido asociada con una respuesta de linfocitos T tipo 1, dicha respuesta inmune es incompatible con una preñez exitosa. Sin embargo, los mecanismos inmunes presentes en animales crónicamente infectados protegen del aborto ante una segunda exposición al protozoo. La comprensión de esa respuesta inmune adquirida constituye un desafío para el desarrollo de inmunógenos. Este trabajo menciona conceptos generales de la neosporosis bovina haciendo énfasis en los mecanismos inmunes y las perspectivas para la vacunación.Neospora caninum causes abortions in cattle worldwide. The Neospora-cycle of life is heteroxenous. Dogs (Canis familiaris and coyotes (Canis latrans are the definitive hosts known at present. Although, transplacental infection is an efficiently mode of transmission in cattle; there are also experimental and field data that prove horizontal transmission. Several techniques are available for diagnosis since neosporosis is recognized as a disease that causes economic losses in cattle. The mechanisms that produce the abortion are not completely understood. The immunomodulation observed during the pregnancy, is associated with a susceptible period where Neospora

  8. Alternative body sites for heat stress measurement in milking cows under tropical conditions and their relationship to the thermal discomfort of the animals (United States)

    Martello, Luciane S.; Savastano Junior, Holmer; Silva, Saulo L.; Balieiro, Júlio Cesar C.


    This study was conducted to determine the relationship among temperatures measured at different anatomical sites of the animal body and their daily pattern as indicative of the thermal stress in lactating dairy cows under tropical conditions. Environmental dry bulb (DBT) and black globe (BGT) temperatures and relative humidity (RH) were recorded. Rectal temperature (RT), respiratory frequency (RF), body surface (BST), internal base of tail (TT), vulva (VT) and auricular temperatures (AT) were collected, from 37 Black and White Holstein cows at 0700, 1300 and 1800 hours. RT showed a moderately and positive correlations with all body temperatures, ranging from 0.59 with TT to 0.64 with BST. Correlations among AT, VT and TT with RF were very similar (from 0.63 to 0.64) and were greater than those observed for RF with RT (0.55) or with BST (0.54). RF and RT were positively correlated to TT (0.63 and 0.59, respectively), AT (r = 0.63 for both) and VT ( r = 0.64 and 0.63, respectively). Positive and very high correlations were observed among AT, VT and TT (from 0.94 to 0.97) indicating good association of temperatures measured in these anatomical sites. Correlations of BST with AT and VT were positive and very similar (0.71 and 0.72, respectively) and lower with TT (0.66). The AT, TT, VT and BST presented similar patterns and follow the variations of DBT through the day. Temperatures measured at different anatomical sites of the animal body have the potential to be used as indicative of the thermal stress in lactating dairy cows.

  9. Influence of subinhibitory-concentration (sub-MIC Cefetoxime on biofilm formation. SEM study of ESBL-producing Salmonella typhi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahul Narasanna, Manjunath Chavadi, Ajaykumar Oli


    Full Text Available Objectives: In the present study, we have analyzed ESBL-producing S. typhi’s capability in forming a significant amount of biofilm on plastic and glass surface, and the influence of cefetoxime on biofilm development at subinhibitory (Sub-MIC concentration. Methods: Nine strains of cefetoxime-mediated ESBL-producing S. typhi were used in the study. S. typhi formed biofilm on plastic and glass materials; it was demonstrated using micro titre plate (MTP and standard test tube methods. Comparative study of the influence of cefetoxime on biofilm formation in its MIC (128 µg/ml and at sub-MIC (64 µg/ml was demonstrated by microtitre plate method. The biofilm production was observed in SEM images, statistical analysis (ANOVA showed significant increase in cell surface and volume due to the influence of Cefetoxime. Results: Of the nine selected isolates, two S. typhi strains, namely BST 51 and BST 130, produced relatively strong biofilm in the presence of cefetoxime at sub-MIC level (64 µg/ml, comparatively weak biofilm formation at MIC level (128 µg/ml. Typical morphological changes were observed in cefetoxime-resistant strains, S. typhi BST 51 and BST 130, in comparison to cefetoxime-sensitive strain S. typhi BST 63 used as a control. We found an increase in surface and volume of a cell in response to cefetoxime and statistical data (ANOVA proved that resistant strains were significantly different from control strains. Conclusion: The above study clearly shows that cefetoxime at sub-MIC level efficiently induces biofilm formation and promotes changes in morphology of the cell. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2017; 7(2: 67-75

  10. Avaliação de parâmetros indicativos da qualidade da carne bovina moída comercializada em diferentes supermercados em Erechin, Rio Grande do Sul

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    Marlice Salete Bonacina


    Full Text Available Introdução: Nas últimas décadas, os brasileiros, seguindo uma tendência mundial, vêm mudando os seus hábitos alimentares, preocupando-se com a origem dos alimentos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos da carne bovina moída, comercializada em diferentes supermercados no município de Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul. Método: Foram realizadas três coletas, em quatro estabelecimentos diferentes, totalizando 12 amostras. A qualidade da carne foi avaliada através dos parâmetros temperatura, pH, determinação de bolores e leveduras, prova de cocção, de Nessler e de Éber; pesquisa de nitrato, nitrito e sulfito de sódio. Resultados: A partir dos resultados foi possível verificar que todas as amostras coletadas não atenderam a legislação em relação à temperatura de armazenamento, e apresentaram uma elevada contagem de bolores e leveduras. No entanto, todas as amostras encontraram-se dentro do padrão estabelecido para os valores de pH. Verificou-se a presença de odores desagradáveis em 25,0% das amostras, resultados positivos para a prova de Nessler e Éber, e negativos para 100,0% das amostras em relação as determinações de fraudes. Conclusões: A partir destes resultados, fica evidente a necessidade de condutas que visam a obtenção e a comercialização de carne moída com maior qualidade no município de Erechim. Por isso, é importante melhorar a educação sanitária e a conscientização dos empresários e colaboradores que atuam no setor, além da fiscalização mais ativa da Vigilância Sanitária do Município.

  11. Critical assessment of bone scan quantitation (bone to soft tissue ratios) in the diagnosis of metabolic bone disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fogelman, I.; Gordon, D.; Bessent, R.G.


    Accurate quantitation from the bone scan image of skeletal uptake of radiopharmaceutical would be of value in the assessment of patients with metabolic bone disease. Repeat measurements of bone to soft tissue (B/ST) ratios on the one set of images were made for 103 subjects, a) by the same observer using lumbar vertebra 2 for the area of bone; b) by the same observer using lumbar vertebra 2 then lumbar vertebra 4; c) by two observers both using lumbar vertebra 2. The median difference between repeat measurements by the same observer was well under 1% but the 5-95 percentile range was -13 to +14%. Between the two observers there was a median difference of 10.6% with a 5-95 percentile range of -11 to +44%. We also measured B/ST ratios in 150 control subjects and 139 patients with various metabolic bone disorders. While statistically significant differences for B/ST ratios were found between the osteomalacia, renal osteodystrophy, Paget's groups, and the control population (P < 0.001 in all cases), there was appreciable overlap between individual patient results and the control range. It is concluded, therefore, that measurement of B/ST ratios for the individual is of limited value in clinical practice.

  12. Níveis de resíduos de praguicidas organoclorados em produtos cárneos sob inspeção federal Levels of organochlorine pesticide residue in meat products inspected by the federal government

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Pessoa de Paula Carvalho


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de evidenciar a freqüência e os níveis de resíduos de praguiddas organoclorados, foram analisadas 445 unidades amostrais de matéria prima (gordura bovina provenientes de carcaças de bovinos de frigoríficos e 132 unidades amostrais de carne bovina já processada (enlatados, tais como "corned beef" e "roast beef". Apresentaram-se com resíduos de praguicidas acima dos limites de tolerância estipulados, 77 unidades amostrais de gordura bovina e 5 de produto processado. Resíduos de praguiddas, sem contudo ultrapassar os limites de tolerância, foram identificados em, praticamente, todas as amostras, sendo que 27% das unidades amostrais de gordura bovina e 10,6% de produto processado apresentaram resíduos de praguicidas em violação aos limites estabelecidos na legislação. Heptacloro, BHC e Dieldrin foram os praguiddas mais freqüentes e Lindane e DDT os menos evidenciados.To bring attention to the frequency and the levels of organochlorine pesticide residue in meat, 445 samples of raw material (bovine fat from bovine carcasses collected from meat packing plants and 132 samples of preserved meat (canned, such as corned or roast beef were analyzed. Seventy-seven samples of bovine fat and 8 of preserved meat were discovered to have pesticide residue above the maximum acceptable limits. Pesticide residue was found in practically all the samples without, however, exceeding the acceptable limits. Twenty-seven percent of the bovine fat samples and 10.6% of the preserved meat contained residue above the legal tolerance levels. Heptachlor, BHC, and Dieldrin were the most frequent; Lindane and DDT, the least.

  13. AA, assembly of wide bending magnet

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The very particular lattice of the AA required 2 types of dipoles (bending magnets; BST, short and wide; BLG, long and narrow). The wide ones had a steel length of 2.71 m, a "good field" width of 0.564 m, and a weight of about 75 t. Here we see the copper coils being hoisted onto the lower half of a BST. See also 7811105, 8006050. For a BLG, see 8001044.

  14. Fossil Bovidae from the Malay Archipelago and the Punjab

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hooijer, D.A.


    CONTENTS Introduction................... 1 Order Artiodactyla Owen............... 8 Family Bovidae Gray................ 8 Subfamily Bovinae Gill................ 8 Duboisia santeng (Dubois).............. 8 Epileptobos groeneveldtii (Dubois)............ 19 Hemibos triquetricornis Rütimeyer............

  15. Desenvolvimento de uma reação em cadeia pela polimerase e comparação com a imunodifusão em gel de agar na detecção de infecções pelo vírus da leucemia bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Fernandes Camargos


    Full Text Available A reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR foi utilizada para a detecção do vírus da leucemia bovina (VLB em leucócitos periféricos de bovinos infectados. Os iniciadores utilizados foram construídos para amplificar uma parte do gene env do VLB. Os produtos da PCR foram analisados por eletroforese em gel de agarose corados por brometo de etídeo. A especificidade analítica da PCR foi confirmada por restrição enzimática dos produtos da reação com Bam HI e também pela análise da seqüência de três amostras. Sessenta e cinco animais foram testados para a presença de anticorpos anti-VLB, pela imunodifusão em gel de agar (IDGA e pela PCR, para detecção direta do VLB. Houve 73,80% de concordância entre os dois testes. Quatro animais positivos na IDGA foram PCR negativos, enquanto 13 animais negativos na IDGA foram positivos na PCR. A sensibilidade diagnóstica obtida foi de 0,87 e a especificidade diagnóstica 0,62. A PCR desenvolvida pode ser uma ferramenta complementar no diagnóstico de infecções causadas pelo VLB, mas deve ter sua sensibilidade diagnóstica melhorada.

  16. Influence of bacteriocins produced by Lactobacillus plantarum BN in the shelf-life of refrigerated bovine meat Influência de bacteriocinas produzidas por Lactobacillus plantarum BN na vida útil de carne bovina refrigerada

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    Ângela M. Fiorentini


    Full Text Available Sugar cane molasses is a cheap by-product of the sugar cane industry. This product was used for growth and production of bacteriocins by Lactobacillus plantarum BN and evaluated for its potential application in the extension of the shelf-life of raw meat. Bovine meat cubes were dipped in the filtered and neutralized supernatant of the fermented broth (Treatment A and stored at 5ºC. Counts of psychrotrophic and mesophilic aerobic microorganisms, pH determination and total acidity were performed on meat cubes after 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days. These determinations were also done in cubes dipped in a 6% lactic acid solution (treatment B and distilled water (treatment C. After 3 days, the counts of psychrotrophic microorganisms in cubes submitted to treatment A, B and C increased 0.38, 1.42 and 2.04 log cycles, respectively. The same happened with mesophilic microorganisms (0.31, 0.33 and 1.04 log cycles increases, respectively. On the sixth day, the psychrotrophic population in samples submitted to treatments A and B were 2.07 and 0.64 log cycles, respectively, lower than in the control samples (treatment C. Mesophilic microorganisms in these samples were 1.58 and 1.12 log cycles, respectively, lower than the controls. On the sixth day, only samples submitted to treatment A presented lower counts than those recommended by ICMSF as quality standards for raw meat (Melaço de cana de açúcar é um sub-produto barato da indústria açucareira. Esse produto foi empregado para o crescimento e produção de bacteriocina de Lactobacillus plantarum BN e avaliado quando a sua aplicação potencial no aumento da vida útil de carne crua. Cubos de carne bovina foram imersos por 5 minutos no sobrenadante filtrado e neutralizado dessa cultura (Tratamento A e mantidos a 5ºC. Contagens de microrganismos psicrotróficos e mesófilos, determinação de pH e de acidez total foram realizadas nas amostras após 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias. Essas determinações foram

  17. Multicomponent doped barium strontium titanate thin films for tunable microwave applications (United States)

    Alema, Fikadu Legesse

    In recent years there has been enormous progress in the development of barium strontium titanate (BST) films for tunable microwave applications. However, the properties of BST films still remain inferior compared to bulk materials, limiting their use for microwave technology. Understanding the film/substrate mismatch, microstructure, and stoichiometry of BST films and finding the necessary remedies are vital. In this work, BST films were deposited via radio frequency magnetron sputtering method and characterized both analytically and electrically with the aim of optimizing their properties. The stoichiometry, crystal structure, and phase purity of the films were studied by varying the oxygen partial pressure (OPP) and total gas pressure (TGP) in the chamber. A better stoichiometric match between film and target was achieved when the TGP is high (> 30 mTorr). However, the O2/Ar ratio should be adjusted as exceeding a threshold of 2 mTorr in OPP facilitates the formation of secondary phases. The growth of crystalline film on platinized substrates was achieved only with a lower temperature grown buffer layer, which acts as a seed layer by crystallizing when the temperature increases. Concurrent Mg/Nb doping has significantly improved the properties of BST thin films. The doped film has shown an average tunability of 53%, which is only ˜8 % lower than the value for the undoped film. This drop is associated with the Mg ions whose detrimental effects are partially compensated by Nb ions. Conversely, the doping has reduced the dielectric loss by ˜40 % leading to a higher figure of merit. Moreover, the two dopants ensure a charge neutrality condition which resulted in significant leakage current reduction. The presence of large amounts of empty shallow traps related to Nb Ti localize the free carriers injected from the contacts; thus increase the device control voltage substantially (>10 V). A combinatorial thin film synthesis method based on co-sputtering of two BST

  18. Milk by Any Other Name... Consumer Benefits from Labeled Milk


    Dhar, Tirtha; Foltz, Jeremy D.


    This article uses revealed preferences of consumers to study the consumer benefits from rBST-free and organic labeled milk. The article specifies and estimates a quadratic AIDS demand system model for different milk types using U.S. supermarket scanner data. The introduction of rBST-free and organic milk is used to estimate consumer benefits that are decomposed into two components, competitive and variety effects. Results show significant consumer benefits from organic milk and to a lesser ex...

  19. Understanding the Interplay Between Consumer Knowledge, Trust and Relationship Satisfaction in Financial Services

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Torben; Grønholdt, Lars; Josiassen, Alexander

    , this study contributes to previous research by examining how consumer knowledge O/U affects two types of trust (broad-scope trust and narrow-scope trust) and consumer relationship satisfaction. Trust does not only concern consumer trust in individual companies (i.e., narrow.-scope confidence NST), but also...... concerns consumer confidence in the broader business context in which consumers plan and implement their behavior (i.e., broad scope trust, BST). NST is defined as "the expectation that the service provider can be relied on to deliver on its promises’, while BST is defined as ‘the expectation....../U a consumer becomes, the higher/lower NST and levels of relationship satisfaction will be. Second, it is demonstrated that BST has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between knowledge O/U and satisfaction, such that knowledge O/U has a higher positive/negative effect on relationship satisfaction...

  20. Títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes induzidos por vacinas comerciais contra leptospirose bovina Agglutinating antibody titers induced by commercial vaccines against bovine leptospirosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela de Godoy Cravo Arduino


    Full Text Available No presente estudo, 100 fêmeas bovinas foram divididas em cinco grupos de 20 animais cada. Os grupos experimentais receberam quatro diferentes vacinas comerciais (B, C, D e E, e um grupo permaneceu como controle. Amostras foram colhidas no dia da aplicação da primeira dose e nos dias 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 120, 150 e 180 pós-vacinação (PV. A triagem dos animais foi feita pela análise sorológica com 6 antígenos de leptospiras, escolhendo-se os animais não reagentes. Os títulos de anticorpos foram monitorados pela soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM com os sorovares Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona e Wolffi. Todas as vacinas induziram, aos 3 dias PV, títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes para os sorovares Hardjo e Wolffi, que persistiram até o 150º dia PV. Os sorovares Hardjo e Wolffi induziram os maiores títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes. A vacina D, apesar de não possuir o sorovar Wolffi em sua composição foi capaz de induzir anticorpos aglutinantes contra este sorovar. Somente foram detectados anticorpos contra o sorovar Canicola nos animais vacinados com a bacterina D. A vacina que induziu os maiores títulos médios de anticorpos, considerando todos os sorovares testados foi a D.In the investigation 100 heifers were used, divided into 5 groups of 20 animals each. The four experimental groups were vaccinated using distinct commercial polyvalent bacterines: B, C, D and E, and A group was the control. Samples were collected at days 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 120, 150 and 180 from the first injection of the vaccine. The selection of the animals for the experimental groups was done based on a serological screening with 6 antigens of Leptospira sp. constituted by non-reagent animals. The vaccine titers were monitored using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT for Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona and Wolffi

  1. Innovative integrative bedside teaching model improves tutors’ self-assessments of teaching skills and attitudes

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    Itai Gat


    Full Text Available Introduction: Patient bedside is the ideal setting for teaching physical examination, medical interviewing, and interpersonal skills. Herein we describe a novel model for bedside teaching (BST practiced during tutor training workshop and its resulting effect on practitioners’ self assessment of teaching skills and perceptions. Methods: One-day tutor training workshop included theoretical knowledge supplementation regarding tutors’ roles as well as implementing practical tools for clinical education, mainly BST model. The model, which emphasizes simultaneous clinical and communication teaching in a stepwise approach, was practiced by consecutive simulations with a gradual escalation of difficulty and adjusted instruction approaches. Pre- and post-workshop-adjusted questionnaires using a Likert scale of 1 to 4 were completed by participants and compared. Results: Analysis was based on 25 out of 48 participants who completed both questionnaires. Significantly improved teaching skills were demonstrated upon workshop completion (mean 3.3, SD 0.5 compared with pre-training (mean 2.6, SD 0.6; p<0.001 with significant increase in most examined parameters. Significantly improved tutor's roles internalization was demonstrated after training completion (mean 3.7, SD 0.3 compared with pre-workshop (mean 3.5 SD 0.5; p=0.002. Discussion: Successful BST involves combination of clinical and communication skills. BST model practiced during the workshop may contribute to improved teaching skills in this challenging environment.

  2. First-principles study of the (001) surface of cubic Ba{sub 0.5}Sr{sub 0.5}TiO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Yuan Xu [Computational Materials Science Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0044 (Japan); Institute for Computational Materials Science, School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 (China)


    We have theoretically investigated basic properties of the (001) surface of cubic Ba{sub 0.5}Sr{sub 0.5}TiO{sub 3} (BST) by the plane-wave pseudopotential method within the local-density approximation. For the BaSrO{sub 2}-terminated surface, the surface-layer Sr atoms move inward and the surface-layer Ba atoms move outward. Moreover, the displacement of the surface-layer Sr atoms is much larger than the surface-layer Ba atoms. The rumpling of the BaSrO{sub 2}-terminated surface is much larger than that of the Ti{sub 2}O{sub 4}-terminated one. The surface state appears in the band structure of the Ti{sub 2}O{sub 4}-terminated surface of BST. Based on the results of the calculated grand thermodynamic potential, only the BaSrO{sub 2}-terminated surface can exist in the (001) surface of cubic BST. (copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  3. First-principles study of the (001) surface of cubic Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yuan Xu


    We have theoretically investigated basic properties of the (001) surface of cubic Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 (BST) by the plane-wave pseudopotential method within the local-density approximation. For the BaSrO 2 -terminated surface, the surface-layer Sr atoms move inward and the surface-layer Ba atoms move outward. Moreover, the displacement of the surface-layer Sr atoms is much larger than the surface-layer Ba atoms. The rumpling of the BaSrO 2 -terminated surface is much larger than that of the Ti 2 O 4 -terminated one. The surface state appears in the band structure of the Ti 2 O 4 -terminated surface of BST. Based on the results of the calculated grand thermodynamic potential, only the BaSrO 2 -terminated surface can exist in the (001) surface of cubic BST. (copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  4. Influence of Substrate Biasing on (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Films Prepared by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Sputtering (United States)

    Matsumoto, Takeshi; Niino, Atsushi; Ohtsu, Yasunori; Misawa, Tatsuya; Yonesu, Akira; Fujita, Hiroharu; Miyake, Shoji


    (Ba,Sr)TiO3 (BST) films were deposited by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma sputtering with mirror confinement. DC bias voltage was applied to Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates during deposition to vary the intensity of bombardment of energetic ions and to modify film properties. BST films deposited on the substrates at floating potential (approximately +20 V) were found to be amorphous, while films deposited on +40 V-biased substrates were crystalline in spite of a low substrate temperature below 648 K. In addition, atomic diffusion, which causes deterioration in the electrical properties of the films, was hardly observed in the crystallized films deposited with +40 V bias perhaps due to the low substrate temperature. Plasma diagnoses revealed that application of a positive bias to the substrate reduced the energy of ion bombardment and increased the density of excited neutral particles, which was assumed to result in the promotion of chemical reactions during deposition and the crystallization of BST films at a low temperature.

  5. Effects of in-plane compressive stress on electrical properties of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin film capacitors prepared by on- and off-axis rf magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Woo Young; Ahn, Kun Ho; Hwang, Cheol Seong


    This study investigated the structural and electrical properties of (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BST) thin film capacitors with thicknesses ranging from 18 to 215 nm, which were prepared by on- and off-axis rf magnetron sputtering technique on Pt/SiO 2 /Si substrates. The deposition rate and cation composition ratios of the films were controlled to be the same regardless of the sputtering geometry. All the films show elongations in the out-of-plane lattice spacing, suggesting the presence of compressive stress with a smaller value by on-axis sputtering than by the off-axis system. There was no thickness dependence of the strain in the polycrystalline BST films. The BST films deposited using the on-axis system showed a higher bulk dielectric constant with a higher interfacial capacitance and a lower leakage current level than the films produced by the off-axis system. The strain effect was proposed to explain the correlations between the structural and electrical properties

  6. Comparison of interfaces for (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films deposited on Si and SiO2/Si substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suvorova, N.A.; Lopez, C.M.; Irene, E.A.; Suvorova, A.A.; Saunders, M.


    (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BST) thin films were deposited by ion sputtering on both bare and oxidized Si. Spectroscopic ellipsometry results have shown that a SiO 2 underlayer of nearly the same thickness (2.6 nm in average) is found at the Si interface for BST sputter depositions onto nominally bare Si, 1 nm SiO 2 on Si or 3.5 nm SiO 2 on Si. This result was confirmed by high-resolution electron microscopy analysis of the films, and it is believed to be due to simultaneous subcutaneous oxidation of Si and reaction of the BST layer with SiO 2 . Using the conductance method, capacitance-voltage measurements show a decrease in the interface trap density D it of an order of magnitude for oxidized Si substrates with a thicker SiO 2 underlayer. Further reduction of D it was achieved for the capacitors grown on oxidized Si and annealed in forming gas after metallization

  7. Comparison of interfaces for (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films deposited on Si and SiO2/Si substrates (United States)

    Suvorova, N. A.; Lopez, C. M.; Irene, E. A.; Suvorova, A. A.; Saunders, M.


    (Ba,Sr)TiO3(BST) thin films were deposited by ion sputtering on both bare and oxidized Si. Spectroscopic ellipsometry results have shown that a SiO2 underlayer of nearly the same thickness (2.6 nm in average) is found at the Si interface for BST sputter depositions onto nominally bare Si, 1 nm SiO2 on Si or 3.5 nm SiO2 on Si. This result was confirmed by high-resolution electron microscopy analysis of the films, and it is believed to be due to simultaneous subcutaneous oxidation of Si and reaction of the BST layer with SiO2. Using the conductance method, capacitance-voltage measurements show a decrease in the interface trap density Dit of an order of magnitude for oxidized Si substrates with a thicker SiO2 underlayer. Further reduction of Dit was achieved for the capacitors grown on oxidized Si and annealed in forming gas after metallization.

  8. Fatores de virulência em linhagens de Escherichia coli isoladas de mastite bovina Virulence factors in Escherichia coli strains isolated from bovine mastitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.G. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a ocorrência de fatores de virulência e do sorotipo O157:H7 em 120 linhagens de Escherichia coli, isoladas de 80 casos de mastite clínica bovina e 40 de mastite subclínica. Verificou-se alfa-hemolisina em oito (6,7% linhagens, isoladas de cinco casos de mastite clínica e três de mastite subclínica e em nenhuma das estirpes detectou-se enteroemolisina. A presença de sideróforos foi encontrada em 11 (9,2% linhagens, sete de mastite clínica e quatro de subclínica. Em duas (1,7% estirpes isoladas de mastite subclínica, identificou-se enterotoxina STa. Observou-se efeito citopático em células vero compatível com a produção de verotoxina-VT em cinco (4,2% linhagens, duas de mastite clínica e três subclínicas. Em uma (0,8% linhagem isolada de mastite clínica, detectou-se efeito citopático compatível com o fator necrosante citotóxico. Nenhuma estirpe apresentou-se sorbitol-negativa no MacConkey-sorbitol, tampouco aglutinou com o sorotipo O157:H7. Os antimicrobianos mais efetivos foram polimixina B (97,5% e norfloxacina (95,8%. Observou-se multi-resistência a dois ou mais antimicrobianos em 24 (20% estirpes, principalmente com o uso de ampicilina e ceftiofur.The occurrence of different virulence factors and O157:H7 serotype investigation in 120 Escherichia coli strains isolated from clinical (80 cases and subclinical (40 cases bovine mastitis was evaluated. Alpha-haemolysin was detected in 8 (6.7% strains (5 clinical and 3 subclinical cases. None strain showed enterohaemolysin production. E. coli growth under iron restriction conditions (siderophores production was observed in 11 (9.2% strains (7 clinical and 4 subclinical cases. STa enterotoxin was detected in 2 (1.7% strains from subclinical cases. Cytotoxic effect in vero cells compatible with verotoxin-VT production was observed in 5 (4.2% strains (2 clinical and 3 subclinical cases. One strain (0.8% isolated from clinical mastitis showed cytophatic effect in vero



    Septian Williyanto; Hermawan Pamot Raharjo


    The type of this research is a quantitative with descriptive approach/ survey. Based on result of the research, it know that the founding program in the ABS Club, BST, Indoraya, and Tunas Perkasa have run well. Whereas for Baker Club and Mutiara haven’t run well because both of club haven’t do tryout program. The management system in a BST club have good management because it have a good active organization.While, for the ABS club, Baker, Indoraya, Mutiara, and Tunas Perkasa ha...

  10. Investigation of resistive switching in barium strontium titanate thin films for memory applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Wan


    Resistive random access memory (RRAM) has attracted much attention due to its low power consumption, high speed operation, non-readout disturbance and high density integration potential and is regarded as one of the most promising candidates for the next generation non-volatile memory. The resistive switching behavior of Mn-doped BaSrTiO{sub 3} (BST) thin films with different crystalline properties was investigated within this dissertation. The laser fluence dependence was checked in order to optimize the RRAM properties. Although the film epitaxial quality was improved by reducing the laser energy during deposition process, the yields fluctuated and only 3% RRAM devices with highest epitaxial quality of BST film shows resistive switching behavior instead of 67% for the samples with worse film quality. It gives a clue that the best thin film quality does not result in the best switching performance, and it is a clear evidence of the importance of the defects to obtain resistive switching phenomena. The bipolar resistive switching behavior was studied with epitaxial BST thin films on SRO/STO. Compared to Pt top electrode, the yield, endurance and reliability were strongly improved for the samples with W top electrode. Whereas the samples with Pt top electrode show a fast drop of the resistance for both high and low resistance states, the devices with W top electrode can be switched for 10{sup 4} times without any obvious degradation. The resistance degradation for devices with Pt top electrode may result from the diffusion of oxygen along the Pt grain boundaries during cycling whereas for W top electrode the reversible oxidation and reduction of a WO{sub x} layer, present at the interface between W top electrode and BST film, attributes to the improved switching property. The transition from bipolar to unipolar resistive switching in polycrystalline BST thin films was observed. A forming process which induces a metallic low resistance state is prerequisite for the

  11. Investigation of resistive switching in barium strontium titanate thin films for memory applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, Wan


    Resistive random access memory (RRAM) has attracted much attention due to its low power consumption, high speed operation, non-readout disturbance and high density integration potential and is regarded as one of the most promising candidates for the next generation non-volatile memory. The resistive switching behavior of Mn-doped BaSrTiO 3 (BST) thin films with different crystalline properties was investigated within this dissertation. The laser fluence dependence was checked in order to optimize the RRAM properties. Although the film epitaxial quality was improved by reducing the laser energy during deposition process, the yields fluctuated and only 3% RRAM devices with highest epitaxial quality of BST film shows resistive switching behavior instead of 67% for the samples with worse film quality. It gives a clue that the best thin film quality does not result in the best switching performance, and it is a clear evidence of the importance of the defects to obtain resistive switching phenomena. The bipolar resistive switching behavior was studied with epitaxial BST thin films on SRO/STO. Compared to Pt top electrode, the yield, endurance and reliability were strongly improved for the samples with W top electrode. Whereas the samples with Pt top electrode show a fast drop of the resistance for both high and low resistance states, the devices with W top electrode can be switched for 10 4 times without any obvious degradation. The resistance degradation for devices with Pt top electrode may result from the diffusion of oxygen along the Pt grain boundaries during cycling whereas for W top electrode the reversible oxidation and reduction of a WO x layer, present at the interface between W top electrode and BST film, attributes to the improved switching property. The transition from bipolar to unipolar resistive switching in polycrystalline BST thin films was observed. A forming process which induces a metallic low resistance state is prerequisite for the observation of

  12. Influence of body condition and bovine somatotropin on estrous behavior, reproductive performance, and concentrations of serum somatotropin and plasma fatty acids in postpartum Brahman-influenced cows. (United States)

    Flores, R; Looper, M L; Rorie, R W; Lamb, M A; Reiter, S T; Hallford, D M; Kreider, D L; Rosenkrans, C F


    Ninety-nine multiparous Brahman-influenced (1/4 to 3/8 Brahman) cows were managed to achieve low (BCS = 4.3 +/- 0.1; n = 50) or moderate (BCS = 6.1 +/- 0.1; n = 49) body condition (BC) to determine the influence of bovine somatotropin (bST) on estrous characteristics, reproductive performance, and concentrations of serum GH and plasma NEFA. Beginning 32 d postpartum, cows within each BC were assigned randomly to treatment with or without bST. Non-bST-treated cows received no treatment, and treated cows were administered bST (Posilac, 500 mg s.c.) on d -35, -21, and -7 before initiation of the breeding season. On d -7, all cows received an intravaginal, controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) device. On d 0 (initiation of the 70-d breeding season), the CIDR were removed and cows received prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha). Blood samples were collected from the median caudal vein of the cows at each bST treatment and at d -28 and 0. Estrous behavior was monitored by radiotelemetry during the first 30 d of the breeding season. Growth hormone was increased (P conception rate tended (P = 0.07) to be greater for bST-low BC cows than non-bST-treated cows in low or moderate BC. On d 0, NEFA were greater (P conception rate during the first 30 d of breeding and pregnancy rates during the first 3 d of breeding in postpartum Brahman-influenced cows.

  13. Epigenetic control of vasopressin expression is maintained by steroid hormones in the adult male rat brain (United States)

    Auger, Catherine J.; Coss, Dylan; Auger, Anthony P.; Forbes-Lorman, Robin M.


