
Sample records for soldagem plasma para

  1. Desenvolvimento e Validação de Algoritmos para Emprego de Sensores na Soldagem Robótica Orbital do Passe de Raiz de Tubulações

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    Renan Medeiros Kindermann


    Full Text Available Resumo Os sistemas comerciais destinados à automação da soldagem orbital enfrentam desafios perante o controle da trajetória e a parametrização do processo. Os tubos e dutos do setor de Petróleo e Gás apresentam descontinuidades, advindas de sua fabricação, críticas para o processo de soldagem. Para superar isto, o presente trabalho investiga a utilização de sensores para correção em tempo real da soldagem orbital. Um robô antropomórfico atua na condução da tocha. Um sensor a arco para seguimento de junta e um sensor baseado no contato elétrico para procura da junta foram empregados. Um programa em forma de algoritmos para geração de uma trajetória orbital automática e alocação dos parâmetros de soldagem foi desenvolvido. A validação da estratégia proposta e do controle da tocha pelo sensor a arco foi realizada com depósitos em corpos de prova de tubos. A soldagem do passe de raiz com um processo MIG/MAG com controle de corrente no curto-circuito também foi executada em conjunto com o sensor a arco.

  2. Soldagem por Difusão de Aços Inoxidáveis para Fabricação de Trocadores de Calor Compactos

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    Marcus Vinícius Volponi Mortean


    Full Text Available Resumo A união de materiais diferentes ou componentes com geometrias complexas muitas vezes requer processos de uniões especiais, como por exemplo, uma fonte de energia de alta densidade como laser ou feixe de elétrons para soldagem por fusão ou mesmo um processo de soldagem no estado sólido. Em particular, este trabalho descreve os experimentos recentes da aplicação da soldagem por difusão no estado sólido (SDES para diferentes tipos de aços inoxidáveis: austenítico AISI 316L, duplex UNS 31803 e superduplex UNS 327250. A soldagem por difusão foi realizada sob alto vácuo a 1050 °C, durante 60 minutos, empregando uma pressão uniaxial de 18-35 MPa. A qualidade da união foi avaliada por microscopia óptica e testes mecânicos. Os resultados preliminares indicam a necessidade de otimização dos parâmetros de processo para os aços duplex e superduplex. Os resultados positivos alcançados no presente trabalho permitiram a fabricação de protótipos de trocadores de calor compacto em aço inoxidável, utilizando o novo método de fabricação, desenvolvido por LABTUCAL / UFSC, através do qual o processo de corte a jato de água é aplicado para confeccionar com precisão os canais do núcleo do permutador de calor.

  3. Soldagem tig orbital


    Pigozzo, Ivan Olszanski


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2015. As obras de construção de tubulações e dutovias para o transporte de matéria, principalmente na indústria do petróleo e gás, apresentam na atualidade constante crescimento, causando relevantes impactos econômicos e produtivos para o desenvolvimento do país. Neste tipo de obra, as etapas de soldagem são um fator determinante para melhore...

  4. Desenvolvimento de sistema de apoio com depósito cerâmico para soldagem e processamento por atrito com pino não consumível

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    Tiago F. A. Santos


    Full Text Available A mesa suporte das peças a serem unidas normalmente se deforma durante o processo de soldagem por atrito com pino não consumível devido às altas cargas envolvidas. Consequentemente, a obtenção de juntas soldadas com penetração total, bem como a vida útil da amostra e da ferramenta podem ser afetadas, causando paradas não programadas e comprometendo a produtividade do processo e deslocando mão de obra para uma etapa de manutenção não prevista na cadeia do processo de soldagem. Este trabalho apresenta uma mesa de apoio com depósito cerâmico para o processamento e soldagem por atrito com pino não consumível. Para o desenvolvimento da mesa foram testados quatro depósitos cerâmicos, sob uma placa de aço, dos quais o de menor porosidade atingiu melhor desempenho. Essa mesa permitiu a realização de juntas soldadas com penetração completa de aços inoxidáveis duplex; resistir às altas cargas durante a soldagem de aços baixa liga alta resistência e realizar juntas dissimilares aço-alumínio, sem aderência do material mais macio à mesa suporte; bem como outras importantes características como confinar o calor e o metal plastificado, assim como determinar parâmetros de soldagem estáveis.

  5. Aperfeiçoamento da técnica de Soldagem Pontual por Fricção (FSpW para união de poliamida 6 e laminado de poliamida 66 com fibra de carbono

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    Joel Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A Soldagem Pontual por Fricção ('Friction Spot Welding - FSpW' é uma técnica inovadora que foi desenvolvida e patenteada em 2005 pelo centro de pesquisa alemão Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG. A técnica apresenta ciclos rápidos, baixo custo operacional e gera soldas com alto desempenho mecânico. Foi inicialmente projetada para a soldagem de ligas metálicas leves. A soldagem de polímeros é alvo de pesquisas recentes e a soldagem de compósitos poliméricos por FSpW ainda é inédita. Este estudo demonstrou a viabilidade técnica da soldagem de chapa de poliamida 6 (PA6 e laminado de poliamida 66 e fibra de carbono (CF-PA66 por FSpW. O histórico térmico, o acabamento superficial, a microestrutura da região da solda e a resistência mecânica ao cisalhamento de juntas sobrepostas PA6/CF-PA66 foram investigados. O aumento do tamanho do anel de fixação da ferramenta original, projetada para a soldagem de metais, possibilitou a seleção de parâmetros de soldagem que resultaram em grande aporte térmico, resultando no aumento da área soldada, num menor entalhe (inscrição deixado pela ferramenta na amostra, produzindo melhoria no acabamento superficial da solda. Essa otimização resultou em uma junta PA6/CF-PA66 com resistência ao cisalhamento de 35 MPa (2196 N, com fratura predominante na placa superior de PA6.

  6. Desenvolvimento dos Parâmetros do Processo de Soldagem por Atrito com Pino Não Consumível para o Aço de Alta Resistência e Baixa Liga ISO 3183 X80M

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    Tahiana F. C. Hermenegildo

    Full Text Available Resumo Sabe-se que as velocidades de soldagem e rotacional, força axial, ângulo de inclinação e desenho da ferramenta são as principais variáveis de entrada independentes, que são utilizadas para controlar o processo de soldagem por atrito com pino não consumível, e que a taxa de geração de calor, taxa de resfriamento, força na direção de soldagem e o torque são as variáveis de resposta, que irão influenciar na evolução microestrutural e desempenho mecânico da junta soldada. Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo do comportamento destas variáveis visando o desenvolvimento de parâmetros para o aço API 5L X80 (ISO 3183 X80M. Para tanto, chapas com 12 mm de espessura, foram soldadas através de dois passes, utilizando ferramenta de nitreto de boro cúbico policristalino. Observou-se que, mantendo-se a velocidade de soldagem constante, o aumento da velocidade rotacional e /ou da força axial, tende a reduzir as forças reativas e o torque atuantes durante o processo pelo aumento da taxa de geração de calor. Por outro lado, mantendo-se essas variáveis constantes, o aumento da velocidade de soldagem tende a aumentar as forças e o torque, uma vez que para o aço, este parâmeto desempenha um papel significativo na taxa de geração de calor durante o processo.

  7. Validação de um Sistema Robotizado Recém Desenvolvido para a Soldagem pelo Processo Friction Stir Welding por meio da União e Caracterização de Juntas da Liga de Alumínio 5052 H34

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    Bruno Silva Cota


    Full Text Available Resumo Este projeto trata da validação de um sistema recém desenvolvido para a soldagem pelo processo friction stir welding, que foi adaptado a um robô antropomórfico com capacidade de 500 kg e seis graus de liberdade. Para garantir que o sistema projetado é capaz de soldar materiais pelo processo FSW, ou seja, garantir que possui rigidez, resistência e torque suficientes para realizar a operação de soldagem, faz-se necessário realizar a validação do mesmo. Para tanto, foi necessário soldar um material conhecido, com parâmetros já estabelecidos, e utilizar uma ferramenta apropriadamente dimensionada. Dessa forma, escolheu-se a liga 5052 H43 de 3 mm de espessura, usada na produção de navios, embarcações e estruturas automotivas. Para a soldagem das juntas finais foi usada uma ferramenta fabricada em AISI H13, com pino cônico liso e diâmetro do ombro de 18 mm. A velocidade rotacional da ferramenta foi mantida constante em 378 rpm, e a velocidade de avanço em 7,5 mm/min, sendo a inclinação da ferramenta de 2°. Verificou-se após os ensaios que o sistema de soldagem projetado se mostrou eficaz em aplicações de soldagem FSW, apresentando torque e resistência mecânica suficientes para a união de materiais com baixo ponto de fusão. Por meio dos parâmetros utilizados, bem como da geometria da ferramenta, foi possível obter juntas da liga de alumínio 5052 H34 soldadas com: bom aspecto superficial, baixos valores de rebarba, ausência de sulcos ou vazios ao longo da linha de soldagem e com penetração total.

  8. Proposta de roteiro para a determinação das variáveis de soldagem do Processo TIG pulsado aplicado à soldagem de chapas finas Proposal of roadmap for determining the variables of pulsed TIG welding process applied to welding of thin plates

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    Tiago Vieira da Cunha


    Full Text Available Na soldagem TIG pulsada a corrente varia entre dois níveis bem definidos de energia numa determinada frequência, sendo, portanto, necessário a regulagem de um conjunto de variáveis composto pela corrente de pulso, tempo de pulso, corrente de base, tempo de base, além da velocidade de soldagem. Entretanto, apesar de ser uma técnica tão amplamente difundida, na prática estas variáveis de soldagem muitas vezes são reguladas de forma arbitrária. Isto pode conduzir ao uso ineficiente da pulsação da corrente quando considerado o resultado final da solda, bem como nos aspectos de produtividade. Diante desta carência, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um roteiro desenvolvido com o intuito de suprir a necessidade prática de se estabelecer critérios para auxiliar a determinação das variáveis da soldagem TIG pulsada, tomando como premissa a largura desejada para o cordão de solda final, a sobreposição entre os pontos de solda que compõem o cordão e a velocidade de soldagem. Por fim, é apresentada uma aplicação deste roteiro na soldagem "bead on plate" de chapas de aço inox com 1,2 mm de espessura.In pulsed TIG welding the current varies between two well-defined energy levels in a given frequency being, therefore, necessary to the adjustment of a set of variables consisting of the peak current, peak time, background current, background time and the welding speed. However, despite being a technique so widespread, in practice these welding variables are often regulated arbitrarily. This can lead to inefficient use of the pulsed current regarding the end result of the weld as well as in the aspects of productivity. Given this shortage, this paper aims to present a roadmap developed in order to meet the practical need to establish criteria to assist in the determination of pulsed TIG welding variables, taking as its premise the desired width of the weld bead, overlap between the weld points comprising the weld bead and the

  9. Revestimento de Níquel Depositado pela Soldagem MIG e MIG com Arame Frio

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    Carlos Alberto Mendes da Mota

    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo das características operacionais, geométricas e microestruturais de soldas MIG e MIGAF (MIG com arame frio aplicadas no revestimento de chapa de um aço AISI 1020, com uma superliga de níquel ER NiCrMo-4, tipo Hastelloy 276C. A soldagem foi automatizada, na posição plana, e realizada por uma fonte eletrônica em CC+ com aquisição instantânea dos oscilogramas de corrente e tensão de soldagem. As variáveis de entrada foram às velocidades do arame eletrodo e do arame frio, e a velocidade de soldagem. Foram avaliadas a operacionalidade dos processos e o efeito da energia de soldagem sobre as características geométricas (reforço e largura, diluição, microestrutura e microdureza do revestimento. Os resultados indicaram um bom desempenho operacional, a ausência de defeitos nos passes isolados e nos revestimentos para as soldagens com MIGAF. Além disso, constataram-se menores níveis de diluição.

  10. Influência da Posição e dos Parâmetros de Soldagem na Soldagem TIG Orbital Aplicada a Tubulações de Aço Baixo Carbono

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    Daniel Wallerstein Figueirôa


    Full Text Available Resumo A característica mais marcante da soldagem TIG Orbital é a constante alteração na posição de soldagem enquanto a tocha acompanha o perfil geométrico dos tubos. No contexto da soldagem TIG orbital de tubos de grande diâmetro e paredes espessas, é investigada a relação entre a posição de soldagem, uso de corrente constante ou pulsada e ainda valor da corrente média nas características geométricas dos cordões obtidos. Foram realizadas soldas de deposição em tubos de aço carbono SAE 1020, bem como macrografias das seções transversais dos cordões via microscopia óptica. Filmagens em alta definição contribuíram para a compreensão do comportamento da poça de fusão nas diferentes posições de soldagem. As características geométricas foram quantificadas através das macrografias com o uso de um software e foi traçada a relação destas com as variáveis citadas. Além disso, foi feita uma análise microestrutural das amostras, correlacionando com a microdureza Vickers. Concluiu-se que cordões soldados com corrente pulsada apresentam maiores reforço e largura, bem como maior dureza e microestrutura mais refinada. A posição vertical ascendente resulta em cordões com menor fator de forma e maior penetração, e a posição sobre cabeça resulta em cordões de baixo fator de forma.

  11. Avaliação metalúrgica da soldagem de revestimento inox austenítico sobre aço SAE 4130

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    Márcio de Souza Elias


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma avaliação metalúrgica da soldagem de revestimento inox austenítico sobre a área de selagem de tubos de Riser fabricados em aço SAE 4130. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas. A primeira etapa teve como objetivo a determinação da taxa de diluição e taxa de deposição para os níveis máximo e mínimo de energia de soldagem conforme procedimentos de soldagem (EPS com os processos TIG e ER. A seguir, foi feita análise e estudo com o diagrama de Schaeffler para identificar os consumíveis de solda mais adequados, conforme critérios de qualidade estabelecidos. Este estudo identificou o metal de adição 312 para a primeira camada, o 309 e 308 para a segunda. Todos usando o nível máximo de energia de soldagem e o processo de soldagem ER, com benefícios à produtividade. A segunda etapa teve como objetivo a validação dos resultados empíricos encontrados na 1ª etapa, com a execução de soldas de revestimento com duas camadas cada, e a caracterização metalúrgica das juntas soldadas por ensaios mecânicos e análise microestrutural por MO e MEV. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos e da microestrutura foram considerados satisfatórios, atendendo os critérios de qualidade adotados. Foi observada uma microestrutura austeno-ferritica com teor de ferrita delta entre 10 a 15 % nas duas camadas do revestimento. O eletrodo 312 assumiu posição de destaque na aplicação da 1ª camada da solda de revestimento sobre o aço SAE 4130, em função do seu maior teor de ferrita delta e cromo, evitando a formação de trincas a quente. Para a segunda camada, tanto o 309 como o 308 podem ser usados. Todas as soldas foram feitas com elevada energia de soldagem, garantindo o aumento da produtividade, sem alteração significativa nas características físicas e mecânicas.

  12. Estudo de Procedimentos de Soldagem MIG/MAG para Aplicação de Revestimentos de Liga de Níquel Inconel 625 em Aço Estrutural ASTM A387 Gr.11

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    Nathália Escóssio Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho objetiva o estudo de técnicas de soldagem aplicadas a reparo de componentes fabricados em aço ASTM A387 Gr.11, largamente utilizado em aplicações da indústria do petróleo e gás. Devido ao regime de trabalho e necessidade de utilização de materiais com boa resistência mecânica e à corrosão, utilizou-se como metal de adição a liga UNS N06625 (Inconel 625. O processo de soldagem utilizado foi o MIG/MAG e a técnica de soldagem aplicada foi a dupla camada. A metodologia do presente trabalho foi dividida em etapas, sendo a primeira a realização de ensaios exploratórios para definir a relevância dos fatores de controle estudados. A segunda etapa consistiu na aplicação do critério de dureza e de microestrutura para definir as melhores relações de energia para aplicação da técnica da dupla camada. A técnica da dupla camada se mostrou eficaz na melhora das propriedades da microestrutura da ZAC-GG dos revestimentos, verificou-se intenso refinamento de grão. Houve também redução nas medidas de dureza e microdureza. Para ambos os gases de proteção utilizados (Ar+25%He e Ar+4%CO2 foi possível obter relações de energia com afastamentos positivos. Em todas essas relações a energia da segunda camada foi maior que a energia da primeira camada.

  13. Um critério para determinar a regulagem da tensão em soldagem MIG/MAG por curto-circuito A criterion to determine voltage setting in short-circuit GMAW

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    Gabriel Maradei Carneiro de Rezende


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre um critério denominado "Critério Laprosolda para Estabilidade de Transferência em MIG/MAG com curto-circuito", o qual tem por finalidade uma análise quantitativa da regularidade da transferência metálica para regulagem de parâmetros para soldagem MIG/MAG por curto circuito convencional. Inicialmente é apresentado o embasamento para elaboração deste critério. A avaliação da confiabilidade do mesmo foi feita por meio de soldagens e comparações dos resultados com o rendimento de deposição e com as características geométricas do cordão de solda. Para isto, chapas de teste com 3,18 mm de espessura e abertura de raiz de 1 mm entre elas foram soldadas, dentro dos mesmos parâmetros de corrente e velocidade de alimentação, usando arame AWS ER70S-6 de 1,2 mm de diâmetro protegido pela mistura Argônio 85% - Dióxido de Carbono 15%. Para atender a relação proposta, varreu-se a regulagem de tensões de soldagem desde valores muito baixos até muito altos para o que se esperava para esta condição de soldagem. Os resultados confirmam a efetividade do "Índice de Regularidade" como meio de avaliar regulagens de soldagem MIG/MAG visando minimizar respingos e otimizar o acabamento do cordão.This paper presents an exploratory study on a criterion called "Criterion for Stability Laprosolda Transfer in MIG / MAG with short circuit", which aims at a quantitative analysis of the regularity of metal transfer for setting parameters for MIG / MAG conventional in short circuit. Initially it is stated the foundation for development of this criterion. The evaluation of that was made by welding and comparisons of results with the efficiency of deposition and the geometric characteristics of the weld bead. For this, the test plates with 3.18 mm thick and 1 mm gap between them was welded in the same range of current and feeding speed, using wire AWS ER70S-6 1.2 mm of diameter protected by the

  14. Manufatura Aditiva: o papel da soldagem nesta janela de oportunidade

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    Eduardo André Alberti


    Full Text Available A manufatura aditiva (MA é uma evolução da prototipagem rápida no sentido que cria um produto físico a partir de um arquivo digital (CAD 3D, entretanto sua utilização extrapola a produção de protótipos. Esta técnica envolve o projeto de um componente em camadas, estas multicamadas são depositadas por processos de soldagem produzindo o componente sem a necessidade de moldes ou outras ferramentas. Inicialmente esta tecnologia quase se restringia a processos de alta densidade de energia entretanto a busca por maior competitividade levou utilização de processos de soldagem a arco, utilizando material de adição na forma de arame ou de pó. Este trabalho tem por objetivo revisar as informações mais recentes com particular destaque para a MA utilizando processos a arco. São destacados os desafios envolvidos na fabricação de componentes por MA tanto na deposição das multicamadas como na fase de acabamento.

  15. Transferência de calor aplicada à prototipagem rápida por deposição de metal em camadas sucessivas utilizando soldagem 3D

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    Felipe Ferreira Fraga


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo dos fenômenos de transferência de calor no processo de prototipagem rápida por deposição de metal em camadas sucessivas utilizando soldagem a arco, também chamada de soldagem 3D (3D Welding. O objetivo é desenvolver um modelo simplificado e compreender o processo de transferência de calor e suas relações com os parâmetros de soldagem, de modo a se possibilitar um controle dos ciclos térmicos a que estará sujeito o material depositado. Desenvolveu-se um modelo físico-matemático para a transferência de calor durante o processo de soldagem, o qual é resolvido numericamente pelo método das diferenças finitas, permitindo a simulação de situações típicas desse tipo de processo de fabricação. O modelo numérico desenvolvido foi validado por meio da simulação de casos específicos para os quais se conhecem soluções analíticas. A partir das equações do modelo, definiram-se parâmetros adimensionais, dentre os quais pode-se citar o grupo adimensional π1, relacionado principalmente à velocidade de soldagem. Realizaram-se alguns experimentos numéricos observando a influência desse grupo nas temperaturas máximas, médias e nas amplitudes dos ciclos térmicos que a peça está sujeita.

  16. Análise de Distorções na Soldagem de Juntas em “X” e “V” em Modelos Reduzidos em Escala de Anéis Segmentados Utilizando o Monitoramento Contínuo com Sensores a Laser

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    Jonathas Henrique Pereira


    Full Text Available Resumo Distorções em componentes soldados são alterações permanente de forma e dimensões resultantes das deformações plásticas que ocorrem devido as tensões térmicas desenvolvidas durante o processo de soldagem. Em função dos elevados custos para corrigir essas distorções de soldagem, existe grande interesse das indústrias em prever, monitorar e controlar estas distorções. Este trabalho compara as distorções ocorridas durante a soldagem de modelos de anel segmentado em escala reduzida com dois tipos de juntas (“X” e “V” utilizando a metodologia de monitoramento contínuo da evolução das distorções de soldagem com sensores a laser. Para o monitoramento contínuo são utilizados sensores a laser que são apoiados sobre a peça e os feixes foram projetados em um anteparo translúcido colocado em frente ao mesmo. Com a progressão da distorção durante a soldagem os feixes luminosos se movimentam pelo anteparo proporcionalmente a deformações ocorridas na peça. Os deslocamentos dos pontos luminosos refletidos no anteparo são filmados pelo lado oposto do anteparo. A discretização da filmagem permite analisar as deformações ao longo do processo soldagem e determinar a evolução das distorções em função do tempo. Foi confirmado que as soldagens realizadas em juntas em “X” apresentam menores valores de distorções que as juntas em “V”. Os resultados demostram que para os corpos de prova utilizados neste experimento pelo menos 60% da distorção ocorreu após a extinção do arco. Pelos testes experimentais foi possível afirmar que a técnica de monitoramento com sensores a laser é viável para utilizar na indústria e laboratórios de soldagem, porém faz-se necessário otimizar o processamento dos dados obtidos pela filmagem, permitindo um monitoramento instantâneo. A informação sobre a evolução das distorções durante a soldagem será útil para definir e monitorar de forma mais eficiente o

  17. Desenvolvimento da ferrita delta na solda e ZTA resultante de soldagem plasma pulsada em um aço inoxidável supermartensítico Delta-ferrite development in weld and HAZ produced by pulsed plasma arc welding in a supermartensitic stainless steel

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    Sérgio L. Henke


    Full Text Available A ferrita delta é considerada uma fase indesejável na microestrutura dos aços inoxidáveis martensíticos haja vista a mesma poder influenciar no desempenho da resistência à fadiga, tenacidade e corrosão sob-tensão. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito da soldagem plasma pulsada sobre a distribuição e quantidade de ferrita delta em um aço inoxidável supermartensítico. Para tal foram obtidos cordões por meio de fusão superficial sobre uma amostra de aço inoxidável supermartensítico de alta liga utilizando corrente pulsada e convencional. Em seguida foi efetuada a caracterização microestrutural, em especial da ferrita delta, via análises metalográficas por meio de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura . Os experimentos revelaram que, para o mesmo aporte térmico, a pulsação de corrente promoveu a formação de ferrita delta na forma de bandas ao longo do cordão de solda e redução significativa desta fase na ZTA quando comparada à soldagem convencional.The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of pulsed plasma welding on the distribution and amount of delta ferrite which is considered an undesirable phase in a supermartensitic stainless steel. For such weld beads have been obtained by melting the surface of a sample of a high-alloy supermartensitic stainless steel using pulsed and conventional current. Microstructural characterization, especially of delta ferrite, was performed by metallographic analysis by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The experiments showed that for the same heat input, pulsed current promoted the formation of delta ferrite in the form of bands along the weld bead and caused a significant reduction of this phase in HAZ as compared to conventional welding.

  18. Reciclagem de Cavacos de Titânio para a Deposição de Revestimentos Duros por Soldagem

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    José Gedael Fagundes Júnior


    Full Text Available O titânio é um metal nobre e possui excelentes propriedades biomecânicas, podendo assim ser plenamente aceito pelo organismo humano. A grande demanda na utilização de implantes dentários, fabricados a partir de ligas de titânio traz consigo um aumento significativo na geração de resíduos (cavacos, resultantes dos processos de usinagem empregados. Com o objetivo de reduzir os impactos ambientais, soluções alternativas para a reutilização de tais resíduos têm sido estudadas. O carboneto de titânio (TiC possui elevada dureza, o que potencialmente permitiria a sua utilização como reforço em revestimentos antidesgaste aplicados em equipamentos das indústrias sucroalcooleira e mineradoras. Neste trabalho cavacos de ligas a base de titânio foram processados e utilizados como matéria prima para a fabricação de consumíveis experimentais de soldagem. Cordões de solda foram produzidos sobre amostras de aço-carbono por soldagem a arco elétrico com proteção gasosa e eletrodo de tungstênio (tradução do termo inglês GTAW. A caracterização microestrutural do metal de solda foi realizada por MEV e difração de raios-X. O comportamento mecânico dos revestimentos foi analisado por meio de um ultramicrodurômetro digital. Verificou-se que a microestrutura do metal de solda era composta por partículas não prismáticas de alta dureza distribuídas em uma matriz ferrítica. Medidas feitas por microanálise EDS mostraram diferenças na concentração de titânio entre a matriz e as partículas duras, onde maiores teores deste elemento foram identificados. A análise cristalográfica confirmou que houve a formação de carbonetos de titânio envoltos por uma matriz de ferrita.

  19. Efeito de dois sistemas de soldagem na alteração dimensional nas ligas de cobalto-cromo verificado por meio de análise por extensometria linear elétrica e resistência à flexão


    Castilho, Anderson Almeida [UNESP


    O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a alteração dimensional provocada pelos procedimentos de soldagem nas infra-estruturas de próteses fixas impanto-suportadas por meio de análise de extensometria linear elétrica assim como se determinar a resistência flexão de dois tipos de juntas soldadas (Arco-Plasma e Laser) em liga Odontológica Co-Cr. Para tanto, estruturas metálicas foram fundidas pelo método de indução para pilares tipo micro-unit. Para esse estudo, foram investigados três grupos: Grup...

  20. Metodologia de Baixo Custo para Registro de Imagens do Arco Voltaico de Soldagem

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    Anna Louise Voigt


    Full Text Available Resumo Equipamentos que permitem o registro de imagens são importantes ferramentas no estudo dos processos de soldagem. Contudo, câmeras de alta velocidade que permitem a captura de imagens do arco voltaico e dos fenômenos envolvidos, a exemplo da transferência metálica, são limitadas devido ao seu alto custo. Tendo em visto a utilização de câmeras de baixo custo relativo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar os efeitos dos parâmetros de exposição no registro do arco voltaico, sendo este, semelhante ao que se observa através da máscara de soldagem. Logo, analisou-se os efeitos da abertura do diafragma, tempo de exposição e sensibilidade ISO. Além destes parâmetros, foram empregados filtros na lente da câmera a fim de melhorar a qualidade das imagens. Por fim, aplicou-se o conhecimento adquirido no registro do processo TIG com alimentação de arame frio, sendo possível a visualização das gotas sendo transferidas bem como da poça de fusão.

  1. Deposição por plasma com arco transferido Hardfacing by plasma transfer arc process

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    Víctor Vergara Díaz


    Full Text Available Em virtude do Processo de Soldagem Plasma com Alimentação de Pó ter similaridades com o Processo de Soldagem Plasma com Alimentação de Arame, foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre ambos os processos utilizando-se a liga a base de cobalto comercialmente conhecida como Stellite 6, como material de adição na forma de pó e arame. A pesquisa foi realizada com a expectativa de ser aplicada nas operações de revestimentos de superfícies, em especial em pás de turbinas hidráulicas desgastadas por cavitação. A seleção do material de adição a ser empregado depende da natureza do mecanismo de desgaste encontrado. No Labsolda, a liga Stellite 6 vem sendo uma das mais utilizadas, por apresentar uma excelente resistência ao desgaste erosivo por cavitação. Foi avaliada a influência da vazão de gás de plasma a partir dos valores de diluição, dimensões do cordão, dureza e microestrutura. O Processo de Soldagem Plasma com Alimentação de Pó foi o que produziu o melhor acabamento superficial, menor diluição, melhor molhamento e maior largura. Com isto abre-se uma nova perspectiva para revestimentos metálicos e neste contexto se insere a recuperação por soldagem de partes erodidas de turbinas hidráulicas.The Plasma powder transferred arc welding process, which uses feed stock in the powder form, has similarities with Plasma wire transferred arc welding. This work describes a comparative study of the two processes using a Cobalt-based alloy commercially known as Stellite 6. This Co-based alloy is recognized for its superior cavitation erosion resistance. The aim of this work is to investigate the potential of PTA coatings for the protection and refurbishiment hydraulic turbine blades. Coatings were evaluated for the influence of Plasma gas flow rate on coating dilution, geometry, hardness and microstructure. Coatings processed with the atomized Stellite 6 powder feestock showed a superior surface quality, lower dilution

  2. Caracterização mecânica e estudo do perfil térmico na soldagem por fricção rotativa de materiais dissimilares


    Eder Paduan Alves


    Na busca de processos alternativos utilizados para união de materiais dissimilares, destaca-se o processo de soldagem por fricção rotativa (Rotary Friction Welding), utilizado em tecnologia de ponta na indústria aeroespacial, aeronáutica, nuclear, bélica e automotiva. O processo de soldagem por fricção rotativa (SFR) acontece no estado sólido sem ocorrência de fusão entre as partes, e apresenta como principais mecanismos a difusão e mistura mecânica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracter...

  3. Avaliação das Tensões Residuais em Juntas Soldadas de Inconel 625 Obtidas Através da Soldagem por Fricção e Mistura Mecânica

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    Guilherme Vieira Braga Lemos

    Full Text Available Resumo A utilização de materiais nobres é requisito básico em aplicações onde existe um ambiente agressivo como na indústria do petróleo e nuclear. Neste panorama, a liga Inconel 625 é frequentemente utilizada como material de cladeamento no revestimento interno de dutos rígidos. Assim, as superligas de níquel exercem papel fundamental nos campos de exploração de águas profundas e, por isso, o conhecimento de métodos modernos de soldagem aplicados a estas ligas e suas consequências nos estados de tensões residuais é importante. Portanto, o presente trabalho faz uma avaliação das tensões residuais após a Soldagem por Fricção e Mistura Mecânica (SFMM em chapas soldadas de Inconel 625. A união das chapas foi realizada com rotação da ferramenta 200 e 1200 rpm e velocidade de soldagem constante (1mm/s. As medições de tensões residuais na superfície das juntas soldadas foram investigadas através da técnica de difração de raios-X. Além disso, foram avaliadas as macroestruturas e o aporte térmico de acordo com os parâmetros de soldagem empregados. Embora não existam muitos trabalhos relacionados ao processo SFMM para ligas de Inconel, provavelmente devido à sua dificuldade de soldagem, tem sido percebido um aumento na aplicação da soldagem no estado sólido como excelente alternativa para as superligas à base de níquel. Os resultados mostraram que diferentes parâmetros de processo produziram juntas soldadas distintas e, consequentemente, variações na distribuição de tensões residuais. Por fim, um aumento na velocidade de rotação da ferramenta ocasionou um aumento nas tensões residuais na zona de mistura.

  4. Efeitos da Energia de Soldagem e Consumível sobre a Resistência à Flexão Simples de Juntas Soldadas em Perfis Tubulares de Aço TMCP

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    Rafael Luciano Dalcin


    Full Text Available Resumo A introdução dos aços fabricados por processamento termomecânico controlado (TMCP demandou maiores propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas das juntas soldadas sobre eles produzidas. Em função desses fatores, a energia de soldagem é estritamente limitada, e para evitar uma eventual redução da resistência mecânica da zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC, é necessário testar os procedimentos de soldagem próximos daqueles que serão usados na estrutura real. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é obter dados detalhados referentes à eficiência mecânica de juntas soldadas pelo processo MAG e com diferentes energias de soldagem, sobre perfis tubulares quadrados em aço TMCP, formando um conjunto soldado coluna/viga. Portanto, seis distintas energias de soldagem e dois metais de adição foram utilizados (AWS ER80S-G e AWS ER120S-G, com as soldas posicionadas em todo o contorno do perfil. As doze estruturas soldadas foram instrumentadas e submetidas à flexão simples. Comparando-se as juntas soldadas produzidas com mesma energia de soldagem, e apesar dos efeitos similares sobre a zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC, aquelas fabricadas com o consumível AWS ER120S-G apresentaram maior resistência mecânica.

  5. Comparação da eficiência térmica entre soldagem A-TIG e TIG convencional


    Donegá,Thiago José; Costa,Thonson Ferreira; Arencibia,Rosenda Valdés; Vilarinho,Louriel Oliveira


    O processo A-TIG (soldagem TIG com fluxo ativo) consiste em depositar uma fina camada de fluxo sobre a superfície da peça antes da soldagem. A deposição da camada pode ser feita através de pincel ou spray, e a soldagem é realizada após a secagem. Verifica-se que com este processo é possível aumentar a produtividade (velocidade de soldagem) em até três vezes em comparação ao processo TIG convencional. Entretanto, os fenômenos físicos associados a este ganho prático de produtividade ainda perma...

  6. Análise metalográfica do titânio puro submetido à soldagem laser Nd: YAG e TIG

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    Ana Cláudia Gabrielli Piveta

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os métodos de soldagem mais utilizados em Odontologia não podem ser aplicados ao titânio puro e às suas ligas em função da alta reatividade do titânio com elementos atmosféricos; dessa forma, o mesmo não deve ser soldado por processo comum. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a característica metalúrgica do titânio comercialmente puro sem solda e submetido aos processos de soldagem a laser e TIG. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram confeccionados 15 corpos de prova em titânio comercialmente puro, cinco para cada condição, na forma de hastes cilíndricas, obtidas por fundição odontológica, sob atmosfera de gás argônio e vácuo, com calor produzido por um arco voltaico, com a injeção do titânio sob vácuo-pressão. Três grupos foram formados I: soldagem a laser; II: soldagem TIG, e III: sem solda. Os corpos de prova do grupo I e II foram seccionados ao meio e soldados por TIG e por laser, respectivamente; o grupo III foi mantido sem corte e sem solda, como controle. A análise metalográfica foi realizada sob aumentos de 50×, 100× e 200×, em microscópio. RESULTADO: Pelos resultados obtidos nas micrografias, o titânio comercialmente puro apresentou uma morfologia de grãos equiaxiais da fase α, o cordão de solda a laser apresentou estrutura martensítica e, na TIG, microestrutura Widmanstätten. CONCLUSÃO: A microestrutura martensítica é condizente com a alta taxa de resfriamento proveniente do processo de soldagem a laser. As estruturas martensítica e Widmansttäten são mais refinadas quando comparadas à microestrutura do metal base.

  7. Estudo de Procedimentos de Soldagem MIG/MAG para Aplicação de Revestimentos de Liga de Níquel Inconel 625 em Aço Estrutural ASTM A387 Gr.11


    Cavalcante, Nathália Escóssio; Andrade, Tathiane Caminha; Pinheiro, Pedro Helton Magalhães; Miranda, Hélio Cordeiro de; Motta, Marcelo Ferreira; Aguiar, Willys Machado


    Resumo O presente trabalho objetiva o estudo de técnicas de soldagem aplicadas a reparo de componentes fabricados em aço ASTM A387 Gr.11, largamente utilizado em aplicações da indústria do petróleo e gás. Devido ao regime de trabalho e necessidade de utilização de materiais com boa resistência mecânica e à corrosão, utilizou-se como metal de adição a liga UNS N06625 (Inconel 625). O processo de soldagem utilizado foi o MIG/MAG e a técnica de soldagem aplicada foi a dupla camada. A metodologia...

  8. Estudo do comportamento do aço API 5L X80 quando submetido à soldagem por processo automatizado Study on the behavior of API 5L X80 steel when subjected to automated welding process

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    Siderley Fernandes Albuquerque


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a soldagem de tubulações tem sido praticamente de forma manual, entretanto, a utilização de processos de soldagem automatizados têm crescido muito nos últimos anos, contribuindo para o maior controle dos parâmetros de soldagem, e conseqüentemente, a possibilidade de obtenção de juntas soldadas com melhores propriedades mecânicas. A soldagem de tubulações com aço API 5L X80 ainda vem sendo avaliada no Brasil no que diz respeito aos melhores procedimentos, parâmetros e processos de soldagem; a aplicação de processos automatizados nas condições específicas de campo constitui em uma opção ainda incipiente no país por se discutir ainda a relação custo/benefício com a sua implantação. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento na ZTA de juntas soldadas do aço API 5L X80 utilizados para transporte de petróleo e gás quando submetidos à soldagem com diferentes parâmetros, procedimentos e processos de soldagem, incluindo o processo automatizado; os resultados indicam além da redução da extensão e do tamanho de grão da ZTA a preservação da estrutura bainítica do metal de base nesta região nas soldagem executadas com processos automatizados.The welding of pipes has been largely manual in Brazil, however, the use of automated welding processes have greatly increased in recent years, contributing to greater control of welding parameters, and consequently, the possibility of obtaining welded joints with better mechanical properties. The welding of pipes of API 5L X80 steel has been evaluated in Brazil considering to best practices, parameters and welding processes; the implementation of automated processes in the specific field conditions is relevant project and innovative design in this area. Therefore, the objective is to evaluate the behavior in the HAZ of the API 5L X80 steel used for transporting oil and gas when subjected to automated welding processes; the results indicated besides the

  9. Some pitfalls in welding of duplex stainless steels Algumas armadilhas na soldagem de aços inoxidáveis duplex

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    Demian J. Kotecki


    encontradas com uma frequência relativamente alta para justificar um exame mais detalhado destas. A especificação inadequada do metal base frequentemente resulta em propriedades inadequadas da zona termicamente afetada (ZTA. Zona fundida autógena é também motivo de preocupação em função de limites no teor de nitrogênio. A situação mais comumente encontrada é o uso de UNS S31803 para o AID 2205 no lugar de S32205. O uso de um aporte térmico inapropriado ocorre mais frequentemente com AISD. Embora uma faixa de 0,5 a 1,5 kJ/mm seja uma recomendação normal de aporte térmico para AISD, tanto o passe de raiz como muitos pequenos cordões depositados no limite inferior desse intervalo de aporte térmico tendem a resultar em precipitação e/ou formação de austenita secundária no metal de solda submetido a ciclos térmicos repetidos. Tratamento térmico após soldagem (TTAT inapropriado ocorre quando metais de adição de maior teor de níquel (tipicamente 9% são usados. Estes tratamentos não são normalmente aplicados a AID, mas a conformação severa de cabeças, por exemplo, ou a soldagem para reparo de fundidos, pode requerer um recozimento após a soldagem. Especificações como a ASTM A790 e a A890 indicam um mínimo de 1040ºC para o recozimento e o fabricante tende a usar uma temperatura próxima deste mínimo. Contudo, o metal de adição de maior teor de níquel requer temperaturas mais elevadas para dissolver a fase sigma durante o aquecimento para a temperatura de recozimento.

  10. Influência da temperatura interpasse nas propriedades do aço inoxidável duplex durante a soldagem pelo processo a arco submerso

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    Tatiana Resende Alvarez


    Full Text Available Os aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID são materiais que apresentam elevada resistência à corrosão com altos valores de resistência mecânica motivando sua utilização em diversos componentes de processo na indústria offshore. No entanto, existem grandes desafios na soldagem destes materiais em termos de produtividade e qualidade da junta produzida, tendo em vista sua ampla utilização desde componentes de pequenas espessuras, tais como umbilicais, até de grandes espessuras, como tubulações de linhas de injeção de água salgada. No que concerne a tubulações de espessuras pequenas é empregado satisfatoriamente o processo de soldagem Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW conhecido como TIG. No que diz a respeito a tubulações de paredes espessas foi implementado, recentemente, o processo automático de soldagem por arco submerso (SAW na linha de pré-montagem de tubulações, aumentando consideravelmente a produtividade das juntas produzidas. No entanto, existe uma grande demanda de tempo para a realização de um novo passe de solda, em virtude da máxima temperatura interpasse exigida ser inferior a 150ºC. Portanto, o presente trabalho apresenta os resultados da caracterização e avaliação da resistência à corrosão de uma junta soldada correspondente a uma tubulação de aço inoxidável duplex (AID UNS S31803 de 21,4 mm de espessura de parede soldada pelos processos de soldagem MIG (GMAW na raiz e arco submerso (SAW no enchimento e acabamento, empregando-se temperaturas interpasses entre 150 e 290ºC. Os resultados da caracterização das propriedades mecânicas, composição química e resistência à corrosão em diversas regiões da junta soldada foram comparadas com os obtidos para o metal de base (MB da tubulação, assim como com os valores mínimos exigidos pelas normas de projeto. Deste modo, o presente trabalho permite avaliar a influência da temperatura interpasse nas propriedades da junta em decorrência de um poss

  11. Improving productivity and quality in plastic and thin metallic plates manufacturing by using ultrasonic welding processes Melhorando a produtividade e qualidade na fabricação em plástica e chapas finas de metal por soldagem por ultra-som

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    D. Dehelean


    Full Text Available The paper presents an overview of the research done at the Romanian National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing ISIM Timisoara in the field of ultrasonic process development. It starts with a general presentation of the value added by the welding sector in Europe. There are presented figures representing the size of the welding sector in Romania. The need of development of new high efficiency welding processes is mentioned, ultrasonic welding being one of the special welding processes with exceptional application perspectives. Practical examples of industrial application of the ultrasonic welding process for joining plastic and metallic materials are presented. A special case study refers to the welding of new shape memory alloys. The use of the ultrasonic welding instead of an conventional welding process has lead in each presented case study to an increase of the efficiency of the welding process through higher productivity and saving of manpower, consumable, energy.Este trabalho apresenta um panorama dos trabalhos de pesquisa conduzidos no Instituto nacional Romeno de P&D em Soldagem e Avaliação de Materiais (ISIM - Timisoara no desenvolvimento de processos ultrassônicos. Ele se inicia com uma apresentação geral pelo valor adicionado pelo setor de soldagem à Europa. São apresentados valores representativos do tamanho do setor de soldagem na Romênia. A necessidade do desenvolvimento de novos processos de soldagem de alta eficiência é mencionada, sendo a soldagem ultrassônica um dos processos especiais de soldagem com perspectivas excepcionais de aplicação. Exemplos práticos da aplicação industrial deste processo de soldagem para a união de plásticos e de metais são apresentados e um caso especial se refere à soldagem de novas ligas com efeito de memória de forma. O uso de soldagem por ultrassom no lugar de um processo convencional de soldagem resultou, em cada um dos estudos de caso apresentados, em um aumento

  12. Otimização de Parâmetros do Processo de Soldagem Arco Submerso para Revestimentos Anticorrosivos

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    Marcos Mesquita da Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo Neste trabalho foi avaliada a influência das variáveis de soldagem em cordões de solda, aplicados pelo processo Arco Submerso (SAW com corrente convencional, visando futura aplicação em revestimentos metálicos contra corrosão. Segmentos de tubo de um aço API 5L Gr B foram utilizados como substrato, além da utilização de um metal de adição de liga de níquel, diâmetro de 1,13mm, classificação AWS ERNiCrMo-4 (Hastelloy C-276, e um fluxo do tipo neutro, básico e aglomerado (EN 760: SA AF 2 DC. Foram analisadas as variáveis tensão, velocidade de alimentação de arame e distância do bico de contato à peça (DBCP – com o restante dos parâmetros constantes – através de um planejamento fatorial completo em dois níveis e pontos centrais. Os resultados mostraram modelos matemáticos estatisticamente significativos e preditivos para as respostas diluição e corrente média, IM. Porém, para a resposta Reforço/Largura (R/L, o modelo se caracterizou como estatisticamente significativo, não preditivo e contendo uma falta de ajuste. A DBCP, por sua vez, foi a variável que se constituiu como a de maior significância na redução da diluição.

  13. Sistema de visão por infravermelho próximo para monitoramento de processos de soldagem a arco Near-infrared vision system for arc-welding monitoring

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    Carolina Pimenta Mota


    Full Text Available A visão, o sentido predileto do ser humano, e sua grande capacidade de captar, processar e interpretar grandes quantidades de dados de natureza visual tem sido, ao longo dos anos, um grande estímulo para o desenvolvimento de técnicas e de dispositivos tecnológicos que a reproduzam num sistema computacional. Nos processos de soldagem, a visão pode fornecer dados na inspeção e qualidade da junta soldada, no monitoramento de parâmetros, na correção de trajetórias até, por fim, no estudo dos fenômenos envolvidos no processo. Porém, a radiação luminosa emitida pelo arco representa uma barreira para tais estudos baseados na visualização do processo. Uma das formas utilizadas atualmente para se obter a visualização do processo, sem a interferência do arco, consiste em iluminar o processo com o infravermelho próximo e utilizar filtros de interferência (passa-faixa, em torno deste mesmo comprimento de onda, durante a aquisição das imagens. Uma solução para a iluminação infravermelha, de aplicação crescente, envolve o uso de diodos laser de alta potência, com baixo custo e menor complexidade de instalação do que os lasers convencionais. Desta forma, a proposta deste trabalho foi a criação de um sistema de visão dos processos de soldagem a arco, de baixo custo e alta flexibilidade, indo desde a caracterização dos espectros de emissão luminosa do arco, passando pela criação de uma topologia de acionamento para o diodo de alta potência no infravermelho próximo, respeitando suas limitações de uso e maximizando a potência luminosa emitida, criação dos circuitos de controle, escolha dos equipamentos e componentes ópticos e, por fim, projeto e aplicação de um protótipo em processos de soldagem. As limitações do sistema de visão, como um todo, foram encontradas através de sua aplicação com soldagem TIG e MIG/MAG. Nestes ensaios, embora não tenha sido capaz de sobrepor a luz do arco, o sistema

  14. Soldagem por ponto no estado sólido de ligas leves Solid state spot welding of lightweight alloys

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    Leonardo Contri Campanelli


    Full Text Available A recente preocupação quanto às mudanças climáticas vem impulsionando pesquisas em eficiência energética dos meios de transportes no sentido de reduzir a emissão de gases. Uma das principais soluções consiste na redução do peso estrutural através da aplicação de novos materiais, como as ligas leves de alumínio e magnésio. Entretanto, novos usos ficam muitas vezes limitados pela dificuldade de união desses materiais. A técnica de soldagem por fricção e mistura (FSW é um processo de união no estado sólido que surge como uma alternativa viável para substituir ou complementar as tecnologias de união consagradas. Como uma junta contínua não é sempre a requisitada, duas tecnologias de união por ponto derivadas do FSW estão em desenvolvimento: soldagem por fricção e mistura por ponto (FSSW e soldagem por fricção por ponto (FSpW. Além de fornecerem juntas de elevada resistência e praticamente isentas de defeitos, estas técnicas apresentam alta eficiência energética, curto ciclo de soldagem, facilidade de automação e compatibilidade com o meio-ambiente, fazendo frente às técnicas convencionais de união por ponto, como a soldagem por resistência por ponto (RSW e a rebitagem.The recent concern about climate change has stimulated research into transport energy efficiency in order to reduce the emission of gases. One of the main solutions is to reduce the structural weight through the application of new materials, such as aluminum and magnesium lightweight alloys. However, new applications are often limited by the difficulty of joining these materials. Friction Stir Welding (FSW is a solid state joining technique that emerges as a viable alternative to replace or complement the established joining technologies. As a continuous weld is not always requested, two spot welding technologies derived from FSW are under development: Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW and Friction Spot Welding (FSpW. Besides providing

  15. Efeito da profundidade de soldagem no hidrogênio difusível de soldas molhadas Effect of water depth on diffusible hydrogen on wet welds

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    Weslley Carlos Dias da Silva


    Full Text Available Em soldagem subaquática molhada, a ocorrência de poros e trincas a frio pode ter um efeito bastante prejudicial nas propriedades mecânicas da junta soldada. O hidrogênio contribui diretamente para o aparecimento destas duas descontinuidades. A quantidade de hidrogênio difusível (Hdif no metal de solda pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores. Todavia, pouco se sabe sobre a influência da profundidade de soldagem (pressão sobre a quantidade de Hdif no metal de solda. Neste trabalho, diversas medições de hidrogênio difusível foram feitas nas profundidades de 0,30 m, 10 m e 20 m e 30 m em soldagem molhada. O consumível utilizado foi o eletrodo comercial E6013 envernizado. As medições de hidrogênio difusível foram feitas através do método da cromatografia. Para medição de porosidade foi utilizado o método macrográfico e um programa analisador de imagem. O hidrogênio residual também foi medido. Os resultados mostraram que o hidrogênio difusível reduziu significativamente com o aumento da pressão hidrostática ao contrário da porosidade, que aumentou com o aumento da pressão hidrostática. Não se observou alterações apreciáveis no hidrogênio residual do metal de solda. Desta forma, é possível concluir que a profundidade de soldagem afeta diversos aspectos da soldagem subaquática molhada, em especial, o hidrogênio difusível e porosidade, conforme foi observado neste trabalho.In underwater wet welding, cold cracking and pores might have a deleterious effect in the mechanical properties of welded joint. The hydrogen might act in the occurrence of theses discontinuities. The amount of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal can be influenced by several factors. However, not yet known whether the depth of welding (pressure affects the amount of diffusible hydrogen in weld metal. In this work, several measurements of diffusible hydrogen were made at following depth: 0.30 m, 10 m, 20 m and 30 m atwet welding. The

  16. Sistema embarcado para monitoramento sem fio de sinais em soldagem a arco elétrico com abordagem tecnológica Embedded system for wireless signal monitoring during arc welding with technological approach

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    Marcus Vinícius Ribeiro Machado


    Full Text Available Industrialmente, o processo de soldagem a arco é o mais importante na produção e reparo de equipamentos, e sendo um processo especial de fabricação, que não pode ser completamente inspecionado contra imperfeições somente após sua finalização, o monitoramento da produção se faz necessário. Este monitoramento é tecnologicamente requerido pelas normas ISO 3834:2005 e ISO 17662:2005, que dizem que o fabricante deve adotar medidas para garantir a qualidade necessária, além de especificarem os dados que devem ser monitorados e a correta calibração dos sistemas e equipamentos de medida. Este, portanto, pode ser usado para garantir documentação do processo e tomadas de ações corretivas. Existem sistemas que realizam o monitoramento satisfatoriamente, mas o uso de comunicação por cabos e/ou com computador dedicado dificultam suas aplicações industriais. Então, um sistema embarcado, independente, que monitore diferentes sinais do processo de soldagem e que se comunique de forma robusta e flexível a diferentes equipamentos é fundamental para a indústria. Este sistema deve ser de utilização simplificada e apresentar o estado da arte em tecnologia de comunicação. Devido a essa necessidade, foi então projetado e construído um sistema para monitoramento sem fio de sinais em soldagem a arco elétrico, denominado de MoSo Wi-Fi. Três canais de aquisição estão disponíveis (tensão, corrente e velocidade de alimentação de arame, sendo validados pela instrumentação de soldagens TIG CA e MIG/MAG (curto-circuito, goticular e pulsado, demonstrando grande aplicabilidade e robustez a um baixo custo de hardware.Industrially, arc welding process is the most important in equipment production and repair, and being a special manufacturing process, which cannot be completely inspected for flaws only after its completion, production monitoring is necessary. This monitoring is technologically required by ISO 3834:2005 and ISO 17662

  17. Efeito do tipo de revestimento na soldagem a ponto de aços galvanizados Effect of coating type on spot welding of galvanized steel

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    Tarcélio Anício da Silva


    Full Text Available Os aços galvanizados são cada vez mais utilizados pela indústria automobilística devido à sua excelente resistência à corrosão e boa trabalhabilidade. A soldagem a pontos por resistência de aços galvanizados apresenta o inconveniente de um maior desgaste dos eletrodos quando comparada com a soldagem de aços não revestidos. Este é causado pela reação do zinco com o cobre do eletrodo, formando uma liga Zn-Cu (latão que diminui a vida útil do eletrodo. No presente trabalho, foram feitos testes de soldagem a ponto utilizando aços livres de intersticiais (IF, revestidos por imersão a quente com zinco puro (GI e liga Zn-Fe (GA. Foram determinados os campos de soldabilidade dinâmicos e a vida útil dos eletrodos para juntas formadas pelas combinações GA/GA, GI/GI e GA/GI. O estudo do campo de soldabilidade dinâmica mostrou que os valores de corrente necessários para a obtenção de uma solda adequada aumentam mais rapidamente para a junta de materiais GI/GI e este efeito foi associado com a maior contaminação do eletrodo pelo Zn do revestimento. Por sua vez, a soldagem da junta GA/GI apresenta taxas de variação desta corrente um pouco maiores do que a da junta GA/GA, mas menores que a da junta GI/GI. Em geral, a junta GA/GI apresentou resultados nos testes de soldagem mais próximos dos da junta GA/GA em comparação com os testes com a junta GI/GI. Isto mostra a influência positiva, do revestimento GA, no aumento do número de pontos de solda, mesmo quando a junta é constituída de aços com dois tipos de revestimentos diferentes (GA e GI.Steels coated with zinc and zinc-iron alloys are being increasingly used by the car industry due to their excellent corrosion resistance and good workability. Spot welding of coated steels has the disadvantage of increasing electrodes wear when compared to uncoated steels. Such wear is caused by the reaction of the zinc coating with the copper of the electrode forming an alloy Zn

  18. Estudo da emissão de raios infravermelho próximo em processos de soldagem a arco Study of near-infrared emission on processes of arc welding

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    Carolina Pimenta Mota


    Full Text Available O estudo de boa parte dos fenômenos envolvidos no processo de soldagem necessita de auxílio visual e a luminosidade emitida pelo arco pode representar uma grande barreira. Uma das formas utilizadas atualmente para se obter a visualização do processo, sem a interferência do arco, consiste em iluminar o processo com o infravermelho próximo e utilizar filtros durante a aquisição das imagens. Assim, é importante investigar o comportamento do arco de soldagem em relação à sua emissão luminosa no espectro infravermelho. Desta forma, a proposta deste trabalho foi a realização de um estudo comparativo entre a emissão do arco de soldagem de radiação infravermelha próxima em dois processos largamente utilizados, TIG e MIG/MAG, focando também sua influência por parâmetros como a corrente de soldagem e a proteção gasosa utilizada. Com o uso de um sensor de luminosidade e a utilização de um sistema de lentes ópticas, foram realizados experimentos, adquirindo o espectro luminoso emitido pelo arco voltaico. Através dos resultados obtidos, ou seja, do valor numérico de energia luminosa do arco de soldagem (integração do espectro é possível se obter, com a utilização desta mesma metodologia, a energia luminosa no infravermelho próximo e, consequentemente, a intensidade luminosa, necessária para a sobreposição do arco durante a aquisição de imagens.Most of the phenomenon studied in the welding processes needs a vision system and the arc light emission can create a great barrier. Nowadays, one of the techniques used for visualizing the process, without arc interference, is the illumination of the process with near-infrared laser and the use of optic filters during the image acquisition. Thus, it is important to investigate the welding arc behavior in respect to its light emission within the near-infrared spectrum. Therefore, this work aims to perform a comparative study of the arc near infrared emission in one of the two

  19. Junções de materiais dissimilares utilizando o processo de soldagem por fricção rotativa


    Eder Paduan Alves


    O objetivo desse trabalho é o desenvolvimento de junções no estado sólido de materiais dissimilares alumínio AA 1050 e aço inoxidável AISI 304, que possam ser utilizadas nas tubulações de reservatórios de propelentes líquidos e demais tubulações dos Veículos Lançadores de Satélites. As junções foram obtidas pelo processo de soldagem por fricção rotativa convencional, que combina o calor gerado entre o atrito de duas superfícies e deformação mecânica. Foram realizados testes de soldagem com di...

  20. Estudo de alguns parâmetros básicos da soldagem GMAW com transferência por curto-circuito Evaluation of basic parameters of short-circuit GMA welding

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    Paulo J. Modenesi


    Full Text Available O processo de soldagem GMAW é caracterizado por uma forte interdependência de seus parâmetros operacionais e uma grande sensibilidade a variações destes. Estas características podem causar variações nas condições operacionais, dificultando o estabelecimento e a reprodução destas condições que, usualmente precisam ser verificadas pela realização de testes. Como uma forma de minimizar esta dificuldade e facilitar o entendimento da relação entre as variáveis deste processo, tem-se trabalhado no desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático capaz de simular aspectos elétricos e operacionais da soldagem GMAW. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar procedimentos de determinação e fatores que afetam duas variáveis fundamentais para o desenvolvimento deste modelo (a resistividade elétrica do arame durante a soldagem e a soma das quedas de tensão anódica e catódica no arco, U AC na soldagem com transferência por curto-circuito. Os testes experimentais envolveram a deposição mecanizada de cordões emaço de baixo carbono usando arames do mesmo material com diferentes gases de proteção. Metodologias para a determinação dos parâmetros citados foram desenvolvidas com base em procedimentos similares indicados na literatura. Os detalhes destes procedimentos são avaliados, os resultados obtidos são comparados com dados da literatura e métodos para estimar a resistência elétrica entre o bico de contato e o eletrodo são apresentados. Os resultados sugerem valores para esta resistência entre 6 e 9 mΩ.GMA welding is characterized by a strong dependence between its operational parameters and a high sensitivity to small variations of those. These characteristics tend to make it harder to replicate welding conditions. It is also a barrier to welding automation and makes it necessary to perform a number of real welding tests before determining operational conditions for a given application. In order to contribute to reduce

  1. Análise do fluxo de material no processo de soldagem por fricção com pino consumível


    Renan Mensch Landell


    Em substituição aos processos de reparo de defeitos por soldagem por arco elétrico, a Soldagem por Fricção com Pino Consumível ou Friction Hydro Pillar Processing (FHPP) vem sendo estudada devido a suas diversas vantagens sobre os processos convencionais de reparo. Isso se deve a não ocorrência de fusão do metal base e do metal de adição, ao reduzido tempo de processamento (inferior a um minuto, na maioria dos casos) e à possibilidade de automação do processo. Entretanto, por ser um processo ...

  2. In-situ-phase analysis using synchrotron radiation of low transformation temperature (LTT welding material Análise "In-Situ" de fases com radiação sincrótona de materiais de soldagem de baixa temperatura de transformação

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    Arne Kromm


    Full Text Available Cold cracking resistance is a relevant evaluation criterion for welded joints and affected by residual stresses which result from the welding procedure. Compressive residual stresses can thereby have a positive influence on preventing cracking. A unique possibility of generating compressive residual stresses already during the welding procedure is offered by the so-called Low Transformation Temperature (LTT filler wires. Compared to conventional wires, these materials show decreased phase transformation temperatures which can work against the cooling-specific contraction. In consequence, distinct compressive residual stresses can be observed within the weld and adjacent areas. The strength of these fillers makes them potentially applicable to high-strength steel welding. Investigations were carried out to determine the phase transformation behaviour of different LTT-filler materials. Transformation temperatures were identified using Single Sensor Differential Thermal Analysis (SS-DTA. Additionally Synchrotron radiation was used to measure the transformation kinetics of all involved crystalline phases during heating and cooling of a simulated weld thermal cycle.Fissuração a frio é um critério de avaliação relevante para juntas soldadas, sendo afetada pelas tensões residuais resultantes da soldagem. Neste contexto, tensões residuais de compressão podem ter uma influência positiva no sentido de prevenir a fissuração. Uma possibilidade única de já gerar tensões residuais de compressão já durante a execução da soldagem é oferecida pelos materiais de adição conhecidos como de "baixa temperatura de transformação" (BTT. Comparados com metais de adição convencionais, esses apresentam uma temperatura de transformação de fase inferior a qual pode contrapor a contração térmica do material durante o seu resfriamento. Como resultado, claras tensões residuais compressivas podem ser observadas na soldas e áreas adjacentes. A

  3. A química da formação do cordão na soldagem TIG

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    Paulo J. Modenesi


    Full Text Available A soldagem TIG apresenta elevados níveis de estabilidade e permite um controle mais apurado do que a maioria dos demais processos de soldagem a arco. É bem conhecido, contudo, que pequenas variações de composição química do metal base ou da região de operação do arco podem ter um efeito pronunciado no formato do cordão de solda, o que reduz a capacidade de controlar e a previsibilidade do processo. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão da variabilidade do cordão de solda obtido no processo TIG com pequenas alterações na composição química do metal base e das soldagens A-TIG e TIG com gás ativo. Aspectos comuns e particulares de cada caso são realçados e discutidos e os mecanismos propostos na literatura em cada caso são apresentados e comparados.

  4. Investigação sobre a eficiência da fibra de vidro e da fibra cerâmica como suporte de solda na soldagem unilateral Investigation over the eficiency of fiber glass and ceramic fiber as weld support in one-sided welding

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    Luiz Cláudio Tatagiba


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma nova categoria de suporte de solda para a soldagem unilateral do aço carbono, usando tecidos de fibra de vidro e fibra cerâmica. Trata-se de uma proposta de inovação tecnológica, uma evolução do suporte cerâmico convencional. A soldagem unilateral com este tipo de suporte de solda foi executada em chapas de aço carbono com arame tubular (FCAW e MIG-MAG (GMAW. A eficiência da fibra de vidro e da fibra cerâmica em suportar o metal de solda líquido foi verificada durante a soldagem do passe de raiz. Várias espessuras e combinações de tecidos de fibra de vidro e fibra cerâmica foram testadas, bem como foram identificados pontos de trabalho. As seguintes variáveis do processo foram estudadas: a abertura de raiz, a corrente e a velocidade de soldagem. Os resultados mostram que os materiais à base de fibra de vidro e fibra cerâmica são eficientes para suportar a poça de solda líquida. O modo de fixação do suporte de solda na junta soldada também mostrou ser efetivo. Foi possível estimar uma faixa de operação do processo, com abertura de raiz de 2,0 a 4,0 mm, a energia de soldagem menor que 1,8 kJ/mm, a técnica de soldagem ligeiramente puxando e com pequena oscilação da tocha, espessura do suporte de solda de tecido de fibra de vidro maior que 1,6 mm. Macrogafias da juntas soldadas mostraram que houve penetração nas laterais do chanfro, reforço de solda adequado na raiz e não foram notados defeitos.The objective of this work was to evaluate a new chategory of weld support for the one-sided welding of carbon steel, using fiber glass and ceramic fiber tissues. This is a proposal of techonological innovation proposed, an evolution of the conventional ceramic support. The one-sided welding with this type of weld support was made in carbon steel with FCAW and GMAW. The efficiency of fiber glass and ceramic fiber was verified during the root weld bead. Several thicknesses and

  5. Avaliação do Uso do Tecimento sobre o Nível de Diluição e Geometria do Cordão de Solda na Soldagem TIG com Alimentação Automática de Arame Frio

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    Edvan Cordeiro de Miranda


    Full Text Available ResumoEste trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a influência do tecimento na soldagem TIG com alimentação de arame frio em único passe visando à aplicação futura em revestimento de ligas de níquel, considerando a análise das características geométricas e diluição, de forma a adequar estes revestimentos para as indústrias do Setor de Petróleo e Gás Natural. A baixa diluição é necessária para evitar a redução das propriedades de resistência à corrosão dos revestimentos. As soldagens foram realizadas utilizando um robô industrial e um alimentador automático de arame frio. A liga usada como metal de adição foi a AWS ER NiCrMo-3 (Inconel 625 e o substrato foi o aço ASTM A516 Gr. 60. Foram realizadas soldagens com alimentação automática de arame frio na condição sem tecimento e com tecimento tipo triangular, variando a energia em três níveis. Os resultados mostraram que o uso do tecimento influencia consideravelmente a geometria do cordão de solda e o nível de diluição. Com uso do tecimento o reforço do cordão de solda reduziu e a largura aumentou, proporcionando uma melhor distribuição de material sobre a peça, reduzindo com isso a razão reforço/largura (R/L, parâmetro este que indica o grau de convexidade do cordão de solda. Uma razão R/L alta, indica que o grau de convexidade pode ser excessivo, dificultando com isso uma adequada sobreposição de passes para soldagem posterior de revestimentos, com a possibilidade de formação de vazios entre os mesmos. Quanto a penetração e a diluição, ambas apresentaram comportamentos similares, com redução de forma significativa nas condições em que o tecimento é empregado. Estes resultados mostram que o uso do tecimento garante uma combinação de baixa razão R/L com baixa diluição, condição esta desejável para soldagem de revestimentos.

  6. Modelagem matemática do processo de soldagem GMAW: transferência por vôo livre Mathematical modeling of GMA welding: free fligth transfer

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    Ivan José de Santana


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve a concepção e validação de um modelo matemático direcionado à soldagem GMAW. O modelo permite a predição de alguns parâmetros de soldagem, assim como o comportamento do processo em condições operacionais de transferência metálica por vôo livre. Este modelo foi baseado em um conjunto de equações, que descrevem as características operacionais da fonte de energia, as quedas de tensão que ocorrem no arco elétrico e nos componentes do circuito de soldagem, e em um balanço de energia na ponta do arame. A validação do modelo envolveu testes de soldagem mecanizada em corpos-de-prova de aço baixo carbono, com monitoração da corrente, tensão, comprimento de arco e velocidade de alimentação de arame. O modelo mostrou-se capaz de prever,em diferentes situações, com erros inferiores a 10%, os valores médios de alguns parâmetros fundamentais no processo de soldagem GMAW (valores médios de corrente, tensão e comprimento de arco elétrico, assim como, o comportamento destes na ocorrência de mudanças operacionais.This paper describes the conception and validation of a mathematical model applied to GMA welding. This model allows predicting some welding parameters as well as process behavior for operation with free flight transfer mode. This model was based on a set of equations that describes the power source characteristics, the voltage drop along the electric arc, the welding circuit and the energy balance on the wire tip. The model validation was performed by comparing its results to experimental welding trials. In this test specimen steel of low carbon was used and the parameters welding current and voltage, speed of wire feeding and arc length were monitored. The results have shown that the model is able to correctly predict how different parameters change with alterations in wire feed, in different situations. Furthermore, welding current and voltage e arc length value were predicted with a least

  7. Influência do material de base sobre o rendimento de fusão em soldagem a arco Influence of base material on the melting efficiency in arc welding

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    Ruham Pablo Reis


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o comportamento do rendimento bruto de fusão em soldagem a arco frente a diferentes tipos de material de base (aço ao carbono, aço inoxidável e alumínio. Como extensão, objetivou-se também estimar de forma indireta o rendimento térmico do processo em questão usando-se estimação de isotermas por método analítico. Para isto, foram feitas soldagens sobre placas de teste utilizando-se o processo TIG nos três materiais em dois níveis de corrente de soldagem. Foi verificado que o rendimento bruto de fusão é muito baixo (menor que 10%, mas tende a aumentar com a elevação do nível de corrente de soldagem (efeito da dimensão da peça. O alumínio apresentou o menor rendimento de fusão, tendo o aço inoxidável apresentado o melhor aproveitamento do calor imposto. Em relação ao rendimento térmico, a metodologia proposta não se mostrou adequada.The aim of this work was to determine the behavior of the gross melting efficiency in arc welding towards different types of materials (carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum alloy. An extra objective was to indirectly estimate the thermal efficiency of the process using the estimation of isotherms by analytic methods. For that, welds were carried out over three materials at two welding current levels using the GTAW process. It was verified that the melting efficiency is very low (lower than 10%, yet it rises by increasing the current level (effect of material size. The aluminum alloy presented the lowest melting efficiency in contrast to the highest heat yield of the stainless steel. With respect to the thermal efficiency, the proposed methodology was not adequate.

  8. Influência da incorporação de resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem nas propriedades tecnológicas de argamassa de múltiplo uso e cerâmica vermelha para construção civil Influence of the incorporation of waste of slag of welding flux on the technological properties of multiple use mortar and red ceramic for civil construction

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    C. E Viana


    Full Text Available O processo de soldagem a arco submerso é empregado em grande escala na indústria metal-mecânica. No entanto, este processo gera enorme quantidade de resíduo de escória. Em geral, este resíduo vem sendo disposto em lixões. Nos últimos anos, a área de cerâmica tem atraído grande atenção para reciclagem de resíduos industriais. Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo objetivando avaliar a influência do resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem sobre as propriedades tecnológicas de argamassa de múltiplo uso e cerâmica vermelha para uso na construção civil. O resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem foi caracterizado em relação à composição química, difração de raios X, análise do tamanho de partículas e massa específica real. A argamassa foi preparada com a incorporação de resíduo de escória de soldagem em substituição total de areia natural (agregado miúdo tradicional. As argamassas foram caracterizadas em termos de consistência, densidade de massa no estado fresco, teor de ar incorporado e resistência à compressão. Análise microestrutural das argamassas foi feita via MEV. Foi preparada também uma série de misturas argila/resíduo contendo até 10% em peso de resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem. As peças cerâmicas foram preparadas por prensagem uniaxial e queimadas entre 850 ºC e 950 ºC. As peças queimadas foram caracterizadas quanto à retração linear, absorção de água, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente e tensão de ruptura à flexão. Os resultados mostraram que o resíduo de escória de fluxo de soldagem pode substituir areia natural como agregado miúdo em argamassa de múltiplo uso. Além do mais, o resíduo de escória pode ser incorporado em cerâmica vermelha (tijolos e blocos cerâmicos como substituto parcial de argila natural.The submerged-arc welding process is widely used in the metal-mechanic industry. However, this process generates huge amounts of slag waste. In

  9. Avaliação da microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas de metais de solda obtidos por processos de soldagem manual e automatizado utilizado na soldagem de aço API 5L X80 Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of weld metals obtained by manual and automated welding process used in the welding of API 5L X80 steel

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    Siderley Fernandes Albuquerque


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características da zona termicamente afetada (ZTA e a microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas de metais de solda de juntas soldadas do aço API 5L X80, obtidos para quatro diferentes procedimentos de soldagem utilizando processos manuais e automatizados. Para isto, chapas do referido aço foram soldadas por processo manual ao Arco Elétrico com Eletrodo Revestido (SMAW, utilizando 473 e 673 K como temperaturas de interpasses e o eletrodo celulósico AWS E8010-G como consumível; por processo ao Arco Elétrico com Arame Tubular (FCAW robotizado, utilizando o arame AWS E71T- 1C como metal de adição e argônio com 25%CO2 como gás de proteção; por processo a Arco Elétrico com Eletrodo de Tungstênio (GTAW mecanizado na raiz da solda, usando o arame ER70S-3 e argônio como gás de proteção. As análises microestruturais foram relacionadas com os resultados de ensaios de impacto Charpy nos metais de solda e com os perfis de microdureza Vickers ao longo da junta soldada. Os resultados indicaram maiores percentuais de Ferrita Acicular e maiores valores de resistência ao impacto nos metais de solda e uma menor extensão e granulometria da ZTA, associado ao procedimento de soldagem utilizando processo automatizado com maior velocidade de soldagem.The objective of this work was to evaluate the heat affected zone characteristics and weld metals microstructure and mechanical properties of API 5L X80 steel welded joints, obtained for four different welding procedures using manual and automated processes. For this, plates of this steel were welded by manual Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW process with interpasses temperatures of 473 e 673 K, and using AWS E8010-G electrode as filler metals; robotized Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW process, using AWS E71T-1C wire and Ar25%CO2 as consumable and mechanized Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW process, for the root pass using AWS ER70S-3 and Ar as consumable .The

  10. Influência da energia de soldagem em uniões de lâminas finas através de laser pulsado de Nd:YAG Effect of the heat input on pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding of thin foil

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    Vicente A. Ventrella


    Full Text Available A soldagem laser vem sendo utilizada como um importante processo de manufatura. Ela pode ser utilizada tanto no modo contínuo quanto no modo pulsado. No processo onde se utiliza laser pulsado é possível realizar soldas de costura em lâminas finas, através da sobreposição dos pulsos. Nesse caso a velocidade de soldagem é definida pela taxa de sobreposição, taxa de repetição e diâmetro do pulso. A soldagem de sobreposição de lâminas finas apresenta problemas típicos como distorção excessiva da junta soldada, falta de contato entre as lâminas a serem soldadas (presença de um gap de ar, perfuração da junta e presença de altos níveis de tensões residuais. O processo de laser pulsado é preferido em relação ao processo por laser contínuo, pois ele possibilita um melhor controle da energia de soldagem. O presente trabalho estudou a influência da energia do pulso, no caso processo de soldagem laser Nd:YAG, na soldagem de lâminas finas ( 100µm de aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 316L, utilizado no revestimento de sensores (que trabalham em ambiente corrosivo da indústria sucroalcooleira. Utilizou-se energia de pulso de 1,0 a 2,25 Joules, com incremento de 0,25 Joules e largura temporal de 4 ms. As soldas foram realizadas com proteção gasosa de argônio. Foram realizadas análises macrográficas das juntas soldadas, através de secções transversais das mesmas e, ensaios de microdureza Vickers e ensaios de tração. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o controle da energia do pulso, em processo de soldagem por laser de lâminas finas é de fundamental importância para a geração de juntas soldadas com boas propriedades mecânicas e livres de descontinuidades. O limite de resistência da junta soldada aumentou no início e depois sofreu um pequeno decréscimo em função do aumento da energia do pulso. O processo mostrou-se muito sensível à presença de gap entre as lâminas.Laser beam welding has been used widely

  11. The international institute of welding (IIW, its potential positive influence in the world and some national models for technology innovation O instituto internacional de soldagem (IIS, sua influência potencial positiva no mundo e alguns modelos nacionais de inovação tecnológica

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    Chris Smallbone


    industry, education and training, improving the image of welding and the use of appropriate technologies will be highlighted. Examples of how the elements of such models could be used in many regions of the world will be given. The involvement of industry and governments across the world in conjunction with the work of IIW and its 53 member countries is critical to the success of such initiatives.Desde a sua criação 60 anos atrás, o Instituto Internacional de Soldagem (IIS teve muitos casos de sucesso. Em 2006, o IIS introduziu um grande projeto denominado "Melhorar a Qualidade de Vida Global Através do Uso Otimizado da tecnologia de Soldagem". Muitas de suas iniciativas beneficiarão vários países. Estima-se que, nesta próxima década, muitos trilhões de dólares serão gastos em projetos de infra-estrutura em indústrias de energia e de processamento. Além de trabalhos de usuais de fabricação, construção e manutenção, os projetos adicionais de infra-estrutura criarão desafios para a tecnologia de soldagem. Estes desafios incluem a fabricação, construção, manutenção inspeção e avaliação de trilhões de componentes de forma eficiente e efetiva, de uma maneira não agressiva ao ambiente e que resulte em elevada integridade e confiabilidade em serviço. Em muitos países industrializados, equipamentos de pressão estão envelhecendo e a vida útil de plantas industriais está sendo levada além do projetado inicialmente. Muitas fábricas estão operando de forma quase ininterrupta com tempo muito limitado para inspeção e manutenção. Isto é uma receita para o desastre. Espera-se que, nos próximos cinco anos, um número crescente de falhas, resultando em morte, ferimentos, danos ao ambiente e perda de produção, ocorrerá através do mundo. Este artigo dá uma visão geral do trabalho do IIS em diferentes regiões do mundo e setores industriais que usam a soldagem, os desafios encontrados, oportunidades disponíveis, oportunidades dispon

  12. Seleção dos parâmetros através dos custos de soldagem para aplicação de revestimento com ligas de níquel depositadas pelo processo MIG/MAG Using the welding costs to select welding parameters for Weld Overlay with nickel alloy through the GMAW process

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    Antonio Rodolfo Paulino Pessoa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram calculados e comparados os custos de soldagem associados a cada um dos ensaios realizados, como forma de determinar parâmetros operacionais adequados e economicamente viáveis para soldagem com o processo MIG/MAG com transferência metálica por curto-circuito, visando uma correta deposição de revestimentos com ligas de níquel sobre um substrato de aço C-Mn. O número de ensaios a serem realizados, foi determinado pelo uso do método Taguchi que dividiu os ensaios em duas matrizes L9, resultando num total de 18 ensaios. Na comparação dos gastos despendidos em cada um dos ensaios foi utilizado o custo direto total da soldagem de um revestimento com 55 mm de largura e 190 mm de comprimento, utilizando uma sobreposição de 50%. Com base nos resultados dos ensaios foram pré-selecionados quatro ensaios (R7, R11, R12 e RC4, dentre os quais o ensaio R11 apresentou o menor custo. Mas vale ressaltar que nos quatro ensaios pré-selecionados o material de adição utilizado foi a liga 625, pois esta liga apresentar um custo do arame-eletrodo muito inferior as demais ligas (C-276 e 686. Assim a escolha do material de adição para aplicação do revestimento ficou restrita somente a liga 625.In this work were calculated and compared the welding costs for each of the tests performed to determine operational parameters and economically feasible for welding with GMAW process in a short circuiting transfer mode, aiming at a correct weld overlay with nickel alloy on a substrate of C-Mn steel. The number of tests to be performed was determined by using the Taguchi method that divided the tests into two L9 orthogonal arrays resulting in a total of 18 experiments. To compare the costs incurred in each of the tests we used the total direct cost of welding a layer with dimensions of 55 x 190 mm, using an overlap of 50%. Based on the results of the tests were pre-selected four tests (R7, R11, R12 and RC4, among which the test R11 has the

  13. Efeito do Arrefecimento Causado pelo Fluido Durante a Soldagem em Operação em Tubulações com Espessura de Parede de 6 e 11 mm

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    Jefferson Pinto Soares

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho compara a influência do arrefecimento causado por um fluído em circulação e em contato com a parede interna de uma tubulação, que caracteriza a soldagem em operação. Foram avaliadas duas espessuras de parede do tubo e duas temperaturas do fluido interno. A soldagem foi realizada na ligação de conexões de aço ASTM A105 a um tubo API 5L Gr X60 com espessura de 11 mm e de 6 mm, utilizando os processos TIG (GTAW e eletrodo revestido (SMAW. A circulação do fluido foi feita com água potável em duas faixas de temperatura, de 6 a 10 °C e 18 a 36 °C. Durante a soldagem, a temperatura interna do tubo e a taxa de resfriamento foram monitoradas. Foram preparadas quatro juntas soldadas, avaliadas por ensaios não destrutivos (inspeção visual, líquido penetrante, partículas magnéticas e ultrassom, ensaios destrutivos (tração, dobramento, impacto, fratura e dureza e análise macrográfica e micrográfica. Os resultados mostram que, com os procedimentos adotados, não é necessária a adoção de cuidados especiais quanto à possibilidade de perfuração e vazamento de fluido durante a soldagem em operação. Houve evidencias que o efeito do arrefecimento do fluido no interior do tubo foi mais significativo que a espessura da parede do tubo no aumento da taxa de resfriamento. Ainda, a temperatura do fluido em circulação no tubo exerceu papel secundário no aumento da taxa de resfriamento e na redução da temperatura máxima na parede interna do tubo. O arrefecimento causado pelo fluido provocou aumento na dureza da ZF e ZTA, reduziu o alongamento no ensaio de tração, porém ainda em valores adequados. Estes comportamentos foram mais observados no tubo de menor espessura, de 6 mm. Foi possível, pelos resultados dos ensaios não destrutivos e ensaios mecânicos obtidos, qualificar os procedimentos de soldagem, com base nas normas especializadas neste processo.

  14. Otimização do processo de soldagem FCAW usando o erro quadrático médio multivariado FCAW welding process optimization using the multivariate mean square error

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    Emerson José de Paiva


    Full Text Available Encontrar um conjunto ótimo de parâmetros para um processo de soldagem é uma tarefa pouco trivial, face às múltiplas características exigíveis ou desejáveis que devem ser analisadas. Além disso, a negligência da estrutura de variância-covariância destas características na otimização pode conduzir a ótimos inadequados. Com o intuito de auxiliar na busca desses parâmetros, um método para otimização multiobjetiva, desenvolvido para o estudo do processo de soldagem FCAW (do inglês Flux Cored Arc Welding, utilizando-se arames tubulares, baseado no conceito de Erro Quadrático Médio Multivariado, será apresentado. Trata-se de uma abordagem combinada da Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta, Projeto de Experimentos e Análise de Componentes Principais, na tentativa de localizar valores próximos a alvos especificados, para cada uma das características estudadas (Penetração, Taxa de deposição, Rendimento, Índice de convexidade e Diluição, considerando-se as variáveis de processo expressas em função da tensão (V, velocidade de alimentação do arame (Va e da distância do bico de contato-peça (d. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma boa adequação desta proposta.The optimization of welding processes is not a trivial task, mainly due to the great number of exigible and desirable characteristics that must be analyzed. Moreover, the optimization of a welding process with multiple characteristics without to consider the variance-covariance structure, may lead to inadequate optimum. To help in this task, a method of multiobjective optimization based in the Multivariate Mean Square Error applied in the study of multiple correlated characteristics of a FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding welding process will be presented. This method characterized by a combined approach based in the Response Surface Methodology, Design of Experiments and Principal Components Analysis consisted in an attempt to achieve the nearest values to

  15. Efeito dos parâmetros de processo na obtenção e na microestrutura de juntas alumínio-aço realizadas mediante soldagem por atrito com pino não consumível (SAPNC

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    Edwar Andrés Torres López


    Full Text Available Os resultados bem-sucedidos apresentados na literatura acerca da soldagem por atrito com pino não consumível das juntas alumínio-aço, desconsideram o aspecto e formação de defeitos na junta como pontos de referência para sua avaliação. Igualmente aumenta a controvérsia acerca da presença de compostos intermetálicos do tipo Fe xAl y, somado à falta de informação sobre sua origem. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar parâmetros adequados para a obtenção de juntas alumínio-aço livres de defeitos e sua relação com a formação de fases deletérias durante a soldagem por atrito com pino. Foram obtidas juntas soldadas consolidadas e foi determinada a microestrutura resultante destas juntas soldadas da liga de alumínio 6063-T5 e aço AISI SAE 1020. Utilizou-se uma ferramenta de carbeto de tungstênio (WC-14Co a velocidades de rotação e de avanço de 300 rpm e 150 mm.min-1, respectivamente. Foram empregados deslocamentos da ferramenta de +0,5; +1,0 e +1,5 mm. Os resultados realçam a importância do aporte energético na obtenção de juntas alumínio-aço com aspecto superficial e penetração adequados. A análise microestrutural revela a formação de sete regiões na junta soldada, destacando a zona termo-mecanicamente afetada no lado do aço, uma banda de grãos ultra finos de ferrita e a ausência de compostos intermetálicos na interface alumínio-aço.

  16. Seleção de parâmetros através do método Taguchi para soldagem de revestimento com ligas de níquel pelo processo MIG/MAG Using the Taguchi method to select welding parameters for weld overlay with nickel alloy through the GMAW process

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    Antonio Rodolfo Paulino Pessoa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho utilizou-se o método Taguchi (planejamento Robusto de experimentos, para cumprir com um reduzido número de ensaios, dois objetivos: obter a influência dos fatores de controle sobre as variáveis respostas e determinar as condições ideais para aplicação das ligas de níquel nas soldagens de revestimentos através do processo MIG/MAG com transferência metálica por curto-circuito. Foram escolhidos seis fatores de controle com três níveis cada: Tensão de referência, Velocidade de soldagem, Tipo de tecimento, Técnica da tocha, Gás de proteção e o Material de adição. Por sua vez as variáveis respostas escolhidas foram: Diluição (D e Razão entre o reforço e a largura (R/L. As soldagens foram realizadas na posição plana por simples deposição sobre chapas de aço ASTM 516 Gr60 com dimensões de 200 x 50 x 12,7 mm. O uso do tecimento proporcionou cordões com baixos valores da razão R/L e obteve valores bastante baixos de diluição chegando à ordem de 5%. A combinação dos níveis dos fatores de controle apontados como ótimos pelo método Taguchi resultaram em valores para as variáveis repostas consideradas adequadas para a soldagem de revestimento.In this work aim the Taguchi method (Robust design of experiments was chosen to achieve with a limited number of tests two objectives: the first was to the influence of the control factors (welding parameters on quality characteristics (weld bead geometry and the second was to determine optimal conditions for weld overlay with nickel alloy through the GMAW process in a short circuiting transfer mode. Six control factors were employed with three levels each: Reference voltage, Welding speed, Arc oscillation, welding gun orientation (Perpendicular, forehand and backhand, Shielding gas and filler metal. Already the employed quality characteristics were: Percent dilution (D and the ration between reinforcement and bead width (R/L. The weldings were accomplished using

  17. Estimativa da produtividade em soldagem pelo Método de Monte Carlo Productivity estimation in welding by Monte Carlo Method

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    José Luiz Ferreira Martins


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar a viabilidade da utilização do método de Monte Carlo para estimar a produtividade na soldagem de tubulações industriais de aço carbono com base em amostras pequenas. O estudo foi realizado através de uma análise de uma amostra de referência contendo dados de produtividade de 160 juntas soldadas pelo processo Eletrodo Revestido na REDUC (refinaria de Duque de Caxias, utilizando o software ControlTub 5.3. A partir desses dados foram retiradas de forma aleatória, amostras com, respectivamente, 10, 15 e 20 elementos e executadas simulações pelo método de Monte Carlo. Comparando-se os resultados da amostra com 160 elementos e os dados gerados por simulação se observa que bons resultados podem ser obtidos usando o método de Monte Carlo para estimativa da produtividade da soldagem. Por outro lado, na indústria da construção brasileira o valor da média de produtividade é normalmente usado como um indicador de produtividade e é baseado em dados históricos de outros projetos coletados e avaliados somente após a conclusão do projeto, o que é uma limitação. Este artigo apresenta uma ferramenta para avaliação da execução em tempo real, permitindo ajustes nas estimativas e monitoramento de produtividade durante o empreendimento. Da mesma forma, em licitações, orçamentos e estimativas de prazo, a utilização desta técnica permite a adoção de outras estimativas diferentes da produtividade média, que é comumente usada e como alternativa, se sugerem três critérios: produtividade otimista, média e pessimista.The aim of this article is to analyze the feasibility of using Monte Carlo method to estimate productivity in industrial pipes welding of carbon steel based on small samples. The study was carried out through an analysis of a reference sample containing productivity data of 160 welded joints by SMAW process in REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery, using ControlTub 5.3 software

  18. Minimização de defeitos em revestimentos de superligas de níquel depositada pelo processo TIG com alimentação de arame frio

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    Cleiton Carvalho Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos parâmetros de soldagem na formação de defeitos na soldagem de revestimentos com ligas à base de níquel, e sua possível eliminação através do correto ajuste dos referidos parâmetros. Para tanto, foram depositados revestimentos com as ligas à base de Ni do tipo Inconel 625, Hastelloy C276 e Inconel 686, sobre um substrato de aço C-Mn, através do processo TIG com alimentação de arame frio. O planejamento dos experimentos foi realizado aplicando-se o método Taguchi. Os fatores de controle avaliados foram a Técnica da energia (TE, o nível de energia de soldagem (E, o tipo de liga (L, o gás de proteção (G e o tipo de tecimento (T. Outros parâmetros foram mantidos constantes, tendo sido investigados previamente. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de tecimento em espiral, embora contribua significativamente para a redução da diluição, causa uma forte instabilidade ao processo, resultando na maioria dos casos em defeitos superficiais ou defeitos entre passes. A condição ótima para evitar a formação de defeitos entre passes identificada pelo método Taguchi foi constituída pelas seguintes combinação de fatores de controle 2-2-2-3-3, ou seja: TE-I; Emédia; Liga Hastelloy C276; Gás de proteção Ar+He; Tecimento Duplo-8. A condição ótima para a soldagem sem defeitos resulta em alto nível de diluição não sendo indicada para a soldagem de revestimentos resistentes à corrosão.

  19. Estudo da Técnica Tig Keyhole por Meio do Análise Comparativo entre Duas Tochas de Alta Produtividade na União de Chapas de Aço Carbono de Meia Espessura


    Olivares, Erick Alejandro González; Silva, Régis Henrique Gonçalves e; Dutra, Jair Carlos


    Resumo Na bibliografia de referência comum, a soldagem por meio da técnica Keyhole sempre foi associada a processos de soldagem com uma alta concentração de energia, como o processo Laser ou o processo Plasma. Novos avanços em tochas TIG estão mudando a forma em como o processo de soldagem TIG deveria ser considerado. Um exemplo desses novos avanços é a tocha comercialmente conhecida como Infocus, que segundo seus fabricantes a principal característica da tocha é a capacidade de concentração ...

  20. Soldagem em operação: parte 1 - efeito do arrefecimento causado pelo fluido em tubulação de espessura 11 mm In-service welding: part 1: effect of freezing caused by fluid in 11 mm thick pipe

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    Paulo Faria


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avalia, na soldagem em operação, a influência do arrefecimento causado por um líquido fluindo em contato com a parede interna de uma tubulação sendo soldada por TIG (GTAW e eletrodo revestido (SMAW. A soldagem foi realizada na ligação de conexões de aço ASTM A105 a um tubo API 5L Gr X60 com espessura de 11 mm e de 6 mm. A circulação do fluido foi feita com água potável em duas faixas de temperatura, de 6 a 10ºC e 26 a 36ºC. Foram simuladas quatro juntas soldadas, avaliadas por meio de ensaios não destrutivos (inspeção visual, líquido penetrante, partículas magnéticas e ultrasom. Esta parte do trabalho apresenta os resultados dos ensaios destrutivos (tração, dobramento, impacto, fratura e dureza e análise macrográfica e micrográfica para o tubo de 11 mm de espessura. As juntas soldadas não apresentaram os problemas típicos da soldagem em operação, como trincas a frio e risco de perfuração. Os procedimentos de soldagem puderam ser qualificados, atendendo os critérios de aceitação das normas pertinentes. Foi possível concluir que o resfriamento acelerado causado pelo fluido em circulação, elevou consideravelmente a taxa de resfriamento na superfície interna do tubo. O efeito do arrefecimento causado pelo fluido no interior do tubo foi mais significativo que a temperatura deste fluido, tendo provocado o aumento na dureza da zona fundida e zona termicamente afetada e reduzido o alongamento no ensaio de tração, porém ainda em valores adequados para o tubo de 11 mm de espessura.This work evaluates for in-service welding, the influence of cooling caused by a liquid flowing in contact with the inner wall of a pipe being welded by TIG (GTAW and stick electrode (SMAW. The welding was done to join connections of an ASTM A105 to an 11mm and 6 mm thick API 5L Gr X60 steel pipe. The fluid circulation was made with potable water within two temperature ranges, of 6 to 10ºC and 26 to 36ºC. Four welded

  1. Uma breve revisão histórica do desenvolvimento da soldagem dos aços API para tubulações A brief history review of development on API steels welding for pipeline

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    Jaime Casanova Soeiro Junior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho enfoca o desenvolvimento dos aços API para tubulações desde o aço API 5L X42, desenvolvido em 1948, através de laminação a quente seguida de tratamento térmico. Desde então foram feitos diferentes desenvolvimentos visando aumentar a resistência mecânica e a tenacidade, além de melhorar a soldabilidade. Entre eles, a adição de elementos de liga, produzindo os aços ARBL e a utilização de rotas de processamento termomecânico durante a laminação. Inicialmente a rota utilizada era a laminação a quente controlada (TMCR, com utilização de elemento microligante como Nb para os aços X60 e o conjunto Nb e V para os aços X65 e X70, associado a uma redução do teor de carbono. Posteriormente foi implantada a rota de fabricação do aço por laminação controlada seguida de resfriamento controlado (TMCP, com redução de carbono e adição de Nb e Ti para os aços X80, e adições de Mo, Nb, Be Ti para os X100. A redução do carbono foi motivada também para melhorar a sua soldabilidade e, por este motivo, estes aços são soldados por diferentes processos de soldagem, como o eletrodo revestido. Desenvolvimentos recentes com raiz feita com MAG-TC e enchimento com arame tubular tem dado resultados animadores.This paper is a brief history on the development of pipelines steels since the API 5L X42 steel, developed in 1948 by hot rolling followed by heat treatment. Subsequently different developments were made to increase the strength and toughness of these materials, and to improve their weldability. Among them, the addition of microalloying elements, producing HSLA steels and thermomechanical processing routes during hot rolling. Initially the route used was the controlled hot rolling (TMCR, together with microalloying element such as Nb for X60 steel and Nb plus V for X65 and X70 steels, associated with a reduction in carbon content. Later, the thermomechanical controlled process (TMCP manufacturing route was

  2. Soldagem TIG de elevada produtividade: influência dos gases de proteção na velocidade limite para formação de defeitos High productivity TIG welding: influence of shielding gases on the limit speed for defect formation

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    Mateus Barancelli Schwedersky


    Full Text Available O processo TIG, em configurações tradicionais, apresenta problemas quando utilizado de maneira autógena com elevadas corrente e velocidade de soldagem. Nessa condição, normalmente ocorrem defeitos no cordão, principalmente descontinuidades denominadas humping. Em estudo realizado no LABSOLDA, foram obtidas soldas de excelente qualidade com o processo TIG atingindo velocidades de 1,5 m/min. Este procedimento, utilizando na proteção misturas argônio-hidrogênio, possibilitou velocidade semelhante ao processo MIG/MAG convencional, com a vantagem de ser realizada sem material de adição. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fornecer subsídios para uma nova análise da formação dos defeitos na soldagem TIG de elevada produtividade, já que a teoria baseada na pressão do arco não contempla totalmente o que tem sido observado na prática. Foram realizados ensaios com diferentes correntes utilizando argônio, hélio e misturas argônio-hidrogênio no gás de proteção. Os resultados mostram que para a mesma corrente média, à medida que o teor de H2 foi aumentado, ocorreram também gradativos aumentos da área fundida e eficiência de fusão. Foi possível mostrar indícios de que o mecanismo de formação de defeitos não depende somente da pressão do arco, mas sim do balanço entre pressão do arco e quantidade de metal fundido, que é dependente da eficiência de fusão proporcionada pelo gás utilizado.Under usual configurations, the TIG process presents problems when used autogenously with high current and welding speed. In this condition defects in the weld bead usually occur, especially discontinuities called humping. In a study conducted at LABSOLDA, welds with excellent quality were obtained using the TIG process reaching speeds of 1.5 m/min. Under argon-hydrogen shielding gas mixtures welding speed similar to the conventional MIG/MAG process was allowed, with the advantage of being performed without filler material. The

  3. Metodologia para parametrizar e avaliar a técnica da ''burn-zinc'' no processo de soldagem a ponto por resistência Methodology for parameterize and assessment of the burn-zinc technique in the resistance spot welding process

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    Vinicius Castanheira do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Para minimizar os efeitos prejudiciais do zinco na soldagem a ponto por resistência de chapas galvanizadas, utiliza-se uma técnica tradicionalmente denominada ''Burn-Zinc'' (queima do zinco. Porém, existem poucas informações e estudos disponíveis na literatura sobre quando e como utilizá-la. O presente estudo teve a finalidade de avaliar a técnica de ''burn-zinc'', procurando entender melhor o fenômeno. Para tal, foi criada uma metodologia para determinação dos parâmetros ideais para cada combinação de chapa. Uma avaliação desta metodologia foi feita com uma série de soldagens com variações sistemáticas da corrente e pressão em níveis compatíveis para se obter a queima do Zn. Visualização das soldagens através de filmagem em alta velocidade, com sincronização dos sinais elétricos, foi empregada para entender os resultados. Uma vez definidos os parâmetros, soldagens foram realizadas com ou sem a aplicação da técnica. Os procedimentos experimentais propostos mostraram ser eficientes para a verificação e parametrização da técnica ''burn-zinc''. Mas houve evidências que a utilização da técnica nem sempre vai ocasionar redução no tempo total de operação.For minimizing the detrimental effects of zinc during resistance spot welding of galvanized sheets, a technique denominated Burn-Zinc is usually employed. However, there is no much information and studies available in the current literature about when and how to use this technique. The present work had the objective of assessing and understanding better this technique. For that, a methodology for determination of ideal burn-zing parameters as a function of the sheets was proposed. The evaluation of this methodology was carried out by a series of weldments, by systematically varying current and pressure at compatible levels for zinc burning. High speed filming, synchronized with the electrical signals, was employing for visualizing and results analyses

  4. Avaliação da precisão de duas técnicas de união de estruturas metálicas - brasagem e soldagem a laser - em uma prótese clássica de Brånemark pelo método da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV)


    Lucio Hirokuni Kanashiro


    Este estudo avaliou a precisão de duas técnicas de união, a brasagem e a soldagem a laser, em estruturas metálicas de uma prótese clássica de Brånemark. Dez estruturas fundidas em NiCr foram segmentadas em 4 partes e analisadas no MEV em pontos pré-estabelecidos, vestibular e proximal, totalizando 8 pontos de análise para cada estrutura. Na primeira fase, foi mensurada a fenda marginal existente entre o análogo do implante e o abutment UCLA antes da união destes segmentos através da brasagem ...

  5. Microestrutura de uma Solda Dissimilar entre o Aço Inoxidável Ferrítico AISI 410S e o Aço Inoxidável Austenítico AISI 304L Soldado pelo Processo FSW

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    Tathiane Caminha Andrade


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho visa investigar a microestrutura formada na soldagem dissimilar entre chapas de aços inoxidáveis ferríticos AISI 410S e aços inoxidáveis austeníticos AISI 304L pelo processo friction stir welding. A soldagem foi realizada com o ajuste dos seguintes parâmetros: rotação 450 rpm; velocidade de soldagem de 1,0 mm/s; e força axial 40 kN. O aço AISI 410S foi posicionado no lado de avanço enquanto que o aço AISI 304L foi posicionado no lado de retrocesso. A análise consistiu de preparação metalográfica e caracterização microestrutural por microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Para o aço AISI 410S foi observada a formação de martensita associada com ferrita na zona de mistura (ZM, zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA e na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC. As características do processo de soldagem FSW resultaram num refino de grão para o aço inoxidável ferrítico, posicionado no lado de avanço, tanto na ZM quanto nas ZTMA e ZAC. O mesmo comportamento não foi observado para o lado austenítico.

  6. Influência da energia de soldagem na microestrutura e na microdureza de revestimentos de aço inoxidável duplex Influence of the heat input on the microstructure and microhardness of weld overlay of duplex stainless steel

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    Everton Barbosa Nunes


    Full Text Available Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID são caracterizados por apresentar interessante boas propriedades mecânicas e resistência à corrosão, possuindo um vasto campo de aplicação na indústria química e petroquímica. Geralmente, os reparos dos equipamentos ou estruturas são realizados por soldagem, sendo importante a seleção de parâmetros. É de suma importância a obtenção do teor adequado de ferrita no metal de solda, sendo que a variação da energia de soldagem pode influenciar de forma direta no percentual de ferrita. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência da variação da energia de soldagem na microestrutura e na microdureza do metal de solda do AID. Foram realizadas soldagens de revestimento com sobreposição de duas camadas sobre o aço estrutural ASTM A516 Gr.60, utilizando eletrodo revestido AWS E2209-17. Três níveis de energia (15, 20 e 24 kJ/cm foram empregados, variando-se a corrente e a velocidade de soldagem. Foi verificado que para os níveis de energia empregados não houve diferença significativa no percentual de ferrita, porém o primeiro cordão depositado apresentou maior teor de austenita em relação aos demais cordões. De forma geral, foi verificado que o primeiro cordão depositado obteve níveis maiores de microdureza. Todas as condições apresentaram microdurezas abaixo do valor crítico.Duplex stainless steels (DSS are characterized by the presentation of an interesting combination of good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, having a wide application in chemical and petrochemical industry. Generally, the manufacture and repair of any industrial equipment involve welding operations, even though it is very important to evaluate the influence of welding parameters. It is very important to obtain appropriate ferrite content in the weld metal, so that the variation of heat input can influence on the ferrite content directly. Therefore, the aim this work is to evaluate the

  7. Soldagem unilateral com suporte cerâmico de cordierita One-sided welding with cordierite ceramic backing

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    Luciana Lezira Pereira de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação de juntas soldadas com suporte cerâmico de cordierita produzido em laboratorio. Foi utilizada a técnica de soldagem unilateral em chapas de aço A-36 com espessuras de 6,4 e 15,8 mm pelo processo MIG-MAG. Com a chapa de 6,4 mm foi avalliado apenas o passe de raiz sobre o suporte cerâmico. Com a chapa de 15,8 mm foi produzida uma junta soldada em passes múltiplos. Após soldagem as juntas soldadas foram submetidas a ensaios de inspeção visual, liquido penetrante, macrografia, microdureza Vickers, microscopia ótica, ensaios de dobramento e de tração e análise química por EDS. Os resultados mostram que o passe de raiz, realizado sobre o suporte cerâmico, apresentou bom acabamento, isento de descontinuidades, com penetração adequada nas laterais do chanfro e reforço de solda apropriado. Em relação à junta soldada, a microestrutura da zona fundida (ZF obteve predominância de ferrita primária, em suas formas de ferrita de contorno de grão e poligonal, e ferrita com segunda fase alinhada. A microdureza Vickers obteve valores médios abaixo de 180 HV tanto na zona termicamente afetada (ZTA como na ZF. Os ensaios de dobramento não apresentaram descontinuidades maiores que 3 mm e nos ensaios de tração a ruptura ocorreu no metal base, indicando que o procedimento de soldagem foi adequado. A composição das inclusões tanto do passe de raiz como do ultimo passe de solda possuem os mesmos constituintes, apesar de proporções diferentes, indicando que não houve contaminação do material do suporte cerâmico no cordão de solda.This work presents the evaluation of welded joints using ceramic backing made in the laboratory. The one-sided welding technique was used to weld A-36 steel plate with 6,4 and 15,8 mm thick by the GMAW process. With the 6,4 mm steel plate, only the root bead welded over the ceramic backing was evaluated. With the 15,8 mm steel plate, a multipass welded joint was made

  8. Soldagem unilateral com suporte cerâmico de cordierita One-sided welding with cordierite ceramic backing

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    Luciana Lezira Pereira de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação de juntas soldadas com suporte cerâmico de cordierita produzido em laboratorio. Foi utilizada a técnica de soldagem unilateral em chapas de aço A-36 com espessuras de 6,4 e 15,8 mm pelo processo MIG-MAG. Com a chapa de 6,4 mm foi avalliado apenas o passe de raiz sobre o suporte cerâmico. Com a chapa de 15,8 mm foi produzida uma junta soldada em passes múltiplos. Após soldagem as juntas soldadas foram submetidas a ensaios de inspeção visual, liquido penetrante, macrografia, microdureza Vickers, microscopia ótica, ensaios de dobramento e de tração e análise química por EDS. Os resultados mostram que o passe de raiz, realizado sobre o suporte cerâmico, apresentou bom acabamento, isento de descontinuidades, com penetração adequada nas laterais do chanfro e reforço de solda apropriado. Em relação à junta soldada, a microestrutura da zona fundida (ZF obteve predominância de ferrita primária, em suas formas de ferrita de contorno de grão e poligonal, e ferrita com segunda fase alinhada. A microdureza Vickers obteve valores médios abaixo de 180 HV tanto na zona termicamente afetada (ZTA como na ZF. Os ensaios de dobramento não apresentaram descontinuidades maiores que 3 mm e nos ensaios de tração a ruptura ocorreu no metal base, indicando que o procedimento de soldagem foi adequado. A composição das inclusões tanto do passe de raiz como do ultimo passe de solda possuem os mesmos constituintes, apesar de proporções diferentes, indicando que não houve contaminação do material do suporte cerâmico no cordão de solda.This work presents the evaluation of welded joints using ceramic backing made in the laboratory. The one-sided welding technique was used to weld A-36 steel plate with 6,4 and 15,8 mm thick by the GMAW process. With the 6,4 mm steel plate, only the root bead welded over the ceramic backing was evaluated. With the 15,8 mm steel plate, a multipass welded joint was made

  9. Development of procedure using plasma welding process to produce {sup 125}I seeds; Desenvolvimento de procedimento utilizando processo de soldagem plasma para confeccao de sementes de {sup 125}I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feher, Anselmo


    The prostate cancer, which is the second cause of death by cancer in men, overcome only by lung cancer, is a problem of public health in Brazil. Brachytherapy is among the possible available treatments for prostate cancer, in which small seeds containing {sup 125}I radioisotope are implanted in the prostate. The seed consists of a titanium sealed capsule with 0.8 mm external diameter and 4.5 mm length, containing a central silver wire with adsorbed {sup 125}I. The plasma arc welding is one of the viable techniques for the sealing process. The equipment used in this technique is less costly than in other processes. The main objective of this work was the development and the validation of the welding procedure using plasma welding process and the elaboration of a sealing routine according to Good Manufacturing Practices. The development of this work has presented the following phases: cut and cleaning of the titanium material, determination of the welding parameters, development of a device for holding the titanium tube during the welding process, validation of sealed sources according to ISO 2919 Sealed Radioactive Sources - General Requirements and Classification, leakage test according to ISO 9978 Sealed Radioactive Sources - Leakage Test Methods and metallographic assays. The developed procedure, to seal {sup 125}I seeds using plasma welding process, has shown to be efficient, satisfying all the established requirements of ISO 2919. The results obtained in this work have given the possibility to establish a routine production process according to the orientations presented in resolution RDC number 59 - Good Manufacturing Practices do Medical Products of the ANVISA - Brazilian Nacional Agency of Sanitary Surveillance. (author)

  10. Estudo comparativo da resistência ao desgaste abrasivo do revestimento de três ligas metálicas utilizadas na indústria, aplicadas por soldagem com arames tubulares Comparative study of the wear resistance of three metal cored wire welded coatings used in industry

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    Ricardo Vinícius de Melo Leite


    Full Text Available As ligas metálicas aplicadas por soldagem em superfícies, objetivando a proteção contra o desgaste e o conseqüente aumento da vida útil de peças e equipamentos, têm sido utilizadas em larga escala nas indústrias de bens de consumo e nos setores de mineração e sucroalcooleiro. O desgaste abrasivo em peças e equipamentos representa, nestas industriais, um dos principais fatores de depreciação de capital e uma importante fonte de despesas com manutenção. Para a aplicação do revestimento por soldagem, os arames tubulares têm sido uma alternativa cada vez mais viável, devido à sua alta produtividade e qualidade de solda, substituindo, em parte, o uso do eletrodo revestido. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer um estudo comparativo da resistência ao desgaste abrasivo do revestimento aplicado por soldagem com arames tubulares autoprotegidos de três ligas metálicas utilizadas na indústria, uma do tipo Fe-Cr-C, outra do tipo Fe-Cr-C com adição de nióbio e boro e a terceira, do tipo Fe-Cr-C com adição de nióbio. Os revestimentos anti-desgaste, conhecidos como revestimento duro, foram aplicados em chapas de aço carbono, com os mesmos parâmetros e procedimentos de soldagem. Os corpos de prova foram obtidos por corte e retificação e foram submetidos a ensaios de desgaste abrasivo, em um abrasômero Roda de Borracha, conforme procedimento estabelecido pela norma ASTM G65-91. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a liga Fe-Cr-C com adição de Nióbio e Boro apresentou desempenho superior em relação ao desgaste abrasivo.The metal alloys deposited by welding on the components surface, with the objective of protection against wear and the consequent increase in the lifetime of parts and equipments, have been used extensively in the consumer products industry and sectors of Mining and Sugar & alcohol. The abrasive wear on parts and equipments represents one of the main depreciation factors of capital and the major source of

  11. Efeitos da Pulsação Ultrassônica da Corrente sobre a Geometria da ZF e ZAC na Soldagem Arco Submerso

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    Anna Louise Voigt

    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente trabalho propõe investigar a aplicação da técnica de excitação ultrassônica do arco no processo SAW com o intuito de avaliar a influência dos principais parâmetros associados a pulsação da corrente, como a frequência e a amplitude da corrente de excitação ultrassônica, sobre os cordões de solda produzidos. Para tanto, foi montada uma bancada experimental constituída por duas fontes de energia: uma convencional de soldagem e outra capaz de pulsar a corrente em frequências ultrassônicas. Durante a realização dos ensaios foram empregadas duas amplitudes de corrente de excitação ultrassônica, 25 A e 50 A, cada qual em três frequências de pulsação diferentes, 20 kHz, 50 kHz e 80 kHz. A partir de macrografias foram realizadas análises dimensionais dos cordões obtidos com foco na largura, penetração e área fundida, assim como a área da zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC. Como resultado, contrariando as informações disponíveis na literatura, não foi possível identificar alterações consideráveis na geometria do cordão de solda, assim como, na ZAC que pudessem ser atribuídas à pulsação da corrente nas frequências estudadas.

  12. Analysis of Magnetic Nozzles For Space Plasma Thrusters = Análisis de Toberas Magnéticas para Motores Espaciales de Plasma


    Merino Martínez, Mario


    Esta tesis presenta un análisis teórico del funcionamiento de toberas magnéticas para la propulsión espacial por plasmas. El estudio está basado en un modelo tridimensional y bi-fluido de la expansión supersónica de un plasma caliente en un campo magnético divergente. El modelo básico es ampliado progresivamente con la inclusión de términos convectivos dominantes de electrones, el campo magnético inducido por el plasma, poblaciones electrónicas múltiples a distintas temperaturas, y la capacid...

  13. 3D modeling of material flow and temperature in Friction Stir Welding Modelagem 3D do fluxo de material e da temperatura na soldagem "Friction Stir"

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    Diego Santiago


    Full Text Available The process of Friction Stir Welding (FSW is a welding method developed by the "The Welding Institute" (TWI of England in 1991. The welding equipment consists of a tool that rotates and progresses along the joint of two restrained sheets. The joint is produced by frictional heating which causes the softening of both components into a viscous-plastic condition and also by the resultant flow between the sheets to be joined. Numerical Modeling of the process can provide realistic prediction of the main variables of the process, reducing the number of experimental tests, thus accelerating the design processes while reducing costs and optimizing the involved technological variables. In this study the friction stir welding process is modeled using a general purpose finite element based program, reproducing the material thermal map and the corresponding mass flow. Numerical thermal results are compared against experimental thermographic maps and numerical material flow results are compared with material flow visualization techniques, with acceptable concordance.O processo denominado "Friction Stir Welding" (FSW é um método de soldagem desenvolvido pelo "The Welding Institute" (TWI na Inglaterra em 1991. O equipamento de soldagem consiste de uma ferramenta que gira e avança ao longo da interface entre duas chapas fixas. A junção é produzida pelo calor gerado por fricção o qual causa o amolecimento de ambos os componentes atingindo uma condição visco-plástica e também pelo escoamento resultante entre as laminas a ser unidas. A modelagem numérica do processo pode fornecer uma predição real das principais variáveis do processo, reduzindo o número de testes experimentais, acelerando, portanto os processos de projeto ao mesmo tempo em que reduz custos e permite a otimização das variáveis tecnológicas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, o processo de soldagem por fricção é modelado empregando um programa de propósito geral baseado no m

  14. Processamento de Ligas de Níquel com Técnica de Manufatura Aditiva Utilizando Plasma por Arco Transferido

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    Eduardo André Alberti


    Full Text Available ResumoA manufatura aditiva é um processo utilizado para a construção e reparos de peças que possuem geometria complexa ou que necessitem de gradiente de propriedades. Nessa técnica múltiplas camadas são depositadas para a construção da geometria do componente. O sucesso desse procedimento depende de fatores como a técnica de deposição, parâmetros, liga a ser depositada e condições da deposição, como temperatura e atmosfera protetora. Neste estudo, o potencial da técnica de Plasma por arco transferido para manufatura aditiva foi avaliado produzindo “paredes finas”, construídas a partir da sobreposição de cordões. Foram utilizadas duas ligas a base de níquel, uma endurecida por precipitação e outra endurecida por solução sólida. Durante os trabalhos, foram selecionados os parâmetros de processamentos, incluindo a avaliação do efeito do pré-aquecimento a 300°C. Resultados mostraram que a composição química da liga influencia a geometria da parede construída assim como a utilização de pré-aquecimento. Estruturas de solidificação exibindo dendritas refinadas com crescimento epitaxial entre camadas são identificadas. Entretanto, as características da liga determinam o perfil de dureza ao longo da seção transversal, sendo a liga endurecida por precipitação influenciada pelos ciclos térmicos de deposição e a liga endurecida por solução sólida pela diluição com o substrato. Em qualquer dos casos é recomendado a aplicação de tratamento térmico pós-soldagem para uniformização das propriedades.

  15. Efeito do desajuste marginal, tipo de soldagem e material do parafuso sobre a força de destorque de parafusos protéticos e tensões induzidas aos pilares


    Sabrina Alessandra Rodrigues


    Resumo: O objetivo neste estudo foi analisar as tensões induzidas aos análogos de pilares protéticos, utilizando-se strain gauges; e avaliar a força de destorque de parafusos protéticos (ouro e titânio) em infraestruturas fundidas em titânio comercialmente puro (Ti cp), antes e após os procedimentos de soldagem laser e TIG (tungsten inert gas). Foram confeccionadas vinte infraestruturas fundidas em titânio comercialmente puro (Ti cp), simulando uma prótese fixa de três elementos; vinte modelo...

  16. Avaliação da soldagem multipasse de chapas espessas de aços inoxidáveis lean duplex UNS S32304 soldadas pelos processos SMAW, GMAW e FCAW: parte 1: propriedades mecânicas Evaluation of multipass welding of thick lean duplex stainless steel UNS S32304 plates welded by SMAW, GMAW and FCAW: part 1: Mechanical Properties

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    Ronaldo Cardoso Junior


    Full Text Available Os aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID vêm se apresentando como uma excelente alternativa para aplicações em que alta resistência à corrosão e alta resistência mecânica são requeridas. Contudo, os AID, incluindo os aços inoxidáveis lean duplex, apresentam soldabilidade inferior em relação aos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação da soldagem multipasse de chapas 22 mm de espessura da liga inoxidável lean duplex UNS S32304, utilizando-se os processo SMAW, GMAW e FCAW e consumíveis com dois tipos de composição química, 22%Cr9%Ni3%Mo e 23%Cr7%Ni, totalizando seis experimentos. Foram empregados chanfros em V com 60º e suporte cerâmico para soldagem do passe de raiz, sendo que o aporte térmico foi mantido praticamente constante em 1,6 Determinou-se os tempos de soldagem e a seqüência de passes, objetivando uma análise de produtividade, em seguida as juntas soldadas foram submetidas à END por raios x. Foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de tração, dobramento, Charpy a -30 ºC e microdureza. A produtividade dos processos semi-automáticos se mostrou pelo menos 63 % maior que a do processo SMAW, enquanto o processo FCAW se mostrou de 6 a 18% mais rápido que o GMAW. Foram encontradas descontinuidades (porosidade consideradas aceitáveis segundo ASME B31.3 em alguns dos experimentos, que não influenciaram negativamente os resultados mecânicos, os quais se apresentaram acima requerimento do metal de base e especificado por normas de fabricação.The duplex stainless steels (DSS's have been placed as an excellent alternative for applications where high corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength are required. However, DSS's, including the lean duplex, present lower weldability than the austenitic stainless steels. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the multipass welding of 22 mm plates of lean duplex stainless steel alloy UNS S32304, using the process

  17. Parameters optimization for friction spot welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy by Taguchi method Otimização dos parâmetros de soldagem por fricção por ponto da liga de magnésio AZ31 pelo método de Taguchi

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    Leonardo Contri Campanelli


    Full Text Available Friction spot welding (FSpW is a solid state welding process suitable for producing spot-like joints, especially in lightweight materials, which are particularly interesting due to the weight saving potential. The plunging of an especially designed non-consumable and rotating tool creates a connection between overlapped sheets through frictional heat and plastic deformation. Minimum material loss is observed, and therefore a fully consolidated joint with flat surface (no keyhole is obtained. In the current study, the effect of FSpW parameters, such as rotational speed, plunge depth and dwell time, on lap shear strength of AZ31 magnesium alloy joints was investigated. The optimization of input process parameters was carried out through Taguchi approach of DOE. Analysis of variance was applied to determine the individual importance of each parameter. Main effect plots were used to indicate the best levels for maximizing lap shear strength. The results show that tool plunge depth has the higher effect on the weld strength, followed by rotational speed and dwell time.A soldagem por fricção por ponto (FSpW é um processo de soldagem no estado sólido adequado para a produção de juntas pontuais, especialmente em materiais leves, que são particularmente interessantes devido ao potencial de redução de peso. A penetração de uma ferramenta não-consumível e rotacional especialmente desenvolvida cria uma junção entre as placas sobrepostas através de calor por fricção e deformação plástica. A perda de material é mínima, obtendo-se, portanto, uma junta totalmente consolidada com superfície plana (sem furo. Neste trabalho, investigou-se o efeito dos parâmetros do FSpW, tais como velocidade de rotação, profundidade de penetração e tempo de residência, na resistência ao cisalhamento das juntas de liga de magnésio AZ31. A otimização dos parâmetros de entrada do processo foi realizada através do método de Taguchi de DOE. A an

  18. Analise da adaptação marginal de proteses fixas implanto-suportadas em liga de titanio, fundidas em monobloco ou submetidas a soldagem laser e eletroerosão atraves do assentamento passivo


    Tatiana Bernardon Peixoto Silva


    Resumo: A proposta deste trabalho foi avaliar o desadaptação marginal de infra-estruturas de próteses fixas implanto-suportadas fundidas em monobloco e submetidas à soldagem laser, antes e após a eletroerosão através da análise do assentaIÍlento passivo. Vinte infta-estruturas foram confeccionadas a partir de um modelo mestre metálico com cinco implantes fixados na região inter-forâmes paralelos entre si, e fundidas em titânio comercialmente puro - Ti c. p. (Rematitan - Dentaurum - Pforzhein ...

  19. Uma Contribuição ao Estudo do Processo TIG Cold Wire na Posição Plana, Horizontal e Sobrecabeça sob Novos Desenhos de Tocha e Metodologias de Alimentação de Arame

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    Víctor Vergara Díaz


    Full Text Available Resumo Esta linha de pesquisa surge para melhorar o atual procedimento na soldagem de tubos de caldeiras, onde são utilizados processos de soldagem manual e a qualidade das uniões soldadas depende exclusivamente da habilidade do soldador. Neste sentido, a proposta consiste em realizar a reparação com um processo de soldagem mais produtivo denominado de TIG cold wire com alimentação mecanizada de arame frio com a intenção de conseguir ganhos em qualidade nas uniões soldadas e repetitividade. Os cordões de solda foram avaliados pelo aspecto superficial, morfologia, grau de diluição e índice de convexidade. Foram realizados ensaios com dois direcionadores de arame (20° e 48° para verificar a influência do ângulo de entrada da injeção de arame no arco. Os resultados indicam um aumento considerável da produtividade do processo TIG com alimentação mecanizada de arame, quando é empregado o direcionador desenvolvido com entrada de arame de 20°, aproximando-se a taxa de deposição daquelas obtidas com o processo MIG/MAG, para um mesmo diâmetro de arame. Foi possível testar duas configurações de alimentação de arame: contínua e pulsada. Os resultados mostraram que a configuração de alimentação pulsada de arame proposta foi aplicada com sucesso em todas as posições garantindo repetitividade, estabilidade do processo e sustentabilidade da poça de fusão.

  20. Utilização de plasmas em pressão atmosférica para modificação de polímeros biocompatíveis


    Lopes, Bruno Bellotti [UNESP


    Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um equipamento para produção de plasmas em pressão atmosférica. Empregando esse sistema, o polímero PLDLA (poli(L-Co,L ácido lático)) e sua blenda com o tri(carbonato de metileno) (poli(L-Co-D,L-Co TMC)) foram hidrofilizados em diferentes condições de tempo e potência de plasma. Seus ângulos de contato foram investigados anteriormente e após cada exposição ao plasma para se avaliar o efeito do tratamento. Espectroscopia de emissão óptica foi empregada para se c...

  1. Efeito do formato de onda e gás de proteção sobre a taxa de fusão e geometria do cordão na soldagem MIG/MAG-PV Effect of waveform and shielding gas on melting rate and bead geometry for MIG/MAG-PV

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    Alexandre Saldanha do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Dada a importância do uso da polaridade variável na soldagem MIG/MAG (MIG/MAG-PV, com grande potencial para a aplicação de revestimento e para a soldagem de passe de raiz, �� fundamental investigar os efeitos de parâmetros do processo na formação do cordão e na taxa de fusão do arame-eletrodo. Esta última em especial, dada a maior taxa de fusão obtida pelo período de polaridade negativa. Desta forma, procurou-se avaliar o efeito de dois formatos de onda investigados anteriormente que possuem pausa de corrente antes e após o pulso principal do período de polaridade positiva, haja vista que estas condições se mostraram as mais estáveis. Investigou-se também o efeito do tipo de gás de proteção utilizado sobre as características geométricas do cordão de solda (representadas pela largura, penetração e reforço e taxas de fusão e deposição e o rendimento. As soldagens foram executadas em simples deposição sobre chapas de aço SAE 1020 pelo processo MIG/MAG-PV com 30 e 50% de porcentagem de tempo com eletrodo em polaridade negativa. Os gases de proteção utilizados foram Ar+2%O2, Ar+5%O2, Ar+8%CO2 e Ar+15%CO2. Procurou-se manter o mesmo comprimento de arco em todos os testes, por meio da variação da velocidade de alimentação de arame. Além disto, foi mantida constante a relação velocidade de alimentação de arame pela velocidade de soldagem, com o objetivo de tentar manter o volume de metal depositado constante para comparação. Pode-se concluir que o melhor entendimento do comportamento da geometria em relação aos parâmetros e consumíveis utilizados auxiliará para garantir o perfil do cordão desejado de acordo com a aplicação. Aliado a isto, a análise da taxa de fusão do processo possibilita selecionar com mais coerência os parâmetros e consumíveis utilizados que forneçam menores perdas de material e maior produtividade.Due to the importance of variable polarity in MIG/MAG welding (MIG

  2. Soldagem de um aço inoxidável ferrítico com o processo A-TIG Ferritic stainless steel welding with the A-TIG process

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    Alessandra Gois Luciano de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O processo de soldagem TIG com fluxo (processo A-TIG apresenta como principal vantagem a possibilidade de se obter uma maior penetração do cordão de solda empregando os mesmos parâmetros de soldagem do processo TIG convencional. Diversos estudos mostram a influência dos fluxos ativos sobre as características geométricas das soldas em aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, porém pouco se sabe sobre a influência deste processo nas características geométricas e metalúrgicas de cordões de solda em aços inoxidáveis ferríticos. Neste trabalho são aplicados diferentes tipos de fluxo na soldagem de aço inoxidável ferrítico com o objetivo de verificar possíveis influências no perfil do cordão de solda, no seu aspecto visual, na microestrutura, na dureza da zona fundida e na resistência ao impacto (ensaio Charpy. As soldagens "bead-on-plate" foram realizadas sem metal de adição. Foram utilizados seis tipos de fluxo, sendo um óxido elaborado em laboratório (TiO2 e cinco fluxos comerciais. Os resultados mostraram que a utilização do fluxo permite um aumento na penetração com mudanças significativas no aspecto do cordão de solda. Verificou-se ainda que a microestrutura e a dureza do cordão de solda do aço estudado não foram afetadas pelo tipo de fluxo utilizado, com a microestrutura analisada em microscópio óptico. O aço em estudo mostrou um alto grau de fragilidade à temperatura ambiente.The A-TIG welding process presents as main advantage the possibility of increase in the penetration depth using the same parameters as conventional TIG welding. Many researchers show the influence of the active flux on the weld geometry in austenitic stainless steel, however little it is known of the influence of this process in the weld fillet shape and metallurgic characteristics of the weld fillet in ferritic stainless steel. In this work different types of flux are applied with the objective to verify possible influences on the weld

  3. O arco TIG a 100 A e argônio puro é um arco especial? Is the 100-A TIG arc with pure argon special?

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    Louriel O. Vilarinho


    Full Text Available Partindo da afirmação de que um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos físicos que regem os processos de soldagem pode ser traduzido em maiores níveis de consistência e produtividade destes processos, resta, então, investigar e estudar tais mecanismos. Dentre as diversas abordagens para a caracterização física do processo, o estudo do arco elétrico procura destacar a estabilidade do processo com base nos fenômenos envolvidos. De forma específica para a soldagem a arco, onde alta qualidade é requerida, o processo TIG se destaca. Focando-se mais ainda neste processo, um conjunto de parâmetros chama a atenção: corrente de 100 A e gás de proteção argônio puro. Estes valores atribuem ao arco uma característica especial de transição sob diferentes pontos de vista (característica estática, regime laminar-turbulento, dimensões do arco e queda de tensão anódica. Estas características são apresentadas e discutidas. Espera-se que esta discussão seja lançada como um desafio aos leitores da Revista Soldagem & Inspeção para que contribuam com seus pontos de vista e/ou mais informações, procurando consolidar o conhecimento do arco elétrico em processo não-consumível e que possa, ao final, reverter em resultados tecnológicos para melhor uso do processo.By stating that an improved understanding of the physical mechanisms controlling process performance can usually be translated into higher levels of consistency and productivity for that process, it is expected to investigate these mechanisms. Among the various approaches for process physical characterisation, the electric-arc study unveils the process stability from the related phenomena. Specifically for arc welding, which high quality levels are required, the TIG process outstands. Further looking into this process, a parameter set calls the attention: 100-A current and pure argon as shielding gas. These values attribute to the arc special transitional characteristics, such

  4. Caracterização de Uma Junta Dissimilar entre Aço Carbono e Inconel 625 Obtida por Soldagem por Explosão

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    Rodrigo Andrade Ribeiro

    Full Text Available Resumo Neste trabalho é caracterizada uma junta dissimilar entre aço carbono e inconel 625 obtida pela soldagem por explosão. A caracterização metalográfica foi feita com uso de diferentes ataques químicos e observação microestrutural do metal de base (MB, a interface e o revestimento de inconel 625 por meio de microscopia ótica (MO, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV e espectroscopia de energia dispersa (EDS. Ensaios de microdureza foram realizados em todas as regiões. Os resultados mostram forte deformação dos grãos na proximidade da interface, tanto do lado do MB quanto do lado do inconel, tendo sido verificado significativo aumento da dureza. Na interface, ocorre o aparecimento de zonas localmente fundidas devido à dissipação de energia no impacto durante a explosão. Estas zonas apresentam microestrutura provavelmente martensítica. O trabalho conclui que o processo atinge os níveis de qualidade e produtividade característicos do segmento offshore.


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    Full Text Available Los estudios de ultraestructura celular en material particulado como bacterias, virus y células en suspensión requieren de un manejo especial, es por esto que se han desarrollado técnicas como la de coágulo de plasma, la cual se aplicó en un modelo experimental de fagocitosis. Se realizaron análisis de Microscopia Electrónica de Transmisión y de Barrido observándose claramente cuatro etapas de la fagocitosis. Se consideró una relación de 10 partículas de levadura por PMN como la proporción más eficiente para la observación del proceso fagocítico, igualmente se determinó muy corto el periodo de incubación de 20 minutos para alcanzar la fagocitosis en su totalidad. La técnica del coágulo de plasma mostró muy buenos resultados en preparaciones para TEM conservando la integridad de las células, no obstante, esta técnica presentó inconvenientes al observarse en MEB debido a los componentes fibrosos del coágulo que impiden una observación de la muestra, adhiriéndose a las superficies produciendo artefactos y deterioro en éstas.Studying ultrastructure cell in particle material such as bacteria, virus and cells suspension require special handling. For that reason, it has been developed techniques like plasma coagulate with phagocytosis as experimental model and analyzed by transmission electronic microscopy (TEM and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM. Four stages of phagocytosis were observed. The efficient proportion to observe the phagocytosis process was 10 particles per NPM (Nuclear Polymorphic, although 20 min as a incubation period was very short to reaching the total process. Applying this technique, cells conserved their integrity to obtain good quality preparation for TEM. In contrast for SEM samples which kept coagulate fiber components adhered to the surface, producing devices and cell deterioration was observed.


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    Ruth Andrea Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El análisis proteómico en derivados sanguíneos es una importante herramienta en el descubrimiento de biomarcadores para el diagnóstico de enfermedades, aunque su caracterización exhibe desafíos relacionados con el amplio rango dinámico de las proteínas. En este trabajo se implementaron las condiciones para la separación de proteomas de plasma sanguíneo por electroforesis bidimensional. En muestras de plasma de infante y adulto se evaluaron dos sistemas de pretratamiento de la muestra para reducir el rango dinámico de las proteínas: inmunodepleción de proteínas abundantes y enriquecimiento de proteínas de baja abundancia. Los proteomas se separaron por electroforesis bidimensional y las imágenes se analizaron con el programa Melanie 7.0. Se encontró que ambos métodos de pretratamiento fueron reproducibles y permitieron ver las diferencias en los proteomas de infante y adulto, como muestran los análisis de componentes principales y de clasificación jerárquica tipo heatmap. El porcentaje de recuperación de proteínas fue mayor con la inmunodepleción en comparación con el enriquecimiento proteico. Estos resultados permitieron concluir que con la inmunodepleción, se tiene mayor control de las proteínas eliminadas y por tanto menor pérdida de información, lo que permite su aplicación en estudios exploratorios para la identificación de potenciales biomarcadores de enfermedad.

  7. Falhas de estruturas de aço soldadas devido a reduzida ductilidade

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    Ivan Guerra Machado


    Full Text Available O principal propósito deste artigo é demonstrar para os (as engenheiros(as projetistas e de soldagem, que numa estrutura de aço estrutural soldada a ductilidade possui importância equivalente ou ainda maior do que a resistência e a rigidez. Porém, o elevado nível requerido para a ductilidade não pode ser somente dos metais base e de solda. A análise tem que ser abrangente, envolvendo todos os componentes e também a estrutura completa.

  8. Avaliação de Revestimentos de Liga de Níquel 625 Depositados pelo Processo Eletroescória

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    Soraia Simões Sandes

    Full Text Available Resumo A aplicação de revestimentos de ligas de níquel é comumente realizada na indústria de petróleo e gás para aumento da vida de equipamentos em ambientes agressivos, dado que este procedimento melhora a resistência à corrosão, sem um aumento significativo do custo de produção quando comparado com equipamentos maciços fabricados com outras ligas. Normalmente, as juntas são soldadas pelos processos de eletrodos revestidos, MIG/MAG ou TIG. Neste aspecto, o processo eletroescória realiza deposições com elevada energia de soldagem e baixa diluição, podendo ser uma opção interessante, uma vez que proporciona uma elevada produtividade, permitindo a soldagem com aplicação de apenas uma camada. O presente trabalho avalia propriedades mecânicas, microestruturais e de corrosão de revestimentos de liga de níquel 625 depositada em aço carbono ASTM A516 Grau 70 pelo processo eletroescória, tanto na condição como soldado quanto tratado termicamente. A deposição foi realizada com uma e duas camadas sobre chapas de dimensão 50x400x400 mm, na posição plana e energia de soldagem média de 11,7 kJ/mm. Após a soldagem realizou-se tratamento térmico a 620°C por 10 horas, sendo esta condição comparada ao estado de como soldado. Os ensaios de dobramento não indicaram evidências de defeitos. A avaliação microestrutural realizada por microscopia ótica (MO, eletrônica de varredura (MEV e eletrônica de transmissão (MET mostrou uma microestrutura austenítica para o depósito com pequena fração volumétrica de fases secundárias e o tratamento térmico de alívio de tensões não promoveu mudanças significativas nas propriedades. Na região de grãos grosseiros da zona termicamente afetada (RGGZTA foi observada a ocorrência de ferrita pró-eutetóide, perlita e bainita para o depósito com 1 camada e basicamente ferrita e perlita refinadas para o deposito com 2 passes devido às baixas taxas de resfriamento

  9. Monitoring system for thermal plasma; Sistema de monitoreo para plasma termico

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    Romero G, M.; Vilchis P, A.E. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    In the Thermal plasma applications laboratory it has been the degradation project of oils for isolation in transformers. These are a very hazardous residues and at this time in the country they are stored in metal barrels. It has been the intention to undergo the oils to plasma for degradate them to non-hazardous residues. The system behavior must be monitored to establish the thermal plasma behavior. (Author)

  10. Influência do uso de PTFE como aglomerante em eletrodos revestidos básicos sobre a formação de ferrita acicular no metal de solda

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    Cláudio Turani Vaz


    Full Text Available Metais de solda produzidos por eletrodos revestidos básicos aglomerados com politetrafluoretileno (PTFE têm apresentado baixíssimos teores de hidrogênio difusível e elevadas frações volumétricas de ferrita acicular. Esse estudo investigou o papel desempenhado pelo polímero na formação de tal constituinte. A microestrutura produzida por consumíveis contendo esse componente apresentou quantidades de ferrita acicular consideravelmente superiores à prevista na literatura para um metal de solda com os mesmos teores de carbono, silício e manganês. Tal diferença não pode ser atribuída a variações nos parâmetros de soldagem empregados. A análise dos elementos químicos residuais apontou o nitrogênio como sendo o principal responsável pelas discrepâncias observadas na microestrutura. O estudo das características operacionais de eletrodos classe E7018 tradicionais e aglomerados com polímero mostrou que a menor absorção de nitrogênio pelo metal de solda se deve a dois fatores principais. Medidas do teor de nitrogênio dissolvido das gotas coletadas durante a soldagem do eletrodo aglomerado com polímero demonstrou uma atmosfera protetora mais efetiva. O teor de carbono presente no metal de solda obtido pela soldagem do eletrodo com polímero apontou para uma atmosfera rica nesse elemento. Tal característica é coerente com a hipótese de uma melhor proteção gasosa. O tamanho médio das gotas coletadas, teor de nitrogênio dissolvido em função do tamanho e os oscilogramas de tensão indicaram alterações no modo de transferência metálica.

  11. Caracterização e avaliação da resistência à corrosão na soldagem de tubulação de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo a arco submerso Characterization and evaluation of corrosion resistance of welded joint of duplex stainless steel pipe UNS S31803 by submerged arc process

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    Juan Manuel Pardal


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados da caracterização e avaliação da resistência à corrosão de uma junta soldada correspondente a uma tubulação de aço inoxidável duplex (AID UNS S31803 de 35 mm de espessura de parede soldada pelos processos de soldagem TIG (GTAW na raiz e arco submerso (SAW no enchimento e acabamento. Foram empregados como consumíveis de soldagem metais de adição de liga 25Cr-9Ni-4Mo (% em peso. Os resultados da caracterização das propriedades mecânicas, composição química e resistência à corrosão em diversas regiões da junta soldada foram comparados com os obtidos para o metal de base da tubulação, assim como com os valores mínimos exigidos pelas normas de projeto. Os resultados obtidos demonstram claramente a possibilidade da implementação do processo SAW na pré fabricação de tubulações de paredes espessas de AID, tendo em vista os resultados das propriedades analisadas e a grande demanda na construção e montagem de tubulações desta família de aço inoxidáveis na indústria offshore.This work presents the mechanical properties, microstructural and corrosion resistance evaluation of a welded joint of duplex stainless steel (DSS pipe with 35 mm wall thickness. The joint was welded by gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW process in the root passes and submerged arc welding (SAW in the filling and cap passes using filler metals with composition 25Cr-9Ni-4Mo (%wt.. The results of mechanical properties, chemical composition and corrosion resistance characterization in different regions of the welded joint were compared to the base metal and to the specifications required by the standards applied in the project. The main focus of this work was to show the successful utilization of SAW process in the welding of thick wall pipes of DSS. The application of high productivity process such as SAW has a crescent demand in offshore industry.