    Although some DNA methylation patterns are altered by steroid hormone exposure in the developing brain, less is known about how changes in steroid hormone levels influence DNA methylation patterns in the adult brain. Steroid hormones act in the adult brain to regulate gene expression. Specifically, the expression of the socially relevant peptide vasopressin (AVP) within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) of adult brain is dependent upon testosterone exposure. Castration dramatically reduces and testosterone replacement restores AVP expression within the BST. As decreases in mRNA expression are associated with increases in DNA promoter methylation, we explored the hypothesis that AVP expression in the adult brain is maintained through sustained epigenetic modifications of the AVP gene promoter. We find that castration of adult male rats resulted in decreased AVP mRNA expression and increased methylation of specific CpG sites within the AVP promoter in the BST. Similarly, castration significantly increased estrogen receptor α (ERα) mRNA expression and decreased ERα promoter methylation within the BST. These changes were prevented by testosterone replacement. This suggests that the DNA promoter methylation status of some steroid responsive genes in the adult brain is actively maintained by the presence of circulating steroid hormones. The maintenance of methylated or demethylated states of some genes in the adult brain by the presence of steroid hormones may play a role in the homeostatic regulation of behaviorally relevant systems. PMID:21368111

  14. Palliative self-expandable metal stents for acute malignant colorectal obstruction: clinical outcomes and risk factors for complications. (United States)

    Han, Jae Pil; Hong, Su Jin; Kim, Shin Hee; Choi, Jong Hyo; Jung, Hee Jae; Cho, Youn Hee; Ko, Bong Min; Lee, Moon Sung


    Self-expandable metal stents (SEMSs) have been used as palliative treatment or bridge to surgery for obstructions caused by colorectal cancer (CRC). We assessed the long-term outcomes of palliative SEMSs and evaluated the risk factors influencing complications. One hundred and seventy-five patients underwent SEMS placement for acute malignant colorectal obstruction. Of the 72 patients who underwent palliative treatment for primary CRC, 30 patients received chemotherapy (CT) for primary cancer (CT group) and 42 underwent best supportive treatment (BST) without CT (BST group). There was a significant difference in late migration between the CT group and the BST group (20.0% in CT group, 2.4% in BST group, p = 0.018). Response to CT influenced the rate of late obstruction (0% in disease control, 35.7% in disease progression, p = 0.014). However, late obstruction was not associated with stent properties, such as diameter or type (≤22 mm vs. >22 mm, 13.5% vs. 14.3%, p = 1.00; uncovered stent vs. covered stent, 15.5% vs. 7.1%, p = 0.675) and migration (≤22 mm vs. >22 mm, 16.2% vs. 2.9%, p = 0.108; uncovered stent vs. covered stent, 8.6% vs. 14.3%, p = 0.615) in palliative SEMS. The administration of CT increases the rate of stent migration, and disease control by CT can reduce the risk of obstruction by maintaining the luminal patency of palliative SEMSs.

  15. Strong composition dependence of resistive switching in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 thin films on semiconducting substrates and its thermodynamic analysis


    Mohammad Moradi, Omid; Şen, Canhan; Sen, Canhan; Boni, A. G.; Pintilie, L.; Mısırlıoğlu, Burç; Misirlioglu, Burc


    In this work, we report on the variability of the Schottky effect in solution processed Ba1-xSrxTiO3 films (BST, x = 0, 0.5) grown on 0.5% Nb doped SrTiO3 substrates with top Pt electrodes (NSTO/BST/Pt). The films display leakage currents accompanied by varying degrees of hystereses in the current-voltage measurements. The magnitude of the leakage and hystereses depend on the Sr content. We focus on the current-voltage (I-V) behavior of our samples in the light of thermodynamic theory of ferr...

  16. Barium strontium titanate powders prepared by spray pyrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brankovic, G.; Brankovic, Z.; Goes, M.S.; Paiva-Santos, C.O.; Cilense, M.; Varela, J.A.; Longo, E.


    Ultasonic spray pyrolysis (SP) has been investigated for the production of the barium strontium titanate (BST) powders from the polymeric precursors. The processing parameters, such as flux of aerosol and temperature profile inside the furnace, were optimized to obtain single phase BST. The powders were characterized by the methods of X-ray diffraction analysis, SEM, EDS and TEM. The obtained powders were submicronic, consisting of spherical, polycrystalline particles, with internal nanocrystalline structure. Crystallite size of 10 nm, calculated using Rietveld refinement, is in a good agreement with results of HRTEM

  17. Active Structural Fibers for Multifunctional Composite Materials (United States)


    containing Ba (OH)28H2O and Sr (OH)28H2O. In order to study the influence of the ratio of barium and strontium on the energy density of the film, BST...used. The cathodic electrolytic deposition procedure uses a high electric field to deposit ions on the electrode, forming in our case metal oxide...films with 7 different ratios of Ba:Sr were fabricated. A 10 nm gold coating was sputtered (Pelco SC-7) on the BST film to serve as the other electrode

  18. Pool of bovine morphogenetic proteins and guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects: I- Clinical measurements ''Pool'' de proteínas morfogenéticas bovinas no tratamento de defeitos periodontais intra-ósseos: I- Medidas clínicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria do Carmo Machado Guimarães


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the pool of bovine BMPs on the treatment of intrabony defects. The sample comprised 15 patients aged 26 to 57 years old presenting with 10 pairs of lesions of 2 or 3 walls or 2-3 walls ³5mm, located in the same type teeth (premolar or molar and same jaw. The test defects were treated with combination of a pool of bovine bone morphogenetic and resorbable hydroxyapatite carrier (BMPs- HA, bovine demineralized bone matrix (MB and coverage by a bovine collagen barrier membrane. The control defects were treated with MB-HA and covered by a bovine collagen membrane. The clinical measurements at six months after therapy in the test group revealed a reduction in the mean probing pocket depth (PPD of 1.63 ± 1.41mm (B and 1.93 ± 0.96mm (L and a mean change in the clinical attachment level (CAL of 1.60 ± 1.16mm (B and 1.46 ± 0.97mm (L. The control group showed a mean reduction of PPD of 1.93 ± 1.34mm (B and 2.0 ± 1.51mm (L and a mean change of CAL of 1.03 ± 1.24mm (B and 1.30 ± 1.14 mm (L. The analysis of variance (ANOVA demonstrated that the changes in the clinical parameters were statistically significant (pEste estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a aplicação do ''pool'' de BMPs bovinas no tratamento de defeitos intra-ósseos. A amostra constou de quinze indivíduos com idade entre 26 e 57 anos, apresentando um par de defeitos intra-ósseos comparáveis, localizados no mesmo arco em dentes do mesmo tipo (pré-molares ou molares e com perda de inserção (PI ³5mm. Em cada indivíduo, o defeito teste foi tratado com a associação ''pool'' de BMPs- carreador Hidroxiapatita reabsorvível (BMPs-HA, matriz orgânica bovina desmineralizada liofilizada (MO e barreira de colágeno bovino, enquanto os defeitos controle foram tratados com MO-HA e barreira de colágeno. Na avaliação clínica aos seis meses após a medida inicial, o grupo teste apresentou variação de profundidade de sondagem (PS de

  19. Is non-operative management safe and effective for all splenic blunt trauma? A systematic review. (United States)

    Cirocchi, Roberto; Boselli, Carlo; Corsi, Alessia; Farinella, Eriberto; Listorti, Chiara; Trastulli, Stefano; Renzi, Claudio; Desiderio, Jacopo; Santoro, Alberto; Cagini, Lucio; Parisi, Amilcare; Redler, Adriano; Noya, Giuseppe; Fingerhut, Abe


    The goal of non-operative management (NOM) for blunt splenic trauma (BST) is to preserve the spleen. The advantages of NOM for minor splenic trauma have been extensively reported, whereas its value for the more severe splenic injuries is still debated. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the available published evidence on NOM in patients with splenic trauma and to compare it with the operative management (OM) in terms of mortality, morbidity and duration of hospital stay. For this systematic review we followed the "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses" statement. A systematic search was performed on PubMed for studies published from January 2000 to December 2011, without language restrictions, which compared NOM vs. OM for splenic trauma injuries and which at least 10 patients with BST. We identified 21 non randomized studies: 1 Clinical Controlled Trial and 20 retrospective cohort studies analyzing a total of 16,940 patients with BST. NOM represents the gold standard treatment for minor splenic trauma and is associated with decreased mortality in severe splenic trauma (4.78% vs. 13.5% in NOM and OM, respectively), according to the literature. Of note, in BST treated operatively, concurrent injuries accounted for the higher mortality. In addition, it was not possible to determine post-treatment morbidity in major splenic trauma. The definition of hemodynamic stability varied greatly in the literature depending on the surgeon and the trauma team, representing a further bias. Moreover, data on the remaining analyzed outcomes (hospital stay, number of blood transfusions, abdominal abscesses, overwhelming post-splenectomy infection) were not reported in all included studies or were not comparable, precluding the possibility to perform a meaningful cumulative analysis and comparison. NOM of BST, preserving the spleen, is the treatment of choice for the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma grades I and II

  20. SU-E-I-74: Image-Matching Technique of Computed Tomography Images for Personal Identification: A Preliminary Study Using Anthropomorphic Chest Phantoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsunobu, Y; Shiotsuki, K [Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan); Morishita, J [Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JP (Japan)


    Purpose: Fingerprints, dental impressions, and DNA are used to identify unidentified bodies in forensic medicine. Cranial Computed tomography (CT) images and/or dental radiographs are also used for identification. Radiological identification is important, particularly in the absence of comparative fingerprints, dental impressions, and DNA samples. The development of an automated radiological identification system for unidentified bodies is desirable. We investigated the potential usefulness of bone structure for matching chest CT images. Methods: CT images of three anthropomorphic chest phantoms were obtained on different days in various settings. One of the phantoms was assumed to be an unidentified body. The bone image and the bone image with soft tissue (BST image) were extracted from the CT images. To examine the usefulness of the bone image and/or the BST image, the similarities between the two-dimensional (2D) or threedimensional (3D) images of the same and different phantoms were evaluated in terms of the normalized cross-correlation value (NCC). Results: For the 2D and 3D BST images, the NCCs obtained from the same phantom assumed to be an unidentified body (2D, 0.99; 3D, 0.93) were higher than those for the different phantoms (2D, 0.95 and 0.91; 3D, 0.89 and 0.80). The NCCs for the same phantom (2D, 0.95; 3D, 0.88) were greater compared to those of the different phantoms (2D, 0.61 and 0.25; 3D, 0.23 and 0.10) for the bone image. The difference in the NCCs between the same and different phantoms tended to be larger for the bone images than for the BST images. These findings suggest that the image-matching technique is more useful when utilizing the bone image than when utilizing the BST image to identify different people. Conclusion: This preliminary study indicated that evaluating the similarity of bone structure in 2D and 3D images is potentially useful for identifying of an unidentified body.

  1. SU-E-I-74: Image-Matching Technique of Computed Tomography Images for Personal Identification: A Preliminary Study Using Anthropomorphic Chest Phantoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsunobu, Y; Shiotsuki, K; Morishita, J


    Purpose: Fingerprints, dental impressions, and DNA are used to identify unidentified bodies in forensic medicine. Cranial Computed tomography (CT) images and/or dental radiographs are also used for identification. Radiological identification is important, particularly in the absence of comparative fingerprints, dental impressions, and DNA samples. The development of an automated radiological identification system for unidentified bodies is desirable. We investigated the potential usefulness of bone structure for matching chest CT images. Methods: CT images of three anthropomorphic chest phantoms were obtained on different days in various settings. One of the phantoms was assumed to be an unidentified body. The bone image and the bone image with soft tissue (BST image) were extracted from the CT images. To examine the usefulness of the bone image and/or the BST image, the similarities between the two-dimensional (2D) or threedimensional (3D) images of the same and different phantoms were evaluated in terms of the normalized cross-correlation value (NCC). Results: For the 2D and 3D BST images, the NCCs obtained from the same phantom assumed to be an unidentified body (2D, 0.99; 3D, 0.93) were higher than those for the different phantoms (2D, 0.95 and 0.91; 3D, 0.89 and 0.80). The NCCs for the same phantom (2D, 0.95; 3D, 0.88) were greater compared to those of the different phantoms (2D, 0.61 and 0.25; 3D, 0.23 and 0.10) for the bone image. The difference in the NCCs between the same and different phantoms tended to be larger for the bone images than for the BST images. These findings suggest that the image-matching technique is more useful when utilizing the bone image than when utilizing the BST image to identify different people. Conclusion: This preliminary study indicated that evaluating the similarity of bone structure in 2D and 3D images is potentially useful for identifying of an unidentified body

  2. Expressão do gene da leptina e seu receptor Ob-Rb no parênquima mamário de novilhas leiteiras Leptin and leptin receptor Ob-Rb gene expression in mammary parenchyma of dairy heifers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Betina Joyce Lew


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos de uma dieta de alto nível de energia e proteína combinada com a aplicação de bST no perfil de expressão dos genes da leptina e de seu receptor Ob-Rb no parênquima mamário de novilhas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas amostras de parênquima mamário de 32 novilhas holandesas distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos (n=8: dieta com alto ou baixo teor de energia e proteína combinada ou não com a aplicação de bST. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com arranjo de tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 × 2. A extração do RNA total das amostras de tecido foi feita e o nível de expressão gênica foi analisado por qRT-PCR utilizando-se o gene da glicuronidase β como controle, pelo método 2-ΔΔCt. Animais que receberam a dieta com alto conteúdo de energia e proteína apresentaram maior expressão de mRNA de leptina, com aumento de 56%, e menor expressão de mRNA do receptor Ob-Rb, com redução de 18%. Por outro lado, a aplicação de bST resultou em diminuição da expressão do mRNA de leptina e do receptor Ob-Rb em 74% e 23%, respectivamente. Não houve interação entre dieta e aplicação de bST. O aumento na expressão de leptina pode explicar, ao menos em parte, os efeitos negativos da dieta de alta energia e proteína, oferecida no período pré-púbere, sobre a produção de leite de novilhas leiteiras.The objective of this study was to examine the effects of a diet with high level of energy and protein, combined with bST injections, on leptin and leptin-receptor (Ob-Rb gene expression profile in the mammary parenchyma of dairy heifers. Mammary parenchyma samples from 32 Holstein heifers, randomly assigned to one of four treatments (n=8, were utilized: high or low energy and protein diet, with or without bST injection. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks and arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Total RNA was extracted from tissue samples

  3. Qualidade da carcaça bovina comercializada no município de Assunção, Paraíba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josineide de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estudar a qualidade da carcaça bovina comercializada no município de Assunção na região do Cariri paraibano, onde se verificou os fatores que influenciam a qualidade da carne, desde as condições antes, durante e depois do abate, bem como a comercialização, e a higiene-sanitária, através dos procedimentos metodológicos: entrevistas com os comerciantes, visitas aos abatedouros e pontos comerciais, além de análise microbiológica das carnes, fazendo a comparação da carne comercializada na feira livre e no açougue. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que vários motivos levam os consumidores a adquirir a carne nesses pontos comerciais, como forma de pagamento, preço, conhecimento da origem e abate do animal, qualidade, falta de opção, entre outros, havendo destaque para o preço na feira livre (29% e a forma de pagamento no açougue (27%. Na entrevista com os consumidores, a carne foi classificada como boa, regular e ruim; sendo que 60% dos consumidores (açougue e 42% (feira livre consideraram a qualidade da carne como boa; 40% (açougue e 42% (feira livre, a consideraram regular, e 17% (feira livre classificou a mesma como ruim. A análise microbiológica efetuada comprovou que todas as amostras coletadas encontraram altos índices de contaminação, estando muito acima do limite permitido pela legislação vigente no país para os parâmetros pesquisados, especialmente na feira livre, onde foram evidenciados os maiores índices de contaminação, principalmente pela presença de Salmonella spp. Comprovando que se faz necessário um maior controle de qualidade da carne comercializada em ambos os estabelecimentos.Quality of bovine carcass marketed in the municipality of Assunção, ParaíbaAbstract: This work aimed to study the bovine carcass quality marketed in the city of Assunção in the region of Cariri Paraíba, where it was found the factors that influence the quality of meat from the conditions before, during

  4. PCR em tempo real para diagnóstico da leucose enzoótica bovina Enzootic bovine leukosis real time PCR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natanael Lamas Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a validação de uma reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real com o sistema Plexor® (qPCR para o diagnóstico da Leucose Enzoótica Bovina (LEB, por meio da comparação com testes de diagnóstico recomendados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE. A qPCR foi comparada com duas outras técnicas: a PCR nested (nPCR e a imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA. Das 82 amostras analisadas pela qPCR e nPCR, 79 apresentaram resultados concordantes, sendo a concordância, classificada pelo Índice Kappa, como alta. Entre as PCRs e a IDGA, o número de resultados concordantes foi de 71 e 69, respectivamente, para qPCR e nPCR, sendo a concordância classificada como considerável. A qPCR apresentou altos valores de sensibilidade e especificidade. Os valores preditivos da qPCR observados demonstraram a alta capacidade de classificação dos casos positivos e negativos. A qPCR não foi capaz de detectar três amostras positivas e tem custo ligeiramente superior que a nPCR. Entretanto, a qPCR é uma técnica mais rápida, menos susceptível a contaminações, tem alta sensibilidade, não utiliza e não gera resíduos carcinogênicos. Concluímos que a qPCR pode substituir a nPCR recomendada pela OIE no diagnóstico de rotina em áreas em que a LEB é endêmica, como no Brasil.The goal of this research was to validate a Plexor® real time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR for Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (EBL diagnosis by comparison with methods recommend by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE. The qPCR was compared with two other techniques: the nested PCR (nPCR and to the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID. Of 82 qPCR and nPCR analysed samples, 79 presented concordant results, being the concordance classified by Kappa Index as high. Between the PCRs and AGID, the number of concordant results was 71 and 69, out of 82, to qPCR and nPCR, respectively, being the concordance classified as considerable, in both

  5. Epidemiología molecular de las tuberculosis bovina y humana en una zona endémica de Querétaro, México Molecular epidemiology of cattle and human tuberculosis in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Pérez-Guerrero


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar el papel de la tuberculosis bovina en la tuberculosis humana. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 255 muestras de pacientes sintomáticos, sembradas en medios de Stonebrink y Löwenstein-Jensen y analizadas por PCRMPB70 anidada y luego por spoligotyping. RESULTADOS: De las 255 muestras, 74 fueron positivas a la PCR y 20 al aislamiento: de las primeras, 58 (78% mostraron espoligotipo de M. tuberculosis y 5 (6.7% de M. bovis; de las segundas, 8 (47% revelaron espoligotipo de M. tuberculosis y 8 (47% de M. bovis. De las 94 muestras positivas al aislamiento o PCR, 66 (70% correspondieron a M. tuberculosis y 13 (13.8% a M. bovis. Los patrones moleculares de cuatro muestras de M. bovis de seres humanos fueron idénticos a los de las cepas de M. bovis de ganado. CONCLUSIONES: Se demuestra que M. bovis juega un papel importante en la epidemiología de la tuberculosis humana y representa un riesgo para la salud pública.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to determine the role of bovine TB in cases of human TB. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two-hundred and fifty-five samples from symptomatic patients were included in the study. All samples were cultured in Stonebrink and Lowënstein-Jensen media and analyzed using a nested PCRMPB70. The molecular analysis was performed by spoligotyping. RESULTS: From 255 samples, 74 were PCR-positive and 20 were culture-positive. From 94 samples positive to PCR or to isolation, 66 (70% showed a spoligotype compatible with M. tuberculosis, and 13 (13.8% with M. bovis. Four fingerprints of M. bovis from humans were identical to the fingerprints of M. bovis from cattle in the same region. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that M. bovis plays an important role in the epidemiology of TB in humans and that TB in cattle represents a risk to public health.

  6. Metabolic safety-margins do not differ between cows of high and low genetic merit for milk production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knight, Christopher Harold; Alamer, Mohammed A; Sorensen, Annette


    Three galactopoietic stimuli, frequent milking (4X), bovine somatotrophin (bST) and thyroxine (T4) were used in an additive stair-step design to achieve maximum output (metabolic capacity) in six peak-lactation cows of high genetic merit (HT) and six of low genetic merit (LT). A further six of ea...... the commonly held belief that selective breeding of dairy cows for high milk production has rendered them markedly more susceptible to metabolic disturbances.......Three galactopoietic stimuli, frequent milking (4X), bovine somatotrophin (bST) and thyroxine (T4) were used in an additive stair-step design to achieve maximum output (metabolic capacity) in six peak-lactation cows of high genetic merit (HT) and six of low genetic merit (LT). A further six of each...... elevated heart rate and significant loss of body weight and condition compared with the combination of 4X and bST. As a result, treatments were discontinued, on an individual cow basis, before completion of this 6-week phase. Time on experiment did not differ between HT and LT. The results do not support...

  7. Studies of electrical conductivity and complex initial permeability of multiferroic xBa{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}-(1-x)BiFe{sub 0.90}Gd{sub 0.10}O{sub 3} ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miah, Mohammad J., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka (Bangladesh); Department of Physics, Comilla University, Comilla (Bangladesh); Khan, M. N. I. [Materials Science Division, Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka (Bangladesh); Hossain, A. K. M. Akther [Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka (Bangladesh)


    Multiferroic xBa{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}-(1-x)BiFe{sub 0.90}Gd{sub 0.10}O{sub 3} [xBST-(1-x)BFGO] (x = 0.00, 0.10 and 0.20) ceramics were prepared by the standard solid-state reaction technique. Crystal structure of the ceramics was determined by X-ray diffraction pattern. All the compositions exhibited rhombohedral crystal structure. The tolerance factor ‘t’ varied from 0.847 to 0.864. The AC conductivity spectrum followed the Jonscher’s power law. The Nyquist plots indicated that only grains have the contribution to the resistance in this material and the values of grain resistance (R{sub g}) increased with BST content. The real part of complex initial permeability decreased with the increase in frequency and increased with increasing BST content. Magnetoelectric coefficient was determined for all compositions. The maximum value of magnetoelectric coefficient was found to be 1.467{sup −1}.Oe{sup −1} for x = 0.20.

  8. Optical and structural study of BST multilayers

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Železný, Vladimír; Chvostová, Dagmar; Pajasová, Libuše; Jelínek, Miroslav; Kocourek, Tomáš; Daniš, S.; Valvoda, V.


    Roč. 12, č. 3 (2010), 538-541 ISSN 1454-4164 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/07/0591 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100522; CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : ellipsometry * structure * ferroelectric multilayers Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers Impact factor: 0.412, year: 2010

  9. The Variants Within the COL5A1 Gene are Associated with Reduced Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Skiers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stępień-Słodkowska Marta


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the association of the BstUI RFLP C/T (rs 12722 and DpnII RFLP C/T (rs 13946 COL5A1 polymorphisms, individually and as haplotypes, with anterior cruciate ligament ruptures in recreational skiers. Subjects were 138 male recreational skiers with surgically diagnosed primary anterior cruciate ligament ruptures. The control group consisted of 183 apparently healthy male recreational skiers, who were without any self-reported history of ligament or tendon injury. DNA was extracted from buccal cells donated by the subjects and genotyping was carried out using real-time PCR. The genotype distributions for both polymorphisms met Hardy- Weinberg expectations in both groups. There were no significant differences in genotype distribution of allele frequencies of COL5A1 BstUI RFLP C/T and COL5A1 DpnII RFLP C/T polymorphisms between the ACL rupture and control groups. The T-T (BstUI RFLP T, DpnII RFLP T haplotype was the most common (55.6%. The haplotype T-C was not present in any of the subjects. There was an underrepresentation tendency of the C-T haplotype in the study group compared to controls under recessive mode of inheritance. Higher frequency of the COL5A1 BstUI RFLP C/T and COL5A1DpnII RFLP C/T polymorphisms haplotype is associated with reduced risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury in a group of apparently healthy male recreational skiers.

  10. Characteristics of the surface layer of barium strontium titanate thin films deposited by laser ablation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craciun, V.; Singh, R. K.


    Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 (BST) thin films grown on Si by an in situ ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition (UVPLD) technique exhibited significantly higher dielectric constant and refractive index values and lower leakage current densities than films grown by conventional PLD under similar conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) investigations have shown that the surface layer of the grown films contained, besides the usual BST perovskite phase, an additional phase with Ba atoms in a different chemical state. PLD grown films always exhibited larger amounts of this phase, which was homogeneously mixed with the BST phase up to several nm depth, while UVPLD grown films exhibited a much thinner (∼1 nm) and continuous layer. The relative fraction of this phase was not correlated with the amount of C atoms present on the surface. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy did not find any BaCO 3 contamination layer, which was believed to be related to this new phase. X-ray diffraction measurement showed that although PLD grown films contained less oxygen atoms, the lattice parameter was closer to the bulk value than that of UVPLD grown films. After 4 keV Ar ion sputtering for 6 min, XPS analysis revealed a small suboxide Ba peak for the PLD grown films. This finding indicates that the average Ba-O bonds are weaker in these films, likely due to the presence of oxygen vacancies. It is suggested here that this new Ba phase corresponds to a relaxed BST surface layer. (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics

  11. Characteristics of the surface layer of barium strontium titanate thin films deposited by laser ablation (United States)

    Craciun, V.; Singh, R. K.


    Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) thin films grown on Si by an in situ ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition (UVPLD) technique exhibited significantly higher dielectric constant and refractive index values and lower leakage current densities than films grown by conventional PLD under similar conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) investigations have shown that the surface layer of the grown films contained, besides the usual BST perovskite phase, an additional phase with Ba atoms in a different chemical state. PLD grown films always exhibited larger amounts of this phase, which was homogeneously mixed with the BST phase up to several nm depth, while UVPLD grown films exhibited a much thinner (˜1 nm) and continuous layer. The relative fraction of this phase was not correlated with the amount of C atoms present on the surface. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy did not find any BaCO3 contamination layer, which was believed to be related to this new phase. X-ray diffraction measurement showed that although PLD grown films contained less oxygen atoms, the lattice parameter was closer to the bulk value than that of UVPLD grown films. After 4 keV Ar ion sputtering for 6 min, XPS analysis revealed a small suboxide Ba peak for the PLD grown films. This finding indicates that the average Ba-O bonds are weaker in these films, likely due to the presence of oxygen vacancies. It is suggested here that this new Ba phase corresponds to a relaxed BST surface layer.

  12. Pecuária Sustentável: Uma Alternativa Para a Conservação do Pantanal no Estado de Mato Grosso

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    Helibera Rita Ramos Capistrano de Aquino


    Full Text Available O Pantanal é um importante bioma de Mato Grosso, cujas atividades antrópicas ameaçam seu equilíbrio natural, dentre elas o desenvolvimento da pecuária bovina expansiva e intensiva, com introdução de espécies de forrageiras exóticas, visando o aumento da produtividade. Este estudo objetivou, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, investigar a ameaça provocada pela expansão da pecuária bovina na região do pantanal Mato-grossense ao longo dos anos, assim como promover a discussão sobre alternativas viáveis para um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável. A análise da expansão da atividade e revisão de estudos de viabilização do aproveitamento da vegetação nativa evidenciou que é possível minimizar os impactos negativos da pecuária bovina no Pantanal através do pastoreio aliado ao aproveitamento da pastagem nativa, a suplementação alimentar e o manejo adequado. Assim como a utilização de rebanho proveniente de melhoramento genético que se adapte às condições ambientais e a implementação de políticas públicas sobre a importância da conservação da biodiversidade no planejamento e construção de programas de incentivos.

  13. Synthesis and characterization of nickel oxide doped barium strontium titanate ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Banerjee, M. [Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Bengal Institute of Technology Kolkata (India); Mukherjee, S. [Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (India); Maitra, S. [Govt. College of Engg. and Ceramic Technology, Kolkata (India)


    Barium strontium titanate (BST) ceramics (Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4})TiO{sub 3} were synthesized by solid state sintering using barium carbonate, strontium carbonate and rutile as the precursor materials. The samples were doped with nickel oxide in different proportions. Different phases present in the sintered samples were determined from X-ray diffraction investigation and the distribution of different phases in the microstructure was assessed from scanning electron microscopy study. It was observed that the dielectric properties of BST were modified significantly with nickel oxide doping. These ceramics held promise for applications in tuned circuits. (author)

  14. Printed Barium Strontium Titanate capacitors on silicon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sette, Daniele [Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble (France); CEA, LETI, MINATEC Campus, F-38054 Grenoble (France); Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology LIST, Materials Research and Technology Department, L-4422 Belvaux (Luxembourg); Kovacova, Veronika [Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble (France); CEA, LETI, MINATEC Campus, F-38054 Grenoble (France); Defay, Emmanuel, E-mail: [Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble (France); CEA, LETI, MINATEC Campus, F-38054 Grenoble (France); Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology LIST, Materials Research and Technology Department, L-4422 Belvaux (Luxembourg)


    In this paper, we show that Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) films can be prepared by inkjet printing of sol–gel precursors on platinized silicon substrate. Moreover, a functional variable capacitor working in the GHz range has been made without any lithography or etching steps. Finally, this technology requires 40 times less precursors than the standard sol–gel spin-coating technique. - Highlights: • Inkjet printing of Barium Strontium Titanate films • Deposition on silicon substrate • Inkjet printed silver top electrode • First ever BST films thinner than 1 μm RF functional variable capacitor that has required no lithography.

  15. Synthesis and enhancement of multiferroic properties of (x)Ba{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}–(1−x)BiFe{sub 0.90}Dy{sub 0.10}O{sub 3} ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miah, M.J. [Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000 (Bangladesh); Department of Physics, Comilla University, Comilla (Bangladesh); Khan, M.N.I. [Materials Science Division, Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka 1000 (Bangladesh); Akther Hossain, A.K.M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000 (Bangladesh)


    Polycrystalline (x)Ba{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}–(1−x)BiFe{sub 0.90}Dy{sub 0.10}O{sub 3} [(x)BST–(1−x)BFDO] ceramics were synthesized by the standard solid-state reaction method. Samples prepared from these powders were sintered at various temperatures (900–1000 °C). The crystal structure, microstructure, magnetic, dielectric, complex impedance and magnetoelectric properties of the (x)BST–(1−x)BFDO ceramics were systematically investigated. The X-ray diffraction pattern indicated that (x)BST–(1−x)BFDO ceramics showed a structural transition from rhombohedral to cubic phase. The average grain size increased to a maximum 2.86 μm for x=0.20 and then decreased. M–H plot showed weak ferromagnetism for x=0.00 to 0.30. The magnetization value increased for increasing BST substitution up to x=0.20 due to the modification of crystal structure and then decreased for further increasing due to the nonmagnetic behavior of BST. A significant remnant magnetization (0.086 emu/g) and a coercive magnetic field (103.62 Oe) were also obtained for this solid solution. The complex initial permeability increased with the increase of both BST content (up to x=0.20) and sintering temperatures. The room-temperature dielectric constant increased whereas dielectric loss decreased with increasing BST content because of reducing oxygen vacancies. Impedance spectroscopy analysis confirmed the conducting grains and highly resistive grain boundaries affecting the conductivity but the grains had major contribution in the conduction mechanism. Magnetoelectric voltage coefficient (α{sub ME}) increased with the increase of BST content because of strong interaction between magnetic and ferroelectric domains. The highest value of α{sub ME}=1.67 mV cm{sup −1} Oe{sup −1} was observed for x=0.20 solid solution sintered at T{sub s}=1000 °C because of uniform grains in size and shape at this composition. - Highlights: • (x)BST–(1−x)BFDO ceramics transformed from

  16. Doenças priônicas: avaliação dos riscos envolvidos na utilização de produtos de origem bovina Prionic disease: evaluation of the risks involved in using products of bovine origin

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    Omar Lupi


    Full Text Available Os príons são proteínas que se mostram capazes de auto-replicação apesar de, para isso, alterar o metabolismo celular. São responsáveis por inúmeras doenças em animais e no ser humano (doenças priônicas, todas elas fatais. Essas moléstias apresentam enorme variabilidade quanto ao período de incubação, de alguns meses a 40 anos. Os príons acumulam-se e destroem os neurônios, provocando quadros conhecidos como encefalopatias espongiosiformes. Discute-se a apresentação clínica, epidemiológica e histórica das doenças priônicas. O foco maior de discussão recai, no entanto, na possibilidade teórica da transmissão iatrogênica dos príons por meio das formulações tópicas que utilizam ceramidas (cerebrosídeos ou placenta de origem bovina, assim como pelo risco representado por alguns procedimentos dermatológicos, como transplantes da pele e implantes de colágeno.A prion is a protein that is capable of self replication, thereby altering a cell's metabolism. It is responsible for a number of human and animal diseases (prionic diseases, all of which are always lethal. These diseases have enormous variability in their incubation periods, ranging from a few months to forty years. Prions accumulate and destroy nerve cells, causing spongiform encephalopathy. We discuss the clinical picture, epidemiology, and historical background of prionic diseases. The major focus of the discussion lies, however, on the theoretical possibility of iatrogenic transmission of prion infection due to topical formulations using ceramides (cerebrosides or placenta of bovine origin, as well as the risk represented by some dermatological procedures such as skin grafts and collagen implants.

  17. Ocorrência de mastite bovina em fazendas produtoras de leite B no estado de São Paulo Occurrence of bovine mastitis in grade B milk farms in the state of São Paulo

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    L.F. Laranja


    Full Text Available Durante o período compreendido entre os meses de Março/1991 e Fevereiro /1992 foi realizado um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência da mastite bovina em 07 fazendas produtoras de leite tipo B de diferentes regiões do estado de São Paulo. Foram analisadas 1683 vacas que deram origem a 7695 resultados do CMT e das quais foram coletadas 983 amostras de leite para realização do exame microbiológico. A análise do CMT indicou 47,0% de vacas com CMT negativo, 15,1% CMT + e 37,5% CMT ++/+ + + . Os escores do CMT foram distribuidos segundo o número de lactação (1ª lactação, 2ª lactação e 3ª ou + lactações e segundo o estágio de lactação (1-30 dias de lactação, 31-90 dias, 91-250 dias e > 250 dias. A análise dos dados demonstrou que houve um efeito significativo (p From March/1991 to February/1992 1,683 cows from seven grade "B" milk producing dairy farms were used in a study on the prevalence of bovine mastitis. GMT tests (7,695 were 47.0% negative; 15.1% " +" and 37.5% "++/+ + +". CMT scores were grouped by number of lactation (1st, 2nd, 3rd or more and by stage of lactation (1-30 days in milk; 31-90 days; 91-250 and > 250 days. Both stage of lactation and number of lactation had significant effect on % of cows CMT "++/+ + + ". Microbiological results from 983 milk samples were 50.97% positive. From the positive samples were isolated Staphylococcus sp (44.6%, Corynebacteríum sp (15.0%, Streptococcus sp (8.2%, Yeast/Fungi (5.4%. Bacillus sp (4.4%, E. coli (3.2% and Klebsiella sp (0.2%. Considering both pure and mixed culture isolation, Staphylococcus sp represents 55.6%, Corynebacteríum sp, 18.6% and Streptococcus sp, 15.0%.

  18. Microwave characteristics of sol-gel based Ag-doped (Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4})TiO{sub 3} thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Kyoung-Tae; Kim, Cheolbok [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (United States); Senior, David E. [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (United States); Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Cartagena, 130011 Colombia (Colombia); Kim, Dongsu [Packaging Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Gyeonggi-do, 463-816 (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Yong-Kyu, E-mail: [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (United States)


    Dielectric Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO{sub 3} (BST) thin films with a different concentration of Ag-dopant of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 5 mol % have been prepared using an alkoxide-based sol-gel method on a Pt(111)/TiO{sub 2}/SiO{sub 2}/Si substrate and their surface morphology and crystallinity have been examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, respectively. An on-chip metal-insulator-metal capacitor has been fabricated with the prepared thin film ferroelectric sample. Concentric coplanar electrodes are used for high frequency electrical characterization with a vector network analyzer and a probe station. The SEM images show that increasing Ag doping concentration leads to a decrease in grain size. XRD reveals that the fabricated films show good BST crystallinity for all the concentration while a doping concentration of 5 mol % starts to show an Ag peak, implying a metallic phase. Improved microwave dielectric loss properties of the BST thin films are observed in a low Ag doping level. Especially, BST with an Ag doping concentration of 1 mol % shows the best properties with a dielectric constant of 269.3, a quality factor of 48.1, a tunability at the electric field of 100 kV/cm of 41.2 %, a leakage-current density of 1.045 × 10{sup −7}A/cm{sup 2} at an electric field of 100 kV/cm and a figure of merit (defined by tunability (%) divided by tan δ (%)) of 19.59 under a dc bias voltage of 10 V at 1 GHz. - Highlights: • High quality Ag-doped Ba{sub 0.6}Sr{sub 0.4}TiO{sub 3} (BST) thin films were derived by the sol-gel method. • Doped Ag replaced the A site ions in the ABO{sub 3} type structure. • Doped Ag helped lower leakage current by filling oxygen vacancies, which is a leakage path. • Microwave characteristics of low dielectric loss and good tunability were confirmed. • Great potential is envisioned for low loss tunable microwave applications.

  19. Effects of Ni and carbon-coated Ni addition on the thermoelectric properties of 25Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}+75Sb{sub 2}Te{sub 3} base composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Sang Min; Dharmaiah, Peyala; Femi, Olu Emmanuel; Lee, Chul Hee; Hong, Soon-Jik, E-mail:


    In this paper, we report the effect of nickel (Ni) and carbon coated nickel (C-Ni) on the thermoelectric and mechanical properties of 25Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}+75Sb{sub 2}Te{sub 3} (GA) base composites. Ni and C-Ni powders were synthesized using pulse wire evaporation and mixed with 25Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}+75Sb{sub 2}Te{sub 3} in a planetary ball mill. The morphology of the Ni and C-Ni powders and GA + x (x = none, Ni, or C-Ni) composites were examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The thermoelectric properties of the GA + x (x = none, Ni, or C-Ni) composites shows that the addition of Ni increases the carrier concentration while the presence of C-Ni reduces the carrier concentration to a level comparable to the bare sample (x = 0). Subsequently, the Seebeck coefficient of the GA + C-Ni sample increases by about 18% more than in the bare sample. The thermal conductivity of the GA + Ni and GA + C-Ni samples was considerably lower at room temperature compared to the bare sample. The mechanical properties of the GA + Ni and GA + C-Ni composite samples show a three-fold improvement compared to the bare sample. - Highlights: • Ni and carbon-coated Ni nanoparticles were incorporated into 25Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}+75Sb{sub 2}Te{sub 3} (BST) matrix. • Seebeck coefficient increased by 18% for BST/carbon coated Ni composites. • BST/carbon coated Ni composite reduces the thermal conductivity (21%). • The Vickers hardness of the BST/C-Ni composite samples significantly improved.

  20. Extending the socio-sexual brain: arginine-vasopressin immunoreactive circuits in the telencephalon of mice. (United States)

    Otero-Garcia, Marcos; Martin-Sanchez, Ana; Fortes-Marco, Lluis; Martínez-Ricós, Joana; Agustin-Pavón, Carmen; Lanuza, Enrique; Martínez-García, Fernando


    Quantitative analysis of the immunoreactivity for arginine-vasopressin (AVP-ir) in the telencephalon of male (intact and castrated) and female CD1 mice allows us to precisely locate two sexually dimorphic (more abundant in intact than castrated males and females) AVP-ir cell groups in the posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the amygdala. Chemoarchitecture (NADPH diaphorase) reveals that the intraamygdaloid AVP-ir cells are located in the intra-amygdaloid BST (BSTIA) rather than the medial amygdala (Me), as previously thought. Then, we have used for the first time tract tracing (combined with AVP immunofluorescence) and fiber-sparing lesions of the BST to analyze the projections of the telencephalic AVP-ir cell groups. The results demonstrate that the posterior BST originates the sexually dimorphic innervation of the lateral septum, the posterodorsal Me and a substance P-negative area in the medioventral striato-pallidum (mvStP).The BSTIA may also contribute to some of these terminal fields. Our material also reveals non-dimorphic AVP-ir processes in two locations of the amygdala. First, the ventral Me shows dendrite-like AVP-ir processes apparently belonging supraoptic neurons, whose possible functions are discussed. Second, the Ce shows sparse, thick AVP-ir axons with high individual variability in density and distribution, whose possible influence on stress coping in relation to the affiliative or agonistic behaviors mediated by the Me are discussed. Finally, we propose that the region of the mvStP showing sexually dimorphic AVP-ir innervation is part of the brain network for socio-sexual behavior, in which it would mediate motivational aspects of chemosensory-guided social interactions.

  1. Structural and dielectric properties of barium strontium titanate produced by high temperature hydrothermal method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Razak, K.A.; Asadov, A.; Yoo, J.; Haemmerle, E.; Gao, W.


    The preparation procedure, structural and dielectric properties of hydrothermally derived Ba x Sr 1-x TiO 3 (BST) were studied. BST with initial Ba compositions of 75, 80, 85 and 90 mol.% were prepared by a high temperature hydrothermal synthesis. The obtained powders were pressed into pellet, cold isostatically pressed and sintered at 1200 deg. C for 3 hours. The phase compositions and lattice parameters of the as prepared powders and sintered samples were analysed using X-ray diffractometry. A fitting software was used to analyse the XRD spectra to separate different phases. It was found that BST powder produced by the high temperature hydrothermal possessed a two-phase structure. This structure became more homogeneous during sintering due to interdiffusion but a small amount of minor phase can still be traced. Samples underwent an abnormal grain growth, whereby some grains grow faster than the other due to the presence of two-phase structure. The grain size increased with increasing Ba amount. Dielectric constant and polarisation increased with increasing Ba content but it was also affected by the electronic state and grain size of the compositions

  2. Encefalopatía Espongiforme Bovina

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    Gonzalo Luque Forero


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    En 1986 se comprobó en Inglaterra que una entidad clínica de los bovinos caracterizada por excitabilidad, cambios de comportamiento, hiperestesia, agresividad, resistencia para entrar a la sala de ordeño, correspondía histopatológicamente a una encefalopatía espongiforme, sorprendentemente similar a la del scrapie de ovinos y caprinos y a la de las enfermedades humanas de Creutzfeldt-Jacob (C-J y Kuru. (2

    Esta encefalopatía espongiforme de los bovinos alcanzó proporciones epidémicas; para Febrero de 1990 el total de casos confirmados era de 9.838 procedentes de 5.659 hatos. La situación llevó a la eliminación de miles de cabezas de ganado, a un ritmo de 200 a 300 animales por semana, y a la prohibición del expendio de carne y vísceras de animales infectados para consumo humano. Algunos países de Europa Occidental, Estados Unidos y Canadá aplicaron drásticas medidas para impedir la importación de bovinos provenientes de Inglaterra y sus subproductos. (2,5,7

    La causa más probable de las manifestaciones en los bovinos es que se hayan infectado al consumir alimentos concentrados que contenían proteínas y subproductos ovinos provenientes de ovejas infectadas con el agente del scrapie. Con la circunstancia de que en la década de 1970 se cambió en Inglaterra el sistema de extraer la grasa y la carne de las ovejas por medio de solventes y elevadas temperaturas por un proceso en frío. El período de incubación de la encefalopatía espongiforme de los bovinos está entre los dos y medio y los ocho años. (2,9

    El scrapie es una enfermedad de ovinos y a veces de caprinos, caracterizada por trastornos nerviosos como excitabilidad, tremor de la cabeza, ataxia de los miembros anteriores, incoordinación para la marcha e incapacidad para mantenerse en pie. Hay también intenso prurito cutáneo que lleva a que los animales se froten constantemente contra objetos fijos y se observa además caída de la lana. La enfermedad es siempre fatal y se la conoce desde hace más de doscientos años en Inglaterra y Escocia.

    Se presenta también en Irlanda, Kenya, Sur Africa, India, Emiratos Arabes; algunos países de Europa Occidental, Australia y Nueva Zelandia; estos dos últimos países lograron erradicar la enfermedad. En Colombia el scrapie fue informado en 1979, por el patólogo veterinario José Darío Mogollón y colaboradores, en un ovino importado de Escocia. (1, 3, 4, 9..

  3. A Reconfigurable Coplanar Waveguide Bowtie Antenna Using an Integrated Ferroelectric Thin-Film Varactor

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    K. C. Pan


    Full Text Available A novel printed antenna with a frequency reconfigurable feed network is presented. The antenna consists of a bowtie structure patch radiating element in the inner space of an annulus that is on a nongrounded substrate with a ferroelectric (FE Barium Strontium Titanate (BST thin film. The bowtie patch is fed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW transmission line that also includes a CPW-based BST shunt varactor. Reconfiguration of the compact 8 mm × 8 mm system has been demonstrated by shifting the antenna system’s operating frequency 500 MHz in the 7–9 GHz band by applying a DC voltage bias.

  4. Merged Search Algorithms for Radio Frequency Identification Anticollision

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    Bih-Yaw Shih


    The arbitration algorithm for RFID system is used to arbitrate all the tags to avoid the collision problem with the existence of multiple tags in the interrogation field of a transponder. A splitting algorithm which is called Binary Search Tree (BST is well known for multitags arbitration. In the current study, a splitting-based schema called Merged Search Tree is proposed to capture identification codes correctly for anticollision. Performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the original BST according to time and power consumed during the arbitration process. The results show that the proposed model can reduce searching time and power consumed to achieve a better performance arbitration.

  5. Novel speed test for evaluation of badminton specific movements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Christian Møller; Karlsen, Anders; Nybo, Lars


    In this study we developed a novel badminton speed test (BST). The test was designed to mimic match play. The test starts in the center of the court and consists of five maximal actions to sensors located in each of the four corners of the court. The 20 actions are performed in randomized order...... as dictated by computer screen shots displayed one second following completion of the previous action. We assessed day-to-day variation in elite players and specificity of the test was evaluated by comparing 30 meter sprint performance and time to complete the BST in 20 elite, 21 skilled players and 20 age...

  6. Influence of Tm-doping on microstructure and luminescence behavior of barium strontium titanate thick films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jingyang; Zhang Tianjin; Pan Ruikun; Ma Zhijun; Wang Jinzhao


    Tm-doped Ba 0.8 Sr 0.2 TiO 3 thick films were prepared by the screen-printing technique on the alumina substrate. The microstructure of the Tm-doped BST thick films was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. All the samples showed a typical perovskite polycrystalline structure when sintered at 1260 °C. The substitution behavior of Tm 3+ ion in BST was found to change with increasing the Tm 3+ concentration. The observed Tm-related red emission reaches the maximum at 0.2 mol% Tm 3+ concentration. The effects of concentration quenching on the luminescence intensity were discussed.

  7. Sistemas de equações de demanda por carnes no Brasil: especificação e estimação

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    Moisés de Andrade Resende Filho


    Full Text Available Especificações alternativas do sistema de demanda quase ideal (AIDS foram utilizadas para estimar as demandas agregadas das carnes bovina, suína e de frango e outros bens de consumo e as suas elasticidades no Brasil. Detectada a necessidade de se utilizar a variável tendência nas equações dos modelos, observou-se uma tendência de crescimento da demanda por carnes e de decrescimento da demanda por outros bens de consumo. A variável dummy para o Plano Real indicou que o mesmo não afetou as demandas. Com base nas elasticidades próprios-preços Marshallianas, as demandas por carnes são inelásticas e a demanda por outros bens de consumo é elástica. As elasticidades preços-cruzados Marshallianas e Hicksianas confirmaram que as carnes bovina, suína e de frango são bens substitutos. As elasticidades-gasto indicaram que todos os bens são normais, exceto a carne suína que é um bem inferior. Como é provável que o gasto com o consumo das famílias aumente ao longo do tempo, ceteris paribus, as elasticidades gasto indicam que a demanda por carnes perderá importância para os outros bens de consumo, que o consumo de carne bovina perderá importância para a carne de frango e que o consumo de carne de porco perderá importância para as outras carnes.

  8. Avaliação do pigmento de Lawsonia inermis (henna como carreador de antígenos inoculados por via transcutânea em camundongos = Evaluation of Lawsonia inermis (henna pigment as a carrier of antigens inoculated by transcutaneous immunization pigment in mice

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    Biffi, Karoline


    Conclusões: As vacinações transcutâneas com antígeno bruto de P. brasiliensis e albumina sérica bovina em suspensão de pigmento de L. inermis não produziram resposta antigênica detectável em camundongos

  9. Testes de ELISA e vírus-neutralização na detecção de anticorpos contra o vírus da diarréia viral bovina no leite

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    Diego A.F. Sturza


    Full Text Available O sucesso na estratégia de controle e erradicação do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV, passa necessariamente pela identificação e eliminação dos animais persistentemente infectados (PI. Como esses animais excretam continuamente o vírus em suas secreções e excreções, a prevalência de anticorpos no rebanho, frequentemente é alta e com altos títulos. Devido a essas características, amostras de tanques coletivos de leite, foram submetidas a duas técnicas sorológicas, a fim de estabelecer a mais adequada na realização de triagem de rebanhos. Para isso, 767 amostras coletivas de leite foram submetidas à análise por um kit ELISA indireto (teste referência e pela técnica de vírus-neutralização (VNT adaptada (teste proposto. Devido aos efeitos tóxicos do leite sobre o cultivo celular, a adaptação consistiu no aumento do volume final na etapa de incubação celular. Foram positivas, 177 e 139 amostras no ELISA e na VNT, respectivamente. Com isso, a VNT adaptada apresentou uma sensibilidade de 76,8% e uma especificidade de 99,5%. O índice Kappa (k foi de 0,82, demonstrando uma ótima concordância entre as duas técnicas. A análise do coeficiente de correlação entre os valores de absorbância no ELISA (OD e os títulos de anticorpos na VNT nas amostras positivas, demonstrou uma positividade moderada (r = 0,57 com p < 0,05. No entanto, várias amostras com títulos altos na VNT apresentaram ODs moderadas ou baixas. Por outro lado, algumas amostras com títulos neutralizantes baixos apresentaram ODs altas. Como a presença de animais PI é sugerida por títulos neutralizantes ≥ 80, conclui-se que a técnica de VNT adaptada é mais adequada para a realização de triagem em amostras coletivas de leite quando objetiva-se detectar rebanhos com altos títulos de anticorpos.

  10. Genetic diversity of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV from Peru and Chile Diversidade genética de vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV do Peru e Chile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl Ståhl


    Full Text Available Twenty-five BVDV strains, detected in serum from persistently infected cattle from Peru (n=15 and Chile (n=10 were genetically characterized. The phylogenetic analysis based on the 5' UTR showed that all 25 strains belonged to genotype 1. Twenty-three of the strains could further be subdivided into subtype 1b, and two out of ten Chilean strains into subtype 1a. In conclusion, in total 23 out of 25 strains analyzed were of genotype 1, subtype 1b. This is the predominant BVDV subtype in many countries all over the world, including USA. The close homology with previously described strains reflects the influence of livestock trade on the diversity of BVDV circulating within and between countries and continents. Peru and Chile have imported large numbers of cattle from USA and Europe, mostly with insufficient or lacking health documentation.Um total de 25 isolados do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV, sendo 15 originarias do Peru e 10 do Chile foram sujeitas a caracterização genética. A árvore filogenética baseada na análise da região proximal não-codificante (5'UTR do genoma viral demonstrou que as 25 estirpes pertencem ao genótipo 1 do vírus BVD. Vinte e três destas estirpes puderam adicionalmente ser subdivididas no subtipo 1b, enquanto duas das 10 estirpes isolados provenientes do Chile foram identificadas como pertencentes ao subtipo 1a. Em conclusão, 23 de um total de 25 isolados analisados pertencem ao genótipo 1, subtipo 1b. Este é o subtipo de BVDV predominante em muitos países do mundo, incluindo os EUA. A elevada similaridade genética com isolados descritos anteriormente em outras regiões do mundo realça o papel do comércio internacional de gado no estabelecimento de diversidade genética do vírus BVD. Tanto o Peru como o Chile têm historia de importação de grandes quantidades de gado dos Estados Unidos e da Europa, no entanto sem suficiente documentação comprovativa do estado sanitário no que concerne a esta

  11. Regulatory interactions of stress and reward on rat forebrain opioidergic and GABAergic circuitry. (United States)

    Christiansen, A M; Herman, J P; Ulrich-Lai, Y M


    Palatable food intake reduces stress responses, suggesting that individuals may consume such ?comfort? food as self-medication for stress relief. The mechanism by which palatable foods provide stress relief is not known, but likely lies at the intersection of forebrain reward and stress regulatory circuits. Forebrain opioidergic and gamma-aminobutyric acid ergic signaling is critical for both reward and stress regulation, suggesting that these systems are prime candidates for mediating stress relief by palatable foods. Thus, the present study (1) determines how palatable ?comfort? food alters stress-induced changes in the mRNA expression of inhibitory neurotransmitters in reward and stress neurocircuitry and (2) identifies candidate brain regions that may underlie comfort food-mediated stress reduction. We used a model of palatable ?snacking? in combination with a model of chronic variable stress followed by in situ hybridization to determine forebrain levels of pro-opioid and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) mRNA. The data identify regions within the extended amygdala, striatum, and hypothalamus as potential regions for mediating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis buffering following palatable snacking. Specifically, palatable snacking alone decreased pro-enkephalin-A (ENK) mRNA expression in the anterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the nucleus accumbens, and decreased GAD65 mRNA in the posterior BST. Chronic stress alone increased ENK mRNA in the hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and hippocampus; increased dynorphin mRNA in the nucleus accumbens; increased GAD65 mRNA in the anterior hypothalamus and BST; and decreased GAD65 mRNA in the dorsal hypothalamus. Importantly, palatable food intake prevented stress-induced gene expression changes in subregions of the hypothalamus, BST, and nucleus accumbens. Overall, these data suggest that complex interactions exist between brain reward and stress pathways and that palatable snacking can

  12. Life-cycle cost implications of a system using bare SNF transfer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rose, M.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is planning the use of the Multi-Purpose Canister (MPC) to handle transportation, storage, and disposal of civilian spent nuclear fuel. This canister, which would be loaded and sealed at the utility site, would remain sealed through waste emplacement in a Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS). Two sizes of MPCs are now being considered: large and small rail. The large rail canister has design requirements to be compatible with a 125 ton hook weight crane when fully loaded in the pool with fuel assemblies, water, transportation overpack, and the lifting yoke. The small rail canister under the same conditions weighs less than 75 tons. At present, it is estimated that between four and seventeen reactors will not be able to accommodate either canister. One method of accommodating MPCs at all reactors is the use of Bare Spent nuclear fuel Transfer (BST). In this concept, a small transfer cask is used to move small numbers of assemblies from the spent fuel pool to an external transfer station where a large MPC is loaded. After several of these transfers, the MPC is sealed and either stored on-site, transported to a central storage site, or transported to the MGDS. This paper addresses the total system cost implications of use of BST at 20 sites (31 reactors) which are currently projected to be unable to use the large rail MPC. Results are presented parametrically as a function of the BST capital cost and the time required to load a MPC. This analysis indicates use of BST may be economically favorable if the combination of MPC load times and capital expenditures can be kept to a reasonable level

  13. Polycrystalline Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films on r-plane sapphire: Effect of film thickness on strain and dielectric properties (United States)

    Fardin, E. A.; Holland, A. S.; Ghorbani, K.; Akdogan, E. K.; Simon, W. K.; Safari, A.; Wang, J. Y.


    Polycrystalline Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 (BST) films grown on r-plane sapphire exhibit strong variation of in-plane strain over the thickness range of 25-400nm. At a critical thickness of ˜200nm, the films are strain relieved; in thinner films, the strain is tensile, while compressive strain was observed in the 400nm film. Microwave properties of the films were measured from 1to20GHz by the interdigital capacitor method. A capacitance tunability of 64% was observed in the 200nm film, while thinner films showed improved Q factor. These results demonstrate the possibility of incorporating frequency agile BST-based devices into the silicon on sapphire process.

  14. Switchable and tunable film bulk acoustic resonator fabricated using barium strontium titanate active layer and Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5}/SiO{sub 2} acoustic reflector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sbrockey, N. M., E-mail:; Tompa, G. S. [Structured Materials Industries, Inc., Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 (United States); Kalkur, T. S.; Mansour, A. [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933 (United States); Khassaf, H.; Yu, H.; Aindow, M.; Alpay, S. P. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269 (United States)


    A solidly mounted acoustic resonator was fabricated using a Ba{sub 0.60}Sr{sub 0.40}TiO{sub 3} (BST) film deposited by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The device was acoustically isolated from the substrate using a Bragg reflector consisting of three pairs of Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5}/SiO{sub 2} layers deposited by chemical solution deposition. Transmission electron microscopy verified that the Bragg reflector was not affected by the high temperatures and oxidizing conditions necessary to process high quality BST films. Electrical characterization of the resonator demonstrated a quality factor (Q) of 320 and an electromechanical coupling coefficient (K{sub t}{sup 2}) of 7.0% at 11 V.

  15. The Progress in Localization Initiatives in PDC, BST

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosli Darmawan; Hasni Hassan; Anwar Abdul Rahman


    Nuclear Malaysia has been established since 1972. It has evolves from laying the foundation for infrastructure and human resources in nuclear technology; research and development in nuclear applications; producing new products and prototypes; and finally, transferring the products and technology to the end users such as the industry and communities. While Nuclear Malaysia has been able to develop various nuclear applications, there are areas which have been left behind. Most of the facilities and instruments for nuclear Research and Development are imported. Although Nuclear Malaysia has been able to operate and maintain the facilities, there are occasions where the foreign experts and components need to be sought for. This dependency on foreign technology has cost Nuclear Malaysia a lot, especially in the maintenance and procurement of new instruments and spare parts. To reduce this dependency, some localization initiatives have been conducted by various groups in Nuclear Malaysia. This paper discusses the recent progress and achievement of localization initiatives undertaken by PDC on the related technology which has reduced the dependency on foreign experts and technology. (author)

  16. The Harvard Beat Assessment Test (H-BAT): a battery for assessing beat perception and production and their dissociation (United States)

    Fujii, Shinya; Schlaug, Gottfried


    Humans have the abilities to perceive, produce, and synchronize with a musical beat, yet there are widespread individual differences. To investigate these abilities and to determine if a dissociation between beat perception and production exists, we developed the Harvard Beat Assessment Test (H-BAT), a new battery that assesses beat perception and production abilities. H-BAT consists of four subtests: (1) music tapping test (MTT), (2) beat saliency test (BST), (3) beat interval test (BIT), and (4) beat finding and interval test (BFIT). MTT measures the degree of tapping synchronization with the beat of music, whereas BST, BIT, and BFIT measure perception and production thresholds via psychophysical adaptive stair-case methods. We administered the H-BAT on thirty individuals and investigated the performance distribution across these individuals in each subtest. There was a wide distribution in individual abilities to tap in synchrony with the beat of music during the MTT. The degree of synchronization consistency was negatively correlated with thresholds in the BST, BIT, and BFIT: a lower degree of synchronization was associated with higher perception and production thresholds. H-BAT can be a useful tool in determining an individual's ability to perceive and produce a beat within a single session. PMID:24324421

  17. The Harvard Beat Assessment Test (H-BAT): a battery for assessing beat perception and production and their dissociation. (United States)

    Fujii, Shinya; Schlaug, Gottfried


    Humans have the abilities to perceive, produce, and synchronize with a musical beat, yet there are widespread individual differences. To investigate these abilities and to determine if a dissociation between beat perception and production exists, we developed the Harvard Beat Assessment Test (H-BAT), a new battery that assesses beat perception and production abilities. H-BAT consists of four subtests: (1) music tapping test (MTT), (2) beat saliency test (BST), (3) beat interval test (BIT), and (4) beat finding and interval test (BFIT). MTT measures the degree of tapping synchronization with the beat of music, whereas BST, BIT, and BFIT measure perception and production thresholds via psychophysical adaptive stair-case methods. We administered the H-BAT on thirty individuals and investigated the performance distribution across these individuals in each subtest. There was a wide distribution in individual abilities to tap in synchrony with the beat of music during the MTT. The degree of synchronization consistency was negatively correlated with thresholds in the BST, BIT, and BFIT: a lower degree of synchronization was associated with higher perception and production thresholds. H-BAT can be a useful tool in determining an individual's ability to perceive and produce a beat within a single session.

  18. Robust bivariate error detection in skewed data with application to historical radiosonde winds

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Ying


    The global historical radiosonde archives date back to the 1920s and contain the only directly observed measurements of temperature, wind, and moisture in the upper atmosphere, but they contain many random errors. Most of the focus on cleaning these large datasets has been on temperatures, but winds are important inputs to climate models and in studies of wind climatology. The bivariate distribution of the wind vector does not have elliptical contours but is skewed and heavy-tailed, so we develop two methods for outlier detection based on the bivariate skew-t (BST) distribution, using either distance-based or contour-based approaches to flag observations as potential outliers. We develop a framework to robustly estimate the parameters of the BST and then show how the tuning parameter to get these estimates is chosen. In simulation, we compare our methods with one based on a bivariate normal distribution and a nonparametric approach based on the bagplot. We then apply all four methods to the winds observed for over 35,000 radiosonde launches at a single station and demonstrate differences in the number of observations flagged across eight pressure levels and through time. In this pilot study, the method based on the BST contours performs very well.

  19. Role of surfactant on thermoelectric behaviors of organic-inorganic composites (United States)

    Shin, Sunmi; Roh, Jong Wook; Kim, Hyun-Sik; Chen, Renkun


    Hybrid organic/inorganic composites have recently attracted intensive interests as a promising candidate for flexible thermoelectric (TE) devices using inherently soft polymers as well as for increasing the degree of freedom to control TE properties. Experimentally, however, enhanced TE performance in hybrid composites has not been commonly observed, primarily due to inhomogeneous mixing between the inorganic and organic components which leads to limited electrical conduction in the less conductive component and consequently a low power factor in the composites compared to their single-component counterparts. In this study, we investigated the effects of different surfactants on the uniformity of mixing and the TE behaviors of the hybrid composites consisting of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 (BST) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS). We found that compared to dimethyl sulfoxide, which is the most widely used surfactant, Triton X-100 (TX-100) can lead to homogenous dispersion of BST in PEDOT:PSS. By systematically studying the effects of the surfactant concentration, we can attribute the better mixing capability of TX-100 to its non-ionic property, which results in homogenous mixing with a lower critical micelle concentration. Consequently, we observed simultaneous increase in electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in the BST/PEDOT:PSS composites with the TX-100 surfactant.

  20. Robust bivariate error detection in skewed data with application to historical radiosonde winds

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Ying; Hering, Amanda S.; Browning, Joshua M.


    The global historical radiosonde archives date back to the 1920s and contain the only directly observed measurements of temperature, wind, and moisture in the upper atmosphere, but they contain many random errors. Most of the focus on cleaning these large datasets has been on temperatures, but winds are important inputs to climate models and in studies of wind climatology. The bivariate distribution of the wind vector does not have elliptical contours but is skewed and heavy-tailed, so we develop two methods for outlier detection based on the bivariate skew-t (BST) distribution, using either distance-based or contour-based approaches to flag observations as potential outliers. We develop a framework to robustly estimate the parameters of the BST and then show how the tuning parameter to get these estimates is chosen. In simulation, we compare our methods with one based on a bivariate normal distribution and a nonparametric approach based on the bagplot. We then apply all four methods to the winds observed for over 35,000 radiosonde launches at a single station and demonstrate differences in the number of observations flagged across eight pressure levels and through time. In this pilot study, the method based on the BST contours performs very well.

  1. A relação entre o preço pago pelo consumidor de carne bovina em Santa Maria e o recebido pelo produtor de gado de corte no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Relationship between price paid by consumers in Santa Maria and prices paid to beef cattle farmers in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Garibaldi Almeida Viana


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa em que medida os preços pagos pelos consumidores de carne bovina - ponto final da cadeia - são repassados ao produtor. Os preços dos diferentes cortes de carne foram coletados através de pesquisa mensal de preços, em quatro supermercados de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Depois de obtidos os valores percentuais dos diferentes cortes na composição da carcaça, estes valores foram multiplicados pelo preço pago pelo consumidor, obtendo-se assim os preços e as proporções dos cortes referentes ao valor ajustado de um quilo de carcaça pago pelo consumidor. Para a obtenção do preço médio do kg do boi vivo recebido pelos produtores, foram considerados os preços coletados pela EMATER-RS. Verificou-se uma baixa variação ao longo do ano das partes componentes da carcaça, na contribuição do preço total. Na média, o dianteiro contribui com 26,10%, o costilhar com 13,40% e o traseiro com 60,50% do preço total da carcaça. O setor a jusante na cadeia bovina tem função reguladora do preço final ao consumidor, com uma margem de operação de 7,61 pontos ao longo do ano. Nos três quadrimestres ao longo do ano, a associação entre o preço recebido pelo produtor (PRP e o pago pelo consumidor (PPC teve um comportamento diferenciado. As associações verificadas foram fraca, negativamente forte e positivamente muito forte para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro quadrimestres, respectivamente.This study analyses how much of prices paid by the consumers of beef meat are passed on to the farmer. The prices of different types of beef cuts were collected monthly in four supermarkets in Santa Maria-RS, Brazil. The percentage values of different cuts were obtained and multiplied by the price paid by consumers. Thus, it was calculated the adjusted price of kilogram of carcass commercialized at supermarket. The average price per kilogram of live steers received by the farmer was collected by EMATER-RS. There was a low price variation


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    Joab Trajano Silva


    Full Text Available Mycobacterium bovis é membro do complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTBC, grupo este composto por espécies com grande homologia genética. É o agente etiológico da tuberculose bovina, importante zoonose transmissível ao homem, principalmente através da inalação do bacilo e/ou pelo consumo de leite e derivados não-pasteurizados provenientes de vacas tuberculosas. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a identificação de micobactérias do complexo M. tuberculosis presentes no leite, por metodologia molecular. Fez-se a extração de DNA diretamente do leite contaminado e realizou-se a identificação molecular pela reação em cadeia da polimerase seguida de análise de restrição do fragmento amplificado (PRA. Utilizaram-se inhagens de referência e leite cru artificialmente contaminado com M. bovis IP. Um fragmento de 441pb do gene hsp65 foi amplificado, tratado com BstEII e HaeIII e empregou-se o perfil de restrição enzimática obtido para identificar o complexo M. tuberculosis no leite. Com a PRA foi possível detectar com especificidade e sensibilidade a presença de M. bovis em até 10 UFC/mL de leite. A metodologia padronizada poderá auxiliar os métodos microbiológicos e bioquímicos tradicionalmente usados na identificação do bacilo em alimentos suspeitos de contaminação, como, por exemplo, o leite proveniente de animais suspeitos de infecção por M. bovis.