  12. Avaliação das tensões residuais em tubos de pequeno diâmetro soldados pelo processo TIG orbital Residual stress evaluation in small diameter pipes welded using orbital TIG process

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    George Luiz Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar o efeito da soldagem TIG orbital sobre o nível de tensões residuais da junta, sobre a microestrutura resultante e sobre o aspecto superficial do cordão de solda, considerando os efeitos da energia de soldagem, do número de passes e do tipo de pulsação (corrente e rotação em tubos de pequeno diâmetro e contribuir para a análise de decisões de se aplicar ou não testes hidrostáticos ou TTPS. Os corpos de prova soldados com diferentes níveis de energia, pulsação e número de passes foram submetidos à medição de tensões residuais em um difratômetro de Raios-X. As amostras também foram submetidas a análises metalográficas. Conclui-se que as tensões residuais na superfície externa dos tubos são de caráter compressivo. O nível de tensões residuais nos tubos cai com o aumento da energia de soldagem e é menor para tubos soldados utilizando pulsação do que com os soldados sem pulsação e, para esse trabalho, não foi influenciado substancialmente pelo número de passes. As amostras analisadas apresentaram microestruturas convencionais para o aço empregado.This work aims in evaluate the effect of orbital TIG welding on the joint's residual stress level, the final microstructure and the superficial aspect of the weld filet, observing the welding energy, number of passes and the type of pulsation effects in small diameter pipes. The test specimens were welded with different energy, pulsation and number of passes levels and after that it were submitted to residual stress measurement in a X-Ray diffractometer, samples were extracted from the test specimens and it were submitted to metallographic analysis. The ending of this work is that: residual stress in the pipes outer surface are compressive, residual stress level in pipes goes down with increasing welding energy, it is smaller for pipes welded with pulsation and in this work it were not effectively influenced by number of passes

  13. Validación de un método de cromatografía líquida para la determinación de rifampicina en plasma humano

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    Luis Moreno-Exebio

    Full Text Available Objetivos: Validar un método de cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC para la determinación de rifampicina (RFP en plasma humano. Materiales y métodos. Se desarrolló un método HPLC para la determinación de RFP en plasma. La separación fue realizada por cromatografía de fase reversa con una columna C18 y una fase móvil compuesta por una mezcla de acetonitrilo y solución amortiguadora de fosfato de potasio monobásico 0,05 M (38:62 v/v a 335 nm. En el cual se empleó como estándar interno rifampicina quinona (RFP-QN. Resultados. Los tiempos de retención de RFP y RFP-QN fueron 7,81 y 12,26 minutos, respectivamente. El ensayo fue lineal de 0,5 a 250 ug/mL Los parámetros evaluados de precisión, exactitud, selectividad, linealidad, recuperación cumplieron con lo establecido en las guías internacionales de validación de métodos bioanalíticos. Conclusiones. El método HPLC desarrollado es simple, específico, sensible, selectivo y lineal para un amplio rango de concentraciones de RFP en plasma

  14. Construcción y caracterización de un nuevo nebulizador múltiple para técnicas analíticas basadas en plasma (ICP-OES, ICP-MS y MP-AES).


    Lúñez Fernández, Claudia


    En la siguiente memoria, se presenta la metodología para la construcción de un nuevo nebulizador múltiple, resultado de una serie de nebulizadores anteriores, los cuales se han ido mejorando para optimizar las características del aerosol generado y con ello los parámetros analíticos de calidad en la espectrometría de emisión atómica con plasma de microondas (MP-AES) y espectrometría de emisión óptica con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP-OES). Este nuevo nebulizador multiconducto presenta...

  15. Fissuração pelo Hidrogênio em um Aço API 5L X70 Soldado com Eletrodos Celulósicos de Diferentes Níveis de Resistência

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    Camila Goes Mattioli

    Full Text Available Resumo Aços classificados segundo a norma do American Petroleum Institute (API enfrentam o problema de trincamento a frio decorrente da soldagem. Neste trabalho foi estudado, por meio do ensaio de implante, o efeito da resistência mecânica do metal de solda sobre a susceptibilidade de um aço API-5L-X70 ao trincamento pelo hidrogênio. As soldas foram realizadas com dispositivo de soldagem por gravidade, usando-se dois eletrodos celulósicos, AWS-E6010 e AWS-E8010. O hidrogênio difusível dos eletrodos foi determinado por cromatografia gasosa. Como resultado do ensaio de implante, observou-se uma tendência maior à fissuração quando foi utilizado o eletrodo AWS-E6010. Isso pode ser relacionado à menor resistência mecânica apresentada pela solda resultante do mesmo e ao fato de o eletrodo ser menos ligado. Assim, o metal de solda pode ter se transformado a temperaturas mais elevadas, o que levou a uma maior migração do hidrogênio para a ZTA. Observou-se, ainda, que mesmo as soldas que não falharam no ensaio apresentaram trincas. Isso pode ser devido às condições de resfriamento do cordão que levaram ao aparecimento ilhas com estruturas frágeis e susceptíveis ao trincamento. Para as menores cargas usadas (0,8.σe, contudo, estas trincas não atingiram um tamanho crítico para a ruptura final do pino sendo ensaiado.

  16. Estudo da microestrutura formada no processo de soldagem por atrito em aço C-Mn com pino consumível Microstructural evaluation of a C-Mn steel welded by the friction hidro-pillar process

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    Cleber Rodrigo de Lima Lessa


    Full Text Available A soldagem por arco elétrico é a técnica mais empregada para reparar estruturas de grande porte, mas apresenta desvantagens associadas à solidificação do metal de solda. Então a utilização de processos de solda por atrito, especificamente o processo FHPP (Friction Hydro Pillar Processing que consiste na utilização de pinos para reparo por atrito, apresenta vantagens por ser um processo realizado no estado sólido. Menores temperaturas estão envolvidas e não existe influência do ambiente externo, minimizando os problemas nos reparos estruturais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo observar a variação dos parâmetros do processo e os efeitos desses na microestrutura e qualidade do reparo. O estudo comparou diferentes forças axiais nos reparos com aço C-Mn através de metalografias e perfis de microdureza. Uma força axial maior resultou em um menor tempo de processo, em uma microestrutura mais homogênea e evitou os defeitos "falta de adesão" na zona de ligação e "cisalhamento a quente" do pino.The arc welding it is the most used technique to repair large structures, however, has disadvantages that result from the solidification of the weld metal. So the use of friction welding, specifically the FHPP (friction hydro pillar processing process that consists on using plugs for friction repair, presents advantages because it is a process that is carried out on the solid state. Lower temperatures are involved and do not have the influence of the external environment, minimizing the problems on structure repairs. This work has the objective of observe the process parameters variation and their effects on microstructure and on the quality of the repair. The study compared different axial forces on repairs whit C-Mn steel through of metallographic and microhardness profiles. A higher axial force results in less time of process, in a more homogeneous microstructure, and avoided the defects "noncompliance" in the bounding zone and "hot

  17. Estudo da Técnica Tig Keyhole por Meio do Análise Comparativo entre Duas Tochas de Alta Produtividade na União de Chapas de Aço Carbono de Meia Espessura

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    Erick Alejandro González Olivares


    Full Text Available Resumo Na bibliografia de referência comum, a soldagem por meio da técnica Keyhole sempre foi associada a processos de soldagem com uma alta concentração de energia, como o processo Laser ou o processo Plasma. Novos avanços em tochas TIG estão mudando a forma em como o processo de soldagem TIG deveria ser considerado. Um exemplo desses novos avanços é a tocha comercialmente conhecida como Infocus, que segundo seus fabricantes a principal característica da tocha é a capacidade de concentração de energia na ponta do eletrodo, por médio de um aumento na potência de refrigeração do eletrodo, diferenciando à Infocus de uma tocha convencional TIG. Tal concentração de energia permite à tocha Infocus trabalhar com a técnica Keyhole. Portanto, é objetivo do presente trabalho estudar a factibilidade de uma tocha convencional TIG de usar a técnica Keyhole, com as mesmas condições de trabalho que a tocha comercialmente conhecida como Infocus. Através dos ensaios realizados foi possível confirmar que o processo TIG consegue trabalhar com a técnica Keyhole, sem necessidade de uma tocha com características especiais. Porém, o eletrodo da tocha Infocus possui uma vida maior, em comparação a um eletrodo convencional da mesma composição, aumentando a produtividade do processo.

  18. Projeto e construção de máquina de solda por atrito e análise de soldas dissimilares


    Leandro Vanz de Andrade


    A soldagem por atrito é uma alternativa aos processos convencionais de soldagem, como a solda por arco elétrico. Por ser um processo realizado no estado sólido não sofre problemas associados à fusão do material soldado e pode ser utilizado com maior facilidade em ambientes subaquáticos. A soldagem por atrito possui boas respostas também quando utilizada em soldas de materiais dissimilares. Tendo em vista a grande demanda de novas tecnologias relacionadas à exploração e produção de petróleo no...

  19. The influence of screw type, alloy and cylinder position on the marginal fit of implant frameworks before and after laser welding Influência do tipo de parafuso, liga e da posição do cilindro na adaptação marginal das infra-estruturas sob implantes antes e após a soldagem a laser

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    Daniela Castilio


    ânio. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a influência do tipo de parafuso, liga e posição do cilindro na adaptação marginal de infra-estruturas sobre implante antes e após a soldagem a laser. MÉTODOS: Após os abutments do tipo Estheticone serem aparafusados nos implantes, trinta cilindros protéticos de plástico foram montados e encerados com 15 barras cilíndricas. Cada espécime possuía três componentes protéticos interconectados. Cinco espécimes foram fundidos em monobloco com liga de titânio e liga de cobalto-crômio. Em cada espécime, os testes foram conduzidos com parafusos hexagonais de titânio e com parafusos de ouro com fenda, separadamente, num total de 30 parafusos testados. As medidas nas interfaces foram feitas com microscópio óptico com 5mm de precisão. Após o seccionamento, os espécimes foram soldados a laser e novas medidas obtidas. Os dados foram submetidos para análise com os testes ANOVA a quatro critérios e Tukey para comparações múltiplas (alfa=0,05. RESULTADOS: Os parafusos com fenda e hexágono não apresentaram diferenças significantes independente da adaptação dos cilindros fundidos em titânio, tanto em monobloco como após a soldagem a laser. Quando os parafusos com hexágono e fenda foram testados nos espécimes de cobalto-crômio, diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas na condição monobloco, com os parafusos fendidos apresentando melhor adaptação (24,13µm do que os com hexágono (27,93 µm. Além disso, nenhuma diferença significante foi encontrada após a soldagem a laser. CONCLUSÕES: 1 O uso de diferentes ligas metálicas exerce influência nos resultados, 2 Os parafusos com hexágono e fenda somente possuem o papel de fixar a prótese, e não melhoram a adaptação dos cilindros e 3 a posição do cilindro não afetou os valores de adaptação marginal.

  20. Caracterização microestrutural de soldas dissimilares dos aços ASTM A-508 e AISI 316L Characterization of dissimilar metal weld between low alloy steel ASTM A-508 and 316L stainless steel

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    Luciana Iglésias Lourenço Lima


    Full Text Available As soldas dissimilares (dissimilar metal welds - DMWs são utilizadas em diversos segmentos da indústria. No caso específico de usinas nucleares, tais soldas são necessárias para conectar tubulações de aço inoxidável com componentes fabricados em aços baixa liga. Os materiais de adição mais utilizados neste tipo de solda são as ligas de níquel 82 e 182. Este trabalho consistiu na soldagem de uma junta dissimilar de aço baixa liga ASTM A-508 G3 e aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 316L utilizando as ligas de níquel 82 e 182 como metais de adição. A soldagem foi realizada manualmente empregando os processos de soldagem ao arco SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding e GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. Os corpos de prova foram caracterizados microestruturalmente utilizando-se microscópio óptico e microscópio eletrônico de varredura com microanálise por dispersão de energia de raios X (EDS e ensaios de microdureza Vickers. Observou-se uma microestrutura constituída de dendritas de austenita com a presença de precipitados com formas e dimensões definidas pelo aporte térmico e pela direção de soldagem. Não houve variação significativa da dureza ao longo da junta soldada, demonstrando a adequação dos parâmetros de soldagem utilizados.The dissimilar metal welds (DMWs are used in several areas of the industries. In the nuclear power plant, this weld using nickel alloy welding wires is used to connect stainless steel pipes to low alloy steel components on the reactor pressured vessels. The filler materials commonly used in this type of weld are nickel alloys 82 and 182.. In this study, dissimilar metal welds composed of low alloy steel ASTM A-508 G3, nickel alloys 82 e 182 as weld metals, and austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L were prepared by manual shielded metal arc welding (SMAW and gas tungsten arc welding techniques (GTAW. Samples were microstructural characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy

  1. Avaliação da Resistência Interlaminar do Compósito PEI/Fibras de Carbono Soldado pelo Método de Resistência Elétrica

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    Jonas Frank Reis

    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo avaliar a efetividade do processo de soldagem por resistência elétrica em compósitos de matriz poli (éterimida reforçados com fibras contínuas de carbono, a partir do estudo das propriedades térmicas e mecânicas da junta soldada. Para a avaliação das propriedades térmicas, as amostras do material soldado foram submetidas às análises por termogravimetria e por análise termomecânica. Já com o intuito de se estudar a interface resultante da soldagem, estudos foram realizados a partir dos ensaios de cisalhamento ILSS e Iosipescu, assim como por End-Notched Flexure (ENF. Os resultados das análises térmicas em laminados de PEI/fibras de carbono não soldados mostram que o início da degradação para estes compósitos ocorre a 460 °C, e ainda é evidenciado que a temperatura de transição vítrea para amostras soldadas é aproximadamente 15% superior aos resultados provenientes de amostras não soldadas. Nos ensaios mecânicos mostram que houve um aumento de 32% e de 20%, respectivamente, nos resultados de cisalhamento interlaminar por ILSS e por Iosipescu nas amostras soldadas, quando estas são comparadas a amostras não soldadas. Os resultados do ensaio de ENF apresentam valores satisfatórios de tenacidade à fratura interlaminar nos compósitos soldados em relação aos valores encontrados em literatura.

  2. Efeito do gás de proteção e do modo de transferência na aplicação da liga 625 em aço carbono Effect of shielding gas and transfer mode on the application of 625 alloy in carbon steel

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    Carlos Eduardo Iconomos Baixo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram analisados os efeitos do gás de proteção (Ar, Ar/CO2, Ar/O2 e Ar/He/O2 e do modo de transferência (curto-circuito e corrente pulsada utilizando o processo MIG/ MAG com arame ER-NiCrMo-3 para produzir depósitos sobre chapa assim como o passe de raiz em juntas em V produzidas em aço ABNT 1020. Os resultados mais favoráveis na soldagem do passe de raiz foram obtidos na soldagem com corrente pulsada, empregando uma junta em V com abertura de 90º e atmosfera de Ar + 25% CO2. A utilização de atmosferas de proteção com 20% Hélio e baixo percentual de gás ativo não produziu os resultados esperados, sendo eficaz somente na soldagem com deposição sobre chapa, porém tímida em produzir resultados satisfatórios na solda do passe de raiz. Resultados ruins foram obtidos na soldagem com transferência por curto-circuito, independente do gás de proteção, e quando utilizada atmosfera composta por Argônio puro, independente do modo de transferência ajustado.In this study the effect of shielding gas (Ar, Ar/CO2, Ar/O2 and Ar/He/O2 and transfer mode (short-circuit and pulsed current in MIG/MAG welding with ER-NiCrMo-3 wire to produce bead-on-plate deposits and root passes in "V" joints of ABNT 1020 steel were analyzed. The most favorable results in root pass welding were obtained with pulsed current, employing a "V" joint with a 90º aperture and Ar+25%CO2 atmosphere. The use of shielding atmospheres with 20% helium and a low percentage of active gas did not produce the expected results, being effective only in bead-on-plate weld deposition. However, it was not very effective to produce satisfactory results in root pass welding. Poor results were obtained in the welding with short-circuit transfer regardless of the used shielding gas, and when an atmosphere of pure argon was used, regardless of the mode of transfer.

  3. Terapia de bioestimulación con plasma rico en plaquetas para el envejecimiento cutáneo Bioestimulation technique with rich plasma in platelets for skin aging


    HM Escobar


    La bioestimulación con plasma rico en plaquetas es una técnica ambulatoria para la prevención y manejo del envejecimiento cutáneo, se basa en la fisiología de la piel y funciona muy bien sola o dentro de un plan terapéutico combinado. El derivado de sangre autóloga estimula la producción de colágeno, elastina y tejido epidérmico, lo que se traduce en piel más tersa, luminosa y de mejor calidad. Son mínimos los riesgos de formación de hematomas, infección, transmisión de enfermedades o reaccio...

  4. Pulse generator for bias materials in the plasma immerse ion implantation process; Generador de pulsos para polarizar materiales en el proceso de implantacion de iones inmersos en plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez Callegas, Regulo; Valencia Alvarado, Raul; Munoz Castro, Arturo Eduardo; Godoy Cabrera, Oscar Gerardo [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Moreno Saavedra, Hilda; Gonzalez Colin, Mireya; Mariano Escamilla, Hector Fernando [Instituto Tecnologico de Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The 0-10 kV pulse generator has been designed, with 100 {mu}s duration and 1-100 Hz frequencies ranges. The use of the pulse generator is in the plasma immersed ion implantation technique (P III). The process was realized in 304 austenitic stainless steel, the results were analyzed by: SEM, X-rays diffraction and hardness Vickers. The hardness was increased due to the efficiency of the pulse generator and P III process, the results obtained showed that the nitrogen inside the stainless steel was implanted and besides some nitrides was formed and therefore the hardness was increased. Also, the more adequate work pressure was determined to carry out the P III process. [Spanish] Se presenta el diseno de un generador de pulsos de alto voltaje con amplitudes controladas de hasta 10 kV, la duracion maxima de los pulsos es del orden de los 100 {mu}s y frecuencia de repeticion en el intervalo de 1-100 Hz. La aplicacion de este generador de pulsos es para el proceso de implantacion de iones en materiales inmersos en plasmas (PIII). Los analisis hechos a los aceros austeniticos cedula 304 mediante microscopia electronica de barrido, difraccion de rayos X y dureza Vickers, muestran la eficiencia obtenida con el generador de pulsos en el proceso PIII, debido a que en el acero inoxidable se presenta un incremento en el nitrogeno y conformacion de algunos nitruros, lo cual da lugar al incremento de la dureza. Asimismo, se determino la presion de trabajo mas adecuada para llevar a cabo el proceso PIII.

  5. Utilização de plasma rico em plaquetas de coelhos com poucos leucócitos e hemácias para a consolidação de ossos

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    M.G.M.G. Andrade


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se utilizar o plasma rico em plaquetas, obtido por técnica capaz de produzir um produto autólogo, com reduzido número de leucócitos e hemácias, e avaliar, por meio de radiografias, a capacidade de cicatrização de uma falha óssea induzida no rádio de coelhos. Foram coletados 10,5mL de sangue por via intracardíaca, o qual foi distribuído em três tubos de hemossedimentação contendo citrato de sódio. Os tubos contendo as amostras foram submetidos a uma centrifugação a 2.000rpm (670,8G por 20 minutos, e da coluna de sedimentação foram aspirados de cada tubo 1.000µL de plasma para a redução do volume sobrenadante. Aspirou-se o plasma acima do anel de leucócitos e transferiu-se para outro tubo para centrifugação a 2.000rpm por 10 minutos. O conteúdo plaquetário no fundo do tubo foi ressuspendido e homogeneizado a 1.000µL do plasma sobrenadante para formar o PRP líquido. Uma falha de 1,0cm foi realizada no rádio esquerdo de cada coelho. O tempo de consolidação foi observado por meio de exame radiográfico aos 45 e 90 dias de pós-operatório (PO. As imagens foram comparadas entre o grupo controle (G1 e o grupo que recebeu o implante de PRP por via transdérmica (G2. A evolução da cicatrização foi verificada com auxílio do programa Adobe Photoshop CC e em uma escala de cinza que representa o contraste. No G2 foi verificada média de 63% de contraste aos 45 dias de PO e de 65% aos 90 dias de PO. No G2, aos 45 dias de PO, a média encontrada foi de 42,7%, e aos 90 dias de PO, 31,25%, indicando que houve evolução do processo de reparação óssea em comparação ao grupo que não recebeu o implante de PRP. O método de obtenção de plasma rico em plaqueta autólogo de coelhos reduziu o número de leucócitos e hemácias e recuperou o número de plaquetas, sendo este maior ou igual aos valores fisiológicos para a espécie. O PRP obtido foi capaz de acelerar o processo de consolidação óssea em coelhos.

  6. Uma metodologia para parametrização do processo MIG/MAG CA A methodology for parameterization of the AC MIG/MAG process

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    Américo Scotti


    Full Text Available O processo MIG/MAG CA tem um potencial muito grande de aplicação, por permitir unir as características da soldagem MIG/MAG convencional (corrente contínua, com o eletrodo no positivo com as de se usar corrente negativa na soldagem MIG/MAG. Entretanto, o formato de onda de corrente (alternada, pulsada no positivo e constante no negativo demanda uma seleção criteriosa de seus inúmeros parâmetros de regulagem, o que vem limitando o estudo e aplicação desta versão de processo MIG/MAG. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor e avaliar uma metodologia capaz de estimar os parâmetros de regulagem do processo MIG/MAG CA, de tal forma a se obter soldas com estabilidade de comprimento de arco e cordões com geometria adequada. É feita uma descrição passo a passo da definição dos parâmetros de entrada e da forma de se obter experimentalmente alguns valores de parâmetros necessários para estimação de outros valores de regulagem. As equações de estimação são apresentadas e discutidas. É feita uma demonstração da aplicação da metodologia, com a validação dos resultados pela comparação entre valores estimados e reais.The AC MIG/MAG process presents remarkable application potential, since it allows join the characteristics of the conventional MIG/MAG process (direct current, electrode positive with the ones obtained when negative current is applied in MIG/MAG welding. However, the current wave shape (alternate, pulsed in positive and constant in negative polarities demands a criterions selection of its innumerous setting parameters, fact that limits the development and application of this process version. The objective of this work was to propose and assess a methodology able to estimate the setting parameters of the CA MIG/MAG welding process, in such a way to result in welds with arc length stability and adequate bead geometry. A step-a-step description of the input parameter definitions and of the way to experimentally obtain

  7. Terapia de bioestimulación con plasma rico en plaquetas para el envejecimiento cutáneo Bioestimulation technique with rich plasma in platelets for skin aging

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    HM Escobar


    Full Text Available La bioestimulación con plasma rico en plaquetas es una técnica ambulatoria para la prevención y manejo del envejecimiento cutáneo, se basa en la fisiología de la piel y funciona muy bien sola o dentro de un plan terapéutico combinado. El derivado de sangre autóloga estimula la producción de colágeno, elastina y tejido epidérmico, lo que se traduce en piel más tersa, luminosa y de mejor calidad. Son mínimos los riesgos de formación de hematomas, infección, transmisión de enfermedades o reacciones alérgicas.Biostimulation with rich plasma in platelets is an outpatient technique for the prevention and management of skin aging, which is based on the physiology of the skin, and works very well alone or in a combined treatment plan. Own patient derivate blood stimulates production of collagen, elastin and skin tissue, resulting in a smoother skin, brighter and better quality. Risks of bruising, infection, disease transmission or allergic reactions are minimal.

  8. Power supply controlled for plasma torch generation; Fuente de alimentacion controlada para la generacion de un plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Z, S


    The high density of energy furnished by thermal plasma is profited in a wide range of applications, such as those related with welding fusion, spray coating and at the present in waste destruction. The waste destruction by plasma is a very attractive process because the remaining products are formed by inert glassy grains and non-toxic gases. The main characteristics of thermal plasmas are presented in this work. Techniques based on power electronics are utilized to achieve a good performance in thermal plasma generation. This work shown the design and construction of three phase control system for electric supply of thermal plasma torch, with 250 kw of capacity, as a part of the project named `Destruction of hazard wastes by thermal plasma` actually working in the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ). The characteristics of thermal plasma and its generation are treated in the first chapter. The A C controllers by thyristors applied in three phase arrays are described in the chapter II, talking into account the power transformer, rectifiers bank and aliasing coil. The chapter III is dedicated in the design of the trigger module which controls the plasma current by varying the trigger angle of the SCR`s; the protection and isolating unit are also presented in this chapter. The results and conclusions are discussed in chapter IV. (Author).

  9. Microwave plasma for materials treatment; Plasmas de microondas para tratamiento de materiales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camps, E.; Garcia, J.L.; Muhl, S.; Alvarez F, O.; Chavez C, J. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The microwave discharges of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (Ecr) type are capable to generate plasma with relatively high ionization coefficients which can vary between 1 and 10 % also they are realized in low pressures at 10 {sup -4} Torr. order generating at this time high concentrations of neutral excited chemical species which result in that the chemical processes can be realized with much greater velocity as in another systems. In this work it was studied and characterized a microwave discharge type Ecr using for this electric probes and optical emission spectroscopy. The characterization was carried out with the purpose of optimizing the plasma parameters and to establish a control over the same one doing so that the experiments have a greater reproducibility and a major work efficiency. (Author)

  10. Caracterización de un plasma pulsado utilizado para producir recubrimientos de TiN, por medio de espectroscopía óptica de emisión


    Restrepo Parra, Elisabeth


    En este trabajo se realiza la caracterización de un plasma pulsado utilizado para la producción de recubrimientos duros de TiN, utilizando técnicas de espectroscopía óptica de emisión. Con el fin de realizar esta caracterización se han calculado la temperatura y la densidad electrónica de dicho plasma. El cálculo de la temperatura electrónica se realiza suponiendo que esta es diferente de la temperatura de excitación de los átomos, esto nos permite modificar el método más convencional, co...

  11. Caracterização microestrutural e comportamento mecânico das ligas de alumínio AA2139 T3 e T8 soldadas por fricção rotativa com mistura Microstructural characterization and mechanical behavior of an AA2139 T3 and T8 aluminum alloy joined by friction stir welding (FSW

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    Vinícius Toledo Saccon


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visou analisar a caracterização microestrutural e o comportamento mecânico das ligas de alumínio AA2139 T3 e T8 quando são soldadas pelo processo Soldagem por Fricção Rotativa com Mistura, o qual é realizado na fase sólida. A análise microestrutural foi realizada utilizando microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, e o comportamento mecânico foi avaliado através de medidas de microdureza e ensaio de tração convencional complementado pelo sistema ARAMIS. As ligas foram soldadas nos mesmos parâmetros de soldagem e com a mesma ferramenta, a fim de avaliar a qualidade da junta soldada para as duas condições de tratamento térmico, T3 e T8. Os resultados obtidos mostraram soldas resistentes para ambos os tratamentos térmicos, porém com melhores propriedades mecânicas para a liga AA2139 T3.This work aimed to study the microstructural characterization and mechanical behavior of AA2139 T3 and T8 aluminum alloys joined by FSW - Friction Stir Welding. The microstructural analysis has been done using optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy, and the mechanical analysis were evaluate through microhardness testing and conventional tensile test using the ARAMIS system . Each alloy were welded using the same welding parameters and the same tool in order to evaluate the joint quality for both heat treatment used for this work, T3 and T8. The result showed sounds joints for both heat treatments, although with better mechanical properties for the alloy AA2139 T3.

  12. Método analítico para a determinação de meloxicam em plasma humano por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE Determination of meloxicam in human plasma by HPLC

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    Valentina Porta


    Full Text Available Desenvolveu-se e validou-se método analítico simples, rápido e específico para quantificação de meloxicam (inibidor da COX-2 em plasma humano através da cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, para aplicação em estudos de bioequivalência. Piroxicam foi utilizado como padrão interno. Empregou-se cromatografia em fase reversa com coluna modelo Synergi RP-MAX (150 x 4,6 mm, à temperatura de 30 ºC e fase móvel constituída por mistura de acetonitrila e tampão fosfato 0,025 mol/L pH 4,5 (40:60, v/v, a um fluxo de 1,0 mL/min. Os analitos foram detectados por UV a 364 nm. As amostras de plasma foram acidificadas com ácido clorídrico 1 mol/L, extraídas utilizando-se éter terc-butil metílico e, após filtração e secagem, o resíduo foi reconstituído em 250 mL de fase móvel para injeção em CLAE. Os tempos de retenção para meloxicam (padrão e piroxicam (padrão interno foram 3,35 e 4,19 minutos, respectivamente. Este método apresentou linearidade na faixa de concentração entre 50-4000 ng/mL (R² = 0,9995, com limite de quantificação inferior de 50 ng/mL e exatidão de 114%. O método analítico desenvolvido neste trabalho demonstrou especificidade, linearidade, precisão e exatidão adequadas, permitindo sua aplicação em ensaios de bioequivalência.A simple, rapid and specific high-performance liquid cromatographic (HPLC method was developed and validated to estimate meloxicam (COX-2 inhibitor levels in human plasma. Piroxicam was used as internal standard. Reversed phase chromatography was conducted using a Synergi RP-MAX (150 x 4.6 mm column at 30 ºC and a mobile phase of acetonitrile and 0.025 mol/L pH 4,5 phosphate buffer (40:60, v/v, at a flow rate of 1mL/min. Analytes were detected at 364 nm. Plasma samples were acidified with 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid and extracted with tert-butyl methyl ether, evaporated to dryness, reconstituted in 250 mL of mobile phase and injected in the column. The retention time of

  13. Effects of plasma polymerized para-xylene intermediate layers on characteristics of flexible organic light emitting diodes fabricated on polyethylene terephthalate substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Sunyoung; Kim, Kyuhyung; Kho, Samil; Jung, Donggeun; Boo, Jin-hyo


    Characteristics of flexible organic light emitting diodes (FOLEDs) with the plasma polymerized para-xylene (PPpX) intermediate layer were investigated. For the purpose of reducing moisture permeation through plastic substrates, a PPpX intermediate layer was inserted between FOLEDs and the plastic substrates. As the concentration of C-H bonding in the PPpX film deposited at 25 deg. C was increased, PPpX films showed increased transmittance. Surface morphologies of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) covered with the PPpX intermediate layer were improved compared to PET without PPpX on it. Due to the highly cross-linked network structure in the plasma polymer film, water vapor permeability of PET substrates with the PPpX intermediate layer of 75 nm was decreased compared to PET substrates without PPpX on it. FOLEDs with the PPpX intermediate layer showed improved optical and electrical characteristics as well as lifetimes than FOLEDs without the PPpX intermediate layer

  14. Análisis de plasmas inducidos por láser con excitación multipulso para el proceso de ablación de areolas de Tuna

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    Teresa Flores


    Full Text Available Introducción: La técnica de análisis de plasmas inducidos por láser (LIBS, posee importantes ventajas como son que la muestra no requiere preparación previa, puede estar en fase sólida, liquida o gaseosa y tener cualquier forma y dimensión, se requiere una cantidad mínima de material y, finalmente, el análisis se realiza en tiempo real. Estas ventajas, hacen posible el seguimiento en tiempo real de un proceso de ablación láser, incluso para muestras de composición compleja. Para el monitoreo de un proceso industrial, esta herramienta sería más adecuada, si se cuenta con una calibración del equipo y un protocolo particular definido. En el trabajo, se ejemplifica esta posibilidad para el caso de la ablación láser de areolas de Tuna (fruto de el Opuntia ficus-indica. Método: Se realiza el análisis LIBS de muestras de tuna, tanto en las areolas como en la corteza. Para la excitación del plasma se emplea un láser de Nd:YAG en régimen de Q:Switch con tren de pulsos. Con el objeto de asegurar el reconocimiento de las líneas en los espectros LIBS, se realizaron análisis en patrones de composición conocida, estableciéndose un protocolo para la interpretación de los espectros. Resultados: Se logró una clara lectura de la línea de H ubicada en 656.2 nm. Se estableció un protocolo para la interpretación de los espectros, que permitió la identificación de 49 picos característicos. Finalmente, se determina la composición para la corteza y la areola y se lleva a cabo una comparación cualitativa entre éstas. Discusión: Se muestra que la excitación láser en forma de tren de pulsos, entendido este régimen como modalidad particular del Q:Switch, permite la determinación eficiente de elementos, con una adecuada relación señal-ruido. Por otra parte, que es posible determinar diferencias composicionales evidentes entre corteza y la areola, lo cual permite monitorear un proceso de ablación de areolas con láser de manera

  15. The fitness of copings constructed over UCLA abutments and the implant, constructed by different techniques: casting and casting with laser welding Adaptação de copings de ritânio ao implante, construídos sobre pilares UCLA por duas técnicas: fundição e fundição com soldagem de bordo laser

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    Elza Maria Valadares da Costa


    adaptação passiva de sua estrutura protética é um fator relevante para o sucesso deste trabalho. Um estudo comparativo foi feito entre dois métodos de confecção de prótese unitária suportada por implante. Para tanto incluímos no centro de um bloco de resina um implante rosqueado de 3.75mm de diâmetro por 10.0mm de comprimento (3i Implant innovations, Brasil e sobre este parafusamos com torque de 15 pilares UCLA torneados anti-rotacionais (137CNB, Conexão Sistemas de Próteses, Brasil sem qualquer procedimento laboratorial (grupo controle - GC. A partir de um molde de silicone, 15 componentes tipo UCLA calcináveis (56CNB, Conexão Sistemas de Próteses, Brasil foi parafusado ( ao implante e receberam enceramentos padrão (face vestibular plana os quais foram fundidos em titânio (grupo fundição - GF. 15 componentes, tipo UCLA torneados em titânio (137CNB, Conexão, Sistemas de Próteses, Brasil receberam o mesmo enceramento padrão e estes copings foram fundidos em titânio separados e soldados a laser aos respectivos pilares em seu bordo (grupo soldagem a laser- GSL. A adaptação marginal foi observada na interface implante/componente, sob microscópio de medição, no eixo y, em 4 pontos de referência na vestibular, lingual, mesial e distal previamente marcados no bloco. As médias aritméticas foram obtidas e uma análise dos dados foi feita para determinar o teste estatístico mais apropriado. Os dados estatísticos descritivos (µm para Controle (média ± desvio padrão:13.50 ± 21.80; mediana 0.00, for Fundição (36.20 ± 12.60; 37.00, para Laser (10.50 ± 12.90; 3.00 foram submetidos ao Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, alfa = 5%. Resultados: Os testes mostraram que os valores médios de distorção diferem estatisticamente (kw = 17.40; df =2; p = 0.001<0.05. O teste Dunn's (5% mostra diferença entre Fundição e os outros dois grupos. Conclusão: No eixo y, os menores valores de distorção foram obtidos pelo grupo soldagem a laser de bordo

  16. Application of NIR - CRDS for state selective study of recombination of para and ortho H3+ ions with electrons in low temperature plasma (United States)

    Varju, J.; Roučka, Š.; Kotrík, T.; Plašil, R.; Glosík, J.


    We present a study of H3+ recombination performed at 77 K on the two lowest rotational levels of this ion, which belong to its two different nuclear spin states of the studied ion. A near infrared cavity ring-down spectrometer (~1381 nm, CRDS arrangement) has been used to obtain the time evolution of concentration of both states. From the overall ion density decay during the afterglow we obtained the binary recombination rate coefficient αbin (77 K) = 1.2×10-7 cm3s-1. We have also observed ternary helium assisted recombination of both para and ortho H3+. The process is very slow (at 77 K) and the obtained ternary recombination rate coefficient is in contradiction with the theoretical prediction. It is the first time that the binary and ternary H3+ recombination rate coefficient was measured at a known population of para and ortho H3+ ions in decaying plasma.

  17. Application of NIR - CRDS for state selective study of recombination of para and ortho H3+ ions with electrons in low temperature plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varju, J; Roucka, S; KotrIk, T; Plasil, R; Glosik, J


    We present a study of H 3 + recombination performed at 77 K on the two lowest rotational levels of this ion, which belong to its two different nuclear spin states of the studied ion. A near infrared cavity ring-down spectrometer (∼1381 nm, CRDS arrangement) has been used to obtain the time evolution of concentration of both states. From the overall ion density decay during the afterglow we obtained the binary recombination rate coefficient α bin (77 K) = 1.2x10 -7 cm 3 s -1 . We have also observed ternary helium assisted recombination of both para and ortho H 3 + . The process is very slow (at 77 K) and the obtained ternary recombination rate coefficient is in contradiction with the theoretical prediction. It is the first time that the binary and ternary H 3 + recombination rate coefficient was measured at a known population of para and ortho H 3 + ions in decaying plasma.

  18. In vitro cell culture, platelet adhesion tests and in vivo implant tests of plasma-polymerized para-xylene films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chou, Chia-Man [Department of Surgery, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, ROC (China); National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (China); Yeh, Chou-Ming, E-mail: [Taichung Hospital, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC (China); Chung, Chi-Jen [Department of Dental Technology and Materials Science, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC (China); He, Ju-Liang [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, ROC (China)


    Plasma-polymerized para-xylene (PPX) was developed in a previous study by adjusting the process parameters: pulse frequency of the power supply (ω{sub p}) and para-xylene monomer flow rate (f{sub p}). All the obtained PPX films exhibit an amorphous structure and present hydrophobicity (water contact angle ranging from 98.5° to 121.1°), higher film growth rate and good fibroblast cell proliferation. In this study, in vitro tests (fibroblast cell compatibility and platelet adhesion) and an in vivo animal study were performed by using PPX deposited industrial-grade silicone sheets (IGS) and compared with medical-grade silicone ones (MS), which were commonly manufactured into catheters or drainage tubes in clinical use. The results reveal that PPX deposited at high ω{sub p} or high f{sub p}, in comparison with MS, exhibit better cell proliferation and clearly shows less cell adhesion regardless of ω{sub p} and f{sub p}. PPX also exhibit a comparatively lower level of platelet adhesion than MS. In the animal study, PPX-coated IGS result in similar local tissue responses at 3, 7 and 28 days (short-term) and 84 days (long-term) after subcutaneous implantation the abdominal wall of rodents compared with respective responses to MS. These results suggest that PPX-coated industrial-grade silicone is one alternative to high cost medical-grade silicone.

  19. In vitro cell culture, platelet adhesion tests and in vivo implant tests of plasma-polymerized para-xylene films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, Chia-Man; Yeh, Chou-Ming; Chung, Chi-Jen; He, Ju-Liang


    Plasma-polymerized para-xylene (PPX) was developed in a previous study by adjusting the process parameters: pulse frequency of the power supply (ω p ) and para-xylene monomer flow rate (f p ). All the obtained PPX films exhibit an amorphous structure and present hydrophobicity (water contact angle ranging from 98.5° to 121.1°), higher film growth rate and good fibroblast cell proliferation. In this study, in vitro tests (fibroblast cell compatibility and platelet adhesion) and an in vivo animal study were performed by using PPX deposited industrial-grade silicone sheets (IGS) and compared with medical-grade silicone ones (MS), which were commonly manufactured into catheters or drainage tubes in clinical use. The results reveal that PPX deposited at high ω p or high f p , in comparison with MS, exhibit better cell proliferation and clearly shows less cell adhesion regardless of ω p and f p . PPX also exhibit a comparatively lower level of platelet adhesion than MS. In the animal study, PPX-coated IGS result in similar local tissue responses at 3, 7 and 28 days (short-term) and 84 days (long-term) after subcutaneous implantation the abdominal wall of rodents compared with respective responses to MS. These results suggest that PPX-coated industrial-grade silicone is one alternative to high cost medical-grade silicone.

  20. Recubrimientos protectores para componentes de turbinas de aviación y de generación de energía depositados por proyección por plasma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agüero Bruna, A.


    Full Text Available Coatings produced by aluminium diffusion, called aluminide are employed to increase the oxidation and corrosion resistance, increasing the life of Ni and Co base superalloys components at temperatures comprised between 900 and 1050ºC. Consequently these coatings are frequently employed in aeronautic and power generation turbines as well as in the chemical industry. Aluminides are industrially produced by pack cementation or CVD and recently it has been demonstrated that its resistance significantly increases when Cr is added (chrome-aluminides. During this work, a feasibility study has been carried out in order to determine if plasma spray can be employed for depositing this type of coatings on turbine blades. Therefore, aluminium and aluminium/chromium layers were deposited on Ni base IN100 superalloy specimens that were subsequently subjected to a diffusion heat treatment under Ar flow. Characterisation and analysis of the coatings were carried out by metallography , SEM and EDS. Cyclic oxidation tests were carried out at 1050º C while molten sulphate hot corrosion was performed at 900º C. The results of this preliminary study are promising and indicate that plasma spray can be developed as an industrial process for production of aluminide and chrome-aluminide coatings.

    Los recubrimientos producidos por difusión de aluminio, llamados aluminuros, se emplean para aumentar la resistencia a la oxidación y a la corrosión, incrementando la vida de componentes fabricados con superaleaciones de níquel y cobalto a temperaturas comprendidas entre 900 y 1050º C. Por ello se emplean muy frecuentemente en turbinas aeronaúticas y de producción de energía y en la industria química. Los aluminuros se obtienen industrialmente mediante cementación o CVD y recientemente se ha demostrado que su resistencia aumenta significativamente cuando se añade cromo (cromoaluminuros. Durante el presente trabajo, se ha realizado un estudio de viabilidad

  1. Hidrolisado de mucosa intestinal de suínos em substituição ao plasma sangüíneo em dietas para leitões de 21 a 49 dias Hydrolyzed of intestinal mucosa of swine in substitution to blood plasma in diets of pigs from 21 to 49 days

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    Anderson Corassa


    Full Text Available Um experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da substituição parcial ou total do plasma sangüíneo por hidrolisado de mucosa intestinal de suínos (HI em dietas para leitões de 21 a 49 dias. Cento e quarenta leitões desmamados aos 21,7 ± 2,9 dias com peso médio de 5,54 ± 0,65 kg foram distribuídos em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos, sete repetições e quatro animais por unidade experimental. O experimento foi dividido nas fases de 21 a 35 dias e de 36 a 49 dias de idade. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta com plasma e de quatro dietas contendo diferentes níveis dos produtos HI 50 e HI 62 em substituição ao plasma. A substituição parcial ou total do plasma pelos produtos HI 50 e HI 62 não resultou em diferenças no consumo médio diário, no ganho de peso médio diário e na conversão alimentar de leitões nos períodos avaliados. Os pesos absoluto e relativo das vísceras funcionais não foram afetados pelos tratamentos. Não houve efeito das dietas sobre as características de integridade intestinal no duodeno, jejuno e íleo de leitões com 35 dias de idade. Os produtos HI 50 e HI 62 podem substituir total ou parcialmente o plasma em rações para leitões de 21 a 49 dias de idade sem efeitos significativos.A trial was conduced to evaluate the effect partial or total substitution of blood plasma for hydrolyzed of intestinal mucosa of swine (HI in diets of pigs from 21 to 49 days of age. A total of 140 piglets weaned at 21.7 ± 2.9 days of age with average weight of 5.54 ± 0.65 kg were allotted to a randomized experimental block design, with five treatments, seven replications of four animals per experimental unit. The experiment was divided in the phases from 21 to 35 days and from 36 to 49 days of age. The treatments consisted of a diet with plasma and four diets with different levels of HI 50 and HI 62 products in substitution of plasma. The partial or total plasma

  2. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

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    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  3. Avaliação do campo de tensões residuais por difração de raios - X utilizando o método do sen²ψ em revestimentos metálicos do aço inoxidável E308-L

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    Raphael. H. F. Melo


    Full Text Available A aplicação por soldagem de revestimentos metálicos de aços e ligas nobres resistentes à corrosão é uma alternativa bastante razoável economicamente frente à fabricação de componentes maciços nestas ligas. Entretanto há uma carência de informações sobre as alterações mecânico/metalúrgicas causadas pelos ciclos térmicos de soldagem quando da aplicação destes revestimentos, principalmente sobre a influência sobre o nível de tensões residuais , que é mister no entendimento do fenômeno da corrosão assistida por tensão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o nível de tensões residuais superficiais em revestimentos do aço inoxidável AWS E308-L T-1 aplicados pelo processo de soldagem ao Arco Elétrico com Arame Tubular sobre chapas do aço ASTM A36. As medições das tensões residuais foram realizadas por um difratômetro portátil de raios - X na superfície dos revestimentos e os principais resultados obtidos foram que a natureza das tensões residuais na superfície dos revestimentos sempre se apresentou compressivas e não observou-se uma linearidade da magnitude das tensões residuais em função da energia de soldagem.

  4. Uma abordagem técnica e científica do processo TIG Keyhole à luz de novas tecnologias e aspectos comparativos com o processo plasma


    González Olivares, Erick Alejandro


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2015. Na tecnologia da soldagem existem muitas situações pouco quantificáveis que são conduzidas à categoria de paradigmas, sendo incorporadas a textos com grande respeitabilidade e, por isso, são propagadas universalmente. O presente trabalho tenta contribuir na desmistificação de uma destas situações. Trata-se do entendimento e correta inte...

  5. Nuclear spin state-resolved cavity ring-down spectroscopy diagnostics of a low-temperature H3+ -dominated plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hejduk, Michal; Dohnal, Petr; Varju, Jozef; Rubovič, Peter; Plašil, Radek; Glosík, Juraj


    We have applied a continuous-wave near-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy method to study the parameters of a H 3 + -dominated plasma at temperatures in the range 77–200 K. We monitor populations of three rotational states of the ground vibrational state corresponding to para and ortho nuclear spin states in the discharge and the afterglow plasma in time and conclude that abundances of para and ortho states and rotational temperatures are well defined and stable. The non-trivial dependence of a relative population of para- H 3 + on a relative population of para-H 2 in a source H 2 gas is described. The results described in this paper are valuable for studies of state-selective dissociative recombination of H 3 + ions with electrons in the afterglow plasma and for the design of sources of H 3 + ions in a specific nuclear spin state. (paper)

  6. Nuclear spin state-resolved cavity ring-down spectroscopy diagnostics of a low-temperature H_3^+ -dominated plasma (United States)

    Hejduk, Michal; Dohnal, Petr; Varju, Jozef; Rubovič, Peter; Plašil, Radek; Glosík, Juraj


    We have applied a continuous-wave near-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy method to study the parameters of a H_3^+ -dominated plasma at temperatures in the range 77-200 K. We monitor populations of three rotational states of the ground vibrational state corresponding to para and ortho nuclear spin states in the discharge and the afterglow plasma in time and conclude that abundances of para and ortho states and rotational temperatures are well defined and stable. The non-trivial dependence of a relative population of para- H_3^+ on a relative population of para-H2 in a source H2 gas is described. The results described in this paper are valuable for studies of state-selective dissociative recombination of H_3^+ ions with electrons in the afterglow plasma and for the design of sources of H_3^+ ions in a specific nuclear spin state.

  7. Plasma spot welding of ferritic stainless steels

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    Lešnjak, A.


    Full Text Available Plasma spot welding of ferritic stainless steels is studied. The study was focused on welding parameters, plasma and shielding gases and the optimum welding equipment. Plasma-spot welded overlap joints on a 0.8 mm thick ferritic stainless steel sheet were subjected to a visual examination and mechanical testing in terms of tension-shear strength. Several macro specimens were prepared. Plasma spot welding is suitable to use the same gas as shielding gas and as plasma gas, i.e., a 98 % Ar/2 % H 2 gas mixture. Tension-shear strength of plasma-spot welded joints was compared to that of resistance-spot welded joints. It was found that the resistance welded joints withstand a somewhat stronger load than the plasma welded joints due to a larger weld spot diameter of the former. Strength of both types of welded joints is approximately the same.

    El artículo describe el proceso de soldeo de aceros inoxidables ferríticos por puntos con plasma. La investigación se centró en el establecimiento de los parámetros óptimos de la soldadura, la definición del gas de plasma y de protección más adecuado, así como del equipo óptimo para la realización de la soldadura. Las uniones de láminas de aceros inoxidables ferríticos de 0,8 mm de espesor, soldadas a solape por puntos con plasma, se inspeccionaron visualmente y se ensayaron mecánicamente mediante el ensayo de cizalladura por tracción. Se realizaron macro pulidos. Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que la solución más adecuada para el soldeo por puntos con plasma es elegir el mismo gas de plasma que de protección. Es decir, una mezcla de 98 % de argón y 2 % de hidrógeno. La resistencia a la cizalladura por tracción de las uniones soldadas por puntos con plasma fue comparada con la resistencia de las uniones soldadas por resistencia por puntos. Se llegó a la conclusión de que las uniones soldadas por resistencia soportan una carga algo mayor que la uniones

  8. Aplicação do processo laser CO2 de soldagem em aço ARBL na fabricação de rotores para máquinas elétricas


    Conz, Roberto [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi substituir um bloco de grandes dimensões em aço forjado, por chapas finas de aço, laminadas a quente, soldadas pelo processo LASER CO2, destinadas à fabricação de rotores para máquinas elétricas com até 40 MW de potência, para tanto foram utilizadas chapas com 3 mm de espessura, empilhadas, compactadas e fixadas por tirantes. Considerando que a largura das bobinas e blanks disponíveis no mercado nacional não atendem às necessidades dimensionais do produto fez-se ...

  9. Plasma rico em plaquetas para reparação de falhas ósseas em cães Platelet-rich plasma for canine bone restoration

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    Anna Laeticia Trindade Barbosa


    Full Text Available As plaquetas chegam rapidamente ao local da ferida e liberam múltiplos fatores de crescimento (FC e citocinas que contribuem para a reparação óssea e aumentam a vascularização local. O Plasma Rico em Plaquetas (PRP concentra as plaquetas e os FC liberados por elas, aceleram a formação óssea e melhora a qualidade do trabeculado. Este trabalho apresenta um protocolo para confecção de PRP e demonstra alguns aspectos da sua utilização na reparação óssea de cães. O protocolo foi desenvolvido a partir de sangue coletado por punção jugular em três cães adultos, pesando em média 20kg. Para avaliação da aplicação clínica e dos aspectos da reparação óssea, foram criadas duas falhas mediais no terço proximal de cada tíbia. Assim, a falha 1 não foi preenchida, constituindo o controle, a falha 2 foi preenchida com 3mg de enxerto ósseo autógeno da crista da tíbia, a falha 3 com gel de plaquetas (PRP e falha a número 4 com a associação PRP e 3mg de enxerto ósseo autógeno. O protocolo laboratorial proposto mostrou-se de fácil execução e de baixo custo e possibilitou a concentração adequada de plaquetas no PRP final, cujo número foi dependente da contagem inicial no sangue total de cada animal. A comparação da radiopacidade na região da falha, em todos os tratamentos, e ao longo do tempo demonstrou que o PRP associado ao enxerto determinou maior precocidade e uniformidade de radiopacidade, quando comparado à falha preenchida pelo PRP e ao enxerto usados isoladamente, e sendo que ambos determinam melhores resultados de preenchimento que a falha mantida sem tratamento.The platelets arrive quickly at the injury site and release several growth factors (GF and citokines that contribute to bone repair and increasing local vascularization. The Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP concentrates the platelets and their growth factors, increasing the rate of bone formation and better quality of trabecular bone. This research presents

  10. Determination of selenium and zinc in rat plasma by instrumental neutron activation analysis; Determinacion de selenio y zinc en plasma mediante analisis por activacion neutronica instrumental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Munoz A, Luis


    To evaluate the effects on the thyroid function when simple or multiple zinc, selenium and iodine deficiency are induced, research was carried out in laboratory animals. For simultaneously determining the Zn and Se concentration in rat plasma, an instrumental neutron activation analysis technique was applied. A clean laboratory, was used for the preparation of samples. High purity materials were used for sample collection and storage. Irradiation, decay and counting parameters were optimized to obtain the best sensitivity, accuracy and precision analysis. The Zn and Se concentrations were determined from the peak area of gamma-rays of 1115 and 265 KeV respectively. The analytical methodology used was validated with standard reference materials. The procedure used for the analysis, including the phases of collection, treatment of the samples and analytical determination was considered suitable for the study of trace elements in biological samples, especially plasma. (author). Dissertation to obtain the title of Bachelor in Chemistry; 46 refs., 12 figs., 17 tabs. [Espanol] Con el proposito de evaluar los efectos que se producen sobre la funcion tiroidea cuando se induce un deficiencia simple o multiple de zinc, selenio y yodo, se llevo a cabo una investigacion en animales de experimentacion. Se aplico la tecnica de analises por activacion neutronica instrumental para la determinacion de Se y Zn en plasma de ratas. Se utilizo un laboratorio limpio clase 100 para la preparacion de las muestras y se emplearon materiales de alta pureza para su recoleccion y almacenamiento. Se optimizaron los parametros de irradiacion, decaimiento y conteo de las muestras con el proposito de alcanzar la mejor sensibilidad, exactitud y precision analitica. Las concentracion de Se y Zn fueron determinadas evaluando las areas de los fotopicos de 265 y 1115 KeV respectivamente. El metodo analitico fue validado utilizando materiales de referencia. El procedimiento utilizado para el analisis

  11. Plasma rico em plaquetas na Implantologia


    Rego, Luis André Ferreira Lopes


    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária As reabilitações orais implanto-suportadas resolveram grandes limitações das próteses removíveis convencionais. No entanto, o tempo de espera e o sucesso no tratamento com implantes trouxeram novos desafios, tal como o uso de concentrados autólogos de plaquetas para promoção da osteointegração. O plasma rico em plaquetas é definido c...

  12. Efeito da temperatura interpasse na microestrutura, tenacidade ao impacto e propagação de trinca por fadiga de uniões soldadas por GTAW do aço ASTM A743-CA6NM Interpass temperature influence on the microstructure, impact toughness and fatigue crack propagation in ASTM A743-CA6NM GTAW welded joints

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruimar Rubens de Gouveia


    Full Text Available Atualmente os aços inoxidáveis martensíticos tem sido utilizados para a fabricação de turbinas hidráulicas, devido principalmente a sua elevada tenacidade. Entretanto, estes aços apresentam algumas restrições com relação à regiões recuperadas por soldagem, principalmente em razão da formação de martensita não revenida, a qual gera redução na tenacidade. Considerando as aplicações de reparo de turbinas hidráulicas, há grande interesse em desenvolver procedimentos de soldagem que elevem a tenacidade ao impacto e evitem os tratamentos térmicos pós-soldagem (TTPS. O presente trabalho busca analisar a influência da temperatura de interpasse na microestrutura, tenacidade ao impacto e propagação de trincas por fadiga nas uniões soldadas multipasse do aço inoxidável martensitico CA6NM usando AWS410NiMo como metal de adição, e processo TIG (tungsten inert gas. Observou-se a influência da temperatura de interpasse na formação de ferrita d, com formação intergranular no campo bifásico δ+γ, na amostra com temperatura interpasse de 80ºC, enquanto que na amostra soldada a 150ºC a formação de ferrita d ocorreu principalmente no campo monofásico. A alteração na formação da ferrita d, com a menor temperatura, promoveu um aumento na tenacidade ao impacto e uma diminuição na velocidade de propagação de trinca, quando comparada com a amostra soldada com maior temperatura de soldagem. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o processo TIG apresenta-se como uma excelente alternativa para o reparo do aço CA6NM, observando-se também uma influência significativa da temperatura de interpasse.Martensitic stainless steels have been used for hydraulic turbines manufacturing, because its high toughness. However, these steels have some restrictions regarding regions recovered by welding, mainly by non-tempered martensite formation, promoting toughness reduction. Concerning hydraulic turbine repairs, there is a great interest

  13. Application of NIR - CRDS for state selective study of recombination of para and ortho H{sub 3}{sup +} ions with electrons in low temperature plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varju, J; Roucka, S; KotrIk, T; Plasil, R; Glosik, J, E-mail: Juraj.Glosik@mff.cuni.c [Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Surface and Plasma Science, V Holesovickach 2, Prague 8 (Czech Republic)


    We present a study of H{sub 3}{sup +} recombination performed at 77 K on the two lowest rotational levels of this ion, which belong to its two different nuclear spin states of the studied ion. A near infrared cavity ring-down spectrometer ({approx}1381 nm, CRDS arrangement) has been used to obtain the time evolution of concentration of both states. From the overall ion density decay during the afterglow we obtained the binary recombination rate coefficient {alpha}{sub bin} (77 K) = 1.2x10{sup -7} cm{sup 3}s{sup -1}. We have also observed ternary helium assisted recombination of both para and ortho H{sub 3}{sup +}. The process is very slow (at 77 K) and the obtained ternary recombination rate coefficient is in contradiction with the theoretical prediction. It is the first time that the binary and ternary H{sub 3}{sup +} recombination rate coefficient was measured at a known population of para and ortho H{sub 3}{sup +} ions in decaying plasma.

  14. Binary recombination of para- and ortho-H3+ with electrons at low temperatures. (United States)

    Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Varju, J; Rubovic, P; Roucka, S; Kotrík, T; Plasil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosík, J


    Results of an experimental study of binary recombination of para- and ortho-H(3)(+) ions with electrons are presented. Near-infrared cavity-ring-down absorption spectroscopy was used to probe the lowest rotational states of H(3)(+) ions in the temperature range of 77-200 K in an H(3)(+)-dominated afterglow plasma. By changing the para/ortho abundance ratio, we were able to obtain the binary recombination rate coefficients for pure and para-H(3)(+) and ortho-H(3)(+). The results are in good agreement with previous theoretical predictions.

  15. Weathering resistance of thin plasma polymer films on pre-coated steel = (United States)

    Serra, Ricardo Gil Henriques

    O trabalho apresentado teve origem no projecto de investigacao “Tailored Thin Plasma Polymers Films for Surface Engineering of Coil Coated Steel”, financiado pelo Programa Europeu ECSC Steel Research. Sistemas de aco galvanizado pre-pintado em banda a base de poliester e poliuretano foram submetidos a um processo de polimerizacao por plasma onde um filme fino foi depositado de modo a modificar as propriedades de superficie. Foram usados reactores de catodo oco, microondas e radio frequencia para a deposicao do polimero fino. Os sistemas preparados foram analisados de modo a verificar a influencia do processo de polimerizacao por plasma na alteracao das propriedades barreira dos sistemas pre-pintados em banda. Foi estudado o efeito dos diferentes passos do processo de polimerizacao por plasma, bem como o efeito de diferentes variaveis operatorias. A mistura precursora foi variada de modo a modificar as propriedades da superficie de modo a poder vir a obter maior hidrofobicidade, maior resistencia a marcas digitais, bem como maior facilidade de limpeza. Os testes foram conduzidos em solucao de NaCl 0,5 M. Para o trabalho foram usadas tecnicas de analise da morfologia da superficie como Microscopia de Forca Atomica e Microscopia Electronica de Varrimento. As propriedades electroquimicas dos sistemas foram estudadas por Espectroscopia de Impedancia Electroquimica. A estrutura dos filmes gerados no processo de polimerizacao por plasma foi caracterizada por Microscopia de Transmissao Electronica. A modificacao das propriedades opticas devido ao processo de polimerizacao por plasma foi tambem obtida.

  16. Plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con gonartrosis


    Álvarez López, Alejandro; Ortega González, Carlos; García Lorenzo, Yenima; Arias Sifontes, Joanka; Ruiz de Villa Suárez, Abel


    Fundamento: la aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas se ha convertido en una modalidad de tratamiento para pacientes con gonartrosis, tanto de forma aislada como en combinación con otros procedimientos. Objetivo: actualizar al personal médico sobre aspectos esenciales relacionados con la aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con gonartrosis. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de un total de 300 artículos originales publicados en Pubmed, Hinari y Medline, mediante e...


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    Andressa Aparecida Oggioni Pivari


    Full Text Available O fibrinogênio (F eleva-se mediante o estímulo de interleucinas e do fator de necrose tecidual liberados no processo inflamatório. Com o objetivo de propor uma nova técnica para quantificação desta proteína, propôs-se a técnica da diferença do plasma e soro e comparou-se os resultados com a Técnica de Precipitação Térmica (técnica convencional. Para a nova técnica, utilizou-se o sangue de 30 cães em tubos com e sem anticoagulante os quais foram centrifugados a 4000rpm por 10 minutos, e obteve-se o plasma e soro, respectivamente. Quantificou-se as proteínas de cada um em refratômetro e considerou-se a diferença entre o plasma e soro, como o fibrinogênio da amostra, expresso em mg.dL-1. Utilizando as mesmas amostras de sangue, comparou-se os resultados obtidos com a técnica convencional, que envolve mais etapas como banho-maria e centrifugações e obteve-se que correlação intraclasse dos valores médios do fibrinogênio pelas duas técnicas aplicadas para cães foi de 0.4747, considerada uma replicabilidade de Média a Boa, sendo que a técnica proposta mostrou-se eficiente e de mais rápida para execução do exame.

  18. Método de eliminación de trihalometanos y/o contaminantes emergentes mediante plasma


    Erra Serrabasa, Pilar; Jover Comas, Eric; Molina Mansilla, Ricardo; Bertrán Serra, Enric; Bayona Termens, Josep María; Reyes Contreras, Carolina


    Método de eliminación de trihalometanos y/o contaminantes emergentes mediante plasma. Se describe un método de eliminación de trihalometanos y contaminantes refractarios en medios acuosos mediante la aplicación directa de plasma para conseguir la degradación de los compuestos contaminantes presentes en el agua.

  19. Experimental study of para- and ortho-H3+ recombination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plasil, R; Varju, J; Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; KotrIk, T; Glosik, J


    Recombination of H 3 + with electrons is a key process for many plasmatic environments. Recent experiments on storage ring devices used ion sources producing H 3 + with enhanced populations of H 3 + ions in the para nuclear spin configuration to shed light on the theoretically predicted faster recombination of para states. Although increased recombination rates were observed, no in situ characterization of recombining ions was performed. We present a state selective recombination study of para- and ortho-H 3 + ions with electrons at 77 K in afterglow plasma in a He/Ar/H 2 gas-mixture. Both spin configurations of H 3 + have been observed in situ with a near infrared cavity ring down spectrometer (NIR-CRDS) using the two lowest energy levels of H 3 + . Using hydrogen with an enhanced population of H 2 molecules in para states allowed us to influence the [para-H 3 + ]/[ortho-H 3 + ] ratio in the discharge and in the afterglow. We observed an increase in the measured effective recombination rate coefficients with the increase of the fraction of para-H 3 + . Measurements with different fractions of para-H 3 + at otherwise identical conditions allowed us to determine the binary recombination rate coefficients for pure para-H 3 + p α bin (77 K) = (2.0±0.4)x10 -7 cm 3 s -1 and pure ortho-H 3 + o α bin (77 K) = (4±3)x10 -8 cm 3 s -1 .

  20. Experimental study of para- and ortho-H3+ recombination (United States)

    Plašil, R.; Varju, J.; Hejduk, M.; Dohnal, P.; Kotrík, T.; Glosík, J.


    Recombination of H3+ with electrons is a key process for many plasmatic environments. Recent experiments on storage ring devices used ion sources producing H3+ with enhanced populations of H3+ ions in the para nuclear spin configuration to shed light on the theoretically predicted faster recombination of para states. Although increased recombination rates were observed, no in situ characterization of recombining ions was performed. We present a state selective recombination study of para- and ortho-H3+ ions with electrons at 77 K in afterglow plasma in a He/Ar/H2 gas-mixture. Both spin configurations of H3+ have been observed in situ with a near infrared cavity ring down spectrometer (NIR-CRDS) using the two lowest energy levels of H3+. Using hydrogen with an enhanced population of H2 molecules in para states allowed us to influence the [para-H3+]/[ortho-H3+] ratio in the discharge and in the afterglow. We observed an increase in the measured effective recombination rate coefficients with the increase of the fraction of para-H3+. Measurements with different fractions of para-H3+ at otherwise identical conditions allowed us to determine the binary recombination rate coefficients for pure para-H3+ pαbin(77 K) = (2.0±0.4)×10-7 cm3s-1 and pure ortho-H3+ oαbin(77 K) = (4±3)×10-8 cm3s-1.

  1. Cuantificación de la contaminación del gas de protección en procesos de soldadura con arco eléctrico por medio de mediciones de oxígeno en la superficie del material base Quantification of contamination of the shielding gas in arc welding processes through measurement of oxygen on the surface of the base material

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    Julio Fuentes-Muñoz


    Full Text Available A metodologia apresentada neste trabalho se baseia em medições do teor de oxigênio na superfície do metal base, possibilitando assim, uma avaliação quantitativa da contaminação do gás de proteção. Os gases utilizados nos processos de soldagem definem as características do arco e protegem a poça de soldagem. A contaminação do gás, por exemplo, com o ar do meio ambiente, prejudica as propriedades da união soldada. A contaminação do gás de proteção não é somente dependente da qualidade do gás utilizado, como também tem que ser considerado os componentes contidos na tocha. Até agora, o nível da contaminação do gás produzido pela tocha tem sido analisado somente de forma empírica, avaliando a qualidade e forma do cordão de solda. A medição do oxigênio na superfície do metal de base é um método simples e preciso para analisar o nível de contaminação do gás de proteção. Este procedimento permite uma avaliação quantitativa, inclusive na presença do arco. No contexto deste trabalho se apresentará por meio de exemplos em tochas TIG e MIG/MAG as possibilidades da utilização desta metodologia para o desenvolvimento e análise de processos de soldagem a arco.The method presented in this paper is based on the measurement of oxygen on the surface of the base metal to enable a quantitative assessment of the contamination in the shielding gas. The gas used in arc processes affected arc properties and simultaneously protected the welding pool. The contamination of the shielding gases, e.g. with atmospheric air, damages the properties of the weld joint. The contamination in the shielding gas is not only dependent on the purity of the utilized gas, but also on the components of the welding torch. The level of contamination in the gas produced by the torch had been analyzed so far only by empirical evaluation of the quality and appearance of the welding seam. The measurement of oxygen on the surface of the base

  2. Synthesis of N-graphene using microwave plasma-based methods (United States)

    Dias, Ana; Tatarova, Elena; Henriques, Julio; Dias, Francisco; Felizardo, Edgar; Abrashev, Miroslav; Bundaleski, Nenad; Cvelbar, Uros


    In this work a microwave atmospheric plasma driven by surface waves is used to produce free-standing graphene sheets (FSG). Carbonaceous precursors are injected into a microwave plasma environment, where decomposition processes take place. The transport of plasma generated gas-phase carbon atoms and molecules into colder zones of plasma reactor results in carbon nuclei formation. The main part of the solid carbon is gradually carried from the ``hot'' plasma zone into the outlet plasma stream where carbon nanostructures assemble and grow. Subsequently, the graphene sheets have been N-doped using a N2-Ar large-scale remote plasma treatment, which consists on placing the FSG on a substrate in a remote zone of the N2-Ar plasma. The samples were treated with different compositions of N2-Ar gas mixtures, while maintaining 1 mbar pressure in the chamber and a power applied of 600 W. The N-doped graphene sheets were characterized by scanning and by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Plasma characterization was also performed by optical emission spectroscopy. Work partially funded by Portuguese FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, under grant SFRH/BD/52413/2013 (PD-F APPLAuSE).