    Palavras-chaves: Análise de perfil de restrição enzimática (PRA, complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leite, Mycobacterium bovis, limite de detecção (PCR. Mycobacterium bovis is a member of the M. tuberculosis complex, a group composed by species with high genetic homology. The pathogen is the etiological agent of bovine tuberculosis, an important zoonosis that is mainly transmitted by inhalation of infectious droplet nuclei or by ingestion of milk and crude milk derivative products from tuberculosis cows. The definitive identification of M. bovis


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    Dyah Iswantini


    Full Text Available Uric acid concentration could be determined by spectrophotometry method. Uric acid was oxidized into allatonin in the presence of uricase and calculated by measuring the decrease of uric acid absorbance at 293 nm. These uricase were obtained from cells of Lactobacillus plantarum. L. plantarum K. Mar. E was isolated from passion fruit skin and L. plantarum Mgs. Psmb and Mgs. Bst from mangosteen. This research was conducted to observe the activity and kinetics of uricase from various cells of L. plantarum by spectrophotometric method. The plate assay method indicated that L. plantarum produced uricase, based on the clear zone about 0,2 mm on glucose yeast peptone medium contained 0,2% uric acid. The optimum condition of uricase activity from the three different sources occured in physiological condition. Uricase activity generated from cells of L. plantarum K. Mar. E, Mgs. Psmb, and Mgs. Bst were 0,1073; 0,0867; and 0,0842 U/mL, respectively. The kinetic parameters for uricase, determined with uric acid as the substrate. Vmax produced by L. plantarum K. Mar. E, Mgs. Psmb, and Mgs. Bst were 1,3635; 0,0316; and 0,0418 U/mL of bacterial culture, respectively and KM 0,1541; 0,0061; and 0,0054 mM, respectively. Uricase activity in various bacterial cells of L. plantarum was stable until the second day

  4. Fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii Risk factors associated with bovine mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Artioli Machado Yamamura


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii. Foram analisadas 13 propriedades leiteiras dos Estados do Paraná e de São Paulo, segundo os seguintes critérios de seleção: confirmação prévia de casos de mastite por Prototheca spp., triagem pela pesquisa de Prototheca spp. em tanques de expansão e latões e rebanhos com contagem de células somáticas acima de 5x105cel mL-1. As amostras coletadas consistiram de: leite, água, solo, fezes e swab de teteiras. Prototheca spp. foi isolada de amostras de leite dos quartos mamários com mastite clínica ou subclínica em uma propriedade e de amostras de leite e do ambiente em quatro propriedades, nas quais foi isolada em amostras de: água de bebedouro, abastecimento, esgoto, empoçada no piso de estábulo e sala de ordenha, solo de piquete e pasto, teteiras, fezes de bezerros e suínos. Do total de 383 vacas examinadas, Prototheca spp. foi isolada em 20 (5,2% vacas, sendo caracterizada como P. zopfii em 18. Os fatores de risco associados à mastite causada por P. zopfii foram: criação das vacas a pasto, alimentação dos animais com pasto e silagem, realização de ordenha mecânica em estábulo, permanência das vacas após ordenha em piquete sem alimento, criação de suínos próxima às instalações dos bovinos, existência de cães, gatos e roedores, falta de higienização dos tetos com água, pré-imersão dos tetos em aplicador com retorno e sem a troca do anti-séptico, alimentação dos bezerros com leite de vacas com mastite clínica e serem as vacas da raça holandesa.This research had as objective the study of risk factors associated with bovine mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii. Thirteen dairy herds in Paraná and São Paulo states were analyzed and selected according to the following criteria: previous confirmation of Prototheca spp. mastitis cases, screening of Prototheca spp. in bulk tanks and

  5. Processing/structure/property Relationships of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films for Dynamic Random Access Memory Application. (United States)

    Peng, Cheng-Jien

    The purpose of this study is to see the application feasibility of barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films on ultra large scale integration (ULSI) dynamic random access memory (DRAM) capacitors through the understanding of the relationships among processing, structure and electrical properties. Thin films of BST were deposited by multi-ion -beam reactive sputtering (MIBERS) technique and metallo -organic decomposition (MOD) method. The processing parameters such as Ba/Sr ratio, substrate temperature, annealing temperature and time, film thickness and doping concentration were correlated with the structure and electric properties of the films. Some effects of secondary low-energy oxygen ion bombardment were also examined. Microstructures of BST thin films could be classified into two types: (a) Type I structures, with multi-grains through the film thickness, for amorphous as-grown films after high temperature annealing, and (b) columnar structure (Type II) which remained even after high temperature annealing, for well-crystallized films deposited at high substrate temperatures. Type I films showed Curie-von Schweidler response, while Type II films showed Debted type behavior. Type I behavior may be attributed to the presence of a high density of disordered grain boundaries. Two types of current -voltage characteristics could be seen in non-bombarded films depending on the chemistry of the films (doped or undoped) and substrate temperature during deposition. Only the MIBERS films doped with high donor concentration and deposited at high substrate temperature showed space-charge -limited conduction (SCLC) with discrete shallow traps embedded in trap-distributed background at high electric field. All other non-bombarded films, including MOD films, showed trap-distributed SCLC behavior with a slope of {~}7.5-10 due to the presence of grain boundaries through film thickness or traps induced by unavoidable acceptor impurities in the films. Donor-doping could

  6. High Performance Nano-Constituent Buffer Layer Thin Films to Enable Low Cost Integrated On-the-Move Communications Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Cole, M. W; Nothwang, W. D; Hubbard, C; Ngo, E; Hirsch, S


    Successful integration of paraelectric Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (BST) based thin films with affordable Si substrates has a potential significant commercial impact as the demand for high-frequency tunable devices intensifies...

  7. The STRATOB study: design of a randomized controlled clinical trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Brief Strategic Therapy with telecare in patients with obesity and binge-eating disorder referred to residential nutritional rehabilitation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cesa Gian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Overweight and obesity are linked with Binge Eating Disorder (BED. Effective interventions to significantly reduce weight, maintain weight loss and manage associated pathologies like BED are tipically combined treatment options (dietetic, nutritional, physical, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, pharmacological, surgical. Significant difficulties with regard to availability, costs, treatment adherence and long-term efficacy are present. Particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT is the therapeutic approach indicated both in in-patient and in out-patient settings for BED. In recent years systemic and systemic-strategic psychotherapies have been implemented to treat patients with obesity and BED involved in familiar problems. Particularly a brief protocol for the systemic-strategic treatment of BED, using overall the strategic dialogue, has been recently developed. Moreover telemedicine, a new promising low cost method, has been used for obesity with BED in out-patient settings in order to avoid relapse after the in-patient step of treatment and to keep on a continuity of care with the involvement of the same clinical in-patient team. Methods The comparison between CBT and Brief Strategic Therapy (BST will be assessed in a two-arm randomized controlled clinical trial. Due to the novelty of the application of BST in BED treatment (no other RCTs including BST have been carried out, a pilot study will be carried out before conducting a large scale randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT. Both CBT and BST group will follow an in-hospital treatment (diet, physical activity, dietitian counseling, 8 psychological sessions plus 8 out-patient telephone-based sessions of psychological support and monitoring with the same in-patient psychotherapists. Primary outcome measure of the randomized trial will be the change in the Global Index of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2. Secondary outcome measures will be the percentage of BED

  8. Sedentary Patterns, Physical Activity, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Association to Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís B. Sardinha


    Full Text Available Background: Sedentary behavior has been considered an independent risk factor for type-2 diabetes (T2D, with a negative impact on several physiological outcomes, whereas breaks in sedentary time (BST have been proposed as a viable solution to mitigate some of these effects. However, little is known about the independent associations of sedentary pursuits, physical activity, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF variables with glycemic control. We investigated the independent associations of total sedentary time, BST, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA, and CRF with glycemic outcomes in patients with T2D.Methods: Total sedentary time, BST, and MVPA were assessed in 66 participants (29 women with T2D, using accelerometry. Glucose and insulin were measured during a mixed meal tolerance test, with the respective calculations of HOMA-IR and Matsuda index. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c was also analyzed. CRF was measured in a maximal treadmill test with breath-by-breath gases analysis. Multiple regressions were used for data analysis.Results: Regardless of CRF, total sedentary time was positively associated with HbA1c (β = 0.25, p = 0.044. Adjusting for MVPA, total sedentary time was related to fasting glucose (β = 0.32, p = 0.037. No associations between total sedentary time and the remaining glycemic outcomes, after adjusting for MVPA. BST had favorable associations with HOMA-IR (β = −0.28, p = 0.047 and fasting glucose (β = −0.25, p = 0.046, when adjusted for MVPA, and with HOMA-IR (β = −0.25, p = 0.036, Matsuda index (β = 0.26, p = 0.036, and fasting glucose (β = −0.22, p = 0.038, following adjustment for CRF. When adjusting for total sedentary time, only CRF yielded favorable associations with HOMA-IR (β = −0.29, p = 0.039, fasting glucose (β = −0.32, p = 0.012, and glucose at 120-min (β = −0.26, p = 0.035, and no associations were found for MVPA with none of the metabolic outcomes.Conclusion: The results from this

  9. Establishment and classification of dairy cow podal diseases at Itapecuru Mirim dairy basin, State of Mara tate Maranhão, Brazil Prevalência e classificação de afecções podais em fêmeas bovinas destinadas à produção de leite na bacia leiteira do município de Itapecuru Mirim-MA

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    Porfírio Candanedo Guerra


    Full Text Available The predominance and clinical classification of the hoof diseases was studied in dairy cows at Itapecuru Mirim dairy basin, MA. The observations were done during the visits to the milk farms previously registered. The animals were identified by individual questionnaires for detection of claudication. The animal with difficulty in the locomotion were contended for digit cleaning and subsequent evaluation, considering the affected podal area. Data were grouped and submitted to the statistical analysis. The predominance in cows was of 5.08% and exclusively among the lactating cows, of 17.50%. Higher frequency of females with hoof illnesses was detected from 3 to 7 years. Out of all hoof affections, the sole bump (17.12%, claw deformity (14.71%, sole ulcer (14.11% and heel erosion (12.61% were the most incident. The anatomical region of the digits more attacked was to sole (30.74%. The digits of the subsequent members were the most affected, mainly the lateral. The lateral digits of the subsequent members also presented higher frequency of outstanding/grave/grave with infection scores regarding the other digits. Injuries digital represent a problem of great importance and high prevalence in the properties of the basin milk Itapecuru Mirim and the environmental characteristics are decisive for establishing diagnosis and controlling diseases.Objetivou-se relatar a prevalência e classificar clinicamente as afecções podais em fêmeas bovinas destinadas à produção de leite na bacia leiteira do município de Itapecuru Mirim-MA. As observações foram realizadas durante visitas a propriedades leiteiras previamente cadastradas, registrando-se os animais em fichas individuais, avaliando-os posteriormente quanto à claudicação. Os bovinos portadores de lesões podais foram contidos para limpeza dos dígitos e posterior avaliação, considerando a região podal comprometida. Os dados foram agrupados e submetidos à análise estatística. A preval

  10. Influence of redeposition on the plasma etching dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stafford, L.; Margot, J.; Delprat, S.; Chaker, M.; Pearton, S. J.


    This work reports on measurements of the degree of redeposition of sputtered species during the etching of platinum (Pt), barium-strontium-titanate (BST), strontium-bismuth-tantalate (SBT), and photoresist (PR) in a high-density argon plasma. While PR exhibits a redeposition-free behavior, the degree of redeposition of Pt, BST, and SBT species increases from 10% to 95% as the argon pressure increases from 0.5 to 10 mTorr. These results are in good agreement with the predictions of a simple model accounting for the backscattering of sputtered species following their interaction with the gas phase. Based on these results and using other experimental data reported in the literature, it is further demonstrated that, depending on the plasma etching conditions, redeposition effects can induce misinterpretation of the etch rate data

  11. Entrepreneurship in Business Systems Perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Allen, Mathew


    of opportunities, challenges, and growth patterns for new ventures or new industries in a society? We provide an overview of the BST framework and then illustrate how it can help to explain entrepreneurial decision-making, motivation, venture/industry creation, rationales behind new business model/ venture...... multinationals’ strategies, structures and decision making. We focus, instead, on a relatively neglected area: how BST can help to explain entrepreneurship. In particular, how can this framework help us to understand 1)why a particular business model is developed, 2) why entrepreneurs tend to make a particular...... type of decision, in a particular way, for a particular context, 3) why firms or new ventures structures, strategies and growth trajectory follow a particular path dependency in a particular institutional context, while 4) complementarity and/or lack of complementarity presents different types...

  12. Layered Cu-based electrode for high-dielectric constant oxide thin film-based devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan, W.; Saha, S.; Carlisle, J.A.; Auciello, O.; Chang, R.P.H.; Ramesh, R.


    Ti-Al/Cu/Ta multilayered electrodes were fabricated on SiO 2 /Si substrates by ion beam sputtering deposition, to overcome the problems of Cu diffusion and oxidation encountered during the high dielectric constant (κ) materials integration. The Cu and Ta layers remained intact through the annealing in oxygen environment up to 600 deg. C. The thin oxide layer, formed on the Ti-Al surface, effectively prevented the oxygen penetration toward underneath layers. Complex oxide (Ba x Sr 1-x )TiO 3 (BST) thin films were grown on the layered Ti-Al/Cu/Ta electrodes using rf magnetron sputtering. The deposited BST films exhibited relatively high permittivity (150), low dielectric loss (0.007) at zero bias, and low leakage current -8 A/cm 2 at 100 kV/cm

  13. Thermal strain-induced dielectric anisotropy in Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films grown on silicon-based substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, X. H.; Defaye, E.; Aied, M.; Guigues, B.; Dubarry, C.


    Dielectric properties of Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 TiO 3 (BST) thin films, which were prepared on silicon-based substrates by ion beam sputtering and postdeposition annealing method, were systematically investigated in different electrode configurations of metal-insulator-metal and coplanar interdigital capacitors. It was found that a large dielectric anisotropy exists in the films with better in-plane dielectric properties (higher dielectric permittivity and tunability) than those along the out-of-plane direction. The observed anisotropic dielectric responses are explained qualitatively in terms of a thermal strain effect that is related to dissimilar film strains along the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. Another reason for the dielectric anisotropy is due to different influences of the interfacial low-dielectric layer between the BST film and the substrate (metal electrode).

  14. Thermal strain-induced dielectric anisotropy in Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films grown on silicon-based substrates (United States)

    Zhu, X. H.; Guigues, B.; Defaÿ, E.; Dubarry, C.; Aïd, M.


    Dielectric properties of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 (BST) thin films, which were prepared on silicon-based substrates by ion beam sputtering and postdeposition annealing method, were systematically investigated in different electrode configurations of metal-insulator-metal and coplanar interdigital capacitors. It was found that a large dielectric anisotropy exists in the films with better in-plane dielectric properties (higher dielectric permittivity and tunability) than those along the out-of-plane direction. The observed anisotropic dielectric responses are explained qualitatively in terms of a thermal strain effect that is related to dissimilar film strains along the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. Another reason for the dielectric anisotropy is due to different influences of the interfacial low-dielectric layer between the BST film and the substrate (metal electrode).

  15. ORF Sequence: NC_001138 [GENIUS II[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available s, required for proper discrimination between resident ER proteins and Golgi-bound cargo molecules; Bst1p [S...ER that negatively regulates COPII vesicle formation, prevents production of vesicles with defective subunit

  16. Análise retrospectiva dos fatores associados à distribuição da tuberculose bovina no estado do Rio de Janeiro Retrospective analysis of the factors associated to the distribution of bovine tuberculosis in the State of Rio de Janeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V.M. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Fatores associados à ocorrência da tuberculose bovina (TB, em dados de 209 fazendas, foram avaliados por meio de análise de variância. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes do levantamento epidemiológico por demanda, realizado nos rebanhos do estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1959 até 1989. As variáveis significativas na análise bivariada foram incluídas no modelo e analisadas conjuntamente pelo método do modelo linear generalizado. A taxa de prevalência da TB nos rebanhos foi de 49,8%. As variáveis detectadas no estudo como as mais importantes para a ocorrência de TB foram: aleitamento (P=0,03 e as interações densidade x aleitamento (P=0,04 e produtividade x período (P=0,02. A importância da organização econômica da produção pecuária na ocorrência da TB pode ser evidenciada pelos resultados obtidos neste estudo. Este é um fator relevante em decorrência dos danos à saúde humana e animal.The factors associated to the occurrence of bovine tuberculosis (TB in 209 farms were evaluated by variance analysis. Data came were colleted in an epidemiological investigation from herds in the State of Rio de Janeiro, examined from 1959 to 1989. The significant variables were analyzed and submitted to generalized linear model. The prevalence rate of TB in herds was 49.8%. The most important variations detected in this study for occurrence of TB were: sucking (P=0.03 and interactions density vs. sucking system (P=0.04 and productivity vs. sucking period (P=0.02. The influence of the economical aspects of the farming systems on the occurrence of TB was confirmed by the results of this study. This is an important factor due to human and animal health hazards.

  17. Caracterização genética da raça bovina Crioulo Lageano por marcadores moleculares RAPD Genetic characterization of Criollo Lageano cattle by RAPD markers

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    Álvaro Spritze


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização genética da raça bovina Crioulo Lageano por marcadores RAPD em comparação com as raças Holandesa e Nelore. Foram selecionados 43 primers, que geraram 77 bandas polimórficas. Os animais foram distribuídos em cinco subgrupos de Crioulo Lageano (I a V, e um subgrupo em cada uma das raças Holandesa (VI e Nelore (VII. A maior parte da variância genética total (65,05% foi causada pela diferença de indivíduos dentro dos grupos, e o restante pelas diferenças entre grupos. A análise conjunta dos grupos I a V apresentou variabilidade genética entre grupos de 25,28% e dentro dos grupos de 74,72%. A diversidade gênica vem se mantendo ao longo das gerações no núcleo de conservação do Crioulo Lageano. A raça Holandesa apresentou a menor diversidade gênica (0,1204, e a Crioulo Lageano a maior (0,3154. A maior distância genética (0,3747 foi entre as raças Nelore e Holandesa. Os grupos de Crioulo Lageano apresentaram diferenças entre si e apenas alguns indivíduos de cada grupo posicionaram-se junto a outros grupos. A técnica RAPD é capaz de estimar a distância genética entre raças ou populações e de auxiliar na escolha de indivíduos, visando aos trabalhos de conservação de recursos genéticos.The objective of this study was to characterize genetically the Crioulo Lageano cattle breed, using RAPD markers and compare it to the Holstein and Nelore breeds. Forty three primers were selected, and they generated 77 polymorphic bands. Seven groups were studied: 5 subgroups of Crioulo Lageano (I to V and one each Holstein (VI and Nellore (VII. Using all groups, the greater part of the genetic variance (65.05% was due to differences within groups and the rest due to differences between groups. Using five Crioulo Lageano groups (I to V the results showed 25.28% variation between groups and 74.72% within groups. Genetic diversity has been maintained throughout the generations in this

  18. Effects of B2O3-Li2O additions on the dielectric properties of screen printing Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thick films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng, Yike; Gao, Can; Zhang, Guangzu; Jiang, Shenglin


    Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 (BST) thick films were fabricated on Al 2 O 3 substrate via the screen printing technology by using B 2 O 3 -Li 2 O additions as liquid-phase sintering aids. The effects of doping of B 2 O 3 and Li 2 CO 3 on the phase compositions, microstructures, and dielectric tunable properties of the thick films were investigated systematically. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed that BST diffraction peaks shifted toward higher angle with the B 2 O 3 -Li 2 O doping content, which indicated the substitution of B 3+ and Li + in Ba 2+ site. It was also found that the grain size and electrical properties of the thick film were strongly affected by the glass content. The grain size and the relative permittivity decreased obviously with the increase of B 2 O 3 -Li 2 O additive. In addition, for the thick film with 4.5 wt% glass content, optimized sintering, and electrical properties were obtained: the sintering temperature of 900 C, relative permittivity of 312 (at 10 kHz), dielectric loss of 0.0039, tunability of 16.2% (at 3 kV/mm). These good sintering and electrical properties indicate that BST thick film with B 2 O 3 -Li 2 O addition is benefit for the development of LTCC technology and tunable devices. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  19. Understanding the influence of surface chemical states on the dielectric tunability of sputtered Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films (United States)

    Venkata Saravanan, K.; Raju, K. C. James


    The surface chemical states of RF-magnetron sputtered Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST5) thin films deposited at different oxygen mixing percentage (OMP) was examined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The O1s XPS spectra indicate the existence of three kinds of oxygen species (dissociated oxygen ion O2 -, adsorbed oxide ion O- and lattice oxide ion O2-) on the films’ surface, which strongly depends on OMP. The presence of oxygen species other than lattice oxygen ion makes the films’ surface highly reactivity to atmospheric gases, resulting in the formation of undesired surface layers. The XPS results confirm the formation of surface nitrates for the films deposited under oxygen deficient atmosphere (OMP ≦̸ 25%), whereas the films deposited in oxygen rich atmosphere (OMP ≧̸ 75%) show the presence of metal-hydroxide. The influence of a surface dead layer on the tunable dielectric properties of BST5 films have been studied in detail and are reported. Furthermore, our observations indicate that an optimum ratio of Ar:O2 is essential for achieving desired material and dielectric properties in BST5 thin films. The films deposited at 50% OMP have the highest dielectric tunability of ~65% (@280 kV cm-1), with good ɛ r-E curve symmetry of 98% and low tan δ of 0.018. The figure of merit for these films is about 35, which is promising for frequency agile device applications.

  20. Very weak solutions to the rotating Stokes, Oseen and Navier–Stokes problems in weighted spaces

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kračmar, S.; Krbec, Miroslav; Nečasová, Šárka; Penel, P.; Schumacher, K.


    Roč. 289, 11-12 (2016), s. 1466-1487 ISSN 0025-584X R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-00522S; GA ČR(CZ) GAP201/11/1304 Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : viscous incompressible fluid * flow around rotating rigid body * very weak solution * weighted homogenous Sobolev spaces Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.742, year: 2016 September +2016+at+08.30+BST%2F+03%3A30+EDT%2F+15%3A30+SGT+for+5+hours+ and +Sunday+4th+ September +at+10%3A00+BST%2F+05%3A00+EST%2F+17%3A00+SGT+for+1+hour++for+essential+maintenance.+Apologies+for+the+inconvenience

  1. Net-zero building

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Wyk, Llewellyn V


    Full Text Available In its experimental work on research and development of innovative technologies for low income housing on the Innovation Site on the CSIR campus in Pretoria, the Building Science and Technology (BST) competence area identified a number...

  2. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2017 ... Health risk due to RF radiation exposure from base station tower (BST) ... Thus, this preliminary study aims to measure, evaluate and ..... [7] Ulcek J L, Cleveland R F Jr. Evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human.

  3. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 15, 2018 ... Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is only a kind of energy emitted from a ... Rapid development in wireless technology has led to an increase of the ... disturbed if the transmission path of the radio signal from BST does not ...

  4. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Earth System Science; Information for Authors ... A manuscript must present results of original, unpublished work. ... At this stage, JESS does not accept separate BibTeX files and does not provi de a bst file for ...

  5. Evaluating the educational environment of an international animal model-based wet lab course for undergraduate students

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    Michail Ch. Sideris


    Conclusions: Students seem to positively rate the ESMSC educational environment. Junior as well as KCL students appear to be more enthusiastic. Further research should focus on the optimal strategy for early involvement and motivation of various students' groups in BST.

  6. Basic surgical training in Ireland: the impact of operative experience, training program allocation and mentorship on trainee satisfaction.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Sullivan, K E


    Application to the Irish basic surgical training (BST) program in Ireland has decreased progressively over the past 5 years. We hypothesised that this decline was secondary to dissatisfaction with training correlated with reduced operative experience and lack of mentorship among BSTs.


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    Full Text Available Os dados sobre consumo alimentar de 18 localidades paulistas foram analisados em termos de contribuição percentual dos alimentos no fornecimento das vitaminas A, B1, B2, niacina e C. Com base no per capta médio diário de alimentos consumidos pelas famílias, calculou-se a contribuição proporcional de cada alimento para o total ingerido de cada vitamina. Selecionaram-se, posteriormente, cerca de 10 principais fornecedores desses nutrientes na dieta da população das diferentes localidades estudadas. Fígado, ovos, couve, leite, margarina e peixes foram os principais contribuintes da vitamina A; para a tiamina concorreram feijão, infusão de café, arroz e carne suína. Forneceram riboflavina infusão de café, feijão, leite e carne bovina. Quanto à niacina destacaram-se infusão de café, arroz, carne bovina e feijão. Como principais fontes de vitamina C salientaram-se laranja, couve e tomate.


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    Tiffany Prokopp HAUTRIVE


    Full Text Available A carne de avestruz é uma carne exótica, com coloração avermelhada, maciez e sabor semelhante à carne bovina. É rica em proteínas, cálcio e ferro e possui baixos teores de gordura total e ácidos graxos saturados. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a composição centesimal, perfil de ácidos graxos e o colesterol da carne de avestruz e comparar com cortes de carne bovina, suína e frango. As carnes apresentaram percentuais semelhantes de umidade, proteína e cinzas, porém a carne de avestruz foi a que apresentou menor quantidade de lipídio (0,58%, sendo 7,34% de ácidos graxos saturados, 45,37% de monoinsaturados e 27,20% de poli-insaturados. A carne de avestruz apresentou uma boa relação de ácidos graxos poli- insaturados/saturados e n-6/n-3. A carne de avestruz poderia ser incluída em uma dieta equilibrada, pois apresenta nutrientes semelhantes a outras carnes e com diferenciais, baixo conteúdo de lipídios e calorias e rica em ferro-heme.


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    Letícia De Toni


    Full Text Available The subject of this paper is to test antimicrobials activities by medicinal plants extracts against more important contagious bovine mastitis pathogens. Disinfectants solutions was made from Baccharis trimera (Less D.C., Compositae (Asteracea, Eucalyptus spp Labill., Myrtaceae e Tagetes minuta (Linn., Compositae (Asteracea plants by hidroalcoholic extraction (EHA or decoction (DEC. S. aureus, S. agalactiae, and P. aeruginosa were used. To test for in vitro efficacy, each solution disinfectant was mixed with bacterial suspension containing 105 CFU.mL-1, by 30 seconds, two, 10 ant 30 minutes, with and without 20% of integral milk. Viable bacteria were evaluated by directed plating of neutralized aliquots. The worked included chlorhexidine 0,18% by control and it was executed in duplicate. EHA Eucalytpus spp and EHA T. minuta were as effective as control chlorhexidine against S. aureus. This solutions plus EHA B. trimera, were as effective as control against S. agalactiae. DEC Eucalyptus and DEC B. trimera also inactivated S. agalactiae in more prolongated time. Chlorhexidine was the best against P. multocida in milk absence, although the EHA were effective at ten or thirty minutes. All solutions, inclusive control, it was sensibility to organic load. The observations from the in vitro studies presented here need to be substantiated by in vivo studies by to confirm the potentiality use of plants medicinal extracts as disinfectants/antisepsis in livestock health. O presente trabalho busca avaliar a cinética da atividade antimicrobiana de extratos de plantas medicinais frente a bactérias relacionadas com mastite bovina. Para tal, foram produzidas soluções desinfetantes a partir de folhas e talos de Baccharis trimera (Less D.C., Compositae (Asteraceae, Eucalyptus spp Labill., Myrtaceae e Tagetes minuta (Linn., Compositae (Asteraceae, através de extração hidroalcoólica (EHA e decocto (DEC. Os microrganismos utilizados foram S. aureus, S

  10. Situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Sergipe Epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Sergipe, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V.G.S.O. Silva


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Sergipe. O Estado foi estratificado em dois circuitos produtores. Em cada circuito produtor foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades e, dentro dessas foi escolhido de forma aleatória um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total foram amostrados 4.757 animais, provenientes de 590 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração da propriedade e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo, se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. A prevalência de focos e a de animais foram: 12,6% [9,2-16,0%] e 3,4% [2,3-4,4%], respectivamente. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados para os circuitos pecuários foram: circuito 1, 11,1% [7,9-15,0%] e 2,6% [1,6-3,5%]; circuito 2, 12,9% [9,1-17,6%] e 6,2% [3,0-9,5%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR associados à condição de foco foram: assistência veterinária (OR= 2,89 [1,15-7,23], tamanho do rebanho ≥30 fêmeas adultas (OR= 1,88 [1,07-3,28] e uso de inseminação artificial (OR= 1,92 [0,84-4,38].A study to characterize the epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Sergipe was carried out. The State was divided in two regions. Around three hundred herds were randomly sampled in each region and a pre-established number of animals were sampled in each of these herds. A total of 4,757 serum samples from 590 herds were collected. In each herd, it was applied an epidemiological questionnaire focused on herd traits as well as husbandry and sanitary practices

  11. Four main virotypes among extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing isolates of Escherichia coli O25b:H4-B2-ST131: bacterial, epidemiological, and clinical characteristics. (United States)

    Blanco, Jorge; Mora, Azucena; Mamani, Rosalia; López, Cecilia; Blanco, Miguel; Dahbi, Ghizlane; Herrera, Alexandra; Marzoa, Juan; Fernández, Val; de la Cruz, Fernando; Martínez-Martínez, Luis; Alonso, María Pilar; Nicolas-Chanoine, Marie-Hélène; Johnson, James R; Johnston, Brian; López-Cerero, Lorena; Pascual, Alvaro; Rodríguez-Baño, Jesús


    A total of 1,021 extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBLEC) isolates obtained in 2006 during a Spanish national survey conducted in 44 hospitals were analyzed for the presence of the O25b:H4-B2-ST131 (sequence type 131) clonal group. Overall, 195 (19%) O25b-ST131 isolates were detected, with prevalence rates ranging from 0% to 52% per hospital. Molecular characterization of 130 representative O25b-ST131 isolates showed that 96 (74%) were positive for CTX-M-15, 15 (12%) for CTX-M-14, 9 (7%) for SHV-12, 6 (5%) for CTX-M-9, 5 (4%) for CTX-M-32, and 1 (0.7%) each for CTX-M-3 and the new ESBL enzyme CTX-M-103. The 130 O25b-ST131 isolates exhibited relatively high virulence scores (mean, 14.4 virulence genes). Although the virulence profiles of the O25b-ST131 isolates were fairly homogeneous, they could be classified into four main virotypes based on the presence or absence of four distinctive virulence genes: virotypes A (22%) (afa FM955459 positive, iroN negative, ibeA negative, sat positive or negative), B (31%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN positive, ibeA negative, sat positive or negative), C (32%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN negative, ibeA negative, sat positive), and D (13%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN positive or negative, ibeA positive, sat positive or negative). The four virotypes were also identified in other countries, with virotype C being overrepresented internationally. Correspondingly, an analysis of XbaI macrorestriction profiles revealed four major clusters, which were largely virotype specific. Certain epidemiological and clinical features corresponded with the virotype. Statistically significant virotype-specific associations included, for virotype B, older age and a lower frequency of infection (versus colonization), for virotype C, a higher frequency of infection, and for virotype D, younger age and community-acquired infections. In isolates of the O25b:H4-B2-ST131 clonal group, these findings uniquely define four main

  12. Evaluation of experimental vaccines for bovine viral diarrhea in bovines, ovines and guinea pigs Evaluación de vacunas experimentales para la diarrea viral bovina en bovinos, ovinos y cobayos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Fernández


    Full Text Available The bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV infection control should be based on elimination of persistently infected animals and on immunization through vaccination, to prevent fetal infection. However, the efficacy of inactivated BVDV vaccines is variable due to its low immunogenicity. This study evaluated the humoral immune response against homologous and heterologous strains of 7 inactivated BVDV vaccines, in bovines and two experimental models (ovine and guinea pig which might be used to test candidate vaccines. Vaccines formulated with BVDV Singer, Oregon, NADL, and multivalent, induced seroconversion in the three animal models studied, reaching antibody titres higher than 2. Vaccine containing 125C -genotype 2- only induced a low antibody response in ovine, while VS-115 NCP vaccine was not immunogenic. Furthermore, bovine sera at 60 dpv presented homologous as well as heterologous antibody response, indicating a high degree of cross-reactivity among the strains studied. However, when bovine sera were tested against the Argentine field strain 00-693, they showed the lowest levels of cross-reactivity, suggesting the need of continued surveillance to identify and characterize emerging field BVDV strains. Finally, optimal correlations between bovine-ovine and bovine-guinea pig models were observed, indicating that two alternative species could replace bovines when testing the immunogenicity of BVDV candidate vaccines.El control del virus de la diarrea viral bovina (VDVB se basa en la eliminación de animales persistentemente infectados, y la inmunización de hembras para prevenir infecciones fetales. La eficiencia de estas vacunas es variable por su baja inmunogenicidad. Se evaluó la respuesta inmune humoral contra virus homólogos y heterólogos de 7 vacunas experimentales inactivadas del VDVB en bovinos y en dos modelos experimentales (ovinos y cobayos. Las vacunas conteniendo VDVB Singer, Oregon, NADL y polivalentes indujeron seroconversión en

  13. Factors influencing career choice after initial training in surgery.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McHugh, Seamus


    Irish general surgery faces a recruitment crisis with only 87 of 145 (60%) basic surgical training (BST) places filled in 2009. We assessed basic surgical trainees to identify objective, and potentially modifiable, factors that influence ultimate recruitment into a general surgical career.