  3. Estudo do processo de fabricação de tubos flexíveis de aço inoxidável duplex UNS 32304 utilizados na indústria de petróleo e gás Study of the manufacturing process of UNS 32304 flexible pipes for the oil and gas industry

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    Ida Paula Gusmão de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A principal característica dos aços inoxidáveis duplex é o equilíbrio entre as fases austenita e ferrita, que garantem ao material melhores índices de resistências à corrosão e mecânica. No entanto, durante o processo de soldagem, ocorrem modificações estruturais, principalmente no balanço destas fases. Este desbalanceamento, em função dos níveis de solicitações mecânicas, pode levar tais regiões soldadas ao colapso. No intuito de minimizar o desequilíbrio das fases na região soldada, diversas técnicas são utilizadas, tais como inserção de metal de adição com elementos austenitizantes, uso de gás de proteção com nitrogênio ou, em outros casos, controle pós soldagem. Buscou-se identificar o verdadeiro efeito dos parâmetros de soldagem e do tratamento térmico especificado pela literatura em situações de campo. Através de uma avaliação temporal, observando uma linha de produção de tubulação flexível de aço inoxidável duplex UNS 32304 durante três anos, utilizando-se de procedimentos convencionais de soldagem com e sem a utilização de tratamento térmico foram observadas as falhas por fratura na zona termicamente afetada (ZTA. Foi utilizado um indutor localizado para o tratamento térmico, gerando um intenso fluxo de calor que promoveu temperaturas da ordem de 1000 ºC a altíssimas taxas de subida e descida, conforme estabelecem algumas literaturas.The main characteristic of duplex stainless steels is the balance between ferrite and austenite phases, wich ensures to such material the best levels of corrosion and mechanical resistance. However, during the welding process, structural modifications occur, especially with regard to the balance of these phases. This imbalance, depending on the levels of mechanical stress, may lead welded regions to collapse. In order to minimize the imbalance of the phases in the welded steel, several techniques are used, such as the insertion of filler metal with

  4. Selenio en suero y plasma: epidemiología y valores de referencia Selenium in serum and plasma: epidemiology and reference values

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Carmona-Fonseca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Revisar y analizar literatura sobre valores de selenio (Se en suero y plasma humanos; describir algunas variaciones; obtener "valores de referencia" para los países de Europa y América Latina, y proporcionar un marco informativo para estudios futuros sobre el tema. MÉTODOS. Se buscó información sobre niveles séricos o plasmáticos de Se en personas declaradas "sanas" en la literatura científica. Se revisaron las bases LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, Medline. Se buscó información de cualquier fecha (hasta enero de 2010 e idioma disponibles. Se calcularon promedio aritmético y desviación estándar ponderados. RESULTADOS: En la búsqueda para Europa se hallaron 161 informes publicados entre 1972 y 2009, con participación de 49 869 adultos sanos, 28 países y 8 regiones. El Se sérico/ plasmático varió entre 48,2 y 124,00 µg/L. Los valores ponderados continentales fueron 85,19 ± 14,58 (intervalo de confianza [IC] de 95% para promedio: 85,124-85,256. Los promedios por país, región y técnica de medición fueron estadísticamente diferentes, con diferencias significativas entre sexos y edades. Veintitrés de los estudios fueron en menores de 19 años de 10 países europeos. Los valores ponderados fueron 74,21 ± 9,50 µg/L (IC95% 73,95-74,46. Sobre América Latina hubo solo 11 datos. El Se sérico/plasmático fue 91,51 ± 18,78 µg/L en adultos; 93,25 ± 39,20 en menores de 15 años, y 130 ± 30 en recién nacidos menores de 25 horas. CONCLUSIONES: Los valores de Se sérico/plasmático mostraron diferencia estadísticamente significativa por sexo y edad en Europa, fueron más altos en adultos y niños latinoamericanos que en europeos, pero los datos latinoamericanos se basan en pocas personas. La influencia de la técnica de medición de Se en suero/plasma se considera crítica. En América Latina se requieren estudios poblacionales adecuadamente planificados y diseñados para generar valores de referencia autóctonos sobre Se en

  5. Plasma rico em plaquetas de coelhos: introdução a um modelo animal experimental Platelet-rich plasma in rabbits: introduction of one experimental animal model

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    Marco Antonio de Oliveira-Filho


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Muitas dúvidas ainda permanecem no que se refere às ações dos fatores de crescimento e do plasma rico em plaquetas sobre o mecanismo de reparação tissular. Há necessidade de serem esclarecidos pontos controversos ainda existentes. OBJETIVO: Obter o plasma rico em plaquetas em coelhos através de um método simplificado e ao mesmo tempo adequado, introduzindo um modelo experimental que possa ser utilizado em estudos posteriores. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 25 coelhas da raça Nova Zelândia e sem doenças prévias. Quinze mL de sangue de cada animal foi coletado, sendo 10 mL submetidos à dupla centrifugação. Para comprovar a efetividade do método proposto realizou-se contagem mecânica do sangue, bem como do produto final. RESULTADO: Obteve-se uma concentração média de plaquetas no plasma rico em plaquetas 687% maior que a contagem inicial observada no sangue venoso periférico. Para as variáveis: contagem inicial de plaquetas, contagem de plaquetas no plasma rico em plaquetas e enriquecimento, foram obtidos os limites de 95% de confiança para suas médias, sendo que, no que se refere ao percentual de enriquecimento, existe 95% de chance de que o intervalo de (530-844 contenha a média real de enriquecimento de plaquetas. CONCLUSÃO: O método simplificado utilizado permite a obtenção de plasma rico em plaquetas adequado permitindo seu uso em estudos dos fatores de crescimento nos mecanismos de reparação tecidual.BACKGROUND: Multiple uncertainties still exist about the action of the growth factors and the platelet-rich plasma on the mechanism of repair. AIM: To obtain the platelet-rich plasma in rabbits through a simplified and suitable method, creating an experimental model. METHODS: Twenty-five female New Zealand rabbits without previous diseases were used. Fifteen mL of blood of each rabbit was collected and 10 mL of the collected blood were twice centrifugated. To check the effectiveness of the proposed method

  6. Excitation of a plasma by high frequencies for illumination purposes; Excitacion de un plasma por altas frecuencias para propositos de iluminacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valdivia B, R


    The power electronics plays a very important paper so much in the national as international industrial development. For that reason, many of the works are focused in the one analysis and amplification of this area with the purpose of finding improvements in the existent systems and always looking for oneself end: the energy saving. Moreover, in the last years has occurred great interest to other very important area given their properties of energy profit, novelty and mainly their wide range of applications. This area is the study and use of the plasma. Many institutions with international recognition already invest and they develop systems in these two big areas of the technology among those that is the National Institute of Nuclear Research (INlN) with some laboratories dedicated to the work of the plasma, one of them the Laboratory of Thermal Plasma Applications (LAPT). The conjugation of both areas was analysed and developed in the present work with the one purpose of designing a system to generate thermal plasma and to give him one or but applications like it is to produce a luminous source as like to degrade organic gases as the Methane or Acetylene. This was developed by means of a resonant inverter with the help of MOSFET IRFK2D450 transistors and a load L C in a serial-parallel configuration with the purpose to profit their condition of resonance to have the maximum transfer of energy to the plasma. For to have a best profit of the energy it was realized an analysis of design for to oblige to the transistors to commute in zero voltage (ZVS) and to avoid then lost of power of C A. (Author)

  7. Resultados do desenvolvimento de um propulsor à plasma no Brasil (United States)

    Ferreira, I. S.; Ferreira, J. L.


    Uma das partes mais importantes de um satélite é o controle de atitude do mesmo. E se tratando de um satélite científico, a atenção para este sistema deve ser redobrada. Uma possibilidade atraente para executar esta tarefa é a propulsão elétrica. Aqui, mostraremos resultados obtidos pelo propulsor à plasma PHALL-01, desenvolvido na Universidade de Brasília entre 2000 e 2003. Este é derivado do propulsor russo SPT-100 (Stationary Plasma Thruster), mas com o emprego inovador de um arranjo de imãs permanentes como fonte do campo magnético, este último o agente da aceleração do plasma. Esta alteração foi motivada pelo objetivo de que o mesmo operasse com o mínimo de potência elétrica. A partir da formulação teórica do mecanismo de aceleração, tendo como base as equações da magnetohidrodinâmica, pode-se obter vínculos sob os quais o propulsor pudesse ser construído. O mais forte destes é o que dita a topologia do campo magnético. Sendo assim, foram realizadas simulações computacionais, que definiram a geometria do propulsor. Após construído, este foi diagnosticado usando-se sondas de Langmuir e analisadores de energia. Como resultados, obtivemos a distribuição espacial da temperatura, densidade e potencial do plasma, bem como a distribuição angular do feixe produzido pelo mesmo em vários regimes de operação. O espectro de energia do feixe de plasma também foi medido, indicando íons de até 560eV. Combinando estes resultados, calculou-se o empuxo do propulsor: 84mN; e o impulso específico: 1083s. Estes demonstram que o mesmo estará qualificado, num futuro próximo, para o emprego no controle de atitude de satélites científicos, ou até mesmo como parte do conjunto propulsor primário, responsáveis pela transferência de órbitas.

  8. PTA hardfacing of Nb/Al coatings Revestimentos Nb/Al depositados por PTA

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    Karin Graf


    Full Text Available Hardfacing is widely applied to components yet the majority of the welding techniques available restrain the variety of hard alloys that can be deposited. Plasma Transferred Arc hardfacing offsets this drawback by using powdered feedstock offering the ability to tailor the chemical composition of the coating and as a consequence its properties. The high strength and chemical inertia of aluminide alloys makes them very suitable to protect components. However, the strong interaction with the substrate during hardfacing requires analysis of each alloy system to optimize its properties and weldability. This work analyzed coatings processed with a cast and ground Nb40wt%Al alloy and the effect of Fe and C on the coatings features. It confirmed that sound Nb aluminide coatings can be processed by plasma Transferred arc hardfacing and will have a strong interaction with the substrate, which determines the final microstructure and properties of coatings. Final remarks point out that during Nb-Al coating tailoring the interaction with the substrate has to be considered at the early stages of design process.Revestimentos soldados são amplamente usados para proteger componentes mecânicos entretanto a maioria das técnicas de soldagem disponíveis restringe a variedade de ligas de alta resistência que podem ser depositadas. O processo de plasma por arco transferido permite ultrapassar esta limitação ao utilizar material de adição na forma de pó, oferecendo a possibilidade de se customizar a composição dos revestimentos e em consequências as suas propriedades. A elevada resistência mecânica e inercia química das ligas de aluminetos tornam estas ligas atrativas para a proteção de componentes diversos. Entretanto a grande interação com o substrato que ocorre quando do processamento exige que para a otimização das propriedades e soldabilidade seja realizada uma a análise de cada sistema liga e substrato. Neste trabalho foram processados e

  9. Efecto del plasma seminal sobre el estado redox del semen equino criopreservado

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    Edison Pizarro L.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el efecto del plasma seminal sobre la generación de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO y la peroxidación lipídica de semen equino criopreservado y su asociación con parámetros de calidad seminal. Materiales y métodos. El semen de cinco caballos de la raza criollo colombiano (dos eyaculados cada uno, fue criopreservado mediante un protocolo de congelación rápida, empleando un diluyente leche-yema de huevo, suplementado con 0%, 10% y 20% de plasma seminal equino. En muestras de semen fresco y criopreservado se evaluó la generación de ERO y la peroxidación lipídica por espectrofluorimetría, y los parámetros de calidad seminal de movilidad progresiva, vitalidad e integridad de membrana, mediante microscopia de contraste de fase. Para el análisis estadístico se ajustaron modelos mixtos y se realizaron análisis de regresión y correlación. Resultados. Se hallaron promedios post-descongelación de movilidad progresiva, vitalidad e integridad de membrana de 37.8%±20.2, 50.6% ± 14.6 y 37.8% ± 15.5, respectivamente. Para el semen fresco y criopreservado suplementado con 0%, 10% y 20% de plasma seminal, los promedios de producción de ERO (URF fueron de 13.34±10.7, 16.15 ± 13.5, 17.32 ± 16 y 22.98 ± 19.4, respectivamente; mostrando un incremento estadísticamente significativo (p≤0.05 en la producción de ERO por efecto de la criopreservación y la suplementación con plasma seminal. Los promedios de peroxidación lipídica (nmolMDA/ml para estos mismos tratamientos, fueron de 0.41 ± 0.25, 0.72±0.37, 0.51 ± 0.29 y 0.47±0.26, respectivamente; mostrando una reducción significativa (p≤0.05 de la peroxidación lipídica del semen suplementado con 10% y 20% de plasma seminal, respecto al semen no suplementado (0%. Conclusiones. El plasma seminal reduce la peroxidación lipídica del semen equino criopreservado.

  10. Robotic system for orbital welding of pipes; Sistema robotizado para soldagem orbital de dutos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bracarense, Alexandre Queiroz; Lima, II, Eduardo Jose; Torres, Guilherme Fortunato; Ramalho, Frederico [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Felizardo, Ivanilza; Zanon, Gislaine Pires [ROTECH Tecnologia Robotica Ltda., Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    This work presents the robotic system projected for orbital welding of pipelines of oil and gas. The system consists of a controller (microcomputer), that allows the execution of all the referring tasks to the welding in an autonomous way, and two manipulates, to what are coupled the welding torches that are connected to a welding power source with double wire feeders. With this system, GMA W process is used to execute the root pass, while FCA W process, besides the GMA W, is used for the filling and finishing passes. The system has four degrees of freedom, allowing the control of stick out, travel speed, torch angle and positioning. Besides these, the arc voltage and and welding current are also controlled during the process. Knowing that for each welding position (plane, vertical up and down and over head) a great group of parameters must be used, several tests were accomplished. With these values a controlled variation could be accomplished in an uninterrupted way when welding position changes, getting the increase of the productivity and also the quality of the weld performed by a robotic system. (author)

  11. Técnicas FT-IR (PAS, UATR e Objetiva ATR Aplicadas à Caracterização de EPDM Modificada com Plasma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Patrícia dos Santos


    Full Text Available Técnicas FT-IR (UATR, PAS e MIC, com objetiva ATR foram escolhidas para a caracterização da superfície da borracha de EPDM vulcanizada, após tratamento em plasma de Ar/O2 e N2/H2/Ar gerado em micro-ondas. Após tratamento, grupos oxigenados foram detectados por UATR e MIC/FT-IR, com objetiva ATR para as duas misturas gasosas, e possíveis grupos nitrogenados foram inseridos na superfície das amostras tratadas com plasma de N2/H2/Ar. A análise MIC/FT-IR sugeriu a formação de grupos em uma camada mais externa, para as amostras tratadas com plasma de N2/H2/Ar, sendo possível observar a redução na intensidade das bandas da absorção do CH2 e CH3, o que pode estar relacionado ao fato de o nitrogênio ser um gás menos permeável que o oxigênio. Diferentes velocidades, 0,05 cm.s-1 e 0,2 cm.s-1, foram utilizadas na análise PAS para avaliar a superfície após tratamento, e apenas para a velocidade 0,05 cm.s-1 com plasma de Ar/O2 alterações espectroscópicas foram detectadas. A redução na medida de ângulo de contato e o aumento na resistência ao descascamento da colagem indicaram melhoras nas propriedades adesivas da superfície. Falhas de adesão foram observadas entre a interface do filme de adesivo de PU e da borracha de EPDM, e confirmados por UATR/FT-IR.

  12. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, S.; Zamkovoy, S.


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S 1 x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  13. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria) and Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); Zamkovoy, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S{sup 1} x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  14. Quantitative Characterization of Phosphor Detector for Fusion Plasmas; Caracterizacion Cuantitativa de Detectores Luminiscentes para Plasmas de Fusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baciero, A; Zurro, B; McCarthy, K J


    Experiments made to characterize phosphor screens with application as broadband radiation detectors, are described. Several radiation sources, covering the spectral range between the ultraviolet and X ray, were used. In addition, details are given of three original phosphor-screen-based detectors that were designed for use as broadband detectors in magnetically confined fusion devices. The first measurements obtained with these detectors in plasmas created in the TJ-II stellarator device are presented together with the analysis performed. (Author)

  15. Efeito do Tratamento Térmico de Solubilização e Estabilização Convencional e Alternativo na Microestrutura de uma Junta Soldada com Aço Inox 347

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    Renata Barbosa Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda a microestrutura formada na zona termicamente afetada (ZTA e na zona fundida (ZF de uma junta soldada pelo processo TIG automático no passe de raiz, processo plasma nos passes de enchimento e soldagem SAW para os passes de acabamento em junta de topo com chanfro “V” simples, usando o aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 347. Foram estudadas as condições: como soldada; após tratamento térmico convencional de solubilização a 1060 °C e estabilização a 900 °C; e após tratamento térmico alternativo, onde a peça foi solubilizada a 1060 °C e mantida no forno que foi resfriado até 900 °C para a estabilização. Os resultados mostram que, na condição como soldado houve crescimento de grão na ZTA e a ZF apresentou 13% de ferrita com diferentes morfologias, tendo sido observada a precipitação de carbetos de Cr e de Nb. Após o tratamento térmico convencional de solubilização e estabilização, foi observada uma diminuição significativa do teor de ferrita na ZTA e na ZF, tendo sido observados carbetos de Nb e Cr, distribuídos de forma mais dispersa e com tamanhos menores, que contribuem para minimizar a possibilidade de ocorrer o fenômeno da sensitização. Após tratamento térmico alternativo de solubilização e estabilização, a microestrutura da ZTA e ZF foi similar à obtida no tratamento convencional, sendo que o teor de ferrita δ na ZF foi ainda mais reduzido, de 4,5%. Foi concluído que o tratamento térmico alternativo de solubilização e estabilização foi tão eficaz quanto o tratamento térmico convencional para a adequação da microestrutura da junta soldada, com uma significativa vantagem do tratamento térmico proposto em reduzir o tempo e o custo desta operação.

  16. Conservação e viabilidade do plasma rico em plaquetas de coelhos sob refrigeração


    Silva, Lucas Vilela Perroni


    Utilizou-se 15 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, com o objetivo de armazenar plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) durante 30 dias sob refrigeração de 4-6ºC. Preparou-se 30 amostras de PRP que foram divididas em três grupos iguais. A cada três dias uma amostra foi retirada para avaliação antes e após o armazenamento quanto ao número de plaquetas, volume plaquetário médio (VPM), pH do plasma, agregação pós adição de tromboplastina cálcica e presença de contaminação bac...

  17. The ortho:para ratio of H{sub 3}{sup +} in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crabtree, Kyle N.; Indriolo, Nick; Kreckel, Holger; McCall, Benjamin J. [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 (United States)


    The discovery of H{sub 3}{sup +} in the diffuse interstellar medium has dramatically changed our view of the cosmic-ray ionization rate in diffuse molecular clouds. However, another surprise has been that the ortho:para ratio of H{sub 3}{sup +} in these clouds is inconsistent with the temperature derived from the excitation of H{sub 2}, the dominant species in these clouds. In an effort to understand this discrepancy, we have embarked on an experimental program to measure the nuclear spin dependence of the dissociative electron recombination rate of H{sub 3}{sup +} using the CRYRING and TSR ion storage rings. We have also performed the first measurements of the reaction H{sub 3}{sup +}+H{sub 2}→H{sub 2}+H{sub 3}{sup +} below room temperature. This reaction is likely the most common bimolecular reaction in the universe, and plays an important role in interconverting ortho- and para-H{sub 3}{sup +}. Finally, we have constructed a steady-state chemical model for diffuse clouds, which takes into account the spin-dependence of the formation of H{sub 3}{sup +}, its electron recombination, and its reaction with H{sub 2}. We find that the ortho:para ratio of H{sub 3}{sup +} in diffuse clouds is likely governed by a competition between dissociative recombination and thermalization by reactive collisions.

  18. Nonthermal Radiation Processes in Interplanetary Plasmas (United States)

    Chian, A. C. L.


    RESUMEN. En la interacci6n de haces de electrones energeticos con plasmas interplanetarios, se excitan ondas intensas de Langmuir debido a inestabilidad del haz de plasma. Las ondas Langmuir a su vez interaccio nan con fluctuaciones de densidad de baja frecuencia para producir radiaciones. Si la longitud de las ondas de Langmujr exceden las condicio nes del umbral, se puede efectuar la conversi5n de modo no lineal a on- das electromagneticas a traves de inestabilidades parametricas. As se puede excitar en un plasma inestabilidades parametricas electromagneticas impulsadas por ondas intensas de Langmuir: (1) inestabilidades de decaimiento/fusi5n electromagnetica impulsadas por una bomba de Lang- muir que viaja; (2) inestabilidades dobles electromagneticas de decai- miento/fusi5n impulsadas por dos bombas de Langrnuir directamente opues- tas; y (3) inestabilidades de dos corrientes oscilatorias electromagne- ticas impulsadas por dos bombas de Langmuir de corrientes contrarias. Se concluye que las inestabilidades parametricas electromagneticas in- ducidas por las ondas de Langmuir son las fuentes posibles de radiacio- nes no termicas en plasmas interplanetarios. ABSTRACT: Nonthermal radio emissions near the local electron plasma frequency have been detected in various regions of interplanetary plasmas: solar wind, upstream of planetary bow shock, and heliopause. Energetic electron beams accelerated by solar flares, planetary bow shocks, and the terminal shock of heliosphere provide the energy source for these radio emissions. Thus, it is expected that similar nonthermal radiation processes may be responsible for the generation of these radio emissions. As energetic electron beams interact with interplanetary plasmas, intense Langmuir waves are excited due to a beam-plasma instability. The Langmuir waves then interact with low-frequency density fluctuations to produce radiations near the local electron plasma frequency. If Langmuir waves are of sufficiently large

  19. EDITORIAL: Plasma jets and plasma bullets Plasma jets and plasma bullets (United States)

    Kong, M. G.; Ganguly, B. N.; Hicks, R. F.


    Plasma plumes, or plasma jets, belong to a large family of gas discharges whereby the discharge plasma is extended beyond the plasma generation region into the surrounding ambience, either by a field (e.g. electromagnetic, convective gas flow, or shock wave) or a gradient of a directionless physical quantity (e.g. particle density, pressure, or temperature). This physical extension of a plasma plume gives rise to a strong interaction with its surrounding environment, and the interaction alters the properties of both the plasma and the environment, often in a nonlinear and dynamic fashion. The plasma is therefore not confined by defined physical walls, thus extending opportunities for material treatment applications as well as bringing in new challenges in science and technology associated with complex open-boundary problems. Some of the most common examples may be found in dense plasmas with very high dissipation of externally supplied energy (e.g. in electrical, optical or thermal forms) and often in or close to thermal equilibrium. For these dense plasmas, their characteristics are determined predominantly by strong physical forces of different fields, such as electrical, magnetic, thermal, shock wave, and their nonlinear interactions [1]. Common to these dense plasma plumes are significant macroscopic plasma movement and considerable decomposition of solid materials (e.g. vaporization). Their applications are numerous and include detection of elemental traces, synthesis of high-temperature materials and welding, laser--plasma interactions, and relativistic jets in particle accelerators and in space [2]-[4]. Scientific challenges in the understanding of plasma jets are exciting and multidisciplinary, involving interweaving transitions of all four states of matter, and their technological applications are wide-ranging and growing rapidly. Using the Web of Science database, a search for journal papers on non-fusion plasma jets reveals that a long initial phase up

  20. Método analítico por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución para la determinación de carbamazepina en plasma humano Analytical method by high resolution liquid chromatography for the determination of carbamazepine in human plasma

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    Narda M. Jiménez Alemán


    Full Text Available Entre los requisitos para desarrollar los estudios de biodisponibilidad y bioequivalencia se encuentra contar con metodologías analíticas validadas para el trabajo con muestras en fluidos biológicos. Se desarrolló un método por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución para la determinación de carbamazepina en plasma humano, se utilizó como fase móvil una mezcla de hidrógeno fosfato de sodio: acetonitrilo (65:35 ajustada a pH= 3,3 con ácido fosfórico, flujo de 1,2 mL/min y detección ultravioleta a 210 nm. Se empleó propilparabeno como estándar interno. Conforme con las regulaciones establecidas para la validación de métodos en fluidos biológicos se estudiaron los parámetros siguientes: estabilidad de las muestras, linealidad, especificidad, precisión, exactitud y límite de detección y cuantificación. El método resultó específico y sensible con un límite de detección y cuantificación de 0,9 y 1,0 ng, respectivamente. El método fue lineal, preciso y exacto en el rango de concentraciones de 1,07 a 12,67 µg/mL. La recuperación media no fue estadísticamente diferente del 100,0 %. El analito en la matriz biológica propuesta permaneció en el periodo estudiado. La metodología descrita en este trabajo se aplica en nuestro caso al estudio que evalúa la biodisponibilidad y bioequivalencia de una formulación cubana de carbamazepina en voluntarios sanos.One of the requirements to develop the studies of bioavailability and bioequivalence is to have analytic methodologies validated for the work with samples in biological fluids. A method was developed by high resolution liquid chromatography for the determination of carbamazepine in human plasma. A mixture of hydrogen phosphate of sodium: acetonitrile (65:35 adjusted to pH= 3.3 with phosphoric acid, flow of 1.2 mL/min and ultraviolet detection at 210 nm, was used as mobile phase. Propylparabene was used as an internal standard. According to the established regulations for

  1. Avaliação de sete protocolos para obtenção de plasma rico em plaquetas na espécie equina Evaluation of seven platelet-rich plasma processing protocols in the equine species

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    Roberta Carneiro da Fontoura Pereira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a capacidade de concentração plaquetária e sua correlação com os níveis do fator de crescimento TGF-B1, a presença de leucócitos e de hemácias nos diferentes protocolos utilizados na obtenção do plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP de equinos, através do método manual. Dez equinos, sadios, com idade média de 7 anos (±2,39, pesando em média 500kg (±67,1 foram utilizados neste estudo. Os protocolos testados variaram na velocidade e no tempo nas duas centrifugações. As variáveis analisadas nas amostras de PRP foram: concentração de plaquetas, presença de leucócitos e hemácias, e níveis de TGF-β1 quantificados pelo teste ELISA. Os protocolos testados não diferiram na capacidade de concentração de plaquetas e nos níveis de TGF-β1. Entretanto, houve diferença significava entre o protocolo I e os demais por este apresentar maior número de hemácias e leucócitos nas amostras de PRP, sendo por esse motivo considerado um protocolo inadequado para processamento do volume de sangue utilizado. Os demais protocolos podem ser utilizados para obtenção de PRP terapêutico em equinos.PRP is plasma that contains a high numbers of platelets and growth factors in a small volume. The aim of this study was to evaluate seven different protocols to obtain PRP by the manual method according to their capacity to concentrate platelets, leukocyte and erythrocyte contamination and correlation between platelet count and TGF-β1 growth factor levels in PRP samples. Ten healthy horses with a mean age of 7 years (±2.39, weighing on average 500 kg (±67.1 were used in this study. The protocols tested varied according to the speed and time used at the two centrifugations. PRP samples were analyzed regarding platelet concentration, leukocyte and erythrocyte contamination and TGF-β1 levels quantified by ELISA. No significant differences among protocols were observed regarding the ability to concentrate

  2. Comparação da Estabilidade do Arco e da Variabilidade da Geometria de Soldas obtidas pelos Processos MIG/MAG e Arame Tubular

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    Romário Mauricio Urbanetto Nogueira


    Full Text Available ResumoApesar da similaridade, os processos MIG/MAG e Eletrodo Tubular apresentam particularidades quanto à estabilidade do arco e variabilidade nas características dos cordões. Assim, a escolha de um dos processos, para aplicação específica deveria considerar como tais particularidades afetam a qualidade destas soldas. Para subsidiar esta escolha, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar como a mudança na corrente média afeta a estabilidade e a regularidade das transferências de metal em soldas realizadas com tensão constante e corrente pulsada e comparar a variabilidade da geometria e da diluição destas soldas. Para atingir estes objetivos foram realizadas soldas automatizadas, tendo como metal de base o aço ABNT 1020 e como metais de adição o arame AWS ER70S-6 e AWS E71T-1. Além das soldas com variação da corrente média, os testes envolveram a determinação dos parâmetros para a ocorrência de transferência estável por curto-circuito, goticular e pulsado. Os resultados mostraram que a tensão que determina a maior estabilidade na transferência pelo modo curto-circuito, independe da velocidade de soldagem e aumenta com a velocidade do arame, mostraram também que as soldas com arame tubular apresentaram maiores variabilidades comparadas ao arame maciço.

  3. Plasma rico en plaquetas: fundamentos biológicos y aplicaciones en cirugía maxilofacial y estética facial Platelet-rich plasma: biology and applications in maxillofacial surgery and facial aesthetics


    Jordi Rodríguez Flores; María Angustias Palomar Gallego; Jesús Torres García-Denche


    Esta revisión presenta el uso del preparado de plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) como una herramienta potenciadora de ciertas características histológicas de los tejidos conformados por células con receptores para los factores de crecimiento plaquetarios. Se ha realizado una revisión sobre el plasma rico en plaquetas de la literatura publicada en PubMed. Se describen los fundamentos biológicos del PRP a nivel celular, la técnica de obtención, y sus usos clínicos en la actualidad.This review show...

  4. Avaliação de ensaio molecular para determinação de carga viral em indivíduos sorologicamente negativos para o HIV-1 Evaluation of a molecular assay for determining viral load on HIV-1 antibody negative patients

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    José Moreira Pereira


    Full Text Available O teste de carga viral foi concebido para acompanhar a evolução e o tratamento do paciente com diagnóstico confirmado de HIV-1. Contudo, sua especificidade diagnóstica não foi ainda avaliada em pessoas que apresentam um teste sorológico negativo. Mesmo assim, ele tem sido erroneamente utilizado para o diagnóstico da infecção primária pelo HIV-1. Este trabalho relata quatro pacientes em que a carga viral plasmática NucliSens (Organon Teknika foi repetidamente positiva na ausência de anticorpos para HIV e chama atenção para o fato de que a carga viral abaixo de 10 mil cópias/ml é de difícil interpretação, como tem sido assinalado em numerosos artigos, em que foram utilizadas outras metodologias.The plasma viral load test for HIV-1,a exquisitely high sensitive assay, were neither developed nor evaluated for the diagnosis of primary HIV infection; therefore, their diagnostic specificity is not well delineated when applied to persons who are negative for HIV antibody. This article reported four cases of false positive results obtained by using NucliSens viral load assay (Organon Teknika and emphasize the importance that low positive plasma viral load (< 10 000 copies/ml may be difficult to interpret how has been assinalated in numerous articles in the medical literature, using other methodologies.

  5. Supersonic flow with shock waves. Monte-Carlo calculations for low density plasma. I; Flujo supersonico de un plasma con ondas de choque, un metodo de montecarlo para plasmas de baja densidad, I.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almenara, E; Hidalgo, M; Saviron, J M


    This Report gives preliminary information about a Monte Carlo procedure to simulate supersonic flow past a body of a low density plasma in the transition regime. A computer program has been written for a UNIVAC 1108 machine to account for a plasma composed by neutral molecules and positive and negative ions. Different and rather general body geometries can be analyzed. Special attention is played to tho detached shock waves growth In front of the body. (Author) 30 refs.

  6. Influence of laser design parameters on the hydrodynamics of microfusion plasmas; Influencia de los parametros basicos del laser sobre la hidrodinamica de plasmas para microfusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanmartin, J A; Barrero, A


    The quasi neutral, one dimensional motion generated in a cold, infinite, uniform plasma of density n{sub 0}, by the absorption, In a given plane, of a linear pulse of energy per unit time and area {phi} - {phi}{sub 0}t/{tau}, 0< t {<=} {tau}, is considered; the analysis allows for thermal conduction and viscosity of ions and electrons, their energy exchange, and an electron thermal flux limiter. The motion is found to be self similar and governed by single non dimensional parameter {alpha} similar{sub t}o(n{sup 2}{sub 0} {tau}/{phi}{sub 0}){sup 2}/3. Detailed asymptotic results are obtained for both {alpha}<<1and {alpha}>>1; the general (behaviour of the solution for arbitrary {alpha} is discussed. The analysis can be easily extended to the case of a plasma initially occupying a half-space, and throws light on the hydrodynamics of laser fusion plasmas. (Author) 51 refs.

  7. ¿ Es útil la prueba de lipemia predonación para la selección de donantes de sangre?

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    Pedro Sánchez Frenes

    Full Text Available En el Banco de Sangre Provincial de Cienfuegos se incluye, además de las pruebas reguladas en Cuba para la selección de los donantes de sangre, la prueba de lipemia predonación. Un plasma con apariencia turbia es causa de exclusión transitoria del donante. A fin de evaluar la eficacia diagnóstica de esta prueba se realizaron dos estimaciones visuales del plasma en busca de turbidez, la primera antes de donar y la segunda en la unidad de plasma obtenida a partir de la sangre total colectada, esta última utilizada como prueba de referencia para este estudio. Ambas observaciones fueron realizadas por el mismo observador siguiendo un protocolo establecido. Como parte del estudio, la presencia de una prueba de lipemia positiva predonación no constituyó causa de exclusión de donantes. Se calculó la sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica, el valor predictivo positivo (VPP y el valor predictivo negativo (VPN, además la eficiencia de la prueba dentro de un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Se obtuvo el 98,4 % de especificidad, el 80 % de sensibilidad, así como el 66,6 % de valor predictivo positivo y el 99,0 % de valor predictivo negativo, con el 95,7 % de eficiencia diagnóstica. La prueba resulta útil en la selección de donantes de sangre y se recomienda su uso en todas las dependencias de colecta de sangre que cuenten con las condiciones técnicas para su realización.

  8. Análise de ácidos graxos em plasma humano Analysis of fatty acids in human plasma

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    Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer


    Full Text Available Nesse fascículo da revista, o estudo de Morais et al. (2010 avaliou quatro metodologias clássicas de extração de lipídeos (métodos de Folch, Bligh-Dyer, Rose-Gottlieb e Gerber e uma técnica alternativa, com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da extração e a composição em ácidos graxos de plasma humano. O método alternativo proposto pelos autores usou o forno de micro-ondas como ferramenta e foi considerado muito rápido na extração lipídica e adequado na identificação de ácidos graxos, mas não em sua quantificação. O método de extração mais indicado para quantificação de ácidos graxos em plasma humano foi o método de Folch.In this issue of the journal, the study by Morais et al. (2010 evaluated four classical methodologies of lipid extraction (methods of Folch, Bligh-Dyer, Rose-Gottlieb and Gerber, and an alternative technique, in order to evaluate the efficiency of extraction and fatty acid composition of human plasma. The alternative method proposed by the authors used the microwave oven as a tool, and was considered very fast in lipid extraction and identification of fatty acids, but not in their quantification. The most suitable extraction method for quantification of fatty acids in human plasma was the method of Folch.

  9. Electron plasma waves and plasma resonances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franklin, R N; Braithwaite, N St J


    In 1929 Tonks and Langmuir predicted of the existence of electron plasma waves in an infinite, uniform plasma. The more realistic laboratory environment of non-uniform and bounded plasmas frustrated early experiments. Meanwhile Landau predicted that electron plasma waves in a uniform collisionless plasma would appear to be damped. Subsequent experimental work verified this and revealed the curious phenomenon of plasma wave echoes. Electron plasma wave theory, extended to finite plasmas, has been confirmed by various experiments. Nonlinear phenomena, such as particle trapping, emerge at large amplitude. The use of electron plasma waves to determine electron density and electron temperature has not proved as convenient as other methods.

  10. Plasma rico en plaquetas: fundamentos biológicos y aplicaciones en cirugía maxilofacial y estética facial Platelet-rich plasma: biology and applications in maxillofacial surgery and facial aesthetics

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    Jordi Rodríguez Flores


    Full Text Available Esta revisión presenta el uso del preparado de plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP como una herramienta potenciadora de ciertas características histológicas de los tejidos conformados por células con receptores para los factores de crecimiento plaquetarios. Se ha realizado una revisión sobre el plasma rico en plaquetas de la literatura publicada en PubMed. Se describen los fundamentos biológicos del PRP a nivel celular, la técnica de obtención, y sus usos clínicos en la actualidad.This review shows platelet-rich-plasma (PRP as an enhancer of the histological characteristics of the tissues with platelet-derived growth factor receptors. A review has been made of the literature on the platelet-rich plasma published in PubMed. The article describes the cellular biology of PRP, the technique for obtaining it, and its clinical applications.

  11. Bridge between fusion plasma and plasma processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohno, Noriyasu; Takamura, Shuichi


    In the present review, relationship between fusion plasma and processing plasma is discussed. From boundary-plasma studies in fusion devices new applications such as high-density plasma sources, erosion of graphite in a hydrogen plasma, formation of helium bubbles in high-melting-point metals and the use of toroidal plasmas for plasma processing are emerging. The authors would like to discuss a possibility of knowledge transfer from fusion plasmas to processing plasmas. (T. Ikehata)

  12. Estudos de esterilização por plasma a pressão atmosférica


    Souza, João Henrique Campos de


    Apesar da variedade de tecnologias disponíveis aos serviços de saúde paia o processamento dos produtos para a saúde, as especificidades de cada instrumental são determinantes na escolha do método mais indicado. Atualmente, o desafio da área tecnológica é desenvolver métodos eficazes para o processamento de materiais que não podem ser submetidos a grandes estresses físicos, como temperatura e pressão. A esterilização por plasma é uma tecnologia que chama muito a atenção pela rapidez, segurança...

  13. Estudio comparativo de técnicas de preparación de muestras para microscopía electrónica de transmisión de recubrimientos cerámicos proyectados por plasma

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    Ramírez de Arellano López, A.


    Full Text Available The development of advanced materials, with complex microstructures, is a permanent challenge to the development and application of new efficient techniques for microstructural characterization. In ceramic coatings on metals, there exist a differential ion-milling ratio between both components, limiting in principle the use of conventional techniques. In this work, we report on a comparative study of TEM sample preparation techniques for plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings. Firstly, we have used a procedure derived from the conventional one (polishing, dimpling, ion milling, and alternatively a new technique using focused ion-beam milling. The material selected for this study is fine-grained alumina that was plasmasprayed on a steel substrate. The efficiency of both techniques is discussed along with the most significant microstructural features of the material subject of study.

    El desarrollo de materiales avanzados, con microestructuras cada vez más complejas, supone un reto constante de desarrollo y aplicación de técnicas que permitan el análisis de la microestructura de forma eficiente. En el caso de los recubrimientos cerámicos sobre substrato metálico, la diferente velocidad de adelgazamiento iónico que suelen mostrar ambos sistemas supone, en principio, una limitación sustancial. En este trabajo, presentamos un estudio comparativo de la fabricación de láminas delgadas para microscopía electrónica de transmisión, empleando en primer lugar una técnica derivada de la convencional (desbaste, pulido y adelgazamiento iónico, y alternativamente una novedosa técnica de ataque selectivo mediante un haz iónico. El material elegido para realizar este estudio ha sido un recubrimiento de óxido de aluminio de grano fino proyectado por el método de plasma sobre acero. Se discute la eficiencia de cada una de las técnicas, así como las carácteristicas microstructurales más destacadas en el material objeto de estudio.

  14. Isolation of an enriched plasma membrame subpellicular microtubule fraction of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis

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    Solange L. Timm


    Full Text Available A cell fractionation procedure previously developed for Trypanosoma cruzi was applied to isolated the plasma membrane of promastigotes of Leishania mexicana amazonensis. The cell, swollen in an hypotonic mediun, were disrupted in the presence of a nonionic detergent and the membrane fraction isolated by differencial centrifugation. Electron microscopy showed that the fraction consisted of pieces of the plasma membrane associated with subpellicular microtubules. It was also shown that this fraction is able to induce cell-mediated immune response in mice.Um método de fracionamento subcelular, previamente desenvolvido para Trypanosoma cruzi, foi aplicado para isolar a membrana plasmática de promastigotas de Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. As células, após turgimento em meio hipotônico, foram rompidas na presença de um detergente não iônico e a fração de membrana isolada por centrifugação diferencial. A microscopia eletrônica mostrou consistir a fração de fragmentos de membrana plasmática associados com microtúbulos subpeliculares. Foi também mostrado que esta fração era capaz de induzir resposta celular em camundongos.

  15. Trypanocidal activity of human plasma on Trypanosoma evansi in mice Atividade tripanocida do plasma humano sobre Trypanosoma evansi em camundongos

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    Aleksandro Schafer Da Silva


    Full Text Available This study aimed to test an alternative protocol with human plasma to control Trypanosoma evansi infection in mice. Plasma from an apparently 27-year-old healthy male, blood type A+, was used in the study. A concentration of 100 mg.dL-1 apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1 was detected in the plasma. Forty mice were divided into four groups with 10 animals each. Group A comprised uninfected animals. Mice from groups B, C and D were inoculated with a T. evansi isolate. Group B was used as a positive control. At three days post-infection (DPI, the mice were administered intraperitoneally with human plasma. A single dose of 0.2 mL plasma was given to those in group C. The mice from group D were administered five doses of 0.2 mL plasma with a 24 hours interval between the doses. Group B showed high increasing parasitemia that led to their death within 5 DPI. Both treatments eliminated parasites from the blood and increased the longevity of animals. An efficacy of 50 (group C and 80% (group D of human plasma trypanocidal activity was found using PCR. This therapeutic success was likely achieved in the group D due to their higher levels of APOL1 compared with group C.Este estudo teve como objetivo testar um protocolo alternativo com plasma humano para controlar a infecção por Trypanosoma evansi em camundongos. O plasma foi oriundo de um homem aparentemente saudável, com idade entre 27 anos e tipo de sangue A+. Foi detectada uma concentração de 100 mg.dL -1 de apolipoproteína L1 (APOL1 no plasma. Quarenta camundongos foram divididos em quatro grupos, contendo dez animais cada. Grupo A, composto de animais não infectados. Os roedores dos grupos B, C e D foram inoculados intraperitonealmente com um isolado de T. evansi. O Grupo B foi usado como um controle positivo. Três dias pós-infecção (DPI, os camundongos foram tratados com plasma humano. Uma dose única de 0,2 mL de plasma foi administrada nos roedores do grupo C. Os ratos do grupo D receberam cinco

  16. Development of safe optimized welding procedures for high strength Q&T steel welded with austenitic consumables Desenvolvimento de procedimentos de soldagem seguros e otimizados para aços temperados e revenido de alta resistência com consumíveis austeníticos

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    Lenka Kuzmikova


    Full Text Available High strength quenched and tempered (Q&T steels offer obvious economic benefits originating from their advantageous strength to price and weight ratios. These steels are usually welded using ferritic consumables and for this combination the risk of hydrogen assisted cold cracking (HACC is high. The use of austenitic stainless steel (ASS consumables has great potential to significantly improve this issue. Yet, there are no guidelines for determination of safe level of preheat for welding ferritic steels with ASS consumables. For this reason manufacturers adopt this parameter from procedures developed for conventional ferritic consumables thus significantly limiting the benefits ASS consumables are capable to deliver. Productivity could be further enhanced by identifying the upper interpass temperature threshold, thus reducing the stand-off times. Aim of this work is to develop safe highly optimised procedures for welding of high strength Q&T steel with ASS consumable.Aços temperados e revenidos de alta resistência (Q&T oferecem vantagens econômicas óbvias originadas de sua benéfica razão resistência e custo ou peso. Estes aços são normalmente soldados com consumíveis ferríticos e, por esta causa, apresentam alto risco de trinca de hidrogênio. O uso de consumíveis de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos representa um grande potencial para melhorar este aspecto. Entretanto, não há recomendações técnicas para determinar um nível seguro de temperatura de pré-aquecimento para soldagens de aços ferríticos com consumíveis austeníticos. Por isto, fabricantes adotam para este parâmetro os tirados de procedimentos desenvolvidos para consumíveis ferríticos convencionais, consequentemente reduzindo os benefícios que os consumíveis austeníticos poderiam fornecer. Produtividade poderia ser intensificada pela identificação da temperatura de interpasse, reduzindo os tempos mortos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de desenvolver

  17. Estudo do Processo TIG Hot-Wire com Material de Adição AISI-316L Analisando o Efeito do Sopro Magnético do Arco sobre a Diluição do Cordão de Solda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erick Alejandro González Olivares

    Full Text Available Resumo: O processo TIG com adição de arame quente (HotWire é considerado um processo altamente produtivo em comparação ao processo TIG convencional com arame frio (ColdWire, sendo possível alcançar grandes taxas de deposição e baixas porcentagens de diluição, características essas que permitem ao processo ser uma ótima alternativa para aplicações de revestimentos. Existem variadas opções em configurações de circuitos elétricos para aquecer o arame de adição no processo TIG Hot-Wire, entre elas podemos destacar a utilização da corrente contínua pulsada e a corrente alternada. No presente trabalho foi utilizada a corrente contínua constante e foram estudadas duas configurações do circuito elétrico para aquecer o material de adição, as quais em teoria provocam diferentes comportamentos no arco voltaico e, portanto, nas propriedades geométricas do cordão de solda. Uma primeira análise realizada sobre o arco voltaico demonstra que se forma um sopro mágnetico constante ao se aquecer o arame com corrente contínua constante. Segundo os ensaios realizados, a direção do sopro magnético depende da polaridade da corrente para aquecer o arame. Uma análise macrográfica dos cordões de solda obtidos demonstraram que os melhores resultados foram para os ensaios feitos com Hot-Wire, conseguindo diluições de até um 2% aproximadamente para uma velocidade de arame de 7,5 m/min, 1 kW de potência de aquecimento do arame e usando uma velocidade de soldagem de 30 cm/min.

  18. Measuring the Plasma Density of a Ferroelectric Plasma Source in an Expanding Plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunaevsky, A.; Fisch, N.J.


    The initial density and electron temperature at the surface of a ferroelectric plasma source were deduced from floating probe measurements in an expanding plasma. The method exploits negative charging of the floating probe capacitance by fast flows before the expanding plasma reaches the probe. The temporal profiles of the plasma density can be obtained from the voltage traces of the discharge of the charged probe capacitance by the ion current from the expanding plasma. The temporal profiles of the plasma density, at two different distances from the surface of the ferroelectric plasma source, could be further fitted by using the density profiles for the expanding plasma. This gives the initial values of the plasma density and electron temperature at the surface. The method could be useful for any pulsed discharge, which is accompanied by considerable electromagnetic noise, if the initial plasma parameters might be deduced from measurements in expanding plasma

  19. Plasma electron losses in a multidipole plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haworth, M.D.


    The magnitude of the plasma electron cusp losses in a multidipole plasma device is determined by using a plasma electron heating technique. This method consists of suddenly generating approximately monoenergetic test electrons inside the multidipole plasma, which is in a steady-state equilibrium prior to the introduction of the test electrons. The Coulomb collisions between the test electrons and the plasma electrons result in heating the plasma electrons. The experimentally measured time evolution of the plasma electron temperature is compared with that predicted by a kinetic-theory model which calculates the time evolution of the test electron and the plasma electron distribution functions. The analytical solution of the plasma electron heating rate when the test electrons are first introduced into the plasma predicts that there is no dependence on ion mass. Experimental results in helium, neon, argon, and krypton multidipole plasmas confirm this prediction. The time-evolved solution of the kinetic equations must be solved numerically, and these results (when coupled with the experimental heating results) show that the plasma electron cusp-loss width is on the order of an electron Larmor radius

  20. Plasma physics and fusion plasma electrodynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Bers, Abraham


    Plasma is a ubiquitous state of matter at high temperatures. The electrodynamics of plasmas encompasses a large number of applications, from understanding plasmas in space and the stars, to their use in processing semiconductors, and their role in controlled energy generation by nuclear fusion. This book covers collective and single particle dynamics of plasmas for fully ionized as well as partially ionized plasmas. Many aspects of plasma physics in current fusion energy generation research are addressed both in magnetic and inertial confinement plasmas. Linear and nonlinear dynamics in hydrodynamic and kinetic descriptions are offered, making both simple and complex aspects of the subject available in nearly every chapter. The approach of dividing the basic aspects of plasma physics as "linear, hydrodynamic descriptions" to be covered first because they are "easier", and postponing the "nonlinear and kinetic descriptions" for later because they are "difficult" is abandoned in this book. For teaching purpose...

  1. Serie: Madera para construcción Acabados para madera


    Sáenz-Muñoz, Marta; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Durante mucho tiempo, la madera ha sido utilizada como material de construcción para resolver principalmente objetivos estructurales; sin embargo, actualmente, el uso de la madera ha tomado mucho auge en la estética de las construcciones, para brindar apariencia y calidez. En la actualidad, el mercado ofrece una amplia gama productos para dar diversos “acabados” a la madera, los cuales sirven para resaltar la belleza de algunas de ellas, realzar características como el color y la veta, o bien...

  2. Double plasma system with inductively coupled source plasma and quasi-quiescent target plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massi, M.; Maciel, H.S.


    Cold plasmas have successfully been used in the plasma-assisted material processing industry. An understanding of the physicochemical mechanisms involved in the plasma-surface interaction is needed for a proper description of deposition and etching processes at material surfaces. Since these mechanisms are dependent on the plasma properties, the development of diagnostic techniques is strongly desirable for determination of the plasma parameters as well as the characterization of the electromagnetic behaviour of the discharge. In this work a dual discharge chamber, was specially designed to study the deposition of thin films via plasma polymerization process. In the Pyrex chamber an inductively coupled plasma can be excited either in the diffuse low density E-mode or in the high density H-mode. This plasma diffuses into the cylindrical stainless steel chamber which is covered with permanent magnets to produce a multidipole magnetic field configuration at the surface. By that means a double plasma is established consisting of a RF source plasma coupled to a quasi-quiescent target plasma. The preliminary results presented here refer to measurements of the profiles of plasma parameters along the central axis of the double plasma apparatus. Additionally a spectrum analysis performed by means of a Rogowski coil probe immersed into the source plasma is also presented. The discharge is made in argon with pressure varying from 10 -2 to 1 torr, and the rf from 10 to 150 W

  3. Recombination of H+3 ions in the afterglow of a He-Ar-H2 plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glosik, J; Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Novotny, O; Kotrik, T; Hlavenka, P; Varju, J; Mikhailov, I A; Kokoouline, V; Greene, Chris H


    Recombination of H + 3 with electrons is studied in a low-temperature plasma containing He, H 2 and Ar at different He and H 2 densities. The effective plasma recombination rate is driven by binary, H + 3 + e - , and ternary, H + 3 + e - + He, processes with the rate coefficients 7.5 x 10 -8 cm 3 s -1 and 2.8 x 10 -25 cm 6 s -1 respectively at 260 K. We suggest that the ternary recombination involves formation of neutral highly excited Rydberg H 3 followed by an l-changing collision with He. The difference between recombination of para- and ortho-H + 3 is discussed. (fast track communication)

  4. Compression of toroidal plasma by imploding plasma-liner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikuta, Kazunari.


    A new concept of compressing a plasma in a closed magnetic configuration by a version of liner implosion flux compression technique is considered. The liner consists of a dense plasma cylinder, i.e. the plasma-liner. Maximum compression ratio of toroidal plasma is determined just by the initial density ratio of the toroidal plasma to the liner plasma because of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. A start-up senario of plasma-liner is also proposed with a possible application of this concept to the creation of a burning plasma in reversed field configurations, i.e. burning plasma vortex. (author)

  5. Análise da resistência à corrosão por pite em soldas de reparo pelo processo TIG em aço inoxidável superduplex UNS S32750 Analysis of pitting corrosion resistance in welding repair by GTAW procedure in a superduplex stainless steel UNS S32750

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    Juliana Primo Basílio de Souza


    Full Text Available Atualmente, os aços inoxidáveis superduplex (AISD estão sendo muito empregados no Brasil em setores industriais tais como petroquímico, energético, naval e plataformas offshore, tendo vasta aplicação em vasos de pressão em processos críticos, trocadores de calor, reatores, tubulações, umbilicais, digestores, bombas e naqueles componentes onde a produtividade contínua é essencial e o custo não é a maior limitação. No entanto, durante processos de fabricação e montagem, assim como na vida em serviço destes componentes de processo pode existir a necessidade eventual de efetuar soldagens de reparo. Deste modo, o presente trabalho, visa avaliar a microestrutura e os valores de resistência à corrosão por pites na zona termicamente afetada (ZTA e metal de solda do AISD UNS S32750 durante a simulação de um processo de reparo mediante a utilização do processo de soldagem TIG (GTAW. Os resultados obtidos permitem estabelecer diretrizes para a realização de procedimentos de soldagem de reparo em AISD.Currently superduplex stainless steels (SDSS are being extensively employed in the petrochemical, power generation, naval and offshore industries. The uses of these materials are: pressure vessels for critical processes, heat exchangers, reactors, pipes, umbilicals, digesters, pumps and other facilities where continuous use is essential and cost is not the main limitation. However, during fabrication and assembly, or as consequence of service, repair welding operations may be necessary. Thus, in this study a simulation of welding repair by GTAW process was performed in a SDSS UNS S32750. The objective of this work was to evaluate the microstructure and the values of critical pitting resistance (CPT in the weld metal, heat affected zone and base metal. The results obtained allows the determination of welding procedures and recommendations useful to the welding repair of SDSS.

  6. A new large-scale plasma source with plasma cathode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamauchi, K.; Hirokawa, K.; Suzuki, H.; Satake, T.


    A new large-scale plasma source (200 mm diameter) with a plasma cathode has been investigated. The plasma has a good spatial uniformity, operates at low electron temperature, and is highly ionized under relatively low gas pressure of about 10 -4 Torr. The plasma source consists of a plasma chamber and a plasma cathode generator. The plasma chamber has an anode which is 200 mm in diameter, 150 mm in length, is made of 304 stainless steel, and acts as a plasma expansion cup. A filament-cathode-like plasma ''plasma cathode'' is placed on the central axis of this source. To improve the plasma spatial uniformity in the plasma chamber, a disk-shaped, floating electrode is placed between the plasma chamber and the plasma cathode. The 200 mm diameter plasma is measure by using Langmuir probes. As a result, the discharge voltage is relatively low (30-120 V), the plasma space potential is almost equal to the discharge voltage and can be easily controlled, the electron temperature is several electron volts, the plasma density is about 10 10 cm -3 , and the plasma density is about 10% variance in over a 100 mm diameter. (Author)

  7. Review on plasmas in extraordinary media: plasmas in cryogenic conditions and plasmas in supercritical fluids (United States)

    Stauss, Sven; Muneoka, Hitoshi; Terashima, Kazuo


    Plasma science and technology has enabled advances in very diverse fields: micro- and nanotechnology, chemical synthesis, materials fabrication and, more recently, biotechnology and medicine. While many of the currently employed plasma tools and technologies are very advanced, the types of plasmas used in micro- and nanofabrication pose certain limits, for example, in treating heat-sensitive materials in plasma biotechnology and plasma medicine. Moreover, many physical properties of plasmas encountered in nature, and especially outer space, i.e. very-low-temperature plasmas or plasmas that occur in high-density media, are not very well understood. The present review gives a short account of laboratory plasmas generated under ’extreme’ conditions: at cryogenic temperatures and in supercritical fluids. The fundamental characteristics of these cryogenic plasmas and cryoplasmas, and plasmas in supercritical fluids, especially supercritical fluid plasmas, are presented with their main applications. The research on such exotic plasmas is expected to lead to further understanding of plasma physics and, at the same time, enable new applications in various technological fields.

  8. Soc para la identificación de variaciones morfológicas del eritrocito

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    Danelia Matos Molina


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} En el presente se expone el diseño e implementación de un Sistema on Chip apropiado para el procesamiento de señales e imágenes. Este sistema puede representar parte importante en dispositivos médicos de apoyo en el diagnóstico de ciertas  enfermedades donde ocurran variaciones morfológicas en los eritrocitos, como es el caso de la Siklemia. El diseño está basado en un SoC de Plasma y un procesador MIPS Lite, se ha añadido además un núcleo FFT para el mejoramiento de los cálculos de la Transformada discreta de Fourier. Igualmente ha sido desarrollado un programa que calcula dada una imagen, la FFT de los bordes de los eritrocitos presentes.


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    Ana Lúcia da Silva Corrêa LEMOS


    Full Text Available

    As características físicas (pH e microbiológicas (contagem total de psicrotrófi cos e bactérias lácticas de coxão duro bovino (m. Biceps femoris submetido à injeção de salmouras isentas de polifosfatos, adicionadas de agentes bacteriostáticos, lactato de sódio e diacetato de sódio e contendo plasma bovino líquido (PLL e PLO ou plasma bovino desidratado (PDL e PDO, foram avaliadas juntamente com cortes injetados com salmouras isentas de plasma, contendo polifosfatos e com os mesmos agentes bacteriostáticos (CL e CO e cortes não injetados in natura (IN, perfazendo sete tratamentos de bifes embalados a vácuo, provenientes dos cortes íntegros após cozimento, mantidos sob refrigeração (6°C durante 43 dias.Os tratamentos injetados crus e após cozimento não diferiram entre si quanto ao pH, embora, o pH do IN cru tenha sido inferior ao do cozido. A adição de plasma bovino líquido ou desidratado não afetou a carga bacteriana nos cortes íntegros após cocção, mas elevou a carga bacteriana de todos os tratamentos injetados quando comparados aos isentos de plasma (CL e CO ao longo da estocagem sob refrigeração dos bifes embalados a vácuo. A temperatura de armazenamento (6ºC, comum durante a distribuição e exposição de carnes resfriadas no varejo, foi um dos fatores determinantes para a redução da qualidade microbiológica, pois infl uenciou na velocidade do crescimento dos microrganismos deterioradores, especialmente nas salmouras adicionadas de plasma.

  10. ECR plasma photographs as a plasma diagnostic

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Racz, R; Biri, S; Palinkas, J [Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), H-4026 Debrecen, Bem ter 18/c (Hungary)


    Low, medium or highly charged ions delivered by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources all are produced in the ECR plasma. In order to study such plasmas, high-resolution visible light plasma photographs were taken at the ATOMKI ECR ion source. An 8 megapixel digital camera was used to photograph plasmas made from He, methane, N, O, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe gases and from their mixtures. The analysis of the photo series gave many qualitative and some valuable physical information on the nature of ECR plasmas. A comparison was made between the plasma photos and computer simulations, and conclusions were drawn regarding the cold electron component of the plasma. The warm electron component of similar simulation was compared with x-ray photos emitted by plasma ions. While the simulations are in good agreement with the photos, a significant difference was found between the spatial distribution of the cold and warm electrons.

  11. Para-bosons and Para-fermions in Quantum Mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cattani, M.S.D.; Fernandes, N.C.


    Within the framework of the ordinary quantum mechanics, a detailed study of the energy eigenfunctions of N identical particles using the irreducible representations of the permutation group in the Hilbert space is performed. It is shown that the para-states, as occurs with the boson and fermion states, are compatible with the postulates of quantum mechanics and with the principle of indistinguishability. A mathematical support for the existence of para-bosons and para-fermions is given. Gentile's quantum statistics is, in a certain sense, justified. (Author) [pt

  12. Plasma Modes (United States)

    Dubin, D. H. E.

    This chapter explores several aspects of the linear electrostatic normal modes of oscillation for a single-species non-neutral plasma in a Penning trap. Linearized fluid equations of motion are developed, assuming the plasma is cold but collisionless, which allow derivation of the cold plasma dielectric tensor and the electrostatic wave equation. Upper hybrid and magnetized plasma waves in an infinite uniform plasma are described. The effect of the plasma surface in a bounded plasma system is considered, and the properties of surface plasma waves are characterized. The normal modes of a cylindrical plasma column are discussed, and finally, modes of spheroidal plasmas, and finite temperature effects on the modes, are briefly described.

  13. Speciation analysis of organomercurial compounds in Fish Tissue by capillary gas chromatography coupled to microwave-induced plasma atomic emission detection


    Díaz, Dorfe; Murillo, Miguel; Carrión, Nereida; Ríos, Manuel


    El presente trabajo describe una metodología para la determinación de especies de mercurio en tejido de peces mediante Cromatografía de Gases utilizando como detección la Espectrometría de Emisión Óptica con Plasma Inducido por Microondas (GC-MIP-OES) utilizando un surfatron como cavidad resonante. Las especies de mercurio fueron extraídas cuantitativamente por lixiviación con ultrasonido utilizando una mezcla ácido-tolueno. Los límites de detección obtenidos fueron de 5 y 9 pg para metilmerc...

  14. Dispositivo y método para la síntesis de grafeno en polvo a partir de una fuente de carbono


    Rincón, Rocío; Calzada Canalejo, María Dolores; Melero, Cristóbal


    La presente invención se encuadra en el campo de la producción de nanoestructuras de carbono y más especialmente se refiere a un procedimiento de síntesis de grafeno. Los autores de la invención han diseñado el dispositivo y desarrollado un procedimiento para la síntesis de grafeno en polvo a partir de la descomposición de una fuente de carbono por un plasma de microondas a presión atmosférica. El plasma se genera en el extremo de un vástago por el que circ...

  15. Quiescent plasma machine for plasma investigation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    A large volume quiescent plasma device is being developed at INPE to study Langmuir waves and turbulence generated by electron beams (E b ≤ 500 e V) interacting with plasma. This new quiescent plasma machine was designed to allow the performance of several experiments specially those related with laboratory space plasma simulation experiments. Current-driven instabilities and related phenomena such as double-layers along magnetic field lines are some of the many experiments planned for this machine. (author)

  16. Marcadores para la Realidad Aumentada para fines educativos

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    María Reina Zarate Nava


    Full Text Available La Realidad Aumentada (AR es considerada por algunos expertos como la tecnología en crecimiento para el 2014, en diferentes sectores: ingeniería, educación, juegos y negocios, siendo este último el más usado en él 2013. Sin embargo en el sector educativo la AR se presenta en algunos proyectos que se han desarrollado para diferentes áreas de las ciencias, como Química, Física y Matemáticas, lo anterior con el objetivo de facilitar el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje. En el presente artículo se presenta el modelo de patrones utilizado para un Proyecto AR enfocado en Química, el cual presenta un conjunto de patrones que fueron valorados para facilitar el rastreo de los objetos y a su vez el entendimiento de algunos materiales de los laboratorios de Química I.

  17. Study, analysis and design of plasma torch for the elimination of hospital wastes in Chile; Estudio, analisis y diseno de antorcha de plasma para eliminacion de residuos hospitalarios en Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Ramirez, Ximena Jesus


    Within the field of new technologies in industry, the use of plasma is notable for its high speed of expansion and development. Currently one of its uses is the elimination of waste as it allows to avoid problems such as the formation of airborne byproducts and hazardous solids that represent a serious problem for the environment and human health. Plasma, when it is at extreme temperatures above 3,000 Celsius, causes inorganic waste to disintegrate and to vitrify on a solid residue while organic waste is converted into gases. Unlike any other thermal treatment of waste (incineration, gasification, pyrolysis, etc.) and because it is not a combustion process, but atomization of matter, no pollutant emissions into the atmosphere (dioxins and similar) or ash, there are only simple gases and an inert solid completely vitrified that can be used in the construction, for the obtaining of urban furniture, as decorative element, for example. The project proposes to develop an experimental device, laboratory plasma torch, to investigate its application in the reduction of hospital waste. It is expected to model, design and construct an experimental device that produces a plasma jet, whose temperature is adequate to perform hospital waste treatments at the laboratory level. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the generation of knowledge in the field of hospital waste reduction through the use of technological applications of plasmas, generating the necessary research for the study of art and technological development at the experimental level in the indicated field.

  18. Observation of plasma hole in a rotating plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagaoka, Kenichi; Ishihara, Tatsuzo; Okamoto, Atsushi; Yoshimura, Shinji; Tanaka, Masayoshi Y.


    Plasma hole, a cylindrical density cavity, formed in a rotating plasma has been investigated experimentally. The plasma hole is characterized by large aspect ratio (length/radius ≥ 30), steep boundary layer between the hole and the ambient plasma (10 ion Larmor radius), and extremely high positive potential (130 V). The flow velocity field associated with plasma hole structure has been measured, and is found to have interesting features: (1) plasma rotates in azimuthal direction at a maximum velocity of order of ion sound speed, (2) plasma flows radially inward across the magnetic field line, (3) there present an axial flow reversal between core and peripheral region. It is found that the flow pattern of the plasma hole is very similar to the that of well-developed typhoon with core. (author)

  19. Generating para-water from para-hydrogen: A Gedankenexperiment. (United States)

    Ivanov, Konstantin L; Bodenhausen, Geoffrey


    A novel conceptual approach is described that is based on the transfer of hyperpolarization from para-hydrogen in view of generating a population imbalance between the two spin isomers of H 2 O. The approach is analogous to SABRE (Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange) and makes use of the transfer of spin order from para-hydrogen to H 2 O in a hypothetical organometallic complex. The spin order transfer is expected to be most efficient at avoided level crossings. The highest achievable enrichment levels of para- and ortho-water are discussed. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Plasma heating in collisionless plasma at low plasma density

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wulf, H.O.


    The high frequency heating of a collisionless, fully ionized low density plasma is investigated in the range: 2ωc 2 2 under pumping frequencies. A pulsed 1 MHz transmitter excites a fast standing, magneto-acoustical wave in the plasma, via the high frequency magnetic field of a Stix solenoid. The available modulation degrees are between 0.7 and 7.0%. As power consumption measurements show, there appears at all investigated pumping frequencies an effective energy transfer to the plasma that cannot be explained with the classical MHD models. Measurements with electrostatic probes and further with a miniature counter-field spectrometer yield an electron and ion temperature gain of two to three factors and 15-18, compared to the corresponding values in the initial plasma. (orig./HT) [de

  1. Proliferación y diferenciación osteogénica de células madre mesenquimales en hidrogeles de plasma sanguíneo humano

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    Itali M. Linero


    Full Text Available Introducción. La utilización de las células madre mesenquimales en la práctica clínica ha aumentado considerablemente en la última década, ya que juegan un papel favorable en los procesos de reparación y regeneración tisular, siendo la principal herramienta de la terapia celular para el tratamiento de enfermedades que afectan funcionalmente el tejido óseo y cartilaginoso. Objetivo. Evaluar la proliferación y capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica in vitro de células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo humano en un hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron células madre mesenquimales a partir de explantes de tejido adiposo humano y se caracterizaron por citometría de flujo; se buscó demostrar su multipotencialidad por su capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica y adipogénica. Se evaluó la proliferación celular y la capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica de las células cultivadas en hidrogeles de plasma sanguíneo. Resultados. Las células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo cultivadas en el hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo humano mostraron un patrón de proliferación muy similar al de las células cultivadas en monocapa y, además, mantuvieron su capacidad de diferenciación hacia el linaje osteogénico. Conclusiones. El hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo humano es un soporte adecuado para que las células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo humano proliferen y se diferencien hacia el linaje osteogénico y constituye un vehículo adecuado para su administración en regeneración del tejido óseo.

  2. Plasma shutdown device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Nakayama, Takahide.


    Purpose: To prevent concentration of plasma currents to the plasma center upon plasma shutdown in a torus type thermonuclear device by the injection of fuels to the plasma center thereby prevent plasma disruption at the plasma center. Constitution: The plasma shutdown device comprises a plasma current measuring device that measures the current distribution of plasmas confined within a vacuum vessel and outputs a control signal for cooling the plasma center when the plasma currents concentrate to the plasma center and a fuel supply device that supplies fuels to the plasma center for cooling the center. The fuels are injected in the form of pellets into the plasmas. The direction and the velocity of the injection are set such that the pellets are ionized at the center of the plasmas. (Horiuchi, T.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armenio Pérez Martínez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad resulta muy frecuente referirse a las estrategias de aprendizaje desde distintos enfoques epistemológicos, sin que exista unanimidad en cuanto a los criterios que sirven para caracterizar este concepto. Este ensayo es una oportunidad de acercarnos a esta realidad, mostrando algunas de sus aristas. Se realiza un acercamiento a los antecedentes históricos y conceptuales, así como se muestran las consideraciones propias. Como colofón se plasma la propuesta de una nueva forma de concebir las estrategias de aprendizaje, donde se trascienda los postulados constructivistas y se conciba el desarrollo integral de las mismas desde el enfoque histórico-cultural.

  4. Plasma turbulence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horton, W.


    The origin of plasma turbulence from currents and spatial gradients in plasmas is described and shown to lead to the dominant transport mechanism in many plasma regimes. A wide variety of turbulent transport mechanism exists in plasmas. In this survey the authors summarize some of the universally observed plasma transport rates

  5. Dusty plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, M.E.; Winske, D.; Keinigs, R.; Lemons, D.


    This is the final report of a three-year, Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The objective of this project has been to develop a fundamental understanding of dusty plasmas at the Laboratory. While dusty plasmas are found in space in galactic clouds, planetary rings, and cometary tails, and as contaminants in plasma enhanced fabrication of microelectronics, many of their properties are only partially understood. Our work has involved both theoretical analysis and self-consistent plasma simulations to understand basic properties of dusty plasmas related to equilibrium, stability, and transport. Such an understanding can improve the control and elimination of plasma dust in industrial applications and may be important in the study of planetary rings and comet dust tails. We have applied our techniques to the study of charging, dynamics, and coagulation of contaminants in plasma processing reactors for industrial etching and deposition processes and to instabilities in planetary rings and other space plasma environments. The work performed in this project has application to plasma kinetics, transport, and other classical elementary processes in plasmas as well as to plasma waves, oscillations, and instabilities

  6. Plasma Physics An Introduction to Laboratory, Space, and Fusion Plasmas

    CERN Document Server

    Piel, Alexander


    Plasma Physics gives a comprehensive introduction to the basic processes in plasmas and demonstrates that the same fundamental concepts describe cold gas-discharge plasmas, space plasmas, and hot fusion plasmas. Starting from particle drifts in magnetic fields, the principles of magnetic confinement fusion are explained and compared with laser fusion. Collective processes are discussed in terms of plasma waves and instabilities. The concepts of plasma description by magnetohydrodynamics, kinetic theory, and particle simulation are stepwise introduced. Space charge effects in sheath regions, double layers and plasma diodes are given the necessary attention. The new fundamental mechanisms of dusty plasmas are explored and integrated into the framework of conventional plasmas. The book concludes with a brief introduction to plasma discharges. Written by an internationally renowned researcher in experimental plasma physics, the text keeps the mathematical apparatus simple and emphasizes the underlying concepts. T...

  7. Plasma basic concepts and nitrogen containing plasmas


    Sanz Lluch, M. del Mar; Tanarro, Isabel


    Basic concepts related to plasmas are described as well as the typical characterization methods currently available. A brief overview about some plasma applications is given, but focusing on plasma used in material processing mainly devoted to the microelectronics industry. Finally, specific applications related to plasma-assisted MBE for nitrides and dilute nitrides are given, showing some interesting research works performed to that purpose, and giving the usual characterization techniques ...

  8. Plasma accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bingham, R.; Angelis, U. de; Johnston, T.W.


    Recently attention has focused on charged particle acceleration in a plasma by a fast, large amplitude, longitudinal electron plasma wave. The plasma beat wave and plasma wakefield accelerators are two efficient ways of producing ultra-high accelerating gradients. Starting with the plasma beat wave accelerator (PBWA) and laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) schemes and the plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) steady progress has been made in theory, simulations and experiments. Computations are presented for the study of LWFA. (author)

  9. Binary and ternary recombination of para-H3(+) and ortho-H3(+) with electrons: state selective study at 77-200 K. (United States)

    Dohnal, Petr; Hejduk, Michal; Varju, Jozef; Rubovič, Peter; Roučka, Štěpán; Kotrík, Tomáš; Plašil, Radek; Glosík, Juraj; Johnsen, Rainer


    Measurements in H(3)(+) afterglow plasmas with spectroscopically determined relative abundances of H(3)(+) ions in the para-nuclear and ortho-nuclear spin states provide clear evidence that at low temperatures (77-200 K) para-H(3)(+) ions recombine significantly faster with electrons than ions in the ortho state, in agreement with a recent theoretical prediction. The cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy used here provides an in situ determination of the para/ortho abundance ratio and yields additional information on the translational and rotational temperatures of the recombining ions. The results show that H(3)(+) recombination with electrons occurs by both binary recombination and third-body (helium) assisted recombination, and that both the two-body and three-body rate coefficients depend on the nuclear spin states. Electron-stabilized (collisional-radiative) recombination appears to make only a small contribution.

  10. Binary and ternary recombination of para-H3+ and ortho-H3+ with electrons: State selective study at 77-200 K (United States)

    Dohnal, Petr; Hejduk, Michal; Varju, Jozef; Rubovič, Peter; Roučka, Štěpán; Kotrík, Tomáš; Plašil, Radek; Glosík, Juraj; Johnsen, Rainer


    Measurements in H_3^+ afterglow plasmas with spectroscopically determined relative abundances of H_3^+ ions in the para-nuclear and ortho-nuclear spin states provide clear evidence that at low temperatures (77-200 K) para-H_3^+ ions recombine significantly faster with electrons than ions in the ortho state, in agreement with a recent theoretical prediction. The cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy used here provides an in situ determination of the para/ortho abundance ratio and yields additional information on the translational and rotational temperatures of the recombining ions. The results show that H_3^+ recombination with electrons occurs by both binary recombination and third-body (helium) assisted recombination, and that both the two-body and three-body rate coefficients depend on the nuclear spin states. Electron-stabilized (collisional-radiative) recombination appears to make only a small contribution.

  11. Uma ferramenta para planejamento de estudos para concursos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Pimentel


    Full Text Available De acordo com a constituição brasileira, a única forma de se tornar um empregado do governo é passar em um concurso público. O exame de conhecimento do cargo é um dos componentes mais importantes de um concurso. Estudar para esse exame é uma tarefa que requer planejamento. Um meio de obter um bom planejamento é construir uma grade de horários que relacione as matérias a serem estudadas com os respectivos horários disponíveis para o estudo. Esse tipo de problema se assemelha bastante à gerência de projetos, em que se procura estabelecer a distribuição das atividades ao longo do tempo disponível. Assim, torna-se interessante explorar a dinâmica de estudos para concursos como um projeto. O presente trabalho apresenta a ferramenta de apoio ao estudos - Passe-me, baseada no ciclo PDCA (do inglês, Plan-Do-Check-Act. Por se tratar de uma ferramenta web, o tempo de resposta para produzir uma grade de estudos é fundamental. A ferramenta faz uso de algoritmo genético para calcular a grade de horários priorizando a velocidade de resposta. A ferramenta foi avaliada em diferentes cenários de uso e obteve desempenho satisfatório durante a produção da grade de estudos.

  12. Docencia para el logro y educación para emprender

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Gerardo Rodríguez Gómez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el primer artículo, el autor plasmó los elementos relevantes para una propuesta de educación para emprender. En este describe el desarrollo docente como expresión de una intensión, saber y un quehacer, encaminados a la formación del hombre emprendedor. El artículo se divide en tres partes. En la primera, se reseña los factores que orientan la intensión docente para emprender, a partir de un discurso y formas metodológicas establecidas con esa intención. En segundo lugar, se asume el espacio y tiempo la clase como unidad de análisis, para lograr objetivos de tipo institucional, programático y temático y en la parte final, se examina la evaluación docente y se hacen consideraciones generales para una propuesta de evaluación,  que surge al investigar la actuación del maestro.

  13. Método numérico das diferenças finitas no domínio do tempo aplicado a ondas Alfvén em plasma astrofísico (United States)

    Dos Santos, L. C.; Kintopp, J. A.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Opher, R.


    Ondas Alfvén em plasma astrofísico têm sido objeto de intenso estudo nas últimas décadas pelo fato de apresentarem papel importante em muitas áreas de pesquisa na astrofísica. Particularmente são importantes no mecanismo de aquecimento da coroa solar; em ventos estelares; em jatos galácticos e extragalácticos; em discos protoestelares, etc. A formulação para diferenças finitas no domínio do tempo (FDTD), aplicada a plasma magnetizado é desenvolvida para estudo das propriedades de ondas Alfvén em três dimensões (3D-FDTD). O método é aplicado inicialmente a um plasma homogêneo e isotérmico imerso em uma região com campo magnético externo B0, que sofre uma pequena perturbação. Uma vez gerada a onda, esta perturbação é retirada e, então analisamos a evolução temporal das ondas, bem como a forma de seu amortecimento.

  14. Application of plasma focus device to compression of toroidal plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikuta, Kazunari


    A new concept of compressing a toroidal plasma using a plasma focus device is considered. Maximum compression ratio of toroidal plasma is determined merely by the initial density ratio of the toroidal plasma to a sheet plasma in a focus device because of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. An initiation senario of plasma-linear is also proposed with a possible application of this concepts to the creation of a burning plasma in reversed field configurations, i.e., burning plasma vortex. (author)

  15. Plasma rico em plaquetas e fatores de crescimento: técnica de preparo e utilização em cirurgia plástica


    Vendramin, Fabiel Spani; Franco, Diogo; Nogueira, Carmen Martins; Pereira, Mariana Sá; Franco, Talita Romero


    OBJETIVO: Estabelecer um método barato e eficiente de preparação do plasma rico em plaquetas e fatores de crescimento para utilização em cirurgia plástica. MÉTODO: Foram realizados 20 testes através de centrifugação de sangue, variando-se a força e o tempo de centrifugação, para determinarmos o melhor método que proporcione uma maior concentração plaquetária e mais 10 testes para comprovar a reprodutibilidade do método. RESULTADOS: A utilização de uma força de centrifugação de 300 g por 10 mi...

  16. Plasma physics an introduction to laboratory, space, and fusion plasmas

    CERN Document Server

    Piel, Alexander


    The enlarged new edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic processes in plasmas and demonstrates that the same fundamental concepts describe cold gas-discharge plasmas, space plasmas, and hot fusion plasmas. Starting from particle drifts in magnetic fields, the principles of magnetic confinement fusion are explained and compared with laser fusion. Collective processes are discussed in terms of plasma waves and instabilities. The concepts of plasma description by magnetohydrodynamics, kinetic theory, and particle simulation are stepwise introduced. Space charge effects in sheath regions, double layers and plasma diodes are given the necessary attention. The novel fundamental mechanisms of dusty plasmas are explored and integrated into the framework of conventional plasmas. The book concludes with a concise description of modern plasma discharges. Written by an internationally renowned researcher in experimental plasma physics, the text keeps the mathematical apparatus simple a...

  17. Edge plasma physical investigations of tokamak plasmas in CRIP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakos, J.; Ignacz, P.; Koltai, L.; Paszti, F.; Petravich, G.; Szigeti, J.; Zoletnik, S.


    The results of the measurements performed in the field of thermonuclear high temperature plasma physics in CRIP (Hungary) are summarized. In the field of the edge plasma physics solid probes were used to test the external zone of plasma edges, and atom beams and balls were used to investigate both the external and internal zones. The plasma density distribution was measured by laser blow-off technics, using Na atoms, which are evaporated by laser pulses. The excitation of Na atom ball by tokamak plasma gives information on the status of the plasma edge. The toroidal asymmetry of particle transport in tokamak plasma was measured by erosion probes. The evaporated and transported impurities were collected on an other part of the plasma edge and were analyzed by SIMS and Rutherford backscattering. The interactions in plasma near the limiter were investigated by a special limiter with implemented probes. Recycling and charge exchange processes were measured. Disruption phenomena of tokamak plasma were analyzed and a special kind of disruptions, 'soft disruptions' and the related preliminary perturbations were discovered. (D.Gy.) 10 figs

  18. Complementação por coagulação com plasma de argônio após a ressecção endoscópica completa pela técnica de fatiamento para grandes adenomas colorretais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walton Albuquerque

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a eficácia da complementação por coagulação com plasma de argônio para reduzir a taxa de neoplasia residual ou recorrente após ressecção endoscópica completa fragmentada de grandes adenomas sésseis colorretais. MÉTODOS: critérios de inclusão: pacientes com grandes adenomas colorretais sésseis, > 20mm, sem sinais morfológicos de infiltração profunda, submetidos à ressecção endoscópica completa fragmentada estudada com cromoendoscopia e magnificação de imagens. Os pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos: grupo 1 - nenhum procedimento adicional e, grupo 2 - complementação por coagulação com plasma de argônio. O seguimento por colonoscopia foi realizado em três, seis e 12 meses de pós-operatório. Foi avaliada a taxa de neoplasia residual ou recidiva local. RESULTADOS: foram incluídos no estudo um total de 21 lesões. Onze lesões no grupo 1 e dez no grupo 2. Ocorreram duas neoplasias residuais ou recorrências locais em cada grupo, detectadas em três meses de acompanhamento. CONCLUSÃO: a complementação por coagulação com plasma de argônio após uma aparente ressecção endoscópica completa em fragmentos de grandes adenomas sésseis colorretais não parece reduzir a ocorrência de lesão adenomatosa residual ou recidiva local.

  19. FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION: Recombination of H+3 ions in the afterglow of a He Ar H2 plasma (United States)

    Glosik, J.; Korolov, I.; Plasil, R.; Novotny, O.; Kotrik, T.; Hlavenka, P.; Varju, J.; Mikhailov, I. A.; Kokoouline, V.; Greene, Chris H.


    Recombination of H+3 with electrons is studied in a low-temperature plasma containing He, H2 and Ar at different He and H2 densities. The effective plasma recombination rate is driven by binary, H+3 + e-, and ternary, H+3 + e-+ He, processes with the rate coefficients 7.5 × 10-8 cm3 s-1 and 2.8 × 10-25 cm6 s-1 respectively at 260 K. We suggest that the ternary recombination involves formation of neutral highly excited Rydberg H3 followed by an l-changing collision with He. The difference between recombination of para- and ortho-H+3 is discussed.

  20. Caracterização microestrutural e propriedades mecânicas da liga de alumínio 2198-T851 em configuração tailored blank soldada por FSW - Friction Stir Welding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Moroz


    Full Text Available Nos setores industriais relacionados à aeronáutica e automobilística, tem-se buscado o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de ligas metálicas leves com o intuito da redução de massa dos produtos e consequente redução do consumo de combustível. Por suas dimensões e requisitos estruturais, componentes e seções de aviões e automóveis são produzidos através da união por processos de soldagem por fusão. Entretanto, processos de soldagem no estado sólido são preferíveis por evitar defeitos decorrentes da fusão, e têm sido objeto de estudo nas últimas duas décadas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a caracterização de uma solda por FSW - Friction Stir Welding em junta de topo, da Liga de Alumínio 2198-T851 com espessuras diferentes (configuração "Tailored Blanks". A metodologia utilizada na caracterização envolveu a determinação das propriedades mecânicas das juntas soldadas, compreendendo ensaios de tração e determinação de perfil de microdureza na seção transversal; e buscou-se compreender a relação entre as alterações microestruturais promovidas pelo processo de soldagem e as propriedades resultantes. Concluiu-se que, devido aos fenômenos metalúrgicos decorrentes do processo de soldagem utilizado, alterações microestruturais tais como refino de grão, encruamento e dissolução/formação de fases precipitadas permitiram a obtenção de uma solda cujas propriedades mecânicas de tração (salvo alongamento igualaram-se a ou excederam aquelas do metal base, evidenciando a viabilidade de utilização dos parâmetros de soldagem por FSW utilizados neste trabalho.In both aeronautic and automobile related industries, development and application of light-weighted metallic alloys have been pursued with the intention of reducing product weight and consequent fuel consumption. Due to their dimension and structural requirements, components and sections from airplanes and automobiles are produced through fusion

  1. Drift Instabilities and Electron Cyclotron Oscillations for Arbitrary Plasma Pressure; Instabilites de Derive et Oscillations Cyclotroniques des Electrons pour des Pressions de Plasma Arbitraires; Drejfovaya neustojchivost' i ehlektronno-tsiklotronnye kolebaniya pri proizvol'nom davlenii plazmy; Inestabilidades de Deriva y Oscilaciones Ciclotronicas de los Electrones en un Plasma de Presion Arbitraria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krall, N. A.; Pearlstein, L. D. [General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corporation, San Diego, CA (United States)


    , bien conocidas, de baja frecuencia, con un valor de {beta} arbitrario; establecen el regimen para {beta} = 0 y deducen criterios de estabilidad para valores de {beta} mas elevados. Ademas, examinan la influencia de un valor finito de {beta} sobre la radiacion cuyas frecuencias son armonicos de la frecuencia ciclotronica de los electrones. En primer lugar consideran la inestabilidad en estrias de radio de Larmor (R) finito, provocada por una curvatura del tipo de espejo, del campo magnetico. La considerable contribucion desfavorable del orden mas bajo, inversamente proporcional a R{sup 2}, se anula para todos los ordenes de {beta}. En esas condiciones, los terminos predominantes son independientes de R y se incluyen en el problema de valores propios; los autores deducen criterios de estabilidad para varios intervalos de {beta}. A continuacion se considera la inestabilidad universal E(perturbado) = E (exp ik{sub Up-Tack }r{sub Up-Tack })(exp ik{sub II}r{sub II}) en un campo magnetico uniforme B = B{sub 0}i{sub II}, habiendose simulado la curvatura del campo de una fuerza de gravedad ficticia. En este caso, el limite para {beta} = 0 depende de las longitudes de onda. Si {beta}<(masa electronica)/(masa ionica), o si- {beta} <(k{sub II}r{sub p}){sup 2} en donde r{sub p} = radio del plasma y 1/k{sub II} Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To longitud del plasma, ese limite conserva su validez. Puesto que la inestabilidad existe unicamente para (k{sub II}r{sub p}){sup 2} < 0.01 no se cumple el limite para {beta} = 0 si la presion del plasma, es pequena. Los autores Calculan el valor propio para {beta} >(k{sub ll}r{sub p}){sup 2} obtienen las condiciones para la estabilizacion cuspidal asi como la supresion de la estabilizacion mediante espejos. Los modos no relativistas de alta frecuencia dominante del plasma estable para el cual {beta} = 0 son ondas longitudinales cuya frecuencia corresponde a armonicos de la'girofrecuencia. de los electrones. Si estos modos estan excitados solo pueden

  2. Plasma astrophysics

    CERN Document Server

    Kaplan, S A; ter Haar, D


    Plasma Astrophysics is a translation from the Russian language; the topics discussed are based on lectures given by V.N. Tsytovich at several universities. The book describes the physics of the various phenomena and their mathematical formulation connected with plasma astrophysics. This book also explains the theory of the interaction of fast particles plasma, their radiation activities, as well as the plasma behavior when exposed to a very strong magnetic field. The text describes the nature of collective plasma processes and of plasma turbulence. One author explains the method of elementary

  3. Eficacia del plasma rico en plaquetas en procedimientos médicos estéticos faciales . Evaluación en contorno de ojos.


    Cepeda Páez, Katerine Andrea


    Introducción: En la actualidad se están implementando nuevas técnicas, para el tratamiento de líneas de expresión facial. El Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP) utiliza factores de crecimiento humano autólogos con fines médicos estéticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas en el manejo del rejuvenecimiento periocular. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en una cohorte de 27 pacientes entre 30 a 70 años de ambos sexos,trata...

  4. Plasma generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Omichi, Takeo; Yamanaka, Toshiyuki.


    Object: To recycle a coolant in a sealed hollow portion formed interiorly of a plasma limiter itself to thereby to cause direct contact between the coolant and the plasma limiter and increase of contact area therebetween to cool the plasma limiter. Structure: The heat resulting from plasma generated during operation and applied to the body of the plasma limiter is transmitted to the coolant, which recycles through an inlet and outlet pipe, an inlet and outlet nozzle and a hollow portion to hold the plasma limiter at a level less than a predetermined temperature. On the other hand, the heater wire is, at the time of emergency operation, energized to heat the plasma limiter, but this heat is transmitted to the limiter body to increase the temperature thereof. However, the coolant recycling the hollow portion comes into direct contact with the limiter body, and since the plasma limiter surround the hollow portion, the heat amount transmitted from the limiter body to the coolant increases to sufficiently cool the plasma limiter. (Yoshihara, H.)

  5. Validação de radioimunoensaio para quantificação de leptina plasmática bovina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Paula Beltran


    Full Text Available Devido à necessidade de compreender melhor as interações entre leptina e reprodução, um RIA específico para a leptina bovina foi validado. Primeiro, um protocolo para produção de anticorpos foi desenvolvido por meio da inoculação de leptina recombinante equina em um coelho, que resultou em 28,05% de ligação máxima (MB 105 dias após o inicio do protocolo. Os testes de validação verificaram paralelismo entre a curva-padrão e as diluições dos controles alto e baixo (p; 0,2, no entanto, temperaturas acima de 37 °C interferiram negativamente na recuperação da leptina bovina. O uso do tampão de ensaio com ou sem a adição de plasma não apresentou diferenças (p >; 0,3. Esses resultados demonstraram que o anticorpo produzido em coelho contra leptina equina foi capaz de detectar a leptina plasmática bovina, e que o RIA para a quantificação da leptina bovina apresentou características adequadas para o desenvolvimento de um ensaio válido.

  6. Evaluación del método del tubo para concentrar plaquetas felinas: estudio celular Evaluation of the tube method for concentrating feline platelets: cellular study


    RF Silva; CMF Rezende; FO Paes-Leme; JU Carmona


    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar un método manual para concentrar plaquetas de gato y, en consecuencia, producir concentrados autólogos de plaquetas (APCs) o plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) con propósitos clínicos y experimentales. El PRP se obtuvo por la extracción de sangre venosa en tubos con solución ACD que fueron centrifugados a 85 g durante 6 minutos. Para los recuentos celulares de sangre entera y PRP, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P < 0,01) entre l...

  7. Nuevas tecnologías y valorización de subproductos para mejorar la calidad y la vida útil de productos de pesca mínimamente procesados


    Albertos Muñoz, Irene


    El pescado tiene un gran interés desde el punto de vista nutricional, sobre todo por su alto contenido en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados omega 3. Sin embargo, es un alimento altamente perecedero. Esta tesis plantea nuevas estrategias de conservación para conseguir productos de pesca de calidad y con una mayor vida útil, para ellos se usaran nuevas tecnologías como la fritura a vacío, los films comestibles o el plasma frío junto con la valorización de subproductos. Las salmueras, la piel...

  8. Desarrollo de un portal para una forja de proyectos de código abierto basado en el generador de sitios webs estáticos de Jekyll


    Esteban Díaz, Alberto


    Esta memoria plasma el resultado del desarrollo de un sistema para crear un portal a partir de los proyectos de una organización alojados en Github. El sistema se ha evaluado mediante el desarrollo de un portal web para la cuenta GitHub del Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes (GSI) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Se pretende que esta memoria analice la tecnología de generación de sitios web estáticos Jekyll y evalúe sus posibilidades. La arquitectura del proyecto consta de un módulo p...

  9. Plasma centrifuges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karchevskij, A.I.; Potanin, E.P.


    The review of the most important studies on the isotope separation processes in the rotating plasma is presented. The device is described and the characteristics of operation of the pulse plasma centrifuges with weakly and strongly ionized plasma as well as the stationary plasma centrifuges with the medium weak ionization and devices, applying the stationary vacuum arc with the high ionization rate and the stationary beam-plasma discharge with complete ionization, are presented. The possible mechanisms of the isotope separation in plasma centrifuges are considered. The specific energy consumption for isotope separation in these devices is discussed [ru

  10. Plasma waves

    CERN Document Server

    Swanson, DG


    Plasma Waves discusses the basic development and equations for the many aspects of plasma waves. The book is organized into two major parts, examining both linear and nonlinear plasma waves in the eight chapters it encompasses. After briefly discussing the properties and applications of plasma wave, the book goes on examining the wave types in a cold, magnetized plasma and the general forms of the dispersion relation that characterize the waves and label the various types of solutions. Chapters 3 and 4 analyze the acoustic phenomena through the fluid model of plasma and the kinetic effects. Th

  11. Physics of plasma etching and plasma deposition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schram, D.C.; Hoog, de F.J.; Bisschops, T.J.; Kroesen, G.M.W.; Howorka, F.; Lindinger, W.; Maerk, T.D.


    The kinetics and mechanism of the title processes are discussed on the basis of a model in which the plasma-surface system is subdivided into 5 regions: (I) plasma prodn., (II) plasma flow plus radicals, (III) gas adsorbed layer, (IV) modified surface, and (V) undisturbed solid (or liq.) state.

  12. Waves in plasmas (part 1 - wave-plasma interaction general background)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dumont, R.


    This document gathers a series of transparencies presented in the framework of the week-long lectures 'hot plasmas 2004' and dedicated to the physics of wave-plasma interaction. The structure of this document is as follows: 1) wave and diverse plasmas, 2) basic equations (Maxwell equations), 3) waves in a fluid plasma, and 4) waves in a kinetic plasma (collisionless plasma)

  13. Integrated modelling of the edge plasma and plasma facing components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coster, D.P.; Bonnin, X.; Mutzke, A.; Schneider, R.; Warrier, M.


    Modelling of the interaction between the edge plasma and plasma facing components (PFCs) has tended to place more emphasis on either the plasma or the PFCs. Either the PFCs do not change with time and the plasma evolution is studied, or the plasma is assumed to remain static and the detailed interaction of the plasma and the PFCs are examined, with no back-reaction on the plasma taken into consideration. Recent changes to the edge simulation code, SOLPS, now allow for changes in both the plasma and the PFCs to be considered. This has been done by augmenting the code to track the time-development of the properties of plasma facing components (PFCs). Results of standard mixed-materials scenarios (base and redeposited C; Be) are presented

  14. Problems with reliability and safety of hot dip galvanized steel structures Problemas com a confiabilidade e segurança de estruturas de aço galvanizadas a quente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Mraz


    Full Text Available Hot dip galvanizing is very effective means of protection against corrosion. Some recommendation concerning the steel quality are generally known and accepted. The process consists of cleaning (pickling or sand blasting and dipping the structures or pieces into liquid zinc bath. The case study of hot dip galvanized steels is presented. Some recent failures of hot dip galvanized welded structures and hot dip galvanized high strength steel screws are presented. Structures were made of S355 grade steel and MIG/MAG process was applied for welding. Large cracks were observed in the vicinity of welds after hot dip galvanizing process. The presence of both hydrogen and liquid metal embrittlement was identified and associated mainly with higher hardness of HAZ or the quenched and tempered steels. Possible cracking mechanisms are discussed. The influence of chemical composition and production process (welding, heat treatment was analyzed according to data published in literature. The solutions and recommendations for avoiding the failure in hot dip galvanized structures are proposed.Galvanização a quente é um meio muito efetivo de proteção contra a corrosão. Recomendações relativas a qualidade do aço são geralmente conhecidas e aceitas. O processo consiste de limpar (decapagem ou jateamento e mergulhar as estruturas ou partes destas em um banho de zinco líquido. O presente trabalho apresenta casos de falhas recentes em estruturas soldadas e em parafusos de aços de alta resistência galvanizados a quente. As estruturas foram fabricadas com aço do grau S355 e o processo MIG/MAG foi usado para a soldagem. Os parafusos foram fabricados com aço de alto carbono. Grandes trincas foram observadas nas proximidades das soldas após o processo de galvanização a quente. A ocorrência de fragilização tanto por hidrogênio como por metal líquido foi identificada e associada com a dureza elevada tanto da ZTA como dos aços temperados e revenidos. Os

  15. Miniature Coaxial Plasma injector Diagnostics by Beam Plasma Interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Tayeb, H.; El-Gamal, H.


    A miniature coaxial gun has been used to study the interaction between plasma beam and low density plasma formed in glow discharge. The peak discharge current flow between the coaxial electrodes was 5.25 kA as a single pulse with pulse width of 60 mu. Investigations are carried out with argon gas at pressure 0.4 Torr. The plasma stream ejected from the coaxial discharge propagates in the neutral argon atoms with mean velocity of 1.2x10 5 cm/s. The plasma stream temperature and density were 4.2 eV and 2.4x10 13 cm -3 respectively. An argon negative glow has been used as base plasma where its electron temperature and density were 2.2 eV and 6.2x10 7 cm -3 respectively. When the plasma stream propagates through the negative glow discharge region its velocity decreased to 8.8 x 10 4 cm/s and also the plasma electron temperature decreased to 3.1 eV, while the stream density remained the same. An excited wave appeared on the electric probe having frequency equal to the plasma frequency of the plasma under consideration. Simulation of the problem showed that this method could be applied for plasma diagnostics within the region of investigation. Those further studies for high temperature, dense, and magnetized plasma will be considered

  16. Plasma sheath in non-Maxwellian plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimizu, Takuo; Horigome, Takashi


    Reviewing many theoretical and experimental works on the electron-energy distributions (EEDF) of various plasmas, we point out that many plasmas have EEDF of non-Maxwellian in shape. Therefore, the recent treatment of plasma sheath using the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution approximation should be improved. To do this, we have adopted Rutcher's standard distribution as a generalized form in place of the traditional Maxwellian, and found that the minimum energy of ions entering the sheath edge (Bohm's criterion) varies largely, and have also shown the variation of Debye length with the shape of EEDF. The length is the most important parameter to proceed with more detailed analysis on plasma-sheaths, and also to control them in the future. (author)

  17. Revisiting the plasma sheath—dust in plasma sheath

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Das, G. C. [Mathematical Science Division, IASST, Guwahati 781014 (India); Deka, R.; Bora, M. P., E-mail: [Physics Department, Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014 (India)


    In this work, we have considered the formation of warm plasma sheath in the vicinity of a wall in a plasma with considerable presence of dust particles. As an example, we have used the parameters relevant in case of plasma sheath formed around surfaces of various solid bodies in space, though the results obtained in this work can be applied to any other physical situation such as laboratory plasma. In the ion-acoustic time scale, we neglect the dust dynamics. The dust particles affect the sheath dynamics by affecting the Poisson equation which determines the plasma potential in the sheath region. It is important to note that our calculations are valid only when the amount of dust particles is not sufficient so as to affect the plasma dynamics in the dust-acoustic time scale, but enough to affect the plasma sheath. We have assumed the current to a dust particle to be balanced throughout the analysis. This makes the grain potential dependent on plasma potential, which is then incorporated into the Poisson equation. The resultant numerical model becomes an initial value problem, which is described by a 1-D integro-differential equation, which is then solved self-consistently by incorporating the change in plasma potential caused by inclusion of the dust potential in the Poisson equation.

  18. Modelos para estimar consumo e exigências nutricionais para poedeiras comerciais


    Palma Bendezu, Hilda Cristina [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um modelo para calcular as ingestões de aminoácidos e energia para a fase de maturação sexual e produção de ovos. As exigências de energia, aminoácidos e consumo de ração foram calculados pelo método fatorial, considerando na fase de maturação sexual a quantidade de nutrientes requerida para mantença e a quantidade de nutrientes necessários para crescimento e deposição de nutrientes corporais em cada componente do corpo (ovário, oviduto, corpo livre de ...

  19. Modelos para estimar as exigências de energia metabolizável para poedeiras


    Sakomura,Nilva Kazue; Basaglia,Roberta; Sá-Fortes,Cristina M. L.; Fernandes,João Batista K.


    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, elaborar um modelo para estimar as exigências de energia metabolizável (EM) para poedeiras leves da linhagem Lohmann LSL, utilizando-se o método fatorial. Para determinar o efeito da temperatura sobre as exigências de EM para mantença, foram conduzidos experimentos em câmaras climáticas com temperaturas constantes de 12, 22 e 31ºC, utilizando a técnica do abate comparativo. A exigência de energia líquida para o ganho de peso foi determinada por meio da regress...

  20. Protocolo para obtenção do plasma rico em plaquetas de cães


    Ferreira, Vanessa Borges costa [UNESP


    Biotechnology as the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have been widely used in tissue repair, aiming to accelerate the healing of wounds. The potencial of PRP to reduce the recovery time of injuries depends on the concentration of platelets, its function and their growth factors. The lack of protocols for obtaining PRP in dogs, combined with variations of the same, hinders the use of biotech. The aim of this study was to test three different protocols for obtaining PRP and verify effectiveness in d...

  1. Fusion plasma physics

    CERN Document Server

    Stacey, Weston M


    This revised and enlarged second edition of the popular textbook and reference contains comprehensive treatments of both the established foundations of magnetic fusion plasma physics and of the newly developing areas of active research. It concludes with a look ahead to fusion power reactors of the future. The well-established topics of fusion plasma physics -- basic plasma phenomena, Coulomb scattering, drifts of charged particles in magnetic and electric fields, plasma confinement by magnetic fields, kinetic and fluid collective plasma theories, plasma equilibria and flux surface geometry, plasma waves and instabilities, classical and neoclassical transport, plasma-materials interactions, radiation, etc. -- are fully developed from first principles through to the computational models employed in modern plasma physics. The new and emerging topics of fusion plasma physics research -- fluctuation-driven plasma transport and gyrokinetic/gyrofluid computational methodology, the physics of the divertor, neutral ...

  2. Lupin seeds lower plasma lipid concentrations and normalize antioxidant parameters in rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osman, M.


    Full Text Available This study was designed to test bitter and sweet lupin seeds for lipid-lowering and for their antioxidative activities in hypercholesterolemic rats. The levels of plasma lipid, malondialdehyde (MDA and whole blood reduced glutathione (GSH, as well as the activities of transaminases (ALT and AST, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH in plasma, superoxide dismutase (SOD, glutathione peroxidase (GPx in erythrocytes and plasma glutathione reductase (GR, glutathione-S-transferase (GST and catalase (CAT were examined. A hypercholesterolemia-induced diet manifested in the elevation of total lipids (TL, total cholesterol (TC, triglycerides (TG, LDL-C and MDA levels, ALT, AST, LDH activities and the depletion of GSH and enzymic antioxidants. The supplementation of a hypercholesterolemia-induced diet with bitter and sweet lupin seeds significantly lowered the plasma levels of TL, TC, TG and LDL-C. ALT, AST and LDH activities slightly decreased in treated groups compared with the hypercholesterolemic group (HC. Furthermore, the content of GSH significantly increased while MDA significantly decreased in treated groups compared with the HC group. In addition, the bitter lupin seed group improved enzymic antioxidants compared with the HC group. In general, the results indicated that the bitter lupin seed supplements are better than those containing sweet lupin seeds. These results suggested that the hypocholesterolemic effect of bitter and sweet lupin seed supplements might be due to their abilities to lower the plasma cholesterol level as well as to slow down the lipid peroxidation process and to enhance the antioxidant enzyme activity.

    Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar semillas de altramuces dulces y amargas como agentes que bajan los lípidos y estudiar su efecto en la actividad antioxidante en ratas hipercolesterolémicas. El nivel de lípidos en plasma, malondialdehido (MDA y glutatión reducido (GSH, así como la actividad transaminasa (ALT y AST

  3. The marker of cobalamin deficiency, plasma methylmalonic acid, correlates to plasma creatinine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvas, A M; Juul, S; Gerdes, Lars Ulrik


    OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between the two diagnostic tests, plasma methylmalonic acid and plasma cobalamins, and their association with plasma creatinine, age and sex. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of simultaneous laboratory measurements. SETTING: County of Aarhus, Denmark. SUBJECTS......: Records on 1689 patients who had their first plasma methylmalonic acid measurement during 1995 and 1996, and who had a simultaneous measurement of plasma cobalamins. Plasma creatinine values measured within a week of measurements of plasma methylmalonic acid and plasma cobalamins were available for 1255...... of the patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Predictors of variation in plasma methylmalonic acid; plasma cobalamins, plasma creatinine, age and sex. RESULTS: Plasma methylmalonic acid was positively correlated with plasma creatinine, even for plasma creatinine within the normal range. These associations remained...

  4. Plasma-wall interaction and plasma facing materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanabe, Tetsuo; Miyahara, Akira.


    The recognition that plasma-wall interaction plays the essential role from both standpoints of energy balance and particle balance for realizing nuclear fusion reactors has become to prevail. However, on how each elementary process acts and what competitive effect the synthetic action brings about, the stage of doing the qualitative discussion has just come, and the quantitative investigation is the problem for the future. In this paper, the plasma-wall interaction as seen from the research field of plasma-facing materials is discussed centering around graphite materials which have been mostly used at present, and the present status of the research and development on the problems of impurities, hydrogen recycling and heat resistance and radiation resistance is mentioned. Moreover, the problems are pointed out, and the course for the future is looked for. The recent experiment with large tokamaks adopted graphite or carbon as the plasma-facing materials, and the reduction of metallic impurities in plasma showed the clear improvement of plasma confinement characteristics. However, for the next device which requires forced cooling, the usability of graphite is doubtful. (K.I.) 51 refs

  5. Plasma transport in the Scrape-off-Layer of magnetically confined plasma and the plasma exhaust

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jens Juul; Naulin, Volker; Nielsen, Anders Henry

    An overview of the plasma dynamics in the Scrape-off-Layer (SOL) of magnetically confined plasma is presented. The SOL is the exhaust channel of the warm plasma from the core, and the understanding of the SOL plasma dynamics is one of the key issues in contemporary fusion research. It is essential...... for operation of fusion experiments and ultimately fusion power plants. Recent results clearly demonstrate that the plasma transport through the SOL is dominated by turbulent intermittent fluctuations organized into filamentary structures convecting particles, energy, and momentum through the SOL region. Thus......, the transport cannot be described and parametrized by simple diffusive type models. The transport leads to strong localized power loads on the first wall and the plasma facing components, which have serious lasting influence....

  6. Plasma properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weitzner, H.


    The Magneto-Fluid Dynamics Division continues to study a broad range of problems originating in plasma physics. Its principal focus is fusion plasma physics, and most particularly topics of particular significance for the world magnetic fusion program. During the calendar year 1990 we explored a wide range of topics including RF-induced transport as a plasma control mechanism, edge plasma modelling, further statistical analysis of L and H mode tokamak plasmas, antenna design, simulation of the edge of a tokamak plasma and the L-H transition, interpretation of the CCT experimental results at UCLA, turbulent transport, studies in chaos, the validity of moment approximations to kinetic equations and improved neoclassical modelling. In more basic studies we examined the statistical mechanisms of Coulomb systems and applied plasma ballooning mode theory to conventional fluids in order to obtain novel fluid dynamics stability results. In space plasma physics we examined the problem of reconnection, the effect of Alfven waves in space environments, and correct formulation of boundary conditions of the Earth for waves in the ionosphere

  7. Plasma container

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebisawa, Katsuyuki.


    Purpose: To enable to easily detect that the thickness of material to be abraded is reduced to an allowable limit from the outerside of the plasma container even during usual operation in a plasma vessel for a thermonuclear device. Constitution: A labelled material is disposed to the inside or rear face of constituent members of a plasma container undergoing the irradiation of plasma particles. A limiter plate to be abraded in the plasma container is composed of an armour member and heat removing plate, in which the armour member is made of graphite and heat-removing plate is made of copper. If the armour member is continuously abraded under the effect of sputtering due to plasma particles, silicon nitride embedded so far in the graphite at last appears on the surface of the limiter plate to undergo the impact shocks of the plasma particles. Accordingly, abrasion of the limiter material can be detected by a detector comprising gas chromatography and it can easily be detected from the outside of the plasma content even during normal operation. (Horiuchi, T.)

  8. Redução da hidrofilicidade de filmes biodegradáveis à base de amido por meio de polimerização por plasma Reduction of hydrophilicity of biodegradable starch-based films by plasma polymerization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rossana M. S. M. Thiré


    Full Text Available Devido ao baixo custo de produção e excelente biodegradabilidade, o amido constitui-se em matéria-prima promissora para a produção de plásticos biodegradáveis. No entanto, a grande hidrofilicidade dos filmes à base de amido representa uma séria limitação tecnológica à sua comercialização, uma vez que as propriedades dos filmes são afetadas pela variação da umidade relativa do ar durante a sua estocagem ou o seu uso. Neste trabalho, filmes de amido termoplástico foram recobertos com uma fina camada protetora polimérica gerada por intermédio da tecnologia de plasma frio. 1-Buteno e 1,3-butadieno foram utilizados como monômeros para a polimerização por plasma. Os filmes recobertos apresentaram uma redução de até 80% na absorção de água e aumento do ângulo de contato em relação à água. Estes resultados indicaram uma redução significativa na natureza hidrofílica do material à base de amido após o recobrimento.Due to low cost and excellent biodegradability, the use of starch as a raw material for bioplastic production is growing in interest. However, the properties of starch-based materials are affected by relative humidity during their use and storage due to their hydrophilic character. In this work, thermoplastic cornstarch films were coated by cold plasma technology with a protective thin layer in order to reduce water sensitivity. 1-Butene and 1,3-butadiene were used as monomers for plasma polymerization. Coated films presented a reduction of water absorption up to 80% an increase in contact angle related to water. These results indicated that the coating process reduced significantly the hydrophilic nature of the starch-based materials.

  9. Quiescent plasma machine for beam-plasma interaction and wave studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    A quiescent double plasma machine for beam-plasma interaction wave studies is described. A detailed description of several plasma diagnostics used for plasma and wave excitation detection is given. A beam-plasma wave dispersion relation is used to compare theoretical values with the experimentally measured Langmuir wave frequencies and wavelengths. (author). 14 refs, 10 figs

  10. Nonlocality of plasma fluctuations and transport in magnetically confined plasmas nonlocal plasma transport and radial structural formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toi, Kazuo


    Experimental evidence and underlying physical processes of nonlocal characters and structural formation in magnetically confined toroidal plasmas are reviewed. Radial profiles of the plasmas exhibit characteristic structures, depending on the various confinement regimes. Profile stiffness subjected to some global constraint and rapid plasma responses to applied plasma perturbation result from nonlocal transport. Once the plasma is free from the constraint, the plasma state can be changed to a new state exhibiting various types of prominent structural formation such as an internal transport barrier. (author)

  11. Plasma chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This book examines the fundamental theory and various applications of ion mobility spectroscopy. Plasma chromatography developed from research on the diffusion and mobility of ions. Topics considered include instrument design and description (e.g., performance, spectral interpretation, sample handling, mass spectrometry), the role of ion mobility in plasma chromatography (e.g., kinetic theory of ion transport), atmospheric pressure ionization (e.g., rate equations), the characterization of isomers by plasma chromatography (e.g., molecular ion characteristics, polynuclear aromatics), plasma chromatography as a gas chromatographic detection method (e.g., qualitative analysis, continuous mobility monitoring, quantitative analysis), the analysis of toxic vapors by plasma chromatography (e.g., plasma chromatograph calibration, instrument control and data processing), the analysis of semiconductor devices and microelectronic packages by plasma chromatography/mass spectroscopy (e.g., analysis of organic surface contaminants, analysis of water in sealed electronic packages), and instrument design and automation (hardware, software)

  12. The Plasma Archipelago: Plasma Physics in the 1960s (United States)

    Weisel, Gary J.


    With the foundation of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society in April 1959, plasma physics was presented as the general study of ionized gases. This paper investigates the degree to which plasma physics, during its first decade, established a community of interrelated specialties, one that brought together work in gaseous electronics, astrophysics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, space science, and aerospace engineering. It finds that, in some regards, the plasma community was indeed greater than the sum of its parts and that its larger identity was sometimes glimpsed in inter-specialty work and studies of fundamental plasma behaviors. Nevertheless, the plasma specialties usually worked separately for two inter-related reasons: prejudices about what constituted "basic physics," both in the general physics community and within the plasma community itself; and a compartmentalized funding structure, in which each funding agency served different missions.

  13. Half bridge resonant converter for ignition of thermal plasmas; Convertidor resonante de medio puente para la ignicion de plasmas termicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pena E, L


    In this work the background, design, implementation and performance of a half bridge resonant converter (HBRC) used as an electronic ignition system for arc plasma torch generation is presented. The significance of the design lies in its simplicity, versatility and low cost. The system operates like a high voltage supply attached to electrodes before gaseous breakdown and like open circuit when electric arc is established. Resonant converter is implemented with a high voltage and high speed power driver intended for control the power MOSFET transistors connected in half bridge topology with L C load. The HBRC operates besides interference into domestic electric supply line (120 V, 60 Hz) as well electric measurement devices. Advantages and limitations of the converter are reviewed. Experimental impedance variation in the medium as a function of frequency operation and some experiences in striking arcs are also presented. (Author).


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    Full Text Available Se espera que en Colombia en los próximos años se realicen misiones humanitarias para la remoción de Artefactos Explosivos Improvisados (AEI para asegurar el tránsito de personas y bienes, particularmente en zonas rurales. Entre las tecnologías que apoyan las labores de desminado humanitario, la espectroscopia de emisión de plasmas producidos por láser (LIBS tiene la capacidad de identificar explosivos y las cubiertas utilizadas en la fabricación de AEIs. En este trabajo la técnica LIBS se usó para identificar y caracterizar a nivel de laboratorio cinco polímeros que pueden ser usados en la fabricación de AEIs: polivinil cloruro, polietileno de alta densidad, polietileno tereftalato, poliestireno y polipropileno. Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación lineal para la identificación de los polímeros. Se lograron identificar satisfactoriamente todos los polímeros al compararlos con librerías de distintas sustancias utilizando el promedio de cinco espectros en la ventana de análisis centrada en 255 nm.

  15. Significados da gravidez e da maternidade: discursos de primíparas e multíparas


    Silva, Flavia Baroni; Souza, Laura Vilela e; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio


    Resumo: O objetivo foi compreender os sentidos sobre maternidade e as vivências da gravidez em gestantes primíparas e multíparas. Foram entrevistadas seis gestantes, sendo três primíparas e três multíparas. Nas falas, foram trazidos temas como dificuldades físicas, alterações corporais, repercussão da gravidez no relacionamento conjugal, planejamento da gravidez e envolvimento paterno. Observou-se, nas primíparas, que a inexperiência trouxe insegurança, ao passo que, em algumas multíparas, ho...

  16. Estrategias para negociaciones exitosas.


    José B. Parra V; Evelinda Santiago J.; Misael Murillo M.; Candy Atonal N.


    Las estrategias de negociación son herramientas para disminuir conflictos o para intercambiar bienes y servicios. Una negociación exitosa crea relaciones de solidaridad y propicia reciprocidad, cooperación y confianza para quienes tendrán relaciones permanentes de negociación con beneficios para ambas partes. Una estrategia de negociación exitosa requiere manejar el desarrollo del ambiente social del grupo de personas, con la finalidad de tener presente las fronteras que no pueden irrumpirse....

  17. Plasma physics and engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Fridman, Alexander


    Part I: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics and Plasma ChemistryPlasma in Nature, in the Laboratory, and in IndustryOccurrence of Plasma: Natural and Man MadeGas DischargesPlasma Applications, Plasmas in IndustryPlasma Applications for Environmental ControlPlasma Applications in Energy ConversionPlasma Application for Material ProcessingBreakthrough Plasma Applications in Modern TechnologyElementary Processes of Charged Species in PlasmaElementary Charged Particles in Plasma and Their Elastic and Inelastic CollisionsIonization ProcessesMechanisms of Electron Losses: The Electron-Ion RecombinationEl

  18. Plasma device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thode, L.E.


    A method is described for electron beam heating of a high-density plasma to drive a fast liner. An annular or solid relativistic electron beam is used to heat a plasma to kilovolt temperatures through streaming instabilities in the plasma. Energy deposited in the plasma then converges on a fast liner to explosively or ablatively drive the liner to implosion. (U.K.)

  19. Dusty plasma phase in a steady state plasma device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang Xiaoping; Zheng Jian; Ma Jinxiu; Liu Wangdong; Zhuang Ge; Xie Jinlin; Wang Congrong; Yu Changxuan


    A DC discharge dusty plasma device used for study of waves in dusty plasma is introduced. A dusty plasma column is produced with about 30 cm in length and about 8.4 cm in diameter. The electron saturation current of Langmuir probe is obviously decreasing while the dust grains are present in the plasma. The negative charge on dust grains is directly proportional to the rotation rate of the dispenser. And the dust grains carry up to 40% of the negative charges in the whole plasma

  20. Transition in plasma fluctuation between attached and detached plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Katsuya; Ohno, Noriyasu; Kajita, Shin; Tanaka, Hirohiko


    The static and dynamic behaviors of detached plasmas have received considerable attention because the use of a detached divertor is thought to provide a promising method for reducing the heat flux to plasma-facing components. In this study, fluctuations were measured with an electrostatic probe as the plasma was changed from attached to detached states by increasing the neutral gas pressure. The transition from an attached plasma to a detached plasma was found to change the phase relation between the density and the potential. (author)

  1. Plasma simulation in space propulsion : the helicon plasma thruster


    Navarro Cavallé, Jaume


    The Helicon Plasma Thruster (HPT) is an electrodynamic rocket proposed in the early 2000s. It matches an Helicon Plasma Source (HPS), which ionizes the neutral gas and heats up the plasma, with aMagneticNozzle (MN),where the plasma is supersonically accelerated resulting in thrust. Although the core of this thruster inherits the knowledge on Helicon Plasma sources, dated from the seventies, the HPT technology is still not developed and remains below TRL 4. A deep review of the HPT State-of-ar...

  2. Experimental investigation of plasma relaxation using a compact coaxial magnetized plasma gun in a background plasma (United States)

    Zhang, Yue; Lynn, Alan; Gilmore, Mark; Hsu, Scott; University of New Mexico Collaboration; Los Alamos National Laboratory Collaboration


    A compact coaxial plasma gun is employed for experimental studies of plasma relaxation in a low density background plasma. Experiments are being conducted in the linear HelCat device at UNM. These studies will advance the knowledge of basic plasma physics in the areas of magnetic relaxation and space and astrophysical plasmas, including the evolution of active galactic jets/radio lobes within the intergalactic medium. The gun is powered by a 120pF ignitron-switched capacitor bank which is operated in a range of 5-10 kV and ~100 kA. Multiple diagnostics are employed to investigate plasma relaxation process. Magnetized Argon plasma bubbles with velocities ~1.2Cs and densities ~1020 m-3 have been achieved. Different distinct regimes of operation with qualitatively different dynamics are identified by fast CCD camera images, with the parameter determining the operation regime. Additionally, a B-dot probe array is employed to measure the spatial toroidal and poloidal magnetic flux evolution to identify detached plasma bubble configurations. Experimental data and analysis will be presented.

  3. Streaming metal plasma generation by vacuum arc plasma guns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacGill, R.A.; Dickinson, M.R.; Anders, A.; Monteiro, O.R.; Brown, I.G.


    We have developed several different embodiments of repetitively pulsed vacuum arc metal plasma gun, including miniature versions, multicathode versions that can produce up to 18 different metal plasma species between which one can switch, and a compact high-duty cycle well-cooled version, as well as a larger dc gun. Plasma guns of this kind can be incorporated into a vacuum arc ion source for the production of high-energy metal ion beams, or used as a plasma source for thin film formation and for metal plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. The source can also be viewed as a low-energy metal ion source with ion drift velocity in the range 20 - 200 eV depending on the metal species used. Here we describe the plasma sources that we have developed, the properties of the plasma generated, and summarize their performance and limitations. copyright 1998 American Institute of Physics

  4. High-beta plasma blobs in the morningside plasma sheet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Haerendel


    Full Text Available Equator-S frequently encountered, i.e. on 30% of the orbits between 1 March and 17 April 1998, strong variations of the magnetic field strength of typically 5–15-min duration outside about 9RE during the late-night/early-morning hours. Very high-plasma beta values were found, varying between 1 and 10 or more. Close conjunctions between Equator-S and Geotail revealed the spatial structure of these "plasma blobs" and their lifetime. They are typically 5–10° wide in longitude and have an antisymmetric plasma or magnetic pressure distribution with respect to the equator, while being altogether low-latitude phenomena  (≤ 15°. They drift slowly sunward, exchange plasma across the equator and have a lifetime of at least 15–30 min. While their spatial structure may be due to some sort of mirror instability, little is known about the origin of the high-beta plasma. It is speculated that the morningside boundary layer somewhat further tailward may be the source of this plasma. This would be consistent with the preference of the plasma blobs to occur during quiet conditions, although they are also found during substorm periods. The relation to auroral phenomena in the morningside oval is uncertain. The energy deposition may be mostly too weak to generate a visible signature. However, patchy aurora remains a candidate for more disturbed periods.Key words. Magnetospheric physics (plasma convection; plasma sheet; plasma waves and instabilities

  5. Plasma probe characteristics in low density hydrogen pulsed plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Astakhov, D I; Lee, C J; Bijkerk, F; Goedheer, W J; Ivanov, V V; Krivtsun, V M; Zotovich, A I; Zyryanov, S M; Lopaev, D V


    Probe theories are only applicable in the regime where the probe’s perturbation of the plasma can be neglected. However, it is not always possible to know, a priori, that a particular probe theory can be successfully applied, especially in low density plasmas. This is especially difficult in the case of transient, low density plasmas. Here, we applied probe diagnostics in combination with a 2D particle-in-cell model, to an experiment with a pulsed low density hydrogen plasma. The calculations took into account the full chamber geometry, including the plasma probe as an electrode in the chamber. It was found that the simulations reproduce the time evolution of the probe IV characteristics with good accuracy. The disagreement between the simulated and probe measured plasma density is attributed to the limited applicability of probe theory to measurements of low density pulsed plasmas on a similarly short time scale as investigated here. Indeed, in the case studied here, probe measurements would lead to, either a large overestimate, or underestimate of the plasma density, depending on the chosen probe theory. In contrast, the simulations of the plasma evolution and the probe characteristics do not suffer from such strict applicability limits. These studies show that probe theory cannot be justified through probe measurements. However, limiting cases of probe theories can be used to estimate upper and lower bounds on plasma densities. These theories include and neglect orbital motion, respectively, with different collisional terms leading to intermediate estimates. (paper)

  6. Charge dependence of the plasma travel length in atmospheric-pressure plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yambe, Kiyoyuki; Konda, Kohmei; Masuda, Seiya [Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181 (Japan)


    Plasma plume is generated using a quartz tube, helium gas, and foil electrode by applying AC high voltage under the atmosphere. The plasma plume is released into the atmosphere from inside of the quartz tube and is seen as the continuous movement of the plasma bullet. The travel length of plasma bullet is defined from plasma energy and force due to electric field. The drift velocity of plasma bullet has the upper limit under atmospheric-pressure because the drift velocity is determined from the balance between electric field and resistive force due to collisions between plasma and air. The plasma plume charge depends on the drift velocity. Consequently, in the laminar flow of helium gas flow state, the travel length of the plasma plume logarithmically depends on the plasma plume charge which changes with both the electric field and the resistive force.

  7. Charge dependence of the plasma travel length in atmospheric-pressure plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yambe, Kiyoyuki; Konda, Kohmei; Masuda, Seiya


    Plasma plume is generated using a quartz tube, helium gas, and foil electrode by applying AC high voltage under the atmosphere. The plasma plume is released into the atmosphere from inside of the quartz tube and is seen as the continuous movement of the plasma bullet. The travel length of plasma bullet is defined from plasma energy and force due to electric field. The drift velocity of plasma bullet has the upper limit under atmospheric-pressure because the drift velocity is determined from the balance between electric field and resistive force due to collisions between plasma and air. The plasma plume charge depends on the drift velocity. Consequently, in the laminar flow of helium gas flow state, the travel length of the plasma plume logarithmically depends on the plasma plume charge which changes with both the electric field and the resistive force.

  8. Observaçães sôbre a congelação do plasma humano para desidratação

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    Humberto T. Cardoso


    Full Text Available A technics for prefreezing of blood plasma and serum is described in this paper. The method indicated by Strumia et al. (2, uses a rapid local freezing to obtain the shell-freezing, with refigerated alcohol bath, at temperatures around minus 35ºC. On our work, it has been found that normal horse blood plasma fulfils the instructions given by Strumia, although normal human blood plasma, very often, fails to give the expected results. This is very disadvantageous at the routine work. With the use of small amounts of solid carbon dioxide, spread over the flasks, in the refrigerated bath, it has been possible to start the chrystallization. The technics prescribes a rapid cooling, like the one used by Strumia, to bring the temperature down, to about plus 10ºC. and, with rotating device stopped, the solid carbon dioxide is applied for one minute simultaneously on each flask. Starting rotation again, it begins to form a very uniform shell around the walls of the flasks.

  9. Plasma rotation study in Tore Supra radio frequency heated plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chouli, Bilal


    Toroidal flows are found to improve the performance of the magnetic confinement devices with increase of the plasma stability and confinement. In ITER or future reactors, the torque from NBI should be less important than in present-day tokamaks. Consequently, it is of interest to study other intrinsic mechanisms that can give rise to plasma rotation in order to predict the rotation profile in experiments. Intriguing observations of plasmas rotation have been made in radio frequency (RF) heated plasmas with little or no external momentum injection. Toroidal rotation in both the direction of the plasma current (co-current) and in the opposite direction (counter-current) has been observed depending on the heating schemes and plasma performance. In Tore Supra, most observations in L-mode plasmas have been in the counter-current direction. However, in this thesis, we show that in lower hybrid current drive (LHCD), the core toroidal rotation increment is in co- or counter-current direction depending on the plasma current amplitude. At low plasma current the rotation change is in the co-current direction while at high plasma current, the change is in the counter-current direction. In both low and high plasma current cases, rotation increments are found to increase linearly with the injected LH power. Several mechanisms in competition which can induce co- or counter-current rotation in Tore Supra LHCD plasmas are investigated and typical order of magnitude are discussed in this thesis. (author) [fr

  10. Dynamic plasma screening effects on atomic collisions in dense plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young-Dae Jung


    Dynamic plasma screening effects are investigated on electron-ion collisional excitation and Coulomb Bremsstrahlung processes in dense plasmas. The electron-ion interaction potential is considered by introduction of the plasma dielectric function. The straight-ling trajectory method is applied to the path of the projectile electron. The transition probability including the dynamic plasma screening effect is found to be always greater than that including the static plasma screening effects. It is found that the differential Bremsstrahlung radiation cross section including the dynamic plasma screening effect is also greater than that including the static plasma screening effect. When the projectile velocity is smaller than the electron thermal velocity, the dynamic polarization screening effect becomes the static plasma screening effect. However, when the projectile velocity is greater than the electron thermal velocity, the interaction potential is almost unshielded

  11. High beta plasma operation in a toroidal plasma producing device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, J.F.


    A high beta plasma is produced in a plasma producing device of toroidal configuration by ohmic heating and auxiliary heating. The plasma pressure is continuously monitored and used in a control system to program the current in the poloidal field windings. Throughout the heating process, magnetic flux is conserved inside the plasma and the distortion of the flux surfaces drives a current in the plasma. As a consequence, the total current increases and the poloidal field windings are driven with an equal and opposing increasing current. The spatial distribution of the current in the poloidal field windings is determined by the plasma pressure. Plasma equilibrium is maintained thereby, and high temperature, high beta operation results

  12. Optical plasma torch electron bunch generation in plasma wakefield accelerators

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    G. Wittig


    Full Text Available A novel, flexible method of witness electron bunch generation in plasma wakefield accelerators is described. A quasistationary plasma region is ignited by a focused laser pulse prior to the arrival of the plasma wave. This localized, shapeable optical plasma torch causes a strong distortion of the plasma blowout during passage of the electron driver bunch, leading to collective alteration of plasma electron trajectories and to controlled injection. This optically steered injection is more flexible and faster when compared to hydrodynamically controlled gas density transition injection methods.

  13. Vaporized wall material/plasma interaction during plasma disruption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merrill, B.J.; Carroll, M.C.; Jardin, S.C.


    The purpose of this paper is to discuss a new plasma disruption model that has been developed for analyzing the consequences to the limiter/first wall structures. This model accounts for: nonequilibrium surface vaporization for the ablating structure, nonequilibrium ionization of and radiation emitted from the ablated material in the plasma, plasma particle and energy transport, and plasma electromagnetic field evolution during the disruption event. Calculations were performed for a 5 ms disruption on a stainless steel flat limiter as part of a D-shaped first wall. These results indicated that the effectiveness of the ablated wall material to shield the exposed structure is greater than predicted by earlier models, and that the rate of redeposition of the ablated wall material ions is very dramatic. Impurity transport along magnetic field lines, global plasma motion, and radiation transport in an optically thick plasma are important factors that require additional modeling. Experimental measurements are needed to verify these models

  14. Plasma immersion surface modification with metal ion plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, I.G.; Yu, K.M.; Godechot, X.


    We describe here a novel technique for surface modification in which metal plasma is employed and by which various blends of plasma deposition and ion implantation can be obtained. The new technique is a variation of the plasma immersion technique described by Conrad and co-workers. When a substrate is immersed in a metal plasma, the plasma that condenses on the substrate remains there as a film, and when the substrate is then implanted, qualitatively different processes can follow, including' conventional' high energy ion implantation, recoil implantation, ion beam mixing, ion beam assisted deposition, and metallic thin film and multilayer fabrication with or without species mixing. Multiple metal plasma guns can be used with different metal ion species, films can be bonded to the substrate through ion beam mixing at the interface, and multilayer structures can be tailored with graded or abrupt interfaces. We have fabricated several different kinds of modified surface layers in this way. 22 refs., 4 figs

  15. Plasma properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weitzner, H.


    This paper discusses the following topics: MHD plasma activity: equilibrium, stability and transport; statistical analysis; transport studies; edge physics studies; wave propagation analysis; basic plasma physics and fluid dynamics; space plasma; and numerical methods

  16. Plasmas for medicine (United States)

    von Woedtke, Th.; Reuter, S.; Masur, K.; Weltmann, K.-D.


    Plasma medicine is an innovative and emerging field combining plasma physics, life science and clinical medicine. In a more general perspective, medical application of physical plasma can be subdivided into two principal approaches. (i) “Indirect” use of plasma-based or plasma-supplemented techniques to treat surfaces, materials or devices to realize specific qualities for subsequent special medical applications, and (ii) application of physical plasma on or in the human (or animal) body to realize therapeutic effects based on direct interaction of plasma with living tissue. The field of plasma applications for the treatment of medical materials or devices is intensively researched and partially well established for several years. However, plasma medicine in the sense of its actual definition as a new field of research focuses on the use of plasma technology in the treatment of living cells, tissues, and organs. Therefore, the aim of the new research field of plasma medicine is the exploitation of a much more differentiated interaction of specific plasma components with specific structural as well as functional elements or functionalities of living cells. This interaction can possibly lead either to stimulation or inhibition of cellular function and be finally used for therapeutic purposes. During recent years a broad spectrum of different plasma sources with various names dedicated for biomedical applications has been reported. So far, research activities were mainly focused on barrier discharges and plasma jets working at atmospheric pressure. Most efforts to realize plasma application directly on or in the human (or animal) body for medical purposes is concentrated on the broad field of dermatology including wound healing, but also includes cancer treatment, endoscopy, or dentistry. Despite the fact that the field of plasma medicine is very young and until now mostly in an empirical stage of development yet, there are first indicators of its enormous

  17. Development and application of helicon plasma sources. Evolution of extensive plasma science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinohara, Shunjiro


    Recent advances in plasma science are remarkable, and are deeply indebted to the development of sophisticated plasma sources. While numerous methods have been proposed for producing the plasma, helicon plasma sources, capable of generating high density (>10 13 cm -3 ) plasma with high ionization degree (>several ten percent) over a wide range of external control parameters, have been utilized in such broad areas as fundamental and processing plasmas, nuclear fusion, gas laser, modeling of space plasma, plasma acceleration/propulsion, among others. On the other hand, a number of important issues are left unsolved, in particular, those relevant to the wave phenomena and efficient plasma production. Solution to these issues are expected to play key roles in taking full advantage of the helicon plasma sources in the next generation. In this article, we overview our current understanding of the helicon plasma production and recent development of characteristic helicon plasma sources, and discuss possible future advancement of extensive plasma science utilizing them. (author)

  18. ECR Plasma Photos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Racz, R.; Biri, S.; Palinkas, J.


    Complete text of publication follows. In order to observe and study systematically the plasma of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources (ECRIS) we made a high number of high-resolution visible light plasma photos and movies in the ATOMKI ECRIS Laboratory. This required building the ECR ion source into an open plasma device, temporarily. An 8MP digital camera was used to record photos of plasmas made from He, methane, N, O, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe gases and from their mixtures. The effects of the main external setting parameters (gas pressure, gas composition, magnetic field, microwave power, microwave frequency) were studied to the shape, color and structure of the plasma. The double frequency mode (9+14 GHz) was also realized and photos of this special 'star-in-star' shape plasma were recorded. A study was performed to analyze and understand the color of the ECR plasmas. The analysis of the photo series gave us many qualitative and numerous valuable physical information on the nature of ECR plasmas. To our best knowledge our work is the first systematic study of ECR plasmas in the visible light region. When looking in the plasma chamber of an ECRIS we can see an axial image of the plasma (figure 1) in conformity with experimental setup. Most of the quantitative information was obtained through the summarised values of the Analogue Digital Unit (ADU) of pixels. By decreasing the strength of the magnetic trap we clearly observed that the brightness of the central part of the plasma gradually decreases, i.e. the plasma becomes more and more 'empty'. Figure 2 shows a photo series of ECR plasma at decreasing axial magnetic field. The radial size of the plasma increased because of the ascendant resonant zone. By increasing the power of the injected microwave an optimum (or at least saturation) was found in the brightness of the plasma. We found correlation between the gas dosing rates and plasma intensities. When sweeping the frequency of the microwave in a wide region

  19. On non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jets and plasma bullet (United States)

    Lu, Xinpei


    Because of the enhanced plasma chemistry, atmospheric pressure nonequilibrium plasmas (APNPs) have been widely studied for several emerging applications such as biomedical applications. For the biomedical applications, plasma jet devices, which generate plasma in open space (surrounding air) rather than in confined discharge gaps only, have lots of advantages over the traditional dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) devices. For example, it can be used for root canal disinfection, which can't be realized by the traditional plasma device. On the other hand, currently, the working gases of most of the plasma jet devices are noble gases or the mixtures of the noble gases with small amount of O2, or air. If ambient air is used as the working gas, several serious difficulties are encountered in the plasma generation process. Amongst these are high gas temperatures and disrupting instabilities. In this presentation, firstly, a brief review of the different cold plasma jets developed to date is presented. Secondly, several different plasma jet devices developed in our lab are reported. The effects of various parameters on the plasma jets are discussed. Finally, one of the most interesting phenomena of APNP-Js, the plasma bullet is discussed and its behavior is described. References: [1] X. Lu, M. Laroussi, V. Puech, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21, 034005 (2012); [2] Y. Xian, X. Lu, S. Wu, P. Chu, and Y. Pan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 123702 (2012); [3] X. Pei, X. Lu, J. Liu, D. Liu, Y. Yang, K. Ostrikov, P. Chu, and Y. Pan, J. Phys. D 45, 165205 (2012).

  20. High-beta plasma blobs in the morningside plasma sheet

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    G. Haerendel

    Full Text Available Equator-S frequently encountered, i.e. on 30% of the orbits between 1 March and 17 April 1998, strong variations of the magnetic field strength of typically 5–15-min duration outside about 9RE during the late-night/early-morning hours. Very high-plasma beta values were found, varying between 1 and 10 or more. Close conjunctions between Equator-S and Geotail revealed the spatial structure of these "plasma blobs" and their lifetime. They are typically 5–10° wide in longitude and have an antisymmetric plasma or magnetic pressure distribution with respect to the equator, while being altogether low-latitude phenomena 
    (≤ 15°. They drift slowly sunward, exchange plasma across the equator and have a lifetime of at least 15–30 min. While their spatial structure may be due to some sort of mirror instability, little is known about the origin of the high-beta plasma. It is speculated that the morningside boundary layer somewhat further tailward may be the source of this plasma. This would be consistent with the preference of the plasma blobs to occur during quiet conditions, although they are also found during substorm periods. The relation to auroral phenomena in the morningside oval is uncertain. The energy deposition may be mostly too weak to generate a visible signature. However, patchy aurora remains a candidate for more disturbed periods.

    Key words. Magnetospheric physics (plasma convection; plasma sheet; plasma waves and instabilities

  1. Modeling plasma behavior in a plasma electrode Pockels cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boley, C.D.; Rhodes, M.A.


    The authors present three interrelated models of plasma behavior in a plasma electrode Pockels cell (PEPC). In a PEPC, plasma discharges are formed on both sides of a thin, large-aperture electro-optic crystal (typically KDP). The plasmas act as optically transparent, highly conductive electrodes, allowing uniform application of a longitudinal field to induce birefringence in the crystal. First, they model the plasma in the thin direction, perpendicular to the crystal, via a one-dimensional fluid model. This yields the electron temperature and the density and velocity profiles in this direction as functions of the neutral pressure, the plasma channel width, and the discharge current density. Next, they model the temporal response of the crystal to the charging process, combining a circuit model with a model of the sheath which forms near the crystal boundary. This model gives the time-dependent voltage drop across the sheath as a function of electron density at the sheath entrance. Finally, they develop a two-dimensional MHD model of the planar plasma, in order to calculate the response of the plasma to magnetic fields. They show how the plasma uniformity is affected by the design of the current return, by the longitudinal field from the cathode magnetron, and by fields from other sources. This model also gives the plasma sensitivity to the boundary potential at which the top and bottom of the discharge are held. They validate these models by showing how they explain observations in three large Pockels cells built at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  2. Influence of plasma density and plasma sheath dynamics on the ion implantation by plasma immersion technique


    Ensinger, Wolfgang


    Influence of plasma density and plasma sheath dynamics on the ion implantation by plasma immersion technique / B. Rauschenbach ... - In: Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. B. 113. 1996. S. 266-269

  3. Momentum transfer to rotating magnetized plasma from gun plasma injection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shamim, Imran; Hassam, A. B.; Ellis, R. F.; Witherspoon, F. D.; Phillips, M. W.


    Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the penetration and momentum coupling of a gun-injected plasma slug into a rotating magnetized plasma. An experiment along these lines is envisioned for the Maryland Centrifugal Experiment (MCX) [R. F. Ellis et al., Phys. Plasmas 8, 2057 (2001)] using a coaxial plasma accelerator gun developed by HyperV Technologies Corp. [F. D. Witherspoon et al., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 50, LP1 87 (2005)]. The plasma gun would be located in the axial midplane and fired off-axis into the rotating MCX plasma annulus. The numerical simulation is set up so that the initial momentum in the injected plasma slug is of the order of the initial momentum of the target plasma. Several numerical firings are done into the cylindrical rotating plasma. Axial symmetry is assumed. The slug is seen to penetrate readily and deform into a mushroom, characteristic of interchange deformations. It is found that up to 25% of the momentum in the slug can be transferred to the background plasma in one pass across a cylindrical chord. For the same initial momentum, a high-speed low density slug gives more momentum transfer than a low-speed high density slug. Details of the numerical simulations and a scaling study are presented

  4. Influence of polymerisation on the reversibility of low-energy proton exchange reactions by Para-Aminothiolphenol. (United States)

    Balakrishnan, Divya; Lamblin, Guillaume; Thomann, Jean Sebastien; Guillot, Jerome; Duday, David; van den Berg, Albert; Olthuis, Wouter; Pascual-García, César


    The reversibility of redox processes is an important function for sensing and molecular electronic devices such as pH reporters or molecular switches. Here we report the electrochemical behaviour and redox reversibility of para-aminothiolphenol (PATP) after different polymerisation methods. We used electrochemical and photo-polymerisation in neutral buffers and plasma polymerisation in air to induce reversible redox states. The chemical stoichiometry and surface coverage of PATP in the polymerized layers were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), while cyclic voltammetry (CV) was used to measure the charge transfer, double layer capacitance and electrochemical rate of the layers during successive potential cycles. Our results show that the surface coverage of the redox active species is higher on electro-polymerised samples, however, after consecutive cycles all the methods converge to the same charge transfer, while the plasma polymerised samples achieve higher efficiency per molecule and UV polymerised samples have a higher electron transfer rate.