  14. Tuberculosis en terneros: resultados de un estudio prospectivo (Tuberculosis in calves: results of a prospective study)


    Garro, C; Cobos Roldán M; Oriani, S; Garbaccio S


    ResumenUn estudio prospectivo fue realizado en un rodeo lechero con tuberculosis bovina (TB) endémica para investigar el riesgo atribuido a la alimentación con leche cruda en terneros durante la crianza artificial.SummaryA prospective study was conducted in a dairy herd with endemic bovine tuberculosis (BT) to assess the risk attributed to raw milk in feeding calves during the artificial rearing.

  15. Spatio-temporal distributions of meso convective systems in NE China and its vicinity (United States)

    Yuan, Meiying; Li, Zechun; Zhang, Xiaoling; Li, Xun


    Based on the IR cloud imagery from the Chinese FY-2C satellite for June ~ August, 2005 - 2007, statistics is undertaken of meso convective systems (MCS) over NE China and its neighborhood, obtaining the space - time distributions of MCS. MCS include elliptical type( MCC's) , persistent elongated type (PECS's), in shape. Dividing the total MCS into MαMCS, MβMCS and MCC (PECS) . Results show that the number of meso-α MCS (dominantly PECS's) is considerably more than that of meso-β MCS (largely MCCss), which are observed mainly in the NE China plain and Daxing'an Mountains, especially in the entrance to the plain as well as its central ~ northern portion; the MCS occur mainly in June ~ August, particularly in June; the extratropical MCS show two peak phases, one being in 1500-2200 BST the other being 0000-0700 BST as the secondary peaking interval.

  16. Effects of post-deposition oxygen annealing on tuning properties of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 thin-film capacitors for microwave integrated circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Y.R.; Lai, P.T.; Li, G.Q.; Li, B.; Peng, J.B.; Lo, H.B.


    Barium strontium titanate (BST) thin-films deposited on a SiO 2 /Si substrate by argon ion-beam sputtering technique were annealed at 400, 500 and 600 deg. C in oxygen for 30 min, respectively, and were used to fabricate integrated parallel-plate capacitors by standard integrated-circuit technology. These capacitors can achieve tunability greater than 60% at an applied dc voltage of 2 V and a frequency of 100 kHz at room temperature. Considering tunability, loss factor and hysteresis effect, the BST thin-film annealed at 500 deg. C is superior for making tunable microwave integrated capacitors. The effects of annealing treatment in oxygen on the tuning properties of the thin-film capacitors are analyzed, and the results indicate that the tunability is strongly dependent on both oxygen vacancies and negatively charged oxygen, trapped at the grain boundary and/or at the electrode/dielectric interface

  17. Understanding the influence of surface chemical states on the dielectric tunability of sputtered Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venkata Saravanan, K; James Raju, K C


    The surface chemical states of RF-magnetron sputtered Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 (BST5) thin films deposited at different oxygen mixing percentage (OMP) was examined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The O1s XPS spectra indicate the existence of three kinds of oxygen species (dissociated oxygen ion O 2 − , adsorbed oxide ion O − and lattice oxide ion O 2− ) on the films’ surface, which strongly depends on OMP. The presence of oxygen species other than lattice oxygen ion makes the films’ surface highly reactivity to atmospheric gases, resulting in the formation of undesired surface layers. The XPS results confirm the formation of surface nitrates for the films deposited under oxygen deficient atmosphere (OMP not ≦ 25%), whereas the films deposited in oxygen rich atmosphere (OMP not ≧ 75%) show the presence of metal-hydroxide. The influence of a surface dead layer on the tunable dielectric properties of BST5 films have been studied in detail and are reported. Furthermore, our observations indicate that an optimum ratio of Ar:O 2 is essential for achieving desired material and dielectric properties in BST5 thin films. The films deposited at 50% OMP have the highest dielectric tunability of ∼65% (@280 kV cm −1 ), with good ϵ r -E curve symmetry of 98% and low tan δ of 0.018. The figure of merit for these films is about 35, which is promising for frequency agile device applications. (papers)

  18. Effect of rare-earth additions on the structure and dielectric energy storage properties of Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}TiO{sub 3}-based barium boronaluminosilicate glass-ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiu, Shaomei; Xiao, Shi; Zhang, Wenqin; Xue, Shuangxi; Shen, Bo, E-mail:; Zhai, Jiwei, E-mail:


    Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}TiO{sub 3}-based barium boroaluminosilicate (BST-BBAS) glass-ceramics added with La{sub 2}O{sub 3}, Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Yb{sub 2}O{sub 3} were fabricated through the melting method followed by controlled crystallization, respectively. The X-ray diffraction and the field emission scanning electron microscopy were investigated the phase composition and microstructure for the BST-BBAS glass-ceramics added with rare-earth additions, then the temperature-dependent dielectric properties and the voltage-withstand measurements were applied to study the effect of rare-earth additions on the dielectric energy storage density. These results show that the certain content of rare-earth additions can optimize the microstructure and phase structure effectively. And with the decrease of ionic radiuses of rare-earth elements, the microstructure of the glass-ceramics become more uniform. When added with 0.5 mol% Yb{sup 3+}, the theoretical energy storage density of the BST-BBAS glass-ceramics gets the largest value of 3.5 J/cm{sup 3} which is about 1.8 times compared to the undoped one. - Highlights: • A certain content of Yb{sub 2}O{sub 3} can restrain the formation of BaSi{sub 2}O{sub 5}and SiO{sub 2} phases. • The addition of rare earth can optimize the microstructure. • With 0.5 mol% Yb{sup 3+}, the dielectric energy storage density got the largest value of 3.5 J/cm{sup 3}.

  19. 2142-IJBCS-Article-Bulus Adzu

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3African Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology (AiBST), Wilkins Hospital, Cnr Tongogara/Rekai. Tangwena, Harare, Zimbabwe. 4Director General/Chief Executive Officer, NIPRD, PMB 21, Abuja, Nigeria. *Corresponding author; Current address: Laboratório de Farmacologia, Departamento de Ciências Básicas.

  20. A Brief Group Intervention Using Video Games to Teach Sportsmanship Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (United States)

    Ferguson, Bill R.; Gillis, Jennifer M.; Sevlever, Melina


    Impaired social skills represent a fundamental deficit for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Despite the potential importance of "good sportsmanship," this social skill has received relatively little attention in the literature. The current study utilized a Behavioral Skills Training (BST) approach to teach three…

  1. Effect of working pressure and annealing temperature on ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    roughness was found at higher temperatures as a result of a more heterogeneous growth and less tensions. Keywords. Barium strontium titanate; thin film; pulsed laser deposition; ferroelectric. 1. Introduction. Perovskite barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films are promising candidates for dynamic random access memory.

  2. Long-Endurance Maritime Surveillance with Ocean Glider Networks (United States)


    response to fluid viscosity , as well as magnesium sulfate and boric acid molecules found in seawater (Francois and Garrison 1982). As a result, its...Hemipelagic Terrigenous Clay ) is derived from the Bottom Sediment Type (BST) database maintained by the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office Acoustics

  3. Estudo da prevalência de mastite bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernst Eckehardt Muller


    Full Text Available Prevalence of the bovine mastitis in "DAIRY BELT" of Londrina, PR, Bra-sü. 235 lactating cows from 9 properties in Londrina, PR, were examined 102 (43.4% reacted positively to the "VIAMÄO MASTITE TESTE". From the reacting cows the pathogenic agent was isolated in 85 (83.3%, what leads to the conclusion that 36.2% of the examinated animals were infected. The etiological agentes isolated were: Staphylococcus aureus (18.3% Streptococcus sp. (12.8%, Corynebacterium pyogenes (1.3% Escherichia coli (0.8% and association of Staphylococcus aureus andExaminaram-se 235 vacas em lactação procedentes de 9 propriedades do município de Londrina, Pr., Brasil, das quais 102 (43.4% apresentaram reação positiva ao Viamão Mastite Teste. Do leite destas 102 vacas isolou-se agentes patógenos em 85 (83,3% o que nos dá uma prevalência de mastite de 36,2% sobre o total dos animais examinados. Encontrou-se os seguintes agentes etiológicos: Staphylococcus aureus (18,3%, Streptococcus sp (12,8%, Corynebacte-rium pyogenes (1,3%, Escherichia coli (0,8% e mistas por Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus (3%.

  4. Genetic characterization of Brazilian bovine viral diarrhea virus isolates by partial nucleotide sequencing of the 5'-UTR region Caracterização genética de amostras brasileiras do vírus da diarréia viral bovina através do seqüenciamento parcial da Região 5'UTR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Cortez


    Full Text Available Nineteen isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV from Brazil were genetically characterized through partial nucleotide sequencing and analysis of the 5'UTR region. The isolates were grouped as BVDV-1 (11/19, BVDV-2 (6/19 or "atypical" pestivirus (2/19. Among the BVDV-1, eight isolates were classified as subgenotype BVDV-1a, whereas most (4 out of 6 BVDV-2 belonged to subgenotype 2b. Two isolates from aborted fetuses were not classified into any genetic group, being considered atypical BVDVs. Genetic diversity among Brazilian BVDV isolates may be responsible for vaccination and diag-nostic failure and therefore may influence the control strategies for BVDV infection in the country.Dezenove amostras do vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV foram caracterizadas geneticamente através do seqüenciamento parcial de nucleotídeos da Região 5'UTR. As amostras foram agrupadas em BVDV-1 (11/19, BVDV-2 (6/19 e num terceiro grupo de amostras denominadas "atípicas" (2/19. Das onze amostras genotipadas como BVDV-1, oito amostras foram sub-genotipadas como BVDV-1a, enquanto que a maioria (4/6 das amostras de BVDV-2 foi agrupada como BVDV-2b. Duas amostras provenientes de fetos bovinos abortados foram classificadas como atípicas, não BVDV-1 e 2. A presença da diversidade genética de BVDV detectada nas amostras estudadas pode ser responsável por falhas vacinais e de diagnóstico e deve influenciar nas estratégias de controle do BVDV aplicadas nas diferentes regiões brasileiras.

  5. Imunidade inata da glândula mamária bovina: resposta à infecção Innate immunity of the bovine mammary gland: response to infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deolinda Maria Vieira Filha Carneiro


    Full Text Available A imunidade na glândula mamária pode ser classificada, assim como em outros sistemas, em inata ou inespecífica e adaptativa ou específica. A imunidade inata é a defesa predominante durante os estágios iniciais da infecção. As respostas inespecíficas estão presentes no local da infecção ou são ativadas rapidamente por numerosos estímulos e não aumentam pela exposição repetida ao mesmo agente etiológico. O primeiro obstáculo enfrentado por um patógeno para adentrar o úbere é composto pela barreira formada pelo esfíncter do teto e pelo tampão de queratina formado pelo epitélio queratinizado. Uma vez que o microrganismo tenha atravessado o canal do teto e alcançado a cisterna mamária, passam a atuar diversos fatores solúveis e celulares. Dentre os fatores solúveis, estão presentes: lactoperoxidase, sistema complemento, citocinas, lactoferrina, lisozima e NAGase. As defesas celulares inespecíficas na glândula mamária são representadas pelos neutrófilos, pelos macrófagos e pelas células natural killer. Na medida em que esses mecanismos funcionam adequadamente, a maioria dos patógenos será rapidamente eliminada antes que o sistema imune específico seja ativado, sem resultar em alterações na quantidade ou qualidade do leite produzido. Uma melhor compreensão sobre os mecanismos de defesa da glândula mamária e suas alterações durante os períodos críticos da infecção é imprescindível para o desenvolvimento de métodos mais eficazes de profilaxia e controle da mastite, a principal doença dos ruminantes leiteiros. O presente estudo revisou os principais aspectos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da imunidade inata na glândula mamária bovina.The immunity in the mammary gland can be, as in other systems, classified in innate or adaptive immunity. The innate immunity is the predominant defense during the initial periods of infection. The non-specifics answers are present or are quickly activated in the

  6. Efeito do pH e da hidrólise tríptica sobre as propriedades emulsionantes da globina bovina The effect of the pH and the tryptic hydrolysis on the emulsifying properties of bovine globin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleia Batista Dias ORNELLAS


    Full Text Available No intuito de estudar o efeito do pH e da ação da tripsina sobre as propriedades emulsionantes da globina bovina, extraída pelo método da acetona acidificada, foram determinados neste trabalho, a capacidade emulsionante (EC, o índice de atividade emulsionante (EAI e a estabilidade da emulsão (ES. Testaram-se os valores de pH de 3,0 a 8,0 e os tempos de hidrólise de 5,0 a 60 min. Os dados obtidos indicam que os maiores valores de EC e ES foram obtidos no pH 5,0 e 6,0, respectivamente, correspondente à faixa de alta solubilidade da proteína. Por outro lado, o EAI, além de apresentar um máximo no pH 3,0, foi igualmente elevado nos valores de pH 7,0 e 8,0, situados na zona onde a globina é praticamente insolúvel. A hidrólise tríptica, nas condições empregadas, contribuiu para melhorar a EC, em toda a faixa de pH estudada, enquanto que para o EAI somente foi benéfico em pH 4,0 e 5,0. No caso da ES, este tratamento enzimático não foi vantajoso, promovendo melhoras apenas no pH 7,0, onde a proteína é insolúvel, e somente após 60 min de hidrólise.The effect of the pH and of the trypsin on the emulsifying properties of bovine globin, extracted by the acidified acetone method, was studied. The emulsifying capacity (EC, the emulsifying activity index (EAI and the emulsion stability (ES were determined at pH varying from 3.0 to 8.0 and employing hydrolysis times from 5 to 60 min. The highest vaules for EC and ES were obtained at pH 5.0 and 6.0, respectively, corresponding to the range of large protein solubility. On the other hand, the EAI was higher at pH 3.0 and also at pH 7.0 and 8.0, where the protein is insoluble. The tryptic hydrolysis produced an increase in EC, in all pH ranges studied, while for the EAI the same effect was observed only in pH 4.0 and 5.0, and for ES at pH 7.0 after 60 min of hydrolysis.

  7. Biotecnología y producción animal


    Gallo, Guillermo G.


    La biotecnología es una ciencia llamada a tener un gran impacto en la producción agraria. Uno de sus primeros productos, la somatotrofina bovina obtenida gracias a la técnica de recombinación de DNA, promete un aumento sin precedentes en la productividad y eficiencia en el uso de los alimentos en el ganado lechero. Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria

  8. Aglutininas anti-leptospira em hemosoro de animais domésticos de diferentes espécies, no Estado da Bahia, 1997/1999


    Viegas, S. A. R. A.; Caldas, E. M.; Oliveira, E. M. de D.


    p. 1-6 Dando continuidade a trabalhos anteriores, foram investigados hemosoros de animais domésticos das espécies bovina, equina, canina, felina, ovina e caprina, no total de 836, no período de 03 de janeiro de 1997 à 30 de junho de 1999, identificando-se os sorotipos mais freqüentes nas espécies estudadas. Os títulos variaram de 1: 100 a 1: 3200.

  9. Sexual behavior reduces hypothalamic androgen receptor immunoreactivity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fernandez-Guasti, Alonso; Swaab, Dick; Rodríguez-Manzo, Gabriela


    Male sexual behavior is regulated by limbic areas like the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), the nucleus accumbens (nAcc) and the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN). Neurons in these brain areas are rich in androgen receptors (AR) and express

  10. Potential organ donor audit in Ireland.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hegarty, M


    As increasing demand for organs is a challenge for transplant services worldwide it is essential to audit the process of organ donation. To address this, a national audit of potential organ donors was undertaken across hospitals with Intensive Care Units (N = 36). Questionnaires were returned on all patients (n = 2073) who died in these units from 1\\/9\\/07-31\\/8\\/08; 200 (10%) of these patients were considered for Brain Stem Testing (BST), 158 patients (79%) were diagnosed Brain Stem Dead (BSD) and 138 patients (87%) became potential donors. Consent for donation was given by 92 (69%) next of kin and 90 potential donors (65%) became organ donors. There was no evidence of a large number of potential organ donors being missed. Recommendations included completion of BSTs on all appropriate patients, development of support on BST, referral of all BSD patients to the Organ Procurement Service; enhanced co-ordination within hospitals and sustained information\\/education campaigns.

  11. Preparation of thin-film (Ba(0.5),Sr(0.5))TiO3 by the laser ablation technique and electrical properties (United States)

    Yoon, Soon-Gil; Lee, Jai-Chan; Safari, A.


    The chemical composition and electrical properties were investigated for epitaxially crystallized (Ba(0.5),Sr(0.5))TiO3 (BST) films deposited on Pt/MgO and YBa2Cu3O(7-x) (YBCO)/MgO substrates by the laser ablation technique. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy analysis shows that thin films on Pt/MgO have almost the same stoichiometric composition as the target material. Films deposited at 600 C exhibited an excellent epitaxial growth, a dielectric constant of 430, and a dissipation factor of 0.02 at 10 kHz frequency. They have a charge storage density of 40 fC/sq micron at an applied electric field of 0.15 MV/cm. Leakage current density of BST thin films on Pt/MgO was smaller than on YBCO/MgO. Their leakage current density is about 0.8 microA/sq cm at an applied electric field of 0.15 MV/cm.

  12. Effects of surrounding powder in sintering process on the properties of Sb and Mn- doped barium-strontium titanate PTCR ceramics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pornsuda Bomlai


    Full Text Available In this research, the effects of surrounding powder used during sintering of Sb and Mn doped bariumstrontium titanate (BST ceramics were studied. The ceramic samples were prepared by a conventional mixed-oxide method and placed on different powders during sintering. Phase formation, microstructure and PTCR behavior of the samples were then observed. Microstructures and PTCR behavior varied with the type of surrounding powder, whereas the crystal structure did not change. The surrounding powder has more effects on the shape of the grain than on the size. The grain size of samples was in the range of 5-20 μm. The most uniform grain size and the highest increase of the ratio of ρmax/ρRT were found to be about 106 for samples which had been sintered on Sb-doped BST powder. This value was an order of magnitude greater than for samples sintered on a powder of the equivalent composition to that of the sample pellet.

  13. Innovative integrative bedside teaching model improves tutors' self-assessments of teaching skills and attitudes. (United States)

    Gat, Itai; Pessach-Gelblum, Liat; Givati, Gili; Haim, Nadav; Paluch-Shimon, Shani; Unterman, Avraham; Bar-Shavit, Yochay; Grabler, Galit; Sagi, Doron; Achiron, Anat; Ziv, Amitai


    Patient bedside is the ideal setting for teaching physical examination, medical interviewing, and interpersonal skills. Herein we describe a novel model for bedside teaching (BST) practiced during tutor training workshop and its resulting effect on practitioners' self assessment of teaching skills and perceptions. One-day tutor training workshop included theoretical knowledge supplementation regarding tutors' roles as well as implementing practical tools for clinical education, mainly BST model. The model, which emphasizes simultaneous clinical and communication teaching in a stepwise approach, was practiced by consecutive simulations with a gradual escalation of difficulty and adjusted instruction approaches. Pre- and post-workshop-adjusted questionnaires using a Likert scale of 1 to 4 were completed by participants and compared. Analysis was based on 25 out of 48 participants who completed both questionnaires. Significantly improved teaching skills were demonstrated upon workshop completion (mean 3.3, SD 0.5) compared with pre-training (mean 2.6, SD 0.6; pteaching skills in this challenging environment.

  14. Theoretical and experimental study of disordered Ba0.45Sr0.55 TiO3 photoluminescence at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, I.A.; Gurgel, M.F.C.; Santos, L.P.S.; Goes, M.S.; Cava, S.; Cilense, M.; Rosa, I.L.V.; Paiva-Santos, C.O.; Longo, E.


    Disordered and crystalline Ba 0.45 Sr 0.55 TiO 3 (BST) powder processed at low temperature was synthesized by the polymeric precursor method. The single-phase perovskite structure of the ceramics was identified by the Raman and X-ray diffraction techniques. Photoluminescence at room temperature was observed only in a disordered BST sample. Increasing the calcination time intensified the photoluminescence (PL), which reached its maximum value in the sample heat treated at 300 deg. C for 30 h. This emission may be correlated with the structural disorder. Periodic ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations using the CRYSTAL98 program can yield important information regarding the electronic and structural properties of crystalline and disordered solids. The experimental and theoretical results indicate the presence of intermediary energy levels in the band gap. This is ascribed to the break in symmetry, which is responsible for visible photoluminescence in the material's disordered state at room temperature

  15. The Antiproton Accumulator (AA)

    CERN Multimedia


    A section of the AA where the dispersion (and hence the horizontal beam size) is large. One can distinguish (left to right): A large vacuum-tank, a quadrupole (QDN09*), a bending magnet (BST08), another vacuum-tank, a wide quadrupole (QFW08) and (in the background) a further bending magnet (BST08). The tanks are covered with heating tape for bake-out. The tank left of QDN09 contained the kickers for stochastic pre-cooling (see 790621, 8002234, 8002637X), the other one served mainly as vacuum chamber in the region where the beam was large. Peter Zettwoch works on QFW08. * see: H. Koziol, Antiproton Accumulator Parameter List, PS/AA/Note 84-2 (1984) See under 7911303, 7911597X, 8004261 and 8202324. For photos of the AA in different phases of completion (between 1979 and 1982) see: 7911303, 7911597X, 8004261, 8004608X, 8005563X, 8005565X, 8006716X, 8006722X, 8010939X, 8010941X, 8202324, 8202658X, 8203628X .

  16. The space-time of dark-matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dey, Dipanjan


    Dark-matter is a hypothetical matter which can't be seen but around 27% of our universe is made of it. Its distribution, evolution from early stage of our universe to present stage, its particle constituents all these are great unsolved mysteries of modern Cosmology and Astrophysics. In this talk I will introduce a special kind of space-time which is known as Bertrand Space-time (BST). I will show this space-time interestingly shows some dark-matter properties like- flat velocity curve, density profile of Dark-matter, total mass of Dark matter-halo, gravitational lensing etc, for that reason we consider BST is seeded by Dark-matter or it is a space-time of Dark-matter. At last I will show using modified gravity formalism the behaviour of the equation of state parameter of Dark-matter and the behaviour of the Newton's gravitational constant in the vicinity of the singularity. (author)

  17. Influência da taxa de congelamento no comportamento físico-químico e estrutural durante a liofilização da albumina bovina Influence of cooling rate on the structural and phase changes during lyophilization of bovine serum albumin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgilio Tattini Jr


    Full Text Available A liofilização é o método mais comumente utilizado para a preparação de proteínas desidratadas, as quais devem apresentar estabilidade adequada por longo período de armazenagem em temperaturas ambientes. Entretanto, estudos recentes com espectroscopia no infravermelho têm documentado que os problemas relacionados com o congelamento e a desidratação induzidos pela liofilização podem levar ao desdobramento molecular da proteína. Através de análises por espectroscopia Raman, associadas com análise térmica por calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC, estudou-se a influência da taxa de congelamento no comportamento físico-químico e estrutural da albumina sérica bovina submetida ao processo de liofilização. Observou-se que a albumina liofilizada com taxa de congelamento de 2,5 °C/min apresentou maior alteração estrutural quando comparada à albumina liofilizada com taxa de congelamento de 30 °C/min, a qual apresentou menores oscilações espectrais nas regiões da amida I, III e pontes de dissulfeto, favorecendo a manutenção da conformação estrutural da proteína.Lyophilization (freeze-drying is the most commonly method used to prepare dehydrated proteins, which should have the desired long-term stability at ambient temperatures. However, recent infrared spectroscopic studies have documented that the acute freezing and dehydration stresses of lyophilization can induce protein unfolding. Through Raman spectroscopy associated with thermal analysis using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, it was studied the influence of cooling rate on the structural and phase changes during lyophilization of bovine serum albumin. It was observed that bovine serum albumin (BSA lyophilized under slow freezing (2.5 ºC/min presented higher structure damage than the BSA lyophilized under fast freezing (30 ºC/min However, the lyophilization process using cooling rate of 30 ºC/min presented fewer spectra alterations on the Amide I

  18. Aspectos clínicos, patológicos, imuno-histoquímicos e virológicos em cinco bezerros persistentemente infectados com o vírus da diarreia viral bovina em uma propriedade do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Adriana S Santos


    Full Text Available O vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV é responsável por diferentes síndromes que afetam bovinos em todo o mundo, causando grandes perdas econômicas. O presente trabalho analisou as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas e virais de cinco bovinos persistentemente infectados pelo BVDV de uma mesma propriedade, localizada no Município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. Dentre os sinais clínicos verificados destacaram-se subdesenvolvimento, secreções nasais e oculares, além de catarata congênita unilateral em dois bovinos. As principais lesões observadas durante a necropsia consistiram de aumento dos linfonodos mesentéricos, evidenciação das placas de Peyer e pododermatite e lesões crostosas no plano nasal e na região periocular em um animal. Os achados microscópicos caracterizavam-se, principalmente, por infiltrado mononuclear na lâmina do intestino delgado e rarefação linfoide com infiltrado histiocitário nos centrofoliculares de linfonodos e nas placas de Peyer. Antígenos virais foram detectados por imuno-histoquímica principalmente em queratinócitos da epiderme, no epitélio de folículos pilosos e células mononucleares da derme de orelhas e pele; histiócitos e em linfócitos dos linfonodos; células foliculares da tireoide; no citoplasma de neurônios e, em menor escala, em células da micróglia no córtex cerebral e no hipocampo. O isolamento viral de amostras de sangue e órgãos dos animais confirmou a presença de BVDV não citopático. Também foi possível detectar a presença do genoma viral por RT-PCR no soro dos animais. A análise filogenética do fragmento parcial da região 5' não traduzida do genoma viral permitiu a classificação da amostra viral como BVDV tipo 2b. O presente estudo reforça a necessidade de investigar e caracterizar surtos de BVD e descrever suas diferentes for-mas de apresentação.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. E. Arenas


    Full Text Available La brucelosis bovina es una de las enfermedades zoonóticas de mayor prevalencia enColombia y su impacto económico es poco conocido. El objetivo del presente estudiofue evaluar los costos generados por los casos de brucelosis registrados entre pequeñosy medianos productores ganaderos de la región del Sumapaz, Colombia. Se realizó unestudio descriptivo basado en una encuesta que incluyó egresos registrados por los casosde brucelosis bovina con diagnóstico confirmado en 25 unidades productivas ganaderas.Las pérdidas económicas oscilaron entre $1.680.000 COP, ($588 USD y $2.205.000COP ($772 USD en producción lechera y podrían llegar a los $6.885.000 ($2.412 USDanuales por animal de acuerdo con los costos registrados en este estudio. Se concluyeque la brucelosis tiene un alto impacto económico para los productores ganaderos dela región del Sumapaz. El costo-beneficio de la implementación de programas para laerradicación de enfermedades zoonóticas como la brucelosis podría contribuir significativamenteal desarrollo económico y bienestar de la población ganadera de la región.

  20. Evaluating the Use of Behavioral Skills Training to Improve School Staffs' Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans (United States)

    Hogan, Ashley; Knez, Nikki; Kahng, SungWoo


    Variations of behavioral skills training (BST) have been used to teach behaviorally oriented skills such as discrete trial teaching, guided compliance, the implementation of the picture exchange system, and safe guarding students with physical disabilities. One area that has not received much attention is evaluating school staff's correct…

  1. Magnetodielectric effect in relaxor/ferrimagnetic composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naveed Ul-Haq, M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 45320 (Pakistan); Institute for Materials Sciences and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen 45141 (Germany); Yunus, Tayyaba; Mumtaz, Arif [Department of Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 45320 (Pakistan); Shvartsman, V.V.; Lupascu, Doru C. [Institute for Materials Sciences and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen 45141 (Germany)


    Highlights: • Single phase ferroelectric (relaxor)/ferrimagnetic composites are synthesized. • The composite shows magnetodielectric effect. • Effect of interface strain is discussed. • MD is explained via defining a local order parameter q(T). - Abstract: We report on the effect of an applied static magnetic field on the dielectric properties of ferroelectric relaxor/ferrimagnetic composites consisting of [Ba(Sn{sub 0.3}Ti{sub 0.7})O{sub 3}]{sub 0.8}–[CoFe{sub 2}O{sub 4}]{sub 0.2} (BST{sub 0.8}–CFO{sub 0.2}). The pure Ba(Sn{sub 0.3}Ti{sub 0.7})O{sub 3} (BST30) as well as the composites, were synthesized by solid state reaction method. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that BST30 and CFO coexist in the composite without any secondary phase. The real and the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity were studied as a function of temperature, with and without static magnetic field, respectively. Relaxor characteristics such as dielectric permittivity and its peak temperature are observed to vary with the magnetic field. This is explained in the context that the applied magnetic field creates magnetostriction in the ferrite phase which is transferred to the relaxor phase via the interface coupling. The strain in the relaxor phase results in the reorientation of local polarization entities, polar nano regions (PNRs), which alters the dielectric characteristics of the sample. This effect is explained in relation to local order parameter q(T) which is found to increase in a certain temperature range above the typical ferroelectric temperature regime with the application of magnetic field.

  2. Synthesis and dielectric characterization of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 ferroelectric ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nedelcu, L.; Ioachim, A.; Toacsan, M.; Banciu, M.G.; Pasuk, I.; Berbecaru, C.; Alexandru, H.V.


    Ferroelectric ceramics Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 (BST 40) were prepared, by solid-state reaction in the temperature range 1210-1450 deg. C. Maximum values of the ceramic densities were around 94% of their theoretical value. X-ray diffraction techniques (XRD) and scanning electron spectroscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the structure and the surface morphology of ceramics. Rounded, well defined or abnormal granular growth was observed in the SEM images, vs. sintering conditions and purity of the raw materials. In all samples, BST 40 ceramic is the major phase, but there are also present small amounts of secondary phases, as revealed in XRD diffraction patterns. Permittivity and dielectric loss measurements were performed in the temperature range - 150 to + 150 deg. C, and 150 Hz-5 MHz frequency values. Permittivity values rising from 1200 to 12,500, with increasing sintering temperatures, were recorded. Narrow and well defined transition peaks were noticed at higher sintering temperatures. Curie temperature was around 2 deg. C, for samples with the mentioned composition. Permittivity and losses vs. frequency show different behavior whether BST ceramics are in polar or non-polar state and with the distance toward phase transition. Microwave measurements performed at room temperature have shown lower values of permittivity, compared with similar data at low frequency, and dielectric losses lower than 1% at 0.7 GHz. The sintering conditions (temperatures, sintering time, etc.) and purity of the raw materials lead to important changes of transition temperatures in the polymorphic diagram, which we have built-for the other Ba1-xSrxTiO3 compositions (x = 0.25-0.90) sintered at 1260 deg. C for 2 h.