  5. MHD description of plasma: handbook of plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulsrud, R.M.


    The basic sets of MHD equations for the description of a plasma in various limits are derived and their usefulness and limits of validity are discussed. These limits are: the one fluid collisional plasma, the two fluid collisional plasma, the Chew-Goldberger Low formulation of the guiding center limit of a collisionless plasma and the double-adiabatic limit. Conservation relations are derived from these sets and the mathematics of the concept of flux freezing is given. An example is given illustrating the differences between guiding center theory and double adiabatic theory

  6. Plasma device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thode, L.E.


    A method is described of providing electron beam heating of a high-density plasma to drive a fast liner to implode a structured microsphere. An annular relativistic electron beam is used to heat an annular plasma to kilovolt temperatures through streaming instabilities in the plasma. Energy deposited in the annular plasma then converges on a fast liner to explosively or ablatively drive the liner to convergence to implode the structured microsphere. (U.K.)

  7. Nonlinear Plasma Waves Excitation by Intense Ion Beams in Background Plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaganovich, Igor D.; Startsev, Edward A.; Davidson, Ronald C.


    Plasma neutralization of an intense ion pulse is of interest for many applications, including plasma lenses, heavy ion fusion, cosmic ray propagation, etc. An analytical electron fluid model has been developed to describe the plasma response to a propagating ion beam. The model predicts very good charge neutralization during quasi-steady-state propagation, provided the beam pulse duration τ b is much longer than the electron plasma period 2π/ω p , where ω p = (4πe 2 n p /m) 1/2 is the electron plasma frequency and n p is the background plasma density. In the opposite limit, the beam pulse excites large-amplitude plasma waves. If the beam density is larger than the background plasma density, the plasma waves break. Theoretical predictions are compared with the results of calculations utilizing a particle-in-cell (PIC) code. The cold electron fluid results agree well with the PIC simulations for ion beam propagation through a background plasma. The reduced fluid description derived in this paper can provide an important benchmark for numerical codes and yield scaling relations for different beam and plasma parameters. The visualization of numerical simulation data shows complex collective phenomena during beam entry and exit from the plasma

  8. Nonlinear plasma waves excitation by intense ion beams in background plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaganovich, Igor D.; Startsev, Edward A.; Davidson, Ronald C.


    Plasma neutralization of an intense ion pulse is of interest for many applications, including plasma lenses, heavy ion fusion, cosmic ray propagation, etc. An analytical electron fluid model has been developed to describe the plasma response to a propagating ion beam. The model predicts very good charge neutralization during quasi-steady-state propagation, provided the beam pulse duration τ b is much longer than the electron plasma period 2π/ω p , where ω p =(4πe 2 n p /m) 1/2 is the electron plasma frequency, and n p is the background plasma density. In the opposite limit, the beam pulse excites large-amplitude plasma waves. If the beam density is larger than the background plasma density, the plasma waves break. Theoretical predictions are compared with the results of calculations utilizing a particle-in-cell (PIC) code. The cold electron fluid results agree well with the PIC simulations for ion beam propagation through a background plasma. The reduced fluid description derived in this paper can provide an important benchmark for numerical codes and yield scaling relations for different beam and plasma parameters. The visualization of numerical simulation data shows complex collective phenomena during beam entry and exit from the plasma

  9. Análise simultânea da mirtazapina e N-desmetilmirtazapina em plasma empregando a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência Simultaneous analysis of mirtazapine and N-demethylmirtazapine in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography

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    Ana Cecília Coragem Briguenti


    Full Text Available Para avaliação das propriedades farmacocinéticas e monitorização terapêutica da mirtazapina, antidepressivo recentemente introduzido no mercado e que vem sendo bastante utilizado, são necessários métodos de análise simples, sensíveis e seletivos. Sendo assim, a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por fluorescência foi empregada para o desenvolvimento de um método para análise simultânea da mirtazapina e de seu metabólito, N-desmetilmirtazapina, em plasma. Após extração líquido-líquido utilizando tolueno como solvente extrator, o fármaco, metabólito e padrão interno (metoprolol foram separados em coluna LiChrospher 100 RP-8 capeada, utilizando fase móvel composta por tampão fosfato de sódio, 0,1 mol/L, pH 3,5-acetonitrila (82:18, v/v. O método apresentou linearidade no intervalo de 2,5 a 500 ng/mL para ambos os compostos, com recuperações médias de 77 e 66% para a mirtazapina e demetilmirtazapina, respectivamente. Os limites de quantificação (2,5 ng/mL, precisão (CV < 15% e exatidão (erros relativos < 15% do método asseguram a sua aplicabilidade em estudos de disposição cinética e para o controle terapêutico da mirtazapina.

  10. Scattering of electromagnetic waves into plasma oscillations via plasma particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, A.T.; Dawson, J.M.


    A plasma subjected to an intense electromagnetic wave can exhibit a large number of parametric instabilities. An interesting example which has received little attention is the decay of the electromagnetic wave into a plasma oscillation with the excess energy and momentum being carried off by electrons. This process has been simulated on a one-and-two-halves dimensional electromagnetic code. The incident electromagnetic wave had a frequency near the plasma frequency so that decay into a plasma oscillation and a backscattered electromagnetic wave was excluded. As expected, the threshold for this instability was very large , so it is unlikely that this instability is competitive in most laser plasmas. Nevertheless, the physical mechanism involved provides a means for absorption of laser light and acceleration of particles in a plasma containing large amplitude plasma oscillations

  11. Interaction between electromagnetic waves and plasma waves in motional plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S. Y.; Gao, M.; Tang, C. J.; Peng, X. D.


    The electromagnetic wave (EM wave) behavior and the electromagnetic instability caused by the interaction between an EM wave and a plasma wave in motional plasma are studied. The dispersion relation of EM waves and the dielectric tensor of motional plasma are derived by magnetohydrodynamics, and the wave phenomenon in motional plasma is displayed. As a result, the electromagnetic instability, which is excited by the interaction between the EM waves and the plasma waves, is revealed. The mechanism of the instability is the coupling between high frequency electromagnetic field and the transverse electron oscillation derived from the deflection of longitudinal electron oscillation due to self-magnetic field. The present research is useful with regard to the new type of plasma radiation source, ion-focusing accelerator, and plasma diagnostic technique.

  12. Plasma properties of a modified beam-plasma type ion source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Junzo; Sano, Fumimichi; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Ektessabi, A.M.; Takagi, Toshinori


    The properties of the plasma produced by beam-plasma discharge were experimentally investigated. The ion source used for this work consists of three parts, that is, the ion-extracting region with an electron gun, the drift space and the collector region. Primary and secondary electron beams are injected in to the drift tube. The interaction between plasma and these electron beams causes production of high density plasma by virtue of the beam-plasma discharge. The gas inlet is located in the middle of the drift tube, so that the gas conductance is high. The energy of the primary and secondary electron beams is transferred to that microwaves through beam-plasma interaction. The microwaves heat the plasma electrons by the cyclotron resonance or other mechanism. The amount of the energetic plasma electrons is much larger than that of the beam electrons, so that neutral gas is ionized. The density of the produced plasma is 10 2 or 10 3 times as large as the plasma produced by impact ionization. With a probe located in the middle of the drift tube, the plasma density and the electron temperature can be measured, and the power and spectra of the microwaves can be detected. The microwave oscillation, the primary electron beam characteristics, and the gas pressure characteristics were studied. Larger current of the high energy primary of secondary electron beam is required for the effective discharge. The ion source has to be operated at the minimum gas pressure. The length of beam-plasma interaction and the magnetic field intensity in the drift tube are also important parameters. (Kato, T.)

  13. Analysis of plasma behavior and electro-magnetic interaction between plasma and device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Tomofumi


    A simulation program for the analysis of plasma behavior and the electromagnetic interaction between plasma and device has been developed. The program consists of a part for the analysis of plasma behavior (plasma system) and a part for the analysis of the electro-magnetic interaction between plasma and devices (circuit system). The parameters which connect the plasma system and the circuit system are the electric resistance of plasma, the internal inductance, and the plasma current. For the plasma system, the simultaneous equations which describe the density distribution of plasma particles, the temperature distribution of electrons and ions, and the space-time variation of current density distribution were derived. The one-dimensional plasma column in γ-direction was considered. The electric resistance and the internal inductance can be deduced. The circuit components are a current transformer, a vertical field coil, a quadrupole field coil, a vacuum chamber and others. An equation which describes plasma position and the shape of cross section is introduced. The plasma position can be known by solving the Mukhavatov's formula of equilibrium. By using this program, the build-up process of plasma current in JT-60 was analysed. It was found that the expansion of plasma sub radius and the control of current distribution by gas injection are the effective methods to obtain high temperature and high density plasma. The eddy current induced in a vacuum vessel shields 40 percent of magnetic field made in the plasma region by a vertical field coil. (Kato, T.)

  14. Plasma waves in hot relativistic beam-plasma systems: Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magneville, A.


    Dispersion relations of plasma waves in a beam-plasma system are computed in the general case where the plasma and beam temperatures, and the velocity of the beam, may be relativistic. The two asymptotic temperature cases, and different contributions of plasma or beam particles to wave dispersion are considered. (author)

  15. Superconducting plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnuma, Toshiro; Ohno, J.


    Superconducting (SC) plasmas are proposed and investigated. The SC plasmas are not yet familiar and have not yet been studied. However, the existence and the importance of SC plasmas are stressed in this report. The existence of SC plasmas are found as follows. There is a fundamental property of Meissner effect in superconductors, which shows a repulsive effect of magnetic fields. Even in that case, in a microscopic view, there is a region of magnetic penetration. The penetration length λ is well-known as London's penetration depth, which is expressed as δ = (m s /μ 0 n s q s 2 ) 1/2 where m s , n s , q s and μ o show the mass, the density, the charge of SC electron and the permeability in free space, respectively. Because this expression is very simple, no one had tried it into more simple and meaningful form. Recently, one of the authors (T.O.) has found that the length can be expressed into more simple and understandable fundamental form as λ = c/ω ps where c = (ε 0 μ 0 ) -1/2 and ω ps = (n s q s 2 /m s ε 0 ) 1/2 are the light velocity and the superconducting plasma frequency. From this simple expression, the penetration depth of the magnetic field to SC is found as a SC plasma skin depth, that is, the fundamental property of SC can be expressed by the SC plasmas. This discovery indicates an importance of the studies of superconducting plasmas. From these points, several properties (propagating modes et al) of SC plasmas, which consist of SC electrons, normal electrons and lattice ions, are investigated in this report. Observations of SC plasma frequency is also reported with a use of Terahertz electromagnet-optical waves

  16. Diagnóstico y cinética de plasmas de NxOy y aire a baja presión. Aplicaciones atmosféricas (United States)

    Tanarro Onrubia, Isabel

    Los procesos cinéticos que tienen lugar en plasmas de óxidos de nitrógeno y de aire presentan relevancia en diferentes campos de investigación como son los relativos al control de contaminantes atmosféricos emitidos en procesos de combustión, a su formación en las superficies de las naves supersónicas y los vehículos espaciales al entrar en la atmósfera, o a su presencia en la ionosfera terrestre. En general, los fenómenos que tienen lugar en sistemas tan alejados del equilibrio termodinámico como los plasmas luminiscentes, son capaces de originar determinadas especies intermedias y productos finales de reacción a temperaturas y presiones mucho menores que las de otros procedimientos físico-químicos; y hacen posible reproducir y caracterizar en laboratorio ciertas especies inestables y mecanismos primordiales de la alta atmósfera. Por otra parte, las técnicas de resolución temporal aplicadas a plasmas modulados en amplitud resultan notablemente más sensibles que las medidas estacionarias para estimar la relevancia de los distintos mecanismos elementales o incluso para determinar sus constantes de velocidad. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio espectroscópico y espectrométrico comparativo de plasmas de óxidos de nitrógeno y de aire a baja presión (0.001-1 mbar) generados en descargas de cátodo hueco continuas o moduladas, y se propone un modelo cinético único y relativamente sencillo, que explica satisfactoriamente los comportamientos observados en todos ellos. Dicho modelo se basa en la resolución de un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales dependientes del tiempo, que incluye los mecanismos elementales de disociación e ionización de los precursores y los productos, reacciones homogéneas entre especies atómicas, iónicas y moleculares, y reacciones heterogéneas. Al abordar estos sistemas, se constata una gran carencia de datos experimentales o teóricos sobre secciones eficaces o constantes de velocidad para las reacciones de

  17. Plasma focus breeder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikuta, Kazunari.


    Instead of using linear accelerators, it is possible to breed fissile fuels with the help of high current plasma focus device. A mechanism of accelerating proton beam in plasma focus device to high energy would be a change of inductance in plasma column because of rapid growth of plasma instability. A possible scheme of plasma focus breeder is also proposed. (author)

  18. Cosmic plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alfven, H [California Univ., San Diego, La Jolla (USA)


    The properties of space plasmas are analyzed, based on laboratory results and data obtained by in situ measurements in the magnetosphere (including the heliosphere). Attention is given to the question of how much knowledge can be gained by a systematic comparison of different regions of plasma, and plasmas are considered with linear dimensions varying from laboratory size up to the Hubble distance. The traditional magnetic field description of plasmas is supplemented by an electric current description and it is demonstrated that many problems are easier to understand with a dualistic approach. Using the general plasma properties obtained, the origin and evolution of the solar system is summarized and the evolution and present structure of the universe (cosmology) is discussed.

  19. Plasma Containment and Stability in a Megajoule Theta-Pinch Experiment; Confinement et Stabilite du Plasma dans un Dispositif a Striction Azimutale de un Megajoule; Uderzhanie i ustojchivost' plazmy pri provedenii ehksperimenta s' megadzhoulevym teta-pinchem; Confinamiento y Estabilidad del Plasma en un Experimento de Estriccion Azimutal de 1 MJ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bodin, H. A.B.; Green, T. S.; Newton, A. A.; Niblett, G. B.F.; Reynolds, J. A. [United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    montrent que le plasma peut subir une diffusion du champ magnetique au stade initial et un refroidissement des electrons, soit par rayonnement du aux impuretes, soit par conduction thermique le long des lignes de champ. La diminution resultante de la valeur {beta} du plasma jusqu'.a. environ 0,5 pour la valeur maximale du champ agrandit les ouvertures magnetiques aux extremites de la bobine et par consequent provoque une fuite du plasma le long de l'axe. Les principaux problemes a resoudre sont donc: 1. la mise au point d'une methode de prechauffage capable de donner un plasma plus chaud pour une valeur de {beta} voisine de l'unite; 2. la diminution de la vitesse de perte d'energie des electrons. (author) [Spanish] La memoria describe la aplicacion de una bateria de condensadores rapidos, de 1 MJ, para estudiar la produccion y el confinamiento de plasma en la configuracion de estriccion azimutal. Mediante una corriente axial transitoria, se preioniza deuterio gaseoso a una presion comprendida entre 10 y 50 mTorr, que se comprime seguidamente por medio de un campo magnetico sinusoidal de 76 kG de intensidad maxima y semiperiodo de 12 {mu}s. En el experimento se utiliza una bobina de devanado sencillo, de 200 m de longitud y 10 cm de diametro. Se haevitado la deriva lateral del plasma hacia las paredes del tubo de descarga, reduciendo la curvatura de las lineas de fuerza magnetica de confinamiento por medio de una linea de transmision de bandas paralelas entre la bobina y el colector. Se examina el origen de un movimiento circular del plasma de pequena amplitud, alrededor del eje de equilibrio central. Se han analizado las propiedades generales de la descarga, comparando los valores medidos de la temperatura electronica, el diamagnetismo del plasma, la distribucion radial de la densidad y la produccion de neutrones, con calculos numericos basados en la clave hidromagnetica Hain-Roberts. La velocidad de perdida axial de plasma se ha determinado por una gran variedad de

  20. Merging and Splitting of Plasma Spheroids in a Dusty Plasma (United States)

    Mikikian, Maxime; Tawidian, Hagop; Lecas, Thomas


    Dust particle growth in a plasma is a strongly disturbing phenomenon for the plasma equilibrium. It can induce many different types of low-frequency instabilities that can be experimentally observed, especially using high-speed imaging. A spectacular case has been observed in a krypton plasma where a huge density of dust particles is grown by material sputtering. The instability consists of well-defined regions of enhanced optical emission that emerge from the electrode vicinity and propagate towards the discharge center. These plasma spheroids have complex motions resulting from their mutual interaction that can also lead to the merging of two plasma spheroids into a single one. The reverse situation is also observed with the splitting of a plasma spheroid into two parts. These results are presented for the first time and reveal new behaviors in dusty plasmas.

  1. Magnetospheric plasma waves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shawhan, S.D.


    A brief history of plasma wave observations in the Earth's magnetosphere is recounted and a classification of the identified plasma wave phenomena is presented. The existence of plasma waves is discussed in terms of the characteristic frequencies of the plasma, the energetic particle populations and the proposed generation mechanisms. Examples are given for which plasmas waves have provided information about the plasma parameters and particle characteristics once a reasonable theory has been developed. Observational evidence and arguments by analogy to the observed Earth plasma wave processes are used to identify plasma waves that may be significant in other planetary magnetospheres. The similarities between the observed characteristics of the terrestrial kilometric radiation and radio bursts from Jupiter, Saturn and possibly Uranus are stressed. Important scientific problems concerning plasma wave processes in the solar system and beyond are identified and discussed. Models for solar flares, flare star radio outbursts and pulsars include elements which are also common to the models for magnetospheric radio bursts. Finally, a listing of the research and development in terms of instruments, missions, laboratory experiments, theory and computer simulations needed to make meaningful progress on the outstanding scientific problems of plasma wave research is given. (Auth.)

  2. Phytase enzyme in diets containing defatted rice bran for growing swine Enzima fitase dietas com farelo de arroz desengordurado para suínos em crescimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Aparecido Moreira


    Full Text Available Organic phosphorus is poorly utilized by monogastric animals because they lack phytase, the enzyme that cleaves the ortho-phosphate groups from the phytate molecule. Diets fed to pigs are supplemented with inorganic P, and this can increase environmental pollution and diet costs. Sixty mixed sex, half-breed pigs, were used to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary levels of phytase (253, 759, 1265 and 1748 PU kg-1 feed on animal performance as compared to a control without phytase but supplemented with dicalcium phosphate. Enzyme levels did not affect daily feed intake, food conversion, average daily weight gain, plasma P and Ca, calcium and phosphorus in bone ash, and the calcium/phosphorus ratio in the plasma and bones. A quadratic relationship between phytase levels and the percentages of P and Ca in bone ash was observed, reaching a maximum at the 880 and 879 PU levels, respectively. Animals fed diets containing phytase presented low plasma P values when compared to the control, but no effects were observed for the regression analysis. Using 759 PU phytase in rations containing corn, soybean bran and defatted rice bran for growing pigs can eliminate the use of traditional sources of P.Os animais monogástricos não aproveitam eficientemente o P orgânico das dietas, pois não sintetizam a enzima fitase, sendo necessária a suplementação das rações com P inorgânico, podendo elevar o custo das dietas e a poluição ambiental. Foram utilizados 60 leitões mestiços (machos castrados e fêmeas para avaliar a eficácia dos níveis dietéticos crescentes da enzima fitase (253, 759, 1265 e 1748 UF kg-1 de ração sobre os parâmetros de desempenho e comparar com o tratamento testemunha que diferia dos demais por não conter fitase e por conter fosfato bicálcico. Os níveis da enzima fitase não afetaram o consumo diário de ração, conversão alimentar, ganho diário de peso, P e Ca no plasma, cinzas no osso e relação cálcio e f

  3. Metallurgical plasma torches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shapovalov, V.A.; Latash, Yu.V.


    The technological equipment for the plasma heating of metals, plasma melting and plasma treatment of the surface is usually developed on the basis of are plasma torches using direct or alternating current. The reasons which partly restrict the industrial application of the plasma torches are the relatively short service life of the electrode (cathode) on which the arc is supported, and the contamination of the treated metal with the products of failure of the electrode. The aim of this work was to determine the reasons for the occurrence of negative phenomena observed in the process of service of plasma torches, and propose suitable approaches to the design of metallurgical plasma torches characterised by a long service life

  4. Magnetic spires for the detection of the position of the plasma column in a Tokamak (linear approximation); Espiras magneticas para la deteccion de la posicion de la columna de plasma en un Tokamak (aproximacion lineal)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colunga S, S


    In this report the simplified analysis of a method to detect the movement of the plasma column of a tokamak in the vertical direction and of the biggest radius is given. The peculiar case of the Tokamak Novillo of the Plasma Physics Laboratory of the ININ is studied. (Author)

  5. Plasma response to electron energy filter in large volume plasma device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanyasi, A. K.; Awasthi, L. M.; Mattoo, S. K.; Srivastava, P. K.; Singh, S. K.; Singh, R.; Kaw, P. K.


    An electron energy filter (EEF) is embedded in the Large Volume Plasma Device plasma for carrying out studies on excitation of plasma turbulence by a gradient in electron temperature (ETG) described in the paper of Mattoo et al. [S. K. Mattoo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 255007 (2012)]. In this paper, we report results on the response of the plasma to the EEF. It is shown that inhomogeneity in the magnetic field of the EEF switches on several physical phenomena resulting in plasma regions with different characteristics, including a plasma region free from energetic electrons, suitable for the study of ETG turbulence. Specifically, we report that localized structures of plasma density, potential, electron temperature, and plasma turbulence are excited in the EEF plasma. It is shown that structures of electron temperature and potential are created due to energy dependence of the electron transport in the filter region. On the other hand, although structure of plasma density has origin in the particle transport but two distinct steps of the density structure emerge from dominance of collisionality in the source-EEF region and of the Bohm diffusion in the EEF-target region. It is argued and experimental evidence is provided for existence of drift like flute Rayleigh-Taylor in the EEF plasma

  6. Oscillatory processes in plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallin, E.


    The oscillatory process play an important part in plasma evolution, In hot plasma in particular, the interactions between the oscillation modes are preponderant in relation to the binary collisions between particles. The nonlineary interactions between collective plasma oscillations can generate, in this case, a non-balanced steady state of plasma (steady turbulence). The paper elucidates some aspects of the oscillatory phenomena which contribute to the plasma state evolution, especially of hot plasma. A major part of the paper is devoted to the study of parametric instabilities in plasma and their role in increasing the temperature of plasma components (electrons, ions). Both parametric instabilities in plasma in the vicinity of thermodynamic balance and parametric processes is steady turbulent plasma are analysed - in relation to additional heating of hot plasma. An important result of the thesis refers to the drowing-up of a non-lineary interaction model between the oscillation modes in turbulent plasma, being responsible for the electromagnetic radiation in hot plasma. On the basis of the model suggested in the paper the existence of a low frequency radiative mode in hot plasma in a turbulent state, can be demonstrated. Its frequency could be even lower than plasma frequency in the field of long waves be even lower than plasma frequency in the field of long waves. Such a radiative mode was detected experimentally in focussed plasma installations. (author)

  7. Fast Plasma from a Coaxial Gun; Plasma Rapide Produit par un Canon Coaxial; Bystraya plazma iz koaksial'nogo inzhektora; Produccion de Plasma Rapido Mediante un Inyector Coaxial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marshall, J.; Henins, I. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    produce constituyen el objeto de los experimentos descritos en la memoria. El mecanismo de aceleracion es complicado y no se conoce perfectamente, pero se han adquirido unas nociones considerables mediante un gran numero de experimentos, utilizando para el diagnostico: circuitos externos de captacion diamagnetica, circuitos de Rogowsky en el vacio, sondas electricas, electrodos externos de captacion capacitiva, analisis de la deflexion magnetica y electrostatica de las particulas, espectroscopia, fotografia de la luz emitida por el blanco, medicion del tiempo de vuelo con y sin campo guia, determinacion de los neutrones emitidos en el volumen del plasma a raiz de la reaccion d-d y otros metodos. Como resultado se aprecia que se produce un proceso magneto-electrico complejo delante de la boca del inyector. El proceso de aceleracion depende de la diferencia de densidades del gas entre dicha region (baja) y dentro del inyector (elevada). El plasma rapido procede en gran parte del gas adsorbido en los electrodos, lo que obliga a obtener un vacio limpio para evitar la contaminacion por iones rapidos de impurezas fuertemente ionizadas (C{sup 5+}, 10{sup 8} cm/s). El material del electrodo se evapora, pero parece que no es un contaminante grave porque se forma tarde. La alta tension que en realidad acelera los iones esta ligada a la rapida expansion, en el vacio, de un volumen de flujo magnetico alrededor del chorro. El plasma rapido es emitido en forma de cono estrecho con el centro abierto. La alta tension que acelera los deuterones rapidos acelera tambien iones del material de la pared cuando el plasma rapido bonbardea una pared de vidrio, provocando su evaporacion. (author) [Russian] Koaksial'nyj plazmennyj inzhektor, ispol'zuemyj v dannom jeksperimente, javljaetsja istochnikom dvuh razlichnyh tipov plazmy, obrazovannyh razlichnymi mehanizmami. Plotnaja medlennaja ( Tilde-Operator 10{sup 7} sm/sek) dejte- rievaja plazma obrazuetsja neposredstvenno v rezul'tate ] HV

  8. A contoured gap coaxial plasma gun with injected plasma armature. (United States)

    Witherspoon, F Douglas; Case, Andrew; Messer, Sarah J; Bomgardner, Richard; Phillips, Michael W; Brockington, Samuel; Elton, Raymond


    A new coaxial plasma gun is described. The long term objective is to accelerate 100-200 microg of plasma with density above 10(17) cm(-3) to greater than 200 km/s with a Mach number above 10. Such high velocity dense plasma jets have a number of potential fusion applications, including plasma refueling, magnetized target fusion, injection of angular momentum into centrifugally confined mirrors, high energy density plasmas, and others. The approach uses symmetric injection of high density plasma into a coaxial electromagnetic accelerator having an annular gap geometry tailored to prevent formation of the blow-by instability. The injected plasma is generated by numerous (currently 32) radially oriented capillary discharges arranged uniformly around the circumference of the angled annular injection region of the accelerator. Magnetohydrodynamic modeling identified electrode profiles that can achieve the desired plasma jet parameters. The experimental hardware is described along with initial experimental results in which approximately 200 microg has been accelerated to 100 km/s in a half-scale prototype gun. Initial observations of 64 merging injector jets in a planar cylindrical testing array are presented. Density and velocity are presently limited by available peak current and injection sources. Steps to increase both the drive current and the injected plasma mass are described for next generation experiments.

  9. A contoured gap coaxial plasma gun with injected plasma armature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witherspoon, F. Douglas; Case, Andrew; Messer, Sarah J.; Bomgardner, Richard II; Phillips, Michael W.; Brockington, Samuel; Elton, Raymond


    A new coaxial plasma gun is described. The long term objective is to accelerate 100-200 μg of plasma with density above 10 17 cm -3 to greater than 200 km/s with a Mach number above 10. Such high velocity dense plasma jets have a number of potential fusion applications, including plasma refueling, magnetized target fusion, injection of angular momentum into centrifugally confined mirrors, high energy density plasmas, and others. The approach uses symmetric injection of high density plasma into a coaxial electromagnetic accelerator having an annular gap geometry tailored to prevent formation of the blow-by instability. The injected plasma is generated by numerous (currently 32) radially oriented capillary discharges arranged uniformly around the circumference of the angled annular injection region of the accelerator. Magnetohydrodynamic modeling identified electrode profiles that can achieve the desired plasma jet parameters. The experimental hardware is described along with initial experimental results in which approximately 200 μg has been accelerated to 100 km/s in a half-scale prototype gun. Initial observations of 64 merging injector jets in a planar cylindrical testing array are presented. Density and velocity are presently limited by available peak current and injection sources. Steps to increase both the drive current and the injected plasma mass are described for next generation experiments.

  10. Electron density and plasma dynamics of a colliding plasma experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiechula, J., E-mail:; Schönlein, A.; Iberler, M.; Hock, C.; Manegold, T.; Bohlender, B.; Jacoby, J. [Plasma Physics Group, Institute of Applied Physics, Goethe University, 60438 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


    We present experimental results of two head-on colliding plasma sheaths accelerated by pulsed-power-driven coaxial plasma accelerators. The measurements have been performed in a small vacuum chamber with a neutral-gas prefill of ArH{sub 2} at gas pressures between 17 Pa and 400 Pa and load voltages between 4 kV and 9 kV. As the plasma sheaths collide, the electron density is significantly increased. The electron density reaches maximum values of ≈8 ⋅ 10{sup 15} cm{sup −3} for a single accelerated plasma and a maximum value of ≈2.6 ⋅ 10{sup 16} cm{sup −3} for the plasma collision. Overall a raise of the plasma density by a factor of 1.3 to 3.8 has been achieved. A scaling behavior has been derived from the values of the electron density which shows a disproportionately high increase of the electron density of the collisional case for higher applied voltages in comparison to a single accelerated plasma. Sequences of the plasma collision have been taken, using a fast framing camera to study the plasma dynamics. These sequences indicate a maximum collision velocity of 34 km/s.

  11. Frontier of plasma physics. 'Research network on non-equilibrium and extreme state plasmas'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Sanae-I.; Fujisawa, Akihide; Kodama, Ryosuke; Sato, Motoyasu; Tanaka, Kazuo A.; Hatakeyama, Rikizo; Itoh, Kimitaka


    Plasma physics and fusion science have been applied to a wide variety of plasmas such as nuclear fusion plasmas, high-energy-density plasmas, processing plasmas and nanobio- plasmas. They are pioneering science and technology frontiers such as new energy sources and new functional materials. A large project 'research network on non-equilibrium and extreme state plasmas' is being proposed to reassess individual plasma researches from a common view of the non-equilibrium extreme plasma and to promote collaboration among plasma researchers all over the country. In the present review, recent collaborative works related to this project are being introduced. (T.I.)

  12. Dust-Plasma Interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenberg, Marelene


    Our theoretical research on dust-plasma interactions has concentrated on three main areas: (a)studies of grain charging and applications; (b) waves and instabilities in weakly correlated dusty plasma with applications to space and laboratory plasmas; (c) waves in strongly coupled dusty plasmas.

  13. Large-scale structuring of a rotating plasma due to plasma macroinstabilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kikuchi, Toshinori; Ikehata, Takashi; Sato, Naoyuki; Watahiki, Takeshi; Tanabe, Toshio; Mase, Hiroshi


    The formation of coherent structures during plasma macroinstabilities have been of interest in view of the nonlinear plasma physics. In the present paper, we have investigated in detail, the mechanism and specific features of large-scale structuring of a rotating plasma. In the case of weak magnetic field, the plasma ejected from a plasma gun has a high beta value (β > 1) so that it expands rapidly across the magnetic field excluding a magnetic flux from its interior. Then, the boundary between the expanding plasma and the magnetic field becomes unstable against Rayleigh-Taylor instability. This instability has the higher growth rate at the shorter wavelength and the mode appears as flute. These features of the instability are confirmed by the observation of radial plasma jets with the azimuthal mode number m=20-40 in the early time of the plasma expansion. In the case of strong magnetic field, on the other hand, the plasma little expands and rotates at two times the ion sound speed. Especially, we observe spiral jets of m=2 instead of short-wavelength radial jets. This mode appears only when a glass target is installed or a dense neutral gas is introduced around the plasma to give the plasma a frictional force. From these results and with reference to the theory of plasma instabilities, the centrifugal instability caused by a combination of the velocity shear and centrifugal force is concluded to be responsible for the formation of spiral jets. (author)

  14. Beam-plasma discharge in a Kyoto beam-plasma-ion source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, J.; Takagi, T.


    A beam-plasma type ion source employing an original operating principle has been developed by the present authors. The ion source consists of an ion extraction region with an electron gun, a thin long drift tube as the plasma production chamber, and a primary electron beam collector. An electron beam is effectively utilized for the dual purpose of high density plasma production as a result of beam-plasma discharge, and high current ion beam extraction with ion space-charge compensation. A high density plasma of the order of 10 11 --10 13 cm -3 was produced by virtue of the beam-plasma discharge which was caused by the interaction between a space-charge wave on the electron beam and a high frequency plasma wave. The plasma density then produced was 10 2 --10 3 times the density produced only by collisional ionization by the electron beam. In order to obtain a stable beam-plasma discharge, a secondary electron beam emitted from the electron collector should be utilized. The mechanism of the beam-plasma discharge was analyzed by use of a linear theory in the case of the small thermal energy of the electron beam, and by use of a quasilinear theory in the case of the large thermal energy. High current ion beams of more than 0.1 A were extracted even at a low extraction voltage of 1--5 kV

  15. Para-equilibrium phase diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pelton, Arthur D.; Koukkari, Pertti; Pajarre, Risto; Eriksson, Gunnar


    Highlights: • A rapidly cooled system may attain a state of para-equilibrium. • In this state rapidly diffusing elements reach equilibrium but others are immobile. • Application of the Phase Rule to para-equilibrium phase diagrams is discussed. • A general algorithm to calculate para-equilibrium phase diagrams is described. - Abstract: If an initially homogeneous system at high temperature is rapidly cooled, a temporary para-equilibrium state may result in which rapidly diffusing elements have reached equilibrium but more slowly diffusing elements have remained essentially immobile. The best known example occurs when homogeneous austenite is quenched. A para-equilibrium phase assemblage may be calculated thermodynamically by Gibbs free energy minimization under the constraint that the ratios of the slowly diffusing elements are the same in all phases. Several examples of calculated para-equilibrium phase diagram sections are presented and the application of the Phase Rule is discussed. Although the rules governing the geometry of these diagrams may appear at first to be somewhat different from those for full equilibrium phase diagrams, it is shown that in fact they obey exactly the same rules with the following provision. Since the molar ratios of non-diffusing elements are the same in all phases at para-equilibrium, these ratios act, as far as the geometry of the diagram is concerned, like “potential” variables (such as T, pressure or chemical potentials) rather than like “normal” composition variables which need not be the same in all phases. A general algorithm to calculate para-equilibrium phase diagrams is presented. In the limit, if a para-equilibrium calculation is performed under the constraint that no elements diffuse, then the resultant phase diagram shows the single phase with the minimum Gibbs free energy at any point on the diagram; such calculations are of interest in physical vapor deposition when deposition is so rapid that phase

  16. Production of field-reversed mirror plasma with a coaxial plasma gun (United States)

    Hartman, C.W.; Shearer, J.W.

    The use of a coaxial plasma gun to produce a plasma ring which is directed into a magnetic field so as to form a field-reversed plasma confined in a magnetic mirror. Plasma thus produced may be used as a target for subsequent neutral beam injection or other similarly produced and projected plasma rings or for direct fusion energy release in a pulsed mode.

  17. Production of field-reversed mirror plasma with a coaxial plasma gun

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartman, C.W.; Shearer, J.W.


    The use of a coaxial plasma gun to produce a plasma ring which is directed into a magnetic field so as to form a field-reversed plasma confined in a magnetic mirror. Plasma thus produced may be used as a target for subsequent neutral beam injection or other similarly produced and projected plasma rings or for direct fusion energy release in a pulsed mode

  18. Parallel artificial liquid membrane extraction of new psychoactive substances in plasma and whole blood

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vårdal, Linda; Askildsen, Hilde-Merete; Gjelstad, Astrid


    Parallel artificial liquid membrane extraction (PALME) was combined with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS) and the potential for screening of new psychoactive substances (NPS) was investigated for the first time. PALME was performed in 96-well format...... comprising a donor plate, a supported liquid membrane (SLM), and an acceptor plate. Uncharged NPS were extracted from plasma or whole blood, across an organic SLM, and into an aqueous acceptor solution, facilitated by a pH gradient. MDAI (5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane), methylone, PFA (para...

  19. Disponibilidade biológica do fósforo de diferentes fontes para eqüinos em crescimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste estudo, determinar a disponibilidade biológica do P de diferentes fontes, para eqüinos em fase de crescimento. Utilizaram-se dezesseis eqüinos machos em fase de crescimento, submetidos à aplicação de quatro fontes fosfatadas -- fosfato de rocha de Tapira (TAP, fosfato de rocha de Patos de Minas (PAT, fosfato bicálcico (BIC e farinha de osso (FOS --, adicionadas à dieta basal em quantidades suficientes para fornecer 22 g de P/animal/dia. No 16º dia, foram-lhes injetados 30 MBq de 32P/animal, e coletaram-se amostras de sangue, fezes e urina, durante sete dias. Foram determinadas as atividades específicas no plasma, fezes e urina e calculou-se a perda endógena fecal e a absorção real de P. Os valores obtidos quanto ao P consumido, P excretado, P no plasma e P retido não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05. Os valores de absorção real do P do TAP, PAT, BIC e da FOS foram, respectivamente, 25,23%, 33,97%, 31,71% e 29,36%. Não houve diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05 entre as fontes estudadas. Em relação ao BIC, as rochas fosfáticas apresentaram altos valores de disponibilidade biológica.

  20. Plasma heating by non-linear wave-Plasma interaction | Echi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We simulate the non-linear interaction of waves with magnetized tritium plasma with the aim of determining the parameter values that characterize the response of the plasma. The wave-plasma interaction has a non-conservative Hamiltonian description. The resulting system of Hamilton's equations is integrated numerically ...

  1. Plasma physics

    CERN Document Server

    Drummond, James E


    A historic snapshot of the field of plasma physics, this fifty-year-old volume offers an edited collection of papers by pioneering experts in the field. In addition to assisting students in their understanding of the foundations of classical plasma physics, it provides a source of historic context for modern physicists. Highly successful upon its initial publication, this book was the standard text on plasma physics throughout the 1960s and 70s.Hailed by Science magazine as a ""well executed venture,"" the three-part treatment ranges from basic plasma theory to magnetohydrodynamics and microwa

  2. Studies of the ablated plasma from experimental plasma gun disruption simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rockett, P.D.; Hunter, J.A.; Bradley, J.T. III; Gahl, J.M.; Litunovsky, V.N.; Ovchinnokov, I.B.; Ljublin, B.V.; Kuznetsov, B.E.; Titov, V.A.; Zhitlukhin, A.; Arkhipov, K.; Bakhtin, V.; Toporkov, D.


    Extensive simulations of tokamak disruptions have provided a picture of material erosion that is limited by the transfer of energy from the incident plasma to the armor solid surface through a dense plasma shield. Radiation spectra were recorded in the VUV and in the visible at the Efremov Laboratories on VIKA using graphite targets. The VUV data were recorded with a Sandia Labs transmission grating spectrograph, covering 1-40 nm. Plasma parameters were evaluated with incident plasma energy densities varying from 10-100 MJ/m 2 . A second transmission grating spectrograph was taken to 2MK-200 at TRINITI to study the plasma-material interface in magnetic cusp plasma. Target materials included POCO graphite, ATJ graphite, boron nitride, and plasma-sprayed tungsten. Detailed spectra were recorded with a spatial resolution of similar 1 mm. Time-resolved data with 40-200 ns resolution was also recorded. The data from both plasma gun facilities demonstrated that the hottest plasma region was sitting several millimeters above the armor tile surface. ((orig.))

  3. Plasma universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfven, H.


    Traditionally the views in our cosmic environment have been based on observations in the visual octave of the electromagnetic spectrum, during the last half-century supplemented by infrared and radio observations. Space research has opened the full spectrum. Of special importance are the X-ray-gamma-ray regions, in which a number of unexpected phenomena have been discovered. Radiations in these regions are likely to originate mainly from magnetised cosmic plasma. Such a medium may also emit synchrotron radiation which is observable in the radio region. If we try to base a model of the universe on the plasma phenomena mentioned we find that the plasma universe is drastically different from the traditional visual universe. Information about the plasma universe can also be obtained by extrapolation of laboratory experiments and magnetospheric in situ measurements of plasma. This approach is possible because it is likely that the basic properties of plasma are the same everywhere. In order to test the usefulness of the plasma universe model we apply it to cosmogony. Such an approach seems to be rather successful. For example, the complicated structure of the Saturnian C ring can be accounted for. It is possible to reconstruct certain phenomena 4-5 bilions years ago with an accuracy of better than 1 percent

  4. The plasma position control of ITER EDA plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senda, Ikuo; Nishio, Satoshi; Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Nishino, Toru; Fujieda, Hirobumi.


    The study on the plasma position control of ITER EDA performed by Japan Home Team during the sensitivity study in 1994 is summarized. The controllabilities of plasmas in the Outline Design and elongated version are compared. The model used to describe the motion of the plasma is a rigid model. The PD feedback control is applied with respect to the displacements of the plasma from the equilibrium. Three types of fluctuations, which initiate the motion of the plasma, are examined, namely a finite horizontal fluctuation field, a small horizontal fluctuation field such that the motion of the plasma is governed by the passive structures and an abrupt change of the poloidal beta β p and internal inductance l i . In the simulations of finite horizontal fluctuation fields, controls depend on the strength of the fluctuations, for instance, 3-5V is needed for 5-10G of fluctuation fields in the Outline Design. When the fluctuation field is small and the plasma displacement grows in a characteristic time of the passive structures, a few volt of the control voltage is enough to obtain good controllability. It is shown that the control when (β p , l i ) changes simultaneously is demanding and a large control voltage is required to maintain satisfactory control. Comparing the elongated version with the Outline Design, the control voltage which is larger than the Outline Design by a factor of 2-3 is required to obtain the same controllability in the elongated version. (author)

  5. Experimental studies of collisional plasma shocks and plasma interpenetration via merging supersonic plasma jets (United States)

    Hsu, S. C.; Moser, A. L.; Merritt, E. C.; Adams, C. S.


    Over the past 4 years on the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX) at LANL, we have studied obliquely and head-on-merging supersonic plasma jets of an argon/impurity or hydrogen/impurity mixture. The jets are formed/launched by pulsed-power-driven railguns. In successive experimental campaigns, we characterized the (a) evolution of plasma parameters of a single plasma jet as it propagated up to ~ 1 m away from the railgun nozzle, (b) density profiles and 2D morphology of the stagnation layer and oblique shocks that formed between obliquely merging jets, and (c) collisionless interpenetration transitioning to collisional stagnation between head-on-merging jets. Key plasma diagnostics included a fast-framing CCD camera, an 8-chord visible interferometer, a survey spectrometer, and a photodiode array. This talk summarizes the primary results mentioned above, and highlights analyses of inferred post-shock temperatures based on observations of density gradients that we attribute to shock-layer thickness. We also briefly describe more recent PLX experiments on Rayleigh-Taylor-instability evolution with magnetic and viscous effects, and potential future collisionless shock experiments enabled by low-impurity, higher-velocity plasma jets formed by contoured-gap coaxial guns. Supported by DOE Fusion Energy Sciences and LANL LDRD.

  6. High-beta plasma effects in a low-pressure helicon plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corr, C. S.; Boswell, R. W.


    In this work, high-beta plasma effects are investigated in a low-pressure helicon plasma source attached to a large volume diffusion chamber. When operating above an input power of 900 W and a magnetic field of 30 G a narrow column of bright blue light (due to Ar II radiation) is observed along the axis of the diffusion chamber. With this blue mode, the plasma density is axially very uniform in the diffusion chamber; however, the radial profiles are not, suggesting that a large diamagnetic current might be induced. The diamagnetic behavior of the plasma has been investigated by measuring the temporal evolution of the magnetic field (B z ) and the plasma kinetic pressure when operating in a pulsed discharge mode. It is found that although the electron pressure can exceed the magnetic field pressure by a factor of 2, a complete expulsion of the magnetic field from the plasma interior is not observed. In fact, under our operating conditions with magnetized ions, the maximum diamagnetism observed is ∼2%. It is observed that the magnetic field displays the strongest change at the plasma centre, which corresponds to the maximum in the plasma kinetic pressure. These results suggest that the magnetic field diffuses into the plasma sufficiently quickly that on a long time scale only a slight perturbation of the magnetic field is ever observed

  7. A contoured gap coaxial plasma gun with injected plasma armature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Witherspoon, F. Douglas; Case, Andrew; Messer, Sarah J.; Bomgardner, Richard II; Phillips, Michael W.; Brockington, Samuel; Elton, Raymond [HyperV Technologies Corp., Chantilly, Virginia 20151 (United States)


    A new coaxial plasma gun is described. The long term objective is to accelerate 100-200 {mu}g of plasma with density above 10{sup 17} cm{sup -3} to greater than 200 km/s with a Mach number above 10. Such high velocity dense plasma jets have a number of potential fusion applications, including plasma refueling, magnetized target fusion, injection of angular momentum into centrifugally confined mirrors, high energy density plasmas, and others. The approach uses symmetric injection of high density plasma into a coaxial electromagnetic accelerator having an annular gap geometry tailored to prevent formation of the blow-by instability. The injected plasma is generated by numerous (currently 32) radially oriented capillary discharges arranged uniformly around the circumference of the angled annular injection region of the accelerator. Magnetohydrodynamic modeling identified electrode profiles that can achieve the desired plasma jet parameters. The experimental hardware is described along with initial experimental results in which approximately 200 {mu}g has been accelerated to 100 km/s in a half-scale prototype gun. Initial observations of 64 merging injector jets in a planar cylindrical testing array are presented. Density and velocity are presently limited by available peak current and injection sources. Steps to increase both the drive current and the injected plasma mass are described for next generation experiments.

  8. Valores de referência de qualidade para metais pesados em solos no Estado do Espírito Santo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique de Sá Paye


    Full Text Available Valores de referência de qualidade (VRQ para metais pesados em solos, em âmbito mundial, são bastante heterogêneos. No Brasil, poucos estudos para estabelecer esses valores foram concluídos. Na ausência de VRQ para metais pesados em solos, estabelecidos para as condições do Estado do Espírito Santo, utilizam-se valores genéricos internacionais ou desenvolvidos para outros Estados. Entretanto, deve-se ressaltar que o uso desses valores pode levar a avaliações inadequadas, já que existem diferenças nas condições técnicas e variáveis ambientais de cada região, em especial das condições geológicas, hídricas e pedológicas. Essas diferenças justificam o desenvolvimento de uma tabela própria com VRQ para metais pesados em solos, adequada às condições do Estado do Espírito Santo. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo buscou obter os teores naturais de 10 metais pesados e verificar a distribuição desses elementos nos solos das bacias hidrográficas Riacho, Reis Magos e Santa Maria da Vitória, no Estado do Espírito Santo, tendo em vista o estabelecimento de Valores de Referência de Qualidade (VRQ. Para isso, foram determinados os teores totais por ataque ácido, com digestão em forno micro-ondas, conforme o método SW-846 3052 da Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA e dosagem por espectrofotometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido (ICP- OES. Os teores totais extraídos nos solos dessas bacias hidrográficas são relativamente baixos e inferiores aos reportados para solos de regiões brasileiras e de outros países. Os teores de cádmio ficaram abaixo do limite de detecção (LD do método para todas as amostras. Em consequência, os VRQ obtidos para 12 metais pesados no Estado do Espírito Santo foram semelhantes ou inferiores aos obtidos para outras regiões do Brasil e do mundo. Os VRQ obtidos a partir do percentil 75 (quartil superior para As (< 12,83, Cd (< 0,13, Co (10,21, Cr (54,13, Cu (5,91, Mn (137,80, Mo (1

  9. International Conference on Plasma Diagnostics. Slides, papers and posters of Plasma Diagnostics 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartfuss, H.J.; Bonhomme, G.; Grisolia, C.; Hirsch, M.; Klos, Z.; Mazouffre, S.; Musielok, J.; Ratynskaya, S.; Sadowski, M.; Van de Sanden, R.; Sentis, M.; Stroth, U.; Tereshin, V.; Tichy, M.; Unterberg, B.; Weisen, H.; Zoletnik, S.


    Plasma diagnostics 2010 is an International Conference on Diagnostic Methods involved in Research and Applications of Plasmas, originating on combining the 5. German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications and the 7. French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory. The Scientific Committee of 'Plasma 2007' decided to concentrate the attention of future conferences more on the diagnostic development and diagnostic interpretation in the fields of high and low temperature plasmas and plasma applications. It is aimed at involving all European activities in the fields. The Scientific Program will cover the fields from low temperature laboratory to fusion plasmas of various configurations as well as dusty and astrophysical plasmas and industrial plasma applications

  10. Plasma device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thode, L.E.


    A relativistic electron beam generator or accelerator produces a high-voltage electron beam which is modulated to initiate electron bunching within the beam which is then applied to a high-density target plasma which typically comprises DT, DD, or similar thermonuclear gas at a density of 10 17 to 10 20 electrons per cubic centimeter. As a result, relativistic streaming instabilities are initiated within the high-density target plasma causing the relativistic electron beam to efficiently deposit its energy into a small localized region of the high-density plasma target. The high-temperature plasma can be used to heat a high Z material to generate radiation. Alternatively, a tunable radiation source is produced by using a moderate Z gas or a mixture of high Z and low Z gas as the target plasma. (author)

  11. Experimental plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dreicer, H.; Banton, M.E.; Ingraham, J.C.; Wittman, F.; Wright, B.L.


    The Experimental Plasma Physics group's main efforts continue to be directed toward the understanding of the mechanisms of electromagnetic energy absorption in a plasma, and the resultant plasma heating and energy transport. The high-frequency spectrum of plasma waves parametrically excited by the microwave signal at high powers has been measured. The absorption of a small test microwave signal in a plasma made parametrically unstable by a separate high-power driver microwave signal was also studied

  12. Scaling relations for plasma production and acceleration of rotating plasma flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikehata, Takashi; Tanabe, Toshio; Mase, Hiroshi; Sekine, Ryusuke; Hasegawa, Kazuyuki.


    Scaling relations are investigated theoretically and experimentally of the plasma production and acceleration in the rotating plasma gun which has been developed as a new means of plasma centrifuge. Two operational modes: the gas-discharge mode for gaseous elements and the vacuum-discharge mode for solid elements are studied. Relations of the plasma density and velocities to the discharge current and the magnetic field are derived. The agreement between experiment and theory is quite well. It is found that fully-ionized rotating plasmas produced in the gas-discharge mode is most advantageous to realize efficient plasma centrifuge. (author)

  13. Plasmas and fluids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Plasma and fluid physics includes the fields of fusion research and space investigation. This book discusses the most important advances in these areas over the past decade and recommends a stronger commitment to basic research in plasma and fluid physics. The book recommends that plasma and fluid physics be included in physics curriculums because of their increasing importance in energy and defense. The book also lists recent accomplishments in the fields of general plasma physics, fusion plasma confinement and heating, space and astrophysical plasmas, and fluid physics and lists research opportunities in these areas. A funding summary explains how research monies are allocated and suggests ways to improve their effectiveness

  14. BOOK REVIEW: Kinetic theory of plasma waves, homogeneous plasmas (United States)

    Porkolab, Miklos


    The linear theory of plasma waves in homogeneous plasma is arguably the most mature and best understood branch of plasma physics. Given the recently revised version of Stix's excellent Waves in Plasmas (1992), one might ask whether another book on this subject is necessary only a few years later. The answer lies in the scope of this volume; it is somewhat more detailed in certain topics than, and complementary in many fusion research relevant areas to, Stix's book. (I am restricting these comments to the homogeneous plasma theory only, since the author promises a second volume on wave propagation in inhomogeneous plasmas.) This book is also much more of a theorist's approach to waves in plasmas, with the aim of developing the subject within the logical framework of kinetic theory. This may indeed be pleasing to the expert and to the specialist, but may be too difficult to the graduate student as an `introduction' to the subject (which the author explicitly states in the Preface). On the other hand, it may be entirely appropriate for a second course on plasma waves, after the student has mastered fluid theory and an introductory kinetic treatment of waves in a hot magnetized `Vlasov' plasma. For teaching purposes, my personal preference is to review the cold plasma wave treatment using the unified Stix formalism and notation (which the author wisely adopts in the present book, but only in Chapter 5). Such an approach allows one to deal with CMA diagrams early on, as well as to provide a framework to discuss electromagnetic wave propagation and accessibility in inhomogeneous plasmas (for which the cold plasma wave treatment is perfectly adequate). Such an approach does lack some of the rigour, however, that the author achieves with the present approach. As the author correctly shows, the fluid theory treatment of waves follows logically from kinetic theory in the cold plasma limit. I only question the pedagogical value of this approach. Otherwise, I welcome this

  15. Estrategia para elevar la motivación laboral; factor imprescindible para mejorar nuestra productividad.


    Reina de los Ángeles Carballé Piñón


    Este trabajo "Estrategia para elevar la motivación laboral; factor imprescindible para mejorar nuestra productividad" resulta de la investigación realizada para tesis de maestría; se realizó el estudio de 2 entidades, nos permitió conocer las principales posiciones que sobre motivación existen, factores que la influencian, cómo incide en el desempeño laboral y que acciones diseñar para elevarla. Las 2 entidades seleccionadas, claves en el desempeño empresarial son un centro de interfase y un...

  16. Estrategias para negociaciones exitosas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José B. Parra V


    Full Text Available Las estrategias de negociación son herramientas para disminuir conflictos o para intercambiar bienes y servicios. Una negociación exitosa crea relaciones de solidaridad y propicia reciprocidad, cooperación y confianza para quienes tendrán relaciones permanentes de negociación con beneficios para ambas partes. Una estrategia de negociación exitosa requiere manejar el desarrollo del ambiente social del grupo de personas, con la finalidad de tener presente las fronteras que no pueden irrumpirse. Otro aspecto importante, es el lenguaje corporal utilizado por las personas y las tácticas que se practican. El manejo de esta información permite diseñar diferentes modelos de negociaciones para cada caso específico. Este documento propone la utilización de la herramienta MONACO, diseñada por los autores, que es un software útil para encontrar los mejores tácticas posibles dentro de una negociación; basándose en el lenguaje corporal que muestra el negociante oponente durante cada oferta monetaria. El uso de este software da al negociador la oportunidad de manejar las negociaciones con mayor control, el negociador que usa el software puede elegir una estrategia de acuerdo a las relaciones que espera mantener con el negociador oponente.

  17. Capillary plasma jet: A low volume plasma source for life science applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Topala, I., E-mail:, E-mail: [Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Physics, Iasi Plasma Advanced Research Center (IPARC), Bd. Carol I No. 11, Iasi 700506 (Romania); Nagatsu, M., E-mail:, E-mail: [Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1 Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu 432-8561 (Japan)


    In this letter, we present results from multispectroscopic analysis of protein films, after exposure to a peculiar plasma source, i.e., the capillary plasma jet. This plasma source is able to generate very small pulsed plasma volumes, in kilohertz range, with characteristic dimensions smaller than 1 mm. This leads to specific microscale generation and transport of all plasma species. Plasma diagnosis was realized using general electrical and optical methods. Depending on power level and exposure duration, this miniature plasma jet can induce controllable modifications to soft matter targets. Detailed discussions on protein film oxidation and chemical etching are supported by results from absorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and microscopy techniques. Further exploitation of principles presented here may consolidate research interests involving plasmas in biotechnologies and plasma medicine, especially in patterning technologies, modified biomolecule arrays, and local chemical functionalization.

  18. Capillary plasma jet: A low volume plasma source for life science applications (United States)

    Topala, I.; Nagatsu, M.


    In this letter, we present results from multispectroscopic analysis of protein films, after exposure to a peculiar plasma source, i.e., the capillary plasma jet. This plasma source is able to generate very small pulsed plasma volumes, in kilohertz range, with characteristic dimensions smaller than 1 mm. This leads to specific microscale generation and transport of all plasma species. Plasma diagnosis was realized using general electrical and optical methods. Depending on power level and exposure duration, this miniature plasma jet can induce controllable modifications to soft matter targets. Detailed discussions on protein film oxidation and chemical etching are supported by results from absorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and microscopy techniques. Further exploitation of principles presented here may consolidate research interests involving plasmas in biotechnologies and plasma medicine, especially in patterning technologies, modified biomolecule arrays, and local chemical functionalization.

  19. Plasma waves in an inhomogeneous cylindrical plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pesic, S.S.


    The complete dispersion equation governing small amplitude plasma waves propagating in an inhomogeneous cylindrical plasma confined by a helical magnetic field is solved numerically. The efficiency of the wave energy thermalization in the lower hybrid frequency range is studied

  20. Plasma equilibrium control during slow plasma current quench with avoidance of plasma-wall interaction in JT-60U (United States)

    Yoshino, R.; Nakamura, Y.; Neyatani, Y.


    In JT-60U a vertical displacement event (VDE) is observed during slow plasma current quench (Ip quench) for a vertically elongated divertor plasma with a single null. The VDE is generated by an error in the feedback control of the vertical position of the plasma current centre (ZJ). It has been perfectly avoided by improving the accuracy of the ZJ measurement in real time. Furthermore, plasma-wall interaction has been avoided successfully during slow Ip quench owing to the good performance of the plasma equilibrium control system

  1. Applied plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Applied Plasma Physics is a major sub-organizational unit of the MFE Program. It includes Fusion Plasma Theory and Experimental Plasma Research. The Fusion Plasma Theory group has the responsibility for developing theoretical-computational models in the general areas of plasma properties, equilibrium, stability, transport, and atomic physics. This group has responsibility for giving guidance to the mirror experimental program. There is a formal division of the group into theory and computational; however, in this report the efforts of the two areas are not separated since many projects have contributions from members of both. Under the Experimental Plasma Research Program, we are developing the intense, pulsed neutral-beam source (IPINS) for the generation of a reversed-field configuration on 2XIIB. We are also studying the feasibility of utilizing certain neutron-detection techniques as plasma diagnostics in the next generation of thermonuclear experiments

  2. Elements of plasma technology

    CERN Document Server

    Wong, Chiow San


    This book presents some fundamental aspects of plasma technology that are important for beginners interested to start research in the area of plasma technology . These include the properties of plasma, methods of plasma generation and basic plasma diagnostic techniques. It also discusses several low cost plasma devices, including pulsed plasma sources such as plasma focus, pulsed capillary discharge, vacuum spark and exploding wire; as well as low temperature plasmas such as glow discharge and dielectric barrier discharge which the authors believe may have potential applications in industry. The treatments are experimental rather than theoretical, although some theoretical background is provided where appropriate. The principles of operation of these devices are also reviewed and discussed.

  3. Generación y dinámica de electrones runaway en plasmas tokamak


    Fernández Gómez, Isabel


    La dinámica y generación de electrones runaway en plasmas tokamak constituye el tema central de esta tesis. En un tokamak, el fenómeno runaway es el resultado de la existencia de un campo eléctrico en dirección toroidal. Aquellos electrones cuya velocidad excede un cierto valor crítico se aceleran de forma continua, ya que la e ciencia de las colisiones para disipar la energía ganada en el campo disminuye con la velocidad (∼ ⁻¹) . Se tiene entonces lo que se conoce como un electrón runaway. ...

  4. Seminal plasma total antioxidant capacity and vitamin- C levels in asthenozoospermia: a case- control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Bidmeshkipour


    Full Text Available "n Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Background: Defective sperm function is now recognized as one of the most important causes of male infertility. Seminal plasma possesses a rich source of different enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid that protect spermatozoa against oxidative stress as one of the mediators of infertility causing sperm dysfunction and low sperm quality. The aim of this study was investigation of seminal total antioxidant capacity and determination of vitamin C effects on sperm motility. "n"nMethods: We designed a case-control study with a total subject of 62 males. Sperm parameters were analyzed according to World Health Organization guidelines (WHO, 1999. Total antioxidant capacity and vitamin C level of seminal plasma were measured in the 32 normozoospermic as the control group and 32 asthenospermic men as the case group using FRAP (Ferric Reducing of Antioxidants Powers and RP-HPLC (Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography methods, respectively. "n"nResults: Our results indicated that total antioxidant capacity levels in the seminal plasma of asthenospermic men were significantly lower than healthy men (p=0.002. In addition, we found a positive correlation between reduced total

  5. Study of plasma-maser instability in an inhomogeneous plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Mahinder


    The plasma-maser, an interesting nonlinear process in plasmas, is an effective means of energy up-conversion in frequency from low-frequency turbulence to a high-frequency wave. A theoretical study is made of the amplification mechanism of an electrostatic Bernstein mode wave in presence of Langmuir wave turbulence in a magnetized inhomogeneous plasma on the basis of a plasma-maser interaction. It is shown that a test high-frequency electrostatic Bernstein mode wave is unstable in the presence of low-frequency Langmuir wave turbulence. The growth rate of a test high-frequency Bernstein mode wave is calculated with the involvement of a spatial density gradient parameter. A comparative study on the role of density gradient in the generation of the Bernstein mode on the basis of the plasma-maser effect is presented

  6. A review on ion–ion plasmas created in weakly magnetized electronegative plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aanesland, A; Bredin, J; Chabert, P


    Ion–Ion plasmas are electronegative plasmas where the electron density is several orders of magnitude lower than the negative ion density. These plasmas have been scarcely observed and investigated since the 1960s and are formed as a transient state of pulsed plasmas or in separate regions in magnetized plasmas. In this review we focus on the latter case of continuous formation of ion–ion plasmas created at the periphery of magnetized plasma columns or downstream localized magnetic barriers. We bring together and review experimental results already published elsewhere and complement them with new results to illustrate the physics important in ion–ion plasma formation and highlight in particular unanswered questions. We show that with a good design the density in the ion–ion region is dropping only by a factor of 2–3 from the initial plasma density. These plasmas can therefore be well suited for various ion source applications when both fluxes or beams of positive and negative ions are desired, and when electrons can cause harmful effects. (paper)

  7. Contemporary plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sodha, M.S.; Tewari, D.P.; Subbarao, D.


    The book consists of review articles on some selected contemporary aspects of plasma physics. The selected topics present a panoramic view of contemporary plasma physics and applications to fusion, space and MHD power generation. Basic non-linear plasma theory is also covered. The book is supposed to be useful for M.S./M.Sc. students specialising in plasma physics and for those beginning research work in plasma physics. It will also serve as a valuable reference book for more advanced research workers. (M.G.B.)

  8. Mirror plasma apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moir, R.W.


    A mirror plasma apparatus which utilizes shielding by arc discharge to form a blanket plasma and lithium walls to reduce neutron damage to the wall of the apparatus. An embodiment involves a rotating liquid lithium blanket for a tandem mirror plasma apparatus wherein the first wall of the central mirror cell is made of liquid lithium which is spun with angular velocity great enough to keep the liquid lithium against the first material wall, a blanket plasma preventing the lithium vapor from contaminating the plasma

  9. Plasma Post Oxidation of Plasma Nitrocarburized SKD 61 Steel

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Plasma nitrocarburizing and plasma oxidizing treatments were performed to improve the wear and corrosion resistance of SKD 61 steel. Plasma nitrocarburizing was conducted for 12 h at 540℃ in the nitrogen,hydrogen and methane atmosphere to produce the ε-Fe,2-3(N,C) phase. The compound layer produced by plasma nitrocarburising was predominantly composed of ε-phase, with a small proportion of γ′-Fe4(N,C) phase.The thickness of the compound layer and the diffusion layer are about 10 μm and about 200μm, respectively.Plasma post oxidation was performed on the nitrocarburized samples with various oxygen/hydrogen ratio at constant temperature of 500℃ for 1 h. The very thin magnetite (Fe3O4) layer of 1-2μm in thickness on top of the compound layer was obtained. Anodic polarization test revealed that plasma nitrocarburizing process contributed a significant improvement of corrosion resistance of SKD 61 steel. However, the corrosion characteristics of the nitrocarburized compound layer was deteriorated by oxidation treatment.

  10. Project of experimental study on plasma waves and plasma turbulence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    The objective of this project is to perform experiments with wave phenomena on plasmas. Particular attention will be given to Langmuir and whistler waves due to its relations with several phenomena occuring on space and laboratory plasmas. The new concepts of particle acceleration with electromagnetic waves, the auroral phenomena on the polar regions and the charged particle precipitation to the atmosphere through anomalies of the earth magnetic field are examples where these waves have an important role. In this project we intend to study the propagation of these waves in a quiescent plasma machine. This machine is able to produce a plasma with density and temperature with values similar to what is met in the ionosphere. This project will be a part of the activities of the basic plasma group of the INPE's Associated Plasma Laboratory (LAP). It will have the collaboration of the departments of Aeronomy and Geophysics also from INPE, and the collaboration of the Plasma and Gas Physics Laboratory from University of Paris - South, in France. (author)

  11. Plasmas: from space to laboratory. 'Introduction to plasma physics' course

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savoini, Philippe


    This course addresses the different basic concepts of plasma physics. After an introduction which addresses the plasma state, basic equations, the different theoretical approaches (orbitals, kinetic, multi-fluid, magnetohydrodynamics), and the different characteristic scales, waves are addressed and presented as a disordered electromagnetism: existence of plasma waves, generalities on waves, relationship of formal dispersion of plasmas, plasma without magnetic field (longitudinal, transverse, or low frequency wave), plasma with magnetic field (parallel, perpendicular, or arbitrary propagation). The next parts present various approaches: the particle-based approach (case of constant and uniform magnetic fields, case of non-uniform magnetic fields), the statistical approach (elements of kinetic theory, the collision phenomenon, the equilibrium state), and the fluid approach (fluid equations according to the multi-fluid theory, comparison with the particle-based approach, presentation of magnetohydrodynamics as the single-fluid model, validity of MHD)

  12. Applied plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Applied Plasma Physics is a major sub-organizational unit of the Magnetic Fusion Energy (MFE) Program. It includes Fusion Plasma Theory and Experimental Plasma Research. The Fusion Plasma Theory group has the responsibility for developing theoretical-computational models in the general areas of plasma properties, equilibrium, stability, transport, and atomic physics. This group has responsibility for giving guidance to the mirror experimental program. There is a formal division of the group into theory and computational; however, in this report the efforts of the two areas are not separated since many projects have contributions from members of both. Under the Experimental Plasma Research Program we are developing a neutral-beam source, the intense, pulsed ion-neutral source (IPINS), for the generation of a reversed-field configuration on 2XIIB. We are also studying the feasibility of using certain neutron-detection techniques as plasma diagnostics in the next generation of thermonuclear experiments

  13. Eventos de Desconexao na Cauda de Plasma do Cometa P/Halley (United States)

    Voelzke, M. R.; Fahr, H. J.


    Observacoes cometárias e de vento solar sao comparadas com o propósito de determinar-se as condicoes do vento solar associadas aos eventos de desconexao (DEs) observados em caudas de plasma cometárias. Os dados cometários sao provenientes do The International Halley Watch Atlas of Large-Scale Phenomena. A análise visual sistemática das imagens do atlas revelou, entre outras estruturas morfológicas, 47 DEs ao longo da cauda de plasma do P/Halley. Estes 47 DEs registrados em 47 imagens distintas permitiram a descoberta de 19 origens de DEs, ou seja, o tempo em que as desconexoes iniciaram foi calculado. Os dados do vento solar sao provenientes de medidas feitas in situ pela sonda espacial IMP-8, as quais foram usadas para elaborar a variacao da velocidade do vento solar, densidade e pressao dinâmica durante o intervalo analisado. O presente trabalho compara as atuais teorias conflitantes, baseadas nos mecanismos de formacao, com o intuito de explicar o fenômeno cíclico dos DEs, ou seja, os efeitos de producao iônica, os efeitos de pressao e os efeitos de reconexao magnética sao analisados. Para cada uma das 19 origens de DEs comparou-se a densidade com a respectiva velocidade do vento solar com o intuito de determinar-se uma possível correlacao entre estas origens e os efeitos de pressao dinâmica. Quando da ocorrência de 6 origens de DEs o IMP-8 nao realizou medidas, nos outros 13 casos 10 origens (77%) mostraram uma anticorrelacao entre velocidade e densidade e apenas 3 (23%) revelaram uma tendência similar entre velocidade e densidade. Portanto, a análise inicial demonstra uma fraca correlacao entre as origens dos DEs e os efeitos de pressao.

  14. Particle modeling of plasmas computational plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawson, J.M.


    Recently, through the development of supercomputers, a powerful new method for exploring plasmas has emerged; it is computer modeling of plasmas. Such modeling can duplicate many of the complex processes that go on in a plasma and allow scientists to understand what the important processes are. It helps scientists gain an intuition about this complex state of matter. It allows scientists and engineers to explore new ideas on how to use plasma before building costly experiments; it allows them to determine if they are on the right track. It can duplicate the operation of devices and thus reduce the need to build complex and expensive devices for research and development. This is an exciting new endeavor that is in its infancy, but which can play an important role in the scientific and technological competitiveness of the US. There are a wide range of plasma models that are in use. There are particle models, fluid models, hybrid particle fluid models. These can come in many forms, such as explicit models, implicit models, reduced dimensional models, electrostatic models, magnetostatic models, electromagnetic models, and almost an endless variety of other models. Here the author will only discuss particle models. He will give a few examples of the use of such models; these will be taken from work done by the Plasma Modeling Group at UCLA because he is most familiar with work. However, it only gives a small view of the wide range of work being done around the US, or for that matter around the world

  15. PlasmaPy: initial development of a Python package for plasma physics (United States)

    Murphy, Nicholas; Leonard, Andrew J.; Stańczak, Dominik; Haggerty, Colby C.; Parashar, Tulasi N.; Huang, Yu-Min; PlasmaPy Community


    We report on initial development of PlasmaPy: an open source community-driven Python package for plasma physics. PlasmaPy seeks to provide core functionality that is needed for the formation of a fully open source Python ecosystem for plasma physics. PlasmaPy prioritizes code readability, consistency, and maintainability while using best practices for scientific computing such as version control, continuous integration testing, embedding documentation in code, and code review. We discuss our current and planned capabilities, including features presently under development. The development roadmap includes features such as fluid and particle simulation capabilities, a Grad-Shafranov solver, a dispersion relation solver, atomic data retrieval methods, and tools to analyze simulations and experiments. We describe several ways to contribute to PlasmaPy. PlasmaPy has a code of conduct and is being developed under a BSD license, with a version 0.1 release planned for 2018. The success of PlasmaPy depends on active community involvement, so anyone interested in contributing to this project should contact the authors. This work was partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.

  16. Studies of the ablated plasma from experimental plasma gun disruption simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rockett, P.D.; Hunter, J.A.; Bradley, J.T.


    Extensive simulations of Tokamak disruptions have provided a picture of material erosion that is limited by the transfer of energy from the incident plasma to the armor solid surface through a dense vapor shield. Radiation spectra were recorded in the VUV and in the visible at the Efremov Laboratories on VIKA using graphite targets. The VUV data were recorded with a Sandia Labs transmission grating spectrograph, covering 1--40 nm. Plasma parameters were evaluated with incident plasma energy densities varying from 1--10 kJ/cm 2 . A second transmission grating spectrograph was taken to 2MK-200 at TRINITI to study the plasma-material interface in magnetic cusp plasma. Target materials included POCO graphite, ATJ graphite, boron nitride, and plasma-sprayed tungsten. Detailed spectra were recorded with a spatial resolution of ∼1 mm resolution. Time-resolved data with 40--200 ns resolution was also recorded. The data from both plasma gun facilities demonstrated that the hottest plasma region was sitting several millimeters above the armor tile surface

  17. ¿Argumentar para definir o definir para argumentar?


    Silva, Luz; Samper, Carmen


    Se presenta y se ilustra un marco de referencia de un estudio en curso para obtener el título de Maestría en Docencia de la Matemática de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia); estudio sobre la conexión entre las acciones de definir y argumentar, que puede contribuir a la práctica de profesores en ejercicio y en formación. La habilidad para construir una definición es un posible indicio de comprensión, mientras que saberla de memoria no garantiza la comprensión del concepto (Vinner, 1...

  18. Plasma Diagnostics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zaveryaev, V [Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); others, and


    The success in achieving peaceful fusion power depends on the ability to control a high temperature plasma, which is an object with unique properties, possibly the most complicated object created by humans. Over years of fusion research a new branch of science has been created, namely plasma diagnostics, which involves knowledge of almost all fields of physics, from electromagnetism to nuclear physics, and up-to-date progress in engineering and technology (materials, electronics, mathematical methods of data treatment). Historically, work on controlled fusion started with pulsed systems and accordingly the methods of plasma parameter measurement were first developed for short lived and dense plasmas. Magnetically confined hot plasmas require the creation of special experimental techniques for diagnostics. The diagnostic set is the most scientifically intensive part of a plasma device. During many years of research operation some scientific tasks have been solved while new ones arose. New tasks often require significant changes in the diagnostic system, which is thus a very flexible part of plasma machines. Diagnostic systems are designed to solve several tasks. As an example here are the diagnostic tasks for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor - ITER: (1) Measurements for machine protection and basic control; (2) Measurements for advanced control; (3) Additional measurements for performance evaluation and physics. Every new plasma machine is a further step along the path to the main goal - controlled fusion - and nobody knows in advance what new phenomena will be met on the way. So in the planning of diagnostic construction we should keep in mind further system upgrading to meet possible new scientific and technical challenges. (author)

  19. Study of plasma-material surface interaction using langmuir probe technique during plasma treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saloum, S.; Akel, M.


    In this study, we tried to understand the plasma-surface interactions by using Langmuir probes. Two different types of plasmas were studied, the first is the electropositive plasma in Argon and the second is the electronegative plasma in Sulfur Hexafluoride. In the first type, the effects of Argon gas pressure, the injection of Helium in the remote zone and the substrate bias on the measurements of the Electron Energy Probability Function (EEPF) and on the plasma parameters (electron density (n e ), effective electron temperature (T e ff), plasma potential (V p ) and floating potential (V f )) have been investigated. The obtained EEPFs and plasma parameters have been used to control two remote plasma processes. The first is the remote Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD) of thin films, on silicon wafers, from Hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) precursor diluted in the remote Ar-He plasma. The second is the pure Argon remote plasma treatment of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) polymer surface. In the second type, the plasma diagnostics were performed in the remote zone as a function of SF 6 flow rate, where relative concentrations of fluorine atoms were measured using actinometry optical emission spectroscopy; electron density, electron temperature and plasma potential were determined using single cylindrical Langmuir probe, positive ion flux and negative ion fraction were determined using an planar probe. The silicon etching process in SF 6 plasma was studied. (author)

  20. Study of plasma-material surface interaction using Langmuir probe technique during plasma treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saloum, S.; Akel, M.


    In this study, we tried to understand the plasma-surface interactions by using Langmuir probes. Two different types of plasmas were studied, the first is the electropositive plasma in Argon and the second is the electronegative plasma in Sulfur Hexafluoride. In the first type, the effects of Argon gas pressure, the injection of Helium in the remote zone and the substrate bias on the measurements of the Electron Energy Probability Function (EEPF) and on the plasma parameters (electron density (n e ), effective electron temperature (T e ff), plasma potential (V p ) and floating potential (V f )) have been investigated. The obtained EEPFs and plasma parameters have been used to control two remote plasma processes. The first is the remote Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD) of thin films, on silicon wafers, from Hexamethyldisoloxane (HMDSO) precursor diluted in the remote Ar-He plasma. The second is the pure Argon remote plasma treatment of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) polymer surface. In the second type, the plasma diagnostics were performed in the remote zone as a function of SF 6 flow rate, where relative concentrations of fluorine atoms were measured using actinometry optical emission spectroscopy; electron density, electron temperature and plasma potential were determined using single cylindrical Langmuir probe, positive ion flux and negative ion fraction were determined using an planar probe. The silicon etching process in SF 6 plasma was studied. (author)

  1. Plasma Turbulence General Topics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kadomtsev, B. B. [Nuclear Energy Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR (Russian Federation)


    It is known that under experimental conditions plasma often shows chaotic motion. Such motion, when many degrees of freedom are excited to levels considerably above the thermal level, will be called turbulent. The properties of turbulent plasma in many respects differ from the properties of laminar plasma. It can be said that the appearance of various anomalies in plasma behaviour indicates the presence of turbulence in plasma. In order to verify directly the presence of turbulent motion in plasma we must, however, measure the fluctuation of some microscopic parameters in plasma.

  2. Introduction to plasma dynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Morozov, A I


    As the twenty-first century progresses, plasma technology will play an increasing role in our lives, providing new sources of energy, ion-plasma processing of materials, wave electromagnetic radiation sources, space plasma thrusters, and more. Studies of the plasma state of matter not only accelerate technological developments but also improve the understanding of natural phenomena. Beginning with an introduction to the characteristics and types of plasmas, Introduction to Plasma Dynamics covers the basic models of classical diffuse plasmas used to describe such phenomena as linear and shock w

  3. Complete plasma dropouts at Vela satellites during thinning of the plasma sheet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lui, A.T.Y.; Hones, E.W. Jr.; Venkatesan, D.; Akasofu, S.; Bame, S.J.


    Five satellite years of Vela data are examined for plasma sheet thinnings. Complete proton disappearances (plasma dropouts) are the main subject here. During such times, the Vela satellite is temporarily in the high-latitude tail lobe. The distribution of such plasma dropouts within the magnetotail suggests that the semithickness of the plasma sheet near midnight seldom reaches less than 1 R/sub E/ during substorms and that the dawn and dusk portions of the plasma sheet remain thicker than the midnight portion. But it is also shown that the plasma sheet occasionally becomes very thin near the dusk magnetopause. No such severe thinnings of the plasma sheet are found near the dawn magnetopause. Plasma dropouts can occur regardless of the sign of the Z component of the IMF, but their frequency of occurrence seems to be greater when the Z component is negative.Three plasma dropouts which occurred in the midnight sector at unusually large distances from the estimated position of the neutral sheet were observed during geomagnetic storms. It is likely that the midnight sector of the plasma sheet can become very thick (approx.18 R/sub E/) at certain times during the main phase of storms. Detailed measurements in the plasma sheet were obtained near the beginning of a geomagnetic storm whose sc triggered a substorm. A compression of the plasma sheet at X/sub SM/approx. =-15 R/sub E/ occurred about 10 min after the sc onset at the earth and about 5 min after the start of plasma sheet thinning associated with the sc-related substorm. If compression-thinning of the plasma sheet initiated this substorm, the triggering action must have occurred earthward of X/sub SM/approx. =-15 R/sub E/

  4. Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation in Radio Frequency Plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bora, B.; Bhuyan, H.; Wyndham, E.


    Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) has attracted wide interests since it emulates conventional ion-beam ion implantation (IBII) in niche applications. For instance, the technique has very high throughput, the implantation time is independent of the sample size, and samples with an irregular shape can be implanted without complex beam scanning or sample manipulation. For uniform ion implantation and deposition on to different substrates, like silicon, stainless steel etc., a capacitive coupled Radio frequency (RF), 13.6 MHz, plasma is used. During the PIII process, the physical parameters which are expected to play crucial rule in the deposition process like RF power, Negative pulse voltage and pulse duration, gas type and gas mixture, gas flow rates and the implantation dose are studied. The ion dose is calculated by dynamic sheath model and the plasma parameters are calculated from the V-I characteristic and power balance equation by homogeneous model of rf plasma discharge considering Ohmic as well as Stochastic heating. The correlations between the yield of the implantation process and the physical parameters as well as plasma parameters are discussed. (author)

  5. Integrated models for plasma/material interaction during loss of plasma confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassanein, A.


    A comprehensive computer package, High Energy Interaction with General Heterogeneous Target Systems (HEIGHTS), has been developed to evaluate the damage incurred on plasma-facing materials during loss of plasma confinement. The HEIGHTS package consists of several integrated computer models that follow the start of a plasma disruption at the scrape-off layer (SOL) through the transport of the eroded debris and splashed target materials to nearby locations as a result of the energy deposited. The package includes new models to study turbulent plasma behavior in the SOL and predicts the plasma parameters and conditions at the divertor plate. Full two-dimensional comprehensive radiation magnetohydrodynamic models are coupled with target thermodynamics and liquid hydrodynamics to evaluate the integrated response of plasma-facing materials. A brief description of the HEIGHTS package and its capabilities are given in this work with emphasis on turbulent plasma behavior in the SOL during disruptions

  6. Development of high energy pulsed plasma simulator for plasma-lithium trench experiment (United States)

    Jung, Soonwook

    To simulate detrimental events in a tokamak and provide a test-stand for a liquid lithium infused trench (LiMIT) device, a pulsed plasma source utilizing a theta pinch in conjunction with a coaxial plasma accelerator has been developed. An overall objective of the project is to develop a compact device that can produce 100 MW/m2 to 1 GW/m2 of plasma heat flux (a typical heat flux level in a major fusion device) in ~ 100 mus (≤ 0.1 MJ/m2) for a liquid lithium plasma facing component research. The existing theta pinch device, DEVeX, was built and operated for study on lithium vapor shielding effect. However, a typical plasma energy of 3 - 4 kJ/m2 is too low to study an interaction of plasma and plasma facing components in fusion devices. No or little preionized plasma, ringing of magnetic field, collisions of high energy particles with background gas have been reported as the main issues. Therefore, DEVeX is reconfigured to mitigate these issues. The new device is mainly composed of a plasma gun for a preionization source, a theta pinch for heating, and guiding magnets for a better plasma transportation. Each component will be driven by capacitor banks and controlled by high voltage / current switches. Several diagnostics including triple Langmuir probe, calorimeter, optical emission measurement, Rogowski coil, flux loop, and fast ionization gauge are used to characterize the new device. A coaxial plasma gun is manufactured and installed in the previous theta pinch chamber. The plasma gun is equipped with 500 uF capacitor and a gas puff valve. The increase of the plasma velocity with the plasma gun capacitor voltage is consistent with the theoretical predictions and the velocity is located between the snowplow model and the weak - coupling limit. Plasma energies measured with the calorimeter ranges from 0.02 - 0.065 MJ/m2 and increases with the voltage at the capacitor bank. A cross-check between the plasma energy measured with the calorimeter and the triple probe

  7. Characterization of pulsed atmospheric-pressure plasma streams (PAPS) generated by a plasma gun (United States)

    Robert, E.; Sarron, V.; Riès, D.; Dozias, S.; Vandamme, M.; Pouvesle, J.-M.


    An experimental study of atmospheric-pressure rare gas plasma propagation in a high-aspect-ratio capillary is reported. The plasma is generated with a plasma gun device based on a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor powered by either nanosecond or microsecond rise-time high-voltage pulses at single-shot to multi-kHz frequencies. The influence of the voltage waveform, pulse polarity, pulse repetition rate and capillary material have been studied using nanosecond intensified charge-coupled device imaging and plasma-front velocity measurements. The evolution of the plasma appearance during its propagation and the study of the role of the different experimental parameters lead us to suggest a new denomination of pulsed atmospheric-pressure plasma streams to describe all the plasma features, including the previously so-called plasma bullet. The unique properties of such non-thermal plasma launching in capillaries, far from the primary DBD plasma, are associated with a fast ionization wave travelling with velocity in the 107-108 cm s-1 range. Voltage pulse tailoring is shown to allow for a significant improvement of such plasma delivery. Thus, the plasma gun device affords unique opportunities in biomedical endoscopic applications.

  8. Characterization of pulsed atmospheric-pressure plasma streams (PAPS) generated by a plasma gun

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robert, E; Sarron, V; Riès, D; Dozias, S; Vandamme, M; Pouvesle, J-M


    An experimental study of atmospheric-pressure rare gas plasma propagation in a high-aspect-ratio capillary is reported. The plasma is generated with a plasma gun device based on a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor powered by either nanosecond or microsecond rise-time high-voltage pulses at single-shot to multi-kHz frequencies. The influence of the voltage waveform, pulse polarity, pulse repetition rate and capillary material have been studied using nanosecond intensified charge-coupled device imaging and plasma-front velocity measurements. The evolution of the plasma appearance during its propagation and the study of the role of the different experimental parameters lead us to suggest a new denomination of pulsed atmospheric-pressure plasma streams to describe all the plasma features, including the previously so-called plasma bullet. The unique properties of such non-thermal plasma launching in capillaries, far from the primary DBD plasma, are associated with a fast ionization wave travelling with velocity in the 10 7 –10 8 cm s −1 range. Voltage pulse tailoring is shown to allow for a significant improvement of such plasma delivery. Thus, the plasma gun device affords unique opportunities in biomedical endoscopic applications. (paper)

  9. All Plasma Products Are Not Created Equal: Characterizing Differences Between Plasma Products (United States)


    Research and the US Department of Defense. The pooling and solvent detergent treatment processes performed to manufacture the Octaplas and Kedrion products ...All plasma products are not created equal: Characterizing differences between plasma products Philip C. Spinella, MD, Elfaridah Frazier, PhD, Heather... products that may affect efficacy and safety. METHODS: Four different plasma products were analyzed to include fresh frozen plasma (FFP), liquid plasma

  10. Recombination of H{sup +}{sub 3} ions in the afterglow of a He-Ar-H{sub 2} plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glosik, J; Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Novotny, O; Kotrik, T; Hlavenka, P; Varju, J [Mathematics and Physics Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Prague 8 (Czech Republic); Mikhailov, I A; Kokoouline, V [Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 (United States); Greene, Chris H [Department of Physics and JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0440 (United States)], E-mail:


    Recombination of H{sup +}{sub 3} with electrons is studied in a low-temperature plasma containing He, H{sub 2} and Ar at different He and H{sub 2} densities. The effective plasma recombination rate is driven by binary, H{sup +}{sub 3} + e{sup -}, and ternary, H{sup +}{sub 3} + e{sup -}+ He, processes with the rate coefficients 7.5 x 10{sup -8} cm{sup 3} s{sup -1} and 2.8 x 10{sup -25} cm{sup 6} s{sup -1} respectively at 260 K. We suggest that the ternary recombination involves formation of neutral highly excited Rydberg H{sub 3} followed by an l-changing collision with He. The difference between recombination of para- and ortho-H{sup +}{sub 3} is discussed. (fast track communication)

  11. Guias ópticos para sensores


    Marcos de Castro Pacitti


    Neste trabalho foram estudados guias ópticos para atuarem como sensores ou em sistemas sensores. Ênfase especial foi dada em guias ópticos retangulares, para dispositivos ópticos integrados, e fibras ópticas elípticas. A analise de fibras ópticas elípticas resultou em um modelamento pratico para projeto das mesmas em aplicações onde se deseja operar com dois modos guiados, situação esta que se mostra muito atraente para implementação de diversos tipos de sensores a fibra óptica. A seguir es...

  12. Influência da temperatura e do tempo de armazenamento nas dosagens bioquímicas de uréia e creatinina em soro ou plasma caninos Effect of temperature and storage time on urea and creatinine dosages from canine serum or plasma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.T. Fernandes


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar algumas condições de estocagem de soro e de plasma com EDTA 10% utilizados para determinação dos valores de uréia e creatinina em cães, e avaliar a possibilidade de substituir o soro pelo plasma conservado com EDTA 10%. Foram realizadas 3600 análises (1800 amostras de soro e 1800 de plasma com amostras que permaneceram em temperaturas ambiente, de refrigeração e de congelamento. As análises foram realizadas imediatamente após a obtenção da amostra (tempo 0 e após 2, 6, 12, 24, 72 horas e 30 e 60 dias após a coleta do sangue. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a uréia conservou-se por mais tempo na amostra sérica refrigerada até 30 dias e a creatinina na amostra sérica congelada até 72h. O soro mostrou mais estabilidade que o plasma em todas as condições de estoque estabelecidas.Aiming to evaluating some conditions of EDTA 10% serum and plasma storage for urea and creatinine values determinations in canines as well as analyzing the possibility of serum substitution by plasma, a total of 3600 samples (1800 serum and 1800 of plasma were analyzed at room, refrigeration and freezing temperatures. Different time intervals were used in the analysis: immediately after sampling (time 0, and at 2, 6, 12, 24, and 72 hours, and 30 and 60 days after the blood collection. The data showed that urea remains conserved for more time in the refrigerated serum sample until 30 days and the creatinine in the frozen serum sample until 72 hours. Serum showed more stability than plasma in all storage conditions established.

  13. Plasma-wall interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reichle, R.


    This document gathers the 43 slides presented in the framework of the week long lecture 'hot plasmas 2004' and dedicated to plasma-wall interaction in a tokamak. This document is divided into 4 parts: 1) thermal load on the wall, power extraction and particle recovery, 2) basic edge plasma physics, 3) processes that drive the plasma-solid interaction, and 4) material conditioning (surface treatment...) for ITER

  14. Study of single and binary ion plasma expansion into laboratory-generated plasma wakes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, K.H. Jr.


    Plasma expansion into the wake of a large rectangular plate immersed in a collisionless, supersonic plasma was investigated in laboratory experiments. The experimental conditions address both single ion and binary ion plasma flows for the case of a body whose size is large in comparison with the Debye length, when the potential difference between the body and the plasma is relatively small. A new plasma source was developed to generate equi-velocity, binary ion plasma flows, which allows access to new parameter space that have previously been unavailable for laboratory studies. Specifically, the new parameters are the ionic mass ratio and the ionic component density ratio. In a series of experiments, a krypton-neon plasma is employed where the ambient density ratio of neon to krypton is varied more than an order of magnitude. The expansion in both the single ion and binary ion plasma cases is limited to early times, i.e., a few ion plasma periods, by the combination of plasma density, plasma drift speed, and vacuum chamber size, which prevented detailed comparison with self-similar theory

  15. The 2017 Plasma Roadmap: Low temperature plasma science and technology (United States)

    Adamovich, I.; Baalrud, S. D.; Bogaerts, A.; Bruggeman, P. J.; Cappelli, M.; Colombo, V.; Czarnetzki, U.; Ebert, U.; Eden, J. G.; Favia, P.; Graves, D. B.; Hamaguchi, S.; Hieftje, G.; Hori, M.; Kaganovich, I. D.; Kortshagen, U.; Kushner, M. J.; Mason, N. J.; Mazouffre, S.; Mededovic Thagard, S.; Metelmann, H.-R.; Mizuno, A.; Moreau, E.; Murphy, A. B.; Niemira, B. A.; Oehrlein, G. S.; Petrovic, Z. Lj; Pitchford, L. C.; Pu, Y.-K.; Rauf, S.; Sakai, O.; Samukawa, S.; Starikovskaia, S.; Tennyson, J.; Terashima, K.; Turner, M. M.; van de Sanden, M. C. M.; Vardelle, A.


    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics published the first Plasma Roadmap in 2012 consisting of the individual perspectives of 16 leading experts in the various sub-fields of low temperature plasma science and technology. The 2017 Plasma Roadmap is the first update of a planned series of periodic updates of the Plasma Roadmap. The continuously growing interdisciplinary nature of the low temperature plasma field and its equally broad range of applications are making it increasingly difficult to identify major challenges that encompass all of the many sub-fields and applications. This intellectual diversity is ultimately a strength of the field. The current state of the art for the 19 sub-fields addressed in this roadmap demonstrates the enviable track record of the low temperature plasma field in the development of plasmas as an enabling technology for a vast range of technologies that underpin our modern society. At the same time, the many important scientific and technological challenges shared in this roadmap show that the path forward is not only scientifically rich but has the potential to make wide and far reaching contributions to many societal challenges.

  16. The 2017 Plasma Roadmap: Low temperature plasma science and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamovich, I; Baalrud, S D; Bogaerts, A; Bruggeman, P J; Cappelli, M; Colombo, V; Czarnetzki, U; Ebert, U; Eden, J G; Favia, P; Graves, D B; Hamaguchi, S; Hieftje, G; Hori, M


    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics published the first Plasma Roadmap in 2012 consisting of the individual perspectives of 16 leading experts in the various sub-fields of low temperature plasma science and technology. The 2017 Plasma Roadmap is the first update of a planned series of periodic updates of the Plasma Roadmap. The continuously growing interdisciplinary nature of the low temperature plasma field and its equally broad range of applications are making it increasingly difficult to identify major challenges that encompass all of the many sub-fields and applications. This intellectual diversity is ultimately a strength of the field. The current state of the art for the 19 sub-fields addressed in this roadmap demonstrates the enviable track record of the low temperature plasma field in the development of plasmas as an enabling technology for a vast range of technologies that underpin our modern society. At the same time, the many important scientific and technological challenges shared in this roadmap show that the path forward is not only scientifically rich but has the potential to make wide and far reaching contributions to many societal challenges. (topical review)

  17. Plasma Free Metanephrines (United States)

    ... Links Patient Resources For Health Professionals Subscribe Search Plasma Free Metanephrines Send Us Your Feedback Choose Topic ... Images View Sources Ask Us Also Known As Plasma Metanephrines Formal Name Fractionated Plasma Free Metanephrines (Metanephrine ...

  18. TFTR plasma feedback systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efthimion, P.; Hawryluk, R.J.; Hojsak, W.; Marsala, R.J.; Mueller, D.; Rauch, W.; Tait, G.D.; Taylor, G.; Thompson, M.


    The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor employs feedback control systems for four plasma parameters, i.e. for plasma current, for plasma major radius, for plasma vertical position, and for plasma density. The plasma current is controlled by adjusting the rate of change of current in the Ohmic Heating (OH) coil system. Plasma current is continuously sensed by a Rogowski coil and its associated electronics; the error between it and a preprogrammed reference plasma current history is operated upon by a ''proportional-plusintegral-plus-derivative'' (PID) control algorithm and combined with various feedforward terms, to generate compensating commands to the phase-controlled thyristor rectifiers which drive current through the OH coils. The plasma position is controlled by adjusting the currents in Equilibrium Field and Horizontal Field coil systems, which respectively determine the vertical and radial external magnetic fields producing J X B forces on the plasma current. The plasma major radius position and vertical position, sensed by ''B /sub theta/ '' and ''B /sub rho/ '' magnetic flux pickup coils with their associated electronics, are controlled toward preprogrammed reference histories by allowing PID and feedforward control algorithms to generate commands to the EF and HF coil power supplies. Plasma density is controlled by adjusting the amount of gas injected into the vacuum vessel. Time-varying gains are used to combine lineaveraged plasma density measurements from a microwave interferometer plasma diagnostic system with vacuum vessel pressure measurements from ion gauges, with various other measurements, and with preprogrammed reference histories, to determine commands to piezoelectric gas injection valves

  19. Surface preparation for XRD residual stress measurements; Preparacao de superficie para medicao de tensoes residuais em soldagem por DRX

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mishchenko, Andrii; Oliveira, Bruno Jose de; Scotti, Americo, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (UFU), MG (Brazil)


    A characteristic feature of the X Ray Diffraction (XRD) method for stress determination is that measurements occur at a thin surface layer. Steel sheets come with surfaces modified by lamination, cleaning (sandblasting, grinding) and even corrosion, which induce residual stresses or roughness inherent to the material. Therefore, surface preparation prior to the residual stress measurement is essential, although no standard procedure seems to be available. A general recommendation is to remove a thin layer so that only residual stresses related to the welding process will be measured. In this study, the use of portable electrolytic equipment was evaluated for mechanized surface material removal. Chemical compositions of electrolytic solutions and the influence of current on the removed material, removal time and temperature during the process were studied. As a result, a suitable chemical solution for electro etching of low carbon steel was developed and a set of “soft” parameters that allowed the removal of about 300 um in a reasonable time was found. Higher currents reduce the removal time, yet increasing the consumption of the solution and plate temperature (which could adversely alter the microstructure or generate thermal stresses). Furthermore, the influence of these parameters on the operability of the process was demonstrated. (author)

  20. Plasma Channel Lenses and Plasma Tornadoes for Optical Beam Focusing and Transport (United States)

    Hubbard, R. F.; Kaganovich, D.; Johnson, L. A.; Gordon, D. F.; Penano, J. R.; Hafizi, B.; Helle, M. H.; Mamonau, A. A.


    Shaped plasmas offer the possibility of manipulating laser pulses at intensities far above the damage limits for conventional optics. An example is the plasma channel, which is a cylindrical plasma column with an on-axis density minimum. Long plasma channels have been widely used to guide intense laser pulses, particularly in laser wakefield accelerators. A new concept, the ``plasma tornado'', offers the possibility of creating long plasma channels with no nearby structures and at densities lower than can be achieved by capillary discharges. A short plasma channel can focus a laser pulse in much the same manner as a conventional lens or off-axis parabola. When placed in front of the focal point of an intense laser pulse, a plasma channel lens (PCL) can reduce the effective f-number of conventional focusing optics. When placed beyond the focal point, it can act as a collimator. We will present experimental and modeling results for a new plasma tornado design, review experimental methods for generating short PCLs, and discuss potential applications. Supported by the Naval Research Laboratory Base Program.

  1. Properties of the Dense Plasma Produced in Plasma Focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peacock, N.J.; Wilcock, P.D.; Speer, R.J.; Morgan, P.D.


    The plasma produced by the focus or quasi-cylindrical magnetic compression which occurs at the open end of a metal-walled, coaxial plasma gun has been studied, using the electrical waveforms and the electromagnetic and reaction particle, emission. The electromagnetic radiation in the XUV region of the spectrum has previously been briefly reported, and the present paper describes further more detailed analyses of the line emission at wavelengths shorter than 10 Å when impurities are added to the gas filling. The emission is characteristic of a plasma with a temperature of a few keV and a density greater than 10 19 cm -3 , while the appearance of optical transitions in highly stripped ions, e. g. A XVIII, gives a measure of the thermalization in the plasma. The stored electrical energy has been doubled and the scaling of the neutron emission with the applied voltage and the initial particle density is presented. The duration of the neutron and X-ray emission is considerably longer than the observed instability growth time in the plasma filament. Calculations of the mode of heating and the confinement of the plasma are compared with experimental observations. (author)

  2. Interaction of multiple plasma plumes in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet array

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghasemi, M; Olszewski, P; Bradley, J W; Walsh, J L


    Plasma jet arrays are considered a viable means to enhance the scale of a downstream surface treatment beyond that possible using a single plasma jet. Of paramount importance in many processing applications is the uniformity of the plasma exposure on the substrate, which can be compromised when multiple plasma jets are arranged in close proximity due to their interaction. This contribution explores a dielectric barrier plasma jet array consisting of multiple individually ballasted jets. It is shown that capacitive ballasting is a promising technique to allow simultaneous operation of the plasma plumes without the losses associated with resistive ballasting. The interaction between adjacent plasma plumes and the background gas is investigated with Schlieren imaging; it is shown that the strong repulsive force between each plasma plume causes a divergence in propagation trajectory and a reduction in the laminar flow length with significant ramifications for any downstream surface treatment.

  3. Measurement of toroidal plasma current in RF heated helical plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besshou, Sakae


    This report describes the measurement of toroidal plasma current by a semiflexible Rogowski coil in a helical vacuum chamber. A Rogowski coil measures the toroidal plasma current with a resolution of 0.1 kA, frequency range of up to 1 kHz and sensitivity of 6.5 x 10 -9 V · s/A. We measured the spontaneous toroidal plasma current (from -1.2 to +1.2 kA) under electron cyclotron resonance heating at 0.94 T toroidal field in the Heliotron-E device. We found that the measured direction of toroidal plasma current changes its sign as in the predicted behavior of a neoclassical diffusion-driven bootstrap current, depending on the horizontal position of the plasma column. We explain the observed plasma currents in terms of the compound phenomenon of an ohmic current and a neoclassical diffusion-driven current. The magnitude of the neoclassical current component is smaller than the value predicted by a collisionless neoclassical theory. (author)

  4. Electron plasma waves in CO/sub 2/ laser plasma interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldis, H.A.; Villeneuve, D.M.; Walsh, C.J.


    During the past few years, the use of Thomson scattering in CO/sub 2/ laser produced plasmas has permitted the identification and study of electron plasma waves and ion waves, driven by various instabilities in the plasma corona, such as Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS), two plasmon decay, and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS). Since these instabilities may coexist in the plasma, the density fluctuations associated with one wave may influence the behaviour of one or more of the other instabilities. The authors discuss the experimental evidence of such effects and, in particular, the consequences of a recent experiment in which the ion waves driven by SBS were observed to adversely affect the production of the electron plasma waves driven by SRS. In that experiment, a strong correlation was observed between the onset of SBS and the disappearance of the electron plasma waves driven by SRS at low densities (n/sub e/ n/sub e/ > 0.05 n/sub c/)

  5. FOREWORD: 23rd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology (PLASMA-2008) (United States)

    Das, A. K.


    The Twentieth Century has been a defining period for Plasma Science and Technology. The state of ionized matter, so named by Irving Langmuir in the early part of twentieth century, has now evolved in to a multidisciplinary area with scientists and engineers from various specializations working together to exploit the unique properties of the plasma medium. There have been great improvements in the basic understanding of plasmas as a many body system bound by complex collective Coulomb interactions of charges, atoms, molecules, free radicals and photons. Simultaneously, many advanced plasma based technologies are increasingly being implemented for industrial and societal use. The emergence of the multination collaborative project International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project has provided the much needed boost to the researchers working on thermonuclear fusion plasmas. In addition, the other plasma applications like MHD converters, hydrogen generation, advanced materials (synthesis, processing and surface modification), environment (waste beneficiation, air and water pollution management), nanotechnology (synthesis, deposition and etching), light production, heating etc are actively being pursued in governmental and industrial sectors. For India, plasma science and technology has traditionally remained an important area of research. It was nearly a century earlier that the Saha ionization relation pioneered the way to interpret experimental data from a vast range of near equilibrium plasmas. Today, Indian research contributions and technology demonstration capabilities encompass thermonuclear fusion devices, nonlinear plasma phenomena, plasma accelerators, beam plasma interactions, dusty and nonneutral plasmas, industrial plasmas and plasma processing of materials, nano synthesis and structuring, astrophysical and space plasmas etc. India's participation in the ITER programme is now reflected in increased interest in the research and development

  6. Magnetohydrodynamic simulation study of plasma jets and plasma-surface contact in coaxial plasma accelerators (United States)

    Subramaniam, Vivek; Raja, Laxminarayan L.


    Recent experiments by Loebner et al. [IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 44, 1534 (2016)] studied the effect of a hypervelocity jet emanating from a coaxial plasma accelerator incident on target surfaces in an effort to mimic the transient loading created during edge localized mode disruption events in fusion plasmas. In this paper, we present a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical model to simulate plasma jet formation and plasma-surface contact in this coaxial plasma accelerator experiment. The MHD system of equations is spatially discretized using a cell-centered finite volume formulation. The temporal discretization is performed using a fully implicit backward Euler scheme and the resultant stiff system of nonlinear equations is solved using the Newton method. The numerical model is employed to obtain some key insights into the physical processes responsible for the generation of extreme stagnation conditions on the target surfaces. Simulations of the plume (without the target plate) are performed to isolate and study phenomena such as the magnetic pinch effect that is responsible for launching pressure pulses into the jet free stream. The simulations also yield insights into the incipient conditions responsible for producing the pinch, such as the formation of conductive channels. The jet-target impact studies indicate the existence of two distinct stages involved in the plasma-surface interaction. A fast transient stage characterized by a thin normal shock transitions into a pseudo-steady stage that exhibits an extended oblique shock structure. A quadratic scaling of the pinch and stagnation conditions with the total current discharged between the electrodes is in qualitative agreement with the results obtained in the experiments. This also illustrates the dominant contribution of the magnetic pressure term in determining the magnitude of the quantities of interest.

  7. Labbtex: Toolbox para generación de informes en LATEX para Matlab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Almazán Gárate


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el software desarrollado por el Equipo H3lite dentro del Departamento de Ingeneniería Civil. Transportes de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid para la generación de informes enLATEX mediante el software Matlab® y la integración en sus rutinas, Labbtex.La librería Labbtex proporciona un marco flexible para mezclar texto y código Matlab® para la generación automática de documentos. Un rchivo fuente simple contiene el texto de documentación y el código Matlab, al correr la aplicación se genera un documento final LATEX que contiene el texto, gráficos y tablas indicados con el formato de un documento LATEX. El código Matlab genera un documento LATEX usando la sintaxis. Así, LATEX (para composición de texto de alta calidad y Matlab® (para cálculo matemático pueden usarse simultáneamente. Esto permite la generación de informes en tiempo real con un uso de recursos mínimo.

  8. Plasma metallization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crowther, J.M.


    Many methods are currently used for the production of thin metal films. However, all of these have drawbacks associated with them, for example the need for UHV conditions, high temperatures, exotic metal precursors, or the inability to coat complex shaped objects. Reduction of supported metal salts by non-isothermal plasma treatment does not suffer from these drawbacks. In order to produce and analyse metal films before they become contaminated, a plasma chamber which could be attached directly to a UHV chamber with XPS capability was designed and built. This allowed plasma treatment of supported metal salts and surface analysis by XPS to be performed without exposure of the metal film to the atmosphere. Non-equilibrium plasma treatment of Nylon 66 supported gold(lll) chloride using hydrogen as the feed gas resulted in a 95% pure gold film, the remaining 5% of the film being carbon. If argon or helium were used as the feed gases during plasma treatment the resultant gold films were 100% pure. Some degree of surface contamination of the films due to plasma treatment was observed but was easily removed by argon ion cleaning. Hydrogen plasma reduction of glass supported silver(l) nitrate and palladium(ll) acetate films reveals that this metallization technique is applicable to a wide variety of metal salts and supports, and has also shown the ability of plasma reduction to retain the complex 'fern-like' structures seen for spin coated silver(l) nitrate layers. Some metal salts are susceptible to decomposition by X-rays. The reduction of Nylon 66 supported gold(lll) chloride films by soft X-rays to produce nanoscopic gold particles has been studied. The spontaneous reduction of these X-ray irradiated support gold(lll) chloride films on exposure to the atmosphere to produce gold rich metallic films has also been reported. (author)

  9. Modelo de gestión turística sostenible y su incidencia para el desarrollo de la Comunidad Guangashí-La Tigrera del Cantón Pallatanga Provincia de Chimborazo.


    Peñafiel Díaz, Jessica Liliana


    La presente investigación se realizó: Modelo de Gestión Turística Sostenible para el Desarrollo de la Comunidad Guangashí-La Tigrera del cantón Pallatanga, surgió para fortalecer la gestión turística cantonal, considerando la realidad comunitaria y la planificación municipal. La metodología que se utilizó es aplicada, descriptiva, documental y explicativa. El diagnóstico situacional plasma la vocación turística de la comunidad Guangashí-La Tigrera, como zona de recreación y fomento turístico,...

  10. Some aspects of plasma thermodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorgoraki, V.I.


    The objective reasons which have inhibited the development of a plasma-thermodynamics theory are discussed and the authors formulate the fundamental principles which can be the basis of a common plasma-thermodynamics theory. Two kinds of thermodynamic equilibrium plasmas are discussed, an isothermal plasma and a nonisothermal plasma. An isothermal plasma is a high-temperature plasma; the Saha-Eggert equation describes its behavior. A nonisothermal plasma is a low-temperature plasma, and the reactions taking place therein are purely plasma-chemical. The ionization equilibrium and the composition of such a plasma can be found with the aid of the equations presented in this paper

  11. Particle beams and plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, A.; Messerschmid, E.; Lawson, J.D.


    These lectures present a survey of some of the concepts of plasma physics and look at some situations familiar to particle-accelerator physicists from the point of view of a plasma physicist, with the intention of helping to link together the two fields. At the outset, basic plasma concepts are presented, including definitions of a plasma, characteristic parameters, magnetic pressure and confinement. This is followed by a brief discussion on plasma kinetic theory, non-equilibrium plasma, and the temperature of moving plasmas. Examples deal with beams in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings as well as with non-steady beams in cyclic accelerators and microwave tubes. In the final chapters, time-varying systems are considered: waves in free space and the effect of cylinder bounds, wave motion in cold stationary plasmas, and waves in plasmas with well-defined streams. The treatment throughout is informal, with emphasis on the essential physical properties of continuous beams in accelerators and storage rings in relation to the corresponding problems in plasma physics and microwave tubes. (Author)

  12. Dense Plasma Focus - From Alternative Fusion Source to Versatile High Energy Density Plasma Source for Plasma Nanotechnology (United States)

    Rawat, R. S.


    The dense plasma focus (DPF), a coaxial plasma gun, utilizes pulsed high current electrical discharge to heat and compress the plasma to very high density and temperature with energy densities in the range of 1-10 × 1010 J/m3. The DPF device has always been in the company of several alternative magnetic fusion devices as it produces intense fusion neutrons. Several experiments conducted on many different DPF devices ranging over several order of storage energy have demonstrated that at higher storage energy the neutron production does not follow I4 scaling laws and deteriorate significantly raising concern about the device's capability and relevance for fusion energy. On the other hand, the high energy density pinch plasma in DPF device makes it a multiple radiation source of ions, electron, soft and hard x-rays, and neutrons, making it useful for several applications in many different fields such as lithography, radiography, imaging, activation analysis, radioisotopes production etc. Being a source of hot dense plasma, strong shockwave, intense energetic beams and radiation, etc, the DPF device, additionally, shows tremendous potential for applications in plasma nanoscience and plasma nanotechnology. In the present paper, the key features of plasma focus device are critically discussed to understand the novelties and opportunities that this device offers in processing and synthesis of nanophase materials using, both, the top-down and bottom-up approach. The results of recent key experimental investigations performed on (i) the processing and modification of bulk target substrates for phase change, surface reconstruction and nanostructurization, (ii) the nanostructurization of PLD grown magnetic thin films, and (iii) direct synthesis of nanostructured (nanowire, nanosheets and nanoflowers) materials using anode target material ablation, ablated plasma and background reactive gas based synthesis and purely gas phase synthesis of various different types of

  13. Dense Plasma Focus - From Alternative Fusion Source to Versatile High Energy Density Plasma Source for Plasma Nanotechnology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rawat, R S


    The dense plasma focus (DPF), a coaxial plasma gun, utilizes pulsed high current electrical discharge to heat and compress the plasma to very high density and temperature with energy densities in the range of 1-10 × 10 10 J/m 3 . The DPF device has always been in the company of several alternative magnetic fusion devices as it produces intense fusion neutrons. Several experiments conducted on many different DPF devices ranging over several order of storage energy have demonstrated that at higher storage energy the neutron production does not follow I 4 scaling laws and deteriorate significantly raising concern about the device's capability and relevance for fusion energy. On the other hand, the high energy density pinch plasma in DPF device makes it a multiple radiation source of ions, electron, soft and hard x-rays, and neutrons, making it useful for several applications in many different fields such as lithography, radiography, imaging, activation analysis, radioisotopes production etc. Being a source of hot dense plasma, strong shockwave, intense energetic beams and radiation, etc, the DPF device, additionally, shows tremendous potential for applications in plasma nanoscience and plasma nanotechnology. In the present paper, the key features of plasma focus device are critically discussed to understand the novelties and opportunities that this device offers in processing and synthesis of nanophase materials using, both, the top-down and bottom-up approach. The results of recent key experimental investigations performed on (i) the processing and modification of bulk target substrates for phase change, surface reconstruction and nanostructurization, (ii) the nanostructurization of PLD grown magnetic thin films, and (iii) direct synthesis of nanostructured (nanowire, nanosheets and nanoflowers) materials using anode target material ablation, ablated plasma and background reactive gas based synthesis and purely gas phase synthesis of various different types of

  14. On atmospheric-pressure non-equilibrium plasma jets and plasma bullets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, X; Laroussi, M; Puech, V


    Atmospheric-pressure non-equilibrium plasma jets (APNP-Js), which generate plasma in open space rather than in a confined discharge gap, have recently been a topic of great interest. In this paper, the development of APNP-Js will be reviewed. Firstly, the APNP-Js are grouped based on the type of gas used to ignite them and their characteristics are discussed in detail. Secondly, one of the most interesting phenomena of APNP-Js, the ‘plasma bullet’, is discussed and its behavior described. Thirdly, the very recent developments on the behavior of plasma jets when launched in a controlled environment and pressure are also introduced. This is followed by a discussion on the interaction between plasma jets. Finally, perspectives on APNP-J research are presented. (paper)

  15. Plasma stream transport method (2) Use of charge exchange plasma source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuchimoto, T.


    The plasma stream transport method using a single plasma source has limitations for practical film deposition. Using a charge exchange phenomenon, a new plasma source is devised and tested by the plasma stream transport machine. Metals, silicon dioxide, and nitride films are deposited by this system. The mechanism of deposition under relatively high vacuum surrounding a silicon wafer is discussed as is the effect of radical atoms


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    Fernanda Ramos Figueira


    Full Text Available Os biofilmes fúngicos são uma predominante causa de infecções crônicas associadas à utilização de cateteres e próteses, conferindo resistência aos antibióticos e fatores imunológicos do hospedeiro, sendo as leveduras, do gênero Candida spp, as mais frequentemente isoladas. O plasma não-térmico, operado à pressão atmosférica, vem ganhando destaque como uma nova estratégia antimicrobiana, inclusive para erradicação de biofilmes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia da inativação de biofilmes de Candida albicans ATCC sobre substrato de poliuretano, utilizando jatos de plasma atmosférico de 6L/min de hélio e 4L/min de ar comprimido, alternando entre sistema contínuo e pulsado, com frequência de 60Hz e distâncias de 10 a 30mm entre o bocal e substrato. Após tratamento, realizou-se a contagem das unidades formadoras de colônia e a análise morfológica da superfície do biofilme por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. O melhor grupo foi o plasma de modo pulsado com distância de 30mm com redução de 92% das unidades formadoras de colônia, demonstrando ser uma tecnologia promissora para o controle de biofilmes de C. albicans.

  17. Magnetoresistive waves in plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felber, F.S.; Hunter, R.O. Jr.; Pereira, N.R.; Tajima, T.


    The self-generated magnetic field of a current diffusing into a plasma between conductors can magnetically insulate the plasma. Propagation of magnetoresistive waves in plasmas is analyzed. Applications to plasma opening switches are discussed

  18. Visualization of intermittent blobby plasma transport in attached and detached plasmas of the NAGDIS-II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohno, Noriyasu; Furuta, Katsuhiro; Takamura, Shuichi


    We investigated the intermittent convective plasma transport in a attached and/or detached plasma condition of the linear divertor plasma simulator, NAGDIS-II. Images taken by a fast-imaging camera clearly show that in attached plasmas, blobs are peeled off the bulk plasma, and propagate outward with an azimuthal motion. In detached plasmas, plasma turbulence observed near the plasma recombining region drives strong intermittent radial plasma transport, which could broaden the radial density profile. (author)

  19. Plasma processing: Technologies and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naddaf, M.; Saloum, S.


    This study aims to present the fundamentals of physics of plasmas, methods of generation, diagnostics, and applications for processing of materials. The first chapter defines plasma in general as well as its main parameters, the most important differential equations in plasma physics, and classifies the types of plasmas. the various methods and techniques to create and sustain plasma are presented in the second chapter. Chapter 3 focuses on plasma diagnostic methods and tools. While chapter 4 deals with applications of plasma processing such as; surface modification of materials, plasma ashing and etching, plasma cutting, and the environmental applications of plasma. Plasma polymerization and its various applications have been presented in more details in the last chapter. (Author)

  20. Laser-produced aluminum plasma expansion inside a plastic plasma envelope

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kasperczuk, A.; Pisarczyk, T.; Chodukowski, T.; Kalinowska, Z.; Parys, P.; Renner, Oldřich; Gus´kov, S.Y.; Demchenko, N. N.; Ullschmied, Jiří; Krouský, Eduard; Pfeifer, Miroslav; Rohlena, Karel; Skála, Jiří


    Roč. 19, č. 9 (2012), s. 1-8 ISSN 1070-664X R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 7E09092; GA MŠk(CZ) LC528; GA ČR GAP205/10/0814 Grant - others:7FP LASERLAB-EUROPE(XE) 228334 Program:FP7 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100523; CEZ:AV0Z20430508 Keywords : laser-mater interaction * plasma jets production * x-ray spectroscopy * particle plasma diagnosis * ion charge density * plasma temperature Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics Impact factor: 2.376, year: 2012

  1. Surge of plasma waves in an inhomogeneous plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benhassine, Mohammed


    The first part of this research thesis addresses the propagation of waves in a plasma. It presents the equation of propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a plasma without magnetic field, and analyses the propagation in an inhomogeneous medium. The second part addresses the wave-particle interaction: interaction between electrons and an electromagnetic wave, between electrons and an electrostatic wave (trapping), and between electrons and a localised electric field. The third chapter presents the analytic theory of oscillations of a cold plasma (macroscopic equations in Lagrangian coordinates, analytic solution before surge). The next chapter discusses physical interpretations before the wave surge, after the wave surge, and about energy exchange (within or outside of resonance). Numerical simulations and their results are then reported and discussed. The sixth chapter addresses the case of an electrostatic wave surge in a hot plasma. It notably addresses the following aspects: equivalence between the description of moments and the Waterbag model, interaction between non linearity and thermal effects, variation of electric field amplitude with temperature. Results of numerical simulations are presented, and the last part addresses experimental predictions for microwaves-plasma interaction and laser-matter interaction [fr

  2. Improved plasma accelerator (United States)

    Cheng, D. Y.


    Converging, coaxial accelerator electrode configuration operates in vacuum as plasma gun. Plasma forms by periodic injections of high pressure gas that is ionized by electrical discharges. Deflagration mode of discharge provides acceleration, and converging contours of plasma gun provide focusing.

  3. Numerical Calculation of Transport Based on the Drift Kinetic Equation for plasmas in General Toroidal Magnetic Geometry; Calculo Numerico del Transporte mediante la Ecuacion Cinetica de Deriva para Plasmas en Geometria Magnetica Toroidal: Preliminares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reynolds, J. M.; Lopez-Bruna, D.


    This report is the first of a series dedicated to the numerical calculation of the evolution of fusion plasmas in general toroidal geometry, including TJ-II plasmas. A kinetic treatment has been chosen: the evolution equation of the distribution function of one or several plasma species is solved in guiding center coordinates. The distribution function is written as a Maxwellian one modulated by polynomial series in the kinetic coordinates with no other approximations than those of the guiding center itself and the computation capabilities. The code allows also for the inclusion of the three-dimensional electrostatic potential in a self-consistent manner, but the initial objective has been set to solving only the neoclassical transport. A high order conservative method (Spectral Difference Method) has been chosen in order to discretized the equation for its numerical solution. In this first report, in addition to justifying the work, the evolution equation and its approximations are described, as well as the baseline of the numerical procedures. (Author) 28 refs.

  4. Improved planar radio frequency inductively coupled plasma configuration in plasma immersion ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, D.L.; Fu, R.K.Y.; Tian, X.B.; Chu, P.K.


    Plasmas with higher density and better uniformity are produced using an improved planar radio frequency (rf) inductively coupled plasma configuration in plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). An axial magnetic field is produced by external electromagnetic coils outside the discharge chamber. The rf power can be effectively absorbed by the plasma in the vicinity of the electron gyrofrequency due to the enhanced resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in the whistler wave range, which can propagate nearly along the magnetic field lines thus greatly increases the plasma density. The plasma is confined by a longitudinal multipolar cusp magnetic field made of permanent magnets outside the process chamber. It can improve the plasma uniformity without significantly affecting the ion density. The plasma density can be increased from 3x10 9 to 1x10 10 cm -3 employing an axial magnetic field of several Gauss at 1000 W rf power and 5x10 -4 Torr gas pressure. The nonuniformity of the plasma density is less than 10% and can be achieved in a process chamber with a diameter of 600 mm. Since the plasma generation and process chambers are separate, plasma extinction due to the plasma sheath touching the chamber wall in high-energy PIII can be avoided. Hence, low-pressure, high-energy, and high-uniformity ion implantation can be accomplished using this setup

  5. Determination of plasma spot current and arc discharge plasma current on the system of plasma cathode electron sources using Rogowski coil technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wirjoadi; Bambang Siswanto; Lely Susita RM; Agus Purwadi; Sudjatmoko


    It has been done the function test experiments of ignitor electrode system and the plasma generator electrode system to determine the current spot plasma and arc discharge plasma current with Rogowski coil technique. Ignitor electrode system that gets power supply from IDPS system can generate the plasma spot current of 11.68 ampere to the pulse width of about 33 μs, this value is greater than the design probably because of electronic components used in the IDPS system was not as planned. For the plasma generator electrode system that gets power from ADPS system capable of producing an arc discharge plasma current around 103.15 amperes with a pulse width of about 96 μs, and this value as planned. Based on the value of the arc discharge plasma current can be determined plasma electron density, which is about 10.12 10"1"9 electrons/m"3, and with this electron density value, an ignitor electrode system and a plasma generator system is quite good if used as a plasma cathode electron source system. (author)

  6. Stability of plasma cylinder with current in a helical plasma flow (United States)

    Leonovich, Anatoly S.; Kozlov, Daniil A.; Zong, Qiugang


    Stability of a plasma cylinder with a current wrapped by a helical plasma flow is studied. Unstable surface modes of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) oscillations develop at the boundary of the cylinder enwrapped by the plasma flow. Unstable eigenmodes can also develop for which the plasma cylinder is a waveguide. The growth rate of the surface modes is much higher than that for the eigenmodes. It is shown that the asymmetric MHD modes in the plasma cylinder are stable if the velocity of the plasma flow is below a certain threshold. Such a plasma flow velocity threshold is absent for the symmetric modes. They are unstable in any arbitrarily slow plasma flows. For all surface modes there is an upper threshold for the flow velocity above which they are stable. The helicity index of the flow around the plasma cylinder significantly affects both the Mach number dependence of the surface wave growth rate and the velocity threshold values. The higher the index, the lower the upper threshold of the velocity jump above which the surface waves become stable. Calculations have been carried out for the growth rates of unstable oscillations in an equilibrium plasma cylinder with current serving as a model of the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) of the Earth's magnetic tail. A tangential discontinuity model is used to simulate the geomagnetic tail boundary. It is shown that the magnetopause in the geotail LLBL is unstable to a surface wave (having the highest growth rate) in low- and medium-speed solar wind flows, but becomes stable to this wave in high-speed flows. However, it can remain weakly unstable to the radiative modes of MHD oscillations.

  7. International conference on plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silin, V.P.; Sitenko, A.G.


    A brief report on the 6th International conference on plasma physics and on the 6th International Congress on plasma waves and plasma instabilities, which have taken place in summer 1984 in Losanne, is presented. Main items of the conference are enlightened, such as the general theory of a plasma, laboratory plasma, thermonuclear plasma, cosmic plasma and astrophysics

  8. Internet como instrumento para la Yihad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso Merlos García


    Full Text Available Las extraordinarias ventajas que ofrece Internet lo han convertido en un instrumento clave y dinámico en la estrategia de los yihadistas. Los medios de comunicación, la clase política y las agencias de seguridad e información han tendido a concentrar sus esfuerzos en la neutralización del ciberterrorismo sin prestar suficiente atención a los múltiples usos de Internet que están haciendo los neosalafistas: para la propaganda y para la guerra psicológica, para el reclutamiento y para la financiación, para la documentación y para la planificación de atentados. Las democracias deberían considerar el coste que tendrá la derrota frente al movimiento yihadista globalizado en la batalla por el ciberespacio

  9. Comportamiento a fatiga térmica de la capa de anclaje de nuevas barreras térmicas cerámicas obtenidas mediante proyección por plasma atmosférico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Carpio


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de nuevos materiales cerámicos para aplicarlos en recubrimientos protectores frente a la temperatura, también conocidos como barreras térmicas (Thermal Barrier Coatings o TBC, es de gran interés para muchos sectores, entre los que destacan las industrias de generación de energía, aeronáutica y automovilística.  En este trabajo se realizó un estudio del comportamiento a fatiga térmica, centrado en la respuesta de uno de los componentes que constituyen una TBC: la capa de anclaje. Los distintos componentes de la TBC fueron depositados mediante la técnica de proyección térmica por plasma atmosférico (Atmospheric Plasma Spraying o APS. Se estudió la microestructura y la composición de la capa de anclaje a lo largo de los ciclos térmicos de estudio.

  10. Theoretical approach for plasma series resonance effect in geometrically symmetric dual radio frequency plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bora, B.; Bhuyan, H.; Favre, M.; Wyndham, E.; Chuaqui, H.


    Plasma series resonance (PSR) effect is well known in geometrically asymmetric capacitively couple radio frequency plasma. However, plasma series resonance effect in geometrically symmetric plasma has not been properly investigated. In this work, a theoretical approach is made to investigate the plasma series resonance effect and its influence on Ohmic and stochastic heating in geometrically symmetric discharge. Electrical asymmetry effect by means of dual frequency voltage waveform is applied to excite the plasma series resonance. The results show considerable variation in heating with phase difference between the voltage waveforms, which may be applicable in controlling the plasma parameters in such plasma.

  11. Method development and validation for naratriptan determination in human plasma by HPLC with tandem mass spectrometry detection, and its application to bioequivalence study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Balasekhara Reddy Challa


    Full Text Available The authors developed a simple, sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of naratriptan (NP in human plasma using naratriptan-d3 (NPD3 as an internal standard (IS. Chromatographic separation was performed on a Zorbax SB-C18, 75 x 4.6 mm, 3.5 µm column with an isocratic mobile phase composed of 0.1% formic acid : acetonitrile (50:50 v/v, at a flow-rate of 0.6 mL/min. NP and NPD3 were detected with proton adducts at m/z 336.5→98.0 and 339.4→101.0 in selected reaction monitoring (SRM positive mode, respectively. The liquid-liquid extraction method was used to extract the NP and NPD3. This method was validated over a linear concentration range of 0.1-25.0 ng/mL with a correlation coefficient of (r2 > 0.9998. The Intra-day and Interday precision was found to be 1.8 to 3.6%, and 2.3 to 2.6%, and accuracy to be 101.7- 104.2% and 101.8 to 102.9%, respectively. NP was found to be stable throughout freeze-thaw (three cycles, bench top and auto sampler stability studies. This method was successfully applied for the analysis of plasma samples following oral administration of NP (2.5 mg in 31 healthy Indian male human volunteers under fasting conditions.Os autores desenvolveram um método simples, sensível e específico de cromatografia líquida-espectrometria de massa-tandem (LC-MS/MS para a quantificação de naratriptan (NP em plasma humano empregando naratriptan-d3 (NPD3 como padrão interno de referência (IS. A separação cromatográfica foi realizada em coluna Zorbax SB-C18, 75 x 4,6 mm, 3,5 μm com fase móvel isocrática composta por 0,1% ácido fórmico : acetronitrila (50:50 v/v e taxa de fluxo de 0,6 mL/min. NP e NPD3 foram detectados com adutos de prótons a m/z 336.5→98.0 e 339.4→101.0 in em modo positivo do tipo monitoramento de reação selecionada (SRM, respectivamente. Extração líquido-líquido foi empregada para extrair NP e NPD3, sendo o método validado

  12. Lightweight Portable Plasma Medical Device - Plasma Engineering Research Laboratory (United States)


    monocytic leukemia cancer cells ( THP -1) were also tested and the results 19 demonstrate that a preference for apoptosis in plasma treated THP -1...unanswered questions. We have tested the effects of indirect exposure of non-thermal air plasma on monocytic leukemia cancer cells ( THP -1) and deciphering... tested and the results are shown in Fig. above. The results demonstrate that a preference for apoptosis in plasma treated THP -1 cells under

  13. Plasma fluctuation measurements in tokamaks using beam-plasma interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonck, R.J.; Duperrex, P.A.; Paul, S.F.


    High-frequency observations of light emitted from the interactions between plasma ions and injected neutral beam atoms allow the measurement of moderate-wavelength fluctuations in plasma and impurity ion densities. To detect turbulence in the local plasma ion density, the collisionally excited fluorescence from a neutral beam is measured either separately at several spatial points or with a multichannel imaging detector. Similarly, the role of impurity ion density fluctuations is measured using charge exchange recombination excited transitions emitted by the ion species of interest. This technique can access the relatively unexplored region of long-wavelength plasma turbulence with k perpendicular ρ i much-lt 1, and hence complements measurements from scattering experiments. Optimization of neutral beam geometry and optical sightlines can result in very good localization and resolution (Δx≤1 cm) in the hot plasma core region. The detectable fluctuation level is determined by photon statistics, atomic excitation processes, and beam stability, but can be as low as 0.2% in a 100 kHz bandwidth over the 0--1 MHz frequency range. The choices of beam species (e.g., H 0 , He 0 , etc.), observed transition (e.g., H α , L α , He I singlet or triplet transitions, C VI Δn=1, etc.) are dictated by experiment-specific factors such as optical access, flexibility of beam operation, plasma conditions, and detailed experimental goals. Initial tests on the PBX-M tokamak using the H α emissions from a heating neutral beam show low-frequency turbulence in the edge plasma region

  14. Plasma density measurements on refuelling by solid hydrogen pellets in a rotating plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joergensen, L.W.; Sillesen, A.H.


    The refuelling of a plasma by solid hydrogen pellets situated in the plasma is investigated. Nearly half of the pellet material is evaporated and seems to be completely ionized, resulting in an increase of the amount of plasma equivalent to one third of the total amount of plasma without refuelling. The gross behaviour of the plasma is not changed. (author)

  15. Cross-elicitation responses to 2-methoxymethyl-para-phenylenediamine in para-phenylenediamine-allergic individuals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuttelaar, M.-L.; Coenraads, P.-J.; Blömeke, B.; Goebel, C.


    The introduction of a methoxymethyl side chain into para-phenylenediamine (PPD) resulted in the development of a new hair dye molecule: 2-methoxymethyl-para-phenylenediamine (Me-PPD). Besides having excellent hair colouring properties, this PPD derivate has significantly lower skin-sensitizing

  16. Plasma behavior and plasma-wall interaction in magnetic fusion divices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtsuka, Hideo


    To study the fundamental behavior of plasma in magnetic field is the main subject in the early stage of the magnetic fusion research. At the next stage, it is necessary to overcome some actual problems in order to attain reactor grade plasmas. One of them is to control impurities in the plasma. In these points of view, we carried out several experiments or theoretical analyses. Firstly, anomalous loss mechanisms in magnetic field were investigated in a toroidal multipole device JFT-1 and the role of motions of charged particles in the magnetic field was exhibited. Various measurements of plasma in the scrape-off layer were made in a divertor tokamak JFT-2a and in an ordinary tokamak JFT-2. The former study demonstrated the first successful divertor operation of the tokamak device and the latter one clarified the mechanism of arcing on the tokamak first wall. As to arcing, a new theory which describes the retrograde motion, the well known strange motion of arcs in a magnetic field, was proposed. Good agreement with the experimental results was shown. Finally, by considering a zero-dimensional sputtering model a self-consistent relation between light and metal impurities in tokamak plasmas was obtained. It was shown that the relation well describes some fundamental aspects of the plasma-wall interaction. As a conclusion, the importance of simple behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields was pointed out not only for the plasma confinement but also for the plasma-wall interaction. (author)

  17. Suitability of tunneling ionization produced plasmas for the plasma beat wave accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leeman, W.P.; Clayton, C.E.; Marsh, K.A.; Dyson, A.; Joshi, C.


    Tunneling ionization can be thought of as the high intensity, low frequency limit of multi-photon ionization (MPI). Extremely uniform plasmas were produced by the latter process at Rutherford lab for beat wave excitation experiments using a 0.5 μm laser. Plasmas with 100% ionization were produced with densities exceeding 10 17 cm -3 . The experiment uses a CO 2 laser (I max ∼ 5 x 10 14 W/cm 2 ) which allows the formation of plasmas via the tunneling process. For the experiments the authors need plasmas with densities in the range of 5 to 10 x 10 16 cm -3 . Using Thomson scattering as a diagnostic they have explored the density and temperature regime of tunneling ionization produced plasmas. They find that plasmas with densities up to 10 16 cm -3 can indeed be produced and that these plasmas are hot. Beyond this density strong refraction of laser radiation occurs due to the radial profile of the plasma. Implications of this work to the Beat Wave Accelerator program will be discussed

  18. Dynamic behavior of plasma-facing materials during plasma instabilities in tokamak reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassanein, A.; Konkashbaev, I.


    Damage to plasma-facing and nearby components due to plasma instabilities remains a major obstacle to a successful tokamak concept. The high energy deposited on facing materials during plasma instabilities can cause severe erosion, plasma contamination, and structural failure of these components. Erosion damage can take various forms such as surface vaporization, spallation, and liquid ejection of metallic materials. Comprehensive thermodynamic and radiation hydrodynamic codes have been developed, integrated, and used to evaluate the extent of various damage to plasma-facing and nearby components. The eroded and splashed materials will be transported and then redeposited elsewhere on other plasma-facing components. Detailed physics of plasma/solid-liquid/vapor interaction in a strong magnetic field have been developed, optimized, and implemented in a self-consistent model. The plasma energy deposited in the evolving divertor debris is quickly and intensely reradiated, which may cause severe erosion and melting of other nearby components. Factors that influence and reduce vapor-shielding efficiency such as vapor diffusion and turbulence are also discussed and evaluated

  19. Experimental works in plasma developed in INPE (Brazil). 1. Double plasma machine for longitudinal wave study. 2. Plasma centrifuge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.; Ludwig, G.O.; Del Bosco, E.


    This work describes some experiments done at the Plasma Physics Laboratory at INPE. In the first part, the double plasma machine used for the study of ion acoustic wave propagation is described, and the results obtained so far are shown. The second part consists in the description of a plasma centrifuge project. It contains some basic parameters of our apparatus used for isotope separation, throuth electromagtnetic rotation of the plasma. (Author) [pt

  20. Negative ion surface plasma source development for plasma trap injectors in Novosibirsk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bel'chenko, Yu.I.; Dimov, G.I.; Dudnikov, V.G.; Kupriyanov, A.S.


    Work on high-current ion sources carried out at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) is presented. The INP investigations on ''pure plasma'' planotron and ''pure surface'' secondary emission systems of H - generation, which preceded the surface-plasma concept developed in Novosibirsk, are described. The physical basis of the surface-plasma method of negative-ion production is considered. The versions and operating characteristics of different surface-plasma sources including the multi-ampere (approx-gt 10A) source are discussed. Research on efficient large-area (∼10 2 cm 2 ) negative ion surface-plasma emitters is described. The INP long-pulse multiaperture surface- plasma generators, with a current of about 1A, are described. 38 refs., 17 figs

  1. Oro para Colombia


    Rubio Forero, María Claudia


    Las mujeres han debido atravesar un largo camino partiendo de la discriminación hasta empezar un proceso de equidad en la sociedad y en el deporte, de esta manera llegar a ser parte de un evento como los Juegos Olímpicos. Esta tesis toma el caso de tres atletas colombianas y describe su proceso de formación para lograr dos medallas de oro para el país.

  2. Plasma state. The universe's fire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehner, Th.


    The plasma is the fourth state of matter, obtained at a very high temperature by the separation of the electrons from their nuclei. Plasma represents 99% of the visible mass of our present day universe and was the unique state of matter at its very beginning. Plasmas are present in the core of stars and in the interstellar environment. More closer to us, they are responsible of spectacular phenomena, like aurora borealis, lightning, comet queues etc.. This book makes a review of the different types of plasmas (electromagnetic, Earth's plasmas, spatial plasmas, solar plasmas, astrophysical plasmas). One chapter presents the thermonuclear fusion as future energy source. Another one treats of the chaos and turbulence inside plasmas. Some applications of plasmas are reviewed: MHD and ionic propulsion systems, MHD energy conversion and MHD generators, thermo-ionic converters, solid-state plasmas, particle accelerators, coherent radiation sources, 'Zeta' machines, X-ray lasers, isotopic separation, non-neutral plasmas and charged beams, free-electrons lasers, electrons and positrons plasmas, industrial applications (etching and cleaning, manufacturing of solar cells, flat screens, industrial reactors, waste treatment, cold plasma-assisted sterilization, effluents decontamination etc.). A last chapter makes an overview of the modern research in plasma physics. (J.S.)

  3. Dynamics of the spectrum of a self-modulated powerful laser pulse in an underdense plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreev, N.E.; Kirsanov, V.I.; Sakharov, A.S.


    The evolution of the spectrum of a powerful laser pulse during its self-modulation in an underdense plasma is studied analytically and numerically. It is shown that, in the early stages of the self-modulation instability, the linear theory gives a qualitatively correct description of the dynamics of the pulse spectrum in most cases. Depending on the parameters of the laser pulse and of the plasma, this spectrum contains either Stocks satellites (downshifted from the fundamental frequency to a value equal to the plasma frequency), or both Stocks and anti-Stocks satellites of the fundamental frequency. When the three-dimensional mechanism for the instability is dominant and the pulse power is close to the critical power for relativistic self-focusing, the numerical calculations show that the intensity of the blue satellite exceeds the intensity of the red one. This specific feature of the spectrum, which does not arise when the instability is one-dimensional, cannot be explained in terms of the linear para-axial theory, and can be used to identify the three-dimensional mechanism for the instability in experiments on the self-modulation of powerful laser pulses. It is shown that the transition to the nonlinear stage of the instability is accompanied by the occurrence of cascades (at frequencies separated from the laser carrier frequency by intervals equal to an integer number of plasma frequencies) in the spectrum of the laser pulse

  4. Preliminary scaling laws for plasma current, ion kinetic temperature, and plasma number density in the NASA Lewis bumpy torus plasma (United States)

    Roth, J. R.


    Parametric variation of independent variables which may affect the characteristics of bumpy torus plasma have identified those which have a significant effect on the plasma current, ion kinetic temperature, and plasma number density, and those which do not. Empirical power law correlations of the plasma current, and the ion kinetic temperature and number density were obtained as functions of potential applied to the midplane electrode rings, the background neutral gas pressure, and the magnetic field strength. Additional parameters studied included the type of gas, the polarity of the midplane electrode rings, the mode of plasma operation, and the method of measuring the plasma number density. No significant departures from the scaling laws appear to occur at the highest ion kinetic temperatures or number densities obtained to date.