  3. The high-grade interpolator: a means for enhancing the resolution of helical computed tomography images of the lung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Santos, J. M.; Torres del rio, S.; Blanco, A.; Rodriguez, R.; Parlorio, E.; Garcia, A.; Girela, E.; Hernandez, M. D.; Canteras, M.


    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that the use of a high-grade interpolator in the reconstruction of images of the chest increases the resolution, independently of the high-resolution filter. Eight independent observers in two groups (experts and non experts) assessed (two readings separated by a time interval) the same section of the chest reconstructed four times (st-st, st-xs, b-st, b-xs), combining standard (st) and high-resolution (b) filters and standard (st) and high-grade (xs) interpolators. The images were classified from greater to lesser in terms of the resolution perceived. The results were used to compare the degree of resolution introduced by the interpolator and the filter and to determine whether or not there existed variability between observers and between the observations of each, and whether experience played a role in the findings. Six of the eight observers assigned the b-xs images the highest degree of resolution in the majority of cases, followed by the b-st image, the st-xs image and, finally, the st-st image). The other tow observers (one expert and one nonexpert) different only with respect to the order of the st-xs and b-st images, which they assigned the second and third places, respectively. The expert group showed no intra observer variability, while two of the nonexpert observers did. The high-grade interpolator enhances the resolution of images of the chest regardless of who evaluates them, while it does not substantially increase image noise. Thus, its use is recommended in helical computed tomography imaging of the lung. (Author) 10 refs

  4. Social status and sex independently influence androgen receptor expression in the eusocial naked mole-rat brain. (United States)

    Holmes, Melissa M; Goldman, Bruce D; Forger, Nancy G


    Naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) are eusocial rodents that live in large subterranean colonies including a single breeding female and 1-3 breeding males; all other members of the colony, known as subordinates, are reproductively suppressed. We recently found that naked mole-rats lack many of the sex differences in the brain and spinal cord commonly found in other rodents. Instead, neural morphology is influenced by breeding status, such that breeders, regardless of sex, have more neurons than subordinates in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH), and larger overall volumes of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and medial amygdala (MeA). To begin to understand how breeding status influences brain morphology, we examined the distribution of androgen receptor (AR) immunoreactivity in gonadally intact breeders and subordinates of both sexes. All animals had AR+ nuclei in many of the same regions positive for AR in other mammals, including the VMH, BST, PVN, MeA, and the ventral portion of the premammillary nucleus (PMv). We also observed diffuse labeling throughout the preoptic area, demonstrating that distribution of the AR protein in presumptive reproductive brain nuclei is well-conserved, even in a species that exhibits remarkably little sexual dimorphism. In contrast to other rodents, however, naked mole-rats lacked AR+ nuclei in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and hippocampus. Males had more AR+ nuclei in the MeA, VMH, and PMv than did females. Surprisingly, breeders had significantly fewer AR+ nuclei than subordinates in all brain regions examined (VMH, BST, PVN, MeA, and PMv). Thus, social status is strongly correlated with AR immunoreactivity in this eusocial species.

  5. Factors influencing career choice after initial training in surgery.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McHugh, Seamus


    INTRODUCTION: Irish general surgery faces a recruitment crisis with only 87 of 145 (60%) basic surgical training (BST) places filled in 2009. We assessed basic surgical trainees to identify objective, and potentially modifiable, factors that influence ultimate recruitment into a general surgical career. METHODS: Candidates commencing BST training during a 5-year period between 2004 and 2008 were included in a quantitative study. In addition a total of 2,536 candidates, representing all those who commenced surgical training in Ireland since 1960 were identified through the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) database and invited to complete an online survey. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 15, with p < 0.05 considered significant. RESULTS: During the 5-year quantitative study period there were 381 BST trainees. Gender was a significant predictor of career choice with women more likely to ultimately choose a nonsurgical career after initial surgical training (p = 0.049). Passing surgical membership examinations (MRCS) also was predictive of remaining in surgery (p = 0.005). Training region was not a significant predictor of ultimate career choice. There were 418 survey respondents. The influence of role models was most commonly cited as influencing candidates in choosing to commence surgical training. Candidates who rated "academic opportunity" (p = 0.023) and "intellectual challenge" (p = 0.047) as factors that influenced their decision to commence surgical training were more likely to ultimately continue their careers in a surgical speciality. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the career pathway of surgical trainees and confirms the importance of academic achievement in discriminating between candidates applying for surgical training schemes.

  6. A novel barium strontium titanate/nickel/titanium nitride/silicon structure for gigabit-scale DRAM capacitors (United States)

    Ritums, Dwight Lenards

    A materials system has been developed for advanced oxide high permittivity capacitors for use in Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) applications. A capacitor test structure has been fabricated, demonstrating the integration of this materials system onto Si. It is a 3-D stacked electrode structure which uses the high-K dielectric material Ba1- xSrxTiO 3 (BST) and a novel Ni/TiN bottom electrode system. The structure was grown using pulsed laser deposition (PLD), photo-assisted metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (PhA-MOCVD), and electron beam deposition, and resulted in thin film capacitors with dielectric constants over 500. Other advanced oxides, principally SrVO3, were also investigated for use as electrode materials. The fabricated test structure is 3 μgm wide and 1 μm thick. RIE was used to generate the 3-D structure, and an etch gas recipe was developed to pattern the 3-D electrode structure onto the TiN. The Ni was deposited by electron beam deposition, and the BST was grown by PLD and PhA-MOCVD. Conformal coating of the electrode by the BST was achieved. The film structure was analyzed with XRD, SEM, EDS, XPS, AES, and AFM, and the electronic properties of the devices were characterized. Permittivites of up to 500 were seen in the PLD-grown films, and values up to 700 were seen in the MOCVD- deposited films. The proof of concept of a high permittivity material directly integrated onto Si has been demonstrated for this capacitor materials system. With further lithographic developments, this system can be applied toward gigabit device fabrication.

  7. Materials science, integration, and performance characterization of high-dielectric constant thin film based devices (United States)

    Fan, Wei

    To overcome the oxidation and diffusion problems encountered during Copper integration with oxide thin film-based devices, TiAl/Cu/Ta heterostructure has been first developed in this study. Investigation on the oxidation and diffusion resistance of the laminate structure showed high electrical conductance and excellent thermal stability in oxygen environment. Two amorphous oxide layers that were formed on both sides of the TiAl barrier after heating in oxygen have been revealed as the structure that effectively prevents oxygen penetration and protects the integrity of underlying Cu layer. Polycrystalline (BaxSr1-x)TiO3 (BST) thin films were subsequently deposited on the Cu-based bottom electrode by RF magnetron sputtering to investigate the interaction between the oxide and Cu layers. The thickness of the interfacial layer and interface roughness play critical roles in the optimization of the electrical performance of the BST capacitors using Cu-based electrode. It was determined that BST deposition at moderate temperature followed by rapid thermal annealing in pure oxygen yields BST/Cu capacitors with good electrical properties for application to high frequency devices. The knowledge obtained on the study of barrier properties of TiAl inspired a continuous research on the materials science issues related to the application of the hybrid TiAlOx, as high-k gate dielectric in MOSFET devices. Novel fabrication process such as deposition of ultra-thin TiAl alloy layer followed by oxidation with atomic oxygen has been established in this study. Stoichiometric amorphous TiAlOx layers, exhibiting only Ti4+ and Al3+ states, were produced with a large variation of oxidation temperature (700°C to room temperature). The interfacial SiOx formation between TiAlOx and Si was substantially inhibited by the use of the low temperature oxidation process. Electrical characterization revealed a large permittivity of 30 and an improved band structure for the produced TiAlOx layers

  8. Detection of different Staphylococcus aureus strains in bovine milk from subclinical mastitis using PCR and routine techniques Detecção de diferentes cepas de Staphylococcus aureus de mastite bovina subclínica através da técnica de PCR e técnicas tradicionais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olney Vieira-da-Motta


    Full Text Available Contamination of fresh milk with Staphylococcus aureus was assessed comparatively through routine phenotypic (coagulase tube test and coagulase slide test and genotypic (PCR screening of 128 S. aureus strains isolated from 555 milk samples. These samples were collected from 362 cows with subclinical mastitis, hosted in different dairy herds at various locations of the Northern and Northeastern rural areas of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 39.7% of which were CMT-positive. All S. aureus isolates tested positive for the presence of the coagulase gene by PCR and the isolates could be grouped into four distinct classes according to the size of the PCR product. The strains also yielded variable results when assayed with coagulase test. Taken together, these data indicate the existence of extensive polymorphism at the coagulase gene locus in the genus Staphylococcus and exemplifies the extent of molecular and phenotypic heterogeneity associated with the strains circulating in rural herds.Quinhentas e cinqüenta e cinco amostras de leite, provenientes de 362 vacas com mastite subclínica em diferentes propriedades rurais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, de 1995 a 1997, foram submetidas ao teste "Califórnia Mastitis Test" (CMT. 39,7% das amostras foram positivas, das quais foram isoladas 128 cepas de Staphylococcus aureus. Todas as cepas isoladas foram positivas para o gene da coagulase utilizando a técnica de PCR, todavia, resultados de coagulase através das técnicas em tubo e "coagulase slide test" foram variáveis. Após a amplificação do gen de coagulase através da técnica de PCR utilizando iniciadores específicos para o referido gen, fragmentos com diferentes pesos moleculares foram vistos através de análise em gel de agarose, sugerindo a ocorrência de polimorfismo genético. O estudo também sugere a ocorrência de diferentes cepas da bactéria atuando nos rebanhos leiteiros causando mastite bovina.

  9. Variabilidades fenotípica e genotípica de estirpes de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas em casos de mastite subclínica bovina Phenotypic and genotypic variabilities of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Menezes Ferreira


    Full Text Available Foram submetidas a PCR-Ribotipagem e aos testes de sensibilidade in vitro frente a 12 antimicrobianos 77 estirpes de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas em amostras de leite procedentes de 40 vacas da raça holandesa que apresentaram mastite subclínica, em uma propriedade rural localizada no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos revelaram quatro diferentes padrões de resistência a antimicrobianos, sendo observada a predominância de resistência à lincomicina entre 19 (24,7% estirpes de S.aureus. As 58 (75,3% estirpes restantes foram sensíveis aos 12 antimicrobianos testados. A PCR-ribotipagem revelou a ocorrência de nove padrões genotípicos distintos, além de apresentar uma capacidade discriminatória maior (D = 0,82 que a obtida nos antibiogramas (D = 0,42. Entre as 19 estirpes resistentes aos antimicrobianos, 14 (73,7% foram agrupadas em três padrões de ribotipagem e, destas, 13 (92,9% apresentaram resistência à eritromicina e à lincomicina, isoladamente ou em associação. O grande número de ribotipos e de padrões de resistência a antimicrobianos observados nesta propriedade demonstrou que há grande heterogeneidade genética em populações naturais de S. aureus, fato este que deve ser levado em consideração em programas de controle da mastite bovina.Seventy-seven S. aureus strains, isolated in milk samples obtained from 40 Holstein cows suffering from subclinical mastitis in a dairy herd in the state of São Paulo - Brazil, were undergone to PCR-ribotyping and in vitro susceptibility testing to 12 antimicrobial drugs. PCR-ribotyping revealed nine different patterns and presented a higher discriminatory power (D = 0.82 in comparison with the in vitro antibiotic susceptibility test (D = 0.42. Moreover,, the results showed four antibiotic resistance patterns, with the resistance to lincomycin being the most predominant and comprising 19 (24.7% S. aureus strains. The other 58 (75.3% isolates were sensitive to all

  10. Parent-Implemented Behavioral Skills Training of Social Skills (United States)

    Dogan, Rebecca K.; King, Melissa L.; Fischetti, Anthony T.; Lake, Candice M.; Mathews, Therese L.; Warzak, William J.


    Impairment in social skills is a primary feature of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Research indicates that social skills are intimately tied to social development and negative social consequences can persist if specific social behaviors are not acquired. The present study evaluated the effects of behavioral skills training (BST) on teaching…

  11. The Effects of Behavioral Skills Training on Implementation of the Picture Exchange Communication System (United States)

    Rosales, Rocio; Stone, Karen; Rehfeldt, Ruth Anne


    The effectiveness of a behavioral skills training (BST) package to teach the implementation of the first three phases of the picture exchange communication system (PECS) was evaluated with 3 adults who had no history teaching any functional communication system. A multiple baseline design across participants was used to evaluate the effectiveness…

  12. Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin application intervals on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) application intervals on chemical composition of milk from Girolando cows with productivity below 20 L/milk/day and animals with productivity above 20.1 liters/milk/day. The study included 30 Girolando cows with production ranging ...

  13. HLA-DPB1 typing with polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism technique in Danes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hviid, T V; Madsen, H O; Morling, N


    endonucleases: RsaI, FokI, ApaI, SacI, BstUI, EcoNI, and DdeI, and the DNA fragments were separated by electrophoresis in agarose gels. Altogether, 71 individuals were investigated and 16 different HLA-DPB1 types were observed in 26 different heterozygotic combinations, as well as five possible homozygotes...

  14. Asociación entre variables reproductivas y anticuerpos anti Neospora caninum en bovinos lecheros de un municipio de Colombia


    Martín Orlando Pulido Medellín; Adriana María Díaz Anaya; Roy José Andrade Becerra


    El objetivo fue determinar el porcentaje de vacas seropositivas a Neospora caninum y la identificación de las variables reproductivas que se encuentran relacionadas con la presencia de anticuerpos contra este protozoo. Se tomaron 1,000 muestras de sangre a hembras bovinas del municipio de Sotaquirá, Boyacá, las cuales fueron evaluadas por medio de ELISA indirecta. Se determinó una seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum del 45 %; las variables reproductivas asociadas con la positividad de N. cani...

  15. Atypische niedrig-traumatische Femurfrakturen – Zusammenhang mit Komorbiditäten, internistischen und knochenspezifischen Therapien // Atypical femoral fractures – comorbidities and association with bone-specific therapies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muschitz Ch


    Full Text Available iIntroduction:/i Although atypical femoral fractures (AFF are generally rare events, several studies have indicated a potential link between AFF and long-term bone specific therapies (BST. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of AFF and potential associations with prior or ongoing BST. iMethods:/i 8.851 caucasian female and male patients with de novo hip fractures treated in the largest Austrian level 1 trauma center from 2000–2013 were selected. iResults:/i 194 patients with a de novo lowtraumatic subtrochanteric/shaft fractures were identified: 35 atypical and 159 typical fractures. Of these patients, concomitant diseases, medication, previous fractures and survival were retrieved and analyzed. Female patients in both groups were significantly older. The median survival was significantly shorter in patients with AFF (9 vs. 18 months; p 0.0001. Cardiovascular disease, sarcopenia, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, smoking (past or current history and prevalent fragility fractures were more frequent in AFF patients, as well as the concomitant use of phenprocoumon, furosemide, and sulfonylurea. Though the number of patients with current BST was low in (14.5% both groups, more patients in the AFF group were previously treated with BST (71% vs 49%; p = 0.016, and they received these therapies for a longer time period. iDiscussion:/i A combination of severe comorbidities, long-term pharmaceutical therapies and a history of previous or ongoing BST were associated with an increased individual risk for AFF. p bKurzfassung:/b iEinleitung:/i Atypische Femurfrakturen (AFF sind in der Regel seltene Ereignisse; mehrere Studien haben einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen AFF und langfristigen knochenspezifischen Therapien (KST angegeben. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Häufigkeit der AFF und potentielle Assoziationen mit früheren oder laufenden KST zu analysieren. iMethoden:/i Analyse von 8.851 kaukasischen weiblichen und m

  16. Differential efferent projections of the anterior, posteroventral and posterodorsal subdivisions of the medial amygdala in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecília ePardo-Bellver


    Full Text Available The medial amygdaloid nucleus (Me is a key structure in the control of sociosexual behaviour in mice. It receives direct projections from the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, as well as an important hormonal input. To better understand its behavioural role, in this work we investigate the structures receiving information from the Me, by analysing the efferent projections from its anterior (MeA, posterodorsal (MePD and posteroventral (MePV subdivisions, using anterograde neuronal tracing with biotinylated and tetrametylrhodamine-conjugated dextranamines.The Me is strongly interconnected with the rest of the chemosensory amygdala, but shows only moderate projections to the central nucleus and light projections to the associative nuclei of the basolateral amygdaloid complex. In addition, the MeA originates a strong feedback projection to the deep mitral cell layer of the accessory olfactory bulb, whereas the MePV projects to its granule cell layer. The medial amygdaloid nucleus (especially the MeA has also moderate projections to different olfactory structures, including the piriform cortex. The densest outputs of the Me target the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST and the hypothalamus. The MeA and MePV project to key structures of the circuit involved in the defensive response against predators (medial posterointermediate BST, anterior hypothalamic area, dorsomedial aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, although less dense projections also innervate reproductive-related nuclei. In contrast, the MePD projects mainly to structures that control reproductive behaviours (medial posteromedial BST, medial preoptic nucleus, and ventrolateral aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, although less dense projections to defensive-related nuclei also exist. These results confirm and extend previous results in other rodents and suggest that the medial amygdala is anatomically and functionally compartmentalized.

  17. Characterization of BoHV-5 field strains circulation and report of transient specific subtype of bovine herpesvirus 5 in Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiry Julien


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5 is a member of the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae responsible for meningo-encephalitis in young cattle. The first case of bovine meningo-encephalitis associated with a herpesvirus infection was reported in Australia. The current geographical distribution of BoHV-5 infection is mainly restricted to South America, especially Brazil and Argentina. Outbreaks of BoHV-5 are regularly observed in Argentina suggesting the circulation of the virus in the bovine population. Results Seventeen field strains of BoHV-5 isolated from 1984 to now were confirmed by differential PCR and subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis (REA. Viral DNA was cleaved with BstEII which allows the differentiation among subtypes a, b and non a, non b. According to the REA with BstEII, only one field strain showed a pattern similar to the Argentinean A663 strain (prototype of BoHV-5b. All other isolates showed a clear pattern similar to the Australian N569 strain (prototype of BoHV-5a consistent with the subtypes observed in Brazil, the other South-American country where BoHV-5 is known to be prevalent. The genomic region of subtype b responsible for the distinct pattern was determined and amplified by PCR; specifically a point mutation was identified in glycoprotein B gene, on the BstEII restriction site, which generates the profile specific of BoHV-5b. Conclusions This is the first report of circulation of BoHV-5a in Argentina as the prevailing subtype. Therefore the circulation of BoHV-5b was restricted to a few years in Argentina, speculating that this subtype was not able to be maintained in the bovine population. The mutation in the gB gene is associated with the difference in the restriction patterns between subtypes "a" and "b".

  18. Impact of Hymenoptera venom allergy and the effects of specific venom immunotherapy on mast cell metabolites in sensitized children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Cichocka-Jarosz


    Full Text Available introduction and objective. Mast cells (MC are effector cells during severe systemic reactions (SR to Hymenoptera stings. Venom specific immunotherapy (VIT is the treatment of choice for prevention of SR to stings. Tryptase and prostaglandin D[sub]2[/sub] metabolites (PGD[sub]2[/sub] are the markers of MC activation. The study design was to 1. compare baseline values of serum tryptase concentration (BST and PGD[sub]2[/sub] metabolites in children with/without venom sensitization, 2. to evaluate an influence of rush VIT on MC markers in treated children. materials and methods. Sensitized group: 25 children with SR to Hymenoptera sting. Control group: 19 healthy children. Active treatment: 5-day-rush-VIT. BST was evaluated by ImmunoCAP, PGD[sub]2[/sub] metabolites in blood and urine by GC-NICI-MS. results. The baseline blood levels of MC markers were significantly higher, while urinary concentration of 9α,11β-PGF2 was significantly lower in the whole group of venom-sensitized children compared to controls. Severity of SR showed negative correlation with urinary PGD[sub]2[/sub] metabolites, while positive with plasma 9α,11β-PGF2 and BST concentration The highest sensitivity was obtained for plasma 9α,11β-PGF2 whereas the highest specificity for urinary PGD-M. conclusions. In children with IgE-mediated SR to Hymenoptera stings, elevation of baseline values of PGD2 metabolites in blood is accompanied by decreased excretion of its urinary metabolites. Assessment of stable PGD[sub]2 [/sub] metabolites might serve as an independent MC marker to identify allergic children. There is an association between urinary PGD[sub]2[/sub] metabolites and severity of the SR to Hymenoptera stings.

  19. Differential efferent projections of the anterior, posteroventral, and posterodorsal subdivisions of the medial amygdala in mice. (United States)

    Pardo-Bellver, Cecília; Cádiz-Moretti, Bernardita; Novejarque, Amparo; Martínez-García, Fernando; Lanuza, Enrique


    The medial amygdaloid nucleus (Me) is a key structure in the control of sociosexual behavior in mice. It receives direct projections from the main and accessory olfactory bulbs (AOB), as well as an important hormonal input. To better understand its behavioral role, in this work we investigate the structures receiving information from the Me, by analysing the efferent projections from its anterior (MeA), posterodorsal (MePD) and posteroventral (MePV) subdivisions, using anterograde neuronal tracing with biotinylated and tetrametylrhodamine-conjugated dextranamines. The Me is strongly interconnected with the rest of the chemosensory amygdala, but shows only moderate projections to the central nucleus and light projections to the associative nuclei of the basolateral amygdaloid complex. In addition, the MeA originates a strong feedback projection to the deep mitral cell layer of the AOB, whereas the MePV projects to its granule cell layer. The Me (especially the MeA) has also moderate projections to different olfactory structures, including the piriform cortex (Pir). The densest outputs of the Me target the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the hypothalamus. The MeA and MePV project to key structures of the circuit involved in the defensive response against predators (medial posterointermediate BST, anterior hypothalamic area, dorsomedial aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus), although less dense projections also innervate reproductive-related nuclei. In contrast, the MePD projects mainly to structures that control reproductive behaviors [medial posteromedial BST, medial preoptic nucleus, and ventrolateral aspect of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus], although less dense projections to defensive-related nuclei also exist. These results confirm and extend previous results in other rodents and suggest that the medial amygdala is anatomically and functionally compartmentalized.

  20. Studies on gas sensing performance of pure and modified barium ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The effect of film thickness on gas response was also studied. As prepared. BST thick films ... vity, stability, and response rate, to various kinds of gases and to meet the .... Slopes of the ... increased porosity increases the in-pore adsorption of oxygen and ... state preventing fast decomposition and water formation. NH3 could ...

  1. Boat sampling technique for assessment of ageing of components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Kundan; Shyam, T.V.; Kayal, J.N.; Rupani, B.B.


    Boat sampling technique (BST) is a surface sampling technique, which has been developed for obtaining, in-situ, metal samples from the surface of an operating component without affecting its operating service life. The BST is non-destructive in nature and the sample is obtained without plastic deformation or without thermal degradation of the parent material. The shape and size of the sample depends upon the shape of the cutter and the surface geometry of the parent material. Miniature test specimens are generated from the sample and the specimens are subjected to various tests, viz. Metallurgical Evaluation, Metallographic Evaluation, Micro-hardness Evaluation, sensitisation test, small punch test etc. to confirm the integrity and assessment of safe operating life of the component. This paper highlights design objective of boat sampling technique, description of sampling module, sampling cutter and its performance evaluation, cutting process, boat samples, operational sequence of sampling module, qualification of sampling module, qualification of sampling technique, qualification of scooped region of the parent material, sample retrieval system, inspection, testing and examination to be carried out on the boat samples and scooped region. (author)

  2. Effect of coupling agents on the dielectric properties and energy storage of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/P(VDF-CTFE nanocomposites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peixuan Wu


    Full Text Available Dielectric materials with high electric energy density and low dielectric loss are critical for electric applications in modern electronic and electrical power systems. To obtain desirable dielectric properties and energy storage, nanocomposites using Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST as the filler and poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene as the matrix material are prepared with a uniform microstructure by using a newly developed process that combines the bridge-linked action of a coupling agent, solution casting, and a hot-pressing method. When a proper amount of coupling agent is used to modify the surface of the nanoparticles, the composite exhibits a higher dielectric constant and a more uniform microstructure. A dielectric constant of 95, dielectric loss of 0.25, and energy density of 2.7 J/cm3 is obtained in the nanocomposite with 30 vol.% of BST and 15 wt.% of coupling agent. The results suggest that the energy storage ability of the composites could be improved by the surface modification of the fillers and from the interface compatibility between the fillers and the polymer matrix.

  3. Impedance/modulus analysis of sol-gel Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}TiO{sub 3} thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saif, Alaeddin A.; Poopalan, P. [University Malaysia Perlis, Perlis (Malaysia)


    Perovskite-structure-type sol-gel barium-strontium-titanate (BST) thin films with molar formula Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}TiO{sub 3} (x = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8) have been successfully fabricated as Al/BST/Pt capacitors. In order to study the role of the grain size in the conduction mechanisms, we present atomic force microscopy (AFM) results. The impedance and the electric modulus of Ba{sub x}Sr{sub 1-x}TiO{sub 3} thin films have been analyzed in order to correlate the effect of the film regional processes on the conduction mechanism. The impedance and the electric modulus complex planes show three overlapping regions as response for the bulk, the grain boundary and the film/electrode interface mechanisms, and an equivalent circuit has been proposed for each mechanism. The conduction mechanism resulting from the bulk and the grain boundaries is discussed; the results show that the grain boundaries have less effect on the conduction mechanism than the bulk.

  4. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of pyruvate kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Kenichiro; Ito, Sohei; Shimizu-Ibuka, Akiko; Sakai, Hiroshi


    This report describes the crystallization and X-ray diffraction data collection of three types (wild-type, W416F/V435W and C9S/C268S) of B. stearothermophilus. Crystals of C9S/C268S belonged to space group P6 2 22 and diffracted to a resolution of 2.4 Å. Pyruvate kinase (PK) from a moderate thermophile, Bacillus stearothermophilus (BstPK), is an allosteric enzyme activated by AMP and ribose 5-phosphate but not by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP). However, almost all other PKs are activated by FBP. The wild-type and W416F/V435W mutant BstPKs were crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. However, they were unsuitable for structural analysis because their data sets exhibited low completeness. A crystal suitable for structural analysis was obtained using C9S/C268S enzyme. The crystal belonged to space group P6 2 22, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 145.97, c = 118.03 Å

  5. A Systems Model of Parkinson's Disease Using Biochemical Systems Theory. (United States)

    Sasidharakurup, Hemalatha; Melethadathil, Nidheesh; Nair, Bipin; Diwakar, Shyam


    Parkinson's disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disorder, affects millions of people and has gained attention because of its clinical roles affecting behaviors related to motor and nonmotor symptoms. Although studies on PD from various aspects are becoming popular, few rely on predictive systems modeling approaches. Using Biochemical Systems Theory (BST), this article attempts to model and characterize dopaminergic cell death and understand pathophysiology of progression of PD. PD pathways were modeled using stochastic differential equations incorporating law of mass action, and initial concentrations for the modeled proteins were obtained from literature. Simulations suggest that dopamine levels were reduced significantly due to an increase in dopaminergic quinones and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL) relating to imbalances compared to control during PD progression. Associating to clinically observed PD-related cell death, simulations show abnormal parkin and reactive oxygen species levels with an increase in neurofibrillary tangles. While relating molecular mechanistic roles, the BST modeling helps predicting dopaminergic cell death processes involved in the progression of PD and provides a predictive understanding of neuronal dysfunction for translational neuroscience.

  6. Diagnosis of brugian filariasis by loop-mediated isothermal amplification.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine B Poole

    Full Text Available In this study we developed and evaluated a Brugia Hha I repeat loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP assay for the rapid detection of Brugia genomic DNA. Amplification was detected using turbidity or fluorescence as readouts. Reactions generated a turbidity threshold value or a clear visual positive within 30 minutes using purified genomic DNA equivalent to one microfilaria. Similar results were obtained using DNA isolated from blood samples containing B. malayi microfilariae. Amplification was specific to B. malayi and B. timori, as no turbidity was observed using DNA from the related filarial parasites Wuchereria bancrofti, Onchocerca volvulus or Dirofilaria immitis, or from human or mosquito. Furthermore, the assay was most robust using a new strand-displacing DNA polymerase termed Bst 2.0 compared to wild-type Bst DNA polymerase, large fragment. The results indicate that the Brugia Hha I repeat LAMP assay is rapid, sensitive and Brugia-specific with the potential to be developed further as a field tool for diagnosis and mapping of brugian filariasis.

  7. Efeito da hidrólise enzimática sobre propriedades funcionais de caseína bovina coagulada pela ação da quimosina Effect of enzimatic hydrolysis on functional properties of bovine casein coagulated by the action of chymosin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janesca Alban Roman


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência do grau de hidrólise sobre as propriedades funcionais hidrofílicas (capacidade de absorção espontânea de água-CAA, capacidade de retenção de água-CRA e solubilidade da proteína-SP e de superfície (capacidade de formação e estabilização de espumas e de emulsões da caseína bovina obtida por coagulação enzimática. Os graus de hidrólise (GH estudados foram: 5,7; 12,8; 20,1 e 35,8%. Observou-se que quanto maior o GH maior a SP e menor a CRA dos hidrolisados. A hidrólise enzimática melhorou a capacidade de formação de espuma, pois o coágulo de caseína (COC não formou espuma nas condições estudadas. A melhor capacidade de formação de espuma foi conseguida com o GH 12,8% e a maior estabilidade com GH 5,7%. Os hidrolisados, com GH 12,8; 20,1 e 35,8% não formaram emulsão. Não houve diferenças significativas entre o GH 5,7% e o COC quanto à formação de emulsão, mas a estabilidade da emulsão do hidrolisado de menor grau de hidrólise foi significativamente superior ao coágulo de caseína.The objective of the present work was to study the influence of degree of hydrolysis (DH on the hydrophilic and surface functional properties of a bovine casein obtained by enzymatic coagulation (COC. The degrees of hydrolysis produced were 5.7, 12.8, 20.1 and 35.8%. It was observed that the higher the DH, the higher the protein solubility and the lower the water retention capacity (WRC of the hydrolysates. The best foaming capacity was obtained with 12.8% DH and best foam stability with 5.7% DH. The hydrolysate with 5.7% DH showed the same emulsifying capacity as the coagulated casein, however emulsion stability was superior for the 5.7% hydrolysate than for COC. The hydrolysates with higher DH (12.8, 20.1 and 35.8% did not form emulsion.

  8. Surto de mastite bovina causada por Arcanobacterium pyogenes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.G. Motta


    Full Text Available An uncommon outbreak of mastitis caused by Arcanobacterium pyogenes in 26 cows is reported. The epidemiological findings, clinical signs, microbiological exams, somatic cell count, in vitro susceptibility profile of strains, efficacy of intramammary treatment and control measures were discussed. Florfenicol (96.2%, cefoperazona (92.3%, cefaloxin (84.6% and ceftiofur (84.6% were the most effective antimicrobials, and neomicin (27.0% and enrofloxacin (17.4% the least effective antimicrobials.

  9. Avaliação da estabilidade e da qualidade do patê de presunto, adicionado de globina bovina e de caseinato de sódio, como agente emulsionante Stability and quality of ham paté added of bovine globin and sodium caseinate as emulsifiers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janaína Guernica Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da incorporação das globinas bovina extraída pelo método da acetona acidificada (GT e pelo da carboximetilcelulose (GCMC e do caseinato de sódio (CA sobre a composição química e as qualidades microbiológica e sensorial do patê de presunto. Foi, ainda, avaliada a estabilidade do produto durante os 45 dias de estocagem sob refrigeração, por meio das determinações de pH e do grau de oxidação lipídica. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pôde-se verificar que a adição dessas proteínas elevou o teor protéico das amostras analisadas. Além disso, observou-se que apenas a GT provocou uma queda do pH e uma elevação de substâncias reativas ao ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico (thiobarbiuric acid reactive substances - TBARS. Com relação à qualidade microbiológica dos produtos, não foram observadas alterações após a incorporação das proteínas e, pela análise sensorial, foram identificadas diferenças significativas entre as duas formulações de patê avaliadas (PCA e PGCMC.This study evaluated the effect of the use of bovine globin extracted by acidified acetone method (GT, bovine globin extracted by carboxymethyl cellulose method (GCMC and sodium caseinate (CA on the chemical composition and on microbiological and sensorial qualities of the ham paté. Also, the stability of this meat product was studied during the storage for 45 days under refrigeration, on the pH and on the lipid oxidation measurements. An increase of the protein contents was observed in all samples. Moreover, only the incorporation of GT produced a significant decrease of pH and an increasing of thiobarbiuric acid reactive substances (TBARS values during storage. No microbial effects were observed while some significant differences were observed between PCA and PGCMC added patés.