  5. The plasma-wall interaction region: a key low temperature plasma for controlled fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Counsell, G F


    The plasma-wall interaction region of a fusion device provides the interface between the hot core plasma and the material surfaces. To obtain acceptably low levels of erosion from these surfaces requires most of the power leaving the core to be radiated. This is accomplished in existing devices by encouraging plasma detachment, in which the hot plasma arriving in the region is cooled by volume recombination and ion-neutral momentum transfer with a dense population of neutrals recycled from the surface. The result is a low temperature (1 eV e e >10 19 m -3 ) but weakly ionized (n 0 >10 20 m -3 , n e /n 0 <0.1) plasma found nowhere else in the fusion environment. This plasma provides many of the conditions found in industrial plasmas exploiting plasma chemistry and the presence of carbon in the region (in the form of carbon-fibre composite used in the plasma facing materials) can result in the formation of deposited hydrocarbon films. The plasma-wall interaction region is therefore among the most difficult in fusion to model, requiring an understanding of atomic, molecular and surface physics issues

  6. Industrial implementation of plasma deposition using the expanding thermal plasma technique

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanden, van de M.C.M.; Oever, van den P.J.; Creatore, M.; Schaepkens, M.; Miebach, T.; Iacovangelo, C.D.; Bosch, R.C.M.; Bijker, M.D.; Evers, M.F.J.; Schram, D.C.; Kessels, W.M.M.


    Two successful industrial implementations of the expanding thermal plasma setup, a novel plasma source, obtaining high deposition rate are discussed. The Ar/O2/hexamethyldisiloxane and Ar/O2/octamethyl-cyclosiloxane-fed expanding thermal plasma setup is used to deposit scratch resistant silicone

  7. Plasma membrane ATPases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Palmgren, Michael Broberg; Bækgaard, Lone; Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura


    The plasma membrane separates the cellular contents from the surrounding environment. Nutrients must enter through the plasma membrane in order to reach the cell interior, and toxic metabolites and several ions leave the cell by traveling across the same barrier. Biological pumps in the plasma me...

  8. Progress In Plasma Accelerator Development for Dynamic Formation of Plasma Liners (United States)

    Thio, Y. C. Francis; Eskridge, Richard; Martin, Adam; Smith, James; Lee, Michael; Cassibry, Jason T.; Griffin, Steven; Rodgers, Stephen L. (Technical Monitor)


    An experimental plasma accelerator for magnetic target fusion (MTF) applications under development at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is described. The accelerator is a coaxial pulsed plasma thruster (Figure 1). It has been tested experimentally and plasma jet velocities of approx.50 km/sec have been obtained. The plasma jet has been photographed with 10-ns exposure times to reveal a stable and repeatable plasma structure (Figure 2). Data for velocity profile information has been obtained using light pipes and magnetic probes embedded in the gun walls to record the plasma and current transit respectively at various barrel locations. Preliminary spatially resolved spectral data and magnetic field probe data are also presented. A high speed triggering system has been developed and tested as a means of reducing the gun "jitter". This jitter is being characterized and future work for second generation "ultra-low jitter" gun development is being identified.

  9. Spectroscopic measurements of plasma emission light for plasma-based acceleration experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filippi, F.; Mostacci, A.; Palumbo, L.; Anania, M.P.; Biagioni, A.; Chiadroni, E.; Ferrario, M.; Cianchi, A.; Zigler, A.


    Advanced particle accelerators are based on the excitation of large amplitude plasma waves driven by either electron or laser beams. Future experiments scheduled at the SPARC-LAB test facility aim to demonstrate the acceleration of high brightness electron beams through the so-called resonant Plasma Wakefield Acceleration scheme in which a train of electron bunches (drivers) resonantly excites wakefields into a preformed hydrogen plasma; the last bunch (witness) injected at the proper accelerating phase gains energy from the wake. The quality of the accelerated beam depends strongly on plasma density and its distribution along the acceleration length. The measurements of plasma density of the order of 10 16 –10 17  cm −3 can be performed with spectroscopic measurements of the plasma-emitted light. The measured density distribution for hydrogen filled capillary discharge with both Balmer alpha and Balmer beta lines and shot-to-shot variation are here reported.

  10. Spectroscopic measurements of plasma emission light for plasma-based acceleration experiments (United States)

    Filippi, F.; Anania, M. P.; Biagioni, A.; Chiadroni, E.; Cianchi, A.; Ferrario, M.; Mostacci, A.; Palumbo, L.; Zigler, A.


    Advanced particle accelerators are based on the excitation of large amplitude plasma waves driven by either electron or laser beams. Future experiments scheduled at the SPARC_LAB test facility aim to demonstrate the acceleration of high brightness electron beams through the so-called resonant Plasma Wakefield Acceleration scheme in which a train of electron bunches (drivers) resonantly excites wakefields into a preformed hydrogen plasma; the last bunch (witness) injected at the proper accelerating phase gains energy from the wake. The quality of the accelerated beam depends strongly on plasma density and its distribution along the acceleration length. The measurements of plasma density of the order of 1016-1017 cm-3 can be performed with spectroscopic measurements of the plasma-emitted light. The measured density distribution for hydrogen filled capillary discharge with both Balmer alpha and Balmer beta lines and shot-to-shot variation are here reported.

  11. Infraestructura para laboratorios de acceso remoto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López Luro, Francisco


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de Internet permiten el uso de sistemas de software distribuido para el acceso en forma remota a laboratorios físicos y virtuales, para llevar a cabo actividades de investigación experimental a distancia. A partir de los marcos teóricos que definen los estructurantes de los laboratorios, los implementadores de laboratorios de acceso remoto deben diseñar y desarrollar arquitecturas de servicios que permitan un acceso flexible y controlado. Este trabajo define una infraestructura para la implementación de aplicaciones para el acceso remoto a laboratorios físicos y virtuales y para la gestión de los mismos. Se presentan conceptos que permiten extender la modalidad tradicional de conexión con un dispositivo, para llevar adelante actividades prácticas de laboratorio colaborativas y concurrentes.

  12. Plasma Processing of Metallic and Semiconductor Thin Films in the Fisk Plasma Source (United States)

    Lampkin, Gregory; Thomas, Edward, Jr.; Watson, Michael; Wallace, Kent; Chen, Henry; Burger, Arnold


    The use of plasmas to process materials has become widespread throughout the semiconductor industry. Plasmas are used to modify the morphology and chemistry of surfaces. We report on initial plasma processing experiments using the Fisk Plasma Source. Metallic and semiconductor thin films deposited on a silicon substrate have been exposed to argon plasmas. Results of microscopy and chemical analyses of processed materials are presented.

  13. A study of single and binary ion plasma expansion into laboratory-generated plasma wakes (United States)

    Wright, Kenneth Herbert, Jr.


    Plasma expansion into the wake of a large rectangular plate immersed in a collisionless, supersonic plasma was investigated in laboratory experiments. The experimental conditions address both single ion and binary ion plasma flows for the case of a body whose size is large in comparison with the Debye length, when the potential difference between the body and the plasma is relatively small. A new plasma source was developed to generate equi-velocity, binary ion plasma flows, which allows access to new parameter space that have previously been unavailable for laboratory studies. Specifically, the new parameters are the ionic mass ratio and the ionic component density ratio. In a series of experiments, a krypton-neon plasma is employed where the ambient density ratio of neon to krypton is varied more than an order of magnitude. The expansion in both the single ion and binary ion plasma cases is limited to early times, i.e., a few ion plasma periods, by the combination of plasma density, plasma drift speed, and vacuum chamber size, which prevented detailed comparison with self-similar theory.

  14. Transport of plasma impurities and the role of the plasma edge layers for the hot plasma production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drawin, H.W.


    The first problem of impurity transport is removal of alpha particles from the interior outward. The second problem is the control of impurities produced in the plasma-wall interaction. Finally there is the problem of using injected impurities for assessment of transport coefficients. The influence of impurity radiation on the power balance of a DT plasma is considered. Limiters and divertors as impurity sources are mentioned and transport equations for impurities are given. As an example iron impurities transport in a hydrogen plasma is considered. The role of the edge layer is emphasized. Finally requirements for plasma diagnostics are stated. 50 refs., 10 figs. (qui)

  15. Plasma technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drouet, M.G.


    IREQ was contracted by the Canadian Electrical Association to review plasma technology and assess the potential for application of this technology in Canada. A team of experts in the various aspects of this technology was assembled and each team member was asked to contribute to this report on the applications of plasma pertinent to his or her particular field of expertise. The following areas were examined in detail: iron, steel and strategic-metals production; surface treatment by spraying; welding and cutting; chemical processing; drying; and low-temperature treatment. A large market for the penetration of electricity has been identified. To build up confidence in the technology, support should be provided for selected R and D projects, plasma torch demonstrations at full power, and large-scale plasma process testing

  16. Weakly nonlinear electron plasma waves in collisional plasmas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pecseli, H. L.; Rasmussen, J. Juul; Tagare, S. G.


    The nonlinear evolution of a high frequency plasma wave in a weakly magnetized, collisional plasma is considered. In addition to the ponderomotive-force-nonlinearity the nonlinearity due to the heating of the electrons is taken into account. A set of nonlinear equations including the effect...

  17. High density plasma gun generates plasmas at 190 kilometers per second (United States)

    Espy, P. N.


    Gun has thin metal foil disc which positions or localizes gas to be ionized during electrical discharge cycle, overcoming major limiting factor in obtaining such plasmas. Expanding plasma front travels at 190 km/sec, compared to plasmas of 50 to 60 km/sec previously achieved.

  18. Examples of plasma horizons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanni, R.S.


    The concept of the plasma horizon, defined as the boundary of the region in which an infinitely thin plasma can be supported against Coulomb attraction by a magnetic field, shows that the argument of selective accretion does not rule out the existence of charged black holes embedded in a conducting plasma. A detailed account of the covariant definition of plasma horizon is given and some examples of plasma horizons are presented. 7 references

  19. The study of a plasma jet injected by an on-board plasma thruster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grebnev, I.A.; Ivanov, G.V.; Khodnenko, V.P.


    The injection of a steady plasma jet into the ionosphere results in interactions which were studied in experiments conducted onboard two Meteor satellites in 1977-1979. The jet parameters at the propulsion system output were as follows: propulsive mass: Xe Xe (+) ion density at the nozzle section 3 x 10 to the 11th per cu cm plasma stream divergence: 20 degrees jet velocity: 10-12 km/cm ion energy: 130 eV electron temperature: 1 + 3 eV. A Bennett-type modified radio-frequency mass-spectrometer and a two-channel electromagnetic wave analyzer were used for the measurements. It was found that (1) the injected plasma jet propagation depends on the jet injection pitch angle (2) when the plasma jet was injected along the magnetic field, impactless jet spreading took place without considerable interaction with the ionospheric plasma (3) when the plasma jet was injected across the magnetic field, considerable interaction was observed between the plasma jet/ionospheric plasma and the earth's magnetic field and (4) electromagnetic fields were generated near the satellite by plasma jet interaction

  20. Laser surface treatment of plasma-sprayed yttria-stabilized zirconia coatings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pinto, M. A.


    Full Text Available Un equipo láser continuo de CO2, con potencia nominal de 1 kW, se utilizó para sellar la superficie revestida con ZrO2 8 % Y2O3 por proyección por plasma sobre un substrato de acero AISI 1045. Se investigaron los efectos del tratamiento de fusión con láser sobre la microestrutura y la resistencia a la corrosión del recubrimiento. La resistencia a la corrosión se analizó por medidas electroquímicas en una solución de NaCl al 3 %. Las micrografias mostraron que la superficie del revestimiento presentó varias grietas pequeñas, sin embargo, no fueron observados poros. La microestructura de la capa sellada presentó una estructura en forma de columnas con crecimiento perpendicular a la superficie libre. El sellado a láser mejora la resistencia a la corrosión de los recubrimientos y aumenta la microdureza.

    Un equipo láser continuo de CO2, con potencia nominal de 1 kW, se utilizó para sellar la superficie revestida con ZrO2 8 % Y2O3 por proyección por plasma sobre un substrato de acero AISI 1045. Se investigaron los efectos del tratamiento de fusión con láser sobre la microestrutura y la resistencia a la corrosión del recubrimiento. La resistencia a la corrosión se analizó por medidas electroquímicas en una solución de NaCl al 3 %. Las micrografias mostraron que la superficie del revestimiento presentó varias grietas pequeñas, sin embargo, no fueron observados poros. La microestructura de la capa sellada presentó una estructura en forma de columnas con crecimiento perpendicular a la superficie libre. El sellado a láser mejora la resistencia a la corrosión de los recubrimientos y aumenta la microdureza.

  1. Caracterización de soldaduras circunferenciales de aceros avanzados 9Cr: parte 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mabel Ramini


    Full Text Available Os aços 9%Cr são amplamente utilizados à alta temperatura, principalmente em aplicações relacionadas à geração de energia. Ultimamente têm sido desenvolvidas variantes desses materiais incorporando B, W e Co, entre outros elementos, ao sistema de liga. Devido à escassez de informação sobre a influência do procedimento de soldagem sobre a junta soldada, neste trabalho se estudou o comportamento do metal base e do metal de solda em juntas circunferências soldadas com dois consumíveis diferentes pelo processo de soldagem semi-automático FCAW, sob proteção gasosa de Ar/20%CO2. Realizaram-se tratamentos térmicos pós-soldagem a 760ºC durante 4 e 2 horas. Utilizaram-se dois arames tubulares de escória rutílica, ligados ao 9Cr1Mo e 9Cr0,5Mo1WCo. Analisou-se a microestrutura nas zonas do metal de solda, afetada pelo calor (zonas de grão grosso, grão fino, intercrítica e subcrítica e metal base. Determinaram-se a composição química do metal de solda e as propriedades de tração transversal da junta, e realizaram levantamento do perfil de microdureza. Em todos os casos se observaram valores máximos de dureza na zona correspondente ao metal de soldadura e uma diminuição na zona afetada pelo calor desde a zona de grão grosso até o metal base, obtendo se valores mínimos na zona intercrítica, inferiores aos correspondentes ao aço base. Tanto a dureza como a resistência à tração aumentaram quando foi utilizado o arame 9Cr0,5Mo1W. O tratamento térmico mais curto permitiu alcançar maior resistência em todos os casos. Numa próxima etapa se fará as medições de tenacidade e de resistência ao creep.

  2. High-frequency plasma oscillations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akhiezer, A I; Fainberg, Y B; Sitenko, A G; Stepanov, K; Kurilko, V; Gorbatenko, M; Kirochkin, U [Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (USSR)


    It is well known that the electrical conductivity of a plasma, the ion-electron equilibration time, and the time required to heat the electron component of the plasma all increase greatly with increasing temperature. Consequently, the usual method of Joule heating a plasma may be difficult to apply in the region of high temperatures (> 10{sup 6}K), especially if the plasma current alone, without any additional measures, is used to generate magnetic fields for the confinement of the plasma. Therefore, it is of interest to study methods of plasma heating that do not directly use Joule heat, especially methods by which energy is directly supplied to the ion component during the time between collisions. Some of these methods make use of ionic resonance as well as other resonance phenomena which can occur in plasma in an external magnetic field. This paper deals with certain aspects of the theory of high-frequency plasma oscillations.

  3. A model for plasma evolution in Filipov type plasma focus facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siahpoush, V.; Sobhanian, S.; Tafreshi, M. A.; Lamehi, M.


    A model is presented in this paper for the evolution of plasma in Filipov type plasma focus facilities. With the help of this model, one can predict some of the main parameters of the produced plasma and obtain the optimized geometrical an physical properties (anode radius and length, gas pressure, capacitance, bank energy etc) for the primary design purposes. The results obtained by this model will be compared with the experimental data obtained from the 90 kJ plasma focus facility D ena

  4. Computer simulations of plasma-biomolecule and plasma-tissue interactions for a better insight in plasma medicine (United States)

    Neyts, Erik C.; Yusupov, Maksudbek; Verlackt, Christof C.; Bogaerts, Annemie


    Plasma medicine is a rapidly evolving multidisciplinary field at the intersection of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biology, medicine and bioengineering. It holds great potential in medical, health care, dentistry, surgical, food treatment and other applications. This multidisciplinary nature and variety of possible applications come along with an inherent and intrinsic complexity. Advancing plasma medicine to the stage that it becomes an everyday tool in its respective fields requires a fundamental understanding of the basic processes, which is lacking so far. However, some major advances have already been made through detailed experiments over the last 15 years. Complementary, computer simulations may provide insight that is difficult—if not impossible—to obtain through experiments. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the various simulations that have been carried out in the context of plasma medicine so far, or that are relevant for plasma medicine. We focus our attention mostly on atomistic simulations dealing with plasma-biomolecule interactions. We also provide a perspective and tentative list of opportunities for future modelling studies that are likely to further advance the field.

  5. Plasma-neutral gas interaction in a tokamak divertor: effects of hydrogen molecules and plasma recombination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasheninnikov, S.I.; Pigarov, A.Yu.; Soboleva, T.K.; Sigmar, D.J.


    We investigate the influence of hydrogen molecules on plasma recombination using a collisional-radiative model for multispecies hydrogen plasmas and tokamak detached divertor parameters. The rate constant found for molecular activated recombination of a plasma can be as high as 2 x 10 -10 cm 3 /s, confirming our pervious estimates. We investigate the effects of hydrogen molecules and plasma recombination on self-consistent plasma-neutral gas interactions in the recycling region of a tokamak divertor. We treat the plasma flow in a fluid approximation retaining the effects of plasma recombination and employing a Knudsen neutral transport model for a 'gas box' divertor geometry. For the model of plasma-neutral interactions we employ we find: (a) molecular activated recombination is a dominant channel of divertor plasma recombination; and (b) plasma recombination is a key element leading to a decrease in the plasma flux onto the target and substantial plasma pressure drop which are the main features of detached divertor regimes. (orig.)

  6. Plasma-particle interaction effects in induction plasma modelling under dense loading conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Proulx, P.; Mostaghimi, J.; Boulos, M.


    The injection of solid particles or aerosol droplets in the fire-ball of an inductively coupled plasma can substantially perturb the plasma and even quench it under high loading conditions. This can be mainly attributed to the local cooling of the plasma by the particles or their vapour cloud, combined with the possible change of the thermodynamic and transport properties of the plasma in the presence of the particle vapour. This paper reports the state-of-the-art in the mathematical modelling of the induction plasma. A particle-in-cell model is used in order to combine the continuum approach for the calculation of the flow, temperature and concentration fields in the plasma, with the stochastic single particle approach, for the calculation of the particle trajectories and temperature histories. Results are given for an argon induction plasma under atmospheric pressure in which fine copper particles are centrally injected in the coil region of the discharge

  7. Adaptation of metal arc plasma source to plasma source ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shamim, M.M.; Fetherston, R.P.; Conrad, J.R.


    In Plasma Source Ion Implantation (PSII) a target is immersed in a plasma and a train of high negative voltage pulses is applied to accelerate ions into the target and to modify the properties in the near surface region. In PSII, until now the authors have been using gaseous species to generate plasmas. However metal ion plasma may be used to modify the surface properties of material for industrial applications. Conventionally the ion implantation of metal ions is performed using beam line accelerators which have complex engineering and high cost. The employment of a metal arc source to PSII has tremendous potential due to its ability to process the conformal surfaces, simple engineering and cost effectiveness. They have installed metal arc source for generation of titanium plasma. Currently, they are investigating the properties of titanium plasma and material behavior of titanium implanted aluminum and 52100 steel. The recent results of this investigation are presented

  8. Investigation of Plasma Facing Components in Plasma Focus Operation (United States)

    Roshan, M. V.; Babazadeh, A. R.; Kiai, S. M. Sadat; Habibi, H.; Mamarzadeh, M.


    Both aspects of the plasma-wall interactions, counter effect of plasma and materials, have been considered in our experiments. The AEOI plasma focus, Dena, has Filippov-type electrodes. The experimental results verify that neutron production increases using tungsten as an anode insert material, compared to the copper one. The experiments show decrement of the hardness of Aluminum targets outward the sides, from 135 to 78 in Vickers scale. The sputtering yield is about 0.0065 for deuteron energy of 50 keV.

  9. The plasma universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faelthammar, C.G.


    The term 'Plasma Universe', coined by Hannes Alfven, emphasices the fact that plasma phenomena discovered in the laboratory and in accessible regions of space. must be important also in the rest of the universe, which consists almost entirely of matter in the plasma state. Relevant aspect of this concept will be discussed. They include the response of the plasma to electric currents, the support of magnetic-field aligned electric fields, violation of the frozen-field condition, rapid release of magnetically stored energy, acceleration of charged particles, chemical separation, and filamentary and cellular structures. (authors)

  10. Single-shot Thomson scattering on argon plasmas created by the Microwave Plasma Torch; evidence for a new plasma class

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mullen, van der J.J.A.M.; Sande, van de M.J.; Vries, de N.; Broks, B.H.P.; Iordanova, E.I.; Gamero, A.; Torres, J.; Sola, A.


    To determine the fine-structure size of plasmas created by a Microwave Plasma Torch (MPT), single-shot Thomson scattering (TS) measurements were performed. The aim was to find a solution for the long-standing discrepancy between experiments and Global Plasma Models (GPMs). Since these GPMs are based

  11. Dynamic plasma screening effects on semiclassical inelastic electron endash ion collisions in dense plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Y.


    In dense plasmas, dynamic plasma screening effects are investigated on 1s→2p dipole transition probabilities for electron-impact excitation of hydrogenic ions. The electron endash ion interaction potential is considered by introduction of the plasma dielectric function. A semiclassical straight-line trajectory method is applied to the path of the projectile electron in order to visualize the semiclassical transition probability as a function of the impact parameter, projectile energy, and plasma parameters. The transition probability including the dynamic plasma screening effect is always greater than that including the static plasma screening effect. When the projectile velocity is smaller than the electron thermal velocity, the dynamic polarization screening effect becomes the static plasma screening effect. When the projectile velocity is greater than the electron thermal velocity, then the interaction potential is almost unshielded. The difference between the dynamic and static plasma screening effects is more significant for low-energy projectiles. It is also found that the static plasma screening formula obtained by the Debye endash Hueckel model overestimates the plasma screening effects on the atomic excitation processes in dense plasmas. copyright 1997 American Institute of Physics

  12. Diseño de imágenes para ciegos, material didáctico para niños con discapacidad visual.




    El objetivo de este proyecto es contribuir investigación para la creación, la aplicación, la transformación del quehacer profesional del diseño gráfico en el conocimiento y las habilidades, en la formación de profesionales en el área del diseño para material didáctico para esta disciplina, por lo cual es necesario cambiar respuestas para lo local y/o para la globalización. En la historia del diseño, se plantea, proyectar para la globalización, para la humanidad. Ahora el planteamiento de r...

  13. Plasma heating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilhelm, R.


    Successful plasma heating is essential in present fusion experiments, for the demonstration of DpT burn in future devices and finally for the fusion reactor itself. This paper discusses the common heating systems with respect to their present performance and their applicability to future fusion devices. The comparative discussion is oriented to the various function of heating, which are: - plasma heating to fusion-relevant parameters and to ignition in future machines, -non-inductive, steady-pstate current drive, - plasma profile control, -neutral gas breakdown and plasma build-up. In view of these different functions, the potential of neutral beam injection (NBI) and the various schemes of wave heating (ECRH, LH, ICRH and Alven wave heating) is analyzed in more detail. The analysis includes assessments of the present physical and technical state of these heating methods, and makes suggestions for future developments and about outstanding problems. Specific attention is given to the still critical problem of efficient current drive, especially with respect to further extrapolation towards an economically operating tokamak reactor. Remarks on issues such as reliability, maintenance and economy conclude this comparative overview on plasma heating systems. (author). 43 refs.; 13 figs.; 3 tabs

  14. Dust cloud evolution in sub-stellar atmospheres via plasma deposition and plasma sputtering (United States)

    Stark, C. R.; Diver, D. A.


    Context. In contemporary sub-stellar model atmospheres, dust growth occurs through neutral gas-phase surface chemistry. Recently, there has been a growing body of theoretical and observational evidence suggesting that ionisation processes can also occur. As a result, atmospheres are populated by regions composed of plasma, gas and dust, and the consequent influence of plasma processes on dust evolution is enhanced. Aim. This paper aims to introduce a new model of dust growth and destruction in sub-stellar atmospheres via plasma deposition and plasma sputtering. Methods: Using example sub-stellar atmospheres from DRIFT-PHOENIX, we have compared plasma deposition and sputtering timescales to those from neutral gas-phase surface chemistry to ascertain their regimes of influence. We calculated the plasma sputtering yield and discuss the circumstances where plasma sputtering dominates over deposition. Results: Within the highest dust density cloud regions, plasma deposition and sputtering dominates over neutral gas-phase surface chemistry if the degree of ionisation is ≳10-4. Loosely bound grains with surface binding energies of the order of 0.1-1 eV are susceptible to destruction through plasma sputtering for feasible degrees of ionisation and electron temperatures; whereas, strong crystalline grains with binding energies of the order 10 eV are resistant to sputtering. Conclusions: The mathematical framework outlined sets the foundation for the inclusion of plasma deposition and plasma sputtering in global dust cloud formation models of sub-stellar atmospheres.

  15. Honeycomblike large area LaB6 plasma source for Multi-Purpose Plasma facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, Hyun-Jong; Chung, Kyu-Sun; You, Hyun-Jong; Lee, Myoung-Jae; Lho, Taihyeop; Choh, Kwon Kook; Yoon, Jung-Sik; Jung, Yong Ho; Lee, Bongju; Yoo, Suk Jae; Kwon, Myeon


    A Multi-Purpose Plasma (MP 2 ) facility has been renovated from Hanbit mirror device [Kwon et al., Nucl. Fusion 43, 686 (2003)] by adopting the same philosophy of diversified plasma simulator (DiPS) [Chung et al., Contrib. Plasma Phys. 46, 354 (2006)] by installing two plasma sources: LaB 6 (dc) and helicon (rf) plasma sources; and making three distinct simulators: divertor plasma simulator, space propulsion simulator, and astrophysics simulator. During the first renovation stage, a honeycomblike large area LaB 6 (HLA-LaB 6 ) cathode was developed for the divertor plasma simulator to improve the resistance against the thermal shock fragility for large and high density plasma generation. A HLA-LaB 6 cathode is composed of the one inner cathode with 4 in. diameter and the six outer cathodes with 2 in. diameter along with separate graphite heaters. The first plasma is generated with Ar gas and its properties are measured by the electric probes with various discharge currents and magnetic field configurations. Plasma density at the middle of central cell reaches up to 2.6x10 12 cm -3 , while the electron temperature remains around 3-3.5 eV at the low discharge current of less than 45 A, and the magnetic field intensity of 870 G. Unique features of electric property of heaters, plasma density profiles, is explained comparing with those of single LaB 6 cathode with 4 in. diameter in DiPS

  16. Revascularización pulpar mediante la utilización de plasma rico en plaquetas autólogo o en combinación con una matriz colágena, como posibilidades terapéuticas para dientes con ápice abierto, pulpa necrótica y/o patología periapical.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paula Alejandra Camargo Guevara


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir el uso del plasma rico en plaquetas autólogo o en combinación con una matriz colágena como posibilidades terapéuticas de revascularización en dientes con ápices abiertos, pulpa necrótica y/o lesión periapical. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda temática de la literatura entre los años 2007 y 2013, por medios electrónicos, bases de datos, revistas y journals con alto impacto en endodoncia. Resultados: la endodoncia regenerativa es un procedimiento biológico diseñado para reemplazar estructuras lesionadas, enfermas o ausentes del complejo pulpo-dentinal. Hay tres factores que guían y permiten la regeneración tisular: células madre mesenquimales (MSC, que pueden diferenciarse y apoyar la continuación en el desarrollo radicular, factores de crecimiento (GF, para la inducción de la proliferación celular y la diferenciación, y un andamio adecuado que brinde soporte y promueva la migración, crecimiento y la diferenciación celular. El colágeno y el plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP han sido reportados como andamios de elección en la regeneración endodóntica, se dice que estimulan la formación de tejido, la organización y la adherencia celular, mejorando el tiempo de tratamiento y de evolución. Conclusiones: en los procedimientos de revascularización, elegir un andamio o soporte tridimensional como el colágeno tipo I o PRP sumado a la inducción de los tejidos periapicales, aumenta las posibilidades de éxito en el tratamiento de regeneraciónendodóntica gracias a las propiedades que brindan y a la interacción molecular.

  17. Echo phenomena in a plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavlenko, V.N.


    The mechanism of echo phenomenon in different plasma media: laboratory and cosmic plasma, metals and semiconductors is analyzed to get a more comprehensive idea on collective processes in a plasma and for practical applications in radiophysics and plasma diagnostics. The echo phenomenon permitted to confirm a reversible nature of the Landau damping, to prove the fact that the information on perturbation is conserved in a plasma (as non-damping oscillations of the distribution function) even after disappearing of the macroscopic field. The dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the velocity is measured, microturbulences in a plasma are investigated. New ways of the plasma wave conversion are suggested, as well as ''lightning'' of super-critical plasma layers and regions of plasma non-transparency. Prospective advantages of using echo for studying the mechanisms of charged particle interaction with the surface bounding a plasma are revealed

  18. Collisionless plasmas in astrophysics

    CERN Document Server

    Belmont, Gerard; Mottez, Fabrice; Pantellini, Filippo; Pelletier, Guy


    Collisionless Plasmas in Astrophysics examines the unique properties of media without collisions in plasma physics. Experts in this field, the authors present the first book to concentrate on collisionless conditions in plasmas, whether close or not to thermal equilibrium. Filling a void in scientific literature, Collisionless Plasmas in Astrophysics explains the possibilities of modeling such plasmas, using a fluid or a kinetic framework. It also addresses common misconceptions that even professionals may possess, on phenomena such as "collisionless (Landau) damping". Abundant illustrations

  19. Determination of some inorganic metals in edible vegetable oils by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Musa Özcan, M.


    Full Text Available Seventeen edible vegetable oils were analyzed spectrometrically for their metal (Cu, Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Zn contents. Toxic metals in edible vegetable oils were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES. The highest metal concentrations were measured as 0.0850, 0.0352, 0.0220, 0.0040, 0.0010, 0.0074, 0.0045, 0.0254 and 0.2870 mg/kg for copper in almond oil, for iron in corn oil-(c, for manganese in soybean oil, for cobalt in sunflower oil-(b and almond oil, for chromium in almond oil, for lead in virgin olive oil, for cadmium in sunflower oil-(e, for nickel almond oil and for zinc in almond oil respectively. The method for determining toxic metals in edible vegetable oils by using ICP-AES is discussed. The metals were extracted from low quantities of oil (2-3 g with a 10% nitric acid solution. The extracted metal in acid solution can be injected into the ICPAES. The proposed method is simple and allows the metals to be determined in edible vegetable oils with a precision estimated below 10% relative standard deviation (RSD for Cu, 5% for Fe, 15% for Mn, 8% for Co, 10% for Cr, 20% for Pb, 5% for Cd, 16% for Ni and 11% for Zn.En este estudio se analizó espectrométricamente el contenido en metales (Cu, Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Zn de 17 aceites vegetales comestibles mediante ICP-AES. Las concentaciones más elevadas se encontraron para el cobre en el aceite de almendra (0.0850 mg/kg, para el hierro en el aceite de maiz(c,(0.0352 mg/kg, para el manganeso en el aceite de soja (0.0220 mg/kg, para el cobalto en el aceite de girasol (b (0.0040 mg/kg, para el cromo en el aceite de almendra (0.0010 mg/kg, para el plomo en el aceite de oliva virgen (0.0074 mg/kg, para el cadmio en el aceite de girasol (e (0.0045 mg/kg, para el niquel en el aceite de almendra (0.0254 mg/kg y para el zincen el aceite de almendra (0.2870 mg/kg. Los metales se extrajeron a partir de bajas cantidades de aceite (2-3 g, con

  20. Plasma polymerization by Softplasma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jiang, J.; Wu, Zhenning; Benter, Maike


    , external electrode, and electrodeless microwave or high frequency reactors. [3] Softplasma™ is an internal electrode plasma setup powered by low frequenc~ gower supply. It was developed in late 90s for surface treatment of silicone rubber. [ ]- 5] It is a low pressure, low electron density, 3D homogenous......In the late 19th century, the first depositions - known today as plasma polymers, were reported. In the last century, more and more research has been put into plasma polymers. Many different deposition systems have been developed. [1, 2] Shi F. F. broadly classified them into internal electrode...... plasma. In this study, we are presenting the surface modification"pf polymers by plasma polymerization using Softplasma™. Softplasma™ can be used for two major types of polymerization: polymerization of vinyl monomers, where plasma acts as initiator; chemical vapour deposition, where plasma acts...

  1. Plasma centrifuge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikehata, Takashi; Mase, Hiroshi


    The plasma centrifuge is one of statistical isotope separation processes which uses the centrifugal force of a J x B driven rotating plasma in a magnetic field to give rise to the mass-dependent radial transport of isotopic ions. The system has been developed as an alternative to the gas centrifuge because a much higher rotational velocity and separation factor have been achieved. In this review, the physical aspects of the plasma centrifuge followed by the recent experimental achievements are described, especially in comparison with the gas centrifuge. (author)

  2. Online plasma calculator (United States)

    Wisniewski, H.; Gourdain, P.-A.


    APOLLO is an online, Linux based plasma calculator. Users can input variables that correspond to their specific plasma, such as ion and electron densities, temperatures, and external magnetic fields. The system is based on a webserver where a FastCGI protocol computes key plasma parameters including frequencies, lengths, velocities, and dimensionless numbers. FastCGI was chosen to overcome security problems caused by JAVA-based plugins. The FastCGI also speeds up calculations over PHP based systems. APOLLO is built upon the WT library, which turns any web browser into a versatile, fast graphic user interface. All values with units are expressed in SI units except temperature, which is in electron-volts. SI units were chosen over cgs units because of the gradual shift to using SI units within the plasma community. APOLLO is intended to be a fast calculator that also provides the user with the proper equations used to calculate the plasma parameters. This system is intended to be used by undergraduates taking plasma courses as well as graduate students and researchers who need a quick reference calculation.

  3. Estratégia anestesiológica para cesariana em paciente portadora de deficiência de fator XI: relato de caso Estrategia anestesiológica para cesárea en paciente portadora de discapacidad de Factor XI: relato de caso Anesthetic strategy for cesarean section in a patient with factor XI deficiency: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma Sueli P Módolo


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A deficiência do fator XI é uma doença hematológica rara na população. A hemofilia C (deficiência do fator XI ocorre em ambos os sexos e normalmente não apresenta qualquer sintomatologia, podendo manifestar-se apenas como hemorragia pós-cirúrgica. É uma doença autossômica recessiva, homozigótica ou heterozigótica, e sua gravidade depende dos níveis de fator XI. O objetivo desse relato foi apresentar a estratégia anestésica em paciente portadora de hemofilia C. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 32 anos, gesta I/para 0, 39 semanas de gestação programada para cesariana eletiva. Paciente portadora de deficiência de fator XI. Exame clínico e laboratorial sem alterações. Conforme orientação do hematologista, no dia da cesárea a paciente usou prometazina 25 mg; hidrocortisona 500 mg, devido a reações transfusionais prévias, e plasma 10 num total de 700 mL. Após 2 horas foi submetida ao bloqueio subaracnóideo sob monitorização de rotina. Hidratação com RL 2000 mL. Procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico sem intercorrências. A paciente evoluiu no pós-operatório sem intercorrências, sendo que no 3º DPO fez uso de plasma fresco congelado (PFC com o objetivo de evitar sangramento pós cirúrgico tardio. CONCLUSÕES: O objetivo do caso foi apresentar o protocolo anestésico para pacientes portadores de hemofilia C e alertar para a necessidade de investigação em caso de antecedente de sangramento pós-operatório, quando um estudo da coagulação deve ser realizado antes de qualquer procedimento invasivo e, se um TTPA prolongado for encontrado, torna-se imperativo pesquisar a deficiência desse fator.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La discapacidad del factor XI es una enfermedad hematológica rara en la población. La hemofilia C (discapacidad del factor XI, ocurre en los dos sexos y normalmente no presenta ninguna sintomatología, y se puede manifestar apenas como hemorragia post

  4. Physics of partially ionized plasmas

    CERN Document Server

    Krishan, Vinod


    Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter; the other three being solid, liquid and gas. Several components, such as molecular clouds, diffuse interstellar gas, the solar atmosphere, the Earth's ionosphere and laboratory plasmas, including fusion plasmas, constitute the partially ionized plasmas. This book discusses different aspects of partially ionized plasmas including multi-fluid description, equilibrium and types of waves. The discussion goes on to cover the reionization phase of the universe, along with a brief description of high discharge plasmas, tokomak plasmas and laser plasmas. Various elastic and inelastic collisions amongst the three particle species are also presented. In addition, the author demonstrates the novelty of partially ionized plasmas using many examples; for instance, in partially ionized plasma the magnetic induction is subjected to the ambipolar diffusion and the Hall effect, as well as the usual resistive dissipation. Also included is an observation of kinematic dynam...

  5. Dust in flowing magnetized plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandey, Birendra P.; Samarian, Alex A.; Vladimirov, Sergey V.


    Plasma flows occur in almost every laboratory device and interactions of flowing plasmas with near-wall impurities and/or dust significantly affects the efficiency and lifetime of such devices. The charged dust inside the magnetized flowing plasma moves primarily under the influence of the plasma drag and electric forces. Here, the charge on the dust, plasma potential, and plasma density are calculated self-consistently. The electrons are assumed non-Boltzmannian and the effect of electron magnetization and electron-atom collisions on the dust charge is calculated in a self-consistent fashion. For various plasma magnetization parameters viz. the ratio of the electron and ion cyclotron frequencies to their respective collision frequencies, plasma-atom and ionization frequencies, the evolution of the plasma potential and density in the flow region is investigated. The variation of the dust charge profile is shown to be a sensitive function of plasma parameters. (author)

  6. Space plasma simulation chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Scientific results of experiments and tests of instruments performed with the Space Plasma Simulation Chamber and its facility are reviewed in the following six categories. 1. Tests of instruments on board rockets, satellites and balloons. 2. Plasma wave experiments. 3. Measurements of plasma particles. 4. Optical measurements. 5. Plasma production. 6. Space plasms simulations. This facility has been managed under Laboratory Space Plasma Comittee since 1969 and used by scientists in cooperative programs with universities and institutes all over country. A list of publications is attached. (author)

  7. Model of detached plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshikawa, S.; Chance, M.


    Recently a tokamak plasma was observed in TFTR that was not limited by a limiter or a divertor. A model is proposed to explain this equilibrium, which is called a detached plasma. The model consists of (1) the core plasma where ohmic heating power is lost by anomalous heat conduction and (2) the shell plasma where the heat from the core plasma is radiated away by the atomic processes of impurity ions. A simple scaling law is proposed to test the validity of this model

  8. Introduction to plasma engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roth, J.R.


    The author has begun writing a textbook entitled Introduction to Plasma Engineering, which is intended for upper division undergraduates or professionals who are entering the field. This paper features a detailed topical outline of all 20 chapters of the book. The text is organized so that the first five chapters cover plasma physics and basic principles; the next 13 chapters cover the most important engineering applications of plasmas, in order of increasing plasma energy/number density; and two final chapters cover plasma diagnostics and magnetic coil design

  9. Performance analyses of Elmo Bumpy Torus plasmas and plasma support systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenstermacher, M.E.


    The development and applcation of the OASIS Code (Operational Analysis of ELMO Bumpy Torus Support and Ignition Systems) for the study of EBT device and plasma performance are presented. The code performs a time-independent, zero-dimensional self-consistent calculation of plasma and plasmasupport systems parameters for the physics and engineering of EBT devices. The features of OASIS modeling for the EBT plasma include: (1) particle balance of the bulk toroidal and electron ring plasma components for experimental (H-H, D-D, He-He etc.) as well as reactor (D-T) devices; (2) energy balance in the bulk and ring plasmas for externally heated or ignition devices; (3) alpha particle effects for reactor devices; (4) auxiliary heating effects, including microwave (ECRH), RF heating (e.g., ICRH), and neutral beam methods; and (5) ignition conditions, including fusion power, alpha power and neutron wall loading. The performance studies using OASIS focussed on variation in plasma and device size and on microwave input power and frequency. An additional study was performed to determine the characteristics of an EBT reactor proof-of-principle device operated with a deuterium-tritium plasma. Sensitivity studies were performed for variation in the input microwave power sharing fractions and the dependence of the bulk n tau scaling law on bulk electron temperature

  10. Waves in Space Plasmas Program (United States)

    Fredricks, R. W.; Taylor, W. W. L.


    The Waves in Space Plasmas (WISP) program is a joint international effort involving instrumentation to be designed and fabricated by funding from NASA and the National Research Council of Canada. The instrumentation, with a tentatively planned payload for 1986, can be used to perturb the plasma with radio waves to solve problems in ionospheric, atmospheric, magnetospheric, and plasma physics. Among the ionospheric and plasma phenomena to be investigated using WISP instrumentation are VLF wave-particle interactions; ELF/VLF propagation; traveling ionospheric disturbances and gravity wave coupling; equatorial plasma bubble phenomena; plasma wave physics such as mode-coupling, dispersion, and instabilities; and plasma physics of the antenna-plasma interactions.

  11. Waves in Space Plasmas Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fredricks, R.W.; Taylor, W.W.L.


    The Waves in Space Plasmas (WISP) program is a joint international effort involving instrumentation to be designed and fabricated by funding from NASA and the National Research Council of Canada. The instrumentation, with a tentatively planned payload for 1986, can be used to perturb the plasma with radio waves to solve problems in ionospheric, atmospheric, magnetospheric, and plasma physics. Among the ionospheric and plasma phenomena to be investigated using WISP instrumentation are VLF wave-particle interactions, ELF/VLF propagation, traveling ionospheric disturbances and gravity wave coupling, equatorial plasma bubble phenomena, plasma wave physics such as mode-coupling, dispersion, and instabilities, and plasma physics of the antenna-plasma interactions

  12. Plasma in astrophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulsrud, R.M.


    Two examples of plasma phenomena of importance to astrophysics are reviewed. These are examples where astrophysical understanding hinges on further progress in plasma physics understanding. The two examples are magnetic reconnection and the collisionless interaction between a population of energetic particles and a cooler gas or plasma, in particular the interaction between galactic cosmic rays and the interstellar medium

  13. A Taiwanese food frequency questionnaire correlates with plasma docosahexaenoic acid but not with plasma eicosapentaenoic acid levels: questionnaires and plasma biomarkers. (United States)

    Chien, Kuo-Liong; Lee, Meei-Shyuan; Tsai, Yi-Tsen; Chen, Pey-Rong; Lin, Hung-Ju; Hsu, Hsiu-Ching; Lee, Yuan-The; Chen, Ming-Fong


    Little evidence is available for the validity of dietary fish and polyunsaturated fatty acid intake derived from interviewer-administered questionnaires and plasma docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) concentration. We estimated the correlation of DHA and EPA intake from both questionnaires and biochemical measurements. Ethnic Chinese adults with a mean (± SD) age of 59.8 (±12.8) years (n = 297) (47% women) who completed a 38-item semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire and provided a plasma sample were enrolled. Plasma fatty acids were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography. The Spearmen rank correlation coefficients between the intake of various types of fish and marine n-3 fatty acids as well as plasma DHA were significant, ranging from 0.20 to 0.33 (P food frequency questionnaire, were correlated with the percentages of these fatty acids in plasma, and in particular with plasma DHA. Plasma DHA levels were correlated to dietary intake of long-chain n-3 fatty acids.

  14. Magnum-psi, a plasma generator for plasma-surface interaction research in ITER-like conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Groot, B. de; Rooij, G.J. van; Veremiyenko, V.; Hellermann, M.G. von; Eck, H.J.N. van; Barth, C.J.; Kruijtzer, G.L.; Wolff, J.C.; Goedheer, W.J.; Lopes Cardozo, N.J.; Kleyn, A.W.; Smeets, P.H.M.; Brezinsek, S.; Pospieszczyk, A.; Engeln, R.A.H.; Dahiya, R.P.


    The FOM Institute for Plasma Physics is preparing the construction of the linear plasma generator, Magnum-psi. A pilot experiment (Pilot-psi) has been constructed, which we have used to optimize the cascaded arc plasma source and to explore the effect of high magnetic fields on the source operation as well as the expanding plasma beam and the effectiveness of Ohmic heating for manipulating the electron temperature and plasma density after the plasma expansion. Results are presented that demonstrate increasing source efficiency for increasing magnetic fields (up to 1.6 T). Thomson scattering measurements demonstrate that ITER relevant plasma fluxes are presently achieved in Pilot-psi: ∼10 24 m -2 s -1 and that additional heating could elevate the plasma temperature from 1.0 to 1.7 eV

  15. Measurement of performance parameters of plasma source for plasma opening switch on Qiangguang-Ⅰ generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Weixi; Zeng Zhengzhong; Lei Tianshi; Wang Liangping; Hu Yixiang; Sun Tieping; Huang Tao


    The plasma source (cable guns) of the plasma opening switch (POS) on Qiangguang Ⅰ generator was chosen as the study object. The plasma source performance was investigated by using charge collectors. Experimental results show that the plasma ejection density is positively correlated with the structural parameter, the distance between gun core tip and muzzle plane, and the plasma ejection velocity is negatively correlated with the parameter. The increasing rate of plasma ejection density is less than that of drive current. As far as a plasma source with tens of cable plasma guns is concerned, the influence of single cable gun's discharge dispersancy on plasma uniformity is little. Analysis of uncertainty shows that the uncertainty of measurement can be reduced by increasing the number of experiments and averaging the results. The combined standard uncertainty of plasma ejection density is less than 10%. (authors)

  16. Communication through plasma sheaths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korotkevich, A. O.; Newell, A. C.; Zakharov, V. E.


    We wish to transmit messages to and from a hypersonic vehicle around which a plasma sheath has formed. For long distance transmission, the signal carrying these messages must be necessarily low frequency, typically 2 GHz, to which the plasma sheath is opaque. The idea is to use the plasma properties to make the plasma sheath appear transparent

  17. Plasma-based accelerator structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schroeder, Carl B.


    Plasma-based accelerators have the ability to sustain extremely large accelerating gradients, with possible high-energy physics applications. This dissertation further develops the theory of plasma-based accelerators by addressing three topics: the performance of a hollow plasma channel as an accelerating structure, the generation of ultrashort electron bunches, and the propagation of laser pulses is underdense plasmas

  18. The para-petroleum industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The para-petroleum industry includes societies that realize studies and installations for the deposits exploitation. This document presents the situation of the para-petroleum industry in 2001, the world investment growth of the activity, the french societies financial results and an inventory of the main operations in the amalgamation domain. (A.L.B.)

  19. Remote operation of the vertical plasma stabilization @ the GOLEM tokamak for the plasma physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Svoboda, V., E-mail: [Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CTU Prague, CZ-115 19 (Czech Republic); Kocman, J.; Grover, O. [Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CTU Prague, CZ-115 19 (Czech Republic); Krbec, J.; Stöckel, J. [Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CTU Prague, CZ-115 19 (Czech Republic); Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, CZ-182 21 Prague (Czech Republic)


    Graphical abstract: * Understandable remote operation of a vertical plasma position control system in the tokamak GOLEM for educational purposes.* Two combinable modes of real-time plasma position control: position based feedback and a pre-defined waveform.* More than 20% plasma life prolongation with plasma position control in feedback mode. - Highlights: • Understandable remote operation of a vertical plasma position control system in the tokamak GOLEM for educational purposes. • Two combinable modes of real-time plasma position control: position based feedback and a pre-defined waveform. • More than 20% plasma life prolongation with plasma position control in feedback mode. - Abstract: The GOLEM tokamak at the Czech Technical University has been established as an educational tokamak device for domestic and foreign students. Remote participation in the scope of several laboratory practices, plasma physics schools and workshops has been successfully performed from abroad. A new enhancement allowing understandable remote control of vertical plasma position in two modes (i) predefined and (ii) feedback control is presented. It allows to drive the current in the stabilization coils in any time-dependent scenario, which can include as a parameter the actual plasma position measured by magnetic diagnostics. Arbitrary movement of the plasma column in a vertical direction, stabilization of the plasma column in the center of the tokamak vessel as well as prolongation/shortening of plasma life according to the remotely defined request are demonstrated.

  20. Spectroscopic diagnostics of industrial plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, N.K.


    Plasmas play key role in modern industry and are being used for processing micro electronic circuits to the destruction of toxic waste. Characterization of industrial plasmas which includes both 'thermal plasmas' and non-equilibrium plasmas or 'cold plasmas' in industrial environment offers quite a challenge. Numerous diagnostic techniques have been developed for the measurement of these partially ionized plasma and/or particulate parameters. The 'simple' non-invasive spectroscopic methods for characterization of industrial plasmas will be discussed in detail in this paper. The excitation temperature in thermal (DC/RF) plasma jets has been determined using atomic Boltzmann technique. The central axis temperature of thermal plasma jets in a spray torch can be determined using modified atomic Boltzmann technique with out using Abel inversion. The Stark broadening of H β and Ar-I (430 nm) lines have been used to determine the electron number density in thermal plasma jets. In low-pressure non-equilibrium argon plasma, electron temperature has been measured using the Corona model from the ratio of line intensities of atomic and ionic transitions. (author)

  1. Design and testing of miniaturized plasma sensor for measuring hypervelocity impact plasmas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goel, A., E-mail:; Tarantino, P. M.; Lauben, D. S.; Close, S. [Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 (United States)


    An increasingly notable component of the space environment pertains to the impact of meteoroids and orbital debris on spacecraft and the resulting mechanical and electrical damages. Traveling at speeds of tens of km/s, when these particles, collectively referred to as hypervelocity particles, impact a satellite, they vaporize, ionize, and produce a radially expanding plasma that can generate electrically harmful radio frequency emission or serve as a trigger for electrostatic discharge. In order to measure the flux, composition, energy distribution, and temperature of ions and electrons in this plasma, a miniaturized plasma sensor has been developed for carrying out in-situ measurements in space. The sensor comprises an array of electrostatic analyzer wells split into 16 different channels, catering to different species and energy ranges in the plasma. We present results from numerical simulation based optimization of sensor geometry. A novel approach of fabricating the sensor using printed circuit boards is implemented. We also describe the test setup used for calibrating the sensor and show results demonstrating the energy band pass characteristics of the sensor. In addition to the hypervelocity impact plasmas, the plasma sensor developed can also be used to carry out measurements of ionospheric plasma, diagnostics of plasma propulsion systems, and in other space physics experiments.

  2. The plasma physics of plasma processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shohet, L.


    Plasma processing is used for producing new materials with unusual and superior properties, for developing new chemical compounds and processes, for machining, and for altering and refining materials and surfaces. It has direct applications to semiconductor fabrication, materials synthesis, welding, lighting, polymers, anti-corrosion coatings, machine tools, metallurgy, electrical and electronics devices, hazardous waste removal, high performance ceramics, and many other items in both high-technology and the more traditional industries. Plasma processing takes on a wide variety of apparently different forms in industry, but the techniques share many common characteristics and problems. Control of the generation and flux of ions, electrons and free radicals in the plasma and their incidence on a surface is vital. Diagnostics, sensors, modeling techniques, and associated statistical methods are needed. However, without an in-depth understanding of the variety of phenomena taking place and their application to the industrial environment, advances in this technology, and its efficient use, will occur at a diminishing rate

  3. Plasma Colloquium Travel Grant Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazeltine, R.D.


    OAK B188 Plasma Colloquium Travel Grant Program. The purpose of the Travel Grant Program is to increase the awareness of plasma research. The new results and techniques of plasma research in fusion plasmas, plasma processing space plasmas, basic plasma science, etc, have broad applicability throughout science. The benefits of these results are limited by the relatively low awareness and appreciation of plasma research in the larger scientific community. Whereas spontaneous interactions between plasma scientists and other scientists are useful, a focused effort in education and outreach to other scientists is efficient and is needed. The academic scientific community is the initial focus of this effort, since that permits access to a broad cross-section of scientists and future scientists including undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and research staff

  4. 2XIIB plasma confinement experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coensgen, F.H.; Clauser, J.F.; Correll, D.L.


    This paper reports results of 2XIIB neutral-beam injection experiments with plasma-stream stabilization. The plasma stream is provided either by a pulsed plasma generator located on the field lines outside the plasma region or by ionization of neutral gas introduced at the mirror throat. In the latter case, the gas is ionized by the normal particle flux through the magnetic mirror. A method of plasma startup and sustenance in a steady-state magnetic field is reported in which the plasma stream from the pulsed plasma generator serves as the initial target for the neutral beams. After an energetic plasma of sufficient density is established, the plasma generator stream is replaced by the gas-fed stream. Lifetimes of the stabilized plasma increase with plasma temperature in agreement with the plasma stabilization of the drift-cyclotron loss-cone mode. The following plasma parameters are attained using the pulsed plasma generator for stabilization: n approximately 5 x 10 13 cm -3 , anti W/sub i/ approximately 13 keV, T/sub e/ = 140 eV, and ntau/sub p/ approximately 7 x 10 10 cm -3 .s. With the gas feed, the mean deuterium ion energy is 9 keV and the peak density n approximately 10 14 cm -3 . In the latter case, the energy confinement parameter reaches ntau/sub E/ = 7 x 10 10 cm -3 .s, and the particle confinement parameter reaches ntau/sub p/ = 1 x 10 11 cm -3 .s

  5. Plasma Accelerator Development for Dynamic Formation of Plasma Liners: A Status Report (United States)

    Thio, Y. C. Francis; Eskridge, Richard; Martin, Adam; Smith, James; Lee, Michael; Rodgers, Stephen L. (Technical Monitor)


    An experimental plasma accelerator for magnetic target fusion (MTF) applications under development at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is described. The accelerator is a pulsed plasma thruster and has been tested experimentally and plasma jet velocities of approximately 50 km/sec have been obtained. The plasma jet structure has been photographed with 10 ns exposure times to reveal a stable and repeatable plasma structure. Data for velocity profile information has been obtained using light pipes embedded in the gun walls to record the plasma transit at various barrel locations. Preliminary spatially resolved spectral data and magnetic field probe data are also presented. A high speed triggering system has been developed and tested as a means of reducing the gun "jitter". This jitter is being characterized and future work for second generation "ultra-low jitter" gun development is being identified.

  6. Plasma waves

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Swanson, D. G


    ... Swanson, D.G. (Donald Gary), D a t e - Plasma waves. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Plasma waves. QC718.5.W3S43 1989 ISBN 0-12-678955-X I. Title. 530.4'4 88-34388 Printed in the United Sta...

  7. Counter-facing plasma guns for efficient extreme ultra-violet plasma light source (United States)

    Kuroda, Yusuke; Yamamoto, Akiko; Kuwabara, Hajime; Nakajima, Mitsuo; Kawamura, Tohru; Horioka, Kazuhiko


    A plasma focus system composed of a pair of counter-facing coaxial guns was proposed as a long-pulse and/or repetitive high energy density plasma source. We applied Li as the source of plasma for improvement of the conversion efficiency, the spectral purity, and the repetition capability. For operation of the system with ideal counter-facing plasma focus mode, we changed the system from simple coaxial geometry to a multi-channel configuration. We applied a laser trigger to make synchronous multi-channel discharges with low jitter. The results indicated that the configuration is promising to make a high energy density plasma with high spectral efficiency.

  8. Counter-facing plasma guns for efficient extreme ultra-violet plasma light source

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuroda Yusuke


    Full Text Available A plasma focus system composed of a pair of counter-facing coaxial guns was proposed as a long-pulse and/or repetitive high energy density plasma source. We applied Li as the source of plasma for improvement of the conversion efficiency, the spectral purity, and the repetition capability. For operation of the system with ideal counter-facing plasma focus mode, we changed the system from simple coaxial geometry to a multi-channel configuration. We applied a laser trigger to make synchronous multi-channel discharges with low jitter. The results indicated that the configuration is promising to make a high energy density plasma with high spectral efficiency.

  9. Computations in plasma physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, B.I.; Killeen, J.


    A review of computer application in plasma physics is presented. Computer contribution to the investigation of magnetic and inertial confinement of a plasma and charged particle beam propagation is described. Typical utilization of computer for simulation and control of laboratory and cosmic experiments with a plasma and for data accumulation in these experiments is considered. Basic computational methods applied in plasma physics are discussed. Future trends of computer utilization in plasma reseaches are considered in terms of an increasing role of microprocessors and high-speed data plotters and the necessity of more powerful computer application

  10. Cyclotron waves in plasma

    CERN Document Server

    Lominadze, D G


    Cyclotron Waves in Plasma is a four-chapter text that covers the basic physical concepts of the theory of cyclotron waves and cyclotron instabilities, brought about by the existence of steady or alternating plasma currents flowing perpendicular to the magnetic field.This book considers first a wide range of questions associated with the linear theory of cyclotron oscillations in equilibrium plasmas and in electron plasmas in metals and semiconductors. The next chapter deals with the parametric excitation of electron cyclotron oscillations in plasma in an alternating electric field. A chapter f

  11. Water-stabilized plasma generators

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hrabovský, Milan


    Roč. 70, č. 6 (1998), s. 1157-1162 ISSN 0033-4545 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/95/0592; GA ČR GV106/96/K245 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2043910 Keywords : thermal plasma, plasma torch, water-stabilized plasma Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics Impact factor: 1.677, year: 1998

  12. Adesao ao guia alimentar para populacao brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliseu Verly Junior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Analisar a adesão ao Guia Alimentar para População Brasileira. MÉTODOS : Amostra composta por participantes do Inquérito de Saúde de São Paulo (n = 1.661 que preencheram dois recordatórios de 24 horas. Foi utilizado modelo bivariado de efeito misto para a razão entre o consumo de energia do grupo de alimentos e o consumo calórico total. A razão estimada foi utilizada para calcular o percentual de indivíduos com consumo abaixo ou acima da recomendação. RESULTADOS : Pelo menos 80,0% da população consome abaixo do recomendado para: leite e derivados; frutas e sucos de frutas; e cereais, tubérculos e raízes; aproximadamente 60,0% para legumes e verduras; 30,0% para feijões; e 8,0% para carnes e ovos. Adolescentes apresentaram a maior inadequação para legumes e verduras (90,0%, e o estrato de maior renda foi associado à menor inadequação para óleos, gorduras e sementes oleaginosas (57,0%. CONCLUSÕES : Foi observado consumo inadequado dos grupos de alimentos relacionados com aumento do risco de doenças crônicas.

  13. Dynamic behavior of detached recombining plasmas during ELM-like plasma heat pulses in the divertor plasma simulator NAGDIS-II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uesugi, Y.; Hattori, N.; Nishijima, D.; Ohno, N.; Takamura, S.


    It has been recognized that the ELMs associated with a good confinement at the edge, such as H-mode, must bring an enormous energy to the divertor target plate through SOL and detached plasmas. The understanding of the ELM energy transport through SOL to the divertor target is rather poor at the moment, which leads to an ambiguous estimation of the deposited heat load on the divertor target in ITER. In the present work the ELM-like plasma heat pulse is generated by rf heating in a linear divertor plasma simulator. Energetic electrons with an energy range 10-40 eV are effectively generated by rf heating in low temperature plasmas with (T e )< ∼1 eV. It is observed experimentally that the energetic electrons ionize the highly excited Rydberg atoms quickly, bringing a rapid increase of the ion particle flux to the target, and make the detached plasmas attached to the target. Detailed physical processes about the interaction between the heat pulse with conduction and convection, and detached recombining plasmas are discussed

  14. Nonideal plasmas - experimental research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guenther, K.; Hess, H.; Radtke, R.


    The investigation of nonideal, strongly coupled, or non-Debye plasmas is a new field of the well-known arc plasma physics. The increased pressure and density cause different behaviour of the dense plasma. The paper surveys the main differences between the nonideal and the usual arc plasmas. The electrical conductivity, continuum radiation absorption coefficient, shift and broadening of spectral lines, and plasma phase transition are discussed. The problems of generation and diagnostics of nonideal plasmas are also described. Finally, the importance of the topic is underlined: possible applications in astrophysics and in different fields of technology: light sources, MHD generators, circuit breakers, laser mirrors and shutters, high temperature gas-phase fission reactors, material treatment and laser fusion are mentioned. (D.Gy.)

  15. Comprehensive physical models and simulation package for plasma/material interactions during plasma instabilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassanein, A.; Konkashbaev, I.


    Damage to plasma-facing components (PFCs) from plasma instabilities remains a major obstacle to a successful tokamak concept. The extent of the damage depends on the detailed physics of the disrupting plasma, as well as on the physics of plasma-material interactions. A comprehensive computer package called high energy interaction with general heterogeneous target systems (HEIGHTS) has been developed and consists of several integrated computer models that follow the beginning of a plasma disruption at the scrape-off layer (SOL) through the transport of the eroded debris and splashed target materials to nearby locations as a result of the deposited energy. The package can study, for the first time, plasma-turbulent behavior in the SOL and predict the plasma parameters and conditions at the divertor plate. Full two-dimensional (2-D) comprehensive radiation magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models are coupled with target thermodynamics and liquid hydrodynamics to evaluate the integrated response of plasma-facing materials. Factors that influence the lifetime of plasma-facing and nearby components, such as loss of vapor cloud confinement and vapor removal due to MHD effects, damage to nearby components due to intense vapor radiation, melt splashing, and brittle destruction of target materials, are also modeled and discussed. (orig.)

  16. Estimation of post disruption plasma temperature for fast current quench Aditya plasma shots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purohit, S.; Chowdhuri, M.B.; Joisa, Y.S.; Raval, J.V.; Ghosh, J.; Jha, R.


    Characteristics of tokamak current quenches are an important issue for the determination of electromagnetic forces that act on the in-vessel components and vacuum vessel during major disruptions. It is observed that thermal quench is followed by a sharp current decay. Fast current quench disruptive plasma shots were investigated for ADITYA tokamak. The current decay time was determined for the selected shots, which were in the range of 0.8 msec to 2.5 msec. This current decay information was then applied to L/R model, frequently employed for the estimation of the current decay time in tokamak plasmas, considering plasma inductance and plasma resistivity. This methodology was adopted for the estimation of the post disruption plasma temperature using the experimentally observed current decay time for the fast current quench disruptive ADITYA plasma shots. The study reveals that for the identified shots there is a constant increase in the current decay time with the post disruption plasma temperature. The investigations also explore the behavior post disruption plasma temperature and the current decay time as a function of the edge safety factor, Q. Post disruption plasma temperature and the current decay time exhibits a decrease with the increase in the value Q. (author)

  17. Comprehensive physical models and simulation package for plasma/material interactions during plasma instabilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassanein, A.


    Damage to plasma-facing components (PFCS) from plasma instabilities remains a major obstacle to a successful tokamak concept. The extent of the damage depends on the detailed physics of the disrupting plasma, as well as on the physics of plasma-material interactions. A comprehensive computer package called High Energy Interaction with General Heterogeneous Target Systems (HEIGHTS) has been developed and consists of several integrated computer models that follow the beginning of a plasma disruption at the scrape-off layer (SOL) through the transport of the eroded debris and splashed target materials to nearby locations as a result of the deposited energy. The package can study, for the first time, plasma-turbulent behavior in the SOL and predict the plasma parameters and conditions at the divertor plate. Full two-dimensional (2-D) comprehensive radiation magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models are coupled with target thermodynamics and liquid hydrodynamics to evaluate the integrated response of plasma-facing materials. Factors that influence the lifetime of plasma-facing and nearby components, such as loss of vapor-cloud confinement and vapor removal due to MHD effects, damage to nearby components due to intense vapor radiation, melt splashing, and brittle destruction of target materials, are also modeled and discussed

  18. Plasma fluctuation measurements in tokamaks using beam-plasma interactions (abstract)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonck, R.J.; Duperrex, P.A.; Paul, S.F.


    High-frequency observations of light emitted from the interactions between plasma ions and injected neutral beam atoms allow the measurement of moderate-wavelength fluctuations in plasma and impurity ion densities. To detect turbulence in the local plasma ion density, the collisionally excited fluorescence from a neutral beam is measured either separately at several spatial points or with a multichannel imaging detector. Similarly, the role of impurity ion density fluctuations is measured using charge exchange recombination excited transitions emitted by the ion species of interest. This technique can access the relatively unexplored region of long-wavelength plasma turbulence with k perpendicular ρ i much-lt 1, and hence complements measurements from scattering experiments. Optimization of neutral beam geometry and optical sightlines can result in very good localization and resolution (Δx≤1 cm) in the hot plasma core region. The detectable fluctuation level is determined by photon statistics, atomic excitation processes, and beam stability, but can be as low as 0.2% in a 100 kHz bandwidth over the 0--1 MHz frequency range. The choices of beam species (e.g., H 0 , He 0 , etc.), observed transition (e.g., H α , L α , He I singlet or triplet transitions, C VI Δn=1, etc.) are dictated by experiment-specific factors such as optical access, flexibility of beam operation, plasma conditions, and detailed experimental goals. Initial tests on the PBX-M tokamak using the H α emissions from a heating neutral beam show low-frequency turbulence in the edge plasma region

  19. Accumulation of a Hot Ion Plasma in PR-5; Accumulation d'un Plasma a Ions Chauds dans l'Installation PR-5; Nakoplenie plazmy s goryachimi ionami na ustanovke PR-5; Acumulacion de un Plasma con Iones Calientes en la Instalacion PR-5

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gott, Ju. V.; Ioffe, M. S.; Jushmanov, E. E. [Institut Atomnoj Ehnergii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    } mentionnees. Cette instabilite, due a une densite radialement non homogene, doit se manifester pour: ({rho}/a){sup 2} > 4[(H{sup 2}/4{pi}m{sub i}c{sup 2}) + (m{sub e}/m{sub i})] ou pi est le rayon de Larmor des ions et a la dimension caracteristique de non-homogeneite. Dans les conditions specifiques de l'installation PR-5 (H = 4000 Oe, {rho}{sub i}/a Asymptotically-Equal-To 0.25) , ce critere est rempli a partir de n Asymptotically-Equal-To 5 x 10{sup 10} cm{sup -3}. En vue d'obtenir un plasma ayant ces caracteristiques, on a utilise une variante de la methode d'injection par magnetron, dans laquelle les ions provenant d'une colonne de plasma froid sont acceleres au moyen d'un champ electrique radial variable d'une frequence de 3 a 6 MHz. Le confinement du plasma a ete determine de trois facons, a savoir: a l'aide d'un radiointerferometre ({lambda} = 8 mm), selon le flux d'atomes rapides ayant subi un echange de charges et selon l'absorption d'un faisceau d'atomes thermiques de potassium. (author) [Spanish] En los experimentos realizados anteriormente en la instalacion PR-5 se demostro que la inestabilidad acanalada de un plasma en una trampa con espejos magneticos se neutraliza por completo cuando se crea un campo magnetico hibrido que crece en la direccion radial (trampa con un H mfnimo). En estos experimentos, el plasma de hidrogeno con iones calientes (T{sub i} Asymptotically-Equal-To 5 keV) y de densidad n hasta 10{sup 10} cm{sup -3}, se obtuvo por inyeccion con un magnetron; el tiempo de retencion {tau} fue de varias decenas de milisegundos y se determino unicamente por perdidas debidas al intercambio de carga. La neutralizacion de la inestabilidad acanalada se ha observado tambien en toda una serie de trabajos; sin embargo, basandose en los actuales resultados no puede sacarse conclusion alguna sobre la estabilidad de un plasma de densidad muy superior a 10{sup 10} cm{sup -3}. En uno de esos trabajos, para n = 10{sup 13} to 10{sup 14} cm{sup -3} report {tau} fue de 60

  20. Plasma cleaning for waste minimization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ward, P.P.


    Although plasma cleaning is a recognized substitute for solvent cleaning in removing organic contaminants, some universal problems in plasma cleaning processes prevent wider use of plasma techniques. Lack of understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of the process, unreliable endpoint detection techniques, and slow process times make plasma cleaning processes less than desirable. Our approach to address these plasma cleaning problems is described. A comparison of plasma cleaning rates of oxygen and oxygen/sulfur hexafluoride gases shows that fluorine-containing plasmas can enhance etch rates by 400% over oxygen alone. A discussion of various endpoint indication techniques is discussed and compared for application suitability. Work toward a plasma cleaning database is discussed. In addition to the global problems of plasma cleaning, an experiment where the specific mixed-waste problem of removal of machine oils from radioactive scrap metal is discussed.