  10. Comportamento da condutividade elétrica e do conteúdo de cloretos do leite como métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico na mastite subclínica bovina Electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of milk as auxiliary diagnostic methods in bovine subclinical mastitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Francisco Zafalon


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas as provas de condutividade elétrica, utilizando-se um medidor manual, e do conteúdo de cloretos do leite como métodos auxiliares para o diagnóstico da mastite subclínica bovina na identificação de quartos mamários doentes em que Staphylococcus aureus e microrganismos do grupo Corynebacterium foram isolados posteriormente. Os exames foram realizados durante o período de dois anos, em animais da raça Holandesa, em propriedade rural produtora de leite do tipo C, onde a ordenha era realizada uma vez ao dia. A sensibilidade das provas de condutividade elétrica e do conteúdo de cloretos do leite originado dos quartos mamários em que foram isolados o Corynebacterium sp (65,3% e 78,3%, respectivamente foi superior à encontrada para os quartos mamários em que o Staphylococcus aureus foi identificado (55,4% e 68,2%, respectivamente. As eficiências das duas provas diagnósticas foram semelhantes. Foi demonstrada significância estatística nas análises de regressão das duas provas acompanhadas para os quartos mamários sadios e quartos com mastite subclínica por Staphylococcus aureus.Electrical conductivity measured by a hand-held meter and chloride concentration of milk were studied as auxiliary methods for diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis in the identification of affected mammary quarters where Staphylococcus aureus and Corynebacterium sp were later isolated. Tests were made during 2 years in Holstein cows of a dairy farm producing type C milk, where milking was performed once a day. Sensitivities of electrical conductivity and chloride concentration tests from mammary quarters, where Corynebacterium sp was isolated (65.3% and 78.3%, respectively, were superior to the found in mammary quarters where S. aureus was identified (55.4% and 68.2%, respectively. The efficacies of the two diagnostic tests were similar. Statistical significance was demonstrated with regression analysis of both tests of healthy mammary

  11. Willingness of the consumers of the Federal District - Brazil - to purchase beef meat with certification of origin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.L. Rigueira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou identificar os atributos que influenciam a tomada de decisão para a compra de carne bovina, além do conhecimento e atitude dos consumidores em adquirir carne com certificação de origem, assim como os principais benefícios e dificuldades para a comercialização desse produto. Foram entrevistados 197 consumidores e nove gerentes de supermercados no Distrito Federal, em maio de 2011. Foi realizada a descrição das variáveis e aplicados o teste do qui-quadrado e o Exacto de Fischer, utilizando o pacote estatístico SPSS 17.0. A aparência visual da carne é o atributo que mais influencia a decisão de compra dos consumidores. A maioria dos entrevistados está disposta a pagar mais pela carne com certificação de origem. Esta pesquisa sugere que a escolaridade é o fator que mais influencia a disposição para compra de carne com certificação de origem. Os gerentes de supermercados salientam a fidelização de clientes mais exigentes como o maior benefício, e a falta de divulgação da rastreabilidade bovina para a população como a principal dificuldade para a comercialização.

  12. Atitudes em relação a produtos brasileiros: uma investigação com estudantes holandeses.

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    Dirceu Tornavoi de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Pelo fato de a atividade de comércio internacional estar se tornando uma parte central da economia mundial, existe uma necessidade cada vez maior de estudar as atitudes dos consumidores com relação a produtos domésticos e estrangeiros. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo explora como um segmento de consumidores estrangeiros avalia alguns produtos brasileiros: carne bovina, frutas frescas, calçados e móveis. Os objetivos são verificar as atitudes com relação aos produtos brasileiros citados e as possíveis diferenças nas atitudes. Para tanto, é empreendida uma pesquisa descritiva, coletando dados pelo método transversal simples de uma amostra da população de estudantes universitários holandeses. Em conclusão, verificou-se que os produtos brasileiros analisados possuem diferentes avaliações dos respondentes, com exceção das atitudes relacionadas aos móveis e à carne bovina. Os produtos que obtiveram as melhores avaliações foram as frutas frescas, e os que receberam as piores avaliações foram os calçados, porém o estudo também mostrou que os calçados recebem avaliações mais positivas daqueles respondentes que disseram conhecer o produto.

  13. Establishing Fire Safety Skills Using Behavioral Skills Training (United States)

    Houvouras, Andrew J., IV; Harvey, Mark T.


    The use of behavioral skills training (BST) to educate 3 adolescent boys on the risks of lighters and fire setting was evaluated using in situ assessment in a school setting. Two participants had a history of fire setting. After training, all participants adhered to established rules: (a) avoid a deactivated lighter, (b) leave the training area,…

  14. Influence of bismuth on properties and microstructures of Sr0⋅5Ba0 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    tric detectors, tunable microwave devices, phase shifters, electroluminescence display etc (Liou and Chiou 1997;. Liu et al 2000). So, Sr1–xBaxTiO3 films have gained in- creasing interest in the investigation and fabrication of thin films. The exploitation of BST thin films for applications in nonvolatile memory of high memory ...

  15. 47 CFR 76.987 - New product tiers. (United States)


    ... marketing purposes and then move them to NPTs. In order for an operator to move a channel from a CPST to an... their BSTs and CPSTs offerings on September 30, 1994. Operators may drop channels or move channels... constitute a fundamental change in their BST or CPSTs. (2) Operators may not drop channels that were offered...

  16. Gas sensing properties of Cu and Cr activated BST thick films

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    attention from scientists and engineers. Even in the ... tion do not necessarily lead to equilibrium of the internal structure of the ... received much attention because of their multisensing ..... chrominated sensor was highly selective to H2S gas.

  17. Estudo da eficácia in vitro e in vivo de bioterápicos e produtos naturais no controle de Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini, 1887) e sua relação com o bem-estar animal


    Paula Pimentel Valente


    O Rhipicephalus microplus causa perdas significativas à pecuária bovina e os prejuízos aumentam proporcionalmente ao desenvolvimento de resistência aos principais acaricidas. Neste cenário, a homeopatia e a fitoterapia têm despontado como possibilidades terapêuticas para o controle deste ixodídeo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento de bioterápicos, realizar triagem de substâncias naturais bioativas contra R. microplus e avaliar eficácia em bovinos artificialmente infestados. Co...

  18. Situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul Epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.C. Chate


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram definidos três estratos (regiões: Pantanal-corte, Planalto-corte e Planalto-leite, este último subdividido em Bolsão, Campo Grande e Dourados. Em cada estrato foram amostradas aleatoriamente propriedades e, dentro dessas, foi escolhido, de forma aleatória, um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 14.849 animais, provenientes de 1.004 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar suas características e também para detectar transtornos reprodutivos que poderiam estar associados à infecção brucélica. O teste utilizado foi o do antígeno acidificado tamponado. O rebanho foi considerado positivo se pelo menos um animal foi reagente à prova sorológica. Para o Estado, a prevalência de focos foi de 41,5% [36,5-44,7%]. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados por estrato foram, respectivamente, de: 59,0% [52,8-64,9%] e 12,6% [9,1-17,2%] para o estrato Pantanal-corte, e 40,6% [35,8-45,5%] e 4,5% [2,1-9,0%] para Planalto-corte. No estrato Planalto-leite, a prevalência de focos foi de 33,1% [28,4-38,1%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratios, OR associados à condição de foco foram: ter ≥500 vacas (OR = 2,46 [1,81-3,34], ocorrência de bezerros fracos (OR = 1,20 [0,87-1,65] e uso da inseminação artificial (OR = 0,71 [0,50-1,01].A study to characterize the epidemiological status of bovine brucellosis in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul was carried out. The State was divided in three regions: beef cattle Pantanal, beef cattle Plateau, and dairy cattle Plateau. Herds were randomly sampled in each region and a pre-established number of animals were sampled in each of these herds. A total of 14,849 serum samples from 1,004 herds were collected. In each herd, it was applied an

  19. Effect of oxygen gas and annealing treatment for magnetically enhanced reactive ion etched (Ba0.65,Sr0.35)TiO3 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Baishun; Quan Zuci; Zhang Tianjin; Guo Tao; Mo Shaobo


    Sol-gel-derived (Ba 0.65 ,Sr 0.35 )TiO 3 (BST) thin films were etched in CF 4 /Ar and CF 4 /Ar/O 2 plasmas using magnetically enhanced reactive ion etching technology. Experimental results show that adding appropriate O 2 to CF 4 /Ar can better the etching effects of BST films for the increase of etching rate and decrease of etched residues. The maximum etching rate is 8.47 nm/min when CF 4 /Ar/O 2 gas-mixing ratio is equal to 9/36/5. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data confirm accumulation of reaction products on the etched surface due to low volatility of reaction products such as Ba and Sr fluorides, and these residues could be removed by annealing treatment. The exact peak positions and chemical shifts of the interested elements were deduced by fitting XPS narrow-scan spectra with symmetrical Gaussian-Lorentzian product function for Ba 3d, Sr 3d, and O 1s peaks, meanwhile asymmetrical Gaussian-Lorentzian sum function was used to fit Ti 2p doublet to adjust the multiple splitting and/or shake-up process of transition-metal Ti cations. Compared to the unetched counterparts, the etched Ba 3d 5/2 , Ba 3d 3/2 , Sr 3d 5/2 , Sr 3d 3/2 , Ti 2p 3/2 , Ti 2p 1/2 , and O 1s peaks shift towards higher binding energy regions by amounts of 1.31, 1.30, 0.60, 0.79, 0.09, 0.46, and 0.50 eV, respectively. While the etched Ti 2p 3/2 and Ti 2p 1/2 peaks have small chemical shifts for two reasons. One is that Ti fluoride (TiF z ) is mostly removed from the etched surface because of its higher volatility in the process of thermal desorption. The other is that there is a shift compensation between TiF z and the etched BST matrix in which Ti 4+ cations are partially reduced to form Ti x+ (0 0.65 ,Sr 0.35 )Ti 0.97 O 2.86 , (Ba 0.70 ,Sr 0.30 )Ti 0.24 O 1.39 , and (Ba 0.68 ,Sr 0.32 )Ti 0.95 O 2.74 , and then the average valence of Ti cations is estimated to be +3.84, +3.25, and +3.66 with respect to the electroneutrality principle, respectively. It is inferred that electrical

  20. Comprehensive Antiretroviral Restriction Factor Profiling Reveals the Evolutionary Imprint of the ex Vivo and in Vivo IFN-β Response in HTLV-1-Associated Neuroinflammation. (United States)

    Leal, Fabio E; Menezes, Soraya Maria; Costa, Emanuela A S; Brailey, Phillip M; Gama, Lucio; Segurado, Aluisio C; Kallas, Esper G; Nixon, Douglas F; Dierckx, Tim; Khouri, Ricardo; Vercauteren, Jurgen; Galvão-Castro, Bernardo; Saraiva Raposo, Rui Andre; Van Weyenbergh, Johan


    HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy (HAM/TSP) is a progressive neuroinflammatory disorder for which no disease-modifying treatment exists. Modest clinical benefit from type I interferons (IFN-α/β) in HAM/TSP contrasts with its recently identified IFN-inducible gene signature. In addition, IFN-α treatment in vivo decreases proviral load and immune activation in HAM/TSP, whereas IFN-β therapy decreases tax mRNA and lymphoproliferation. We hypothesize this "IFN paradox" in HAM/TSP might be explained by both cell type- and gene-specific effects of type I IFN in HTLV-1-associated pathogenesis. Therefore, we analyzed ex vivo transcriptomes of CD4 + T cells, PBMCs and whole blood in healthy controls, HTLV-1-infected individuals, and HAM/TSP patients. First, we used a targeted approach, simultaneously quantifying HTLV-1 mRNA (HBZ, Tax), proviral load and 42 host genes with known antiretroviral (anti-HIV) activity in purified CD4 + T cells. This revealed two major clusters ("antiviral/protective" vs. "proviral/deleterious"), as evidenced by significant negative (TRIM5/TRIM22/BST2) vs. positive correlation (ISG15/PAF1/CDKN1A) with HTLV-1 viral markers and clinical status. Surprisingly, we found a significant inversion of antiretroviral activity of host restriction factors, as evidenced by opposite correlation to in vivo HIV-1 vs. HTLV-1 RNA levels. The anti-HTLV-1 effect of antiviral cluster genes was significantly correlated to their adaptive chimp/human evolution score, for both Tax mRNA and PVL. Six genes of the proposed antiviral cluster underwent lentivirus-driven purifying selection during primate evolution (TRIM5/TRIM22/BST2/APOBEC3F-G-H), underscoring the cross-retroviral evolutionary imprint. Secondly, we examined the genome-wide type I IFN response in HAM/TSP patients, following short-term ex vivo culture of PBMCs with either IFN-α or IFN-β. Microarray analysis evidenced 12 antiretroviral genes (including TRIM5α/TRIM22/BST2) were significantly up-regulated by IFN

  1. Control of phonon transport by the formation of the Al2O3 interlayer in Al2O3-ZnO superlattice thin films and their in-plane thermoelectric energy generator performance. (United States)

    Park, No-Won; Ahn, Jay-Young; Park, Tae-Hyun; Lee, Jung-Hun; Lee, Won-Yong; Cho, Kwanghee; Yoon, Young-Gui; Choi, Chel-Jong; Park, Jin-Seong; Lee, Sang-Kwon


    Recently, significant progress has been made in increasing the figure-of-merit (ZT) of various nanostructured materials, including thin-film and quantum dot superlattice structures. Studies have focused on the size reduction and control of the surface or interface of nanostructured materials since these approaches enhance the thermopower and phonon scattering in quantum and superlattice structures. Currently, bismuth-tellurium-based semiconductor materials are widely employed for thermoelectric (TE) devices such as TE energy generators and coolers, in addition to other sensors, for use at temperatures under 400 K. However, new and promising TE materials with enhanced TE performance, including doped zinc oxide (ZnO) multilayer or superlattice thin films, are also required for designing solid-state TE power generating devices with the maximum output power density and for investigating the physics of in-plane TE generators. Herein, we report the growth of Al 2 O 3 /ZnO (AO/ZnO) superlattice thin films, which were prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD), and the evaluation of their electrical and TE properties. All the in-plane TE properties, including the Seebeck coefficient (S), electrical conductivity (σ), and thermal conductivity (κ), of the AO/ZnO superlattice (with a 0.82 nm-thick AO layer) and AO/ZnO films (with a 0.13 nm-thick AO layer) were evaluated in the temperature range 40-300 K, and the measured S, σ, and κ were -62.4 and -17.5 μV K -1 , 113 and 847 (Ω cm) -1 , and 0.96 and 1.04 W m -1 K -1 , respectively, at 300 K. Consequently, the in-plane TE ZT factor of AO/ZnO superlattice films was found to be ∼0.014, which is approximately two times more than that of AO/ZnO films (ZT of ∼0.007) at 300 K. Furthermore, the electrical power generation efficiency of the TE energy generator consisting of four couples of n-AO/ZnO superlattice films and p-Bi 0.5 Sb 1.5 Te 3 (p-BST) thin-film legs on the substrate was demonstrated. Surprisingly, the output

  2. Weak ferromagnetism and magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic xBa{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}–(1−x)BiFe{sub 0.9}Gd{sub 0.1}O{sub 3} relaxors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miah, M.J. [Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Bangladesh); Department of Physics, Comilla University, Comilla (Bangladesh); Khan, M.N.I. [Materials Science Division, Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka (Bangladesh); Hossain, A.K.M. Akther, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Bangladesh)


    Multiferroic xBa{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}–(1−x)BiFe{sub 0.9}Gd{sub 0.1}O{sub 3} [xBST–(1−x)BFGO], where x=0.00−0.40, have been synthesized by the conventional solid-state reaction method. The crystalline phase, microstructure, relaxor behavior, ac conductivity, impedance spectroscopy, dc magnetic properties, complex initial permeability and magnetoelectric coefficient of these solid solutions have been investigated. The crystal structure is found to change from rhombohedral in BFGO rich compositions to cubic when x≥0.30. Room temperature dielectric properties are investigated within the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz and found to increase with BST content. The frequency dependence of high temperature dielectric measurements indicated that the composites with x≥0.20, exhibit relaxor ferroelectric behavior. The ac conductivity obeys the Jonscher’s universal power law and BST helps to enhance the electrical conductivity of the composites. Studies of impedance spectroscopy suggest that only grains have the contribution to the conductivity mechanism in this material. Magnetizations as a function of applied magnetic field measurements show weak ferromagnetism for 0.10≤x≤0.30 composites. The maximum value of remnant magnetization is found to be 0.565×10{sup 3} A/m (=0.08 emu/g) for x=0.25 which is better than previously reported BaTiO{sub 3}–BiFeO{sub 3} systems. The complex initial permeability is found to improve with the increase in BST concentration due to the reduction of oxygen vacancies. In addition, an enhanced magnetoelectric (ME) coupling is also observed and determined by the ME coefficient. The maximum value of ME coefficient is found to be 21.71×10{sup −4} V/A (=1.67 mV/cm Oe) for the x=0.25 composition. The BST–BFGO solid solutions show high-performance multiferroic properties and can be selected for further investigation. - Highlights: • Phase pure multiferroic xBa{sub 0.95}Sr{sub 0.05}TiO{sub 3}–(1−x)BiFe{sub 0

  3. Situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Mato Grosso Epidemiologic situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.L. Negreiros


    Full Text Available Caracterizou-se a brucelose bovina em Mato Grosso por meio de um estudo transversal realizado em 2003 para auxiliar na implementação do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose. No Estado, estratificado em quatro circuitos pecuários, foram amostrados 13.684 animais, provenientes de 1.152 rebanhos. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e os soros reagentes foram testados pelo 2-mercaptoetanol (ME e concomitantemente retestados pelo teste de Rosa Bengala para resultado conclusivo. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados foram: 41,2% [38,0-44,4%] e 10,2% [7,4-13,1%], respectivamente. Nos circuitos produtivos, as prevalências de focos foram 36,9% [29,2-45,2%], 27,2% [22,8-32,1%], 40,4% [38,8-46,2%] e 50,3% [44,5-56,1%]; e as prevalências de animais 7,9% [3,0-12,9%], 4,1% [2,8-5,4%], 8,1% [5,2-11,1%] e 15,3% [9,2-21,3%], respectivamente, para os circuitos 1, 2, 3 e 4. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR associados à condição de foco no Estado foram: exploração de gado de corte (OR= 1,8 [1,2-2,5], exploração mista (OR=1,8 [1,2-2,7], número de fêmeas no rebanho de 11 a 50 (OR=4,8 [1,1-20,8], número de fêmeas no rebanho acima de 51 (OR=6,8 [1,6-29,0], ocorrência de aborto (OR=1,7 [1,3-2,2]. A brucelose está homogeneamente distribuída no Estado, o que permite uniformidade de medidas sanitárias. Adicionalmente, sugere-se a intensificação da vacinação de fêmeas para todo o Estado.A study to characterize bovine brucellosis in the State of Mato Grosso was carried out in 2003 in order to support the implementation of the National Program for the Control and Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis. The State was divided into four productive regions, and 13,684 bovines from 1,152 herds were sampled. The serum samples were screened for antibodies to Brucella spp. by the Rose-Bengal test (RBT and all RBT-positive sera were re-tested by the 2

  4. Influence of the Alkyl Side Chain Length on the Thermophysical Properties of Chiral Ionic Liquids with a (1R,2S,5R)-(–)-Menthol Substituent and Data Treatment by Means of Mathematical Gnostics.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Andresová, Adéla; Bendová, Magdalena; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Wagner, Zdeněk; Feder-Kubis, J.


    Roč. 242, SEP 2017 (2017), s. 336-348 ISSN 0167-7322 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 7AMB14PL005 Grant - others:NSC(PL) 2011/01/B/ST5/06659 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : chiral ionic liquids * thermophysical properties * mathematical gnostics Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry OBOR OECD: Physical chemistry Impact factor: 3.648, year: 2016

  5. Power density spectra of modes of orbital motion in strongly curved space-time: obtaining the observable signal

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bakala, P.; Török, G.; Karas, Vladimír; Dovčiak, Michal; Wildner, M.; Wzientek, D.; Šrámková, E.; Abramowicz, M. A.; Goluchová, K.; Mazur, G. P.; Vincent, F. H.


    Roč. 439, č. 2 (2014), s. 1933-1939 ISSN 0035-8711 Grant - others:GA ČR(CZ) GPP209/12/P740; EU(XE) COST action MP1304; NCN(PL) UMO-2011/01/B/ST9/05439 Institutional support: RVO:67985815 Keywords : black holes * accretion disks Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics Impact factor: 5.107, year: 2014

  6. Estudo sobre variações em métodos de análise de compostos fibrosos em alimentos


    Gomes, Daiany Iris


    A presente tese foi elaborada com base quatro artigos científicos. No primeiro artigo objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro (FDN) e de fibra insolúvel em detergente ácido (FDA) em alimentos volumosos e concentrados e em fezes bovinas utilizando-se sacos filtrantes sob dois diferentes ambientes físicos de extração: pressurizado e não pressurizado. Vinte amostras de cada material foram utilizadas. Os conteúdos obtidos em diferentes ambientes foram comparados po...

  7. El virus de la D.V.B. como agente contaminante en cultivo de tejidos animales


    Víctor J. Vera A.; Jorge L. Parra A.; Gloria C. Ramírez N.; Luis C. Villamil


    El Pestisvirus que produce la Diarrea Viral Bovina (V.D.V.B.), ocasiona problemas reproductivos en el ganado vacuno y se encuentra ampliamente difundido en el país. La presencia de cepas no citopatogénicas del mismo, las cuales normalmente no se evidencian en los cultivos celulares contaminados con éste virus, han constituido un Iimitante para el establecimiento y mantenimiento de cultivos primarios y líneas celulares libres del V.D.V.B., para uso rutinario en actividades diagnósticas o inves...

  8. Efecto del celo y el tratamiento con GnRH sobre la tasa de concepción en programas de inseminación artificial y transferencia de embriones bovinos


    Vera Cedeño, Jofre Andrés


    Tesis (Maestría en Reporducción Bovina) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2017 Esta tesis tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la presentación de celos y el tratamiento con GnRH como segundo inductor de ovulación en los animales que no manifiestan celo, sobre la tasa de concepción (TC) a los programas de inseminación artificial (IATF) y de transferencia embrionaria a tiempo fijo (TETF). Se realizaron cuatro experimentos en vacas y vaquillonas de ...

  9. Isolamento e sensibilidade a quimioterápicos de streptococcus spp envolvidos na mastite clínica e subclínica de bovinos da microrregião de Araguaína, Tocantins


    Alexandrino, Bruna; Rodrigues Correia, Crispim Anderson; Coelho Miranda Brito, Letícia; Minharro, Silvia


    A mastite bovina é a principal doença do gado leiteiro devido a sua prevalência acarretando grande impacto econômico mundial. Sua etiologia é complexa, sendo o principal agente o Staphylococcus aureus, seguido pelo Streptococcus spp. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo isolar os microrganismos pertencentes ao gênero Streptococcus, presentes no leite de vaca da microrregião de Araguaína, Tocantins, e testar a sensibilidade destes aos diversos quimioterápicos disponíveis no mercado. Foram util...

  10. Comunicación bidireccional entre el sistema inmune y neuroendocrino a través de la hormona de crecimiento, prolactina y hepcidina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cruz Enríquez V.


    Full Text Available Se ha planteado que la hormona de crecimiento (GH y la Prolactina (PRL pueden intervenir en procesos infecciosos como inmunomoduladores vía receptores específicos; revelando una conexión entre el sistema inmune y el sistema endocrino en los tejidos, donde actúan como citoquinas a través de diferentes rutas de señalización. Igualmente, la hepcidina (HAMP, hormona producida en los hepatocitos como respuesta al exceso de hierro y a estímulos inflamatorios, es considerada un enlace entre el metabolismo del mineral, la defensa del hospedero y los procesos inflamatorios, debido a su capacidad de privar del hierro a los microorganismos. Se sugiere que en un proceso infeccioso, la síntesis, secreción y regulación de GH ocurre a través de la producción de citoquinas como factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α e interleuquina-1 beta (IL-1β, las cuales actúan en el hipotálamo, estimulando la liberación ya sea de la hormona liberadora de somatotropina o de somatostatina; por otro lado, se ha reportado que células linfoides, incluyendo linfocitos T y B y células dendríticas, producen GH, PRL biológicamente activa con propiedades inmunoreguladoras.

  11. Prevalencia de Leptospirosis y su relación con la tasa de gestación en bovinos de la zona centro de Veracruz

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    Juan Prisciliano Zárate Martínez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La reproducción bovina es afectada por varias enfermedades infecciosas, entre las que se encuentran leptospirosis, brucelosis, campilobacteriosis, diarrea viral bovina y rinotraqueitis infecciosas bovina. Estas enfermedades infecciosas causan pérdidas económicas a la industria ganadera. El objetivo fue determinar la seroprevalencia de cinco especies de Leptospira: hardjo, inifap, paloalto, tarassovi y wolffi en siete unidades de producción (UP del estado de Veracruz, así como las razones de momios entre las seroprevalencias de las UP. Un objetivo adicional fue determinar si la presencia de Leptospira influye la tasa de gestación (TG. Método: Las UP fueron de los municipios de San Rafael, Medellín y Cotaxtla. Se tomaron muestras de sangre de vacas Bos taurus x Bos indicus. Los análisis serológicos para determinar la presencia de Leptospiras se realizaron con la prueba de microaglutinación en placa. Se consideraron como positivos los animales con títulos mayores que 1:100. Los análisis de seroprevalencia se realizaron con el procedimiento GENMOD de SAS, considerando un diseño completamente al azar, donde el factor de riesgo fue la UP, y asumiendo la función liga logit para una distribución binomial. El análisis de TG se realizó con el mismo procedimiento, asumiendo la misma función liga, pero el modelo incluyó los efectos de estatus zoosanitario (presencia/ausencia de Leptospiras y UP. Resultados: La variable UP fue significativa (P0.05 para la de L. inifap y L. wolffi. Las seroprevalencias promedio fueron: 89.3, 67.1, 40.0, 15.9 y 10.0% para L. inifap, L. hardjo, L. paloalto, L. tarassovi y L. wolffi, respectivamente. El estatus zoosanitario y UP no afectaron (P>0.05 la TG. La TG promedio de las siete UP fue 50.5% Discusión o Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo muestran que las cinco especies de Leptospira estudiadas se encuentran presentes en todas las unidades de producci

  12. Folato, B6 e B12 na adolescência: níveis séricos, prevalência de inadequação de ingestão e alimentos contribuintes

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    Josiane Steluti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar os níveis séricos e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão dietética de folato e das vitaminas B6 e B12, identificando os alimentos contribuintes para a ingestão desses nutrientes. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, conduzido em Indaiatuba (SP. Coletou-se o registro alimentar de 3 dias não consecutivos. A dieta habitual foi estimada pela remoção da variabilidade intrapessoal, e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão, pelo método da estimated average requirement como ponto de corte. As análises bioquímicas de folato, B6 e B12 foram conduzidas de acordo com os métodos aceitos na literatura. RESULTADOS: O estudo foi conduzido com 99 adolescentes, a maioria do sexo feminino (58,6%, com média de idade de 17,6 (desvio padrão, DP 0,9 anos. As médias da concentração sérica de folato, B6 e B12 foram de 9,2 (DP 3,4 ng/mL, 18,7 (DP 5,1 nmol/L e 397,5 (DP 188,4 pg/mL, respectivamente; e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão das vitaminas foi de 15,2, 10,2 e < 1%, respectivamente. Os alimentos que mais contribuíram para a ingestão dos nutrientes foram, para folato: pão francês, macarrão e feijões; para B6: arroz branco, carne de frango e carne bovina; e para B12: carne bovina magra, leite integral e carne bovina gorda. CONCLUSÕES: As prevalências de inadequação de folato, B6 e B12 mostraram-se baixas, possivelmente em decorrência da melhoria do acesso e da disponibilidade de alimentos, fontes dietéticas das vitaminas. Os feijões, presentes na dieta tradicional brasileira, ainda estão entre os principais alimentos que contribuíram para a ingestão de folato, mesmo após a fortificação mandatória com ácido fólico no Brasil.

  13. Microstructure and optical properties of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Tianjin; Li Songzhan; Zhang Baishun; Pan Ruikun; Jiang Juan; Huang Weihua


    Ba 0.65 Sr 0.35 TiO 3 thin films have been prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. The crystallization and microstructure of the films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scan electronic microstructure (SEM) and atom force microstructure (AFM). As-deposited thin films were found to be amorphous. The more intense characteristic diffraction peaks and improved crystallization can be observed in (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BST) thin films deposited at high temperatures and annealed at higher than 650degC. Optical constants were determined from transmittance spectra by using the envelope method. The refractive index increased from 1.778 to 1.961 as the substrate temperature increased from 560 to 650degC. Both the refractive index and extinction coefficient increased with annealing temperature. The refractive index and extinction coefficient increased when the oxygen-to-argon ratio increased from 1:4 to 1:1. The dispersion of relation of the extinction coefficient vs wavelength was also investigated. The optical band gap of BST thin films was found to be about 3.56 eV, which decreased apparently with increasing annealing temperature. (author)

  14. Stoichiometry and phase purity control of radio frequency magnetron sputter deposited Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 thin films for tunable devices (United States)

    Alema, Fikadu; Reinholz, Aaron; Pokhodnya, Konstantin


    The systematic study of the oxygen partial pressure (OPP) and total chamber gas pressure (TGP) effects on the stoichiometry and crystal structure of rf sputtered Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 (BST) films and their phase purity allowed identifying close to optimal sputtering parameters for BST single phase polycrystalline film. The film with a Ba/Sr ratio equal to that of the source target and (Ba + Sr)/Ti ratio close to unity demonstrated the enhanced permittivity value of 553 and tunability of 69%. It was confirmed that the increase of TGP enables better match of the film and target stoichiometry. However, using O2/Ar ratio as a parameter should be utilized cautiously since exceeding a threshold OPP (2 mTorr in our case) may facilitate secondary phase formation. Relatively large dielectric losses were observed in both films sputtered at high (30 mTorr) and low (5 mTor) TGPs. The presence of oxygen vacancies was identified as a probable cause of losses, which is indirectly confirmed by the deviation of the film lattice constant from that of the bulk target.

  15. Qualidade físico-química da carne bovina in natura aprovada na recepção de restaurante industrial / Physical and chemical quality of vacuum packed beef approved at reception in industrial restaurant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marizete Oliveira de Mesquita


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros físico-químicos da carne bovina in na-tura, embalada a vácuo, por meio de métodos analíticos de rápida execução. O estudo ocorreu em restaurante universitário de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior, du-rante maio e junho de 2012. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas logo após a recep-ção das amostras. Os cortes utilizados foram os músculos: Coxão duro (Bíceps femoris; Contrafilé (Longissimus dorsi; Coxão mole (Semimembranosus; Patinho (Quadriceps femoris; Lagarto (Semitendinosus, fornecidos por frigoríficos. Na análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva (frequência e média e o teste Exato de Fisher para comparação entre variáveis categóricas. O perfil bioquímico indicou 40,0% das amostras consideradas em bom estado de conservação de acordo com o teste de resazurina, 53,3% apresentaram resultado negativo para prova de cocção, 16,7% foram consideradas como carne fresca pela prova de filtração, 90% apresentaram resultado negativo na prova de Nessler e 13,3% com pH 5,8-6,2. Conclui-se que o perfil físico-químico das carnes rece-bidas neste serviço de alimentação não apresenta plena conformidade com as normas do Ministério da Agricultura para carne in natura (não embalada. Considerando que a estabilidade das moléculas em produtos embalados a vácuo é alterada, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de normas específicas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical parameters of fresh beef, packaged under vacuum, through fast analytical methods. The study took place at a university restaurant of a Federal Institution of Higher Education, during May and June of 2012. Physical and chemical analyses were made upon receipt. The mus-cles cuts used were: Biceps femoris; Longissimus dorsi; Semimembranosus; Quadriceps femoris; Semitendinosus

  16. Digital-image analysis to predict weight and yields of boneless subprimal beef cuts Análise de imagem digital para a previsão de pesos e rendimentos de cortes de carne bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Adolfo Teira


    Full Text Available For several decades, beef carcass evaluation for grading or research purposes has relied upon subjective visual scores, and manually taken measurements, but in recent times there has been a growing interest in new technologies capable of improving accuracy of estimates. Equations to predict weight and yield of beef pistol subprimal cuts were developed in this work using digital image analysis (VIA of the 12th rib steak. Equations to predict total pistol subprimal cuts weight (CUTS had coefficients of determination (CD of 0.84, or 0.87 to 0.88, when the independent variables were the VIA parameters and the half carcass weight (HC or the total pistol weight (TP, respectively. The predicted values for the total seven subprimal cuts, as a percentage of half carcass weight (CUTS%, presented CD values ranging from 0.37 to 0.47, or 0.21 to 0.31, using HC or TP as a principal independent variable. Likewise, the equation for weight of the individual subprimal cuts had CD values ranging from 0.40 to 0.72, or 0.43 to 0.74 using HC or TP, respectively. In this research, the developed VIA procedure has demonstrated good repeatability and accuracy to estimate the total pistol subprimal weights, and some individual subprimal weights.Por várias décadas, a avaliação de carcaça bovina em sistemas de tipificação ou em pesquisas tem dependido de escores subjetivos e medidas obtidas manualmente, mas ultimamente tem havido um crescente interesse por novas tecnologias capazes de aumentar a acurácia das estimativas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver equações para a previsão de pesos e rendimentos de cortes bovinos, através da análise de imagem digital (VIA de uma seção do contrafilé da 12ª costela. As equações de previsão do peso dos cortes do traseiro especial (CUTS apresentaram coeficientes de determinação (CD de 0,84 e de 0,87 – 0,88, quando as variáveis independentes usadas eram os parâmetros VIA e o peso da meia carcaça (HC ou

  17. Balances de nitrógeno y fósforo a escala predial, en sistemas lecheros pastoriles en Argentina Nitrogen and phosphorus whole farm balances on dairy farms in Argentina


    M. A. Herrero; S. B. Gil; M. C. Flores; G. M. Sardi; A. A. Orlando


    Los balances de nutrientes permiten conocer el potencial de riesgo ambiental de los sistemas productivos. Se evaluaron los balances de nitrógeno (N) y fósforo (P) y sus eficiencias de aprovechamiento a través de tres indicadores, a escala predial, en sistemas de producción primaria de leche bovina en Cuenca de Abasto de Buenos Aires. El cálculo de balances se realizó por diferencia entre ingresos y egresos para cada mineral en 17 establecimientos, en base anual, expresados en ton/año y en pro...

  18. Producción de hidrocarburos biológicos utilizando un subproducto agroalimentario como sustrato. Production of biological hydrocarbons using and agrifood product as a sustrate


    Barrows, Kesia; Abrego, Ubaldo; Ureña, Grimaldo; Franco, Indira


    La melaza es el residuo agroindustrial que no cristaliza resultante del procesamiento de la caña en la obtención de azúcar refinada. Tiene una amplia gama de usos destacándose, en el país, el dado en la alimentación bovina. Sin embargo, actualmente con el problema de la sostenibilidad energética el hombre debe encontrar alternativas de fuentes que sean renovables, principalmente el área de combustibles líquidos para el sector transporte y se podría encontrar una alternativa en la melaza como ...

  19. Caracterização Genética da Resistência à Eritromicina em Streptococcus agalactia e Degestantes saudáveis


    Pinheiro, Sandra Marisa de Oliveira Sequeira


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Biologia Clínica Laboratorial Streptococcus agalactiae (Grupo B de Lancefield, EGB), um microrganismo comensal do homem, reconhecido em 1920 como o agente etiológico da mastite bovina, tem sido associado a infecções em parturientes e recém-nascidos, sendo o principal agente de septicemia e meningite neonatal. Para evitar a infecção perinatal recomenda-se a pesquisa da bactéria na região vagino-perianal durante o terceiro semestre de gravidez, indicando o tratamen...

  20. Programa de análise de produtos : relatório provisório da análise em frangos congelados peito com osso com pele e peito sem osso sem pele


    Inmetro, Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia; Reis, Bianca; Azevedo, Rose Mary Maduro Camboim de; Monteiro, Luiz Carlos; Lobo, Alfredo Carlos Orphão


    Existe um senso comum de que a carne de aves (carne branca) é mais saudável do que a carne bovina (carne vermelha). Isso porque, normalmente, ela contém menos gordura saturada. Especialistas ressaltam ainda como diferenciais dessa carne o preço mais barato (se comparada com outras carnes); a imagem de uma proteína mais saudável e o curto ciclo produtivo da carne de frango4. Independentemente do motivo, ela é uma carne largamente consumida pelos brasileiros. Dados recentes indicam que, no Bras...

  1. Brucelosis, una zoonosis presente en la población: estudio de series de tiempo en México


    Meztli Méndez-Lozano; Luisa María Sánchez-Zamorano


    Objetivo. Determinar el comportamiento de la incidencia de brucelosis humana en México durante el periodo 2000-2011 y su relación con la brucelosis en rumiantes domésticos. Material y métodos. En estudio ecológico de series de tiempo se analizaron, mediante regresión Poisson multinivel múltiple, la incidencia de brucelosis humanas durante 2000- 2011 y la incidencia en rumiantes, y su relación con índice de desarrollo humano. Resultados. La alta incidencia de brucelosis bovina aumenta 15% la i...

  2. Determinación de la prevalencia parasitaria de larvas pulmonares en bovinos del municipio de Aguachica y la zona rural de Río de Oro, Cesar mediante la técnica de Baermann


    Laura Ríos; Marisol Rueda; María Cristina Vázquez; Elsa Morales Ramírez; Manuel Calle; Raúl Fernando Sierra Barcarcel


    Introducción: En la zona Rural de Rio de Oro y el municipio de Aguachica, Cesar la principal fuente de economía es la ganadería, por esto es de gran importancia realizar controles de parásitos gastrointestinales como las Coccidias, ya que esta es una enfermedad costosa. Objetivo: Para determinar la prevalencia de larvas pulmonares en los bovinos se empleó la técnica de Baermann. Materiales y métodos: Para ello, se recolectaron 905 muestras de materia fecal bovina, provenientes de 31 fincas ub...

  3. Atividade antimicrobiana do extrato alcoólico do fruto da Caesalpinia ferrea Mart


    Tomaz, Klívio Loreno Raulino


    O tratamento usual da mastite bovina é realizado com administração de antimicrobianos, que muitas vezes, promovem a resistência bacteriana a esses compostos. Medicamentos fitoterápicos têm sido utilizados, porém nem todas essas opções apresentam comprovação científica acerca da eficácia de ação contra os agentes causadores da enfermidade. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana do extrato alcoólico do fruto da Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. frente a bactérias c...

  4. Polimorfismo g.17924a>g en el gen fasn y su relación con la composición de ácidos grasos (MUFA y CLA) En la carne de novillos aberdeen angus


    Inostroza, Karla; Larama, Giovanni; Sepúlveda, Néstor


    El interés en la composición de ácidos grasos de la carne bovina está relacionado con producir alimentos más saludables, por ejemplo, con altos contenidos de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) y ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA), debido a que la carne es considerada un alimento con un excesivo contenido graso. El principal objetivo fue determinar la relación del polimorfismo g.17924A>G en el gen FASN con la composición de ácidos grasos en la carne de bovinos Aberdeen Angu...

  5. Polimorfismos no SNP CGIL4: estudo de associação ao fenótipo de resistência a mastite clinica em vacas holandesas


    Molina, Rachel Dias; Univates; Kich, Débora Mara; Univates; Vendramin, Tatiane; Univates; Souza, Claucia Fernanda Volken de; Univates; Lehn, Daniel Neutzling; Univates; Pozzobon, Adriane; Univates; Bustamante-Filho, Ivan Cunha; Univates


    A mastite bovina é a principal patologia da glândula mamária e a maior causadora de prejuízos na produção leiteira. Sua etiologia é quase sempre relacionada a problemas de manejo sanitário e de ordenha. Entretanto, observa-se a existência de animais com maior ou menor resistência a mastite, mesmo quando fatores ambientais são controlados. Recentemente, alguns marcadores moleculares foram associados ao fenótipo de resistência a mastite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar se com bas...

  6. Acoustic Radiation Pressure (United States)

    Cantrell, John H.


    The theoretical foundation of acoustic radiation pressure in plane wave beams is reexamined. It is shown from finite deformation theory and the Boltzmann-Ehrenfest Adiabatic Principle that the Brillouin stress tensor (BST) is the radiation stress in Lagrangian coordinates (not Eulerian coordinates) and that the terms in the BST are not the momentum flux density and mean excess Eulerian stress but are simply contributions to the variation in the wave oscillation period resulting from changes in path length and true wave velocity, respectively, from virtual variations in the strain. It is shown that the radiation stress in Eulerian coordinates is the mean Cauchy stress (not the momentum flux density, as commonly assumed) and that Langevin's second relation does not yield an assessment of the mean Eulerian pressure, since the enthalpy used in the traditional derivations is a function of the thermodynamic tensions - not the Eulerian pressure. It is shown that the transformation between Lagrangian and Eulerian quantities cannot be obtained from the commonly-used expansion of one of the quantities in terms of the particle displacement, since the expansion provides only the difference between the value of the quantity at two different points in Cartesian space separated by the displacement. The proper transformation is obtained only by employing the transformation coefficients of finite deformation theory, which are defined in terms of the displacement gradients. Finite deformation theory leads to the result that for laterally unconfined, plane waves the Lagrangian and Eulerian radiation pressures are equal with the value (1/4)(2K) along the direction of wave propagation, where (K) is the mean kinetic energy density, and zero in directions normal to the propagation direction. This is contrary to the Langevin result that the Lagrangian radiation pressure in the propagation direction is equal to (2K) and the BST result that the Eulerian radiation pressure in that direction

  7. Pattern of distribution of serotonergic fibers to the amygdala and extended amygdala in the rat. (United States)

    Linley, Stephanie B; Olucha-Bordonau, Francisco; Vertes, Robert P


    As is well recognized, serotonergic (5-HT) fibers distribute widely throughout the forebrain, including the amygdala. Although a few reports have examined the 5-HT innervation of select nuclei of the amygdala in the rat, no previous report has described overall 5-HT projections to the amygdala in the rat. Using immunostaining for the serotonin transporter, SERT, we describe the complete pattern of distribution of 5-HT fibers to the amygdala (proper) and to the extended amygdala in the rat. Based on its ontogenetic origins, the amygdala was subdivided into two major parts, pallial and subpallial components, with the pallial component further divided into superficial and deep nuclei (Olucha-Bordonau et al. 2015). SERT + fibers were shown to distributed moderately to densely to the deep and cortical pallial nuclei, but, by contrast, lightly to the subpallial nuclei. Specifically, 1) of the deep pallial nuclei, the lateral, basolateral, and basomedial nuclei contained a very dense concentration of 5-HT fibers; 2) of the cortical pallial nuclei, the anterior cortical and amygdala-cortical transition zone rostrally and the posteromedial and posterolateral nuclei caudally contained a moderate concentration of 5-HT fibers; and 3) of the subpallial nuclei, the anterior nuclei and the rostral part of the medial (Me) nuclei contained a moderate concentration of 5-HT fibers, whereas caudal regions of Me as well as the central nuclei and the intercalated nuclei contained a sparse/light concentration of 5-HT fibers. With regard to the extended amygdala (primarily the bed nucleus of stria terminalis; BST), on the whole, the BST contained moderate numbers of 5-HT fibers, spread fairly uniformly throughout BST. The findings are discussed with respect to a critical serotonergic influence on the amygdala, particularly on the basal complex, and on the extended amygdala in the control of states of fear and anxiety. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:116-139, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Synthesis of strontium substituted barium titanate nanoparticles by mechanical alloying and high power ultrasonication destruction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yustanti, Erlina, E-mail: [Graduate Program of Material Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya No. 04 Jakarta 10430 (Indonesia); Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering University of Sultan AgengTirtayasa Jl. Jenderal Sudirman KM 03 Cilegon-Banten 65134 (Indonesia); Hafizah, Mas Ayu Elita, E-mail:; Manaf, Azwar, E-mail: [Graduate Program of Material Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya No. 04 Jakarta 10430 (Indonesia)


    This paper reports the particle and crystallite size characterizations of mechanically alloyed Ba{sub (1-x)}Sr{sub x}TiO{sub 3} (BST) with x = 0.3 and 0.7 prepared with the assistance of a high-power sonicator. Analytical grade BaCO{sub 3}, TiO{sub 2} and SrCO{sub 3} precursors with a purity of greater than 99 wt.% were mixed and milled using a planetary ball mill to a powder weight ratio of 10:1. Powders obtained after 20 hours of milling time were then sintered at 1200°C for 4 hours to form crystalline powders.These powders were further treated ultrasonically under a fixed 6.7 gr/l particle concentration in demineralized water for 1, 3, 5, 7 hours and a fixed ultrasonic irradiation time of 1 hour to the dispersion of 6.7; 20; 33.3 gr/l concentrations. As to the results of crystallite size characterization, it is demonstrated that the mean crystallite size of BST with x = 0.3 and 0.7 undergo a slight change after the first 1 hour irradiation time and then remain almost unchanged. This was in contrary to the particle size in which the mean particle size of BST with x = 0.3 increased from 765 nm to 1405 nm after 7 hours irradiation time, while that of x = 0.7 increased from 505 nm to 1298 nm after 3 hours and then reduced back to the initial size after 7 hours ultra sonication time. The increase in particle size was due to large of cohesive forces among fine particles. It is also demonstrated that the concentration of particles in a dispersion with anionic surfactant do not effective to reduce the particle sizes ultrasonically. Nanoparticles with the mean size respectively 40 and 10 times larger than their respective crystallite size were successfully obtained respectively in x = 0.3 and x = 0.7.

  9. Synthesis of strontium substituted barium titanate nanoparticles by mechanical alloying and high power ultrasonication destruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yustanti, Erlina; Hafizah, Mas Ayu Elita; Manaf, Azwar


    This paper reports the particle and crystallite size characterizations of mechanically alloyed Ba (1-x) Sr x TiO 3 (BST) with x = 0.3 and 0.7 prepared with the assistance of a high-power sonicator. Analytical grade BaCO 3 , TiO 2 and SrCO 3 precursors with a purity of greater than 99 wt.% were mixed and milled using a planetary ball mill to a powder weight ratio of 10:1. Powders obtained after 20 hours of milling time were then sintered at 1200°C for 4 hours to form crystalline powders.These powders were further treated ultrasonically under a fixed 6.7 gr/l particle concentration in demineralized water for 1, 3, 5, 7 hours and a fixed ultrasonic irradiation time of 1 hour to the dispersion of 6.7; 20; 33.3 gr/l concentrations. As to the results of crystallite size characterization, it is demonstrated that the mean crystallite size of BST with x = 0.3 and 0.7 undergo a slight change after the first 1 hour irradiation time and then remain almost unchanged. This was in contrary to the particle size in which the mean particle size of BST with x = 0.3 increased from 765 nm to 1405 nm after 7 hours irradiation time, while that of x = 0.7 increased from 505 nm to 1298 nm after 3 hours and then reduced back to the initial size after 7 hours ultra sonication time. The increase in particle size was due to large of cohesive forces among fine particles. It is also demonstrated that the concentration of particles in a dispersion with anionic surfactant do not effective to reduce the particle sizes ultrasonically. Nanoparticles with the mean size respectively 40 and 10 times larger than their respective crystallite size were successfully obtained respectively in x = 0.3 and x = 0.7.

  10. Comprehensive Antiretroviral Restriction Factor Profiling Reveals the Evolutionary Imprint of the ex Vivo and in Vivo IFN-β Response in HTLV-1-Associated Neuroinflammation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio E. Leal


    Full Text Available HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy (HAM/TSP is a progressive neuroinflammatory disorder for which no disease-modifying treatment exists. Modest clinical benefit from type I interferons (IFN-α/β in HAM/TSP contrasts with its recently identified IFN-inducible gene signature. In addition, IFN-α treatment in vivo decreases proviral load and immune activation in HAM/TSP, whereas IFN-β therapy decreases tax mRNA and lymphoproliferation. We hypothesize this “IFN paradox” in HAM/TSP might be explained by both cell type- and gene-specific effects of type I IFN in HTLV-1-associated pathogenesis. Therefore, we analyzed ex vivo transcriptomes of CD4+ T cells, PBMCs and whole blood in healthy controls, HTLV-1-infected individuals, and HAM/TSP patients. First, we used a targeted approach, simultaneously quantifying HTLV-1 mRNA (HBZ, Tax, proviral load and 42 host genes with known antiretroviral (anti-HIV activity in purified CD4+ T cells. This revealed two major clusters (“antiviral/protective” vs. “proviral/deleterious”, as evidenced by significant negative (TRIM5/TRIM22/BST2 vs. positive correlation (ISG15/PAF1/CDKN1A with HTLV-1 viral markers and clinical status. Surprisingly, we found a significant inversion of antiretroviral activity of host restriction factors, as evidenced by opposite correlation to in vivo HIV-1 vs. HTLV-1 RNA levels. The anti-HTLV-1 effect of antiviral cluster genes was significantly correlated to their adaptive chimp/human evolution score, for both Tax mRNA and PVL. Six genes of the proposed antiviral cluster underwent lentivirus-driven purifying selection during primate evolution (TRIM5/TRIM22/BST2/APOBEC3F-G-H, underscoring the cross-retroviral evolutionary imprint. Secondly, we examined the genome-wide type I IFN response in HAM/TSP patients, following short-term ex vivo culture of PBMCs with either IFN-α or IFN-β. Microarray analysis evidenced 12 antiretroviral genes (including TRIM5α/TRIM22/BST2 were significantly

  11. Teste de tuberculinização em caprinos (Capra hircus experimentalmente sensibilizados Tuberculin test in experimentally sensitized goats (Capra hircus

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    Paulo Eduardo Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Foram estabelecidos critérios de interpretação do teste de tuberculinização aplicado ao diagnóstico da tuberculose em grupos de caprinos experimentalmente sensibilizados. Dos 30 animais utilizados, dez foram sensibilizados com Mycobacterium avium - amostra D4 (grupo A e dez com Mycobacterium bovis - amostra AN5 (grupo B. Dez caprinos não foram sensibilizados e constituíram o grupo controle (grupo C. No teste cervical simples, realizado com tuberculina bovina (M. bovis e lido às 72 horas pós-tuberculinização (p.t., as reações positivas foram aquelas em que houve aumento da espessura da dobra de pele igual ou superior a 3,9mm; reações inconclusivas, quando situadas entre 1,8 e 3,8mm, e negativas quando iguais ou menores que 1,7mm. A análise dos resultados do teste cervical comparativo, realizado com o M. avium e M. bovis e lido às 72 horas p.t., indicou reação positiva quando o aumento da espessura da dobra da pele induzida pela tuberculina bovina superou a reação à aviária em pelo menos 2,5mm; reação inconclusiva quando a diferença entre a reação à tuberculina bovina e à tuberculina aviária ficou situada entre 1,9 e 2,4mm; e negativa quando a reação bovina ultrapassou a aviária em até 1,8mm. Às 96 horas após a injeção da tuberculina, foi efetuada a avaliação histológica do local das reações tuberculínicas colhendo-se amostras de pele de cinco caprinos dos grupos A e B e de quatro animais do grupo controle; os resultados confirmaram a presença, nos grupos sensibilizados, de infiltrado inflamatório, constituído, preferencialmente, por células mononucleares.The tuberculin skin test was established with the aim to be applied in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in experimentally sensitized goats. Thirty goats were alocated into three groups with ten animals each. The animals in group A were sensitized with Mycobacterium avium sample D4; group B with Mycobacterium bovis sample AN5; and group C (control was

  12. Leptospires detection in kidney, liver and uterus of cows slaughtered in Paraná State, Brazil Detecção de leptospiras em rim, fígado e útero de fêmeas bovinas abatidas no estado do Paraná, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francielle Gibson da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this trial was to detect leptospires in fragments of kidney, liver and uterus of 96 cows with unknown sanitary status, randomly chosen at slaughter in Paraná, Brazil. All 96 urine samples were submitted to direct examination using dark field microscopy. Positive samples in the direct examination and all kidney, liver and uterus fragments were cultured in EMJH modified medium and Tween 80/40/LH. Sections cut of kidney, liver and uterus were stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE and indirect immunoperoxidase with hyperimmune serum against serovar Hardjo (Hardjoprajitno and strain Londrina 14 (LO14, from serovar Canicola, which was isolated in the northern region of Paraná state, Brazil, used as primary antibodies. Direct examination detected leptospires in the urine of four animals. All attempts to isolate leptospires from urine and kidney, liver and uterus fragments were negative after 16 weeks of incubation. In the HE stain, focal infiltrate of mononuclear inflammatory cells was observed in the renal interstitial area of most animals. In the indirect immunoperoxidase assay using hyperimmune serum against LO14 strain, the kidney of only one animal presented positive results. All fragments of kidney, liver and uterus tested with hyperimmune serum against serovar Hardjo were negative.O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar leptospiras em fragmentos de rim, fígado e útero de 96 fêmeas bovinas com histórico sanitário desconhecido, escolhidas aleatoriamente durante o abate em um frigorífico no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Todas as 96 amostras de urina foram submetidas ao exame direto em microscópio de campo escuro. As amostras positivas neste exame e todos os fragmentos de rim, fígado e útero foram semeados nos meios de cultura EMJH modificado e Tween 80/40/LH. Os cortes histológicos de rim, fígado e útero foram submetidos à coloração de Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE e a prova de imunoperoxidase indireta com soros hiperimunes

  13. Análise fenotípica e genotípica da virulência de Staphylococcus spp. e de sua dispersão clonal como contribuição ao estudo da mastite bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane F. Marques


    Full Text Available A mastite é uma inflamação da glândula mamária causada principalmente por bactérias, dentre as quais o gênero Staphylococcus ocupa um papel importante. Bactérias pertencentes a este gênero são caracterizadas por expressar fatores de virulência que permitem sua persistência e disseminação no hospedeiro. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar fenogenotipicamente os fatores de virulência de isolados de Staphylococcus spp. a partir de casos de mastite bovina. Foram analisadas 272 amostras de leite provenientes de oito propriedades da região Sul-Fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Após identificação, obteve-se um total de 250 isolados de Staphylococcus spp. Estes foram submetidos às provas fenotípicas de detecção da produção de "slime" em microplaca e em ágar vermelho congo; produção de hemolisinas e sinergismo hemolítico; produção de caseinase e DNase. Posteriormente foram submetidos à técnica de PCR para detecção dos genes de produção de cápsula (cap5 e cap8, fibronectina (fnbA,e fnbB, "slime" (icaA e icaD e hemolisinas (hla e hlb. Do total avaliado, 58% (145/250 foi identificado como Staphylococcus spp. coagulase-negativos e 42% (105/250 como Staphylococcus spp. coagulase-positivos, destes 36,2% (38/105 foram identificados como S. aureus, 11,4% (12/105 como S. intermedius e 3,8% (4/105 como pertencentes ao grupo SIG. Apenas 6,4% (16/250 dos isolados foram produtores de α-hemólise, 4,8% (12/250 de β-hemólise e, 1,6% (4/250 de α e β-hemólise. A produção de caseinase foi observada em 66,4% (166/250, e a produção de "slime" avaliada pela técnica da microplaca em 76,8% (192/250 dos isolados, respectivamente. A DNase foi detectada em ECNs (38/145 e S. aureus (14/38. Os marcadores genéticos avaliados para a produção de slime, icaA e icaD apresentaram nenhuma ou leve concordância com a produção fenotípica, respectivamente, utilizando o coeficiente Kappa. Tal dado parece indicar que outros

  14. Effects of electrocautery to provoke endovascular thermal injury Efeitos do eletrocautério para provocar lesão térmica endovascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Henrique Rossi


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of a new electrocautery device to provoke endovascular venous thermal injury. METHODS: An experimental endovascular electrocautery was placed inside eight ex-vivo bovine saphenous veins models. Each one was divided in eight segments and progressive intensities of electric energy liberated. The macroscopic and microscopic effects were analyzed. RESULTS: Forty bovine saphenous veins segments were studied. The higher the electric energy applied the greater the nuclear picnosis and more intense the cytoplasmatic shrinkage and electrocoagulation effects. CONCLUSION: The experimental endovascular electrocautery device demonstrated to be both capable of inducing the destruction of the intimal layers of the studied vein model and provoke endovascular thermal injury.OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos de um modelo experimental de eletrocautério em provocar lesão venosa térmica endovascular. MÉTODOS: O eletrocautério endovascular foi colocado dentro de oito modelos experimentais de veia safena bovina. Cada uma foi dividida em oito segmentos e intensidades progressivas de energia elétrica liberada. Os efeitos macroscópicos e microscópicos foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados quarenta segmentos de veia safena bovina. Quanto maior a energia elétrica aplicada pelo eletrocauterizador endovascular maiores foram as alteraçoes de picnose nuclear e mais intensa a retração citoplasmática observada. CONCLUSÃO: O eletrocautério endovascular experimental demonstrou ser capaz de induzir a destruição da camada íntima e provocar lesão térmica endovascular.

  15. Virulence factors analysis of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis in México

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    Julio C. Franco G.


    Full Text Available Un total de 117 aislados bacterianos obtenidos de casos de mastitis bovina positivos a las pruebas de catalasa, coagulasa, termonucleasa, manitol y PCR fueron analizados para determinar la producción de los siguientes factores de virulencia: hemolisisnas (alfa y beta, factor de agregación y cápsula. Adicionalmente fue también evaluada la sensibilidad a oxitetraciclina, penicilina, oxacilina y estreptomicina. La producción de hemolisinas y el factor de agregación fueron los 2 factores de virulencia expresados en la mayoría de los aislados (78% y (83% respectivamente, mientras que la formación de cápsula se detectó en 31% de los aislados bovinos. Una fuerte correlación entre ausencia de cápsula y producción de hemolisinas fue observado, ya que 72 de un total de 92 cepas hemolíticas no mostraron cápsula. La ausencia de cápsula fue asociada a la producción del factor de agregación en 89% de los aislados bacterianos positivos a este factor. El 68% y 69% de los aislados bacterianos resultaron positivos a penicilina y oxacilina respectivamente. La mayoría de los aislados (116 expresaron al menos 1 factor de virulencia (hemolisinas, cápsula o factor de agregación. Finalmente, el papel de los factores de virulencia y su relación en la patogenicidad de S. aureus en la mastitis bovina en México es discutido.

  16. Viroses confundíveis com febre aftosa Viral diseases to be differentiated from foot-and-mouth disease

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    Franklin Riet-Correa


    Full Text Available Revisam-se as doenças que devem ser consideradas no diagnóstico diferencial de febre aftosa. Dentre as doenças vesiculares ou erosivas, descrevem-se os principais aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico da estomatite vesicular, diarréia viral bovina, febre catarral maligna, infecções por herpesvírus bovino 1 e 5, e uma estomatite ulcerativa associada a parvovírus bovino, que ocorreu no Rio Grande do Sul; língua azul, para a qual tem sido detectados anticorpos em bovinos e ovinos do Rio Grande do Sul; mamilite herpética que ocorre em outros Estados do País;peste bovina, que foi diagnosticada e erradicada no Estado de São Paulo em 1921; estomatite popular; e duas doenças exóticas:exantema vesicular e doença vesicular do suíno.Diseases to be considered in the differential diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease are reviewed. The main aspects relating to the diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis, bovine virus diarrhea, malignant catarrhal fever, bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5, andem ulcerative stomatitis associated with bovine parvovirus are described. Bluetongue, that probably occurs in Rio Grande do Sul because antibodies to the virus have been detected in cattle and sheep; is refered. Bovine ulcerative mammilitis, reported in other Brazilian States, rinderpest, reported and eradicated in the State of São Paulo in 1921, and popular stomatitis are also cited, and so are two exotic diseases: vesicular exanthema and swine vesicular disease.

  17. Effects of oxygen partial pressure on the ferroelectric properties of pulsed laser deposited Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 thin films (United States)

    Silva, J. P. B.; Sekhar, K. C.; Almeida, A.; Agostinho Moreira, J.; Pereira, M.; Gomes, M. J. M.


    The Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 thin films were grown on the Pt-Si substrate at 700 °C by using a pulsed laser deposition technique at different oxygen partial pressure (PO2) in the range of 1-20 Pa and their properties were investigated. It is observed that the PO2 during the deposition plays an important role on the tetragonal distortion ratio, surface morphology, dielectric permittivity, ferroelectric polarization, switching response, and leakage currents of the films. With an increase in PO2, the in-plane strain for the BST films changes from tensile to compressive. The films grown at 7.5 Pa show the optimum dielectric and ferroelectric properties and also exhibit the good polarization stability. It is assumed that a reasonable compressive strain, increasing the ionic displacement, and thus promotes the in-plane polarization in the field direction, could improve the dielectric permittivity. The butterfly features of the capacitance-voltage ( C- V) characteristics and the bell shape curve in polarization current were attributed to the domain reversal process. The effect of pulse amplitude on the polarization reversal behavior of the BST films grown at PO2 of 7.5 Pa was studied. The peak value of the polarization current shows exponential dependence on the electric field.

  18. Imaging of aromatase distribution in rat and rhesus monkey brains with [11C]vorozole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Kayo; Bergstroem, Mats; Fraendberg, Pernilla; Vesstroem, Eva-Lotta; Watanabe, Yasuyoshi; Langstroem, Bengt


    Aromatase is an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens and may play a role in mood and mental status. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that brain aromatase distribution could be evaluated with a novel positron emission tomography (PET) tracer [ 11 C]vorozole. Vorozole is a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor that reversibly binds to the heme domain of aromatase. In vitro experiments in rat brain, using frozen section autoradiography, illustrated specific binding in the medial amygdala (MA), the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) and the preoptic area (POA) of male rat brain. Specific binding in female rat brain was found in the MA and the BST; however, the signals were lower than those of males. The K d of [ 11 C]vorozole binding to aromatase in MA was determined to be 0.60±0.06 nM by Scatchard plot analysis using homogenates. An in vivo PET study in female rhesus monkey brain demonstrated the uptake of [ 11 C]vorozole in the amygdala, where the uptake was blocked by the presence of excess amounts of unlabeled vorozole. Thus, this tracer has a high affinity for brain aromatase and could have a potential for in vivo aromatase imaging. This technique might enable the investigation of human brain aromatase in healthy and diseased persons

  19. Effect of concurrent Mg/Nb-doping on dielectric properties of Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 thin films (United States)

    Alema, Fikadu; Reich, Michael; Reinholz, Aaron; Pokhodnya, Konstantin


    Composition, microstructure, and dielectric properties of undoped and Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (BMN) doped Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 (BST) thin films deposited via rf. magnetron sputtering on platinized alumina substrates have been investigated. The analysis of microstructure has shown that despite the sizable effect of doping on the residual stress, the latter is partially compensated by the thermal expansion coefficient mismatch, and its influence on the BST film crystal structure is insignificant. It was revealed that BMN doped film demonstrated an average (over 2000 devices) of 52.5% tunability at 640 kV/cm, which is ˜8% lower than the value for the undoped film. This drop is associated with the presence of Mg ions in BMN; however, the effect of Mg doping is partially compensated by that of Nb ions. The decrease in grain size upon doping may also contribute to the tunability drop. Doping with BMN allows achievement of a compensation concentration yielding no free carriers and resulting in significant leakage current reduction when compared with the undoped film. In addition, the presence of large amounts of empty shallow traps related to NbTi• allows localizing free carriers injected from the contacts thus extending the device control voltage substantially above 10 V.

  20. Superamphiphobic Surfaces Prepared by Coating Multifunctional Nanofluids. (United States)

    Esmaeilzadeh, Pouriya; Sadeghi, Mohammad Taghi; Bahramian, Alireza; Fakhroueian, Zahra; Zarbakhsh, Ali


    Construction of surfaces with the capability of repelling both water and oil is a challenging issue. We report the superamphiphobic properties of mineral surfaces coated with nanofluids based on synthesized Co-doped and Ce-doped Barium Strontium Titanate (CoBST and CeBST) nanoparticles and fluorochemicals of trichloro(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)silane (PFOS) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Coating surfaces with these nanofluids provides both oil (with surface tensions as low as 23 mN/m) and water repellency. Liquids with high surface tension (such as water and ethylene glycol) roll off the coated surface without tilting. A water drop released from 8 mm above the coated surface undergoes first a lateral displacement from its trajectory and shape deformation, striking the surface after 23 ms, bouncing and rolling off freely. These multifunctional coating nanofluids impart properties of self-cleaning. Applications include coating surfaces where cleanliness is paramount such as in hospitals and domestic environments as well as the maintenance of building facades and protection of public monuments from weathering. These superamphiphobic-doped nanofluids have thermal stability up to 180 °C; novel industrial applications include within fracking and the elimination of condensate blockage in gas reservoirs.